Durham Diocesan Records: diocesan administration
Diocesan Administrative structures


Reference code: GB-0033-DDR/DA
Title: Durham Diocesan Records: diocesan administration
Dates of creation: 1886 to present
Extent: 41 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Records from Diocesan Synod (formerly Diocesan Conference), from the boards that report to it, and from other diocesan organisations (plus from a few predecessor organisations, including the Durham Diocesan Fund).

Diocesan Administrative structures

Background essays on the administration of the diocese of Durham generally, and on the classes of records covered within this catalogue, are in the separate guide, Administrative Histories for the Durham Diocesan Records.


Records generated by the Diocesan Conference and its successor, Diocesan Synod, together with those of its major boards and committees. These deal with the everyday administration of diocesan staff, property and initiatives, and are largely serviced by staff based at the Diocesan Office, headed by the Diocesan Secretary (who is secretary to both Diocesan Synod and the Board of Finance).
Excluded are the administrative records generated within the following offices:
Also included within this section are the records of the Board of Education and some other semi-autonomous organisations and societies, which are closely connected with the work of the diocese (and included within its annual report).

Accession details

These records have been deposited by or on behalf of various diocesan officials. Some have come from the Diocesan Registrar (probably in her/his capacity as registrar to Conference/Synod), but most from officers based at the Diocesan Office, notably the Diocesan Secretary (as secretary to Diocesan Synod, the Board of Finance and its various sub-committees), the Director of Education, and the secretary to the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches. Other records have been deposited by the relevant diocesan officers (such as the records of the Durham Lesotho LINK), or in some cases by members or chairpersons of committees concerned. Details are noted within the catalogue.

Previous custodial history

Many of these records (those deposited by the Board of Finance and Board of Education) were until 1995 listed as separate collections, called respectively the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance Records (DDBFR) and the Durham Diocesan Board of Education Records (DDBER). These records were subsumed within the Durham Diocesan Records collection in ca.1995, so that they could be listed and publicised alongside closely related records as part of a four-year cataloguing project.

Conditions of access

Items under 30 years old may only be produced if a reader has obtained permission to see them from the depositor (most often the Durham Diocesan Secretary or her/his representative), except for items in the public domain which are made available with no closure period. Longer closure periods apply for certain classes of documents, e.g. personal files are closed for up to 100 years from the date of the latest item in the file. Details are given within this catalogue: unless otherwise stated, a 30 year closure applies.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Records from the separate boards, committees and societies have been arranged within separate series, using codes for the main boards and committees established by legislation (Church of England measures). Other committees are listed within DDR/DA/COM, and records from societies or other non-statutory organisations closely associated with the diocese are within DDR/DA/ORG. Publications have been brought together under DDR/DA/PUB, and there are a few records relating to the administration of the Diocesan Office itself in DDR/DA/OFF.


Accruals of records from the Diocesan Office are generally only very occasional, with all the most recent material continuing in the custody of the relevant officers (based at Auckland Castle). Deposits are routinely made by the Care of Churches Secretary (of Diocesan Advisory Committee reports under the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955).


National and Provincial bodies
Reference: DDR/DA/NAT
Dates of creation: mid/late 18th century to 1980s
Extent: 1 metre
Convocations of York and Canterbury, the National Assembly (1919-1970) and General Synod (from 1970) of the Church of England
For correspondence and papers from bishops of Durham in relation to Convocations, the National Assembly, General Synod or House of Bishops, see DDR/BP/EXT/1 within the separate catalogue of Bishop's Office records.

York Convocation, elections of proctors
Reference: DDR/DA/NAT/1
Dates of creation: 1760s-1980s (listed to 1970 only) Clergy are represented in the Lower House of York Convocation by proctors. From 1970, the Lower Houses of York and Canterbury Convocations combine to form the House of Clergy within General Synod, but elections remain formally as proctors to Convocation.
Up to 1970, election is formally by show of hands at a nomination meeting, with a poll being held only if demanded at that meeting. From 1919, any poll is conducted using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) method of counting.
For other records of Dean and Chapter appointments from 1640 to 1900, see the Durham Cathedral Archives under DCD/B/LP19.

DDR/DA/NAT/1/1   1761-1769
Original bundle of documents relating to Convocations and appointments of proctors:
/1-2. Appointment of proctors (Samuel Dickens and Robert Lowth) by bishop of Durham to all councils, synods and convocations of clergy except for York Convocation (for which he claims ancient rights to be present in person), but without the power to do anything contrary to his privileges (draft and copy), 25 May 1761
/3. Printed address from Canterbury Convocation to king [George III] on his accession, with his reply, printed by Mark Baskett, 18 November 1761
/4. Citation by archbishop of York and appointment of proctors (Henry Vane and Edward Rudd) by bishop of Durham for York Convocation, 26 March and 7 April 1768
/5. Citation by bishop of Lincoln to his dean, proctors and archdeacons, for Canterbury Convocation, with note of execution, 27 December 1768 and 1 January 1769

DDR/DA/NAT/1/2   July and September 1796
Return of proctors from commissary of bishop's Allertonshire peculiar, with acts of Convocation relating exhibitions by proctor of bishop and of clergy of the peculiar, with protestation (rejected by archbishop's commissioner as “frivolous and trifling and no ways pertinent to the present business”). Proctors, James Wilkinson, Richard Hodgson and James Britton (substitute, and proctor to bishop)
Documents previously listed at DDR/P/ALY/2/1-2 (two acts of Convocation) have been moved into this file.
DDR/DA/NAT/1/3   13 July 1818
Record of election of proctors by clergy in bishop's Allertonshire peculiar. Proctors, John Vere Alston and Thomas Hartland Fowle
DDR/DA/NAT/1/4   7 April 1820
Substitution of proctor for Durham archdeaconry. Proctors, Edward Thurlow and Robert Gray
DDR/DA/NAT/1/5   December 1832 - January 1833
For Durham archdeaconry: citation, return, substitution, exhibition with protestation. Proctors, Edward Davison, James Raine and George Townsend (substitute)
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, George Townsend
For Allertonshire (bishop's peculiar): appointment, substitution, exhibition with protestation. Proctors, Thomas Wilson Morley, Frederick Alexander Sterky and George Townsend (substitute)
For Allertonshire (dean and chapter's peculiar): return (by Commissary). Proctors, George Townsend and Montagu John Wynyard
DDR/DA/NAT/1/6   January-February 1835
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Edward Davison the elder and Edward Davison the younger
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, George Townsend
DDR/DA/NAT/1/7   October-November 1837
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, William Nicholas Darnell and Thomas Linwood Strong
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, George Townsend
For Allertonshire (bishop's peculiar): appointment, substitution, exhibition with protestation. Proctors, Thomas Wilson Morley, William Warrington, George Townsend (substitute)
With appointment of proctor (Charles Thorp) by bishop of Durham for all convocations etc except for York Convocation (for which he claims ancient rights to be present in person), but without the power to do anything contrary to his privileges
DDR/DA/NAT/1/8   July-August 1841
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, William Nicholas Darnell and Thomas Linwood Strong
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Charles Thorp
For Allertonshire: citation (by archbishop of York to keepers of both peculiars), return (by dean and chapter's Commissary), substitution (by proctors for clergy of bishop's peculiar). Proctors (bishop's peculiar), Thomas Wilson Morley, William Warrington, Charles Thorp (substitute). Proctors (dean and chapter's peculiar), Theodosius Burnett Stuart and William John Middleton
DDR/DA/NAT/1/9   September-October 1847
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Charles Thorp
With return to archbishop of York. Proctors for Durham archdeaconry, John Collinson and Charles John Plumer. Proctors for Northumberland archdeaconry, Richard Charles Coxe and John Besly. Proctors for Lindisfarne archdeaconry, Francis Richard Grey and Edward Feilde
DDR/DA/NAT/1/10   July-August 1852
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Linwood Strong and John Davie Eade
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Charles Thorp
With return to archbishop of York and covering letters. Proctors for Northumberland archdeaconry, Richard Charles Coxe and Henry Gipps. Proctors for Lindisfarne archdeaconry, Francis Richard Grey and William Dodd
DDR/DA/NAT/1/11   April 1857
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Linwood Strong and John Davie Eade
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Charles Thorp
DDR/DA/NAT/1/12   [? 1858]
Exhibition of proxy by James Allan Park on behalf of bishop of Durham, with protestation. Undated, temp Charles Thomas Longley (1856-1860), watermarked 1858
DDR/DA/NAT/1/13   May 1859
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Davie Eade and Thomas Hart Dyke
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Charles Thorp
DDR/DA/NAT/1/14   July-August 1865
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Grey and John Patrick Eden
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Saunders Evans (for dean and chapter), John Davie Eade and John Cundill (for Officialty)
With return to archbishop of York (draft and copy). Proctors for Lindisfarne archdeaconry, Francis Richard Grey and William Dodd. Proctors for Northumberland archdeaconry, Christopher Bird and Brereton Edward Dwarris
DDR/DA/NAT/1/15   November-December 1868
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Grey, John Patrick Eden and Henry Baker Tristram
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Saunders Evans (for dean and chapter), John Davie Eade and John Cundill (for Officialty)
With return to archbishop of York (draft and copy). Proctors for Lindisfarne archdeaconry, Francis Richard Grey and Court Granville. Proctors for Northumberland archdeaconry, Brereton Edward Dwarris and John Frederick Bigge
DDR/DA/NAT/1/16   March 1869
For Durham archdeaconry, to serve alongside John Patrick Eden elected proctor in 1868, the other two proctors elected then having received an equality of votes: citation and return. Additional proctor, John Grey. With copy return to archbishop of York
DDR/DA/NAT/1/17   February-March 1874
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Patrick Eden and Henry Baker Tristram
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Thomas Saunders Evans
DDR/DA/NAT/1/18   March-April 1880
Citation from archbishop of York and return from bishop of Durham, with earlier citation deemed defective (for failure to cite clergy of Dean and Chapter Officialty), and instructions from archbishop concerning mode of election of proctors. Proctors for Northumberland archdeaconry, Brereton Edward Dwarris and John Frederick Bigge (other proctors as below)
For Lindisfarne archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Francis Richard Grey and George Henry Ainger
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Henry Baker Tristram and Robert Long. With account of election, including names of other candidates (John Grey and William Maunder Hitchcock, the latter immediately withdrawing from the contest), a protest against election of Tristram (because a member of Chapter), an account of the poll, and objections to votes of six members of the clergy on the basis that their districts did not include consecrated churches.
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Saunders Evans (for dean and chapter), John Cundill and Arthur William Headlam (for Officialty)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/19   March 1883
For Durham archdeaconry, to serve in place of Robert Long elected in 1880 (now archdeacon of Auckland): citation and return. Replacement proctor, John Grey. With draft of bishop's citation, and of return to archbishop of York
DDR/DA/NAT/1/20   December 1885 - January 1886
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, David Richard Falconer and Thomas Espinell Espin
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Grey and Henry Baker Tristram. Return includes account of election, including name of defeated candidate (Johnson Baily) and an account of the poll.
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Thomas Saunders Evans
With draft return to archbishop of York, also draft for above citations
DDR/DA/NAT/1/21   July-August 1886
Relationship between these documents and those from December 1885 is unclear.
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, David Richard Falconer and Thomas Espinell Espin
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Return includes account of election, including names of candidates (John Grey, Henry Baker Tristram and Johnson Baily), a protest against election of Tristram (because not a beneficed clergyman of the archdeaconry), an account of the poll, reading of letter from archbishop (as President of Convocation), and archdeacon's decision to refer decision to archbishop instead of declaring any of the candidates elected.
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Thomas Saunders Evans
With draft return to archbishop of York and drafts of above citations, also of citations to archdeacons of Northumberland and Lindisfarne and of return by bishop of Newcastle (the latter not naming any proctors)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/22   June-July 1889
Citation to Dean and Chapter with their return, also draft of citation and routine letters, concerning election of Henry Baker Tristram as proctor in place of Thomas Saunders Evans (deceased)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/23   July-August 1892
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, David Richard Falconer and Thomas Espinell Espin
For Durham archdeaconry: citation, return and poll book. Proctors: John Grey and Johnson Baily. Return includes account of election, including name of defeated candidate (Henry Elliott Fox) and an account of the poll.
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Henry Baker Tristram
With draft returns to archbishop of York (one for the two archdeaconries, and separate return for dean and chapter)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/24   July-August 1895
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Espinell Espin and David Richard Falconer
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, John Grey and Johnson Baily
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Henry Baker Tristram
With draft returns to archbishop of York (one for the two archdeaconries, and separate return for dean and chapter)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/25   November-December 1895
Citation to Durham archdeaconry with return, also draft of return to archbishop of York and routine letters, concerning election of Henry Edwin Savage as proctor in place of John Grey (deceased)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/26   October-November 1900
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Thomas Espinell Espin and David Richard Falconer
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Johnson Baily and Henry Edwin Savage
For dean and chapter: citation and return. Proctor, Henry Baker Tristram
With correspondence
DDR/DA/NAT/1/27   December 1903 - January 1904
Citation to Auckland archdeaconry with return, also covering letter, concerning appointment of Henry Martin as proctor in place of David Richard Falconer (deceased)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/28   January-February 1906
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Henry Martin and Thomas Espinell Espin
For Durham archdeaconry: citation, return and poll book. Proctors: Johnson Baily and Charles Girdlestone Hopkinson. Return includes account of election, including name of defeated candidate (William Theodore Jupp) and an account of the poll.
For dean and chapter: citation, return and appointment. Proctor, George Body
DDR/DA/NAT/1/29   January-February 1910
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Henry Martin and Thomas Errington Scott. Return includes account of election (on show of hands, without a poll), including names of defeated candidates, Joseph Short and James Alexander Gordon Birch.
For Durham archdeaconry: citation, return and poll book. Proctors: Charles Girdlestone Hopkinson and William Theodore Jupp. Return includes account of election, including names of defeated candidates (Thomas Randell, Reginald Heart Jeld and Harold Ernest Bilbrough) and an account of the poll.
For dean and chapter: citation, return and appointment. Proctor, George Body
DDR/DA/NAT/1/30   December 1910
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors, Henry Martin and Thomas Errington Scott. Return includes account of election (on show of hands, without a poll), including names of defeated candidate, Joseph Short.
For Durham archdeaconry: citation and return. Proctors: Charles Girdlestone Hopkinson and William Theodore Jupp
For dean and chapter: citation, return and appointment. Proctor, George Body
DDR/DA/NAT/1/31   October 1911
Citation to Dean and Chapter and return (with appointment of proctor and letter of receipt) for election of Alfred Robert Tucker as proctor in place of George Body (deceased)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/32   October-November 1914
Citation to Dean and Chapter and return (with appointment of proctor and letter of receipt) for election of John Nathaniel Quirk as proctor in place of Alfred Robert Tucker (deceased)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/33   April 1917
Letters from Archdeacon of Durham's registrar, in relation to election of proctor in place of [William Theodore] Jupp [?deceased], with account of [aborted?] poll between J.T. Brown [apparently elected] and J.B. Stack
DDR/DA/NAT/1/34   November 1918 - January 1919
For Auckland archdeaconry: citation, return and poll book. Proctors, Joseph Short and Francis Peacock. Return includes account of election, including names of defeated candidates (Thomas Errington Scott and William John Knowlden) and an account of the poll.
For Durham archdeaconry: citation, return and poll book. Proctors: John Thomas Brown and Edward Sykes. Return includes account of election, including names of defeated candidates (Ralph Watson, Richard Robert Fenning and Thomas Leech Lomax) and an account of the poll.
For dean and chapter: citation, return and appointment. Proctor, John Nathaniel Quirk
With routine letters
DDR/DA/NAT/1/35   April 1921 and November [1922]
Printed copy of canon concerning representation of clergy in lower house of Convocation of York, 1921, with ballot papers for election of proctors in Durham diocese (Auckland archdeaconry only) and Newcastle diocese, [1922]
DDR/DA/NAT/1/36   November 1923 - January 1924
Correspondence and formal papers for election of proctors as follows:
  • Printed notice of election
  • Nominations for and consents of candidates
  • Lists of clergy
  • Ballot paper (Durham archdeaconry only)
  • Completed results declaration sheet (Durham archdeaconry only)

DDR/DA/NAT/1/37   December 1924
Completed results declaration sheet only (? Auckland archdeaconry), used as draft for 1929 election
DDR/DA/NAT/1/38   June-July 1929
Declarations of results only: two copies of results sheets (figures not identical, one set used as template for 1931 election), plus written declaration
DDR/DA/NAT/1/39   November 1930 - January 1931
Two letters only, one from an elector, and one from Ripon Diocesan Registry concerning fees
DDR/DA/NAT/1/40   October 1931 - January 1932
Correspondence and formal papers for election of proctors as follows:
  • Printed notice of election
  • Nominations for and consents of candidates
  • Ballot papers
  • Completed results declaration sheets

DDR/DA/NAT/1/41   December 1935 - January 1936
Formal papers for election of proctors as follows:
  • Printed notice of election
  • Nominations for and consents of candidates (Auckland archdeaconry only)
  • Ballot papers
  • Completed results declaration sheets

With archbishop's directions for conduct of elections (printed), January 1934
DDR/DA/NAT/1/42   November 1936 - January 1937
Correspondence and formal papers for election of proctors as follows:
  • Printed notices of election (one for each archdeaconry)
  • Nominations for and consents of candidates (with printed election address from A.B. Parry-Evans)
  • List of nominations with note of initial vote (by show of hands) and demand for polls
  • Lists of clergy
  • Ballot papers
  • Declaration of result (for Durham archdeaconry only)

DDR/DA/NAT/1/43   4 April 1949
Letter concerning electoral areas to be used for 1950 election of proctors
DDR/DA/NAT/1/44   6 May 1955
Letter about use of Chapter House for receipt of nominations at election of proctors
DDR/DA/NAT/1/45   [March] 1957
Note of fees in connection with election of proctors
DDR/DA/NAT/1/46   [November] 1959
Return to archbishop of York and notes of fees in connection with election of proctors. Elected: James Peter Hickinbotham, Charles Henry Gordon Hopkins, Kenneth John Meux, Maruice Alfred Shepherd, John Fort Walker and Charles Noel Wardle-Harpur
DDR/DA/NAT/1/47   April 1961
Outline timetable, return to archbishop of York and note of fees in connection with election of Kenneth Bradford as proctor, in place of J.F. Walker
DDR/DA/NAT/1/48   April 1964 - January 1965
Correspondence and formal papers for election of proctors as follows:
  • Nominations for and consents of candidates
  • Ballot papers
  • A single transfer of surplus form (from the STV count)
  • Completed results declaration sheet
  • Copy of bishop's return to archbishop of York

Correspondence also concerns earlier departure from diocese of one of the proctors (K.J. Meux) and decision not to hold a by-election.
DDR/DA/NAT/1/49   November 1965 - January 1966
Correspondence, note of result of poll and return to archbishop of York for election of John Raymond Bullock as proctor, in place of Kenneth Bradford (on his institution to a benefice within Canterbury Province)
DDR/DA/NAT/1/50   March-December 1970
Correspondence and formal papers for election of proctors (and thereby members of the House of Clergy of General Synod), including:
  • Citation by Registrar on behalf of archbishop of York
  • Petition by Durham clergy to conduct proctorial elections using the two archdeaconries as electoral areas
  • Printed notices of election
  • Citations by bishop of Durham to archdeacons
  • Nominations of candidates and candidate statements
  • Lists of clergy
  • Completed results declaration sheets
  • Returns to York for representative of archdeacons and proctors of clergy
  • Correspondence concerning proctors for the universities of Durham and Newcastle (August 1970) and use of nomination meetings for elections (November-December 1970)

General Synod, elections to House of Laity
Reference: DDR/DA/NAT/2
Dates of creation: 1969 - 1980s
Only the file for the first (1970) election is listed here. For the House of Clergy, see files on elections to Convocation at DDR/DA/NAT/1.

DDR/DA/NAT/2/1   November 1969 - March 1972
Correspondence and papers relating to the first elections to the General Synod House of Laity in September 1970, including:
  • Printed circular from Secretary to Church Assembly on method of election, with amending rule and directions by archbishops
  • Printed notice of election
  • Candidates' statements
  • Ballot paper
  • Notes on transfers of surplus votes from the STV count
  • Certificate of election results
  • Notes of fees
  • Note of Diocesan Synod decision to elect on a diocesan (not archidiaconal) basis for both clergy and laity in future elections, March 1972

Original (signed and addressed) voting papers had been retained by the Registry. These were destroyed January 2014 for data protection reasons (and because they had no great historic or research value).
Published items
Reference: DDR/DA/NAT/3
Dates of creation: 1921-present
Miscellaneous printed and published items from the Convocations of York or Canterbury, the National Assembly or General Synod. Pre-1970 material all relates to elections, mainly concerning proportional representation using the Single Transferable Vote method.
These items are all catalogued within the Library's printed catalogue, and can be found by doing a Shelfmark search for DDR/DA/NAT/3.

Diocesan Conference
Reference: DDR/DA/CON
Dates of creation: 1880-1970
Minutes and reports
Reference: DDR/DA/CON/1
Dates of creation: 1880-1970
Extent: 7 volumes For other reports from Conference, see the Durham Diocesan Magazine and Durham Diocesan Gazette among the publications below (DDR/DA/PUB).

DDR/DA/CON/1/1   September 1880
Volume with signatures of attendees at first Diocesan Conference, followed by newspaper reports of the Conference (most as cuttings, one partially in typescript)
DDR/DA/CON/1/2   January 1891 - June 1901
Minutes of meetings of the Committee of Conference, and of annual Business meetings, also of Conference itself for 1893, 1897 and 1899 meetings only. Pasted in are printed lists of members (from 1887), some lists of attendees (with signatures), agenda and notices for Conference and Committee/Business meetings, and some supplementary reports. At the back of the volume is a very sparse index, and list of Conference dates and venues for 1880 to 1899.
Formerly referenced as accession DDBFR/boxes 33-34
DDR/DA/CON/1/3   February 1902 - February 1916
Minutes of the Standing Committee, annual and special Business meeting, and of Conferences held 1902, 1906, 1909, 1911 and 1913. With sparse index at front.
Formerly referenced as accession DDBFR/boxes 33-34
DDR/DA/CON/1/4   May 1916 - July 1925
Minutes of Conference (subject to a new constitution), and of its Committee and Business meetings, briefly indexed at front (signed copies)
Formerly referenced as accession DDBFR/boxes 33-34
DDR/DA/CON/1/5   1916-1938
Minutes of Conference, with index (noted that earliest minutes are unsigned copies, see DDR/DA/CON/1/4)
DDR/DA/CON/1/6   1939-1961
Minutes of Conference, with index
DDR/DA/CON/1/7   1962-1970
Minutes of Conference, with index. Includes loose at front: list of subjects dealt with by visiting speakers, 1916-1967 (2 f.), numbers of clergy and laity attending Conference, 1898-1969 (2 f.)
Returns relating to lay representation
Reference: DDR/DA/CON/2
Dates of creation: 1922
Extent: 1 bundle (13 sheets)
Returns from deaneries relating to electoral rolls of Parochial Church Councils and lay representation on Diocesan Conference, showing names of representatives and PCC secretaries for each parish, alongside statistical information on electoral rolls, parochial church meetings and PCCs. With a summary sheet showing statistical information in relation to representational issues for each deanery.
Formerly referenced as accession AUC/1/149

Lay Electoral Commission (Castletown St Margaret)
Reference: DDR/DA/CON/3
Dates of creation: April 1959-January 1961
Extent: 1 box
Correspondence and papers relating to a disputed Annual Meeting and Parochial Church Council (PCC) elections at Castletown in April 1959, which was referred to the Lay Electoral Commission established by Diocesan Conference. Following the Lay Electoral Commission hearing on 12 December 1959, the electoral roll is revised by independent persons from outside the parish (including the rural dean of Houghton-le-Spring, O.N.Gwilliam). An Annual Meeting is held on 28 March 1960, presided over by the archdeacon of Durham (J.O.Cobham). Following this, a poll is held on 6 April 1960 for election of representatives to Diocesan Conference and Ruri-decanal Conference, and of members of the PCC. These elections appear to be won overwhelmingly by 'opponents' of the vicar (P.F.D.Spargo). The disputed elections reflected divisions within the parish in relation to the alleged “Romanist” practices of the vicar, of which the bishop of Durham (Maurice Harland) seems also to have disapproved.
Formerly referenced as DDR/EA/DLE

DDR/DA/CON/3/1   April 1959
Correspondence between archdeacon of Durham and registry, in relation to archdeacon's initial attempts to investigate the disputed 1959 Annual Meeting of the PCC, chiefly by means of a questionnaire sent to key parties in the dispute. File includes initial letters sent to the archdeacon in relation to the meeting (by the vicar and the people's churchwarden) and answers to his questionnaire.
DDR/DA/CON/3/2   15 June 1959
Churchwardens' return to archidiaconal visitation articles in relation to church fabric, furnishings, , ministry and PCC (signed by [the vicar's] churchwarden only)
DDR/DA/CON/3/3   July-August 1959
Letter from bishop in relation to proposed resignation of [people's] churchwarden with response from archdeacon. Archdeacon's statement on the Annual Meeting as submitted to Chancellor (20 pages plus enclosures), with latter's opinion on the conduct of the meeting and PCC elections.
DDR/DA/CON/3/4   4 September - 8 December 1959
Correspondence relating to establishment of and arrangements for Lay Electoral Commission, to meet 12 December 1959, including formal appeals from 'aggrieved persons' relating to the Annual Meeting and PCC election of April 1959.
DDR/DA/CON/3/5   12 December 1959 - 12 January 1960
News cutting (from Sunderland Echo) relating to hearing of Lay Electoral Commission, with correspondence following receipt of its report. The report is not included, but is summarised together with recommendations within correspondence between the Chancellor and Bishop.
DDR/DA/CON/3/6   19 January - 21 March 1960
Correspondence relating to arrangements for revision of electoral roll (by independent persons from outside the parish) and fresh election of PCC, prior to Annual Meeting on 28 March 1960. Also cutting from Daily Herald in relation to prevention by the Bishop of the confirmation of 48 people from Castletown who had been prepared for confirmation by the vicar, 21 March 1960.
DDR/DA/CON/3/7   29 March - 14 April 1960 and 17-18 January 1961
Reports of Annual Meeting from Sunderland Echo and by archdeacon of Durham, with follow-up correspondence and chancellor's opinion (April 1960). Also correspondence with the bishop in relation to continued dispute and attempted resignation by the PCC (January 1961).
DDR/DA/CON/3/8   26 February - 8 March 1960
Notes and drafts in relation to revision of electoral roll. Original signed applications for enrolment had been retained by the Registry, arranged in bundles as they had been received by those in charge of the revision. These applications have been destroyed (July 2012), save where they have been used as a cover sheet for a bundle.
DDR/DA/CON/3/9   28 March - 7 April 1960
Notice of poll, voting papers, counting sheets, notice of result and other papers relating to poll for election of Conference representatives and PCC members. Original voting papers had been retained by the Registry. These voting papers have been destroyed (July 2012), except for a few marked as 'spoilt' and some which were not issued for reasons stated on them.
DDR/DA/CON/3/10   6 April 1960
Final copy of electoral roll as revised (with lists of names removed or not resident, and some corrections for duplicate entries), marked up to indicate receipt of voting papers.
Other papers and files
Reference: DDR/DA/CON/4
Dates of creation: 25 February 1897
Extent: 1 item
Printed agenda for annual meeting, annotated (by bishop?) with names for each item

Diocesan Synod
Reference: DDR/DA/SYN
Dates of creation: 1970-2004
Reference: DDR/DA/SYN/1
Dates of creation: 1970-2004
Extent: 25 volumes and files (shelved with volumes)
Minutes of Synod and of the Bishop's Council and Standing Committee, all indexed

DDR/DA/SYN/1/1   November 1970 - March 1972
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/2   March 1972 - September 1973
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/3   October 1973 - January 1975
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/4   February 1975 - October 1977
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/5   October 1977 - February 1981
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/6   April 1981 - December 1982
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/7   February 1983 - October 1985
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/8   November 1985 - October 1987
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/9   November 1987 - December 1989
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/10   January 1990 - September 1991
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/11   November 1991 - September 1992
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/12   October 1992 - October 1993
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/13   November 1993 - June 1994
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/14   September 1994 - July 1995
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/15   September 1995 - May 1996
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/16   July 1996 - May 1997
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/17   July 1997 - May 1998
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/18   July 1998 - July 1999
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/19   September 1999 - March 2000
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/20   March - December 2000
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/21   January - December 2001
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes (December 2001 meeting is Bishop's Council and Standing Committee)
DDR/DA/SYN/1/22   November 2001 - May 2002
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes (November 2001 meeting is Synod)
DDR/DA/SYN/1/23   May 2002 - March 2003
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes
DDR/DA/SYN/1/24   May 2003 - March 2004
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes (March 2004 meeting is Synod)
DDR/DA/SYN/1/25   March 2004 - November 2004
Synod and Bishop's Council minutes (March 2004 meeting is Bishop's Council and Standing Committee
Bishop's Council and Standing Committee
Reference: DDR/DA/BIS
Dates of creation:
A few recent papers deposited by the Bishop's Office, not yet sorted.
Minutes are included within the Diocesan Synod minute books.

Board of Finance
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN
Dates of creation: 1886-2005

DDBFR items are closed for 50 years, subject to permission from Diocesan Secretary or Bishop of Durham. Other items subject to standard 30 year closure.

Minutes of the Board and its predecessor
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/1
Dates of creation: 1886-2005
Extent: 19 volumes and files (shelved with volumes)
Minutes of the Diocesan Fund committee (1886-1916) and Board of Finance (1916-), all indexed. Also include Glebe Committee (or predecessor) from 1980, and Stipends Sub-Committee 1972-1980s. Main series from 1917 (DDR/DA/FIN/1/4-19) is numbered from '1' onwards.

DDR/DA/FIN/1/1   December 1886 - April 1907
Diocesan Fund Committee minutes, with separate index. At back, list of members, and minutes of Executive Committee, 1891-1907. Inside front and back covers (and 3 loose items), news cuttings reporting meetings, also from Guardian re celebrations in memory of Bishop Lightfoot (26 October 1892), and from same with report of Court of Appeal on income tax liability of QVCF grants for augmentation of benefices (16 July 1902)
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 7
DDR/DA/FIN/1/2   June 1907 - October 1916
Diocesan Fund Committee minutes (to June 1916), and Board of Finance minutes (October 1916). Includes some Executive Committee minutes
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 7
DDR/DA/FIN/1/3   January 1917 - October 1922
Board of Finance minutes (signed copies to July 1922). Includes confirmation of resolutions from meetings held in 1916.
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 32
DDR/DA/FIN/1/4   January 1917 - July 1933
Board of Finance minutes (unsigned copies to July 1922)
DDR/DA/FIN/1/5   February 1934 - July 1944
Board of Finance minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/6   October 1944 - March 1960
Board of Finance minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/7   October 1960 - May 1969
Board of Finance minutes, with Standing Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/8   October 1969 - March 1977
Board of Finance minutes, with Stipends Sub-Committee minutes from 1972
DDR/DA/FIN/1/9   March 1977 - September 1981
Board of Finance minutes, with minutes of Stipends Sub-Committee and (from 1980) Glebe Advisory Committee
DDR/DA/FIN/1/10   October 1981 - October 1985
Board of Finance minutes, with Stipends Sub-Committee and Glebe Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/11   March 1986 - October 1990
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/12   February 1991 - March 1994
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/13   June 1994 - March 1997
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/14   June 1997 - March 1999
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Advisory Committee (later Glebe Committee) minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/15   March 1999 - March 2000
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/16   June 2000 - March 2001
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/17   June 2001 - June 2002
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/18   September 2002 - November 2003
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Committee and Executive Committee minutes
DDR/DA/FIN/1/19   November 2003 - March 2005
Board of Finance minutes, with Glebe Committee and Executive Committee minutes
Minutes of sub-committees
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/2
Dates of creation: 1919-1962
Extent: 2 volumes
Minutes of Board of Finance committees as noted within catalogue

DDR/DA/FIN/2/1   1919-1922
Board of Finance, minutes of a few sub-committee meetings as follows (drafts, most scored through, some parts in shorthand):
  • High Sheriff's Appeal Committee
  • Northern Organisation Sub-Committee of Central Board of Finance, at Leeds
  • Committee ... of the Durham Diocesan Gazette and Fixture Card, and ... the Diocesan Calendar
  • Central Fund meeting (Northern Province), at Leeds
  • Committee ... to examine Scheme B (on cooperation with the Central Board of Finance)
  • Committee upon Diocesan Quota
  • Endowment Committee

Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 35
DDR/DA/FIN/2/2   1960-1962
Board of Finance Ad Hoc committee minutes. Notes relate to finance, administration, clergy numbers and pastoral reorganisation (specifically to possible 'group' ministries). File includes notes from separate deanery meetings, together with general notes, minutes and summaries
The Ad Hoc committee was established to survey the needs of the diocese
Governance records
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/3
Dates of creation: 1923-1968
Extent: 3 volumes and 1 box
Records relating to directors and to constitutional matters

DDR/DA/FIN/3/1   1923-1946
Register of directors of the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, submitted annually to the Registrar of Companies
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/3/2   1930-1949
Annual returns of the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, submitted annually to the Registrar of Companies (chiefly duplicating the information on directors within DDR/DA/FIN/3/1)
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/3/3   1947-1968
Particulars of directors of the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, submitted annually to the Registrar of Companies
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/3/4   1923-1931
Correspondence with Company Registration Agents concerning annual returns and register of directors
1 folder 
DDR/DA/FIN/3/5-11   1965-1966
Files relating to revision of memorandum and articles of association for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, with copy of 1923 articles. Originally stored within a single folder (now within DDR/DA/FIN/3/5): previous sub-groups of papers now form separate files
7 folders 
Property records
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/4
Dates of creation: 1923-1948
In addition to the registers listed here, a number of deeds and property files, mainly in relation to churches or parish halls, are deposited within accession Misc.2014/15:14. Most include late 20th/early 21st century material which is not yet available for readers. A draft list of this accession for search room use (in parish number order) is available with prior notice.

DDR/DA/FIN/4/1   1923-1936
Register of deeds (Enrolment Book) with index for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/4/2   1931-1938
Register of deeds (Enrolment Book) with index for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/4/3   1938-1948
Register of deeds (Enrolment Book) with index for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance. With note at front referring to retention of original deeds in strong room at Diocesan Office in place of enrolment)
1 volume 
Finance (general)
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/5
Dates of creation: 1917-1972
Extent: 1 metre
Financial records, see also following class DDR/DA/FIN/6 for items relating to specific funds and diocesan publications

DDR/DA/FIN/5/1   1917-1936
Register of subsciptions to the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, arranged A-Z by initial of subscribers' surnames
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/2   1934-1947
Register of subsciptions to the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (described as for the 'Administration (Capital) A/C'), arranged A-Z by initial of subscribers' surnames. Includes entries for parishes and some other sources of income
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/3   1917-1935
Register of grants for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance. As well as grants to separate boards and funds, the register is also used to record grants to inidividual clergy (Clergy Relief Fund 1919-1924, Clerical Incomes Augmentation Fund 1925-1935).
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/4   1917-1921
Cash book (day book recording receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/5   1921-1923
Cash book (day book recording receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/6   1923-1958
Cash book for payments for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/7   1958-1971
Cash book for payments for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (second half of volume blank). Includes loose at front of volume: payments made for expenses attending sessions of the Church Assembly, 1920-1970 (2 items), expenses for Convocation and Church Assembly expenses 1967 (1 item)
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/8   1923-1932
Cash book for receipts for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/9   1932-1948
Cash book for receipts for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/10   1948-1972
Cash book for receipts for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/11   1923-1932
Ledger for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (indexed)
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/12   1933-1934
Ledger for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (indexed)
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/13   1935-1941
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/14   1941-1946
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, with list of balances for each fund at back. Loose at front of volume: separate Journal pages 1941-1947, register of stocks and bonds 1943-1947
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/15   1947-1951
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance, with list of balances as at 31 December 1951 for each fund at back
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/16   1952-1956
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/17   1956-1960
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/18   1960-1963
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/19   1963-1965
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/20   1965-1969
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/21   1969-1971
Trusts cash book (receipts and payments) for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance (second half of volume blank)
1 volume 
DDR/DA/FIN/5/22   1955-1969
Petty cash analysis day book for the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance
1 volume 
Finance (specific funds)
Reference: DDR/DA/FIN/6
Dates of creation:
Not yet listed, but the following records of the Board of Finance (and its predecessor, the Durham Diocesan Fund) can be located at the accession references stated.
Quotas from and grants to parishes, 1917-1976 (6 volumes and 1 file, DDBFR/boxes 20, 26, 19, 35, 29 and Misc.2014/15:14)
Account books for the Bishop's Letter (1959-1971), Bishoprick (1952-1972) and Diocesan Directory (1967-1971), 5 volumes (DDBFR/boxes 3, 26)
Accounts and related records for “Bishop of Durham's Appeal” [for ministry training and new church building/extension], 1944-1954 and undated (1 file, DDBFR/box 31; 1 volume listing businesses to whom appeal letters were to be sent, AUC/1/63)

Dilapidations/Parsonages Board
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL
Dates of creation: 1924-2005

Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/1
Dates of creation: 1924-2005
Extent: 36 volumes and files (shelved with volumes)
Minutes of the Dilapidations Board, from 1974 Parsonages Committee, later Houses Committee, all indexed
Pre-1964 minutes are predominantly of the Dilapidations Committee of the Board, the latter meeting only for very occasional formal business, such as appointment of the Diocesan Surveyor. From 1982, minutes of meetings of the Parsonages Executive are included with the Committee minutes.

DDR/DA/DIL/1/1   September 1924 - September 1930
Dilapidations Board and Committee minutes (extensive printed forms and guidance bound in), with index to deaneries and parishes at front
DDR/DA/DIL/1/2   November 1930 - December 1937
Dilapidations Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/3   February 1938 - March 1943
Dilapidations Committee minutes (from October 1939, meeting as Wartime Emergency Committee)
DDR/DA/DIL/1/4   May 1943 - January 1950
Dilapidations Board and Committee minutes (May 1943 meeting as Wartime Emergency Committee)
DDR/DA/DIL/1/5   April 1950 - January 1956
Dilapidations Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/6   May 1956 - April 1959
Dilapidations Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/7   July 1959 - November 1961
Dilapidations Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/8   January 1962 - March 1964
Dilapidations Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/9   May 1964 - September 1966
Dilapidations Board minutes (until July 1964, meeting as Dilapidations Committee)
DDR/DA/DIL/1/10   November 1966 - January 1968
Dilapidations Board minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/11   March 1968 - February 1969
Dilapidations Board minutes (but not of the Executive Committee, which met from ca.February 1968)
DDR/DA/DIL/1/12   March 1969 - March 1971
Dilapidations Board minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/13   April 1971 - June 1972
Dilapidations Board minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/14   July 1972 - September 1973
Dilapidations Board minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/15   September 1973 - November 1974
Parsonages Committee minutes (first few meetings as Dilapidations Board)
DDR/DA/DIL/1/16   December 1974 - May 1976
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/17   June 1976 - September 1977
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/18   October 1977 - March 1979
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/19   April 1979 - October 1980
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/20   November 1980 - December 1981
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/21   January 1982 - April 1983
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/22   April 1983 - October 1984
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/23   November 1984 - March 1986
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/24   April 1986 - March 1988
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/25   May 1988 - November 1989
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/26   January 1990 - May 1991
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/27   July 1991 - January 1993
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/28   February 1993 - June 1994
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/29   July 1994 - September 1995
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/30   October 1995 - January 1997
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/31   February 1997 - March 1988
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/32   April 1998 - April 1999
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/33   May 1999 - July 2000
Parsonages Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/34   September 2000 - December 2001
Parsonages Committee (from July 2001, Houses Committee) minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/35   January 2002 - December 2003
Houses Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DIL/1/36   March 2004 - December 2005
Houses Committee minutes
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/2
Dates of creation: 1924-1987
Extent: 5 volumes
Registers of (quinquennial) inspections under 1923 Dilapidations Measure, recording details of surveyor's reports with assessment costs, dates repairs completed, lists of surveys due etc

DDR/DA/DIL/2/1   1924-1945
Register of surveys with dates and assessment rates, noting date of last certificate under Dilapidations Act 1871 and up to four quinquennial inspections under 1923 Measure. Arranged by deanery and benefice, recording also population, income, incumbent and insurance details for each benefice.
Previously referenced as accession DDBFR/box 21
DDR/DA/DIL/2/2   1924-1980
Register of surveys, from receipt of surveyor's report to certificate [of completion]. Includes also list of certificates under “old act” [Dilapidations Act 1871] and action taken thereon, and accounting figures for the first quinquennial period under the 1923 measure.
DDR/DA/DIL/2/3   1974-1976
Register of surveys showing when reports have been received and processed and estimated costs of repairs and improvements, with some undated receipts and payments lists
DDR/DA/DIL/2/4   1980-1987
Register of surveys as preceding, with additional columns relating to progress and completion of works
DDR/DA/DIL/2/5   1945-1973
Register of surveys with dates and assessment rates, noting up to six quinquennial inspections. Arranged by deanery and benefice (indexed at front).
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/3
Dates of creation: 1970-1973
Extent: 2 files
DDR/DA/DIL/3/1   June 1970 - March 1973
Schedules of repair account balances for benefices, provided by Church Commissioners (with explanatory letter from same, November 1969)
Previously referenced as DDBFR/box 36
DDR/DA/DIL/3/2   April-December 1973
Schedules as above. Also (loose in file) analyses of the dilapidation assessments (showing the component costs for each benefice, and how the assessments are met), 1971-1973
Previously referenced as DDBFR/box 37
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/4
Dates of creation: 20th century
Plans of parsonage houses that are no longer owned by the diocese. These have been numbered using the 'parish numbers' in use by the Diocesan Office (hence many gaps in the numbering), with some miscellaneous or extraneous plans at the end of the series.
Initially referenced on accession as DDBFR/PHplans.

DDR/DA/DIL/4/1   April 1967
Beamish (Stanley)
proposed alterations, scale ⅛":1' and 1:2500 site plan; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/2   February 1980
joinery details, scale 1:20; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/6   10 July 1945
Eighton Banks
proposed conversion into two separate dwellings, scale 8' to 1"; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/8a-b   July 1969
proposed alterations, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans (identical copies) 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/9a-b   November-December 1949
block plan 1:500 and final plans 1":8'; Morton A Mackenzie of Newcastle upon Tyne
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/10a-b   24 October 1951
proposed division into two houses, 1":8' and 1:2500; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans (identical copies) 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/11a-k   October 1973-June 1974
[Great?] Lumley
Proposed new vicarage, all by Barnett Winskell of Newcastle upon Tyne
a) site plan, existing and proposed, 1:200
b) north, east and south elevations plus sections, 1:200
c) site survey plus location plan, 1:2500
d-e) measured plans (identical copies), 1:50
f-g) measured elevations and sections (identical copies), 1:50
h) site survey showing site for possible new vicarage, 1:200
i-j) layout of proposed development (identical copies), 1:200
k) new vicarage, 1:50

11 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/11l-ff   October 1977-January 1979
[Great?] Lumley
Proposed new vicarage, all by Hayton, Lee and Braddock (all are duplicated except first, of which there are three identical copies)
l-n) existing and proposed site plans, 1:200
o-p) proposed ground and first floor plans, 1:50
q-r) proposed elevations, 1:50
s-t) foundation, joist and rafter layouts, 1:50
u-v) sections, 1:50
w-x) details, 1:10
y-z) staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
aa-bb) services layout, 1:50
cc-dd) kitchen and utility layout, 1:20
ee-ff) wardrobe and shelving details, 1:50

21 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/16a   [November 1958]
Proposed new garage, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/16b   July 1967
existing layout, scale 1":8'; Arthur and Kirkup, Gateshead
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/22   January 1961
Improvements to form kitchen, wash-house and fuel store, scale ¼":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/23   February 1971
Proposed extension to existing drive; Hayton and Lee
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/25a-n   June 1960-April 1961
Proposed new parsonage house, except as stated all at scale of ⅛":1' and by Cordingley and McIntyre
a) Location, south and north elevations, ground and first floors
b) Undated plan, marked “not approved”
c-d) Location, south and north elevations, ground and first floors (identical copies)
e) Location, south and north elevations, ground and first floors
f-g) Revised scheme for above details (identical copies)
h-i) Scheme 4 (identical copies)
j-k) Scheme 5 (identical copies)
l) Scheme 6 (no scale or architects stated)
m-n) South and north elevations, ground and first floors (identical copies)

14 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/26a-d   1950-1974
a-b) Proposed division to form two dwellings, scale 1":8', with location plan at 1:2500, 19 June 1950; Cordingley and McIntyre
c) Proposed connection of drainage to main sewer, scale 1:500, 18 September 1952; Cordingley and McIntyre
d) Proposed new vicarage, existing and proposed site plans, scale 1:500, August 1974; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/28   22 September 1956
Durham St Cuthbert
proposed alterations, ⅛":1', Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/29a-c   1958-1973
Durham St Giles
a) Proposed improvements, scheme 2, scale 1":8', December 1958; Cordingley and McIntyre
b) Proposed improvements as above, with block plan, 14 April 1959
c) Proposed new vicarage, sketch plans and elevations, scale ⅛":1', August 1973; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/36a-d   November 1955-June 1956
Proposed improvements, all at scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/36e-g   October-November 1970
Proposed passage way and cloakroom/toilet alterations and partial central heating, scales ⅛":1' (e-f) and ½":1' (g); Hayton and Lee
3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/38a-e   1959-1976
Waterhouses (and Esh Winning)
a-b) Proposed improvements, scale ⅛":1', 7 July 1959; Cordingley and McIntyre
c-d) Proposed central heating system (identical copies), scale ⅛", November 1970; Hayton and Lee
e) Proposed new vicarage for Esh Winning, plans and elevations, scales 1:100 and 1:200, July 1976; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

5 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/40a-b   May 1967, annotated 11 August 1967
Witton Gilbert rectory (sold 20 February 1998)
Proposed central heating scheme, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans, each 37.3 x 64.5 cm 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/42a-b   9 February 1959
Castle Eden
North Eastern Electricity Board estimates and heat loss calculations for proposed new rectory
2 sheets 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/44    April 1973
proposed new vicarage, alternative sketch plans of ground and first floors, scale 1":8'; Hayton and Lee
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/50a-b   June-October 1959
South Hetton
Proposed improvements, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/50c-bb   August 1977-October 1978
South Hetton
Proposed new parsonage house; all duplicated except first two plans; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
c) Plans and elevations, 1:100 and 1:200
d) Existing and proposed plans and sections re internal alterations to church of Holy Trinity, 1:100
e-f) Site plan, no scale
g-h) Services and site works, 1:50
i-j) Ground and first floor plans, 1:50
k-l) Sections, 1:50
m-n) Foundation and first floor joist layout, 1:50
o-p) Site plan, with location plan inset and existing site plan attached, 1:100
q-r) Kitchen and cloakroom layout, 1:20
s-t) Wardrobe and shelving details, 1:20
u-v) Elevations, 1:50
w-x) Staircase details, 1:50 and 1:5
y-z) Proposed details, 1:10
aa-bb) Sectional plan on RC slab over oil store, 1:20

24 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/52   6 September 1961
proposed improvements, scale ⅛":1', with 1:2500 location plan; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/55   September 1987
proposed alterations, plan and elevations, scale 1: 50; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/58a-b   November 1966-January 1967
Proposed alterations, ca. ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/58c   September 1976
Salter's Road, Shotton Colliery
Residential development, for Fabar Construction Ltd, scale 1:500, plus small drawing labelled “Shotton Colliery”; AEB Hill, Morpeth
1 plan (2 sheets) 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/58d-r   September 1978-September 1979
Proposed new vicarage; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
d-e) Sketch plans and elevations, 1:100 and 1:500 (2 copies)
f) Services layout, 1:50
g-h) Ground and first floor plans, 1:50 (2 copies)
i) Elevations, 1:50
j) Sections, 1:50
k-l) Site plan, 1:200
m) Foundation, joist and rafter layouts, 1:50
n) Kitchen and utility layout, 1:20
o) Staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
p) Details, 1:10
q) Wardrobe and shelving details, 1:20
r) Manhole details, 1:20

15 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/59a-b   31 March 1952 and February 1973
a) Proposed alterations, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre, 1952
b) Proposed new vicarage, 1":8' and 1:2500; Hayton and Lee, 1973

2 plans 
Wheatley Hill
elevation and floor plan, no scale (undated)
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/66   21 March 1948
Felling Christ Church
Proposed strengthening of south east gable, 1":4'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/67a-d   31 January 1956 and January 1966
Gateshead St Mary (347 Durham Road, Low Fell)
All by Cordingley and McIntyre:
a-b) Plans for proposed rectory, 1":8' with block plan inset, 1956
c-d) Plans of rectory, 1":8', 1966 (2 copies)

4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/72    July 1973
St Cuthbert's Vicarage, Gateshead
proposed ground and first floor plans, scale 1":8'; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/73    20 April 1948
Gateshead St Edmunds
plan for vicarage, scale 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/76a-f   January 1981
Gateshead St James
Proposed new church centre and rectory (all duplicated); Hayton, Lee and Braddock
a-b) Sketch plan A, 1:100
c-d) Sketch plan B, 1:100
e-f) Sketch plan C, no scale (undated)

6 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/81   March 1968
Proposed alterations and repairs, plans and sections, ⅛":1" [?];
Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/83   31 May 1954
proposed conversion into vicarage and cottage, scale ⅛":1', with 1:2500 block plan; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/85    May 1963
sketch plans for proposed alterations and partial demolition, scale 1":8'; G. E. Charlewood and Curry, Newcastle
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/87a-b   12 June 1846
Proposed conversion into rectory and cottage, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/88a-d   February-March 1943 and March 1951
All at 1":8' and by Cordingley and McIntyre:
a) Scheme for conversion into three houses, 1943
b) Sketch plans with wings demolished, 1943
c) Proposed repairs and alterations, ground floor, 1943
d) Proposed alterations, 1951

4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/89a-c   July 1956, March 1957 and December 1972
Lyons (in Hetton-le-Hole)
a) As proposed and as existing, ⅛":1', 1956; Cordingley and McIntyre
b) Ground and first floor plans, location plan, north east elevation, 1957; Cordingley and McIntyre
c) Proposed new rectory, sketch plan, 1":8', 1972; Hayton and Lee

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/92a-d   22 April 1937 and July 1966
West Rainton
a-c) Hot water heating, cold water service to new lavatory basins and waste pipes, 1":8', 1937; Henry Walker and Son Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne
d) Proposed alterations, 1":8', 1966; Cordingley and McIntyre

4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/93a-b   19 February 1951
East Rainton
Proposed division into two dwellings, 1":8', 1951; Cordingley and McIntyre (2 copies)
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/94   20 March 1950
proposed alterations, scale ⅛":1', with 1:2500 location plan; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/99a-d   April 1957
Proposed new garage:
a-b) Marked “not done”, ⅛":1' with locality plan; Cordingley and McIntyre
c) Door gear, plan, elevation and view, no scale or date; Ernest Batley Ltd, Coventry
d) Proposed concrete garage, marked “erected”, 3/8":1' with locality plan 1:1250, undated; Ernest Batley Ltd, Coventry

4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/99e   September 1959
proposed new parsonage house
e) sketch plans of ground and first floors, 1":8'; Newcombe and Newcombe, Newcastle upon Tyne

1 plan with attached tracing 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
Hebburn St Cuthbert
Proposed alterations, ground and first floor, ⅛":1', undated; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/105a-k   February 1974-September 1976
Heworth St Alban
Proposed new vicarage; Hayton, Lee and Braddock:
a-b) sketch plans 1:100 and block plan 1:500 (2 copies)
c) sketch plans and elevations, 1:120
d) existing and proposed site plans, 1:200, with location plan
e) sections, 1:50
f) foundation, first floor and roof structure plans, and roof finished layout, 1:50
g) typical details, 1:5 and 1:10
h) kitchen and utility elevations and plans, 1:20
i) staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
j) wardrobe and shelving details (study), 1:20
k) entrance gate detail, 1:50 and 1:20

11 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/113a-b   22 May 1957
South Shields St Aidan
Proposed improvements, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/117a-b   September 1967
Tyne Dock
Garage, with site and block plans. scales ¼":1', 1:1250 and 1:500; Mitchell and Samson, South Shields
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/119a-b   10 November 1953
South Shields St Simon
Proposed changes, with plans of ground and first floors as existing and as proposed, ⅛":1', and locality plan 1:1250; architect not stated (? TA Page, Son and Hill, South Shields)
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/119c-f   May 1966
South Shields St Simon
Proposed improvements, with plans of ground and first floors as proposed, ⅛":1', and locality plan 1:1250; also schedule of improvements (undated but with plans); TA Page, Son and Hill, South Shields
3 plans and 1 schedule 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/119g-k   October 1974 and 29 October 1975
South Shields St Simon
Scheme of new vicarage, 1:100, 1974 (2 plans); Plans for conversion of vicarage, ⅛":1', 1975 (2 plans); also undated sketch site plan, 1:200; Samson Jones and Associates, South Shields
5 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/119l-w   December 1976-May 1977
South Shields St Simon
Proposed new vicarage; Hayton, Lee and Braddock:
l) Sketch plans and elevations, 1:100 (2 copies)
m) Existing and proposed site plans, 1:200 (2 copies)
n) ground and first floor plans, 1:50
o) elevations, 1:50
p) sections A:A to D:D, 1:20
q) foundation plan and joist layout, 1:50
r) typical details, 1:5 and 1:10
s) kitchen and utility plans and elevations (no scale)
t) staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
u) wardrobe and shelving details, 1:20
v) gate and fence details, 1:20 and 1:50
w) roof structure, layout and roof finishes plan, 1:50

12 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/123a-c   March 1977
Annfield Plain
Rerouting drains and new garage, scale 1:100 and 1:200; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/126a-c   1957-1976
a) Proposed alterations, ⅛":1', February 1957; Cordingley and McIntyre
b) Central heating installation, 1":8', October 1967; TG Armstrong and Partners (consulting engineers), Durham
c) Existing and proposed kitchen layouts, 1:20, November 1976; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/127   January 1957
Proposed alterations to bathroom and kitchen, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/128a-b   September 1965
Plans as existing and as proposed, ca.1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/129    18 September 1954
proposed new vicarage, scale ⅛":1' with block plan scale 1:500; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/130   5 February 1952
proposed alterations to kitchen, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/131a-c   1948-1949 and 1973
(a-b) Proposed improvements, 1":8', December 1948 and April 1949; Cordingley and McIntyre
c) Proposed new rectory, 1:100, April 1973; Hayton and Lee

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/132a-b   May 1969
Langley Park
Proposed central heating, ⅛":1' (2 copies); Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/132c-d   October 1979
Proposed alterations, 1:50; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/146a-d   July-September 1959
Hendon St Ignatius
Proposed improvements (with plans as existing), ⅛":1' and no scale; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/146e-m   May-July 1980
Hendon St Ignatius
Proposed new vicarage; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
e) Proposed plans, 1:50
f) Services layout, 1:50
g) Sections, 1:50
h) Kitchen and utility layout, 1:20
i) Elevations, 1:50
j) Foundation, floor joist and rafter layouts, 1:50
k) Staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
l) Details, 1:10
m) Wardrobe and shelving details, 1:20

9 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/147a-b    May 1970
St Luke's Vicarage, Pallion
plans, scale ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
a) plans as existing
b) proposed alterations

2 plans 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/162   April 1956
Ryhope St Paul
Proposed alterations, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/163a   29 May 1952
Silksworth (The Glebe, New Silksworth)
Plans and elevations, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/163b-c   6 June 1952
Silksworth (vicarage)
Survey, 1":8' (2 copies); Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/170   14 February 1966
Bishop Auckland
Arrangement of support beams, no scale; North of England Engineering and Electrical Council Ltd, for T Manners and Sons
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/178   16 March 1949
Plan as existing, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/179a-k   January-August 1979
Proposed new vicarage; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
a-b) Sketch scheme, 1:100 and 1:500 (2 copies)
c) Elevations, 1:50
d) Foundation, joist and rafter layouts, 1:50
e) Staircase details, 1:20 and 1:5
f) Ground and first floor plans, 1:50
g) Wardrobe and shelving details, 1:20
h) Kitchen and utility layout, 1:20
i) Sections, 1:50
j) Services layout, 1:50
k) Details, 1:10 and 1:20

11 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/182a-c   September 1965 and July-October 1979
a) Proposed alterations, 1":8', 1965; Cordingley and McIntyre
b) As existing, with site and location plans, 1:50, 1:200 and 1:2500, July 1979; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
c) Proposed garage, 1:50, October 1979; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/188a-b   April 1945 and April 1962
Tudhoe (vicarage)
Plan of vicarage (1945) and sketch for alterations (1962), both 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/188c-d   October 1978
Tudhoe (21 York Villas)
Proposed bedroom extension, 1:50; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/189a-b   August 1967
Tudhoe Grange
a) Site plans and design layouts for Bessemer Park, 1:500, undated (but attached to (b)); Napper, Errington, Collerton, Barnett, Allott of Newcastle upon Tyne
b) Scheme B for vicarage and community centre, 1:500; Peter Tong, Durham

2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/191a-c    25 May 1956 - 7 June 1957
Proposed improvements, all 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
a) Plan showing proposed improvements
b) Proposed improvements
c) Proposed improvements

3 plans 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/192   November 1939
Witton Park
Proposed improvements, 1":8', with location plan 6":1 mile; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/193   28 September 1949
Plans as existing and as proposed, ca.1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
Barnard Castle
plan; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
1 plan 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/195a-c   26 August 1959 and undated
a) Proposed entrance porch for old rectory, marked “not carried out”, 1":8' and 1":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
b) As existing, 1":8', with site plan 1:2500, undated; Smiths Gore and Co Ltd, Darlington
c) Proposed improvements, 1":8', undated; Smiths Gore and Co Ltd, Darlington

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/196a-d   November 1966-May 1967
Proposed alterations, ⅛":1' and no scale; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/200   undated
Darlington St James
Ground floor, sketch plan C, ¼":1'; architect not stated
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/206a-b   10 April 1946
Plan as existing, 1":8' (2 copies); Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/208a-e   1947-1976
a) Proposed division into two houses, 1":8', with block plan 6":1 mile, 30 April 1947; Cordingley and McIntyre
b-c) Proposed vicarage, scheme 3, ⅛":1' and ¼":1', August 1973 (2 copies); Browne, Lloyd and Partners, Newcastle upon Tyne, Darlington, Leeds and Glasgow
d) Scheme 4, 1:100, November 1973; Browne, Lloyd and Partners
e) Ground, first and second floors, no scale, with block plan 6":1 mile, 17 August 1976; Elder, Lester and Partners, Yarm

5 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/214a-c   June 1970
Middleton St George
As existing and proposed alterations (two copies, one annotated and deposited with (d) below, so perhaps related), ⅛":1'; Hayton and Lee
3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/214d   undated
Middleton St George
proposed restoration after fire, scale ⅛":1'; Richard Wylie, Newcastle upon Tyne
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/217   May 1957
Proposed improvements, marked “not carried out”, no scale; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/220a-d   November 1954-March 1955
Proposed division into two houses, all 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/221a-d   January 1960
Billingham St Cuthbert
Proposed alterations, three at ⅛":1' and one without scale; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/224   24 July 1952
Proposed new vicarage, with locality plan, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/225a-d   29 April 1954 and 12 August 1959
Hartlepool St Hilda
Proposed alterations, all ca.1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/227   October 1975
Improvement scheme, 1":8'; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/229   February 1947
Hartlepool St Aidan
Proposed alterations, 1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/233   October 1965
Haverton Hill
Proposed alterations, ca.1":8'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/234a-c   29 November and 21 December 1954
Seaton Carew
Proposed improvements, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/235   24 May 1955
Proposed alterations, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/237a-b   April 1965
Proposed improvements, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/243   September 1973
Sketch layout as existing, 1":8'; Hayton and Lee
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/245a-c   November 1958 and February 1980
a) Plan marked not carried out, no scale, 1958; Cordingley and McIntyre
b-c) Existing and proposed plans and elevations, 1:50, 1980; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/249a-c   24 June 1954 and December 1979
Tow Law
a-b) Proposed alterations, ⅛":1', 1954; Cordingley and McIntyre
c) Proposed new vicarage, 1:100, 1979; Hayton, Lee and Braddock

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/251a   20 January 1955
Proposed division, ⅛":1', with site plan 1:2500; Cordingley and McIntyre
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/251b-u   12 November 1979, February 1980 and undated
[Proposed new] rectory; Frank Edward Hodgson, Washington
b-g) Site and location plans, with one first floor plan, 1:100, 1979
h-i) Elevations, 1:100, undated (2 copies)
j-l) Ground floor, 1:50, undated
m-o) First floor, 1:50, undated
p) West and north elevations and section, no scale, undated
q-r) West and north elevations and section, 1:50, 1980
s-u) South and east elevations, 1:50, undated

20 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/252a-c   April 1977 and undated
Bishop Middleham (general housing?)
a) Plans and elevations, house type A1, ¼":1' and ⅛":1', undated; Peter Clark Developments Ltd
b) Elevations, ground and first floor plans, for house type A1, modified for plot 1, no scale, undated; Trevor Welch, Bishop Auckland
c) Proposed extension for 92 Stoneybeck, general arrangements, 1:100, 1977; Harry Massey, Newcastle upon Tyne

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/256a-f   14 October 1955-21 April 1956
Proposed alterations and improvements, ⅛":1', with undated plan of proposed drive and gravel area, 1:500; Cordingley and McIntyre
6 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/256g-j   August 1971
Electrical rewiring and new central heating, ⅛":1'; Hayton and Lee
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/258a-k   14 March 1957-April 1961
Proposed alterations, all ⅛":1' except as stated; Cordingley and McIntyre
a-d) Proposed alterations, March-September 1957
e) Major scheme, May 1958
f-g) South and west elevations, ground floor and cellar, May 1958
h) Improvement scheme, no scale, October 1960
i-j) Improvement scheme, November 1960
k) Proposed alterations, April 1961

11 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/260a-d   May 1956-October 1958
Proposed alterations to rectory cottages (1956), and proposed garages at rectory (1958), all ¼":1', with locality plans 6":1 mile; Cordingley and McIntyre
4 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/261a-c   1949-1952
Proposed alterations; GE Charlewood, Newcastle upon Tyne
a) Proposed alterations (no scale), with block and drainage plan, 1:2500 and 1:500, April 1949
b) Alterations (house number 3 revised), ⅛":1', September 1950
c) Proposed alterations, 1":8', March 1951 (amended as completed October 1952)

3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/264a-b   October 1980
Stockton Holy Trinity
Existing plans, 4 Greymouth Close, 1:50 (2 copies); Hayton, Lee and Braddock
2 plans 
Darlington St Matthew's
Floor plans; Hayton, Lee and Braddock
a) Ground floor plan
b) First floor plan
c) Ground floor plan

3 plans 
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
DDR/DA/DIL/4/277   undated
Plans as existing, ⅛":1', with site plan 1:500; D Clark Slater, Sunderland
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/281a-g   2 November 1961-4 May 1963
Dunston St Nicholas
Proposed new vicarage, all 1":8'; Newcombe and Newcombe, Newcastle upon Tyne (plan (a) is undated and states no architect, refers to both new church and new vicarage)
7 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/283a-b   October 1958
Lobley Hill
Proposed new vicarage, ⅛":1'; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/286a-b   14 April 1954
Newton Aycliffe
Proposed new vicarage, 1":8', with block plan 1:1250; Cordingley and McIntyre
2 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/291a-e   November 1949-March 1953
Stockton St Chad
Roseworth estate, new church, 1:2500 and 1:500; Cordingley and McIntyre (plans (c) and (e)); Gilbert Cowan, Stockton on Tees (plans (a), (b) and (d))
5 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/291f-h   June 1956
Stockton St Chad
Roseworth estate, new vicarage, ⅛":1' and 1:500; Cordingley and McIntyre
3 plans 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/292   28 June 1961
Billingham St Aidan
Proposed vicarage, no scale; B Almond E.R.D.
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/295   21 January 1963
Southwick St Cuthbert
New vicarage on Red House estate: hot and cold water services and heating, ¼":1'; Bernard Taylor and Associates, Manchester
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/296   August 1977
Harlow Green St Ninian
Church repair schedule, ⅛":1'; Samson Jones and Associates, South Shields
1 plan 
DDR/DA/DIL/4/999a-d   [1940sx1955]
Unidentified or extraneous plans
A school house, apparently attached to a church, in Vasaramäki, Turku, Finland, 3 plans scale 1:100 and one elevation; architect Erik Bryggman [died 21 December 1955 (Wikipedia)]
Deposited 15 September 1997 by Bill Heslop, Assistant Diocesan Secretary (Housing)
Administrative files
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/5
Extent: 1 file
DDR/DA/DIL/5/1   September 1969 - January 1974
Reports on deficits for repairs, charged by Church Commissioners to the Parsonages Outgoing fund, with some correspondence with parishes concerning contributions from them
Previously referenced as DDBFR/box 36
Quinquennial inspection reports
Reference: DDR/DA/DIL/6
Dates of creation:
Extent: 3 items only (remainder not deposited)
Surveyors' reports and schedules of dilapidations carried out under Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972

Hetton-le-Hole rectory
DDR/DA/DIL/6/87/1   7 July 1981
DDR/DA/DIL/6/87/2   11 February 1986
With three photographs
DDR/DA/DIL/6/87/3   1 July 1991
Pastoral/Reorganisation committees
Reference: DDR/DA/PAS

Administration of reorganisation schemes was previously undertaken by the Diocesan Registry, so the following series within the Episcopal Administration section of the diocesan records relate to similar business.
DDR/EA/BEPPastoral reorganisation, including Orders in Council for pastoral schemes
DDR/EA/PASSuspension of presentation, usually pending a scheme for pastoral reorganisation

Reference: DDR/DA/PAS/1
Extent: NONE
A few copies of recent minutes have been deposited by the Bishop's Office, not yet sorted.

Pastoral scheme files
Reference: DDR/DA/PAS/2
Dates of creation:
Files for specific pastoral reorganisation schemes, arranged by deanery and parish
These files were kept within the series of parish files outlined under DDR/DA/OFF within the Administrative Histories guide. A draft list of the parish files for search room use (in parish number order) is available with prior notice. Most or all are under 30 years old, and are not available for consultation without permission from the Diocesan Secretary at the Diocesan Office.

Parish boundary maps
Reference: DDR/DA/PAS/3
Dates of creation: 2nd half 20th century
Extent: 1 metre
Ordnance Survey sheets marked up to show boundaries of ecclesiastical parishes, with annotations indicating boundaries altered by pastoral schemes and orders in council
stored in planchest For late 19th/early 20th century plans relating to proposed new parish and district boundaries, see the series of parish files and related plans from the Bishop's Office at DDR/BP/PAR/2 and DDR/BP/PAR/2A.

DDR/DA/PAS/3/1   [? late 1960s]
Parish index to first series of parish boundary maps (arranged by deanery)
1 file 
DDR/DA/PAS/3/2-130   [? late 1960s to ca.1985]
Plans numbered 5-133, corresponding to the parish index at DDR/DA/PAS/3/1. Plans are quarter sheets (5 x 5 km), arranged in west-east strips, starting at Gateshead in the north west and ending at Stockton (followed by Yorkshire parts of Dinsdale with Sockburn). First folder ends at Frosterley (plans 5-67 in the index), second folder starts from Wolsingham (plans 68-133).
Plans are based on the 'provisional' edition of Ordnance Survey sheets published early 1950s, but original boundary markings are not dated. Annotations date from 1969 until 1985. Scale 1:10,560
2 files of plans 
DDR/DA/PAS/3/131   September 1976
Plan of Hartlepool, showing the District (local government) boundary, and [ecclesiastical] parish boundaries within that. Based on plan by Borough Planning Officer, scale 1:10,560
1 plan 
DDR/DA/PAS/3/132   [1986]
Parish index to second series of parish boundary maps (arranged by deanery)
1 file 
DDR/DA/PAS/3/133   5 November 1986
Index sheet for second series of parish boundary maps, supplied by the Church Commissioners
1 plan 
DDR/DA/PAS/3/134-204   1986-[2000]
Plans corresponding to the parish index and index sheet at DDR/DA/PAS/3/132 and DDR/DA/PAS/3/133. Plans are half sheets (5 x 10 km, west/east, 'A' and 'B' suffixes), arranged in OS sheet order (NY 73-95 and NZ 01-53, with gaps). Annotated to show changes up to 2000. Scale 1:10,560.
Note that the following plans no longer survive within this series although shown on index sheet: NZ 11B, 12A-B, 21A and 22A.
Specify Ordnance Survey sheet number(s) when ordering.
6 folders of plans 
Board of Education
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU
Dates of creation:
In addition to the items listed below, the following items can be located at the accession references stated.
Printed items from the Bishop's Office, including critique of Tanfield School Board, 1891, inspection reports, 1895-1897, and papers relating to funding and the Voluntary Schools Act 1897, 1895-1897 (1 file, AUC/3/box 34)
Out-letter books for the Prissick School, Hartlepool Trust, 1903-1905 and 1929-1955 (DDBER/box 21)
Out-letters arranged chronologically (sample files only), 1980-1986 (7 files, DDBER/boxes 6-12)
Correspondence file, 1940-1952 (1 file, AUC/2/7)

All items are closed for 50 years, subject to permission from Diocesan Secretary or Bishop of Durham (DDBFR items), or from the Director of Education (DDBER items).
For records of the Durham Diocesan School Society, which preceded the formation of the Board of Education, see under DDR/DA/ORG/12.

Minutes of the Board
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU/1
Dates of creation: 1886-1968
Extent: 10 volumes
Minutes of the Board for Education (from 1916, the Board for Religious Education). Most volumes include many Inspectors' reports and other documents loose or pasted into the volume.
Previously referenced DDBFR/boxes 38-40 (items 1-7) and DDBER/1-2 & 4 (items 8-10)

DDR/DA/EDU/1/1   October 1886 - October 1896
Board of Education minutes
DDR/DA/EDU/1/2   January 1897 - June 1902
Board of Education minutes
DDR/DA/EDU/1/3   October 1902 - April 1907
Board of Education minutes
DDR/DA/EDU/1/4   June 1907 - February 1912
Board of Education minutes. Most reports, letters and agenda notices loose, now stored in separate envelope with volume
DDR/DA/EDU/1/5   April 1912 - November 1915
Board of Education minutes. Inspectors' reports, financial statements, draft minutes, letters and agenda notices were loose in volume, and are now stored in separate envelope alongside.
DDR/DA/EDU/1/6   January 1916 - June 1920
Board of Education (from October 1916, Board for Religious Education) minutes. Inspectors' reports, financial statements, draft minutes, letters and agenda notices were loose in volume, and are now stored in separate envelope alongside.
DDR/DA/EDU/1/7   September 1920 - June 1926
Board for Religious Education minutes. Inspectors' reports, financial statements, draft minutes, letters and agenda notices were loose in volume, and are now stored in separate envelope alongside.
DDR/DA/EDU/1/8   November 1926 - June 1934
Board for Religious Education minutes. Agenda notices, treasurer's statements and some other items previously loose in volume, now stored in separate envelope alongside.
DDR/DA/EDU/1/9   October 1934 - April 1940
Board for Religious Education minutes, including Standing Committee minutes from 1939
DDR/DA/EDU/1/10   July 1940 - June 1968
Board for Religious Education minutes, including Standing Committee minutes to 1950. Indexed to 1955 only.
Minutes from March 1956 to May 1960 are bound at the front of the book (f.171-203). Minutes November 1960 to June 1968 are stored in a separate envelope alongside.
Minutes of administrative sub-committees
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU/2
Dates of creation: 1886-1982
Extent: 4 volumes and 1 box
Minutes of executive, standing or other administrative committees of the Board of Education. See administrative history notes for summary of committee history.

DDR/DA/EDU/2/1   November 1886 - October 1901
Minutes of the Board of Education Executive Committee
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBFR/box 40
DDR/DA/EDU/2/2   January 1902 - March 1914
Minutes of the Board of Education Executive Committee. With loose agenda notices, financial statements, letters and other papers, now stored in separate envelope kept alongside volume.
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBFR/box 40
DDR/DA/EDU/2/3   October 1936 - October 1939
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Grants and Emergency Committee. Volume mostly blank
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBER 3
DDR/DA/EDU/2/4   October 1959 - December 1960
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee. Not in date order.
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/4-7 extracted from file previously referenced as DDBER 6
DDR/DA/EDU/2/5   March 1961 - December 1962
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/6   March - December 1963
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/7   January - December 1964
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/8   January - December 1965
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/8-11 extracted from file previously referenced as DDBER 7
DDR/DA/EDU/2/9   January - November 1966
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/10   January - December 1967
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/11   April - May 1968
Minutes of the Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/12   April 1963 - December 1964
Agenda papers for Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/12-14 extracted from file previously referenced as DDBER 5
DDR/DA/EDU/2/13   January - December 1965
Agenda papers for Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/14   January 1966 - May 1968
Agenda papers for Board for Religious Education Standing Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/2/15   September 1968 - November 1982
Minutes of the Board of Education Standing Building and Administration Committee (until 1970, called Standing Committee)
1 file (shelved with volumes) 
Previously referenced DDBER 8
Minutes of teaching, training, schools and youth committees
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU/3
Dates of creation:
Extent: 5 volumes and ½ box
The precise relationship between some of the Associations and the Board of Education was not always clear, but their minutes are listed here rather than under independent diocesan societies for convenience.
See also the minutes of the Diocesan School Society at DDR/DA/ORG/12.

DDR/DA/EDU/3/1   June 1897 - June 1907
Minutes of Durham Diocesan Schools Association (Governing Body), with minutes of Executive Committee 1904-1907 at back. Loose notes, correspondence and printed items stored in separate envelope, kept alongside volume.
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBER /box 41
DDR/DA/EDU/3/2   October 1924 - November 1947
Minutes of Durham Diocesan Sunday School Association. Volume mainly blank
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBER 9
DDR/DA/EDU/3/3   March 1930 - October 1938 and June 1942 - October 1951
Minutes of Durham Diocesan Youth Council, from June 1942 the Bishop of Durham's Youth Council
1 volume 
Established by Youth Sub-Committee of Durham Diocesan Sunday School Association, as an independent body reporting direct to the Board for Religious Education. Last meeting of Diocesan Youth Council minuted is for October 1938, after which the Bishop of Durham's Youth Council is formed in June 1942.
DDR/DA/EDU/3/4   [1953-1963]
Minutes of the Youth Council/Committee are not held between 1952 and 1963, though a note in the front of the following volume suggests that a volume of minutes for 1953-1963 once existed.
NONE (not held) 
DDR/DA/EDU/3/5   November 1964 - October 1970
Minutes of Diocesan Youth Committee (re-constituted as a committee of the Board for Religious Education). Some agenda notices pasted into index pages at front of volume. Loose agenda papers and reports stored in separate envelope alongside volume.
1 volume 
DDR/DA/EDU/3/6   June 1954 - December 1958
Minutes of Board for Religious Education Adult Education Committee. With attendance record at back, and notes on formation of Committee at front.
1 volume 
Previously referenced DDBER 10
DDR/DA/EDU/3/7   February 1961 - October 1970
Minutes of Board for Religious Education Children's Committee
1 file 
Previously referenced DDBER 11 (part)
DDR/DA/EDU/3/8   July 1971 - September 1974
Minutes of Board of Education Teaching Committee, with note of standing orders at start. Took over responsibility for (inter alia) Sunday Schools and other work with children. Subsumed into new Training Committee from 1975.
1 file 
Previously referenced DDBER 11 (part)
DDR/DA/EDU/3/9   1975-1977
Minutes of Board of Education Training Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/3/9-11 extracted from file previously referenced as DDBER 12
DDR/DA/EDU/3/10   1978-1980
Minutes of Board of Education Training Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/3/11   January 1981 - July 1982
Minutes of Board of Education Training Committee
1 file 
DDR/DA/EDU/3/12   October 1977 - October 1978
Minutes of Bishop's Confirmation Panel, dealing with those parishes that as a matter of parish policy regularly wished to present for confirmation candidates aged under twelve
1 file 
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU/4
Dates of creation:
Accounting records for the Diocesan Board of Education. These have not yet been listed in detail, but are available under the following 'DDBFR' accession references:
DDBFR/box 41: Account books, 1898-1936 (3 volumes)
DDBFR/box 30: Account books (cash books), 1937-1969 (2 volumes)
DDBFR/box 4: Account book (analysis book), 1969-1971 (1 volume)
DDBFR/box 19: Registers of grants, 1917-1966 (1 volume)

Parish files
Reference: DDR/DA/EDU/5
Dates of creation: 1940s-1980s
Extent: 8 boxes
Correspondence, plans and questionnaires, chiefly relating to the Diocesan Board of Education's involvement with the closure of Church of England schools and the disposal of their premises. A few files relate to other matters, including school amalgamations, the creation of new Church of England schools, parish buildings and other users of former school buildings
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBER/boxes 13-20
These files are closed for 50 years, subject to permission from the Diocesan Director of Education.

Auckland (Barrington County School)
Aycliffe (Old School)
Aycliffe (Brafferton School)
Barnard Castle (Old Streatlam and Stainton School)
Beamish (Stanley Old National School)
Belmont (Old Infants' School)
Billingham (Old Cowpen Bewley School)
Birtley Old School
Bishopton (Old School)
Bishopton (Great Stainton Old School - Controlled)
Bishopwearmouth Rectory Park School
Bishopwearmouth, St Mark
Bishopwearmouth, St Barnabas
Burnopfield Old School
Castle Eden, Monk Hesledon Old School
Castle Eden, Castle Eden Old School
Chester-le-Street, Jolliffe Durham Esates, Church of England Infants' School
Chilton Moor Old School
Cockfield Old School
Collierley, Hare Law Old School
Consett Controlled School
Cornforth Old School
Darlington, Holy Trinity Old School
Darlington, St Paul Old School
Durham Blue Coat (Old School)
Durham, St Giles Old School
Durham, St Hild's Old School
Eighton Banks Old School [also includes one item re Wrekenton Youth Centre, 3 March 1965]
Eldon Old School
Escomb Old School
Ferryhill Old School
Gainford, Piercebridge Old School
Gateshead, St Cuthbert Controlled Infants' School
Gateshead, St George
Gateshead [St Mary], 'Pickering Exhibition' [charity]
Gateshead, Ellison [Educational] Institution
Hartlepool St Hilda, Prissick Old School
Harton, St Peter and St Lawrence Scout Hut
Harton, St Peter and St Lawrence Old Church of England School
Haughton le Skerne Controlled School
Haverton Hill Old School
Hebburn, St Oswald Church Hall
Houghton-le-Spring, Lambton Old School
Houghton-le-Spring, St Michael and St Mark Old School
Hunwick Old School
Hunstanworth Parochial School
Hurworth, Low Dinsdale School
Hurworth, Neasham Old School
Ingleton, Denton Controlled School
Lanchester Old School
Leadgate Church of England Aided School
Long Newton (Old School)
Lynesack Old School
Marley Hill Old School
Newbiggin Old School
Middleton in Teesdale Old School
Middleton St George Old School
Monkwearmouth, St Peter with St Cuthbert Old School
Pittington Old School
Rainton East [East Rainton] Old School
Redmarshall Shared School with Bishopton and Old School
Sadberge Old School
Satley Controlled School
Seaham [Seaton] Old School
Seaham Harbour Controlled School
Sedgefield, Bradbury and Moreton Cont[rolled] School
Sedgefield Old School
Shadforth Old School
Shildon, All Saints (C.E. Controlled) [Church of England Controlled]
Shotley Bridge (Benfieldside)
Silksworth Old School
Silksworth Commission [of Inquiry re Silksworth, St Matthew Youth Centre]
South Shields, Holy Trinity Old School
South Shields, St Hilda Institute (Old School)
South Shields, St Simon Old School
South Shields, St Stephen Old School
South Shields, West Harton Old School. Controlled School. I. and J. Mixed
Staindrop. Langley Controlled School
Stanhope Old School
Stanley Old Premises
Teeside Secondary Reorganisation [Stockton], Ian Ramsey C.E. (Comp[rehensive]) School [incorporating the former Stockton C.E. Aided Grammar School]
Stockton, Ian Ramsey (Aided) Comprehensive School. (Purchase of Fairfield School Premises)
Stockton, Ian Ramsey (Building Work)
Stockton, St James Old School
Thornley Village Old School
Tow Law, Dan's Castle Old School
Trimdon Controlled School
Tudhoe Old School
Washington Old School
Washington New Town
Whickham Old School, Dunstan
Whitburn Old School
Winlaton (Blaydon) Old School
Witton Gilbert Old School
West Stanley, High Street County School
Southwick, St Columba Old School
Whorlton Old School
West Rainton, Leamside Chapelry
Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/1
Dates of creation: 1964-2005
Extent: 7 files (shelved with volumes)
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes, not indexed except as noted

DDR/DA/DAC/1/1   December 1964 - January 1974
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DAC/1/2   February 1975 - December 1985
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DAC/1/3   February 1986 - December 1992
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DAC/1/4   December 1992 - December 1996
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DAC/1/5   January 1997 - May 2000
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes
DDR/DA/DAC/1/6   January 2000 - March 2003
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes (unsigned copies January-May 2000), with index
DDR/DA/DAC/1/7   April 2003 - September 2005
Diocesan Advisory Committee minutes, with index
Church quinquennial inspection reports
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/2
Dates of creation: 1955 to present
Extent: 13 metres
Architects' reports arising from inspections of churches under the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955 (commonly known as 'quinquennial inspections'), together with some related correspondence and similar documents, and a few strays from other Diocesan Advisory Committee records such as reports on faculty applications
This series is listed in alphabetical order by name of church below, and the documents are given 'Dch' references based on parish numbers allotted by the Diocesan Office. For reasons explained within the background guide, these 'Dch' numbers do not always match the parish numbers which are written on the cover of many of the reports.
Quinquennial inspection reports are open for public access, and not subject to any closure period (on the advice of the diocesan Care of Churches Secretary). The most recent reports can be found on the diocesan website.

DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch123   1959-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Annfield Plain St Aidan
/1. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 3, 5, 2 f., May 1979
/2. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., 24 May 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 9, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., October 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; covers + [2], 10, [4] (plans and elevations), 14, 5 f., 23 December 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [4] (plans, elevations and sections), 14, 5 f., July 2003
/6. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., December 1959
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., September 1964
/8. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 1, 3, 3, [3] f., May 1972
/9. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3 f., July 1975
/10. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [4] (plans, elevations and sections), 14, 5 f., February 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch170c   1999-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Auckland Castle Chapel
/1. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (engraving), 10, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., April 1999
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (engraving), 12, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., May 2006

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch170   1977-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Auckland St Andrew
/1. schedule of costs for priority repais arising from 1976 quinquennial inspection; [Ian Curry] (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne, with estimates of T. Manners of Bishop Auckland, builders; 3, [1], 3, [2], 1 f., October 1977
/2. architect's schedule of works for repairs to the roof; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 34 ff., January 1979
/3. architect's schedule of work for roof; 3 ff., May 1981
/4. roofing contractor's letter; Norman & Underwood Limited of 11-27 Freeschool Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire; 3 ff., 3 April 1981
/5. architect's schedule of work for roof; 3 ff., April 1982
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 ff, 16 August 1982
/7. architect's report on proposed toilet/kitchen facilties; The Hunter Robinson Partnership of 27 Cockton Hill Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham; 13 ff, December 1986
/8. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of 29 Marygate, York, Yorkshire; 58 ff, November 1989
/9. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of 29 Marygate, York, Yorkshire; 56 ff., September 1994
/10. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Architects) of York; covers + i, 55, [1] (plan), 1, [10] (electrical inspection report) f., July 1999
/11. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Architects) of York; cover page + [1], 39, 10 (electrical inspection report), [1], [6] (colour photographs) f. + back cover, November 2004
/12. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of York; cover page + 40, 7 (colour photographs), [1], 8 (electrical test report) f. + back cover, December 2009

2 folders 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch170a   1983-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Auckland St Anne
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 7 f., 25 February 1983
/2. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of 29 Marygate, York, Yorkshire; 29 f., 21 November 1989
/3. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of 29 Marygate, York, Yorkshire; 27 f., September 1994
/4. architect's report on heating systems; 10 f.
/5. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Architects) of York; covers + 39, 1, [12] (electrical test reports) f., July 1999
/6. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Architects) of York; cover page + 25, 10 (electrical test reports), [6] (colour photographs) f. + back cover, November 2004
/7. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland of York; cover page + 22, [1] (blank), 57 (colour photographs), [1], 14 (electrical test report), [1] (blank) f. + back cover, December 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch172   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Auckland St Helen
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 8 f., August 1977
/2. specification for the removal of lighting installation; D.W. Goodwin of 5 Beech Close, Elvington, York, YO4 5AN; date inferred from reference made in section 22.1 (DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch172/5); 9f, 1979
/3. appendix to DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch172/2; D.W. Goodwin of 5 Beech Close, Elvington, York, YO4 5AN; 2f, 1979
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 9 f., August 1982
/5. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 15f, August 1987
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 21f, September 1992
/7. schedule of Proposed Repointing to Gable and Parapet Masonry; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; 4f, November 1995
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 19, 5 f., September 1999
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., June 2006

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch171   1980-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Auckland St Peter
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 10 ff., September 1980
/2. architect's report; Niven & Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; 8 ff., October 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, October 1991
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 24, 2 (listing details), [1] (plans) f., October 1996
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 18, [1] (plans), 2 (listing details) f., October 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 19, [1] (plans), 2 (listing details) f., October 2006

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch193   1979-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Aycliffe St Andrew
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 15f, May 1979
/2. Pamphlet as in printed catalogue, including description of the architectural history of the church (included inside DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch193/1); 2f, [1991]
/3. Quinquennial report (number 1); Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington, County Durham; Includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, July 1986
/4. Quinquennial report (number 2); Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; Includes copy of plan of the church. ; 22f, 1991
/5. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 20f, 1996
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 23, [4] (plans and listing details) f., February 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 25, [4] (plans and listing details) f., August 2006
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 21 f., July 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch194   1977-2001
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Barnard Castle St Mary
/1. survey of the church tower; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham; 7f, May 1977
/2. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham; 17f, 8 November 1978
/3. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Housemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8XD; includes copies of plans of the church; 26f, 11 December 1984
/4. reply from the archdeacon in relation to an application for an Archdeacon's certificate for the replacement of roof timbers affected by dry rot in the South Transept; I.A. Richardson (The Durham Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches); 2f, 1 November 1988
/5. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copies of plans of the church and annotation on the inside cover from DGFH, 12 June 1990; 21f, May 1990
/6. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copies of plans and photographs of the church; 21f, October 1995
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 17, 5 f., April 2001

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch1   1980-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Beamish St Andrew (Stanley)
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 9 f., 23 June 1980
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., 15 January 1985
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 46 f., 18 July 1990
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 19, 5 f., February 1996
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 17, 5 f., February 2004

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch23   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bearpark St Edmund
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 6 f., November 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 8 f., November 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., August 1988
/4. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of Auckland St Andrew with St Anne and St Philip, County Durham; includes plan and colour photographs of church; 19 f., August 1993
/5. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of Bishop Auckland, County Durham; title page + 16, 2 (colour photographs and plan) f., December 1998
/6. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Chrisopher Padgett Architect Ltd) of Crook; covers + 16, [2] (colour photographs and plan) f. (p.14 not bound in), December 2003
/7. architect's report; Christopher Padgett of Hunwick; 18, [2] (colour photographs and plan) f., December 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch24   1981-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Belmont St Mary Magdalene
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 9 f., July 1981
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 14 f., July 1986
/3. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of 7 Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page (signed) + [21], [5] (electrical report), [2] (lightning conductor report), [5], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 1992
/4. architect's report; Cyril Winskell (MBE FRIBA FRSA, Chartered Architect, Greenhall Design Group + Winskell) of 7 Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1JE; cover page + 23f. + plan, July 1997
/5. architect's report; [A.I. Barnes] (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 5, [8] (photographs and plans), 29 f., August 2002
/6. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; cover page + 38 f. (with colour photographs, plans and drawings) + back cover, May 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch124   1983-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Benfieldside St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 9, 15, 5 f., August 1987
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plans and drawings of church; covers + [2], 12, [9] (plans, elevations and sections), 12, [5] f., June 1992
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [9] (plans, elevations and sections), 11, 5 f., December 1999
/4. architect's report; Cyril Lowes of Shotley Bridge; 2 f., June 1983
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 10, [9] (plans, elevations and sections), 13, 5 f., December 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch292   1987-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Billingham St Aidan
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, November 1987
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plans of the church; 18f, November 1992
/3. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects), Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; with floor and roof plans; 23f, November 1997
/4. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects), Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; covers + 24, [1] (plans) f., February 2003
/5. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 25, [1] (plans) f., July 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch221   1980-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Billingham St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Middleton, Flecther and Partners of 309 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 2HQ; 4f, 4 March 1980
/2. letter from Philip Middleton to Rev. J. Ruscoe, enclosing a letter from the Diocesan Secretary and the Quinquennial Report of 4 August 1965; J.R. Middleton (Middleton, Flecther & Partners) of 309 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 2HQ; 27f, 24 September 1980
/3. list of kerbstones and broken memorials to be removed; 'Appendix C' is annotated on front cover suggesting it is part of another document.; 27f, 30 June 1981
/4. architect's report; C. Silvester (Middleton, Fletcher and Partners) of 309 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 2HQ; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 1 November 1991; 17f, August 1985
/5. architect's report; C. Silvester (Silvester Ashton Partnership) of 309 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 2HQ; Includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 10 March 1991; 15f, January 1991
/6. architect's report; Colin Silvester (Silvester Ashton Partnership Chartered Architecs) of 77 High Street, Eston, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS6 9EH; includes plans; 44f, April 1997
/7. watching brief (archaeological report); Richard Annis (Tees Archaeology) and Sue Anderson (Suffolk Archaeology Service); covers + [2], 7, [11] (bone charts and metrical data) f., July 1997
/8. architect's report; C. Silvester (Silvester Ashton Partnership) of Middlesbrough; cover sheet + [2], [7] (plans, section and elevations), 36, [1] f., October 2002
/9. architect's report; Colin Silvester of Saltburn; cover sheet + [2], [7] (plans, section and elevations), 36, [1] (photograph) f., April 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch308   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Billingham St Luke
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, August 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, June 1985
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotations and attached letter from DGFH, dated 22 Nov 1990, relating to the authorisation of church improvements; 16f, October 1990
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 27f, February 1996
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan and photographs), 16 f., March 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 21, [1], [1] (plan and photographs) f., April 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch309   1984-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Billingham St Mary Magdalene
/1. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9QY; 5f, 29 May 1984
/2. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of The Granary, 17A High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9BW; includes annotation on front cover from DGFH, 13 June 1989; 6f, 24 May 1989
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Co Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, November 1994
/4. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; cover page + 17 f. (with plan), November 1999
/5. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; cover page + 24 f. (with plan and photographs), [December 2004]
/6. architect's report; Michael Atkinson (Purves Ash LLP) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [2], [5], 9, [12], 2, [1], [3], [5], [3] (plans), [5] (colour photographs), [2] f., December 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch2   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Birtley St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 8 f., September 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 11 f., September 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 18 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; Fennell & Baddiley Dixon Dawson of The Old Rectory, Mains Park Road, Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert, County Durham; includes map of church and its vicinity and plan of church; 19 f., November 1993
/5. architect's specification and schedule of works; Fennell & Baddiley Dixon Dawson of The Old Rectory, Mains Park Road, Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert, County Durham; 29 f., April 1994
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (photographs, plans and elevation), [13] f., September 1998
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (plans, elevation and original colour photographs), [12], [1] f., [September] 2003
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (plans, elevation and colour photographs), [12], [1] f., [August] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch252   1978-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishop Middleham St Michael
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, November 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, November 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 2 January 1989; 18f, December 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 26 September 1993; 22f, 16 September 1993
/5. schedule of work for restoration of fabric; Hayton Lee & Braddock (architects) of Saddler Street, Durham; covers + 13, [8] (drawings and plans) f., March 1997
/6. specification and schedule for internal redecoration etc; Hayton Lee & Braddock (architects) of Saddler Street, Durham; covers + [2], 15, [1] (plan) f., July 2000
/7. architect's report (update against 1993 report only); [J.B. Kendall] (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 15, [1] (plan) f., September 1996
/8. archaeological watching brief within churchyard; Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd of Tursdale Business Park (on behalf of Hayton, Lee and Braddock, architects); cover and title pages + [2], 29 (with plan, drawings and photographs), [3], [17], [4], [3], [2] f. + back cover, September 2003
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [23], [3] (listing details, photographs and plan) f., March 2006
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 21, [3] (listing details, photographs and plan), 6 f., December 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch253   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopton St Peter
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, February 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 13F, May 1982
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plans of the church; 15f, June 1987
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plans of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 July 1992; 17f, June 1992
/5. record of Meeting to discuss urgent repairs needed following the previous quinquennial report, (DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch253/4), particularly the roof repairs and the Boiler House retaining wall repairs; A.O. Lee ( Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HD; present at the meeting were: Revd. P Atkinson, Vicar of St. Peter's; Mr Peter Rogerson, Churchwarden; Mrs Freda Twizell, Curchwarden; Mr Ian Richardson, Secretary to D.A.C.; and Mr Jeremy Kendall, Church Architect; 4f, 21 September 1992
/6. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plans of the church and annotations on front cover; 17f, July 1993
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 24, [3] (plans and listing details), [3] (roof report and sketches) f., July 1997
/8. specification and schedule of work for land drain installation and wall lining; HLB architects of Durham; cover and title pages + 13, [6] (drawings, plans and supplier's brochure) f., January 2000
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 20 f., March 2003
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 17, [2] (plans), 6 f., May 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch144   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel
/1. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Samson Jones & Associates) of 255 Sunderland Raod, South Shields, County Durham; 7 f., 10 August 1979
/2. architect's report; C. Heath (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Raod, Sunderland, County Durham; includes photographs and maps of church; 10 f., May 1985
/3. architect's report; C. Heath (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Raod, Sunderland, County Durham; includes photographs and maps of church; 10 f., June 1990
/4. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership (Chartered Architects) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland SR2 7DQ; includes plans; 24f, October 1995
/5. architect's report; John S. Burns (MacKellar Schwerdt Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [1], 1, [3] (plans), 24, [57] (photographs) f., June 2002
/6. architect's report; John S. Burns (MacKellar architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [1], 28 (with plans), 67 (colour photographs), [2] (original colour photographs), 12 (colour photographs) f. + back cover, July 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch147   1979-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion
/1. architect's report; W. Jackson (W.B. Edwards) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; W. Jackson (W.B. Edwards) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 32 f., March 1984
/3. architect's report; W. Jackson (W.B. Edwards) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 24 f., June 1989
/4. architect's report; John S. Burns of Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [1], 29 (with plans), 66 (photographs) f., October/November 1999
/5. architect's report; John S. Burns (MacKellar architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 27 (with plans), [64] (photographs) f. + back cover, August 2005
/6. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of Sunderland; covers (loose) + [3], [2] (plans), 48 f., June/July 1994

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch148   1979-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Mark Millfield
/1. architect's report; William and T.R. Milburn of Sunderland; 4, [2] f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover + 2, 5, 5, 3 f., January 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven) of West Auckland; title page + 10, [2] (with plan) f. + cover, November 1990
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 9, [3] (with plan) f. + cover, April 1995
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 11, [2] f. (with plan) + back cover, June 2000
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch149   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Mary Magdalene Millfield
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 10 f., March 1980
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 f., April 1985
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; 15 f., October 1991
/4. letter concerning a faculty; I. Richardson; 1 f., 8 January 1992
/5. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; 15 f., April 1995
/6. architect's report; John Niven of West Auckland; title page + [1], 13, [2] f. (with plan), June 2000
/7. architect's report; John Niven (The Old Hall Practice Ltd) of West Auckland; title page + [2], [1], 14, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, September 2005
/8. architect's report; Michael Drage of Stocksfield; covers + 12 f. (with photograph and plan), April 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch140   1973-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Michael (Sunderland Minster)
/1. architect's report; W.B. Edwards & Partners of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, County Durham; includes plan of church; 6 f., 26 April 1973
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 33 f., 25 April 1980
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; a one folio article with map and photograph has been attached to the report; 25 f., 18 August 1986
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 26 f., 14 September 1991
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., July 1994
/6. architect's report (with photos of wood furnishings, viz lectern, font and paschal candlestick, perhaps for a faculty application); Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 17, [1] (plan), 34, 5 f. + 5 loose original b/w photographs (mounted on paper), January 1999
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 17, [1] (plan), 32, 5 f., April 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch279   1960-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 12f, 3 August 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 14f, 26 January 1985
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 13 December 1989; 19f, 24 October 1989
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of 20 West Park, Middle Herrington, Sunderland, SR3 3SY; 21f, 17 October 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [1] (blank), 11, 4 f., October 2000
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plans and elevation), 11, 5 f., December 2005
/7. architect's report; D. Clark Slater of Sunderland; front cover + [1], 33 f. + 9 sleeves of original photographs, May 1960
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plans and elevation), 14, 5 f., April 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch284   1972-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bishopwearmouth The Good Shepherd
/1. recommendation of approval from the DAC for the replacement of solid fuel boiler; Diocesan Advisory Committee; 1f, 27 June 1972
/2. approval for the renewal of a section of roof tiling; Durham Diocesan Advisory Committee; 1f, 6 February 1974
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 9f, December 1978
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 9f, July 1983
/5. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plans of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 27 August 1988; 16f, August 1988
/6. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, SR2 7DQ; includes copies of plans of the church; 54f, October 1993
/7. architect's report; John S. Burns (Hawkins Heath Partnership/Mackellar Scwerdt Partnership) of Sunderland and Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [2], 1, [2] (plans), 33, [25] (photographs) f., May 1999
/8. architect's report; John S. Burns (Mackellar Architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [2], [3] (plans and elevations), 30, 65 (photographs) f., May 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch270   1981-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Blackhall St Andrew
/1. architect's report; Colin H. Johnson (Johnson Turnbull Partnership) of 46 High Street, Stokesley, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS9 5DQ; 4f, 1981
/2. architect's report; Colin H. Johnson (Johnson Turnbull Partnership) of 46 High Street, Stokesley, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS9 5DQ; 3f, 15 May 1986
/3. architect's report; Spouse Donald M. of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, 1992
/4. architect's report; Anthony Burns (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, Co. Durham TS27 4SD; 26f, 30 May 1997
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 21, [2] (photographs and plan) f., May 2002
/6. design brief for replacement heating installation; HLB Architects of Durham; covers + 3, [1], 6, 1, [3] (photographs and plans), [June 2004]
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 16, [1] (plan), 5 f., February 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch125   1971-1992
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Blackhill St Aidan
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 6, 4, 5 f., November 1992
/2. architect's report; D.W. Robson of High Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f. (with plan), September 1971 (date of inspection)
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [10] f., February 1977
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [11], [1] (plan) f., March 1982
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 6, 7, [2] (on south transept floor), 5 f., August 1987

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch307   2001-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Blackwell All Saints and Salutation
/1. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus: Architects) of Darlington; cover and title pages + [13], [7] (plans, elevations and sections), [12] (photographs) f. + back cover, April 2001
/2. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus: Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1] (covering letter), [1], 17, [3] (plans), 2, [14] (colour photographs) f., July 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch210a   2006-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bolam St Andrew (County Durham)
/1. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page (wrongly stating dedication as St Michael) + 9, [3] (plans and listing details) f., August 2006
/2. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page (wrongly stating dedication as St Michael) + 9, [3] (plans and listing details) f., June 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch98   1971-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Boldon St Nicholas
/1. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, County Durham; 11 f., December 1980
/2. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, County Durham; includes plans of church; 14 f., December 1986
/3. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, County Durham; includes photograph and plan of church; 12 f., December 1991
/4. plans, drawings and photographs for repair of fabric; Stringer and Jones (architects) of Stainton; 21 f., October 1997
/5. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover page + [10] f. (with plan and elevations), August 1999
/6. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover page + [5], [3] (plans and elevations), [2] f., June 2004
/7. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; 18 f. (with drawings), April 1971
/8. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; 10 f., April 1975

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch41   1986-1998
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Bowburn Christ The King
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 14 f., July 1986
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 48 f., 16 December 1991
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [5] (plans and elevations), 17, 5 f., October 1998

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch25   1977-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Brancepeth St Brandon
/1. architect's report; Ronald Sims of St William's College, York, Yorkshire; 29 f., April 1977
/2. architect's report; Ronald Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, Yorkshire; 27 f., 26 May 1982
/3. judgment from the diocesan chancellor in favour of a petiton for a faculty; E. Garth Moore; 8 f., 10 December 1984
/4. architect's report; Ronald Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, Yorkshire; 23 f., April 1990
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], [1] (engraving), 16, [1] (engraving), 25, 5 f., September 1996
/6. architect's report; Knox-McConnell Architects of Leeds; cover page + 43 p. (with colour photographs and plan) + back cover, June 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch26   1975-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Brandon St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church; 13 f. and 3 m. (architect's plans), March 1975
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 14 f., March 1990
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., March 1985
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 17 f., March 1990
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 31 f., January 1996
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan), 19 f., April 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 20, [1] (plans), 4 f., July 2007
/8. engineers' specification for mechanical services; T.G. Armstrong & Partners of Durham; covers + [2], 5 f. + plan, June 1976

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch81   1973-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Burnmoor St Barnabas
/1. architect's report; Pamela Iley of 9 Lowes Barn, Durham City; 11 f., September 1979 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 14 f., June 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 17 f., June 1989
/4. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 26 f., November 1994
/5. report on proposed garden of rememberance for cremated remains; includes plans of proposals; 14 f., 28 May 1997
/6. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; cover page + 21, [5] (photographs, drawing, tree schedule and listing details) f., October 1999
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 24, [7] (plan, listing details, tree preservation order and photographs) f., September 2004
/8. architect's report; [D. McWilliams] (Fennell & Baddiley) of Chester-le-Street; 7 p., November 1973
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 23, [5] (plans, tree preservation order and listing details) f., September 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch3   1973-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Burnopfield St James
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 13 f., 29 October 1973
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry; 8 f., 28 April 1978
/3. architect's schedule of work and specification; Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., January 1979
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 13 f., 21 November 1983
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 29 f., 10 December 1988
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs, 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 5AJ; includes plan; 30f, 5 March 1994
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 11, 5 f., September 2002
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., January 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch173   1981-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Byers Green St Peter
/1. architect's report; Peter Tong of The Studio, 19 Old Elvet, Durham City; 4f, 1981
/2. architect's report; Peter Tong of Springwell White Cottage, 4 North End, Durham City, DH1 4NG; 5f, 1987
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, August 1992
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; cover page + [3], 6, [1], 1, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 1997
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], [1], 8, [1], 1, [1] (plan) f. + back cover + [2] f. loose (listing details and annotated list of recommendations), April 2002
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], [1], 13, [1] (plan) f., May 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch41a   1963-1982
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cassop cum Quarrington St Paul
/1. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., September 1963
/2. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [17] f., November 1972
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [10], [1] (plan and elevations) f., May 1977
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [12], [1] (plan, photographs and elevations) f., March 1982

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch42   1972-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Castle Eden St James
/1. architect's specification of workmanship and materials report; Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes architect's drawings; 18 f., October 1973
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 4 f., 5 p., 4 f., 22 May 1978
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 f., 9 April 1983
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., 10 September 1988
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of 30 West Park, Middle Herrington, Sunderland, County Durham and The Cathedral Architect's Office, The Great Kitchen, The College, Durham City; 21 f., 22 September 1993
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 23, [4] (plan and photographs) f., February 2000
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 25, [4] (plan and listing details) f., February 2007
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3 f., September 1972

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch126   1958-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Castleside St John
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 14 f., 29 October 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 14 f., 3 March 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 31 f., 18 September 1990
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3], 9, [1] (plan), 10, 5 f., February 1997
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p. + 2 f. + 5 p. + 2 f., October 1973
/6. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood of Newcastle upon Tyne; [4] f., June 1958
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page/preamble + 4 f., July 1963
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1] + 6 f., August 1968
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [4] (plan and elevations), 10, 5 f., April 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch154   1977-1992
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Castletown St Margaret
/1. architect's report (number three); A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 9 f., February 1977
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 12 f., January 1982
/3. architect's schedule; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 3 f., November 1985
/4. architect's report (number five); A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes map of church; 14 f., July 1987
/5. architect's report (number six); J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plan and photographs of church; 27 f., May 1992

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch4   1981-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 f., 9 November 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 23 f., 20 July 1987
/3. English Heritage Monuments Protection Programme Report; Peter Ryder (English Heritage); includes four maps showing church in relation to other sites of archaelogical interest in its immediate vicinity; 12 f., February 1990
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 52 f., 22 December 1992
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (engraving), 14, [1] (plan), 23, 5 f., April 1999
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (engraving), 13, [1] (plan), 24, 5 f., June 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch82   1973-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Chilton Moor St Andrew
/1. architect's report; John Potter of 10 Portland Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne; 7 f., 1982
/2. architect's report; John Potter of 10 Portland Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 9 f., 31 August 1988
/3. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church; 19 f., 16 August 1993
/4. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + 15, [1] (drawings), 3, [1] (plan) f., October 1998
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 18, [3], [2] (plans) f., March 2004
/6. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [19] f., October 1973
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 19, [4], [2] (plans) f., April 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch277   1978-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Chilton St Aidan
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, September 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 11f, September 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of photographs and plan of the church; 16f, June 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 19 October 1993; 18f, September 1993
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 18, [1] (photograph and plans) f., September 1998
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 20, [1] (photograph and plans) f., March 2007
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; front cover + [1] (covering letter), [19], [2] (photograph and plans), [3] f., May 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch5   1978-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Chopwell St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 10 f., 20 March 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church, map of church in its immediate vicinity and artist's drawing of church; 13 f., June 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church, map of church in its immediate vicinity and artist's drawing of church; 14 f., September 1988
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes a ground floor plan of the church, and views from other elevations; 33 f., 27 July 1992
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [5] (plan, elevations and sections), 9, 5 f., February 1999
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 12, [5] (plan, elevations and sections), 12, 5 f., September 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch155   1980-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cleadon All Saints
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes maps and photographs of the church; 12 f., July 1980
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan photographs of church; 13 f., July 1985
/3. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plans and photographs of church; 22 f., November 1990
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plans of church; 16 f., 1996
/5. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; cover page + [1], 5, [4] (plans and photographs), 24 f., May 2001
/6. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + 4, [8] (plans, colour and b/w photographs), 19 f. + back cover, December 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch274   1979-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cleadon Park St Mark and St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 14f, December 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; 13f, August 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 September 1989; covers + title page + [14] f., August 1989
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of South Shields; title page + [3], [13] (with plans), [2] (photographs), [4], [3] f. (loose quotation) + back cover, December 1996
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs and plan), [9] f., [February] 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch276   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cockerton St Mary
/1. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland; 8f, 1980
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 1985
/3. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 August 1990; 10f, 1990
/4. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 1995
/5. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; [10] f. (with plan), [November] 2000
/6. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; title page + [6], [1] (plan), 4 (colour photographs), [2] f., [August] 2005
/7. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; title page + [7], 7 (plans and colour photographs), [2] f., [December] 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch195   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cockfield St Mary
/1. architect's report; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 7f, 1978
/2. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; includes copy of plan of the church; 27f, 1983
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 16f, July 1988
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside cover from DGFH, 15 November 1993; 13f, November 1993
/5. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page + 20 f. (with listing details, plans and copy of church leaflet), May 1998
/6. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page + 21 f. (with listing details, plans and copy of church leaflet, p.10 used twice), May 2004
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch127   1958-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Collierley St Thomas Hare Law
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 15 f., June 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 14 f., August 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 18 f., November 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 20 f., 15 October 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., August 2000
/6. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., December 1958
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., August 1963
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., August 1968
/9. architect's report; Hayton Lee and Braddock of Durham; [18] f., November 1973
/10. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 17, 5 f., May 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch196   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Coniscliffe St Edwin
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, April 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, March 1983
/3. architect's report; John R. Ellis (Anderson-Ellis Partnership) of 60 Duke Street, Darlington; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside cover from DGFH, 12 October 1988; 14f, 1988
/4. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copies of plans and photograph of the church and annotation on inside cover from DGFH, 13 June 1993; 13f, May 1993
/5. specification for re-covering roof of north aisle; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [1], 24, [3] f., May 1998
/6. specification for repointing to spire and general masonry repairs; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; 8, [2] (drawing and plan), [1] f., April 1999
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., May 1999
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., April 2005
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., December 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch128   1973-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Consett Christ Church
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 15 f., March 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 15 f., November 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes map of church; 19 f., November 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photgraphs of church; 23 f., April 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 20, [4] (listing details, plans, photographs) f., September 1999, with loose floor plan showing proposed internal improvements July 1964
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 23 f., September 2004
/7. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [21] f., November 1973
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 16, [3] (plans, photographs and listing details), 7 f., November 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch43   1980-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Cornforth Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; C.B. Jackman and C.P. Darnton; 4 f., 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and drawing of church; 15 f., August 1985
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and drawing of church; 16 f., August 1990
/4. Acceptance of a petition for a faculty; I.A. Richardson; 1 f., January 1991
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 26 f., September 1995
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + title page + [1] (plan and photographs), 20, [1] (listing details) f., September 2000
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 22 f., January 2006
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 22, [1] (plan and photographs) f., November 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch174   1979-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Coundon St James
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 12f, October 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH 3HD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 14f, October 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 15f, October 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 25f, 27 October 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + title page + 2, [1] (plan and photographs), 16, [1] (listing details) f., October 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [2], 22 f. + covering letters with revised and addendum sheets including photographs and plan (6 f.), December 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch44   1957-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Coxhoe St Mary
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church; 12 f., April 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church; 16 f., May 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 16 f., September 1988
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (B. Arch., RIBA, Chartered Architect, Ecclesiatical and Historic Buildings Consultant) of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; 6f, 1996
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs, 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; covers + [2], 9, [3] (plan and illustrations), 14, 5 f., August 1992
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [3] (plan and illustrations), 14, 5 f., February 2003
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., October 1957
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., July 1962
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., July 1967
/10. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [18] f., January 1974
/11. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [3] (plan and illustrations), 15, 5 f., May 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch129   1979-1994
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Craghead St Thomas
/1. architect's report; A. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photgraphs; 14 f., April 1979
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and drawings of church; 14 f,, April 1984
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photgraphs and plan of church; 19 f., April 1989
/4. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 29 March 1994; 15f, May 1994

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch8a   1981-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Crawcrook Church of the Holy Spirit
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church and sketch plans of specific architectural problems; 10 f., July 1981
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 10 f., June 1986
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 17 f., March 1991
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 23 f., July 1996
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (photographs and plan), 15 f., November 2001
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [7] f., [September] 2006
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [11] (with colour photographs) f., [October] 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch236   1978-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Crook St Catherine
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 11f, June 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, June 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 18 September 1988; 15f, September 1988
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, Wet Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation from DGFH, 15 November 1993; 12f, November 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + 8, [1], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, October 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2003
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch27   1973-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Croxdale St Bartholomew
/1. architect's report; Hayton Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., December 1973
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs; 15 f., June 1979
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church and photographs; 16 f., September 1983
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church and photographs; 17 f., November 1988
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church and photographs; 18 f., October 1993
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [1] (plan and photographs), 17, [4] (tree survey with plan) f., February 1999
/7. architect's proposals for repairs and re-ordering; HLB Architects of Durham; covers + [1], 12, [4] f., September 1997
/8. architect's specification for masonry repairs and repointing; HLB Architects of Durham; covers + 16, [5] (with plans, drawings and photographs) f., June 1999
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 19, [5] (photographs, plan and tree survey) f., August 2004
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 16, [1] (photographs and plan), 7 f., September 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch83   1972-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dalton-le-Dale Holy Trinity (Murton)
/1. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 12 January 1978
/2. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 11 f., 13 October 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood, Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 25 f., 15 December 1988
/4. architect's specification and schedule of work for the proposed extension to provide toilet accomodation; Charlewood, Curry Partnership of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 76 f.
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., August 1994
/6. architect's report; H. H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3, [2] (letter and tender re fleche repairs, 1970) f., September 1972
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 10, [3] (plans and sections), 12, 5 f., November 2003

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch83a   1969-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dalton-le-Dale St Andrew
/1. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 16 January 1978
/2. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 11 f., 5 October 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood, Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 31 f., 22 November 1988
/4. archaeological report on excavations at Dalden Tower 1965-1966; Theodore Nicholson; photocopy of article [from Antiquities of Sunderland, vol.24, 1969: see /5], 8 f.
/5. archaeological interim report on excavations at Dalden Tower 1985; Coggins, Walker, Gidney and Fielding [for Bowes Museum]; 6 f., November 1985
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 11, [4] (plan, sections and elevations), 13, 5 f., October 1994
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 11, [4] (plan, sections and elevations), 11, 5 f., April 2005
/8. architect's report; H. H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 2 f., September 1972

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch198   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Godsmark Walker Forster of 'Chesterfield', Stanhope Road South, Darlington, County Durham; 4f, 1977
/2. architect's report; Alan Todd Associates of 41 Woodland Road, Darlington; 10f, 1982
/3. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of 41 Woodland Road, Darlington; 7f, 1987
/4. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of 41 Woodland Road, Darlington, DL3 7BJ; includes annotation on inside front cover by DGFH, 5 Novembe 1989; 5f, 1989
/5. architect's report; A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of 41 Woodland Road, Darlington; 11F, 1992
/6. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of Darlington; [9] f. + drawings (1 f., loose), [March] 1997
/7. architect's report; A. A. B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of Darlington; cover page + [9], [9] (colour photographs) f. + back cover, [June] 2002
/8. architect's report; A. A. B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of Darlington; cover page + [9] f., [September] 2006

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch199a   1986-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Columba
/1. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Browne & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington, County Durham; 5f, 1986
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; Includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, 1991
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of Hartlepool; title page + [1] (plan), 6, 5 f., May 1996
/4. feasibility study for redevelopment; Dr Stephen Need (theology tutor of King Alfred's College, Winchester), Ms Lisa Wintersteiger (neighbourhood welfare rights and social policy worker) and Mr Malcolm Cundick (architect), with parish financial statement; covers/title page + [12], [8], [1] (conclusion, bound out of order), [18] (with plans and elevations), [7], [2] f., 1999
/5. outline specification for remodelling and extension; 6f., March 2000
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus architects) of Darlington; covers + [3], [4] (plan, elevations and colour photographs, as existing), 7, [1], [8] (plan and colour photographs, as proposed) f., October 2003
/7. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 10, [2] (plans), 1, [8] (colour photographs) f., October 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch197   1977-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Cuthbert
/1. Petition for a Faculty for the installation of a new lighting system; Durham Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches; includes specification by Dr Doryck Goodwin of York University and Graham Bros, Contractors, Middlesbrough; 11f, 30 August 1977
/2. architect's report; Ronald G. Sims (Saint William's College) of York, YO1 2JF; 27f, 2 August 1978
/3. architect's report; Ronald G. Sims of 8/11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 29f, 25 February 1985
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; includes copy of plan of the church; 63f, 15 May 1990
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 25, 5 f., November 1995
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 15, [1] (plan), 25, 5 f., December 2002
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 20, [1] (plan), 28, 5 f., June 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch285   1981-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Herbert (East Darlington)
/1. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland; 10f, 1981
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, November 1986
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 January 1992; 17f, December 1991
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; Includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, May 1996
/5. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], [15], [2] (plans) f., June 2001
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 13, [2] (plans) f., December 2006
/7. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus : Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 14, [2] (plans), 2, [12] (colour photographs) f., June 2011 (date of inspection)

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch199   1980-1981
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Hilda
/1. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker & Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington; includes drawing of a plan of the church; 16f, 1980
/2. Invoice for carrying out repairs to the roof of the church; Harrison Brothers (Steeplejacks) Ltd of Borough Road, Darlington, DL1 1SW; 1f, 30 April 1981

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch200   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St James
/1. architect's report; C.S. Davison; includes drawings and plans of the church; 7f, 1980
/2. architect's report; C.S. Davison; includes drawings and plans of the church; 8f, 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Burroughs; includes drawings and plans of the church and annotation on front cover from DGFH, 30 October 1990; 9f, 1990
/4. architect's report; J. Burroughs; includes drawings and plans of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 7 April 1991; 22f, July 1990
/5. architect's report; J. Burroughs; includes drawings and plans of the church; 14f, July 1995
/6. specification and schedule of works for renovation of deteriorated stonework in and adjacent to south transept window; Alan Todd Associates (architect) of Darlington; title page + 8, 1 f. + back cover, [? 2001]
/7. specification and schedule of works for renovation of south transept window glazing; Alan Todd Associates (architect) of Darlington; title page + 8, 1 f. + back cover, [? 2001]
/8. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of Darlington; title page + [7], [2] (plan and drawing) f. + back cover, [June] 2000
/9. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of Darlington; covers + [1] (plan), [9] f., [July] 2005
/10. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 8, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, October 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch201   1981-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St John (East Darlington)
/1. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, 1981
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; Includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, November 1986
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 January 1992; 19f, December 1991
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven 7 Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 17f, May 1996
/5. condition report on tower; Malcolm R. Cundick (The Croft Cundick Consultancy Ltd, architects and designers) of Middlesbrough; cover page + [3], [1] (plan), [3] f., October 1997
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [3], 14 f., July 2001
/7. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 12, [2] (plans) f. + 1 f. (covering letter), November 2006
/8. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 13, [3] (plans and colour photographs) f., November 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch202   1978
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Luke
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs of the church; 13f, June 1978

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch280   1981-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Mark
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 12f, 7 September 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 15f, 4 November 1986
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 April 1991; 14f, 1991
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of Hartlepool; title page + 8 (with plan), 5 f., [June] 1996
/5. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker) of Darlington; title page + 7 f., March 2002
/6. architect's report; Christopher J. Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 9 f. + covering letters (3 f.). June 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch271   1980-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Darlington St Matthew
/1. architect's report; Newman Smith (Messrs Browne Smith Baker and Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, Co Durham, DL1 5SF; 6f, 9 June 1980
/2. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker and Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, DL1 5SF; 7f, 1985
/3. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker and Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, DL1 5SF; Includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 24 February 1991; 9f, 1991
/4. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker and Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, DL1 5SF; 7f, 1996
/5. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne Smith Baker) of Darlington; cover page + 7 f., April 2001
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 12, [8] (plans and photographs) f., [May] 2007
/7. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; front cover + [1], 12, [2] (plans), [5] (colour photographs) f., [April] 2012

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch84   1973-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dawdon St Hild and St Helen
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 11 f., August 1977
/2. architect's report; A.D.C Hyland (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 6.1982, June 1982
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 15 f., August 1987
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of Hartlepool; paper covers + 2, [1] (plan), 7, 5 f., [October] 1992
/5. architect's report; Donald Spouse of Hartlepool; title page + 11 (with plan), 5 f., April 1998
/6. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; cover page + [14] f., January 1973
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + 4, [5] (plans and photographs), 15 f. + back cover, [September] 2003

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch61   1960-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Deaf Hill cum Langdale St Paul (Trimdon Station)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 13 f., June 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., July 1986
/3. architect's report; J. Dixon-Dawson (noted on front cover by DAC); covers + [23] (with plan and photographs), [3] p., April 1993
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [1] (plan), [1], 9 f. + back cover, December 1999
/5. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., February 1960
/6. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., July 1965
/7. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [10] f., June 1974

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch204a   1979-1991
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Denton St Mary
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Durham; title page + [7], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., April 1979
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [7], [1] f., February 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 1991

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch205   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dinsdale St John the Baptist
/1. architect's report; C. Nicholson of 1 Belmont Way, Rochdale, Lancashire; Includes schedule of work; 6f, March 1980
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Browne & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington, County Durham; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, 1986
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; Includes copy of plan of the church; 16f, 1991
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; cover page + 9, 5 f., November 1996
/5. Lighting Scheme Specification following report of DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch205/4; J.S. Wheeler; 3f, 9 October 1995
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 9, [1], [1] (plans), [7] (colour photographs) f., March 2002
/7. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 11, [1] (plan), [2] (brief history of church) f., October 2006
/8. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 12, [1] (plan), [4] (colour photographs), [2] (brief history of church) f., September 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch130   1963-1994
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dipton St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 14 f., April 1979
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 13 f., April 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (B. Arch., RIBA. Chartered Architect, Ecclesiastical and Historic Buildings Consultant) of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 17, 5 f., September 1994
/4. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [3], [5] f., August 1963
/5. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [18] f., September 1971

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch281   1984-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Dunston St Nicholas
/1. specification of work materials for the replacement of defective gutters, repointing of brickwork, painting of the timber fascias, barge boards and soffit and repairs to the bell; W.J.C. Jackson ( W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 9f, October 1984
/2. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 21f, December 1985
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 18f, October 1991
/4. architect's report; F. O. Messenger (Dip. Arch., Dunelm, R.I.B.A.); includes plans; 97f, March 1997
/5. architect's report; Frank O. Messenger of Newcastle upon Tyne; paper covers + [1], 3, 98, [22] (plans), [1] (blank), [1], [1] (plan) f., June 2002
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [8], [1] f., [November] 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch30a   2002-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for Durham School Chapel
/1. architect's report; Hugh Massey (Hugh Massey Architects) of Stanley; [1] (covering letter, 2003), [11], [6] (photographs) f., [September 2002]

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch28   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Durham St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs; 14 f., July 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and a plan of church; 14 f., April 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and a plan of church; 15 f., 1989
/4. architect's report; Jane Darbyshire (Jane Darbyshire Associates) of Millmount, Ponteland Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes photographs and a plan of church; 17f plus covers, 1994
/5. discussion document for proposed community room; submitted by Church Council to DAC for comments; paper covers + 12 f., with plans, drawings and original colour photographs, December 1987
/6. architects' report for The Tower Project; Jane Darbyshire and David Kendall of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [6] f. + extensive appendices with photographs, plans etc, May-June 1999
/7. architect's report; Ian D. Clarke (Jane Darbyshire and David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover and title pages + [35], 6 (structural engineer's report on tower), [7] (drawings/letter for same), [1] (plan), [13] (colour photographs) f. + back cover, August 1999
/8. architect's report; Ian D. Clarke (Jane Darbyshire and David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover and title pages + 37 f. (with plan and colour photographs) + back cover, October 2005
/9. architect's report; Ian D. Clarke (Jane Darbyshire and David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 38 f. (with plan and colour photographs) + back cover, September 2010

1 folder + 1 envelope 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch29   1979-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Durham St Giles
/1. architect's report (numer 5); A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 20 f., February 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church; 18 f., July 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church from various elevations; 20 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plans of church from various elevations and also in relation to its immediate vicinity; 28 f., November 1995
/5. consistory court judgement on various faculty petitions; Rupert D.H. Bursell; 11 f., 31 October 1998
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [3] (plans and listing details), 26 f., March 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 24, [3] (plans and listing details), 4 f., October 2006
/8. architect's specification for repairs to stonework; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; covering letter (2 f.) + title page + 12, [4] (plan and elevations) f., June 1985
/9. architect's specification for stone repair to openings and pointing to tower; James W. Samson of South Shields; cover page + [23] f. (with plans, drawings and elevations), March 1997
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB architects) of Stockton on Tees; front cover + 6, 14 (church log book), 24, [1] (plan) f., November 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch30   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Durham St Margaret
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 25 f., 30 March 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 f., 27 March 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes a plan of church; 42 f., 23 November 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 43 f., 8 October 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 15, [2] (plan and sections), 21, 5 f., February 2001
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 15, [2] (plan and sections), 24, 5 f., April 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch31   1981
Inspection records for church of Durham St Mary-le-Bow:
/1. architect's report on condition of fabric; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [12], [3], [2] (plans and diagrams) f., February 1981

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch31a   1975-2011
Records for church of Durham St Mary the Less (for St John's College, Durham)
/1. architect's drawings for proposed new balcony; K. Murta and J. Hall; 1f., June 1975
/2. feasibility study for reordering of chapel; A.D.C. Hyland (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; title page + 19 f. (with plans), February 1985
/3. architect's drawings for work on vestry; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; 1f., September 1992
/4. lighting, power and sound installation proposals; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; covers + [11] f. (with plans, drawings and specifications), May 1993
/5. archaeological assessment; Peter F. Ryder of Riding Mill, Northumberland (also Norman Emery [of Durham Cathedral]); cover page + 5 (with plan and drawing), [1] (plan), 20 (with plans), 2 f., August 1998
/6. report on archaeological excavations; Norman Emery; title page + 20 f. + plans and drawings (incomplete copy of report), March 2001
/7. faculty petition report for major re-ordering (summary of objections, answer and other views); [Durham Consistory Court]; 49 f., 2000-2001
/8. plans for layout of floor tiles; Purcell Miller Tritton of Ely, Cambridgeshire; 1f., January 2002
/9. architect's report; [J.B. Kendall] (HLB Architects) of Durham; with some annotations; title page + [8], [6] (plans, heating report and listing details) f., January 1993
/10. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 9, [5] (colour photographs) f., November 2005
/11. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 9, [5] (colour photographs), [1] (plan and sections) f., January 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch33   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Durham St Nicholas
/1. architect's report; Ronald Sims; 21 f., 24 April 1978
/2. architect's report; Ronald Sims of 8/11 College Street, York, Yorkshire; 23 f., 14 February 1985
/3. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; includes plans of the church from various elevations; 18 f., 1990
/4. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; includes plans of the church from various elevations; 16 f., 1994-1995
/5. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer & Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; cover page + [7], [4] (plans and drawings), [2] f., June 2000
/6. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer + Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; covers + [8], [6] (plan and colour photographs), [2] f., [April] 2005
/7. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer + Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough; title page + [9], [8] (plan, drawing and colour photographs), [2] f. + back cover, [March] 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch34   1977-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Durham St Oswald
/1. architect's report; J. Frank Johnson (Willis, Johnson & Associates) of 17 Old Elvet, Durham City; 23 f., May 1977
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 17 f., October 1983
/3. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 21 f., 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 29 f., October 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Durham; cover page + [1], 23, [4] (plans and listing details) f., October 1999
/6. specification and schedule of work for new lead covering and associated works to nave roof; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; covers + [1], 24, [3] (risk assessments and plan) f. + drawings (1f., loose), February 2000
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 30, [3] (plans and listing details) f., August 2005
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 25, [2] (plans), 8 f., February and November 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch29b   2011
Quinquennial inspection records for Chapel of the Venerable Bede (College of St Hild and St Bede, University of Durham)
/1. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (statement of significance and listing details), [9] (with colour photographs), [1] f., [July] 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch273   1978-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Easington Colliery The Ascension
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, April 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 16f, April 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 October 1988; 13f, September 1988
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Co. Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 16f, 1995
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [7], [1] f., [April] 2001
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [8], [1] f., [July] 2011
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [8], [1] f., [April] 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch46   1969-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Easington St Mary
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 23 f., 14 December 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 18 f., 6 October 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 46 f., 17 October 1989
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of 30 West Park, Middle Herrington, Sunderland, County DurhamThe Cathedral Architect's Office, The Great Kitchen, The College, Durham City; 27 f., 24 October 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., August 2002
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1], 5, 3, 1 (electrical report) f., May 1969
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 4 f., May 1974
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 17, [1] (plan), 19, 5 f., March 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch282   1980-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of East Boldon St George
/1. architect's report; R. Collins of 139 Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 3PD; 10f, 1980
/2. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; includes copies of plans of the church; 19f, 7 August 1985
/3. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, NE34 6AL; Includes copies and original photographs of the church, as well as Includes annotation on inside front cover from D.G.F. Hinge, 14.2.92; 27f, January 1992
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plans), 13, 5 f., April 1999
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plans), 14, 5 f., February 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch93   1982-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of East Rainton St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; [12], [1] (plan) f., April 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 14 f., May 1986
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; 11 f., January 1992
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; include plan of church; 12 f., April 1996
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + 14, [2], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2006
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 15, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch237   1979-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Eastgate All Saints
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upn Tyne, NE1 1DF; 16f, 5 November 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upn Tyne, NE1 1DF; 14f, 30 November 1983
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation from DGFH, 4 April 1989; 14f, February 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photograph of the church, as well as annotation from DGFH, 25 November 1994; 19f, 19 July 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [1] (plan and photograph), 16 f., July 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 19, [1] (plan and photograph) f., October 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch131   1958-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ebchester St Ebba
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; [9], [1] (plan) f., November 1977
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 13 f., June 1983
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church and photographs; 16 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 20 f., 22 October 1993
/5. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects), Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; with plans and (loose) drawing of tablet as DDR/EJ/FAC/3/5138A; 25f + drawing, October 1998
/6. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [25], 1 (listing details), [2] (plans) f., February 2003
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [5], [6] f., July 1958 (date of inspection)
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [3], [5] f., November 1963
/9. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [15] f., July 1971
/10. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 23, [2] (plans) f., September 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch254   1982-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Egglescliffe St John the Baptist
/1. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 24f, 7 December 1982
/2. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 27f, 22 April 1988
/3. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 5 February 1994; 13f, 18 January 1994
/4. Letter from Christopher Downs to Jonathan Goodchild, Council for the Care of Churches, regarding the proposed rebuilding of the churchyard walls at the church, which the Durham DAC is opposing; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; 4f, 10 September 1994
/5. A Watching Brief of the graveyard wall surrounding the church; Tees Archaeology of Sir William Gray House, Clarence Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS24 8BT; includes copies of plans of the excavations; 15f, 1996
/6. letter from Howard Taylor to Mr I.A. Richardson of the Diocesan Advisory Committee relating to stolen lead from the roof of the church and the proposal to recover the roof with Stainless Steel and Styrodur Board insulation; Howard Taylor (Egglescliffe Parish Church Fabric Committee) of 41 Urlay Nook Road, Egglescliffe, Stokcton on Tees, TS16 0LU; includes a copy of Mr Sims letter of 9 October 1997 detailing the work proposed and annotation in pencil; 4f, 23 February 1998
/7. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of York; 17 f., July 1999
/8. condition survey of churchyard boundary wall; Property Development Division, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council; covers + [1], 22 (with colour photographs), [2] (plans) f., June 2005
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 18, 4 f., June 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch206   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Eggleston Holy Trinity
/1. a series of letters from the Rev. W.M. Brewin to Father Ruscoe explaining the problem of the previous surveyors report carried out by a Mr Waring on the church and recommending the appointment of an architect to carry out inspections in the future. Includes copy of Mr Waring's handwritten report dated 21 August 1979; W.M. Brewin of The Vicarage, Egglestone, County Durham, DL12 8NW; 9f, 2 October 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plans of the church; 12f, October 1980
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, April 1985
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, October 1991
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, May 1996
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; [1], [1], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 2001
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch6   1981-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Eighton Banks St Thomas
/1. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes a plan of church; 23 f., 23 September 1981 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes a plan of church; 19 f., October 1986
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 21 f., July 1991
/4. architect's report; Peter Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Hawthron Cottage, Hawthorn Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes colour photographs of church; 12 f., September 1996
/5. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 8, [3] (colour photographs) f., July 2001
/6. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 10, [3] (colour photographs) f., October 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch175   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Eldon St Mark
/1. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, MItchell Avenue, Thornaby on Tees, Cleveland; 10f, 1977
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blockbell Rooker Partnership) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland; 11f, 1982
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, January 1987
/4. covering statement from architect relating to a [faculty] petition for re-roofing and re-pointing the church (DDR/EJ/FAC/3/6632); John Niven; 1f, 24 November 1987
/5. specification for re-roofing and re-pointing to the church of Eldon St Mark; Niven & Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; [enclosure with DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch175/4].; 5f, 24 November 1987
/6. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 16f, 1991
/7. Includes copy of plan of church. Date inferred because plan is identical with that in DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch175/6. ; 1f, 1991
/8. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 17f, 1996
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 19, [2] (plans) f., September 2001
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 15, [2] (plans), 5 f., August 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch255   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Elton St John
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 11f, 9 May 1978
/2. architect's report; David R. Woods (AHP Architects) of 15 Albert Road, MIddlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 1PQ; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, 3 July 1984
/3. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 19 September 1991; 16f, 27 July 1991
/4. schedule and specification of works for removal of redundant chimney; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects - Northern) of Church Road, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copies of plans and sketches of the church; 5f, June 1993
/5. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects, Northern) of Middlesbrough; 16 f. (including plan) + back cover, [August] 1996
/6. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 17 f., [May 2002]
/7. architect's report; Michael Atkinson (Purves Ash LLP) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [2], [27], [1], [3], [5], [3] (plans), [13] (photographs), [19], [2] f., January 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch222   1981-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Elwick Hall St Peter
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upn Tyne, NE1 1DF; 13f, 21 October 1981
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 41f, 1 November 1990
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 13, [1] (blank), 15, 1 f., June 1996
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], [1] (drawing), 12, [1] (plan), 13, 1 f., December 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch85   1970-1996
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Eppleton All Saints
/1. architect's report; D Gould (G.T. Brown and Son) of 14 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 4 f., 29 September 1980
/2. architect's report; Ian Ness of 7 Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 5 November 1986
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 29 April 1991
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers (original colour photograph on inside back cover) + [1] (original colour photograph and plan), [9] f., April 1996
/5. architect's report; J. Gould; [1], 3 f., June 1970
/6. architect's report; J. Gould; [1], 3 f., April 1975

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch176   1982-2013
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Escomb St John the Evangelist (Saxon church)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 11f, March 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of site and church plan and a photograph of the church; 14f, March 1986
/3. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of site plan, plan of church and a photograph of church; includes inside front cover manuscript note by DGFH, 23 April 1991; 16f, March 1991
/4. specification and schedule of work required to external areas of stonework with attached costed account from Wm. Allison & Sons Ltd, stone merchants and masonry contractors of 7 South Church Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham; A.O. Lee; [enclosure with DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch176/3]; 7f, 23 August 1989
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 22, [4] (listing details), [2] (plans, drawings, elevations) f., July 1996
/6. specification and schedule of work for porch floor renewal; HLB Architects of Durham; cover page + 7, [5] (plans and drawings) f., January 2000
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 1, [2] (plans, photograph and elevations), 18, 4 (listing details) f., November 2002
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 2, [2] (plans, photograph and elevations), 18 f., September 2007
/9. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [15] (with colour photographs) f., [November] 2013

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch132   1978-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Esh St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 2 June 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 14 f., 11 February 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 27 f., 4 October 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 10, [1] (blank), 13, 5 f., December 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (blank), 12, 5 f., March 2002
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., September 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch177   1981-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Etherley St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 18f, 25 July 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 8f, 14 July 1986
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 21f, 31 August 1991
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The Cathedral Architect's Office, The Great Kitchen, The College, Durham, DH1 3EQ; includes copy of plan of church; 29f, 22 January 1999 (reporting on inspection carried out November 1996)
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [2] (plans), 17, 1 (listing details) f., September 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 23 f., August 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch178   1979-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Evenwood St Paul
/1. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 16f, July 1979
/2. architect's report; W.B. Edwards and Partners of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 27f, July 1984
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; includes inside front cover annotation by DGFH, 6 August 1989; 21f, June 1989
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of church; 13f, November 1994
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 1999
/6. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page + 16 f. (with plans), July 2004
/7. architect's report; George Stastny of Barnard Castle; cover page + 14 f. (with plans), October 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch7   1979-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Fatfield St George
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., 9 November 1981
/2. architect's report; Martin Orchard Associates of Station House, Station Road, Wylam, Northumberland; 17 f., June 1988
/3. architect's report; Orchard Goff Associates of Station House, Wylam, Northumberland; 19 f., December 1993
/4. architect's specification notes & schedule of works; Orchard Goff Associates of Station House, Wylam, Northumberland; 6 f., 1994
/5. engineers' survey report of heating system; Ove Arup & Partners Consulting Engineers of Bede House, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints; 12 f., May 1995
/6. architect's report; Orchard Goff Associates of Station House, Wylam, Northumberland; 20 f., November 1998
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (Dip. Arch., Dunelm, F.R.I.B.A., Chartered Architect & Diosecan Surveyor) and H. H. Atkinson (B. Arch., Dunelm, F.R.I.B.A., Chartered Architect, Charlewood, Curry, Wislon & Atkinson Architects) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 13f, March 1979
/8. architect's report; Orchard Goff Associates of Wylam; cover page + [1], 16 f., November 2003
/9. architect's report; Martin Orchard of Hexham; cover page (signed) + [1], [2] (covering letters), 1 (extract from 1981 report), 16 f., November 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch66   1967-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Felling Christ Church
/1. architect's report; D.H. Dickinson of 26 Fairisle, Wentworth Park Estate, Ouston, Chester le Street, County Durham; 8 f., 26 April 1980
/2. architect's report; D.H. Dickinson of 26 Fairisle, Wentworth Park Estate, Ouston, Chester le Street, County Durham; 7 f., 13 July 1985
/3. architect's report; D.H. Dickinson of 26 Fairisle, Wentworth Park Estate, Ouston, Chester le Street, County Durham; 11 f., 3 February 1990
/4. architect's report; John AG Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; 12f, November 1995
/5. architect's report; John AG Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, September 2000
/6. architect's report; John AG Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2005
/7. architect's report; Peter Tong of Durham; title page + 3, [2] f., July 1967
/8. architect's report (architect not stated); [1], 3 f., April 1975 (date of inspection)
/9. number not used
/10. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch47   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ferryhill St Luke
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 16 f., April 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 17 f., October 1983
/3. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Steet, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 12 f., 28 April 1994
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Steet, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 13 f, October 1989
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [1] (plan), [1], 9 f. + back cover + loose drawing of proposed church centre (undated, same architect), November 1999
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2005
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch179   1979-1997
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Fir Tree St Mary the Virgin (Howden-le-Wear)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 13f, August 1979
/2. architect's report; Dennis Waller (Chartered Architects and Surveyors) of 13 East Bridge Street, Crook, County Durham, DL15 9BJ; includes copies of plans and elevations of the church; 12f, October 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Padgett of 1 The Old School, Billy Row, Crook, County Durham, DL15 9SZ; covers + [13] f., November 1989
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10 f., December 1997

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch207   1977-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Forest and Frith St James
/1. architect's report; D.H. Dickenson of 26 Fairisle, Wenworth Park Estate, Chester le Street; includes compliments slip from the Diocesan Office to the Secretary of the Advisory Committee; 5f, 25 May 1977
/2. architect's report; D.H. Dickinson of 26 Fairisle, Wentworth Park Estate, Ouston, Chester-le-Street, County Durham; Report appears to be a more detailed version of DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch207/1; 6f, 22 May 1977 (date of inspection)
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, March 1983
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church and annotations on the front cover and inside front cover from DGFH, 11 October 1989; 16f, September 1989
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 18f, November 1994
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [1] (photographs and plan), 15 f., October 1999
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 11, [1] (photographs and plan), 6 f., September 2005

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch28a   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Framwellgate Moor St Aidan
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and a plan of church; 13 f., May 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and a plan of church; 14 f., September 1984
/3. architect's report; Jane Darbyshire Associates of Milburn house, Side, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes photographs and a plan of church; 12 f., 5 September 1990
/4. architect's report; Jane Darbyshire and David Kendall of Millmount, Ponteland Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes photographs and a plan of church; 13 f., 5 September 1995
/5. architect's report; Ian Clarke (Jane Darbyshire & David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 f., November 2000
/6. architect's report; Ian Clarke (Jane Darbyshire & David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 16 f. (with plan and colour photographs) + back cover, August 2005
/7. architect's report; Ian Clarke (Jane Darbyshire & David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 17 f. (with plan and colour photographs) + back cover, September 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch239   1977-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Frosterley St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington; 8f, 1977
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington; 9f, 1982
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; 11f, October 1987
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; 15f, August 1992
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; 14f, April 1997
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13 f. + back cover, June 2002
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13 f. + back cover, June 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch208   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gainford St Mary
/1. architect's report; Browne Smith Baker and Partners of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, DL1 5SF; 12f, February 1980
/2. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, July 1985
/3. Specification of works for the re-roofing of Vestry, re-roofing & repointing of tower, including budget estimate for work described in specification. ; Forsyth and Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham; Includes copies of plans of the church; 28f, September 1986
/4. architect's report; [Angus Forsyth] (Forsyth and Stastny) of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; Includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 2 September 1990; 13f, August 1990
/5. architect's report; [Angus Forsyth] (Forsyth and Stastny) of Barnard Castle; covers + [1], 10, [2] (plan and listing details), [3] (report on trees with plan), [2] (report on south door), [2] (plan and drawing) f., November 1995
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., December 2002
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 17, [1] (plan), 21, 5 f., September 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch68   1974-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead Christ Church Bensham
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., October 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 14 f., November 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 17 f., November 1989
/4. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, County Durham; 12 f., November 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers (with annotation) + [1], 22, [2] (plans) f., October 1999
/6. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [13] f., February 1974

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch69   1977
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 7 f., September 1977

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch71   1975-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St Chad Bensham
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 f., 21 July 1984
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 25 f., 29 January 1990
/3. DAC recommendation; I.A. Richardson (for Diocesan Registrar); 1 f., 15 July 1991
/4. DAC recommendation; I.A. Richardson (for Diocesan Registrar); 1 f., 7 October 1991
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 16, [1] (plans), 30, 5 f., December 1998
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., February 1975
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 17, [1] (plans), 27, 5 f., August 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch72   1980-1986
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham:
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 4, 5, 10 f., June 1980
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 4 f., June 1982
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3], 37 f., May 1986

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch69a   1987-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St Edmund's Chapel
/1. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, County Durham; 7 f., 16 July 1987
/2. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, County Durham; 9 f., July 1992
/3. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (Dipl. Arch. RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes plans and photocopies; 28 f., November 1996
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 1, [2] (plans), 20 f., January 2002
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 16, [2] (plans), 5 f., November 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch74   1970-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St George
/1. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Stringer & Jones) of Stainton, Middlesbrough, County Durham; includes plans of church; 12 f., March 1995
/2. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Samson, Jones and Associates) of South Shields; cover + [8] f., April 1975
/3. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Samson, Jones and Associates) of South Shields; cover + [6] f. (with plan), March 1979
/4. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of Thornaby; cover + [8] f. (with plan), July 1984
/5. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Rooker, Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover + [10], [4] (plans and drawings) f., December 1989
/6. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover + [5], [3] (plans), [2] f., March 2001
/7. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover page + [6], 5 (colour photographs, plan and sketch), [2] f., [October] 2006
/8. architect's report; G.H. Hawkins (Hawkins, Heath & Nelson) of Sunderland; covers + [1], 6 f., February 1970
/9. specification for repairs; D.L. Renton of Auckland Castle, Bishop Auckland; [13] f., [June 1990]
/10. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Stringer and Jones) of Stainton; cover page + [7], 5 (plan and colour photographs), [2] f., [October] 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch75   1963-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; [12], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; covers + [10], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., September 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; covers + [12], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., September 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; cover page + [15], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f. + back cover, September 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [3] (photographs, plans and listing details), 16 f., October 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; covers + [1], 20 f., October 2004
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [1], 9 f., July 1963
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 8 f., October 1967
/9. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [12], [3] f., January 1974
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 20, [2] (plans) f., June 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch76   1972-1977
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St James
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 1, 3, 3, 4 f., April 1972
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., December 1977

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch78a   1993-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St James and St Bede Church Centre
/1. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, County Durham; 10, [1] (plan) f., November 1993
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 16, [1] (plan), 5 f., February 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch77   [1957]-1970
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead St Paul Low Team:
/1. architect's report; no name or date stated (annotated '1957'); 7, [1] f.
/2. architect's report; Matthew Hayton of Durham; [12] f., November 1970

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch78   1965-1980
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead Venerable Bede
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [12], [1] (photographs and plan) f., April 1980 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; Peter Tong of Durham; title page + 4, [1] (parochial return re trusts), October 1965 (date of inspection)
/3. architect's report; Arthur & Kirkup of Low Fell, Gateshead; 4 f., May 1970

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch79   1960-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Gateshead Fell St John
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., 4 April 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 18 f., 20 October 1986
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 20 f., 26 October 1991
/4. steeplejack's report; R.T. Hastwell (Taylor Hastwell Steeplejack Services) of Low Lands, Cockfield, Bishop Auckland, County Durham; includes photographs of church; 24 f., 6 February 1999
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [2] (plans and sections), 18, 5 f., December 1997
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 14, [2] (plans and sections), 20, 5 f., December 2005
/7. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [2], 3 f., November 1960
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 8, [1] f., December 1965
/9. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 1, 3, 3, 2 f., November 1970
/10. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 4 f., February 1976

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch205b   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Girsby All Saints
/1. architect's report; C. Nicholson of 1 Belmont Way, Rochdale, Lancashire; 3f, March 1980
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington, County Durham; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 1986
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, County Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 17f, 1995
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of Hartlepool; title page + 2, [1] (plan), 6, 5 f., [November] 1990
/5. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus : Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 8, [1], 1, [7] (colour photographs) f., March 2002
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus : Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 10, [5] (colour photographs) f., June 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch156   1981-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Grangetown St Aidan
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of the church; 12 f., November 1981
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan and photgraphs of the church; 9 f., October 1986
/3. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plan of church; 20 f., February 1992
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of South Shields; cover page + [3], [1] (plan), [6], [3], [3] (roof report with plan), [4] (coloured photographs) f., [ca.1997]
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs and plan), [8] f., [April] 2002
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (plan and colour photographs), [9] f., [May] 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch253a   1978-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Great Stainton All Saints
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, March 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, March 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 11 December 1988; 18f, November 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 16f, November 1993
/5. Handwritten notes relating to the decoration/redecoration of the church, including the ceilings and walls; Nick Hughes of 29 Durham Road, Stockton, TS19 0BP; date is not clear although it is likely to be 1995 as reference is made to a meeting scheduled for Sunday, 4 June 1995; 4f, 1995
/6. Meeting Record; HLB Architects of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; meeting to inspect proposed works to the Church as scheduled by the Church Treasurer. Present at the meeting were, Rev P. Atkinson, Vicar; Mr I. Richardson, Secretary to DAC; Mrs Irvine, Vice Chairman of PCC; Mrs B. Kitching, Churchwarden/Keyholder; Mrs M. Meadow-Smith, Keyholder; Mr J.B. Kendall, Inspecting Architect; 3f, 19 June 1995
/7. Replastering Specification; HLB Architects of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plans of the church; 10f, July 1995
/8. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1] (plan), 8, [1] f., March 1999
/9. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 9, [1] (plan) f., March 2005
/10. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, January 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch223   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Greatham St John the Baptist
/1. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9QY; 14f, 13 May 1980
/2. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9QY; 15f, 30 October 1985
/3. archaeological report relating to an evaluation of the deposits between columns of the north and south aisles of the church; Cleveland County Council Archeology Section of PO Box 41, Southlands Centre, Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS3 0YZ, England; Includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 March 1991; 9f, 1990
/4. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of The Granary, 17a High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 21 June 1990; 14f, 6 June 1990
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 RE; includes photograph of the church; 13f, 1996
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [10], [1] f., September 2000
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [10], [1] f., April 2005
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs and plan), [10], [1] f., August 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch8   1978-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Greenside St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 9 f., October 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 11 f., November 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 17 f., July 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 20 f., July 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + title page + 20, [1] (plans and photograph) f., December 1999 and March 2000
/6. schedule of works for roofing repairs and re-roofing proposals; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; covers + [1], 4, [3] (plans and photographs), [9] f., May 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 20 f., April 2004
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + [4] (colour photographs), [11] f., July 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch256   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Grindon St James
/1. architect's report; Franklin Medhurst of Greystone, Carlton, Stockton, Cleveland; 8f, October 1978
/2. architect's report; Franklin Medhurst of Greystone, Carlton, Stockton, Cleveland; includes sketches and copies of plans of the church; 21f, October 1983
/3. architect's report; Franklin Medhurst of Greystone, Carlton, Stockton, Cleveland; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 April 1989; 20f, December 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 24f, December 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 23 f., May 2000
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 26, [1] (photographs and plans) f., July 2005
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 23, [1] (photographs and plans), 7 f., July 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch289a   1990-2001
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Grindon St Oswald
/1. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church and map of area; 20f, November 1990
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 22f, November 1995
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan), 14 f., January 2001

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch133   1976-1997
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hamsteels St John the Baptist
/1. letter concerning general repairs; Roger of 4 Nevilledale Terrace, Crossgate Peth, County Durham; 1 f., 5 February 1976
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 13 f., 27 October 1980
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., 26 May 1986
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 34 f., 25 October 1991
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., January 1997

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch180   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hamsterley St James
/180/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 7f, September 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Hayton, Lee & Braddock, Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 9f, July 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & NIven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; includes manuscript annotations, among them querying the date of inspection; 14f, October 1991
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 14f, March 1995
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 8, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2000
/6. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Christopher Padgett: Architect Ltd) of Crook; covers + 1, 13, [4] (plans and colour photographs) f., March 2006
/7. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Christopher Padgett: Architect Ltd) of Crook; cover page + 14, [2] (plans) f., October 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch296   1977-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Harlow Green St Ninian
/1. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Samson, Jones & Associates) of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear; includes copy of plan of the church; 6f, 1977
/2. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, SR1 1QS; includes copy of plan of the church; 8f, 18 October 1982
/3. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, NE8 4NT; title page + 8, [1] f., [November] 1987
/4. Letter from Rev. Barrie Moss of St Ninian's Vicarage to Mr Richardson, relating to work required on the roof of St Ninian's Church; Barrie Moss (St Ninian's Vicarage) of Ivy Lane, Low Fell, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE9 6QD; 1f, 8 February 1990
/5. letter from Rev Barrie Moss of St Ninian's Vicarage relating to an application for an Archdeacon's Certificate for the repairs of St Ninian's Church roof, and an alleged acceptance of the work by the secretary of the Diocesan Advisory Committee; Barrie Moss (St Ninian's Vicarage) of Ivy Lane, Low Fell, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE9 6QD; this acceptance was refuted by the secretary and the letter includes a yellow post-it note to this effect attached; 1f, 20 May 1990
/6. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, NE8 4NT; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 25 July 1992; title page + [8] f., June 1992
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2RE; covers (with original colour photographs) + [6], [1] f., [June] 1997
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [7], [1] f., [June] 2002
/9. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [7], [1] f., [October] 2007
/10. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [8] (with further colour photographs) f., [June] 2012

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch224   1974-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hart St Mary Magdalene
/1. architect's report; C.R. Heath (Hawkins Heath Nelson) of Regent Buildings, York Road, Hartlepool; 7f, November 1974
/2. architect's report; Ian Nelson of 56 Avenue Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS24 8AT; 18f, June 1982
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 20f, 1987
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartelpool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on front cover from DGFH, 29 November 1992; 20f, 1992
/5. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Teesside, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 20f, 1998
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., October 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch268a   2005-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartburn All Saints
/1. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 16 f. (with plan and colour photographs), [June] 2005
/2. architect's report; Geoffrey Purves of Kirkwhelpington; cover page + [9], [3], [2] (plan), [12] (colour photographs), [2], [5], [2], [2] f., July 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch226a   1977-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 7f, 14 July 1977
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 8f, 7 March 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; Includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 21 January 1990; 31f, 27 December 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs, 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; with plan; 29f + covers, 19 December 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + 11, [1] (plan), 10, 5 f., March 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch229   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Aidan
/1. architect's report; I.B. Braddock (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of 58 High Street, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees; 7f, November 1980
/2. architect's report; I.B. Braddock (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Stephenson House, Castle Centre, High Street, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS18 1AN; 8f, June 1985
/3. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (Hayton Lee and Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 2 September 1990; 16f, June 1990
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 28f, June 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 24, [1] (listing details), [2] (plans) f., June 2000
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 25, [1] (listing details), [2] (plans) f., March 2006
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 24, [1] (listing details), [2] (plans), 10 (church log book) f., October 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch229a   1986-2001
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Columba
/1. architect's report; J.B. Braddock (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Stephenson House, Castle Centre, High Street, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS18 1AN; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, February 1986
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation from DGFH, 12 November 1991; 17f, March 1991
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 20f, September 1996
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 19, [2] (report on leak and plan) f., July 2001

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch225   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Hilda
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; 10f, March 1979
/2. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 31f, 15 February 1984
/3. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 30f, 30 July 1990
/4. architect's report; Donald G. Sims of 8-11 College Street, York, YO1 2JF; 37f, 22 May 1995
/5. architect's report; Ronald G. Sims of York; [1], 41 f., September 2000
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], [1] (engraving), 16, [1] (section, elevations and plan), 38, 5 f., June 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch293   1979-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St James Owton Manor
/1. architect's report; R.T. Miller (Matthew Trotter & Miller) of 28 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland; includes copies of plans of the church; 12f, 24 April 1979
/2. architect's report; R.T. Miller (Matthew Trotter & Miller) of 28 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, TS18 3NG; includes copies of plans of the church; 18f, 7 March 1984
/3. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from 12 September 1989; 17f, 1989
/4. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 8 May 1994; 21f, 1994
/5. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; cover page + 4, [3] (plan, elevation and photographs), 29 f. + back cover, July 1999
/6. architect's report; Tony Burns and David Beaumont (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 34 f. (with elevation, plan and colour photographs) + back cover, November and December 2006
/7. architect's report; David Beaumont (Beaumont Brown Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 19 p. (with elevation, plan and colour photographs) + covering letter (bound in), February 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch272   1978-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Luke
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, September 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, September 1983
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Stephenson House, Castle Centre, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1AN; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 17 November 1988; 16f, October 1988
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Co. Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 17f, 1994
/5. architect's report; John Taylor (John Taylor Architects) of Crook; cover page + [1] (colour photographs), [11], [3] (colour photographs and plans) f., July 2001
/6. architect's report; John Taylor (John Taylor Architects) of Crook; cover page + [12], [3] (colour photographs) f., February 2007
/7. architect's report; David Beaumont (Beaumont Brown Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 24 (with extensive colour photographs and plan), [12] f. + back cover + 3 p. and [1] f. (notes for proposed Garden of Remembrance, 2015, enclosure), March 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch231   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Oswald
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson); 10f, 31 August 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 9f, 21 November 1983
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 22f, 15 January 1988
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry of Middle Herrington, Sunderland and The College, Durham; covers + 2, 6, 8, 5 f., September 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [7] (plan, sections and elevations), 21, 5 f., November 2002
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 17, [7] (plan, sections and elevations), 23, 5 f., November 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch232   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hartlepool St Paul
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 15f, 12 January 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 13f, 12 May 1984
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; includes photograph of church interior and annotation on insde front cover from DGFH, 8 October 1989; 21f, 25 September 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 11, [2] (plan and section), 19, 5 f., October 1995
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [2] (plan and section), 15, 5 f., February 2003
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [3] (plans and section), 17, 5 f., May 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch99   1972-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Harton St Peter
/1. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of Sunderland; [10], [1] (plan), [1] (elevations showing guttering) f., January 1983
/2. architect's report; J. W. Samson of South Shields; [10], [1] (plan), [2] (reports on organ and bells) f., November 1988
/3. architect's report; J. W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plans and photographs of church; 35 f., March 1994
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of South Shields; cover page + 14 (with colour photographs), [5] (plans, tree schedule and report on bells), [3] f. + back cover, March 2000
/5. architect's report; John S. Burns (Mackellar architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [1] (colour photograph), [3], 2, [2] (plans), 31, 72 (colour photographs) f. + back cover, July 2006
/6. architect's report; S.W. Milburn & Partners of Sunderland; [1], 5, [2], [1] f., July 1972

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch48   1972-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Haswell St Paul
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 8 f., May 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 8 f., November 1982
/3. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; incldes plan of church; 11 f., July 1987
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 13 f., April 1992
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [2], [8], 3, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, March 1997
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 2002
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 14, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, September 2007
/8. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [21] f., May 1972
/9. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 14, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch209   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Haughton le Skerne St Andrew
/1. architect's report; Blackwell & Rooker of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland; 6f, 1979
/2. architect's report; Martin Stancliffe of 39 Low Petergate, York; 26f, 1985
/3. architect's report; Geoffrey J. Holland (Martin Stancliffe Associates) of 29 Marygate, York, YO3 7BH; includes annotations on front cover and inside front cover from DGFH, 12 June 1990; 23f, April 1990
/4. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Associates) of 29 Marygate, York, YO3 7BH; 29f, April 1996
/5. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Martin Stancliffe Architects) of York; covers + 1, 27, [7] (electrical test report) f., October 2000
/6. architect's report; Geoffrey Holland (Purcell Miller Tritton LLP) of York; cover page + 26, [1] (blank) f. + back cover, October 2005
/7. architect's report; Ulrike Knox (Knox-McConnell Architects) of Leeds; cover page + 33 p. (with colour photographs and lightning conductor report) + back cover, March 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch49   1976-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hawthorn St Michael
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 9 f., June 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photograhp and plan of church; 10 f., July 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of the church; 14 f., July 1990
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; title page + 19, [5] (plans and photographs) f., July 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [2] (plans), 17 f., July 2000
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 12, [2] (plans), 6 f., April 2006
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [10] (with colour photographs), [1] f., [June] 2011
/8. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [9] f., February 1976

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch240   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Heatherycleugh St Thomas
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan and sketch of the church; 8f, March 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 9f, May 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 May 1989; 16f, May 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 July 1994; 22f, June 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan, drawing and photographs), 17 f., September 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 21 f., January 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch100   1959-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hebburn St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 3, 5, 3 f., April 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham City; covers + [9], [3], [1] (plan and photographs) f., April 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 17 f., April 1989
/4. architect's report; C.J.Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker and Partners) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (title page, colour photographs, plan), [17] f., October 1997
/5. architect's report; C.J. Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [2] (colour photographs and plan), 16 f. + back cover, November 2002
/6. architect's report; C.J. Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 16 f., November 2007
/7. architect's report; P.C. Newcombe of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 4 f., May 1959
/8. specification for repairs; [P.C. Newcombe as /5]; title page + [1], 5 f., [May 1959]
/9. architect's report; Newcombe & Newcombe of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 3 f., November 1964
/10. specification for repairs; Newcombe & Newcombe of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 5 f., November 1964
/11. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., June 1974

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch101   1962-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hebburn St John
/1. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [11] f., December 1978
/2. architect's report; W.B. Edwards and Partners of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3], [1] (plan), [17] f., May 1984
/3. architect's report; W.B. Edwards and Partners of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1], [1] (plan), 19 f., August 1989
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f., October 1994
/5. architect's report; C.J.Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [1] (plan), [20] f. + back cover, November 2000
/6. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordingley & McIntyre) of Durham; [10] f., October 1962
/7. architect's report; [W.J.C. Jackson] (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [14], [1] (plan) f., December 1972
/8. architect's report; C.J.Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 21, [1] (drawing) f., July 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch102   1960-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hebburn St Oswald
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 3, 5, 5 f., March 1982
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 7, 13, 5 f., October 1987
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 32 f., December 1992
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (blank), 12, 5 f., March 1999
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [2] (plan and reduced scans of 19th century plans), 12, 4 f., May 2004
/6. architect's report; Christopher J. Blackburn (Browne Smith Baker Architects) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 21 p. (with colour photographs and plan), July 2010
/7. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [1], 3 f., May 1960
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 7, [1] f., January 1966
/9. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 2, 3, 4 f., January 1971
/10. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3 f., May 1975

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch9   1978-2002
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hedgefield St Hilda
/1. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson; 4 f., 27 November 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 4 January 1984
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes a plan of church; 36 f., 23 October 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., December 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., February 2002

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch103   1973-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hedworth St Nicholas
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [15] f., August 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [10], [3], [1] (plan) f., May 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [12], [4], [1] (plan) f., May 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 42 f., 31 May 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [3] (plan and sections), 15, [3] (record of structural crackings, 1995), 5 f., April 2001
/6. architect's report; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; [19] f., December 1973
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [3] (plan and sections), 20, 5 f. + 4 original colour photographs, December 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch210   1980-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Heighington St Michael
/1. report on condition of south aisle roof following interim inpsection carried out on 24th July 1980, together with recommendations regarding repointing of masonry and the formation of a drainage channel around the wall base; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham; includes copies of plans of the south aisle roof; 3f, 1980
/2. specification for replacing the existing lead covered south aisle roof with stainless steel; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 3f, October 1980
/3. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, July 1985
/4. specification for restoration of plasterwork on south wall of south aisle; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 3f, 27 September 1982
/5. letter from A. Lax & Sons to Messrs. Hayton, Lee & Braddock relating to a proposed estimate for replastering the south aisle; A. Lax & Sons of Steel House Yard, West Road, Crook, County Durham; 1f, 22 October 1982
/6. letter from Hayton, Lee & Braddock to E.G. Buckley relating to a comparison of estimates for carrying out the restoration plaster to the south aisle; E.G. Buckley (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; 2f, 28 October 1982
/7. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, September 1986
/8. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18a Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; Includes copies of plans of the church and annotations on inside front cover from DGFH, 21 November 1991. ; 12f, November 1991
/9. archaeological assessment (photostat copy); no author stated; [6], 8 (plans and photographs) f., undated [? 1980s]
/10. architect's report; George Stastny of Whorlton; cover page + 31 f. (with plans, drawings and listing details), October 1997
/11. architect's report; George Stastny of Whorlton; cover page + 34 f. (with plans, drawings and listing details), August 2003
/12. architect's report; George Stastny of Whorlton; cover page + 30 f. (with plans and listing details, including p.16A), October 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch146   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hendon St Ignatius
/1. architect's report; J. Latherton of 9 The Esplanade, Sunderland, County Durham; 9 f., July 1977
/2. architect's report; J. Latherton of 9 The Esplanade, Sunderland, County Durham; 11 f., June 1982
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 32 f., 30 December 1987
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 34 f., 13 December 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., August 2001
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., August 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch86a   1959-1988
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Herrington St Aidan
/1. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., December 1959
/2. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., October 1964
/3. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [15] f., May 1973
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [12], [1] (photographs and plan) f., September 1979
/5. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [14], [1] (photographs and plan) f., October 1983
/6. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [15], [1] (photographs and plan) f., August 1988

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch87   1960-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hetton-le-Hole St Nicholas
/1. architect's report; Wm & T.R. Milburn of 4 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 17 f., 11 December 1977
/2. architect's report; [Wm & T.R. Milburn of Sunderland]; [1], 21, [1] (plan) f., June 1982
/3. architect's report (with annotations by DAC); Wm & T.R. Milburn of 4 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; covers + [1] (plan), [1], 16 f., July 1989
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 12 f., June 1994
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [1] (plan), 10, [1], [2] (covering letter) f., January 1999
/6. architect's report; S. W. Milburn & partners of Sunderland; 9 f., December 1960

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch105   1958-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Heworth St Alban (Windy Nook)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; [14], [1] (photographs, plan and sections) f., August 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [12], [1] (photographs, plan and sections), [3] f., September 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [16], [1] (photographs, plan and sections) f., September 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photograph of church; 22 f., September 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 18, [2] (photograph, plans and listing details) f., November 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 16, [2] (listing details and plans), 5 f., November 2004
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., July 1958 (date of inspection)
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., August 1963
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., August 1968
/10. architect's report; Hayton, Lee and Braddock of Durham; [11] f., March 1974
/11. architect's report; Michael Drage of Stocksfield; covers + 2, [1] (plan), 7 f., March 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch104   1959-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Heworth St Mary
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 3, 5, 3 f., December 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3, 3, 6 f., October 1984
/3. architect's letter concering the bell-hanging project; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 f., 1 April 1985
/4. architect's report on the condition of the tower; 3 f., 28 March 1985
/5. architect's letter enclosing estimates from the bell-hangers; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., 27 August 1985
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 5, 5, 5 f., August 1989
/7. builder's letter enclosing estimates for roof works and pointing; S. Hume (Stonewest Cox Restoration) of 31 Bankhead Drive, Sighthill, Edinburgh; 5 f., 23 July 1993
/8. letter concerning quinquennial inspectors; D. Hinge; 1 f., 17 March 1994
/9. letter concerning quinquennial inspectors; D. Snowball; 1 f., 13 May 1994
/10. letter concerning quinquennial inspectors; I. Richardson of Diocesan Office, Bisop Auckland, County Durham; 1 f., 8 June 1994
/11-13. correspondence between churchwarden and DAC concerning electrical works in Lady Chapel; 3 f., October-November 1994
/14. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 12 f. (with photograph and plan), 1995
/15. letter concerning painted panels; I. Richardson; 1 f., 20 September 1996
/16. letter concerning a petition for a faculty; I. Richardson (chairman/secretary to the register); 30 September 1996
/17. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs and plans), [11] f., [May] 2000
/18. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 25, [3] (plans, listing details and photographs), 3 (chancellor's guidance on trees in churchyards) f., December 2005
/19. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 6 f., July 1959
/20. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 1, [1], 8, [1] f., December 1964
/21. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 5, 2 f. + back cover, February 1970
/22. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., January 1975
/23. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 26, [2] (plans and listing details) f., February 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch22a   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of High Spen St Patrick
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 f., 11 August 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 f., 29 July 1983
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., 10 September 1989
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 8, [1] (plan), 8, 5 f., June 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., August 2003
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + [4] (plan and colour photographs), [7], [1] f., [May] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch134   1982-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Holmside St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; Peter Tong of The Studio, 19 1/2 Old Elvet, Durham; 4 f., 1982
/2. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, Northumberland; includes plan of church; 13 f., January 1994
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (original colour photographs), [8] f., [February] 1999
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [8] f., [December] 2005
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [8] f., [December] 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch51   1973-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Horden St Mary
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 11 f., July 1983
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 17 f., December 1988
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 22, [4] (roof inspections), [2] (photographs and plans), [3] (listing details) f., November 1996
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 22, [2] (plans and photographs), [3] (listing details) f., November 2002
/5. architect's site inspection reports and correspondence for apse roof repairs; Jeremy [B. Kendall] (HLB Architects) of Durham; 28 f. (with drawings and photographs), September 1992 - July 1993
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 25, [2] (plans and photographs), [3] (listing details) f., April 2007
/7. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [9] f., December 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch304   1985-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Horsley Hill St Lawrence the Martyr
/1. architect's report; Ian Ness of 106 Manor House Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2LY; 10f, 1985
/2. architect's report of a proposed new church; Winskell Architects of 7 Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; Includes annotations on front cover and an attached letter, dated 19 March 1988, from the Venerable Michael Pery, Archdeacon of Durham, requesting David (?) to steer the report through the next DAC meeting as Repair of Buildings will make no further grant until DAC is in approval; 9f, 31 January 1988
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2RE; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, 1995
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 2RE; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [8], [1] f. + covering letter, September 2000
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [6], [1] f. + [2] f. (covering letters), December 2005 and March 2006
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [6], [1] f., November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch88   1973-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Houghton-le-Spring St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; [8], [3], [1] (plan) f., August 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 11 f., October 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., September 1988
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; 22 f., April 1993
/5-8. contract specifications, quotations and notes for re-roofing of north aisle; Hayton Lee and Braddock, Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; with plan and sections; 5f, 9f, 5f, 1f, August 1988 to October 1990
/9. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 14 f. + back cover, May 1998
/10. archaeological assessment (The Conservation Initiative); C.R. Hart (Tyne and Wear Museums); [1], 15, 5 (listing details), 1, [21] (sites and monuments record), [11] (photographs), 8 (plans) f., July 1997
/11. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 15, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2003
/12. architect's report; Alan O. Lee of Durham; [21] f., July 1973
/13. architect's report; Dr Geoffrey Purves (Purves Ash LLP) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [19], [3], [2] (plan), [3], 48 (colour photographs), [1], 1 (listing details), 3, [5], [2], [2] f., November 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch181   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hunwick St Paul
/1. architect's report; Pamela W. Iley of 9 Lowes Barn Bank, Durham; 12, 1978
/2. architect's report; Niven & Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 7f, October 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, October 1990
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 14f, March 1995
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2000
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2005
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch211   1980-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hurworth All Saints
/1. architect's report; C. Nicholson of 1 Belmont Way, Rochdale, Lancashire; 9f, March 1980
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington, County Durham; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, 1986
/3. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on front cover from DGFH, 16 December 1991; 19f, 1991
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of Hartlepool; cover + 11, 5 f., May 1998
/5. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [13], [1] (plan), [1], [1] (colour photographs) f., [October] 2003
/6. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + 15, [1] (plan), 1, [6] (photographs) f., [April] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch63a   1982-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Hutton Henry St Francis
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; include plan and photgraphs of church; 15 f., October 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 14 f., May 1987
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan and photographs of church; 12 f., June 1992
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [2], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 1997
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 2002
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch204   1979-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ingleton St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, April 1979
/2. letter to the Rev. Noel Burt releating to the procedure for appointing an architect for the quinquennial inspection; Noel B. Burt (Ingleton Vicarage) of Darlington, County Durham, Dl2 3HS; 1f, 28 February 1984
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; 10f, February 1985
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation from DGFH, 12 March 1991; 11f, April 1991
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, August 1996
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, with organs adviser's report of April 1994 (1 f., loose), May 2001
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 11, [2], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2006
/8. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11 [2] (plans) f. + back cover, September 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch106a   1977-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow St John the Baptist
/1. architect's report; D Smith (UK & Northumberland & Gateshead & 5 Regent Street) of J. Roscoe Milne Partnership; 5 f., 1977
/2. architect's report; F. Pegg (Smith Darby Partnership) of 19 Portland Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., December 1987
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; 9 f., 3 December 1993
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (plan and original colour photographs), [9] f., June 1998
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (plans and colour photographs), [7], [1] f., [November] 2003
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (plans and colour photographs), [10], [1] f., [July] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch107   1974-2000
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow St Mark
/1. architect's report; S Gray (Gray Fawdon & Riddle) of 41 Beach Road, South Shields, County Durham; 4 f., 1979
/2. architect's report; S Gray (Gray Fawdon & Riddle) of 41 Beach Road, South Shields, County Durham; 4 f., 1984
/3. architect's report; [Smith Darby Partnership of Newcastle upon Tyne, signature as /4]; [4] f., February 1989 (annotated “unsatisfactory”)
/4. architect's report; Smith Darby Partnership of 19 Portland Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [11] + [2] (plans) f., April 1989
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (original colour photographs), [10] f., 27 November 1995
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (plans), [10], [2] (electrician's report) f., November 2000
/7. architect's report; Gray and Fawdon of South Shields; 4 f., April 1974

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch106   1971-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow St Paul
/1. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 15 f., April 1971
/2. architect's specification of work; Sir Lancelot Keay of 22 Oldbury Place, London; 4 f., 1971
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 36 f., 30 August 1973
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 6 f., 5 p., 15 f., September 1977
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 4 f., 5 p., 6 f., November 1983
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 6, 8, 5 f., May 1988
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of Middle Herrington and Durham; covers + 2, 8, 9, 5 f., August 1993
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., May 1999
/9. archaeological record of churchyard walls; C.R. Hart (Tyne and Wear Museums); covers + [2], [11], [3], [2] (plan), [3] (elevations), [41] (photographs), [7] (engraving and plans), [1] f., March/April 2002
/10. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., March 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch108   1963
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow St Peter (Chaytor Street)
/1. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., December 1963

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch106b   1977-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow St Peter (Monkton)
/1. architect's report; Norman Rix (Sir Lancelot Keay and Partners) of 22 Oldbury Place, London; 4 f., 1977 (with duplicate copy)
/2. architect's report; Norman Rix (Sir Lancelot Keay and Partners) of 22 Oldbury Place, London; 12 f., 1982
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 15 f., November 1990
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 15 f., 29 March 1995
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; title page + [2], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2000
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2005
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, September 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch109   1960-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Jarrow Grange Christ Church
/1. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [17] f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [20] f., June 1985
/3. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 20 f., June 1991
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (plans and original colour photographs) + [9] f., August 1997
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plans), [11], [1] f., [April] 2002
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plans), [10], [1] f., [March] 2007
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., February 1960
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., June 1964
/9. architect's report; C.R. Heath (Hawkins Heath & Nelson) of Sunderland and Hartlepool; covers + [2] f., April 1970
/10. architect's report; W.B. Edwards and Partners of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [23] f., January 1975

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch52   1957-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Kelloe St Helen
/1. 1 f., 17 October 1974
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 10 f., July 1979
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 12 f., July 1984
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 45 f., 21 July 1989
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 41 f., 11 June 1994
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., December 2000
/7. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [10] p., [? May 1957]
/8. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [13] f., June 1962
/9. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., February 1969
/10. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [10] f., June 1974
/11. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 15, [1] (plan), 19, 4 f., December 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch35   1975-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Kimblesworth St Philip and St James
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 7 f., 30 May 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 18 f., 10 January 1987
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 21, 5 f., July 1998
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., December 2005
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 2 f., 5 p., 4 f., August 1975
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 22, [5] f., September 1992
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [9] (plans, elevations and sections), 16, 5 f., September 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch10   1953-2013
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lamesley St Andrew
/1. survey of gravestones in church yard; list and detailed description of gravestones in church yard accompanied by related letter from surveyor, with annotated copy; [15] + [14] f., 19 July 1973
/2. architect's report; Arthur & Kirkup of 574a Durham Road, Low Fell, Gateshead, County Durham; 7 f.
/3. design for remedial work; Owen Taylor (Owen Taylor Associates) of 2 Ashfield Terrace, Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert, County Durham; includes letter and design plans; 6 f., 24 June 1977
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes extracts on Ravensworth taken from J. Macauley's 'The Gothic Revival 1745-1845'; 28 f., 25 October 1982
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 18 f., 15 January 1988
/6. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 f., 15 March 1993
/7. specification and schedule of work for repointing to external masonry; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 17 f., October 1993
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [2] (plan and sections), 12, 5 f., September 1999
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of The College, Durham; 3f., November 1953
/10. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordingley & McIntyre) of Durham; 13 f., August 1960
/11. specification for rebuilding south wall of chancel; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; title page + 18 f. + loose sheet (elevation, sections and plan), May 1968
/12. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 12, [2] (plan and sections), 16, 5 f., February 2004
/13. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [1] (colour photograph), [2], [1] (colour photograph), 12, [2] (plan and sections), 16, 5 f., April 2013

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch135   1974-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lanchester All Saints
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., 27 August 1985
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 33 f., 28 August 1989
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 11, [2] (plan and section), 21, 5 f., November 1996
/4. specification and schedule of works in connection with European Architectural Heritage Year; Charlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson of Newcastle upon Tyne; 5, 8 f., January 1974
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson of Newcastle upon Tyne); 5, 7 f. + back cover, October 1980
/6. specification for internal limewashing and painting; Charlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1], 2, [1], 5 f., February 1982
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [2] (section and plan), 24, 5 f., October 2003
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 23, 5 f., October 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch310   1981-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Langley Park All Saints
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 16f, 30 May 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 17f, 26 May 1986
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 32f, 30 October 1991
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [1] (blank), 11, 5 f., December 1997
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [2] (plans), 11, 5 f., August 2004
/6. architect's report; Adam Vaughan with Ian Clarke (Jane Darbyshire & David Kendall Ltd) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 32, [7] (plans) p. (with colour photographs) + back cover, September 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch136   1979-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Leadgate St Ives
/1. architect's report; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 10 f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., 24 June 1985
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 45 f., 27 September 1990
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., October 1996
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., December 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch298   1981-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Leam Lane St Andrew
/1. architect's report; J. Roscoe Milne Partnership of 19 Portland Terrace, Newcastle; 3f, 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 20f, 31 July 1987
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 24 October 1992; 18f, 29 September 1992
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers (with original colour photograph inside front cover) + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 11, 5 f. + 1 f. (letter from Care of Churches Secretary mentioning boundaries, May 2003), April 1999
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., December 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch283   1983-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lobley Hill All Saints
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 8f, October 1983
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 17 November 1988; 16f, November 1988
/3. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, NE8 4NT; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 8 November 1994; 13f, November 1993
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee and Braddock) of Durham; cover page + [1], 2, [2] (plans), 18 f., September 1999
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs and plans), [9] f., [August] 2010
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plans), [8] f., [November] 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch257   1957-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Longnewton St Mary
/1. architect's report; David R. Woods (Alsion & Hutchinson & Partners) of Norwich Union House, 15 Albert Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 1PQ; 10f, December 1977
/2. architect's report; David R. Woods (Alsion & Hutchinson & Partners) of 15 Albert Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 1PQ; 16f, November 1983
/3. update notes to previous quinquennial inspection of November 1983 [DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch257/2]; David R. Woods (WS Atkins Architects - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; 2f, 1991
/4. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 18 f. (with plan), [April 2002], date of inspection June 2001
/5. architect's report; Malcolm R. Cundick (Alpha Plus Architects) of Darlington; covers + [1], 16, [2] (plans), 1, [9] (colour photographs) f., [September] 2007
/6. architect's report; Cordingley and McIntyre of Durham; [2] f., [6] p., October 1957
/7. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordingley and McIntyre) of Durham; [9] f., July 1962
/8. architect's report; David R. Woods of Long Newton; title page + 9 f., October 1971

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch131a   1977-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Low Westwood Christ Church
/1. architect's report; A. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 11 f., November 1977
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 13 f., July 1983
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 15 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 16 f., October 1993
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [2] (plans), 15 f., October 1998
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 2, [2] (plans), 14 f., February 2003
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 11, [1] (plans and photograph), 5 f., September 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch11   1988-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lumley Christ Church
/1. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of 7 Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 13 f., 14 September 1993 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page (signed) + [5], [1] f., February 2000
/3. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page (signed) + [8] f. + back cover, [November] 2005
/4. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page (signed) + [7] f. + back cover, [January] 2011
/5. architect's report; Cyril Winskell of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page (signed) + [5] f., November 1988 (date of inspection)

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch183   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lynesack St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne, Smith, Baker & Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington, County Durham; includes copies of plan of church; 9f, 8 March 1978
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; 10f, October 1988
/3. architect's report; Newman Smith (Browne, Smith, Baker and Partners) of 43 Victoria Road, Darlington; 8f, 30 June 1983
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes plan of church; 14f, 28 April 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 8 f. + back cover, July 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2003
/7. architect's report; George Stastny of Whorlton; cover page + 14 f. (with plan), September 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch89   1957-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Lyons St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 4 f., 5 p., 9 f., January 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 3, 5, 5 f., 9 July 1982
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 4, 5, 5 f., 16 October 1987
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 5, 6, 5 f., 4 July 1992
/5. architect's report; R. T. Bulmer (Dipl. Arch., RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City DH1 3HB; covers + [1], 2, [2] (plans), 19 f., July 1997
/6. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 23, [2] (plans) f., September 2002
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 19, [1] (plan), 5 f., October 2007
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., December 1957
/9. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordingley & McIntyre) of Durham; [10] f., August 1962
/10. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., July 1967
/11. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [17] f., November 1972

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch12   1977-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Marley Hill St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 10 f., May 1977
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 13 f.
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 15 f., August 1987
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photograph of church; 18 f., September 1992
/5. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB Architects), Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; with plans and copy photograph; 25f, September 1997
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plan), [8], [1] f., [February] 2003
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plan), [9], [1] f., April 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch137   1981-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Medomsley St Mary Magdalene
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 9 f., August 1981
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 10 f., September 1986
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 16 f., December 1991
/4. architect's report; JB Kendall (HLB architects), Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; with plans; 30f, September 1996
/5. designs and specifications for new toilet and meeting room, with archaeological notes and comments; HLB Hayton Lee and Braddock architects, Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB (and Peter R Ryder); with plans, copy photographs, drawings (some coloured); 11f, 14f, 8f + covers, September 1996 to September 1997
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 16, [3] (plans, section and listing details) f., February 2003
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 20, 1 (listing details), [1] (plans) f., November 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch182   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Merrington St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 8f, July 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 8f, April 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 19f, April 1989
/4. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 18f, April 1994
/5. specification for re-roofing works to masonry; [HLB Architects of Durham]; 3, [7] (plans and photographs) f., [? 1998]
/6. specification and schedule of work for re-rendering damp affected walls; HLB Architects of Durham; covers + [2], 13, [4] (plans and drawings) f., March 2000
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [1] (plan), 21, [3] (listing details and plan) f., November 1999
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1] , 20, [4] (listing details and plans) f., November 2004
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1] , 6, [7] (church log), 22, [4] (listing details and plans) f., April 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch213   1979-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Middleton in Teesdale St Mary the Virgin
/1. architect's report; Alan Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of 4 Woodlands Road, Darlington; 3f, 24 September 1979
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 7f, April 1985
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; Includes annotation from DGFH, 13 November 1991; 13f, October 1991
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; 12f, 1996
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 9 f. + back cover, May 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + 12, [2] f. + back cover, April 2007
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13 f. + back cover, July 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch214   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Middleton St George
/1. architect's report; Jeffrey Terren (Jeffrey Tarren & Associates) of 12 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees; 16f, 1978
/2. architect's report; A.D.C. Hyland (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 10f, April 1983
/3. addendum to DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch214/2 entitled 'Works Carried Out Previous To Report'; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 2f, August 1983
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 3 October 1988; 16f, September 1988
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; Includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation from DGFH, 14 May 1995. ; 18f, March 1993
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 17 f., March 1998
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; front cover + [1], 18, [4] (photographs, plans and listing details) f., September 2005
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 23, [1] (plan) f., October 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch214a   1978-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Middleton St George St Laurence
/1. architect's report; Jeffrey Tarren (Jeffrey Tarren & Associates) of 12 Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tees; 18f, 1978
/2. architect's report; A.D.C. Hyland (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, April 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 25 September 1988; 17f, September 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH; 21f, March 1993
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 22, [11] (plans, photographs, listing details and tree preservation order) f., March 1998
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 18, [6] (plans, listing details and tree preservation order) f., April 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch54   1959-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Monk Hesleden St John
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; include plan and photographs of church; 11 f., May 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 13 f., May 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 14 f., July 1988
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 18 f., January 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 16, [1] (plan and photographs) f., December 1999
/6. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., December 1959
/7. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., October 1964
/8. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [18] f., August 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch53   1955
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Monk Hesleden St Mary
/1. architect's report; George Pace of 18 Clifton Green, York, Yorkshire; includes plans and photographs of church; 8 f., 3 December 1955 (date of inspection)

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch158   1987-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Monkwearmouth All Saints
/1. architect's report (number two); Dennis Jones (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesborough, Cleveland; 11 f., July 1987
/2. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, Northumberland; 12 f., May 1992
/3. structural survey; J Greener (Greener Whitehouse Associates, Consulting Engineers) of 13 North Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [12] f. (with plan and drain test reports), June 1993
/4. architect's report; James W. Samson of South Shields; title page + [15] f. (with plans), [1997]
/5. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 7, [2] (colour photographs) f., September 2003
/6. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 6, [3] (colour photographs) f., November 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch159a   1982-1997
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Monkwearmouth St Aidan
/1. architect's report (number one); Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, SR1 1QS; 12f, May 1982
/2. architect's report (with loose location plan); Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, Northumberland; 12 f., May 1992
/3. architect's report; James W. Sansom of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, NE34 6AL; 16f plus covers, [ca.1997]

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch159   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Monkwearmouth St Andrew (Roker)
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 4 f., 26 March 1979
/2. 11 f., 1982
/3. art restorer's report and estimate on the restoration of the chancel wall paintings; David Smith of 35 Cheneys Avenue, Edgware, London; includes drawing of church; 4 f., 11 June 1986
/4. letter from vicar of St Andrew's church to art restorer with restorer's report attached; Geoffrey Walker of St Andrews Vicarage, Park Avenue, Sunderland, County Durham; 6 f., 16 July 1986
/5. architect's report; C. Heath (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 11 f., January 1987
/6. architect's report on repairs to windows; C. Heath (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 9 f., August 1990
/7. architect's report; C. Heath (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 45 f. and loose plan, January 1992
/8. architect's report to English Heritage; N. Reading (English Heritage) of 23 Saville Row, London; plans of church attached; 11 f., 5 February 1996
/9. letter from English Heritage to the vicar of Monkwearmouth St Andrew confirming the award of a grant; A. Saidi (English Heritage) of 23 Saville Row, London; M. Beck ( English Heritage) of St Andrew's House, Park Avenue, Roker, Sunderland, County Durham; 30 April 1996
/10. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of Sunderland; cover + [3] (original colour photograph and plans), [2], 48 f., March 1997
/11. architect's report; Mr J.S. Burns (Mackellar architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [2], [6] (plans, elevations and section), 23 (numbered 1, 7-28), [1], 8, [1], 33 (colour photographs), [1] (blank) f. + back cover, October 2004
/12. architect's reports for church, Priestman Hall and east gable window; Mr J.S. Burns (Mackellar architecture Ltd) of Gateshead; cover page + title page (church report) + 3, 5 (each followed by [1] plans, evelations or sections), 28, 7, [22] (colour photographs), [2] (listing details) f.; title page (hall report) + 3, 4 (each followed by [1] plans), 25, [25] (colour photographs), [1] (listing details) f.; title page (east gable window report) + 7 (with 6 p. colour photographs) f.; back cover, August 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch157   1981-2006
Quinquennial inspection and related records for church of Monkwearmouth St Peter
/1. architect's report; J. Latheron of 9 The Esplanade, Sunderland, County Durham; 14 f., January 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 36 f., 26 October 1991
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [3] (plan, elevations and sections), 29, 5 f., September 1998
/4. archaeological assessment; Durham University Archaeological Services, on behalf of Northumbrian Water Ltd (for proposed sewer overflows); covers + [2], 21, [11] (plans), 1, [1] (blank), 8 f., March 2006
/5. archaeological evaluation and monitoring report; Durham University Archaeological Services, on behalf of Northumbrian Water Ltd (for proposed sewer inspection chamber and temporary access road); covers + [2], 6, [4] (plans and drawings), 2 f., October 2006
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 16, [3] (plan, elevations and sections), 28, 5 f., November 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch305   1977-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Nevilles Cross St John
/1. architect's report; Pamela W. Iley of Lowes Barn Bank, Durham; 16f, 1977
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 23f, 19 July 1982
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, March 1987
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, NE34 6AL; includes copies of photographs and plans of the church; 29f, August 1992
/5. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, NE34 6AL; covers + [2], [5] (plans, section and elevations), [12], [3] f., [1995 x 1997]
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (photographs), [11], [1] (letter from Durham City Council regarding site constraints), [1] f., [February] 2002
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [11], [1], [1] (letter from Durham City Council regarding site constraints) f., [September] 2007
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [9] (with colour photographs), [1] f., [March] 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch26a   1985-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of New Brancepeth St Catherine of Alexandria
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., November 1985
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., November 1990
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 26 f., February 1996
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan and photographs), 17 f., July 2001
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 1, [1] (plan and photographs), 14, 3 f., June 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch96   1959-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of New Seaham Christ Church
/1. architect's report; Wm. & T. R. Milburn of Sunderland; [1], 9, [1] (plan and section) f., June 1978
/2. architect's report; Wm. & T. R. Milburn of Sunderland; [1], 8, [1], [1] (section and plan) f., November 1983
/4. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plan of church and photographs; 23 f., October 1991
/5. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes plan of church; 16 f., 1996
/6. architect's report; [A.I. Barnes] (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + [1], 4, [2] (plan, elevation and photographs), 26 f. + back cover, November 2001
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; covers + [1] (photograph), 4, [4] (plans and photographs), 17 f., December 2006
/8. architect's report; Wm & T.R. Milburn of Sunderland; [1], 2, [1] (plan and section) f., January 1959
/9. architect's report; Wm & T.R. Milburn of Sunderland; [1], 1 f., December 1963
/10. architect's report; Wm & T.R. Milburn of Sunderland; [1], 6, [1] (section and plan) f., June 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch90   1980-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Newbottle St Matthew
/1. architect's report; Clarence Solomon of Newcastle upon Tyne, Alnwick and Morpeth; cover page + 22 f., 20 April 1980
/2. architect's report; T. Bulmer (John Potter Architect) of 10 Portland Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plans of church; 23 f., May 1986
/3. architect's report; Richard Bulmer of Garden House, High Dubmire, Houghton le Spring, County Durham; inlucdes plans of church; 22 f., June 1991
/4. architect's report; R. T. Bulmer (Dipl. Arch., RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; with letters from Rev. E. Wilkinson (31 May 2001) and from Richard T. Bulmer, architect (14 May 2001); 25f, March 1996
/5. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 17, 1 (listing details), [2] (plans) f., September 2002
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 13, [2] (plans), 5 f., September 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch286   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Newton Aycliffe St Clare
/1. application for faculty to install an electronic organ type Johannus Opus 15N including a letter from Messrs Williams and Company of Darlington; an organ specification; and a statement of evidence submitted by Dr Bryan Hesford, Senior Examiner for Trinity College of Music, London; Williams & Company of 26 Blackwellgate, Darlington, County Durham; Bryan Hesford (Trinity College of Music) of London; 6f, 25 October 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, March 1980
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of a photograph and plan of the church; 10f, October 1985
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church and annotation from DGFH 28 Oct 1990; 15f, October 1990
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architect) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 24f, October 1995
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan and photographs), 19 f., May 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 18, [1] (plan and photographs), 6 f., July 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch258   1981-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Norton St Mary the Virgin
/1. architect's report; Blackbell Rooker Partnership of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland, TS17 9ET; 18f, 1981
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, ST8 9AZ; includes copy of plan of the church; 22F, 1986
/3. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, ST8 9AZ; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation from DGFH, 3 April 1992; 16f, 1992
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; cover and title pages + 2, [4] (plans), 36, [4] (listing details), 2 f., December 1997
/5. archaeological evaluation report on churchyard; Steven Sherlock and Blaise Vyner (Tees Valley Archaeology), on behalf of HLB Architects; [3], 12, [1] p. (with plan and drawings), October 2001
/6. condition survey to south-west corner of churchyard boundary wall; Property Development Division, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council; covers + [1], 9 (with colour photographs), [2] (plans) f., July 2006
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 5, [4] (plans), 33, [4] f., March 2004 (inspections April 2002 to December 2003)
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 50, [3] (plans), 3 f., November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch259   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Norton St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; L.S. Shoosmith (Frank Swainston Associates) of 'Moray House', 258 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 2HE; 4f, 8 February 1980
/2. architect's report; David R. Woods (AHP Architects) of 8-10 Yarm Lane, Stockton; includes original plan enclosed, as well as copy of plan of the church; 23f, 1985
/3. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copies of plans of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 10 March 1991; 23f, 1990
/4. architect's report; David R. Woods (WS Atkins - Northern) of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copies of plans of the church; 21f, 1995
/5. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 27 f. (including plans and section), [March 2001], dates of inspection November 2000
/6. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 29 f. (including plans, section and colour photographs), [November] 2006, date of inspection January 2006
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [11] (with colour photographs), [1] f., [October] 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch300   1981-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Oxclose (church centre)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 11f, March 1981
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 16f, March 1991
/3. architect's report; Simon M. Hacker (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, Co. Durham, DL14 9HL; 14 f., June 1996
/4. architect's report; Simon M. Hacker (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2002
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; 1, [2], 12, [1] (blank), [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch13   1979-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Pelton Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 11 f., 16 July 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., 12 January 1985
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 21 f., 31 May 1991
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs, The Cathedral Architect's Office, The Great Kitchen, The College, Durham, DH1 3EQ; with floor plan; 29f + covers, 27 June 1998
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 23, [5] (plans and photographs) f., February 2003
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 18, [2] (plans), 3 f., February 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch91   1958-2016
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Penshaw All Saints
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [12], [1] (plans, elevation and section) f., April 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 12 f., April 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., April 1990
/4. architect's report on chimnet flue to vestry; Jeremy Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 1 f., 25 April 1990
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; includes photograph of church; 10 f., October 1995
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [9] f., September 2000
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [9] f., December 2005
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [10] f., April 2010
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., December 1958 (date of inspections)
/10. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., April 1963 (date of inspections)
/11. architect's report (cover sheet only) and specification for rebuilding and repairs; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [2] (cover sheet and final account agreed with National Coal Board), [12] (specification with costs), [6] (sections, elevations and plan) f., 1967-1968
/12. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [10] f., April 1975
/13. architect's report; David Jowett of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 77 p. (with colour photographs), August 2016

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch290   1979-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Peterlee St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 9f, June 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 8f, March 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of photograph and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 April 1989; 17f, March 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; 22f, October 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [3] (plan and photographs), 15 f., June 2000
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan and photograph), 18 f., January 2006
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 17, [1] (covering letter), 6 (two copies p.23) f., July 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch196a   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Piercebridge St Mary
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, July 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, July 1983
/3. architect's report; John R. Ellis (Anderson-Ellis Partnership) of 60 Duke Street, Darlington; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, 1988
/4. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18A Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 13 June 1993; 12f, June 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 7, 5 f., June 2000
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., December 2006
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (coloured plan), 10, 5 f., August 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch55   1978-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Pittington St Laurence
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 f., 4 November 1978
/2. engineers' reports and churchwardens' proposals for a new heating system; D.B. Buglass (H & V Energy & Process Control) of Tynemouth and T. Heppenstal, P.A. Kew and A. Wright; 3 items, 1982-1988
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 22 f., 25 July 1983
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 21 f., 24 February 1989
/5. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of Middle Herrington and Durham; covers + 7 (one sheet out of order), 7, 10 f., November 1993
/6. architect's report to Department of Environment; Norman M. Phillips of The Abbey, Carlisle; [10], [8] (plan and drawings, chiefly of tower), [1] (electric and heating proposals) f., June 1979
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (drawing), 15, [2] (plan and elevation), 23, 5 f., February 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch269   1977-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Preston-on-Tees All Saints
/1. architect's report; Norman Richardson of 8-10 Yarm Lane, Stockton-on-Tees; 3f, March 1977
/2. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of The Granary, 17A High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9BW; 5f, 15 October 1987
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; includes copies of plans of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 10 November 1992; 43f, 30 October 1992
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [6] (plan, elevations and sections), 16, 5 f., December 1999
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [6] (plan, elevations and sections), 15, 5 f., December 2003
/6. architect's report; David Beaumont (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 39 f. (with colour photographs and plans), June 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch260   1970-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Redmarshall St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 12f, July 1970
/2. architect's report; Timothy Ollier (Blackbell & Rooker) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR1 1QS; 7f, 1980
/3. letter from Philip J. Lankestar to the Revd. J.E. Ruscoe, Hon. Secretary to the Durham Diocesan Advisory Committee relating to the repair of two effigies in the church; Philip J. Lankestar (Council for the Care of Churches) of 83 London Wall, London, EC2M 5NA; 2f, 20 February 1984
/4. architect's report; Leslie D. Rooker (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; 10f, 27 August 1985
/5. Specification for replacement of rainwater goods; Rooker, Stringer & Jones of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; 3f, 1985
/6. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker, Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 May 1990; 12f, 11 July 1990
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., January 1996
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., June 2003
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 16, 5 f., September 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch115   1959-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Rekendyke St Jude
/1. architect's report; J. Ian S. Gray (Gray Fawdon & Riddle) of 41 Beach Road, South Shields, County Durham; 4 f., January 1980 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; Ian Ness of 106 Manor House Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 6, [2] f., October 1985 (date of inspection)
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; 8 f., November 1990 (date of inspection)
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 7 f., June 1995 (date of inspection)
/5. architect's drawings; 2 f.
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [7] f., June 2000
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [7] f. + 1 f. (covering letter and email with costs estimate), August-September 2005
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [8] f., [November] 2010
/9. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son of South Shields; title page + 4, [1] f., August 1959
/10. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son of South Shields; title page + 3, [2] f., October 1963
/11. architect's report; Gray and Fawdon of South Shields; [5] f., May 1974

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch243   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Rookhope St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan and sketch of the church; 8f, June 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan and sketch of the church; 8f, July 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; Includes copies of plan, sketch and photographs of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 6 August 1989; 14f, July 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs, sketch and plan of the church; 17f, August 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [1] (plan and elevation), 15 f., July 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 17, [1] (plan and elevation) f., October 2006
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 16 f., September 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch22b   1982-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Rowlands Gill St Barnabas
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., 8 February 1982
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., 15 January 1988
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 8, [2] (plan and sections), 9, 5 f., June 1994
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [2] (plans and sections), 9, 5 f., August 2003
/5. correspondence with plan on sound reinforcement system and disabled access toilet; 3 f., Dec 2004-Jan 2005
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [9], [1] f., [February] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch162   1981-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ryhope St Paul
/1. includes plan of church; 8 f., August 1981
/2. includes plans of church; 12 f., November 1986
/3. architect's report; J.W. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; 31 f. (with original colour photographs), December 1991
/4. letter from clockmaker with report on state of church clock; Ian Cameron (Potts of Leeds Clockmakers) of Bankfield Terrace, Leeds, Yorkshire; 7 f., 12 November 1996
/5. glazing conservator's report; Iona Art Glass of Warkworth; [2], 3, [3] (b/w and colour photographs), [1] f. (printed stained glass design) + original colour photograph of west nave window, [November 1999]
/6. architect's report; James W. Samson of South Shields; title page + [15] (with plan and colour photograph), [3] f. + back cover, December 1999
/7. architect's report; David Beaumont (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 31 (with colour photographs and plan), [1] (covering letter) f., April 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch15   1979-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ryton Holy Cross
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 11 f., March 1979
/2. outline specification of exploratory work; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church and works; 4 f., 20 January 1981
/3. report on condition of wall surfaces; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; include map of church and works; 4 f., 4 August 1981
/4. specification for restoration of internal surfaces in nave and chancel; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and restorative work; 3 f., 20 July 1982
/5. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 11 f., July 1983
/6. architect's report; A.O Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 20 f., November 1988
/7. architect's report; Peter Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Hawthorn Cottage, Hawthorn Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes colour photographs of church; 13 f., 7 July 1993
/8. bellhanger's specification of work; Frederick Pembleton (Pembletons (Bellhangers and Engineers)) of 43 Mansfield Road, Glapwell, Chesterfield, Derbyshire; 12 f., 27 August 1996
/9. engineer's report on structural stability on tower; R.M. Higgins (Higgins WSP) of 5th Avenue Business Park, Team Valley, Gateshead, County Durham; 3 f., 8 November 1996
/10. architect's report; Peter M. Brown (Darbyshire Architects) of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 8 (p.3-4 bound out of order), [3] (colour photographs) f., December 1999
/11. architect's report; Robin Dower (Spence & Dower) of Cambo, Morpeth; title page + 12, [3] (colour photographs and plan) f., August 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch36   1978-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sacriston St Peter
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 8 f., 22 May 1978
/2. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson; 10 f., 24 June 1982
/3. architect's report; Chritsopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 34 f., 20 October 1987
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plan of church; 41 f., 24 September 1992
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 11, 5 f., October 1999

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch215   1979-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sadberge St Andrew
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, July 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, April 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotations on front cover from DGFH, 14 May 1989; 17f, May 1989
/4. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of 18a Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, August 1994
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (original colour photographs and plan), [8] f., [September] 1999
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover + [1] (plan), [9] f., [September] 2004
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs), [2] (plan and sketch), [10] f., [June] 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch244   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of St John's Chapel in Weardale St John the Baptist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, April 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 9f, June 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation from DGFH, 29 June 1989; 14f, June 1989
/4. letter from Ian Richardson, Secretary of the Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches, to the Revd. D Skelton of the Heatheryclough Vicarage in Cowshill, Bishop Auckland, regarding the internal decoration of his three churches; Ian Richardson (The Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches) of Diocesan Office, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7QJ; 1f, 6 March 1990
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 23 July 1994; 18f, June 1994
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [1] (plan and photographs), 17, 1 (listing details) f., September 1999
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 22 f., January 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch245   1982-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Satley St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 8f, July 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 11f, July 1987
/3. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 17f, August 1992
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [2] (with plan and photographs), 19, [1] (listing details) f., August 1997
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 21, [2] (listing details, photographs and plan) f., February 2002
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 20 f., September 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch94a   1978-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Seaham Harbour All Saints Deneside
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; include plans of church; 7 f., June 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f., 20 August 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church; 13 f., June 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans of church; 18 f., July 1994
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (elevation, plans and photographs), [7] f., [September] 1999
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs, plans and elevation), [8] f., [May] 2006
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs, plans and elevation), [9] (with colour photographs) f., [November] 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch94   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Seaham Harbour St John the Evangelist
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photograph; 7 f., June 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photograph; 11 f., June 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 19 f., July 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs of church; 25 f., July 1994
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and plan), [11] f. + covering letter, September 1999
/6. Specification and schedule of work for rewiring and lighting alterations; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne (architect); title page + [6] f. + plan and drawings, September 1999
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [10] f. + [2] f. (covering letters), September 2005
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [10] f., [October] 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch95   1966-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Seaham St Mary the Virgin
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; [7], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., June 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [9], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., June 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [13], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., December 1988
/4. architect's report; Fennel Baddiley Dixon Dawson of The Old Rectory, Mains Park Road, Chester le Street, County Durham; includes plans of church and photographs; 38 f., 9 November 1994
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs and plan), [10], [1] f., September 1999
/6. specification and schedule of work for repointing south side of nave and chancel; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [3] (plans), 5 f., February 2001
/7. specification and schedule of work for reslating south roof slope and flashings at parapet gutters; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [4] (plans and drawings), 7 f., February 2001
/8. archaeological assessment; Peter F. Ryder of Riding Mill; cover and title pages + 16, [2] (plans) f., May 1999
/9. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs and plan), [10], [1] f., [April] 2005
/10. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [5] (colour and b/w photographs and plan), [10], [1] f., September 2010
/11. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [8] f., May 1966
/12. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [16] f., June 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch234   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Seaton Carew Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Hawkins, Heath & Nelson of 56 Avenue Road, Hartlepool, County Cleveland; 9f, August 1979
/2. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, County Durham, TS27 4SD, U.K.; includes copies of photographs and plans of the church; 57f, October 1990
/3. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden Studios, Cast;e Eden, County Durham, TS27 4SD; includes copies of plans and photograph of the church; 25f, September 1995
/4. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; cover and title pages + 3, [7] (plans and photographs), 10, [1] (masonry quotation), 15 f., May 2001
/5. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; cover page + 32 f. (references photograph and sketch plan 'attached', but not included), [September] 2005
/6. architect's report; David Beaumont (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 42 f. (with plan and 6 f. of colour photographs), October 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch261   1979-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sedgefield St Edmund
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; 15f, 20 January 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 16f, 13 November 1984
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; Includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 31 January 1993; 51f, 24 December 1992
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 17, 5 f., February 1999
/5. archaeological report on section of churchyard wall (in connection with extension to Sedgefield Pottery, Cross Street); W.R. Todd of Sedgefield; 12 f. + 24 colour photographs + CD + covering letter, January 2008
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 18, [1] (plan), 22, 5 f., June 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch56   1962-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Shadforth St Cuthbert
/1. architect's report; Anthony Burns of Ridgemount House, Bede Way, Peterlee, County Durham, also 93 High Street, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, also 4a South Street, Durham; includes plans of church; 10 f., 10 January 1978 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 11 f., August 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 16 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes photographs and plan of church; 15 f., February 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 8, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2003
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + [1] (plan), 20 f. + back cover, December 2008
/8. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., May 1962

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch57   1972-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sherburn St Mary
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., 27 January 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 2, 5, 5 f., 24 June 1983
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; 13 f., July 1988
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 12 f., November 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 8, [1] (plan), [1] f., October 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2003
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + [1] (plan), [1], 21 f., [December] 2008
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilton & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 1, 4, 3, 6 f., March 1972

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch57a   1980-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for Sherburn Hospital chapel
/1. architect's report; AO Lee, Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [11], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., February 1980
/2. architect's report; Hugh Massey, Upland House View Lane, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 0DZ; 10f, November 1995
/3. archaeological monitoring report; Archaeological Services, University of Durham, on behalf of Hugh Massey, architect; with illustrations and plans; 25f, June 1999

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch184   1979-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Shildon St John
/1. architect's report; Arthur and Kirkup; 3f, June 1979
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, June 1984
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9hl; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, February 1990
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, March 1995
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [1], 13, [2] (plans) f. + back cover, January 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13, [2] (plans) f. + back cover, December 2006
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 14, [2] (plans) f. + back cover, June 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch37   1979-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Shincliffe St Mary the Virgin
/1. architect's report; C.E. Dowse of 2 St Mary's Close, Shincliffe, diocese of Durham; 9 f., 16 January 1979 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; C.E. Dowse of 2 St Mary's Close, Shincliffe, diocese of Durham; 3 f., 20 February 1992 (date of inspection)
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [4] (plan and elevations), 13, 5 f., April 1998
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [5] (plan and elevations), 13, 4 f., February 2004
/5. architect's report; C.E. Dowse of Shincliffe; title page + 8 f., January 1986 (date of inspection)
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [5] (plan and elevations), 13, 5 f., December 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch97   1957-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Shiney Row St Oswald
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 4 f., 28 April 1978
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 14 f., 9 May 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 28 f., 24 October 1988
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; 31 f., 16 October 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (blank), 12, 5 f., December 1999
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (blank), 16, 5 f., October 2007
/7. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [3] f., September 1957
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [2] p., 8 f., April 1964
/9. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 6 f., June 1967
/10. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3 f., September 1972

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch58   1973-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Shotton St Saviour
/1. architect's report (number 3); A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of church; 9 f., August 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 20 f., August 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 15 f., July 1988
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 14 f., April 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f., May 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f., July 2003
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photograph and plan), [10], [1] f., [July] 2007
/8. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [17] f., August 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch163   1973-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Silksworth St Matthew
/1. architect's report (number three); Hayton & Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 18 f., October 1973
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 12 f., November 1978
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; include plan of church and photographs; 11 f., November 1983
/4. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 17 f., November 1988
/5. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, County Durham; 47 f., April 1993
/6. architect's report; John S. Burns (Hawkins Heath Partnership) of Sunderland; title page + [1], [2] (plans), 30 f. + back cover, August 1998
/7. architect's report; John S. Burns (Mackellar architecture) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [1], [3] (plans), 33, [107] (photographs) f. + back cover, August 2005
/8. architect's report; John S. Burns (Mackellar Architecture Ltd) of Gateshead; cover and title pages + 1, [3] (plans and elevations), 35, [1], [70] (colour photographs) f. + back cover, August 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch205a   1993-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sockburn All Saints (ancient church)
/1. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 7, [4] (plan and drawings), [18] (inventory of stones), 7, 1 f., December 1993
/2. specification for emergency repairs and schedule of work; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; 25, [1] f., August 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch50   1957-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Hetton Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; [9], [3], [1] (photographs and plan) f., April 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; inlucdes photograph and plan of church; 12 f., November 1983
/4. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 14 f., November 1989
/5. diocesan advisory committee certificate; 12 f., 3 March 1993
/6. architect's report; J.A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 12 f., June 1994
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 8, [1] (plan), [1] f. + back cover, May 1999
/8. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, February 2005
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., December 1957
/10. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordingley & McIntyre) of Durham; [11] f., August 1962
/11. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., June 1967
/12. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [20] f., April 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch164   1977-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Hylton St Mary
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 22 f., 20 September 1977
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 21 f., 22 November 1982
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 25 f., 20 June 1987
/4. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 20 f., 13 May 1992
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12 + [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., April 1999

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch138   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Moor St George
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 7 f., August 1978
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 10 f., August 1983
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 16 f., August 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 24 f., October 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; cover page + [1], 20, 1 (listing details), [1] (plan and photographs) f., December 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 21 f., November 2004
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 20, [1] (photographs and plan), 3 f., September 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch111   1977-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields All Saints (Harton Colliery)
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 7 f., May 1977
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee and Braddock) of Durham; [8], [3], [1] (plan) f., May 1982
/3. architect's report; Jeremy Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 18 f., February 1990
/4. architect's report; J.W.Samson of South Shields; cover page + [3], [2] (plans), [1], [2] (colour photographs), [6], [3] f. + back cover, November 1999
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [9] f., [January] 2005
/6. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [13], [2] (plan and photographs) f., July 1987
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [2] (covering letters), [11], [1] (organ report) f., March 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch112   1961-1966
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; J.H. Morton and Son (Morton A. Mackenzie of South Shields); [3] (correspondence with parish), [1], 5, [1], [2] (covering note and letter) f., April-May 1961
/2. architect's report; S.E. Dykes Bower of London and Essex; [2] f., June 1966

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch113   1959-1991
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Aidan
/1. architect's report; J.H. Morton and Son of South Shields; title page + 6, [3] f., December 1959
/2. architect's report; Errington Ash & Milne of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; 4 f., September 1964
/3. architect's report; J. Ian S. Gray; cover sheet (with location plan) + [2], [2] (boiler and electrical reports) f., July 1970
/4. architect's report; Gray and Fawdon of South Shields; [4] f., May 1974
/5. architect's report; J. Ian S. Gray (Gray, Fawdon & Riddle) of South Shields; [4] f., May 1979 (date of inspection)
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 7, [1] f., January 1986 (date of inspection)
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; 9 f., September 1990 (date of inspection, with [DAC] annotations to February 1991)

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch114   1961-1973
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Francis
/1. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., June 1961
/2. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [7] f., August 1966
/2. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [13] f., January 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch110   1961-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Hilda
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [9], [1] (photographs and plan), [3] f., October 1980 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2, 6, 11, [4], 3 f., September 1985
/3. architect's specifications for re-wiring and alterations to electrical installations; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 27 f., December 1986
/4. architect's report on proposed alterations to provide for increased community use; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes drawings and photograph of church interior; 10 f., September 1987
/5. architect's report; J. Samson of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; includes numerous photographs, drawings and plan of the church; 41 f., October 1996
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs), [11], [1] f., [September] 2001
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (colour photographs and sketch section), [11], [1] f. + 1 f. (covering letter with costs estimate), November 2006
/8. architect's report; Morton A. Mackenzie (J.H. Morton & Son) of South Shields; [1] (covering letter), 11, [4] f., September 1961
/9. architect's report; S.E. Dykes Bower of London and Essex; 3 f., 1970
/10. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 10, 11, [5] (reports on bells, roofing, timber), 5 f., July 1990

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch117   1962-1977
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Mary (Tyne Dock)
/1. architect's report; J.H. Morton and Son of South Shields; title page + 6, [3] f., March 1962
/2. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Samson Jones and Associates) of South Shields; title page + [6], [1] (plan) f., June 1977

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch118   1963-1982
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Oswin
/1. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son of South Shields; title page + 3, [1] f., March 1963 (date of inspection)
/2. architect's schedule of dilapidations; [? I.J. Gray of South Shields]; [3], [1] (plan) f., 1966
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; [7] f., November 1982

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch119   1961-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Simon
/1. architect's report; J Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead, Northumberland; 15 r., 1980
/2. architect's report; J Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead, Northumberland; 17 f., 1985
/3. architect's report; J Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead, Northumberland; 18 f., 10 August 1990
/4. architect's report; Korovessis (Domiki Architects) of Domiki House, Clayton Road, Jesmond, Northumberland; 8 f., July 1995
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (plan and original colour photograph), [8], [1] f., [January] 2000
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [7], [1] f., [December] 2005
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (plan and colour photographs), [8], [1] f., [November] 2010
/8. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son of South Shields; [7] f., April 1961 (date of inspection)
/9. architect's report; J.E.M. Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead; 7 f., November 1965 (date of survey)
/10. architect's report; J.E.M. Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead; 6 f., July 1970 (date of survey)
/11. architect's report; J.E.M. Dietz of Low Fell, Gateshead; [1] (covering letter from vicar, 1977), [4] f., January 1976

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch120   1958-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Shields St Stephen
/1. architect's report (signed); James R. Milne (J. Roscoe Milne Partnership) of Barton le Clay, Bedfordshire; title page + [6] f., April 1994
/2. architect's report; J.W.Samson of South Shields; cover page + 12 (with plan and colour photographs), [3] f. + back cover, September 2000
/3. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [7] (colour photographs and plans), [10] f., September 2005
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [5] (colour photographs and plans), [11] f., July 2010
/5. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son of South Shields; title page + 11 f., November 1958
/6. architect's report; Errington Ash & Milne; 5 f., September 1964
/7. architect's report; Ash Milne & Associates of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne; 3 f., May 1969
/8. architect's report; J. Roscoe Milne Partnership of Gateshead; 5 f., November 1974
/9. architect's report; J. Roscoe Milne Partnership of Hitchin, Hertfordshire; 3 f., October 1979
/10. architect's report; James R. Milne (J. Roscoe Milne Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 5 f., October 1984
/11. architect's report; James R. Milne (J. Roscoe Milne Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [5] f., July 1989

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch122   1959-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of South Westoe St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2 p., 4, 5, 5 f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2, 3, 6, [1] (electrical inspection), 3 f., November 1984
/3. letter from the Diocesan Advisory Committe for the Care of Churches concerning the installation of a new pipe organ; I Richardson; 1 f., 10 January 1990
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 13 f., December 1990
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 23, 5 f., March 1997
/6. architect's report; G.E. Charlewood of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + 6 f., April 1959
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 12 f., October 1964
/8. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood and Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; [1], 7 f., August 1969
/9. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; front cover + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 3 f., [2] f. (east window report, 1971), June 1974
/10. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., June 2005

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch165   1978-1999
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Southwick Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 12 f., September 1978
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., September 1983
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; inculdes plans, maps and photograph of church; 14 f., September 1988
/4. letter from chairman/secretary to the rector of Southwick Holy Trinity; I. Richardson; 1 f., 4 November 1993
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photograph; 19 f., December 1993
/6. site inspection report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 3 f., 19 October 1994
/7. architect's letter to the rector of Southwick Holy Trinity; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 2 f., 11 August 1995
/8. open letter from the rector of Southwick Holy Trinity concerning the church frontage; Robert Dixon (rector of Southwick Holy Trinity) of The Rectory, Church Bank, Southwick, Sunderland, County Durham; 2 f., 11 August 1995
/9. architect's site inspection report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 2 f., 30 August 1995
/10. architect's replastering specification; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 7 f., 6 September 1995
/11. letter from archdeacon of Durham to the rector of Southwick Holy Trinity concerning a faculty jurisdiction measure; J. Hodgson; 1 f., 20 October 1995
/12. architect's site inspection report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 2 f., November 1995
/13. architect's report; R Dixon of The Rectory, Southwick, Sunderland, County Durham; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Durham City; 2 ff., 15 November 1995
/14. fire incident report and associated documents; R Dixon of The Rectory, Suthwick, Sunderland, County Durham; 10 ff., 12 March 1997
/15. architect's report on proposed new toilets; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 ff., December 1999
/16. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [1], 20, [1] (plan), 2 (listing details), [1] (plans and photographs) f., July 1998

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch166   1979-1996
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Southwick St Columba
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 ff., May 1979
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 ff., March 1984
/3. architect's report; Browne Smith Baker and partners of 1 Pink Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 5EG; 16 ff., March 1990
/4. architect's report; Browne Smith Baker & Partners of Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [11] f., September 1996

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch186   1983-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Spennymoor St Paul
/1. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland; 10f, November 1983
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; 15f, April 1989
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of ground floor plan of the church; 13f, 1994
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 8, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 1999
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], [2], 9, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, July 2004
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch217   1978-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Staindrop St Mary
/1. architect's report; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of W.B. Edwards and Partners, Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 15f, 1978
/2. Specification for copper roofing repairs; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 2f, 20 July 1979
/3. Specification notes for general builders work item; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 2f, 20 July 1979
/4. specification for leadwork to roofs and rainwater goods; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 2f, 20 July 1979
/5. Specification for masonry repairs; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 3f, 20 July 1979
/6. architect's report; W.J.C. Jackson (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 28f, 1985
/7. architect's report; Alan J. Frost (Donald W. Insall and Associates) of 19 West Eaton Place, London, SW1X 8LT; Includes annotation from DGFH, 23 July 1991; 28f, March 1991
/8. architect's report; Alan J. Frost (Donald W. Insall & Associates) of 19 West Eaton Place, London, SW1X 8LT; 23f, March 1996
/9. architect's report; Alan J. Frost (Donald Insall Associates Ltd) of London; title page + [1], 31 f. + back cover, May 2001
/10. architect's report; Alan J. Frost (Donald Insall Associates Ltd) of London; title page + [1], 34 f., March 2006
/11. architect's report; Alan J. Frost (Donald Insall Associates Ltd) of London; title page + [1], 32 p., + back cover, February 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch246   1977-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stanhope St Thomas
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 15f, 1 August 1977
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 17f, 8 June 1982
/3. architect's report; Ian Curry (Ian Curry & Associates) of 30 West Park, Middle Herrington, Sunderland, SR3 3SY; 26f, 21 July 1995
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 12, [1] f. + back cover, June 1999
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 14 f. + back cover + 2 f. (covering letters), February 2005
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 14 f. + back cover, January 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch247   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stanley St Thomas (Crook)
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 13f, 4 November 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 12f, August 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotaion on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 September 1989; 17f, August 1989
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 8 May 1984; 14f, April 1994
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], [1], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch16   1974-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stella St Cuthbert
/1. specification notes for general repairs; Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 12 f.
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 12 f., October 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 15 f., October 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 21 f., February 1994
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [1], 21, [3] (plans and listing details) f., October 1999
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [20], [3] (plans and listing details) f., May 2006
/7. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + 2 p., 3 f., 5 p., 5 f., September 1974
/8. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Durham; covers + [12], [1] (photographs and plan) f., February 1980

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch262   1978-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stillington St John
/1. architect's report; Blackbell & Rooker of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 21f, 10 March 1978
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 15f, 19 October 1983
/3. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 11 January 1989; 18f, 6 January 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; 26f, January 1996
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [1] (plans and photographs), 18 f., May 2000
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 17, [1] (plans and photographs), 3 f., March 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch264a   2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity Greenvale
/1. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor Chartered Architects) of Yarm; 18 f. (with plan and colour photographs), [February] 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch291   1977-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St Chad Roseworth
/1. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, September 1977
/2. petition for a Faculty for aumbray lamp bracket, vanheems stock pattern £50; Durham Diocesan Advisory Committee; Faculty granted; 1f, 23 August 1978
/3. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, Cleveland, TS17 9ET; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 15 September 1982
/4. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker, Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; includes copy of plan of the church; 7f, 1987
/5. architect's report; L.D. Rooker of 8 Lapwing Lane, Norton, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, TS20 1LX; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, 1992
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers (with original colour photographs inside back cover) + [1] (plans), [8], f., [July] 1997
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (plans), [6], [1], f., [June] 2002
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (plans and colour photographs), [8], [1], f., [January] 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch299   1977-1997
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick
/1. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby on Tees, Cleveland; 9f, February 1977
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell & Rooker) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby on Tees, Cleveland; includes copy of plan of the church; 14f, 1982
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of photograph and plan of the church; 15f, April 1987
/4. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of photograph and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 25 July 1992; 19f, June 1992
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 2, [1] (plan and photograph), 18 f., June 1997

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch266   1989-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St John the Baptist (Durham Road)
/1. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Stephenson House, Castle Centre, High Street, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, TS18 1AN; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 April 1989; 17f, January 1989
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; Includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 25 February 1994; 19f, February 1994
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 20, [1] (plan) f., June 1999
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [5] f., [December] 2004
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [5] f., June 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch294   1983-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St Mark
/1. architect's report; Matthew Trotter & Miller of 28 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, TS18 3NG; includes copies of plans of the church; 15f, July 1983
/2. architect's report; J.B. Kendall of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 14 May 1993; 20f, April 1993
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 19, [1] (plan) f., June 1998
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 18, [1] (plan) f., June 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch267   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St Paul (Newtown)
/1. architect's report; Ian T. Shuttleworth of 256 Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; 27f, 1977
/2. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 28/29 Brus House, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby, TS17 9ET; 16f, 1982
/3. architect's report; L.D. Rooker (Rooker Stringer & Jones) of The Old School, Stainton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS8 9AZ; includes copies of plans of the church; 14f, 1987
/4. architect's report; L.D. Rooker of 8 Lapwing Lane, Norton, Stockton on Tees, TS20 1LX; includes sketches of the church; 24f, 1992
/5. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (Dipl. Arch. RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City DH1 3HB; includes plans; 27f, 13 November 1997
/6. investigation of structural defects; J. B. Kendall (Dipl. Arch. RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City DH1 3HB; includes photocopies; 50f, April 1997
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 1, [2] (plans), 21, [1] (listing details) f., October 2002
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 1, [2] (plans), 22 f., November 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch268   1980-2014
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St Peter
/1. architect's report; R.T. MIller (Matthew Trotter & Miller) of 28 Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland; includes copies of map and plan of the church; 36f, May 1980
/2. architect's report; AHP Architects of 15 Albert Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 1PQ; includes copy of plan of the church; 21f, 14 August 1985
/3. architect's report; W.S. Atkins - Northern of Church House, Grange Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 2LR; includes copies of plans of the church; 14f, 10 July 1989
/4. architect's report; A.A.B. Todd (Alan Todd Associates) of 41 Woodland Road, Darlington, Co Durham, DL3 7BJ; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH; 18f, 1992
/5. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; cover page + 18, [2] (plans) f., [November] 1998
/6. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; cover page + 17, [2] (plans), 2 f., [July] 2003
/7. architect's report; Geoffrey Purves (Purves Ash LLP) of Newcastle upon Tyne; cover page + [20], [3] (with plans), [2] (with plan), [3], [3] (with log book), [25] (with 45 colour photographs), 12 (extracts from Trevor Wardell, A history and some memories 1875-2001, most printed double-sided), [5] f., [March 2009] (inspections carried out August 2007 to January 2009)
/8. architect's report; Geoffrey Purves (Purves Ltd) of Kirkwhelpington; cover page + [15], 22 (extracts from church history as /7), [3] (with plans), [5] (with colour photographs), [5], [3] f. + back cover, [January 2014] (inspection carried out October 2013)

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch263   1978-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
/1. updated inspection following fourth quinquennial inspection in July/August 1975; Elder Lester & Partners of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; 20f, October 1978
/2. schedule of work to be undertaken, including Section 1.0 (General Conditions); Section 2.0 (Preliminaries); Section 3.0 (Description of Workmanship and Materials); Elder Lester & Partners of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; presumed to be attached to DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch263/1; 34f, 1978
/3. schedule of work to be undertaken, including Section 4.0 Phase 1: Remedial Work; Elder Lester & Partners of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; presumed to be attached to DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch263/1 and following on from DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch263/2; 13f, 1978
/4. architect's report; Elder Lester & Partners of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; 17f, 1982
/5. proposed scheme for redecoration; Elder Lester & Partners of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; 4f, 29 June 1983
/6. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester & Partners) of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland; Includes original photographs and copies of plans of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 March 1993; 36f, December 1990
/7. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 35 f. (including plans), [September] 1999
/8. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 48 f. (including plans and photographs), [May] 2005
/9. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 15, [7] (plan and drawings), 30, 5 f., October 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch227   1978-2004
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Stranton All Saints
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 10f, October 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; Photocopy of DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch227/1 including annoations in red ink but omitting photographs; 10f, October 1978
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 15f, November 1983
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes annotation on inside fromt cover from DGFH, 18 September 1988; 15f, August 1988
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 24 October 1993; 46f, 14 October 1993
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 21, 5 f., December 1999
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 14, [1] (plan), 21, 5 f., November 2004

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch167   1987
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + 2, 5, [7], 9, 5 f., August 1987

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch297   1967-1991
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Bede Town End Farm
/1. Church building project instructions to the architect; P.H. Moss; The date of 1967 is estimated as there is no date included in the document. 1967 is the year the church was built and this document relates to the building of the church. ; 25f, 1967
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, 1981
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 13f, 1986
/4. architect's interim report on church roof; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HD; 7f and loose plan, 1990
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall [Hayton Lee and Braddock] of Durham; title page + [12], [4], [1] (photographs and plan) f., October 1991

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch288   1981-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Chad East Herrington
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 6f, 21 September 1981
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF; 20f, 20 April 1988
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 26 September 1993; 28f, 21 September 1993
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., February 2000
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., July 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch295   1977-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Cuthbert Red House
/1. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Samson Jones & Associates) of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 9 June 1977
/2. architect's report; Dennis H. Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, SR1 1QS; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 9 August 1982
/3. architect's report; J.W. Samson of South Shields; title page + [3], 2 (plans), [14], [3], 5 (original colour photographs) f., February 1992
/4. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + [1], [1] (photograph), 1, [1] (plan), 3, [9] (plan and photographs), 16 f. + back cover, [May] 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch287   1982-2003
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Mary the Virgin Springwell
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 7f, May 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 14f, May 1987
/3. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, SR2 7DQ; includes copies of maps of the area and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 30 October 1992; 26f, July 1992
/4. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of Sunderland; covers + [3] (plans and original colour photographs), [2], 27 f., March 1997
/5. architect's report; John S. Burns (Mackellar Architecture Ltd) of Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne; title page + [1], 102 f. (with plans and 71 photographs), September 2003

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch287a   1982-2000
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Peter Thorney Close
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of photograph and plan of the church; 8f, June 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copy of photograph and plan of the church; 14f, April 1987
/3. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of 3 Grange Terrace, Stockton Road, Sunderland, SR2 7DQ; includes copies of maps of the area and plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 30 October 1992; 28f, July 1992
/4. architect's report; Hawkins Heath Partnership of Sunderland; covers + [3] (plans and original colour photograph), [2], 28 f., March 1997
/5. letter from [DAC] to [incumbent] re closure and disposal of contents and site, 1f., October 2000

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch289   1980-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Sunderland St Thomas Pennywell
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, June 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 10f, July 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 30 September 1990; 16f, September 1990
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; includes copy of plan of the church; 24f, September 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [2] (plans), 17 f., January 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [1] (plan), 19 f., March 2006
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 20 f., September 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch17   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Swalwell Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 10 f., 5 September 1977
/2. architect's report; H.H. Atkinson (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 9 f., 22 March 1982
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 23 f., 27 July 1987
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 23 March 1992
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 7, [1] (plan), 5, 5 f., March 2000
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], 8, [1] (plan), 6, 5 f., September 2006

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch18   1969-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Tanfield St Margaret of Antioch
/1. architect's report; Lee A.O. (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 12 f., September 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 14 f., July 1984
/3. specification and work schedule; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; includes work plans and photograph of church; 42 f., November 1986
/4. specification for mechanical services; Cairns and Byles of 8 Osborne Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; Cairns and Byles of Owengate House, Durham City; 41 f., November 1986
/5. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 15 f., July 1989
/6. architect's report; Roger Watson of 32 Saltwell View, Gateshead, County Durham; 11 f., November 1994
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs), [10], [1] f., [March] 2000
/8. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [10], [1] f. + 1 f. (covering letter with cost estimates for work to glass), December 2005
/9. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [4] (colour photographs), [11], [1] f., [August] 2010
/10. architect's report; Ian Curry (G.E. Charlewood & Curry) of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1], 8 f., December 1969

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch59   1958-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., September 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [12], [3], [1] (photographs and sketch plan) f., September 1983
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; 11 f., April 1988
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 15 f., April 1993
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], [8], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 1998
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f., July 2003
/7. photographic record of roof trusses and joists; Pukrik Homes Ltd of Chester-le-Street; covering letter + [1], [7] (original colour photographs) f., September 2007
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., January 1958
/9. architect's report; D. McIntyre (Cordinglay & McIntyre) of Durham; [10] f., August 1962
/10. architect's report; Cordinglay & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., July 1968
/11. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [16] f., November 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch248   1980-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Thornley St Bartholomew Wolsingham
/1. architect's report; Edward F. Watson (Edward F. Watson Associates) of 56 Station Road, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 0JP; Includes sketches of the church; 11f, 10 June 1980
/2. architect's report; Edward F. Watson (Edward F. Watson Associates) of 56 Station Road, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 0JP; Includes sketches of the church; 11f, May 1986
/3. letter from J. A. Cunnigham of Rosedale Decorators to Reverend Welsh of Thornley Church, regarding a quotation for the re-decoration of the church; J.A. Cunningham (Rosedale Decorators) of 23 High Street, Willington, Crook, County Durham; 1f, 24 May 1990
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 December 1991; 11f, November 1991
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, May 1996
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1], 8, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 2001
/7. record of conservation of organ; John Lightbown and Sons Ltd; cover page + [5] f. (with colour photographs), July 2007
/8. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch249   1977-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Tow Law St Philip and St James
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, April 1977
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, July 1982
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & NIven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, November 1987
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & NIven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church, as well as annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 2 June 1992; 14f, May 1992
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven and Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, June 1997
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], [1], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 2002
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], [1], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch61a   1957-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Trimdon Grange St Alban
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 14 f., July 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., May 1985
/3. architect's report; Fennell & Baddiley, Dixon Dawson of The Old Rectory, Mains Park Road, Chester le Street, County Durham; includes plan and photographs of church; 37 f., May 1991
/4. architect's report; Fennell & Baddiley, Dixon Dawson of The Old Rectory, Mains Park Road, Chester le Street, County Durham; includes plan and photographs of church; 26 f., June 1996
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2] (with original colour photograph attached), 10, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + 11, [2], [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2006
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; 3 f., 6 p., October 1957
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; 8 f., May 1963
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., May 1967
/10. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [16] f., September 1973
/11. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, May 2011

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch60   1959-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Trimdon St Mary Magdalene
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 14 f., July 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 14 f., October 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry partnership) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 31 f., 13 September 1988
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], 8, [1] (plan), 10, 5 f., December 1993
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 9, [1] (plan), 9, 5 f., December 2001
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 8, [1] (plan), 8, 5 f., September 2009
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., July 1959
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., October 1964
/9. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [15] f., May 1973

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch189   1979-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Tudhoe Grange St Andrew
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 13f, 17 May 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 12f, March 1984
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 14f, July 1989
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 25f, March 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 1, [1] (photographs and plan), 18, 1 (listing details) f., May 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 17, [3] (listing details, photographs and plan), 4 f., September 2007
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 20, [3] (listing details, photographs and plan) f., December 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch188   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Tudhoe St David
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 13f, July 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 13f, October 1983
/3. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, County Durham, TS27 4SD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 21f, December 1988
/4. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, County Durham, TS27 4SD; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church and annotations on front cover; 18f, December 1993
/5. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden; title page + [1] (photographs), 15 f., February 1999
/6. architect's report; Christopher Padgett of Crook; front cover + [4] (plans and colour photographs), 12 f., July 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch139   1977-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Ushaw Moor St Luke
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 10 f., March 1977
/2. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 13 f., May 1984
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 15 f., May 1989
/4. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of 54 Kingsway Court, Bishop Auckland, County Durham; includes plans and photographs of church; 26 f., December 1994
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [1] (plan), [1], 9 f. + back cover; November 1999
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + 11, [1] (plan) f., February 2005
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + [3] (plan and colour photographs), 23 f. + back cover, November 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch19   1984-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Usworth Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; David Johnson of 9 Concord Place, Speculation Place, Washington Holy Trinity, County Durham; includes plan of church; 9 f., July 1984
/2. architect's report; David Johnson (David Johnson Architects) of Albion House, 19 Spout Lane, Washington Holy Trinity, County Durham; includes plan of church; 9 f., March 1992
/3. architect's report; David Johnson; includes plan of church; 19 f., October 1992
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (colour photographs, plans and elevations), [9], [1] f., [October] 2002
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (original colour photographs, plans and elevations), [9], [1] f. + 1 f. (loose sketch plan re rose garden), [October] 1997
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (plans and elevations), [10], [1] f., [May] 2007
/7. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [1] (colour photographs), [12], [1] f., [October] 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch19a   1979-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Usworth St Michael (Sulgrave)
/1. architect's report; Dennis H Jones (Samson Jones and Associates), 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear; 7f, 11 April 1979
/2. architect's report; David W Johnson, 9 Concord House, Speculation Place, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE37 2AS; cover page + [2] f. + 2 plans, October 1985
/3. architect's report; David W Johnson; includes plans and elevations; annotated 'Items missing'; 17f, 29 November 1992
/4. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2] (plan, elevations and colour photographs), [8] (with drawings), [1] f., [November] 2002
/5. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [3] (original colour photographs, plans and elevations), [8], [1] f., [November] 1997
/6. architect's report; Ian Ness of Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [8], [1] f. (with drawings), [May] 2007

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch20   1983-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Washington Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 16 f., 15 August 1983
/2. architect's report; Christopher Downs (Charlewood Curry Partnerhsip) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 28 f., 20 December 1988
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (drawing), 10, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., December 2002
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne; covers + [2], [1] (drawing), 8, [1] (plan), 12, 5 f., March 1994
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], [1] (drawing), 10, [1] (plan), 15, 5 f., November 2009

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch38   1977-2012
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Waterhouses St Paul
/1. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Samson Jones & Associates) of 255 Sunderland Road, South Shields, County Durham; plan of church; 8 f., 1977
/2. architect's report; Dennis Jones (Blackbell Rooker Partnership) of 58 John Street, Sunderland, County Durham; plan of church; 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of 10a Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham; inludes plan of church and colour photographs; 24 f., December 1991
/4. architect's report; Christopher Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of Kingsway Court, 54 Kingsway, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, DL 14 7JF; 1997
/5. architect's report; Christopher M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of Bishop Auckland; title page + 17, [2] (colour photographs and plan) f. + back cover, May 2002
/6. architect's report; Christopher M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of Bishop Auckland; title page + 16, [3] (colour photographs and plan) f., December 2007
/7. architect's report; Christopher Padgett of Hunwick; 17, [4] (colour photographs and plan) f., June 2012

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch14   1980-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of West Pelton St Paul
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 10 f., April 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 13 f., August 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs; 16 f., December 1990
/4. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Bradock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plans and photographs; 28 f., December 1995
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 3, [2] (photographs and plans), 16, 1 (listing details) f., June 2001
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 17, [2] (plan and listing details), 3 f., February 2008

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch92   1981-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of West Rainton St Mary
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; covers + [14], [1] (photographs and plan) f., February 1981
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; [14], [1] (photographs and plan) f., March 1985
/3. engineer's report on heating installation; Carins & Byles of 8 Osborne Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; includes plans; 7 f., August 1987
/4. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; 16 f., September 1990
/5. architect's specification for masonry repairs; 9 f., 31 January 1992
/6. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 15 f., March 1995
/7. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 10, [1], [1] (plan) f. + back cover; July 2000
/8. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover; December 2005
/9. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [2], 14, [1] (plan) f. + back cover; April 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch250   1980-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Westgate St Andrew
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 12f, May 1980
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes copies of photographs and plan of the church; 14f, May 1985
/3. Specification and Schedule of Repointing Work for the church; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; 2f, August 1986
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HD; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 4 June 1990; 14f, May 1990
/5. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; includes photocopy; 24f, June 1995
/6. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 20, [1] (photographs and plan), [4] (original colour photographs) f., July 2002
/7. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 26 f., July 2010

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch121   1957
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Westoe St Thomas
/1. architect's report; J.H. Morton & Son (South Shields); [1] (covering letter, 1958), title page, 17 f., December 1957

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DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch62   1960-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Wheatley Hill All Saints
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; [14], [1] (photographs and plan) f., July 1978
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., July 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 15 f., October 1988
/4. architects outline schedule of work for repairs to the church; David Brown (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, County Durham; includes extensive diagrams; 21 f., 14 August 1992
/5. architect's report; Burns Architects of Castle Eden Studios, Castle Eden, County Durham; includes colour photographs and a plan of the church; 22 f., December 1993
/6. architect's report; [Anthony Barnes] (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; 6, [1] (photographs and plan), 28 f., September 1998
/7. architect's report; [Tony Barnes] (B3 architecture) of East Boldon; cover page + [3] (plans and photograph), 19 f. + back cover, October 2004
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., August 1960
/9. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [9] f., September 1965
/10. architect's report; Hayton & Lee of Durham; [16] f., March 1973
/11. architect's report; David Beaumont (Burns Architects) of Castle Eden; cover page + 21, 4 (colour photographs), [2] (plans), 4 f. + back cover, December 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch21   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Whickham St Mary the Virgin
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 16 f., February 1980
/2. architect's report (numer 6); A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 16 f., March 1985
/3. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photograph of church; 17 f., March 1990
/4. Proposals and specifications with plans for new vestry, disabled access and roof restoration, apparently arising from 1995 Quinquennial Inspection report; 32 items, March-June 1997, May-June 2000 and March 2001
/5. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee and Braddock) of Durham; title page + 24 + [1] (photographs) f., March 1995
/6. tender report for repointing to clergy vestry parapets and north and east walls; Hayton Lee and Braddock of Durham; covers + 4, [6] (copy letters and drawings) f., November 2001
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + 2, [2] (drawing, photographs and plans), 17 f., 2002
/8. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + 20, [1] (photographs and plan), 6 f., November 2007

1 folder + 1 bundle 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch169   1977-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Whitburn [St Mary]
/1. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 9 ff., January 1977
/2. architect's work of restoration and restore; G. Edwards of 111 Bishopgate Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham; 19 ff., July 1977
/3. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 ff., January 1982
/4. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 ff., November 1987
/5. architect's report; A. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 21 ff, July 1993
/6. architect's specification for renewal of south aisle roof covering; Christopher Downs (Ian Curry & Associates) of The Cathedral Architect's Office, The Great Kitchen, The College, Durham City; 15 ff., February 2001
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., March 2000
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 16, [1] (plan), 18, 5 f., April 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch190   1983-2010
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Whitworth
/1. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland; 8f, November 1983
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes copy of plan of the church; 13f, September 1990
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes plan of the church; 13f, March 1995
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of West Auckland; title page + 10, [1], [1] (plan) f., December 2000
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 12, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, December 2005
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (T.O.h.P. Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, November 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch219   1973-2011
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Whorlton St Mary
/1. architect's report; T.V. Deas (Messrs Brown Lloyd & Partners) of High Row Chambers, Darlington; includes copy of a plan of the church; 13f, June 1973
/2. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington; includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, 1978
/3. Specification of repair works; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington; includes letter from Major L.M. Kenyon-Fuller to Mr Ruscoe (dated 27.2.89) relating to the chimney stack of the church; 8f, 27 June 1979
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse (Richard Brown & Partners) of 64 Stanhope Road, Darlington; Includes copy of plan of the church; 11f, 1983
/5. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Co Cleveland, TS26 9NF; Includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside cover from DGFH, 25 September 1988; 15f, 1988
/6. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS26 9NF; 14f, 1993
/7. architect's report; Christopher Downs of the The College, Durham; covers + [2], 10, [1] (plan), 11, 5 f., April 1999
/8. architect's report; Christopher Downs of the The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11, [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., April 2005
/9. architect's report; George Stastny of Whorlton; cover page + 9, [1] (plan), 3 f., February 2011

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch39   1973-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Willington St Stephen
/1. architect's report; Hayton Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 18 f., October 1973
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 14 f., December 1978
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes a plan of church; 14 f., December 1983
/4. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; include plan of church; 16 f., September 1988
/5. architect's specification and schedule of work for the re-roofing to vestry; Hayton Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 20 f., November 1993
/6. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church; 20 f., December 1993
/7. architect's quotation for roof refelting and associated works; Jeremy Kendall (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 19 f., 18 January 1994
/8. feasibility study for new vestry and meeting room; HLB Hayton Lee and Braddock Architects [of Durham]; cover page + [5] f. (with plans) + back cover, January 1994
/9. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; cover page + [1], 21, [3] (listing details and plans) f., January 1999
/10. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 22, [3] (listing details and plans) f., February 2005
/11. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 20 f., November 2010

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch63   1982-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Wingate Holy Trinity
/1. architect's report; Hayton Lee & Braddock of Owengate House, Durham City; 17 f., October 1982
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan and photographs of church; 18 f., April 1987
/3. architect's report; John Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of The Old Hall, West Auckland, County Durham; includes plan of church; 14 f., June 1992
/4. architect's report; John AG Niven (Niven and Niven Architects), The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; with sketch floor plan; 14f, April 1997
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 13, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, April 2002
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; title page + [2], 11, [1] (plan) f. + back cover, August 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch22   1984-2008
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Winlaton St Paul
/1. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 15 f., 27 October 1984
/2. architect's report; Ian Curry (Charlewood, Curry, Wilson & Atkinson) of 32-34 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; 25 f., 28 April 1989
/3. architect's report; Christopher Downs (B. Arch., RIBA, Chartered Architect, Ecclesiastical and historic Buildings Consultant) of 8 Holmside Place, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5AJ; 31f, 17 October 1994
/4. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 11 (p.11 bound in upside down), [1] (plan), 13, 5 f., August 2002
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 12, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., March 2008

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch220   1978-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Winston St Andrew
/1. architect's report; J.C. Smith (W.B. Edwards and Partners) of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; 8f, 1978
/2. architect's report; W.B. Edwards and Partners of Cathedral Buildings, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1PG; includes copy of plan of the church; 27f, April 1994
/3. architect's report; Forsyth & Stastny of Britannia Chambers, 18a Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8LZ; Includes copy of plan of the church and annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 16 January 1990; 12f, December 1989
/4. architect's report; [Angus Forsyth] (Forsyth and Stastny) of Barnard Castle; title page + [1], 11 f. (with plans and listing details), July 1995
/5. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., March 2003
/6. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; covers + [2], 13, [1] (plan), 14, 5 f., November 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch40   1960-2009
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Witton Gilbert St Michael and All Angels
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 f., June 1979
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; 13 f., October 1983
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; includes plan of church and photographs; 14 f., October 1988
/4. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; front cover + [12], [3], [1] (plan and photographs), [5] (listing details) f. + 2 f. (covering letter and addition to report), October 1993
/5. architect's report; R.T. Bulmer (Hayton Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham City; title page + 16, [6] (photographs, plan and copy listing details) f., September 1998
/6. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 17, [1] (photographs and plan), [5] (listing details), [4], 3 f., February 2004
/7. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [11] f., November 1960
/8. architect's report; Cordingley & McIntyre of Durham; [10] f., September 1965
/9. architect's report; Hayton, Lee & Braddock of Durham; [13] f., November 1973
/10. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Stockton on Tees; covers + [1], 23 (f.2 loose), [2] (listing details, photographs and plan) f., March 2009

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch192   1977-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Witton Park St Paul
/1. architect's report; A.O. Lee of Owengate House, Durham City; 9f, August 1977
/2. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham , DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church; 14f, May 1982
/3. architect's report; A.O. Lee (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Durham, DH1 3HB; includes copies of a photograph and plan of the church; 14f, May 1987
/4. architect's report; Jeremy B. Kendall (Hayton, Lee & Braddock) of Owengate House, Saddler Street, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes copy of plan of the church and inside front cover annotation by DGFH, 30 June 1992; 17f, June 1992
/5. architect's report; J. B. Kendall (Dipl. Arch., RIBA, Inspecting Architect, HLB Architects) of Owengate House, Durham City, DH1 3HB; includes plans; 22f, 25 June 1997
/6. architect's report (with addendum on heating installation); J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], [1] (plan), 14 f. + 2 f. (loose), June [and November] 2002
/7. architect's report; J.B. Kendall (HLB Architects) of Durham; covers + [1], 9, [1] (photograph and plan), 5f., June 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch191   1977-2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Witton-le-Wear St Philip and St James
/1. architect's report; J. Frank Johnson (Willis, Johnson & Associates) of 17 Old Elvet, Durham City; 13f, May 1977
/2. architect's report; John A.G. Niven of The Old Hall, West Auckland, Bishop Auckland; includes copy of plan of the church; 12f, February 1983
/3. architect's report; Christopher Padgett of 1 The Old School, Billy Row, Crook, County Durham, DL16 9SZ; With sheet of explanatory notes and covering letter dated 23 January 1990; 12f, November 1988
/4. architect's report; C.M. Padgett (Padgett Lavender Associates) of 10a Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7EG; includes copies of plan and photographs of the church; 18f, April 1994
/5. architect's report; John Taylor (John Taylor Architects) of Crook; title page + [1] (colour photographs), [9], [1] (plan) f., August 2001
/6. architect's report; John Taylor (John Taylor Architects) of Crook; title page + [11], [2] (colour photographs and plan) f., October 2006

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch251   1980-2007
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Wolsingham St Mary and St Stephen
/1. architect's report; Edwin F. Watson (Edwin F. Associates) of 56 Station Road, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 0JP; includes sketches of the church; 10f, 3 June 1980
/2. architect's report; Edwin F. Watson (Edwin F. Associates) of 56 Station Road, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 0JP; includes sketches of the church; 10f, May 1986
/3. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of Niven & Niven Associates, The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 December 1991; 13f, November 1991
/4. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (Niven & Niven Architects) of Niven & Niven Associates, The Old Hall, 57 Front Street, West Auckland, County Durham, DL14 9HL; includes annotation on inside front cover from DGFH, 12 December 1991; 14f, May 1996
/5. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + [1], 12 f. + back cover, May 2001
/6. architect's report; John A.G. Niven (John Niven Architects) of West Auckland; cover page + 13, [2] f. + back cover, January 2007

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch235   1979-2005
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Wolviston St Peter
/1. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9QY; 9f, 17 September 1979
/2. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of Eastry House, High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9QY; 9f, 29 May 1984
/3. architect's report; Elder Lester Associates of The Granary, 17A High Street, Yarm, Cleveland, TS15 9BW; Includes annotation on front cover from DGFH, 13 June 1989; 9f, 23 May 1989
/4. architect's report; Donald M. Spouse of 200 Park Road, Hartlepool, County Cleveland, TS26 9NF; includes copy of plan of the church; 9f, 16f, 1994
/5. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 22 f. (including plans), [October] 2000
/6. architect's report; Anthony Garland (Elder Lester Garland McGregor) of Yarm; 25 f. (including plans and colour photographs), [September] 2005

1 folder 
DDR/DA/DAC/2/Dch183a   2006
Quinquennial inspection records for church of Woodland St Mary
/1. architect's report; Christopher Downs of The College, Durham; front cover + [2], [1] (colour photographs), 10, [1] (blank), 7, 5 f., September 2006

1 folder 
Records associated with faculty jurisdiction
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/3
Dates of creation: 1988-2000
Extent: 2 volumes
Registers of faculty applications:
/1. 1988-1993
/2. 1993-2000

Records associated with quinquennial inspections of churches
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/4
Dates of creation: 1956-1970
Extent: 2 volumes

DDR/DA/DAC/4/1   1956-1970
Cash book under Inspection of Churches Measure 1955
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 6
DDR/DA/DAC/4/2   1950s-1990s
Register of surveys, in ? parish number order (alphabetically by deanery and parish), with up to six inspections recorded for each church, including details of architects, fees, reports and some notes on redundant or demolished churches. With list of [PCC] secretaries at front of volume
Miscellaneous photographs of churches
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/5
Dates of creation: 1890-2007
Extent: ca.2 metres

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch   ca.1890-1970s [compiled early/mid 1970s]
Albums of photographs of churches arranged by deanery, most ca.1930s-1960s with some earlier and later items, and including some historical notes, newspaper cuttings, postcards and other prints alongside photographs
Compiled before 1978 (creation of Gateshead West and Sedgefield deaneries). Originally mounted on [acidic] sheets using photo corners, the sheets being numbered with parish numbers (which form the basis of the “Dch” reference numbers used below). Original sheet mounts have been discarded (except where items were pasted to the sheets), with any information contained on them recorded within the detailed catalogue. Within a particular church building, photographs are usually grouped in the order, exterior views (general), exterior details, interior views (general) and interior details, and are followed by non-photographic items such as parish magazine extracts or typescript notes.
1 metre 
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Auckland)
Photographs of churches within Auckland deanery
½ album 
Photographs of Willington St Stephen:
/1. outside of church from south east, showing whole church and part of churchyard
/2. outside from east south east, closer (postcard)
/3. view of lych gate (noting “erected 1949” on back)
/4. inside facing east, showing nave and chancel with pulpit, lectern, picture, part of font and corner of north aisle, with pendant candelabra near chancel arch (postcard)
/5. inside facing east north east, showing font, nave, chancel, organ and north aisle, and electric lights (card, printed with biblical verse 1 John 4:10)

Photographs of Auckland St Andrew:
/1. outside of church from east south east, showing south east portion of church and surrounding churchyard only
/2. outside view of south west porch, including buttresses and sundial
/3. outside view of [? north] transept and surrounding gravestones
/4. outside view of small section of wall and windows, marked SW and dated 22 April 1930
/5. outside view of south west porch and tower taken from south east
/6. outside view from north west, showing church and churchyard with obelisk memorial (postcard, F. Frith & Co)
/7. outside view from south east, showing church and churchyard (postcard, Valentine's Series)
/8. inside facing east, showing font, nave, chancel and north aisle (postcard)
/9. inside facing south east, showing north aisle arches
/10. pew on north side of chancel
/11. misericord with shield and roses, dated 14 September 1915
/12. recumbent effigy from tomb (woman wearing hood)
/13. rector's (?) chair, with seat down, dated 14 September 1915
/14. same, with seat up, showing misericord with large and small roses, dated 14 September 1915

Photographs of Auckland Castle, St Peter's Chapel (and other Castle buildings):
/1. view of screen wall and driveway by T. Allom and S. Lacey, as included in Pictures in Print
/2. external view of south side of Chapel and east range of Castle
/3. external view of part of Castle and Scotland Wing from south west
/4. external view, south west side of Chapel and entrance porch
/5. entrance gateway and clocktower looking towards Market Place, with small figure (gate closed)
/6. east end of Chapel showing altar and reredos, from pew on south side of chancel
/7. east end of Chapel showing altar and reredos, closer view
/8. detail of carved woodwork
/9. view of east end, showing altar, window, part of roof, arches and pilasters

Photographs of Auckland St Helen:
/1. external view from south, showing churchyard and entrance porch, noted “taken by A. Lumsden 1952” on back
/2. external view from east north east, showing east end and part of churchyard, with notes on history of parish and Eden family on back, dated “Wm Richardson, vicar, 1938”
/3. external view from south south east (poor quality, small)
/4. internal view marked “priest stairs into priest's chamber, now vestry” on back (poor quality, small)
/5. internal view of archway (poor quality, small)

Photographs of Escomb Saxon Church:
/1. external view of western portion of church from south, with churchyard gate and porch, noted as copyright Northern Echo
/2. external view of whole church from south south west, with part of churchyard (postcard, Walter Scott, Bradford). Watermark unclear but written to Mrs and Miss Carter at 5 The College, Durham, with reference to Methodist plans for neighbouring [chapel]
/3. similar view, showing more of churchyard (postcard, F. Frith & Co)
/4. interior view of east end, showing altar and archway (postcard)
/5. interior view looking east from north west corner of church (postcard, Walter Scott. Bradford)
/6. interior view looking east, showing eastern half of church with altar, east window and archway, noted as copyright Sunderland Echo
/7. altar and window (postcard)

Photographs of Etherley St Cuthbert:
/1. exterior view of whole church from south west (through trees and churchyard)
/2. exterior from south east, with whole church and churchyard (postcard, Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd)
/3. interior looking east, showing font, whole width of church, chancel, organ and altar, and pendant gas lights (?, see next)
/4. interior looking east, showing half of nave with chancel, organ, altar and east window, and pendant gas lights (? chains to operate gas taps visible)
/5. chancel looking east, with altar and east window (colour photograph, mounted)

Photograph of Hamsterley St James:
/1. exterior view of church and churchyard from north east (probably photocopied from a postcard)

Photographs of Merrington St John:
/1. Exterior view of tower (with pinnacles) and part of church from ? south west, captioned “Merrington church 1846” and “Drawn by R.W. Billings” (paper, ? copied from book or magazine)
/2. Exterior view of tower (flat topped) and most of church from ? south east, captioned “Merrington church 1947” (paper, as /1)
/3. Exterior view of tower and war memorial from ? south west (postcard)

Photographs of Shildon St John (all except /3 dated “[19?]69” on back:
/1. interior looking east, showing most of nave with pulpit, lectern, altar and part of roof
/2. altar and lower part of east window taken from north side of chancel
/3. interior looking east from south west corner of nave, with “parish prayer” printed on back
/4. interior looking west, showing half of west end of nave with font
/5. children's corner (at west end of nave or aisle?)

Photographs of New Shildon All Saints:
/1. exterior from east north east (postcard)
/2. interior looking east, showing pulpit, apse, organ, altar and part of nave, with electric lights, banner and flag

Photographs of Spennymoor St Paul:
/1. exterior of west end and churchyard from south, from illustration by Irene Blandford, 1948
/2. exterior of whole church and churchyard from south (postcard, 'Glenco series')
/3. exterior from south south west, showing tower and churchyard trees
/4. interior looking east, showing chancel, east window and part of nave [from tracery of east window, pre-dates 1953 fire]
/5. interior after fire [July 1953], showing service within ruined chancel under scaffolding, captioned “The rebuilding starts”

Items 3-4 numbered on back in series with DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch190/6-7,12-13,19-22 (Whitworth)
Photographs of Sunnybrow St John:
/1. altar and reredos, erected in memory of Revd J Slim [faculty DDR/EJ/FAC/3/3406, 1951]
/2. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, chancel screen, altar and reredos (as above) and part of apse roof, with electric lights
/3. exterior of church from south south west

Photographs of Tudhoe Grange St Andrew (all in snow):
/1. exterior from south east
/2. exterior of [west] end, from [north west]
/3. exterior of [west] end, from [south west]

Photographs of Whitworth:
/1. exterior from south west, with churchyard gate and bushes
/2. exterior from south west, from illustration by Irene Blandford, 1948 (postcard)
/3. exterior from south east
/4. exterior from south west, list noted “from main gate” [into churchyard] and “the rhododendron bushes have been removed”
/5. exterior from south east, in snow (list noted “Whitworth Hall gate”)
/6. exterior from south west, showing west end only through trees
/7. “figure of recumbent knight, 13th century, outside west end of church”
/8. exterior from north east, “taken from dene in Whitworth Park”
/9. exterior of vestry added 1930, “just before completion”
/10. exterior of “completed vestry, 1930 - showing architect (My Wylie), builder (Mr Byers) and plumber (Mr Blackett)”
/11. “the Whitworth Knight (on right) and his Lady, c.1250. Effigies erected under canopy at west end of church by Revd T.S. Groser in 1935” (showing new canopies and spikes)
/12. “figure of recumbent lady, 13th century, outside west end” (under canopy)
/13. “tombstone to the three infant sons of John Wilkinson of Old Park, 1727”
/14-17. photographs of effigies of knight and lady in previous setting, dated 1 October 1931. Caption on mount stated, “Effigy of knight, c.1290; closed cylindrical helm with transverse eye slit; holding drawn sword upright in his hand. The feet rest on a prostrate man, while a hound crouches at the side. The arms on the shield can be clearly read by they have not been identified. By his side much worn effigy of wife; behind her head a shield with the same arms. Similar effigies are found at Pittington and Chester-le-Street. v. Blair. Arch. Aeliana, iv, vi, 14.”
/18. faded/over-exposed photograph of effigies under the [new] canopies
/19. interior looking east, showing altar, east window and Mothers' Union banner
/20. church plate, “dated 1722”
/21. opening from church register (? within case or frame), showing baptisms 1619-1624, described within list as page of “Elizabethan [sic] register, showing name of Eden”
/22. photograph of series of photographs of incumbents mounted together, with names and dates, 1834-[1935], under heading “A centenary of Whitworth incumbents” (list noted “excuse the wood-worm!!”)
/23. “choir stalls and organ, north chancel, prior to the redecoration of church in 1949. The stalls are by Hedley of Newcastle. The vestry [partly visible at back of picture, including /22 above] is now shut off by a new door into the chancel.”

Items 6-7, 12-13 and 19-22 numbered on back in series with DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch186/3-4 (Spennymoor). Items 3-5, 8-11 and 23 numbered on back in separate series. Both series were accompanied by typescript lists (not retained, but quoted within list above). Lists reference p.15 & 16 (effigies) and p.20 (plate), perhaps from Gordon Berriman, A history of the parishes of Whitworth & St. Paul's, Spennymoor (editions in library catalogue published 1959 and 1972).
Photographs of Witton-le-Wear St Philip and St James:
/1. exterior from south west (postcard, F. Frith & Co, sent to Mr J.P. Carter [Diocesan Secretary] by C. Eric Waters, with reference to his daughter's [? Phyllis Carter] album
/2. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, chancel arch, altar and east window, with electric lights; captioned “The village church, Witton-le-Wear” and “RT&S Ld” (copy of postcard?)
/3. exterior showing south porch with clergyman standing outside

Photograph of Witton Park St Paul:
/1. interior looking east, showing altar and part of chancel, with flowers (postcard)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Barnard Castle)
Photographs of churches within Barnard Castle deanery
½ album 
Photographs of Lynesack St John the Evangelist:
/1. exterior from south
/2. exterior from south east, including churchyard gates and flag pole (postcard, Taylors Drug Co Ltd)
/3. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, organ, chancel arch and altar, with (?) paraffin lights (postcard, quotation from H Conyers Surtees on back)
/4. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, lectern, organ, chancel arch and altar, with Mothers' Union banner and electric lights, dated on back 1957

Photographs of Barnard Castle St Mary:
/1. exterior from south east with part of churchyard (postcard, dated Newsham, 1921)
/2. exterior from east south east with part of churchyard
/3. exterior from [north north west] showing base of [tower and north] porch
/4-5. exterior views of [main?] door, showing decorated orders
/6. interior looking east, showing nave, pulpit, lectern, chancel arch, screen and altar, with banner and electric chandelier light
/7. interior showing corner of nave and aisle with inner wooden porch and electric chandelier light
/8. interior, showing impost of chancel arch and edge of screen
/9. interior, showing arch of aisle and doorway (? west end), with ? war memorial plaque

Photographs 2-9 are stamped on back “National Buildings Record, 37 Onslow Gardens, London” and note “Copyright R.C.A.M. Scotland” , with “Au5” reference numbers
Photographs of Cockfield St Mary:
/1. exterior from north west (before building of extension on north side)
/2. exterior from west (before building of extension on north side)
/3. exterior from north west, showing churchyard gates and extension on north side
/4. exterior from south, showing churchyard with glass globes
/5. exterior view of sealed up doorway on ? south side of chancel
/6. exterior view of lancet windows (possibly south side of chancel)
/7-8. interiors looking east, showing nave, lectern, pulpit, chancel arch, altar and east end, with (?) paraffin lights
/9. impost of chancel arch, with ? timber supports behind
/10. font
/11. interior looking west, showing parts of nave and north aisle, with organ and pendant lighting hooks (? for hanging paraffin lights)
/12. piscina

Photographs of Eggleston old church (Eggleston Hall), all exterior views:
/1-2. from south east and east, showing east end and gravestones against east wall
/3. from south, showing most of building
/4. from south south east, showing chancel and roof

Photographs of Forest and Frith St James:
/1. exteriof from east north east [taken from main road], showing clergyman, access road and whole church
/2. exterior from north west, showing part of churchyard and almost whole church
/3-5. views across fields in winter, including deep snow
/6-7. interiors looking east, showing nave, lectern, pulpit, chancel, altar and east window, with paraffin lamps and church plate

Photographs of Gainford St Mary:
/1-3. views of grave slabs, set into (? porch) wall

Photographs of Staindrop St Mary:
/1-10. exterior views of whole church, various dates and viewpoints but including postcard dated 1922
/11. exterior view of east end from north
/12. exterior view from south east of “supposed appearance of the church in the 13th century” (engraved J.A. Cory, architect), as in H.C.Lipscomb, History of Staindrop Church, with illustrative lithographed drawings (1852), plate opposite p.7 (see library catalogue)
/13, 18. exterior views of south porch and surrounding parts of church from south west
/14, 16-17. copies of drawings of exterior views and details, one captioned, “sparrow perched upon broken grotesque, south side ... G.W.Milburn 1908”
/15. floor plan of church (few details added)
/19-22. exterior views of details
/23. view of inside of (?) porch, looking out, with iron gate
/24. interior looking east (postcard dated 1922 as /1)
/25-28. interiors of chancel with altar and east window, or altar and reredos only
/29-30. interior views of chancel screen with part of chancel, looking east and west
/31-52, 54-55. interior - various architectural details
/53. parish chest
/56-77. details of various tombs and monuments inside church
/78-82. church plate

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch219   1950
Photographs of Whorlton St Mary, all dated 1950 on reverse:
/1. exterior from south west
/2. interior looking east, showing roof timbers, part of chancel, organ, altar, painted panels and east window
/3. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit and chancel, with flowers (“decorated for the harvest” on reverse)
/4. interior looking west, showing font and part of west window, with flowers, apples and cauliflowers (“harvest decorations” on reverse)

Photographs of Winston St Andrew:
/1. piscina on table, noted on reverse “from site of Osmundorp chapel”
/2. piscina
/3. font with cross-slab
/4. font detail

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Chester-le-Street)
Photographs of churches within Chester-le-Street deanery
1 album 
Photographs of Beamish St Andrew:
/1. exterior from north east showing whole church and part of churchyard: cutting from [parish magazine], dated 1910, notes “before tower erected”
/2. exterior from east north east, including churchyard wall and gates (no tower): postcard by M. Pattison of Stanley
/3. exterior from west north west, with tower, extraneous buildings and children playing in street: cutting from [magazine]. Original mount noted, “tower built 1931”
/4. exterior from north, showing whole church with tower and small part of churchyard
/5. exterior from north east, showing whole church with tower: print of pen and ink drawing
/6. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, lectern, chancel screen and arch, altar and east window, with flags and [? Mothers' Union] banner

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch1a   1954
Photographs of South Stanley St Stephen, probably taken at service of Dedication (26 June 1954, from Ruscoe p.110), all with large congregation:
/1. exterior from south west, marked as copyright Stanley News
/2. exterior of west end from south, showing congregation in full with choir, clergy and [scouts or similar]
/3. interior looking east, with congregation seated in body of church and bishop at altar
/4. interior looking east, congregation seated, choir kneeling and presiding clergyman reading or intoning
/5. interior looking south west, showing congregation with choir along south wall and clergy at west end

Photographs of Birtley St John the Evangelist:
/1. exterior from east south east showing ivy-clad apse and south transept, and part of churchyard: postcard with Edward VII or George V stamp
/2. exterior from west, showing chiefly tower and clock face
/3. interior looking east, showing apse, altar and east window

Photographs of Burnopfield St James:
/1. exterior from south south west, annotated on back, “from Leazes Farm August 1946”
/2-4. b/w studio photographs of stained glass windows in south aisle (6 lights) by [Leonard] Evetts, 1953, with descriptions, memorials to William, Ruth and Grace Anderson (? as faculty DDR/EJ/FAC/3/3387)

Burnopfield Friarside Chapel:
/1. Cutting of article by T. Romans, from The Bishoprick, August 1946 (as DDR/DA/PUB/6), mounted on both sides of card

Photographs of Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert:
/1. exterior from south south east, showing chiefly south aisle, spire and part of churchyard
/2. printed engraving of spire from south south west
/3. exterior of western half of church from south east
/4-6. exterior views of chancel from south, one showing part of churchyard and two with window details
/7. [exterior view of window in] south aisle of nave
/8. grave - cover
/9. fragment 49" long, 18½"-20" wide
/10. central part of slab of Tees marble (rest plain), size of lozenge 12", slab 49½" x 17½" x 8"
/11. grave cover, 81" long, 13"-21" wide
/12. fragment Tees marble, 45" x 20". ? Is this a side of a table tomb
/13. interior looking east from back of nave (dark copy of postcard)
/14. memorial to John George Lambton, 1792-1830, 1st Earl of Durham

Items 3-12 originally mounted on card with the following inscription (heavily cropped, but most had been copied onto the 1970s mounting sheet), “T. Romans. St Mark's Vicarage. Chester-le-Street became in 882, after the destruction of Lindisfarne the seat of the See of St Cuthbert, and 'till 995 the remains of the famous hermit bishop remained there. The Church, made collegiate in 1286, now consists of chancel, nave with aisles, N chapel, W tower with spire engaged, and occupying the W bay on the N side a two storied anchorage. The N and S walls of the chancel are said to belong to the first stone church built c 1050 to replace an earlier wooden structure - the windows on the S side are clearly insertions; the nave arcades are 13th century; the three E bays earlier than the two W., as shown by the double respond between them. The octagon and spire are said to be of the late 13th century. The church has been much mutilated at various periods and restorations. There is a large collection of pre-Conquest fragments, and a remarkable series of effigies, 14 in all, erected about 1594 by John, Lord Lumley and all carved at that period except two - which were removed from Durham Cathedral under the impression that they represented members of the Lumley family; they are, however members of the family of Fitz Marmaduke, 13th century Lords of Horden. The Tudor series are interesting from the curious armour - it seems to resemble closely the curious armour worn by the English or Scottish Bruces who surround the great cenotaph at Guisborough, Yorks.”
Descriptions of items 7-12 taken from mounting sheet
Photograph of Chopwell St John the Evangelist:
/1. exterior from south west

Photographs of Fatfield St George:
/1. exterior from east
/2. exterior from south east
/3. exterior from north north east, in distance across fields
/4. interior looking east (poor quality print from [magazine])

Photographs of Greenside St John the Evangelist:
/1. exterior from east south east, noting “consecrated September 18th 1856” and dated 1954 on back
/2. interior looking east, showing part of nave, edge of pulpit, lectern, chancel screen and arch, choir stalls and altar, with WW1 war memorial and flag behind lectern, and banner at back (partly obscured), dated 1954 on back
/3. exterior from south, showing couple at churchyard gate, churchyard obscured by wall
/4. interior looking east, showing corner of font, nave, pulpit and lectern (on opposite sides of chancel arch from /2), chancel screen and arch, altar, with banner [as in /5], electric or gas lighting and flag near picture [? war memorial, perhaps preceding one on opposite side of chancel arch as in /2] (postcard)
/5. children's corner at [west end], with Sunday School banner, pictures, flowers and furniture, noting “Furnished 1952” on back [see faculty DDR/EJ/FAC/3/3577]

Photograph of Crawcrook Church of the Holy Spirit:
/1. exterior from [south west], showing [west] end and entrance

Photograph of Lumley Christ Church:
/1. interior looking east, showing part of nave, lectern, crucifix above pulpit, chancel arch, organ and altar, with flag next to [? WW1 war memorial] and [church or MU] banner

Photographs of Marley Hill St Cuthbert:
/1. exterior from north east, dated 1960 on back
/2. interior looking east, showing lectern, chancel screen (WW1 war memorial, now at west end), chancel arch and roof, altar and east window, with [church] and Mothers' Union banners, dated ca.1955 on back

Photograph of Pelton Holy Trinity:
/1. exterior from south west, showing chiefly spire with clock, porch and part of churchyard

Photograph of West Pelton St Paul:
/1. interior looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit and lectern, chancel screen and roof, altar with baldacchino and east window, with chandeliers for candles

Photographs of Ryton Holy Cross:
/1. exterior from south south west, taken from far side of churchyard wall (postcard)
/2. exterior from south east, showing church with churchyard railings and path, notes “Photo of F. Burke, Ryton” on back
/3. exterior view of south porch from south south west, showing sundial over door and lamppost by entrance
/4. exterior from south east (slightly closer view than /2)
/5-9. copies of photographs dated 15 October 1931: exteriors showing distant view of spire from south, church from south east and chancel from south south east; interiors showing parts of chancel screen, pulpit etc, looking north east and west
/10-11. interiors looking east, showing part of nave, pulpit, lectern, chancel screen, arch and roof, altar, reredos and east window, with [electric] chandeliers and [regimental] flag in nave
/12. interior of chancel looking east, showing altar, reredos and east window, with [chandeliers with candles?], dated (?) 1932
/13, 16, 17. details of carvings, photographs by G.M. Pope, Jesmond, Newcastle
/14. pulpit, with candelabra and [gas] lamp
/15. font, with flag and [? war memorial or list of incumbents]
/18. carved nativity scene, with corner of tablet to Andrew [Nichol, as faculty DDR/EJ/FAC/3/1068 dated 1922]

Photographs of Stella St Cuthbert:
/1. exterior from east north east, noting on back “taken from rectory garden”
/2. exterior from south west (printed drawing, cut out from [parish magazine])
/3-4. interior looking east, showing altar, reredos and east window: two prints of the same photograph, with different size and development settings, one with notes on reredos (Ralph Hedley of Newcastle) and candlesticks (Cordingley and McIntyre of Durham)
/5. Lady Chapel, showing altar with furnishings and curtains, and credence table, with notes on oak top (from first high altar), cross and candlesticks (Cordingley and McIntyre of Durham) and riddel posts (Ralph Hedley of Newcastle), and dated 1945

Photographs of Tanfield St Margaret of Antioch:
/1. exterior view of west end, showing mainly tower (partly obscured by tree): postcard, postmarked ? 1921 [Edward VII or George V stamps]
/2. interior looking east, showing nave, organ pipes, lectern, pulpit, chancel screen and arch, altar, with electric lights, noted as copyright K. Bendell of Coventry
/3. interior of chancel looking east, showing organ, altar and east window, with Mothers' Union banner, electric lights and display of church plate across whole width of altar
/4. interior of chancel looking east, similar view to /3 (excluding organ) but poorer quality, different date, and without banner or plate, noted as copyright K. Bendell of Coventry
/5. [Lady Chapel] showing altar and rail, with curtain behind and hanging triptych portraying St Margaret (with dragon and cross staff)

Photographs of Usworth Holy Trinity:
/1. interior of chancel looking east, showing altar with rail and side curtains, and lower part of east window, captioned “Jos R. Elliott, New Washington”, notes “Easter 1899” on back
/2. exterior from south west: colour tinted postcard, postmarked 1905 (Edward VII stamp), notes “before Chancel built”
/3-5. exterior views
/6. interior looking east showing part of nave, lectern, chancel screen and arch, altar and east window, with Mothers' Union and [church] banners (printed card)
/7. interior looking east, similar to /6 but wider view including pulpit, and different banner designs
/8. closer view of altar, painted reredos and bottom of east window
/9. font with cover, with bottom part of WW2 memorial and Roll of Honour

Photographs of Usworth St Michael:
/1. exterior from east north east, showing chiefly east end and flagpole
/2. interior view of altar, curtain and part of Mothers' Union banner
/3. organ (with surrounding pews and font), noting on back “originally in Washington parish church”
/4. interior looking east north east, with part of nave, lectern, chancel and altar, with [Mothers' Union] banner
/5. font
/6. screen, noted as forming priests' vestry, erected 1954

Photographs of Washington Holy Trinity:
/1. exterior from west, gable of church obscured with trees, group of children in bus shelter and adults in road (postcard, R. Johnston and Son, Gateshead, watermarked 1914)
/2. detail of stained glass window showing nativity scene with shepherds, noted as “one of the Lomax memorial windows”

Photographs of Whickham St Mary the Virgin:
/1. exterior from south, showing park (with people) and south side of church, taken from a Christmas card
/2. interior view of altar, reredos and east window

Printed pen and ink drawing of High Spen St Patrick:
/1. exterior from south west

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch22c   8 and 15 February 1952
Gibside Chapel:
/1-6. Extracts of two articles from Country Life magazine, the first on the estate and buildings as a whole, and the second on the Chapel

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Darlington)
Photographs of churches within Darlington deanery
1 album 
Photograph of Aycliffe St Andrew:
/1. exterior view of church from north, showing churchyard wall and field. Noted on reverse as copyright Northern Echo

Photographs of Coniscliffe St Edwin:
/1. exterior view of church from [west], with surrounding buildings. Noted on reverse as copyright Northern Echo
/2. exterior view of church, showing north elevation.
/3. exterior view of church from south east.
/4. exterior view of church of south wall, showing growth on it.
/5. exterior view of church from north east, featuring a caption: "Coniscliffe, N.E. 16 June 1924".
/6. exterior view of church from north west, with surrounding buildings. Features a caption: "Coniscliffe, Co. Durham", [1924, as Item /5.]
/7. exterior view of church from north. Features a caption: "Coniscliffe, Co. Durham", [1924, as Item /5-6.]
/8. interior picture of pew decoration.
/9. exterior view of doorway.
/10. exterior view of defective pointing on south wall.
/11. interior picture of wooden staircase to tower. Noted on reverse as being an ancient wooden staircase.
/12. interior picture facing east, showing screen, pews, altar, lectern, pulpit.
/13. interior picture of altar. Noted on reverse as showing "rising damp in sanctuary".
/14. interior facing east, showing nave, pews, screen, pulipt, lectern, altar, sanctuary.
/15. interior facing west, showing nave and pews.
/16. interior of damp on south wall.
/17-24. interior showing details of carvings from pew ends.
/25. interior showing screen, carvings on pew ends and a paraffin lamp.
/26. interior showing decoration of pew ends and partial view of screen.
/27. interior showing details of carving of pew ends, paraffin lamp featured in background.
/28. exterior image showing a seat.
/29. interior showing decoration of pew end.
/30. exterior, close up image of decoration of seat featured in item 28.
/31. interior, showing the font.

Items 2-4,10-16 dated August 1960 with descriptions on reverse. Items 27-30 mounted on card with the following inscription (cropped at margins, but had been copied onto the 1970s mounting sheet), “[Architectural Postal Club]. T. Romans. Oct.1912. Coniscliffe is one of the few churches N. of the Tees which possess any mediaeval woodwork. There are also four poppyheads of varied designs. The whole is now in the Chancel and looks as if it had suffered considerably in being adapted to the various fashions of 19th century seating.”
Photographs of Darlington St Cuthbert:
/1. exterior view of church from east, showing churchyard also.
/2. exterior view of church from east, showing road to church and streetlamp.
/3-4 exterior view of church from south east, featuring some of churchyard also.
/5. exterior view of church from east, showing gated entrance. Noted on reverse as copyright Northern Echo.
/6. exterior vierw of church showing an entrance and streetlamp.
/7. interior image showing the altar and decoration of sanctuary. Caption on reverse reads: "Communion rails erected 1950. Designed by Randall Blacking of Salisbury and executed by Allen & Sons of Poole, Dorset". Noted on reverse as being by J. Boulton, Photographer, 47 Greenmount Road, Darlington, Tel.4778.
/8. interior view facing east, showing altar, lectern, pulpit, organ, pews. Noted on reverse as being copyright Northern Echo.
/9. interior view facing west, showing lectern and pews. Noted on the reverse as being copyright F. H. Crossley. Also features a stamp reading: "Courtauld Institute of Art, Negative No. B42/4177. Not the be reproduced without permission".
/10. interior view facing east, showing altar, lectern, pulpit, organ, pews. Noted on the reverse as being copyright F. H. Crossley. Also features a stamp reading: "Courtauld Institute of Art, Negative No. B42/4169. Not the be reproduced without permission".
/11. interior view facing east, showing altar, lectern, pulpit, pews and organ.
/12. interior view of east end, showing altar and decorated windows. Features an affixed description on reverse reading: "View of East End. The brass chandeliers for the lighting have been removed and also the chairs. A new Cross and vases are in use on the altar. Very soon it is hoped to replace the present Communion Rail by a wooden rail to match the old oak stalls".
/13. interior view of south transept.
/14. interior view of north transept.
/15. interior view from the centre aisle looking south east into the south transept.
/16. interior view from south transept looking north west into the nave.
/17. interior view from the altar facing west, showing pews.
/18. interior view of west end, showing pews.
/19. interior image of font, also showing decorated windows and lanterns on wall. Features a description on reverse reading: "Old font & canopy - part of new Baptistery in S. Transept of the Church. 1939-45 war memorial". Also on reverse as being by J. Boulton, Photopgrapher, 47 Greenmount Road, Darlington, Tel. 4778.
/20. carved statue of St Cuthbert. Features a description on reverse reading: "St Cuthbert in the niche over W. door, carved by J E Proctor in his studio within a few hundred yards of the Ch". Also noted as being by J. Boulton, 47 Greenmount Road, Darlington, Tel. 4778.
/21. details of carved pew ends, featuring a caption dating c. 1430.
/22. details of woodwork, featuring a caption stating, 17th century c.1663.
/23-29. details of woodwork within church.

Items /12-16. feature affixed small descriptions on reverse.
Photographs of Darlington Holy Trinity:
/1. exterior of church from south east, showing some of church yard and wall. Noted on reverse as being copyright Northern Echo.
/2. interior facing east, showing altar, pulpit, lectern, organ, stained glass windows, pews. Noted on reverse as being copyright Northern Echo.
/3. interior facing west, showing pews.
/4. interior facing north west.

Photograph of Darlington St Hilda:
/1. copy of image of altar within church, from church magazine, featuring details of church wardens etc. on reverse.

Photograph of Darlington St James (Albert Hill):
/1. interior of church showing east end, including pulpit, lectern, altar, pews, stained glass windows.

Photograph of Darlington St Luke (Marshall Street):
/1. drawing of interior of church. Shows east end, including pulpit, lectern and altar.

Photographs of Darlington St Paul:
/1. Mounted drawing of church from west. Features note stating: "I. P. Pritchett, F.R.I.B.A. Architect, Darlington." Dated Sept 28 1870.
/2. exterior view of church from west. shows road, street, streetlights and telephone wires.
/3. mounted drawing of interior of church, facing east, showing pews, roof, altar, pulpit. Features note stating: "I. P. Pritchett, FRIBA, Architect, Darlington". Dated July 1872.
/4. interior view of church facing east, showing pews, altar, lectern, pulpit.
/5. interior view of church facing east, showing altar.

Photographs of Ingleton St John the Evangelist:
/1. exterior view of church from south west, showing church yard partially. Note on reverse reads: "so far as I can make out it became a separate Parish in 1850. Formerly the Parish was part of Staindrop".
/2. interior view of east of church, showing altar. Note on reverse reads: "Built 1844. Cost £450. 1st Vicar Rev. Wright (stipend £47) Became parish 1845".

Photographs of Dinsdale St John the Baptist:
/1. Postcard featuring exterior view of church from south, showing garden and growth on wall. Note on reverse states restored 1876, dated Jan 6, 1949.
/2. exterior view of church from west, showing some of church yard.
/3. exterior view of church from south east, showing garden also.
/4. interior view of church facing east from aisle, showing altar
/5. Postcard featuring image of east window of St. Mary's Chapel within the church.
/6. Image of old font within church. Dated on reverse as April 20th 47.

Items /2-4, /6. are noted on their reverse as belonging to A. W. Bell, Dinsdale Rectory, Neasham, Darlington, Co. Durham.
Photographs of Sockburn All Saints:
/1-2. Postcards of ruins
/3. Postcard of Conyers Falchion (called “The Sockburn Falchion”), “by which tradition says Conyers slew the dragon”
/4. Printed article (mounted on card), from The Bishoprick (as DDR/DA/PUB/6), November 1946
/5. Postcard showing details of column, impost and springer of arch, annotated “showing entrance to Conyers chapel”, with historical notes on the church, its ruination in 19th century, and burial place of “Hutchinsons related to wife of Wordsworth farmer at Hall Farm”

Photographs of Haughton le Skerne St Andrew:
/1. exterior from west south west showing church and part of churchyard
/2. interior looking east, showing nave (with funerary hatchment on north wall and showing carved pew ends and doors), two pulpits, chancel arch, altar and east window, with electric lighting

Photographs of Heighington St Michael:
/1. pen and ink drawing of exterior from east south east with churchyard, dated on back 1962 and annotated “Parkgate Press”
/2. postcard of exterior from east, looking through archway (Sanbridge M Bro), printed with service times for Heighington and Bolam, Easter 1933
/3. postcard showing view of churchyard and church from south east, with [funeral] group in churchyard, church apparently roofless, captioned “Heighington Church 18th century”
/4-5. views of exterior from south (west end) and north east
/6-9. details of exterior windows and arches
/10. interior detail of impost, with organ pipes
/11. details of stonework
/12-15. details of pulpit carvings. Mount had noted, “Mediaeval pulpit: of early 16th century date, the only pre-reformation pulpit in the County, though at Witton-le-Wear is the shaft of a similar pulpit. The stone base is modern as is the S.E. panel, and four or five of the letters of the inscription.”
/16. engraving of arch with pulpit

Photograph of Hurworth All Saints:
/1. interior looking east, showing part of nave, lectern, part of pulpit, altar, part of chancel roof and east window

Photographs of Middleton St George:
/1. exterior from south, showing lean on tower and gravestones
/2. closer view of south side of tower
/3-14. close-up views of exterior details, chiefly showing cracked stonework, damaged lead work and similar
/15. interior looking east, showing [chancel] arch, altar and east window, with pendant paraffin lighting
/16-17. close-up views of damaged plaster and bench

Photographs of Middleton St George St Laurence:
/1. exterior from east south east, showing church and churchyard wall and gate
/2. exterior view of south porch and part of west wall (with circular window), from south west
/3. exterior from east south east, with [church goers] at churchyard gate
/4. interior looking east, showing small part of nave, pulpit, chancel, altar, reredos, organ, east window, chancel roof and chancel arch (with crack above)
/5. closer view of altar, reredos and east window
/6-7. smaller scale views of part of nave and chancel as above, one with Mothers' Union banner and after decoration
/8. close-up view of altar and reredos with cross, candlesticks and book rests
/9. close-up view of east window
/10. pulpit
/11. font
/12. Saxon sun-dial with label (originally from Middleton St George but at this period kept at St Laurence's (see 2003 archaeological assessment of St George's church by Peter Ryder, on diocesan website)

Photographs of Sadberge St Andrew:
/1. exterior from south east
/2. exterior from south west

Photographs of Darlington St Mark:
/1. exterior from south west, showing circular west window and notice board
/2. exterior from south south west (west end and tower only)
/3-4. smaller format prints of /1-2
/5. interior looking east, looking down on nave, pulpit, lectern and altar, with [Mothers' Union] banner
/6. closer view of pulpit, cross above altar and part of banner
/7. stained glass window in south wall of church by L.C. Evetts, dedicated 1949 (from notes on back), b/w photograph [presumably moved from former church into new church built 1958]

Photographs of Darlington St Herbert:
/1-2. exterior views from south west and north west
/3. interior looking east, showing part of nave, [chancel] beam, pulpit and altar, with Mothers' Union banner
/4. exterior view of west end from north west
/5. interior looking east north east, showing lectern, chancel beam, altar and east window, with MU banner

Photographs of Newton Aycliffe St Clare:
/1. group of bishops, clergy and [choir] members outside main door, annotated “Dedication 9.7.55” on back
/2. unidentified house, perhaps on site of church or used for worship before new church built
/3-5. exterior views from west/south west, showing door before building of enlarged porch and tower
/6. exterior from south west, with pitch-roofed tower and enlarged entrance porch (with steps and garden), and gable of building to south west of church
/7. interior looking west from behind altar, showing altar, altar rail and body of church, with sanctuary lamp and electric organ
/8-10. exteriors of another building [used before new church built?], marked “Clarence Farm Church” and dated 1950-1955 on back
/11. interior of altar within [front room of Clarence Farm as above?], marked “Chapel of St Clare” on back

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Durham)
Photographs of churches within Durham deanery
1¼ albums 
Photographs of Bearpark St Edmund:
/1. interior looking east, showing part of nave, chancel screen, choir stalls, organ, altar and reredos, with flags
/2. close-up view of altar and reredos, with flags alongside
/3-5. typescript notes taken from parish magazines for 1928, with notes on vicars up to 1949

Printed items on Beaurepaire ruins (Bearpark):
/1. engraving of chapel with figures, published by S Hooper, 1784 (as in Pictures in Print)
/2-4. typescript notes taken from parish magazines for 1926-1927

Photographs of Belmont St Mary Magdalene:
/1. exterior from (?) north north east (darkened copy from ? postcard)
/2. exterior from west north west, with west window and part of churchyard
/3. exterior from west south west
/4. interior looking east, showing part of nave, lectern, part of pulpit, chancel screen and east window, with ? Mothers' Union banner

Photographs of Brancepeth St Brandon (all but last four ? photocopies of photographs):
/1. exterior from south west, with part of churchyard and most of church
/2. exterior view of west side of north porch
/3. exterior view from north of east end of church, showing [vestry], chancel windows and small group of children within churchyard
/4. exterior view of east end from south east
/5. exterior view of north porch from north west
/6. exterior view of whole church and large part of churchyard from south east

Photographs of Brandon St John the Evangelist:

Photograph of New Brancepeth St Catherine of Alexandria (Sleetburn):

Mounting card noted, “The church shewn in this photograph was destroyed by fire in July 1942. At the time of destruction Sleetburn was in the Parish of Brandon, but was transferred to the Parish of Ushaw Moor by Order in Council published in the London Gazette on the 25th April 1947.”
Photograph of Brandon Colliery St Agatha:

Photographs of Croxdale St Bartholomew:

Photographs of Durham St Cuthbert:

Photographs of Framwellgate Moor St Aidan:

Photographs of Durham St Giles:

Durham St Mary Magdalene chapel (ruined):

Photographs of Durham St Margaret:

Photographs of Durham St Mary-le-Bow:

Photographs of Durham St Mary the Less:

Photographs of Durham Cathedral:

Photographs of Durham St Nicholas:

Photographs of Durham St Oswald:

Photographs of Finchale Priory:

Photograph of Shincliffe St Mary the Virgin:

Photographs of Waterhouses St Paul:

Photographs of Witton Gilbert St Michael and All Angels:

Photographs of Pittington St Laurence:

Photographs of Shadforth St Cuthbert:

Photographs of Sherburn St Mary:

Photograph of Ushaw Moor St Luke:

Photographs of Nevilles Cross St John:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Easington)
Photographs of churches within Easington deanery
¾ album 
Photographs of Cassop cum Quarrington St Paul:

Photographs of Coxhoe St Mary:

Photographs of Easington St Mary:

Photographs of Ferryhill St Luke:

Photographs of Ferryhill St Martha and St Mary (Ferryhill Station):

Photographs of Ferryhill St Columba (East Howle):

Photographs of Haswell St Paul:

Photograph of Hawthorn St Michael:

Photographs of Kelloe St Helen:

Photographs of Shotton St Saviour:

Photographs of Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe:

Postcards of Trimdon St Mary Magdalene (old parsonage and East Farm):

Photographs of Wheatley Hill All Saints:

Photograph of Easington Colliery The Ascension:

Photographs of Chilton St Aidan:

Photographs of Peterlee St Cuthbert:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Gateshead)
Photographs of churches within Gateshead deanery
1 album 
Photographs of Eighton Banks St Thomas:

Photographs of Lamesley St Andrew:

Photographs of Dunston Christ Church:

Photographs of Gateshead St Mary:

Photographs of Gateshead Christ Church Bensham:

Photographs of Gateshead Holy Trinity:

Photographs of Gateshead St Aidan:

Photographs of Gateshead St Chad Bensham:

Photographs of Gateshead St Cuthbert Bensham:

Photographs of Gateshead St George:

Photographs of Gateshead St Helen Low Fell:

Photographs of Gateshead Venerable Bede:

Photograph of Dunston St Nicholas:

Photographs of Lobley Hill All Saints:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Hartlepool)
Photographs of churches within Hartlepool deanery
1 album 
Photographs of Castle Eden St James:

Photographs of Horden St Mary:

Photographs of Monk Hesleden St Mary:

Photograph of Monk Hesleden St John:

Photographs of Elwick Hall St Peter:

Photograph of Greatham St John the Baptist:

Photographs of Hart St Mary Magdalene:

Photographs of Hartlepool St Hilda:

Photographs of Hartlepool St Andrew:

Photographs of Hartlepool Holy Trinity (Vane Street):

Photographs of Hartlepool Holy Trinity (Davison Drive):

Photographs of Stranton All Saints:

Photographs of Hartlepool Christ Church:

Photographs of Hartlepool St Aidan:

Photographs of West Hartlepool St James:

Photograph of Hartlepool Seamen’s Mission (Victoria Terrace):

Identification of this chapel as from the former Seamen's Mission in Victoria Terrace (near Customs House) is uncertain, but see email and photographs at DDR/DA/DAC/5/XXX
Photographs of Hartlepool St Paul:

Photographs of Seaton Carew Holy Trinity:

Photographs of Blackhall St Andrew:

Photographs of Hartlepool St Luke:

Photograph of Hartlepool St James Owton Manor:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Houghton-le-Spring)
Photographs of churches within Houghton-le-Spring deanery
1 album 
Photograph of Dalton-le-Dale Holy Trinity (Murton):

Photographs of Dalton-le-Dale St Andrew:

Photographs of Dawdon St Hild and St Helen:

Photographs of Eppleton All Saints:

Photograph of Herrington St Aidan:

Photographs of Herrington St Chad's Mission:

Photographs of Hetton-le-Hole St Nicholas:

Photographs of Houghton-le-Spring St Michael and All Angels:

Photographs of Lyons St Michael and All Angels:

Photographs of Newbottle St Matthew:

Photograph of Penshaw All Saints:

Photographs of West Rainton St Mary:

Photographs of East Rainton St Cuthbert:

Photographs of Seaham Harbour St John the Evangelist:

Photographs of Seaham St Mary the Virgin:

Photographs of New Seaham Christ Church:

Photograph of Shiney Row St Oswald:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Jarrow)
Photographs of churches within Jarrow deanery
1¼ albums 
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch98   ca.1905-[1950s]
Photographs of Boldon St Nicholas:
/1-6. Exterior views, 1927 (postcard), 1949 and undated
/7. Board listing rectors (gift of Thomas Reed 1920), 1949
/8. Mission memorial in churchyard (crucifix with roof), 1949
/9-10. Interior views, [mid 20th century]
/11-12. Typescript notes on restoration to spire following damage by winter storms 1903-4 (also new heating and aisle windows replaced), and extract from Echo 1875 concerning restoration and discovery of piscina

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch99   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Harton St Peter:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch101   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Hebburn St John:

Original mounting card noted, “St John's Hebburn was consecrated in 1887 by Bishop Lightfoot, but was not originally a church. It was part of the Carr Ellison Manor House - the servants quarters it is believed. The 'east' window is quite an impressive plain glass window. It is not really 'east', but rather a 'north' window for the building runs roughly north to south.”
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch103   [1940s-1970s]
Postcards and photographs of Hedworth St Nicholas:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch106   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Jarrow St Paul:
/1-3. published engravings of church
/4-5. photographs of exterior (one dated 1935)
/6-21. postcards of church exterior and churchyard
/22-33. postcards of monastic ruins
/34-39. photographs of stone carvings, 1942
/40-42. photographs of stone carvings and exterior, undated
/43. mounted photograph of church interior
/44-51. postcards of church interior, stonework and organ (same series as /6-33 above and /52-64 below)
/52-56. postcards of stained glass windows
/57-59. postcards of wood pew/seat carvings
/60-64. postcards of [well], ladder, picture (crucifixion) and roof beams
/65. photograph of [east end] showing credence table, chair, altar rail and aumbry
/66-67. photographs of carved stones within Cathedral Dormitory
/68. printed drawing of pulpit (with figures), marked “from portions in the possession of G. RIppon Esq, North Shields” (dated 1849 on back)
/69. mounted newspaper cutting from Journal, about church and monastery, with restoration appeal, 1951
/70. extract from The Symbol with illustrated article on Aidan and Bede, 1935

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch107   1949
Photographs of Jarrow St Mark:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch108   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Jarrow St Peter (Chaytor Street):

Original mounting card noted, “In 1872 a Mission was commenced in the Old Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (now St Peter's Parish Hall), where services were held for two years. From this grew the present parish of St Peters. The church in Chaytor Street was built through the generosity of Mr D.O. Drewett and was consecrated by Bishop Lightfoot in 1881. The first vicar W.J. Burn [sic], who subsequently became Bishop of Qu'Appelle. The Rev. S. Pater succeeded Mr Burn in 1887 and succeeding vicars were - 1895 The Rev. G.D. Halford who became Bisop of Rockhampton; 1897 the Rev. W.H.G. Holmes; 1903-1908 the Rev. John Gill, then the Rev. A.S. Thompson who was succeeded by the Rev. T.H. Lilburn in 1913; in 1926 he was followed by the late Rev. W.C. Chapman who died in 1933 to whom the stained glass window is placed as a memorial. He was succeeded by the Rev. J. Williams in 1934. The War Memorial was placed in the Church to the men who made the supreme sacrifice in the 1914-18 war.” Card also notes, “painting in bottom drawer” .
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch109   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Jarrow Grange Christ Church:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch110   1949-[1970s]
Photographs of South Shields St Hilda:
/1. drawing from newspaper cutting (mounted), from the Shields Gazette
/2-16. photographs (some dated 1949, others marked Crown Copyright, photographs of stained glass windows marked copyright The Shields Gazette)

Original mounting card for photographs of font noted, “After the reformation Bishop Cosin asked Robert Trollop of Gateshead to make a font for Durham Cathedral. Another was made the same for St Hilda's. It was found discarded in the Churchyard and restored by Canon Savage, but not to its original use. Mrs Chester had previously given a new one. In 1937 Mr Ardagh-Walter had it restored into its old place and Mrs Chester's was given to Cleadon Church.”
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch112   [1940s-1970s]
Photographs of South Shields Holy Trinity:
/1. postcard of exterior
/2. postcard of WW1 memorial to men of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood (North East War Memorial Project ID 10713)
/3. interior looking east, showing chancel screen (removed in later photographs), eagle lectern, prie dieu, altar and east window, with extensive floral decoration and candelabra
/4-5. postcards of interiors, looking east and west, with electric light and carved reredos (triptych), showing also roof at east end, and font and gallery at west end
/6. interior looking east, with screen and candelabra as /3, but showing most of nave, corners of aisle galleries and roof
/7. interior looking east, with electric light, triptych and no screen, as /4
/8. memorial pulpit (memorial to vicar 1913-1929), marked as copyright The Northern Press
/9. stained glass window in Lady Chapel, noted as replacing one destroyed by enemy action, designed by Stanley M. Scott and made by Millican, Baguley and Atkinson 1949
/10. postcard of altar and triptych reredos, original mounting card noted, “Triptich [sic] now in Grangetown St Aidan”

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch115   1949-1980
Photographs of Rekendyke St Jude (South Shields):
/1-3. interior views, dated 1949-1952
/4-6. two interior views and one exterior, 1980

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch116   [ca.1961]
Photographs of South Shields St Mark:
/1-2. external views of church, showing road with trolleybus power lines and vacant (post-demolition) land around church
/3-7. negatives for /1-2 and three other external views
/8-12. negatives for internal views, presumed to be St Mark's (redundant 1961, ? demolished soon after, see memorial ref 8962 at North East War Memorial Project site)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch117   [1930s]-1948
Photographs of South Shields St Mary (Tyne Dock):
/1. exterior view of west end, note on back, “railings removed during war”
/2. interior looking east, 1948

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch118   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of South Shields St Oswin:
/1-3. interior views of altar and font

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch119   1922 x 1977
Postcard of South Shields St Simon, showing chancel screen (WW1 memorial as DDR/EJ/FAC/3/1097, before re-siting as DDR/EJ/FAC/3/5654)
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch121   [ca.1950s]-1962
Photographs of Westoe St Thomas:
/1-8. exterior and interior views by Jack Connacher of South Shields, 1962
/9. interior view by J.H. Cleet of South Shields, with electric light but ? earlier than /1-8.

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch122   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of South Westoe St Michael and All Angels:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch282   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of East Boldon St George:
/1-9. small format prints (modern contact prints from negatives?) dated 1949 on back (with additional notes)
/10-12. interior views, with notes on back and dated 1949
/13. interior of (1930s) east end, noted as taken soon after the consecration (1934, DDR/EA/CHC/3/E/36)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch304   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Horsley Hill St Lawrence the Martyr (showing former wooden church):

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Lanchester)
Photographs of churches within Lanchester deanery
½ album 
Photographs of Annfield Plain St Aidan:

Photographs of Castleside St John:

Photograph of Collierley St Thomas Hare Law:

Photograph of Consett Christ Church:

Photographs of Dipton St John the Evangelist:

Photograph of Ebchester St Ebba:

Photographs of Esh St Michael and All Angels:

Photographs of Holmside St John the Evangelist:

Photographs of Lanchester All Saints:

Photographs of Leadgate St Ives:

Photographs of Medomsley St Mary Magdalene:

Photographs of Langley Park All Saints:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Stanhope)
Photographs of churches within Stanhope deanery
¼ album 
Photograph of Crook St Catherine:

Photographs of Eastgate All Saints:

Photographs of Edmundbyers St Edmund:

Photograph of Heatherycleugh St Thomas:

Photograph of Rookhope St John the Evangelist:

Photographs of St John's Chapel in Weardale St John the Baptist:

Photographs of Satley St Cuthbert:

Photographs of Stanhope St Thomas:

Photograph of Westgate St Andrew:

Photograph of Wolsingham St Mary and St Stephen:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Stockton)
Photographs of churches within Stockton deanery
1½ albums 
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch221   [1930s-1960s]
Photographs of Billingham St Cuthbert:
/1. external view from south, marked as copyright Northern Daily Mail, West Hartlepool
/2-3. external views from south east (drawing and photograph), from Canon F.C. Tymms [Hon Canon from 1946]
/4-12. external and (mainly) internal views, one dated 1928. Original mounting sheet noted, “An early centre of Northern Christianity for a headstone of the Hartlepool type and other early fragments have been found here; the original nave was long, narrow, lofty of the Escomb type to which a W. tower of the late 10th or early 11th century was added. The piercing of the nave walls and addition of aisles is generally dated 1200, though N. Arcade differs from S. very considerably. Professor A.H. Thompson dates S. Arcade 1200, N. Arcade mid 13th century.”
/13. external view from south (with negative)
/14. view of 1673 alms box on pedestal, with inscription noted
/15-16. interior views of nave (looking east and west), annotated with reference to Canon Tymms and one dated, “before the alteration in 1939”

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch233   [1930s-1960s]
Photographs of Haverton Hill St John:
/1. external view from south west, marked as copyright Northern Daily Mail, West Hartlepool
/2-3. interiors looking east, noted as ca.1936 and ca.1940, one with notes on craftsmanship of eagle lectern (WW1 memorial) and reredos, and showing Mothers' Union and [?] Girls Friendly Society banners, and other with profusion of flowers and two banners hanging outwith chancel arch ('alpha omega' and cruciform designs)
/4-5. interior looking east with panelling behind altar and closer view of standard candlesticks, annotations noting these as WW2 memorials (? as 1947 faculty DDR/EJ/FAC/3/3045)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch253   [1950s-1970s]
Photograph of Bishopton St Peter, exterior from south (with negative)
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch254   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Egglescliffe St John the Baptist:
/1-2. interior views looking east, with close-up view of altar, panelling, part of east window and Mothers' Union banner

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch255   [ca.1950]
Photograph of Elton St John, showing interior looking east, with rood and screen, and figure of Madonna with child (WW1 memorial), annotated with extensive notes on these features (notes dated 1950)
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch256   1958
Photograph of Grindon St James, exterior from east, dated on back
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch256a   1957
Photographs of Embleton St Mary, exterior from north west and (at a distance) from north east, both dated on back
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch256b   1939-[?1950s]
Photographs of Grindon St Thomas à Becket (ruins):
/1-20. photographs (some dated 1944, two dated 1939, including view of chancel arch still standing). Original mounting card noted, “The Church which stands among fields about a mile from the nearest village, has been disused for about a century; it is, however of considerable interest from the fact that in a Charter of Bishop Hugh de Puiset of 1182 he says he has 'newly and recently constructed it in honour of Blessed Thomas the Martyr'. Puiset's work was a reconstruction; the earlier Chancel seems to have been retained almost intact, though 18th century reconstruction has obscured the evidence, but the nave is of Puiset's work and is built of good ashlar masonry with details which seem rather advanced for the period in the North - particularly contemporary with the Galilee Chapel at Durham. The building (in private ownership) is frast falling into decary, a small print from a negative in 1939 shows the chancel arch still standing; this has now fallen and the 14th century chapel S. of the Chancel which in 1939 still preserved traceried windows is now ruined down to the level of the window sills.” Photographs identified as follows:
/1. church from SW
/2-3. detail S. doorway
/4. S. doorway and ruined arch
/5. S wall of nave
/10. chancel arch (May 1939)
/11. chancel arch (August 1944)
/12. window from chancel to S. chapel (from chancel)
/13. ditto (from chapel)
/21. Printed extract [by T. Romans] from The Bishoprick, November 1946

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch257   1952
Postcard of Longnewton St Mary (Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd, London), showing exterior from south south west, sent to Miss Carter July 1952
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch258   1929-[1970s]
Photographs of Norton St Mary the Virgin:

Original mounting card noted, “The core of the Church is of pre-Conquest age. N transept, lower part of tower and part of S transept of the early Church survive. When William of St Carileph in 1081 removed the secular clergy from Durham to make room for Benedictines, part of them received prebends in Norton Church, which is said to have been made collegiate at this date. The Chancel (much restored) is mid 13th century, but nave arcades are of Transitional date. It contains a fine monument (c 1325-1330) 'a masterpice of the Cheyne workshop at York' (l'Anson). The attribution is based on the mark “I ∞” (interpreted John Cheyne) seen just below the point on the shield in No. 6 [Dch258/23]. The arms on the shield are those of Blackiston and must have been carved after 1587. In the absence of colour the original heraldry on the canopy cannot be identified with certainty.”
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch259   [1930s]
Photographs of Norton St Michael and All Angels:
1-2. interior views looking east, showing altar with rail and reredos, one dated 1935 and the other a postcard

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch261   1915-[1950s]
Photographs of Sedgefield St Edmund:
1-53. (some originally numbered 1-33, rough list included with photographs

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch262   1934-1952
Photographs of Stillington St John:
/1-3, 5-9. exterior and interior views, 1952
/4. interior view, originally noted on mounting card, “Harvest festival c.1934. All oil lamps and fittings now (1949) removed. Electric lights are lower. Tablets on each side of the ALtar are now on the north wall of the choir.”

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch263   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas:
/1-7. exterior and interior views, noted as copyright National Buildings Record (with NBR reference numbers)
/8-9. interior views, copyright Northern Echo

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch264   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity Yarm Lane:
/1-3. images cut from a publication or printed guide, with copy photograph of interior

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch265   [1940s-1950s]
Photographs of Stockton-on-Tees St James Portrack [closed ca.1959]:
/1-2. exterior views, one with men and boys, and other with building materials

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch268   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Stockton-on-Tees St Peter:
/1-2. exterior and interior view, copies of photographs (one colour, one b/w)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch269   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Preston-on-Tees All Saints:
/1. exterior view, copyright Northern Echo
/2-5. exterior and interior views

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch299   [1966-1970s]
Photograph of Stockton-on-Tees St James Hardwick [dedicated 1966]:
/1. interior looking east, with seating, font and altar

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch (Wearmouth)
Photographs of churches within Wearmouth deanery
1½ albums 
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch140   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth St Michael:
/1-8. exterior views, various sources
/9-12. headstone found and photographed 1933. Original mounting card noted, “(1933) Headstone of possible pre-conquest date. The stone has come to light during the pulling down of the N. wall of the nave of Bishopwearmouth Church (built c.1804). Bishopwearmouth, as opposed to Monkwearmouth on the N. side of the Wear, is the ancient centre on the south side of the river, both have been swallowed up by the growth of the hamlest of Sunderland by the Sea at the mouth of the river. The real interest of the stone lies in the fact that it is the first pieee of work to come to light on the Bishopwearmouth side for which one can even suggest a pre-conquest date, the earliest surviving fragment of the old church of Bishopwearmouth appears to belong to the end of the 12th century. This may be attributed to the earlier part of the 11th century. Dimensions: total height at present 28", greatest breadth 14" tapering to 10½" at base, 6¾" thick, but has had almsot all the carving hacked from the sides; the lowermost 12" or so has never been carved (set in the ground); the beginning of the curve of a flat rounded top can be detected. Its maximum height may have been 3" or 4" more than its persent height.”
/13-16. larger prints of above headstone plus of recumbent effigy
/17-22, 28-30. interior views (Taylor of Sunderland)
/23-24, 27. miscellaneous interior views
/25-26, 31-32. interior views, marked Crown Copyright Reserved
/33-36. images cut from magazine, with photographs by Taylor of Sunderland and organ specifications compiled by Harrison and Harrison

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch141   [1950s-1970s]
Photograph of Bishopwearmouth Christ Church:
/1. exterior view

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch144   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth St Gabriel:
/1-3. interior views of chancel, altar and nave, from J.S. Ranson of Sunderland, showing regimental colours, Mothers' Union banner and old electric fittings
/4-5. interior views of chancel and nave, showing electrical installation by F. Reid, Ferens and Co of Sunderland

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch145   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth St Hilda Millfield:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch146   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Hendon St Ignatius:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch147   [ca.1910]
Postcards of Bishopwearmouth St Luke Pallion:
/1-3. At least two from images dated ca.1910, from information on back relating to housing around church and WW1 memorial

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch152   1935
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth St Stephen Ayres Quay:
/1-2. exterior (from east north east) and interior (looking east from back of nave), 2½x3½", marked 1935 on back
/3. copy photograph of exterior from south east, undated

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch153   [ca.1930s]
Postcard of Bishopwearmouth St Thomas [destroyed by bombing 1940s]:
/1. interior looking east from back of nave, showing galleries, altar, east window, organ, ceiling, decoration and chandeliers

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch154   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Castletown St Margaret:
/1-5. exterior and interior views, one dated 1967 and showing table in front of main altar with cloth stating “St Margaret pray for us” and showing rood and altar furnishings

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch154a   1964
Photographs of Castletown St Francis (Hylton Castle estate):
/1-2. exterior views (kodak 3½" square format)
/3. interior showing altar (St Francis pray for us) with seating, crucifix, candles and tabernacle

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch155   1948
Photographs of Cleadon All Saints:
/1-2. b/w (studio) photographs of stained glass in west wall by L.C. Evetts as WW2 memorial, noted as dedicated September 1948

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch156   [1960s]
Photographs of Grangetown St Aidan:
/1-3. small format photographs of interior, showing nave, main and side altars
/4-5. side chapel (noted “Lady Altar”), with statue, flowers and candles in front, and main altar with congregation in nave, both dated 1961, both with sanctuary lights

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch157   [1940s-1960s]
Photographs of Monkwearmouth St Peter:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch158   [1940s-1960s]
Photographs of Monkwearmouth All Saints:
/1-5. includes photograph of font by Cordingley and McIntyre, 1949 (WW2 memorial)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch159   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Monkwearmouth St Andrew:

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch163   1950
Photograph of Silksworth St Matthew:
/1. studio b/w photograph of stained glass by L.C. Evetts (WW2 memorial)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch164   1951
Photograph of South Hylton St Mary:
/1. nave and chancel showing altar, organ, east window, lectern and pulpit, with electric lights and Mothers' Union banner

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch165   [1970s]
Printed drawing of Southwick Holy Trinity, showing exterior of church and churchyard from south south east
DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch166   [1950s-1970s]
Postcards and photographs of Southwick St Columba:
/1-9. interior views

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch167   ca.1890-1934 and [ca.1960s]
Photographs of Sunderland Holy Trinity:
/1-4,6. Postcards, annotated with notes on building work, and noted as based on images taken late 19th century or ca.1934 after restoration
/5. colour photograph of apse, high altar and east window

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch168   [1940s]-1951
Photographs of Sunderland St John:
/1. Postcard of drawing with exterior view from south south west, noted as published 1824 by W. Davison of Alnwick
/2. exterior of tower from south west
/3. postcard of interior looking east, showing apse with east window, altar and altar rails
/4. interior looking east, from [organ gallery] at west end, noted as taken 1951 on day of dedication service following restoration
/5. interior of west end, showing organ gallery, north aisle galleries (on two levels), box pews in nave, font and [?] suspended candelabra, noted as being taken before the restoration [1951]

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch169   [1920s]-1960
Photographs of Whitburn St Mary:
/1-2. south aisle altar, noted on back “dedicated Novr 1960”
/3. postcard of interior from back of nave, written 1924
/4-6. interior views of east end and font, dated after 1960 refurbishment
/7. chancel showing altar, reredos and east window, with regimental colours, Mothers' Union and [?] Girls Friendly Society banners, dated on back “c.1951 or 2”

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch279   1939-[1960]
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth St Nicholas:
/1-2, 4, 33-36. exterior and interior views, stamped by Cordingley and McIntyre and apparently dating from the building's completion in 1939
/3. extract from The Bishoprick of November 1939
/8. composite (moutned) photograph showing main entrance with tower and carving of St Nicholas
/5-7, 9-21, 37-40. exterior and interior views of building fabric and curtilage, including defects, one showing [list of services] for 1960

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch284   1948-[1960s]
Photographs of Bishopwearmouth The Good Shepherd:
/1-2, 5-7. exterior view and interiors of east end, nave, altar in use and statue of madonna and child
/3. view of east end, dated 1948
/4. printed article from [Additional Curates Society] Journal, 1948

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch287   [1950s-1970s]
Photographs of Sunderland St Mary the Virgin Springwell/Humbledon:
/1-3. exterior and interior views of building now used as church hall (St. Mary & St. Peter’s Project), 1951x1965 (see 'About us' page on church website)

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch287a   [1949-1950s]
Photographs of Sunderland St Peter Thorney Close:
/1-2. interiors looking east and west, perhaps from completion in 1949
/3. close view of altar frontal and reredos

DDR/DA/DAC/5/Dch289   1952
Photographs of Sunderland St Thomas Pennywell:
/1-4. exterior from west north west, interior from back of church looking east, close-up view of chancel and altar, plaque relating to donation of war-damaged marble from St Paul's cathedral

DDR/DA/DAC/5/1-4   1912-2007
Dawdon St Hild and St Helen, photographs removed from recently closed church (final item in original frame, other frames removed on deposit)
plan chest
See also plans for the church 1887-1921, at WOD/1/11/1-217.
DDR/DA/DAC/5/1   February 1912
Floor plan for newly consecrated church, noting accommodation as 608 adults and 12 boys, scale 1":8'; WH Wood, architect, Durham and Newcastle
DDR/DA/DAC/5/2   August 1916
Drawings for oak baldachino (never built), proposed by Dowager Marchioness of Londonderry, scale ½":1'; WH Wood
DDR/DA/DAC/5/3   August 1915
Designs for 10 stained glass windows, showing the West (rose) window and one in the Lady Chapel coloured, the rest without colour, scale ½":1'; WH Wood
All the stained glass in the church was destroyed by bombing during World War II, except for the rose window.
DDR/DA/DAC/5/4   29 July 2007
Copy of photograph showing east end with drawing of baldachino superimposed, annotated “A Harold W Wilson photograph”, presented by Peterlee Publications
DDR/DA/DAC/5/5-26   1959-1960
Plan with set of photographs of Brancepeth church, taken by National Coal Board
2 folders 
Plan showing locations from which photographs were taken, with covering letters
North side of church from outside, taken from North West, from north porch eastwards, also showing [memorial] cross
North Porch from outside
Sacristy (?) window at north east of church, from outside
East window and stonework from outside
Window and corner of Lady Chapel (?) at south east of church, from outside
Window and front of south transept from outside, also showing table tomb and headstones
Stonework on west front from outside
Nave and aisles looking westwards, including pillars, pews, font cover and clock, and hatchment over south porch
East window from inside, with panelling, altar, altar rail and Ten Commandments board
View of south door from inside, showing edge of font and cover, details of pew ends and hatchment, and other memorials
View into south west corner of church, showing roof timber supports (?)
Miscellaneous plans of churches
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/6
Dates of creation: 1843-1854
These plans may relate to work carried out without a faculty, or to planned work that was not in fact executed, or may be strays from faculty papers. The earliest plans pre-date the existence of the Diocesan Advisory Committee, but it is convenient to list them together here.
As well as the plans listed here, some others are in accession Misc.2014/15:14, but are not catalogued and not yet available for use.
DDR/DA/DAC/6/1-58 were formerly referenced as DDR/EA/CHB/2.

DDR/DA/DAC/6/1-12   1843
Dinsdale, plans for tower including details of windows and stonework. Some by Bonomi and Cory, architects
DDR/DA/DAC/6/13-43   1852
Coxhoe, plans and specifications for new church, most plans by John A Cory, architect, Durham, 1852
Note numbered series of plans includes two items numbered 16 (font and font canopy), and none numbered 18.
Not known whether these plans formed the basis of the superficially similar church which was in fact built 1867-1868, architect Roland Withers of London: see Robin Walton, A history of Coxhoe (Durham, Coronation Press, 1986)
DDR/DA/DAC/6/44-58   1854
Kelloe, plans for new chancel (and some furnishings), some by John A Cory, architect, Durham, 1854
Reference: DDR/DA/DAC/7
Dates of creation:
Miscellaneous (mainly obsolete) publications, collected by the DAC for reference/guidance purposes (giving advice on building/fabric matters)
These will be listed in the printed library catalogue, at which point they will be able to be found by doing a shelfmark search for DDR/DA/DAC/7.

Redundant Churches Uses Committee
Reference: DDR/DA/RED
Reference: DDR/DA/RED/1
Extent: NONE (not yet deposited)
Redundant church files
Reference: DDR/DA/RED/2
Dates of creation:
Correspondence and paperwork relating to churches following declarations of redundancy (for which see Orders in Council at DDR/EA/BEP/4 and Pastoral Committee files at DDR/DA/PAS/2), including the disposal of contents and sale or demolition of buildings
These files were kept within the series of parish files outlined under DDR/DA/OFF within the Administrative Histories guide. A draft list of the parish files for search room use (in parish number order) is available with prior notice. Most or all are under 30 years old, and are not available for consultation without permission from the Diocesan Secretary or Care of Churches Secretary at the Diocesan Office.

Photographs of closed churches
Reference: DDR/DA/RED/3
Dates of creation:
Miscellaneous photographs, apparently relating to closed/redundant churches, but without further information

DDR/DA/RED/3/1   early 20th century?
Gateshead St Aidan, exterior showing part of street, annotated “Destroyed by fire June 1966”
DDR/DA/RED/3/2-10   July 1964
Monk Hesleden St Mary (demolished ca.1967, under Order in Council as DDR/EA/BEP/4/573)
DDR/DA/RED/3/11-17   September 1974
Haverton Hill St John (Order in Council for demolition at DDR/EA/BEP/4/626)
DDR/DA/RED/3/18-31   April 1978
Stockton St John the Baptist, Alma Street (Order in Council for demolition at DDR/EA/BEP/4/676), two copies of each photograph
DDR/DA/RED/3/32-36   ca.1979-1980
Darlington St Luke (Order in Council for appropriation at DDR/EA/BEP/4/693, note this is the church on Marshall Street, not the 'old church' on Leadenhall Street demolished ca.1978)
DDR/DA/RED/3/37-59   ca.2008
Southwick St Columba (appropriated ca.2010), photographs of stained glass windows and east end of Southwick St Columba, with report on behalf of DAC dated 10 December 2008
DDR/DA/RED/3/60-61   October 2014
Photograph and details of silverware from closed church of Dipton St John the Evangelist, with covering email
DDR/DA/RED/3/62-66   October 2014
Photograph and details of silverware from closed church of Auckland St Peter, with covering email
DDR/DA/RED/3/67-68   July 2015
Photograph of canopy from closed church of Auckland St Peter, with covering email
Board of Patronage
Reference: DDR/DA/PAT
Dates of creation:
No records have been listed for this (statutory) Board, though some material may exist among recent deposits from the Bishop's Office, not yet sorted. It has a very limited role within Durham diocese, as outlined in the Administrative Histories guide.

Additional (non-statutory) committees
Reference: DDR/DA/COM
Dates of creation:

Board for Church Building and Church Extension (and related funds)
Reference: DDR/DA/COM/1
Dates of creation: 1828-1971
In addition to the minute books listed below, the the following items are available at the accession references stated.

DDR/DA/COM/1/1   April 1828 - March 1879
Minutes of Diocesan Committee in aid of the Church Building Society (Society for the Enlargement and Building of Churches and Chapels). With annual lists of grants at front for 1828 to 1867 and 1878, but otherwise not indexed. Apparently established by a meeting of Society of the Sons of the Clergy held in Newcastle, September 1827 (list of attendees with printed resolutions and address at front of volume).
DDR/DA/COM/1/2   December 1864 - February 1869
Minutes of the Diocesan Church Building Society (annual meetings to vote grants), and of the sub-committee of the Special Church Building Fund. Not indexed, volume mostly blank
The Special Church Building Fund was established by the Bishop of Durham, to raise funds for new churches or mission chapels in new districts or populous parishes. It was to last for five years, and be managed by the Diocesan Church Building Society.
DDR/DA/COM/1/3   September 1883 - January 1889
Minutes of the Special Church Building Fund Administrative Committee. Not indexed, with prayers at back and printed notice of fund at front
This, a separately constituted fund from that of 1864-1869 (DDR/DA/COM/1/2), was formed by Diocesan Conference on request of the Bishop of Durham. It was managed by an Administrative (sometimes termed Executive) Committee. The fund was due to last five years, and raised funds for building additional churches within the diocese.
DDR/DA/COM/1/4   July 1889 - January 1912
Minutes of Diocesan Church Building Society. With resolution [of Diocesan Conference?] reconstituting society, February 1889, and printed prayers and rules at front, and lists of committee members (by deanery) at front and back.
Previously referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 35
DDR/DA/COM/1/5   January 1912 - June 1925
Minutes of Diocesan Church Building Society, and of Joint Committee [including members of the Bishop of Durham's Church Extension Committee], from October 1916 of the Diocesan Board for Church Building and Church Extension (established by Diocesan Conference). Not indexed. Partly blank
Previously referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 35
DDR/DA/COM/1/6   October 1916 - January 1945
Minutes of Diocesan Board for Church Building and Church Extension. For signed minutes before October 1925, see preceding volume DDR/DA/COM/1/5. From October 1939 to November 1942, meets as Wartime Emergency Committee. Indexed at front.
DDR/DA/COM/1/7   July 1945 - June 1970
Minutes of Diocesan Board for Church Building and Church Extension (from March 1965, Board for Church Development, and Standing Committee of same). Indexed at front.
Board for Stipends, Pensions and Grants (and predecessors)
Reference: DDR/DA/COM/2
Dates of creation: 1889-1975
In addition to the minute books listed below, the the following items are available at the accession references stated.

DDR/DA/COM/2/1   December 1889 - January 1931
Minutes of Clerical Assurance Fund (governors' meetings). Signed minutes, titled “Rough minute book”. Partly blank, not indexed. With printed copy of Charity Commission scheme (on division of fund between Newcastle and Durham dioceses), July 1889, and other orders and certificates of Charity Commissioners (at front).
Paid premiums for life assurance policies for poorer clergy, and premiums for pensions or annuities for poorer married or widowed clergy with children
DDR/DA/COM/2/2   December 1889 - March 1974
Minutes of Clerical Assurance Fund (governors' meetings). Minutes before 1931 copied from preceding volume (DDR/DA/COM/2/1), mainly unsigned. Indexed at front. With printed copy of July 1889 Charity Commission scheme at front.
DDR/DA/COM/2/3   February 1892 - October 1968
Minutes of Clergy Pensions Institution (Durham diocesan committee/branch). Not indexed, blank pages at end.
DDR/DA/COM/2/4   October 1916 - March 1966
Minutes of Board for Pensions and Grants. Not indexed, blank pages at end.
Gave pensions and grants to necessitous clergy, and to widows and orphans of clergy, and gave pensions or grants to lay workers retired through age or ill health. Noted that the Board's functions were taken over by the Diocesan Widows Officer (grants to retired lay workers) and the Board for Stipends, Pensions and Grants (payment of premiums), from autumn 1966.
Formerly referenced under accession number DDBFR/box 34
DDR/DA/COM/2/5   February 1969 - February 1971
Minutes of Board for Stipends, Pensions and Grants. Indexed at front.
For minutes 1966-1968, see DDR/DA/COM/2/7 below. For later minutes, see Stipends Sub-Committee minutes within Board for Finance minute books at DDR/DA/FIN/1.
DDR/DA/COM/2/6   November 1920 - March 1955
Minutes of Clergy Relief Fund (endowment committee), from 1924 the Clerical Incomes Augmentation Fund. Indexed at front.
DDR/DA/COM/2/7   October 1955 - September 1968
Minutes of Clerical Incomes Augmentation Fund, from September 1966 of the Board for Stipends, Pensions and Grants. Indexed at front.
For later minutes of the Board, see DDR/DA/COM/2/5 above.
Readers' Council
Reference: DDR/DA/COM/3
Dates of creation: 1880-1967
Extent: 3 volumes and 1 box
Records of the Diocesan Readers' Council and predecessor organisations
In addition to the records listed below, late 20th/early 21st century student and personnel records were deposited as part of accession Misc.2014/15:14, all of which are closed in accordance with the note below.
Items 1-67 were formerly referenced DDR/EA/DRB
60 year closure applies to minutes and lists of readers. Personnel records are closed until 37 years after the individual's death (as for Clergy Personnel files in DDR/BP/CLR). Printed items and badges etc are available without any closure.
Some files of lay workers are also held among the records from the Bishop's Office, at DDR/BP/DIO/7.

DDR/DA/COM/3/1   1880-1938
Lay Helpers' Association minutes and accounts book. Accounts (in back of book) from 1889 only
1 volume 
DDR/DA/COM/3/2   1936-1967
Readers' Board minute book
1 volume 
DDR/DA/COM/3/3   1886-1941
Index of Diocesan and Parochial Readers (and predecessor positions), apparently compiled ca.1920. Includes note on sources at front, and annotations against most entries.
1 volume 
DDR/DA/COM/3/4-18   1944-1961
Lists of Readers, most with addresses, many annotated with notes on licence renewals or departures etc. All arranged alphabetically except DDR/DA/COM/3/14A (1958), which lists Readers by rural deanery
DDR/DA/COM/3/19-28   1886-1959
Material belonging to Robert Askwith, a Reader in Durham diocese from 1886 to 1921:
/19-20: licences from Bishops Lightfoot (1886, renewed to 1908 by Lightfoot, Westcott and Moule), and Moule (1909, renewed to 1921 by Moule and Henson)
/21-22: badge and ribbon with covering letter (1920)
/23: illuminated address from Auckland Ruridecanal Conference on his departure from Durham, bound with members' signatures and newscutting, 1921
/24-25: address card (Harrogate) and membership card for Ripon Diocesan Readers' Association, 1930
/26-28: correspondence on gift of above material to diocese, with brief account of Robert Askwith's lay work, 1959

DDR/DA/COM/3/29-43   1920-1937
Annual reports of Diocesan Lay Helpers' Association (from 1936, Diocesan Readers' Board)
DDR/DA/COM/3/44-53   1907-1960
Printed rules and regulations of the Lay Helpers' Association (later Readers' and Lay Helpers' Association, then Readers' Board, then Readers' Advisory Committee). Include notes on procedures and forms of documents, with some notes on examination subjects.
/44. Rules and regulations, 1907
/45-46. Instructions to applicants, syllabus of examination and regulations as to services, 1923
/47-49. Rules and regulations, 1931
/50. Syllabus of examination subjects, [1930s]
/51. Rules and regulations, 1936
/52. Rules and regulations, 1942
53. Rules and regulations, 1960

DDR/DA/COM/3/54-59   1921-1941
Printed regulations and reports concerning Readers from outwith the diocese
/54. Archbishops' regulations, 1921
/55. Lay Reader Studentship Association, annual report and accounts, 1933-1934
/56-57. Reports of committees of Canterbury and York Convocations on work and status of Lay Readers, 1938 and 1940
/58-59. Regulations respecting Readers, approved by York and Canterbury Convocations, 1940 and 1941

DDR/DA/COM/3/60-67   mid 20th century
Badges and ribbons, with one covering letter (1972)
DDR/DA/COM/3/68-74   1957-1960
Correspondence with Diocesan Registry, mainly in connection with managing lists of Readers and new regulations
Church Buildings Committee
Reference: DDR/DA/COM/4
Dates of creation:

Currently located within parish files for accession Misc.2014/15:14 These files were previously kept within the series of parish files outlined under DDR/DA/OFF within the Administrative Histories guide. A draft list of the parish files for search room use (in parish number order) is available with prior notice.
Files are arranged alphabetically by church name within the list, but referenced using 'Dch' reference numbers based on the parish number scheme, as this reflects their original arrangement within the Diocesan Office.
These files are closed for 30 years. For access, contact either the Diocesan Secretary or Care of Churches Secretary at the Diocesan Office.

DDR/DA/COM/4/1   2009-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for sundry churches, viz:
  • Merrington St John the Evangelist, for plasterwork, toilet and vestry
  • [? Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas], for external works
  • Gainford St Mary, for restoration including clock re-gilding
  • Whitworth, for organ restoration
  • Shincliffe St Mary
  • Dalton-le-Dale St Andrew, [for new gallery]

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch123   2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Annfield Plain St Aidan
/1. For agent's fees
/2. For architect's fees for quinquennial inspection

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch170   2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Auckland St Andrew
/1. For lighting

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch170a   2006-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Auckland St Anne
/1. For sound system, 2006-2007
/2. For heating, 2010
/3. For organ repair and lighting, 2011
/4. For lighting, 2012-2013

4 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch172   2007-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Auckland St Helen
/1. For organ, 2007-2008
/2. For roof and chimney repairs, 2011

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch194   2006-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Barnard Castle St Mary
/1. For re-ordering, 2006-2007
/2. For re-ordering (stage 2), 2008-2009
/3. For lighting, toilet and porch area, 2012

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch1   2007-2010
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Beamish St Andrew (Stanley)
/1. For tower roof and spire repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch24   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Belmont St Mary Magdalene
/1. For church hall

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch124   2006-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Benfieldside St Cuthbert
/1. For drains, paths and new entrance, 2006
/2. For heating boiler, 2006-2007
/3. For roof repairs, 2013

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch292   2001-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Billingham St Aidan
/1. For guttering, 2001-2002
/2. For disabled ramp and toilet, 2004-2005
/3. For heating, 2010-2011

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch308   2005-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Billingham St Luke
/1. For access and toilets
/2. Re outstanding loan (relating also to Hedworth St Nicholas)

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch252   2002-2004
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bishop Middleham St Michael
/1. For heating and archaeological works, 2002-2003
/2. For re-ordering, 2004

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch253   2003-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bishopton St Peter
/1. For stonework repairs, 2003
/2. For monumental brasses and sound system, 2003-2005
/3. For window protection, 2004
/4. For replacement base for west gable cross, 2004-2005
/5. For lightning conductor, 2004-2005
/6. For electrical repairs, 2005
/7. For re-roofing, 2005-2009
/8. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2008

8 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch149   2006-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bishopwearmouth St Mary Magdalene Millfield
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch284   2013
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bishopwearmouth The Good Shepherd
/1. For roof

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch270   2003-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Blackhall St Andrew
/1. For heating, 2003-2005
/2. For boundary fence, 2007
/3. For bell, 2012

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch210a   2012-2014
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bolam St Andrew (County Durham)
/1. For floor

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch98   2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Boldon St Nicholas
/1. For toilet
/2. For roof repairs

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch41   2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Bowburn Christ the King
/1. For new church

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch81   1999-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Burnmoor St Barnabas
/1. For roof, 1999-2001
/2. For toilet etc, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch3   2009-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Burnopfield St James
/1. For church vestry and dry rot, 2009-2011
/2. For reroofing, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch173   2005-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Byers Green St Peter
/1. For sound system, 2005-2006
/2. For heating, 2011-2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch42   2007-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Castle Eden St James
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2007
/2. For churchyard trees, 2011-2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch4   2008-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Chester-le-Street St Mary and St Cuthbert
/1. For stonework and porch roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch277   2004-2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Chilton St Aidan
/1. For re-ordering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch5   1995
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Chopwell St John
/1. For wet rot

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch155   2006-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Cleadon All Saints
/1-2. For Open Door project

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch274   2008-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Cleadon Park St Mark and St Cuthbert
/1. For roof, 2008
/2. For external steps and west entrance, 2013

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch195   2005-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Cockfield St Mary
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch127   2013
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Collierley St Thomas
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch128   2007
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Consett Christ Church
/1. For church hall works

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch174   2002-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Coundon St James
/1. For roof repairs etc, 2002-2006
/2. For re-ordering, 2008
/3. For re-ordering, 2009

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch8a   2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Crawcrook Church of the Holy Spirit
/1. For new chairs and carpet

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch236   2011-2012
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Crook St Catherine
/1. For new lights

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch27   2004-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Croxdale St Bartholomew
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2004
/2. For roof repairs, 2012-2013

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch83   2006-2007
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Dalton-le-Dale Holy Trinity (Murton)
/1. For replacement of pews
/2. For glazed screen

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch83a   2006-2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Dalton-le-Dale St Andrew
/1. For extension with toilets, kitchen and storage facilities

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch198   2011-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington Holy Trinity
/1. For rewiring, 2011-2013
/2. For heating, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch199a   1998-2000s
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St Columba
/1. For redevelopment

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch197   2011-2013
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St Cuthbert
/1. For roof security system

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch285   2006-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St Herbert (East Darlington)
/1. For repairs
/2. For painting

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch200   2001-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St James (Albert Hill)
/1. For restoration, 2001
/2. For new roof and window repairs, 2003-2005
/3. For restoration (phase 2), 2009-2011

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch201   2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St John
/1. For redecoration

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch280   2004-2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St Mark
/1. For repairs and disabled toilet, 2004-200x
/2. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2007
/3. For heating, 2009-2010

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch271   2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Darlington St Matthew
/1. For refurbishment

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch61   2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Deaf Hill cum Langdale St Paul (Trimdon Station)
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch306   2005-2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Doxford St Wilfrid
/1. For internal doors

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch28   2000-2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Durham St Cuthbert
/1. For tower repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch33   2003-2005
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Durham St Nicholas
/1. For fabric repairs, 2003
/2. For window repair and wheelchair lift, 2004-2005

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch46   2007
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Easington St Mary
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch237   2001-2007
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Eastgate All Saints
/1. For dry rot, 2001-2006
/2. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2006-2007

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch254   2006-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Egglescliffe St John the Baptist
/1. For re-ordering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch6   2006-2014
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Eighton Banks St Thomas
/1. For heating system, 2006
/2. For guttering, 2008-2009
/3. For lighting, 2014

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch255   2001-2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Elton St John
/1. For architect's fees for quinquennial inspection and repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch85   2002
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Eppleton All Saints
/1. For roof

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch132   2002-2005
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Esh St Michael and All Angels
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2002
/2. For porch roof, 2003-2005

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch7   2012-2013
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Fatfield St George
/1. For access ramp etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch66   2012-2013
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Felling Christ Church
/1. For rewiring

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch47   2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Ferryhill St Luke
/1. For boiler

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch239   2007-2014
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Frosterley St Michael and All Angels
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection and porch gates
/2. For architect's fees for quinquennial inspection

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch208   2007-2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Gainford St Mary
/1. For clock winder, 2007
/2. For masonry roof and repairs, 2010

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch69a   2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Gateshead St Edmund's Chapel
/1. For re-ordering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch74   2000-2004
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Gateshead St George
/1. For restoration, 2000
/2. For dry rot, 2003-2004

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch75   2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Gateshead St Helen Low Fell
/1. For roof

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch78a   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for Gateshead St James and St Bede (church centre)
/1. For community facilities

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch79   1998-2001
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Gateshead Fell St John
/1. For toilets etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch156   2000 and 2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Grangetown St Aidan
/1. For lighting and heating etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch256   2005-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Grindon St James
/1. For roof repairs, 2005
/2. For spire and guttering repairs, 2008-2009

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch133   2003-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hamsteels St John the Baptist
/1. For fuel tank, 2003-2004
/2. For nave floor, 2008

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch296   2006-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Harlow Green St Ninian
/1. For doors and windows glazing

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch224   2007-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hart St Mary Magdalene
/1. For chancel roof, 2007-2008
/2. For handrail to footpath, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch293   1999-2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hartlepool St James Owton Manor
/1. For heating, 1999-2008
/2. For window protection and induction loop, 2003-2004
/3. For community room and repairs, 2010

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch272   2010-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hartlepool St Luke
/1. For access ramps, 2010
/2. For boiler, 2012-2013

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch48   2010-2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Haswell St Paul
/1. For repairs and redecoration

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch209   2002-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Haughton-le-Skerne St Andrew
/1. For re-ordering and roof repairs etc, 2002-2004
/2. For woodworm treatment, 2006
/3. For re-ordering, 2008-2009
/4. For reroofing, 2011-2012

4 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch49   2009-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hawthorn St Michael
/1. For repairs, 2009-2011
/2. For masonry repairs, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch240   2005-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Heatherycleugh St Thomas
/1. For roof repairs, 2005
/2. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2006-2007
/3. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2012

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch101   2005
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hebburn St John
/1. For chancel floor

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch103   2005
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hedworth St Nicholas
/1. For roof

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch210   2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Heighington St Michael
/1. For stonework and clock

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch146   2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hendon St Ignatius
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch87a   2005
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the Hetton and Eppleton community hall (worship centre)
/1. For disabled toilet and heating

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch105   2009-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Heworth St Alban (Windy Nook)
/1. For re-ordering, 2009
/2. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch104   2007-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Heworth St Mary
/1. For repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch22a   2012
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of High Spen St Patrick
/1. For new heating

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch134   1995-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Holmside St John the Evangelist
/1. For rewiring, refurbishment, repairs, repainting and repointing, 1995-2003
/2. For flashings, 2003
/3. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2006
/4. For toilet, 2009

4 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch88   2003-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Houghton-le-Spring St Michael and All Angels
/1. For repair of windows and work in churchyard, 2003-2005
/2. For windows, 2005
/3. For exterior renovations, 2006
/4. For boiler, 2012

4 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch181   2001-2002
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hunwick St Paul
/1. For new sacristy etc
/2. For chancel works and ramp

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch211   2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hurworth All Saints
/1. For tower consolidation

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch63a   2005-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Hutton Henry St Francis
/1. For new access, 2005-2006
/2. For damp, 2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch106   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Jarrow St Paul
/1. For works

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch109   2002-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Jarrow Grange Christ Church
/1. For electrical inspection, 2002
/2. For heating, 2004
/3. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2007
/4. For steeple repairs, 2010-2012

4 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch52   2000-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Kelloe St Helen
/1. For work on paths, 2000-2001
/2. For cushions, 2008

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch10   2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Lamesley St Andrew
/1. For churchyard access works

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch136   2002
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Leadgate St Ives
/1. For heating system

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch257   1999-2000
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Longnewton St Mary
/1. For restoration and re-ordering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch131a   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Low Westwood Christ Church (Hamsterley Colliery)
/1. For rewiring

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch183   2007-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Lynesack St John the Evangelist
/1. For heating, wiring and lighting, 2007-2008
/2. For narthex etc, 2011-2012
/3. For boiler, 2011-2013

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch89   2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Lyons St Michael and All Angels
/1. For notice board

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch182   2007-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Merrington St John the Evangelist
/1. For toilet etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch213   1999-2000
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Middleton in Teesdale St Mary the Virgin
/1. For bell house refurbishment

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch214a   2006-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Middleton St George St Laurence
/1. For structural repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch158   2006-2009
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Monkwearmouth All Saints
/1. For reroofing etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch159   1999-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Monkwearmouth St Andrew
/1. For tower, 1999-2001
/2. For roof repairs, 2006-2007
/3. For nave windows, 2010-2012

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch157   2011-2014
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Monkwearmouth St Peter
/1. For roof and guttering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch96   2008-2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of New Seaham Christ Church
/1. For toilet and forecourt, 2008-2009
/2. For bellcote, roof repairs and lighting, 2010

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch90   1997-2000
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Newbottle St Matthew
/1. For restoration

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch286   2010-2014
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Newton Aycliffe St Clare
/1. For boiler, 2010-2011
/2. For roof repairs, 2014

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch286a   2006-2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Newton Aycliffe St Francis Horndale
/1. For disabled toilet

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch300   2011-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for Oxclose (church centre)
/1. For roof repairs
/2. For flood prevention

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch91   2000-2005
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Penshaw All Saints
/1. For churchyard restoration, 2000
/2. For archaeological assessment in churchyard, 2005
/3. For heating system, 2005

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch196a   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Piercebridge St Mary
/1. For replastering

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch55   1999-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Pittington St Laurence
/1. For restoration, 1999-2000
/2. For window protection, 2003
/3. For toilet, wall and tower repairs, 2010-2011

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch269   2003-2013
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Preston-on-Tees All Saints
/1. For youth centre, 2003-2004
/2. For solar panels, 2010
/3. For roof, 2013

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch260   2012
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Redmarshall St Cuthbert
/1. For reroofing

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch243   2006-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Rookhope St John the Evangelist
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2006-2007
/2. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2011

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch22b   2005-2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Rowlands Gill St Barnabas
/1. For toilet

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch15   2008-2014
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Ryton Holy Cross
/1. For repairs (roof, masonry, glass), 2008
/2. For re-ordering to west end, 2013-2014

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch244   2006-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of St John's Chapel in Weardale St John the Baptist
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2006-2007
/2. For roof, chimney and drain, 2011-2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch245   2011-2012
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Satley St Cuthbert
/1. For roof repairs and ceiling renewal

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch94   2007-2012
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Seaham Harbour St John the Evangelist
/1. For nave roof, 2007-2008
/2. For redecoration, 2010-2012

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch234   2005-2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Seaton Carew Holy Trinity
/1. For rewiring and relighting

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch184   1999-2000
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Shildon St John
/1. For lighting, redecoration etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch37   2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Shincliffe St Mary
/1. For boiler

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch58   2010-2014
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Shotton St Saviour
/1. For external stonework repairs, 2010
/2. For rewiring, 2014

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch164   2003-2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of South Hylton St Mary
/1. For lighting

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch111   2005-2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of South Shields All Saints
/1. For repair and extension

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch110   2004-2006
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of South Shields St Hilda
/1. For roof repairs, 2004-2005
/2. For tower repairs, 2005-2006

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch119   2005
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of South Shields St Simon
/1. For electric repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch166   2003-2005
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Southwick St Columba
/1. For redecoration, induction loop etc, 2003
/2. For gutter clearing, 2005

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch186   2003-2006
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Spennymoor St Paul
/1. For pigeon deterrent, 2003-2004
/2. For disabled toilet, 2005-2006
/3. For vestry roof and refurbishment, 2006

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch217   2011-2012
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Staindrop St Mary
/1. For roof alarm and re-leading

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch247   2001-2005
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stanley St Thomas (Crook)
/1. For new windows
/2. For spire repairs

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch16   2003-2009
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stella St Cuthbert
/1. For vestry and toilet, 2003-2004
/2. For church tower, 2009

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch262   2000-2006
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stillington St John
/1. For reroofing etc

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch264a   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stockton-on-Tees Holy Trinity Greenvale
/1. For heating

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch291   1999-2010
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stockton-on-Tees St Chad Roseworth
/1. For roof, 1999-2001
/2. For boiler and roof repairs, 2010

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch267   1997-2001
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stockton-on-Tees St Paul (Newtown)
/1. For roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch263   1999-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stockton-on-Tees St Thomas
/1. For repairs to west front and reroofing, 1999-2001
/2. For porch restoration, 2011

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch227   2010
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Stranton All Saints
/1. For clerestory wall and roof repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch295   2006-2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Sunderland St Cuthbert Red House
/1. For disabled access and toilet

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch287   2003-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Sunderland St Mary the Virgin Springwell
/1. For heating, 2003-2004
/2. For windows, 2008

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch289   2001-2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Sunderland St Thomas Pennywell
/1. For heating and disabled toilets

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch18   2003-2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Tanfield St Margaret
/1. For clock winder

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch59   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Thornley St Bartholomew Kelloe
/1. For shoring of gable

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch60   2008-2010
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Trimdon St Mary Magdalene
/1. For toilet and vestry extension

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch139   2002-2004
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Ushaw Moor St Luke
/1. For dry rot, 2002-2003
/2. For roof repairs, 2003-2004

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch19a   2010-2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Usworth St Michael (Sulgrave)
/1. For new kitchen, toilet and heating

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch20   2010-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Washington Holy Trinity
/1. For various works

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch38   2006-2008
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Waterhouses St Paul
/1. For oil tank

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch250   2010-2014
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Westgate St Andrew
/1. For architect's fee for quinquennial inspection, 2010
/2. For heating, 2013-2014

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch62   2008-2011
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Wheatley Hill All Saints
/1. For various works

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch21   1998-2000
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Whickham St Mary
/1. For reroofing

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch190   2010
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Whitworth
/1. For organ

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch39   2003-2004
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Willington St Stephen
/1. For repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch63   2000-2008
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Wingate Holy Trinity
/1. For repairs, toilet and kitchen, 2000-2004
/2. For further works to toilet and kitchen, 2004-2007
/3. For stonework repairs, 2007-2008

3 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch220   2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Winston St Andrew
/1. For sound system and steeple repairs

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch40   1999-2003
Application for grant from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Witton Gilbert St Michael and All Angels
/1. For boundary wall

1 folder 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
DDR/DA/COM/4/Dch235   2007-2011
Applications for grants from the Church Buildings Committee for the church of Wolviston St Peter
/1. For new heaters, 2007-2008
/2. For re-pointing, 2011

2 folders 
30 year closure, contacts for access under DDR/DA/COM/4
Board for Training and Maintenance of the Ministry
Reference: DDR/DA/COM/5
Dates of creation: 1916-1971
In addition to the minute books and files listed below, the the following items are available at the accession references stated.
Registers of grants, 1922-1930 (2 volumes, DDBFR/boxes 16-17)
Registers of grants to ordinands, 1919-1963 (2 volumes, DDBFR/boxes 17-18)
Cash books, 1948-1971 (4 volumes, DDBFR/boxes 17-18)

DDR/DA/COM/5/1   October 1916 - January 1940
Minutes of the Board for Training and Maintenance of the Ministry. Indexed at front. Pre-1929 minutes unsigned (reference to having been copied from a previous minute book, which apparently no longer survives).
1 volume 
DDR/DA/COM/5/2   April 1940 - March 1966
Minutes of the Board for Training and Maintenance of the Ministry (pre-1943 meetings are of the Wartime Emergency Committee). Indexed at front. Final meeting held jointly with Board for Pensions and Grants, and Sons of the Clergy Society.
1 volume 
DDR/DA/COM/5/3-5   1921-1943
Bank books for National Mission (Durham) fund. See DDR/DA/COM/5/6 for notes on this fund.
3 notebooks (boxed) 
DDR/DA/COM/5/6   1935-1943
Correspondence for National Mission (Durham) fund. Includes letters from Canon Lillingston in connection with expenses and the annual “Day of Prayer and Gifts for Missionary Work” at Durham Cathedral, from Bishop Henson with comments on the fund and “charismatic ministries”, and between the Diocesan Secretary and Diocesan Registrar (H.C. Ferens, surviving trustee) on transfer of fund.
1 file 
Established during the National Mission in 1917 for evangelical work in the diocese of Durham, the fund was used mainly to pay expenses of Canon Arthur Lillingston for local mission work, including an annual service in Durham Cathedral. It was transferred to the Board for Training and Maintenance in 1943, to be used for grants to ordination candidates.
Other diocesan organisations
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG See also papers relating to charities and fundraising among the records of the Bishop's Office, under reference DDR/BP/DIO/9.
Records of the South Shields Clerical Society are deposited at Durham County Record Office under reference D/X 1052.

Durham-Lesotho LINK
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1
Dates of creation: 1986-ca.2002
Extent: 7 metres
The Durham-Lesotho LINK was founded 1986. Brief accession lists of this material are kept with the printed archive catalogues within Palace Green Library.
Peter Green, The day the devil wept (London, 2011), copy within library catalogue

Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1A
Dates of creation:
Extent: Governance records and minutes of working groups

Executive Officer's administration
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1B
Dates of creation:

Treasurer's records
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1C
Dates of creation:

Files for specific projects
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1D
Dates of creation:

Records for events and visits
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1E
Dates of creation:

Publicity materials
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1F
Dates of creation:

Extraneous records
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/1G
Dates of creation:

The Society of Christ and the Blessed Mary the Virgin (Lightfoot House)
Reference: DDR/DA/ORG/2
Dates of creation: 1891-1962
Extent: ½ metre The Society traces its origins to 1887, when a group of women volunteers were licensed in the Durham Castle chapel by Bishop Lightfoot. The women had previously looked after victims of the 1884 smallpox epidemic in Durham City, after Canon George Body provided a band of nursing Sisters to support a smallpox hospital on Gilesgate Moor.
The Society was formally established in 1901 as The Society of Christ and Blessed Mary the Virgin, known also as Durham Diocesan Church Workers. Minor variations in the long title within formal documents are numerous (such as the minutes of its first Chapter meeting on 30 May 1901, printed constitutions and rules, annual reports and the pension fund trust deed), but the name was based on the then dedication of Durham Cathedral (DDR/DA/ORG/2/15 p.11).
The first Head Deaconess was Elizabeth Clarkson, ordained by Bishop Lightfoot in 1894. She was in charge of the Diocesan Mission House in the College, which was the group's first home. After George Body's death in 1911, the house at 19 North Bailey was secured and bought by the trustees of the Canon Body Memorial Fund, and known as Lightfoot House. See lease at UND/F3/C3/A2/74.
Work was initially paid for from the Durham Mission work fund (raised originally by George Body), later by George Body himself, and after his death by the Canon Body Memorial Fund.
The society was dissolved in 1963, and its funds transferred to the Board of Finance to support ongoing women's church work.
See also bishop's correspondence file on women's ministry, 1932-1979, at DDR/BP/DIO/10.

DDR/DA/ORG/2/1-5   [early 20th century]
Printed Constitutions of society and Rule for its members, together with standing order for Associate workers and Associates' card (with Rule and Prayer)
DDR/DA/ORG/2/6   May 1901 - March 1932
Minute book for Chapter meetings of society. With declaration of membership for Lucy Gibb, 1908
DDR/DA/ORG/2/7   May 1932 - October 1963
Minute book for Chapter meetings of society. With loose papers (mainly relating to grant of Lightfoot House to Board of Finance, and to dissolution of society), now stored in separate envelope alongside volume.
DDR/DA/ORG/2/8   May 1930 - October 1958
Minutes of [Pensions and] Finance Committee. Loose items (chiefly statements of account) now stored in separate envelope alongside volume.
DDR/DA/ORG/2/10-51   1891-1951 and 1957/8, 1958/9, 1961/2, 1963/4
Annual reports of the Society (under heading of Canon Body's Durham Mission Fund until 1912, combined with Diocesan Board of Women's Work from 1948). Include financial accounts and reports from workers in individual parishes (1897-1909), from Cawnpore, India (1897-1904), about the Durham Needlework Association (1897-1910), reports from the House of the Resurrection, Mirfield (1925-1931), and a paper by Canon George Body, On the organization of women's ministries in the church (1897).
The annual reports will be listed within the printed library catalogue.
DDR/DA/ORG/2/52   September 1901 - January 1945
Receipts and payments book
DDR/DA/ORG/2/53   1930-1962
Register of members and contributions record for Pensions Fund
DDR/DA/ORG/2/54   January 1941 - June 1952
Petty cash book
DDR/DA/ORG/2/55-56   17 February 1930
Draft and summary of trust deed and rules for pension fund
DDR/DA/ORG/2/57   June 1939 - November 1956
Correspondence relating to estates of deceased members, specifically Deaconess Butterworth, Deaconess Cowens and Deaconess Miller
DDR/DA/ORG/2/58   1943-1945
Statements of account and lists of investments
DDR/DA/ORG/2/59   1937-1950s
Miscellaneous correspondence, relating to Jubilee history (1937, as in Local Collection), purchase of 20 North Bailey (1946), flats in Mission House (1948), separation of Society and Training College (ca. 1955), and notes on constitution, property and trusts of Society (ca. 1950s), with a circular promoting its work and courses c.1958.
DDR/DA/ORG/2/60   1940s-1960s
Lists of deaconesses, licensed women workers, wardens (clergy) and visitors (bishops), from 1889
DDR/DA/ORG/2/61   ca.1912
Typescript history of society, written “some twenty years” after its beginning, referencing George Body's death [1911] but not the purchase of Lightfoot House [1914]. With photographs as follows:
  • row of pit houses, New Seaham
  • pit workings, showing wheel, engine house, rail lines and coal wagons
  • group of miners from South Hetton
  • central mission house in The College, Durham
  • mission house in South Hetton, showing woman worker and bystanders
  • St John's Settlement, Sunderland [? established by East End Commission ca.1900, see DDR/BP/PAR/2/9D], showing group of women with children
  • old women from almshouse ('mothers'), Houghton