Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Miscellaneous Small Donations in the Sudan Archive
Dates of creation: 1863-21st century
Extent: 6 boxes (still accruing material)
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections: Sudan Archive
Created by: Miscellaneous Small Donations in the Sudan Archive
Language: English, Arabic, Zande, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish
Small donations of material which have usually been made by someone other than the originator of the documents.
M. Berry
Accession details:
Donated by Mark B. Berry
Account by M.B. Berry of his travels in the Sudan, 1 Aug to 18 Oct 1982, written in the form of a rough journal and describing his travels from Uganda across the border at Nimule (SAD.866/4/4-5); the sale of donated goods (SAD.866/4/7-9); arrival
at Juba (SAD.866/4/9); river journey from Juba to Kosti (SAD.866/4/9-14); visit to a Dinka village (SAD.866/4/11-12); journey by train from Kosti to Nyala (SAD.866/4/14-18); visit to Nyeretete (SAD.866/4/18-23); visit to Nyala (SAD.866/4/24);
journey by lorry to Khartoum (SAD.866/4/25-33); attending a Sudanese party (SAD.866/4/32-33); bus journey from Khartoum to Karima (SAD.866/4/34-36); western influences on the Sudan (SAD.866/4/37); visits to Dongola and Kerma (SAD.866/4/37); and
journey by lorry to Wadi Halfa (SAD.866/4/42)
Accession details:
Donated by Miss E.S.B. Cory
Four signatures of General Gordon cut from letters which were destroyed
Ethnographic Survey of Africa
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Hillman
Ethnographic Survey of Africa showing the tribes and languages; also the stations of missionary societies, by William J.W. Roome, Secretary B.F.B.S. East Central Africa (Edward Stanford, London)
scale: 1 inch to 94.34 miles
Size: 153 x 169 cms
Very fragile
Sir Sirr al-Khatim al-Khalifa
Accession details:
Donated by Miss D. Lavin
1983 May 13
Menu for a luncheon party for Sir Sirr al-Khatim al-Khalifa at Trevelyan College, with list of guests
[n.d. pre 1956]
Sudan Plantations Syndicate poster, drawn by P.E.M. Mellor
News cuttings
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. P. Pye
1955 Jul 7-11
Photocopies of press reports of an armed bank robbery at Wad Medani and the arrest of the criminals, from Barclays Bank
D.C.O. Quarterly Staff Magazine and
The Morning News
Reports (South Sudan)
Accession details:
Donated by the School of Oriental and African Studies
[n.d. post 1961]
“The problem of the Southern Sudan” a report by the Sudan African Closed Districts National Union, South Sudan
1981 Apr 21
Report by Douglas H. Johnson, Assistant Director for Archives, Juba, on the collection of closed files from Jonglei Province, 22 Mar - 16 Apr 1981
J. Dalison
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. R. Rotach
1885 Feb 8
Letter from John Pelham Dalison (“Jack”), to his mother from Korti on the Gordon relief expedition, expressing his distress and frustration at the news of the fall of Khartoum
Copy birth certificate for J.P. Dalison above
1885 Feb 2
Photocopy of original envelope containing a letter from J.P. Dalison's elder brother Maximilian Dudley Digges Dalison of the Scots Guards, who was killed 20 Mar 1885, with copy extract from publication on his death
For further material on the Dalison family, see the donation by Ing. G. Freschi below
Girl Guides in Sudan
Accession details:
Donated by Lady Enid Cumings
[c. 1980]
Account by Lady E. Cumings of the establishment and growth of Girl Guides in the Sudan. Lady Cumings, who was married to Sir Charles Cumings (Legal Secretary 1947-1953), was appointed Commissioner of Guides in 1947 or 1948 and was responsible for
the building of a headquarters in Khartoum and for the establishment of the Women's Association
Accession details:
Donated by C.J.B. Lane
1924 Mar 21
Enlargement of aerial photograph of Khartoum
scale: 1 to 12,000
Size: 77 x 50 cms
Sudan Club
Accession details:
Donated by Professor A. Woodruff
1980 Mar 27 - 1986 Nov 2
Sudan Club comments and suggestions book, with replies, where appropriate, from the Club Secretary
Dramatic Benevolent Society
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. Khalid Al Mubarak
Photocopies of papers relating to the Dramatic Benevolent Society, including statement of earnings 1919-1923, letter from the President of the Society to the Governor of Red Sea Province requesting three days' local leave for
mudiriyah staff involved in a performance at Suakin and correspondence concerning an application for a plot of land on which to build a stage
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. A.J. Woodliffe
1899 Nov 25
Photocopy of a despatch from F.R. Wingate to Lord Kitchener reporting on the actions of a flying column under his command, sent towards Gedid in pursuit of the Amir Ahmad Fadl and the Khalifah `Abd Allahi, which culminated in the deaths of the
two Dervish leaders. Attached:
1900 Jan 14
List of recommendations for promotions and awards
1899 Nov 24
Note of composition of the force employed in the operations
1899 Nov 24
Casualty return
[c. 1900]
List of principal chiefs and amirs killed, wounded and taken prisoner
Photocopies of letters from General Sir Reginald Wingate, Governor-General, to Burn Murdoch concerning an application from Lieutenant Magill for an appointment in the Egyptian Army, to “Lucy” arranging a meeting in
London, and to Sir Ernest Shackleton declining an invitation to chair a lecture by Sir Ernest at Dunbar
1933 Mar 7
Registered copy of the will of Sir Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle (Copyright Scottish Record Office)
Album of colour photographs taken by A.J. Woodliffe, Vice Chairman of the Melik Preservation Society, during visits to Khartoum in Mar 1993 and Nov 1995 to make a photographic record of the gunboat
Melik, which was
beached on the bank of the Blue Nile at Khartoum. Photographs were also taken ofthe Mahdi's tomb, the Khalifah's house and the SS
Bordein :
The Mahdi's tomb and mosque of the Khalifah
Tuti Island with Omdurman in the background
Street scenes in Omdurman
The mosque of the Khalifah
Sir Reginald Wingate's wooden motor car
Marchand's metal cutter from Fashoda
Looking over the Blue Nile towards the Palace;
Bordein in the foreground
Accession details:
Donated by Professor M.W. Daly
Registered copy of the trust disposition and settlement [testamentary deed] of General Sir Francis Reginald Wingate, former Governor-General of the Sudan and High Commissioner for Egypt (Copyright Scottish Record Office)
W. Inglott
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. J.C.M. Starkey
1930 Mar 25
Photocopy of the passport of Walter Peter Inglott, Sudan Political Service
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. B.C. Bloomfield
[pre 1914]
Tinted postcard of boys lined up at the front of Gordon Memorial College
[pre 1914]
Tinted postcards:
Sudanese children at Omdurman, in front of mud house
Group seated under tree at Aswan
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Haselden
Postcard of a charcoal drawing of “Koko” (an Arab
shaykh ), by L.S. Haselden
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. A.H. Purchase, Sudan Public Works Department, 1946-1955
SAD.826/13/1-20; SAD.826/14/1-7
Colour transparencies of Suakin, including general views, individual houses and close-up studies of windows, doorways and arches, taken by A.H. Purchase, an architect, prior to his departure from the Sudan in 1955 as part of a survey of buildings
in Suakin. For details of each slide please see photographs database.
Portrait photographs
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. H.G. Keown-Boyd
[early 20th century]
Portrait photographs of General Sir Reginald Wingate, Governor-General of the Sudan 1900-1916 and High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan 1917-1919; Lord Lloyd, High Commisioner for Egypt and the Sudan 1925-1929; and Sir Percy Loraine, High
Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan 1929-1933
Intelligence reports
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. Abu Salim
1881 May - 1889 Oct
Chronology of events in the Sudan for the years 1881 to 1889, compiled for the Intelligence Office, Cairo by Maj. F.R. Wingate:
Part I
Part II
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. R. Williams, wife of J.F.C. Williams, formerly of Sudan Government Railways
1949 Dec
Humorous verse by Mrs. Williams entitled
“The Atbara Club is NOT a Social Club”
Articles from the
Sudan Star, written by Mrs. Williams as Atbara correspondent, covering prerformances by the Atbara Players, Atbara Diocesan School, sports events and other leisure activities. Mrs. Williams left Atbara in 1951 when her
husband was appointed Harbour Master for Port Sudan
E. Bowers
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. D. Brady
1945 Jul
Account by Sigmn E.G. Bowers of 528 Med. W/T Section of a journey from Cairo to El Fasher, 3 - 25 Jul 1945, by rail, Nile steamer and road. The purpose of the trip was to provide wireless communications for the Sudan Government in their work
against locusts. The section was divided into three groups, Bowers being the electrician in charge of the El Fasher group. The account contains descriptions of the various means of transport, fellow travellers, the terrain and towns and villages en
route, difficulties encountered especially on the last stage of the journey, and finishes with their arrival at El Fasher
Digitised material for Journal of journey from Cairo to El Fasher, July 1945 - SAD.873/3/1-20
Zande Scheme
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. A.G. McCall
[c. 1947]
Paper by J.W. Wright of the Sudan Survey Department on
“The Zande Scheme from a survey point of view”. Includes the following photographs:
Senior Medical Inspector's house, Li Rangu
Women at rest house (Ch. Ndoruma's)
The executive committee, Mar 1946
The March committee inspects the River Yubo
The January committee inspects the Lingsai site
The March committee inspects the Yabua sawmill
Cleared line for resettlement
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. J.N. Lawrence, Sudan Political Service 1949-1955
[c. 1950]
Darfur Province Christmas card, sent by J.N. Lawrence to his family in England
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. R.M. Bradfield
Paper by Dr. R.M. Bradfield entitled
“The work of English archaeologists in North Africa, 1947-54”, describing the work of a team of archaeologists under J.B. Ward-Perkins and Richard Goodchild in Tripolitania. Dr. Bradfield joined the team as an
undergraduate from Cambridge during three long vacations
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. A.K. Markland, former D.C. Tokar
Two of the last tickets to be issued in Tokar for the railway journey to Trinkitat, about 15 miles away on the Red Sea coast, with explanatory note by A.K. Markland
R. Lethbridge
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. C. Lethbridge
1898 Sep 4
Transcription of a letter written by Robert Christopher Baron Lethbridge after the Battle of Omdurman to his mother, describing the advance on Omdurman, the battle and its aftermath. The original letter, still in the possession of the family, was
written in pencil on the notepaper of the 5th Northumberland Fusiliers. It was transcribed by his mother and notes added to this typescript copy in the 1970s by Mr. Lethbridge's son
1898 Nov 16
Transcription of a letter from R.C.B. Lethbridge at Atbara to his mother, describing the state of casualties and the loss of his kit
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. H.R.J. Davies
1881 May 5
Copy letter from Bishop Comboni at El Obeid to Giegler Pasha, Deputy Governor-General of the Sudan, with transcription by Mr. Davies, 1998. The letter concerns the slave trade in the Nuba Mountains
Port Sudan
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. David Tiptaft
[c. 1945]
Large photograph of the staff of the Port Sudan Power Station Section (Sudan Government Railways), including Mrs. Tiptaft's parents, Gerald Richard Millward and Mrs. Nora Millward, George Burrell (Mr. Millward's second-in-command) and Tawfiq
Afandi. Mr. Millward served in the Electrical Section of Sudan Government Railways (latterly the Ministry of Works) from 1927 to 1955
1953 May 27
Blueprint for Mr. Millward's house at Port Sudan
scale: 1 to 250
Size: 79 cms x 69 cm
F. Anley
Accession details:
Donated by Ing. Giovanni Freschi
Letters from Frederick Gore Anley, serving with the Essex Regiment on the Nile expedition, to his father:
F. Gore Anley later went on to serve with distinction in the Nile campaigns of 1896-99, in South Africa and during World War I, retiring as Brigadier General in 1919.
For further letters by Anley, see the Wingate Papers.
[1884] Oct 9 - 15
From the steam boat Bahalga on the Nile concerning the Canadian boatmen accompanying them on two attached barges; description of the men and their officers and the lack of discipline; conditions on board
1884 Oct 16 - 29
From the steam boat Bahalga and from Aswan re the lack of news from the front; entertainment by the Canadian boatmen; stops en route including at Luxor; arrival at Aswan where he joined his regiment; description of
his “luxurious” billet, including the meals served
[1884] Oct 27 - 30
From Aswan, describing sailing on the Nile; riding camels with friends in the Bearer Co.; news of movement to Shellal
1884 Nov 7 - 13
From the Nile steamer re the difficulties of sailing upriver towards Halfa; sketch of stern and rudder of boat; sight of Abu Simbel; sketch showing the barge drifting downstream; suffering from the effects of cold nights; arrival at Wadi Halfa
where orders were received to proceed to the front; list of possessions
1885 Jan 28 - Feb 1
At Korti camp re the decision to leave his regiment behind at Korti because of the “men's grumbling”; three companies sent to the front; assessment of the Colonel and other officers of the regiment
[1885] Apr 7 - 11
From Tani concerning rumours of the assassination of the Mahdi; assessment of the men in the regiment and of his fellow officers; prospects for securing employment out of the regiment
1885 Apr 12 - 13
Letter from Mrs. Dalison of Tunbridge to her son Jack concerning the death of her eldest son Captain Maximilian Dudley Digges Dalison at the battle of Hashin, with newspaper account of his death and sketch of Capt. Dalison, sketch of the scene of
action at Hashin and copy birth certificate
For further material on the Dalison family, see the donation by Mr. R. Rotach above
Nile map
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. J.O. Udal
Anonymous Turkish map of the Nile River compiled about 1685 AD. The original, held in the Biblioteca Vaticana (Vat. Turc. 73), measures 543cm in length, 45cm in width at the southern end and 88cm in the northern half, and represents the valley of
the Nile from its sources at the Mountains of the Moon to the Mediterranean Sea, between the Red Sea and the Libyan Desert. This photographic copy is in three sections, each measuring in total 160 x 116cm, representing 350cm of the 543cm original.
Missing from this copy is the Nile Delta.
Accompanying the map above is Professor Victor Ménage's translations and observations on the Ottoman Turkish legends, handwritten in a ringbinder notebook (876/3/19-70). For purposes of translation, Professor Ménage divided the reproduction of
the map into eight sections and numbered the 180 legends, which vary in length from two or three words to some dozens. A transcription and translation was provided for each legend with explanatory notes and alphabetical index of place names
(876/3/11-18). The sections and key to the legends are marked up on reduced photocopies of the map, mounted on A4 paper (876/3/1-10).
For further information, see: Rossi, Ettore,
“A Turkish map of the Nile River, about 1685”, Imago Mundi, 6 (1949), 73-5 (876/3/71-74); Suma, Maria Teresa Petti, “Il viaggio in Sudan di Evliya Celebi
(1671-1672)”, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli Annali, 14 pt 2 (1964), 433-52 (876/3/75-86); Ottoman Explorations of the Nile: Evliya Çelebi’s ‘Matchless Pearl These Reports of
the Nile’ map and his accounts of the Nile and the Horn of Africa in The Book of Travels by Robert Dankoff, Nuran Tezcan, Michael Sheridan (Gingko, 2018), published by the Royal Asiatic Society as part of its Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt Fund
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. Gloria Marks whose father worked as the coppersmith foreman at the Sudan Government Railways and Steamers Department in Atbara
Article by Gloria Marks from
The Camel Post Journal no. 52 (autumn 1995) entitled “Lieut. Marc Pourpe: pioneer French pilot and his visit to Sudan”
Photograph of Marc Pourpe's aeroplane at Atbara, with copy of an example of a cover carried by Marc Pourpe, with an LNA cachet and Sudan stamps cancelled at Abu Hamed on 21 Jan 1914 (both appear as illustrations in the article above)
1914 Dec 20
Photographs of the declaration of the British Protectorate of Egypt at Atbara:
The reading of the proclamation by Commander Atbara District. Mrs. Marks appears as the young girl in the foreground of the picture
The Egyptian guard of honour
The Anglo-Egyptian guard of honour
Arrival of the 7th Manchesters, Atbara detachment, as guard of honour
Inspection of the Anglo-Egyptian guard of honour by Commander Atbara District
D. Cran
Accession details:
Donated by Miss E. Cran, whose grandfather, Dr. Douglas Cran, served as a doctor with the rank of Captain, in the R.A.M.C. in Khartoum, 1933
Photographs belonging to Dr. Douglas Cran:
Dr. Cran (?) in uniform of R.A.M.C.
Habub approaching Khartoum, Jul 1933 (Karakashian Bros.)
Two young Bija men (taken by C.I. Melville)
Aerial view of regimental crests picked out in stone on a hillside in the Red Sea Hills. Dr. Cran helped to make the R.A.M.C. crest in the centre of the picture (R.A.F., Crown copyright)
Military history
Accession details:
Donated by Brigadier R. H. S. Popham
1975 Feb 26
Eyewitness account of the 1924 mutiny by General Stayner, formerly of the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment
Papers relating to one of the last cavalry charges of modern warfare, which took place at Keru in Ethiopia in 1941, including newspaper accounts, article entitled
“Gazelle Force and Il Gruppo Bande Amhara a Cavallo” from The Military Historical Society (May 1977), correspondence between Brigadier Popham and Brigadier General Baron Amedeo
Guillet, survivor of the Italian charge, and copy of the speech in Baron Guillet's honour at the dinner of the 4th Indian Division by C.A.H.M.N.
Correspondence relating to the Imperial War Museum's programme of oral history, with particular reference to the British Army in Africa, and to which Brigadier Popham contributed
H MacMichael
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. G. Clay
1928 Nov 15
Letter from H.A. MacMichael, Civil Secretary, to Robin [Clay] describing prospects in the Sudan Political Service
Mutiny 1924
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. P.A. Williamson
1925 Apr 21
Copy report of a special committee appointed to review all information regarding the political events which culminated in the mutiny of certain troops in Khartoum on 27 Nov 1924, entitled
“Report on political agitation in the Sudan”. The committee consisted of J.M. Ewart (chairman), R.E.H. Baily and R. Davies and this printed copy of the report was forwarded by N. Henderson, Acting High Commissioner,
to Austen Chamberlain
[Copy from an original in the Public Record Office, FO 371/10905; lacking pp 22-23. No copying permitted.]
Accession details:
Donated by the B.B.C.
Video film of B.B.C. Assignment Special:
“Anatomy of a famine”, broadcast on 23 Apr 1991
1991 Apr 23
Transcript of commentary from the above film and of the discussion which took place in the television studio between representatives of the Sudanese, British and American governments, aid agencies and other interested parties
W Byam
Accession details:
Donated by Colonel William Byam, ex-Egyptian Army (1908-1916)
William Byam:
| | |
| 1904 | Royal Army Medical Corps |
| 1908- 1916 | Egyptian Army |
| 1912 | Operations in S.E. Sudan |
1879 Dec 15
Photocopy of a letter from C.G. Gordon at Massawa to Col. Charles E. Harvey, Royal Engineers, Gibraltar, concerning his negotiations on behalf of the Khedive with King John of Abyssinia at Debra Tabor near Magdala and his return journey to
C Stigand
Accession details:
Donated by Henry H. Gordon Clark
1946 Mar
Reminiscences of Major C.H. Stigand by H.H. Gordon Clark, with accompanying letter. The reminiscences mainly take the form of hunting stories. Stigand's mother was Mr. Gordon Clark's first cousin
Battle of Omdurman
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. T.S. Hoy
1898 [1307]
Photographic copy of a bill of sale for a camel, picked up as a memento on the field of the Battle of Omdurman by Sergeant E. Flintham, 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment.
Original in the possession of Mr. Hoy
G. Harvey
Accession details:
Donated by A.F. Flatow
[c. 1900]
Portrait photograph of Sir George Harvey in dress uniform, veteran of both battles of El Teb (1884) and former Chief of Police, Alexandria and Cairo (d. 1930)
Soil map
Accession details:
Presented by Major A.H.E.L. Holt, engineering adviser on soil conservation, Ministry of Agriculture, 1952-1958
SAD.D//S 5/1
1952 Jan
Plan of soil conservation sections in the central rainland area of the Sudan: field works
scale: 1 to 1,000,000 (82 x 126 cms)
R. Phipps Hornby
Accession details:
Donated by Cmdr. W.M. Phipps Hornby
End of letter from Slatin Pasha to Admiral R.S. Phipps Hornby containing his signature
[c. 1903 - 1904]
Portrait photograph of R.S. Phipps Hornby, with biographical information. Admiral Phipps Hornby (1866-1956) visited the Sudan in 1906 for the opening of the Nile - Red Sea railway
Signed portrait photograph of Slatin Pasha
L. S. King
Accession details:
Donated by L.S. King
Note by L.S. King on
“How General Neguib left Khartoum, March 2nd 1954”. Flight Lieutenant King served with the R.A.F. and visited Khartoum in 1954 for annual ground defence training
Shaykh Nimr Hasan Khalifa
Accession details:
Donated by Mr. R.C. Maxwell-Darling, former Assistant Entomologist at the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, Khartoum
Photograph of Shaykh Nimr Hasan Khalifa, Nazir of the Hawawir, Northern Kordofan (negative)
E Palmer
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. E.C. Palmer whose husband served with the Agriculture Department during the 1920s
1922 Oct 28
Note on a visit by Sayyid `Ali al-Mirghani to the Palmers at Nuri, Kareima
Amir Mahmud wad Ahmad
Accession details:
Donated by Colonel Abu Qurun
Photograph of the grave of Amir Mahmud wad Ahmad (c. 1865-1906), Mahdist
amir and nephew of the Khalifa `Abd Allahi. (For further details, see Hill, R.L.,
A biographical dictionary of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (London, 1967))
Photograph of Ahmad Mahmud Ahmad, son of Amir Mahmud mentioned above (colour)
Photograph of Uthman abu Bakr Diqnah (c. 1840-1926), taken five days before his death by H.C. Jackson. (For further details, see Hill (1967))
R. Stephens
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs. E.E. Stephens whose husband R. Stephens served in the Sudan, 1923-1927
1925 Apr
Photographs of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to Khartoum:
Sir Geoffry Archer and other government officials greeting the Duke and Duchess
The Duchess on deck of ship, possibly Nile steamer
P. N. Hutton
Accession details:
Donated by Mr P.N. Hutton, former Australian Ambassador to the Sudan, 1979-1981
1996 Dec
Copy of the introduction and chapter 4 of P.N. Hutton's
The legacy of the Suez, an account of his diplomatic career in the Middle East, available on the internet at
Chapter 4 deals with his period as Australian Ambassador to the Sudan from 1979 to 1981
Paper by P.N. Hutton entitled
“Some historical aspects of Australian - Sudanese relations”, presented to a conference at Maquarie University on “The Sudan: conflict and war in a rogue state”, June 1999, with
copy of the conference programme
Accession details:
Donated by Mr John Parker
SAD.Video 21
VHS copy of a film commissioned by the Lutheran World Federation and the Sudan Emergency Operations Consortium entitled
“Crisis in the Horn of Africa”. The film, compiled by John Parker, gives a brief background to events of 1992. It includes extracts from earlier films shot for the Lutheran World Federation and historical film from
the Sudan Archive
29 minutes; colour.
Copyright: John Parker
Accession details:
Donated by H.E. Omer Y. Bireedo, Sudan Ambassador to the UK
SAD.Video 22
VHS copy of a film recording the celebrations for Sudan's independence. No commentary but with some titles in Arabic
32 minutes; b & w.
Digital copy
Copyright Sudan Government
H. Logali
Accession details:
Donated by Dr. Lillian Craig Harris
[c. 1997]
Corrected draft of the first six chapters of an unpublished autobiography by Hilary Paul Logali (1930-1998), former southern Sudanese administrator and political leader from Juba. He served as Minister of Communications (1965) and of Labour
(1967-1968) and was Secretary General and later Vice President of the Southern Front. After the 1969 Revolution he was appointed Commissioner for Equatoria Province and later served on the Southern Region High Executive Committee, in the Regional
People's Assembly and the Sudan Socialist Union.
Synopsis of the proposed book in 11 chapters
Chapter 1, "The early beginnings": Logali's early years and education; beginnings of political awareness
Chapter 2, "The birth of a political movement": early steps by the southern Sudanese intelligentsia to organise themselves
Chapter 3, "Under-ground movement. The first military regime 1958-1964": the role of the post-Juba Conference generation in the civil service and the university; the growth of the political movement
Chapter 4, "In the glare of political parties. Return of liberal democracy": overthrow of the military regime; new generation of southern politicians
Chapter 5, "The second military regime. From socialism to Islamic fundamentalism": involvement of the Communist Party in government; attempted communist coup; southern intelligentsia leadership of the south
Chapter 6, "Our Kingdom come": end of the civil war in the south; autonomous status
Lantern slides
Accession details:
Donated by Ms. P. Campbell. The following lantern slides were bought in a sale at Harrods. The original provenance is unknown. They are all undated but were probably taken c.1910-1930.
Aerial view of Khartoum showing the Blue Nile bridge between Khartoum and Khartoum North, taken by the RAF in 1928
Centre of Khartoum showing the tram terminus
Khartoum column, built to commemorate Kitchener's victory (cracked)
Gordon statue (SAD.883/12/6 cracked)
Bank of the Blue Nile, probably at Omdurman
Nile ferry from Khartoum to Omdurman
British official and Sudanese man dressed in a
jibbah outside the Khalifah's house, Omdurman (cracked)
Group of people by the river bank at Omdurman
Erecting a distilling plant, probably Port Sudan
Erecting chimney for distilling plant, probably Port Sudan
Building the first pontoon for the pontoon quay, probably Port Sudan
Steamer lying alongside quay while being discharged by 20 ton steam crane on pontoon, probably Port Sudan
Type of engine used on the section of line between Port Sudan and the summit
Erecting shop and running shed at Suakin
General view of workshops at Suakin
Railway bridge over the White Nile at Kosti (completed 1911)
Bridge over Khor Okwat during construction
Party of railway workers in Khor Kamobsana
Party of railway workers - "the first day's work"
Waggon loaded with sleepers for construction on the line (capacity 25 tons)
Railhead camp in the Red Sea Hills
Camp of advance party in the Suakin Hills
Rock cutting in Khor Kamobsana
Railway embankment at Khor Kamobsana
Nomads travelling on donkey and bull
View of Nitl in the Nuba Mountains (cracked)
View of plain outside Suakin
General view in the Red Sea Hills
Rejaf, Mongalla (cracked)
Kit river from the summit of Rejaf hill
Man sitting by spirit house at Bil, Upper Nile Province
Junction of the Sobat river and the White Nile at Bil
Group of Shilluk warriors with spears
Shilluk men standing by river's edge at the junction of the Sobat river and the White Nile
Boat in a channel in the sudd near the Bahr al-Ghazal
Arab men with group of camels
Two peaks known as “Ragged Jack” and “Castle Rock”
General view of Cairo with a minaret in the foreground
View of Cairo with the mosque of Sultan Hasan in the foreground
View of Cairo from the Citadel (cracked)
The Sultan's mosque, Cairo
Interior of the mosque of Amir showing the two columns between which it was reported that only a good Muslim could squeeze
Part of the old fortifications in Cairo
A narrow street in Old Cairo
Old Cairo - the Jewish quarter (cracked)
The Roman aqueduct at Cairo from the River Nile to the Citadel
Helwan observatory; the Moktam Hills in the distance
Statues of King Rameses II, his wife and daughter in Cairo Museum
Great Pyramid and the sphinx (cracked)
Men on camels in front of the pyramid of Chephren
Men with camels in front of a pyramid
Distant view of the pyramids
The pyramids at sunset (cracked)
Man standing by large stone at the base of the pyramids
Surf boat at Glanby Bay, Alexandria (cracked)
Ramleh tramway at Alexandria
Ship entering the Suez Canal from Port Said
Sail boats at the southern entrance of the canal, from the Great Bitter Lake (cracked)
The Great Bitter Lake at the southern entrance to the canal
Steamer on the Suez Canal
Dredger at work in the canal (SAD.883/13/16 cracked)
Camels from the Libyan Desert crossing the canal on a ferry (cracked)
Station on the Suez Canal (SAD.883/13/19 cracked)
Statue of De Lesseps at the canal
Canal keeper's home on the bank of the Suez Canal
View of the harbour at Port Said
General view of Aswan from the river
Aerial view of the Aswan Dam
Aswan dam full; view from the west
Construction of the west channel, Aswan Dam (cracked)
Elephantine Island at Aswan
Luxor and other sites of antiquities SAD.883/13/30[GL]
Ruins of Luxor seen from across the Sacred Lake
Lotus and papyrus columns in the Temple of Luxor (cracked)
Papyrus bud columns at Luxor
Central avenue of columns in the Great Temple at Luxor
A corner of the court of Rameses II at Luxor Temple (cracked)
The Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Luxor (cracked)
Inside the Hypostyle Hall at Luxor (cracked)
Top of columns in the Hypostyle Hall at Luxor (cracked)
Lotus columns in the Temple of Ptah at Luxor
The Nile ferry boat between Luxor and Thebes
Egyptian man standing in the interior of the Temple of Kurma
Great hall of the Temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak
Columns in the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak
Stairway and window of the Temple of Deir el Medina
The east gate in the Girdle Wall which enclosed the whole area of unidentified temple
The sweet-water canal, Ismailia
De Lesseps gardens at Ismailia
Khartoum cathedral
Accession details:
Donated by Professor J. Twidell
2001 Apr 13 - Jun 5
Copy letter from Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine, Canon and Commissary to the Archbishop of Sudan in the United States, to President George W. Bush concerning the events at All Saints' Cathedral in Khartoum on Good Friday 2001 when the
congregation was fired upon by police, with related letter from Rev. Patrick Blair, last expatriate Provost at the previous Anglican Cathedral in Khartoum to Canon Augustine outlining the history of the new cathedral
Accession details:
Copied from an original in the possession of Mr. Muhammad Jalal Hashim
[n.d. c. 1930]
Copy on CD of a large Arabic pedigree for a Northern Sudanese tribe. The original, which is very fragile, has been returned to Sudan
Juba University
Accession details:
Transferred from the Middle East Documentation Unit
1981 Nov
Reports on fieldwork undertaken by third year students of the University of Juba's College of Social and Economic Studies into aspects of "Future manpower supply in southern Sudan":
"The secondary school populations in Bahr el Ghazal and Lakes Provinces" by Joseph Hasan Daniel
"The senior secondary school population in Eastern and Western Equatoria Provinces" by James Lupai Andrea
Accession details:
Presented by Miss L.E. Forbes
SAD.Video 26
1956 Jan 1
VHS video copy of a Pathé News report on the declaration of independence in the Sudan, showing the raising of the new Sudanese flag, the five-man Supreme Commission at a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives and Prime Minister
Azhari addressing the crowds. Also available in betacam.
(Duration: 30 seconds; b&w; commentary in English
Copyright: Pathé News
J Hamill Stewart
Accession details:
Presented by Mr. Roger Teich
Unpublished article by Roger Teich and Abdelrahim M. Salih on
“The wreck of the Abbas”, an account of the death of Col. J.H. Hamill Stewart in 1884 during an attempt to escape the seige of Khartoum
Emin Pasha
Accession details:
Presented by Mr. N. Fitzpatrick
Report on an expedition by students of Imperial College, London to northern Uganda to survey and record the positions of the former forts of Emin Pasha at Dufile and Fadibek and the forts of Kakunguru at Opege, Kagaa, Bululu, Gogonyo and Budaka,
with photographic copies of the maps made to accompany the report, the originals of which are at Imperial College
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs. J.T. Hirst whose husband worked in the Education Department's Instructional Workshops 1906-1927 (Assistant Manager from 1919 and Manager from 1925)
[n.d. ca. 1910- 1920]
Blueprints for exercises in woodwork for children in Sudan Government primary schools, 2nd - 4th years
The illustrated carpenter and builder, 99 nos. 2575-6 (24-31 Dec 1926)
NRO Khartoum
Accession details:
Presented by Dr. Abu Salim, Sudan Government Archivist, from originals in the National Records Office, Khartoum
1915 Jun 29
Aqwal `ila al-Bati' `an tarikh khidmatu bi'l-hukuma `Ali al-Bati. The story of his services in the Egyptian Government of the Sudan, probably taken down by dictation (ms and ts copies)
Muhammad Nushi Pasha. Journal of a voyage from Khartoum to Metemma, 11 Rajab 1302 [26 Apr 1885]
Poor photocopy of original in NRO, Mahdiya, 3:7:1
Bayt al-Mal. Nominal roll of staff during the period when `Awad al-Mardi was director
Mahdist fleet, register of staff
Negative photocopy of original in NRO, Mahdiya, 6-1
Log of voyages of the steamer al-Safiya from Omdurman to Fashoda and back, Muharram - Safar 1313 AH [Jun - Sep 1895]
Original in NRO, Mahdiya, 6-3
Accession details:
Presented by Mr. J.E. Dayton
Photographs taken by Mr. Dayton in the Hijaz, Saudi Arabia:
Engine on the Hijaz Railway, attacked by Col. T.E. Lawrence in 1916 in his first abortive attempt to blow up a train
Ruined train, one of 17 locomotives derelict on the Hijaz Railway
Accession details:
Presented by Professor J. Alexander
1949 Jun 20
Black and white photograph of Qasr Wad Nimiri, a post medieval fort on the Nile south of Dongola, viewed from the west
Ali Badri
Accession details:
Presented by Babikr Ali Badri, grandson of Dr. Ali Badri, former Minister of Health in the Sudan Government (1948-53)
1987 Jan
3 obituaries of Dr. Ali Badri MBE, FRCP (1903-1987), 2 in English, 1 in Arabic:
1987 Jan 29
Written by Graham F. Thomas for
The Times
By Dr. A M Halim (in English).
1987 Jan
By Babikr Ali Badri (in Arabic)
B&w photograph of the first graduates from the Kitchener School of Medicine at Khartoum. Pictured are Drs.: al-Fadl al-Bushra; Daud Iskander; Ahmad Hassan Zaki; al-Tahir Yusif; `Ali Osman Arbab; Amin al-Sayyid; al-Nur Shams al-Din; `Ali
Badri; Ibrahim Anis
B&w photograph of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi and Sir Eric Pridie, Director Sudan Medical Service, with a staff group, probably Sudanese doctors of the Medical Service including Drs Husayn Ahmad Husayn, Ahmad Amin al-Sayyid, `Ali Badri,
Tigani al-Mahi, Mansur `Ali Hassib, Ahmad Adam Adham and `Abd al-Halim Muhammad. Photo: A. Kazandjian
Large b&w portrait photograph of Dr. `Ali Badri
B&w portait photograph of Dr. `Ali Badri
B&w portrait photograph of Dr. `Ali Badri (Public Relations Office: reference AA/4938)
B&w photograph of Dr. `Ali Badri giving a speech
B&w passport photograph of Dr. `Ali Badri
J Haig
Accession details:
Presented by Mr J.W. Haig, former member of the Sudan Political Service, 1933-1955
1952 - 1954
Two humorous verses composed by J.W. Haig with explanatory notes in the margins:
“Raga revisited”, in praise of service in Raga district
1954 Feb 2
“The Haya Haya, Jum Jum”, composed in a lorry on the journey between Kurmuk and Roseires during a local courts inspection and concerning “two small and virtually unadministered tribes in a
remote area on the Upper Nile Province border”.
Accession details:
Presented by Mr. J. Lumsden
[ca.1910 - 1949]
Postcards of the Sudan and Egypt, from a variety of series. Unless otherwise stated the postcards are black and white:
General view of Port Sudan, probably ca. 1910
Red Sea Province
mudiriyah at Port Sudan
Camel tethered to a tree at Port Sudan, written 27 Feb 1936. D.P. Chryssides series, no. 77
Quayside at Khartoum with the Public Works Department offices and the palace in the background. M. Venieris, Khartoum series
Three Sudanese children playing at Khartoum. Sudan Times series, no. C19
Omdurman on the Blue Nile at Khartoum, with the palace in the background. G.N. Morhig series, no. 222
Two Korongo Nuba women making bread, Kordofan. Photographer: George Rodger, 1949
Nuer village on the river Sobat. Sudan Times series, no. B11
Shilluk men in dug-out canoes, Malakal. Karakashian Bros series, no. 1010
Coloured drawing of a Sudanese soldier with shield and spear standing on rocky outcrop. Cairo Postcard Trust series, no. 154
Colour tinted postcard of a Bija soldier with spear sitting on a camel. Max H. Rudman, Cairo series, no. 550
Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt. Sudan Times series, no. A16
Accession details:
Presented by Rev. Canon T. Biles
SAD.Video 30
“Sudan, an untold story”, a film produced by Andrew Allam for the Salisbury Diocese on the plight of southern Sudanese caught up in the civil war in southern Sudan. For viewing only.
VHS cassette; 21 minutes
Sir F Ready
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Mary Calder
SAD.PF 27/4
Muster roll for the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards on the Suakin expedition, 1885, under commanding officer Colonel Hon. W.R. Trefusis, drawn by G. Hicks, late 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards
1899 May -1901 Jan
Journal of General Sir Felix Fordati Ready, inscribed “Governor of Berber Province” but probably acting governor 1898-1899 in the absence of H.W. Jackson. Continued after F.F. Ready's departure on 2 Nov 1899 in two
different hands, possibly H.W. Jackson (Governor 1899-1900) and F.J. Nason (1900-1901). Consists of detailed daily entries mainly concerning everyday business with other officers and
shaykhs, the movement of personnel,
telegrams sent and received, appointment of
`umdahs and
ma'murs, cases of plague, camel buying, collection of taxes, closure of roads, employment of prisoners in building work, trying and
sentencing of criminals, slave trafficking, tribal disputes and personal interests such as gardening.
Unfit for production
J. Morrison
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Penny Morrison
[n.d. ca. early 1990s]
Tape cassette of reminiscences by J. Morrison, MBE, AMINA, formerly of Sudan Government Steamers, Fleetmaster, served 9 Mar1930 -1955. Detailed descriptions of the barges and employees, anecdotes of work involved and individual jobs from joining
as a marine engineer in 1930 until after the Second World War. Good quality, apparently a prepared speech for listeners unfamiliar with the geography or life in the Sudan.
30 mins
W. M. Aders
Accession details:
Presented by Rhodes House Library
[n.d. ca. 1920s]
Photograph album of Dr. W.M. Aders, Economic Biologist for the Zanzibar Government. In 1912 he was awarded the Order of the Brilliant Star, 2nd class, by the Sultan of Zanzibar. The collation contains 33 black and white or sepia tinted postcards
of the Sudan and Egypt with captions, 14 from a series by G.N. Morhig, English Pharmacy, Khartoum; and 47 uncaptioned black and white photographs, possibly taken by W.M. Aders, on a hunting trip in the Southern Sudan:
Sennar Dam. Gordon Stationery Series, no. 150
The Mahdi's Tomb, Omdurman
Sudanese women and children at Omdurman
Women raising water from a well
The Khalifa's house, Omdurman
Man in
ambach canoe, with
feluccas in the background
Sudan Government steamer on Shellal-Halfa reach
Pupils at Gordon College, Khartoum taking exercise
Embankment Street, Khartoum
Arab women carrying water in clay pots
Sudanese men on the Nile riverbank in Khartoum
Temples of Abu Simbel, Egypt
4th class passengers entering a Sudan Government train
Forecourt of the temple at Behen, Halfa
Korosko on the Shellal-Halfa Reach
European and Sudanese men pulling a White Nile crocodile from the water
Shilluk men in an
ambach canoe on the Upper Nile. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 137
tukls at Rumbek, Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no.167
Steamers and barges stuck in the
sudd, Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 122
Steamers and barges opening the
sudd, Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 124
Elelphant hunting, Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 179
Southern Sudanese men detusking an elephant, Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 180
Shilluk men wearing togas and armed with spears, Upper Nile Province. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 102
Shilluk warrior with spear at Renk. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 133
Group of Nuba women near Gedir. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 187
Men with
ambach canoe on the River Sobat. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 108
Grass fire in the Bahr al-Ghazal. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 105
View of the Dinder river, Blue Nile Province. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 182
Shilluk men wearing togas, Upper Nile Province. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 71
Inhabitants of Upper Nile Province, possibly Nuer or Dinka. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 123
Hippopotomus shooting on the River Sobat. G. N. Morhig Series, no. 6
Nuqur moored on the river bank with Arab men and two donkeys aboard
Two European men seated on chairs in front of a pitched tent, with servants and donkeys
European men armed with hunting rifles and their attendants
tukls in a village
Three Sudanese men with spears, probably Shilluk
View across a river to the bank, possibly taken from a boat
Arab men and women in the shade of a thatched hut
Two southern Sudanese men seated in a dugout canoe
Groups of Arab people on a river bank, some at the water's edge with pots
Three southern Sudanese men transporting bundles of grass in a dugout canoe
Southern Sudanese people seated in front of tukls with clay pots in the foreground
Sudanese man wearing toga, possibly Shilluk
Nuqur moored by water's edge
Southern Sudanese men, possibly Shilluk
Earth mound (termite hill?)
Donkey aboard a
nuqur with men standing in the water in the foreground
Southern Sudanese men, possibly Shilluk, with spears
Dr. W. M. Aders with hunting rifle
Two Southern Sudanese men, possibly Shilluk, with clubs
Young Sudanese woman kneeling next to seeds on a grinding stone
Two southern Sudanese men, possibly Shilluk
Sudanese woman standing on a boat (or jetty)
Southern Sudanese men, possibly Shiluk
Two Arab men, possibly boat crew
Steamer moored at river's edge, with tukls on the bank in the background
Deck of steamer showing barges tied alongside
View of people in street with mud houses
Northern Sudanese village with mud buildings
European man, possibly W.M. Aders standing in front of the Mahdi's tomb, Omdurman
Two European men seated on donkeys in front of buildings
European man seated on a donkey with Sudanese boys
Two European men on donkeys in front of brick-built gateway
A. Tillotson
Accession details:
Presented by Miss A. Tillotson
SAD.G//S 1289/1
Brass pen and ink stand with representations of crocodiles, lion, camels and antelope and plaque inscribed “Presented to A. Tillotson Esq. by the Machine Shop Staff Sudan Railways”. Alfred Tillotson was an
instructor at the Technical School in Omdurman for one year from 1926. After a short time on construction work at the docks in Port Sudan he moved to the Sudan Railways workshops in Atbara as assistant foreman and then foreman of the Machine Shop.
In 1949 he was appointed Labour Officer. He retired in 1950.
Size: 20 x 20 x 10 cm
Brass stand on wooden plaque
Black and white photograph of Alfred Tillotson holding the pen and ink stand above at his farewell party from the Sudan Railways Machine Shop in Atbara
Black and white photograph of Alfred Tillotson with the staff of the Sudan Railways Machine Shop on the occasion of his farewell
Note by Miss A. Tillotson on her brother's career in the Sudan
E. W. Drummond-Hay
Accession details:
Presented by Mr R. Drummond-Hay
[ca. 1905]
Black and white photographs of E.W. Drummond-Hay (17 June 1877-3 November 1941), Sudan Political Service 1901-1925 (Sudan Agency, Cairo, 1901; Finance Department, Cairo and Khartoum, 1902-08; Red Sea Province, 1908-09; Sennar Province 1909-15;
Berber Province, 1915-17; White Nile Province, 1917-19; Dongola Province, 1919-25):
Signed portrait photograph
Standing in shade of verandah, in shirt sleeves
Holding the head of a horse ridden by a European woman, probably his wife
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs J.R. Hogan
2006 Jan
Papers relating to the visit of a British delegation to the Sudan, 2-10 Jan 2006 at the invitation of the Sudanese Association for Archiving Knowledge [SUDAAK], to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence. Included are invitations;
programmes; brochures on SUDAAK, the Republican Palace and its museum and the Ministry of Oil and Energy; report by J.R. Hogan on the visit.
[ca. 2005]
Colour postcards of the Hilton Hotels, Port Sudan and Khartoum
2006 Jan 6
Colour photograph of members of the British delegation to the Sudan for the 50th anniversary of independence, with members of SUDAAK at the headquarters of the Kenana Sugar Company, Kenana, White Nile State. Standing, left to right: Philip
Bowcock, Rev David Henderson, Ann Collett-White, Peter Prosser, Jane Hogan, Dr Badreldin Omer Elhagmusa, member of staff of the Kenana Sugar Company, Kate Henderson, John Udal, Ibrahim Moneim Mansour (Chairman SUDAAK), Peter Everington, Dr Tajelsir
Bashir Abdalla, Mohamed Ibrahim Mansour, Professor Peter Woodward, Sir Donald Hawley, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed Abdu, Michael Tibbs, unidentified Sudanese, Fawzia Yousif Galaladdin, Duncan Waugh. Seated, left to right: Samir, unidentified Sudanese
woman, Alex Henderson, Tessa Henderson, unidentified Sudanese, Jean Everington, Shirley Wray-Brown, Joanna Udal, Anthea Prosser, Lady Ruth Hawley, Carol Woodward, Anne Tibbs, unidentified Sudanese.
2002 - 2006
University of Khartoum: commemorative silver plaque with the coat of arms of the university, produced for the 100th anniversary of the founding of Gordon Memorial College in 2002, in presentation box; and publicity film for the university on DVD,
produced 2005. Both items were presented to members of the British delegation to the Sudan for the 50th anniversary of independence, Jan 2006.
SAD.G//S 1296/1
[ca. 1935]
Silver ankle bracelet, interlinked chain with clasp and 33 suspended discs (2 missing). Given to Jane Hogan during a visit to Khartoum in Jan 2006 and said then to be over 70 years old.
SAD.G//S 1296/2
[ca. 2005]
rababa or bowl lyre, purchased from the Beni Amer at Meroë in N. Sudan in Jan 2006. Hemispherical soundbox made from hollowed gourd, covered in goat (?) hide, with wooden arms and crossbar and 5 strings, wound with
strips of material.
Size: Height 56 cm; width 30 cm
SAD.G//S 1296/3
[ca. 2005]
Large woven bag for transporting personal goods on camel back. Dark brown wool with orange decoration and black tassels on front. Shoulder strap missing. Purchased from the Beni Amer at Meroë in N. Sudan in Jan 2006.
Size: Height 44 cm; width 43 cm
SAD.G//S 1296/4
[ca. 2005]
Small woven bag with shoulder strap for transporting goods on oxen. Dark brown wool with long brown, red, green and cream tassels on the front. Purchased from the Beni Amer at Meroë in N. Sudan in Jan 2006.
Size: Height 58 cm; width 31 cm
Sir Reginald Wingate
Accession details:
Presented by Mr R.J.M. Pugh
1906 Apr 11
Letter from the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi to Sir Reginald Wingate, accompanying a portrait of the Khedive for the Governor-General's palace at Khartoum
1912 Feb 23
Black and white photograph of the Governor-General's escort overpowering a policeman who had attacked Sir Reginald Wingate with a club while on his way to the railway station at Khartoum to meet Lord Kitchener. Scanned from an original
photograph, now in the possession of Mr Pugh, bearing a detailed caption in Sir Reginald Wingate's handwriting.
[ca. 1910]
Photograph of General Sir Reginald Wingate's home at Knockenhair, Dunbar
[ca. 1945-1950]
Christmas cards signed by Sir Reginald Wingate
1953 Feb 3
Order of service for the memorial service for General Sir Reginald Wingate (d. 28 Jan 1953)
[ca. 2006]
Photograph of Sir Reginald Wingate's grave in Dunbar Parish Church cemetery, taken by R.G.M. Pugh and reproduced by him in his book
Wingate Pasha (2011)
A. Critchley-Salmonson
Accession details:
Purchased from John Nicholson, Auctioneer
1905 – 1917
Letters and drawings from Arthur Cunliffe Bernard Critchley-Salmonson (1886-1930) who served with the Egyptian Army ca. 1916-1919, to Miss Bertine Heinekey (probably the daughter of G.A. Heinekey, also of the Egyptian Army). Most are written in
character as “Peter Rabbit” to “Kittens”, apart from the last one which was written during Critchley-Salmonson's service in Kadugli, Nuba Mountains Province and which describes his life there
A.L.O. Jerram
Accession details:
Presented by Mr A.L.O. Jerram
[ca. 1970s]
Sudan tourist brochures:
Issued by the Tourism and Hotels Corporation, Khartoum and including a small street plan of Khartoum
Issued by the Tourism and Hotels Corporation and including a road map of the Sudan
Issued by Khartoum Hilton
John Lumsden
Accession details:
Presented by Mr John Lumsden
1828 Dec 11 - 1829 Apr 1
Typescript copy of a journal of Lord Prudhoe [Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland, 1792-1865] covering a journey from Cairo to Sennar. The original journal is at Alnwick Castle and this copy was made from a typescript in the Ashmolean
Museum. Permission should be obtained from the Duke of Northumberland before publication in part or whole. The journal contains descriptions of the departure from Cairo, travelling by camel in the desert, villages, people and local dignitaries
encountered en route, visits to sites of antiquities and including stops at Siout (SAD.907/6/9-10), Jabal Barkal (SAD.907/6/45-57), the pyramids at Nuri (SAD.907/6/58-59), Shendi (SAD.907/6/68-70), Masawwarat es-Sufra (SAD.907/6/71-72), Khartoum
(SAD.907/6/79-90), Mesellemiya (SAD.907/6/93-96) and Sennar (SAD.907/6/103-107), and description of the Shilluk and Dinka tribes (SAD.907/6/101-102)
Ruffle, John, “The journeys of Lord Prudhoe and Major Orlando Felix in Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, 1826-1829”, in Starkey, Paul and Starkey, Janet (eds),
Travellers in
Egypt (I.B. Tauris, 1998)
Hugh Miles
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Linda Colwill, daughter of Mr Hugh Miles (1910-2001)
1940 – 1941
File of papers of Hugh Miles, former Director of Gellatly Hankey & Co (Sudan) Ltd, chiefly correspondence to the company in Khartoum from Miles in Asmara relating to deteriorating cargoes of British goods held on German vessels at Massawa and
the transfer of company lire from Gambeila to Addis Ababa; report by Miles on “British cargo on German vessels at Massaua: report on position at 30th April 1940” (SAD.935/11/26-33); and “Report on visit to Ethiopia October 1941”, author unknown but
probably by Miles (SAD.935/11/48-57)
Michael Smith
Accession details:
Presented by Mr M.L. Smith
[ca. 1982 – 1988]
Series of articles relating to “The Kitchener Coach” a saloon railway carriage possibly used on the Suakin-Berber Railway by Lord Kitchener of Khartoum.
[ca. 1982]
“The Kitchener coach”, a situation report on the search for the origins of the railway coach, written by M. Smith for the Newsletter of the Royal Engineers Historical Society
“Further notes on the provenance of the Kitchener Coach”, providing background to the topic and general information regarding the development of railways in the Sudan
1986 Sep 9
“The Kitchener Coach”, a largely descriptive article by A.H.W. Sandes and M. Smith, with illustrations by A.H.W. Sandes dated 11 Sep 1986
1988 February
“Lord Kitchener's Coach – report no. 2”, an updated report by A.H.W. Sandes, M. Smith, D.R.E. Stenhouse and A.S. Hill, including amendments to the previous article and incorporating additional illustrations dated
October 1987
[ ca. 1986]
Colour photographs and accompanying negatives depicting the “Kitchener Coach”:
Exterior views of the coach
Shots of information panels describing Lord Kitchener's involvement with Sudan and the railway
Plaque stating “This coach did service on the Suakin-Berber Railway. It is reputed to have been the saloon coach used by Lord Kitchener”
Interior shots of the coach
Negatives of the above prints
Sir Martin Jacomb
Accession details:
Presented by Sir Martin Jacomb, in memory of his late mother Violet née Chapman
Message in Arabic written on a small scrap of paper (45 x 30 mm) for General Gordon and signed by him, alerting the authorities in Cairo to the situation in Khartoum during the siege. The message was smuggled through the Mahdist lines in the hair
of a young man and was eventually delivered to Cairo. The message was given to General Chapman, who served on Kitchener's staff in Cairo, by his nephew, who in turn had obtained it from the Commander-in-Chief's office. In 1915 it was given by
General Chapman to his niece, Violet Chapman and on her death it passed to the donor, her son. With the message are two envelopes bearing descriptions of the content in the hands of General Chapman and his niece (SAD.916/15/2,4) and a contemporary
translation of the message (SAD.916/15/3). A further translation and transliteration were provided by Peter Clark in 2006 (SAD.916/16/1-2).
General Sir Reginald Wingate
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs A. Dane, widow of Sir Reginald's grandson, Captain P.M.H.W. Dane
SAD.PF 22/5/1
1919 Nov 6
Grant of arms to General Sir Reginald Wingate, former Governor-General of the Sudan, with codicil dated 14 February 1930 extending the grant of arms to his heirs
Size: 44 x 60 cm
Nicholas Papadam
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Chris Bewlay
Scanned copy of an original diary, in 5 sections, of Nicholas Papadam, a member of a Greek merchant family in Khartoum and later captive of the Mahdi. The diary is in the original Greek and a translation of the first part has been provided by one
of Nicholas Papadam's great grandsons. This covers Papadam's journey to Khartoum as a boy; a breakdown of the numbers of Greeks living in the Sudan in 1881, by location; the names of the main Greek families and the type of business in which they
were engaged; names of members of the Greek community with their place of origin, an account of the organisation of mail bound for Khartoum from Cairo and an account of the rise of the Mahdi.
S.M. Castle
Accession details:
Copied from originals in the possession of Mr Robert A.C. Latter
1917 - 1927
Copy letters to Betty Castle (b. 1907), at school in England, from her parents, Colonel and Mrs Stanley Mason Castle, while on service in the Sudan with the Egyptian Army (1916-1924). The letters contain chiefly personal news, including birthday
and Christmas wishes and encouragement to work hard at school. Sudan news includes descriptions of wild life at Halfa (SAD.958/9/1-2); a trip on the Nile (SAD.958/9/3-4); experiencing a habub (SAD.958/9/7-8); servants (SAD.958/9/12); farewell party
for a fellow officer (SAD.958/9/13-15); and the sea journey back to the Sudan (SAD.958/9/31-33,43-45).
1917 Nov 4
Copy Intelligence Department note of provenance for a sword, formerly the possession of Sultan `Ali Dinar of Darfur
[ca. 1918]
Photograph of Colonel Stanley Castle in British Army uniform
[ca. 1914]
Photographs of Betty Castle as a child in England
W. Coulson
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Coulson, whose late husband (d. ca. 1998) served with the RAF in Khartoum, 1945-1946
1946 Apr 14
Programme for a performance of the Crucifixion by Khartoum Cathedral Choral Society
1947 Jan 30
Article by John Nixon from
The Listener entitled “Sudan at the crossroads”
1947 Mar 22
Illustrated article from
Parade entitled “Sudan's church on wheels”
Kuyok Abol Kuyok
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Kuyok Abol Kuyok, London Metropolitan University
2008 Sep
Paper by Kuyok Abol Kuyok of London Metropolitan University on
“How can European universities support scholars at risk in their own countries and abroad?: a perspective of an African refugee academic”, presented as part of a panel discussion at the 20th Annual European
Association for International Education conference at Antwerp, 10-13 September 2008
Sudan Defence Force
Accession details:
Presented by Mr H.G. Keown-Boyd
List of officers of the Sudan Defence Force, 1925-1955 with names of regiments and dates of service, where known. Compiled by H.G. Keown-Boyd
E. Barrow
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Barrow, 1966
[ca. 1966]
“A young bride's first impressions of the Sudan”, an account by Mrs Betty Barrow, wife of L.W. Barrow of the Sudan Government Railways (1923-1945), of her journey to the Sudan to join her husband in 1927 and her
early years in Atbara
H. Fecitt
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Harry Fecitt, 2009
Unpublished article by Harry Fecitt entitled
“Rejaf 1897”, with illustrations
Copy of an online article by Harry Fecitt entitled
Darfur, 1916
Accession details:
Presented by Mr P. Colvin, School of Oriental and African Studies
Photographs taken among the Dinka in Bahr al-Ghazal Province during the fishing season by the Central Office of Information (Crown copyright):
A.G. Hickson, Assistant District Commissioner, Aweil, and his wife, with a group of Dinka at the opening of the fishing season on the River Lol
J.E.C. Mackrell (with black armband), Deputy Governor Bahr al-Ghazal Province and A.G. Hickson, Assistant District Commissioner, Aweil receiving a report from a Dinka medical orderly at the local dispensary
Dinka court on the banks of the River Lol. J.E.C. Mackrell (seated centre), Deputy Governor Bahr al-Ghazal Province and A.G. Hickson, Assistant District Commissioner, Aweil hearing a case involving a young Dinka alleged to have distilled illegal
J.E.C. Mackrell, Deputy Governor Bahr al-Ghazal Province presenting a decorative sword to Tong Tong, a Dinka chief, in recognition of loyal service to the government
Father Silvio of the Verona Fathers Mission, blessing the River Lol at the start of the Dinka fishing season. Due to a dispute over which sub-tribe laid claim to the river, no bull was sacrificed on this occasion.
Head and shoulders of young Dinka man, his face smeared with ash as protection against mosquitoes
Dinka man wearing a cape made out of shells and beads and ivory armband
Portrait of Dinka man wearing ivory earrings and bead necklace
Dinka girl with fishing basket on her back
Dinka men slaughtering a bull presented by the Deputy Governor, J.E.C. Mackrell
Dinka women with nets lining the river from the bank to trap fish driven downstream by the spearmen
Dinka boys fishing from a dugout canoe
Line of Dinka fishermen advancing with harpoons
Dinka fisherman with catfish on his spear
Dinka men and boys fishing from dugout canoes
Dinka men fishing on the River Lol at nightfall
Dinka youths on the bank of the River Lol at the start of fishing
Dinka fishing party on the River Lol
Dinkas boys paddling dugout canoes for fishermen
Dinka boy with basket of fish
Dinka women fishing with baskets
Group of Dinka on the bank of the River Lol discussing the day's fishing
Sudan films
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Tony Muscat, The Overseas Film and Television Centre Ltd
Catalogue of films belonging to the Sudan Film Unit (SFU) in Khartoum which were stored in the Overseas Film and Television Centre Ltd in London and returned by them to the SFU in 1990
Sudan films
Accession details:
Presented by Miss Lesley Forbes
Transcript of a BBC programme, "Anatomy of a famine", chaired by Jonathan Dimbleby
SAD.Video 31
Video copy of Channel 5 documentary in the
“Life at the Edge” series on the Kichepo stick fighters of Southern Sudan
VHS, 30 minutes
Sir Douglas Dodds-Parker
Accession details:
Presented by Sir D. Dodds-Parker, 1995 & Dr Robin Darwall-Smith, 2009
1992 Nov 4-7
Letter from I. Sproat, M.P. to Dodds-Parker, with reply from Dodds-Parker concerning a paper by Travis Hanes in the
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. The reply from Dodds-Parker contains information on Sudanese-Egyptian relations during the period of Dodds-Parker's Sudan service
Part catalogue by Robin Darwall-Smith of the papers of Sir Douglas Dodds-Parker held at Magdalen College, Oxford, relating to his Sudan service
Equatoria Province
Accession details:
Presented by Ms Charlotte Martin
Typescript copy of
“Equatoria Province hand book volume 2: Equatoria Province”, compiled by A.C. Beaton, Deputy Governor, Equatoria Province. For published version of this handbook, see Beaton, A. C., Equatoria
Province handbook, [1936-1948] compiled by A.C. Beaton, [Khartoum : McCorquodale], [1950?] on the library catalogue. The typescript is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Geographical and physical
Chapter 2: Historical
Chapter 3: External
Chapter 4: Tribal and administrative
Chapter 5: The Equatorial Corps
Chapter 6: Medical
Chapter 7: Education and Missions
Chapter 8: Communications
Chapter 9: Agriculture
Chapter 10: Forests
Chapter 11: Domestic animals and game
Chapter 12: Trade and development
Chapter 13: Taxation
Chapter 14: Personnel
Political Parties in the Sudan
Accession details:
Presented by the Sudanese Embassy
1951 Oct 28
Note on the present set-up of political parties in the Sudan, compiled in the Secretariat Central Office, Khartoum
1953 Apr 19
Note on political parties in the Sudan, probably compiled in the Secretariat Central Office, Khartoum
G.W. Williamson
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs J.D. Williamson
1915 Oct 2
Circular letter from Bonar Law, S/S for the Colonies to colonial officials regarding regulations affecting officials wishing to resign their posts in order to volunteer for military service, with covering letter from L.O.F. Stack, Civil
Secretary, to G.W. Williamson, Judge of the High Court
Khartoum map
Accession details:
Provenance unknown
SAD.PF 26/3/8
1953 Oct 29
Plan on linen of part of Khartoum City showing the proposed new site for a
fallata village, prepared by the Towns Section (Khartoum)
scale: 1 to 2,500
Size: 77 x 83 cm
Sudan conference
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Jane Hogan
2006 Apr 6-8
Delegate's pack for the 7th International Sudan Studies Conference: "Fifty years after independence. Sudan's quest for peace, stability and identity", held at Bergen, Norway and comprising programme, list of speakers and abstracts of papers
Independence Day film
Accession details:
Presented by Ms Fréderique Cifuentes Morgan
Copy on DVD of a film by Gadalla Gubara on Independence Day in the Sudan featuring Prime Minister Ismail al-Azhari walking through crowds of supporters; Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi and Sayyid `Ali al-Mirghani; judges; crowds in the Palace
gardens; raising the flag at the Palace, 1 January 1956; al-Azhari presenting the British flag to Douglas Dodds-Parker; al-Azhari making a speech to the crowds; crowds around the Kitchener statue; guests arriving at the Palace; inspection of a guard
of honour; SDF marchpast
4 mins 51 secs
Language: Arabic commentary
Accession details:
Presented by Miss Jean Bray
DVD of a film entitled
“Letters to Khartoum: an untold tale of desert intrigue”, made at Sudeley Castle
1991 Sudan Conference
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Janet Starkey
Papers concerning the Second International Sudan Studies Conference on
“Environment and People”, held at Durham University 8-11 April 1991, comprising letters between Janet Starkey, the conference organiser and those planning to attend and present papers at the conference, and
correspondence regarding the publication of the conference papers
1991 Apr
Bird's eye view of delegates attending the conference, with identifications by Simon Bush and L.E. Forbes
Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi
Accession details:
Provenance unknown
Letter from Khidr Bedri on behalf of the Trustees for the Memorial of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, to G.C. Scott, enclosing N.R. Udal's draft letter to the editor of
The Times concerning plans to erect a memorial to Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman in the form of a religious college in Omdurman for higher Islamic studies, translation of an address to committees all over the Sudan, a letter
from N.R. Udal to Khidr Bedri and a translation of an address from the Trustees of the memorial to the Sudanese nation, all on the same subject, with covering letter from G.C. Scott to R.L. Hill
Muhammad Ahmad ibn al-Saiyid `Abd Allah, al-Mahdi
Accession details:
Presented by Miss Jean Bray
1883 Nov 9
Facsimile of a letter from Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahdi (1848-1885) inciting the Sudanese tribes to jihad, with printed translation reproduced in a newspaper. The copy was made from an original at Sudeley Castle which had
been sent by General Gordon to a friend in England.
Language: Arabic, English
Rev Dr Marc Nikkel
Accession details:
Presented by Jane Hogan
1994 Jan 17-1996 Oct 16
Series of circular "Link Letters" (nos 1-9) sent by Rev Dr Marc Nikkel (1950-2000) to friends and supporters in the UK, with one e-mail letter to Jane Hogan, describing his work with the Episcopal Church in the Province of the Sudan as a joint
appointment of the CMS, the Episcopal Church USA and the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
Shaykh Nimr Hasan Khalifa
Accession details:
Presented by R.C. Maxwell-Darling
Negative of photograph of Shaykh Nimr Hasan Khalifa, Nazir of the Hawawir, Northern Kordofan and commander of the desert irregulars during the Darfur campaign
Darfur photographs
Accession details:
Presented by J. Hales
[ca. 1940s]
50 black and white photographs and 2 negatives recording a trek to Jabal Marra by a party of British officials, all unidentified. Original provenance unknown.
[ca. 1940s]
Digital copies of 29 of the photographs above
Publicity photographs
Accession details:
Presented by J. Bennett
SAD.91/4/1-36; SAD.91/5/1-20
[ca. 1970s]
56 large black and white government publicity photographs, mostly showing engineering and agricultural construction sites and Sudanese industries.
Construction of Port Sudan - Haya road (ref: CN-1851)
Haya - Port Sudan Road (ref: CN-4807 & 4810)
Convoy of vehicles on Kassala - Haya Road, with Jabal Kassala in background (ref: CN-2297
Convoy on Port Sudan - Suakin Road (ref: CN-2294)
Construction work on Port Sudan highway (ref: CN-1885)
Construction work on the Kosti - Wad Medani highway (ref: CN-4069)
Wad Medani - Hantub highway (ref: CN-4347)
Development projects in Gedaref: Wad Medani - Khartoum highway(ref: CN-2355)
Laying of pipes, possibly at Medani - Gedaref highway (ref: CN-1473)
Bridge on the Ed Daleng –Al Debaibat road (ref: CN-1618)
Construction of Medani-Hantub Bridge (ref: CN-2038)
Medani –Hantub bridge (ref: CN-4351)
Unidentified dam (ref: A-921)
Plant at Kenana sugar plantation (ref: CN-4585)
Earth mover at Kenana sugar plantation (ref: CN-2501)
Excavation work at Kenana sugar factory (ref: CN-3728)
Newly constructed dam at Er Rahad agricultural scheme (ref: CN-3258)
Water pipes at Er Rahad agricultural scheme (ref: CN-5064)
Er Rahad agricultural scheme canal and water control system (ref: CN-4988)
Bridge over canal at Er Rahad agricultural scheme (ref: CN-1917)
Sluices at Er Rahad agricultural scheme (ref: CN-1876)
Construction of underground pipe at Er Rahad agricultural scheme (ref: CN-1101)
Excavation of trench, probably at agricultural scheme (ref CN-1252
Workers on tractor at Kenaf project, Abu Naama (ref: CN-2674)
Pumping station at Es Suki agricultural scheme (ref: A-2899)
Irrigation trench and water pipes, probably at agricultural scheme(ref: A-1650)
Installation of water pipe at El Obeid irrigation project (ref: CN-3084)
Excavation work, possibly at agricultural scheme (ref: A-1301)
Harvesting machine at Tambul experimental farm (ref: A-1265)
Coffee/ tea plantation southern Sudan (ref: A-267)
Pineapple farm, southern Sudan (ref: A-837)
Women picking cotton in the Gezira scheme (ref: GB-357)
Children harvesting wheat, possibly in the Gezira scheme (ref: A-819)
Tobacco cultivation in North Darfur (ref: A-1788)
Construction site for large building, possibly on an agricultural scheme (ref: CB-1616)
Female workers in spinning and weaving factory, Khartoum (ref: IN-1320)
Male workers in cotton spinning factory? (ref: IN-1288)
Female workers on loom at Shendi workshop (ref: IN-1939)
Female worker at loom in Hasiheisa spinning factory (ref: IN-1588)
Sudanese woman working on a snake skin at Khartoum tannery(ref: IN-1484)
Worker putting hide through machinery at Khartoum tannery (ref: IN-1912)
Workers handling skins at Khartoum tannery (ref: IN-1921)
Gezira tannery (ref: CN-1850)
Ingessana Hills chromite mine, 80km south-west of Ed Damazin(ref: CN-2904)
Female workers at a mica mine (ref: CN-4531)
Drilling work at mine (ref: NC-1923)
Drilling for mica (ref: CN-2821)
Abu Naama Kenaf bag factory, Blue Nile Province (ref: IN-1312)
Large factory (ref: CN-3818)
Khartoum satellite station (ref: 30555)
African Islamic Centre, Khartoum (ref: CN-4553)
Construction of the Youth and Children's Palace, Khartoum (ref: CN-2969)
The Hilton Hotel, Khartoum (ref: CN-3980)
Friendship Hall Khartoum (ref: CN-3075)
Construction work for Khartoum International Fair (ref: CN-4284)
Accession details:
Presented by J. Jochimsen
[ca. 2010]
Chapter from unpublished memoirs of John Jochimsen, photographer, entitled
“80 years, gone in a flash”, covering a trip to the Sudan in 1952 to take photographs for the Central Office of Information on behalf of the Colonial Office, visiting Khartoum, the Gezira, El Fasher, El Obeid, Port
Sudan, Sinkat, Ed Damer, Suakin and Juba
H.C. Brocklehurst
Accession details:
Presented by Mr A. Weeks
[ca. 1927]
Photograph of Captain Henry Courtney Brocklehurst, Sudan Game Warden, 1922-1931, taken on the Swythamley Estate about 1927. Original photograph and copyright belong to the Swythamley Historical Society.
Colonel Pat Cousens
Accession details:
Presented by Mr B. Hewitt
[ca. 1944-1961]
Digital copies of photographs of Colonel Pat Cousens and his wife on their wedding day in 1944, standing on the steps of Khartoum Cathedral and studio portraits of Cousens and his wife, taken in Rome, 1958-1961
J.B. Christopherson
Accession details:
Presented by Ann Crichton-Harris
SAD.365/6/1-195; SAD.365/7/1-158; SAD.365/8/1-109
1902 Mar 29-1935 Jul 15
Photocopies of articles, letters and other writings by J.B. Christopherson published in various journals including the
British Medical Journal, The Lancet, and The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Also includes writings by others (all photocopied from published
sources) which refer to Christopherson's work or relate to his key subjects of interest such as bilharzia. The writings were collected and compiled by Crichton-Harris for her book Poison in small measure: Dr. Christopherson
and the cure for bilharzia (Leiden, 2009). In many of the articles Harris has highlighted names and key passages.
2006 Mar 11
Notes by Crichton-Harris on articles written by J.B. Christopherson (dated 1902-1935). Articles are referenced and arranged according to topic.
See SAD.365/6-365/8 above
1906 Dec 18-1956 Nov 2
Photocopies of offical and personal correspondence relating to J.B. Christopherson used by Crichton-Harris in her book
Poison in small measure: Dr. Christopherson and the cure for bilharzia (Leiden, 2009), mainly copied from originals in the Wellcome Library and a few in private hands, including F.R. Wingate to H. Wellcome, concerning
Christopherson's report on medical and surgical treatment during the Mahdiyyah (SAD.334/6/19-20); A. Balfour to Wellcome on the possibility of making a report on tropical medicine for civil and military medical officers
in the Sudan (SAD.334/6/21-22); P.R. Phipps, Civil Secretary, to G. Morhig on the practice of selling medicines privately (SAD.334/6/23-25); Lord Knutsford to Lord Derby and A.T. Sloggett to Major H. Cushing, with reply from Cushing and transcript
of an interview with Cushing on the state of American hospitals on the Western Front (SAD.334/6/27-36); Christopherson to Jones concerning the proposed scheme to establish a Medical School in Khartoum (SAD.334/6/38-39); Christopherson to R. Ross on
the latter's suggestion of sponsoring Christopherson to become a fellow of the Royal Society [of Medicine] (SAD.334/6/41-43); Christopherson to A.H. Harkness and R. Ogier-Ward outlining Macdonagh's claim of priority over Christoperson in discovering
the treatment for bilharzia (SAD.334/6/52-57). Enclosure:
1907 Feb 7
Note by Christopherson on medical and surgical treatment during the Mahdiyyah, with covering letter from Christopherson to SIr L.O.F. Stack, Private Secretary
1947 Mar 10
Photocopies of two letters from J.B. Christopherson to other medical professionals: Christopherson to Dr. A.H. Harkness concerning claims about the role played by J. Macdonagh in the discovery of the treatment of bilharzia by the injection of
antimony tartrate and to R. Ogier-Ward concerning Ogier-Ward's paper
“Some surgical aspects of bilharziasis (urinary)”, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (1945). Also includes a photocopy of the envelope in which the letters
were kept and on which Christopherson has written additional notes.
File of correspondence to and from Ann Crichton-Harris, arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent, concerning the publication of her work
Poison in small measure: Dr. Christopherson and the cure for bilharzia (Leiden, 2009)
CD containing word processed transcriptions of Christopherson's correspondence
Copy photograph of the Rev. Brian Christopherson with his three daughters
Copy photograph of B. Nicola Malouf, formerly of the Sudan Medical Service
1919 Jan 26
Copy photograph of group of officials, dignitaries and medical personnel including (front row): Dr Haddad or Dr. N. Malouf; Sayyid 'Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi; Sharif Yusuf al-Hindi; E. E. Bernard; M. Logan; Dr. Nikhlawi; Colonel F. F. Carroll;
Godwin; J. B. Christopherson; A. J. Chalmers; Forbes; Dr. Bousfield; (second row, fourth from right): S. S. Butler; (second row, far right): possibly A. D. Home. (Duplicate of SAD.7/4/6)
Slide of an oil painting by Joyce Christopherson of her home “Heaven's Gate”
Photographs of Christopherson's former residences (Heaven's Gate and 27 Devonshire Place), college (Gonville and Caius), church, gravestone, his medicine chest, and the
“The Deelfontein Plate” won by Christopherson in a horse race in 1900
Karakashian Bros
Accession details:
Purchased, 2006
1932 Dec 21
Small brown album of photographs bearing the inscription ‘With compliments from the Tropical Photo Stores “Karakashian Bros” , Khartoum’, illustrating a Sudan Defence Force military
review in front of Brigadier General S.S. Butler, G.O.C., probably at Khartoum. There are no capions but additional information has been obtained from a similar album in the R.C. Garrett collection at SAD.327/8/1-43:
1932 Dec 21
Cavalry and Mounted Rifles units in march past
1932 Dec 21
Machine Gun Company, Cavalry and Mounted Rifles, in march past
1932 Dec 21
March past by Engineer Troops
1932 Dec 21
Mounted British officer
1932 Dec 21
Eastern Arab Corps
1932 Dec 21
Mounted British officer leading Eastern Arab Corps
1932 Dec 21
Armoured transport units including ambulance and fire engine, lorries and wireless vehicles
1932 Dec 21
H.Q. Cyclist Orderlies
1932 Dec 21
Animal Transport Corps in march past
1932 Dec 21
Mock battle of raiders attacking a post office
1932 Dec 21
March past by Sudan Defence Force infantry regiment
1932 Dec 21
British officer inspecting ranks of Sudan Defence Force pensioners, all wearing their medals
1932 Dec 21
H.Q. Orderlies
1932 Dec 21
British officers in coversation
1932 Dec 21
Sudan Defence Force band marching, with spectators in background
1932 Dec 21
Mounted British officers with crowd of spectators
J. [Curnan?]
Accession details:
Donated by Dr S. Gilley
Photocopy of a page from a
Sudan Almanac with J. [Curnan's?] signature
Ms account by the wife of J. [Curnan?] of her experiences in the Sudan where her husbnad was stationed in Khartoum, Port Sudan, Wad Medani and Juba, including the journey out to the Sudan; a sightseeing tour in Egypt en route to Khartoum; life in
Khartoum; attendance at an open air cinema in Port Sudan; treks to Erkowit, Suakin, Tokar and Trinkitat; opinion of the Hadanduwah tribes; description of Wad Medani and a visit to the women's quarters of a local household; trekking in southern
Sudan; the journey to Juba and surrounding landscape; description of the town; and treks over Equatoria Province
Notes of facts, history and culture of the Sudan, probably lecture notes
1948 May
Sudan Survey Department map of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Size: 23 x 19 cm
Cuttings from a magazine of two coloured illustrations showing the dress of a Zanzibar woman and a Nigerian woman
Photograph of Sudanese official sitting a statue at the base of Jabal Barkal
Photograph of tombs outside Aswan
Christmas card from the Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan
J.H.T. Wilson
Accession details:
Donated by J.H.T. Wilson
Completed questionnaire sent to John Hyrne Tucker Wilson (1914-1997) by Stephanie Beswick and containing information on his Sudan Political Service career (1936-1954), with longer account of an incident in Upper Nile Province in September 1942
when Wilson was speared
19th century letters
Accession details:
Donated by Giovanni Freschi & H.M. Mauerberger, 1987
Photocopies of documents written by prominent individuals during the Egyptian occupation of Sudan in the 19th century, many of them enclosed in envelopes bought by Mr Freschi, a philatelist and member of the Sudan Study Group, including:
Photocopy of an extract from Ignaz Knoblecher's diary of his White Nile expedition, describing the savannah region
Language: German, with typescript English translation
1852 Apr 2
Photocopy of a letter and envelope from Ignaz Knoblecher to Countess Emilie Colloredo, with English caption explaining its importance as the first recorded letter sent from Khartoum through the post. The letter thanks the recipient for various
Language: German, with typescript English translation
1876 Jun 18-1880 Nov 17
Photocopies of letters and notes from General Gordon to Carl Giegler Pasha, Sudan Post Master, with a commentary by H.M. Mauerberger on two of the letters from 1878, mostly on the establishment of the postal system
1876 Jun 19
From Laboré, with notes for Romolo Gessi and a map showing the Sobat River, a tributary of the White Nile, and the natural links between Lake Victoria and Lake Albert
1876 Nov 30
From Mar Siout concerning his departure
[ca. 1878]
Concerning proposed Sudan stamps
1878 Oct 14
Notes by Gordon for discussion with Alfred Caillard, Post Master General of Egypt 1976-1889, dealing with the proposed postal service for the Sudan
From Ireland concerning his continued interest in the Sudan but relief at having left it
1882 Sep 20
Photocopy of a letter from Fulbert Archer at Benha [Banha], Egypt to his brother Bob with an account of the aftermath of the battle of Tel el Kebir, including the death of Wyatt Rawson
1885 Feb 6
Photocopy of a letter from Viscount G.J. Wolesley at Korti to Sir Samuel Baker expressing his frustration at his inability to send reinforcements to Khartoum in time to save the city
H. Blood
Accession details:
Donated by Mrs G. Blood
1970s-1976 Feb
Photocopies of two talks given by H. Blood, former Confidential Clerk to the Governor-General, to the Stratford Rotary Club, New Zealand, on his life in the Sudan
Sudan Club
Accession details:
Anonymous donation
SAD.G//S 1390/1
[c. 1920s-1940s]
Small wooden Sudan Club shield with silhouette of General Gordon on the front
Size: 175 x 145 mm
Major J. J. Bramble
Accession details:
Presented by Mr J. Bramble
[ca. 1913-1935]
Photographs of Major J. J. Bramble (1883-1943), formerly of the Egyptian Army (from 1913) who was seconded to the Sudan civil administration in 1916 and joined the Sudan Political Service in 1923. From 1926-1935 he served as District Commissioner
[ca. 1930]
Half-length portrait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform with tarbush
[ca. 1913-1920]
Full length portrait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform, holding Bombay bowler and riding stick
[ca. 1920s]
Half length portait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform, with tarbush
[ca. 1913-1914]
Half length portrait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform with Bombay bowler
[ca. 1920s]
Half length portrait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform with Bombay bowler and riding stick
[ca. 1913-1914]
Full length portrait of Bramble in Egyptian Army uniform with Bombay bowler and riding boots
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Jamie Doran
“Sudan: history of a broken land”, a film (DVD) on Sudan just before the split into Sudan and South Sudan, made by Clover Films for al-Jazira television, and featuring some photographs from the Sudan Archive
Accession details:
Presented by Mr F.M. Chinn
[ca. 1919-1922]
Letter from F.M. Chinn (d. 1979) who was employed by the Egyptian Irrigation Service in the Sudan as Assistant Director of Works, White Nile Division (1917-1925), to A.E. Bousfield concerning readings from gauges on the White Nile between
Geteina and Kodok
Accession details:
Provenance unknown
[ca. 1900-1910]
Black and white photograph showing the gate of the Citadel, the Muhammad Ali mosque and general view of Cairo
10th Sudanese
Accession details:
Presented by Dr Badreldin Elhag Musa
1900 Oct 16-1910
“ Historical records of the Tenth Sudanese”, an account by Kaimakam N.H. Hunter, Officer Commanding, of the history of the 10th Sudanese, Egyptian Army since the raising of the battalion in January 1886, recording
appointments and transfers, involvement in military actions, movements of the battalion, names of those receiving medals etc. Dated by Kaim. Hunter at Aswan, 16 October 1900, but with entries up to 1910 and covering the following topics: note of
numbers of officers and ranks in 1886 (SAD.126/6/2); appointment of first commandant and transfer of soldiers to the battalion (SAD.126/6/3-4); battalion at Suakin , 1886-1887 (SAD.126/6/4-5); attempt to capture `Uthman Diqnah by a force under
Kitchener, 1888 (SAD.126/6/6-13) including sketches of the action at Handub, 17 January 1888 (SAD.126/6/8v) and Gemaizeh (SAD.126/6/11v) and list of those mentioned in despatches (SAD.126/6/13); transfer of battalion to Halfa and actions at Argin
and Toski, 1889, including sketches (SAD.126/6/14-18); note of new establishment, 1 February 1890 (SAD.126/6/18v); transfer to Suakin and Tokar and further action against `Uthman Diqnah, 1896 (SAD.126/6/24-25); attack on the Dervishes at Firket,
1896, including sketch (SAD.126/6/26-27); outbreak of cholera, 1896 (SAD.126/6/28-29); breakup of the Dongola Field Force, 1896 and appointment of Hunter Pasha as governor of the province (SAD.126/6/30); action at Abu Hamed, 1897 (SAD.126/6/31-34);
actions against Mahmud's force at the Battle of the Atbara, 1898 including a sketch (SAD.126/6/35-37); battle of Omdurman, September 1898, including sketch (SAD.126/6/39-44); service on the Blue Nile, 1898-1899 including sketch of the action at
Roseires (SAD.126/6/44-52); in search of the Khalifa, 1899 (SAD.126/6/55-56); presentation of colours and transfer to Aswan, 1900 (SAD.126/6/57-59); escort party with Major Austen to Uganda, 1900 (SAD.126/6/60-64); visit from the Khedive to Aswan,
1901 (SAD.126/6/64-65); transfer to Khartoum, 1901 (SAD.126/6/66); Shambe Field Force, 1902 (SAD.126/6/66-68); expedition up the Sobat, 1902 (SAD.126/6/68); Nyam Nyam expedition, 1904-1905 (SAD.126/6/70-72); transfer to Omdurman, 1906
(SAD.126/6/74-76); murder of Scott-Moncrieff, 1908 and despatch of punitive patrol (SAD.126/6/78-80); transfer of battalion to El Obeid, 1909 (SAD.126/6/80); Nyima patrol, 1908 with sketch maps of Jabals Fassu, Fundi and Katla (SAD.126/6/81-95);
service at Talodi, 1909-1910 including sketch map of Degig jabals and operations at Jabal Togoi (SAD.126/6/96-112). At the back of the notebook is an appendix listing British officers who served with the Xth Sudanese,recording ranks, British
regiments and dates (SAD/126/6/113-118)
Unfit for production
Digitised material for Historical records of the Tenth Sudanese, by Kaimakam N.H. Hunter - SAD.126/6/1-118
Sir Frederick E. W. Hervey-Bathurst
Accession details:
Presented by Professor James Muller, 2012 and 2020
1898 Jul 19 - 1900 Jul 6 + 1948
Typescript copy of the war diaries of Sir Frederick E.W. Hervey-Bathurst (1870-1956) of the Grenadier Guards, transcribed and typed by the author and Miss Jane Conger. The diary is divided into 2 sections, the first covering the Sudan campaign
1898 and the second the Boer war 1899-1900. A copy letter from 1948 appears at the end.
Copy photograph of Sir Frederick in British Army uniform
1898 Jul 19 - Nov 4
Section one covering the Sudan campaign: journey out to Egypt (SAD.126/7/3-6); journey by train from Alexandria to Cairo (SAD.126/7/6-7); early days in Cairo (SAD.126/7/7); south to Luxor including visit to Karnak (SAD.126/7/9-10); by train to
Shellal (SAD.126/7/10-11); by steamer
Ibis to Wadi Halfa (SAD.126/7/11-14) and by train across the desert to Atbara (SAD.126/7/14-15); shooting trip (SAD.126/7/15-16); dinner with Slatin (SAD.126/7/16); first experience
habub (SAD.126/7/17); removal of camp stores to avoid attack by white ants (SAD.126/7/19); by steamer
Zaphir to Wad Hamed (SAD.126/7/21-24); marching towards Omdurman (SAD.126/7/24-32);
criticism of General Gatacre (SAD.126/7/29-30); arrival at Kerreri (SAD.126/7/32-33); description of Omdurman (SAD.126/7/33); battle of Omdurman (SAD.126/7/35-39); entering Omdurman (SAD.126/7/40-42); Gordon memorial service at Khartoum
(SAD.126/7/43-44); route march through Omdurman (SAD.126/7/45); C.O.'s order to the battalion (SAD.126/7/45-46); objections of the Church of England parson to the Gordon memorial service (SAD.126/7/46); collecting souvenirs and visit to the
Khalifa's house on a tour of Omdurman (SAD.126/7/46-47); visit to the armoury and stores and sale of loot (SAD.126/7/48-49); arrival of Khalifa's gunboat reporting on the existence of white men at Fashoda (SAD.126/7/49); stamping of the first set of
stamps in Khartoum (SAD.126/7/50); leaving Omdurman by boat (SAD.126/7/50); sinking of boats containing loot and Hervey-Bathurst's personal possessions (SAD.126/7/51-52); by
nuqqar to Atbara (SAD.126/7/53-56); discussion
of the Khalifa's tactics (SAD.126/7/53-54); journey back to Alexandria by train and steamer (SAD.126/7/56-61); argument on the train with Winston Churchill over the killing of Baqqarah (SAD.126/7/58-59); sea journey back to England
1899 Oct 19-1900 Jul 6
Section two covering the Boer War: list of officers and strength of battalion, 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards (SAD.126/7/66-67); sea journey to Cape Town via Malta and Tenerife (SAD.126/7/68-74); notes on infantry on the offensive, field training
and outposts (SAD.126/7/72-74); by train from Cape Town to Orange River (SAD.126/7/74-75); remarks of GOC Guards Brigade (SAD.126/7/75-76); action at Belmont Farm (SAD.126/7/77-79); action at Graspan (SAD.126/7/79); Modder River battle
(SAD.126/7/80-81); action at Magersfontein (SAD.126/7/83-85); visit to Kimberley after the end of the siege (SAD.126/7/91-92); in hospital (SAD.126/7/94-95)
1948 Dec 3
Letter from John Paul Fitzmaurice, late Grenadier Guards, written to Hervey-Bathurst from New York (2 copies) recounting a meeting between them after the action at Belmont during the Boer War and his attempt to bring in loot from a Boer laager.
At SAD.126/7/99 is a copy photograph of Fitzmaurice.
Photograph of Sir Frederick E.W. Hervey-Bathurst (1870-1956), seated, with his dog.
Original print held by the Hervey-Bathurst family.
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs S.D. Bolton
Africa series maps of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, printed on linen:
Scale: 1:250.000
Size: 59 x 80 cm
1941 Dec
Sheet 55-F: El Geteina. On verso is sheet 66-P: Gore, Abyssinia (May 1933) stamped “Cancelled”
1924 Nov
Sheet 78-J: Mongalla
1917 Jan
Sheet 86-A: Mount Wati
1917 Feb
Sheet 86-B: Nimule
Equatorial Corps
Accession details:
Presented by Mr T.W. (Bill) Allison
Series of illustrated short memoirs by T.W. (Bill) Allison of life with the Equatorial Corps, Sudan Defence Force, based in Torit
Lt Col M. O'C Fitz-Simon (1898-1984)
Accession details:
Presented by Dr Christopher Fitz-Simon
Photographs acquired by Captain M. O'C. Fitz-Simon of the King's Own Royal Regiment when serving in the garrison at Khartoum in 1930. Most are aerial shots taken by the RAF.
1929 Mar 29
Aerial photograph of the Blue Nile at Khartoum with the Governor-General's Palace in the centre. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 1000ft in March 1929 when the Nile was very low. Other buildings identified are the mosque, the railway station, the
race course, the Law Courts, the War Office, the Public Works Department and the Sudan Club.
1930 Feb 27
Aerial photograph of 3 biplanes over the Blue Nile, showing the Blue Nile bridge between Khartoum and Khartoum North. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF. Also identified are the H.Q. barracks in Khartoum North, the Ordnance workshops and the officers'
1929 Oct 9
Aerial photograph of Khartoum showing the Said Pasha fort (front right) and the Governor-General's Palace (far right). Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 1000ft.
1929 Apr 29
Aerial view of Omdurman. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 1000ft.
1929 Apr 17
Aerial view of the monument to the 21st Lancers who fell at Omdurman 2 September 1898.Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF.
1925 Jan 16
Aerial view of the Sennar Dam. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 600ft.
1929 Sep 17
Aerial view of a military camp at Gebeit, showing the pumping station, the officers' mess, the cook house and the sergeants' mess.Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 1000ft.
1929 Sep 17
Aerial view of a military camp at Gebeit showing the huts for the Atbara-Port Sudan Railway workers, the station and huts for Sudanese workers. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF at 1000ft.
1930 Feb 22
Aerial view of zebras, probably southern Sudan. Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF.
1930 Feb 22
Aerial view of giraffes running through trees.Taken by 47B Squadron, RAF.
[ca. 1930]
Photograph of smiling paper boys, probably Cairo. Caption includes a note by Fitz-Simon that he purchased the photograph.
L.E. Forbes
Accession details:
Presented by Miss L.E. Forbes
Miscellaneous papers of L.E. Forbes, former Keeper of Oriental Books at Durham University:
Memorandum on the newly formed Nile Study and Research Group, Sudan
1986 Jan
Newsletter no. 1 of the Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum
Catalogue for an exhibition of photographs by George Rodger at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, with review from the Times Higher and series of 5 postcards produced from Rodger's images
1997 Mar
Link news letter No 46 from Andy and Sue Wheeler in the Nuba Mountains
1997 Jun
Text of presentation by Forbes at the 4th International Sudan Studies Conference in Cairo on printed and photographic resources at Durham
Draft article by R.A. Hodgkin on
“Mixed motives of teachers and taught in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan”
[ca. 1930s-1990s]
Assorted postcards:
[ca. 1930s]
Khalifa's House Museum: Coin presses and cartridge machines (169/3); Dervish uniforms (169/4); steps to the upper room, Khalifa's house (169/10); Khalifa's house and mosque square (171/3)
Kao-Nyaro Nuba girls dancing at a tribal ceremony, Kordofan. Photo: George Rodger
[ca. 1960s]
Harvest time in the Nuba Mountains (Foto Simon, Khartoum)
Warrior of the Luo tribe, Southern Province (X. Stefanidis)
Profile of young Jur man (SCBC, General Secretariat)
Portrait of General Gordon from the National Portrait Gallery
University of Khartoum
Paintings of the Nile by Max Slevogt
Sudanese lyre (British Museum)
Sudanese weaponry at Blair Castle
Sudanese calligraphy (Osman Waqialla)
[19th-20th century]
hijil anklet or bracelet, with 5 decorative cylindrical sections and at each end two 13-faced bosses with stamped motifs on each face; hollow, and metalwork is worn through in places
scale: Metal
Size: 110 mm (70 mm internal) diameter of bracelet across cylindrical section; 31 mm gap between bosses; 20 mm diameter of cylinder; bosses, 26 x 30 x 30 mm; weight 132.2 grammes
[19th-20th century]
hijil anklet or bracelet; locking pin not present
scale: Metal
Size: 57 mm (55 mm internal) diameter; 34 mm height; weight 64.6 grammes
E. C. Midwinter
Accession details:
Presented by Dr Craig Barclay
Scrapbook containing press cuttings relating to Captain Sir Edward Midwinter (d. 1947), General Manager of Sudan Government Railways, 1906-1925, member of the Governor-General's Council, 1913-1925 and Controller of the Sudan Government London
Office, 1925-1932. Subjects covered include Midwinter's appointment as Director of the Sudan Railways and the completion of the Berber - Port Sudan line (SAD.833/8/1); award of the contract to build the Blue Nile bridge at Khartoum (SAD.833/8/1v);
appointment of Midwinter's brother, Rev C.G.A. Midwinter, to the parish of Wood Green (SAD.833/8/2v-3); election of Midwinter's father, Rev E.A. Midwinter as Mayor of Marylebone (SAD.833/8/5); photographs from
Supplement to the
African World of Sir Rudolph von Slatin, Lt Col E.E. Bernard Pasha and Colonel Midwinter Bey (SAD.833/8/7); opening of the railway line from Khartoum to Wad Medani, 1909 (SAD.833/8/8v); ex-President Roosevelt's arrival at Wadi Halfa, 1910
(SAD.833/8/9); consecration of Khartoum cathedral, 1912 (SAD.833/8/9v-10,12); death of Midwinter's father, 1912 (SAD.833/8/11); opening of the El Obeid extension of the Khartoum railway, 1912 (SAD.833/8/13); Midwinter's role in the Nile campaign,
1899 (SAD.833/8/14)
Accession details:
Presented by Ms Isobel Clark
[ca. 1979-1980]
Papers relating to zar, a form of spirit possession, collected by Ms Isobel Clark:
[ca. 1979-1980]
Handwritten notes by Ms Clark on zar, based on interviews conducted in Khartoum and Omdurman
Copy extract from an article in Sudan Notes and Records, v 18, pt 2 (1935): the diary of a subaltern on the Nile, containing an account of a woman reportedly possessed by a devil
-ca. 1979-1980]
Handwritten notes by Isobel Clark on interviews concerning zar with a woman called Zainab from Omdurman and Fiona Adamson who lived and taught in Sudan
[ca. 1980]
Typescript article by Isobel Clark entitled
“The zar in the Sudan”
1980 Jul
Article from
Sudanow entitled “A demon's revenge?” concerning a murder in Kordofan
Paper by Assir Doleib, Somia al-Hadi al-Nagar and Suad Ibrahim Eisa on
“The zar cult - origin, organization, evaluation”, presented at a symposium on the changing status of Sudanese women at Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman, 23 Feb-1 Mar 1979
Accession details:
Presented by Peter Verney, 12 February 2013
Film of [the first two days of] a
zar ceremony in Atbara. Recorded by Peter Verney; without commentary.
DVD, colour, 1 hour 56 minutes
Thomas James
Accession details:
Presented by Mr D. G. James
[ca. 1892-1899]
Copy letters from Thomas [Wolf] James, who served as an engineer at the Khartoum workshops from 1895, latterly as chief engineer, until his death there in 1902. The personal letters, mostly to his wife Devora and children who remained in Cairo,
are written in Yiddish and are insterspersed with a small number of letters to other family members. Also included are certificates of employment for James (SAD.165/8/1-2,6). For descriptions of the content of this file see SAD.165/9/1- below.
Language: Yiddish, English and Italian
[ca. 1895-1902]
Copy portrait photograph of Thomas James, wearing Masonic sash and
[ca. 1895-1902]
Copy portrait photograph of Thomas James' wife Devora
[ca. 1895-1902]
Unidentified copy photographs showing Egyptian officials greeting visitors [possibly Abyssinian) wearing capes and Bombay bowlers, off a ship
[ca. 1895-1902]
Copy illustration from newspaper or journal of two African men with shields and spears
1892 Jun 4-1899 Dec 13
Typescript copies of translations of the letters in SAD.165/8/1-75 above. There are 2 different series of copies, one slightly more complete than the other. These have been interfiled in order to make the sequence run in date order, but where
there are copies of multiple letters on one sheet this is not always possible. Most are letters from Thomas [Wolf] James to his wife Devora and children in Cairo, with a small number in reply and a few to other family members. Most of James' letters
concern his declining health, his financial difficulties and the general hardship of life in the Sudan.
1892 Jun 4 and n.d.
From Sarah in Odessa to her brother Yankl and from Sarah and Yankl to their brothers-in-law Adolf and Yankl James requesting help to move from Odessa
1895 Jan 20
Wolf James at Aswan to Devora: about to leave for Wadi Halfa
1896 May 21
Wolf James to Devora: advises her to take the children to Jerusalem because of disease in Cairo
1896 Jun 12
Devora to Wolf James: sending food products and other goods; complains of the price of postage
1896 Jun 18
Wolf James at Korosko to Devora: complaints about his health, re the children's education and Devora's illegible letters (she is presumably using a letter writer)
1896 Jun 20
Wolf James to Devora concerning his son Gershon's bar mitzvah
[ca. 1896 Jun]
Wolf James at Korosko to Devora: need to help a family friend who is sick; asks for 1000 cigarettes
1896 Jul 10
Wolf James to Devora: about to go to Dongola; request for food, tobacco etc to be sent
1896 Aug 7
Wolf James at Wadi Halfa to Devora: request for clothing
1896 Oct 28
Wolf James at Dongola to Devora: hopes for leave
1896 Oct 31
Wolf James at Dongola to Devora: requesting news of children
[ca. 1898] Jun 10
Wolf James at Aswan to Devora: thanks for goods; children's education
[ca. 1898]
Wolf James to his children urging them to write and reminding them to attach stamps
[ca. 1898]
Wolf James to Devora: education for children
[ca. 1898]
Wolf James to Devora: education for children; possibility of earning money from land and diamonds; unable to sell watches
1898 Jul 12
Wolf James at Halfa to Devora: going to Berber to replace someone who has died
1898 Aug 16
Wolf James at Dakhla (Egypt): in hospital with typhoid; moving to new ship, El Taha; recommends apprenticeship for his son Gershon
1898 Sep 11
Wolf James at Amelear? to Devora: continued ill-health; plans for his sons Gershon and David
1898 Sep 11
Wolf James to Devora: James made Bimbashi
1898 Sep 29
Wolf James at Atbara to Kramer: offers to get licence for a magazine in Khartoum
[ca. 1898 Sep]
Wolf James to Devora: sending books for Gershon
1898 Oct 13
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: sending watches to Kramer
[ca. 1898]
Wolf James on the battleship Tamai, to Devora: guarding the Blue Nile and White Nile as far as Sobat; problems with insects and flies
[ca. 1898 Oct]
Wolf James to Devora: will return watches to Kramer
1898 Nov 20
Wolf James at Fashoda to Devora: near Lado; sick with fever
1898 Dec 2
Wolf James, back in Khartoum, to Devora: due to return to Fashoda and Gondokoro
1898 Dec 12
Wolf James to Devora, travelling ‘deep into Africa’ for 4 months: had dinner with 2 Frenchmen who had been at Fashoda
1898 Dec 26
Wolf James at Fashoda to Devora: misery of insects and flies; unable to get to Lado; 5 Frenchmen eaten by Niam Niam (Azande)
1898 Dec 28
Wolf James en route to Abyssinia, to Devora: variety of wildlife; potential for trade
1899 Jan 6
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: demand for watches to sell and for shoes; bad state of water; no leave
1899 Jan 10
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: about to go to the Blue Nile on the Abyssinian border; demand for shoes and flannels; robbed by Greek servant
[1899] Feb 1
Wolf James at Sennar on the Blue Nile to Devora: waiting for the Nile to rise; prevalence of fever
1899 Feb 10
Wolf James at Singa to Devora: still waiting for the Nile to rise; demand for clocks and watches
1899 Mar 16
Wolf James at Singa to Devora: Nile won't rise until July
[1899] Mar 30
Wolf James at Sennar to Devora: still waiting for goods
[ca. 1899 Mar]
Wolf James to Devora: has received shoes; contract to be renewed
1899 Apr 29
Wolf James at Singa to Devora: goods have arrived in Khartoum
1899 May 6
Wolf James at Sennar to Devora: arrival of watches; transfer to Khartoum to new job on land; travelling by camel from Sennar to Khartoum
1899 May 29
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: now chief engineer of Khartoum workshops; need for Gershon to learn English
[ca. 1899 May]
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: arrangements for children; need for drawings and books about water and WC facilities
[ca. 1899 May]
Wolf James to Devora: Nile rising; hoping for a raise in salary
1899 Jun 6
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: complaints about the loss of goods sent
1899 Jun 12
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: news of his new job; operation on his throat
1899 Jun 17
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: unable to sell the watches; news of children
1899 Jun 22
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: tired and sick; short of money; needs pills for asthma
1899 Jul 17
Wolf James at khartoum to Devora: continued ill health
1899 Jul 19
Wolf James at Kharotum to Devora: fainting spells; in need of money to pay doctor
1899 Jul 21
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: doctor has x-ray machine; restricted diet because of ill health
1899 Jul 26
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: recuperating; hopes for work for Gershon in Khartoum
1899 Jul 26
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: need for money
1899 Jul 28
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: in need of medicine
1899 Jul 30
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: continued ill health
1899 Aug 6
Devora in Cairo to Wolf James: her ill health; news of children
1899 Aug 13
Devora in Cairo to Wolf James: shortage of money
1899 Aug 17
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: improved health
1899 Aug 18
Family news from Julita Baispesta
Language: Italian
1899 Aug 27
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: operation on his throat; plans to constuct a water supply for Khartoum; praise from Goringe Bey for his work; plans to apply for a concession to open a soap factory in Khartoum; Gershon to write to Lewis Bey
1899 Sep 1
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: medical expenses; cost of living; visit from the Sirdar (Kitchener) who was pleased with his work
1899 Sep 5
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: promise of raise in salary; plans for water machine; need for clothes and shoes
1899 Sep 7
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: suggests moving family to Alexandria; requests newspaper
The Progress
1899 Sep 30
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: plans for his sons; wants watches which he can sell for profit
1899 Oct 1
[Incorrectly dated 31 September 1899]. Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora:wants a phonograph to help him earn money
1899 Oct 3
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: shortage of money; his failure to write
1899 Oct 30
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: ill health; work on the water machine; request from his sister to join the family in Cairo
1899 Nov 4
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: continued ill health
1899 Nov 8
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: permission from the Sirdar through Lewis Bey to open a factory for oil and soap in Khartoum in Gershon's name; arrival of phonograph
1899 Nov 10
Devora in Cairo to Wolf James: robbery at their home; shortage of money
1899 Nov 14
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: argument about money
1899 Nov 15
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: in need of warm clothes and cough medicine; need for a revolver to protect himself
1899 Nov 25
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: numerous complaints; refusal to help her sister
[ca. 1899 Nov]
Wolf James to Gershon instructing him to resubmit his application to Lewis Bey for a soap factory concession
1899 Dec 3
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: continued ill health; all his money goes on medicine; planning to buy land opposite the new hotel so needs money
1899 Dec 7
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: has bought 1500 metres of land in Sirdar STreet, opposite the new hotel and national bank
1899 Dec 10
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: hopes for success of land deal
1899 Dec 13
Wolf James at Khartoum to Devora: need for licence to develop land
n.d. [ca. 1892-1899]
Wolf James to Avram: concerning a dowry for a family member
[ca. 2012]
Answers to questions concerning James and his family, provided by the translator of the letters
Major S. K. Flint
Accession details:
Presented by Mr Peter Duckers
[ca. 1900] and 2013
Biographical information on Major Samuel Kirk Flint (1865-1937) who served with the Egyptian Army during the Nile campaigns, 1896-1899 and on the Nyam Nyam patrol in the Bahr al-Ghazal, 1906. In 1907 he transferred to the Sudan Legal Department
where he served as Land Officer in Khartoum Province and Registrar of Lands, District Judge and Province Judge, Halfa until his retirement in 1919. The information was compiled by Peter Duckers. Included are copies of 2 photographs of Flint in
Egyptian Army summer and winter uniform, the originals of which are in the Shropshire Regimental Museum in Shrewsbury Castle
Fung District
Accession details:
Presented by Professor Wendy James, 8 April 2013
1959 Aug
Southern Fung District handbook, compiled August 1959 and copied from the original in the Roseires district office files about 1966. The handbook comprises sections on historical background (SAD.212/19/3-5); tribal system and history
(SAD.212/19/5-11); omodias in Southern Fung District (SAD.212/19/11v); local courts (SAD.212/19/11v-12); army, police and prisons (SAD.212/19/12-13); local government (SAD.212/19/13-14); stations of significance
(SAD.212/19/14-15v); distance by roads in Southern Fung District (SAD.212/19/15v-16); geography (SAD.212/19/16-17); population (SAD.212/19/17-17v); immigration (SAD.212/19/17v); economic capabilities (SAD.212/19/18); agriculture and forests
(SAD.212/19/18-21v); water supply (SAD.212/19/21v); grazing and grazing grounds (SAD.212/19/21v-22v); public health and education (SAD.212/19/22v-24)
Sudan Car Club
Accession details:
Anonymous donation
SAD.G//S 1424/1
[ca. 1950s]
Metal badge of the Sudan Car Club, intended for attachment to the bonnet of a vehicle. Circular disc edged in black with title in Arabic. In the centre is an orange camel with palm trees behind and the title Sudan Car Club on green
Size: 9 x 7 cm
Joint Cooperation Agreement
Accession details:
Presented by Ambassador Abdullahi AlAzreg
Sudan Government memorandum entitled
“Republic of South Sudan breaches and violations of the Joint Cooperation Agreement with the Republic of Sudan”, with note of South Sudan Government support for rebel movements from Sudan, and table and map showing
the positions of the SPLA inside Sudanese territory as of June 2013
Mahdist jibbah
Accession details:
Presented by Mr G.C.L. Tanner
[ca. 1898]
jibbah, said to have been worn at the Battle of Omdurman. Light brown with dark brown and black patches. Appliqué decoration on black patches and running down from the shoulders. Embroidered decoration around
the neckline. The
jibbah was bought by the donor from a sale of effects of a retired Colonel, supposedly of the name Stanton
Size: 92 x 120 cm
Abyei Boundaries Dispute
Accession details:
Presented by Katherine Geary, FCO
2009 Jan
Abyei Boundaries Dispute tribunal hearing at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands: independent opinion by John O. Udal, invited by the Government of Sudan
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs Penny Hindle
Collection of miscellaneous photographs given by S. Newbold to Mrs Hindle's husband in the 1950s, many taken in southern Sudan. In most cases the photographers are unknown although a number are government publicity photographs.
1959 Feb
Photographs of an official visit by President Tito of Yugoslavia and his wife to Kordofan:
1959 Feb
President Tito, in military uniform, seated on a camel, with Sudanese policeman in attendance
1959 Feb
President Tito, Mrs Tito and Sudanese government officials reviewing a march past by Kordofan tribesmen on camels
1959 Feb
President Tito driving past a crowd of onlookers during an official visit to Kordofan, with camelmen in the background
1959 Feb
Mrs Tito seated on a camel, with Sudanese government officials looking on
1959 Feb
Mrs Tito greeting Sudanese women during a visit to Kordofan
1959 Feb
March past by Kordofan tribesmen on camels during a visit by President Tito, with ceremonial tent and flags in the background
1959 Feb
Sudanese horsemen performing acrobatics during a visit by President Tito
Photographs of places and people in northern Sudan:
Aerial view of Khartoum North with the Blue Nile bridge to Khartoum
Students standing in front of the main building of Khartoum University with the avenue of palm trees in the foreground
Passengers and street sellers meeting a train at Khartoum station
Sudanese men loading sacks of cotton on to a donkey at a station in the Gezira with a Gezira Light Railway engine in the background
Chief Judge of Sudan with a group of Sudanese men, all in traditional dress, at Abu Guta (Gezira)
Northern Sudanese girls, in western dress, performing a traditional dance
View of desert with group of low buildings in the distance, possibly a military camp
Photographs of southern Sudanese people:
[ca. 1940s]
Government officials taking the salute as a military band marches past, with crowd of onlookers
[ca. 1940s]
March past by Sudan Defence Force battalion, with official photographer standing to the right of the photo
Gardener tending sunflowers
Nuba men performing the Kambala dance
Dinka men slaughtering a bull in a cattle camp (Central Office of Information)
Dinka man singing the praises of his favourite bull, with Dinka girls dancing
Southern Sudanese men pulling a crocodile from the river
Sudanese man and woman, probably Dinka, seated on the ground
Portrait of young Sudanese woman, probably Dinka
Photographs of birds, southern Sudan:
Shoebill stork,
Balaeniceps Rex
Egrets nesting on a piece of floating papyrus (Tropical Photo Stores)
Egrets flying over the river near Bor
Buff-backed egrets flying over a river
Giant heron on Nile between Renk and Kaka
Flock of birds, including storks, on a sand bank on the Nile near Terakeka
Birds' nests hanging from a tree on the bank of a river
Bank of the River Nile showing holes for nesting birds
Photographs of animals and fish, mostly southern Sudan:
British man posing with a Nile perch, weight 153.5lbs (Copyright W.J. McBain)
Two Sudanese fishermen posing with a Nile perch on the bank of the river
Sudanese man with a dead Jackson's hartebeest
Water buck near Juba
Herd of unidentified antelope
Front view of elephant
Side view of elephant
Herd of elephants in grass
Elephants feeding among trees
Elephant hunt seen from a steamer
Herd of buffalo in trees
Herd of hippos in the river
Giraffe feeding, probably Khartoum zoo
Dead ibex, probably Kassala Province
Sudan Posts and Telegraphs
Accession details:
Anonymous Donation
Sudan, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, annual report, 1946
H.P. Staines, Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, 1920-1938
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs D.A. Staines, 1966
[ca. 1936]
Photographs taken by H.P. Staines during his service with the Steamers Section of Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, stationed at Karima from 1934 until his retirement in 1938:
[ca. 1936]
Habub over the Governor-General's palace, Khartoum
[ca. 1936]
Habub over the Blue Nile bridge
[ca. 1936]
Stern wheel steamer, the S. G. S.
[ca. 1936]
Passengers disembarking from a Nile steamer at Wadi Halfa
[ca. 1936]
Aerial view of the Karima - Dongola road
[ca. 1936]
View of the Staines's house at Karima, once inhabited by H.H. Kitchener
1936 Jan
View of Khandaq, showing a ruined fort (right) and a mosque (left)
[ca. 1936]
View of the fourth cataract, Dongola Province
[ca. 1936]
Aerial view of pyramids, possibly Giza, taken by G.B. Grabham
W.F. Cottrell, Public Relations Branch, 1938-1946
Accession details:
Presented by W.F. Cottrell, 1958
Press cuttings from British and Sudanese newspapers relating to developments in the Sudan, including
The Times and
The Sudan Star concerning proposals for a Legislative Assembly (SAD.408/8/1,3);
The British Africa Monthly,
The Sudan
Christian Science Monitor and
The Times on the Gezira (SAD.408/8/2,9-10,21,26-27,35-36); draft constitution for the Sudan (SAD.408/8/4);
The Sudan
Star on education (SAD. 408/8/5,25,28-29);
The Sudan Star on the expansion of the Labour Office (SAD.408/8/6);
The Sudan Star concerning the appointment of a Registrar of
Co-operative Societies (SAD.408/8/7); first meeting of the Legislative Assembly (SAD.408/8/8);
The Sudan Star on the 1949 budget (SAD.408/8/11);
The Sudan Star on the water shortage at El
Obeid (SAD.408/8/12);
The Sudan Star concerning labour legislation and strikes (SAD.408/8/13-20,33); the Marshall report on local government (SAD.408/8/22-24);
The Sudan Star on the
Ghadambalia scheme (SAD.408/8/30);
The Times on waters of the Nile (SAD.408/8/31);
The Sudan Star on the Juba Conference (SAD.408/8/32);
The Sudan Star on
the Zande Scheme (SAD.408/8/34)
Public Relations Office newsletter,
Sudan News and Features, nos PRO/7/1947-PRO/8/1947; PRO/1/1948-PRO/7/1948, PRO/9/1948, PRO/11/1948-PRO/12/1948, PRO/12/1948, PRO/15/1948-PRO/16/1948, PRO/19/1948-PRO/22/1948; PRO/4/1949, PRO/7/1949,
PRO/9/1949-PRO/10/1949, PRO/12/1949, PRO/26/1949; PRO/13/1950-PRO/14/1950; PRO/16/1950-PRO/23/1950; PRO/25/1950-PRO/29/1950; PRO/33/1950; PRO/35/1950; PRO/41/1951-PRO/42/1951; PRO/44/1951-PRO/47/1951; PRO/49/1951; PRO/51/1951; PRO/108/1951;
PRO/114/1951; PRO/60/1952; PRO/65/1952-PRO/66/1952; PRO/202/1953 (concerning the conclusion of the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement in the Sudan)
Digitised material for Sudan News and Features - SAD.408/9/1-134 SAD.408/10/1-107
1952 - 1954
Public Relations Office bulletin,
Feature, nos 82/52 (Some notes on the history of the Zande Scheme), 83/52 (A great day in Zandeland by A.G. McCall), 87/52 (Sakure sugar), 154/52 (Public health in the Sudan), 157/52 (Extracts from a record of lecture
to Cultural Centre by L.M. Buchanan on 26 November 1952), 174/53 (Trade unions and labour legislation in the Sudan), 175/53 (Education in the Sudan), 179/53 (Sudan Airways), 181/53 (Further education in the Sudan - 1 January 1953), 182/53 (Further
education as a part of technical education in the Sudan), 183/53 (The Equatoria Project Board), 185/53 (Separation of judiciary from law officers), 186/53 (The Sudan judiciary), 189/53 (The dar of the Kababish), 190/53-192/53 (Speeches by the Legal
Secretary, the Chief Justice and the Governor-General on the 2 February 1953), 193/53 (Mechanised farming in the Sudan), 194/53 (Speech of Advocate Labib Sorial, President of the Sudan Bar), 235/53 (The Gezira scene, April 1953), 253/53 (The
position of tribal leaders in the life of the Sudan), 277/53 (Development of wealth in Sudan livestock), 279/53 (Land reserves of the Sudan), 283/53 (Developing Sudan central rainlands), 301/53 (Arabic Sudan papers now being published), 303/53 (The
Sudan's economic position, 1952-3), 384/54 (Sudan elections, 1953), 385/54 (Order of precedence ceremonies), 396/54 (Council of Ministers), 448/54 (House of Representatives and Senate biographies of members), 488/54 (Sudanese government and
expatriate civil servants: government's statement of policy), 493/54 (Sudan: Zande Scheme. Minister reports on progress), 499/54 (A note on agricultural research), 511/54 (Budget speech)
Digitised material for Sudan Public Relations Office bulletin, Feature - SAD.408/10/1-107 SAD.408/11/14-16
[ca. 1940s]
Article on
“Cotton growing in the Sudan”
Typescript copies of articles from
The Middle East, The Crown Colonist and Commonwealth Survey on education in the Sudan, cotton-growing, Sudanese newspapers and radio, the legal system, meat
processing factory for the Sudan and water conservation
[ca. 1940s]
Map of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, showing the position of hospitals, dispensaries and dressing stations. Sudan Survey Department.
scale: 1 : 8,000,000
24.5 x 21.5 cm
P. L. Calamai
Accession details:
Provenance unknown, possibly R. L. Hill
Handwritten notes for lecture given by agricultural technician, Pier Luigi Calamai in Cairo on the extermination of locusts and damage caused by them, 1929-1939, with note on the content and request to R.L. Hill's wife (an Italian) to produce a
Language: Italian, English
Digitised material for Lecture on locusts - SAD.448/7/1-9
J. Carney
Accession details:
Presented by J. Carney, Sudan Government Railways and Steamers, 1925-1947
[ca. 1939-1945]
J. Carney,
Handbook for guidance of first aid. Personnel of Sudan Railways. English edition. A companion edition in Arabic was also issued. For information see enclosed letter from Carney to R.L. Hill, 15 February 1966.
G.K.. Maurice
Accession details:
Presented by Mrs T. Maurice, 1958
Papers of G.K. Maurice of the Sudan Medical Service where he served latterly as Senior Medical Inspector, El Fasher (1932-1937):
[ca. 1950s]
List of contents of file by Maurice
Route report on a 633 mile motor trip taken by Maurice and Peter Clarke, 20 June-3 July 1931, from Khartoum westwards into Kordofan
1933 Apr 20
Letter to Maurice from Nesib Effendi Baz, Medical Officer at the Sleeping Sickness and Leper Colony at Sources Yubu, describing in some detail conditions in the colony
1928 Mar
Map of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan showing the sleeping sickness area and Mongalla Province boundary prior to 1927
Scale: 1 : 8,000,000
Size: 39.5 x 30 cm
1936 Aug 12
Report by G.K. Maurice, Senior Medical Inspector, El Fasher, on the cerebrospinal meninigitis [C.S.M.] epidemic in Darfur 1936
1937 Feb
Supplementary note by G.K. Maurice embodying some details affecting sleeping sickness control
Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1922-1923
Accession details:
Presented by Dr H.R.J. Davies
1923 Mar 29-Apr 8
Two copy letters from Colonel P.K. Boulnois, representative on the Anglo-French Boundary Commission's survey of the Darfur-French Equatorial Africa boundary, to his colleague Captain A.C. James (1895-1970), written from the southern end of the
boundary near Sources Yubu. He describes the difficulties of obtaining readings in cloudy weather, his ill health and the need for shelter in the rains. Both letters include his coordinates.
E. FitzGibbon
Accession details:
Presented by E. FitzGibbon, 1964
Papers relating to Elliot FitzGibbon's service with the Egyptian Government, 1912-1924, including list of articles and books written by FitzGibbon and note of biographical information (SAD.478/14/1-2); and official correspondence and other papers
concerning his transfer from the Municipalities Section of the Ministry of the Interior and appointment as Director of Irrigation and Mechanical Section, Ministry of Wakfs, 1919; the appointment of a new Minister (SAD.478/14/22); the terms of his
employment in a seconded post; and permission to wear the Order of the Nile
Solar cooker
Accession details:
Presented by Dr J.W. Wright, 1988
[ca. 1988]
Photograph of Dr J.W. Wright (1914-2001), formerly of the Sudan Survey Department (1939-1955) and his wife in the garden of their house in England, with one of the solar cookers designed and manufactured by Dr Wright for use in the Sudan
Dr Dhaher Al-Doori (Dhaher Jasim Mohammed)
Accession details:
Presented by Dr Dhaher Al-Doori, 1 February 2016.
December 1988
‘The contribution of Sayed 'Alī al-Mīrghanī, leader of the Khatmiyya, to the political evolution of Sudan, 1884-1968’, D.Phil. in Arabic and Islamic Studies thesis by Dhaher Jasim Mohammed, University of Exeter
Accession details:
Purchased from Keith and Kath Bird, 22 February 2016.
[1939 x 1945]
Photograph illustration, depicting carnival procession at a medical unit during the Second World War; captioned in manuscript on dorse, “2nd half of the procession”
Military figures
Accession details:
Purchased from The Wayfarer's Bookshop, Canada, 15 April 2016.
[late 1890s]
Collection of hand-painted martial figures, embossed paper, depicting British, Egyptian, and Mahdist military personnel in dynamic attitudes, in manufacturer's original packaging; with 61 brass mounts (in 2 sizes), and 8 colour illustrations of
British army and navy, Egyptian army, and Mahdist army uniforms, serving as colour templates. Box bears the initials “W. & S. / B.”, [Werner & Schumann, Berlin], and the title
“The recent war in the Soudan”; the phrase “The war in Sudan” repeated in Spanish, German, and French. Some figures damaged.
1 box, containing 71 figures, 61 mounts, 8 templates
Size: Figures: 10.5 cm to 7.5 cm (heights)
Paper; brass
Language: English, Spanish, German, French
Wildlife of Sudan
Accession details:
Donated by the authors, 24 June 2016.
Grey literature, offprints and papers relating to flora and fauna, (and archaeology), of Sudan and particularly South Sudan and in the Zande language, written and compiled by Dr Jesse C. Hillman and S.M. Campbell, who completed two years of field
work (July 1980-January 1983) in the Bangangai Game Reserve, SW Sudan, funded by the New York Zoological Society (now the Wildlife Conservation Society).
2 files
Language: Zande, English
“Bangangai game reserve, Western Equatoria Province, Southern Sudan. Report to the Ministry of Wildlife Conservation, Fisheries and Tourism of the Regional Government of the Southern Sudan, and the New York Zoological
Society”, by Dr J.C. Hilllman, Research Fellow, New York Zoological Society, 2 January 1981. Preliminary report. Word processed copy.
“Wildlife information booklet”, Department of Wildlife Management, Sudan Government Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, Southern Region. Funded by the New York Zoological Society, and with introduction by
Dr J. Chris Hillman and Mrs Sheila M. Hillman, Bangangai Game Reserve, 1982. Word processed and laser printed copy. For 1982 edition, see: SudA PK1570.7 NEW.
“Southern Sudan”. Offprint of ‘Horizons’ feature, SWARA magazine, vol. 5, no. 5, 1982, 20-21. Laser printed copy.
June 2016
“A compilation of Zande - English words and terms referring to wildlife and the environment”, by Sheila and Chris Hillman, New York Zoological Society, Bangangai Game Reserve, November 1982, revised June 2016.
Language: Zande, English
A list of Zande bird names, compiled and edited by Dr Jesse C. Hillman and Mrs Sheila M. Hillman, Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society, Bangangai Game Reserve, January 1983. Word processed copy.
Language: Zande, English
“An ecological survey and management recommendations for the Bangangai Game Reserve, south west Sudan, with special reference to the Bongo antelope”, by Dr Jesse C. Hillman, Nairobi, for the Regional Ministry of
Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, Southern Region, Republic of Sudan, March 1983. Funded by the Animal Research and Conservation Center, New York Zoological Society. Word processed and laser printed copy. For 1983 edition, see:
SudA PK1503.6 HIL.
“A dictionary of Zande plant names from south west Sudan”, by Dr Jesse C. Hillman and Mrs Sheila M. Hillman. Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society, June 1983. Word processed copy. For 1983
edition, see: PK1587 HIL.
Language: Zande, English
“Monty, a Red-flanked Duiker”, by Sheila Campbell, with colour illustration (front cover). Offprint from SWARA magazine, East African Wildlife Society, 1983, July/Aug, vol. 6, no. 4.
Colour laser printed copy.
“Archaeological observations in Bangangai Game Reserve, south-western Sudan”, by Jesse and Sheila Hillman. Offprint from Azania, vol. XIX, 1984. Colour laser printed copy.
“Wildlife research in the Sudan in relation to conservation & land management”, by Dr Jesse C. Hillman. Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society. Paper prepared for a seminar, Wildlife
Conservation in the Sudan, Khartoum, 16-21 March 1985. Word processed copy. For 1991 edition, with maps, see: PK1503.6 SEM.
“Aspects of the biology of the Bongo Antelope Tragelaphus eurycerus Ogilby 1837 in south west Sudan”, by Jesse C. Hillman. Wildlife Conservation International, Addis Ababa. Offprint
from Biological Conservation, 38 (1986), pp. 255-272.
Notes on some unusual birds of the Bangangai area, south west Sudan, by Jesse C. and Sheila M. Hillman, Addis Ababa. Offprint from
SCOPUS, Ornithological Sub-Committee, East African Natural History Society, vol. 10, no. 1, March 1986. Word processed copy.
“The Bongos of Bangangai”, by Jesse Christopher Hillman. Offprint from Animal Kingdom, Zoological Society, March/April 1986. Colour laser printed copy.
“Feeding of the Bongo antelope, Tragelaphus eurycerus (Ogilby, 1837), in south west Sudan”, by J.C. Hillman and M.D. Gwynne. Wildlife Conservation Organisation, Addis Ababa. Offprint
from Mammalia, t. 51, no. 1, 1987.
“Sudan wildlife bibliography”, by Jesse C. Hillman, Conservation Ecologist, Wildlife Conservation International, June 1991.
Digital copies (pdf files) of documents filed at SAD.1005/6-7.
James Sillem
Accession details:
Purchased from Hansons Auctioneers and Valuers, 22 August 2016.
1898-[1899 x 1914]
3 letters from Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel James Sillem (1859-1914) of the Welsh Regiment, attached to the Egyptian Army, commanding the 3rd Egyptian infantry, in Sudan, to his mother [in England]; also one undated letter from General Kitchener at
the British Agency, Cairo, to Sillem, enclosing a [?portrait] photograph (not present).
9 April 1898
Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel James Sillem, Omdebiah “(20 miles up Atbara)”, to his mother [in England]: account of Battle of Atbara (8 April 1898), with details of Anglo-Egyptian and Mahdist casualties, and of
the Mahdist camp; prospect of a short leave in England until August or September; acknowledges receipt of letters from England dated 10 March; mother's health and trip to Antwerp; hard conditions, but “fairly well off in
the way of food and drink”.
15 April 1898
Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel James Sillem, Atbara Camp, to his mother [in England]: account of carrying wounded to Atbara Camp (9-11 April); condition of wounded, particularly Captains Walsh and Hackey; shipment of English sick and wounded to
Berber; English Brigade 9 miles north, while Mahdist army reported at Adarama; Sirdar gone to Aswan, and perhaps Cairo; mails from England.
4 September 1898
Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel James Sillem, Omdurman, to his mother [in England]: account of lead up to and the Battle of Omdurman (2 September 1898); Mahdist army engaged first with artillery, then Maxim, then rifle fire; Sillem's brigade on
high ground, and “never attacked by any large numbers”; brigade camped south of Omdurman at 20:30, “no food since the evening before & very little water”; flight of the Khalifa;
Mahdist losses estimated at above 5,000, and hundreds of prisoners; description of Omdurman, “pools of stagnant water all over the place with dead animals of every description lying about everywhere. The stenches are too
awful for words & I shall never forget our march through the place - I was nearly sick several times”; account of ceremony and memorial service at the ruins of Gordon's palace in Khartoum (4 September 1898); description of the ruined
palace, and fruit trees in its grounds - encloses lemon leaves picked in “Gordon's garden”; 20 war correspondents present; anticipates building of a new Khartoum on the site of the old town; White Nile about 2 miles
in breadth; mails from England; disinclination to remain at Omdurman.
[1899 x 1914]
Letter from Sirdar Herbert Kitchener at the British Agency, Cairo, to [Lieutenant-Colonel] James Sillem: enclosing [?portrait] photograph (not present); hopes to meet in [London] on Kitchener's next leave.
Extracts from missionary journals
Accession details:
Collected here from various sources, 30 January 2017.
Extracts from missionary journals concerning Sudan, Egypt and East Africa, 1849-1934:
Colonial Church Chronicle (1847 x 1874), The Church Overseas (1928 x 1934). Photocopies.
Sudan Airways
Accession details:
Donated by John Lauder, 18 July 2017.
Sudan Airways Comet 4c flight information colour leaflet, with cut-away plan of the aircraft; ticket wallet, with route map and list of international offices, annotated.
1f; 1f
Interviews concerning Hasan al-Turabi
Accession details:
Donated by Dr Willow Berridge, 13 December 2017.
Arabic transcripts of four interviews concerning Hasan al-Turabi (1932-2016) conducted by Kamal Ahmad Yousif for Dr Willow Berridge in the course of research for Berridge's
Hasan al-Turabi Islamist Politics and Democracy in Sudan (Cambridge University Press, 2017). Interviewees: Hassan Makki (SAD.1009/9/1-2), Mahboub Abdel Salam (SAD.1009/9/3-5), Tayib Zain Al Abdin (SAD.1009/9/6-7), Omer
Abd al-Ati (SAD.1009/9/8-9).
South Sudan photographs, 1970s
Accession details:
Anonymous donation, 1 June 2018.
Photographs of South Sudan schools, scenes, persons:
1. Juba Reformatory Boys building their house at Lologo, under the supervision of a [teacher], ?1975;
2. Abel Alier teaching a mixed class at Juba School, ?1975/6;
3. Market scene at Terekeka/Bor/Mandari, traders setting up a frame for a cover, [?tobacco] products in foreground, ?1972;
4. Persons on a wharf beside a Nile steamer, Sudd, South Sudan, 1970s;
5. Dr Samani Abdalla Yacoub, Vice-Chancellor, University of Juba (d. 1978);
6. Father Constantino Maria Pitya, at Juba on the Catholic church tower, 1979.
Some photographs damaged and torn.
Size: (1-2) 400 x 300 mm; (3-5) 380 x 303 mm; (6) 97 x 80 mm
Sudanese narrow gauge railways
Accession details:
Presented by Iain Logie and the Narrow Gauge Railway Society, 25 July 2018.
Research file on Sudanese narrow gauge railways, reproducing maps of the Kerma Railway and Telegraph (1896-1897) and the modern Sudan railway network. File created by the Narrow Gauge Railway Society (, in the library of
which organisation the file is maintained. Summaries of the following railways:
Wadi Halfa – Sarras (3’ 6” Gauge)
Suakin – Berber Railway (Standard Gauge)
Suakin 18-inch Gauge Military Railway
Trinkitat-El Teb 18-inch Gauge Military Railway
Sudan Military Railway (3’ 6” Gauge)
Wadi Halfa – Kerma (Dongola) Railway
Wadi Halfa – Abu Hamed – Khartoum Railway
Atbara (Suakin Junction) – Port Sudan Railway
Khartoum – Sennar Railway
Hayya (Hiya Junction) – Kassala – Sennar Railway
Station 10 - Karima
Sennar – Demazeen Railway
Rahad – Babanusa-Nyala Railway and Babanusa - Wau
Tokar - Trinkitat Light Railway (60 c.m. gauge)
Khartoum Steam Tramway
Sudan Goldfields Co - Umm Nabari Mine Railway
The Sennar Dam and its construction railways
Sudan Plantation Syndicate’s Railway
Gezira Light Railway
Gordon Stationery & Bookstores (Khartoum) postcards
Accession details:
Presented by G. Glentworth, 22 September 2018.
Photo postcards produced by the Gordon Stationery & Bookstores in Khartoum (series numbers in brackets), and collected by G. Glentworth. The photographs were probably originally taken in the 1920s or 1930s.
1. Mudiria, Khartoum
2. Sudanese cattle (20): cattle tethered amidst tukls
3. Nuer warrior (80): with left earring and scarified chest
4. Sudanese woman (118): wearing long neck pendant and grass skirt
5. Zoological Garden, Khartoum (123): giraffe in enclosure
6. Sudanese woman (147): wearing long neck pendant and textile skirt
7. Mulet El Nabi, Khartoum (148)
8. Khartoum view (156): view of Nile and river bank
9. War Office, Khartoum (168): facade and statue
10. Mogrem, Khartoum (179): steam-powered ?pile-drivers on railcars at Mogren
Catchpole family
Accession details:
Presented by Margaret Roberts, 4 October 2018.
10 April 1947; [2018]
Short memoir of the journey out (Nov, 1945) to Sudan and of two years spent in Khartoum as a child by Margaret Roberts, daughter of Donald Whitson Catchpole (1907-1985), Dept. Economics & Trade, 1945-1948; with family photographs, cuttings,
and Captain D.W. Catchpole's British Army personnel report, Khartoum, 7 July 1945. Includes (Karakashian Bros.) photograph taken of a large group at the farewell party at the Palace for Governor General Hubert Jervoise Huddleston, 10 April 1947:
D.W. Catchpole, Mrs Fielder, Mr Dale, M. Catchpole.
Suakin albumen prints
Accession details:
Purchased from Kernoozers Ltd Charles Nelson, 4 June 2019.
[1860s x 1890s]
Albumen prints of Suakin by the Zangaki Brothers (Adelphoi Zangaki, hence “AZ” in print captions), C. and G. Zangaki.
The prints were originally pasted in probably two different albums; mounts of prints SAD.1045/2/1-4 probably originate from the same album, fragments of the original binding remaining on the short edges; the mount of print SAD.1045/2/5 differs,
and fragments of the original binding remain on the long edge.
[1860s x 1890s]
“Fontain of Guimesa at Souakim”, photographed by AZ (Adelphoi Zangaki). Group of ten Hadendowa men, women and children at the Gemmeiza Well, Suakin.
scale: 284 x 220 mm
1 albumen print
[1860s x 1890s]
“Bridge of Gef at Souakim”, photographed by AZ (Adelphoi Zangaki). Causeway at Suakin, looking towards the mainland, with Gordon's Gate in the foreground, and the Wakala (Caravanserai) erected by Shennawi Bey in
1881 and Magidi mosque right and centre.
scale: 275 x 216 mm
1 albumen print
[1860s x 1890s]
“General vue of Souakim”, photographed by AZ (Adelphoi Zangaki). View of the island from the mainland, with single male figure in the foreground.
scale: 283 x 219 mm
1 albumen print
[1860s x 1890s]
“Panorama of Souakim”, photographed by AZ (Adelphoi Zangaki). Panoramic view of Suakin, with tented camp in foreground and mosque in middel distance.
scale: 280 x 220 mm
1 albumen print
[1860s x 1890s]
“Palais du Gouvernement a Souakim”, photographed by [AZ (Adelphoi Zangaki)]. View of the Muhafaza (Governor's residence), Suakin, with the Ottoman flag flying from a rooftop flagpole; in the foreground nine members
of the European community with a group of Hadendowa.
scale: 283 x 215 mm
1 albumen print
F.H. and L.V. Durnford
Accession details:
Presented by Canon Catherine Durnford, 16 September 2019.
Photographs of the Sudan clergy and churches, including the Railway Church Saloon, and a letter from Dorothy Maffey. From the collection of Rev. Francis Henry Durnford (1882-1969) (Chaplain of Khartoum Cathedral, 1922-1929; Heliopolis,
1929-1930), and his wife Lucy Victoria Carless (1893-1988), sister of Gordon Carless (see T.F.G. Carless collection).
A diocesan pamphlet,
Egypt and the Sudan A diocese of violent contrasts, accessioned with this material is listed in library catalogue.
Bishop Gwynne, leaning against Khartoum Cathedral.
scale: 61 x 86 mm
1 print
Rev. F.H. Durnford, with another cleric and his baggage.
scale: 61 x 86 mm
[7 February 1929]
Railway Church Saloon: dedication ceremony [7 February 1929], with Rev. F.H. Durnford (left); interior, and exterior.
scale: (3) 145 x 97 mm; (4-5) 159 x 117 mm
3 prints
Khartoum Cathedral. Karakashian Bros.
scale: 161 x 115 mm
1 print
Gordon memorial inscription and plaque, within Khartoum Cathedral. Karakashian Bros.
scale: 168 x 120 mm
1 print
Church interior.
scale: 155 x 115 mm
1 print
Silver plate (two ewers, chalice and plate), with a bible presented to Khartoum Cathedral by all ranks of the 2nd Battalion The Queen's Royal Regiment and 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment (58th), 1926-27.
scale: 165 x 220 mm
2 prints
Group [posed by Khartoum Cathedral], including Bishop Gwynne (centre), Canon Harper (back 2nd from right), and Rev. F.H. Durnford (back left).
scale: 280 x 217 mm
1 print
Group of clergymen, including Bishop Gwynne (front left), Canon Harper (back 2nd from right), and Rev. F.H. Durnford (back right), posed in a garden.
scale: 177 x 113 mm (297 x 197 mm mount)
1 mounted print
[1922 x 1930]
Group of [?American] navy sailors with clergyman and 5 civilians posed outside wooden church.
scale: 196 x 152 mm (284 x 238 mm mount)
1 mounted print
[1922 x 1930]
Brick building, with garden.
scale: 155 x 115 mm
1 print
Statue of General Gordon. Karakashian Bros.
scale: 116 x 160 mm
1 print
Habub (sand storm), Khartoum. Karakashian Bros.
scale: 164 x 113 mm
1 print
Avenue Said, Heliopolis. Lehnert & Landrock (Cairo) postcard.
scale: 139 x 89 mm
1 print
“The Hindou Palace” or Baron Empain Palace, Heliopolis. Lehnert & Landrock (Cairo) postcard.
scale: 138 x 90 mm
1 print
20 February 1929
Letter of thanks from Dorothy Maffey at The Palace, Khartoum, to Miss [L.V.] Carless, concerning Maffey daughter's education.
Board game
Accession details:
Purchased, January 2019.
[after 1898]
Board for the New Game of ‘Gordon-Kitchener’ or the ‘Conquest of the Soudan’; with coloured counters and two die (SAD.1045/8/2).
With photographs of the packaging, game pieces (toy military figures), and playing instructions, from copies of the game in the Mahmoud Salih Library at Bergen University (35102) and at the National Army Museum n London (SAD.1045/8/3).
Size: board 42 x 42 cm
Sudan films
Accession details:
Presented by T. Križnar and B. Pivk Križnar, June 2000; August 2024.
SAD.Video 19
Nuba: pure people. Bela Film, by Tomo Križnar and Maja Weiss.
Rotting. Film by Bojana Pivk Križnar and Tomo Križnar about leprosy in the Nuba Mountains. Tomo Križnar Foundation in co-production with Zavod Maja Weiss, Taris Film, Sagar kolektiv and Radiotelevision Solvenia.
DVD; colour; 55 minutes 30 seconds
Accession details:
Presented by Robert Franklin, October 2020
Childhood memoirs of life in Sudan, by Robert Franklin, son of Eileen (née Falkus) and Thomas Frederick Franklin (1904-1984), in the 1940s and 1950s the Chief Engineer, Mechanical Division of the Dept / Ministry of Agriculture and Director of the
Equatoria Projects Board, 2020
C.L. Hawkes
Accession details:
Presented by Glynn Sutton, April 2021
April 2021
Brief summary of the life and career of Charles Llewellyn Hawkes (1895-1964), engineer active in Sudan 1919-1944; with group photographs including Hawkes taken in 1908 and [1940s].
T.P. Creed on Iraq
Presented by S.J. Williams, April 2021
[September 1941]
Newspaper cutting from the
Sudan Herald: report of a talk on Iraq by Legal Secretary Sir Thomas Percival Creed (1897-1969), contrasting attempted coup by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani with [summer 1940] unrest at Kassala; noting four of the six Legal
Secretaries of Sudan having served in Iraq.
Port Sudan fishing notes
[1920s x 1930s]
Fishing notes for Port Sudan, from the General Manager's Office, Sudan Railways at Atbara: notes on hire of tackle, vessels, and types of fish. Typescript
Sudan slides
Provenance unknown
Colour slides of archaeological sites in Sudan and about the Jonglei canal in South Sudan
Rock drawing of five giraffes at Kulb
Jebal Barkal. Aerial photograph
Pyramids at Merowe
Meroitic temple complex at Musawwarat es-Sufra
Paddle steamer and barge on the Nile, in the foreground Sudanese figures
Map of the Garstin Cut, canal from Bor to the Sobat
Graph of measured monthly in-flows and out-flows from the Sudd at Mongalla, 1905-1980
Three Sudanese figures in thick tall vegetation
[early 1980s]
Bucket wheel excavator
Sir Stewart Symes
Presented by Symes, 1958
1940 Oct 28
Local Vernacular Press Summary for the period 1-21 October 1940, including a summary of an article in
al-Nil of 15 October 1940 on the era of Sir Stewart Symes (1882-1962), Governor-General 1934-1940
1940 Dec 26
Resumé of articles published in the Special Congress number dedicated to Sir Stewart Symes, produced by the Public Security Office, Khartoum
Rev. Alfred W.B. Watson
Presented by John C.S. Hardy, 2022
28 April 1898; 9 May 2022
Letter from Rev. Alfred W.B. Watson (1860-1912) in Upper Egypt to Mary Elizabeth Hardy (née Hood) (1858-1944) in Halifax, Canada, briefly describing the Battle of Atbara, British casualties, subsequent dispositions of Lincoln and Norwich
regiments and Cameron and Seaforth Highlanders, evening services, and plans for leave and termination of his service.
File includes a transcript and a biographical note by John C.S. Hardy, and a covering letter with further biographical notes on the British officer casualties at the Battle of Atbara
1983 hostages incident at Boma
Presented by Carolyn Murray, 2022
1983 Jul
Photographs of ACROSS [and UN] staff involved in negotiations concerning the Jun-Jul 1983 hostages incident at Boma, with the rescued hostages shortly before they left Juba for debriefing at Khartoum.
Eleven western hostages were taken by soldiers of the Liberation Front of Southern Sudan on 23 June; all were freed after a military operation by the Sudanese Army on 8 July. The hostages were: John Haspels (missionary, ACROSS), Gwen Haspels
(missionary, ACROSS), their children Desta Haspels, Charles Haspels, John Haspels, Willem Noort (nurse, ACROSS), Conrad Aveling (zoologist, Frankfurt Zoological Society), Alois Psheidt (mechanic, Frankfurt Zoological Society), Martin Overduin
(pilot, Sight by Wings), Bruce Riggins (pilot, Africa Inland Mission AIR), Ron Pontier (pilot, AIM AIR). Negotiations staff at the ACROSS guest house in Juba include: Charles Wilson, Keith Gingrich, Field Director Tony Land. See also the
C.E. Wilson collection in the Sudan Archive
Suakin-Berber Railway
Presented by D.R. Robinson, son of the author, 1965
Typescript copy of an address by R. Robinson to an unnamed society, describing a journey on board the Albatross from Greenhithe to Suakin in 1885 with a cargo of material for the Suakin-Berber Railway. The account covers life on board ship,
including a detailed description of running aground on the N. African coast near Benghazi on the 21st March (SAD.104/18/1-2); refuelling at Port Said and passing through the Suez Canal (SAD.104/18/3); arrival at Suakin and landing at Quarantine
Island (SAD.104/18/3-4); food rations and the intense heat (SAD.104/18/5); arrival of Lord Wolesley (SAD.104/18/6); attack of enteric fever leading to Robinson being sent home on the Calabria (SAD.104/18/6)
Provenance unknown
SAD.G//S 1148/6
[19th x mid-20th century]
Circular animal hide shield, light in colour, with (loose) wooden handle, carrying band and long strap. Probably produced by the Hadendowa people. Raised conical centre of the shield has been reinforced with [crocodile] skin affixed with
Size: 56 cm diameter
Animal hide
Digitised material for Circular animal hide shield - SAD.G//S 1148/6
Gordon banknote
Provenance unknown
Two `utfah or howdah screens
Provenance unknown
Fishing spears
Provenance unknown
SAD.G//S 1149/4
[19th x mid-20th century]
Bundle of 10 fishing spears
Provenance unknown
SAD.G//S 1149/6
[19th century]
Metal sword with carved hilt
Size: 107 cm
General F.R. Wingate house sale catalogue
Presented by Martin Dane, 19 May 2023
28 May 1953
Knockenhair, Dunbar, house auction sale catalogue of “antique, decorative and fine furniture, battle trophies and standards, fine collection of Sudanese historical weapons, suits chain mail, unique curios, fine
ornaments, carpets, curtains, blankets, teak garden seats, fine garden statue, fine sun-dial on stone pillar and plinth” which belonged to General F.R. Wingate (1861-1953). Auctioneers: George Low & Son, Dunbar
Banner of amir `Abd al-Rahman al-Nujumi
Presented by F.W.G. Richardson, November 1962
[1889 x 1915]
Letter from Col. William Henry Drage (1852-1915), Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, Army Service Corps / Egyptian Army, to Johnstone, concerning a battle flag of amir `Abd al-Rahman al-Nujumi
[1881 x 1889]
Mahdist flag or banner with appliqué Arabic inscription. Banner of the
amir ‘Abd al-Rahman wad al-Najumi, Mahdist leader killed at the Battle of Toski in 1889. Fragile. Given by W.H. Drage Pasha to Mr Johnstone. Blue,
[faded red] and [faded green] appliqué on white field with blue and [yellow] entablature and with the following inscription:
“Ya Allah ya rahman ya rahim
Ya hayy ya qiyyum ya dhi'l-jalal wa'l-akram
La ilah illa
Allah Muhammad rasul Allah
Muhammad al-Mahdi khalifa rasul Allah”
English translation: “O God, O Merciful One, O Compassionate One O Living One,
O Subsisting One, O Lord of Majesty and Honour
There is no god but God. Muhammad is his messenger
Muhammad al-Mahdi is the
Successor to the messenger of God”.
Size: 169 x 118 cm
Digitised material for SAD.3/4 - Mahdist flag
Provenance unknown
SAD.G//S 1151/14
[19th x 20th century]
Curved knife with engraved iron blade, serated on one side and with wider tip; wooden handle wound with metal and knotted cord; 6 brown long-haired leather tassels are strung from a metal coil and rings which in turn attach to a metal fixing
[?tang] at the base of the handle. Blade has central groove on each side; engraved hatchings extend only from serrated edge to these grooves, half-way across the full width of the blade. The knife's style is distinctive of the Azande people
Size: Blade 35 cm (to handle) in length, 30 mm (at handle) to 49 mm (at tip) in width; handle (including tang) 15.5 cm in length, 36-12 mm in width; tassels 18 cm in length, 1 cm in width; metal rings 15-21 mm in diameter; weight
Former reference number on tag: Af 19
Digitised material for Curved knife with engraved iron blade - SAD.G//S 1151/14 SAD.G//S 1151/15
[19th x 20th century]
Curved or sickle knife with plain narrow blade, 4-faced shaft, and long narrow cylindrical wooden handle. The knife's style is distinctive of the Azande people
Size: Total length 49 cm: handle 16.2 cm, shaft 13.5 cm, blade 19.3 cm; width of blade 2.8 cm; width of shaft 0.9 cm; diameter of handle 2 cm
Former reference number on tag: Af 22
Digitised material for Curved or sickle knife - SAD.G//S 1151_15 SAD.G//S 1151/18
[19th x 20th century]
Iron throwing knife with two blades protruding from opposite edges at the base and the tip, and with narrow tang knotched on its edges up to the lower spur. The knife's style is distinctive of the Azande people
Size: Blade, central stem 32.5 cm in length (to handle) 18 mm (at handle) to 9 cm (at widest point) in width, lower spur 13.5 cm in length 3.3 cm in width, upper spur 24.5 cm in length 5 cm at widest point; handle 9.5 cm in length
18-25 mm in width; weight 450g
Former reference number on tag: Af 22
Digitised material for Iron throwing knife with two blades - SAD.G//S 1151/18 SAD.G//S 1151/19
[19th x 20th century]
Throwing knife with engraved curved blade, single tang, and smooth leather handle. Each face of the blade is incised and stamped with zoomorphic and anthropomorphic designs, possibly narratological. On one face a four-legged tailed ?lizard is
clearly distinguishable
Size: Total length 69.3 cm: leather handle 13.8 cm, shaft from handle to tang 26 cm, tang 12 cm; handle width 2.5 cm, blade narrowest width 1.8 cm, blade widest width at head 6.5 cm; shaft thickness 0.5 cm
Former reference number on tag: Af 27
Digitised material for Throwing knife with engraved curved blade - SAD.G//S 1151/19 SAD.G//S 1151/20
[19th x 20th century]
Throwing knife with engraved curved black blade, three tangs, and plaited leather handle. On one face of the blade, between the top double tang and the lower tang, are incised five scratched Xs
Size: Total length 72.8 cm: leather handle 14 cm, shaft from handle to lower tang 39 cm, upper shaft to top double tang 13 cm, small tang 16 cm, top double tang 23 cm; handle width 3 cm, blade narrowest width 2.6 cm, blade widest
width across top double tang 6.6 cm; shaft thickness 0.3 cm, handle thickness 1.5 cm
Former reference number on tag: Af 27
Digitised material for Throwing knife with engraved curved black blade - SAD.G//S 1151/20
Nuba fighting bracelet
Presented by Lorna Kingdon, September 2005
Wingate marriage settlement
Deposited by the British Records Association (Thorold Brodies, Maidstone) (Misc.2022/23:90)
16 Jun 1888
1. Catherine Leslie Rundle spinster of 25 Hyde Park Gate, Middlesex
2. Francis Reginald Wingate esquire of 23 Young Street, Kensington, Middlesex, a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery Regiment and now serving in the Egyptian Army
3. Henry Leslie Rundle solicitor of 19 Essex Street, Strand, Middlesex; Weston Joseph Sparkes solicitor of Crediton, Devon
As a settlement prior to the marriage of 1 with 2: securities listed in schedule 1, the property of 1, are transferred to 3; securities listed in schedule 2 and (c), the property of 2, are transferred to 3; Upon trust:
To the use of 1, with remainders to the use of the survivor of 1-2 and their issue; or failing such issue, to the uses specified in the will of 1
Recites: (a) schedule 1: 8 shares in the Newton Gas and Coke Company Ltd; £250 in the 5% Permanent Debenture Stock of the Ontario and Quebec Railway Company; £100 stock in the Bengal Nagpur Railway Company Ltd; two mortgages, in Exeter (£1,200)
and at the Warren near Starcross in Devon (£270 10s); a mortgage (£90) on a life interest in the funds and a life policy between Mary Martin and 1, 31 July 1886; (b) schedule 2: a life policy for £1,000 with the Mutual Life Assurance Society, 22
Sept 1887; (c) 2 is a subscriber to The Royal Artillery Marriage Society, entitling his widow to an annuity of £30
Former reference numbers: SR 166 (written on dorse); BRA 2855 (stamped on dorse)
Nuba people and leprosy
Presented by Tomo Križnar and Bojana Pivk Križnar
Poster promoting
“Rotting 2022”, a documentary film about leprosy and the wider struggles of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile peoples, written and directed by Bojana Pivk Križnar and Tomo Križnar, co-directed by Miha Mohorič and with
camera volunteers from people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile; edited by Andrej Modic; film music by Igor Leonardi; supervision by Maja Weiss
Size: 97 x 38 cm
“ Človečnost in nečlovečnost / Humanity and inhumanity” 2024 calendar published by the Tomo Križnar Foundation to raise funds to make a sequel of the documentary film “A letter to
Europe”. The calendar reproduces the photographic work of George W.A. Rodger (1908-1995), Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003) and Antonio Cores Uría (1936-2020)
Size: 34 x 48 cm
Congolese Communist dissidents
Presented by Raph Cormack, 30 July 2024; four separate lots
April 1967-March 1969
Correspondence of Joseph Sébastien Ramazani, Representative of the Supreme Council of the Congolese Revolution (C.S.R.) in Sudan, with Communist news outlets
l'Eclair and La Voix du Peuple, and with the Belgian Committee of Solidarity with the Congolese Resistance, requesting copies of publications, supply of headed stationery, and funding for
his further education
May 1967-April 1968
Papers by Joseph Sébastien Ramazani, Representative of the Supreme Council of the Congolese Revolution (C.S.R.) in Sudan:
“The OAU and the Movements in Africa” (9pp); statement addressed to the Belgian Government countering reports of the repatriation of Congolese dissidents (8pp); “Conscience”, an
article submitted to Jacques Grippa of the Communist weekly newspaper La Voix du Peuple, with covering letter (4pp)
May-July 1967
Correspondence and related papers of Joseph Sébastien Ramazani, Representative of the Supreme Council of the Congolese Revolution (C.S.R.) in Sudan, to the Belgian Committee of Solidarity with the Congolese Resistance and the weekly Communist
La Voix du Peuple, requesting aid for Congolese refugees and dissidents in Sudan and military-financial aid for combatants; and enclosing a circular from the Sudanese Ministry of the Interior and a copy letter from
Marie Akumu, Ramazani and François Sabiti to the Sudanese Director of African Affairs detailing the terms of the Congolese exiles' entry into Sudan in 1964/5, their arms and property, and the terms of their exit, and reciting an offer to join Arab
forces fighting against Israel
October 1965-November 1970
Letter jointly from Singama Luvila alias Abdulay and Gaston Soumialot of the Conseil National de Liberation (C.N.L.) in Cairo to the Organisation of African Unity (O.A.U.) at Accra, criticising the invitation by the O.A.U. to a Congolese
delegation led by Joseph Kasa-Vubu (1915-1969), 19 October 1965; letter from Lt-Gen. Nicolas Olenga, Armée Populaire de Liberation (People's Republic of the Congo) in Cairo to Gaston Soumialot at Cairo, criticising the activivities of the Supreme
Council of the Congolese Revolution (C.S.R.) and factionalism within the movement, 29 October 1965.
Correspondence from Masao Kitazawa in Cairo and Paris: to Jacques Grippa (1913-1990) and René Raindorf (1918-1998) [of the Communist weekly newspaper
La Voix du Peuple], enclosing an English translation of an article entitled ““Second Breath” of the Congoloese Revolution - Pierre Mulele: today more than
yesterday”, circulated by Kitazawa, recounting “Soviet revisionist” international activities and factionalism between Gaston Soumialot and Antoine Gizenga (1925-2019) and reporting the appointment of Michel
Mongali as Secretary-General of the C.S.R., 24 January 1967; reporting on her recent visit to Africa and requesting copies of the publication be sent to an attached list of contacts (each with appended political remarks) in Mali, Guinea, Congo,
Cameroon, Niger and Senegal, 29 June 1967.
Press release circulated by the International Union of Students to all national students' unions containing an appeal issued by the University of Khartoum Students' Union for solidarity with Ethiopian students and criticising the actions and
policies of the Ethiopian “feudal” state, with covering letter, November 1970
Plan of military areas in Khartoum, Khartoum North, and Omdurman, 1942
Presented by Ludmilla Jordanova, 19 June 2019
July 1942
Key plan of military areas in Khartoum, Khartoum North, and Omdurman. DCRE/K 40. Map with key to military installations, workshops, offices, hospital; also shows POW camp, bombing range and bombing target, town and other civil boundaries,
Gordon's Tree
scale: Scale 1:20,000
Size: 70.5 x 100.5 cm
Documentary on the Uduk people
Presented by Wendy James, 18 October 2016
“Orphans of passage: The Uduk between Sudan and Ethiopia”. Granada TV documentary in the “Disappearing World” series. Bruce MacDonald, Director; Professor Wendy James, Social
Anthropologist (University of Khartoum, 1964-1969; University of Oxford, 1996-2007 )