Kilner, T. Peter
T. Peter Kilner

1. Personal Papers
2. Articles and Speeches
3. Draft Publications
4. Primary Source Material on the Sudan
5. Photographs
6. Press Material
(a) Newspaper Cuttings
(b) Reports from News Agencies and Organisations
(i) Reuters' telegrams
(ii) Weekly Press Review extracts
(iii) Other News Agency Reports
7. Miscellanea
Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Kilner, T. Peter
Dates of creation: 1949-[1980s]
Extent: 3 boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Created by: Kilner, T. Peter
Language: English, some Italian and French

T. Peter Kilner

(1928 - 2000)

[1952-1954]Freelance Journalist, Sudan
[1959]-1967Editor of The Morning News
1968-[1970s]Freelance Journalist, England


1. Personal Papers
2. Articles and Speeches
3. Draft Publications
4. Primary Source Material on the Sudan
5. Photographs
6. Press Material
(a) Newspaper Cuttings
(b) Reports from News Agencies and Other Organisations
(i) Reuters' Telegrams
(ii) Weekly Press Extracts
(iii) Other News Agency Reports
7. Miscellanea

Accession details

Presented by Peter Kilner, 1999

1. Personal Papers
Notebook containing rough notes, mostly extracts from newspaper reports on major political events in the Sudan
Notebook containing rough notes on the subjects of transfer of power and politics in the Sudan
Notebook containing rough notes on political developments in the Sudan in 1953 and 1956
Notebook containing rough notes on the major political events in the Sudan
1960 Mar 10-1967 Feb 14
Miscellaneous personal and semi-official correspondence from Sudanese and British friends mostly regarding difficulties facing Christians in Southern Sudan, including two detailed letters from Father Vantini and Alexis Mbali Yangu (SAD.311/12/31-35
2. Articles and Speeches
Article by Karamalla Awad, entitled “The administration of the Sudan since 1898: early administration and the coming of ‘local government’”
Tranlsation of an article in Arabic by ‘A Northerner who lived in Southern Sudan’, entitled “The Southern Sudan and the future”
1954 Jul 16
Article by Alice Stewart, Reader in Social Medicine at the University of Oxford, on “Opportunities in the Sudan for original work in social medicine”
1954 Sep 21
Article by the Central Office of Information, entitled “Anglo-Egyptian relations, 1802-1954”
1959 Nov 8
Talk by Kilner delivered at Chatham House, entitled “Political trends in the Sudan”
1960 Feb
Paper by Kilner entitled “Notes on the Sudan as a multi-racial society” presented at the Constitutional Problems of Multi-Racial Countries postgraduate seminar at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
1960 Nov 15
Paper by R. Gray, entitled “Christianity in post-colonial Africa” for discussion at a seminar on the Churches' role in the Sudan
1969 Dec 20
Article received by Kilner from Ogilvie-Forbes, entitled “The South Sudanese refugee problem”
3. Draft Publications
1971 May 6-1972 Mar 12
Correspondence and other papers relating to a projected book by Kilner on Muhammad Ahmad Mahjub, including draft chapters
Draft chapters for a book by Kilner, entitled “Modern Sudan”
Photocopies of chapters and appendices from an unknown book on southern Sudan
Photocopies of two chapters, entitled “The Sudan Question” and “Background on the Sudan”, probably by Mekki Abbas
Notes by Kilner, probably used during his research for a publication
4. Primary Source Material on the Sudan
1930 Jan 25
Memorandum from H.A. MacMichael, Civil Secretary, concerning British policy in the southern Sudan, with covering letter by MacMichael to R.G.C. Brock, Governor of Bahr al-Ghazal Province, Lieut.-Col. F.C.C. Balfour, Governor of Mongalla Province, C.A. Willis, Governor of Upper Nile Province, and a further letter on the need to explain the policy to missionaries
1947 Apr
Note by W.N. Allan entitled “Notes on Nile conservation projects”
1952 Jun
Circular letter from M. Warren, General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society to all missionaries on the publication of Mekki Abbas' The Sudan Question, etc. (London, 1952)
1953 Jul 27-1955 May 9
Letters from W.N. Allan to H.A. MacMichael, enclosing notes commenting on MacMichael's publications
Annex 1 [probably of a report] on the subject of “Sudan missionary societies”
1960 Jun 21
Broadcast statement by the Minister of Finance and Economics on the occasion of the presentation of the 1960/61 central and development budgets, with copies of the “Budget at a glance” for 1958/59 and 1959/60
1966 Apr 6
Appeal from the Niangara executive committee and other Sudanese refugees resident in Niangara Camp in the Congo for tools and medicines
1966 May 15
Report by a sub-committee with representation from North and South, on issues of difference between the Northern and Southern representatives and the distribution of powers
1970 Jan 1
Table showing the estimated numbers of refugees in Africa
1970 Apr 26
Copy of Republican Order No 4 for the protection of the 25th May Revolution and its socialist objectives, issued by the Supreme Revolutionary Council
1972 Mar 14
Series of memoranda on the finances and administration of the Medical Council for Refugees, with covering letter from Maj Gen Joseph Lagu of the SPLM to Rev Vass: accounts for 15 Nov 1971 to 15 Mar 1972 (SAD.311/13/31); comments on budget making (SAD.311/13/32); note on problems of distribution (SAD.311/13/34); disease monthly reports, for Meridi-Amadi district, Torit and Yei-Morta, 1971-1972 (SAD.311/13/35-37); note on South Sudan civil administration (SAD.311/13/38)
5. Photographs
1966 May-Oct
Photographs taken by Luiza Mozza of Sudanese refugees in Uganda:
1966 May
Luiza and Elizabeth outside the family home, Kalongo, Uganda, standing next to the grave of their late sister, Elvira
1966 Aug
Burial of a refugee, Kalongo, Uganda
1966 Aug
Children waiting for food and treatment outside Kalongo Hospital, Uganda
1966 Sep
Refugees awaiting treatment outside Kalongo Hospital, Uganda
1966 Sep
Catholic Sister giving milk and bread to sick refugee children, Kalongo, Uganda
1966 Sep
Mother (Luiza's eldest sister's daughter) with her twins, Kalongo, Uganda
1966 Oct
Refugee children waiting for bread and milk outside Kalongo hospital, Uganda
6. Press Material
(a) Newspaper Cuttings
1960 Jun 2-Jul 31
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1960 Aug 5- Aug 31
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1960 Sep 12-Oct 27
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1960 Nov 1-Dec 28
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Jan 1- Jan 30
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Feb 1- Feb 28
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Mar
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Apr 2-Jun 25
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Jul 2-Aug 22
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Sep 3-Oct 30
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1961 Nov 8-Dec 31
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1962 Jan 1-Feb 25
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1962 Mar 4-May 30
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
1962 Jun-Jul 31
Newspaper cuttings (many of them title pages) from The Sudan Daily
Typescript copies of articles published in a variety of newspapers, including concerning the first year of self-government in Sudan (SAD.313/4/1-4); E. Atiyah on “Britain and the Sudan” (SAD.313/4/5); transcript of a statement, probably subsequently published in a newspaper, by Prime Minister Abbud to the United Nations General Assembly (SAD.313/4/6-12); article entitled “The Southern Sudan” (SAD.313/4/13-14); translation of reports from Al `Ayyam (SAD.313/4/15-17); article from The Observer on the Southern Sudan (SAD.313/4/18); letter from Comitato Sud Sudan to a newspaper concerning self-government in Sudan (SAD.313/4/219-21)
Newspaper cuttings, mostly from The Times concerning a wide range of topics including Sudanese independence and the transfer of power, 1955 (SAD.313/5/23, 25,28,40,49-53,56-58,59-62); the Torit mutiny (SAD.313/5/6-9,12-15,17-19,21,22,26,29,32,41-42,44-46,50-51,55,63,82,109,121); Sudan's relationship with Egypt (SAD.313/5/31,48,54,66,70,74,89,106,111,113-114,118-119,121); the formation of a new government (SAD.313/5/33-39,43,47-48,64-65,69,74,77-78); the death of 189 prisoners in Kosti (SAD.313/5/71-76); the establishment of trade agreements with other countries (SAD.313/5/79- 81,83-86,88,91,104,113); the development of Sudan's education policy (SAD.313/5/92); the establishment of a Sudanese university (SAD.313/5/94); reaction from northern Sudanese to a tour of the north by the southern Minister, Stanislaus Paysama Pakta (SAD.313/5/95); Ismail al-Azhari's defeat and resignation as Prime Minister and the appointment of his successor, Sayyid `Abdullah Khalil (SAD.313/5/98,100-103); plans to improve relations between northern and southern Sudanese (SAD.313/5/99); the imprisonment of Stanislaus Paysama Pakta (SAD.313/5/107-108,110); the admission of Sudan to the World Bank and IMF (SAD.313/5/125)
Newspaper cuttings, mostly from The Times concerning a wide range of topics including the Sudan Government's control of schools in the south (SAD.313/6/2); the issuing of Sudanese currency notes (SAD.313/6/3); negotiations with Uganda over the Sudan-Uganda border (SAD.313/6/4); U.S. aid for the Sudan (SAD.313/6/7-8,13,49,67-70,86,96); the Sudanese Foreign Minister's position on military pacts with other countries (SAD.313/6/10,57); Sudan's relationship with Egypt, in particular Egypt's claims to territory in northern Sudan (SAD.313/6/11,24-27,30,32-33,40,54,71,78,81); trade agreements with other countries (SAD.313/6/15,19,59,65); the uncovering of a plot to overthrow the Sudan Government (SAD.313/6/14-15,56); the progress of the general election (SAD.313/6/18,34-45); a tour by the Prime Minister, Sayyid `Adbullah Khalil, of the southern provinces (SAD.313/6/21); the formation of a new government (SAD.313/6/46-47); negotiations over the new constitution for Sudan (SAD.313/6/58); the establishment of diplomatic relations with Ghana (SAD.313/6/64); the possibility of independence for the south (SAD.313/6/66); the prohibition of political demonstrations in Khartoum and Omdurman (SAD.313/6/82,95); the explusion of foreign missionaries in the south (SAD.313/6/84); the formation of an all-party government in Sudan (SAD.313/6/87-88); the military revolution in Sudan and the appointment of General Abbud as Prime Minister (SAD.313/6/90-93)
Newspaper cuttings concerning a wide range of topics including the overthrow of the military regime in Sudan (SAD.313/7/2-3); The Tablet concerning Catholic education in Sudan (SAD.313/7/7-11); cuttings from the News Bulletin; The Times concerning the southern problem (SAD.313/7/12); the progress of Abbud's government (SAD.313.7/20-21); the erection of a tablet to commemorate the work of British officials in Sudan during the Condominium (SAD.313/7/23); News Chronicle and The Times on relations between Egypt and Sudan (SAD.313/7/30-31,49,51); Overseas Review with weather reports from Sudan (SAD.313/7/33-46)
Newspaper cuttings concerning a wide range of topics including The Observer on the plan by archaeologists to save Nubian sites, including Abu Simbel (SAD.313/8/1-2,4); The Financial Times concerning the economic progress of the Sudan (SAD.313/8/3); The Tablet and The Times on the plight of Christians in the Sudan (SAD.313/8/7-9); Daily Telegraph relating to Saddiq al-Mahdi's calls for an election (SAD.313/8/10); The People on slavery in the Sudan (SAD.313/8/11-12, 14); the progress of the military regime (SAD.313/8/15,16); the progress of the civil war (SAD.313/8/52,58,61,64-66); the Sudan Communist Party (SAD.313/8/37,53); a possible trade agreement between Sudan and the U.A.R. (SAD.313/8/41); the declaration of independence for Aden (SAD.313/8/51,80)
Newspaper cuttings concerning a wide range of topics, some relating to other African countries such as Uganda and Libya, although many relate to the Sudan, including the Nubian archaeological discoveries (SAD.313/9/1); the persecution of Christians in Sudan (SAD.313/9/2,93); The Observer, The Times, Nile Pilot, New York Herald Tribune, Daily Telegraph, Jur Post on human rights abuses and the progress of the civil war (SAD.313/9/4-6,64-63 67-72,75-80, 82-87,93-94,107-109,113-115,117-119,121); The World Today on the problem of the Jordan waters (SAD.313/9/7); the end of the military regime (SAD.313/9/14-16); The Financial Times, The Times, Reporter, Economist on discussions to solve the problem in the South (SAD.313/9/17-19,21,27,29,37-38,40-41); The Financial Times on the progress of Sudan's economic policy, 1964 (SAD.313/9/20); the effect of the political crisis in Sudan on Queen Elizabeth II's visit (SAD.313/9/23); The Times, Economist on the political crisis and the resignation of Prime Minister Sirr al-Khatim al-Khalifa (SAD.313/9/24-25,28,30,46);The Times concerning a controversy surrounding the discovery of a consignment of arms to be used to overthrow the Sudanese government (SAD.313/9/49-50); The Times on the appointment of Muhammad Ahmad Mahgub as Prime Minister (SAD.313/9/52-54,57,67); The Times on accusations of Sudanese support for a Chadese rebellion (SAD.313/9/58,60); The Times concerning the riots in Khartoum over the release of political prisoners (SAD.313/9/62-64); offer of aid from China (SAD.313/9/73-74); The Times, Nile Pilot concerning Sadiq al-Mahdi's views on the causes of the civil war dating back to British colonial policy towards Muslims (SAD.313/9/89,91-92); Observer on the suppression of the Sudan Communist Party (SAD.313/9/112)
Newspaper cuttings on a wide range of topics including The Times, The Daily Mail, The Economist, Uganda Argus on the Sudanese civil war (SAD.313/10/2,4 -5,7,9,13,16,18,27,29,31); Uganda Argus concerning the offer by Prime Minister Mahgub for arms to Ethiopia (SAD.313/10/15); Church Times on the persecution of Christians in southern Sudan (SAD.313/10/20, 35); Uganda Argus on the political crisis (SAD.313/10/25); Uganda Argus on the plight of Sudanese refugees in Uganda (SAD.313/10/26,28); MRA Information Service on the appointment of Sadiq al-Mahdi as Prime Minister (SAD.313/10/36-38)
Newspaper cuttings on a wide range of topics including The Times, Newsweek, Sudan Times, The Daily Mail, The Economist, The Financial Times on the Sudanese civil war (SAD.313/11/1-2,8,19,21-26,28); Le Monde on socialism in Sudan (SAD.313/11/3-7); The Times concerning a conference in Juba to discuss the issue of South Sudan (SAD.313/11/18); a pro-Communist riot in Khartoum (SAD.313/11/29)
Cuttings from Nigrizia relating to the Sudan
Language: Italian
Cuttings from a variety of newspapers and magazines, including The Economist, New Middle East, Time and Nigrizia, divided into subjects by Kilner, including arts, education, politics (civil war), geography/geology, and religion
(b) Reports from News Agencies and Organisations
(i) Reuters' telegrams
1965 Jan-Mar
Telegrams from Reuters, mostly relating to the political situation and the progress of the civil war in southern Sudan
1965 Jul-Oct
Telegrams from Reuters, mostly relating to the political situation and the progress of the civil war in southern Sudan
1965 Dec-1966 Aug
Telegrams from Reuters, mostly relating to the political situation and the progress of the civil war in southern Sudan
Telegrams from Reuters, mostly relating to the political situation and the progress of the civil war in southern Sudan
(ii) Weekly Press Review extracts
1961 Sep 2-1963 Mar 9
Extracts from the Weekly Press Review relating to events in Sudan
1964 Jan 2-25
Extracts from the Weekly Press Review relating to events in Sudan
1964 Feb 22-Mar 28
Extracts from the Weekly Press Review relating to events in Sudan
1964 Apr 4-Jun 13
Extracts from the Weekly Press Review relating to events in Sudan
(iii) Other News Agency Reports
Typescript copies of articles by Kilner written for various news services on the subject of the Sudan, including transcriptions of question and answer sessions broadcast on the BBC Arabic Service
Press releases and statements from various organisations, including a statement from the Suez Canal Association (SAD.314/9/1); press statement from all southern students of the University College of Khartoum on southern Sudan (SAD.314/9/2-3); open letter from `Abd al-Salam Abou-Ela to Sayyid Mekki Abbas, on the cotton trade (SAD.314/9/4-5); Press Bulletin No 1147: address by the Director of the Ministry of Local Government at the Conference of International Union of Local Authority, Berlin (SAD.314/9/6-13); English translation of an article from As-Salam entitled “The Church has not kidnapped the girl: an explanatory statement” (SAD.314/9/14-16); memorandum sent to the President and memebrs of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of the Republic of the Sudan (SAD.314/9/17); report from Cotton and general economic review concerning business conditions in the Sudan (SAD.314/9/18-19); statement from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (SAD.314/9/20-21); proposals by the Sudan African National Union (SANU) to the Twelve-Man Committee on the constitutional and administrative set-up in the Sudan (SAD.314/9/22-29); reply to the scheme of proposals by the northernpolitical parties for the settlement of the southern question (SAD.314/9/30-31); statement by the Association for Exchange Programs with Developing Countries, entitled “For a peaceful solution of the Southern Sudan conflict” (SAD.314/9/32-33); press releases from the Sudan Embassy (SAD.314/9/34-36); and an article entitled “Coptic Pope” on the training of Egyptian and African missionaries by the Coptic Orthodox Church (SAD.314/9/37)
1961 Nov 17-1969 May 25
Cuttings from summaries of world broadcasts relating to events in Sudan
7. Miscellanea
1960 Mar 8
Order of service for the unveiling by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh of the memorial to the work of British men and women in the Sudan under the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium now ended
Paper commenting on legislation relating to trade unions