The Sudan Archive
Related material
General publications


Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: The Sudan Archive
Dates of creation: c. 1880 onwards
Extent: 1076 boxes of papers, over 57,000 photographs, 136 cinefilms, 1,000 maps, museum objects and a large amount of related printed material.
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections

The Sudan Archive was founded in 1957, the year after Sudanese independence, to collect and preserve the papers of administrators from the Sudan Political Service, missionaries, soldiers, business men, doctors, agriculturalists, teachers and others who had served or lived in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. It comprises over 360 individual collections of official, semi-official and private papers of British men and women. Each collection is named after the donor who is usually the creator of the records. The collections vary in size from one file to 180 boxes. All levels of colonial society are represented, from Assistant District Commissioner to Governor-General and senior officers of government, as well as from the technical and medical services, the army and the church. The core period covered is 1898-1955, but there is a significant amount of Mahdist material as well as papers relating to the military campaigns of the 1880s and 1890s, while in recent years the scope of the Archive has extended to the period after independence and now contains material up to the present day. Moreover, as officials were frequently seconded or posted to neighbouring countries, or simply passed through them on leave, the Archive also holds substantial numbers of papers relating to Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria and African states bordering on the Sudan.
In addition to official and personal papers (correspondence, reports and memoranda, trek notes and diaries, letters home and so on), collections may include a variety of records in other formats such as photographic images (prints, lantern slides and 35mm slides), cinefilms from the 1920s to the 1960s, sound recordings, maps, museum objects and a large amount of related printed material. Most of the material is in English, with a small amount in Arabic. There is a separate catalogue of Arabic manuscripts and lithographs.

The material is open for consultation, with the exception of a small number of files containing personal or sensitive material, access to which is subject to data protection restrictions.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Heritage Collections, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
Trace amounts of the insecticides DDT, Dieldrin and Lindane were discovered in the collection in August 2023. In order to minimise the risk of exposure researchers accessing the physical collection are required to wear disposable nitrile gloves and to refrain from touching the face, eyes or mouth whilst handling the records, and to and wash hands thoroughly with soap once finished.

Finding aids

Separate catalogues exist for all the collections, approximately three-quarters of which are online. The following have been published and can be ordered by post:
Summary guide to the Sudan Archive, containing a brief description of each of the collections, price £5
Volume one of the Catalogue of the papers of General Sir Reginald Wingate (1861-1953), covering domestic Sudanese affairs from 1883 to 1916, price £10. (Also available online)
Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts and lithographs by R.L. Hill, price £5
46,000 of the Archive's photographic images are available on a database, linked to catalogue entries, which is accessible only in Durham. Freetext and keyword searching of the database is possible.
An integrated list of maps in the Africa 1:250,000 series for the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is available. All other maps, including hand-drawn military maps from the 19th century campaigns, are described in the lists of the appropriate individual collections and all printed maps appear in the Library catalogue. There is also a brief integrated list of the museum objects.
Subject lists were maintained until the 1990s to assist with some of the most popular enquiries; relevant material from later accessions will of course not be included. These lists draw together material from a range of collections on such topics as the Darfur Campaign, Education, General Gordon, Health and Medicine, the 1924 Mutiny, the Nile Campaigns, the Egyptian Army and the Sudan Defence Force, Slavery, and Material in the Sudan Archive on Countries other than the Sudan.

Digitised material

A growing amount of printed material, chiefly official publications, is being digitised and can be accessed from

Related material

The Sudan “grey” literature collection, which is housed with the Archive in the Palace Green Section of the Library, consists of reports, pamphlets, periodicals and offprints on a wide variety of subjects such as climatology, botany, medicine, women, irrigation, archaeology, railways, education, missions, as well as reports of government departments, university calendars and statistics, directories of government employees, etc. Series of journals include The Sudan Government Gazette (1899-1955), Egypt and the Sudan Diocesan Review (1924-1944) and The Diocesan Review (1949-1973). Catalogue entries for this material are incorporated in the Library's catalogue.

General publications

Daly, M.W. and Forbes, L.E. [compiled by] The Sudan: photographs from the Sudan Archive, Durham University Library (Reading, 1994)
Daly, M. W. and Hogan, Jane R. Images of Empire: photographic sources for the British in the Sudan (Leiden, 2005)
Forbes, L.E., “The Sudan Archive, Durham, as a source for the study of modernization in the Sudan” in Daly, M.W., ed. Modernization in the Sudan: essays in honor of Richard Hill (New York, 1985), 161-70
Sharkey, H.J., “Beyond the Sudan Archive: a guide to doing research on the Sudan in Durham”, Sudan studies, 13, (January 1993), 10-19

Index terms
Arabian Peninsula -- History -- 20th century.
Egypt -- History -- 1919-
Jordan -- History -- 20th century.
Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948.
Palestine -- Politics and government -- 1917-1948.
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899.
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956.
Sudan -- History -- 1954-
South Sudan -- History -- 2011-
Syria -- History -- 20th century.
Political papers.
Acland, P.B.E.   1864-[1982], predominantly 1925-1946
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1946 including appointments in Kassala, Darfur and Blue Nile provinces and in Cyrenaica

Handing-over notes, Butana District 1931; note on the history of the Shukrīyah; memoirs of their Sudan service by Acland and his wife; 59 photographs of Kassala Province; 17 cinefilms, Kassala and Darfur, with VHS video copy; Muslim rosary and copy of The characteristic differences of the four Gospels, formerly the property of Gen. C.G. Gordon
Presented by Acland, 1982-1991
Index terms
Acland, Peter Bevil Edward, 1902-1993.
Acland, Bridget S., c.1904-c.1996.
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885.
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Darfur (Sudan)
Shukriyah (Arab tribe) -- Sudan.
Autobiographies -- 20th century.

Addison, F.   [1907-1931]
0.5 box   
Education Department, 1907-1931 including Inspector of Schools and Conservator of Antiquities, 1927-1931

Diary of journey from Karima to Dongola, 1926 inspecting schools and archaeological sites; 125 lantern slides of N. Sudan, many of antiquities
Presented by Mrs E.M. Addison, 1966
Index terms
Addison, Frank, archaeologist, 1885-1958
Sudan -- Antiquities
Sudan -- Description and travel
Education -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Adorno, V.L.   1973-1975
118 slides   
Resident in Khartoum, October 1973-August 1974, and Juba, August 1974-November 1975

Photographs of Juba, Kapoeta, and an archaeological dig near Khartoum, taken by Vonda Adorno (née Sponseller) during the employment of Adorno's husband, Bill Gebhard Adorno (1932-2014), in Sudan by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Presented by Noel Adorno, 2022
Summary list
Index terms
Adorno, Vonda Lee, 1934-2024
Juba (South Sudan)
South Sudan

Aglen, E.F.   [1930]-1938
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1955 including appointments in the Civil Secretary's Office, Kordofan, Upper Nile, Gezira and Darfur provinces and the Department of Economics and Trade

Colloquial Arabic exercises; account of a hunting trip up the Dinder 1905-06 ; 9 cinefilms covering life in Kordofan and Upper Nile, 1932-38 with VHS copies
Presented by E.F. Aglen, 1990
Index terms
Aglen, Edward Francis, 1907-1993
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kordofan (Sudan)
Upper Nile (South Sudan)
Arabic language -- Sudan
Hunting -- Sudan

Aglen, P.M.   1939-1986
3 files   
Accompanied her husband, E.F. Aglen to the Sudan from 1939 to 1955 and lived in Gezira (later Blue Nile) Province, Darfur and Khartoum

Personal letters to her sister Grizel describing her life in the Sudan and on leave, 1939-1951, with some letters written in retirement
Presented by Lady G.M. Warner, 2002
Index terms
Aglen, Persis Mary, 1915-1999
Gezira (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Correspondence -- 20th century

Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman   1987-1990
2 files   
Ahfad University for Women, the first university for women in the Sudan, was founded by Babikr Badri, the pioneer of female education in the Sudan. It opened originally as a private primary school in Rufa`a and achieved university college status in 1966. It contributes locally to women's studies through its curriculum and has published The Ahfad Journal since 1983.

Report on the Integrated Project for Rural Women, Red Sea Province, 1987; report on the contribution of Ahfad graduates in the development of the Sudan, 1990; printed material, including copies of The Ahfad Journal
Presented by Asia M. Ahmed, 1997
Index terms
Ahfad University for Women
Red Sea Province (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan

Al-Shahi, A. and F.C.T. Moore   1970s-2022
4 boxes   
Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi: Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Khartoum, 1965-1970, researching particularly among the Shaygiya tribe, 1966-1967; Research Fellow, St Antony's College, since 1996, and co-founder of the Sudanese Programme in 1998
Professor Tim Moore: Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Khartoum, 1969-1972

Papers recording and relating to Sudanese folk stories, including oral stories collected in Sudan by students at the University of Khartoum under the direction of Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Professor F.C.T. Moore in the 1970s and 1980s; papers on Sudanese games, collected by Moore in the early 1970s
Presented by Al-Shahi and Moore, 2023
Access to parts of the collection containing personal data of participants will be restricted until 2052.
Summary list
Al-Shahi, A. and F.C.T. Moore, trans and ed., Wisdom from the Nile : a collection of folk-stories from northern and central Sudan, (Oxford, 1978) [71 folk tales]
Al-Shahi, A. and F.C.T. Moore, ed., حكمة من النيل : قصص من القبابٔل النيلية , (Abdul Karim Mirghani Centre, Omdurman, 2017) [114 folk tales]
Al-Shahi, A. and F.C.T. Moore, ed., حكمة من الصحراء :‏ ‏قصص من قبائل الرحل السودانية, (Abdul Karim Mirghani Centre, Omdurman, 2018) [139 folk tales]
Al-Shahi, A. and F.C.T. Moore, trans and ed., Wisdom from the Desert : the flood will come again, (Oxford, 2022) [53 folk tales]
Moore, F.C.T., “An approach to the analysis of folk-tales from Central and Northern Sudan”, in Directions in Sudanese Linguistics and Folklore, ed. S.H. Hurreiz and H. Bell, (Khartoum University Press, 1975)
Index terms
Al-Shahi, Ahmed S., 1938-
Moore, Francis Charles Timothy, 1940-
Games -- Sudan
Folk literature -- Sudan
Riddles -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers

Alban, A.H.A.   [late 19th century]; 1921-1952
5 albums; 2 objects   
Captain Arthur Hugh Alban Alban (1891-1982), R.F.A. 1915-1917 (France and Salonika); R.F.C. and R.A.F. 1917-1918 (Egypt and France); District Commissioner in Mongalla and Upper Nile Provinces 1921-1942; Consul at Gore, Abyssinia 1942-1952

Photograph albums from Alban's time in Sudan and Ethiopia; Mahdist banner; Ethiopian shield
Presented by David Alban, 2016 and 2019
Catalogue of objects; summary list only for photograph albums
Index terms
Alban, A. H. (Arthur Hugh), 1892-
Mongalla (South Sudan)
Upper Nile (South Sudan)

Allan, W.N.   1920-1969
10 boxes   
Irrigation Department, 1927-1946; Irrigation Consultant to Sudan Government, 1946-1969

Papers relating to Nile Waters, 1920-1969; Lake Tsana, 1920-1955; Gezira, 1925-1969; Sennar Dam, 1926-1969; White Nile, 1936-1950; Iraq, 1940; Upper Nile and Equatoria, 1945-1953; fourth cataract project, 1946-1953; projects in Egypt, 1950-1959; Atbara River, 1956; River Gash, 1956; economy of the Sudan, 1958; Darfur, 1958; Technical Mission on Sudan Irrigation, 1959; Khashm el Girba, 1964-1966; printed material relating to irrigation
Presented by Allan, 1971-1984, and by Mrs H. Allan, 1985
Catalogue for the four main donations of material received from Allan. Summary list only for material received after his death, including photographs and slides.
Index terms
Allan, William Nimmo, 1896-1984
Sudan -- Economic conditions
Nile River
Tana, Lake (Ethiopia)
Gezira (Sudan)
White Nile
Upper Nile (South Sudan)
Atbara River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Gash River (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Equatoria (South Sudan)
Khashm el Girba (Sudan)
Irrigation engineering -- Sudan
Irrigation engineering -- South Sudan
Irrigation engineering -- Ethiopia
Irrigation engineering -- Iraq
Irrigation engineering - Egypt
Scientific papers

Allison, O.C.   1906-1989
22.5 boxes   
C.M.S. missionary, Equatoria 1938-1947; Assistant Bishop in the Sudan, 1948-1953; Bishop in the Sudan, 1953-1974

Official papers including correspondence from missionaries, between church and government and concerning such official church matters as the dedication of Khartoum Cathedral, relief aid to refugees in southern Sudan and divisions within the diocese of Khartoum; church newsletters 1938-89; papers re the Sudan Church Association and Unity High School; papers relating to political affairs, particularly the north/south situation; articles and speeches; historical material, chiefly correspondence of Allison's predecessor, Bishop Gwynne; 280 postcards, 836 photographs and 1,768 slides covering O.A.'s service in the Sudan, both north and south; 15 cinefilms from the 1940s with VHS copies, most shot in and around Juba, with some scenes from Kenya and Uganda; 18 audio cassettes mostly of church services in southern Sudan, 1960s and 1970s; 4 maps; miscellanea; museum objects; newspaper cuttings and press releases; printed material.
Presented by Allison, 1982-1984, and by his brother Rev. G. Allison, 1990-1992
Allison, O.C., Travelling light: Bishop Oliver Allison of the Sudan remembers (Bexhill-on-Sea, 1983)
Index terms
Allison, Oliver Claude, 1908-1989
Gwynne, Llewellyn Henry, 1863-1957
Church of England. Diocese of the Sudan
Church of England. Diocese of Egypt and the Sudan
Church of England -- Missions -- Sudan
Sudan Church Association
Unity High School (Khartoum)
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- History -- Southern Sudan question, 1955-1972
Sudan -- History -- 1956-1985
Khartoum Cathedral
Refugees, Political -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century
Sound recordings

Almond, J.E.   1922-1955
1 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1926-1950

Photographs covering the personal life of Jack Almond in the Sudan, chiefly in Atbara but also including scenes in Port Sudan, and on leave in Erkowit, Upper Nile Province, and sea voyages; masonic material (Atbara Lodge); British social community ephemera, at Atbara and on sea voyages, with passenger lists; 1939 diary of return trip to Sudan on the outbreak of war.
Presented by L. Eldred, 2013
Summary list
Index terms
Almond, John Edmund, of Sudan Government Railways, 1902-1979
Sudan -- Social life and customs
Atbara (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Andrews, W.J.R.   [1910-1931]; 1958-1965
360 photographs   
Sudan Government Railways, 1906-1932

Photographs covering service in the Sudan, including the 1924 Mutiny and the inauguration of the Sennar Dam
Presented by Andrews, 1958
Index terms
Andrews, William John Richard, of Sudan Government Railways, 1882-1981
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Railroads -- Sudan
Sennar Dam (Sudan)
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Arber, H.B.   1939-[1982]
3.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1928-1954 including appointments in Kordofan and Mongalla provinces, the Civil Secretary's Office, and Khartoum, Kassala and Northern provinces

Handing-over notes for Northern Province; papers relating to Arber's work with the B.B.C.; memoirs of Arber's life in the Sudan, written c. 1982; draft articles and lectures; 257 photographs; video copy of film taken by Arber in N. Sudan in 1956; printed material
Presented by Arber, 1983-1987 and by Mrs P. Arber, 1992
Index terms
Arber, Hugh Benjamin, 1906-1986
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Arbuthnot, E.D.   1939-1953
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1927-1953 including appointments in Nuba Mountains, Kordofan, Blue Nile, Bahr el Ghazal, Mongalla, Kassala, Khartoum and Northern provinces

Official papers, Kassala, Equatoria and Northern Provinces, including correspondence relating to war-time measures and post-war famine relief
Presented by Dr W.G.R.M. Laurie, 1991 on behalf of Mrs Arbuthnot
Index terms
Arbuthnot, Ernest Douglas, 1905-1984
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Equatoria (South Sudan)
Northern Province (Sudan)
Food relief -- Sudan

Archer, G.F.   1902-1947
1 box, 8 albums   
Service in East Africa 1902-1911, Somaliland, 1912-1922 (Governor from 1919); Governor and Commander-in-Chief Uganda 1922-1924; Governor-General Sudan 1925-1926

Official papers; orders and decorations; newspaper cuttings; 970 photographs, mainly East Africa and Somaliland, but also Sudan and Kashmir
Presented by Sir Geoffrey Archer, 1958 and by his executors, 1964, with an additional small gift of photographs from Lady E. Henderson, 1986
Archer, Sir Geoffrey, Personal & historical memoirs of an East African administrator (Edinburgh & London, 1963)
Index terms
Archer, Geoffrey, Sir, 1882-1964
Great Britain. Army -- King's African Rifles
Africa, East -- Description and travel
Somalia -- Description and travel

Archibald, R.G.   [c. 1908-1936]
4 photographs   
Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, 1908-1936, Director from 1920

4 photographs, southern Sudan and Kordofan
Presented by Lady O.C. Archibald, 1968
Index terms
Archibald, Sir Robert George, 1880-1953
Kordofan (Sudan)

Arensen, J.E.   1976-1984
92 photographs   
Language survey, Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), Southern Sudan (Sudan Ministry of Education) and Kenya (Africa Inland Mission), 1974-1975; Bible translator (Murle), 1976-1995; Field work with the Murle people, South Sudan, 1976-1984; Director, SIL (Sudan), 1983-1984; Director, Kenya Safari orientation programme, then Anthropology Coordinator (Africa), SIL, 1987-1996; Professor of Anthropology, Houghton College, New York, 1996-2011

Photographs of Murle people taken during field work undertaken by linguist and cultural anthropologist Jon Arensen
Presented by J.E. Arensen, 2022
Index terms
Arensen, Jonathan E., 1945-
Pibor (South Sudan)
Murle (African people)

Arguile, R.T.   1953-1955, 1989
0.5 box   
Deputy Municipal Engineer, Khartoum, 1953-1955

Reports, correspondence, photographs and slides, memoir by Arguile (1914-2003)
Presented by Robert Arguile, 2014
Index terms
Arguile, R. T. (Robert Thomas), 1914-2003
Khartoum (Sudan)

Arkell, A.J.   1928-1929
3 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1948 including appointments in Darfur, White Nile and Blue Nile provinces, the Civil Secretary's Office and War Supplies Department; Commissioner for Archaeology and Anthropology, 1938-1948; Archaeological Adviser to the Sudan Government, 1948-1953

Official papers, White Nile Province including appendices to a report on the slave trade from Abyssinia to White Nile Province and “A note on the history of the country of the Berta lying east of Kurmuk... with special reference to the recent discovery of a considerable import of Berta slaves..” (copies)
Presented by Professor Suzanne Miers, 1994
School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Index terms
Arkell, Anthony John, 1898-1980
White Nile Province (Sudan)
Slavery -- Sudan
Slavery -- Ethiopia
Berta (African people)

Armbruster, C.H.   1904-[1959]
2 files; 15 maps   
Sudan Service 1902-1925 including Legal Department, 1909-1912; H.B.M. Consul Gondar, 1912-1919; Customs Department, 1920-1925

2 personal letters from Slatin Pasha; 16 maps of the Sudan and Abyssinia; printed material
Language:  English and Amharic
Presented by Mrs C.H. Armbruster, 1958-1961
Index terms
Armbruster, Charles Hubert, 1874-1957
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Freiherr von, 1857-1932

Arthur, A.J.V.   1933-1983
1.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1949-1954, including appointments in Khartoum and Northern provinces

District and province monthly and annual reports; Shendi District handbook 1954; letters home from Arthur and his wife; memoirs of Arthur's life in the Sudan; 3 photographs; 3 maps of Shendi district
Presented by Mr and Mrs A. Arthur, 1985 and 1987
Index terms
Arthur, Allan James Vincent, 1915-1998
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Shendi (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Family and personal papers

Ashford, H.N.   1924-1953
130 photographs   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1924-1953, including Engineer-in-charge, Gezira Light Railway, 1936-1948

Photographs of the Gezira Light Railway
Presented by Ashford, 1963
Index terms
Ashford, H. Norman, fl. 1924-1963
Gezira (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan

Atiyah family   [c. 1898-1930]
5 photographs   
Prominent Syrian family, three generations of which served in the Sudan

5 portrait photographs of members of the Atiyah family, c. 1900-1930
Presented by Mrs Najla Shami, 1960
Index terms
Atiyah, Edward Selim, 1903-1964
Atiyah, Salim Bey Yusuf, 1878-1925
Atiyah, Samwil Bey, d.1956

Atterbury, F.J.L.   1905-1911
218 photographs; flag   
Repression of Slave Trade Department, 1911-c.1921

218 photographs covering Sudan service including Wadi Halfa, Khartoum and Suakin; flag of the Khatmīyah tarīqah
Presented by Mrs B. Atterbury, 1959 and Mr R.S. Atterbury, 1978
Index terms
Atterbury, Francis John Laurence, 1882-1957
Wadi Halfa (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Suakin (Sudan)
Khatmiyah -- Sudan

Audas, R.S.   [1920s]-1965
0.5 box   
Veterinary Department, 1912-1935 including service in Kordofan, Red Sea, Darfur, Upper Nile and Khartoum provinces

Draft articles concerning game; memoirs of Audas' Sudan service, written 1965; 89 lantern slides, chiefly of game
Presented by Audas, 1965 and Mrs D. Holtby, 1966
Index terms
Audas, Robert Starmer, 1884-1966
Wildlife conservation -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Austin, H.H.   1900
2 files   
Royal Engineers, 1887-1920; survey work on the western border of Abyssinia 1899-1901

Report and diary of Sobat River survey 1900 (copy)
Presented by A.T. Matson, 1970
Austin, H.H., Among swamps and giants in Equatorial Africa: an account of surveys and adventures in the southern Sudan and British East Africa (London, 1902)
MacMillan Library, Nairobi
Index terms
Austin, Henry Herbert, 1868-1937
Sobat River (South Sudan)
River surveys -- South Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Austin, S.T.   1916-1963
1 file   
Egyptian Army, 1916-1921

Transcripts of letters home written during military service in the Sudan, with the 14th Sudanese Battalion and the 4th Company Camel Corps, and recollections thereof, written 1963
Presented by J.W. Haig, 1990
Originals held by the Austin family
Index terms
Austin, Sidney Tom, of the Egyptian Army, 1879-1966
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Ayres, H.F.   1917-1943
4 files   
Egyptian Irrigation Service, 1912-1932, seconded to the Sudan from 1918

Letters of application for employment on the Jabal Aulia dam; personal correspondence from H.W. Jackson; 35 photographs, many of Atbara; 1 pencil sketch
Presented by Ayres, 1971 and Mr J. Ayres, 2013
Index terms
Ayres, Henry Francis, of the Sudan Irrigation Service, 1889-1983
Jackson, Sir Herbert William, 1861-1931
Atbara (Sudan)

Bacon, C.R.K.   1818-1980
2 boxes, 2 scrapbook albums   
Queen’s Royal Regiment (West Surrey), 1st Battalion, India, 1899-1902; King’s African Rifles, 1st Battalion, British Central Africa, 1902-1904, and British East Africa, 1905-1906; Queen’s Royal Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Sierra Leone, 1908-1910; Egyptian Army and Sudan Defence Force, O.C. 15th Sudanese Battalion, Sudan, 1912-1926, including Patrol 33 (Lau Nuer), 1917 and O.C. Patrol 71 (Gaajak Nuer), 1920

Personal correspondence of Col. Ray Bacon, 1893-1969; 2 scrapbooks relating to incidents in Bacon's career, including 1924 Revolution, and to the Bacon family, the Boer War, the First World War and local news in Hampshire. Bacon family correspondence and financial papers, 1818-1980; diaries of (mother) Jessie Bacon (née Wing), 1862, and of (sister) Camilla L.G. Bacon, 1895 and 1899; postcards and family portrait photographs.
Presented by E.T.G. Bacon, 2012
Summary list
Index terms
Bacon, Charles Raymond Kenrick, 1877-1970
Egypt. Army
Sudan. Defence Force
Insurgency -- Sudan
Nuer (African people)
Diaries -- 20th century

Baillie Strong, W.   1936-1954
2 files   
Public Works Department, 1934-1947; Mechanical Transport Department, 1947-1954 including Director, 1952-1954

Letter describing the riots in Khartoum on 1 Mar 1954; copies of personal licences; 23 photographs of staff and equipment of the Mechanical Transport Section of the Public Works Department, men and officers of the No 1 Artillery Troop, Sudan Auxiliary Defence Force, and public occasions in Khartoum
Presented by A.W.B. Strong, 2003
Index terms
Baillie Strong, William, of the Sudan Public Works Department, 1906-1985
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Public works -- Sudan

Baily, R.E.H.   1898-1972
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1909-1933 including appointments in Khartoum, Kassala and Sennar provinces

Report on the 1919 Singa Mahdist rising; diary covering the 1924 mutiny; personal correspondence; notes and recollections on Sudanese personalities; copy letter of R.N. Smyth describing the battle of Omdurman, 1898; 1 photograph; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Baily 1965-1971 and by T.R.H. Owen, 1974
Index terms
Baily, Robert Edward Hartwell, 1885-1973
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Singa (Sudan)
Omdurman, Battle of, 1898
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Diaries -- 20th century

Baker, E.G.   1912-1926
0.5 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1912-1933

97 photographs covering service in N. Sudan
Presented by Baker, 1966
Index terms
Baker, Ernest George, of Sudan Government Railways, 1883-1982
Railroads -- Sudan

Baldry, F.E.   1941-1964
1 file   
Engineer in the Public Works Department, 1927-1953

P.W.D. annual reports, 1941-1943, 1949-1950; articles on life in the Sudan by Baldry and other authors
Presented by Dr J.F.E. Bloss, 1978
Index terms
Baldry, Francis Edward, of the Sudan Public Works Department, 1903-1966
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Public works -- Sudan

Balfour, A.   1899-1978
0.5 box   
Director Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, Khartoum, 1902-1913

Letters home, 1903; letters re the 1924 mutiny; article on a trip to the Bahr el Ghazal, 1910; albums of newspaper cuttings on the Wellcome Research Laboratories; printed material including first 4 reports of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories
Presented by E.A. Balfour, 1978-1993
Index terms
Balfour, Sir Andrew, 1873-1931
Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories. Khartoum (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Balfour, E.A.   1932-1981
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1932-1955 including appointments in Fung, Blue Nile, Darfur, Equatoria, Kassala and Northern provinces

Letters home, 1932-1954 with explanatory notes written 1978; diary, 1932; trek diary, 1933; memoirs of Balfour's life in the Sudan, written 1981
Presented by Balfour, 1978-1987
Index terms
Balfour, Elliot Archibald, 1909-1995
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Balfour, F.C.C.   1892-1958
1 box   
Public Works Department, 1906-1912; Sudan Political Service, 1912-1917, 1921-1924, 1926-1931 in Berber, Nuba Mountains, Kassala and Mongalla provinces; Iraq, 1917-1920; Madras, 1924-1925

Official papers, relating to Berber, Nuba Mountains and Mongalla, including the rising at Kadugli, 1915; correspondence and memoranda re Mesopotamia including the Najaf rising; letters home from the Sudan and Mesopotamia; copy letters from Gertrude Bell to Balfour and to Sir Valentine Chirol, 1892-1923; articles and speeches; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Papers presented by Balfour, 1962 and the printed material by E. Balfour, 1976
Letters of Gertrude Bell containing material of an “emotional or personal nature” may not be copied.
Index terms
Balfour, Francis Cecil Campbell, 1884-1965
Chirol, Sir Valentine, 1852-1929
Bell, Gertrude, 1868-1926
Iraq -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Berber (Sudan)
Nuba Mountains Province (Sudan)
Mongalla (Sudan)
Kadugli (Sudan)

Baring, A.   1901-1969
3 boxes   
Harvard grant to undertake research at Khartoum University and Ahfad College, 1965-1968

Original papers and notes by Baring on Sudanese tribes, particularly in Darfur, Kordofan, White Nile and Bahr al-Ghazal provinces; papers relating to Ethiopia; draft articles and publications; 1 photograph; newspaper cuttings; 3 maps; miscellanea
Language:  English, some Arabic, Amharic, Russian and French
Presented by J. Thomas, 2006
Index terms
Baring, Andrew, 1936-2003
Darfur (Sudan)
Tribes -- Sudan.

Barnett, A.S.   1967-1989
16 boxes   
Sociology PhD student, University of Manchester (researching the Gezira) 1969-1971

Material relating to Tony Barnett's PhD; other academic papers; papers relating to the Sudan Gezira Board; papers relating to aid and development in Sudan; papers relating to aid, development and the political situation in Ethiopia and Eritrea; correspondence; press cuttings
Presented by A. Barnett, 2004
Index terms
Barnett, Antony Spencer, 1945-
Gezira (Sudan)
Sudan -- Social life and customs
Irrigation -- Sudan

Barter, G.H.   1907-1962
3 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1949 including appointments in Blue Nile and Kassala provinces and the Finance Department

Official papers; personal correspondence; trek notes; articles; 5 maps, and street-plan of Khartoum; newspaper cuttings; 433 photographs covering Sudan service; art work; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Mrs E. Barter, 1960-1964, with two additional donations by K.D.D. Henderson, 1964 and 1973
Index terms
Barter, Geoffrey Herbert, 1901-1952
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel

Beasley, I.M.   [1898]-1986
2.5 boxes   
Superintendent/Controller of Girls' Education, 1939-1949

Official reports and memoranda, especially concerning girls' education in the Nuba Mountains and Equatoria Province and mission schools; papers on female circumcision; letters home; dairies; draft articles, speeches and books; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Dr Beasley, 1983 and 1989
Beasley, Ina, Before the wind changed, ed. Janet Starkey (Oxford, 1992)
Index terms
Beasley, Ina Mary, 1898-1995
Equatoria (Sudan)
Nuba Mountains Province (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Female circumcision -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Beckinsale, F.T.   [c. 1911-1956]
0.5 box; objects   
Sudan Government Railways, 1911-1932

98 photographs and postcards, Sudan and Egypt; paper on stone ballasting; passports; medals and railway token, with related correspondence
Presented by Mrs J. Beckinsale, 1968; and Jean Beckinsale, 2017. Summary list of papers in second accession
Index terms
Beckinsale, Frederick Thomas, 1882-1956

Beer, C.W.   [1934-1942]
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1929-1954 in Blue Nile, Kordofan, Equatoria, Khartoum and Bahr el Ghazal provinces

272 photographs covering Sudan service, chiefly Kordofan and Equatoria
Presented by Miss E.P. Beer, 1966
Index terms
Beer, Cyril William, 1906-1985
Kordofan (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)

Bell, G.W.   1871-1975
6 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1931-1955 including appointments in Kassala, Kordofan and Blue Nile provinces, the Sudan Agency Cairo and Civil Secretary's Office

Official papers covering service in Kordofan, Cairo, Civil Secretary's Office and Ministry of the Interior; semi-official correspondence; papers concerning the Anglo-Sudanese Association and the Sudan Government British Pensioners' Association; letters home; diaries and trek notes; articles and speeches; biographical notes on Col. John C. Kirkham; 500 photographs covering Sudan service; newspaper cuttings; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Bell, 1984-1990 and by Mrs C. Prebble, 1996
Catalogue. Summary list only for material received in 1996
Index terms
Bell, Sir Gawain Westray, 1909-1995
Kirkham, John Charles, d.1875
Anglo-Sudanese Association
Sudan Government British Pensioners' Association
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Cairo (Egypt)
Diaries -- 20th century

Bell, B.H.   1911-1912
1 photograph album   
Sudan Political Service, 1907-1936 including appointments in Khartoum and Sennar Provinces, and Legal Department (Legal Secretary, 1930-1936); Iraq, 1918-1922

Photograph album of Sir Humphrey Bell, including scenes of Philae, Wadi Halfa, Korosko, White Nile, Luxor and Kitchener’s visit to El Obeid in 1912.
Presented by D. Bell, 2011
Summary list
Index terms
Bell, Sir (Bernard) Humphery, 1884-1959
El-Obeid (Sudan)

Bell, M.F.B.   1932-1943
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1936-1943, including appointments in Blue Nile Province and Sudan Defence Force

Diaries, trek notes, and official papers, 1936-1939; diary, operational papers, photographs and maps, chiefly relating to Kurmuk and frontier operations, 1940-1941; publications
Presented by D. Bell, 2011, 2020
Summary list
Index terms
Bell, Mervyn Francis Bernard, 1914-2005
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Ethiopia
Diaries -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Bennett, G.D.   [20th century]
4 boxes   
Active with the Episcopal Church of Sudan in South Sudan in 1960s and 1970s

Artwork and colour slides of Equatoria, South Sudan; press releases
Presented by Rev. G.D. Bennett, 1997
Summary list
Index terms
Bennett, George, 1920-
Equatoria (Sudan)

Bickersteth, E.J.   1982
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1938-1955 including appointments in Kassala, Equatoria, Northern, Darfur and Blue Nile provinces and Ministry of Finance; Sudan Defence Force service, 1940-1941

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1982
Presented by Bickersteth, 1987
Index terms
Bickersteth, Edward Jelf, 1915-1997
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Biles, T.   1910-2007
2 files, 2 vols, 1 video   
Journalist, teacher and then priest, Rev. Canon Timothy Biles served on the committees of Salisbury Diocese's Sudan Link and the Sudan Church Association and edited the Sudan Church Review

Committee papers of the Sudan Church Association, 1991-2003; Sudan Church Review, 1997-2007; “Sudan: an untold story” (video); photographs, cuttings, newsletters, correspondence and other papers relating to the Anglican Church in Sudan
Presented by Biles, 1992, 2007, 2010
Summary list
Index terms
Biles, Timothy, 1935-
Church of England. Diocese of the Sudan
Church of England -- Missions -- Sudan
Sudan Church Association
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- History -- 1956-1985
Khartoum Cathedral
Missions -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Blaikie, J.A.A.   1929-1986
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1936-1954 including appointments in Darfur, Finance Department, Kassala, Equatoria, Khartoum and Blue Nile provinces; Sudan Defence Force service, 1940-1941; O.E.T.A., Eritrea and Cyrenaica, 1941-1943

Official papers, Fung Province; memoirs, including account of experiences during the Italian invasion of Kassala; article; 278 photographs, chiefly of Darfur, 1936-1939 and the opening of the Abu al-Ala Pump Scheme in Fung District, 1950; museum objects
Presented by Blaikie, 1984-1985
Index terms
Blaikie, James Andrew Archibald, 1913-1987
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Fung Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Darfur (Sudan)
Irrigation engineering -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Bloss, J.F.E.   1903-1973
5 boxes   
Sudan Medical Department, 1933-1954, serving in Khartoum and Port Sudan, and Kordofan, Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria, Northern and Upper Nile provinces

Official papers concerning medicine in Equatoria; reports on health care in the Sudan, 1960s; personal correspondence; papers re the work of the United Presbyterian Mission in the Sudan; draft articles; memoirs of Bloss' life in the Sudan; unpublished manuscripts of medical history of the Sudan; 159 photographs and lantern slides covering the whole of the Sudan; 7 cinefilms covering both north and south Sudan, with VHS copies; 23 maps and plans; printed material
Presented by Bloss, 1960-1982. Additional gifts from Mrs C. Bloss, 1983-1994 and from Mrs G.A. Drew, 1981
Catalogue. All photographs (1818), including later donations are catalogued on the database of Sudan photographs.
Index terms
Bloss, John F. E., 1908-1982
Presbyterian Church. Missions - Sudan
Equatoria (Sudan)
Medicine -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Blunt, H.S.   [1884]-1985
3 boxes   
Forestry Department 1920-1931, serving mostly in Kordofan

Official papers; articles and lectures; 84 lantern slides, 1000 photographs and 1,026 negatives mainly of the work of the Forestry Division in Kordofan; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by J.N. de G. Blunt, 1987 and by Mrs L. Blunt, 1987-1990
Index terms
Blunt, Henry Stavely, 1889-1978

Blyth, G.F.P.   1887-1914
1 box   
Bishop in Jerusalem, 1887-1914

Correspondence concerning church matters in Egypt in general and in particular St. Mary's Church and school, Cairo; correspondence re the Sudan Bishopric; 2 photographs
Presented by H.C. Jackson from the estate of Bishop L.H. Gwynne, 1959
Index terms
Blyth, G. F. Popham (George Francis Popham), 1832-1914
Church of England. Diocese of Jerusalem

Boardman, F.R.   1900-1904
1 album   
Colour sergeant with the Egyptian Army in the Bahr al-Ghazal during a patrol against the Azande (the Nyam Nyam patrol), 1900-1904

Album of 245 photographs covering an expedition to establish a protectorate over the Azande (Nyam Nyam) tribe in the Bahr al-Ghazal, 1900-1904; copy report on patrol led by Boardman to Yambio, 1903
Presented by Dr Douglas Johnson, 2006 and 2013
Index terms
Boardman, F. R, of the Egyptian Army, fl. 1900-1904
Egypt. Army
Insurgency -- Sudan
Zande (African people)

Bolland, A.P.   1885-1930
3 files   
Sudan service, 1905-1926 including Secretary, Sudan Agency, Cairo, 1918-1926

Eyewitness account of Gordon's death; 13 photographs, mainly of individuals and including a visit of Sudanese shaykhs to England in 1924
Presented by Mrs R.J. Bolland, 1961
Index terms
Bolland, Arthur Philip, of the Sudan Agency, Cairo, 1877-1959
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885

Bollard, E.G.   [c. 1929-1944]
11 films; 1 object   
Public Works Department, 1918-1944

11 cinefilms, Darfur and Kordofan, with VHS video copy
Presented by Mrs G.R. Bollard, 1978
Index terms
Bollard, Edward Gomer, of the Sudan Public Works Department, 1892-1964
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)

Bolton, A.R.C.   1894-1982
3 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1923-1947, 1952-1954 including appointments in White Nile, Kordofan, Khartoum, Blue Nile, Upper Nile and Northern provinces

Official papers including handing-over notes, Eastern Kordofan; personal correspondence; articles, speeches and memoirs; 90 photographs mainly N. Sudan including visit to Sayyīd `Abd al-Raḥmān al-Mahdī on Aba Island, 1924; 2 maps; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Bolton, 1973-1982 and by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Bolton, Alexander Rollo Colin, 1900-1993
Mahdi, Sayyid Sir Abd al-Rahman, Pasha, 1885-1959
Aba Island (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Bonfanti, A.   c. 1960-1970
1 file   
Verona Fathers' mission

Southern Sudanese propaganda posters, 1960s; printed material
Presented by Fr. A. Bonfanti, 1972
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Bonfanti, Adriano
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1955-1972

Booth, G.A.   1944-1982
3 boxes   
Forestry Division, Agriculture and Forests Department, 1944-1955, serving at Suki, Singa, Kosti, Suakin, Port Sudan, Gedaref, Port Said, Jebel Kassla, Sennar; United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Sudan, 1962-1968, and in Kurdistan (Iraq), Zambia, Somalia and Ethiopia, until 1982

Photographs and b/w and colour slides by Booth (1923-2003), chiefly of forestry work, and some from the Kordofan Province Information and Culture and Labour Office; tourist map; cuttings; 6 province badges
Presented by Mrs Patricia Booth, 2003; Mrs K.R. Haynes, 2016 and 2017
Summary list
Index terms
Booth, George A., 1923-2003
Forests and forestry -- Sudan
Forests and forestry -- Iraq
Forests and forestry -- Zambia
Forests and forestry -- Somalia
Forests and forestry -- Ethiopia

Boscott, A.J.   1898, c. 1915-1951
0.5 box; 1 object   
Posts and Telegraphs, 1914-1932

Newspaper cuttings; 77 photographs, N. and S. Sudan; Mahdist banner captured at Omdurman, 1898
Presented by Boscott, 1966
Catalogue. Summary list only for the documents and photographs
Index terms
Boscott, A. J., of Sudan Posts and Telegraphs, fl. 1914-1966

Bowcock, P.P.   [c. 1980s]
1 file; 2 cinefilms   
Sudan Political Service, 1951-1955 including appointments in Khartoum and Upper Nile provinces

Memoirs of Sudan service; 2 cinefilms
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Bowcock, Philip Parnell, 1927-2021
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Brain, R.   1940s-1980s
3 boxes   
Lecturer and Shambat Farm Manager/Director, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, 1953-1960; Principal, School of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Western Nigeria, 1960-1963; UNESCO Advisor, Mansoura Polytechnic Institute for Higher Education (Agricultural Section), Egypt, Jan-Apr 1963; UNESCO (Adult Education) Advisor, Ibadan, 1964-1969; Programme Specialist, UNESCO (Educational Financing), Paris, with secondments to World Bank, 1969-1987

Field research, including Dongotona Mountains, and teaching papers, 1950s-1960s; School syllabus and administrative papers; (British) seeds
Presented by Lucy-Dana Brain and Charlotte Kirby, 2024
Summary list
Index terms
Brain, Roger, 1927-2001

Bran, H.   1938
1 file   
East Surrey Regiment, stationed in Khartoum 1922, 1937-1938

Programme and 5 photographs of the trooping of the colour, 1st Battalion the East Surrey Regiment, Omdurman, 1938
Presented by Bran, 1963
Index terms
Bran, Herbert, 1902-1967
Great Britain. Army -- East Surrey Regiment
Omdurman (Sudan)

Bramble, J.J.   1904-1940s
1 box   
Egyptian Army service at Khartoum, Port Sudan, Kassala, Suakin, 1913-1914, Suez Canal, 1915; 15th Sudanese Battalion, Nasir, 1915-1916; Sudan Government service, including Upper Nile Province (Lau Nuer Patrol 33), Khartoum, Kordofan, 1916-1935

Official service papers, 1913-1943; personal correspondence and newspaper cuttings, 1920s-1940s; photographs, postcards and lithographs.
Presented by J. Bramble, 2012 and N. Jenney, 2023
Catalogue for 2012 accession and summary list for 2023 accession
Index terms
Bramble, James John, 1883-1943
Omdurman (Sudan)

Bredin, G.R.F.   1983
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1948 including appointments in White Nile, Kordofan, Darfur and Blue Nile provinces and the Civil Secretary's Office

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1983; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Bredin, 1982-1983 with additional gifts by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1984, Mrs D. Bredin, 1986 and K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Bredin, George Richard Frederick, 1899-1983
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Bridgman, G.B.   c. 1906-1977
0.5 box   
Public Works Department, 1906-1930

Newspaper cuttings; 291 photographs including construction of Port Sudan harbour, construction of public buildings in Khartoum, erection of Kitchener's statue, Suakin, southern Sudan, etc.
Presented by his widow, Mrs M. Key, 1978
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Bridgman, Gordon Brock, 1884-1971
Suakin (Sudan)
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Public works -- Sudan

Bright, J.A.   1939-1955
0.5 box   
Education Department, 1939-1955; Makerere College, Uganda 1956-1965

Correspondence re English language teaching in the Sudan; letters home; diaries and memoirs; 182 photographs including Wadi Seidna school and Bakht er Ruda
Presented by R.A. Hodgkin and Bright, 1986
Index terms
Bright, John Ambrose, 1913-
Wadi Seidna School
Bakht er Ruda. Institute of Education
Education -- Sudan
Autobiographies - 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Broadbent, P.B.   1952-1958
3.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1952 including appointments in Berber, Darfur, Khartoum, Kordofan, Blue Nile and Kassala provinces

P.R.O. and Press Agency circulars, 1952-1955; departmental and province annual reports, 1951/52; letters re the Sudan Pensioners' Association; printed material
Presented by Broadbent, 1958-1959
Index terms
Broadbent, Philip Brown, 1902-1981
Sudan Government British Pensioners' Association

Broadhurst, R.J.C.   1884-1885
2 files   
Copy report on the meeting between General Gordon and Zubayr Pasha, 1884; photographic copies of message signed by Gordon to the mudīr of Dongola
Presented by Broadhurst, 1967
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Broadhurst, R. J. C., fl. 1967
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Zubayr ibn Rahmat, Pasha, 1830-1913
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

Brocklehurst, J.F.   1875-1908; [c. 1980]
0.5 box   
Served in 1884-1885 Nile expedition

Copies of letters from Gordon to General Brocklehurst and others; papers concerning the case of Ibrāhīm Pasha Fawzi v Egyptian Government, 1875-1908; 6 photographs of Gordon and Brocklehurst
Presented by Sir Philip Brocklehurst, 1967
Originals in possession of Sir Philip Brocklehurst
Index terms
Ranksborough, John Fielden Brocklehurst, Baron, 1852-1921
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Egypt -- History -- British occupation, 1882-1936
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

Brown, W.B.E.   1906-1982
0.5 box   
Sudan Defence Force, 1939-1943, 1951-1954

Account of a patrol in the Libyan Desert, 1942; paper entitled “Some reminiscences and personal views concerning Sudanisation of the Equatorial Corps, Sudan Defence Force, 1954”; visitors' book of the Equatorial Corps at Bor, Mongalla Province, Taufikia and Malakal, 1906-1954
Presented by Brown, 1982 and 1991
Index terms
Brown, Walter Brind Ernest, 1913-2004
Sudan. Defence Force
Sudan. Defence Force -- Equatorial Corps
Libyan Desert

Brown Sassoon, J.   1981-1985
1 box; 5 maps   
Consultant rural sociologist, (Booker Agriculture International Ltd), Juba, World Bank Project Development Unit and British Overseas Development Administration, 1982-1984

Agricultural development reports for Mundri, Wau, and Yei, with maps.
Presented by Sassoon Brown, 2019
Index terms
Brown Sassoon (née Lucas), Jean, 1927-
Rural development -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan

Browne, C.P.   [c. 1904-1926]
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1902-1926 including appointments in Blue Nile, Sennar, Upper Nile, Berber and Kassala provinces

Short stories by Browne about the people of the Sudan; 30 photographs, N. Sudan
Presented by Mrs M. Browne, 1966, and Mrs B. Towers, 1987
Index terms
Browne, Cecil Pownall, 1876-1965

Brownell, C.M.   1862
2 files   
American doctor and explorer

Journal covering journey through Egypt and the Sudan in 1862 (copy)
Presented by R.L. Hill, 1960 and M.W. Daly, 1980
Originals held by Mrs Constance Ives
Index terms
Brownell, Clarence Melville, 1828-1862
Egypt -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 19th century

Bruce-Gardyne, I.M.   1920-1936
4 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1928, including appointments in Blue Nile, White Nile, Kassala and Halfa provinces; Legal Department, 1928-1931

Official papers re White Nile Province including Jabal Auliya Dam, and re Khartoum Province rainland settlement; draft article; 27 photographs and negatives, N. Sudan; printed material
Presented by Mrs C. Bruce-Gardyne, 1964
Index terms
Bruce-Gardyne, Ian Meredith, 1895-1964
Khartoum (Sudan: Province)
White Nile Province (Sudan)
Jebel Auliya Dam (Sudan)

Bryson, P.C.   [1910-1955]
233 digital photographs   
Steamers Section, Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, 1934-1955, including appointments as Senior Draughtsman, Khartoum North, 1940-1946, Assistant Superintendent Engineer, Khartoum North, 1947-1950 and Superintendent Engineer, Khartoum North, 1950-1955

Digital copies of photographs in five original albums, mostly taken by Bryson throughout his career in the Sudan, covering subjects such as the construction of Jabal Auliya dam, the construction and launch of the Abu Klea, travels by steamer in the South, girl guides, and the family and home at Khartoum North
Presented by Miss E. M. Bryson, 2010
Index terms
Bryson, Peter Carmichael, 1905-1984
Sudan -- Description and travel
Jebel Auliya Dam (Sudan)

Buchanan, L.M.   1882-1982, predominantly 1941-1982
1.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1928-1954 including appointments in Nomad (Bija) Administration, Kordofan and Darfur provinces, Legal Department, Northern Province, Civil Secretary's Office and Blue Nile Provence

Official papers, Northern Province and Civil Secretary's Office, particularly concerning local government; personal papers; memoirs of Sudan service, written 1982; articles and lectures, chiefly on local government; historical papers concerning the Egyptian campaigns of 1882-1884; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Buchanan, 1982 and K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Buchanan, Laurence Medlicott, 1906-1991
Northern Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- History - 1862-1899
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Bulkeley, R.I.P.   1969-1975
2.5 boxes   
Mimeographed reports, articles, speeches etc. on agriculture and rural development, education, finance, industry, international conferences, political organisations, southern relief programme, tourism and recreation etc., mainly 1970's
Presented by Bulkeley, 1984
Index terms
Bulkeley, R. I. P., fl. 1970-1984
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Industries
Education -- Sudan
Food relief -- Sudan
Rural development -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Finance, public -- Sudan
Tourist trade -- Sudan
Recreation -- Sudan

Bullen, H.B.   1947
1 file   
Education Department, 1946-1953 at Yambio, Equatoria

Memoir of Nugent School, Loka; diary of first visit to Southern Sudan, 1947; printed material
Presented by Bullen, 1987
Index terms
Bullen, (Hugh) Brian, of the Sudan Education Dept., 1915-2012
Nugent School (Loka)
Loka (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Bunsen, C. de   1928-1979
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1928-1952, including appointments in Kordofan, Blue Nile, Kassala, Khartoum and Equatoria provinces; military service in the Sudan Defence Force and O.E.T.A., 1940-1942.

Official paper relating to de Bunsen's Kordofan and military service; personal papers; trek diaries; memoirs; newspaper cuttings; 650 photographs; 1 map; and miscellanea
Presented by Mr P. de Bunsen, 1998
Index terms
Bunsen, Charles de, 1905-1969
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kordofan (Sudan)

Butler, S.S.   c. 1909-1935
1 box   
Egyptian Army, 1909-1915 including XV Sudanese Bn.; Camel Corps; A.D.I. Khartoum and A.D.I. Cairo; Qa`id Sudan Defence Force, 1930-1935

Letters home 1909-1915; journals covering service as Assistant Director of Intelligence; articles; 240 photographs, mainly N. Sudan; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Butler, 1959-1964
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Butler, Stephen Seymour, 1880-1964
Diaries -- 20th century

Calder, D. and Mrs M.   [1946]-c.1955, c.1990
1 file; 1 audio recording   
Sudan Political Service, 1939-1955, including appointments in Kordofan, Northern, Upper Nile and Blue Nile provinces

Short memoir by Mary Calder, and 1955 audio recording of a comic song and sketch
Presented by Mrs Rosemary Mulady, 2013; Ian Calder, 2024
Index terms
Calder, Donald, 1916-1988
Calder, Mary, 1923-2019
Sound recordings

Cameron, A.   1899-1921
1.5 boxes   
Egyptian Army, 1899-1921; seconded to Sudan Political Service, 1905-1921

163 photographs including the dead bodies of the Khalīfa and his amīrs on the battlefield at Umm Debeikerat, 1899, Kassala, Eritrea and construction of the Sennar Dam, 1921; 1 jibbah; printed material
Presented by Mrs F.M. Cameron, 1966 and R.E.H. Baily, 1967
Index terms
Cameron, Angus, of the Sudan Political Service, 1871-1961
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Eritrea -- Description and travel
Umm Debeikerat, Battle of, Sudan, 1899.
Sennar Dam (Sudan)

Cameron, J.   1910-1948
1 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1920-1941

Railway timetables; plans of rolling stock; 2 maps; testimonials; 118 photographs, mainly railways and construction of Makwar [Sennar] Dam; printed material
Presented by Dr K.J. Cameron, 1972 and 2012
Index terms
Cameron, John, 1888-1969
Railroads -- Sudan
Sennar Dam (Sudan)

Cameron, J.N.   [c. 1911-1935]
1 box   
Department of Agriculture and Forests, 1912-1935 including Director 1931-1935, and appointments in Berber, Dongola and Khartoum

550 photographs covering Cameron's service in the Sudan, chiefly Khartoum, Kassala, Kordofan and Northern provinces and including a journey by steamer from Egypt to the Sudan and sites of antiquities
Presented by A. J. Cameron, 2004
Index terms
Cameron, James Nield, 1884-1960
Sudan -- Description and travel

Campbell, E.   1898, 1921-1942, 1980s
3 box; 1 object   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1947, including appointments in Darfur, Kassala, Khartoum and Governor of Kordofan (1938-1947)

Diaries, correspondence, official papers, poems, 5 photograph albums and loose photographs, map, 1921-1962; Sudan memoir by Evelyn Campbell, 1980s; 1 Mahdist banner
Presented by E. Campbell, 1960; P. Campbell, 2021, 2023
Catalogue. Summary list only for the documents and photographs
Index terms
Campbell, Ewen, 1897-1975
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Carless, T.F.G. and Mrs K.M.    1921-1946, 1990, 2016-2017
1.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1946 including appointments in Blue Nile, Kassala, Khartoum, Nuba Mountains, Upper Nile, Fung, Berber and Northern provinces, Department of Economics and Trade and War Supply Department

Official papers mainly re war-time measures in the Department of Economics and Trade; personal correspondence; memoir of wife Kathleen M. Carless; 24 photographs including staff groups and construction of Makwar [Sennar] Dam, 1923-1925; 4 photograph albums; museum objects
Presented by T.F.G. Carless, 1970; Andrew and Guy Carless, 2016, 2017
Index terms
Carless, Thomas Frederick Gordon, 1897-1984
Carless, Kathleen Mary, 1899-1993
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sennar Dam (Sudan)

Carlisle, B.A.   1945-1957
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1947-1954 including appointments in Kassala, Blue Nile and Bahr el Ghazal provinces

Official papers including letters re tribal matters, handing-over notes, district annual reports, etc.; personal correspondence; memoirs of Sudan service; speeches; 2 photographs; printed material
Presented by B.A. Carlisle, 1982 and 1987
Index terms
Carlisle, Brian Apear, 1919-2005
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Tribes -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Carmichael, J.   1919-[1980s]
6 boxes   
Posts and Telegraphs, 1937-1938; Finance Department, 1939-1941 and 1945-1955; War Supply Department, 1941-1945; Acting Financial Secretary, then Permanent Under Secretary to Ministry of Finance, 1953-1955; Financial and Economic Adviser to Sudan Government, 1955-1959

Official papers, mainly of a financial nature, relating to irrigation, cotton production, the national currency, the Sudan Defence Force, Sudanisation and development; diaries, 1936-1937; lectures and speeches; 5 amateur films and 10 government publicity films, 1950s; printed material
Presented by Sir John Carmichael, 1960-1961. Later donations by him, 1982, and his wife, 1999.
Index terms
Carmichael, Sir John, 1910-1996
Irrigation -- Sudan
Finance, public -- Sudan

Carter, A.F.J.   1950s, 1997
3 files   
Gellatly Hankey & Co., 1950s

Passports of A.F. Carter and his wife Dorothy; contracts of employment, 1951-1952; letter from Sudanese colleague, 1997; photographs, including Suakin, Port Sudan and the Red Sea Hills, Khartoum, Omdurman
Presented by Michael Carter, 2009
Summary list
Index terms
Carter, Arthur Frederick James, 1908-1969

Carter, H.   1996-1998
2 files   
Teacher at Khartoum International Preparatory School, 1996-1997 and Khartoum Diplomatic School, 1997-1998

57 colour photographs of Khartoum and Omdurman taken 1996-1998 including the “Whirling Dervishes” ceremony at Omdurman
Presented by H. Carter, 1999
Index terms
Carter, Helen, 1965-
Khartoum (Sudan)
Omdurman (Sudan)
Sudan -- Social life and customs
Chants (Sufi)

Cass, J.A.   1929-1955
3 files   
Sudan Irrigation Department, 1929-1954 including appointments as Assistant Mechanical Engineer and Assistant Divisional Engineer at Kilo 114, Wad Medani and Chief Mechanical Engineer, Wad Medani, 1949-1954

Report on the Mechanical Division, Ministry of Irrigation, 1955; 38 photographs, chiefly of the new pumping station at Mezagila
Presented by Mr M. Cass, 2014
Index terms
Cass, James Alec, 1905-1974
Irrigation -- Sudan

Cater, N.W.T.   1976-1990s
1 box   
Journalist reporting in Sudan, 1980s-1990s

Professional papers, reports, and newspaper cuttings; publications of the Republican Brothers; ephemera
Presented by N. Cater, 2023
Summary list
Index terms
Cater, Nicholas William Thomas, 1955-
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Food relief -- Sudan
Human rights -- Sudan

Chappell, L.W.   1936-1941
0.5 box   
Sudan Railways and Steamers Department, 1920-1942 including Fleetmaster, Khartoum North 1932-1942

Official papers including report on the capsize and salvage of the M.V. Lord Kitchener, 1935 and S.R.S. Gedid, 1941 and report on a navigation of the Blue Nile in 1902 (compiled 1937); articles; 3 photographs of the S.R.S. Gedid
Presented by Chappell, 1966
Index terms
Chappell, L. W., of the Sudan Railways and Steamers Dept., fl. 1920-1966
Blue Nile River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
River surveys -- Sudan
Steamboats -- Sudan

Charlton, C.E.G. and Mrs K.M. Macleod   1902-1961
1 file   
Egyptian Army, 1901-1911 including Military Secretary, 1906-1908

Letters from L.O.F. Stack re the Shambe Field Force, 1902 and from C.E.G. Charlton to Zubayr Pasha concerning his son's drunken behaviour, 1907; “Sudan sketches 1947-1954”, impressions in prose and verse of life in the Sudan, by Mrs K.M. Macleod, daughter of C.E.G. Charlton; printed material
Presented by Mrs K.M. Macleod, 1982-1992
Charlton, C.E.C.G., A soldier's story (London, c.1963)
Index terms
Charlton, Claud Edward Charles Graham, 1871-1961
Zubayr ibn Rahmat, Pasha, 1830-1913
Egypt. Army -- Shambe Field Force

Charlton, F.N.   [1960s]
1 file   
Gellatly Hankey & Co (Sudan) Ltd, Director of engineering company, retired 1966; Provost Warden Khartoum Cathedral

12 photographs of All Saints' Cathedral, Khartoum, and aerial views of the city
Presented by Charlton, 1986
Index terms
Charlton, F. N., fl. 1966-1986
Khartoum (Sudan)
Khartoum Cathedral

Christopherson, J.B.   1884-1956; 1979; 1991-2009
5.5 boxes   
Volunteer Medical Officer, Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, Deelfontein, South Africa1899-1902, Sudan Medical Department, 1902-1919, including Director Khartoum and Omdurman Civil Hospital, 1909-1919

Report on smallpox at Omdurman, 1903-1904; notes on native remedies and tribal markings; casebooks; personal correspondence; medical diaries; Mahdist material; 926 photographs, mainly of medical cases in Sudan and South Africa; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Mrs Christopherson, 1958-1962 and T.P. Ormerod, 2009
Index terms
Christopherson, John Brian, 1868-1955
Omdurman (Sudan)
Medicine -- Sudan
Smallpox -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Clarke, W.P.D.   1912-1934
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1912-1934, including appointments in Berber, Blue Nile provinces; Finance Department, 1923-1929; Director, Posts and Telegraphs Department, 1929-1931

Extracts from letters home, 1912-1916; trek report, Khartoum to Kordofan, 1931; photographs
Presented by Peter Clarke, 2009
Summary list
Index terms
Clarke, William Peter Dunham, 1888-1967
Sudan -- Description and travel
Correspondence -- 20th century

Claydon, S.J.   c. 1929-1948
0.5 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1927-1948

Notes on communications etc. between Sudan and Uganda, 1939-1940; Atbara daily bulletin, 1948; newspaper cuttings; programmes; rules of various sports clubs; 2 photographs; printed material
Presented by Claydon, 1969
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Claydon, S. J., of Sudan Government Railways, fl. 1927-1969
Atbara (Sudan)
Communication and traffic -- Sudan

Clayton, G.F.   1898-1946
7 boxes   
Egyptian Army service, 1898-1910; Private Secretary to Governor-General 1908-1913; Sudan Agent and Director of Military Intelligence, Cairo, 1913-1916; Military Operations Hijāz, 1916-1917; Military Governor Palestine, 1917-1918; Adviser to Egyptian Ministry of the Interior, 1919-1922; Chief Secretary and Acting High Commissioner, Palestine, 1922-1925; Special Envoy, 1925-1928; H.C. Iraq, 1929

Correspondence between Clayton and General Sir Reginald Wingate 1908-1916; official papers relating to service in Cairo, 1913-1916, chiefly re developments during the war; papers re military operations in the Hijāz 1916-1917; affairs in Palestine 1917-1925; Ministry of the Interior, Egypt, 1917-1922; negotiations between Britain and Trans-Jordan 1922-1923; missions to `Abd al- `Azīz Al Sa`ūd of Najd, 1922-1926, 1926-1927 and 1927-1928; mission to Yaḥyā ibn Muḥammad Ḥāmid al-Dīn of the Yemen, 1924-1926; negotiations between Britain and Italy 1926-1927; appointment as H.C. Iraq 1928-1929; personal papers relating to Clayton's career; diaries of Clayton's missions to Najd and Yemen; articles and speeches; 3 maps; newspaper cuttings; memoranda of the Information Committee for British Mission, 1919; printed material
Presented by Lady Clayton, 1963, by Sir Gilbert's son, S.W. Clayton, 1974, and his daughter Mrs Patience Marshall, 1999; purchased at auction, 2016.
Clayton, G.F., An Arabian diary, ed. Robert O. Collins (1969)
For transcripts of Clayton's early letters home from the Sudan, 1898-1903, including re the Battle of Omdurman, see the catalogue of R.O. Collins' papers.
Index terms
Clayton, Sir Gilbert Falkington, 1875-1929
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1861-1953
`Abd al-`Aziz Al Sa`ud, 1880-1953
Yahya ibn Muhammad Hamid al-Din, c.1869-1948
Egypt -- Politics and government -- 1882-1952
Arab countries -- History -- Arab Revolt, 1916-1918
Palestine - Politics and government -- 1917-1948
Jordan -- History -- 20th century
Najd (Saudi Arabia)
Yemen -- History
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Italy -- Foreign relations -- 20th century
Iraq -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Cliff, I.C.   1982-2007
409 photographs   
British Ambassador to Sudan, 2005-2007

Slides and photographs relating to Sudan railways, trains and steamers
Presented by Ian Cliff, 2023
Summary list
Index terms
Cliff, Ian Cameron, 1952-
Railroads -- Sudan

Cloudsley-Thompson, Mrs A. and J.L.   1960s-1980s
4 box   
Anne Cloudsley, artist and author, with publications on women's lives in east and west Africa; John Cloudsley-Thompson, Professor of Zoology, specialising in desert fauna, at King's College, London, University of Khartoum (1960), University of Albuquerque (1969), and finally Birkbeck College (1972-1986)

Photographic, audio, and audio-visual collection of Anne Cloudsley (1916-2012) and her husband John Cloudsley-Thompson (1921-2013) relating to their years in Sudan, and Anne Cloudsley's anthropological research, including: slide presentations by Anne Cloudsley on Oyoland; Nsukka (1981); Women of Omdurman (1985); photographic exhibition, "Little known facets of Sudanese Life"; 17 family albums and loose slides of Sudan and other African countries including Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Kuwait; Sudan photographs record family treks and ethnic groups, including Nuba Mountains; audio field recordings
Presented by Peter Cloudsley, 2016-2017; some albums were digitised and returned to the donor
Summary list
Index terms
Cloudsley, (Jessie) Anne, 1915-2012
Cloudsley-Thompson, John Leonard, 1921-2013
Sudan -- Social life and customs
Nigeria -- Social life and customs
Sudan -- Description and travel
Africa, East -- Description and travel
Female circumcision -- Sudan
Sound recordings

Collins, R.O.   1871-2007
50.5 boxes   
Professor of History, University of California Santa Barbara 1965-1994; Professor of History Emeritus, University of California Santa Barbara1994-2008 and author of numerous books and articles on the Sudan, particularly on the South

Working papers, including original source material used in writing academic theses and books; unpublished / draft articles, reviews etc by Collins; papers concerning advisory work for the US Government; papers concerning conferences attended; general correspondence on the Sudan, 1967-1998; papers relating to fellowships and research grants; unpublished conference papers, articles, theses, books etc by other academics; copies of published works (chiefly microfilms); primary source material on the Sudan, particularly on the South, including papers and recordings of the proceedings of the Round Table Conference on the South in 1965; primary source material on Jonglei; tape logs of archival material and indexes to collection; papers relating to links with other universities; papers concerning societies and associations; 175 photographs and 966 35mm slides; 134 maps and plans; press cuttings and press statements; and miscellanea
Presented by Collins, 1997; Dr P.J. Imperato, 2022
Index terms
Collins, Robert Oakley, 1933-2008
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century
Scholars' Papers

Cooke, J.F.   1904-1987
1 file   
Assistant Director of Works Malakal, Upper White Nile Inspectorate, Egyptian Irrigation Service, 1935-1939

Memoirs of Sudan service; 5 photographs, southern Sudan; 1 map; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Cooke, 1958-1987
Index terms
Cooke, Jack Fothergill, of the Egyptian Irrigation Service, 1911-1997
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Cooper, R.M.   1983
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1947-1955 including appointments in Kassala, Blue Nile and Northern provinces

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1983
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Cooper, Raymond Michael, 1920-2007
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Corlass, H.T.   1947-2003
1.5 boxes   
Art Editor, Sudan Publications Bureau, Institute of Education, Bakht er Ruda 1947-1955

Official papers; journals; 694 photographs taken in and around Khartoum and on trips to southern Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea, Palestine, Syria and the Lebanon; and newspaper cuttings
Presented by D. Marchesi, 2007
Index terms
Corlass, Heather Toft, 1922-2006
Education -- Sudan

Cox, C.W.M.   1915-[c. 1982]
14 boxes   
Director of Education and Principal of Gordon Memorial College, 1937-1939; Education Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1940-1970

Official papers covering education including memoranda, reports etc. on government policy, southern education, individual schools, mission education, Bakht er Ruda, Gordon Memorial College, University College of Khartoum and Kitchener Memorial School of Medicine; correspondence with Sudan officials, teachers and missionaries; papers re the Makerere-Khartoum Commission, 1937; personal papers; diaries of inspection tours; articles, lectures and speeches; 128 photographs, S. Sudan 1930s, and return visits to Sudan in 1967 and 1974; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; 1 map; printed material
Presented by Dr I. McGilchrist, Cox's literary executor, 1982-1986; one additional gift from A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1982
Index terms
Cox, Sir Christopher William Machell, 1899-1982
Bakht er Ruda. Institute of Education
Kitchener Memorial School of Medicine
University College of Khartoum
Gordon Memorial College
Lord De La Warr's Educational Commission, 1937
Education -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Crawford, W.F.   1930-1960
5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1944 including appointments in Blue Nile, Darfur and Northern provinces; Liaison officer, Palestine, 1944-1946; British Middle East Office, 1946-1960

Notebooks on the Gezira Scheme, 1930-1932; trek notes for Darfur, 1933-1936, Iran 1946-1960, Iraq 1946-1960, Cyprus 1946-1955, Syria 1946-1956, Jordan 1948-1960, Saudi Arabia 1950-1959, Ethiopia and Eritrea 1950-1960, Lebanon 1950-1955, Bahrain and Persian Gulf, 1951-1959, Egypt 1951-1955, Libya 1954, Turkey 1957-1959, Pakistan 1959-1960, Kenya 1959
Presented by Sir Ferguson Crawford, 1966
Index terms
Crawford, Sir Walter Ferguson, 1894-1978
Darfur (Sudan)
Gezira (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Rural development -- Sudan
Rural development -- Iran
Rural development -- Iraq
Rural development -- Cyprus
Rural development -- Syria
Rural development -- Jordan
Rural development -- Saudi Arabia
Rural development -- Ethiopia
Rural development -- Eritrea
Rural development -- Lebanon
Rural development -- Bahrain
Rural development -- Persian Gulf States
Rural development -- Egypt
Rural development -- Libya
Rural development -- Turkey
Rural development -- Pakistan
Rural development -- Kenya

Crispin, E.S.   [c.1905-1950s]
54 photographs; 1 file   
Sudan Medical Department, 1904-1922 including Director of the Department, 1918-1922

54 photographs including the construction of Port Sudan, S. Sudan and Egypt; 1 article on the reconquest
Presented by Capt. G. Crispin, 1959 and Mrs Josephine Wilford, 1961
Index terms
Crispin, Edward Smyth, 1874-1958
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Egypt -- Description and travel
Public works -- Sudan

Crole, G.B.   1947
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1944 including appointments in Blue Nile, Khartoum, Darfur, Bahr el Ghazal and White Nile provinces

Lecture on the Sudan, 1947
Presented by Mrs P. Crole, 1991
Index terms
Crole, Gerard Bruce, 1894-1965

Crompton, C.W.L.   [c. 1900]-1907
2 files   
Superintendent Gezira Surveys, 1902-1907

Personal letters concerning his survey work and his death; 29 photographs, mostly of his survey work in the Gezira; printed material
Presented by K. Crompton, 1999
Index terms
Crompton, Charles William Lee, 1860-1907
Gezira (Sudan)
Surveying -- Sudan

Crowfoot, J.W. and Mrs G.M.   [c. 1903]-1950
2 boxes   
Education Department, 1903-1926, including Director of Education and Principal of Gordon College, 1914-1926

Official papers on education; 720 photographs, many taken by his wife G.M. Crowfoot, on Sudanese arts and crafts; printed material
Presented by Crowfoot, 1958-1959 and by Miss G. Crowfoot, 1959-1963
Index terms
Crowfoot, J. W. (John Winter), 1873-1959
Crowfoot, Grace Mary (Molly), 1878-1957
Handicraft -- Sudan
Education -- Sudan

Crowther, F.   1934-1946
1 file   
Agriculture Department, 1928-1946, including Senior/Chief Plant Physiologist, Wad Medani, 1940-1946

Biographical note; 10 photographs, Gezira Research Farm, 1934-1946; printed material
Presented by Mrs B. Crowther, 1960
Index terms
Crowther, Frank, 1905-1946
Crowther, Beryl Edith, 1901-1981
Gezira Research Farm (Sudan)

Cruickshank, A.   [1948]
1 file   
Sudan Medical Department, 1924-1948, serving in Northern, Kordofan, Blue Nile, Equatoria, Bahr el Gazal, Kassala and Khartoum provinces

Note on female circumcision, 1948; printed material
Presented by Cruickshank, 1983
Cruickshank, A., Itchy feet - a doctor's tale (Ilfracombe, 1991)
Index terms
Cruickshank, Alexander, 1900-1991
Female circumcision -- Sudan

Culwick, G.M.   1941-1955
0.5 box   
Nutrition Investigator, Equatoria 1947-1948; Social Research Officer Gezira, 1949-1953

Personal letters of Geraldine Culwick (1905-1990) from Equatoria and the Gezira; diaries; articles; newspaper cuttings; 145 photographs, Equatoria and Gezira; printed material
Presented by Mrs G.M. Culwick, 1960
Index terms
Culwick, G. M., 1905-1990
Gezira (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Cumming, D.C.   1910-1978
5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1951, including appointments in Darfur, Kassala, Khartoum and Kordofan provinces; Chief Administrator, Cyrenaica, Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA), 1942-1945; Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Middle East, OETA, 1945-1948; Chief Administrator, British Military Administration, Eritrea, 1951-1952

Official papers, Darfur 1927-1928, Cyrenaica and Somalia, 1939-1948, Eritrea, 1949-1952; official and personal correspondence, 1948-1977, including letters home, 1925-1932; diaries, 1928-1929, 1943-1948; draft memoirs of 1943-1946 period; cuttings, articles, lectures; map of Massawa, 1910; photographs, including Darfur, Abyssinian campaign and western desert, Cyrenaica, Eritrea
Presented by Mrs Ann Schlee, 2014
Summary list
Index terms
Cumming, Duncan, 1903-1979
Darfur (Sudan)
Libyan Desert
Sudan -- Description and travel
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Eritrea -- Description and travel
Libya -- Description and travel
Somalia -- Politics and government
Libya -- Politics and government -- 1912-1951
Eritrea -- Politics and government -- 1941-1952
Libya -- History -- 20th century
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Africa, North
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Africa, Eastern
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Ethiopia
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Middle East
Sennusites -- Libya
Autobiographies -- 20th century.
Diaries -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Cumming, J.F.   1927 x 1954
3 cinefilms   
Sudan Political Service, 1927-1935 and 1942-1954, including appointments in Bahr el Ghazal, Khartoum and Upper Nile provinces

3 cinefilms from the period of service of Capt. J.F. Cumming in the Sudan
Presented by Robert Cumming, 2013
Index terms
Cumming, John Fleming, 1896-1976

Cummins, J.W.   1925-1957
1.5 boxes   
Finance Department, 1919-1947, including Assistant Financial Secretary, 1938-1944 and Deputy Financial Secretary, 1944-1947

Official papers concerning Sudan finance including war and development and local government, and regarding the government of Bahrain; speeches, articles; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by R.M. Cummins, 1969
Index terms
Cummins, John Wallace, 1896-1969
Finance, Public -- Sudan
Finance, Public -- Persian Gulf States

Cunningham, St C.U.   1923-1926
0.5 box   
Royal Artillery, 1915-1919; Egyptian Army, 1919-1925; Sudan Defence Force, 1925-1927

Trek notes, chiefly for Kordofan and Darfur, 1923-1925; extracts from letters home, 1925; article on mountain sheep; 1 map showing route of 1925 trek to El Fasher
Presented by Mrs E.M Cunningham, 1990
Index terms
Cunningham, St. Clair Usher, 1892-1977
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Mountain sheep

Cunnison, I.   1890-[2012 x 2013]
18 boxes   
Anthropological research among the Kazembe-Lunda (Luunda) peoples of Luapula (Zambia), 1948-1951, and Baqqārah (Baggara) people of S.W. Kordofan (Sudan), 1952-1955; Professor of Social Anthropology, Hull University, 1966-1989

Field notes and 633 photographs concerning the Misīrīyah Ḥumr; street plan of Omdurman, 1952; papers relating to the Abyei Boundary Commission; field notes, photographs and audio recordings concerning the Luunda people in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia); maps, drafts of academic papers; academic correspondence; conference papers; printed material
Presented by Professor Cunnison, 1989 and 1991; Dr Sheila Cunnison, 2014. Deposited by Belinda and Judith Cunnison, 2019
Index terms
Cunnison, Ian George, 1923-2013, author
Kordofan (Sudan)
Omdurman (Sudan)
Luapula River Valley (Zambia and Congo)
Baggara (African people)
Hamar (African people)
Ruund (African people)
Sound recordings

Daly, M.W.   1899-2009
5 boxes   
Academic and historian

Papers of political organisations and Human Rights organisations; project papers; correspondence; unpublished/draft works; conference/research papers; source material; press cuttings; and printed material
Presented by M.W. Daly, 1980-2002, 2011, and 2014
Catalogue for material received up to 2002. Summary lists only for 2011 (14 boxes) and 2014 (5 boxes) gifts.
Index terms
Daly, Martin William, 1950-
Sudan People's Liberation Movement.
Southern Region (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Daniell, J.P.S.   1937-1982
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1938-1955 including appointments in Darfur, Equatoria and Khartoum provinces; Sudan Defence Force service, 1942-1945 and secondment to Gordon Memorial College, 1950-1955

Letters home 1945, 1951; detailed letters concerning his career in the Sudan, written in response to questionnaires, 1980-1982; copy entries from diary, 1937-1939 with later comments and extracts from trek reports; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Daniell, 1982, and K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Daniell, John Paul Seabrooke, 1915-1987
Sudan -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 20th century

Darvall, R.J. and Mrs E.I.B.   1924-1947
3 files   
Sudan Government Railways, 1922-1947 chiefly as an accountant

Papers relating to Sudan Government Railways 1933-1938; diaries and notes for articles by Mrs Irene Darvall; photographs; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by: Mr R.J. Darvall, 1960; Mr P. Darvall, 2015 and 2016. Summary list only for 2015 accession
Index terms
Darvall, Richard John, 1897-1977
Darvall, Ethel Irene Busain, 1900-1956
Diaries -- 20th century
Railroads -- Sudan

Davies, H.R.J.   1895-1989
13 boxes, maps   
Lecturer in Geography, University of Khartoum 1955-1960; i/c Swansea/Khartoum Academic Link for Geographical Teaching and Research (funded by the UK Inter-University Council/British Council and the United Nations University), 1967-1997; Senior Lecturer in Geography at Swansea University, 1960-1997; Senior Research Fellow, Rural Economy Research Unit, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, 1965-1966; UNESCO Advisor for Rural Education, Uganda, 1967; Professor of Geography, University of Sierra Leone, 1975-1976

Academic papers, maps and photographs of Jack Davies (1931-2022) concerning Nile floods and hydrology, rainland farming, census studies, agriculture, Nile irrigation, rainfall, drylands and desertification, migration; printed publications
Presented by H.R.J. Davies, 2015-2016, and 2021
Summary list
Davies, H.R.J., Tropical Africa : an atlas for rural development, (Cardiff, 1973)
Davies, H.R.J., Continuity and change in the Nile Valley : a geographical viewpoint (Khartoum, 1981)
Davies, H.R.J. (ed.), Natural resources and rural development in arid lands : case studies from Sudan (Tokyo, 1985)
Davies, H.R.J. (ed.), Rural development in White Nile province, Sudan : a study of interaction between man and natural resources (Tokyo, 1986)
Abu Sin, M.E. and Davies, H.R.J., The Future of Sudan's capital region : a study in development and change (Khartoum, 1991)
Index terms
Davies, H.R.J. (Harold Richard John), 1931-
Gezira (Sudan)
Nile River
Sudan -- Description and travel
Rural development -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sudan

Davies, R.   1912-1969
5 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1911-1935 including appointments in Khartoum, Kordofan and Darfur provinces; service in Egypt, 1935-1942

Memorandum on policy in Dar Kabābīsh; official and personal letters; articles and speeches, chiefly on Algeria, Egypt and South Africa; 11 photographs, including Algeria and Egypt; 1 watercolour; printed material
Presented by Mr Davies, 1966 and by Mr and Mrs G. Best, 1995 and 2006
Davies, R., The camel's back: service in the rural Sudan (London, c.1957)
Other Sudan material, including letters, diaries and photographs is in Edinburgh University Library
Index terms
Davies, Reginald, 1887-1971
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kordofan (Sudan)
Algeria -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
World War, 1939-1945 -- South Africa

Dee, B.D.McD.   1926-1983
3 files; 4 cinefilms   
Sudan Political Service, 1929-1955 including appointments in White Nile, Kordofan, Equatoria, Blue Nile and Darfur provinces and Ministry of the Interior

Official papers including summaries of cases heard at native courts, Equatoria; report on events at Torit 1955; notes on cultivation; personal letters; miscellanea; 4 cinefilms; 4 maps
Presented by Dee, 1961; Mrs A. Dee, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2016.
Catalogue for material received up to 1997. Summary list only for 2002 and 2016 material.
Index terms
Dee, Brian Desmond McDonnell, 1906-1965
Equatoria (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Torit (Sudan)
Customary law courts -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Dening, B.H.   1936-1956
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1948-1955 in Upper Nile Province

Official papers relating to Dening's service; English-Arabic and English-Nuer vocabularies; legal papers including notes on Nuer law; diaries and trek notes; printed material
Presented by Mrs C. Dening, 2000
Index terms
Dening, Beadon Harold, 1923-1998
Sudan -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Languages
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Nuer (African people)
Diaries -- 20th century

Dick, J.H.   1932-[1950s]
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1931-1955 including appointments in Khartoum, Berber, Fung, Upper Nile, Northern, Equatoria, Blue Nile and Kassala provinces

Diaries and trek notes; 269 photographs covering Sudan service
Presented by Dick, 1958 and 1984
Index terms
Dick, John Henry, 1908-1999
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 20th century

Dickens, P.M.   1935-1955
3 files   
Sudan Medical Service, 1935-1955 including appointments as sister in Khartoum, Juba and Omdurman; Principal Midwives' Training School, Omdurman, 1944-1946 and Principal Matron, 1946-1955

Record of Sudan service; diary of journey home, 1955; album of 251 photographs covering Miss Dickens' service in the Sudan, including medical personnel and buildings, and visits to Kassala and Equatoria provinces
Presented by Mr D. Marchesi, 2006
Index terms
Dickens, Phyllis Mary, 1907-1987
Medicine -- Sudan.

Dingwall, R.G.   [c. 1906-1910]
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1931-1954 including appointments in Khartoum, Kassala, Kordofan and Equatoria provinces; Commissioner of Prisons, 1952-1955

85 postcards, N. and S. Sudan
Presented by Dingwall, 1962
Index terms
Dingwall, Reginald George, 1908-2003

Disney, A.W.M.   1926-1976
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1953 including appointments in Fung, Blue Nile and Darfur provinces, and the Department of Economics and Trade

Official reports, memoranda, correspondence; articles and speeches; series of reports submitted for broadcast by the B.B.C.; memoirs of his life in the Sudan, written 1943-1958; miscellanea; newspaper cuttings; 350 photographs, mainly Blue Nile, Khartoum and Darfur; printed material
Presented by Disney's daughters, Dr Leonard and Mrs D. Lampen, 1981
Index terms
Disney, Anthony Wemyss Moore, 1903-1979
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Radio broadcasting -- Sudan
Autobiographies - 20th century

Donald, J.C.N.   1933-1983
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1955 including appointments in Khartoum, Fung, Equatoria, Kordofan, Upper Nile and Kassala provinces

Official papers including notes on Fung Province 1933, account of the building of Jebel Auliya dam, notes on southern policy 1947, annual report Upper Nile Province 1953, report of Jonglei Investigation Team 1953, notes on elections in Upper Nile Province, Juba District handbook 1954; memoirs of service in the Sudan; article and radio script; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Donald, 1988
Index terms
Donald, John Carlisle Nanson, 1908-1993
Sudan. Jonglei Investigation Team
Fung Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Juba (South Sudan)
Radio broadcasting -- Sudan
Elections -- Sudan
Jebel Auliya Dam (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Doornbos, P.   1969-2006
2 box   
English and French language teacher, 1975-1976, and anthropologist working in Sudan, 1979-1988; humanitarian consultant and coordinator in Sudan, former Yugoslavia, francophone Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, 1988-2018.

Anthropological articles and research notes, linguistic research papers, maps, chiefly concerning Darfur and Dar Masalit; and humanitarian consultancy papers concerning Sudan.
Presented by Anna and Daan Doornbos, 2019, 2020.
Index terms
Doornbos, Paul, 1950-2018
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Commerce
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Boundaries -- Sudan
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Languages
Anthropology -- Sudan
Linguistics -- Sudan
Arabic language -- Sudan
Tribes -- Sudan.
Scholars' Papers

Douglas, I.W.   1894-1951, predominantly 1921-1951
1 box   
Sudan Finance Department, 1922-1951 including Auditor-General, 1947-1951

Official papers; personal letters; 81 photographs, mainly N. Sudan; 2 maps; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Miss J.M. Douglas, 1983-1984
Index terms
Douglas, Ian Walter, Auditor General, Sudan, 1901-1983

Drew, C.B.   [c. 1947]-1976
1 box   
Sudan Medical Department, 1929-1953 serving in Wad Medani, Khartoum, El Fasher, Sennar and Abu Usher and as Director of the Ministry of Health, 1951-1953

Memoirs; 245 photographs covering service in N. and S. Sudan; miscellanea
Presented by Mrs G.A. Drew, 1981
Index terms
Drew, Clifford Bayard, of the Sudan Medical Service, 1903-1970
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Driver, D.C.   1924-1948
1 album; 1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1943-1955, serving in Kassala, Equatoria, Upper Nile and Blue Nile

Presentational photograph album commemorating the Sennar Dam and Gezira Irrigation Works; newspaper cutting; The Penal and Criminal Procedure Code
Presented by Julia Rowlandson, 2019
Summary list
Index terms
Driver, David Clear, 1922-2005
Gezira (Sudan)
Sennar Dam (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan
Legal records

Duncan, J.S.R.   1935-1957
0.5 box   
Sudan Defence Force, 1942-1943; Sudan Political Service, 1943-1956 including appointments in Kordofan and Upper Nile provinces, Civil Secretary's Office and Khartoum Province, and Private Secretary to the Governor-General, 1954-1955 and Deputy Adviser on Constitutional Affairs, 1955-1956

Official papers including Nuer grammar compiled by Duncan; personal letters, 1943-1957; historical papers on Khartoum and Omdurman; 1 photograph, Fangak; speeches; printed material
Presented by Duncan, 1993
Index terms
Duncan, J. S. R. (John Spenser Ritchie), 1921-2006
Fangak (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Omdurman (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Nuer language

Dunn, S.C.   c. 1904-1914
4 albums, 1file   
Government Geologist, 1906-1918

805 photographs covering the whole of the Sudan; printed material
Presented by Dunn, 1958-1959, and H. Keown-Boyd, 1988
Draft catalogue for material donated by Dunn. Summary list only for later donation.
Index terms
Dunn, Stanley Charles, geologist, fl. 1906-1959

Dupuis, C.G.   1920-1936
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1909-1935 including appointments in Khartoum, Sennar, Kordofan, Darfur and Fung provinces

Annual report for Darfur Province, 1936; letters home from Darfur, 1920-1935; historical material; printed material
Presented by Mrs P.M.G. Dupuis, 1958 and S.G. Clark, 1994
Index terms
Dupuis, Charles George, 1886-1940
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Durnford, F.H. and Mrs L.V.   [1920s]-1933
1 file   
F.H. Durnford: Chaplain of Khartoum Cathedral, 1922-1929; Heliopolis, 1929-1930

Photographs by Durnford and his wife L.V. Durnford (née Carless) of the Sudan clergy and churches, including the Railway Church Saloon
Presented by C. Durnford, 2019
Index terms
Durnford, Francis Henry, 1882-1969
Durnford, Lucy Victoria, 1893-1988
Church of England. Diocese of Egypt and the Sudan

Eastwood, G.A. and T.   1920s
3 albums   
Brigadier G.A. Eastwood (1889-1977) and his brother T. Eastwood, service in the Sudan Defence Force, 1920s

Photograph albums documenting the social life of the British community
Purchased, 2020
Summary list
Index terms
Eastwood, Gerald Arthur, 1889-1977
Eastwood, Timothy

Edmonds, J.M.   [1925]-1963
4 boxes   
Geologist, Sudan Geological Survey1934-1939

Official papers (including slides of geological specimens); personal papers; diaries; 635 photographs, many of geological sites; 47 maps; miscellanea
Presented by J. Edmonds, 1984
Index terms
Edmonds, James Marmaduke, 1909-1982
Sudan. Geological Survey
Glass Slides

Edwards, J.C.   1928-1951
3 files   
Sudan Medical Service, 1926-1953, including appointments as Sanitary Inspector in Wad Medani and Omdurman, and Senior Public Health Inspector, Port Sudan, 1941-1949 and Chief Public Health Inspector, Khartoum, 1949-1953

Government circulars; 15 photographs of Sanitary Department work in Wad Medani, Port Sudan and Khartoum; printed material
Presented by Edwards, 1958 and 1966
Index terms
Edwards, John Crabb, of the Sudan Medical Service, 1903-1974
Public health -- Sudan

Elderton, R.P.S.   1884-1945
4 files   
Egyptian Army service, 1903-1925; seconded to the Sudan Finance Department, as Deputy Assistant Financial Secretary, 1903-1917 and Assistant Financial Secretary, 1918-1925

Official papers, mostly intelligence reports and correspondence; personal papers, including letter from Queen Victoria to General Gordon's sister, 1885; press cuttings; and 76 photographs, mostly of government officials and places in N. Sudan and Egypt
Presented by Major and Mrs R.P.S. Elderton, 1958 and Mr P. MacDonald, 2005
Index terms
Elderton, Roland Percy Somerset, of the Sudan Finance Department, 1876-1958
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Ellis, W.F.   [c.1915]-1930
40 photographs; 15 postcards   
Sudan Government officer, [1926 x 1930]

Photographs of civil engineering projects in Baltim, Egypt, c. 1915, and Port Sudan, 1926-1930; postcards
Presented by D.S. Ellis, 1998
Summary list
Index terms
Ellis, Walter Ffolliatt, 1911-1994

Espeland, A.   [c. 1905]-1921
141 photographs   
Public Works Department, 1907-1927

141 photographs and postcards, mainly N. Sudan
Presented by Mrs L.I. Espeland, 1958
Index terms
Espeland, Andrew, of the Sudan Public Works Dept, c. 1878-1935

Evans, D.M.H.   1919-1982
4.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1955 including appointments in Kassala, Equatoria, Blue Nile and Kordofan provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office

Official papers, including correspondence, handing-over notes and reports; personal correspondence; appointments diaries; articles, speeches and broadcasts; miscellanea; 140 photographs, mainly taken by the Public Relations Office; 1 map; architect's drawings of the Sudan memorial tablet in Westminster Abbey; newspaper cuttings; copies of PROJECT, 1953-1954 (Public Relations Office Journal of Extracts, Comments and Talking-Points); printed material
Presented by Evans, 1958 and 1984
Index terms
Evans, David Molyneux Hardy, 1907-1986
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Radio broadcasting -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Evans, F.G.   1939-1979
1 file   
Sudan Government Railways, 1939

Speeches, reminiscences of life in the Sudan
Presented by Mrs E. Evans, 1978-1979
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Evans, F. G., of the Sudan Government Railways, fl. 1939
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Evans, J.T.R.   1950-1983
0.5 box   
Veterinary Officer, 1930-1955

Veterinary reports; lectures; 15 photographs taken by the Central Office of Information illustrating the work of a Sudan Veterinary officer; printed material
Presented by Evans, 1984
Index terms
Evans, Joshua Timothy Richard, veterinarian, 1907-2007
Veterinary medicine -- Sudan

Evans, M.G.L. Gildea   [c. 1935]-1985
1 file   
Wife of Maj. E. Gildea Evans, Sudan Political Service, 1919-1944 including appointments in Darfur, Kassala, Khartoum and Northern provinces

Memoirs of life in Darfur; 1 photograph; museum object
Presented by Mrs Evans, 1985
Index terms
Evans, Muriel Grace Lucy Gildea, 1905-1992
Darfur (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Evans, T.   1919-1934
1 file   
Egyptian Army, 1919-1925; Stores and Ordnance Department, 1926-c.1942

24 photographs: Darfur, Khartoum and Mongalla, 1919-1934
Presented by Evans, 1958
Index terms
Evans, T., of the Sudan Stores and Ordnance Dept, fl. 1919-1958
Darfur (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Mongalla (Sudan)

Ewen, D.R.   1940s-1970s, 1986, 2018
5.5 boxes   
English Lecturer, Department of English, Gordon Memorial College (latterly University College, University of Khartoum), 1951-1965

Personal correspondence of Dick Ewen, including with parents 1943-1964; teaching notes on English and classical literature; English examination paper, 1964; diaries, 1951-1955; creative writing; cuttings; and photographs
Presented by R. McDougall, 2019-2020.
Summary list
Index terms
Ewen, Douglas Richard, 1925-2018
Education -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century
Scholars' Papers
Diaries -- 20th century

Eyre, V.E.F.   1940-1954
0.5 box   
Kassala Cotton Company, 1938-1941; Sudan Defence Force, 1941-1945; Sudan Political Service, 1946-1955, including appointments in Equatoria, Darfur and Blue Nile provinces

Letters home, 1946-1954; 67 photographs, mainly of the movement of 5 M.M.G. Company, Eastern Arab Corps to Kufra Oasis, 1941-42; 1 map of Libyan Desert; museum objects
Presented by Eyre, 1982 and 1998
Index terms
Eyre, Vincent Edward Frederick, 1914-2007
Sudan. Defence Force -- Eastern Arab Corps
Kufra Oasis
Libyan Desert

Fair, J.G.   1898
1 box   
Soldier, present at Battles of Atbara and Omdurman, 1898

2 Mahdist flags
Presented by Col. D. Whitelaw, 1958
Index terms
Fair, James George, 1864-1946

Falke-Johnson, A.   1920-1950
2 files   
Danish businessman, resident at Merowe, 1921-1949

43 photographs, Merowe 1920-1950
Presented by Mrs E. Falke-Johnson, 1959
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Falke-Johnson, Alfred, fl. 1920-1950
Merowe (Sudan)

Farbrother, H.G.   1934-2001
4 boxes   
Employed at the Gezira Research Station, Sudan where he developed practical methodologies for predicting crop-water-requirements on a large scale, 1965-1978

Official memoranda, papers and reports; conference and academic papers and articles; papers relating to Gezira rehabilitation; papers relating to the control of water associated diseases; technical notes, statistics and data; general correspondence; 3 maps; 1 photograph
Presented by Mr John Farbrother, 2002
Index terms
Farbrother, Herbert George, 1918-2001
Gezira (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan

Farley, J.J.B.   after 1896
1 file   
North Staffordshire Regiment

Recollections of the Dongola expedition, 1896
Presented by Mrs E. Breckenridge, 1963
Index terms
Farley, James Jay Bleeker, of the North Staffordshire Regiment, 1871-1960
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Farrell, H.B.McD.   1930-1955
0.5 box   
Sudan Medical Service, 1949-1955 including appointments in Blue Nile, Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria provinces

Reports and medical diary from Sources Yubo Sleeping Sickness Settlement; Zande district handbook; official correspondence; articles on southern tribes and on sleeping sickness; printed material
Presented by Farrell, 1966
Index terms
Farrell, H. B. McD., of the Sudan Medical Service, fl. 1949-1966
Zande District (Sudan)
Yubo (Sudan)
Medicine -- Sudan
Tribes -- Sudan
African trypanosomiasis -- Sudan

Fawkes, R.E.F.   1907 x 1930
3 albums, 107 loose photographs   
Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, Mechanical Engineering Department, Khartoum and Atbara, 1907-1930; and Chief Mechanical Engineer, Atbara, c. 1923-1930

Photographs recording Fawkes' career in Sudan
Presented by Mrs Diana Odgers, 1999
Index terms
Fawkes, R.E.F.
Atbara (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan
Steamboats -- Sudan
Communication and traffic -- Sudan

Ferguson, H.   1937-1971
8 boxes   
Department of Agriculture, 1937-1955; Chief of Agricultural Research Division, 1961-1964; Consultant for official and private organisations from 1964

Official papers re agriculture in the Nuba Mountains, Northern Province and Equatoria, re agricultural research in the Sudan 1946-1971, 50th anniversary of the Gezira Research Farm 1969 and re consultancy work undertaken by Ferguson for the F.A.O. in Darfur, U.N. Special Fund Kordofan project, Roseires pre-investment survey, Rahad project, National Tobacco Co. Ltd. and the Rahad flood irrigation project; personal correspondence; speeches; 23 photographs, Blue Nile, Kordofan, Equatoria and Khartoum; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Ferguson, 1984
Index terms
Ferguson, Hugh, 1912-1996
Gezira Research Farm (Sudan)
National Tobacco Company Limited
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Northern Province (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Roseires (Sudan)
Rahad (Sudan)
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Agriculture -- Sudan

Fernández Martínez, V.M.   2000-2002
875 photographs   
Archaeologist, formerly of the Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology, Complutense University of Madrid

Colour photographs of Sudan (Jan - Feb 2000) and the Beni Shangul region of Western Ethiopia (2001, Jan - Feb 2002)
Presented by Fernández Martínez, 2002
Summary list
Index terms
Fernández Martínez, Víctor Manuel, 1948-
Archaeology -- Sudan
Archaeology -- Ethiopia

Field, N.   1912-1930s
1 box   
Instructor, Gordon Memorial College, 1912; Tutor, Gordon Memorial College Higher Schools, 1916; Inspector, Khartoum, 1920; Chief Inspector of Schools, Khartoum, 1927; Assistant Director, 1929-1937

Photographs of Khartoum, Omdurman, Nuba Mountains, chiefly British community and events, and holidays in Europe; hand-coloured prints of cartoon portraits of Sir John Maffey, Bishop Gwynne, Sir Harold MacMichael, Major general Sir Hubert Huddleston, drawn by E.G. Sarsfield-Hall
Presented by P. Ellis, 1988, 1990
Summary list
Index terms
Field, Norman, 1889-1974

Finlay, F.H.R.   1938-1955
0.5 box   
Irrigation Department, 1937-1955

Irrigation reports; 7 maps and plans; printed material
Presented by Mrs W. Finlay, 1982
Index terms
Finlay, Frederick Henry Rowan, of the Sudan Irrigation Dept, 1915-1973
Irrigation -- Sudan

Flavell, E.C.L.   1899-1962
1 box   
Sudan service, 1920-1940 including appointments in Red Sea Province, the Civil Secretary's Office and on the Governor-General's staff; British Army service in Eritrea and Cyrenaica

315 photographs and postcards covering the whole of the Sudan, particularly Red Sea Province; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; papers relating to the boy scout movement; printed material
Presented by Flavell, 1959 and 1962-1963
Index terms
Flavell, Eric Cecil Lucien, of the Sudan governor-general's staff, 1895-1964
Red Sea Province (Sudan)
Boy scouts -- Sudan

Fleming, G.J.   1914-[1950s]
2 boxes   
Inspector of Agriculture, serving at Tokar 1914-1920 and Kassala 1920-1923; Manager, Kassala Cotton Company, 1923-1945; Agricultural Advisor to the British Minister of State in the Middle East, 1939 x 1945

11 photograph albums; journal, 1933; accounts, 1937-1946; Iraq agriculture notes, with photographs
Presented by John Cameron, Lord Abernethy, 2016
Summary list
Index terms
Fleming, George Johnston, 1890-1968
Kassala Cotton Company Limited
Gezira (Sudan)
Agriculture -- Sudan

Fleming, M.H.V.   1927-1985
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1932, including appointments in Red Sea, Berber and Khartoum provinces

Three articles based on his experiences in N. Sudan
Presented by Fleming, 1964 and 1988
Index terms
Fleming, Maxwell Hector Vandermere, 1904-1988

Foley, G.F. and Mrs H.F.   1923-1994
2 boxes   
G.F. Foley: Western Arab Corps, Sudan Defence Force, 1920-1927; War Office, Khartoum, 1927-1930; Department of Economics and Trade and Stores and Ordnance Department, 1930-1946
Mrs H.F. Foley: Hon. Sec. of the British Red Cross in the Sudan; Deputy Commissioner Sudan and Eritrea branch of the British Red Cross and St. John War Organisation of the Middle East, 1939-1945

Letters home from H.F.F., 1933-1945; diary of H.F.F.'s voyage home from the Middle East accompanying 1,200 ex-P.O.W.s, 1945; texts of broadcasts; 610 photographs, chiefly of life in Khartoum and the Nuba Mountains and of the Stores and Ordnance Department; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Mrs H.F. Foley, 1985 and 1988
Foley, Helen, Letters to her mother: war-time in the Sudan 1938-1945 (Castle Cary, 1992)
Index terms
Foley, Guy Francis, 1898-1970
Foley, Helen Frances, 1909-2004
Khartoum (Sudan)
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Radio broadcasting -- Sudan
Prisoners of war -- Middle East
Correspondence - 20th century

Forbes, W.A.H.   1938-1979
2 files   
Sudan Defence Force, 1932-1945; Game Preservation Branch, 1945-1954; Director, Game and Fisheries Department, 1955

Transcript of interview for the Oxford Development Records Project concerning his service with the S.D.F.; 29 photographs of wildlife; 1 map; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Forbes, 1985
Index terms
Forbes, Walter Arthur Hastings, 1905-1987
Sudan. Defence Force
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Forster, A.J.   1912-1930
1 box   
Finance Department, 1908-1930

Letters home from Forster to his wife; 2 photographs
Presented by G.S. Manners, 1969
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Forster, Arnold John, 1885-1968

Forster, E.F.O.   1946
1 file   
Wife of F.M.M. Forster, Sudan Political Service, 1939-1955 including appointments in Khartoum, Equatoria, Bahr el Ghazal and Kassala provinces

Trek diaries, Equatoria Province, 1946
Presented by Mrs E. Forster, 1993
Index terms
Forster, Elaine Florence Olive, 1917-2014
Sudan -- Description and travel
Equatoria (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Fouracres, C.E.   1986
2 files   
Sudan service, 1922-1949 including appointments as Audit Inspector, Asst. Private Secretary to the Governor-General, Dep. Asst. Director of Intelligence and Asst. Sudan Agent in Cairo

Memoirs covering Fouracres' career in the British Army, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan and Libya
Presented by Fouracres, 1987
Index terms
Fouracres, Charles Edward, 1897-1988
Egypt -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Jordan -- Description and travel
Libya -- Description and travel
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Franklin, H.C.   c. 1911-1966
0.5 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1911-1932

Report on the expansion of gum arabic; memoirs relating to the evacuation of Egyptian troops from the Sudan 1924 and his service in the Traffic Department; 68 photographs including the evacuation of Egyptian troops, 1924
Presented by Franklin, 1958-1959 and 1965-1966
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Franklin, H. C., of Sudan Government Railways, fl. 1911-1966
Agriculture -- Sudan
Railroads -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Franks, G.McK.   1898-1899
1 file   
Royal Artillery, 1887-1928, including service during the Nile campaign, 1898-1899

Letters describing the Battles of the Atbara and Omdurman and death of the Khalīfah
Presented by Franks, 1958
Letters from Maj.-Gen. Sir George Franks to W. Shaw Sparrow are held in the British Library
Index terms
Franks, Sir George McKenzie, 1868-1958
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

Gaitskell, A.   1928-1956
1 box   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1923-1950, first Chairman and Managing Director, Sudan Gezira Board, 1950-1952

Memoranda, correspondence relating to the Sudan Plantations Syndicate; personal correspondence, chiefly relating to publications; articles on the Gezira and cotton growing; printed material
Presented by Gaitskell, 1958
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Gaitskell, Sir Arthur, 1900-1985
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Gezira (Sudan)
Agriculture -- Sudan

Garrett, R.C.   1920s-1982
3.5 boxes   
Sudan service, 1925-1949 including appointments in Finance Department, Sudan Defence Force, 1931-1938 and British Clerk, Stores and Ordnance Department, 1947-1949

Official papers re the Sudan Defence Force and Sudan Police, the Football Association and Khartoum Parochial Church Council; personal papers; newspaper cuttings; 405 photographs, mainly of football competitions, the Sudan Defence Force, buildings in Khartoum and staff groups; 9 maps and plans; museum objects; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Garrett, 1966, his son C. Garrett, 1992 and 2000, and Rachael Haywood Smith, 2021
Index terms
Garrett, Reuben Cairo, of the Sudan Stores and Ordnance Dept, 1899-1974
Sudan. Defence Force
Sudan Police
Sudan Football Association
Khartoum Parochial Church Council
Khartoum (Sudan)
Khartoum Cathedral

Gay, P.A.    1956-1958
2 boxes   
Department of Botany, University of Khartoum, and collected data for its Hydro-Biological Research Unit and for teaching purposes on Nile expeditions he led 1956-1958

Slides, photographs, 2 films (one partly shot by Dr Julian Rzoska), with associated notebooks, recording Nile expeditions 1956-1958, funded by the University of Khartoum
Presented by Sarah Flynn, 2015
Summary list
Index terms
Gay, Peter Anthony, 1931-
Rzóska, Julian
Botany -- Sudan

Gibbons, E.P.   1921-1999
1 box   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1923-1950; Sudan Gezira Board, 1950-1958

Official papers relating to Gibbons' employment in the Gezira; personal correspondence; papers re Sudan Gezira reunions organised by Mrs Gibbons; financial papers; memoirs; press cuttings; 35 photographs, chiefly of the Gezira; miscellanea
Presented by P. Gibbons, 2000
Index terms
Gibbons, Edward Philip, 1901-1959
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century.

Gibson, A.N.   1789-1937
4 boxes   
Customs Department, 1912-1937

Notes, reports, etc. on customs matters; ordinances and regulations; accounts and names of slaves exported from Suakin, c.1789; letters from former Superintendent of Customs, 1852; articles
Presented by Gibson, 1967
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Gibson, Albert Nicholas, of the Sudan Customs Dept, 1891-1975
Slavery -- Sudan
Customs administration -- Sudan

Gill, W.H.   [1920s]-[1940s]
0.5 box   
British Army, 1914-1917; Egyptian Army service, 1917-1921, Sudan Medical Service, including appointments as Clerk, Chief Clerk and Superintendent, 1921-1935

Personal papers; speeches; memoirs and 73 photographs of N. Sudan, mostly taken in Khartoum and Suakin
Presented by Mr P. Gill, 2009
Index terms
Gill, William Henry, fl. 1914-1935
Khartoum (Sudan)

Gillan, J.A.   1909-1981
2.5 boxes, 7 albums   
Sudan Political Service, 1909-1939 including appointments in Kordofan, Darfur, Red Sea, Berber and Nuba Mountains provinces; Civil Secretary, 1934-1939

Official reports, memoranda; semi-official correspondence; speeches; miscellanea; 1,974 photographs, mainly Kordofan, Khartoum and the Darfur campaign, 1916; 4 maps; sword and robe of `Alī Dīnār and other museum objects; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Gillan, 1962 and 1968, and A.J.A. Gillan, 1981
Index terms
Gillan, Angus, 1885-1981
Darfur (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Darfur Campaign, 1916

Gillespie, I.A.   1930 x 1971
274 photographs   
Sudan Veterinary Service, 1930-1956 including appointments in Kordofan, Darfur and Kassala Provinces; Sudan Defence Force, 1941-1945, including service in Abyssinia; Lecturer, University of Khartoum School of Veterinary Science, Shambat, 1956-1968, 1971

Photographs from Iain Gillespie's veterinary service and teaching in Sudan, 1930-1971, and including hunting scenes and war service (animal transport) in Abyssinia
Presented by S. Gillespie, 2023
Summary list
Index terms
Gillespie, Iain Archibald, 1906-1973
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan)
Veterinary medicine -- Sudan
Hunting -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Ethiopia

Glanville, W.H.   1940-1942
2 files   
Veterinary Department, 1928-1952 including service in Kassala, Halfa, Upper Nile, Khartoum and Kordofan provinces; Director of Sudan Veterinary Service, 1946-1952

Papers relating to Glanville's contribution to the Durham Sudan Historical Records Conference in 1982; 1 photograph of Khartoum Veterinary School, 1940; articles; driving permit; printed material
Presented by Glanville, 1982 and 1984
Index terms
Glanville, Waldo Hearne, veterinarian, 1904-1993
Khartoum Veterinary School

Goodenough, W.H.   1872-1886
2 files   
Royal Artillery, Expeditionary Force, Egypt 1882

Letters from and concerning General Gordon, 1872-1880; letters from officers of the Gordon relief expedition 1884-1885; letters from Henry Sclater, Lord Wolseley and A.M. Murray
Presented by Sir George Bredin, 1982
Index terms
Goodenough, Sir William Howley, 1833-1898
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund   1898-1968
35 boxes   
Official correspondence, 1921-1960; annual reports, 1939-1955; minute books, account books; correspondence re Kitchener School of Medicine; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Acting Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund, 1978
Index terms
Sclater, Sir Henry Crichton, 1855-1923
Wolseley, Viscount Garnet Joseph, 1833-1913
Gordon Memorial College
Gordon Memorial College Fund
Kitchener Memorial School of Medicine
Education -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Gray, J.M.   1876-1971, predominantly 1876-1884
2 files   
Typescript copies of amendments to Gordon's letters to his sister Augusta in Gordon in Central Africa, by G. Birkbeck Hill; extracts from the Moffitt Manuscripts in the British Library
Presented by A.T. Matson, 1971
Royal Commonwealth Society
Sir John Gray's papers in Cambridge University Library include Sudan material
Index terms
Gray, Sir John Milner, 1889-1970
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885

Gray, R.W. and Mrs O.A.   1932-1991
8 boxes   
R.W. Gray: C.M.S. teacher at Rodah Island Boys' School, Cairo, 1938-1951; Arab Refugee Camp Gaza, 1951-1952; headmaster Nugent School, Loka and in charge of Village Teacher Training Centre, Yei, 1954-1959
O.A. Gray: C.M.S. teacher at Rodah Island Boys' School, Cairo, 1938-1951; Coptic Girls' College, Cairo, 1951-1952; headmistress Girls' Central School, Yei, 1960-1964

Official papers relating to Rodah Island Boys' School, Cairo, Nugent School, Loka, Girls' Central School, Yei, scouting activities and the C.M.S.; personal papers; diaries and memoirs; articles; 426 photographs and negatives, mainly of schools and school activities in Egypt, Gaza and Southern Sudan; 3 maps; miscellanea; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Mrs O.A. Gray, 1991-1992
Index terms
Gray, Ronald Walpole, of the C. M. S., 1907-1985
Gray, Olive Amelia, of the C. M. S., 1906-1992
Rodah Island Boys' School
Nugent School (Loka)
Girls' Central School (Yei)
Church Missionary Society
Gaza Strip -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Education -- Sudan
Education -- Egypt
Boy scouts -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Gwynne, L.H.   1886-1957
18 boxes   
C.M.S. Missionary to Khartoum, 1899; Bishop of Khartoum from 1908; Bishop of Egypt and the Sudan, 1920-1945; Bishop in Egypt 1946

Official papers relating to Gwynne's roles as C.M.S. missionary and Bishop in the Sudan and Egypt, 1899-1946 and as Deputy Chaplain General to the British Forces in France, 1915-1920; personal correspondence, 1946-1952; diaries,1899-1945; articles, lectures and speeches; sermons; intercessions; 238 photographs, mainly N. Sudan; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by H.C. Jackson, 1959; D. Jackson, 1963 and Mrs A. Brooks, 1992. These gifts also contained the papers of Rev. G.H. Martin which are now catalogued separately.
Other papers of Bishop Gwynne held in Church Missionary Society Archives, Birmingham University
Index terms
Gwynne, Llewellyn Henry, 1863-1957
Church of England. Diocese of Egypt and the Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Hagger, N.J.W.   1931-2007
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1950-1954, chiefly in Kordofan with a period of secondment to the Middle East Centre of Arabic Studies in 1951

Official papers relating to Hagger's recruitment to and retirement from the Sudan Political Service, Nuba administration and education, and to the Sudan Church Association; personal correspondence; 3 maps; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; and printed material
Presented by Mrs Ann Hagger, 2009 and 2014
Index terms
Hagger, Norman John Watson, 1920-2007
Kordofan (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan

Hamilton, J.A. de C.   1925-1965
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1935, including appointments in Darfur, Kassala and Kordofan provinces, and Cairo; Egyptian Government, 1935-1941

Memoirs of life in the Sudan and Egypt; articles, speeches
Presented by Hamilton, 1966
Index terms
Hamilton, John Almeric de Courcy, 1896-1973
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Harrison, G.F.   1951-1952
1 file   
Superintendent of Police, Khartoum 1949-1954

Reports and correspondence on the police mutiny in Khartoum in 1951 and the resulting Watson Commission of Enquiry
Presented by Harrison, 1984
Index terms
Harrison, G. F., police superintendent, Sudan, fl. 1951-1984
Sudan Police
Watson Commission of Enquiry, 1951
Khartoum (Sudan)
Mutiny -- Sudan

Hart, E.M.   1904-1905
2 vols   
Travelled to Egypt and the Sudan, 1904-1906

Journal of a trip to Egypt, 1904-1905
Between 1994 and 2023 this journal was misidentified as the work of Emily M. Hornby (1833-1906)
Purchased, 1994
Index terms
Hart, Ethel Mary Percival-, 1874-1957
Egypt -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 20th century

Harvey, C.R.   1930-1940
3 files   
Sudan Government Railways, 1923-1940

Official correspondence, memoranda, etc. on railway operations; reports on services; timetables; miscellanea; printed material
Purchased from Harvey's estate, 1977
Index terms
Harvey, Charles R., of Sudan Government Railways, c. 1892-
Railroads -- Sudan

Harwood, F.L.   1923-1960s
2 files   
Sudan Government Railways, 1923-1948

Official papers; memoirs of Harwood's life in the Sudan; account of return visit in 1962; verses; 9 photographs, mainly Kassala Province
Presented by Lady Jane Reid, 1994
Index terms
Harwood, Frank Lester, 1899-1975
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Railroads -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Haselden, E.C.   1945-1953
1.5 boxes; 1 object   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1953, serving in Kassala, Khartoum, Darfur and finally as Sudan Agent in Cairo, 1945-1953

Private and demi-official correspondence between Sudan Agents, Cairo and London, and Civil Secretary; Cairo appendices to Sudan Monthly Intelligence Reports, June 1945-December 1951; 2 photograph albums; 1 canvas bag
Presented by Caroline Gavin, 2018
Summary list
Index terms
Haselden, Edward Christopher, 1903-1988
Cairo (Egypt)
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Hassan, R.   1944-1993
2 boxes   
C.M.S. missionary 1944-1971, serving at Salara, 1945-1951 and Katcha, 1951-1959; C.M.S. secretary in Omdurman, 1963-1971

Official papers relating to the work of the Nuba Mountains Fellowship and Sudan Church Association; transcripts of personal letters, 1944-1971 and letters received from Sudan, 1971-1993; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea including poem cards; printed material
Presented by Rev. J. Poole, 1995
Index terms
Hassan, Rachel, -2005
Nuba Mountains Fellowship (Sudan)
Sudan Church Association
Church of England. Diocese of the Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Haunch, T.O.   1942-1994
1 box   
Sudan Defence Force, 1942-1946

Gun drill book for anti-aircraft gun, in transliterated Arabic; short account of military career; 403 photographs, N. and S. Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, 1930s and 1940s, mostly souvenir packs
Presented by Haunch, 1962, 1991 and 1995
Index terms
Haunch, Terence Osborne, 1918-
Sudan. Defence Force
Egypt -- Description and travel
Palestine -- Description and travel
Eritrea -- Description and travel
Libya -- Description and travel
Syria -- Description and travel
Lebanon -- Description and travel

Hawkes, R.   1968-1999
0.5 box   
M.A. student, University of Khartoum, 1968

124 photographs of Nubian churches and architecture, taken by Mrs Hawkes in 1968 for an MA thesis on “The churches of Nubia”
Presented by N. Hawkes, 1999
Index terms
Hawkes, Rosalind, fl. 1968
Nubia -- History

Hayes, K.H.J.O'C.   1899-1965
18 boxes   
Legal Department, 1939-1953, including appointments as English-Speaking Clerk, Khartoum and Lecturer in the Law School 1939-1942, Police Magistrate, Khartoum 1943-1945, Judge of the High Court, El Obeid 1945-1947, Judge of the High Court, Khartoum, 1945-1952, Judge of the High Court, Kordofan 1952-1953; Bimbashi, Sudan Defence Force 1942-1943

A. Private papers of Hayes (2 boxes): official papers, mostly correspondence concerning legal cases and Sudanisation; personal papers; diaries including descriptions of his role in the Sudan Defence Force; lectures; 25 photographs, mostly of Legal Department staff; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; and miscellanea. B. (16 boxes) Case reports, both criminal and civil, 1900-1955 with related correspondence and appeals.
Presented by Hayes, 1968, 1970 and 1987
Catalogue for material in section A. Summary list only for material in section B.
Index terms
Hayes, Kevin Henry Joseph O'Connell, 1903-1992
Sudan Legal Department
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Court records -- Sudan
Legal records

Haymes, H.E.   1899-1904
1 vol   
R.A.M.C. and Egyptian Army,1899-1904

64 photographs covering Haymes' service in Egypt and the Sudan, particularly in the Bahr al-Ghazal; copy extracts from The St Thomas's Hospital Gazette on Haymes' life and death
Presented by Mr Cave-Brown-Cave, 2005
Index terms
Haymes, Henry Evered, 1872-1904
Egypt. Army

Haywood, J.A.   1947-1966
2 boxes   
Education Department, 1946-1955

Papers re water usage, Northern Darfur; Darfur Province education information file, 1950-1951; notes, correspondence and reports on education; accounts of St. Peter's Church, El Obeid; lectures and articles; 18 maps; 35 photographs, Sudan general; printed material
Presented by Haywood, 1977-1978
Index terms
Haywood, John Alfred, of the Sudan Education Dept, fl. 1946-1978
St Peter's Church, El Obeid
Darfur (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan
Water supply -- Sudan

Hebbert, H.E.   [1884], 1905-1943
2 files   
Public Works Department, 1924-1939, including appointments in Khartoum and Port Sudan; Director of Posts and Telegraphs, 1939-1944

Account of a trip made by Hebbert and his wife in Ethiopia in 1943, illustrated by 62 photographs; 5 photographs of 'Aqiq, 1928-1932; testimony from 1924 mutiny; 1905 Port Sudan geological report re water supply
Presented by Hebbert, 1964-1965
Hebbert's main collection of photographs, including duplicates of those held here, is at the Royal Commonwealth Society Library, Cambridge University Library (
Index terms
Hebbert, Henry Eric, 1893-1980
Ethiopia -- Description and travel

Heinekey, G.A.   1916-1925
0.5 box   
Egyptian Army, 1916-1923 including appointments in Commandant Military School, Khartoum

Diary of patrol 33 against the Lau-Nuer; 402 photographs including of patrol 33; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Copied from originals in possession of Mrs J.R. Shaw, 1986
Index terms
Heinekey, Guy Agnew, of the Egyptian Army, 1893-
Egypt. Army
Nuer (African people)
Insurgency -- Sudan

Henderson, K.D.D.   [c. 1900]-1981
12 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1953 including appointments in Blue Nile, Kordofan, White Nile, Kassala and Darfur provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office

Tribal notes, Blue Nile, Darfur and Kordofan; government circulars and memoranda; the Eboué memoranda on French colonial policy in Africa; papers re the S.A.D.F.; Darfur Province monthly and annual reports; official correspondence including re the Socialist Republican Party and the Anglo-Sudanese Association; letters home, 1926-1936; diaries and notebooks; 2 maps; articles, speeches and drafts of books by Henderson and others; museum objects; miscellanea; 599 photographs, mainly N. Sudan; news bulletins and press cuttings; printed material
Presented by Henderson, 1958-1982 and 1987
Catalogue. Summary list only of material received 1987
Index terms
Henderson, Kenneth David Druitt, 1903-1988
Anglo-Sudanese Association
Sudan. Auxiliary Defence Force
Socialist Republican Party (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
France -- Colonies -- - Africa
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Tribes -- Sudan
Political parties -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Herbert, E.S.   1892-1923
0.5 box   
Egyptian Army, 1898-1923

Orders and decorations; 8 photographs of the 11th Sudanese; French flag found at Fashoda; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Mrs E. Seymour, 1994
Index terms
Herbert, Edward Sidney, 1866-1936
Sudan. Army -- 11th Sudanese Battalion
Fashoda (Sudan)

Hicks, W.   1860-1979, predominantly 1860-1883
0.5 box   
Indian Army, 1849-1880; Egyptian Army, 1883 as commander-in-chief of troops in the Sudan

Diary notes, 1860; copies of letters to his family during the Anglo-Abyssinian war, 1868; letters to his wife from the Sudan, 1883; copies of official telegrams from Hicks
Presented by Col. C. Mackenzie Smith, 1979 and 1983, and by M. Mackenzie Smith, 1987
Hicks, William, The road to Shaykan: letters of General William Hicks Pasha written during the Sennar and Kordofan campaigns, 1883, ed. M.W. Daly (Durham, 1983)
Index terms
Hicks, William, 1830-1883
Egypt. Army
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Abyssinian Expedition, 1867-1868
Diaries -- 19th century

Hicks, W.J.   1871-1909
1 box   
Royal Artillery, c. 1870-1898

Personal correspondence received while at school, 1871; memorandum on the need for reserve officers, c. 1905; account of travels through Spain, Egypt, India, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, China, Japan and Canada, c. 1909
Purchased, 2005
Index terms
Hicks, William John, 1855-1940
Egypt -- Description and travel
Spain -- Description and travel
India -- Description and travel
China -- Description and travel
Japan -- Description and travel
Canada -- Description and travel
Burma -- Description and travel
Malaya -- Description and travel

Hill, R.L.   [c. 1830s]-1996
17 boxes   
Sudan Railways,1929-1944; Education Department, 1944-1949; lecturer in Near Eastern History, University of Durham, 1949-1966; co-founder of the Sudan Archive, Durham, 1957

Official correspondence relating to Sudan Railways and Gordon College; personal correspondence; personal and official diaries; working papers, including source material and correspondence; unpublished drafts; lectures and speeches; conference papers; 243 photographs and 41 glass slides, mostly potential illustrations for published books; maps; museum objects; press cuttings; miscellanea and printed material
Presented by R. L. Hill, 1958-1995
Index terms
Hill, Richard Leslie, 1901-1996
Railroads -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Scholars' Papers

Hillelson, S.   [c. 1911-1933]
1 box   
Education Department, 1911-1925; Civil Secretary's Department, 1926-1933

Collected poems and sayings of Shaykh Farah Tuktūk; notes and scripts relating to broadcasts made by the Arabic service of the B.B.C.; 61 photographs, mainly Rejaf Conference, 1928 and Mongalla
Presented by Mrs I. Hillelson, 1961
Index terms
Hillelson, Sigmar, of the Sudan Education Dept, c. 1883-1960
Rejaf Language Conference, 1928
Mongalla (Sudan)
Radio broadcasting -- Sudan

Hills-Young, E.   1931-1945
1 box   
Sudan Medical Service, 1929-1944 including Principal of the Midwives Training School, Omdurman, 1938-1944

Articles on midwifery in the Sudan; 10 photographs; 9 cinefilms of inspection tours in N. Sudan with VHS video copies; printed material
Presented by R.L. Hill, 1965, and E. Hills-Young, 1966-1967
Index terms
Hills-Young, Elaine, 1895-1983
Obstetrics -- Sudan

Hitch, B.M.   [1965]-1993
3 files   
Medical Service at C.M.S. Hospital, Omdurman 1967-1971

Papers relating to the Anglican Church in the Sudan; newspaper cuttings; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Dr Hitch, 1997-1998
Index terms
Hitch, Barbara M., of the C. M. S., fl. 1955-1998
Church of England. Diocese of the Sudan

Hodgkin, P.E.   [1969]-1980s
0.5 box   
Lecturer in History, University of Khartoum, 1968-1973; Delegate, Amnesty International Mission to Sudan, Jan 2003; English Language and History Teacher, St Augustine’s Secondary School, Isohe, East Equatoria Province, South Sudan, 2012-2013, and volunteer 2018-2024; Consultant (Conflict and Reconciliation), Eastern Equatoria, AECOM and Rift Valley Institute, 2016-2017

Correspondence and papers on education and politics in Sudan, including two letters with dissidents, papers on higher education by Mohamed Omer Bashir, Principal of the University of Khartoum, and a press statement by the British delegation to Southern Sudan, [after May 1969]
Presented by P.E. Hodgkin, 2024
Summary list
Hodgkin, Elizabeth, Letters from Isohe : life on the edge in a school in South Sudan, (London, 2022)
Index terms
Hodgkin, Prudence Elizabeth, 1941-
Education -- Sudan
Human rights -- Sudan

Hodgkin, R.A.   1934-1996
3 boxes   
Education Department, 1939-1946 including Principal and Assistant Director of Education, Institute of Education (Bakht er Ruda), Ed Dueim 1950-1955

Official papers relating to education; letters home; articles and lectures; 496 photographs, northern Sudan; museum objects, newspapers cuttings; printed material
Presented by Hodgkin, 1986-2000
Hodgkin, Robin, Exploring: Robin Hodgkin's letters from the Sudan. 1939-47, ed. Adam Hodgkin (Oxford, 2005)
Index terms
Hodgkin, Robin Allason, 1916-2003
Education -- Sudan

Hogg, P.   1937-1939
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1935-1955 including appointments in Kordofan, Kassala and Northern provinces, Finance Department, and Ministry of the Interior

Declaration of trust for the Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund, 1937; memoirs of service in Soderi, Kordofan 1937-1939
Presented by Hogg, 1985 and 1987
Index terms
Hogg, Peter, of the Sudan Political Service, 1913-2000
Gordon Memorial College Fund
Soderi (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Holt, P.M.   [c. 1914]-2008
1 box   
Education Department, 1942-1955; Government Archivist, 1954-1955

Official papers relating to his service in the Education Department and as Government Archivist, 1944-1956; list of British and non-British officials whose dossiers are in the archives of the Ministry of the Interior, Khartoum; copy of Holt's Ph.D. thesis on the Khalifah `Abdallahi and draft copies of articles; 41 photographs, chiefly in and around Khartoum; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Professor Holt, 1962 and 1983
Index terms
Holt, P. M. (Peter Malcolm), 1918 - 2006
Education -- Sudan
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

House, A.H.   [1920s]-1940
1 album   
Confidential Clerk to the Civil Secretary, 1920s

194 photographs, mainly of Khartoum and including aftermath of the 1924 mutiny; newspaper cutting
Presented by House, 1985
Index terms
House, A. H., confidential clerk, Sudan Government, fl. 1924-1985
Khartoum (Sudan)
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Howe, R.G.   [1970s]
1 file   
Governor-General of the Sudan, 1947-1955

Autobiography, “Inherit the Kingdom”
Presented by James Baynard-Smith, 2023
Index terms
Howe, Sir Robert George, 1893-1981
Bevan, Ernest
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- Egypt
Sudan -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Foreign relations
Khartoum (Sudan)
Egypt -- History -- 20th century
Ethiopia -- History -- 20th century
Palestine -- History -- 20th century
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Spain -- Description and travel
Portugal -- Description and travel
Romania -- Description and travel
Brazil -- Description and travel
Paraguay -- Description and travel
Argentina -- Description and travel
Chile -- Description and travel
Bolivia -- Description and travel
Peru -- Description and travel
Brazil -- Description and travel
Equador -- Description and travel
Colombia -- Description and travel
Venezuela -- Description and travel
Trinidad -- Description and travel
China -- Description and travel
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Macedonia
World War, 1914-1918 -- Greece
World War, 1914-1918 -- Bulgaria
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Ethiopia
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Political papers

Howell, P.P.   1899-1987
16 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1938-1955 including appointments in Khartoum, Upper Nile and Kordofan provinces; secondment to O.E.T.A. (Eritrea); Chairman Jonglei Investigation Team, 1948-1953; Chairman Southern Development Investigation Team, 1953-1955

Official papers on the Nuer, Dinka, Baqqārah and Shilluk including correspondence, reports, handing-over notes, notes on tribal customs, social structures and laws, minutes of DCs' meetings, etc.; papers relating to the Jonglei Investigation Team and Southern Development Investigation Team including correspondence, reports, answers to questionnaires, etc.; papers relating to the Jonglei Canal and Nile Waters; papers relating to human rights and charity organisations working in the Sudan; academic and research papers and papers concerning Howell's various publications; personal letters; memoirs; 1027 photographs, many of Southern tribes; 13 maps and plans; printed material
Presented by Howell, 1982-1992 and Mrs B. Howell, 1995
Index terms
Howell, Paul Philip, 1917-1994
Sudan. Southern Development Investigation Team
Sudan. Jonglei Investigation Team
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Nuer (African people)
Baggara (African people)
Shilluk (African people)
Rural development -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Howie, Mrs A. and J.   1940-[early 21st century]
330 digital photographs   
Alice Howie, Nursing Sister then Charge Sister, Sudan Medical Service, Omdurman Civil Hospital, Port Sudan, Kassala Northern Area, 1947-1948;
John Howie, Engineer, Cable & Wireless, Khartoum and Kassala, Sudan, 1946-1950

330 digital photographs recording the working and personal lives in Sudan of John and Alice Howie, including their marriage in Port Sudan
Presented by Patrick Howie, 22 October 2020
Index terms
Howie, Alice, 1918-2020
Howie, John, 1925-1999
Public health -- Sudan
Medicine -- Sudan

Humphreys, L.E.   1924-1989
1 box   
Department of Agriculture, 1924-1947

Articles on the Sudan Defence Force, Christianity in the Upper Nile, the pyramid field at Meroë memoirs of life in the Sudan; 23 photographs illustrating articles and memoirs; 6 maps; water-colours; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Humphreys, 1982-1992
Index terms
Humphreys, Leonard E., 1897-1994
Sudan. Defence Force
Sudan -- Antiquities
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Missions -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Hunt, F.B.   1934-1946
3 files   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1934-1946; Sudan Defence Force, 1940-1945

Extracts from diary 1934-1946; 61 photographs, mainly of the Sudan Defence Force; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Hunt, 1983-1984
Index terms
Hunt, F. Bertram, 1912-
Sudan. Defence Force
Diaries -- 20th century

Hunt, L.S.J.   [c. 1902]-1931
1 file   
Managing Director, Sudan Experimental Plantations Syndicate, 1904-1907; Director, Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1907-1909

Official papers relating to the Sudan Plantations Syndicate; newspaper cuttings
Presented by L.B. Rand, 1981
Originals in possession of Ms H.H. Rives
Index terms
Hunt, Leigh Smith James, 1855-1933
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Agriculture -- Sudan

Hunter, A.   1885-1936
3 boxes   
Military career included King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1874; Egyptian Army, 1884-1899; Governor, Red Sea Littoral, 1892-1894; Commandant Frontier Field Force, 1894-1899; Governor Dongola Province, 1896-1899; Governor Omdurman, 1899; South African war, 1899-1901; Western and Southern Army Corps, India, 1904-1909; Governor Gibraltar, 1910-1913

Papers relating to service in the Nile campaigns including correspondence, despatches and reports, 1885-1898; papers relating to service in the South African war, 1899-1904; letter book containing carbon copies of official letters sent by Hunter with Western Army Corps, India, 1905-1906; personal diary, comprising one-line entries for key events in A.H.'s life, 1880s-1920s; 4 files of orders and warrants, 1878-1925; 4 albums of press cuttings covering Hunter's career and death, 1889-1936; 1 file of ephemera including autographs and invitations
Deposited by Mr N. Russell, 1996
Index terms
Hunter, Archibald, 1856-1936
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899.
India -- History -- 20th century.
South African War, 1899-1902.
Diaries, 19th century
Diaries, 20th century

Hunter, G.G.   1888-1920
7 albums   
Egyptian Army from 1888; Coastguard Administration, Egypt from 1896; Military Administrator, Frontier Districts Administration, 1917-1921

537 photographs of Suakin 1888-1889, Cairo c.1900, N.E. Sudan 1904-1905, E. Egypt c.1906, Sinai Peninsula and Egyptian Red Sea coast c.1908-1911
Presented by A. Hunter, 1987. Album SAD.A89 deposited on long term loan; copies were made of photographs in 6 other albums which were then returned to Mr Hunter.
Albums in possession of Mr A. Hunter
Index terms
Hunter, George Gillett, 1864-1930
Suakin (Sudan)
Cairo (Egypt)
Egypt -- Description and travel

Hunter, Y.   1908-1985
1 box   
Wife of N.B. Hunter, Sudan Political Service and Education Department, 1919-1931

Letter re the 1924 mutiny at Talodi; diary covering life in Talodi and southern Sudan, 1926-1927; account of a trek from Torit to Loronyo; 196 photographs, Nuba Mountains and S. Sudan; diaries of Mrs Hunter's sister Gillian Barclay, missionary in Japan 1908-1909 and of Y. Hunter's trip to Japan in 1909 visiting Ceylon, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Japan, and returning home across Canada; transcripts and explanatory notes by N.C. Hunter, 1985
Presented by N.C. Hunter, 1985-1986 and 1997
Index terms
Hunter, Ysabel, 1890-1973
Hunter, Neil Barclay, 1891-1957
Barclay, Gillian Mary, 1883-1909
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Talodi (Sudan)
Hong Kong -- Description and travel
Singapore -- Description and travel
Canada -- Description and travel
Sri Lanka -- Description and travel
Japan -- Description and travel
China -- Description and travel
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Missions -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Ingleson, P. and Mrs G.   1909-1978
6 boxes   
War Service (France), 1914-1919; Sudan Political Service, 1919-1944, including service in Kassala and Blue Nile provinces and governorships in Halfa (1931-1932), Berber (1932-1934), Bahr el Ghazal (1934-1935) and Darfur (1935-1944)

Papers, photographs and publications relating to Ingleson's First World War and Sudan service and to the Ingleson and Fulton families, including a First World War memoir, papers on the Takoradi air route, and 8 photograph albums
Presented by Philip, Robin and John Masters, 15 December 2022.
Catalogue and summary list
Index terms
Ingleson, Philip, 1892-1985
Ingleson, Gwendoline, 1896-1986
Darfur (Sudan)
Kassalā (Sudan)
Baḥr al Ghazāl Province (Sudan)
Berber (Sudan)
World War, 1914-1919 -- Campaigns -- France
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Middle East

Ingram, J.H.   1924-1946
5 boxes   
Public Works Department, 1924-1946

Papers on P.W.D. contracts; annual reports, 1927-1938; personal correspondence; printed material
Presented by Mrs M.H. Ingram, 1977
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Ingram, J. H., of the Sudan Public Works Department, fl. 1924-1946
Public works -- Sudan

Jackson, E.   1948-1953
3 files   
Mistress, Girls' Training College, Omdurman, 1948-1949; Headmistress, Tonj Girls' School, 1950-1953

Annual report Tonj Girls' School, 1951; nominal roll of girls, 1950; copies of letters home, 1948-1951; notes on careers of former pupils; 34 photographs of Tonj Girls' School
Presented by Miss Jackson (1915-2004), 1993
Index terms
Jackson, Edith, of the Sudan Education Dept, -2004
Tonj Girls' School
Education -- Sudan

Jackson, H.C.   c. 1899-1961
24 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1907-1931 including appointments in Civil Secretary's Office and Sennar, Blue Nile, Upper Nile, Red Sea, Berber, Bahr el Ghazal and Halfa provinces

Papers of Bishop Gwynne used in compiling a biography; part draft copies of Sudan days and ways and biographies of Wingate and Gwynne; draft articles such as “Geographical and ethnographical work of the Catholic missionaries in the Sudan in the past century” by Father Elia Toniolo; memoirs of Lillian Oyler, American missionary; notes on Zubayr Pasha; screenplay for a film on Gordon; trek notes and route reports, Halfa and Red Sea Provinces; notes on aviation; notes on 1924 mutiny; notes on Halfa Province (bound with photographs); personal correspondence 1899-1961; 2,543 photographs, negatives and lantern slides covering Sudan service
Presented by Jackson, 1958-1959 and after his death, by his son D. Jackson, 1963-1973
Draft catalogue. Summary list only for 274 glass slides.
Index terms
Jackson, Henry Cecil, 1883-1962
Gwynne, Llewellyn Henry, 1863-1957
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1861-1953
Zubayr ibn Rahmat, Pasha, 1830-1913
Halfa (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Red Sea Province (Sudan)
Missions -- Sudan
Aeronautics -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Autobiographies -- 20th century

James, L.   1948-1958
1 file   
Sudan Police, 1943-1951 including service in Khartoum and Kassala

Kassala Province Police annual reports for 1947-1949, by L. James
Presented by James, 1983
Index terms
James, L., police commandant, Sudan, fl. 1948-1983
Sudan Police
Kassala (Sudan: Province)

Jane, E.   1928-1937
0.5 box   
Sanitary Inspector Gezira, 1929-1939 and Senior Public Health Inspector Gezira, 1939-1944

107 photographs illustrating anti-malarial work in the Gezira, 1937 and the completion of the new railway line to Kassala, 1928; 1 map of the Gezira canalisation scheme, 1937
Presented by Mrs E. Jane, 1958
Index terms
Jane, E., sanitary inspector, Sudan, fl. 1928-1944
Gezira (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan
Public health -- Sudan

Jephson, A.J.M.   1888-1891
1 file   
British explorer; accompanied Stanley to the relief of Emin, 1888-1891

Microfilm copy of letters from Stanley to troops under command of Emin and from the amīr `Umar Ṣālih to Emin; copy of Emin Pasha's will
Microfilm copies made, 1960, courtesy of Brig. M.G. Jephson
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Jephson, Arthur Jeremy Mountenay, 1858-1908
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 1841-1904
Emin Pasha, 1840-1892
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899

Johnson, D.H.   1956-2017
24 boxes   
Historian and humanitarian who worked in Sudan and chiefly South Sudan from the 1980s to 2010s, independently, with government agencies and for non-governmental organisations such as the World Food Programme and OXFAM.

Papers relating to Johnson's work with humanitarian Non-governmental organisations and the UK Department for International Development to alleviate crises in Sudan and South Sudan, in particular Operation Lifeline Sudan (1989-1997). Newspaper cuttings relating to East Africa and wider Africa, 1956-1994.
Presented by Douglas H. Johnson, 2017.
Index terms
Johnson, Douglas Hamilton, 1949-
Southern Region (Sudan)
Food relief -- Sudan
Human rights -- Sudan

Johnson, N.W.   1941-1953
2 boxes   
Wife of T.C. Johnson, Block Inspector, Sudan Plantations Syndicate and Sudan Gezira Board, 1946-1953

List of staff, Sudan Plantations Syndicate and Kassala Cotton Co. Ltd., 1948; letters from family and friends; domestic account book; 31 diaries describing life in the Gezira 1946-1953; 6 photographs; printed material
Presented by Mrs H. Johnson, 1990
Index terms
Johnson, N. Winifred, wife of T.C. Johnson, 1900-1983
Johnson, Thewlis Clarkson, of the Sudan Gezira Board, 1907-1987
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Kassala Cotton Company Limited
Gezira (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Johnston, R.T.   1934
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1937, including appointments in Blue Nile, Darfur, Khartoum, Halfa, Upper Nile and Northern provinces

Handing-over notes, Bor and Duk District, Upper Nile Province, 1934
Presented by Mrs E. Johnston, 1979
Index terms
Johnston, Robert Tordiff, 1899-1960
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Bor (Sudan)
Duk (Sudan)

Juba Round Table Conference 1965   1919-1965
1 box   
The Round Table Conference was convened in 1965 by the Prime Minister Sirr al-Khatim al-Khalifa to address the problem of the South. The conference was originally scheduled to take place in Juba but unrest there led to the migration of the conference to Khartoum where it was held between 16 and 29 March.

Copies of official government records relating to the South and Southern Policy, used as background material for the conference; addresses to the opening and concluding sessions of the conference and conference resolutions; supporting documents on the South; copies of some of the conference papers in Arabic
Provenance unknown
Index terms
Juba Round Table Conference on the South, 1965
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Juba University   1969-1981
0.5 box   
Founded 1978

Programme for first graduation ceremony, 1981; 33 photographs of the building of the University; medal presented to vice-chancellor of Durham University at first graduation ceremony
Presented by John Okec Lueth, 1981, and by the University of Juba, 1982
Index terms
University of Juba
University of Durham

Justice Africa   1972-2002
11 boxes   
Justice Africa, an advocacy organisation and research institute campaigning for human rights and social justice, founded in 1999 by Alex de Waal, Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem and Yohannes Ajawin. Its geographical focus is chiefly Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia.

Papers of human rights/political organisations, including charters, appeals, reports, field reports, internal communications; papers relating to the Sudanese peace negotiations; conference papers; articles; newspaper cuttings, press releases, newsletters and briefings; papers relating to Eritrea and Somalia
Presented by Alastair Roderick, 2008
Index terms
Justice Africa
Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Southern Region (Sudan)
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Human rights -- Sudan

Kapteijns, L.E.M.   1977-1980s
7 boxes   
Teacher, Merowe High School for Girls, 1975-1976; Lecturer in History, University of Khartoum, 1977-1981; Historical field work on the Sudanese side of the Chado-Sudanese border, in Dar Masalit, Dar Sinyar, Dar Qimr and Dar Fur, summers of 1978-1980; History Department, Wellesley College, 1986- (Professor, 1998)

Research notes and papers, including some photographs, relating to Mahdism and the history of the peoples of Darfur region particularly Dar Masalit and neighboring sultanates along the Chado-Sudanese border. Includes audio recordings (with transcripts) of field work undertaken in Dar Masalit, 1977-1981, with related photographs. Research notes include summaries and transcriptions of records, and photographs from public and private archives (cited in Kapteijns' publications), in Khartoum, El Fasher, El Geneina, the University of Bergen, SOAS, France. Also includes a file of Masalit songs, and a copy of the the 1938 Zalingei District handbook. Some historical information, field work and document transcriptions realized in conjunction with Ibrahim Yahya `Abd al-Rahman
Presented by Kapteijns, 2008, 2021
Summary list
Kapteijns, L. and al-Hadi Ahmad, “The Chado-Sudanese frontier on the eve of colonial conquest: five letters from the correspondence of Sultan `Ali Dinar of Dar Fur and Sultan Muhammad Bakhit Abu Risha of Dar Sila”, Sudan Texts Bulletin, 3 (November 1981)
Kapteijns, L., Mahdist Faith and Sudanic Tradition: the History of the Masalit Sultanate, 1870-1930 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985)
Kapteijns, L. and J. Spaulding, After the Millennium: Diplomatic Correspondence from Wadai and Dar Fur on the Eve of Colonial Conquest, 1885-1916 (African Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1988)
J. Spaulding and L. Kapteijns, An Islamic Alliance: Ali Dinar and the Sanusiyya, 1906-1916 (Northwestern University Press, 1994).
Index terms
Kapteijns, Lidwien E.M., 1951-
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Boundaries -- Sudan
Tribes -- Sudan.
Music -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers

Kelly, H.H.   1904-1914
1 box   
Egyptian Army, 1903-1913; Assistant Director of Public Works, 1908-1912; Beir [Murle] Patrol Officer, 1912; Chief Commissioner, Sudan-Uganda Boundary Commission, 1912-1913

Commissions and decorations; letters re his death; route reports on treks in Kordofan and on the Abyssinian frontier; diary of Sudan/Uganda boundary rectification, 1912-1913; 570 photographs including Egypt, Sinai and Sudan/Uganda boundary; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Maj. D. Kelly, 1965
Kelly, H.H., Imperial boundary making: the diary of Captain Kelly and the Sudan-Uganda Boundary Commission of 1913, ed. G.H. Blake (Oxford, 1997)
Index terms
Kelly, Henry Holdsworth, 1880-1914
Egypt. Army
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Uganda
Uganda -- Boundaries -- - Sudan
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Uganda -- Description and travel
Insurgency -- Sudan
Murle (African people)
Diaries -- 20th century

Kendall, C.B.   [c. 1982]
1 file   
Sudan Defence Force, 1943-1944; Sudan Political Service, 1944-1956 including appointments in Blue Nile and Equatoria provinces, in the Ministry of Finance and as Private Secretary to the Governor-General

Memoirs of Kendall's Sudan service, written 1982
Presented by Kendall, 1987
Index terms
Kendall, Charles Brian, 1921-2005
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Kennedy, M.R.   1904-1961
0.5 box   
Royal Engineers, 1893-1898; Egyptian Army, 1899-1907 including appointments as Director of Works and Resident Engineer, Port Sudan; Director Public Works Department, 1907-1916

Memorandum by Kennedy on the report of the Commission on Suakin and Shaykh Barghut, 1904; annual reports, Public Works Department, 1907-1908; note by Kennedy on the rectification of the Sudan/Abyssinia frontier, 1917; letters concerning the career of Kennedy; 2 photographs of Kennedy
Presented by M. Barrington, 1958-1959. In 1959 Barrington was invited by M.R. Kennedy's daughter to write a biography of her father. Due to the scarcity of documentary evidence, the biography was never written.
Index terms
Kennedy, MacDougal Ralston, 1873-1924
Shaykh Barghut (Sudan)
Ethiopia -- Boundaries -- - Sudan
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Ethiopia
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Suakin (Sudan)
Public works -- Sudan

Kennedy-Cooke, B.   [c. 1922]-1945
1.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1943 including appointments in Kordofan, Red Sea and Kassala provinces and the Civil Secretary's Office

Programme and itinerary of the Governor-General's tour of Kassala Province, 1928; notes and correspondence on Kassala plants and trees; letters on music of the Gallabat area; verses; papers concerning theatrical productions; 224 photographs, Kordofan and Kassala; paintings of wild flowers in Kassala Province; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Mrs B. Kennedy-Cooke, 1963 and Miss A. Kennedy-Cooke, 1991
Kennedy-Cooke, B., Kassala at War (Khartoum, 1943)
Kennedy-Cooke, B., The trees of Kassala Province (Sudan) (1944)
Index terms
Kennedy-Cooke, Brian, 1894-1963
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Amateur theater -- Sudan
Music -- Sudan
Botany -- Sudan

Kenny, W.D.   1915-1926
1 file, 1 album   
Egyptian Army, 1907-1925 serving in Cairo, Omdurman, Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile; A.D.C. to Sultan Husayn Kamil, 1915-1917; A.D.C. to Sir Ian Hamilton at Gallipoli, 1915-1916; Military Secretary to the Governor-General, 1924-1926

Letters concerning appointments; diary of his service as A.D.C. to Sir Ian Hamilton during the Gallipoli campaign, 1915; 159 photographs of the opening of the Sennar Dam, 1926
Presented by Mrs A. Kenny, 1964
Index terms
Kenny, William David, 1882-1963
Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Monteith, 1853-1947
Egypt. Army
Sennar Dam (Sudan)
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- - Turkey
Diaries -- 20th century

Kenrick, J.W.   1936-1986
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1936-1955 including appointments in Equatoria, Kordofan and Khartoum provinces; Sudan Defence Force, 1941-1944

Official papers, Equatoria and Governor-General's Office; letters home 1936-1939; memoirs of Sudan service, written 1982; articles; printed material
Presented by Kenrick, 1983-1987
Index terms
Kenrick, John Wynn, 1913-2008
Sudan -- Politics and government - 20th century
Equatoria (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Kenrick, R.C.   1942-1954; 1987
1 box   
Wife of J.W. Kenrick of the Sudan Political Service, 1936-1955

Memoirs of Sudan Political Service wives, collected by Mrs Kenrick and used by her in compiling Sudan tales: recollections of some Sudan Political Service wives 1926-56 (Oleander Press, 1987)
Presented by Mrs Kenrick, 1987 and 1993
Index terms
Kenrick, Rosemary Christine, 1920-
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Khartoum Cathedral   1900-1984
9 boxes   
Khartoum Cathedral fund opened 1900; Cathedral consecrated 1912; building completed 1913; tower dedicated 1931

Official papers, chiefly correspondence relating to the building of the cathedral and the installation of memorial tablets and the organ; minutes of Khartoum Cathedral Committee, 1902-1917; financial papers; minutes and accounts of the Chaplains' Sustentation Fund, 1905-1966; church registers; papers and registers of other churches, mainly N. Sudan; 28 photographs including the construction of the cathedral, 1910-1912; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by A.H. Bennett, 1986, A.L.O. Jerram, 1985 and 2006, and A. Ingram, 2012
Index terms
Church of England. Diocese of the Sudan
Church records and registers -- Sudan
Correspondence - 20th century

Kilner, T.P.   1949-[1980s]
3 boxes   
Freelance journalist and editor of the Morning News, [1959-1967]

Personal papers; articles, speeches; draft publications; primary source material; 7 photographs; press material; miscellanea
Presented by T.P. Kilner, 1999
Language:  English, some Italian and French
Index terms
Kilner, T. Peter, 1928-2000
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century.

King, G.R.   1930-1984
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1929-1953 including appointments in Mongalla and Equatoria provinces

Memorandum on the administration of Kapoeta area; 14 photographs, Equatoria
Presented by H.B. Arber, 1984
Index terms
King, Geoffrey Redaway, 1897-1972
Equatoria (Sudan)
Kapoeta (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

King, H.J.   1948-1955
0.5 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1946-1955

5 cinefilms taken by King, mainly in and around Atbara, but including a journey from Nairobi to Kosti, with VHS copy; printed material
Presented by King, 1996
Index terms
King, Harold John, 1912-
Kenya -- Description and travel -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel -- 20th century
Railroads -- Sudan

Kingdon, F.D.   1921-1949
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1948 including appointments in White Nile, Bahr al-Ghazal, Blue Nile, Kordofan and Upper Nile provinces

Notebook recording official business while Governor Upper Nile Province, 1946-1949; personal diaries, 1921-1948; 1 album and loose photographs, many copied from albums still in the possession of the Kingdon family covering Kingdon's journey to the Sudan through Egypt, and service there, 1920-1937; Nuba fighting bracelet, silver cigarette box
Presented by Miss L. Kingdon, 1994, 2003, 2005, and 2009
Summary list
Index terms
Kingdon, Frank Denys, 1898-1971
Diaries -- 20th century

Kinmonth, W.   66-67; 1864/5-1931
5 files   
Superintendent and Commandant of Police, Khartoum, 1912-1931

Commendation for services during the 1924 mutiny; 76 photographs including of freemasons, award of King's medal for gallantry to members of the Khartoum Province Police, 1925, visits by Lord Allenby, 1920 and the Duke and Duchess of York, 1925 and province staff; miscellanea; 9 coins including 4 Mahdist riyāls
Presented by Mrs I. Kinmonth, 1958 and 1966 and by Mr M. Kojan, 2009
Index terms
Kinmonth, William, Commander of Police, Sudan, 1883-1945
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.   1980-1990
3 files   
Oxford University

Article on “The Sudan Political Service” with related correspondence and comments; 35 postcards covering the whole of the Sudan
Presented by Professor Kirk-Greene, 1981, 1984 and 1991
Index terms
Kirk-Greene, A. H. M. (Anthony Hamilton Millard), 1925 - 2018
Sudan Political Service

Koepp, R.G.   1898-2013
2 boxes   
Acting Country Director, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Khartoum, 1987; Emergency Coordinator, Sudan Emergency Operations Consortium (SEOC) and LWF Country Representative (Kenya), 1988-1998 (Southern Sudan operations); Humanitarian Airlift Coordinator, Mombasa / Nairobi (South Sudan and Somalia operations), 1998-1999; Consultant, United Nations / World Food Programme (WFP) Special Projects Coordinator, Khartoum (Darfur operations), 2005

Research files on General C.G. Gordon, Lord Kitchener, Egypt, Sudan, and the Addis Ababa Agreement; Sudan famine newspaper cuttings, 1975; evaluations of Sudan aid operations, 1995, 2013; printed maps and publications, including Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), LWF and Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD)
Presented by Koepp, 2024
Summary list
Index terms
Koepp, Robert G., 1943-
Darfur (Sudan)
Southern Region (Sudan)
Food relief -- Sudan
Human rights -- Sudan

Lagu, J.   [1982]-2011
8 digital files   
Southern Sudan Liberation Movement, Anya-nya 1963-1972; President, High Executive Council, Southern Region, 1978-1979; Vice-President of Sudan, 1982-1985; Settled in the UK and joined Moral Re-Armament movement, 1985; Roving Ambassador for Sudan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1988-1990, 1992-1998; Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations, 1990-1992

Correspondence advocating coordinated conflict resolution and reconciliation and Sudanese events and initiatives, 1982-2004; speeches and public statements on Sudanese and wider African affairs, 1986-2011; speeches and papers on peace negotiations and humanitarian affairs, 1987-2003; religious writings and tributes, [1980s]-1998; newspaper cuttings, 1988-2007
Language:  Madi; Dinka; Acholi; Juba Arabic; Arabic; Spanish; French; German ; English
Presented by Martina Yanga and Peter Everington, 2021
Index terms
Lagu, Joseph, 1931-
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1955-1972
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1983-2005
Peace movements
Guerrilla warfare

Lampen, G.D.   1890-1960
5.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1949, including appointments in Blue Nile, Darfur and Kordofan provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office; Deputy Sudan Agent in London, 1951-1954; Governor-General's adviser, 1954-1956

Report on Dar Masalit 1918; handing-over notes, Darfur; notes on the history of Darfur; official correspondence, Sudan Agency and Governor-General's office, London; memoirs of service in Darfur; articles on Darfur; 16 photographs, mainly Darfur; 21 maps; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Mrs J. Lampen, 1987, and J. Lampen, 2020
Index terms
Lampen, Graham Dudley, 1899-1960
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Politics and government -- 1884-1960
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan - History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Laurie, W.G.R.M.   [c. 1895-1956]
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1936-1950 including appointments in Kassala and Darfur provinces; Sudan Defence Force, 1940-1942; O.E.T.A. Cyrenaica, 1942-1944

Official correspondence concerning the Italian conquest of Abyssinia, 1941; speech and article; 2 photographs; newspaper cutting
Presented by Laurie, 1991-1992
Index terms
Laurie, William George Ranald Mundell, 1915-1998
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- - Ethiopia

Law, W.H.P.   1929-1930
1 file   
Army colonel

Travel diary covering a journey from Khartoum to the ruined temples of Kabushya and Naga, 1929-1930 with 42 photographs
Purchased, 1990
Index terms
Law, Walter Henry Patrick, Colonel, 1876-1956
Sudan -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Antiquities
Diaries -- 20th century

Lawrence, J.N.   1949-1984
15 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1949-1955 including appointments in Darfur and Upper Nile provinces; District / Divisional Officer, Bornu District, Nigeria, 1955-1956 and 1958-1960; Pilgrimage Liaison Officer for Nigeria, Khartoum, 1956-1958; Institute of Administration, Zaria, 1960-1968; Chief (later Senior) Administrative Officer, the College of the Venerable Bede (later the College of St Hild and St Bede), University of Durham, 1968-1979

Official and personal papers relating to Lawrence's service in Darfur and Upper Nile Province; papers relating to Lawrence's work as District Officer, Bornu District, Nigeria and to his work at the Pilgrimage Liaison Officer for Nigeria In Khartoum; papers relating to the Institute of Administration in Zaria, Nigeria; papers relating to Lawrence's role at Bede College; personal correspondence; diaries; press cuttings; miscellanea; 123 photographs, Sudan and Nigeria; printed material
Presented by J.N. Lawrence, 1995 and W.J. Lawrence, 2003
Index terms
Lawrence, James Ninian, 1919-2002
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Nigeria -- Politics and government
Diaries -- 20th century

Lea, C.A.E.   1926-1939
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1940, 1944-1946 including appointments in Kassala, Khartoum and Kordofan provinces; Sudan Defence Force, 1940-1942; Cairo, 1942-1944; Finance Department, 1946-1952

Daily record of work done at Butana, 1927-1928; carbon copies of official correspondence, Kassala; letters home 1926-1927; journals covering service in Kordofan and Kassala; 165 photographs, Kassala Province; printed material
Presented by Lea, 1979-1982
Lea, C.A.E., On trek in Kordofan: the diaries of a British district officer in the Sudan, 1931-1933, ed. M.W. Daly (Oxford, 1994)
Index terms
Lea, Cyril Alexander Edward, 1902-1992
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Butana (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Leach, T.A.   1883-1961
6 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1906-1927 including appointments in Khartoum, Halfa, Blue Nile, Kassala, Kordofan, Red Sea and Berber provinces

Official papers; personal letters; insignia and licence for the 4th class of the Order of the Nile; letters from and concerning Shaykh Babikr Badri; articles and speeches; 1,357 photographs and lantern slides covering Leach's service in the Sudan and Gallipoli; miscellanea; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; province badges; printed material
Presented by J.W. Leach, 1987
Index terms
Leach, Thomas Archibald, 1882-1964
Badri, Babakr, d.1954
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Turkey -- Description and travel

Leitch, T.A.T.   1914-[1950s]
5 boxes   
Inspector of Agriculture, Equatoria Projects Board, Yambio 1948-1955

Official papers relating to unrest among the Azande and their customs and habits, and to the agricultural work of the Equatoria Projects Board; personal correspondence; articles, lectures and other writings; diary of a trip around Uganda, Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroon and Nigeria; newspaper cuttings; 6 maps; 566 photographs, mostly of southern Sudanese tribes; museum objects; miscellanea
Presented by Mrs M. Leitch, 2007
Index terms
Leitch, Thorburn Alexander Thomson, 1924-1995
Equatoria Projects Board
Zande (African people)

Lewis, B.A.    1888-1962
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1954, including appointments in Dongola, Khartoum, Upper Nile, Blue Nile, Darfur and Equatoria provinces

Papers on Dar Masalit sultanate including handing-over notes, notes on language and customs, contemporary accounts from 1888-1910; draft article on the Bari; printed material
Presented by Mrs B.A. Lewis, 1966
Further papers, relating to the Murle, in the Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford
Index terms
Lewis, Bazett Annesley, 1907-1964
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Politics and government -- 1884-1960
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Languages
Bari (African people)

Lewis, D.   1946
1 file   
R.A.F. Khartoum, 1946

15 photographs of severe flooding at Khartoum, 1946
Presented by Lewis, 1992
Index terms
Lewis, Don, of the Royal Air Force, fl. 1946-1992
Khartoum (Sudan)
Floods -- Sudan

Lewis, D.J.   1936-1984
1 box   
Entomologist, Agricultural and Medical Departments, 1935-1955

Personal correspondence; 469 negatives covering his service in the Sudan; and printed material
Presented by Mrs L. Lewis 1993, 1995, 1997 and 2003. These gifts also contained the papers of Lewis's wife, Lesley, which are now catalogued separately.
Index terms
Lewis, D. J. (David James), 1909-1986
Entomology -- Sudan

Lewis, L.   1944-[1990s]
2 boxes   
Confidential Clerk/Librarian, Agricultural Research Institute, Wad Medani 1944-1946; Resident in Sudan as the wife of D.J. Lewis, Medical Entomologist 1944-1955

Personal correspondence; diaries; articles and speeches; and 8 photographs
Presented by Mrs L. Lewis 1993, 1995, 1997 and 2003. These gifts also contained the papers of Lesley's husband, David Lewis, which are now catalogued separately.
Index terms
Lewis, Lesley, 1909-2010
Wad Medani -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Lloyd, H.D.W.   1903-1914
1 microfilm   
Egyptian Army, 1898-1908; Governor, Kordofan 1908-1909

Report on Kordofan Province, 1908 (microfilm copy)
Microfilmed from copy in possession of F.B. Levetus, 1985
Printed copy of report: Wingate Papers, SAD 283/9/40-68
Index terms
Lloyd, Hesperus David Watkiss, 1872-1915
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Longe, J.   1914-1979
2.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1925-1953 including appointments in Berber, Blue Nile, Kordofan, Upper Nile and Khartoum provinces

Notes on `umdīyahs, Ed Damer District; Blue Nile Province handing-over notes, tribal notes; letters from Douglas Newbold; notes, reports on Kordofan; papers re effects of war on Upper Nile Province; handing-over notes, U.N.P.; report of the Jonglei investigation team on the Equatorial Nile project, 1950; articles; extracts from the diary of H.P. Creagh-Osborne including re the Battles of the Atbara and Omdurman; miscellanea; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Longe, 1980-1987
Index terms
Longe, John, 1903-1987
Newbold, Sir Douglas, 1894-1945
Sudan. Jonglei Investigation Team
Ed Damer (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Tribes -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Luce, W.H.T.   1930-1976, 2003
3.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1955 including appointments in Berber, Darfur, Blue Nile and Equatoria provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office; Adviser to the Governor-General on Constitutional and External Affairs, 1953-1955

Official papers from the Civil Secretary's Office, Blue Nile Province and particularly from his service as Adviser to the Governor-General, including correspondence with the Sudan Agency, London concerning political developments in the Sudan, negotiations with Egypt, Sudanisation and the 1955 mutiny at Torit; personal papers; diaries, 1934-1941; articles, lectures and books; photographs of Sir Hubert Huddleston, Sir Gilbert Clayton, official functions as Governor Blue Nile Province, inauguration of Parliament 1954, visit of the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret 1953, departure of Sir Robert Howe 1955, and album of 38 photographs of Luce's visit to Northern Province, 1969; 1 map; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Sir Richard Luce, 1996, and Diana Hart Dyke, 2020 and 2021
The papers relating to Sir William Luce's service in the Gulf States are held at Exeter University.
Index terms
Luce, Sir William Henry Tucker, 1907-1977
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Northern Province (Sudan)
Torit (Sudan)
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- - Egypt
Egypt -- Foreign relations -- - Sudan
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Mutiny -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Lush, M.S.   1916-1988
4 boxes   
Royal Artillery, 1915-1919; Egyptian Army, 1919-1922; Sudan Political Service, 1919-1941, including Secretary HM Legation Addis Ababa, Dep. Asst. Director of Intelligence and service in Kassala, Khartoum, Civil Secretary's Office, White Nile, Upper Nile provinces, Cairo and Northern province; Chief Political Officer, Ethiopia, 1941-1942; Military Administrator Madagascar, 1942; B.M.A. Tripolitania, 1942-1943; Allied Commission Italy, 1943-1946; Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1946-1947; I.R.O., 1947-1951; Shell Oil Co. Ltd. in Libya and Pakistan, 1952-1959; National Trust, 1965-1968

Papers relating to service in Abyssinia, Sudan, Egypt, Tripolitania, Libya and Pakistan including correspondence (official and personal), reports, articles and press cuttings; obituaries and related papers; memoirs of Capt. Lawrence Gameson, C.E.F. Turner, Gabs Kfouri and Marjorie Crawford; 811 photographs covering service in Abyssinia, Sudan, Egypt, Tripoli and Pakistan; 2 maps; watercolours; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Lush, 1988-1990, and A.J.M. Lush, 1996
Lush, Maurice, A life of service: the memoirs of Maurice Lush, 1896-1990, ed. A.J.M. Lush (London, 1992)
Index terms
Lush, Maurice Stanley, 1896-1990
Gameson, Lawrence, fl. 1914-1918
Turner, Charles Edward Francis, fl. 1935-1940
Kfouri, Gabs, fl. 1978
Crawford, Marjorie, fl. 1980
Ethiopia -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Libya -- Description and travel
Pakistan -- Description and travel
Petroleum chemicals industry -- Libya
Petroleum chemicals industry -- Pakistan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

McComas, R.G.   1898-1982
3 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1939-1954 including appointments in Kassala, Northern, Equatoria, Bahr el Ghazal and Kordofan provinces; Sudan Defence Force service, 1940-1944; O.E.T.A. Eritrea and Ethiopia, 1941-1942

Correspondence; memoirs; 14 photographs, including 7 formerly belonging to W.S.R. May, Assistant Financial Secretary 1901-1916; miscellanea
Presented by McComas, 1987 and 1999
Index terms
McComas, Richard Geoffrey, 1916-2001
Autobiographies -- 20th century

McDowall, W.C.   1982-1983
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1939-1955 including appointments in Kassala and Equatoria provinces; Legal Department, 1946-1955

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1982-1983
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
McDowall, William Crocket, 1917-1998
Autobiographies -- 20th century

McDougall, R.   2010s-2021
1 file   
Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Adelaide, 1983-1990; Senior Lecturer (Professor from 2011, Emeritus from 2019), School of Arts (later the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences), University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 1991-2019

Research correspondence and papers and interview transcripts, in preparation of Letters from Khartoum (2021).
Presented by R. McDougall, 2019.
Summary list
McDougall, R., Letters from Khartoum. D.R. Ewen: teaching English Literature, Sudan, 1951-1965, (Brill, 2021)
Index terms
McDougall, Russell, 1954-
Education -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers
Autobiographies -- 20th century

MacGill, R.C.S.   1954-1982
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1946-1955 including appointments in Kordofan, Blue Nile and Bahr el Ghazal provinces

Bahr el Ghazal Western District handbook, 1954; personal papers; memoirs of service in Bahr el Ghazal, written c. 1982
Presented by MacGill, 1987 and 1988, and by Mrs O.I. MacGill, 1996
Index terms
MacGill, Robert Campbell Stuart, 1918-1992
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Macintosh, E.H.   [c. 1958-1962]
3 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1921-1945, including appointments in Khartoum, Darfur, Bahr al-Ghazal, Mongalla and Equatorial provinces; Sudan Agent Cairo, 1938-1941; Labour Officer, 1945-1948

Memoirs of military service in Egypt, 1916-1921 and subsequent career in the Sudan, 1921-1948
Presented by Mrs P. Cooper, 1998
Index terms
Macintosh, E. H. (Edward Hyde), 1895-1970.
Egypt -- History -- 20th century.
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956.
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Autobiographies -- 20th century.

McJannet, F.D.   1937-1982
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1936-1955, including appointments in White Nile, Blue Nile, Equatoria, Upper Nile and Northern provinces; Sudan Defence Force, 1940-1943

Official papers, Equatoria and post Sudan service; memoirs, written 1982; 84 photographs covering his Sudan service; 6 spearheads of the Agar Dinka; printed material
Presented by McJannet, 1983-1987, and Mrs D. McJannet, 1992
Index terms
McJannet, Frederick Douglas, 1914-1987
Equatoria (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Dinka (African people)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Mackintosh, B.I.   1903-1943
0.5 box   
Wife of R.D. Mackintosh, Kassala Cotton Co., 1929-1945

Account of trip from Khartoum to Uganda, 1903 by Edith Coxon (mother of B.I. Mackintosh); draft articles; 85 photographs including album of Edith Coxon; printed material
Barbara MacKintosh published a number of articles under her grandmother's maiden name, Barbara Benson
Presented by Mrs Mackintosh, 1962-1963
Draft catalogue
Index terms
MacKintosh, Barbara I., fl. 1937-1953
Coxon, Edith Helen, d.1953
Sudan -- Description and travel
Uganda -- Description and travel

MacLeod, N.   [c. 1926]-1973
1 file   
Sudan Medical Service, 1926-1945 including appointments in Kassala, Darfur, Blue Nile and Khartoum provinces; Assistant Director Hospitals, Khartoum, 1936-1945

85 photographs from MacLeod's service in Kassala, Blue Nile and Khartoum provinces; 1 sketch map showing trek destinations
Presented by Mrs Mairi Renwick, 2011
Index terms
MacLeod, Neil, 1896-1974
Medicine -- Sudan

MacMichael, H.A.   1777-1966, predominantly 1895-1966
5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1905-1934 including appointments in Kordofan, Blue Nile, Khartoum and Darfur provinces; Civil Secretary, 1925-1934

Official and semi-official papers relating to the Sudan, including memorandum on the future status of the Sudan; correspondence with prominent Sudan officials such as Slatin, Wingate, Schuster and Maffey; correspondence from Sir W. Battershill concerning Palestine; letters home covering MacMichael's first months in the Sudan and other personal correspondence; diaries, 1906-1914; articles, lectures and speeches; newspaper cuttings; 994 photographs, Sudan, Ethiopia and Europe; 2 maps; museum objects; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by MacMichael, 1958 and 1966, Lady MacMichael, 1970, and Lord Charles Aldington, 2016-2017. Summary list only for material received after 1970.
Index terms
MacMichael, Sir Harold Alfred, 1882-1969
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Freiherr von, 1857-1932
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1861-1953
Europe -- Description and travel
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Kordofan (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Tribes -- Sudan
World War, 1914-1918 -- Peace
Diaries -- 20th century

McNeill, T.   1921
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1912-1921 in Blue Nile and Darfur provinces

Copy despatches on the anti-government rising at Nyala, 1921, during which McNeill was killed
Presented by J.N. de G. Blunt, 1987
Index terms
McNeill, Tennent, 1887-1921
Nyala (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Insurgency -- Sudan

Macphail, J.G.S.   1885-1982
14 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1923-1947 including appointments in Berber, Red Sea, Bahr el Ghazal, Kordofan, Upper Nile and Northern provinces, and the War Supply Department

Official papers, including correspondence, annual reports, monthly diaries, handing-over notes etc.; personal correspondence, including letters home from Upper Nile, 1933-1937; historical material; newspaper cuttings; 706 photographs (many with negative copies), mostly Southern Sudan; 6 cinefilms taken by Macphail, chiefly in Upper Nile Province, 1938-1939, with VHS copies; museum objects; 8 maps and plans; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Macphail, 1958, 1978-1981, and by R. Macphail, 1990-1996
Index terms
Macphail, James Gordon Stewart, 1900-1986
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Madden, J.F.   1925-1981
3 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1924-1951 including appointments in Red Sea, Khartoum, Darfur, Equatoria and Northern provinces

Notes on his career in the S.P.S., written 1981; 25 photographs covering Sudan service
Presented by Madden, 1978, and K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Madden, John Franklin, 1901-1991
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Mangan, J.A.   1980-1982
4 files   
Professor in the International Research Centre for Sport, Socialisation, Society, University of Strathclyde and author of numerous publications on sport, education and imperialism

Correspondence with and about former Sudan Political Service officials for his research into the S.P.S. and the public school system
Presented by Mangan, 2003
Index terms
Mangan, J. A. (James Anthony), 1939-
Imperialism -- Psychological aspects.
School sports -- Moral & ethical aspects -- Great Britain.

Manton, C.H.   1912-1918
1 album   
Sudan Posts and Telegraphs, 1910- c.1921

48 photographs covering Manton's service with Sudan Posts and Telegraphs, N. and S. Sudan
Presented by E.L. Manton, 1990
Originals in possession of E.L. Manton
Index terms
Manton, Charles Henry, 1885-1957
Telegraph lines -- Sudan

Manton, E.L.   1941
0.5 box   
War-time service with the Royal Army Dental Corps in Palestine, Sudan and Egypt, 1939-1943

4 cinefilms covering Manton's travels in N. Sudan, 1941 with VHS copies
Presented by Manton, 1993
Index terms
Manton, Eldred Lennox, 1917-2017
Sudan -- Description and travel

Manwell, L.   [c. 1936-1977]
0.5 box   
Medical service with the CMS in Upper Nile and Equatoria provinces, 1940s and 1950s

8 cinefilms recording Dr Manwell's life and work in Upper Nile and Equatoria provinces, with VHS copies and related papers; 3 photographs, S. Sudan; article on tropical gardening
Presented by Dr C.E.G. Manwell, 1997
Index terms
Manwell, Liam, 1904-1990
Medicine -- Sudan

Marino, A.   [c. 1955-1980]
1 volume   
Engineer in Egypt and the Sudan, 1934-1955

Memoirs of life in the Sudan 1934-1955 including internment during the Second World War
Presented by Marino, 1986
Index terms
Marino, Alberto M., fl. 1934-1986
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Marsden, J.E.   1910-1966
0.5 box   
Department of Agriculture, 1919-1940

Recollections of Sir H.W. Jackson; 142 photographs, Khartoum and southern Sudan
Presented by Marsden, 1966, and by J.A.J. Marsden, 1968
Index terms
Marsden, James, fl. 1919-1966
Jackson, Sir Herbert William, 1861-1931
Khartoum (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Martin, G.H.   1898-1987
9 boxes   
C.M.S. Missionary Teacher, Nugent School, Loka,1928-1932; Teacher, Bishop Gobat School, Jerusalem, 1933-1939; Chaplain of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 1940-1945; Provost of Khartoum Cathedral, 1946-1966; Archdeacon of the Northern Sudan, 1950-1966

Official papers relating to the Sudan Northern Archdeaconry Council/Rural Deanery Council, Khartoum Parochial Church Council, the Financial Sub-Committee of the Synod, the Chaplains' Sustentation Fund, the Diocesan School for British Children, Khartoum Rotary Club and the Church saloon; personal correspondence, mostly concerning church affairs; 1007 photographs, mostly of religious and public ceremonies in Khartoum, social gatherings including children's parties at the Clergy House, church schools, a trade/industry fair, the Queen's visit to Sudan in 1965 and one album of photographs of Eritrea and Ethiopia taken during the second Italo-Abyssinian campaign; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea
Presented by H.C. Jackson, 1959. Later gifts by Dr S.R. and Mrs A.M. Brooks, 1992 and 1993 (which included the papers of Bishop L.H. Gwynne, now catalogued separately).
Index terms
Martin, George Herbert, 1901-1974
Church of England. Diocese of Egypt and the Sudan

Martin, L.   1921
1 file   
Egyptian Army

Diary of Governor-General's inspection tour south of Khartoum, 1921
Presented by Mrs J. Martin, 1966
Index terms
Martin, Luther, of the Egyptian Army, 1880-1959
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Maslen-Wells, P.T.   1926-1945
1 box   
Sudan Government Railways and Steamers (Steamer section), 1922-1945

142 photographs and postcards of Kassala Province, Palestine, Beirut, Egypt and Kenya; 2 maps; miscellanea; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Mrs J. Dodd, 1985-1986
Index terms
Maslen-Wells, Patrick Thomas, 1894-1983
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Kenya -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Lebanon -- Description and travel
Palestine -- Description and travel

Masson, A.G.H.   1946-1951; 2018
2 files   
Clerk of Works, Public Works Department, Equatoria Division.

Recruitment and working papers concerning Public Works Department projects in Equatoria and Bahr El Ghazal Provinces supervised by Masson, including Tonj School.
Presented by John Hanley Masson, Michael Angus Masson, Jacqueline Masson, 2018.
Index terms
Masson, Albert George Hanley, of the Sudan Public Works Department, 1904-1993
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Public works -- Sudan

Mather, W.   1902-1911
3 files   
Trustee Gordon Memorial College, 1915-1919; Vice-President, British Cotton Growing Association, 1916-1920

Diary of journey to the Sudan, 1902; diary of journey to India, 1910
Presented by L.E. Mather, 1958
The Right Honourable Sir William Mather, ed. L.E. Mather (London, c.1925)
Index terms
Mather, Sir William, 1838-1920
Diaries - 20th century

Matthew, J.G.   [1905 x 1932]
1 album   
Sudan Political Service 1905-1932, serving in Sennar, Red Sea, and in the Finance and Education and Health Departments

Photograph album (digital copy) recording Matthew's period of service in Sudan
Presented by Brian Hewitt, 2015
Summary list
Index terms
Matthew, John Godfrey, 1881-1947

Maunsell, R.L.D.   [1922]-1959
1 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1927-1948

535 photographs, mainly railways, personal correspondence and research papers
Presented by Rev. R.O. Bowlby, 1962-1963, J.S. Pettigrew, 1965, and B. Gardner, 2018
Index terms
Maunsell, Richard Lucius Dixie, of the Sudan Government Railways, 1900-1953
Railroads -- Sudan

Mavrogordato, J.G.   [c. 1900]-1980
3.5 boxes   
Gordon Memorial College, 1944-1946; Legal Department, 1947-1961

Report by S.R. Simpson on land law in the Sudan, 1967; personal papers; 159 photographs, lantern slides and negatives, Kordofan, Khartoum and Equatoria; 9 cinefilms covering Port Sudan, Kordofan, Equatoria and Nile trips, 1935-1955, with VHS video copies; 3 reel to reel tapes of Sudanese songs; museum objects; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Mavrogordato, 1982, and by Dr E. Williams, 1989, 1996, 2012 and 2017
Mavrogordato, Jack, Behind the scenes: an autobiography (Tisbury, c.1982)
Index terms
Mavrogordato, Jack, 1905-
Simpson, Stanhope Rowton, 1903-1999
Sudan -- Description and travel
Equatoria (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Nile River
Land reform -- Law and legislation -- - Sudan
Music -- Sudan

Maxwell, J.G.   1898-1899
1 volume   
British Army and Egyptian Army, 1879-1919; Governor of Khartoum, 1898-1899; served in Egyptian war of 1882 and Nile campaigns 1884-1886 and 1896-1898

Scrapbook containing copies of telegrams, diary and notes relating to the Fashoda Incident with 40 photographs of the construction of the Halfa-Berber railway, Khartoum and the visit of the Duke of Connaught to Omdurman, 1899
Presented by Maj. E.O. Springfield, 1958
Arthur, G.C.A., General Sir John Maxwell (1932)
Ufford, Letitia, “Imperialists at work and play”, Princeton University Library Chronicle, 51 (Spring, 1990), 141-182
Maxwell's papers are at Princeton University Library
Index terms
Maxwell, Sir John Grenfell, 1859-1929
Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, 1850-1942
Khartoum (Sudan)
Omdurman (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Railroads -- Sudan
Fashoda Crisis, 1898

Mayall, R.C.   c. 1929-1940
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1956 including appointments in White Nile, Upper Nile, Kordofan and Blue Nile provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office; Sudan Agent in London, 1941-1951; Public Relations Consultant to the Sudan Government in London, 1951-1956

Memoirs of Sudan service up to 1940; 29 photographs, many taken in Wad Medani, c.1929-1940; printed material
Presented by the executors of the late R.C Mayall, 1963, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1982, and J. Scott, 1987
Index terms
Mayall, Robert Cecil, 1893-1962
Wad Medani (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Mayne, F.S.   1934-1965
1 file   
Sudan Medical Service, 1926-1944

Farewell speech; obituary; 1 photograph
Presented by Mrs V. Mayne, 1982
Index terms
Mayne, Finlay Sinclair, 1895-1965

Mellor, J.E.M.   1912-1971
2 boxes   
Assistant Entomologist, Wellcome Research Laboratories, 1920-1922; Senior Entomologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, 1924-1930

Official papers from Sudan and Egypt service including papers on crop damage, fish, bee-keeping, insects and spiders, locusts, etc.; trek journals including entomological observations from travels in India, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan and E. Africa; articles; 45 photographs including scientific illustrations and East Africa; 2 maps; miscellanea; museum objects; printed material
Presented by T.A.J. Burnett, 1986
Index terms
Mellor, James Eric Moulsdale, 1890-1984
Egypt -- Description and travel
Palestine -- Description and travel
India -- Description and travel
Africa, East -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Entomology -- Sudan
Entomology -- Egypt
Fisheries -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Metcalfe, C.B.   1839-2010s
1 box   
Inspector and Senior Inspector of Agriculture, 1936-1955, holding posts in Northern, Kassala, Blue Nile and Equatoria Provinces; wartime service in the Sudan Defence Force

Few official papers, but including a copy of a page from a Nuri area land register; 91 photographs, including [1953] election at Lafon; cinefilms (poor quality), including locust control, [gold] panning, Pomology Section at Nuri, agricultural schemes and crop inspections, Kassala, Port Sudan, Bor, and public events at Gedaref, Shendi and Merowe; coins.
Presented by Jonathan Metcalfe, 13 February 2019.
Index terms
Metcalfe, Charles Benjamin, 1913-1995
Africa, East -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Gezira (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Northern Province (Sudan)
Bor (Sudan)
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Agriculture -- Sudan
Elections -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sudan
Rural development -- Sudan
Recreation -- Sudan
Slides -- Color -- 1950-1960

Miller, J.W.E.   1920-1950s
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1949 including appointments in Red Sea and White Nile provinces, and in the Finance Department, 1927-1949 (Financial Secretary, 1945-1949); Controller, Financial Division of the British Council, 1949-1950; Secretary General and Executive Member of the Iraq Government Development Board, 1950-1954

Personal correspondence, including letters home from Port Sudan and Khartoum, 1920-1948; 2 trek diaries of tours around the Red Sea Province, 1922; speeches given on the occasion of Miller's retirement from the Sudan Government, 1948; newspaper cuttings on Miller's wedding and retirement, 1927 and 1948; 33 photographs, Sudan and Eritrea
Presented by Mr D. Miller, 1994
Index terms
Miller, John Wilson Edington, 1894-1957
Sudan -- Description and travel
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Red Sea Province (Sudan)

Milligan, S.L.   1913-1951
2 boxes   
Egyptian Army, 1919-1924; Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1922-1923; Sudan Defence Force, 1924-1927; Sudan Survey Department, 1927-1937

Official papers from Milligan's service with the Egyptian Army and the Sudan Defence Force including concerning the Nyala Rising 1921 and the 1924 mutiny; papers relating to the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1920-1927; Sudan Survey Department annual reports, 1926-1938; personal papers; annual reports and accounts of the Khartoum Foot Fox Hounds, 1931-1936; papers relating to the Blue Nile Sailing Club, 1927-1937; Gallipoli diary, 1915; 1 map; 84 photographs of survey work in Halfa and Dongola Provinces and service with the Western Arab Corps in Kordofan and Darfur; printed material
Presented by Mrs J. Cordeaux, 1991
Index terms
Milligan, Stanley Lyndall, 1887-1968
Egypt. Army
Sudan. Defence Force
Sudan. Defence Force -- Western Arab Corps
Khartoum Foot Fox Hounds
Blue Nile Sailing Club
Nyala (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Boundaries -- - Sudan
Halfa (Sudan: Province)
Dongola (Sudan: Province)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Surveying -- Sudan
Hunting -- Sudan
Sailing -- Sudan
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- - Turkey
Diaries -- 20th century

Milward, C.A.   1905-1951
1 file and 1 box   
Sudan Government Railways, 1934-1951; Port Sudan Harbour Master, 1938-1945 and Port Manager, 1946-1951

Articles; translation of diary found at Barra Musa Kebir Island, believed to be from the Italian submarine Macalle; 151 photographs, many of ships and harbour at Port Sudan
Presented by Mrs A.F.F. Milward, 1966
Index terms
Milward, Charles Allarton, 1903-1963
Port Sudan (Sudan)
Ships -- Sudan
Harbors -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Miscellaneous Small Donations   1863-2018
6 boxes (still accruing material)   
Small donations, often of one or two items, many of them from donors who have not lived or served in the Sudan. New material is constantly being added.
Presented by a variety of donors
Index terms
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Dalison, John Pelham, 1863-
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1861-1953
`Abd Allahi Muhammad Turshain, Khalifa al-Mahdi, 1846-1899
Rundle, Sir Leslie, 1856-1934
Inglott, Walter Peter, 1883-
Ahmad, Fadl Muhammad, d.1899
Stigand, Chauncey Hugh, 1877-1919
Mirghani, Sayyid Sir `Ali ibn Muhammad Uthman, 1878-1968
Mahdi, Sayyid Sir Abd al-Rahman, Pasha, 1885-1959
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Freiherr von, 1857-1932
Osman Digna, c.1840-1926
Logali, Hilary Paul, c. 1930-1998
Emin Pasha, 1840-1892
Northumberland, Algernon Percy, Duke,1792-1865
Miles, Hugh, 1910-2001
Castle, Stanley Mason, 1874-1930
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Papadam, Nicholas, fl. 1881
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Earl, 1850-1916
Coulson, William (d. c. 1998)
Barrow, Elizabeth, fl. 1927-1966
Williams, Charles Wodehouse, 1899-1957
Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad, 1848-1885
Nikkel, Marc R., 1950-2000
Khalifa, Nimr Hasan, Shaykh of the Hawawir, fl. 1916
Brocklehurst, Henry Courtney, Sudan Game Warden 1922-1931, 1888-
Cousens, Patrick Godfrey Llewellyn, 1912-1995
Dodds-Parker, Douglas, Sir, 1909-2006
Hervey-Bathurst, Frederick Edward William, Sir, 1870-1956
Allison, Thomas William, 1930-
Midwinter, Edward Colpoys (d. 1947)
James, Thomas [Wolf] (d. 1902)
Flint, Samuel Kirk, 1865-1937
Staines, H. P., Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, 1920-1938
Cottrell, W. F., Sudan Public Relations Branch, 1938-1946
Carney, James [Jim], Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, 1925-1947
Maurice, G. K., Sudan Medical Service, 1921-1937
FitzGibbon, Elliot, 1889-
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Sudan Club (Khartoum)
Dramatic Benevolent Society, Sudan
Melik Preservation Society
Gellatly Hankey & Co (Sudan) Ltd
Sudan. Defence Force
Sudan -- Description and travel
Sudan -- History -- Gordon Relief Expedition, 1884-1885
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1955-1972
Sudan -- History -- 1956-
Suakin (Sudan)
Atbara (Sudan)
Egypt -- Description and travel
Nile River
Sudan -- Industries
Military intelligence -- Sudan
Zande (African people)
Surveying -- Sudan
Archaeology -- Tripolitania
Railroads -- Sudan
Slavery -- Sudan
Aeronautics -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- - Ethiopia
World War, 1914-1918 -- Egypt
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Meteorology -- Sudan
Girl scouts -- Sudan
Dinka (African people)
Agriculture -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sudan
Medicine -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Moir, S.B.   [c. 1914]-1971
3 files   
Egyptian Irrigation Service, 1914-1923; Sudan Irrigation Service, 1923-1939

Article on irrigation on the Nile; 121 photographs, Egypt and the Sudan
Presented by Moir, 1971
Index terms
Moir, Stuart Byres, 1889-1973
Nile River
Egypt -- Description and travel
Irrigation -- Sudan

Moir, T.R.G   1948-1973
3 files   
Department of Agriculture and Forests, 1941-1955; Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 1960s-1970s

Research Division reports, particularly relating to Gedaref, Ghadambaliya, Malakal, and Mongalla-Gemeiza Sugar Scheme; “Soils of the Sudan”; FAO reports on the agricultural development of the Ghab region, Syria
Presented by Caroline Moir, 2020
Index terms
Moir, Timothy Robert Gordon, 1917-1992
Gedaref District (Sudan)
Malakal (South Sudan)
Mongalla (Sudan)
Minṭaqat al-Ghāb (Syria)
Agriculture -- Sudan

Monteith, W.N.   1937-1958
Digital copies   
Sudan Political Service, 1938-1955 including appointments in Kassala, Gezira, Northern and Kordofan provinces; war service, 1940-1945; Clerk Assistant to the House of Representatives, Khartoum, 1953-1955; H. M. Foreign Office (Yemen, Bahrain, Oman), 1955-1963

7 diaries covering Monteith's time at Oxford, his service in the Sudan Political Service and as Clerk Assistant of the House of Representatives, and part of his time working for the Foreign Office in Yemen and Oman, 1937-1958; 143 photographs taken by Monteith in the Sudan, mainly in the Nuba Mountains, 1950s
Loaned for digital copying by Ms Ann Collett-White, 2009
Index terms
Monteith, William Neve, 1915-2004.
Sudan. Parliament.
Sudan -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 20th century

Morgan, C.E.F.   1943-1952
2 files   
Kassala Cotton Co. Ltd. and Sudan Gezira Board, 1928-c.1953

Papers on the future administration of the Gezira scheme, 1944-1951; circulars on Sudanisation; articles and broadcasts; 59 negatives of the Gezira; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Morgan, 1958
Index terms
Morgan, Cecil Edward Fisher, 1902-1970
Sudan. Gezira Board
Gezira (Sudan)

Morgan, W.T.W.   1933-2019
20 boxes   
Royal Technical College of East Africa then University College, Nairobi, 1956-1967; Geography Department, Durham University, 1968-1993; Royal Geographical Society Expedition to South Turkana, 1968-1970; seconded to University of Jos, Nigeria, 1976-1978

Papers of Dai Morgan (1927-2020), including: Sudanese meteorological data, 1968-1972; Equatoria trip diary and photographic material, 1974/75; Egypt to Khartoum journey photographs, 1956; Africa field notes, 1956-1998; Africa photographs, chiefly Kenya and Nigeria, 1950s-1990s; maps; miscellanea; and printed material
Presented by Dr Morgan, 1999, 2010, 2012, 2014 and (posthumously) 2020
Index terms
Morgan, W. T. W. (William Thomas Wilson), 1927-2020
Equatoria Region (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century
Slides -- Color -- 1950-1960
Slides -- Color -- 1970-1980

Morris, E.W.T.   1930s-1964; 2019-2020
1 box   
Sudan Medical Service, 1929-1944, serving in Kassala, Kordofan, Bahr el-Ghazal, Equatoria (Sources Yubu), Darfur and Blue Nile Provinces; Senior Surgeon and Lecturer in Surgery, Khartoum, then Lecturer and Reader in Anatomy at St Thomas’ Hospital and Professor of Anatomy, University of Khartoum, 1949-1967.

Personal letters (published transcripts), 1930-1943; 1954 Sudan Government Public Relations publications, Accounts, Parliamentary list, Governor-General's address; 25 cinefilms, including Darfur, Khartoum.
Presented by Nicholas Morris, 2018 and 2020
Index terms
Morris, Edward Walter Talwin, (Tom), of the Sudan Medical Service, 1899-1995
Medicine -- Sudan.
Correspondence -- 20th century

Mulholland, P.D.   1924-1972
2 files   
Egyptian Army, 1922-1924; Sudan Government Railways, 1928-1944

Official papers re the evacuation of Egyptian troops after the 1924 mutiny; article on Sudan bridges; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Mulholland, 1966 and 1972
Index terms
Mulholland, Patrick Desmond, 1896-1983
Egypt. Army
Bridges -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Murray, F.C.   [c.1907-1908]
2 files   
Chief Sanitary Inspector Khartoum, 1907-1924

Lecture notes on sanitation; map of Khartoum, c.1908
Presented by Mrs M. Murray, 1958 and 1968
Index terms
Murray, F. C., Chief Sanitary Inspector, Khartoum, fl. 1907-1924
Khartoum (Sudan)
Sanitation -- Sudan

Mynors, T.H.B.   1930-1982
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1930-1955 including appointments in Mongalla, Kassala, Khartoum, Blue Nile/Gezira provinces and the Civil Secretary's Office; seconded to Gordon Memorial College, 1944-1950

Notes on the Moru tribe, their grammar, vocabulary, songs and stories, 1931-1935; memoirs of Mynors' life in the Sudan; 323 photographs, mainly covering service in Mongalla; printed material
Presented by Mynors, 1987 and 1990
Index terms
Mynors, Thomas Halliday Baskerville, 1907-2000
Mongalla (Sudan)
Tribes -- Sudan
Music -- Sudan
Moru language
Moru (African people)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Nalder, L.F.   1929-1930
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1912-1936 including appointments in Red Sea, Kordofan, Khartoum, Fung and Mongalla provinces

Fung Province notes, 1929-1930
Presented by Mrs Nalder, 1969
Index terms
Nalder, Leonard Fielding, 1888-1958
Fung Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel

Neilson, J.R.   1950-1955
3 files   
Forestry Division, Department of Agriculture, 1941-1955

Trek notes and handing-over notes, Bahr el Ghazal Province, 1952-1955; 5 photographs; printed material
Presented by Neilson, 1964 and 1988
Index terms
Neilson, James Robert, 1917-1994
Sudan -- Description and travel
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Forests and forestry -- Sudan

Newbold, D.   1913-1966
7 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1945 including appointments in Kordofan and Red Sea provinces; Civil Secretary 1939-1945

War service journal, 1915-1918; report on archaeological and exploratory tour in N.W. Kordofan and W. Dongola, 1923; articles; 489 photographs including Libyan Desert, Sinai and Palestine; assorted museum objects; printed material
Presented by Sir Gawain Bell, 1970 and Miss A. Terry, 1978
Newbold, Sir Douglas, The making of the modern Sudan: the life and letters of Sir Douglas Newbold, ed. K.D.D. Henderson (Westport, 1974)
There are numerous letters from Newbold spread throughout collections in the Sudan Archive
Index terms
Newbold, Sir Douglas, 1894-1945
Sudan -- Antiquities
Dongola (Sudan: Province)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Egypt -- Description and travel
Palestine -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Libyan Desert -- Description and travel
World War, 1914-1918
Diaries -- 20th century

Newcombe, E.O.A.   1915-1917
1 volume   
Royal Engineers, 1893; Egyptian Army during Dongola and Nile campaigns, 1896-1899; Traffic Manager Sudan Railways, Atbara, 1906-1926

Notebook from service as Traffic Manager containing S.G.R. statistics for the years 1915-1917
Presented by J.B. Wilson, 1992
Index terms
Newcombe, Edward Osborn Armstrong, 1874-1941
Railroads -- Sudan

Nicholls, W.   [c. 1926-1958]
1 file, 1 album   
Sudan Political Service, 1907-1932 including appointments in Khartoum, Dongola, Kordofan, Darfur, Sennar, White Nile and Berber provinces

Petition from inhabitants of Atbara markaz; album of 213 photographs, mainly Berber Province, c.1926-1932; newspaper cuttings
Presented by Countess Valerie Sollohob, 1992
Index terms
Nicholls, William, 1882-1958
Berber (Sudan)
Atbara (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century

Nicholson, D.H.   1928
1 album   
No. 1 M.I. Company, Western Arab Corps, 1928

Album of 50 photographs, mainly of No. 1 M.I. Company, Western Arab Corps in Kebkabiya and El Fasher
Purchased, 1992
Index terms
Nicholson, Douglas Howard, 1890-1944
Sudan. Defence Force -- Western Arab Corps
El Fasher (Sudan)
Kebkabiya (Sudan)

Nicholson, H.A.   1948-[1980s]
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1923-1949 including appointments in Fung, Mongalla, Berber, Dongola and Upper Nile provinces, Department of Economics and Trade, Blue Nile/Gezira provinces, the War Supply Department, and Khartoum and Equatoria provinces

Annual reports and handing-over notes, Equatoria, 1948-1949; memoirs of Nicholson's service in the Sudan
Presented by Nicholson, 1982 and 1987
Index terms
Nicholson, Henry Alleyne, 1900-1990
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Equatoria (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Nikkel, M.R.   1987-2000
1 box   
American Episcopal missionary to the Sudan, particularly the Dinka peoples in South Sudan

Academic thesis 1988, and articles by Nikkel (1950-2000); correspondence and newsletters; photographs
Presented by Rev. Dr Marc R. Nikkel, 2010; Mrs Marvis Bergen, 2016-2017
Summary list
Index terms
Nikkel, Marc R., 1950-2000
Missions -- Sudan

North, C.W.   1983
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1950-1955 including service in Equatoria and as Local Government Inspector Darfur

Memoirs of colonial service in Burma, Tanganyika and the Sudan, written 1983
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
North, Cornelius William, 1917-2011
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Oakley, A.S. and Mrs M.D.   1929-1949
0.5 box; 3 digital albums   
Sudan Political Service, 1923-1948 including service in Berber, Nuba Mountains and Kordofan, Bahr el Ghazal, Equatorial, Blue Nile, White Nile, Gezira, Northern Provinces, and Civil Secretary's Office

Diaries of A.S. Oakley, 1929-1949, and M.D. Oakley, 1940-1942; scrapbook and two photograph albums, including account of December 1929 Patrol S10 against the Lafofa Nuba
Presented by J. Oakley, 2023
Summary list
Index terms
Oakley, Arthur Stafford, 1899-1980
Oakley, Mary Dorothea, 1901-1992
Nuba Mountains Province (Sudan)
Nuba (African people)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Oberst, H.   1952-1984
1 box   
Secretary, Sudan Embassy, London, 1956-1967, Sudan Embassy in Washington D.C., 1967 and Sudan Permanent Mission in New York, 1967

Articles and talks; press releases and cuttings; papers relating to the Anglo-Sudanese Association, 1973; miscellanea; 61 photographs, mainly official government images; printed material
Presented by Ms H. Oberst, 2008
Index terms
Oberst, Hazel, 1935-

O'Meara, A.J.    1915-[c. 1945]
2 files   
Sudan Legal Department, 1921-1932 and 1941-1944

Personal papers relating to O'Meara's employment with the Sudan Legal Department; memoirs; 5 photographs including 3 Legal Secretaries
Presented by Mr Gary Williams, 2006
Index terms
O'Meara, Arthur Joseph, 1893-1947.

Orlebar, J.O.   1882-1986
2.5 boxes   
Sudan Defence Force, 1933-1943

Official papers on Sudan Defence Force operations at Kufra oasis, Darfur, Kordofan, S. Sudan and the Kassala/Abyssinia border, mainly Second World War; personal accounts of former Sudan Defence Force officers; copy letters of Charles Davidson, Egyptian Army, 1882-1884; 106 photographs, mainly military subjects in Darfur, Khartoum, Kassala and Abyssinia; obituaries; 2 maps; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Orlebar, 1981-1987
Orlebar, J., (ed.), The tales of the S.D.F. (Newport, c.1981)
Orlebar, J., (ed.), The story of the Sudan Defence Force (Newport, c.1986)
Index terms
Orlebar, John Hatton Rolt, 1907-1989
Davidson, Charles, of the Egyptian Army, fl. 1882-1884
Sudan. Defence Force
Kufra Oasis
Khartoum (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Owen, T.R.H.   1926-1980
7 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1953 including appointments in Bahr el Ghazal, White Nile, Kassala, Kordofan and Equatoria provinces, and in the Civil Secretary's Office; Governor Bahr el Ghazal, 1948-1953

Letters home, 1926-1953 and other personal papers; memoirs; note on the Juba Conference, 1947; dairies, 1922-1954;1029 photographs and negatives covering his service in northern and southern Sudan
Presented by Owen, 1959, with additions from A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1982 and K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Owen, Thomas Richard Hornby, 1903-1982
Juba Conference, 1947
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Parker, A.C.   1880s-1948
8 boxes   
Sudan Government Railways, 1904-1932

Memorandum on the events at Atbara, 1924; Sudan Railways annual reports; diaries and trek notes; personal correspondence; 5 albums and loose photographs; printed material; commemorative paperweight and steamer flag
Presented by Parker, 1958, and Mrs Hoadley, 1962; Julia and Priscilla Hoadley, 2015-2016
Catalogue. Summary list only for 2015-2016 accessions
Index terms
Parker, Arthur Claude, 1880-1961
Atbara (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Railroads -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Diaries -- 20th century

Parr, M.W.   1884-1985
4 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1942, including appointments in Kordofan, Blue Nile, Khartoum, White Nile, Upper Nile and Equatoria provinces and the Civil Secretary's Office

Official papers from White Nile Province, Civil Secretary's Office and Equatoria relating to prisons, education, missions and marriage laws; post-Sudan service papers relating to events in S. Sudan; articles on the history of the Gordon banknotes; lectures and speeches; historical material; 497 photographs, postcards and negatives covering service in N. and S. Sudan; 2 audio cassettes of conversations between Parr and M. Lotham, 1981; miscellanea; 10 currency notes issued by Gordon at Khartoum, 1884; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Parr, 1958-1983, with additional gifts from Headmaster, Gordon Boys' School, 1972, and Miss C. Sarsfield-Hall, 1984
Parr, M., “History of the Gordon notes, part 1 ... [and] ... part 2”, Quarterly Magazine, 12 (1972-1973)
Index terms
Parr, Martin Willoughby, 1892-1985
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
White Nile Province (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Missions -- Sudan
Education -- Sudan
Money -- Sudan
Prisons -- Sudan
Marriage -- Sudan
Sound recordings

Parry, J.I.   1941-1985
0.5 box   
C.M.S. teacher, Yambio, 1941-1948; headmaster Loka Intermediate School, 1949-1953; Principal, Teacher Training Centre, Yei, 1954-1964

Letters home, 1941-1951; diary of events at Yei during the police mutiny, 1955; 160 photographs and slides, mainly Equatoria; 1 map; 1 water colour by G. Riley; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Parry, 1982-1993
Index terms
Parry, John Idris, 1916-2000
Sudan Police
Yei (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Mutiny -- Sudan

Paul, A.   1956-1975
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1929-1955, including appointments in Kassala, White and Blue Nile, Northern and Upper Nile provinces

Articles on tribes on the Red Sea Coast, the Fung sultanate and the two Sayyids
Presented by Paul, 1978-1982
Index terms
Paul, Andrew, 1907-1984
Mahdi, Sayyid Sir Abd al-Rahman, Pasha, 1885-1959
Mirghani, Sayyid Sir `Ali ibn Muhammad Uthman, 1878-1968
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Tribes -- Sudan

Penesi, E.   1975-1980
2 files   
Posts and Telegraphs, 1951-1969

Memoirs of his life and times in S. Sudan, entitled "The living history and the hidden graves", covering the civil war up to 1971 and written 1975-1980
Presented by Rev. J.I. Parry, 1983
Index terms
Penesi, Erisa, 1932-
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1955-1972
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Penn, A.E.D.   1932-1983
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1951 including appointments in Kordofan, Khartoum, Blue Nile, Upper Nile and Northern provinces

“A note on the history of the Hamar tribe of Western Kordofan”, 1932; handing-over notes, Northern Kordofan District, 1946, Khartoum North and Rural District, 1933, Northern Fung and Singa, 1935, Lakes District, 1941, Wadi Halfa District, 1951; report on locust campaign, N. Kordofan, 1945; memoirs; printed material
Presented by Penn, 1982-1987
Index terms
Penn, Albert Eric Dunston, 1903-1988
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Khartoum North (Sudan)
Fung Province (Sudan)
Singa (Sudan)
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Wadi Halfa (Sudan)
Tribes -- Sudan
Locusts -- Control -- - Sudan
Hamar (African people)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Perry, W.A.C.   [c. 1880s]-1938
1 box   
Royal Engineers, 1914-1919, Inspector of Irrigation, Egyptian Irrigation Department, 1919-1939

Irrigation works, Upper Nile
Presented by Mrs W. Perry, 1971
Index terms
Perry, Walter Arnold Copland, 1888-1970
Irrigation engineering -- Sudan

Persson, A.M. and Mrs J.   1974-2020
6 boxes   
Missionaries and translators, SIL International in Ghana, 1974-1976, and Sudan 1977-2011

Linguistic research papers relating to South Sudan (chiefly Jur Mödö people in Mvolo area of Western Equatoria) and Sudan (chiefly Nuba Mountains), and Ghana, and including folk stories; personal correspondence and newsletters, 1970-2003; Ph.D. thesis and linguistic papers of R. Stevenson; 577 digital photographs; audio recordings of Ntoore dialect of the Ligbi language
Presented by A. and J. Persson, 2022
Summary list
Index terms
Persson, Andrew M., 1946-
Persson, Janet
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Linguistics -- Sudan
Anthropology -- Sudan

Phillips, J.F.S.   1945-1983
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1945-1955, including appointments in Kordofan and Blue Nile provinces; British Ambassador to the Sudan, 1973-1977

Official papers from Kordofan and Blue Nile Province; personal papers; memoir of Sudan service, written 1983; printed material
Presented by Phillips, 1966 and 1983-1987
Index terms
Phillips, John Fleetwood Stewart, 1917-1998
Kordofan (Sudan)
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Piercy, C.H.Z.   [1966]
1 file   
Public Works Department, 1927-1944

Article on public works in Equatoria Province, 1928-1938
Presented by Piercy, 1966
Index terms
Piercy, Charles Henry Zeuner, 1896-1978
Equatoria (Sudan)
Public works -- Sudan

Piper, W.G.   [c. 1000 BCE] and 1919-1953
0.5 box   
Civil Secretariat, 1927-1953

Official papers; personal papers; lecture; 35 photographs, N. Sudan and departmental staff; miscellanea; Egyptian funerary statuette; newspapers cuttings; printed material
Presented by Piper, 1988-1996
Index terms
Piper, William George, 1901-2000

Polden, A.W.   1949-1986
1.5 boxes   
Veterinary Inspector, 1949-1955

Some notes on the Nuer Districts; letters home, 1950-1955; memoirs; 65 photographs and contact prints of Upper Nile Province
Presented by Polden, 1989-1994
Index terms
Polden, Anthony William, 1924-1997
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Veterinary medicine -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Porter, W.A.   1925-1954
1.5 boxes   
Department of Agriculture, 1925-1951

Reports on cotton production in the Bahr el Ghazal and Kassala; report on Tokar agricultural show, 1934; diary of punitive patrol S.9 to Lake Jorr, 1928; personal papers; miscellanea; 459 photographs, southern Sudan and Kassala; museum objects; printed material
Presented by D.J. Clark, 1980, and D. Lewis, 1986
Index terms
Porter, William Allan, 1901-1980
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Tokar (Sudan)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Nuer (African people)
Diaries -- 20th century

Potter, H.C.   [1903 x 1913]
7 objects   
The King's (Liverpool Regiment), 1896; seconded to Egyptian Army, 1903; OIC, 15th Sudanese Battalion, 1908-1913

Bow, with two quivers containing 31 arrows; throwing knife; staff; 2 metal hoes
Presented by E.M.K. Cuss, 1984.
Summary list
Personal correspondence in the Herbert Cecil Potter Papers, Princeton University Library
Index terms
Potter, Herbert Cecil, 1875-1964
Weapons -- Sudan

Power, G.W.   1925-1973
1 file   
Sudan Railways and Steamers, 1925-1949 serving at Kassala, Khartoum, Port Sudan and Atbara

Official papers relating to education and railways; VHS video copy of original cinefilms taken during Sudan service, showing construction of the railway from Kassala to Sennar, Khartoum Province, journey south to Juba and the journey home, c. 1931-1949; 1 map; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Power, 1979-1984, and by Dr P. Auchterlonie, 1999
Index terms
Power, G. W., fl. 1925-1984
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Education -- Sudan
Railroads -- Sudan

Pridie, E.D.   [c. 1968]
1 file   
Medical Department, 1924-1945

Memoirs of Sudan service and of his travels throughout the world, written c.1968
Presented by H. Cruden, 1981
Index terms
Pridie, Sir Eric Denholm, 1896-1978
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Quinlan, H.   1923-1982
1 file   
Sudan Government Railways, Police Force, 1922-1938; Gezira Province Police, 1938-1940

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1982; 10 photographs of railway police, Atbara
Presented by Quinlan, 1982 and 1989
Index terms
Quinlan, Hugh, 1895-1987
Atbara (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Redfern, A.S.   1935-1981
2 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1920-1935, including appointments in Khartoum, Darfur, Blue Nile and Kassala provinces, and the Port Sudan Administration

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1981; articles including “Some Sudan experiences”, by Lady Redfern
Presented by Sir A.S. and Lady Redfern, 1965, and by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987
Index terms
Redfern, Sir Arthur Shuldham, 1895-1985
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Rehfisch, F.M.   1875-1987
3 boxes   
Research Assistant, University College London, 1952-1955; Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Khartoum, [1960s]; Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Kingston upon Hull, 1969 to retirement

Correspondence of Farnham Morse Rehfisch (1922-1990), and reports; draft articles; conference papers; working papers including printed source material and research notes; newspaper cuttings; and miscellanea
Presented by F. Rehfisch, 1999
Index terms
Rehfisch, Farnham, 1922-1990
Urbanisation -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers

Richmond, J.   1977
1 file   
Service in Palestine, Baghdad, Cairo; Ambassador to Sudan, 1965-1966

Notes for lecture on “G.L. Bell as a political influence”; article on his father, E.T. Richmond
Presented by Richmond, 1977
Index terms
Richmond, Sir John, 1909-1990
Bell, Gertrude, 1868-1926

Riley, A.B.H. and Mrs G.B.M.   1922-1960
0.5 box   
C.M.S. missionaries in the southern Sudan, 1926-1960

Letters home; articles; newspaper cuttings; 268 photographs, southern Sudan; printed material
Presented by Mrs G.B.M. Riley, 1989
Index terms
Riley, Arthur Baden Hamilton, 1901-1967
Riley, Grace Beatrice Maude, 1904-1997
Missions -- Sudan

Ritchie, J.A.B.   1986
1 box   
Photojournalist on assignment to cover Sudan parliamentary election, Mar-Apr 1986

Photographs (prints and slides) of parties campaigning, voting, prominent figures, refugee camps, children's home, in Omdurman, Khartoum, Derudeb, Kassala
Presented by Sophia Ritchie, 13 September 2023
Summary list only
Index terms
Ritchie, John Andrew Brockett, 1943-
Elections -- Sudan
Refugees, Political -- Sudan
Political parties -- Sudan

Robbie, J.   1944-1948
1 file   
Horticulture Section, Agriculture and Forests Department, 1927-1952

Report on horticulture in Cyrenaica, 1948; 19 photographs illustrating the report; 1 map; printed material
Presented by Mrs M.J. Robbie, 1982
Index terms
Robbie, James, 1904-1972
Horticulture -- Cyrenaica

Roberts, R.C.   [c. 1925]-1966
0.5 box   
Sudan Government Railways and Steamers (Steamer Section), 1926-1943

Reminiscences of R.C. Roberts (c.1896-1972); 250 photographs of rivers and steamers, railways, filming of The Four Feathers and construction of Jebel Auliya dam; printed material
Presented by Roberts, 1966
Index terms
Roberts, R.C., fl. 1904-1972
Missions -- Sudan
Railroads -- Sudan
Rivers -- Sudan
Jebel Auliya Dam (Sudan)
Irrigation engineering -- Sudan
Steamboats -- Sudan
Motion pictures -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Robertson, A.C.   1927-1955
0.5 box   
Sudan Mercantile Co. (Motors) Ltd, Khartoum (Ford Motor Co. agents), 1931-1937; Mechanical Transport Workshops and Stores, Sudan Defence Force, 1937-1941; Mechanical Transport Branch, Stores and Ordnance Department and Sudan Ordnance Corps,1941-1944; Sudan Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Sudan Defence Force, 1944-1945; Civil Mechanical Transport Section, Public Works Department, 1945-1947; Wad El Huri Plant Depot, Mechanical Division, Agriculture and Forests Department, 1947-1951

Correspondence and other papers concerning Robertson's employment by the Sudan Mercantile Co. Ltd, the Sudan Government, and the British Army; includes some material on his military activities during the war
Purchased, 2021
Index terms
Robertson, Andrew Cameron, 1901-1985
Sudan Mercantile Company (Motors)
Great Britain. Army
Sudan. Defence Force
Communication and traffic -- Sudan
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Robertson, J.W.   1898-1969
17 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1953, including appointments in Blue Nile, White Nile, Fung and Kordofan provinces; Civil Secretary 1945-1953

Official papers mainly from service in the Civil Secretary's Office: papers re the 6th and 8th sessions of the Advisory Council for the Northern Sudan, 1946-1948; papers re the Juba Conference, 1946-1947; papers on constitutional developments, 1943-1951; papers of the Sudan Church Council; letters from Douglas Newbold; correspondence between the Civil Secretary and the Sudan Agent in London and the Sudan Agent in Cairo; monthly letters from the Civil Secretary to province governors, 1945-1953; letters to Robertson from serving officials, both inside and outside the Sudan; letters home, 1922-1954; articles and speeches; copy letter concerning the battle of Omdurman, 1898; miscellanea; 13 photographs; newspaper cuttings; copies of Background to Sudan News, 1953-1954 and of Public Relations Office publications, 1953-1954; printed material
Presented by Robertson, 1977, by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1984, and Sir James' son, J. Robertson, 1995
Robertson, Sir James, Transition in Africa: from direct rule to independence. A memoir by Sir James Robertson (London, 1974)
The last of the proconsuls: letters from Sir James W. Robertson KT, GCMG, GCVO, KBE, Order of the Nile (4th class), KStJ, Civil Secretary of the Sudan, 1945-1953, Governor-General of Nigeria, 1955-1960, ed. Graham F. Thomas (London, 1994)
For Robertson's letters to G.F. Thomas, see his papers
Robertson's papers relating to Nigeria are held at Rhodes House Library, Oxford
Index terms
Robertson, Sir James Wilson, 1899-1983
Newbold, Sir Douglas, 1894-1945
Juba Conference, 1947
Sudan Church Council
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century

Robeson, A.B.   1884-1885
2 files   
Royal Horse Guards

Copy diary covering his experiences with the Camel Corps to the relief of Khartoum, 1884-1885, with published edition
Presented by G.G. Hall, 1984-1985
With the Camel Corps to the relief of Khartoum. The diary of a Corporal of Horse, ed. Hall, J. & G. (1984)
Index terms
Robeson, Arthur Batt, 1859-1885
Egypt. Army -- Camel Corps
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Khartoum (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Robinson, A.E.   1856-1938
12 boxes   
Customs Department, 1905-1920; Intelligence Department, 1921-1923

Personal correspondence; notes on the possibilities of trade in the Eastern Sudan, 1908; notes from printed sources; anthropological and archaeological notes; notes on weapons; draft articles for a history of the Sudan, with illustrations; 98 maps; 398 photographs and negatives, Egypt and the Sudan
Presented by Miss M.K. Robinson, 1967
Index terms
Robinson, Arthur E., 1873-1954
Egypt -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Commerce
Anthropology -- Sudan
Archaeology -- Sudan
Weapons -- Sudan

Robinson, R.   1886
1 file   
Narrative of a voyage from the Thames to Suakin with men and material for the Suakin-Berber Railway, 1885
Presented by D.R. Robinson, 1965
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Robinson, R., sailor, fl. 1885
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Ocean travel

Romilly, H.A.   1923-[1960s]
1 box   
Captain, British Army, 1914-1923; Egyptian Army Officer, 1923-1924; Bimbashi, Sudan Defence Force, 1925-1928; Assistant District Commissioner, Upper Nile Province, 1929-1946; Bimbashi, Sudan Auxiliary Defence Force, 1940-1942

Diaries kept during Romilly's service in the Egyptian Army, Sudan Defence Force and in Upper Nile Province; 199 photographs of a patrol against the Gawaar Nuer in 1928 and travels in east and central Africa; and miscellanea
Presented by Mr P. Dawson, 1985
Index terms
Romilly, Herbrand Allan, 1894-1968
Upper Nile (Sudan)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Nuer (African people)

Root, W. and Mrs G.   [c. 1904-1932]
0.5 box   
W. Root: Wireless Company, Royal Engineers, Abbassia, Egypt, 1920-1921; Foreman Engineer (Wireless and Transport), Posts and Telegraphs Department, Khartoum, 1923-1932
G. Root: Public Security Intelligence Branch, Khartoum, 1929-1932

Personal papers of William Root and his wife Gladys (née Wiltshier), 1923 diary of William Root, 27 photographs, and 349 photographs, including telecommunications infrastructure and scenes in Darfur, Kordofan, Port Sudan, Atbara, and Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Italy, and England
W. Root: Wireless Company, Royal Engineers, Abbassia, Egypt, 1920-1921; Foreman Engineer (Wireless and Transport), Posts and Telegraphs Department, Khartoum, 1923-1932
G. Root: Public Security Intelligence Branch, Khartoum, 1929-1932
Presented by L. Allen, 2022
Index terms
Root, William, 1898-1972
Root, Gladys, 1901-1989

Roper, H.L.   1923-1955
0.5 box   
Sudan Customs Department, 1922-1949; Director of Customs, 1944-1949

Personal correspondence of H.L. Roper (1900-1995), 131 photographs of N. Sudan; 2 cinefilms recording life in Red Sea Province, with VHS copy; 4 throwing knives; printed material
Throwing knives presented by Roper, 1966. Other material donated, Mrs A. Ramsay, 1992
Index terms
Roper, Henry Leslie, 1900-
Sudan -- Description and travel
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)

Rosenberg, D.   1950s-1990s
2 box   
Librarian at the University of Juba, 1978-1988

Personal papers, photographs, chiefly concerning education in South Sudan
Presented by Diana Rosenberg, 2017
Summary list
Index terms
Rosenberg, Diana
Education -- Sudan

Russell, M. and Mrs M.   1950s-1981
1 box   
Martin and Margo Russell worked in the southern Sudan 1977-1980 where Dr Margo Russell was a lecturer in sociology at the new University of Juba and her husband Martin spent his time recording and transcribing oral histories of southerners' experiences of the civil war (up to 1972).

Copy extracts from diary of Father Constantino Maria Pitya, 1967-1972; transcriptions of southern Sudanese political and religious songs, 1979; election posters, 1970s; papers collected by, and relating to, the work of the Norwegian Southern Sudanese Committee; photographs
Presented by Dr Margo Russell, 2012, 2019
Index terms
Russell, Martin, 1929-2008.
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
Diaries -- 20th century.

Ryder, C.F.   1905-1959
3 files   
Sudan Survey Department, 1905-1907; Land Settlement Officer, Berber, 1907-1909; Judicial Inspector, Legal Department, Berber and Kassala provinces, 1909-1916; Province Judge, Cairo, 1916-1924; Assistant Sudan Agent and Sudan Agent, Cairo, 1924-1933

Personal papers, including memoirs of Sudan service; 33 photographs of survey work in Berber Province, 1905-1907
Presented by C.F. Ryder, 1960
Index terms
Ryder, Charles Frederick, 1879-1960
Surveying -- Sudan

Ryle, J.R.   [c. 1980]
1 box   
Rift Valley Institute, 2001-2017; Bard College, New York; Legrand Ramsey Professor of Anthropology since 2007, 2005-

Report on the Yirol Integrated Rural Development Programme, Sudan Council of Churches.
Presented by J.R. Ryle, 2019
Index terms
Ryle, John, 1952-
Rural development -- Sudan

Sandars, G.E.R.   1920s-1985
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1924-1951 including appointments in Kordofan, Kassala, Blue Nile and Khartoum provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office; Sudan Agent Cairo, 1941-1945

Papers on Amarar and Bisharin 1920s-1950s, and the Gezira Scheme 1949; diaries 1928-1951; photographs; memoirs of Sudan service, written c. 1982; newspapers 1936 and 1950; miscellanea; printed matter
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1987, and E. Sandars, 2015. Summary list only for material accessioned in 2015
Index terms
Sandars, George Edward Russell, 1901-1985
Gezira (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Agriculture -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sudan
Taxation -- Sudan
Camels -- Sudan
Autobiographies - 20th century

Sanderson, G.N.   1952-1962
1 file   
Sudan Education Department, 1947-1965 including appointment as Professor of History, Khartoum University, 1962-1965

Personal correspondence concerning teaching and research; printed material
Presented by Sanderson, 1992
Index terms
Sanderson, George Neville, 1919-2001
Education -- Sudan

Sanderson, L.P.   1930s-1997
9 boxes   
Sudan Education Department, 1953-1956, including Headmistress, Omdurman Intermediate School, 1954-1958 and Headmistress, Khartoum Girls' Secondary School, 1958-1962

Official papers including notes and correspondence on the International Commission on secondary education in the Sudan, 1954-1955, and career papers; working papers mostly on girls' education in the Sudan and female circumcision; personal papers chiefly concerning her role in the campaign against female circumcision; conference papers and reports; articles and speeches; photographic material, chiefly on education in the Sudan; museum objects; newspaper cuttings and press releases; miscellanea; and printed material
Presented by Dr Sanderson, 1963 and 1982-1996
Index terms
Sanderson, Lilian Passmore, 1925-1996
Khartoum Girls' Secondary School
Omdurman GIrls' Intermediate School
Education -- Sudan
Female circumcision -- Sudan

Sandison, P.J.   1926-1959
3 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1928-1954, including appointments in Mongalla, Darfur, Equatoria and Kassala provinces, the Civil Secretary's Office and service in Tripolitania, 1945

Notes on the history of Darfur; report on the Bir Natrun reconnaissance; plans of the palace of Sultan `Alī Dīnār; official correspondence, memoranda, etc. during the Italian occupation of Kassala, 1940-1941; papers on land settlement in Tripolitania, 1945-1948; draft articles; memoirs; 15 photographs; 18 cinefilms covering Sudan service; 4 maps; printed material
Presented by G.E. Wickens, 1968, Mrs A. Sandison, 1975-1987, and Dr R.S. O'Fahey, 1975
Index terms
Sandison, Paul James, 1906-1974
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Darfur (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
World War, 1939-1945 -- Sudan
Land settlement -- Libya
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Sarsfield-Hall, E.G.   1884-1976
14 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1909-1936, including appointments in Khartoum, Blue Nile, Sennar, Darfur and Kordofan provinces

Papers on land settlement in Sennar, 1915; report on the proposed boundary between French and British territory in N. Darfur, 1917; reports on horse shows in Kordofan, 1921-1923; memorandum on “Some African type buildings for use in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan”, with photographs; handbook of Khartoum Province, 1936; memorandum on the layout and development of Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman, with photographs; memorandum on the public health of Khartoum Province, with photographs; account of the history, planning and development of Khartoum; correspondence re the Slatin memorial, 1936-1937; personal letters; diaries; articles and lecture notes; water colours; 6 cinefilms of Khartoum with VHS video copies; 1,734 photographs and glass slides including Nile campaigns 1884-1885 and 1896-1898, Darfur campaign 1916 and Abyssinian campaign, 1940-1941; 10 maps and plans; newspaper cuttings; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Sarsfield-Hall, 1962, Mrs Sarsfield-Hall, 1978 and 1981-1996, Miss C. Sarsfield-Hall, 1983-1996, 2008, 2016-2019 and A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, 1991
Catalogue. Summary list only for later gifts
Sarsfield-Hall, E.G., From Cork to Khartoum: memoirs of Southern Ireland and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1886 to 1936 (Keswick, 1975)
Sarsfield-Hall, E.G., Khartoum yesterday, today & tomorrow: a brief account of the history, planning and development of Khartoum and the neighbouring towns of Khartoum North and Omdurman
Index terms
Sarsfield-Hall, Edwin Geoffrey, 1886-1975
Sennar (Sudan)
Sudan -- Boundaries -- - Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Boundaries -- - Sudan
Darfur (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Khartoum North (Sudan)
Omdurman (Sudan)
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Land settlement -- Sudan
Horse-shows -- Sudan
Public health -- Sudan
Darfur Campaign, 1916
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- - Ethiopia
Architecture, Domestic -- Sudan
City planning -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Savile, R.V.   1901-1923
1 box, 7 albums   
Sudan Political Service, 1902-1923 including appointments in Kassala, Dongola, Khartoum, Bahr el Ghazal, Kordofan and Darfur provinces

Diaries and trek notes - Kassala, Kordofan and Darfur, 1902-1923; 906 photographs covering Sudan service; miscellanea
Presented by Mrs Savile, 1958
Index terms
Savile, Robert Vesey, 1873-1947
Sudan -- Description and travel
Darfur (Sudan)
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Diaries -- 20th century

Saville, D.   1954-1967
1 box; 13 objects   
Lecturer then Senior Lecturer in Physics at The University of Khartoum, 1963-1967; visited Zandeland, 1954

Zandeland trip memoir; photographs; papers; objects
Presented by Donald Saville, 2019; John Saville, 2021
Summary list
Index terms
Saville, Donald
Sudan -- Description and travel
Zande District (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Scott, G.C.   1936-1969
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1930 including appointments in Darfur, Red Sea and Khartoum provinces; Education Department, 1931-1946

Letter concerning education at the Gordon Memorial College; draft translation of Babikr Badri's memoirs; 35 photographs, N. Sudan; ceremonial robe; printed material
Presented by Mrs H. Lupton, 1981-1982 and 1995
Index terms
Scott, George Cuthbert, 1898-1978
Badri, Babakr, d.1954
Gordon Memorial College
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Scott-Hill, W.   1904-1914
1 box   
Sudan Government Steamers, 1904-1914

Papers re appointments and promotions; memoirs; 67 photographs including sudd clearing, 1905-1906
Presented by Mrs M.S. Armstrong, 1963-1976
Index terms
Scott-Hill, Walter, 1873-1963
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Scott-Villiers, A.   1986-1993
3 boxes   
Co-founder, with Patta Scott-Villiers, of Emergency Pastoralist Assistance Group (EPAG) in 1993.

Papers concerning Scott-Villiers' humanitarian work in connection with Operation Lifeline Sudan and EPAG.
Presented by Alastair Scott-Villiers, 2017.
Draft catalogue
Index terms
Scott-Villiers, Alastair, 1957-
Southern Region (Sudan)
Food relief -- Sudan
Human rights -- Sudan

Sembiante, F.M.   1955
1 file   
Teacher at the Roman Catholic Technical School, Torit, Equatoria, 1955

Diary of events at Torit during the mutiny of southern troops, 1955
Presented by Dr B. Voulich, 1990
Index terms
Sembiante, Fernando, 1902-1993
Torit (Sudan)
Mutiny -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Semevsky, J.   1926-1980
4 boxes   
Irrigation Department, 1921-1948

Miscellanea; hand puppets; newspapers cuttings
Presented by Mrs N. Semevsky, 1982, and Miss T. Semevsky, 1989, 2016-2018.
Index terms
Semevsky, Ivan, 1893-1980

Sharland, L.W.C.   [1930]-1977
2 files   
C.M.S. missionary in Southern Sudan, 1936-1956, serving at Malek, Nugent School Loka, Gel River, Akot, Panekar and Rumbek Stations

Official papers; annual letters from mission stations; articles; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Mrs F. Sharland, 1997
Index terms
Sharland, Leonard William Chapple, 1904-1978
Church Missionary Society
Missions -- Sudan

Shaw, J.R.   [1934]-1963
3 files   
Secretariat, Khartoum, 1938-1955

Memoir of Lt. R.C. Greenwood, 1909; Egyptian, British and Sudan Government car pennants, 1955-1956
Presented by Shaw, 1982-1985
Index terms
Shaw, James Ralph, 1916-1994
Greenwood, Roland Charles, 1880-1949
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Shepherd, A.W.   1947-1994
10 boxes   
Lecturer, Development Administration Group, University of Birmingham, 1977-1986; Project Officer and Programme Coordinator, UNICEF, Kordofan, Sudan, 1986-1989; Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, International Development Department, University of Birmingham, 1989-2001; Director, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, Overseas Development Institute, 2001-2010

Official papers relating to aid and development agencies, NGOs, and UN agencies working in Sudan; academic papers by Shepherd and others, mostly on agriculture and economic development in Sudan and elsewhere; copies of theses; conference and workshop papers; general correspondence; research notes; miscellanea
Presented by Dr Shepherd, 2007
Index terms
Shepherd, Andrew W., 1953-
Agriculture -- Sudan
Economic assistance -- Sudan

Shuqair, S.   1890-1935
2 boxes   
Finance Department, 1900-1921; service in Syria, 1919-1920; financial adviser to the Sudan Government, 1921-1938

Official papers relating to Sudan Government finances, budgets, Bank of Abyssinia, etc; personal papers; official papers on Palestine and Syria finances, 1918-1919; notes and correspondence on political events in Syria, 1919-1922; 12 photographs, mainly of personalities
Presented by Lady Shuqair, 1960, Mr and Mrs A. Shuqair, 1964-1966 and Sir Frank and Lady Roberts, 1988
Index terms
Shuqair, Sir Sa`id, 1868-1934
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Syria -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Finance, public -- Sudan
Finance, public -- Syria
Finance, public -- Palestine

Simons, J.A.   1926-[c. 1960]
2 files   
Sudan Medical Service, 1926-1932 including appointments as Medical Inspector in Khartoum, Upper Nile, Kordofan and Darfur provinces

Official papers relating to the work of the Sudan Medical Service in Kordofan and Darfur, 1928-1931; series of articles on life in the Sudan, some for The Spectator, 1926-1928; 1 photograph of Simons
Presented by Mrs W. Simons, 2009
Index terms
Simons, John Antoine, 1900-1971
Medicine -- Sudan

Simpson, I.G. and Mrs M.C.   1960s-1990s
1 box   
Agricultural economists working in Sudan, 1960s-1990s.
Ian Simpson: seconded from the University of Leeds to the Ministry of Agriculture and National Resources (Research), Sudan (Institute of Agriculture and Gezira Board Headquarters), 1963-1966; toured central rainlands, Sudan, 1967; Consultant for Hunting Technical Services (Rural development), Nyala, 1973 and 1974; Ministry of Overseas Development Study of agricultural development in the Central Rainlands of Sudan (Damazin), 1974-1976; Ford Foundation consultant, Sudan Six-Year Plan, Khartoum, 1976; Consultant for Hunting Technical Services (Rural development), Kadugli, 1979; UK Government Consultant on Livestock Research Stations, Sudan, 1986
Morag Simpson: Visiting Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Marketing, Khartoum University, 1963-1966; Ford Foundation Study of food marketing in Khartoum, 1965; Ministry of Overseas Development Study of agricultural development in the Central Rainlands of Sudan (Damazin), 1974-1976; World Bank Mission to the Sudan for the appraisal of the Third Mechanised Farming Project (Central Rainlands), 1977

Correspondence, field notes, reports, photographs of Khartoum markets and a party of the Sudanese Students' Society at Leeds University Union, and grey literature, particularly relating to the Gezira, Shendi, Atbara, and Abu Haraz
Presented by Philippa Simpson, 2022
Summary list
Index terms
Simpson, Ian Gordon, 1926-2020
Simpson, Morag Chisholm, 1923-1998
Rural development -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers

Simpson, S.R.   1899-1984
3.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1953 including appointments in Blue Nile, Kordofan, Bahr el Ghazal, Berber, Equatoria provinces and from 1944 Khartoum Legal Department

Official papers from the Legal Department and Land Registry; papers relating to land settlement and custom 1903-1940; memoirs; articles; 54 photographs, chiefly Bahr al-Ghazal, Mongalla and Northern provinces; 9 plans showing layout of new development at Khartoum and Khartoum North; Sudan Government circular memoranda; printed material
Presented by Simpson, 1969-1997, and Mrs L. Poulter, 1999
Index terms
Simpson, Stanhope Rowton, 1903-1999
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Khartoum (Sudan)
Khartoum North (Sudan)
Land settlement -- Sudan
City planning -- Sudan
Land law and legislation -- Sudan
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Slatin, R.C. von   1876-2012
26 boxes, 14 albums   
Finance inspector under Gen. Gordon, 1878-1879; Governor of Dara, 1879-1881; Governor of Darfur, 1881-1884; captive of the Mahdī, 1884-1895; Inspector-General of the Sudan, 1900-1914

17 boxes of correspondence filed under name of correspondent, mainly personal, including letters from his wife Alice and to his daughter Anne-Marie, and letters of condolence on Alice's and Slatin's deaths; orders and diplomas; 1,978 photographs including construction of Aswan Dam, 1902, Southern Sudan and Lado Enclave 1902, Kordofan 1900 and Roosevelt's visit to Khartoum, 1910; 26 diaries, 1896-1916, 1929-1932; report of the mission to Lake Tsana 1920-1921; rough drafts of intelligence reports, 1895-1896 and 1905; report on Somaliland mission 1909; al-Rātib of Muḥammad Aḥmad to `Abd Allāh al-Mahdī, copied 1911; 72 files of Bohemian manuscripts, mixture of Czech, German and Latin languages, 17th century (family papers); drafts of published works and lectures including Fire and sword in the Sudan and Auf der Flucht; press cuttings, 1899-1907; Mahdist flags, jibbah, leg iron
Deposited by Mrs A. Ponsonby, 1960-1963
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Fire and sword in the Sudan: a personal narrative of fighting and serving the Dervishes, 1879-1895, trans. F.R. Wingate (London, 1896)
Hill, Richard, Slatin Pasha (Oxford, 1965)
Numerous letters from Slatin to Wingate in the Wingate Papers (see index of correspondents), in particular in Wingate's personal correspondence, a series of letters 1913-1936
Index terms
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Freiherr von, 1857-1932
Slatin, Anne-Marie, 1916-
Slatin, Alice, Freiherrlich von, c.1873-1921
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad, 1848-1885
Kordofan (Sudan)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Tana, Lake (Ethiopia)
Bohemia -- History -- 17th century
Somalia -- History -- 20th century
Aswan Dam
Military intelligence -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 19th century
Diaries -- 20th century
Diaries -- 19th century
Family and personal papers

Smith, C.H.   1928-1984
2 boxes   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1929-1950; Sudan Gezira Board, 1950-1955; Cotton Adviser in the Sudan to Barclays Bank, 1955-1961

Official papers relating to the Sudan Plantations Syndicate and Sudan Gezira Board including annual reports and programmes of work; personal papers; 3 maps; printed material
Presented by Mrs Smith, 1991
Index terms
Smith, Charles Henry, 1907-1984
Sudan. Gezira Board
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Agriculture -- Sudan

Smith, E.J. and Mrs E.A.   1857-1859
1 file   
E.J. Smith was employed in Posts and Telegraphs Department of the Turkish Government in the 1850s. He and his wife lived at Kadikoy

Letters home from E.J. and Mrs E.A. Smith in Turkey, 1857-1859; E.A. Smith's diary of a journey in Turkey, 1857 (transcripts)
Presented by R.S. Boumphrey, 1963
Transcribed from originals in possession of R.S. Boumphrey
Index terms
Smith, Edward James, of the Turkish Posts and Telegraphs, fl. 1857-1859
Smith, Emma Ann, wife of E. J. Smith of the Turkish Posts and Telegraphs, fl. 1857-1859
Turkey -- Description and travel
Diaries -- 19th century

Smith, J.   [c. 1950-1954]
2 items   
Department of Agriculture and Forests, 1923-1950

Framed paintings of Bongo headman and Zande headman by C.H. Turner
Presented by Mrs M. Smith, 1961
Index terms
Smith, John, of the Sudan Agriculture and Forests Department, d.1957
Zande (African people)
Bongo (African people)

Smith, L.K.   1897-1923
0.5 box   
Egyptian Army, 1913-1921

Papers re army career, 1897-1921; report on punitive patrol No. 32 to Nyima Hills, 1918; report on Governor-General's inspection tour south of Khartoum, 1921; 403 photographs including Nyima Hills patrol; 1 map
Presented by Col. Mackenzie Smith, 1985
Index terms
Smith, Leonard Kirke, 1877-1941
Egypt. Army
Nyima Hills (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Insurgency -- Sudan
Nuba (African people)

Smith, M.G.   1947-1954
0.5 box   
Lecturer, Physics Department, Gordon College, 1947-1951, then University of Khartoum 1951-1953; Senior Lecturer, 1953-1954

Sudan Government Arabic examination papers, 1944-1952; photographs and postcards, including Physics Department staff and students; printed items
Presented by Christopher Smith, 2017
Summary list
Index terms
Smith, Michael Graham, 1920-2013
Education -- Sudan
Scholars' Papers

Smith, R.J.    1897-1963
7.5 boxes   
Sudan Irrigation Department, 1925-1953

Administrative files on personnel, labour, accounts and budgets, estimates, rates and costs, stores, plant, materials; technical files on design sheets, contracts and specifications, buildings, communications, canals, drains, structures, water duty and measurement, foreign irrigation, Gezira scheme, Gash, Tokar, basins, pumps, development, dams, Nile waters, projects and reports; 7 maps and diagrams; printed material
Presented by Smith, 1966
Index terms
Smith, R. J., of the Sudan Irrigation Department, fl. 1902-1966
Gezira (Sudan)
Gash River (Sudan)
Nile River
Tokar (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan

SOS Sahel International UK   1987-2013
4 boxes   
SOS Sahel International UK was a development charity that operated 1983-2019 in partnership with independent local African organisations (in Sudan with SOS Sahel Sudan) to support herders and farmers in Africa’s drylands

Photographs, maps and printed items documenting the charity's activities in Sudan
Presented by Linda Horgan, 2019
Summary list
Index terms
SOS Sahel International UK

Souper, J.L.   [c. 1921-1941]
1 box   
Lecturer Gordon College, 1921-1923, 1929-1936; Public Works Department, 1924-1928; Principal, School of Engineering, Khartoum, 1937-1941

207 photographs, chiefly of Khartoum and environs, construction of Sennar Dam, antiquities in Northern Province and Red Sea Hills
Presented by Mrs D.K. Souper, 1986
Index terms
Souper, James Lorimer, 1892-1962
Red Sea Hills (Egypt and Sudan)
Sudan -- Antiquities
Khartoum (Sudan)
Northern Province (Sudan)
Sennar Dam (Sudan)

Spence, B.H.H.   1915-1980
2 files   
Senior Medical Officer, Egyptian Army, 1914-1924

Letters home to his mother, 1915-1917 (copies) covering Darfur campaign; list and precis of letters written home from the Sudan and Egypt, now held in the Shetland Archives
Presented by Miss M.K. Macdonald, 1980
Index terms
Neven-Spence, Sir Basil Hamilton Hebden, 1888-1974
Darfur Campaign, 1916

Stallybrass, T.W.   April 1915
1 album   
Royal Army Medical Corps, 1909-1925, seconded to the Egyptian Army 1912-1922, serving in Miri and Atwot operations, in Sennar, Kordofan, Bahr el Ghazal, and as Senior Medical Officer, Cairo and Khartoum, deputising as Senior Medical Officer, Egyptian Army

Photograph album (digitised copy) of Major T.W. Stallybrass recording the Jebel Miri Patrol against Fiki Ali, Nuba Mountains
Presented by Brian Hewitt, 2015
Summary list
Index terms
Stallybrass, Theodore William, 1887-1974
Egypt. Army
Nuba Mountains Province (Sudan)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Nuba (African people)

Stansfield, F.   [1950s-2000s]
1 box   
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Khartoum, University of Ahmadu Bello, Nigeria, and University of Gezira, Wad Medani, 1956-1981

Photographs and colour slides, many showing staff of Khartoum University, also N. Sudan and Nigeria
Presented by Dr P.G.N. Moseley, 2004, and Ms Corinne Roberts, 2004
Index terms
Stansfield, Frank, 1919-2003
University of Khartoum. Faculty of Science
Slides -- Color -- 1960-1970

Stanton, G.M.   [c. 1948]-1953
2 files   
Sudan Defence Force; Stores and Ordnance Department, 1945-1955

Official papers, Stores and Ordnance Department; account by T. Morrison of the actions for which the two Sudan medals and bars were awarded, 1897 and 1910; diary of Amy Mary (Pip) Stanton's first trip to Southern Sudan, 1948
Presented by Stanton, 1958
Index terms
Stanton, Guy Manning, 1906-1973
Stanton, Amy Mary, 1907-1954
Egypt. Army
Military decorations -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Stanton, J.P.   1930s-1940s
32 cinefilms; 1 photograph album   
Sudan Defence Force, 1925-?1938

1 photograph album, mainly of Shendi, Khartoum, Kurmuk and Darfur, 1930s; 32 cinefilms (16 mm) taken by Stanton in Sudan, Palestine, Egypt and Tripoli, 1930s and 1940s
Presented by Charles Stanton, 2009
Summary list
Index terms
Stanton, John Percy, 1900-1974

Staveley, C.M.   1898
1 microfilm   
Royal Navy, 1893-1933; attached to the Egyptian Army, 1898-1899; in charge of a gunboat which went up the Nile to Khartoum 1898

Microfilm copy of diary, 1898
Presented by B.C. Bloomfield, 1974
Draft catalogue
Original held by School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Index terms
Staveley, Cecil Minet, 1874-1934
Diaries -- 19th century

Sterry, W.   1907-1946
0.5 box   
Sudan Legal Department, 1901-1927, including Legal Secretary, 1917-1927; Judge of HBM's Supreme Court in Egypt, 1928-1938

Official papers relating to the royal visit to the Sudan in 1912; personal papers; 35 photographs including the royal visit to the Sudan, 1912 and the consecration of Khartoum Cathedral, 1912; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea. printed material
Presented by Mme Salles, 1959
Index terms
Sterry, Wasey, 1866-1955
Khartoum Cathedral

Stevens, H.L.   1949-1989
1 file   
Head of Science, Rumbek Secondary School, 1949-1955

Account of the setting up of Rumbek Secondary School in 1949; list of pupils, 1949-1954; printed material
Presented by Stevens, 1994
Index terms
Stevens, H. L., of the Sudan Education Department, 1915-2001
Rumbek Secondary School
Education -- Sudan

Stevenson, R.C.   1875-1990
8 boxes   
Teacher and linguistic research worker in the Nuba Mountains for the C.M.S., 1937-1959; Department of Anthropology, University of Khartoum, 1959-1965; Head of Department of Sudanese and African Languages, Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum

Reports and minutes relating to C.M.S. missionary and education work and the affairs of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan; official correspondence relating to C.M.S. affairs, the Diocese of Khartoum and the Nuba Mountains Fellowship; memorandum by D. Newbold on female circumcision, incorporating the views of DCs and tribal leaders, Kordofan, 1938; articles and lectures on local government and administration, linguistics and anthropology; 53 photographs and postcards, Nuba Mountains, Southern Sudan and Khartoum; 1 map; miscellanea; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Dr A. Jakobi, 1992 and 2021, and Mrs J. Ahmed, 1993-1998
Catalogue for material presented 1992-1997, 2021. Summary list only for gift of postcards, 1998
Further ethno-linguistic research papers 1925-1990 by or collected by R.C. Stevenson are held by UCLA Library Special Collections
Index terms
Stevenson, Roland Charles, 1915-1991
Newbold, Sir Douglas, 1894-1945
Church Missionary Society
Episcopal Church of the Sudan
Khartoum (Sudan)
Nuba Mountains (Sudan)
Education -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Female circumcision -- Sudan
Linguistics -- Sudan
Anthropology -- Sudan

Stewart, J.D. Hamill   1878-1885; 1904-1984
1 box   
Military Vice-Consul at Konia, Anatolia, 1879-1883; first mission to the Sudan, 1882 and report presented to Parliament, 1883; accompanied General Gordon to Khartoum, 1884; killed in ambush north of Berber, 18 Sep 1884

Journal of trip from India to England via Burma, Malaya, Java and Japan, 1874; papers relating to Stewart's work in Anatolia, 1878-1882; official correspondence, journal and report on his mission to the Sudan to report on the desert route from Suakin to Berber, the disposition of Egyptian troops, the slave trade and the revolt of Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahdi, 1882-1883; journal and related correspondence on his second mission to the Sudan in the company of General Gordon, 1884; 5 photographs, including of the Abbas; articles relating to Stewart
Deposited by Lt Col C.E. Hamill-Stewart, 1966 and Rev Simon Hamill-Stewart, 2009
Index terms
Stewart, John Donald Hamill, 1845-1884
Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885
Turkey -- History -- 1878-1909
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Slavery -- Sudan
Diaries -- 19th century

Storrar, G.R.   1905-1958
12 boxes, 6 albums   
Sudan Government Railways, 1905-1927

Letters home in diary form, bound into 9 volumes with photographs and newspaper cuttings covering his working and personal life, chiefly in the northern Sudan but including also description of a journey to the Upper Nile and Equatoria, 1917 and a visit to Darfur in the aftermath of the military campaign of 1916; personal papers; article; 3,109 photographs and slides covering the whole of the Sudan (including many duplicates); 4 maps; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Storrar, 1958, Mrs E.K. Wright, 1959, and C.R. Williams, 1991-1992
Index terms
Storrar, George Ronald, 1877-1959
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Equatoria (Sudan)
Darfur (Sudan)
Railroads -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Struvé, K.C.P. and Mrs M.E.   1909-1984
3 files   
Sudan Political Service, 1901-1926, including appointments in Sennar, Khartoum, Upper Nile and White Nile provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office

Copy digest by Struvé of his diaries, 1899-1947; brief memoir of Mrs Struvé's life in the Sudan, written 1966; 68 photographs covering service in Upper Nile Province and White Nile Province
Presented by Mrs Struvé 1966 and Dr Douglas Johnson, 2013
Index terms
Struvé, Kenneth Chetwood Price, 1876-1961
Struvé, Mabel Evelyn, 1888-1984
White Nile Province (Sudan)
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Sudan Mercantile Company (Motors)   1920s-1930s
5 albums   
The Sudan Mercantile Company was founded in Port Sudan 1905; came under the Managing Agents Keymer Son and Co. c. 1912; established Motors division in 1929 (Ford distributorship); nationalised 1970

406 photographs, taken by a manager in the company; includes one album (24 photographs) of scenes in South Sudan and Uganda
Purchased, 2019
Summary list
Index terms
Sudan Mercantile Company (Motors)

Sudan Plantations Syndicate Ltd   1904-1951
3 boxes   
Founded in 1904, by Leigh S.J. Hunt. Developed the Gezira Scheme in partnership with the Sudan Government. Replaced by the Gezira Board in 1950

Minute books, 1904-1953; reports and accounts 1904-1926; articles of association; agreements with Sudan Government; tenancy agreements; correspondence files
Presented by A. Gaitskell, 1958
Gaitskell, A., Gezira: a story of development in the Sudan (London, 1959)
Index terms
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Agriculture -- Sudan

Summerfield, R.M.   1912-1938
0.5 box   
Posts and Telegraphs, 1911-1938

Record of service; personal papers; newspaper cuttings; 95 photographs, N. and S. Sudan and the HQ staff, Posts and Telegraphs; printed material
Presented by Mr R.E. Summerfield, 1996
Index terms
Summerfield, Robert Miles, 1888-1978
Telegraph lines -- Sudan

Sunderland, F.H.   1910-[1927]
2 files   
Audit Department, 1922

Papers relating to the audit of Berber Province accounts, 1922 and to Sunderland's dismissal from the service; personal papers; newspaper cuttings; 2 maps
Presented by Dr W.T.W. Morgan, 1997
Index terms
Sunderland, F. Harold, c.1890-
Berber (Sudan)
Finance, public -- Sudan

Syme, N.R.   1935
1 file   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1934-1937

39 photographs of Gezira area
Presented by R. Syme, 1959
Index terms
Syme, (Neville) Ronald, 1910-1992
Gezira (Sudan)
Agriculture -- Sudan

Taylor, E.A.P. von S.   1925-1950
1 file   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1926-1946

Personal papers re appointment to Sudan; 1 photograph, Red Sea area; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Taylor, 1958
Index terms
Taylor, Ethelbert Adrian Patrick von Sobbe, 1902-1997
Kassala (Sudan: Province)

Thomas, G.F. and Mrs F.I.   [1880s]-1994
7 boxes   
Sudan Government Service, 1950-1954 including appointments in Ahlia Secondary School, Omdurman and Labour Department, Civil Secretary's Office

Personal correspondence, mostly with British and Sudanese political leaders, 1942-1993; papers of human rights and political groups in Sudan; diaries, 1950-1987; articles, speeches and conference papers; papers relating to the Mahdi family; 124 photographs covering the Mahdīyah and the reconquest of the Sudan, Sudanese personalities including Sayyid `Abd al-Raḥmān al-Mahdī, President Numayrī and Sayyid `Alī al-Mīrghanī, the move towards independence, and post-independence; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; and printed material
Presented by Thomas, 1985-1995. Additional material purchased, 1999.
Thomas, G.F., Sayed Abd El Rahman Al Mahdi: a pictorial biography 1885-1959 (Lama, 1986)
Thomas, G.F. (ed.), The Sudan journal of Ismay Thomas (The Book Guild Ltd, 2000)
Index terms
Thomas, Graham, 1921-
Thomas, Ismay
Mirghani, Sayyid Sir `Ali ibn Muhammad Uthman, 1878-1968
Numayri, Ja`far Muhammad, 1930-
Mahdi, Sayyid Sir Abd al-Rahman, Pasha, 1885-1959
Mahdi, Sadiq, 1935-
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- History -- 1958-1985

Thomson, C.H.   1901-1951
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1914-1934, including appointments in Kassala, Red Sea, Kordofan and Fung provinces

Report of `ushr assessment Kassala district, 1916-1917; notes and vocabulary for Bija languages, Kassala and Red Sea areas; notes on camel brands in Kassala and Red Sea Provinces; route reports; geological notes; memorandum on a raid on Kassala, 1918, by El Hamdu; note on game preservation; list of trees and plants; botanical specimens; newspaper cuttings; 103 photographs, Kassala and Red Sea areas
Presented by Mrs J.H. Thomson, 1958 and 1966
Index terms
Thomson, Charles Herbert, 1891-1951
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Kassala (Sudan: Province)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Botany -- Sudan
Insurgency -- Sudan
Beja language
Taxation -- Sudan
Camels -- Sudan
Geology -- Sudan
Wildlife conservation -- Sudan

Thomson, D.S.B.   1905-1950
3.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1909-1932 including appointments in Sennar Province, the Repression of Slave Trade Department; Commandant of Police, Port Sudan; from 1934 Assyrian Settlement Officer

Correspondence 1927-1937; trek notes, Blue Nile 1905-1908 and Lake Tsana, 1916; correspondence re South Arabian inscriptions; reports and correspondence on Assyrian settlement, 1924-1936; 677 photographs - Sudan, Abyssinia, Arabia, Iraq and Syria; printed material
Presented by Mrs E.M. Thomson, 1958-1966
Index terms
Thomson, Douglas Stoker Brownlie, 1879-1939
Sudan -- Description and travel
Tana, Lake (Ethiopia)
Arabian Peninsula -- Antiquities
Blue Nile Province (Sudan)
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Syria -- Description and travel
Iraq -- Description and travel
Arabian Peninsula -- Description and travel
Land settlement -- Iraq

Thruston, A.B.   1885-1897
1 album   
Oxfordshire Light Infantry 1884-1897, Egyptian Army 1890-1893, and Uganda Rifles 1897, including appointments on Uganda Commission 1893-1895 and 1897, and as Special Service Officer (Camel Corps (Firket); Transport Staff; Tribal Friendlies) on the Dongola Expedition 1896

Album of watercolours, sketches, and photographs documenting the life and military career of Arthur Blyford Thruston, including some photographs and sketches by Colonel Henry Edward Colvile, KCMG, CB (1852-1907). The album covers Thruston's military postings in Egypt, India, Uganda, and England, his excursions to Norway and Scotland, and his home of Pennal Towers in Wales. Thruston served in the Dongola expedition in 1896 and spent two periods in Uganda, 1893-1895 and 1897.
Purchased at auction, 2018.
Index terms
Thruston, Arthur Blyford, 1865-1897
Colvile, H. E. (Henry Edward), Sir, 1852-1907
Egypt. Army -- 13th Sudanese Battalion
Egypt. Army -- 10th Sudanese Battalion
Sudan -- History -- 1862-1899
Sudan -- Description and travel
Uganda -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
India -- Description and travel
Norway -- Description and travel
Gibraltar -- Description and travel
Suakin (Sudan)
Military intelligence -- Sudan
Uganda -- Colonization

Tibbs, G.M.G. and Mrs A.R.   1949-1955
272 digital images and 6 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1949-1955, serving in Kordofan Province; seconded to Middle East Centre for Arab Studies, 1950

Papers relating to the Abyei boundary dispute including the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the Abyei Boundary Commission and the case concerning the Abyei Boundary Commission, heard before the Permanent Count of Appeal, April 2009; 272 digital copies of photographs covering the Tibbs' service in Kordofan; District Commissioner's dress uniform
Presented by Mr and Mrs Michael Tibbs, 2007 and 2009
Index terms
Tibbs, Michael, 1921-2024
Tibbs, Anne
Abyei Boundary Commission
Kordofan (Sudan)

Titherington, G.W.   1919-1962
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1919-1942 including appointments in Bahr el Ghazal, Kordofan, Upper Nile and Northern provinces

Letters home, 1920-1936; 157 photographs, Bahr el Ghazal and Northern Province; printed material
Presented by Mrs W.H. Titherington, 1973, and Miss C. Sarsfield-Hall, 1984
Index terms
Titherington, Geoffry Wrench, 1893-1951
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Northern Province (Sudan)

Tothill, J.D.   1952-1965
0.5 box   
Department of Agriculture and Forests, 1939-1944

Memoirs of life in the Sudan; unpublished manuscript of “A naturalist in the Asir Mountains of Arabia”, written 1952-1953
Presented by Tothill, 1965, and A. Tothill, 1969
Index terms
Tothill, John Douglas, 1888-1969
Asir Mountains (Saudi Arabia)
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Tottenham, P.M.   1970-1972
1 file   
Egyptian and Sudan Irrigation Services, 1895-1914

Papers re Sudan career; note on exploration between the Rivers Sobat and Bor for the Garstin Cut (Jonglei canal); printed material
Presented by Tottenham, 1971, and by Miss E. Monroe, 1972
Index terms
Tottenham, Percy Marmaduke, 1873-1975
Jonglei Canal (Sudan)
Surveying -- Sudan

Tracey, C.B.   1972
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1923-1948, including appointments in Upper Nile, Blue Nile, Khartoum, Equatoria, Gezira and Northern provinces

Letter from R.E.H. Baily to C.B. Tracey on the hospital ship Lady Baker; printed material
Presented by Tracey, 1967-1980
Index terms
Tracey, Christopher Birdwood, 1898-1984

Trizis, P.   [1920s]-2006
0.5 box   
Merchant families, originating from Lesbos, Greece; established business at Suakin, 1890; Trizis Merchants and Manufacturer’s Representatives, Port Sudan, 1940s

Photographs and family history research notes of Trizis, Yannakos, Zoides, Lagoutaris families, including images of Hellenic School (f. 1925) and Cable & Wireless, Port Sudan; Sudan Sea Scouts ephemera; articles and printed material relating to Greek Coptic community in Egypt and Sudan
Presented by P. Trizis, 1996-2008
Summary list
Index terms
Trizis, Panayotti, fl. 1996-2008

Turner, A.S.   [c. 1900-1918]
1 file   
Northumberland Fusiliers, serving in the Sudan in 1918

79 postcards sent by Turner to his wife, 1918
Presented by Dr E. Horrox, 1996
Index terms
Turner, Arthur Samuel, 1888-1963

Twining, W.L.   1956-2010s
0.75 box   
Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Khartoum, 1958-1961

Papers relating to Twining's legal education work and time living in Sudan in the 1950s and 1960s, and continuing engagement with Sudanese affairs, friends and colleagues
Presented by Professor W.L. Twining, 3 August 2022
Index terms
Twining, William, 1934-

Udal, J.O.   1897-1995, predominantly 1950-1958
2 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1950-1955 including appointments in Khartoum and Upper Nile provinces; seconded to the Middle East Centre for Arab Studies in the Lebanon, 1951

Official papers of John Udal (1926-2022) including Shilluk sub-district annual reports, 1953-1954; letters home, 1950-1954; 406 photographs covering the Lebanon and leave in Israel, Syria, Turkey, Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, Jordan, Iraq, and service in Upper Nile Province; newspaper cuttings; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Udal, 1990-1994
Index terms
Udal, John O.
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Lebanon -- Description and travel
Syria -- Description and travel
Turkey -- Description and travel
Libya -- Description and travel
Jordan -- Description and travel
Iraq -- Description and travel
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Israel -- Description and travel
Shilluk (African people)

Udal, N.R.   1898-1964
2 boxes   
Education Department, 1906-1930

Official papers (post Sudan service) of Nicholas Robin Udal (1883-1964) on education and political developments; correspondence from and concerning Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi and his family, 1919-1963; personal letters; articles and speeches; miscellanea; 555 photographs, mainly N. Sudan, with some of Egypt and Palestine; newspaper cuttings; museum objects; printed material
Presented by Udal, 1960, and J.O. Udal, 1990-1996
Index terms
Udal, Nicholas R.
Mahdi, Sayyid Sir Abd al-Rahman, Pasha, 1885-1959
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Palestine -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Education -- Sudan

Unity High School   1902-1991
0.5 box   
Foundation of the Coptic Girls' School, Khartoum, 1902; change of name to CMS Khartoum Girls' School, 1903; closure of Khartoum Girls' School and foundation of Unity High School, 1928

Photocopies of school logbooks, 1902-1991
Presented by Mr David Treagust, 1994
Index terms
Unity High School (Khartoum)
Education -- Sudan

Ure, N.H.   1966
1 file   
Sudan Railways and Public Works Department, 1929-1957

Memoirs of Sudan service, written 1966
Presented by Ure, 1966
Index terms
Ure, Norman Henry, 1900-1988
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Vicars-Miles, A.L.W.   1934-1969
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1922-1945 including appointments in Nuba Mountains and Kordofan provinces, and the Civil Secretary's Office; Commandant of Police, Kassala, Khartoum and Blue Nile provinces

Note on Nuba administration, 1934; obituary, 1965
Presented by K.D.D. Henderson, 1969
Index terms
Vicars-Miles, Arthur Leonard William, 1897-1965
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Nuba (African people)

Vidal-Hall, M.P.   1937-1987
2 files   
Forestry Division, Department of Agriculture, 1937-1964

Letters home; 8 family photographs
Presented by Miss A.M. Vidal-Hall, 1987
Index terms
Vidal-Hall, Maurice Patric, 1912-1964

Vidler, D.   1959-1989
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1937-1955, including appointments in the Civil Secretary's Office, the War Supply Department and Kordofan, Blue Nile and Northern provinces; Commissioner of Lands, 1953-1955

Papers concerning the “Fallen Angels”, a club formed after independence to continue social contacts of those S.P.S. officials recruited 1933-1939: account of the creation of the club, correspondence, lists of members, dinner table plans
Presented by Vidler, 1990
Index terms
Vidler, Denis, 1914-1999
Fallen Angels

Vokes, V.H.G.   1929-1964
1 box   
Finance Department and Civil Secretary's Office, 1925-1949

Books of newspaper cuttings, 1929-1950; 16 postcards
Presented by Mrs F.B. Vokes, 1966-1968
Index terms
Vokes, Victor Harold Gordon, 1893-1965

Voulich, B.   1953-1955
1 file   
Ministry of Health, 1952-1955, including appointments as Medical Officer in Darfur Province

16 photographs taken in Equatoria, Darfur and Khartoum provinces
Presented by Voulich, 1991
Index terms
Voulich, B., fl. 1952-1991

Wakefield, R.C.   1901-1946
6 files   
Survey Department, 1929-1955

Survey Department annual reports, 1901-1946; printed material
Presented by Wakefield, 1982
Index terms
Wakefield, Roger Cuthbert, 1906-1986
Surveying -- Sudan.

Watson, J.R.S.   1951-1953
1 file   
Sudan Political Service, 1935-1944, including appointments in White Nile and Kordofan provinces; Legal Department, 1944-1955

Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the police mutiny, Khartoum 1951; report of the committee on rent control, 1953
Presented by Watson, 1958
Index terms
Watson, James Robert Sutherland, 1911-1991
Sudan Police
Khartoum (Sudan)
Mutiny -- Sudan

Watt, D.A.F.   1900-1960
1 box   
Engineer at Aswan Low Dam, Assiut and the Delta Barrages, Ministry of Public Works, Egypt, c.1900-1939

Personal papers, photographs, and objects relating to Watt's service in Egypt, particularly at the Awsan Low Dam and the Nile Delta Barrage Dam
Presented by Presented by Paula Gibson, Alida England, Marianne Nicoll, 2019
Index terms
Watt, David Alexander Fraser, c.1877-1942
Aswan Dam
Dams -- Nile River
Family and personal papers

Wedd, R.   1906-1924
0.5 box   
Sub-Department of Lands, 1910-1919; Legal Department, 1920-1927

Note on the Sudan mutiny, 1924; flag of the White Flag League; 96 photographs (unlabelled)
Presented by R.J. Michael Wedd, 1964
Index terms
Wedd, Richard, 1879-1958
White Flag League
Sudan Mutiny, 1924

Wesson, A.D.   1933-1946
1 file   
Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 1920-1950

2 maps; 17 photographs of the Gezira
Presented by Wesson, 1958
Index terms
Wesson, A. D., fl. 1920-1958
Gezira (Sudan)

Whatmore, M.T.A.   1932-2020
53 digital films   
Freelance documentary director and producer, Western Sudan Community Museums Project, 2020-2021

Films edited by Mark Whatmore for the Western Sudan Community Museums Project on cultural and historical subjects in western Sudan, and including some scenes from Khartoum and Omdurman. Filmographers also include Ibrahim and Elsadiq Bedu, Ibrahim Snoop and Monti
Presented by Kate Ashley, 2022
Index terms
Whatmore, Mark Tracey Alexander, 1965-
Darfur (Sudan)

Wheatley, M.J.   1907-1961
1 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1907-1928 including appointments in Kordofan, Khartoum and Bahr el Ghazal provinces

Orders and decorations; correspondence 1924-1951; trek journals, Kordofan 1911-1913; 310 photographs, mainly Bahr el Ghazal; newspaper cuttings; printed material
Presented by Wheatley, 1962 and Col. R.H. Wheatley, 1982
Index terms
Wheatley, Sir Mervyn James, 1880-1974
Bahr el Ghazal (Sudan: Province)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Sudan -- Description and travel

Williams, C.R.   [c. 1898]-1980
3 boxes   
Sudan Railways, 1923-1946

Official papers of C.R. Williams (1894-1991) relating to Sudan Railways, photographs, museum objects, miscellanea and printed material
Presented by Mr and Mrs D.J.A. Carswell, 1992. Gift included papers of G.R. Storrar which are now catalogued separately.
Index terms
Williams, C. R. (Cyril Robert), 1894-1991

Williams, C.W.   1906-1963
0.5 box   
Sudan Education Department, 1920-1950, including Warden Gordon Memorial College 1930-1937 and Assistant Director and Director of Education 1937-1950

Official papers on education; personal papers; articles and speeches; 16 photographs including Gordon Memorial College; 1 map; newspaper cuttings; and miscellanea
Presented by Mr Gary Williams, 2006 and 2009
Index terms
Williams, Charles Wodehouse, 1899-1957
Education -- Sudan.

Williams, I.R.   1884; 1942-1989
2 boxes   
Finance Department, 1949-1955, 1956-1961; Ministry of Education, 1955-1956, 1961-1985

Papers relating to Unity High School, Khartoum, 1950-1985; Sudan school certificate examination papers, 1955-1970; papers relating to the Cathedral Church of All Saints, 1942-1983; correspondence, agendas, minutes, reports and newsletters of the Sudan Club; minutes of the Harper Nursing Home House Management Committee, 1963-1971; 20 postcards, mainly N. Sudan; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by Williams, 1989-1997
Index terms
Williams, Irfon Rhys, of the Sudan Ministry of Education, 1923-
Sudan Club (Khartoum)
Unity High School (Khartoum)
Harper Nursing Home (Khartoum)
Education -- Sudan
Khartoum Cathedral

Williams, W.M.   1923-1954
1 box   
Sudan Irrigation Department, 1926-1951

Official papers on the Gezira, Tokar Delta and Nile Waters; papers of the Ceylon Irrigation Department; printed material
Presented by Williams, 1965-1966
Index terms
Williams, Walter Morgan, of the Sudan Irrigation Department, fl. 1926-1966
Tokar (Sudan)
Nile River
Gezira (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sri Lanka

Willis, C.A.   1903-1951
4.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1905-1931 including appointments in Kordofan, Red Sea, Dongola and Upper Nile provinces; A/Director of Intelligence, 1915-1926

Notes on the disturbances of 1924; report on slavery and the pilgrimage, 1926; handing-over notes, Upper Nile Province; report on tribes in Upper Nile Province 1927; report on the possible effects of the sudd project of irrigation on the local population, 1928; draft report of the Public Works Ministry committee on the Veveno-Pibor scheme; letters home, 1908-1931; diaries covering service in Kordofan and Red Sea; articles; 18 maps; 761 photographs, Sudan and Europe; rātib of Muḥammad Aḥmad al-Mahdī, 1332/1914; printed material
Presented by Willis, 1961 and Mrs E. Schumacher, 1977
Index terms
Willis, Charles Armine, 1881-1975
Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad, 1848-1885
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Kordofan (Sudan)
Red Sea Province (Sudan)
Europe -- Description and travel
Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages -- Sudan
Sudan Mutiny, 1924
Slavery -- Sudan
Tribes -- Sudan
Jonglei Canal (Sudan)
Irrigation -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Wilson, C.E.   1976-2021
0.5 boxes   
Chief Executive, African Committee for the Rehabilitation of South Sudan (ACROSS), 1977-1988; Chief Executive, Mission Aviation Fellowship, 1988-1994

Papers and audio material relating to a hostage incident at Boma, Southern Sudan, in June-July 1983 involving western missionaries and others and a group named the Liberation Front of Southern Sudan; maps
Presented by Clive Wilson, 2021
Index terms
Wilson, Charles Edward, 1925-2018
Southern Region (Sudan)
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- History -- Civil War, 1983-2005
Missionaries -- Sudan

Winder, J.   1936-1984
2.5 boxes   
Sudan Political Service, 1927-1955, including appointments in Port Sudan, and Mongalla, Khartoum, Upper Nile and Northern provinces

Official papers relating to Gambeila, 1936-1947; tribal notes on the Murle of Pibor District, 1936-1938; memoranda on Nuer policy and “Nilotic economics”; Upper Nile Province correspondence, 1939-1942; papers on the Jonglei Canal investigation, 1940-1946; Shendi District handing-over notes, 1946; letters home, 1936-1952; trek notes, 1946; diaries and memoirs; articles; printed material
Presented by Winder, 1965-1987, Mrs I. Winder, 1972 and 1989-1990, D.H. Johnson, 1978, and J. Nash, 2016. Summary list only for 2016 accession
Index terms
Winder, John, 1905-1985
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Description and travel
Shendi (Sudan)
Upper Nile Province (Sudan)
Pibor (Sudan)
Gambeila (Ethiopia)
Tribes -- Sudan
Nuer (African people)
Jonglei Canal (Sudan)
Murle (African people)
Diaries -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Wingate, General F.R.   1859-1955
200 boxes   
Governor-General of the Sudan, 1900-1916, High Commissioner for Egypt, 1916-1919

Papers relating to Wingate's Egyptian Army career, 1883-1899
Letters, telegrams, reports, maps etc. covering Wingate's service in the Egyptian Army during the Nile campaigns, firstly as Staff Officer to Sir Evelyn Wood (from 1884) and then as Assistant Military Secretary to Sir Francis Grenfell (from 1886), Assistant Adjutant General Recruiting (also 1886), Assistant Adjutant General Intelligence (from 1887) and finally as Director of Military Intelligence (from 1889). Papers from 1883-1885 are chiefly concerned with the movement of men and supplies in support of the Anglo-Egyptian force. From 1889 the papers increase in volume and cover Wingate's intelligence gathering activities in the Frontier District; the campaign against al-Najūmī and the Battle at Tushki (1889); arrangements for the escape of European prisoners held at Omdurman; the “frontier incident” of 1894; Wingate's brief service as Governor of the Red Sea Littoral and Commandant of Suakin in 1894; and the final advance towards Omdurman culminating in the Battle of the Atbara (April 1898), the Battle of Omdurman (September 1898) and the Fashoda incident (September 1898). Although chiefly related to affairs in the Sudan, there are numerous references to Emin Pasha and Stanley and affairs in Abyssinia, Uganda, Egypt and Somaliland.
Papers relating to Wingate's Sudan career, 1899-1916
Papers covering the short period of Kitchener's Governor-Generalship and the death of the Khalīfah, 1899; and Wingate's service as Governor-General of the Sudan and Sirdār of the Egyptian Army from 1899-1916. The papers reflect all aspects of the government and development of the Sudan, both civil and military. Each file consists chiefly of correspondence to and from Wingate but filed with the letters are reports, memoranda, maps, newspaper cuttings etc., most of which are itemised in the catalogue of the Wingate Papers. Among the subjects covered are the following: the capture of `Uthmān Diqnah (1900); the rebuilding of Khartoum; the development of a civil administration, both in Khartoum and the provinces; the control of missionary work; the establishment of Gordon College; tribal disturbances and punitive patrols; securing of frontiers, particularly between the Sudan and Abyssinia; encouragement and control of commercial investment in the Sudan; the promotion of tourism; investment in railways, roads and bridges; control of archaeological expeditions; delimitation of national boundaries (see also section 1e.); development of trade and agriculture; negotiations with the Sudan Plantations Syndicate and the development of the Gezira; public health; the opening of the Nile-Red Sea railway, 1906; relations between Cairo and Khartoum and the takeover of the Lado Enclave; repercussions of the First World War; and the 1916 campaign against `Alī Dīnār. There are numerous references to affairs in Sinai, Somaliland, Abyssinia, Uganda and Yemen.
Papers relating to irrigation in the Sudan and Egypt. These include correspondence, telegrams and reports on Dongola Province basin cultivation, the Gezira irrigation scheme, cotton growing at Tokar, and Nile control. These topics are also covered in more general terms in the sections containing material from Wingate's career in the Sudan and Egypt.
The Darfur Campaign, 1916
Papers relating to the military campaign against `Alī Dīnār, last Sultan of Darfur, including correspondence, reports etc. on deteriorating relations between the Sultan and the Sudan Government, transport and communications problems facing the convoy, the capture of El Fasher and death of `Alī Dīnār in November 1916
Boundary Commissions
Papers relating to the delimitation of national boundaries: Mahagi strip boundary by a joint Sudan/Belgian Congo Commission, 1910-1914; proposed commission to delimit the Sudan frontier with the Belgian Congo, Uganda and Abyssinia, 1912-1914; Sudan/Belgian Congo boundary, 1913-1914. For further papers on boundaries see the section containing material from Wingate's Sudan career for the Sudan/Uganda boundary and section on Abyssinian Affairs for the Abyssinian boundary.
Papers relating to Wingate's career in Egypt, 1917-1919
Papers concerning Egyptian affairs from 1913 and more particularly Wingate's High Commissionership, 1916-1919. The papers cover all aspects of Egyptian administration. In addition there is a great deal of material on the progress of the war in the Middle East and of the Arab revolt, the crisis of 1919 and the Milner Commission.
Egyptian Sultanate
Papers relating to the Egyptian Sultanate, consisting chiefly of correspondence between Wingate and the Khedive `Abbās Ḥilmī (1900-1914) and between Wingate and the Sultan Ḥusayn Kāmil (1914-1917), and papers concerning the activities of `Abbās Ḥilmī after his abdication and the death of Ḥusayn Kāmil.
Arab Affairs
Papers relating to affairs in the Arabian Peninsula, 1907-1920 including reports on the Hijāz Railway (1907-1909), repercussions of the outbreak of war on the Arabian Peninsula, the progress of the Arab revolt in great detail and peace negotiations after 1918
Abyssinian Affairs
Papers relating to affairs in Abyssinia, 1897-1899 including the British Mission to the court of King Menelik, 1897 and correspondence, reports, etc. concerning frontier delimitation (see also section on Boundary Commissions), operations against frontier tribes, the Tsana Commission, Italian involvement in Abyssinia and political developments
Aden Affairs
Papers relating to affairs in Aden, including supply of arms to the Idrīsī, military activities in Aden during the First World War and trade
Sanūsīyah Affairs
Papers relating to Sanūsīyah affairs, including reports on Siwa and Jaghbub, 1889-1892 and letters and telegrams concerning the boundaries of the villayet of Tripoli, jurisdiction over Kufra Oasis, relations between the Sanūsī and the Egyptian and Turkish Governments, military developments on the western frontier of Egypt, (1915-1916) and Anglo-Italian negotiations with the Sanūsī (1916-1918)
Somaliland Affairs
Papers relating to affairs in Somaliland, including British policy in Somaliland, Special Mission to Somaliland, headed by Wingate (1909), military actions and exploitation of minerals
Ecclesiastical Affairs
Papers relating to ecclesiastical affairs in the Sudan and Egypt, including mission schools in the Sudan and the Roman Catholic Church in Egypt
Personal Papers
Chiefly correspondence of a more personal nature, but includes letters to and from serving officials and therefore many official matters are covered, particularly the crisis in Egypt in 1919. There are detailed letters from Wingate to his wife during the campaign in the Nile valley, 1889 and describing his experiences at Omdurman and Fashoda, 1898. There is also a separate series of correspondence between Wingate and Slatin, 1913-1936.
Personal diaries of Wingate containing a mixture of private and official news: Bombay, 1881; Aden, 1882; Bombay, 1883-1884; Battle of Abu Klea and the fall of Khartoum, 1884-1885; Wingate as Staff Officer to Wood, 1885-1886; inspection tour to Aswan, 1888; Khedive's visit to the frontier, 1894; battle of Omdurman and Fashoda incident, 1898; expedition against the Khalīfah, 1899; inspection tour of Mongalla Province and the Lado Enclave, 1902; inspection tours of the White and Upper Nile areas, 1903
Articles, Lectures and Speeches
Draft articles, lectures and speeches by Wingate and others covering such topics as the history of Gordon College, the Gordon relief expedition, history of the Egyptian Army, the sieges of Sennar, history and geography of Suakin, the military revolt of the 4th Sudanese battalion (1865), the planning of Khartoum and Omdurman, notes on the history of the Transport Corps, the Nuba Territorials and the Arab Battalion, etc.
Manuscripts of Published Works
Manuscript and typescript drafts of a number of publications including Fire and sword in the Sudan by R. Slatin (1895), Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan by Wingate (1891), Ten years captivity in the Mahdi's camp by Wingate (from the notes of Fr. Ohrwalder) (1892); manuscript of Father Rossignoli's account of his captivity in Omdurman (later published as I miei dodici anni di prignonia in mezzo ai Dervisci del Sudan); Equatoria, the Lado Enclave by C.H. Stigand; and miscellaneous notes intended for use in a projected autobiography by Wingate
Photographic Material
Albums, loose photographs and postcards covering Wingate's service in the Sudan as well as Abyssinia (1897), Egypt (c. 1900), Somaliland (1909), Arabia (1916), Lake Tsana (1916), the Hijāz (1917) and Palestine (1917)
Maps and Plans
Chiefly of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, but including sketch maps from the Nile campaigns and maps of Egypt, Hijāz, Asia Minor, Uganda, Sinai, Syria, Cyrenaica, Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Turkey and Yemen
Newspaper Cuttings
Loose and bound press cuttings, chiefly concerned with events in the Sudan and Egypt
Printed Material
Includes many government and army publications
Presented by Sir Ronald Wingate, 1962-1964
A catalogue for those sections of official papers relating to internal affairs in the Sudan was published as Catalogue of the papers of General Sir Reginald Wingate (1861-1953). Volume 1: Sudan papers (Durham, 1996).
Daly, M.W., The Sirdar: Sir Reginald Wingate and the British Empire in the Middle East, (Philadelphia, 1997)
Index terms
Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1861-1953
Wood, Sir Evelyn, 1838-1919
Grenfell, Francis Wallace Grenfell, Baron, 1841-1925
Emin Pasha, 1840-1892
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 1841-1904
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Earl, 1850-1916
`Abd Allahi Muhammad Turshain, Khalifa al-Mahdi, 1846-1899
Osman Digna, c.1840-1926
`Ali Dinar Zakariyah Muhammad al-Fadl, 1865-1916
Menelik, II, Negus of Abyssinia, d.1913
`Abbas II, Khedive of Egypt, 1874-1944
Husayn Kamil, Sultan of Egypt, 1854-1917
Slatin, Rudolf Carl, Freiherr von, 1857-1932
Ohrwalder, Josef, d.1912
Rossignol, Paolo, 1852-1919
Zubayr ibn Rahmat, Pasha, 1830-1913
Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad, 1848-1885
Egypt. Army
Gordon Memorial College
Sudan Plantations Syndicate
Egypt. Army -- 4th Sudanese Battalion
Church of England. Diocese of Jerusalem
Catholic Church -- Egypt
Special Mission to Egypt, 1921
Egypt -- History -- 19th century
Ethiopia -- History -- 19th century
Somalia -- History -- 19th century
Uganda -- History -- 19th century
Sudan -- History -- 1899-1956
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Sudan -- Boundaries -- Ethiopia
Sudan -- Commerce
Sudan -- Antiquities
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- Egypt
Sudan -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Foreign relations -- Zaire
Khartoum (Sudan)
Gezira (Sudan)
Somalia -- History -- 20th century
Egypt -- History -- 20th century
Ethiopia -- History -- 20th century
Lado Enclave
Sennar (Sudan)
Suakin (Sudan)
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Egypt -- Description and travel
Somalia -- Description and travel
Arabian Peninsula -- Description and travel
Palestine -- Description and travel
Uganda -- Description and travel
Syria -- Description and travel
Libya -- Description and travel
Jordan -- Description and travel
Turkey -- Description and travel
Yemen -- Description and travel
Uganda -- History -- 20th century
Yemen -- History -- 20th century
Sinai (Egypt)
Dongola (Sudan: Province)
Tokar (Sudan)
El Fasher (Sudan)
Sudan -- Boundaries -- Zaire
Sudan -- Boundaries -- Uganda
Tana, Lake (Ethiopia)
Aden Protectorate -- History -- 20th century
Aden Protectorate -- Commerce
Aden Protectorate -- Description and travel
Libya -- History -- 19th century
Libya -- History -- 20th century
Siwa (Egypt)
Jaghbub (Libya)
Tripoli (Libya)
Kufra Oasis
Arabian Peninsula -- History -- 20th century
Arab countries -- History -- Arab Revolt, 1916-1918
Egypt -- History -- Insurrection, 1919
Omdurman (Sudan)
Fashoda (Sudan)
India -- Description and travel
Mongalla (Sudan)
Aswan (Egypt)
Military intelligence -- Sudan
Public works -- Sudan
Missions -- Sudan
Insurgency -- Sudan
Tourist trade -- Sudan
Railroads -- Sudan
Bridges -- Sudan
Agriculture -- Sudan
Public health -- Sudan
World War, 1914-1918 -- Sudan
Darfur Campaign, 1916
Mutiny -- Sudan
City planning -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Sudan
Irrigation -- Egypt
World War, 1914-1918 -- Aden Protectorate
Sennusites -- Libya
World War, 1914-1918 -- Egypt
Railroads -- Arabian Peninsula
Autobiographies -- 20th century
Biographies -- 19th century
Correspondence -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 19th century
Political papers
Diaries -- 19th century
Diaries -- 20th century

Wingate, R.E.L.   1965
1 file   
Indian Civil Service from 1912; service in Mesopotamia, 1917-1919

Text of a talk on Mesopotamia and south eastern Arabia during and just after the First World War
Presented by Wingate, 1965
Index terms
Wingate, Sir Ronald Evelyn Leslie, 1889-1978
World War, 1939-1945 -- Iraq

Wolfe, J.M.B.   1954
1 file   
Sudan Irrigation Department, 1934-1955

Report on irrigation problems in the Sudan and recommendations as to how to deal with them, 1954
Presented by Wolfe, 1979
Index terms
Wolfe, J. M. B., of the Sudan Irrigation Department, fl. 1934-1979
Irrigation -- Sudan

Wolff, M.E. and G.L.   1911-1963
9 boxes   
Midwives, Egypt and the Sudan, 1914-1937:
M.E. Wolff - Matron of Midwifery Training School, Omdurman, 1921-1930 and Inspector of Midwives, 1930-1937;
G.L. Wolff - Matron of the Nurses' Training School, Omdurman, 1925-1930 and Matron, Midwifery Training School, 1930-1937

Papers re the children's free dispensary at Fayoum, Egypt, 1912-1920; official papers concerning the Midwifery Training School at Omdurman, 1921-1937, including reports on inspections of midwives, correspondence, inventories, annual reports, work diaries, case books, staff reports, accounts etc.; papers on female circumcision; personal letters; trek diaries; articles; 2,184 photographs covering inspection tours; midwife's box; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea; printed material
Presented by the Misses Wolff, 1967-1968, by R.G. Dingwall, Dr A. Cruickshank, Dr J.F.E. Bloss and Mrs Rotherham, 1982 and Dr Hassan Bella, 1983
Index terms
Wolff, Gertrude Lucy, 1886-1968
Wolff, Mabel Elsie, 1890-1981
Midwifery Training School (Omdurman)
Fayoum (Egypt)
Sudan -- Description and travel
Obstetrics -- Sudan
Medicine -- Sudan
Female circumcision -- Sudan
Medicine -- Egypt
Midwives -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century

Wollen, W.R.G.   1898-1899
1 album   
Royal Engineers, 1894-1898; Sapper officer with Egyptian Army Railway staff, 1898-1900; Nile campaign, 1898; Sudan Military Railways, 1901

Album of 214 photographs covering Wollen's service during the Nile campaign, showing construction of the Wadi Halfa - Khartoum railway, military manoeuvres, scenes after the Battle of Omdurman, Cairo street scenes and including rare photographs of three of the Mahdi's sons, 1898-1899
Presented by Mr F.B. Hardinge, 1958
Index terms
Wollen, William Russell Grant, 1874-1901
Sudan -- Description and travel
Railroads -- Sudan

Wood, E.   1882-1902
1 album   
Royal Engineers 1864-1904

Album of 218 photographs covering Wood's army career in the Sudan and Egypt, Malta and South Africa, 1882-1902
Presented by R.E.H. Baily, 1967
Index terms
Wood, Sir Elliott, 1844-1931
Egypt -- Description and travel
South Africa -- Description and travel
Malta -- Description and travel

Wood, G.C.   1914-[1970s]
4 boxes   
Sudan Education Department, 1939-1958, including Registrar, University College of Khartoum, 1951-1958

Official papers relating to education; personal letters home (1939-1957) and between Wood and his wife (1946-1966); 202 photographs, negatives and slides covering Wood's travels in Sudan, social life and the work of the S.D.F.; cinefilms; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea
Presented by David Castle (2007 and 2009) (included papers of George's wife, Kathleen Wood, now catalogued separately).
Index terms
Wood, George Cecil, 1914-1977
Education -- Sudan
Correspondence -- 20th century

Wood, G.K.   [c. 1929]-1985
0.5 box   
Sudan Railways and Steamers, 1929-1955

Official papers including staff lists; personal papers; articles and lectures; 82 photographs, postcards and negatives, chiefly Sudan Railways; 1 map; museum objects; newspapers cuttings, printed material
Presented by Paynes Hicks Beach (solicitors), 1992
Index terms
Wood, Gerard Kenneth, 1905-1992
Railroads -- Sudan

Wood, K.M.E.   1939-1998
7 boxes   
Sudan Education Department, 1947-1958, including Mistress, Girls' Training College, Omdurman, 1947-1948 and Headmistress, El Obeid Girls' Intermediate School, 1948, Omdurman Girls' Intermediate School, 1949-1954 and Girls' Secondary School, Khartoum, 1954-1958

Official papers, chiefly relating to girls' education; personal letters from her husband and between Mrs Wood and her friend Alice Davies; personal and appointment diaries; speeches, 239 photographs and negatives; newspaper cuttings; miscellanea
Presented by David Castle (2007 and 2009), also containing the papers of Kathleen's husband, George Wood, which are now catalogued separately.
Index terms
Wood, Kathleen Mabel Evelyn, 1915-2007
Education -- Sudan
Correspondence - 20th century

Wood, W.   [c. 1927]
1 file   
Sudan Surveys Department, 1927-1947

19 photographs, N. Sudan and Cairo
Presented by Mrs E. Gilbert, 1995
Index terms
Wood, William, of the Sudan Survey Department, fl. 1927-1947
Cairo (Egypt)

Woodman, H.M.   1938-1949
0.5 box   
Sudan Medical Department, 1930-1950

Zande District and Equatoria Province annual reports, 1946, 1949; diaries of journeys to the Belgian Congo and from Addis Ababa to Tanganyika, 1938-1944; memoirs; 53 photographs, southern Sudan
Presented by Woodman, 1981-1982, by T.H.B Mynors, 1993 and Mrs G.A. Selkirk, 1994
Index terms
Woodman, Hugh M.
Zande District (Sudan)
Zaire -- Description and travel
Equatoria (Sudan)
Ethiopia -- Description and travel
Tanganyika -- Description and travel
Sudan -- Description and travel
Medicine -- Sudan
Diaries -- 20th century
Autobiographies -- 20th century

Wyld, J.W.G.   [c. 1928]-1968
0.5 box   
Sudan Political Service, 1926-1950 including appointments in Upper Nile, Bahr el Ghazal, Mongalla and Equatoria provinces

Official papers relating to Zande District; account of a punitive patrol against the Nuer, 1928; texts of speeches on the Azande; personal letters; 27 photographs, S. Sudan
Presented by Mrs H. Hick, 1985-1986
Index terms
Wyld, Jasper William George, 1896-1968
Sudan -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Zande District (Sudan)
Zande (African people)
Insurgency -- Sudan
Nuer (African people)