Durham Diocesan Records: episcopal administration
Legislative and historical background to episcopal administration


Reference code: GB-0033-DDR/EA
Title: Durham Diocesan Records: episcopal administration
Dates of creation: 1494 onwards but predominantly 18th-20th centuries
Extent: 232 metres (173 metres excluding clergy records)
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Diocesan Registrar (as registrar to the Bishops of Durham)

Legislative and historical background to episcopal administration

Background essays on the administration of the diocese of Durham generally, and on the classes of records covered within this catalogue, are in the separate guide, Administrative Histories for the Durham Diocesan Records. General bibliographies are also within the same guide, and omitted from this catalogue except for editions of specific records.


Records created or maintained by the Registrar of the diocese of Durham, in relation to the bishop's administrative functions. This section includes most of the administrative records among the diocesan records, but note the distinction between this and similar sections of the collection:

Conditions of access

Items under 30 years old may only be produced if a reader has obtained permission to see them from the depositor (most often the Durham Diocesan Registrar or her/his representative), except for items in the public domain which are made available with no closure period. Longer closure periods apply for certain classes of documents, e.g. personal files are closed for up to 100 years from the date of the latest item in the file. Details are given within this catalogue: unless otherwise stated, a 30 year closure applies.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Bishops' Registers and Acts
Reference: DDR/EA/ACT
Bishops' registers and act books
DDR/EA/ACT/1   1494-1951
12 volumes   
Registers of the formal acts of the bishops of Durham
Until 1875, the registers usually begin and end with an episcopate. From about 1875, the dates of the registers (generally called 'act books' by that date) no longer correspond with the confirmation or death/resignation of a bishop.
Volumes 1-5 were formerly referenced as DDR/vols.I/1-5, and volumes 6-12 as DDR vols 1975/i-vii.
See also survey of surviving registers up to 1683 (DDR/EA/ACT/1/4 below), in D.M.Smith, Guide to bishops' registers of England and Wales (Royal Historical Society, London, 1981)
, p.264-273 (where the Durham Diocesan Records are referenced as DSR, and Durham Cathedral archives as DPK).
Some extracts from bishops' registers are printed in J.Raine (ed), Depositions and other ecclesiastical proceedings from the courts of Durham, extending from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth (Surtees Society, number 21, 1845)
The pre-1683 bishops' registers have been published on microfilm, in Church authority and power in medieval and early modern Britain: the episcopal registers, 111 microfilm reels and 1 guide; part 3 includes registers of the bishops of Durham, 1311-1683, in 12 reels (Harvester Press Microform Publications Ltd, Brighton, 1983-1987). A full set of the films is available at Palace Green Library: a guide to the contents of most of these microfilms is kept with them, but does not cover the Durham bishops' registers.
The Durham Cathedral archive includes the following episcopal registers:
Richard of Bury (fragmentary, printed Surtees Society 119, p.22-64) and Thomas Hatfield, 1343-1344 and 1350-1380 (DCD Reg.Hat., microfilm available for copying at PG FILM 124)
Sede vacante administration, 1406 (DCD Misc.Ch. 5723)
Thomas Langley (printed Surtees Society 164, 166, 169, 170, 177, 182), 1406-1437 (DCD Reg.Lang.)
Sede vacante administration, 1576 (DCD/D/SJC/V1)

The National Archives, Palatinate of Durham records (ref Durh 3/1): Registers of Richard Kellawe and Richard of Bury (fragment), 1311-1316 and 1334-1345; printed T.D.Hardy, Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense (Rolls Series, volumes I-III, 1873-1878)

Auckland Castle: Act books of Edward Chandler and Joseph Butler (1730-1752) were noted as seen at Auckland Castle in 1958, but have not been traced more recently.

DDR/EA/ACT/1/1   1494-1501
Richard Fox
List of contents at front
Printed M.P.Howden (ed), The register of Richard Fox, Lord Bishop of Durham 1494-1501 (Surtees Society, number 147, 1932)

DDR/EA/ACT/1/2   1530-1577
Cuthbert Tunstall, 1530-1559 (ff.1-54r, 56r, 74v-77r)
sede vacante administration, 1559-1561 (ff.53v, 54v-55v)
James Pilkington, 1561-1576 (ff.56v-72v, 73v)
sede vacante administration, 1576-1577 (ff.72v-73r)
admission by Richard Barnes, undated (f.74r)

74 ff 
Printed G.Hinde (ed), The registers of Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of Durham 1530-59, and James Pilkington, bishop of Durham 1561-76 (Surtees Society, number 161, 1952)

Sede vacante acts are registered in DCD/D/SJC/V/1 within the Durham Cathedral archives, for March to May 1576. The right to jurisdiction “sede vacante” (during a vacancy) being in dispute, it was at first exercised by the Dean and Chapter of Durham and then, after a compromise had been reached, by the Dean and Chapter of York; hence the two different registers used during this vacancy.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/3   1577-1587
Richard Barnes
Ordinations printed in J.Raine (ed), The injunctions and other ecclesiastical proceedings of Richard Barnes, bishop of Durham, from 1575 to 1587 (Surtees Society, number 22, 1850)
, pp.xcviii-cii.
See also volume of acts “coram episcopo” within the Durham Cathedral archives, ref DCD/D/SJB/4, which includes the actual business of institutions and resignations, July 1581 to April 1582.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4   1618-1627, 1630-1652, 1660-1663, 1683
Richard Neile, 1618-1627 (p.1-15, p.18-102, f.103r-104v)
John Howson, 1630-1632 (fragments, p.15-17, f.104v, f.110)
Thomas Morton, 1634-1642 and 1652 (fragments, f.109, f.111r-116r, f.118v, f.120r-121r)
John Cosin, 1660-1663 (fragments, f.105r-108v, f.117r-118r, f.119)
Nathaniel Crewe, September-October 1683 (fragment, f.116v)
Index to livings for the whole volume, at front

121 ff. 
Digitised material for Durham Diocesan Records: Parts of Register of Bishops Richard Neile, John Howson,Thomas Morton, John Cosin, and Nathaniel Crewe - DDR/EA/ACT/1/4
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4A (NOT HELD)   1730-1750
Edward Chandler
Recorded at Auckland Castle in 1958, but not subsequently traced.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4B (NOT HELD)   1750-1752
Joseph Butler
Recorded at Auckland Castle in 1958, but not subsequently traced.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4C   21 January 1753 - 18 May 1771
Richard Trevor
Described as acts done before Nicholas Halhead, notary public [Diocesan Registrar, 1769-1795].
1 volume, iv + 264 pages (p.153-264 blank) 
Formerly retained within the Bishops' Office and referenced under accession number AUC/1/1 (Auckland Castle Library shelfmark 11/7).
Notes on the following kinds of entries are kept with the printed catalogues within Palace Green Library.
  • (predominantly secular) patents of appointment
  • clergy (and a few schoolmasters') licences and admissions etc
  • grant of market in South Shields to Dean and Chapter
  • ordinations of clergy to serve in Scotland

Digitised material for Durham Diocesan Records: Register of Bishop Richard Trevor - DDR/EA/ACT/1/4C
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4D   20 July 1771 - 29 August 1783
John Egerton (spiritual acts). Also includes a few temporal acts on p.49 and 100 (appointments of officers), and on p.63 and 73 (confirmations of leases).
Described as acts done before George Brooks, notary public [Apparitor, perhaps also Registrar?]. Includes biographical notes on Egerton (inside front cover).
1 volume, ii + 134 pages 
Formerly retained within the Bishops' Office and referenced under accession number AUC/1/2 (Auckland Castle Library shelfmark 11/6).
Digitised material for Durham Diocesan Records: Register of Bishop John Egerton (spiritual acts) - DDR/EA/ACT/1/4D
DDR/EA/ACT/1/4E   20 August 1771 - 27 December 1784
John Egerton (temporal acts). With index at p.41-44. Also includes his spiritual acts for 4 September 1783 to 27 December 1784 at back (reversed).
1 volume, ii + 138 pages (p.45-125 blank) 
Formerly retained within the Bishops' Office and referenced under accession number AUC/1/3 (Auckland Castle Library shelfmark 11/5).
Add.MS.449 (including temporal acts 1771-1777) is perhaps a copy of or draft for this act book.
Digitised material for Durham Diocesan Records: Register of Bishop John Egerton (temporal acts) - DDR/EA/ACT/1/4E
DDR/EA/ACT/1/5   1826-1856
William Van Mildert, 1826-1836
Edward Maltby, 1836-1856

Digitised material for Durham Diocesan Records: Register of Bishop William Van Mildert and Edward Maltby - DDR/EA/ACT/1/5
DDR/EA/ACT/1/6   December 1856-August 1875
This and the following act books include indexes of people and of parishes.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/7   July 1875-December 1887
DDR/EA/ACT/1/8   January 1888-November 1893
DDR/EA/ACT/1/9   May 1879-September 1889
Note overlap of this and the following volume, with the preceding two act books.
DDR/EA/ACT/1/10   October 1889-December 1908
DDR/EA/ACT/1/11   January 1909-November 1924
DDR/EA/ACT/1/12   November 1924-November 1951
Draft and copy episcopal act book
DDR/EA/ACT/2/1   1827-1860
Day book of episcopal acts, serving as a draft act book. Includes acts of the diocese of Durham, 1827-1860, and of the diocese of York, 1848-1860.
Formerly cited as DDR/vols.XVIII/9

Lists and transcripts of episcopal acts
DDR/EA/ACT/3   1771, 1837-1855, 1879-1881, 1966-1969
1 bundle   
Lists of bishop's acts (ordinations, admissions, licences etc). The 1837 item is a set of transcripts of Richard Kellaw's register for 1315, made in or after 1837. The 1771 item is a notarial act relating to the confirmation of John Egerton as bishop of Durham.
Some of these acts appear to have been drawn up as drafts for the main series of act books and bishops' registers.
Separate folders of lists/draft acts are each arranged in date order

Clergy and Layworkers' Papers
Reference: DDR/EA/CL These papers, including detailed lists of specific series (ordination papers, letters testimonial for admissions to benefices) are covered in the separate catalogue of clergy and layworkers' papers

Non-Ecclesiastical Appointments
Reference: DDR/EA/NE DDR/EA/CLS/1: Subscription books, 1662-1976. The first subscription book (possibly other books also) includes subscriptions of parish clerks, schoolmasters and midwives.

Reference: DDR/EA/NES
DDR/EA/NES/1   1666-1864
Nominations of schoolmasters, typically by local burgesses or on election by trustees, and letters testimonial (occasionally only one of these documents survives). Some related papers also survive, including letters and minutes of trustees' meetings.
1 box 
DDR/EA/NES/2   1811, 1859
Commissions to license schoolmasters
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/NES/3   1781
Schoolmaster's resignation
1 folder 
Parish Clerks
Reference: DDR/EA/NEP
DDR/EA/NEP/1   1733-1868
Parish clerks' nominations
1 box 
DDR/EA/NEP/2   1864, 1865, 1877
Draft licences of parish clerks
1 folder 
DDR/EA/NEP/3/1   1817
Parish clerks' resignation
1 folder 
DDR/EA/NEP/4/1   undated
Note on procedures for appointment of parish clerks, including during vacancies
1 folder 
Other Non-Ecclesiastical Appointments
Reference: DDR/EA/NEO
DDR/EA/NEO/1   1732-1775
Midwives' and surgeon's nominations (very few survive)
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/NEO/2   1937
Letters and notes relating to the appointment of a Cathedral Bedesman.
1 folder 
Benefices and Parishes
Reference: DDR/EA/BE
Pastoral Reorganisation
Reference: DDR/EA/BEP
Statements from incumbents applying for plurality licences
Reference: DDR/EA/BEP/1
Dates of creation: 1854-1865
Extent: 1 bundle DDR/EA/CLN: Non-Residence and Plurality

Correspondence relating to applications for plurality licences
DDR/EA/BEP/2   1946-1966
1 bundle and 1 folder   
Correspondence between registrar, bishop, archbishop's solicitors, parishes, incumbents and others relating to applications to the archbishop of Canterbury to hold benefices in plurality.

Register of orders in council
DDR/EA/BEP/3/1   1835-1853
1 volume   
Registered copies of orders in Council relating to the creation of new parishes, together with some deeds and leases etc. List of contents loose at front
Formerly cited as DDR/vols.XI/3

Orders in council, pastoral orders and pastoral schemes
DDR/EA/BEP/4   1831-1999
4½ metres   
Orders in Council, together with pastoral schemes and Church Commissioners' or Bishops' orders, many with plans showing alterations to benefices and boundaries etc. Most items include an original, sealed copy of the order, together with a number of smaller, printed copies. Apart from covering letters, very little correspondence is contained within the series.
Arranged in numerical order, except for the earliest orders, which are in an alpha sequence from A to U. This order is the same as that used in the manuscript indexes previously maintained in the Diocesan Registry (from which the following list is largely derived), and is roughly chronological.
Note that no attempt is made within this list to preserve the legal spelling and format of parish or benefice names, except where necessary to the description of the parish/benefice reorganisation concerned. Instead, our usual format (such as 'Billingham St Aidan') is used, in order to facilitate searching across the catalogues.
Manuscript notes on plans with the pre-1900 Orders in Council (DDR/EA/BEP/4/A-358) are kept with the printed catalogues within Palace Green Library.
Online versions of the London Gazette are available at www.thegazette.co.uk, and can be used to search for any Orders published therein. When searching, note that the date of publication is generally later than the date of order noted within this list, and leave 'Notice type' at 'Show all' (not 'Church').
21st century pastoral orders and schemes are listed at DDR/EA/BEP/13. As well as related records within this section of the Durham Diocesan Records, see also other Diocesan Registry records relating to the Sharing of Church Buildings (DDR/EA/CHS), the Designation of Parish Centres of Worship (DDR/EA/CHW) and Suspension of Presentation (DDR/EA/PAS).
Records from the Pastoral Committee are in the separate catalogue of Diocesan Office records, under DDR/DA/PAS.
This series relates to County Durham parishes and chapelries only. Similar material for Northumberland if it survives (including pre-1882 material) should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Archives.

DDR/EA/BEP/4/A   3 July 1831
Assigning districts to Durham St Oswald and Shincliffe
Order in Council (with plan), including:
  • Rough copy of plan of parish of Durham St Oswald, 1825
  • Sealed copy of above plan, with description of boundaries of Shincliffe annexed
  • Copy of above plan, with certified copy of above boundary description, both sealed by Public Record Office, 15 Nov 1848

DDR/EA/BEP/4/B   6 November 1832
Assigning a district to Winlaton St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/C   20 September 1837
Assigning a district to Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Order in Council: plan referred to in endorsement but not found, 24th October 1969
DDR/EA/BEP/4/D   15 May 1838
Assigning districts to Houghton-le-Spring, West Rainton, Hetton-le-Hole and Penshaw out of the parish of Houghton-le-Spring
Order in Council (plan, 1827)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/E   8 May 1841
Assigning a district to Shadforth St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/F   21 October 1841
Assigning a district to Seaton Carew out of the parish of Stranton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/G   18 February 1842
Assigning a district to Coundon St James out of the parish of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/H   3 June 1842
Assigning a district to Wingate out of the parishes of Castle Eden and Kelloe
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/J   24 September 1842
Assigning a district to Collierley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/L   24 February 1843
Assigning a chapelry district to Heworth St Alban
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/M   3 April 1843
Assigning a district to Pelton out of the parish of Chester-le-Street
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/N   3 April 1843
Assigning a district to Darlington Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/O   10 June 1843
Assigning a district to Croxdale, consisting of the townships of Sunderland Bridge and a small part of Elvet (Durham St Oswald parish), and the townships of Hett and a smal detached part of Ferryhill (Merrington parish)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/P   15 July 1843
Assigning a district to Ferryhill
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/Q   23 August 1843
Assigning a district to Seaham Harbour
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/R   31 January 1844
Assigning a district to Thornley [St Bartholomew Kelloe]
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/T   23 May 1844
Assigning districts to Deptford St Andrew and Deptford St Thomas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/U   23 May 1844
Assigning a district chapelry to Cambo Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/1   22 December 1836
Relating to the Archbishopric and Bishoprics of York, Durham and Ripon
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/2   21 June 1837
Completion of augmentations of poor benefices out of property of the see of Durham left uncompleted by William, late Bishop of Durham
Benefices augmented are Esh, Auckland St Helen, Etherley, Shildon, Escomb and Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/3   19 July 1837
Bishop of Durham to hold the Castle at Durham in trust for the University
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/4   30 July 1838
Completion of augmentations of poor benefices left uncompleted by William, late Bishop of Durham
Benefices augmented are Satley, Medomsley and Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/5   4 June 1841
Endowing Durham University
Includes lands etc of 3rd and 11th stalls transferred to University
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/6   11 August 1841
Regulating the average annual incomes of Dean and Canons of Durham Cathedral. Under the Cathedrals Act 1840, money was to be paid annually by the dean and chapter to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, so as to leave an average annual income of for the dean and £1,000 for each canon (for those appointed after the passing of the act only). This Order in Council requires the dean and chapter to pay five seventeenths of the revenues payable to the dean, and one half of the revenues payable any canon appointed after the act. This arrangement was later replaced by a new arrangement, under Order in Council 64 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/7   14 September 1841
Confirming certain alterations in the statutes of Durham Cathedral. The alterations put into effect certain parts of the Cathedrals Act 1840, and include the following provisions:
  • reduction of the number of canons to “not less than six” , and of minor canons to “not more than six”
  • abolition of requirement for dean and canons to keep hospitality residence (following removal of corps lands, to relate only to dean and canons appointed after the act)
  • alteration to requirements for elections of officers to require a simple majority of the dean and canons present
  • minor canons not to hold a benefice more than six miles from the city of Durham (previous limit was 24 miles)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/8   6 October 1841
Making additional provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes amongst which are Penshaw and Tweedmouth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/9   2 February 1842
Transferring certain trust property from Dean and Chapter of Durham Cathedral to Durham University
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/11   27 April 1842
The augmentation of Wolviston perpetual curacy and others
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/12   27 August 1842
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes, viz : Collierley (£85) and Wingate Grange (£139)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/14   10 June 1843
Making additional provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes amongst which are viz: Collierley (£50), Darlington Holy Trinity (£49), Newcastle St Anne (£140), Benwell St James (£126) and Darlington (£25)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/15   23 August 1843
Making annual augmentations of the following livings in the Diocese of Durham, viz: Heworth St Alban (£135), Pelton (£135), Heatherycleugh (£44) and Heworth (£15)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/16   17 April 1844
Ratifying a scheme prepared by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes amongst which are Thornley [St Bartholomew Kelloe] (£134), Eggleston (£27) and Seaton Carew (£45)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/17   23 May 1844
Respecting the mode of appointing honorary Canons in Durham and other cathedral churches and the regulations to which they shall be subject. [Honorary canons were established by the Cathedrals Act 1840.]
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/19   10 July 1844
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the parish of Croxdale
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/21   3 September 1844
Making provision for spiritual duties of Seaham Harbour St John and Ferryhill St Luke
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/22   3 September 1844
Constituting a separate district out of the parish of Monkwearmouth for Monkwearmouth All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/23   13 January 1845
Assignment of a chapelry district to the chapel at Crook
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/24   13 January 1845
Assignment of district to Ingleton St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/25   26 April 1845
Separating the township of Middleton from Auckland St Andrew and annexing to the parish of Merrington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/26   30 June 1845
Constituting the district of Darlington St John out of the parish of Darlington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/27   30 June 1845
Constituting the district of Stella St Cuthbert out of the parishes of Ryton and Winlaton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/28   8 August 1845
The assignment of chapelry districts to the churches of Byers Green St Peter and Hunwick St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/29   8 August 1845
Making additional provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes, viz Seaham Harbour, Durham St Giles and Pelton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/30   30 June 1845
Separating the whole of the parochial chapelry of [South Shields] St Hilda from the parish of Jarrow
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/31   8 August 1845
Further endowing Durham University
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/32   8 August 1845
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the parish of Dalton-le-Dale, by the transfer of the patronage of the church of Seaham Harbour St John
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/38   1 August 1846
The further endowment of Durham University
Transfer of lands etc of first canonry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/39   27 August 1846
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the parish of Merrington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/40   19 December 1846
Relating to the revenues of the Bishops of Durham, Carlisle, St David's and Hereford
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/41   27 February 1847
Separating Southwick and Hylton townships from Monkwearmouth and for constituting the same a separate parish or benefice for ecclesiastical purpose
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/44   10 August 1847
Constituting a separate district of Benfieldside out of the chapelries of Ebchester and Medomsley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/45   11 February 1848
The assignment of a chapelry district to Thornley St Bartholomew in the parish of Wolsingham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/46   11 February 1848
Determining the mode for endowing the Bishopric of Manchester
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/47   11 August 1848
Assignment of districts to the churches of South Shields St Stephen and South Shields Holy Trinity in the parish of South Shields St Hilda
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/48   11 August 1848
Substituting a money payment to the canon of the ninth canonry of Durham cathedral for certain property belonging to him as such canon, and for authorising the sale of such property and of certain other property etc. Vests lands that were formerly of 9th canon's corps lands (as listed in schedule) in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are to pay £22 annually for as long as the 9th canon (WS Gilly) continues in office, in accordance with Cathedrals Act 1840. Also for sale of 2nd canon's estate (as listed in schedule), which had become vested in Commissioners in accordance with the 1840 act on the suspension of the 2nd canonry. (Other lands of the 2nd canonry were subsequently used to add to the endowment of the University, see in Council 61.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/50   30 July 1849
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the parish of Bishopwearmouth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/51   30 July 1849
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes amongst which is Durham St Oswald (£130)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/52   8 January 1850
The assignment of a chapelry district to Birtley St John the Evangelist in the parish of Chester-le-Street in the County of Durham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/53   8 January 1850
Separating the townships of Killerby from the parish of Heighington in the County and Diocese of Durham and uniting it to the chapelry district of Ingleton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/54   9 March 1850
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the parishes of Heighington and Staindrop
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/56   9 March 1850
Making additional provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes where such assistance is most required and for compensating certain spiritual persons whose emoluments have been diminished by reason of proceedings under the 1843 New Parishes Act
Parishes assisted include Crook
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/57   19 June 1850
The assignment of a district chapelry to Lynesack St John in the chapelry of Hamsterley in the County of Durham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/58   19 June 1850
The separation of the chapelry of Barnard Castle from the vicarage of Gainford in the county of Durham and constituting it a separate parish for ecclesiastical purposes and a benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/59   14 April 1851
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes where such assistance is most required, viz: Hunwick St Paul (£50)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/60   14 April 1851
Compensating certain spiritual persons whose emoluments have been diminished by reason of proceeding under the 1843 New Parishes Act
Benefices compensated include Monkwearmouth All Saints and Sighill, Northumberland
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/61   25 June 1851
Respecting the endowment of Durham University. Transfers lands formerly belonging to 2nd canonry (except those sold by Order in Council 48, qv) to the University, and reduces annual payment (established by Order in Council 31, qv) by Commissioners to the University by £652 3s.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/62   25 August 1851
Regulating the incomes of the several Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/63   2 February 1852
Constituting the district of Belmont out of the parish of Durham St Giles
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/64   2 February 1852
Regulating the incomes of the future Deans and Canons of Durham Cathedral. Under the Cathedrals Act 1840, the dean and chapter of Durham were to pay to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners an annual sum of money that would leave, on average, incomes £3,000 for the dean and £1,000 for each canon (but safeguarding the incomes of any canons who were already appointed before the act). This Order in Council requires the dean and chapter annually to submit accounts to the Commissioners, and (for post-1840 dean or canons) to calculate and pay the difference between their share of the corporate revenues and the fixed stipend of £3,000 or £1,000 (with a similar provision for the Commissioners to pay the dean and chapter money if the incomes any year fall below these figures). This arrangement replaces the previous scheme, established by Order in Council 6 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/65   27 November 1852
Apportioning and regulating the sums to be hereafter paid in respect of first fruits and tenths by Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/66   7 February 1853
Assignment of district to Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/67   13 June 1853
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes etc, viz: Benfieldside (£14)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/68   19 August 1853
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes, including Castle Eden
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/69   18 February 1854
Assignment of districts to the churches of Ryhope, South Hetton and Hendon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/70   18 February 1854
Regulating the incomes of the several Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/71   13 September 1854
Discontinuation of burials in various churches, churchyards, chapels and cemeteries, including:
  • Forthwith in Sunderland [Holy Trinity] church, Bishopwearmouth [St Michael] church, Monkwearmouth Dundas Street Chapel and burial ground, and Monkwearmouth All Saints church
  • From 1 May 1855 in the churchyards of Bishopwearmouth [St Michael], Monkwearmouth St Peter and Monkwearmouth All Saints
  • From 1 May 1856 in the churchyard of Sunderland [Holy Trinity]
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/72   11 December 1854
Discontinuation of burials and ban on opening of new burial grounds. Burial grounds include Durham cathedral, Durham St Oswald, Durham St Mary-le-Bow, Durham St Mary-the-Less, Durham St Margaret, Durham St Nicholas and Durham Claypath Quaker ground.
The extract is endorsed, "hope to be opened without consent of Min of Health.",","Order in Council (typescript extract only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/72A   8 February 1855
Discontinuation and regulation of burials
Order in Council concerns Darlington St Cuthbert and Darlington Holy Trinity churches (burials to be discontinued forthwith), Darlington St Cuthbert churchyard (to be discontinued from 1 January 1856), and Darlington Holy Trinity churchyard and Quaker burial ground (introduction of regulations relating to burials).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/73   21 May 1855
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes etc, including Muggleswick
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/74   1 May 1855
Respecting the endowment of Durham University
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/75   13 August 1855
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 8th Canonry of Durham Cathedral. The 8th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished the corps following the death of David Durell in 1852.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/76   13 August 1855
Substituting a money payment to Bishop of Durham in lieu of certain estates belonging to his See
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/77   21 November 1855
Substituting a money payment to the 6th Canon of Durham Cathedral for the property belonging to him as such Canon. The Cathedrals Act 1840 allowed the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to take over part or all of a prebendal estate ["corps" land], by with the canon concerned, where he was already in office in 1840. On taking over such land, the Commissioners then paid an annual sum of money for the rest of the canon's period of office. In this case, the whole of the 6th canonry's corps lands taken over, for payment of £630 annually, for as long as Rt Revd Henry [Phillpotts] held the 6th canonry. (Under the 1840 act, when a canonry first became vacant after the act, the corps lands would be automatically taken over by the Commissioners, without any payment.)
The property taken over by this Order was subsequently sold under Order in Council 124 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/78   4 April 1856
Transferring the Manors lands etc belonging to the Bishopric of Durham, to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/79   28 April 1856
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the Bishopric of Durham and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/80   24 June 1856
Substituting a money payment to Archdeacon of Durham of certain property belonging to his Archdeaconry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/81   28 July 1856
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 12th Canonry in Durham Cathedral. The 12th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished the corps following the death of John Savile Ogle in 1853.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/82   28 July 1856
Authorising the sale of certain property belonging to the 9th Canonry in Durham Cathedral. The 9th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished the corps lands], the death of William Stephen Gilly in 1855.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/83   28 July 1856
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the Archdeacon of Durham and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/84   22 October 1856
Assigning a district to the church of Sadberge
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/85   7 February 1857
Substituting a money payment to the 4th Canon of Durham Cathedral in lieu of certain property at Witton Gilbert and Aycliffe belonging to him as Canon. The Cathedrals Act 1840 allowed the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to take over part or all of a estate ["corps" land], by agreement with the canon concerned, where he was already in office in 1840. On taking over such land, the Commissioners then paid an annual sum of money for the rest of the canon's period of office. In this case, land in Gilbert and Aycliffe parishes (as described in a schedule to the Order) was taken over, for payment of £375 annually, for as long as Ven Charles Thorp held the 4th canonry. (Under the 1840 act, when a canonry first became vacant after the act, the lands would be automatically taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners without any payment.)
The property taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners was subsequently sold, under Order in Council 119 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/86   27 August 1857
Better provision for the cure of souls, Billingham and Thockrington (Northumberland) parishes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/87   7 May 1858
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Wolsingham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/88   31 July 1858
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Muggleswick
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/89   31 July 1858
Assigning a district to the church of Willington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/90   2 September 1858
Assigning a district to Durham St Cuthbert out of the chapelry of Durham St Margaret
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/91   13 November 1858
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to Durham Deanery and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/91A   13 November 1858
Discontinuation of burials from 25 November 1858 unless otherwise stated in churches and churchyards in the parishes of Stanhope, Auckland St Andrew, Birtley, Barnard Castle, Earsdon, Seghill, Blyth and Haltwhistle
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/91B   13 November 1858
Discontinuation of burials from 25 November 1858 unless otherwise stated in churches and churchyards in the parishes of Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham, Gateshead St Edmund and Staindrop in County Durham and Horton in Northumberland
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/92   11 January 1859
Assigning a chapelry district to West Hartlepool
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/93   2 February 1859
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 10th Canonry in the Cathedral Church of Durham and now vested in them. The 10th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Act [which abolished the corps lands], following the death of George Townsend in 1857.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/94   6 June 1859
Assigning a chapelry district to Wolviston
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/96   29 July 1859
Assigning a district chapelry to Eggleston [in Middleton in Teesdale parish)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/97   29 July 1859
Ratifying a scheme prepared by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making certain alterations in the appointment of Episcopal Patronage
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/98   12 August 1859
Ratifying a scheme prepared by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the re-endowment of the See of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/101   23 September 1859
Ratifying a scheme prepared by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/102   22 October 1859
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/103   23 January 1860
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 7th Canonry in the cathedral church of Durham. The 7th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished corps lands], following the death of Henry Douglas in 1859.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/103A   7 March 1860
Discontinuation of burials (with certain exceptions) in church and churchyard of Benfieldside [St Cuthbert] as from 17 March 1860
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/104   10 May 1860
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/105   27 August 1860
Effecting the exchange of patronage of certain benefices between Her Majesty and the Bishop of Ripon
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/107   26 October 1860
Augmenting the endowment of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/109   26 October 1860
Annexing the lectureship of Durham St Nicholas to the perpetual curacy of Durham St Nicholas
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/110   26 October 1860
Better provision of the cure of souls in the parishes of Shadforth and Monk Hesleden
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/111   26 October 1860
Sale of property formerly belonging to the Bishopric of Durham in the Manor of Gateshead
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/111A   30 August 1862
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Witton-le-Wear
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/111B   30 August 1862
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Durham St Giles and Sadberge
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/114   16 April 1861
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/116   25 July 1861
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for the endowment of the See of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/116A   25 July 1861
Assigning a district to New Seaham Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/117   11 October 1861
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/118   11 October 1861
Substituting a money payment to the Canon of the 3rd Canonry in Durham Cathedral. The Cathedrals Act 1840 allowed the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to take over part or all of a prebendal estate ["corps" land], by agreement with the canon where he was already in office in 1840. On taking over such land, the Commissioners then paid an annual sum of money for the rest of the canon's period of office. In this case, land in Crossgate (Durham St Margaret parish) called "the Howlcroft's (as listed in a schedule to the Order) was taken over, for payment of £79 annually, for as long as Revd Henry Jenkyns held the 3rd canonry. (Under the 1840 act, when a canonry first became vacant after the act, the corps lands would be taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners without any payment.)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/119   11 October 1861
Approving a scheme for the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 4th Canonry in Durham Cathedral. The property concerned was formerly part of the 4th stall's corps estate, but was vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by a Order Council 85 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/120   11 October 1861
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/121   6 January 1862
Assigning certain lands and hereditaments as an endowment for the University of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/122   5 February 1862
Assigning a district to Lumley Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/124   21 March 1862
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property formerly belonging to the 6th Canonry in Durham Cathedral and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The 6th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by of the Cathedrals Act 1840 and by Order in Council 77 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/125   21 March 1862
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property belonging to them in right of the 5th Canonry in the Cathedral Church of Durham. The 5th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals [which abolished the corps lands], following the death of Gerald Wellesley in 1848. Certain portions of this property were exchanged by order of the Inclosure Commissioners in 1854, for property within Durham St Oswald and Lanchester parishes as in a schedule to the Order in Council.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/127   26 April 1862
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/128   26 April 1862
Approving a scheme for compensating the Reverend Francis Thompson for loss of emolument (benefice of Durham St Giles)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/129   19 July 1862
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/130   7 June 1862
Substituting a money payment for certain property belonging to Wolsingham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/131   1 November 1862
Approving a scheme for constituting a district out of the parish of Benfieldside to be called the District of Consett
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/132   1 November 1862
Approving a scheme constituting the District of Haverton Hill out of the parish of Billingham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/133   1 November 1862
Approving a scheme, constituting a separate district for spiritual purposes out of the Parochial Chapelry of Witton-le-Wear to be called the district of Fir Tree
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/134   1 November 1862
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/135   9 January 1863
Assigning a district of chapelry to the church of South Hetton Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/136   9 January 1863
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of Shotton St Saviour
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/137   11 June 1863
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/139   11 June 1863
Assigning a consolidated chapelry to the church of Eighton Banks St Thomas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/140   27 July 1863
Constituting the district of Castleside out of the parish of Lanchester
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/141   27 July 1863
Constituting the district of Leadgate out of the parish of Lanchester
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/142   27 July 1863
Constituting a separate district of Sacriston St Peter out of the parochial chapelry of Witton Gilbert and the parish of Kimblesworth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/143   27 July 1863
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, relating to the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/144   12 September 1863
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property formerly belonging to the Bishopric of Durham and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/146   12 September 1863
Constituting the district of Evenwood out of the parish of Auckland St Helen
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/147   17 November 1863
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for authorising the sale and disposal of certain property formerly belonging to the 4th Canonry in Durham Cathedral. The 4th canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished the corps lands], following the death of Charles Thorp in 1862.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/148   17 November 1863
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts including Shadforth, Eighton Banks St Thomas, Monk Hesleden and Kyloe
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/150   1 March 1864
Constituting the district of Hawthorn St Michael
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/151   7 April 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Durham St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/152   10 June 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Lanchester and Crook St Catherine
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/154   10 June 1864
Authorising the sale of rent change in lieu of tithes arising within the townships of Harton, Claxton, Sandhutton and Flaxton, within the parish of Bossall and county of York formerly belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/154A   9 July 1864
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of Gateshead Holy Trinity situate in the parish of Gateshead
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/156   28 July 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Darlington, Gateshead Fell and Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/157   27 August 1864
Constituting the district of Stockton-on-Tees St James out of the parish of Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/158   27 August 1864
Constituting the district of Gateshead St James out of the parish of Gateshead
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/159   27 August 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Durham St Oswald and Shadforth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/160   27 August 1864
Separating the chapelries of Harton, Westoe and Jarrow Docks from the parish of South Shields St Hilda and constituting them as separate parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/161   1 November 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the new parishes of Shotton with Haswell and South Hetton Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/162   30 November 1864
Making better provision for the cure of souls in the new parishes of Seaham and [New Seaham] Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/163   7 January 1865
Approving a scheme for carrying into effect a scheme submitted to them by the Dean and Chapter of Durham for abolishing certain fellowships in the University of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/164   7 January 1865
The assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Newbottle St Matthew in the parish of Houghton-le-Spring
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/166   31 March 1865
The assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Gateshead St Cuthbert in the parish of Gateshead St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/167   31 March 1865
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Ryhope and Gateshead Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/168   31 March 1865
Constituting the district of Cassop cum Quarrington out of the parishes of Kelloe and Bishop Middleham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/169   31 March 1865
Constituting the district of Cornforth out of the parishes of Kelloe and Bishop Middleham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/170   31 March 1865
Constituting the district of Coxhoe out of the parishes of Kelloe and Bishop Middleham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/171   31 March 1865
Separating the township of Tudhoe from the parish of Brancepeth and portions of the parishes of Merrington and Ferryhill from the parishes which they respectively belong to be united to Tudhoe
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/173   18 May 1865
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of Gateshead St Edmund in the parish of Gateshead St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/175   29 June 1865
Approving a representation of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for altering the boundary of the new parish of Heworth St Alban
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/176   29 June 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for constituting the district of Holmside out of the parish of Lanchester and Chester-le-Street and the parochial chapelries of Witton Gilbert and Tanfield
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/177   6 July 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Cresswell, Denton and Hunstanworth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/178   7 August 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Gateshead St Cuthbert, Gateshead St Edmund, Hartlepool St Hilda, Newbottle St Matthew Shildon in County Durham, and Horton and Shieldfield Christ Church in Northumberland
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/179   7 August 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Ryhope, Shadforth and Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/180   7 August 1865
Approving a scheme for the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Darlington Holy Trinity, Gateshead Holy Trinity, Lumley Christ Church, Medomsley and St Matthew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/181   7 August 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Sacriston St Peter
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/182   9 September 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provisions for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Darlington Holy Trinity, Newbottle St Matthew and Stella St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/184   5 October 1865
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/185   28 December 1865
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for constituting the district of Burnmoor out of the parish of Penshaw
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/186   3 February 1866
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Gateshead Holy Trinity and Medomsley
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/187   3 February 1866
Approving a scheme for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Coundon and Hunwick
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/188   16 February 1866
Approving a representative of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the assignment of District Chapelries, for Heatherycleugh, St John's Chapel in Weardale and Rookhope
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/189   9 April 1866
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Consett, Gateshead St Cuthbert, Gateshead St Edmund and Gateshead St James
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/190   9 May 1866
Approving a representative of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of Frosterley St Michael
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/191   9 May 1866
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Gateshead St James
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/192   9 May 1866
Making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Gateshead St Cuthbert, Gateshead St James and Gateshead St Edmund
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/194   29 June 1866
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Seaham Harbour St John
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/195   9 August 1866
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for making better provision for the cure of souls in certain parishes and districts, including Gateshead St Cuthbert and Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/196   14 September 1866
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for assignment of a district chapelry to Felling Christ Church within the limits of the parochial chapelry of Heworth in the parish of Jarrow
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/198   10 November 1866
Approving a scheme for the assignment of a district chapelry to East Rainton out of the parish of Rainton and for assigning a portion of the township of Pittington to West Rainton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/199   10 November 1866
Approving a scheme for the assignment of a district to Sherburn to be known as the Perpetual Curacy of Sherburn
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/200   28 December 1866
Approving a scheme for authorising the sale of property vested in them situate at Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/201   26 February 1867
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for effecting an exchange of certain lands etc belonging to the Bishop of Durham for certain other lands etc belonging to such Commissioners
Relates to the benefices of Bishopwearmouth, Stanhope, Auckland St Andrew, Aycliffe and Heighington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/202   17 May 1867
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for effecting an exchange of certain lands etc belonging to the Bishop of Durham for certain other lands etc belonging to such Commissioners
Relates to the benefices of Burnmoor and Lumley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/203   3 August 1867
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England authorising the sale of certain property in the parish of Aycliffe in the County of Durham now vested in them
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/204   20 August 1867
Constitution of district of Bolam
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/205   4 November 1867
For constituting the district of Westgate out of the new parish of St John's Chapel in Weardale, some time part of the parish of Stanhope in the County and Diocese of Durham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/207   28 March 1868
Constituting certain districts out of the parish of Bishopwearmouth
The districts constituted are Bishopwearmouth St Peter, Millfield St Mark, Pallion St Luke and Silksworth St Matthew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/208   14 May 1868
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for authorising them to dispose of certain property in the parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/209   19 June 1868
Constituting the separate district of Jarrow Grange out of the parish of Jarrow
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/211A   30 July 1868
Authorising the sale of certain lands in Framwellgate and Witton Gilbert townships, vested in Ecclesiastical Commissioners by patron and incumbent of Lynesack cum Softley
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/212   14 September 1868
Constituting the district of Darlington St Paul in the County and Diocese of Durham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/215   15 February 1869
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England for constituting the district of Lyons out of the parishes of Hetton-le-Hole and Pittington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/216   17 March 1869
Approving a scheme for separating the township of Cold Hesleden from the parish of Dalton-le-Dale and annexing it to Hawthorn
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/217   29 April 1869
Approving a scheme for constituting the district of Witton Park out of the parish of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/218   9 July 1869
The assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of New Shildon All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/220   7 October 1869
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the rectory of Bishopwearmouth and now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/221   8 April 1870
Assigning the district of West Hartlepool St James out of the new parish of West Hartlepool Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/222   18 May 1870
Assignment of a district chapelry to Haswell St Paul in the new parish of Shotton cum Haswell
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/222A   6 July 1870
Discontinuation of burials (with certain exceptions) in church and old churchyard of Chester-le-Street forthwith
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/224   24 March 1871
Assignment of a district to Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist out of the parish of Stockton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/225   16 May 1871
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/226   29 June 1871
Assignment of a district to Low Team St Paul out of the new parish of Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/227   21 December 1871
Assigning a district to Burnopfield out of Tanfield, Medomsley, Whickham and Collierley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/229   19 March 1872
Constituting the separate district of Stanley out of the parish of Crook
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/230   19 March 1872
Constituting the district of Auckland St Peter out of the parish of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/231   10 May 1872
Constituting the district of Dunston Christ Church out of the parish of Whickham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/232   28 May 1872
Constituting the district of Stillington out of Redmarshall and Trimdon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/233   28 May 1872
Directing the payment of £4 a year to incumbent of Fir Tree
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/234   15 October 1872
Constituting the district of Albert Hill St James out of the new parish of Darlington St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/235   15 October 1872
Constituting the districts of Chilton Moor out of the parishes of Houghton-le-Spring, West Rainton and East Rainton and out of the new parish of Newbottle St Matthew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/236   27 November 1872
Approving a scheme relating to the capitular estates of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. Scheme transfers cathedral estates to Ecclesiastical Commissioners, except for the estate listed in the schedule, and additionally establishes an annual of £11,000 by the Commissioners to the dean and chapter.
The schedule to this order lists all the properties that make up the post-1872 cathedral estates, and legal title to these estates thereafter stems from this Order in Council. The properties are also marked up on maps: apparently, these are Ordnance Survey sheets, which are still retained by the dean and chapter.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/237   5 February 1873
Authorising the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to sell certain property formerly belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Durham. The property concerned is some or all of those parts of the cathedral estates which were vested in the Ecclesiastical under Order in Council 236 (qv).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/238   5 February 1873
Constituting the separate districts of South Shields St Mark out of the new parish of South Shields Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/239   5 May 1873
Altering the boundaries of the new parishes of Deptford St Andrew and Millfield St Mark
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/241   30 August 1873
Constituting the district of Beamish out of the parochial chapelries of Tanfield, Collierley and Lanchester
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/242   30 September 1873
Constituting the district of Hamsteels St John the Baptist out of the new parish of Esh
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/243   26 January 1874
Authorising the sale etc of certain property situate in the parish of Pittington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/244   26 January 1874
Effecting an exchange of the patronage of Rookhope and Lanchester livings (with others)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/245   21 February 1874
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in Easington parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/246   12 May 1874
Constituting the separate district of Deaf Hill cum Langdale out of Trimdon and Wingate Grange
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/247   6 August 1874
Assigning the right of patronage to Burnmoor
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/248   6 August 1874
Constituting the separate district of Marley Hill St Cuthbert out of the parish of Whickham and parochial chapelries of Lamesley and Tanfield
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/249   28 November 1874
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Castletown St Margaret
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/250   12 December 1874
The assignment of a district chapelry to Gateshead Christ Church within the limits of the parish of Gateshead St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/251   4 February 1875
Constituting district of Sunderland St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/252   17 March 1875
[effect of Order unknown, relating to Hebburn St Cuthbert]
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/253   18 May 1875
Compensating the incumbent of Tanfield parish for loss of fees
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/254   13 May 1875
Making better provision for the cure of souls in Eggleston new parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/255   28 June 1875
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of Forest and Frith St James in the parish of Middleton in Teesdale
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/256   5 August 1875
Altering the boundaries of the new parish of Birtley and other the new parish of Burnmoor
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/257   26 October 1875
Constituting the district of Stockton-on-Tees St Paul and Stockton-on-Tees St Peter out of the parish of Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/258   26 October 1875
Constituting the district of South Shields St Simon out of the parish of Jarrow St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/259   26 October 1875
Assigning a district chapelry to Spennymoor St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/260   26 October 1875
Constituting the district of Fatfield out of the parishes of Birtley and Washington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/262   27 November 1875
Assigning a district chapelry to the consecrated church called Bishopwearmouth Christ Church, situate in the parish of Bishopwearmouth in the County of Durham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/263   17 May 1876
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of St Barnabas situate at Middle Hendon in the new parish of Hendon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/264   21 July 1876
Assigning a district to Gateshead St Helen out of the parishes of Gateshead Fell St Mary and Gateshead St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/265   12 August 1876
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in the township of Westoe and Harton in the parish of Jarrow
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/266   23 October 1876
Compensating the Reverend John Coulson for loss of income by the formation of South Shields St Mark district
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/267   23 October 1876
Constituting a separate district out of the new parish of Pelton, the parish of Chester-le-Street and the parish of Tanfield to be called the district of West Pelton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/268   23 October 1876
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Healey St John
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/271   20 March 1877
Authorising the sale of certain property in Bishopwearmouth parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/272   22 February 1877
Constituting the separate district of Eldon out of the parish of Auckland St Andrew and the new parish of Shildon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/275   12 December 1877
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of Brandon St John the Evangelist in the parish of Brancepeth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/276   12 December 1877
Authorising the sale of certain property in Easington parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/277   12 December 1877
Authorising the sale of certain property in Dalton-le-Dale parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/278   26 March 1878
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of Tow Law St Philip and St James
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/279   26 March 1878
Constituting the separate district of Hedworth out of the parishes of Jarrow, Boldon, Monkwearmouth and Whitburn
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/280   16 May 1878
Constituting the separate district of South Westoe out of South Shields St Hilda
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/281   14 August 1878
Constituting the separate district of Ayres Quay St Stephen (Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay) out of the new parish of Deptford St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/282   14 August 1878
Relating to the rectory and parish of Brancepeth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/283   27 November 1878
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Bishopwearmouth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/285   14 August 1879
Constituting the separate district of Waterhouses out of the parish of Brancepeth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/286   14 August 1879
Assigning a district chapelry to the church of Bearpark St Edmund
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/287   14 August 1879
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Billingham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/289   18 March 1880
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England relating to the endowment of the See of Durham
Includes volume of plans, kept in same box with Order. Numbers in Orders in Council schedule refer to number on plan.
Order in Council
Volume of plans, formerly referenced as DDR vols 1969/iii, was put into slip-case by Conservation Unit, August 1999
DDR/EA/BEP/4/291   28 June 1880
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England relating to the Archdeaconry of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/293   20 November 1880
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/294   1 April 1881
Constituting the separate district of Hebburn St Oswald out of the parish of Hebburn St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/296   15 July 1881
Effecting a transfer of the patronage of the benefice of Tanfield
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/298   26 August 1881
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Jarrow St Peter
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/302   3 May 1882
Approving a scheme for compensating the incumbent of the parish of Jarrow Docks St Mary whose emoluments have been diminished by reason of the constitution of certain new districts
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/303   3 May 1882
Altering the area of Durham and providing that certain parishes etc, subject to a peculiar jurisdiction other than that of the Bishop of Durham shall be only subject to the jurisdiction of the said Bishop
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/304   3 May 1882
Approving a scheme for compensating the incumbents of Newcastle-upon-Tyne All Saints and Jarrow Docks St Mary parishes whose emoluments have been diminished by reason of the constitution of certain new districts
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/305   3 May 1882
Approving a scheme for altering the area of the Archdeaconry of Durham and for providing that certain parishes which are locally situate in the diocese of Durham but are subject to a peculiar jurisdiction known as the Officialty shall be only to the jurisdiction of the bishop of Durham. Schedule lists Officialty parishes within the diocese of Durham.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/306   17 May 1882
Dividing the archdeaconry of Durham, to constitute the archdeaconry of Auckland and for endowing same
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/308   30 November 1882
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Monk Hesleden St John (Castle Eden Colliery)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/309   19 July 1883
Constituting the separate districts of Eppleton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/310   23 August 1883
Effecting a transfer of the patronage of the benefice of Monkwearmouth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/311   23 August 1883
Constituting the separate districts of Rekendyke St Jude
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/312   12 December 1883
Constituting the separate district of Dipton St John the Evangelist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/313   4 March 1884
Constituting the separate district of Blackhill St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/314   19 May 1884
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to the church of Tudhoe Grange St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/315   11 August 1884
Assignment of a district chapelry to Herrington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/316   11 August 1884
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to Darlington St Luke
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/317   11 August 1884
Constituting the separate district of Southwick St Columba
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/318   29 November 1884
Approving a scheme for effecting an exchange of patronage of Eaglescliffe with Chorley, Manchester diocese
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/319   27 January 1885
Approving a scheme for constituting the separate district of Hebburn St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/320   5 March 1885
Constituting the district of Gateshead Venerable Bede
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/321   27 June 1885
Approving a scheme for apportioning the income of the rectory of Houghton-le-Spring between that benefice and the District Chapelry of Herrington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/322   12 August 1885
Approving a scheme for constituting the separate district of South Shields St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/323   17 September 1885
Assignment of a district chapelry to Eastgate All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/324   12 December 1885
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in the benefice of Jarrow
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/325   12 December 1885
Separating the district of Station Town from the parish of Monk Hesleden and annexing same to the adjacent parish of Wingate
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/326   8 March 1886
Altering the boundaries of the new parish of Rekendyke St Jude
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/327   6 May 1886
Assignment of a district chapelry to Greenside St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/328   26 June 1886
Assignment of a district chapelry to West Hartlepool St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/329   26 June 1886
Separating Foxton cum Shotton from the parish of Sedgefield and annexing same to Stillington for all Ecclesiastical purposes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/330   26 November 1886
Altering the boundaries of the new parishes of Monkwearmouth All Saints and Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/330A   13 May 1887
Order closing Monk Hesleden churchyard
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/330B   13 May 1887
Discontinuation of burials (with certain exceptions) in parish church and churchyard of Whitburn forthwith
Order in Council (photocopy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/331   15 September 1887
Transferring the ownership of Hamsterley benefice to the Bishop of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/332   29 December 1887
Effecting the formation of Hartlepool rural deanery to be in the archdeaconry of Auckland
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/333   29 December 1887
Compensating the Reverend John Gornall (benefice of Collierley St Thomas) for loss of fees sustained in consequence of the formation of the new parish of Dipton St John the Evangelist
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/334   29 December 1887
Compensating the Reverend John Coulson (benefice of South Shields Holy Trinity) for loss of fees sustained in consequence of the formation of the district of Rekendyke St Jude
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/335   29 December 1887
Effecting an exchange of the right of patronage of the benefices of Hart for that of Satley
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/336   29 January 1889
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to Sunnybrow St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/337   6 April 1889
Assignment of the district chapelry of Darlington St Hilda
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/338   5 July 1889
Altering the boundaries of Deaf Hill cum Langdale new parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/339   19 August 1889
Assignment of a district chapelry to Hendon St Ignatius
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/340   19 August 1889
Constituting a separate district of Gateshead St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/341   13 December 1889
Compensating the rector of South Shields St Stephen for the loss of fees consequent on the formation of the new parish of South Shields St Aidan
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/342   15 August 1890
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to Harton Colliery All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/343   15 August 1890
Apportioning income of Shotton cum Haswell between that benefice and Haswell St Paul
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/344   20 March 1891
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to West Hartlepool St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/345   23 June 1891
Altering certain rural deaneries within the two archdeaconries, discontinuing the rural deanery of Ryton and constituting the rural deaneries of Gateshead and Lanchester
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/345A   26 August 1893
Discontinuation of burials in the church (forthwith and entirely) and churchyard (from 31 May 1894 but with certain exceptions) of Auckland St Helen
Order in Council
Includes copy of a note concerning liability for dangerous monuments in churchyards, including churchyards taken over by the local authority
DDR/EA/BEP/4/346   26 August 1893
Assignment of the district chapelry to Escomb
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/347   18 July 1894
Altering the boundaries of the new parish of Auckland St Peter
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/348   23 August 1894
Assignment of consolidated chapelry to Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/349   11 May 1895
Constituting new district of Thornaby St Luke out of Thornaby, York diocese, and Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/350   13 August 1895
Authorising the sale of certain property formerly belonging to the 3rd canonry, Durham Cathedral. The 3rd canonry's property became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by virtue of the 1840 Cathedrals Act [which abolished the corps lands], the death of Henry Jenkyns in 1878.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/351   1 August 1896
Separating the district of Trimdon Grange from the parish of Trimdon and annexing same to Kelloe
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/352   1 August 1896
Depriving the Reverend David Evans of his benefice (South Shields St Mark)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/353   18 May 1897
Altering the boundaries of Holmside and Beamish new parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/354   19 May 1898
Altering the boundaries of West Hartlepool St James new parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/355   29 November 1898
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property situate in the parish of Durham St Oswald
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/356   19 May 1890
Alteration of the boundaries of Millfield St Mark parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/357   15 May 1900
Transfer of right of patronage of Middleton St George
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/358   7 August 1902
Constituting a separate district of Gateshead St Chad Bensham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/359   7 August 1900
Assigning the right of patronage of Darlington St Paul parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/360   17 September 1900
Apportioning the income of the benefice of Gateshead between that benefice and the benefice of Gateshead St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/361   9 March 1901
Altering the boundaries of Hebburn St Cuthbert and Hebburn St John new parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/362   18 July 1901
Altering the boundaries of the West Hartlepool Christ Church and West Hartlepool St Paul new parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/363   7 November 1901
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in Easington parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/364   16 January 1902
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in Easington parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/365   11 August 1902
Authorising certain additions and improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/366   12 March 1903
Altering the boundaries of Crook parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/367   20 May 1903
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/368   9 October 1903
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in Merrington parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/369   9 October 1903
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in Bishop Middleham parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/370   9 October 1903
Constituting a separate district of South Shields St Oswin
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/371   25 March 1904
Assignment of a district chapelry to West Hartlepool St Oswald
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/372   23 June 1904
Appeals to Ecclesiastical causes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/373   10 August 1904
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to Gateshead St George
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/374   10 August 1904
Assigning right of patronage to Southwick St Columba
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/375   12 December 1904
Constituting a separate district of Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/376   21 November 1905
Transferring to the Newcastle Chapter Endowment Fund the endowment of a certain Canonry (now suspended) in the Cathedral Church of Durham. The canonry concerned was that previously annexed to the archdeaconry of Northumberland, and was suspended the Newcastle Chapter Act 1884 - it became vacant in 1905 for the first time since the passing of the 1884 act. The house attached to the canonry [within the College] is excluded from the endowment to be transferred.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/377   11 December 1905
Assignment of the consolidated chapelry of Swalwell
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/378   8 January 1906
Assignment of a consolidated chapelry to Jarrow St Mark
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/379   11 May 1906
Altering the boundaries of Ryhope and Middle Hendon St Barnabas parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/380   1 December 1906
Authorising the sale etc of certain property in the Bishopric of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/381   7 May 1907
Constituting separate district of Monkwearmouth St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/382   21 December 1907
Constituting separate district of Millfield St Mary Magdalene
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/383   25 January 1907
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in Billingham parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/384   4 July 1908
Transfer the right of patronage of Hartlepool St Hilda
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/385   1 August 1908
Authorising sale of certain property in parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/386   19 October 1908
Alteration of boundaries of Sedgefield and Grindon parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/387   15 February 1909
Transferring right of patronage of Seaton Carew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/388   10 January 1910
Apportioning incomes between benefices of Stanhope and 26 other benefices in Diocese of Ripon
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/389   19 February 1910
Authorising certain improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/390   13 October 1910
Constituting new district of South Shields St Francis
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/391   14 May 1911
Altering the boundaries of Waterhouses and Esh parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/392   10 November 1911
Assigning a district chapelry to the consecrated church of Cleadon All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/393   16 December 1911
Assigning a district to Grangetown St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/394   29 February 1912
Altering the boundaries of Boldon and Heworth parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/395   28 March 1912
Assigning a district chapelry to the consecrated church of Dawdon St Hild and St Helen
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/396   14 May 1912
Assigning a consolidated chapelry to the church of South Moor St George
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/397   14 March 1912
Uniting the parishes of Durham St Mary-le-Bow and Durham St Mary-the-Less
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/398   24 June 1912
Assignment of a district chapelry to the church of Craghead St Thomas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/399   16 December 1912
Order in Council relating to the boundaries of Holmside and Beamish parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/400   7 May 1913
Constituting a district of Horden
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/401   22 November 1913
Constituting district of Shiney Row St Oswald
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/402   19 December 1913
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in Lanchester, Auckland, Whitworth and Wolsingham parishes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/403   19 December 1913
Transfer of the right of patronage of Durham St Giles
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/404   9 March 1914
Constituting district of Annfield Plain St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/405   10 August 1914
Constituting district of Wheatley Hill
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/406   10 August 1914
Assigning district to Ushaw Moor
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/407   25 November 1914
Assigning district to Hedgefield St Hilda
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/408   25 July 1915
Authorising sale of property in Stanhope parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/409   29 February 1916
Assignment of district to Chopwell St John, from part of parish of Winlaton St Paul
Order in Council (with plan) and covering letter
DDR/EA/BEP/4/410   28 July 1916
Relating to property in the parish of Billingham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/411   28 July 1916
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of West Pelton and Craghead
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/412   24 October 1916
Patronage of the benefices of Darlington St James and Darlington St Luke
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/413   16 November 1917
Authorising sale of property in the parish of Billingham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/414   2 January 1918
Constituting separate district or new parish of Norton St Michael All Angels out of parishes of Norton St John Stockton-on-Tees and Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/415   4 September 1918
Altering the boundaries of the parish of Stella
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/416   24 February 1919
Altering the boundaries of the parishes of Monkwearmouth St Andrew and Monkwearmouth All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/417   11 March 1920
Authorising certain improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/418   11 March 1920
Altering the boundaries of the parishes of Willington and Whitworth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/419   25 March 1920
Altering the boundaries of the parish of Belmont
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/420   11 June 1920
Authorising the sale of property from the parishes of Durham St Oswald, Witton Gilbert, Brancepeth and Lanchester
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/421   13 October 1920
Alteration of boundaries of Durham St Margaret and other parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/422   3 December 1920
Assignment of district to Trimdon Grange St Alban
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/423   7 February 1921
Effecting a transfer of patronage, Heworth benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/424   27 May 1921
Effecting an exchange of patronage of Stanhope benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/425   27 May 1921
Authorising the sale of certain property in the parishes of Whitworth and Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/426   27 June 1921
Authorising the sale of certain property in Stanhope parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/427   14 July 1921
Altering the boundaries of Tow Law and Waterhouses parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/428   13 December 1921
Relating to the income of the living of Stanhope benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/429   2 November 1922
Authorising the sale of certain property in the parish of Easington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/430   12 February 1923
Constituting a separate district of Kimblesworth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/431   30 July 1923
Authorising the sale of property in the parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/432   16 January 1924
Approval of a scheme relating to the Archdeaconries and rural deaneries
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/433   25 January 1924
Authorising certain improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/434   12 August 1924
Constituting a new district of Easington Colliery
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/435   7 November 1924
Constituting a new district of Preston-on-Tees All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/436   17 December 1924
Effecting a transfer of patronage, Bishopton benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/437   6 February 1925
Sale of property in the parish of Gateshead
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/438   6 February 1925
Constituting a new district of Darlington St Matthew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/439   2 May 1925
Authorising the sale of property in the parish of Easington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/440   26 May 1925
Assignment of a district to Cockerton St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/441   24 July 1925
Union of the benefices of Monk Hesleden St Mary and Monk Hesleden St John
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/442   24 July 1925
Alteration of the boundaries of the parish of Wingate Grange
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/443   24 July 1925
Constituting a new district of Blackhall St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/444   24 July 1925
Exchange of the patronage of certain benefices
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/444A   12 October 1925
New district of Chilton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/445   26 July 1926
Relating to the patronage of the benefice of Horden
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/446   5 November 1926
Assignment of a new district to West Hartlepool St Luke
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/447   25 July 1927
Approving a scheme relating to Auckland Archdeaconry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/448   25 July 1927
Approving a scheme relating to the benefice of Great Stainton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/449   10 August 1927
Approving a scheme relating to the benefice of Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/450   3 November 1927
Patronage of the benefice of West Pelton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/451   13 July 1928
Authorising the sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/452   13 July 1928
Alteration of the boundaries of the parish of Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/453   20 November 1928
Relating to the parishes of Denton, Ingleton, Gainford and Bolam
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/454   21 December 1928
Union of the benefices of Dinsdale and Sockburn
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/455   29 January 1929
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Boldon
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/456   7 May 1929
Alterations of the boundaries of the parishes of South Moor and Annfield Plain St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/457   17 December 1929
Constituting a new district of Darlington St Mark
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/458   17 December 1929
Alteration of boundaries of the parish of Bishopwearmouth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/459   28 March 1930
Authorising sale and disposal of certain property in the parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/460   27 February 1930
Alterations of the boundaries of the parishes of Darlington St Paul, Haughton le Skerne, Aycliffe and Heighington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/461   15 May 1930
Uniting of the benefices of Hunstanworth and Blanchland
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/462   28 July 1930
Patronage of the benefice of Lamesley
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/463   27 October 1930
Assignment of district of East Boldon St George
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/464   18 December 1930
Alteration of boundaries of the parish of Harton Colliery All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/465   12 February 1931
Improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/466   17 March 1932
Alteration of boundaries of the parish of West Hartlepool St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/467   25 May 1933
Approving a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England relating to Seaham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/468   24 July 1923
Uniting of Seaham and Seaham Harbour benefices
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/469   29 June 1934
Sale of property from the parish of Edmundbyers
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/470   29 June 1934
Sale of property from the parish of Durham St Giles
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/471   29 March 1935
Uniting of the benefices of Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert and Monkwearmouth St Peter
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/472   4 May 1935
Patronage of the benefice of Castletown
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/473   19 November 1935
Sale of property from the parish of Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/474   28 May 1936
New district of Durham St Nicholas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/475   27 October 1936
New district of Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/476   18 December 1936
Approving sale of property in the parishes of Bishopwearmouth and Stanhope
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/477   18 December 1936
Approving sale of property in the parish of Pittington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/478   18 March 1937
Alteration of the boundaries of Cassop, Cornforth and Kelloe parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/479   29 July 1937
Alteration in the boundaries of the parishes of Billingham and Haverton Hill
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/480   6 May 1938
Relating to the disposal of certain property in the parish of Durham St Oswald
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/481   23 June 1938
Relating to the endowment of the benefice of Kelloe
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/482   25 November 1938
Relating to the alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Hart St Hilda and Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/483   20 December 1938
Relating to resignation and vacancy of see by Bishop of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/484   25 May 1939
Disposal of property of the parish of Edmundbyers
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/485   25 May 1939
Improvements to Auckland Castle
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/486   23 June 1939
Disposal of property of the parish of Whitburn
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/487   6 February 1940
Closing of Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/488   7 March 1940
Union of Auckland St Andrew with St Anne benefices
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/489   17 April 1940
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Belmont, Durham St Giles and Shincliffe
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/490   17 July 1940
Alteration of the boundary of the parish of Seaham Harbour
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/491   7 August 1940
Union of the benefices of Spennymoor, Whitworth and Byers Green
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/492   4 September 1940
Addition to endowment of the benefice of Sacriston St Peter
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/493   13 January 1943
Relating to Shotton and Easington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/494   24 September 1943
Relating to sale and disposal of site and materials of Sleetburn St Catherine church in Brandon St John parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/495   21 March 1945
Relating to Bishopric in particular re Auckland Castle and land endowments
Order in Council (with plan and inventory)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/496   15 June 1945
Relating to patronage of the benefice of Eastgate
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/496A   25 October 1945
Union of benefices and parishes of Bishopwearmouth St Thomas, Bishopwearmouth St Peter and Sunderland St John, to form Bishopwearmouth and Sunderland parishes; closure of Bishopwearmouth St Peter and sale of site; sale of site of Bishopwearmouth St Thomas (church bombed); etc.
Ecclesiastical Commissioners' order under 1944 Reorganisation Areas Measure
DDR/EA/BEP/4/496B   25 October 1945
Union of benefices and parishes (to form Pallion St Luke and Millfield St Mark parishes); closure and demolition of Deptford St Andrew and Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay and sale of sites; etc
Ecclesiastical Commissioners' order under 1944 Reorganisation Areas Measure
DDR/EA/BEP/4/497   10 July 1946
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Belmont and Durham St Giles
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/498   2 August 1946
Relating to endowments of the benefice of Washington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/499   29 January 1947
Relating to patronage of the benefices of Dunston St Nicholas and Bishopton with Staindrop
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/500   23 April 1947
Relating to alterations of boundaries of the parishes of Brandon and Ushaw Moor
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/500A   24 February 1948
Burial grounds (Shildon) Order 1948
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/501   22 December 1948
Relating to the benefice of Monkwearmouth St Andrew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/502   28 January 1949
Relating to patronage of the benefice of Brancepeth
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/503   28 January 1949
Relating to the benefice of Ebchester
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/504   28 July 1949
Constituting a new district of Lobley Hill All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/505   31 March 1950
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas, Bishopwearmouth Christ Church, Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel, Silksworth St Matthew, Middle Hendon St Barnabas, South Hylton (Ford) and Herrington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/506   31 May 1951
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Monkwearmouth St Andrew and Monkwearmouth All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/506A   29 June 1951
Appropriation of old church of Frosterley St Michael
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/507   1 August 1951
Alterations of the boundaries of the parishes of Castletown St Margaret (North Hylton) and Southwick
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/508   1 August 1951
Alteration of boundaries of parishes of Bishopwearmouth [St Michael], Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel and South Hylton (Ford)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/509   1 November 1951
Constitution of new district (or parish, once new church consecrated) of Bishopwearmouth The Good Shepherd, from part of South Hylton (Ford) parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/510   1 November 1951
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of South Hylton (Ford) and Pallion St Luke
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/511   4 December 1951
Constitution of new district (or parish, if a new church is consecrated) of Cleadon Park St Cuthbert, from parts of Cleadon All Saints and Harton parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/512   4 December 1951
Alterations to the provisions of previous Order in Council dated 7.8.1940 re proceeds of sale of parsonage houses of Spennymoor, Whitworth and Byers Green benefices
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/513   4 October 1951
Appropriation of income of the benefice of Auckland St Helen
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/514   9 April 1952
Alterations of boundaries of the parishes of Grangetown, Ryhope, Bishopwearmouth Christ Church and Silksworth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/515   29 April 1952
Closing order for Wolviston burial ground
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/516   11 February 1953
Alterations to boundaries of the parishes of Burnopfield, Dipton St John the Evangelist, Marley Hill St Cuthbert, Tanfield, Collierley, Medomsley and Whickham
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/516A   14 February 1953
Order for plurality of West Hartlepool Christ Church and West Hartlepool St James
DDR/EA/BEP/4/517   28 May 1953
Transfer of interest in patronage of benefice of Durham St Mary-le-Bow to Dean and Chapter of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/518   1 August 1953
Union of benefices to form benefice of Hart with Elwick Hall
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/519   28 May 1953
Scheme for taking down and sale of the site and materials of Hartlepool Holy Trinity church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/519A   12 September 1953
Burial Grounds (Shildon) (Variation) Order
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/520   22 December 1953
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Hedworth, Harton Colliery and South Shields St Simon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/521   26 November 1954
Grant from Church Commissioners to benefice of Annfield Plain (£55)
Grant from Church Commissioners to benefice of Darlington Holy Trinity (£1000)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/521A   24 November 1954
Shildon burial Ground Variation Order number 2
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/522   19 October 1954
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Hartlepool St Hilda and Hart
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/523   21 December 1954
Alterations of boundaries of parishes of Eighton Banks and Heworth
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/524   19 July 1955
Order of plurality of the benefices of Edmundbyers and Muggleswick
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/525   29 June 1954
The Marriages Validity (Order), relating to Sleetburn St Catherine
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/526   28 October 1955
Transfer of patronage of benefice of Castle Eden to Bishop of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/527   29 November 1956
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of East Rainton and Hetton-le-Hole
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/528   19 December 1956
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of West Hartlepool St Luke, West Hartlepool St Aidan, Stranton and Hart
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/529   19 December 1956
Alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Horden, Easington, Easington Colliery and Shotton and the constitution of new district of Peterlee St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/530   24 January 1957
Union of the benefices of West Hartlepool St James and West Hartlepool Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/531   15 February 1957
Alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Billingham and Wolviston
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/531A   16 July 1957
Pastoral order for the holding of the benefices of Heatherycleugh, St John's Chapel in Weardale and Westgate in plurality and for payment to Durham Diocesan stipends Fund of part of the endowment income of these benefices
Pastoral order (photocopies only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/532   23 September 1957
Formation of new parish of Newton Aycliffe St Clare
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/533   27 November 1957
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Washington and Fatfield
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/534   19 February 1958
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Castletown and Southwick
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/535   25 June 1958
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Cleadon Park St Cuthbert and Whitburn
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/536   21 November 1958
Formation of new Ecclesiastical district of Billingham St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/537   15 June 1959
Union of benefices of Edmundbyers and Muggleswick
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/538   28 July 1959
Alteration of boundaries of Norton St Michael and formation of Ecclesiastical district of Stockton-on-Tees St Chad
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/539   19 October 1959
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Rekendyke St Jude and South Shields St Oswin
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/540   8 February 1960
Union of benefices of Stockton-on-Tees and Stockton-on-Tees St James
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/541   16 March 1960
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Stella and Winlaton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/542   7 June 1960
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Cassop and Shincliffe and of the extra-parochial place of Whitwell House
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/543   27 February 1961
Union of benefices of Rekendyke St Jude and South Shields St Mark and alterations of the boundary of the parish of South Shields Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/544   27 February 1961
Transfer of patronage of Esh benefice to the Crown
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/546   2 August 1961
Alteration of boundaries of parishes of Boldon St George and Harton All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/547   2 August 1961
Increase in stipend for the see of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/548   27 April 1961
Order confirming name of district as Cleadon Park St Mark and St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/549   25 January 1962
a. Union of benefices to form the Monkwearmouth United Benefice of St Peter with St Cuthbert
b. Demolition of Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
c. Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede, Monkwearmouth All Saints, Monkwearmouth St Andrew and Southwick St Columba
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/550   25 January 1962
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Dalton-le-Dale, Hawthorn and South Hetton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/551   22 December 1960
Rules for Tithe Maps 1960
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/552   28 March 1962
Formation of the new parish of East Herrington St Chad
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/553   18 April 1962
Union of parishes and benefices of Darlington St Cuthbert and part of Darlington St Hilda to form Darlington St Cuthbert. Union of benefices (but not parishes) Albert Hill St James and part of Darlington St Hilda to form Darlington St Hilda and St James UB
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/554   23 May 1962
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Esh, Bearpark, Witton Gilbert and Ushaw Moor
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/555   26 February 1962
Closing order for burials in Billingham St Cuthbert churchyard
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/556   24 August 1962
Closing order for burials in Haverton Hill churchyard
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/557   24 August 1962
Closing order for burials in Heworth St Alban churchyard
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/558   30 July 1962
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Durham St Margaret and Durham St Oswald
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/559   28 January 1963
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Blackhill, Consett, Leadgate and Medomsley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/560   28 January 1963
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Birtley, Chester-le-Street, Fatfield and Pelton
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/561   11 April 1963
Union of the benefices and parishes of South Shields St Hilda and Westoe St Thomas to form South Shields St Hilda with St Thomas
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/562   11 April 1963
Transfer of patronage of the benefice of Gateshead St Helen to the Bishop Of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/563   23 October 1963
Union of the benefices of Wingate Grange and Monk Hesleden
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/563A   23 October 1963
Union of the benefices of Castle Eden and Monk Hesleden
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/563B   23 October 1963
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Deaf Hill, Shotton and Wheatley Hill
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/564   20 January 1964
Dis-union of the benefice of Cockfield with Staindrop
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/565   1 April 1964
Union of the benefices (but not parishes) of Wolsingham and Thornley to form Wolsingham and Thornley UB
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/566   1 April 1964
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Gateshead Fell and Eighton Banks St Thomas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/567   23 December 1963
Order for plurality of the benefices of South Shields St Hilda with St Thomas and South Shields Holy Trinity
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/568   18 August 1964
Order for the renewal of plurality of the benefices of Hendon and Sunderland
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/568A   22 December 1964
Confirmation of declaration of vacancy under Part II of the Bishops (Retirement) Measure 1951 on resignation of Mervyn Armstrong bishop suffragan of Jarrow
Confirmation of declaration of vacancy (printed copy only)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/569   24 March 1965
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Haughton le Skerne and Darlington St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/570   24 June 1965
Transfer of parish of Usworth to rural deanery of Chester-le-Street
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/571   29 October 1965
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Tow Law and Thornley
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/572   31 January 1966
Union of the benefices and parishes of Gateshead St Mary, Gateshead Holy Trinity and Gateshead St Aidan to form Gateshead St Mary UB/UP. Demolition of Gateshead St Aidan church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/573   5 July 1966
Demolition of Monk Hesleden St Mary church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/574   28 July 1966
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Castleside and Consett
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/575   20 September 1966
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Cockerton and Darlington Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/576   9 November 1966
Order for plurality of benefices of Esh and Hamsteels St John
DDR/EA/BEP/4/576A   26 November 1966
Order for plurality of the benefices of East Rainton and West Rainton
Pastoral order (?)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/577   30 January 1967
Union of the benefices and parishes of Durham St Oswald and Durham St Mary-le-Bow with St Mary-the-Less to form Durham St Oswald UB/UP. Appropriation of Durham St Mary-le-Bow church for use as chapel by St Chad's College
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/578   13 November 1967
Alterations of boundaries of the parishes of Harton All Saints, South Shields St Oswin, Harton St Peter and Cleadon Park St Mark with St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/579   16 May 1966
Resignation of Bishop Harland of the Bishopric of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/580   26 January 1968
Closing order for Billingham St Cuthbert churchyard
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/581   23 May 1969
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Jarrow, Hedworth and South Shields St Simon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/581A   22 March 1968
Altering the names of parishes of Christ Church, St Aidan, St Luke, St Oswald and St Paul to Hartlepool instead of West Hartlepool and that of Stranton to Hartlepool Stranton All Saints
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/582   23 May 1969
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Billingham St Aidan and Wolviston
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/583   23 April 1969
Exchange of alternate share of patronages of the benefices of Witton-le-Wear and Witton Park, between Bishop of Durham and Crown
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/584   25 June 1969
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Lynesack and Cockfield
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/585   31 July 1969
Substitution of ancient church of Escomb St John as parish church, and demolition of 1863 church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/586   31 July 1969
Demolition of church of Gateshead St Columba
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/587   24 September 1969
Union of the benefices of Jarrow St Paul and Jarrow St Peter
Transfer of patronage of the benefice of Jarrow St Paul
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Jarrow St Peter, Jarrow St Paul and Jarrow Grange
Closure of Jarrow St Peter's church

Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/587A   21 October 1969
Notice (only) of scheme for union of benefices of Hendon, Hendon St Ignatius and Middle Hendon St Barnabas, and alteration of boundaries of parishes of Bishopwearmouth Christ Church, Middle Hendon St Barnabas, Grangetown St Aidan and Silksworth St Matthew
DDR/EA/BEP/4/587A   16 December 1969
Pastoral order substituting ancient church for 1863 church as parish church of Escomb
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/588   4 February 1970
Union of the benefices of Hendon St Ignatius and Hendon St Barnabas
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/589   28 April 1970
Establishment of Billingham St Aidan Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/590   28 April 1970
Union of the benefices and parishes of Bishopwearmouth and Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield to form Bishopwearmouth St Michael with St Hilda UB/UP. Demolition of Millfield St Hilda church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/591   19 October 1970
Sale of site of old church of Wolviston St Peter, demolished by faculty dated 26 July 1877
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/592   2 November 1970
Transfer of the parishes of Beamish and Tanfield to the rural deanery of Lanchester
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/593   2 November 1970
Transfer of the parishes of Sherburn, Pittington and Shadforth to the rural deanery of Easington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/594   23 June 1971
Demolition of church of Jarrow St Peter and sale of site (church closed by Order in Council dated 24 September 1969)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/595   27 October 1971
Establishment of Harton Colliery All Saints Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/596   27 October 1971
Declaration of redundancy of the church of Sunderland St John
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/597   22 December 1971
Transfer from Church Commissioners to the Dean and Chapter of Durham of the sum of £183,258 in lieu of part of an annual payment of £10,000, which is to be reduced by £9,162.90 as from 1 July 1971 (see Order in Council 715 for eventual cessation of annual payment). The annual payment arises from Order in Council 236 (qv).
DDR/EA/BEP/4/598   22 March 1972
Establishment of Jarrow St Paul Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/599   1 March 1972
Gift of site of church of Gateshead St Edmund, demolished by faculty dated 1 December 1970
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/600   23 October 1972
Creation of new benefice and parish of Oxclose. Alteration of boundaries of Birtley, Fatfield, Washington, Penshaw and Burnmoor parishes. Formation of Group Ministry for Oxclose, Fatfield, Usworth and Washington
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/601   23 October 1972
Demolition of church of Sunderland St John and disposal of contents
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/602   23 October 1972
Union of benefices and parishes of Gateshead St Mary, Gateshead St Edmund and Gateshead Venerable Bede to form Gateshead benefice/parish. Gateshead St Mary and Gateshead Ven Bede churches to be parish churches. Declaration of redundancy of the church of Gateshead Holy Trinity (chapel of ease within Gateshead St Mary), except south aisle [now known as St Edmund's Chapel]. Establishment of Gateshead Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/603   20 December 1972
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Stockton-on-Tees and Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity to form Central Stockton. Establishment of Team Ministry for new benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/604   20 December 1972
Declaration of redundancy of the church of Herrington St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/605   8 December 1972
Payment to diocesan stipends fund of part of endowment income of benefice of Sedgefield
Pastoral Order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/606   18 April 1972
Union of benefices of Hartlepool Christ Church and Stranton All Saints
Declaration of redundancy of church of Hartlepool Christ Church
Alteration of boundaries of the parishes of Hartlepool Christ Church, Stranton All Saints, Hartlepool St Oswald, Hartlepool St Paul and Hartlepool St Aidan
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/607   21 August 1973
Order of plurality of the benefices of Herrington and Shiney Row
Pastoral order under 1968 Pastoral Measure
DDR/EA/BEP/4/607A   24 October 1973
Union of benefices and parishes of Darlington St Mark and Darlington St Paul to form Darlington St Mark with St Paul, church of Darlington St Mark to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/608   13 November 1973
Diversion of Endowment Income, Shotton with Haswell
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/609   13 November 1973
Declaration of redundancy of the church of Hartlepool Christ Church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/609A   20 December 1973
Altering areas of parishes of Hart, Hartlepool Holy Trinity and Hartlepool St Luke
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/610   9 January 1974
Churchyard closing order, Thornley [St Bartholomew Kelloe]
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/611   25 January 1974
Churchyard closing order, Longnewton St Mary
Order in Council (with plans), including corrected version of plan
DDR/EA/BEP/4/612   6 February 1974
Alteration of the area of East Rainton and Hetton-le-Hole parishes
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/613   21 May 1974
Authorisation for Durham Diocesan Board of Finance to lease the church of Durham St Mary-le-Bow (redundant church) as a museum and a cultural and information centre
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/614   25 July 1974
Appropriation of part of Durham St Giles churchyard as site for parsonage house and garden
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/615   11 June 1974
Pastoral scheme for union of the benefices and parishes of Willington and Sunnybrow
Sunnybrow church is to be declared redundant
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/616   19 June 1974
Payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of Whitburn endowment income
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/617   16 October 1974
Establishment of a group ministry for the benefices of Greenside St John, Hedgefield St Hilda and Ryton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/618   11 October 1974
Holding of Escomb and Witton Park benefices in plurality
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/619   11 November 1974
Payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of Norton endowment income
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/620   18 December 1974
Transfer of advowsons of Frosterley St Michael, Longnewton, Norton, Tow Law St Philip and St James, Winlaton and Wolsingham and Thornley benefices from Bishop of Chester to Bishop of Durham
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/621   18 December 1974
Union of Willington and Sunnybrow benefices and parishes
Sunnybrow church declared redundant
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/622   9 January 1975
Payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of Etherley endowment income
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/623   18 March 1975
Demolition of redundant church of Herrington St Cuthbert and annexation of site to burial ground (church declared redundant by Order in Council dated 20 December 1972)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/624   14 July 1975
Holding of the benefices of Esh and Hamsteels St John the Baptist in plurality
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/625   23 July 1975
Sale of site of demolished church of Darlington St Paul
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/626   22 October 1975
Declaration of redundancy of Haverton Hill church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/627   19 December 1975
Establishment of Usworth Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/628   17 November 1975
Holding of the benefices of Crook and Stanley in plurality
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/628A   19 December 1975
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Horden St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/629   2 June 1975
Holding of the benefices of Dinsdale with Sockburn and Hurworth in plurality
Pastoral order, with correspondence of 1981 relating to the patronage of the benefices
DDR/EA/BEP/4/630   17 March 1976
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Eighton Banks St Thomas
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/631   4 March 1976
Demolition of church and sale of site, Haverton Hill St John (declared redundant by Order in Council dated 22 October 1975)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/632   6 March 1975
Holding of the benefices of Gainford and Winston in plurality. Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Gainford and Coniscliffe
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/632A   17 March 1976
Union of benefices and parishes of Billingham and Haverton Hill to create new benefice and parish of Billingham St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/633   19 May 1976
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Long Newton and Elton to form Longnewton with Elton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/634   18 June 1976
Payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of Gainford and Winston endowment incomes
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/635   24 June 1976
Alteration of the areas of Medomsley, Leadgate, Ebchester and Blackhill St Aidan parishes
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/636   2 July 1976
Appropriation of part of churchyard of Darlington St Cuthbert to use by the Parochial Church Council
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/637   23 July 1976
Union of benefices and parishes of Gateshead St Cuthbert and Low Team St Paul to form Gateshead St Cuthbert with St Paul. Church of Gateshead St Cuthbert to be parish church. Transfer of part of Gateshead parish into new parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/638   6 August 1976
Declaration of redundancy of the old church of Darlington St Luke, a chapel of ease in the parish of Darlington St Luke
Church Commissioners' order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/639   10 September 1976
Holding of the benefices of Fir Tree and Witton-le-Wear in plurality
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/640   27 October 1976
Discontinuation of burials in old part of churchyard of Wolsingham St Mary with St Stephen
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/641   27 October 1976
Discontinuation of burials in old churchyard of Hunwick St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/642   22 October 1976
Alteration of the name of the benefice (and parish) of Eaglescliffe to Egglescliffe St John the Baptist and for payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of endowment income
Pastoral Order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/643   15 November 1976
Discontinuation of burials in part of graveyard of Durham St Margaret
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/644   15 September 1976
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Norton St Mary the Virgin
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/645   15 December 1976
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Howden-le-Wear St Mary the Virgin
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/646   15 December 1976
Dissolution of benefice and team ministry of Central Stockton, creation of new benefices of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity and of Stockton-on-Tees and the establishment of a Group Ministry for Stockton-on-Tees St Peter, Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity and Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/647   16 February 1977
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard, Lanchester All Saints
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/648   1 April 1977
Declaration of redundancy of the old church of Ryhope St Paul, a chapel of ease in the parish of Ryhope
Church Commissioners' order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/649   28 March 1977
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Hamsteels St John the Baptist and Waterhouses
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/650   28 April 1977
Alteration of the name of the benefice and parish of East Herrington St Chad to Sunderland St Chad
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/651   11 May 1977
Union of benefices and parishes of Jarrow St Paul and Jarrow St Mark to create new benefice and parish of Jarrow, church of Jarrow St Paul to be parish church, establishment of Jarrow Team Ministry, transfer of part of Hedworth parish into new parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/651A   26 July 1977
Discontinuation of burials in part of churchyard at Shotton Colliery St Saviour
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/652   27 July 1977
Holding of the benefices of Bishopton with Great Stainton and Redmarshall in plurality
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/653   11 October 1977
Union of benefices and parishes of Trimdon Grange St Alban and Deaf Hill cum Langdale to create new benefice and parish of Trimdon Station St Alban and St Paul, church of Trimdon Grange St Alban to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/654   11 October 1977
Union of benefices and parishes of Dunston St Nicholas and Dunston Christ Church to create new benefice and parish of Dunston St Nicholas with Christ Church, church of Dunston St Nicholas to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/654A   3 January 1978
Alteration of the area of Haughton le Skerne and Darlington St Mark with St Paul parishes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/655   1 March 1978
Incorporation of extra-parochial place known as Porters Close in the parishes of Durham St Nicholas and Durham St Giles and alteration of the areas of the parishes of Durham St Nicholas and Durham St Giles and of the extra-parochial place known as Durham St Mary Magdalene
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/656   21 March 1978
Demolition of redundant old church of St Luke, a former chapel of ease in the parish of Darlington St Luke and sale of site
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/657   25 April 1978
Discontinuation of burials in Brandon St John the Evangelist village cemetery, with list of exemptions
Order in Council (with plan), also Order in Council giving notice of discontinuation and copy letter from Commonwealth War Graves Commission, February-July 1978
DDR/EA/BEP/4/658   10 May 1978
Payment to Durham diocesan stipends fund of part of Bishopton with Great Stainton and Redmarshall endowment incomes
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/659   12 June 1978
Creation of two new rural deaneries named Gateshead West and Sedgefield and for the transfer of parishes between Houghton-le-Spring, Hartlepool, Easington, Wearmouth, Jarrow, Chester-le-Street and Lanchester deaneries
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/660   25 July 1978
Union of benefices and parishes of South Shields St Jude, South Shields Holy Trinity, South Shields St Francis and Jarrow Docks to create a new benefice and parish of Rekendyke, church of South Shields St Jude to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/661   25 July 1978
Appropriation of old church of Ryhope St Paul, a former chapel of ease in the parish of Ryhope and land annexed for office purposes (church declared redundant by Church Commissioners' Order dated 1 April 1977)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/661A   25 July 1978
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard extension of Haverton Hill St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/662   29 September 1978
Establishment of Winlaton Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/663   24 September 1978
Union of benefices and parishes of Stockton-on-Tees and Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist to create new benefice and parish of Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton St John the Baptist, church of Stockton-on-Tees [St Thomas] to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/664   29 September 1978
Demolition of church of Sunnybrow St John (declared redundant by Order in Council dated 18 December 1974) and appropriation of site to use as part of annexed burial ground
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/665   24 October 1978
Authorisation for Church Commissioners to sell site of demolished church of Dunston Christ Church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/666   24 October 1978
Representation re. discontinuation of burials in old part of churchyard of Eldon St Mark
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/667   6 February 1979
Union of benefices and parishes of Darlington St Luke and Darlington St Matthew to create new benefice and parish of Darlington St Matthew and St Luke
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/668   24 October 1978
Discontinuation of burials in old part of churchyard of Eldon St Mark
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/669   14 March 1979
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Lynesack St John the Evangelist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/670   14 March 1979
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Kimblesworth St Philip and St James
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/671   14 March 1979
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Witton-le-Wear and Fir Tree to create new benefice of Witton-le-Wear and Fir Tree
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/672   23 May 1979
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Gainford St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/673   26 July 1979
Transfer of parish of Darlington St Hilda from benefice of Darlington St Hilda and St James to benefice of Darlington St Cuthbert. Transfer of Bishop of Durham's share in patronage of Darlington St Hilda and St James to Crown. Alteration of names of benefices to Darlington St James and Darlington St Cuthbert with St Hilda. Union of parishes of Darlington St Cuthbert and Darlington St Hilda to create new parish of Darlington St Cuthbert with St Hilda, church of Darlington St Cuthbert to be parish church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/674   26 July 1979
Declaration of redundancy of church of Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist, a chapel of ease in the parish of Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton St John the Baptist
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/675   19 October 1979
Declaration of redundancy of church of Darlington St Luke (new church, see notes), a chapel of ease in the parish of Darlington St Matthew and St Luke
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/676   14 November 1979
Authorisation for Church Commissioners to demolish the redundant church of Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist and to sell or lease the site and annexed land
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/677   26 June 1979
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Ebchester St Ebba
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/678   26 July 1979
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Usworth Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/680   31 July 1979
Church Commissioners instrument certifying that the demolition of the redundant church of Sunnybrow St John has been completed and that the site had been appropriated to use as part of annexed burial ground
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/681   19 December 1979
Transfer of advowson of the benefices of Collierley, Etherley, Penshaw, Sadberge and Washington from the Bishop of Manchester to the Bishop of Durham
Order in Council, with copy of Church Commissioners' scheme and covering letter
DDR/EA/BEP/4/682   19 December 1979
Confirmation of declaration by Archbishop of York of vacancy of suffragan bishopric of Jarrow as from 31 July 1980, subsequent to the resignation of Alexander Kenneth Hamilton
Confirmation of declaration of vacancy
DDR/EA/BEP/4/683   13 February 1980
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Collierley and Annfield Plain St Aidan to create new benefice of Collierley with Annfield Plain
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/684   20 December 1979
Pastoral order altering the areas of the parishes of Herrington, Penshaw and Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/685   13 February 1980
Authorisation for Church Commissioners to sell or lease site of demolished church of Auckland St Phillip, a former chapel of ease in the parish of Auckland St Andrew and annexed land
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/686   25 February 1980
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard, Trimdon Station St Paul
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/687   13 February 1980
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Castleside St John the Evangelist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/688   21 April 1980
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Coundon St James
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/689   21 May 1980
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Egglescliffe St John the Baptist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/690   19 March 1980
Representation re discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Stanley St Thomas Apostle and Martyr
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/690A   21 May 1980
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Stanley St Thomas Apostle and Martyr (Crook)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/691   21 April 1980
Appropriation of the redundant part of the church of Gateshead Holy Trinity partly to use as a cultural and community centre, and partly to use by the parochial church council of Gateshead parish for any ecclesiastical purposes of the Church of England affecting the said parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/692   21 April 1980
Creation of new benefice of Newton Hall and creation of new parish of Newton Hall out of part of the parish of Durham St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/693   28 July 1980
Appropriation of redundant church of Darlington St Luke (new church, see notes), a former chapel of ease in the parish of Darlington St Matthew and St Luke to use for activities of a religious nature by Assembly of God Pentecostal Church, authorisation for Church Commissioners to sell the building and annexed land for this use.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/694   19 March 1980
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of South Shields Simonside St Simon
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/695   13 October 1980
Declaration of redundancy of church of Gateshead St Mary, one of the parish churches of Gateshead parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/696   13 October 1980
Declaration of redundancy of church of [Jarrow Docks alias Tyne Dock] St Mary one of the parish churches of Rekendyke parish
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/697   11 November 1980
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Hendon and Sunderland to create new benefice of Hendon and Sunderland
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/698   11 November 1980
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Grindon and Stillington to create new benefice of Grindon and Stillington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/699   17 December 1980
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Haswell St Paul and South Hetton Holy Trinity to create new benefice of South Hetton with Haswell
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/700   18 February 1981
Creation of new benefice and parish of Leam Lane St Andrew out of parts of Heworth and Heworth St Alban parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/701   17 December 1980
Discontinuation of burials in burial ground of Low Westwood Christ Church
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/702   18 March 1981
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Hamsteels St John the Baptist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/703   13 April 1981
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Willington Sunnybrow St John
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/704   13 May 1981
Appropriation of part of churchyard to use by the parochial church council of Burnmoor parish for any ecclesiastical purposes affecting the said parish and removal of the legal effects of consecration from this land
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/705   10 June 1981
Authorisation for Church Commissioners to demolish the redundant church of [Jarrow Docks alias Tyne Dock] St Mary, formerly one of the parish churches of Rekendyke parish (declared redundant by Order in Council of 13 October 1980), and to sell or lease the site and annexed land
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/706   10 June 1981
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Leadgate St Ives
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/707   22 July 1981
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Jarrow, Hebburn St Cuthbert, Hebburn St John, Hebburn St Oswald and Jarrow Grange
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/708   23 September 1981
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of East Rainton St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/709   28 October 1981
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of South Moor St George
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/710   28 October 1981
Alteration of scheme of 28 July 1980 relating to redundant church of Darlington St Luke, in Darlington St Matthew and St Luke parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/711   11 December 1981
Alteration of the name of the benefice and parish of Harton Colliery All Saints to South Shields All Saints
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/712   10 March 1982
Declaration of redundancy of parish church of Tudhoe
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/713   20 April 1982
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Gateshead and Gateshead Christ Church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/714   18 May 1982
Discontinuation of burials in extensions to churchyard of Auckland St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/715   18 May 1982
Transfer from Church Commissioners to the Dean and Chapter of Durham of the sum of £16,742.00 in lieu of an annual payment of £837.10 which is to cease to be payable as from 31 December 1981 (see Order in Council 597 for further explanation).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/716   25 May 1982
Church Commissioners' order for the declaration of redundancy of Brandon Village Cemetery Chapel in the parish of Brandon St John the Evangelist
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/717   31 May 1982
Holding of the benefices of Egglestone and Middleton-in-Teesdale in plurality
Pastoral Order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/718   30 July 1982
Appropriation of part of churchyard of parish church as a site or part of a site for a residence house for the incumbent of the benefice and removal of the legal effects of consecration from this land, Stockton-on-Tees [St Thomas] with Stockton St John the Baptist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/719   26 July 1982
Transfer of the benefice of Edmundbyers and Muggleswick and its constituent parishes from Stanhope rural deanery in Auckland archdeaconry to Lanchester rural deanery in Durham archdeaconry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/719A   27 October 1982
Authorisation for the Church Commissioners to demolish the Brandon Village Cemetery chapel in the parish of Brandon St John the Evangelist (declared redundant by Church Commissioners' order dated 25 May 1982), and to appropriate the site to use as part of the annexed churchyard
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/720   27 October 1982
Authorisation for Church Commissioners to give the site of the demolished church of South Shields Holy Trinity in Rekendyke parish and annexed land
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/721   24 November 1982
Union of benefices and parishes of Gateshead and Gateshead St James to create new benefice and parish of Gateshead, Gateshead St Edmund's chapel to be parish church. Declaration of redundancy of the churches of former parish of Gateshead [Venerable Bede, see previous orders of 1972 and 1980] and of Gateshead St James. Establishment of Gateshead Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/722   24 November 1982
Creation of new benefice and parish of Owton Manor St James out of parts of the parishes of Hartlepool St Aidan, Greatham and Seaton Carew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/723   11 February 1983
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Pittington and Sherburn to create new benefice of Sherburn with Pittington
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/724   11 February 1983
Creation of new benefice and parish of Stockton-on-Tees St Mark, out of parts of Stockton-on-Tees St Chad, Stockton-on-Tees St Peter and Stockton-on-Tees St Paul. Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Stockton-on-Tees St Chad, Stockton-on-Tees St Peter, Elton and Redmarshall
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/725   2 March 1983
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Beamish and South Moor
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/726   16 March 1983
Dissolution of the benefice of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Declaration of redundancy of church of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity and its appropriation to use for activities of a religious nature by Greek Orthodox church with authorisation for it to be leased for this purpose
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity, Stockton-on-Tees St Peter and Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/727   20 April 1983
Declaration of redundancy of church of Low Team St Paul, a chapel of ease in the parish of Gateshead St Cuthbert with St Paul
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/727A   27 July 1983
Demolition of redundant church of Low Team St Paul, and sale or lease of site and land annexed
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/728   22 June 1983
Representation re discontinuation of burials in old and new churchyards of Frosterley St Michael and All Angels, Stanhope parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/729   22 June 1983
Union of benefices of Barnard Castle and Whorlton to create new benefices of Barnard Castle with Whorlton
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/729A   19 October 1983
Discontinuation of burials in old and new churchyards of Frosterley St Michael and All Angels, Stanhope parish
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/730   19 October 1983
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Murton Holy Trinity
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/731   19 October 1983
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Dalton-le-Dale St Andrew
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/732   19 October 1983
Demolition of redundant church of Gateshead St James and sale of site and land annexed
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/733   21 December 1983
Creation of new benefice and parish of Sunderland Red House St Cuthbert out of parts of Castletown St Margaret (North Hylton) and Southwick parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/734   18 November 1983
Creation of new benefice and parish of Sunderland Town End Farm St Bede out of part of Castletown St Margaret (North Hylton)
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/735   8 February 1984
Appropriation of part of churchyard of Ferryhill St Luke to parochial church council for any ecclesiastical purpose
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/736   8 February 1984
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of Durham St Cuthbert
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/737   14 March 1984
Discontinuation of burials in the churchyard of Rookhope St John the Evangelist
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/738   11 April 1984
Creation of new benefice and parish of Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist out of part of Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist. Alteration of name of benefice and parish of Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist to Stockton-on-Tees
Order in Council (with plan), also copy of Church Commissioners' approval of new parish church and covering letter, May 1984
DDR/EA/BEP/4/739   30 May 1984
Alteration of areas covered by the parishes of Newton Aycliffe St Clare, Chilton and Shildon
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/740   25 June 1984
Discontinuation of burials in churchyard of West Rainton St Mary
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/741   31 July 1984
Appropriation of redundant church of Gateshead St Mary and land annexed or belonging thereto for civic, public, educational, residential or commercial purposes or for Christian worship, and gift of building and land annexed
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/742   31 July 1984
Demolition of redundant church of Gateshead Venerable Bede and appropriation of part of land annexed or belonging to it to Gateshead P.C.C. for ecclesiastical purposes and the remaining land to the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance to be held as glebe land
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/743   31 July 1984
Creation of new benefice and parish of Gateshead Harlow Green St Ninian out of parts of Eighton Banks St Thomas and Gateshead St Helen
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/744   31 July 1984
Declaration of redundancy of the church of Hartlepool St Andrew, a chapel of ease in the parish of Hartlepool St Hilda and appropriation of the building for use as a church hall and for occasional religious worship
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/745   17 April 1985
Creation of benefice and parish of Darlington St Hilda and St Columba from part of parish of Darlington St Cuthbert with St Hilda. Declaration of redundancy of church of Darlington St Hilda. Name of benefice and parish of Darlington St Cuthbert with St Hilda to be Darlington St Cuthbert.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/746   17 April 1985
Creation of benefice of Middleton in Teesdale with Forest and Frith from the benefice of Middleton in Teesdale and benefice of St James Forest and Frith. Parishes continue distinct. Patron - Lord Barnard (1st turn) and PM for Her Majesty alternating. Creation of plurality of Middleton in Teesdale with Forest and Frith, with Egglestone. Designation of first incumbent
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/747   31 May 1985
Declaration of redundancy for Wynyard Park Chapel pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Pastoral Measure 1983.
Pastoral order
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/747A   31 May 1985
Declaration of redundancy for Embleton St Mary chapel, under Pastoral Measure 1983 s.54(1)
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/748   31 July 1985
Creation of benefice and parish of Sunderland Pennywell St Thomas out of parts of Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel, South Hylton and Herrington. Creation of new benefice and parish of Sunderland Springwell St Mary the Virgin with Thorney Close St Peter out of parts of Herrington, Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas, Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel and Silksworth St Matthew
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/749   30 October 1985
Discontinuance of burials in churchyard of Hamsterley St James. Further burials permitted in existing family graves.
Order in Council
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/750   30 October 1985
Creation of benefice of "Shildon with Eldon" from the benefice of Shildon and the benefice of Eldon. Parishes continue distinct. Patronage - Bishop of Durham 1st and 3rd turns. PM on behalf of Her Majesty 2nd turn.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/751   6 January 1986
Creation of plurality of benefice of West Rainton and the benefice of East Rainton. Patronage to be exercised alternately by patrons of the 2 benefices. The patron of the benefice of West Rainton has 1st turn. Patron of W R'ton - Bishop of Durham. Pat of E R'ton - DandC of Durham.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/752   12 February 1986
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St Peter, Harton. Further burials permitted in existing family grave or where gravespace reserved by faculty.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/753   12 February 1986
Discontinuance of burials in the extension of churchyard of St Margaret of Antioch, Tanfield. Burials permitted in any existing vault or walled grave and existing family graves.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/754   13 March 1986
Creation of plurality for the benefices of Heatherycleugh, St John's Chapel and Westgate. Patronage to be exercised on each occasion by the patron of all the benefices - Bishop of Durham patron of all benefices. Designation of 1st incumbent.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/755   26 March 1986
Vesting of part of burial ground known as St Cuthbert's Cemetery (on Potters Bank, previously vested in Durham St Oswald) in Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (DDBF). DDBF empowered to dispose of land. Restrictive covenants apply. Rights of way and easement provided. Removal of legal effects of consecration including faculty jurisdiction. Proceeds of disposal for parish.
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/756   26 March 1986
Creation of benefice of Stanhope with Frosterley from benefices of Stanhope and Frosterley St Michael (parishes continue distinct). Creation of benefice of Eastgate with Rookhope from benefices of Eastgate All Saints and Rookhope (parishes continue distinct). New benefices held in plurality.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/757   26 March 1986
Redundancy scheme for old parish church of Tudhoe. Church Commissioners empowered to demolish building and dispose of site and land annexed. Contents to be diposed of as bishop shall direct.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/758   29 April 1986
Creation of benefice of Ryton with Hedgefield from benefices of Hedgefield St Hilda and Ryton. Parishes continue distinct. Designation of 1st incumbent. Patron - Bishop of Durham.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/759   29 April 1986
Appropriation of part of churchyard of South Hetton Holy Trinity to use by parochial church council for any ecclesiastical purpose. Land vested in Durham Diocesan Board of Finance. Restrictive covenants apply. Removal of legal effects of consecration including faculty jurisdiction. Right of way and easements provided.
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/760   29 April 1986
Creation of new benefice of "South Shields, St Aidan with St Stephen" from benefice of St Aidan SS and benefice of St Stephen SS. Pars continue distinct. Designation of first incumbent. Patron - Bishop of Durham and DandC of Dur alternately; BP Dur has 1st turn.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/761   5 November 1986
Termination of team ministry of Winlaton. Benefice of Winlaton continues. Creation of new benefice and parish of High Spen and Rowlands Gill from part of Winlaton, High Spen St Patrick and Rowlands Gill St Barnabas to be parish churches.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/762   5 November 1986
Amendment of constitution of Durham Cathedral. Section 4 and 5 amended.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/763   25 November 1986
Appropriation of part of churchyard of South Shields St Stephen. Vesting of land in Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (DDBF). DDBF empowered to dispose of land. Restrictive covenants in place. Removal of legal effects of consecration including faculty jurisdiction. Proceeds of sale for parish.
Order in Council (including plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/764   18 March 1987
Declaration of redundancy of South Shields St Oswin and dissolution of benefice and parish, transfer of parts into parishes of South Shields All Saints, Harton, Rekendyke and South Westoe
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/765   18 March 1987
Discontinuance of burials in Whitworth Churchyard. Further burials permitted in any vault or walled grave existing therein.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/766   10 June 1987
Redundancy Scheme for the old church of Egglestone Holy Trinity. The redundant building and land annexed thereto is appropriated to use as a monument.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/767   21 July 1987
Creation of new benefice of "Sacriston with Kimblesworth" from the benefice of Sacriston and the benefice of Kimblesworth. Parishes continue distinct
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/768   31 December 1987
Creation of plurality of Dalton-le-Dale and Hawthorn. Designation of first incumbent. Patronage - to be exercised jointly by patrons of both benefices. Patrons are D and C of Durham and Mr I Pemberton.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/769   25 May 1988
Redundancy Scheme for the demolition of the redundant church of South Shields St Oswin. Contents to be disposed of as bishop shall direct.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/770   22 June 1988
Appropriation of part of churchyard as a site for a residents house and gardens for the incumbent for the time being of the benefice of Eighton Banks, St Thomas. Removal of legal effects of consecration including faculty jurisdiction.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/771   22 June 1988
Declaration of redundancy for the parish church of Sunderland. The Redundant Churches Fund shall be responsible for its care and maintenance. Rights of access and utilities protected.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/772   26 October 1988
Appropriation of part of churchyard of All Saints, Monkwearmouth for road widening purposes. D'ham DBF empowered to dispose of land subj to restrictive cov's. Removal of legal effects of consec including fac juris. Proceed of sale for parish.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/773   26 October 1988
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St Margaret of Antioch, Tanfield and St John the Evangelist, Chopwell. Tanfield - further burials permitted in any vault or walled grave already existing and any existing family grave.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/774   21 December 1988
New benefice and parish of Stanley created by union of benefices and parishes of Beamish and Craghead St Thomas. Team Ministry for new benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/775   21 December 1988
Creation of new parish of Edmundbyers and Muggleswick from the parish of Edmundbyers and the parish of Muggleswick. The parish churches of both former parishes shall be parish churches of the new parish.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/776   3 May 1989
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Coundon and St Paul, Spennymoor.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/777   7 February 1989
Discontinuance of burials in churchyard of Tanfield, St Margaret. Further burials permitted in any vault or walled grave already existing and existing family graves.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/778   7 February 1989
Discontinuance of burials in Chopwell churchyard
Order in Council
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/779   15 March 1989
Alteration of area of parishes of Hartlepool St Hilda, Hartlepool St Oswald and Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/780   18 April 1989
Name of Darlington St John altered to East Darlington. Team Ministry for East Darlington.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/781   13 June 1989
Redundancy Scheme for church of Embleton St Mary. Church to be appropriated to residential use. Right of way over existing pathway in churchyard, rights to the utilities and right of access protected. Bp to direct - disposal of contents.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/782   29 June 1989
Approval by Church Commissioners of the church of St Patrick, High Spen as suitable to be a parish church.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/783   2 August 1989
Creation of Team Ministry for Newton Aycliffe St Clare
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/784   1 November 1989
Establishment of Group Ministry for the benefice of Bishopton with Great Stainton, Grindon and Stillington, and Redmarshall
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/785   19 December 1989
Creation of new benefice and parish of Stockton-on-Tees St James (Hardwick) from parts of Stockon-on-Tees St Chad and Stockton-on-Tees St Mark. Alteration of areas of Stockon-on-Tees St Chad, Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist and Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/786   14 February 1990
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of Hurworth. Further burials permitted in existing family graves.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/787   14 February 1990
Appropriation of detached burial ground at Lanchester to use for public open space
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/788   14 March 1990
Vesting of part of Sedgefield churchyard in Durham DBF. DBF empowered to dispose of land. Restrictive covenants apply. Removal of legal effects of consecration including faculty jurisdiction. Proceeds of sale - for parish.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/789   1 May 1990
Creation of new benefices of Hendon and Sunderland from benefices of Hendon and Sunderland, and Bishopwearmouth St Michael with St Hilda. Union of parishes of Sunderland and of Bishopwearmouth St Michael with St Hilda to form parish of Sunderland, with [St Michael's] as parish church. Establishment of Sunderland Team Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/790   7 June 1990
Union of ben B'land with H'worth and benefice of E'byers and M'leswick to create benefice of Bl'land with H'worth and E'byers and M'leswick. Pars continue distinct. Ben and par in Newc Dio. Designation of first incumbent. Pat-Mrs Scott-Harden (1st) L Crewe Char, DandC of Dur (2nd)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/791   7 June 1990
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of Merrington St John the Evangelist. Further burials permitted in family graves or where gravespace reserved by faculty.
Order in Council
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/792   7 June 1990
Appropriation of part of churchyard of Penshaw All Saints to use for open space or garden purposes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/793   7 June 1990
Creation of new benefice and new parish of "St Lawrence the Martyr, Horsley Hill (South Shields). Parish church - St Lawrence the Martyr, Horsley Hill. Designation of first incumbent. Patronage - Dean and Chapter of Durham.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/794   7 June 1990
Appropriation of part of churchyard of Stella St Cuthbert for use by parochial church council
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/795   31 October 1990
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St Cuthbert, Etherley and in the remainder of the churchyard of St Mary the Virgin, Norton. Further burial permitted in family graves.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/796   31 October 1990
Declaration of redundancy of old parish church of Herrington - new place of worship to take its place when licensed by bishop. Old parish church to be demolished. Contents to be disposed of as bp directs. Board of Finance to dispose of site of old church.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/797   31 October 1990
Discontinuance of burials in the remainder of the churchyard of St Mary the Virgin, Norton and in St Cuthbert, Etherley. Further burials permitted in existing family graves in Etherley Churchyard.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/798   20 March 1991
Union of benefices and parishes of Gateshead St Cuthbert with St Paul and Bensham St Chad to form Bensham benefice/parish, Bensham St Chad church to be parish church. Gateshead St Cuthbert with St Paul parish church declared redundant. Team Ministry for new benefice. Gateshead Christ Church united with new benefice and parish on next vacancy, Christ Church to be an additional parish church for Bensham parish.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/799   16 April 1991
Vesting of the (Hind Street) burial ground in parish of Sunderland in the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF). No building on land without DBF approval. Any conveyance of land to contain covenants to observe said condition. Legal effects of consecration removed including faculty jurisdiction
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/800   30 April 1991
Alteration of areas of parishes of Chilton and Ferryhill.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/801   16 May 1991
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Hart, Holy Trinity, Hartlepool and St Luke, Hartlepool.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/802   20 May 1991
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Hetton-le-Hole and Lyons.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/803   26 June 1991
Declaration of redundancy of the parish church (St Paul) of the parish of Cassop-cum-Quarrington.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/804   24 July 1991
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St John, Gateshead Fell. Further burials permitted in existing family graves also for gravespaces reserved by faculty.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/805   16 September 1991
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Boldon, East Boldon and Hedworth.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/806   19 November 1991
Creation of new benefice of "Satley and Tow Law" from benefices of Satley and Tow Law St Philip and ST James. Parishes to continue distinct
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/807   16 March 1992
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyards of St Cuthbert, Redmarshall and All Saints, Penshaw. Further burials permitted in Redmarshall churchyard in existing family grave.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/808   3 September 1992
Alteration of the areas of the parish of St Mark and St Cuthbert, Cleadon Park and the parish of All Saints, South Shields.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/809   28 October 1992
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St Saviour, Shotton. Further burials permitted in vault or walled grave also in existing family grave also in gravespaces reserved by faculty.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/810   9 February 1993
Discontinuance of burials in the ch'yards of Binchester; Bishopton; addit burial ground, Burnopfield; Newfield. Further burials permitted in family graves-Bishopton, Burnopfield. Further burials in Bincheser and Newfield only by faculty.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/811   23 June 1993
Demolition of the redundant church of St Paul, Cassop-cum-Quarrington. Site of redundant building appropriated to use as part of churchyard. Contents excluding holy communion plate and memorial disposed of as bishop directs.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/812   20 July 1993
Appropriation of the redundant church of Holy Trinity, Stockton on Tees as a monument and open space. Commissioners empowered to sell building.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/813   20 July 1993
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of St Matthew, Newbottle. Further burials permitted in existing family graves.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/814   27 October 1993
Creation of new benefice of "Croxdale and Tudhoe" from the benefices of Croxdale and Tudhoe. Parishes continue distinct
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/815   16 December 1993
Appropriation of the redundant church of St Hilda, Darlington as a Day Care Centre. Commissioners empowered to sell building. Contents to be disposed of as the bishop shall direct.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/816   31 August 1994
Creation of plurality of benefice of Sherburn with Pittington and benefice of Shadforth. Patronage exercised jointly by patrons of both benefices - DandC of Durham patron of both benefices. Designation of first incumbent.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/817   13 April 1994
Creation of new parish of "Barnard Castle with Whorlton" from parishes of Barnard Castle and Whorlton. Parish church of Barnard Castle and parish church of Whorlton are both parish churches. Parish in deanery of Barnard Castle.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/818   25 May 1994
Creation of plurality of benefice of Cockfield and benefice of Lynesack. Right of presentation to be exercised by patron of both benefices - Bishop of Durham.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/819   2 November 1994
Union of benefices of Dipton St John the Evangelist and Leadgate to create "Dipton and Leadgate". Parishes continue distinct. Proceeds of sale of Dipton parsonage to be paid to Durham Diocesan Pastoral Account. Patronage - Bishop of Durham.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/820   14 December 1994
Appropriation of parts of detached burial ground in parish of Barnard Castle with Whorlton for residential and other purposes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/821   15 March 1995
Discontinuance of burials at Burnmoor Churchyard. Further burials permitted in family graves or reserved by faculty.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/822   17 May 1995
Establishment of Group Ministry for the benefices of New Shildon All Saints and Shildon with Eldon. Designation of first incumbent. Provision for group council.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/823   28 June 1995
Union of benefices and parishes of Fir Tree (part of current Witton-le-Wear and Fir Tree benefice) and Hunwick to form Howden-le-Wear and Hunwick (in Stanhope deanery), with both parish churches continuing as parish churches of the new parish. Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Hamsterley and (remainder of) Witton-le-Wear and Fir Tree to form Hamsterley and Witton-le-Wear (in Auckland deanery). ALteration of areas of Crook, Fir Tree, Hunwick and Willington and Sunnybrow, and transfer of Willington and Sunnybrow from Auckland deanery into Stanhope deanery
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/824   28 June 1995
Creation of new benefice "Bearpark and Ushaw Moor" from benefices of Bearpark St Edmund and Ushaw Moor St Luke. Parishes continue distinct
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/825   28 June 1995
Group Ministry for Sunderland Pennywell St Thomas and Sunderland Springwell St Mary the Virgin with Thorney Close St Peter. Alteration of name of benefice and parish of Sunderland Springwell St Mary the Virgin with Thorney Close St Peter, to Sunderland St Mary and St Peter
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/826   26 July 1995
Creation of new benefice and parish of "Stockton Holy Trinity" from part of Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/827   18 September 1995
Alteration of parish boundaries of Darlington St Cuthbert, Darlington St Hilda and St Columba, Darlington St James Albert Hill; Darlington St Mark with St Paul and Darlington St Matthew and St Luke
Pastoral order (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/828   18 September 1995
Alteration of parish boundaries of Whitburn; St Andrew, Monkwearmouth. Alteration of deanery boundaries for Jarrow and Wearmouth.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/829   18 October 1995
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Kelloe and Coxhoe to form Kelloe and Coxhoe. Alteration of areas of parishes of Cassom-cum-Quarrington, Cornforth, Coxhoe and Kelloe
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/830   23 November 1995
Union of former benefices and parishes of Blackhill St Aidan and Consett to form new benefice and parish of "Consett", Consett to be new parish church, Blackhill St Aidan declared redundant
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/831   23 November 1995
Union of former parishes of Denton and of Ingleton to create new parish of "Ingleton with Denton". Alteration of name of Denton and Ingleton benefice to "Ingleton with Denton", Ingleton church to be parish church. Declaration of redundancy for parish of Denton parish church.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/832   23 November 1995
Union of former parishes of South Shields St Aidan and South Shields St Stephen to create new parish of South Shields St Aidan and St Stephen (The Lawe). Alteration of name of South Shields St Aidan with St Stephen benefice accordingly. Redundancy of South Shields St Aidan church
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/833   28 March 1996
Creation of plurality for the benefices of Ebchester and Medomsley. Transfer of portion of parsonage grounds to Glebe. Designation of first incumbent to hold plurality. Patron - to be exercised by patron of both bens Bishop of Durham pat in both cases.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/834   15 May 1996
Establishment of "Darlington Group Ministry" comprising Darlington Holy Trinity and Darlington St Cuthbert
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/835   15 May 1996
Creation of new benefice and parish of "Great Aycliffe". Creation of team. Provision of 5 year term for rector and vicars. Vesting of patronage in board: Bishop of Durhamham (chairman)1 vote and casting vote. DandC 1 vote. Disposal of parsonage.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/836   26 June 1996
Declaration of redundancy for the church of Hartlepool St Barnabas in the parish of Hartlepool St Hilda
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/837   26 June 1996
Creation of new benefice "St Mark, Millfield and St Luke, Pallion" from former benefices of Millfield St Mark and Pallion St Luke, parishes continue distinct
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/838   23 July 1996
Creation of benefice of Eppleton and Hetton le Hole from Eppleton and Hetton le Hole benefices (parishes continue distinct). Creation of Hetton Group Ministry for Eppleton, Hetton le Hole and Lyons
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/839   23 July 1996
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Trimdon and Trimdon Station St Alban and St Paul to form The Trimdons. Alteration of areas of Trimdon Station St Alban and St Paul, Wheatley Hill and Wingate Grange parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/840   19 December 1996
Union of benefices and parishes of Monkwearmouth All Saints, Monkwearmouth St Andrew and Monkwearmouth St Peter to form Monkwearmouth, previous three parish churches to be parish churches of new parish, establishment of Team Ministry for new benefice
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/840A   15 October 1997
Discontinuance of burials in St Peter's Old Churchyard, Elwick.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/841   19 December 1996
Discontinuance of burials for churchyards of St Margaret, Durham, St Cuthbert, Shadforth, St Bartholomew, Thornley (Wolsingham).
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/842   12 February 1997
Redundancy Scheme for church of Denton St Mary, to be appropriated to residential use and sold
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/843   12 February 1997
Alteration of benefice and parish name of Ingleton with Denton to "Ingleton". Holding of benefices of Ingleton and Staindrop in plurality (on next vacancy). Transfer of patronage for Ingleton to Lord Barnard. Transfer of Ingleton from Darlington to Barnard Castle deanery
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/844   12 February 1997
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Whitworth with Spennymoor and Merrington to form new benefice of "Spennymoor, Whitworth and Merrington". Vesting of patronage in Dean and Chapter of Durham. Alteration of areas of Byers Green, Merrington, Spennymoor St Paul, Tudhoe, Tudhoe Grange St Andrew, Whitworth and Willington and Sunnybrow parishes. Transfer of Merrington parsonage to Diocesan Board of Finance.
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/845   23 February 1997
Creation of new "Archdeaconry of Sunderland". Comprising deaneries of Chester-le-St, Gateshead, Gateshead W, Houghton-le-Spring, Jarrow and. Wearmouth. Transfer of deaneries of Hartlepool and Sedgefield to Durham Archdeaconry.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/846   8 April 1997
Declaration of redundancy of Craghead St Thomas
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/847   20 May 1997
Creation of plurality of Chilton and Cornforth. Exercise of patronage. Establishment of Group Ministry for the benefices of Cornforth, Ferryhill and Chilton. Change of name of Ferry-hill benefice and parish to Ferryhill. Alteration of Bishop Middleham, Cornforth, Croxdale and Ferryhill parish boundaries. Disposal of parsonages.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/848   17 July 1997
Alteration of parish boundaries. Transfer of portion of parish of Hart to parish of Elwick Hall.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/849   15 October 1997
Creation of plurality of Durham St Cuthbert and Witton Gilbert
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/850   30 October 1997
Dissolution of existing Billingham St Aidan benefice and parish and termination of Team Ministry. Creation of new benefices and parishes of Billingham St Luke, Billingham St Aidan and Billingham St Mary Magdalene, from parts of Wolviston and (existing) Billingham St Aidan parishes. Plurality of Billingham St Mary Magdalene and Wolviston benefices
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/851   3 December 1997
Alteration of the areas of the parishes of Usworth and Washington.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/852   26 November 1997
Redundancy scheme for the demolition of the redundant church of St Barnabas, Hartlepool. Church Commissioners empowered to sell or give away site. Disposal of contents at Bishop's direction.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/853   3 February 1998
Redundancy of the church of Sockburn All Saints, also known as Sockburn Old Church (ruin)
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/854   11 February 1998
Union of benefices and parishes of Bishopwearmouth Christ Church and Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas to create (new) Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas, church of St Nicholas to be parish church, Bishopwearmouth Christ Church declared redundant. Alteration of areas of Bishopwearmouth Christ Church, Grangetown St Aidan, Hendon and Sunderland parishes
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/855   9 March 1998
Termination of plurality of Escomb and Witton Park. Creation of plurality of the benefices of Witton Park St Paul, Escomb St John and Etherley St Cuthbert.. Patronage to be exercised by the patron of all the benefices. Etherley parsonage tranferred to Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
Pastoral order
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/856   17 December 1997
Amendment of the Durham Cathedral Statutes pursuant to S4(2) of the Cathedrals Measure 1976 relating to Canons Theologian and the addition of a new Statue XI relating to the appointment of a Canon Theologian.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/857   18 March 1998
Establishment of Spennymoor Group Ministry for the benefices of Byers Green, Croxdale and Tudhoe, and Spennymoor, Whitworth and Merrington. Provision for Group Council.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/858   22 April 1998
Discontinuance of burials in old churchyard of St Cuthbert, Herrington. Family burials in existing earthen graves.
Order in Council
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/859   4 August 1998
Alteration to the areas of the parish of St Aidan, Grangetown; the parish of Ryhope and the parish of St Matthew, Silksworth.
Pastoral order (without plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/860   21 July 1998
Union of benefices (but not of parishes) of Blackhall St Andrew and Castle Eden with Monkhesleden to create new benefice of "Blackhall, Castle Eden and Monkesleden"
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/861   21 October 1998
Creation of new parish and benefice of Blackwell All Saints and Salutation from parts of Darlington St Cuthbert and Darlington Holy Trinity, and inclusion within Darlington Group Ministry
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/862   21 October 1998
Appropriation of 1st parcel of Monkwearmouth, All Saints, Churchyard to use for residential purposes/2nd parcel to PCC use. Restrictive covs in place. Rt of way reserved - 1st parcel. Legal effects of cons removed including faculty jurisdiction.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/863   21 October 1998
Creation of new benefice and parish of Langley Park from part of Esh. Termination of plurality of Esh and Hamsteels. Langley Park parish church to be All Saints. Creation of plurality of Esh, Hamsteels and Langley Park
Order in Council (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/4/864   10 February 1999
Discontinuance of burials in the churchyard of Holy Trinity, Pelton. No exceptions.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/865   10 February 1999
Redundancy Scheme for church of St Aidan, South Shields. CCs empowered to sell redundant building. Bishop of Durham to direct as to disposal of contents excluding the plate.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/866   10 March 1999
Redundancy Scheme for the church of St Thomas, Craghead. CCs empowered to sell property. Contents of building exlcluding plate used for purpose of Holy Communion shall be disposed of as Bp shall direct.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/867   10 February 1999
Redundancy Scheme for the church of St Aidan, South Shields. Church Commissioners empowered to sell property. Contents of building excluding plate used for Holy Communion to be disposed of as Bishop shall direct.
Order in Council
Missing or retained in Diocesan Registry
DDR/EA/BEP/4/868   22 June 1999
Establishment of "The Durham Saint Giles and Belmont Group Ministry" comprising the benefice of Belmont and the benefice of St Giles, Durham.
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/869   13 August 1999
Creation of plurality of benefice of Stockton on Tees, St James (Hardwick) and benefice of Stockton on Tees, St John the Baptist. Designation of 1st inc. Pat : right of presentation to be exercised by Bishop of Durham. Hardwick pars tranferred to DBF.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/870   1 September 1999
Alteration of parish boundaries of parishes of Hart; Holy Trinity, Hartlepool and St Luke, Hartlepool. A portion of St Luke, Hartlepool and a portion of Holy Trinity, Hartlepool to be transferred to the parish of Hart.
Pastoral order
DDR/EA/BEP/4/871   12 October 1999
Creation of united benefices of Haswell, Shotton and Thornley, of Wheatley Hill and Wingate with Hutton Henry (formerly known as Wingate Grange), and of Easington, Easington Colliery and South Hetton (all parishes continue distinct). Establishment of Group Ministry for first two benefices (The Shotton and Wingate Group Ministry)
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/872   12 October 1999
Creation of united benefice of Harlow Green and Lamesley
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/873   12 October 1999
Creation of united benefice of Shildon with Eldon, and of united parish of Shildon (New Shildon All Saints and Shildon). Redundancy of New Shildon All Saints
Order in Council
DDR/EA/BEP/4/873A   14 December 1999
Discontinuance of burials in Dipton St John churchyard (and 7 other burial grounds within other dioceses)
Order in Council
Archdeacons' copies of orders in council
DDR/EA/BEP/5/1   1946-1953
1 folder   
Letters from Church Commissioners accompanying copies of Orders in Council relating to Durham archdeaconry, specifically items 497, 505-511, 516 from series DDR/EA/BEP/4.
The copies of Orders in Council (mainly in the form of reprints from The London Gazette and copy plans) have been either incorporated within the above series (chiefly by the Diocesan Registry) or (if duplicates) destroyed.

Correspondence relating to orders in council etc
DDR/EA/BEP/6   1837-1889, 1991
½ box   
Mainly covering letters from the Privy Council office, originally accompanying Orders in Council, and including a brief description of the purpose of each order (1837-1889). Also a letter relating to orders in council for closing burial grounds (1991).

Agreements for establishing conventional districts
DDR/EA/BEP/7   1950-1996
1 box   
Agreements between the bishop, incumbent and patron (occasionally also the curate-in-charge designate) for the formation of new conventional districts, together with correspondence and occasionally other documents (licences for curates-in-charge, solemnisation of marriages etc).
DDR/EA/CHS: The Sharing of Church Buildings and the Designation of Parish Centres of Worship
DDR/EA/CLV: Curates-in-Charge of Conventional Districts

DDR/EA/BEP/7/1   1 May 1950
Newton Aycliffe St Clare (Aycliffe, Shildon, Auckland St Andrew with St Anne and Heighington parishes)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/2   15 December 1950
Thorney Close St Peter (Herrington parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/3   15 December 1950
Humbledon St Mary the Virgin (Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/4   1951
Pennywell St Thomas (South Hylton St Mary and Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel parishes)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/5   1 July 1956
Roseworth St Chad (Norton St Mary parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/6   September 1961
Owton Manor St James (Seaton Carew Holy Trinity parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/7   1962
Stockton-on-Tees St Mark (Stockton-on-Tees St Paul, St Peter and St Chad parishes)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/8   14 July 1965
Harlow Green (Eighton Banks St Thomas parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/9   22 September 1965
Town End Farm (Castletown St Margaret parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/10   16 November 1966
Leam Lane St Andrew (Heworth St Mary parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/11   1 February 1979
Stockton St John (Stockton-on-Tees St Peter with St John the Baptist parish), with later licences for performance of divine service and solemnisation of marriages (1979-1983)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/12   31 March 1979
Darlington St Hilda with St Columba (Darlington St Cuthbert parish and Darlington St Hilda with St James united benefice)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/13   31 October 1982
Woodhouse Close (Auckland St Andrew with St Anne united benefice), with earlier licence for solemnisation of marriages and Sharing Agreement (1980)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/14   12 February 1984
Harton St Lawrence (Harton St Peter parish), with earlier licence for solemnisation of marriages (1971)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/15   14 March 1990
Nevilles Cross St John (Durham St Margaret parish)
DDR/EA/BEP/7/16   15 April 1996
Blackwell All Saints and Salutation (Darlington Holy Trinity and St Cuthbert parishes)
The correspondence relating to the formation of Conventional Districts formerly referenced under DDR/EA/BEP/8 is now listed under DDR/EA/BEP/12/2 below.
NONE (reference not used) 
Correspondence relating to war reorganisation measures
DDR/EA/BEP/9   1943-1951
1 bundle   
Correspondence and documents relating to reorganisation schemes and other matters falling under the war reorganisation measures.

DDR/EA/BEP/9/1   1943
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas: orders deferring restoration of church and parsonage house
DDR/EA/BEP/9/2   1943
Hendon St Barnabas: order deferring restoration
DDR/EA/BEP/9/3   1946
South Shields St Thomas Westoe: re-opening after closure in 1944
DDR/EA/BEP/9/4   1948-1949
Sunderland St John, Deptford St Andrew, Bishopwearmouth St Peter and Bishopwearmouth St Thomas: reorganisation
DDR/EA/BEP/9/5   1951
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas: disposal of altar vessels retrieved from church (destroyed by bombing)
DDR/EA/BEP/9/6   1941-1944
Printed pamphlets relating to War Damage Acts and Diocesan Reorganisation Committees Measure 1941, with letter dated 12 January 1942 from Diocesan Secretary concerning arrangements in Durham, with details of claims received and financial statements
Printed items are catalogued within the Library printed catalogue, and can be found by doing a shelfmark search for DDR/EA/BEP/9/6.
Precedents relating to reorganisation schemes
DDR/EA/BEP/10   1948-1991
½ box   
Correspondence and formal documents relating to a variety of schemes for reorganisation of pastoral supervision, retained as precedents for the registry. As well as papers relating to the orders in Council or pastoral schemes, there are licences, draft consecration deeds, presentations etc.
The frequency of new or revised pastoral and reorganisation measures passed during the 20th century has introduced many different procedures and documents to effect pastoral reorganisation schemes. (See background notes within Administrative Histories for the Durham Diocesan Records). Samples of documents relating to all the procedures involved in different cases have previously been retained by the diocesan registry as precedents.

DDR/EA/BEP/10/1   1948-1949
Lobley Hill All Saints: constitution of new parish and consecration of church
DDR/EA/BEP/10/2   1950-1952
Hartlepool Holy Trinity: substitution of Hartlepool St Barnabas as parish church, in place of old church, under New Parishes Measure 1943
DDR/EA/BEP/10/3   1965-1966
Gateshead St Mary, Gateshead Holy Trinity and Gateshead St Aidan: union of benefices, with copy of Order in Council as DDR/EA/BEP/4/572
DDR/EA/BEP/10/4   1972-1979
Oxclose: formation of new benefice, and Group Ministry with Fatfield, Usworth and Washington. With copy of Order in Council as DDR/EA/BEP/4/600, documents relating to presentation and admission of incumbent for Oxclose (1972-1973), licensing of Blackfell Village Hall and designation as parish centre of worship (1972), licensing of Oxclose Church Centre and designation as parish centre of worship (1975), and institution to Washington Holy Trinity (1979)
DDR/EA/BEP/10/5   1983
Gateshead St Ninian Harlow Green: creation of new benefice and parish
DDR/EA/BEP/10/6   1983-1984
Ferryhill St Luke: pastoral scheme for appropriation of part of churchyard as site for parish centre
DDR/EA/BEP/10/7   1985-1986
South Shields St Stephen: faculty application to allow school to take over part of closed churchyard for playing field (rejected by Chancellor, to be achieved by Order in Council ? as DDR/EA/BEP/4/763). Includes copy of agreement with borough to lay out burial ground as an Open Space (1949, see faculty papers DDR/EJ/FAC/3/3263).
DDR/EA/BEP/10/8   1987
Bishopwearmouth: possible pastoral scheme in relation to appropriation of (? part of) burial ground (and site of ? former National Society school and church hall) by local authority
DDR/EA/BEP/10/9   1991
Throston Grange (Hartlepool St Luke): establishment of Local Ecumenical Project
Papers relating to the formation of group and team ministries
DDR/EA/BEP/11   1975-1993
1 bundle   
Correspondence and formal documents relating to the formation of group councils (for newly-formed group ministries) and district church councils (for newly-formed team ministries), possibly retained as precedents
DDR/EA/CLT: Team and Group Ministers

DDR/EA/BEP/11/1   18 March 1975
Group Council for Greenside St John, Hedgefield St Hilda and Ryton benefices (formed as a Group Ministry by pastoral scheme as DDR/EA/BEP/4/617)
DDR/EA/BEP/11/2   1 February 1979
Group Council for Stockton-on-Tees St Peter, Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity and Stockton-on-Tees with Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist benefices (formed as a Group Ministry by pastoral scheme as DDR/EA/BEP/4/646)
DDR/EA/BEP/11/3   1984 and 1993
Two District Church Councils (DCCs) for Gateshead benefice (formed as a Team Ministry by pastoral scheme as DDR/EA/BEP/4/721), viz St Edmund's DCC and St James and St Bede DCC (1984). With correspondence concerning chairmanship of St Edmund's DCC (1993).
DDR/EA/BEP/11/4   17 March 1993
Two District Church Councils (DCCs) for Bensham benefice (formed as a Team Ministry by pastoral scheme as DDR/EA/BEP/4/798), viz St Chad's DCC and The DCC of St Paul's
General Papers and correspondence relating to pastoral reorganisations
Reference: DDR/EA/BEP/12
Dates of creation: 1925-1943
Extent: 1 bundle
DDR/EA/BEP/12/1   1925
Draft commission to enquire into possible new district to be formed from parts of Darlington St Paul and Haughton-le-Skerne parishes. With (probably acquired as exemplars) draft commissions from the archbishop of York (for new parish of Sutton St Michael), and from bishop of Newcastle (for new district of Newcastle St Monica).
DDR/EA/BEP/12/2   1928
Correspondence and sample documents in relation to the formation of Conventional Districts, and to the nomination and licensing of curates-in-charge for them
DDR/EA/BEP/12/3   1943
Printed copy of New Parishes measure 1943, with memorandum issued by Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Pastoral Schemes etc (21st century)
DDR/EA/BEP/13   2000-2007
3 folders   
Copies of pastoral schemes and orders, supplied by Church Commissioners to diocesan officers. Except as stated, all are pastoral schemes confirmed by Order in Council until May 2005 (the date being the date of confirmation), or pastoral schemes made by the Church Commissioners from 1st June 2005 (the date being the date of the scheme).
Arranged and referenced by year. Some copies include 'OC' or 'PO' reference numbers allotted by the Diocesan Registry (as for the earlier series of Orders in Council at DDR/EA/BEP/4), but these have been ignored within the following list. As for the earlier series, parish and benefice names have often been 'normalised' in the list following to facilitate searching, and do not necessarily follow the exact spelling or format of the legal names used within the documents.

DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.1   8 February 2000
Redundancy scheme for Bishopwearmouth Christ Church, to be sold and appropriated for worship according to rites and customs of Sikh religion
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.2   15 March 2000
Termination of plurality or Crook and Stanley [St Thomas]. Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Satley and Tow Law, and Stanley, to form Satley, Stanley and Tow Law benefice.
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.3   15 March 2000
Termination of plurality of Billingham St Mary Magdalene and Wolviston. Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Grindon and Stillington, and Wolviston, to form Grindon, Stillington and Wolviston benefice, and inclusion of new benefice within Group Ministry established 1989
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.4   15 March 2000
Creation of Neville's Cross St John parish from part of Durham St Margaret (with plan). Consecrated church of St John to be parish church. Alteration of name of benefice to Durham St Margaret and Neville's Cross St John.
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.5   14 June 2000
Rename Shildon with Eldon benefice to Shildon, creation of new Eldon benefice, and union of benefices (but not parishes) of Coundon and Eldon to form Coundon and Eldon benefice. Group Ministry for both Coundon and Eldon and Shildon benefices
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.6   12 July 2000
Termination of Stanley Team Ministry (established 1988). Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Tanfield and Stanley to form Stanley and Tanfield benefice. Team Ministry for new benefice
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2000.7   30 August 2000
Pastoral Order for plurality of Hebburn St John and Jarrow Grange Christ Church
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2001.1   9 June 2001
Termination of Stanley and Tanfield Team Ministry (established 2000). Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Stanley and Tanfield, and South Moor St George, to form "the benefice of Christ the King comprising the parishes of Tanfield, Stanley and South Moor." Team Ministry for new benefice
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2002.1   17 April 2002
Union of parishes of Blackhall St Andrew and Monkhesleden St John with St Mary to form Blackhall and Hesleden parish, with Blackhall St Andrew being parish church. Monkhesleden St John declared redundant
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2002.2   16 July 2002
Termination of plurality of Durham St Cuthbert and Witton Gilbert (made 1997). Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Durham St Cuthbert, Witton Gilbert, Newton Hall and Sacriston with Kimblesworth, to form Durham North Team Ministry, and establishment of Team Ministry
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2002.3   16 July 2002
Union of benefices and parishes of Sherburn with Pittington (Pittington and Sherburn parishes) and Shadforth St Cuthbert, to form Pittington, Shadforth and Sherburn benefice/parish, all three existing parish churches to be parish churches of new parish.
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2002.4   22 October 2002
Redundancy scheme for New Shildon All Saints, to be appropriated to residential use and sold, subject to rights of way and access (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2002.5   22 October 2002
Creation of new benefice of Seaham Harbour St John, comprising renamed parish of Seaham Harbour. Benefice and parish of Seaham with Seaham Harbour renamed Seaham St Mary the Virgin
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.1   25 March 2003
Pastoral order for plurality of Dawdon St Hild and St Helen and Seaham Harbour St John
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.2   16 April 2003
Pastoral order for amending Chilton, Cornforth and Ferryhill Group Ministry (established 1997) by removing benefice of Chilton St Aidan, and renaming as Cornforth and Ferryhill Group Ministry
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.3   16 April 2003
Pastoral order for plurality of Middleton St George and Sadberge St Andrew
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.4   17 July 2003
Declaration of redundancy of part of Pallion St Luke (with plan), to be appropriated for any ecclesiastical purpose and for cultural and community purposes
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.5   17 July 2003
Creation of new benefice and parish of Doxford St Wilfrid from parts of Silksworth St Matthew and Ryhope parishes. Establishment of South Sunderland Group Ministry for Doxford St Wilfrid, Silksworth St Matthew and Ryhope benefices
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.6   8 October 2003
Union of parishes of Eppleton and Hetton le Hole to form Eppleton and Hetton le Hole parish, Eppleton All Saints declared redundant. With determination of effective date of redundancy by Church Commissioners
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.7   8 October 2003
Dissolution of Longnewton with Elton benefice and creation of new benefices of Longnewton and Elton. Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Longnewton and Preston upon Tees All Saints to form Preston-on-Tees and Longnewton. Plurality of Stockton St Mark and Elton benefices
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.8   8 October 2003
Union of benefices and parishes of Castletown St Margaret (North Hylton), Southwick [Holy Trinity], Southwick St Columba, Sunderland St Cuthbert (Red House) and Sunderland St Bede (Town End Farm), to form North Wearside benefice and parish. Parish churches to be St Margaret, Holy Trinity, St Columba and St Cuthbert. Team Ministry established for new benefice
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.9   17 October 2003
Pastoral order to rename benefice and parish of Heworth St Alban as Windy Nook St Alban
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.10   13 November 2003
Redundancy scheme for Monkhesleden St John, to be appropriated to residential, studio and workshop use and sold. With determination of effective date by Church Commissioners
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2003.11   10 December 2003
Dissolution of benefice and parish of Chilton, and transfer into parish of Great Aycliffe to be renamed Great Aycliffe and Chilton
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.1   11 February 2004
Declaration of redundancy of Castletown St Margaret. With determination of effective date by Church Commissioners
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.2   11 February 2004
Union of benefices and parishes of Lobley Hill All Saints and Marley Hill St Cuthbert to form Hillside (Lobley Hill and Marley Hill), both All Saints and St Cuthbert to be parish churches
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.3   11 February 2004
Closure of Marley Hill St Cuthbert churchyard
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.4   11 February 2004
Termination of pluralities of Stanhope with Frosterley and Eastgate with Rookhope (established 1986 by pastoral scheme), and of Heathery Cleugh, Weardale St John and Westgate (established 1986 by pastoral order). Union of benefices (but not parishes) of Eastgate with Rookhope, Heathery Cleugh, Weardale St John, Stanhope with Frosterley and Westgate, to form Upper Weardale
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.5   19 February 2004
Pastoral Order for plurality of Bishopton with Great Stainton in plurality with Redmarshall St Cuthbert, and Grindon, Stillington and Wolviston
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.6   10 March 2004
Declaration of redundancy of Hetton-le-Hole St Nicholas
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.7   10 March 2004
Union of benefices and parishes of Stella St Cuthbert and Swalwell Holy Trinity to form Blaydon and Swalwell, churches of St Cuthbert and Holy Trinity to be parish churches
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.8   6 May 2004
Declaration of redundancy of Gateshead Christ Church (in Bensham parish). With determination of effective date by Church Commissioners
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.9   27 July 2004
Restoration of Brancepeth St Brandon to use as a church. With determination of effective date by Church Commissioners
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.10   13 October 2004
Transfer of Ushaw Moor St Luke parish from Bearpark and Ushaw Moor benefice (renamed Bearpark) to Brandon St John the Evangelist benefice (renamed Brandon and Ushaw Moor)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.11   14 October 2004
Pastoral Order for alteration of areas of Heworth St Mary and Hebburn St John parishes (with plan)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.12   17 November 2004
Declaration of redundancy of Sacriston St Peter
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.13   17 November 2004
Union of parishes of Haswell St Paul and Thornley to form Haswell and Thornley, St Paul's to be parish church. Declaration of redundancy of Thornley St Bartholomew (Kelloe)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2004.14   16 December 2004
Union of benefices and parishes of Sedgefield, Bishop Middleham and The Trimdons (Trimdon and Trimdon Station St Alban and St Paul parishes), to form Upper Skerne benefice and parish. Sedgefield ST Edmund, Bishop Middleham St Michael, Trimdon St Mary Magdalene, Trimdon Grange St Alban and Trimdon St Paul to be parish churches. Team Ministry for new benefice
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.1   9 February 2005
Dissolution of Bearpark benefice and transfer of Bearpark St Edmund parish into Durham North Team Ministry
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.2   9 February 2005
Termination of plurality of Herington and Shiney Row St Oswald (established 1973). Union of benefices and parishes of Herrington, Penshaw and Shiney Row St Oswald, to form Herrington, Penshaw and Shiney Row benefice and parish. Penshaw All Saints and Shiney Row St Oswald to be parish churches
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.3   1 June 2005
Transfer of part of detached burial ground of Durham St Nicholas in Board of Finance and appropriation for any ecclesiastical purpose (with plan). With determination of effective date and covering letter
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.4   6 June 2005
Termination of plurality of Hawthorn St Michael and Dalton le Dale (established 1987). Creation of new benefice and parish of Murton Holy Trinity from part of Dalton le Dale (with plan). Union of benefice (but not parish) with Hawthorn St Michael to form Hawthorn and Murton benefice. Union of (remainder of) benefice of Dalton le Dale and New Seaham Christ Church to form Dalton le Dale and New Seaham benefice (parishes continue distinct).
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.5   6 June 2005
Declaration of redundancy of Hedgefield St Hilda. Union of parishes of Ryton and Hedgefield St Hilda to form Ryton parish, and change of name of Ryton with Hedgefield benefice to Ryton, Ryton Holy Cross to be parish church. With determination of effective date
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.6   24 June 2005
Union of benefices and parishes of Hebburn St Cuthbert and Hebburn St Oswald to form Hebburn St Cuthbert and St Oswald, both St Cuthbert and St Oswald remaining as parish churches
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.7   18 November 2005
Redundancy scheme for Gateshead St Cuthbert, to be appropriated to use for worship by Society of Pius X, and land annexed to use as an open space, both to be sold (? draft not confirmed, see later scheme at DDR/EA/BEP/13/2006.4)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2005.8   29 December 2005
Redundancy scheme for Castletown St Margaret, to be demolished and site sold. With covering letters
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2006.1   14 June 2006
Redundancy scheme for Hetton le Hole St Nicholas (covering letters only, copy of scheme not included)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2006.2   25 July 2006
Redundancy scheme for Hedgefield St Hilda, to be appropriated to use for creche and children's play centre, to be sold
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2006.3   10 August 2006
Redundancy scheme for Thornley St Bartholomew (Kelloe), to be demolished, site and part of land annexed to be appropriated to residential use and sold, remaining part to continue in use as burial ground (with plan and covering letter)
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2006.4   14 November 2006
Redundancy scheme for Gateshead St Cuthbert, to be appropriated to use for worship by Society of St Pius X or any other Christian body designated by Bishop of Durham and for community purposes. With covering letters
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2007.1   24 January 2007
Redundancy scheme for Eppleton All Saints, to be appropriated to use for residential purposes and sold, with covering letters
DDR/EA/BEP/13/2007.2   4 April 2007
Order in Council for closure of New Shildon All Saints churchyard (with plan)
The return of augmentations of benefices previously referenced under DDR/EA/BEA/1 is now listed under DDR/EA/BEM/1/9 below.
NONE (reference not used) 
Benefice Income and Fees
Reference: DDR/EA/BEI
Commissioners' grants to benefices
DDR/EA/BEI/1   1921-1960
2½ boxes   
Instruments from the Ecclesiastical/Church Commissioners awarding grants to particular benefices, with schedules of benefices (countrywide). The schedules include the amount of the grant and the date when it is first payable, as well as a note of any conditions attaching to the grant. Covering letters from the Commissioners are also sometimes included. Arranged by date of instrument.

Tables of surplice fees
DDR/EA/BEI/2   [1813?], 1866-1961
1 small tray and 1 box   
Tables of fees fixed by the Chancellor of the diocese (before 1921), or by the Ecclesiastical/Church Commissioners (from 1938). Some correspondence also survives with the tables, especially for the earlier ones.
Only contains material relating to County Durham parishes and chapelries. Tables of fees for Northumberland if they survive should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Sorted by date, and each date then arranged by parish

Correspondence concerning surplice fees
DDR/EA/BEI/3   1920, 1936-1937, 1962, 1972-1974
1 bundle   
Correspondence and notes relating to the fixing of surplice fees. Includes papers concerning fees for burials in a crematorium or cemetery chapel.

Reference: DDR/EA/BED DDR/EA/PHL: Loans and Mortgages for Repairs to Parsonage Houses

List of Dilapidations Act documents
DDR/EA/BED/1/1   25 August 1900-9 October 1925
1 volume   
Volume containing list of documents issued under the 1871 Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, numbers 429-1137 (headed “continued from old index”). Includes details of registry fees paid.
Formerly accessioned as DDR vols 1969/xi

1871 Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act papers
DDR/EA/BED/2   1872-1911
7 boxes   
Orders for dilapidations, with schedules of repairs, and surveyors' certificates of completion, together with some other papers.
Note that this class contains only material relating to County Durham parishes and chapelries. Similar material for Northumberland if it survives (including pre-1882 material) should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Although included in the list compiled by the Diocesan Registry (and below), dilapidations papers are not held from 1911-1926 (numbers 739-1139), except for two stray deposits (numbers 832A and 1057). The Parsonages Board holds records dating from its creation in 1926, but the 1911-1926 records appear to have been lost.
Numbered approximately by the date of the bishops' orders for dilapidation - certificates of completion may be dated some months or years later.
The catalogue below is based on the list compiled and maintained by the Diocesan Registry. This lists the documents in strict date (not number) order, sometimes listing orders and certificates for the same item separately.

DDR/EA/BED/2/4   27 April 1872
West Hartlepool
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/7   29 May 1872, 8 October 1873
Elwick Hall
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/8   4 June 1872, 10 August 1875
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/10   27 July 1872, 14 January 1874, 11 March 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
Copy mortgage deed under section 62
DDR/EA/BED/2/11   27 July 1872
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/12   27 July 1872, 14 October 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/13   24 September 1892, 25 July 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/14   10 October 1872
South Shields Holy Trinity
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/15   10 October 1872, 10 August 1875
South Hylton
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/16   10 October 1872, 6 October 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/17   10 October 1872, 10 November 1872
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/18   16 October 1872, 11 December 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/19   16 November 1872
South Hylton
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/20   4 January 1873, 10 August 1875, 22 November 1873
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
Copy mortgage under section 62
Copy mortgage kept with DDR Copy QAB/CC mortgages no.118
DDR/EA/BED/2/21   20 February 1873, 24 November 1873
Durham St Giles
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/27   22 August 1873
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/32   29 October 1873
As noted in the manuscript list, "There are 2 Cert[ificate]s which seem to be nearly of one form"
Certificate under section 46
Noted in manuscript list, "See also Sections 12 and 17"
Certificate under sections 12, 17, 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/34   13 February 1874, 2 October 1875
Darlington St Cuthbert
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/34A   6 October 1875
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/34B   16 October 1875
Haverton Hill
Certificate under section 46
Not found (n.b. item not numbered in manuscript list)
DDR/EA/BED/2/36   5 April 1874
Copy mortgage under section 62
Copy mortgage kept with DDR Copy QAB/CC mortgages no.119
DDR/EA/BED/2/37   17 April 1874, 10 June 1874
Frosterley St Michael
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/39   26 June 1874, 20 January 1875
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/42   29 September 1874, 18 November 1874
Seaham Harbour
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/43   30 November 1874
Haswell St Paul
Copy mortgage under section 62
Copy mortgage kept with DDR Copy QAB/CC mortgages no.120
DDR/EA/BED/2/44   18 November 1874, 15 May 1876, 30 October 1876
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Order under section 34
Certificate of completion
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/45   18 November 1874, 28 August 1876
Bishop Middleham
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/46   18 November 1874, 28 October 1875
Auckland St Andrew
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/47   7 December 1874, 22 July 1876
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/48   9 January 1875, 15 April 1878
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/49   9 January 1875, 9 February 1877
Hartlepool St Hilda
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/50   18 March 1875, 29 January 1880
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/53   24 September 1895, 28 November 1878
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/54   28 October 1875, 27 November 1877
Byers Green
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/56   28 October 1875, 28 November 1878
Jarrow St Paul
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/57   28 October 1875, 8 October 1878
West Rainton
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/60   17 January 1876
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/61   5 February 1876, 7 March 1878
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/64   29 May 1876, 12 December 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/65   29 May 1876, 23 February 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/66   29 May 1876, 6 September 1877
Durham St Oswald
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/67   19 July 1876, 11 July 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/68   5 October 1876, 6 April 1878
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/69   1 November 1876, 10 November 1876
Middleton in Teesdale
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/71   11 January 1877, 14 August 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/72   14 February 1877, 12 February 1879
Middleton St George
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/73   16 March 1877, 27 March 1878
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/74   27 March 1877, 6 July 1882
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 50
DDR/EA/BED/2/75   21 April 1877, 14 August 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/76   21 April 1877, 10 August 1877
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/81   13 November 1877, 27 May 1879
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/81A   27 November 1877
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/82   19 December 1877
Gateshead St Edmund
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/84   2 January 1878, 6 April 1878
Heworth St Mary
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/85   26 January 1878
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/86   26 January 1878
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/87   9 March 1878
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/89   3 May 1878
South Hetton
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/93   1 November 1878, 23 March 1880
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/95   1 November 1878
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/97   2 May 1879, 29 November 1879
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/98   2 May 1879, 4 May 1880
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/99   24 July 1879
West Hartlepool
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/100   27 August 1879, 24 August 1880
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/101   10 September 1879, 16 July 1880
New Shildon
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/103   23 September 1879, 22 April 1880
Usworth Holy Trinity
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/104   21 November 1879
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/106   18 March 1880
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/107   23 March 1880
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/110   6 May 1880, 8 June 1880
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/111   5 August 1880
Durham St Giles
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/113   30 August 1880, 30 August 1880, 17 May 1882
Order under section 34
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 47
DDR/EA/BED/2/114   7 September 1880
Elwick Hall
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/115   13 September 1880, 8 September 1881
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/120   June 1880
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/123   5 February 1881, 1 October 1881
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/127   1 April 1881, 10 November 1880
Durham Cathedral
Certificate under section 27
Certificate under section 27
DDR/EA/BED/2/128   8 April 1881, 4 October 1882
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/132   6 December 1881, 9 April 1883
Certificate under section 46
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/135   4 May 1881
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/136   8 June 1881, 1 October 1881
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/137   8 July 1881
South Shields Holy Trinity
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/138   5 July 1881
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/140   20 September 1881
Certificate under section 50
DDR/EA/BED/2/141   4 November 1881, 13 June 1883
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/143   4 November 1881, 6 October 1882
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/144   2 December 1881
Durham Cathedral
Certificate under section 27
DDR/EA/BED/2/145   31 December 1881, 31 July 1882
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/148   30 January 1882
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/150   10 February 1882, 30 October 1882
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/152   10 March 1882, 19 July 1882
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/154   10 March 1882
Gateshead St Mary
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/158   1 April 1882, 13 January 1883
Gateshead St James
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/159   1 April 1882, 15 November 1882
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/160   31 July 1882, 21 July 1883
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/161   16 November 1882, 23 January 1885
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/162   6 December 1882, 25 October 1883
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/163   19 January 1883
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/164   15 March 1883
Durham St Nicholas
Order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/165   27 March 1883
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/166   21 April 1883
Bishop Middleham
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/167   23 May 1883
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/168   13 July 1883
Durham Cathedral first canonry
Certificate under section 46
This certificate is annexed to the Commis approval of C Hodgson Fowler as surveyor, registered and filed as a deed see D
DDR/EA/BED/2/169   18 July 1883, 20 November 1883
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/170   18 July 1883, 21 July 1883
South Shields St Hilda
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/171   21 August 1883, 22 August 1883
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/172   28 September 1883
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/173   10 October 1883, 4 December 1883
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/174   31 October 1883
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/175   20 November 1883
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/176   5 October 1883, 19 January 1884
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/177   6 January 1884
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate under section 27
This certificate is annexed to the comms approval of C Hodgson Fowler as surveyor registered and filed as a deed in D
DDR/EA/BED/2/178   7 February 1884
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/179   14 February 1884, 31 October 1884
Auckland St Andrew
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/180   25 February 1884
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/181   15 March 1884, 28 October 1884
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/182   25 April 1884, 6 November 1884
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/183   2 June 1884, 18 March 1885
Sunderland St Mark
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/184   28 July 1884, 5 December 1884
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/185   28 July 1884, 24 November 1885
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/186   28 July 1884, 20 April 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/187   23 August 1884
Fir Tree
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/188   10 September 1884
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/189   25 September 1884, 28 October 1884
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/190   31 December 1884, 12 May 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/191   27 January 1885, 15 May 1886
Wingate Grange
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/192   20 March 1885
West Hartlepool Christ Church
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/193   12 May 1885, 12 May 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/194   12 May 1885, 25 August 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/195   12 May 1885, 27 September 1886
Darlington St John
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/196   13 July 1885
Stella St Cuthbert
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/197   13 July 1885, 2 March 1886
Stranton All Saints
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/198   2 July 1885
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/199   6 July 1885, 6 April 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/200   8 July 1885
West Rainton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/201   13 July 1885, 9 January 1885
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/202   7 August 1885, 23 August 1886
Castle Eden
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/203   14 September 1885, 17 September 1885
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/204   14 September 1885, 3 April 1889
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/205   6 October 1885, 8 June 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/206   6 October 1885
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/207   30 October 1885
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/208   30 October 1885
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/209   14 October 1885, 30 March 1886
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/210   14 October 1885, 20 August 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/211   21 December 1885
Elwick Hall
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/212   6 January 1886
Durham St Giles
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/213   8 February 1886
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/214   29 January 1886, 2 July 1886
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/215   29 January 1866, 19 June 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/216   2 April 1886, 29 July 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/217   2 April 1886
South Shields St Thomas
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/218   21 August 1886
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/219   21 August 1886
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/220   25 August 1886
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/221   6 October 1886, 4 May 1886
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/222   15 October 1886
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/223   22 December 1886, 4 May 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/224   8 January 1887, 21 August 1888
Haughton le Skerne
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/225   9 April 1887, 10 December 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/226   18 May 1887
DDR/EA/BED/2/227   20 May 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/228   26 July 1887
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/229   25 July 1887, 28 July 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/230   24 September 1887, 20 December 1889
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/231   24 September 1887, 22 November 1887
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/232   22 December 1887
Durham Cathedral tenth canonry
Certificate under section 27
This certificate is annexed to the comms approval of C H Fowler surveyor registered and filed as a deed see bundle D
DDR/EA/BED/2/233   26 January 1888
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/234   16 May 1886
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/235   14 April 1888, 22 October 1888
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/236   25 July 1888, 20 December 1889
Middleton St George
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/237   9 November 1888
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/238   8 November 1888
South Shields St Simon
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/239   8 November 1888, 13 April 1889
Tow Law
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/240   29 November 1888, 11 April 1889
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/241   30 April 1889, 5 January 1891
Witton Gilbert
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/242   10 May 1889, 5 June 1890
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/243   24 November 1888
Stillington St John
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/244   28 June 1889, 5 June 1890
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/245   19 September 1889
Jarrow St Paul
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/245A   27 August 1889, 28 February 1890
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/246   5 October 1889, 26 August 1891
Forest and Frith St James
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/247   20 December 1889
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/248   28 July 1888
Durham Cathedral first canonry
Certificate under section 27
Certificate with commissioners approval of C H Fowler annexed, registered and filed with deeds see D
DDR/EA/BED/2/249   15 December 1888
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate under section 27
Certificate filed with deeds see bundle D
DDR/EA/BED/2/250   14 May 1890
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Certificate under section 47
DDR/EA/BED/2/251   16 May 1890, 5 July 1890
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/252   16 May 1890, 27 August 1890
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/253   16 May 1890, 20 May 1891
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/254   3 July 1890
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/255   31 July 1890
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/256   27 August 1890
Bishop Middleham
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/257   12 September 1890
Auckland St Andrew
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/258   12 September 1890
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/259   25 October 1890, 14 December 1891
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/260   25 October 1890, 1 December 1892
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/261   15 November 1890
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/262   15 November 1890
West Hartlepool
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/263   6 November 1890, 29 August 1891
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/264   9 February 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/265   21 February 1891, 21 July 1892
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/266   24 February 1891
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/267   26 February 1891
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/268   8 April 1891
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/269   27 May 1891
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/270   5 June 1891, 6 July 1891
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/271   5 June 1891, 20 July 1891
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/272   5 June 1891, 29 August 1891
Sunderland St John
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/273   16 June 1891, 13 July 1893
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/274   16 June 1891, 12 October 1891
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/275   16 June 1891, 17 June 1893
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/276   29 July 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/277   24 July 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/278   30 July 1891
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/279   14 August 1891, 21 November 1892
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/280   26 August 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/281   15 October 1891, 29 March 1894
Elwick Hall
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/282   9 November 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/283   7 November 1891, 3 June 1892
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/284   7 November 1891, 16 December 1891
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/285   18 November 1891
Darlington Holy Trinity
Surveyor's report
DDR/EA/BED/2/286   5 December 1891, 26 December 1892
Durham St Giles
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/287   14 December 1891
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/288   23 December 1891, 5 October 1892
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/289   12 January 1892, 30 June 1892
South Shields St Hilda
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/290   20 January 1892, 14 November 1893
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/291   20 January 1892, 8 November 1892
Sunderland St Stephen
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/292   2 February 1892, 20 September 1893
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/293   20 February 1892, 22 August 1892
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/294   8 April 1892, 26 December 1892
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/295   25 April 1892, 29 January 1894
South Hetton
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/296   12 May 1892
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/297   28 June 1892, 5 October 1892
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/298   28 June 1892, 13 October 1893
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/299   13 July 1892
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/300   13 July 1892
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/301   1 August 1892, 7 June 1894
Great Stainton
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/302   1 August 1892, 26 June 1893
Bishop's order
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/303   5 August 1892, 12 August 1892
Seaton Carew
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/304   6 August 1892
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/305   5 August 1892, 21 April 1893
Marley Hill
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/306   5 August 1892, 15 February 1893
Rekendyke St Jude
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/307   19 August 1892, 18 May 1894
Auckland St Helen
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/308   24 August 1892
Durham Cathedral fourth canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate filed with deeds
DDR/EA/BED/2/309   16 September 1892
South Shields St Stephen
Bishop's order under section 34
DDR/EA/BED/2/310   27 September 1892, 6 June 1893
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/311   22 October 1892
West Rainton
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/312   28 February 1893
South Shields St Mark
Surveyor's report
Among M B papers Sequons
DDR/EA/BED/2/313   20 May 1893, 20 June 1893
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/314   31 May 1893
Durham Cathedral tenth canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with surveyor's approval see separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/315   16 June 1893, 9 August 1893
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/316   16 June 1893, 11 January 1894
Southwick St Columba
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/317   20 June 1893
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/318   26 July 1893
Durham Cathedral first canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with surveyor's approval with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/319   29 July 1893
Eastgate All Saints
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/320   5 August 1893
South Shields Holy Trinity
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/321   11 August 1893, 20 September 1893
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/322   7 October 1893
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/323   28 November 1893, 13 January 1894
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Bishop's order under section 34
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/324   9 March 1894, 14 May 1895
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/325   15 March 1894, 17 October 1894
Gateshead St James
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/326   24 March 1894, 27 September 1894
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/327   30 March 1894, 24 January 1895
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/328   23 April 1894
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/329   17 April 1894, 23 August 1894
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/330   30 April 1894
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/331   3 May 1894
Certificate on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/332   30 May 1894
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/333   23 June 1894
Surveyor's report
held among sequestration papers for Denton (correspondence files)
DDR/EA/BED/2/334   28 July 1894
South Shields St Mark
Certificate under section 46 on sequestration
DDR/EA/BED/2/335   23 August 1894
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/336   3 October 1894
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/337   16 January 1895
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/338   11 April 1895, 28 June 1895
Usworth Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/339   10 June 1895, 29 October 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/340   31 July 1895
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with surveyor,s approval see separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/341   14 September 1895, 25 July 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/342   27 September 1895, 20 November 1895
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Bishop's order
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/343   5 October 1895, 29 November 1895
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/344   23 October 1895
Deanery of Durham
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with surveyor's approval see separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/345   1 November 1895
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/346   21 November 1895
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/347   3 December 1895, 27 March 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/348   3 December 1895, 1 May 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/349   23 December 1895
East Rainton
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/350   31 December 1895, 12 September 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/351   9 January 1896
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/352   25 January 1896
Durham St Cuthbert
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/353   8 February 1896, 16 October 1897
Byers Green
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/354   25 February 1896
Darlington St John
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/356   25 April 1896, 24 April 1896
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/357   5 May 1896, 10 August 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/358   1 June 1896
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/359   9 June 1896, 3 December 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/360   3 July 1896
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/361   11 July 1896, 5 August 1896
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/362   27 July 1896
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/363   8 August 1896, 23 November 1896
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate under section 46
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/364   25 August 1896
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/365   1 September 1896, 11 November 1896
Durham St Oswald
Bishop's order
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/366   26 September 1896
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/367   11 November 1896
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/368   16 March 1897
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/369   3 May 1897, 30 November 1897
Auckland St Peter
Bishop's order
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/370   10 May 1897
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/371   31 May 1897
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/372   11 June 1897
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/373   15 July 1897
Darlington St John
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/374   21 September 1897
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/375   19 October 1897
South Shields St Thomas
Surveyor's report
DDR/EA/BED/2/376   6 December 1897
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/377   8 December 1897
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
DDR/EA/BED/2/378   18 December 1897
Middleton in Teesdale
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/379   27 December 1897
Southwick St Columba
Certificate under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/380   13 January 1898
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/381   24 February 1898
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/382   25 February 1898
South Shields St Thomas
Certificate under section 46 on sequestration
DDR/EA/BED/2/383   7 March 1898
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/384   18 April 1898
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/385   30 April 1898
Southwick Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/386   18 April 1898
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/387   11 June 1898
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/388   9 July 1898
New Shildon
Certificate under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/389   12 July 1898
Certificate under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/390   19 July 1898
Durham Cathedral tenth canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/391   28 July 1898
Durham Cathedral first canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/392   19 August 1898
Certificate under section 46 on request of the late Canon Richmond
DDR/EA/BED/2/393   9 September 1898
Barnard Castle
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/394   21 September 1898
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate of completion under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/395   4 October 1898
Southwick Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/396   10 November 1898
Certificate of completion under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/397   15 November 1898
Gateshead Fell
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/398   12 December 1898
Certificate of completion under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/399   4 February 1899
Heworth St Alban
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/400   10 November 1898
Jarrow Grange Christ Church (Glebe Farm, Stamfordham only)
Certificate of completion under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/401   17 March 1899
Certificate of completion under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/402   11 April 1899
Marley Hill
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/403   4 January 1899
Certificate of completion under section 46 on request
DDR/EA/BED/2/404   20 May 1899
Heworth St Alban
Certificate of completion under section 46 on vacancy
DDR/EA/BED/2/405   29 June 1899
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/406   5 July 1899
Felling Christ Church
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/406A   5 July 1899
Noted: "This order was issued by mistake and was returned to Mr J G Wilson 20 July 1899"
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Bishop's order
Previously referenced 407 (in the manuscript list deposited with the collection)
Not held
DDR/EA/BED/2/407   1 August 1899
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/408   14 September 1899
Marley Hill
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/409   18 October 1899
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/410   9 November 1899
Castle Eden
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/411   20 December 1899
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/412   6 January 1900
Barnard Castle
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/413   17 January 1900
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/414   17 January 1900
Felling Christ Church
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/415   13 January 1900
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/416   24 February 1900
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/417   21 March 1900
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/418   24 March 1900
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/419   31 March 1900
South Hetton
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/420   10 May 1900
Gateshead St Edmund
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/421   5 June 1900
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/422   15 June 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/423   16 July 1900
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/424   30 July 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/425   8 August 1900
Gateshead St Edmund
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/426   8 August 1900
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/427   8 August 1900
Gateshead St James
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/428   21 August 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/429   25 August 1900
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
Certificate with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/430   22 September 1900
Hendon St Paul
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/431   22 September 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/432   1 October 1900
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/433   12 November 1900
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/434   12 November 1900
Auckland St Helen
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/435   17 November 1900
South Hylton
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/436   20 November 1900
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/437   21 November 1900
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/438   3 December 1900
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/439   3 December 1900
Hendon St Paul
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/440   4 December 1900
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/441   11 December 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/442   22 December 1900
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/443   22 December 1900
Hebburn St John
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/444   14 January 1901
Certificate under section 46 on sequestration
DDR/EA/BED/2/445   14 January 1901
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/446   26 January 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/447   7 February 1901
Forest and Frith
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/448   27 February 1901
Hebburn St John
Certificate of completion under section 46
DDR/EA/BED/2/449   27 February 1901
Sunderland St John
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/450   27 February 1901
Greenside St John
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/451   11 May 1901
Elwick Hall
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/452   1 June 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/453   1 June 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/454   1 June 1901
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/455   27 June 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/456   29 June 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/457   5 July 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/458   29 June 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/459   23 July 1901
Durham Cathedral
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/460   24 July 1901
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/461   31 July 1901
Greenside St John
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/462   1 August 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/463   26 August 1901
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/464   3 September 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/465   3 September 1901
Bishop Auckland
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/466   3 September 1901
Sunderland St John
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/467   14 September 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/468   15 September 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/469   8 October 1901
Noted as "issued under a misapprehension"
Gateshead St Mary
Certificate of completion
Not held
DDR/EA/BED/2/470   15 October 1901
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/471   26 October 1901
Darlington St James
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/472   26 October 1901
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/473   5 November 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/474   22 November 1901
Forest and Frith
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/475   30 November 1901
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/476   5 December 1901
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/477   5 December 1901
Gateshead St Mary
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/478   9 December 1901
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/479   9 December 1901
Gateshead St Mary
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/480   24 December 1901
Darlington St James
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/481   17 February 1902
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/482   26 March 1902
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/483   8 April 1902
Durham St Giles
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/484   31 May 1902
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/485   13 June 1902
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/486   17 June 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/487   7 July 1902
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/488   16 July 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/489   16 July 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/490   21 July 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/491   28 July 1902
Cassop cum Quarrington
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/492   18 September 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/493   20 September 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/494   20 September 1902
Durham St Giles
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/495   22 September 1902
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/496   25 October 1902
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/497   2 December 1902
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/498   2 February 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/498A   4 February 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/499   7 March 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/500   14 March 1903
Byers Green
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/501   28 March 1903
East Rainton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/502   1 April 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/503   6 June 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/504   6 June 1903
Haughton le Skerne
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/505   16 June 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/506   7 July 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/507   27 July 1903
Durham Cathedral first canonry
Certificate of completion under section 27
DDR/EA/BED/2/508   25 July 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/509   23 July 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/510   21 August 1903
Durham Cathedral
Certificate of completion under section 27
DDR/EA/BED/2/511   25 August 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/512   25 August 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/513   19 September 1903
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/514   19 September 1903
Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/515   24 October 1903
West Pelton
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/516   24 October 1903
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/517   27 August 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/518   26 November 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/519   25 November 1903
Durham St Cuthbert
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/520   10 December 1903
Thornley St Bartholomew Wolsingham
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/521   24 December 1903
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/522   9 January 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/523   9 January 1904
New Shildon
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/524   22 January 1904
Byers Green
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/525   29 January 1904
Durham St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/526   30 January 1904
Thornley St Bartholomew Wolsingham
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/527   16 February 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/528   4 March 1904
Durham St Margaret
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/529   4 March 1904
Darlington St Paul
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/530   7 March 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/531   15 March 1904
West Pelton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/532   20 April 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/533   21 April 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/534   16 April 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/535   4 May 1904
Cassop cum Quarrington
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/536   6 May 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/537   25 May 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/538   30 May 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/539   7 June 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/540   22 June 1904
Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/541   15 July 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/542   24 August 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/543   14 September 1904
New Shildon
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/544   14 September 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/545   19 September 1904
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/546   26 September 1904
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/547   21 October 1904
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/548   2 November 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/549   10 November 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/550   10 November 1904
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/551   10 November 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/552   18 November 1904
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/553   22 November 1904
South Shields St Hilda
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/554   5 December 1904
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/555   7 December 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/556   25 November 1904
DDR/EA/BED/2/557   19 December 1904
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/558   5 January 1905
Haughton le Skerne
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/559   24 January 1905
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/560   24 January 1905
Darlington St John
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/561   13 March 1905
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/562   10 April 1905
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/563   10 April 1905
Rekendyke St Jude
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/564   5 June 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/565   8 June 1905
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/566   8 June 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/567   15 June 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/568   16 June 1905
Darlington St John
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/569   29 June 1905
Great Stainton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/570   20 June 1905
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/571   14 November 1904
Seahouses Westoe
Surveyor's report
DDR/EA/BED/2/572   10 July 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/573   12 August 1905
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate of completion
Certificate with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/574   3 August 1905
Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/575   14 August 1905
South Shields St Thomas
Certificate of completion on sequestration
DDR/EA/BED/2/576   18 August 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/577   4 September 1905
Rekendyke St Jude
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/578   20 September 1905
Darlington Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/579   22 September 1905
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/580   20 September 1905
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/581   28 October 1905
South Shields St Hilda
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/582   11 November 1905
South Shields St Mark
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/583   9 November 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/584   16 November 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/585   7 December 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/586   8 December 1905
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/587   5 January 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/588   5 January 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/589   1 March 1906
Middleton St George
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/590   20 March 1906
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/591   9 April 1906
Auckland St Helen
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/592   15 May 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/593   1 June 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/594   11 June 1906
Gateshead St James
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/595   14 June 1906
Surveyor's report
DDR/EA/BED/2/596   19 June 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/597   30 June 1906
Eastgate All Saints
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/598   7 July 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/599   11 August 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/600   21 August 1906
Durham Cathedral third canonry
Certificate of completion
Certificate along with approval of surveyor by [can't read name] with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/601   4 September 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/602   19 September 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/603   4 October 1905
Gateshead St James
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/604   19 October 1906
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/605   25 October 1906
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/606   6 November 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/607   23 November 1906
Barnard Castle
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/608   10 December 1906
Durham Cathedral Durham Deanery
Certificate of completion
Certificate with separate bundle of Durham Canonries
DDR/EA/BED/2/609   10 December 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/610   21 December 1906
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/611   21 December 1906
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/612   4 January 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/613   14 January 1907
South Shields St Simon
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/614   25 January 1907
Bishop Auckland
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/615   30 January 1907
West Rainton
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/616   4 April 1907
Deaf Hill cum Langdale
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/617   27 April 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/618   29 June 1907
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/619   29 June 1907
Hebburn St Oswald
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/620   8 July 1907
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/621   8 July 1907
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/622   19 July 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/623   20 August 1907
Monk Hesleden
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/624   20 August 1907
Hartlepool St James
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/625   20 August 1907
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/626   22 August 1907
Eastgate All Saints
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/627   26 August 1907
Hebburn St Oswald
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/628   28 September 1907
Hartlepool St James
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/629   28 September 1907
Monk Hesleden
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/630   30 September 1907
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/631   30 September 1907
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/632   10 October 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/633   10 October 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/634   11 October 1907
West Rainton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/635   25 October 1907
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/636   28 October 1907
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/637   30 October 1907
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/638   11 November 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/639   12 November 1907
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/640   25 November 1907
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/641   25 November 1907
Durham Cathedral [?fourth] canonry
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/642   5 January 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/643   9 March 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/644   20 March 1908
Elwick Hall
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/645   14 May 1905
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/646   12 May 1908
South Hetton
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/647   29 May 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/648   26 June 1908
Auckland St Peter
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/649   24 July 1908
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/650   26 August 1908
South Hetton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/651   29 August 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/652   29 August 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/653   2 September 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/654   2 September 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/655   4 September 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/656   4 September 1908
Dalton-le-Dale Seaton Carew Farm
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/657   9 September 1908
Forest and Frith
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/658   12 September 1908
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/659   8 October 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/660   27 October 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/661   1 November 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/662   6 November 1908
Barnard Castle
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/663   11 November 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/664   13 November 1908
Jarrow St Paul
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/665   16 November 1908
Monk Hesleden St John
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/666   9 December 1908
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/667   12 December 1908
West Hartlepool Christ Church
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/668   17 December 1908
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/669   12 January 1909
Hartlepool St Paul
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/670   26 January 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/671   10 July 1909
Darlington St Hilda
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/672   10 February 1909
Auckland St Peter
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/673   15 February 1909
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/674   27 February 1909
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/675   13 March 1909
Seaton Carew
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/676   27 March 1909
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/677   27 March 1909
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/678   31 March 1909
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/679   10 April 1909
Monk Hesleden St John
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/680   7 May 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/681   8 June 1909
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/682   9 June 1909
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/683   3 July 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/684   10 July 1909
Seaton Carew
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/685   15 July 1909
Durham St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/686   24 July 1909
East Rainton
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/687   29 July 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/688   20 August 1909
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/689   29 September 1909
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/690   7 October 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/691   7 October 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/692   8 October 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/693   20 October 1909
Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/694   20 October 1909
Durham St Oswald
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/695   20 October 1909
Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/696   11 November 1909
South Shields St Aidan
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/697   12 November 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/698   23 November 1909
Fir Tree
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/699   1 December 1909
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/700   6 January 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/701   7 January 1910
Durham St Oswald
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/702   1 February 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/703   17 February 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/704   16 March 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/705   29 March 1910
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/706   30 March 1910
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/707   18 April 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/708   9 May 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/709   10 May 1910
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/710   23 May 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/711   24 May 1910
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/712   26 May 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/713   9 June 1910
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/714   11 June 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/715   28 June 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/716   22 July 1910
Haverton Hill
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/717   4 August 1910
East Rainton
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/718   12 August 1910
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/719   27 August 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/720   16 September 1910
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/721   23 September 1910
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/722   28 October 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/723   29 October 1910
Felling Christ Church
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/724   7 November 1910
Fir Tree
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/725   17 November 1910
Auckland Castle St Peter's Chapel
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/726   28 November 1910
Haverton Hill
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/726A   29 November 1910
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/727   1 December 1910
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/728   3 December 1910
Hartlepool St Paul
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/729   10 December 1910
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/730   10 December 1910
Chilton Moor
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/731   13 December 1910
Hendon St Paul
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/732   13 December 1910
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/733   13 December 1910
Durham St Margaret
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/734   25 January 1911
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Appointment of surveyor
DDR/EA/BED/2/735   26 January 1911
South Westoe
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/736   26 January 1911
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/737   26 January 1911
Hendon St Ignatius
Bishop's order
DDR/EA/BED/2/738   31 January 1911
South Shields St Hilda
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/739   10 February 1911
Durham Cathedral eleventh canonry
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/740   16 February 1911
Darlington St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/741   19 February 1911
Hendon St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/742   21 March 1911
Darlington St John
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/743   21 March 1911
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/744   10 April 1911
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/745   22 April 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/746   22 April 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/747   10 May 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/748   10 May 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/749   12 May 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/750   3 June 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/751   18 June 1911
Rekendyke St Jude
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/752   21 June 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/753   15 July 1911
Gateshead Fell
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/754   31 July 1911
Rekendyke St Jude
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/755   31 July 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/756   13 September 1911
South Westoe
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/757   14 September 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/758   11 September 1911
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/759   27 September 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/760   27 September 1911
Gateshead St Mary
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/761   27 September 1911
Darlington St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/762   16 October 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/763   23 October 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/764   2 November 1911
Darlington St Luke
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/765   3 November 1911
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/766   1 December 1911
Sunderland St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/767   11 December 1911
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/768   19 December 1911
Gateshead St Edmund
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/769   20 January 1912
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/770   2 February 1912
Durham St Margaret
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/771   24 February 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/772   24 February 1912
Auckland St Helen
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/773   26 February 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/774   27 February 1912
Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/775   4 March 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/776   4 March 1912
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/777   3 April 1912
Auckland St Andrew with St Anne UB
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/778   12 April 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/779   16 May 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/780   13 June 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/781   1 July 1912
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/782   19 July 1912
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/783   7 August 1912
Gateshead St Edmund
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/784   26 October 1912
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/785   4 November 1912
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/786   20 December 1912
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/787   20 December 1912
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/788   4 January 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/789   10 January 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/790   10 January 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/791   10 January 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/792   20 March 1912
South Shields Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/793   30 April 1913
Cassop cum Quarrington
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/794   30 May 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/795   30 May 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/796   10 July 1913
Eastgate All Saints
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/797   13 July 1913
South Shields Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/798   21 July 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/799   25 July 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/800   1 August 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/801   11 July 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/802   30 August 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/803   5 August 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/804   8 September 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/805   31 October 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/806   8 November 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/807   13 November 1913
West Rainton
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/808   26 November 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/809   3 December 1913
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/810   5 December 1913
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/811   5 January 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/812   15 January 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/813   20 January 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/814   21 January 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/815   30 January 1914
Barnard Castle
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/816   23 February 1914
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/817   26 February 1914
New Shildon
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/819   2 April 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/820   6 July 1914
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/821   18 July 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/822   18 July 1914
Darlington St Hilda
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/823   20 July 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/824   14 July 1914
Witton Park
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/825   27 July 1914
Middleton St George
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/826   18 August 1914
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/827   27 August 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/828   2 September 1914
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/829   2 September 1914
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/830   2 September 1914
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/831   5 October 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/832   7 October 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/832A   18 October 1914
Surveyor's report
DDR/EA/BED/2/833   24 October 1914
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/834   24 October 1914
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/835   24 October 1914
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/836   24 October 1914
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/837   24 October 1914
Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/838   5 November 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/839   13 November 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/840   27 November 1914
Witton Park
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/841   3 December 1914
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/842   19 December 1914
Sunderland St John
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/843   19 December 1914
Auckland St Peter
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/844   5 January 1915
Deaf Hill cum Langdale
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/845   7 October 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/846   2 March 1915
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/847   13 March 1915
Haughton le Skerne
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/848   9 April 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/849   9 April 1915
South Shields St Stephen
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/850   17 April 1915
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/851   15 April 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/852   12 June 1915
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/853   17 June 1915
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/854   25 June 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/855   30 June 1915
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/856   1 July 1915
Stockton-on-Tees St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/857   12 July 1915
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/858   19 July 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/859   19 July 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/860   30 July 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/861   11 August 1915
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/862   11 September 1915
Auckland St Peter
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/863   17 September 1915
Sunderland St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/864   8 October 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/865   7 October 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/866   12 October 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/867   23 October 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/868   5 November 1915
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/869   5 November 1915
Hendon St Barnabas
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/870   13 November 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/871   26 November 1915
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/872   24 December 1915
South Shields St Stephen
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/873   21 January 1916
Certificate of postponement of works
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/874   3 February 1916
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/875   30 March 1916
Hartlepool St Hilda
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/876   30 March 1916
Castle Eden
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/877   9 March 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/878   15 May 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/879   15 May 1916
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/880   22 May 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/881   20 June 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/882   24 June 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/883   30 June 1916
Wingate Grange
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/884   19 July 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/885   21 July 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/886   23 August 1916
Deaf Hill
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/887   2 October 1916
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/888   3 October 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/889   17 October 1916
Wingate Grange
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/890   23 October 1916
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/891   26 October 1916
Auckland Castle
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/892   27 October 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/893   1 December 1916
Monk Hesleden St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/894   13 December 1916
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/895   9 January 1917
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/896   24 January 1917
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/897   15 March 1917
Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/898   30 April 1917
South Shields St Hilda
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/899   11 May 1917
Elwick Hall
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/900   11 June 1917
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/901   11 June 1917
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/902   12 June 1917
Southwick St Columba
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/903   25 June 1917
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/904   30 July 1917
Castle Eden
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/905   6 August 1917
Fir Tree
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/906   22 August 1917
Seaton Carew
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/907   22 August 1917
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/908   28 August 1917
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/909   18 September 1917
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/910   25 October 1917
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/911   25 October 1917
Hartlepool St James
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/912   30 October 1917
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/913   8 November 1917
Hartlepool St Hilda
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/914   22 January 1918
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/915   9 February 1918
Heworth St Mary
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/916   22 March 1918
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/917   11 May 1918
Seaton Carew
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/918   10 March 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/919   10 March 1914
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/920   20 July 1918
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/921   23 July 1918
Hendon St Barnabas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/922   26 August 1918
South Westoe
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/923   16 January 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/924   16 January 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/925   30 January 1919
Hartlepool St James
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/926   27 March 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/927   4 April 1919
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/928   3 April 1919
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/929   13 May 1919
West Rainton
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/930   21 May 1919
Heworth St Mary
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/931   11 June 1919
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/932   27 June 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/933   27 June 1919
Bishop's order
Type of document not clear from manuscript list (and original not held)
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/934   19 July 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/935   25 July 1919
Hendon St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/936   30 July 1919
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/937   31 July 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/938   10 October 1919
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/939   10 October 1919
South Shields St Thomas
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/940   11 October 1919
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/941   30 October 1919
Darlington St Cuthbert
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/942   20 November 1919
Hartlepool St Oswald
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/943   2 December 1919
West Rainton
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/944   18 December 1919
Darlington St Luke
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/945   30 December 1919
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/946   30 December 1919
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/947   24 February 1920
Darlington Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/948   28 February 1920
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/949   4 March 1920
Bishop Middleham
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/950   23 March 1920
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/951   27 March 1920
South Shields St Hilda
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/952   12 April 1920
Hebburn St Oswald
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/953   22 June 1920
Hartlepool St Oswald
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/954   15 July 1920
Southwick Holy Trinity
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/955   26 July 1920
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/956   1 September 1920
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/957   16 September 1920
Eighton Banks
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/958   30 September 1920
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/959   30 September 1920
Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/960   24 October 1920
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/961   18 October 1920
New Shildon
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/962   1 March 1920
Darlington Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/963   8 November 1920
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/964   19 November 1920
Gateshead St Mary
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/965   26 November 1920
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/966   27 November 1920
Witton Park
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/967   1 December 1920
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/968   11 January 1921
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/969   9 February 1921
Southwick Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/970   26 February 1921
Darlington St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/971   8 March 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/972   12 January 1921
Bishop Middleham
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/973   12 May 1921
Hebburn St Oswald
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/974   20 May 1921
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/975   14 June 1921
Jarrow St Paul
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/976   15 June 1921
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/977   15 June 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/978   16 June 1921
South Shields St Aidan
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/979   25 June 1921
Gateshead St George
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/980   5 July 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/981   9 July 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/982   14 July 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/983   19 July 1921
Durham St Nicholas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/984   29 July 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/985   2 August 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/986   10 August 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/986A   12 September 1921
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/987   27 September 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/987A   14 September 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/988   6 October 1921
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/989   21 October 1921
South Shields St Stephen
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/990   10 October 1921
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/991   22 October 1921
South Shields St Thomas
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/992   7 November 1921
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/993   15 November 1921
Durham St Oswald
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/994   23 November 1921
Auckland St Andrew
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/995   5 December 1921
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/996   30 December 1921
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/997   30 December 1921
Heworth St Alban
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/998   31 December 1921
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/999   25 February 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1000   9 March 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1001   11 April 1922
South Shields St Stephen
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1002   17 May 1922
Hebburn St John
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1003   9 June 1922
Durham St Cuthbert
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1004   17 June 1922
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1005   24 June 1922
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1006   13 July 1922
Jarrow St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1007   29 July 1922
Durham St Oswald
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1008   29 July 1922
Hebburn St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1009   8 August 1922
Durham St Giles
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1010   14 August 1922
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1011   4 August 1922
Darlington St John
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1012   10 August 1922
Heworth St Alban
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1013   25 August 1922
Eastgate All Saints
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1014   18 September 1922
Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1015   29 September 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1016   29 September 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1017   20 October 1922
West Hartlepool
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1018   20 October 1922
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1019   21 October 1922
Wingate Grange
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1020   22 November 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1021   4 December 1922
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1022   27 December 1922
Stranton All Saints
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1023   27 December 1922
Middleton St George
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1024   13 December 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1025   14 December 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1026   12 January 1923
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1027   18 January 1923
Auckland St Peter
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1028   15 January 1923
Durham St Cuthbert
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1029   7 February 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1030   16 February 1923
South Hylton
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1031   1 March 1923
Staindrop with Cockfield
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1032   7 March 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1033   23 March 1923
Stranton All Saints
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1034   3 April 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1035   11 April 1923
Witton Gilbert
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1036   30 April 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1037   21 April 1923
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1038   3 May 1923
Blackhill St Aidan
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1039   4 May 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1040   5 May 1923
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1041   22 May 1923
South Hylton
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1042   22 May 1923
Hendon St Ignatius
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1043   21 June 1923
Hendon St Ignatius
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1044   21 June 1923
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1045   1 August 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1046   1 August 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1047   2 August 1922
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1048   13 August 1923
Darlington St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1049   17 August 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1050   13 September 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1051   13 September 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1052   13 September 1923
Middleton in Teesdale
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1053   13 September 1923
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1054   13 September 1923
Staindrop with Cockfield
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1055   22 September 1923
Middleton St George
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1056   4 October 1923
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1057   17 October 1923
Auckland Castle
Certificate of completion
DDR/EA/BED/2/1058   17 October 1923
Elwick Hall
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1059   8 November 1923
Seaham Harbour
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1060   12 November 1923
Auckland St Helen
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1061   12 November 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1062   1 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1063   9 November 1923
Hartlepool St Paul
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1064   10 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1065   13 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1066   13 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1067   13 November 1923
Forest and Frith
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1068   15 November 1923
Auckland St Peter
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1069   29 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1070   29 November 1923
Gateshead St Edmund
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1071   29 November 1923
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1072   9 December 1923
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1073   17 December 1923
Haughton le Skerne
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1074   19 December 1923
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1075   5 January 1924
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1076   31 January 1924
South Westoe
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1077   15 January 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1078   17 January 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1079   30 January 1924
Rekendyke St Jude
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1080   19 March 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1081   19 March 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1082   24 February 1924
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1083   24 February 1924
Gateshead Fell
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1084   26 March 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1085   17 May 1924
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1086   5 April 1924
Sunderland St Mary and St Peter UB
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1087   27 June 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1088   12 June 1924
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1089   11 June 1924
Middleton in Teesdale
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1090   16 June 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1091   16 June 1924
South Westoe
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1092   1 July 1924
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1093   2 July 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1094   7 July 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1095   4 August 1924
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1096   11 August 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1097   14 August 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1098   17 August 1924
South Shields St Mark
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1099   3 September 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1100   3 September 1924
Haverton Hill
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1101   3 September 1924
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1102   11 September 1924
Hartlepool St Hilda
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1103   17 September 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1104   25 September 1924
Darlington St James
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1105   25 September 1924
Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1106   25 September 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1107   7 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1108   7 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1109   10 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1110   15 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1111   30 October 1924
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1112   22 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1113   30 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1114   28 October 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1115   22 November 1924
Bishop's order
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1116   24 November 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1117   4 December 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1118   10 December 1924
Seaham Harbour
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1119   10 December 1924
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1120   10 December 1924
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1121   6 January 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1122   6 January 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1123   12 January 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1124   24 February 1925
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1125   2 May 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1126   7 May 1925
Marley Hill
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1127   7 May 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1128   7 May 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1129   8 May 1925
Haughton le Skerne
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1130   23 June 1925
Great Stainton
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1131   24 June 1925
South Shields St Mark
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1132   28 August 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1133   4 September 1925
Hartlepool St Hilda
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1134   29 September 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1135   8 October 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1136   9 October 1925
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1137   9 October 1925
Durham St Giles
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1138   3 November 1925
South Shields St Simon
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1139   16 August 1926
Certificate of completion
Not deposited (see class-level description)
DDR/EA/BED/2/1139A   3 August 1932
Auckland Castle
Not deposited (certificate is kept with deeds which are retained in Diocesan Office)
Dilapidations correspondence
DDR/EA/BED/3   1872-1914
½ box   
Letters relating to the formal business of dilapidations under the 1871 Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act
Some of the earlier letters are marked with the numbers used in the main series of dilapidations papers.

DDR/EA/BED/3/1   1872-1875
Covering letters and receipts for copies of bishop's orders etc, from Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/BED/3/2   1876-1880
Covering letters and receipts for copies of bishop's orders etc, from Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/BED/3/3   1881-1888
Covering letters and receipts for copies of bishop's orders etc, from Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/BED/3/4   1876-1886 and 1912-1913
Postcards as receipts for copies of bishop's orders, from Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/BED/3/5   1891-1912
Covering letters for certificates of completion, from Diocesan Surveyor
1 bundle 
DDR/EA/BED/3/6   1913-1914
Covering letters for certificates of completion, from Diocesan Surveyor
1 bundle 
Dilapidations general papers
DDR/EA/BED/4   1871-1913
1 folder   
Items relating to the 1871 act and reviews thereof
Some of these papers emanated from the Bishop's Office rather than the Diocesan Registry.

DDR/EA/BED/4/1   13 July 1871
Printed copy of 1871 act
DDR/EA/BED/4/2   18 September 1871
Letter from Diocesan Surveyor (Robert Johnson, from Llanberis, North Wales) relating to his fees
DDR/EA/BED/4/3   9 January 1873
Letter with list of fees under the act, from Diocese of Ripon
DDR/EA/BED/4/4   8 August 1873
Letter from Ecclesiastical Surveyors' Association with printed copy of resolutions agreed at their AGM
DDR/EA/BED/4/5   January 1877
Printed report of Ecclesiastical Surveyors' Association on proceedings of House of Commons Select Committee on the dilapidations acts
DDR/EA/BED/4/6   April-May 1890
Return from Diocesan Surveyor (Robert Johnson of Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, but also from Plymouth), of number of benefices surveyed on vacancy or request for each year 1885-1889, with covering letters
DDR/EA/BED/4/7   10 December 1900
Typescript copy of bill to amend the law of ecclesiastical dilapidations, by Edmund Lord Grimthorpe, late Chancellor of York
DDR/EA/BED/4/8   [undated, ? 1910s]
Printed observations on options for amendments to the 1871 act, by J.G. Wilson [registrar, later solicitor to Dean and Chapter]
DDR/EA/BED/4/9   May-June 1913
Copy of printed circular to bishops and incumbents, with covering letter to Registrar, relating to dilapidations accounts operated by Queen Anne's Bounty on behalf of incumbents
Miscellaneous Benefice Papers
Reference: DDR/EA/BEM
Returns of benefices and districts
DDR/EA/BEM/1   1849-1881
1 bundle   
Returns of parishes, chapelries and districts; also returns of poor livings, benefices sequestered for debt, sinecure rectories, and united benefices; most made to parliament under various resolutions of the House of Commons. Also list of lands purchased by QAB to annex to poor benefices (up to 1838), return of augmentations of benefices (1863), and of churches/chapels which have had districts assigned (up to 1869).
Church Commission Parsonage House Plans deposit includes a few returns of benefice income to governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, 1809-1830 (ref CCP/C 1/1-3/2)

DDR/EA/BEM/1/1   [1838]
Summary of lands etc purchased and annexed to poor benefices by Queen Anne's Bounty, up to 1838. Benefices listed alphabetically, with incumbent's name and address, and including for each annexed property the date of purchase, money paid, acreage and annual value.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/2   1849
List of livings under £200
DDR/EA/BEM/1/3   3 June 1850
Return of benefices sequestered to discharge debts of any incumbent since Pluralities Act 1838, giving details of sequestration, amount of debt, population, annual value, number of churches and amount paid to curates. With rough and fair copy, and covering letter referencing resolution of House of Commons dated 17 May 1850.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/4   7 June 1850
Return of sinecure benefices, giving names of patron and incumbent, value, population and number of ruinous churches (listing Lambley and Blyth only). With covering letters, referencing resolution of House of Commons dated 27 May 1850.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/5   21 November 1850
List of ecclesiastical districts created by bishop independently of the Church Building Commissioners and Ecclesiastical Commissioners, giving names of districts with parish and county. With covering letter, referencing the Population Act 1850.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/6   4 August 1851
Return of benefices, rectories or vicarages united under the Pluralities Act 1838 (nil return). With covering letter and resolution of House of Commons dated 10 July 1851.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/7   23 March 1853
Return of districts assigned by bishop to churches built under the Church Building Act 1831, giving names of districts with parish and county. With covering letter referencing resolution of House of Commons dated 23 February 1853.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/8   [1861]
List of districts assigned since 1851, giving parish and date/authority for formation (latest entry dated April 1861)
DDR/EA/BEM/1/9   2 November 1863
Return of augmentations under Augmentation of Benefices Acts 1677 and 1831, stating amount, date and name of ecclesiastical corporation making the augmentation. With covering letter referencing resolution of House of Commons dated 21 July 1863, and rough draft.
Previously referenced under series DDR/EA/BEA/1
DDR/EA/BEM/1/10   [1869]
Return of churches and chapels which have had districts assigned, giving date of assignment, name, county, mother parish and statute under which erected, with entries dated July 1831 to July 1869. Also return of churches and chapels which have become separate and distinct parishes by the bishop alone (1834-1861), of parishes etc united or disunited under Pluralities Act 1838 or other statutes (nil), and of curacies, chapelries or chapels of ease which have not become separate and distinct parishes under Church Building Acts, New Parishes Acts or by Queen Anne's Bounty. With partial duplicate/draft copy.
DDR/EA/BEM/1/11   [1881]
List of new parishes formed, listed approximately by date (all formed prior to 1819 listed together), indicating whether vicarage or rectory, and with a few corrections and additional notes. Annotated with one parish formed since 1881 (Castle Eden Colliery).
The file previously located at this reference is now listed under DDR/BP/PAR/2/74.
NONE (reference not used) 
Summaries of church work and finance
DDR/EA/BEM/3   1890-1938 (excluding 1919 and 1920)
46 volumes (1890-1937) and one unbound bundle (1938)   
Statistical reports summarising church work and finance, arranged by deanery and parish. The year given in each reference below, indicates the year to which the return relates (ending at Easter of the following year).
Statistical information on the following is collected for each parish (and also summarised as deanery totals):
  • Incumbent's name, with dates of ordination and admission
  • Curate's name (if any), with ordination and admission dates
  • Patron
  • Population figures
  • Numbers baptised, confirmed, communicating
  • Church accommodation and services
  • Day/Sunday schools and some societies etc
  • Parochial Church Council and electoral roll
  • Lay helpers
  • Parsonage house
  • Benefice income (various sources of)
  • Curate's stipend, insurance and other expenditure (analysed)

Previously retained in the Bishops' Office and referenced under accession numbers AUC/2 (1890-1937) and AUC/1/150 (1938).

1 bundle (boxed) 
Parish returns to Commission on Poverty and Charitable Assistance
DDR/EA/BEM/4   April 1907 to March 1908
1 box   
Records of the Diocesan Commission, in particular returns from parishes relating to poverty in their area. The returns are arranged by 15 districts, based on the Poor Law Unions, and include answers to questions relating to the extent of poverty, the nature of the Poor Law and other charitable assistance available within the parish. No returns survive for Bishop Auckland or Sedgefield districts.

DDR/EA/BEM/4/1   12 June 1907 - 7 February 1908
Minute book (four meetings only)
Correspondence with the Royal Commission and the Diocesan Commission
Gateshead district (23 returns)
Mid-Tyne and Chester-le-Street district (16 returns)
South Shields district (11 returns)
Sunderland district (23 returns)
Easington district (19 returns)
Hartlepool district (12 returns)
Stockton district (10 returns)
Darlington district (25 returns)
Durham district (14 returns)
Lanchester 'A' district (10 returns)
Lanchester 'B' district (10 returns)
Houghton-le-Spring district (11 returns)
Stanhope district (12 returns)
Reports of the Diocesan Commission (two drafts, one dated 1907 and the second 1907-1908)
Parochial statistics
DDR/EA/BEM/5   1858
Three volumes of statistics arranged by archdeaconry. For each parish, townships are listed and figures relating to acreages, population, church accommodation and schools are included. Some general notes are also included. Although the layout of the entries varies between the three volumes, the information contained is very similar. Only the Durham volume is dated.
Deposited by the Bishop's Office and previously referenced under accession number AUC/48/box 8-9

Durham archdeaconry. Includes extensive notes on church buildings.
Northumberland archdeaconry. Includes column for population in 1861 (not completed)
Lindisfarne archdeaconry. Includes prefatory note discussing influence of Presbyterianism and difficulties of pastoral work, and extensive notes on church buildings.
Also printed map of Northumberland showing electoral divisions and wards (J and C Walker, London), [mid 19th cent.] (pasted at front), and small map marked to show collieries, settlements and site of proposed chapel in Warkworth (f.4). Loose in volume is a list of topics, presumably drawn from the enquiry which prompted this series.
Parochial returns re church buildings
DDR/EA/BEM/6   August-September 1815
4 folders   
Returns to questions from the bishop regarding population, number and size of church buildings, parsonage houses and whether fit for residence, and annual values of livings. Clergy are not all required to answer all questions, and are often directed to answer only in relation to specific chapels (as noted within the list), so these returns were perhaps intended as supplemental to Shute Barrington's 1814 visitation returns at DDR/EV/RET/4.
Formerly referenced as DDR/EA/CHB/1 but not previously listed

Alnwick, for Alnmouth chapel only
Byrness, for parsonage only
Chollerton, for Chipchase chapel only
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Durham St Nicholas
Edlingham, for Bolton chapel only (issued later, presumably in response to the Egglingham return below)
Egglingham, for Bewick and Bolton chapels only (Bolton noted as not in the parish)
Gosforth, for parsonage only
Newbiggin, for parsonage only
Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, for parsonage only
Sadberge, for parsonage only
Stamfordham, for Ryal chapel only
Sunderland St John
Warkworth, for Chevington chapel only
Reference: DDR/EA/PA
Transfers of Rights of Patronage
Reference: DDR/EA/PAT
Papers re transfers of rights of patronage before 1898
DDR/EA/PAT/1   1837-1857
1 bundle   
Papers (mainly draft grants and surrenders) relating to pre-1898 transfers of rights of patronage for individual benefices in Durham and Northumberland, prior to the 1898 Benefices Act.

Register of transfers of rights of patronage
DDR/EA/PAT/2   1901-1967
1 bundle   
Register of transfers of patronage under the 1898 Benefices Act and successor legislation, and also of declarations by private patrons under the 1923 Benefices Act 1898 (Amendment) Measure that their advowson shall become incapable of sale. Also details of vesting deeds and vesting assents and various loose papers.

General papers relating to the 1898 Benefices Act and subsequent measures
DDR/EA/PAT/3   1898-1969
1 bundle   
General papers and notes relating to the 1898 act and the 1923 measure, including two printed and bound copies of the act and rules (one with a loose manuscript note inside, dated 1937), a memorandum from the archbishop of Canterbury on the working of the act (1905), and notices from bishops of their intention to admit to benefices (1909 and 1969).

Applications for registration of transfers of rights of patronage
DDR/EA/PAT/4   1903-1948
1 bundle   
Applications for the registration of transfers of advowsons (giving details of the transfer), together with statutory declarations and occasionally other papers (eg, if an extension of time for registration was granted).

Declarations that rights of patronage are incapable of sale
DDR/EA/PAT/5   1925-1937
1 folder   
Declarations of intent by patrons that an advowson be incapable of sale, under the 1923 Benefices Act 1898 (Amendment) Measure.
Sorted by date, and each date then arranged by parish

Papers relating to transfers of rights of patronage for particular benefices
DDR/EA/PAT/6   1940-1980
1 box   
Correspondence, formal documents and other papers relating to transfers or proposed transfers of particular advowsons, mainly under the 1930 Benefices (Transfer of Rights of Patronage) Measure. (Some transfers were carried out under the 1870 Church Patronage Act, and some were also ratified by orders in Council.)

Correspondence relating to transfers of rights of patronage
DDR/EA/PAT/7   1933-1985
2 folders   
Correspondence and papers relating to transfers of patronage under the 1930 Benefices (Transfer of Rights of Patronage) Measure.

Papers re purchase of rights of patronage by parishes
DDR/EA/PAT/8   1933
1 folder   
Printed copy of the 1933 Benefices (Purchase of Rights of Patronage) Measure.

1931 Benefices (Exercise of Rights of Presentation) Measure
Reference: DDR/EA/PAB See the Administrative Histories guide for an explanation of this measure, and note that few parishes seem to have exercised their rights under it.

Notes on the working of the Measure
DDR/EA/PAB/1   1931-1932
1 folder   
Includes letters concerning the patronage of Bishopton with Great Stainton benefice, and a letter from Bishop Henson concerning 'this precious Patronage Measure', and considering 'the very desirable course of maintaining the status quo'.

Notices of impending vacancies issued to parochial church councils
DDR/EA/PAB/2   1956-1988
2 boxes   
Includes covering letters and some related correspondence. Note that any representations made by the parochial church councils under the measure are not generally held in this file, but appear to have been forwarded to the bishop.

Suspension of Patronage
Reference: DDR/EA/PAS For other administrative records relating to reorganisations of benefices (usually following suspension of presentation), see:
DDR/EA/CLB: Priests-in-Charge of Benefices
DDR/EA/BEP: Pastoral reorganisation
DDR/DA/PAS: Pastoral Committee

Notices of suspensions of patronage (Registry series)
DDR/EA/PAS/1   1957-1995
3 boxes   
Notices of suspensions of presentation, renewals and terminations of suspensions, with covering letters and related correspondence. Registry series, arranged in date order.

Notices of suspensions, renewals and terminations as previous series, but generated by Pastoral Committee staff from Diocesan Office. Arranged by parish (in 'parish number' order, approximately alphabetical by deanery and parish)
These files were kept within the series of parish files outlined under DDR/DA/OFF within the Administrative Histories guide.
Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986
Reference: DDR/EA/PAP
Correspondence relating to the implementation of the Measure
DDR/EA/PAP/1   1987
2 folders   
Correspondence concerning in particular the registration of patrons' interests, including correspondence with particular patrons

Forms for registration of patronage
Reference: DDR/EA/PAP/2
Dates of creation: 1987-1988
Extent: 1 folder
Church Commissioners' list of benefices
DDR/EA/PAP/3   1988
1 folder   
Copy of Church Commissioners' List of Benefices for Durham Diocese, including their benefice reference numbers. The list includes details of current benefices, benefices which have ceased to exist and benefices which have been renamed. Also covering letter from Church Commissioners.
From 1989, the Church Commissioners have included details of patronage in Crockford's Clerical Directory. To this end, they send from time to time a copy of their computerised list of benefices to diocesan registrars.

Benefices register
DDR/EA/PAP/4   1989-1996
1 bundle   
Photocopies of the benefices register (original retained by Diocesan Registry), showing benefices and patrons, arranged by parish.

Correspondence relating to vacant benefices
DDR/EA/PAP/5   1989-1996, 1998
3 boxes   
Correspondence with patrons, parochial church councils and others relating to vacancies in benefices and appointments of new incumbents, including the various forms and notifications required under the Measure, and some statements of needs from parishes.

Reference: DDR/EA/DDS
DDR/EA/CH: Churches and other Licensed Buildings, Parish Rooms, Churchyards, Burial Grounds and Cemeteries
DDR/EA/PH: Parsonage Houses
DDR/EA/CHC/1: Consecration books, 1747-1964
DDR/EA/BEP/3: Register of orders in council, 1835-1853

Registered transcripts of deeds, leases and mortgages etc, relating to glebe lands, parsonages, new churches, chapels, cemeteries etc.
2 volumes 
Formerly referenced as DDR/vols.XI/1-2
DDR/EA/DDS/1/1   1799-1830
List of contents loose at front
DDR/EA/DDS/1/2   1830-1836
List of contents loose at front. Includes copies of some licences to perform divine service and similar licences.
Volumes containing indexes to deeds and mortgages etc.
2 volumes 
Previously accessioned as DDR vols 1969/vii-viii
DDR/EA/DDS/2/1   1719, 1769, 1810-1911
Durham archdeaconry only. The 1719 and 1769 entries are for Sunderland.
DDR/EA/DDS/2/2   ca.1869-1874
Contains entries for both Durham and Northumberland archdeaconries. Marked “B [onwards]”. Note that County Durham entries are duplicated in the previous volume.
DDR/EA/DDS/3/1   [1830 x 1837, watermark 1827]
Volume containing printed pro-formas of deeds
1 volume 
Previously accessioned as DDR vols 1969/xxiv
The main series of deeds is still held by the Diocesan Registry. It includes not only formal deeds and leases, but also some other classes of legal documents.
NONE (not held) 
DDR/EA/DDS/5   1823-1983
Draft or copy deeds and appointments etc, some with related correspondence, notes or plans attached. All the drafts are for properties in County Durham, except for one property in London.
1 box 
Word-processed list; copy stored in box.
DDR/EA/DDS/6   1930, 1941-1983
Correspondence with incumbents, the Church Commissioners, the Diocesan Secretary and others, relating to the drawing up and deposit of deeds, and related matters.
4 boxes 
Churches and other Licensed Buildings, Parish Rooms, Churchyards, Burial Grounds and Cemeteries
Reference: DDR/EA/CH
Reference: DDR/EA/CHC
Consecration books
DDR/EA/CHC/1   1747-1964
7 volumes   
Registered transcripts (sometimes calendar entries only) of consecration acts, including petitions, sentences and sometimes consecration services.
First three volumes formerly referenced as DDR/vols.X/1-3, next three as DDR vols 1975/viii-x and last as DDR vols 1975/lxi

DDR/EA/CHC/1/1   1747-1818
Not in chronological order. Also contains miscellaneous other material, forms, mandates etc, some of earlier date, including a copy of the will of Bishop Crewe, 1720.
DDR/EA/CHC/1/2   1820-1841
Also contains (pp.119-151 and 201-220) Orders in Council concerning reform of bishoprics and the foundation of the University of Durham
DDR/EA/CHC/1/3   1841-1861
Includes conveyances, deeds of endowment etc. Index at front.
DDR/EA/CHC/1/4   May 1879-July 1901
DDR/EA/CHC/1/5   December 1901-March 1914
DDR/EA/CHC/1/6   March 1914-May 1948
DDR/EA/CHC/1/7   1949-1964
This is the last register of consecrations kept by the Registry.
Consecrations - drafts and preparatory papers
DDR/EA/CHC/2   c.1850-1920
13 boxes   
Drafts of the petitions for and sentences of consecration, often with additional notes or correspondence, arranged by place
Note that this class includes some draft consecration papers for churches and burial grounds in Northumberland as well as County Durham, for the period up to 1882. Post-1882 material for Northumberland should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
DDR/EA/RGM: Miscellaneous Business ('MB') Papers. The 'MB' series of papers includes many similar draft consecration papers, particularly for the period 1911-1939.
The main series of (original) consecration deeds (following) includes draft papers and letters etc from 1939.

Consecration deeds
DDR/EA/CHC/3   1719-1967 and 1978 (but mainly 19th-20th centuries)
26 boxes   
Formal petitions for consecration and sentences of consecration. Occasionally only one of these documents survives. Plans are often attached to the petition or sentence.
From 1939, the documents typically include draft consecration papers and letters etc, as well as the formal petitions and sentences.
Note that this class contains only material relating to County Durham parishes and chapelries. Consecration deeds for Northumberland if they survive (including pre-1882 items) should be held among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
The consecration deeds are sorted as in the manuscript index compiled by the Diocesan Registry, viz. A-Z by initial letter of parish/place, and numerical (date) order within letter. Some parishes or districts may be listed under different letters at different dates, and the numbering/ordering is not absolutely consistent. Note in particular that the Registry index repeats many of the numbers for the 'H' series, which is therefore now split into two subseries, referenced 'H' (to 1882) and 'HH' (from 1883).

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/3    22 October 1839
Auckland St Andrew
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/4    21 July 1842
Auckland St Helen
Additional chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/4A    22 February 1848
Auckland St Anne
Auckland St Anne chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/11    1 November 1870
Auckland St Andrew
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/13    20 April 1875
Auckland St Peter
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/14    30 August 1876
Darlington St James
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/17    30 January 1879
Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/18    29 December 1880
Auckland St Philip
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/19    15 November 1883
Auckland St Andrew
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/20    27 February 1895
Auckland St Helen Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/21    26 May 1913
Annfield Plain
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/22    23 January 1929
Annfield Plain
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/23    14 December 1932
Auckland St Andrew
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/24    16 March 1934
Auckland St Helen
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/25    11 March 1936
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance of 1 November 1934
Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/A/27   20 November 1996
Auckland South Church cemetery
Extension to cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/2    16 August 1795
Bishopwearmouth St Michael

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/4    24 June 1806
Barnard Castle

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/6    14 October 1829
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/6A    14 October 1829
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/8    9 August 1839
Bishopwearmouth St Michael

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/9    23 September 1889
Barnard Castle

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/11    10 July 1845
Byers Green St Peter

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/12    25 August 1845
Stella St Cuthbert

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/13    22 February 1848
Auckland St Anne

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/14    16 March 1848
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/15    9 August 1849

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/16    12 September 1850

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/17    4 October 1853

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/19    27 June 1856
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/22    1 December 1859
Barnard Castle
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/23    15 October 1857
Belmont St Mary Magdalene
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/27    17 May 1862
Benfieldside Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/28    31 December 1862
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/30A    25 February 1868
Burnmoor St Barnabas
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/30b    4 April 1870
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/34    8 April 1872
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/35    2 September 1872
Boldon Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/36    14 September 1872
Byers Green
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/37    28 November 1872
Bishopwearmouth St Peter
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/38    20 November 1873
Burnopfield St James
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/40    22 June 1875
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/41    27 December 1875
Brandon St John the Evangelist
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/42    26 December 1876
Beamish St Andrew
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/44    7 August 1877
Binchester St Barnabas

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/46    27 May 1879
Bearpark St Edmund
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/47    29 July 1879
Benfieldside Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/48    27 May 1881
Boldon Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/49    2 November 1882
Birtley St John
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/50    13 September 1885
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/51    7 December 1885
Blackhill St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/52    24 September 1890
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/53    25 February 1891
Byers Green
Addition to churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/54    15 October 1891
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/55    30 November 1891
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/56    1 December 1894
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/56A    7 April 1900

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/57    12 January 1901
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/58    21 February 1901
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/59    28 April 1903
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/60    10 June 1903
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/61    27 July 1905
New church
Document - enlargement

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/62    19 February 1906
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/63    19 September 1907
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/64    15 December 1907
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/65    26 March 1909
Bishop Middleham
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/66    16 February 1910
Byers Green
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/67    22 May 1912
Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/68    27 September 1914
Bearpark St Edmund
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/69    5 October 1916
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/70    19 July 1921
Bishop Auckland Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/71    8 December 1923
East Boldon St George
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/72    27 May 1924
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/73    7 May 1926
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/74    4 May 1927
Barnard Castle
Non parochial burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/75    23 July 1927
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on instrument

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/76    25 November 1927
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/77    6 May 1929
Broom St Catherine
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/78    29 November 1930
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/79    5 June 1935
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/80    14 October 1936
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/81    5 October 1937
Bedburn North
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/82    19 February 1938
Mere Knolls Cemetery
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/83    30 November 1938
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/84    13 September 1939
Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/85    29 April 1940
Blackhill St Aidan
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/86    10 July 1941
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/87    4 May 1942
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/88    19 May 1944
Addition to churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/89    5 September 1944
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/90    14 April 1948
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/91    10 June 1955
New cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/92    23 May 1957
Bishopwearmouth The Good Shepherd
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/93    19 June 1959
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/94    22 December 1960
Billingham St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/95    31 May 1961
Broomside Lane Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/96    14 August 1962
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/98    10 September 1975
North Bedburn
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/100    14 December 1967
Bishopwearmouth Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/101    21 May 1975
Burial ground extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/102    17 September 1975
Bishop Auckland
Town cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/103    15 November 1978
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/104    23 May 1988
Cemetery extension
DDR/EA/CHC/3/B/105    8 June 1988
Cemetery extension
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/3    13 July 1841

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/4    4 August 1841

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/5    1 September 1841
Additional churchyard

Temporarily returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/7    12 September 1843

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/8    24 September 1846
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/9    June 1806
Additional burial ground

Temporarily returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/13    15 November 1866
Consett Christ Church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/15    8 March 1867
Castleside St John
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/16    3 October 1867
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/17    30 January 1868
Cassop cum Quarrington
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/19    14 May 1868
Coxhoe St Mary
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/20    21 September 1868
Cornforth Holy Trinity
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/21    31 March 1869
Cleadon All Saints

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/25    8 July 1878
Coundon St James
Rebuilt church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/28    3 November 1874
Chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/29    17 June 1876
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/30    20 July 1876
Chilton Moor
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/33    29 April 1878
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/34    26 April 1882
Castle Eden Colliery
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/35    3 December 1882
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/36    11 March 1887
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/37    14 August 1891
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/38    10 May 1895
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/39    18 May 1900
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/40    9 November 1901
Cockerton St Mary
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/41    25 September 1902
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/41A    26 June 1905
Additional churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/42    3 November 1908
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/43    17 February 1912
Craghead St Thomas
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/44    26 May 1913
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/45    7 December 1915
Chopwell St John
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/46    9 April 1921
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/47    16 May 1921
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/48    19 October 1922
Castle Eden
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/49    17 June 1924
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/50    16 October 1925
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/51    16 March 1926
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/52    17 March 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/53    10 May 1930
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/54    21 February 1931
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/55    23 November 1944
Cassop cum Quarrington
Licence to bury

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/56    6 September 1945
Cassop cum Quarrington
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/57    9 April 1946
Cassop cum Quarrington
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/58    30 October 1961
Bowburn Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/59    25 October 1965
Chilton Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/60    29 March 1966
Crook Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/61    30 September 1967
Cleadon Park St Mark and St Cuthbert
Consecration of church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/62    30 October 1970
Coundon Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/63    11 March 1970
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/64    16 May 1984
Coxhoe St Mary
Extension to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/65    5 February 1985
Crook Cemetery
Extension of cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/C/66    14 April 1988
Cowshill Cemetery
Extension of cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/1    18 August 1818
Darlington St Cuthbert
Enlarging burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/2    23 September 1820
Durham St Margaret
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/4    6 December 1838
Darlington Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/5    12 October 1840
Durham St Giles
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/6    14 December 1841

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/7    1 August 1848
Darlington Holy Trinity
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/8    7 November 1845
Durham St Margaret
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/9    1 September 1849
Durham St Oswald

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/10    16 July 1853
Darlington St John

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/11    27 April 1858
Darlington Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/12    27 August 1863
Durham St Cuthbert
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/13    26 March 1861
Durham St Nicholas Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/13A    28 October 1862
Durham St Mary-le-Bow Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/16    9 June 1870
Durham St Giles
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/17    5 March 1872
Darlington Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/18    19 September 1872
Darlington St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/19    2 November 1874
Darlington Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/20    26 April 1876
Dunston Christ Church
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/21    25 October 1876
Addition to burial ground
Consecration endorsed on deed

Deed retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/22    1 June 1877
Dalton-le-Dale (Murton)
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/23    9 April 1878
Darlington Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/25    4 August 1883
Darlington St Luke
New churchyard and chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/26    11 July 1884
Deaf Hill cum Langdale
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/27    5 April 1886
Darlington West Cemetery
Addition to Darlington West Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/28    21 July 1886
Dipton St John the Evangelist
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/29    30 August 1888
Darlington St Hilda
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/30    2 November 1888
Durham St Margaret
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/31    17 September 1889
Durham St Oswald Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/32    22 October 1891
Denton St Mary
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/33    17 March 1900
Deaf Hill cum Langdale

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/34    3 April 1900
Darlington Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/35    7 December 1901
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on deed

Deed retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/36    23 September 1908
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/37    30 September 1909
Durham St Cuthbert
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/38    1 February 1912
Dawdon St Hild and St Helen
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/39    4 June 1915
Darlington North Cemetery
Additional burial ground
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/40    4 June 1915
Darlington West Cemetery
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/41    14 February 1917
Darlington St Luke
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/42    25 May 1918
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/43    6 March 1920
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/44    20 July 1927
Durham St Giles
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on instrument

Instrument retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/45    15 October 1928
Darlington Eastbourne Cemetery
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/46    15 October 1928
Darlington West Cemetery
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/47    28 November 1929
Darlington North Cemetery
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/48    29 June 1933
Durham St Margaret
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on instrument

Instrument retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/49    19 September 1936
Darlington St Matthew
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/49A    undated [1942]
Darlington North Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/50    8 June 1942
Darlington West Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/51    29 July 1947
Durham City, Framwellgate
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/52    8 November 1958
Darlington St Mark
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/53    5 March 1964
Durham Cathedral
Reconciliation of altar

DDR/EA/CHC/3/D/54    29 September 1965
Dunston Christ Church
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/1    24 November 1882
Additional chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/1A    24 November 1882

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/3    6 September 1854
Eighton Banks
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/6    18 September 1867
Evenwood St Paul

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/8    12 July 1869
Eggleston Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/9    15 September 1863
Escomb St John the Evangelist (new church)
Church and Churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/11    21 May 1870
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/12    1 December 1870
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/13    2 May 1873
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/15    22 July 1879
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/16    10 October 1879
Evenwood Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/17    17 October 1883
Eldon Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/18    27 July 1885
Eastgate All Saints
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/19    20 December 1887
Eppleton All Saints
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/20    20 December 1887
Eastgate All Saints
New church (substitution)

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/21    6 May 1892
Easington Lane Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/22    1 July 1892
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/23    6 January 1894
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/24    12 May 1902
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/25    27 July 1909
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/26    22 June 1910
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/27    7 June 1911
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/28    4 October 1911
Eighton Banks
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/29    22 December 1913
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/30    13 October 1923
Easington Colliery
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/31    13 October 1923
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/32    17 July 1924
East Rainton
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/33    26 November 1924
Langley Park All Saints
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/34    5 December 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/35    9 May 1929
Easington Colliery
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/36    21 April 1934
East Boldon St George
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/37    8 May 1935
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/38    3 October 1935
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/39    29 July 1936
Elwick Hall
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/40    1 October 1945
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/41    2 July 1953
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/42    8 April 1968
East Stanley
Additional burial ground

Temporarily returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/43    5 May 1971
Easington Village Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/44    7 August 1991
Easington Colliery Cemetery
Garden of remembrance
DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/3    19 October 1829
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/5    17 August 1847
Ferryhill St Luke

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/6    20 September 1853
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/8    2 March 1866
Frosterley St Michael

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/9    26 April 1866
Felling Christ Church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/10    27 May 1869
Frosterley St Michael

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/11    22 October 1869
Fir Tree St Mary the Virgin

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/13    23 June 1879
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/14    27 July 1886
Ferryhill and Chilton Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/15    11 May 1896
Forest and Frith
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/16    2 July 1898
Ferryhill and Chilton Cemetery
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/17    10 July 1906
Felling Christ Church
North aisle and choir vestry

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/18    30 October 1906
Ferryhill and Chilton
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/19    26 June 1933
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/20    6 December 1934
Fishburn St Catherine
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/21    14 December 1937
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/22    9 September 1940
Ferryhill and Chilton
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/23    28 October 1980
Addition to burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/24   16 July 1995
Forest and Frith
addition to burial ground
DDR/EA/CHC/3/F/25   2 March 1996
Ferryhill Duncombe cemetery
extension to cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/1    7 August 1810
Gateshead St Edmund
new chapel
DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/1A    7 August 1811
Gateshead St Edmund
burial ground for newly erected chapel in Gateshead [St Mary] parish

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/2    30 July 1812
Gibside Chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/4    30 August 1825
Gateshead Fell
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/6    6 November 1849
Rebuilt church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/7    15 November 1852
Gateshead St Mary
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/8    18 September 1857
Greenside St John
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/9    11 August 1862
Gateshead Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/10    5 July 1865
Gateshead St James

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/11    10 July 1865
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/13    6 November 1872
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/14    17 July 1875
Gateshead Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/15    29 August 1876
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/16    2 March 1884
Gateshead Fell St John
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/17    11 May 1885
Gateshead Venerable Bede
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/18    4 July 1886
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/19    17 May 1887
Grindon St James
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/20    6 October 1894
Gateshead Cemetery
Additions to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/21    6 October 1894
Gateshead St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/22    9 June 1897
Gateshead St Columba
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/23    2 September 1897
Gateshead St George
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/24    16 September 1903
Greenside St John the Evangelist
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/25    29 September 1903
Gateshead St Chad Bensham
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/26    14 September 1904
Gateshead Saltwell Cemetery
Licence to bury

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/27    4 November 1905
Gateshead Saltwell Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/28    2 November 1909
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/29    14 June 1921
Gateshead St Mary
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/30    11 November 1931
Grangetown St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/31    16 May 1933
Gateshead Saltwell Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/32    14 December 1945
Gateshead Saltwell Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/33    17 May 1951
Greenside St John the Evangelist
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/34    15 July 1955
Churchyard extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/G/35    28 March 1961
Gateshead Saltwell Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/2    18 September 1808
Heworth St Mary
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/3A    15 February 1821
South Hylton
Chapel and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/4    6 August 1822
Heworth St Mary
Rebuilt chapel
Document - plan of sittings annexed

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/5    3 September 1823
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/6    15 November 1832
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/7    8 September 1840
Herrington St Aidan
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/8    8 September 1840
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/9    1 October 1840
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/11    15 July 1845
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/12    7 August 1845
Harwood-in-Teesdale St James
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/13    15 August 1851
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/14    25 May 1852
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/15    15 November 1852
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/16    20 April 1854
West Hartlepool Christ Church
Documents - certificate as to publication of banns and application as to right of nomination

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/17    4 September 1854
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/18    23 June 1856
Hartlepool West Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/19    23 June 1856
Hartlepool Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/20    30 September 1859
Heworth St Mary
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/24    1 May 1863
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/25    16 June 1864
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/26    15 February 1865
Herrington West
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/27    20 October 1865
Hartlepool West Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/28    23 December 1865
Haverton Hill St John the Evangelist

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/29    1 July 1867
Haswell St Paul

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/30    15 August 1867
Harton St Peter
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/31    7 October 1867
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/32    15 April 1869
Heworth St Alban
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/33    28 June 1869
Hunwick St Paul
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/34    14 December 1869
Hartlepool St James

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/35    13 January 1870
Holmside St John the Evangelist
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/36    9 June 1863
Rebuilt church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/39    1 July 1873
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/40    5 November 1874
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/41    6 July 1875
Hamsteels St John the Baptist
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/42    13 January 1876
Hendon St Barnabas
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/44    29 May 1876
Hartlepool West Cemetery
Additional cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/H/46    17 February 1882
Hedworth St Nicholas
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/15    13 April 1883
Hebburn St Oswald
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/16    19 July 1886
Herrington St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/17    21 March 1887
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/18    14 May 1887
Hebburn St John
New church

Temporarily returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/19    27 May 1887
Heworth St Mary
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/20    25 July 1887
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/21    8 November 1887
Hartlepool St Andrew
New church, chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/22    9 August 1888
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/22A    20 November 1888
Hutton Henry and Sheraton with Hulam Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/23    2 July 1889
Hendon St Ignatius
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/24    16 June 1890
South Shields All Saints
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/25    16 June 1890
Hedworth, Monkton and Jarrow Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/26    10 July 1891
Hetton Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/27    4 October 1890
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/28    30 July 1892
Hedgefield St Hilda
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/29    17 July 1893
Hedworth, Monkton and Jarrow
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/30    2 November 1894
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/31    25 April 1895
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/32    30 March 1898
Holmside South Moor
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/33    29 April 1901
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/34    6 July 1901
Haverton Hill
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/35    3 November 1905
Hartlepool Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/36    14 May 1906
Hett Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/37    12 October 1907
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/38    23 November 1907
Hebburn St Cuthbert
New chancel and vestry

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/39    24 July 1908
Houghton-le-Spring Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/40    12 May 1909
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/41    16 February 1911
Hedworth St Nicholas
New chancel vestry

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/42    5 July 1911
Hartlepool Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/43    26 April 1913
Horden St Mary
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/44    13 June 1913
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/45    6 February 1915
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/46    15 June 1922
Heworth St Mary
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/47    1 December 1923
Hunwick and Helmington
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/48    14 October 1925
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/49    9 June 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/50    12 October 1928
Haughton le Skerne
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/51    8 July 1929
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/52    18 September 1936
Burial ground

Addition to churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/54    8 May 1933
South Hetton
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/55    24 July 1936
South Shields
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/56    29 January 1938
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/57    20 July 1938
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/58    28 November 1939
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/59    29 April 1940
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/60    5 July 1940
Hebburn St Cuthbert
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/61    31 May 1947
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/62    6 January 1952
Hartlepool St Barnabas
Church (Substitution for Hartlepool Holy Trinity)

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/63    21 October 1953
Hutton Henry Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/64    31 March 1955
Horden Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/65    25 November 1955
Hookergate Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/66    18 October 1958
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/67    6 December 1961
East Herrington St Chad
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/68    16 November 1961
Horden Thorpe Road Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/69    30 September 1967
Haverton Hill
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/71    23 March 1970
Extension of burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/72    21 October 1974
Horden Thorpe Road Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/73    10 September 1975
Howden-le-Wear North Bedburn Cemetery
Cemetery extension
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/74    8 June 1988
Hookergate Cemetery
Cemetery extension
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/75    14 June 1991
Horsley Hill St Lawrence the Martyr
New church and garden of remembrance
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/76    21 November 1992
Burnhope Village Cemetery
New cemetery named "Burnhope Village Cemetery"
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/77    9 February 1993
Hartlepool West View Cemetery
Cemetery extension
Correspondence in this file relates also to DDR/EA/CHC/3/S156.
DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/78   31 October 1999
extension to burial ground and memorial garden
DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/1    31 October 1844

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/2    22 October 1862
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/4    9 March 1869
Jarrow Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/5    5 October 1869
Jarrow Grange Christ Church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/6    3 July 1870
Jarrow St Paul
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/7    22 February 1876
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/8    29 June 1881
Jarrow St Peter
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/9    6 June 1896
Jarrow St Mark
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/IJ/10    19 July 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/1    26 July 1897
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/2    2 June 1905
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/3    29 June 1960
Kelloe Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/3A    3 July 1964
Kimblesworth St Philip and St James
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/5    5 April 1972
Kelloe Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/6    28 June 1978
Kelloe Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/K/7    4 July 1980
Kelloe Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/2    17 October 1848
Lynesack and Satley
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/3    9 August 1849
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/4    7 April 1860
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/5    13 November 1861
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/8    12 September 1867
Leadgate St Ives
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/10    22 September 1870
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/15    15 December 1885
Gateshead St Paul Low Team
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/16    8 October 1887
Langley Park All Saints
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/17    3 November 1894
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/18    2 May 1896
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/19    19 March 1898
Lynesack and Satley
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/20    3 October 1900
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/21    28 May 1901
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/22    21 September 1921
Lynesack and Satley
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/23    17 November 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/24    4 October 1930
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/25    31 October 1949
Lobley Hill All Saints
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/L/26    15 November 1982
Leam Lane St Andrew
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/3    [1844 x 1848]
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Broad Street chapel (former Salem Congregational chapel)
Document - draft petition only

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/4    28 October 1849
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/6    27 June 1856
Monkwearmouth Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/7    4 August 1870
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/10    13 April 1871
Middleton St George St Laurence
St Laurence chapel of ease to Middleton St George

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/11    30 April 1872
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/12    15 November 1877
Marley Hill St Cuthbert
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/13    21 March 1878
Middleton in Teesdale
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/14    17 July 1880
Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/15    24 March 1884
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/16    6 October 1887
Monkhesledon Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/17    24 July 1889
Monkwearmouth Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/18    5 July 1894
Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/19    11 October 1902
Marley Hill
Additions to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/20    19 July 1907
Monkwearmouth St Andrew
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/21    16 July 1918
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/22    5 October 1920
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/23    15 October 1923
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/24    2 April 1927
Monk Hesleden
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/25    16 November 1929
Middleton St George
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/26    22 December 1930
Bishopwearmouth St Mary Magdalene Millfield
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/27    9 May 1940
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/28    21 July 1974
Middleton St George
Document - order of service only; consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/M/29   1 October 2000
new burial ground
With correspondence concerning churchyard rules and regulations, January 2001
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/12    7 August 1851
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/22    27 February 1868
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/28    1 June 1886
Newbottle St Matthew
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/29    1 November 1889
New Shildon All Saints
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/30    16 November 1898
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/31    7 April 1901
Byers Green
Additional burial ground at Byers Green

DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/32    29 May 1902
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/33    29 September 1913
Norton St Michael and All Angels
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/34    13 March 1920
New Shildon All Saints
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/35    21 September 1927
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on instrument

Instrument retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/36    13 July 1928
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/37    30 November 1957
Newton Aycliffe St Clare
New church
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/38    25 September 1963
Newton Aycliffe Cemetery
New cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/39    25 January 1991
Norton St Michael and All Angels
Garden of Remembrance on the unconsecrated churchyard [measuring 60’ x 60’]
DDR/EA/CHC/3/N/40   17 May 1994
Newton Aycliffe cemetery
new cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/O/1    18 September 1983
Owton Manor St James
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/1    30 August 1756
Documents - consecration papers, with conveyance of site 1744

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/2    24 October 1842
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/3    26 November 1861
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/5    27 November 1868
Additional churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/6    23 June 1863
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/7    12 August 1873
Piercebridge St Mary
Chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/8    27 August 1874
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/10    26 May 1885
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/11    30 September 1889
Pelton Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/12    2 April 1892
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/13    29 May 1912
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/14    10 December 1921
Pelton Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/15    9 May 1929
Preston-on-Tees All Saints
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/16    29 May 1929
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/17    12 December 1957
Peterlee St Cuthbert
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/18    23 April 1959
Preston-on-Tees All Saints
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/19    3 July 1986
Sunderland Pennywell St Thomas
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/20    7 March 1992
Peterlee Cemetery
New municipal cemetery
Printed items (available with no closure period) include short history of Shotton Hall as in printed library catalogue.
DDR/EA/CHC/3/P/21   7 May 1994
Preston-on-Tees cemetery
extension to cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/1    23 September 1820

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/2    29 August 1825
West Rainton

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/3    24 July 1827

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/4    7 September 1840
West Rainton

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/5    10 August 1853
West Rainton
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/6    6 January 1855
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/8    9 December 1861
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/9    21 April 1864
West Rainton
St Mary's church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/10    19 December 1866
East Rainton St Cuthbert
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/11    19 December 1866
West Rainton
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/13    10 August 1870
Ryhope St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/14    13 July 1899
Ryhope Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/15    12 July 1904
West Rainton
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/16    13 May 1905
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/17    27 September 1911
Grangetown St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/18    1 June 1912
Ryhope Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/19    14 December 1913
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/20    8 June 1927
Ryhope St Paul
New chancel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/21    2 October 1939
West Rainton
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/22    28 October 1940
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/23    12 August 1958
Ryton cemetery
Cemetery extension
DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/24    8 November 1972
Rookhope Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/25    3 May 1985
West Rainton Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/R/26    11 June 1987
Rowlands Gill St Barnabas
new church
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/1A    1719

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/1B    October 1769
Sunderland St John

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/2    1770
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/2A    19 July 1783

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/3    28 July 1818

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/4    29 July 1818
South Shields St Hilda

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/5    18 August 1822

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/6    23 September 1826

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/7    29 September 1831
Seaton Carew

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/8    30 September 1831

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/10    17 February 1834
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/11    9 September 1834

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/12    18 September 1834
South Shields Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/13    22 December 1835
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/16    25 September 1838

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/17    11 October 1838
South Hetton

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/18    5 August 1839
Document - petition for marriages 20 July 1841

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/19    21 October 1841
Seaham Harbour

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/20    26 July 1842
Seaton Carew
Additional chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/21    22 August 1842
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/23    28 July 1845
Southwick Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/24    18 September 1846
Stranton All Saints
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/25    13 October 1846
South Shields St Stephen

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/26    16 September 1847
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/28    7 November 1849
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/29    28 September 1851
Chapel and mausoleum

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/30    5 August 1852
Rebuilt church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/31    11 July 1854
New church
Document - commission

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/32    24 June 1856
Stranton All Saints
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/33    24 April 1857
South Shields Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/34    3 May 1858
Sunderland Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/35    25 May 1858
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/36    30 August 1859
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/37    21 November 1860
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/38    26 March 1861
Sherburn and Sherburn Hospital
Additional aisle to Sherburn Hospital chapel and additional burial ground for Sherburn district

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/39    30 November 1861
Additional burial ground and chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/40    4 April 1862
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/44    2 August 1866
Sacriston St Peter
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/45    23 March 1867
Seaton Carew
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/46    11 May 1868
Stockton-on-Tees St James [Portrack]

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/47    27 October 1868
New Shildon All Saints
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/48    4 February 1869
Southwick Holy Trinity
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/49    10 January 1870
South Hetton
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/50    2 November 1870
Spennymoor St Paul
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/51    13 March 1871
Stockton-on-Tees Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/52    23 March 1871
Sunderland Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/54    21 July 1871
Addition to churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/57    28 May 1872
Sherburn St Mary
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/58    26 June 1872
Silksworth St Matthew
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/59    20 August 1872
Stanhope Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/60    21 February 1873
Stella St Cuthbert Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/61    30 June 1874
Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/62    26 May 1875
South Shields St Mark
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/63    13 February 1877
Stanley St Thomas
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/64    2 October 1877

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/65    21 June 1880
South Hylton
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/66    28 June 1880
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/67    20 July 1880
South Shields St Simon
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/68    4 April 1881
South Shields and Westoe

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/69    13 October 1881
Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/70    2 February 1882
South Westoe St Michael and All Angels
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/71    11 November 1883
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/72    20 January 1884
Stockton-on-Tees Cemetery
Additional burial ground (Cemetery)

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/73    11 June 1884
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/74    3 October 1884
Sedgefield Asylum
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/75    16 October 1884
Southwick Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/76    4 May 1885
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/77    11 May 1885
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/78    30 July 1885
Sunderland Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/79    3 August 1885
Addition to burial ground
Nature and types of document
With copies of two conveyances of the consecrated land dated 20 September 1865 and 22 January 1866. (Original conveyances retained by diocesan registry with other deeds.)

Temporarily returned to diocesan registry and so not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/80    27 September 1885
Seaham Harbour Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/81    20 March 1886
Rekendyke St Jude
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/82    5 May 1886
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/83    3 November 1886
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/84    5 March 1888
South Shields St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/85    9 June 1890
Southwick St Columba
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/86    11 September 1890
Sleetburn St Catherine of Alexandria
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/87    9 October 1890
South Shields, Westoe Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/88    24 March 1891
Seaham Harbour Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/89    24 October 1891
Sedgefield Asylum Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/90    17 February 1894
Swalwell Holy Trinity
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/91    17 November 1894
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/92    11 December 1896
Stockton-on-Tees Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/93    15 July 1897
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/94    22 September 1897
Southwick Cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/95    15 December 1897
New Seaham
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/96    1 March 1899
South Shields St Hilda
Addition to burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/97    12 November 1899
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/98    1 May 1900
South Hetton
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/99    27 April 1901
Spennymoor Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/100    4 July 1901
Seaham Harbour
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/101    27 May 1902
Stella St Cuthbert
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/102    17 November 1902
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/103    24 July 1903
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/104    12 June 1906
South Shields Harton Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/105    19 July 1906
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
New chancel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/106    27 September 1906
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
New chancel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/107    1 March 1907
Sunderland Bridge
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/108    5 October 1907
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/109    5 November 1907
South Shields St Simon
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/110    1 October 1908
Seaton Carew
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/111    20 July 1909
Sedgefield Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/112    25 July 1910
South Westoe
Enlargements to church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/113    17 September 1910
South Shields St Oswin
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/114    8 March 1912
South Moor St George
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/115    24 May 1912
Stranton Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/116    14 March 1914
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/117    4 October 1916
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/118    1 July 1918
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/119    6 June 1919
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/120    4 July 1922
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/121    21 September 1922
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/122    15 March 1925
Witton Gilbert civil parish
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/123    22 December 1926
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/124    25 June 1927
Stockton-on-Tees, Oxbridge Lane Cemetery
New cemetery, Oxbridge Lane

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/125    9 October 1928
Shiney Row St Oswald
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/126    18 July 1934
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/127    26 July 1934
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/128    19 February 1938
Southwick Holy Trinity
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/129    26 March 1938
South Shields St Oswin
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/130    1 October 1938
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/131    13 May 1941
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/132    2 October 1941
Stockton-on-Tees Durham Road
Additional burial ground, Durham Road

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/132A    27 February 1942
Document - licence to bury

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/133    4 May 1942
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/134    9 June 1943
Shadforth and Sherburn
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/135    16 June 1943
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/136    17 November 1946
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/137    20 May 1948
Sherburn Hospital
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on instrument

Instrument retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/138    17 July 1950
Stockton-on-Tees Durham Road
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/139    27 November 1951
Addition to churchyard
Document - drafts only

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/140    29 April 1952
Sunderland Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/141    24 July 1952
Seaham Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/142    3 November 1955
Stanhope Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/143    1 November 1956
Spennymoor St Paul
Rebuilt church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/144    27 March 1958
Sherburn Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/145    14 May 1958
Spennymoor Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/146    24 September 1958
Shadforth Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/147    31 May 1959
Swalwell Garden House Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/148    9 July 1960
Stockton-on-Tees St Chad
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/149    26 April 1966
Saltwell Cemetery
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/150    12 November 1970
Extension of burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/150A    27 September 1972
Spennymoor Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/151    27 March 1974
Seaham Princess Road Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/152    28 October 1980
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Addition to burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/153    11 July 1984
Shotton St Saviour
Extension of churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/154    5 February 1985
Sunderland Red House St Cuthbert
New church
With additional correspondence concerning ownership of church building, 1990

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/155    3 July 1991
Shadforth Cemetery
Garden of Remembrance

DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/156    9 February 1993
Stranton Grange Cemetery
Cemetery extension
Correspondence for this consecration is included in the file DDR/EA/CHC/3/HH/77.
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/157   9 December 1995
Sherburn cemetery
additional portions of cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/S/158   21 April 1998
Seaham Princess Road cemetery
two additional portions of cemetery
DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/1    30 July 1811

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/5    7 August 1843
Additional churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/6    8 August 1848
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/7    12 August 1845
Thornley St Bartholomew Wolsingham

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/9    31 July 1851
Tow Law and Thornley Cemetery
Additional cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/11A    7 April 1862
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/12    22 May 1866

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/13    23 May 1867
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/14    24 July 1869
Tow Law St Philip and St James

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/15    21 November 1877
Addition to churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/16    13 February 1884
Tudhoe Grange
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/17    9 November 1884
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/18    6 July 1889
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/19    4 November 1893
Tudhoe Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/20    11 May 1895
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/21    26 November 1902
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/22    31 May 1905
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/23    24 July 1908
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/24    23 March 1914
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
New chancel and choir vestry

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/25    19 July 1916
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/26    10 August 1920
Trimdon Grange
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/27    6 December 1922
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/28    30 July 1923
Trimdon Grange
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/29    23 March 1934
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/30    5 September 1957
Tow Law Cemetery Thornley Road
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/31    30 October 1958
Trimdon Grange Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/32    20 October 1971
Tudhoe Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/T/33    13 November 1978
Trimdon Grange Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/U/1    5 March 1835
Usworth Holy Trinity

DDR/EA/CHC/3/U/2    20 March 1863
Usworth Holy Trinity
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/U/3    4 February 1905
Usworth Holy Trinity
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/U/4    10 May 1913
Ushaw Moor St Luke
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/U/5    16 May 1966
Ushaw Moor Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/2    23 July 1810
St John's Chapel in Weardale

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/3    14 May 1812

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/5    9 September 1828

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/6    22 October 1841
Wingate New

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/7    25 August 1842
Heworth St Alban
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/9    13 May 1852
New chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/10    21 June 1855
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/11    26 June 1855
Witton Gilbert
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/12    3 July 1855
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/13    7 January 1857
Chapel and chapelyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/16    16 April 1862
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/16A    20 April 1854
West Hartlepool Christ Church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/19    21 April 1864
West Rainton St Mary

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/21    9 May 1868
Windlestone Chapel
Mortuary chapel

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/22    13 August 1868
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/23    31 December 1868
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/24    7 June 1869
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/25    29 July 1869
Westgate St Andrew
Church and burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/26    7 October 1869
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/28    5 September 1876
Wingate Grange
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/29    21 September 1876
Wolviston St Peter
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/30    18 May 1877
Witton Park St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/31    11 October 1877
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/32    16 June 1879
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/34    5 August 1879
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/35    9 June 1880
West Pelton
New church and churchyard

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/36    1 December 1883
Waterhouses St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/37    18 November 1885
Hartlepool St Paul
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/38    25 October 1887
Whitburn Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/39    17 March 1890
Winlaton St Patrick
Chapel of ease

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/40    11 October 1890
Hartlepool St Aidan
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/41    18 October 1892
West Hartlepool Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/42    13 November 1893
Wingate Grange
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/43    1 October 1894
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/44    26 June 1897
Church enlargement

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/45    13 November 1897
Winlaton St Paul
Addtional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/46    11 May 1898
Burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/47    12 July 1898
Additional burial ground
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/48    18 October 1902
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/49    1 November 1902
New church (enlargement)

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/50    17 September 1903
Witton Gilbert
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/51    16 January 1904
Hartlepool St Oswald
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/52    16 November 1904
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/53    12 December 1904
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/54    27 February 1906
Washington Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/55    15 March 1907
Whitburn Cemetery
Addition to cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/56    28 May 1908
Whitburn All Saints Cleadon
New aisle

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/57    1 October 1908
West Hartlepool
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/58    4 February 1911
Wheatley Hill Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/59    14 October 1911
Willington Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/60    26 May 1913
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/60A    February 1915
Windlestone Chapel
Document - licence to bury

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/61    27 February 1915
Wheatley Hill
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/62    26 February 1916
Whickham Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/63    18 October 1916
Hartlepool St Luke
New church

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/64    23 March 1919
West Pelton
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/65    4 May 1921
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/66    14 July 1921
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/67    15 June 1924
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/67A    18 March 1925
Burial ground at Sacriston
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/68    18 March 1926
Witton Gilbert
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/69    11 December 1926
Wingate Grange
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/70    8 June 1928
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance - copy of endorsement only

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/71    19 May 1937
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/72    24 November 1937
Winlaton St Patrick
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/73    17 May 1938
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/74    4 September 1941
Witton Park
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/74A    27 April 1944
New burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/75    15 July 1946
Wingate Grange
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance

Conveyance retained in Diocesan Office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/76    13 August 1948
Addition to churchyard
Document - instrument

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/77    21 January 1949
Additional burial ground
Document - licence to bury prior to consecration

Temporarily returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/78    16 May 1949
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/79    5 May 1949
Additional burial ground

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/80    22 May 1955
Addition to churchyard
Document - photocopies only of conveyance and endorsed conveyance. Original endorsed on conveyance

Original conveyance retained in Diocesan office
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/81    13 November 1955
Addition to churchyard
Consecration endorsed on conveyance, with papers and plans accompanying the conveyance

Permanently returned to the Diocesan Registry and not available for consultation. The conveyance and consecration will be kept with the series of deeds retained by the Registry.
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/82    4 April 1957
Waterhouses Parkwood Cemetery
New cemetery

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/83    12 December 1957
Willington Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/84    10 August 1964
Witton-le-Wear Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/85    10 March 1969
Willington Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/86    18 June 1981
West Auckland Cemetery
Cemetery extension

DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/87   12 October 1995
Willington cemetery
additional land for cemetery
Correspondence for this consecration is included within the file following
DDR/EA/CHC/3/W/88   12 October 1995
Witton-le-Wear cemetery
additional land for cemetery
Also includes correspondence for consecration at Witton-le-Wear on even date, as preceding file
Consecration accounts
DDR/EA/CHC/4   1769-1818, 1855, 1861-1887
7 folders   
Registrar's accounts of fees and expenses for consecrations

Returns of consecrations and new churches
DDR/EA/CHC/5   1837-1877
1 bundle   
Returns of new church buildings and other consecrations (covering consecrations from 1800)

DDR/EA/CHC/5/1   April 1837
Return of churches or chapels built at private expense since 1800, in response to House of Commons resolution. Includes list of churches with date of consecration, at whose expense built and in whom patronage vested
DDR/EA/CHC/5/2   [1840]
Notes on churches consecrated October 1835 to September 1840, with details of sittings and some notes on endowments
DDR/EA/CHC/5/3   [July 1843]
List of churches and burial grounds consecrated for three years ending 26 June 1843, in response to House of Commons resolution, with details of fees and costs
DDR/EA/CHC/5/4   5 November 1844
List of additional (not re-built) churches and chapels consecrated since 1 January 1841, in response to application from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
DDR/EA/CHC/5/5   [1846]
Return of churches and chapels consecrated from January 1801 to October 1846
DDR/EA/CHC/5/6   [1846]
List of churches and chapels consecrated from October 1836 to October 1846, with some notes on endowments and acts under which Districts assigned, with supplementary list of endowments by Orders in Council
DDR/EA/CHC/5/7   7 February 1848
List of churches and chapels consecrated since 1 October 1844, in connection with fundraising appeal by Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
DDR/EA/CHC/5/8   25 October 1850
List of churches and chapels consecreated since 1 January 1848 (draft and fair copies)
DDR/EA/CHC/5/9   1854
Lists of churches, chapels, church yards and cemeteries, with years only of consecration
DDR/EA/CHC/5/10   7 February 1863
Return of parishes in which any new burial ground has been consecrated since 1833, in response to House of Commons resolution. Arranged by archdeaconry, and noting whether ground purchased by the parish, purchased by voluntary subscription or presented as a free gift
DDR/EA/CHC/5/11   21 March 1872
Return of parishes with new/additional burial grounds consecrated since 1862, in response to resolution of Parliament. Arranged by archdeaconry, with approximate acreage and noting whether ground purchased by parish, by voluntary subscription or presented as a free gift. Covering letter also refers to pending consecration of Bishopwearmouth cemetery.
DDR/EA/CHC/5/12   7 November 1872
Return of numbers of churches or chapels built per year from 1801 to 1871, for committee of Canterbury Convocation. List distinguishes between new/additional churches and those that are merely re-built, but does not list churches individually.
DDR/EA/CHC/5/13   [September] 1874
Return of number of churches or chapels consecrated in 1873, for committee of Canterbury Convocation. List distinguishes between new/additional churches and those that have been re-built, and includes a list of the churches
DDR/EA/CHC/5/14   27 September 1877
Return of parishes or districts in which any new burial ground has been consecrated since the 1863 return, in response to House of Commons resolution. Noting archdeaconry, date of consecration and whether ground purchased by the parish, purchased by voluntary subscription or presented as a free gift
Consecrations - general papers
DDR/EA/CHC/6   1838-1995
1 bundle   
Miscellaneous items relating to consecrations
Printed orders of service previously held within this series are now listed at DDR/BP/DIO/5, see library printed catalogue.

DDR/EA/CHC/6/1-2   1838 and 1841
Draft notices for consecration of newly erected churches (1841 also for churchyard)
DDR/EA/CHC/6/3-4   October 1848
Draft petition for and sentence of consecration, for Healey St Paul (chapel in Masham parish, Ripon diocese), perhaps used as a precedent
DDR/EA/CHC/6/5   undated [early 20th century]
Sketch plan of unidentified churchyard, marking “New Ground” and “Lord Grey's portion”
DDR/EA/CHC/6/6   undated [late 20th century]
Typescript list of consecrations for Bishopwearmouth cemetery and extensions
DDR/EA/CHC/6/7-9   August 1995
Correspondence relating to proposed consecration of Horden Thorpe Road cemetery extension
Licensing for the Performance of Divine Services
Reference: DDR/EA/CHD
Licences for the performance of divine and burial services
DDR/EA/CHD/1   1825-1995
0.5 box   
Draft, original and copy licences (both permanent and temporary), for the performance of divine services or burial services in various buildings, and related papers.
Some of the licences are additionally for the publication of banns and the solemnisation of marriages. Some of the licences include revocations.
Note that this class includes some licences for buildings in Northumberland as well as County Durham, for the period up to 1882. Post-1882 material for Northumberland should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Sorted by year, and by place within each year

List of buildings licensed for divine service
DDR/EA/CHD/2   [1847]
1 folder   
List of buildings (mainly school rooms) licensed for the performance of divine service, from 1838 to 1847.

Correspondence relating to the licensing of buildings for the performance of divine and burial services
Reference: DDR/EA/CHD/3
Dates of creation: 1942-1987, 1989
Extent: 0.5 box
Licensing for the Publication of Banns and the Solemnisation of Marriages
Reference: DDR/EA/CHM
Licences for the publication of banns and the solemnisation of marriages
DDR/EA/CHM/1   1846-1994
0.5 box   
Draft, original and copy licences of buildings (both temporary and permanent) for the publication of banns and the solemnisation of marriages, and related papers.
Includes some licences for buildings in Northumberland as well as County Durham, for the period up to 1882 (although there are very few pre-1882 licences altogether). Post-1882 material for Northumberland should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Sorted by year, and by place within each year
DDR/EA/CHD/1: Licences for the performance of divine and burial services, 1825-1995. Some licences for the performance of divine and burial services also license churches for banns and marriages.

Returns of chapels licensed for the solemnisation of marriages to the registrar general
DDR/EA/CHM/2   1838-1898, 1973-1989
0.5 box and 1 bundle   
Lists of chapels licensed for the solemnisation of marriages. Up to 1854, the lists show also what ecclesiastical division is annexed to each chapel (parish or chapelry etc), and include a detailed geographical description of the district for which each chapel is licensed.
The 1836 Marriage Act requires a list of chapels licensed for the solemnisation of marriages to be sent to the Registrar General in January each year.
Sorted by year only

Consents to the licensing of chapels for marriages
DDR/EA/CHM/3   1824-1913
1 bundle   
Signed consents of patrons and incumbents to the licensing of chapels for the publication of banns or the solemnisation of marriages. Some of the consents take the form of petitions from the incumbent or patron to the bishop for licensing.
Note that this class includes some material for chapels in Northumberland as well as County Durham, for the period up to 1882. Post-1882 material for Northumberland should be among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Sorted by year, and by place within each year

Correspondence relating to the licensing of chapels for marriages
DDR/EA/CHM/4   1867-1915, 1946-1986
1 box   
Correspondence and papers relating to the granting of licences for the publication of banns and the solemnisation of marriages.

Revocations of Licences
Reference: DDR/EA/CHR
Revocations of licences of church buildings and chapels
DDR/EA/CHR/1   1949-1998
½ box   
Correspondence and papers relating to the revocation of licences for the performance of divine service, and/or for the publication of banns and the solemnisation of marriages, usually including copy or extract of The London Gazette and/or local newspapers
DDR/EA/CHD/1: Some of the licences for the performance of divine and burial services include revocations

DDR/EA/CHR/1/1   7 October 1948
Hendon St Oswald mission church (in Bishopwearmouth St Barnabas parish), revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1943 (with original licence, granted following bomb damage to St Barnabas)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/2   1 November 1949
Jarrow Grange, chapel of The Good Shepherd, revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages (closed, to be used as a church hall for Christ Church parish)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/3   2 November 1951
Felling St Peter (closed since 1943, let to fireplace maker), revocation of licences for performance of divine service and solemnisation of marriages, granted 1913 (with original marriage licence)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/4   7 January 1952
Pennywell St Thomas mission church in Hylton St Mary parish (temporary wooden hut, adjoining newly built church), revocation of licences for performance of divine service and solemnisation of marriages granted 1951 (with original marriage licence)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/5   15 November 1967
Bowburn St John in Cassop-cum-Quarrington parish (closed 'some months ago' and apparently sold), revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1947 (with original licence)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/6   15 June 1968
Town End Farm House in Town End Farm St Bede Conventional District, revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1965
DDR/EA/CHR/1/7   31 May 1971
Monkton Venerable Bede mission church in Jarrow St Paul parish, revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages (notice from London Gazette and invoice from local newspaper only)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/8   12 January 1977
Toronto St Paul mission church in Auckland St Andrew with St Anne parish, revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1950 (copy of London Gazette only)
DDR/EA/CHR/1/9   1 February 1981
Gateshead Holy Trinity in Gateshead Team Ministry (declared redundant in 1972, fresh licence requested for St Edmund's Chapel within former church), revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1966
DDR/EA/CHR/1/10   1 February 1983
Stockton St John's School chapel in Stockton St John Conventional District (following dedication of new church for District), revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1981
DDR/EA/CHR/1/11   15 July 1992
Holy Trinity School Hall in Stockton on Tees Holy Trinity Greenvale Conventional District, revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1982
DDR/EA/CHR/1/12   January 1994
Oakenshaw Church of the Good Shepherd (due to closure), revocation of licence for public worship
DDR/EA/CHR/1/13   30 April 1995
Church of St Martha and St Mary in Ferryhill St Luke parish (due to closure), revocation of licence [for performance of divine service]
DDR/EA/CHR/1/14   20 July 1998
Roker St Aidan in Monkwearmouth Team Ministry (due to closure), revocation of licence for solemnisation of marriages granted 1953
The Sharing of Church Buildings
Reference: DDR/EA/CHS See also other series of records relating to pastoral reorganisation under reference /DDR/EA/BEP.

Ecumenical sharing agreements
DDR/EA/CHS/1   1974-1975
2 folders   
Sharing agreements drawn up between different denominations under the 1969 Sharing of Church Buildings Act, to allow buildings to be shared by different churches. Also related correspondence and papers.

DDR/EA/CHS/1/1   28 October 1974
Oxclose Ecumenical Centre, Washington
DDR/EA/CHS/1/2   October 1975 - June 1982
Newton Hall All Saints, also in relation to designation of church as Parish Centre of Worship
DDR/EA/CHS/1/3   16 March 1993
Annfield Plain St Aidan, proposed sharing agreement (letter only)
1969 Sharing of Church Buildings Act - general papers
DDR/EA/CHS/2/1   1970-1978
1 folder   
Circulars from the Churches Main Committee of the Church of England, with published guidelines

Parish Centres of Worship
Reference: DDR/EA/CHW
Designations of parish centres of worship
DDR/EA/CHW/1   1984-1991
1 bundle   
Correspondence and papers relating to designations of churches as parish centres of worship under the 1983 Pastoral Measure
The papers for the Newton Hall Ecumenical Sharing Agreement at DDR/EA/CHS/1/2 relate also to its designation as a parish centre of worship.
See also other series of records relating to pastoral reorganisation under reference /DDR/EA/BEP.

DDR/EA/CHW/1/1   17 January 1984
Langley Park All Saints church, for Esh St Michael and All Angels parish
DDR/EA/CHW/1/2   30 May 1985
Darlington St Columba church, for Darlington St Hilda and St Columba parish
DDR/EA/CHW/1/3   1 August 1985
Rowlands Gill St Barnabas and High Spen St Patrick, for Winlaton Team Ministry, with draft constitution for Team Ministry
DDR/EA/CHW/1/4   27 March 1986
Usworth St Michael, for Usworth Team Ministry (with enquiry about faculty jurisdiction)
DDR/EA/CHW/1/5   18 July 1990
Hutton Henry St Francis, for Wingate Grange parish
DDR/EA/CHW/1/6   2 January 1991
Darlington St Herbert Yarm Road, for East Darlington parish
Church Buildings
Reference: DDR/EA/CHB
Extent: NONE (reference not used) Material previously referenced under DDR/EA/CHB (but unlisted) can be found within the following series:
/1 (church accommodation returns) are listed as DDR/EA/BEM/6
/2 (church plans and drawings) are included within DDR/DA/DAC/6
/3 (photographs of church buildings) are listed in DDR/DA/RED/3
/4 (notifications of 'listing') are part of DDR/EA/RGC/4
/5 (return of numbers of churches) is part of DDR/EA/RGC/5

Parish Rooms
Reference: DDR/EA/CHP
Diocesan survey of parish rooms
DDR/EA/CHP/1   September-November 1893
1 bundle   
Answers from individual incumbents to questions regarding any parish rooms, institutes or other similar buildings in their parishes, chiefly in relation to trust deeds and financial expenditure, but including the purposes to which the room may be put. Some of the answers concern school rooms or mission chapels. Several include additional notes or documents.
This survey was carried out due to the perceived insecurity of church tenure of parish rooms under the Parish Councils Bill due to come before Parliament

Beamish (church institute and schools), with notes from school deed
Belmont (nil return, reference to schools)
Benfieldside St Cuthbert, with letter
Birtley (nil return, reference to site for new building)
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield (St Mark's school and St Hilda's mission room)
Bishopwearmouth St Michael (two mission rooms)
Bishopwearmouth St Peter
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas (St Thomas' sunday schools and institute on Sussex Street, and Sans Street Boys Institute), with abstract of title
Covering letter relating to Bishopwearmouth St Thomas and St Mark parishes
Blackhill (site for proposed parish room)
Boldon ('parochial chapel' building)
Brandon (nil return, with reference to National and British schools)
Burnopfield (National school rooms)
Castle Eden (nil return, mentioning schools)
Castleside, with covering letter
Collierley (nil return)
Cornforth (former National school rooms)
Coxhoe (nil return, mentioning National school)
Darlington Holy Trinity
Darlington St James
Darlington St Paul
Dipton (nil return)
Durham St Cuthbert (blank), with letter concerning former school room in Framwellgate Moor
Durham St Giles, with covering letter
Durham St Margaret (nil return, with reference to site for mission and parish room at Neville's Cross)
Durham St Mary-le-Bow (nil return)
Durham St Nicholas (unconsecrated vestries on site of former vicarage)
East Rainton
Eighton Banks St Thomas (nil return, mentioning parochial reading room and school)
Eppleton (nil return, mentioning Hetton Coal Company parish room)
Esh (nil return), with notes on church school, Esh Winning and Ushaw Moor mission churches
Felling Christ Church
Felling St Alban, letter only concerning Sunday school
Fir Tree Howden-le-Wear
Gateshead Holy Trinity ('Ellison' infant school), with earlier holding letter
Gateshead St Aidan (St Patrick's mission room), with letter mentioning also 'large' mission room on St Cuthbert's Road
Gateshead St Edmund
Gateshead St Helen (brief notes only on parish room and Church Institute with gymnasium)
Gateshead St James (Gymnasium and St James Lecture Hall), with letter concerning additional parish room on land adjoining church, and waste land originally granted for educational purposes
Gateshead St Mary
Gateshead St Paul (nil return, mentioning room attached to clergyman's rented house)
Gateshead Venerable Bede (nil return, mentioning rooms belonging to Joicey of Blenkinsopp Castle)
Gateshead Fell (National school)
Greenside (nil return, mentioning parish schools)
Hamsterley (mission room with class room)
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Harton Colliery All Saints (site for room not yet built)
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Hebburn St John, with letter (mentioning also mission room)
Hendon St Ignatius (St Polycarp mission church and Burlington Road mission room and institute
Hendon St Paul
Hetton-le-Hole St Nicholas (nil return, mentioning parish room belonging to Hetton Coal Company)
Houghton-le-Spring (St Michael's mixed school, Lambton mixed school, New Town infants' school, church institute, St Michael's hall, Lambton infants' school, St Mary's mission, St Mark's mission chapel and Boyd memorial church home), with covering letter
Jarrow St Peter (nil return)
Kelloe (parish room in old vicarage)
Lamesley (nil return)
Lanchester (nil return, mentioning church school)
Lyons (Sunday school)
Marley Hill (nil return, mentioning temporary iron room due to be erected)
Medomsley (nil return, mentioning National school)
Monkhesleden St John (nil return)
Monkhesleden St Mary (nil return)
Monkwearmouth All Saints (moveable iron room)
Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert
Monkwearmouth St Peter (Dorothy Street mission room)
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede (mission church and mission chapel)
Newbottle (room in vicarage and former dissenting chapel), with covering letter
Penshaw, with covering letter
Ryhope (mission room and institute)
Ryton (parish hall being built)
Seaham (school room)
Seaham Harbour (nil return, mentioning National school)
Sherburn (church school), with covering letter
Sherburn Hospital (nil return)
Shincliffe (nil return, mentioning National school and trustees' house)
Shotton (nil return)
South Hetton (room in vicarage)
South Shields Holy Trinity (room in vicarage)
South Shields St Jude
South Shields St Mary (large detached vestry)
South Shields St Simon Simonside
South Westoe
Southwick St Columba (National school)
Stella (nil return, mentioning rented parish room and club room)
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Sunderland St John (nil return, mentioning two rented rooms)
Tanfield (nil return)
Thornley, Wheatley Hill (nil return)
Trimdon (parish room in vicarage garden)
Tudhoe Grange
Uswoth (Mrs Susan Peareth's school room), with covering letter and copy of Charity Commission scheme dated 1883
West Hartlepool Christ Church (Robinson Street mission room), with covering letter
West Hartlepool Christ Church (St Oswald's mission)
West Hartlepool St Aidan (site of parish hall being erected)
West Pelton (nil return, mentioning large vestry and school rooms belonging to coal owners)
West Rainton (nil return, mentioning school rooms and rectory coach house)
Westoe (part of St Thomas' Sunday schools)
Willington (nil return, mentioning rented church institute, room within church and National schools)
Wingate (nil return)
Winlaton (church school rooms)
Witton Gilbert (Kimblesworth mission church and literary institute)
Correspondence relating to parish rooms

DDR/EA/CHP/2/   1964-1968
Gateshead St George parish hall, concerning disputes between incumbent and members of the PCC, and questions over trusteeships. Also relates to removal of a WW1 memorial cross without faculty
Churchyards, Burial Grounds and Cemeteries
Reference: DDR/EA/CHY
Licences of burial grounds prior to consecration
Reference: DDR/EA/CHY/1
Dates of creation: 1849-1856
Extent: 1 folder If the bishop is unable to formally consecrate a burial ground or cemetery, he may nevertheless grant a licence to allow burials within it until it should be properly consecrated.
Other licences of burial grounds and cemeteries prior to consecration can also be found among draft consecration papers and with the consecration deeds.

DDR/EA/CHY/1/1   1849
Ground at Shotley Bridge for Benfieldside district church. Draft, annotated “not granted”
DDR/EA/CHY/1/2   October 1853
Blank draft for addition to an existing burial ground
DDR/EA/CHY/1/3   September 1856
Ground at Preston (Northumberland) for Tynemouth parish
DDR/EA/CHY/1/4   21 January 1949
Additional burial ground at Willington
DDR/EA/CHY/1/5   13 November 1951
Churchyard extension at Silksworth
DDR/EA/CHY/1/6   1 January 1954
Churchyard extension at Haverton Hill
DDR/EA/CHY/1/7   10 March 1966
Cemetery extension at Ushaw Moor
DDR/EA/CHY/1/8   December 1969
Cemetery extension at Coniscliffe
DDR/EA/CHY/1/9   [1973 x 1983]
Blank licence for a new burial ground or cemetery, temp. Bishop Habgood
Return to Parliament of burials
DDR/EA/CHY/2/1   1868
1 folder   
Return to Parliament of burial grounds and the number of burials in each ground, for the years 1865-1867 (under a resolution of the House of Commons dated 27 July 1868)

Correspondence relating to churchyards, burial grounds and cemeteries
DDR/EA/CHY/3   1928-1998
2 boxes   
Correspondence and papers relating to churchyards, burial grounds and cemeteries, including arrangements for their consecration, closure, upkeep and ownership.
See also file of correspondence from the Bishop's Office under DDR/BP/DIO/10.

Survey of monumental inscriptions
DDR/EA/CHY/4   1976
1 box   
Photocopies of survey of headstones (with drawings and details of each headstone and inscription), Shildon St John.
A survey of monumental inscriptions in Shildon St John churchyard was carried out under the Manpower Services Commission Job Creation Programme in January 1976.
A box of transcripts of monumental inscriptions is kept in the Archives and Special Collections searchroom.
DDR/EJ/FAC/3 : Faculty and archdeacons' certificate papers, 1697-1999 Faculty papers may include details of monumental inscriptions, especially among papers relating to faculties for the reservation of grave spaces or laying out of burial grounds as open spaces.

Parsonage Houses
Reference: DDR/EA/PH
Loans and Mortgages for Repairs to Parsonage Houses
Reference: DDR/EA/PHL DDR/EA/BED/2: 1871 Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act papers, 1872-1911

Copy mortgages of benefice income
DDR/EA/PHL/1   1803-1977
17 boxes and 1 medium tray   
Mortgages by incumbents to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty (later, to the Church Commissioners) of the profits of their benefices, under the Gilbert Acts (occasionally, under the dilapidations acts).
The items generally contain a copy of the mortgage deed and a bond from the nominee (a person appointed by the bishop, incumbent and patron to receive and account for the loan). Plans, surveyors' reports and correspondence may also survive, as well as the nominee's accounts and associated receipts and vouchers.
Only contains material relating to County Durham parishes and chapelries. Copy mortgages for Northumberland if they survive (including pre-1882 items) should be held among the Newcastle Diocesan Records in the Northumberland Record Office.
Numerical order (following Diocesan Registry list). Mortgages numbered in approximate date order of mortgage deed. Some numbers not used, or possibly used for parishes now in Newcastle diocese.

DDR/EA/PHL/1/1A   1 October 1803
Mortgaged for £700
Account passed 28 August 1806
Document - accounts and receipts only
DDR/EA/PHL/1/1B   22 May 1812
Mortgaged for £295
Account passed 28 July 1813
DDR/EA/PHL/1/1C   [5 August 1816]
Mortgaged for £2328
Account passed 12 September 1818
DDR/EA/PHL/1/1D   [21 November 1821]
Mortgaged for £170
Account passed 24 September 1823
Document - no copy mortgage
DDR/EA/PHL/1/3   11 May 1829
Elwick Hall
Mortgaged for £937 8s 1d
Account passed 1 May 1835
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/4   31 December 1830
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £680
Account passed 26 June 1835
DDR/EA/PHL/1/6   2 March 1832
Mortgaged for £300
Account passed 20 November 1832
DDR/EA/PHL/1/9   3 May 1833
Mortgaged for £1050
Account passed 31 August 1835
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/10   25 July 1833
Mortgaged for £305 7s 10d
DDR/EA/PHL/1/11   2 September 1833
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Mortgaged for £400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/14   23 January 1837
Mortgaged for £486
DDR/EA/PHL/1/15   13 February 1837
Heworth St Mary
Mortgaged for £324
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/18   20 June 1840
Mortgaged for £530
Account passed September 1841
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/19   7 August 1840
Mortgaged for £766
Account passed 9 October 1847
DDR/EA/PHL/1/20   8 October 1840
Mortgaged for £700
Account passed 5 February 1842
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/23   10 January 1844
Mortgaged for £1386 17s 6d
Account passed 20 April 1847
DDR/EA/PHL/1/24   20 January 1844
Mortgaged for £1300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/27   25 April 1845
Mortgaged for £600
Account passed 20 April 1847
DDR/EA/PHL/1/28   25 July 1845
Mortgaged for £495 1s 10d
Account passed 30 January 1847
DDR/EA/PHL/1/29   11 August 1845
Mortgaged for £675
Account passed 1 March 1851
DDR/EA/PHL/1/30   4 July 1846
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Mortgaged for £450 3s 3d
Account passed 8 November 1847
This item is too fragile to be produced until it is repaired.
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/31   27 October 1846
Mortgaged for £364 15s 1d
DDR/EA/PHL/1/32   12 February 1847
Mortgaged for £300
Account passed 22 November 1847
DDR/EA/PHL/1/34   1 July 1848
Durham St Margaret
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/35   19 April 1850
Durham St Oswald
Mortgaged for £330
Account passed 1 March 1851
DDR/EA/PHL/1/36   10 October 1850
South Shields Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £237
DDR/EA/PHL/1/37   20 June 1851
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/38   17 November 1851
Benfieldside St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £150
Account passed 14 June 1854
DDR/EA/PHL/1/39   22 November 1851
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £300
Account passed 17 January 1853
DDR/EA/PHL/1/40   21 February 1852
Barnard Castle
Mortgaged for £350
DDR/EA/PHL/1/41   22 January 1853
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/42   23 May 1853
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/44   7 February 1854
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/45   7 December 1854
Heworth St Alban
Mortgaged for £200
Account passed 21 May 1856
DDR/EA/PHL/1/46   3 May 1854
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £400
This item is too fragile to be produced until it is repaired.
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/47   3 June 1857
Southwick Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £450
Account passed 27 July 1857
DDR/EA/PHL/1/48   21 July 1857
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/49   12 March 1857
Mortgaged for £285
Account passed 15 October 1857
Fumigated , 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/50   9 July 1859
Mortgaged for £300
Account passed 24 September 1860
DDR/EA/PHL/1/53   3 July 1860
Seaham Harbour St John the Evangelist
Mortgaged for £696
DDR/EA/PHL/1/54   7 February 1861
West Rainton
Mortgaged for £800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/55   18 May 1861
Monk Hesleden
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/57   1 October 1862
Mortgaged for £350
Account passed 28 November 1865
DDR/EA/PHL/1/61   29 November 1864
Mortgaged for £870
DDR/EA/PHL/1/63   22 September 1865
Mortgaged for £1100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/64   12 April 1866
Darlington Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £1400
Account passed 28 February 1868
DDR/EA/PHL/1/65   14 May 1866
Mortgaged for £550
Account passed 26 December 1868
DDR/EA/PHL/1/66   ca.1867
Mortgaged for £400
Account passed 12 February 1867
DDR/EA/PHL/1/68   29 June 1866
Stella St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £650
Plan D and some other papers repaired, 1985
DDR/EA/PHL/1/69   7 July 1866
Mortgaged for £1400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/70   7 July 1866
Gateshead St James
Mortgaged for £1400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/71   4 June 1866
Mortgaged for £600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/72   7 September 1866
Mortgaged for £450
Account passed 1 July 1868
DDR/EA/PHL/1/73   27 August 1866
Gateshead St Edmund
Mortgaged for £1400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/74   20 September 1866
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £1400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/75   13 December 1866
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Mortgaged for £1400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/76   27 February 1867
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/78   29 June 1867
Mortgaged for £390
Account passed 1 July 1868
DDR/EA/PHL/1/79   14 June 1867
Mortgaged for £150
Account passed 26 December 1868
DDR/EA/PHL/1/80   15 August 1867
Mortgaged for £800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/81   23 September 1867
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £125
Account passed 9 November 1867
DDR/EA/PHL/1/82   18 October 1867
Mortgaged for £260
DDR/EA/PHL/1/87   30 October 1868
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £320
DDR/EA/PHL/1/88   February 1868
Mortgaged for £120
DDR/EA/PHL/1/89   12 December 1868
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/90   16 June 1869
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/91   5 June 1869
South Hetton
Mortgaged for £200
Account passed 17 January 1870
DDR/EA/PHL/1/92   6 July 1869
Mortgaged for £240
DDR/EA/PHL/1/93   5 August 1869
Frosterley St Michael
Mortgaged for £120
DDR/EA/PHL/1/94   17 November 1869
Darlington Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £120
DDR/EA/PHL/1/95   27 December 1869
Hartlepool St Hilda
Mortgaged for £500
Account passed 30 December 1870
DDR/EA/PHL/1/97   7 April 1870
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/98   19 January 1871
Cassop cum Quarrington
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/99   24 January 1871
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/101.   13 April 1871
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/102   11 September 1871
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £500
Account passed 30 January 1873
DDR/EA/PHL/1/103   22 November 1871
Mortgaged for £130
DDR/EA/PHL/1/104   5 December 1871
Wingate Grange
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/105   12 December 1871
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/107   13 May 1872
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/109   17 September 1872
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £535
Account passed 3 December 1873
DDR/EA/PHL/1/110   27 September 1872
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/111   22 October 1872
Southwick Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £250
Account passed 23 November 1872
DDR/EA/PHL/1/111A   11 March 1873
Mortgaged for £102
Document - Copy mortgage only
DDR/EA/PHL/1/112   12 May 1873
Mortgaged for £250
Account passed 17 March 1874
DDR/EA/PHL/1/113   14 May 1873
Mortgaged for £325
DDR/EA/PHL/1/114   23 May 1873
Mortgaged for £602
Account passed 20 November 1873
DDR/EA/PHL/1/115   20 June 1873
Mortgaged for £200
Account passed 30 October 1875
DDR/EA/PHL/1/116   2 February 1874
Auckland St Helen
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/118   22 November 1873
Mortgaged for £200
Account passed 13 December 1875
DDR/EA/PHL/1/119   5 April 1874
Mortgaged for £248 2s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/120   30 November 1874
Haswell St Paul
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/122   29 March 1876
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/124   13 September 1876
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £103
DDR/EA/PHL/1/125   7 October 1876
Mortgaged for £1580
DDR/EA/PHL/1/126   16 January 1877
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Mortgaged for £966
Fumigated, 2.1981
DDR/EA/PHL/1/127   27 February 1877
South Shields St Mark
Mortgaged for £700
DDR/EA/PHL/1/128   14 June 1877
Mortgaged for £400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/130   19 March 1878
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/134   17 September 1878
Mortgaged for £400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/137   8 September 1879
Mortgaged for £80
Account passed 22 September 1879
DDR/EA/PHL/1/138   18 October 1879
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £125
DDR/EA/PHL/1/139   24 June 1879
Mortgaged for £50
DDR/EA/PHL/1/140   27 March 1880
Mortgaged for £128
DDR/EA/PHL/1/142   4 May 1880
Mortgaged for £600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/143   12 August 1880
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/144   5 October 1880
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £1600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/147   16 April 1881
Durham Cathedral (first canonry)
Mortgaged for £475
DDR/EA/PHL/1/148   3 May 1881
Chilton Moor
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/154   15 September 1882
Mortgaged for £676
DDR/EA/PHL/1/155   27 April 1883
Auckland St Andrew with St Philip
Mortgaged for £156
DDR/EA/PHL/1/156   20 August 1884
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £239
DDR/EA/PHL/1/157   21 August 1884
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/158   7 March 1885
Mortgaged for £340
DDR/EA/PHL/1/159   18 May 1885
Sunderland St John
Mortgaged for £630
Account passed 4 February 1887
DDR/EA/PHL/1/160   19 June 1885
Mortgaged for £387
DDR/EA/PHL/1/161   25 June 1886
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Mortgaged for £73
DDR/EA/PHL/1/162   4 April 1889
Mortgaged for £110
DDR/EA/PHL/1/163   1 November 1889
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/164   23 May 1891
Mortgaged for £240
DDR/EA/PHL/1/165   22 July 1892
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/166   5 October 1892
Mortgaged for £72
DDR/EA/PHL/1/167   1 February 1893
Mortgaged for £106
DDR/EA/PHL/1/168   7 March 1894
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/169   11 December 1894
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/170   17 May 1895
Greenside St John
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/171   8 July 1895
South Shields St Stephen
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/172   27 July 1895
Durham St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/173   12 December 1895
Mortgaged for £109
DDR/EA/PHL/1/174   5 November 1896
Mortgaged for £140 and £110
DDR/EA/PHL/1/175   28 July 1896
Southwick St Columba
Mortgaged for £110
DDR/EA/PHL/1/176   29 July 1897
Marley Hill
Mortgaged for £37
DDR/EA/PHL/1/177   3 September 1897
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
Mortgaged for £83
DDR/EA/PHL/1/178   24 September 1898
Southwick Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/179   3 February 1899
Usworth Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £63
DDR/EA/PHL/1/180   24 June 1899
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/181   21 July 1899
Shotton St Saviour
Mortgaged for £112
DDR/EA/PHL/1/182   28 July 1899
Mortgaged for £92
DDR/EA/PHL/1/183   2 November 1899
Mortgaged for £91
DDR/EA/PHL/1/184   1 May 1900
Southwick St Columba
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/185   16 July 1900
New Shildon
Mortgaged for £122
DDR/EA/PHL/1/186   13 November 1900
Hendon St Paul
Mortgaged for £105
DDR/EA/PHL/1/187   28 December 1900
Mortgaged for £290
DDR/EA/PHL/1/188   14 January 1901
Bishop Middleham
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/189   15 August 1901
Sunderland St John
Mortgaged for £55
DDR/EA/PHL/1/190   15 September 1901
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/191   3 October 1901
Mortgaged for £133
DDR/EA/PHL/1/192   13 November 1901
Hendon St Ignatius
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/193   30 December 1901
Washington St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £93
DDR/EA/PHL/1/194   10 April 1902
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Mortgaged for £369
DDR/EA/PHL/1/195   24 April 1904
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £133
DDR/EA/PHL/1/196   1 January 1903
Jarrow St Paul
Mortgaged for £171 12s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/197   24 June 1903
Mortgaged for £108
DDR/EA/PHL/1/198   29 July 1903
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/199   14 October 1903
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Mortgaged for £400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/200   10 November 1903
Mortgaged for £193
DDR/EA/PHL/1/201.   12 January 1904
Mortgaged for £289
DDR/EA/PHL/1/202   15 March 1904
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £45
DDR/EA/PHL/1/203   19 April 1904
Mortgaged for £30
DDR/EA/PHL/1/204   10 January 1905
Darlington St John
Mortgaged for £243
DDR/EA/PHL/1/205   18 April 1905
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Mortgaged for £89
DDR/EA/PHL/1/206   14 July 1905
Mortgaged for £471
Account passed ("discharged") 3 January 1913
DDR/EA/PHL/1/207   24 February 1906
Mortgaged for £281
DDR/EA/PHL/1/208   3 January 1907
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Mortgaged for £109
DDR/EA/PHL/1/209   13 May 1907
Durham St Margaret
Mortgaged for £132
DDR/EA/PHL/1/210   2 September 1907
Mortgaged for £177
DDR/EA/PHL/1/211   11 June 1908
Monk Hesleden
Mortgaged for £98
DDR/EA/PHL/1/212   27 October 1908
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Mortgaged for £85
DDR/EA/PHL/1/213   6 July 1909
Mortgaged for £25
DDR/EA/PHL/1/214   25 November 1909
East Rainton
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/215   7 November 1910
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £88
DDR/EA/PHL/1/216   10 July 1911
West Rainton St Mary
Mortgaged for £31
DDR/EA/PHL/1/217   30 October 1911
Auckland St Helen
Mortgaged for £59
DDR/EA/PHL/1/218   28 November 1911
Mortgaged for £44
DDR/EA/PHL/1/219   29 December 1911
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £26
DDR/EA/PHL/1/220   4 January 1912
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Mortgaged for £610
DDR/EA/PHL/1/221   17 January 1912
Mortgaged for £204
DDR/EA/PHL/1/222   4 September 1912
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £84
DDR/EA/PHL/1/223   6 March 1913
Durham St Giles
Mortgaged for £45
DDR/EA/PHL/1/224   11 September 1913
Mortgaged for £89
DDR/EA/PHL/1/225   5 November 1913
Darlington St Paul
Mortgaged for £392
DDR/EA/PHL/1/226   17 November 1913
Mortgaged for £1060
DDR/EA/PHL/1/227   20 January 1914
Mortgaged for £288
DDR/EA/PHL/1/228   12 October 1914
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £91
DDR/EA/PHL/1/229   4 November 1914
Bishop Middleham
Mortgaged for £36
DDR/EA/PHL/1/230   17 November 1914
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Mortgaged for £99
DDR/EA/PHL/1/231   19 December 1914
Mortgaged for £141
DDR/EA/PHL/1/232   25 December 1914
Mortgaged for £72
DDR/EA/PHL/1/233   24 February 1915
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/234   25 June 1915
Mortgaged for £46
DDR/EA/PHL/1/235   19 July 1915
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/236   18 August 1915
Auckland St Peter
Mortgaged for £56
DDR/EA/PHL/1/237   1 September 1915
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/238   7 September 1915
Auckland St Andrew
Mortgaged for £57
DDR/EA/PHL/1/239   18 October 1915
Mortgaged for £99
DDR/EA/PHL/1/240   1 December 1915
Mortgaged for £30
DDR/EA/PHL/1/241   16 December 1915
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/242   9 June 1916
Mortgaged for £17
DDR/EA/PHL/1/243   4 July 1916
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/244   15 January 1917
Gateshead St Aidan
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/245   11 April 1917
Mortgaged for £46
DDR/EA/PHL/1/246   19 July 1918
Hendon St Barnabas
Mortgaged for £170
DDR/EA/PHL/1/247   25 October 1918
Mortgaged for £62
DDR/EA/PHL/1/248   9 January 1919
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/249   6 March 1919
Mortgaged for £465
DDR/EA/PHL/1/250   12 December 1919
Auckland St Peter
Mortgaged for £71
DDR/EA/PHL/1/251   20 February 1920
Darlington St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £89
DDR/EA/PHL/1/252   17 June 1920
Mortgaged for £66
DDR/EA/PHL/1/253   4 November 1920
Southwick Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £135
DDR/EA/PHL/1/253A   22 December 1920
Durham Bishopric
Mortgaged for £150
Mortgage of income of see of Durham, possibly for Auckland Castle repair
DDR/EA/PHL/1/254   25 January 1921
Hebburn St Oswald
Mortgaged for £36
DDR/EA/PHL/1/255   27 May 1921
Mortgaged for £25
Not found 20.3.1979
DDR/EA/PHL/1/256   20 July 1922
Seaton Carew
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/257   15 September 1923
Mortgaged for £80
DDR/EA/PHL/1/258   14 September 1923
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Mortgaged for £50
DDR/EA/PHL/1/259   30 November 1923
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/260   26 July 1924
Hendon St Barnabas
Mortgaged for £31
DDR/EA/PHL/1/261   4 October 1924
New Shildon
Mortgaged for £81
DDR/EA/PHL/1/262   9 October 1924
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £30
DDR/EA/PHL/1/263   26 May 1925
South Shields St Francis
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/264   16 June 1925
Mortgaged for £82
DDR/EA/PHL/1/265   31 March 1926
Mortgaged for £72
DDR/EA/PHL/1/266   3 June 1926
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/267   19 June 1926
Mortgaged for £106
DDR/EA/PHL/1/268   9 September 1926
Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist
Mortgaged for £70
DDR/EA/PHL/1/269   23 August 1926
Castle Eden
Mortgaged for £28
DDR/EA/PHL/1/270   1 November 1926
Mortgaged for £147
DDR/EA/PHL/1/271   18 May 1927
Mortgaged for £84
DDR/EA/PHL/1/272   5 July 1927
Cockfield with Staindrop
Mortgaged for £132
DDR/EA/PHL/1/273   27 September 1927
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/274   10 December 1927
New Shildon
Mortgaged for £21
DDR/EA/PHL/1/275   19 January 1928
Mortgaged for £8
DDR/EA/PHL/1/276   30 January 1928
Mortgaged for £37
DDR/EA/PHL/1/277   25 March 1928
Mortgaged for £105
DDR/EA/PHL/1/278   1 June 1929
South Westoe
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/279   1 March 1930
Mortgaged for £161
DDR/EA/PHL/1/280   1 April 1930
Durham St Nicholas
Mortgaged for £40
DDR/EA/PHL/1/281   1 February 1931
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £39
DDR/EA/PHL/1/282   1 March 1931
Mortgaged for £124
DDR/EA/PHL/1/283   12 March 1931
Durham Bishopric (?)
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/284   1 March 1932
Mortgaged for £57
DDR/EA/PHL/1/285   1 May 1932
Deaf Hill cum Langdale
Mortgaged for £371
DDR/EA/PHL/1/286   1 October 1932
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £35
DDR/EA/PHL/1/287   1 February 1933
Mortgaged for £40
DDR/EA/PHL/1/288   1 February 1933
Mortgaged for £58
DDR/EA/PHL/1/289   1 February 1933
Mortgaged for £37
DDR/EA/PHL/1/290   1 April 1933
Mortgaged for £21
DDR/EA/PHL/1/291   1 July 1933
Gateshead St Edmund
Mortgaged for £113
DDR/EA/PHL/1/292   1 July 1933
Hartlepool Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £63
DDR/EA/PHL/1/293   1 October 1933
South Shields St Francis
Mortgaged for £39
DDR/EA/PHL/1/294   1 December 1933
Mortgaged for £20
DDR/EA/PHL/1/295   1 December 1933
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/296   1 February 1934
Mortgaged for £320
DDR/EA/PHL/1/297   1 March 1934
Mortgaged for £60
DDR/EA/PHL/1/298   1 May 1934
Hebburn St John
Mortgaged for £25
DDR/EA/PHL/1/299   1 May 1934
Mortgaged for £51
DDR/EA/PHL/1/300   1 November 1934
Mortgaged for £30
DDR/EA/PHL/1/301.   1 December 1934
Bishopton with Great Stainton
Mortgaged for £55
DDR/EA/PHL/1/302   1 January 1935
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Mortgaged for £18
DDR/EA/PHL/1/303   1 February 1935
Mortgaged for £56
DDR/EA/PHL/1/304   1 May 1935
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £69
DDR/EA/PHL/1/305   1 July 1935
Mortgaged for £320
DDR/EA/PHL/1/306   1 September 1935
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £25
DDR/EA/PHL/1/307   1 September 1935
Mortgaged for £50
DDR/EA/PHL/1/308   1 October 1935
Tow Law
Mortgaged for £113
DDR/EA/PHL/1/309   1 October 1935
Mortgaged for £18
DDR/EA/PHL/1/310   1 November 1935
Easington Colliery The Ascension
Mortgaged for £80
DDR/EA/PHL/1/311   1 January 1936
Monk Hesleden
Mortgaged for £39
DDR/EA/PHL/1/312   1 January 1936
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £112
DDR/EA/PHL/1/313   1 February 1936
Bishopwearmouth Christ Church
Mortgaged for £38
DDR/EA/PHL/1/314   1 March 1936
Usworth Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £99
DDR/EA/PHL/1/315   1 May 1936
Elwick Hall
Mortgaged for £23
DDR/EA/PHL/1/316   1 May 1936
Mortgaged for £34
DDR/EA/PHL/1/317   1 July 1936
Mortgaged for £150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/318   1 November 1936
Monkwearmouth St Andrew
Mortgaged for £234
DDR/EA/PHL/1/319   1 December 1936
Mortgaged for £61
DDR/EA/PHL/1/320   1 February 1937
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £157
DDR/EA/PHL/1/321   1 March 1937
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/322   1 March 1927
Mortgaged for £60
DDR/EA/PHL/1/323   1 April 1937
Jarrow St Paul
Mortgaged for £187
DDR/EA/PHL/1/324   1 July 1937
South Shields All Saints
Mortgaged for £251
DDR/EA/PHL/1/325   1 September 1937
Mortgaged for £27
DDR/EA/PHL/1/326   1 November 1937
East Rainton
Mortgaged for £94 10s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/327   1 November 1937
Mortgaged for £34
DDR/EA/PHL/1/328   1 March 1938
Bishopton with Great Stainton
Mortgaged for £58
DDR/EA/PHL/1/329   1 July 1938
Mortgaged for £123
DDR/EA/PHL/1/330   1 August 1938
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Mortgaged for £40
DDR/EA/PHL/1/331   1 September 1938
South Shields St Hilda
Mortgaged for £88
DDR/EA/PHL/1/332   1 November 1938
South Shields All Saints
Mortgaged for £120
DDR/EA/PHL/1/333   1 November 1938
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/334   1 November 1938
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Mortgaged for £18
DDR/EA/PHL/1/335   1 March 1939
Mortgaged for £60
DDR/EA/PHL/1/336   1 May 1939
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/337   1 June 1939
Mortgaged for £237
DDR/EA/PHL/1/338   1 September 1939
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/339   1 November 1939
Mortgaged for £157
DDR/EA/PHL/1/340   1 November 1939
Mortgaged for £30
DDR/EA/PHL/1/341   1 December 1939
Mortgaged for £42
DDR/EA/PHL/1/342   1 February 1940
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £86
DDR/EA/PHL/1/343   1 September 1940
South Hetton
Mortgaged for £135
DDR/EA/PHL/1/344   1 September 1940
Mortgaged for £58
DDR/EA/PHL/1/345   1 September 1940
Mortgaged for £35
DDR/EA/PHL/1/346   1 September 1940
Mortgaged for £45
DDR/EA/PHL/1/347   1 May 1941
Durham St Margaret
Mortgaged for £55
DDR/EA/PHL/1/348   1 June 1941
Mortgaged for £17
DDR/EA/PHL/1/349   1 August 1942
Mortgaged for £58
DDR/EA/PHL/1/350   1 June 1942
Mortgaged for £26
DDR/EA/PHL/1/351   1 October 1943
Cockfield with Staindrop
Mortgaged for £73
DDR/EA/PHL/1/352   1 May 1944
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £31
DDR/EA/PHL/1/353   1 February 1945
Mortgaged for £128
DDR/EA/PHL/1/354   1 March 1946
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £94
DDR/EA/PHL/1/355   1 August 1946
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Mortgaged for £120
DDR/EA/PHL/1/356   1 December 1946
Mortgaged for £1280
DDR/EA/PHL/1/357   1 January 1947
Whitworth with Spennymoor UB
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/358   1 July 1947
Mortgaged for £57
DDR/EA/PHL/1/359   15 July 1947
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £2320
DDR/EA/PHL/1/360   1 September 1947
Mortgaged for £495
DDR/EA/PHL/1/361   1 March 1948
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/362   5 May 1948
Mortgaged for £5400
DDR/EA/PHL/1/363   1 November 1948
Middleton in Teesdale
Mortgaged for £140
DDR/EA/PHL/1/364   1 October 1949
Mortgaged for £51
DDR/EA/PHL/1/365   1 March 1950
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/366   1 November 1950
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/367   1 September 1951
Mortgaged for £100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/368   1 September 1951
Bishopwearmouth St Mary Magdalene Millfield
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/369   1 January 1952
East Rainton
Mortgaged for £196
DDR/EA/PHL/1/370   1 January 1952
Mortgaged for £1144
DDR/EA/PHL/1/371   1 April 1952
Mortgaged for £220
DDR/EA/PHL/1/372   1 January 1952
Mortgaged for £80
DDR/EA/PHL/1/373   1 June 1952
Mortgaged for £127
DDR/EA/PHL/1/374   1 June 1952
Mortgaged for £700 12s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/375   1 August 1952
Mortgaged for £3850
DDR/EA/PHL/1/376   1 May 1953
Cleadon Park St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £3050
DDR/EA/PHL/1/377   1 June 1953
Barnard Castle
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/378   1 July 1953
Durham St Margaret
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/379   1 December 1953
Cockfield with Staindrop
Mortgaged for £80
DDR/EA/PHL/1/380   1 December 1953
Hart with Elwick Hall
Mortgaged for £1300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/381   1 February 1954
Durham St Nicholas
Mortgaged for £1805
DDR/EA/PHL/1/382   1 February 1954
Mortgaged for £510
DDR/EA/PHL/1/383   1 September 1954
Mortgaged for £316
DDR/EA/PHL/1/384   1 May 1955
Seaton Carew
Mortgaged for £1263
DDR/EA/PHL/1/385   1 May 1955
Mortgaged for £2790 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/386   1 June 1955
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/387   1 August 1955
Mortgaged for £184 10s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/388   1 August 1955
Southwick Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £730
DDR/EA/PHL/1/389   31 December 1955
Jarrow St Paul
Mortgaged for £1100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/390   1 January 1956
Mortgaged for £1802
DDR/EA/PHL/1/391   19 September 1955
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/392   1 February 1956
South Moor
Mortgaged for £2130
DDR/EA/PHL/1/393   1 February 1956
Heworth St Mary
Mortgaged for £600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/394   1 March 1956
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £4000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/395   1 April 1956
Mortgaged for £360
DDR/EA/PHL/1/396   1 June 1956
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/397   1 May 1956
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/398   7 June 1956
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/399   1 July 1956
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/400   1 July 1956
Gateshead St Paul Low Team
Mortgaged for £700
DDR/EA/PHL/1/401.   1 September 1956
Mortgaged for £1658
DDR/EA/PHL/1/402   1 October 1956
West Pelton
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/403   1 February 1957
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/404   1 April 1957
Mortgaged for £4200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/405   1 April 1957
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Mortgaged for £641
DDR/EA/PHL/1/405A   1 July 1957
Gateshead St Aidan
Mortgaged for £266
DDR/EA/PHL/1/406   1 July 1957
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/407   1 July 1957
Mortgaged for £1335
DDR/EA/PHL/1/408   1 July 1957
Haughton le Skerne
Mortgaged for £3000 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/409   1 August 1957
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Mortgaged for £90 8s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/410   28 September 1957
Mortgaged for £390
DDR/EA/PHL/1/410A   1 October 1957
West Pelton
Mortgaged for £62 13s 9d
DDR/EA/PHL/1/411   1 October 1957
Mortgaged for £1194
DDR/EA/PHL/1/412   6 November 1957
South Shields St Aidan
Mortgaged for £616
DDR/EA/PHL/1/413   1 November 1957
Mortgaged for £880
DDR/EA/PHL/1/414   1 January 1958
Mortgaged for £225 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/415   1 February 1958
Gateshead St Paul Low Team
Mortgaged for £50 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/416   1 February 1958
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Mortgaged for £756
DDR/EA/PHL/1/417   1 March 1958
Hartlepool St Oswald
Mortgaged for £64 9s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/418   1 March 1958
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Mortgaged for £70
DDR/EA/PHL/1/419   1 September 1958
Mortgaged for £200 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/420   1 January 1959
Mortgaged for £204
DDR/EA/PHL/1/421   1 January 1959
Rekendyke St Jude
Mortgaged for £550
DDR/EA/PHL/1/422   1 March 1959
Mortgaged for £1250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/423   1 March 1959
Hartlepool St Luke
Mortgaged for £3500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/424   1 March 1959
Mortgaged for £1.3.1959
DDR/EA/PHL/1/425   1 May 1959
Mortgaged for £1100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/426   1 August 1959
Durham St Giles
Mortgaged for £1750
DDR/EA/PHL/1/427   4 September 1959
Mortgaged for £800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/428   1 October 1959
Marley Hill
Mortgaged for £700
DDR/EA/PHL/1/429   1 November 1959
Lobley Hill All Saints
Mortgaged for £3500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/430   1 December 1959
Mortgaged for £1100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/431   1 January 1960
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/432   1 February 1960
Blackhill St Aidan
Mortgaged for £530
DDR/EA/PHL/1/433   1 February 1960
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Mortgaged for £850
DDR/EA/PHL/1/434   1 March 1960
South Hetton
Mortgaged for £1150
DDR/EA/PHL/1/435   1 April 1960
Mortgaged for £850
DDR/EA/PHL/1/436   24 April 1960
Hendon St Ignatius
Mortgaged for £1700
DDR/EA/PHL/1/437   1 September 1960
Mortgaged for £430
DDR/EA/PHL/1/438   1 November 1960
Mortgaged for £1100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/439   27 January 1961
South Shields St Stephen
Mortgaged for £285
DDR/EA/PHL/1/440   1 March 1961
Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield
Mortgaged for £312
DDR/EA/PHL/1/441   1 May 1961
Mortgaged for £344 7s 10d
DDR/EA/PHL/1/442   1 September 1961
Mortgaged for £1135
DDR/EA/PHL/1/443   1 November 1961
Mortgaged for £80
DDR/EA/PHL/1/444   1 November 1961
Mortgaged for £3200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/445   1 November 1961
Witton Gilbert
Mortgaged for £257
DDR/EA/PHL/1/446   1 February 1962
Mortgaged for £6845
DDR/EA/PHL/1/447   1 July 1962
Willington St Stephen
Mortgaged for £1512
DDR/EA/PHL/1/448   1 July 1962
South Hetton
Mortgaged for £140
DDR/EA/PHL/1/449   1 July 1962
Gateshead St Chad Bensham
Mortgaged for £1950
DDR/EA/PHL/1/450   1 September 1962
Usworth Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/451   17 December 1962
Mortgaged for £1820
DDR/EA/PHL/1/452   1 March 1963
Gateshead St George
Mortgaged for £1800
DDR/EA/PHL/1/453   1 June 1963
Darlington Holy Trinity
Mortgaged for £6000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/454   1 October 1963
Mortgaged for £101
DDR/EA/PHL/1/455   15 October 1963
Mortgaged for £1500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/456   1 November 1963
Mortgaged for £2855
DDR/EA/PHL/1/457   1 October 1964
Heatherycleugh St Thomas
Mortgaged for £118
DDR/EA/PHL/1/458   1 October 1964
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/459   1 November 1964
Mortgaged for £5250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/460   1 February 1965
Stillington St John
Mortgaged for £700
DDR/EA/PHL/1/461   1 March 1965
Mortgaged for £1375
DDR/EA/PHL/1/462   1 March 1965
Dunston St Nicholas
Mortgaged for £1755
DDR/EA/PHL/1/463   1 April 1965
Mortgaged for £255
DDR/EA/PHL/1/464   1 September 1965
Coxhoe St Mary
Mortgaged for £350
DDR/EA/PHL/1/465   1 November 1965
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £450
DDR/EA/PHL/1/466   1 March 1966
Mortgaged for £876
DDR/EA/PHL/1/467   1 June 1966
Bishopton with Great Stainton
Mortgaged for £5500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/468   1 July 1966
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Mortgaged for £1500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/469   1 July 1966
Heatherycleugh St Thomas
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/470   1 August 1966
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £351
DDR/EA/PHL/1/471   1 September 1966
Darlington St John
Mortgaged for £1750
DDR/EA/PHL/1/472   1 October 1966
Heworth St Mary
Mortgaged for £1221
DDR/EA/PHL/1/473   1 December 1966
Mortgaged for £4200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/474   1 December 1966
West Rainton
Mortgaged for £575
DDR/EA/PHL/1/475   1 February 1967
Mortgaged for £563
DDR/EA/PHL/1/476   1 April 1967
South Shields St Simon
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/477   1 April 1967
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Mortgaged for £5050
DDR/EA/PHL/1/478   1 May 1967
Hebburn St John
Mortgaged for £3000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/479   1 June 1967
Mortgaged for £7600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/480   1 September 1967
Mortgaged for £318
DDR/EA/PHL/1/481   1 October 1967
Edmundbyers and Muggleswick UB
Mortgaged for £550
DDR/EA/PHL/1/482   1 July 1968
Mortgaged for £4766
DDR/EA/PHL/1/483   1 September 1968
Denton and Ingleton
Mortgaged for £1049
DDR/EA/PHL/1/484   1 February 1969
Mortgaged for £250
DDR/EA/PHL/1/485   1 April 1969
Bishop Middleham
Mortgaged for £2657 5s
DDR/EA/PHL/1/486   1 May 1969
Edmundbyers and Muggleswick UB
Mortgaged for £4000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/487   1 October 1969
Winlaton St Paul
Mortgaged for £2645 13s 9d
DDR/EA/PHL/1/488   1 November 1969
Darlington St Hilda and St James
Mortgaged for £715
DDR/EA/PHL/1/489   1 December 1969
Tudhoe Grange St Andrew
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/490   1 April 1970
Holmside St John the Evangelist
Mortgaged for £5500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/491   1 June 1970
Sherburn St Mary
Mortgaged for £5160
DDR/EA/PHL/1/492   1 July 1970
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
Mortgaged for £3882
DDR/EA/PHL/1/493   1 July 1970
Gateshead Venerable Bede
Mortgaged for £3750
DDR/EA/PHL/1/494   1 September 1970
Etherley St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £3100
DDR/EA/PHL/1/495   1 September 1970
Middleton St George
Mortgaged for £2340
DDR/EA/PHL/1/496   1 October 1970
Satley St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £2356
DDR/EA/PHL/1/497   1 December 1970
Mortgaged for £1330
DDR/EA/PHL/1/498   1 January 1971
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £6300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/499   1 May 1971
Hart with Elwick Hall
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/500   1 May 1971
Belmont St Mary Magdalene
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/501   1 July 1971
Belmont St Mary Magdalene
Mortgaged for £1000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/502   1 July 1971
Eighton Banks St Thomas
Mortgaged for £3000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/503   1 September 1971
Mortgaged for £600
DDR/EA/PHL/1/504   1 November 1971
Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
Mortgaged for £3219
DDR/EA/PHL/1/505   1 April 1972
Eighton Banks St Thomas
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/506   1 April 1972
Eldon St Mark
Mortgaged for £625
DDR/EA/PHL/1/507   1 June 1972
Seaham with Seaham Harbour
Mortgaged for £704
DDR/EA/PHL/1/508   1 July 1972
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £380
DDR/EA/PHL/1/509   1 August 1972
Trimdon Grange
Mortgaged for £272
DDR/EA/PHL/1/510   1 January 1973
Jarrow Grange Christ Church
Mortgaged for £300
DDR/EA/PHL/1/511   1 January 1973
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £17564
DDR/EA/PHL/1/512   1 June 1973
Gateshead St Mary
Mortgaged for £499
DDR/EA/PHL/1/513   1 January 1974
Mortgaged for £724
DDR/EA/PHL/1/514   1 January 1974
Mortgaged for £750
DDR/EA/PHL/1/515   1 January 1974
New Seaham
Mortgaged for £18500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/516   1 January 1974
West Rainton
Mortgaged for £500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/517   1 March 1974
Heatherycleugh St Thomas
Mortgaged for £1500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/518   1 March 1974
Norton St Mary the Virgin
Mortgaged for £27654
DDR/EA/PHL/1/519   1 March 1974
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/520   1 April 1974
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Mortgaged for £7000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/521   1 August 1974
South Shields St Oswin
Mortgaged for £8650
DDR/EA/PHL/1/522   1 November 1974
Hartlepool St Aidan
Mortgaged for £1334
DDR/EA/PHL/1/523   1 November 1974
Mortgaged for £8035
DDR/EA/PHL/1/524   1 September 1975
Ryhope St Paul
Mortgaged for £24900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/525   1 December 1975
Central Stockton
Mortgaged for £233
DDR/EA/PHL/1/526   1 January 1976
Mortgaged for £3962
DDR/EA/PHL/1/527   1 August 1976
Mortgaged for £6662
DDR/EA/PHL/1/528   1 February 1977
Stockton-on-Tees St Paul
Mortgaged for £1200
DDR/EA/PHL/1/529   1 February 1977
Mortgaged for £2000
DDR/EA/PHL/1/530   1 July 1977
Darlington St Cuthbert
Mortgaged for £900
DDR/EA/PHL/1/531   1 July 1977
Mortgaged for £27500
DDR/EA/PHL/1/532   1 September 1977
Stillington St John
Mortgaged for £5800
General papers relating to loans and mortgages
DDR/EA/PHL/2   1835, 1902, 1908
2 folders   
Printed forms and instructions from Queen Anne's Bounty office relating to applications for loans for rebuilding/repairs under the Gilbert and Dilapidations Acts. Also one form letter from Queen Anne's Bounty dated 1835 (parish not stated).
Deposited by Diocesan Registry, 17 September 1996.

Sales and Purchases of Parsonage Houses
Reference: DDR/EA/PHS
Papers relating to the sale or purchase of parsonage houses
DDR/EA/PHS/1   1949-1957
2 folders   
Correspondence relating to the sale and purchase of parsonage houses under various measures.

General Papers relating to sales and purchases of parsonage houses
DDR/EA/PHS/2   1902-1930
2 folders   
Printed instructions from Queen Anne's Bounty relating to the sale or purchase of parsonage houses under the 1838 Parsonages Measure, and typescript instructions to and opinion of counsel relating to sales under the 1930 Parsonages Measure.

The series of parsonage house plans previously noted as DDR/EA/PHM/1 is empty. For parsonage house plans from other Diocesan officers, see the plans within DDR/DA/DIL/4.
NONE (reference not used) 
Reference: DDR/EA/GLE
Terriers of glebe and parochial endowments (1629-1888)
DDR/EA/GLE/1   1629-1888 (mainly 1788, 1792 and 1806)
2 boxes   
Terriers of parishes within the archdeaconry of Durham (including Crayke, now in Yorkshire), usually including details of:
Other matters covered by some of the terriers include bells, pew rents, parish registers, charities, gardens, trees and parish boundaries. Many are signed by the principal inhabitants.
A manuscript list with notes on places outside the parish or chapelry for which a terrier was drawn up, and on additional items noted within the terrier. is kept with the printed catalogues within Palace Green Library.
Some other glebe terriers may be found among the Visitation records, as they were frequently compiled for or exhibited at the visitations.

DDR/EA/GLE/1/1    26 July 1788
Auckland St Andrew
Compiled 26 July 1788 and given at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/GLE/1/2    1806
Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/GLE/1/3    1792
Auckland St Anne
Compiled 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham
DDR/EA/GLE/1/4    1806
Auckland St Anne
DDR/EA/GLE/1/5    20 August 1792
Compiled 20th August 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland
DDR/EA/GLE/1/6/1-2    18 August 1792
Barnard Castle
Compiled 18th August 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 23rd August 1792 at Auckland. With wrapper
DDR/EA/GLE/1/7    26 July 1806, 28 July 1806
Barnard Castle
Compiled 26th July 1806 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 12th August 1806 at Auckland
DDR/EA/GLE/1/8    26 July 1827
Barnard Castle
Compiled 26th July 1827 and given at the primary visitation of William Van Mildert, bishop of Durham, held on 30th July 1827 at Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/GLE/1/9    1629
DDR/EA/GLE/1/10    20 August 1792
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/11    1792
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Signed by the incumbent and one churchwarden
DDR/EA/GLE/1/12    1792
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
Another copy of item DDR/EA/GLE/1/11 but signed by the incumbent and two churchwardens
DDR/EA/GLE/1/13    1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/14    16 July 1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/15    21 July 1792
Castle Eden
Compiled 21st July 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 27th July 1792.
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/16    15 July 1806
Castle Eden
Compiled 15th July 1806 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 17th July 1806 at Durham
DDR/EA/GLE/1/17    14 July 1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/18    2 June 1792, 14 August 1792
Note that the boundaries were perambulated on 14 August 1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/19    25 July 1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/20    20 August 1792
Compiled 20th August 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 23rd August 1792 at Auckland
DDR/EA/GLE/1/21/1-2    21 July 1788
Compiled 21 July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham St Mary-le-Bow 22 July 1788. With wrapper
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/22    25 July 1792
Compiled 25th July 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 27th July 1792 at Durham St Mary-le-Bow
DDR/EA/GLE/1/22A    1822
Plan of Dalton-le-Dale glebe situated within the parish, with a table of reference
Surveyor A Reed, Bishop Middleham; scale 4 chains to an inch
1 roll (boxed)  
Stored in small tray with items from DDR/EA/GLE/6
DDR/EA/GLE/1/22B    May 1822
Dalton-le-Dale and Greatham
Plan of an estate situated at Seaton Carew, in Stranton parish, with a table of reference, valuation and notes on boundaries. Both Dalton-le-Dale and Greatham parishes held undivided moieties of this estate as part of their glebe.
Surveyor: Anthony Reed
Stored in small tray with items from DDR/EA/GLE/5
DDR/EA/GLE/1/23    22 July 1806 1709
Darlington St Cuthbert
Includes a list of books remaining in and missing from a parochial library given to the church in 1709, together with their values
Exhibited at the visitation, 22 July 1806
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/23A    1792
Durham St Margaret
Includes description of lands purchased in 1762 for the augmentation of St Margaret's chapelry, and a valuation of the annual rent of the glebe
DDR/EA/GLE/1/24    24 July 1792
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
DDR/EA/GLE/1/25    1 July 1827
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Compiled 1 July 1827 and exhibited at the primary visitation of William Van Mildert, bishop of Durham
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1827
DDR/EA/GLE/1/26    n.d. [c. 1633]
Durham St Mary the Less
Date taken from typed note on cover, stating [circa 1633. Signed by “Geo. Cocknidge”, clerk; who, according to Fordyce, Durham, vol. I p.374, occurs as minister of Durham St Mary the Less 13 December 1633]
See also, DCD Register III, ff.234v-235v: Details of Durham St Mary the Less glebe (in connection with dilapidations), 25 January 1388
DDR/EA/GLE/1/27    22 July 1788
Durham St Oswald
DDR/EA/GLE/1/28/1-2    12 March 1866
Durham St Oswald
Compiled 12th March 1866 and given at the primary visitation of John Cundell, held on 31st July 1866 at Durham. With wrapper
DDR/EA/GLE/1/29    2 July 1792
Compiled 2nd July 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 27th July 1792 at Durham
DDR/EA/GLE/1/30    22 July 1788
Compiled 22 July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham [22 July 1788]
Includes on the same sheet as the terrier responses by the rector and churchwardens' of Edmundbyers to the articles given to them at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham [St Mary-le-Bow] 22 July 1788
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/31    23 July 1792
Compiled 23rd July 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham
DDR/EA/GLE/1/32    17 July 1806
Compiled 17th July 1806 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Durham
DDR/EA/GLE/1/33    n.d. [17th century]
DDR/EA/GLE/1/34    28 July 1827
DDR/EA/GLE/1/35    15 August 1792
Middleton in Teesdale
DDR/EA/GLE/1/36    12 August 1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/37    1634
2 mm., sewn together  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/38    24 July 1792
Gateshead St Mary
Compiled 24th July 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 27th July 1792 at Durham
2 mm., sewn together  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/39    3 July 1827
Gateshead St Mary
Given in at the primary visitation of William Van Mildert, bishop of Durham, 3 July 1827
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1827
DDR/EA/GLE/1/40    n.d. [17th cent.]
DDR/EA/GLE/1/41    n.d. [? 19th cent.]
A transcript, not always accurate, of item DDR/EA/GLE/1/40
DDR/EA/GLE/1/42    24 July 1788
Compiled 24th July 1788 and given at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held on 24th July 1788 at Auckland St Andrew
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/43    22 August 1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/44    9 August 1806
Copy, certified as “true”, of item DDR/EA/GLE/1/43
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/22B: Part of the glebe of Greatham consisted of an estate in Seaton Carew, which was owned jointly with Dalton-le-Dale parish.
DDR/EA/GLE/1/45    23 July 1827
DDR/EA/GLE/1/46    8 July 1788
Great Stainton
Compiled 8th July 1788 and given at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurwell, bishop of Durham, held on 29th July 1788 at Auckland
DDR/EA/GLE/1/47    21 August 1792
Great Stainton
Compiled 21st August 1792 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 23rd August 1792 at Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/GLE/1/48    20 August 1754
DDR/EA/GLE/1/49    19 July 1888
Compiled 19th July 1888 and given at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held on 29th July 1888 at Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/GLE/1/50    3 July 1788, 18 August 1792
Compiled 3 July 1788 and 18th August 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held 1792 at Auckland
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/51    3 July 1788, 18 August 1792
Another copy of item DDR/EA/GLE/1/50
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/52    1806
Hartlepool St Hilda
Endorsed: Hartlepool Terrier according to B[ishop]p of Durham's Directions 1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/53    1806
Haughton le Skerne
Signed 14 August 1806 “being the Day of the Bishop's Visitation”
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/72 and DDR/EV/VIS/5/1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/54    26 July 1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/55    28 July 1788
Compiled 28th July 1788 and given at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held on 29th July 1788 at Auckland St Andrew (South Church)
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/56    17 July 1806
Heworth St Mary
Relates to Jarrow parish with Heworth chapelry annexed
DDR/EA/GLE/1/57    8 April 1636
4 mm., sewn together  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/57A    9 July 1806
Moved out of main sequence for transfer to Northumberland Record Office (other than this one, all these terriers are for places within the archdeaconry of Durham)
DDR/EA/GLE/1/58    July 1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/59    19 July 1788
Compiled 19th July 1788 and given at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held [1788] at Auckland St Andrew
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/60    [1 October] 1663
Middleton in Teesdale
DDR/EA/GLE/1/61    n.d. [c. 28 April 1697]
Middleton in Teesdale
Annotated with certificated signed by Posthumous Smith, Notary public and registrar [? to the archdeacon of Durham], that the terrier was exhibited at the visitation of Robert Booth, archdeacon of Durham, held at Middleton in Teesdale 28 April 1697.
This terrier includes a reference to Tiendler garth. Tiends is the Scottish word for tithes. Perhaps a tithe barn once stood in this garth.
Middleton in Teesdale
note by J.L. Drury
See also, DDR/A/VPN/1/1724: Archdeacon of Durham's Visitation papers (Robert Booth), 1724
DDR/EA/GLE/1/62    n.d. [c. 23 August 1792]
Middleton in Teesdale
Exhibited at the primary visitation of [Shute Barrington], bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew (Bishop's Auckland) 23 August 1792.
One of the signatories to the terrier is John Marshall, schoolmaster.
Items DDR/EA/GLE/1/63-66 were enclosed with this item
A slightly abbreviated edition of this terrier is printed in Surtees, H Conyers, The history of the parish of Middleton in Teesdale (1924), pp. 28-31 (photocopies kept with the document)
DDR/EA/GLE/1/63    10 August 1792
Forest and Frith (alias Teesdale and Harwood Forest)
Perambulation of the boundary of that part of the parish of Middleton in Teesdale known as Forest and Frith alias Teesdale and Harwood Forest.
Enclosure with item DDR/EA/GLE/1/62
DDR/EA/GLE/1/64    14 August 1792
Middleton in Teesdale
Perambulation of the boundary of the parish of Middleton in Teesdale
DDR/EA/GLE/1/65    14 August 1792
Middleton in Teesdale
Perambulation of the boundary of the township of Middleton in Teesdale in the parish of Middleton in Teesdale
DDR/EA/GLE/1/66    14 August 1792
Perambulation of the boundary of the township of Newbiggin in the parish of Middleton in Teesdale.
DDR/EA/GLE/1/67    21 August 1792
Middleton St George
Compiled 21st August 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew 23rd August 1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/68    22 July 1788
Compiled 22nd July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham [22 July 1788]
Includes on the same sheet as the terrier responses by the rector and churchwardens of Muggleswick to the articles given to them at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham [St Mary-le-Bow] 22 July 1788
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/69    23 July 1792
Compiled 23rd July 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/70    17 July 1806
Compiled 17th July 1806 and exhibited at the ordinary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Durham
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1806

For Northallerton vicarage terrier, 1716, see list of J.J. Howe Collection at Durham Cathedral Library, under reference JJH 8/5
DDR/EA/GLE/1/71    9 July 1792
Compiled 9th July 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/72    11 August 1806
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/53
DDR/EA/GLE/1/73    20 August 1792
St John's Chapel in Weardale
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/74    15 July 1806
Includes a plan or “Table” of the enclosures of the glebe lands, together with details of the acreages of each field and the total acreage (no scale given)
DDR/EA/GLE/1/75    25 July 1792
South Shields St Hilda
DDR/EA/GLE/1/76    16 July 1806
South Shields St Hilda
DDR/EA/GLE/1/77    12 July 1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/78    1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/79    [26] May 1663
Plan of Stanhope glebe lands, totalling 253 acres, 3 roods and 37 perches, witnessed by George Marshall, surveyor and referring in the title to Isaac Basire, rector of Stanhope.
This plan is not accompanied by a terrier
DDR/EA/GLE/1/80    22 August 1792
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/81    [1788] 23 April 1734
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Copy made in [1788] of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas terrier compiled 23 April 1734
Date taken from endorsement
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/82
DDR/EA/GLE/1/82/1-2    23 August 1792 23 April 1734
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
Copy made 23 August 1792 of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas terrier compiled 23 April 1734. WIth wrapper
Endorsed with summary of main points of Act of 21 Henry VIII [1529-1530] concerning mortuaries
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/81
DDR/EA/GLE/1/83    [Document dated at end 11.8.1806]
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
DDR/EA/GLE/1/84    [1806]
Stranton All Saints
Date taken from endorsement
DDR/EA/GLE/1/85    16 July 1806
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Compiled for the ordinary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Durham 17 July 1806
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/86/1-2    16 July 1806
Sunderland St John
Compiled for the ordinary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Durham 17 July 1806. With plan annexed, showing details of the acreages of each property or field and the total acreage (not to scale), for land at East and West Boldon
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/87    23 July 1792 - 24 July 1792
Compiled 23 July 1792 and 24 July 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Durham 27 July 1792
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/87A-B    28 October 1991 23 October 1663
Photocopies made 28 October 1991 of copies of two glebe terriers for Warkworth compiled 23 October 1663 found among the Earl Grey papers : estate records.
Original not here
See also, GRE estate records, miscellaneous bundles: Two copies of a Warkworth glebe terrier, 23 October 1663
DDR/EA/GLE/1/88    19 July 1788
Compiled 19 July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Durham St Mary-le-Bow.
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/89    22 July 1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/90    14 July 1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/91    n.d. [c.17 July 1806]
Exhibited at the ordinary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held 17 July 1806
1 booklet  
DDR/EA/GLE/1/92    25 July 1788
Compiled 25th July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew (Auckland)
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/93    2 July 1792
Compiled 2nd July 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham.
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/94    1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/95    16 July 1792
Compiled 16 July 1792 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew (Auckland) 23 August 1792
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/96    1 August 1806
Compiled 1 August 1806 and delivered to the Durham diocesan registrar at the ordinary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew (Auckland) 12 August 1792.
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1806
DDR/EA/GLE/1/97    25 July 1792
Witton Gilbert
DDR/EA/GLE/1/98    16 July 1792
Witton Gilbert
DDR/EA/GLE/1/99    3 July 1788
Compiled 3 July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew [c. 23 August] 1792.
For date of visitation, see item DDR/EA/GLE/1/95
See also, DDR/EA/GLE/1/100
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/100    3 July 1788 - 21 August 1792
Another copy, with slightly different wording, of item 1/99
For date of visitation, see item DDR/EA/GLE/1/95
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1792
DDR/EA/GLE/1/101    5 July 1788
Compiled 5th July 1788 and exhibited at the primary visitation of Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, held at Auckland St Andrew (Bishop Auckland) 29 July 1788.
See also DDR/EV/VIS/5/1788
DDR/EA/GLE/1/102/1-2    9 September 1968 - 22 July 1998
Durham diocese
Manuscript list of terriers, with comments by M.G. Snape and M.S. McCollum of the University of Durham on amendments
Terriers of glebe and parochial endowments (post-1888)
DDR/EA/GLE/2   1888-1947 (mainly late 19th/early 20th century)
1 box   
Certified copies of terriers of parochial trust property and funds, for the archdeaconries of Durham and Auckland, usually on printed forms under the following headings:
A manuscript list with notes on places outside the parish or chapelry for which a terrier was drawn up, and on additional items noted within the terrier. is kept with the printed catalogues within Palace Green Library.
DDR/D/VIS/1: Visitation papers of the rural dean of Darlington, 1895, 1909. There are a few glebe terriers (not yet listed) with the Rural Dean's visitation papers, Darlington deanery, 1909.

DDR/EA/GLE/2/1    16 July 1889 (date received in Registry)
Auckland St Peter
DDR/EA/GLE/2/2    25 April 1889 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/3    1 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/4    2 October 1888 (date received in Registry)
Bearpark St Edmund
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/5    19 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Bishop Middleham
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/6    [12.5.1908] (date received in Registry)
Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1908
Endorsed on back of document
DDR/EA/GLE/2/7    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/8    5 September 1889 (date received in Registry)
Bishopwearmouth St Michael
A separate detailed inventory of charities, benefactions, parish registers, vestry books etc., plate etc., deeds and other documents and maps and plans is annexed to the terrier.
DDR/EA/GLE/2/9    10 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Bishopwearmouth St Peter
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/10    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Blackhill St Aidan
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/11    1904, 1905 (date reviewed)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1904 and 1905
DDR/EA/GLE/2/12    8 October 1888 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/13    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Brandon St John the Evangelist
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/14    1 May 1888 3 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/15    6 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Burnopfield St James
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/16/1-2    28 August 1889 (date received in Registry)
Byers Green
Item 2/16/2 is attached to this item
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888. With letter from R.E. Hoopell, rector of Byers Green
DDR/EA/GLE/2/17    3 October 1888 (date received in Registry)
Cassop cum Quarrington
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/18    1888 (date reviewed)
Castle Eden
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/19    17 December 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/20    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/21    20 March 1901 (date received in Registry)
Stamp on back of document
DDR/EA/GLE/2/22    1899 (date reviewed)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1899
DDR/EA/GLE/2/23    12 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/24    17 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/25    24 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/26/1-2    29 April 1889 (date received in Registry)
Darlington Holy Trinity
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889. With schedule or inventory of “securities”, i.e. deeds, licences, faculties and related correspondence, held in the church safe.
DDR/EA/GLE/2/27    9 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Darlington St Cuthbert
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/28/1-2    5 April 1902 (date received in Registry)
Darlington St Cuthbert
Copy of terrier for Darlington St Cuthbert, with covering letter from Joseph Forster, solicitor, at High Row, Darlington to J.G. Nelson
DDR/EA/GLE/2/29    24 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Darlington St Luke
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888 and 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/30    13 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Darlington St Paul
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/31    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
Darlington St Paul
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/32    n.d. [ca.1905-1908] (dates designated for review)
Darlington St Paul
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/33    11 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Deaf Hill cum Langdale
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/34    3 April 1888 12 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/35    18 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Dipton St John the Evangelist
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888 and 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/36    1901 (date reviewed)
Dunston Christ Church
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1901
DDR/EA/GLE/2/37    9 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Durham St Cuthbert
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/38    2 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Durham St Giles
DDR/EA/GLE/2/39    20 April 1895 (date received in Registry)
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
DDR/EA/GLE/2/40    21 April 1909
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
DDR/EA/GLE/2/40A    1915
Durham St Mary-le-Bow
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1915
DDR/EA/GLE/2/41    n.d. [ca.1888-1891] (dates designated for review)
Durham St Mary the Less
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/42    29 November 1907
Durham St Mary the Less
DDR/EA/GLE/2/43    14 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
Durham St Nicholas
DDR/EA/GLE/2/44    9 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Annotated : Copy
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/45    24 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
East Rainton
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/46    6 April 1888 7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/47    3 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/48    14 December 1900 20 March 1901 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/49    3 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Eighton Banks St Thomas
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/50    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/51    27 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/52    5 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/53    9 November 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/54    16 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Fatfield St George
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/55    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
Felling Christ Church
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/56    13 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/57    19 March 1901 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/58/1-2    31 March 1888 (date received in Registry)
Forest and Frith
With memorandum by Edward Good, vicar of Forest and Frith, referring to the lack of title deeds to the glebe property in Weardale
DDR/EA/GLE/2/58A    January 1940
DDR/EA/GLE/2/59    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/60    18 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead Fell
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/61    23 July 1901 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead Fell St John
DDR/EA/GLE/2/62    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
Gateshead Fell St John
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/63    5 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead Holy Trinity
DDR/EA/GLE/2/64    1901 (date reviewed)
Gateshead Holy Trinity
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1901
DDR/EA/GLE/2/65    1901 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Aidan
DDR/EA/GLE/2/66    5 July 1909 1909 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Chad Bensham
written on page 4 of document
DDR/EA/GLE/2/66A    6 October 1912
Gateshead St Chad Bensham
DDR/EA/GLE/2/67    30 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/68    [25] July 1901 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1901
DDR/EA/GLE/2/69    n.d. [c. 1906]
Gateshead St George
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1905 and 1906
DDR/EA/GLE/2/70    9 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/71    21 August [1901] (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1901
DDR/EA/GLE/2/72    29 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St James
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/73    1901 (date received in Registry)
Gateshead St James
DDR/EA/GLE/2/74    24 April 1888 8 June 1888 (date received in Registry)
Great Stainton
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/75    1888 (date reviewed)
Greenside St John
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/76    15 April 1891 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1891
DDR/EA/GLE/2/77    17 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/78    30 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Hartlepool St James
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/79    n.d. [ca.1905-1908] (dates designated for review)
Hartlepool St Oswald
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/80    15 April 1901 (date received in Registry)
Haughton le Skerne
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1901
DDR/EA/GLE/2/81    18 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/82    11 July 1888 (date received in Registry)
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/83    2 April 1888 28 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Hebburn St John
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
Registry date stamp gives year as “81”, but must be after 2 April 1888, as that is the date of the signatures on the terrier. (The terrier is also dated “1888” on the front.)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/84/1-2    1902 (date reviewed)
Hebburn St John
Annotated: Copy
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1902. With letter from H.E. Savage dated 9 April 1902, as from South Shields vicarage, enclosing the copy terrier which had been sent to the writer as rural dean for forwarding for preservation in the Durham Diocesan Registry “in accordance with the (late) Bishop's [Brooke Foss Westcott] instructions”.
DDR/EA/GLE/2/84A    1924 - 1929 (dates designated for review)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/85    31 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/86    17 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
Hendon St Paul
DDR/EA/GLE/2/87/1-2    [4 April] 1888 (date reviewed)
Item 2/87/2 is attached to this item
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 4.4.1888. With letter from Richard Brent, vicar of Holmside, enclosing terrier “according to the Bishop's [Joseph Barber Lightfoot] request”
Item 2/87/2
DDR/EA/GLE/2/88    6 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/89    14 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/90    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/91    5 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/92    1 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Jarrow St Peter
DDR/EA/GLE/2/93    26 April 1892 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1892
DDR/EA/GLE/2/94    16 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/95-96    6 June 1947
Lanchester All Saints
Terrier of glebe, lands, houses, tenements, tithes, tithe rent charge and other rights belonging to the incumben[ry] of Lanchester All Saints. Includes at p.9 a plan of Lanchester churchyard (scale 1 : 2500)
With inventory of all goods, books, documents, ornaments and utensils belonging to the parish and parish church of Lanchester All Saints, with attached printed notes of guidance on completing the form. (Form of terrier authorized by Canterbury and York Convocations, 1932.)
2 booklets 
DDR/EA/GLE/2/97    23 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/98    4 January 1890 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/99    14 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/100    23 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Marley Hill St Cuthbert
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/101    4 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Middleton in Teesdale
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/102    2 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Middleton St George
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/103    1904 (date reviewed)
Middleton St George
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1904
DDR/EA/GLE/2/104    8 December 1888 (date received in Registry)
Monk Hesleden
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/105/1-2    6 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Monkwearmouth All Saints
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888. With letter from Alexander A. Boddy, vicar of Monkwearmouth All Saints
DDR/EA/GLE/2/106    10 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Monkwearmouth St Cuthbert
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/107    10 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Monkwearmouth St Peter
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/108    18 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Monkwearmouth Venerable Bede
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/109/1-3    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888. With two letters dated April-July 1888 from James J. Cundill, vicar of Muggleswick, noting that the parochial statistics enclosed, compiled with the help of his curate, the Revd. B.S. [Child], were required by [Joseph Barber Lightfoot], bishop of Durham, according to a resolution passed at the Diocesan Conference held at Durham on 23 February 1888, and that the parish registers etc. were stored in a strong tin box at the vicarage.
DDR/EA/GLE/2/110    1891 - 1892 14 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/111    25 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889 and 1890 and 1891 and 1892
DDR/EA/GLE/2/112    18 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1892
DDR/EA/GLE/2/113    28.4.188[1] (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/114    5 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/115    4 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
St John's Chapel in Weardale
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/116    5 June 1888 6 June 1888 (date received in Registry)
Seaham Harbour
DDR/EA/GLE/2/117    [? 7 April] 1888 (date received in Registry)
Seaton Carew
“could not be got ready in time for the Vestry Meeting held on Tuesday last the 3rd April [1888]”
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/117A    August 1918
DDR/EA/GLE/2/118    Easter 1890 16 April 1890 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1890
DDR/EA/GLE/2/119    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Sherburn St Mary
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 5.4.1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/120    5 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/121    7 June 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/122    13 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/123    4 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
South Hetton
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/124    16 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
South Shields Holy Trinity
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/125    n.d. [ca.1901-1904] (dates designated for review)
South Shields Holy Trinity
These are the printed dates on p.4 of the form
DDR/EA/GLE/2/126    30 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
South Shields St Mary Tyne Dock
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/127    1888 (date reviewed)
South Shields St Thomas
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/128    11 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/129    26 April 1892 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1892
DDR/EA/GLE/2/130    13 May 1889 (date received in Registry)
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
Registry date stamp is faint and day of month uncertain
DDR/EA/GLE/2/131    7 July 1888 (date received in Registry)
Stockton-on-Tees St James Portrack
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/132    17 May 1892 (date received in Registry)
Stockton-on-Tees St James Portrack
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888 and 1889 and 1890 and 1891
DDR/EA/GLE/2/133    19 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/134    19 September 1889 (date received in Registry)
Stranton All Saints
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1889
DDR/EA/GLE/2/135    29 March 1889 (date received in Registry) 1888 - 1889
Sunderland Holy Trinity
Schedule of properties' belonging to Sunderland Holy Trinity for the years 1888 - 1889, including details of furniture, plans, registers, books and plate and endorsed “Terrier” and addressed to John Booth, [Durham] Diocesan Registry, Durham City
DDR/EA/GLE/2/136    25 October 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/137    11 May 1893 (date received in Registry)
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1893
DDR/EA/GLE/2/138    17 May 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/139    7 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/140/1-2    4 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Item 2/140/2 is attached to this item
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888. With letter from James Schofield, vicar of Westgate, asking whether surplices, linen, service books etc. should also have been entered on the terrier
DDR/EA/GLE/2/141/1-2    n.d. [18 April 1888] 20 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
West Hartlepool Christ Church
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888. With letter from H.E. Savage, vicar of West Hartlepool Christ Church
DDR/EA/GLE/2/142    13 June 1892 (date received in Registry)
West Pelton St Paul
DDR/EA/GLE/2/143    23 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
West Rainton
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/144/1-2    3 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
With letter from Edward A. Wilkinson, vicar of Whitworth
DDR/EA/GLE/2/145    20 March 1901 (date received in Registry)
DDR/EA/GLE/2/146    5 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Endorsed as being reviewed at the Easter vestry, 1888
DDR/EA/GLE/2/147    10 April 1888 (date received in Registry)
Witton Gilbert
Registry date stamp is very faint.
DDR/EA/GLE/2/148/1-2    1888 - 1902
Durham diocese
Manuscript list of terriers which were compiled ca.1888-1902 for parishes etc in Durham diocese, headed “List of Terriers which have been returned into the Diocesan Registry Durham”.
This list was presumably drawn up to indicate which terriers in this series had been received in Durham diocesan registry by the early 20th century. Other items (e.g. 2/95-2/96) may have been added to this series at a later date.
With (attached) printed circular issued by [Joseph Barber Lightfoot], bishop of Durham, containing the text of a resolution of the Diocesan Conference held at Durham on 23 February 1888 relating to the better preservation and recording of parochial trust property and funds, with provision for the annual review of such records [terriers] at the Easter Vestry and the deposit of certified copies of the records [terriers] with the Durham diocesan registrar
Sales and leases under the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts
Reference: DDR/EA/GLE/3
Dates of creation: 1946-1977
Extent: 2 boxes
Glebe correspondence files
DDR/EA/GLE/4   1948-1970
6 boxes   
Correspondence relating to sales and leases of glebe lands, arranged by parish

Glebe exchanges
DDR/EA/GLE/5   1851-1862
½ outsize tray   
Awards by the tithe commissioners allowing exchanges of glebe lands in Brancepeth (1851), Byers Green (1853) and Grindon (1862), all with plans.
Other documents relating to glebe that were formerly included in class DDR/EA/GLE/5 are now in the following class, DDR/EA/GLE/6.

Glebe miscellanea
DDR/EA/GLE/6   1842-1894
1 tray   

Reference: DDR/EA/TTH See Administrative Histories guide for further information on tithes after 1836.

Tithe apportionments and plans
DDR/EA/TTH/1   1837-1852
The schedule or “apportionment” indicates the ownership, tenancy, field names and the use to which the land was being put at the time. The entries are arranged under the names of owners and not according to thenames or positions of pieces of land, but a number in the schedule links each parcel of land with the same number on the large scale plan.
As well as the schedule of lands and rent-charges, the apportionments include as an introduction an account of the agreement or award for the commutation of tithes (see notes on the 1836 Tithe Act within theAdministrative Histories guide).
All original apportionments and many altered apportionments are accompanied by plans. Plans with the original apportionments are usually large-scale maps on a separate sheet, originally attached to the apportionment. These often prove to be the earliest surviving large-scale plans of an area.
The scale of the plans is often expressed in terms of chains, one chain being 66 feet. Some approximate modern equivalents of scales frequently used for tithe plans are:
Listed alphabetically by the names of the townships which they cover, all of which are in County Durham except Crayke (a parish in Yorkshire) and Girsby and Over Dinsdale (two Yorkshire townships in the parish of Sockburn, County Durham).
The date given within the list is that on which the award or agreement was confirmed by the Tithe Commissioners (with the date of the plan also shown). Although confirmation may have occurred several years after an award was made or agreement reached, this date has been chosen as it is the one by which reference is made to the original apportionment in later altered apportionments.
A visual key to the areas covered by the tithe maps is online at http://valentine.dur.ac.uk/apps/maps/DurhamTithe/. Digitised copies of the plans and apportionments, and transcripts of the apportionments, are available for consultation within the search room and can be copied for users (consult search room for details of fees).
The diocesan copies of tithe apportionments for Northumberland and Newcastle, which were included in the diocese of Durham until the formation of the diocese of Newcastle in 1882, are now deposited inNorthumberland Archives, Woodhorn, and Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums, Newcastle.

DDR/EA/TTH/1/1   31 December 1847
Archdeacon Newton township (Darlington parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 5 chains. Redrawn by T. Dixon, Darlington
scale: 1:3960
Digitised material for Archdeacon Newton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Archdeacon Newton tithe map
Index terms
Dixon, Thomas, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Archdeacon Newton (Durham)
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/2   2 August 1844
Auckland St Andrew township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1843, scale 3 chains. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Auckland St Andrew tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Auckland St Andrew tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/3   25 September 1841
Auckland St Helen township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 5 chains. T. Dixon, Darlington
scale: 1:3960
Digitised material for Auckland St Helen tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Auckland St Helen tithe map
Index terms
Dixon, Thomas, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/4   31 August 1850
West Auckland township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1849, scale [8 chains]. inset plan scale: 2 chains
scale scale: 1:63361:2376
Digitised material for West Auckland tithe apportionment
Digitised material for West Auckland tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/5   19 October 1839
Great Aycliffe township (Aycliffe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. George Young Wall, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Great Aycliffe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Great Aycliffe tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/7   30 December 1843
Barmpton township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Barmpton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Barmpton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/8   31 December 1840
Barmston township (Washington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Barmston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Barmston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/9   31 December 1841
Barnard Castle township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan in two parts, dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Machell
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Barnard Castle tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Barnard Castle tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/10   4 April 1845
High and Low Barnes district in Bishopwearmouth township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Award with plan dated 1845, scale 2½ chains
scale: 1:1980
Digitised material for High and Low Barnes district in Bishopwearmouth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for High and Low Barnes district in Bishopwearmouth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/11   21 May 1846
North Bedburn township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 3 chains. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for North Bedburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for North Bedburn tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/12   30 December 1848
South Bedburn township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award + Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains. inset plan scale 48 chains
scale scale: 1:31681:38160
Digitised material for South Bedburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for South Bedburn tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/12a   1846
Benfieldside township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan, scale 4 chains. In 6 parts, on one sheet (one of six parts is at a scale of 1:84,480)
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Benfieldside tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Benfieldside tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/13   12 April 1848
South Biddick township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 10 chains
scale: 1:7920
Digitised material for South Biddick tithe apportionment
Digitised material for South Biddick tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/14   28 December 1838
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Billingham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Billingham tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/15   31 December 1844
Billingside township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. I. Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Billingside tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Billingside tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps

Binchester township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/16   31 December 1846
Birtley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Birtley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Birtley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/17   1 December 1844
Bishop Auckland township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. William Thompson, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Bishop Auckland tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bishop Auckland tithe map
Index terms
Thompson, William, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/18   19 November 1840
Bishop Middleham township (Bishop Middleham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale [6 chains]. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Bishop Middleham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bishop Middleham tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/19   31 December 1840
Bishopton township (Bishopton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains. Made from estate plans upon various scales. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Bishopton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bishopton tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/20   9 September 1846
Bishopwearmouth township (except High and Low Barnes) (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains. Andrew Stoddart, South Shields
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Bishopwearmouth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bishopwearmouth tithe map
Index terms
Stoddart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps

Bishopwearmouth Pans township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/21   30 December 1848
Blackwell township (Darlington parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Blackwell tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Blackwell tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/22   30 August 1848
Blakeston lordship (Norton parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 3 chains
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Blakeston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Blakeston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/23   30 December 1843
Bolam township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Thomas Peacock
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Bolam tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bolam tithe map
Index terms
Peacock, Thomas, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/24   23 July 1840
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Boldon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Boldon tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/25   30 September 1847
Bourn Moor township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Bourn Moor tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bourn Moor tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/26   24 December 1838
Bradbury township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Bradbury tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Bradbury tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/27   31 December 1842
Brafferton township (Aycliffe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. Made from estate plans upon various scales and degrees of accuracy. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Brafferton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Brafferton tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/28   21 November 1840
Brancepeth township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838 = 1839, scale [6 chains]. W.J. Ware
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Brancepeth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Brancepeth tithe map
Index terms
Ware, W. J., active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/29   24 December 1839
Brandon and Byshottles township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838 = 1839, scale 6 chains. J. Turner junior
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Brandon and Byshottles tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Brandon and Byshottles tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/30   13 December 1843
Brearton township (Stranton parish)
Award with plan dated 1842, scale 3 chains. [George Pierson]
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Brearton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Brearton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/31   29 December 1838
Broom township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale [6 chains 44 feet]
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Broom tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Broom tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/32   23 December 1840
Burdon township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Burdon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Burdon tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/33   17 November 1838
Burdon township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. George Young Wall
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Burdon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Burdon tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/34   17 May 1841
Burnhope and Hamsteels township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. I. Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Burnhope and Hamsteels tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Burnhope and Hamsteels tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/35   1 November 1841
East Butsfield, West Butsfield and Steely district (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. I. Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for East Butsfield, West Butsfield and Steely tithe apportionment
Digitised material for East Butsfield, West Butsfield and Steely tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/36   24 December 1838
Butterwick and Old Acres township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Butterwick and Old Acres tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Butterwick and Old Acres tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/37   31 December 1847
Byers Green township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains. inset plan scale: 5 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Byers Green tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Byers Green tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/38   22 May 1840
Carlton township (Redmarshall parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Carlton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Carlton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/39   31 March 1841
Cassop township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Wall, George Young
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cassop tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cassop tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/40   11 May 1846
Castle Eden township (Castle Eden parish)
Agreement with plan, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Castle Eden tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Castle Eden tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/41   30 September 1847
Chester-le-Street township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Chester-le-Street tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Chester-le-Street tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/42   24 April 1839
Chilton township (Merrington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Chilton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Chilton tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/43   21 October 1852
Chopwell township (Winlaton parish)
Award with plan dated 1852, compiled from various plans, scale 12 chains. Thomas Bell and Sons
scale: 1:9504
See Gibson maps 114 for a dated copy of this plan
Digitised material for Chopwell tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Chopwell tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/44   30 December 1843
Claxton township (Greatham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 3 chains. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Claxton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Claxton tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/45   31 December 1842
Cleatlam township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 6 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cleatlam tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cleatlam tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/46   31 August 1840
Coatham Mundeville township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Coatham Mundeville tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coatham Mundeville tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/47   30 May 1845
Coatsay Moor township (Heighington parish)
Award with plan dated 1845, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Coatsay Moor tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coatsay Moor tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/48   13 May 1846
Cocken township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cocken tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cocken tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/49   31 December 1849
Cockerton township (except 239 acres) (Darlington parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1847, scale 6 chains. William Lax, [Darlington]
scale: 1:4752
Not fit for production [2014].
Index terms
Lax, William, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/50   13 December 1838
Cockfield and Woodland township (Cockfield parish)
Agreement with 2 plans dated 1837, scale 4 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Cockfield and Woodland tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cockfield and Woodland tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/51-52   19 November 1844
Cold Hesledon township (Dalton-le-Dale parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. Two copies
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Cold Hesledon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cold Hesledon tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/53-54   5 February 1844
Cold Rowley township (Muggleswick parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. I. Coulson. Two copies
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cold Rowley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cold Rowley tithe map
Index terms
Coulson, J., active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/55   18 February 1840
Colepike Hall (Lanchester parish)
Agreeement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. John Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Not fit for production [2014]
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/56   31 December 1844
Collierley and Pontop township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. Frederick James Laycock, [Lanchester]
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Collierley and Pontop tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Collierley and Pontop tithe map
Index terms
Laycock, Frederick James, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/57   9 August 1844
Coniscliffe township (Coniscliffe parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. J. Humphries, Ripon
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Coniscliffe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coniscliffe tithe map
Index terms
Humphries, J., of Ripon, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/58   30 December 1848
Consett cum Knitsley township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated 1848, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Consett cum Knitsley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Consett cum Knitsley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/59   16 December 1839
Cornforth township (Bishop Middleham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. George Young Wall, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cornforth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cornforth tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/60   1 December 1841
Cornsay township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains. J. Turner junior
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cornsay tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cornsay tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/61   31 December 1844
Coundon township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1844, scale 3 chains. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Coundon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coundon tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/62   6 May 1840
Coundon Grange township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Coundon Grange tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coundon Grange tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/63   31 January 1839
Cowpen Bewley township (Billingham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Cowpen Bewley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Cowpen Bewley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/64   28 November 1842
Coxhoe township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Coxhoe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Coxhoe tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/65   8 December 1841
Crawcrook township (Ryton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. Thomas Bell
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Crawcrook tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Crawcrook tithe map
Index terms
Bell, Thomas, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/66   15 March 1841
Crayke township (Crayke parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains. Henry Scott, Oulston
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Crayke tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Crayke tithe map
Index terms
Scott, Henry, of Oulston, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/67   31 December 1839
Crook and Billy Row township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Johnathan Rodham, Stanhope
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Crook and Billy Row tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Crook and Billy Row tithe map
Index terms
Rodham, Jonathan, of Stanhope, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/68   28 December 1838
Crossgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. John Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Crossgate tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Crossgate tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/69   8 December 1843
Dalton-le-Dale township (Dalton-le-Dale parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Not fit for production [2014]
DDR/EA/TTH/1/70   31 December 1839
Dalton Piercy township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. George Trotter, Tunstall
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Dalton Piercy tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Dalton Piercy tithe map
Index terms
Trotter, George, of Tunstall, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/71   31 December 1847
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains. William Greenwell Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Darlington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Darlington tithe map
Index terms
Lax, William, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/72   27 June 1839
Darlington and Cockerton townships (parts) (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Darlington and Cockerton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Darlington and Cockerton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/73   31 October 1851
Dawdon township (Dalton-le-Dale parish)
Award with plan dated 1851, scale 4 chains. John Gibson
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Dawdon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Dawdon tithe map
Index terms
Gibson, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/74   12 December 1839
Denton township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Denton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Denton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/75   25 September 1841
Dinsdale township (Dinsdale parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Otley and Lax
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Dinsdale tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Dinsdale tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/76   14 March 1846
Durham St Giles (Durham St Giles parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1845, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Durham St Giles tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Durham St Giles tithe map

Durham St Mary le Bow and St Mary the Less (parishes), Castle Precincts and The College (extra-parochial): no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/77   2 November 1840
Easington, Haswell, Hawthorn and Shotton townships (Easington parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1839. The original Easington plans are now kept in 5 rolls:
A. Outline plan of parish, [12 chains]
B. Plan of Easington township, 6 chains
C. Plan of Haswell township, 6 chains
D. Plan of Hawthorn township, 6 chains
E. Plan of Shotton township, 6 chains

scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Easington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Easington tithe map

East Thickley township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)

Ebchester township (Lanchester parish): no tithe apportionment or plan (all tithes commuted under the Lanchester Inclosure Act of 1773, as at p.41 of printed copy at CCB B/179/69. In exchange the curate received an allotment of land at inclosure.)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/78   29 September 1841
Edmundbyers township (Edmundbyers parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 8 chains. Henry Rodham
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Edmundbyers tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Edmundbyers tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/79   30 September 1847
Edmondsley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains. No field-names given
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Edmondsley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Edmondsley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/80   11 June 1841
Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham townships (Egglescliffe parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1841, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/81   23 May 1850
Eggleston township (Middleton in Teesdale parish)
Award with plan in two parts, dated 1841, scale 4 chains. Jos Barnes, Eggleston
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Eggleston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Eggleston tithe map

Eldon township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/82-83   25 October 1839
Elstob township (Great Stainton parish)
Agreement with plan dated September 1837, scale 4 chains. Edmund Bowman. Two copies
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Elstob tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Elstob tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/84   25 October 1839
Elton township (Elton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Elton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Elton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/85   31 December 1838
Elvet township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale [8 chains]
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Elvet tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Elvet tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/86   2 August 1845
Elwick township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. George Trotter, Tunstall
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Elwick tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Elwick tithe map
Index terms
Trotter, George, of Tunstall, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/87   22 June 1840
Elwick Hall township (Elwick Hall parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham. drawn by J. Raine
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Elwick Hall tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Elwick Hall tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/88   24 December 1838
Embleton township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1837, scale 4 chains. Robert Robson and Matthew Ryle junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Embleton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Embleton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/89   14 March 1839
Great Eppleton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Robert Robson and Matthew Ryle junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Great Eppleton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Great Eppleton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/90   21 October 1839
Little Eppleton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Little Eppleton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Little Eppleton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/91   31 December 1849
Escomb township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1848, scale 3 chains. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Escomb tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Escomb tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/92   31 March 1841
Esh township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Esh tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Esh tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/93   31 December 1846
Evenwood township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1844, scale [4 chains]. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Evenwood tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Evenwood tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/94-95   15 June 1850
Felling township or district (Heworth parish)
Award with plan dated 1850, scale 8 chains. Two copies
scale: 1:6336
Not fit for production [2014]
DDR/EA/TTH/1/96   26 July 1839
Ferryhill township (Merrington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. John Laverick, [Durham]
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Ferryhill tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ferryhill tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/97   25 June 1839
Fishburn township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Fishburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Fishburn tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/98   24 September 1844
Ford township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. Matt[he]w Bowser, Thornaby Grange
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Ford tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ford tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/99   25 June 1847
Forest and Frith township (Middleton in Teesdale parish)
Award with plan dated 1840, scale 8 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Forest and Frith tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Forest and Frith tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/100   28 August 1839
Foxton and Shotton township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. copied by W. J. Ware, Skirpenbeck, Yorkshire, copied from plans dated 1769 and 1801; corrected and reduced in 1838
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Foxton and Shotton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Foxton and Shotton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/101   25 June 1839
Framwellgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. John Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Framwellgate tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Framwellgate tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/102   4 November 1845
Fulwell township (Monkwearmouth parish)
Award with plan dated 1845, scale 4 chains. Andrew Stodart, [South Shields]
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Fulwell tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Fulwell tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/103   7 December 1847
Gainford township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 3 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Gainford tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Gainford tithe map

Garmondsway Moor township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (tithes merged in the land)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/104   19 November 1839
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Andrew Stodart, South Shields
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Gateshead tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Gateshead tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/105   31 December 1845
Gateshead Fell township (Gateshead Fell parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. John Bell, Gateshead
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Gateshead Fell tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Gateshead Fell tithe map
Index terms
Bell, John, of Gateshead, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/106   31 December 1847
Girsby and Over Dinsdale townships (Sockburn parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Girsby and Over Dinsdale tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Girsby and Over Dinsdale tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/107   31 December 1841
Greatham township (Greatham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Greatham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Greatham tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/108   16 June 1843
Greencroft township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 8 chains. 1 large and 5 small plans reduced from various surveys and plans. Thomas Bell and Sons, Newcastle upon Tyne
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Greencroft tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Greencroft tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/109   18 November 1844
Hallgarth township (Pittington parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Hallgarth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hallgarth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/110   30 December 1848
Hamsterley township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1848, scale 6 chains. outline plan scale: 20 chains. William Greenwell Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Hamsterley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hamsterley tithe map
Index terms
Lax, William, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/111   29 September 1847
Harraton township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Harraton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Harraton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/112   31 March 1841
Hart township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Hart tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hart tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/113   12 December 1839
East Hartburn township (Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. George Trotter, Tunstall
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for East Hartburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for East Hartburn tithe map
Index terms
Trotter, George, of Tunstall, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/114   19 May 1845
Hartlepool township (Hart parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1840, scale 2 chains. [J.T.W. Bell]
scale: 1:1584
Digitised material for Hartlepool tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hartlepool tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/115   14 September 1839
Harton township (Jarrow parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1 March 1839, scale 8 chains. Andrew Stodart, South Shields
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Harton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Harton tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/116   17 September 1839
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Haughton le Skerne tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Haughton le Skerne tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/117   6 December 1842
Headlam township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Headlam tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Headlam tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/118   30 December 1843
Healeyfield township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Healeyfield tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Healeyfield tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/119   31 December 1840
Hedleyhope township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Hedleyhope tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hedleyhope tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/120   8 March 1851
Hedworth township (Jarrow parish)
Award with plan dated 1850, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Hedworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hedworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/121   30 July 1839
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Heighington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Heighington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/122   31 January 1840
Helmington Row township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 15 August 1839, scale 6 chains. Robert J. Allan [alias Allen], Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Helmington Row tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Helmington Row tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/123   29 January 1840
Henknowle and Coppycrooks district in Auckland St Andrew township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Henknowle and Coppycrooks district in Auckland St Andrew tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Henknowle and Coppycrooks district in Auckland St Andrew tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/124   31 December 1847
East and Middle Herrington township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for East and Middle Herrington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for East and Middle Herrington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/125   31 December 1847
West Herrington township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for West Herrington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for West Herrington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/126   27 June 1839
Hett township (Merrington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. John Laverick, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Hett tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hett tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/127   31 January 1840
Hetton-le-Hole township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. John Laverick, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Hetton-le-Hole tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hetton-le-Hole tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/128-129   31 December 1850
Heworth township (Heworth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1850, scale 8 chains. Two copies
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Heworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Heworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/130   21 February 1840
Hilton township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Hilton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hilton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/131   28 November 1844
Holmside district (Lanchester parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1843, scale 6 chains. I. Turner junior
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Holmside tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Holmside tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/132   19 July 1847
Holmside township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Holmside tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Holmside tithe map

Horden manor: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/133   29 October 1841
Houghton-le-Side township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Houghton-le-Side tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Houghton-le-Side tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/134   28 October 1842
Houghton-le-Spring township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Houghton-le-Spring tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Houghton-le-Spring tithe map

Hunstanworth township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes were payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/135   20 March 1844
Hunwick and Helmington township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1843, scale 3 chains. John Lee, Durham
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Hunwick and Helmington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hunwick and Helmington tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/136   5 February 1840
Hurworth township (Hurworth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Hurworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hurworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/137   16 November 1838
Hutton Henry township (Monk Hesleden parish)
Agreement and Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale [6 chains]
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Hutton Henry tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Hutton Henry tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/138   31 January 1839
Ingleton township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Ingleton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ingleton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/139   30 December 1843
Iveston township (Lanchester parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 6 chains. 1 large and 8 small plans copied from various surveys and plans by Thomas Bell
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Iveston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Iveston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/140   22 November 1850
Jarrow and Hebburn townships or hamlets (Jarrow parish)
Award with plan dated 1850, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Jarrow and Hebburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Jarrow and Hebburn tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/141   4 April 1844
Kelloe township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Kelloe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Kelloe tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/142   13 February 1840
Killerby township (Heighington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Killerby tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Killerby tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/143   31 December 1847
Kimblesworth township (Kimblesworth parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 12 chains
scale: 1:9504
Digitised material for Kimblesworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Kimblesworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/144   20 August 1846
Kyo township (except Tanfield Moor) (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated January 1845, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Kyo tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Kyo tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/145   30 September 1847
Lambton township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Lambton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Lambton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/146   31 December 1847
Lamesley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan, scale 8 chains (plan I), 2 chains (plan II). Thomas Bell and Sons, Newcastle upon Tyne
scale scale: 1:63361:1584
Digitised material for Lamesley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Lamesley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/147   4 December 1844
Lanchester township, hamlet or district (Lanchester parish)
Award and Award and Award with plan dated 1843, scale 6 chains. Reduced from various surveys and plans. Frederick James Laycock, Lanchester
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Lanchester tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Lanchester tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/148   31 December 1846
Langley township (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 12 chains
scale: 1:9504
Digitised material for Langley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Langley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/149   27 October 1841
Langleydale and Shotton township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Langleydale and Shotton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Langleydale and Shotton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/150   21 March 1840
Langton township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Langton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Langton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/151   19 May 1838
Longnewton and Middleton One Row townships (Longnewton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1837, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Longnewton and Middleton One Row tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Longnewton and Middleton One Row tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/152   3 November 1841
Great and Little Lumley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Great and Little Lumley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Great and Little Lumley tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/153   7 February 1850
Lynesack and Softley township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1848, scale 6 chains. John Lee, Bishop Auckland
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Lynesack and Softley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Lynesack and Softley tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/154   30 July 1852
Magdalen Close township (Durham St Giles parish)
Award with plan dated 1852, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Magdalen Close tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Magdalen Close tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/155   4 June 1845
Mainsforth township (Bishop Middleham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 6 chains. I. Turner junior
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Mainsforth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Mainsforth tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/156   9 August 1844
Marwood township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Marwood tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Marwood tithe map
Medomsley township (Medomsley parish)
No apportionment or map survive in the Diocesan series
A microfilm of the Medomsley tithe apportionment, 1844, and electrostatic print of the original plan (in two parts, I. Turner junior, 1842, 6 chains before reduction) (TNA copies)
Digitised material for Medomsley tithe map 1842
Digitised material for Medomsley tithe apportionment 1844
DDR/EA/TTH/1/157   31 December 1840
Merrington (Merrington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. John Laverick, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Merrington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Merrington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/158   30 December 1843
Middlestone township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1843, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Middlestone tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Middlestone tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/159   3 July 1846
Middleton in Teesdale township (Middleton in Teesdale parish)
Award with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Middleton in Teesdale tithe maps
Digitised material for Middleton in Teesdale tithe apportionment 1846
DDR/EA/TTH/1/160   25 June 1839
Middleton St George township (Middleton St George parish)
Agreement and Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Middleton St George tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Middleton St George tithe map 1838
DDR/EA/TTH/1/161   31 December 1844
Middridge township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Middridge tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Middridge tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/162   23 April 1844
Middridge Grange township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains. J. Marley, Shildon
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Middridge Grange tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Middridge Grange tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/163   17 November 1838
Monk Hesleden township (Monk Hesleden parish)
Agreement and Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale [6 chains]
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Monk Hesleden tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Monk Hesleden tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/164   18 March 1841
Monkton township (Jarrow parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Monkton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Monkton tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/165   21 July 1840
Monkwearmouth township (Monkwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Monkwearmouth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Monkwearmouth tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps

Monkwearmouth Shore township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (tithes merged in the land)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/166   24 July 1846
Moorhouse township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Moorhouse tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Moorhouse tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/167   31 January 1839
Moorsley township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Moorsley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Moorsley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/168   6 November 1838
Morden township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Morden tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Morden tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/169   19 May 1841
Morton township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. William Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Morton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Morton tithe map
Index terms
Lax, William, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/170   15 December 1847
Morton Grange township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Morton Grange tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Morton Grange tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/171   21 March 1839
Morton Palms township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Morton Palms tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Morton Palms tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/172   11 December 1846
Muggleswick township (Muggleswick parish)
Award with plan dated 1845, scale 4 chains. I. Coulson
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Muggleswick tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Muggleswick tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/173   30 December 1843
Murton township (Dalton-le-Dale parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Murton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Murton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/174   12 December 1839
Neasham township (Hurworth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Neasham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Neasham tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/175   12 December 1839
Nesbitt township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale [c. 16 chains]. Kain has scale as [? 20 chains]
Digitised material for Nesbitt tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Nesbitt tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/176   31 December 1840
Newbiggin township (Bishopton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains. Made from estate plans upon various scales. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Newbiggin tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newbiggin tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/177   27 December 1842
Newbiggin township (Middleton in Teesdale parish)
Award, with plan in two parts dated 1840, scale 3 chains. Machell
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Newbiggin tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newbiggin tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/178   31 January 1839
Newbottle township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Robert Robson and Matthew Ryle junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Newbottle tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newbottle tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/179   21 July 1840
Newfield township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Newfield tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newfield tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/180   22 December 1838
Newton Bewley township (Billingham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. George Young Wall, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Newton Bewley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newton Bewley tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/181   30 December 1848
Newton Cap township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated September 1847, scale 3 chains. John Lee
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Newton Cap tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Newton Cap tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/182   28 October 1842
Norton township (except Blakiston) (Norton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Norton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Norton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/183   31 December 1847
Offerton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 8 chains. Copied from sundry surveys. Thomas Bell and Sons
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Offerton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Offerton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/184   13 March 1845
Old Park township (Whitworth parish)
Award with plan dated 1845, scale [4 chains]
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Old Park tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Old Park tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/185   7 May 1850
Ouston township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Ouston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ouston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/186   31 December 1846
Pelton township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Pelton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Pelton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/187   30 December 1848
Penshaw township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1848, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Penshaw tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Penshaw tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/188   22 February 1840
Piercebridge township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Piercebridge tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Piercebridge tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/189   31 December 1841
Pittington township (except Hallgarth) (Pittington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. I. Raine
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Pittington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Pittington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/190   21 September 1849
Plawsworth township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1848, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Plawsworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Plawsworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/191   16 May 1845
Pollards Lands township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1844, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Pollards Lands tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Pollards Lands tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/192   21 December 1839
Preston-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Preston-on-Tees tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Preston-on-Tees tithe apportionment
DDR/EA/TTH/1/193   31 December 1840
Preston-le-Skerne township (Aycliffe parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Preston-le-Skerne tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Preston-le-Skerne Tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/194   5 February 1840
Quarrington township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. George Young Wall
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Quarrington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Quarrington tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/195   12 June 1839
Raby and Keverstone township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Raby and Keverstone tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Raby and Keverstone tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/196   11 December 1839
East Rainton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. John Laverick, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for East Rainton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for East Rainton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/197   24 January 1840
West Rainton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. John Laverick, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for West Rainton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for West Rainton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/198   8 June 1840
Redmarshall township (Redmarshall parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Redmarshall tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Redmarshall tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/199   13 December 1839
Redworth West, Thickley and Newbiggin constabularies of Redworth township (Heighington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Redworth West, Thickley and Newbiggin constabularies of Redworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Redworth West, Thickley and Newbiggin constabularies of Redworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/200   30 December 1843
Ryhope township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 6 chains. Andrew Stoddart
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Ryhope tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ryhope tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/201   4 December 1841
Ryton townships (Ryton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 4 chains. Copied from various surveys. Thomas Bell
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Ryton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Ryton tithe map
Ryton Woodside township (Ryton parish)
There is no apportionment or map surviving in the Diocesan series
A microfilm of the Ryton Woodside original tithe apportionment, 1843 (TNA copy), and a photocopy of the original tithe plan (reduced from various surveys and plans by Thomas Bell and Sons [n.d. 1843], c.4½ - 6 chains [Kain has scale as 6 chains]) Durham County Record Office copy).
DDR/EA/TTH/1/202   25 October 1839
Sadberge township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Another copy of the Sadberge original tithe apportionment on microfilm, and another copy of the 1920 Sadberge altered tithe on microfilm (TNA copies).
Digitised material for Sadberge tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sadberge tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/203   25 November 1847
Satley hamlet (Lanchester parish)
Award with plan [in two parts] made from various surveys etc, scale 4 chains [one part of plan 8 chains]. Frederick James Laycock, Lanchester, [? County] Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Satley hamlet tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Satley hamlet tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/204   10 June 1843
Seaham township (Seaham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. J. Turner junior
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Seaham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Seaham tithe map
Index terms
Turner, John, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/205   19 August 1840
Seaton Carew township (Stranton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Seaton Carew tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Seaton Carew tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/206   25 June 1839
Sedgefield township (Sedgefield parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. inset plan of town scale: 2 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale scale: 1:47521:1584
Digitised material for Sedgefield tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sedgefield tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/207   31 March 1840
Shadforth township (Pittington parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Shadforth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Shadforth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/208   19 October 1839
Sheraton and Hulam township (Monk Hesleden parish)
Agreement and Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham. [? drawn by I. Raine]
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Sheraton and Hulam tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sheraton and Hulam tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/209   24 December 1838
Sherburn township (Pittington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Sherburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sherburn tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/210   19 June 1849
Sherburn House district (Pittington parish)
Award with plan dated 1849, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Sherburn House tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sherburn House tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/211   2 August 1843
Shildon township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Shildon tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Shildon tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/212   25 October 1839
Shincliffe township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Shincliffe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Shincliffe tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/213   23 December 1842
Silksworth township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1841, scale 5 chains. Andrew Stoddart, South Shields
scale: 1:3960
Digitised material for Silksworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Silksworth tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/214   27 April 1839
Snotterton township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Snotterton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Snotterton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/215   16 September 1841
Sockburn township (Sockburn parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Sockburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sockburn tithe map

South Shields township No separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/216   3 December 1840
Southwick township (Monkwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Southwick tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Southwick tithe map

Spennymoor township (Spennymoor parish): no separate tithe apportionment and plan (this area included in the Tudhoe and Whitworth tithe apportionments and plans)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/217   30 July 1839
Staindrop township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Machell
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Staindrop tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Staindrop tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/218   27 December 1842
Stainton and Streatlam township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan in two parts dated 1843, scale 3 chains. Machell, Carlisle
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stainton and Streatlam tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stainton and Streatlam tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/219   10 December 1839
Stainton-le-Street township (Great Stainton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 2 April 1839, scale 6 chains. William Simpson, Pinchingthorpe, nr Guisborough, Yorkshire
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Stainton-le-Street tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stainton-le-Street tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/220   19 October 1839
Little Stainton township (Bishopton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 23 March 1839, scale 6 chains. William Simpson, Pinchingthorpe, nr Guisborough, Yorkshire
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Little Stainton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Little Stainton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/221A-B   30 December 1844 [recte 1843?]
Stanhope Forest Quarter district (Stanhope parish)
Award with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains. Plan now in two parts, East (221A) and West (221B). Made “partly from new surveys by us, and partly from existing estate plans by sundry persons upon various scales and degrees of accuracy”. A. and R. Reed
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stanhope Forest Quarter tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stanhope Forest Quarter tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/222   December 1844
Stanhope Newlandside Quarter district (Stanhope parish)
Award with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains. A. and R. Reed
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stanhope Newlandside Quarter tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stanhope Newlandside Quarter tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/223   30 December 1843
Stanhope Park Quarter district (Stanhope parish)
Award with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains. Made “partly from new surveys by us, and partly from existing estate plans by sundry persons upon various scales and degrees of accuracy”. A. and R. Reed
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stanhope Park Quarter tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stanhope Park Quarter tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/224   30 December 1843
Stanhope Quarter district (Stanhope parish)
Award with plan dated 1842, scale 4 chains. Made “partly from new surveys by us, and partly from existing estate plans by sundry persons upon various scales and degrees of accuracy”. A. and R. Reed
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stanhope Quarter tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stanhope Quarter tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/225   31 October 1839
Stella township (Ryton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Thomas Bell
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Stella tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stella tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/226   4 December 1841
Stillington township (Redmarshall parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1841, scale 6 chains. I. Raine
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Stillington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stillington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/227   22 December 1840
Stockley township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838 = 1839, scale 6 chains. W.J. Ware
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Stockley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stockley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/228   24 March 1845
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1844, in two parts, scale [6 chains]. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Stockton-on-Tees tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stockton-on-Tees tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/229   19 October 1839
Stranton township (Stranton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. George Young Wall, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Stranton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Stranton tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/230   9 May 1840
Summerhouse township (Gainford parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Summerhouse tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Summerhouse tithe map

Sunderland (parish): no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/231   30 June 1842
Sunderland Bridge township (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Sunderland Bridge tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Sunderland Bridge tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/232   31 December 1847
Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor township (Chester-le-Street and Lanchester parish)
Award and Award with two plans dated 1847, reduced from various surveys, scale 8 chains (plan I), 2 chains and 8 chains (plan II, in 7 sections). Thomas Bell and Sons, Newcastle upon Tyne
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/233   28 August 1845
Thornley township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1845, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Thornley tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Thornley tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/234   22 December 1838
Thorpe Bulmer township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Thorpe Bulmer tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Thorpe Bulmer tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/235   15 November 1844
Thorpe Thewles township (Grindon parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1844, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Thorpe Thewles tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Thorpe Thewles tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/236   9 May 1840
Thrislington township (Bishop Middleham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 8 chains. Copied from an old survey. Thomas Bell
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Thrislington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Thrislington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/237   31 March 1841
Throston township (Hart parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Throston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Throston tithe map
Trimdon township (Trimdon parish)
No apportionment or map survive in the Diocesan series
A microfilm of the Trimdon original tithe apportionment, 1840, and a photostat of the original tithe plan (J. Turner junior, 1839, 4 chains before reduction) (TNA copies). Trimdon glebe terrier, 1888, states that there was still at that date a parish copy of the 1839 tithe apportionment in a tin case [in the vicarage]. 1971: the vicar of Trimdon and Durham County Record Office say this is no longer with the records.
Digitised material for Trimdon tithe map 1839
Digitised material for Trimdon tithe apportionment 1840
DDR/EA/TTH/1/238   9 December 1839
Tudhoe township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Tudhoe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Tudhoe tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/239   27 June 1839
Tunstall township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Tunstall tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Tunstall tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/240   31 December 1846
Urpeth township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Award with plan dated 1846, scale 8 chains. Reduced from various surveys. Thomas Bell and Sons
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Urpeth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Urpeth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/241   31 December 1849
Great Usworth, Little Usworth and North Biddick township (Washington parish)
Award with plan dated 1849, scale Plans I - III at 8 chains, plan IV (sketch map of all three townships) at 16 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Great Usworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Great Usworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/242   21 July 1840
Wackerfield township (Staindrop parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. Otley and Lax, Darlington
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Wackerfield tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Wackerfield tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/243   30 November 1840
Waldridge township (Chester-le-Street parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Waldridge tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Waldridge tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/244   31 January 1839
Walworth township (Heighington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Thomas Dixon, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Walworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Walworth tithe map
Index terms
Dixon, Thomas, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/245   31 December 1844
Warden Law township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
Award with plan dated 1844, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Warden Law tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Warden Law tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/246   30 December 1843
Washington township (Washington parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1843, scale 8 chains
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Washington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Washington tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/247   31 December 1840
Westerton township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Westerton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Westerton tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/248   31 March 1841
Westoe township (Jarrow parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1840, scale 4 chains. Andrew Stoddart, South Shields
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Westoe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Westoe tithe map
Index terms
Stodart, Andrew, of South Shields, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/249   10 April 1845
Westwick township (Gainford parish)
Award with plan dated 1841 (redrawn), scale 6 chains. T. Dixon, Darlington
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Westwick tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Westwick tithe map
Index terms
Dixon, Thomas, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/250   28 December 1838
Whessoe township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Whessoe tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whessoe tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/251   31 October 1842
Whickham township (except part of Tanfield Moor) (Whickham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1842, scale 6 chains. Copied from various surveys etc. Thomas Bell
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Whickham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whickham tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/252   30 April 1842
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. John Bell, Gateshead
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Whitburn tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whitburn tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/253   1 November 1841
Whitton township (Grindon parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Whitton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whitton tithe map

Whitwell House (extra-parochial): no separate tithe apportionment or plan (tithes merged in the land)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/254   14 November 1845
Whitworth township (Whitworth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1845, scale 6 chains
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Whitworth tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whitworth tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/255   31 December 1852
Whorlton township (Gainford parish)
Award and Award with plan dated 1841, scale 4 chains. Corrected and in part surveyed. Thomas Dixon, Darlington
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Whorlton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Whorlton tithe map
Index terms
Dixon, Thomas, of Darlington, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/256   9 May 1840
Willington township (Brancepeth parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838 = 1839, scale 6 chains. W.J. Ware
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Willington tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Willington tithe map

Windlestone township: no separate tithe apportionment or plan (no tithes payable, due to either earlier commutation or imminent merger)
DDR/EA/TTH/1/257   31 December 1840
Wingate township (Kelloe parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 8 chains. George Young Wall, Durham, “drawn by J.R.”
scale: 1:6336
Digitised material for Wingate tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Wingate tithe map
Index terms
Wall, George Young, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/258   25 September 1839
Winlaton township (Winlaton parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 4 chains. Surveyed and partly taken from old surveys by Thomas Bell, Newcastle upon Tyne
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Winlaton tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Winlaton tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/259   31 December 1844
Winston township (Winston parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 4 chains. Made from plans in the possession of the landowners
scale: 1:3168
Digitised material for Winston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Winston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/260   27 June 1839
Witton Gilbert (Durham St Oswald parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Thomas Davison, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Witton Gilbert tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Witton Gilbert tithe map
Index terms
Davison, Thomas, of Durham, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/261   2 June 1847
Witton-le-Wear township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
Award with plan dated 1847, scale 3 chains. John Lee
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Witton-le-Wear tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Witton-le-Wear tithe map
Index terms
Lee, John, of Bishop Auckland, active mid 19th century
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
DDR/EA/TTH/1/262   12 December 1839
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
Agreement with plan dated 1839, scale 6 chains. Johnathan Rodham alias Roddam, Stanhope
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Wolsingham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Wolsingham tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/263   24 December 1838
Wolviston township (Billingham parish)
Agreement and Agreement with plan dated 1838, scale 6 chains. George Young Wall, Durham
scale: 1:4752
Digitised material for Wolviston tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Wolviston tithe map
DDR/EA/TTH/1/264   31 March 1841
Woodham township (Aycliffe parish)
Agreement and Award with plan dated 1839, scale 3 chains. Chiefly made from estate plans furnished by the landowners, upon various scales and degrees of accuracy etc. A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
scale: 1:2376
Digitised material for Woodham tithe apportionment
Digitised material for Woodham tithe map
Index terms
A. and R. Reed, Stockton-on-Tees
Great Britain. Tithe Commissioners
Tithe maps
Altered tithe apportionments and plans
DDR/EA/TTH/2   1841-1936
This series of altered apportionments is almost certainly incomplete, and each altered apportionment only covers a small part of a township (often a single property or group of fields). In addition, many changes in ownership were not followed by an altered apportionment at all, informal agreements being made instead between tithe-owners and landowners.
Where no date is given for a plan, only the altered apportionment survives. Plans are briefly described with reference to their scale (e.g. number of chains to an inch, see under DDR/EA/TTH/1 for modern equivalents), or Ordnance Survey sheet references (25" referring to the 1:2500 scale, approx 25 inches to a mile).
The Tithe Commissioners' copies of the tithe commutation records (in the National Archives) include all the altered apportionments for each township, kept with the original maps and apportionments.

DDR/EA/TTH/2/1   21 May 1912 (date of apportionment)1897 (date of plan)
Barnard Castle township (Gainford parish)
25" O.S. Durham LII 4, [? 2nd ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/2   16 March 1915 (date of apportionment)1897 (date of plan)
Barnard Castle township (Gainford parish)
25" O.S. Durham LII [? 2nd ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/3   9 March 1894 (date of apportionment)1894 (date of plan)
Barnes High and Low district in Bishopwearmouth township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
2½ chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/4   15 July 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Benfieldside township (Lanchester parish)
25" O.S. Durham XI 10
DDR/EA/TTH/2/5   2 November 1865 (date of apportionment)1865 (date of plan)
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/6   8 March 1898 (date of apportionment)1898 (date of plan)
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
3 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/7   18 March 1927 (date of apportionment)1927 (date of plan)
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 4 and LI 1, 2, 5, 6 and 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/8   6 June 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 4 and LI 1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/9   6 December 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Billingham township (Billingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLIV 16, XLV 13, L 4 and LI 1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/10   19 March 1909 (date of apportionment)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/11   17 November 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Birtley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham VII
DDR/EA/TTH/2/12   10 May 1918 (date of apportionment)
Bishopton township (Bishopton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/13   24 January 1924 (date of apportionment)
Bishopton township (Bishopton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/14   21 July 1870 (date of apportionment)1870 (date of plan)
Bishopwearmouth township, excluding High and Low Barnes (Bishopwearmouth parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/15   30 May 1904 (date of apportionment)1904 (date of plan)
Bishopwearmouth township, excluding High and Low Barnes (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2, [? 2nd ed. 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/16   30 June 1914 (date of apportionment)1914 (date of plan)
Bishopwearmouth township, excluding High and Low Barnes (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2 and 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/17   24 August 1915 (date of apportionment)1915 (date of plan)
Bishopwearmouth township, excluding High and Low Barnes (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2, [? 2nd ed. 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/18   30 September 1916 (date of apportionment)1916 (date of plan)
Bishopwearmouth township, excluding High and Low Barnes (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 14 and XIV 2 [? 2nd ed. c. 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/19   28 March 1935 (date of apportionment)
Bolam township (Gainford parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/20   28 November 1910 (date of apportionment)1910 (date of plan)
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VII 4 and 8 and VIII 1]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/21   31 July 1911 (date of apportionment)
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/22   4 February 1913 (date of apportionment)1913 (date of plan)
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VII 3, 4 and 8 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/23   25 May 1926 (date of apportionment)1926 (date of plan)
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
25" O.S. Durham VII 4 and VIII 1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/24   20 June 1929 (date of apportionment)1929 (date of plan)
Boldon township (Boldon parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VIII 1]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/25   23 June 1851 (date of apportionment)1851 (date of plan)
Brancepeth township (Brancepeth parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/26   8 June 1921 (date of apportionment)1821 (date of plan)
Brandon and Byshottles township (Brancepeth parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/27   20 September 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Brandon and Byshottles township (Brancepeth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVI 8, 11, 12 and 16 and XXVII 13
DDR/EA/TTH/2/28   28 March 1854 (date of apportionment)
Burnhope and Hamsteels township (Lanchester parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/29   24 August 1900 (date of apportionment)
East Butsfield, West Butsfield and Steely district (Lanchester parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/30   2 August 1853 (date of apportionment)1853 (date of plan)
Byers Green township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/31   30 March 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Carlton township (Redmarshall parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 2, 3, 6 and 7
DDR/EA/TTH/2/32   13 May 1915 (date of apportionment)1915 (date of plan)
Chester-le-Street township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham XII 8, 1896
DDR/EA/TTH/2/33   27 May 1927 (date of apportionment)1927 (date of plan)
Chester-le-Street township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIII 13
DDR/EA/TTH/2/34   27 May 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Chester-le-Street township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIII 13 and 14
DDR/EA/TTH/2/35   18 September 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Coatham Mundeville township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLIX 10
DDR/EA/TTH/2/36   14 September 1911 (date of apportionment)1911 (date of plan)
Cockfield and Woodland township (Cockfield parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLI 15, 1896
DDR/EA/TTH/2/37   24 September 1898 (date of apportionment)1898 (date of plan)
Crawcrook township (Ryton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/38   19 February 1912 (date of apportionment)1912 (date of plan)
Crossgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVI 4 and XXVII 1, [1896]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/39   10 July 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Crossgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVI 4
DDR/EA/TTH/2/40   29 August 1910 (date of apportionment)1910 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
25" O.S. Durham LIV 8 amd 12, LV 9 and 10, and Yorkshire, North Riding XIV 11 and 12, [? 1st ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/41   18 December 1912 (date of apportionment)1912 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/42   30 September 1915 (date of apportionment)1915 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/43   25 May 1916 (date of apportionment)1914 or 1915 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2, 6 and 10 LVII 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/44   26 March 1917 (date of apportionment)1915 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/45   29 March 1927 (date of apportionment)1927 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 10
DDR/EA/TTH/2/46   31 March 1930 (date of apportionment)1930 (date of plan)
Darlington township (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 10
DDR/EA/TTH/2/47   13 June 1867 (date of apportionment)1867 (date of plan)
Darlington and Cockerton townships, parts (Haughton le Skerne parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/48   15 April 1913 (date of apportionment)1913 (date of plan)
Darlington and Cockerton townships, parts (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2 [? 1st ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/49   8 May 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Darlington and Cockerton townships, parts (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2 and 6 [1915]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/50   3 September 1928 (date of apportionment)1928 (date of plan)
Darlington and Cockerton townships, parts (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/51   13 August 1902 (date of apportionment)
Dinsdale township (Dinsdale parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/52   17 August 1865 (date of apportionment)
Durham St Giles township (Durham St Giles parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/53   20 July 1931 (date of apportionment)1931 (date of plan)
Durham St Giles township (Durham St Giles parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVII 1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/54   3 March 1870 (date of apportionment)1870 (date of plan)
Easington and Shotton townships (Easington parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/55   30 June 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Easington township (Easington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXI 14, 15 and 16 [1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/56-57   27 March 1928 (date of apportionment)1928 (date of plan)
Easington township (Easington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXI 15 and 16, and XXVIII 3 and 4
Two copies
DDR/EA/TTH/2/58   21 March 1930 (date of apportionment)1930 (date of plan)
Hawthorn township (Easington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXI 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15
DDR/EA/TTH/2/59   6 November 1930 (date of apportionment)
Hawthorn township (Easington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/60   31 March 1932 (date of apportionment)1932 (date of plan)
Easington and Shotton townships (Easington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVIII 2 and 6
DDR/EA/TTH/2/61   5 December 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Haswell township (Easington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVIII 1, 2, 5 and 6
DDR/EA/TTH/2/62   9 September 1896 (date of apportionment)1896 (date of plan)
Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham townships (Egglescliffe parish)
N.B. The altered apportionment covers only Egglescliffe township
DDR/EA/TTH/2/63   20 September 1910 (date of apportionment)1910 (date of plan)
Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham townships (Egglescliffe parish)
25" O.S. Durham LVI 6. 7 an 11, and Yorkshire XV 11 and 15, 1897 - 1898
N.B. The altered apportionment covers only Egglescliffe township
DDR/EA/TTH/2/64   5 September 1932 (date of apportionment)1932 (date of plan)
Egglescliffe, Aislaby and Newsham townships (Egglescliffe parish)
25" O.S. Durham LVI 11
N.B. The altered apportionment covers only Egglescliffe township
DDR/EA/TTH/2/65   30 December 1920 (date of apportionment)1920 (date of plan)
Elvet township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/66   23 July 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Elvet township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVII 1, 2 and 6
DDR/EA/TTH/2/67   18 February 1875 (date of apportionment)1875 (date of plan)
Felling township or district (Heworth parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/68   30 July 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Felling township or district (Heworth parish)
25" O.S. Durham III 13 and VII 1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/69   21 May 1841 (date of apportionment)
Ferryhill township (Merrington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/70   28 April 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Ferryhill township (Merrington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXV 5, 6, 9, 10, 13 and 14 [1919 - 1920]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/71   13 August 1907 (date of apportionment)
Framwellgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/72   9 January 1935 (date of apportionment)
Framwellgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/73   30 September 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Framwellgate township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XX 5 and 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/74   19 February 1904 (date of apportionment)1904 (date of plan)
Fulwell township (Monkwearmouth parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/75   21 September 1929 (date of apportionment)1929 (date of plan)
Fulwell township (Monkwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 6 and 7
DDR/EA/TTH/2/76   11 April 1867 (date of apportionment)1867 (date of plan)
Gainford township (Gainford parish)
3 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/77   2 May 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Gainford township (Gainford parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/78   9 February 1928 (date of apportionment)1928 (date of plan)
Gainford township (Gainford parish)
25" O.S. Durham LIV 1 and 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/79-80   25 February 1869 (date of apportionment)1869 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
4 chains
Two copies
DDR/EA/TTH/2/81   4 June 1885 (date of apportionment)1885 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/82   31 December 1888 (date of apportionment)1888 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/83   28 February 1905 (date of apportionment)1905 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VI 4 and 8, 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/84   2 March 1905 (date of apportionment)1905 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VI 4 and 8, 1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/85   29 September 1931 (date of apportionment)1931 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
25" O.S. Durham VI 4 and VII 1 and 5
DDR/EA/TTH/2/86   21 March 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
25" O.S. Durham VII 4
DDR/EA/TTH/2/87   1 March 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Gateshead township (Gateshead parish)
25" O.S. Durham VI 4
DDR/EA/TTH/2/88   24 March 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Hallgarth township (Pittington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XX 14 and 15 and XXVII 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/89   9 September 1925 (date of apportionment)1925 (date of plan)
Hart township (Hart parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVI 8 and 12, XXXVII 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/90   20 February 1931 (date of apportionment)
East Hartburn township (Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/91   5 December 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
East Hartburn township (Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 15 and 16, and LVI 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/92   7 March 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
East Hartburn township (Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 15
DDR/EA/TTH/2/93   20 July 1865 (date of apportionment)1865 (date of plan)
Harton township (Jarrow parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/94   29 June 1908 (date of apportionment)1908 (date of plan)
Harton township (Jarrow parish)
25" O.S. Durham IV 6, [? 2nd ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/95   5 December 1921 (date of apportionment)1921 (date of plan)
Harton township (Jarrow parish)
25" O.S. Durham IV 6 and 10, [1914-1945]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/96   25 November 1904 (date of apportionment)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/97   6 July 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2 and 6 [1915]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/98   30 July 1925 (date of apportionment)1925 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 2 and 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/99   27 March 1928 (date of apportionment)1928 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLIX 14 and LV 2, 3, 6 and 7
DDR/EA/TTH/2/100   15 March 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLIX 14 and LV 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/101   14 March 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham XLIX 14 and LV 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/102   18 September 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Haughton le Skerne township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 10 and 11
DDR/EA/TTH/2/103   11 April 1867 (date of apportionment)1867 (date of plan)
Headlam township (Gainford parish)
3 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/104   26 January 1912 (date of apportionment)
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/105   16 June 1924 (date of apportionment)
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/106   28 August 1924 (date of apportionment)
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/107   3 January 1927 (date of apportionment)
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/108   6 June 1932 (date of apportionment)
Heighington township (Heighington parish)
NOT FOUND 19/8/2022
DDR/EA/TTH/2/109   26 September 1910 (date of apportionment)1910 (date of plan)
Helmington Row township (Brancepeth parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/110   31 March 1892 (date of apportionment)1892 (date of plan)
Hetton-le-Hole township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/111   22 February 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Hetton-le-Hole township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
25" O.S. Durham XX 8, XXI 5 and 9 [1919 - 1920]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/112   31 March 1870 (date of apportionment)1870 (date of plan)
Houghton-le-Spring township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/113   30 December 1882 (date of apportionment)1882 (date of plan)
Hutton Henry (Monk Hesleden parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/114   15 March 1900 (date of apportionment)1900 (date of plan)
Hutton Henry township (Monk Hesleden parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/115   20 June 1904 (date of apportionment)1904 (date of plan)
Hutton Henry township (Monk Hesleden parish)
3 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/116   22 October 1910 (date of apportionment)1910 (date of plan)
Hutton Henry township (Monk Hesleden parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVI 2 and 3 1896
DDR/EA/TTH/2/117   28 March 1872 (date of apportionment)1872 (date of plan)
Lamesley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/118   10 May 1895 (date of apportionment)
Lanchester township, hamlet or district (Lanchester parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/119   18 December 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Langton township (Gainford parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/120   12 September 1912 (date of apportionment)1912 (date of plan)
Great and Little Lumley township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIII 15 [1896]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/121   22 May 1917 (date of apportionment)1917 (date of plan)
Medomsley township (Medomsley parish)
25" O.S. Durham XVIII 6 [1896]
A microfilm of the P.R.O. copies of the 1917 Medomsley altered tithe apportionment and plan is also available in the search room
DDR/EA/TTH/2/122   20 August 1901 (date of apportionment)
Merrington township (Merrington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/123   2 May 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Merrington township (Merrington parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXIV 12 and XXXV 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/124   14 February 1925 (date of apportionment)1925 (date of plan)
Middlestone township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/125   14 September 1901 (date of apportionment)
Middleton St George township (Middleton St George parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/126   16 January 1902 (date of apportionment)
Middleton St George township (Middleton St George parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/127   6 June 1921 (date of apportionment)1921 (date of plan)
Middleton St George township (Middleton St George parish)
25" O.S. Durham LV 12 and 16 [1915 - 1916]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/128   9 September 1932 (date of apportionment)1932 (date of plan)
Monk Hesleden township (Monk Hesleden parish)
i. 25" O.S. XXVIII 12 and 16, XXIX 9 and 15 and XXXVII 1
ii. 25" O.S. Durham XXIX 9 and 15 and XXXVII 1 and 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/129   28 March 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Monk Hesleden township (Monk Hesleden parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXIX 9 and 13
DDR/EA/TTH/2/130   14 February 1878 (date of apportionment)
Monkton township (Jarrow parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/131   27 March 1906 (date of apportionment)1906 (date of plan)
Monkwearmouth township (Monkwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 10, 1896 [Wrongly endorsed Bishopwearmouth]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/132   10 August 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Neasham township (Hurworth parish)
25" O.S. Durham LVII 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/133   19 March 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Newfield township (Auckland St Andrew parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXIV 6 and 10
DDR/EA/TTH/2/134-135   30 June 1914 (date of apportionment)1914 (date of plan)
Norton township, excluding Blakiston (Norton parish)
Two copies
DDR/EA/TTH/2/136   29 May 1922 (date of apportionment)
Norton township [excluding Blakiston] (Norton parish)

DDR/EA/TTH/2/137   9 March 1931 (date of apportionment)1931 (date of plan)
Norton township, excluding Blakiston (Norton parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 11
DDR/EA/TTH/2/138   5 July 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Norton township, excluding Blakiston (Norton parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 8 and 12

not held 
A Pelton altered tithe apportionment and plan, 13 May 1915, are among the Chester-le-Street parish records held in Durham County Record Office.
DDR/EA/TTH/2/139   26 September 1925 (date of apportionment)1925 (date of plan)
Pelton township (Chester-le-Street parish)
25" O.S. Durham XII 7, 8, 11 and 12 and XIII 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/140   20 January 1936 (date of apportionment)
Pelton township (Chester-le-Street parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/141   4 February 1902 (date of apportionment)
Pittington township, [excluding Hallgarth] (Pittington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/142   14 August 1936 (date of apportionment)
Pittington township, [excluding Hallgarth] (Pittington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/143   3 March 1931 (date of apportionment)1931 (date of plan)
Preston-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. Durham LVI 7 and 8
DDR/EA/TTH/2/144   26 April 1866 (date of apportionment)
East Rainton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/145   14 October 1863 (date of apportionment)
West Rainton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/146   18 September 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
West Rainton township (Houghton-le-Spring parish)
25" O.S. Durham XX 3 and 7
DDR/EA/TTH/2/147   30 July 1932 (date of apportionment)1932 (date of plan)
Ryhope township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2 and 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/148   14 December 1900 (date of apportionment)
Ryton township (Ryton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/149   13 March 1901 (date of apportionment)1901 (date of plan)
Ryton township (Ryton parish)
25" O.S. Durham [I 12 and 16, II 9, 1895 - 1898]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/150   19 June 1914 (date of apportionment)1914 (date of plan)
Ryton township (Ryton parish)
25" O.S. Durham I 12, [1895 - 1898]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/151   30 September 1929 (date of apportionment)1929 (date of plan)
Ryton township (Ryton parish)
25" O.S. Durham I 12 and 16
DDR/EA/TTH/2/152   5 May 1920 (date of apportionment)
Sadberge township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/153   30 September 1927 (date of apportionment)1927 (date of plan)
Seaham township (Seaham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 15
DDR/EA/TTH/2/154   22 January 1880 (date of apportionment)1880 (date of plan)
Sheraton and Hulam townships (Monk Hesleden parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/155   18 January 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Sheraton and Hulam townships (Monk Hesleden parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVIII 15 and 16 and XXXVI 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 and 12
DDR/EA/TTH/2/156   16 November 1911 (date of apportionment)
Sherburn township (Pittington parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/157   22 December 1921 (date of apportionment)1921 (date of plan)
Shincliffe township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXVII 10, [? 1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/158   8 May 1908 (date of apportionment)1908 (date of plan)
Southwick township (Monkwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 9 and 10 [? 1896]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/159   29 October 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Stainton and Streatlam township (Gainford parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/160   31 August 1920 (date of apportionment)1920 (date of plan)
Stillington township (Redmarshall parish)
25" O.S. Durham [XLIII 16], XLIV 13, XLIX and [L1], [1916 - 1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/161   16 April 1914 (date of apportionment)1914 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. Durham L11 [1897]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/162   28 April 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/163   27 May 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 16, [1915]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/164   8 December 1926 (date of apportionment)1926 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/165   24 March 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 16 and LVI 4
DDR/EA/TTH/2/166   6 November 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. Durham L 16
DDR/EA/TTH/2/167   31 January 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. LI 9
DDR/EA/TTH/2/168   26 September 1934 (date of apportionment)1934 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. L 11 and 15
DDR/EA/TTH/2/169   24 May 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. L 15
DDR/EA/TTH/2/170   15 June 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Stockton-on-Tees township (Stockton-on-Tees parish)
25" O.S. L 16
DDR/EA/TTH/2/171   25 February 1875 (date of apportionment)1875 (date of plan)
Stranton township (Stranton parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/172   24 April 1890 (date of apportionment)1890 (date of plan)
Stranton township (Stranton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/173   26 November 1909 (date of apportionment)1909 (date of plan)
Stranton township (Stranton parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/174   26 July 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Stranton township (Stranton parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVII 10 and 11 1914
DDR/EA/TTH/2/175   16 May 1872 (date of apportionment)1872 (date of plan)
Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor (Chester-le-Street and Lanchester parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/176   29 March 1923 (date of apportionment)
Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor (Chester-le-Street and Lanchester parish)
25" O.S. Durham [XII 6, 1920]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/177   9 November 1933 (date of apportionment)1933 (date of plan)
Tanfield township and parts of Tanfield Moor (Chester-le-Street and Lanchester parish)
25" O.S. Durham XI 12
DDR/EA/TTH/2/178   5 March 1862 (date of apportionment)1862 (date of plan)
Thorpe Thewles township (Grindon parish)
3 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/179   4 May 1925 (date of apportionment)1925 (date of plan)
Throston township (Hart parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVII 6, 7, 9 and 10 [1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/180   27 July 1914 (date of apportionment)1914 (date of plan)
Trimdon township (Trimdon parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVI 5, [? 2nd ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/181   31 December 1919 (date of apportionment)1919 (date of plan)
Trimdon township (Trimdon parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXVI 1, [? 2nd ed.]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/182   31 August 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Tunstall township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2 and 6 [1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/183   3 July 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Tunstall township (Bishopwearmouth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIV 2 and 6
DDR/EA/TTH/2/184   28 March 1872 (date of apportionment)1872 (date of plan)
Urpeth township (Chester-le-Street parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/185   30 September 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Washington township (Washington parish)
25" O.S. Durham VII 15 and XIII 3
DDR/EA/TTH/2/186   20 November 1862 (date of apportionment)1862 (date of plan)
Westoe township (Jarrow parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/187   1 November 1866 (date of apportionment)1866 (date of plan)
Westoe township (Jarrow parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/188   19 April 1883 (date of apportionment)
Westoe township (Jarrow parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/189   1 May 1895 (date of apportionment)
Westoe township (Jarrow parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/190   15 November 1883 (date of apportionment)1883 (date of plan)
Whessoe township (Haughton le Skerne parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/191   1 July 1896 (date of apportionment)1896 (date of plan)
Whickham township (except part of Tanfield Moor) (Whickham parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/192   6 December 1920 (date of apportionment)1920 (date of plan)
Whickham township (except part of Tanfield Moor) (Whickham parish)
25" O.S. Durham [VI 2 and 3], 1914 revision
DDR/EA/TTH/2/193   25 February 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Whickham township (except part of Tanfield Moor) (Whickham parish)
25" O.S. Durham VI 3 and 4
DDR/EA/TTH/2/194   31 March 1885 (date of apportionment)1885 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/195   19 November 1903 (date of apportionment)1903 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 2, 2nd ed.
DDR/EA/TTH/2/196   15 December 1920 (date of apportionment)1920 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
25" O.S. Durham IV 14 [and VIII 2, 1914 - 1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/197   20 March 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 3, [1919]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/198   29 September 1928 (date of apportionment)1928 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
25" O.S. Durham IV 14
DDR/EA/TTH/2/199   21 February 1936 (date of apportionment)1936 (date of plan)
Whitburn township (Whitburn parish)
25" O.S. Durham VIII 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/200   22 September 1931 (date of apportionment)1931 (date of plan)
Whitton township (Grindon parish)
25" O.S. Durham L1
DDR/EA/TTH/2/201   8 August 1932 (date of apportionment)1932 (date of plan)
Willington township (Brancepeth parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXXIV
DDR/EA/TTH/2/202   1 January 1880 (date of apportionment)1880 (date of plan)
Wingate township (Kelloe parish)
8 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/203   20 October 1871 (date of apportionment)1871 (date of plan)
Winlaton township (Winlaton parish)
4 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/204   7 December 1874 (date of apportionment)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/205   10 August 1876 (date of apportionment)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/206   30 June 1881 (date of apportionment)1881 (date of plan)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
6 chains
DDR/EA/TTH/2/207   8 October 1883 (date of apportionment)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/208   30 June 1914 (date of apportionment)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/209   24 January 1922 (date of apportionment)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/210   2 September 1924 (date of apportionment)1924 (date of plan)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIX 11 and 12
DDR/EA/TTH/2/211   7 July 1927 (date of apportionment)1927 (date of plan)
Witton Gilbert township (Durham St Oswald parish)
25" O.S. Durham XIX 8
DDR/EA/TTH/2/212   7 September 1894 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/213   6 February 1918 (date of apportionment)1918 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/214   15 September 1920 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/215   30 September 1921 (date of apportionment)1921 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/216   14 November 1921 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/217   15 July 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXV 9, [? 1921]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/218   30 October 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XVIII 13, XXIV 4 and 8 and XXV 1 and 5 [1921]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/219   28 December 1922 (date of apportionment)1922 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/220   29 September 1923 (date of apportionment)1923 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXV 11, 13 and 15 and XXXIII 1, [1921]
DDR/EA/TTH/2/221   27 August 1925 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/222   23 October 1925 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/223   18 September 1935 (date of apportionment)1935 (date of plan)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
25" O.S. Durham XXV 13, XXXIII 1 and 2
DDR/EA/TTH/2/224   18 September 1936 (date of apportionment)
Wolsingham township (Wolsingham parish)
DDR/EA/TTH/2/225   29 September 1934 (date of apportionment)
Wolviston township (Billingham parish)
Reference no longer used. Relocated to DDR/EA/TTH/8: Tithe miscellanea, 1844-1946.
Draft and copy tithe agreements and awards
DDR/EA/TTH/4   [ca.1836-1845]
0.5 box   
Drafts and copies of the tithe commutation agreements and awards approved or granted by the Tithe Commissioners following the 1836 Tithe Act (see notes on tithe commutation under the 1836 act above). Commutation agreements/awards for Northumberland townships are included in this class.

Letters from Tithe Commissioners (and successor bodies)
DDR/EA/TTH/5   1843-1916
2 boxes   
'Standard' letters from the Tithe Commissioners and their successors relating to the administration of tithe rentcharges and redemptions (the Land Commissioners and Board of Agriculture). The letters are 'covering' letters, and refer to altered apportionments, redemption certificates and other documents that are now kept in separate classes within this section.

Tithe redemption certificates
DDR/EA/TTH/6   1863-1933
2 medium trays   
Certificates of the redemption of tithes on particular properties or parcels of land, under the 1846 and subsequent tithe acts

Correspondence from governors of Queen Anne's Bounty
DDR/EA/TTH/7   1927-1928
1 folder   
Correspondence between the governors of Queen Anne's Bounty (QAB) and landowners relating to the collection of ecclesiastical tithe rentcharges (payable to QAB following the 1925 Tithe Act)

Tithe miscellanea
DDR/EA/TTH/8   1844-1946
¼ box   
Miscellaneous items relating to the collection of tithe rentcharges and custody of the associated documents:
Indexed list of tithe documents, marked “Tithe Apportionment Plans'' and including reference numbers (no longer used). This item was formerly classed as reference DDR/EA/TTH/3.
Copy of Murton tithe apportionment (original dated 1844). This item is rolled and stored separately, with the redemption certificates in class DDR/EA/TTH/6.
Two letters relating to the collection of tithe rentcharges by the local Area Collection Committee, 1928 and 1933.
Letter and rules issued by the Master of the Rolls under the 1936 Tithe Act relating to the custody of parish and diocesan copies of tithe maps and apportionments in local record repositories. The rules are the 'Tithe (copies of instruments of apportionment) rules', 1946.

Parish Registers and Related Records
Reference: DDR/EA/PBT
Original parish registers
DDR/EA/PBT/1   1783-1812
2 volumes   
Two Muggleswick parish registers. These were still kept with other Muggleswick parish records at the time of the 1888 glebe terrier.
Formerly referenced as DDR/vols.XVIII/6-7
Microfilm available containing both registers (from which copies can be made), reference 5TC FILM 121.

DDR/EA/PBT/1/1   1783-1812
Register of burials and baptisms
p.5-19 and 162 rev-163 rev: burials, July 1783 - November 1812
p.79-105: baptisms, April 1784 - December 1812
p.167 rev-170 rev: printed form containing intructions relating to the 'Mode of Registring Baptisms', [September 1797], with a printed covering letter from Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham, to the clergy of his diocese, concerning his recommendations for 'an improved form of parochial registers', [3]0 September 1797
inside front cover: miscellaneous notes concerning Muggleswick registrations and population, [ca. 1801-1811]

DDR/EA/PBT/1/2   April 1784-November 1812
Register of banns and marriages
p.1-23: banns and marriages
p.160 rev: details of fees for marriages, the publication of banns, burials, 'mortuary' and the churching of women, payable to the rector and clerk of Edmundbyers, County Durham

Parish register transcripts (commonly known as “Bishops' Transcripts”)
DDR/EA/PBT/2   1600-1919
Bishops' transcripts of registers of parishes and chapelries from the following areas:
The exact dates of all extant pre-1760 transcripts have been noted in this list, but in general outside dates only have been given for the post-1760 transcripts.
See separate Administrative Histories guide for further notes on the dates of transcripts, on the fuller format introduced by Bishop Barrington in 1797, and for references to dissenters and descriptions of parish registers noted within the BTs.
The transcripts were originally kept in annual bundles, each of which covered the whole diocese, but they have now (since 1969) been sorted into parish and chapelry order. They are listed here in one alphabetical sequence according to place-name.
York Diocesan Archives (Borthwick Institute) holds bishops' transcripts from Hexhamshire before 1837.
In the same way as at episcopal and archidiaconal visitations, parish register transcripts were often handed in at visitations of peculiars. Some of these are still with the visitation returns from the Allertonshire peculiars (see DDR/P/ALB/1). Many parish register transcripts from both the bishop and the dean and chapter of Durham's Allertonshire peculiars prior to 1813, together with most surviving parish register transcripts from parishes etc in the officialty, are, however, kept with this main series of parish register transcripts. Some parish register transcripts from the dean and chapter's peculiar are in the separately described collection of Durham Cathedral Muniments. Other stray parish register transcripts from parishes in both the diocese of Durham and the Durham peculiars are among the Howe MSS in Durham Chapter Library.
Post-1813 parish register transcripts from both the Allertonshire peculiars are with the York Diocesan Archives in the Borthwick Institute in York (while most of the surviving original parish registers from the peculiars have now been deposited in the North Yorkshire Record Office).
Bishops' transcripts dated 1702-1757 from (chiefly) Allertonshire and Crayke, but also some Durham and Northumberland parishes beginning D, E or G, are among the J.J. Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library. These are noted below and listed at JJH 8/6.

DDR/EA/PBT/2/1   December 1859-April 1876
Acklington (Northumberland)
Acklington transcripts for September 1855-1858 are included with Warkworth transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/262

For Allen High West, see under alias Carr Shield

For Allen Low West, see under alias Ninebanks
DDR/EA/PBT/2/3   1843-April 1853
Allendale St Cuthbert (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/4   1838-1852
Allendale St Peter (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/2   1871-1892
Allendale, Alston, Edmundbyers and Haltwhistle Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parishes of Allendale St Cuthbert, Alston, Edmundbyers and Haltwhistle
See also DDR/EA/PBT/2/9, DDR/EA/PBT/2/93 and DDR/EA/PBT/2/121
DDR/EA/PBT/2/5   1813-1878
Alnham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/6   October 1777-1890
Alnwick St Michael (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/7   October 1846-1847
Alnwick St Paul (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/8   March 1762-1840
Alston (Cumberland)
Includes transcripts for Garrigill, February 1784-September 1840 DDR/EA/PBT/2/111
DDR/EA/PBT/2/9   1873-1884
Alston and Haltwhistle Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parishes of Alston and Haltwhistle
See also DDR/EA/PBT/2/2 and DDR/EA/PBT/2/121
DDR/EA/PBT/2/10   March 1762-1876
Alwinton and Holystone (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/11   1764-1867
Ancroft (North Durham)

For Ash, see under alias Esh
DDR/EA/PBT/2/12   March 1765-1851
Auckland St Andrew (County Durham)
Includes transcripts for Escomb, May 1795-1803 DDR/EA/PBT/2/102
DDR/EA/PBT/2/13   1762-1854
Auckland St Helen (County Durham)
See also index to transcripts of 1593-1679 registers among Halmote Court miscellaneous books, at DHC1/M95.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/14   1762-1877
Aycliffe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/15   1875-1888
Ayresome Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Acklam (Yorkshire)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/16   1762-1851
Bamburgh (Northumberland)
Including transcripts for Beadnell, June 1790-March 1798 DDR/EA/PBT/2/18
DDR/EA/PBT/2/17   1762-1846
Barnard Castle (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/18   March 1767-1838
Beadnell (Northumberland)
Some Beadnell transcripts June 1790-March 1798 are included with Bamburgh transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/16
DDR/EA/PBT/2/19   1760-1858
Bedlington (North Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/20   1760-1868
Belford (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/21   1762-1846
Bellingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/22   1812
Beltingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/23   1869-1892
Benfieldside Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Lanchester

For Benton, see under alias Longbenton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/24   1838-1875
Benwell St James (Northumberland)
See also transcripts for Newcastle upon Tyne St John at DDR/EA/PBT/2/192.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/25   March 1764-1840
Berwick-upon-Tweed Holy Trinity (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/26   November 1858-April 1869
Berwick-upon-Tweed St Mary (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/27   May 1762-May 1872
Billingham (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/28   April 1600-May 1601, June 1603-April 1604, 1665-May 1666, [1667], December 1673-May 1674, November 1689-June 1690, 1718-[March 1719], 1726-[March 1727], May 1760-May 1813
Birkby (Yorkshire)
Includes transcripts from Hutton Bonville, 1665-1667 DDR/EA/PBT/2/147
Transcripts for [May] 1788-May 1800 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
Transcripts for 1714-1715 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/1.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/29   1769-1834
Birtley St Giles (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/30   1850-1880
Birtley St John the Evangelist (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/31   1865-1891
Bishop Auckland Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Auckland St Andrew
DDR/EA/PBT/2/32   1769-1867
Bishop Middleham (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/33   March 1769-1854
Bishopton (County Durham)

For Bishopwearmouth Holy Trinity, see under alias Sunderland Holy Trinity

For Bishopwearmouth Hylton, see under alias South Hylton

For Bishopwearmouth John Street Chapel, see under alias Bishopwearmouth St Thomas

For Bishopwearmouth Ryhope, see under alias Ryhope
DDR/EA/PBT/2/76   November 1845-1852
Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/34   March 1742-March 1743, March 1762-1855
Bishopwearmouth St Michael (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/35   November 1846-1849
Bishopwearmouth St Thomas (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/36   1770-February 1876
Blanchland (Northumberland)

For Blaydon, see under alias Stella

For Blyth, see under Earsdon
DDR/EA/PBT/2/37   1759-1760, 1769-1835
Bolam (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/38   March 1765-1837
Boldon (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/39   1760-1843
Bothal (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/40   August 1762-1847
Brancepeth (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Crook, October-December 1843 DDR/EA/PBT/2/68
DDR/EA/PBT/2/41   1762-March 1856
Branxton (Northumberland)
Some Branxton transcripts 1764-May 1872 are included with Cornhill transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/60
DDR/EA/PBT/2/42   April 1660-April 1663, [March] 1697-[March 1698], March 1712-March 1713, [March] 1726-[March 1727], April 1731-March 1732, 1769, 1776, 1780, 1785, 1806, 1808
Brompton (Yorkshire)
Including transcripts from Deighton, [March] 1726-[March 1727] DDR/EA/PBT/2/74
A 1731 Brompton transcript survives among the Durham Cathedral Muniments at DCD/D/AB/1. Transcripts for 1710-1735 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/2-11.

For Broomhaugh St James, see under Bywell St Andrew
DDR/EA/PBT/2/43   July 1845-1846
Byers Green (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/44   June 1800-May 1803, 1813
Byrness (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/45   1762-May 1874
Bywell St Andrew (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Broomhaugh St James, July 1871-May 1874
DDR/EA/PBT/2/46   1762-May 1874
Bywell St Peter (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Healey St John, August 1868-May 1874, and from Newton Hall St James, August 1868-May 1874
DDR/EA/PBT/2/47   1845-1850
Cambo (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/48   August 1762-1866
Carham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/49   1842-1852
Carr Shield (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/50   1769-1851
Castle Eden (County Durham)
A transcript for 1769 survives with Bishop Trevor's 1770 visitation papers, at DDR/EV/VIS/5/1770/8/2.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/51   1760-1888
Chatton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/52   1765-April 1916
Chester-le-Street (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/53   1760-1868
Chillingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/54   1769-1868
Chollerton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/55   1869-1871
Choppington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/56   1766-1867
Cockfield (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/57   1843-1846
Collierley (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/58   1762-1846
Coniscliffe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/59   March 1769-1875
Corbridge (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Halton, 1814-1843 DDR/EA/PBT/2/119
DDR/EA/PBT/2/60   1760-1879
Cornhill (North Durham)
Including transcripts from Branxton, 1764-May 1827 DDR/EA/PBT/2/41
DDR/EA/PBT/2/61   1762-1877
Corsenside (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/62   1876-1878
Cotherstone Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Romaldkirk (Yorkshire)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/63   1842-1845
Coundon (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/64   [?October] 1661-April 1663, [March 1669-March 1670], [March] 1697-March 1698, March 1718-March 1719, March 1768-1812
Cowesby (Yorkshire)
Transcripts for March 1788-1799 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1. Within the same series, the visitation presentment for 30 May 1769 states that there were no baptisms, marriages or burials in Cowesby, 25 March 1768-25 March 1769.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/65   1762-1858
Cramlington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/66   March 1704-March 1705, March 1713-March 1714, March 1715-March 1716, March 1718-March 1719, March 1721-March 1722, March 1728-March 1729, March 1731-March 1732, 1769-1835
Crayke (Yorkshire)
Transcripts for 1721/2, 1728/9 and 1731/2 survive among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/2-4. Transcripts for 1716-1735 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/13-24.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/67   1837-1848
Cresswell and Ellington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/68   1844-1848
Crook (County Durham)
Crook transcripts October-December 1843 are included with Brancepeth transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/40
DDR/EA/PBT/2/69   1787-1831
Croxdale (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/70   1763-1867
Dalton-le-Dale (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/71   1865-1897
Darlington Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Darlington St Cuthbert
DDR/EA/PBT/2/72   August 1843-1854
Darlington Holy Trinity (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/73   August 1762-January 1872
Darlington St Cuthbert (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/74   [March 1661]-March [?1663], May 1673-May 1674, March 1715-March 1716, 1718-[April 1719], April 1731-February [1732], 1769, 1776, 1785, 1808
Deighton (Yorkshire)
Deighton transcript [March] 1726-[March 1727] is included with Brompton transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/42
A 1731 Deighton transcript survives among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/5. Transcripts for 1714-1731 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/25-27.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/75   1765-1882
Denton (County Durham)
Denton transcript 1843 is included with Gainford transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/110
Transcripts for 1756-1757 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/28.

For Deptford St Andrew, see under alias Bishopwearmouth St Andrew Deptford
DDR/EA/PBT/2/77   1835-1856
Dinnington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/78   1769-1857
Dinsdale (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/79   1765-1881
Doddington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/80   1813-1848
Durham Cathedral (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/81   1863-1893
Durham St Cuthbert (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/82   1777-1857
Durham St Giles (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/83   1765-1919
Durham St Margaret (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Neville's Cross St John, 1913-1919
DDR/EA/PBT/2/85   1787-1838
Durham St Mary the Less (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/84   1762-1841
Durham St Mary-le-Bow (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/86   [March 1740-March 1741], July 1787-1836
Durham St Nicholas (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/87   1773-1869
Durham St Oswald (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/88   1762-1844
Earsdon (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Blyth, 1762-1844
DDR/EA/PBT/2/89   March 1769-May 1851
Easington (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/90   1766-1871
Ebchester (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Medomsley, 1778-1779 DDR/EA/PBT/2/176
Ebchester transcripts 1776-1777, 1781-1782, 1783-1785, 1786-1788 are included with Medomsley transcripts.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/91   March 1760-1837
Edlingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/92   1765-1849
Edmundbyers (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/93   1872
Edmundbyers Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Edmundbyers. See also DDR/EA/PBT/2/2
DDR/EA/PBT/2/94   1763-1844
Egglescliffe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/95   1795-1854
Eggleston (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/96   1762-1842
Eglingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/97   1764-1842
Ellingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/98   1762-1830
Elsdon (Northumberland)
Transcripts for 1720 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/29.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/99   1762-1838
Elton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/100   1762-1870
Elwick Hall (County Durham)
Transcripts for 1709-1710 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/30 .
DDR/EA/PBT/2/101   1762-1850
Embleton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/102   March 1765-1849
Escomb (County Durham)
Some Escomb transcripts May 1795-1803 are included with Auckland St Andrew transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/12
Transcripts for 1709-1710 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/31.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/103   March 1795
Esh (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Satley, August 1796-August 1797, 1802, 1820 DDR/EA/PBT/2/219
Some Esh transcripts May 1763-1803 are included with Lanchester transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/164
Transcripts for 1709-1710 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/32.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/104   1834-1862
Etherley (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/105   1770-1856
Falstone (Northumberland)
A transcript for 1777 survives with Bishop Egerton's 1778 visitation papers, at DDR/EV/VIS/5/1778/9/14.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/106   April 1866-1869
Felling Christ Church (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/107   1765-1843
Felton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/108   1843-1864
Ferryhill (County Durham)

For Ford (County Durham), see under alias South Hylton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/109   1762-1841
Ford (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/110   1763-1851
Gainford (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Denton, 1843 DDR/EA/PBT/2/75
DDR/EA/PBT/2/111   March 1760-1839
Garrigill (Cumberland)
Some Garrigill transcripts February 1784-September 1840 are included with Alston transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/8
DDR/EA/PBT/2/113   August 1825-1863
Gateshead Fell St John (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/112   1769-1840
Gateshead St Mary (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/114   May 1872-December 1872
Gosforth North (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/115   1762-1846
Gosforth St Nicholas (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Longbenton, 177[5] DDR/EA/PBT/2/167
DDR/EA/PBT/2/237   1762-1855
Great Stainton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/116   1769-1856
Greatham (County Durham)
Transcripts for 1709-1710 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/33-35.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/117   1818-1852
Greystead (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/118   1762-1835
Grindon (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/119   March 1769-1875
Halton (Northumberland)
Some Halton transcripts 1814-1843 are included with Corbridge transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/59
DDR/EA/PBT/2/120   July 1758-June 1761, May 1768-1858
Haltwhistle (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/121   1865-1885
Haltwhistle Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Haltwhistle. See also DDR/EA/PBT/2/2 and DDR/EA/PBT/2/9
DDR/EA/PBT/2/122   1765-1856
Hamsterley (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/123   1762-1871
Hart (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/124   1769-1845
Hartburn (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/125   May 1769-1849
Hartlepool St Hilda (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/126   1897
Hartlepool West Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Stranton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/127   1765-1882
Haughton le Skerne (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/128   1866-1872
Haverton Hill (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/129   1769-1870
Haydon Bridge (Northumberland)
Some Haydon Bridge transcripts 1783-1843 are included with Warden transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/260

For Healey St John, see under Bywell St Peter
DDR/EA/PBT/2/130   1825-1839
Heatherycleugh (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/131   1773-1842
Hebburn (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/132   April 1727-March [1728], 1762-1848
Heddon-on-the-Wall (Northumberland)
A 1727 transcript survives among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/6.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/133   1765-1821
Heighington (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/134   1832-1835
Hetton-le-Hole (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/136   1844-1879
Heworth St Alban (County Durham)
Heworth St Alban transcript 1843 is included with Heworth St Mary transcripts
DDR/EA/PBT/2/137   1809-1875
Heworth St Mary (County Durham)
Including transcript from Heworth St Alban 1843
Heworth St Mary transcripts June 1768-March 1809 are included with Jarrow transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/152
DDR/EA/PBT/2/138   1837-1858
Hexham (Northumberland)

For High West Allen, see under alias Carr Shield
DDR/EA/PBT/2/283   1729, 1763, 1769, 1780, 1785, 1808
High Worsall (Yorkshire)
A 1729 transcript survives among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/7. Transcripts for 1727-1732 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/36-39.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/139   1765-1868
Holy Island (North Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/140   1762-1856
Horton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/141   1762-1847
Houghton-le-Spring (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/142   1892-1896
Houghton-le-Spring municipal cemetery (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/143   1763-1874
Howick (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/144   1819-1846
Humshaugh (Northumberland)
Humshaugh transcript 1818 is included with Simonburn transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/231
DDR/EA/PBT/2/145   1765-1871
Hunstanworth (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/146   1787-1885
Hurworth (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/147   [?February 1662]-April 1663, March 1669-February [1670], [1699-March 1700], [March] 1701-[March 1705], 1726-[February 1727], 1759-1760, 1768-1812
Hutton Bonville (Yorkshire)
Hutton Bonville transcripts 1665-1667 are included with Birkby transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/28
Transcripts for 1788-1799 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/149   1765-1869
Ilderton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/150   1844-1876
Ingleton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/151   1766-1878
Ingram (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/152   March 1765-1860
Jarrow (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Heworth St Mary, June 1768-March 1809 DDR/EA/PBT/2/137
DDR/EA/PBT/2/153   March 1762-1852
Kelloe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/154   [1639], [March 1692-March 1693], September 1697-[March 1698], April 1708-1709, April 1721-February [1722], April 1726-March [1727], April 1729-March [1730], April 1732-March [1733], April 1769-April 1770, March 1776-April 1777, April 1780-April 1781, April 1785-April 1786, 1808
Kirby Sigston (Yorkshire)
Transcripts for 1708/9, 1729 and 1732/3 survive among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/8-10. Transcripts for 1702-1703 and 1730-1732 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/40-42.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/155   1762-1845
Kirkharle (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/156   1760-1844
Kirkhaugh (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/157   1861-1862
Kirkheaton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/159   1762-1837
Kirknewton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/160   1760-1853
Kirkwhelpington (Northumberland)
With photocopy of transcript for August [1748]-January [1749] (kept elsewhere, as noted on photocopy)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/161   1769-March 1856
Knarsdale (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/162   1762-1836
Kyloe (North Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/163   1765-1851
Lamesley (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/164   May 1763-1865
Lanchester (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Esh, May 1763-1803 (DDR/EA/PBT/2/103) and Satley, 1803 (DDR/EA/PBT/2/219)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/165   [March] 1661-March 1663, April 1665-February [1666], March 1696-March 1697, April 1726-March [1727], 1759, 1760-1812
Leake (Yorkshire)
Including transcripts from Nether Silton, [March 1763-1812]
Transcripts for Leake with Nether Silton, March 1788-1799, are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
Transcripts for 1729-1730 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/43.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/166   1765-1847
Lesbury (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/167   1762-1872
Longbenton (Northumberland)
A duplicate of the Longbenton transcript 177[5] is included with Gosforth St Nicholas transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/115
DDR/EA/PBT/2/168   March 1765-1841
Longframlington (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Brinkburn, March 1765-1835
DDR/EA/PBT/2/169   October 1876-1884
Longhirst (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/170   1769-1830
Longhorsley (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/171   1765-1870
Longhoughton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/172   1762-1841
Longnewton (County Durham)

For Low Ford, see under alias South Hylton

For Low West Allen, see under alias Ninebanks
DDR/EA/PBT/2/173   1760-1841
Lowick (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/174   1769-1837
Lucker (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/175   1861-1867
Lumley (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/176   1766-1846
Medomsley (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Ebchester, 1776-1777, 1781-1782, 1783-1785 and 1786-1788 DDR/EA/PBT/2/90
Medomsley transcript 1778-1779 is included with Ebchester transcripts.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/177   1769-1835
Meldon (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/158   1762-1884
Merrington (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/178   1762-1832
Middleton in Teesdale (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/179   1768-1843
Middleton St George (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/180   1769-1851
Mitford (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/181   1769-1840
Monk Hesleden (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/182   May 1766-1869
Monkwearmouth St Peter (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/183   1769-1840
Morpeth (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/184   1765-1852
Muggleswick (County Durham)

For Nether Silton, see under Leake
DDR/EA/PBT/2/185   1766-1880
Netherwitton (Northumberland)
A transcript of marriages for May 1800 to July 1801 survives with Bishop Barrington's 1801 visitation papers, at DDR/EV/VIS/5/1801/9/1.

For Nevilles Cross St John, see under Durham St Margaret.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/186   August 1760-1878
Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland)
Some Newbiggin transcripts 1828-1868 are included with Woodhorn transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/281

For Newbrough, see under Warden.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/187   April 1764-1880
Newburn (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/188   1762-1868
Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/189   1861-1863
Newcastle upon Tyne Christ Church (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/190   1762-1880
Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/191   July 1812-1844
Newcastle upon Tyne St Ann (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/192   March 1748-March 1749, 1762-1854
Newcastle upon Tyne St John (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/193   1762-1855
Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/194   1844-1883
Newcastle upon Tyne St Peter (Northumberland)

For Newton Hall St James, see under Bywell St Peter
DDR/EA/PBT/2/195   1841-1857
Ninebanks (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/196   1767-1841
Norham (North Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/202   March 1661-April 1663, April 1669-April 1670, June 1673-[May 1674], March 1697-February [1698], March 1711-March 1712, March 1718-[March 1719], April 1721-[March 1722], April 1725-February [1726], 1759, 1760-1812
North Otterington (Yorkshire)
Transcripts for 1788-1799 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
A 1725 transcript survives among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/17. Transcripts for 1727-1729 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/49-50.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/247   1842-1844
North Sunderland (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/197   March 1660-April 1663, March 1673-April 1674, April 1697-March [1698], March 1711-March 1712, March 1714-March 1715, March 1726-March [1727], March 1728-March 1729, March 1730-March [1732], 1759, 1769, 1780, 1785, 1808
Northallerton (Yorkshire)
Including transcripts from Romanby, March 1726-March [1727] (and see below)
Northallerton transcripts dated 1697, 1711/2, 1714/5, 1728, 1730 and 1731 (last with Romanby) survive among the Durham Cathedral Muniments, at DCD/D/AB/11-16. Transcripts for 1717-1734 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/44-48.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/198   1762-1846
Norton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/199   1865-1893
Norton Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Norton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/200   March [?1660]-March [1663], 1697-[?February 1698], [March 1712-March 1713], [March] 1714-[March 1715], [March] 1718-[March 1719], [March 1721-March 1722], [March] 1726-[March 1727], March 1759-March 1760, March 1760-1812
Osmotherley (Yorkshire)
With photocopy of transcript for [April 1668]-April 1669 (original at Borthwick Institute for Archives)
Transcripts for 1788-April 1800 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/201   1875
Osmotherley Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Osmotherley (Yorkshire)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/203   1762-1869
Ovingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/204   1845-1870
Pelton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/205   1762-1865
Penshaw (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/206   1762-1833
Pittington (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/207   1762-1844
Ponteland (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/209   1770-1854
Redmarshall (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/210   1768-1847
Rennington (Northumberland)
A transcript for March 1773 to March 1774 survives with Bishop Egerton's 1774 visitation papers, at DDR/EV/VIS/5/1774/11/1.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/211   1769-1847
Rock (Northumberland)

For Romanby (Yorkshire), see under Northallerton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/212   1760-1831
Rothbury (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/214   1827-1859
Ryhope (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/215   March 1765-1867
Ryton (County Durham)
Including transcripts from Winlaton Mill, 1798-March 1812, and Winlaton St Paul, September 1828-1832 (DDR/EA/PBT/2/275)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/216   1866-1875
Sacriston (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/217   1762-1859
Sadberge (County Durham)
A transcript of baptisms and burials for June 1773 to July 1774 survives with Bishop Egerton's 1774 visitation papers, at DDR/EV/VIS/5/1774/17/1.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/219   May 1797-1840
Satley (County Durham)
Satley transcripts August 1796-August 1797, 1802 and 1820 are included with Esh transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/103.
Satley transcript 1803 is included with Lanchester transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/164.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/220   1769-1850
Seaham (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/221   1833-1879
Seaton Carew (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/222   1769-1854
Sedgefield (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/223   1850-1877
Seghill (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/224   1841-1867
Shadforth (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/225   1813-1835
Sherburn Hospital (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/228   1762-1844
Shilbottle (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/229   1826-1870
Shincliffe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/230   June 1767-1840
Shotley (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/231   1760-1856
Simonburn (Northumberland)
Including transcript from Humshaugh 1818 DDR/EA/PBT/2/144
DDR/EA/PBT/2/232   1762-1888
Slaley (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/233   1762-1839
Sockburn (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/135   October 1838-October 1852
South Hetton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/148   1821-1842
South Hylton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/226   July 1864-1868
South Shields Holy Trinity (County Durham). See also next item.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/227   1763-1891
South Shields St Hilda (County Durham)
Including transcripts from South Shields Holy Trinity, September 1834-1848, and South Shields St Stephen, October 1846-1848
DDR/EA/PBT/2/234   1845-1848
Southwick (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/218   1837-1858
St John Lee (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/264   May 1774-1840
St John's Chapel in Weardale (County Durham)
Some St John's Chapel in Weardale transcripts June 1771-1812 are included with Stanhope transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/239.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/235   1765-1898
Staindrop (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/236   1867-1891
Staindrop Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Staindrop
DDR/EA/PBT/2/238   1769-1836
Stamfordham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/239   August 1762-1833
Stanhope (County Durham)
Including transcripts from St John's Chapel in Weardale June 1771-1812 DDR/EA/PBT/2/264
DDR/EA/PBT/2/240   1758, 1760-1847
Stannington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/241   1847
Stella (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/242   1865-1897
Stockton-on-Tees Society of Friends (Quakers)
In the ecclesiastical parish of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
DDR/EA/PBT/2/243   July 1838-1852
Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/244   April 1762-1858
Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/245   1762-1844
Stranton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/246   1769-1842
Sunderland Holy Trinity (County Durham)

For Sunderland St Thomas, see under alias Bishopwearmouth St Thomas
DDR/EA/PBT/2/248   March 1765-1844
Tanfield (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/249   1815-1862
Thockrington (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/250   1818-1851
Thorneyburn (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/251   1844
Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/252   [April 1669-April 1670], April 1696-April 1697, March 1714-March 1715, [March] 1718-March [1720], March 1721-March 1722, 1760-1812
Thornton-le-Street (Yorkshire)
The first transcript includes a presentment of papists (with list of names) dated 13 April 1670.
Transcripts for 1788-1799 are in the separate series of visitation papers from the bishop of Durham's Allertonshire peculiar, reference DDR/P/ALB/1.
Transcripts for 1729-1730 are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/51.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/253   1783-1856
Trimdon (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/254   1764-1885
Tweedmouth (North Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/255   1762-1851
Tynemouth (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/256   1760-1852
Ulgham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/257   1837
Usworth (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/258   August 1848-1858
Walker (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/259   1769-1871
Wallsend (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/260   1769-1878
Warden (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Haydon Bridge, 1783-1843 (DDR/EA/PBT/2/129) and Newbrough, 1769-1878
DDR/EA/PBT/2/261   1818-1844
Wark (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/262   1760-1884
Warkworth (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Acklington and from Chevington, September 1855-1858 DDR/EA/PBT/2/1
DDR/EA/PBT/2/263   1765-1847
Washington (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/208   1825-1839
West Rainton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/213   [March] 1636-March 1637, March 1661-March 1663, 1697-[February 1698], March 1725-March 1726, March 1780-March 1781, March 1785-March 1786, 1808
West Rounton (Yorkshire)
Transcripts for 1709-1735 (with gaps) are in the J.J.Howe collection at Durham Cathedral Library, at JJH 8/6 HBT/52-58.
DDR/EA/PBT/2/265   1769-1825
Whalton (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/266   April 1767-1853
Whickham (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/267   1762-1856
Whitburn (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/268   June 1760-1876
Whitfield (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/269   1843-1888
Whitley Chapel (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/270   1760-1879
Whittingham (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/271   1774-1871
Whittonstall (Northumberland)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/272   1765-1873
Whitworth (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/273   1765-1875
Whorlton (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/274   1773-1848
Widdrington (Northumberland)

For Winlaton Mill, see under alias Ryton
DDR/EA/PBT/2/275   1833-1850
Winlaton St Paul (County Durham)
Winlaton St Paul transcripts September 1828-1832 are included with Ryton transcripts DDR/EA/PBT/2/215
DDR/EA/PBT/2/276   1762-1844
Winston (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/277   1777-1847
Witton Gilbert (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/278   1765-1859
Witton-le-Wear (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/279   1765-1854
Wolsingham (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/280   1794-1871
Wolviston (County Durham)
DDR/EA/PBT/2/281   July 1760-1878
Woodhorn (Northumberland)
Including transcripts from Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, 1828-1868 DDR/EA/PBT/2/186
DDR/EA/PBT/2/282   1766-1868
Wooler (Northumberland)

For Wooley Burn Foot burial ground (Allendale parish, Northumberland), see under Allendale, Alston, Edmundbyers and Haltwhistle Society of Friends (Quakers)
Lists of parish registers
DDR/EA/PBT/3   1813-1814
1 box   
The lists of registers often include quite detailed notes on the contents and condition of the registers. They cover parishes in both Durham and Northumberland, in a single sequence.

Accounts of parish register transcripts
DDR/EA/PBT/4   1813-1840 (boxed) and 1742-1850 (volume)
1 box and 1 volume   
The registry lists include total numbers of baptisms, marriages and burials for each parish that had returned transcripts, together with some additional notes. The volume (DDR/EA/PBT/4/1, formerly DDR vols XVIII/14) is also a book of forms, compiled ca.1862.

Return of baptisms for 1851
DDR/EA/PBT/5   1856
1 folder   
Return of numbers baptised in 1851 (the year of the census), made in 1856 following a resolution of parliament

Hurworth parish strays
DDR/EA/PBT/6   1915-1924
1 bundle   
Death certificates, issued to authorise burial and normally retained with other parish records (or discarded), together with some letters from undertakers etc relating to funeral arrangements.
With the certificates were found some copies or drafts of parish register entries, as follows:

Register of persons adopted after baptism
DDR/EA/PBT/7   1948, 1958-1973
1 bundle   
Register recording names of persons initially baptised as illegitimate children but subsequently adopted ('legitimised'), and issued with 'short' certificates of baptism (i.e. giving their new names), according to the provisions of the Adoption Acts and the 1961 Baptismal Registers Measure.
The register included numerous letters and papers relating to the procedures and to particular cases, as well as to the baptism of illegitimate children generally. These items are now stored in a separate folder, with the register.
All these items are CLOSED UNTIL 2073 (100 years), in accordance with standards for records of adoption. Permission to consult the records must first be obtained from the diocesan registrar.

Papers relating to the 1978 Parochial Registers and Records Measure
DDR/EA/PBT/8   1981, 1992
2 folders   
Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to the measure, including the episcopal instrument designating Durham County Record Office as the Diocesan Record Office for deposit of parochial records, and notes on the amendment of the measure in 1992.

Classes concerned with the registration of meeting places (including chapels and private houses) used for worship by Protestant non-conformists.
Other classes relating to Nonconformists and Roman Catholics among the Durham Diocesan Records include the following.
DDR/EJ/OTH/3Durham Quarter Sessions, 1590-1599, 1670-1689 (include a folder of presentments relating to illegal conventicles)
DDR/EJConsistory court records
DDR/BP/PAR/1-2Parish files for Northumberland and Durham, include returns of Catholics, 1780
DDR/EV/RETClergy visitation returns frequently include references to nonconformists (see list for details of years concerned)
DDR/BP/DIO/1Correspondence includes papers in connection with an enquiry into Primitive Methodists, 1900
DDR/EV/VIS/1/3Visitation book, with list of Hexhamshire papists, 1670
DDR/EA/PBT/2/252Thornton-le-Street Bishops' Transcripts, 1669/70, with presentment of papists (listed)

Other records within the Special Collections include:
BRA 1297 (Kennett papers)Recusant family of Coxhoe, 1642-1755
Salvin papersSee also Salvin papers in Durham County Record Office
Backhouse papersDarlington Quakers, with material on Norfolk Gurneys and other Quaker families
Add.MS 540/2-3Recusant roll, ca.1680
BRA 1260/150Letter from William Bacon, mentions progress and effects of Jacobite rebellion, 1715
CCBSome warrants concerning papists, 1629
DCD/D/LP29Archdeacon's inquiry into non-conformist conventicles, 1669
DPRDurham Probate Records
UNDSurveyor's deposit bundles 279 and 285, including death/burial certificates relating to Catholic priests, 1847-1907
MSP 91, no.41List of popish chapels within seven miles of Bishop of Durham's palace, ca.1705
Shafto papersSchedule of yearly value of papists' estates, 1724 (item 1445). Letter relating to Jacobite rebellion, 1715 (item 1167)
PamSC+ 01944Handlist of recusants in Co. Durham, 1600-1642 (by E. Clavering)

Durham Cathedral Library, Sharp MS 79: contains list of popish recusants, 1680

Registers of meeting house certificates
Reference: DDR/EA/NCN/1
Extent: 4 volumes Although registration of meeting houses was required from 1688, the registers date only from 1780. In York, the earliest registrations are found in faculty registers, although registrations for Durham meetings have not been found there. Registration was taken away from the bishop's court and given to the Registrar General in 1852.
Formerly referenced as DDR/vols.XIII/1-4

DDR/EA/NCN/1/1   1780-1812
DDR/EA/NCN/1/2   1812-1820
DDR/EA/NCN/1/3   1820-1832
DDR/EA/NCN/1/4   1832-1852
Meeting house certificates
DDR/EA/NCN/2   1732-1852
6 boxes   
Certificates sent to the diocesan registry, certifying that a particular building, chapel or meeting place is used for public religious worship. The certificates are often endorsed with a note of receipt in the registry and the issue of a certificate of registration by the registry. These registration certificates (or copies of them) do not survive among the DDR.
The certificates usually include a description of the location or type of meeting place, and are signed by members of the meeting or by the minister and trustees. A minority of the certificates state the denomination of the meeting, but most refer merely to a meeting of 'protestants' or 'dissenters'. Certificates are held for nonconformist meetings in both Northumberland and County Durham.
Arranged by township or place of the meeting or chapel, with a note of the parish or chapelry, and of any street or farm name (as given in the document) being included within the description. Form of place name is as given in document, sometimes a street or house name may have been used rather than a township name.
The certificates are held in a single sequence for both Northumberland and Durham archdeaconries.

DDR/EA/NCN/2/1   1841 - 1847
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/1/1   19 June 1841 (date certified to registry)22 June 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Dike Nook, Allendale, Northumberland
House occupied by James Millican of Dike Nook
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 June 1841
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Certifier is Ambrose Freeman of Alston, Cumberland, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/1/2   5 July 1841 (date certified to registry)7 July 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Bates Hill, Allendale, Northumberland
House occupied by Robert Foster at Bates Hill
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 7 July 1841
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Certifier is Thomas Catterick of Durham City, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/1/3   12 March 1846 (date certified to registry)12 March 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 March 1846
DDR/EA/NCN/2/1/4   22 March 1847 (date certified to registry)26 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 March 1847
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
Chapel occupied by Primitive Methodist Connexion
DDR/EA/NCN/2/2   1848
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/2/1   22 May 1848 (date certified to registry)26 May 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Allenheads, Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'new Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 May 1848
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/3   1818
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/3/1   31 August 1818 (date certified to registry)9 September 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Allenshields, Hunstanworth, County Durham
House occupied by William Price
DDR/EA/NCN/2/4   1792-1808
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/4/1   9 July 1792 (date certified to registry)16 July 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Alnmouth, Lesbury, Northumberland
House occupied by John Dixon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/4/2   30 March 1808 (date certified to registry)15 April 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Schoolhouse, Alnmouth, Lesbury, Northumberland
House of John Appleby known as the Schoolhouse
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5   1788 - 1817
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5/1   18 September 1788 (date certified to registry)23 September 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Alnwick, Northumberland
Property described as 'new chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5/2   7 May 1790 (date certified to registry)10 May 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Bondgate Street, Alnwick, Northumberland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5/3   18 January 1805 (date certified to registry)23 January 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Green Bank, Alnwick, Northumberland
Property described as 'Bethel Chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5/4   28 May 1816 (date certified to registry)7 June 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Sion Meeting House, Alnwick, Northumberland
Sion Meeting House occupied by the Revd Joseph Rate
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/5/5   30 January 1817 (date certified to registry)31 January 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Ebenezer Meeting House, Alnwick, Northumberland
New Meeting House called Ebenezer lately erected and now finished, situated between Green Ba[n]k street and the Market Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/6   1805 - 1848
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/6/1   4 January 1805 (date certified to registry)7 February 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Fore Field, Alston, Cumberland
Meeting house in Fore Field adjoining Alston
Denomination is Calvinist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/6/2   12 November 1825 (date certified to registry)24 November 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Alston, Cumberland
Cottage house and premises held and occupied by John Dawson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/6/3   12 November 1825 (date certified to registry)24 November 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Alston, Cumberland
Chapel and premises held and occupied by Thomas Robinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/6/4   29 June 1848 (date certified to registry)1 July 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Alston, Cumberland
Meeting house situated at the top end of the town commonly called 'the back of the burn'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 1 July 1848
DDR/EA/NCN/2/7   1840 - 18411841
Annfield Plain
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/7/1   12 December 1840 (date certified to registry)
Property at Annfield Plain, Lanchester, County Durham
Chapel and premises held and occupied by Cuthbert Thew and Co. of Oxhill and Annfield Plain etc
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 24 December 1840
DDR/EA/NCN/2/7/2   15 September 1841 (date certified to registry)22 September 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Annfield Plain, Lanchester, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by Anthony Mackey
DDR/EA/NCN/2/8   1836
Auckland St Andrew
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/8/1   16 March 1836 (date certified to registry)
Property at Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Chapel occupied by Mark Watson, William Coates, Jos Langstaff, Job Cain, Robert Robson, James Marr and John Douglas
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9   1788 - 19451788 - 1845
Auckland West
1 folder, 9 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/1   4 June 1788 (date certified to registry)7 June 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ralph Hodgson
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/2   22 May 1795 (date certified to registry)2 June 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/3   8 April 1805 (date certified to registry)10 April 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Samuel Girb
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/4   26 July 1805 (date certified to registry)1 August 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house in the west end of West Auckland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/5   19 May 1809 (date certified to registry)10 June 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ralph Howes
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/6   20 January 1823 (date certified to registry)10 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Robinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/7   10 March 1836 (date certified to registry)19 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/8   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/9/9   14 October 1845 (date certified to registry)14 October 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Auckland West (alias West Auckland), Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/10   1778
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/10/1   8 February 1778 (date certified to registry)10 February 1778 (received by registry)
Property at Aycliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Francis Parkins
DDR/EA/NCN/2/11   1783 - 1832
Aycliffe Great
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/11/1   22 April 1783 (date certified to registry)5 May 1783 (received by registry)
Property at Aycliffe Great (alias Great Aycliffe), Aycliffe, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/11/2   15 May 1832 (date certified to registry)19 May 1832 (received by registry)
Property at High Street, Aycliffe Great (alias Great Aycliffe), Aycliffe, County Durham
Meeting house situate in the High Street belonging to Robert Burdy
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12   1809 - 18111809 - 1812
Ayres Quay
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12/1   13 November 1809 (date certified to registry)7 December 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Ayres Quay, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12/2   16 December 1811 (date certified to registry)13 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Ayres Quay, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12A   1816 - 1825
Ballast Hills
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12A/1   19 September 1816 (date certified to registry)20 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Ballast Hills, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Schoolroom occupied by Archbold Strachan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/12A/2   3 October 1825 (date certified to registry)21 October 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Ballast Hills, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Morris
DDR/EA/NCN/2/13   17991781 - 1799
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/13/1   8 August 1781 (received by registry)
Property at Barlow, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Robert Haswell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/13/2   8 August 1799 (date certified to registry)14 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Barlow, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14   1766 - 18371787 - 1837
Barnard Castle
1 folder, 11 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/1   12 February 1766 (date certified to registry)
Property at Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Hay
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/2   19 June 1787 (date certified to registry)22 June 1787 (received by registry)
Property at Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/3   26 June 1790 (date certified to registry)9 July 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Property described as 'Methodist meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/4   3 October 1801 (date certified to registry)5 October 1801 (received by registry)
Property at Newgate Street, Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house situate on the south side of Newgate Street belonging to William L. Prattiman
Denomination is Calvinist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/5   6 November 1811 (date certified to registry)13 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to William Luke Prattiman
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/6   2 September 1814 (date certified to registry)5 September 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Newgate Street, Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Newgate Street belonging to W.L. Prattiman
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/7   28 February 1822 (date certified to registry)2 March 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Barnard Castle, Gainford, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/8   5 February 1823 (date certified to registry)14 February 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, Barnard Castle, County Durham
Property described as 'newly erected Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/9   4 June 1824 (date certified to registry)22 July 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, Barnard Castle, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/10   14 October 1831 (date certified to registry)20 September 1831 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, Barnard Castle, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/14/11   13 April 1837 (date certified to registry)14 April 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Hale Street, Gainford, Barnard Castle, County Durham
Meeting house including a chapel and schoolroom occupied by Reverend W.L. Prattiman and John Harrison
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/15   1803
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/15/1   4 February 1803 (date certified to registry)8 February 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Bavington, Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Miss Elizabeth Rutherford
DDR/EA/NCN/2/16   1825
Beamish Pit Hill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/16/1   4 February 1825 (date certified to registry)4 February 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Beamish Pit Hill, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Portus
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17   1782 - 1820
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/1   16 October 1782 (date certified to registry)19 October 1782 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ann Wilson
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/2   20 June 1810 (date certified to registry)23 June 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Clough
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/3   27 March 1817 (date certified to registry)14 April 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Schoolroom occupied by Henry Sanderson
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/4   16 June 1819 (date certified to registry)27 June 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Meeting house known as 'Old Hall' occupied by Robert Swan-Emerson
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/5   30 June 1819 (date certified to registry)7 July 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Fawcus
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/17/6   11 November 1820 (date certified to registry)16 November 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Bedlington, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by Richard Wilson
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/18   1777 - 1849
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/18/1   31 May 1777 (date certified to registry)4 June 1777 (received by registry)
Property at Belford, Northunmberland
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/18/2   24 November 1841 (date certified to registry)26 November 1841 (received by registry)
Property at West Street, Belford, Northumberland
Room and premises in West Street, Belford belonging to Walter Mathison and William Stewart
DDR/EA/NCN/2/18/3   22 November 1849 (date certified to registry)23 November 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Black Swan Inn, Belford, Northumberland
Long Room of the Black Swan Inn
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 November 1849
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/19   18071808
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/19/1   29 December 1807 (date certified to registry)22 January 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Bellingham, Simonburn, Northumberland
Property described as 'newly erected meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/20   1813 - 18511851
Bell's Close
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/20/1   8 September 1813 (date certified to registry)
Property at Bell's Close, Newburn, Northunmberland
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Hunter (Tenant), belonging to George Baker
DDR/EA/NCN/2/20/2   15 March 1851 (date certified to registry)26 March 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Bell's Close, Newburn, Northumberland
Methodist meeting room established by the late Reverend John Ivesley
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 March 1857
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/21   1835
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/21/1   28 September 1835 (date certified to registry)28 September 1835 (received by registry)
Property at Belmont, Durham St Giles, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/22   1807
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/22/1   19 August 1807 (date certified to registry)28 August 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Benfieldside, Medomsley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Turnbull
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23   1772 - 18441792 - 1844
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23/1   15 September 1772 (date certified to registry)
Property at Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Meeting house previously known as '? Barn' [page torn] situate in Marygate and now belonging to Thomas Fforsyth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23/2   2 April 1792 (date certified to registry)3 April 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Church Street, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
House or room in Church Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23/3   24 February 1809 (date certified to registry)3 March 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23/4   25 November 1811 (date certified to registry)26 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Room on the east side of Church Street adjoining the Inn or Public House known by the sign of the Kings Head
DDR/EA/NCN/2/23/5   29 November 1844 (date certified to registry)3 December 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Large room or apartment constituting the first floor of a tenement or building situate in Marygate, the rear of which building adjoins the entrance to Goldensquare, building was formerly used as a printing office by the late William Lochead, printer.
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/24   1826
Bill Quay
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/24/1   4 April 1826 (date certified to registry)5 April 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Bill Quay, Heworth, County Durham
Room occupied by William Batty in Bill Quay in Heworth chapelry in Jarrow parish
DDR/EA/NCN/2/25   1788
Billy Row
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/25/1   14 July 1788 (date certified to registry)10 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Billy Row, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Wailes
DDR/EA/NCN/2/26   1792
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/26/1   14 July 1792 (date certified to registry)16 July 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Bilton, Lesbury, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Knox
DDR/EA/NCN/2/27   1812
Birtley (County Durham)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/27/1   3 April 1812 (date certified to registry)3 June 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Birtley, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/28   1770 - 18111812
Birtley (Northumberland)
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/28/1   n.d. [pre-1780] (date certified to registry)
Property at Reed Bank, Birtley, Chollerton, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Wier and situate at Reed Bank
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/28/2   3 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Birtley, Chollerton, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Milburn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29   1791 - 1850
Bishop Auckland
1 folder, 9 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/1   1 July 1791 (date certified to registry)9 July 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Matthew Forster
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/2   24 January 1807 (date certified to registry)31 January 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Back Bondgate, Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
New meeting house situate in Back Bondgate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/3   16 February 1821 (date certified to registry)16 February 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to John Wright
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/4   28 March 1821 (date certified to registry)5 April 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to [M. Proud] occupied by John Newton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/5   4 November 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house known as "Sir Issac's Long Room" belonging to Lowinger Hall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/6   15 December 1827 (date certified to registry)24 December 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by [Bartle] Dixon
1f.(= f.2 of item 297/9) 
Kept with item 297/9, to which it is physically attached
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/7   10 March 1836 (date certified to registry)19 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/8   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Back Bondgate, Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Chapel with vestry adjoining situate in the north side of Back Bondgate
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/29/9   5 January 1850 (date certified to registry)5 January 1850 (received by registry)
Property at South Road, Bishop Auckland, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Chapel situate in South Road
DDR/EA/NCN/2/30   1817 - 1823
Bishop Middleham
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/30/1   7 May 1817 (date certified to registry)10 May 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Middleham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Applegarth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/30/2   5 June 1818 (date certified to registry)13 June 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Middleham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Morrell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/30/3   25 March 1823 (date certified to registry)28 March 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Bishop Middleham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31   1793 - 18341778 - 1834
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31/1   25 April 177[?8] (received by registry)
Property at Bishopton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Hutchinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31/2   8 July 1793 (date certified to registry)27 July 1793 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopton, County Durham
Meeting house on the north side of the street in Bishopton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31/3   7 August 1799 (date certified to registry)24 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopton, County Durham
Meeting house on the east side of Bishopton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31/4   27 July 1817 (date certified to registry)1 September 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Mason
DDR/EA/NCN/2/31/5   30 January 1834 (date certified to registry)1 February 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopton, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel and premises'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32   1769 - 18451795 - 1845
1 folder, 20 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/1   4 April 1769 (date certified to registry)
Property at Numbers Garth, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Methodist's room in Numbers Garth
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/2   11 July 1795 (date certified to registry)14 July 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/3   6 January 1798 (date certified to registry)9 January 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
New meeting house situate near the high road
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/4   14 December 1798 (date certified to registry)21 December 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Tan's Street, Bishopwearmouth (alias Sunderland), Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
New meeting house situate on the west side of Tan's Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/5   14 January 1809 (date certified to registry)11 March 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Moor Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Zion shapel west side of Moor Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/6   13 May 1814 (date certified to registry)16 May 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Room in the house belonging to the New Glass house
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/7   25 November 1816 (date certified to registry)25 November 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Tan's Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house or chapel in Tan's Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/8   8 July 1818 (date certified to registry)8 July 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Villiers Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'Bethel chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/9   29 March 1824 (date certified to registry)3 April 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Numbers Garth, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Numbers Garth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/10   3 January 1826 (date certified to registry)12 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Villiers Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
St George's Chapel situate in Villiers Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/11   13 January 1830 (date certified to registry)14 January 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Johnson Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house in Johnson Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/12   25 August 1832 (date certified to registry)25 August 1832 (received by registry)
Property at Durham Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Smyrina Chapel situate in a new street at the head of Church Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/13   4 October 1832 (date certified to registry)
Property at New Hopper Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
New chapel situate in New Hopper Street and occupied by Emmerson Muschamp
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/14   23 June 1834 (date certified to registry)23 June 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Queen Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Room occupied by Mary Wolfe [widow] situate in a dwelling house on Queen Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/15   16 August 1836 (date certified to registry)17 August 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Fawcett Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Fawcett Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/16   10 October 1836 (date certified to registry)13 October 1836 (received by registry)
Property at South Durham Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
New meeting house in South Durham Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/17   17 June 1837 (date certified to registry)19 June 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Villiers Street, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Bethel chapel in Villiers Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/18   19 February 1844 (date certified to registry)24 February 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Ballast Hills, Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house at Ballast Hills
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/19   3 May 1844 (date certified to registry)4 May 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Nicholson Street School now in the holding of Andrew White and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/32/20   18 March 1845 (date certified to registry)19 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Bethseda Free Chapel now in the holding of Reverend Arthur Augustus Rees
DDR/EA/NCN/2/33   18251826
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/33/1   31 December 1825 (date certified to registry)3 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Blackcleugh, Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/34   1846 - 1848
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/34/1   25 September 1846 (date certified to registry)30 September 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Blackhill, Lanchester, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to the Derwent Iron Company
DDR/EA/NCN/2/34/2   11 March 1848 (date certified to registry)13 March 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Blackhill, Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/35   1833
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/35/1   6 January 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Blackwall, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to George Pallentine Gibson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 23 January 1833
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
John Sumner (check name) [instigator of the document] is a Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/36   1805 - 1827
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/36/1   23 March 1805 (date certified to registry)27 March 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Blackwell, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to John Stothard
DDR/EA/NCN/2/36/2   26 January 1812 (date certified to registry)6 February 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Blackwell, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Martin Ratcliffe
DDR/EA/NCN/2/36/3   5 February 1827 (date certified to registry)9 February 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Blackwell, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ann Brash
DDR/EA/NCN/2/37   1811 - 18441812 - 1844
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/37/1   23 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Blanchland, Shotley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Whitfield Hudson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/37/2   16 May 1844 (date certified to registry)17 May 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Blanchland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Armstrong
DDR/EA/NCN/2/38   1789 - 1851
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/38/1   10 July 1789 (date certified to registry)27 July 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Blaydon, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Harsdon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/38/2   3 February 1815 (date certified to registry)14 February 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Blaydon, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/38/3   6 May 1826 (date certified to registry)
Property at Blaydon, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Charlton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/38/4   8 December 1851 (date certified to registry)13 December 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Blaydon, Winlaton, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to Bartholomew Stokoe, John Charlton and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/39   1824 - 1825
Blue Quarries
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/39/1   17 January 1824 (date certified to registry)22 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Blue Quarries, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Rebecca Dixon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/39/2   15 October 1825 (date certified to registry)19 October 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Blue Quarries, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Haddon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/40   1815 - 1816
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/40/1   12 August 1815 (date certified to registry)16 August 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Blyth, Earsdon, Northumberland
Meeting house for which James Dixon, John Christian, George Morrison, John Carr, John Nunn and Bob Lawson are trustees
DDR/EA/NCN/2/40/2   19 August 1816 (date certified to registry)6 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Blyth, Earsdon, Northumberland
Property described as 'Ebenezer chapel'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/41   1810
Blyth Quay
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/41/1   18 August 1810 (date certified to registry)25 October 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Blyth Quay, Earsdon, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/42   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/42/1   29 July 1812 (date certified to registry)30 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Bolam, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Mary Turner
DDR/EA/NCN/2/43   1799
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/43/1   22 July 1799 (date certified to registry)26 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Boldon, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/44   1818 - 1830
Boldon East
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/44/1   29 April 1818 (date certified to registry)4 May 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Boldon East (alias East Boldon), Boldon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Henderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/44/2   11 August 1830 (date certified to registry)14 August 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Boldon East (alias East Boldon), Boldon, County Durham
Meeting house known as [Tirzah] belonging to P.Hall
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/45   1800 - 18231800 - 1824
Boldon West
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/45/1   29 August 1800 (date certified to registry)8 September 1800 (received by registry)
Property at Boldon West (alias West Boldon), Boldon, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/45/2   20 June 1823 (date certified to registry)20 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Boldon West (alias West Boldon), Boldon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Hull
DDR/EA/NCN/2/46   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/46/1   22 June 1812 (date certified to registry)26 June 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Bolton, Edlingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Morrison
DDR/EA/NCN/2/47   1849
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/47/1   20 March 1849 (date certified to registry)23 March 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Bowlees, Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/48   1788
Bradley Hall
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/48/1   14 July 1788 (date certified to registry)18 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Bradley Hall, Wolsingham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Atkinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/49   1799 - 1813
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/49/1   5 August 1799 (date certified to registry)13 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Brafferton, Aycliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Matthew Brown
DDR/EA/NCN/2/49/2   22 June 1812 (date certified to registry)23 June 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Brafferton, Aycliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John [Netherick]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/49/3   24 August 1813 (date certified to registry)NB to check date as received date is prior to certified date (received by registry)
Property at Brafferton, Aycliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Gibson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/50   1771 - 1843
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/50/1   19 May 1771 (date certified to registry)25 May 1771 (received by registry)
Property at Standalone House, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house known as Standalone House
Denomination is Methodists or Independants
DDR/EA/NCN/2/50/2   20 May 1811 (date certified to registry)25 May 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/50/3   16 October 1843 (date certified to registry)16 October 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Miller
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Certificate raised by Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/51   1820 - 1825
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/51/1   28 October 1820 (date certified to registry)6 November 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Brandon, Brancepeth, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to William Forster
DDR/EA/NCN/2/51/2   18 September 1824 (date certified to registry)18 September 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Brandon, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Smith
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/51/3   11 December 1824 (date certified to registry)13 December 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Brandon, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Wears
DDR/EA/NCN/2/51/4   29 November 1825 (date certified to registry)29 November 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Brandon, Brancepeth, County Durham
Room belonging to Thomas Johnson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/52   1837
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/52/1   26 June 1837 (date certified to registry)1 July 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Branton, Eglingham, Northumberland
Property described as 'Presbyterian Meeting House'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/53   1825
Bridge End
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/53/1   28 September 1825 (date certified to registry)29 September 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Bridge End, Bywell St Peter, Northumberland
Meeting house [Tenement] occupied by Joseph Proud
DDR/EA/NCN/2/54   1814 - 1828
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/54/1   4 August 1814 (date certified to registry)28 August 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Broomhaugh, Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Richardson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/54/2   18 May 1828 (date certified to registry)19 May 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Broomhaugh, Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Robson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/55   1851
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/55/1   26 February 1851 (date certified to registry)11 March 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Brotherlee, Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to the Primitive Methodists
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/56   1808
Burdon East
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/56/1   16 July 1808 (date certified to registry)28 July 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Burdon East (alias East Burdon), Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Room in the house occupied by Matthew Davis
DDR/EA/NCN/2/57   1788 - 1826
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/57/1   14 July 1788 (date certified to registry)15 September 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Burnopfield, Tanfield, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/57/2   26 July 1799 (date certified to registry)29 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Burnopfield, Tanfield, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/57/3   24 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Burnopfield, Tanfield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Mary Alder
DDR/EA/NCN/2/58   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/58/1   23 December 1812 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Burnshieldhaugh, Shotley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Whaley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/59   1795 - 1851
Byers Green
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/59/1   1 April 1795 (date certified to registry)1 April 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Byers Green, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by N. William
DDR/EA/NCN/2/59/2   14 October 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Byers Green, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Christopher Johnson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/59/3   21 February 1851 (date certified to registry)12 April 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Byers Green, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist Chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/60   1790
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/60/1   3 October 1790 (date certified to registry)6 October 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/61   1818
Bywell St Andrew
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/61/1   19 February 1818 (date certified to registry)23 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Stony
DDR/EA/NCN/2/62   1814
Callerton High
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/62/1   1 November 1814 (date certified to registry)18 November 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Callerton High (alias High Callerton), Ponteland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Powell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/63   1810
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/63/1   8 July 1810 (date certified to registry)13 July 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Cambo, Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Cook
DDR/EA/NCN/2/64   1796
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/64/1   3 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Capheaton, Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to John and Michael Cook
DDR/EA/NCN/2/65   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/65/1   28 January 1812 (date certified to registry)13 February 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Carlton, Redmarshall, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Boyd
DDR/EA/NCN/2/66   1851
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/66/1   14 October 1851 (date certified to registry)15 October 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Carrville, Durham St Giles, County Durham
Chapel belonging to George Lee and John Harrison
DDR/EA/NCN/2/67   1812 - 1843
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/67/1   11 January 1812 (date certified to registry)24 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Carville, Wallsend, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/67/2   7 November 1843 (date certified to registry)7 November 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Carville, Wallsend, Northumberland
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/68   1843
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/68/1   16 October 1843 (date certified to registry)16 October 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Cassop, Kelloe, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 16 October 1843
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate is a Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/69   1846
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/69/1   12 March 1846 (date certified to registry)12 March 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Catton, Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/70   1811
Causey Dykes
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/70/1   19 June 1811 (date certified to registry)25 June 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Causey Dykes, Tanfield, County Durham
House of William Whale of Causey Hall situated at Causey Dykes
DDR/EA/NCN/2/71   1832
Causey Park Bridge
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/71/1   1 July 1832 (date certified to registry)30 July 1832 (received by registry)
Property at Causey Park Bridge, Bothal, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/72   1809
Charton Myers
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/72/1   28 February 1809 (date certified to registry)15 March 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Charton Myers, Ellingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Embleton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/73   1793
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/73/1   8 April 1793 (date certified to registry)10 April 1793 (received by registry)
Property at Chartershaugh, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74   1773 - 1835
1 folder, 13 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/1   14 June 1773 (date certified to registry)23 June 1773 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Part of house belonging to Mr. Hutton Downs
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/2   7 April 1779 (date certified to registry)14 April 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Tinher
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/3   7 September 1803 (date certified to registry)12 September 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to John Pearson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/4   1 October 1807 (date certified to registry)27 October 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'new chapel/meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/5   2 July 1814 (date certified to registry)4 August 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/6   1 January 1815 (date certified to registry)3 February 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Low Chain, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Bethel chapel situate in Low Chain
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/7   3 February 1824 (date certified to registry)4 February 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by John Emmerson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/8   21 January 1826 (date certified to registry)21 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by John Walton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/9   18 February 1826 (date certified to registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Room occupied by John Walton, William Hind, Allsop Wilson, John Emerson and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/10   8 December 1829 (date certified to registry)8 December 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Room belonging to Abner Lucas and William Hind
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/11   25 June 1830 (date certified to registry)NB to check date 25 or 26 (received by registry)
Property at Browns Buildings, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Thompson situate at Browns Buildings
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/12   17 November 1834 (date certified to registry)17 November 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Room in house occupied by John Lax
DDR/EA/NCN/2/74/13   22 October 1835 (date certified to registry)28 October 1835 (received by registry)
Property at Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to Moses Lupton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/75   1817
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/75/1   18 May 1817 (date certified to registry)20 May 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Chirton, Tynemouth, Northumberland
House to be used as a chapel occupied by Edward Simpson
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/76   1819
Chirton Low
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/76/1   7 December 1819 (date certified to registry)8 December 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Chirton Low (alias Low Chirton), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Dixon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/77   1792 - 1807
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/77/1   4 May 1792 (date certified to registry)5 May 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Cleadon, Whitburn, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/77/2   18 November 1807 (date certified to registry)24 November 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Cleadon, Whitburn, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/78   1805 - 1818
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/78/1   23 March 1805 (date certified to registry)27 March 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Cockerton, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joshua Spark
DDR/EA/NCN/2/78/2   9 March 1818 (date certified to registry)9 March 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Cockerton, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Richard Braithwaite
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/79   1817 - 1840
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/79/1   9 August 1817 (date certified to registry)14 August 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Cockfield, County Durham
Schoolroom [possibly belonging to Ralph Bradley]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/79/2   23 July 1828 (date certified to registry)NB to check date 28 or 29 (received by registry)
Property at Cockfield, County Durham
Chapel belonging to Thomas Burton of Middridge and John Raine of Cockfield
DDR/EA/NCN/2/79/3   24 July 1840 (date certified to registry)31 July 1840 (received by registry)
Property at Cockfield, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Ralph Bradley and others as trustees
DDR/EA/NCN/2/80   1805
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/80/1   29 June 1805 (date certified to registry)15 July 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Colecleugh, Allendale, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to Joseph Little
DDR/EA/NCN/2/81   1799 - 1826
Collierley Dykes
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/81/1   27 July 1799 (date certified to registry)31 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Collierley Dykes (alias Colierley Dykes, Collierley Dyks), Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/81/2   23 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Collierley Dykes (alias Colierley Dykes, Collierley Dyks), Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Richardson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/82   1802
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/82/1   16 November 1802 (date certified to registry)17 November 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Coniscliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Stephen Simpson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/83   1802 - 1827
Coniscliffe High
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/83/1   17 May 1802 (date certified to registry)19 May 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Coniscliffe High (alias High Coniscliffe), Coniscliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Pickering
DDR/EA/NCN/2/83/2   29 July 1812 (date certified to registry)30 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Coniscliffe High (alias High Coniscliffe), Coniscliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Faith Pomfret
DDR/EA/NCN/2/83/3   6 February 1827 (date certified to registry)9 February 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Coniscliffe High (alias High Coniscliffe), Coniscliffe, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/84   1812
Coniscliffe Low
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/84/1   29 July 1812 (date certified to registry)30 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Coniscliffe Low (alias Low Coniscliffe), Coniscliffe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Robinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/85   1846 - 1849
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/85/1   4 February 1846 (date certified to registry)7 February 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Consett (alias High Consett, Consett High, High Conside, Conside High), Medomsley, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to the Derwent Iron Company
DDR/EA/NCN/2/85/2   27 July 1849 (date certified to registry)28 July 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Consett (alias High Consett, Consett High, High Conside, Conside High), Medomsley, County Durham
Property described as 'new Wesleyan chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/86   1789 - 1816
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/86/1   20 March 1789 (date certified to registry)21 March 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Corbridge, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to Thomas Hardy
DDR/EA/NCN/2/86/2   30 November 1808 (date certified to registry)2 December 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Corbridge, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to John Solesby
DDR/EA/NCN/2/86/3   10 February 1816 (date certified to registry)9 February 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Angel Inn, Corbridge, Northumberland
A certain building situated at the back of the Angel Inn known by the name of the Court House, rented at present by John Green junior, of Mrs Bl[an]ford for a Sunday School
DDR/EA/NCN/2/87   1807
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/87/1   21 September 1807 (date certified to registry)5 October 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Cornhills, Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/88   1809
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/88/1   27 May 1809 (date certified to registry)3 June 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Cornsay, Lanchester, County Durham
Room in the house occupied by Simon Dobinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/89   1822
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/89/1   17 September 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Coundon, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ralph Marshall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/90   1802
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/90/1   3 March 1802 (date certified to registry)5 March 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Cowesby, Yorkshire
Meeting house occupied by Martin Chapman
DDR/EA/NCN/2/90A   1821
Cowpen Quay
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/90A/1   19 November 1821 (date certified to registry)21 November 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Cowpen Quay, Horton, Northumberland
Building to be used as a chapel in the possession of Christopher Robson
Denomination is United Seceders
DDR/EA/NCN/2/91   1841
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/91/1   4 January 1841 (date certified to registry)18 January 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Coxhoe, Kelloe, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate Thomas [C]atterick was a Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/92   1844
Cramlington East
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/92/1   9 November 1844 (date certified to registry)13 November 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Cramlington East (alias East Cramlington Colliery), Cramlington, Northumberland
Chapel belonging to William Hedley, William Bell, Thomas Hall and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/93   1849
Cramlington West
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/93/1   18 August 1849 (date certified to registry)22 August 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Cramlington West (alias West Cramlington), Cramlington, Northumberland
Property described as 'Wesleyan chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/94   1812 - 1848
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/94/1   9 May 1812 (date certified to registry)8 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Crawcrook, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Reed
DDR/EA/NCN/2/94/2   14 February 1818 (date certified to registry)19 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Crawcrook, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Reed
DDR/EA/NCN/2/94/3   20 October 1837 (date certified to registry)27 October 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Crawcrook, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'Congregational chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/94/4   11 May 1848 (date certified to registry)15 May 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Crawcrook, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'new Wesleyan chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/95   1785 - 1821
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/95/1   28 May 1785 (date certified to registry)31 May 1785 (received by registry)
Property at Crayke (alias Craike, Crake), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/95/2   25 June 1799 (date certified to registry)29 June 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Crayke (alias Craike, Crake), County Durham
Property described as 'new Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/95/3   15 December 1821 (date certified to registry)19 December 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Crayke (alias Craike, Crake), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Russell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/95/4   15 December 1821 (date certified to registry)19 December 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Crayke (alias Craike, Crake), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Russell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/96   1816
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/96/1   27 August 1816 (date certified to registry)6 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Cresswell, Woodhorn, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to David Cook of Blakemoor and in the possession of Edward Lawson
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/96A   1820
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/96A/1   26 December 1820 (date certified to registry)
Property at Crofton, Horton, Northumberland
House to be used as a chapel occupied by Edmund Watts
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/97   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/97/1   25 January 1812 (date certified to registry)29 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Cronkley, Bywell St Peter, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Jane Redshew
DDR/EA/NCN/2/98   1852
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/98/1   23 April 1852 (date certified to registry)21 May 1852 (received by registry)
Property at Crook, Brancepeth, County Durham
Primitive Methodist chapel held in trust by James Wilson, James Willan, Elias Crozier, Joseph Snowball, Launcelot Pescod and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 May 1852
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/99   1810
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/99/1   19 June 1810 (date certified to registry)26 June 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Pattison
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100   1776 - 1849
Darlington (parish unspecified)
1 folder, 15 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/1   26 October 1776 (date certified to registry)30 October 1776 (received by registry)
Property at Bondgate, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house of Richard Steele
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/2   2 July 1801 (date certified to registry)3 August 1801 (received by registry)
Property at Blackwellgate, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to J. Coats (Grocer) situate in south Blackwellgate
Denomination is Calvinist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/3   28 June 1803 (date certified to registry)20 July 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Blackwellgate, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Henry Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/4   31 October 1803 (date certified to registry)4 November 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Northgate, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to James Hopps, Thomas Donkin and Harrington Lee situate in Northgate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/5   31 October 1811 (date certified to registry)NB to check date - possibly 1.11.1811 (received by registry)
Property at Bakehouse Hill, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to James Thompson, Thomas Pickering and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/6   8 October 1812 (date certified to registry)10 October 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Union Street, Darlington, County Durham
Newly erected meeting house in Union Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/7   2 July 1813 (date certified to registry)
Property at nr Bondgate, Darlington, County Durham
New Methodist chapel situate nr Bondgate
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/8   30 September 1817 (date certified to registry)1 October 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Skinnergate (to the rear of), Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house to the rear of Skinnergate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/9   26 February 1822 (date certified to registry)2 March 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Darlington, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/10   22 March 1823 (date certified to registry)4 April 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Allison Row, Darlington, County Durham
Upper room of a house situate at the east end of Allison Row, last occupied by J. Backhouse and belonging to William and George Dixon Lightfoot
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/11   15 January 1827 (date certified to registry)17 January 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Queen Street, Darlington, County Durham
Chapel and premises situate in Queen Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/12   1 January 1829 (date certified to registry)
Property at Park Street, Darlington, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Park Street late in the occupation of [William] Walker
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/13   23 December 1834 (date certified to registry)24 December 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Park Street, Darlington, County Durham
Chapel situate in Park Street
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Samuel Crompton, Wesleyan Methodist minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/14   30 March 1839 (date certified to registry)30 March 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Darlington, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/100/15   19 April 1849 (date certified to registry)19 April 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Darlington, County Durham
Property described as 'new Wesleyan Methodist Association chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/101   1772
Darlington (Darlington St Cuthbert parish)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/101/1   30 January 1772 (date certified to registry)
Property at Blackwellgate, Darlington St Cuthbert, County Durham
Assembly Room situate in Blackwellgate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/102   1809 - 1844
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/102/1   10 April 1809 (date certified to registry)17 April 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Deptford, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/102/2   22 July 1809 (date certified to registry)1 August 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Deptford, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/102/3   4 December 1824 (date certified to registry)10 December 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Deptford, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/102/4   19 January 1844 (date certified to registry)24 February 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Deptford, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/103   1843
Derwent Cote Forge
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/103/1   15 May 1843 (date certified to registry)25 May 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Derwent Cote Forge, Whittonstall, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist Society
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/104   1824
Derwent Head
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/104/1   3 May 1824 (date certified to registry)5 June 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Derwent Head (alias Derwenthead), Hunstanworth, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to William Forster
DDR/EA/NCN/2/105   1823 - 1838
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/105/1   5 November 1823 (date certified to registry)24 November 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Dipton, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to William Elliott occupied by Michael Hope
DDR/EA/NCN/2/105/2   2 April 1838 (date certified to registry)11 April 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Dipton, Lanchester, County Durham
Chapel and premises occupied by Robert Lawson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/106   1847
Dirt Pool
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/106/1   1 March 1847 (date certified to registry)10 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Dirt Pool, Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/106A   1824
Donkins Houses
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/106A/1   25 August 1824 (date certified to registry)26 August 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Donkins Houses, Newburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Mason
DDR/EA/NCN/2/107   1808
Dunstan Stead
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/107/1   26 November 1808 (date certified to registry)5 December 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Dunstan Stead (alias Dunston Stead), Embleton, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Morrison rented from Earl of Tankenville
DDR/EA/NCN/2/108   1810 - 1825
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/108/1   6 July 1810 (date certified to registry)10 July 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Dunston, Whickham, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/108/2   6 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Dunston, Whickham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Davidson Hepplewight
DDR/EA/NCN/2/108/3   7 April 1825 (date certified to registry)8 April 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Dunston, Whickham, County Durham
Room in a house situate in the Square
DDR/EA/NCN/2/109   1839
Durham New
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/109/1   9 February 1839 (date certified to registry)11 February 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Durham New (alias New Durham), Durham St Giles, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 11 February 1839
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110   1822 - 1827
Durham St Giles
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110/1   1 February 1822 (date certified to registry)1 February 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Gilesgate, Durham St Giles, County Durham
Room occupied by Mrs. Galley situate in Gilesgate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110/2   14 September 1822 (date certified to registry)17 September 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Gilesgate, Durham St Giles, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Mathew Jacques and occupied by Arthur Richard Webb situate in Gilesgate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110/3   28 May 1823 (date certified to registry)30 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Gilesgate, Durham St Giles, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Galley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110/4   31 January 1827 (date certified to registry)31 January 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Gilesgate (alias Gilligate), Durham St Giles, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by [] Eccles
DDR/EA/NCN/2/110/5   3 March 1827 (date certified to registry)3 March 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Durham St Giles, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Longstaff
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111   1808 - 18301808 - 1822
Durham St Margaret
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/1   29 March 1808 (date certified to registry)2 April 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Milburngate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house lately occupied by Angus Macdonald
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/2   12 March 1811 (date certified to registry)13 March 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house lately occupied by Mrs. Scott and now occupied by Henry and Jane Fawcett
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/3   16 October 1812 (date certified to registry)17 October 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Mr. Elliot and now in the occupancy of Henry and Jane Fawcett
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/4   25 November 1817 (date certified to registry)26 November 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Henry and Jane Fawcett
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/5   1 February 1822 (date certified to registry)1 February 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Allergate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jane Anderson situate in Allergate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/111/6   15 December 1830 (date certified to registry)
Property at Milburngate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Gould
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 18 December 1830
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112   1804 - 1828
Durham St Nicholas
1 folder, 7 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/1   22 May 1804 (date certified to registry)23 May 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Claypath, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Meeting house previously occupied by Reverend William Pringle and now occupied by Lewis Jones [minister]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/2   18 November 1811 (date certified to registry)18 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Claypath, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Room in house occupied by Mrs. Young
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/3   1 February 1822 (date certified to registry)1 February 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Claypath, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Room in a house occupied by William Corning situate in Claypath
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/4   1 February 1822 (date certified to registry)1 February 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Claypath, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Anne Baxter
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/5   3 August 1824 (date certified to registry)
Property at Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Meeting house situate in the back lane and in the possession of Richard Coultman
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/6   13 September 1826 (date certified to registry)13 September 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Silver Street, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Meeting house exected by Thomas Hawxby situate in Silver Street
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/112/7   21 June 1828 (date certified to registry)21 June 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Claypath, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Atkinson situate in Claypath
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113   1808 - 1846
Durham St Oswald
1 folder, 7 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/1   27 October 1808 (date certified to registry)10 November 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Old Elvet, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house situate adjoining the High Street of Old Elvet
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/2   29 May 1826 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hallgarth Street, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by [Rassivill] Hopper situate in Hallgarth Street
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/3   1 October 1827 (date certified to registry)1 October 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Pit Row, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Phoebe Cairns situate in Pit Row
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/4   1 October 1827 (date certified to registry)3 October 1827 (received by registry)
Property at New Elvet, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Frances Croudace
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/5   12 May 1830 (date certified to registry)12 May 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Old Elvet, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
House belonging to John Ward and currently used as a Charity School for Children
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/6   22 September 1830 (date certified to registry)22 September 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Old Elvet, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Room occupied by Mrs. Isobel Richardby owned by John Ward in a house situate in Old Elvet
DDR/EA/NCN/2/113/7   29 August 1846 (date certified to registry)31 August 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Old Elvet, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Room/lately three rooms of a house situate in Old Elvet belonging to Mark Hopper
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 31 August 1846
DDR/EA/NCN/2/114   1792
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/114/1   21 May 1792 (date certified to registry)22 May 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Eachwick, Heddon on the Wall, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Ann Pattison
DDR/EA/NCN/2/115   1815 - 1827
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/115/1   11 March 1815 (date certified to registry)20 March 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Easington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Newton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/115/2   28 July 1815 (date certified to registry)29 July 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Easington, County Durham
Meeting house previously a barn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/115/3   14 November 1827 (date certified to registry)14 November 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Easington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting room'
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/116   1827 - 18321827
Easington Lane
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/116/1   14 April 1827 (date certified to registry)14 April 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Easington Lane (alias Lyons), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by William Dent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/116/2   17 January 1831 (date certified to registry)
Property at Easington Lane (alias Lyons), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house [or chapel] held in trust by Joseph Love as principal trustee
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 January 1831
DDR/EA/NCN/2/116/3   16 April 1832 (date certified to registry)
Property at Easington Lane (alias Lyons), Houghton-le-Spring, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Building to be used as a chapel
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 April 1832
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/117   1845
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/117/1   3 April 1845 (date certified to registry)NB to check date (received by registry)
Property at Eastgate, Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by the Society of Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 March 1845
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/118   1772
East Parks
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/118/1   1 March 1772 (date certified to registry)
Property at East Parks (alias Parks East), Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house in the possession of Thomas Harland
Denomination is Independent or Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/119   1823
East Rainton
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/119/1   1 February 1823 (date certified to registry)3 February 1823 (received by registry)
Property at East Rainton (alias Rainton East), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/120   1832 - 1841
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/120/1   9 June 1832 (date certified to registry)25 July 1832 (received by registry)
Property at Ebchester, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Proud and belonging to Andrew Bolton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/120/2   30 March 1841 (date certified to registry)30 March 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Ebchester, Lanchester, County Durham
New meeting house belonging to Joseph Huntley and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 March 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/121   1851
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/121/1   22 March 1851 (date certified to registry)22 March 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Edmondsley, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist Chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/122   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/122/1   1 June 1825 (date certified to registry)4 June 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Edmundbyers (alias Edmondbyers), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Ward
DDR/EA/NCN/2/123   1818 - 1850
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/123/1   5 June 1818 (date certified to registry)22 June 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Egglescliffe (alias Eaglescliffe, Eagliscliff), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Flintoff
DDR/EA/NCN/2/123/2   17 April 1850 (date certified to registry)19 April 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Egglescliffe (alias Eaglescliffe, Eagliscliff), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Francis Wilkinson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 April 1850
DDR/EA/NCN/2/124   1796 - 1824
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/124/1   16 May 1796 (date certified to registry)7 June 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Egglestone, Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Meeting house on the north side of Egglestone occupied by Joshua Stagg
DDR/EA/NCN/2/124/2   14 December 1802 (date certified to registry)18 December 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Egglestone, Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Meeting house on the east side of Egglestone occupied by Joshua Stagg
DDR/EA/NCN/2/124/3   5 October 1824 (date certified to registry)8 October 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Egglestone, Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Property described as 'new Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/125   18251788 - 1825
Eighton Banks
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/125/1   16 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Eighton Banks, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/125/2   13 February 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Eighton Banks (alias Ayton Banks), Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Nicholas Oliver
DDR/EA/NCN/2/125/3   7 April 1825 (date certified to registry)8 April 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Eighton Banks (alias Ayton Banks), Gateshead, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/126   1822
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/126/1   29 October 1822 (date certified to registry)30 October 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Ellington, Woodhorn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Dunn
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/127   1822 - 18411822 - 1831
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/127/1   8 November 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Escomb, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Scarth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/127/2   9 April 1839 (date certified to registry)9 April 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Escomb, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Nicholas Raine
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate James Dunbar is a Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/127/3   27 August 1841 (date certified to registry)NB to check date (received by registry)
Property at Escomb, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 August 1831
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate Francis Neale was a Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/128   1824
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/128/1   12 July 1824 (date certified to registry)13 July 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Etherley, Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by George Neesham
DDR/EA/NCN/2/129   1797 - 1837
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/129/1   12 August 1797 (date certified to registry)23 August 1797 (received by registry)
Property at Evenwood, Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ralph Peverell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/129/2   10 March 1836 (date certified to registry)19 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Evenwood, Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 March 1836
DDR/EA/NCN/2/129/3   7 September 1837 (date certified to registry)16 September 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Evenwood, Auckland St Helen, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/130   1795
Factory The
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/130/1   17 October 1795 (date certified to registry)21 October 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Factory The (alias The Factory), Castle Eden, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Alderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/131   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/131/1   8 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Fawdon, Gosforth St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Bainbridge
DDR/EA/NCN/2/132   1838
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/132/1   1 August 1838 (date certified to registry)20 August 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Felling, Heworth, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 August 1838
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/133   1805 - 1841
Felling High
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/133/1   2 October 1805 (date certified to registry)10 October 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Felling High (alias High Felling, Fellon High, High Fellon), Jarrow, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Naisbitt
DDR/EA/NCN/2/133/2   5 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Felling High (alias High Felling), Jarrow, County Durham
Property described as 'new chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/133/3   11 November 1841 (date certified to registry)15 November 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Felling High (alias High Felling), Heworth, County Durham
Small chapel in the possession of Cuthbert Pallister and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/134   1818 - 18431822 - 1843
Felling Shore
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/134/1   19 December 1818 (date certified to registry)20 March 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Felling Shore, Jarrow, County Durham
Property described as 'Union chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/134/2   31 March 1820 (date certified to registry)5 March 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Felling Shore, Jarrow, County Durham
Felling Shore chapel
DDR/EA/NCN/2/134/3   31 January 1843 (date certified to registry)31 January 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Felling Shore, Heworth, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting Room'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 31 January 1843
Denomination is New Conn[ect]ion of Methodists
DDR/EA/NCN/2/135   1801 - 1818
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/135/1   28 January 1801 (date certified to registry)2 February 1801 (received by registry)
Property at Felton, Northumberland
Property described as 'room in chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/135/2   1 December 1818 (date certified to registry)5 December 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Felton, Northumberland
Room situate about the middle of the west side of the street of Felton occupied by John Gowen
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136   1799 - 1839
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/1   2 November 1799 (date certified to registry)15 November 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Hunter
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/2   23 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Rudd
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/3   22 December 1822 (date certified to registry)10 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Edward Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/4   22 April 1820 (date certified to registry)29 April 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Gillespie
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/5   17 February 1827 (date certified to registry)NB to check date (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Edward Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/136/6   9 April 1839 (date certified to registry)9 April 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Ferryhill, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Parker
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 9 April 1839
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate James Dunbar was a Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/137   1841
Findon Hill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/137/1   5 January 1841 (date certified to registry)18 January 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Findon Hill, Witton Gilbert, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 25 January 1841
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate, Thomas Catterick was a Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/138   1804 - 1846
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/138/1   20 February 1804 (date certified to registry)20 February 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Fishburn, Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house late in the occupation of Mrs. Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/138/2   15 July 1846 (date certified to registry)15 July 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Fishburn, Sedgefield, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 15 July 1846
DDR/EA/NCN/2/139   1817
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/139/1   8 May 1817 (date certified to registry)17 June 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Flatworth, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/139/2   8 May 1817 (date certified to registry)17 June 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Flatworth, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140   1783 - 1838
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140/1   17 January 1783 (date certified to registry)30 January 1783 (received by registry)
Property at Framwellgate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140/2   7 December 1816 (date certified to registry)7 December 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Framwellgate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Schoolroom in the occupation of Thomas Gould
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140/3   19 March 1823 (date certified to registry)20 March 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Framwellgate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Back room of house occupied by Thomas Caldcleugh
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140/4   24 September 1827 (date certified to registry)27 September 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Framwellgate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Meeting house in the occupation of William Wood
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/140/5   7 July 1838 (date certified to registry)21 July 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Framwellgate, Durham St Margaret, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 July 1838
DDR/EA/NCN/2/141   1815 - 1829
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/141/1   10 April 1815 (date certified to registry)15 April 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Frosterley, Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/141/2   17 December 1829 (date certified to registry)19 December 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Bridge End, Frosterley, Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house situate at Bridge End
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142   1812 - 1834
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142/1   23 May 1812 (date certified to registry)27 May 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Carr
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142/2   23 January 1813 (date certified to registry)26 January 1813 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142/3   8 June 1814 (date certified to registry)23 June 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Whytell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142/4   7 April 1817 (date certified to registry)9 April 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Clement and Mary Wood
DDR/EA/NCN/2/142/5   23 December 1834 (date certified to registry)24 December 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Gainford, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Samuel Crompton a Wesleyan Methodist minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/143   1825 - 1834
Galloping Green
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/143/1   8 September 1825 (date certified to registry)10 September 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Galloping Green, Lamesley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Grainger
DDR/EA/NCN/2/143/2   10 February 1834 (date certified to registry)12 February 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Galloping Green, Lamesley, County Durham
Meeting house in possesion of James Clish and others as trustees
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/144   1797
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/144/1   1 January 1797 (date certified to registry)10 January 1797 (received by registry)
Property at Garrigill, Alston, Cumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/145   1827
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/145/1   17 March 1827 (date certified to registry)15 August 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Garrigillgate (alias Garrigalgate), Alston, Cumberland
Chapel belonging to Joseph Little
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146   1788 - 1841
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/1   31 July 1788 (date certified to registry)5 August 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house near[nigh?] Pipe Hill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/2   6 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Gateshead, County Durham
Room occupied by John Orton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/3   16 November 1819 (date certified to registry)
Property at Gateshead, County Durham
Property described as 'Mathuen's Long Room'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/4   2 November 1825 (date certified to registry)
Property at Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Leighton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/5   4 May 1833 (date certified to registry)7 May 1833 (received by registry)
Property at Gateshead, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 7 May 1833
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/146/6   28 April 1841 (date certified to registry)29 April 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Swinburn Place, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Swinburn place
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 29 April 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/147   1823 - 1824
Gateshead Low Fell
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/147/1   16 October 1823 (date certified to registry)15 October 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Gateshead Low Fell, Gateshead, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/147/2   17 January 1824 (date certified to registry)17 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Gateshead Low Fell, Gateshead, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Steel
DDR/EA/NCN/2/148   1837
Gateshead St Mary
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/148/1   9 November 1837 (date certified to registry)25 November 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Melbourne Street, Gateshead St Mary, County Durham
Property described as 'Congregational Chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 25 November 1837
DDR/EA/NCN/2/149   1837
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/149/1   2 November 1837 (date certified to registry)9 November 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Glanton, Whittingham, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 9 November 1837
DDR/EA/NCN/2/150   1767 - 17881788
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/150/1   27 April 1767 (date certified to registry)
Property at Greatham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Dodds
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/150/2   30 July 1788 (date certified to registry)19 August 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Greatham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Dodds
Denomination is Independant
Signatures same as on 150/1 where Independant was stated
DDR/EA/NCN/2/151   1808
Great Ryle
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/151/1   18 May 1808 (date certified to registry)3 June 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Great Ryle (alias Ryle Great), Whittingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Embleton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/152   1788
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/152/1   12 July 1788 (date certified to registry)18 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Greenside, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/153   1799
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/153/1   14 June 1799 (date certified to registry)28 June 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Hallington, St John Lee, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Davison
DDR/EA/NCN/2/154   1847
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/154/1   15 March 1847 (date certified to registry)17 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate, Haltwhistle, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Westgate
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 18 March 1847
DDR/EA/NCN/2/155   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/155/1   8 November 1811 (date certified to registry)9 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Hamsterley, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/156   1796
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/156/1   4 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Harelaw (alias Hair-Law), Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Charles Pigg
DDR/EA/NCN/2/157   1803
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/157/1   5 February 1803 (date certified to registry)12 February 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Hart, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Richard Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/158   1796 - 18331796
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/158/1   4 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Saugh House, Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Cook known as Saugh House
DDR/EA/NCN/2/158/2   20 August 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John [A]ughtread
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 24 August 1833
DDR/EA/NCN/2/159   1796
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/159/1   4 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Hartington, Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Jacob Cook
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160   1788 - 1842
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/1   30 June 1788 (date certified to registry)1 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Hartlepool, County Durham
Meeting house in the possession of Methodist sect
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/2   7 November 1814 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hartlepool, County Durham
Tenement in the occupation of James Pounder
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/3   20 September 1822 (date certified to registry)21 September 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Hartlepool, County Durham
Room and premises in the occupation of James Barlow
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/4   29 June 1825 (date certified to registry)16 July 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Hartlepool, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Yeale
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/5   19 August 1831 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hartlepool, County Durham
Meeting house situate adjoining the High Street and behind and on the south side of the High Street
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 August 1831
DDR/EA/NCN/2/160/6   24 March 1842 (date certified to registry)31 March 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Northgate, Hartlepool, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Northgate and held in trust by John Hunter, Robert Burgess, Robert Swales and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/161   1841 - 1850
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/161/1   4 January 1841 (date certified to registry)18 January 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Haswell, Easington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 25 January 1841
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Thomas Catterick Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/161/2   31 January 1842 (date certified to registry)26 February 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Haswell, Easington, County Durham
Chapel belonging to George Richardson, Stewart Featonby and George Thompson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 February 1842
DDR/EA/NCN/2/161/3   5 June 1850 (date certified to registry)6 June 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Haswell, Easington, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 6 June 1850
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/162   1796 - 18251796 - 1826
Haughton le Skerne
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/162/1   11 July 1796 (date certified to registry)13 July 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Haughton le Skerne (alias Haughton), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Greathead situate on the north side of the town
DDR/EA/NCN/2/162/2   23 June 1812 (date certified to registry)25 June 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Haughton le Skerne (alias Haughton), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Braithwait and Matthew Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/162/3   20 July 1814 (date certified to registry)20 July 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Haughton le Skerne (alias Haughton), County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/162/4   14 December 1825 (date certified to registry)2 February 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Haughton le Skerne (alias Haughton), County Durham
Chapel in the possession of Charles Parker and others as trustees
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Anthony B Seckerson, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/163   18111812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/163/1   26 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Hawkwell (alias Haukwell), Stamfordham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Edward Hunter
DDR/EA/NCN/2/164   1794 - 1815
Haydon Bridge
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/164/1   14 March 1794 (date certified to registry)18 March 1794 (received by registry)
Property at Haydon Bridge (alias Hadonbridge), Warden, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to James Heslop
DDR/EA/NCN/2/164/2   3 January 1815 (date certified to registry)8 April 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Haydon Bridge, Warden, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Pearson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/165   1799 - 1807
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/165/1   30 July 1799 (date certified to registry)2 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Healeyfield (alias Hely fieald), Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/165/2   28 March 1807 (date certified to registry)8 April 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Healeyfield (alias Healey field), Muggleswick, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/166   1816
Heddon on the Wall
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/166/1   14 October 1816 (date certified to registry)19 October 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Heddon on the Wall, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Peter Wilkinson
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/167   1833 - 18471788 - 1847
Hedley on the Hill
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/167/1   1 August 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Hedley on the Hill, Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Ross
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/167/2   10 January 1833 (date certified to registry)23 January 1833 (received by registry)
Property at Hedley on the Hill (alias Hedley), Ovingham, Northumberland
Room in the house occupied by Ralph Green
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of the certificate was John Summers, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/167/3   16 December 1847 (date certified to registry)21 December 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Hedley on the Hill (alias Hedley), Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house held in trust by Ralph Green, Thomas White, Richard Dodd, Johnathan Phillipson, John Davison and Francis Dodd
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 December 1847
DDR/EA/NCN/2/168   1780 - 1815
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/168/1   7 February 1780 (date certified to registry)10 February 1780 (received by registry)
Property at Grange Hall, Heighington, County Durham
Meeting house known as Grange Hall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/168/2   5 August 1799 (date certified to registry)13 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Heighington, County Durham
Room in house occupied by John Thirkell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/168/3   10 July 1815 (date certified to registry)25 July 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Heighington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jacob Wright
DDR/EA/NCN/2/169   1826
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/169/1   2 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Henshaw, Haltwhistle, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William McKay
DDR/EA/NCN/2/170   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/170/1   28 May 1825 (date certified to registry)30 May 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Hett, Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jhon Cooke
DDR/EA/NCN/2/171   1817 - 1824
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/171/1   25 October 1817 (date certified to registry)10 November 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Wilson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/171/2   4 October 1824 (date certified to registry)8 October 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/171/3   23 October 1824 (date certified to registry)23 October 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Chapel in the possession of John Eastwood
DDR/EA/NCN/2/171/4   4 December 1824 (date certified to registry)10 December 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/174   1826
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/174/1   22 March 1826 (date certified to registry)22 March 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Heworth, Jarrow, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Cook
DDR/EA/NCN/2/175   1834
Heworth Lane
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/175/1   10 February 1834 (date certified to registry)
Property at Heworth Lane, Heworth, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by Thomas Johnson and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 February 1834
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/176   18181819
Heworth Shore
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/176/1   19 December 1818 (date certified to registry)5 January 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Stoney Gate, Heworth Shore, Heworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ann Leck
DDR/EA/NCN/2/177   1849
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/177/1   19 July 1849 (date certified to registry)20 July 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Hexham, Northumberland
Wesleyan chapel held in trust by Smith Stobart, Thomas Dinning, George Brown, John Parker, William Waters, William Stephenson, Joseph Richardson George Forster and Ralph Wilson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 July 1849
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/178   1851
High Gate
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/178/1   10 September 1851 (date certified to registry)11 December 1851 (received by registry)
Property at High Gate (alias Benfieldside), Benfieldside, County Durham
Baptist chapel situate near the High Gate
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 December 1851
Denomination is Particular Baptists
DDR/EA/NCN/2/179   1816
High Hesleden
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/179/1   12 May 1816 (date certified to registry)13 April 1816 (received by registry)
Property at High Hesleden (alias High Hasleton), Monk Hesleden, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Edward Huntrode
DDR/EA/NCN/2/180   1796
High Laws
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/180/1   3 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at High Laws, Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Hepple
DDR/EA/NCN/2/181   1831
Holmside Lane
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/181/1   2 July 1831 (date certified to registry)9 July 1831 (received by registry)
Property at Holmside Lane (alias Holmsidelane), Lanchester, County Durham
Room part of a building in the occupation of Joseph Barker and Anthony Burlington belonging to John Taylor
DDR/EA/NCN/2/182   1788 - 1849
Holy Island
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/182/1   8 June 1788 (date certified to registry)24 June 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Holy Island, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ellener Lewins
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/182/2   25 April 1849 (date certified to registry)28 April 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Holy Island, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by the Primitive Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 April 1849
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/183   1827
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/183/1   18 June 1827 (date certified to registry)18 June 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Hood, Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Robert Stagg
DDR/EA/NCN/2/184   1792 - 18111792 - 1812
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/184/1   9 July 1792 (date certified to registry)13 July 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Horsley, Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house within the estate of Duke of Northumberland and held by trustees
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/184/2   19 November 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Horsley, Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Simpson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/185   1812 - 1823
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/185/1   29 July 1812 (date certified to registry)30 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Side (alias Haughton-le-Side), Denton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John [?]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/185/2   2 December 1823 (date certified to registry)19 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Side, Denton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Kirttley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186   1787 - 1837
1 folder, 13 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/1   14 May 1787 (date certified to registry)19 May 1787 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring (alias Haughton-le-Spring), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Carrick
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/2   10 May 1790 (date certified to registry)14 May 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room in the house occupied by James Lawson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/3   4 February 1791 (date certified to registry)5 February 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by George Carr
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/4   29 May 1792 (date certified to registry)11 June 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by Thomas Carr
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/5   27 March 1807 (date certified to registry)1 April 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room of a house belonging to John Garthwaite Junior
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/6   9 December 1807 (date certified to registry)9 December 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room of a house belonging to John Finlater
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/7   16 September 1808 (date certified to registry)17 September 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/8   14 December 1813 (date certified to registry)17 December 1813 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to John Hewitt and lately occupied by Matthew May
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/9   25 March 1817 (date certified to registry)1 April 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to George Bee
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/10   1 August 1818 (date certified to registry)15 August 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Newbottle Road, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jonathan Elstob situate in Newbottle Road
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/11   24 May 1824 (date certified to registry)26 May 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/12   28 May 1825 (date certified to registry)28 May 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/186/13   29 August 1837 (date certified to registry)29 August 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by James Suddock Watson and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/187   1844
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/187/1   9 November 1844 (date certified to registry)13 November 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Howdon, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Chapel held in trust by Joseph Salkeld, Andrew Elliott and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/188   1790 - 1835
Howdon Pans
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/188/1   3 October 1790 (date certified to registry)6 October 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Howdon Pans (alias Howden Pans), Wallsend, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/188/2   10 July 1823 (date certified to registry)11 July 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Brunton's Hill, Howdon Pans, Wallsend, Northumberland
Meeting house on Brunton's Hill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/188/3   July 1835 (date certified to registry)25 July 1835 (received by registry)
Property at Howdon Pans (alias Howden Pans), Wallsend, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/189   1822 - 1838
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/189/1   3 November 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Hunwick, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Schoolroom; document endorsed 'Hunwick'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/189/2   5 May 1838 (date certified to registry)5 May 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Hunwick, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/190   1826 - 18271786 - 1826
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/190/1   30 October 1786 (received by registry)
Property at Hurworth-on-Tees (alias Hurworth upon Tees), Hurworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Turner
DDR/EA/NCN/2/190/2   26 July 1826 (date certified to registry)5 August 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Hurworth-on-Tees (alias Hurworth upon Tees), Hurworth, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to John G[r]unson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/190/3   24 September 1827 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hurworth-on-Tees (alias Hurworth upon Tees), Hurworth, County Durham
New meeting house at the west end of Hurworth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/191   1792 - 1811
Hylton Ferry
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/191/1   30 April 1792 (date certified to registry)1 May 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Hylton Ferry, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/191/2   12 December 1811 (date certified to registry)10 January 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Hylton Ferry, Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/192   1826
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/192/1   9 May 1826 (date certified to registry)
Property at Ingoe, Stamfordham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Henry Brown
DDR/EA/NCN/2/193   1822
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/193/1   2 December 1822 (date certified to registry)10 December 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Ireshopeburn, St John's Chapel in Weardale, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/194   1824 - 1838
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/194/1   5 May 1824 (date certified to registry)7 May 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Iveston, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Reed
DDR/EA/NCN/2/194/2   16 July 1838 (date certified to registry)19 July 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Iveston, Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 July 1838
DDR/EA/NCN/2/195   1822
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/195/1   26 September 1822 (date certified to registry)27 September 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Jarrow, County Durham
Meeting house near the Comical Corner
DDR/EA/NCN/2/196   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/196/1   25 January 1812 (date certified to registry)29 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Jeffrey-Rake, Hunstanworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/197   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/197/1   28 October 1825 (date certified to registry)
Property at Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Peacock
DDR/EA/NCN/2/198   1814
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/198/1   16 July 1814 (date certified to registry)16 July 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Kelloe, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Hutchinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/199   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/199/1   1 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Kenton, Gosforth St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Rutherford
DDR/EA/NCN/2/200   1850
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/200/1   28 November 1850 (date certified to registry)30 November 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Killingworth (alias Killingworth Colliery, Westmoor), Longbenton, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 November 1850
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/201   1815
Killingworth Colliery
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/201/1   4 November 1815 (date certified to registry)8 December 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Killingworth Colliery, Longbenton, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/202   1832
Kiln Pit Hill
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/202/1   3 November 1832 (date certified to registry)
Property at [Tyne] House, Kiln Pit Hill (alias Kilpit Hill), Shotley, Northumberland
Room of a house occupied by John Swinburn known as [Tyne] House
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 November 1832
DDR/EA/NCN/2/202/2   3 November 1832 (date certified to registry)
Property at Kiln Pit Hill (alias Kilpit Hill), Shotley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Henry Wilkinson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 November 1832
DDR/EA/NCN/2/203   1788
Kip Hill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/203/1   29 July 1788 (date certified to registry)1 October 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Kip Hill (alias Kiphill), Tanfield, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/204   1732
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/204/1   2 March 1732 (date certified to registry)3 March 1732 (received by registry)
Property at Kirkley (alias Kirklays), Ponteland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Michael Crookdyke belonging to Sir Chalomer Ogle and Mrs Sarah [R]ames
Document takes the form of a memorandum issued to George Bolam, to obtain a certificate of registration on behalf of the possessor and trustees.
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 March 1732
DDR/EA/NCN/2/205   1822 - 1845
Kirk Merrington
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/205/1   10 November 1822 (date certified to registry)18 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Kirk Merrington (alias Merrington), Merrington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Sedgewick
DDR/EA/NCN/2/205/2   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Kirk Merrington (alias Merrington), Merrington, County Durham
Wesleyan chapel belonging to a society of Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 March 1845
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/206   1807
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/206/1   1 May 1807 (date certified to registry)14 July 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/207   1807
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/207/1   11 May 1807 (date certified to registry)14 July 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Knarsdale (alias Knersdale), County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/208   1808 - 1831
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/208/1   3 June 1808 (date certified to registry)11 June 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Lanchester, County Durham
Room in the house occupied by Charles Henderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/208/2   31 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Headley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/208/3   5 November 1831 (date certified to registry)10 November 1831 (received by registry)
Property at Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/209   1852
Langley Mills
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/209/1   19 February 1852 (date certified to registry)20 February 1852 (received by registry)
Property at Langley Mills, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland
Property described as 'Wesleyan chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 February 1852
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/210   1846 - 1847
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/210/1   25 March 1846 (date certified to registry)8 April 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Leadgate, Lanchester, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to the Derwent Iron Company
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 8 April 1846
DDR/EA/NCN/2/210/2   21 September 1847 (date certified to registry)23 September 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Leadgate, Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/211   1811 - 1823
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/211/1   8 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Lemington (alias Lemmington), Newburn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Peter Black
DDR/EA/NCN/2/211/2   25 October 1822 (date certified to registry)
Property at Tow Hill, Lemington, Newburn, Northumberland
Property described as 'room'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/211/3   25 October 1822 (date certified to registry)
Property at Tow Hill, Lemington, Newburn, Northumberland
Property described as 'room'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/211/4   10 July 1823 (date certified to registry)11 July 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Tow Hill, Lemington, Newburn, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on Tow Hill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/212   1792
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/212/1   11 July 1792 (date certified to registry)16 July 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Lesbury, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Robert Gardner
DDR/EA/NCN/2/213   1817 - 18261817
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/213/1   8 May 1817 (date certified to registry)17 June 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Longbenton (alias Benton), Northumberland
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/213/2   8 May 1817 (date certified to registry)17 June 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Longbenton (alias Benton), Northumberland
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/213/3   25 October 1826 (date certified to registry)
Property at Waggoners Row, Longbenton, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Foster situate in Waggoners Row
DDR/EA/NCN/2/214   1767
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/214/1   28 June 1767 (date certified to registry)
Property at Longframlington, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Redhead
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215   1769 - 1833
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215/1   30 August 1769 (date certified to registry)2 September 1769 (received by registry)
Property at Longnewton (alias Long Newton), County Durham
Meeting house [in the north …] belonging to William Flintoff; endorsed Longnewton
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215/2   9 January 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Longnewton (alias Long Newton), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Pearson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215/3   18 May 1815 (date certified to registry)12 June 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Longnewton (alias Long Newton), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Isaac Dowson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215/4   18 July 1817 (date certified to registry)30 July 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Longnewton (alias Long Newton), County Durham
Room in house occupied by Thomas Cole
DDR/EA/NCN/2/215/5   3 October 1833 (date certified to registry)12 October 1833 (received by registry)
Property at Longnewton (alias Long Newton), County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Cole
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 October 1833
DDR/EA/NCN/2/216   1824
Low Flatts
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/216/1   18 February 1824 (date certified to registry)15 March 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Low Flatts (alias Law Flats), Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/217   1808 - 1841
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/217/1   5 November 1808 (date certified to registry)10 November 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Lowick, Northumberland
Property described as 'schoolroom'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/217/2   22 November 1841 (date certified to registry)26 November 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Lowick, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Robert Lisle
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 November 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/218   1825
Lowsdon Hill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/218/1   21 October 1825 (date certified to registry)30 October 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Lowsdon Hill (alias Loosing Hill), Lamesley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Little
DDR/EA/NCN/2/219   1837
Low Southwick
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/219/1   23 November 1837 (date certified to registry)27 November 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Low Southwick (alias Southwick Low), Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Chapel belonging to the Primitive Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 November 1837
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/220   1825 - 1828
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/220/1   26 January 1825 (date certified to registry)5 February 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Lumley, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Clarke
DDR/EA/NCN/2/220/2   25 January 1828 (date certified to registry)25 January 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Lumley, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Wilkinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/221   1812 - 1836
Lynesack and Softley
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/221/1   16 January 1812 (date certified to registry)18 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Loop, Lynesack and Softley (alias Lynesack and Softly), Hamsterley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Hodgson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/221/2   19 May 1817 (date certified to registry)2 June 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Lynesack and Softley, Hamsterley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Edward Hodgson
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/221/3   13 September 1836 (date certified to registry)1 October 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Lynesack and Softley, Hamsterley, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 1 October 1836
DDR/EA/NCN/2/222   1849
Marley Hill Colliery
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/222/1   11 January 1849 (date certified to registry)13 January 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Marley Hill Colliery, Whickham, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist Schoolroom'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 13 January 1849
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/223   1824
Mason Dinnington
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/223/1   9 January 1824 (date certified to registry)12 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Mason Dinnington (alias Masondinnington), Ponteland, Northumberland
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Denomination is Presbyterian of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/224   1812 - 1850
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/224/1   26 August 1812 (date certified to registry)31 August 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Matfen, Stamfordham, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/224/2   15 March 1850 (date certified to registry)19 March 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Matfen, Northumberland
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/225   1799 - 1828
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/225/1   30 July 1799 (date certified to registry)2 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Medomsley (alias Meddomsley), Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/225/2   10 August 1799 (date certified to registry)14 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Medomsley (alias Meddomsley), Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/225/3   28 January 1828 (date certified to registry)2 February 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Medomsley, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting room occupied by Laybourn Wilson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 2 February 1828
DDR/EA/NCN/2/226   1796
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/226/1   2 May 1796 (date certified to registry)6 May 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Meldon, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Edward Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/227   1843 - 1844
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/227/1   15 May 1843 (date certified to registry)25 May 1843 (received by registry)
Property at Mickley, Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Philipson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 May 1843
DDR/EA/NCN/2/227/2   22 February 1844 (date certified to registry)26 February 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Mickley, Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Nicholson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 February 1844
DDR/EA/NCN/2/228   1823 - 1848
Middle Rainton
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/228/1   12 April 1823 (date certified to registry)18 April 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Middle Rainton (alias Rainton Middle), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Schoolroom part of a house occupied by Robert Lawson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/228/2   9 December 1830 (date certified to registry)
Property at Middle Rainton (alias Rainton Middle), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Parkin
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 10 December 1830
DDR/EA/NCN/2/228/3   5 February 1848 (date certified to registry)5 February 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Middle Rainton (alias Rainton Middle), West Rainton, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by John Gordon Black, John Watson, Emmerson Muschamp and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 5 February 1848
DDR/EA/NCN/2/229   1790
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/229/1   2 October 1790 (date certified to registry)23 October 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Middlestone (alias Middleston), Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Farrow
DDR/EA/NCN/2/230   1813
Middleton (Hartburn parish, Northumberland)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/230/1   18 September 1813 (date certified to registry)28 September 1813 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton, Hartburn, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to William Coull
DDR/EA/NCN/2/231   1842
Middleton (Stranton parish, County Durham)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/231/1   24 March 1842 (date certified to registry)31 March 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton, Stranton, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to John Hunter, John Knaggs, Robert Swales and others as trustees
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 31 March 1842
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232   1796 - 18481796 - 1849
Middleton in Teesdale
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/1   15 May 1796 (date certified to registry)7 June 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Todd situate on the north side of Middleton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/2   3 July 1809 (date certified to registry)29 July 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/3   12 August 1824 (date certified to registry)12 August 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ann Bainbridge
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/4   18 March 1826 (date certified to registry)18 May 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Chapel and premises held in trust by Thomas Watson, Ralph Nattrass and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/5   April 1826 (date certified to registry)May 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by Thomas Watson, Ralph Nattrass and others
The certificate requesting regististration is written out in duplicate.
DDR/EA/NCN/2/232/6   15 December 1848 (date certified to registry)11 January 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by John Bell, John Hardy, William Collinson and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 11 January 1849
DDR/EA/NCN/2/233   1803 - 1822
Middleton One Row
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/233/1   10 September 1803 (date certified to registry)12 September 1803 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton One Row, Middleton St George, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Wade
DDR/EA/NCN/2/233/2   19 September 1822 (date certified to registry)26 September 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Middleton One Row, Middleton St George, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Richard Nightingale
DDR/EA/NCN/2/234   1812 - 1828
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/234/1   20 June 1812 (date certified to registry)7 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Middridge, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Robson and John Gibbons
DDR/EA/NCN/2/234/2   17 April 1828 (date certified to registry)17 April 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Middridge, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Thomas Burton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/235   1816
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/235/1   13 June 1816 (date certified to registry)15 June 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Mitford, Northumberland
Schoolroom occupied by Robert Bolam
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/236   1819
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/236/1   31 May 1819 (date certified to registry)24 June 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Monkton, Jarrow, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by Thomas Hutchinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237   1827 - 1851
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237/1   13 July 1827 (date certified to registry)13 July 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
Denomination is Scotch church
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237/2   8 November 1833 (date certified to registry)8 November 1833 (received by registry)
Property at North Bridge Street, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Room of the Monkwearmouth Hotel situate in North Bridge Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237/3   5 April 1837 (date certified to registry)6 April 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Dundas Street, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Chapel situate in Dundas Street
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 6 April 1837
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237/4   9 October 1846 (date certified to registry)12 October 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Baptist chapel belonging to Joseph Graham
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 October 1846
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/237/5   21 August 1851 (date certified to registry)21 August 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by John Taylor, George Booth, John Addison, Joseph Bartley, John Shadforth and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 August 1851
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238   1769 - 18281795 - 1828
Monkwearmouth Shore
1 folder, 8 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/1   4 April 1769 (date certified to registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
New meeting house with an east boundary of the common road, upon the north by a new house the property of John Wright and upon the south and west by a garden the property of Edward Watson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/2   24 April 1795 (date certified to registry)30 May 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house known as the Masons Lodge
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/3   10 March 1798 (date certified to registry)17 March 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house built of stone situate near Wear Street
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/4   12 August 1805 (date certified to registry)13 August 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Ballast Hill, Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house situate on Ballast Hill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/5   20 December 1810 (date certified to registry)28 December 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Property described as 'Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/6   22 September 1825 (date certified to registry)26 September 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Wilson
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/7   4 May 1827 (date certified to registry)
Property at Hamilton Street, Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Chapel situate in Hamilton Street
Denomination is United Secession Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/238/8   18 July 1828 (date certified to registry)19 July 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Hedworth Street, Monkwearmouth Shore, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Chris Laws and [Henry Hesman] situate in Hedworth Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/239   18211827
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/239/1   21 April 1821 (date certified to registry)21 April 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Moorsley (alias Moorsly), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by Thomas Dryden
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240   1783 - 1829
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/1   7 August 1783 (date certified to registry)11 August 1783 (received by registry)
Property at Morpeth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in the north end of Morpeth
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/2   10 June 1789 (date certified to registry)12 June 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Manchester Row, Morpeth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Manchester Row
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/3   13 October 1797 (date certified to registry)18 December 1797 (received by registry)
Property at Lumsdens Lane, Morpeth, Northumberland
Schoolroom situate in Lumsdens Lane
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/4   12 February 1804 (date certified to registry)23 February 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Thorney-Ford Farm, Morpeth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate at Thorney-Ford Farm
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/5   26 November 1806 (date certified to registry)27 November 1806 (received by registry)
Property at Newgate Street, Morpeth, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/240/6   23 November 1829 (date certified to registry)27 November 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Morpeth, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 November 1829
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/241   1788
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/241/1   9 July 1788 (date certified to registry)18 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Muggleswick, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Readshaw
DDR/EA/NCN/2/242   1818
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/242/1   9 February 1818 (date certified to registry)28 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Neasham (alias Nesham), Hurworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Stamper
DDR/EA/NCN/2/243   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/243/1   4 February 1825 (date certified to registry)26 February 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Nenthead, Alston, Cumberland
Chapel held by Thomas Armstrong
DDR/EA/NCN/2/244   1796
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/244/1   26 June 1796 (date certified to registry)29 June 1796 (received by registry)
Property at Netherwitton (alias Netherweighton), Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Wilkinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/245   1817 - 1844
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/245/1   20 September 1817 (date certified to registry)26 September 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Newbiggen-by-the-Sea (alias Newbiggen near the sea), Woodhorn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Twizell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/245/2   27 May 1836 (date certified to registry)28 May 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Newbiggen-by-the-Sea (alias Newbiggen), Woodhorn, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to Thomas Wilkinson, Bolton Stafford, Thomas Riavely and John Wilson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/245/3   17 July 1844 (date certified to registry)19 July 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Newbiggen-by-the-Sea, Woodhorn, Northumberland
Property described as 'Wesleyan Chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 July 1844
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of the certificate Richard Taberaham was a Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/246   1799 - 1810
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/246/1   16 August 1799 (date certified to registry)2 September 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Newbottle, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Hurrell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/246/2   3 July 1810 (date certified to registry)10 July 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Newbottle, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Room in house occupied by Cuthbert Whitfield and others as tenants
DDR/EA/NCN/2/247   1811 - 1851
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/247/1   5 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Newburn, Northumberland
Room occupied by Mary Maughan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/247/2   8 September 1813 (date certified to registry)
Property at Newburn, Northumberland
Meeting house known as a granary in the occupation of George Hall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/247/3   12 December 1832 (date certified to registry)23 January 1833 (received by registry)
Property at Newburn, Northumberland
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist Chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/247/4   26 March 1851 (date certified to registry)29 July 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Newburn, Northumberland
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 29 July 1851
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248   1770 - 18371787 - 1837
Newcastle upon Tyne
1 folder, 13 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/1   n.d. [pre-1780] (date certified to registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Meeting house situate between the Steel Mens' Hospital and Sally Port Gate
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/2   31 January 1787 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Blades known as the Old Custom-house
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/3   25 June 1790 (date certified to registry)29 June 1790 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/4   28 October 1808 (date certified to registry)31 October 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Meeting house known as Surgeons' Hall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/5   25 August 1810 (date certified to registry)27 August 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Meeting house situate near the Wall-Knoll, belonging to and occasionally occupied by a company of ship-wrights
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/6   7 January 1813 (date certified to registry)9 January 1813 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room in the Scotch Arms yard opposite the [new] gate
Denomination is Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/7   14 December 1816 (date certified to registry)14 December 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Turks Head Inn, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room known as the Long room in the Turks Head Inn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/8   13 October 1817 (date certified to registry)14 October 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Low Friar Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room in the Smiths' Hall situate on Low Friar Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/9   26 May 1820 (date certified to registry)26 May 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Low Friar Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room situate in Low Friar Square on Low Friar Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/10   2 February 1822 (date certified to registry)7 February 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Pudding Chase, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room situate in Pudding Chase
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/11   7 February 1823 (date certified to registry)8 February 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Percy Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
New Jerusalem Temple situate in Percy Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/12   18 February 1828 (date certified to registry)19 February 1828 (received by registry)
Property at New Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Room situate on New Road
DDR/EA/NCN/2/248/13   3 August 1837 (date certified to registry)3 August 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
Chapel situate in Marlborough Crescent in Westgate
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 August 1837
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249   1778 - 1842
Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints
1 folder, 10 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/1   10 August 1778 (date certified to registry)13 August 1778 (received by registry)
Property at Wallnowls, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house at Wallnowls
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/2   5 September 1789 (date certified to registry)12 October 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Pandon Causey, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on Pandon Causey
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/3   3 November 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Frances Eden
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/4   30 November 1798 (date certified to registry)3 December 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Silver Street, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on Silver Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/5   11 March 1799 (date certified to registry)19 March 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Manor Chare, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Manor Chare
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/6   10 September 1813 (date certified to registry)
Property at New Road, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on the New Road
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/7   13 September 1828 (date certified to registry)13 September 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Masons' Meeting house, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house known as Masons' Meeting house
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/8   10 December 1832 (date certified to registry)21 March 1833 (received by registry)
Property at Silver Street, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Chapel situate on Silver Street
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/9   24 April 1842 (date certified to registry)21 April 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Saint Peter's Quay, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Saint Peter's Quay
DDR/EA/NCN/2/249/10   1 August 1842 (date certified to registry)2 August 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Kirtley Villas, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Meeting house known as the Caledonian Church situate near to Kirtley Villas
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 2 August 1842
Denomination is Presbyterian Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250   1791 - 1841
Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew
1 folder, 9 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/1   29 December 1791 (date certified to registry)31 December 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house known as the Orphan House situate on Northumberland Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/2   17 October 1811 (date certified to registry)19 October 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Peter Charlton situate in Forsters Yard on Pilgrim Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/3   23 May 1823 (date certified to registry)24 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house currently used as a schoolroom occupied by Reverend R. Smith situate in Pilgrim Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/4   December 1823 (date certified to registry)18 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Carliol Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Carliol Street
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate of
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/5   NB to check if really 1820 (date certified to registry)
Property at High Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in High Bridge Street belonging to the incorporated company of cordwainers and occupied by George Brumwell and John Scott
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/6   1 August 1829 (date certified to registry)1 August 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Blackett Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Addition to the Silver Street chapel and known as St James' chapel situate on Blackett Street
Denomination is Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/7   15 December 1837 (date certified to registry)16 December 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Carliol Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 16 December 1837
Denomination is Presbyterians of the Secession church
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/8   25 October 1838 (date certified to registry)1 November 1838 (received by registry)
Property at Nelson Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Chapel situate in Nelson Street and held in trust by Joseph Salkield and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 1 November 1838
DDR/EA/NCN/2/250/9   11 February 1841 (date certified to registry)11 July 1841 (received by registry)
Property at High Friar Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland
Room occupied by Victoria Proud situate in High Friar Street
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 11 July 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251   1777 - 1851
Newcastle upon Tyne St John
1 folder, 8 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/1   12 November 1777 (date certified to registry)13 November 1777 (received by registry)
Property at Postern Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Postern Street
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/2   29 September 1797 (date certified to registry)12 October 1797 (received by registry)
Property at Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on Newgate Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/3   5 December 1798 (date certified to registry)20 December 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Polstern Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Polstern Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/4   5 August 1816 (date certified to registry)7 August 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Postern Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Isaac Downing situate on Postern Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/5   9 October 1816 (date certified to registry)11 October 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to the incorporated company of house carpenters
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/6   22 September 1819 (date certified to registry)2 October 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in New Court, Westgate Street
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/7   12 October 1820 (date certified to registry)14 October 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Cuthbert situate in Clavering Place
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/251/8   1 July 1851 (date certified to registry)7 July 1851 (received by registry)
Property at West Clayton Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in West Clayton Street
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252   1797 - 1828
Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas
1 folder, 9 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/1   21 May 1797 (date certified to registry)23 May 1797 (received by registry)
Property at Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on the west side of Dean Street belonging to John Robertson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/2   23 April 1802 (date certified to registry)27 April 1802 (received by registry)
Property at The Close, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house situate at The Close
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/3   15 May 1811 (date certified to registry)17 May 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Castle Yard (alias Castle Garth), Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Castle Yard [or Castle Garth]
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/4   17 September 1812 (date certified to registry)19 September 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Castle Garth
Denomination is Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/5   31 January 1818 (date certified to registry)9 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Close Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Edward Hammond belonging to C. Stobhart
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/6   8 May 1822 (date certified to registry)10 May 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Blackett Street, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Meeting house erected in 1821-1822 on the north side of Blackett Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/7   19 September 1822 (date certified to registry)23 September 1822 (received by registry)
Property at St Nicholas' churchyard, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Schoolroom situate in St Nicholas' churchyard occupied by Richard Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/8   May 1824 (date certified to registry)13 May 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Dog Coup Stairs, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Room situate in Dog Coup Stairs
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/252/9   17 March 1828 (date certified to registry)18 March 1828 (received by registry)
Property at St Nicholas' churchyard, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland
Room situate on the east side of St Nicholas' churchyard occupied by Robert Martin
DDR/EA/NCN/2/253   1817
New Greenwich
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/253/1   10 February 1817 (date certified to registry)11 February 1817 (received by registry)
Property at New Greenwich (alias Greenwich New), Bishopwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Ingham
DDR/EA/NCN/2/254   1818
New Lambton
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/254/1   28 December 1818 (date certified to registry)28 December 1818 (received by registry)
Property at D.Pit Row, New Lambton (alias Lambton New), Penshaw, County Durham
Meeting house situate in D.Pit Row occupied by Ralph Anderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/255   1826 - 1841
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/255/1   24 November 1826 (date certified to registry)25 November 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Newlands, Whittonstall, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Henry Wilkinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/255/2   31 May 1841 (date certified to registry)2 June 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Newlands, Whittonstall, Northumberland
Meeting house held in trust by John Hunter, John Lowes, William Hunter and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 2 June 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/256   1819 - 18271819 - 1828
New Penshaw
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/256/1   21 February 1819 (date certified to registry)11 March 1819 (received by registry)
Property at New Penshaw (alias Penshaw New), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Cowey belonging to John George Lambton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/256/2   27 December 1827 (date certified to registry)25 April 1828 (received by registry)
Property at New Penshaw (alias Penshaw New, New Painsher in Old Painsher, Painsher New in Old Painsher) in Old Penshaw, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by Thomas Cowey belonging to John George Lambton
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/257   1836 - 1845
New Shildon
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/257/1   10 March 1836 (date certified to registry)19 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at New Shildon (alias Shildon New), Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/257/2   30 March 1839 (date certified to registry)30 March 1839 (received by registry)
Property at New Shildon (alias Shildon New), Shildon, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 March 1839
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/257/3   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at New Shildon (alias Shildon New), Shildon, County Durham
Wesleyan chapel belonging to society of Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 March 1845
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/258   18081809
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/258/1   2 December 1808 (date certified to registry)11 January 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Newstead, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Embleton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/259   1812 - 1825
New Washington
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/259/1   10 January 1812 (date certified to registry)9 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at New Washington (alias Washington New), Washington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jonathan Wilkinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/259/2   10 September 1825 (date certified to registry)11 September 1825 (received by registry)
Property at New Washington (alias Washington New), Washington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Horn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/260   1812
New York in Murton Township
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/260/1   20 February 1812 (date certified to registry)12 March 1812 (received by registry)
Property at New York in Murton Township, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Portious
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/261   1839 - 1848
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/261/1   5 February 1839 (date certified to registry)4 February 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Norham, North Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 4 February 1839
DDR/EA/NCN/2/261/2   30 October 1848 (date certified to registry)3 November 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Norham, Northumberland
Meeting house known as The English Presbyterian Church of Norham
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 November 1848
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/262   1775
North Seaton
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/262/1   29 March 1775 (date certified to registry)
Property at North Seaton (alias Seaton North, Northseaton), Woodhorn, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Coal
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263   1733 - 18201787 - 1821
North Shields
1 folder, 9 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/1   1733 (date certified to registry)
Property at North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/2   6 September 1769 (date certified to registry)
Property at North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house erected on land belonging to Frances Taylor and John Noble, situate on the west side of the Assembly room and on the south side of the Ropery and on the north side of the street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/3   8 February 1787 (date certified to registry)12 February 1787 (received by registry)
Property at Milburne Place, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Milburne Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/4   1 August 1810 (date certified to registry)3 August 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Milburne Place, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Chape situate at Milburne Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/5   12 November 1811 (date certified to registry)16 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Howard Street, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate in Howard Street
Denomination is Church of Scotland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/6   17 July 1812 (date certified to registry)21 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Norfolk Street, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Chapel situate in Norfolk Street held in trust by [James] Millar
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/7   19 September 1816 (date certified to registry)20 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Low Street, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Room occupied by Joseph Renny known as the Long Room of the Star and Garter Inn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/8   7 December 1819 (date certified to registry)8 December 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Bolton's Long Room, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting room known as Bolton's Long Room
DDR/EA/NCN/2/263/9   19 December 1820 (date certified to registry)3 April 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Low Street, North Shields (alias Shields North), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate at Shepherds' Quay, Low Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264   1792 - 1841
North Sunderland
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264/1   3 May 1792 (date certified to registry)15 May 1792 (received by registry)
Property at North Sunderland (alias Sunderland North), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Swan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264/2   26 August 1803 (date certified to registry)29 August 1803 (received by registry)
Property at North Sunderland (alias Sunderland North), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to John Anderson situate at the west end of North Sunderland
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264/3   9 July 1810 (date certified to registry)11 July 1810 (received by registry)
Property at North Sunderland (alias Sunderland North), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264/4   19 December 1840 (date certified to registry)
Property at North Sunderland (alias Sunderland North), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Room in schoolroom occupied by William Cock
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 December 1840
Denomination is United Associate Secession Church
DDR/EA/NCN/2/264/5   15 May 1841 (date certified to registry)19 May 1841 (received by registry)
Property at North Sunderland (alias Sunderland North, Sunderland), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Meeting house bounded by land belonging to Henry Anderson on the south-west, north-west and west and bounded by the public road on the south-east and east and belonging to Henry Anderson
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 May 1841
Denomination is United Associate Secession Church
DDR/EA/NCN/2/265   1820 - 1825
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/265/1   21 October 1820 (date certified to registry)6 November 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Norton, County Durham
Room in the house occupied by George Edgar
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/265/2   27 August 1825 (date certified to registry)27 August 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Norton, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by William Kirner the younger
DDR/EA/NCN/2/266   1791
Ouston Stables
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/266/1   19 March 1791 (date certified to registry)22 March 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Ouston Stables, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Greenwell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/267   1799 - 1816
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/267/1   28 July 1799 (date certified to registry)29 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Ovingham, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/267/2   19 September 1816 (date certified to registry)30 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Ovingham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Robert Ethe[z]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/268   1791 - 18111791 - 1812
Paradise in Benwell Lordship
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/268/1   29 December 1791 (date certified to registry)31 December 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Paradise, Benwell Lordship, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Jeffersons
DDR/EA/NCN/2/268/2   9 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Paradise, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Schoolroom occupied by Margaret Ramsey
DDR/EA/NCN/2/269   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/269/1   12 November 1825 (date certified to registry)24 November 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Park, Alston, Cumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Collingson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/270   1851
Park in Bellister Township
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/270/1   18 March 1851 (date certified to registry)21 August 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Park in Bellister Township, Haltwhistle, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/271   1791
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/271/1   19 March 1791 (date certified to registry)22 March 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Pelton, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Haslop
DDR/EA/NCN/2/272   1794
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/272/1   7 October 1794 (date certified to registry)22 October 1794 (received by registry)
Property at Pepey, Bywell St Peter, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Anthony Wailes
DDR/EA/NCN/2/273   1802
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/273/1   27 March 1802 (date certified to registry)26 April 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Philadelphia, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/274   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/274/1   23 May 1812 (date certified to registry)27 May 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Piercebridge (alias Piersbridge), Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Gibson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/275   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/275/1   29 February 1812 (date certified to registry)11 March 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Pithill, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/276   1791 - 1830
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/276/1   2 April 1791 (date certified to registry)4 April 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Pittington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Rutter
DDR/EA/NCN/2/276/2   14 August 1814 (date certified to registry)6 August 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Pittington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Christopher Parkin
DDR/EA/NCN/2/276/3   4 September 1830 (date certified to registry)4 September 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Pittington, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by William Robson and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/277   1814 - 1842
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/277/1   10 July 1814 (date certified to registry)29 July 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Ponteland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Lumsden
DDR/EA/NCN/2/277/2   10 April 1816 (date certified to registry)27 April 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Ponteland, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to [Proctor] Shotton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/277/3   6 February 1824 (date certified to registry)7 February 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Ponteland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Henry Stobart
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/277/4   22 June 1842 (date certified to registry)30 June 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Ponteland, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/278   1842
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/278/1   24 November 1842 (date certified to registry)6 December 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Quatrebras (alias Quatre Bras), Hexham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Scott
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 6 December 1842
DDR/EA/NCN/2/279   1825
Rainton Pit Lane
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/279/1   27 January 1825 (date certified to registry)29 January 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Rainton Pit Lane, Pittington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Michael Turnbull
DDR/EA/NCN/2/280   1850
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/280/1   23 October 1850 (date certified to registry)1 November 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Ramshaw, Hunstanworth, County Durham
Large upper room of a house in Ramshaw
DDR/EA/NCN/2/281   1814 - 1837
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/281/1   6 July 1814 (date certified to registry)19 July 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Redworth, Heighington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Parkin
DDR/EA/NCN/2/281/2   5 October 1837 (date certified to registry)17 October 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Redworth, Heighington, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist Chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 17 October 1837
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/282   1788
Riding Mill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/282/1   22 August 1788 (date certified to registry)25 August 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Riding Mill, Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Ridley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/283   1839
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/283/1   6 April 1839 (date certified to registry)10 April 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Rookhope, Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 10 April 1839
DDR/EA/NCN/2/284   1824
Rope Castle
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/284/1   15 October 1824 (date certified to registry)16 November 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Rope Castle, Hunstanworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285   1786 - 1841
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/1   17 July 1786 (date certified to registry)19 July 1786 (received by registry)
Property at Rothbury, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/2   12 March 1804 (date certified to registry)5 April 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Rothbury, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/3   Original date of 9th July 1803 crossed out (date certified to registry)23 May 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Rothbury, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Graham
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 2 June 1806
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/4   9 April 1827 (date certified to registry)20 April 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Market Place, Rothbury, Northumberland
Room situate in Market Place occupied by George Wilkinson
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/5   26 August 1839 (date certified to registry)31 August 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Rothbury, Northumberland
Schoolroom occfupied by John Fettis
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 31 August 1839
DDR/EA/NCN/2/285/6   21 September 1841 (date certified to registry)27 September 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Rothbury, Northumberland
Room occupied by John Cummings
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 September 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/286   1826
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/286/1   2 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Roughside (alias Ruffside), Edmundbyers, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Mary Whitfield
DDR/EA/NCN/2/287   1779 - 1820
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/287/1   6 August 1779 (date certified to registry)14 August 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Dain
DDR/EA/NCN/2/287/2   14 February 1818 (date certified to registry)19 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Newton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/287/3   19 October 1820 (date certified to registry)6 November 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Newton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/288   1816
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/288/1   6 January 1816 (date certified to registry)20 January 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Sadberge, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Pearson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/289   1792
Saint Anthony's
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/289/1   18 November 1792 (date certified to registry)21 November 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Saint Anthony's, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/290   1845
Saint Lawrence
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/290/1   8 January 1845 (date certified to registry)8 January 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Saint Lawrence, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland
Property described as 'centenary chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/291   1814 - 1845
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/291/1   29 July 1814 (date certified to registry)30 July 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Satley, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Herron
DDR/EA/NCN/2/291/2   25 August 1845 (date certified to registry)26 July 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Satley, Lanchester, County Durham
Room occupied by Jonathan Green
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 25 July 1845
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Richard Tabraham, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/292   1811 - 1823
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/292/1   9 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Paper Mill, Scotswood (alias Scotch Wood), Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland
Meeting house known as the Paper Mill belonging to Messrs Grace and company
DDR/EA/NCN/2/292/2   16 October 1823 (date certified to registry)NB to query dates (received by registry)
Property at Fawdon Staith, Scotswood (alias Scotchwood), Newburn, Northumberland
Meeting house situate at Fawdon Staith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/293   1848
Seaham Harbour
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/293/1   5 February 1848 (date certified to registry)5 February 1848 (received by registry)
Property at Seaham Harbour, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by John Royal, John Marshall, Robert Stamp, William Johnson, Joseph Stephenson and Joseph Stamp
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 5 February 1848
DDR/EA/NCN/2/294   1792 - 1816
Seaton (Seaham parish)
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/294/1   24 April 1792 (date certified to registry)27 April 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Seaton, Seaham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Heap
DDR/EA/NCN/2/294/2   25 April 1816 (date certified to registry)27 April 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Seaton, Seaham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Hutchinson
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/295   1823
Seaton (Stranton parish)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/295/1   10 June 1823 (date certified to registry)23 June 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Seaton, Stranton, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by Elizabeth Ganlbraith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/296   1852
Seaton Delavel
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/296/1   20 May 1852 (date certified to registry)21 May 1852 (received by registry)
Property at Seaton Delavel, Earsdon, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to a society of Methodists
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297   1773 - 1830
1 folder, 10 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/1   2 May 1773 (date certified to registry)4 June 1773 (received by registry)
Property at Morton Blue House, Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house known as Morton Blue House
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/2   21 July 1783 (date certified to registry)19 August 1783 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ralph Woodhouse
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/3   19 June 1794 (date certified to registry)7 July 1794 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Hutchinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/4   27 July 1799 (date certified to registry)29 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Newton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/5   10 June 1809 (date certified to registry)17 June 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Turnbull
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/6   27 August 1812 (date certified to registry)29 August 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/7   22 June 1818 (date certified to registry)27 June 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William J[u]kell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/8   8 May 1823 (date certified to registry)28 May 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Corner
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/9   4 December 1827 (date certified to registry)24 December 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by R. Walker
2ff. (including item 29/6) 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/297/10   11 September 1830 (date certified to registry)14 September 1830 (received by registry)
Property at Sedgefield, County Durham
Room in the house of William Clark
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 15 September 1830
DDR/EA/NCN/2/298   1833 - 18441844
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/298/1   17 June 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Shadforth, Pittington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 June 1833
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/298/2   19 July 1844 (date certified to registry)19 July 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Shadforth, Pittington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Isaac [Decison], Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/299   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/299/1   7 December 1811 (date certified to registry)21 December 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Sheraton, Monk Hesleden, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Midforth
DDR/EA/NCN/2/300   1825 - 1844
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/300/1   14 January 1825 (date certified to registry)20 January 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Sherburn, Pittington, County Durham
Room occupied by Ann Forest
DDR/EA/NCN/2/300/2   19 July 1844 (date certified to registry)19 July 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Sherburn, Pittington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 July 1844
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Isaac Decison, Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/301   1835 - 1849
Shildon (County Durham)
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/301/1   12 October 1835 (date certified to registry)20 October 1835 (received by registry)
Property at Shildon, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 October 1835
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/301/2   10 March 1836 (date certified to registry)19 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Shildon, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/301/3   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Chapel Row, Shildon, County Durham
Chapel situate at Chapel Row belonging to a society of Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 March 1845
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/301/4   19 April 1849 (date certified to registry)19 April 1849 (received by registry)
Property at Shildon, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist Association Chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 19 April 1849
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/302   1825 - 1826
Shildon (Northumberland)
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/302/1   23 June 1825 (date certified to registry)13 July 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Shildon, Blanchland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Forster
DDR/EA/NCN/2/302/2   2 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Shildon, Blanchland, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Edward Are
DDR/EA/NCN/2/303   1816
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/303/1   5 January 1816 (date certified to registry)10 January 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Shincliffe, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Watson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304   1799 - 1840
Shiney Row
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304/1   12 August 1799 (date certified to registry)14 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Shiney Row, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304/2   4 September 1805 (date certified to registry)9 September 1805 (received by registry)
Property at Shiney Row, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304/3   2 February 1824 (date certified to registry)7 February 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Shiney Row, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ann Spenc[ley]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304/4   10 July 1840 (date certified to registry)13 July 1840 (received by registry)
Property at Shiney Row, Penshaw, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist Association
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/304/5   10 July 1840 (date certified to registry)13 July 1840 (received by registry)
Property at Shiney Row, Penshaw, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist Association
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305   1807 - 1841
Shotley Bridge
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305/1   14 September 1807 (date certified to registry)15 September 1807 (received by registry)
Property at Shotley Bridge, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Nicholson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305/2   31 July 1808 (date certified to registry)4 August 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Shotley Bridge, Lanchester, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Oley senior
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305/3   20 May 1825 (date certified to registry)20 May 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Shotley Bridge, Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305/4   15 December 1827 (date certified to registry)15 December 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Shotley Bridge (alias Shotley Bridge in Benfieldside township), Lanchester, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/305/5   16 August 1841 (date certified to registry)16 August 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Shotley Bridge (alias Shotley), Lanchester, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by John Bateman as tenant to John Aumaudale and Sons
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 16 August 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/306   1808
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/306/1   30 July 1808 (date certified to registry)1 August 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Shotleyfield, Shotley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Edward Mabbutt
DDR/EA/NCN/2/307   1802 - 1816
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/307/1   3 May 1802 (date certified to registry)10 May 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Shotton, Easington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Wood
DDR/EA/NCN/2/307/2   10 October 1804 (date certified to registry)22 October 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Shotton, Easington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John [Tronholm]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/307/3   12 January 1816 (date certified to registry)20 January 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Shotton, Easington, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to Messrs Richardson and Wilson occupied by Joseph Dixon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/308   1851
Shotton Colliery
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/308/1   22 March 1851 (date certified to registry)22 March 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Shotton Colliery, Easington, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 March 1851
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/309   1847
Sinderhope Burn Foot
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/309/1   22 March 1847 (date certified to registry)26 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Sinderhope Burn Foot (alias Synderhope Burn Foot), Alnham, Northumberland
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 March 1847
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/310   1788 - 18331788 - 1814
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/310/1   27 June 1788 (date certified to registry)28 June 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Slaley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by James Roddom
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/310/2   12 June 1789 (date certified to registry)17 June 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Slaley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Bell
DDR/EA/NCN/2/310/3   4 April 1814 (date certified to registry)6 April 1814 (received by registry)
Property at White House, Slaley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Davi[d]son known as White House
DDR/EA/NCN/2/310/4   5 November 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Slaley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Foster
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 8 November 1833
DDR/EA/NCN/2/311   1845
South Church
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/311/1   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at South Church, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/312   1824
South Hylton
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/312/1   22 January 1824 (date certified to registry)26 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at South Hylton (alias Hylton South), Bishopwearmouth St Michael, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Robinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313   1776 - 1844
South Shields
1 folder, 19 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/1   21 May 1776 (date certified to registry)24 May 1776 (received by registry)
Property at The Bank, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house situate on The Bank
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/2   18 February 1784 (date certified to registry)21 February 1784 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to the society of Methodists
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/3   8 September 1785 (date certified to registry)17 September 1785 (received by registry)
Property at Market Place, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house situate in the Market Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/4   17 July 1786 (date certified to registry)10 August 1786 (received by registry)
Property at Mill Dam, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house situate on Rubbish Hills near Mill Dam
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/5   26 December 1789 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house in the west end of South Shields
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/6   5 March 1806 (date certified to registry)7 March 1806 (received by registry)
Property at Pleasant Place, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Brown Cpt situate at Pleasant Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/7   11 October 1808 (date certified to registry)31 October 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Laygate Street, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Laygate Street occupied by John Ramsey
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/8   14 February 1809 (date certified to registry)15 February 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Chapter Row, South Shields, County Durham
Chapel situate at Chapter Row
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/9   1 August 1810 (date certified to registry)3 August 1810 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Property described as 'Ebenezer Chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/10   8 September 1814 (date certified to registry)10 September 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Shadwell Street, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by Christopher Nawn and others situate in Shadwell Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/11   9 February 1820 (date certified to registry)10 February 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Golightly Long Room, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house known as the Golightly Long Room
Covering letter attached
2ff. Originally pinned together 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/12   25 October 1822 (date certified to registry)4 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Fairless Street, South Shields, County Durham
Room situate in Fairless Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/13   25 October 1822 (date certified to registry)4 November 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Fairless Street, South Shields, County Durham
Room situate in Fairless Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/14   11 December 1823 (date certified to registry)3 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Chapel in the glebe in the hold of Joshua Heirs, John Dixon, Edward Nettleship, William S[h]eppard and Ralph Jackson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/15   24 August 1824 (date certified to registry)26 August 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Ferry Street, South Shields, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by Isabella Booth situate in Ferry Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/16   1 February 1825 (date certified to registry)1 February 1825 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house on the new street situated on a north parallel line with King Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/17   30 May 1825 (date certified to registry)3 June 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Walace Street, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house situate on the glebe, built on sites numbered 35 and 36 in Walace Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/18   29 April 1834 (date certified to registry)29 April 1834 (received by registry)
Property at South Shields, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/313/19   28 May 1844 (date certified to registry)28 May 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Wellington Street, South Shields, County Durham
Meeting house with a schoolroom underneath situate in Wellington Street
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 May 1844
DDR/EA/NCN/2/314   1827 - 1851
South Side
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/314/1   17 February 1827 (date certified to registry)19 February 1827 (received by registry)
Property at South Side (alias South Side in Lynesack township), Hamsterley, County Durham
Chapel held by John Patten
DDR/EA/NCN/2/314/2   31 May 1851 (date certified to registry)15 June 1851 (received by registry)
Property at South Side, Hamsterley, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by Thomas Simpson, John Brownbridge, Jonas Jackson and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 15 June 1851
DDR/EA/NCN/2/315   1811 - 1824
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/315/1   10 December 1811 (date certified to registry)12 December 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Southwick, Monkwearmouth St Peter, County Durham
Meeting house lately occupied as a shop
DDR/EA/NCN/2/315/2   7 June 1819 (date certified to registry)11 July 1819 (received by registry)
Property at Southwick, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Young
DDR/EA/NCN/2/315/3   16 January 1824 (date certified to registry)21 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Southwick, Monkwearmouth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Craggs
DDR/EA/NCN/2/316   1802
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/316/1   26 October 1802 (date certified to registry)27 October 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Spittal (alias Spittle), Tynemouth, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317   1810 - 18361811 - 1836
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/1   14 December 1810 (date certified to registry)3 January 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Staindrop, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Edward Oats and occupied by Thomas Bradley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/2   21 December 1810 (date certified to registry)28 December 1810 (received by registry)
Property at Staindrop, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/3   26 October 1814 (date certified to registry)1 November 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Staindrop, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John G Heslop
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/4   7 August 1816 (date certified to registry)9 August 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Market Place, Staindrop, County Durham
Meeting house lately occupied by Richard Hepple situate near the Market Place
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/5   19 October 1829 (date certified to registry)22 September 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Staindrop, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to William Luke Prattman, Samuel Jackson, Thomas Thornton, Richard Hepple and John Deane
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 September 1829
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/317/6   11 March 1836 (date certified to registry)12 March 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Staindrop, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 March 1836
DDR/EA/NCN/2/318   17901791 - 1816
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/318/1   21 December 1790 (date certified to registry)11 January 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Stamfordham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by John Alderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/318/2   2 November 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Stamfordham, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Edward Hunter
DDR/EA/NCN/2/319   1775 - 1823
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/319/1   9 April 1775 (date certified to registry)27 May 1775 (received by registry)
Property at Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house nigh (? Stots/Hole)
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/319/2   24 June 1788 (date certified to registry)28 June 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to James Vickers
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/319/3   15 December 1798 (date certified to registry)19 December 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/319/4   20 February 1823 (date certified to registry)8 March 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Willis belonging to Cuthbert Rippon
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/320   1812 - 1824
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/320/1   12 February 1812 (date certified to registry)19 February 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Stannington, Northumberland
Meeting house near the centre of Stannington
DDR/EA/NCN/2/320/2   16 September 1816 (date certified to registry)16 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Cat Row, Stannington, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by William Kirkup
DDR/EA/NCN/2/320/3   26 May 1824 (date certified to registry)19 June 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Stannington, Northumberland
Meeting house belonging to Joseph Marshall and occupied by Isabella Jorden
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/321   1799
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/321/1   11 August 1799 (date certified to registry)7 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Stillington, Redmarshall, County Durham
Meeting house on the north side of Stillington
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322   1771 - 1836
1 folder, 11 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/1   1 January 1771 (date certified to registry)NB to check that this date refers to receipt (received by registry)
Property at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Watson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/2   22 November 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Blades
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/3   18 March 1799 (date certified to registry)18 April 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Custom House Street, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house situate in the yard of the Green Dragon Inn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/4   11 August 1810 (date certified to registry)11 August 1810 (received by registry)
Property at West Row, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house situate in West Row
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/5   22 March 1813 (date certified to registry)
Property at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/6   19 November 1817 (date certified to registry)20 November 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Masons' Court, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Room known as the Free Masons' Lodge situate in Masons' Court belonging to Matthew Wadeson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/7   1 July 1818 (date certified to registry)2 July 1818 (received by registry)
Property at West Row, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house situate in West Row
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/8   15 July 1822 (date certified to registry)20 July 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Room occupied by William Bulmer
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/9   29 December 1823 (date certified to registry)30 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Chapel Street, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Wesleyan chapel situate in Chapel Street
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/10   30 October 1825 (date certified to registry)1 December 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by William Bulmer, Robert Ingledew, Gordon Black, Ralp Atkinson, William Harrison-Brass and Edward Knight
DDR/EA/NCN/2/322/11   24 December 1836 (date certified to registry)26 December 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Regent Street, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham
Meeting house held by Joseph Wade, Robert Emmitt and Thomas Brown
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 December 1836
DDR/EA/NCN/2/323   1788
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/323/1   30 June 1788 (date certified to registry)1 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Stranton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by the society of Methodists
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/324   1779 - 1824
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/324/1   Thomas Gyll was solicitor general to three bishops of Durham 1733 - 1780 (date certified to registry)9 January 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Summerhouse, Denton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Michael Collen
DDR/EA/NCN/2/324/2   29 July 1812 (date certified to registry)30 July 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Summerhouse, Denton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Eleanor Wright
DDR/EA/NCN/2/324/3   1 December 1824 (date certified to registry)10 December 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Summerhouse, Denton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Francis Taylor
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325   1776 - 18461779 - 1846
1 folder, 17 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/1   1 February 1776 (date certified to registry)
Property at Mallins Rigg, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house standing on the ground belonging to C. Thompson Mallin known as Mallins Rigg
Denomination is Baptist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/2   28 February 1779 (date certified to registry)2 March 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Malings Rigg, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house situate on Malings Rigg
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/3   9 June 1794 (date certified to registry)14 June 1794 (received by registry)
Property at Mill Hill near Church Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to William Fenwick situate on the west side of Mill Hill near Church Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/4   24 November 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Vine Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Agnes Swan situate on the west side of Vine Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/5   1 January 1798 (date certified to registry)11 January 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Silver Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Silver Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/6   2 February 1800 (date certified to registry)24 February 1800 (received by registry)
Property at Burleigh Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house situate at the north end of Burleigh Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/7   17 July 1801 (date certified to registry)24 July 1801 (received by registry)
Property at Malings Rigg, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting room situate on Malings Rigg
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/8   10 May 1811 (date certified to registry)14 May 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Burleigh Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Elizabeth Trewell situate on Burleigh Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/9   3 February 1812 (date certified to registry)10 February 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Vine Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house situate on Vine Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/10   23 December 1823 (date certified to registry)23 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Church Walk, Sunderland (alias Sunderland near the sea), Sunderland Holy Trinity, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by George Pecket
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/11   13 March 1824 (date certified to registry)13 March 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Sunderland, County Durham
Room situated in Sunderland behind the 'friendly [?Tavern East] end of the town'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/12   13 August 1824 (date certified to registry)17 August 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Sunderland, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by Robert Anderson, Henry Herman, James Robinson and William [?]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/13   13 December 1828 (date certified to registry)13 December 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Nesham Sqaure, Sunderland (alias Sunderland near the sea), Sunderland Holy Trinity, County Durham
Room situate in Nesham Square
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/14   31 January 1831 (date certified to registry)31 January 1831 (received by registry)
Property at Church Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house known as the Assembly Room occupied by Jane Weatherell
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 31 January 1831
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/15   23 June 1837 (date certified to registry)24 June 1837 (received by registry)
Property at Spring Garden Lane or Street, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house situate in Spring Garden Lane or Street called Spring Garden Lane or Street chapel
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 June 1837
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/16   21 January 1842 (date certified to registry)22 January 1842 (received by registry)
Property at The Arcade Long Room, Sunderland, County Durham
Meeting house known as The Arcade Long Room in the holding of The General Home Mission
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 22 January 1842
Denomination is General Home Mission
DDR/EA/NCN/2/325/17   3 August 1846 (date certified to registry)4 August 1846 (received by registry)
Property at Malings Rig, Sunderland, County Durham
Chapel situate at No. 4 Malings Rig
DDR/EA/NCN/2/326   1794 - 18261795 - 1826
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/326/1   24 November 1794 (date certified to registry)19 January 1795 (received by registry)
Property at Swalwell, Whickham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robin Bennett
DDR/EA/NCN/2/326/2   6 August 1799 (date certified to registry)4 December 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Swalwell, Whickham, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/326/3   23 January 1826 (date certified to registry)25 January 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Swalwell, Whickham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/327   1847
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/327/1   1 March 1847 (date certified to registry)10 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Swinhope, Allendale, Northumberland
Property described as 'Primitive Methodist Chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 10 March 1847
DDR/EA/NCN/2/328   1791 - 1817
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/328/1   1 April 1791 (date certified to registry)4 April 1791 (received by registry)
Property at Tanfield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Lax
DDR/EA/NCN/2/328/2   13 October 1817 (date certified to registry)29 October 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Tanfield, County Durham
Property described as 'chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/328/3   13 October 1817 (date certified to registry)29 October 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Tanfield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Sarah Kirtley
DDR/EA/NCN/2/329   1833
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/329/1   23 February 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Tantobie, Tanfield, County Durham
Chapel held in trust by William Parker and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 23 February 1833
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Hodgson Gasson, Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/330   1844
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/330/1   28 May 1844 (date certified to registry)28 May 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Templetown (alias Temple Town), Jarrow, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 May 1844
DDR/EA/NCN/2/331   1841
Thornley (Kelloe)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/331/1   4 January 1841 (date certified to registry)18 January 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Thornley, Kelloe, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 25 January 1841
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Thomas Catterick, Wesleyan minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/332   1788
Thornley (Wolsingham)
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/332/1   14 July 1788 (date certified to registry)18 July 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Pybus
DDR/EA/NCN/2/333   1786 - 1799
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/333/1   17 July 1786 (date certified to registry)19 July 1786 (received by registry)
Property at Thropton, Rothbury, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Farguson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/333/2   25 June 1799 (date certified to registry)1 July 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Thropton, Rothbury, Northumberland
Meeting house boundering the premises of Edward Bell on the east, the house of George Common on the west by the Kings Highway on the north and by David Green and the heirs of Edward Bell on the south
DDR/EA/NCN/2/334   1789
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/334/1   14 July 1789 (date certified to registry)27 July 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Tinkelerow, Lamesley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Henry Suterthorn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/335   1845
Toft Hill
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/335/1   24 March 1845 (date certified to registry)27 March 1845 (received by registry)
Property at Toft Hill, Evenwood, County Durham
Wesleyan chapel belonging to the Society of Methodists
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 27 March 1845
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/336   1852
Tow Law
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/336/1   25 March 1852 (date certified to registry)21 May 1852 (received by registry)
Property at Tow Law, Wolsingham, County Durham
Primitive Methodist chapel held in trust by John Beach, John Richardson, John Greener, Matthew Davison, Lancelot Pescod and others
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 May 1852
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/337   1808 - 1839
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/337/1   27 May 1808 (date certified to registry)28 May 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Trimdon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Robert Todd
DDR/EA/NCN/2/337/2   20 January 1812 (date certified to registry)29 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Trimdon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Henderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/337/3   18 December 1823 (date certified to registry)31 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Trimdon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Hardon
DDR/EA/NCN/2/337/4   27 August 1839 (date certified to registry)30 August 1839 (received by registry)
Property at Trimdon, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Snowball
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 August 1839
DDR/EA/NCN/2/338   1847
Trimdon Colliery
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/338/1   17 March 1847 (date certified to registry)17 March 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Trimdon Colliery, Trimdon, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 18 March 1847
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
Instigator of certificate was Samuel Rowe, Wesleyan Minister
DDR/EA/NCN/2/339   1818 - 18471825 - 1847
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/339/1   7 August 1818 (date certified to registry)
Property at Tudhoe, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Peacock
DDR/EA/NCN/2/339/2   22 January 1825 (date certified to registry)22 January 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Tudhoe, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Henry Raine
DDR/EA/NCN/2/339/3   28 December 1847 (date certified to registry)28 December 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Tudhoe, Brancepeth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by George Morgan
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 December 1847
DDR/EA/NCN/2/340   1802 - 18301802
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/340/1   25 October 1802 (date certified to registry)19 November 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Tweedmouth, North Durham
Meeting house in the west end of Tweedmouth
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/340/2   17 December 1830 (date certified to registry)
Property at Tweedmouth, North Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Clough
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 December 1830
DDR/EA/NCN/2/341   1781 - 1818
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/341/1   30 June 1781 (date certified to registry)2 July 1781 (received by registry)
Property at Dockwray Square, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house known as Mr. Gardener's House situate on Dockwray Square
DDR/EA/NCN/2/341/2   30 November 1808 (date certified to registry)13 February 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Howard Street, Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house situate on Howard Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/341/3   14 December 1817 (date certified to registry)19 December 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Tynemouth, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Hudson
Denomination is Unitarian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/341/4   7 February 1818 (date certified to registry)9 February 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Northumberland Square, Tynemouth, Northumberland
St Andrew's Chapel situate on Northumberland Square
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/342   1822
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/342/1   28 October 1822 (date certified to registry)30 October 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Ulgham, Morpeth, Northumberland
Schoolroom occupied by Robert Todd
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/343   1817
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/343/1   2 September 1817 (date certified to registry)2 September 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Urpeth, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Mary Kirkup
DDR/EA/NCN/2/343/2   2 September 1817 (date certified to registry)2 September 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Urpeth, Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Philip Kirkup
DDR/EA/NCN/2/344   1800 - 18221800 - 1806
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/344/1   3 June 1800 (date certified to registry)9 June 1800 (received by registry)
Property at Usworth, Washington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/344/2   7 January 1806 (date certified to registry)17 February 1806 (received by registry)
Property at Usworth (alias Great Usworth, Usworth Great), Washington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/344/3   20 December 1822 (date certified to registry)
Property at Usworth, Washington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/344/4   20 December 1822 (date certified to registry)
Property at Usworth, Washington, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/345   1847
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/345/1   4 October 1847 (date certified to registry)28 October 1847 (received by registry)
Property at Wagtail, Hunstanworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Elliott
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 28 October 1847
DDR/EA/NCN/2/346   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/346/1   3 November 1811 (date certified to registry)24 December 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Walbottle, Newburn, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Henry Milburn
DDR/EA/NCN/2/347   1823
Walker Foundry
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/347/1   9 September 1823 (date certified to registry)10 September 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Walker Foundry (alias Walker Foundery), Wallsend, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Nelson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/348   1816 - 1827
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/348/1   22 July 1816 (date certified to registry)25 July 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Long Room, Wallsend, Northumberland
Meeting house commonly known as The Long Room occupied by Thomas Swan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/348/2   19 September 1816 (date certified to registry)20 September 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Brew House, Wallsend, Northumberland
Meeting house known as the Brew House occupied by Thomas Swan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/348/3   14 April 1824 (date certified to registry)15 April 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Wallsend (alias Walls End), Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/348/4   8 January 1827 (date certified to registry)13 January 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Wallsend (alias Walls End), Northumberland
Room occupied by Mark Hann and Matthew Robson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/349   1824
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/349/1   4 November 1824 (date certified to registry)13 November 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Warenford (alias Warrenford), Bamburgh, Northumberland
Meeting house built in 1824 and belonging to The Duke of Northumberland; bounded on the west by the road to Edinburgh and on the south by the road leading to Bamburgh Castle
DDR/EA/NCN/2/350   1851
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/350/1   3 November 1851 (date certified to registry)5 November 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Warenton, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Property described as 'church'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 5 November 1851
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351   1800 - 1829
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351/1   24 June 1800 (date certified to registry)14 June 1800 (received by registry)
Property at Dial Hill, Warkworth, Northumberland
Upper room in a house occupied by George Coward on the east side of Dial Hill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351/2   6 March 1809 (date certified to registry)15 March 1809 (received by registry)
Property at Warkworth, Northumberland
Upper room in a house occupied by Ephrain Nicholson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351/3   28 June 1815 (date certified to registry)5 July 1815 (received by registry)
Property at Warkworth, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351/4   23 June 1829 (date certified to registry)25 July 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Warkworth, Northumberland
Room of a house belonging to Andrew Marshall and Robert Younger
DDR/EA/NCN/2/351/5   1 December 1829 (date certified to registry)
Property at Warkworth, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 17 December 1829
Denomination is Presbyterians of the United Associate
DDR/EA/NCN/2/352   1817 - 1836
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/352/1   26 April 1817 (date certified to registry)26 April 1817 (received by registry)
Property at Washington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by David Lawrie
DDR/EA/NCN/2/352/2   19 September 1835 (date certified to registry)23 September 1835 (received by registry)
Property at Washington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Jane Best
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 23 September 1835
DDR/EA/NCN/2/352/3   29 November 1836 (date certified to registry)30 November 1836 (received by registry)
Property at Washington, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Vasey and Peter Horn
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 30 November 1836
DDR/EA/NCN/2/353   1827
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/353/1   15 January 1827 (date certified to registry)23 January 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Waterloo Place, Blyth, Horton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Christopher [R]obson situate in Waterloo Place
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/354   1825
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/354/1   15 December 1825 (date certified to registry)24 December 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Wearhead (alias Wear-head), Stanhope, County Durham
Chapel held by John Heatherington
DDR/EA/NCN/2/355   1779 - 1823
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/355/1   20 April 1779 (date certified to registry)29 April 1779 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate, Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Will[imes]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/355/2   19 September 1793 (date certified to registry)23 September 1793 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate, Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'new meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/355/3   15 September 1821 (date certified to registry)3 December 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate (alias West-gate in Weardale), Stanhope, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Scott
Includes covering letter from John Scott, minister of the gospel working for the Home Missionary Society at Westgate, 11 November 1821
DDR/EA/NCN/2/355/4   10 December 1823 (date certified to registry)20 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at Westgate, Stanhope, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/356   1802
West Newham
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/356/1   3 July 1802 (date certified to registry)20 July 1802 (received by registry)
Property at West Newham (alias Newham West), Whalton, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/357   1812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/357/1   25 May 1812 (date certified to registry)2 June 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Westoe, Jarrow, County Durham
Schoolroom belonging to an Association of Mariners and occupied by John Smith
DDR/EA/NCN/2/358   1828
West Pitts
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/358/1   23 July 1828 (date certified to registry)1 August 1828 (received by registry)
Property at West Pitts (alias Pitts West), Hamsterley, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Chapman and Christopher Wilson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/359   1783 - 1823
West Rainton
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/359/1   29 November 1783 (date certified to registry)11 December 1783 (received by registry)
Property at West Rainton (alias Rainton West), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Anderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/359/2   10 December 1803 (date certified to registry)29 December 1803 (received by registry)
Property at West Rainton (alias Rainton West), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'schoolroom'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/359/3   1 February 1823 (date certified to registry)3 February 1823 (received by registry)
Property at West Rainton (alias Rainton West), Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/360   1816
West Thirston
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/360/1   22 November 1816 (date certified to registry)11 December 1816 (received by registry)
Property at West Thirston (alias Thirston West), Felton, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by George Marshall
DDR/EA/NCN/2/361   1788 - 1842
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/361/1   29 August 1788 (date certified to registry)15 September 1788 (received by registry)
Property at Whickham, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/361/2   30 October 1808 (date certified to registry)10 June 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Whickham, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/361/3   27 April 1827 (date certified to registry)27 April 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Whickham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Chambers
DDR/EA/NCN/2/361/4   19 February 1842 (date certified to registry)21 February 1842 (received by registry)
Property at Whickham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Rattray
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 21 February 1842
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362   1792 - 1850
1 folder, 7 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/1   8 May 1792 (date certified to registry)24 May 1792 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/2   10 November 1808 (date certified to registry)19 November 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/3   10 April 1818 (date certified to registry)10 April 1818 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Schoolroom situate at the east end of Whitburn occupied by John Swan
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/4   10 December 1823 (date certified to registry)3 January 1824 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn (Wit[bourn]), County Durham
Room occupied by Francis Anderson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/5   25 June 1829 (date certified to registry)27 June 1829 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Charlton
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/6   5 March 1844 (date certified to registry)20 March 1844 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Peter Allen situate on the north side of Whitburn
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 March 1844
DDR/EA/NCN/2/362/7   29 May 1850 (date certified to registry)6 June 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Whitburn, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 6 June 1850
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/363   18071808
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/363/1   28 December 1807 (date certified to registry)22 January 1808 (received by registry)
Property at Whitehill (alias White Hill), Chester-le-Street, County Durham
Meeting house known as Whitehill
DDR/EA/NCN/2/364   1814
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/364/1   12 April 1814 (date certified to registry)18 April 1814 (received by registry)
Property at Whitfield, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Luke Johnson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/365   18111812
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/365/1   26 December 1811 (date certified to registry)2 January 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Whittington, Corbridge, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by Barbara Brown
DDR/EA/NCN/2/366   1799 - 1841
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/366/1   28 July 1799 (date certified to registry)2 August 1799 (received by registry)
Property at Whittonstall (alias Whittenstall), Bywell St Peter, Northumberland
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/366/2   31 May 1841 (date certified to registry)2 June 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Whittonstall, Bywell St Peter, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by William Ord
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 2 June 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367   1816 - 1841
1 folder, 6 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/1   18 December 1816 (date certified to registry)20 December 1816 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Halton
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/2   17 April 1820 (date certified to registry)18 April 1820 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Harrison
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/3   24 May 1822 (date certified to registry)3 June 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by William Peacock
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/4   23 October 1826 (date certified to registry)10 November 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Whitfield
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/5   20 May 1828 (date certified to registry)23 May 1828 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ferdinand Raine
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/367/6   12 April 1841 (date certified to registry)3 May 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Whorlton, Gainford, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Ferdinand Raine
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/368   1802
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/368/1   26 December 1802 (date certified to registry)30 December 1802 (received by registry)
Property at Windmilhills, Gateshead, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/369   1804 - 1841
Windy Nook
1 folder, 3 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/369/1   22 December 1804 (date certified to registry)24 December 1804 (received by registry)
Property at Windy Nook (alias Windynook), Heworth, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by James Robson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/369/2   29 March 1833 (date certified to registry)
Property at Windy Nook, Heworth, County Durham
Property described as 'Wesleyan Methodist chapel'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 10 April 1833
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/369/3   6 May 1841 (date certified to registry)6 May 1841 (received by registry)
Property at Windy Nook, Heworth, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 6 May 1841
DDR/EA/NCN/2/370   1850
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/370/1   20 April 1850 (date certified to registry)20 April 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Wingate, Kelloe, County Durham
Chapel and premises belonging to Thomas Sutton and Joseph Finley
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 20 April 1850
DDR/EA/NCN/2/371   undated
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/371/1   NB to check register for date (date certified to registry)
Property at Wingates, Longhorsley, Northumberland
Meeting house occupied by James Morrison
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372   1789 - 1852
1 folder, 7 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/1   16 July 1789 (date certified to registry)27 July 1789 (received by registry)
Property at Winlaton, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas [King] Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/2   30 November 1797 (date certified to registry)29 January 1798 (received by registry)
Property at Winlaton, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/3   4 March 1822 (received by registry)
Property at Winlaton, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Mrs Simpson and occupied by Robert Bell as tenant
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/4   5 December 1823 (date certified to registry)5 December 1823 (received by registry)
Property at The Square, Winlaton, Ryton, County Durham
Meeting house belonging to Mrs Simpson and occupied by Robert Bell as tenant situate in The Square
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/5   14 November 1832 (date certified to registry)22 November 1832 (received by registry)
Property at Providence chapel, Winlaton, Ryton, County Durham
Property described as 'Providence chapel'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/6   22 February 1837 (date certified to registry)
Property at Winlaton, County Durham
Chapel held by John Fenwick
DDR/EA/NCN/2/372/7   13 January 1852 (date certified to registry)9 April 1852 (received by registry)
Property at Winlaton, County Durham
Chapel held by James Hurst, James Bunyan, John Dixon, Bartholomew Stokoe and others as trustees
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 9 April 1852
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
Instigator of certificate was John Day Minister of the Primitive Methodist Connexion
DDR/EA/NCN/2/373   1836
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/373/1   14 May 1836 (date certified to registry)
Property at Winston, County Durham
Room of house occupied by James Close as tenant
Denomination is Independent
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374   1811 - 1851
Witton Gilbert
1 folder, 5 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374/1   20 November 1811 (date certified to registry)29 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Witton Gilbert, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by William Robinson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374/2   13 May 1825 (date certified to registry)21 May 1825 (received by registry)
Property at Witton Gilbert, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house converted from a shop
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374/3   22 December 1827 (date certified to registry)27 December 1827 (received by registry)
Property at Witton Gilbert, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house held in trust by Jospeh Barker and others
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374/4   17 June 1851 (date certified to registry)17 June 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Witton Gilbert, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house formerly belonging to Jane Forster
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 17 June 1851
DDR/EA/NCN/2/374/5   13 December 1851 (date certified to registry)13 December 1851 (received by registry)
Property at Witton Gilbert, Durham St Oswald, County Durham
Meeting house formerly occupied by Ralph Walton as tenant
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 13 December 1851
DDR/EA/NCN/2/375   1812 - 1850
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/375/1   12 December 1812 (date certified to registry)19 December 1812 (received by registry)
Property at Witton-le-Wear, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Thomas Pybourn
Denomination is Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/375/2   25 November 1834 (date certified to registry)26 November 1834 (received by registry)
Property at Witton-le-Wear, County Durham
Schoolroom occupied by William Buston
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 26 November 1834
DDR/EA/NCN/2/375/3   8 September 1840 (date certified to registry)12 September 1840 (received by registry)
Property at Witton-le-Wear, County Durham
Ground floor of the schoolroom adjoining the premises of Thomas Jopling
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 12 September 1840
DDR/EA/NCN/2/375/4   30 May 1850 (date certified to registry)1 June 1850 (received by registry)
Property at Witton-le-Wear, County Durham
Chapel and premises held by John Tulip
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 3 June 1850
DDR/EA/NCN/2/376   1778 - 1831
1 folder, 4 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/376/1   19 November 1778 (date certified to registry)24 November 1778 (received by registry)
Property at Wolsingham, County Durham
Property described as 'meeting house'
DDR/EA/NCN/2/376/2   21 November 1821 (date certified to registry)3 December 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Low Street, Wolsingham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Iley situate on Low Street
DDR/EA/NCN/2/376/3   9 December 1826 (date certified to registry)9 December 1826 (received by registry)
Property at Wolsingham, County Durham
Meeting house built by William Thompson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/376/4   27 April 1831 (date certified to registry)30 April 1831 (received by registry)
Property at Main Street, Wolsingham, County Durham
Baptist chapel situate on Main Street
Denomination is Baptist [?]
DDR/EA/NCN/2/377   18011778 - 1801
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/377/1   25 April 1778 (received by registry)
Property at Wolviston (alias Wolveston), Billingham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Richardson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/377/2   12 August 1801 (date certified to registry)25 August 1801 (received by registry)
Property at Wolviston, Billingham, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by Joseph Burton
DDR/EA/NCN/2/378   1811 - 1821
1 folder, 2 pieces 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/378/1   25 November 1811 (date certified to registry)9 December 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Woodland, Cockfield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Watson
DDR/EA/NCN/2/378/2   5 November 1821 (date certified to registry)29 December 1821 (received by registry)
Property at Woodland, Cockfield, County Durham
Meeting house occupied by John Sharp
Denomination is Primitive Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/379   1778
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/379/1   4 March 1778 (date certified to registry)Can't read the date clearly (received by registry)
Property at Tower Bank Meeting house, Wooler, Wooler, Northumberland
Meeting house known as Tower Bank Meeting house
Denomination is Presbyterian
DDR/EA/NCN/2/380   1832
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/380/1   23 October 1832 (date certified to registry)23 October 1832 (received by registry)
Property at Wrekenton (alias Wreckington), Gateshead Fell, County Durham
Room of a house occupied by Joseph Parish
Certificate issued by diocesan registry on 23 October 1832
Denomination is Wesleyan Methodist
DDR/EA/NCN/2/381   1811
1 folder, 1 piece 
DDR/EA/NCN/2/381/1   7 November 1811 (date certified to registry)15 November 1811 (received by registry)
Property at Wylam, Ovingham, Northumberland
Room occupied by John [Feuters] and Richard Nesbitt
Returns of registered meeting houses
DDR/EA/NCN/3   1825-1852
1 bundle   

Diocesan Registry Records
Legal Records
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL
Patents of appointment
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL/1
Extent: 2 boxes
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL/2
Extent: 1 box
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL/3
Extent: 2½ boxes DDR/EJ/CCG/2 : Precedent books, 1580-1615, 1780-1815, 1825-1826, 1859-1874. There are a number of precedent books among the Durham Diocesan Records and related collections elsewhere, all of which are listed in the 'Jurisdiction and courts' section of this guide.

Legal opinions and rulings
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL/4
Extent: 4 boxes
Printed reference works
Reference: DDR/EA/RGL/5
Extent: 2 boxes As these items are listed, they will be found in the library's printed books catalogue.

Compilation of charters
DDR/EA/RGL/6   1663
1 volume (boxed)   
Binding: parchment, damaged and loose (formerly part of a deed, perhaps an exemplification of a common recovery judging from the size and initial decoration)

Copies of royal charters granting property and rights to bishops of Durham, compiled initially at the instance of Bishop Cosin. Loose folio at front (cut to a different size from the rest of the volume) includes a memo from Ralph Trotter (registrar), that he had received the volume by one of Lord Crewe's servants, “in confidence not to reveal names” (presumably of the giver). Trotter adds in 1728 that he is leaving the volume for the sole use of future diocesan registrars.
The volume includes the following:
  • Contents of the red book (“liber ruber”, now Lincoln's Inn Hales MS 114), containing royal charters and episcopal privileges, and described as having been formerly kept in the Durham Chancery, but lately damaged (“negligentissime deperditus”) by servants and officers of Bishop Morton. The contents is a list of charters and events concerning the monks of St Cuthbert and bishops of Durham, from 867 to [1087x1096] (a charter of William II to William [of St Calais]).
  • The bulk of the volume is copies of, or references to, charters, from Egfrid of Northumbria to Elizabeth I. Also includes acts of parliament, judgments etc concering the bishopric, down to temp. James I.
  • Letters patent of Henry VIII and of Philip and Mary concerning the foundation of the Cathedral and the gift of the nomination and collation of the 12 cathedral prebends to bishops of Durham
  • Towards the back is a list of livings, giving patrons and valuations. The list includes members of the new cathedral foundation and also details of chantries, suggesting a date between 1541 and 1547, although (oddly) a list of monastic houses is also included with their valuations (presumably from the Valor Ecclesiasticus).

Formerly referenced as both DDR/vols.XVIII/1 and DDR/EA/SER/1/1
This volume and its history is discussed in J.Raine (ed), Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres... (Surtees Society, No.9, 1839)
, preface p.xvii-xviii, and the Red Book contents is printed as appendix cccxxx. The latter is also discussed by H.H.E.Craster, “The Red Book of Durham”, in The English Historical Review, vol.40 (1925), p.504-532
(offprints held by University and Cathedral libraries).
Drafts/copies of the Red Book are in the Mickleton and Spearman manuscripts, at MSP 10.

Sede Vacante Administration
Reference: DDR/EA/RGS
Extent: 3 boxes
Miscellaneous Business ('MB') Papers
24 boxes   
Yearly bundles of correspondence and drafts from the diocesan registry
The 'Miscellaneous Business' papers are grouped into yearly bundles, each consisting of a series of small folders, one per subject, parish or event (consecration etc) as appropriate. The folders contain notes, drafts of legal documents and in-letters, most of which relate to faculties, consecrations, sequestrations or surrogates, for which there are other classes of documents within the Durham Diocesan Records.
The early bundles are marked 'M.B. papers', and many are accompanied by cover lists. The folders in these bundles are numbered. Papers from the 1920s and 1930s (including those in the 'consecrations' and 'sequestrations' series) are not generally marked 'M.B.' or numbered, and are mainly kept in envelopes, although the style of record keeping and arrangement is otherwise similar. One bundle (covering 1894-1897) is marked 'N.B.' rather than 'M.B.', possibly in error.
Papers in original mini files, grouped into yearly bundles according to the date of the main business of the file (date of consecration or sequestration etc). Papers within the files may cover more than a single year.
Bundles that have survived more or less intact and whose folders are numbered, are sorted into their numerical order. Most of these bundles are accompanied by original sheets listing their contents. Other bundles are sorted into parish or church order as appropriate, with Durham and Northumberland churches kept separate.

General series
DDR/EA/RGM/1   1874-1916, 1883-1884, 1887-1907, 1909-1916
12 boxes   
Papers relating to a wide range of business, mainly concerning individual parishes or churches (faculties, consecrations, sequestrations). From 1912, correspondence relating to faculties is no longer kept with these papers. Up to 1882 (and occasionally for a few years thereafter), papers are held for parishes and chapelries in Northumberland as well as County Durham.
DDR/EA/CHC: Consecrations
DDR/EJ/FAC : Faculties
DDR/EJ/SEQ : Sequestrations
DDR/EJ/SUR : Surrogates

Consecration papers
DDR/EA/RGM/2   1911-1939
6 boxes   
Papers relating solely to consecrations of new buildings or burial grounds etc.
DDR/EA/CHC/2: Consecrations - drafts and preparatory papers, 1850-1920
Until 1820, similar papers are kept in the separate series of draft consecrations.
DDR/EA/CHC/3: Consecration deeds, 1719-1967, 1978. From 1939, the draft consecrations and correspondence is kept with the main series of consecration deeds.

Sequestration papers
DDR/EA/RGM/3   1913-1939
6 boxes   
Papers relating to sequestrations of benefice income (on vacancy or debt/bankruptcy of incumbents)
DDR/EJ/SEQ : Sequestrations

Reference: DDR/EA/RGC
from bishops and chaplains
DDR/EA/RGC/1   1807, 1860-1918, 1926
1 box   
Letters concerning some administrative functions involving the bishop (as arrangements for consecrations etc), affairs concerning the clergy, and other matters. Most are from bishops directly or their domestic chaplains.

from bishops' secretaries
DDR/EA/RGC/2   1879-1888, 1892-1913
2 boxes   
Letters, mainly relating to purely administrative matters

from spiritual chancellors
DDR/EA/RGC/3   1845-1918, 1932-1947
4 boxes   
Letters relate to faculty jurisdiction, marriage licences and surrogates, various disputes and advice on other legal matters.
The letters for 1932-1947 include some copies of letters sent from the registry and other letters relating to the cases considered by the chancellor.

from ecclesiastical commissioners and governors of Queen Anne's Bounty (later church commissioners)
DDR/EA/RGC/4   1837-1915 and 1950-1952
4½ boxes   
1950-1952 letters are notifications of 'listing' of specified churches, under the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act

Miscellaneous general correspondence
DDR/EA/RGC/5   1848, 1853, 1860, 1862-1997
18 boxes and 2 small trays   There are also some undated fragments [19th century]

Very mixed correspondence, including in-letters from the Registrar General and other bodies, which at certain dates are in separate classes with the Durham Diocesan Records. The bulk of the correspondence is with clergy, parishes and diocesan officers.
From 1957, the correspondence files include both in-letters and out-letters. Prior to that, the out-letters are kept in a separate series of files or letter-books (see following classes).

Out-letter books (main series)
DDR/EA/RGC/6   September 1862 to February 1923
26 volumes   
Volume 25 contains a mix of Booth, Lazenby and Minton-Senhouse and Diocesan Registry business.
Formerly accessioned as DDR vols 1975/lxii-lxxxvii

Out-correspondence files
Reference: DDR/EA/RGC/7
Dates of creation: 1928-1950
Extent: 13 small trays
Out-letter books (supplementary series)
3 volumes   
Mainly letters concerning arrangements for administrative work, including ordinations, institutions and other clergy matters. Marked “Bishopric of Durham”
Formerly accessioned as DDR vols 1975/xx-xxii

DDR/EA/RGC/8/1   1938-1939
DDR/EA/RGC/8/2   1939-1941
DDR/EA/RGC/8/3   ca.1941-[?1948]
Registry Administration
Reference: DDR/EA/RGA
Schedules of deposited documents
Reference: DDR/EA/RGA/1
Extent: ½ box
Financial records
Reference: DDR/EA/RGA/2
Extent: 3 boxes and 2 small trays
Registry building and furnishings
Reference: DDR/EA/RGA/3
Extent: 2 boxes
Registry miscellanea
Reference: DDR/EA/RGA/4
Extent: 2 boxes
Registrars' Personal and Professional Papers
Reference: DDR/EA/RGR
Registrars' personal and non-diocesan business papers
Reference: DDR/EA/RGR/1
Extent: 3 boxes
Ecclesiastical Law Association
Reference: DDR/EA/RGR/2
Extent: 2 boxes
Non-Diocesan Records
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN
Charity records and bequests
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/1
Extent: 2 boxes
Durham City Freemen
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/2
Extent: 4 boxes and 1 small tray and 1 wooden box
Durham City Guilds (Mercers)
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/3
Extent: 0.5 box
Durham Court of Chancery
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/4
Extent: 1 embossing machine
Durham Grandstand company
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/5
Extent: 1 embossing machine
Hogg family (Norton)
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/6
Extent: 0.5 box
Lord Crewe's charity
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/7
Extent: 7 boxes
Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) friendly society
Reference: DDR/EA/RGN/8
Extent: 1.5 boxes
Sherburn Hospital
DDR/EA/RGN/9/1   1735-1838
Book of documents concerning Sherburn Hospital
Contains episcopal visitation of 1735, bonds of Masters, schedules of goods, and statutes of 1811.
Formerly cited as DDR/vols.XVIII/3A