Armbruster, Charles Hubert
Charles Hubert Armbruster

1. Personal Papers
2. Maps
(a) Sudan
(b) Abyssinia
3. Printed material
Separated printed material now in Durham University Library
Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Armbruster, Charles Hubert
Dates of creation: 1904-[1959]
Extent: 2 files; 15 maps
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Created by: Armbruster, Charles Hubert
Language: English; Amharic

Charles Hubert Armbruster

(1874 - 1957)

1897Assistant Collector and Judicial Officer in British Central Africa Protectorate Administration
1900Transferred to Sudan, serving in Dongola and Kassala
1901Assistant Inspector, Sennar
1903-1905Service in Kassala Province
1906Accompanied expedition into Abyssinia against Haile Maryam as Political Officer
1907-1908Political missions to Abyssinia
1909Accompanied Sir Reginald Wingate on his mission to Somaliland as Intelligence Officer and sent on political mission to Addis Ababa
1909-1912Senior Inspector, Legal Department
1910-1911Examiner in Amharic for the Civil Service Commissioners
1911-1912Examiner in Amharic for the Sudan Government
1912-1919H.M. Consul for N.W. Ethiopia
1916-1919Egyptian Expeditionary Force
1920-1925Director, Sudan Government Customs Department
1922Examiner in Amharic for Sudan Government
1926Retired from Sudan Government service


1. Personal Papers
2. Maps
3. Printed Material

Accession details

Presented by Mrs C.H. Armbruster, 1958-1961

1. Personal Papers
n.d. and 1927-1931
Personal letters to Armbruster from R. von Slatin Pasha, with news of his leave in Austria, Germany and England and concerning the purchase of jewellery and a shield (SAD.439/636/1-4) and to Mrs Armbruster with Christmas greetings for 1927 and 1931 (SAD.439/636/5-6)
Note by Mrs Stephana Armbruster of her ancestry, particularly relating to her grandfather, John Bell, and his two daughters (Mrs Armbruster's mother and aunt) Mary Saalmuller and Susan Waldmeies, and their connection with King Theodore of Abyssinia, with covering letter from Mrs Armbruster to R.L. Hill. Most of the information is copied from printed sources.
2. Maps
(a) Sudan
Map of the Egyptian Sudan : Wad Medani. Sheet 55-G. [London] : War Office, General Staff, Geographical Section.
scale:   1 : 250,000
44 x 65 cm
SAD.PF 26/3/5
Map of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Intelligence Office, Khartoum.
Size: 73 x 61
1908 Jul
Map of the Egyptian Sudan : Sennar. Sheet 55-K. [London] : Intelligence Division, War Office.
scale:   1 : 250,000
47 x 65 cm
Map of Gallabat. Sheet 56-M. [London] : Reproduced at the Intelligence Division War Office from a map supplied by the Director of Sudan Surveys 1903, August, 1908.
scale:   1 : 250,000
44 x 65 cm
(b) Abyssinia
Map of Abyssinia. War Office, London
scale:   1 : 3,000,000
Size: 59 x 67 cm
Map of Abyssinia showing routes from Harrar and Dire Daua to Addis Ababa. War Office, London. Printed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton
scale:   1 : 500,000
Size: 53 x 91 cm
Map of Abyssinia: Addis Ababa. Provisional sheet 67. War Office, London. Printed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton.
scale:   1 : 1,000,000
Size: 59.5 x 76 cm
1908 Jul
Map of Africa : Nogara. Sheet 56-I. Great Britain, War Office, Intelligence Division. [London]
scale:   1 : 250,000
47 x 65 cm
Map of Gondar, Abyssinia. Sheet F9. Instituto Geografico Militare [Firenze]
scale:   1 : 400,000
Size: 73 x 65 cm
Map of Macalle, Abyssinia, Sheet F10. Instituto Geografico Militare [Firenze]
scale:   1 : 400,000
73 x 65 cm
Map of Africa : Gondar. Sheet 56-N. Great Britain, War Office, General Staff, Geographical Section. Southampton : Printed at the Ordnance Survey Office.
scale:   1 : 250,000
44 x 65 cm
Map of Africa. Sheet 56-J. Great Britain, War Office, General Staff, Geographical Section. Southampton : Printed at the Ordnance Survey Office.
scale:   1 : 250,000
44 x 65 cm
1922 Sep 17
Map of Abyssinia for Abyssinian atlas. Hand coloured.
scale:   1 : 3,000,000
Size: 62 x 74 cm
Language: Amharic
1922 Oct 14
Map of the world for Abyssinian atlas. Hand coloured.
Size: 65 x 79 cm
Language: Amharic
1922 Sep 25
Map of Africa for Abyssinian atlas. Hand coloured.
scale:   1 to 16,000,000
Size: 65 x 69.5 cm
Language: Amharic
Map of Africa orientale : Eritrea, Somalia, Etiopia. Novara : Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1935. 5th edition
scale:   1 to 250,000
Size: 90 x 82 cm
3. Printed material
Separated printed material now in Durham University Library

Printed material deposited with collection; now integrated into the library's printed collections and catalogued on the Open Public Access Catalogue