Reference code: GB-0033-MSP
Title: Mickleton and Spearman Manuscripts
Dates of creation: later 13th century to 18th century, mostly later
17th century
Extent: 103 volumes & 3 rolls
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Mickleton and Spearman family members creators and collectors
Language: Latin and English, with occasional French and Greek
The collection was begun by Christopher Mickleton (1612-1669), attorney at law, of Mickleton, Yorkshire. By 1649 he had a flourishing practice in Durham and was undersheriff and clerk of the peace. He was briefly deprived of his posts but was
reinstated and became prothonotary of the Durham court of common pleas and deputy registrar of the Durham chancery court. Although he purchased Crook Hall in Durham in 1657, he suffered again under the parliamentarian regime, became only deputy to
his old post of prothonotary at the Restoration, and even that post he soon lost. However, his posts had given him access to many legal records and he began the family tradition of manuscript collecting. He died in 1669 and was buried in Durham
Cathedral on 29 August.
His eldest son, James the elder (1638-1693), followed his father into a legal career, becoming keeper of the seal of the county palatine of Durham in 1689. He also continued his father's collecting of working legal documents, along with material
relating to the institutions of the palatinate of Durham. However, after his marriage to Frances Hall in 1660, he had fallen out with his father who had bequeathed most of his manuscripts to James's young half-brother Christopher (1664-1718).
James's own will left some of his material to 3 trustees (Sir Robert Eden, Abraham Hilton and John Spearman (1645-1703)), his records relating to County Durham to his surviving son Michael, and his legal collections to his grandson James the
Michael Mickleton (1663-1711) was also a lawyer but does not seem to have had his family's enthusiasm for legal study, local history and manuscripts. However, he did marry in 1687 Elizabeth Spearman, who was the daughter of the lawyer John
Spearman, later to be one of the trustees of James the elder.
James Mickleton the younger (1688-1719) gained the manuscripts of his grandfather James the elder both on the death of his father Michael in 1711 and from his grandfather's trustees in 1716. He also gained some of his great-grandfather's
manuscripts from his great-uncle Christopher in 1707 and 1716. James was also trained as a lawyer, practising at Gray's Inn in London. He developed considerable antiquarian interests, especially in heraldry and Old English. He was a founder member
of the revived Society of Antiquaries in 1717 and both cooperated and competed with Humphrey Wanley on manuscript purchases. However he got into financial difficulties and was found drowned in the Thames in suspicious circumstances in 1719. He may
have briefly married Hannah Eden.
James's debts meant that his surviving brother John (1689-1722) instructed his executors to sell Crook Hall. His debts may also have necessitated the sale, despite Humphrey Wanley's hopes, of James's manuscripts in 1721 to James's uncle Gilbert
Spearman (1675-1738). Gilbert was also a lawyer of Durham, and his father John (d.1703) had been deputy registrar to the Durham court of chancery and undersheriff of the county palatine. John had collected a number of legal manuscripts of his own,
and Gilbert was quite an antiquary himself, adding his own transcripts and collectings, and publishing in 1729
An Enquiry into the Ancient and Present State of the County Palatine of Durham (Edinburgh) which included an account of the county and its courts written by his father.
Original manuscripts and transcripts relating particularly to the history of North-East England, with much of national interest, from the Middle Ages to the early 18th century. The collection includes substantial 17th century correspondence, and
much material on the administration of the palatinate of Durham and the working of the palatinate courts.
In particular, the official positions held by James Mickleton and John Spearman mean that the majority of the 103 volumes now in the collection at Durham are documents and transcripts of records of the temporal jurisdiction of the county palatine
of Durham. For the purpose of analysis, the volumes may be classed in four divisions.
The 49 volumes of the first main division, mostly of an administrative character, may again be conveniently grouped according to their executive, legal and financial aspects.
Firstly there are 4 volumes (Nos 2, 9, 19 and 71) which are wholly or mainly concerned with lists of offices and temporal officers of the county palatine, including a list and index of Close Rolls in No 71.
Secondly, there are some 21 volumes of statutes, court documents, precedents, abstracts and indexes (Nos 27, 38, 41, 50-53, 56, 58, 61, 75-77, 90, 92, 93, 96, 98-100). No 27 is a fine late 14th or early 15th century collection of statutes from
Henry III to Richard II. No 61 is a valuable collection of forms of writs, patents, and commissions for Durham courts in the 17th century. County court material is contained in a precedent book of Charles I (No 53) and a book of declarations and
pleadings 1663-1670 (No 96). There is material relating to the court of chancery in the shape of decrees and orders for 1668 (No 38) and for 1671-1682 (No 66) together with tables of fees (No 92). There is an account of pleas in the bishop's court
of pleas for Charles I, the Commonwealth, and Charles II (Nos 50, 52) with notes of writs issued and returned for James II and Anne (Nos 56, 75) and notes of assizes from Charles I to Anne (No 98). No 52 f.23 is the case of a 1638 wager by battle -
Claxton versus Lilburne - with the judges' opinions. There is also a precedent book of the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty courts (No 51) and a singular volume boldly entitled
Lievre des touts breifes originals etc que jeo sue hors del Court del plees et Court del County du Dunelm - G. Spearman 1694-1697 (No 77) but which does not fulfil its promise of being a law French
register of writs.
Thirdly there are some11 volumes of law notes and books of instruction (Nos 3, 4, 15, 17, 18, 21, 37, 48, 49, 60, 83) including a contemporary transcript of the
“book called
Fleta”, a collection of
The Parson's Lawe of 1633 and a copy of the Practice of the Star Chamber.
Records concerning more particularly the financial aspect of the administration are contained in the fourth section of 13 volumes (Nos 6-8, 11, 24, 33, 43, 53, 55, 74, 87, 108). This includes several volumes of transcripts and indexes of
inquisitions post mortem, a collection of abstracts from the time of Bishop Hatfield to Charles I (No 6), records of the tenures of the crown and
Officia Post Mortem from Henry VIII to James
I collected by John Richardson, deputy escheator (No 33). There are noteworthy abstracts of
IPMs, liveries and wardships 1602-1637 (No 55), abstracts of
IPMs 1620-1639 (No 74) and the
Liber Feodorum or
“Book of Fees” of Gilbert Spearman of 1694 (No 87) together with the “Book of Rates of the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge” 1650 (No 8),
the sheriff's accounts 1660-1682 (No 78) and the “Seal Book” of 1672 (No 24). Finally, mention may be made of the
Valor Episcopatus of Bishop Ruthall of 1522 (No 108)
and of the rental of the lordships of Barnard Castle and Raby together with the
Liber Primi Subsidii of 22 James I (No 7).
Among the second main division of some 28 volumes of transcripts of charters, collections of cathedral and parish histories and of letters and papers, there are 7 volumes consisting primarily of transcripts of charters and foundations of the
privileges of the palatinate (Nos 1, 1A, 10, 12, 25, 35, 44, 59). No 1 is described in a title entry by a hand of probably the mid-nineteenth century as a collection of various transcripts relating to the kings of Northumbria, the bishops of
Lindisfarne, Chester-le-Street and Durham, royal grants to the Church of Durham and foundations of hospitals and churches
“from the earliest accounts to the reigne of Charles II”. It is similar in scope to Nos 1A, 10, 12 and 44. There are 3 volumes each covering a part of the ground: transcripts of papal bulls and
charters of the kings of England and the bishops of Durham 1189-1591 (No 59); copies of 14th and 15th century charters relating to Durham (No 35); copies of mostly 17th century charters relating to the bishoprick collected by Christopher Mickleton
(No 25). 7 volumes concern more particularly individual localities (Nos 32, 34, 39, 47, 64, 72, 94). They include a copy of the
inspeximus of Bishop Matthew's charter to the Corporation of Durham (No 72) a charter of
Charles II to Newcastle schools and hospitals at Kepier and Houghton (No 34), and collections of instruments relating to the churches of St Margaret and St Oswald at Durham (Nos 39, 47, 94), together with details of the foundation of several other
churches, hospitals and schools in the county palatine, with an alphabetical index (No 32).
10 volumes of this second division (Nos 13, 23, 36, 42, 57, 62, 63, 88, 91, 97) deal more especially with aspects of ecclesiastical history. There is a copy of Hegge's
Legend of Durham (No 88), an account of the bishopric of Durham “ex Greco mss. in Bib. Ep. Dun.” (No 23), notes on the civil and ecclesiastical
history of Durham 1636-1690 (No 13), and of the
Cartae Dunelmenses in the Harleian Library (No 36), together with Spearman's
Durham Portfolio (No 91) which includes at
f.66 a copy of the charter and dotation of Bishop Cosin's Library of 1669, and some valuable notes of the
Jura Regalia of the Lord Bishop, eg at f.15 and 78. Also present are copies of the wills of Bishops Wood and Crewe
(No 63) and a volume containing the history of glass windows in Durham together with a catalogue of Bishop Cosin's papers in 1640 (No 42).
Finally in this division there are 4 volumes (Nos 20, 26, 31, 46) which are for the most part original letters and papers and are amongst the most significant in the whole collection. No 46 covers most of the 17th century and deals especially
with the commission of inquiry into the administration of hospitals of 1665, while some documents bear the inevitable sign manual of Charles II demonstrating his official assiduity. No 20, collected by Christopher Mickleton, is concerned mainly with
the collections made for those who suffered in the Plague and Great Fire 1665-1666. No 26 contains letters, especially between Dr Montague, canon of Windsor, and John Cosin 1625-1628. No 31, covering the years 1615-1670, deals especially with the
relations between Bishop Cosin and the militia. These last 2 volumes form a complement to the letter books and letters of Bishop Cosin also in Durham University Library.
The third main division of some 8 volumes (Nos 12, 16, 30, 45, 65, 68-70) deal mainly with matters outside the county palatine of Durham. No 68 contains a survey of royal resources in 1618. Nos 12 and 45 give accounts of the naval survey of 16
James I and the arguments used by the 12 judges in the Exchequer Chamber in 1638 over ship money respectively. No 65 contains reports of cases in the Star Chamber during the reign of Charles I. No 70 is an account of former parliaments apparently
prepared for the press and No 30 gives a report of parliamentary proceedings for 1640-1641. The events of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1639 are described in No 69, while No 16 consists of transcripts of records relating to North
Wales from Henry III to Henry V.
The last main division of some 15 volumes contains evidence of other scholarly interests of the collectors (Nos 5, 22, 29, 40, 67, 73, 79-82, 84-86, 89, 95). There are 3 volumes mainly devoted to heraldry (nos 40, 67, 95) and among the remainder
are extracts from eminent writers (No 5), from the London journals of 1730-1731 (No 84), notes from historical and poetical works (Nos 22, 73), grammatical terms and exercises in rhetoric (Nos 29, 81, 82, 85, 86) as well as an index to the
scriptures and
Vindiciae Evangelii (Nos 80, 81). Finally, special mention must be made of the medieval
tractatus moralis de oculo (No 89) which is not listed in the 18th century
catalogue of the Spearman manuscripts contained in volume 16 of the Allan manuscripts in Durham Cathedral Library.
The Mickleton and Spearman collection is thus mainly composed of transcripts made in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and of some original records and letters, mostly of the seventeenth century. Its significance is enhanced by the
subsequent losses of original records of the county palatine of Durham. Christopher Mickleton and his son James had access to the official book of transcriptions of grants to the see of Durham called the
Red Book, or a
copy of it, to notes of the contents of the chancery in the time of Bishop James (1606-1617) and probably to original documents now lost (Nos 1, 10, 71). This collection is antecedent in composition to the Allan, Hunter and Randall collections in
Durham Cathedral Library, shares much common ground with them and was also used by them. As a source for the temporal administration of the county palatine of Durham in the seventeenth century, it is of primary importance.
The Mickleton and Spearman collection was divided in 1817 by its then owner, Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham. He gave the present collecton of 107 volumes and rolls to Bishop Cosin's Library in Durham and over 80 volumes to the Inner Temple
Library in London. A further volume was added to the Durham material in 1918 when Henry Gee gave Bishop Ruthall's
Compotus (No 108) from the Phillips manuscripts (formerly MS 29312). No.14, a collection of material about
Peterborough Cathedral 1629-1661, was transferred to Peterborough probably shortly after 1817 by Sir Henry Ellis.
This antiquarian collection was assembled in the 17th and 18th centuries by members of the Mickleton and Spearman families, Durham lawyers and antiquaries. On the death of Gilbert Spearman in 1738, it descended to his son George (1714-1761) and
then to his daughter Elizabetha-Honoria (d.1841) and her husband Col. William Wasey (d.1817). Sir Henry Ellis of the British Museum advised in 1816 that the collection should be retained with related material, so Rev. George Wasey MA presented it to
Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham (1791-1826).
Open for consultation.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
Arranged in order of pressmark
Humphrey Wanley inventoried 158 volumes of the collection (both those now in the Inner Temple and DUL) on 4-5 July 1720, with the inventory being BL Add Ms 70484/23. There is a complete summary handlist of the collection at DUL drawn up in March
to May 1817 by Sir Henry Ellis (1779-1869), antiquary and librarian of the British Museum - DUL Additional MS 343
online. A more detailed draft listing of many of the volumes was compiled by F.J.W. Harding in c.1950. This listing has been expanded and added to by M.M.N. Stansfield 2004-2006. Detailed descriptions of the medieval manuscripts (nos.27, 57
& 89) are in the draft catalogue of medieval manuscripts in Durham University Library.
Both James Mickleton the elder and younger owned and annotated DUL Additional MS 175,
The ancient rites, and monuments of the monastical, & cathedral church of Durham. Collected out of ancient manuscripts, about the time of the suppression, (J[ohn] D[avies] of Kidwelly 1675). Other
printed books formerly owned by the Mickletons are Cosin L.3.13 & 17, and Bamburgh D.7.68.
CCB B/175/57144 is identified in
The rites of Durham, ed. M. Harvey and L. Rollason (Surtees Society, 226: Boydell Press, 2020), p.4-6, as having belonged to Christopher Mickleton (1612-1669) with annotations by James Mickleton (1638-1693).
The former MSP 14 has been in Peterborough Cathedral Library since the mid-nineteenth century.
80 volumes formerly part of the collection have been in the Inner Temple Library since the earlier nineteenth century. These are described in J.C. Davies
Catalogue of manuscripts in ... the Inner Temple (London, 1972), vol.II p.913-967. Microfilms of them are available in Durham University Library in the Local collection at M/filmL 347.99 LON.
Durham Cathedral Library's Add Ms 77 has an ownership inscription of Christopher Mickleton.
Letters from James Mickleton the younger to Humphrey Wanley are in BL Harley 3780 (or 3777). A microfilm copy of them is available in Durham University Library ASC at XM/Film Misc.127.
James Mickleton the elder's description of his manuscript collections is BL Stowe 1056 f.84-85 and a volume of his collections for Durham diocese is Bodleian Library MS Willis 35.
Letters of Ralph Spearman1811-1817 passing on antiquarian information to Robert Surtees, some of it from the manuscripts, with also a catalogue of some of them and details of their movements, are in Durham Cathedral Library SUR 34.
A published account of the formation of the collection is in:
Sheila Doyle, “The Barrington Manuscripts: from Durham to the Inner Temple”,
The Law Librarian 23 No.2 (June 1992),
A brief descripton of the collection is in:
F.J.W. Harding,
The Durham Philobiblon 1 (1945-55), p.40-44
available online
There is some analysis of the military material in Nos 2, 8, 9, 31, 46 and 91 in:F.J.W. Harding, “Defence and Security Measures in the County Palatine of Durham in the 17th
Century”, (
Durham University Journal 47, March and June 1955), p.75-83 & 110-118
available online
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 1.MSP 1 c.1660 - c.1760
446f., foliated i-vii (modern) + 1-439 (near contemporary, though some folios had been cut out before this foliation was made) Paper book, in reverse calf covered pasteboards, boards detached
A chronological collection of document transcriptions and historical notes about the county palatine of Durham and other northern parts by Christopher Mickleton and (mostly) James Mickleton the elder.
The following volume, MSP 1A, is a supplement with cross-references to this volume (referred to as
“Liber AA”) where the entries should be inserted.
James Mickleton the younger provides a preface, explaining the purpose of the volume as being to provide the
“Originalls & comencements of things” and to collect the grants and patents of offices, drawn from the close rolls in the chancery in Durham, the patent book in the bishop's Auditor's Office,
the registry of the dean and chapter of Durham, and other sources “happen'd upon” and, in so doing, provide something of a repertory to these documents. He explains that spiritual and temporal
matters have been intermingled rather than be lost for lack of a proper place for them.
Entries are generally made chronologically and comprise historical notes, summaries and full transcriptions of documents, often with references to the originals cited. Two printed items are inserted:
f.135/136 Trimmed p.667-668 of ?Rymer's
Foedera of documents from 24 Edward I.
f.179/180 A pamphlet of 3f.:
A Pious and Learned Speech Delivered in the High Court of Parliament, 1.H.4 by Thomas Mercks [Merke] then Bishop of Carlisle Wherein Hee Gravely and Judiciously Declares His Opinion Concerning the Question,
What should be done with the Deposed King Richard the Second ([?1642])
Mickleton also provides a subject guide which lists the subjects as being:
- The kings and then earls of Northumbria and their gifts to St Cuthbert or the church of Durham.
- The bishops of Lindisfarne, Chester and Durham, their consecrations, purchases, buildings, episcopal gifts, other actions and matters, and their burials, epitaphs and monuments.
- The kings of Scotland and their wars with the Picts, Danes, Saxons or English.
- Scottish subjection to England, oaths of fealty, and Scottish gifts to the church of St Cuthbert.
- The kings of England, their charters and inspeximuses of charters of lands for the church of Durham, other matters relating to the bishopric of Durham and their royal confirmations.
- Laymen's donations to churches, chapels and hospitals.
- Charters and other matters in the Tower of London relating to Durham.
- Charters and foundations of hospitals in the county palatine of Durham, and their revival, especially Gateshead and Sherburn.
- Collegiate churches, their confirmation by the prior and convent of Durham, and by the pope, the
“comencement and original” of churches and chapels in Durham city, and the county palatine, especially St Margaret's near Durham, and mortuaries, agreements and orders about repairs to St Oswald's.
“Anot also” about monasteries, nunneries and cells in the county palatine of Durham, Newcastle and Northumberland especially relating to St Cuthbert and his churches.
“Paintings, representations & mottos” in the windows of Durham cathedral and other places.
- The wars which Durham, Northumberland and
“other northern parts” were “infested with”.
- Parliaments
“both before and after the Conquest”, writs for knights and burgesses, m.p.s for Northumberland and Newcastle, acts of parliament, and how they are pleaded at the common law and in what law book to
find such pleadings.
- Documents about the
Jura regalia of the bishop of Durham.
- Documents about the admiralty and raising soldiers by the bishops of Durham, and inhabitants' exemptions from raising soldiers.
- Fairs and markets granted by bishops in towns within the county palatine of Durham.
- The bishop's incorporation of the city of Durham into a mayor and 12 aldermen, the justification for arresting a man
“upon the process of their court”, the mayors of Durham and their elections.
- The priors and then deans of Durham, their actions, gifts and happenings, their burials, epitaphs and monuments.
- Henry VIII's foundation of the Church of Durham, its endowment and statutes, and their
“exposition” under Mary I.
- The acts of parliament dissolving and then reviving the bishropric of Durham, kept in the bishop of Durham's auditor's office at Durham before the Restoration.
- The chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England.
- The speakers of the House of Commons since the Conquest.
- The temporal and spiritual chancellors of the county palatine of Durham.
- The prebendariesof Durham cathedral, especially before and after the Restoration.
- The archdeacons of Durham and Northumberland
“auntiently & as truly as they can be found out & to this time”.
- The genealogies, marriages and issues of families
“that came in at the Conquest & some before” and other Durham and Northumberland families.
- The knights of the county palatine of Durham, especially
tempore Henry III.
- Royal progresses of kings of England to Durham and the north, speeches, presents and other matters.
- Rectors and ministers of several churches in the city of Durham and the county palatine of Durham.
- Schoolmasters of Durham grammar school from
tempore Elizabeth I.
- Offices and officers anciently and still now in 1691 in the county palatine of Durham, their names, patent fees and annuities from the bishop's exchequer at Durham.
- Other offices of the county palatine of Durham, temporal and spiritual, which have no patent fees.
- Bishops' justices itinerant and justices in common pleas of Durham and the county palatine.
- Keepers, almoners and masters of Sherburn hospital, ancient and modern.
- Judges' opinions and settlement re clergymen's contributions to assessments for their church and spiritual lands as well as laymen's lands in the county palatine of Durham.
- Transactions about Tyne bridge, what part belongs to the bishop of Durham, and also Yarm bridge.
- Several law cases about spiritual and common law re the county palatine of Durham, and the curious pleading of foreign vouchers both ancient and in Charles II's time.
- Plagues in the city of Durham and elsewhere in the county, how many died, and where.
- The holding of assizes at Durham, and the judges holding them.
- The high sheriffs of Durham, before
“Oliver's time”, then, and since, and their under-sheriffs.
- Chancery sittings at Durham.
- Bishop Cosin's reasons against m.p.s for the county palatine of Durham, the act for them, and m.p.s since.
- Bishop Cosin's visitation articles of enquiry exhibited to Durham dean and chapter, and their answers.
- Sir H Vane's indictment for high treason, judgement, and the printed law cases.
At the back is inserted a file of various historic listings of the contents and a list of the authorities cited on f.36 following.
Contents as given below (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with some English
Numbered on the front cover
“37D” and on the spine “AA”.
MSP 1A is a supplement to this volume, and MSP 25 may well have been a companion volume, being labelled originally probably BB, to match this volume's AA. MSP 36 p.125-136 has a listing of much of the material in this volume.
Digitised material for Transcriptions and historical notes about County Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 1
Subject guide.
Timeline of bishops, kings and earls.
Earls of Northumbria/Northumberland 953-1668.
Royal family tree William I to James II.
Brief narrative of the foundation of the bishopric and convent of Durham.
Establishment of the church of Durham.
The church of Lindisfarne.
Construction of the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow.
Speakers of the House of Commons.
Chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England.
Temporal and spiritual chancellors of Durham.
The chronological sequence starts here with the Romans (another foliation has f.32 as f.1), but only reaches Aethelfrid and Bede's epitaph, before there is a quire bound in the wrong place, so:
William I to Stephen.
Edwin to William I.
Stephen to Charles I.
The 1310 grant at f.143v is printed in C.M. Fraser ed.,
Records of Antony Bek, (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.159-160.
Profits of the coroner's office of Stockton ward.
Wardens or masters of Sherburn hospital, Henry III to 1728.
Notes and documents about Hexham abbey.
Bishops of Whithorn.
Notes on the dun cow of Durham cathedral.
Table of abbreviations for references cited.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 1A.MSP 1A c.1660 - c.1760
135f., foliated i-viii + 1-127 (mostly near contemporary) Paper book
A further chronological collection of document transcriptions and historical notes about the county palatine of Durham and other northern parts by Christopher Mickleton and (mostly) James Mickleton the elder, intended as a supplement to MSP 1,
with cross-references to that volume (
“Liber AA”) where the entries were meant to be inserted.
The chronological sequence extends from only Edward II to James I and the quantity of entries and so subject matter is nothing like as extensive as in MSP 1. There is a particular group of foundation charters and statutes for schools at
Darlington, Houghton-le-Spring and Heighington
tempore Elizabeth I (f.68r-102v). Two original documents are inserted at f.113-4 and f.117.
Contents listed below (other folios blank):
Language: Latin with some English
“Suppl AA” on the spine and “(No5)” inside the front over.
MSP 36 p.153-154 has a listing of the material in this volume.
Digitised material for Transcriptions and historical notes about County Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 1A
Kings of England with dates of coronation and reigns and titles William I to George II.
Bounds of the bishopric and county of Durham, the waters of the Tyne and the fisheries therein made tempore William I.
Names and dates of popes 1306-1484.
Names of archbishops of York, Paulinus to William Dawes.
Agreement between Richard [Poore bishop of] Durham and John de Balliol about Long Newton manor 1231.
Charter of the ordinances of Stockton chapel tempore Richard Poore [bishop of Durham 1228x1237].
Deed of Geoffrey Russell to provide for a chantry in the chapel of St Mary Magdalene at Cotum.
Epitomes of charters of Ranulph [Flambard] bishop of Durham granting lands to Roger de Conyers and the bishop's nephew Richard, exhibited 15 January 1636.
Directions for interrogatories of witnesses over prebend's corn at Lanchester and Newbiggin [17th century].
Ordinances for Lanchester collegiate church.
Observations on Lanchester by Ralph Gowland, general attorney at law.
Chronological sequence of document transcripts and summaries Edward II to James I.
Letter from W. Smyth, recorder of Barwick, sending a copy indictment (not present) to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham about Agnes Haggerston, aged 12 or 13, and asking for her to be pardoned, Durham 29 October 1618.
A list of [bishop's] leases confirmed by Durham dean and chapter 1621-1625.
List of markets and fairs held in the county palatine of Durham.
Foundation charter of Greatham hospital 1272 with bulls of popes Nicholas and Clement.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 2.MSP 2 1618 - c.1690
f.II + 520: a total of 522 leaves, of which 1-506 are in an earlier foliation, with some duplication Paper book, now in four parts: part 1, f.1-254 (228
bis); part 2, f.255-338 (272 not used); part 3, f.339-430 (341, 356 not used); part 4, f.431-506. Bound in buckram with brown calf
spine with inner dentelle border, in 4 drop-side boxes
Part 1: Collections about the temporal offices and officers of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham, made by James Mickleton [the elder] of the Middle Temple, entitled
“Collectanea De Officiis et Officiariis temporalibus infra Episcopatum Comitatum Palatinum Dunelmensem et De aliis rebus et materiis temporalibus tangentibus Episcopos Dunelmenses et Comitatum Palatinum
et Episcopatum Dunelmensem. Per Jacobum Mickletonum de interiori Templo London ...”
Parts 2-4 Original letters, some copies, with inventories, accounts and lists, of the bishop of Durham in his military capacity as lieutenant of Durham, in correspondence with his deputy lieutenants, captains of the wards, the privy council, the
king, and other local figures, about the mustering, equipping and training of the trained bands, and other provisions for local defence and measures taken to resist invasion threats and the Scottish wars 1618-1640, with a few later items. Most of
these were folded sheets of which the mostly blank halves have been trimmed off, retaining only some of the [contemporary] endorsements, some of which note the date of the [bishop's reply]. A later description by ?James Mickleton the elder is at the
head of most items, which sometimes incorporates information now lost with the trimmings.
Contents (all other folios blank):
MSP 2: Part 1Digitised material for Collectanea De Officiis et Officiariis temporalibus infra Episcopatum Comitatum Palatinum Dunelmensem - Mickleton and Spearman ms 2, part 1 f.IIr
Table of contents of parts 1-4.
An outline of the rights and jurisdiction of the county palatine of Durham.
Names of the bishops of Durham (from Walcherus to Nathaniel Crewe, with additions as far as Trevor).
Notes on the bishops of Durham and on their close rolls, audit rolls and letters patent.
Detailed contents of part 1 f.1-198, divided into 2 books, and then chapters, with folio references added later.
“Liber primus”.
Barons of the bishops of Durham.
Temporal chancellors.
Castle constables.
Justices of the bishops' courts at Durham and Sadberge.
(Renumbered and bound here, formerly f.67A) justices of the King's Bench at Westminster.
Serjeants at law of the bishops, and those retained on the bishop's council.
Vacancies in the see and the then guardians of the temporalities and spiritualities.
Sheriffs and escheators of Durham.
Stewards of the bishops' lordships and chief stewards.
Sub-stewards of the bishoprick courts.
Stewards of manors.
Stewards of the halmote courts and the bailiwick of Bedlington.
Prothonotaries or clerks of the justices at assize.
Clerks of the crown and the king's justices.
Clerks of the peace.
Clerks of the chancery and keepers of the rolls of chancery.
Registrars of the court of chancery.
Examiners of testimonies in the court of chancery.
Clerks of the county court of Durham and the sheriff's court of Durham.
Bishops' escheators within County Durham.
“De feodariis”.
Moneyer/keeper of the mint
“De Cunagio”.
Clerks of the great receipt of the exchequer.
Surveyors of the lordships, castles, manors etc of the bishops.
Surveyors of mines - lead, iron and coal.
Clerks of works.
Conservators of waters
“De Conservatoribus Aquarum”.
Coroners of the wards of Chester, Darlington, Easington & Stockton.
Bailiffs, aldermen and mayors of Durham City.
Stewards of the bishops' courts or bailiffs of the bishops in Durham City.
Officers of the marshalcy or clerks of the merchant of the bishops in the cities, towns and boroughs of Durham, and keepers of the seal of the ulnage of the bishops.
Apparitors and summoners.
“Liber Secundus” : lists of officials for individual places.
Allerton and Allertonshire.
Bishop Auckland.
Barnard Castle.
Cockburn; Coldharbour.
Coatham Mundeville.
Durham Place by Charing Cross in the Strand, London.
Durham; at f.118 is a letter from Thomas [Morton] bishop of Durham 5 January [1633x1659] about the replacement of his incompetent gaoler.
Easington and Evenwood.
Gilliegate or Gilesgate, Durham.
Gainforth; Hamsterley.
An account of the yearly revenue of the bishop of Durham's lands in Howdenshire.
Lynesack and Bedburn.
Bishop Middleham.
Norham and Islandshire.
Norton; Roughside.
River Tweed.
f.201 1691
List of officers with fees
“Officiarii in Com. Palatin. Dunelm. per patentes Domini Episcopi Dunelm ... 1691”.
List of fairs and markets held in the County Palatine.
“Liber Tertius: De Potestate Dominorum Episcoporum Dunelm in Admiralli infra Regalem Libertatem suam Dunelm et in et super Aquas in eadem Libertate sua: et tangens Wreccum Maris in eisdem contingentem et
de Pontibus et aliis Regiis Viis in Libertate Predicta” ; commissions to the bishops of Durham in admiral's affairs, in and on water, over wrecks, bridges and other roads, including at f.222 a letter from Thomas [Morton] bishop of Durham of 4
April 1639 to the mayors of Hartlepool and Sunderland about procuring a supply of fish for the royal army and at f.223 a letter from John de Lavall of 6 April 1639 to the mayor of Sunderland passing on the Lord High Admiral's order to impound all
Scottish shipping and goods.
“Liber Quartus: De potestate Dominorum Episcoporum Dunelm in Arraiando Homines armatos defensibiles infra Libertatem suam Regalem Dunelm, et de Commissionibus eorundem Episcoporum et postea Regum Anglie
emanatis, premissa tangentibus, et de Monstrationibus seu Armilustriis eorundem Hominum armatorum, et aliorum a 16 use 60 infra Regalem Libertatem Dunelm” ; commissions to the bishops of Durham about arraying and mustering men for military
Numbers of men mustered in the parishes of Stockton and Darlington wards in 1615.
Note of a commission of array of Charles I 1640 in
“MD f.29”.
(Bound at the end) Notes about apparitors.
(Bound at the end) Notes on [Durham Cathedral] bells.
Stuck to the inside back cover are 6 fragments, 1 about members of the Pollard and Pinckney familes, 1 in [Richard Neile's hand] about the archbishop of York 1618, 2 being notes of monarchs Richard II to Charles II, and 1 part of a bill with a
payment to “Bell”.
Part 2
Letters, reports and inventories, with copies and drafts, concerning local defence; guarded and filed.
Microfilm: PG Film 038.
Part 3
Letters and reports, copies and drafts, between Richard Neile bishop of Durham, his deputy lieutenants, the privy council, the king, and others about musters, local defence and measures taken to counter invasion scares 1623-1628.
Microfilm: PG Film 038.
f.380-383 December 1625 - February 1626
Letter of John Laber and Thomas Lyegh to William Blakoe with advice about sending his sons to Rome, 15 December, “found with William Singleton a [papist] Traveller upon his apprehension in Durham”, together with a
record of Singleton's examination 14 January 1626 and letters of [Secretary] John Coke to Dr Hunt dean of Durham asking him to investigate, 5 February 1626, and [William Laud archbishop of] Canterbury suggesting that Singleton helps papists travel
to and from the continent, and will not break under torture and that all the names in the original letter may well be false, 11 February 1626.
Digitised material for Letter found with William Singleton a papist Traveller upon his apprehension in Durham - MSP2, f.380-383 f.397-398 10 July 1626
Order of the privy council to [Richard Neile bishop of Durham], in preparation against possible Spanish invasion, to take a muster of the trained bands, to ensure they are up to strength and that all men aged 16 to 60 are enrolled, to ensure the
horse is up to strength, that all have arms, using those confiscated from recusants, that stipulated munitions are in the magazines, that transport is available, there are sufficient pioneers, there are messengers ready, and a provost-marshal, and
these preparations are to reported by 10 August.
Digitised material for Order of the privy council to bishop of Durham, in preparation against possible Spanish invasion - MSP2, f.397-398 Part 4
Letters and reports, copies and drafts, between the bishop of Durham, his deputy lieutenants, the privy council, the king, and others about musters, local defence, preparations for war with the Scots and other administrative matters
Microfilm: PG Film 038.
f.440-443 6 October 1635
Copies and partial drafts of letters of [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham to Mr Attorney about accounts for the shrievalty of Sir William Bellases, to Lord Ancram about the suspension of his chaplain Dr [Ralph Brownrigg] (“Brounwrick”), to the Lord Keeper about a Ryton lease and a suit in the court of wards about his mother, to Sir Edmund Scott hoping to continue good friends, to the chief baron of the Exchequer about the Ryton lease, and to
[Edward Sackville] Lord Dorset concerning matters pending.
Digitised material for Letters of bishop of Durham about accounts etc - MSP2, f.440-443 f.450-451 1638
Letters of the privy council to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham requiring a comprehensive muster of arms and militia, and carrying out training, 13 November 1638, and stating that landholders in various counties have to contribute in each of
those counties 5 December 1638, and of Charles [I] to [the bishop of Durham] sending Col Thomas Morton to train the militia and reiterating that clergy and those holding land in the county but dwelling outside should contribute, to the horse
especially, 13 December 1638.
Digitised material for Letters of the privy council to bishop of Durham requiring a comprehensive muster - MSP2, f.450-451 f.460 2 March 1639
Letter from the privy council to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham about the payment of militia officers, to be paid by the king after William Darcy's objection, who also objected to outsiders (Sir Thomas Morton, colonel, and Capt Gibson,
serjeant-major) being appointed to command the milita regiment, so local men can be apppointed as officers, but with Morton's approval; happy for Sir William Lampton to be captain of horse, the county will not be left unguarded if the militia be
ordered elsewhere, the bishop to deal severely with muster defaulters, the king will inspect the militia on his way from York to Newcastle.
Digitised material for Letter from the privy council to bishop of Durham about the payment of militia officers - MSP2, f.460
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 3.MSP 3 17th century
233f., foliated i-ii + 1-231, of which 1-143 are in an earlier foliation. Paper book, rebound in blue grey boards with half brown reversed calf.
Ecclesiastical Formulary (
E. Formulare Instrumentorum)
The notebook is in several hands of the 17th century, and the formulae are not primarily from local sources.
Contents (other folios blank):
f.i-ii Front endpaper has floated leaf with pen trials, ii headed by extract,
Secunda Sessio Term. Paschae 1670 with pen trials below.
f.1-144 Ecclesiastical formulae and cause precedents.
f.219-228 Index of formulae.
Digitised material for Ecclesiastical Formulary (17th century) - Mickleton and Spearman ms 3
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 4.MSP 4 16th century with later insertions
184f., foliated i-vi + 1-178, of which 1-178 are in earlier foliation Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf
Treatise on marriage, divorce and bastardy, titled
A LEGALL DISCOURSE OF SPOWSALLS, MATRIMONIE, DYVORCES, BASTARDIE: wherein is described theyr severall natures, causes and effects. Collected out of the Lawes of this Realme
of England now in force.
The notebook is in several hands, style 16th century, with later insertions.
Contents (all other folios blank):
An Index or catalogue of the authors who are cited in this treatise.
f.IV-V Table of contents.
f.VIr Title.
f.VIv Key to references.
Of Spowsalls.
Digitised material for A legall discourse of spowsalls, matrimonie, dyvorces, bastardie - Mickleton and Spearman ms 4
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 5.MSP 5 early 18th century
380p., without earlier pagination Paper book, rebound in reverse calf
Literary extracts, titled
“A Collection of extracts and sentences mostly in English from various Sources”.
End paper contains entries of dates between 1699 and 1711 and
“Numb. 15”. The notebook is in a single hand of ?Gilbert Spearman.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Digitised material for Commonplace book (of Gilbert Spearman?) - Mickleton and Spearman ms 5
“Tillotsoniana” (Archbishop John Tillotson): religious sentences
“Praxis ffrancisci Clark, tam jus dicentibus, quam aliis omnibus qui in foro Ecclesiastico versantur apprime utilis” : notes in Latin on ecclesiastical law
“Hammondiana” (Henry Hammond): extracts mostly religious
“Wise Sayings & Sentences”, also called “Witty Sayings & Sentences” : many of these are topical and are written post 1688
“Heyliniana” (Peter Heylyn): sentences both moral and religious
“Southiana” (Robert South): political sentences pro Charles I
“Montacutiana” (Richard Montagu): extracts mostly on religion
“Laudeana” (Archbishop William Laud): sentences on Church and State
“Wilkinsiana” (John Wilkins): sentences on philosophy and religion
“Wise Sayings & Sentences” : maxims mostly anti-Whig and anti-Papist
“Similies”, extracted from sermons, speeches and writings
Wise sayings and sentences temp. Queen Anne
“Apopthegms” : concerning persons in ancient and modern times
“Wise Sayings and Sentences” : moral, religious and political, anti-Whig
“Observables of a Miscellaneous nature” : taken from various sources including Clarendon's History of the English Rebellion
“Prophane, Irreligious & Atheistical Propositions” : extracts from various sources, including Hobbes
“Witty Sentences” : including references to The Poetical Works of Sir Charles Sedley (1707)
“Mirabilia, et vix Credibilia”, including a reference to Hegge's Legend of St Cuthbert
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 6.MSP 6 mid 17th century
193f., ff.I-XXVI, 1-125; pp. 126-127, 136-137, 138-141, 146-171, 128-135, 178-207, 142-145, 172-177; ff.177a & b, 120, 121: the arabic numerals being mostly in an earlier hand Paper book, rebound in half reverse calf
Tenures and inquisitions
post mortem
(A cover title, since removed by the binder, was recorded by Sir Henry Ellis:)
“Tenures and Inquisitions
post Mortem in the County of Durham from the times of Bishop Hatfield to the Reign of Charles the first. N.B. The above Book though marked S3 as part
of John Spearman Esquires Collection, appears rather to be one of Christopher Mickleton Esq
r Collection”.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Digitised material for Durham Tenures and inquisitions post mortem - Mickleton and Spearman ms 6
Alphabetical index of the names and families of owners of places and lands contained in the book A to W.
“A Particular of speciall Tenures & Services of Lands, holden of the Lord Bishop of Durham in this Booke” (index of tenures).
Alphabetical index of places in the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge, Norham and Islandshire and elsewhere mentioned in this book, A to Cleatham: index to f.4-34.
Abstracts of tenures with some inquisitions (for an index see p.142-144).
Abstracts of tenures and inquisitions in Allertonshire.
Inquisitions in Norhamshire 26-30 Elizabeth I.
Extracts from the survey book of Norham and Islandshire of 3 Elizabeth I.
Copies of charters granted by Bishop Kellaw.
Inquisitions of land in Norham and Islandshire 12-15 Charles I (for an index see f.121).
Copies of charters for Norham and Norhamshire from the book of Richard Kellaw, Bishop of Durham, 1310.
Dockets and warrants for the great seal 1618-1625
“Entred here” 7 March 1635 “because the most of such patents & grants are not inrolled in the Chauncery Court at Durham as they ought to have
bene” : mostly liveries of James I and Charles I (for an index see p.173-174).
Abstracts of compositions for alienations of lands 1632-1633.
Alphabetical index of places and tenures in inquisitions post mortem within the County Palatine of Durham, Norham, Islandshire and elsewhere within this book, A to O, with some H to W added at the end: index to
f.4-119, a duplicate of the index on f.2, with additions.
Alphabetical index of places in dockets of land purchased, liveries of land and wardships granted in the time of Richard Neville, Bishop of Durham, A to W, with alphabetical person indexes to liveries and then wardships at the end: index to
A list of the charters from Bishop Kellaw's book: a list of p.128-133 and 146-151.
p.176, 177a
Alphabetical index of places in [inquisitions post mortem in the County Palatine of Durham] P to W.
Alphabetical index of persons and places in inquisitions post mortem in Norhamshire and Islandshire A to W: an index to p.162-171.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 7.MSP 7 c.1588 - c.1666
75f., foliated I-II + 1-73: with 1-67 in earlier foliation Paper book, rebound in brown reverse calf covered boards and boxed 27 September 1978 by Durham County Record Office
Rentals, royal aids and financial matters in the bishopric of Durham ; original records collected and bound up by John Spearman, titled:
“Collections relating to Antiquities of Durham by John Spearman of Preston and Hetton esq.” (written in an early 19th century hand).
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 039.
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 7 f.I
Blank rough paper.
Title, with a list of contents (in an earlier hand, of James Mickleton the younger).
f.1 25 March 1641
“A Rentall of the Lordshippe of Barnard Castle and Raby and of all other lands and Tenements within the same Lordships belonging to the Right Honorable Sir Henry Vane knt. Controller of his Majesties
houshold whearin is set downe aswell the auncient yearly rent payable to his Majestie as alsoe all increase rents and rents by demesne to the said Sir Henry Vane by the Severall Tenants as hereafter may particularly appeare in this Booke, 25 March
“Remembrances for the Lord Bishop of Durham ... in connection with ... the Questions & Resolutions &c. of Justice Hutton &c.”, being notes on the problems of leases, the corporation of
Durham, the jurisdiction of the court of York, tenures in capite, copyhold and freehold.
f.20 1 April 1636
Letter from the corporation of master pilots and seamen, to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham, asking him to grant them a licensed preacher for a sermon in their chapel in Newcastle on election days and other solemn meeting days, Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, Trinity House, with a red wax impression of a seal.
f.22 ca. 1635
Account of Thomas Lascelles, gent., receiver of the particulars of Allerton and Allertonshire, 1635.
Subsidy conceded to James I by act of Parliament of 1624 for the wards of Easington, Darlington, Chester and Stockton, with a second copy at f.38.
Subsidy of poll money taxed & raised in county Durham in 1624 (heading only).
f.49 26 November 1635
A letter from Anthony Maxton to a friend with news of moneys received and of the officers of the chapter for that year, Wolsingham.
A survey taken on 12 February 1588 of the revenues of the bishopric of Durham, by wards, with a second copy at f.55.
f.59 17 May 1642
A letter from Philip Darell to Richard Baddeley esq. about taking sureties for answering “my Lords Rents”.
f.60 19 April 1640
A letter from Philip Darell to ?[Richard Baddeley] upon the latter's appointment as auditor to the bishop of Durham.
f.61 26 October 1642
A letter from Philip Darell from York to Mr Baddeley respecting payments due, with a postscript concerning the uproar in the city of York at the approach of the parliamentary forces.
Memorandum concerning the bishop's rights to the tolls on Tyne bridge, the profits of Poulter's close, the lease of Tanfield colliery, of the colliery in
“West moore of Chester”, undated but with a note endorsed on the composition for the tolls on Tyne bridge to Bishop Morton for £1000.
f.63 4 April 1619
A letter from John Cosin to his friend Mr Baddeley, secretary to the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, with advice on the procedure (including personal profits) for checking ministers' licences during a visitation, dated at Norwich, the bishop's
Printed Surtees Society, 52, p.8.
“Instruccions in the Office of an Auditor” c.1640.
A survey of William Carnaby's estate, c.1666.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 8.MSP 8 1615 - 1689
262p., paginated 1-262 Paper book, rebound in half brown reversed calf
Rate book for County Durham and Sadberge entitled
“The Booke of Rates of the Countie Palatine of Durham & Sadberge, as it was setled in or about the yeare of our Lord 1650. With Bedlington Norham & Islandshires & some Augmentacions &
Eccelesiasticall Revenues added since. Alsoe with divers ffee farme Rentes, & other Rents yet to be added thereunto. Ao. Dni 1691. After the Rate of 21s. for every hundred pounds true improved yearly value, as they were then estimated &
rated & soe proporcionally for greater or smaller estates.”
Contents (all other pages blank):
Digitised material for Rate book for County Durham and Sadberge, 1650 - Mickleton and Spearman ms 8 p.7
Chester Ward: 3 Divisions, East, Middle, West.
21 Easington Ward: 2 Divisions, North and South.
Stockton Ward: 2 Divisions, North East and South West.
Darlington Ward: 3 Divisions, North West, South East, South West.
Total account for the four wards.
Bedlingtonshire improved rents 1655.
Rate book for Norham & Islandshire.
Norhamshire fishings.
Islandshire rate-book.
Total account for Bedlingtonshire, Norham, Islandshire and every chapelry therein.
A record of the public bridges in County Durham, 5 July 1615.
Musters of the militia forces within the County Palatine of Durham, 14 Aug 1685.
The royal aids paid by the county palatine of Durham upon the acts of Parliament of 4 February 1665, 9 October 1665, 1676/7 (for 30 ships of war) and 1689, with incomplete figures for each occasion by wards, parishes, and owners.
p.87 1689
Statistics of all the counties of England for the subsidy of 1689.
p.89-173 1685-1689
Royal aids 1685-1689 being
“The Yearly values of all the Lands of the County Palatine of Durham ... upon the Subsidy Act of 12d per l. upon the cleare yearly values of all Lands”... 1670/1, with details under parish,
township, names and yearly values.
p.179-192 9 September 1684
The muster of the troop of Capt Nicholas Conyers, High Sheriff.
p.193-198 [1677]
An assessment by the wards and parishes of Durham towards the building of 30 ships of war under the act of 15 February 1677.
p.199-202 1678
An account by Cuthbert Hilton, treasurer of bridges, to the county Durham JPs, Michaelmas sessions 1678 re bridge repairs.
p.203-254 1650-1680
Rate book for county Durham of around 1650, with some augmentations & ecclesiastical profits added since [to 1680], and including Norhamshire, Islandshire and Bedlingtonshire.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 9.MSP 9 1628-1644
The volume has a total of 304 leaves, comprising: Book I, pp.VIII + 309 in earlier pagination, lacks 88-89, 267-268, with duplication 302-304 and with pp. 255-309 in inverted gatherings; Book II, pp. X + 281 in earlier pagination, lacks
29-30, 35-36, with duplicate 267 and 282
Binding: Paper book, rebound in half brown reversed calf
Sir Thomas Swinburn's precedents and practices as Sheriff of Northumberland 1628-1629, with documents on Durham taxation, parliamentary affairs, the Scottish Wars and the outbreak of the Civil War in the early 1640s.
2 books in 1 volume, book I reading forwards, and then the latter part of it reversed, followed by all of book II reversed.
An original title, recorded by Ellis but since removed in a rebinding, read
“A Volume in two Books, of which the First is Mostly Concerned with the Precedents and Practice Relating to the Office of Sir Thomas Swinburn, Sheriff of Northumberland 1628-9.. and the Second Partly with
the Same, but Mainly with Copies of Documents from 162_ Concerning Crown Offices, and Military Affairs Including the Militia, the Scottish Troubles, the Outbreak of the Civil War, Together with some Topical Verses.”
Contents given (all other pages are blank):
5 of the poems are calendared and edited in K. Patrick,
“An edition of five poems from Durham University Library, Mickleton & Spearman MS 9 prefaced by a calendar of the poems” (Durham University M.A. dissertation 1989), available in DUL ASC at XLL
821.26 EDI.
Microfilm: PG Film 040.
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 9
Book I p.III 1628-1644
List of contents for p.113-255 of Book I.
p.IV 1628-1644
List of contents for p.256-305 of Book I.
Dedication to Sir Thomas Swinburn, Sheriff of Northumberland, with decoration of various animals, birds and fishes.
“The office and originall of a sheriff And of the Courte of Exchequer”.
Penalties for sheriffs' misdemeanours.
p.19-27 1628
“heere beginneth the execution of my office Anno Dni 1628”: copies of documents referring to the office of sheriff of Sir Thomas Swinburn, including the Dedimas
potestatem and oaths of the sheriff and officials.
Indentures and warrants for taking over the goal and prisoners, the county court, and all records and writs concerned, together with lists of prisoners held for capital offences and tried by the justices of the assize, 12 August 1628 and 22 July
Warrants for the release of the goal from the justices to the sheriff, from the sheriff to the churchwardens of every parish 1628/9, together with a list of parishes and chapelries charged with the weekly contribution for the release of the goal
in Northumberland, 1628/9, and a list of Northumberland freeholders 1628 (printed in J.T. Brockett,
“A List of Freeholders of Northumberland, in 1628 and 1638-9” (Archaeologia Aeliana 2, 1832), p.317-321).
p.54-55 20 September 1629
A warrant for levying the
“viscountall Rente” (rent of assize) directed to the sheriff's bailiffs for action in all wards.
“The forme of houlding the Parliament”.
Note on the escheator.
Fees due to the sheriff and his officers.
The style of the county court and precedents of warrants.
p.75-87 1628
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Hilary term 1628.
p.91-111 1628
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Easter term 1628.
p.113-125 1628
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Trinity term 1628.
p.127-155 1628
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Michaelmas term 1628.
p.157-170 1628
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Hilary term 1628.
p.171-200 1629
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Easter term 1629.
p.202-215 1629
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Trinity term 1629.
p.216-242 1629
Writs returned in the time of Thomas Swinburn, knt, sheriff of Northumberland: Michaelmas term 1629.
p.242-254 1629-1634
Bonds entered, orders, petitions & charges for passing [Swinburn's] account 1629-1634.
p.255 1628-1629
“The Totall sume of all my expense written in this book”, expenses for 1628-1629 .
p.256 1639
Assessment of Elvet Borough for Ship money 1639.
p.261 28 January 1640
Warrant from Hugh Walton, mayor of Durham, to the constables of the borough of Elvet about ship money.
Details of the assessment for ship money for Durham St. Oswald's parish and the borough of Elvet.
Great Britain. Royal Navy
p.266 17 March 1640
Petition from the mayor and citizens of Durham to be joined with the county for the
“procuringe of Burgesses in Parlament”.
Letter from [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham to the sheriff of Durham agreeing that the county should send knights to parliament, 7 March 1640.
p.270-280 1 December 1639, 12 January 1640, 30 November 1639, 18 November 1639
Letters from the king in council to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham about ship money.
p.281-282 1643
Valuation of houses etc. in Elvet.
p.284-286 8 February 1639
Assessment by the constables of Elvet borough towards the setting forth of a ship.
p.287-288 16 October 1640
Articles for maintaining the Scottish army.
p.289-290 26 October 1640
Articles on the cessation of arms between the English and the Scottish commissioners at Ripon.
p.290-291 24 January 1645
Memorandum of the levy by parishes made at the toll booth in Durham for the relief of the infected persons, with details of the assessment.
p.292-294 11 September 1642
Articles to be inquired of by the churchwardens, overseers of the poor and constables of [Durham] St Oswald's parish.
p.294-297 1644
Details of the assessment of Elvet borough 1642-1644.
Address of welcome from the mayor and citizens of York to the Queen [Henrietta Maria].
Verses on the Londoners' petition for peace.
p.302-302a 18 April 1643
“His Majesties [Charles I's] most Gratious Messuage sent to both houses of Parliament”.
p.303-303a 22 December 1643
“A Proclamacon for the Assemblinge the Members of both houses at Oxford upon occasion of the Invasion of the Scotts”.
Sir Thomas Clemens's answer to the Scots' letter delivered at Alnwick.
p.305-306 20 January 1644
Charles I's speech on adjourning to Oxford.
Book II
Microfilm: PG Film 041.
p.III-IV [1629]
List of contents of Book I.
p.V-VIII [1629]
Table and contents of Book II, p.1-276.
p.1-28 1628-1629
Correspondence and accounts of Sir Thomas Swinbume for 1628-1629; (p.23-28 are printed in J. Hodgson,
A History of Northumberland part iii vol. i (Newcastle upon Tyne 1820) p.358-366).
[James Stuart] duke of Lennox's speech before Charles I about the war with Scotland.
List of crown offices with fees of officers.
“The manner of setting forth an Armie with all the officers perteyninge to ye same & the dutie that perteyneth to everie officer as followeth”.
The Queen's instructions to the Lord President of the North, Francis, earl of Shrewsbury.
p.93-97 1635
Precedent of the oath of a councillor.
p.98-104 23 April 1635
Assessment for ship money in [Durham] St Oswald's parish and Elvet.
p.105 16 December 1638
Measures taken for the adequate provision of cavalry forces at a meeting of the king in council.
p.106-108 27 April 1631
James Marquess Hamilton's expedition to Germany: a copy of the provisions for a levy in the service of the king of Sweden.
p.109 1638/9 (14 Charles I)
Copy of letters from the king and the council on the exercise of the militia.
p.110-112 13 July 1632
Patent from Charles I to Bishop Morton appointing him lieutenant within the bishopric and county of Durham.
p.113 1634
Patent from Bishop Morton to Sir William Belasys appointing him deputy lieutenant.
p.114-119 1635-1638
Letter from the council to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham requesting the appointment of a provost marshal for the county [of Durham], 30 April 1635, together with the bishop's patent and a note of the office 1638.
p.122-123 [ca. 1640]
“Verses on the Scotts Rebells”.
p.124-125 [ca. 1640]
“A Letter to my Lord of Essex” (Robert Devereux): from a group of Scottish noblemen upon the differences between the two nations.
p.126-127 [ca. 1640]
Sir John Suckling's verses.
p.128 April 1639
Mr Saltmer's verses to the king, at York.
p.129 [ca. 1640]
“Verses of a Wish”.
“An answer to a Gent in the North that sent to inquire after the Scottish business (written by Sir John Suckling as tis said)”.
p.131 [ca. 1640]
The oath tendered to the Scots.
p.132 [ca. 1640]
Petition of the Scots to King Charles I.
p.133-139 [ca. 1640]
“Piggs Carranto” and other news.
p.140-142 [ca. 1640]
“The Scotch Sermon at St. Giles”, [Edinburgh].
p.143 17 June 1639
Articles of agreement for the dissolution of the Scottish forces.
p.144 6 June 1639
Letter from several noblemen to [Henry Rich] Earl Holland, asking for a meeting with the king to settle religious differences.
p.145-147 17 June 1639
Petition from the subjects of Scotland to the king together with his reply, and articles agreed upon by Charles I and the Scottish lords.
p.148 [ca. 1640]
“Verses of a Resolute Soldier”.
p.150-155 August/December 1639
Verses from Thomas Baker of Clarkenwell Close London to his uncle, James Metham of Durham.
p.156-157 1639
Sir Richard Dyott's speech at
“my Lo: Deputies” coming to Lichfield.
p.158-159 8 June 1633
The speech of Mr Thomas Widdrington, recorder, to Charles I at Berwick.
p.160-161 [ca. 1640]
Poem on
“St. Mary Bough Church”, followed by verses on the Scots.
p.162 [ca. 1640]
A statement of the normal establishment of officers of Sir Jacob Asheley, serjeant-major-general's regiment.
p.163 23 March 1640
A declaration of the Irish parliament's House of Commons.
p.164-166 24 February 1640
Mr Bayshaw of the Middle Temple's speech:
“a Lawyer's Readinge”.
p.167 14 February 1640
[Algernon Percy] earl of Northumberland's commission as captain general of the army against the Scots.
p.168 [ca. 1640]
The covenanters' letter to the king of France.
p.169-171 [ca. 1640]
“Verses of the Scotts”.
p.171 1640
Names of the Scots taken at Newcastle.
p.172-174 1640
A speech at parliament to the speaker.
p.174-177 April 1640
Mr Prinne's speech in the House of Commons.
p.178-183 13 April 1640
Speeches of the king and my lord keeper.
p.184-185 [ca. 1640]
The covenanters' letter to the king of France, with observations.
p.186-187 [ca. 1640]
Verses on the dissolution of parliament.
p.188-190 May 1640
A list of the names of ships and captains, and of colonels and captains under the command of the earl of Northumberland.
p.191 [ca. 1640]
“Poetaster Boy”: a poem.
p.192-193 [ca. 1640]
“Two Zelos concerneinge the last booke of Canons”: a poem.
p.193 [ca. 1640]
“The Scotchmans Protestacon”.
p.194 [ca. 1640]
Articles against the lord lieutenant of Ireland presented to parliament.
p.195 [ca. 1640]
“Against the Proiectors”: a poem.
p.196-197 [ca. 1640]
A speech made by Sir Edward Dering (to parliament).
p.197 [ca. 1640]
“A dismall sumons to doctor Comons”, [and] “A memento to the Parliament”: poems.
p.198-199 [ca. 1640]
“The newe Cauterleen. or the Meale poake and Malt poke” by Thomas Hodgson.
p.200 16 February 1641
Charles I's speech to both Houses of Parliament at the passing of the Triennial Bill.
p.201 February 1641
A message sent by the Queen to the House of Commons by Mr Controller.
p.202 10 February 1641
Charles I's speech on the marriage with the Prince of Orange.
p.203 [ca. 1640]
Sir John (Suckling)
“Bought him an Ambling Nagg”.
p.204 [ca. 1640]
Petition from the freeholders etc. of Yorkshire to parliament requesting that the court of the Joint President of the Council in the North be retained.
p.204 [ca. 1640]
“Index of the heads concerneinge the right demands for establishinge of a firme and durable peace”.
p.205 9 March 1641
Notes on the resolutions of parliament regarding the stay of the Scots, the trial of [Thomas Wentworth] earl of Strafford and the votes of the bishop and clergy.
p.206 [ca. 1640]
The Royal Sess, Friday 18 June.
p.207 [ca. 1640]
Notes on impeachment.
p.208-209 4 May 1641
The earl of Strafford's letter to the king, Tower of London.
pp.210-211 12 May 1641
The earl of Strafford's speech on the scaffold.
p.212-213 26 April 1640
Mr Jervis Holis's speech against the Scots.
p.214 [1641]
An epitaph of the earl of Strafford.
p.215-216 [ca. 1640]
“Verses of all the lords” and others.
p.217-218 [ca. 1640]
“A thanksgiving for a recovery from “a Burninge ffeaver””: Mr Turner's verses.
p.220-221 May/June 1641
English commissioners for the Scots and Scottish commanders.
p.222-224 [ca. 1640]
The petition of the lay Catholics.
p.224 [ca. 1641]
The earl of Strafford's epitaph.
p.225-227 [ca. 1640]
Mr Baker's last letters.
p.228 6 December 1641
Resolution of the country to appoint petitioners to parliament at a general meeting.
p.230-235 [ca. 1640]
The names of all those that took the protestation in the parish of [Durham] St. Oswald and its chapelries.
p.236-237 3 May 1641
The speaker's letter for the protestation with a copy of the oath to preserve the reformed protestant religion of the Church of England.
p238-239 [ca. 1640]
The protestation & Muggleswick petition to the House of Commons.
p.240-241 [ca. 1640]
Numbers of those taking the oath in the Easington and Stockton wards.
p.242 7 March 1642
Order from the parliament for the rioters (at Muggleswick).
p.243 [ca. 1640]
A song (about Charles I).
p.244-245 March 1642
Sir Henry Vane's letter & the Yorkshire petition, about the magazine at Hull.
p.246 [ca. 1640]
Notes of sums of money relating to certain men of substance.
p.247-247a 1642
Warrant for married women convicted as parish recusants.
p.248 1642
Warrant for recusants.
p.249-251 [ca. 1640]
Topical verses.
p.252 10 July 1642
The assessment for the two subsidies.
p.253-254 [ca. 1640]
“If Charles thou but be soe kinde” : a poem.
p.255 [ca. 1640]
The petition of the poets: to the House of Commons.
p.256-257 [ca. 1640]
Parliament's account: a poem.
p.257 [ca. 1640]
Members of parliament that gave horses and money.
p.258 19 September 1642
Charles I's speech & protestation at the head of his army.
p.259 [ca. 1640]
The names of the commissioners of oyer et terminer and of array.
p.260 7 December 1642
Orders for maintaining, settling and keeping the poor in order, in the city of Durham.
p.261 8 April 1643
Orders to be observed where the [plague] is (Durham).
p.262-263 [ca. 1640]
Topical poems.
p.264-265 1 May 1643
Mrs James's articles with her tenants, Hetton.
p.266 3 April 1643
Petition to Lord Fairfax from the prisoners taken at the battle of Seacroft by the royalists, York.
p.267a,b 1643
Protestation of loyalty to the king to be sworn on 10 June 1643, with names for the parish of St. Oswald's.
p.268 August 1643
“His Majesties late Protestacon before his receavinge of the sacrament”.
p.268-270 August 1643
A declaration of the Lords and Commons in the parliament of England to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, and also from the assembly at London to the assembly in Scotland.
p.271-272 18 August 1643
The proclamation to the Scots for raising forces in the king's name.
p.273-274 1643
Reports on the Scottish forces, and on a skirmish at Corbridge.
The covenant.
p.276-281 10 January 1644
The sermon of Archbishop Laud on the scaffold.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 10.MSP 10 later 17th century, with some parts later 16th and earlier 17th centuries
344f., modern foliation i & 1-433, omitting 210-299, earlier complete pagination with also some separate earlier pagination of the constituent booklets
Binding: Paper book, in reverse calf covered boards
A collection about the county palatine of Durham, made and written by Christopher Mickleton, his son James Mickleton the elder (mostly), and also his grandson James Mickleton the younger
Contents (all other folios are blank):
Digitised material for Durham annals - Mickleton and Spearman MS 10
The dates of coronation and death of the kings of England 1066-1431.
Names and dates of popes 1095 to 1484.
Names and dates of the bishops of Durham 1072-1674.
Names and dates of the priors and deans of Durham 1083-1684.
Genealogical table of the kings of England William I to Charles II.
Parallel lists of bishops of Lindisfarne/Chester/Durham, kings of Northumbria/England and earls/dukes of Northumberland 519 to Bishop Crewe.
Archdeacons of Durham Turgot to Granville.
Archdeacons of Northumberland Marsh to Turner.
Kings of Northumbria 547 to 778, from Smith's
Bishops of Durham and lengths of their episcopates 995-1659.
(reversed) Transcripts of 3 documents about the privileges of [Louis de Beaumont] bishop of Durham 1327.
Consecrations of the bishops of Durham 1072-1591.
History of the see of Durham, being descriptions of the bishops and their acts from Aidan to Cosin.
f.46r 1715
Note on the customs and laws of St. Cuthbert, extracted from Cotton.Otto.B.9 by James Mickleton in 1715 and copied by John Rowell, Durham D&C registrar, who also copied it into DCD Cartulary II f.307v; also in MSP
36 p.239.
Note on Turgot, prior of Durham.
f.51r-136v & 146v &147v
“A booke of the valewacions and patronage of all and singulare spirituell or ecclesiasticall lyvinges and promocions within province of Yorke”, covering the dioceses of York, Durham, Carlisle and
Chester, 1577x1587, with some later annotations for Durham diocese, and with a note on f.146v by Richard Burns, bishop of Durham, addressing it to his “verie lovinge
frendes” the Carlisle dean and chapter (where he had previously been bishop) and with a later note on f.147v that it was found among his books. The entry for Durham cathedral on f.93 is interlineated with the names
of those on the foundation in [1541], with the names of the prebends [in 1668] in the margin.
Receipts, fees and temporalitites for the dioceses of Canterbury, Lincoln, Chichester and Winchester.
Valuation of the bishopricks in England in both provinces.
Extracts of charters of the king and others to the bishop of Durham and others about the bishoprick of Durham, in chronological order from Oswald to Henry VIII, all cancelled.
Epitaph of Cardinal Julius Mazarin (d.1661).
Eulogy on John Harrison, physician.
Summary of the royal charters and privileges granted to the bishops of Durham from 867 to William II taken from The Red Book, formerly in the Durham chancery, reputedly lost by the officials of Bishop Morton (1632-1647), and now Hales MS 114 in
Lincoln's Inn Library (printed in
Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccccxxii-ccccxxv), also a draft or a copy of the entries in DDR/Vols.XVIII/1.
Extracts of documents about the bishops' claims in Durham, especially Sadberge.
Extracts of documents proving the bishop of Durham's regal rights between the Tyne and Tees, in Norhamshire, Bedlingtonshire and Sunderland.
Extracts of royal charters and other documents about the county palatine of Durham.
& 332r-336v Extracts of royal charters to the bishops of Durham, made in 1663, a draft or a copy of DDR/Vols.XVIII/1 f.1-154.
First fruits and tithes of the bishoprick of Durham in 26 Henry VIII.
Foundation charters of Durham cathedral Henry VIII and Philip and Mary, a draft or a copy of the entries in DDR/Vols.XVIII/1.
Court of wards and liveries re the bishoprick of Durham 7 James I.
Petitions and other documents about the temporalities of the bishoprick of Durham, Elizabeth I to Charles II.
Valuations, with some notes of holders, of Durham cathedral prebendaries, churches, chapels, and chantries c.1660.
Valuations of benefices in the patronage of the bishop and dean and chapter of Durham c.1660.
Translations of deeds relating to the church of Chester-le-Street and the foundation of the deanery 1332.
Abstract of certificates of excommunication by the bishop of Durham 1596-1635.
Note of G. Stanhope about finding the red book (cf. f.208) and the charter of the liberties of Howdenshire and Allertonshire and sending them to Mr. Harrison 9 November 1641.
Instructions to [Durham cathedral] treasurers about payments and couments 1627-1633.
Table of Durham dean and chapter burgage leases detailing date, tenant, extent, rent, value and fine c.1682.
Extracts from ff.166-168 of a [Durham dean and chapter register] about Durham dean and chapter land transactions 1660-1680.
Durham dean and chapter's answer of 12 June 1663 to [Gilbert Sheldon] bishop of London's enquiry about expenditure since the Restoration.
Chronological list of Durham dean and chapter leases 1660-1685.
Index of places and persons in the volume.
Index of subjects in the volume.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 11.MSP 11 ?1724
98f., foliated I-VII + 1-91; 1-86 in an earlier foliation Paper book, rebound in brown reversed calf with dentelle decoration
Fees and tenures in Yorkshire 1295/6 and 1315/6
Titled on the spine
“Feoda et Tenurae in Com. Ebor. 24 Ed: 1t & 9o Ed: 2d.”
Contents (all other folios blank):
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 11 f.I
Slip attached containing partial index of places.
Index of places and fiefs.
Fees held in Yorkshire from an inquisition held in 24 Edward I (1295/6) before John de Kirkby, treasurer, listed by wapentake, headed
“Feoda que tenentur de Rege in Capite et de aliis diversis in Comitate Ebor. secundum Inquisiciones inde facte coram domino John de Kirkebie tunc Thesaurario domini Regis et sociis suis ad hoc assignatis
per ipsum Regem et etiam de Redditt Assise Regi debit secundum Inquisicionem viz Anno XXIIIIto Edwardi primi”, with notes at the head of f.1 of Gilbert Spearman of Durham 1724, who may have copied it or had it copied.
Sheriff of Yorkshire's return to the royal writ of 5 May 1316 listing the hundreds, wapentakes, cities, burghs and other towns in his jurisdiction in the county, with their lords; f.78 is in another hand and has another note of the volume's title
and that it is amongst Gilbert Spearman's manuscripts.
2 inserted letters from John Ansty to Mr Mickleton at Grays Inn returning a certain Ms. and thanking him and a Mr. Venables for their help in the accounts of the treasurer of the household; 79b is dated 20 September 1717.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 12.MSP 12 1618-1619
108p. Paper book, in brown calf covered pasteboards
A survey of the Royal Navy
Contents given below (all other pages blank):
p.17-108 are printed in John Charnock,
History of Marine Architecture vol. II (1801), p.211-270.
Digitised material for Survey of the Royal Navy, 1618-19 - Mickleton and Spearman ms 12
Pen trials.
Copy of a commission of 23 June 1618 appointing Sir Thomas Smyth, Sir Lionel Cranfield and others to inquire into abuses in the navy.
Acknowledgment of the report, and a further commission of 20 February 1619 granting Sir Lionnel Cranfield, Sir Thomas Smyth and others full authority to carry out their proposals.
Survey of the navy detailing ships, equipment, shore establishments, and the financial position.
“The Cause of Waste”, 9 charges detailed.
Proposals for improving the situation, outlining proposed numbers of ships, their upkeep and costs.
“Meanes” for reducing waste.
Wage proposals.
Proposed navy establishment in terms of ships, equipment and costs.
“To settle th' execution of Provisions for the Navy, having regard to: l. The auntient Institucion. 2. The late Innovation, 3. The meanes of Redresse”.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 13.MSP 13 later 17th to early 18th centuries, with some early 17th century and 1 item later 13th
250f., modern foliation Paper and occasional parchment documents guarded and filed, in half reverse calf covered pasteboards
Notes and extracts from documents about the history of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham, and its judicial administration, with various indexes and lists, mostly made by James Mickleton the elder, with various documents inserted:
Digitised material for Documents about the history of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham - Mickleton and Spearman MS 13
f.11 1691
List of the bishop's officials.
f.35-36 1712
Cases of Trinity term 10 Anne.
f.49-52 1637
Case of Johnson of Sedgefield.
f.97 1690
Lecturers certified by Mr Burwell.
Inventory of a coach.
Writ about the administration of justice in the county palatine of Durham ?7 Charles II.
f.167 22 November 1711
Presentation by Elizabeth Spearman widow of John Spearman of Thornlaw, Kelloe parish, of Edward Arrowsmith of Thornlaw yeoman to a place in Sherburn Hospital.
Letter from Humphrey Wanley to James Mickleton.
Part of a song beginning
“Swain the hopeless passion smother...” on music staves.
Printed pamphlet
Good Advice to all Free-holders and Corporations of England, Concerning the Choice of their Representatives, to Serve in the Ensuing Parliament (London, for Richard Baldwin, 1690).
Ordination by Walter [Giffard] Archbishop of York of the church of Howden as a collegiate church, incomplete, later 13th century, parchment, copy of the first part of DCD 3.1.Archiep.1a. This is a folio excised from BL Stowe 930 where the latter
part of it remains as f.35 which is printed in
Durham Annals and Documents of the Thirteenth Century, ed. F. Barlow (Surtees Society 155, 1940), p.171-172.
Extracts of charters and grants about Howden and Howdenshire William I to Elizabeth I.
A table of lineal descent for determining the inheritance of lands.
f.222-223 20 January 1637
Bounds of coal mines in the parishes of Chester-le-Street, Washington and Gateshead leased by Thomas Morton bishop of Durham to Sir William Belasis and Mr Thomas Layton.
Grievances suffered by copyholders and suitors from the officers of the bishop of Durham's copyhold courts, with proposed remedies.
Copy of Richard Nelthorp of London's conviction for high treason, and of an inquisition or seizure of his estate in county Durham, also of the plea and discharge upon a settlement prior in the Durham chancery 1686.
f.236-244 1594-1639
Collection of financial papers about St. Margaret's chapel Durham 1594-1639, including a monition from the official of Durham dean and chapter for repairing its decays 1639.
f.245-246 1709-1710
Case about [Durham St. Margaret] chapelry becoming an independent jurisdiction.
f.249 1690
An original document against a hundred or ward for robbery.
A catalogue of the trees in Dr. Kearsley's garden at Sedgefield.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 14.MSP 14 1629 - 1661
Peterborough cathedral collection of papers and letters. Material relating to John Cosin as Dean of Peterborough but much of it is from when he had been made Bishop of Durham and relates, as well as to Peterborough leases, to his books stored at
Transferred to Peterborough Cathedral shortly after 1817 by Sir Henry Ellis,
“being of essential concern to the Church of Peterbrough, to which it probably originally belonged” (Ellis catalogue, following the title page).
Contents listed in
Ellis's catalogue
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 15.MSP 15 1694-1719
229f., paginated I-XII + 1-446, of which p.1-433 are in an earlier pagination
Binding: Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf
Legal precedents, titled
“Liber L: L: L:” and with “L:L:” on the foreedge, largely blank. Entries in several hands, some initialled
Contents given below (all other pages blank):
Note on p.III that it was bought in London on 14 May 1694 for 7s.
Digitised material for Legal precedent book - Mickleton and Spearman ms 15
Title, on floated slips, with the inscription,
“liber Gilberti Spearman Dunelm 1694”, and with a list of contents: “les Titles libro 1.1. hic”.
conveyance 1693,
“James Dobson's & Mr T. Bows case for Lands at Redworth”.
“Of the Art & Science of pleading in generall”.
“Abatement and Pleas in abatement”.
“Comp'm”: precedents and cases upon accompt.
“Debtm”: precedents of actions for debt.
“Detinue”: precedents of actions for detinue.
“Dower”: precedents of actions for dower.
p.75-79, 122
“Replevin”: precedents of actions for replevin.
“Formedon”: nothing follows.
“Particion”: nothing follows.
“Prohibicion”: precedents of actions for prohibition.
“Quare impedit” : nothing follows.
“Waist”: nothing follows.
“Trover”: precedents of actions for trover.
p.346 1710
Action for detinue Gilbert Spearman v William Jackson of Bishop Middleham, 8 Anne.
“Ejeccione firme”: precedents of actions for ejectment.
“Abatement”: precedents of actions for abatement.
“Placitibus”: general pleas.
p.429 1712
“Riot Inquisitio inde”: copy of inquisition taken at Swalwell 25 May, 12 Anne into a riot at Whickham.
“Indictmenta”: precedents of indictments for various offences.
“Ad quod dampnum”: inquisition and return by Marcus Shafto sheriff of Durham 5 George I into Richard Hylton's property.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 16.MSP 16 early 18th century
213f., paginated p.II + 414, with p.1-248 and 250-410 in an earlier pagination Paper book, bound in brown reversed calf with blind margins and “MANUSCRT VOL:2:” in blind lettering on the spine
Transcripts of royal government records about North Wales, titled
“Various Records Concerning North Wales, from the Times of Henry 3rd to those of Henry 5th Collected by Christopher Mickleton Esq. and James Mickleton Esq. his Son, both of Crook Hall, near Durham”
Contents (all other pages blank):
Title in 18th/19th century hand.
Transcripts of royal charters, inspeximuses, final concords, quitclaims, letters patent, commissions of oyer et terminer, of certificatio et aprisa, of Henry III and Edward I, headed
“Inter Recorda dmi Regis Caroli in Thesaur. Recepte Sccii sui sub cusdodia dmi Thesaurar et Camar ibm reman videlicet In quadam larga intitulat Northwallia inter alia sic. continetur ut sequitur,
Indorsat. Rotus : hic pro libertatibus diversorum Burgorum Et alijs rebus tangen. leges et consuetudines Wallensin”.
Pleas for Wales for 6-9 Edward I (1277-1281) headed
“Lex Wallie: de placitis corone in partibus Wallie”.
Pleas for Wales for 30-32 Henry III (1245-1248) headed
“Rotulus de placitis Wall. tempore Reg. H. tercii extractus de placitis diversor Justic. tam de placitis dni Regis quam aliis”.
Pleas about Wales mostly
“coram rege” Edward I to Henry V (1275-1416).
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 17.MSP 17 mid to later 17th century
445f., paginated I-XII + 1-978, with several sequences of earlier pagination Paper book, original calf bindings with blocked capitals: “JACOBI MICKLETON ARM.”
Law collections and proceedings, being several separate booklets of legal transcripts and precedents bound together, probably by James Mickleton the elder. The volume is in several hands, with some leaves in inverted gatherings and some
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: English and Latin with occasional legal French
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 042.
Digitised material for Law collections and proceedings - Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 17. p.I
List of contents.
Durham common pleas court proceedings, a small pamphlet, entitled:
“The proceedings of the Courte of Comon Pleas to Triall in Suits”, and containing, besides notes of the procedure in the Durham court, a note of fees pertaining to the office of the prothonotary
(before 30 Elizabeth I) with notes of various actions.
p.79-142, 149, 151
Durham county court narrations, a larger pamphlet, entitled:
“Narracones in Cur. Com. Dunelm”, containing reports of cases in the county court, preceded by an index of actions.
Guidelines for a lawyer entitled:
“Direccons pur Attorney &c in Practice en choses en Ley”, in English.
Durham county court fees, endorsed 22 September 1602.
[Durham] county court fees, with a note:
“enter this into ye book of presidents”.
Table of
“Fees claymed & received by the Clerks of Assize and their Associates on the Nisi prius side” on the Welsh, western, middle, eastern, northern and southern circuits.
Coroners' inquisitions extracts, Elizabeth I to Charles I, inverted.
“The Order of Calling John Bridgeman of the Inner Temple Esq. &c. to Serjeant's Degree” 1623 (part of the head torn out and missing).
Extracts and notes of Durham legal cases, mostly 1670s-1690s, entitled:
“hic incipit liber MS. appel sive cognit per Not. Mon. Derlns...” (some leaves are blank), being a reused booklet of extracts of actions for breach of close and depasturing (reversed), with at
p.458-459 an index entitled “A Key des mattere in cest libre de M. Derlns”.
Durham common pleas pleadings transcripts 1 to 22 James I, generally arranged under actions, with some additions up to Charles II.
Writs and returns transcripts mostly of the Protectorate period, entitled
“hic incipit livre MS. nuncupat. JM. br”, with at p.606-607 an index according to the earlier pagination.
p.782-923, 954-955
Extracts and notes of Durham legal cases, mostly Charles II to William and Mary, entitled
“hic incipit liber MS appell sive cognit per Not. M. q. i.e. Mon questionary on doubtfull Pleadings ...”.
Inserted 3f. from a lawyer's notebook about cases and fines 1654.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 18.MSP 18 early 17th century
207f., the earlier pagination begins at f.13, lacks 18-19, 124-139, 165-170, and ends at f.228. Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf. The front endpaper contains an armorial bookplate with the Mickleton arms as given in Surtees
History of Durham IV, p.140 “vert, on a chevron argent, three cross crosslets of the first”, not registered in the College of Arms, and with the inscription:
“Jacobi Mickleton de Crook Hall in Com. Dunelm: A.D. 1718.”.
A treatise on wills titled
“A Treatise of Willes and Executors”.
f.2r Title and summary of contents.
f.3-6 Preface.
f.7-12 Table of contents.
f.13-203 Text chapters 1-20, each chapter divided into sections and then parts; with some notes and references in the margins. ([Final] folio of the text now cut out and missing).
f.206 Pentrials of Greek quotations.
The book is in a single hand of the early 17th century, apparently intended for publication. A few of the marginalia are in different [later] hands. 42 Eliz is generally the latest reference cited, though there is one for 20 or 21
“Jacobi Regis”.
Language: English with occasional Latin
A pencil note in the Ellis catalogue states that this was published: Thomas Wentworth,
The Office and Duty of Executors (1641).
Digitised material for Treatise of Willes and Executors - Mickleton and Spearman ms 18
Wentworth, Thomas, 1568?-1628.
Mickleton, James, 1688-1719.
Executors and administrators -- Great Britain.
Wills -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 19.MSP 19 later 17th century
275f., foliated 628-630 then paginated 631-908 (658-659, 685-686, 713-720 omitted), with some documents inserted Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf.
Legal cases and precedents, in various hands, some of the material is organised by type with headings for legacies p.655, debt p.731, statutes penal p.771, indictments and pleas p.775, trespass p.801, pleas and justifications p.812 and
prohibitions p.846. The text is reversed from p.884.
Inside the front cover: Lists of
“Good Clerks” and “Good Lawyers” in specified inns in 1660.
Text is then on (all other folios/pages blank): f.630v-p.666, p.668-675, 705-706, 709, 711, 721-722, 727-729, 731-736, 751, 756, 761, 770-773, 775-782, 791-795, 801-805, 809, 811-817, 821, 824-829, 831-832, 841, 846-865, 867-868, 871, 875-879,
881, 884-890, 892, 894-896, 898, 900-908.
Language: Latin with occasional English
Digitised material for Legal precedent book - Mickleton and Spearman ms 19
Lists of sheriffs and under-sheriffs of Co Durham, and some sheriffs of Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumberland 1646-1666.
Durham assizes August 1677 Florence Crook widow, Peter Green architect, Eleanor his wife, Florence Crook junior and Elizabeth Crook against George Taylor over a tenement in Sunderland.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 20.MSP 20 1595-1667, most 1661-1667
72 items comprising 264 pieces of varying sizes marked with earlier notation; items are numbered individually, and all are both foliated and paginated
Binding: Paper book, in brown reverse calf covered boards
A volume of original letters and papers collected by Christopher Mickleton, mostly relating to Bishop Cosin, and featuring providing financial relief for plague and London fire victims 1665-1667, episcopal correspondence of the 1630s, leases of
episcopal property 1661-1666, and contracts for work on Durham castle and Bishop Auckland castle 1661-1665. Title on p.1 in 18/19th century hand.
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman MS 20 - John Cosin documents
1 p.3-6 1 December 1666
Letter from Humphrey [Henchman] bishop of London to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, concerning the king's approval of money collected in the diocese of Durham for the poor of London infected with the plague being applied to the relief of the poor
in Cambridge; Fulham.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.161.
2 p.7-10 17 May 1666
Account of disbursements in the north-east from the moneys collected for the use of the poor people infected with the plague.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.329-330.
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Plague -- England -- 17th century.
Accounting 3 p.11-12 c.March 1667
Certificate of Henry Maddisonne mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne respecting persons infected with the plague.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.167.
Plague -- England -- Newcastle upon Tyne -- 17th century.
Correspondence 4 p.13-16 6 December 1666
Letter from John [Cosin] bishop of Durham to Dr Wilford, dean of Ely and vice-chancellor of Cambridge, confirming the donation to the poor of Cambridge; Durham Castle.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.161-162.
5 p.17-18 12 December 1666
Letter from Ralph Johnson to Mr Robert Newhouse concerning a bill of exchange for £40 (from the charitable benevolence); Newcastle.
6 p.19-20 14 December 1666
Letter from John [Cosin] bishop of Durham, to the mayor of London enclosing a bill of exchange for £200 respecting the sums of money collected in his diocese for the relief of persons ruined in the late
“dismall fire” in London; Durham Castle.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.163-164.
7 p.21-22 November 1666 & February 1667
Receipts from the mayor of London for money collected in Newcastle, Berwick, and Morpeth.
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 8 p.23-26 5 February 1667
Letter from William Bolton, mayor of London to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham thanking him for his care and charity.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.166
9 p.27-30 11 December 1666
Letter from William Blackett, mayor of Newcastle,
et al to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham respecting collections for the relief of the infected people of
“this kingdome” being used for the benefit of the infected people in Newcastle; Newcastle.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.162-3
p.31-32 10 December 1666
Letter from Ralph Johnson to Robert Newhouse concerning a bill of exchange for £180; Newcastle, ;
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 10 p.33-36 7 November 1666
Order of the king in council for contributions to be collected within the province of York for the relief of those undone by the late
“dreadfull Fire” in London; Whitehall
11 p.37-40 10 November 1666
Letter from Richard [Sterne] archbishop of York to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham enclosing the above order; Westminster
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.157
12 p.41-44 10 October 1666
“An Accompt of the Collections gathered in the severall Parishes within the Dioces of Durham towards the reliefe of the distressed Estaite and Condition of those who have been undone by the late dreadfull
fire in London: upon the fast day October the 10th 1666: according to his Maties Proclamation”
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.331-332
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 13 p.45-46 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in June 1666.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.330
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 14 p.47-48 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in July 1666.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.330
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 15 p.49-50 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in May 1666.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.330
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 16 p.51-54 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in April 1666.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.330
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 17 p.55-58 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in March, 1666.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.329
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 18 p.59-60 1665-1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in Janaury and February 1666 and December 1665.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.328
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 19 p.63-64 1666
Account of Durham diocese collections received in December 1665.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.322-3
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 20 p.65-66 1665
[Mr Newhouse's] account of totals of collections received and disbursements made August-December 1665
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.322-3
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 21, 23 p.67-70 1665
Account of Durham diocese collections received in November 1665, and additional sums for August-October 1665.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.322-3
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting p.71-78
[Mr Newhouse's] accounts of Durham diocese collections received in August, September and October 1665, and his disbursements.
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 24 p.79-84 1665
Robert Newhouse, registrar's, account of money received and disbursed for infected persons 2 August to 5 September 1665
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.326-7
Plague -- England -- 17th century.
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 25 p.85-88 [1665x1666]
George Kirkby's accounts of the assessment for the infected (5s per £) and disbursements for the relief of the poor infected in Co Durham
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.327
Plague -- England -- 17th century.
Church of England. Diocese of Durham -- Charities
Accounting 26 p.89-92 21 January 1636
[Copy] letter from Dr [Eleazar] Duncon to [Richard Neile] archbishop of York, concerning a decree of the barons of the exchequer relating to Shields
27 p.93-94
Letter of [R.R.] to
“Honest Abraham” replying to certain queries from Mr Mickleton concerning Weardale
28 p.95-96
Drafts of 2 letters from [the bishop of Durham] to the archbishop of York regarding practices of popes and the position of the covenanting Scots in the first, and expressing thanks for a favour in the second;
29 p.97-98 [ca. 1631-1641]
Copies of 2 letters from [the bishop of Durham], one to the archbishop of York, and one to Lord Davenport, concerning a dispute between the dean and chapter of Durham and the burghers of Newcastle
30 p.99-100 14 May 1636
Copy letter from Thomas Morton bishop of Durham to [William Laud] archbishop of Canterbury concerning a suit of his in the court of wards against Lord Gray of Wark over a livery in Norhamshire
31 p.101-102 14 May 1636
Copy letter from Thomas Morton bishop of Durham to
“the Lord Keeper” about Lord Gray of Wark over a livery in Norhamshire
32 p.103-104 1632
Copy of [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham's warrant to John Richardson to forbid John Heath from unlicensed digging on
“the waiste or banke” of the city of Durham, 12 February 1632, endorsed “ould papers of Bp. Morton & my Fathers R.B.” and that it was shown
to Richard Baddeley gent. a witness in a case between Dorothy Cradock and Ralph Hutton on 29 August 1691
33 p.105-108 22 September 1661
Ordination list of deacons and priests, Durham synod
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.32-35
34 p.109-110 [post 1682]
Mr Chapman's observations of Barnard Castle chapelry
35 p.111-112 [17th century]
Copy of Mr Fothergill's patent at Howden to collect rents etc. on behalf of [Tobias Matthew] bishop of Durham, 26 September 1595
36 p.113-132
An alphabetical index of places and names of persons in the wards of Chester, Easington, Stockton, Darlington, and Allertonshire and Howdenshire, with later additions, with page references
Durham Bishopric Estates
Land tenure -- England
37 p.133-134 22 March 1661
Memorandum about a lease of the park and manor at Bishop Middleham to Nicholas Frevil esq.
38 p.135-142 21 March 1661
Petition and memorandum of Henry Lakenby gent. to John [Cosin] bishop of Durham about the renewal of a lease at Shadforth, together with the agreement of the bishop's commissioners
39 p.143-144 9 March 1661
Lease by Sir Gilbert Gerard kt, John de Lavall esq. and Col. Miles Morgan, commissioners for John [Cosin] bishop of Durham, of premises in Blackwell, Durham to Sir William Blakeston of Archdeacon Newton, Durham
40 p.145-148 11 June 1661
Lease by Sir Gilbert Gerard kt, John de Lavall esq. and Col. Miles Morgan, commissioners for John [Cosin] bishop of Durham, of premises in Killerby late held by Cuthbert Smith, to Robert Smith of Killerby (1 half detached)
41 p.149-152 4 April 1666
Lease by the bishop's commissioners of a common block house and ferry boat at Stockton on Tees to John Lambert, junior
42 p.153-156 20 March 1661
Lease by the bishop's commissioners of two messuages, farmholds or tenements in Sedgefield, to Thomas Smith, yeoman
43 p.157-160 20 March 1661
Lease by the bishop's commissioners of a cottage or front, with an oxgang of land in the town fields of Sedgefield, to William Walker of Sedgefield
44 p.161-164 26 March 1661
Lease by the bishop's commissioners of a waste or vacant place on the south end of Tyne bridge, adjacent shops detailed, to Ralph Boory, carpenter of Gateshead
45 p.165-168 22 March 1661
Lease by the bishop's commissioners of a moiety of land in the Hall or west fields, Wolsingham, to Thomas Jodd of Bridgend house, Co Durham
46 p.169-172 22 December 1663
Articles of agreement between John [Cosin] bishop of Durham and James Oliphant of the city of Durham, freemason, for flagging the hall &c at Durham Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.364-65
47 p.173-176 9 September 1663
Articles of agreement between John [Cosin] bishop of Durham, of the one part, and James Olliphant, John Richardson., and Christopher Wilkinson of Durham, free masons, of the other part, for the buttresses at Durham Castle, sealed
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.367-68
48 p.177-178 9 September 1663
Letter from William London to Mr Ardent (
sic, recte Edward Arden) about payment for marble for the [bishop's] chapel; Newcastle
49 p.179-180 18 February 1664
Articles of agreement between [John Cosin] bishop of Durham and Christopher Scurry, mason, of Durham City, about building a wall between the porter's lodge and the chapel end at Durham Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.368-69
50 p.181-182 1 April 1663
Agreement between John Farrer, on behalf of [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, and James Oliphant, John Richardson and Christopher Wilkinson, freemasons of Durham, for erecting and finishing a doorcase leading from the yard into the hall of Durham
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.359-61
51 p.183-184 1 February 1662
Agreement between John Farrer, on behalf of [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, and John Richardson, James Olevant and Christopher Wilkinson, freemasons of Durham, for stonework on the windows, chimneys and doors of Durham Castle, for flagging the
chimneys and floors, and for working the ashlar work in and about the great staircase in the castle, sealed
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.358-59
52 p.185-186 29 July 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and James Oliphant, freemason of Durham, for building a fountain of free ashlar work in the Durham Castle court
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.373-74
53 p.187-188 4 January 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Baptist Van Ersell, limner of Durham city, to paint the screens, and all the wainscot work in the gallery at Durham Castle, and a screen near the gallery there, and also to gild a mitre and one eagle in the
same gallery
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.378-79
54 p.189-190 29 May 1665
Agreement between Edward Arden and Mark Todd and James Hull, joiners, for arching the beams of the roof, making two frontispieces, an architrave, and six chairs with carving underneath in the chapel of Auckland, rates tabulated
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.381-82
55 p.191-192 6 May 1665
Agreement between Edward Arden and Christopher Scurrey, of Durham, for pulling down the wall on the right-hand going from the gatehouse of Durham Castle to the exchequer building, and also to pull down all the old walls on the left side of the
said gatehouse encompassing the castle moat garden to
“Baitman's house” with the two turret towers before the said gatehouse, and “to ridd” and make foundation for new walls before the said castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.379
56 p.193-196 [1660s]
Charges for bringing water from Elvet Moor to The College and from the conduit to [Durham] Castle, endorsed
“Repairs about Durham Castle for Bp Cosin” (printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.380);
Copy: DCL Raine 68/70.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.380
57 p.197-200 7 March 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Brasse of Durham city, joiner, and Abraham Smith, of Durham city, carpenter, for making a screen in the bishop's chapel at Auckland Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.369
58 p.201-202 13 March 1662
Memoranda from John [Cosin] bishop of Durham to Mr Bowser and Robert Morley about detailed alterations in the chapel; London
59 p.203-206 18 May 1663
Agreement between Edward Arden and Hendrick de Keyser, of Bishop Auckland, sculptor, for paving the chapel at Bishop Auckland with marble
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.362-63
60 p.207-208 3 March 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Langestaffe, of Bishop Auckland, freemason, for alterations and repairs at Auckland Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.366-67
61 p.209-212 2 January 1664
Agreement between [John Cosin] bishop of Durham and John Longstaffe, of Bishop Auckland free mason, for repairs and alterations at Bishop Auckland
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.365-66
62 p.213-214 30 December 1662
Agreement between [John Cosin] bishop of Durham and Nicholas Green and William Lamb of Durham, glaziers, and Matthew Browne and John Arrundell of Bishop Auckland, glaziers, to glaze all the windows in the Chapel within Bishop Auckland Castle, and
windows in the upper and lower hall and staircase there ... with blue and white glass
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.356-57
63 p.215-218 1 September 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Langstaffe of Bishop Auckland, freemason, for repairs, works and alterations at Bishop Auckland Castle, particularly to the new building lately built by Sir Arthur Haslerigg, endorsed with 2 memoranda of
further work for Langstaffe, and notes of payments [to him]
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.375-77
64 p.219-220 29 May 1665
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Langstaffe of Bishop Auckland, mason, for building a wall and alterations at Bishop Auckland Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.380-81
64a p.221-224 22 July 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Baptist van Ersell for painting and decorating the chapel at Bishop Auckland Castle, endorsed with notes of payments
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.370-71
65 p.225-226 29 September [1664]
Copy of John Langstaffe's agreement about the great hall at Auckland Castle
66 p.227-230 19 August 1664
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Baptist Van Eersell of Durham city, painter, for painting and decorating the chapel at Bishop Auckland Castle, detailing the arms and inscriptions to be depicted
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.371-72
67 p.231-232
Memorandum for the erection of a new Sessions house [on Palace Green by Bishop John Cosin], with measurements.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.382-383; discussed in M. Roberts,
Durham: 1000 Years of History (2nd edn, Stroud
2003), p.124.
68 p.233-236 7 April 1663
Agreement between [Edward] Arden and Richard Herring, carver, for carving figures in the chapel at Bishop Auckland Castle, with notes of payments
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.361-62
68+ p.237-240 8 April 1663
Agreement between Edward Arden and Henry de Keysor, sculptor, for work to be done [at Bishop Auckland Castle]
69 p.241-244 20 November 1661
Agreement between John Farrer and William Ridley of Elvet, plasterer, to plaster and “seale” all the rooms and chambers in Durham Castle, and the walls thereof
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.356
70 p.245-248 8 April 1663
Agreement between Edward Arden and John Baptist van Eersell for painting the staircase in the new hall in Bishop Auckland Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.362
71 p.249-252 30 August 1664
Memorandum of stone, wood and plaster work to be finished by Richard Swingler in Bishop Auckland Castle
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.374-75
72 p.253-264 23 July 1664; 1 September 1664; 28 June 1664
Agreements between Edward Arden and Abraham Smyth of Durham city, carpenter, for erecting a praying desk, panels, wainscot work, architrave, communion table and other work in the chapel at Bishop Auckland Castle.
Printed in
Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55 1872), p.369-370, 372-373, 377-378
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 21.MSP 21 early 17th century
80f. Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf.
A legal compendium comprising: a transcript of
Fleta book 1 chapters 1-18; an inquiry into prohibitions; a treatise
des countors.
Language: Mostly English, with some Latin and 1 page of French
Background to
Fleta is in
Fleta Volume IV, Book V and Book VI ed with translation G.O. Sayles (Selden Society 99 (for 1983)
1984), p.ix-xxv.
f.2-18 transcribed and translated in
Fleta Volume II Prologue, Book I, Book II ed with translation H.G. Richardson & G.O. Sayles (Selden Society 72 (for 1953) 1955), p.1-43. John Selden first published this text and a copy of the
second edition (1685) of his text is available in Durham University Library ASC: Bamburgh I.3.4.
Digitised material for Fleta - Mickleton and Spearman MS 21 f.1r
List of contents of chapters 1-12 of Fleta book 1.
List of contents of Fleta books 1-6.
Fleta prologue.
Fleta book 1 chapters 1-17 and part of 18, part of the first learned commentary on Bracton's exposition of English common law, written by an unknown author in c.1290, covering here person, freedom, bondage, free-born
men, different kinds of children, parental authority, sokemen, wardships, grand and petty serjeantry, waste and destruction, marriages, legitimate hiers, suppositous birth, criminal actions, deputed justices and coroners.
Inquiry into prohibitions (with reference to 7 James I), headed
“That acts of parliamt touchinge Ecclesiasticall causes are to be interpreted by the iudges of the Comon lawe” ending on f.79r with “Noe wise man hath
cause to ymagine but that the Judges Eccliall have much more skill in the Eccliall lawe than the Judges of the temporall and therefore are fare more able than they to discerne and Judge of them and therefore the temporall Judges ought to be
contented to ascribe unto their authority the expounding of causes of Eccliall cognizance though they be menconed in Statutes as they doe unto themselves to interprett all matters which are of temporall cognizance”.
Des Countors: a short treatise in law French concerning attorneys at law.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 22.MSP 22 early 17th century
145f., foliated I-II + 1-143, text on f.II and 1-142 Paper book, in ?contemporary dark leather covered pasteboards, with remains of 2 blue silk ties
“The life and raigne of King Edward the Sixth written by Sir John Haward Knight”.
Written in in a single hand, with catchwords but without collation and no annotations.
Copies of the printed edition,
The life, and raigne of King Edward the sixt. Written by Sir Iohn Hayward ... (London : printed for Iohn Partridge ..., 1630), are in Durham University Library ASC at Cosin R.4.39/2 and Routh
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 23.MSP 23 later 17th and early 18th centuries
186f, contemporary foliation 1-167 Paper book, rebound in blue grey paper boards with half brown reversed calf
Materials for histories of the bishops of Durham, with valuations of the dioceses of York and Durham, titled
“Brevis Narratio de Ortu Episcopatus et prioratus Dunelmensi Scripta ex Greco MSS in Bibliotheca Episcopi Dunelmensis”. Written in more than one hand, including James Mickleton the younger and
[Gilbert Spearman].
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: English with occasional Latin
Digitised material for De ortu episcopatus et prioratus Dunelmensi - Mickleton and Spearman ms 23
Pasted on to the front flyleaf verso:
“Towards the latter end M is Father's acct of the (truly) Revd Dr Grey who was the intimate friend of his father John Spearman ...”.
Title and barons of the bishops of Durham.
Bishops -- England -- Durham.
Privileges of the county palatine of Durham.
Rent increases on bishops' estates.
Abstract of the revenues of the bishop of Durham in 1674
“but great improvements have been made therein since that time”.
Names of the bishops of Lindisfarne, Chester and Durham 634-1730 from Peter Heylin's
A Help to English History ... (1652).
Bishops -- England -- Durham.
Names of the priors of Durham 1083-[1540].
Names of the deans of Durham [1540]-1728.
Deans, Cathedral and collegiate -- England -- Durham.
f.18r-25r, 39r, 40r-42r, 60r-v, 62r, 63r, 64r, 65r, 72r-75r, 78r, 81r-v, 84r-88r, 90r-v, 92r-94r, 100v-101r, 103r, 104v, 106r, 107r, 108r, 109r, 111r, 113r, 115r-117r, 119r-120r,
121v, 123r, 124v-125v, 127r-v, 129r-130r, 131v-132r, 133r-134r, 135v-136v.
History of the see of Durham with materials for histories of the individual bishops from Aidan to Crewe, with space and suggestions for additional material.
Bishops -- England -- Durham.
f.137r 9 November 1715
Extract from BL Cotton Otto.B.9 on the
“custom and law” of St Cuthbert by James Mickleton.
References to Prior Turgot.
f.138r-143r, 144r, 145r-v, 146v, 147v, 148v-155v
Valuation of livings and pensions in the diocese of York.
Valuation of pensions and livings in the diocese of Durham.
f.163r-164v, 166r
Materials for histories of bishops of Durham from Crewe to Chandler.
Bishops -- England -- Durham.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 24.MSP 24 1671 - 1704
203f., foliated I-XXIX + 1-174 Paper book, rebound in half brown reversed calf
Account book of impositions at law in the registry of the chancery court at Durham under the Act of 22 & 23 Charles II from 1671 to 1680, together with accounts of fees under the great seal of the Palatinate of Durham 1672-1704.
(Ellis's catalogue quotes an earlier title of
“The Seale Booke Ao 1672” since removed by the binder.) .
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: English with some Latin;
Digitised material for Account book of the Durham chancery court, 1671-1704 - Mickleton and Spearman ms 24
Copy of 22 & 23 Charles II,
“Act for Laying Impositions on Proceedings at Law”, printed, with some marginal annotations.
notes regarding collection of the royal duty;
“A Booke of Account of ye particular Receipts of the Impositions upon Law ariseing due to ye kings Majestie in pursuance of an Act of Parliament ... Received in ye Registers Office of ye Court of Chancery
at Durham ... from the First day of May ... 1671”, accounts drawn up every few months of moneys received, in chronological order, under the Act, to 1680, with notes of moneys received under the act by Ralph Milbourne of Newcastle from the
hands of John Spearman deputy to Francis Wycliffe registrar of the court of chancery at Durham.
(reversed) Accounts of fees due for all patents, writs, grants, leases, and exemplifications passing the great seal of the county palatine of Durham, 1672-1704, with some notes of receipts inserted.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 25.MSP 25 1635-1691
163f., foliated i-v + 1-158 (1-152 ?contemporary foliation, also ?contemporary pagination: J 1-52, K 1-68, L 1-50, M 1-44, N 1-40, with most pages also headed with the name of the king) Paper book, in brown reverse calf covered boards
A chronological record of legal and ecclesiastical events in and around Durham, with elections of mayors of Durham and the holding of assizes regularly recorded, and interspersed with notices of national events and transcriptions of documents
about the bishops, bishoprick and county palatine of Durham.
“Various Old Charters and Other Records &c relating the Bishops, and Bishopric of Durham Collected by Christopher Mickleton Esq” (with “James?” [Mickleton] added in pencil) (f.iir)
Documents transcribed given below:
Language: Latin and English
Numbered on the spine ?
Probably originally a companion volume to MSP 1 (originally labelled AA).
Digitised material for Durham annals - Mickleton and Spearman ms 25
f.iiir-vr 14 September 1635
Royal licence to Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, to found a perpetual vicarage at Staindrop, provided for by Sir Henry Vane.
A collection of extracts of charters to prove that the bishops of Durham had and have regal rights between the Tyne and Tees, and in Norhamshire, Bedlingtonshire and Sunderland, from Cuthbert to 1609.
f.2v 7 November 1631
Grant of the office of escheator of Co Durham to Thomas Swinburne.
f.3r-v 1640
Justifications for Co Durham's exemption from the royal imposition of taxes 1631-1640.
f.4v-5r 1633
Royal progress of Charles I from London to Scotland, via Durham, May to July 1633.
Dilapidations suffered by Bishop Howson at Auckland, Durham and Stockton.
Release by Thomas [Morton] bishop of Durham and Jane Howson, widow, executors of John Howson, late bishop of Durham, to Richard Neile, archbishop of York, over dilapidations on the bishop of Durham's properties 1635.
f.7v 6 November 1636
Royal letter to Thomas Shadforth of Eppleton and William Blakiston of Pittington about assigning improved rents of impropriations for the repair of the bishop of Durham's residences.
List of rectories and vicarages within the 2 wards of Co Durham which were taxed for ship money in 1636.
f.9v 8 June 1636
Grant of the office of coroner of Stockton ward to Lancelot Hilton.
f.10r 9 June 1636
Grant of the office of escheator of Norhamshire and Islandshire to John Richardson of Durham, arm.
f.12r 1 June 1637
Order of the Lords about the sheriff of Durham's accounts at the Star Chamber.
The petition of Timothy Comyn, under-sheriff, to the exchequer about the sheriff's account 1638.
f.13v 6 April 1638
[Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham's certificate to the king in a dispute over fish tithes between Sir William Fenwick and Thomas Triplett, vicar of Woodhorne.
Royal inspeximus of letters patent for William Lord Eure of 26 January 1535 and for Sir Henry Gibb, 30 November 1638.
Epitaph of Richard Hunt, dean of Durham.
Grant of the office of clerk of the crown to John Morland of Durham, gent, 16 February 1639, confirmed by the dean of Durham 22 May 1639.
Charles I's journey through Co Durham and Northumberland against
“rebellos Scotos” April - June 1639.
f.17r-18v 8 June 1640
Grant by the clergy of the province of York of a subsidy to the king.
Instructions for drawing up a bill in parliament to enable the bishop of Durham to grant land to copyholders to allow it to be improved.
Notes of measures against the Scots, royal movements in the north, the Scottish invasion, and petitions from Northumberland and Durham about impositions by the Scots, July - October 1640.
Notes of ordinances abolishing the bishop of Durham and the palatinate and its privileges, October and November 1646.
Royal writs sent to the assize justices of Durham, taken from the roll for 1642.
f.28r 10 October 1651
Grant by William Ryley, esq, Norrey king of arms, to John Hall of Consett, esq, of a coat of arms and a crest.
f.31r 9 June 1654
Ordinance issued by the Lord Protector about holding assizes in Durham.
f.33r 4 July 1657
Commission by the Lord Protector to Thomas Widdrington, chancellor of Durham, and other assize justices to hear pleas in Co Durham.
Grant by Charles II of the office of clerk of the justices to James Mickleton.
f.37ar 1660
Certificate to Charles II from the mayor, aldermen and commonality of the city of Durham and Framwellgate that John Hall, elected mayor on 4 October 1656, was ejected by Col. Robert Lilburne and replaced by Henry Rowell on 8 December 1656, who
was followed as mayor by Anthony Smith on 4 October 1657, by Richard Lee on 4 October 1658, by Henry Rowell on 4 October 1659, and that John Hall cannot currently [1660] be reinstated.
f.37v 1660
Petition of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, to the king for 8 years to pay his first fruits as he has much rebuilding to do of houses and chapels after the ruinations of Sir Arthur Hesilrigg and the Scots in the
“late discordant times”, [1660].
f.37v-38r 14 December 1660
Petition of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, for compensation for the potential loss of his wardship revenues as proposed in the present bill abolishing feudal tenures before parliament.
f.41r 19 September 1661
Opinion of J. Turner on the bishop of Durham's claim to any of the estate of Sir Arthur Hesilrige forfeited to the king (original, inserted).
f.42r 19 September 1661
Opinion of Robert Shafto on the bishop of Durham's claim to any of the estate of Sir Arthur Hesilrige forfeited to the king (original, inserted).
f.43r-44r 18 April 1662
Royal grant to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, of the forfeited estates of Sir Arhur Haslerig which he held on 25 March 1646.
f.44v-46v 24 July 1662
Release by Charles II to Thomas Davison, sheriff of Durham, of his bond for his accounts as sheriff, obtained by John Cosin, bishop of Durham.
Indictment of Sir Henry Vane for treason 1662.
f.49r-51v 19 July 1662
Articles of enquiry exhibited to the Durham dean and chapter at the visitation of John Cosin, bishop of Durham.
f.52r-55r 19 July 1662
Answer of the Durham dean and chapter to the articles of enquiry.
f.55v-57r 1662
Monitions and injunctions of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, on his primary visitation of Durham dean and chapter, 19 July 1662, prorogued to 20 November 1662.
f.57v 1662
A note on prohibitions by Thomas Widdrington, chancellor of Durham, for the bishop of Durham.
f.58v-60v 1663
Plea over the site of the former Neasham nunnery, Co Durham, between John Lawson and John Ramsey, from the Westminster King's Bench, Hilary 1663.
f.61r-v 12 June 1663
Answer of Durham dean and chapter to the bishop of London's queries about expenditure on building repairs, presents to the king and other matters since the Restoration.
Petition of the bishop of Durham to the king for recompense for the potential loss of his wardship revenues.
Petition of the bishop of Durham to the king about the financial state of the bishoprick.
Report of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and Lord Ashley on the consequences to the bishop of Durham of the loss of the court of wards.
f.64r-v 29 August 1663
Release to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham by the king of his annual rent of £880 in recompense for the loss of the revenue from the court of wards.
f.65v-66r 24 May 1664
Grant by [John Cosin] bishop of Durham of the office of chancellor of Durham to Sir Francis Goodrick.
f.68v-69r 24 April 1666
Confirmation by [John Cosin] bishop of Durham of markets and fairs in Stockton.
f.69v 14 May 1666
Foundation by John Cosin, bishop of Durham, of almshouses on Palace Green, inscriptions detailed.
f.71r-v 1667
An Act enabling John Cosin, bishop of Durham, to make leases for 3 lives of lead mines at Stanhope and Wolsingham in favour of Humphrey Wharton,
“mooreman” or “mooremaster” of all the lead mines in those parishes.
f.71v-72r 11 July 1667
Appointment by John Cosin, bishop of Durham, of John Nichols, a lay clerk in Durham cathedral choir, as master of the school founded by Bishop Thomas Langley on Palace Green.
f.73r-74v 1668
Answers of [John Cosin] bishop of Durham to five reasons why Co Durham should not be exempt from sending knights and burgesses to parliament.
f.74v-75r 1668
Answers of [John Cosin] bishop of Durham
“to certain printed Reasons for Knights and Burgesses in the County Palatine of Durham”.
f.76r-v 18 July 1668
Prayers composed by John Cosin, bishop of Durham, to be said morning and evening by the men and women of his hospital on Palace Green, and orders to be observed by them.
f.77r-79v 12 August 1668
Indenture of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, and Dame Mary Gerard for establishing annuities from lands in Great Chilton to support scholars at Peterhouse and Gonville and Caius Colleges, Cambridge, and his hospital and library on Palace Green,
f.80v-81v 31 August 1668
Foundation charter of John Cosin, bishop of Durham's, hospital on Palace Green.
f.81v [ca. 1668]
Inscriptions on the library of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, on Palace Green.
f.81v [ca. 1668]
Inscriptions on the hospital of George Lilburne and George Davenport at Houghton-le-Spring.
Extracts of charters about Durham cathedral's holdings in Jarrow, Gateshead and the Tyne Bridge 1080-1556.
f.88r 9 March 1672
Royal grant of the office of keeper of the great seal of the bishoprick of Durham to Sir Francis Goodricke.
f.88v-89r 22 April 1672
Royal grant of the office of attorney-general to Thomas Cradock, arm.
f.89r-v [ca. 1670]
Description of the burial of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, and his memorial, with its inscriptions, with extracts from his will.
f.92v-93r 17 July 1674
Order from the King's Council to Richard Neile, under-sheriff of Durham, and others involved in the arrest of Dr Dennis Granville, archdeacon of Durham and royal chaplain in ordinary, on 8 July in Durham cathedral cloister, to answer for their
f.94v 21 June 1675
Record of the election of knights for Co Durham to serve in parliament.
f.95v-96r 23 September 1675
Grant by Nathaniel Crewe, bishop of Durham, to John Spearman, gent, of the office of under-sheriff of Durham.
f.97ar-97br 23 September 1636
Inventory of Sherburn hospital, received by John Machon now master, along with a receipt for moneys received by him, and his appointment as master and a mandate to induct him, both by Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham (original, inserted).
f.98r-v 13 September 1676
Order from Nathaniel Crewe, bishop of Durham, to John Machon, master of Sherburn hospital, to leave to his successor stock and plate only to the value of £230.
f.101r-102v 26 January 1677
Queries, and answers, about a commission from the exchequer to inquire into revenues due to the king from the bishoprick of Durham during the vacancy, and the statutes and law cases to be consulted.
f.105r 20 February 1679
Record of the election of burgesses by the city of Durham.
f.105r-106r 1679
Record of the election of knights for Co Durham, 24 February 1679, with Christopher Vane's petition about the corrupt conduct of the election by the sheriff and under-sheriff leading to his non-election, and the answer to his petition, 31 March
f.109v 21 February 1681
Record of the election of knights for Co Durham.
f.111v-113r 1681-1682
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to hold an inquisition to see if it would be to the cost of the king for the bishop of Durham to grant to the city of Durham an additional day to each of their 3 annual fairs for the sale of horses, 23 August
1681, with the inquisition saying that that would not be the case held 23 January 1682, and Nathaniel Crewe, bishop of Durham's concession of this.
f.116r-v 24 August 1683
Grant by the city of Durham of a small pipe to convey water from the pant to the house of Sir John Duck (original, inserted).
f.119r 1683
Case of Richard Nelthrope of Grays Inn, indicted in
“Justice Hall in Le Old Bayly London” 12 July 1683 and the inquisition into his goods and lands in Little Burdon, Haughton.
Epitaph of John Sudbury, dean of Durham.
f.121v-122r 7 March 1685
Letter of [Nathaniel Crew] bishop of Durham at Covent Garden, London, to Sir Robert Eden at Auckland to support the candidatures of Sir William Bowes and Mr Byerley for parliament, responding to Eden's letters.
f.122r 14 February 1685
Royal writ to summon parliament.
f.122v 1685
Election for parliament of burgesses for Durham city 12 March 1685 and knights for Co Durham 16 March 1685.
f.123r-126v 7 March 1685
[Nathaniel Crew] bishop of Durham's new charter for the city of Durham.
f.128v-132v 1685
Plea before the Westminster King's Bench about paying for repairs to the stone Yarm bridge in Egglescliffe and Kirk Levington parishes, Trinity 1685, with details of the dispute from c.1600.
f.135r-136r 29 September 1686
Foundation charter of a hospital at Great Lumley by John Duck, alderman of Durham city.
f.136r-136v 9 October 1686
Lease by John Duck and his wife Anne of lands for the benefit of the 12 paupers of the hospital, incomplete.
f.150r 3 January 1689
Grant by [Nathaniel Crew] bishop of Durham of the office of chancellor of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham and Sadberge to Robert Dormer, arm.
f.151r 1691
Grant by [Nathaniel Crew] bishop of Durham of the post of schoolmaster of the school on Palace Green to William Greggs, gent, 19 February 1691, ratified by the dean of Durham, 20 June 1691.
“of the Common belonging to the City and Borough of Durham and Framwellgate, North Bayly and South Bayly”, the parish of Durham St Oswald, and Witton, all extracted from the cartulary of Durham
dean and chapter.
Bounds of [Durham] Crossgate tempore Bishop Anthony [Bek], collated with the copy in the register of Durham dean and chapter.
Inquisition into common land held by the earl of Westmorland's tenants in Middlewood, Brancepeth, 23 August 1418.
Description of the major contents.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 26.MSP 26 1617-1651
326 p., paginated, items also individually numbered 1-84 90 paper items in a paper book, bound in brown reverse calf covered boards, with blind centre panel and fleurons; conserved, guarded and filed, interleaved, rebound and boxed by Durham County Record Office in
Letters to John Cosin and others
Language: English with occasional Latin; and Greek
Most of the items are printed in
The correspondence of John Cosin Part I, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), as indicated.
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 043.
MSP 26/1 p.11-12 21 September 1635
Letter from Thomas [Morton bishop of] Durham, Bishop Auckland, to the parishioners of Lanchester about his appointment of Mr Leach as a lecturer or preacher for them and their preference rather for the unlicensed Mr Thomson.
Digitised material for MSP 26/1 MSP 26/2 p.13-16 10 February 1639
Letter from W[illiam Laud archbishop of] Canterbury, Lambeth, to [Thomas Morton bishop of Durham] at Durham warning of “the danger of the tymes” and “that the Clergy under you be not found
backward in furnishing of Arms”.
Digitised material for MSP 26/2 MSP 26/3 p.17-20 29 June 1635
Letter from Thomas Coventry [Lord Keeper], Cannonbury, to [Thomas Morton bishop of Durham] requesting his representation in Chancery on 13 November next to answer Robert Lewen.
Digitised material for MSP 26/3 MSP 26/4 p.21-24 23 November 1628
Letter from R[ichard Montagu bishop of] Chichester to [John Cosin archdeacon of] York at Brancepeth about the threats to them by “toungs and penns”, hopes he may come south, comments on the duke of Buckingham's
death, Mr Porter, [David] Collins's canonry at Windsor, [Matthew Wren], and the bishop of London.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 152-154
Digitised material for MSP 26/4 MSP 26/5 p.25-28 10 June [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House discussing disputes with Puritans, Lindsell, going to Windsor, Mr Gibbon's death, Mr Cruso.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 72-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/5 MSP 26/6 p.29-30 7 February 1625
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, unable to travel because of a cold caused by the snow, will be at Convocation, amendments for the book for the king.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 54-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/6 MSP 26/7 p.31-32 4 January [1621]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Windsor, to John [Cosin], discussing books and especially his
Diatribes (on Selden's
History of Tithes), and the opinions of the king and the bishop of Durham.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 9-10
Digitised material for MSP 26/7 MSP 26/8 p.33-34 [undated ca. 1620]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to John Cosin at Durham House about a meeting, the [bishop] of Rochester.
Digitised material for MSP 26/8 MSP 26/9 p.35-38 [July 1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, cheered by his news but mindful of the lessons of the Council of Nice, sorry he is going north, discusses “libells” published by
Milburn and Bishop Carleton's
Examination ...] (of Montagu's
Appello Caesarem).
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 99-100
Digitised material for MSP 26/9 MSP 26/10 p.39-42 20 April [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, not well, “sickness” in Windsor, accusatons against Montagu in parliament of wanting “reconciliation betwixt us and the Church of Rome”, they must meet, extent of the plague.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 87-90
Digitised material for MSP 26/10 MSP 26/11 p.43-46 4 November [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin at Durham House, “your little wife [Montagu's daughter] very sick”, please seek Sir William Paddie's advice.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 25
Digitised material for MSP 26/11 MSP 26/12 p.47-48 11 January [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to John Cosin at Durham House, errors by his printer,
An Answer to the Gagger of Protestants, will come to Convocation if accommodation provided, work on his
Antidiatribae ....
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 45-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/12 MSP 26/13 p.49-50 14 November [1624]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin at Durham House, his [daughter]
“little Mall” very ill, sends part of his [
Diatribe] for printing, news for Dr Lindsell about his ring, Sir Richard Weston to be treasurer.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 25-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/13 MSP 26/14 p.51-54 17 January [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, his controversies with the Dr, publications of his writings, his view on Cosin's proposed sermon, payment of his first fruits.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 46-8
Digitised material for MSP 26/14 MSP 26/15 p.55-58 [29 May 1626]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, not well, Mr Selden, his battles with “the Puritan faction ... as daungerous to Church and Monarchie as the nowe
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 92-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/15 MSP 26/16 p.59-60 30 October [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to [John] Cosin, his disputes with “those Oxford braggarts”, [Godfrey] Goodman and Theodore Price's hopes for the see of Gloucester.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 23-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/16 MSP 26/17 p.61-62 11 September [1626]
Letter from [Richard Montagu] to [John Cosin], discussions with the duke [of Buckingham], bishoprick vacancies, troops in the south-east, Mr Jeffreys has replaced Dr Good in the archbishop's service, do visit.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 104
Digitised material for MSP 26/17 MSP 26/18 p.63-66 29 January [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Windsor, to John Cosin, archdeacon of York at Durham House, feeling better, candidate for the deanery of Windsor, John Overall's book.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 86-7
Digitised material for MSP 26/18 MSP 26/19 p.67-70 12 January [1627]
Letter from [Richard] Montagu to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, cannot travel because of the ice, will take the lectureship.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 104-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/19 MSP 26/20 p.71-74 26 August [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham, dining with the duke of Buckingham, Lady Denbigh, Lady Faulkland, duchess of Buckingham, changes amongst the bishops, the queen's French priests, other members of the
royal household, Commons refuse to lend money, book by Prynne against him, congratulations on his marriage, Westminster.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 101-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/20 MSP 26/21 p.75-78 2 July [1627]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Windsor, to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham, his son Stephen christened, his book, Buckingham's journey to ?France, burial of the dean of Windsor 1 July, king to stay at Petworth, no letters from Lindsell,
doing his lectures in “the middle way”, Mr Le Neve's work for the Garter.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 124-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/21 MSP 26/22 p.79-82 7 July [1628]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, London, to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham, anxieties over Parliament's power over them, sorry not to have his company as might then
“have schooled you for the 180 tapers upon Candlemas night”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 141-2
Digitised material for MSP 26/22 MSP 26/23 p.83-86 4 November [1627]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham, their persecution by Puritans allayed by [Roger] Manwaring's sermons, given up his lectureship and Windsor prospects to be at Petworth, suffering from [gall] stones.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 136-8
Digitised material for MSP 26/23 MSP 26/24 p.87-90 14 March [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham, discussing Cosin's editing of his text which he wants the king to see, case over a benefice near Coventry.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 65-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/24 MSP 26/25 p.91-94 24 January [1625]
Letter from [Richard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, sorry to have missed him at Windsor, comments on Dean [White of Carlisle's] notes which he will forward for printing, sends money to be paid
to George Limitor.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 48-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/25 MSP 26/26 p.95-98 8 March [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, discussing “Puritan Jesuits”, parliament, has sent an “epistle” to be
fair-copied for the king.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 64-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/26 MSP 26/27 p.99-100 [24 June 1625]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] “manu aegra” to John Cosin at Durham House, his ailments, not worried by Puritan “frensies and furyes”, Dr Lindsell's pamphlet angered [Dr
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 66-7
Digitised material for MSP 26/27 MSP 26/28 p.101-102 28 May [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Windsor, to [John Cosin], inviting him over when his sermon is done, act now while “this iron is hott”, Dr Lindsell, Austen, [William] Gouge.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 92
Digitised material for MSP 26/28 MSP 26/29 p.103-106 21 March [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, what to cut from his text for publishing, the bishop of Durham's Lent sermon and its effect on the publication of the book before
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 67
Digitised material for MSP 26/29 MSP 26/30 p.107-108 12 May [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Windsor, to [John Cosin], his disputes, “warrs from Oxford”, wants help getting Arminius to read, duke of Northumberland desires Dr Lindsell as chaplain, prayers for Queen Mary.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 68-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/30 MSP 26/31 p.109-112 20 June [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, his letters, failing to meet, not right to petition the duke or king, feels safe from any threats, suffering from [gall] stones.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 74-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/31 MSP 26/32 p.113-116 13 June [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu], Petworth, to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, illness, Mr Cruso likes Windsor, seeks confirmation of [Francis] Burgoyne's death and candidates for his benefice, Mr Douce's credentials,
his work criticised by those who have not read it.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 73-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/32 MSP 26/33 p.117-120 10 July [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Windsor, to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham at Court, his book referred by parliament to the archbishop of Canterbury who advised revisions if it was reprinted, hopes to put his case to the duke [of Buckingham], if
he were appointed to a bishroprick - possibilities discussed - he would escape the Commons's [censure], asks John Cosin to burn his letters as he has done his.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 77-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/33 MSP 26/34 p.121-124 19 May [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu to John Cosin chaplain to the bishop of Durham at Durham House, discussing his approach against the authorities “to brave and to out face them” or “to
latere”, grateful for Arminius which he will study, [copies of his work for] dean of Winchester, James Fullerton, Matthew Wren, Mr Day, and others who ask and are refused.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 90-1
Digitised material for MSP 26/34 MSP 26/35 p.125-126 [undated 1620s]
Letter [from Richard Montagu to John Cosin], the opposition against him, “malice and puritannical zeale”, his opinion of [Lewis Bayly] bishop of Bangor.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 85-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/35 MSP 26/36 p.127-130 [July 1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, anticipating sequestration, “I must growe miserable not to buy a Bishopricke”, first fruits payments, Thomas Proctor's discourse,
his height of ambition to be dean of Westminster or St Paul's rather than to “buy a Bishopricke”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 98-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/36 MSP 26/37 p.131-134 28 June [1624]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu], Petworth, to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing the bishop of Durham, the king's opinion of himself, and referring to Cosin's appointment as master of Greatham hospital.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 21
Digitised material for MSP 26/37 MSP 26/38 p.135-138 5 July [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, good opinion of the [earl] of Northumberland's secretary Hugh Potter, asking for news of his “booksellers, printers or
books”, travel arrangements.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 97
Digitised material for MSP 26/38 MSP 26/39 p.139-142 [August 1626]
Letter from [Richard Montagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, concerning his hopes for the bishopric of Exeter, not going to Petworth, will “promote the Churche's cause”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 103
Digitised material for MSP 26/39 MSP 26/40 p.143-146 28 November [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin at Durham House, referring to his controversies, the printing of his
A Gagg for the New Gospell? (1624), his “little Mall” is better, possible benefices for him, government appointments.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 28-30
Digitised material for MSP 26/40 MSP 26/41 p.147-148 19 January [1627]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing Thomas Proctor's tract against his opponent Bishop [Carleton of] Chichester and his prospects for [the bishoprick of] Exeter.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 105-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/41 MSP 26/42 p.149-150 19 January [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin at Durham House, troubled with [gall] stones, appointments of clerks in London diocese, busy “setting downe ... ours and the Calvinists' doctrine of
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 85
Digitised material for MSP 26/42 MSP 26/43 p.151-154 [undated - 1620s]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, fears for his wife's health, “Holy Thursday”.
Digitised material for MSP 26/43 MSP 26/44 p.155-156 20 February [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to [John Cosin], discussing and outlining “his Curatt's curteyling service upon Christmas day”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 55-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/44 MSP 26/45 p.157-160 26 December [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin at Durham House, excusing himself from a visit and discussing the reprinting of his
Answer to the Late Gagger of Protestants (1624).
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 36-7
Digitised material for MSP 26/45 MSP 26/46 p.161-164 28 June [1626]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu], Petworth, to John Cosin archdeacon of York at Durham House, discussing the proclamation [of 14 June 1626 against publishing any new inventions or opinions concerning religion].
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 94-7
Digitised material for MSP 26/46 MSP 26/47 p.165-168 24 October [1624]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Windsor, to John Cosin at [Durham] House, discussing printed opposition to him from Dr Prideaux, his hopes for the bishoprick of Gloucester, his influence with the duke [of Buckingham], plans
“to write the Gagg anew”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 22-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/47 MSP 26/48 p.169-172 20 December [1624]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John [Cosin], news of the deaths of Tilsly and Birkhead, admiration of the bishop of Durham, discusses his
Apologie and the second edition of the
Gagg, Cosin's prebend [the 10th stall in Durham cathedral, 4 December 1624], the carriage of money, his brother
John Scull, rumours of the bishoprick of Chichester for him.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 34-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/48 MSP 26/49 p.173-174 8 January [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing a common acquaintance, reported at Windsor that Cosin was a Jesuit, because
“contrary to our fashion, you caried your self so devoutly at prayers”, meeting with the bishop of Durham, forthcoming Convocation.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 41-2
Digitised material for MSP 26/49 MSP 26/50 p.175-178 21 February [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu], Petworth, to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain, discussing his
Gagg and its printing, Dean White of Carlisle's comments, the Lambeth Articles, proposing to write Ecclesiatical Annals.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 56-8
Digitised material for MSP 26/50 MSP 26/51 p.179-183 22 November [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard][ M[ontagu], Petworth, to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing the health of “Mall”, livings in Essex (Orsett and Stapleford) in which Cosin was interested, and
his writings.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 26-8
Digitised material for MSP 26/51 MSP 26/53 p.187-190 6 December [1624]
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing the news of Daniel Birkhead's death and their service in a “croked and perverse generation”, winter [in Sussex],
keen to obtain a copy of [Lindsell's]
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 30-1
Digitised material for MSP 26/53 MSP 26/54 p.191-194 3 January [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing his writings, his stance against Jesuits and Puritans, also Jews and Turks, asks for a copy of Vincentius Lerenensis, discusses the
vacant deanery of York.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 39-41
Digitised material for MSP 26/54 MSP 26/55 p.195-198 14 October [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing his writings and asking Cosin for help with his quotations, possible dispute with parliament.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 79-80
Digitised material for MSP 26/55 MSP 26/56 p.199-202 14 February 1625
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin, bishop of Durham's chaplain, his works on Eusebius and Marcellus, burning of books, has sent his
Gagg to Cosin, proposed movements from Petworth, ‘Mal’ chose Cosin for her Valentine, bishop of Exeter ill.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 58-60
Digitised material for MSP 26/56 MSP 26/57 p.203-204 7 February 1625
Letter from R[ichard] M[ontagu] to John [Cosin], discussing notes to a Paris edition of Eusebius and a new volume of the
Bibliotheca Patrum.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 52-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/57 MSP 26/58 p.205-208 10 January [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin, bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing the concept of justification, Dr [Featley]'s view, asking for Cosin's help with his publication and asking him to get [the bishop of
Durham]'s opinion, Lord Brooke's benefactions to Cambridge [University].
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 42-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/58 MSP 26/59 p.209-212 31 January [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin bishop of Durham's chaplain at Durham House, discussing objections to his work [
Appello Caesarem] from Dr Featley, John Bradford and John White, his rewritings, letting the king have a transcript, leaves Cosin to decide the printing of his notes in “Casaubon's and Bulenger's case”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 52-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/59 MSP 26/60 p.213-216 26 December [1625]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Petworth, to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham, reporting the king's intention that Montagu's
“Apologie against Parleamentary Informers” should be published after inspection by Dr White [dean of Carlisle], reluctant to come up to London for a meeting about it in winter.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 83-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/60 MSP 26/61 p.217-220 12 December [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Montagu, Windsor, to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing Casaubon' work and Abraham Darcie, describing the Puritans as “Allobrogicall dormise” and “riff raff
rascalls [who] make us lyable to the lash unto our other adversaries of the Church of Rome” , reporting his discussions with “some Romish Limitors” through the medium of a woman at Stanford Rivers, seeking
Cosin's opinion of his answer to their
A Gagg for the newe Gospell.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 32-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/61 MSP 26/62 p.221-224 23 May [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Windsor, to [John Cosin], discussing views of his work from Dr White, Dr Prideaux, Dr Featley, [John] Hales, [Sebastian] Benfield, and [Bishop Andrewes], his alleged attack on Mr Sibbs, costs of tutoring Mr Mallory,
hopes Mr Cruso comes quickly.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 69-71
Digitised material for MSP 26/62 MSP 26/63 p.225-228 11 May [1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Marwood, to John Cosin at Durham House, asking him to promote the publishing of a sermon against the Puritans by John Downe, sometime fellow of Emmanuel College Cambridge.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 19-20
Digitised material for MSP 26/63 MSP 26/64 p.229-232 19 March [1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at Durham House, advising on how he may get elected to [a fellowship at Caius] College [Cambridge] against Mr Michels, seeking the support of the chancellor.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 11-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/64 MSP 26/65 p.233-236 13 June [1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing rights to fellowships [at Caius] College [Cambridge] and advising Cosin on how to get elected, what documents to seek out and “that the small places in
the Universities are rather hindrances than helpes”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 18-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/65 MSP 26/65a p.237-240 21 May 1624
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at Durham House, discussing fellowship elections [at Caius College Cambridge], the statutes, the help of the chancellor and the [bishop] of Rochester and advising Cosin on how to proceed, lauds
Mr Montagu “everywhere with his Gagger”, has not yet read “the Vindication of Casaubon” but still comments on it.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 15-8
Digitised material for MSP 26/65a MSP 26/66 p.241-244 [?1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor to John Cosin at Durham House, advising on his dispute to secure his election [to a fellowship at Caius College Cambridge], suggesting a mandate from the king and a letter from the chancellor, based on the statutes,
which he does not have.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 13-5
Digitised material for MSP 26/66 MSP 26/67 p.245-248 24 June [?1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at Durham House, asking him to help his friend Mr Hayne be instituted by the archbishop of Canterbury to a living in the diocese of Bath and Wells, currently vacant.
Digitised material for MSP 26/67 MSP 26/68 p.249-252 15 May [1618]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at the Austin Friars at the bishop of Norwich's house, reporting Sir Walter Raleigh's expedition attack on “St Tome” on the Orinoco river and Captain Kemish's
suicide after failing to find the Spanish mines.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 3-4
Digitised material for MSP 26/68 MSP 26/69 p.253-254 13 March [1617]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at the bishop of Lichfield's [house] at the Austin Friars near the Exchange, asking Cosin to recommend Divinity books as the earl of Bath has a good library which he has the benefit of,
reporting a derisory christening of “a pott of ale” in South Molton by “one Allen”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 1-2
Digitised material for MSP 26/69 MSP 26/70 p.255-256 7 August [1618]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at the bishop of Norwich's [house] at the Austin Friars, no news except of bad corn, could have sent Sir Walter Raleigh's
“Apologie” but it should be common in London, the Court “a slippery place”, comments on Dr Sharpe.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 5-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/70 MSP 26/71 p.257-260 31 December [1624]
Letter from Oliver Naylor, Tavistock, to John Cosin at Durham House, glad to hear of [his collation to a prebendal stall in Durham cathedral] and the resolution of the Cambridge issue, has “some motions of marriage heere
at hand”, Mr Wake at Sherborne, would be grateful for advice on Offerd Darcy.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 38-9
Digitised material for MSP 26/71 MSP 26/72 p.261-264 19 June 1639
Letter from Richard Steward, [dean of the king's chapel], at camp, to [John] Cosin canon of Durham, reporting arrangements for peace with the Scots, “trobled for the poore Church”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 225-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/72 MSP 26/72b p.265-266 7 April 1651
Letter from J[ohn] C[osin], Paris, to Mr Dean Steward dean of the king's chapel at These in Holland, at Breda or The Hague, reporting he has recently written, cases of conscience and how to deal with the lapse [of Lady Kinelmechy], L[ord]
H[atton] will be true but is short of money, L[ord] Jerm[yn] going to Scotland, the duke of York's position at the French court in Paris, enclosed letter for Dr [George] Morl[e]y.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 278-80
Digitised material for MSP 26/72b MSP 26/73 p.267-270 24 May 1651
Letter from R S[teward] to [John Cosin] dean of Peterborough at the Louvre, possible arrangements for meeting, grateful for L[ady] K[inelmechy]'s letter, good news from Scotland, books for the Princess Royal to be put into Edward Hyde's hands,
short of money, opinion of Cosin's position in Paris, The Hague.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 280-1
Digitised material for MSP 26/73 MSP 26/74 p.271-274 [?1647]
[Draft] letter from [Richard Steward] to [Edward Hyde (Clarendon)], “our gratious Master” is better, discusses the Treaty of Uxbridge, opinion of [Archbishop Laud] “very free from
covetousnesse, and a very excellent freind”, his “martyrdome” and [Prynne's] publication of his diary, discusses Grotius quotations.
Addressee identified as Edward Hyde [Clarendon] from the fact that the letter provides the page reference in Grotius that Hyde asked Steward for in his letter of 8 January 1647 (see
Calendar of Clarendon State Papers, i, p.356). This identification also gives a rough date for the letter.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 227-30
Digitised material for MSP 26/74 MSP 26/75 p.275-278 19 April 1651
Letter from Richard Steward, Breda, to Lady Kinelmechy at These, hoping the Queen will not condemn him unheard, remonstrating with her ladyship on her further intended religious lapse in refusing the Eucharist and her “moonelike carriage in religion”.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 279
Digitised material for MSP 26/75 MSP 26/76 p.279-282 16 April [1651]
Letter from Lady Kinelmechy to Dean [Steward] dean of the king's chapel, referring to the Queen's reading his recommended book, and her esteem for him, expecting news of the king joining them, and thanking him for having done all that can be done
for the dean of Peterborough, and asking a favour for Mrs Freeman, the king's mistress of the laundry.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 280-1
Digitised material for MSP 26/76 MSP 26/77 p.283-286 15 November 1651
Copy will of Dr Richard Steward, bequests include to his son Charles and brother John, names Gilbert Sheldon and Henry Hammond as executors and George Radcliffe and John Cosin as overseers, (last part in Cosin's hand).
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 225-6
Digitised material for MSP 26/77 MSP 26/78 p.287-290 15 October [1651]
Letter from William Jackson, The Hague, to Dr [Richard] Stewart at Paris, recently arrived from Antwerp, the d[uke] of Buckingham here in disguise, not saying where the king is, referring to attempts of the
“presbiterian faction” to persuade the king not to come to the service of the Church of England, reminding him that the start of [Charles I's] troubles were his suppressing of the episcopacy in
Scotland, Mr Hawis's wife has had 2 daughters.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 303
Digitised material for MSP 26/78 MSP 26/79 p.291-294 21 June 1651
Letter from Richard Fanshawe, Stirling, to Dean Steward, about the progress of affairs to the royal advantage, the king and his brother, the king's correspondence with others of the royal family.
Digitised material for MSP 26/79 MSP 26/80 p.295-298 10 ?July [ca. 1650]
Letter from Edward Hyde to Dean Steward at Paris, awaits the king's commands, and wishes others would before crowding about him, the secret of the king being in Holland, pressure of the “presbiterian interest” but
“we shall be all as good Protestants as ever”, “the place for your service should be no longer kept from you”.
Digitised material for MSP 26/80 MSP 26/81 p.299-302 22 March 1629
Letter from Robert Blakiston, Durham, to his nephew John Cosin prebend of Durham and pastor of Brancepeth, refuting a “damnable calumniation” against himself and his maid, dispute with “Mr
Braidley his curate” who called him a “base scurvye rascall”, apologises for a letter written in passion to his brother, Cosin's father-in-law.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 160-161
Digitised material for MSP 26/81 MSP 26/82 p.303-306 31 August 1634
Letter from John Hayward, The Close, Lichfield, to John Cosin prebend of Durham at These, sorry to have missed him in Huntingdonshire, cannot afford to stay in Lichfield (“Augias' stable”) so will remove to Coton,
asking for a registry post for Peter with an “ infirmitie in his arme”, or to send him to Coton with his opinion of him, his son-in-law Gibson.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 217-20
Digitised material for MSP 26/82 MSP 26/83 p.307-310 20 April 1638
Letter from William Milbourne [curate], Brancepeth, to [John] Cosin master of Peterhouse College Cambridge, only news is “the seducing of George Dowthwaite's wife to Poperie”, progress of work on [Brancepeth]
church roof, sends an inventory of wood and his account, [Ralph] Cole (new master of Brancepeth castle) liked, his publication of
Sapientia clamitans (1638), some think him the author, not sure the bishop of Durham likes it.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 221-3
Digitised material for MSP 26/83 MSP 26/84 p.311-314 7 August 1618
Letter from Henry Best, Norwich, to [John] Cosin secretary to the bishop of Norwich, needs an answer on letting lands at Ludham, Archdeacon Stokes has recovered, opinions on Mr Cory being appointed registrar, has done necessary repairs to the
palace, needs to know rents due since Bishop Jegon's death, Mr Reve's lease.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 6-7
Digitised material for MSP 26/84 [MSP 26/85] p.315-316 13 April [1616/17]
Letter from Oliver Naylor to [John] Cosin at the bishop of Lichfield's [house] at the Austin Friars, discussing book catalogues, delivery of letters by carriers.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 2-3
Digitised material for [MSP 26/85] [MSP 26/86] p.317-320 29 February [1624]
Letter from Ri[chard] Mountague, Petworth, [to John Cosin] referring to his controversies, and to his intention of making Cosin “overseer, and overman to, of my booke at presse”, cites a letter from [Thomas] James
to [Thomas] Frith about “an obscure author” George Wicelius, discusses the Articles, Mr Stokes, weary of writing but has “none with whom I may so frely
fabulari” (damaged, part missing).
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 61-3
Digitised material for [MSP 26/86] [MSP 26/87] p.321-324 28 March [1625]
Letter from R[ichard] Montagu, Petworth, to John Cosin at Durham House, grieves at the death of King James I.
Correspondence of John Cosin, (Surtees Society 52, 1869), 67-8
Digitised material for [MSP 26/87]
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 27.MSP 27 14th/15th century
Statutes of England
See a full description in the medieval manuscripts catalogue.
Catalogued in
Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, 5 vols., ed. N.R. Ker (1969-2002), vol.2, p.514-517.
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 044.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 28.[MSP 28] 14th century
Cartulary of the almoner of Durham cathedral
Transferred to Durham Cathedral Archive by April 1896 (note by J.T. Fowler), now
DCD Alm Sm Cart.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 29.MSP 29 c.1700 - c.1740
117f., foliated I- XIII + 1-94:, of which 1-80 are in earlier foliation Paper book, rebound in brown reversed calf
Epitaphs and monumental inscriptions collected by James Mickleton (1688-1718) and Gilbert Spearman (1675-1738).
The volume was started by James Mickleton as an alphabetical compilation of epitaphs and epigrams with pages marked with the relevant letters and space left for subsequent additions. Gilbert Spearman then added many more epitaphs, and also new
pages and sections at the beginning and end of the volume. There are also other hands present. The sources used, and on occasion cited, include [Richard] Lassels, [Maximilien] Misson, [George] Crawfurd, [Jeremy] Collier, and [Jacques]
Language: English and Latin; with occasional Greek
Front endpaper
Armorial bookplate of James Mickleton of Crook Hall; Emperor Hadrian.
f.I-XXIII, 1-94, and endpapers
epitaphs, inscriptions and other verses, both ancient and modern, local and non local, from much of Europe as well as all over England and Scotland, comprising:
General observations on epitaphs.
Freed slave of C. Julis Barnaeus Caius; Charles d.1648.
Roman inscriptions: Emperor Hadrian's bridge near Severin; Ovid; at Comorrah, Hungary; at Saal, Austria.
At Amsterdam, Utrecht, Gorcum, Cologne, Nuremburg, Vienna.
At Magdeburg, Aix-la-Chapelle, Spaa, Rotterdam, Delft (William Prince of Orange).
Admiral Van Trump (Delft); Margaret wife of Herman count Hemenburgh (Lausdum); Lawrence Coster (Haarlem).
Admiral Jan van Galen (Amsterdam); Sir John Mandeville (Liege); golden bull in Frankfurt.
Elector Frederick II (Mannheim); Giovanni Veslingio (Padua); Pisa.
Michelangelo, Giovanni Bologna, Picus Mirandulanus, Pope John XXIII, dukes of Tuscany (all Florence); Pantheon, Rome.
Rapahel Urbin; Pope Sixtus V; Pope Paul V; Rome.
Rome, Trajan's column; Ancona, Trajan's arch; Fano, Augustus's arch.
Rimini piazza; Ravenna, Theodoricus; Matthiolus, Trent cathedral.
Nostradamus; Spain.
Granada; Seville, St Ferdinand the wise, his wife Beatrice and son Alphonsus, and Fernandus Columbus.
River Gaudalquiver bridge, angel Raphael.
Rome churches.
Verona; Rotterdam; Haarlem; Losdven.
Cologne; Frankfurt; Worms; Munich.
Verona; Vicenza; Padua.
Padua; Spoleto; Ferni.
Cojata, Naples.
Bartolomeo Caranca d.1576.
[John] Scrimgeour earl of Dundee [d.1668]; James Graham, marquis of Montrose, d.1650.
Graham Viscount Dundee of Claverhouse, d.1689; Hugh Montgomery, d.1586.
Alan Lord Galloway d.1233; John Balliol of Barnard Castle, d.1269; Angus Moore Lord of the Isles.
John Maitland earl of Lauderdale, d.1595; George [Keith] Earl Marischal d.1623; Boethius Maule earl of Panmure; James Stewart earl of Moray d.1570.
Sir George MacKenzie, Lord Advocate, d.1691.
Edward Bruce, earl of Elgin, d.1611; Macduff earl of Fife.
Adam Bothwell bishop of Orkney, d.1593; William [Douglas] duke of Hamilton d.1694.
Robert Boyd earl of Kilmarnock d.1589; John [Maitland] duke of Lauderdale d.1682.
[Matthew Stewart] duke of Lennox d.1571; Charles [Stewart] earl of Lennox d.1576; Ludovic [Stuart] duke of Lennox d.1624.
Abelard d.1143; Aelia Lelici Crispis.
Henry Cornelius Agrippa d.1534; Pope Alexander VI.
Abracadabra; Baptista Mantuana; Bathyllus.
Bandius d.1613; Leonard Bruni d.1443; Marcus Brutus d.44BC.
William Bureus d.1540; Anne Boleyn [d.1536]; Buschetto da Dulichio.
William Camden d.1623; [Joachim] Camerarius d.1574; Jerome Cardan d.1576; Frobenius, printer, d.1527.
Hampton Court; Thomas Harriot d.1621; Ladislas IV, king of Hungary, d.1444; Justus Lipsius d.1606
Title page
“Epitaphiorum & Monumentorum Inscriptionum Memorandorum Collectiones per Jacobum Mickleton Ar. et G. S.”, with the signature of James Mickleton and the initials of G[ilbert] S[pearman];
Christopher Longolius d.1522; Charles Martel.
Margaret of Valois, Queen of Navarre [d.1549]; Margaret countess of Holland, daughter of Florence count of Holland; Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, d.1490; [Empress] Matilda [d.1167]; Philip Melanchton d.1560.
Latin epigrams and epitaphs on life and death.
Augustine, archbishop of Canterbury; Aelfwine, bishop of Winchester, d.1047; Alexander, bishop of Lincoln (d.1148); Thomas Lord Audley, chancellor (d.1533).
Robert Bloet, bishop of Lincoln, d.1123; Walter Bronescombe, bishop of Exeter, d.1280; Anthony Bek, bishop of Durham, d.1311; Louis Beaumont, bishop of Durham, d.1333; Thomas Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1486; John Bell, bishop of
Worcester, d.1556.
William Beewys, bailiff of Coniscliffe, d.1519; Robert Graystanes, bishop of Durham, d.1333; Clemens du Pay, d.1598; Cicely de Rygeway.
Fridesmond Barnesia d.1581; John Spotswood, archbishop of St Andrews, d.1639.
Paul Bush, bishop of Bristol (d.1558); John Brimlers, organist, d.1576; Richard Barnes, bishop of Durham, d.1587; William Burgoigne; Margery Bellasis d.1587; William Bellasis of Morton House, d.1611.
Anne wife of Thomas Burwell, chancellor of Durham diocese, d.1639; Nathaniel Burnand d.1650.
Isaac Basire, STD. d.1676.
Sir Francis Bowes of Thornton, d.1677.
Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury, d.1715.
Richard Baxter; William le Scrope, archdeacon of Durham, d.1463.
William Dugdale, d.1686; Margery Dugdale, d.1681.
George Ogilvy, Lord Banff, d.1612; Robert Douglas, Viscount Belhaven, d.1639.
Andrew Murray, Lord Bothwell; James Stewart, Earl of Bute, d.1710; Gilbert Kennedy, Earl of Casillis, d.1576; Alan Lord Cathcart.
William Earl Douglas, d.1384; Archibald, Earl Douglas, d.1438; James, Earl Douglas, d.1443; James, Earl Douglas, d.1488.
Archibald Campbell, earl of Argyll, d.1685; Archibald, Earl Douglas, d.1588.
Richard Clarvaux, d.1490; Thomas Castell STP, prior of Durham, d.1519.
Cuthbert and other bishops of Hereford; Richard Claxton, prior of Durham; Thomas Claxton, constable of Brancepeth, d.1402; Henry Chichele, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1443; Geoffrey Chaucer, d.1400; N. Brigham; Richard Cox, bishop of Ely, d.1581;
Christopher Chayter of Butrobie, d.1592.
Clement Colmore, chancellor of the bishop of Durham, d.1619; Robert Cooper, d.1622; William Camden, d.1623.
Isaac Casaubon, d.1614; Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, d.1659; Charles I, d.1649.
Gabriel Clarke, archdeacon of Durham, d.1662.
Abraham Couleius, d.1667.
Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, d.1659.
John Cosin, bishop of Durham, d.1672; Nathaniel Lord Crewe, bishop of Durham, d.1721.
Nicholas Conyers, d.1686; Robert Conyers, d.1433; Thomas Cartwright, bishop of Chester. d.1689; Thomas Farnaby, d.1647.
Hugh Whitehead, dean of Durham; David Jenkins, judge, d.1663; Joseph of Arimathea.
Peter Gunning, bishop of Ely, d.1684.
John Dun Scotus; James Dyer, chief justice of common pleas.
Michael Drayton, poet, d.1631; Richard Busby, DD, master of Westminster school, d.1640.
Thomas Davison of Blakiston, d.1667.
Ralph Davison of Thornley, d.1684; George Davenport, rector of Houghton-le-Spring, d.1677.
John Duck of Durham, d.1691; Judith de Balsham, d.1264.
Marcus Pacuvius, a poet of Rome; Pallas, son of Evander.
Arthur prince of Wales, d.1502; Thomas Littleton of Franckley, d.1481; Hugh Lupus, earl of Chester; Ralph Blundeville, earl of Chester, (d.1232).
Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York, d.1605; Tobias Matthew, archbishop of York, d.1628.
George Montaigne, archbishop of York, d.1628.
John Williams, archbishop of York, d.1650; John Frewin, archbishop of York, d.1664.
Richard Sterne, archbishop of York, d.1683; John Dolben, archbishop of York, d.1686.
King Ethelbert; Ethelman, bishop of Winchester, d.1261 ( sic); Nicholas de Ely, bishop of Winchester, d.1280; William Edendon, bishop of Winchester, d.1366; Ecchius; William Ebchester, prior of Durham, d.1456.
Robert Ebchester, prior of Durham, d.1484.
John Sharp, archbishop of York, d.1714.
Thomas Lamplugh, archbishop of York, d.1691.
John Fossour, prior of Durham, d.1374.
Thomas Goodrich, bishop of Ely, d.1554; Bernard Gilpin, rector of Houghton-le-Spring, d.1584.
Fitzherbert Adams, canon of Durham, d.1719; George Wheeler, canon of Durham, d.1724.
Verses of James de Vallee Seigneur des Barreaux.
John Stephen Duranti of Toulouse, d.1589.
Helmstan, bishop of Winchester, d.841x852; Robert Horne, bishop of Winchester, d.1580; John Hemingborough, prior of Durham, d.1416; Richard Hunt, dean of Durham, d.1638.
Edward Hyde, Earl Clarendon.
Barnabas Hutchinson, organist; Cuthbert Hilton, attorney, d.1686.
Simon Islip, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1366.
William James, dean of Durham, d.1617; James I; Charles I.
f.34r & 34ar
Fleetwood Shepheard, m.p., d.1691.
John Sudbury, dean of Durham.
Robert King, bishop of Oxford, d.1557.
George Kirkby, receiver-general of the bishop of Durham, d.1687; Edward Kirkby, precentor of Durham, d.1689.
Philip Bisse, bishop of Hereford, d.1721.
William Lloyd, bishop of Worcester, d.1717.
Simon Langham, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1376; Edward Lee, archbishop of York, d.1544; Justus Lipsius, d.1606; William Hoar in Gloucester cathedral, d.1655.
William While in Gloucester cathedral, d.1646; Anne wife of John Hinton in Gloucester cathedral, d. 1692.
Major Thomas Lilburne, d.1665.
Richard Marsh, bishop of Durham, d.1226; Sir Thomas More, chancellor, d.1535; Robert Murrey, vicar of Kelloe, d.1623; William Murrey, minor canon of Durham, d.1649.
Thomas Comber, dean of Durham, d.1691.
Lumley family in Chester-le-Street.
William de Lumley; Roger de Lumley; Robert de Lumley; Marmaduke de Lumley.
Anthony Lumley; Ralph Lord Lumley; Sir John Lumley.
George Lord Lumley; Sir Thomas Lumley; Richard Lord Lumley; John Lord Lumley; George Lumley.
Roman soldier tempore Emperor Hadrian.
Cardinal Julius Mazarin.
John Prideaux, bishop of Worcester, d.1650; John Gauden, bishop of Worcester, d.1662; Thomas Gale, dean of York, d.1702.
George Hall, bishop of Chester, d.1668; John Hall, bishop of Bristol, d.1710.
Christopher Mickleton, attorney, d.1669, details of his family.
Thomas Musgrave, dean of Carlisle, d.1686; Louis d'Este, Cardinal of Ferrara, d.1586.
Peter Heyling, rector of Houghton-le-Spring, sub-dean of Westminster, d.1662; Sir Thomas Cotton, d.1662.
Czar Peter II of Russia, d.1730.
Nicholas Monk, bishop of Hereford, d.1661; Thomas Lushington, scholar, d.1661.
Roger Niger, bishop of London, d.1241; Richard Holdsworth, divinity professor Gresham College, d.1649.
John Hackett, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, d.1670.
George Boleyn, dean of Lichfield, d.1603; Matthew Smallwood, dean of Lichfield, d.1683.
Lancelot Addison, dean of Lichfield, d.1719; Humphrey Tindale, dean of Lichfield, d.1586.
St Oswald; Cathedrine Leweson of Trenham and Henry Webb of London; Oswyn.
Offley; Baptist Levinz, bishop of Sodor and Man, d.1693.
Thomas Sprottus, Edmund Sprottus, Joan Sprottus; William Lord Paget, d.1563.
James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, d.1576; Philip of Poitiers, bishop of Durham, d.1208.
John of Pontoise, bishop of Winchester, d.1304; James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, d.1576.
Edmund Plowden, esq, of Shropshire, d.1585; Nicholas Stratford, bishop of Chester, d.1589.
Thomas Parr, of Shropshire, d.1635; Hugh Hesketh, bishop of Sodor and Man, d.1510; Samuel Rutter, bishop of Sodor and Man, d.1662; Richard Sampson, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, d.1554.
Samuel Parker, bishop of Oxford, [d.1688]; Brian Walton, bishop of Chester, d.1661.
Walter Balcanquall, dean of Durham, d.1645; Joseph Naylor, canon of Durham, d.1668.
Constantine Jessop, canon of Durham, d.1696; Daniel Birkhead, canon of Durham, d.1620.
Thomas Ruthall, bishop of Durham, d.1523; Richard Marsh, bishop of Durham, d.1226; Richard Poore, bishop of Durham, d.1237.
Cardinal Richelieu, d.1642.
John Kite, bishop of Carlisle, d.1537; James Ussher, bishop of Carlisle, d.1655.
Thomas Smith, bishop of Carlisle, d.1702; Thomas Smith, dean of Carlisle, d.1577.
Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, [d.1072]; Walter Skirlaw, bishop of Durham, d.1406; John Stafford, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1452; John Stanbury, bishop of Hereford, d.1474.
William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms, d.1623; Edmund Spenser, poet, d.1596.
Robert Swift, canon of Durham, d.1606; Joseph Justus Scaliger, [Dutch philologist], d.1610; Nicholas Shaffield, Durham cathedral countertenor, d.1622.
John Spottiswood, archbishop of St Andrews, d.1639.
John Selden, d.1654; Gerrard Salvin of Croxdale, d.1664.
Edward and Ralph Shelden of Bewley, Worcs.
Sir Edward Sherburne, d.1702; Cuthbert Sisson, procurator of the Durham consistory court, d.1675.
John Sudbury, dean of Durham, d.1684; Dr William Sherlock.
Fleetwood Shepard, d.1691.
Alexander de Hales, archdeacon of Coventry, d.1245; John Walton, archdeacon of Derby, d.1603; Geoffrey Wren, canon of Lichfield, d.1527; Anthony Draycot, canon of Lichfield, d.1591.
Thomas White, canon of Lichfield, d.1709; Cuthbert, bishop of Hereford, [d.760]; John Stanbury, bishop of Hereford, d.1474.
Richard Phillips, mayor of Hereford, and his wife Anne, d.c.1600; Thomas Lewis [of Hereford], d.1595.
Herbert Westfaling, bishop of Hereford, d.1586; Augustus Lindsell, bishop of Hereford, d.1634.
Theophilus Field, bishop of Hereford, [d.1636]; Robert Pursglove, suffragan bishop of Hull, d.1579.
Morgan Powell, chancellor of Hereford, d.1621.
Richard Tocline alias More [alias of Ilchester], [d.1188]; Joseph Harvey, treasurer of Hereford, d.1720; Edward Pocock, professor of Arabic, d.1691.
Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of Durham, d.1559; John Tailfaire, d.1570; Matthew Tailfaire, Durham cathedral chorister, d.1614.
Brian Duppa, bishop of Winchester, d.1662; Ralph Brownrigg, bishop of Exeter, d.1659.
Princess Mary, d.1660; Henry duke of Gloucester, d.1660.
William Dudley, dean of Windsor, d.1483; John Shirwood, bishop of Durham, d.1493.
Dr Anthony Horneck, [chaplain to William III], d.1697.
Robert Huntingdon, [orientalist and] bishop of Raphoe, d.1701.
Louis XV, king of France.
Wilfred, archbishop of York, (sic) d.711; William, bishop of London, (sic) d.1070; William Wykeham, bishop of Winchester, d.1404.
Mr Wood, coiner of half pence, d.1730; Mary Ap..., d.1721; William Whittingham, dean of Durham, d.1579.
John Watson, bishop of Winchester, d.1584; unnamed in Saltry chapel.
Richard Wrench, canon of Durham, d.1575; [Richard] Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, [d.1610].
George Walton's family tree; William Charleton, esq, d.1702.
Thomas Firmin of London, [philanthropist], d.1697.
John George Gravius, professor at Utrecht, d.1703.
Gabriel John; Simon; John Digs and Richard Digger; Matthew Cooper, Durham petty canon and singing man; a cobbler; Clothaire, king of France; William Lentall, speaker of the House of Commons.
Jimmy; Ninian Creton; John Hildebroad; and other unnamed epitaphs and epigrams.
Sir John Vanbrugh, master surveyor of works to George I; Aristotle; John Sheffield, duke of Buckingham, [d.1721]; Emperor Hadrian.
Dr Blackburne; Dr Swift, dean of Ireland; William Congreve, poet, d.1729.
Edward [Manners], earl of Rutland, d.1587.
Pasquin; Demosthenes; King Leonidas; Emperor Hadrian
Matthew Prior's poem on Aesop's fable of an old man with 2 wives; [Alexander] Pope's poem on Lady Mary Wortley.
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey.
[Loyal] address of the officers and seamen of the Orford men of war on George II's accession 1727.
Alphabetical index of persons.
List of contents.
“On the loss of an only Son Robert Marquis of Normanby by his Father the Duke of Buckingham”.
Samuel Bradford, bishop of Rochester, d.1731.
Abraham Woolet, d.1678, (with the note:
“This Epit. is pt. of my nephew Ja: Mickleton's collection & I thinke he is mistaken in ye name Woolett for Woodhead” probably the minute hand of Michael Mickleton (1663-1710) who married
Elizabeth daughter of John Spearman); Obadiah Walker, d.1700; “Uncle” Compton, (with a note: “my grandfathers hand ... I suppose a sister of my Gr. Gd.
Fath. John Spearman's must have married this Gentm. ... E.H.W.” i.e. Elizabetha Honoria., granddaughter of Gilbert, son of John Spearman (1645-1703) who married her cousin William John Spearman Wasey, and whose son, Rev. Geo. Wasey presented
the collection of manuscripts to Bishop Barrington); Elizabeth Lapley.
Elizabeth Yearwood; Elizabeth Carleton, d.1705; Elizabeth Manning.
Epitaph of Charles Spearman, son of Gilbert, d.1725, with a note of the death of another son Josiah in 1728 by Gilbert Spearman.
John Spearman, d.1703, and his widow Elizabeth, with notes on further Spearman relatives.
Thomas Gibbon, dean of Carlisle, d.1716.
Mrs Lloyd.
Empress Matilda; Matthias Corvinus; Charles Martel; Samuel Bochart, d.1667; Borgia Caesar; Philip Melancton; Dr Peter Petit, d.1687; Juvenal.
Anne Boleyn; William Budens; Bruni of Arezzo, d.1443; Cardinal Bona, d.1674.
James Cujas, French lawyer; Christopher Columbus; Ladislas IV, king of Hungary, d.1444; Margaret of Valois, queen of Navarre; Philip Melancton; Sir Julius Pacius, philosopher and lawyer, d.1635; Sardanapalias, king of Assyria; Pope Hadrian
Mark Antony; King Arthur; Nicholas Catherinus of Bourges, d.1688.
Demonsthenes, Erasmus; Claude Goudimel, French composer, [d.1572]; Claude Joly, precentor in Paris, jurist, d.1700.
Bernard de la Monnoye, French poet, [d.1728]; Simon Schardius, humanist publisher and writer, d.1573; Peter Tresland de la Vergne, d.1684; Chiappin Vitelli, marquis of Cetona.
John Dun Scotus; Sir Philip Sydney; Sostratus; Edmund Spenser, poet, d.1598.
John Taylor, writer and publican, d.1654; Cardinal Thomas Wolsey; Gerrard John Vosius d.1650; Michael Verni, Florentine poet; Geoffrey Chaucer.
Alexander Pope
“Upon the Longitude” ; Thomas Spermanus alias Opermanus, Dominican friar c.1300; John Barwick, rector of Therfield, Herts, inscription on communion flagon; John Spearman, gent of Durham, d.1703,
gifts to Durham St Mary le Bow and Tynemouth.
Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury, d.1715.
Edward Stillingfleet, bishop of Worcester, d.1699.
Isaac Barrow, master of Trinity College, Cambridge, d.1677; Sir Isaac Newton.
Goddess Necessity; Oger the Dane; John Owen, d.1623.
Julius Pacius, philosopher and lawyer, d.1635; Pasquin; Paulinus, bishop of Nola, fl.1300s.
Peter Aretine, fl.1500s, d. at Venice; Peter Petit, d.1687; Sabellicus alias Mark Antony Coccius, d.1506; Raphael d'Urbin, painter, d.1520.
Nicholas Rapin, French poet, d.1608; Henry duke of Rohan, d.1638.
Scarron, Ferench writer; Berthold Schwart alias Constantine Auchlitzen; Scone palace; John Dun Scotus.
Gilbert Sheldon archbishop of Canterbury d.1677; Sir Philip Sydney; Alexander Spina d.1313; Ponthus de Thiard bishop of Chalons d.1605; Albius Tibullus.
Samazarius's epigram on Venice; Michael Verin, Florentine poet; Gerrard John Vossius d.1650;
“Zeno's Sayings.”
Acrostick of Sibylla Erathrea; Ulysses Aldrovandus; Seneca on America; Moses Amyraldus.
Anthony of Palermo; Dryden's translation of Virgil's description of Lake Aornus; John Aylmer bishop of London d.1594.
Peter Bardin of the French Academy; William Bellay, Sieur de Langey.
Remi Belleau, French poet, d.1577; Julius Brocchus; Mary Queen of Scots on Buxton well.
Virgil's description of Cacus; Cadinus; Vergil's description of the death of Julius Caesar.
St Christopher.
Hubert Clerke d.1615; Sir Edward Coke; William Courtenay archbishop of Canterbury d.1396.
Edward Courtenay earl of Devon d.1556; a Sibylline oracle on the cross; Alighieri Dante d.1321.
Dean Swift's apology to Lady [Frances] Carteret.
“A Charge to the Clergy occasioned by hearing a Sermon preached very hastily” ; Dean Swift on Sir Richard Steel; Dr Caius's grace.
Sir Godfrey Kneller d.1722; William Congreve d.1729; Miss Shuckburgh d.1730.
Mr Boyer on Queen Anne; Francisca and Anna; Ovid; St George's Day Club, London, 1730.
“A Fable on Truth and Falsehood” from The Craftsman of 18 January 1729; epigram on Robert Walpole from The
Craftsman of 15 March 1729.
Back endpaper (attached)
epitaph on Richard Hunt, dean of Durham, d.1638.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 30.MSP 30 mid 17th century
90f., foliated i- iv + 1-86: of which 1-56 are in earlier foliation Paper book, rebound in blue grey boards and half reversed calf
A concise daily account of proceedings in both houses of parliament from 17 November 1640 to 21 August 1641, titled
“Diurnall Occurrences or the heades of proceedings in Parliament Beginning at Westminster the Third of November 1640”. The journal is copied in a single hand of the mid 17th century, and is not
merely an abridged version of the journals of the House of Commons for the period.
f.i-iii Blank.
f.ivr Title.
f.1r-83r Text.
f.83v-86v Blank.
Digitised material for Journal of proceedings in both houses of parliament from 17 November 1640 - 21 August 1641 - Mickleton and Spearman ms 30
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 31.MSP 31 1619 - 1667
137f., of which 19-124 are in earlier foliation 1-100. Paper book, rebound in brown reversed calf
Original letters and papers mostly related to the bishop of Durham's defence of Co Durham, mostly endorsed folded sheets of paper, bound into a volume.
Digitised material for Papers related to the bishop of Durham's defence of Co Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 31
blank, with title at foot in later hand.
partial list of f.1-26 (old foliation).
Petition of William Warmouth, alderman of Newcastle, to the privy council to be discharged of providing a horse for the bishop of Durham [1625].
Letter from Francis James of Hetton to Bishop [Richard Neile] excusing his failure to provide his horse, 26 October 1625.
Letter from F[rancis Lord] Clifford to Bishop [Richard Neile], excusing himself from making a visit that evening, 20 August [1627].
Letter from F[rancis Lord] Clifford to Bishop [Richard Neile], announcing his visit the next day, 19 August [1627].
[Bishop Richard Neile's] report to the privy council on the state of the trained bands in the bishopric of Durham, July 1625.
Copy of the information of Mr Crumlington and others of Newsham in Northumberland before Sir John Delavall, j.p., on 16 August, 1635 on the attack by the Dutch ship The Black Bull of Amsterdam on
“a Dunkyrker” in Blyth harbour.
Copy letter of Sir William Carnaby to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham, appealing for a quick settlement of the predicament arising from the above, 16 August 1635.
Letter from William [Laud] archbishop of Canterbury to Bishop [Thomas Morton] of Durham in reply to his appeals on behalf of Dr Cosin and Mr Williams his chaplain, Lambeth, 18 July 1639.
Letter from townsmen of Northallerton to Mr William Moore reporting their progress in conveying news of his lordship's letter to the freeholders there, 29 February 1660.
Copy letter from the privy council to the archbishop of York giving notice of the mustering of such of the clergy as are appointed to find horse, arms and equipment, as part of a general muster of all the forces of the realm, 11 February
Copy letter from the privy council to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham giving notice of a muster to be taken of all the forces within the county both horse and foot, with a request for a certificate of the action taken to be sent to them by 24
June, dated at Whitehall 29 February 1621.
Memorandum of the king's approval of the appointment of Sir Francis Bowes as a deputy lieutenant to the bishop of Durham in the county palatine of Durham, 29 October 1663.
Memorandum of an order to Capt Newton to send for two constables of the wards of Chester and Darlington (Francis Cowton and Robert Suertis) to find sureties for their non-appearance that day according to order, 23 October 1663.
Letter from Colonel Edward Villiers to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, with excuses for not calling upon him, 6 June 1667.
Letter from Gilbert Gerard to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, regarding preparations for an attack upon the coast and a meeting at Auckland, Greatham 7 June 1667.
Letter from Ralph Anderson to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham concerning patrols to watch for the Holland fleet, South Shields 23 June 1667.
Letter from Gilbert Gerard to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham concerning the likelihood of the Dutch making an attack at the spring tide, Greatham 10 June 1667.
Letter from Gilbert Gerard to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, advising him to summon a meeting of the deputy lieutenants, Greatham 12 June 1667.
Report from the officers at Sunderland to [John Cosin] bishop [of Durham] of a violent storm off the coast and its effect on a fleet of
“light colliers”, Sunderland 7 June 1667.
Letter from Gilbert Gerard to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham acknowledging his order to obtain the ordnance from Col. Villiers, and reporting the good state of the companies at West Hartlepool, Greatham 14 June 1667.
Letter from William Blakiston to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham concerning the renewal of a lease for mills and the costs of a troop of horse, 4 May [1665].
Draft order from the bishop of Durham to the deputy lieutenants of the 4 wards, concerning measures to deal with those in the county who are disaffected to His Majesties government, 1 February [16 ].
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Yorkshire to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, concerning letters against Col. Smythson, Richmond 3 February 1667.
Letter from Capt. George Baker to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham requesting an advance of pay for the soldiers at Hartlepool, 4 February 1666.
Memorandum of the deficiences and absentees of Capt. Fetherstone's troop, February 1666.
Copy letter from [John Cosin] bishop of Durham to captains of the volunteers of Co Durham appointing a muster on 7 September 1665 at White Cross, Spennymoor, for themselves, their horse, armour & ammunition, 2 September 1665.
Copy memorandum from the deputy lieutenants to the colonels of regiments, regarding preparations in case of an invasion.
Copy memorandum from [the bishop of Durham to the commanders of the volunteers] regarding preparations to meet an invasion.
Letter from Col. William Strother to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham reporting on militia movements on the Northumberland coast and the fishing on the Tweed, 8 February 1666.
Letter from Col. John Tempest to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, giving details of the indictment and trial of prisoners for high treason at York and listing those convicted, 9 January 1664.
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Durham to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, regarding certain persons secured upon the deputy lieutenants of Yorkshire's letter, their demands for freedom and an informant of Joplin's arrest, 26 April 1664.
Letter from Richard Smelt at Edderley to Lieut. Newton regarding those who have not complied with the order of the deputy lieutenants, and complaints against Garth, with an account of sums owed, 24 February 1666.
Copy instructions from James duke of York, Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland etc., to Charles [Howard], earl of Carlisle, vice admiral of Westmorland, Cumberland, and the bishoprick of Durham, Northumberland and the town and county of
Newcastle upon Tyne, for the imprest of four hundred seamen, to be sent to Newcastle, 1 October 1664.
Letter from James duke of York to Charles [Howard] earl of Carlisle with further instructions that no officer should receive reward for sparing any person from the press, and that all officials are to assist him, 1 October 1664.
Letter from Sir Ralph Delaval to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham referring to the mistake in placing the county palatine under the earl of Carlisle's deputed jurisdiction, Newcastle 7 ?month [1664].
Letter from Sir Ralph Delaval to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham suggesting a meeting to coordinate plans for the imprest of seamen, Newcastle 6 October 1664 .
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Yorkshire to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, asking him to send Thomas Randall of Cockerton to give evidence at the trial of prisoners for contriving rebellion, York 4 January 1664.
Letter from Lord Fauconberg to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham about Quakers meeting at Crayke, Newborough 18 August 1665.
Copy orders issued by the deputy lieutenants about fines for muster defaulters, Durham 15 February 1666.
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Northumberland to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham about a meeting tomorrow and arresting
“suspected persons”, 9 August 1663.
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Northumberland to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, Newcastle 5 December 1663, enclosing their examinations of John Wilkinson 27 November, John Suirtis 4 December, George Proud 1 December, Thomas Richardson 16
November, Thomas Marshall 12 November, and Joseph Hopper 16 November about a recent plot.
Letter from the deputy lieutenants of Northumberland to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham about a meeting of gentry and freeholders at Morpeth, 15 October 1663.
Letter from Francis Anderson mayor and the citizens of Newcastle to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, stating that warrants have been issued for examining and securing all persons who cannot give a satisfactory account of their business, Newcastle 9
August 1663.
Orders from the lord lieutenant and deputy lieutenants detailing muster points and procedures in the event of invasion or sudden alarm, notified by the firing of beacons, following a meeting at Auckland Castle in response to the King's letter of
25 June 1666, Durham 3 July 1666.
List of those mustering at Barnard Castle 4 July 1664 and at Bishop Auckland, with numbers of horse.
Copy of an agreement made about arrangements for the defence of Co Durham made at the Durham Quarter Sessions of 14 January 1664, with the names of those subscribing under Henry Lambton in Chester ward, 5 March 1664.
List of those subscribing to
“the ingaguement” in Brancepeth parish, by township.
“A Voluntary & free Agreement, made for the better preserving of his Majesties peace and the safety of his loyall subjects in this County” drawn up at the Durham Quarter Sessions, signed by the
subscribers, 14 January 1664.
A list of 80 persons agreeing to serve under Col. Anthony Byerley
“against any dangerous designe of ye disaffected party”, Darlington ward.
Copy undertaking to serve the lord lieutenant or deputy lieutenants under the terms of the voluntary agreement, Darlington ward, [in the hand of George Davenport].
Undertaking to serve under the terms of the voluntary agreement [in Capt Davison's division] in Darlington ward, signed.
Copy undertaking to serve under the terms of the voluntary agreement [in Capt Davison's division] in Darlington ward, with the names of the subscribers.
Names of 93 persons who had
“subscribed to serve” [in Justice Hall's division, Darlington].
Copy undertaking to serve in an association in Chester ward, with subscribers listed, certified by John Hylton, 5 March 1664.
Copy undertaking to serve in an association in Stockton ward, with subscribers listed, certified by Sir Thomas Davison, and Ralph Davison esq., 4 March 1664.
Copy undertaking to serve in an association in the city of Durham, with subscribers listed, including Christopher Mickleton, and the numbers of horses and men each is to provide, certified by [Col.] John Tempest.
Warrant from Charles Stanhope to all mayors, sherrifs, bailiffs, post constables etc. to provide post horses and a guide for Richard Baddeley esq. secretary to [Thomas Morton] bishop of Durham, 15 March 1635.
Copy warrant from the bishop of Durham, as lord lieutenant, and his deputies to Colonel John Tempest, colonel of the trained bands, and his deputies, to arrest George Lilburne and Thomas Brown of Sunderland, suspected to be dangerous and
disaffected persons, 17 September 1662.
Orders of the lord lieutenant and deputy lieutenants for bailing 8 named prisoners, for Capt Newton to issue warrants mustering the militia at Bellasheads, near Durham, on 26 July, with the high sheriff, Sir Thomas Davison, to be in charge, 22
June 1664.
List of those who failed to send horses to the muster on 26 July 1664 at Durham, Darlington and Bishop Auckland.
Form of warrant for mustering the Durham militia to defend the ports and coasts, 29 January 1666.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 32.MSP 32 c.1695 - c.1710
210f., foliated i-xxi (modern), 1-150 (?contemporary), 151-178 (modern), with 17A, 33A, 39A, 43A, 62A, 72A, 84A, 106A, 122A, 129A (modern) being later inserts or folios originally pasted over cancelled text, separated off in the repair of
1978. Paper book, in reverse calf covered boards; repaired, rebound and boxed by Durham County Record Office in 1978
“Collectania”, collections about the churches, chapels (including chantries and guilds), hospitals and schools within Co Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne, describing their foundations, dedications,
patrons, ministers, clerks or incumbents, with references to documents, some cited
in extenso. Also titled “Liber de spiritualibus” (f.xxr) and
“D” (front cover) [as opposed to ?a companion volume “... temporalibus” and “C” (cf. f.82r)].
Almost exclusively in one hand, and written at one time c.1695, though with some subsequent additions by that hand up to c.1710, and the occasional later insertion.
Contents given below (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
Bookplate of
“Bibl: Episc: Dunelm:” on inside front cover.
Microfilm made in 1978, reference PG Film 045.
Digitised material for Churches, chapels, hospitals and schools within Co Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne - Mickleton and Spearman ms 32
Title and general contents.
General contents (English).
Index of rectories, vicarages and chapels in Co Durham, their ward, parish and dedication.
Index of hospitals and their founders.
Index of grammar schools.
Aycliffe [church].
Archdeacon Newton's chapel in Darlington parish.
Auckland St Andrew church, Auckland St Helen.
Chapel of St Bartholomew by Durham.
St Bartholomew's priory, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St Bartholomew's hospital, Tweedmouth; St Bartholomew's hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Barnard Castle chapel, hospital of St John the Baptist.
Bearpark chapel.
Billingham church and vicarage.
Bishopton church and vicarage.
Blakeston chapel.
Boldon church and rectory.
Bradbury chapel.
Brancepeth castle, constables, church and rectory.
Burnhall chapel; Castle Eden church.
Chester-le-Street church.
Chilton chapel.
Cockfield church and rectory; Collierley chapel.
Coatham Mundeville chapel.
Coniscliffe church and vicarage.
Croxdale church.
Dalton-le-dale church and vicarage.
Denton church and vicarage.
Darlington church and vicarage.
Dinsdale church and rectory.
Durham, kings, saints, bishops connected with the cathedral, costs of the cathedral under Cosin, St Cuthbert's sanctuary, chantries and fraternities in the cathedral, new foundation, cathedral's establishment under Elizabeth.
Priors of Durham.
Deans of Durham.
Canons or prebendaries of Durham, by stall.
Bishops of Durham's vicars-general/spiritual chancellors, officials and commissaries.
Archdeacons of Durham.
Archdeacons of Northumberland.
Minor canons of Durham.
Sacrists and precentors of Durham.
Organists of Durham.
Lay clerks of Durham.
Durham grammar school.
f.62r, 62Ar-63r
“Durham choir school”, sic, recte Langley Song School and its continuance.
Debate over Durham schools.
Ebchester church.
Eden chapel.
Edmondbyers church and rectory.
f.71v-72r, 72Ar-73v
Durham St Giles church and rectory with Kepier hospital; masters of the hospital printed, with additions, in
Memorials of St Giles's, Durham, ed. J. Barmby (Surtees Society 95, 1896), p.252-262.
Egglescliffe church and rectory.
Eggleston chapel.
Elton church and rectory.
Elwick church and rectory.
Embleton chapel.
Escomb chapel.
Esh chapel.
Easington church and rectory.
Farne Islands cell.
Farnacres chapel.
Finchale priory.
Fishburn chapel; Friarside hospital; Frosterley chapel.
Gainford church and vicarage.
f.82v-84v, 84Av
Gateshead church and rectory, and hospital.
Greatham church and vicarage, and hospital.
Grindon church and vicarage; Hare Holme chapel.
Hamsterley chapel; Harbour House chapel; Haverton chapel.
Hart church and vicarage.
Hartlepool chapel.
Haughton [le Skerne] church and rectory.
Heighington church and vicarage.
St Helen's chapel on the gate, Durham; Henknowle chapel; Hardwick chapel.
Hesleden church and vicarage.
Heworth chapel; St Hilda's chapel, South Shields; Hilton chapel, Staindrop.
Hilton chapel, Wearmouth.
Houghton-le-Spring church and rectory.
Hunstanworth chapel and rectory; Hurworth church and rectory.
Chapels of St James and St Andrew, Elvet new bridge, Durham.
Jarrow church.
Holy Island church and rectory.
St John's Chapel, Weardale.
Kelloe church and vicarage.
Kimblesworth church and rectory.
Lambton chapel; Lamesley chapel.
Lanchester church.
St Leonard's chapel, near Durham.
Long Newton church and rectory; Lumley chapel.
Durham St Margaret's church, Crossgate.
f.105v-106r, 106Ar
Durham St Mary-le-Bow church and rectory.
Durham St Mary-the-Less church.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne St Mary's hospital, Westgate.
Chapel of St Mary Magdalene by Kepier, Durham.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne St Mary Magdalene's hospital with St Thomas's chapel.
Maison Dieu hospital; Medomsley chapel.
Kirk Merrington church and vicarage.
Bishop Middleham church and vicarage.
Middleton St George church and rectory.
Middleton-in-Teesdale church and rectory.
Muggleswick church.
Newsham priory.
Newsham chapel; Newton chapel.
St Nicholas's or the Prior's chapel, Durham cathedral.
Durham St Nicholas church.
Norton church and vicarage.
Durham St Oswald church and vicarage.
Pittington church and vicarage.
Redmarshall church and rectory.
Rainton; Rowley chapel.
Ryton church and rectory.
Sadberge chapel.
Satley chapel; Seaton chapel.
Sedgefield church and rectory.
f.129Ar, 130r
Seaham church and vicarage.
Sherburn hospital.
Sockburn church and vicarage.
Staindrop church and vicarage, and college.
Nunstainton chapel.
Great Stainton church and rectory.
Stanhope church and rectory.
Rivington grammar school, Lancashire.
General contents.
Alphabetical place and subject index.
“I had a Desire to know & find out the Originalls of things as much as I could to inform myself thereof & when I had found many out I thought it not fit, tho I did it for my Informacion that they
should be buried with me, but indeed be communicated to posterity that they might know at one Sight as it were what I had taken much pains to collect.”
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 33.MSP 33 c.1620, with additions to c.1720
272 f., now paginated: i-x (modern), 1-152, 152a-d, 153-154, 154a-b, 155-156, 156a-d, 157-178, 185-192, 192a-b, 193-224, 227-232, 237-240, 245-246, 249-250, 365-370, 375-376, 379-398; a note by E.M. Rainey attached to a front flyleaf
discusses the numbering, the addition of extra leaves, and the likely discarding of blank leaves on binding Paper book, repaired and rebound in modern quarter brown leather with brown buckram sides, with gold finishing and lettering, with a sample of the original reverse calf binding mounted inside the back cover, all
in a buckram and marbled paper four-flap box, by Durham County Record Office 21 April 1978, whose report is affixed to a front flyleaf
Crown tenures in Co Durham, extracted from inquisitions
post mortem, royal charters and other records from the times of Henry VIII to James I by John Richardson, royal deputy escheator in Co Durham and escheator of
the bishops of Durham, along with various royal tenures in Yorkshire, Northumberland, Wiltshire, Kent and Newcastle upon Tyne, Cumberland, Westmorland, Suffolk, Oxfordshire, and Derbyshire. A few extracts have been added by James Mickleton the
elder. Many of the Latin entries have been translated into English by Ralph Spearman of Eachwick.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: Latin with some English
Microfilm: reference PG Film 046.
Digitised material for Crown tenures in Co Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 33
Alphabetical place index.
Auckland St Helen.
Old Acres.
Beamish, with Parkhead, Newhouse, Kibblesworth, Crook, Tanfield,
Bradbury, with Coatham Conyers.
Broadwood; Bruntoft.
“Billihall” (?Billy Hill).
Boldon Marsh.
Bradley by Wolsingham.
Little Chilton.
Castle Eden.
Coatham Conyers.
Derwent Crook; Derwent Coat.
Edder Acres.
East Rainton.
Houghton school.
Hetton-le-Hole; Holywell.
Hart; Hartlepool.
Little Haswell.
Hurworth on Tees.
Hurworth Bryan.
Hesledon Hall; Monk Hesledon.
Middle Herrington.
“Knuckden & Shelemedowe”.
Long Newton.
Crawcrook, Little Kepier.
Middleton in Teesdale.
Newton Hanzard.
Old Park.
Old Acres.
Preston le Skerne.
Little Stainton.
Sunderland by the Sea; Sunderland Bridge.
Sidegate, Durham.
Scot's House.
Tunstall, Stranton.
Tunstall, Townfield.
Wingate Grange.
Witton, Northumberland.
Washington, Warmouth.
p.185-195, 214
p.207-212, 214-215
Newcastle upon Tyne.
East Brandon, Quarrington.
Alphabetical index of the royal freeholders in Co Durham.
Alphabetical index of the castles, manors and other lands held of James I [in Co Durham].
Two land transactions in Durham City of Barnaby and Richard Hutchinson 1615 and 1664.
Lands held by grand serjeantry in various counties in England.
Liberties of Barnard Castle and Gainford.
Alphabetical index of the castles, manors and other lands [held of James I] in Yorkshire, Northumberland, Newcastle, Cumberland, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Westmorland, Kent, Warwickshire, Suffolk, Derbyshire.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 34.MSP 34 c.1650 - c.1725
46f, modern foliation 1-46
Transcripts of records of the foundations of Co. Durham and Yorkshire schools, hospitals and charities in various hands.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: English and Latin;
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman MS 34 and 35 f.1r
Table of contents, twice, one cancelled.
Foundation (1570), confirmations (1574 & 1587), assignment of rents and pensions (1577), and statutes of Kepier School and Hospital at Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham.
Copy of Henry VIII's will 1534, with notes on his death and the tutors to Edward VI.
Archbishop Holgate's foundation and statutes for the hospital at Himsworth, Yorkshire, 1557.
Foundation (1561) of the school and hospital at Guisborough, Yorkshire, with the statutes (verified as compared with the originals 1630), a list of books provided by the founder and a rental of Robert Pursglove's property in Bolam, Ellerby and
Picton and Roger Tokett's property in Hartlepool given to the school and hospital.
The declaration and directions of John Cock's charity to Elvet in the parish of St Oswald, Durham.
Last will and codicils of John Cosin, bishop of Durham, 1661 & 1671.
Last will and testament, with a codicil, of Dr William Hartwell, D.D., prebendary of Durham and rector of Stanhope in Weardale, 1725, with a note of probate.
(Reversed) Hartlepool charter of incorporation 1593, noted as written by Phillip Raper 1693.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 35.MSP 35 [early 18th century]
19f, modern foliation 1-19
Transcripts of papal bulls and cathedral documents about St Margaret's church, Durham, in the hand of ?Gilbert Spearman, with some notes added in another hand.
Language: Latin with 1 item partly in French
Listed in MSP 36 p.117-118.
Originally part of the same volume: MSP 94.
f.7r-v 20 May 1258
Bull of Pope Alexander IV to the collectors of tithe in England.
f.8r-v 12 October 1261
Bull of Pope Urban IV to the abbot of St Mary's, York.
f.9r-10r 10 April 1329
Bull of Pope John XXII to the abbot of Holmcoltran and the archdeacon of Carlisle.
f.11r 8 March 1250
Bull of Pope Innocent IV to [Walter de Gray] archbishop of York.
f.11v-12v 3 December 1333
Memorandum about rents for maintaining lights in St Margaret's church, Durham.
f.13r 28 June 1338
Indenture about a messuage at Corbridge.
f.13v-15r 10 January 1338
Memorandum about a 6d rent for maintaining the lights of St Margaret's church, Durham.
f.15v-16r 20 October 1404
Inspeximus by John prior and convent of Durham of a 1 May 1404 lease of Quarrington manor by Walter Skirlaw bishop of Durham to Alan “Prewerk” (recte Newerk).
Another copy: DCD Reg.III f.15v-16r.
f.16v 14 December 1427
Grant by William Gostwyk and Thomas Cockyn, wardens of the lights in St Margaret's church, Durham, of two burgages in Durham to Joan Tesdale.
f.17r-v 20 February 1477
Grant by Adomar Heryng to George Carr of a rent of 13s 4d from a tenement in “Le Close” in Newcastle upon Tyne.
f.18r-19r 11 December 1431
Agreement between John prior and chapter of Durham cathedral and the parishioners of St Oswald's, Durham, allowing burial in the churchyard at St Margaret's, Durham.
Another copy: DCD Reg.III f.143r-v.
f.19v 12 December 1431
Commission to the suffragan to consecrate St Margaret's church and graveyard, Durham. (Incomplete)
Printed, with a summary in English, from the copy in Bishop Thomas Langley's register:
The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 vol. VI, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 182, 1967), p.12-13.
Continued in MSP 94, f.1r.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 36.MSP 36 early 18th century
254p., paginated i-iv & 1-250, contemporary foliation largely cancelled by a slightly later pagination
Transcripts and notes of documents relating to Durham, largely in the hand of James Mickleton the younger, with some material in other hands, some of it annotated by James Mickleton.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: Latin and English, with a little Anglo-Saxon
Digitised material for Transcripts and notes of documents relating to Durham, mainly by James Mickleton the younger - Mickleton and Spearman MS 36
Note on seals (attached)
Notes on St Cuthbert and the diocese of Durham, its jurisdiction and seal.
p.3-13 7 March 1685
Charter of Nathaniel Crew, bishop of Durham.
p.13-22 21 September 1602
Charter of Tobias Matthew, bishop of Durham, incorporating the city of Durham, translated into English by George Barkas.
p.23-24 15 February 1606
James I's confirmation of Matthew's charter.
List and notes on the bishops of Lindisfarne and Durham 637-1674.
p.31-32, 34
Notes on the antiquities of Co Durham.
p.33 [1646]
Map of Durham county, showing towns, villages, castles, parks, rivers, bridges, and hills, but not roads. With engravings of the royal arms and the arms of the palatinate of Durham. Title in a cartouche. Coloured. From J. Jansson's [
Novus atlas, sive theatrum orbis terrarum... v.4.], (Amsterdam, [1646]). (Inserted)
p.35-42, 44-52, 54-64
“The ancient Rites and monuments of the monastical and Cathedral Church of Durham”, up to the defacing of St Cuthbert's shrine.
Notes on the antiquities of Co Durham.
Excerpts from William Dugdale's Monasticon about Durham.
Notes on 4 statutes concerning Durham 7 Edward VI to 25 Charles II.
7 documents of Peter de Montfort, bishops of Durham and popes concerning the foundation of Greetham Hospital from William Lee's manuscript.
James Anderson's description of Coldingham priory documents in Durham cathedral treasury from his [
Selectus diplomatum & numismatum Scotiæ] .
Statutes of Sherburn Hospital from William Lee's manuscript.
p.85 1717
Diet of the brethren of Sherburn Hospital presented by Mr Machon, late master, to Bishop Crew at his primary visitation.
p.87 [9 December 1165 x 10 September 1174]
Institution by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham of Robert [of Whitfield] to the church of Whitfield, at the presentation of his uncle Robert the chaplain.
Witnesses: John the archdeacon, Simon the chamberlain, Henry Lincoln, William of Howden, Walter the chaplain, Stephen the medic, William the almoner.
Copied from Spelman's printed edition.
Printed: (from a lost original) H. Spelman,
Glossarium Archaiologicum, (1664), p.457; and also by J. Cowel, Law Dictionary (1727); W. Hutchinson, History
of Durham i, p.179; J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland part ii vol.iii, p.109.also English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape
(Oxford 2002), p.137.
Note of documents about Elvet and Crossgate moors 1614, Appleby School and the foundation of [Bishop Cosin's] almshouses in Durham [in “Libro not. JP” (see p.122 below)] .
p.90-94 1571
Act of attainder of Charles earl of Westmorland, Thomas earl of Northumberland and others, parliament 1571.
p.95 1632 - 1636
Notes of the purchase of Brancepeth lordship 1636 and two deeds of Edward Ditchfield 1632 and 1633.
p.95-101 1549
Inquisition post mortem on Ralph earl of Westmorland.
p.101-102 29 September 1586
Lease by Bishop Richard [Barnes] to Queen Elizabeth I of Wheel Hall and other Howdenshire properties.
Alphabetical list of all the
“Towns” in the bishoprick of Durham.
Notes on the antiquities of Barnard Castle, Streatham, Staindrop, Raby, Darlington, Hartlepool, Witton, Auckland and Brancepeth.
Suit of Bishop James Pilkington against Queen Elizabeth I over the earl of Westmorland's lands.
p.110 13 March 1688
Removal of George Morland alderman of Durham by the bishop of Durham.
p.110-111 20 July 1688
Appointment of Robert Delavale by Bishop Crew as a deputy lieutenant of Durham.
p.111 19 October 1688
Order from Lord Sunderland to the bishop of Durham to call out the militia.
p.111-113 31 March 1450
Thomas Billingham's grant of the water from Framwellgate conduit to Alderman John Lound.
p.113-115 20 July 1450
Bishop Nevill's licence for Billingham's grant.
p.115-116 3 April 1436
Grant of the Corpus Christi guild in St Nicholas's church, Durham, by Bishop Thomas [Langley].
Grants of Allerdean and Ancroft to Papaden and of land in Norhamshire and Islandshire to Papedeno by Bishop H[ugh du Puiset].
Printed: H.S. Offler ed.,
Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.116-117.
List of bulls and deeds concerning St Margaret's church Durham, numbered 1-21 (1-12 are MSP 35).
p.120 1575 - 1666
Note of Co Durham visitations 1575, 1615, 1666.
List of the contents of books
“not. Furn:” (?Furnival [Inn]) A and B (now MSP 42 and 7 respectively) and “not. JP”
List of documents about Durham, its courts, schools and royalty (some of the documents are those copied into MSP 34).
List of documents about the foundation of Guisborough School (as in MSP 34).
Notes on some manuscripts in the Cottonian collection, British Library
Listing of the topics of the documents in
“Liber AA” (MSP 1)
p.141-142 1615
Alphabetical index of the families whose pedigrees and arms were recorded in the visitation of Northumberland by Richard St George Norroy King of Arms.
p.143-144 1415 x 1416
Record of the King's Bench case of 3 Henry V concerning Tyne Bridge.
Listing of the topics of the documents in [MSP 1A].
p.155-167 21 November 1552
Letters patent of Edward VI about the sale to the duke of Northumberland of Tynemouth priory and castle, Prudhoe castle, the manors of Rothbury and Newbourne and the grange of Bedside.
Opinions of George Bowes and John Rudd on the case of the inhabitants of Crossgate chapelry.
Note on the monasteries of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth from Thomas Gascoigne's manuscript in Lincoln College library, Oxford.
Directions from Bishop Thomas [Morton] to Mr Maxton and others of tasks to be carried out.
p.171-172 17 April 1638
Bishop Thomas Morton's letter of attorney and directions.
p.172-174 27 January 1640
A monition from Durham dean and chapter's official for repairing the defects in St Margaret's church, Durham.
p.178 5 February 1715
Notes on MS Cotton Nero D.4 and Otto B.6.
p.179 23 June 1715
Bishop Hugh le Puiset's grant to the burgesses of the city of Durham and Pope Alexander [III]'s confirmation. [Copied].
Richard I's sale to Bishop Hugh le Puiset of
“Seggeffeild” (? recte Sadberge) and the wapentake.
“Of the County Palatine of Durham”, a discourse on the legal procedures in the county, with references to sources.
“The Customes of Weardale”, statements on customary tenure, with a note at the end that it is in the hand of James Mickleton of Crook Hall.
p.213-217 10 March 1714
Documents and notes about the vicarage and church of Staindrop, with references, with a note at the end that
“this Account of Stayndrop” was sent to Mr Serjeant Cuthbert, recorder of Newcastle, and “The like mss” was also sent to Lord Barnard.
p.218-225 1 April 1715
Account of documents about Barnard Castle, titled
“Bernard Castle in Lib: TT. fol.104”, and noted at the end “Deliverd this Acct of Bernard Castle & Teasdale Forrest to reginald Marriot
p.226-228 21 November 1713
Account of documents about the rectory and church of Redmarshall with a copied note from James Mickleton about not finding anything on a monument there.
Account of the family of William Smith, attorney general to Bishop Richard Neile, with a covering note from J. Mickleton.
Pen drawing and a pen and wash drawing of the obverse and reverse of a dish or shield with
“DIVIGATUS” written over the boss.
Notes on manuscripts containing Anglo-Saxon.
Account of the manuscript work of Eadfrith and Aldred and manuscripts in Durham Cathedral Library, and some Durham charters in London.
p.239-241 10 - 25 November 1715
Notes on BL Cotton MS Otto B.ix, Galba.A.xvii and Vitellius.A.ix, [made] 10, 14 and 25 November 1715 respectively.
Account of documents about Howden, with references.
Notes on Durham monastic historians.
Table for computing rent deductions from the expired years of a lease.
Notes on the legal status of bastards.
Notes on Elizabeth Ninian, appeals, Francis Goodwith, Stockton, Binchester and Chester-le-Street.
Note on royal rights to hold the lands of religious houses.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 37.MSP 37 c.1690 - c.1715
474p., paginated i-viii & 1-466 (215 omitted from the pagination). 10f. cut out between p.VIII & p.1, some of which did have text on (the book possibly had an earlier use and has then been reused by Spearman)
Gilbert Spearman's
“Booke of Deeds”, a lawyer's collection of legal exemplars some relating to Durham, and others not, many with only initials for the persons in the deeds, and dates omitted. Most are in the hand of
Gilbert Spearman, but written at different times.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: English with occasional Latin;
“Lib N” on the foreedge.
Digitised material for Gilbert Spearman's Booke of Deeds - Mickleton and Spearman ms 37
Inside front cover
A list of contents p.1-178.
Notes of things to do and pen trials on G and Gilbert.
“Liber G: Spearman” and “Liber N:” and pen trials on these themes, and a Latin motto.
Bargain and sale of the moiety of a ship.
Mortgage for 500 years.
Indenture of a marriage and diverse uses.
Indenture to suffer a recovery and to stand seized to divers uses.
Bargain and sale of the reversion of a manor and other lands in consideration of money and other lands sold to him by the bargainee.
A bargain and sale of a manor, messuages, annuities and tithes out of the same to the bargainer by the bargainee.
Indenture to revoke and alter uses made in a former indenture according to a proviso in the same.
Lease for years of a manor and other parcels of land.
An assignment of a recognizance and the defeazance thereupon made for the saving harmless a surety concerning other bonds.
An assignment of dower.
A release of error in a fine and recovery.
Another release of error in a fine and recovery.
An indenture between baron and feme.
An assignment of a lease for 99 years by an assignee with a confirmation from the original lessor.
An indenture of defeazance upon a statute entered for performance of covenants in an indenture.
A deed of a bargain and sale by tenant right by way of confirmation.
An indenture settlement made in performance of a covenant in a former deed for further assurance.
A deed of settlement to uses and good provision made for younger children.
A deed of settlement to uses.
A deed of settlement made with provision for younger children and daughters' portions by Robert earl of Lindsey in 1667.
p.76-78 1667
Indenture of Charles [Kerr] earl of Ancram with Frances his countess and Robert Callow selling the term in a lease.
p.78-84 8 April [16]68
Articles of agreement between Sir Robert Markham of Sedgebrook Bt with his brother Anthony Markham and Francis Peele rector of the mediety of Sedgebrook and East Allington about inclosure at Sedgbrook, with a related bill in Chancery, an answer,
and a decretal order.
A bill of sale of goods.
A release or confirmation of an estate of tithes etc formerly granted.
p.88-90 3 March 1669
Articles of agreement upon marriage.
p.90-92 March 1669
Articles of agreement concerning building.
A grant of the tuition of children.
Marriage settlement.
Marriage settlement.
A settlement after marriage by general releases.
Marriage settlement.
Marriage settlement.
p.137-140 18 April 1651
A sale of the tollbooth and power to make freemen in Durham together with the bailiwick of Durham, all markets, fairs, courts of piepowder, tolls and courts usually held by the mayor, aldermen and community of the city of Durham to the aldermen
and citizens of the city of London, according to an ordinance of parliament for the sale of bishops' lands.
Mr Conyer's deed of settlement of Elemore Hall with special uses and limitations.
A bill in Chancery for the heir to perform the father's covenants and for trustees to perform the trust reposed in them.
A bill to make executors of a mortgage account for their profits.
p.168-169 10 October 1677
Lease of Nathaniel [Crew] bishop of Durham after an outlawry.
A grant or lease to Cuthbert Bowes on assignment of a judgement upon an outlawry (of John Mickleton at the suit of Mary Nicholson for debt) from the bishop of Durham to the assignee to receive and levy the rents of the outlawed person's lands
forfeited to the bishop.
p.172-176 15 September 1694
A deed for a special collateral security on a lease of Sunderland between William Richardson of London and John Spearman of Durham to secure his purchase of property in Hetton le Hole from George French and his wife Mary, both deceased.
p.177-178 20 December 1694
A deed of covenant to charge a mortgage with a further sum assigned by another creditor of the mortgagors to the mortgagee between William Killinghall and John Spearman over Middleton St George manor, advowson, tithes and fishing rights, not
p.178-180 20 December 1694
A deed or covenant to charge a mortgage with a further sum, between William Killinghall the elder of Middleton St George with William Killinghall the younger, his only son, and John Spearman of Durham over Middleton St George.
p.181 22 July 1695
Another deed to charge a mortgage with a further sum lent, (incomplete).
p.184 21 December 1693
A good defeazance from a mortgagee to a mortgagor of copyhold lands (closes in Chester le Street manor) by surrender and copy of court roll.
p.186-202 14 June 1693
Marriage settlement for the marriage of William, son of Ralph Widdrington of Chesburne Grange in Northumberland, and Anne, daughter of Caryl Viscount Mollyneux of Marybrough in Ireland.
p.203 [1698]
A bill of revivor. Incomplete and cancelled.
p.204 13 November 1691
Conveyance by lease and release by Sir James Hayes and others to Mr J. Hill of Parkgate Farm in Northbourne, Sholden, Betteshanger and Ham (Kent).
p.205-207 4 November 1691
Bargain and sale by Sir J[ames] H[ayes] of [Kent] property.
p.208-214 25 March 1685
Copy of Humphrey Weld of Lulworth Castle's mortgage to John Howland of Streetham, Surrey, for £7200 for property in Aldwich, London.
p.216-222 3 October 1691
Assignment of the mortgage of Lady Susanna Rittard and Sir Thomas Pope Blount in the manor of West Bromwich.
p.223-227 1691
Assignment of Samuel Mellish's mortgage in West Bromwich manor.
p.229-233 20 July 1703
Last will and testament of John Spearman of Durham.
p.235-236 1691 x 1692
Grant by the governor and company of 3 shares of the waterworks in York Buildings, London, (3 W&M).
p.237-238 26 March 1691
Mortgage of Edward Rumbold of Parson's Green, Fulham, Middlesex, to Sir Francis Child, alderman of London, over 3½ acres in Fulham.
p.239-240 11 September 1691
Lease of George Moult of London, chemist, to his mother Elizabeth Moult of Callerton, Nottinghamshire, widow, for life and for two years after her death of a messuage in Lambeth Hill, St Mary Magdalene Old Fish Street, London.
p.241-242 1691
Assignment of John Skelton of West Bromwich's statute for £5000 to Robert Harley of Brampton Castle, Herefordshire.
p.243-245 21 August 1668
Grant by John Cosin, bishop of Durham, of £70 per annum from Great Chilton manor for the support of eight poor persons in the almshouse on Palace Green in Durham on the eastside between the two Schools anciently
erected there.
Bill or memorial to Robert Dormer, justice of the Common Pleas and Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham, by John Brown, about the disposal of the property of the late William Brown of Gillygate, Durham, carpenter, his father.
Bill or memorial to Robert Dormer, justice of the Common Pleas and Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham, by John Brown, about the disposal of the property of the late William Brown of Gillygate, Durham, carpenter, his father, against
Barbara Brown, William's widow.
The joint and several pleas of Isaac Basire, Robert Blackston, William Ranson, Michael Watson, George Wilson, William Wilson, Robert Chilton, Henry Chilton, George Watson, Robert Biars, John Matthew, Robert Surratt, and James Watson against the
bill of complaint of Robert Ayton.
p.258-259 6 December 1712
Marriage settlement for the marriage of Ralph Goodchild of Ryhope and Dorothy, daughter of Richard Wright of Dalton Piercy.
Assignment of the mortgage of Posthumus Smith of Durham to Reynold Graham of Norton Conyers for £200 and interest, over a messuage in Billingham.
Assignment of two several leases to purchases where two mortgages join, over moieties of the manors of Stillington and Seaton Carew leased by Merton College, Oxford.
p.271-279 1 July 1691
Marriage settlement of W. Kingsford of Canterbury over St Saviour's mill in Bermondsey.
p.280-284 1 July 1691
Marriage settlement of J. Alwood of Redriff (Rotherhithe), Surrey, over St Saviour's mill in Bermondsey.
p.285-292 24 April 1713
Marriage settlement for the marriage of Anthony Meaburn of
“Poulopp”, Lanchester, and Elizabeth, daughter of John Sandford of Collierly.
p.293-296 1690
Bargain and sale by executors (M. Johnson and R.G.) of land in St Clements Danes, Middlesex, in trust for Sir F. Child.
p.297-298 2 October 1691
Bargain and sale by Sir M. Hicks of London and J. Pery of London to T. Foly of Stock Court, Herefordshire, of a moiety of West Bromwich manor.
p.299-300 1691 x 1692
Bargain and sale by Rowland Ingram, London merchant, and Ralph Ingram of London, trsutees of Lady Ingram, to J. Butler of Worcester, bookseller, and J. Fisher of the Inner Temple, of parcels of West Bromwich manor, (3 W&M).
p.301-308 1691
Marriage settlement for the marriage of J. Cater of London, merchant, and M., daughter of the late A. Wessell of London, merchant.
p.309-312 1691
Marriage settlement for the marriage of Thomas Scawen of London, merchant, and Martha, daughter of the late Abraham Wessell of London, merchant.
p.313-318 November 1691
Articles of agreement between Thomas [Lennard] earl of Sussex and Sir Philip Coot and his wife Elizabeth about E[lizabeth] countess of Sheppey's inheritance.
p.319-324 1712 x 1713
Lease for 3 years of New West Farm at Thornlaw, Kelloe, by G.S. of Durham to W.W. of Old Burdon, (11 Anne).
Marriage settlement after the marriage of George Baker of Crook and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Conyers of Elemore Hall.
p.357-362 5 October 1699
Articles of agreement between Charles Montague, sheriff of Co Durham, and Thomas Fenwick of Whickham over Gibside Colliery.
p.363-365 5 October 1707
Articles of agreement between Edward Fewster of Ferry Hill, yeoman, and his nephew Thomas Hutchinson of Bishop Middleham, yeoman, over Edward's property at Garth Ends close in Ferry Hill.
p.366-368 20 May 1705
Lease by Thomas Hutchinson the younger of Bishop Middleham, yeoman, to John Brown of Bishop Middleham, yeoman, of property called the
p.368-372 27 November 1697
Bargain and sale by T.F. of Old Elvet and R.W. of Little Ryle, Northumberland, of property and land in Stranton.
p.373-374 1703
Indenture between Gilbert Spearman with Margaret his wife, of Durham, and John Cuthbert of Durham with Michael Mickleton of Crook Hall, in pursuance of marriage articles, releasing Bishop Middleham rectory. Incomplete.
The joint and several pleas of Isaac Basire, Robert Blackiston, William Ranson, Michael Watson, George Wilson, William Wilson, Robert Chilton, Henry Chilton, George Watson, Robert Byars, John Mathew, Robert Surratt, and James Watson against the
bill of complaint of Robert Ayton.
p.452 9 June 1704
Case upon Lord Cullen's settlement on the point of joint tenancy with E. Northy's opinion. (Reversed)
Note on the purification of St Mary. (Reversed)
A list of the main protagonists in Sir Walter Raleigh's
History of the World - “A Compendium of the Remarkables”. (Reversed)
Pen trials on G Spearman.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 38.MSP 38 1668 - c.1730
330 pages, paginated i-iv & 1-335 (p.119-121 (
sic ), 158-159 & 246-249 excised and lost before the late 20th century), + 1 folio inserted
Alphabetical indexes to the Palatinate of Durham Chancery Court Entry Books of Decrees and Orders, the survivors of which are now in TNA DURH 4, drawn up by John Spearman, with some additional material added by [Gilbert Spearman].
Contents (all other pages blank):
“D” on front cover.
3 of the volumes to which these indexes refer are now TNA DURH 4/1-3.
Digitised material for Alphabetical indexes to Palatinate of Durham Chancery Court Entry Books of Decrees and Orders - Mickleton and Spearman ms 38
“This Booke cost 4s” and some pen trials.
“An Index of the Principal Matters, Presidents, and Decrees in the Court of Chancery of the County of Durham and Sadberg by John Spearman; (of Hetton Esq; in the County of Durham; and of Preston
Northumberland), from the 16th December 1668.” [written by Gilbert Spearman]. With some late 20th century notes on the volume.
p.iv & 1-156
Alphabetical index of subjects and places in Liber A, B, C, D, E, F, DE, EF and G of the Chancery Court Entry Books (all now lost) covering the period tempore Henry VIII to 7 Charles I:
p.iv & 1-4 A.
p.9-13 B.
p.19-30 C.
p.35-41 D.
p.45-48 E.
p.53-55 F.
p.59-61 G.
p.65-68 H.
p.73-76 I/J.
p.81 K.
p.87-89 L.
p.93-95 M.
p.99-100 N.
p.105 O.
p.109-112 P.
p.116 Q (blank).
p.122-125 R.
p.130-134 S.
p.133* (loose inserted) Proceedings in Forster v Watson in the court of pleas 16 June 1686 and assizes 29 July 1686.
p.138-140 T.
p.144 U/V.
p.148-152 W.
p.156 X (blank).
p.160, 162-166, 168
Translations of documents [by Gilbert Spearman] concerning the manor and chantry of Le Close, Heddon on the Wall:
p.160 Grant by Thomas Borughton vicar of Heddon on the Wall and William Buam to Thomas Read and his wife Joan of Le Close manor, 1412, with a drawing of William Buam's seal.
p.160 Writ to the escheator of Northumberland to enquire into the holdings of Le Close chantry, 6 December 1415.
p.162 Gift by Sir George Ratcliffe of Harbottle Castle of two thirds of Houghton manor in Heddon on the wall as a marriage portion with Margery his daughter to Nicholas Turpin of Whitchester, 1212.
p.162-164 King's Bench verdict between the prior of Tynemouth and Richard Turpin of Whitchester over boundaries between their respective lands in Wylam and Houghton, 1290.
p.163 Extract of an inquisition on Hugh de Bolbeck's lands including Houghton, Heddon and Whitchester, 1272.
p.164-165 Presentation by Nicholas Turpin of Gilbert de Hedwyn to the bishop of Durham to be inducted into the chapelry of Le Close chantry 1421 with notes on the history of the chantry/free chapel down to 1623.
p.165 Notes on the Read family of Close House 1613-1623.
p.166 Notes on the Read family of Whitchester 1639-1670.
p.168 Notes on Le Close chantry or chapel from records held by Calverley Bewicke.
Translations of documents [by Gilbert Separman] concerning the manor of Nesbitt, or Cheeseburgh of Cheeseburn Grange in Stamfordham parish:
Confirmation by Henry III of the gift by John de Normanville and Robert de Lisle of Nesbitt manor to Hexham abbey, 25 September 1250.
Inspeximus by Edward I, Hexham's records having been lost in a fire, of Lord Balliol's confirmation of John de Normaville's gift of Nesbitt manor, 23 November 1299.
Note of Hexham's holding of land and tithes in Stamfordham and Nesbitt, 27 November 1299.
Alphabetical index of subjects and places in Liber K of the Chancery Court Entry Books 9 September 1633 [to 1 August 1642] (now TNA DURH 4/1). (Liber H and J, though listed here on p.iv, appear to have been already lost before John Spearman came
to do his indexing.)
Alphabetical index of subjects and places in Liber L of the Chancery Court Entry Books [16 September 1661 to 26 August 1670] (now TNA DURH 4/2).
Alphabetical index of subjects and places in Liber M of the Chancery Court Entry Books 1671 to 1682 (these are the years mentioned in the heading but the volume now covers 13 April 1671 to 2 September 1707 and is now TNA DURH 4/3). (Subsequent
volumes to Liber M have indexes incorporated in them.)
Another copy of this index is MSP 66.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 39.MSP 39 c.1600 - 1672
55 folios, foliated i & 1-54
A collection of documents - principally examinations and churchwardens' accounts - about Durham St Oswald's extracting money from Durham St Margaret's chapelry for repairs to St Oswald's church, compiled by Christopher Mickleton.
Language: English and Latin
Digitised material for Durham St Oswald's and St Margaret's - Mickleton and Spearman ms 39 18th century
“Papers relating to Durham. Collected by Christopher Mickleton Esq.”
f.1r-v c.1665
Notes [by Christopher Mickleton] explaining the distinctions between St Oswald's and St Margaret's, their separate existences and outlining the dispute over St Margaret's contributing to St Oswald's repairs.
f.3-28 c.1600 - 23 February 1601
Libels, allegations, examinations and responses in the dispute between the churchwardens of St Oswald's (William Wrighte, Robert Tedcastle and Gerard Lambert) and St Margaret's (Christopher Skepper and Hugh Hutchinson) about St Margaret's
contributions to repairs to St Oswald's church, including depositions on behalf of St Margaret's by Hugh Tedcastle of Elvet, John Watson of Elvet, Henry Richerdson of Elvet, Bertram Hoorde of Witton Gilbert, Thomas Wayneman of Wharrelhill and John
Betson of Crossgate, and on behalf of St Oswald's by Henry Richardson of Elvet, William Fairealles of Elvet, George Wilkinson of Elvet, Richard Stote of Elvet, Robert Braidshawe of Framwellgate and William Raive of Framwellgate, and reciting two
instruments of Pope Clement VI and a memorandum of the bishop of Durham's Official of 1344 and 1345 about payments to St Oswald's by John Goldsmith and others of the Old Borough, and also reciting a St Oswald's churchwardens' receipt of 3 December
1553, and culminating in the compromise of the bishop of Durham's Official, Clement Colmore, of 23 February 1601 instructing St Margaret's to pay half the fabric costs after due consultation.
For the 1601 award, see also MSP 47 f.120r-v.
Some of the depositions are printed (possibly not from this source) in:
Depositions and Other Ecclesiastical Proceedings from the Courts of Durham, [ed J. Raine], (Surtees Society 21, 1845), p.276-281.
f.29 31 January 1602
Demand of John Fisher, churchwarden of St Oswald's, for money from St Margaret's as in Dr Colmore's award.
f.30-34 1672
Articles, libel and examination in another case before the Bishop's Official between Christopher Shacklocke, Robert Bell, Robert Eales and George Pattison, churchwardens of St Oswald's, and Gerard Welbury of St Margaret's over contributions to
the repair of St Oswald's church.
f.35-54 1632 - 1652
St Oswald's churchwardens' accounts 1632/3, 1634, 1638/9, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642 and 1643, detailing payments by St Margaret's, with receipts for payments of 12 January 1636, 1 May and 12 October 1638, a list of moneys owed by St Margaret's
1635-1652 and
“Elvett's demands against St Margaret's for the repair of Elvett Church ” 1638-1651.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 40.MSP 40 1715
404 pages, paginated (20th century) 1-404
Notes on Heraldry by James Mickleton the younger.
(Original title recorded by Ellis:
“Liber Adversariorum de Rebus Heraldicis tangentium per Jacobum Mickleton Hospitii Graiensis alumnum A.D. MDCCXV” apparently lost in rebinding.)
Contents (all other pages blank):
“De officio Heraldi ad Arma” : notes mainly concerning forms of trial.
p.16-17 Notes on mss. in BL Cotton Tiberias E.8 concerning
“The Original and Office of Heraults”.
p.18-19 List of Garter kings of arms.
p.20-27 Notes concerning the legacy c.1715 of Sir Henry St. George, Kt., Garter king of arms.
p.28-30 Notes on BL Cotton Nero D.6 and Caligula E.1, E.2, E.3, and E.4 involving matters of heraldry.
“Briefe de droit Trin. 13 Eliz” : dispute Chevin v Paramour which led to a
triall per Battel.
p.33-8l Notes on offices, tournaments, trials, and other matters connected with heraldry from John to Henry VIII, taken from sources such as the Close Rolls, Patent Rolls, Rymer's
Feodera and
Rotuli Parliamentorum.
p.82-86 Order, 1618.
“By the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for the Office of Earle Marshall of England to remedy the abuses caused by the sinister practice of certain mechanicall Tradesmen ... presuming ... to
intermeddle with the marshalling of Armes, the erecting of Monuments” etc.
p.86-87 Notes on matters of heraldry from Girard's
Histoire de France.
“The Demand of Maister Garter at the Christening of Prince Henry” the son of Henry VIII 5 February 1511.
p.125-160 Copies of letters patent and commissions to heralds, Edward VI to James I.
p.161 Order on the limitation of gatherings at the coronation of James I, 11 July 1603.
p.162-167 Notes on matters of heraldry James I.
p.173 Preamble to Lord Parker's patent.
p.174 Note on Thomas Gascoigne's ms in Lincoln College Library, Oxford.
p.175-178 Installation of Sidney Lord Godolphin as Lord High Treasurer of England.
p.179-183 Libel in the Earl Marshal's court for defamatory words, Lowther v. Murgatroid, 1715
p.245 Inserted slip of paper with local names. 1680-1699.
p.338 Note on royal seals.
p.387&394 Notes on Roman law.
Language: English with some Latin and French
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 41.MSP 41 3 April 1696 - 21 June 1703
225 folios, foliated (near contemporary) 1-225
f.1-175 Durham court of pleas returns of writs.
f.177-225 (Reversed) Writs from the courts at Westminster emanating from the palatinate of Durham.
f.225v Noted as the book of John Spearman undersheriff of Durham 1695.
Front cover has
“Durham Process ... John Spearman” and the back cover “London Process”.
MSP 44 was probably originally the successor volume to this, but the writs were then excised from the volume and it was reused. MSP 50 and 56 may have been predecessor volumes to this.
Digitised material for John Spearman's legal precedent book - Mickleton and Spearman MS 41
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 42.MSP 42 mid 17th century
43 folios, foliated (late 20th century) i-ii, 1-39, iii-iv, also 2 other near contemporary foliations
A collection of documents concerning episcopal jurisdiction, with a survey of Durham cathedral's windows and a catalogue of bishop's papers, compiled and some written by ?Christopher Mickleton.
Language: English with some Latin and a little French
“P” on the front cover
Digitised material for Documents relating to Durham cathedral and episcopal administration - Mickleton and Spearman MS 42
Description of the stories in the windows in Durham cathedral.
“This booke is towchinge the question of Jurisdiction betweene Yorke and the Church of Durham” discussing historical precedents.
“Touching visitacions of Deanes & Chapters founded by the kinge”
The exercising of the archbishop of Canterbury's authority during vacancies in sees in his province with commissions to exercise his jurisdiction during vacancies in the sees of London and Salisbury.
Notes of precedents about the exemptions and privileges of the prior and chapter of Durham, also concerning the question of jurisdiction with York, with references to a book of exhibits.
f.34r-36r c.1640
“Catalogue of such writings as I received from the hands of Mr Cresset for my Lord of Durham” [Thomas Morton], with items numbered within bundles.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 43.MSP 43 1656
53 folios, foliated (late 20th century) I-IV & 1-49
Survey of Alveton manor, Staffordshire
detailing tenants, their total rent and the areas and rents of their individual holdings.
“The Survey of the Mannor of Alveton in the County of Stafford of the present Rents the Quantatie and what it may bee worth upon Improvement Taken Anno Domini 1656”.
Contents (all other folios blank):
f.1r-5r Over Colton.
f.6r-7r Lower Colton.
f.8r-12r Farley.
f.13r-v Whiston.
f.14r-v Lees.
f.15r-v Eaves.
f.16r Whyston, Lees and Eaves.
f.17r-19r Staunton.
f.20r-24r Alveton.
f.25r-26r, 27r Bradley.
f.28r-29r, 30r Denson.
f.31r-v Rents outside the manor.
f.32r,33r Totals.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 44.MSP 44 early 18th century
41 folios, foliated 1-23, 23a, 24-40, with a note on f.1r that the folios were numberd 8 October 1819 by which date a quantity of folios had been removed from the front and back
Extracts and notices of charters about the bishopric of Durham, with some transcribed in full, compiled by ?George Spearman (
“Geo Spearman 1738. Bishop Middleham” on the inside back cover). James Raine's monogram appears on the inside front cover, f.1r and 24r.
Headed (on f.1r):
“Charte & Concessiones Regum & aliorum non Solum Episcopis Dunelmensibus Sed & aliis concessis facetque, Episcoporum etiam Dunelm' & aliorum Episcopatui Dunelm' Ac Seperales etiam aliorum
Res notabiles tangen' Episcopatum Dunelm' predictum”.
Cancelled titles on the front (
“Durham Process Anno Domino1703 ...” ) and rear (reversed) ( “London Process Anno Domino 1703 ...” ) covers indicate that this may originally
have been the successor volume to MSP 41 from which the writs have been excised and the remaining folios then used as below.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Inside front cover: (printed)
“The Compilers of the English Common Prayer Book (as now it is) were”, annotated, with a contemporary note that the annotations were in Bishop Cosin's hand, with a later 20th century note denying
f.1r-6r Chronologically listed extracts and notices of charters, royal and others, and other historical notices about the bishopric of Durham from King Oswald to Edward the Confessor, with references to William Dugdale's
Monasticon Anglicanum, William Camden's ?
Britannia, Francis Godwin's ?
De praesulibus Angliae
commentarius, “Liber Ruber Episcopi Dunelmensis”, and “L.C.”.
f.7r-11v Likewise for William I.
f.12r-13v William II.
f.14r-15v Henry I (subsequent exemplifications and confirmations begin to be noted).
f.16r-v Stephen.
f.17r-18r Henry II.
f.18v-20v, 21r Richard I.
f.21r-22r John.
f.23r-24r Henry III.
f.25r Bull of Pope Urban about the privileges of the bishop of Durham in Lincolnshire, with a note that the original is held by Christopher Mickleton.
f.26r-28r James I's inspeximus of Tobias Matthew bishop of Durham's confirmation of rights to the city of Durham (incomplete).
f.29v-31v Edward I's charter about the bishop of Durham's exercising of regal jurisdiction within Co Durham, 14 September 1278.
f.32r-33v Richard II's confirmation of the bishop of Durham's estates and liberties, 16 December 1383.
f.34r-36r Henry earl of Huntingdon's arbitration over the exercising of jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham when both the sees of Durham and York were vacant, 3 April 1577. Noted as compared with the original by the registrar.
f.37r-39v Enclosure act for the city of Durham and Framwellgate (incomplete) titled
“An Act for divideing the Commons and freeing the inclosed Grounds belonging to the City of Durham and Framwelgate from Entercommon”.
Language: Latin with a little English
“KD” on the front cover.
Digitised material for Extracts of charters about the bishopric of Durham - Mickleton and Spearman MS 44
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 45.MSP 45 mid 17th century
426 pages, late 20th century pagination 1-406 with 145-164 duplicated
The arguments of the judges in the Exchequer Chamber re Ship Money in 1638, in two 17th century hands, with the change at p.249.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.4 Title:
“The severall Argumts of the 12 Judges in the Excheqr. Chamber Concerning ship money. An. Dm: 1638”.
p.5-26, 28 The argument of Mr Justice Weston, 27 January 1638.
p.29-56 The argument of Mr Justice Crawley, 1638.
p.57-100 The argument of Mr Justice Berkley, 10 February 1638.
p.101 Mr Justice Vernon's argument, 1638.
p.103-104 Baron Trevor's argument, 1638.
p.105-156 The argument of Mr Justice [George] Crooke, 14 April 1638.
p.157-172 The argument of Judge Jones, 28 [April] 1638.
p.173-204 The argument of Judge [Richard] Hutton, 28 April 1638.
p.205-208 The certificate of Sir John Denham Kt, 26 May 1638.
p.209-246, 248 The argument of the Lord Chief Baron Davenport, 28 May 1638.
p.249-365, 368 The argument of Sir John Finche, Kt, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 9 June 1638.
p.369-400 The argument of Sir John Brampston Kt, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 9 June 1638.
p.402 Inscription that the book belongs to Mr Campin and that if it is stolen whoever returns it will be rewarded, written by Alexander Vincombe.
Partly printed in
The arguments of Sir Richard Hutton Knight ... touching ship-money (1641), available in DUL at Routh 67.E.12/2 .
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 46.MSP 46 1595 - 1688
201 leaves, paginated i-v and 1-296, of which f.1-291 are a near contemporary pagination, without f.147-150, and with some duplication, also a later 20th century foliation
Collection of letters and other papers to and of the bishops of Durham, principally Thomas Morton (1632-1659), John Cosin (1660-1672), and the early years of Nathaniel Crew (1674-1721), with also some material of Cosin predating his appointment
as bishop.
Language: English with some Latin, as indicated
Numbered ‘S’ on the front cover
Digitised material for Documents relating to 17th century bishops of Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 46
p.i c.1800
Title and indication of contents in 18/19th c. hand
p.1-16 mid 17th century
“A coppy of a very antient Record belonging to ye Sea of Durham” : the transcript, which is corrected in places with a smaller hand which makes references to an original as
“torne”, gives an outline of the growth of the see of Durham from the time of Saint Cuthbert to that of Henry I.
p.17-32 mid 17th century
Copy of a grant of six years'
“Contribution” to Charles I of 4s in the pound, 8 June 1640, by Archbishop Richard Neile & the clergy of the province of York.
p.33-36 1 June 1616
Charge from Tobias Matthew, archbishop of York, to the clergy of the diocese of Chester that they should comply with the royal command concerning the publishing and teaching of a religious treatise entitled
“God and the King”, endorsed with a like request from Thomas Morton, bishop of Chester.
p.37-40 [1632 x 1659]
Letter from Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, to Mr Richard Baddeley at Durham, reporting Mr Martin's visit, keen for news, reading a book on divine providence, with a PS about a
“sinister conceit” and Baddeley's absence from the commission abut Mr Right.
p.41-42 28 May 1635
Letter from Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, at Auckland, to [the Lord Chancellor] asking for
“the exactness of your Justice in the cause betwene my Lord Gray and my self” in a case about freeholders sueing liveries from both the king and himself.
p.43-46 2 August 1643
Letter from Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, to Mr Richard Baddeley at Durham, about sealing the patent for the moiety of Sir W. Mallorie and Mr Burchell.
p. 47-50 16 April 1636
Letter from Theophilas, earl of Suffolk, at Suffolk House, to the bishop of Durham, about his nominee for the vacant cure of the church of Symondburn in Tyndall, post paid.
p.51-58 3 July 1665
Letter from Richard Sterne, archbishop of York, at Bishopthorpe, to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, enclosing copies of the king's instructions concerning hospitals, with 9 questions to be put, signed by William Morice. Also a letter of 21 June
1665 from William Morice, secretary of state, at Whitehall, to Gilbert Sheldon, archbishop of Canterbury, asking him to send out letters missive or mandates to bishops of both provinces following the king's instructions for the redress of complaints
concerning the
“ill Governing of Hospitalls”, with a copy of the sign manual “Charles R”.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.109-111.
p.59-62 [1665]
The bishop of Durham's
“Answer to his Majesties Instructions concerning the present condition of all Hospitalls ...” for Christ's Hospital Sherburn, Greatham Hospital, Newcastle St Mary Magdalen Hospital.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.131-133.
See p.223 below for a draft of the bishop's accompanying letter.
p.63-72 23 July 1665
Letter from John Machon, master of Christ's Hospital Sherburn, at Sherburn House, to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, enclosing his answer to the king's enquiry into hospitals, and a table of the rents due to the hospital.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.124-127.
p. 73-76a [1660 x 1672]
Letter from John Machon to John Cosin, bishop of Durham , at London, reciting his claim for being evicted from [Sherburn] hospital by Mr Fenwick's father, seventeen years since.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.127-129.
p.76-79 1 August 1666
Letter from John Machon at Sherburn House to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, asking how to contact the privy council about appointing to a place in [Sherburn] hospital.
p.80-81 13 August 1666
Letter from John Ladler, rector of Gateshead, at Gateshead, to Mr Davenport, rector of Houghton, at Durham Castle, saying that he has received the privy council instruction not to appoint any brothers.
p.82-85 [1665]
The answer of John Ladler, clerk, rector of Gateshead, and master of King James's hospital [at Gateshead] to the questions in the king's enquiry into the condition of hospitals.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.138-139.
p.86-87 20 December 1665
Letter from Lionel Blagdon at Newcastle to Thomas Blakiston at Durham assuring him that Mr Hall will reply to [the king's enquiry into the condition of hospitals] for the hospital he is master of in Newcastle.
p.88-97a 14 April 1666
Letter from Nicholas Hall, master of the hospital of the blessed Virgin Mary in Westgate in Newcastle upon Tyne, at Loughborough, to Lionel Blagdon, merchant, at his house in the close at Newcastle, explaining and comprising his response for the
bishop of Durham to the king's enquiry into the condition of hospitals, and including a draft of his reponse and a rental of the hospital's lands.
Hall's letter and his draft answer are printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.144-147.
p.98-99 13 August 1666
Letter from Robert Bonner at Hartburn to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, saying the three almsmen's places at his hospital are full but he will inform him of any vacancies.
p.95-96 28 September 1665
Letter from Robert Bonner at Hartburn to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, stating that he is in charge of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, and that the hospital at the West Spittle in Newcastle belongs to Mr Hall of Ellymore Hall, who lives now in
the south, and employs Mr Lionel Blagdon, a merchant, to receive the profits thereof for him, and enclosing his answer for his hospital to the king's enquiry into the condition of hospitals.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.139-142.
p.103-106 19 July 1648
Letter from Algernon Sidney at Dover Castle to Lord Fairfax,
“Generall of all the Parliaments forces at the Leaguer before Colchester” urging him not to condone Col. Rich's replacement of Col. Hewson's troops at Dover with those of Sir Michael Lucy as some
of Lucy's men were implicated “in the last rebellion ”, detailing the garrisoning requirements at the castle, and recommending Capt Brafield as deputy governor, asking for more troops and for his
favour with the committee concerning the lieutenancy.
p.107-108 mid 17th century
Opinions on a case of wardship and conveying lands to the bishop.
p.109-124 13 November 1634
Petition of the freeholders, copyholders and leaseholders (the bishop's tenants) of Heighington to Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, for the division of land previously held in common, signed by 16 petitioners, with a survey of the arable land in
the town fields of Heighington, and notes on Heighington tithes, and the bishop's reply.
p.125-126 8 April 1636
Agreement of Ferdinand Moorcroft, vicar of Heighington, about his entitlement to the tithes under the enclosure.
p.127-128 22 January 1674
Letter from Miles Stapylton to James Mickleton esq . giving reasons for his opinion that the North and South Baileys are not part nor parcel of the city of Durham, discussing the status of the castle, and the city of Durham being a manor.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.385-386.
p.129-132 20 February 1667
Letter from Dr Francis Wilford at Corpus Christi College Cambridge to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, at Durham Castle, reporting the receipt of his £40 and that the population of Cambridge was now in health after a second visitation [of the
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.166-167.
p.133-134 6 November 1627
Letter from Richard Hunt to [Richard Neile bishop of Durham] concerning affairs at Durham, Mr Hall's arrears are great, he had a meeting about the constables' accounts, the audit goes slowly, Mr Booth drowned in the river but his horse still
found its way home.
p.135-138 19 February 1661
Letter from Thomas Man at [North]allerton to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, next door to the Duke of York's arms in Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, about the forthcoming election [at Northallerton] between Major John Talbot, put up by Capt
Ogilvy and Mark Hall, against Sir Paul Neile, the bishop's candidate.
p.139-142 15 March 1661
Letter from William Moore to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, at Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, stating that he will as strictly as possible manage Sir Paul Neale's interest in the election at Northallerton as he will be the returning officer
as borough bailiff, though the Lascelles interest is opposed to Neile despite the support of Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Mr Dallybell.
p.143-146 28 October 1639
Letter from William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth, to Thomas Morton bishop of Durham, advising him not to be concerned at complaints against him, he has thanked Bartholomew Hendon for his efforts, is pleased to hear of the good work
of Morton's former treasurer, now with Laud, he might have been useful to the king at Berwick.
p.147-150 7 March 1640
Letter from William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth, to Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, in favour of Mr Sidserfe, appointed lecturer at Berwick.
Missing by 1891, and still missing 12 May 1976 and 8 November 2005.
p.151-154 2 March 1661
Letter from William Moore to John Cosin, bishop of Durham, at Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, with further reference to the elections at Northallerton involving Sir Paul Neale, Major Talbot, Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Lascelles; Moore read out
the bishop's letter to the assembled ‘burrowmen’.
p.155-158 8 October 1618
Copy of Richard Neile bishop of Durham's acquittance to his predecessor Bishop William James's executors for the receipt of £186 3s 0¼d received by his predecessor of ‘the country’ for matchshot, powder & the
supply of the defect of arms.
p.159-162 16 June 1595
Letter from Henry earl of Huntingdon to Richard Bellasses esq and the rest of the jurors empanelled for the county palatine of Durham, ‘for the strengthening of the frontier counties’.
p.163-165[b] 11 December 1638
Letter from William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth, to Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, on their respective chaplains and a proposed publicaton by Morton's, and letters miss-sent by Nathaniel Butter, stationer, to the bishop of
p.165-168 2 April 1661
Letter from Mr W. Moore at York to the bishop of Durham at Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, on rent and tithe receipts for Allertonshire and organising the election at Allerton with Sir Gilbert Gerrard.
p.169-172 19 January 1662
Letter from John de Lavall to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Russell St, near the Three Feathers in Covent Garden, on estate business arising in the palatinate, his absence, a forfeiture at Wolsingham and unlicensed enclosures there, and the
Fiskerton business.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.84-85.
p.173-176 2 May 1661
Letter from John de Lavall to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Henrietta Street in Covent Garden, that he has to hold courts for the bishop of Peterborough, costs of repairs to the ‘ruines of the steathes’, advises
him not to revive or institute a borough court at Sunderland, such courts being only diminutions of the bishop's general & transcendent authority as count palatine.
p.177-178 16 January 1661
Letter from John de Lavall to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham with thanks for his appointment as his attorney general at Durham, discusses arrangements for his removal thence.
p.179-182 1 July 1661
Letter from John de Lavall to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, has arranged for copies of the Peterborough chapter acts which Mr Austin will deliver as he knows the background of the case, discusses the question of the Fiskerton lease involving the
dean [of Durham], Sir Gilbert and the king, also the income from Mr Bellasis's lease, the complaints of the Bedlington and Slickburn tenants against Mr Fenwick's lease, hard to find witnesses to a valuation of Glinton farm against Wildbore.
p.183-186 6 July 1661
Letter from Henry de Lavall, bailiff of Bedlington and Bedlingtonshire, to John Cosin bishop of Durham at London, on the rival activities of Cuthbert Peirson, agent of Robert Fenwick, the buying out of James Whiston as bailiff by Captain John
Pye, and Lavall's difficulties in trying to collect the bishop's rents in Sleekburn and Bedlington.
p.187-190 20 December 1666
Letter from Dr Francis Wilford at Corpus Christi College Cambridge to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Durham castle, thanking him for a bill of exchange, and reporting the abatement of the plague at Cambridge.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.164.
p.191-194 12 July 1661
Letter from Gab[riel] Jackson at Durham to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, at Henrietta St, London, regarding the payment of moneys for tenths from the clergy to Captain Farrow; Jackson and Ralph Douthwaite will account for the profits of the
parish of Brancepeth, Mr Chapman parson of Bolden is not likely to live long and the living is in the bishop's gift.
p.195-198 21 May 1661
Letter from Gab[riel] Jackson at Durham to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, about the payment of moneys for tenths from the clergy to Captain Farrow, enclosing a schedule (no longer present) about this, has
sent a draft of the certificate for tenths to Dr Cradock.
p.199-202 6 May 1662
Letter from Gab[riel] Jackson at Durham to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Russell St, London, about his efforts in collecting tenths, not fit to be the bishop's receiver.
p.203-206 11 April 1661
Letter from Gab[riel] Jackson at Langley to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at Henrietta St, Covent Garden, London, about payments of the tenths and difficulties in collecting arrears, Mr Dowthwaite's accounts for Brancepeth and Elwick, Mr Robson
needs paying as curate at Brancepeth.
p.207-210 8 November 1660
Letter from Gab[riel] Jackson at Langley to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham at the Rose Tavern, Covent Garden, London, praises the bishop, discusses the income from Brancepeth, Mr Lever leased the tithes there cheaply, Mr Shawdforth and Mr
Blackston will give the bishop an account for Elwick, Jackson will give an account for Brancepeth when he has one from Mr Dowthwaite, he needs a decision from the bishop on Mr Robson serving the cure there.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.11-12.
p.211-214 12 June 1623
Copy letter from the lords of the privy council at Whitehall to [Richard Neile] bishop of Durham regarding the yearly mustering and viewing of the trained forces of the kingdom, signed.
p.215-222 9 November 1661
Letter from Accepted [Frewin], archbishop of York, to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham enclosing a copy order of 8 November 1661 of Charles II at Whitehall, under sign manual, to the archbishop, on the form of the collect to be used for the royal
consort [Queen Catherine] replacing the one for the royal progeny.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.38.
p.223 6 August [1665]
Draft letter from [John Cosin bishop of Durham] to [Gilbert Sheldon] archbishop of Canterbury, enclosing an account (for which see p.59-62 above) of the hospitals in his jurisdiction which took some time to compile beacuse some of the masters
were absent and some hospitals had been ‘robbed of their Evidence & Records by the late usurping times’.
p.224 [c.1665]
Draft letter from [John Cosin bishop of Durham] to the archbishop of York in answer to copies of two letters received from him, the first from the privy council concerning hospitals and the second from the committee for sick & wounded seamen
& soldiers, incomplete and undated.
p.225-228 31 March 1632
Letter from Dr Thomas Carr, rector of Huggate, at Huggate, to Dr Cosin, archdeacon of the East Riding of Yorkshire, at Durham, sending copies of the dean's letters whose meaning he cannot discern, they mention only Dr Clarke, he wonders
‘to see a full gorged Eagle stoopeing at a flye’, alludes to the case of Mr [Peter] Smart [whose stall Carr acceded to after Smart's dispossession for a violent sermon], explaining the nature of his cause which was to
be pleaded in the chapter, his hopes of [the benefice] of Aycliffe, his opinion of Mr Blackston.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part I, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 52, 1869), p.210-211.
p.229-232 mid 17th century
Language: Latin with a little Greek
Letter from Anastasius Comnenus, archbishop of Laodicea, to the bishop of Durham, expressing regret that he had just heard ‘de discessu vestro e Civitate’ and sending greetings of friendship.
p.233-236 [1685 x 1688]
Reasons given by the bishop of Oxford for signing an address to the king [James II], and the reasons of the clergy of the university of Oxford against the address.
p.237-238 15 November 1688
Copy of a paper containing Bishop Crew's advice to the king, on withdrawing his protection of Catholic chapels, declining his offer of the archbishropic of York, objecting to the appointments of Mr Massey as dean of Christ Church Oxford and Mr
Bassel as master of Sidney Sussex College Cambridge, and advocating calling ‘a free Parliament’ as being the only means of ‘preventing the effusion of Christian bloud’, with the
signature ‘N. Crew’‘of late ... a little under a Cloud at Court’.
p.239-242 19 April 1639
Letter from Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, at Durham Castle, to Richard Baddeley esq. at York, asking him to convey to the king [Charles I] an invitation to a banquet at Durham on his journey from Raby to Newcastle.
p.243-246 31 January 1671
Letter from Edward Chamberlayne at London to [? Dr Basire] asking advice upon the establishment of a protestant nunnery in England on the lines of one in Germany among either Lutherans or Calvinists which Dr Thriscrosse said he had mentioned, he
already has some subscribers.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.384-385.
p.247-248 21 February - 7 April 1685
Brief notes of decisions made with regard to plans for the coronation of James II, dated 21 and 28 February and 7 April 1684/5.
p.249-250 [?c.1682]
Copy address to the king, expressing abhorrence of ‘that infernall project of Association (found in the Closet of the E. of S. [?Shaftesbury]... a design to subvert ye Established Government both of Church &
State’, (?the Rye House plot), undated and unsigned.
p.251-252 12 March 1682
Copy address from the mayor, recorder, aldermen and town council of Durham, on the same subject, referring to the ‘Project of Association as found in ye proceedings against ye E. of Shaftesbury’, and as
‘threatening Religion & Lives & Libertys & Propertyes’, (?the Rye House plot), Newmarket.
p.253-254 [?c.1682]
Copy letter from the justices of the peace of the county palatine of Durham to the king [Charles II], also on the [Rye House plot], endorsed as ‘by Dr Sudbury’.
p.255-256 [?c.1682]
Copy draft address from the mayor, aldermen & common council of the city of Durham to the king also on the [Rye House plot], referring to the attempt at ‘the Murder of Your Sacred Majesty’, and
‘the design to exclude your Royall brother from his Just Right of Succession’.
p.257-258 20 February 1679
Copy memorandum on the subject of an address from the bishops to James duke of York, on ‘ye Sinfulness & ye many Inconveniencyes of his deserting ye church of England’.
p.259-260 [1678]
Copy prayer for ‘ye Fast after ye discovery of ye Popish Plot’.
p.261-262 later 17th century
Copy memorandum from the bishop of Man about erecting a college for ‘ye Instituting of Youth in Academicall Learning In the Isle of Man’.
p.263-264 26 January 1684
Copy letter from [Peter Gunning] bishop of Ely to the clergy of his diocese on the need to take care that the people committed to their charge be duly taught ‘ye Principles of ye holy Religion’.
p.265-266 1688
Petition from the bishops to the king, expressing ‘the great averseness they find in themselves to ye distribution & publication in all theire Churches of your Majesties late Declaracon’.
p.267-270 10 February 1638
Order from [Matthew Wren] bishop of Norwich to his chancellor instructing him to see that the chancery order for the repair of Bowthorpe church be complied with, the work to be paid for by Henry Yaxley and others.
p.271-274 29 February 1636
Copy order of [Matthew Wren] bishop of Norwich, citing an order of the high court of chancery ‘for purging the church from all prophanacions... for the repayring of the said church and the chancell ... and for the
maintaining of divine service’, for the sequestration of Bowthorpe church to John Gilbert and John Rawley who are to repair the chancel paid for from the tithes, estimate and carry out the repair of the rest of the church, steeple and
churchyard, and in the meantime arrange for services in the duly repaired chancel.
p.275-278 mid 17th century
Copy order from Richard [Nykke] bishop of Norwich to the dean and chapter of Norwich St Mary in the field, concerning the maintenance of Bowthorpe church, 8 January 1522.
p.279-282 26 January 1636
Draft copy letter [?from the bishop of Durham] to [William Laud] archbishop of Canterbury asking his favour for Mr Brownrigge and discussing the defamation case of Henry Hodgson.
p.283 26 June 1666
Copy letter from [John Cosin] bishop of Durham to Sir Francis Goodrick, chancellor of the county palatine, asking him to expedite his case against [Philip Herbert] earl of Pembroke over the forfeiture [of Durham House].
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.147-148.
p.284-286 [26 June 1666]
Copy letter from [John Cosin] bishop of Durham to [Gilbert Sheldon] archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chancellor, on the background of his claim against [Philip Herbert] earl of Pembroke to forfeit the tenancy of the Durham House in the
Strand, London.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.148-151.
p.287-290 29 November 1666
Letter from George [Wishart] bishop of Edinburgh to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham, describing the Scotch rebels' campaign in Dumfries and Galloway and their rout by Lieutenant General Dalzell outside Edinburgh on the 15th.
Printed in
The Correspondence of John Cosin ... Part II, [ed G. Ornsby] (Surtees Society 55, 1872), p.158-160.
p.291-292 23 July 1663
Letter from Richard [Sterne], archbishop of York, to [John Cosin] bishop of Durham comprising the convocation act de Subsidia.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 47.MSP 47 later 17th century
190 leaves, foliated i & 1-189 by Roger Norris 28 September 1974
Transcripts and some notes of deeds, leases and instruments of various kinds relating to St Margaret's chapel, Durham, the almshouses in Durham St Nicholas, the Old Borough, Durham, and then St Margaret's dispute with St Oswald's, made by James
Mickleton the elder.
Except for the almshouses material, there are references generally to either the medieval registers or cartularies of Durham cathedral as the sources for the transcripts and notes. Much of the volume is blank.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with some English
Formerly ‘45D’ on the front cover.
Digitised material for Durham city documents - Mickleton and Spearman ms 47
front cover 1672
‘ex dono iacobi mickletoni de croke hall armigeri ao mdclxxii’.
f.1v-2v 14 February 1343
Notarial instrument about the font in St Margaret's chapel Durham.
f.2v-3r 11 March 1343
Notarial instrument about the recognition of the inhabitants of the Old Borough that they had no right to the sacraments in St Margaret's chapel Durham.
Notes of episcopal and papal documents about Elvet [Durham St Oswald's] church.
f.4r 21 September 1343
Writ of [Richard de Bury] bishop of Durham about collecting alms at the altar to St Thomas the martyr in St Margaret's chapel Durham.
f.4v 22 February 1343
Mandate about collecting alms at the altar to St Thomas the martyr in St Margaret's chapel Durham.
f.7r 17 June 1384
Letters of attorney by the prior and convent of Durham to the subprior to treat on behalf of them and St Oswald's church with John Leg about the burial of his wife.
f.7v-8r 11 July 1384
Composition between the prior and convent of Durham and the inhabitants of New Elvet and Sidegate and the parishioners of St Oswald's about mortuaries and being allowed to hear divine office and receive the sacraments in St Margaret's chapel,
f.8v-9v 9 August 1384
Confirmation of Bishop John Fordham of the above composition.
Also in DCD Reg.III, f.177r-178r.
f.13r-v 11 December 1431
Licence of the prior and convent to dedicate the churchyard and to bury and marry at St Margaret's chapel, Durham.
Also in DCD Reg.III, f.143r-v.
f.13v-14r 12 December 1431
Faculty and mandate to Bishop Langley's suffragan to dedicate and consecrate St Margaret's chapel and churchyard.
Printed in
The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 Vol. VI, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 182, 1967), p.12-13.
‘Almeshouse &c’
f.19r 1 June 1474
Charter and cofirmation by Ralph Bowes to John Yowdale of a waste place ( ‘fundum vastum’) abutting the castle moat.
f.19r 1 June 1474
Licence by Ralph Bowes to John Yowdale to have free access to the above site for constructing a building there.
f.19v 19 October 1493
Feoffment by Matilda Yowdale, widow and executrix of John Yowdale, to Cuthbert Billingham of Crook Hall of a burgage in Framwellgate and a tenement called le Almeshouse in Durham St Nicholas abutting the castle moat.
f.20r-22r 23 October 1493
Feoffment by Cuthbert Billingham to 12 men of a burgage in Framwellgate and le Almeshouse tenement in Durham St Nicholas, with an ordinance detailing its setting up as a lodging for 8 ‘poore
folke & travelling people’ for a day and a night and an inventory detailing its contents.
f.23r-v 10 August 1519
Feoffment by John Gamyle chaplain to Cuthbert Billingham and 10 others of his burgage in Framwellgate, with a schedule stipulating that it is to provide for a priest or priests for the guild of St Margaret in Durham.
f.24r-v 20 January 1558
Sale by Robert Butterye, Roland Fewster and Henry Dawson to Anthony Harryson of the rent of 12d from le Massendewe tenement abutting the castle moat, with the right to distrain for arrears from le Spittell tenement.
f.25r-v 4 February 1562
Lease by Michael Thomson, Robert Brawchay, and John Chypches, to Anthony Harryson (all churchwardens of St Margaret's) of a burgage on the castle moat-side in Durham for 21 years.
f.26r-v 9 June 1566
Sale by Anthony Harryson, son of the late Anthony Harryson, Elizabeth his widow and Isabella his daughter, all his executors, to Thomas Hall of the late Anthony Harryson's 12d rent from le Massendew tenement abutting
the castle moat.
f.27r-29r 1 September 1578
Feoffment by Ralph Billingham of Crook Hall (lineage from Cuthbert Billingham above recited) to 12 men of a burgage in Framwellgate and le Almesshouse tenement abutting the castle moat, with a schedule detailing its
setting up as a lodging for 8 ‘poore folk & travelling people’ for a day and a night, and with a list of Thomas Hall's unpaid rents.
f.32r-33v 15 April 1610
Feoffment by Francis Billingham of Crook Hall, son of Ralph Billingham, to 12 men of a burgage in Framwellgate and ‘le Almeshouse’ tenement abutting the castle moat, with a schedule stipulating that they should be
leased and the moneys distributed amongst the poor of St Margaret's chapelry.
f.35r-v 9 August 1610
Sale by Robert Hall of London, son and heir of Thomas Hall, to Thomas Blakiston and 11 others of 12d rent from le Masendue tenement abutting the castle moat, Durham.
f.37r-v 3 April 1621
Lease by Thomas Blakiston and 10 others to Edward Rodham of Framwellgate, tanner, of one burgage in Framwellgate with a brew lead, steap lead and barke stock, for 21 years.
f.39r-40v 10 October 1633
Feoffment by Cuthbert Billingham of Crook Hall, son and heir of Francis Billingham, to Tobie Blakeston and 11 other men of a burgage in Framwellgate and the Almeshouse tenement abutting the castle moat in Durham, with
a schedule that the feoffees are to let the properties for the benefit of the poor of St Margaret's chapelry.
f.41r-v 8 April 1635
Lease by Tobie Blakeston and 10 other men to Edward Fawell of Durham, butcher, and Robert Renaldson of Durham, tanner, of the tenement in Durham St Nicholas for 21 years.
f.44r-v 18 April 1653
Lease by Michael Hall and 5 other men to Ralph Bainbrigge of Durham, cordwainer, of a moiety of the tenement in Durham St Nicholas abutting the castle moat for 21 years.
f.49r-51r 30 April 1679
Feoffment by James Mickleton of Crook Hall to Michael Hall and 11 other men of one burgage in Framwellgate and the tenement called Almeshouse in Durham St Nicholas abutting the castle moat, with a schedule stipulating
that they are to lease the premises for the benefit of the poor of St Margaret's chapelry.
f.53r-54r 9 May 1679
Lease by Michael Hall and 11 other men to John Duck of Durham, alderman, of a moiety of the Almeshouse tenement in Durham St Nicholas abutting the castle moat for 21 years, with a note of another lease of the other
moiety between the same parties on the same day.
f.55r 21 July 1679
Opening of an indenture, incomplete.
Note about the division between the Old Borough and the bishop of Durham's borough.
‘De veteri burgo &c’
f.110r [1283 x 1311]
Confirmation by Anthony [Bek] bishop of Durham of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham's quitclaim to the prior and convent of Durham in the Old Borough, bounds recited.
Also in DCD Cart.IV, f.94r-96v.
f.111r-112r 22 July 1334
Record of a case in the court of Richard de Bury bishop of Durham where Alice del Slade claimed she was unjustly disseised of her right of common pasture in the Old Borough by William [Cawton] prior of Durham and John Turnour.
Original is DCD 3.3.Pont.4; also in DCD Cart.IV, f.87, 93, 232.
Other notes about common pasture in the Old Borough with references to DCD Cart.IV.
f.113r 20 September 1442
Composition between John Wessyngton prior of Durham and the chapter of Durham, and the burgesses of Elvet about common pasture in Elvet moor within the manor of the prior and chapter of Durham of New Elvet and Old Elvet.
Also in DCD Reg.III, f.281r-282r.
f.116r-v 1614
Division of the disputed moor between the freeholders, tenants and inhabitants of the borough or barony of Elvet and Crossgate or South Street by 6 men appointed by each side, bounds detailed.
“[St Margaret's and St Oswald's]”
f.120r-v 22 February 1601
Award of Dr Colmore, spiritual chancellor, in the suit between St Oswald's and St Margaret's over the repair of St Oswald's church and St Margaret's contribution to it.
Original is MSP 39, f.28.
f.121r 1 September 1607
Agreement between the parishioners of St Oswald's and St Margaret's over contributions to the repair of St Oswald's.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 48.MSP 48 mid 17th century
120 leaves, paginated I-XVI + 1-224, of which 1-215 are ?contemporary pagination
‘The Parsons Lawe: Collected out of the Whole Bodie of the Lawe, and some late Reports, by W.H. of Grays Inne Esquier Anno. Dm. 1633.’, a mid 17th century copy of William Hughes,
The Parson's Law ..., describing the episcopacy, deans and chapters and parish parsons and all legal aspects of advowsons, benefices, institutions, inductions, deprivations, resignations, pluralities,
glebe, rectories, tithes, and visitations.
Contents (all other pages blank):
f.V Title.
f.VII-XV Contents of chapters 1-27.
f.1-215 Text: with marginal references to both statutes and cases, and to old books such as Glanville.
Printed 1641 edition (text variations) is in DUL ASC, Cosin L.5.52.
Digitised material for The Parsons Lawe: Collected out of the Whole Bodie of the Lawe, and some late Reports, by W.H. of Grays Inne Esquier Anno. Dm. 1633 - Mickleton and Spearman MS 48
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 49.MSP 49 mid 17th century
135 leaves, paginated (?later 20th century) 1-270, with p.225-270 inverted
Copies of deeds and other legal documents, most concerning Durham and transcribed generally chronologically 1623-1662, and (reversed) notes on law and legal texts.
A volume of several hands, noted on p.7 as ‘Liber G. Spearman 1692’ and that it was bought on 22 January 1692/3 for 100s.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: English with some Latin, a little French and less Greek
Digitised material for Gilbert Spearman's book of deeds and other legal documents concerning Durham - Mickleton and Spearman MS 49
p.3-7 25 March [1626]
‘An abstract of the High Commission for causes Ecclesiasticall within the province of York’, listing the names of commissioners and the statutes cited.
A lease for years.
A lease of a bargain and sale of trees, John Hilton of Hilton and Robert Carr of North Biddicke to Sir William Langley of Bow, Sussex, Sir William Lampton of Biddicke, Sir Richard Murton of Belasys.
Covenants of various kinds.
An award by Emanuel Dowell between Richard Moseley of Osden, Suffolk, and William Caddington of New England, his wife Mary and sister Joanna.
p.16-41 [?1643]
Examples of various types of deeds and legal documents, no names or dates. p.37 is dated ‘5 Aug 1643’ at the head.
p.42-44 19 March 1591
Deed of feoffment with a letter of attorney by John Lord Lumley to William Smyth of London esq, John Lambton of London gent and Richard Athewe of London gent, of his messuage at Nonesuch, Cheam, occupied by Thomas Alderton.
p.45-46 5 Charles [I] (1629x1630)
Jointure with covenant to stand seised between (1) Richard Allanson of Durham city, mercer, and (2) Tobias Blakiston of Newton by Durham esq, Henry Blakiston gent, and John Heighington of Durham city alderman for the marriage of Ralph to Mary
Blakiston daughter of Marmaduke Blakiston of Newton by Durham, clerk, over lands in Ayslaby.
p.46-50 22 October 1645
Indentures of covenant to levy a fine for assuring a jointure between (1) Cuthbert Bellamy of Durham city, dyer, and (2) William Walton of Bedburn, fuller, and John Johnson of Framwellgate, tanner, to provide for (1)'s wife Elizabeth from his
messuage and shop in Claypath, Durham.
Precedent of a lease for trial of a title between Charles Towneley esq and Christopher Nelson of Eastshawes, Gainford, co Durham, yeoman.
p.51-52 18 March 1646
Grant of a life annuity out of lands in Cocken by Ralph Carr of Cocken, co Durham, esq, to Margaret Carr widow of William Carr of Cocken.
p.53-54 18 March 1646
Special release of a life annuity and of all actions, covenants and demands by Margaret Carr of Cocken, widow of William Carr the elder, to Ralph Carr of Cocken, son and heir of the late Ralph Carr of Cocken.
Condition not to revoke a letter of attorney by John Baggs, having appointed Nicholas Bowman his attorney to recover money from Cob Bowes, John Brignall and Rowland Stott.
Release of a filial portion by the minor at full age to the tutor or guardian by Richard Carr of Westoe gent to Elizabeth Raw of Westsaltpans, South Shields, widow.
Letter of attorney to implead upon several bonds made by executors by Barbara Cave, late wife of William Male late of Hardriding, Northumberland, and Margaret their daughter, appointing William Male of Stockton, co Durham, son of Barbara and the
late William, their attorney to levy moneys from Sir William Selby of Winlaton, co Durham, kt, William Tempest of Thornley, co Durham, gent, and Henry Errington of Beafront, Northumberland, esq.
Assignment of a lease of 7 May [1640] for 3 lives with a letter of attorney by William Collingwood of Daldon, Co Durham, gent, to Robert Cosin of Hartburn, Co Durham, yeoman, of the common bakehouse in Stockton.
p.63-65 1644
Bargain and sale ‘bona forma drawne by Mr William Smyth of Durham councellor att lawe’ between George Barkas the elder of Houghton-le-Spring, yeoman, and George Barkas the younger of North Bailey, Durham, city,
gent, 3rd son of the elder, of his lands in the lordship of Stainesby in the parish of Stainton, Yorkshire.
99 year lease by George Punter to Richard Mathew of a burgage in Elvet, Durham, occupied by Barbara Hunter widow, parcel of the possessions of the guild of St Cuthbert, Durham.
Fines for recoveries:
Ralph Carr sr, esq, Ralph Carr jr, gent, Roger Bowes merchant, Thomas Bowes merchant for property in Medomesly manor from Robert Shafto merchant and Ralph Tennyson merchant.
Richard Belasys kt, Thomas Swinburne esq, Isabella Belasys, widow, property in Owton manor from Gerrard Salvin, esq, and William Killinghall, esq.
Henry Draper, gent, Eleanor his wife, property in Newcastle upon Tyne from Mark Shafto, esq.
Robert Thornton gent, property in Bolam from Robert Ainsley and William Ainsley.
Matthew Smith and his wife Anne, property in Barneton, from Thomas Swinburne, esq.
Francis Gascoigne gent, his wife Margaret, and Francis Collison and his wife Elizabeth, property in Gateside from George Head.
Francis Bayne and Jane his wife, property in Gateshead from George Bullman.
John Wilkinson, gent, property in Ferryhill from John Shawe sr, gent.
Matthew Smith and his wife Anne, property in Fullthorpe, Little Stainton,. East Newbiggin, West Newbiggin, Middle Newbiggin and Pittfield from Thomas Davison, esq.
Robert Jackson, kt, and his wife Margaret, property in Fenham manor, from Thomas Widderington, kt, George Paylor, esq, and Francis Anderson, esq.
William Dodds, his wife Jane, their son Robert, and his wife Isabella, coal mines in Crawcrooke in Ryton parish from Thomas Bewick, merchant.
John Leigh, his wife Anne, and their son Henry, property in Ravensworth, from Thomas Liddell, esq.
Gerrard Salvyn, esq, William Killinghall, esq, property in Owton manor, from Clement Fulthorpe, gent, and Henry Simpson, gent.
John Fetherstonhalgh, esq, property in Brantoft alias Burntofte from Christopher Lodge and Ralph Collpotts jr.
Assignment of Durham dean and chapter's lease of 24 November [?1641] of a tenement in Ferryhill by John Shaw of Ferryhill to Robert Hixon of Ferryhill.
p.77-80 [1637x1638]
Grant of an annual rent charge of £20 out of Poulton Grange by Thomas Heath esq and John Heath esq to Dr John Cosin, master of Peterhouse, Cambridge.
Marriage settlement between John, eldest son of Thomas Heath the elder of Kepier, Co Durham, esq, and Margaret, daughter of William Smith of Durham city, esq, concerning Thomas Heath's property in Kepier, ‘Geligate’, Old Durham, Hither Grange, Farre Grange alias Poulton Grange alias East Grange, Claxton, and Iston alias Iveston.
p.84-87 September 1641
Bargain and sale of a house on the west side of the North Bailey in Durham by Tobias Swinburne of York, bachelor of law, to Richard Mathew of Durham city, gent.
p.87-88 September 1641
Deed of feoffment in the last.
p.88-90 7 September 1624
Assignment of the archbishop of York's lease of 20 April 1580 of Kirk Levington ‘tythe laythe’ and mansion house by Thomas Sandys of Stretham, Isle of Ely, esq, to George Meryton, esq, younger, son and heir of Dr
George Meryngton, dean of York.
p.91-94 tempore Charles [I] (1625x1649)
Bargain and sale by Michael Hall of Durham city, gent, to Thomas Mills of Sandgate without the walls of Newcastle upon Tyne, shipwright, of his property in Waskerley and also ‘Hawghe House’ in Shotley lordship,
p.94-97 [tempore Charles I (1625x1649)]
Lease by William James, prebend of Durham cathedral, to John Wearmouth the elder of Willingham, Co Durham, yeoman, and his son John Wearmouth the younger, of Newby Grange manor.
p.97-98 [1643x1644]
Lease by George Collingwood of Daldon the younger, gent, to William Collingwood of Durham city, gent, and Nicholas Todd of Seaham, yeoman, of Grindon, in Bishopwearmouth parish.
p.99-100 [1627x1628]
Bargain and sale by Robert Hutton to Richard Wilkinson of Crossgate, Durham city, taylor, of Bowes close, in St Margaret's chapelry, Durham.
p.101-104 May [?1644]
Lease by Henry Pearson of S., Co Durham, to Brian Burlettson of Trimdon, yeoman, of West Close in the town fields of Sherburn.
p.104-106 September 1623
Demise by Richard [Neile], bishop of Durham, to A.B. of property in North Waist in St Margaret's chapelry, Durham, until Elizabeth Brasse, Katherine Brasse and/or Beatrix Brasse, heirs of their late cousin William Brasse, are of age and can sue
for their inheritance.
p.106-108 September [?1623]
Demise by Richard [Neile], bishop of Durham, to Thomas Jackson of Bishopton, yeoman, of land in Bishopton and Little Stainton, until the late Humphrey Elstobb's heir, his son Henry, is of age.
p.109-111 1642
Assignment of a lease of property called West Waist, near Durham, by Thomas Walton of Durham city, gent, to Thomas Paule of Sunderland, merchant.
p.112-113 1642
Lease by Thomas Paule of Sunderland, merchant, to Thomas Walton of Durham city, gent, of property called West Waist, near Durham.
p.114-116 [?1642x1643]
Lease by Tobias Blakiston of Newton by Durham, esq, to Henry Blakiston of Howgill, Yorkshire, esq, and Ralph Allanson of Durham city, alderman, of two closes in Newton.
Lease by Henry Blakiston of Howgill, Yorkshire, esq, and Ralph Allanson of Durham city, alderman, to Tobias Blakiston of Newton by Durham, esq, of two closes in Newton.
Bargain and sale by Robert Story of Durham city, mercer, to Thomas Taylor of Durham city, butcher, of a burgage in Fleshergate St, Durham.
p.122-125 May 1646
Assignment of a 22 January 1633 Durham dean and chapter lease of a burgage, brew lead and steep lead in ‘the Browe’, Elvet, Durham, by John Younge of Fulwell, Co Durham, yeoman, and Hilda his wife to Thomas Johnson
of Framwellgate, tanner.
p.125-126 [1646x1647]
Bargain and sale of standing timber at Poulton Grange by Thomas Heath of Poulton Grange, esq, his son and heir John Heath of Durham city, esq, and John Tempest of Poulton Grange, esq, to Thomas Johnson of Framwellgate, tanner, and William Hugill
of Gilligate, near Durham, tanner.
p.127-130 22 April 1647
Bargain and sale by Thomas Jackson of Knaton, Yorkshire, gent, and Christopher Dicson of Burdon, Co Durham, yeoman, and John Emerson of Tewkesbury, yeoman, to William Hugill of Gilligate, Co Durham, tanner, of a seventh part of Fieldhead farm,
p.130-133 [1644x1645]
Bargain and sale by Christopher Haynes of School Aycliffe, Co Durham, gent, and his son and heir Francis of the same, gent, to John Gibson of Great Aycliffe, Co Durham, skinner and glover, of lands in School Aycliffe.
p.134-135 [1645x1646]
Assignment of a Durham dean and chapter lease of 4 October 1642 of a tenement in Cotes upon the Moor by Margaret Cooke of Durham city, widow, to John Aysley of Newlands, Co Durham, gent, Robert Aysley of Coveshouses, Co Durham, gent, and William
Moorecroft of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant.
p.136-138 12 June 1646
Bargain and sale by John Ridley the elder of Hey Leezes, Co Durham, cordwainer, to John Ridley the younger, (son of Lionel), of the same, of his property in the Market Place, Durham.
p.138-141 January 1641
Marriage settlemenet for the marriage between Edmund Grange of Hornby-in-Cleveland, Yorkshire, yeoman, and Elizabeth Wood of Newton Hansett, widow of Henry Wood and daughter of Ralph Johnson of Newton Hansett, Co Durham, yeoman, concerning
property in Hornby.
p.141-142 1633
Arbitration award by John Heath of Durham city, esq, in a dispute between Robert Parke and William Corney of South Shields over property and salt pans in South Shields.
p.143-144 February 1651
Writs for the appointment of Thomas Shadforth as sheriff of Durham.
p.145 1651
Notes of deeds and appointment of attorneys of Cuthbert Sidenham, Newcastle upon Tyne.
p.146 Michaelmas 1656
Fine for a messuage in Durham city from Thomas Pearson, clerk, and his wife Mary, and John Jordan and his wife Isabella to Henry Rowell.
p.147 Michaelmas 1651
Fine for a messuage in Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints from William Heighington and his wife Frances and John Jackson and his wife Joan to Cuthbert Sidenham.
p.148-149 12 February 1652
Westminster common bench writ to give Thomas Errington seisin of a messuage in Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints held by Cuthbert Sidenham.
p.150-151 29 November 1652
Westminster exchequer writ to John Walton mayor of Durham, Richard Hutchinson, gent, Christopher Mickleton, gent, and George Barkas, gent, to take the oath of Thomas Shadforth for his accounts as sheriff of Durham for 1650-1651.
p.152-153 23 January 1653
Fine for a £100 rent from Halton Oldcastle manor from Thomas Twisden esq and John Tomlinson gent to Raynald Carnaby gent and his wife Susanna.
p.154-156 24 November 1653
Appointment of Rowland Place, esq, as sheriff of Durham.
p.156 October 1655
Writ to take the oath of Anthony Bayles, mayor of Durham and j.p. of Co Durham.
p.158 Michaelmas 1654
Fine for a messuage and a shop in Durham city from Thomas Taylor and Eleanor his wife to Michael Olliver.
p.159 Martinmas 1653
Fine for a moiety of 3 messuages and other property in Whitton, Carlton, Bishopton and Stillington from William Watson gent and his wife Elizabeth to Charles Elstob, gent, and William Eden, gent.
p.160 30 January 1655
Fine for a messuage in Durham city from Robert Story and his wife Mary to Thomas Taylor.
p.160 18 April 1654
Appointment of Ralph Allanson, gent, Cuthbert Sisson, gent, Richard Mathew, gent, and George Barkas, gent, to appoint a guardian for John Lampton, under-age, and to defend him in actions over his estate with Thomas Robinson the younger and
Francis Watson.
p.160-161 27 April 1654
Appointment as guardians for John Lampton of Robert Lampton of Houghton-le-Spring, his father, and George Barkas of Durham city.
p.162-165 1653
Bargain and sale of William Key's lease of a burgage in the Market Place, Durham, by Anthony Thompson of Crossgate, Durham, notary public, to Matthew Bayles of Framwellgate borough, Durham, mercer
p.165-168 7 February 1656
Lease by Thomas Anderson of North Hall, Hertfordshire, taylor, and John Walton of Durham city, mercer and alderman, to George Kirby the younger of Durham city, glover, of a messuage in Claypath, Durham
p.169-171 29 November 1655
Bargain and sale by Thomas Anderson of North Hall, Hertfordshire, taylor, to John Walton of Durham city, mercer and alderman, of a messuage in Claypath, Durham.
p.172-175 1654
Thomas Taylor of Durham, butcher, to Michael Olliver of Durham, butcher, a burgage and shop in Fleshergate, Durham.
p.176-178 30 April 1656
Lease by Ann Conyers of Netlesworth, Co Durham, spinster, to John Ayrson of Durham city, mercer and alderman, of a close called Bradhalgh alias Barkerhalgh in the manor of Sidegate or
Crook Hall, Durham.
p.178-180 14 June 1403
A copy of the incorporation of the butchers of Durham.
p.181 25 September 1649
A statute merchant acknowledged before the mayor and town clerk of Newcastle.
p.182 20 October 1657
Acknowledgement under the statute merchant before the mayor and town clerk of Newcastle by William Strother of Newton, Northumberland, that he owed Cuthbert Heron of Chipchase, Northumberland, £1000.
p.183 26 November 1657
Order to the sheriff of Northumberland to imprison William Strother until he has paid the debt to Cuthbert Heron's administrators Thomas Carnaby and Dorothy his wife.
p.183-184 23 January 1658
Order to the sheriff of Northumberland to deliver William Strother's goods to Thomas Carnaby and Dorothy his wife.
p.185 Martinmas 1657
Fine of land in Easington and Little Thorpe from Walter Boothby esq and his wife Katherine to John Walker gent.
p.187 15 March 1661
Exemplification of a 22 May 1639 Durham dean and chapter patent to George Blades.
p.188 29 July 1662
Exemplification of a fine for property in Ketton manor from William Riddel esq and his wife Isabella to John Forcer esq and Henry Grey esq.
p.226-268 Text reversed.
‘The form of holding a gaol delivery’, with ‘G:Spearman’ at the head.
Notes on holding courts baron, headed: ‘The order of holding court baron’.
Notes in law French.
Notes on a coroner's powers and duties headed ‘A Charge for a Coroner Composed per R:M.’.
Notes on widows' rights to copyhold lands.
Note on Plowden: ‘Of Plowden the famous laywer’.
Summary of the contents of a legal text on tenures with the heading ‘New Littleton’ with folio references: ?possibly Thomas Littleton,
Littletons Tenures in English, lately perused and amended (1656) .
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 50.MSP 50 1661 - 1695, mostly 1664 - 1667
84 leaves, foliated i-viii (22 November 2005) and 1-35, 37-67 & 69-78 (mostly contemporary)
[John Spearman's] book of Durham court pleas.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
MSP 41, 44 and 56 were probably successor volumes to this, containing similar material.
Digitised material for John Spearman's book of Durham court pleas - Mickleton and Spearman MS 50
Name index.
Names of attornies in the Durham courts.
f.VIIIv 11 July 1663
Admission of John Spearman as an attorney in the Durham courts, with his oath, signed.
f.1r-20v January 1664 - January 1667
Pleas in the Durham county court.
f.21r-35r April 1664 - July 1669
Pleas and writs in the Durham court of pleas.
f.37r-39v May 1664 - May 1667
Pleas in the Durham chancery court.
f.48v-53v Michaelmas 1661 - Michaelmas 1667
Pleas in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer at Westminster.
f.54r-57r Easter 1670 - September 1674
Writs in the Durham courts of pleas.
f.62r-66r February - March 1667
Pleas in the Durham county court.
f.70v March - April 1695
Pleas in the Durham county court
f.72r March - April 1695
Pleas in the Durham court of pleas.
Subject index.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 51.MSP 51 mid 17th century
187 leaves, foliated i-v + 1-182 (1-100 contemporary foliation; otherwise foliated 22 November 2005 though 111-122 also foliated 1-12 (contemporary foliation))
Two treatises on the courts of the archbishop of Canterbury and the admiral of England.
Contents (all other folios blank):
f.IIIr An estimate of the number of churches in each diocese within the province of Canterbury.
f.IIIv The form of a testamentary instrument used in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
f.IVr Commission of an appeal by Charles [I] about Mary Herbert.
f.1r-100r Treatise on the archbishop of Canterbury's courts held in London, titled ‘De Curiis Ecclesiasticis quo celebrantur authoritate reverendissimi Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi infra Civitatem Londinensem’.
f.101r-107v Contents of the above treatise.
f.111r-122r Treatise on practices in the admiralty court of England, titled ‘Praxis in Curia Admiralitatis Anglie’.
f.123r-124r Contents of the above treatise.
Language: Latin, with a little English
Digitised material for On the courts of the archbishop of Canterbury and the admiral of England - Mickleton and Spearman MS 51
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 52.MSP 52 mid to late 17th century
128 leaves, foliated 1-128 (22 November 2005), with some parts variously (contemporary) paginated or foliated: f.5v-15r paginated 2-21; f.22r-44r, 47r foliated 1-24; f.48r-73r, 75r-122r foliated 15-87.
Copies of pleas and other legal proceedings in the courts at Durham, and also York and London, in various hands. At the end of f.109v is “scripsi 1689” and “Finis 1689”.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin, with some English
Digitised material for Durham legal precedents - Mickleton and Spearman MS 52 f.2r
Pentrials, including ‘per William Belasis’ and ‘per Ja[mes] Jordan’.
Petition to Sir Henry Vaine knt. lord lieutenant of the county of Durham from the officers of the bishop's consistory court, ‘showing the reasons why they cannot with safety of conscience take the nationall
Proctor's oath.
f.3v-4r 1630
Procuration of Joan Cornelison, widow and administratrix of John Cornelison, late of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Ejection from a farm.
Libel in a defamation case between Margaret Foster of Durham St Nicholas and Marian Alanson wife of Ralph Allanson, mayor of Durham.
Interrogatories in a testamentary case on behalf of Maria and Isabella Whitfield over the will of George Whitfield, late of Alston.
Libel in a tithes case between Robert Chapman, rector of Boldon, and William Hinde of Boldon parish.
Interrogatories in a testamentary case on behalf of Margaret Cooke over the will of William Cooke, late of St John's parish, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Libel in a matrimony case between Margaret Reay of Chester-le-Street and Marmaduke Hedworth of the same.
Libel in a tithes case between George Colthurst, vicar of North Otterington, and Thomas Gatenbie of the same.
Libel in a testamentary case between Rosamond Witherington alias Reveley of Rothbury and Dionisia Reveley of Mitforth, executrix of the will of Bartram Reveley.
Allegation in a defamation case between John King and Elizabeth Nicholson [of Gateshead].
Allegation in Henry Gibb against Robert Catchside.
Allegation in Edward Ogle against Henry Collingwood.
f.14v 1639
Allegation in a tithes case between Robert Chilton and Hamlet Marshall.
Articles in Samuel Hancock of Mitford parish against John Gibson.
Articles of Fortune Lisle, wife of John Lisle, against her husband.
Start of an entry, incomplete.
f.18r 1640
Florence Gray of Kelloe, Co Durham, prorogued.
Mary Steele alias Johnson, inhibition, incomplete.
Articles in a matrimonial case between Elizabeth Rawe of Durham St Nicholas against John Sym junior of Durham St Oswald.
Interrogatory in an office testamentary case against Richard Pallacer over the will of Elizabeth Pallace, widow, of Midridge in Auckland St Andrew parish.
f.20v 1630
Monition about the sequestration of the goods of George Barcroft, late of Durham North Bailey, who died intestate.
f.21r-v 13 March 1641
Presentation by Elizabeth Free of Ryhope, widow and administratrix of John Free, of John Easterbie, clerk, B.A., to Seaham vicarage on the death of Thomas Easterbie.
f.22r-v 1637
William Grawe of Edgeknowle, Co Durham, yeoman, summoned to answer Lindley Wren, esq, and William Key over a debt of £12 for tithes in Auckland St Andrew.
f.23r-v 1641
Richard Bowser of Bishop Auckland, bachelor, was attached to answer Hugh Wright, esq, attorney of the king's court, in a plea of debt over a bond for his wardship.
William Selby, formerly of Winlaton, knight, alias of Newcastle upon Tyne was summoned to answer Abraham Booth, merchant, over a debt of £80.
f.24v-25v 1640
“Replevyn” Richard Kenlayside, John Dickinson, Edward Hopper and Robert Hompson were summoned to answer Anthony Fawell over animals detained on Elvet Moor.
f.25v-27v 1624
Thomas Wray and Christopher Wray defended their claim by their attorney Richard Mahon to an avowry in land at Plauswood against John Claxton knight and his son John Claxton, esq.
f.28v-29r Trinity 1646
William Taylor and his wife Anna and Thomas Pearson and his wife Elizabeth against Bartram ? of Barley, Co Durham, yeoman, over a debt of £17 in London St Mary the Arches, London.
f.29r Trinity 1646
Thomas Hutchinson against Robert Woodhouse over trespass at Spenknowle at Cornforth, Bishop Middleham parish, Durham.
f.29r-v Trinity 1646
Anthony Fawell against William Thompson and George Thompson of Ryhope over a debt of £60 in London St Mary the Arches, London.
f.30r-31r Trinity 1646
Thomas Welford, administrator of the late Ralph Welford who died intestate, against Richard Davison over pasturing a mare at Saltholme, Billingham, Co Durham, York King's Bench.
f.31r-32v 1637
Edward Chaytor was summoned to answer John Guy over, with William Chilton and Edward Kendall, detaining a heifer at Hall Moor, Newbottle, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham.
f.32v-33v 1638
Edward Moore formerly of Berwick-on-Tweed, gent, George Moore formerly of the same, yeoman, George Richardson formerly of Spittle, yeoman, Richard Ferrer formerly of Berwick-on-Tweed, yeoman, William Moscrop formerly of the same, yeoman, William
Carr formerly of the same, yeoman, William Donkin formerly of the same, yeoman, Robert Riddell formerly of the same, yeoman, George Smyth formerly of the same, yeoman, Robert Dagleash, formerly of Orde, Co Durham, yeoman, Reginald Malin formerly of
the same, yeoman, Adam Short formerly of the same, yeoman, George Short formerly of the same, yeoman, Oliver Selby formerly of Tweedmouth, yeoman, James Nesbatt formerly of Paxton, yeoman, and Alexander Moore formerly of the same, yeoman, were
attached to answer Francis Armorer, gent, Thomas Armorer, gent, Edward Allanson, John Rowell, Oliver Richardson and James Lambert over a plea of trespass for filling up their South Yarrow fishery on the river Tweed with stones, Durham.
f.33v-36r 1642
John Heath formerly of Durham city, esq, and John Bell, formerly of Durham city, yeoman, against William Church, gent, over the office of clerk of the bishop of Durham's halmote courts.
f.36v-37v 1639
Robert Collingwood defended himself against Mildred Boutflower, widow of George Boutflower, over a debt of £200 for dower.
f.38r-v Michaelmas 1647
James Wilkinson formerly of Horden, Co Durham, yeoman, was attached to answer Robert Hardaclife over the sale of wool, York.
f.38v-39r Michaelmas 1647
John Heath the younger formerly of Durham city, esq, was summoned to answer George Barkas and his wife Elizabeth, executor of the will of Richard Whitfeild junior, formerly executor of the will of Richard Whitfeild senior, and Elizabeth Whitfeild
and Meriole Whitfeild, co-executors with Elizabeth Barkas, over a debt of £10, York.
Case between Ralph Cole of Newcastle upon Tyne, alderman, and Troth Brandling, widow of John Brandling of Felling, gent, over a bond concerning coal mines at Eastwick, Northumberland.
f.42r-v Trinity 1647
Thomas Todd administrator of Robert Crissupp formerly of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, who died intestate, against John Claxton of Chester-le-Street, esq, over a debt of £69 12s, Westminster.
f.43r-46v 1638
Case between Richard Lilburne and Ralph Claxton over two messuages, 200 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow and 200 acres of pasture at East Thickley, involving trial by battle with divers ceremonies before the privy council, together with the
judges opinions.
Extracted and discussed in K. Emsley & C.M. Fraser,
The Courts of the County Palatine of Durham, (Durham 1984), p.35-36.
See also MSP 91 no.70.
f.47r-v October 1631
John Todd, formerly of East Bolden, yeoman, summoned to answer Robert Chapman rector of Bolden over tithes, Durham.
f.48r-53r 1631
Case against Robert Peacocke of Durham, butcher, over a forfeited bond and illegally building a house in Fleshergate, Durham.
f.53r-56v 1647
William Selby esq and Andrew Taylor were summoned to answer William Selby kt over stealing cattle at Hollinheape at Winlaton, Durham.
f.58r 11 March [1624]
Royal writ repealing letters patent of 19 May 1623 granting to George Baker, gent, son of George Baker, the office of clerk of the Durham county court.
f.58v-59r April 1625
Royal writ repealing a grant to Nicholas H of the office of custodian and porter ( “Saalvatoris et janitoris”) of Durham castle.
f.59v [1603 x 1625]
A writ of melius inquirendum upon a point of tenure into the property and lands of the late Isaac Knipe gent in Bennetfeilds in Tritor of Darlington,
possessions of John Gower, esq.
f.60r 1637
Writ for Francis Wycliffe, his wife Isabella, John Wycliffe and Anthony Middleton over dower for Elizabeth wife of Lancelot Holtby and widow of Francis Lawson esq from the lands of Francis Lawson in Thorpe Bulmer, Sheraton and Nesbett in Hart
f.60v-61r 1614
Christopher Gaynes disputing the status of the property and lands (named) of the late John Gaynes (d.1596) in Middleton St George.
f.61r-v 1627
Inquisition at Durham into the lands at East Ord of Thomas Oarde of West Ord.
f.61v-62r 1629
Inquisition at Durham into the lands at Blakiston and Winyard manors, Fulthrop and Grindon of Thomas Blakiston of Blakiston, kt and bt.
Durham dean and chapter confirmation of a bishop of Durham's patent from Ravensworth Park for Thomas Liddell of “Ravenshelme” Castle, esq.
f.62v-63r after 1614
Inquisition into property of the late Thomas Newton of Little Staunton, yeoman, a close called Shouldbreedes and four leazes in Le Gilvegarth and their inheritance by his sons John and
f.63r-64r 1625
Case over Robert Clerke of Lumley, yeoman, breaking his bond, guarantors George Clarke of Durham, yeoman, and William Walker of Lumley, yeoman, to keep the peace, by assaulting Richard Reade and Richard Welsh at Lumley.
f.64v-65r 1646 x 1647
Christopher Humble had his cattle and pigs stolen by Nicholas Heath, esq, at Well Close, Little Eden in Easington and George Grame attacked John Cooper at Little Eden and stole his animals.
f.65r-67v 1635
Case between Thomas Allanson and Ralph Colepotts over the manor and court baron of Middleton in Teesdale.
f.67v-70v 1631
William James, rector of Ryton, was attached to answer Toby Dudley, esq, over tithes from the former monastery of Newminster in Chapwell.
f.70v-71r 1629
Case between John Peacock and Peter Booth over cattle seized at Seaven Acres in Geligate, part of Elvet manor.
f.71v-72v 1635
William Hutchinson sues Richard Pickering of Raby over a debt pledged in the county court, Durham.
f.72v-73r 1634
Robert Fairlamb sues Andrew Whitfeild of South Shields over a debt, Durham.
f.73v-74v 1642
Case between John Richardson of Durham, esq, and Edmund Wilson of London, doctor of medicine, over a debt of £1400.
f.75r-76r 1632
John Hedworth formerly of Chester-le-Street, kt, alias of Harradon was summoned to answer Peter Glover over a debt of £16, York.
f.76v-77r 25 September 1630
Appointment by the bishop of Durham of William Dunn, gent, of Durham, as coroner of Darlington ward.
f.77r-v 1649
Case of George Barkas, gent, and a robbery at Giants Grave, in the hundred of Hertford.
f.77v-78r 1649
Robert Jackson sues Elizabeth Howe, widow, over £300 for wine for her house at Gateside, Durham.
f.78r 1648
Thomas Cosyn and John Clifton sue Robert Younge, sheriff of Newcastle, over timber and tar detained by Thomas Bancer, Newcastle.
f.78v 1650
Anne Dixon, widow, sues George Comyn over tithes for Buckhead in Evenwood, Auckland St Helen, Durham.
f.79r-v 1650
Jane Maxton widow, Joseph Cradock, doctor of law, Jane his wife, Thomas Bowes, esq, and Anne his wife, administrators of Anthony Maxton of Wolsingham, clerk, who died intestate, sued Margaret Rawling, widow and executor of Robert Rawling of
Bruntoft, yeoman, over a debt of a bond, York.
f.80r 1649
Barbara Easdell executrix of the will of the late William Easdell doctor of laws sues James Wilkinson of |Sedgefield, yeoman, over a £60 will bond, Durham.
f.80v-81r 1648
William Rand sues John Goundry over a lease by Rand to Henry Nateby in 1643 at Kenerston of half of a close of pasture called Kenerston High Pasture and a close of meadow called Acre Field, Durham.
f.81v-84r 1650
Nicholas Toward, Thomas Toward, Gabriel Wilson, George Mowbray, John Watson, John Ayre and Thomas Bainbrigge sue George Dobson of Brancepeth, gent, over a bond for performing covenants, Durham.
f.84v 1650
George Barkas, gent, attorney, sues Reuben Easthorpe, cleric, for payment of fees in the chancery court at Westminster.
f.85r 1650
William Hugill sues Thomas Billingham over two beagles, a dog and a bitch, given to Thomas at Crook Hall, Durham, in return for the use of Thomas's close of meadow at Crook Hall called Barty Marshall's Close for two years, Durham.
f.85v 1650
Robert Grinwell of West Rainton, yeoman, sues John Browgh of East Rainton, yeoman, over the loan of a mare at West Rainton to carry a load of oats from Rainton to Durham, which died through overloading at a cost of 39s 11d, Durham.
f.86r-87r 1652
Frances Cookson, widow, administratrix of Christopher Cookson her late husband, sues John Woodhouse the elder over a debt of 24s 9d for goods sold, Westminster.
f.88v-89r 1652
John Buttery sued Robert Story of Durham, merchant, over a debt, Westminster.
Case between George Heslopp of the Hermitage and Lancelot Algood over an assault in London.
f.90v-91r 1651
Timothy Heaton sues William Fenwick of Newtongarths, gent, over a debt of 20s for a rick of hay, Durham.
f.91v-92r 1652
Richard Joplyn sues Thomas Harrison and Elizabeth his wife, and Matthew Whitfield over the obstruction of a passageway through their adjoining properties in North Bailey, Durham, to Palace Green and the cathedral, Durham.
f.92r-93r 1652
Richard Grace, merchant, and Francis Fruen, gent, sue Thomas Shadforth, esq, late sheriff of Durham, over a debt of £63, recovered by them from Robert Clarke of Elvegate, Durham, in 1646, London.
f.93v-94r 1650
Jonathan Devereux the younger late of Wolsingham, gent, was attached to answer Katherine Shelley, spinster, due to marry William Cragges, gent, until slandered by Devereux, with the connivance of Anthony Cragges, brother of William, Durham.
f.94v 1654
Anne Downes, widow of Brian Downes, sued John Addamson for her dower part of five acres at North Auckland formerly Bishop Auckland, Durham.
f.95r-v 1653
James Wilde sued Samuel Wilson of Houghton-le-Spring, yeoman, over a 1652 bond of Reuben Easthorpe late of Houghton-le-Spring for paying £10, London.
f.96r 1654
John Atkinson of Upper Heworth sued James Atkinson, widow, executrix of the late John Atkinson of Fallees over a debt of £100 on the marriage at Newcastle of the first John Atkinson to Mary Follensby, a kinswoman of the second John Atkinson,
f.96v 1654
Henry Jackson late of Cornforth, yeoman, was summoned to answer John Thompson over a bond for £100, Durham.
f.97r-v 1654
Margaret Jefferson, widow, sued John Atkinson over a debt of 40s, Durham.
f.97v-98r 1653
Lionel Strother and Margery his wife sued Edward Foster for slandering Margery as “Thomas Suttons whore”, Durham.
f.98v 1652
Christopher Shacklocke of Elvet, carpenter, sued Oswald Hastwell of Elvet, blacksmith, over a debt of 40s from an arbitration award for rent arrears of a house in Elvet, Durham.
f.99r-v 1652
Anthony Bayles sued Margaret Chilton, widow, executrix of her late husband William Chilton over a loan of £10, Durham.
Gavin Bell, William Errington, Nicholas Fenwicke and William Wislon sued Richard Errington over common rights for Buckley town on Errington Moor, of Sir John Fenwick, lord of Hexham manor.
f.100v-101r 1651
Thomas Hutchinson sues Peter Woodhouse, William Woodhouse and Robert Woodhouse for damage to his close at Cornforth called “Fifty Acres”, Durham.
Case between John Brignell of Hedworth and Nicholas Bowman over a bond involving Tobias Bowes and John Baggs of Sunderland, merchant, made in 1641, for keeling coal from Biddick Bourne, Chester-le-Street.
f.102r-v 1654
Adam Burdon and John Burdon, ships' carpenters, sue Phillis Nicholson widow and executrix of the late John Nicholson for a debt of £47 11s 7d for repairing 7 “old keeles” of his, Durham.
f.102v-103r [1654]
Ralph Allanson, Anthony Thompson, Gabriel Jackson and Christopher Mickleton “governors” of the legacy of the late Henry Smith of Durham to the city of Durham sue Christopher Lodge of Wolsingham, gent, over a debt
of £500, Durham.
f.103r 1654
Elizabeth Preston, administratrix of the late John Preston, sues Anne Baxter, administratrix of the late William Baxter of Whitworth, gent, over a debt of £300, Durham.
f.103v 1655
William Atkinson sues Richard Johnson over obstructing a right of way over Johnson's close called Chittey Hill to Atkinson's messuage and close of pasture called Swallaton in East Burdon, Durham.
See also f.119v-120r below.
Case between John Coulston and William Thompson formerly of Sunderland, labourer, over a debt of £24 for ropemaking, Durham.
f.105r 1653
Thomas Selby and Matthew Nixon sue Thomas Gillory over the delivery of sea coal at Gillory's staith in Bladon for the use of the late Jeremy Tolhirst and John Armstead, Durham.
See also f.110r-v below.
f.105r-v 1654
Gerard Potts of Wearmouth, yeoman, sues Anthony Sidgwicke of Silksworth, yeoman, and John Ranson over a debt of £49 10s for tithes at Silksworth, Durham.
f.106r 1651
John Levett doctor of laws, commissary of the archbishop of York, sues Robert Salvyn of Durham, gent, over a debt of £100 to the late archbishop, York.
f.106r-v 1652
John Wallasse and his wife Ann sue Henry Morecrofte of Durham, gent, over a debt of £4 10s for Ann's wages as Morecrofte's former servant, Durham.
f.106v 1652
Paul Neale, kt, executor of the late bishop of Durham, sues William Surrett of Newbottle, yeoman, over a debt of £80, Durham.
f.107r 1654
Adam Burdon and John Burdon, ships' carpenters, sue Samson Nicholson over a debt of £39 18s 11d for repairing 7 keels of his, Durham.
f.107v-108r 1654
Case between Richard Johnson and Richard Smith, over Smith's intrusion into a messuage, 10 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 10 acres of pasture at Bishopwearmouth leased by Johnson from Thomas Johnson of Bishopwearmouth, Durham.
f.108r-v 1655
Christopher Dixson sues Robert Shaftoe, esq, late sheriff of Northumberland, over a debt of £40 1s claimed by Dixon from Cuthbert Ridley late of Haltwhistle, alias of Claypath, Durham, dyer, Durham.
f.108v-109r 1650
Thomas Whitfield sues Christopher Johnson junior over intruding into a messuage and land in Whitfield leased to Whitfield by his brother Matthew, Northumberland.
f.109r 1651
Anne Mercer, widow and administratrix of Tobias Elstobb, of Durham, mercer, sues William Baxter of Whitworth, gent, over a debt of £14, Durham.
f.109r-v 1654
Nicholas Cole, late of Durham, kt and baronet, alias of Newcastle, was summoned to answer Richard Everard, baronet, and his wife Frances, executrix of the late Gervase Elwic, kt, over a debt of £200, London.
f.109v 1650
William Kay of Shincliffe, draper, administrator of the late John Ingleby, sues Ralph Garden and his wife Katherine, executors of Ralph Reed, late of Chirton, Northumberland, gent, over a debt of £44.
f.110r-v 1654
Thomas Selby and Matthew Nixon sue Thomas Gillory over the delivery of sea coal at Gillory's staith in Bladon for the use of the late Jeremy Tolhirst and John Armstead, Durham.
(See also f.105r above).
f.110v-111v 1653
George Shaffeild, gent, sued Thomas Shadford, esq, late sheriff of Durham, over a debt of £107 2d recovered by Shaffeild against Peter Jones, gent, of Holy Island, London.
f.111v 1648
Cuthbert Sisson, gent, his wife Meriela, administratrix of the late Robert Cooper, and Frances Cooper, widow and administratrix of Robert Cooper, sue Roger Fewler over a debt of £4, York.
f.112r-113r July 1625 to June 1626
Notes of cases before John Cradock, official, in the Galilee chapel, Durham cathedral.
f.113v 1654
Edward Colston sues Thomas Gillory the elder and Thomas Gillort the younger for intruding into his close called Hallgarthes at Winlaton in Ryton parish, Durham.
f.144r 1653
John Higgins, gent, sues William Porratt for intruding into a capital messuage called Fryaridge and other property and land in Hartlepool late held by Robert Porrat and Richard Porrat and leased by Higgins from Richard Viscount Lumley and Sir
Henry Hen in 1653, Durham.
f.114v-116r 1654
Jonathan Devorux, clerk, late rector of Wolsingham, sues Thomas Bainbrigge over a debt of £97 for Wolsingham tithes, Durham.
f.116v-117r 1654
John Kitchin alias Kitchinge, late of Suddicke, yeoman, sues Thomas Page of Hilton parkehouse, yeoman, over a debt of £5 awarded to him after their differences had been put to arbitration before Robert Atkinson and
Ralph Lumley, Durham.
f.117r-v 1654
Humphrey Holden and his wife Elizabeth, formerly Elizabeth Wright widow, sue Cuthbert Sisson, gent, and his wife Mirioll, administratrix of Robert Cooper's goods not administered by Frances Cooper, his widow and late administratrix, over a debt
of £60, Durham.
f.118r-v 1654
William Dowthwaite sues William Gare over depasturing Dowthwaite's West Park at Brancepeth in 1642, Durham.
f.118v 1655
William Crooke of Sunderland, yeoman, sues George Watson the elder of Ryhope, yeoman, over a debt of £20, Durham.
f.119r 1654
William Watson sues Thomas Snawdon over the sale of a mare in Durham for £5 10s, Durham.
f.119r-v 1654
Phillis Nicholson widow sues Francis Wilkinson over his account as her bailiff at Harraton, selling sea coal, Durham.
f.119v-120r 1655
William Atkinson sues Richard Johnson for obstructing a right of way over Johnson's Chittey Hill close to Atkinson's messuage and close called Swallaton in East Burdon, Durham.
See also f.103v above.
f.120r-121r 1655
Ralph Emerson administrator of the late Alice Emerson, widow, sues Thomas Emerson over moneys and chattels detained, Durham.
f.121r-v 1655
Christopher Blackett late of Blackley alias Blakley Hall, yeoman, was summoned to answer Jane Maxton widow, Joseph Cradocke doctor of laws, and Jane his wife, Thomas Bowes, esq, and Anne his wife, Jane and Anne being administratrixes of the late
Anthony Maxton, clerk, over a debt of £20, Durham.
f.122r 17 June 1657
Writ to the sheriff of Durham to enquire into the case of Henry Mathew against William Smith over a debt of £8 10s for oats sold.
(Reversed) f.122v August 1642
Judges' opinions on Mr Cole's right as the new owner of Kepier manor on insisting that the manor's copyhold tenants grind their corn at Kepier mill.
f.123r-124v 30 September 1638
Judges' opinions on the trial by battle between Claxton and Lilburne in the royal court at Hampton Court.
f.125v 13 September 1649
A coroner's entitlement to fees, “Jo: Turner”.
Opinion on a coroner's entitlement to fees and other profits of office, “Signed by me. Marke Shafto.”.
f.126v 28 January & 13 September 1645
Questions and answers on the will of Elizabeth Cooke, widow, and a deed of gift of hers.
f.127v 1639
Note of a judgement of coroners in Durham county court.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 53.MSP 53 mid 17th century
45 leaves, paginated I-VI + 1-84, of which 13-65 are near contemporary, and 1-12 were probably similarly originally near contemporary but the tops of the folios have been trimmed
Precedent book of copies of cases in the county court, court of chancery and court of pleas, Durham, mostly 1636-1640, including bonds, commissions, inquisitions, leases, letters of attorney, pleas and other writs. The volume is titled (on p.V)
“Declaracons and other precedents for the Countie Court &c”.
The text is mostly in one hand, with some headings and marginalia categorising and explaining the documents, and providing occasional cross-references, in at least one other hand, which has also provided the index.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: Latin with some English
Digitised material for Durham courts precedent book - Mickleton and Spearman ms 53
Pen trials.
p.1-3 1639
Anthony Kirkabie formerly of Woodhouses, yeoman, was summoned to answer Lindley Wrem, esq, over a debt of £18 from the tithes of Auckland prebend, Durham.
p.3-4 1638
Thomas Harrison formerly of Durham, yeoman, was summoned to answer Christopher Cookson, mercer, over a debt of £11, Durham.
p.4-5 1640
Case of Francis Sharper against Ralph Bowes formerly of Gateshead, yeoman, over pigs being rustled at Gateside, Durham.
Case of Ralph Colesworth formerly of Durham alias Newton Ketton, yeoman, against Richard Halliman over a debt of £80, Durham.
p.5 1640
Case of George Martyn, gent, against Simon Nicholson, formerly of Morden, yeoman, for intruding on his land at Morden, Durham.
p.5-6 1637
Henry Liddell formerly of Durham alias Farnacres, esq, was summoned to answer Jane Pleasance widow over a debt of £20, Durham.
p.6 1640
Case of Henry Maddison against William Barras formerly of Whickham, yeoman, over a quarter share of a coal mine in Whickham leased to Maddison by Elizabeth Maddison widow, Durham.
p.7 30 September 1639
Release by John Johnson of Gateside, yeoman, to Andrew Whitfield of South Shields, gent, of all errors.
p.7-9 9 June 1639
Inquisition at Gainford before the bishop's coroner in Darlington ward into a labourer's discovery of a box of coins when digging under a wall at Gainford.
John Bainbrigg (Bainbridge) formerly of Durham alias Baynbridg of Mainsforth, gent, was summoned to answer John Heighington, executor of the will of Nicholas Whitfield junior, executor of the will of Nicholas Whitfield senior of Durham, mercer,
over a debt of £17 15s, Durham.
p.12-13 1639
Appointment by Lady Margaret Selby, widow, Barbara Delavaile, widow, Sir William Belasys kt and Margaret his wife, Sir John Delavale kt and Elizabeth his wife, Sir Patrick Curwen bt and Isabell his wife, Sir William Darcy kt and Dorothy his wife,
and John Fenwicke esq and Mary his wife of William Reed of Newcastle as their attorney for a lease to Edward Suerties (Surtees) of Newcastle of property in Ravensworth, Kibblesworth and Plawsworth.
Answer to a bill of complaint.
p.14-15 1639
Lease by Lady Margaret Selby, widow, Barbara Delavaile, widow, Sir William Belasys kt and Margaret his wife, Sir John Delavale kt and Elizabeth his wife, Sir Patrick Curwen bt and Isabell his wife, Sir William Darcy kt and Dorothy his wife, and
John Fenwicke esq and Mary his wife to Edward Suerties (Surtees) of Newcastle of property in Ravensworth, Kibblesworth and Plawsworth for 3 years.
p.16 1639
Appointment by Anne Conyers widow of Robert Conyers, late of Boulby, Yorks, gent, of (blank) as her attorney to take possession of Easington manor house, Yorks, and associated closes, land and buildings, and to remove John Blanchard of
Condition of a bond to put in suit a bond of £500.
p.17-18 1637
Henry Liddell formerly of Durham, gent, was summoned to answer Jane Pleasaunce, widow, over a debt of £20, Durham.
Condition of a bond for the payment of £3 10s.
Condition of a bond for the payment by Ralph Carr, Nicholas Blakiston, Lionel Blakiston and Roger Bowes of £500 on 20 August next.
John Hett sues Robert Radcliffe of Hardwick over oxen seized in Le Pry Close alias Oxclose at Hardwick in Hesledon parish 17 November 1639, Durham.
Edward Parkinson sues John Mowburne over the theft of 100 slates worth 20s at Plawsworth dene, Plawsworth 5 May 1639, Durham.
p.20 1640
Affidavit of John Heigh of Farnacres, aged 30, in the case of Henry Liddell against Daniel Hodson, Phineas Hodson and Robert Collinnes, Westminster.
p.20 6 January 1640
Warrant to George Blades in the case of Philip Ebbuts against Walter Balcanquall, dean of Durham, Durham.
p.21 1 April 1639
Order to imprison Robert Harrison in Durham gaol until he repays his debt of £8.
p.21 26 July 1638
Appointment by Richard Mathew, coroner of Darlington ward, of Thomas Barnes as his deputy to hold an inquest into the death of Henry Sharpe, late of Bondgate in Darlington.
p.22-23 21 July 1639
Writ to Arthur Robinson, bailiff of William Belasis sheriff of Durham, about Henry Blakiston's recovery against Ralph Emerson, sureties William Emerson and Arthur Emerson, of a debt of £14 with 13s costs, Durham.
p.23-24 4 March 1640
Escheator Thomas Swinburne's inquisition into the death of Robert Tewart, his property in Heighington, and his heir, John, son of his son Robert, aged 24, Durham.
Condition of a £1000 bond for the payment by Nicholas Blakiston, Lionel Blakiston, Roger Bowes and Ralph Carr of £500.
p.24-25 3 March 1640
Case between Christopher Strangwaies, gent, and William Lord Gray, Henry Manners, gent, Anthony Wallas, gent, Edward Cooke, yeoman, and Isabella Chirneside, widow, over land at Cheswick (Northumberland), Durham.
p.25-29 1639
William Hutchinson sues John Heath of Durham, esq, over the arrest of John Gibson who with Dionisia his wife owed Ralph Allanson £12 7s 2d, Durham.
p.29 3 March 1640
Release by John Gibson of (blank), Northumberland, gent, to Ralph Allanson of Durham, mercer, of all errors.
Robert Scoggaine and Elizabeth his wife sue Thomas Hixon for destroying their grass on 20 December 1639 with his animals at Midleston alias Middle Merrington to the value of 39s 11d, Durham.
William Dowson sues Robert Dun over a 1634 lease of a building in Elvet, Durham,and the non-payment of rent, Durham.
p.32 13 March 1640
Summons by Thomas Barnes, coroner of Darlington ward, to Thomas Cooper, surgeon, concerning the death of Wilfrid Pearson, late of Darlington, Darlington.
p.32-34 3 July 1639
Appointment by Henry Gibb of St Martin's Lane, Middlesex, kt and bt, of Thomas Hall of Monkton as his attorney to implement a 3 July 1639 three year lease of a messuage in Monkton, lately held by Richard Newton, to Archibald Gibb of Jarrow,
Rejoinder to a complainant's replication.
p.35 6 February 1638
Brian Carter sues Mary Haswell over a debt of £10, Durham.
Christopher Stout and Thomas Anderson were summoned to answer William Selby, kt, for taking a horse of his on 19 January 1640 at Half Acres in Winlington in Ryton parish at a cost of 50s, Durham.
p.36 24 December 1638 and 21 January 1639
Robert summoned twice to the county court in Durham and did not appear
p.36 27 February 1640
Condition of a bond for £2000 to maintain a bond
Case involving William Wall, Cuthbert Wilson, Ralph Benson and John Browne over common grazing on 100 acres of moor in Durham with John Heighington putting his horse to graze on the moor as a right of his messuage in Durham.
Case between Thomas and Roland over the taking of a horse in Tolbooth field and the intrusion of two oxen and three heifers into Langley House grounds, Durham.
Christopher Pyburne sues Richard Foster and Thomas Wilson for taking a horse and a mare of his at Park Head in Darlington on 29 March 1638.
Robert Matland sues Matthew Smith over a debt of 13s which Christopher Ranson owed to Robert at Durham on 30 June 1637, involving also Thomas Foster, Roger Foster and Cuthbert Heron, Durham.
Ralph Hall, gent, sues Christopher Armstrong of Throston over a debt of 30s for acting as his attorney in a case against Richard Jurdeson at Durham on 7 July 1637, Durham.
Richard Whitfield and William Bell, former wardens of the company of drapers and taylors, sue George Hunter of Elvet, taylor, over a debt of 21s 9d awarded to them in the borough court of Durham on 6 June 1637, Durham.
Thomas Lockey sues John Gibson over the sale of a tree in Parkes Close in Bishop Auckland on 9 March 1638, Durham.
p.43-44 1636
William Harrison sues John Lainge of Counden for unjustly detaining a cow worth £4, Durham.
Thomas Pybus sues John Shipley over a debt of £5 3s 8d for the sale of a horse in Durham on 6 August 1636, Durham.
Hugh Garthorne sues William Hopper, Richard Coltman, Margaret his wife, John Smith and Elizabeth his wife, for taking three heifers of his on 13 May 1636 in the ? White Crawe field at Wolsingham, Durham.
Thomas Bushop defended himself against Eleanor and Susanna saying that he, with William Jackson and Henry Wilson, had paid the money in Durham on the specified day.
p.46 1636
George Robinson of Easington sues Nicholas Shadforthe of Hawthorn over a debt of 13s 4d, involving also Cuthbert Jurdeson and Jane Marshall, in the margin “super casus Marriage”, Durham.
Susanna Fulthropp sues Stephen Wooddell of Darneton, yeoman, for slandering her, represented by Rebecca Fulthropp as she is under 21, by accusing her of stealing money out of the purse of Leonard Pilkington of Midleston (Middle Merrington) at Darnton on 21 June 1636, Durham.
George Thompson of Ryhope sues William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife administrators of William Mason over a debt of 30s for corn bought in Durham on 6 January 1634, Durham.
Robert Ayre of Bishopwearmouth sues William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife, administrators of William Mason, over a debt of 30s over the pasturing of 15 ewes at Bishopwearmouth from 1 May 1634, Durham.
William Partus sues William Sidgwicke of Thorpe, yeoman, over a debt of 16s for the pasturing of a heifer in Le Botten at Wynyard mill, Grindon parish, from 2 May 1632, Durham.
p.51-52 11 November 1635
Edward Richardson sues Robert Johnson over collecting a tax of a penny in the pound for Thomas Morton bishop of Durham, in Sedgefield within the ward of Stockton, Durham.
John Wright sues John Walker, yeoman, for allowing his animals to trample and consume his crops at Winlaton from 10 July 1635 at a cost of 39s 11d, Durham.
p.53-54 1635
George Bainbrigg sues George Bainbrigg of Ludwell over a debt of £4 17s 1d for his salary as a household servant, Durham.
Thomas Carnaby sues Thomas Golightley of Bowden for taking away “a waine load of pease” from “Le Hall Field” at Boldon on 20 September 1634 to the value of 39s 11d, Durham.
Henry Thompson sues Thomas Forster of Westerton, yeoman, over a debt of 13s 4d as Forster, prosecuting a case at the county court of Durham on 21 June 1636 against Thomas Birkebeck, gent, gained a precept from William Belasys, then sheriff of
Durham, ordering William Hutchinson, one of the sheriff's bailiffs or his deputy, to seize Birkbecke and produce him at the next court on 28 June to answer a debt of £100, and Forster commissioned Thompson on 21 June at Bishop Auckland as a deputy
of Hutchinson to arrest Birckbecke ( Burbecke ) over 10s and a cheese worth 3s, Durham.
p.57-58 1637
Margaret Kelloe, widow and administratrix of Brian Kelloe, sues William Scot of Norham, administrator of the late Robert Scot, over the delivery at Norham of three barrels of fresh salmon worth £9 and half a barrel of salt salmon worth 30s,
p.58-59 1635
Robert Brook, clerk, sues John Sands and Thomas Harrison over a debt of £11, Durham.
p.59-60 1636
Charles Roomfoote sues John Stobbe of Elvet over a debt of £3 12s for unpaid rent for the lease of a messuage in New Elvet, Durham.
Robert Burrell formerly of Gainford, clerk, was attached to answer Henry Smyth, gent, for, with John Boad formerly of Gainford, intruding on land at Gainford leased to Smyth by John Heath, esq, on 28 January 1640 at Gainford for 3 years,
William Maddison sues Ambrose Taylor over a debt of £10 following an arbitration of John Wilson of Lumley Castle over the sale by Maddison to Taylor of a bay mare for 10 score “Island Ling” (fish), Durham.
W. Baker's opinion on the case of the will of Edward Lawson, his wife and executirx Elizabeth dying before probate, leaving three daughters as her executors with the eldest not 14.
p.64-65 1 September 1641
William Collingwood, esq, sheriff of Durham writ of scire facias to his bailiff William Lawes concerning the recovery by Richard Mathew, attorney of the court, from John Richardson of Barmston of a debt of £5 with 8s
10d costs awarded by William Balasis, former sheriff, on 10 August 1640.
Condition of a bond that the sheriff William Collingwood granted his warrant to Henry Bainbrigge and John Loavsdale “for the replevying” of a mare of Arthur Bainbrigg unjustly seized by Thomas Allanson.
Index of types of documents.
Pen trials.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 54.MSP 54 [?c.1620s]
22 leaves, late 20th century pagination 1-44, with earlier (?near contemporary) pagination: (p.5-16) 303-314; (p.17-22) 329-334; (p.23-44) 343-350, 353-356, 359-370.
Durham bishopric court issues amercements, and rent arrears, in several hands and perhaps originally parts of a section of a larger volume.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.3-4 Half sheet with two strips pasted on: the upper one a note of 29 writs sent to London to James Todd on 1 May 1625, the lower with signatures of John Richardson.
p.5-16 Bishopric of Durham issues and amercements of the court baron from Easter and Michaelmas terms, with occasional royal gaol deliveries forfeitures and King's bench fines, listing names and places, 1611-1615.
p.17-21 Extents of tenants in arrears in Co Durham at Westmorton, Preston on Skearne, Greencroft, Ricknell and Biers Green, Great Kelloe, Lanchester,. Winlaton, Hutton Henry and Hurworth, Hollinside, Staindrop, Preston on Tees, Redworth,
Tunstall, Bradwood, Thornley, Butterwick, Denton, Middleton, Trimdon, Lints, Wolsingham, Frosterley, Tudhoe, Barmeston, Redmarshall, Eppleden, Great Chilton, Sadberge, Little Eden, Haggerston, detailing names of persons, properties and amounts of
arrears involved in proceedings by writs of
fieri facias before the barons of the exchequer, directed by the king to the bishop of Durham for action by the sheriff of Durham, 1615.
25-29 Extents of tenants in arrears in Co Durham and Yorkshire, at Medomsley, Ingleton, Aislebie, Cockerton, Langley, Sunderland, Seaton, Greencroft, Beamish, Kibblesworth and Hemlyers detailing the tenant, property and land, and the extent of
the arrears, [?1613].
p.37-44 Index of pleas, 40 Elizabeth I to 9 James I.
Language: Latin and English
Digitised material for Durham bishopric court documents - Mickleton and Spearman ms 54
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 55.MSP 55 1613 - 1640
95 leaves, paginated (later 20th century) I-VIII + 1-182, with p.1-162 in an earlier (?contemporary) pagination.
Escheator's book of John Richardson (?and others) recording inquisitions
post mortem, licences, alienations, liveries, pardons, wardships and letters patent affecting the bishop of Durham's lands. Written in several
hands as a current, working record of the escheator's business in Co Durham.
Contents: (all other pages blank):
Language: Latin with some English
Similar volume: MSP 74.
Digitised material for Durham escheators' book - Mickleton and Spearman ms 55
p.IV 1634
Half sheet with note on fees.
p.V-VI December 1632
Queries about inquisitions post mortem.
List of items with an index of places.
Brief notes on holdings in West Auckland.
p.1-16 1613 - 1618
“A breife of the proceedinges of matters done by or before J. Richardson Escheator in the County Palatine of Durham both for the Kings Majestie and the Lord Bishop of Durham”, with a sub-title
“Offices to be found”, being a list of [inquisitions] post mortem as at January 1613, with some notes of subsequent actions to 1618, (continues at p.37).
p.17-28 1613 - 1635
“Liveries to be sued forth of the Chancery by heires whose Ancestors held land of the Bishop of Durham in Capite”, as at January 1613, with some notes of subsequent actions to
“Alienacions with licence of landes holden of the Lord Bishop of Durham” with notes of fines, as at January 1613.
p.31-34 19 July 1632 to 16 December1633
“Licences of alienacions, pardons, wardships & liveries conteyned in the dockets delivered to the Bishop of Durham at the sealing”, notes of letters patent, liveries and pardons issued (continues at
p.35 1623 - 1627
“Offices found and to be found in Howdenshire and Allertonshire”.
p.37-54 1614 - 1618
“Offices to be found after the death of freholders”, from 20 February 1614, with some notes of subsequent actions to 1618, (continued from p.16 and continues at p.119).
p.55-81 1613 - 1619
“Pardons of alienacions made of landes holden of the Lord Bishop of Durham without licence” from 1 January 1613, with some notes of fines and subsequent actions to 1619, including (p.67) a grant of Bishopton manor
by George Conyers, kt, to his son George Conyers, esq, 23 January 1615 (continues at p.113).
p.82-107 1628 - 1636
“Offices to be found” after [inquisitions] post mortem, from 20 September 1628, with some notes of subsequent actions to 1636, (continued from p.54 and continues at p.141).
p.108-112 & 115-118 2 January 1634 to 8 September 1636
“Dockets in the tyme of Thomas [Morton] Lord Bishop of Durham” : notes of letters patent, liveries, and pardons issued (continued from p.31).
“Pardons & Alienacions” (continued from p.81).
p.119-132 1619 - 1629
“Death of freholders inquired after” [inquisitions] post mortem from 25 March 1619, with some notes of subsequent actions to 1629 (continued from p.54 and continues at p.82).
“Liveries to be served” with notes of when the heirs will be of full age.
p.141-143 1636 - 1640
“Offices to be found” after [inquisitions] post mortem from 23 January 1636, with some notes of subsequent actions to 1640 (continued from p.107).
p.155 1622 - 1630
“Alienacions of lands holden of the kings majestie”.
Index of pardons of alienation upon lease, liveries, and patents for offices.
Index by person and place of dockets for wardships, offices, licences, liveries and pardons.
Index by person of wardships granted by the bishop of Durham from 1612.
Index by person of inquisitions post mortem.
Index by person of licences and pardons of alienation.
Index by person of liveries sued and to be sued.
Index by place of lands held of the bishop alienated by licence of the bishop.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 56.MSP 56 22 August 1681 - 12 January 1688
139 leaves, foliated 1-139 on 20 December 2005, (?near contemporary) pagination p.1-4 on f.3v-5r
Durham court of pleas and Westminster returns of writs.
f.2v Title: “Briefs returned in the Court of Common Pleas in the Bishopric of Durham. John Spearman of Hetton, County Durham Esq. and Preston Northd.” [undersheriff of Durham].
f.3r-97r Durham court of pleas returns of writs.
f.97r-137v (Reversed) Writs from the courts at Westminster emanating from the palatinate of Durham.
MSP 50 may have been a predecessor volume to this and MSP 41 and then originally 44 may have been successor volumes.
Digitised material for Durham Court of Pleas and Westminster returns of writs, 1681-88 - MSP 56.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 57.MSP 57 1428
17 leaves (4 modern paper, 13 parchment), foliated i-iii + 1-14 (later 20th century), parchment leaves written in a single column with about 32 lines to the page.
The deed of endowment with the statutes of the parish church of North Cadbury, made collegiate in 1428 by John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells, at the petition of its founders Elizabeth Botreaux and Sir William Botreaux. The manuscript is in a
single hand of the 15th or early 16th century, without lines and with initial border decoration on the first page of the text, and probably on the last page of the text which is imperfect. For a fuller revised description see the hard copy Catalogue
of Medieval MSS in the Palace Green Library searchroom.
Contents (all other folios blank):
f.1r Title in a 17th century hand: “The foundacion of the Chappell in North Bradlye” (
sic ).
f.1r-11r Text (f.8 should be before f.2).
f.11r Notarial subscription (in a different hand) of Andrew Lanvyan
clericus of Exeter diocese.
f.11v Title in 17/18th century hand, “Rules for the Church of North Cadesbury in Somersetshire by John Stafford Bishop of Bath & Wells, afterwards Archbishop of canterbury & a Cardinal. Dated 1428.”.
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 047.
Digitised material for Statutes of the parish church of North Cadbury, Somerset, 1428 - Mickleton and Spearman MS 57
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 58.MSP 58 [?1672]
12 leaves, paginated i-ii + 1-22 (1-6 contemporary, the rest 5 January 2006)
Survey of the tenants of the hospital of Lichfield St John the Baptist (founded before 1208), detailing their leases 1632-1672 in alphabetical order, in a contemporary hand, perhaps drawn up by or for John Machon (d.1679, also master of Sherburn
Hospital) who leased the hospital site on 6 March 1672 (p.11). ?Incomplete.
p.i William Amery, mercer, lease 25 [blank] 1638.
p.1 Title: “A Particular of the Messuages Houses Tenements and Lands belonging to the Hospitall of St John Baptist without the Barrs of the Citty of Lichfeild together with the names of the Tenants who hold the same by
Lease with their respective tearmes & Rents thereupon reserved alphabetically sett downe according to the Sirnames of the same Tenants.”; James Allen, gent, lease 24 August 1653; George Allen, carpenter, lease 18 December 1654.
p.2 Thomas Astley, labourer, lease 18 December 1654; John Burnes, upholsterer, lease 9 July 1632; John Burnes, gent, lease 23 October 1661.
p.3 Sarah Burnes, widow, lease 11 July 1670; William Band, taylor, lease 18 December 1654.
p.4 Michael Biddulph, esq, lease 14 January 1661; Christopher Baxter, gent, lease 17 April 1651.
p.5 Joan Bayley, widow, lease 10 April 1657.
p.6 Thomas Caterbancke, mercer, lease 26 August 1654; Francis Clewes,
corvizer (shoemaker) , lease 12 June [1641].
p.7 Gilbert Galamore, clerk, lease 25 March 1649.
p.8 Isabel Hill, widow, lease 10 March 1670; Ann Fasson, widow, lease 29 September 1668.
p.9 John Low and Charles Hensman, lease 31 October 1657.
p.10 William Lunn of Lichfield, gent, lease 24 December 1653; John Machon, lease 6 March 1672.
p.11 John Machon, lease 6 March 1672.
p.12 John Machon, lease 6 March 1672, noted as “sold to Mr Thomas Catterbancke of Lichfeild mercer by my uncles order” ; Edward Machon, lease 2 November 1668.
p.13-22 Blank.
Wrapper. Lease by Thomas Machon of Longden, gent, to Margery Collins of Lichfield, widow, of a messuage in Bore Street, Lichfield, a croft in Frogmer Lane and an acre in
Burrowtoppfeild for 21 years at a rent of 50s,
26 October 1661.
Digitised material for Survey of the tenants of the hospital of Lichfield St John the Baptist - Mickleton and Spearman MS 58
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 59.MSP 59 [?1716]
106 leaves, paginated i-xxii + 1-31, 33-191 (1-154 contemporary, the rest 5 January 2006)
Transcripts of royal letters patent and close, mandates, and papal bulls, concerning the election, restoration of temporalities, rights and privileges, licences and protections of the bishops of Durham 1189 to 1595, in chronological order, all
titled and dated, with references to the sources (mostly royal patent rolls, also close, fine, liberate, French, Scotch and Gascon rolls, and a number “ex Autogr'” and “ex Origine” ),
made by [James Mickleton the younger]. Inscribed on the inside front cover “Iacobi Mickleton E Sociatate Hospitii Graiensis. 1716” below a coloured coat of arms of Mickleton impaling Eden [?representing James
Mickleton's marriage to Hannah Eden] , and with some entries annotated, some with dates in February 1716.
Calendars of the patent, close and fine rolls entries are in the published calendars of those rolls.
Digitised material for Documents relating to bishops of Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 59
p.1-2 5 December 1189
Richard I's restoration of Roxburgh and Berwick and liberties to the King of Scots as held before the capture of King William. “Ex Autogr”.
p.2-3 10 January 1204
King John to Geoffrey archbishop of York about the bishoprick of Carlisle at the instance of Pope Innocent III. Patent rolls.
p.3-4 26 April 1217
Against the canons of Carlisle, adherents of the king of Scots. Patent rolls.
p.5-6 13 July 1217
Bull of Pope Honorius III about an ordinance for the Carlisle canons. “Ex Autogr”.
p.6 21 October 1239
Bull of Pope Gregory IX about doing nothing to the prejudice of the king during a vacancy in the see of Durham. “Ex Autogr”.
p.7 4 September 1307
Royal letters patent restoring the liberties of the church of Durham for Anthony Bek. Patent rolls.
p.8 6 May 1309
Royal letters patent giving the lands of the former king of Scots, John Balliol, to the earl of Richmond. Patent rolls.
p.9 16 July 1309
Royal letters patent punishing malefactors for Anthony [Bek] bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.10-11 19 November 1309
Charter of Anthony Bek bishop of Durham giving the barony of Alnwick to Henry Percy. Patent rolls.
p.12 26 October 1309
Royal letters patent about the agreement over Alnwick between Henry Percy and the bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.13 3 December 1309
Royal letters patent allowing the bishop of Durham to hear a plea between Ralph son of William and Geoffrey of Hartlepool. Patent rolls.
p.14 23 January 1310
Royal inspeximus of Bishop Anthony Bek's charter giving the barony of Alnwick to Henry Percy. Patent rolls.
p.15-16 19 December 1310
Royal ratification of Anthony Bek bishop of Durham's grant to Henry Percy of Langley manor. Patent rolls.
p.16-20 3-4 March 1311
Royal writs to his escheators to seize the goods and lands of the late Anthony Bek bishop of Durham. Fine rolls.
p.21 28 August 1311
Royal acknowledgement of a debt to the executors of the late Anthony Bek bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.22-23 17 October 1311
The king to the pope excusing the bishop of Durham's absence from a general council on account of the Scots. Roman and French rolls.
p.25-26 4 November 1315
Royal letters patent to the bishop of Durham against making particular truces with the Scots. Scotch rolls.
p.27 23 November 1315
Royal letters patent indemnifying the bishop of Durham over Norham castle. Patent rolls.
p.28 23 November 1316
The king to the pope in favour of Louis de Beaumont as bishop of Durham. Roman and French rolls.
p.29-30 28 October 1317
The king to the pope about Louis de Beaumont, bishop elect of Durham, being impeded from attending his consecration by robbers. Roman and French rolls.
p.30-31 15 February 1319
The king inhibiting tournaments within the bishoprick of Durham. Close rolls.
p.33 24 October 1319
The king to the pope and cardinals for the bishop of Durham excusing late payment. Roman and French rolls.
p.33-34 10 March 1321
The king to the pope for the bishop of Durham exonerating debts. Roman and French rolls.
p.34 22 July 1322
Royal letters patent providing immunity for the church and liberty of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.35-36 10 February 1323
The king ordering defensive measures to be taken in the bishoprick of Durham. Close rolls.
p.38 23 December 1324
The king to the bishop of Durham about choosing men at arms, hobelers and foot soldiers in the bishoprick of Durham. Gascon rolls.
p.39-41 15 July 1327
The king to Roger Mortimer, warden of Barnard Castle, and also Robert de Clifford, warden of the manors of Hert and Herterness, about the liberty regali of the bishop of Durham. Close rolls.
p.42-43 28 October 1329
The king to the archbishop of York and bishop of Durham about their dispute. Close rolls.
p.44-45 14 November 1329
The king to the bishop of Durham about his dispute with the archbishop of York. Patent rolls.
p.46-47 14 October 1331
The king to the king of Scots about the bishop of Durham's Norham castle and West Upsettlington. Close rolls.
p.48-49 4 November 1336
The king to the treasurer about the bishop of Durham's expenses on his embassy to King Philip VI in France. Close rolls.
p.50-51 18 March 1337
The king to the treasurer about not being prejudicial to the liberties of the bishop of Durham. Close rolls.
p.52 3 July 1338
The king to William Clinton, earl of Huntingdon and constable of Dover castle, about the passage to France of John Stratford archbishop of Canterbury and Richard de Bury bishop of Durham. Close rolls.
p.53 23 June 1338
Royal letters patent giving protection to John Stratford archbishop of Canterbury and Richard de Bury bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.54 10 April 1340
The king to Richard Talbot, warden of Berwick upon Tweed, about the imprisonment of William Mason. Close rolls.
p.55 1341
The king to the bishop of Durham to array men for Edward Balliol's army against the king of Scots. Close rolls.
p.56 4 December 1341
Royal letters patent indemnifying the bishop of Durham for sending troops to fight the Scots. Patent rolls.
p.57-60 14 February 1340
The king to the sheriff of Berwick about a presentation to Coldingham priory. Scotch rolls.
p.61-62 20 May 1343
Royal letters patent about the bishop of Durham's rights to whales and sturgeon taken within his lordship. Patent rolls.
p.63-66 24 October 1343
Bull of Pope Clement VI about the rents of the church of Houghton-le-Spring. “Ex Autogr”.
p.67-68 24 May 1345
The king to the abbot of St Mary's, York, and Henry de Ingelby about Thomas Hatfield's election as bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.69 4 November 1346
The king to Walter de Bermingham, justiciar of Ireland, about the defeat of the Scots at Neville's Cross and treating with John de Insulis. Patent rolls.
p.70-71 20 November 1346
The king about the Scottish prisoners of war captured at Durham. Scotch rolls.
p.72-73 17 December 1346
The king about the Scottish prisoners of war captured at Durham. Scotch rolls.
p.74 14 February 1347
The king to the archbishop of York about the safe custody of William de Lymynston, William Mowbray and David FitzWalter FitzGilbert Scottish prisoners. Scotch rolls.
p.75 10 March 1347
The king to the treasurer about a pension for Thomas de Brynchesle who brought the news of the victory over the Scots at Durham. Liberate rolls.
p.76 18 March 1352
The king about messengers coming from Scotland to Berwick to treat about freeing King David II. Scotch rolls.
p.77 7 July 1353
The king about Peter de Nuttle delivering King David II from London to Newcastle upon Tyne. Scotch rolls.
p.78 18 March 1354
The king to his admiral ordering the release of 3 ships to the bishop of Durham. Scotch rolls.
p.79-80 10 March 1358
Royal letters patent for Thomas Hatfield bishop of Durham are an attack at Kexby, Yorks, on [Thomas de Salkeld] bishop of Chrysopolis. Patent rolls.
p.81 13 June 1370
Royal letters patent conceding tithes from York and Durham dioceses to the bishop of Durham to repay a loan of 2000 marks. Patent rolls.
p.82 19 August 1371
Royal letters patent conceding tithes from York and Durham dioceses to the bishop of Durham to repay a loan of 2000 marks. Patent rolls.
p.83 16 November 1376
The king to John Cavendish and his fellow j.p.s about a case between Thomas Hatfield bishop of Durham and Walter Tyrell about a ferry over the Tweed at Tweedmouth. Close rolls.
p.84-85 27 December 1377
The king to the archbishop of York about the liberties of the bishop of Durham. Close rolls.
p.86-87 11 July 1381
Royal letters patent to John Lord Nevill about Pileus de Prata, cardinal of St Praxedis, archdeacon of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.88-89 23 October 1381
Royal letters patent to John Bygod, escheator in Yorkshire, about restoring the temporalities of the bishoprick of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.90 27 March 1382
Royal letters patent about the bishop of Durham staying in Stratford-at-Bow on visits to London for parliament or council. Patent rolls.
p.91 13 September 1388
The king to his escheators to restore the bishop of Durham's temporalities to Walter Skirlaw. French rolls.
p.92-93 7 October 1397
Royal licence for the bishop of Durham to be absent from parliament after the next one to be held at Shrewsbury. Patent rolls.
p.94 20 March 1409
Royal protection for Thomas Langley bishop of Durham going overseas. French rolls.
p.95 7 July 1414
Royal protection for Thomas Langley bishop of Durham being sent on an embassy to France. French rolls.
p.96 12 December 1414
Royal letters patent granting herbage to the bishop of Durham in Harlow, Netteswell, Matchyng and Latton. Patent rolls.
p.97 8 April 1438
The king to his escheators ordering the restitution of the bishop of Durham's temporalities to Robert Nevill. Patent rolls.
p.98-99 23 August 1457
Papal bull of Calixtus III to Henry VI about choosing a bishop of Durham. “Ex Autogr”.
p.100 24 February 1462
Royal letters patent granting Tooting Bec priory and manor with Streatham advowson to Lawrence Booth, bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.101 15 April 1464
Royal letters patent granting Lawrence Booth absence from parliament and council for 3 years. Patent rolls.
p.101-103 17 April 1464
Royal letters patent restoring the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to Lawrence Booth. Patent rolls.
p.104 21 June 1473
Royal letters patent to the bishop of Durham about minting coins. Patent rolls.
p.105-106 14 October 1476
Royal letters patent restoring the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to William Dudley. Patent rolls.
p.107 12 December 1484
Royal writ to the treasurer to issue 3 standards and 9 trussells to the bishop of Durham for making money. From a bundle in the Tower of London.
p.108 6 August 1485
Royal letters patent to restore the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to John Shirwood. Patent rolls.
p.109-110 7 August 1485
Royal letters patent pardoning John Shirwood, bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.111-112 15 October 1502
Royal letters patent to his escheators to restore the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to William Sever. Patent rolls.
p.114 17 November 1507
Royal letters patent to his escheators to restore the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to Christopher Bainbridge. Patent rolls.
p.115-116 11 November 1508
Royal letters patent pardoning Christopher Bainbridge, bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.117-118 23 February 1509
Royal letters patent, the see of Durham being vacant, to Thomas prior of Durham and Thomas Dalby, archdeacon of Richmond, to make appointments in the bishoprick of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.119-122 4 June 1509
Papal letter of Julius II to Thomas Ruthall, bishop elect of Durham, about the form of his oath. “Ex origine”.
p.123 3 July 1509
Royal letters patent to his escheators to restore the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to Thomas Ruthall. Patent rolls.
p.124-129 26 March 1523
2 bulls of Pope Adrian VI for Cardinal Thomas Wolsey about his holding the bishoprick of Durham. “Ex origine”.
p.130-131 30 April 1523
Royal letters patent to his escheators to restore the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. Patent rolls.
p.131-133 4 February 1530
Royal letters patent granting the temporalities of the bishoprick of Durham to Cuthbert Tunstall. Patent rolls.
p.134-143 21 February 1530
4 papal letters of Clement VII to Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London, about his absolution and translation to Durham, and to the clergy, citizens and vassals of Durham to obey him. “Ex origine”.
p.144-146 7 May 1539
Royal letters patent giving to Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of Durham, an annuity of 20 marks from Twistleton manor. Patent rolls.
p.154 20 February 1561
Royal letters patent assenting to the election of James Pilkington as bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.155-157 25 March 1561
Royal letters patent restoring the temporalities of the bishop of Durham, with exceptions, to James Pilkington. Patent rolls.
p.158-161 13 June 1561
Royal letters patent restoring the above excepted temporalities of the bishop of Durham to James Pilkington. Patent rolls.
p.162 27 March 1577
Royal letters patent to Durham dean and chapter giving licence to elect a new bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.163-164 29 April 1577
Royal letters patent assenting to the election of Richard Barnes as bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.165-170 24 May 1578
Royal letters patent appointing a commission to visit the the church of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.171-172 7 April 1595
Royal letters patent assenting to the election of Tobias Matthew as bishop of Durham. Patent rolls.
p.174-175 29 April 1595
Royal letters patent restoring the temporalities of the bishop of Durham to Tobias Matthew. Patent rolls.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 60.MSP 60 early 17th century
47 leaves, paginated I-VI + 1-88, of which 1-79 are a ?contemporary pagination and the rest are later 20th century
Treatise on the practice of the royal prerogative court of star chamber.
In one hand of the earlier 17th century, with mention of an order of 38 Elizabeth I (p.1&2) and “the kings counsell” (p.73).
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1 Title: “The practice of the Starchamber as it is now used”; “Hudson” in top left corner.
p.1-79 Text
p.80-81 Table of contents.
Companion volume to MSP 65 which is largely in the same hand.
Digitised material for The practice of the Starchamber - Mickleton and Spearman MS 60
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 61.MSP 61 mid 17th century - 1703
440 leaves, foliated 1-430 (110-119 repeated) (modern)
Legal memoranda, notes, and cases, being extracts and notes of documents from the records at Durham, and some at Westminster, for reference, and as examples of types of cases, legal procedures and documents from various courts. Some entries have
been inserted into the volume and others have been written up in it, in sections, with many folios still blank. In various hands.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
“Q” and (in smaller letters underneath) “D.S.” on the front cover.
Digitised material for Durham legal documents - Mickleton and Spearman MS 61
f.4r-v [c.1670]
The form for holding a gaol delivery.
Heading: “Courts Inferior”
f.11r-15r [1631 x 1632]
Charge of Richard Mathew as coroner of Darlington ward.
f.16r-17r mid 17th century
Notes on the court baron or borough court.
f.18r-26v mid 17th century
The method of instituting actions in the admiralty court with the necessary warrants and mandates.
f.32r-v 6 March 1666
Commission of Bishop John Cosin in the admiralty court of Durham to enquire into the port of Sunderland.
f.33r 16 February 1661
Admiral's writ of James duke of York about an eighth part of a ship called the Anne of Sunderland.
f.33v mid 17th century
Lease of ejectment
Heading: “Cur Admiral & Civil”
f.43r-v February 1664
Warrant of Bishop John [Cosin] to appoint George Barkas as proctor in the bishop of Durham's court, with the proctor's oath and the act of the consistory court making a proctor.
f.43v 17 June 1664
Citation for Algernon earl of Northumberland and Ralph Delavall, kt, impropriators of the tithes and other church rights within the parish of Tynemouth to be in the consistory court in the Galilee on 25 June next.
f.44r 30 June 1664
John Careth, John Hedge, William Cox and John Sherley of the parish of Tynemouth to be excommunicated for not appearing to answer the earl of Northumberland and Delavall about the tithes of Tynemouth.
f.44r 16 February 1665
Nicholas Hall, her natural brother, to be administrator of the goods of the late Elizabeth Dawson formerly of Newcastle upon Tyne. Edward Bennet, esq, of the city of London, to be administrator of the goods of the late Edward Lawson
f.44v 4 December 1665
Mandate of John Levet, commissary of the archbishop of York, about a case over the administration of the goods of Elizabeth Foster, widow, formerly of Blanchland, Shotley parish, which was granted at Durham to Elizabeth Fenwick, spinster, and
which is disputed by Catherine Radcliffe, wife of Francis Radcliffe, bt, who claims she was related to Foster in the whole blood whereas Fenwick was only related in the half-blood.
f.44v 16 April 1667
Petition of John [Cosin] bishop of Durham to King Charles [II] about Robert Smith of Sedgefield marrying Elizabeth Chapman.
f.45r 18 January 1666
Mandate of John Levet, commissary of the archbishop of York, to Thomas Raper, of the city of York, merchant, assigning to him the care of Tobias Bell, minor, one of the executors, with his sister Elizabeth, children of the late William Bell, who
held goods in more than one diocese in the province of York.
f.45v-46r after 1663
Allegation in a case between Elizabeth Lumley, wife of William Lumley and sister and executor of the late Edward Elstob, against Charles Elstob of Foxton brother and heir of Edward Elstob over property in Bolam and Auckland St Helen
f.46r 14 July 1666
Mandate of Thomas Burwell about Margaret Dove of Whitley, Tynemouth parish, widow, acting as executor of Thomas Dove formerly of Whitley.
f.47v, 49r-50r
Brief biographies of the bishops of Lindisfarne, Chester and Durham (to Bek).
Lists of the bishops of Lindisfarne, Chester and Durham (to Crew).
“Patents of offices granted by the Bishops of Durham, & at large in the Close Rolls there”
Abstracts from the Durham exchequer of precedents of patents for the chancellorship and keepership of the great seal of Durham during the vacancy in the see of Durham.
f.61r-v & 63r-v
Index of types of legal documents, P and R only.
f.69r-71r, 73v-74v, 77r, 79r
Notes of enrolments in the Durham chancery.
f.83r-85v, 87r-89v, 95r-102v
Notes of enrolments of indentures and enfeoffments in the Durham chancery, from tempore Bishop Richard Bury to Bishop Thomas Morton.
Writings enrolled in the Durham chancery in bundles or parchment schedules tempore Philip and Mary to Elizabeth.
Index by document type of the first close roll of Bishop John Cosin, consecrated 14 December 1660.
Memoranda of the Durham plea rolls 1 Henry VIII to 30 Elizabeth I.
f.111r-116v (bis)
Alphabetical person, place and subject index of decrees 1661 to 1671.
f.130r-132r Trinity 1666
Extract from the Westminster exchequer about the bishop of Durham's liberties and franchises in Howdenshire and Allertonshire, written by John Spearman (f.132r).
f.133r-134r 11 July 1667
Copy of the donation by Bishop John Cosin of silver gilt vessels for the chapels in Durham and Auckland castles, with an inventory.
Royal appointments of chancellors of Durham during vacancies in the see of Durham, 1493 to 1672.
f.142r, 143r-144v
Instruments concerning Sherburn hospital 1584-1636.
Royal appointment of Francis Goodricke as keeper of the great seal of the bishop of Durham.
f.148v-149v 8 & 20 March 1672
Royal appointment of Sir Gilbert Gerard and Richard Neile as sheriff and under-sheriff of Co Durham.
f.150v-151r 20 March 1671
Appointment by Francis Goodricke of John Spearman as his deputy as keeper of the great seal.
f.151r 2 April 1672
Royal appointment of William Wall as steward of the borough courts, courts leet and baron of Bishop Auckland.
f.151v 4 April 1672
Appointments of William Blakiston as vice-admiral, with Richard Mathew as the judge, Walter Ettricke as the registrar and William Scurfield as the marshal of the court of the vice-admiral.
f.153r 2 October 1696
Appointment by Edward Bagshaw of Culworth, registrar of the court of chancery in Co Durham, of John Spearman and his son Gilbert Spearman as his deputies.
f.153v 14 August 1695
Royal commission to Edward Bagshaw, John Spearman, Michael Mickleton, Robert Spearman, Thomas Taylerson and Gilbert Spearman to hear oaths in the chancery court.
f.154r 9 June 1673
Royal appointment of James Clavering, bt, as sheriff of Co Durham.
f.155r 17 April 1672
Royal warrant to appoint new commissioners to measure and mark keels and other boats carrying coals at Sunderland as the previous commisson of 7 October 1663 is now void.
f.156r 24 January 1674
Royal appointment of Isaac Basire as parker or warden of the park of Frankland by Durham with Middlewood and Ryton.
f.157r-v 22 December 1673
Royal lease to John How of Langar, Nottinghamshire, and Humphrey Wharton of Kirkby Thore, Westmorland, of the king's “lott oare” or ninth part of the lead mines in Stanhope and Wolsingham parishes during the
vacancy in the see of Durham for £210.
f.158r-160v 3 December 1673
Royal lease to Margaret Monckton, only daughter of Sir Philip Monckton of Cavil, Yorkshire, of the seigneury of Howdenshire for 21 years from 11 November 1673 as long as the see of Durham is vacant, for 20 marks per
Royal appointment of Richard Bowser, senior, gent, as steward or clerk of the courts in North Auckland or Bishop Auckland. (Incomplete)
f.171r 31 March 1686
Bishop Nathaniel Crew's appointment of Charles Montagu, esq, as sheriff of Co Durham.
f.171v 2 November 1693 (interlined above 3 January 1689 cancelled)
Bishop Nathaniel Crew's appointment of Robert Dormer as chancellor of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham. Note in the margin: “this Patent renewed as corrected”.
f.176r-v 1662
Grant by Bishop John Cosin to Richard Cornewall of lands and property in Chester-le-Street seized on account of John Jackson's outlawry at an inquisition held in Durham on 1 April 1662.
f.177r-178r 4 June 1670
Royal lease to William Brockett of 3 closes in Ederdakers in Easington, part of the lands of William Brasse of Broome, Co Durham, outlawed in Staffordshire 21 June 1666, for the remainder of the term, at 3s 4d
per annum.
f.180r-181r 23 September 1675 (interlined above 29 December 1674)
Appointment by Bishop Nathaniel Crew of John Spearman as under-sheriff of Co Durham. With notes of other under-sheriffs' appointments.
Condition of a bond for Sir Gilbert Gerard's appointment of William Brockett as his chief bailiff in the city of Durham.
Condition of a bond for Sir Gilbert Gerard's appointment of Ralph Westgarth as deputy bailiff to William Brockett.
Conditions of bonds for George Hume's appointment as keeper of the gaol of Durham castle.
f.189r 7 October 1674
Precept of John Morland esq and Miles Stapleton esq, justices of the peace, for holding their sessions, with the return.
f.189v 15 January 1675
Precept of Sir Gilbert Gerard, sheriff of Durham, to deliver to John Hall his moiety of the lands of William Stephenson late of Great Lumley, judged against at the suit of John Hall in an inquisition on 8 August 1672 and who held closes called
the underwood and the Broome in Chester-le-Street now held by Robert Blakiston, until his debt of £200 with 50s costs is paid.
f.190r 3 February 1675
Sale by Sir Gilbert Gerard, sheriff of Durham, to Samuel Hodgkin of Sunderland, gent, of coal, a horse gin and ropes, the property of John Gowland of Rainton Pit Houses, Co Durham, which he had been directed to sell by a royal writ of
vendicioni exponas to pay William Ingleby gent's debt of £1000 with £3 14s 10d costs recovered by him against Gowland on 14 January 1675.
f.190v 4 February 1675
Sheriff Gilbert Gerard's return of a writ of William Brockett and Robert Wall to inquire into the holdings of Thomas Pinkney, Henry Mawes, Ralph Crawforth, Thomas Jenison, John Heviside, Anne Stephenson, widow, John Lumley, and Margaret Mawer,
all holding property and land at Neasham of Amanda Bedford.
f.191r 10 March 1675
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham about two heifers of John Jordan, seized by James Dagleash at Le Croft in Espas, Lanchester, on 3 July 1672.
f.192r Easter 1675
Names of the justices of the peace, coroners, head constables and bailiffs of Co Durham at the Easter sessions.
Gilbert Gerard's nil returns of the holdings of John Heirson and George Wiseheart in his bailiwick.
Return of the holdings of Ralph Sidgwick in Langley Dale, Ralph Lawson in Penshaw and West Herrington, Cecil Baltimore in Whickham and Winlaton, Thomas Brasshe at Edderacres and Low
Edderacres in Easington, and George Lawson in Bedlington.
Sheriff's precept to summon freeholders to his ward tourn.
f.194r 22 June 1675
Precept for the Durham assizes on 5 August next.
f.194v 1 July 1673
Sheriff's warrant to summon all freeholders for the assizes.
f.194v 27 May 1676
Warrant of Nicholas Conyers, sheriff of Durham, to seize the wreck of a ship of 60 tons of Woodbridge, wrecked near South Shields on 22 May 1676.
f.195r 28 September 1675
Royal mandate to the mayor and recorder of Hartlepool to hold Richard Potts, one of the customs officers in Stockton.
f.195r-v May 1676
Royal mandates and sheriff's warrants re John Richardson, in prison for debt.
Return of Nicholas Conyers, sheriff of Durham, re the prisoner Thomas Tempest, imprisoned under his predecessor Gilbert Gerard.
f.195v-196r 3 November 1676
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to distrain Durham dean and chapter for the mayor and burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne.
f.196r-v 18 July 1677
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham in a dispute over a £100 bond between William Ord of Beale, Co Durham, esq, and William Midleton, bt, former sheriff of Northumberland.
f.196v 12 December 1685
Warrant to search for during daylight and seize unlawful “gunn or gunns bowes grayhounds setting doggs or other doggs or netts for shoting takeing or distroying pigeons parteridges hares coneys or other graine”.
f.197r 9 December 1676
Return reporting that when the sheriff's bailiff Robert Robinson tried to carry out his warrant to seize 16 oxen of William Ord of Beale at Fenwick, he was attacked by Edward Clavering formerly of Beale, gent, George Ord, formerly of Beale, gent,
Robert Urre formerly of Beale, yeoman, and Thomas Bell of Fenwick, yeoman and others to the number of around 100.
f.197v October 1691
Bond of Jane Atkinson for a pardon for murdering her bastard child.
f.197v 11 October 1675
Certificate of Samuel Martin, minister of Durham St Nicholas, and Richard Snowball, churchwarden there, that John Spearman of Durham, gent, took his communion there.
f.197v 13 October 1675
Verification of the last by William Wilson and John Rowell.
f.198r-v 19 October 1675
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to choose a knight of the shire for parliament after Thomas Vane's death.
f.199r 28 November 1666
Royal mandate to Bishop John Cosin to implement Thomas Richardson's recovery from Robert Richardson of £275 with 21s costs, by delivering half from Hannah Richardson and Priscilla Richardson, daughters and co-heiresses of Robert Richardson, of
their messuage called Foulbridgehouse with land in Chester-le-Street.
f.199v 18 January 1677
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to recover for William Marley and Jane his wife, admitted to the goods and effects of Edward Newby, from Richard Bartholomew and Priscilla his wife and Hannah Richardson daughters and coheiresses of the late
Robert Richardson of Newcastle upon Tyne, in satisfaction of a debt of £600 with 56s 8d costs, 5 messuages, a quarter part of a coal mine called Le Peelerflatt, an eighth part of a coal mine called Gelfeild, a quarter part of a coal mine called Le Churchlands, a coal mine called Brundons Freehold Colliery, and another coal mine at a place called Le Halfehead in
the parish of Whickham, with an inquisition into these holdings.
f.200r 22 July 1677
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham in a dispute about two adjacent closes called Horse Close and Howdens in Darlington between Oswald Fawcet and Robert Urwe and copyhold tenure.
f.200v-201r c.1664
Leonard Scott, executor of the will of Edward Gray, (the other executor George Errington had died), and John Tunstall and William Midleton, Scott's bailiffs, claiming money for an annuity from land in Staindrop granted by Tobias Ewbancke, gent,
to Gray on 1 October 1627.
f.202r 31 July 1677
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham about a ship of Thomas Burdon formerly of North Shields striking a ship of John Moone lying in the river Tyne at South Shields and breaking its anchor worth £5.
f.202r 16 June 1677
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to investigate the case that George Taylor, gent, was disseised by Florence Crooke, widow, Peter Green, architect, and Eleanor his wife, Florence Crooke, minor, and Elizabeth Crooke, spinster, of his free
tenement in Sunderland in Bishopwearmouth parish, within the last 30 years.
f.203r 14 April 1677
Memorandum that John Morland, esq, mayor of Durham, and William Blakiston, justices of the peace, and Nicholas Conyers, sheriff of Durham, at the suit of Robert Blakiston of Elvet, gent, John Ducke of Durham, alderman, Robert Roper of Srimdow and
George Rowell of Durham, gent, went to Chester-le-Street on the highway at a place called Floters Milfordstead and arrested William Tempest of Lumley castle, gent, John Scott of Winlaton, labourer, Humphrey Garry of Winlaton, labourer, James
Robinson of Winlaton, labourer, and Simon Hall of Winlaton, labourer, for, with others to the number of 10, causing an affray with weapons, for which they were fined in the Durham sessions on 25 April 1677.
f.203v [1677]
William Tempest defended himself by his attorney John Browne against Robert Delavale about his imprisonment for the above incident under the gaoler George Humes at Durham castle.
f.204v [1678]
George Rowell, debtor of the king, by Richard Ogden his attorney, sues Matthew Robinson for slandering the name of an honest, blameless butcher and loyal subject of the king with the words “he is broak and run out of the
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to produce Robert Dimsdale formerly of Newsham Parva, yeoman, Francis Parwell, formerly of Barnard Castle, yeoman, and John Waterman of Barnard Castle, yeoman, in Durham on 9 July next to answer Thomas
Wraugham that on 5 March 1675 he demised his Le Close in Winston parish to John Emerson for 3 years from the next 3 May and then the three came and felled trees there.
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham about Cuthbert Johnson formerly of Shildon, yeoman, intruding into William Thompson's coal mine at Shildon and threatening and assaulting his miners and servants there.
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to produce Roger Robinson formerly of Chester le Street, blacksmith, and Jane his wife on 9 July next in Durham before the justices to answer Thomas Gibson for depasturing his land, breaking hedges and his
haystack at Chester le Street.
Writs to return to Ralph Clarke two cows taken by Edward Hincks and William Snawden.
f.205v-206v 31 August 1678
5 documents about returning a ?gelding ( “spado”) taken by William Hepple in Withernam to Ralph Marshall.
John Forster to pay £7 10s 6d for despoiling the goods which Ralph Ord and his wife Elizabeth received on the death of George Selby.
f.206v 2 June 1679
Mary ?Crulkell sues ?William ?Rinkell for piling up his dunghill next to her house at Kibblesworth so that the walls have become putrid.
f.207r-v 14 January 1675
Royal mandate about dividing up accordingly between John Rumney, Anna Williamson widow and Timothy Wright gent 3 messuages, 300 acres of land, 300 acres of meadow and 300 acres of pasture in Redmarshall which were of the late Timothy Cooke,
brother of Anna and uncle of John Rumney and Timothy Wright, with the record from the Durham court of pleas, Timothy Wright being under 21 years old and being represented by George Moorcroft, as was Anna Williamson..
f.207v 31 January & 2 February 1679
Brian Burletson was summoned about lands in Sedgefield parish by William Thompson and Thomas Austin to the door of Sedgefield parish church immediately after divine service and public prayers.
f.207v 20 March 1679
Royal mandate to carry out a inspection ( “visum” ) of Brian Burleston's 12 acres of meadow in Fishburn which William Mason claims for the justices in Durham on 10 April next.
f.207v 31 March 1679
Certificate that this inspection was carried out by Henry Midleton, John Mason, William Thompson and Thomas Austin, four knights of Co Durham.
f.208r [?1679]
Certificate that Thomas Wilkinson was committed to the king's prison at Morpeth on 14 December for being a recusant, was brought before the general session of the peace at Morpeth on 18 January on suspicion of being a Roman priest and was
committed to the king's prison at Durham.
f.208r [?1679]
Certificate that Robert Hallyday and John Brown were committed to the Co Durham gaol by the king's assizes at Durham on 6 August.
f.208r 6 Augst 1679
Royal mandate to order Brian Burleston to hand over to William Mason 12 acres of meadow in Fishburn of which Henry Heighington was seised after 4 February 1536 when he enfeoffed Dennis Mason and Robert Farrow to the use of Robert Mason and Jane
Heighington, daughter of the said Henry; Robert and Jane were succeeded by their nephew William.
f.208v 3 September 1679
James Mickleton esq defended his right by his attorney Thomas Mascall against George Moorcroft and Richard Hilton, and called to warrant Michael Mickleton gent his son and heir, under 21 years of age, who was represented by C. Hilton gent his
guardian, in a suit about manors.
f.208v 4 November 1679
Certificate that Susanna Jackson widow and Thomas Jackson tenants of Harraton Outside and Clibburnes Farm containing 100 acres of arable, 100 acres of meadow and 300 acres of pasture in Harraton in Chester-le-Street parish, and John Morland esq
and Ellis Cooper esq tenants of Chaytorshaugh and Woodland containing 40 acres of arable, 100 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture in Harraton which were held by John Jackson knight, 23 October 1661, are his heirs, according to Thomas Hutton his
f.209r 9 July 1679
Royal exemplification of a fine in the court of common pleas at Westminster of Michaelmas 1650 between Christopher Mickleton and John Carter querulents and Simon Peacock esq deforciant about the manor of Great Burn alias Burn Hall, 4 messuages, 4
tofts, 8 gardens, 300 acres of land, 140 acres of meadow, 300 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood, 300 acres of moor and 20s rent in Great Burn alias Burn Hall, Herdhouse and St Oswalds in Durham.
f.209r 4 June 1680
Royal mandate that Frances, Mary, Charlotte, Juliana and Elizabeth Selby, daughters and coheiresses of George Selby, bt, are to warrant James Clavering, bt, for 8 messuages, 20 acres of land, 250 acres of meadow, 70 acres of pasture and 300 acres
of moor in the parish of Ryton which he claims to hold from them under a charter of their father George Selby.
f.209v-210v 27 May 1676 - 4 July 1680
Record from the Durham court of pleas and assizes of a case between Mark Errington formerly of Stockton, Co Durham, esq, alias of Ponteland, Northumberland, gent, with Robert Jackson of Stockton, gent, his mainprise ( “manicaptor” ), against Frances Errington, widow and executrix of the late Nicholas Errington, esq, and then her executor Cuthbert Heron, bt, over a debt of £969 13s 2d.
f.211r [1682]
Royal mandate about a case between James Darcy esq against Richard Reed of Morden and John Elstob over an old water mill in the parish of Aycliffe, leased by Darcy for 7 years for the lives of Marmaduke Darcy and Gerard Skelton, whose water
course, taken off the river Skerne, had been stopped up.
f.211r 5 July 1682
Royal writ to the bishop of Durham to inquire into the goods of Dennis Grenvile, formerly of London, rector of Easington, held on 23 January 1682 when he was outlawed in London at the suit of Anne Morgan, widow, in a suit of debt. With a
commission from the bishop of Durham to the churchwardens of Easington to sequestrate, 1682.
f.211v 15 July 1682
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to summon Jane Smith on 5 August next to answer John Shippardson jr, gent, and Elizabeth his wife, over the partition of 12 acres of land and 15 acres of pasture of the inheritance of Ralph Smith, father of
Elizabeth Shippardson, in Easington between John Shippardson and Elizabeth, John Tweddell and Margaret, Jane Smith, Anna Smith spinster, Dorothy Sparke spinster, Elizabeth Sparke spinster and Mary Smith spinster.
Case between Charles Burwell administrator of Thomas Burwell against Robert Tempest esq over a £1000 bond for the performance of the will of Joanna Richardson by Charles Richardson, her executor, now dead.
f.212r-v Trinity [1634]
William Butter asserted that Henry VIII gave all the tithes in the parish of Marton in Cleveland to Ralph Bulmer jr, kt, and John Thynne, gent, by his letters patent of 20 November 1544, which they assigned to John Thoreton and Thomas Wilson to
the use of Thomas Blackburne, whose son Luke inherited them and assigned the tithes in the grange or hamlet of Newham occupied by William Page to Robert Anderson on 3 December 1596, which he assigned to Ralph Westroppe esq on 30 April 1606, which
descended after his death to his kinsman Ralph Westroppe (son of William, son of James, brother of Ralph senior), and then Ralph jr's brother Thomas, who demised them to William Butter, disputed by Henry Wildon, gent, impropriator and farmer.
f.213r-215v 1684 - 1686
Record of a case over the liability for repair of the decayed northern part of the stone bridge over the Tees at Yarm in the parishes of Egglescliffe, Co Durham, and Kirk Levington, North Riding of Yorkshire, carrying the road from Durham to
Stokesley, with two inhabitants of Egglescliffe, John Simpson and William Paxton, claiming it was not the liability of Co Durham but rather that of Thomas lord Falconbridge and 31 others (named), holders of messuages in Yarm.
f.216r 8 June 1686
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham about the case between George Huntley and Frances his wife, administrators of the goods of Lancelot Moore who died intestate, and Thomas Watson and Hannah his wife, administrators of the goods of William
Bindlesse who died intestate, over debts.
Inquiry into Thomas Tempest, bt, holding a messuage, 40 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 60 acres of pasture in Winlington which were of Lancelot Hodshon, gent.
f.217r 21 March 1686
Appointment by Nathaniel [Crew], bishop of Durham, of Charles Montagu, esq, as sheriff of the county palatine of Durham and Sadberge.
f.217r-v 5 April 1686
Royal commission to Richard Loyd, kt, Robert Dormer, Edward Arden, John Acourt and Edward Billingsley, esqs, and George Cox, gent, for two or more of them to receive Charles Montagu's oath as sheriff. With a copy of the oath (English).
f.217v [1686]
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham in attempting to levy from the lands and chattels of Richard Bellasis of Haughton cleric and John Aude of Gateshead glazier, bondsmen of Robert Ferry formerly of Gateshead apothecary, £276 4s 6d to the use of
William Sanderson, merchant, to summon Richard Bellasis and John Aude to Durham on 12 January [1687].
f.218r 3 June 1689
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham about the case of Thomas Bowser, gent, and Mary his wife, and the partition of a messuage, 55 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, and 84 acres of pasture in Denton which were of Gilbert Wildbore, father of Mary,
with Margaret, another daughter and heiress, John Aiseley, cleric, whose late wife Frances was another daughter and heiress, and Anthony Wharton, gent, whose late wife Jane was another daughter and heiress.
f.218v 1 July 1689
Case between William Lee and John Heighington over the obscuring of windows in their adjacent properties in Durham St Nicholas from 1 October 1687.
f.219r 12 May 1692
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to levy for Michael Potts, who at the Durham assizes on 8 August 1688 recovered against John Shipperdson formerly of Sunderland, gent, son and heir of [the late] William Shipperdson formerly of Bishopwearmouth,
surgeon, a debt of £10 with damages of 46s 8d, the money from John Shipperdson's executors as he has now died. With the return of Charles Montague, esq, sheriff of Durham, that Richard Shipperdson, John Shipperdson jr, William Shipperdson, John
Lightfoot, Eliza Southanke, Richard Atkinson, Michael Simon, Anne Carre and Eliza Nicholson held 6 messuages and 6 rods of land in Sunderland which were the lands of the late William Shipperdson and so descended to John Shipperdson.
f.220r-222v 19 May 1677
Inspeximus of a record from the Westminster court of pleas Trinity 28 Charles II r.107 of a royal mandate to the bishop of Durham that Thomas Crooke recovered from Joshua Rudston formerly of Gateshead four messuages and one acre in
Bishopwearmouth which William Crooke on 1 May 1673 at Bishopwearmouth demised to Thomas Crooke for 7 years with costs of £9 12s 14d, Thomas Crooke died intestate, administration was granted to his widow Florence on 8 October 1675, Joshua Rudston
died and William Fawcett then held his lands, but William Crooke had made Elizabeth Taylor widow seised of these lands; she on 10 March 1650 at Bishopwearmouth married John Armysteed, who then, on 12 March 1650, enfeoffed John Crooke and Anne his
wife; John Crooke died on 1 May 1659, his widow Anne married Joshua Rudston on 10 November 1659 at Bishopwearmouth; on 1 July 1658 Elizabeth wife of John Armysteed relinquished her right to her son and heir George Taylor who died on 3 January 1673
at Bishopwearmouth relinquishing his right to his son and heir George Taylor who expelled Anne and then enfeoffed William Fawcett on 9 August 1675; Florence Crooke disputed this.
Royal writ to the sheriff about a case between William Newton and Jane Daterson of Carlton widow over her cow attacking his horse at a cost of £10.
f.223r 23 November 1695
Case between Hugh Huntley and John Johnson of Framwellgate whose dog attacked Huntley's cow at a cost to Huntley of £10.
f.223r-v 9 November 1695
Royal mandate to the bishop of Durham, as William Wilkinson has recovered against Robert Delavall gent a debt of £150 with costs of 53s 4d, and as the sheriff of London has found no property of Delaverall in his bailiwick, to ascertain his
holdings in Co Durham. With the return of the sheriff of Durham that Thomas Wharton gent held one messuage and a garden in the South Bailey, in the city of Durham, and Giles Raine and John Raine held two messuages, 50 acres of land, 50 acres of
meadow and 100 acres of pasture in Cassop in Kelloe parish, all property of Robert Delaval gent.
f.224r 5 October 1698
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham that, as it was reported at the Co Durham quarter sessions that Ralph Wilkinson formerly of Sunderland, boatbuilder, on 30 July 1698 at Sunderland broke into the mansion house of Isabella Chapman in
Sunderland and evicted David Thompson, Martin Potter, Margaret Cole and William Eden, he should restore it to them.
f.225r-226r 1703
Bond of Horace Alston of Durham city, esq, Thomas Alston of (blank) and (blank) to Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, esq, in £1000 that Horace Alston will carry out his duties (specified) as under-sheriff of Co Durham.
f.304r-305r Trinity 1672
Record of a plea before the Westminster barons of the exchequer in a case of William Wastell, through his attorney Thomas Haynes, against John Wilde and Thomas Wilde over a bond in £52 drawn up on 20 August 1671 at Houghton-le-Spring.
f.316r 2 July 1669
Court of pleas: William Ingleby was attached to answer both Thomas Stot sr for ejecting him from 2 messuages and 40 acres in Houghton le Spring demised to him by Thomas Stot jr and Elizabeth his wife, and also Richard Browne for ejecting him from
2 messuages and 40 acres in Houghton le Spring demised to him also by Thomas Stot jr and Elizabeth his wife.
f.316r 12 June 1669
Court of pleas: Robert Wood was summoned to answer Margaret Dodshon widow, executrix of John Dodshon, concerning probate of his will and his brother Nicholas Dodshon having been rather made his executor in his will of 19 July 1640.
f.316r-v 5 August 1669
Assizes: case between Thomas Hardcastle, Thomas Groves, and William Stobbs, bailiffs of Peter and Anne Easterby, over an avowry in 40 acres of pasture at Barnes, Bishopwearmouth, as, by an indenture of 1 May 1648, William Bowes of Barnes,
Bishopwearmouth, esq, gave to Anne Short of Maske, Yorks, spinster, an annuity of £8 from the 40 acres, then Anne married Ralph Grey, gent, at Barnes in Bishopwearmouth on 23 December 1651, Ralph died on 30 June 1655 at Barnes, and Anne then married
Peter Easterby at Barnes on 20 March 1660, and the annuity is £44 in arrears over 5½ years.
f.317r 26 June 1675
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to produce William Byerly formerly of Tudhoe, yeoman, William Byerly jr, formerly of Tudhoe, yeoman, Francis Heighington formerly of Butcher Race in Brancepeth, yeoman, Thomas Bell, formerly of Tudhoe,
yeoman, Ralph Dunn formerly of Tudhoe, yeoman, and John Rutlidge formerly of Hett, yeoman, at Durham on 20 July next before the justices to answer Thomas Howard, esq, for carrying off coal to the value of £100 from his mine at Tudhoe and assaulting
his servants there.
A horse ate another's grass and broke his hedges at a cost of 100s.
f.318r 1684
Timothy and Hugh denied breaking into and despoiling Thomas's grass as they said that on 19 April 1682 at Whorlton Thomas had licensed them to take away hay from his land which they proceeded to do with their horses on 29 April from Le Stocks at
Anna and Isabella [Browne] denied breaking into and despoiling William [Cooling]'s corn, and they had already paid 20s at Darlington as a settlement for any transgression.
f.319r 3 June 1689
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham concerning Richard Viscount Lumley's case against John Duck formerly of Durham city for breaking into Lumley castle and putting him in fear of his life so that he could not go about his business.
f.319r 18 June 1690
The sheriff of Durham is to seize William Shipperdson of Sunderland, William Hincks, Gerard Sedgwicke, and Edward Robinson for breaking into, wrecking and burning a Quaker meeting house of W. M. at S[underland] on the arrival of Prince [William]
of Orange, to the value of £100.
f.319r 19 May 1690
Royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to produce George Bowes formerly of Bradley, gent, and Thomas Bowes, formerly of Durham city, gent, before the justices in Durham on 3 June next to answer about breaking and entering the house of Thomas
Townes at Brancepeth and trampling his herbage, and damaging and carrying off other crops, animals and goods.
f.320r 18 July 1690
Royal mandate to the sheriff about a case between Thomas Newby jr and Henry Newby jr formerly of Barnard Castle to be before the justices on 22 August next to show how Thomas on 1 June 1682 held a shop in Barnard Castle and Henry Newby held a
messuage on the north of the shop with “an entry or passage” between them, and the shop had a gable end fronting on to Thornegate, and then Henry built a new messuage over the passage which obstructed the entrance to
Thomas's shop at cost of £40.
f.321r-324v 22 October 1690 - 15 January 1692
Royal writ to the justices in Co Durham to correct an error in a case between Anne Burdon, widow of George Burdon sr, and George Burdon jr over dowry, with a record of the case with Anne represented by her attorney Ralph Gowland and George by
Edward Fawcett gent, his guardian; Anne, seeking a third part of 3 messuages, 3 gardens and 2 rods of land in Durham St Giles, had a bag of writings, deeds and muniments from her late husband; with descriptions and delineations of the properties
eventually assigned to Anne.
f.325r 6 July 1692
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham about ?O. Lidell intruding on a close of Thomas Shaw at Auckland St Andrew and building a wall there to enclose part of it for himself.
f.325r-326v 21 January 1693
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham, reciting a writ to the bishop of Durham that Oliver Killingworth, gent, and Ralph Weybod recovered in the court at Westminster under Charles II [in 1683] against Ellis Cooper a debt of £80 with £4 damages,
Oliver then died at Newcastle upon Tyne, Ralph survived and drew up his will at Newcastle upon Tyne on 12 May 1692 appointing Edward Grey and Michael Taylor his executors, Ralph died and now his executors want to exact this debt from half of Ellis
Cooper's property, instructing him to carry out an inquisition into Ellis Cooper's property.
With the inquisition held on the same day at Durham by the sheriff Charles Montague stating that Ellis and Swan Cooper held in 1683 a water-corn-mill and a common bakery in Chester-le-Street as half of their property.
f.326v-327r 18 May 1661
Royal writ to John [Cosin] bishop of Durham to restore John Mathon, clerk, MA, as master of Christ's Hosptial, Sherburn, from which he had been evicted by John Fenwick.
f.327v 9 April 1661
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to remove all lay power from Sherburn Hospital ( “vim laicam seu armatam potentiam”) and present any resisting before the justices at Durham on 27 April next.
f.366r 14 November 1667
Inquisition held at Durham by the sheriff Gilbert Gerrard, kt, bt, stating that John Ayton esq was outlawed in London on 5 November 1666 at the suit of William Turner kt, and held, in the right of Isabella his wife, a messuage in Great Lumley
called Le North Crooke containing 10 acres, another close of meadow in Great Lumley called Le Low Feild containing 9 acres, and a close, arable and pasture in Great Lumley, called
Le South Feild containing 44 acres, and another close of pasture in Great Lumley called Le Ling containing 6 acres, occupied by Thomas Hall, gent, Brian Wesh, Robert Hodshon and Thomas Todd,
all worth £32.
In the margin are noted the costs of various legal documents and processes.
f.367r 2 November 1672
Inquisition held at Durham by the sheriff Gilbert Gerard, bt, stating that Thomas Swinhoe, outlawed on 3 June 1672 at the suit of William Japp executor of the late John Japp over a debt, held a messuage in Norham, a malt kiln and barn in Norham,
and parcels of land in Norham called Thomas Swinhoes Butts containing ½ acre occupied by Thomas Richardson, all worth 20s.
In the margin are noted the costs of various legal documents and processes.
f.367v-368v 21 November 1672
Inquisition held at Durham by the sheriff Gilbert Gerard, bt, stating that William Blakiston, kt, bt, on 15 December 1663, held Gibside manor with 10 messuages, 120 acres of land, 250 acres of meadow, and 300 acres of pasture in Gibside, all
worth £80, also a messuage, 20 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, and 100 acres of pasture in West Hollingside in Whickham parish, all worth £20, also 2 messuages, 20 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, and 100 acres of pasture in Law Freerside in
Whickham parish, all worth £30, also 4 messuages, 20 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture in Fawdow's Field in Whickham parish, all worth £6, also a messuage, 20 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 60 acres of pasture in East
Marlyhill in Whickham parish, all worth £30, also a messuage, 10 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture in West Marlyhill in Whickham parish, all worth £30, also a messuage, 10 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 40 acres of
pasture in Le Fenhouse in Whickham parish, all worth £14. Gibside manor and the land in West Hollingside were half of all the estate and were delivered on the same day to George Stephens and Edith his wife and Henry Mott, executor of the late Henry
With a note of the annual rents paid by the tenants of each estate.
f.369r 28 November 1674
Royal writ to the sheriff of Northumberland to take an inquisition as, in the court at Westminster, Thomas Ingram kt recovered against Cuthbert Heron formerly esq, now bt, of Chipchase, and Matthew Heron, esq, of Kirkheaton, a debt of £500 with
46s costs, then Thomas Ingram made his will, appointing his wife Frances as his sole executrix, and she wanted to exact the debt from half their property.
f.369r-v 16 December 1674
Inquisition held at Newcastle upon Tyne by the sheriff Martin Fenwicke, esq, stating that Cuthbert Heron, bt, and Mathew Heron, on 23 January 1673, held (Cuthbert Heron) Chipchase manor worth £100, also in the vill of West Whelpington formerly
held by Mark Weeland and Thomas Chattoe, worth £40, and in the vill of Rea occupied by Thomas Hogg, Thomas Forster, Andrew Oliver, and Michael Harle, worth £30, and in the vill of Blackhall occupied by Cuthbert Heron and Edward Coxon, worth £30,
(Matthew Heron) a capital messuge in Kirkheaton , with 5 messuages, 50 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow and 50 acres of pasture in Kirkheaton, occupied by John Fenwicke, and all worth £40, and also 6 other messuages in Kirkheaton, 50 acres of land,
50 acres of meadow and 50 acres of pasture, occupied by Roger Todd, Cuthbert Todd, Jane Todd and Robert Shaw, all worth £40, all of which was delivered to Elizabeth Ingram on the same day.
f.370r 8 July 1674
Royal writ to the sheriff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and John Sudbury, the dean and chapter of Durham cathedral, sede vacante, to apprehend James Hargreaves of Newcastle-upon-Tyne St Nicholas parish, merchant, for having
his son or daughter illicitly baptised by Richard Gilpin at Newcastle-upon-Tyne against the canons of the Church of England.
f.370v 23 June 1675
Royal writ to Nathaniel [Crew] bishop of Durham, having ordered the sheriff of London to apprehend John Walker formerly of Oakcliffe, Co Durham, yeoman, outlawed in London on 20 October 1675 at the suit of Nicholas Hardand over a trespass and
insult, ordering him to seize any goods of his.
f.370v 27 May 1676
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to order William Eggleston to render to Margaret Eggleston widow, late the wife of Robert Eggleston, her due dowry from the free tenement of her late husband in Hunstanworth.
f.370v [1682]
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to summon the outlawed Thomas Holmes formerly of Darnton to appear in court on 4 April 1682.
f.371r 23 August 1681
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to hold an inquisition ad quod dampnum into the concession by Nathaniel [Crew] bishop of Durham to the mayor, alderman and community of the city of Durham of an additional day's
fair for the sale of horses on three specified days of the year.
f.371r-v 23 January 1682
Inquisition held by the sheriff of Durham that the additional days for horse fairs would not be to the loss of the king.
f.371v-372r 12 February - 2 May 1690
Royal writ to Nathaniel [Crew] bishop of Durham to instruct the sheriff of Durham to levy a debt of £200 for Daniel Brevint from Albert Hodshon formerly of Baithouses, Co Durham, gent, and Thomas Tempest, bt, recovered by Brevint in the king's
bench against Albert and Lancelot Hodshon formerly of Winlaton, gent, along with 70s costs, in Trinity 1672, to be levied from Albert's goods and half of a messuage, with 40 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 60 acres of pasture in Winlaton,
which Lancelot formerly held, but which was now, after his death, in the hands of Thomas Tempest, with the subsequent inquisitions.
f.372v 23 June 1690
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to summon Henry Banson formerly of Durham city, gent, Thomas Johnson, formerly of Durham city, currier, and Gilbert Stott, formerly of Durham city, ?ropemaker ( “restiar'” ), to
answer Magaret Hall, widow and executrix of John Hall, currier, for the damages of £77 12s 6d awarded to John Hall at the Durham ssizes on 3 August 1683 for the trespass, insult and imprisonment of him by Banson, Johnson, Stott and the now dead
George Humes, formerly of Durham city, gent, in Durham St Oswald.
f.372v 18 February 1698
Inquisition in held on 20 January [?1693] that Mary Gale, widow of Ralph Gale, held a messuage, with a shop and a dyehouse in Gateshead which were delivered by the sheriff of Durham to Robert Kelley, presented in a case in the Durham court of
pleas between them.
f.373r Michaelmas 1690
Return that Thomas Ewbanke was held in the royal prison at Durham to answer Margaret Rayne, widow, and administratrix of William Rayne jr, for a debt of £24 10s with 40s costs and William Mason for a debt of £10 12s 3d with 15s 6d costs.
f.373r 8 November 1690
Writ from Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, to his bailiffs William Currey and William Sadler to deliver Thomas Ewbanke to the court of the barons of the exchequer at Westminster on 28 November.
f.373v 24 October 1690
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to enquire about the case between Ralph Westgarth, George Jackson and William Stevenson against Robert Rickarby over the theft of his various detailed animals on 9 April 1690 at Great Chilton fields in
Merrington parish, and their allegation that the animals had been taken by the bailiff of the master and fellows of Peterhouse college, Cambridge, for the £145 rent conceded to them by John Cosin, bishop of Durham, from Great Chilton fields and
f.374r 4 December 1691
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to enquire about a case between Robert Pattison, George Jackson, Cuthbert Coulson and Robert Bell against John Hodshon over the theft of 8 bullocks of his on 16 February 1690 at Great Chilton fields in
Merrington parish, and their allegation that the animals had been taken by them as bailiffs of Benjamin Hilton gent and Edward Arden, auditor and receiver respectively of Nathaniel [Crew], bishop of Durham, for a rent of £150 which was due to the
bishop from those fields and which was unpaid.
f.374v-375r 10 February and 8 August 1694
Royal writs to the sheriff of Durham reciting writs to the bishop of Durham about Nicholas Paxton recovering from Gilbert Marshall esq formerly of Sellaby his term in the manors of Sellaby, Gainford and Archdeacon Newton, 10 messuages, 20
cottages, 1000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 200 acres of wood, and 2 water mills in the parishes of Gainford and Darlington which Robert Gower, Robert Bird, and Gerard Conyers had demised to Paxton on 1 April 1692 for 7
years, involving a wirt of error in the king's bench and parliament.
f.376r-v 9 October 1694
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham reciting a writ to the bishop of Durham, as Isaac Sugden of the city of York, merchant, Arthur Robinson of the city of York, merchant, John Preistly and Francis Hewitt of the city of York, grocers, had entered
into a bond of 6 March 1691 in £1200 with the barons of the exchequer, to make an extent of the property and goods of Arthur Robinson.
With the inquisition held in Durham on 13 October 1694 reporting that Arthur Robinson held £8 rent from lands in Middleton St George in the possession of William Killingham, esq, now four years in arrears, and that Joseph Cradock of Leicester
owed him £50 6s for goods sold to him.
f.376v 4 November 1696
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham reciting a writ to the bishop of Durham about a suit between the mayor and burgesses of Newcaste upon Tyne against the dean and chapter of Durham cathedral and Samuel Shepperd gent.
f.377r 4 November 1696
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham reciting a writ to the bishop of Durham to distrain the goods of Francis Blakiston, Mary Blakiston, widow, and Dorothy Blakiston, spinster, executors of the late Robert Blakiston, gent, formerly of Old Elvet
near Durham for £200 which Ralph Reed executor of the late Thomas Reed, gent, recovered for a debt of Thomas Reed before the barons of the exchequer.
f.377r 10 January 1698
Inquisition at Durham that Hugh Watson formerly of Stockton on Tees, merchant, was indebted to William Douthwaite, gent, in a sum of £180 14s 7d as arrears on his customs account.
f.394r-395r 28 April 1666
Record of a case in the Durham chancery between John Blakiston and John Heath as Thomas Blakiston formerly of Newton on 18 December 1612 acknowledged that he owed John Heath sr of Kepier £500, both died, John Heath's executor Thomas Heath died
intestate, John Martin, gent, is his administrator and now seeks his debt from John Blakiston who now holds Thomas Blakiston's lands.
f.396r 12 November 1669
Royal injunction to John Ayreson to raise £50 from his lands in a case in the Durham chancery against John Duck.
f.397r 20 May 1689
Royal injunction to Mary Astell, widow, to cease her case on behalf of her late husband Peter Astell in the Durham chancery against Henry Ewbancke, esq, and William Richardson, gent, for a debt of £700 with 60s costs awarded in the court at
Westminster under Charles II.
f.397r 2 December 1696
Royal injunction to Henry Madshon to cease all waste and destruction in the bishop of Durham's Bedburn park in the parish of Auckland St Andrew.
f.397v 21 August 1703
Royal injunction to John Lishman, Cuthbert Young, John Davy, Thomas Pearson, Thomas Garrett, John Dawson, James Blackett and William Gare, at the suit of Bevon Carr, gent, to grind their corn at the bishop's water-mill in his manor of Bedlington,
held by Bevon, and not to take it to Shipwish mill.
f.402r-411r 1699 - 1700
An act for better supplying fresh water to Newcastle upon Tyne by the contractor William Yarnold of New Woodstock, Oxon, 10 William III c.91, with three inquisitions at Gateshead 28 December 1699, Chester-le-Street 16 January 1700 and Gateshead 7
March 1700 to ascertain who would be affected by the construction of such a supply and at what cost.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 62.MSP 62 early 17th century
185 leaves, foliated i + 1-184 (17 January 2006)
An ecclesiastical chronological history of England, in English, in the form of tabular annals detailing emperors, popes, kings of England and the “State ecclesiasticall”, with some additional notes and discourses
added. It is most comprehensive for Mary I's reign, detailing the lives of martyrs who suffered under her. The history originally ended with 1558 and is inscribed “1608” on f.137v, being perhaps completed then. After
one folio of additional material, it then restarts in similar vein and in the same hand, with more detail now on political developments under Elizabeth. This history then ends with 1574. Further other material is thence added in differing hands.
Language: English, with some Latin as indicated
f.Iv 1700/1
Book of G[ilbert] Spearman of Durham 1700/1 inscription affixed.
f.1r 1700
Book of G[ilbert] Spearman of Durham 1700 inscription.
Kings of Britain from Noah's flood to the birth of Christ.
Four questions for all papists to answer.
Title of the history “Touching the generall state of Christs church since our lords ascention into heaven” and five sections.
[ “The persecuting...” ] 34-324; discourses on persecution, “Roomes first Relligion” and popes.
“The flourishing & increasing state of gods Church”: 325-873; “Notes” on Britons, Saxons, religion and popes.
“The Decaying state of Relligion till the plainn manifestacion of Antichrist”: 874-1066; “Notes” on Danes, Saxons, Normans and the Church.
“The next 300 yeares from the Normand Conquest in which Antichrist began to raigne in the Church in all kinds of Supersticion, Ambition &c”: 1067-1377; “Notes” on the pride of
popes, the schism between the Greek and Latin Churches, the Turks' attacks, and the stand of “the godly learned” against the pope.
“The last 300 yeares till this tyme wherein is sett forth the lamentable butchering of Christs poore members on one syde by the Turke; And on the other syde by the pope both of them being Antichrist the persecutor of
Christians”: 1378-1509; Latin documents from Alfred's epitaph of 901 to a printed epigram from Rome of 1460; countries under Turkish rule with Christians in Asia and Europe.
“The State of the Churche And Church matters frorm the Reformed tymes theroff”: 1509-1553, including “A Confutacion of the 6 articles”.
1553-1558, detailing especially the lives of the martyrs, in particular Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, John Philpot and Thomas Cranmer; lists of those burned 1400-1558, died in prison 1507-1556, whipped and those who escaped during Mary I's
reign; the punishment of the persecutors.
Some extracts in verse respecting the state of the church from the treatise of St Bernard “Morlanensis”“de contemptu mundi”of 1287.
Ecclesastical history 1558-1574.
Language: Latin, with English comments.
Extract from
Clari Bonarscii Amphitheatrum Honoris by Carolus Scribanius, (2nd edition 1606), book 3 cap. B. p.356 entitled “Ad divam Hallensem et puerum
Jesum” [in the same hand as the main tract] , with a comment “The poynts of new divinity (or rather blasphemy) contyned in this Jesuits gospell” and also a note that the work was written four years ago, so this
extract was written in [1610].
On heresies “De Haeresibus”.
Catalogue of heresies collected by Augustine, bishop of Hippo, from the commentaries of Eusebius and Epiphanius, with the dates of the heresies 37-610.
Language: Latin and English
Camden's opinion of Britain “with his epitomized description thereof”, describing the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans, some institutions, then the counties of England and Wales.
A history of the Turkish empire 844-1610.
Chronological tables for the Bible including Egypt and Assyria, the history of Jerusalem from 1030, comparative tables of rulers in Asia and Europe from the time of Noah to James I, lists of high priests and Church Councils.
Poem of a northern journey of Dr [Richard] Eades (later dean of Worcester), [1584], dedicated to Tobias Matthew: “Iter Boreale per Dr Edes ?inceginte factum Oxon.a Decan. Mathew deducentem Dunelmen'”.
?Original is Oxford Bodl MS Rawl B 223
Verses and notes, including an epitaph on Thomas Wentworth Earl of Stafford, beheaded 12 May 1641.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 63.MSP 63 early 18th century
135 leaves, paginated i-ii + 1-268 (1-163 near contemporary, the remainder 18 January 2006)
Copies of the wills of Bishop Thomas Wood, John Spearman and Bishop Nathaniel Crew, [copied for details of their bequests to Durham charities]
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1 Contents citing folio (
sic) references.
p.7-15 Copy of the will of Thomas Wood (1607-1692), bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, prebendary of Durham and rector of Whickham, 11 November 1690, with an account of the distribution of the charity thereby given, being copies of two receipts of
4 September 1693.
p.17-26 Copy of the will of John Spearman of Durham (d.1703), gent, 21 July 1703, with some later marginal notes identifying some of the beneficiaries.
p.27-30 Abstract of the will of Nathaniel Crew (1633-1721), bishop of Durham, 24 June 1720, detailing his bequests to charities.
Digitised material for Copies from wills of Bishop Thomas Wood, John Spearman and Bishop Nathaniel Crewe - Mickleton and Spearman ms 63
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 64.MSP 64 c.1700
56 leaves, paginated i-iv + 1-108 (1-63 contemporary, the rest 7 February 2006)
Copies of Newcastle charters.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1-63 Copy of the inspeximus by King Charles II to the mayor and burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne of the letters patent of Elizabeth I of 22 March 40 Elizabeth [1598] and James I of 31 March 2 James [1604], 13 February 16 Charles II [1664], with
a note at the end that it agreed with the record and was examined by William Rook.
p.105 Copy of an indenture between Robert Darell archdeacon of Northumberland and Roland Hardyng prior of the Blackfriars, Newcastle upon Tyne, that, in return for £6 18s from Darell, the convent of the Blackfriars would every day, between the
hours of 6 and 9 in the morning, before the picture of the crucifix between the
Closyer and the outer quire door in the church, on their knees, sing an anthem of the holy cross beginning “O Crux
etc” and the versicle “Adoramus te Christe Jesu etc” with a collect of the same “Domine Jesu Christi Fili Dei” for the souls of William Darell, John Brigham late of Newcastle,
merchant, their wives and children, ending with the oration “Absolve Quesumus Domine Regine fidelium animarum omnium etc”, at Newcastle, 9 October 1537, with a description of the seal, and a note
“Examined with the original which Mr Airey of Newcastle Gave me” (English).
The following are in an envelope marked “FROM M&S MS 64”.
Digitised material for Copies of Newcastle charters - Mickleton and Spearman ms 64
MSP 64/1 21 November 1713
Language: Latin and English
List and some notes on the rectors of Redmarshall from 1330 to the later 17th century by [James Mickleton], with a covering letter from him at Furnival's Inn to [the incumbent] thanking him for his entertainment at Redmarshall and asking for an
account of the removal of “the old monument” which [the incumbent] explains in a note was a monument and statue of Sir Thomas Claxton, constable of Brancepeth castle, which stood in the middle of the porch and was
removed to its east end.
Modern note: “cf M+S MS. 64 f125, in which this was found”.
MSP 64/2 [c.1700]
Part of a letter (head missing) from Art[hur] Mowbray to Gilbert Spearman asking for a lady to be acquitted and pointing out that there is a mistake.
MSP 64/3 26 April 1632
Surrender in Romaldkirk manorial court by John Rayne of a tenement to Anthony Bailes junior for an annual rent of 6s, signed by Thomas Tothall, rector, and Matthew Stodart, steward.
MSP 64/4 [?1672]
Language: Latin and some Greek
Copy of a grant by Henry of Vecerei to William his steward ( “Dispensator” ) of a bovate of land in Mickleton, witnesses Randolph son of Hewin, Henry son of Cunan, Hugh de Magneti, Ralph de Huckerbi, Henry Paul of
St Romald, Oda de Kerkebi, Nicholas of Stapletun, Henry de Volcebi.
On the dorse is [an inscription on a monument] to Thomas Barlow, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at Oxford, 1672.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 65.MSP 65 mid 17th century
124 leaves, foliated i-iii + 1-121, (1-120 in contemporary foliation)
Reports of Star Chamber cases 1-3 Charles I.
The notebook is in two different hands of the earlier 17th century.
Contents (all other folios blank):
f.1r-8v Easter 1 Charles [1625].
f.1r-4r Thomas Remington and Robert Remington against John Allen, John Jepson, Henry Hinde and John Chambers for abuse of the clerk of the church, conspiracy, perjury and embracery.
f.4r-6v Bertram against Sir John Windham for perjury and riot.
f.6v-10v James Brooke and William Weston against William Watson, Richard Barrow and Robert Jenninges for forgery and perjury.
f.9r-24r Hilary 1 Charles [1626].
f.10v-11v Taterhall against Hall for riot.
f.11v-12v The earl of Cumberland against Sir John Yorke and his nephew for killing deer.
f.12v-14v William Wollaston against Robert Harecourte and Ayleworthe Clearke for forgery and perjury.
f.14v-20r John Thaire and John Hunburye against John Jones, Gilbert Jones, John Admas, Hill or another for maintenance, extortion and bribery.
f.20r-21v Thomas Needeham against John Salisbury and others for forging a deed.
f.21v-22r Lord Vaux's case.
f.22r-23v Sir Rowland Egerton against Edward Egerton and others for riot.
f.23v-24r About the length of bills and answers.
f.24v-31v Easter 2 Charles [1626].
f.24v-26r Thomas Langton, Richard Langton and Sibill Langton against John Harrington senior, John Harrington junior and William Berrish for conspiracy.
f.26r-27v John Brooke and William Wilson against William Watson, Richard Barrow and others now dead for forgery and perjury.
f.27v-31v Hartford, Sir John Watts and Wreathe against Crowch and Crowch for perjury.
f.31v-38v Trinity 2 Charles [1626].
f.31v-32r Sir Francis Wortley against Sir John Savill for affray.
f.32v-36v Woodrowe against Crispe, Crispe, Ayleworthe, Jones and others for an unlawful marriage.
f.36v-38v Broadgate against Mary Glover and others for forgery.
f.39r-57v Michaelmas 2 Charles [1626].
f.39r Egerton against Churchman and others for embracery of jurors and maintenance.
f.39r-v Lower sheriff of Radnorshire brought a bill about a riot.
f.39v-40r Atherton's case an admonition about the alteration of possession.
f.40r-41r Rookes against Rookes, Sugden and others for buying a title.
f.41r-43v Jane Hacket against Sir Thomas Cullpepper, Walter Herlakenden and others for forging the revocation of a will.
f.44r-v Margath against Bateman and others for riot.
f.44v-45v Dr Steward doctor of civil law against Fenman and others for “a practise”.
f.45v-48r Norfolk against Yates for terrifying a witness.
f.48r-v Sir Sigismund St John against Lady Shelley.
f.48v-49v Margath against Battman and Susan his wife and Sir Thomas Hill for abusing a minister of justice.
f.49v-50r Tirwhite against Wortley for perjury.
f.50v Lord Brice against Charnock and others for killing deer.
f.50v-52r Mr Tilley against Thomas Curtis and Jones for a riot.
f.52r Parduce against Palmer for riot.
f.52r-53r Bagshaw against Fisher for forgery.
f.53r-v Fawcett against Brice fined for “false clamour”.
f.53v-54v Panton [against Sir John] Underhill.
f.54v-55r Sir Peter Heigh against [Roger] Gooderick for killing red deer.
f.55r-56r Scut against Sloper for conspiracy.
f.56r-57r Frere against Bennet, Langdon and Aylett for a libel.
f.57r-v Hall against Aynsworth for marrying his daughter without consent.
f.57v-58v Hilary 2 Charles [1626].
f.57v-58r Leveson Okason against Milton for embracery of a jury.
f.58r-v Information against Dr Craddock for extortion.
f.58v-61v Easter 3 Charles [1627].
f.58v-59r Terwhitt against Folliambe and others for perjury and suborning of perjury.
f.59r-61v Information against Moody and his wife for a libel.
f.61v-62v Hilary 3 Charles [1628].
f.61v-62r Walt against Thurston for antedating a release and perjury.
f.62r-65r Fawcet against Brice for a misdemeanour committed by a justice of the peace.
f.63r-72v Trinity 3 Charles [1628].
f.65r-67r Margaret Short and Titus Siloe against Robert Nudick for forgery.
f.67r-v Wallis against White and Jennet for a riotous rescue.
f.67v-72v The king's attorney against Wallis for abusing the court of Star Chamber.
f.73r-102r Michaelmas 3 Charles [1628].
f.73r-75v Philip Homes against Ignatius Jordan and others.
f.75v-76v Dickinson against Leate.
f.76v-77v Bristow against Robert Audley, Thomas Audley and others.
f.77v-79v Information against Moseley Markhall for singing songs against the duke of Buckingham.
f.80r-83v Bluit against Cane and Cane against Bluitt.
f.83v-85v Van against Sir Edward Morgan, John Jones, Richard Jenkins, John Morgan and Rowland Morgan for a riot and rescue.
f.85v-86r Sir John Dacres against Sir Arthur Gorge and his lady for riot.
f.86v-87v Bellamy against Thorrolld for maintenance.
f.87v-88v Wharton against Heydon for perjury.
f.88v-89v Johnson and Ford against Weale, Clerk, Welby/Welly and Maine for riot.
f.89v-90r Sir Anthony Ashey against Lady Hatton, Roberts and various others.
f.90r-91v Langley against Mason and Samuell for riot.
f.91v-94v Merrick against Legatt a constable, King, Blundevill, and Dixon his servant for riot and rescue.
f.94v-95r Sir Anthony Ashley against Elizabeth lady Hatton.
f.95r-96v Information against Sir John Rous and Sir Thomas Jenkinson for imprisonment and whipping.
f.96v-97r Sir Ewbald Thellwell master of Chancery against Holtman.
f.97r-99v Sir John Shelley against Sir Sigismund Zinzan, Henry Zinzan, Barton Ridley and Godfrey etc for marrying his son to Margaret Zinzan.
f.99v Sillyard against Martine.
f.99v-100r Escott against Masters.
f.100r-101r Comon against Flower.
f.101r Sims against Ploden.
f.101r-v Owen's case.
f.101v-102r Bacon against Oged for killing red deer.
f.102r-v Sir Giles Escott against Sir William Sanders.
f.102v-119r Hilary 3 Charles [1629].
f.102v-104v Craske against Flight, Bateman, Saltman and Fox for perjury and subordination.
f.104v-106r Hunt against Althill for vexatious suits.
f.106r-107r Parker against Sir Francis Folliamb for riot and perjury.
f.107r-v Fuller against Eldreed and Shipley.
f.107v-108r The king's attorney against Sir Simon Steward.
f.108r-110r Sir Francis Folliamb against Carrier and Wallworth a constable for practise and riot.
f.110r-v Lionel Shitleworth's case.
f.111r-115r Vaughan high sheriff against Grundy, Jenkins, Davis, Phillips and Taverner.
f.115r-v Flood against Common.
f.116r-v Sir Giles Escott against divers.
f.116v-117r Whitlock against Sadler for conspiracy.
f.117r-v Sir John Dacres against Lady Gorge and 4 others for riot.
f.118r-119r Lord Keeper's speech in Star Chamber.
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 048.
Another copy is in Add. MS 329.
Companion volume to MSP 60 which matches the hand of much of this.
Digitised material for Reports of Star Chamber cases 1-3 Charles I - Mickleton and Spearman ms 65
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 66.MSP 66 late 17th century
20 leaves, foliated i-ii + 1-18 (7 February 2006), f.14 only a stub
Alphabetical index of subjects and places in Liber M of the Chancery Court Entry Books 1671 to 1682 (these are the years mentioned in the heading but the volume now covers13 April 1671 to 2 September 1707 and is now TNA DURH 4/3). (Subsequent
volumes to Liber M have indexes incorporated in them.) Titled: “An Alphabet of the Decrees and Orders entered in the Registers Booke in the Chancery Court of Durham”. Text on f.1-12 only.
Another copy of this index is MSP 38 f.308-333.
Digitised material for Alphabetical index of Liber M (Chancery Court Entry Book 1671-1682) - Mickleton and Spearman ms 66
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 67.MSP 67 earlier 17th century
179 leaves, paginated i-vi + 1-252 (1-246 ?20th century, the rest 9 May 2006), p.107 & 109-148 have an earlier pagination at the bottom of p.32 & 1-26, and p.149-157 are similarly foliated f.27-31.
Three different alphabetical listings of families' arms, in at least thee different hands of earlier 17th century style.
Contents (other pages blank):
p.v Title “Alphabet of Armory A”; notes “The feare of the lord”“In my begining god be my speed” “Liber Jacobi Mickleton Hospitii Graiensis Ao 1716” and note “I suppose the Armes on the back of this Book to belong to Henry Chitting, Chester Herald”.
p.1-106 First alphabet of arms, “Abeline” to “Zouch”.
p.107-157 Second alphabet of arms titled “An Alphabett of Armorye”, “Abelyn” to “Luk”, with some marginal notes indicating the county of origin.
p.159-194 Third alphabet of arms, “Albany” to “Yaxley”.
p.197-244 Second alphabet of arms, “Mawley” to “Yvers”, with a note on p.195 “Remember thy creator in the dayes of thy youth”.
p.245 Notes on the arms of “Carewe”, “Maunsell”, and “Lylle”.
p.246 Notes on the history and interpretation of heraldry.
p.247 Note “Sum liber Chr. Bell ex dono seu accomodatione mei W.T.”.
Inside back cover. Note on the book's rebinding October 1954.
Digitised material for Armorials - Mickleton and Spearman ms 67
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 68.MSP 68 [1618]
56 leaves, paginated i-vi + 1-106 (1-101 20th century, the rest 9 May 2006)
Survey of the nobility of England, and the royal courts, household, councils, admiralty, towns, castles, palaces, parks and forests. In one hand of the earlier 17th century.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1 Inscription “Smith Fleetwood [?of Armingland Hall and Stoke Newington] Octob. 9”.
p.3 Title “A Catalogue of the Nobilitie of England, and a collection as well of his Maties courtes of Recorde as of his highnes most honorable houshold, The Counsell at Lawe, The Counsells of the North of Wales & the
Marches, The Admiraltye. the Amorye & the Minte, His Maties Townes of Warre castles Bulwarkes & fortresses, The Islandes with his Maties houses parkes forrestes & Chases composed in anno 1618”.
p.5-8 “The Nobilitie of England accordinge to their severall authorities & degrees” with a list of those created by James I .
p.9-32 Lists of officers of justice, with sums of fees and allowances paid by the king.
p.33-74 Lists of officers & ministers of the household, with sums of fees and allowances paid by the king.
p.75-96 Lists of “His Maties Townes of Warre Castles Balwarkes & fortresses” and “His Maties Howses, parkes, forrestes & chases”, by county, with sums of fees and allowances
paid by the king.
p.100 (reversed) Inscription “Smith Fleetwood Octob. 9”.
Inside back cover. Note on the book's rebinding October 1954.
Digitised material for Survey of the nobility, royal courts, household, councils, admiralty, towns, castles, palaces, parks and forests of England - Mickleton and Spearman ms 68
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 69.MSP 69 [1639]
12 leaves, paginated 1-24 (20th century)
Account of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland of 12 August 1639. Written in a neat secretary hand with ruled margins and marginal headings, with some errors cancelled.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Front cover “Account proceedings of Generall assembly Church of Scotland assembled at Edenburough Aug 12th 1639”
p.1 Headed “Anno dni 1639”
p.3-19 Text, titled “A true and historicall relation of the most materiall passages of the last generall assemblie of the Church of Scotland holden at Edenburgh the XIIth of August 1639”.
Digitised material for Account of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland of 12 August 1639 - Mickleton and Spearman MS 69
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 70.MSP 70 earlier 17th century
134 leaves, paginated i-xvi + 1-262 (20th century)
“A True presentation of fforepast Parliaments to the view of present tymes and posteritie”. In a single hand, of the earlier 17th century: the work has catchwords at the bottom of pages, and is apparently prepared
for the press.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.iii Title and list of chapters.
p.v-xvi Preface.
p.1-62 “Chapt: 1: The name, Etymologie and signification of Parliamt. together with the substance or essence thereof”.
p.63-80 “Capt. 2: Of the quantitie of Parliamentes”.
p.81-134 “Chapter the third of the Quallitie of Parliaments”.
p.134-194 “Cap. 4: Of the Relation of Parliamts”.
p.195-249 “Cap. 5: Of the action of Parliamts”.
p.250-254 “Chapter the 6. Of the passions of Parliamts”.
p.254-259 “Cap. 7: Of the Quando, ubi, situs and Habitus of Parliaments”.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 71.MSP 71 1613 & [c.1672]
108 leaves + 2 inserted, paginated i-viii + 1-212 (1-172 ?contemporary, the rest 9 May 2006)
Repertory of the Durham chancery close rolls, mostly by [John Richardson, clerk of the chancery], continued to include the rolls of Bishop John Cosin.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Inside front cover. A list of the bishops of Durham buried in the chapter house at Durham.
p.iii&vi Inserted letter from Thomas Layton to John Richardson esq at Durham: Mr Swinno, Mr Orde and Mr Clavering have been with “my Lord”, they say the land's tenure is socage not
capite, sending him a pardon and wardship to peruse and which lack dockets which [the bishop] “was extreme angry att”, Mr Heath's fees, “be careful to mentaine”
what he has done for fear of Mr Swinborne, 31 January.
p.vii-151 Catalogue of the Durham chancery close rolls titled “A true note of the severall Close Rolls I found in the Chancery at Durham the xxijnd day of July 1613 when I [John Richardson] entered into the office of the
[clerk of] Chancery after the death of Mr Jo[hn] Barnes”, starting (p.vii) with a list of the rolls for each bishop from Richard Bury to Lawrence Booth, then (p.viii) an index of the page numbers and dates for the rolls of each bishop from
Richard Bury to William James, then (p.1) a catalogue of each roll recording its letter, number of schedules and the documents recorded on each schedule.
p.153-160 Catalogue of memoranda on the [Durham] plea rolls
tempore Henry VIII to Elizabeth I.
p.163-170 Catalogue of writings enrolled on bundles of parchment in the Durham chancery
tempore Mary I to Elizabeth I.
p.181-184 Alphabetical subject index of p.1-151 titled “Alphabet of the Contents in the Close Rolles of the Chancery under the severall titles following”.
p.185-194 Alphabetical index of lands mentioned in p.1-151 titled “Alphabete of lands conteyned in the Close Rolles”.
p.195 List of bishops of Durham, page references in the repertory and monarchs, headed “This to be added to my ancient MSS Repertory of ye Close Rolls & Records in ye Exchequer at Durham”.
p.197-205 Catalogue of the [Durham chancery] close rolls
tempore Bishop John Cosin.
p.207-209 Index of the “Offices Granted by the B'pps of Durham in ye Book before.”
Digitised material for Repertory of Durham chancery close rolls - Mickleton and Spearman MS 71
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 72.MSP 72 earlier 17th century
55 leaves, paginated 1-110 (9 May 2006), text on p.7-41 only
Copy of the inspeximus and confirmation by King James I of Tobias Matthew bishop of Durham's charter for the corporation of the city of Durham, 15 February 1606.
Language: Latin with occasional English
Digitised material for Copy of inspeximus and confirmation by James I of Bishop Matthew's charter for the city of Durham, 15 February 1606 - Mickleton and Spearman MS 72
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 73.MSP 73 later 16th to earlier 17th centuries
94 leaves, paginated i-ii + 1-184 (20th century)
Collection of extracts concerning 16th century politics. In several hands of the later 16th and/or earlier 17th centuries.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Front cover. “I.M.” and “Liber V”.
p. I List of contents “Communicated to me by Mr Shotbolt”.
p.5-104 “The manner of governement or pollicye of the realme of England”, extracts from [Sir Thomas Smith's
De Republica Anglorum (1625)], (item 1 in the list of contents).
p.107-118 “The Arraignement of Thomas duke of Northf:” extracts from [?J. Lacy,
The Arraignment of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk ... (1685)], (item 3 in the list of contents).
p.121-171 “A communication or discourse of the Q. Maryes mariage debated by 4 gentlemen at Mounthall In Essex, 1567 10 April”, (item 2 in the list of contents), setting out the advantages and disadvantages of Mary
Queen of Scots' marriage to an Englishman or to a foreigner.
p.177-179 “The Q. Metyes oration in the plament house martii 15 Ano dm 1575”, (item 4 in the list of contents), Queen [Elizabeth's] speech in parliament 15 March 1576. (Not in the Journals of the House of Commons
or in the Journals of D'Ewes, but printed with slight variations in Sir John Harington's
Nugae Antiquae, (1804 edn.) Vol. 1 p.120-127.)
p.182 Part of a recipe connected with bay leaves.
Digitised material for Political texts - Mickleton and Spearman ms 73
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 74.MSP 74 mostly 1630s
81 leaves, foliated i-iii + 1-75 + iv-vi (later 20th century) (f.iii & 1, and 75 & iv stuck together), also paginated i-xiv + 1-130 (1-124 contemporary, the rest 20th century; with duplication of 31-34, 41, 43-46, and 55-60, and
41-46 and 89-90 now out of sequence, and 71-72, 95-98, 113-114 omitted).
Abstracts of inquisitions
post mortem, alienations, liveries and other rmemoranda for Co Durham, Norhamshire, Islandshire and Crayke manor, mostly
tempore James I and Charles I, [?compiled
by John Richardson as escheator.]
Contents (all other folios blank):
p.1v-2v Persons index of inquisitions of freeholders from 1619.
p.3r “A note of those persons in Norhamshire and Elandshire who are to be warned by James Nicolson to come to Durham on Friday the 6 of December next to find Inquisicons”, 25 October 1635.
p.3v-5v Inquisitions of lands in Norhamshire and Islandshire, 1637 & 1639.
p.6r-16v Inquisitions on the deaths of freeholders in Co Durham,
tempore James I and Charles I, with notes on f.13r & 16v of communications between the bishop and his officers.
f.17r-v Alienations.
f.18r-19r, 20v-21v Inquisitions.
f.22v Note of fees.
f.23r-26v Inquisitions on the deaths of freeholders seised of lands in Norhamshire, along with wardships, liveries & alienations there,
tempore James I and Charles I, with letters re John Richardson's appointment
as escheator in Norhamshire and Islandshire on f.25r & 26r-v.
f.27r-v “Offices appointed to be found the 30 of March 1638 & then summoned by a new warrant to appeare at Twedmouth at John Nelson's house xj maii 1638”.
f.28r-29r “In my long booke collecions for lands in Norhamshire & Elandshire, and other matters there”, index of liveries, licences of alienation, wardships and pardons of alienation.
f.29v Index of lands and tenements in Norhamshire and Islandshire in the book of charters in the [Durham] chancery.
f.30r-31r Index of inquisitions from the time of Bishop Neville to Queen Elizabeth.
f.31v Index of lands abstracted from a survey book.
f.32r Alienations of lands in Norhamshire, with the parties warned to be at Tweedmouth on 11 May 1638.
f.32r Inquisitions found at Durham 6 December 1639.
f.33v-36v Liveries to be sued, or not inrolled,
tempore Charles I.
f.38v-39r Order from the bishop for the scrutiny of entry books of accounts and writs, 28 January 1636.
f.39v-48v Pardons of alienations in Co Durham,
tempore Charles I.
f.49v Agreement on the office of the clerk of chancery between Henry Smyth and George Baker, 29 November 1635.
f.50r Index of freeholders and lands in Norhamshire and Islandshire in f.23r-26v.
f.50v Index of pardons for alienations in f.39v-48v.
f.51r Index of liveries entered in f.33v-36v.
f.51v-52v Index of offices in f.6r-16v.
f.53r-55r Index of “all names in this booke”.
f.55v-57r, 58r-v “Observations and Remembrances for the Bp of Durham” on particular holdings.
f.59r “Days appointed to find offices”.
f.60r Notes on certain holdings.
f.61r-v List of freeholders in the manor of Crayke.
f.62r “Remembrance for the L. Archbp of Yorke”.
f.63r Fees due to [John Richardson escheator] according to the 29 November 1635 agreement with Henry Smith.
f.64v Notes of compositions.
f.65r-66v Inquisitions for lands in Norhamshire and Islandshire from 1 September 1636 to 1639.
f.70r-72v Indexes of references to other records.
f.73r “A true certificate of all Inquisicons found before me since I was Eschetor of Norhamshire and Elandshire retorned into the Chauncery at Durham”.
f.74v Names of townships, hamlets & granges in Norhamshire and Islandshire.
f.75r General index.
Language: English and Latin
Similar volume: MSP 55.
Digitised material for Abstracts of legal documents for Co Durham, Norhamshire, Islandshire and Crayke - Mickleton and Spearman ms 74
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 75.MSP 75 Trinity 1708 - Michaelmas 1714
92 leaves, paginated 1-184 (9 May 2006)
“Durham Law”, notes of cases and copies of writs from Durham courts and elsewhere. Arranged chronologically by law term, with a short sequence of additions at the end for the same period. Final concords and writs
are cited in full. The relevant attorney is usually cited in the margin and notes are on occasion included of subsequent actions in the case, and, even more occasionally, it is noted what has been physically done with the writ itself. Several hands
feature in the volume.
Contents (detailing principally the parties in cases; all other pages blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
Digitised material for Notes of cases and copies of writs from Durham courts - Mickleton and Spearman MS 75
p.7 Trinity 1708
Northumberland, Henry Wilthew and John Wilthew formerly of Morpeth.
p.7-8 Hilary 1709
Northumberland, Joseph Ward formerly of Morpeth and James Readshaw, also John Addison;
Cumberland, Christiana Hutchinson and John Dickenson formerly of Alston Moor at Penrith;
Northumberland, John Herring against Joseph Ward formerly of Morpeth at Morpeth.
p.8 Easter 1709
Cumberland, Hutchinson against Dickenson.
p.8 Trinity 1709
Northumberland, John Greenwell jr and Cuthbert Readshaw formerly of Durham Field in Shotley parish at Morpeth.
p.8-9 Michaelmas 1709
Durham, William Peacock jr against Nicholas Newby and Christiana his wife;
Yorkshire, Thomas Todd and William James formerly of Holderness;
Durham, Lancelot Branson and Margaret his wife and Richard Tozker;
Durham, Mark Shaftoe esq against Anthony Jones, Ralph Eden and William Walker.
p.9 Hilary 1710
Yorkshire, Elizabeth Wolfe widow, Robert Gibson;
Durham, Mark Shaftoe esq against James Speck and Nicholas Harrison;
Yorkshire, Elizabeth Wolfe widow against Robert Gibson.
p.10 Easter 1710
Yorkshire, Thomas Coward and John Horne, formerly of Richmond.
p.10-11 Trinity 1710
Yorkshire, Robert Eden bt, also Abraham Hilton and William Butterfield;
Yorkshire, Francis Garth jr and Henry Lanchester of Manfield;
Durham, Thomas Claxton and William Farrington;
Durham, Richard Stamper and Cuthbert Goldsbrough.
p.11 Michaelmas 1710
Northamptonshire, John Lunt and Bartholomew Rous of Peterborough, noted as sent to William Crane an attorney at Stilton, Huntingdonshire;
Yorkshire, Judith Jackson and John Hare formerly of Beston and John Smith formerly of Howick.
p.11-13 Trinity 1711
Durham, Mary Hendley widow against John Theobald formerly of Darlington;
Durham, Francis Cornforth mayor elect of Durham city;
Yorkshire, William Thompson merchant and Ralph Sayer formerly of York;
Roger Beckwith bt and Jane his wife, Marmaduke Beckwith gent, Margaret Beckwith and Elizabeth Beckwith made a final concord with James Mickleton gent and Thomas Norton gent for the manors of Walburn and Aldbrough with 30 messuages, 15 cottages,
30 gardens, 20 orchards, 1000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 500 acres of pasture, 1000 acres of gorse and heath, and common of pasture;
Yorkshire, James Mickleton gent and Thomas Norton gent should render to Charles Turner esq the manors of Walburn and Aldbrough with 45 messuages, 55 gardens, 1000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 500 acres of pasture, 1000 acres of gorse and
brush with common of pasture;
Mark Fothergill gent, William Blades and Anne his wife, Isabella Cambell widow and Hannah Bowes spinster;
Mark Fothergill gent and John Bowes.
p.13-14 Michaelmas 1711
Yorkshire, Robert Lumley gent and Lydia his wife made a final concord with Cuthbert Watson yeoman for 6 messuages, 3 cottages, 300 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, and 300 acres of pasture in Northallerton and Warlaby in the parishes of
Northallerton and Ainderby Steeple;
London, John Dobyns gent and Penelope Morgan formerly of St Mary in the Arches in Cheapside ward;
London, William Boen and Isaac Robles formerly of London gent.
p.14-32 Hilary 1712
Northumberland, Hester Taylor widow, John Milbourne gent and Hannah his wife made a final concord with William Rawe and Jane his wife for a messuage and a rod of land in North Shields and Tynemouth parish;
Hampshire, Benjamin Joules and Peter Snooke formerly of Portsmouth gent and Charles Kent formerly of Portsmouth gent at Winchester;
Yorkshire, William Loftus and Grace his wife, Anne Bell widow and Christopher Mickleton gent made a final concord with Anne Bowes for a messuage, 40 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture in the parish of Catterick;
Yorkshire, John Smith and John Drotter formerly of York castle;
Hampshire, William Joules formerly of Portsmouth on 1 December 1711 had been indebted to Benjamin Joules for £750 for various goods and merchandise;
Yorkshire, George Vane esq made a final concord with Robert Bowes for a messuage, 2 cottages, 60 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Yafforth, Little Danby and Danby Wiske;
Writ about a final concord between Cuthbert Watson and Robert Lumley gent and Lydia his wife over 6 messuages, 3 cottages, 300 acres of land, 300 acres of meadow, 300 acres of pasture in Northallerton, Warlaby and the parishes of Northallerton
and Ainderby Steeple, 8 December 1711, and other documents;
Durham, John Farrow and John Forster;
Durham William Partridge, Turner Clerk, James Springwell; John Kendall and John Nicholson;
London, Thomas Grindell sr and Richard Basell formerly of London, gent;
Middlesex, Mary Bulwer widow and William Green formerly of the parish of St Clement Dane;
Writ about a final concord between Anna Bowes and William Loftus gent and Grace his wife, Anna Bell widow and Christopher Mickleton gent, as above, and other documents;
Oath of George Hodgson of Durham yeoman;
London, William Lunt and William Parsons formerly of London;
Middlesex, Robert Sisterson gent and Henry Whytehead formerly of the parish of St Clement Dane;
Middlesex, Joseph Summers and James Lynch alias Clynch formerly of the parish of St Clement Dane;
Final concord between Cuthbert Watson and Robert Lumley gent with Lydia his wife as above;
Yorkshire, John Crawford and William Buckle, Peter Wake, Anthony Garth and Marmaduke Allenson, noted as sent to Jospeh Hewan attorney in York to send warrants to the bailiffs in the liberty of Richmond;
Royal writ re Robert Bowes and George Vane over Yafforth etc property as above, 14 February 1712, with other documents;
Willliam Watson, William Colling and Gilbert Spearman esq;
Yorkshire, Jeremiah Harman and Edward Green formerly of Doncaster, noted as sent to Mr Gamble attorney at Doncaster;
Essex, Anna Hunt widow, William Lloyd formerly of Harwich, at Chelmsford;
Essex, William Wall, William Lloyd of Harwich at Chelmsford;
Essex, James Mallard, William Lloyd of Harwich at Chelmsford;
Royal writ re Robert Bowes and George Vane as above, 23 January 1712;
Palatinate court, Richard Bankes against Bedingfield Johnson;
Middlesex, John Upton gent and William Haddy formerly of Westminster;
London, Samuel Fletcher and Thomas Rawling formerly of London gent, and also Thomas Fawcett formerly of London gent at the Guildhall.
p.33-46 Easter 1712
Royal writ re William Rawe and Jane his wife, Hester Taylor widow, John Milbourne gent and Hannah his wife, about a messuage and a rod of land in North Shields and Tynemouth parish, 17 January 1712, with other documents;
Final concord between Anne Bowes spinster, querulent, and William Loftus gent and his wife Grace, Anne Bell widow and Christopher Mickleton gent, deforciants, over a messuage, 40 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, and 50 acres of pasture in
Catterick parish, for £120;
Final concord between Robert Bowes esq, querulent, and George Vane, esq, deforciant, over a messuage, 2 cottages, 60 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Yafforth, Little Danby and Danby Wiske, for
Durham, William Partridge Turner and Joseph Turner;
Durham, John Sale and William Butler;
Royal writ re Rawe, Taylor, and Milbourne as above, 16 January 1712;
Royal writ to the sheriff of London to inquire in the case between Isaac Robles of London, gent, and William Boen about a promissory note for 86s, 7 May 1712, with the inquisition held at the Guildhall 30 May 1712;
Yorkshire, John Dent and Michael Langstaffe formerly of Mickleton;
Durham, Gilbert Spearman esq and John Hutson alias Hudson;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire to hold John Brotter formerly of York castle, yeoman, to answer John Smith at Westminster over a debt of £9 10s, 2 June 1712;
Final concord between William Rawe and Jane his wife, querulents, and Hester Taylor widow and John Milbourne gent and Hannah his wife, deforciants, over property in North Shields as above, for £60.
p.46-49 Trinity 1712
London, John Pocklington and John Ossitor, distiller;
London, Lady Elizabeth Hanham and Thomas Bateman formerly of London, medic;
Middlesex, John Kent esq and Christopher Whenn, formerly of St Clement Dane;
London, Henry Haddon and William Davison formerly of London, gent;
Middlesex, John Kendall attached;
Yorkshire, Silas Blackett against George Jackson;
Palatine court, Robert Taylor and Susanna Fawconbridge;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire to produce named persons in the case between Silas Blackett and George Jackson formerly of Richmond yeoman, 9 July 1712;
Northumberland, Thomas Burdon and George Moore formerly of Morpeth;
Warwickshire, Thomas Battersby jr gent and Elizabeth his wife made a final concord with Thomas Battersby sr gent over a messuage, a garden, an orchard, 40 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, and 40 acres of pasture in Lapworth parish.
p.50-62 Michaelmas 1712
James Gilry, Eleanor Gilry widow, and Gabriel Reed against William Tashburne, Edward Reed and Roger Reed;
Michael Brabin mayor elect of Durham city;
Northumberland, Henry Young against Edward Blackett;
Middlesex, John Pocklington and John Awsiter formerly of Westminster distiller;
Royal writ re Michael Brabin's appointment as mayor of Durham and j.p., 8 November 1712, with his oath;
Royal writ in the case of William Tashburne, Edward Reed and Roger Reed against James Girly, 25 November 1712;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire to inquire in the case of John Brotten against John Smith, as above, 23 October 1712;
Middlesex, Nathaniel [Crewe] bishop of Durham against Thomas Conyers over a debt of £14000;
Yorkshire, John Dent and Michael Langstaffe;
Yorkshire, John Dent and Nicholas Dent and Elizabeth Bowes widow;
Northumberland, Robert Walton gent and Edward Blackett formerly of Morpeth;
Northumberland, Christopher Rayne and Edward Blackett;
Yorkshire, John Dent and Nichoals Dent, both formerly of York castle, yeomen;
Middlesex, Claude Duppy and Simon Nicholls fomerly of Westminster;
Yorkshire, Catherine Goston widow, and William Craw and Elizabeth Craw both formerly of York;
Cornwall, Thomas Tresilian gent and John Clements formerly of Launceston;
Royal writ to the sheriff of London re Robert Bennett against Henry Rayne over a debt of £33 4s, 28 November 1712.
Northumberland, William Roper against George Sanderson.
p.62-82 Hilary 1713
Inquisition at York castle re John Smith against John Brotten over a debt of £17, 17 January 1713, and writs to produce Brotten in court in Westminster and impound his goods, 23 January 1713;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Middlesex to seize the goods of Henry Rayne in a case with Robert Bennett, 23 January 1713, similarly to Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham;
Westmorland, John Richardson gent, John Carr gent and Jonathan Maugham merchant owed £500 by Milo Sedgwick formerly of Knott yeoman;
Northumberland, John Tonge clerk and Margaret his wife made a final concord with Henry Lambton esq and William Davison esq over the third part of 40 messuages, 40 cottages, a water corn-mill, 4 dovecotes, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 2500 acres of
land, 500 acres of meadow, 3000 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood, 1000 acres of gorse and heath, 2000 acres of moor, coal and lead mines, quarries, and tithes in Jesmond, Longbenton, Willington, Howdon Panns, Whitchester, Kirkheaton, and
Woolsington, with common of pasture, free folding and fishing;
Newcastle upon Tyne, the same parties as in the last for a third part of 4 messuages, 2 gardens and 2 orchards in Newcastle upon Tyne;
Northumberland, Henry Lambton esq and William Davison esq should render to John Milbank esq and John Hedworth esq a third part of 80 messuages, a water corn-mill, 4 dovecotes, 12 gardens, 2500 acres of land, 1500 acres of meadow, 3000 acres of
pasture, etc as in the last two, with appointments of attornies;
Middlesex, Thomas Parry against William Bilson formerly of Westminster;
Cornwall, Thomas Tresilian against John Clements formerly of Launceston;
Middlesex, William Boen and John Ewards formerly of Westminster;
London, John Richardson, John Carr and Jonathan Maugham against Milo Sedgwick formerly of London;
Yorkshire, James Close gent and James Mickleton gent should render to John Bowes sac. theo. professor and William Foulis esq the manor of Guisborough alias Gisburne with 200 messuages, 2 water corn-mills, a dovecote,
2000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 200 acres of wood, 1000 acres of gorse and heath, 300 acres of moor, £115 5s 4d rent, common of pasture, common of turbary, view of frankpledge in Guisborough, Hutton Lowcross and
London, Richard Bibbey, also Matthew Hill and Henry Cuthbert against James Harrison;
Middlesex, Robert Tate and Mary Fowler formerly of Westminster;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire to produce John Brotten formerly of York castle in court in Westminster against John Smith, 12 February 1713;
Yorkshire, John Dent, Michael Langstaffe, Jeremiah Langstaffe and Benjamin Thwaites;
Yorkshire, Nicholas Dent, Henry Walker sr and Henry Walker jr;
Middlesex, Samuel Fletcher and Thomas Rawlins;
Royal writ to the sheriff of London to produce Milo Sedgwick in court at Westminster to answer John Richardson, John Carr and Jonathan Maugham, 23 January 1713, with further documents;
Yorkshire, Richard Bibby, also Matthew Hill and Henry Cuthbertson against James Harrison;
Royal writ re John Bowes, sac. theo. professor, William Foulis esq, James Close gent, James Mickleton gent over Guisborough manor etc, calling to warrant Edward Chaloner esq, 24 February 1713, with other
Middlesex, William Teasdale and Mary Whitfield formerly of Westminster widow.
p.83-86 Easter 1713
Durham, Henry Taylor against George Greenwell;
Durham, Jonathan Maugham against Elizabeth Walker;
Henry Howgill and Alan Ascough against Thomas Clarke and his wife;
Durham, Anne Abbs and William Porter;
Northumberland, John Maye and John Jemson executors of the late John Lamb esq, against Edward Riddell formerly of Swinburn castle and Mary Riddell of the same over a debt of £200;
Royal writs to the sheriff of Yorkshire re Bowes, Foulis, Close, and Mickleton over Guisborough manor etc, 30 January and 29 April 1713;
Durham, Anthony Sampson against William Wilkin and John Featenby;
Durham, William Farrow and Thomas Shadforth;
Durham, Luke Fish and Thomas Allison;
Durham, Michael Crake and Robert Gowand;
Durham, John Sayer;
Durham, John Berkin against William Glover.
p.87-119 Trinity 1713
Royal writ re John Milbanke esq, John Hedworth esq, Henry Lambton esq, and William Davison esq, over a third part of 80 messuages etc in Willington etc as above, with Lambton and Davison calling John Tonge cleric and Margaret his wife to warrant
for them, 9 February 1713, with further documents, including a final concord between John Tonge and his wife Margaret and Henry Lambton and William Davison, whose execution was witnessed by James Robson of Brancepeth 14 April 1713;
Durham, William Palmer esq and Mary his wife made a final concord with William Strickland bt and William St Quinton over coal mines at Cavenwood, Little Cavenwood, Ramshaw, Corden, Morley and Toft Hill for the lives of John Danvers esq, Marmaduke
Holtby gent and Denton Nicholas esq; similarly a final concord for the manor of Toft Hill with 5 messuages, 2 tofts, 5 cottages, a dovecote, 5 gardens, 100 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, 300 acres of pasture, 20 acres of moor, 20 acres of
turbary and common of pasture in the parish of Auckland St Andrew;
Yorkshire, Francis Garth jr and Henry Lanchester of Mansell;
Royal writs to the sheriff of Newcastle and Northumberland re John Tonge and his wife Margaret, Henry Lambton and William Davison, 2 January 1713;
Yorkshire, John Dent against Michael Langstaffe;
Final concord between Henry Lambton and William Davison, and John Tonge and Margaret his wife over a third part of 40 messuages etc in Jesmond etc, for £1100;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Northumberland re Henry Lambton and William Davison against John Milbanke and John Hedworth over a third part of 80 messuages etc in Jesmond etc, 8 April 1713, with other documents;
Yorkshire, John Smith against John Brotten;
Matthew Whitfield against Richard Croft;
Durham, Mark Shaftoe esq and Aubery Meaburne, and John Samford;
Westmorland, Richardson et al against Miles Sedgwick, and William Walton;
p.119-123 Michaelmas 1713
John Carr and Jonathan Maugham, Robert Atkinson sr, Robert Atkinson jr, John Keenlayside and William Stafe, also John Allison and Lancelot Lumson;
Durham, Thomas Laverick against John Sandford jr;
Yorkshire, John Smith against John Brotten;
Yorkshire, John Richards against George Allison of Scarborough;
Durham, Abraham Taylor and John Redman;
Westmorland, Robert Atkinson, John Kingleside and William Staife against Miles Sedgewick formerly of Middleton-in-Teesdale yeoman, John Richardson formerly of Durham city, Jonathan Maugham formerly of Wolsingham merchant and John Carr formerly of
Swalwell, gent, at Appleby;
Westmorland, Lancelot Lamson;
Middlesex, Hugh Hutchinson, also Peter Caldcleugh, William Botcheby, William Ward and Robert Lumbley clerk, all against Henry Cooze.
p.124-130 Hilary 1714
Middlesex, Robert Watkins against William Shear;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire, Henry Lamb ejected from a lease of a messuage, 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture in the parish of Startforth by William Butterfield for 7 years on 1 April 1712, 23 January 1714;
London, William Beasly, Nicholas Ashby and Elizabeth his wife;
Middlesex, John Ward, also William Richardson, against Henry Cooze;
Middlesex, Thomas Garred against Hannah Wylie spinster;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham, re Sarah Young widow, William Benson gent, Margaret his wife, Jane Young spinster, Sarah Young spinster, John Simpson and Eleanor his wife, Thomas Young gent, Anne Maddison spinster, and Margaret Maddison
spinster against Thomas Wood over a messuage, 50 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 80 acres of moor and common of pasture in Easington;
John Blenkinsopp gent over a messuage and premises not exceeding the value of 66s 8d pa;
Final concord between Sarah Young etc and Thomas Wood over a messuage etc in Easington.
p.132 Easter 1714
Nottinghamshire, Amos Bradford against Matthew Jemson kt;
Newcastle upon Tyne, William Handcock made a final concord with John Burdett over 8 messuages and 8 burgages in Newcastle upon Tyne;
Durham, John Pryers alias Byers against James Douglas, John Allison and William Hayward;
John Nicholson and George Aysey;
Durham, John Welsh, Ralph Smith and John Hind against Thomas Smith esq.
p.133-134 Trinity 1714
Middlesex, John Pocklington and Matthew Jemson formerly of Westminster kt;
Durham, Robert Readshaw against William Coates and John Harrison;
Yorkshire, Henry Marwood bt against John Sayer;
Somerset, John Weaver against John Russell of Bath, William Sitcher, John Woznall, Thomas Davies at Taunton;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Robert Ashmall gent should render to Anthony Lapthorne clerk 2 messuages, 60 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, and 10 acres of pasture in the parishes of North Collingham and Wigsley, 4 October
p.135-137 Michaelmas 1714
Nottinghamshire, Ashmall and Lapthorne re 2 messuages etc in North Collingham etc, as above;
Final concord between John Burdett and William Hancock over 16 messuages in Newcastle upon Tyne;
Yorkshire, Henry Marwood bt against John Sayer;
Royal writ to the sheriff of Nottinghamshire re Ashmall and Lapthorne etc as above, 23 October 1714;
Yorkshire, Alexander Johnson against Michael Shaftoe.
p.145 Hilary 1711
Northumberland, Gilbert Spearman gent against Edward Nicholson formerly of Acomb gent.
p.145 Easter 1711
Yorkshire, Robert Hustler esq against William Kitching formerly of York castle gent alias of Egglescliffe;
Middlesex, Thomas Maugham against Jonathan Maugham formerly of Wolsingham.
p.146 Michaelmas 1711
Yorkshire, Turner against Mickleton.
p.146 Easter 1712
Yorkshire, William Loftus against William Robinson formerly of ? Utkerby yeoman;
London, William Boen against Isaac de Robles formerly of London gent.
p.146-147 Trinity 1712
Yorkshire, John Smith against John Brotten formerly of York castle yeoman;
Yorkshire, Silas Blackett against George Jackson formerly of Richmond yeoman for ejecting him from his farm, a messuage, 50 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow and 100 acres of pasture in the parish of Rombalds Church alias Rombalds Kirk, demised
to him by John Coulson merchant;
Yorkshire, Henry Lamb against Richard Roe formerly of Richmond yeoman for ejecting him from his farm, a messuage, 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture in the parish of Startforth, demised to him by William Butterfield.
p.148 Hilary 1713
Middlesex, Burdett against Bennett;
Middlesex, Robert Bennett against Henry Raine formerly of Westminster;
Yorkshire, Bowes et al.
p.148-149 Easter 1713
Yorkshire, Bowes et al;
Northumberland, Milbanke et al against Lambton et al.
p.149 Trinity 1713
Northumberland, Milbanke et al against Lambton et al;
Yorkshire, Bankes for Dent, Gill for Langstaffe
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 76.MSP 76 [?1694]
620p, paginated (contemporary) 1-293 and thence only where there are section titles
Abridgements of cases in the county court at Durham.
Intended as a reference book for the various types of cases, with headings provided for the various sections, but only the first section for breaches of contract has been entered up with titles in English in the margin and the text in Latin with
only the initial letters for names and places. The cases are in chronological order from 1 April 1667 to 1 June 1668. All in the one hand [?of Gilbert Spearman].
Labelled as “T” on the foreedge and “Liber :T: :T:T:” on the inside front cover where is also “Liber Gilberti Spearman de Durham Anno Domini 1694”.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1 Cases for breach of contract.
p.1 Third party indebted to the plaintiff in 15s.
p.2 Fees due to an attorney.
p.2-3 For wheat, rye etc and feeding cattle.
p.3 For meat, drink, washing, straw and hay.
p.3-4 For rent from the defendant for baking in the plaintiff's bakehouse.
p.4 Fees for a bailiff; a surgeon for curing the defendant's daughter.
p.5 For depasturing the defendant's mare; for malt owed by an administratrix.
p.6 For the plaintiff's salary being by trade a wood-turner; for
firdales (?planks) and stones sold; for depasturing cattle, moneys lent and coals sold.
p.7-9 By a ship's carpenter for his counsel and advice to remove a ship run on a sand-bed [in the Tees at
Dabholme in the parish of S in Yorkshire] by a tempest for his own and other labourers' wages, and oak, twine
and pumpnails sold.
p.9 For the loan of a mare.
p.9-10 For carrying coals in a wain from Ayton's Pasture and Low Wood in Great Lumley to Watsons Straith at Houghton-le-Spring against an administratrix.
p.10-12 By an administratrix against an heiress and her husband that whereas the ancestor (a merchant of Sunderland) was indebted by bill to the intestate in consideration the plaintiff would accept a lesser sum promised payment.
p.12 For a mariner's salary.
p.13 For feeding the defendant's cattle and for the loan of the plaintiff's mare; for butcher's meat; for boots and shoes.
p.14 For
cableing the defendant and his wife.
p.14-15 By a bailiff upon a special promise of a reward.
p.15 By a carrier at a mill for his salary; by a servant in husbandry for his salary.
p.15-16 By an executrix for moneys lent by the testator.
p.16 For moneys lent and disbursed.
p.16-17 Against an executrix for a gelding.
p.18 In consideration of several days of payment given when payment was promised for hay sold.
p.18-19 For depasturing cattle.
p.19 By an executrix for malt sold against an attorney.
p.20-21 By a surgeon for setting a shoulder right and acknowledging part to be received and declaring only part residue.
p.21 By an attorney for his fees.
p.21-22 Whereas the defendant sold the plaintiff a parcel of oats and promised to deliver them on request and afterwards refused, action for damages.
p.22-23 For a wager on a horse course [at
Le Deaken-Lowning ].
p.24 By an administratrix for rent of a keel-boat and a promise to redeliver the keel-boat.
p.25 In consideration that the plaintiff would not sue one indebted to him, the defendant promised payment thereof.
p.25-26 By an administratrix for several sums due to the intestate.
p.27 For salary or wages due to a house-servant; for
takleing and moneys lent.
p.27-28 By an apothecary for his salary and cordials supplied to a third person at the defendant's instance and request.
p.28 In consideration of a further day given to the original debtor, the defendant promised payment.
p.29 By an administratrix in consideration that the plaintiff would not sue the defendant for a debt owing but would give another day, the defendant promised payment.
p.30 For teaching the defendant's children to read and write.
p.30-31 By the bishop of Durham for rent due from a lease of a water corn-mill, the defendant, in consideration of a further day given, promised payment.
p.31-32 By an administratrix for the use and profits of a close.
p.32 For goods sold, work wrought and a labouring tradesman carpenter; for loading and carrying coals to a staith.
p.32-33 In consideration of a demise to pay the rent and deliver possession at the end of the term and to enter a bond in £200 for the performance thereof.
p.33 To pay etc in consideration of a day given till the defendant or some other returned from a journey from Buckton to Cornforth in Yorkshire; for moneys paid and disbursed for the defendant.
p.34 For not repairing the defendant's hedges between two closes being bound by prescription.
p.34-35 Against an executrix for moneys received by the testator for the plaintiff's use.
p.35 By an administratrix on a contract to the intestate in consideration of a day given and not to sue; by an attorney for his fees.
p.36 Against a dyer for not returning and redelivering cloth delivered to him to dye; in consideration of a further day given promised payment for corn.
p.37 Against an administratrix for a further day given to the intestate who died before the day of payment agreed on.
p.38 Whereas a third person was owing £40 to the plaintiff, in consideration the plaintiff would accept £20 and forbeare the payment thereof until the defendant's son was made coroner of Darlington.
p.39 For digging a pit in the highway at Duham St Oswald whereby the plaintiff's horse fell in being loaded with butter.
p.39-40 On an exchange and a paid in hand by the plaintiff.
p.40 In consideration the plaintiff would keep and feed the defendant's sow during his pleasure promised half of the sow and its pigs.
p.41-42 That whereas the plaintiff had let his lands with condition of reentry if the lessee did not enter security for his rent and no security was entered and the plaintiff distrained a ruck of hay and the defendant, in consideraton that the
plaintiff would release the distress, promised to pay the rent.
p.42 By a collier for his own and his son's work and labour in Whickham at
Les North-Banckes.
p.42-43 For bargaining with the plaintiff for lime and refusing to deliver it.
p.43-44 Upon a wager that the plaintiff would not marry his mistress within a month.
p.44 For the plaintiff's hire and salary for mending coal ways.
p.44-45 Against a sheriff's bailiff for refusing to execute a writ or other process against one who was in his presence or custody.
p.45-46 Against an administratrix for moneys received by the intestate for the plaintiff's use.
p.46 In consideration that the plaintiff would cure the defendant's daughter of a broken arm; against a miller for grinding corn ill and detaining other corn of the plaintiff's above just mulcture.
p.47 For work wrought by the plaintiff's [farrier's] apprentice and for moneys lent.
p.48 In consideration that the plaintiff would sell to the defendant certain oats growing upon certain lands of the plaintiff he promised so much for every acre; against an obligator for bearing of a bond.
p.49 In consideration that the plaintiff would take a lease of certain lands of the defendant's at the yearly rent of £8 the defendant promised to repay 40s thereof yearly.
p.49-50 In consideration that the plaintiff would deliver to the defendant a certain sum of money deposited in his hands by the defendant and another person promised to defend him from all actions etc.
p.50 By a barber for shaving the defendant; against a webster for cutting a web [of jersey yarn] out of the loom before it was wrought; a bill against an attorney for moneys due in exchange for a [beaver-]hat.
p.51 For taking the defendant's daughter; by an executrix for an attorney's fees.
p.52 An exchange of a horse for a colt and a calf; by an attorney for drawing up an assignment and appending a commission as commanded and engrossing the depositions.
p.53 To make a yearly payment for the tithes of his own lands.
p.54 In consideration that the plaintiff would assign his interest in certain mills, the defendant promised to pay him yearly so much corn, an action brought upon the first breach.
p.54-55 In consideration that the plaintiff should give the defendant 1s he promised that if the defendant could prove that the defendant or anyone for him did ride on the horse of the defendant during the time that the defendant pastured him he
would give him 40s.
p.55 In consideration that the plaitniff would marry the defendant's neice he promised to give him 2d for every penny that her father gave her; upon a bargain for sheep if liked on sight.
p.56 For riding the plaitiff's horse
underately and for want of good keeping that he died; for keeping the plaintiff's horse longer than hired and riding him to other places than hired for; for a seaman's wages.
p.57 Contracted to curry leather well; for the salary and work and labour of the master or pilot of a ship; for three keel-boats sold; for the salary for carpentry-work; by a schoolmaster for wages for teaching children.
p.58 By a deputy-bailiff for his fees in execution of processes etc.
p.59-61 By the wardens of the weavers' trade against one who exercised the trade of a weaver and brought cloth to sell in the city of Durham , not being an inhabitant and freeman there according to custom.
p.61 By a surgeon for curing and healing a wound.
p.62-63 Against a common carrier for spoiling goods [carrying a barrel of herrings from Edinburgh to Holy Island], the contract being part within and part without the realm.
p.64-65 Against a freeman shoemaker for breaking the custom and order of the trade.
p.65-66 To pay the plaintiff so much as ever was paid to any man for celebrating divine service in such a chapel.
p.66 Against one who exchanged a horse which was not his own (blank).
p.614 List of cases on p.9-32.
Inside back cover. Table of contents.
Language: Latin with some English
Digitised material for Abridgements of cases in the county court at Durham - MSP 76
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 77.MSP 77 1662 - 1698, mostly 1695 - 1698
187 leaves, paginated i-iv + 1-370 (1-9, 12-17, 42-46, 48-64 contemporary, the rest 30 May 2006)
Briefs sued [by Gilbert Spearman] in the Durham (mostly) and Westminster courts.
Some is in the handwriting of Gilbert Spearman. On the foreedge is “Praxis 1695”.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
Digitised material for Durham Court briefs - Mickleton and Spearman MS 77
Inside front cover
Notes of Durham and London lawyers and the various courts.
Title “Lievre des touts briefes Originals etc que jes sue hors del Court des Plees et Court del County de Dunelm” and other courts, “Liber G Spearman Dunelm 1694”, pen-trials.
Durham writs and final concords.
p.1 16 July [1689]
John Norton formerly of Newfield, yeoman, should pay George Wilkinson gent £40
p.1 [16 July 1689]
Christopher Sheffeild formerly of Durham city gent should pay Giles Raine £20.
p.1 2 September [1689]
George Dale formerly of Gateshead gent should pay Giles Raine £200, also William Paxton formerly of Durham city, merchant, should pay the same Giles £200.
p.1 10 October [1689]
Robert Clifte formerly of Durham city alias Lingy Close House, yeoman, should pay William Carneby £18.
p.2 8 November [1689]
Thomas Calcheside formerly of Durham city, cordwainer, should pay John Hickson £200, also Sarah Calcheshide formerly of Durham city, widow, should pay the same John £72.
p.2 11 February [1690]
Robert Reed of Durham city, apothecary, should pay Thomas Grewson £10 for a gelding.
John Grimwell of Wynyard, yeoman, should pay Giles Raine £80. (Repeated)
p.3-4 23 June [1690]
Mary Wright formerly of Durham city, widow, executrix of Thomas Wright, gent, her late husband, should pay John Gray £8 15s 4d for various merchandises.
p.5 8 July [1690]
Stephen Coulson formerly of Durham city, yeoman, should pay William Raine £8 for a gelding.
p.6 22 August [1690]
John Lainge formerly of Coundon, yeoman, should pay Margaret Browne £5 for the use of a close called Coundon Moor alias Burne Crookes in the parish of Auckland St Andrew.
p.7 23 April [1691]
William Hindmarsh formerly of Durham city, yeoman, should pay Mary Stuart £14 for various merchandises - peas, ale, rye, and malt.
p.8 23 April [1691]
Ralph Westgarth formerly of Durham city, yeoman, should pay Mary Stuart £6 for various merchandises - peas, ale, rye, and malt.
p.9 30 May [1691]
James Foster alias Forster of Stanhope, yeoman, should pay John Sowerby £4.
p.9 20 July [1691]
Ralph Thompson formerly of Sunderland, yeoman, assaulted Henry Hirdman at Sunderland.
p.9 [20 July 1691]
Thomas Calcheside, Margaret his wife, and Sarah Calcheside made a final concord with John Kirtley about a messuage, 2 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, and 2 acres of pasture in Durham St Nicholas.
John Huson of Findon Hill, yeoman, should pay John Hutchinson £7.
Case between Christopher Bacon formerly of Durham city and George Fenwick, gent; incomplete.
Thomas Brack, Anne his wife and Martin Browne made a final concord with George Browne about a messuage, 10 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow and 10 acres of pasture in Butchergate in Brancepeth parish, with the concord.
Case between George Myres and William Raine over a close called Eastgate Hight alias Eastgate Heath, in Eastgate, Stanhope parish and a lead mine pit there.
John Atkinson of Seaton, Seaham parish, yeoman, should pay Elizabeth Marley widow £100.
George Gowland of Cotesmoor, yeoman, should pay Richard Gowland £40.
Alexander Shaw of West Rainton, blacksmith, should pay Robert Haswell £4 5s.
Thomas Beckwith of Shotley Bridge, yeoman, should pay George Harrison, yeoman, £10 17s.
Richard Huntley and his wife Anne, Hugh Huntley and his wife Katherine made a final concord with Anne Card about a messuage, 2 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture with common of pasture for all animals in Framwellgate in Durham
St Oswald, with the concord.
Thomas Paxton formerly of Durham city, yeoman, Richard Smith formerly of Durham city, yeoman, and Michael Story formerly of Durham city, yeoman, broke down the wall of George Heron at Easington.
p.15-16 26 July [1693]
Robert Wanless formerly of Durham city, yeoman, was indebted to John Hall alderman in £8 for the occupation and profits of a close called Underwood at Lumley in Chester-le-Street parish.
Francis Midleton of Durham city, barber should pay William Midleton £80.
George Mire of Durham city, yeoman, should pay Cuthbert Emerson £10 for his work in a lead mine at Stanhope.
William Mowbray gent and John Dobson gent should render to James Tilley kt a messuage, 2 cottages, 3 barns, 3 gardens, 100 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and common of pasture for animals in Darlington and 13s 4d rent
from lands and tenements called Oxen Field alias Oxen Hall Field in Darlington and the rectory of Darlington church with the tithes of Darlington, Cockerton, Blackwell alias Blackwall Newton, and also the advowson of Darlington vicarage, annual
value £5 6s 8d.
Nathaniel Middleton gent and Thomasina his wife, John Middleton esq and Anne his wife, George Fletcher bt and Lady Mary his wife, and Henry Fletcher esq made a final concord with William Mowbray gent and John Dobson gent about a messuage etc in
Darlington etc as in the last above.
p.19 16 July
Henry Hilton esq and Anne his wife and John Hilton esq made a final concord with Richard Middleton esq and Robert Hilton gent about Hilton castle with the manors of Hilton, Ford, Follingsby and Great Usworth, 50 messuages etc in Hilton, Ford,
Follingsby, Great Usworth, Monkwearmouth, Barmston, North Biddick and the parishes of Bishopwearmouth, Jarrow, Washington, Bolden and Monkwearmouth etc, value £61.
p.20 1 October
James Fawcet sr gent, James Fawcet jr gent, John Brownell gent and Susanna his wife made a final concord with Thomas Haggerston esq about a messuage, a cottage, 2 tofts, a garden, 160 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 60 acres of pasture in
Goswick, value £8 13s 4d pa.
p.20 5 August [1663]
John Salvin sr gent and Anne his wife, John Salvin jr gent, son and heir of John sr, and Gilbert Crouch made a final concord with Anthony Byerly esq about Heworth manor and 2 messuages, 50 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, and 40 acres of
pasture in Heworth in Great Aycliffe parish, value £20 pa.
p.21 20 December [1662]
Robert Farrow, Nicholas Farrow and Elizabeth his wife, George Weardale and Jane his wife and Christopher Weardale made a final concord with John Hixon and Robert Davison for 3 messuages, 2 cottages, 2 gardens, 40 acres of land, 15 acres of
meadow, 110 acres of pasture, 30 acres of moor in Fishburn in Sedgefield parish, value £8 13s 4d.
p.21 5 August [1664]
Tobias Ewbanke gent and Mary his wife, Leonard Bell merchant and Anne his wife, and Ralph Simpson gent made a final concord with Christopher Mickleton gent for a messuage, 10 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow and common of pasture in Eggleston
and Haggingapp, value £3 6s 8d pa.
p.21 16 August [1664]
Thomas Marley and Margaret his wife, Robert Marley and Margaret his wife, and Ralph Hedworth esq and Jane his wife made a final concord with Ralph Marley and Thomas White over 1 messuage, 1 garden, a cottage, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow,
20 acres of pasture and 30 acres of moor with common of pasture in Chester le Street, value £6 6s 8d.
Albert Hodshon gent, Thomas Howard esq and Dorothy his wife made a final concord with William Fenwick gent and William Hodshon gent over 2 messuages, 5 barns, 2 cottages, 2 tofts, a kiln, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 20 acres of land, 70 acres of
meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 60 acres of wood, 60 acres of moor and common of pasture in Lintz Green in Chester-le-Street parish, value £8 13s 3d pa.
Henry Gray esq and Thothe his wife made a final concord with John Nicholson gent for 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 1 garden, 1 orchard, ½ acre of land and common of pasture in Old Elvet, Durham St Oswald, value £3 6s 8d.
James Marshall and Elizabeth his wife made a final concord with Lionel Maddison gent and Thomas Maddison for 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 3 tofts, 3 barns, 1 kiln, 1 bakery, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 10 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 50 acres of
pasture 5 acres of wood and common of pasture and also coal and other mines and quarries in Birtley in Chester-le-Street parish.
p.23 20 July [1676]
Ralph Myllot esq and Dorothy his wife, and Robert Myllot gent made a final concord with Thomas Rippon and Robert Rippon for a messuage, a corn watermill and 6 acres of meadow in Satley with tithes.
p.23-24 30 May [1676]
Case between John Bowes gent (attornies Cuthbert Hilton and Ralph Gowland) and George Hedlam and John Richardson over a messuage and a garden in Gateshead.
p.24 27 May [1676]
Case between William Eggleston and Margaret Eggleston widow who was the wife of Ralph Eggleston over her dower from her late husband's tenement in Hunstanworth.
p.24-25 20 February
Henry Mordange and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Walker and Jane his wife, George Thatcher and Mabel his wife, and Peter Tuar and Margaret his wife made a final concord with Ralph Gowland over a messuage, a garden and common of pasture in Durham St
William Sharpe insulted Thomas Mosse.
John Black esq and John Black gent his son and heir warranted Nathaniel Middleton and Edward Thirkfield for Selaby manor, 8 messuages, 4 cottages, 8 tofts, 8 gardens, 8 orchards, 200 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 50
acres of wood, and 50 acres of heath.
p.26 1 January [1689 x 1694]
Henry Hudshon sr and Isabella his wife made a final concord with Robert Selby gent and Jonathan Hutchinson merchant over 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 15 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 50 acres of moor, coal mines and common of pasture at
Whitwham Loaning Foot alias Whitwham Seaton alias North Seaton in the parishes of Lumley and Woodhorn, with the concord.
Richard Shipperdson sr and Richard Shipperdson jr made a final concord with Henry Bagshaw sac. theo. professor over a messuage, 2 cottages, 40 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow and 100 acres of pasture in
cf. p.30 below.
Eleanor Thompson widow made a final concord with Anthony Emerson ship's master over a messuage and 1 rod of land in North Shields in the parish of Tynemouth, with the concord.
Margaret Fenwick widow, Anne Liddle widow and Anne Wright spinster made a final concord with Martin Scaife and Margaret his wife over a messuage in Gateshead, with the concord.
p.28 16 February [1692]
John Hion gent and Frances his wife, Andrew Wharton esq and Elizabeth his wife made a final concord with Robert Dormer esq and John Bristoe gent over 18 messuages, a watermill, a dovecote, 3 gardens, 350 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 40
acres of pasture, 40 acres of heath, 2000 acres of moor and a fishery in the Tweed, in Twizel, Thornton Lidell House, Tiploes and the parishes of Norham and Holy Island.
p.29 30 June
William Suddicke and Mary his wife made a final concord with Francis Mascall over 4 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 2 acres of land and common of pasture in Gateshead with 2 messuages, 2 cottages, a garden, an orchard, 2 acres of land, 2 acres
of meadow, and 2 acres of pasture in Escomb with tithes in Escomb and the parish of Auckland St Andrew.
Thomas Cyoners gent and Elizabeth his wife, Susanna Hall widow and Ralph Hall gent made [a final concord] with John Spearman gent and Michael Mickleton (incomplete).
William Ettricke gent and Elizabeth his wife made a final concord with John Johnson gent over 20 messuages, 500 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow and 600 acres of pasture in Silksworth and the parish of Bishopwearmouth.
p.29-30 1 July [1691]
John Lamb esq made a final concord with Robert Lambe gent over Hetton alias Hepton on the Hill manor with 15 messuages, 20 cottages, a dovecote, 6 barns, 12 gardens, 5 orchards, 6 tofts, 1040 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 80 acres of
pasture, 100 acres of wood, 300 acres of heath, 2500 acres of moor, 200 acres of marsh, with coal mines and common of pasture in Hetton alias Hepton on the Hill, Hetton-le-Hole, Mooreley, Pittington, West Herrington,
Middle Herrington, East Herrington, the parish of Houghton-le-Spring, Evenwood, the parish of Auckland St Andrew, Rotten Row Elvet Durham city and the parish of [Durham] St Oswald, annual value £40.
William Tempest esq and Elizabeth his wife made a final concord with Edward Noell gent and Anthony Ettricke gent over Eldon manor and 20 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 barns, 30 gardens, 1000 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 1500 acres of pasture,
600 acres of moor and common of pasture in Eldon and the parish of Auckland St Andrew, annual value £40.
Concord between Richard [Shipperdson] and Richard [Shipperdson] jr, and Henry [Bagshaw] over property in Hetton-le-Hole.
cf. p.27 above.
p.31 10 January
Thomas Bell sr and Thomas Bell jr and Mary his wife made a final concord with Ralph Watson over the tithes in Elwick and the parish of Hart.
William Scurfield sr gent and Elizabeth his wife, William Scurfield jr, James Cooke, and Edward Cooke gent made a final concord with Thomas Davison cleric, George Nayler gent, and John Spearman gent over 4 messuages, 4 gardens, 2 orchards, 200
acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 300 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood and 30 acres of heath in Elstob and the parish of Great Stainton.
Rebecca Fewster widow made a final concord with John Rodchester and Jane his wife for a messuage in Gateshead.
Andrew Carr should render to John Wever 16 messuages, 8 cottages, an orchard, 300 acres of land, 250 acres of meadow and 300 acres of pasture in Beale and the parish of Holy Island.
Thomas Swinburne esq, Robert Procter gent and Mary his wife made a final concord with John Coatsworthy gent for 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 30 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 40 acres of pasture with common of pasture in the
parishes of Ryton, Whickham, and Chester-le-Street.
John Coatsworthy gent should render to Nathaniel Newhouse gent 10 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow and 10 acres of pasture in Ryton parish.
p.32 27 April 1692
John Spearman gent and Michael Mickleton gent should render to John Cuthbert esq and Joseph Hall gent two-thirds of the manor of Haswell, 10 messuages, 200 acres of land, 150 acres of meadow, 270 acres of pasture, and 200 acres of moor in Haswell
Grange, Elemore alias Elsmore Hall and Pittington in the parishes of Easington and Pittington, annual value £16 6s 8d.
Thomas Conyers gent and Elizabeth his wife, Susanna Hall widow and Ralph Hall gent made a final concord with John Spearman gent and Michael Mickleton gent for two-thirds of the manor of Haswell Grange, and 10 messuages, 200 acres of land, 150
acres of meadow, 270 acres of pasture and 200 acres of moor in Haswell Grange, Elemore alias Elsmore Hall and Pittington in the parishes of Easington and Pittington, with the concord.
Lancelot Todd and William Gill should render to Patrick Hett and William Steele 30 messuages, 12 tofts, 2 corn watermills, a dovecote, 10 gardens, 6 orchards, 270 acres of land, 280 acres of meadow, 360 acres of pasture, 100 acres of heath, 100
acres of moor, and coal mines and common of pasture in Gateshead, Darwen, Deckham House and the parish of Gateshead.
Anthony Bell, Ralph Bell and Anna his wife, John Bell and Mary his wife, warranties for Lancelot Todd and William Gill, were represented by their attornies John Mowbray and Thomas Teasdale.
p.35 16 February 1695
Richard Windlow gent and Rachel his wife made a final concord with William Clavering gent for 2 messuages, 3 cottages, 30 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture and common of pasture in Tilmouth and the parish of Norham, with the
p.36-37 25 March [1693]
Robert Crow and Robert Eden should render to George Bell and James Bell Tilmouth manor with 6 messuages, an orchard, a garden, 100 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 100 acres of moor, 100 acres of heath, 30 acres of land
covered with water (terre aque coopert) and a fishery, annual value £6 6s 8d.
George Synn and Anne his wife, Edward Bell and Anne his wife, Elizabeth Synn spinster and Ralph Arch gent made a final concord with William Aud and Margaret his wife for a messuage, a garden, a toft, a croft, 20 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow,
20 acres of pasture and [common of] pasture in Norham, with the concord.
Joseph Cell and Hannah his wife, Richard Fort and Sarah his wife made a final concord with Robert Berry, John Berry and Thomas Berry over a messuage, a cottage, a garden, 5 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture and common of
pasture with mines for coal, lead and other sorts of metal in Penshaw and the parish of Houghton-le-Spring, with the concord.
Thomas Swann esq, Robert Prickett and Mary his wife made a final concord with John Coates gent over 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 20 acres of land, 20 acres of pasture, 40 acres of meadow and common of pasture in the parishes of Ryton,
Whickham and Chester-le-Street, with the concord, which John Coats should render to Nathaniel Newhay [?alias Newhouse].
p.43 1 April 1695
Ralph Martin formerly of Sunderland and Ralph Hodshon formerly of Sunderland owed George Scurfield jr £28, part of a larger sum, for 10 cows sold.
p.43-44 11 May 1695
Joseph Hutchinson and Eleanor his wife and Cuthbert Ranson made a final concord with Thomas Day sr, Robert Day, John Day and Thomas Day jr over a messuage, a cottage, an orchard and an acre of meadow in Penshaw in the parish of
Houghton-le-Spring, with the concord.
p.44 1 April 1695
Robert Wheatley formerly of Durham city, yeoman, owed John Joplin jr £5 10s for malt.
p.45-72 8 March 1695 - 18 February 1698
Durham court of pleas notes of cases.
p.125-189 9 March 1695 - 5 January 1698
Durham county court notes of cases.
p.197 29 March 1695
Durham chancery court notes of cases.
p.237 1695
Durham consistory court notes of cases.
p.247-251 Easter 1695 - Easter 1697
Westminster exchequer court notes of cases.
p.370 11 April 1696
Ann Watson of Houghton bargained with Ralph Robinson of Herrington over malt.
p.370 18 July 1696
Margaret Hobson wife of Anthony Hobson accused Jane Winn wife of Richard Winn of robbing her house before dawn.
p.370 12 September 1696
Thomas Crosby assaulted Mrs Ellen Lewen and Mrs Mary Loraine.
Inside back cover 1693 - 1696
Notes of cases and legal business to be carried out.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 78.MSP 78 1667 - 1682
249 leaves, foliated i-xiv, 1-110, 131-152, 155-238, 250-263, 265-269, with f.1-59, 131-159, 252-255, & 265-267 in an earlier foliation
Co Durham sheriff's notebook of accounts and writs in the Durham and Westminster courts [of John Spearman].
Contents (all other folios blank):
Language: Latin with occasional English
Digitised material for Notebook of accounts and writs in Durham and Westminster courts - Mickleton and Spearman MS 78
Inside front cover
List of contents.
Inside front cover 16 May 1666
Note of the book's purchase from Hugh Hutchinson for 2s 6d, signed by John Spearman.
John Spearman's signature (3 copies); “1 Apr 1667” ; 19th century title “Durham County Sheriffs Writts and Accompts from A.D. 1660. John Spearman of Hetton Esq and of Preston
Northumberland.” (?also on front cover); an attached list of 4 names.
f.IIr-VIIv, VIIIv-IXr, Xr-XIIv, XIVr
Index of persons.
f.1r-110r 1 April 1667 - 7 December 1674
List of Durham county court cases and moneys.
f.131r-173v, 174v-196r, 197r-229r 4 April 1667 - 30 June 1682
List of Durham courts of pleas cases.
f.250r-263v, 230r-238v, 267r-268r Easter 1668 - Easter 1682
List of Westminster court cases.
f.265r-266v 23 March 1668 - 14 February 1673
Durham chancery court cases.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 79.MSP 79 earlier 17th century
772 leaves, paginated 1-1544 (20th century)
Commonplace book drawn from the scriptures, with references
In one hand, with occasional corrections, but no later annotations.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1-244 Aaron to Zuzims: an alphabetical list mostly of proper nouns.
p.249-1534 Abhominable to Zeale: an alphabetical list mostly of common nouns.
Parchment strengtheners at the front and back are fragments from a ?12th cent text of the bible Old Testament, with some glossing about building the temple
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 80.MSP 80 later 17th century
173 leaves, paginated I-VIII, 1-79, 90-346 with duplication for 251-254; original pagination 1-342, the rest 20th century
“Vindiciae Evangelii. A Vindication of the Gospel yet with the Establishment of the Law wherein the freedom of the Justified from Sin in the sight of God is explain'd, proved, and vindicated from Exceptions.”, a
copy or draft [?of Robert Lancaster's work, subtitled
being a reply to Mr. Steven Geree's treatise entituled, The doctrine of the Antinomians confuted : wherein he pretends to charge divers dangerous doctrines on Dr. Crisp's sermons, as anti-evangelical and
antinomical, (London : Printed for a friend of the authors, and sold by Will Marshall ..., 1694)]
The book is in a single hand and refers,
inter alia, to publications of Thomas Gataker and Samuel Bolton which were printed in 1645.
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.I Stamp incorporating “N S” and ?a price for the original blank book.
p.V Title.
p.V-VIII Preface.
p.1-342 Text.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 81.MSP 81 [?c.1640 x 1669]
82 leaves, paginated I-XIII, 1-151; original pagination 1-107, the rest 20th century
Hebrew Grammar
The notebook is apparently in the hand of Christopher Mickleton (c.1613-1669):
Contents (all other pages blank):
Front endpaper “A MS c great Grand ffa. Mickleton” [Christopher Mickleton (c.1613-1669)]
p.I Inscriptions: “C Spearman libro vir utitur illo” and “Ja. Mickleton 1707” [James Mickleton the younger (1688-1719, great grandson of Christopher)].
p.III-IV “Ordo Legendi”, elements of Hebrew words.
p.1-81 Text, titled “Of the Instruction of the Holy Tongue”.
p.85-86 Lexicon.
p. 88-107 Appendices.
p.132 List of Hebrew words.
Language: English, with some Latin and Hebrew
Digitised material for Hebrew Grammar - Mickleton and Spearman MS 81
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 82.MSP 82 17th century
187 leaves, paginated 1-374 (20th century), with earlier (?contemporary) pagination of: 11-34 (paginated 1-48), 336-348 (paginated (inverted) 1-22) and 355-374 (paginated (inverted) 1-19).
Notes of Greek texts, with a legal index [?added later], titled “Exposicon des parolx MS”.
The notebook is in a single hand, and the interest in Pythagoras is noteworthy for its time.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Front endpaper contains notes in Greek and Latin.
p.1 Inscription, “James Mickleton 1654. Jacobus Mickleton huius libri possessor” (James Mickleton the elder 1638-1693).
p.9 Etymological explanations of the names of Homer, Hesiod, Theocritus, Pythagoras, Theognis and Musaeus.
p.11-19 An account of the words which are contained in the Golden sayings of Pythagoras, with the help of God.
p.20-34 Notes on Theognis,
Sententiis moralibus excerpta, headed “E Theognidis Sententiis”.
p.55 List of Legal sources.
p.57-286 “Generall Titles del Comon Ley” (p.71) : an alphabetical index of law terms, some with references to legal sources.
p.289 Note “Regulae excerptae ex Libris Juris Anglicani”.
p.336-348 Notes on Isocrates,
Orationem ad Demonicum, headed “In Isocratis orationem ad Demonicum admonitoriam Annotationes”.
p.355-370, 372-373 A treatise in Latin “De figuris Gramaticis”.
p.374 Inscription “Jacobus Mickleton de Crooke hall, Anno dom. 1704” (James Mickleton the younger 1688-1719).
Language: Latin, Greek and English
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 83.MSP 83 later 17th century
329 leaves, paginated I-II + 1-656; earlier (?contemporary) pagination of 1-225 (55 and 56 duplicated) and [560-652] (as 1-93); the rest 20th century; 545-656 are inverted.
Legal notebook, titled “Durham Law” on the covers and “D” on the foreedge.
Written in more than one hand.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Front end paper. Inscription “Liber G. Spearman 1692”, “Liber D:D:D”, key to common abbreviations of Latin words.
p.I-II Half leaf with pen trials.
p.1 Grammatical notes regarding punctuation marks.
p.3-8 Order in Chancery concerning the custom of the province of York 5 February 1687.
p.9-10 Opinion on the custom of the province of York.
p.15-16 Deed precedents: a release of error in a fine and recovery, articles of agreement (incomplete).
p.18-203 “Clavis Axiomalis Maximarum & Regularum” : an alphabetical index to sayings and points of law, with references taken mainly from authorities cited on p.18.
p.205-225 Alphabetical index of legal terms, titled “Rules of Practice extracted out of the Table of the compleat Attorney single bound printed Ao. 1666”.
(Reversed) Legal handbook with
p.545-560 Directions for sueing for debt.
p.568 Note on the Durham court of pleas.
p.578-580 Practice in the Durham county court.
p.594-602 Practice in the chancery.
p.606 Practice in the exchequer chamber.
p.610 Note on the exchequer of pleas.
p.612, 614, 616-624 Practice in the court of common pleas.
p.630-632 Practice in the court of king's bench.
p.642-644 General legal maxims, titled “Maximes generall”.
p.645 Particular legal customs in various places, titled “Consuetudines particulares”.
p.646 General legal customs, titled “Consuetudines generales”.
p.648 Legal dictats titled “Dicta Legalia”.
p.650-652 Quotations from legal textbooks in English, titled “Leges Generales”.
p.656 “The Bpp of Durham's Comms for compounding of ffines & the Kings Silver due to his Lordpp within this County Palatine are to take it & compound onely in the severall cases underwritten” with a list of
the documents, and exceptions, and courts.
Rear end paper. Symbols for notes or references.
Language: Latin and English
Digitised material for Legal notebook, titled “Durham Law” - Mickleton and Spearman MS 83
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 84.MSP 84 [?1730 x 1738]
65 leaves, paginated 1-102, 111-112, 117-123 (?contemporary)
Articles copied from periodical papers and journals [by Gilbert Spearman (?in his hand)]
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1-15 “An Essay upon the Nature of Acts of Grace, Acts of Oblivion and generall pardons how far beneficiall or prejudicial to the people of England from the Extraordinary Craftsman of the _”.
p.17-26 “Oeconomy” from
The London Journal 27 June 1730.
p.29-36 “Advice to a Lady” from
The Spectator 4 July 1730.
p.39-47 “Advice to the Clergy” from
The Spectator 18 July 1730.
p.49-53 “Upon Informacons in the Kings Bench” from
The Craftsman 18 July 1730.
p.55-61 “Advice to an Author to adhere to virtue and truth in the choice of his Subjects” from
The Spectator 25 July 1730.
p.63-70 “Good Manners” from
The London Journal 25 July 1730.
p.73-79 “Temperance, Sobriety and Moderation” from
The Spectator 1 August 1730.
p.81-88 “Upon the Duty of Gentlemen paying Tradesmen's Notes & Debts” from
The Spectator 15 August 1730.
p.91-97 “On a Country Life” from
The Spectator 22 August 1730.
p.98-102 “Advice to Tutors at the University” from
The Universal Spectator 8 May 1731 (incomplete).
p.111-112 Latter part of [“Advice to an author including satirical notes on how to make a Dedication or Panegyrik”].
p. 117-118 Latter part of [“Letter from Solon on the use of History, remarks on and parallels from History”].
p.119-121 “Copy of verses on Dawley Farm the seat of St. John Ld Bollingbroke”.
Digitised material for Commonplace book of Gilbert Spearman - Mickleton and Spearman ms 84
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 85.MSP 85 mid 17th century
80 leaves, paginated I-XVI + 1-144, of which 1-73, 79 and 95-130 are in an earlier (?contemporary) pagination, with the rest 20th century.
Grammar text in the form of a debate titled “Quaestiones et Responsiones in Gramaticam Regiam - Interlocutores Anthonius, Bernardus”.
In a single hand (?of Christopher Mickleton c.1613-1669)
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.I “Ja: Mickleton 1707” (James Mickleton the younger 1688-1719) .
p.XV Latin verses within a border with a note “Cat 564”.
p.XVI Hebrew note.
p.1-130 Text.
p.143 Note “This a ms. of great grand fa: Mickleton, (Christopher Mickleton, c.1613-1669) given me by uncle C. Mickleton” (probably Christopher Mickleton 1664-1718).
Language: Latin with occasional Greek and Hebrew
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 86. MSP 86 mid 17th century
141 leaves, paginated 1-282 (20th century)
Notebook of extracts from Latin texts, with some rough legal notes.
In two separate hands, one perhaps Christopher Mickleton (c.1613-1669).
Contents (all other pages blank):
p.1 Pen trials.
p.2 Inverted impression of “... Domini 1635 ... In concessorio ...”
p.5-19 “De Sabbato”.
p.20-37 “In foelicem memoriam Elizabethae Angliae Reginae”.
p.38-45 “Carmen Mosis Deutr: 32: Latina paraphrasi illustratum ab Andrea Melvino Scoto”.
p.46-49 “Oratio habita in comitiis Cantabrig. Episcopo Spalatensi tum praesente, congratulatoria”.
p.50-51 “Ordinum Angliae in Parlamento Ano. 1559 oratio ad nuptias hortatoria, habita per Thomam Gargravium tertii ordinis oratorem”, as, with minor differences, in Camden's
p.51-53 “Illa paucis respondit”, as, with minor differences, in Camden's
p.54-66 “Oratio” to James I.
p.235-236 List of books and personal articles purchased 1656.
p.236-267, 269-280, 282 Rough notes mostly on legal matters.
Language: Latin with some English and occasional Greek
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 87. MSP 87 1657 - 1697
190 leaves with 10 items inserted, paginated I-L + 1-330, with earlier (?contemporary) numeration 1-306, the rest 20th century
Lawyer's fees book
Titled on the front cover: “Court of Pleas Durham May 1651 Dett Book” and “Consistorie Court Fees Mich. Terme 1670” and on the foreedge “P”.
Contents (other pages blank):
Front end paper. “Liber G. Spearman 1692”, “Liber P:P:P:”, Anthony Lodge and pen trials.
p.I Title “Liber primus Feodorum Gilberti Spearman Dunelm. Ao. 7. Willi. 3tii 93, 1694, 1695, 1696 & 1697” with inscription 1693.
p.V-L Alphabetical index of persons.
p.1-306 Note of fees for sealing and drawing up documents, fees of attornies, and sheriff's and bailiff's fees, 1657 to 1697 with most 1692-1697, with some items crossed through and some bills inserted.
p.318-319 Legal notes 1695-1696.
Language: English and Latin
Digitised material for Durham Courts fees book - Mickleton and Spearman ms 87
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 88.MSP 88 1 July 1626
31 leaves, foliated 1-30 (20th century)
“The Historie of St Cuthbert Bishop of Lindisfarne” by Robert Hegge, (1599-1629, fellow of Corpus Christi College Oxford).
With spaces [?for illustrations], and a note at the end that the author died 11 June 1629.
Language: English with some Latin
Printed as
The legend of St Cuthbert or the histories of his churches at Lindisfarne, Cunecascestre, & Dunolm, (Darlington, printed by George Smith, 1777), available in Palace Green Library, Archives and
Special Collections (7 copies).
Digitised material for History of St Cuthbert Bishop of Lindisfarne - Mickleton and Spearman ms 88
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 89.MSP 89 late 13th century
“Tractatus moralis de oculo”, probably by Pierre de Limoges.
See a full description in the medieval manuscripts catalogue.
Belonged to Durham Cathedral Priory c.1500.
Catalogued in
Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, 5 vols., ed. N.R. Ker (1969-2002), vol.2, p.517.
Microfilm available in ASC searchroom at Palace Green Library, reference PG Film 049.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 90.MSP 90 16 June 1718
291 leaves, foliated 1-288 (contemporary)
Depositions of witnesses upon certain interrogatories adminstered on the part and behalf of Gilbert Spearman esq. one of the defendants to a bill of complaint of Alexander Johnston, complainant, taken at the house of James Shibon, coffeeman, in
Side Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, in a case over an estate at Tanfield Leigh, with coal mines, involving also Michael Shaftoe.
“Lib.C” and “Exat'e” on the front cover.
Depositions (listed on f.ii):
f.3-22 David Dixon of Durham city, gent, aged 64;
f.22-26 Robert Hills of Newcastle upon Tyne, saddler, aged 40;
f.26-45 John Crosby of Durham city, gent, aged 45;
f.45-58 Thomas Morgan jr of Kio, yeoman, aged 50;
f.58-65 Ralph Seymour of Tanfield Leigh, yeoman, aged 34;
f.65-81 Jacob Greive of Lintz, gent, aged 63;
f.81-88 Thomas Robson of Whickham Fellside, yeoman, aged 40;
f.88-96 Thomas Jolly of Hollingside, yeoman, aged 52;
f.96-112 George Nixon of Greenside, gent, aged 40;
f.112-121 Thomas Cockeram sr of Tanfield, yeoman, aged 60;
f.121-130 Thomas Cockeram jr of Tanfield Leigh, wheelwright, aged 30;
f.130-136 William Gallilee of High Friarside, yeoman, aged 58;
f.136-140 Richard Smith of New Elvet, mason, aged 50;
f.140-146 Peter Greiveson of Gillygate, near Durham city, joiner and carpenter, aged 28;
f.146-161 Francis Baker of Whickham, gent, aged 55;
f.161-168 James Peirson of Forcett, Yorks, gent, aged 56;
f.168-232 Robert Pearson of Durham city, gent, aged 25;
f.232-244 Thomas Teasdale of Durham city, gent, aged 50;
f.244-260 William Peirson of Stokesley, Yorks, esq, aged 70;
f.260-288 John Preston of Lazenby, Yorks, gent, aged 25.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 91.MSP 91 later 16th century to early 18th century
246 leaves, foliated i-vi + 1-238 + vii-viii (20th century)
Collection of original documents and transcripts relating to the history of Co Durham in general and the bishop's rights and legal matters in particular, with a recorded title from an earlier portfolio cover of “Collections for Durham. Spearman”.
The items have been individually numbered [?by Gilbert Spearman].
Language: English with some Latin (as indicated)
Digitised material for Documents and transcripts relating to the history of County Durham - Mickleton and Spearman ms 91 f.1
No.1 Pencil drawing of a “draught” elevation of the east end of Auckland castle chapel with a tablet to Bishop John Cosin.
No.2 Pen and ink drawing of a “draught” elevation and ground plan for the school and almshouse at Durham [Palace Green], by John Langstaffe.
No.3 Pen and ink sketch of “the old condition” of Auckland castle and part of the town, with scale.
f.4 1665
No.4. Pen and ink elevation of the outward court walls and gateway of Auckland castle by John Langstaffe.
No.5 Copy of Richard I's charter granting Sadberge manor and wapentake to the bishop of Durham, 18 December 1189.
No.6 Copy of Richard I's confirmation of his charter re Sadberge, 7 December 1198.
No.7 Copy of John's confirmation re Sadberge, 4 March 1200.
No.8. Presentments made at former courts held in the manor of Whitfield by the jurors there.
No.9. Extracts from the first register book of St Oswald Durham 1540-1592.
f.8 1 June 1693
No.10. Extracts from the second register book of St Oswald Durham 1598-1650 made by John Cock, sent to James Mickleton.
No.11. Copy of the earl of Northumberland's grant of his lands in Tynemouthshire.
f.15 4 March 1664
No.12. List of those in Easington ward volunteering for the defence of Co Durham, copied by William Blakiston.
f.16-17 16 May 1636
No.13. Draft lease of thirteen tenements in Weardale.
No.14. Booklet with copies of grants and appointments, mostly by John Cosin bishop of Durham, entitled “Patents, grants, deputations of offices etc”. The booklet has a cancelled title of “A Diary or Journall Booke of Gilbert Spearman of Durham from the vth of September Ao 1701 ...”.
f.19r-v 16 September 1662
Grant by Bishop John Cosin to Samuel Davison esq and William Davison gent of the office or custody of Frankland park.
Ratified by Dean John Sudbury 27 September 1667.
f.19v-20v 4 February 1643
Appointment by Bishop Thomas Morton of John Green as coroner of Darlington ward.
Ratified by Dean Walter Balcanquall 17 May 1643.
f.20v-21r 17 October 1661
Language: Latin & English
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of John Blakiston as steward of Allerton and Allertonshire.
Recommended for confirmation by Bishop John Cosin 26 February 1663.
f.21r-22v 11 July 1662
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of an inquisition into the state of the bishop's properties.
f.23r 3 November 1660
Appointment by Charles II of John Heath esq, John Tempest esq and George Barcas gent to receive oaths in the chancery court of Durham.
f.23r-v 15 March 1662
Appointment by Charles II of John Heath esq, John Heath gent and Richard Belt gent to receive oaths in the chancery court of Durham.
f.23v 29 January 1661
Appointment by Charles II of John Heath esq, John Tempest esq and George Barkhouse gent to receive oaths in the chancery court of Durham.
f.24r-v 16 August 1660
Appointment by John Heath of Old Durham, esq, register of the Durham chancery court, of George Barcas of Old Elvet, gent, as his deputy-register.
f.24v-31v 16 September 1661
Grant by Bishop John Cosin, at the petition of various named of Gateshead, for them to form the company of drapers, taylors, mercers, hardwaremen, coopers and chandlers of Gateshead.
f.32r 17 September 1661
Grant [by Bishop John Cosin] of a fair and market in Stockton on 7 July, the first Wednesday in October, the first Wednesday after Easter and the Wednesday before Pentecost.
Confirmed, with the July market to last for the 8 days following.
Copy of a 11 May 1310 grant by Bishop Anthony Bek of a market at Stockton on the feast of the translation of St Thomas the Martyr and for 8 days following.
f.33r-v 4 June 1602
Confirmation by Bishop Tobias Matthew of Bishop Anthony Bek's above charter to Stockton.
f.34r 10 August 1665
Royal writ to hold an inquisition ad quod dampnum into markets granted to Stockton.
f.34r-v & 35v 24 April 1666
Confirmation by Bishop John Cosin of Bishop Anthony Bek's above charter to Stockton.
f.35r-39v 16 May 1664
Grant of Bishop John Cosin, at the petition of Anthony Emerson, Henry Wanles, John Gray, Richard Beckles, Cuthbert Bellamy, William Flemming and Ralph Wescott, to them to form a company of litsters and dyers in Durham city and the parishes of St
Oswald, St Giles, Little St Mary and St Mary Bow.
f.36r, 40v 1665 x 1666
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of Gilbert Gerard bt as parker of Bedburn park and Blackbank wood and collector of rents in the manors of Linsack, North Bedburn and South Bedburn, previously held by Christopher Duckett. 17 Charles II
f.40r-41r 16 August 1666
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of George Kirkby jr of Durham city, gent, as clerk of the great receipt of the exchequer at Durham and under-clerk of the exchequer.
f.41r-v 1666 x 1667
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of Robert Burletson of Trimdon, gent, as coroner of Darlington ward. 18 Charles II.
f.41v-42r 21 December 1660
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of Thomas Widdrington kt as chancellor of the bishoprick and county palatine of Durham and Sadberge.
f.42r-v 19 January 1664
Appointment by Bishop John Cosin of Edward Arden of Durham city, esq, as clerk of the halmote courts in the bishoprick and county of Durham, Bedlington and Bedlingtonshire.
f.42v 1617 x 1628
Appointment by Bishop Richard [Neile] of John Peacock of Durham city as gaoler or janitor of Durham castle. (Incomplete)
No.15. Fair copy of John Spearman's section of
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham entitled “Memoranda comitatus Palatini Dunelm et Jurium Regalium Domini Episcopi Dunelm. inter
Tinam et Tasam ac in maneri is et Dominiis de Norham, Insula sacra, Bedlington & Crake, parcellis Com. Palatini predicti”.
No.16. “Articles to be inquired of in the surveye for the Lord Bishop of Durham”.
No.17. Copy of the grant from Lady Anne Middleton, Abraham Corsellis of London, merchant, and John Jones of London, gent, to Ralph Cole of Newcastle upon Tyne, esq, of the manor of Brancepeth, 24 May 1636.
f.56-60 [?1643]
No.18. Rental of the lands belonging to Durham dean and chapter in and near Durham, recording the tenant, date of the lease (the latest is 1643), present rent and improvements.
With a list of bishops Langley to Morton and chancellors of Durham on f.50r
f.61 16 May 1599
No.19. “Articles to be enquired of in my Lo. Generall survey begonne at B. Auckland”.
Endorsed as “Sir Richard Huttons Draught of Articles of the Survey or enquiry into the Bishop's Lands”. With various pen trials.
No.20. Abstract of the title deeds of Sir John Hedworth 1605-1632, [made] by Christopher Mickleton (c.1613-1669).
f.63 4 February 1635
No.21. Inventory with values of books taken from Mr Whitakers for Durham Library.
No.22. Survey of Co Durham free and customary tenants entitled “Collections forth of the jurie of survey, etc”.
f.66-69 17 January 1585
No.23. Draft of a lease by Bishop Richard Barnes to Queen Elizabeth I of 13 tenements in Weardale, Atterson, and Cowden Grange; and property in Saltmarsh and Skelton in Howdenshire.
f.70-86 [1641]
No.24. Copy of an Act for securing the money due to Yorkshire and adjoining counties for the billeting of soldiers, passed 16 & 17 Car. I.
f.87-94 [1617 x 1628]
No.25. The answers of Henry Maddiston, William Hall, William Bonner and Nicholas Tempest, defendants, to the information of Robert Cooper, esq, attorney to Richard [Neile] bishop of Durham over men and cattle falling into unprotected coal pits
and the drying up of wells and springs in Whickham.
Endorsed with notes on pleadings tempore Bishops Walter Kirkham to Anthony Bek.
f.95 9 September 1617
No.26. In the chancery at Durham. An order for the tenants of Westoe against Nicholas Cole and Christopher Midforth the owners of the salt pans at South Shields, for damage from the pan smoke.
f.96 10 April 1618
No.27. Decree, in Westoe tenants against Nicholas and Christopher Midforth, the owners of the west pans, for damages from the smoke.
f.97-99 1638
No.28. Richard Blackwell's bill for plate to Dr Cosin at Peterhouse.
f.100 16 August 1664
No.29. John Hodgshon's account of the profits and charges of the iron furnace for 1663 and 1664 paid to Edward Arden.
No.30. A pencil sketch, endorsed “Rich. Swingler's Draught for over the East Window” [?of Auckland castle chapel].
f.102 22 August 1684
No.31. “Orders revived and established in the Court of Chancery of Durham” by Bagshaw, register.
f.103-112 [c.1666]
No.32. Copy of “an Act for settling part of the possessions of John [Holles] late earl of Clare deceased, and enabling Gilbert earl of Clare his son and heir to dispose of some other part thereof for payment of debts and
f.113-118 13 November 1667
No.33. Copy of an indenture tripartite, between Gilbert [Holles] earl of Clare, the Hon. Arthur Stanhope, and others on the first part, John Andrews of St Giles in the Fields of the second part, and Lady Holles one of the unmarried daughters of
John [Holles] earl of Clare on the third part, including a schedule of leases.
No.34. Copy of an Act for repairing and making more navigable the harbour at Sunderland.
No.35.Opinion on a case concerning a lease where a party had been outlawed.
No.36. Note on Bishop Richard Barnes's 1585 lease to Elizabeth I of property in Howdenshire.
No.37. Copy of an Act for dividing the commons and freeing the inclosed ground belonging to the City of Durham and Framwellgate from “Entercommon”.
f.133 1 - 4 February 1689
No.38. Mandate from John Otway appointing James Mickleton esq to the keeping and custody and government of the county palatine seal of Durham. Sealed.
f.134 12 December 1671
No.39. Petition of Barbara Porter, widow, to the duke of Ormond, lord steward of the king's household, about a debt due to her from Thomas Vivian, esq, clerk of the kitchen.
f.135 27 & 29 April 1595
No.40. Royal assent to the bishop of Durham's election and her mandate to the escheator to restore his temporalities.
No.41. A list of popish chapels within seven miles of the bishop of Durham's palace in Durham, and other notes on the popish element in Co Durham.
No.42. An account of Mr Evans's title to an estate with an answer to the claim of the bishop of Durham.
f.141 1624 & 1631
No.43. An inventory of records in the chancery office at Durham ending about A.D. 1631 comprising:
Pleadings, 38 files, 1595-1625;
Bills, answers, replications, rejoinders, 20 bundles;
Depositions, 27 bundles, 1556-1624;
Books of orders and decrees, 20 volumes, 1593-1621;
Decrees, dismissions and orders, 18 bundles, 1607-1624;
Bills, answers, replications, rejoinders, 46 bundles, 1550-1605;
The above verified by James Marshall 2 February 1625 on his entry into office as register of the chancery court.
Catalogue of records created by Marshall since 1624 and handed over to John Heath jr:
Bills, answers, rejoinders, 13 files, 1623-1631;
Depositions, 9 bundles, 1624-1631;
Decrees, orders and dismissions, 10 bundles, 1625-1631.
In the little chamber at the end of Mr Chancellor's seat:
Some plate, 3 bundles of parchment and 4 deeds.
f.142-144 17 April 1638
No.44 Appointment by Bishop Thomas Morton of William Darcy esq, Anthony Maxton, Ralph Hutton, Thomas Swinburne and Thomas Laythum as his attorneys, with instructions for Mr Maxton and others, sealed.
No.45. Copy of an agreement between the prior of Durham and the fishermen of Bamburgh about whales taken around the Farne Islands.
f.146 6 November 1660
No.46. Copy of the king's warrant for the assignment of the improved rents of impropriation to the use of the bishoprick of Durham.
No.47. Copy charter of Robert son of Goldwyn granting to the monks of Farne Island the house of Warcliff in Bamburgh.
No.48. Another copy (as in 45 above) of an agreement between the prior of Durham and the fishermen of Bamburgh about whales taken around the Farne Islands.
No.49. Copies of Farne Islands charters:
Charter of Robert son of Goldwyn granting to the monks of Farne Island the house of Warcliff in Bamburgh (as in 47 above).
Lease of a garden in Bamburgh by William Ogle, master of the Farne Islands, in the court at Bamburgh castle 19 January 1495.
Grant by Henry VIII to Durham dean and chpater of the site of Lindisfarne priory 16 May 1541.
Another copy of the last.
No.50. “A short history of the Convention or New Christned Parliament”.
No.51. Dilapidations suffered by the bishop of Durham's properties at Durham, Bishop Auckland and Stockton.
f.153 1629 x 1630
No.52. Proceedings and procedures in the High Commission. 5 Charles I.
No.53. “Questions to be inquired of among Tynners” about tin-mining and the administration of tinners .
No.54. Valuations of the lands in the constabularies of Framwellgate and Crossgate.
f.156 5 February 1661
No.55. Letter from John Morland at Durham to Gilbert Crouch in London about the bishop of Durham's estate at Sedgefield, Bishop Middleham and Cornforth.
f.157-158 1635
No.56. Copy acquittance of Thomas Morton bishop of Durham and Jane Howson widow of the late John Howson bishop of Durham to Richard Neile archbishop of York over dilapidations.
f.159 1616
No.57. Account of the procurations received by Robert Claphamson, notary public, in the archidiaconal visitation of the East Riding of Yorkshire on behalf of Marmaduke Blakiston, archdeacon.
f.160 1617
No.58. Account of the procurations received by Robert Claphamson, notary public, in the archidiaconal visitation of the East Riding of Yorkshire on behalf of Marmaduke Blakiston, archdeacon.
f.161 January 1719
No.59. Draft articles for the establishment of the Society of Antiquaries, London.
cf. Joan Evans,
A history of the Society of Antiquaries (Oxford 1956), p.58-59.
f.162 13 July 1584
No.60. Copy of the lease of Howden manor, Yorkshire, by Bishop Richard Barnes to Elizabeth I.
No.61. “Instructions to Mr Farrer and Mr Stapleton” re attorney's work .
No.62. Rules, ordinances and fees of the Durham court of pleas.
Language: Some Anglo-Saxon
No.63. Copies of the translation of charters from King Edward the Confessor (3 copies) and William I (2 copies) to the church of St John of Beverley. One copy in the handwriting of Humphrey Wanley.
f.169 31 August 1668
No.64. Copy of Bishop John Cosin's foundation of the almshouses on Palace Green, Durham.
f.170 18 July 1668
No.65. Prayers and orders to be observed by the alms people in the Palace Green almshouses.
f.171 23 October 1675
No.66 Royal exemplification of Bishop John Cosin's foundation and dotation of his library on Palace Green, Durham.
f.172 [1694]
No.67. A list of 15 temporal chancellors of Durham appointed by patents in the Durham close rolls tempore Bishops Langley to Crewe.
f.173-176 5 February 1690 - 4 December 1693
No.68. Proceedings re Thomas Cradock's charity, providing for a salary for Durham St Mary le Bow church, for a schoolmaster teaching navigation, for a workhouse, and for the poor of Witton-le- Wear, after his death on 5 February 1690.
f.177 December 1696
No.69. The case of the commons and entercommons belonging to the City of Durham and Framwellgate, showing why the commons should not be divided.
f.178-185 1638 & 1642
No.70. Report and opinions on the case of Richard Lilburne against Ralph Claxton with their wager by battle, 1638. Also Giles Atkinson against Ralph Cole over suit of mill at Kepier, 1642.
f.186-196 13 June 1684
No.71. Copy of an inquisition taken before Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham, and the prebendaries, in regard to the execution of the statute 43 Eliz. to redress the misemployment of lands, goods and stocks of money given to charitable uses.
f.197-198 1687
No.72. Notes of records from 1372 about the bishop of Durham's admiralty and royal jurisdiction with the county palatine of Durham.
f.199 [1660 x 1663]
No.73. Robert Sanderson bishop of Lincoln's “paper and censure upon Ascham's book” [
Of the confusions and revolutions of goverments (London 1649)].
No.74. Copy of a 10 December 1383 confirmation by Richard II of the bishop of Durham's rights and possessions.
No.75. Copy of an inspeximus by James I of a charter of incorporation by Bishop Tobias Matthew for the city of Durham. Incomplete.
No.76. Copy of 23 May 1267 letters patent of Henry III revoking his grant of Greatham manor, forfeited by his enemy Peter de Montfort, to Thomas de Clare as it is within the bishop of Durham's liberty.
Printed in
Calendar of Patent Rolls 1266-1272, p.63.
f.204-209 3 April 1577
No.77. Arbitration of Henry earl of Huntingdon over the exercising of jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham sede vacante.
No.78. Copy of a 14 September 1332 charter of Edward III about not intruding on the bishop of Durham's jurisdiction.
No.79. Copy of the bishop of Durham's bill about ores, minerals and mines on episcopal estates.
No.80. Instructions for drawing up a bill in parliament to enable the bishop of Durham to grant by copy of court roll.
No.81. Complaints against the officers of the bishop of Durham in his copyhold [halmote] courts.
f.225-228 1602 - 25 October 1653
No.82. Orders agreed upon by the mayor and aldermen of Durham 1602 and 1608, with a table of fees taken by the serjeants of the city in collecting the petty tolls, 25 October 1653.
No.83. Notes of inquisitions 1410-1584 on the lands late of William Claxton kt.
No.84. A table of fees and the orders to be taken in suits in the Durham chancery “proceeding there by English Bill”, and instructions for “more exact proceeding in suites” in the
chancery .
f.232 1695
No.85. The assessors' return for Framwellgate constabulary at 4s per £.
f.233-235 31 July 1676
No.86. Tables of fees used in the sheriff's office for the county palatine of Durham, and due to the gaoler of Durham gaol.
No.87. A rental of the lands in Bedlingtonshire due to the bishop of Durham.
f.237 December 1696
No.88. Memorial from Henry Lambton esq., attorney general to Robert Dormer esq. chancellor of the bishop of Durham, respecting an impediment of way in the neighbourhood of Barnard Castle.
f.238 7 February 1684
No.89. A letter from London about the earl of Danby's case, Hampden's trial, and the trial of Braddon and Speake.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 92.MSP 92 later 16th century to early 18th century
46 leaves of paper items with 2 parchment leaves, formerly covers, + 8 paper flyleaves
Fees, orders and regulations of the Durham courts, especially chancery.
Language: English with some Latin
Digitised material for Fees, orders and regulations of Durham courts - Mickleton and Spearman MS 92 former front cover
Various pen trials
former rear cover
Part of a lease by Durham dean and chapter to Joseph Pilkington and his son Tobias Pilkington of East Merrington
former rear cover 21 May 1619
Part of a royal order to the sheriff of Durham that Thomas Vepond should pay to ? Watson £10.
f.1-3 1638 - 1669
Orders in the Durham chancery, with references to the original books.
For officers to render accounts since the bishop's restitution, 13 September 1666.
Concerning authorisations for attorneys, 20 August 1668.
Re sueing out originals in ejectments, 8 April 1669.
Re contempt and attachments, 12 September 1665.
Copies of fines should be enrolled by the clerk of the halmote courts, 11 September 1638.
Tables of fees to be displayed, 11 September 1638.
No writ of certiorari to be issued to remove an action from the county court, 17 September 1638.
Changing the day of a hearing to cost a party 12d, 26 August 1639.
A day's notice to be given for the hearing of depositions, 30 August 1639.
f.4-5 1665 - 1666
Orders made in chancery:
Against the halmote court clerk, 28 March 1665.
For returning London processes by the cursitor and sheriff, 13 September 1666.
f.6-7 10 November 1693
Table of fees to be taken for Durham chancery suits proceeding “by English Bill”.
Also fees due to the temporal chancellor.
Index of office-holders and their fees.
Copy of the table of fees allowed to the clerk [of the peace, Thomas Crosbie].
Also on f.22-23 below.
Schedule of the fees taken up by the clerk of [the crown, Francis Crosby].
f.10-13 18 September 1661
Table of the fees due to the clerk of the Durham assizes and court of pleas, prothonotary, fillizer, clerk of the writs, exigenter and clerk of the fines.
As on f.16-17 below.
f.14 28 May 1595
Table of fees for the clerk of the county, attornies, bailiffs, jurors and the gaoler.
f.14A-C 1661 - 1667
Notes of orders re procedure at the assizes.
Table of fees for various writs.
f.16-17 [1661]
Table of the fees due to the clerk of the Durham assizes and court of pleas, prothonotary, fillizer, clerk of the writs, exigenter and clerk of the fines.
As on f.10-13 above.
A table of the general and standing rules in the Durham court of pleas.
f.18A 2 September 1679
Notes of court procedures, reusing a notice advertising the sitting of the chancery court.
A schedule of the fees taken by the clerk of the crown for the county palatine of Durham, signed by Francis Crosby, clerk of the crown.
f.21 12 September 1665
Table of fees for Durham chancery [suits] proceeding “by English Bill”.
Copy of the table of fees due to the clerk of the peace, examined by Thomas Crosbie, clerk of the peace.
Also on f.8 above.
f.24 1672
Fees due to the chancellor with a note of fees during the vacancy 1672.
f.25-28 19 September 1623
An abstract of the fees due to the various officers of the spiritual and temporal courts, that is the sheriff, the clerk of the county court, the clerk of the chancery, the steward and clerk of the halmote courts, coroners, chancery suits
proceeding by English bill, escheator, feodary, court of common pleas, clerk of recoveries, prothonotary, fillizer and exigenter, keeper of writs.
f.28A 1703
Notes of a case.
f.29 19 September 1623
Abstract of gaol fees taken at the Durham assizes and gaol deliveries, signed by Barnabas Hutchinson, clerk of the crown..
f.30 1576 - 1623
A table of fees to be taken by the clerks of the peace, signed by George Martyn, clerk of the peace, also the examiner of the chancery court, an attorney, and the Durham gaoler 1616.
Fees of judgements or writings and registering them, fees of wills, sealings, notarial instruments, apparitors, 19 September 1623.
Fees in the archdeacon's court 1576, for sealing, registering, visitation, proctors, notaries, apparitors, the official of the dean and chapter.
Fees received at York.
Fees in the town court of Durham city, allowed by Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham, with a note that there is no table of rules or orders for the court.
List of officers and Durham courts titled “Stile of the courts of Durham”. .
Note of fees in the Westminster chancery court.
Index to legal terms and courts.
f.44-45 15 April 1671
Orders in the Durham chancery court, signed by Francis Goodricke.
Alphabetical list of writs and their fees in the Durham chancery.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 93.MSP 93 [?1601]
9 leaves, foliated 1-9 (contemporary)
Draft proceedings in a case of ejection, Simon Comyn plaintiff against Edward Henetty, Thomas Whetly, and Robert Hodey defendants, relating to the coal mines between the waters of Blackborne and Tame in the parish of Chester-le-Street leased by
Tobias Matthew bishop of Durham 26 May 1601 and the bishop's title to them. Including proceedings in the Chester halmote and two inquisitions
post mortem of Thomas Lumley of Ravensholme (18 Edward IV) and William Lumley
of Ravensholme (11 Edward IV).
Titled on the rear cover: “An old breife drawn by Hugh Wright Esq & Tim Comyn under sheriff for Toby Bpp of Durham agst Gascoigne for Blackburne colliery & the Comons there &c”.
Language: Latin and English
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman MS 93 - 95
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 94.MSP 94 [early 18th century]
26 leaves, foliated 1-26 (20th century)
Transcripts of documents relating to St Margaret's church, Durham, and elsewhere.
?Made by Gilbert Spearman. A continuation of MSP 35 as the original numbering of the documents runs on from that volume, though the documents here have also been additionally numbered from 1.
Contents (all other folios blank):
Originally part of the same volume: MSP 35.
f.1r 12 December 1431
Commission to the suffragan to consecrate St Margaret's church and graveyard Durham. Incomplete.
Printed, with a summary in English, from the copy in Bishop Thomas Langley's register:
The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 vol. VI, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 182, 1967), p.12-13.
For the rest, see MSP 35, f.19v.
f.1v 22 February 1344
Indulgence of Matthew [suffragan] bishop of Manchensis for the altar of St Thomas the martyr in St Margaret's church, Durham.
f.2r 28 November [1240]
Royal grant to Hugh de Vinon of free warren in his lands at West Kynton
f.2v-3r 27 June [1428]
Royal licence to Robert Umfravile to grant the advowson for his chantry in his manor of Farnacres in Whickham parish to the bishop of Durham.
f.3v-5r 11 July 1384
Proceedings between the prior and convent of Durham and St Oswald's church against John Legg executor of his late wife Alice about a mortuary payment of a horse to St Oswald's.
Also in
DCD Cart.II, f.296v-297v.
f.5v-6r 17 June 1384
Appointment of proxies by Robert, prior and convent of Durham, in the case against John Legg, executor of his late wife Joan in the Durham consistory court over a mortuary payment.
Also in
DCD Reg.II, f.208v.
f.6v-7r [21 September] 1343
Grant by Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham of an indulgence to those contributing to the building of the south aisle in St Margaret's church, Durham, containing an altar to St Thomas the martyr of Canterbury.
f.7v-8r 10 November [1503]
Grant by John Colt of Durham, yeoman, to Cuthbert Billingham, Robert Blount and Ralph German of a burgage in Framwellgate, Durham, between the burgages of Richard Racket and William Shewton.
Grant by Henry son of Hereneus to William his steward of a bovate of land formerly held by Ivo son of Roger.
f.9r 11 November 1320
Agreement between Cuthbert son of John of Durham against Richard son of Gilbert the butcher and Richard son of Alan of Kelloe that Cuthbert had leased to them his meadow between Milnburn and the road to Newcastle in Framwellgate for 10 years,
“Sheriff Meadow”.
f.9v-12r 2 April 1336
Process about Alice del Slade being evicted from a common pasture in the Old Borough, Durham, by William [of Cowton] prior of Durham and John Turnour.
f.12v-14v 14 February 1343
Instrument about the baptismal font in St Margaret's chapel, moved by the prior of Durham.
f.15r-16v 11 March 1343
Instrument in which the inhabitants of the Old Borough, Durham, recognise that they have no right to claim the sacraments in the chapel of St Margaret, Durham.
f.16v-17r 21 September 1343
Writ of the bishop of Durham to those contributing alms to the altar of St Thomas the martyr in the church of St Margaret to collect their 40 day indulgences.
f.17v-19r 11 July 1384
Composition and agreement made between the prior and convent [of Durham] and the inhabitants of New Elvet, Sidegate etc and the parishioners of St Oswald about mortuaries and the concession of hearing divine office and receiving the sacraments in
the chapel of St Margaret.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 95.MSP 95 later 17th to early 18th centuries
93 leaves, paginated 1-7, 7A-B, 8-184 (?20th century), of which 1-75 bear an earlier (?contemporary) pagination 542-618
Heraldry texts, indexes of arms, and accounts with some printed Acts and other items.
Contents (all other pages blank):
Language: English with occasional French
Entitled “Ch. XII Of FOREIGN Kings of Armes, HERALDS or PURSUIVANTS. particularly of such who have at any time been within this Kingdom, in an Alphabeticall order of the Kingdoms or Dominions and of Heralds & States
or Commonwealths & Cities & Towns”, ?a draft text, with foot-notes.
p.81-89, 92-119 [c.1687]
“The Installacion of a Knight of the Garter”, with some reference to the installation of the earl of Sunderland, 23 May 1687, and with notes of fees to be paid.
Part of an index of arms Standford to Zouch.
p.139-142, 145-147
Part of an index of arms Sooley to Tyllek.
Note on questions between knights commoners and aldermen of London concerning place and precedence.
p.153-156 [c.1710]
List of grants, confirmations and alterations of arms, crests & supporters passed since the marshall's order of 30 March 1708 for which Charles Mawson esq, registrar of the College of Arms, received 10s each.
p.157 1581
Notes on Quarrington, leased to the crown
p.159 26 March - 27 July 1640
“The Vice Chauncellors honorarium from all Commencers in any art or Faculty” [Cambridge university].
p.161-164 [18th century]
AN ACT for ascertaining the Terms and regulating the fines upon Renewal of Leases: for settling the Right and for the Discovery of, and Improvement in working of Mines in Leasehold and Copyhold Grounds, held
under Ecclesiastical persons: and for the Encouragement of Tillage therein; and planting Trees thereupon: printed.
p.165-166 [1665?]
AN ANSWER to certain printed Reasons for Knights and Burgesses in the County Palatine of Durham: printed with signature “JOH. DURESME” (Bishop John Cosin). (Wing C.6350
also CL and another.)
p.167-174 1700
An Act for the further Preventing the Growth of Popery, 11 & 12 William III: printed; (not in Wing)
p.175-178 27 September 1671
LEASE from the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle to Ralph Carr of Cocken Esqr. of Hebburn- Ballast-Key: printed.
p.179-180 1689
A LETTER out of Ireland from an Eminent Divine of the Church of England giving a full and true Account of the Sickness, Death, and Funeral of the late Bishop of Chester (Thomas Cartwright): printed;
(Wing H.1646 - by M. Hewson.)
p.181-184 25 March 1691
PROPOSALS FOR SUBSCRIPTION To a BOOK in the Press, Intituled, ANGLIA SACRA SIVE COLLECTIO HISTORIARUM ... PARS PRIMA ... EDITORI HENRICO WHARTON A.M. ..., with, among the booksellers Mr Hutchinson and
Mr Wendon of Durham and Mr Randall and Mr Hall of Newcastle: printed LONDON; (not in Wing).
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 96.MSP 96 later 17th century
340 leaves, foliated in the later 20th century
A composite volume of [John Spearman] of 3 sections:
1. f.1-216 Durham county court declarations and pleadings
2. f.217-258 Copy of Charles II's charter for Plymouth (actually numbered 3).
3. f.259-340 Indexes for palatinate records (most of which survive in TNA) (actually numbered 2).
Language: Latin with occasional English
f.1-216 1663 - 1670
Durham county court declarations and pleadings with also a Durham borough court and a Staindrop court declaration, as indicated.
Most of the documents are drafts with corrections and notes added about information concerning the case, with often when the declaration was presented and when filed, legal points and procedure to be followed, with also some notes of the lawyer's
fees for the case. The declarations record the parties of the case, the sum being claimed and the querulent's attorney and complaint, detailing the date, location and substance of the original incident. The declarations are in Latin with goods and
animals often having their English equivalent given as well.
The cases comprise petty debt for items sold and not paid for, the payment of bonds not honoured, damages for defamation, some thefts of animals and trampling of crops, debts incurred over leases of property, assaults, apprenticeships and
salaries not paid. There are also some pleadings and precepts for replevins, and the occasional letter, memorandum, receipt, or account.
The documents originally made up a file on a wire or string in chronological order, with a near-contemporary pagination 1-340. There are now some gaps in this pagination, indicating some original documents are now missing, and there have also
been some subsequent [unpaginated] additions.
The present list details the parties of each case with some indication of the subject.
Inside front cover
Title label for county court declarations 1663-1670.
Person index.
Table of actions.
f.4 28 June 1663
William Atkinson jr against John Young over a rent of 50s, with a receipt from William Atkinson for the payment of the debt..
f.5-8 13 July 1661 & 11 June 1664
Copy apprenticeship bond of Gavin Smith son of Robert of East Chirton, Nmb, to Thomas Manwell of Gateshead in £20, with a draft and an agreement between the two withdrawing the action.
William Bell of Gateshead against George Errington of Newcastle upon Tyne over the sale of 21 dozen pound weight of black and grey ?yarn ( “fil'” );
Robert Wouldhave against William Hanby gent over a debt of £11 16s 4d;
Thomas Dawson of Easington against Richard Bee of Easington over a rent of £20;
Thomas Bayle of Durham against Thomas Peikton of Durham over a debt of 5s 6d.
Richard Heron and Mark Todd against John Brasse over an assault;
Thomas Davison, kt, sheriff of Durham, against John Palmer gent over a bond;
Thomas Davison, kt, sheriff of Durham, against Robert Laburne over a bond;
William Hall of South Shields against Edward Mathew of South Shields for cheating him of six stone of tallow.
f.11-14 1664
John Brasse against Richard Heron and Mark Todd over an assault on 16 July at Durham.
f.15-19 1664
William Atkinson and John Sharpe against Robert Robinson over his sale to Christopher Shacklocke of unquenched lime.
f.20 10 September 1664
Michael Scot against John Young of Fulwell over the sale of a boat.
f.21 1665
Thomas Pattison against Thomas Wheatley over a debt of 39s 11d;
Thomas Pattison against William Fatherley over a debt of 39s 11d;
Stephen Pattison against John Catcheside over a debt of 39s 11d.
Christopher Pattison against John Ridley over the excessive riding of a horse from Scarborough to Sunderland.
f.23 June - July 1665
Richard Howson and Elizabeth his wife against Robert Byers and Anna his wife over Anna's slandering of Elizabeth's good name;
William Bell against Anthony Trumble over a debt of £40 for various merchandises sold;
James Kirby against William Armorer over a bond in £15.
f.24-28 1664
John Bulmer against Thomas Allison and Thomas Bardolph jr over a debt from Mary the widow of Sir John Hoome/Hume in the manor of Holy Island, with an inventory of her goods.
f.29 1664
Richard Frankland administrator of the late Isabella Reed widow against Joseph Smaithwaite over a debt for burnt lime at Chester-le-Street.
Brian Welsh against Isabella ? over transporting coal from a coal mine at Great Lumley to John Hudson's staith on the Wear (damaged).
Agreement about Christopher Bell not committing adultery;
Richard Frankland administrator of the late Isabella Reed widow against Mary Mitchell over a debt for goods (a boat (keele) and equipment) of the late Isabella.
John Smith against Richard Pearson over the assessment of a garden in Durham St Margaret;
Part of a lease by Elias Smith of glebeland to Cuthbert Mitford.
f.33 17 July 1665
John Preston against William Hanby over a debt from a bond of £6;
William Darcy kt against William Maddeson over a debt for tithes in Auckland St Andrew.
John Hutchinson against Robert Fossick over a debt from a bond of £22.
f.35 1665
William Sanderson against William Trumble over an assault;
John [Cosin] bishop of Durham against William Reinoldson over a rent from stray animals in Lanchester manor;
John Fell merchant against Joseph Speeding of Hartlepool over a £97 debt from a bond, similary from William Wetherall of Hartlepool and William Speeding of Greatham.
f.36 1665
William Bell against William Emerson over a debt of £24 from a bond;
William Bell against William Hyndmer over a debt of £12 for 20 chaldrons of best ship coal delivered from Dunston's staith in Whickham;
John Fell and Alice his wife against Thomas Nicholson of Harraton over a £50 debt from a bond;
Richard Heaviside against William Bell over an £8 debt from a bond;
Richard Heaviside against Moses Lomax over an £8 debt.
f.37 1665
William Selby sr and Othenal Selby against William Selby jr over trampling wheat in a close called Flash headland at Kelloe;
John Chettle against George Shyer alderman over a debt of £12 for sack wine;
William Bell should recover £42 from Anthony Trumble.
Alice W. widow executrix of the will of N.W. against Robert W. over rent from waterclose;
Case over a lease.
Thomas Pearson cleric, rector of Great Stainton, against John of Great Stainton over tithes there.
William Tod against Ralph Newlands over trampling corn in Halfield close and Eastfield close in East Bowden.
David Wake against James Grame jr for leaving his service without licence;
also James Grayme and Jane his wife.
f.42 1666
John Nicholson against William Roxby over a debt of £20;
John Nicholson against Edward Kitchin over a debt of £20;
John Nicholson against William Maxwell over a debt of £20;
John Garstall against Garrett Starkey over a debt of £40 for claret and sack wine and beef.
Hiring of a servant.
f.44 29 January 1666
William Bell recovered £12 from William Hindmers of Dunston's staith, to be paid to Thomas Raper administrator of his goods during the minority of Tobias Bell and Elizabeth Bell his executors;
Similarly £42 9s recovered from John Smyth of Crossgate.
Notes of payments and parties in cases.
f.46 March 1666
Thomas Raper, administrator of the late William Bell's goods during the minority of Tobias Bell and Elizabeth Bell his executors, against William Richardson over debts of £20 12s 11d and others;
Henry Edmeston against Matthew Carr over a debt of £40 from a bond.
Thomas Atkinson against Anna Smyth widow over a debt of 22s 6d for 3 bolls of corn.
Extracts of several cases.
John Claxton sr and John Claxton jr against Robert Bayles and John Laikenby for using their cimba or fivemanboat at Seaton Carew which was broken up by a storm.
f.50 1666
Thomas Ladler against William Hunter sr over a lease to William Hunter jr the son of a messuage and le garth in Clayporth, Durham St Nicholas;
Thomas Maugham against Edward Bellamy over driving off a coal waggon with horses and oxen at Twizell;
Elizabeth Bellamy against Cuthbert Adamson over the lease of parcel of a house.
f.51 [1666]
Thomas Ladler against William Hunter sr over a lease to William Hunter jr of a messuage and le garth in Clayporth, Durham St Nicholas.
f.52 April - May 1666
William Jordan esq against James Wilkinson over a debt of £9 from a bond;
Richard Fawell against Thomas Younger over a debt of £8 from a bond;
John Spearman gent against Robert Fossicke over a debt of 28s 6d for attorney's fees;
James Wild against Robert Clarke over a debt of £30 for looking after his son Thomas Clarke in his house at Haughton le Skerne.
f.53-54 [April 1666]
Thomas Bayles against Christopher Colson over the condition of a horse of Thomas's ridden by Christopher from Durham to Stokesley and back.
f.55-56 October - November 1665
John Green against John Pattison over a lease of Pattison's lands at Sheraton called le North Whangdane, le Tofts, and le Collyburne.
f.57 June 1666
Henry Bland recovered £6 13s 5½d against Thomas Blenkinship;
John Spearman gent against Brian Walker over a debt of 18s;
John Hunter against John Arras over a debt of 50s for John Hunter's salary for his work in the common bakehouse at Sunderland.
John Sisson gent against Ralph Smaithwaite over a debt of £40 for coal for John Jackson kt.
f.59 July - August 1666
Thomas Raper administrator of the goods and chattels of William Bell deceased during the minority of his executors Tobias Bell and Elizabeth Bell against Cuthbert Heron over a debt of £4 3d for various merchandises;
John Gibson against John Owen sr over a debt of 20s;
Thomas Rutter against Ralph Wilkinson over a debt of 24s for 3 bolls of corn;
Robert Denhane against John Burne over a debt of 39s 11d.
Thomas Rutter against Thomas Fatherley over a debt of 18s for a firkin of butter;
Thomas Pearson clerk rector of Great Stainton against John Ricarby over a debt of 75s for a lease of tithes at Great Stainton.
William Arckley against John Grey over a debt of £20 for an apprenticeship bond as a glazier involving also James Agar sr and James Agar jr his son;
T.L. summoned to answer H.C. over a debt of £204 8s 7d for an indenture.
f.62 August 1666
Robert Corneforth against Thomas Balds over Thomas Brantingham's bet on a race between two horses at Durham St Giles.
f.63 October 1666
George Gray, with James Agar sr and James Agar jr, against William Arckley.
f.64 October 1666
George Grey against William Arckley;
Andrew Prichard against Richard Pearson over a debt of 75s;
Barbara Car widow administrator of the goods of the late William Brasse against Thomas Samson over the will;
John Foster and Elizabeth his wife against John Walley over a debt of £40 at Jarrow.
f.65 October 1666
Robert Pasmoore against John Pattison over a debt of £40 from a bond;
George Grey against William Arkley.
f.66 15 October 1666
Robert Pasmoore against John Pattison of Sheraton Grange over a debt of £40 from a bond.
f.67 October & December 1662
Brian Clarke against Thomas Golsbrough over the slandering of Brian's good name as a baker in Darlington by accusing him of participating in an attack on John Crawfoot's barn and the theft of his corn at Darlington.
Various insults.
f.69 October 1666
William Richardson against William Wilkinson and Thomas Dowson for taking a gelding from le high close at High Stobbilee at Lanchester;
Thomas Pearson cleric rector of Great Stainton against John Mawer, Richard Mawer, Eleanor Mawer, Dorothy Mawer and Anna Mawer for depasturing the churchyard at Great Stainton with various animals;
John Spearman gent against Matthew Garth over a debt of 39s 11d;
Henry Barnes against George Rowe over a debt of 39s 11d.
f.70 November - December 1666
Thomas Watson against Anthony Cotton over a debt of £30.
f.71 November 1666
John Watson against Thomas Wilson for taking his horse at Auckland St Andrew; Robert Thompson against Eleanor Atkinson spinster over a debt of 39s 11d;
Robert Watson administrator of the goods of Stephen Watson who died intestate against John Smith over a debt of 30s.
f.72 November 1666
Eleanor Franckland widow against Henry Dowthard over goods of hers detained by him in his house at Sunderland, with a schedule of the goods;
Ralph Hedworth against John Conyers over a debt of £14 from a bond;
John Watson against Thomas Wilson for taking his horse at Auckland St Andrew;
John Spearman gent against William Hymers over a debt of 68s 6d.
Robert Thompson against Eleanor Atkinson spinster over a debt of 39s 11d;
Louis Hall against John Woodhouse over a debt of £100.
Cuthbert Hill, William Verdell and James Langstaffe against Thomas Emerson over land held at Shotton.
Henry Dowthard and his wife Jane against [Eleanor Franckland].
Cuthbert Hill, William Verdell and James Langstaffe against Thomas Emerson over land held at Shotton.
f.78 January 1667
John Grey and Richard Betles against Edward Fisher over a debt of £100 from a bond about being a dyer in Durham;
John Robinson of Lambton against Robert Marshall over a debt of 39s 11d for meat (beef, mutton, veal and pork);
Christopher Cooke against Cuthbert Heron over a debt of £20 for various merchandises.
William Wilkinson and Thomas Dowson against William Richardson over the taking of a gelding at Lanchester.
f.80 [January 1667]
Anthony Dale against John Richardson over a debt of 39s 11d.
William Wilkinson against John Richardson over a debt of £100 from a bond.
f.82 January 1667
John Richardson against James Sheraton over a debt of £140 from a bond.
f.83 February 1667
Thomas Pearson cleric rector of Great Stainton against John Ricarby over tithes;
John Lynn against John Walker and his wife Jane for attacking Lynn in his house at Witton;
John Walters esq against Christopher Reed and William Purvis for taking his horses and cattle from Smefeild at Buckton
f.84 April 1667
Richard Apedale against Francis Watson and his wife Jane for attacking his good name as a tailor (sutor) in Bishop Auckland by accusing him of being a bankrupt twice over;
Robert Hudspeth against John Clarke over a debt of 39s 11d for woollen cloth and hay.
f.85 20 April 1667
John Clarke against Robert Hudspeth and Anna his wife for defaming his good name by accusing him of stealing leather from John Allenson (of Bishop Auckland).
f.86 May 1667
Cuthbert Heron against Robert Clarke over a debt of £40 for purchases of clothing from Heron, a tailor, by Clarke and his daughter Margaret (for the bill, cf f.120 below);
John Richardson against James Sheraton over a debt of £130 from a bond with William Wilkinson of Durham, merchant.
f.87 July 1667
William Thompson against William Ord gent and Edward Clavering gent over taking an ox of his at Thrumble Hill in Kelloe;
Anthony Reed and William Miller against Peter Rasterby, Christopher Morgin and John Mathew for taking oxen, a bull and cattle from Smiths Close at Barnes in Bishopwearmouth;
Richard Wood against John Watson for depasturing his close called Thorney Nooke at Bishopwearmouth;
Edward Cole against John Wood over a debt of 13s 2d.
f.88 June 1667
William Watson [of East Herrington] against Robert Rutter administrator of the goods of the late Thomas Rutter over a debt of £40 from a bond.
f.89 May 1667
Thomas Mascall gent against John Young over a debt of £10.
Cuthbert Reed and William Purvis against John Walters saying they acted as bailiffs of Thomas Haggerston kt in taking his animals from Buckton manor in a dispute over his rent.
f.91 June 1667
John Emerson against Edward Rowe gent over a debt of £4 for various merchandises bought from Francis Brede (half a hundred deals [timber] delivered at Shields).
f.92 July 1667
William Thompson against William Ord and Edward Clavering over an ox at Thrumble Hill in Kelloe and a messuage at Kentstone there, and Clavering acting as Ord's bailiff;
Jane Johnson spinster against Richard Smelt over a debt of £40 from a bond;
Mary Hindmers widow against James Garstall over the administration of the goods of the late Thomas Hindmers;
notes of payments.
f.93 22 August 1667
William Thompson against William Ord and Edward Clavering over an ox at Thrumble Hill in Kelloe and a messuage at Kentstone there, and Clavering acting as Ord's bailiff;
f.94 5 September 1667
Robert Sutton against Robert Heron over a debt of £5 5s 6d for various merchandises sold.
f.95 10 September 1667
James Garstall against Mary Hindmers widow administrator of the goods of the late Thomas Hindmers over a debt of 39s 11d.
Mary Raine against Clement Wilkinson over the theft of a chicken;
Cuthbert Gantley against Robert Northgate and his wife Ursula over a debt of 39s 11d for globeglasses and a ?basket (corbem) entrusted to Ursula when she was wife of Christopher
f.97 5 November [1667]
John Hilton esq against John Young claiming £40 over tithes at Fulwell in Monkwearmouth
Christopher Shacklock against William Raw and Richard Colson wardens and Ralph Hutchinson and Thomas Smyth scrutineers of the company of carpenters, joiners, wheelwrights, sawyers and coopers in Durham over the authority of the statute of
corporations of 19 Henry VII;
Grace Liddell administrator of the goods of Roger Lidell against [John] Lidell over goods of Roger Lidell, namely butter dishes, trenchers and pater spoons.
f.99 27 January 1668
William Ord and Edward Clavering against William Thompson over Robert Grey's seisin of 40 acres of pasture at Kelloe.
f.100 27 January 1668
John Mavell against John Freer over the theft of a gelding and 3 bushels of wheat at Gateshead.
f.101 January 1668
William Thompson against William Ord and Edward Clavering over common of pasture at Thrumble Hill;
Cuthbert Blakey against John Browne and Robert Whitfeild over being assaulted at Gateshead with James Newby and Matthew Scott;
Cuthbert Heron against John Jackson jr over a debt of £26 from a bond (cancelled);
George Trumble against Ralph Turnbull over a debt of £400 from a bond (cancelled).
f.102 9 March 1668
Matthew Smith against Robert Corneforth claiming 39s 11d for 3 ewes sold.
f.103 24 February 1668
Francis Greene and Tomasina his wife administrators of the goods of Jane Wilkinson widow against Cuthbert Woodman/Woodbank over a debt of £6 17s.
f.104-107 & 110 May 1668
John Freer against John Mavell about the authority of the mayor and burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne in Gateshead.
f.108 22 February 1668
Richard Plumpton against Henry Mathew over a debt of £40 from a bond.
James Haistings and Elizabeth his wife against Abraham Porter and Jane his wife claiming 39s 11d over an assault on Elizabeth at Gateshead.
James Haistings and Elizabeth his wife against Alexander Sharpe and Anna his wife claiming 39s 11d over an assault on Elizabeth at Durham.
f.112 March - April 1663
William Turner kt against John Ayton over a wayleave through Lumley park from Isabel Reed's colliery at Lumley to Lambton East Field and then to Reeds staith at Lambton, John Ayton having married Isabel the daughter of Isabel Reed the widow.
Matthew and Katherine Atkinson against Abraham and Jane Porter over an assault at Gateshead;
James and Elizabeth Hastinges against Alexander and Anna Sharpe over an assault at Durham.
Henry Atkinson against John Patteson claiming £40 for the defamation of his good character in being accused of stealing a pair of bodies.
f.115 May 1668
Matthew Bayles against Oswald Comyn claiming 39s 11d for various merchandises sold;
Cuthbert Blakey against Robert Whitfeild over a debt of £20 from a bond;
Cuthbert Blakey against John Browne over a debt of £20 from a bond;
Henry Riddell against Edward Cuthbertson over a debt of £80.
f.116 7 May 1668
Robert Trumble against William Selby over a debt of £50 from a bond.
f.117 May 1668
James Camwell against Robert Mitford over the seizure of animals;
Account for Eleanor Blythman against Thomas Smyth.
f.118 June 1668
Henry Arrowsmyth against John Maltby over a debt of £100 from a bond;
Henry Liddell against Edward Cuthbertson over a debt of £80 for arrears of payment;
James Camble against [Robert] Midford over the seizure of animals.
f.119 29 June 1668
Francis Greene against Luke Cooke over his employment as a shipwright at Gatehsead building 2 ships for W. Thompson and John Chapman.
f.120 April - May 1666
Robert Clarke of Lumley's bill for clothing (cf f.86 above).
f.121 July 1668
Thomas Sparrowe against Robert Rutter over a debt of £20 from a bond;
Thoma Sparrowe against Robert Rutter over a debt of £40 from a bond.
Defence of John Browne against [Cuthbert] Blakey over a bond with Blakey and Robert Whitfeilde agreeing to abide by the arbitration of Richard Joanes and Philip Foster in an action of battery;
Defence of Robert Whitfeild against [Cuthbert Blakey] likewise.
f.124 July - August 1668
Alice Morpeth spinster against Thomas Rountree over the demise of her Killinghall close at Stillington in Redmarshall parish;
Robert Dove against Francis Smyth of Wingate, John Smyth, Thomas Smyth, Ambrose Smyth jr and Francis Smyth of Hartlepool over an assault at Durham;
William Taylor against John Tennant over an assault at South Shields.
f.125-126 September 1668
William Fulthrop against Cuthbert Blakeburne claiming 39s 11d for cogs for mill wheels sold, with Blakeburne's denial describing the transaction at his horse mill.
Barbara Williamson widow, administrator of the goods of the late George Durham, against Henry Milburne over Durham's [barber's] goods (listed) at Newcastle upon Tyne;
Mary Currey widow against William Marley and his wife Alice claiming 39s 11d for defaming her character by declaring “Thou art a bloody murdering whore & a bloody murthering theife thou may well murther me for thou
murdered a man”.
f.128 5 October 1668
Mary Blakiston spinster against Robert Rutter over a debt of £40 from a bond.
f.129 December 1668
John Carnaby against John Hodge claiming £40 for defamation: “John Carnaby is a cheating Rogue & a knave & cheated John Brough of a horse And I will prove it”;
William Robson against Christopher Browne claiming £40 for defamation: “Thou is a theefe”.
f.130 3 October 1668
Robert Thompson against William Thompson over a debt to William Snirfield of Bishopwearmouth.
John Barwicke's seizure of animals as a bailiff.
f.132 2 November 1668
John Briggs, sheriff of Durham's bailiff, to summon a jury for 16 November to hear Thomas Lawes and his wife Alice against William Linsley and his wife and John Taylor.
f.133 8 November 1668
William Richardson against James Haistings claiming 39s 11d for broad cloth and various quantities of ale.
f.134 12 November 1668
Order of the sheriff to his bailiff George Burne to return a gelding to John Gee taken from John Wayses stable at Hilton, Wearmouth, by James Welbanke;
Richard Padman against Margaret Jefferson widow [over a debt] for merchandises.
f.135 September 1668
William Gent against Nicholas Willy of Sherburn House loaning for assaulting his servant Patrick Donkyn and trampling his grass growing in Durham St Oswald.
f.136 January 1669
Thomas Raper, administrator of the goods of William Bell during the minority of Tobias Bell and Elizabeth Bell his executors, against Thomas Selby esq over a debt of 18s for a pair of silk hose;
William Young against Simon Porter over an assault at Gateshead;
Robert Corneforth against Robert Clarke gent over a debt of £5 for a bond.
f.137 December 1668 - January 1669
Alice Wycliffe widow against Robert Heighington claiming £40 for various debts;
Sheriff's order to George Burne, his bailiff, to recover for Timothy Bonner against Eleanor Thompson widow £6 12s.
f.138 January 1669
Francis Forster gent against Richard Midleton, Robert Stainsby and Matthew Midleton for taking corn (specified) from his Summerfield close and the Strype at West Hartburn, Middleton St George, and breaking his
Oswald Watson against George Growne and his wife Isabella, executors of the will of John Brewis, over a debt of 11s for bread;
George Forster against Eleanor Welsh widow, executrix of the late William Welsh, her husband, over a debt of £16 from a bond.
f.139 9 February 1668
David Purvis against John Nicholson claiming £10 for a debt;
Note about a wife borrowing money for a former husband.
f.140 [1669]
Defence of Richard Midleton against Francis Forster concerning a lease of the closes.
Mark Milbanck merchant against William Thompson over a debt of £24 for various arrears.
f.142 March 1669
Robert Sutton against Jane Fewler widow claiming 39s 11d for a debt for various merchandises sold.
f.143 April 1669
Note from Robert Rutter to John Spearman [his attorney] advising him, as he has had an “ill fitt” that morning, to settle and pay out.
f.144 8 June 1668
Memorandum of Thomas Mascall jr about Robert Rutter of Haughton le Skerne's agreement to pay;
Bill for Richardson against Coates.
f.145 6 March 1669
Thomas Mascall gent against Robert Rutter over a debt of 40s from a bond.
John Woodhouse against Robert Hutchinson over taking his horse [a black mare with white feet].
f.147 20 April 1669
Peter Walton and Jane his wife against Thomas French over a debt of £10 from a bond for a lease.
f.148 3 May 1669
Charles Fossike and Alice his wife against Thomas Stevenson and Jude his wife claiming £40 for Jude's assault on Alice in Durham.
f.149-150 [1669]
Questions about a lease of a third of a house [in ?Hewgate] and a sixth of a house [in Gateshead] [by Thomas French] to Peter Walton and his wife [Jane].
f.151 June 1669
William Miller and Arthur Reed against Thomas Hardcastle gent, Thomas Groves, Peter Easterby and William Stobbs over taking cattle (specified) from Humbledon Hill at Barnes in Bishopwearmouth;
John Everitt and his wife Elizabeth, administratrix of the goods of the late Adeline Bainbridge widow, against Robert Paugh over a debt of 11s for ale, beer and tobacco;
Sheriff's order to George Burne, his bailiff, to recover for Margery Bonner, administratrix of the goods of the late Timothy Bonner, against John Swalwell and John Hunte, pledges of Eleanor Thompson widow, £7 5s.
f.152 May 1669
Note of cattle taken from William Miller and Arthur Reed.
f.153 7 June 1669
Anna Britles widow against William Younge over a debt of 44s 9d for bread and butter sold.
f.154 7 June 1669
Thomas Forster against George Forster over a debt of £100 from a bond.
f.155-156 June - July 1669
George Forster against Thomas Forster over a bond for the performance of covenants in a lease of a wayleave for coal waggons over Kirkeland Hill close at Chester[-le-Street];
Katherine Smith, widow, administratrix of the goods of Robert Smith who died intestate, against Robert Thompson claiming 39s 11d for various quantities of oats sold by Robert Smith;
Elizabeth Peele spinster against John Thompson over a debt of 7s for ale and beer sold.
f.157 July 1669
Ralph Billington against John Jackson jr esq claiming £10 over the sale of a cloak and Billington's marriage to Mary Atkinson;
Francis [Forster], Charles [Forster], John Forster and Eleanor [Forster] against John Midleton of West Newbiggin over the taking of cattle from West Hartburn in Middleton St George;
W. Harison and Anna his wife against Richard Blenkinsop over the taking of a pair of drawers.
f.158 August [1669]
George Browne against Christopher Fawcet claiming 39s 11d over his salary in working the coal pits called le burne pit and the 6 brether bankes pit in Lumley park, Chester-le-Street.
f.159 16 August 1669
William Thompson of Houghton le Spring yeoman against Richard Coatsworth of Silksworth yeoman claiming £40 over a lease of his land and property in Ryhope, Bishopwearmouth.
f.160 August [1669]
Deborah Pearson against John Taylor of Tynemouth over a debt of 13s 7d for rye bread sold.
f.161 August - September 1669
Francis Forster gent and Richard Forster gent against Richard Midleton over a debt of £120 from a bond;
George Forster against John Forster over a debt of £20 from bonds.
Robert Atkinson against Ralph Billington and his wife Mary executrix of of the late Robert Atkinson over a bond for £20.
f.163 22 September 1669
(Borough court) Christopher Whitfeild tailor against William Hull currier claiming 39s 11d over various sales of tanned leather.
f.164 October 1669
Francis Collinson against John Young over a debt of £20 from a bond.
f.165 [1669]
John Dennis against Nicholas Richardson claiming 39s 11d over his salary for working the coal pit at Gateshead called le Stone coal pit;
Richard Apedale against John Clarke claiming 68s 9d for 5 tanned leather hides.
Thomas Holmes and Mark Todd against John Charleton caiming £6 for a debt.
f.167 22 October 1669
(Staindrop court) Bernard Douthwaite was summoned to answer George Bunney who seized his cattle in Low Close at Westholme.
f.168 November 1669
John Briggs against William Smith gent over a debt of £10 from a bond;
George Forster against William Forster claiming 39s 11d for destroying his crops in his stackyard at Hetton-le-Hole;
John Everitt and Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of the goods of Adeline Bainbridge widow who died intestate, against Robert Ushaw over a debt of 18s 2d for bread, ale, beer and tobacco.
f.169 4 December [1669]
Thomas Richardson against John Foster claiming 39s 11d over boots and shoes sold.
f.170 6 December 1669
John Huetson against George Gladstones claiming 39s 11d over an assault at Durham;
Henry Arrowsmith against John Widdowfeild over a debt of £80 from a bond.
f.171 December 1669
Thomas Wolfe against John Marshall executor of the will of John Lookham over a debt of £10 for pasturing animals and supplying wheat at South Shields.
John Coulson against John Charleton claiming 40s for the defamation of his good character by accusing him of being a thief, stealing and selling his wood.
f.173 31 January 1670
Hugh Wallas against Anthony Winshop claiming 39s 11d for various debts.
f.174 11 October 1669
Statement of an account.
f.175 25 October 1669
Bill for ironwork noted as being for [the case between] Hugh Wallas of Clox Close, Lamesley, against Anthony Winshop of Street Gate, Whickham.
f.176 17 January 1670
Gilbert Gerard kt and baron against William Clavering for a debt of £40 over a bond;
Gilbert Gerard kt and baron against Cuthbert Char[l]eton for a debt of £40 over a bond.
f.177 17 January 1670
Thomas Sparrow against William Thompson claiming £40 over a bond.
f.178 17 January 1670
Thomas Oliver against Robert Rutter claiming £10 for various debts.
f.179 29 January [1670]
John Hewetson against John Thompson claiming £10 for a waggon sold.
f.180 5 February 1670
John Haswell against Thomas Watson claiming 13s 2d over buying a coal wain from Cuthbert Bainbrig.
f.181 21 February 1670
George Liddell against William Thompson claiming 39s 11d for rye sold.
Samuel Davison esq against Lancelot Dobson claiming £10 for cork sold at Newcastle.
f.183 14 March 1669
John Evereitt and Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of the goods of Adeline Bainbridge widow who died intestate, against William Clerke sr claiming £20 for coal transported from Clerkes coal pits at Great Lumley to
Rutter's staith on the River Wear at Lambton;
William Scorer against William Clerke sr claiming £6 for coal transported from Clerkes coal pits at Great Lumley to Thomas Rutter's staith on the River Wear at Lambton.
f.184 April 1670
Thomas Hope against William Welsh, Francis Watson and John Steward claiming £10 for mason's work at Hetton-le-Hole;
Ralph Billington against Robert Clarke of Chester-le-Street claiming £20 for transporting coal from Warridge pits in Chester-le-Street to Clarke's staith on the River Wear at Harraton;
George Douthwaite against George Bowbanke claiming 39s 11d for a coopwayne and a pair of wayne stings sold.
Bowbanke's waggon bill, with a list of names on the back.
Defence of John Coltman against Robert Hutchinson over the sale of wheat.
f.187 April 1669
Promissory note of Richard Arundell to pay Thomas Richarby £5 for a trunk, a linen gown, a gold ring and a seal; also Anne Rayne to pay 12d for a load of malt.
f.188 28 May 1670
Henry Bird against John Freer over a debt of 80s from a bond at Gateshead.
f.189 26 May 1670
Henry Bird against John Freer claiming 39s 11d for various apothecary drugs sold at Gateshead.
f.190 [1669]
William Aislaby against Cuthbert Gantly over a debt of £7 4s for 5 web linen cloths sold.
f.191 June 1670
Edward Markham against Michael Adamson claiming 39s 11d over 2 cows sold;
William Aislaby against Cuthbert Gantley claiming £10 for various linen cloths sold;
Arthur Vathanle against Jane Fetherston widow, administratrix of the late Richard Fetherston, over his apprenticeship as a weaver.
f.192 25 June 1670
George Chipchase and Anna Chipchase against Robert Ridley over a debt of £10 from a bond.
f.193 15 August 1670
George Barkas gent against John Young claiming 21s for legal fees over cases in the Durham chancery court.
f.194 3 September 1670
Robert Hedley against John Charleton claiming 39s 11d over feeding his servant John Blackett;
Robert Hedley against John Charleton claiming 39s 11d over work done for him.
f.195 3 September 1670
Thomas Wren against Richard Apedale claiming £20 over tanned leather sold.
f.196 19 September 1670
Bulmer Ile against John Charlton claiming £4 for various merchandises sold.
f.197 19 September 1670
John Smith against John Charleton claiming 72s over slates sold.
f.198 19 September 1670
Christopher Skirrey against John Charleton claiming £10 over timber and nails sold.
f.199 22 September 1669
Agreement with John Charlton by John Colson over their suit.
f.200 8 September 1670
Richard White against John Freer claiming 39s 11d over various debts.
f.201 June 1670
Richard Apedale against Thomas Wren over the disputed quality of tanned hides which would not be sealed by Richard Dowson and John Callentire at Wolsingham;
George ? and William ? over £30 for letters patent (part);
Robert Tomson against W Crooke claiming £14;
Matthew Cooper against Thomas Farnaby claiming 60s.
f.202 14 May 1670
Sheriff's order to his bailiff John Tonstall to restore to Richard Johnson his cow which George Lax and Isabella Walker took at Bishop Auckland.
f.203 23 September 1670
Robert Bulman against Isabella Swanne widow over a debt of £160 from a bond.
f.204 October 1670
Richard Holmes against Francis Figge claiming 39s 11d for joinery work at Great Lumley;
Richard Johnson against John Painter claiming £5 for oats sold;
Richard Johnson against George Lax and Isabella Walker over the seizure of his cow at Bishop Auckland.
Henry Greene jr and John Watson against Richard Rutledge claiming 40s over the sale of oats growing on 14 acres at Saltholme, [Billingham].
f.206 1670
Note of payments.
f.207 November 1670
William Thompson against Thomas Talor claiming 13s 2d over a horse and a cartload (foother) of hay sold;
William Thompson against Cuthbert Taylor claiming 13s 2d over the sale of half of Le Lyng close at Great Lumley;
John Redshaw against Stephen Teasdale claiming 39s 11d over malt sold.
Thomas Hauxley against John Freer claiming £10 over discharging the debts of Thomas Armstrong.
William Readshaw against Nathaniel Pynne claiming 15s over the rent of a room and a brewhouse at Gateshead;
Richard White against John Freer claiming 39s 11d over a debt involving John Partridge.
Henry Stinger against George Harrison claiming £20 over various merchandises sold.
Oswald Gaistell, a blacksmith in Durham, against John Young claiming 39s 11d for treating his horses for the scab.
f.212 9 November 1670
George Robinson against Robert Rutter, executor of Thomas Rutter, claiming 13s 2d over 2 bushels of wheat sold.
f.213 September 1669
Notes on the cases of William Chipchase against Nicholas Palmer claiming 39s 11d over words spoken ( “thou is a rouge & a theife ...”) and William Johnson likewise ( “thou art a
theife” ).
Ralph Jevyson esq and his wife Jane, executrix of the will of Samuel Rawling, against John Baines gent, former sheriff of Durham, of Whitton over a debt of £25.
John Richardson against William Stainsby claiming £40 over the building of a gable wall in Darlington.
Transcript of Charles II's charter for Plymouth, with annotations, incomplete.
List of places, badly damaged.
Alphabetical indexes to Durham Palatinate records, most signed by John Spearman and in his hand.
Index of places to ? [?2]5 to 33 Elizabeth.
Index to the inquisitions post mortem register tempore Bishops Louis Beaumont to Robert Nevill (now TNA DURH 3/2).
Index of fines for pardons on the close rolls tempore Bishop Richard Barnes.
Index of fines for homages on the close rolls tempore Bishop Richard [Barnes].
Indexes to inquisitions post mortem files:
269v-271r Tempore Elizabeth.
271r Bishop Christopher [Bainbridge] (now TNA DURH 3/172).
271v-272r Bishop William Severs (Senhouse) (now TNA DURH 3/170).
272r-v [Bishop William] Dudley (now TNA DURH 3/167).
272v-273r Bishop John Shirwood (now TNA DURH 3/168).
273v-274v Bishop ?.
274v-275r Bishop Thomas Wolsey (now TNA DURH 3/174).
275r-v Bishop Lawrence [Booth] (now TNA DURH 3/166).
Indexes to fines and pleas
276r no31
276r-v no170
277r no121 Bishop Thomas Hatfield.
277r-v no140 Bishop Richard of Bury.
Indexes to fines and concords
277v-278r no102 Bishop Thomas Hatfield.
278r-v no278 Bishop Antony Bek.
278v-279r no78 Bishop Walter Skirlaw.
279r no66 Bishop ?.
279v no15 Bishop ?.
279v no15 Bishop Thomas second.
279v no52 Bishop Robert Stichill.
280r no26 Bishop Robert of Holy Island.
280r no62 Bishop Thomas Langley.
280r-v no196 Bishop Louis [Beaumont].
280v-281r no90 Bishop Richard Kellaw.
281r no71 Bishop Thomas Hatfield.
281r no4 Bishops Nicholas Farnham and Walter Kirkham.
f.281v 5 March 1666
Memorandum that John Spearman examined these [indexes].
Start of an index of inquisitions.
Index to inquisitions tempore Elizabeth.
Index for halmote court book 1560-1587 (now TNA DURH 3/24)
Index for halmote court book 1530-1559 (now TNA DURH 3/23)
Index for halmote court book 1523-1529 (now TNA DURH 3/22)
Note of the coverage of inquisitions no8.
Notes of business to be carried out.
f.337r 1592
Cases of tradesmen carrying on trades illicitly.
Pen trials, especially “John Spearman 1659”.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 97.MSP 97 mid 17th to early 18th centuries
230 leaves, foliated 1-171, 173-231 (20th century), f.2-228 also paginated 1-444 (?19th century), with occasional other contemporary foliations/paginations of smaller gatherings
A portfolio of loose papers, notes, transcripts and some original documents, relating chiefly to Durham. There are two particular now disordered sequences of material: one on the rights and privileges, officers and churches of the palatinate of
Durham, intended as a publication on the palatinate, with much of the material cancelled as duplicated elsewhere in the collection; the other is drafts of much of the text published as J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729).
Language: Latin with some English
Digitised material for Notes, transcripts and original documents, relating chiefly to Durham - MSP 97
Title: “Loose Paper ex Libro not. BB” [MSP 25, whereby much of the material].
Lists of the organists, lay clerks, sacrists and precentors of Durham cathedral.
List of some ordinations.
Lists of earls and dukes of Northumberland, and the kings of Northumbria.
f.6r 1612 - 1698
Memoranda re the limits and liberties of the city of Durham from chancery court registers.
List of the bishops of Durham to 1333.
Lists of kings of England, dates of birth and death, length of reign, bishops of Durham, date of restoration of temporalities, length of episcopacy, number of close rolls created.
Timeline of historical events 590-1090 and notes on the kings of Northumbria on the dorse of part of a record of a case over the will of Thomas Cradock (? cf also f.18v, 20r & 223v below).
f.14v-14av [?1616]
Procurations for the deaneries of Buckrose, Dickering, Holderness and Harthill and Hull, York diocese.
Notes on the vicarage and church of Bishop Middleham.
List of clergy, extracted from the [close] roll of Bishop Thomas Hatfield.
f.18r, 20v
[Cradock] will case.
f.18v, 20r
Notes on the administration of the palatinate of Durham.
f.19r-v 27 May 1638
Part of a letter from Eleazar Duncon at Durham to [John Cosin] discussing leases, [Cosin's] dispensation, Philip's sale of his “keepership” of Bearpark to Thomas Wright for £50, despoliation of woods, looking for a
colleague in London or Norfolk, advice on [Cosin's] house, full length services held during his residency and the choir is “cosey, diligent and punctuall”.
Notes and draft pedigree of the Clairvaux and Chaytor family.
Notes on the Oughtred coat of arms and the Nevill earls of Westmorland.
Notes on Durham's history extracted from the “Old Book”.
A letter from Abraham Wilton to James Mickleton discussing various cases, including possible proceedings in a case of trespass involving Todd, Lady Atkins's declaration, Mr Wharton's case, and “Cozen Mowbray” 's
movements, with notes of other letters.
f.27r-v 27 August 1726
Extract from
Mist's Weekly Journal concerning treatments for dog bites.
List of the churches, rectories, vicarages and chapels in Co Durham, with some dedications.
f.29r-30r, 32r-34v
Notes on some churches and hospitals of Co Durham.
Notes on some families of Co Durham.
The sacrists of Durham cathedral.
f.37r-38v 29 May 1683 - 18 October 1684
Alphabetical name index A-Z
on the back of documents in a case over the inheritance of Roger Robinson and the forging of deeds between Watson and Edward Robinson, defendants, and Roger's daughters Margaret and Anne Robinson et al, complainants,
being the answer and disclaimer of Watson and Edward Robinson 29 May 1683, the answer of William Taylor defendant 21 July 1683 and the answer of Roger Robinson and William Robinson, infants, by Robert Salkeld their guardian 18 October 1684.
f.39r-v 17 January 1573
Inquisition at Durham on the death of John Killinghall of Middleton St George, son and heir of Henry Killinghall.
f.40r-v 7 May 1574
Inquisition at Durham on the death of John Haley of Newton, heir Edmund Haley brother of John's father Lawrence Haley.
f.41r, 42r, 43r, 44r [28 November 1431]
Copy of Henry VI's inspeximus of various ordinances for the collegiate church of St Andrew Auckland.
Also in
DCD Reg.IV, f.3v-7r.
f.45r, 47r
List of documents on the royal patent rolls for the bishops of Durham and Carlisle and the archbishop of York for Vols. XIV (21 - 31 Henry VIII) and XII (16 Edward IV - 10 Henry VII).
Notes of documents about Newcastle-upon-Tyne, its mayors and chief bailiffs, with references to DCD Cart.IV.
Notes on the priors and deans of Durham cathedral, the bishop's spiritual chancellors, the minor canons of the cathedral, organists, lay clerks, school, burials, chaplains, and schoolmasters.
Notes on churches and chapels: Ebchester, Eden, Eggleston, Elton, Elwick, Embleton, Escomb, Esh, (a folio excised), Farne Islands, Farnacres.
Notes on churches and chapels: Stanhope, Stockton, Stranton, Tanfield, Trimdon, Tynemouth, Washington, Bishopwearmouth, Monkwearmouth, West Herrington, Whickham, Whitburn, Whitworth, Whorlton, Wingate, Winston, Witton Gilbert.
Notes on the surveyors of the bishop of Durham's lands etc and mines etc.
Notes on Norhamshire and Islandshire, including coroners, escheators and sheriffs.
Notes on the bishop's clerks of works and keepers of waters.
Notes on the priors of Coldingham and Holy Island.
f.78r-80v (f.79 excised)
Notes on churches and chapels: Aycliffe, Billingham, Bishopton, Blakeston, Bradbury, Brancepeth.
Notes of 2 documents concerning Mount Grace priory.
2 verses: “Ile be no more a Nun, Nun, Nun ...” and “Memorandum that, the Dun Cowes Milke ...”.
Lists of the masters of the Farne Islands and the priors of Finchale.
f.84r-v ?June 1664
Extracts of fines and amercements for the manor of Stranton with Seaton Carew.
f.86r-102v, 103v-106v
Notes on churches and chapels: Henknowle, Heworth, Hilton, Houghton-le-Spring, Hunstanworth, Hurworth, St John in Bearpark, Jarrow, Holy Island/Lindisfarne, St John's Chapel, Kelloe, Kepier, Lamesley, Lanchester, St Leonard near Durham, Long
Newton, Lumley, Durham St Margaret, Durham St Mary le Bow, Newcastle the hospital of St Mary and St Thomas, Medomsley, Kirk Merrington, Durham St Mary the less, Newcastle hospital of St Mary Westgate, Middleton St George, Bishop Middleham,
Muggleswick, Neasham nunnery, Durham St Nicholas, Norton, Durham St Oswald, Pittington, Redmarshall, Ryton, Sadberge, Satley, Sedgefield, Seaton, Seaham, Sherburn.
List of vills in Co Durham with references, dates, bishops and kings at the time, of suits citing them, followed by 3 folios excised.
Notes on churches and chapels: Witton le Wear, Wolsingham.
Heading only for notes on the church of Durham St Mary le Bow, reversed.
Notes on suffragan bishops of Durham.
Notes on churches and chapels: Romaldkirk.
Notes on churches and chapels: Beautrove, Castle Eden, Cockfield, Collierley, Chester-le-Street, Coatham Mundeville, Conniscliffe, Croxdale, Croft, Dalton, Darlington, Denton, Dinsdale, Durham cathedral.
Table of fees due to the clerk of the peace.
Notes on the bishop's justiciar.
Alphabetical index of public bridges A-W.
Alphabetical index of legal terms G-R.
Alphabetical list of legal fines.
Order to a steward of a manor to ensure customary tenants make their suit of court, reversed.
Notes on the bishop's bailiffs or receivers of Allertonshire, the churches or chapels of: Leake, Bishop Auckland, and other officers of the bishop at Auckland, Bearpark, Bedburn, Benfieldside, Barnard Castle.
f.137r-138v 1605 - 1623
Copies of 3 documents of the bishops of Durham:
16 January 1608 Grant to Margaret Jackson widow and William Rickarby of Stainton, yeoman, of the wardship of the lands of the late Richard Jackson during the minority of his son and heir George.
1 August 1605 Grant of a licence to Simon Girlington to give a messuage and land in Elstob to Robert Morpeth.
9 September 1623 Inquisition post mortem that Robert Morpeth held Ellerbrigg Close and Whinney Close in Elstob at his death, leaving his heir Christopher aged 40.
Discussion of the merits of the clergy, citing Mr Gamage the new rector of Sedgefield, in dispute with his parishioners over a composition of tithes, and Mr Hinton rector of Whitburn, playing cards, with a verse at the end, in another hand,
“Cornelius knows it to be thus/ but he's Cornelius Tacitus/ Haste then Suetonius, aid my penn/ Expose & Scourge these Wicked Menn”.
Draft for: J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729), p.120-121.
Complaints against the officers of the bishop's copyhold courts by copyholders of inheritance, with suggested remedies, with notes for the text's presentation [in print].
Draft for: J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729), p.105-118.
Title “Epitaphiorum & Monumentorum”, reversed.
“Articles to be inquired of in the Survey for the Lord Bishop of Durham” of the bishop's estate around Darlington.
f.149r November 1635 - Michaelmas 1637
John Cosin's Peterhouse accounts.
Copies of royal charters and inspeximuses for the bishops of Durham up to 5 May 1385, examined by John Wakeryng and John Thoralby clerks.
Originally a separate gathering, paginated 1-38, with the upper right sides of p.1-8 (modern foliation 151-154) now torn
away and lost
f.170r-v, 173r-174v, 176r-180v
Notes on archdeacons of Durham and Northumberland.
Notes on the churches or chapels of: Egglescliffe, Easington, Durham castle chapel.
f.181r-182v [21 July 1703]
Copy of part of the will of John Spearman, with bequests for a school in Tynemouth, for the support of the prisoners in Durham gaol, and of his interest in the Archdeacon's Inn, North Bailey, Thornlaw, Kelloe church, and Sherburn hospital to his
wife Elizabeth, and his interest in Hetton to his elder son John, with reversions designated, and further monetary bequests to his children, grandchildren, and other relatives.
The latter part is in MSP 98 f.153r-154v.
f.183r 4 June 1678
Certificate of the admission of Christopher Mickleton (1661-1679), son of James Mickleton, into the Middle Temple, by James Buck.
Notes on the masters of the grammar school at Durham cathedral.
f.185r-186, 187r
Notes on the churches or chapels of: Hartlepool, Haughton le Skerne, Durham St Helen's chapel at the priory gate, Houghton le Spring.
Draft of covenants between Sir John with his wife Dorothy ? and Robert Conyers over Harraton manor house the Stoned Horse Close.
f.190r 2 June 1679
“Evidences for Sheraton & Sheraton [?Grange] Lands” being a note of a grant by Bishop Hugh du Puiset.
f.192r, 193v 13 November 1634
“Allowances to Mr [Canon Anthony] Maxton for Mr Deanes & the prebends rents”, also decayed rents and rent increases for Durham dean and chapter.
Notes on the churches or chapels of: Grindon, Hamsterley, Harbour House, Harraton, Hartlepool, [Little] Haughton, Hart, Hesleden, Heighington.
Text on “The Liberties, privileges and Regalia enjoyed by the bishops of Durham as Count Palatines”.
Draft for: J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729), p.52-58.
“Remarks upon the county palatine of Durham & the Bishop's temporal jurisdiction therein.”
Draft for: J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729), p.36-52.
Treatise on Antony Bek bishop of Durham, with references.
Printed blank shield and motto with a crest.
Treatise on a bill enabling bishops to make lease of mines, and its consequences.
Draft for: J. Spearman,
An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the county palatine of Durham... ([Edinburgh] 1729), p.57-58, 75-82.
Titles of sections on Durham cathedral's 16th century foundation and statutes, with queries to be resolved in London; history of manuscripts removed from “Gurray House” and sold on by a clerk Antrobus at The Lamb
and Bottle and attempts to have Antrobus arrested; and references to chapters on the authority of the dean.
List of contents for book I on the officers of the palatinate and for book II on places in the palatinate.
List of documents concerning churches and bishops.
Notes on the churches or chapels of: Auckland St Andrew.
f.217r-218v 1 December 1683
Letter from Robert Dodsworth of the Inner Temple to James Mickleton comprising his account of the trial of Colonel [Algernon] Sidney [for his involvment in the Rye House plot] 22 [-26] November [1683].
f.219r-220v 11 October 1720
Letter from Bradshaw P? to Gilbert Spearman: not a good time to try and sell some estate because of the “great decay of public creditt”, so best to wait a while; discussion of payments, trustworthiness of the post,
Mr Peirson possibly forgetting to deliver letters and Spearman agreeing to act as paymanster for his expenditure on Mr Shaftoe's account; congratulations on his son.
Draft advertisement of Gilbert Spearman for others to send him manuscripts and pedigrees to support his antiquarian collection, assembled by himself, his late father and James Mickleton, with a view to publication.
Note demanding 2 rentals lent to Dr Pickering, one of Bishop John Cosin, 1641, and the other of [1539], with a list of organisations and individuals [?to whom the previous advertisement is to be sent] and notes of other documents lent.
Draft memorial inscription for Thomas Cradock, d.1689; on the dorse of part of the record of a case over the will [?of Thomas Cradock] (? cf. also f.9r-13v, 18r & 20v above).
Letter to the bishop of Durham with a draft mandate to assist the vice-admiral Charles [Howard] earl of Carlisle in carrying out the order of the admiral James duke of York for the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland and Durham,
to press 400 sailors for the king's ships at Newcastle upon Tyne.
f.225r, 226v 26 November 1642
Appontment by John de Lavall of Humphrey Austin of Peterborough, clerk, to be his attorney for a bond of £100 with Stephen Chace of St Martin in the Field, Middlesex, apothecary, for the payment of a debt of £50.
Draft pedigree of the Gill family of Barton, [West Riding of] Yorkshire.
A list of families and their coats of arms.
f.228r-229v 1720
Abstract of Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham's will.
f.230r-v, 231v 1689 - 1692
Notes of poll tax assessments and other liabilities for [John Spearman's interests at] Thornley, Sheraton, Hetton le Hole, Durham close, the under sheriff's office, the bishop's palace chapel, and Northumberland estates at Preston, Chirton and
Tynemouth, with a note: “Some Originall papers relating to my right to a Brotherhood in” Sherburn Hospital.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 98.MSP 98 1581 - 1712, most later 17th century
340 leaves, foliated 1-340 (20th century)
A bundle of detached papers, fragments, etc, principally relating to the law court of Durham with a few exemplifications, appointments of officials such as water bailiffs, etc., possibly compiled by Gilbert Spearman and used as exemplars or
drafts for his work in the Durham law courts. The documents are in a variety of hands and many have been heavily annotated.
Language: Latin with some items in English and one containing legal French
Digitised material for Papers from Durham law courts - MSP 98
f.1r-v [1674]
Abstract of the revenues of the see of Durham, with a note on the dorse “as given in by Mr Miles Stappleton Auditor & Mr Ardon Steward to Bishop Cosin to Dr Nathaniel Crew when he was made Bishop of Durham in the
year 1674 but great Improvements have been made therein since that time.”.
f.2r-v 19 March 1630
Copy of a warrant to Christopher Piburne of Darnton, draper, to take fowl and fish from the river Skerne and to preserve it from other poachers, in place of William Robeson father and William Robeson son, appointed January 1629, who carried out
their duties dishonestly. On the dorse are notes on William Gibson's and Thomas Moore's pedigrees.
Opinion on a case between Hutchinson and Raine over a lease to John Parnanley and his wife of property in Stanhope.
f.4r-12v 1634 - 1638
Extracts and notes of Durham cases, often tracing the history of the dispute:
f.4r Exchequer, Cuthbert Billingham against William Games and John Hoo, bond to live in a house in Framwelgate.
f.4r Pleas, Thomas Pearson & Richard Wilson against Thomas Stowe, intrusion on a lease.
f.4v Pleas, Margaret widow of John Eden against Robert Eden and Christopher Bierlawe, dowry from a mill and other property in West Auckland and Auckland St Helen.
f.4v Pleas, Brian Downes against George Bucke, lease of property.
f.5r-6r Robert Mason against Michael Porter, Nicholas Porter and Cuthbert Kirkley, theft of cattle at Iveston in Lanchester.
f.6r Gilesgate borough court, descent of property at Itheston.
f.6v Francis Foster against Thomas Towers, trespassing on crops at Darlington.
f.6v Christopher Harrison against Arthur Emerson, trespassing on crops at Grenedale, Whesnopburne, Stanhope.
f.7r Assizes, Hugh Garthorn and Thomas Craggs against Richard Coltman, Margaret his wife, John Smith, and Elizabeth his wife, trespassing on the “half west part” of the Crossfield at Wolsingham.
f.7v Thomas Hucheson against William March and George Harrison, lease of land in Durham St Oswald.
f.7v-8r William Lumley against John Wrangham, Margaret his wife, Cuthbert Crawforth and Margaret his wife, lease of land in Bolam.
f.8r John Teasdale against Thomas Eales, Robert Burnop and William Burnop jr, assault at Wolsingham.
f.8r Thomas Smith against John Heighington, John Elstob, Maria his wife, Roger Lamb, Joan his wife, lease of land at Morden.
f.8v County court, William Batmanson against Mark Browne, delivering beasts from Middleham Moor, Yorkshire, to Hempton, Norfolk.
f.8v Elizabeth widow of Thomas Hopp against Richard Hopp over her dower third part of a messuage and land in Whitworth and Coundon.
f.9r Hugh Barowes against Richard Hedworth and Henry Hedworth, lease of a messuage and land in Pockerley.
f.9r-v Thomas Lambe, William Lambe against Thomas Hucheson, theft of animals at Snapegate Leazes, in Wharrington, Kelloe.
f.9v Assizes, Thomas Sparke against John Parkin and Richard Parkin, assault in Durham city.
f.10r Nicholas Tempest against Robert Harding, whether land at Clockburn, parcel of Hollingside in Whickham on which a staple pit (mine) was to be sunk, was freehold or copyhold.
f.10r Anthony Jackson against George Huntington sr, William Huntington and George Huntington jr, assignment of a lease of a messuage and land of Durham dean and chapter in Billingham by Thomas Grinwell.
f.10v James Carr against John Garthorn, tithes from waste on the bishop of Durham's land at Auckland.
f.11r Richard Hutton against John Hutton jr and Alice his wife, lease of a messuage and land at Hartlepool.
f.11v Session of the peace, William Hucheson against Richard Wood formerly of Darlington, tanner, over the sale of “rough hides” of oxen and cattle.
f.12r John Atkinson against William Middleton, lease of a messuage and land in Sheraton.
f.12v Christopher Stacoe against Christopher Bierley.
Originally paginated 91-[108].
f.13r-21v 1631 - 1634
Extracts and notes of Durham assizes cases, often tracing the history of the dispute:
f.13r Thomas Winter against Michael Norman, also Lionel Norman and Katherine ?Wace, theft of a horse at Broom, Durham St Oswald.
f.13r John Vaux, fraudulently carrying out at Auckland St Helen certain arts called “cosinage and signe casting”.
f.13v Peter Finch, a common “barreclator” or “barretor” at Wolviston, defined as a mover and stirrer of false law suits to the detriment of his neighbours.
f.13v James Rochester against Mary Foster, daughter of Alice Dortre sister of Dorothy Stocoe widow of Newcastle “very rich”, over her will.
f.14r John Trumble against Roger Peirson, debt from an apprenticeship bond.
f.14r-v Richard Neile bishop of Winchester against William Carnaby over a bond in £3000 with the bishop as bishop of Durham with John Cradock, his official, over James Rochester executing the will of the later Dorothy Stoco widow. The bishop
against John Crooke likewise.
f.14v [Richard Neile] bishop of Winchester against Elizabeth Milburne, executor of Matthew Milburne, over a bond in £3000 for executing the will.
f.14v Nicholas Hedley against Henry Robeson, lease of a garden and land in Monkwearmouth.
f.15r Nicholas Hedley against Edward Anderson, lease of a messuage and land at Sunderland.
f.15r Henry Maddison against George Lee, George Watson, John Dover, Walter Watson, Cuthbert Parte, Andrew Rodham, and Ralph Skirfeld despoiling his Blunt Acre at Whickham.
f.15v James Watson against Robert Harding, Charles Forrest and his wife Jane, William Lilburne and his wife Anne, lease of a messuage and land in Hollingside, Whickham.
f.15v John Law against James Bellacis.
f.16r George Lax against Nicholas Biaars and Margaret his wife, lease of a cottage and land on the bishop's waste at Holmeside Loaning, Warland Green at Lanchester.
f.16r James Wilson against Tobias Heighinton, assault at Ferryhill.
f.16v Henry Babington against Robert Wilson, debt from a bond.
f.16v Margaret Lambert widow against Alice Hicks widow, wardship of Thomas Lambert, son of Ralph, and his lands in Stockton, Thornaby and Preston on Tees.
f.17r Robert Armstrong against Margery Gainford, theft of 3 pounds of wool at Bishop Auckland.
f.17r William Wright against Thomas Chilton, lease of land at Newbottle.
f.17r John Browne against Edward Wright, taking fees from both sides in the case of Richard Newhouse against Durham dean and chapter.
f.17v William Halliman, William Chipches, and William Kitchin, changing the use of land at Norton “worne out by continued tillage” to pasture.
f.17v John Bigate against John Hedworth, debt from a bond in Durham.
f.17v Edward Cropley against William Tomson, debt from a bond in Durham.
f.18r Robert Lambton against Thomas Stol, John Stol, Timothy Stol, and Edward Brown, despoiling his herbage with their animals and removing hay at Pingle, Durham St Giles.
f.18r George Lee, John Dover and George Watson against Henry Maddison, stealing animals at Blunts Acre, Whickham.
f.18r William Casson against John Jackson sr, John Jackson jr and Anne Jackson widow, depasturing his herbage at Witton Gilbert.
f.18v Philip Wharton against Robert Heighinton, debt from a bond at Barnard Castle.
f.18v Anthony Surret against George Guy, discharging an order of Sir William Bellasis.
f.18v-19r Thomas Hucheson against James Wilson and David Brown, taking animals at Little Burdon, Haughton le Skerne.
f.19r Hester wife of Edmund Duncombe, William Bolton, Thomas Thirnham, Katherine wife of Thomas Dobson, Jane wife of James Harte, Elizabeth wife of Peter Motherby and Katherine Young widow assaulted John Whittall at Woodlawne, Crayke.
f.19r James Watson against Richard Remeson, slander called “mainsworne fellow”.
f.19r Humphrey Garry and John Garry against Christopher Cookson and William Liddell, despoiling herbage and digging a coal mine in South St, Durham St Oswald.
f.19v Anne Brantingham against Leonard Bower, lease of a messuage in Newcastle called ?Whithybuts.
f.19v William Todd against George Warde, taking away cartloads of corn at Escomb.
f.20r Ralph Marley against John Jackson, administrator of Thomas Jackson, debt.
f.20r John Richardson against John Heath, obscuring with a wall windows (detailed measurements) in a messuage in the North Bailey, Durham city.
f.20v Clement Richardson against Durham dean and chapter, lease of the chief messuage of Muggleswick and the office of bailiff, and providing cartloads of timber.
f.20v Luke Dobson against Thomas Smith, assault and seizure of sheepskins at Gateshead.
f.20v Clement Richardson and John Sidgwick against William Shillingson, ?felling and removing timber.
f.21r Edward Wooller against Ralph Marley, the arrest of John Sym for a debt.
f.21r Isabel Maddison against John Maddison, her dower third of her late husband Ralph's messuage and land in Stanhope.
f.21r Peter Blakiston gent, John Widowes gent, Isabel Galleley against William Hawdon, lease by Cuthbert Hawdon of land at Cornforth.
f.21r Christopher Stoken against Anna Hinergshey spinster, sale of cattle at Durham.
f.21v John Clerk against Richard Grave and Richard Cooke, Peter Finche against Philip Padmore, John Lee against John Bailes, William Benson against William Linsey, Mary Allenson against Pickering.
f.21v Hugh Mason and Bartholomew Brown against Robert Wright, theft of geese at Brancepeth.
Originally paginated [62]-78.
f.22r-v 1671
Extracts of Durham cases:
Christopher Dobson against Robert Spencerley, debt for malt biggmast.
John Peirson against William Marshall, sale of oats.
John Haswell against Anna Haswell widow executrix of the will of Richard Haswell, debt for his salary as a journeyman racksmith at Chester le Street.
f.23r January 1671
Statement of Michael [Blaicklock] through his attorney Andrew Logan in his case against John Wallas over a debt for the lease of a shop. Noted as received by Spearman 3 January 1670/1.
f.24r-v July - December 1670
Extracts of Durham cases, John Spearman attorney for them all.
John Wallas against Edward Rowe gent over a debt for 16 pounds of iron at Jarrow and other blacksmith work.
Peter Sanderson against Thomas Fetherstonhalgh esq over a debt for various merchandises at Durham city.
Eleanor Selby widow against John Young over a debt for a bond.
Richard Gillry against Alice Jolly widow over a debt for various quantities of malt in Durham city.
Originally paginated 344-345.
f.25r 15 December 1665
Note re payments in the Gilry and Jolly case.
Notes on the case of John Curry apprentice and Watson, including a witness's own statment that he heard “that Curry and Watson did promis & ingage that John Curry should serve duely his master for 2 yeares after he
had served his 7 yeares”.
f.27r 10 July 1670
Christopher Bell gent sues George Shyers alderman for his fee in representing Shyers against Henry Morresby and Mary Wheldon widow. Originally paginated 349.
f.28r-v December 1670
Thomas Richardson against John Hagg, George Rawling, George Trotter and Thomas Lunn for taking salmon from his fishery at Norham and trespassing on his herbage there.
Robert Trumble against George Selby over a debt for various merchandises in Durham city.
Petition to parliament from the leasehold and copyhold tenants in the bishoprick of Durham objecting to the bill about ecclesiastics making leases of mines.
Amended list of those carrying out gaol delivery in Durham and Sadberge.
Amended list of those holding Durham assizes.
Notes on the history, powers and officers of courts leet from 872.
f.36v-37r [?1660]
Copy of Charles II's appointment of James Mickleton gent [sr] as clerk of the assizes.
Endorsed as “Grandfather Mickleton's patent as Clerk of the Assizes”.
f.38v-39r [1660]
Copy of Charles II's appointment of William Darcy kt as temporal chancellor of the palatinate.
Notes on the legal operation and position of the palatinate of Durham, with inserted: a habeas corpus writ of
f.41ar 17 January 1667
Writ of habeas corpus for James Sheraton formerly of the city of Durham.
f.42r-v 1731 - 1732
Extracts of deeds between Thomas Henzell, Paston Herne, William Greenaway and Elizabeth Coulson concerning the manors of Heverland, alias Ubston alias Mountjoy Major alias Starlings, Hales Hall, and other lands in Norfolk.
f.43r-52v 13 July 1703 - 17 January 1704
Chronological list of returns of writs for Durham assizes and court of pleas detailing the attorney, date, type of writ, parties and debt.
Part of a lease of Dipton alias Lanchester Fell colliery by Gilbert Spearman to Sydney Wortley alias Mountague, Edward Wortley, George Liddell, George Bowes and Thomas Ord for 42 years, detailing the maintenanceof the waggonway, working of the
mine, presentation of half-yearly accounts, Spearman's right of inspection of the books, appointing his own accounts clerk and checking of the waggons.
f.55r,56v 25 March 1581
Writ of error by Isabel Morden of a fine levied to Queen Elizabeth I by William Mordon gent, his wife Margaret, his daughter and heir apparent Isabel, Thomas Trollop gent, Thomas Middleton esq and his wife Margaret, Robert Bowes esq and his wife
Eleanor over Grindon manor with properties, lands and rents in Grindon in 1574.
f.57r-60v 3 June 1712
Presentment in the Durham court of pleas that John Clavering formerly of Whitehouse bt, Thomas Bramell formerly of Newcastle gent, John Bradley formerly of Newcastle gent, Francis Wailes formerly of Axwell Hall yeoman, John Baker formerely of
Crossmoor yeoman, Thomas Robson formerly of Fellside yeoman, and Richard Robson formerly of Fellside yeoman despoiled Elizabeth Bowes widow's close and waggonway at Whickham and her closes called North Banks, Fawdons Field and Greenlaw Lane at
Whickham; copy, amended.
f.61r-v 17 April 1685
Letter from John Westgarth at Westgate to James Mickleton [sr] describing the customary tenures of the park and forest [at Westgate].
f.62r-63r 1632 - 1637
Notes on deeds between Sir John Hedworth and Robert Conyers to provide for Hedworth's debts to Conyers, involving leasing Harraton manor, with Solomon Wyvill and Ralph Rooksby.
f.64r-65v 31 August 1668
Copy charter of John Cosin bishop of Durham establishing his almshouses on Palace Green, Durham.
f.66r [October 1670]
James Watson sues John Gregson of Great Lumley over a debt in Durham city.
f.67r January 1671
Isabel Walker sues Richard Apedaile over a debt in Durham city.
f.68r-69v,70r, 71r, 72r, 73r 1697
Lists and notes of Durham cases in Durham and Westminster courts.
f.74r,75v 6 April 1646
Copy signed by Henry Dawson, George Blakiston and George Dawson to John Partenger and Robert Adamson of an order of 20 September 1645 from the committee for the admiralty forbidding the dumping of ballast in the Wear at Sunderland, and the Tyne
at Newcastle.
f.76r,77v 7 February 1686
Bond from William Heppell of Sunderland to George French of Hetton le Hole in £100 to act as his deputy as water bailiff at Sunderland.
f.78r 16 November 1685
Certification by Ralph Adamson and John Douglas in the exchequer chamber of having heard interrogatories and witnesses in the case between Thomas Williamson bt against the bishop of Durham and George French.
f.79r 19 November 1685
Letter from Butler ?Buggin at the exchequer office to George French at Mr John Spearman's house in Durham pointing out that an affidavit taken before a master in chancery cannot be read in the exchequer.
f.80r-v 11 October 1682
Appointment by George French of Hetton le Hole, water bailiff of Sunderland to the bishop of Durham, of William Heppell of Sunderland as his deputy during pleasure. Signed.
Parchment, with a sealing tongue
f.81v-82v [?1685]
Interrogatories for George French's witnesses against William Lilburne esq, James Clavering esq and Robert Adamson gent about Sunderland and its borough court. Incomplete.
f.83r-v 23 October 1668
Exemplification of a final concord between James Sadler gent and Gowen Stanley and Katherine his wife over a third part of Egremond manor and appurtenances in Egremont, Cowderton and Cowpland (?Coupland)
f.84r 23 June 1686
Summons to Thomas Williamson bt and his wife Dorothy to the Westminster exchequer in a suit with the bishop of Durham and George French.
f.85r 20 August 1686
Anthony Simpson's oath that he had delivered the summons in the last above.
f.86r-v 23 April 1629
Letter from John Richardson and George Wither at Durham to William Caldwell, customs collector at Sunderland, asking him to collect all moneys due to the bishop of Durham as had been collected beforehand.
Endorsed that this was presented in the case between Thomas Williamson against the bishop of Durham and George French 9 October 1685.
f.87r-88v 4 March 1642
Exceptions of William Lambton kt, George Lilburne esq, Ralph Allenson and Thomas Tonstall controllers [of customs] to the answers of William Caldwell concerning the bishop of Durham's dues from Sunderland.
f.89r-v,90v-91v 23 November 1685
Affidavit of George French about the case between Thomas Hesterigg bt and Thomas Williamson bt and his wife against Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham and George French over the bishop of Durham's rights at Sunderland and in the Wear, and coal
staithes at Lambton and Harraton. With a draft.
f.92r-v, 93v 11 October 1683
Copy appointment by George French of William Heppell of Sunderland as haven master and his deputy as water bailiff in Sunderland, reciting the lease by the bishop of Durham of 15 July 1682 to French of the post of water bailiff.
f.94r-v 28 January 1686
Draft [further] affidavit of George French about the case between Thomas Hesterigg bt and Thomas Williamson bt and his wife against Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham and George French over the bishop of Durham's rights at Sunderland and in the
George Edwards jr against John Allanson over a messuage in Barnard Castle and the Dog Leap adjacent easement.
Notes on a case about tithes from a river fishery.
Notes about a case of Elizabeth Brown saying that Ann Tod “was a mainsworne Hussey” at Durham.
Draft memorandum of a case between Thomas Watson of Berwick upon Tweed against Anne Foster widow and Ferdinand Foster over tithes from the Landstil alias Landstal fishery in the River Tweed at Norham.
Draft bond of Robert Whitfield of Woodsheels, Northumberand, prisoner in Durham goal to answer for various debts, to be delivered to court at Westminster and thence back to Durham without attempting to escape. Incomplete.
Memorandum to inquire into a feoffment by George Milburne to Ralph Anderson and William Milburne in favour of George Milburne, son of the said George in 1642.
f.103r 26 September 1690
Draft mandate about a case between Mary Blakiston widow, Francis Blakiston clerk and Dorothy Blakiston spinster, executors of the late Robert Blakiston gent and Dennis Granvile over rents from lands and tithes.
f.104r 9 November 1688
Draft mandate to Dennis Grenvile dean of Durham in a case with Robert Blakiston over an agreement for the payment of £100.
f.105r-v 17 May 1690
Draft mandate about a case between Mary Blakiston widow, Francis Blakiston clerk and Dorothy Blakiston spinster, executors of the late Robert Blakiston gent, and Dennis Granvile over rents from lands and tithes.
f.106r 10 November 1691
Draft injunction for quiet possession of the lands of Charles Jordan, minor, by his guardians William Suddicke and Mary his wife.
f.107r-v 16 May 1691
Draft sequestration over the lands of Charles Jordan, minor, in Whickham by his guardians William Suddicke and Mary his wife, formerly Mary Jordan widow.
f.108r-109r 30 December 1691
Draft mandate to the sheriff to assist the sequestration of the lands of Charles Jordan, minor, in Whickham by his guardians William Suddicke and Mary his wife, formerly Mary Jordan widow.
Draft memoranda about Robert Delavale against William Tempest and fines due to the bishop of Durham for riots.
f.111r,112v 17 February 1685
Copy injunction for the peaceful possession of lands of the late George Milbourne sr of Chirton, Northumberland, and his son the late George Milbourne jr, between John Butler, his wife Isabel, and Thomas Sharper against Ralph Milbourne esq.
f.113r-v 9 July 1678
Royal writ over £20 paid by Ferdinand Hudleston esq to Thomas Swainston sailor for transporting him and others from Stockton to Brill in Holland.
f.115r 4 August 1696
Draft exemplification of a recovery in Newton Hansard manor by William Gulston esq and Lawrence Carter esq against Bennett Sherard jr and Mary his wife over a guardianship.
f.116r 5 October 1681
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to release Cuthbert Henry of Shincliffe yeoman as he is being held against the statute that no one over 70 should be brought before the assizes.
f.116Ar 6 November 1694
Draft final concord between William Liddell gent and Michael Jopling gent against William Bradshaw (Bradshaigh) esq, Troath his wife and John Tempest esq over a messuage, 2 cottages, 40 acres of land, 60 acres of
meadow and 350 acres of pasture at Bishop Middleham fpr 100 marks.
f.118r-v & 119v 23 July 1688
Copy royal mandate to the sheriff of Durham to seize Ralph Westgarth formerly of the city of Durham, dyer, to answer Ralph Wilkinson over the recovery of a £200 debt from Thomas Huntley.
f.120r 8 July 1674
Royal writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Newcaste upon Tyne about uncanonical baptisms of children of James Hargreaves of Newcastle St Nicholas merchant by Richard Gilpin, clerk, in Newcastle.
Note about medieval documents giving privileges on duchy of Lancaster estates in boxes 1 and 3 in the “Dutchy Office”.
f.122r, 123v 13 April 1698
Letter from Farr Armstrong at Hexham to Gilbert Spearman at Durham discussing the progress of cases: Cartington and Bedson against Brady over a debt; Nicholas Waker against Copon the elder of Lumley Park over a debt; John Smith late of Ash
against Andrew Kerr of Chatto in Scotland over the sale of heifers. He is accused of neglecting business which was not helped by his employment of Mr Busby.
f.124r-v 1 October 1703
Draft mandate from Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, to his bailiffs Robert Bierley, Ralph Trotter and Ralph Stobbs to summon 31 (1 cancelled) (some assigned to specific bailiffs) listed freeholders to the tollbooth in Durham on 5 October
under a royal precept from commissioners appointed to execute the statue of 43 Elizabeth I re charitable uses.
f.125r 1 October 1703
Mandate from Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, to his bailiff Robert Bierley to summon 17 (2 cancelled) listed freeholders to the tollbooth in Durham on 5 October under a royal precept from commissioners appointed to execute the statue of 43
Elizabeth I re charitable uses, certified as done by Bierley.
f.126r 1 October 1703
Mandate from Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, to his bailiff Ralph Stobbs to summon 8 listed freeholders to the tollbooth in Durham on 5 October under a royal precept from commissioners appointed to execute the statue of 43 Elizabeth I re
charitable uses, certified as done by Stobbs.
f.127r 1 October 1703
Mandate from Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, to his bailiff Trotter to summon 8 (1 cancelled) listed freeholders to the tollbooth in Durham on 5 October under a royal precept from commissioners appointed to execute the statue of 43 Elizabeth
I re charitable uses, certified as done by Trotter 4 October 1703.
f.128r-v 17 September 1703
Precept to the sheriff of Durham from the commissioners appointed to execute the statute of 43 Elizabeth I re charitable uses to summon 24 jurors, certified by Charles Montague as done.
f.129v-130r 16 January 1693
Printed form for the appointment of parish highway surveyors in Easington ward at Durham Sessions.
Description of the Gilesgate (Gillegate) courts leet and baron and their competencies.
f.135r-137v 1 & 21 June 1632
Copy of the appointment of John Heighington alderman of the city of Durham as administrator of the late Nicholas Whitfield, formerly of the cities of Durham and York, during the minority of his sons and executors Thomas Whitfield and Nicholas
Whitfield and also as tutor and guardian of the children.
f.138r-v 5 May 1666
Account of Margaret Wheatley, administratrix and widow of John Wheatley, her late husband, late of East Rainton.
f.139r-140r 20 February 1699
Royal writ re Thomas Reed, pledge Jonathan Wood formerly of the city of Durham, gent, against Daniel Tittery over a debt of £32 for timber (fir dales and balkes).
f.141r 17 August 1698
Verdict at the assizes in Joseph Hall attorney against John Mowbray clerk of the Durham county court over the charging of stamp duty on writs in the Durham county court according to “An Act for granting to their Majestys
severall dutys upon vellum, parchment & paper for foure yeares towards the carrying on the warr against France.”.
f.142r 14 February 1699
Draft clause to be added to a capias writ for debts over a mark and under 40s.
f.143r Hilary term 1699
Summons to Westminster for William Harrison formerly of Hexham yeoman to answer for forcibly entering the close of Cuthbert Stobert at Hexham at a cost of £5.
f.144r 17 September 1703
Precept to the sheriff of Durham from the commissioners appointed to execute the statute of 43 Elizabeth I re charitable uses to summon 24 jurors, signed and sealed by the 6 commissioners.
Notes of vacancies in the see of Durham from 1631 back to 1575.
f.146r-147v 15 & 17 April 1672
Notes of documents from rolls of vacancies in the see of Durham from [1494] onwards made by George Kirby jr headed “Searches in the Cursitors Office at Durham”.
f.148r-152v 24 April 1672
Notes of documents re Hope House and Stotley (in Middleton in Teesdale) searched by George Kirby jr in the exchequer records for Mr [Christopher] Sanderson, with a note of Kirby's receipt of 3s 4d from Mr [Gilbert] Spearman for the work.
f.153r-154v 21 July 1703
Copy of the latter part of John Spearman's will, p.5-7 only, including bequests of his quarter shares of Washington and Hetton-le-Hole manors. Endorsed as “Copy of my Gt. Gd. Father's Will. E.W.”
(Elizabetha-Honoria Wasey).
The earlier part is MSP 97 f.181r-182v.
Index of cases involving Mr Brasse 1664-1670.
f.156r [?1686]
Note of a case concerning Mr Watson and a fishery on the Tweed at Norham.
Notes of palatinate officers: gaolers, constables, attorney generals and especially temporal chancellors c.1400-1672.
Chronological list of “Divisions of Townsepps or Coomons in the County of Durham confirmed by decree of the Chancery Court there”, with references, 1551-1697.
Notes on procedures concerning decrees in the Chancery court 1519-1664, with refrences.
f.160r 22 August 1684
Declaration by John Otway, chancellor, that all suitors and “practisers” in the chancery court should conform to the rules and orders of the court, in response to a complaint by the attorney-general and serjeants
that this was not happening.
f.161r-v 5 April 1686
Royal commission to Richard Lloyd kt, Robert Dormer, Edward Arden, John Acourt and Edward Billingsley, all esq, and George Cox gent, to receive the oath of Charles Montagu esq as sheriff of Durham.
Endorsed that this was carried out in London on 9 April 1686, signed and sealed by Richard Lloyd, Edward Arden and George Cox.
f.162r [April 1686]
Charles Montague's oath of allegiance to king [James II].
f.163r [April 1686]
Oath for [Charles Montague] to swear as sheriff of Durham.
f.164r-165r 23 April 1672
Royal letters patent appointing Thomas Cradock as attorney-general. Updated version of a 6 March 1665 edition.
f.166r 2 November 1703
Draft royal writ about a case of Thomas Humble against William Blacket bt, Ralph Carr kt, Lionel Vane esq, and Robert Bewick esq over coal mines at Ryton and Ryefield.
Notification by Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham to Charles Montague esq, former sheriff of Durham, of the appointment of Mark Shafto esq as sheriff of Durham.
Copy letters patent of Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham appointing Charles Montague esq as sheriff of Durham. Incomplete.
f.169r 6 October 1688
Draft licence by Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham at Durham castle for Charles Montague, recently appointed sheirff of Durham, to return to London. On the back of part a list of jurors (14 named).
f.170r-v May 1688
Draft licence by Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham at Durham castle for Charles Montague, sheriff of Durham, for past and future absences from the county palatine as the under-sheriff resides there.
Draft appointment by Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham at Durham castle of a gamekeeper on his Lanchester manor.
Draft bond of Benjamin Hilton of Middlesex gent to Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham in £1000 as auditor and librarian of Cosin's library, to maintain the library and its books.
f.173r 3 February 1675
Draft notification by Gilbert Gerard bt sheriff of Durham of the sale to Samuel Hodgkin of Sunderland gent for £162 of the goods and lands of John Gowland late of Rainton pit houses yeoman to satisfy his debt of £1000 with costs to William
Ingleby gent.
f.174r 11 January 1675
Inventory of the goods and chattels, valued at £172 1s 8d, of John Gowland of Rainton pit houses yeoman, being sued for a debt of £1000 plus costs by William Ingleby.
f.175r 21 May 1683
Philip Bickerstath sued Joseph Dickenson, Stephen Hudspeth, Edward Crawforth, Richard Camell, David Mackneily and John Waters in the Durham exchequer court over salt shipments to London from leased salt pans on Holy Island.
f.176v-177r [December 1676]
Part of a draft case wherein Robert Robinson as bailiff seized 16 oxen from William Ord formerly of Beale, Co Durham, who then, with Edward Clavering gent, George Ord gent, Robert Urwin yeoman, all formerly of Beale, and Thomas Bell formerly of
Fenwick yeoman, along with up to 100 others, riotously assembled at Fenwick on 14 December 1676 and assaulted Robert Robinson carrying out his office.
f.178v-179v 21 July 1677
William Hall sued Leonard Scott, John Tonstall, and William Midleton for seizing his animals at Staindrop from 30 acrs of Tobais Ewbank, they claiming to be acting as executor (Scott) of Edward Gray and Scott's bailiffs (Tonstall and Midleton),
f.180r-v [1677]
Mr Townsend's opinion on “Mr Scott's case in replevin for distraining cattell upon Hobson's Close in Staindrop.”
f.181r-183r 7 October 1696
Letter from Benjamin Haywards at Beverley to “Mr Sheriff Spearman” at Durham asking him to search out administrations of Leonard Scott, with a note of the administration granted to his son Leonard Scott and his
daughters Anne Lilly and Mary Leighton on 3 February 1681 and the administration of Edward Gray granted to Leonard Scott on 12 February 1681.
Enclosing an agreement for the administration of the goods of Edward Gray late of Staindrop gent by Leonard Scott son of Leonard Scott of Kingston upon Hull, Mary Ewbancke wife of Tobias Ewbancke of Staindrop gent and Jane Errington widow of
George Errington late of Newcastle upon Tyne merchant.
f.184r-v, 185v [October 1696]
Case between [Thomas] Dennison and Samuel Burton over the seizure of a horse at Staindrop in Raby manor, Dennison acting as bailiff of Christopher Vane esq.
f.186v-187v [1677]
Case of William Hall against Leonard Scott, John Tonstall and William Midleton, removing animals from Tobias Ewbank's Hobson's Close at Staindrop, draft.
f.188r-189r [1677]
Case of William Brockett seeking to recover a debt from John Peacock formerly of Durham city mercer from his property, with Teresa Brocket his daughter and David Burrow in Cornforth, detailed, with occupants.
f.190r 19 May 1687
Letter from Abraham Hilton to John Spearman at Durham asking for his assistance in drawing up an exigent on the enclosed (not present) execution which George Nicholson can do nothing with.
With a note of a case between Richard Belassis of Haughton cleric and John Aude of Gateshead glazier, pledges of Robert Ferry formerly of Gateshead, apothecary, against William Sanderson merchant over a debt of £244 4s 6d.
f.191r-192r [1677]
Case of William Hall against Leonard Scott et al, writ to inquire into the value of the avowry.
f.193r-v 1 July 1667
Royal writ of privilege for Thomas Hixon gent as a clerk of Thomas Hobson esq clerk in the petty bag in the royal chancery.
f.195r-196r 3 July 1680
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham in a case of John Stringer against Richard Blackett formerly of Lanchester over tithes from a messuage, 20 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture in Medomsley in Lanchester parish.
f.196r-v 3 July 1680
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham in a case of Elizabeth Gregson spinster, intended in marriage to Edward Glendening of Biddick gent, against Andrew Aire of Biddick over slander.
f.197r Hilary 1651
Case over stopping up a passageway between two messuages in the North Bailey, Durham, leading to Palace Green, with a stone wall and locked doors.
f.198r-v [c.1680]
Case over Robert Robinson's 40 acres of pasture in the parish of Gateshead of which Thomas Riddell kt was originally seized, and who then gave to Francis Radcliffe of Dilston kt and Cuthbert Radcliffe of Dilston esq an annuity of £40 from these
“Edmonds lands”; Cuthbert died on 20 October 1644 at Gateshead and on 3 October 1674 Francis made his will bequeathing the annuity to William Porter; Francis died on 1 April 1675; on 31 January 1678 Porter gave the
annuity to Matthew Jefferson of Newcastle merchant and alderman and Robinson was now claiming two years' arrears as Jefferson's bailiff. Many alterations.
f.199r 27 July 1678
Narrative in an ejectment from 2 messuages, with 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow and 10 acres of pasture in Bedlington, in the Durham court of pleas between Edward Turner and Robert Meabourne.
f.200v-201v 7 December 1681
Durham court of pleas, Thomas Watson formerly of Goswick gent was summoned to answer Nicholas Conyers esq sheriff of Durham over a contract for Thomas Armorer of Tweedmouth as one of the sheriff's bailiffs.
f.202r-v 29 December 1680
Royal writ to the sheriff of Durham about a Westminester exchequer case of Thomas Liddell gent against Elizabeth Chipchase widow and administratrix of the late James Chipchase of Heworth gent over a debt of £50.
f.203r-204v 13 July 1703
Draft royal writ to the sheriff of Durham to inquire into the goods and chattels held by John Lackenby formerly of Durham city gent when he was outlawed on 18 November 1702. With some notes on this case.
f.205r-206v [30 March 1712]
Letter from Gilbert Spearman to John Cuthbert esq, recorder of Newcastle, seeking his opinion and correction of a narrartive of Ralph Hodsham entering into a bond at the request of James Bailes formerly of Durham city yeoman at Barnard Castle on
4 December 1706 with Thomas Ribton and Christopher Wilkinson over a debt of Ribton's, anotated [by Cuthbert] with his reply of 12 April 1712.
f.207r 1703
Bond of Horatio Alston of Durham city esq with Thomas Alston to Charles Montague esq sheriff of Durham in £1000 as undershriff of Durham. Incomplete.
f.208r-v 6 May 1699
Certificate of evidences searched out by J[ohn] S[pearman] deputy registrar about the customs of the palatinate in a case of the attorney-general and John Rogers esq against Catherine Snawdon widow, with 5 cases/decrees of the 16th and 17th
centuries cited.
f.209r 20 October 1684
Mandate from Nathaniel Crew bishop of Durham to George French his water bailiff and serjeant-at-mace of his vice-admiralty court to arrest Bernard Robinson, master and mariner, and to present him in the vice-admiral's court at Sunderland on 11
November to answer William Welsh.
f.209r-v 8 July 1685
Instructions to plead that the deputy water-bailiff William Heppell and his servants Charles Easterby and Thomas Chilton could not restrain Welsh so he had to be taken to Durham county gaol and, after an agreement with Heppell, was set at
f.210r-v [1685]
The case of Heppell, Easterby, Chilton and Welsh.
f.211v-212v 8 July 1685
Proceedings in the Durham court of pleas: William Welch, Charles Easterby, Thomas Chilton and William Hepple, all yeomen formerly of Sunderland, were attached to answer Bernard Robinson for assaulting and imprisoning him at Sunderland, with them
claiming to be carrying out an arrest warrant of the vice-admiral of Durham, endorsed with the opinion of 30 July 1685 of Henry Pattersen about the limits of the jurisdiction of the vice-admiral's court.
Draft grant of an advowson.
f.214r, 215r, 216r 9 July 1701
Copy exemplification of a verdict in Robert Pattison against William Whittingham formerly of Holmeside gent for ejecting him from 20 messuages, 50 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow and 1000 acres of pasture at Lanchester, demised to him by
Richard Brodrepp and Elizabeth his wife on 3 May 1699 for 7 years.
f.217r-218r 7 May 1691
Letter from George Liddell at London to Mr Gowland enclosing an enquiry of Michaelmas 15 Charles I into the fees taken in the court of King's bench at Westminster in the previous 30 years.
f.219r [October 1690]
Draft writ of Charles Montague esq sheriff of Durham assigning dower to Anne Burdon from George Burdon of a third part of three properties, details specified, in Durham St Nicholas.
“The challenge to the aray of a jury by the bishop's sheriff in the bishop's cause” by Miles Stapleton and George Wray.
f.221r-v [May 1699]
Draft much amended writ of Charles Montague sheriff of Durham for the appearance of George Whitfield, in Durham gaol, in the Durham county court.
f.222r-v 7 September 1664
Durham chancery court case of Stephen Thompson, William Jordan, Thomas Mascall and Ambrose Mires, and Thomas Forcer against Roger Talbot; the four had leased the markets, fairs, scavell alias scavage corn etc of Durham from the bishop on 1
November 1662 for the lives of William Hall and Edward Kirkley at £20 pa, confirmed by Durham dean and chapter, they employed Thomas Forcer as their servant to collect the scavage corn duty, and he tried to collect this duty from Roger Talbot for
rice which he brought to the market on 14 March 1664.
f.223r-v 6 September 1637
Durham chancery court case of Thomas Mann, Thomas Cooke, Thomas Tonstall, and William Walton against Margaret Foster maltser, with Robert Porret, Richard Porret, Anthony Dodsworth and Christopher Armstrong, over the levying of scavage corn duty,
leased by Mann et al from the bishop of Durham on 13 October 1627 for 21 years at £20 pa.
f.224r-v 1693
Cover for a volume titled “Liber G Spearman 1693” and “Liber J:J:J:”, on the back of a draft incomplete lease by John Husband, perhaps originally the wrapper for the next.
f.226r-254v 1664 - 1672
Booklet containing:
(Forwards f.226-227)
Records of cases from the Westminster exchequer court sent to Durham October 1668.
(Reversed f.254-228)
Narratives of cases in the Durham court of pleas 1664-1669 & 1672.
f.226r-v October 1668
Cuthbert Whitfield against Cuthbert Apedale.
f.226v-227r October 1668
Philip Gauntlett gent against Francis Addison and Thomas Smithson.
f.227r October 1668
Thomas Spence against Lancelot Hilton gent.
f.228v 24 May 1672
John Summer against Thomas Wray.
f.229v 10 March 1665
Francis Carre formerly of Cocken esq against Joseph Wallis executor of the will of Robert Wallis his late father, debt of £40.
f.230r-v 30 June 1668
William Lee gent against John Jesson esq and Elizabeth Cooke widow, land in Stockton.
f.230v-231v 26 May 1669
William Turbat against Thomas Austin formerly of Sedgefield yeoman, ejection from land at Sedgefield leased by Robert Turbat to William Turbat.
f.232r-233v 20 May 1664
John Hall executor of the will of William Hall esq and Philip Foster and his wife Elizabeth formerly Elizabeth Hall executrix of William Hall against Thomas Hall of Hornby, Yorkshire, esq, quitclaim of all actions.
f.234v-235v & 236v 30 June 1668
Simon Carter, John Ingleby and his wife Anne, adminstrators of the goods of the late Henry Carter, against John Raine, son and heir of Cuthbert Raine sr, debt of £60.
f.235v 13 June 1668
Thomas Jopling against Christopher Brasse, trespass.
f.236r 16 May 1668
William Barker against Mary Carpenter widow, trespass.
f.237r 13 June 1668
Elizabeth Hall against James Sheraton, debt of £40.
f.237r 30 June 1668
John Moresby against George Shyres, trespass.
f.237v 23 July 1668
Robert Warde against John Smith, trespass and insult.
f.238r-240r 23 July 1668
William Brocket against John Peacock, debt of £40 for horses, wine, ale and tobacco.
f.240r-241v 4 July 1667
William Widdrington against William Anderson gent formerly of East Ord, John Close yeoman formerly of East Ord, and John Hoggart yeoman formerly of Durham city, trespass.
f.242r-v 24 April 1663
George Pesgod against Thomas Swan, debt.
f.244r-v 24 June 1666
Robert Wood against Thomas Trotter, land in Sedgefield leased to Jane Carr widow.
f.245r 15 December 1666
Elizabeth Hall against Henry Rowell, debt of £40.
f.245r 4 April 1667
William Rutter against Thomas Fetherstonhalgh, debt.
f.245v 4 July 1667
George Lilburn against Humphrey Errington trespass, assault and imprisonment.
f.245v 22 July 1667
Lancelot Sidgewick against Elizabeth widow of Robert Smith, trespass.
f.246r 4 July 1667
George Vane kt against John Garthorne , debt of £40.
f.246v 18 June 1667
Ralph Adamson against Nicholas Wood, trespass and insult.
f.246v 4 July 1667
William Richardson against Ralph Clavering, Robert Marley, William Marley and George Shipperdson, land in Chester-le-Street.
f.246v 4 July 1667
John Williamson against Robert Fenwick, land in Bedlington.
f.247r 14 July 1666
Ambrose Clement against Gervase Gibson, trespass and insult.
f.247v 15 December 1666
Thomas Pearson cleric against Thomas Ord esq, debt of £75.
f.248r-v 11 July 1665
John Burnop against John Lambert sr, a messuage, land and a ferry over the Tees at Norton.
f.248v 24 May 1665
John Daile against Robert Collingwood and William Collingwood, a messuage and land in Seaham.
f.249r 20 June 1665
John Roddam against Charles Collingwood, debt of £40.
f.249r-v 24 May 1665
John Hunter against George Dunn, George Watson, William Simpson and Thomas Simpson, trespass.
f.249v-250r 24 May 1665
George Emerson against Anne Whitfield, 4 messuages and land in Stanhope.
f.250r 10 March 1665
Robert Clarke jr gent against Robert Welsh, 3 messuages and land in Lumley.
f.250v-251r 24 May 1665
Dorothy Heath against John Ayton esq, debt of £320.
f.251r 10 March 1665
Thomas Burwell doctor of laws, against Nicholas Shaffeton, debt of £1000.
f.251v-252r 20 May 1665
Marmaduke Warr against William Hodshon, James Minty, George Richardson and Robert Cuthbert, trespass.
f.252r 7 April 1665
Thomas Clement against Francis Mason, a messuage and land in Fishburn.
f.252v 24 May 1665
Robert Wood against Anne Fewler, Nicholas Thompson and his wife Elizabeth, John Oswald and his wife Eden, Margaret Fewler and Elizabeth Fewler, a messuage and land in Carlton.
f.253r 24 May 1665
Ralph Ord against James Dixon, a messuage and land in Norham.
f.253v 1 October 1665
Robert Newhouse and Richard Newhouse against Barbara Hilton widow, debt of £30.
f.254r 23 May 1665
Ralph Emerson against Charles Wren, debt.
f.254r 17 December 1664
Ralph Tatum and his wife Isabella against William Howard esq, debt of £100.
f.254v 20 June 1665
George Heigh against Henry Liddell, a messuage and land in Whickham.
f.254v 24 May 1665
Alexander Lambe against George Vane, a messuage and land [in Durham].
Draft, with many amendations, discourse on the various meanings of “court”.
Draft of f.259r-260v below.
f.256r-257v 11 June 1709
Writ of partition, from Queen Anne to the sheriff of Yorkshire, in a case between Robert Fotherby and his wife Elizabeth against Richard Vescy over 5 messuages and land in Tickhill, Stansall and Wellingley (Yorkshire), much amended.
Notes on the meaning and derivation of court baron and manor.
Discourse on the various meanings of “court”, starting “Before we enter upon giving you your charge ...”.
Fair copy of f.255r-v above.
f.261r-262r 19 November 1662
Letter of attorney signed and sealed by John Cosin bishop of Durham appointing William Wall of Bishop Auckland gent to deliver seisin of a lease of 9 and 18 acres of land at Easington held by Martin Forster of Read Deer Lodge, Lincolnshire, gent,
to Edward Arden of Bishop Auckland gent for 21 years at 30s pa.
f.263r-v Michaelmas 1648
Case at York of Cuthbert Sisson gent and his wife Meriela administratrix of the goods of Robert Cooper who died intestate, and also Frances, Robert's widow and administratrix, against Roger Fewler over a payment of £4 for a bond made on 22 August
1642 at York castle.
f.264r 12 April 1647
John Spenceley came to a session of the peace at Durham and gave his opinion of “informacionis predictae”.
f.265r-266v 1597 & 1600
Extract from a Durham chancery close roll of Tobias Matthew, that Michael Forwood of Hart yeoman came into the chancery on 4 July 1597 and verified an indenture of 12 June 1597 of his sale of Sheraton Grange and a tenth part of Sheraton moor to
John Buttrye of Monk Hesleden yeoman and asked for it to be enrolled on the dorse of the close roll, with a copy of the licence of 27 July 1600 of Tobias Matthew bishop of Durham for John Welburie and John Butterie to alienate Sheraton Grange and a
tenth part of Sheraton moor to Thomas Pattison of Hedworth gent.
f.267r-268r 1670
Cases sent from [the Westminster] exchequer:
Henry Bird against John Hudson, assault and battery.
Elizabeth Watson widow administratrix and Francis Watson administrator of the goods of the late Ralph Marley not administered by Isabella Marley his widow and executrix against Henry Lambton esq, John Rushworth esq, and Robert Lambton gent
executors of the will of William Lambton kt formerly of Lambton, debt of £1000.
Richard Williamson against William Readshaw, a messuage and land in Gateshead.
Alexander Williamson against William Watson, burgling a house of £7.
Ralph Halsall esq executor of the will of the late Elizabeth Quested against Andrew Pearson, debt of £1200.
John Young and John Mitcheson against John Newby, assault in Houghton-le-Spring.
Draft instructions for administering a manorial court baron.
Notes in legal French on aspects of leases.
f.272r-273r 1685
Narrative of and notes on the case of Anne Pearson widow against Henry Smith over a mortgage of 12 February 1685 of land called Pealflatt in Whickham.
Titles for “Collectanea” and “Liber F F De Familiis & Funeralibus” with a 4-line Latin poem starting “Magna quidem Laus est ...”.
f.274r-v 2 August 1688
Letter from J. Hilton to James Mickleton at Durham about the plea Corner against Hunter, discussing his wording of the plea. Endorsed with cancelled legal notes and calculations.
f.275r 10 June 1679
Draft indenture between George Kirkby and William Harrison, both of Durham city gent, and John Spearman of Durham city gent, reciting indentures of Thomas Patteson of Hedworth gent and Ralph Patteson of Hedworth selling the West Grange [at
Sheraton] with detailed lands there including Sheraton moor, acknowledging that the moneys used in the sale were those of John Spearman.
f.275v 7 June 1679
Draft indenture between Ralph Patteson of Hedworth yeoman, and George Kirkby and William Harrison both of Durham city gent, granting two closes at Sheraton, being Nether Toft and Little Colly Barn, reciting that John Watson late of Sheraton gent
and James Watson his son and heir on 1 October 1624 had granted them to John Patteson of Horton Shipley otherwise Laverick Hall, Northumberland, and afterwards of Hedworth, late father of Ralph, and John Patteson appointed his sons Ralph and Stephen
executors of his will on 1 July 1653, dying shortly thereafter.
f.276r-277v 7 June 1679
Draft indenture between Thomas Pattison of Hedworth gent, and George Kirkby and William Harrison both of Durham city gent, for the sale of West Grange, Sheraton, and Sheraton Grange, with detailed lands, for £1200.
f.278r & 321v-340v (on the verso only from f.321)
Part of an alphabetical index of cases letters “B” to “E”.
f.278v & 328r-340r (on the recto only from f.328)
Part (f.4-17) of a bill in a case over a 200 year lease of lands at Stobbilee of Thomas Marley and Peter ? against William Wilkinson.
f.279r-300v [1666]
Part (f.1 missing) of a draft bill of Hall against Robert Robson over 2 bonds.
f.301v-327r (on the recto only from f.321) [c.1670]
Bill of Miles Stapleton addressed to Francis Goodrick kt, chancellor, reciting the bishop of Durham's rights to market tolls and duties including scavage or scavell corn duty, detailing the scavage dish of one pint, and reciting that the bishop
had established a weekly Wednesday market at Stockton with an 8 day fair on every 7 July, the tolls of which were leased to Stapleton on 5 May 1666 for 24 years at £3 pa, but James Rasebecke/Raisbecke of Stockton mariner, Eleanor Daile of Stockton
widow, Alice Jenkins of Stockton widow, and William Milburne of Yarm yeoman have sold corn without paying the duty to Stapleton. Incomplete (f.1-17 only)
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 99.MSP 99 [1672] & 1684
418 leaves, foliated 1-418 (20th century), contemporary separate foliation on each document
A bundle of 3 documents, comprising:
Language: English and Latin
Microfilm: reference PG Film 050.
Digitised material for Easington; Tynemouth; Durham charities - Mickleton and Spearman MS 99 f.1-263 [1672]
Draft bill of Francis Goodricke kt, chancellor, about the rights of the tenants of Easington manor and the adjoining township of Little Thorpe in the enclosure of Easington moor, reciting the enclosure awards of 9 April 1656 (f.12-56), 23 March
1660 (f.60-93), 30 April 1661 (f.99-133), 23 January 1662 (f.137-145) and 23 March 1666 (f.152-193), subsequent exchanges (f.194-225), and a further award of 30 March 1669 (f.228-237), seeking a decree confirming the awards and exchanges, the see of
Durham being vacant. Incomplete.
f.264-347 21 June 1684
Copy of royal letters patent of 21 November 1552 granting estates, formerly of the duke of Somerset and Lord Cobham, to John Dudley, duke of Northumberland, in exchange for the priory site and castle of Tynemouth, the manor and castle of Prudhoe,
the manor and forest of Rothbury and the manor and grange of Bedside sold by Northumberland to the king for £1252 6s 3d. Extracted by Michael Mickleton and Thomas Nicholls.
f.348-418 14 June 1684
Copy of the return from the commissioners of the county of Durham (Nathaniel Crewe bishop of Durham, Thomas Musgrave prebendary of Durham, John Hutchinson mayor of Durham, John Duck, Miles Stapleton, James Mickleton, Marmaduke Allinson and John
Sedgwicke) for enquiring into the employment of lands, goods, etc, given to charitable uses.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 100.MSP 100 13 September 1655
92 leaves, foliated 1-92 (1-89 contemporary, 90-92 later with a separate contemporary foliation of 103)
Commission relating to tenancies in Stanhope Park and Weardale Forest.
Depositions of witnesses on the part of George Harrison and many other complainants against Sir Arthur Hazlerigge bt defendant taken at Stanhope by virtue of a commission out of the high court of chancery, with an index of witnesses on f.1.
f.1-14 Thomas Gray of Fawshead, Stanhope, aged 72.
f.14-16 John Joplin of Wolsingham, yeoman, aged 76.
f.16-23 Robert Robinson of Wolsingham, yeoman, aged 74.
f.23 William Gilford of North Auckland, gent, aged 30.
f.23 John Featherstonehalgh of Stanhope Hall, esq, aged 56.
f.24 Lancelot Greenesword of Stanhope, butcher, aged 103.
f.24-34 George Walton of Westgate, Stanhope, labourer, aged 86.
f.34-37 William Emerson of Eastenblackdeane, Stanhope, yeoman, aged 38.
f.37-47 George Bambridge of Newlandside, Stanhope, yeoman, aged 69.
f.47-51 Ralph Bambridge of Daddry Shield, Stanhope, yeoman, aged 70.
f.52-55 John Custon of Woobyes Hill, labourer, aged 70.
f.56-65 Thomas Longdale of Hallywell House, yeoman, aged 79.
f.66 Robert Hall of Stanhope, yeoman, aged 68.
f.67 Cuthbert Tod of Frosterley, yeoman, aged 63.
f.68-72 Cuthbert Emerson of Burnhope, yeoman, aged 73.
f.72 John Patteson of Redburn, yeoman, aged 60.
f.73-76 Cuthbert Atkinson of Sunderland in Weardale, yeoman, aged 77.
f.76-77 Lionel Emerson of Shield Hurst, Stanhope, yeoman aged 78.
f.77 Thomas Hixon of Kirk Merrington, gent, aged 34.
f.78 John Phillipson of Durham city, gent, aged 30.
f.78 Robert Baker of North Auckland, fellmaker, aged 46.
f.78-79 James Mickleton of Durham city, gent, aged 17.
f.79-83 Robert Wolthirst of Durham city, gent, aged 21.
f.83-84 Richard Baddeley of Durham city, gent, aged 68.
f.84-89 Christopher Mickleton of Durham city, gent, aged 43.
Counter interrogatory and depositions of witnesses on behalf of Sir Arthur Hazlerigge.
f.90-91 Nicholas Richardson of Stanhope, yeoman, aged 65.
f.91 Thomas Emerson of Sunderland in Weardale, yeoman, aged 50.
f.92 George Kirby of Durham city, gent, aged 53.
f.92 Marmaduke Trotter of Stanhope Park, yeoman, aged 50.
This group of depositions was compiled during court proceedings also documented by the contents of the
Weardale Chest.
Digitised material for Depositions of witnesses against Sir Arthur Hesilrige, 13 September 1655 - Mickleton and Spearman ms 100
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 101.MSP 101 1681 - 1686
7r, numbered 1-7 (20th century)
Sunderland borough court roll.
Views of frankpledge and head courts detailing jurors and presentments:
r.1. 5 October 1685 adjourned to 5 April 1686.
r.2. 21 April 1685 adjourned to 5 October 1685.
r.3. 7 October 1681.
r.4. 9 March 1682 adjourned to 3 October 1682; 20 April 1683 adjourned to 6 October 1683.
r.5. 7 October 1684 adjourned to 21 April 1685;
r.6. 6 October 1683 adjourned to 7 April 1684;
r.7. 7 April 1684 adjourned to 7 October 1684.
Language: English with some Latin
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 102.[MSP 102] 1424
Sadberge assize roll.
CCB B/22/50; listed as MSP 102 by Ellis in 1817, then restored to the bishopric's financial records before 1950 and quite possibly even
before the records were taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1876 or even before they were removed from Durham to the Public Record Office in 1868.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 103.[MSP 103] 1453 - 1454
Bishop of Durham's chancellor and receiver-general's account.
CCB B/1/7; listed as MSP 103 by Ellis in 1817, then restored to the bishopric's financial records before 1950 and quite possibly even
before the records were taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1876 or even before they were removed from Durham to the Public Record Office in 1868, and even possibly at the same time that MSP 14 was restored to Peterborough shortly
after 1817.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 104.[MSP 104] 1458 - 1459
Bishop of Durham's chancellor and receiver-general's account.
CCB B/1/8; listed as MSP 104 by Ellis in 1817, then restored to the bishopric's financial records before 1950 and quite possibly even before
the records were taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1876 or even before they were removed from Durham to the Public Record Office in 1868, and even possibly at the same time that MSP 14 was restored to Peterborough shortly after
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 105.[MSP 105] 1501 - 1502
Allerton and Allertonshire receiver's account.
CCB B/85/20; listed as MSP 105 by Ellis in 1817, then restored to the bishopric's financial records before 1950 and quite possibly even
before the records were taken over by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1876 or even before they were removed from Durham to the Public Record Office in 1868, and even possibly at the same time that MSP 14 was restored to Peterborough shortly
after 1817.
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 106.MSP 106 December 1714
4m, numbered 1-4 (?19th century)
Haswell manor court baron.
Precept of James Mickleton, steward, summoning all tenants and all persons owing suit, also his proclamation to the jury outlining their duties.
Language: English with a little Latin
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 107.MSP 107 1640 - 1641
[?Draft] account of Richard Dyott kt, the bishop of Durham's chancellor and receiver-general.
Combined draft of
CCB B/12/136 &
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 108.MSP 108 [1522 - 1523]
2 leaves
Valor of the possessions of the bishop of Durham, 14 Ruthall.
Presented, with 108A, to the Mickleton & Spearman MSS in Bishop Cosin's Library by Rev H. Gee, master of University College, 25 March 1918, having been purchased [by him] from the Phillipps MSS where it was 29312. It also bears the numbers
686 and 19053/2.
Other similar valors are in CCB B/19-22.
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman MS 108
Mickleton and Spearman Manuscript 108A.MSP 108A [c.1910]
5 leaves
Transcript of MSP 108 (the valor of the possessions of the bishop of Durham, 14 Ruthall) [by Henry Gee].
Presented, with 108, to the Mickleton & Spearman MSS in Bishop Cosin's Library by Rev H. Gee, master of University College, June 1918.
Digitised material for Mickleton and Spearman MS 108A