Durham Cathedral Archive: Register II


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Regr-2
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Register II
Dates of creation: 1312-1418 with occasional earlier and later items
Extent: Parchment book, bound in boards covered with modern leather, overlaid with older, ?possibly original, leather covers and spine, with a title panel on the spine of red morocco with “REGM IIM” in gold lettering and with 2 brass clasps on the board edges; modern foliation i-xii, 1-359 + ii with 3 earlier foliations; parchment tags on f.156, 185, 348.
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Durham Cathedral Priory
Language: Latin, with some French and occasional English


Current register of priory business in 2 main sections, 1312-1365 (f.1r-183r) and c.1362-1401 (f.192r-348r) , in roughly chronological order, with some later and earlier documents included at the time and a few added later. It comprises copies of documents issued under the priory seal, along with copies of episcopal and other documents of interest to the priory, and also some copies of accounts of the prior for the collection of subsidies.

Accession details

Part of the medieval archive of Durham Cathedral Priory placed in the care of Durham University by Durham Dean and Chapter in 1948.

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


Selected entries listed by Martin Snape in a typescript list in 1961. Calendared by Charles Kelham as part of a Follett-funded project 1995-1999. His Wordperfect file was edited by Alan Piper, and then input to XMetal by Michael Stansfield in 2004.
On display in the Cathedral's Saintly Sisters Exhibition in the Collections Gallery of Open Treasure from 28 November 2017 to 3 February 2018.


Digitised and available online.


front flyleaves
Identifying endorsement of the instrument following, on f.Iv-IIr: Instrumenta ferme ecclesie
[Brantingham, the name of the church concerned, no doubt followed these three words, but has been cropped for the purposes of binding.]
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f.Iv-IIr    6 September 1320
[Original instrument, folded and used as a double fly-leaf. Text has been lost at either side through cropping, but the notary's sign manual survives. Use was made of the upper half of the dorse of the instrument, described below as f.IIv.]
Notarial instrument recording that [illegible - probably Mr Hugh de Merles, as on f.80r], jurist, proctor of Bertrand, cardinal deacon of S Maria in Aquiro, by a proxy drawn up by Mr John Servatus, clerk of Périgueux dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, and by authority of the said cardinal, gave and demised in fee farm the said [?] church of Brantingham, with its annexed chapels of Ellerker and Blacktoft and its revenues and rights, to Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham, present in their chapter, from 1 July last past for five years for 180 marks sterling each year to be paid to the cardinal or his proctor by the prior and convent, in London, [through the hands of] Rigaud, elect of Winchester, papal nuncio in England, or to any papal nuncio dwelling in London, namely 90 marks at the Annunciation [Lady Day] next to come and 90 marks at John the Baptist [Midsummer] thereafter, and so on in each of the five years.
(With terms and conditions specified.)
Made as an indenture and sealed interchangeably by the proctor and the prior and convent.
Witnesses: Mr Henry de Lussiby, rector of Blyborough, of Lincoln dioc., Mr John de Bequi... [cropped], of ...entr' dioc., Mr Peter de Savinha, of Mimaten' dioc., Mr Hugh de Chorbrig', of Durham dioc., N.P.s by apostolic and imperial authority.
Notary: Deodatus de Pinu [?], clerk of Caturcen' dioc., N.P. by authority of the holy Roman church.
Date: the chapter house of Durham cathedral, 6 September 1320.
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[All these entries added, s.xiv/xv]
Recipe for making ink without fire.
Recipe for another method of making ink without fire.
Recipe for a method of making ink with fire.
f.IIv    1 December 1425
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr T. Leys, prebendary of Skipwith in the church of Howden, for receipt of 13s 4d owed for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas preceding the date of the presents, by reason of a yearly pension from his prebend to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1425.
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[Entry added, s.xiv/xv]
Recipe for making black ink
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f.IIIr    [1392]
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Crull', prebendary of Skipwith in the church of Howden for receipt of 6s 8d owed for the term of Whitsun 1392, in part payment of a yearly pension due of old from his prebend to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham.
f.IIIr    [c. 1425]
Note referring to the list of books pertaining to the register-house (ad domum Registri') on f.156.
f.IIIr    16 July [1397 ?]
Quittance by John prior and the chapter of Durham to John de Refham, archdeacon of Northumberland, for receipt of 20s owed for Whitsun term 1397, in part payment of a yearly pension of 40s due for their archidiaconal jurisdiction in Northumberland.
Date: [ Durham ] , 16 July.
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f.IIIr     [n.d.]
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, of John Grene, vicar of Skelton, as master of the choir of the church of Howden.
Date: Durham.
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f.IIIr    5 December 1423
Quittance by J[ohn], prior of Durham, to John Selby, clerk, prebendary of Skipwith in the church of Howden, for receipt of 13s 4d owed for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas preceding the date of the presents, for a yearly pension due from his prebend to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 December 1423.
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f.IIIr    12 November [?c.1425]
Quittance by J[ohn], prior of D[urham], to the executors of the testament of J[ohn] Selby, clerk, lately prebendary of Skipwith in the church of Howden, for receipt of 13s 4d owed for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas for the year 1419 for &c as above .
Date: Durham, 12 November “as above”.
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f.IIIv-IXr    [c.1370]
Table of contents for folios 1r-184v, classified into:
f.IIIv-IVr Presentations, exchanges or collations of [benefices], chantries, schools, appointments to office
f.IVr-Vv Confirmations, ratifications and grants
f.Vv Quitclaims, releases, quittances, remissions, pardons, defeasances, letters of indemnity, leases, and notifications of pardons
f.Vv-VIr Proxies and submissions
f.VIr Renunciations of appeals and pensions, and revocations of proxies and other powers
f.VIr Letters of breviatory
f.VIr-VIv Testimonials and certifications or licences
f.VIv Resignations [of benefices]
f.VIv-VIIr Clerks' pensions
f.VIIr Liveries or corrodies and maintenance
f.VIIr Protestations
f.VIIr Visitations of the bishops of Durham: declarations or decrees, recordaciones
f.VIIr Commissions and powers
f.VIIr-v Oaths of fealty
f.VIIv Letters of confraternity or sorority
f.VIIv Ordinances of hospitals, churches and vicarages
f.VIIv Account of payment of the tenth
f.VIIv Fines and remissions
f.VIIv Visitations and corrections &c, monitions and citations
f.VIIv Visitations of the bishops of Durham: prorogation of summons and visitation
f.VIIIr Attorneys
f.VIIIr Petition to the pope
f.VIIIr Mandates
f.VIIIr Pleas and assertiones
f.VIIIr Elections and visitations
f.VIIIr Conventions, compositions, and instruments
f.VIIIr Appeals
f.VIIIr-v Bonds, assignment and sale of tithes
f.VIIIv Letter of visitation
f.VIIIv Papal constitution concerning the form of visitation
f.VIIIv Homage of the heads of religious houses in Scotland to Edward I, king of England, 24 Edward I
f.VIIIv Resignations of priors
f.IXr Leases, grants, and agreements

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f.IXv-Xv     [n.d.]
Memorandum that aside from the buildings which, through the concern of John Wessyngton', prior [1416-1446] were erected or repaired within the monastery's precincts for 3,241 marks, aside from the external repairs extending to 4,980 marks 9s 6d, and aside from the purchases of adornments and precious stones for the church, extending to 770 marks 11s 6d, the prior collected and caused the following [list of thirty-seven articles] to be written down by Robert Westmerland, his chancellor, for the perpetual keeping and defence of the rights, liberties and possessions of the church of Durham
[of which articles the following (as numbered) refer to:]
(1) the collection by John Wessyngton', before he was prior, of articles on the rights of the archdeaconry of the prior of Durham against Mr John Rokenall', archdeacon of Northumberland, and against the archdeacon of Durham;
(8) the woods and demesne lands of Elvet pertaining to the hostiller, and Scaltock mill and the prior's oven in Elvet;
(9) the moor of Bearpark and the tenants of Elvet;
(10) the moors of Quarrington, Shincliffe and Tursdale, the manor of Tursdale; William Elmeden';
(11) Hett mill; William Elmeden', knight;
(12) the prior's court at Hemingbrough and the court leet at Howden;
(13) the unjust ferry started by Robert Jakeson' at Sunderland;
(16) lands and meadow in Spennymoor;
(18) the rights of the king of England in Scotland, particularly between the Firth of Forth and the Tweed;
(20) the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle and the monks of Farne Island;
(22) Thomas Langley, bishop of Durham; the abbot of Lindisfarne; Bede's De gestis Anglorum, book 4, chapter 25, and De vita Sancti Cuthberti, chapter 16;
(24) the tithe of coal scoops of Broom; Richard Cowhird';
(25) Durham college, Oxford;
(26) Ludworth;
(27) pensions from churches in Howdenshire and Allertonshire;
(28) the men of the town of Newcastle; the township of South Shields and the south side of the Tyne;
(29) the searchers on the south side of the Tyne;
(30) Staindrop and Staindropshire;
(31) John Wessyngton', prior of Durham; Barnard Castle and its manor;
(33) Elvet;
(34) manor of Tursdale; William Elmeden', knight;
(35) the priory of Lytham.
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f.XIr    6 March 1418
Language:   Scots
Summons (in Scots) by Robert, duke of Albany, earl of Fife and Menteith, governor of Scotland, to William Drakis, instructing him to come to his presence and explain why he is administering the priory of Coldingham, since he has not yet come and made fealty as prior of Coldingham; informing him that he might not continue with his administering (entermettyng) if he should fail to comply with this.
Date: Stirling. 6 March 1417/18.
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f.XIr    9 May 1418
Mandate by Robert, duke of Albany, earl of Fife and Menteith, governor of Scotland, informing his sheriffs and other officers that he has admitted William Drax, prior of Coldingham, to the temporalities of his priory; and instructing them to comply with the prior, his stewards, procurators, and other officers, concerning the said temporalities, and to cause compliance by others in their bailiaries.
Date: St Andrews. 9 May 1418.
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f.XIr    8 June 1418
Precept by Robert, duke of Albany, earl of Fife and Menteith, governor of Scotland, to the prior of Coldingham, instructing him to attend before him in a council to be held at Perth on Monday 3 October next.
Date: Perth. 8 June 1418.
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f.XIr-v     9 June 1419
Mandate to institute and induct by Henry, bishop of St Andrews, to Richard de Spott, dean of the Merse, notifying him that he has collated the priory of Coldingham to William Drax on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, and invested William therewith by handing his ring over to him, present in person; instructing him to institute William Drax in the priory of Coldingham and to induct him into bodily possession thereof; and in sign of the execution of the mandate he, duly subscribing the date, place, witnesses and form of execution, is to add the seal of his office to the present letters, after the bishop's seal, and these present letters are to remain with the said William.
Date: St Andrews. 9 June 1419.
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f.XIv    [27 July 1419]
Subscription by Richard de Spote, dean of the Merse, recording that, by mandate of the bishop of St Andrews, he inducted William de Drax as prior of Coldingham, investing him with the keys of the church, chalice, stole and corporal cloth, as the custom is, on 27 July “after the date of the presents” [i.e. the above mandate].
Witnesses: John de Huton', monk, William Bene, chaplain, William de Graynston' of Graden, N.P., Nicholas de Paxiston', John de Wardlawe, John de Granyston', Robert Baytson'.
Date: “day, year and place aforesaid” [Coldingham].
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Extract (which the writer saw) written in “extremely ancient” writing, in the middle of a folio, with other lines from old chronicles preceding and following in the same writing, in an old book in the Cistercian monastery of Rufford, York dioc.: recording the first of the three occasions on which Christianity was brought to England, namely when Joseph of Arimathea came to England and founded St Paul's, London, formerly called the Panteon, and stating that Christianity endured for a long time and Joseph was buried at Glastonbury.
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f.XIIv     [n.d]
Evidences relating to the two foundations of the chantry in Lazenby, reciting the following grant, and noting: that the said indented charter, with seal and sub manu valde antiqua is held in the monastery of Durham; that Ralph was prior 1214-1233 [actually 1218-1234], in Henry III's reign, 39 years before Edward I's coronation and 50 years before the consecration of Antony, bishop of Durham, [given incorrectly as] 7 Kal. January 1283; that the second foundation was by John Lythgraynes, 1290 [see f.322r-v]; that Antony, bishop of Durham, confirmed the gift by John Lythgraynes, 19 Edward I, and the prior and chapter confirmed the same in 1291; and concluding that the foundation by Ralph Faderles preceded the foundation by John Lythgraynes by 57 years at least.
Grant by Ralph prior and the convent of Durham with the consent of Robert, vicar of [North]allerton, to Ralph Faderles and his men and heirs of a chantry in his chapel of Lazenby, in perpetuity, at his expense, providing that the chaplain found by Ralph Faderles shall have an oxgang of land in Lazenby pertaining to the church of [North]allerton; rendering therefor yearly 6s to the mother church; and if Ralph or his heirs do not find a chaplain to minister there, the chantry is to lapse and the land is to return to the mother church until they do find a chaplain; Ralph swearing, and his heirs being due to swear, to preserve the rights of the mother church undamaged; the chaplain to swear that he will claim no right in the chapel nor retain any income or offerings due to the mother church; with Ralph and his men of Lazenby to come to the mother church of [North]allerton at Christmas, Candlemas, Easter and All Saints; and Ralph, his heirs and his men to come to the same church for solemn preaching, when announced, unless reasonably impeded therefrom.
Sealed with the chapter seal and the seal of Robert, vicar [of Northallerton], and the counterpart ( “transcript ”) with the seal of Ralph Faderles. [1218 x 1234]
Original (grant): 2.1.Ebor.1
Copy (grant): DCD Loc.VIII.34: m.2.
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Register of the time of brother John de Laton, A.D. 1312. Register 2
f.1r    [8 April] 1312
[Memorandum] of the following entry, but dated 6 Id. April 1312.
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f.1r    [11 April] 1312
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham asking W[illiam], archbishop of York, or his vicar-general, to institute William de Meleton', clerk, in the church of Welton, vacant by the death of Mr William de Pykering', late rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. April 1312.
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f.1r-v     [n.d.]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by Richard, bishop of Durham, for Hugh de Monte Alto, master of Kepier Hospital, and the brothers there, to grant a messuage and two carucates of land in Eppleton to Robert de Epplingden', to be held of the bishop, and allowing Robert to pay 113s 4d yearly from this land and from the manor of Eppleton, held in chief of the bishop, to the master and brothers of Kepier Hospital, notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain.
Date: [ Bishop] Middleham. 24 December 1311.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1145-1146.
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[Memorandum] of the following entry.
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f.1v-2r    3 June [1312]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England summoning R[ichard], bishop of Durham, to a parliament to be held at Lincoln on Sunday after St Mary Magdalen [23 July], and instructing the bishop to give forewarning to the prior and archdeacons of Durham to attend in person, to the chapter of Durham to attend by a single proctor, and to the clergy of the diocese to attend by two proctors.
Witness: the king.
Date: York. 3 June 5 Edward [II].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cix-cx.
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f.2r    [14 June] 1312
Quitclaim by William de Tanfeld prior and the convent of Durham to John de Edmansley of all legal actions which might be said by him to have been brought for the prior and convent from the time of Antony, bishop of Durham, to the present, and of all unpaid damages adjudged to the prior and convent in the Curia regis or before any justices of the late King Edward [I]; such that neither they nor their successors will be able to claim anything against John, his heirs or executors, in name of damages or expenses (&c).
Date: Durham Wednesday after St Barnabas 1312.
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f.2r-v    [17 June] 1312
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing Henry of Newcastle upon Tyne and Gilbert de Elwik, monks of Durham, as their proctors to demand, before Mr William de Testa, archdeacon of Aran in the church of Comminges, collector in England of the debts of the apostolice see and the Holy Land, or his lieutenant, and his colleague Mr John de St Quintino, commissary of W[alter], bishop of Worcester, from the executors of the will of Antony, late bishop of Durham, the debts in which he was bound to the prior and convent, for reasons to be explained to the proctors (responsibilities summarised).
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. July 1312.
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[ Memorandum ] of the following entry.
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f.2v    [25 August] 1312
Presentation by W[illiam] prior and the convent of Durham asking W[illiam], archbishop of York, or his vicar-general acting in distant parts, to institute Mr John de Suainton' to the prebend in the church of Howden, York dioc., vacant by the death of Henry de Gulford [ “Gilford” in the memorandum].
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. Sept 1312.
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[ Memorandum ] of the following entry.
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f.2v-3r    [June or July 1312]
Proxy and supplication by W[illiam], prior of Durham, notifying Edward [II], king of England, that, since he is unable to attend the coming parliament to be held at Lincoln, being hindered by bodily weakness and the business of his monastery, he has created as his proctors H[ugh] de Monte Alto, monk of Durham, and Mr John de Suainton', “our clerk”, to attend parliament in his stead and treat with the king and the other magnates of the realm (&c); and begging the king to excuse his absence and admit his said proctors.
Date: Durham“year as above”.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cx-cxi.
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f.3r    [27 June] 1312
Proxy by the chapter of Durham appointing Hugh de Monte Alto and William de Giseburn', monks of Durham to attend and act in the name of the chapter before the king in the parliament to be held at Lincoln on Sunday after St Mary Magdalen [23 July].
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. July 1312.
Printed: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxi
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f.3r    [3 July] 1312
Letters by William prior and the convent of Durham for Peter of Howden (de Houeden') as their mortuary-roll bearer; invalid after one year.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. July 1312.
Printed: The Obituary Roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, ed. J. Raine, (Surtees Society 31, 1856), p.xxiv-xxv and Receuil des Rouleaux des Morts vol.ii, ed J. Dufour (Paris 2006), p.438.
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f.3v    [7 August 1312]
[ Memorandum ] that Mr Henry de Luceby was presented and admitted to the church of Blyborough, Lincoln dioc., vacant by the death of William de Bybelisword, sometime rector thereof:
7 Id. August.
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f.3v    [27 May 1312]
[ Memorandum ] that Mr Richard de Hoton was presented and admitted to the vicarage of Aycliffe, vacant by the resignation of John de Horton', sometime vicar thereof, [in place of] Robert de Wolueston, who died 4 Non. Sept. [2 Sept.], having been admitted but not inducted: 6 Kal. June.
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[ Memorandum ] of the following entry, giving the date 14 September.
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f.3v    [14 September 1312]
Letters of resignation by William de Melton' to W[illiam], archbishop of York whereby he renounces the church of Welton, to which he had been presented by the prior and convent of Durham [see f.1].
Under his seal as provost of Beverley.
Date: London, “year as above”.
[Memorandum] that Mr Ralph de Anlouby was presented to the same church [of Welton] in the common form; the archbishop refused to admit him because obediencia was not in the presentation, but at length did admit him.
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f.3v    [26 September 1312]
Revocation by the prior and convent of Durham notifying all whom it concerns that they are breaking all mandates to act as their proctor in their causes and business at the Roman curia, and the proxies themselves, in whatsoever forms of words, whether general or special, previously made by them for any persons, and wish them to have no force.
Date: 6 Kal. October, “year as above”.
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f.3v-4r    [9 October 1312]
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr William de Cletern' as proctor to act on their behalf at the Roman curia (responsibilities summarised).
Date: Durham, 7 Id. October, “year as above”.
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f.4r    15 October [1312]
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Richard de Crakehall' of a pension of 40s yearly to be paid in halves at Martinmas and Whitsun by the bursar, along with a clerk's robe, until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 15 October, “year as above”.
f.4r    [4 November 1312]
Collation by William prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Pitingdon', chaplain of the chantry of St James' chapel on the new [i.e. Elvet] bridge in Durham vacant by the resignation of Robert de Houtton', chaplain, providing that he serve the chapel honestly, in person or through another, as it has been accustomed to be hitherto, and bear all other burdens incumbent thereon.
Date: Durham, 2 Non. November, “year as above”.
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f.4v    2 November 1312
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham of this chirograph agreement, always saving the right and liberty of their church of Durham in all things.
Chirograph agreement between Richard, bishop of Durham and Sir Thomas de Grai
Thomas conceding that he, his wife Agnes, and their heirs hold the manor of Heaton in Norhamshire of the bishop and his successors for the service by which the lords of Heaton used to hold the manor; and the bishop quitclaiming in favour of Thomas, Agnes and their heirs all rights which he has or had in the manor of Heaton, save the services which the lords holding the manor of Heaton have been accustomed to do before this document was drawn up.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: William Rydel, Philip de la Leyghe, Robert de Coleuile and Robert de Clifford, knights; Hugh Gray, Richard de Twysel, Robert de Skremeston', Thomas de Fisseburn', William de Denum, Thomas de Eggesclyue, Thomas de Graystanes.
Date: Stockton, 28 October 1312
Date: Durham, 2 November 1312
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1170-1171.
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f.4v-5r    24 October [1312]
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing John de Laton' and William de Couton', monks of Durham, as their proctors in all legal actions brought or to be brought for or against them before whatsoever judges delegate or ordinary or their commissaries (responsibilities described).
Date: Durham, 24 October “year as above”.
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f.5r-v    [1312]
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham appointing Roger de Tynemue, monk of Durham, prior of their cell by Stamford, and John son of Thomas of Staunford', clerk, as their proctors, in all causes and business opened or to be opened concerning them and their monastery, before whatsoever judges ordinary or delegate or their commissaries, at whatsoever dates and places; giving them general power and special mandate to act on their behalf (responsibilities described) and particularly to seek and receive a pension owed to the priory from the church of Kirkby on Bain by the rector thereof.
Date: “&c”
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f.5v-6r    16 December [1312]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the grant below, always saving the right and liberty of their church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham to Robert de Helmesley, for his homage and service, of the whole land called le Lyndesyde on Holy Island, assarted from waste in the time of Bishop Antony; to be held by Robert, his heirs and assigns, in his severalty, of the bishop and his successor, with all houses and buildings erected on the said land; on condition that he take nothing belonging to the warren; rendering yearly to the bishop and his successors at the exchequer of Norham 20s, by equal portions at the customary four terms, for all services (&c).
Witnesses: Walter de Gosewyk', Robert de Hagreston, Patrick de Gosewyk', Robert de Skremeston, Patrick de Chesewyk', Robert de Chesewyk'.
Date: [ Bishop] Middleham, 16 November 1312.
Date: Durham, 16 December.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1177.
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f.6r-v    17 December [1312]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the decree below, always saving the right and liberty of their church of Durham in all things.
Decree by Richard bishop of Durham, following a visitation lately carried out in his diocese, when he found the church of Middleton St George severally occupied, by right of institution, by portionaries: as parson William de London', chaplain, presented by Ralph Bartis and free of all burden, and as vicar John Cambe, priest, presented by his father John Cambe and with all cure and burden; and after a hearing before the bishop's commissaries attended by the portionaries and patrons, who submitted that the division of the church had applied of old, and that the bishops of Durham had admitted portionaries to the church according to the division; that the said church ought to remain so divided for all time.
Dated: [ Bishop] Middleham, 14 September 1312
Date: Durham, 17 December.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1167-1168.
f.6v-7r    12 February [1312]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the grant below, always saving the right and liberty of their church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham to Richard, son of Alan, de Kellawe of a toft and 58½ acres of land in Durham and Plawsworth: the croft and 39 acres which Hugh de Ellerker, late burgess of Durham, used to hold in Durham; 7 acres which Adam de Beaurepayr once held in the same town; 4 acres which William Wodmuse once held in the same town; 4½ acres which Philip le Pestur once held in the same town; and 4 acres in Nettlesworth near Plawsworth which the same Philip once held; to be held by Richard and his heirs of the bishop and his successors, with common pasture belonging to the said townships for their beasts in perpetuity; saving to the bishops a roadway for improving in the wastes of the said townships; rendering yearly 41s 8d at the exchequer of Durham at the four terms appointed in the bishopric; also willing that Richard's heirs, of whatever age they be, hold the said tenements of the bishop and his successors by the said service after the death of their ancestors, by paying relief of 40s to the bishop and his successors;
Witnesses: John de Insula, Thomas de Whiteworth', Walter de Wessington', knights; Thomas de Fissheburne', William de Kirkenny, John de Yeland, John son of John of Durham, Peter del Crokis;
Dated: Stockton, 19 January 1311/12.
Date: Durham, 12 February.
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f.7r    17 February [1312]
Grant by William prior and the covent of Durham to Ingelard de Warley of a yearly pension of 100s, to be paid from the camera, in equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas, by their bursar until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 17 February “year as above”.
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f.7r    1312
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to William del Escheker for his service rendered, and also at the instance of R[ichard], bishop of Durham, of his maintenance, to be taken and held of their house while he should live: for as long as he be able to serve, while flourishing with bodily health, he should have the office of porter in the priory of Durham, taking therein just as he has been accustomed to take hitherto, or others took in times past; when unable to serve further, hindered by lack of bodily strength, illness, or another legitimate cause, taking a daily allowance of food and drink, specified, and a robe [in company] with the donzels of the prior and convent and a mark of silver each year, by equal portions at Whitsun and Martinmas.
Date: Durham, 1312.
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f.7v-8r    17 February 1313
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming this chirograph grant, always saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham in all things.
Chirograph grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Odo son of Jordan del Rydding, for his homage and service, of three acres of land on the north side of the same Odo's messuage in West Auckland, which Odo held at the will of Antony, late bishop of Durham; also 24 acres of waste in the same township, in the place called Auckland leyghes ; to be held, with all easements and common pasture, by Odo, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors; saving to the bishop and his successors the making of assarts in the waste; and willing that Odo and his heirs have their pigs foraging in the wood of West Auckland quit of pannage when there is mast; rendering 4s yearly therefor to the bishop and his successors at the exchequer of Durham, namely 12d at each of the four appointed terms; and of 37 acres which Antony, bishop of Durham, gave to Ralph Russell' de Wollerington, from his waste next to his manor of Evenwood, rendering to Bishop Antony and his successors 6d for every acre and multure at West Auckland mill of every 24th measure from the grain growing in the 37 acres; which land Ralph Russell' gave to Odo, to be held by him, his heirs and assigns, of Bishop Antony and his successors for service used and wont therefor;
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Sir Ralph son of William, Sir John de Insula, Sir John de Conyers', Sir Robert son of Ralph, knights; Mr Peter de Kellow, Thomas de Fissheburn', W. de Auford.
Date: [ Bishop] Middleham, 16 February 1312/13.
Date: Durham, 17 February 1312/13
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1195-1197.
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f.8r    16 January [1313]
Grant by William prior and the covent of Durham to Margaret, widow of John de Suthewyk' of the marriage of Agnes and Alice, daughters and heiresses of the same John, and the wardship of all lands and tenements which John held of the prior and convent, which marriage and wardship belonged to the prior and convent by the death of the said John and the minority of Agnes and Alice; to be held by Margaret of the prior and convent and their successors, by service used and wont therefor, until the heiresses or some other lawful heir reach full age.
Date: Durham, 16 January [ “as above” deleted] 1312/13.
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f.8r-v    11 March [1313]
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Adam de Derlington', for his advocacy and service rendered in their business, of a ten-year livery, to be taken from their monastery in the form of an allowance in food and drink, specified, and with a clerk's robe yearly; with Mr Adam swearing to attend diligently to the business of the prior and convent during the ten years, without fraud or guile (&c).
Date: Durham, 11 March [1313].
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Memorandum of appeal recorded in the following
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f.8v    7 July 1312
Notarial instrument recording that Henry of Newcastle upon Tyne, monk of Durham, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the presence of Thomas de Goldisburgh', archdeacon of Durham and executor of the will of Antony, late patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, produced, in writing, the following
Appeal since the late bishop owed and his executors now owe the prior and convent, for various reasons, £2,388 6s 8d, and having heard that a proclamation had been issued at the instigation of the executors to those wishing to bring an action against them, that they attend in London on the next law day after the octave of John the Baptist [? 3 July 1312]; that the prior and convent and he in their name should have competent judges in actions to be raised, as they see fit, for the exaction of the the said sum, and that no judge having any other jurisdiction or cognizance is to attempt judgment in this matter in prejudice of the prior and convent; wishing this appeal to be reduced to competent form and notified to those whom it concerns.
Witnesses: Mr Walter de Wermyngton', Ralph de Holbeche and Nicholas de Nework', jurists and clerks.
Notary: Richard, son of the late Henry de Ganye, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority (eschatocol recited).
Done: in St Paul's, London, 7 July 1312.
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f.9r    12 March [1313]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham of a chirograph grant below, saving the right of their monastery of Durham.
Chirograph grant by Richard, bishop of Durham to John Daudre, knight of 22 acres and one rood in Stanhope in the hamlet of Bishopley, which John has by gift of William de Foxcotes; to be held by John and his heirs of the bishop of Durham and his successors, rendering 7s 5d yearly at the exchequer of Durham: namely a half mark for 20 acres and 9d for 2 acres and a rood; and of the whole land of Rogerley, which John of Kyrkeby holds by grant of William de Foxcotes, who had the land by grant of Antony, bishop of Durham; to be held for the term of William's life, and after his death to remain with John [Daudre] and his heirs, to be held of the bishop of Durham and his successors; rendering yearly 6s 8d at the exchequer of Durham, and, for the lifetime of William de Foxcotes, rendering 4d at the exchequer of Durham; and doing service of a twentieth of a knight's fee to the bishop of Durham and his successors as much for the land in Stanhope as for the land of Rogerley.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Thomas de Fisseburn', William de Brakenbery, William de Auford, Henry de Langton', William de Hessewell'.
Date: Stockton, 6 March, Pont. 2 [1313}
Date: Durham, 12 March.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1202-1203.
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f.9r-v    12 March [1313]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham of the following chirograph grant, saving the right of their monastery of Durham.
Chirograph grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William de Brakenbiry and Maud his wife of a certain area of waste in West Auckland, on the moor of Widehope, by these boundaries: from the south end of Widehope fishpond westward by the bounds of Sadberge wapentake as far as le Roughdyk and thereby northward up to the land of Walter de Lutringtona, whereby eastward as far as Capelthorngat', whence eastward by Capelesheueddyk toward the land of John Colman, whence to the land of Thomas del Buskes, and thereby toward Capelthorngat' , whereby northward to Bildershaw gat', whereby southward as far as Carteswell', whence westward by way of Thickley mill up to the land of William de Kokertona and thereby to the said fishpond; to be held by William and Maud and their bodily heirs, of the bishop of Durham and his successors; and of common pasture in the whole of the bishop's forest and in West Auckland on the south side of the River Gaunless, saving to the bishops of Durham the power to make assarts in the forest and in other wastes to the south of the Gaunless; and that William, Maud and their heirs be free of pannage for their pigs throughout the forest in perpetuity; to be held by service of a fiftieth part of a knight's fee, and rendering yearly at the exchequer of Durham 20s in silver for all other service.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevyle, Robert de Nevyle, Thomas de Whiteworth, Walter de Wessington', knights; William de Auford, John de Brunninghill', Nicholas Pollard, John Randolf, John Burell'.
Date: [ Bishop] Middleham, Friday, Martinmas eve [10 November] 1312.
Date: Durham, 12 March.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1200-1202
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f.9v-10r    12 May [1313]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant, always saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham to Hugh Koken' of 43½ acres of land, namely: 38 acres in the moor between Kimblesworth and Durham; 5½ acres between the field of Peter del Crok' and le Petker of Newton; to be held by Hugh, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity, for the service of a fortieth of a knight's fee, rendering 29s yearly at the exchequer of Durham by equal portions at the four appointed terms, multure at the bishop's mills at Durham of every 18th measure of their grain growing in the said tenements, and relief of 29s for all secular services.
Witnesses: Thomas de Colvyll', Thomas de Whytworth', Odenell Heyron, knights; Thomas de Fissheburn', William de Denum, Patrick de Kellowe, John of Alansheles.
Date: Auckland 9 May 1313.
Date: Durham 12 May.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62 ,1874), p.1214
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f.10r    16 February [? 1313]
Memorandum that Walter de Schirburn', chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Bywell St Peter, vacated 16 December by the resignation of Walter de Iar um.
16 February.
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f.10r    [18 November ? 1312]
Memorandum that Robert de Cotingham was presented to a prebend in the church of Howden, vacant by the resignation of John de Sandall' .
14 Kal. December.
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f.10v    14 December 1312
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing William de Meburn', clerk, as proctor in all legal actions brought concerning the prior and convent and their churches of Norham and Ellingham [line 9; given in line 3 as Eglincham, which belonged to St Albans] ex officio or at the instance of parties, before any judges; giving him general power and special mandate (&c), responsibilities described.
Date: Durham 14 December 1312.
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f.10v    [24 February] 1313
Memorandum that Antony, late bishop of Durham, presented Bartholomew de Auculio, chaplain, to the church of Bishopthorpe (vacant at the time when Richard de Hoton', late prior of Durham, was suspended by the pope from administration of the goods of Durham priory) by papal authority, as he said, because he had the administration of the priory by grant of the pope; after Antony's death the prior and convent of Durham, by the advice of legal experts, presented William son of Peter of Colby, clerk, to the church.
Date: 6 Kal. March 1312/13.
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f.11r    1 June 1313
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, always saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham to John le Stywardman' of Evenwood of 6 acres of waste in le Southmore of Evenwood lying next to the said John's cultivated land on the west side as far as le Frythdik ; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, rendering 2s yearly, in equal portions at the four appointed terms, at the exchequer of Durham, for all secular service. Warranty.
Witnesses: Robert de Nevyll', Thomas de Wyteword', Odenell de Heron', knights, William de Kylwardby, William de Brackenbri, Geoffrey de Henneknoll', John Artays, Walter de Lutryngton'.
Date: Stockton, 26 March 1312 [recte 1313] and Pont. 2.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1206.
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f.11r-v    1 June [1313]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, always saving the right (&c).
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to John le Stewardman' of Evenwood of 28 acres of waste in Lynesack, which waste abuts John's land at the eastern head of the said township and extends in [? recte between] Bennesfeld' and the moor of Morley; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity, rendering 10s 6d yearly in equal parts at the usual terms. Warranty.
Witnesses: Robert de Hilton', Robert Haunsard', Thomas de Wytteword', knights, John de Insula, Richard de Erium, then official of Durham, clerks, William de Denum, Nicholas Pollard'.
Date: Stockton, 26 March 1312 [recte 1313] and Pont 2.
Date: Durham, 1 June “year as above” [1313]
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1207.
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Memorandum of the following entry.
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f.11v-12r    2 October 1312
Notarial instrument recording that sitting in judgment in the nave of Durham cathedral, in the place prepared for a synod, the official and specially deputed commissary of Richard, bishop of Durham, showed and caused to be read out by Mr Richard de Ganye, N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, to the clerks assembled there, the following commission:
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham to his official of Durham to verify whether the prior of Durham has the right of presiding at the synod of Durham in the bishop's absence
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, Kal. October [1 October] 1312.
and that it was claimed on the prior's behalf that the priors of Durham had long held the right to preside at synods of Durham in the absence of the bishop, with certain episcopal and papal privileges being shown in support of the prior's right; and that the official, satisfied that these records were sufficient proof, pronounced, in a form of words (recited), that the priors of Durham ought to preside at synods of Durham in the absence of the bishop; and that the prior, passing to the place prepared for the synod with the procession of clergy (described), and taking the place of the bishop, held the synod.
Witnesses: Mr Richard de Ganye, Mr John de Schirburn' and Mr Thomas de Hurtheword', N.P.s, with others, clergy and laymen, in a great multitude.
Notaries: Andrew, [son] of the late William de Tang', clerk of York dioc., N.P. by apostolic authority, who drew up this instrument (eschatocol recited); Thomas de Hurtheword', clerk of Durham dioc., N.P. by imperial authority, and Richard, son of the late Henry de Ganye, clerk of Coventry & Lichfield dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority (openings of eschatocols recited).
Done: in Durham cathedral in the place prepared for the synod, 2 October 1312.
Original: DCD 1.14.Pont.14.
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Memorandum of the following entry.
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f.12r-v    22 March [1313]
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Richard de Baldok' of a yearly pension of 40s to be paid from the camera of Durham in equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas, and a clerk's robe yearly, until provided with a benefice; Mr Richard swearing to serve the priory faithfully as and when required, and neither to reveal secrets of the house, nor knowingly or deceitfully to say or do anything wherethrough the prior and convent might suffer loss.
Date: Durham, 22 March “year as above”.
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[Memorandum] “Since this letter does not appear in the register, I have taken care to write it here, whereof the tenor in all respects is thus”
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f.12v    [23 October] 1303
Grant by Richard de Hoton' prior and the convent of Durham at the instance of Edward [I], king of England to Thomas de Kendall' of his keep at the monastery of Durham for as long as he wishes to stay, with an allowance of food and drink, specified, and yearly a prior's servant's robe and 40d for his fuel and other needs; [and] on condition that he serve the priory, so long as able and in health, in some honest office in which he might be skilled and will be capable, he shall receive what is customary for that office, and in infirmity receive the victuals and other necessaries cited above.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Luke 1303.
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Memorandum of the following entry “whereof there is no copy in the register”.
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f.12v    [20 August] 1311
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Derlington' of 20s yearly from the priory camera, by equal portions at Martinmas and Whitsun, and a clerk's robe, for his faithful service until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. September 1311.
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Register of the time of Brother John de Laton' of the year 1313. Process of the election of Geoffrey Burdon' into the priory by means of arbitration 1313
f.13r    12 June 1313
Proxy of William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, appointing Geoffrey Burdon', subprior, Thomas de Aldewod', William de Giseburn and Thomas de Hessewell' as their proctors in all business concerning the priory to be transacted in the bishop's presence at [Bishop] Middleham on Wednesday after Trinity [13 June 1313] and, along with the bishop and his council, to give consent to the matters decided.
Date: [Durham] 12 June 1313.
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f.13r    13 June 1313
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham, appointing Mr William de Kellawe as keeper of the monastery of Durham for the duration of the vacancy caused by the resignation of William, late prior, to do what has customarily been done by keepers deputed by his predecessors in vacancies, as more fully contained in his letters made thereon to the prior and convent, the form of which he should in no wise exceed.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 13 June 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.357.
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The following is inserted in the bottom margin of f.13r: Processus electionis cum appellatione R[oberti] de Baldok contra eam et concordia inde secuta ac aliis contingentibus eo tempore xiii fo. et xii foliis sequentibus
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f.13r-v    13 June [1313]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the subprior and convent of Durham instructing them to admit Mr William de Kellaw as keeper of Durham priory during the vacancy caused by the resignation of William de Tanefeld, late prior.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 13 June, Pont. 3.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.356-357.
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f.13v    [14 June] 1313
Petition by G[eoffrey] subprior and the convent of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, begging for licence to elect a new prior following the resignation of William, late prior, and informing the bishop that they are sending William de Gretham, prior of Coldingham, and Robert de Bowes, whom they have appointed as their proctors, to apply for licence from him.
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. July 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.355.
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f.13v    15 June [1313]
Licence by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the subprior and chapter of Durham following upon the petition brought by William de Gretham', prior of Coldingham, and Robert de Boghes to elect a prior to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of William, late prior.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 15 June.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (1873), p.356.
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f.13v-14r    [14 June] 1313
Decree by the subprior and convent of Durham appointing the first hour in the morning on Monday after SS Peter and Paul [2 July] as the time and date for the election of a prior to be held in their chapter house, and requiring all monks of Durham who ought and are able to be present to be summoned to treat with them upon the said election at the said date, place and hour.
Date: Durham, xviiii Kal. July [? recte xviii Kal. July] 1313.
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f.14r-v    [16 June] 1313
Citation and mandate by Geoffrey subprior and the chapter of Durham to a fellow monk (unnamed) informing him that, because of the vacancy of their monastery by the resignation of W[illiam], last prior thereof, they have appointed the Monday after SS Peter and Paul [2 July], with continuation of days, for the election of their future prior, ordering him to be present in person in the chapter-house on that date and to cite the monks dwelling with him, who ought, wish and are able conveniently to attend, to be present for the election; intimating that they will proceed with the election whether or not he and his fellow monks appear; and requiring certification at the said date and place, by his letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to whom he will have cited, and of what he and the fellow monks will have decided to do in this matter.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. July 1313.
“by virtue of which all and sundry monks dwelling in the cells were cited”
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f.14v    [16 June 1313]
Commission by Geoffrey subprior and the convent of Durham of Mr Thomas de Leuesham', “their beloved clerk”, appointing him official of [Allertonshire and Howdenshire] the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., responsibilities summarised, during the vacancy of the priory of Durham.
Dated: 16 Kal. July.
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f.14v    [24 June] 1313
Certification by Roger, prior of Stamford, to Geoffrey subprior and the chapter of Durham acknowledging, having received at Stamford 14 Kal. July [18 June], and reciting
Citation and mandate [as f.14r-v: opening clauses only here] by Geoffrey subprior and the chapter of Durham to Roger, prior of Stamford, by authority of which he cited W. of Durham [?] and H. de Slikeburn' to attend the election;
but stating that none of them, being prevented by various and reasonable causes, can attend the election, and asking that the subprior and chapter take his and his fellow monks' absence as excused.
Date: Stamford, St John the Baptist 1313.
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f.14v-15r    1 July [1313]
Certification by the monks dwelling with R[ichard], bishop of Durham, acknowledging and reciting
Citation and mandate [as f.14r-v: opening clauses only here] by Geoffrey subprior and the chapter of Durham to their fellow monks dwelling with R[ichard], bishop of Durham;
and stating their intention to be present.
Given under the bishop's seal.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 1 July.
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f.15r    [16 June x 2 July 1313]
Certification by William de Gretham', prior of Coldingham, acknowledging and reciting
Summons [as f.14r-v: opening words only] by Geoffrey subprior and the chapter of Durham stating that he has cited the monks dwelling with him to attend for the election of a prior, and that he and they intend to be present for that purpose.
Given under William's seal.
Date: Muggleswick“&c” [16 June x 2 July 1313].
[with memorandum]
“In such manner the chapter, the priors and keepers of all cells certified the chapter”
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[The entries on f.15r-18r, along with the connecting passages of narrative, relate to the election of Geoffrey Burdon as prior of Durham. Those marked * open by referring to the vacancy caused by the resignation of William Tanfield on 13 June 1313, the obtaining of a licence to elect from the bishop, the summoning of the monks to the election, and the holding of the election on the appointed day by the monks assembled in the chapter-house. These entries, though individually captioned in the register, are treated here as if they represented the single summary account of the election (the decretum, which seems to mean 'declaration' rather than 'decree' or 'decision' in this instance), drawn up by a public notary and submitted to the bishop when the prior-elect was presented to him. Subsequent summaries of elections suggest that such an account might properly be taken to have begun with the licence application on f.13v. The actual decretum for this election is entered on f.18r-19v. It adds little to the account of the election and, since it omits the names both of the attending monks and of most of the compromissaries, is summarily calendared.]
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With the certifications read through, the monks, wishing to proceed to the election, gave power to John de Laton' as follows:
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f.15r-v    [2 July 1313]
Authorization * by the subprior and chapter of Durham, the priors of the cells and all monks of Durham who ought, want and are able to be present in their chapter-house to hold this election and wishing to proceed to the election rightly and lawfully, to John de Laton', monk of Durham, giving him full and special power to warn and require all those who are suspended, excommunicate or under interdict, if such be present, and others who by right or custom ought not to be present, to withdraw from the chapter and and to permit all who ought to take part in the election freely so to do; declaring that it is not their intention to proceed with such persons as having a right in the election nor to depend upon their votes, but that their votes, if such persons be discovered in future to have been present, should offer support to no-one, nor bring harm to anyone, but be taken as not received and not accepted.
Date: the Monday abovewritten.
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and the proctor, accepting the power handed to him, made and interposed the following:
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f.15v    [2 July] 1313
Monition * by John de Laton' warning all those who ought not to be present at the election of the prior to withdraw (&c, in accordance with the preceding entry).
Under the chapter seal.
Date: Monday after SS Peter and Paul 1313.
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With the monition made the said religious unanimously agreed to proceed by means of compromissaries, as in the following:
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f.16r-v    [2 July 1313]
Appointment * (following agreement by the subprior and chapter, the priors of the cells and the sundry monks of Durham assembled in chapter that the business of the election should proceed by means of compromissaries) by Geoffrey de Burdon', subprior, William de Tanfeld', Osbert of York, Roger de Stanhop, Michael de Chilton', Henry de Tessedall', Robert de Bowes, Reginald' de Barneby, Robert de Langton', W. de Egescleff', Thomas de Baunburgh', Thomas de Athelingflet', John de Jar', Thomas de Aldewod', Simon de Grimsby, Robert de Stanelaw, Stephen de Houden', Robert de Staunford, Richard de Tyndall', Adam Boyvill', Thomas de Hessewell', John de Wolveston', Adam de Pontefract', John de Alverton', Thomas de Alverton', Robert of Durham, Richard de Cottismor', Gilbert de Staunford', Thomas de Rillington', Henry Wyld', John de Haxby, Geoffrey de Lyncoln', William de Haxbi, William de Couton', Roger de Gretham, Robert de Birteley, William of York, John of Durham, Alan de Marton', William de Rypon', Peter de Helton', Alexander de Lamesley, Emeric de Lommeley, John de Derlington', John de Houeden', John de Huneby [?], Richard de Wyteword', John Lutterell', William de Leveingthorp, William de Hextildesham, Richard de Nesham, Nicholas de Thokerington', William de Killingworth, Nicholas de Borneton', Robert de Baunburgh', John de Buitterwyk', John de Bermeton, John de Barneby, William de Gyseburn', Walter de Scaresbek', Ralph de Twysill', William de Insula, Thomas de Aldanby, Thomas Lound, John Fossure, Michael de Gunwarton', Nicholas de Alverton, Thomas de Corbrig', John de Crepingis, Roger de Couton', Simon de Rothebr', Adam de Werk', Thomas de Herterpoll', Adam Cort, and John de Newbigging', monks of Durham [lxxvj monachi according to a note at the foot of f.16r, although only 75 names are listed] of Thomas de Castro, Thomas de Wyneston, Walter de Eggescleff, third prior, Geoffrey de Haxby, S.T.D., <Richard de Aslakby>, Henry de Staunford, prior of Finchale, W[illiam] de Gyseburn', W[illiam] de Gretham, prior of Coldingham, R[ichard] de Aslakby, H[ugh] de Monte Alto, John de Laton', chancellor, H[enry] de Castro, J[ohn] de Seton', chamberlain, and Gilbert de Elwyk' as compromissaries to elect the prior of Durham, responsibilities summarised.
Date: Monday after SS Peter and Paul.
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Accepting their commission, withdrawing to one side, and conferring about the election, the compromissaries, after discussion of various persons, unanimously chose Geoffrey de Burdon', subprior, as prior, and gave power to Henry de Castro to elect him, as follows:
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f.16v-17r    [2 July] 1313
Mandate by the compromissaries as above [excepting Henry de Castro] having chosen Geoffrey de Burdon, subprior of Durham, as prior of Durham, briefly describing the process and Geoffrey's suitability, to Henry de Castro instructing him to elect Geoffrey de Burdon and announce his election.
Date: Monday after SS Peter and Paul 1313.
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Accepting the authority given to him [as above], Henry de Castro, in name of the compromissaries and in presence of the chapter, elected Geoffrey de Burdon' and published his election in the following
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f.17r-v    [2 July 1313]
Instrument *, describing the process of election up to that point, whereby Henry de Castro elected Geoffrey de Burdon' as prior and announced his election in presence of the chapter.
Under the chapter seal.
Date: Durham, Monday after SS Peter and Paul.
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Thus made and published, the election was accepted and approved by all and sundry monks of the chapter there present, who at once asked the prior-elect to agree to his election. At first refusing and claiming to be unequal thereto, constrained by the entreaties of his fellow monks he acceded to his election in the following
Written statement by Geoffrey de Burdon' [of consent] [The instrument begins, but goes no further than the opening invocation.]
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With this done the chapter, singing the psalm Te Deum laudamus, led the prior-elect to the high altar and said the customary collect over him, while he was prostrate before the said altar. The election was made public in French by Reginald de Barneby, monk of Durham, to the crowd of clergy and people gathered there in a great multitude.
“The abovewritten things were done as aforesaid in the abovenoted year, indiction, month, day and places, with the monks abovewritten present.”
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f.18r-19v    [2 July 1313]
Notarized declaration and supplication by the chapter of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, recounting the process of election of their prior, incorporating and expanding the text of the Instrument [as on f.17r-v] and descriptive passages [as on f.17v and 18r]), and asking confirmation of the election of Geoffrey de Burdon'.
Written by Andrew de Tang' N.P., witness his usual sign, along with an impression of the chapter seal.
Done in the chapter at Durham, “day and year aforesaid”.
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f.19v-20r    5 July 1313
Letters of proxy by the chapter of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham notifying him that they have appointed H[enry] de Castro and G[ilbert] de Elwyk, monks of Durham, as their proctors, giving them special power and general mandate to ask for the confirmation of their prior-elect G[eoffrey] de Burdon', &c, responsibilities summarised.
Date: Durham, 5 July 1313.
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f.20r-v    6 July 1313
Instrument by Richard, bishop of Durham, recording that the proctors H[enry] de Castro and G[ilbert] de Elwyk appeared in his presence, showing him their proxy to pursue the election of G[eoffrey] de Burden as prior, under the seal of the prior and chapter of Durham, and, in name of the prior and chapter, presented to him their prior-elect, who was present there in person before him;
and that when the said H[enry] had summarily set out before the bishop the business of the election, as the custom is, and shewn the declaration of the election and some twenty other instruments relating to the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon', and produced four clerks (instructores) of the election, namely &c ut supra, monks of Durham (not named here or identified above), and when the four clerks had been admitted, sworn and examined, the bishop appointed the Saturday after the translation of St Thomas the Martyr [14 July], in Durham Cathedral, in his or his commissaries' presence, for the said proctor in the name of the chapter to show whatever he wished to show, for himself and the business of the election, and to produce more clerks if he wished;
and ordering that an interim public announcement and citation be made that all having any objection to the election should attend at the same time and place to show why he ought not to proceed to the confirmation of the election.
Done in the chapel of the manor of Auckland , Friday after the Translation of Thomas the Martyr, namely 6 July 1313 [which is the Friday before the said feast, although it is the Friday after the Translation of Thomas the Apostle].
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f.20v    [14 July 1313]
Instrument by Richard, bishop of Durham, to G[eoffrey] de Burdon, prior-elect of Durham, following presentation of the prior-elect by H[enry] de Castro and G[ilbert] de Elwyk', proctors of the chapter of Durham, who asked the bishop to confirm the election; having examined the process of the election and the prior-elect, and taken the advice of jurists, finding the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon' to have been held lawfully and, in the absence of any gainsayers, confirming the election and admitting him as prior of Durham (&c).
[n.d., but likely to be 14 July 1313 (see f.20r)]
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f.20v    [c.14 July 1313]
Oath of fealty and obedience by G[eoffrey] de Burdon', prior of Durham, to Richard, bishop of Durham, and his successors, officers and ministers, where lawful and canonical mandates are concerned.
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f.20v-21r     14 July 1313
Letters by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the chapter of the monastery of Durham and all its monks informing them that, having examined the process of the election and the person of the prior-elect (&c), he has admitted G[eoffrey] de Burdon' as prior of Durham, committing the cure and administration of the priory to him, and ordering that, receiving him with goodwill as prior, they obey him in his lawful and canonical mandates, as they are bound.
Date: Durham 14 July 1313.
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f.21r    13 June 1313
Resignation by W[illiam], prior of Durham, to Richard, bishop of Durham, since he is unable, because of a frail and infirm body, worn down with old age, to bear as appropriate the burden of the cure and rule of the monastery, incumbent upon him by reason of his office of prior, yielding up the dignity and office of his priorate into the bishop's hands, and begging that the bishop, accepting this resignation, discharge him of the said cure and rule.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 13 June 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.361-362.
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f.21r-22r    17 July [1313]
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following notification.
Notification by Richard, bishop of Durham, that with W[illiam], prior of Durham, and G[eoffrey] the subprior, T[homas] de Aldewod', W[illiam] de Guiseburn, and T[homas] de Hessewell', monks and proctors of the monastery of Durham, approaching him at [Bishop] Middleham on Wednesday after Trinity 1313 in connexion with restoring the condition of their priory in spiritualities and temporalities, as contained more fully in their submission thereon, the said prior, perceptibly oppressed by frailty (&c, as in the preceding entry) resigned the priorate into the bishop's hands, asking the bishop to accept the resignation;
that he, the bishop, noting that the monastery needs restoring, and being unable to revive it without the efforts of a capable prior, saw fit to discharge William of the burden of the cure and rule; and, having considered William's qualities and his labours as prior, summarised, he believes it fitting that a suitable portion of the priory's resources be assigned to him for the necessaries of his life;
hereby assigning to William, with consent of the subprior and chapter, for his maintenance while he live: the cell of Jarrow, as had of old by the master thereof, with its stock and goods; a pension of £10 yearly, customarily paid by the masters of Jarrow to the monastery of Durham; and the corn tithes of the townships of Over and Nether Heworth;
to be held perpetually by him, paying 6 marks yearly therefor at the exchequer of the monastery, by equal portions at Martinmas and Whitsun, without any other burden (&c); if he should not have paid the 6 marks by eight days after an appointed term-date, then the bursar of Durham might raise the arrears from the revenues of the mills of Jarrow;
also ordaining: that he have use at will of the buildings of the manor of Wardley for his residence, at his own expense, taking nothing from the manor's revenues unless he pay therefor, and fuel from Heworth wood for his hall and chamber, both at Jarrow and at Wardley, and faggots for the bakehouse from the coppice wood growing at Hayning, reasonably, overseen by the forester there; and that he is to have coals provided for him at his own expense for the kitchen and brewhouse;
also ordaining: that he have one or two monks of Durham with him, chosen by him with the consent of the prior; that he be obliged neither to receive nor entertain at his own expense the prior, terrar, monks, stewards or others from the said monastery, nor to attend chapters (&c) on the priory's business against his will, nor may he be compelled so to do by the prior, the chapter president or anyone else, nor may any other harsh or oppressive thing be imposed [on him which the RPD version supplies] by the prior and his [? i.e. officers], saving correction to the prior in the case of transgressions of regular discipline;
also ordaining: that William have divine service maintained at the said cell, namely by one or more secular chaplains or monks, as chosen by him, when he should be away from the cell but within the bishopric, but by at least one monk when away and outside the bishopric; and that he might stay in the bishopric or outside, without impediment or obstruction of the prior of Durham or anyone else; that if he should pass to the monastery to stay for five or six days at his own expense, the hostiller of the monastery is to have a decent room assigned to William; William is to leave the cell in as good a state as or better than that in which he received it, barring force majeure as a result of hostile invasions, or accidental misfortunes;
and ordaining that if the cell or other goods assigned to him above be destroyed or exhausted because of invasions by the Scots or by civil war, such that he might not maintain himself from the remainder of his goods, he is to have a room within the monastery walls and suitable maintenace from the goods thereof for himself, a companion, a valletus and four garciones according to the monastery's means;
also ordaining, for William's greater security in the foregoing, that the next prior of Durham approve and, with his chapter, ratify the foregoing, by letters patent, in the aforesaid form and under the chapter seal, within fifteen days from the time of beginning his priorate; saving to the bishop the power to alter the foregoing (&c) and to supress rebels and gainsayers by ecclesiastical censure as often as he should see fit reasonably so to do.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, “day and year aforesaid” [Wednesday after Trinity 1313] [13 June 1313]
Date: Durham, 17 July.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.362-365
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Memorandum that the following entry should be placed before the prior's oath [reproducing the symbol shown in the margin on f.20v where the following ought to have appeared.]
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f.22r-v    [8 July 1313]
Certification by the dean of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham of the following mandate, received 6 July
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the dean of Durham, following the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon' as prior and wishing to observe canon law in this business, instructing him to warn and cite, by means of public monition and proclamation of citation in the cathedral and conventual church of Durham within two days of receipt of the letters, those, if any there be, who might want to object to the said election or to the prior-elect, person of Geoffrey de Burdon', the prior-elect, that they should appear before the bishop or his commissaries in the church of Durham on Saturday after the translation of St Thomas, namely 2 Id. July [14 July], when they might show what objection they had to the form of election and the person of the prior-elect and why the bishop ought not to confirm the election; and requiring that he certify him, at the said date and place, by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to the date of receipt of the presents and how he shall have executed this mandate.
Date: Auckland, 6 July 1313.
and stating that on “this instant Sunday” after the translation of St Thomas the Martyr, in Durham cathedral, in the procession, when the greater multitude of people were present, he warned and cited all and sundry who might want to object to the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon' as prior of Durham, or to the prior-elect himself (&c, as above) and so he had executed the mandate in all respects.
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[The series of entries given on f.22v-26v and linked by passages of narrative appear to represent an account of the proceedings instituted by Robert de Baldok' against the election of Geoffrey Burdon. These entries, like those dealing with the election itself, appear as if they might once have existed not only as individual originals but also as copies assembled in a single instrument.]
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On 2 Id. July [14 July] the bishop, seated in judgment in Durham cathedral, reiterated the proclamation to anyone who would object to the form of election or the person of the prior-elect, and because he found no objectors within the appointed term, and having invoked the Holy Ghost, he approved the election of Geoffrey de Burdon', admitted him as prior, committed the cure and rule of the prior to him, and caused Geoffrey to be installed by Mr John de Insula, Prof.C.L.; and that, with this done, Mr Robert de Baldok', wishing to invalidate the election, caused the following appeal against Geoffrey and his election, first interposed at the apostolic see, it was asserted, to be read out and published by his proctor, Robert de Irby, clerk, before the prior and others, as follows:
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f.22v-23r    21 July 1313
Notarial instrument recording that Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham, canon of Chester[-le-Street], appointed Mr Robert de Irby, clerk of Carlisle dioc., as his proctor to give notice to G[eoffrey] de Burdon', of the following, interposed at the apostolic see and written by the notary:
Appeal to the apostolic see by Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham, canon of Chester[-le-Street], clerk of the cathedral church and monastery of Durham, and bound by oath of fealty to the same church and monastery, having heard of the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon' within the previous five days and not before, against the election of G[eoffrey] de Burdon', on the grounds that G[eoffrey] is notoriously perjured, and under sentence of excommunication and disqualified, because in a visitation of the monastery and chapter of Durham by Antony, lately bishop of Durham, G[eoffrey] had confessed the crimes of disobedience against his superiors, of going abroad dissolutely outside his monastery in secular garb, against the bishop's will and not without the disgrace of apostasy, of squandering the goods of the monastery and its house of Finchale, of which he is now prior, of owning property without his superiors' knowledge while a claustral monk, contrary to his regular profession, and other crimes;
he had submitted to the bishop for punishment, swearing to obey the mandates of the bishop and his commissaries to be imposed on him, and the bishop, in person and through his deputed commissaries, suspended G[eoffrey] for ten years from all dignity, office, benefice and discussions, both those to do with elections and other sorts, ordering him, on oath and on pain of excommunication, not to accept office (&c) or intrude himself into discussions, but to abstain therefrom, to keep himself at a distance and among fellow monks of higher rank in the choir, refectory, processions and other solemn places, and apply himself to serving God with vigils, fasts and prayers;
[G]eoffrey obeyed the suspension and mandates for some time, but within the ten years he accepted and, without sufficient dispensation, received the office of subprior of Durham, in which he administers to this day, and openly joined in common discussions, both of elections and in other ecclesiastical offices forbidden to him, not without the stigma of disqualification, incurring guilt of perjury and sentence of excommunication, and thus perjured, excommunicate and disqualified, being prior of Durham within three years of the said suspension;
G[eoffrey] has been elected and he has rashly agreed to the election, if it deserve that name;
Robert de Baldok' appeals hereby to the apostolic see against the election thus attempted contrary to canon statute to the grave danger of souls and no small prejudice to the said church and monastery, and for himself, his adherents and those wishing to adhere to him in future, swearing that he believes the foregoing to be true and is able to prove it, also that notice of the election came to him in the last five days and not before.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Bonebrugh', canon of St Paul's Cathedral, Mr Richard de Baldok', rector of Vyley [? Weeley (Essex), Willian (Baldock deanery)], London dioc., Richard Blondell' of Bradden, clerk of Lincoln dioc.
Notary: John de Cokelistocce next to Habeburn', clerk of Salisbury dioc., N.P. by imperial authority (eschatocol recited).
Done in the manor of Finsbury near London, 21 July 1313.
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With the appeal published Mr William de Kellaue was sent, on the advice of the bishop, to Mr Robert de Baldok' in London, and explained to the latter the danger which might befall him if he pursued the appeal. At the urgency of his entreaties Mr Robert eventually went to the bishop to treat with the prior, or any of his, on the pursuit or abandonment of the appeal. The prior, having taken advice of the chapter and jurists, sent John de Laton', authorized by the prior and chapter, to treat with Mr Robert in the bishop's presence. Passing to Howden, John did not find Mr Robert, the matter remained suspended, and he returned home at speed, telling the prior and chapter what had happened. For certain reasons the bishop did not want further to intervene in the said business, but Stephen de Mauley, archdeacon of Cleveland, having understood the attitude which Mr Robert had towards the monastery of Durham, grieved and, with all diligence that he might, strove to restore peace and remove the cause of dissent between the prior and Mr Robert, and prevent his journey to the curia, asserting that much ill might arise from this act in future and lifelong blame for the harm might be brought upon him; but [Mr Robert] claimed to be able to prove his accusation with evidences both of law and of fact, wherefore he would in no manner desist from pursuit of his appeal except at the request of the bishop. Not till Mr Richard de Eryu m had a discussion of this business with Mr Robert in London was Mr Robert content to give in to his appeals: if it should please the bishop to judge in this instance or else to commit the matter to another or to nominate any just persons to pronounce. The prior agreed that whatever were ordained for the utility of the monastery of Durham, considering the nature of the business, would be held as acceptable, saving his honour. In this way did the cause of the lawsuit and dispute come to an end, and Master Robert [de Baldok'] sent his brother Richard de Baldok' to Durham with the following proxy:
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f.23v-24r     24 October 1313
Notarial instrument recording that Mr Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham and canon of Chester[-le-Street] collegiate church, made and constituted his brother german Richard de Baldok' his proctor in the manner following:
Proxy by Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham &c., appointing Richard de Baldok', his brother german, as his proctor, giving him general power to withdraw his appeal against the election of Geoffrey de Burdon' as prior of Durham, describing the nature and course of the dispute thus far.
Witnesses: Henry de Sperescolt, John Pokerych', and John de Wardon.
Notary: Luke son of John de Thaxstede, clerk of London dioc., N.P. by imperial authority (eschatocol recited, preceded by note to the effect that he approves an erasure in the second line of the instrument).
Done: in Mr Robert's manor of Finsbury, near London, 24 October 1313.
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The proxy was shown to the prior and convent and, after long discussion between them and the said Richard, the prior and convent satisfied Mr Robert and the said Richard of all arrears of an annual pension owed by them to Master Robert, and Richard, on Mr Robert's behalf, gave the prior and convent letters of quittance in accordance with the mandate following.
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f.24r-v    25 October 1313
Notarial instrument recording that Master Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham and canon of Chester[-le-Street], appointed his brother german Richard de Baldok' as his proctor to recover from the prior and convent the pension and robes, with arrears thereof, owed to him by them, and to give letters of quittance to them on receipt of the same.
Witnesses: Theobald de Angre, clerk, William de Terefeld, layman.
Notary: Luke son of John de Taxstede, clerk of London dioc., N.P. by imperial authority (eschatocol recited).
Done in Mr Robert's manor of Finsbury [near London], 25 October 1313.
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By virtue of this proxy the said Richard received £20 in name of Mr Robert from the prior and convent, and made the following:
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f.24v    14 November 1313
Quittance by Richard de Baldok' as proctor of his brother german Mr Robert de Baldok' to the prior and convent of Durham on receipt of £20 arrears of a yearly pension owed by the prior and convent to Mr Robert de Baldok' up to the date of the presents.
Under the seal of Richard de Baldok'.
Date: Durham, 14 November 1313.
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and also made the following:
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f.24v    14 November 1313
Quittance by Richard de Baldok' to the prior and convent of Durham on receipt of £9 arrears of a yearly pension owed to him by the prior and convent up to the date of the presents.
Date: Durham, 14 November 1313.
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For arrears of the robes of Master Robert and Richard, Adam de Laycestr', proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, stood condemned in their name before the official of the bishop of Durham for £11, to be paid at John the Baptist [24 June] 1314, on pain of excommunication. After discussion with various persons upon the foregoing the prior, whom the matter chiefly concerned, made the following
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f.24v-25r    14 November 1313
Submission by letters patent by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to the ordinance of John, abbot of Newminster, and Mr William de Qwycham, dean of Lanchester, with regard to the dissensions between himself and Master Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham, Durham dioc., and canon of Chester[-le-Street], occasioned by his recent election as prior, taking what they should see fit to ordain as accepted, with the poverty of the monastery of Durham and the nature of this business taken into consideration, and for the utility of the same monastery, saving Mr Robert's honour.
Date: Durham, 14 November 1313.
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and likewise did the subprior and convent make the following
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f.25r    14 November 1313
Submission by the subprior and convent of Durham (as in the preceding entry)
Date: Durham, 14 November 1313.
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With these things done, Richard Baldok' swore on Mr Robert's soul to support the decision of the ordinators and do everything necessary in the foregoing, and the prior gave the same oath to abide by the decision of the abbot and dean. John de Laton' swore likewise on the souls of the subprior and chapter, as more fully contained in their submission, as their proctor:
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f.25r-v    14 November [1313]
Proxy by the subprior and convent of Durham appointing John de Laton', monk of Durham, as proctor, giving him special power and mandate to act in their name to defend and support the decision of J[ohn], abbot of Newminster, and Mr William de Qwycham, dean of Lanchester collegiate church, as contained in their submission made thereon, to swear on their souls and do all else necessary in the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 14 November.
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After these submissions and the proxy had been read in presence of the notary and handed to Richard de Baldok', the said Richard, proctor of Mr Robert, made the following written
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f.25v    14 November [1313]
Renunciation by Richard de Baldok', proctor and brother german of Mr Robert de Baldok', rector of Whickham and canon of Chester[-le-Street] collegiate church, although Mr Robert appealed in writing to the apostolic see against G[eoffrey] de Burdon', prior of Durham, and against his election as prior of Durham and his promotion or provision as prior, and made more objections to him as more fully contained in the appeal, Richard, having power from Mr Robert to renounce all these appeals and to withdraw from the imputations and prosecution of alleged crimes, as more fully contained in his proxy, hereby renounces, for his lord, himself, his adherents and those who would adhere to him, all appeals, petitions, accusations (&c) interposed against Prior G[eoffrey] and his election.
Under the seal of Richard de Baldok'.
Date: Durham, 14 November.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 4010.
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With these things done, Master Robert came to Durham asking for an increase in his pension and for payment of arrears thereof without delay, and to be satisfied of losses incurred as a result of interposing his appeal at the Roman Curia, and of expenses caused by pursuing his appeal. The chapter claimed that: by rights Mr Robert's pension did not have to be increased by them; because an appeal did not concern the chapter when a charge had been made only against the elect, and the chapter did not submit themselves unless an appeal concerned them; because it would be a burden to the monastery and not to its advantage; because the contents of the appeal are not true; because Mr Robert has not appealed for the protection of his right but as a clerk of the chapter making this accusation against the candidate amicably chosen by the chapter, lest appealing as rector or prebendary he were not heard; because it was of no concern to him whether the prior were good or bad, and appellants whose interests are not concerned are not to be heard; it is apparent that as clerk of the chapter by rights he has to defend the election and the person of the elect by virtue of his oath made to the chapter, and therefore cannot impugn the action of the chapter; because by calling himself clerk of the chapter and opposing their action he opposed himself in turn.
With these and other matters put forward by the chapter and divers reposts by Mr Robert, and following various discussions, the parties came to an agreement: that, setting rancour aside, the prior and chapter and Mr Robert, their clerk, be special friends and that the pension be increased to 10 marks; and since he did not have his old letter of a pension of 100s in these parts he made the following:
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f.26r    4 May 1314
Renunciation by Robert de Baldok', clerk, since the prior and chapter of Durham would newly grant him, their clerk, a yearly pension of 10 marks and suitable robes by their letters patent, wishing his letters of his yearly pension of 100s from his same lords, by which he has been accustomed to receive his said pension from them, to be invalid, and promising to restore to the prior and chapter the letters for this pension, cancelled, before St Peter's Chains [1 August] next.
Date: Durham, 4 May 1314.
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Having inspected and read the preceding entry the prior and chapter made the following
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f.26r    4 May 1314
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Robert de Baldok' of a yearly pension of 10 marks to be taken from the camera of Durham by equal portions at Whitsun and Martinmas, with a fur-lined (cum furruris) robe appropriate to a clerk of the prior and chapter, until provided with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, 4 May 1314.

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and Mr Robert gave the following written
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f.26r-v    4 May 1314
Oath wherein he, Robert de Baldok', clerk, acknowledges that he is bound henceforward in perpetuity to the prior and convent and their church of Durham: that he will show himself faithful and attentive concerning their causes and business to be expedited, as often and when need be and when asked by them, and render them counsel, aid and advocacy; that he will not attempt fraud or guile and neither say nor do anything, in person or through another, whereby they might suffer loss, neither will he reveal their secrets or counsel to the harm of their church nor maliciously absent himself from their causes and business wheresoever to be conducted.
Date: 4 May 1314.
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“And thus the matter of the disagreement between the prior and convent and Master Robert de Baldok' ceased amicably ”
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Memorandum of the following entry.
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f.26v    24 December 1313
Notarial instrument recording that Bertold de Bloys, calling himself rector of Biscathorpe, Lincoln dioc., appeared in person and resigned his church by the following [written]
Resignation whereby he, Bertold de Bloys, rector of Biscathorpe, wanting to be discharged from the cure and rule of the said church, resigns the same into the hands of {John} bishop of Lincoln. and, so that the foregoing should be able to have full effect, he ordered the notary to have the present public instrument drawn up and fortified by appending the seal of the office of official of the archdeacon of London.
Witnesses: Geoffrey of London and Alexander de Suthflete.
Notary: Philip of London, clerk, N.P. by imperial authority.
Done: the notary's dwelling-house, London , 24 December 1313.
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f.26v    25 May 1314
[Memorandum] that the prior and convent of Durham presented Walter of Beverley, clerk, to the church thus vacant by the resignation of Bertold de Bloys:
25 May 1314.
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Memorandum of the following entry.
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26v-27v    30 April 1314
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to his official of Durham having received at Crayke, 30 April, the following citation and mandate, instructing him to serve summons upon the clergy of the diocese, in conformity with the above mandate, and requiring certification by Whitsun [26 May] as to how he shall have executed these letters, along with the names of those cited, in his letters patent incorporating the presents.
Citation and mandate by W[illiam], archbishop of York, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, having received at Burnby, York dioc., 5 Kal. May [27 April], the following summons, calling upon and ordering the bishop and, through him, the prior and chapter of his church, and all abbots and priors not having their own abbots, exempt and non-exempt, archdeacons, deans and provosts of collegiate churches, chapters and other clergy of his diocese, to attend in person, in the case of the prelates, or by single proctors for each chapter and college and two proctors for all the other clergy, in his church at York on Monday, the morrow of Trinity, with the clergy of the province, upon the foresaid business; and requiring certification as to the date of receipt hereof, how he shall have executed the foregoing, and the names of those cited, by the said date.
Date: Burton near Beverley [Bishop Burton ], 4 Kal. May [28 April] 1314.
Summons by Edward [II], king of England, to W[illiam], archbishop of York, requiring him to be present in York on the morrow of Trinity [3 June], before the king's deputies, in order to determine a suitable aid from the provincial clergy for the king, as agreed in the last parliament held at Westminster, in view of the need to defend state and church against the growing malice of Robert de Brus and his accomplices, and with particular reference to the king's intention to assemble an army at Newcastle upon Tyne in three weeks from Easter for the relief of Berwick upon Tweed and other places; and to cause his suffragans and the deans, priors of cathedral churches, archdeacons, and abbots exempt and non-exempt of his province to be present there in person, and the chapters and other clergy to attend through proctors.
Witness: the king.
Date: Ely, 7 April 7 Edward II [1314]
[cf C.C.R. 1313-1318, p. 68]
Date: Crayke, 30 April 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.362-365; The Records of the Northern Convocation, [ed. G.W. Kitchin] (Surtees Society 113 1907), p.62-65; and cf. The Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York 1306-1315 part V, ed. W. Brown & A. Hamilton Thompson (Surtees Society 153 1940), p.137.
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[Memorandum] that by authority of the mandate the official cited the abbots, priors, chapters and clergy of Durham dioc., to appear in York minster on the morrow of Trinity, at which date and place the prior of Durham personally, and the chapter of Durham by proctors, in accordance with the following proxy, were present.
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f.27v    31 May 1314
Proxy by the subprior and chapter of Durham appointing John de Wolueston' and Robert of Durham, monks of Durham, as their proctors to attend on their behalf before William, archbishop of York, or his commissaries on the Monday after Trinity in a convocation of the clergy of the province in York Minster.
Date: Durham, 31 May 1314.
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[Memorandum] of the following entry
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f.27v-28r    5 June 1314
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to his official of Durham having received at Riccall, 5 June, the following citation:
Citation, by William, archbishop of York, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, calling upon the bishop and, through him, the prior and chapter of his church, and the prelates, chapters and clergy of his diocese, to attend in person, in the case of the prelates, or by single proctors for each chapter and college and two proctors for all the other clergy, in his church at York on Wednesday after John the Baptist [26 June], with the other clergy of the province, in order to determine a suitable subsidy for the king in his defence of the realm against the Scots; and requiring certification by the said date as to the date of receipt of the presents and how he shall have executed this mandate, along with the names of those cited, in his letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents.
Date: Foston, 2 Non. June [4 June] 1314.
instructing him to serve summons upon the clergy of the diocese, in conformity with the above mandate; and requiring certification by the feast of St John the Baptist [24 June] as to how he shall have executed this mandate, along with the names of those cited, in his letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents.
Date: Riccall, 5 June 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.577-578; The Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York 1306-1315 part V, ed. W. Brown & A. Hamilton Thompson (Surtees Society 153, 1940), p.140 (incomplete).
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[Memorandum] that the clergy of the province attended at the cathedral church of York on the Wednesday after St John the Baptist [26 June] by virtue of the above citation, and the clergy of the diocese of Durham granted the king, for his war in Scotland, 12d in the mark from every benefice in the archdeaconry of Durham, to be paid at the feasts of St Andrew and Whitsun next; and the prior of Durham was deputed by the bishop of Durham to raise the subsidy, by his letters patent (the following entry).
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f.28v    16 November 1314
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham to demand, receive, collect and raise the subsidy, as in the memorandum preceding, in his stead, giving him power of canonical coercion and ordering him to have the subsidy in its entirety at the said feasts, according as he would answer at his peril to the king therefor.
Date: Durham, 16 November 1314.
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[Memorandum] that the prior, by his letters patent, deputed the collection of the subsidy to Robert of Durham and John de Seton', monks of Durham. [These letters are said to follow, but do not.]
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f.28v    [1322]
Submission by William prior and the convent of Durham, patrons of the prebends of the church of Howden, wishing the divine cult in the same church to be increased through a greater number of ministers there, after discussion among themselves, consenting to the ordainment by W[illiam], archbishop of York, of a perpetual vicarage in the prebend of Barmby in the collegiate church of Howden, which is the prebend of Walter de Bedewrd, and consenting to the assessment of a portion therefor by the archbishop; with presentation pertaining to the priory and institution to the archbishop.
[n.d.] [Archbishop Melton's original ordinance, dated 31 July 1322, is 4.1. Archiep. 5.]
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f.28v    7 February [1345]
Renunciation by Antony Fossour, chaplain, to William, archbishop of York, of all right which he has to the prebend of Skipwith in Howden church by reason of his presentation thereto by the prior and convent of Durham or from whatsoever other cause.
Under his own seal and that of the official of Durham.
Date: by Edmund Haward', official of Durham, at Kepier and by Antony Fossour at Durham , 7 February [13]44/5.
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f.29r    26 April 1343
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham for Robert de Angreton' as their mortuary roll bearer for two years.
Date: Durham, 26 April 1343.
Printed in The Obituary Roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, ed. J. Raine, (Surtees Society 31, 1856), p.xxv and Receuil des Rouleaux des Morts vol.ii, ed J. Dufour (Paris 2006), p.483.
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f.29r    22 December 1344
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the appointment for themselves and their successors.
Appointment by letters patent by Richard, bishop of Durham, of his servant Richard de Mertok' as keeper of his manor in London, for life, granting him 2d a day for his wages, to be taken from the bishop's manor of Howden, along with all profits from the garden and curtilage of the manor in London.
Date: Howden, 1 May 1344.
Date: Durham, 22 December 1344.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1875), p.374.
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f.29v    22 December 1344
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham, confirming the following appointment
Appointment by letters patent by Richard, bishop of Durham, addressed to all knights, free tenants, bailiffs and others in his lordship and jurisdiction in Howdenshire, creating his servant (familiaris) Thomas de Craft', for service rendered, bailiff of the liberty of Howden and Howdenshire, for the term of his life, giving him all revenues and conveniences which bailiffs in the said office have been accustomed to take, with power to appoint, remove and replace sub-bailiffs, for whom he would answer, as often as he should see fit; and to do all other things which are to be done to the advantage of the bishop and the said church, howsoever concerning them; providing that Thomas bear all burdens, in person or through his men, appertaining to the said office of bailiff, and ordering the addressees to be obedient and answer to Thomas and his sub-bailiffs in these matters.
Date: Howden, 23 April 1344.
Date: Durham, 22 December 1344.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1875), p.371-372 omitting the words ad terminum vite sue, but including the words ad nostre vite terminum duraturas , which do not appear in the priory register copy.
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f.30r-v    23 January 1273
Ordinance by Robert, bishop of Durham, for Greatham hospital ordaining that, in the said hospital, which he has founded for the salvation of his soul and those of his predecessors and successors, and to which he had granted the whole manor of Greatham and the advowson of its church, as attested by his charter made therefor, which the master and brethren of the hospital have, there be a master and priest, another five priests and two clerks there, of honest conduct and adequate learning, minstering there for all time, with forty paupers from the bishop's manors to be maintained from the hospital's goods; namely Andrew de Staneley, priest, whom he has appointed master and warden, five other priests and one or two clerks as the said master should consider expedient;
they are to sing daily matins and the other canonical hours in the chapel there and carry out the commendation placebo et dirige at the appointed hour for singing for the souls of the faithful; each of the priests is to perform masses, as contained below; they are to eat at one table and live in one house, barring infirmity or other reasonable cause, and be obedient to the master and his successors, from whom they are to take yearly a sum of money, along with their board, for their stipend, and the master will maintain the clerk or clerks there according to the requirement of their rank;
the bishop and his successors (or the prior of Durham sede vacante) are to appoint Andrew's successors, and the master is to remove unsatisfactory priests and clerks and appoint replacements; any master who has conducted himself well and who should need to be replaced because of debility or another cause is to be maintained for life from the goods of the hospital, if he should not have from elsewhere the means of support;
none should be appointed master unless a priest, knowledgable and prudent in spiritualities and temporalities, who should perform the cure of the house in person, unless absent on the house's business; in divine service the master and the priests are to use the black surplice and cap in the manner of Augustinian canons;
paupers up to the said number are to have a suitable house in which to eat and rest, to be provided with necessaries by the master according to the resources of the place; with the proviso that the infirm and poorest are to be brought in, without showing favour, and maintained when incapacitated; any who should be dishonest or intolerable are to be ejected and replaced by the the master; each of them is to say prayers and orations according to the hour of the day and night, as in the ordinance for Sherburn hospital;
one of the more prudent, appointed by the master and to be in the position of prior to them, is to recite the prayers to be said, as the custom is in similar houses; and so that the difference of the hours be known, a bell is to be rung every hour; the able-bodied are to go to the chapel to hear the hours and mass, and the rest are to say their prayers in their beds as they are able; providing that the said paupers be refreshed at the due hour and a count be made of the infirm;
if the hospital's goods, granted for good work or being conferred by the devotion of the faithful, be able to suffice for more, the number of paupers may be increased according to the abundance [thereof], and if they decline (God forbid!) the number may be reduced, as should seem fit to the master; so that there be clarity concerning the efforts of the master and the condition of the hospital, the bishop ordains that the place be visited twice yearly, or more often if need be, by the bishop of Durham of the time, either in person or by someone to whom he had committed the function, to hear the master's account and reckoning of everything touching the hospital; it will neither be lawful to the master to alienate any of the hospital's immovable goods, to manumit, give or sell villeins and serfs, to make waste or ruin of the garden nor to squander the movables; the bishop retains power for himself and his successors to alter the ordinances as they see fit.
Date: Durham, 23 January 1272/3, Pont.12.
(The margins of f.30r contain alterations to this ordinance, also two lines of text, including two dates, and a note [by Thomas Swalwell] “et in [folio] 148 [below] et in Registro domini Walteri episcopi folio 142” [now lost], probably referring to Bishop Walter [Kirkham or Skirlaw], and more likely the latter as being contemporary with this entry in Register II, the conclusion shared by Guide to Bishops' Registers ..., p.264 n.6. For similar notes see entries on f.322v, 324v and 325r below)
Printed: Collectanea ad statum civilem et ecclesiasticum comitatus Dunelmensis spectantia, ed G. Allen (Darlington 1775), (unpaginated); W. Hutchinson, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham iii, (1785-1794), p.113-114n; J. Brand, History and Antiquities of Newcastle i, (1789), p.467-468; R. Surtees, History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham iii, p.389-390; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.131-133.
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f.30v    [c. 20 June 1303]
Statute by Antony, bishop of Durham, for Greatham hospital appropriating Greatham par. church to the hospital and confirming his predecessor's ordinance [the preceding entry], and adding a further chaplain and a clerk to the existing master and priest, five other chaplains, and two lettered clerks.
Printed in Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.90-91.
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f.30v    [December 1434]
(Added in space:)
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to the barons of the exchequer at Westminster that on 16 December, 13 Henry VI [1434], at Durham, by virtue of their writ, he took the oath of William Chaunceller that the king's letters patent mentioned below never came into his hands, that he neither concerned himself with nor had any notice of them.
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f.31r    [11 June 1313]
Surrender by William prior and the convent of Durham since Walter de Paxton' and his wife Marjory are impleading them before the justices of the king's bench concerning a messuage, 16 acres of land, 14 acres of meadow and 40s 6d rent in Woodhall next to Hemingbrough, which Thomas, son of Robert de Coldingham and uncle of Marjory, whose heiress Marjory is, sometime leased to Richard de Claxton', late prior of Durham, for a term now past, understanding that the properties ought to be returned to Walter and Marjory, they have handed over the same messuage, land, meadow and rent to Walter and Marjory, to be held by Walter, Marjory and their heirs, of the prior and convent and their successors, for the services and customary dues by which Marjory's forbears held those tenements of the prior and convent before the lease, in perpetuity, as Thomas, Marjory's uncle, formerly held the same of the predecessors of the prior and convent;
saving to the prior and convent and their successors their right in all other lands, rents and tenements which they have in the township of Woodhall and are unmentioned in the presents, and the crop of all lands sown by the prior and convent and their men in the present year.
Witnesses: Robert de Osgodby, Robert de Halthorpe', John de Clif', William de Hathelsey, Robert de Balbethorp'.
Date: Durham, Monday the morrow of Trinity, 6 Edward [II].
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f.31r    [13 June] 1313
Letters of attorney by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing John de Seton', monk of Durham, Robert Gretheued, Roger de Alverton', vicar of Skipwith, /William son of Peter de Cave, and Richard [de Cave]/ (interlined), to deliver seisin of one messuage, 16 acres of land, 14 acres of meadow and 40s 6d rent in Woodhall next to Hemingbrough to Walter de Paxton' and Marjory his wife or their attorney, which tenements were held by the priory by lease of the late Thomas son of Robert de Coldingham, whose heiress is the said Marjory; to be held of the prior and convent and their successors for service as more fully contained in their letters made thereupon; saving the crop lately sown on the lands, or the value thereof.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Trinity 1313.
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f.31r-v    15 June [1313]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the official of Durham or his commissary having received 14 June the following writ of summons instructing him speedily to warn the prior, archdeacon, chapter and clergy to be present as aforesaid, and to send back word by the octave of John the Baptist [1 July] as to what he has done concerning the foregoing by his letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents.
Writ of summons by Edward [II], king of England, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, informing him of his intention of holding a parliament at Westminster, the quindene of John the Baptist [8 July] (after his return from business abroad concerning his duchy of Aquitaine), in order to discuss with the bishop and other prelates and nobles matters of state and in particular the Scottish war; and instructing him to attend the parliament in person and to give notice to the clergy of his diocese to attend, with the prior of Durham and the archdeacons to be present in person, the chapter of Durham to be represented by a single proctor, and the rest of the clergy to be represented by two proctors.
Date: Dover, 23 May, 6 Edward [II] [1313]
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 15 June, Pont. 3.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.935-936.
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f.31v-32r    [27 June 1313]
Proxy by the chapter of Durham addressed to Edward [II], king of England, and appointing Mr John de Snaynton' and Geoffrey de Edenham', or either of them, as their proctors to attend the parliament to be held in 15 days from John the Baptist [8 July].
Date: 5 Kal. July.
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f.32r    [10 June 1313]
Letters testimonial (patent) by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr William de Ballaeto, archdeacon of Fréjus, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, and Mr John de St Quintino, commissary of W[alter], bishop of Worcester informing them that Mr John de Insula, prebendary of Auckland, has paid 33s 4d for his portion in that church; the rector of Wooler has paid 40s for that church; and John de Merkinfeld, executor of the rector of Washington, has paid 66s 8d for that church of the tenth of the fourth year of the sexennial tenth imposed by Nicholas IV to John de Seton', monk of Durham and the priory's collector of the papal tenth, and that it is known that they have paid the tenth for the three preceding years.
Sealed with the other part of the chapter seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. June.
f.32r    19 July [1313]
Ratification by G[eoffrey] prior and convent of Durham of all that was done in the court of York before the official of York or his commissary-general in the unfinished action between Thomas de Goldisburgh', archdeacon of Durham, appellant, and the prior and convent: namely the production of, sending for and examination and compulsion of witnesses, done at the instance of W[illiam] prior and the convent of Durham by W. de Twyford, their proctor, at the time of the vacancy of the priory from 13 June until 14 July 1313, when Prior G[eoffrey] was installed, caused by the resignation of W[illiam] de Tanfeld.
Date: Durham, 19 July.
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f.32r-v    19 July 1313
Proxy by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham appointing W. de Twyford, their clerk, as their proctor, giving him special power and general mandate to act on their behalf in all legal actions begun or to be begun concerning the priory, before whatsoever judges &c, summarizing his responsibilities.
Date: Durham, 19 July 1313.
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f.32v-33r    [5 September] 1313
Inspeximus by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following award.
Award by Richard, bishop of Durham, who, having set a date for hearing the dispute between the prior and convent of Guisborough and Richard de Toppecliff', perpetual vicar of Stranton, concerning the responsibility for providing for the chantry of Seaton, details given, pronounced to the parties there present that the vicar should bear the responsibility, but that, without augmenting the vicarage, the priory should pay to Richard and his successors, vicars of Stranton, a pension of 10s yearly.
Date: Auckland, 27 April 1313.
Date: Durham, Non. September 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.325-327, in notarized form.
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f.33r    16 September 1313
Proxy by the chapter of Durham notifying Edward [II], king of England, that they have appointed Geoffrey de Edenham' and Robert de Derlington', clerks, as their proctors to appear on their behalf in the presence of the king and his council in the parliament to be held at Westminster on Monday after St Matthew [24 September], 7 Edward [II: 1313].
Date: Durham, 16 [x of xvj accidentally blotted out] September 1313.
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f.33r    [20 September] 1313
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham, for themselves and their successors, to Thomas de Merington', cook, and Agnes his wife, and their bodily heirs of their tenement in East Merrington, in which Thomas and Agnes are to be able freely to brew and sell without paying toll to the prior and convent or their successors, for which they have quitclaimed all right they may have in the common pasture among the lands in the moor of Spennymoor which, at the date of the presents, the priory has brought into cultivation.
Date: Durham, the vigil of St Matthew 1313.
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f.33v    1 October 1313
Chirograph grant by G[eoffrey], prior of Durham, parson of Monk Wearmouth, and the convent of Durham, by licence of Richard, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Hilton' and future lords of Hylton and their wives of the right of burial in the chapel or cemetary of Hylton, saving the right of the parish church of Monk Wearmouth to mortuary and other offerings arising from funerals;
Grant by Robert de Hilton', for himself and future lords of Hylton, to the prior and convent and their successors that they be freely able to collect and carry their tithes of corn and hay from Hylton, Rysom', and Newton, by whatever ways are taken by the lords of Hylton and their tenants for collection and carriage of their corn and hay, without hindrance, and to set down the tithes in an area at the western exit of the township of Hylton, which has been given by the same Robert to the prior and convent in perpetuity for that purpose [see below], or in any place outside Hylton wherever they will.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1313
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f.33v    1 October 1313
Chirograph grant by Robert de Hilton' to G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham of an area, 6 perches by 4½ perches, of his demesne of Hylton, on the northern side of the western exit of the township of Hylton, for collection and deposit of their grain and hay tithes; to be held in free alms of Robert and future lords of Hylton.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1313.
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f.33v-34r    [1 November] 1313
Lease by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham and William de Gretham, prior of Coldingham, to Walter de Goswyk', burgess of Berwick upon Tweed for a sum of money paid beforehand, of all tithes and profits of their churches, their lands, rents, mills and fisheries in Coldinghamshire and elsewhere in Scotland, and all their profits belonging, with all their several pastures, and other things, both in woods and in open country; excepting the township of Coldingham, its demesne lands, annual rents, and tithes of corn and sea fish; to be held by Walter, his heirs and assigns for 2 years from All Saints 1313. Warranty.
Sealed interchangeably (the seals of the chapter of Durham and of the prior of Coldingham being affixed to Walter's half).
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, All Saints 1313.
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f.34r-v    [10 November] 1313
Chirograph agreement between
[1] William de Gretham', prior of Coldingham, and
[2] Walter de Goswyk', burgess of Berwick upon Tweed;
although Geoffrey, prior of Durham, and [1] leased to [2], &c, summarizing the preceding entry, following this has an arrangement been made (the date of the presents) thus:
[2] has granted and surrendered to [1] all lands, rents and possessions, tenements and others, previously leased to him by [1] and Geoffrey, prior of Durham, excepting the pasture leased to him, which he reserved to himself, providing that [1] has enough pasture for his oxen of Coldingham and his tithe lambs of Coldinghamshire;
for this handing back [1] and Geoffrey, prior of Durham, have granted that by the present writing they and their successors are bound to Walter for £800, to be paid at Berwick (in £100 instalments at Martinmas 1313, at the following St Cuthbert in March, John the Baptist, and St Cuthbert in September, and the same four terms following), obliging themselves and their successors to distraint by the king and the sheriff of Berwick and by Walter, his heirs and executors, who might distrain their goods movable and immovable, wherever found, and keep them as security until satisfied of the said money if it should be in arrears at any term-date;
the prior of Durham also granted that all tenements, rents, interests and possessions in Islandshire which he had leased to Walter should remain in Walter's hands until satisfied of the £800 and of any losses sustained through withholding of payment.
Sealed interchangeably [in the manner of the preceding agreement].
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, Saturday before Martinmas 1313.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.7-8.
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f.34v-35r    [4 November] 1313
Chirograph lease by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Walter de Goswyk', burgess of Berwick upon Tweed, of all their temporalities in Holy Island and Islandshire, with the manor of Fenham, also the greater and lesser tithes, offerings, obventions, mortuary payments and whatsoever others in Islandshire which the prior of Holy Island used to have and take as spiritualities, excepting half the fishery of Holy Island;
all these tenements, possessions and rents, spiritual and temporal, with all freedoms, easements, profits and advantages arising therefrom, to be held by Walter, his heirs or assigns, from vespers of All Saints' Day [1 November] 1313 until the same hour before nightfall of All Saints' Day 1315; of the prior and convent and their successors; together with wardships, reliefs, marriages, escheats, court issues, reversions (&c); for a sum of money paid beforehand by the said Walter;
in the event of destruction of the properties by English or Scots during the term, such that Walter, his heirs or executors would sustain loss, the prior and convent and their successors will satisfy them of all losses at the end of the term, on inspection and consideration by trustworthy persons, or in such other way as might be fair; and if they objected to doing this the tenements and spiritual possessions would remain with Walter, his heirs or executors until satisfied of the losses; and with the site of Holy Island Priory, with the houses, gardens, and other buildings of the chief messuage, together with half the fish tithes and all the warren tithes of Holy Island to remain with the said prior; with warranty of the said tenements (&c) by the prior and convent until the end of the term;
the said prior [of Holy Island] and his successors are to bear all ordinary and extraordinary charges arising during the term and cause all churches and chapels there to be served, at his own expense; the monks residing there, with their household, are to be free of multure at Holy Island mill and to have peats and carriage by bondsmen (Car' bondor'), as they used.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, Sunday before Martinmas 1313.
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f.35r    [8 October] 1313
Bond by Walter de Goswyk', burgess of Berwick, to the prior and convent of Durham for £1,000 sterling for tithes and other things sold by them to him to be paid in the priory of Durham within 15 days from the octave of Easter next [14 April 1314], binding himself, his heirs and executors to judicial distraint.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. October 1313.
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Memorandum of the following entry
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f.35r-v    13 August [1313]
Letters by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the official of Durham having received on 14 August the following mandate, instructing the official to execute the mandate and, by Michaelmas [29 September], to make known to him by letters patent, what he has done in respect of the foregoing.
Mandate, by Mr William de Balaeto, archdeacon of Fréjus, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, instructing the bishop to warn the prior and convent of Durham, subcollectors of the sexennial tenth of Nicholas IV, to pay £249 2s 11½d arrears to him at his hospice in London, near St Paul's Cathedral, by All Saints' Day [1 November]; to cite them to attend before him at his hospice on the first lawful business day after All Saints [2 November] to give full reckoning of their arrears of both the first three years and of the fourth year of the tenth, from the date of the account of the tenth rendered by them to his predecessor, namely 5 October 1308; and to have the excommunication of the prior and the interdict upon the convent, which are effected by this writ, declared in Durham Cathedral and other churches upon Sundays and feast days, and to have the prior and convent shunned until they have made satisfaction.
Date: London, 4 August 1313.
Date: Crayke, 13 August, Pont. 3.
“By virtue whereof were the prior and convent cited to appear in London in the above manner; and they sent Mr Richard for them, having the underwritten power:”
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f.35v    [1313]
Proxy by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr Richard de Eryum as their proctor to appear on their behalf before Mr William de Balaeto, archdeacon of Fréjus, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, to give full account of their arrears of the sexennial tenth of Nicholas IV, lately imposed as subsidy for the Holy Land, the collection of which in the city and diocese of Durham was committed to the prior and convent of Durham; to take oaths on their behalf, to ask for the lifting of the excommunication and interdict, and to obtain receipt of payment. [n.d.] “year as above”.
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f.35v-36v    20 October [1313]
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinance saving the right and liberty of their church of Durham. Date: Durham, 20 October [1313].
Ordinance by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Alnwick, improprietors of the church of Fenton, and patrons of the church of Wooler, both Durham dioc. following the submission of the churches of Fenton and Wooler by the abbot and convent through John de Otteley, canon of Alnwick, their proctor, to the bishop's ordinance; and following discussion with the chapter of Durham;
unifying the churches of Fenton and Wooler into one benefice called Wooler, Fenton being too poor to allow the creation of a vicarage without rendering the rectory useless to the abbey, and Wooler being close enough for its rector or vicar to take charge of Fenton; and, following discussion with the chapter of Durham and Mr Robert de Eryum, rector of Wooler, considering the presence of “bishop's canons” in the abbey, and in view of the insufficiency of their resources to make good the damage caused by fires and wrought by the Scots, and the unusual burden placed on their hospitality by the appearance of the royal army and the frequent influx of others from all parts, appropriating the parish of Wooler and the chapel of Fenton to the use of the abbey of Alnwick;
saving to the bishop the power of collating a vicar to the parish, and of assigning a house for him in Wooler and another house in Fenton for a chaplain, and an acceptable portion for the vicar, not exceeding 16 marks; wishing the vicars to be paid 16 marks yearly by the abbot of Alnwick, in equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas, to be taken as their portion, for themselves and their chaplains serving the said church and chapel, in perpetuity; and saving to the bishop and his successors a pension of 4 marks yearly to be paid at the exchequer of Durham, in equal parts at the said feasts; the right of collation and the pension representing compensation for losses suffered by the church of Durham.
Date: Evenwood, 5 October 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.444-448, giving the date as 3 October.
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[ “The process of execution of the papal bulls for the Holy Land subsidy: the 36th folio and six folios following”]
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Memorandum that on 13 July 1313 the bishop of Durham received letters by the archbishop of York, which he transmitted to the prior and convent of Durham, as follows:
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f.36v-39v    31 July 1313
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham having lately received the following mandate, deputing the prior and convent to collect the tenth within the city and diocese of Durham.
Mandate by William, archbishop of York, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, reciting the following bulls which he received at Laneham, 22 June; and instructing the bishop to put the contents of these letters into effect.
Date: Laneham, 6 Kal. July [26 June] 1313.
Bull by Pope Clement [V] to the archbishop of York and all the bishops of his province, following upon the council at Vienne, imposing a subsidy for the Holy Land of a sexennial tenth of church revenues, excepting those of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and other military orders, reckoning the six years from Kal. January last [1 January 1312] but, because letters imposing the tax will not have reached him before the said Kalends [sic, perhaps indicating that 1 January 1313 was intended] and will not be able to arrive soon owing to the distance from the Roman curia, postponing the start of this period to Kal. October next [1 October 1313]; giving details of the dates at which instalments are to be paid, the penalties for non-payment, and the method of collection, and including a form of oath for those deputed to undertake collection.
Date: Avignon, Kal. December Pont. 8 [1 December 1312]
Bull by Pope Clement [V] to the prelates, convents and other clergy of the city, diocese and province of York, except those of the order of St John of Jerusalem and other military orders, to the same effect as the foregoing bull, but omitting details relating to the method of collection and the appointment of deputies.
Date: Avignon, Kal. December, Pont. 8. [1 December 1312]
Date: Stockton, 31 July 1313.
Printed, from the copy in Bishop Kellawe's register, which excludes the opening of the bishop's mandate: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.373-384.
Printed, from another copy: The Register of William Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York 1306-1315 part V, ed. W. Brown & A. Hamilton Thompson (Surtees Society 153, 1940), p.127-133 (abridged, and with the bulls in reverse order).
Printed Calendar of Papal Letters II, p.118
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By authority of this mandate the bishop deputed the prior and convent of Durham to collect the sexennial tenth; and to receive the prior's oath, as specified in the papal letters, the bishop appointed Mr Henry de Luceby and Mr Richard de Ganyo as follows:
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f.39v    31 July [1313]
Notification by Richard, bishop of Durham, to G[eoffrey], prior of Durham, that he has appointed Mr Henry de Luceby and Mr Richard de Ganio, his clerks, bearers of the presents, to receive the prior's oath as collector of the papal tenth, in accordance with the form of oath contained in the papal letters sent to him.
Date: Stockton, 31 July.
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The prior and convent of Durham committed power to William de Couton' and John de Seton', monks of Durham, to exact, receive and collect the papal tenth on their behalf, and sent to the deans of Durham, Darlington, Newcastle, Corbridge, Alnwick and Bamburgh copies of the following letters:
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f. 39v-40r    [11 August] 1313
Mandate by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to (an unnamed dean) instructing him to make the papal tenth known within his deanery; to cite all abbots and priors of whatever order, exempt and non-exempt, rectors, vicars and prebendaries, and all others to whom the payment of the tenth applies and who used to pay other tenths, to attend at St Mary's in the North Bailey Durham, assigned by the prior and convent for the receipt of the tenth and for making and handing over of letters of payment, on the Monday after Michaelmas [1 October], every one of them to pay the whole of their tenth for the first term of the first year of the imposition; to inform them that the prior and convent have apostolic authority to proceed against non-payers by sentence of suspension, excommunication and interdict; and requiring that he inform the prior and convent or their deputies, by letters patent reproducing the contents of the presents, on the day and at the place aforesaid, as to what they shall have done in respect of the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. August 1313.
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The mandate was executed in full, but, neverthless, John de Couton', vicar of Eglingham, refused to implement the mandate directed to him or make certification thereof, because of which he was cited as follows:
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f.40r-v    [12 October] 1313
Mandate by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to (an unnamed dean) instructing him, on pain of excommunication, to cite all beneficed clergy in his deanery to appear before the prior and convent or their deputies in Durham Cathedral on the first law day after Simon and Jude [29 October] to pay the papal tenth for the first term of the first year of its imposition, informing them that, unless they do as ordered, the prior and convent cannot further postpone taking action against them; and to cite John de Couton', vicar of Eglingham, to attend at the same time and place because he has not implemented the mandate sent to him, or certified the prior and convent of its execution, but rather has contemptuously refused, and to answer and receive suitable punishment.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. October 1313.
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The said John [de Couton'] attended, the said day and place, in order to answer and make satisfaction, humbly asking to be reinstated; others who had failed to attend and pay the tenth were suspended by the prior and convent from entry to church, and were cited to appear before them on the first law day after Simon and Jude, under the form which follows:
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f.40v    [11 October] 1313
Mandate by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham, to (an unnamed dean) informing him that they have suspended from entering church those rectors, vicars &c who have failed to pay the first instalment of the papal tenth; and instructing him to have those suspended denounced every Sunday and feast day, in every parish church in which they have a benefice, during masses, when a greater multitude will be present, citing them to attend before the prior and convent or their deputies in Durham Cathedral on the first law day after Simon and Jude [29 October] to pay the instalment and receive suitable punishment; the mandate to be remitted to the prior or his deputy, the said day and place, as proof of implementation, under the seal of the dean of Christianity of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. October 1313.
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Because many obstinately put up with the penalties, with hard hearts and in contempt of the mandate of the prior and convent, nay, of the papal mandate, the following letter was issued:
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f.40v-41r    [3 November] 1313
Mandate by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to (an unnamed) dean instructing him to cite those rectors &c who, in spite of suspension from divine service and from entry to church, have defied summons and have not paid the first instalment of the papal tenth, to attend before the prior or his deputies in Durham Cathedral on the morrow of Martinmas [12 November] and make satisfaction, on pain of excommunication; informing them that unless they attend and make satisfaction the prior and convent will proceed with sequestration of their revenues and to the penalty of interdict without exception of their persons; this mandate to be remitted to the prior and convent or their deputies, the said day and place, under the seal of the dean's office, as proof of implementation.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. November 1313.
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Because many endured and still endure sentences of excommunication with hard hearts, the following letter was directed to deans:
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f.41r    [13 November] 1313
Mandate by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to the dean &c having excommunicated the rectors &c who have failed to pay the first instalment of the papal tenth, instructing him, on pain of excommunication, to have this excommunication published every Sunday and feast day and to have the excommunicates shunned more straitly, citing them to attend before the prior and convent or their deputies in Durham Cathedral on the Wednesday after St Edmund the King [21 November] to make payment and receive punishment, and warning them that if they fail to attend the prior and convent will sequestrate their fruits, offerings and revenues and sell them until satisfied of the tenth; this mandate to be remitted to the prior and convent or their deputies, the said day and place, under the seal of the dean's office, as proof of implementation.
Date: Durham, Id. November 1313.
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Memorandum that on 10 November 1313 the official of Durham received the following letters:
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f.42r    6 July 1313
Letters by the official of the court of Canterbury, sede vacante, reciting the following bull.
Bull by Pope Clement [V] addressed to the clergy of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland instructing them to receive willingly Mr William de Balaeto, archdeacon of Fréjus, papal chaplain and bearer of the presents, sent as nuncio to the said parts, and, when asked, to provide him with safe conduct and 7s daily for his and his household's necessities; and, if he happen to stay for any time in a place, the clergy of neighbouring districts as well as those of the locality are to contribute to the burden, the division to be made as the chaplain sees fit; and advising them that they are bound to contribute to the procurations, and that he has given full power to the chaplain to ensure implementation of the mandate.
Date: Avignon, 8 Id. March, Pont. 8. [8 March 1313]
Date: London, 6 July 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.457-459.
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By authority whereof Mr William de Balaeto directed his letters to the official of the bishop of Durham or his lieutenant, as follows:
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f.42v    19 October 1313
Letters by William de Balaeto, archdeacon of Fréjus, papal chaplain and nuncio in England to the official of the bishop of Durham or his lieutenant referring to the papal letters concerning provision for his expenses, a transcript of which, under the seal of the official of the Arches, he has ordered to be shown to the official, and a copy of which he has sent and which may be retained, instructing him to warn the whole clergy of the city and diocese of Durham by whom the procurations of papal nuncios have hitherto been paid, to pay, by the coming Christmas, at his dwelling in London, the authorized 7s per day for the first year of his stay; to warn them that the chaplain, by this writing, excommunicates them or, in the case of colleges and convents, places them under an interdict if they disobey; to have the excommunication or interdict published in Durham Cathedral and other churches and places, as seen fit, until satisfaction has been made and the sentence lifted; to have the papal letters and the present letters published in Durham Cathedral and elsewhere in the city and diocese; and to certify to the chaplain in London by Christmas, by letters patent, of what has been done in respect of the foregoing, including the names of those warned.
Date: London, 19 October 1313.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.459-461.
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f.42v    22 December 1314
(Added in space:) Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming letters by Richard, bishop of Durham, text omitted with the words reiterando totam cartam usque in finem for themselves and their successors.
Date: Durham, 22 December 1344.
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f.43r    13 March 1345
Submission by the prior and convent of Durham, patrons of the church and prebends of Howden, to W[illiam], archbishop of York, since a lawsuit, concerning the right to a canonry in the church of Howden and the prebend of Skipwith in the same church, between Walter de Wetewang' and Mr Edmund de Haukesgarth' (Hau/k/gesgarth'), calling himself canon of Howden and prebendary of Skipwith, remains unresolved, and they understand that Walter and Edmund intend to submit all the right which they have in the canonry and prebend to the arbitration and ordinance of the archbishop [or whomsoever is his commissary], so that he [or his commissary], having received submissions from them, [? should determine that] one of them obtain the canonry and prebend and the other have a pension for life from the same canonry and prebend and from the possessor thereof, with provision that the consent and will of the prior and convent should apply to the latter; favouring the path of peace and concord, and in the event that Walter and Edmund do submit their right to the ordinance of the archbishop [or his commissary], they submit their right of patronage of the canonry and prebend by these presents, for the purpose of providing one of them with the canonry and prebend and the other with a pension, saving their right of patronage for the purpose of presentation to the said canonry and prebend as often as it might become vacant, and also their yearly pension of 13s 4d, their jurisdiction, visitation, canonical obedience, and all other privileges and liberties belonging to them in the same canonry and prebend, as had of old; promising to take anything done by the archbishop in this regard as approved.
Date: Durham, 13 March 1344.
f.43r    [3 May] 1355
(Added in space:)
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of St Andrews, to admit William de Bamburgh', monk of Durham, as prior of the vacant cell of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. May 1355.
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f.43r    2 March 1383
(Added in space and crossed out:)
Declaration by John, bishop of Durham, since the prelates and clergy of his city and dioc. of Durham have granted him a subsidy of a tenth from their benefices, to be paid according to the extent thereof, for relief of certain necessities touching the bishop and his church, with the exception of the prior and chapter of Durham, who alleged before him in the convocation that they were not bound to pay this subsidy by reason of their churches and clergy in Durham dioc., but that they were free and immune from aids and demands of the bishop of Durham, concerning which they provided confirmation before the bishop, as he saw contained in both apostolic letters and letters of his predecessors; and the prior and chapter asked to be left in peace as immune for this purpose; stating that the prior and chapter and their clergy were and are immune in this regard and, for himself and his successors, leaving them in peace in perpetuity.
Date: Durham, 2 March 1382.
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f.43v    1406 x 1437 (Thomas Langley's pontificate)
(Added s. xv med. on a blank page:) “Copy of a petition (billa) of John Terry, written in his hand and handed over to John Mordon, squire, by the same John Terry at Canterbury, for delivery of the same bill to Thomas Longley, bishop of Durham ”, asking the bishop to accord him but a brief hearing and he will not weary him again in his life with this matter; begging that he decide now to relieve him and his poverty “with the favour of absolution”, for then will he be his perpetual intercessor; stating: that all the things which he admitted to the bishop at Easter, and more recently, are contained in istis vallis subscriptis [? an error for villis, possibly], namely: a tenement in the market place of Durham, opposite the guildhall, and another tenement in Claypath in Durham, once Henry Esshe's; in Elwick, in Hawthorn, in West Morton [par. Sedgefield], in Tursdale, in Brandon and Hett, and in London and to Lady de Parke [? et etiam domine de Parke - perhaps “and also, Lord, concerning Parke”], he does not know how often [?] or in what manner; though they have in no respect so far damaged them except for Elwick, yet they threaten great malice in the future, and he knows how and how much, [which] he will reveal to the bishop at his pleasure.
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f.44r    [1313]
Memorandum that in 1313 John de Insula paid £32 10s of green wax arrears, owed to the king of England, in the quindene of Michaelmas [13 October], as shown by an exchequer tally and by the following particulars:
in Yorkshire, in respect of the Pipe-roll for 6 [Edward II] (1312/1313), for three debts of the prior of Durham: £6 for the prior's own amercements, £11 13s 4d for revenue from penalties before the barons of the exchequer at the pleas of 5 Edward II, and £10 for his revenue from fines, totalling £27 13s 4d; concerning which John obtained the following writ:
Writ by the king to the sheriff of York informing him that the prior of Durham has paid £27 13s 4d to the exchequer for several debts, and instructing him not to distrain the prior for the said moneys and to restore to him any property he might have seized by reason of this.
Witness: W. de Norwyco.
Date: Westminster, 10 November, 7 [Edward II] [1313]
and in Northumberland he paid sums of 13s 4d (twice), 20s (thrice) and 10s, revenue of penalties from the lands of the prior of Durham, for various fines of the sheriff and revenue from penalties before the barons of the exchequer, variously at the pleas of the Michaelmas and Easter terms of 4 & 5 E[dward II], totalling £4 16s 8d; which sum was allowed to the sheriff of Northumberland in his last account, rendered at the exchequer at Martinmas [11 November], year above [1313].
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Memorandum of the following bond:
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f.44r-v    4 January 1314
Proxy by letters patent by Richard, bishop of Durham, appointing Mr John de Insula and Mr John de Snaynton', clerks, with consent of the chapter of Durham, as his proctors to borrow up to £500 from merchants or others, when and where they see fit, for the use of the bishop and the church of Durham; and to bind the bishop and the church and his successors in repayment of the sum by whatever means they see fit.
Under the seals of the bishop and the chapter of Durham.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1313.
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[Memorandum] of the issue on the same day [as above] of two bonds under the seals of the bishop of Durham and the chapter of Durham, one for £300 and the other for £200, and naming the said proctors.
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Memorandum of the following entry, giving the date 21 November 1312.
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f.44v-45r    25 November 1312
Notarized agreement because a lawsuit is pending before the commissary of Richard, bishop of Durham, between
[1] William prior and the convent of Durham, and
[2] Mr Thomas de Leuesham; Richard de Toppeclyff, vicar of Stranton; and Adam de Bedale, vicar of Greatham, Durham dioc.: executors of the late Thomas de Leuesham;
concerning £664 which [1] said was owed to them, because of a loan made by them, by the late Robert of [Holy] Island, bishop of Durham, whose principal executor was the late Thomas de Leuesham, and into whose hands they said the goods of the said late bishop had passed;
after discussion between the parties (the same date and place as for the present letters), so that the parties' labours and expenses should be spared, and lest the execution of the testament or last will of the late Thomas de Leuesham be suspended due to a lawsuit, and with Robert de Leuesham, brother german of Thomas, present and consenting: [2] acknowledging that they knew that the late Thomas de Leuesham, in life and on the day he died, had two bonds in his archives under the seal of Antony, late bishop of Durham and immediate successor of Robert of [Holy] Island, of which one was for 1,500 marks and the other for 200 marks, which sums Antony had received from Thomas de Leuesham as a loan from the goods of Bishop Robert;
Thomas de Goldisburgh', archdeacon of Durham and principal executor of Bishop Antony when the latter was living, received the bonds from [2] after the proof of the testament of Thomas de Leuesham and before [2] were able to have administration of the goods of the same Thomas de Leuesham; Thomas de Goldisburgh' still has the bonds, because the sums concerned were from the goods of Bishop Robert, whom [1] said was bound to them for 664 marks [sic] by reason of a loan;
[2] wanted the discharge of Bishop Robert's debt, thus asked for, and granted that [1] have satisfaction of the debt, and granted that there be something beyond the debt for the soul of Bishop Robert, promising to restore the bonds to [1], to be delivered to [1] at the expense of [1]; and that the soul of the late Thomas de Leuesham be commended to the prayers of the said religious and to the commendation services to be said and held in future by [1], in perpetuity, [2] remit £100 which [1] owed to [2] by a written bond, by reason of a loan, pronouncing them quit of a demand therefor henceforward and promising to restore the said bond to [1];
the prior, in his name and that of his convent, has renounced all suits (&c) which they might have against the late Thomas de Leuesham, his heirs or executors, up to the date of the presents; likewise the executors renounce all legal actions which they might have against the prior and convent up to the date of the presents.
Witnesses: Richard de Aslacby, subprior of Durham; Mr Richard de Eryum, official of Durham; Mr William de Vaus; Robert Gretheued; Robert de Leuesham; Mr John de Schyreburn'; John de Routheclif', N.P. by imperial authority.
Notary: Andrew son of the late William de Tang', clerk of York dioc., N.P. by apostolic authority (eschatocol recited).
Done: in the prior's chamber, Durham, 25 November 1312.
Original: DCD 2.6.Ebor.3b(v).
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f.45v    6 May 1314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following chirograph grant, saving the right of the monastery of Durham.
Chirograph grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the master and brothers of the hospital of Greatham of 2 acres of waste in Stanhope, in a place called Swinhopelaw, in the forest of Weardale, next to the western gate of Stanhope park, on condition that they be enclosed so that other animals cannot enter and that, if animals do enter through want of a fence, they be driven away without right of impounding; to be held by the master and brothers and their successors in their severalty, at all times of the year; and of 15 acres of waste, lying next to the above 2 acres, towards the south; to be held with the above two acres, by the master and brother and their successors, of the bishop and his successors, saving common pasture to all having common in the 15 acres of waste, after the removal of goods; and that they have pasture in the forest of Weardale for 60 cows, bullocks and heifers, and the offspring of the cows of one year, saving future enclosures to the bishop and his successors; notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain; rendering yearly to the bishop and his successors 2s at the exchequer of Durham.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Robert de Hilton, Richard Marmeduco, Walter de Wessington, Thomas de Wytteworth', Jordan de Dalden', knights; Patrick de Kellowe, Willaim de Brakenbery, Richard de Parco, Roger de Fulthorp, Gilbert de Skaresbeck'.
Date: Auckland, 4 July 1313.
Date: Durham, 6 May 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1225-1226.
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f.45v-46r    21 May 1314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Henry le Scrop, knight, of 99½ acres in Heighington, in the field called le Estmore, and common pasture as shared by the bishop's men and tenants of Heighington; and of 15 acres and a rood in Middridge, in the field called Rawmore, and common pasture as shared by the bishop's men and tenants of Middridge; and of the whole several moor called le Fryth in Brankinmoor in Darlington, and common pasture as shared by the bishop's men and tenants of Darlington; saving to the bishop and his successors their enclosures to be made in the foresaid townships, according to statute, on condition that Henry and his heirs have sufficient pasture, ingress and egress for their free tenement in the said townships; to be held by Henry, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity of the bishop and his successors, by military service at scutage of 6d in a 40s scutage (with proportionate variation at different rates of scutage). Warranty.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevyll', Thomas de Colevill', Hugh de Louthre, knights; Thomas de Fischeburn', William de Denum.
Date: Stockton, 15 May 1314.
Date: Durham, 21 May 1314.
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f.46r-v    5 June 1314
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, since the king is leading an army into Scotland against Robert Bruce, calling himself king of Scotland, and his accomplices, instructing them to make special mention of the safety and success of the king and his army in every mass which they celebrate, to continue their prayers for peace, and to add prayers for the king's triumph over his enemies releasing from penances for 40 days all of his diocese who pray devoutly for the king and his army, and instructing them to have these present letters read out in their processions on Sundays and holy days and to send a copy of the same to their fellow monks dwelling in the cells.
Date: Riccall, 5 June 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.556-558.
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Memorandum that the prior and convent made the following grant to Reginald de Mounceaux on 14 June 1314 at the instance of Isabella, queen of England:
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f.46v    [14 June 1314]
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Reginald de Monceaux, clerk, of a yearly pension of 5 marks, to be paid by equal portions at Martinmas and Whitsun by the bursar of the priory camera, until provided by them with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, year and day as above.
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Memorandum of the following resignation, dated 6 Kal. July 1314.
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f.47r    [26 June 1314]
Resignation by Roger de Milneburn', vicar of Branxton, begging Richard, bishop of Durham, to accept the resignation of the vicarage of Branxton into his hands; resigning the vicarage because, due to infirmity and old age, he is unequal to the cure and rule thereof.
Under his own seal.
Date: Branxton, year and day as above.
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Memorandum that the prior and convent of Durham presented William de Espley to the vacant vicarage of Branxton Kal. July [1 July] 1314 and that he was admitted by the bishop [of Durham].
The institution, dated 1 August 1314, is printed in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.584-585.
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f.47r    15 June 1314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, saving the right and liberty of the prior and convent.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Colevill', knight, and Mabel his wife of 4 acres of waste in the moor of Allerton called Bullamoor, lying between the fields of Allerton and Sigston; to be held in their severalty for the life of Thomas and Mabel; with common pasture in the said moor for 200 of their own sheep and 10 of their own cows from their manor of Hallikeld, with the condition that the bishop and his successors be allowed to make enclosures in the moor; rendering 2s yearly at the bishop's exchequer of Allerton, by equal portions at the four terms of the year appointed in Allertonshire; the 4 acres and common to remain after the death of Thomas and Mabel with their son Henry and his lawful bodily heirs, to be held of the bishop and his successors for the said service, and reverting to the bishops should Henry die without a lawful bodily heir.
Sealed interchangeably by the bishop and Thomas.
Date: Riccall, 26 January 1313/14.
Date: Durham, 15 June 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1254-1255.
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f.47v    [28 September] 1314
(Crossed out and marked as void:)
< Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham asking J[ohn], bishop of Lincoln, to admit Adam of Pontefract as keeper of St Leonard's Stamford; saving the rights (&c) of their church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. October 1314.>
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f.47v    [28 September] 1314
(Crossed out and marked as void:)
< Commission by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Adam of Pontefract of the cure, wardenship and rule of the house of St Leonard's Stamford, and of the administration of the goods thereof, appointing him keeper and administrator thereof; giving him general power and special mandate for carrying out all things, without which the foregoing cannot be put in order; until revocation of the present letters.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. October 1314.>
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f.47v    [7 October 1314]
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham for 800 (octingint') marks to be paid to T[homas], earl of Moray, lieutenant of R[obert], king of Scotland, at Jedburgh in equal portions at the octave of Martinmas [18 November] [1314] and the octave of the Circumcision following [8 January 1315], for respite from war for the community of the bishopric of Durham from the Thursday before Edward the King [? translation of the Confessor, giving Thursday 10 October] 1314 until the octave of Hilary [20 January] following; with hostages from the bishopric handed to the said earl for the payment of the said money.
Date: Durham, Non. October.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxiii
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f.47v    16 October 1314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Odo de Assarto made ad Martinmas 1314 [which appears to mean that it was to commence on 11 November 1314]; of the sheep-run (bercaria) of South Stanley, next to Rampson, in the bailiwick of Auckland, with the close in which it is situated; to be held by Odo, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, for 30 years; rendering 12d yearly at the exchequer of Durham for all other services and demands; Odo, his heirs and assigns maintaining the sheep-run and the dikes around the close in good order, and returning them at the end of the 30 years in the condition in which he received them, or else paying the bishop for any deterioration according to the estimate of lawful men.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Thomas de Colevill', Walter de Wessington', knights; William de Denum, William de Brakenbery, Geoffrey de Hene'knoll', Nicholas Pollard', John de Evenwod', William Brak'.
Date: Naburn, 5 October 1314.
Date: [Durham] 16 October 1314.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1263-1264.
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f.48r    15 October 1314
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Walter de Gosewyk for £300 received from him and to be repaid to him or his messenger at Norham (instalments and dates specified), beginning Whitsun [11 May] 1315 and ending Martinmas [11 November] 1317; pledging the goods of the monastery in Norhamshire, Islandshire and elsewhere, against the loan, and renouncing all remedy of law whereby they might delay or impede payment.
Date: Durham, 15 October 1314.
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f.48r    3 October 1314
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Nova Haya, clerk, of a yearly pension of 10 marks paid from their camera of Durham, the first instalment at Whitsun [11 May] 1315, until provided by the prior and convent with a benefice which he will have thought fit to accept.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1314.
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f.48r    3 October 1314
Written oath by Thomas de Nova Haya, swearing to keep faith with the prior and convent of Durham in all things, that he will not attempt any fraud or deceit through which they should suffer loss, nor reveal their secrets or counsel to the hurt of their church or to any of their property, and that he will render counsel and aid to them and their church in their business, as often as he can readily be present and is lawfully asked by them.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1314.
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f.48r    10 October 1314
Acknowledgement by Thomas de Nova Haya, prebendary in the church of Auckland, since a dispute had arisen between him and the prior and convent of Durham concerning the tithes of Old Park, for peace, to avoid labour and expense, and “more fully to earn the affection and goodwill of the said religious”, that the prior and convent should have the tithes of Old Park, without disturbance from him or any other in his name, for the period during which he holds the prebend which he now has in the church of Auckland; saving the right of the bishop of Durham and his successors and his own right and that of his successors in the prebend.
Under his seal and that of R[ichard], bishop of Durham.
Date: Riccall, 10 October 1314.
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f.48r-v    10 October 1314
Acknowledgement by Thomas de Nova Haya, prebendary in the church of Auckland, since the prior and convent of Durham granted him a pension of ten marks yearly, to be paid at two terms of the year until he should be provided by them with an acceptable benefice, that if he should freely resign his prebend, the prior and convent of Durham should be in no wise obliged to pay the pension they awarded him, and the letters which they made for him thereon should have no force.
Under his own seal and that of R[ichard], bishop of Durham.
Date: Riccall, 10 October 1314.
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Memorandum that on 22 October Richard, bishop of Durham, directed the following letters to the prior and convent of Durham:
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f.48v    17 October [1314]
Citation by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, informing them that he intends to come to his church of Durham on the Wednesday after Martinmas, namely the Ides of November [13 November], summoning them to appear in person before him in their chapter and undergo his visitation; and instructing them to reply by All Saints [1 November], by letters patent reproducing the contents of these letters, as to what they shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, and as to the date of receipt of these letters.
Date: Riccall, 17 October, Pont. 4.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.630-631.
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[Memorandum] that, with these letters read and examined in full chapter, the prior and chapter replied to the bishop in manner following:
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f.48v    28 October [1314]
Certification by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, acknowledging receipt on 22 October of, and incorporating citation by Richard, bishop of Durham, “&c as above” (not recited) and intimating their willingness to undergo visitation.
Date: Durham, 28 October.
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[Memorandum] that the bishop wrote other letters to the prior as follows:
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f.48v-49r    17 October [1314]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham instructing him to cite the priors, masters and keepers of the priory's cells within the bishop's diocese, and the monks who ought to be summoned, to attend in presence of the bishop in the chapter of Durham on the Wednesday after Martinmas [13 November] and receive his visitation; and instructing the prior to make known to him, by letters patent incorporating the contents of these letters, what he shall have done in respect of the foregoing, the date of receipt of these letters, and the names of those cited.
Date: Riccall, 17 October, Pont. 4.
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f.49r    29 October 1314
Certification by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, acknowledging receipt on 21 October of, and incorporating the mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham “&c” (not recited) and informing him that by authority of this mandate he has cited the priors of Finchale and Holy Island, the masters and keepers of Wearmouth, Jarrow and Farne, [and] the monks who are accustomed to be summoned and who are able conveniently to be present in person, to attend in presence of the bishop and undergo his visitation, the day and place as in the mandate.
Date: Durham, 29 October 1314.
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[? Notarized] account of the visitation of the priory of Durham by the bishop of Durham, 1314 recording that on the Wednesday after Martinmas [13 November 1314], when the mass of the Holy Spirit had been celebrated, the bishop of Durham entered the chapter of Durham and, having delivered a sermon to the clergy, declared that he did not wish, in carrying out his visitation, to depart from the form of the constitution ordained by Boniface VIII, which he caused to be read out, and which follows:
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f.49r-v    [23 July 1302]
Ordinance ( “Debent ”) by Boniface [VIII], pope, following upon an appeal to him by the prior and convent of Durham, relating to their claim that the bishop of Durham ought by custom to enter the priory alone, and the refusal of A[ntony], bishop of Durham, to undertake his visitation of the priory without the company of a notary and three or four clerks; declaring the custom to be unreasonable and that the bishop should be accompanied, when making a visitation of the priory, by a notary and two or three clerks, at least one of whom should be a Benedictine.
Date: Anagni, 10 Kal. August, Pont. 8.
Printed in translation, from other, cited copies: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.86-87.
Printed as part of Corpus Iuris Canonici : Extrav. Com. I.7.1.
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When this constitution had been read, the bishop ordered the exclusion of all who ought to be excluded from the chapter-house and began his visitation in the manner noted above, having with him Hugh de Monte Alto, master of Kepier Hospital and monk of Durham, Mr John de Insula and Mr John de Snaynton', clerks, and Richard de Norton', N.P.; the bishop spoke through Mr John de Insula, who first read the letters of certification of the prior and chapter and then declared sentence of excommunication, by authority of the bishop, upon all obstructing the visitation, but the bishop wholly revoked this; the bishop, with his clerks, diligently examined the prior and convent, one by one, over two days, upon various articles concerning their own circumstances and the improvement of their church, as follows:
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Articles of visitation (recited: forty-six, all told; articles 2-46 are numbered from 1 to 45, shown by figures added between lines or in the margins).
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On the third day following, namely the Friday [15 November 1314], the bishop entered the chapter-house, declared that he wished to preserve the ancient privileges of the priory and to attempt nothing in prejudice thereof, and, asserting that, because of diverse hindrances, he could not in person correct the excesses that had emerged during the visitation, he committed the correction of defects to the aforenamed clerks, along with the prior and the monks deputed thereto by the chapter; passing to the chapter-house on the Monday following [18 November] they [the named clerks] delivered to the prior and chapter the following
f.50r    18 November [1314]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham informing them that he has committed to Hugh de Monte Alto, Mr John de Insula and Mr John de Snaynton', clerks, the work of correction and the carrying out of other incumbent things, as more fully contained in the commission made to them, and instructing them to submit to and implement their reforms.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 18 November, Pont. 4.
[Reproduced below, f.50v, but with the inclusion of a clause threatening excommunication for non-compliance.]
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By authority whereof the prior and chapter admitted the said Hugh [de Monte Alto], and the clerks John [de Insula] and John [de Snaynton], who were ready to implement all things which were to be done concerning the reforms, as more fully contained in the following:
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f.50r    18 November 1314
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Hugh de Monte Alto, master of Kepier hospital, Mr John de Insula, P.C.L., and Mr John de Snaynton', canon of Darlington, assigning to them his responsibility, until revoked, with power of canonical coercion, to proceed, take cognizance, correct, reform and pronounce concerning the articles found in the bishop's visitation held in the chapter of Durham, in so far as they concern the sundry persons and the condition of the persons and interests of the said chapter and church; providing that, having taken on and joined with the prior of Durham, and Henry de Tessedall', Robert de Boghes, Thomas de Wyvestoue, Richard de Aslacby, William de Couton', and John [de] Seton, monks of Durham, they proceed with the foregoing duties with the advice of the said monks; with provision that, if any of these monks be lawfully impeded and unable to attend, they are to take on another suitable monk of Durham, at their own discretion.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 18 November 1314.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.639-640.
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By virtue of this commission, the said clerks and the prior and the named monks made certain corrections during three days, passed the [? work of] reform on to a certain arbiter of the bishop, and appointed the Wednesday after St Catherine [27 November 1314] for certain persons to clear themselves of certain charges laid against them, which had arisen during the visitation; and, lest any of the chapter should attempt anything against their actions, the bishop sent the following
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f. 50v    18 November [1314]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham. (A version of the bishop's mandate above, on f.50r, but in this instance incorporating a clause threatening excommunication for those not complying).
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 18 November, Pont. 4.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.640-641.
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With the visitation and the correction completed by the commissaries, John de Buttrewyk came to Durham on the foresaid Wednesday, 5 Kal. December [27 November] and in presence of Richard de Norton', N.P., delivered to the prior and convent the following
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f.50v    26 November 1314
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham informing them that he is sending a schedule of corrections arising from his visitation, instructing the prior and convent to observe these corrections, so far as they pertain to each of them, ordering them to submit to the corrections on pain of greater excommunication and advising them that he could not overlook it if they were resistant or defiant, but would rather pronounce sentence of removal from office and other penalties.
Date: Stockton, 26 November 1314.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.643-644.
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To which was attached the following
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Schedule of corrections (thirty-seven listed) with the bishop's prohibition, on pain of greater excommunication and other canonical punishments, forbidding anyone of any rank against whom anything has been discovered in the visitation to speak ill of or do harm to those whom he knows or suspects have made depositions against him in the visitation, especially when such depositions are known to tend toward beneficial corrections; reserving to himself the inflicting of punishment upon such wrongdoers; and with the bishop's mandate, requiring written notification by Candlemas next [2 February 1315], if any of the corrections be not fully complied with, along with a full status [? inventory] of the house; requiring that all the convent be notified of the premisses, and that a copy thereof be made for any who asks; and reserving to himself the power of amending the foregoing.
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Register of the time of Dom. William of Durham
f.51v    30 November [13]14
[Inspeximus by the prior and convent of Durham] confirming the following grant, always saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to John de Elerker the elder of 2 acres and a rood in Ellerker, lying in various places next to the land and chief messuage of the said John; to be held by John and his lawful bodily heirs, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 3s 9d at the terms appointed in Howdenshire; and if John die without lawful bodily heirs the land is to remain with H[enry], his brother, and his lawful bodily heirs, failing which with Joan, John's sister, and failing which the land is to revert to the bishop and his successors.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Thomas de Colewyle and Alexander de Cave, knights.
Date: Evenwood, 20 December year [13]13.
Date: [Durham] 30 November year 14.
Printed, from another copy listing further witnesses, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1241-1242.
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f.51v    29 November [1]314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, always saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham in all things.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William son of John de Boyis of a messuage in the borough of [Bishop] Auckland which Bertram vitriator [? glazier] sometime held; to be held by William and his heirs of the bishop and his successors.
Under the bishop's seal.
Witnesses: Thomas de Fysburn', William de Denum.
Date: Evenwood, 12 June year 314.
Date: [Durham] 29 November year [1]314.
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f.51v-52v    [17 October] 1314
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus, for themselves and their successors, by common consent of the whole chapter.
Inspeximus by Richard, bishop of Durham, confirming the following notarized ordinance for himself and his successors.
Notarized ordinance by Mr Richard de Eryum, prebendary of the church of Lanchester, special commissary of the bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Brinkburn reciting the following commission, recognizing the appropriation of the church of Felton to the priory, with reference to the latter's lamentable state (citing reasons, in particular its location near the march of Scotland); granting, after discussion with the chapter of Durham and Mr John de Nassyngton', clerk, churchwarden [ycononius used here rather than yconomus] of the vicarage, that henceforward the church be served by a canon of the priory as vicar, to be presented to the vicarage for institution by the bishop of Durham or his deputy, that the vicar have the same portion as used to be received by secular vicars there, and have with him a fellow canon appointed at the will of the prior and suitably maintained.
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Mr Richard de Eryum, prebendary of the church of Lanchester, to take cognizance of and pronounce upon the appropriation of the church of Felton which the prior and convent of Brinkburn claim to have canonically, to grant that the vicarage of Felton be held henceforward by a canon of Brinkburn, to establish a churchwarden [uncertain reading: ycon[o]m[um] is one possibility] there, to determine a vicarage portion, to admit, institute and induct a vicar, and to do all else necessary in the foregoing.
Date: Auckland, 26 December 1313.
Produced in public form by the underwritten notary, and under Mr Richard's seal.
Written by: John de Scyrburn' [notary] clerk of York dioc.
Witnesses: the aforesaid Mr John de Nassington', Mr William de Kellaw, Mr John de Ellisden' and Thomas de Hurthwrth, N.P..
Date: Galilee of Durham Cathedral, 8 January [1314].
Date: Riccall, 13 December 1314 [either this date or the next is in error].
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. November 1314.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. I, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1873), p.489.
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f.52v    31 March 1315
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation .
Confirmation by letters patent by Richard, bishop of Durham, of the following grant for himself and his successors, notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain.
Grant (described but not recited) by Henry le Scrop' to the abbot and convent of Rievaulx of a messuage, 8 tofts, a sheep run (bercaria), and 14 bovates of land in Newsham on Tees in exchange for 3 messuages, a bovate and 40 [?] acres of land, 30 acres of meadow, 21 acres of wood in East Bolton in Wensleydale, and for a messuage and 20 acres of meadow in Bellerby, being given to the said Henry by the abbot and convent in fee.
Date: Riccall, 26 March 1315
Date: Durham, 31 March 1315.
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f.52v    13 March [1315]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Mandate by Edward [II], king of England to Robert de Clidirhou, clerk, escheator [north] of Trent, because the prelates of the realm requested in the last parliament that the king grant to the chapters and convents of religious houses whose temporalities might be in the hands of the king or his heirs by reason of vacancy [the text may be incomplete around here as such vacancies are cited as “beforementioned ”, which they have not been in this text] for rendering a fixed sum to the king and his heirs, saving feez and advowsons to the king and his heirs, and he, the king, has agreed to do what he can for the said prelates; instructing him to warn the bishops, deans, chapters, abbots and priors of the cathedrals and religious houses in his escheatry, of which houses the custody belongs to the king in time of vacancy, to send proctors to Westminster three weeks after Easter [13 April 1315], to which day the said parliament has been adjourned, finally to discuss this business with the king and his council.
Under the privy seal.
Date: Westminster, 13 March, 8 [Edward II].
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f.52v-53r    [13]15
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham at the instance of their friend J. de Insula to William Heron of 2 corrodies, specified, for himself and his garcio, to be taken within the priory of Durham, during William's lifetime; and, so that J, their defender and promoter, should feel heeded, over and above the custom of the priory, a common pittance, as administered to the convent, to be taken by William on Sundays and feast days.
Date: “&c” year 15.
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f.53r    [21 April 1315]
Grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Henry of Carlisle, doctor, of a yearly pension of 5 marks from the camera of Durham, with allowances and entitlements, specified, for service to be rendered, until provided with a suitable benefice; Master Henry has sworn to maintain fealty to the prior and convent and their church, to attend to the priory's business and to the treatment of their sick, to the best of his ability, and not to absent himself without licence, nor reveal the secrets and counsel of the prior and convent to their detriment, nor to attempt any artifice wherethrough the prior and convent might suffer loss.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. May.
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f.53r    [1313 x 1321]
Letters of confraternity by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to John de Warenne, earl of Surrey following his supplication, granting him special participation in the spiritual goods of the church of Durham and its cells, in daytime and night-time hours, masses, prayers (&c) and all good works; granting also that those who keep the earl's memory in their devotions be participants in their prayers. [n.d.].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxii-cxiii
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f.53r    [20 April ?1315]
Letters of consorority by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to lady Matilda de Nerford granting her participation in the spiritual goods of the church of Durham and its cells, in masses, prayers (&c), and admitting her as a sister.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. May “anno &c”.
With interlined variants for a subsequent similar letter (cf. clause in lower margin, naming ?Sac' Nout) of c.1400.
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f.53v    [20 May 13]15
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham asking Richard, bishop of Durham, to institute Mr Gilbert de Burdon', in subdeacon's orders, in the vicarage of Bedlington vacant by the death of Simon de Derlington', lately vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. June year 15.
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f.53v    [3 May] 1316
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Patrick de Kellaue, his brother german, of a waste called Depestrother' (boundaries described by reference to Elysford, Elysineck', Staynwell', Brun', Stanleyburn' ); to be held by Patrick, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in their severalty, along with common pasture anywhere in all the bishop's woods, moors and pastures for whatsoever his animals; rendering 6d yearly at the four terms appointed in the bishopric of Durham; on condition that he allow the bishop and his successors to make assarts from the waste. Warranty.
Witnesses: R. son of J. son of Marmeduke, Walter de Wessington, Jordan de Dalden', knights; William de Mordon, R. de Fulthorp', H. de Langton', W. de Brakinbery, William de Kilkenny.
Date: Riccall, 21 January year 15.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. May 1316.
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f.53v    [17 November 13]15
Release (obscurely worded in parts) by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Leuesham from any actions against him concerning the wills of the late Robert de Stichill' and Robert of [Holy] Island, bishops of Durham, or of Thomas de Leuesham', late master of Greatham hospital; not wishing him to be injured if he happen to be penalized by reason of the said wills; and promising him half of the goods due to the prior and convent by reason of the last will of Robert de Stichill' or by reason of debt while the same Robert lived; and stating that it falls to the prior and convent to pursue the goods of the late Thomas de Leuesham and the fourth part of all goods, over and above those goods.
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. December year 15.
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f.53v-54r    30 August 1315
Ratification by Richard, bishop of Durham, of the ordinance of Mr Roger de Seton', canon of York, concerning the vicarage of High Coniscliffe, the rectory of which (excepting the tithes of Thornton) had been appropriated to the abbey of St Albans by gift of Pope Alexander IV, and over which had arisen disputes between the abbot and convent of St Albans and Robert, late bishop of Durham, and later between the same abbot and convent and the barons of Greystoke, and also between the churches of Durham and St Albans; saving to himself and his successors the collation of the vicarage.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 30 August 1315.
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f.54r    3 June 1315
Inspeximus by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant for themselves and their successors, saving the right of their church of Durham.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, assigning to Hugh de Monte Alto, master of Kepier hospital, and his successors, all the tithes of the newly-tilled land and of the assarts next to Gateshead, taken by Richard, bishop of Durham, while he lived, insofar as they lie in no certain parish; with consent of the chapter of Durham; for relief of the depressed condition of the hospital, brought about by the Scots' incursions and other occurrences.
Witnesses: T. de Goldisburgh', archdeacon, &c.
Date: Durham, 2 June 1315.
Date: Durham, 3 June 1315.
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Opening of an inspeximus, partially erased
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f.54r-v    [28 April] 1316
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following chirograph grant.
Chirograph grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to J. abbot and the convent of Newminster considering the damage sustained by the abbot and convent of Newminster through the Scots' invasions, and at the instance of Edward [II], king of England, of lands, woods and tenements (boundaries described by reference to Milk[well] Burn, the Derwent, Ravenside, Wodclue burn, le Stokstill', and Winlaton) in their manor of Chopwell, in their severalty; to be held at all times of the year, in perpetuity, saving the right of any other; with the condition that if, because of defective enclosure, the livestock of the bishop or his tenants enter the severalty, they may be taken out without parkage or other impediment.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Stockton, the eve of St Matthew [20 September] 1315.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. May 1316.
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f.54v    [29 May 13]16
Confirmation by the prior and convent of Durham of the approval by Richard, bishop of Durham, of the appropriation of the church of High Coniscliffe to the abbot and convent of St Albans.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June year 16.
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f.54v    [3 October 1316]
Confirmation by the prior and convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to W. Bryseban' of a messuage in Norham formerly held by W. de Kyrkeby, and in the bishop's hands as escheat by his felony; to be held by W. and his heirs of the bishop and his successors, by service as in the time of W. de Kirkeby.
Under the bishop's seal.
Date: Riccall, 24 July year 16.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. October.
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f.54v    [3 October 13]16
Inspeximus by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant on condition that he have no door or opening towards the south, from where the way across (transitus) to the priory's mill is accessible, otherwise he is to have no confirmation.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William de Ederdacres of a messuage in Durham, which was Walter de Esche's; to be held by William, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors and of the church of Durham, for the service which the said Walter de Essche used to do.
Under the bishop's seal.
Date: Riccall, &c year 16.
Date: 5 Non. October year 16.
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f.55r    [22 March 1317]
Grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Qwyttewell', merchant, and Isolda his wife; for a certain sum of money; of a daily livery of bread and beer, specified, noting the cellars from which the beer is to be taken; Isolda receiving part of the allowance if it happen that Ralph predeceases her, and Ralph continuing to receive the whole allowance should Isolda die first.
Date: 11 Kal. April year 16.
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f.55r    [9 November 13]16
Grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Alexander de Bergh' of a yearly pension of 20s to be drawn from the priory camera at Whitsun and a valet's robe every year at Christmas.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. November year 16.
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f.55r    [14 March] 1317
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham asking the dean and chapter of York, keepers of the spiritualities thereof, sede vacante, to institute Mr Roger de Heselarton' in the prebend in the church of Howden vacant by the death of Mr John de Snaynton'.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. March 1316/17.
Another copy: f.55v, below.
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f.55r    [14 May 13]17
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Geoffrey de Saleby, surgeon at the house of Farne, of a chamber on the same island, and as much sustenance in food and drink as the monks dwelling there have.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. May year 17.
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f.55r    [13 April] 1317
Bond by the prior and convent of the church of Durham to Mr Roger de Heselarton' the elder, clerk, for 100 marks lent to the priory, to be paid to him, his attorney or assign in York at the Easter next following the date underwritten.
Date: Wednesday after Quasimodo 1317.
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f.55v    28 August 1311
(out of sequence:)
Licence by William prior and the convent of Durham to H[ugh] de Monte Alto to undertake the keeping of the hospital of Kepier, offered to him by R[ichard] bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 28 August 1311.
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f.55v    [14 March] 1317
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham asking the dean and chapter of York, keepers of the spiritualities thereof, sede vacante, to institute Mr Roger de Heselarton' in the prebend in the church of Howden vacant by the death of Mr John de Snaynton'.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. March 1316/17.
Another copy: f.55r, above.
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f.55v    [28 March 1317]
Gaol delivery of the court of Durham, sede vacante, before Adam de Boughes, then sheriff, Monday before St Ambrose, 10 Edward II recording that John son of Walter de Wyndegate, Elias son of Walter de Wyndegate, Robert son of Laurence de Hesildon, Walter Gand, Robert de Eden and his brother William, Isobel, wife of William del Halle, and Agnes her daughter, Thomas Belle de Wodom and Margaret his wife, taken at Wingate, Hesleden, Ferryhill, Wolviston, and Woodham, were charged with various crimes by the sheriff; and that Robert de Gretheuid, steward of the prior of Durham, asked the court concerning prisoners taken in the fee and lordship of the prior, and the prior produced the following writ and that upon this writ the sheriff took an inquest before 12 men of the county, who said that the priors of Durham were accustomed, whether the bishopric were vacant or not, to accuse and hold prisoners taken in their fee and lordship, excepting those taken for homicide; that they were to detain these prisoners in the bishop's gaol and hang those convicted of larceny or felony on the bishop's gallows; and that the prior was to have half of the chattels of the hanged prisoners; wherefore the prior was to have his court for the delivered prisoners; and that delivery was assigned to the morrow [29 March 1317], when Robert de Eden', William his brother, and Robert son of Laurence de Hesilden' were hanged and their chattels were confiscated, and the others were freed.
Writ by Edward, king of England, to the sheriff of Durham instructing him to allow the prior of Durham to enjoy the diverse liberties claimed by him, just as he used to enjoy them; given by the hand of Adam de Wion', the king's chancellor of the liberty of the bishopric of Durham, sede vacante.
Date: Durham, 15 March, 10 Edward II. [1317]
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxiv-cxv.
Another copy: DCD 1.5.Pont.3(11) and Loc.IV:157.
Digitised version
f.56r    28 June 1317
Letters by the prior and convent of Durham to L[ouis], bishop elect of Durham, reciting the following mandate and informing the bishop, having discussed the matter with his commissary general, Mr J. de Insula, that as collectors of the tenth for the bishop's predecessor they had raised £766 13s 4d of the total extent of £1,086 16s 10¾d, and delivered this sum to the bishop's predecessor, whose mandate they ceased to execute after they had pursued non-payers with sentence of excommunication up to the death of Clement V; and that they cannot raise the residue until they have a new mandate; and that even then it would be impossible to raise the same since the possessions of the bishopric are exhausted by the Scots and other well-known misfortunes.
Mandate by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham reciting the following mandate and instructing them, since he is unable personally to discuss the matter with them, to deliberate with Mr John de Insula, his commissary general, concerning this, to execute the mandate as they think best, and to send him a return, incorporating the contents of these present letters, as to how they shall have executed the mandate.
Mandate by Edward, king of England, to L[ouis], bishop elect of Durham, and the prior and convent of Durham instructing them to deliver, to certain persons appointed by him, the money so far collected and held in deposit for the first year of the sexennial tenth imposed by Clement V, lately pope, by the octave of John the Baptist [1 July] at the latest, and to collect the outstanding sums from the tenth and deliver them without delay to the same appointees; in accordance with the bull of John XXII, pope, (whereof the tenor has been sent to them and the rest of the prelates and collectors under the seal of Walter, archbishop of Canterbury) whereby the king was lent, for his urgent business, the money collected for the first year of the tenth.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 10 June, 10 Edward II [1317]
Date: Riccall, 24 June 1317.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. July 1317.
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f.56v    [7 July] 1317
Inspeximus by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Robert del Haye and Olive his wife of a croft called Cokewaldcroft in Howden; to be held by Robert and Olive and Olive's heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 11s yearly at the exchequer of Howden at the four terms appointed in Howdenshire.
Witnesses: Stephen Cecilie of Howden, Jordan de Alkok' of the same, Robert de Belasise, John del Fall', John de Bekyngham', John de Cayvill, John Roscelyn, Henry Hode.
Date: Howden, 31 August 1313.
Date: Durham, Non. July 1317.
Printed, from another copy, in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1220 omitting the words et heredibus ipsius Olive, and the last names of the first two witnesses
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f.56v    [21 July] and [24 July] 1317
Proxy by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, and Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham appointing Aymer de True and Gerard Lumbard' as their proctors to carry our their business before the Roman curia, and to borrow from merchants up to £2,000 on behalf of the church of Durham.
Under their seals.
Dates: Riccall, Thursday the morrow of Margaret the Virgin, and Durham, Sunday after Mary Magdalen 1317.
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f.56v    [26 July 13]17
Bond by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham obliging himself, his church, his successors and executors, and all his goods to indemnify the prior and convent in respect of the loan to be negotiated in the Roman curia by their proctors Aymer de True and Gerard Lumbard', and promising to repay the money borrowed to the merchants or the merchants' proctors, with whom the loan should happen to be arranged; removing from his executors all authority to administer his goods after his death until the merchants have been satisfied of the sum of money and the prior and convent have been satisfied of any loss incurred, notwithstanding anything ordained to the contrary in his testament; promising to ratify the foregoing after his consecration with the authentic seal which he will then be using.
Under his [present] seal.
Date: Riccall, 7 Kal. [month omitted: cf next entry] year 17.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxvii-cxviii
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f.57r    [26 July 13]17
Bond by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham for £2,000 lent by them, to be repaid whensoever required.
Date: Riccall, 7 Kal. August year 17.
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f.57r    [24 July] 1317
Defeasance by [the prior and convent of Durham] to Louis, bishop elect of Durham, annulling his bond for £2,000, if, in accordance with his bond made thereon, he should indemnify them against the loan which the proctors Aymer de True and Gerard Lumbard' are to negotiate at the Roman curia.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. August 1317. [Predates by two days the bond copied immediately above]
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f.57r    8 August 1317
Grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Stephen de Blont' of a yearly pension of 100s, to be drawn from the exchequer of Durham, until provided with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, 8 August 1317.
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f.57r-v    [1317]
Certification by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Louis, bishop elect of Durham, having lately received and reciting the following mandate. [No more of the certification appears]
Mandate by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to the prior of Durham reciting the following mandate and (noting that the more solemnly it were published, the more it should be shared by those to whose notice it ought to come, to the quiet of the population and the driving back of the rebels' malice) instructing them to publish the mandate in Durham cathedral in their processions, when a greater multitude of people is present and to certify him of its execution in letters patent reproducing the contents hereof by Exaltation of Cross [14 September] next.
Mandate [by Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, John, bishop of Winchester, and John, bishop of Ely, specially deputed executors by the apostolic see for the underwritten [purposes]] (supplied from Louis Beaumont's mandate; the copy omits the opening of the executors' mandate) to Louis, bishop elect of Durham, reciting the following mandate and instructing him, by authority of the foregoing, to have the mandate executed by publishing it in every church in coastal districts of his diocese and in others as he sees fit, and at markets when a greater multitude is present, and by pronouncing great excommunication upon those set out in the apostolic letters, not ceasing to publish the mandate until receipt of another; requiring certification of the date of receipt hereof and of the manner of execution to be sent by Michaelmas [29 September] next to the archbishop and his colleagues, in letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents.
Mandate by John [XXII], pope, to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Winchester and Ely informing them that he is pronouncing sentence of excommunication upon all those, of whatever status (having specified “some nobles and magnates ”), who have entered England or Ireland against Edward, king of England, and upon all those who give assistance to these invaders; and instructing them to publish this sentence wherever they see fit, and especially in coastal regions.
Date: Avignon, 4 Kal. April, Pont. 1. [24 May 1317]
Date: Lambeth near London, 9 Kal. June 1317.
Date: Riccall, 9 June 1307 [for 1317].
Printed in Calendar of Papal Letters II, p.139
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f.57v    18 August 1317
Mandate by Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham instructing them to have the religious and parochial clergy intercede on Fridays at least, Sundays, (&c) for the success of the expedition to northern parts of Edward, king of England, in his Scottish war; and requiring them to write back to him by Michaelmas [29 September] that this has been done.
Date: Clyfton', 18 August 1317.
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f.57v-58r    [1317]
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Henry de Stanford and William de Couton' appointing them their proctors to negotiate a loan of £40 from merchants, to bind the priory to its repayment as they see fit, and to submit the priory to a recognizance made before whatsoever church court judge.
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f.58r    [19 November] 1317
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the covent of Durham asking William, bishop of St Andrews, to institute John de Edirham, chaplain, in the vicarage of Edrom, vacant by the resignation of William de Chatton', saving the priory's accustomed yearly pension due therefrom.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. December 1317.
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f.58r    [27 November] 1317
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Luke, cardinal deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, for his labours on the priory's behalf, of a yearly pension of 100 florins of good and pure Florence gold for life, to be paid at Christmas to him or his proctor, in the R[oman] curia or elsewhere < “in London” deleted>.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. December 1317.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxvi-cxvii
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f.58r    [12 December] 1317
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr Peter de Fyscheburn' that a monk should celebrate de Sancta Maria or another mass, at the will of the deputed monk, in perpetuity, for Peter in life as in death and for the souls of his parents; saying, during Peter's life this prayer: “Deus, Qui caritatis pro ipso specialiter accipiet ” ; and, after his death, for his soul and those of his parents, this prayer: “Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam”.
Date: Durham, Prid. Id. December 1317.
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f.58r-v    [10 October] 1317
Chirograph grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to Nicholas de Normanton' of board (mensalis) for life in their cell at Stamford, receiving, when present, from the prior and monks there, the daily allowance of a monk of that cell; a room over the gate of the cell, provided he be in residence there; and a robe each year, wherever he be, from the prior of the cell; Nicholas swearing to serve the cell faithfully (though being not held hereto until the death of the rector of Dinsdale, his uncle, unless he spend the intervening period at the said house); and granting that a third of his goods remaining at his death should go to the prior and monks of Stamford.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. October 1317.
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f.58v    [1317]
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Michael de Harcla, clerk, for £20 arrears of his yearly pension and robes, granted to him by William, sometime prior of Durham, to be paid at York in 100s instalments: the first at St N next, then at Epiphany [6 January] 1318/19, Whitsun [27 May] 1319, and Epiphany following [6 January 1320].
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f.58v    [17 February 1318]
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham asking Louis, bishop elect of Durham, to institute Henry de Lutrington', chaplain, in the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham saving the yearly pension of 40s due therefrom to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. March 1317/18.
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f.58v    [30 April] 1317
Presentation by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham asking J[ohn], bishop of Lincoln, to institute Robert de Derlington' in the church of Stamford St Mary at the bridge, saving their yearly pension of 5 marks due therefrom.
Date: Durham, Prid. Kal. May 1317.
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f.58v    19 July 1318
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham asking the bishop of St Andrews to institute John de Ederham, chaplain, in the vicarage of Edrom; saving their yearly pension of 10 marks due therefrom.
Date: Durham, 19 July 1318.
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f.58v-59r    [23 September] 1318
Ordinance by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham reciting the following grant and, following dissention between subsequent almoners, and especially Thomas de Hessewell', now almoner, and the said Nicholas over the allowance and the manner of its taking, modifying the allowance (changes specified).
Grant by John of Barnard Castle, almoner of Durham, to Nicholas, called Miller, of Medomsley, and Agnes his wife, and the longer lived of them, of an allowance, specified, from the almonry of Durham; with consent of Richard de Hoton', then prior, and the convent of Durham.
Under the almoner's seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Non. October [4 October] 1304.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. October 1318.
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f.59r    [23 September 1318]
Grant by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham to John, son of Olive, and Mariot his wife, and the longer lived of them for a certain sum of money an allowance, specified.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. October.
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f.59r    [24 October 1318]
Bond by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham in consideration of the discretio of J. de Merkingfeld', canon of York, and the service of R. de Saxton' undertaking to pay the same Roger a yearly pension of ten marks of silver, to be taken from the priory's camera, until he be provided with a benefice which he will have thought fit to accept.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. November.
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f.59r    [6 March 1319]
Grant by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, ordinary of the liberty of Howdenshire, to Henry de Stanford, monk, of the revenues of the vacant church of Brantingham, in Howdenshire, for as long as the church happens to be vacant; in view of his labours and expenses concerning a certain grace which he claims Pope J[ohn] XXII granted him and which he has not yet obtained; saving the yearly pension due from the same church to the chamberlain of Durham.
Date: Durham, 2 Non. March 1318/19.
Original: DCD 1.3.Ebor.28.
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From the time of John de Butirwyk
f.59r-v    [5 March 1319]
Grant by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas, son of Walter de Gosewik', on account of Walter's service to the priory, of a yearly pension of 40s to be taken from the exchequer of Durham, with a clerk's robe; until the same Thomas, or any other whom Walter should care to nominate, be provided for more copiously.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. March 1318/19.
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f.59v    [5 March 1319
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Walter Gosewyk for 400 marks received from him as a loan to be repaid to him or his attorney at Durham in instalments of 100 marks at the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1319, and at the following Whitsun and Martinmas.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. March 1318/19.
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f.59v    [5 March 1319]
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to John, called Galoun appointing him their proctor to attend before the official of the bishop of Durham and make recognizance that the prior and convent are obliged to Walter de Gosewyk for a loan of 400 marks.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. March 1318/19.
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f.59v   [10 April 1319]
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to John de Denum for 20 marks received from him as a loan to be repaid to him or his attorney bearing the present letters at Durham, St Cuthbert in September [4 September] 1319.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. April.
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f.59v    [22 April] 1319
Licence by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Gilbert de Elwyk' since he is shortly to incept in the faculty of theology at the university of Oxford, giving him leave to swear any lawful oath required in this instance, and to do all other things which such scholars are accustomed to do according to the statutes of the university.
Date: 10 Kal. May 1319.
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f.59v-60r    [23 April] 1319
Proxy by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Gilbert de Elwyk' appointing him proctor to negotiate, in name of the prior and his church, with certain willing persons, a loan of £10; and to bind them, their successors and their goods to repayment, under conditions to be chosen by the lenders.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. May 1319.
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f.60r     [1319 ?]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Petition by the prior of Durham since the burgesses of Berwick were lately arrested and their goods, including their debts when the town was lost, were taken into the king's hands; and since the king had forbidden the prior of Durham to pay his debt to Walter Gosewik' [burgess of Berwick] until he had spoken his will [on the matter]; asking the king to send a writ to the bishop of Durham or his lieutenant in the spirituality, requiring the surcession of proceedings for the payment of the debt (which the prior is condemned to pay at Whitsun before the official of Durham) until the king has expressed his will on the matter.
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f.60r    24 May [13]19
[Mandate by the vicar general of the bishop of Durham to an unnamed official, incorporating the following writ], instructing him to observe this mandate. Under the seal of the office of vicar general.
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, and his vicar general in distant parts referring to the 100 marks due to be repaid, on pain of excommunication by the bishop's official, at the coming Whitsun by the prior of Durham to Walter de Gosewyk', recently burgess of Berwick; instructing them not to have or allow to be raised within the liberty of the bishopric any debts owed by the prior of Durham to Walter de Gosewyk', and to revoke sentence of excommunication, if such has been carried out upon the prior; and to have the prior inhibited from paying any debts owed to W until further mandate.
Date: York, 20 May, 12 [Edward II] [1319]
Date: Boldon, 24 May year 19.
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f.60r-v    [5 March 1319]
Instrument in the name of the official of the bishop of Durham, sitting in judgment in the Galilee of Durham cathedral, recording that there appeared before him Walter de Gosewyk', in person, and John Galon', as proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, the latter showing an agreement wherein the prior and convent admit that they owe Walter 400 marks, to be paid in 100-mark instalments at certain terms; the former handing over for cancellation two bonds under the seal of the prior and convent, for £100 and £200, and a recognizance of the prior, made in the bishop's chancery, concerning the payment of £260, which Walter wished to be of no force; and that the official nullified the two bonds and the recognizance and condemned the prior and convent to pay the said sum [i.e. the 400 marks] to Walter at the said terms on pain of great excommunication and interdict of their church.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Derlington' and Nicholas de Stayndrop', N.P.
Date: in the Galilee of Durham, 3 Non. March 1318/19.
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f.60v    [28 May] 1319
Quittance by Walter de Gosewyk' to the prior and convent of Durham for 100 marks in part repayment of a loan of 400 marks; and undertaking to indemnify them in the event that the king and his heirs should raise the sum from the priory's goods and chattels, notwithstanding the fact that the sum has been paid.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. June 1319.
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f.60v    4 June 1319
(Crossed out:)
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Robert de Pykeryng', dean of York, for 10 marks received from him as a loan, to be repaid to him, or his proctor or attorney, at Durham, St Cuthbert in September [4 September] next, binding themselves, their monastery and their goods to the repayment of the sum.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1319.
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f.60v-61r    [19 May] 1319
(The four lines on 60v are crossed out)
[Chirograph] agreement between Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham and Mr Robert de Pykering', dean of York, William de Grundewell', William de Wamberg', John de Tokham', and John de Tyringham', executors of the testament of Henry de Bluntesdon', late archdeacon of Dorset whereby the prior and convent demised to the executors for four years for 400 marks paid beforehand the church of Eastrington, next to Howden, with its manor, in Newland; with warranty, the bearing of all ordinary and extraordinary burdens touching the church during the term, and, should the executors be hindered by war during the term, the enjoyment of the revenues of the church after the end of the term for a period equivalent to that during which they were impeded; the executors to bear the expense of maintaining the houses of the manor and to return them in as good condition as they found them.
Sealed interchangeably: by Mr Robert and John de Tokham' for themselves and their co-executors, and by the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, St Dunstan in May 1319.
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f.61r    6 June 1319
Quittance by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Thomas de Belsow for 10 marks received from him, by the hand of John de Horseley, being his part of £20 owed jointly by Thomas de Belsow, Warin de Swethop and William de Shaftow for certain tithes sold to them, in which sum they are obliged by bond and by their admission before the official of Durham, and which is to be paid in instalments of 10 marks at Whitsun 1319 [27 May] and 1320 [18 May] and 5 marks at Martinmas [11 November] 1319 and 1320.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1319.
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f.61r    6 June 1319
Quittance by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Warin de Swethop and William de Schaftow for 5 marks for the term of Martinmas [11 November] 1319, as in the preceding entry.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1319.
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“Certification to the letter of visitation, with the postponement thereof, appears on the other side of folio 61”
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f.61v    5 May 1319
[Certification by the prior and convent of Durham to the bishop of Durham, in the form of:]
Memorandum that the following letters were delivered on the feast of St Elphege [19 April] 1319, expressing their willingness to undergo visitation.
Citation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham to attend before him in the chapter house of Durham on the Monday next after the octave of Holy Trinity [11 June] to undergo visitation; requiring a reply as to what they shall have seen fit to do in respect of the forgoing, to be made in letters patent, giving the date of receipt of the presents and reproducing their contents, by Ascension Day [17 May].
Date: Grenforth' [? Greenford, Middlesex], 9 April 1319.
Date: Durham, 5 May 1319.
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f.61v    9 April 1319
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to G[eoffrey], prior of Durham, instructing him to cite all priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend his visitation, (date and place as in the citation above), and, by the Monday [the date set for the visitation], to send a return, in letters patent containing the date of delivery, the contents of these [letters], and the names of those cited, as to his execution of the presents.
Date: Grenforth' [? Greenford, Middlesex], 9 April 1319.
Digitised version
[Memorandum] that the visitation was prorogued, as in the following letters:
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f.61v-62r    31 May 1319
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham postponing, on account of ill health and other unspecified causes, his intended visitation to the Monday after the octave of Michaelmas [8 October], instructing them to attend on this date and to inform him, within two months of receipt of the presents, by letters patent giving the date of receipt and reproducing the contents of the presents, that they have made this known.
Date: Horkestow, 31 May 1319.
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f.62r    28 May [1319]
Writ by Edward, king of England, to the prior of Durham referring to the 100 marks, which he ought to have paid to Walter de Gosewyk' at Whitsun last, and which the king had ordered the bishop of Durham to cause to be kept in the prior's hands until further instruction; informing him that Walter had agreed that the sum ought to come into the king's hands, and that he has instructed the bishop of Durham or his lieutenant to have the money paid to Mr John de Insula, his clerk, and instructed the latter to receive the money into his custody; instructing the prior to pay the sum into Mr John's custody for the king's use.
Witness the king.
Date: York, 28 May, 12 Edward [II].
(with a note inserted to the effect that the sum was paid to Mr John and a quittance was made to the prior)
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f.62r    6 June 1319
Account by the prior and convent of Durham, deputed subcollectors in the bishopric of Durham of the annual tenth imposed by John XXII, pope, and granted to the king of England rendered at York by Mr de Bekyngham', their proctor, before John de Cokerune, commissary of John, bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth. Charge: £221 14s 7¼d Discharge: (sums to Thomas, Earl Marshal, the king's brother, Henry de Beaumound, John del Colyn, merchant of Gascony, John Louthre, keeper of the king's victuals in Carlisle) £213 5s 3¼d. Noting that the names of non-payers have been supplied in a schedule attached to letters of certification, which give the sum of £4 9s 4d. Allowed: £4 for expenses. And thus quit. In witness whereof the bishop of Winchester has had letters of quittance, under his seal, made to the prior and convent.
Date: York, 6 June 1319.
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[Memorandum] that since John de Bretteby was not, for certain reasons, admitted by virtue of an earlier presentation, he was granted the presentation as follows:
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f.62r    8 June 1319
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of John de Bretby, chaplain, to the vicarage of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 8 June 1319.
Digitised version
f.62v-63r    8 June 1319
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following two grants
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Gilbert [? recte William] de Clif', clerk, of 5 acres in Woodhall, near to South Duffield, in the bishop's hand as escheat by the forfeiture of John Bethe of Woodhall, who held them of Antony, late bishop of Durham, and abjured the realm for the felony which he committed; to be held by William, for life, of the bishop and his successors; rendering 2s 6d yearly at the exchequer of Howden at the four terms appointed in Howdenshire; with remainder (the land to be held of the bishop and his successors for the above service) after the death of the said William:
[1] to Alexander son of William son of Alexander de Clif', and his lawful bodily heirs in perpetuity; or, if he die without an heir, to
[2] Walter son of Alexander de Clif', and his lawful bodily heirs, in perpetuity; or, if he die without an heir, to
[3] Alice and Isobel, daughters of Alexander de Clif', and their lawful bodily heirs, in perpetuity;
and after the death of William, Alexander son of William, Walter, and Alice and Isobel, if they die without lawful heirs, to revert to the bishop and his successors.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Mr John de Insula, prof. civil law, Mr Peter de Kellaw, and Henry de Luceby, 'our clerks', William de Denum, Patrick de Kellau, Robert de Osgodby, Richard Daveringes, William de Hatchelsay; [1311 x 1316]
Grant by indenture by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William de Clif', 'our clerk'; of a messuage and 1 bovate in Cliffe, near to Hemingbrough, which William has held at the bishop's will; to be held by William, for life, of the bishop and his successors; rendering 6s 8d yearly at the exchequer of Howden at the terms appointed in Howdenshire, and suit at the courts of Howden next after Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Adam de Osgodby, Robert de Bardelby, William de Ayreminne, clerks of the chancery of the king of England, Robert de Osgodby, Robert de Babethorp', John de Clif', Robert de Hakethorp', William de Hachelsay.
Date: York, 25 September 1314.
Date: Durham, 8 June 1319.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1165-1166.
Printed, from another copy: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1262-1263.
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f.63r    4 June 1319
(Crossed out:) Bond by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Mr Robert de Pykering', dean of York, for 10 marks received from him as a loan, to be repaid to him or his attorney in York, St Cuthbert in September [4 September] next.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1319.
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f.63r    7 April [1319]
Writ by Edward, king of England, to the prior of Durham, subcollector in the bishopric of Durham of the first year of the sexennial tenth of the English church, imposed by Clement V, lately pope, and granted to the king as a loan by John XXII, and collector of the tenth granted to the king from the clergy in the tenth year of his reign instructing him to pay £50 from money raised or soon to be raised from these tenths to John de Louthre, clerk, keeper of the king's victuals at Carlisle, receiving the said John's letters patent as evidence of receipt, whereby, and by authority of this writ, allowance will be made at the exchequer.
Witness: J[ohn], bishop of Winchester, treasurer.
Date: Westminster, 7 April 12 Edward II.
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f.63r    7 May [1319]
Writ by Edward, [king of England], to the sheriff of York instructing him, since the prior of Durham has not paid £50 to John de Louthre [as in the preceding entry], to raise the sum from the prior's lands and chattels within his bailiwick and pay it to the said John, receiving the said John's letters patent as evidence of receipt, whereby allowance will be made at the exchequer, to have it made known to the barons of the exchequer at Westminster in 15 days from Trinity Sunday [18 June] and to have this writ there.
Witness: J. de Foxhole.
Date: Westminster, 7 May, 12 Edward II.
“by the memoranda roll of the same year among the unreturned writs of the view of account of Hilary term”.
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[Memorandum] that, since the prior had not paid the sum to John [de Louthre] in advance, he submitted to sentence of the official of York, as follows, lest the sum were raised from his tenants in the county of York:
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f.63v    5 June [1319]
Memorandum of sentence by the official of the court of York with John de Louthre, keeper of the king's victuals in Carlisle, and Mr William de Twyford', proctor of the prior of Durham, present; made after Mr William had made judicial recognizance that the prior was to pay the said John £50 from the arrears of the sexennial tenth and sworn that £30 would be paid within 15 days of Trinity last [by 18 June] and £20 at St Cuthbert next [4 September]; of great excommunication upon the prior of Durham should full payment not be made.
Under the seal of the official.
In York minster, 5 June 1310 [? recte 1319].
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f.63v    [20 June] 1319
Certification by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Mr Rigaud de Asserio [d'Assier], canon of Orléans, papal nuncio in England or to the abbot of St Mary's, York, having received on 14 June and reciting the following letters, stating that since they delivered various recovered items to the nuncio of the cardinals they have received no further goods of theirs except for certain items, specified, of insufficient value to be worth sending, and 7s, which they send with the carrier of the presents.
Letters by Mr Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal nuncio, to the prior of Durham, by mandate of the cardinals Gaucelme priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, enjoining him, if any goods plundered from the two cardinals have or should come into his hands, to transmit them to him, in York, or to the abbot of St Mary's, York; to give quittance to and make a “compact to seek no more” (pactum de ulterius non petendo) with any persons from whom such goods be received; and to certify him of recovered goods, through the deliverer of the presents, by letters patent, containing the text of the presents, or by public instrument. Registered.
Under Rigaud's seal.
Date: York, 4 June 1319.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. July 1319.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxi-cxxii
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f.63v-64r    [20 June] 1319
Certification by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain, special commissary for the collection of arrears of the procurations of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata or to the abbot of St Mary's, York, having received on 14 June and reciting the following letters, intimating that, aside from the procurations recently raised and handed to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, principal collector thereof in the city and diocese of Durham, £414 remains in their hands, which they dare not send without “mandate of him to whom we are held to answer and render account thereof ” [the bishop] and because of the hazards of the roads to York.
Letters by Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain, to the prior and convent of Durham by commission of the [abovenamed] cardinals enjoining them to send to him in York or to the abbot of St Mary's, York, within eight days of delivery of the presents, whatever they have raised or received of the procurations of the two cardinals; and to certify him by letters patent as to what they have seen fit to do in this matter.
Under Rigaud's seal.
Date: York, 6 June 1319.
Under the other part of the common seal.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. July 1319.
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f.64r-v    [1319]
Certification by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Mr Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain, nuncio in England and collector for vacant benefices in England reserved by the pope for three years or to the abbot of St Mary's, York, having received on 14 June and reciting the following mandate, stating that the churches of Washington, Longnewton, Redmarshall, Staindrop and Meldon, and the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham were vacant before and after the said time, and that the churches of Haltwhistle, Ford, [Long] Benton, Edmundbyers and Wolsingham, and the vicarages of Hartburn, Pittington and Kelloe, with the former prebend of Mr Thomas de Applynden' in the church of Norton, were vacant after the said time, but that all these benefices are now filled. n.d.
Mandate by Rigaud de Asserio (styled as above) to the prior of Durham enjoining the prior to inform him of benefices in the city and diocese of Durham, to whosesoever collation, disposition or presentation they pertain, vacant in the period from Kal. July [1 July] 1318 or now vacant; to be certified to him or the abbot of St Mary's, York, by letters incorporating the contents of these letters, within fifteen days of receipt of the presents, through Thomas de Euerthia [?], canon of London (not in Fasti - St Paul's), bearer of the presents, or anyone else; on pain of interdict and, after six days, suspension and other penalties.
Date: York, 7 June 1319
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f.64v    24 July [1319]
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham reciting the following mandate, instructing them to conduct services as required in the archiepiscopal letters and to encourage prayers for the king and his army by the reward of indulgences.
Mandate by William, archbishop of York, to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, instructing him, in view of the expedition of Edward, king of England, to Scotland, to ordain that, in his cathedral and in every collegiate church and others, every Friday there be services, specified, for the king and the success of his expedition; and informing him that those who prayed for the king and his army would have his indulgence of 40 days from penance imposed on them.
Date: [Bishop]thorpe near York, 12 Kal. August [21 July] 1319.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 24 July.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxiii-cxxv
Historical papers and letters from the northern registers, ed J. Raine (1873), p.311
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f.65r    23 July [1319]
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham reciting the following mandate, instructing them to collect the tenth as quickly as possible and to certify him that they have done so by letters patent incorporating the contents of these letters.
Mandate by William, archbishop of York, to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, exhorting him to collect within his city and diocese the tenth of the goods and benefices of all clergy “according to the last assessment most newly made”, which had been granted to the king as subsidy for his defence of the realm against the Scots (half to be paid at St Peter's Chains next [1 August] and half at Martinmas next) by a general convocation of the provincial clergy (including the proctors, church and clergy of the bishop of Durham, and J[ohn], bishop of Carlisle) held by the archbishop, at the king's request, at York on Monday in mid-Lent [19 March].
Date: [Bishop]thorpe near York, 12 Kal. August [21 July] 1319.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 23 July.
(with note inserted: “Of that tenth were Dom. Alan de Marton' and Dom. John de Bermiton' the deputed collectors, and it was paid according to a new assessment”)
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f.65r    6 June 1319
Mandate by John de Turleria, canon of Mende, proctor of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, to Geoffrey, prior of Durham, enjoining the prior to send to York, to the abbot of St Mary's, to Rigaud [de Asserio], or to himself, as soon as possible, those goods stolen from the cardinals which may have been recovered since earlier certification, or will be recovered; £14 of the cardinals' procurations still in the prior's hands; and vestments, described, which William de Lancastre, prior of the Dominican friary, Newcastle, was to return to the prior; to sell the small items recovered, whereof the prior had written, or similar items to be recovered, and send the money with the other things; and to induce restoration of stolen goods with reference to the fact that they cannot be retained without loss of eternal salvation; reprehending the prior for his limited and unsuccessful efforts to recover the goods. Registered along with the certifications sent by the prior.
Under the seal of John de Turleria.
Date: York, 6 June 1319.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxix-cxx
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f.65v    [5 August 13]19
Letters [apparently replying to letters of prorogation, f.61v-62r] [by the prior and convent of Durham] [to the bishop of Durham] expressing their willingness to undergo visitation, date and place as stated.
Date: Durham, Non. August [5 August] year 19.
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f.65v    6 August 1319
Collation by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of Howden, to Hugh de Lokington', chaplain, of the chantry of the altar of St Thomas the martyr in the church of Howden, in the prior's collation, provided that he bear the charges incumbent upon the chantry.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1319.
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f.65v    [1319]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Letters of sorority by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Lady Eleanor de Percy for her benefactions to them, their house of Finchale and the church of [North]allerton, lately burnt and destroyed by the Scots, and for other reasons, specified; granting participation in their masses and prayers (&c) to her and to Henry and William her sons, and that her obit is to be as for a monk of Durham. n.d.
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f.65v    2 August [1319]
Writ by [Edward II], king [of England] to the sheriff of York instructing him to postpone, until his next exchequer account, a demand to the prior of Durham for £24 of the fifth granted by the clergy to Edward [I], late king of England, in the bishopric of Durham, and £41 6s 8d of the fifteenth granted to him [Edward II] at Northampton by the clergy in the same bishopric, and to release the prior from distraint, if this has been applied.
Witness: W. of Norwich.
Date: Westminster, 2 August 13 Edward II
[The following clause runs on immediately after the date:] Because the prior, collector of half the subsidy for the king's father, has answered in his account for the £24, and the £41 6s 8d, having been assigned to William Servat, citizen of London, in part payment of debts owed to him by the king, has been received by him from the prior, as he acknowledged in a memorandum of year 8, among the recognizances of Hilary term.
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(Marked “void because below”) Copy of summons by Rigaud de Asserio to the prior [the next but one entry].
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f.66r    26 September 1319
Bond by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Henry de Scrop', knight, for 20 marks received from him as a loan to be repaid at Durham to him or his attorney bearing the presents: half at Michaelmas 1320 and half at Whitsun following.
Date: Durham, 26 September 1319.
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Memorandum : “that a certain bond for 10 marks has been made to Geoffrey de Scrop' in the same words ”
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f.66r    23 August 1319
Summons by Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, commissary of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, nuncios in England of the apostolic see, to the prior of Durham citing him to attend before him in London or the abbot of St Mary's, York, by sufficient proctors, on the first law day after St Faith the virgin next [Monday, 8 October 1319], for a final reckoning and payment of money raised for the two years' procurations of the two cardinals, and an account of how much remains to be paid and in whose hands it remains; and requiring certification by the said feast, through the bearer of the presents, by the prior's letters patent, of his intentions in this matter.
Date: London, 23 August 1319.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 3928*.
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f.66r    20 September 1319
Certification by [? the proctor of the prior of Durham] to [Rigaud de Asserio] stating that he will attend on the appointed date before the abbot of St Mary's, York, and implement the contents of the following letters.
Letters of Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, commissary of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, nuncios in England of the apostolic see, to the prior of Durham citing him to attend before him in London or the abbot of St Mary's, York, by sufficient proctors, on the first law day after St Faith the virgin next [Monday, 8 October 1319], for a final reckoning and payment of money raised for the two years' procurations of the two cardinals, and an account of how much remains to be paid and in whose hands it remains; and requiring certification by the said feast, through the bearer of the presents, by the prior's letters patent, of his intentions in this matter.
Date: London, 23 August 1319.
Under the prior's [?] seal.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1319.
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f.66r-v    [5 October] 1319
Proxy by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham, deputed subcollectors in the city and diocese of Durham of the procurations granted by John XXII, pope, for the two-year sojourn in England of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, nuncios of the apostolic see in England, to J. de Berneby and J. de Creppyng', monks of Durham, appointing them their proctors with general powers to reckon, render and justify their account of the said procurations before judges, auditors and others deputed thereto.
Date: 3 Non. October 1319.
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f.66v    6 October 1319
Letters of prorogation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham referring to the original date (Monday after the octave of Trinity) for his intended visitation of the priory, and to his postponement of the visitation (to Monday after the octave of Michaelmas); and, because of troublesome church business to which he has had to devote his time, further proroguing his visitation to the Monday next after St Andrew [3 December]; summoning them to attend before him in the chapter house on this date; and requiring them to inform him by St Leonard [6 November], in letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, of the date of delivery of the presents and of what they shall have done in this matter.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1319.
For the earlier prorogation see f.61v-62r.
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f.66v    [1319]
[Summary of] Certification [by the prior and convent of Durham] to [the bishop of Durham] informing him that they will be present, place and date aforesaid, to undergo his visitation.
Date: Durham
For the reply to the previous prorogation see f.65r.
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f.66v    6 October 1319
Mandate by Louis, hishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham instructing him to cite all and sundry priors, masters, keepers and monks of all cells of the priory, who ought to be present, to attend and undergo his visitation on the Monday after St Andrew next [3 December], and to certify him before St Edmund the archbishop [16 November], by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents and the names of those cited, of the date of delivery of the presents, and of his execution of the mandate.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1319.
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f.67r    [14 November] 1319
Certification [by the prior of Durham] to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, informing him that he has cited the priors of the cells of Finchale, Holy Island, Stamford and Lytham, and the keepers or masters of Jarrow, Wearmouth and Farne, along with their fellows who ought to be present, to attend and undergo visitation on the Monday after St Andrew [3 December].
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. December 1319.
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f.67r    [3 November] 1319
Commission by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Mr John de Bekyngham appointing him as official of the liberty of St Cuthbert.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. November 1319.
[Some text at the foot of the folio belongs to this entry, and appears to represent a re-casting of the latter part of the commission]
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f.67r    [26 October] 1319
Mandate by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to the official of the liberty of St Cuthbert, his commissary, and the chaplain of St Mary's altar in the church of Howden instructing them to warn and compel the detainers of the goods of the deceased Robert de Cotyngham, sometime prebendary in the church of Howden, to hand them over to Master Richard de Eryum, prebendary in the same church, to whom the prior has committed the custody of the sequestration of goods pertaining to the said Robert.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. November 1319.
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f.67r    2 July [1319]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to the prior of Durham having pardoned Walter de Gosewyk' following the capture of Berwick upon Tweed by the Scots, (which town had been received from the king into the keeping of Walter and others against the Scots), and not wishing him to be troubled by him or his ministers; instructing the prior to give due answer for any goods or sums of money which he might owe to Walter, notwithstanding earlier seizure on the king's part of any goods or money so owed. Date: York, 2 July, 12 Edw. II.
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f.67r    [1319]
Letters by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham whereby they bind themselves to have a mass celebrated daily in their church by a monk or a secular priest in perpetuity for the souls of Edward, late king of England, and Henry de Blundyston', late almoner to the said king, in view of their favours and benefactions towards the priory, and for the souls of Henry's forbears and benefactors and all the faithful dead, and to have anniversary masses for Edward on the translation of Thomas m. (7 July) and Henry on 5 Kal. Oct. (27 September) according to the priory custom.
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f.67r-v    [1319]
Licence by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Mr Robert de Baudak' [Baldock], rector of Welton, to study for two years from Christmas next, in any place where study flourishes, being not bound in the meantime to personal residence at his church, providing that the cure of souls be diligently exercised.
Date: Durham.
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f.67v    1 February 1320
Ratification by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham of the £10 yearly pension which Hugh de Monte Alto, master of the hospital of Kepier, and the brothers there have awarded or will award to Simon de Wycotis, clerk, for life.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1319/20.
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f.67v    [19 February] 1320
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham addressed to the keeper of the spirituality of Lincoln, sede vacante, of Thomas, son of John Squier of Holme upon Spalding Moor, clerk, to the parish church of Bishopthorpe, Lincoln dioc..
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. March 1319/20.
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f.67v    1 December [1319]
Writ by Edward [II king of England] to [? the bishop of Durham] instructing him to distrain, by their goods and benefices within his diocese, the collectors of the tenth granted to him and [sic ] the clergy of the province of York, that they render account, as yet unrendered, of the tenth before the barons of the exchequer in York on the morrow of Hilary [14 January]; and to remit there this writ.
Witness: J. de Ocham.
Date: 1 December, 13 Edward [II].
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f.67v    1 February [1320]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to the prior of Durham, collector in the bishopric of Durham of the tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York, 12 Edward [II]; instructing him to pay sums, specified, owed to Richard de Emeldon', mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, by a wardrobe bill under Ingelard de Warle's seal, for oxen and sheep bought from him in June, 7 Edward [II: 1314], by Robert Turk', buyer of the king's kitchen, by bill of the clerk of the kitchen delivered in the wardrobe at Berwick upon Tweed, 13 June [1314]; and by a wardrobe bill under the seal of Roger de Northburgth', for wines bought from him by John de Felton', lately constable of Alnwick, in July, 12 Edward [II: prob. 1318], by account made at York, 3 December [1318] from moneys raised from the said tenth, for which allowance will be made in his account of the tenth at the exchequer.
Witness: W. of Norwich.
By privy seal writ (being at the receipt of the exchequer among the writs of mandamus of the same year) directed to the keeper, the treasurer, and the chamberlain.
Date: York, 1 February, 13 Edward [II].
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f.67v-68r    13 February [1320]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to the prior of Durham, collector (as in the preceding entry), reciting the text of the preceding writ dated 1 February and adding that otherwise [namely if the money is not paid] the king will have the moneys raised from the prior's goods and chattels and will, nonetheless, proceed against the prior and his contempt for the king's mandates.
Witness: J. de Ocham.
Date: York, 13 February, 13 Edward [II].
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f.68r    [18 February 1320]
“Memorandum that on 12 Kal. March 1319 [18 February 1319/20] Thomas son of John Sqwier of Holme upon Spalding Moor, was presented to the church of Bishopthorpe in Lindsey, to the dean and chapter of Lincoln, sede vacante
[cf the presentation on f.67v, dated a day later]
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f.68r    [15 March 1320]
Assignment by the prior and convent of Durham to the executors of Adam de Rotheleye of the tithes of Bedlington of the harvest of 1320, for all arrears of a yearly pension of 40s; and binding themselves to pay 100s in the event of destruction of the tithes by the king's enemies, or make up the value of the tithes in the event of partial destruction.
Date: Durham, the Saturday next after St Gregory the pope, 13 Edward II.
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f.68r-v    [31 January] 1320
Notarized ordinance by William, archbishop of York, since a vicarage had not been created when the church of Howden was divided into five prebends by his predecessor, William, archbishop of York, even though weakening the cure of souls in the church; with consent of John Dousthorp, prebendary of Howden; establishing the prebend of Howden, one of the five prebends, as a simple prebend, without cure of souls, and creating a perpetual vicarage of Howden, whose vicar-perpetual is to have 10 marks yearly as his portion from the revenues of the prebend, with presentation to both prebend and vicarage to pertain to the prior and convent, and institution of prebendary and vicar to pertain to the archbishop, and to the dean and chapter of York sede vacante.
Under the archbishop's seal, and with the notary's sign and subscription.
Notary: Mr Richard de Snoweshull', clerk of Worcester dioc., NP by apostolic and imperial authority, scribe of the archbishop (eschatocol recited).
Witnesses: Mr William de Stanes, John de Sutton', and Thomas de Barneby.
Date: [Bishop]thorpe, 2 Kal. February 1319/20.
Another copy: 4.1.Ebor.37.
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f.68v-69r    [2 April 1320]
Record of court action heard in the county of Durham before Nicholas Gattegang' and his associates, justices of the lord bishop:
Thomas de Wessington' and Elizabeth, his wife, claiming that John Russell' of Ferryhill, Richard Serjaunt of Ferryhill, and Geoffrey, prior of Durham, had unjustly disseized them of their free tenement in Hilton: a messuage and 411 acres of land and 9 acres of meadow; with the prior attending and John and Richard represented by William de Neubigging', as their bailiff; (with the main evidence coming from the prior, who answered that the tenement, along with 20 acres in Wackerfield, was the manor of Hilton, and produced an indenture showing that William, late prior, and the convent of Durham had granted to Thomas and Elizabeth, and the longer lived of them, the manor of Hilton, to be held for 10 marks to be rendered in equal portions at Whitsun and Martinmas to the almoner of Durham, with the prior, his successors or the almoner being able to enter the tenement and take their profit in defect of payment of rent 40 days after the due date; with Thomas and Elizabeth keeping a chaplain in the manor at their own expense, and rendering 5 marks yearly to the almoner for maintenance of a chaplain should they fail in this; dated at Durham, Monday before St Peter's Chair [19 February] 1308; and that he had entered the tenement because Thomas and Elizabeth had not made their payments by 40 days after Whitsun 10 Edward II [1317] and by 40 days after the following Martinmas) the court finding the claim to be false and discharging the defendants.
Held: at Durham, Wednesday in Easter week, Pont. 3 Bishop Louis.
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f.69v    11 April 1320
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f.69v    22 April 1320
Presentation by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham addressed to the archdeacon of Richmond of Roger de Tynemuth', monk of Durham, as prior of Lytham; to be performed for the archdeacon what has hitherto customarily been performed for his predecessors by priors thereof.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1320.
f.69v    3 May 1320
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W., archbishop of York, of Thomas Thorgot, chaplain, to the vicarage in John de Ousthorp's prebend of Howden.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1320.
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f.69v-70r    2 May 1320
Resignation by Adam de Barneby, into the hands of W[illiam], archbishop of York, as rector of [West] Rounton, York dioc., wishing to exchange his church for the chantry of St Mary's altar in the prebendal church of Howden, to which the cure of souls does not apply, and which is now John de Horneby's; on condition that if the exchange be impossible he should retain the right to recover his said church, the resignation notwithstanding.
Under his own seal and, since his own seal is not known, that of the official of the archdeacon of Durham.
Date: Darlington, 2 May 1320.
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f.70r    3 May 1320
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of John de Horneby to the parish church of [West] Rounton, York dioc., vacant by the resignation of Adam de Barneby in order to exchange it for the chantry of St Mary's altar in the church of Howden; saving the priory's yearly pension of 40s from the church.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1320.
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f.70r    14 May 1320
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W., archbishop of York, of Walter de Derlington', chaplain, to the vicarage in Mr Richard de Eryom's prebend of Saltmarshe in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 14 May 1320.
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f.70r    3 June [1320]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to the prior of Durham, lately deputed subcollector in the diocese of Durham of the tenth imposed on the clergy [and granted] to the king by John XXII, pope, instructing him to return certification as to whether: in conformity with the king's mandate of 12 July, 12 Edward [II: 1318], directed to J[ohn], then bishop of Winchester and principal collector of the said tenth, Robert de Barton', clerk, then receiver of the king's victuals in Carlisle, had received £100 for the maintenance of men-at-arms in the city and castle of Carlisle, or any part of it, from him [the prior], out of the moneys raised in the bishopric of Durham from the second term of payment of the tenth; and, if so, how much, when and by what authority.
Witness the king.
Date: Westminster, 3 June, 13 Edward [II].
Return certifying that no mandate had been received from the king or from the bishop of Winchester, and that £100 had not been received from them, either in whole or in part, by Robert de Barton'.
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f.70r-71r    [14 July] 1320
Commission by Stephen, bishop of London, deputed collector for one year from 15 Kal. January last [18 December 1319] of the tenth granted to the king of England by John XXII, pope, to the prior and convent of Durham, reciting the following 2 bulls, deputing them as subcollectors of the tenth in the city and diocese of Durham and instructing them to bring about payment of the two halves thereof by the customary terms, namely the quindene of Michaelmas [13 October 1320] and the quindene of Candlemas [16 February 1321]; authorizing them to impose sentence of excommunication, suspension or interdict on defaulters and to cite them to attend before the bishop or his commissaries in St Paul's, London; instructing them to bring the money collected to the exchequer within fifteen days of the term days and there to render account; and requiring certification to the bishop or his commissaries, by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, the date of receipt of the presents, what they shall have done in respect of the foregoing, and the names of those cited and the day assigned to them for the first and second term.
Bull by John [XXII], pope: to the archbishops of Canterbury and Dublin, and the bishop of London deputing them, or one or two of them, as collectors of the tenth, imposed on the clergy of England, Ireland and Wales, excepting the Hospitallers, for the year beginning with the date of the presents, which he has granted to Edward [II], king of England, for the defence of his realm; instructing them to demand and receive the tenth, which is to be paid at the customary terms of the year, and thereafter to assign it to the king; authorizing them to appoint subcollectors and to punish non-payment by means of excommunication, suspension and interdict.
Date: Avignon, 15 Kal. January, Pont. 4. [18 December 1319]
Bull by John [XXII], pope, to the clergy of England, Ireland and Wales, excepting the Hospitallers, instructing them to pay the tenth, as described above, to the collectors or their deputies, as described above.
Date: Avignon, 15 Kal. January, Pont. 4. [18 December 1319]
Date: Harringay, 2 Id. July 1320.
[Memorandum] that John de Derlington' and Thomas de Haldenby were deputed collectors of the tenth, which was paid according to the new assessment.
Original: DCD Loc.XIX:12.
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f.71v    [5 September] 1320
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to John le Stiwardesman of Evenwood of 40 acres of waste in Bankeden', vill of Heighington, abutting le Blindewell' on the west and le Miridik' on the east; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering 40d yearly at the four usual terms in the bishopric of Durham.
Witnesses: John de Coygners and Robert de Byncestr', knights; Robert de Hephal' [?], Nicholas Pollard, Geoffrey de Henneknoll', William de Newbiging.
Under the bishop's seal.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1320.
Date: Durham, Non. September 1320.
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f.71v    [1320]
Letters of attorney by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham appointing John de Alnathby and John de Staynton' as collectors of the priory's rents, and arrears thereof, in London.
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f.71v    [30 November] 1320
Grant by Geoffrey, prior of Durham, to Thomas Daulyn of Newcastle upon Tyne, selling him the corn tithes of [North]allerton, Hebburn and Monkton of 1321, along with the mills of Scaltock [in Durham] from St Andrew [30 November] 1320 to St Andrew 1321 for £100; with provision, in the event of damage to the mills or their ponds by flood or otherwise, for repair and, if necessary, the continued tenure of the mills by Thomas until, in the view of four lawful men, he be satisfied of any loss or expenses.
Date: Durham, Sunday, St Andrew 1320.
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f.72r    [1 December] 1320
Quitclaim by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas Daulyn, John de Chilton', Ralph de Whitewell' and John Wak', executors of the will of Thomas de Coldingham, deceased; having quitclaimed to them various debts owed by the deceased to the priory and various actions and demands, save for an action for certain debts contained in a schedule handed over to the executors; of the debts contained in the schedule and other debts and actions arising from the will.
Date: Durham, Monday, the morrow of St Andrew 1320.
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f.72r    [29 October] 1320
Mandate by Stephen, bishop of London, specially deputed collector for the year from 15 Kal. January [18 December] last [1319] of the tenth granted by John XXII, pope, to Edward [II], king of England, to the prior and convent of Durham, subcollectors [of the tenth], reciting the following writ and instructing them to carry out the writ, revoking any other action for doing so.
Writ by Edward, king of England, to the collectors of the tenth instructing them to have the tenth raised within the bishopric of Durham according to the new assessment of the benefices there, lately made, at the supplication of the clergy of the diocese, because of the impoverishment caused by the depredations of the Scots.
Witness the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 October, 14 Edward [II] [1320]
Date: Stepney, 4 Kal. November [29 October] 1320.
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f.72r    [13 May] 1320
Letters by the official of the archdeacon of Canterbury to the prior and convent of Durham asking for certification concerning the malicious allegation that John de Carleolo, bearer of the presents, in the service of the foresaid [archdeacon], and having cure of souls at St Mary's, Sandwich, had assumed the religious habit [at Durham] and had then withdrawn, incurring, if this be so, the stigma of apostasy.
Under the official's seal.
Date: Sandwich, 3 Id. May 1320.
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f.72v    [1320]
Testimonial by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham intimating to the official of the archdeacon of Canterbury that John of Carlisle, bearer of the presents, never assumed the religious habit and never undertook to do so; and reporting praiseworthy reports on his character from his home parts.
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f.72v    [1320]
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham acknowledging receipt of a loan of 40 marks from Mr Hugh Merle, proctor of Bertrand, cardinal deacon of S Maria in Aquiro, and rector of Brantingham, York dioc., and undertaking to repay the sum to the said cardinal or his proctor in London at the house of Rigaud, elect of Winchester and papal nuncio in England, at the nativity of St Mary [8 September] next, for the expenses incurred by the cardinal or his proctor.
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f.72v    [15 December] 1320
Letters by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Louis, bishop of Durham, granting that the bishop's body should, after his death, be interred between the high altar and the choir of Durham cathedral, in a place of his choosing.
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. January 1320.
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f.72v    1320
Commission by Geoffrey, prior of Durham and ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to unnamed persons to implement the reforms arising from the prior's recent visitation of the spirituality.
Date: “&c” 1320.
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f.73r    4 January 1321
Inspeximus by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Toughall' of a sixth part of the manor of Scremerston, previously held by Robert by grant of Richard de Scremerston' and now in the bishop's hands by reason of escheat; to be held by Robert and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity by the service pertaining to the said sixth part.
Witnesses: Mr John de Insula, then steward of Durham; Thomas Gray, then constable of Norham, William Riddell', Robert de Clifford', knights; Robert de Hagarston'; Richard de Clifford'; Patrick de Gosewik.
Date: Durham, 13 May 1320.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1320/1.
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f.73r-v    3 October [1319]
Writ by the king to the sheriff of Northumberland instructing him to give seisin to Ralph de Epplingden', his valettus of the manor of Felling which was Walter de Selleby's and came into the king's hands as escheat because Walter adhered to the Scots, and which the king has granted to Ralph, to be held by him and his heirs of the chief lords of the fee for the service owed before the manor came into the king's hands, as more fully contained in the king's charter; following a series of attempts by the king (dates given) to have seisin given by L[ouis], bishop of Durham, or his lieutenant; his mandates were not acted upon because they were believed to infringe the bishop's regalian rights, and because the lands were said to have been granted by the king to Mr Thomas de Epplingden', and had not afterwards come back into the hands of Walter de Selleby.
Witness the king.
Date: Newburgh 3 October, 13 [Edward II].
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f.73v    10 October [1319]
[Writ by the king to the sheriff of Northumberland] instructing him in view of the violent resistance offered by Roger Usseher and others unknown, specially deputed by the said bishop, preventing the sheriff from giving seisin of the said manor to the said Ralph in conformity with the earlier writ to give seisin as required by the earlier writ, and, if need be, taking with him the power of the county; and to arrest Roger and the others and have them before the king, wherever he be, the morrow of All Souls [3 November] to answer for their contempt and resistance.
Witness the king.
Date: York, 10 October, 13 [Edward II].
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f.73v    24 February [1321]
Writ by Edward [II], king of England, to the prior of Durham, subcollector in the bishopric of Durham of the tenth imposed on the English clergy by John XXII, pope, and granted to the king instructing him to collect with all speed the remainder of the tenth, from either of the terms of payment, and, along with the moneys already raised, to keep it safely and ready for payment when he sends him his will in this matter; and to render account of sums raised or raised in the interim to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer at Westminster within 15 days from Easter [4 May].
Witness: W[alter], bishop of Exeter, treasurer.
Date: Westminster, 24 February, 14 Edward [II].
“On advice (de consilio ) it was not returned, because it arrived after the day”
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Register of the time of William de Couton', prior
f.74r-v    4 April 1321
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by indenture by Louis, bishop of Durham, to John de Ellerker, elder, of the demesne lands, meadows and pastures of Ellerker, saving to the bishop and his successors their messuages, cottages, bond lands and service of free tenants, and their lordship in the vill; to be held by John and his lawful bodily heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering £16 yearly at the exchequer of Howden, at the four terms appointed in Howdenshire; with remainder, should John die without bodily heir, to (in turn and to their several lawful bodily heirs, and for the same render): his brother, John de Ellerker, younger; Harvey de Ellerker, brother of John and John; Jean, sister of the two Johns and Harvey; with relief of £16 and reversion to the bishop and his successors should Jean die without lawful bodily heir.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Henry Beaumont (de Bello Monte), the bishop's brother; John de Nevill', knight; Alexander de Cave, knight; Peter of Saltmarshe (Salso Marisco), knight; Roger de Eyvile; John de Cave; Nicholas de Bothum; William son of Peter de Northcave; John de Belewe of Ellerker.
Date: Kirkham, 24 April 1321.
Date: 4 April 1321 [sic].
Another copy: DCD 1.3.Ebor.37.
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f.74v    7 May 1321
Memorandum Mr John de Bekingham was appointed official of Howden, according to the form above [untraced], of the time of Geoffrey;
7 May 1321.
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f.74v    [7 May 1321]
[Memorandum] A bond was made the on the same date to John of Pontefract for £55 (for wines and malt ? interlin.) to be paid at Durham at Whitsun [7 June] 1321.
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f.74v    8 May 1321
[Memorandum] of a bond made 8 May 1321 to John de Denum for 50 marks loan, to be paid at St Cuthbert in September [4 September].
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f.74v    8 May 1321
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr Henry de Siwardston' as their proctor and special nuncio in the Roman curia, with power of securing letters etc. (in a matter which is not specified).
Durham : 8 May 1321.
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f.74v    [8 May 1321]
[Memorandum] that at the same time Mr Roger de Swaffeld' was made proctor.
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f.74v    17 May 1321
Memorandum that on 17 May 1321 of the issue of a proxy for Richard de Clifford to collect the issues of the churches of Norham and Eglingham until Michaelmas [29 September].
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f.74v    20 March 1322
[Memorandum] that on 20 March 1321/2 a bond was made to Hugh de Whetlaue for 20 marks received as a loan, to be paid at St Cuthbert in September [4 September].
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f.74v-75r    28 August [1296]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
[Out of chronological sequence:]
Homage by Henry abbot and the convent of Arbroath, William prior and the convent of Canonbie, Adam prior and the convent of Inchcolm [?], Peter prior and the convent of Ardchattan[?], Henry prior and the convent of Coldingham, Richard prior and the convent of Durham, Maurice prior and the convent of Whithorn, John prior and the convent of St Andrews, Eve[?] prioress and the convent of Haddington, Alice prioress and the convent of Manuell', Ada prioress and the convent of St Bathan's[?] to Edward [I], king of England, reciting their oath of fealty.
Under their common seals.
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, 28 August, 24 Edward [I].
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f.75r    [27 May] 1321
Renunciation by William, prior of the church of Durham (ecclesie is inserted and et eiusdem loci conventus is crossed out), in favour of Mr Thomas de Leuesham, clerk, of all actions concerning the prior and, for whatever reason, raised against Mr Thomas.
Under the prior's seal (commune capituli is crossed out).
Date: Durham, 6 Kal. June 1321.
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f.75r    [29 May] 1321
Renunciation by Thomas de Leuisham, clerk, in favour of the prior and convent of Durham of all actions concerning Mr Thomas and, for whatever reason, raised against the prior and convent; and nullifying any letters, dated before the presents, giving him any claim to money.
Under Thomas's seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June 1321.
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f.75r    [20 January] 1321
Renunciation by Thomas de Leuisham, one of the executors of Thomas de Leuisham, late master of the hospital of Greatham, for himself and his co-executors in favour of Geoffrey, prior of Durham, and his successors, Thomas de Hessewell' and John de Herneby, monks of Durham, and John Here, parson of Barningham whom he had impleaded by writ of trespass in the Curia Regis at Westminster concerning their offence, by force, against the goods and chattels of the late Thomas de Leuisham found at Allerton; of this and other actions against the prior and the others arising from this or for other reasons.
Under Thomas's seal.
Date: Allerton, 13 Kal. February 1320/1.
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f.75v    1 June 1321
Proxy by William, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas de Leuisham, official of Howden, appointing him proctor and special nuncio to recover from John de Doncastr', knight, or others obliged to the same John, the debt owing from the sale to John of certain corn tithes of the parish of Eastrington for the year 1316; failing recovery of which, Mr Thomas is to satisfy himself of 20 marks owed to him by the prior from the first sequestrations and goods of the intestate in the jurisdiction of Allerton [and] Howdenshire.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1321.
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f.75v    [1 June] 1321
Renunciation by Thomas de Leuisham in favour of William, prior of Durham, of his annual pension of 40s from Durham priory because the prior has appointed him as official of the jurisdiction of Allerton [and] Howdenshire; for his whole period in this office; undertaking himself to render account for the goods of the intestate and sequestrations to the prior and convent in Durham at Michaelmas yearly.
Under Thomas's seal.
Date: Durham, Kal. June 1321.
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f.75v    [29 May] 1321
Grant by William, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas de Leuisham, of the office of his jurisdiction of Allerton and Howdenshire, from which he is not to be removed without good cause; on condition that he canonically correct the faults of the clergy and people, and render account yearly at Michaelmas, to the prior and convent in Durham, for the goods of the intestate and sequestrations.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June 1321.
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Memorandum that Thomas de Leuisham was appointed official of Howden 1321 according to another form to be found in the preceding [entry]
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f.76r    [22 May] 1321
Grant by William de Couton', prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas Yue of Newcastle upon Tyne, clerk, of a robe to be taken yearly at Christmas from the camera, and his keep at Durham in food and drink for himself, his horse and a groom, as often as he attends consistories or comes for the priory's other business.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. June 1321.
f.76r    [11 June] 1321
Grant by William, prior of Durham, to Mr William Waus, clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s, to be taken from the camera, with a robe, described, to be taken yearly at Christmas; the pension (though not the allowance of a yearly robe) to cease when the prior provides Richard, brother german of Mr William, with a suitable benefice.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, St Barnabas 1321.
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Memorandum that Richard de Asby has a bond under the prior's seal for 20 marks to be paid in Durham at Martinmas [11 November].
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[Memorandum] that Thomas Daulyn has a bond for £21 10s: 10 marks to be paid at St Cuthbert in September [4 September] 1321 and the rest at Martinmas [11 November] next thereafter.
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f.76r    12 June 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Qwerington', smith, of 9 white loaves weekly and a small chamber at the east part of the cathedral, for life.
Date: Durham, 12 June 1321.
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f.76r    1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Marjorie de Swainston of a corrody, specified, including “beer which is called Tysdaishall' [Tuesdaysale]”, for life.
Date: “&c” 1321.
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f.76v    [5 September] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Edmund, called Cruell', clerk, of a pension of 5 marks yearly, with a robe at Christmas yearly; until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, the morrow of the translation of St Cuthbert 1321.
Digitised version
Opening clauses of letters by Edmund, called Cruell', clerk, announcing that his oath that to the prior and convent of Durham [no more]
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f.76v    [8 September] 1321
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Richard de Slikburn' of 26 acres of waste in Saltwellside, lengthways between the lands of William le Sponer to the west and of the late Alan de Slikburn' and the ditch of le Dernecrok to the east; and in width between Ricroftburn' to the north and Byrteleyburn' to the south; to be held by Richard, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering yearly 8s 8d at the exchequer of Durham at the four usual terms of the bishopric.
Witnesses: Walter de Wessington', William de Kyrkenny, knights; John de Byrteley, John de Bydik, Gilbert de Osworth', William de Kyblesworth', John de Gategangg', John de Alaynschelis.
Under the bishop's seal.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1321.
Date: Durham, St Mary's nativity 1321.
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f.76v    22 September 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Hepscott', clerk, a yearly pension of 40s to be taken from the camera of Durham, and a robe to be taken yearly at Christmas; until provided with a benefice.
Date: [Durham], 22 September 1321.
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f.76v    [25 September] 1321
Licence by William, prior of Durham and ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Mr Richard de Baudak [Baldock], rector of Welton, giving him leave to study for three years, beginning the following Michaelmas [29 September] provided that the cure of souls in his parish is not neglected.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. October 1321
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f.77r    1 October 1321
[Collation] by William, prior of Durham, to Robert De Dalton', chaplain, granting that he be able to minister for life in the chapel of St Hild, in Jarrow par. and dependent from the church thereof, in which chapel certain parishioners of Jarrow, because of the distances involved, have been accustomed to hear divine service, officiated by a suitable perpetual chaplain, rather than by stipendiary priests; with as much as other priests ministering there have taken hitherto to be taken therefrom instead of a salary; wishing further that Robert have the houses beside the chapel for his dwelling while serving the chapel, on condition that he maintain them in good order during his life, and suitably perform all things recognized as incumbent upon him.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1321.
Printed in The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.234.
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f.77r    [6 December] 1320
Bond by Geoffrey prior and the convent of Durham to Walter de Gosewyk for 40 sacks of good wool, washed and free of “cot is and gare” [matted wool and coarse wool from sheep's legs] which they have sold to him for £120 at 8½ marks the sack [iiij apparently copied here as viij: 4½ marks per sack gives the correct total]; acknowledging receipt of the money and promising to deliver to Walter, his heirs or executors within three years at the following terms: 10 sacks to be delivered at John the Baptist [24 June] 1321, 15 sacks at the same feast 1322, and 15 at the same feast 1323; binding themselves, their monastery and goods to distraint of any judges chosen by Walter or his executors, reserving remedy of canon or civil law where the delivery might be hindered or delayed.
Date: St Nicholas 1320.
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f.77r    14 October 1321
Bond by William , prior of Durham, to John Sleycht of York and Alan his brother, citizen of York, for £20 received as a loan; to be repaid to them or either of them, in Durham at Martinmas [11 November] 1321.
Under the prior's seal.
Witnesses: Nicholas de Thokerington', John de Butrewyk', monks.
Date: Durham, 14 October 1321.
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f.77r    [12 October] 1321
Collation by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc. to William de Gerneter of Allerton, of the chantry in the church of Northallerton for the soul of John de Romondby.
Under the prior's seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. October 1321.
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f.77v    [25 October] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John del Ford' of his keep in the priory of Durham, for life, so long as he be able to serve in the office of subporter or doorkeeper of the brewhouse; receiving the same as other holders of these offices, and having lodging when no longer able to serve in these offices.
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. November 1321.
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f.77v    [26 October] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Gilbert de Grim [?] that he remain keeper of the priory's west garden in Durham for life, receiving as much as other holders of the office have had.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. November 1321.
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f.77v    [31 October] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John Alman of the office of forester of Elvet haugh' , for life, with an allowance, specified, to be received from the tolls of Shincliffe and Old Elvet, and entitlements, specified, from Shincliffe, Old Elvet, and the wood of Elvet hall'.
Date: Durham, All Saints' eve 1321.
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f.77v-78r    [31 October] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Tang', clerk, out of regard for Edward, king of England, of a yearly pension of 40s, until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 2 Kal. November 1321.
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f.78r    [4 November] 1321
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to William de Schirewod and Aunger, called Frer, merchants of Ripon, for 48 sacks of wool, washed and marketable, free of “cot is and gare”, for a certain sum of money paid to the priory, to be delivered in instalments of 16 sacks at John the Baptist [24 June] 1322, 1323 and 1324.
Date: Durham, 2 Non. November 1321.
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f.78r    1 November [1321]
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham instructing him (since he had not fully executed an earlier mandate to hand over the bishop's and the bishop's predecessors' muniments, relating both to visitations and other matters) to deliver by Martinmas [11 November], on pain of great excommunication, all muniments, in his possession or recoverable, relating to the visitation by Richard, the bishop's predecessor, and other predecessors of his; and to certify execution hereof by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents.
Date: Stockton, 1 November, Pont. 4.
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f.78r    [10 November] 1321
Certification by [the prior of Durham] to the effect that the chapter had agreed that if any of the bishop's muniments had remained with them they would have been handed back to him, and that any such muniments from the time of the bishop's predecessors would have been handed over some time ago by John de Butrewyk'.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. November 1321.
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f.78r-v    [25 November] 1321
Commission by William prior and the convent of Durham to Peter de Qwytton' as keeper of their wood of Aycliffe, for life, for which he is to receive every three weeks, from the serviens of their manor of Ketton, one raze of wheat, with 3 ells of russet and 5s yearly, and the bark and tops of the arborum donatarum, and the old brushwood brought down by the wind, in which no [workeable] timber may be found; making compensation for any damage in the halmote [court] at the terrar's will.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. December 1321.
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f.78v    [25 November] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Robert de Askby, clerk, of keep, described, for life in their house of Durham, for himself, a horse and a groom, including a robe yearly at Christmas, Robert eating while fit with the prior in the prior's chamber or in the refectory or, when the prior eating elsewhere or absent, in the hall with the hostiller or with the other clerks, or, when infirm, receiving specified provisions, and having a place to sleep in the clerks' chamber.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. December 1321.
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f.78v    [1 December] 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Stedman, granary cursor, for service being rendered in the said office, of a robe, to be taken yearly at Christmas, and allowances as received by other bearers of the office; so long as he perform the office faithfully, making amends for any failures.
Date: Durham, Kal. December 1321.
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f.78v    [11 December] 1321
Admission and institution by William, prior of Durham, of Thomas de Hilton', chaplain, reciting the following presentation, admitting him to the chapel in accordance with the agreement made by Hugh, bishop of Durham, between Germanus prior and the convent of Durham, and Alexander de Hilton'.
Presentation by Robert, lord of Hylton, addressed to William de Couton', prior of Durham, of Thomas de Hilton', chaplain, to the chapel of Hylton, vacant by the resignation of Geoffrey de Leuisham.
Date: Hylton, 9 December 1321.
Date: 3 Id. December 1321.
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f.79r    [3 January] 1322
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr William del Stanes, clerk, for a yearly pension of 40s for his advice and advocacy in the monastery's business; to be paid until provided to a benefice.
Date: 3 Non. January 1321/2.
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f.79r    [3 January] 1322
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Simon del Stanes, clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s; to be paid until Simon or his nominee provided with a benefice.
Date: 3 Non. January 1321/2.
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f.79r    3 February 1322
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Askeby, clerk, for 50 marks received as a loan; to be paid to Richard, or his attorney, heirs or executors, in Durham cathedral at Martinmas 1322.
Date: Durham, 3 February 1321/2.
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f.79r    16 February 1322
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Denom of 30 acres of their demesne in Hesleden until Martinmas next.
Date: Durham, 16 February 1321/2.
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f.79r    [25 February] 1322
(Crossed out:) Grant by William prior and convent of Durham to Richard de Helton' for his service in the almoner's cova [pantry], of the food and drink customarily had by servants in that place, for life, without a robe unless given one by the almoner; with an allowance, specified, if incapacitated by old age or sickness, and permission to have his bed in the almoner's solar outside the priory gate.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. March 1321/2.
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f.79r    [22 March] 1322
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W., archbishop of York, of John Broun, rector of St Sampson, York, to the church of All Saints, Ousegate, vacant by the resignation of Thomas Gower, made so that the parishes could be exchanged.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. April 1321/2.
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f.79v    [14 March] 1322
Grant by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Adam de Esseby, chaplain, of their school of Howden for three years, to teach singing and grammar; on the testimony as to his suitability of Mr Richard de Eryum.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. March 1321/2.
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f.79v    [20 March] 1322
Appointment by William, prior of Durham, of Robert Colstan of Allerton, clerk, as master of their school of Allerton.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert in March 1321/2.
Printed: Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903), p.60.
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f.79v    [24 May] 1322
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W., archbishop of York, of Richard de Osgotby, to the prebend of Saltmarshe in the church of Howden, vacant by the resignation of Mr Richard de Eryum; made in order to exchange the prebend with Ulleskelf, a prebend of York minster.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. June 1322.
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f.79v    [1322]
Petition by Richard de Eryum, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham, seeking their consent to the exchange of prebends between himself and Richard de Osgotby.
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f.79v    [24 May] 1322
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Jean de la Sauferey, mother of Mr Henry of Carlisle, of a corrody, specified, for life.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. June 1322.
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f.79v    [23 May] 1322
Quittance by William, prior of Durham, to Richard, vicar of Crosthwaite, Carlisle dioc. and Mr William de Ribton', executors of Mr Henry of Carlisle for 40s and a silver cup (unum cyphum argenti) left to them in the said Mr Henry's testament, and 70s (sexaginta decem) owed to them by the said Mr Henry for the tithes of Broomley in the parish of Bywell St Peter.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. June 1322.
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f.80r    1 May 1322
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to William de Ayrminne [one minim short for this reading], clerk, his heirs and assigns, for a certain sum of money, of the tithes of Eastrington for three years from the date of the presents, with use of their barns of Newland in Howdenshire for storing the tithes until the end of the said term.
Date: Durham, 1 May 1322.
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f.80r    [26 May] 1322
Probate before John de Derlington', special commissary of the prior of Durham, of the following testament.
Testament of Robert de Cave, rector of Sigston, York dioc., wishing to be buried in St Mary's, Sigston; directing the payment of the pension and arrears thereof owed to the prior and convent of Durham. Named legatee: Emma, wife of Adam de Kyrchby, bequeathed his white maplewood cup (album cyphum meum de mazero).
Executors: Alan de Walkyngton', chaplain, Adam de Kyrchby the younger, and Richard de Bromley.
Date: 23 April 1322.
Under the seal of the prior of Durham.
Date: Allerton, 7 Kal. June 1322.
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f.80r    [29 May] 1322
Assignment by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Ellerker, clerk, of the church, chapel and revenues of the parish of Brantingham demised to the prior and convent for five years from 1 July 1320 by Mr Hugh de Merles, proctor of Bertrand, cardinal deacon of S Maria in Aquiro and rector of Brantingham, York dioc.; John to have the church for the remaining three years of the term, notwithstanding the agreement between the priory and the proctor, and to pay the yearly pension of 10 marks owed to the priory from the church.
Under the priory seal.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June 1322.
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f.80r-v    4 July 1322
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following chirograph grant.
Chirograph grant by
[1] L[ouis], bishop of Durham, to
[2] John Inctin, Bonseign' Jacoby, Gerard Gentil', Philip de Perruch', Stephen Wychoyn, and other merchants of the society of Peruzzi of Florence
of his manors of Allerton, Howden and Riccall, co. York, excepting ecclesiastical patronage for a sum of money received by the bishop beforehand, for 5 years from 21 June 1322 to be held of the bishop and his successors, saving the bishop's corn sown there at the date of the presents; rendering 1d yearly at Christmas; the bishop to appoint bailiffs, who are to protect his rights (including the return of royal writs) and account to the merchants for the profits derived therefrom, and are to receive their stipend from the merchants; the merchants to leave the property in as good condition as, or better condition than that in which they received it, excepting unavoidable destruction by war or magnates or, at the manor of Wheel Hall, by flooding of the Ouse, and saving their corn and goods at the end of the term; the merchants, or any one of them, being unable to raise the revenues of the manors in whole or part by reason of war, the arrival of the Scots, or the recovery of debts owed by the bishop, his predecessors or successors, are to continue to hold the manors until satisfied of their losses. With warranty clause.
Sealed interchangeably, with John and Bonsignor sealing for themselves and the others members of the society.
Witnesses: Henry de Bello Monte, Peter de Eyuile, Peter de Saltmarsk', John Waxand, knights; Robert de Brompton', Maunsero Marmioun, William de Denom, Amorico de Trow, Gerard de Kyatr', Glas' Aldebrandini, John Marsopini, Peter Jacoby, Robert de Babthorp', Thomas de Bernhill', Thomas de Stillington [?], William de Foxton'.
Date: the bishop's manor of Wheel Hall, 21 June, year as above.
Date: Durham, 4 July 1322.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxv-cxxvii.
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f.80v    4 August 1322
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of William de Skypwyth, chaplain, to the vicarage of Walter de Bedwynd's prebend of Barmby in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 4 August 1322.
Another version on f.81r.
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f.80v    [6 September 1322]
Grant by William de Couton', prior, and the convent of Durham, to Ralph de Dalton' and Odo of Durham of the tithes of corn and hay of Great Broom (magna Brunne) for 1322, and for the following four years; for a certain sum of money received beforehand from Ralph and Odo; with Ralph and Odo kept indemnified for any contributions or impositions during the five-year term.
Date: Durham, Monday after the translation of St Cuthbert, year abovesaid.
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f.81r    [19 September] 1322
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of John de Gryppethorp', chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of John de Ousthorp' in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Thomas Thurgot, late vicar.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. October 1322.
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f.81r     8 December 1320
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, of William de Skyppewyth', chaplain, to the vicarage of Walter de Bedwynd's prebend of Barmby [in the church of Howden].
Date: Durham, 8 December 1320.
Another version on f.80v.
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f.81r-v    [2 October] 1322
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following decree.
Decree, in letters patent by Louis, bishop of Durham, in the cause between:
[1] Hugh de Monte Alto, master or keeper of Kepier hospital, and the brethren thereof;
[2] Henry Mauselot, rector of Gateshead;
concerning their respective claims to the tithes of the new assarts near Gateshead, which had pertained to Kepier by ordinance of Richard, late bishop of Durham, as being in no certain parish; with Hugh and Henry attending personally and the brethren of Kepier attending through Thomas de Elvet, clerk, their proctor, before the official of Durham and subsequently before the bishop, the octave of the Ides of December [20 December] 1321; laying down that the rector of Gateshead and his successors should receive the tithes of the bishop's demesne in Gateshead, previously received by Kepier hospital, and of the new assarts, and pay the master and brethren 4 marks yearly therefor; with penalty of excommunication against either party in the event of delay and hindrance.
Date: Durham, date as above.
Date: Durham, 6 Non. October 1322.
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f.81v    8 October 1322
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of Mr Michael de Harcla, clerk, to the prebend of Barmby, in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1322.
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f.81v    [16 October] 1322
Commission by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr John de Hirlaw, clerk, to exercise their archidiaconal jurisdiction ex officio and at the instance of any parties, in causes and business in the priory's appropriated churches and chapels in the bishopric of Durham, and to enquire into, correct, reform and punish excesses and shortcomings, and do everything necessary or suitable to the execution of the jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, under the reverse of the priory seal (sub capite Sancti Oswaldi), 17 Kal. November 1322.
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f.81v    [16 October] 1322
Commission by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Butrewyk, monk of Durham, and Mr John de Hirlaw, clerk, jointly and severally, to exercise &c. [as in the preceding entry, though specifying “excesses, crimes and shortcomings ”].
Date: Durham, under reverse of the priory seal, 17 Kal. November 1322.
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f.82r    [12 October] 1322
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr John de Hirlaw, clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s, a robe yearly at Christmas and keep for himself, two servants and two horses, to stay in the priory with the house's other clerks; until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. October 1322.
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f.82r    [26 November] 1322
Appointment by William prior and the convent of Durham of Mr John de Hirlaw, clerk, as official of their archdiaconal jurisdiction in their appropriated churches and chapels in the bishopric of Durham [&c., as in the last two entries on f.81v], with full power.
Date: Durham, 6 Kal. December 1322.
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f.82r    [26 November] 1322
Commission by William, prior of Durham and archdeacon in the churches within the bishopric of Durham appropriated to him and his chapter of Durham, to the official of archidiaconal jurisdiction in the said churches to correct, punish and reform concerning the crimes, failings and excesses apparent in the prior's last visitation of the said churches and their parishes.
“Under our common seal”.
Date: Durham, 6 Kal. December 1322.
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f.82r    [29 November] 1322
Memorandum of the presentation of John de Bywell to the vicarage of Hesleden.
3 Kal. December 1322.
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f.82r    [30 November] 1322
Memorandum of the presentation of Robert de Calne, clerk, to the church of Dinsdale.
2 Kal. December 1322.
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f.82r    [19 December] 1322
Grant by William, prior of Durham, to Mr William de Couton', clerk, doctor, of a yearly pension of 40s, for care to be afforded the prior and his fellow monks as often as asked, with a robe yearly at Christmas, and keep for himself, a servant and a horse, so often as he attends on them (the prior and monks); Mr William swearing to keep the counsel of the house.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. January 1322.
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f.82r    [9 January] 1323
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Francis de Jarum for 20 marks received from him as a loan, to be paid to him at Durham when he sees fit.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. January 1322/3.
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f.82v    [9 January] 1323
Letters by William prior and the convent of Durham according spiritual benefits, in gratitude for their services, to Mr Bartholomew de Jarum, doctor, namely, mention in the masses in which the soul of Thomas de Herington' is commended, the insertion of his name in the martyrology, and the celebration of his anniversary yearly on Prid. Kal. September [31 August]; and to his son, Francis, insertion of his name in the martyrology, and celebration of his anniversary after his death.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. January 1322/3.
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f.82v    [9 January] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Francis son of Mr Bartholomew de Jarum of a weekly allowance, specified, including beer to be supplied by Ralph de Qwyttewell', for life, with a robe yearly at Christmas.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. January 1322/3.
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f.82v    [18 January] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr William de Middelton', clerk, of a yearly pension of 5 marks for life, until provided to a benefice.
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. February 1322/3.
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f.82v-83r    [15 January] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Cave, their nuncio [?], that he remain in his current office or another suitable office, receiving his allowance, unspecified, as before, and, when unable to serve because of old age or infirmity, that he receive a weekly allowance, specified, including “Tysedasale ”, and 4 ells of bluet or russet at Christmas yearly.
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. February [15 January] 1322/3.
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f.83r-v    [30 January] 1323
Mandate by Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, deputed executor by apostolic order as below, along with the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London, to the prior and convent of Durham reciting the following bull, deputing them to collect the tenth within the bishopric of Durham; giving them power of ecclesiastical censure thereto; appointing Sunday in mid Lent, in place of the elapsed first term day; enjoining the delivery of all termly payments to the exchequer within a fortnight of their term days; and requiring certification of their progress in the matter within 20 days of each term day.
Bull (lately made public in a council at Lincoln) by John XXII, pope, to the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishop of London and the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield informing them that he has awarded to Edward [II], king of England, for the defence of his realm, a tenth of church revenues in England, Ireland and Wales for two years from Whitsun next, to be paid in arrears at Martinmas and Ascension Day in each of the two years; instructing them, or subcollectors to be deputed by them, to collect the tenth, and authorizing them to use ecclesiastical penalties against gainsayers.
Date: Avignon, 12 Kal. May, Pont. 6. [20 April 1322]
Date: Sallowe, 3 Kal. February 1322/3.
Original: DCD Loc.XIX:63.
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f.83v    1320x1321
Writ by [Edward II,] the king [of England], to the sheriff of York, informing him that the prior of Durham is discharged of £41 6s 8d from the clerical fifteenth granted to him in the first year of his reign; and ordering him not to distrain the prior therefor.
Witness: Walter of Norwich.
[Note of enrolment:] “By the great roll of the 14th year [1320- 1321]; in York”.
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f.83v    [27 April] 1324
Collation by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Dalton', chaplain, of the chapels of SS Leonard and Bartholomew near Durham, for life, obliging him to bear all incumbent burdens, in person or through another, granting that he take his sustenance at the priory for his whole life, eating in the hall or elsewhere where the rest of the chaplains might dine, and if he were infirm or incapacitated such that he might not honestly dine among others, he would eat whatever were to be had among the others elsewhere, provided that he performed the same office of priest for life in the chapel outside (ultra) the priory gate [? of St John the Evangelist, outside the gate (see f.85r below) or St Helen, over the gate; a subsequent reference, f.128r, to this collation concerns the chapel “super portam”.]
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. May 1324.
Another copy is in: Register I, f.122v-123r.
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f.84r    [19 March] 1323
Certification by the prior and convent of Durham, subcollectors of the biennial tenth, to Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, deputed principal collector of the biennial tenth by the apostolice see, having received, and including the contents of [a mandate] by Roger &c (no more recited) that they had warned the clergy of the diocese about the tenth; and asking, following representations by the clergy, whether the tenth should be raised according to the old assessment.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. April 1322/3.
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f.84r    [1323]
Appeal by the proctor of the clergy of Durham, having been appointed in presence of the prior of Durham and addressing the prior, stating that although the pope, John XXII, has granted the biennial tenth of ecclesiastical revenues of England and the parts of Ireland and Wales to Edward, king of England, the prior cannot raise the tenth in Durham dioc. according to the old extent as he intends, or compel the clergy to the payment thereof by any ecclesiastical censure, because the church revenues of the diocese, both through the hostile invasions, fire-raising and destruction by the Scots, and by divers burdensome contributions ofttimes made, of necessity, for the common utility of the dioc. and its inhabitants, are notoriously exhausted, and because the remaining revenues do not suffice for the ordinary burdens incumbent on the benefices of the dioc. and for the payment of the said tenth according to the said extent, which is common knowledge in the dioc. and neighbouring districts; indeed, that there is not a place in demonstrable denial [of the tenth] (quod locus infitiationi probabili non existit);
and offering himself for proof at a suitable place and time before a competent judge in this regard, asking that what is just be done for the clergy and himself on their behalf in all their foregoing concerns and matters relating thereto; declaring the clergy ready and willing to make satisfaction of the tenth for all their church revenues in the dioc., according to their ability; and appealing, by this writing, to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, principal collectors of the tenth, failing whom the sacrist of the apostolic see, lest the prior as subcollector of the tenth, or anyone in his name or by his mandate, proceed against the clergy or their benefices in the dioc. by reason of non-payment or delay of the tenth according to the old extent, by citation, suspension, monition, excommunication, interdict, or howsoever by oppression.
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f.84r-v    [29 March] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Helton' for his service in the refectory and solar, such sustenance as pertains to this duty, along with a robe; or, in the event of infirmity, a weekly allowance, specified, and the said robe yearly, to be received from the priory almoner.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. April 1323.
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f.84v    1323
Memorandum of the presentation of Mr Alan de Chirden', doctor of theology, to the vicarage of Northallerton, 2 Id. May [14 May] 1323 and of the presentation of Walter Prodhome', clerk, to the prebend of Barmby [in the church of Howden], 12 Kal. June [21 May], the same year.
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f.84v    [1323]
Letter by an unnamed writer requesting that John de Somerhous' be allowed to exchange benefices with John de Horneby, at present in possession of Rounton, in the patronage of the priory.
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f.84v    [25 May] 1323
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of John de Somerhous' to the church of Rounton, vacant by the resignation of John de Horneby, in exchange for the vicarage of Wighill, near York; saving the prior's yearly pension of 40s owed from the said church.
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. June 1323.
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f.84v    [23 May] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Hugh of Hessewell', their servant, for life, so long as he be able to carry out the office of doorkeeper of the priory brewhouse, of such sustenance as other bearers of this office have received, along with a robe; or a weekly allowance, specified, when unable to serve in the office.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. June 1323.
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f.84v    [25 May] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Geoffrey de Spenningthorne, so long as he be able to carry out the office of doorkeeper of the priory bakehouse, of such sustenance as William de Horneby received in the same office, along with a robe; or a weekly allowance, specified, when unable to serve in the office.
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. June 1323.
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(erased:) [Memorandum concerning the prebend of Skelton in the church of Howden]
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f.85r    [20 August] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Adam son of Richard de Medhop' of Lytham of the office of forester in their park of Rainton for life, with livery of 5s at Christmas yearly, and 2 chaldrons of wheat and 2 chaldrons of barley monthly, to be received at Pittington, along with brushwood and bark; with penalties for shortcomings and negligence.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. September 1323.
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f.85r    [6 September 13]23
Memorandum that Adam de Coldingham was presented to the vicarage of Old Cambus.
8 Id. September “year &c” 23.
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f.85r    [18 September] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Schirewode, clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s, to be received at the camera of Durham, unless provided with a benefice in the interim; Richard swearing to keep the priory's counsel.
Date: 14 Kal. October 1323.
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f.85r    [18 September] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Bywell', priest, for life, for priestly service in the chapel of St John the Evangelist, next to their infirmary outside the priory gate, to the poor of the infirmary, for collecting the almoner's farms and rents in Durham, and other services; of the customary sustenance, a robe at Christmas, and 6s 8d yearly from the almoner; if unable to carry out his duties, food and drink to be supplied to him by the almoner.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. October 1323.
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f.85v    27 October 1323
Citation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham to attend before him in the chapter house at Durham the morrow of St Nicholas [7 December] next in order to undergo visitation; requiring a reply to the foregoing, incorporating the contents of the premisses, by St Andrew [30 November] next.
Date: Stockton, 27 October 1323.
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f.85v    [28 November] 1323
Certification [by the prior and convent of Durham] to Louis, [bishop of Durham] of their receipt, on 5 Kal. November [28 October], of [a citation] by Louis &c (not recited in full) intimating that they will be ready [for his visitation].
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. December 1323.
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f.85v    27 October 1323
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William, prior of Durham, instructing him to cite all priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend on the morrow of St Nicholas [7 December]; and to certify him, by the said date, in letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, of his execution of this mandate.
Date: Stockton, 27 October 1323.
With further mandate instructing him to show these letters to the subprior and convent without delay, and to reply within three days concerning anything done herefor.
Notary: Thomas de Hurcheworth'.
Date: “as above”.
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f.85v    [1323]
Certification by [the prior of Durham] to [the bishop of Durham] intimating that he has cited the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Finchale, Lytham &c to attend for visitation, and that he had heard only three days ago that the nuncio sent to the priory of Stamford with his citation had been held up by illness en route.
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f.86r    [12 December] 1323
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham instructing him, since some who were to have been present at his visitation had not been summoned, and some of those who had been summoned had not attended, to cite those who had yet to undergo visitation to appear before him in the chapter house at Durham on the Wednesday after Epiphany [10 January 1323/4], and to send certification of this incorporating the contents of the presents.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. December 1323.
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f.86r    [21 January] 1324
Citation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham to attend before him or his commissary in the chapter house of Durham on the Thursday after the Conversion of St Paul [1 February] in the visitation lately begun by him, and receive due correction; and to send certification, in letters patent incorporating these letters, as to what they see fit to do in this matter by the Conversion of St Paul [25 January].
Date: Brancepeth, 12 Kal. February 1323/4.
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f.86r    [24 January] 1324
Certification by [the prior and convent of Durham] having received, 10 Kal. February [23 January], a mandate by Louis &c (not recited in full) that, saving their liberties and privileges, they intend to comply and do what is necessary.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. February 1323/4.
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f.86r    [6 November] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas Yve, clerk of Newcastle upon Tyne, of a robe yearly at Christmas and sustenance, as received by their other clerks, for himself, a servant and a horse; for his service and advocacy, rendered and to be rendered, in the priory's causes and business.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. November 1323.
Duplicated as first entry on f.87r.
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f.86r    [29 February] 1324
[Memorandum] that 2 Kal. March [29 February] 1323/4 a bond was made to John de Seham for 20 marks to be paid to him at Martinmas [11 November] [13]04 [? recte 1324].
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f.86v    [30 July] 1324
Commission by William, prior of Durham, to Adam, prior of Stamford, informing him that he has ordained the imposition of an aid or tallage on all his tenants in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland and other counties who hold of him by this service; and empowering him to raise this aid.
Date: 3 Kal. August 1324.
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f.86v    [21 September] 1324
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Richard de Eryum, professor of law, of a yearly pension of ten marks, until provided with a benefice.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. October 1324.
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f.86v    [1323]
“In the memoranda rolls of the 16th year of King Edward son of King Edward among the status and views of account of the Easter term”
Audit of account of the prior of Durham, collector of the subsidy of 12d in the mark, 8 [Edward II], rendered by John de Buttrewyk', attorney of the prior, with debts totalling £676 18d., reduced to £157 16s. 1¼d., by allocations and respites, including £240 deposited in Durham cathedral for safe custody, taken by the men of the bishopric of Durham and paid to the Scottish enemies for a truce, with postponement sought on account of the destruction and impoverishment caused by frequent attacks by the Scots.
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f.86v    [1324]
Account of the prior and convent of Durham, subcollectors in the diocese of Durham of the biennial tenth imposed on the clergy by J[ohn] XXII, pope, and granted to the king; for the first year of its payment, according to the last valuation made by L[ouis] bishop of Durham, by writ of the king; by John de Alnatheby, their attorney, as contained in the Memoranda of 17 [Edward II], among the letters of attorney of the Trinity term; for £200 17s. 3d., the total of the tenth being £217 14s. 3d.
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f.87r    [6 November] 1323
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas Yve, clerk of Newcastle upon Tyne, of a robe yearly at Christmas and sustenance, as received by their other clerks, for himself, a servant and a horse; for his service and advocacy, rendered and to be rendered, in the priory's causes and business.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. November 1323.
Duplicated on f.86r.
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f.87r    [21 February] 1325
Revocation by William prior and the convent of Durham of their letters giving power to Richard de Whitteworth, monk of Durham, to farm their manors, lands, fisheries &c in Scotland.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. March 1324/5.
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f.87r    [21 February] 1325
Commission by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Laton', prior of Holy Island, to present to the vacant vicarage of Fishwick, St Andrews dioc..
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. March 1324/5.
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f.87r    [21 February] 1325
Memorandum of the presentation of Adam de Normanton', chaplain, to the church of Binewerk, Stamford, 9 Kal. March 1324/5.
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f.87r    [16 December] 1324
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Henry de Sywardeston' and Mr John de Hirlaw, clerks, and Nicholas de Lamesley appointing them their proctors and special nuncios in any actions in the Roman curia between the priory and William, archbishop of York.
Date: Durham, 17 Kal. January 1324.
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f.87v    [16 December] 1324
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Henry de Sywardeston' and Mr John de Hirlaw, clerks, and Nicholas de Lamesley, giving authority [further to that in the preceding entry] as their proctors at the Roman curia ; by no means revoking any other proxies made by the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 17 Kal. January 1324.
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f.87v    [8 March] 1325
Letters by William prior and the convent of Durham to R[obert I], king of Scots, informing him of the appointment of Adam de Pontefracto as prior of Coldingham and asking his protection for Adam and the cell.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. March 1324/5.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.12-13.
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f.87v    [8 March] 1325
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], bishop of St Andrews, of Adam de Pontefracto, monk of Durham, as prior of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. March 1324/5.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.13.
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f.87v    [11 March] 1325
Commission by William, prior of Durham, deputed keeper in England by Clement V, pope, of the privileges of the Cistercian order, to the prior of Burscough, of the Augustinian order, Lichfield and Coventry dioc., stating that the abbot and convent of Newminster have presented to him, and reciting a bull by Clement V, pope, (not recited in full) and since he understands that some Cistercian abbots and others of the same order, and chiefly the abbots of Furness, Calder, Sawley and Whalley, complain of coming to him on account of the distances involved, therefore, to save them labour and expense, authorizing him to proceed in place of the prior in the matter of these abbots according to the tenor of the apostolic letters.
Date: Durham priory, 5 Id. March 1324/5.
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f.88r    [1325]
Mandate by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in the diocese of York to the chaplain of the parish of Allerton, in that spirituality; being made aware that certain sons of iniquity presumed to conspire to infringe the rights of that church and its vicar, notably by withholding offerings due and inducing others to do so, putting themselves under sentence of excommunication in accordance with the synodal constitutions of York; to publish the sentences of excommunication on them in the church of Allerton and its dependent chapels, until otherwise ordered; and to certify his action to the prior, providing the names of the transgressors and their offences when required.
Date: Durham.
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f.88r    [6 April] 1325
Memorandum of the presentation of John de Misterton, chaplain of John de Denum, to the vicarage of Eastrington, 8 Id. April 1325.
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f.88r    [27 March] 1325
Ratification by William, prior of Durham, to Mr Alexander de Rekilton', clerk of the cell of Coldingham, of a yearly pension of 40s, along with half a piece of cloth with fur, granted to him by the keepers of the cell of Coldingham for his advocacy and counsel in the business of the monastery of Durham and the said cell.
Date: Coldingham, Wednesday after the Annunciation 1325.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.15.
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f.88r    [11 April] 1325
Appointment by William prior and the convent of Durham to John Lutterell' as keeper of the cell of Farne.
Date: 3 Id. April 1325.
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f.88r    [28 March 13]26
[Memorandum] of the appointment of W. de Hexildesham to correct and punish the crimes and excesses of the monks on the same island [i.e. Farne], 5 [?] Kal. April [28 March] [13]26.
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f.88v    [16 April] 1325
Grant by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Thomas de Hoghton', being competent to teach boys grammar according to the testimony of Mr Alan de Chirden doctor of theology, of the school of Allerton for two years.
Durham, 16 Kal. May 1325.
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f.88v    [12 April] 1325
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Whitteworth', for keeping the priory of Coldingham, and the labours involved therewith, notwithstanding the crisis of war, of an allowance, specified, for life, from the priory of Coldingham, for himself and two servants, including beer called squierale for the latter, with the chamber formerly occupied by William de Middelton' and other privileges, specified, and 40 marks to be received yearly from the farmers of the said priory's mills of Ayton and Frodeholm.
Date: 2 Id. April 1325.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.15-16.
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Memorandum of the following entry:
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f.88v-89r    [11 April] 1325
Certification by the prior and subprior of Durham to Louis, bishop of Durham, having received, 2 April 1325 the following mandate, that they had found certain relevant public instruments written by Mr Richard de Ganio, and that these had been delivered to the bishop's chancellor, Mr Richard de Eryum, doctor of laws; and that they had been unable to discover anything further.
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and subprior of Durham instructing them to have restored to him some letters and public instruments (written by Mr Richard de Ganio, notary public, and others, touching the re-establishment of peace between Thomas, late archbishop of York, and Antony, then bishop of Durham), which ought to have remained in the custody of the bishops of Durham, but which were removed by some monks of Durham and others unknown; assigning them fifteen days and use of the penalty of great excommunication to effect the restoration, to identify, if known, those who removed the records, and to inform him, in letters reproducing the presents, of their actions in this matter.
Date: Stockton, 11 March 1324/5.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. April 1325.
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f.89r    [20 April 1325]
Certification by William, prior of Durham, to Louis, bishop of Durham, having received, 17 Kal. May [15 April], the following citation intimating that he had his fellow monks warned, and that he intends to be present as required.
Citation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to W[illiam], prior of Durham, to attend before him or his commissary in the chapter of Durham, Monday before St George [22 April], and answer to and receive certain articles arising from the bishop's late visitation; and to warn those monks who were found in need of correction to be present; explaining the delay in setting this date and requiring certification.
Date: the manor of Auckland, 4 April 1325.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. May, year as above.
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f.89r    [11 May] 1325
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Adam, prior of Coldingham, of power to present to the vicarage of Berwick upon Tweed, if vacant at present, saving their right of presentation in future.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. May 1325.
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f.89r    [5] August 1354
[Out of chronological sequence:]
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham for Robert de Duger [or Anger ?] as their mortuary-roll bearer.
Date: Durham, Non. August 1354.
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f.89v    23 May [1325]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Henry Beaumont, his brother, of the whole of his waste (bounds described: adjoining the fields of Helme and Thornley [par. Wolsingham] and the small croft of Redmires), to be held by him and his heirs in their severalty, with estovers (named), for his tenants [?] and for building his messuages in his manor of Helme, with the bishop and his successors free to make assarts on their adjoining waste, saving sufficient common pasture for Henry, rendering 12d yearly at the exchequer of Durham; granting also that Henry be able to enclose his woods of Helme and Redmires, with their adjacent open spaces and wastes, and make a park and a deer-leap.
Witnesses: Richard de Nevill', John de Coigners, Robert de Byncestre, Richard de Routhbiri, and John de Dalden', knights; John de Birteley, and Nicholas Pollard.
Date: Allerton, 15 March 1325/6 (sic).
Date: Durham, 23 May, year as above.
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f.89v    [1325]
Memorandum that the prior owes 16 marks by bond to Robert de Pontefr' [?], merchant, for malt bought from him; to be repaid Thursday after Holy Rood day [19 September] [13]25.
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f.89v-90r    [28 July] 1325
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas Surtays of a yearly pension of 40s, with a robe yearly at Christmas; for his service, counsel and advice in the priory's business.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. August 1325.
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f.90r    [29 September 1229]
Grant by Richard [Poore], bishop of Durham, with the assent of Ralph [Kerneth] prior and the chapter of Durham to the men of the town of Hartlepool that they be free burgesses and that their tenements in the borough of Hartlepool be free, by their just yearly rents for all services, aids, customs and exactions; and that there be a fifteen-day fair in Hartlepool every St Laurence's day, and every Tuesday a free market; granting rights to the burgesses in general terms, and reserving his and his successors' rights in general terms.
Date: [North]allerton, 3 Kal. October Pont. 3 [which would be 1230, but Pont. 2 seems more likely and this would give 1229].
Other copies: TNA C53/149, m.8; TNA JUST1/225, m.7; TNA C66/347, m.31; TNA C53/167, m.13; DCD Reg. I pt. ii, f.3v-4r. Only the Durham versions give Pont. 3 for the year of issue. TNA versions, which, with the exception of JUST1/225, are better copies, give Pont. 2, and they are likely to be correct.
Printed: C. Sharp, History of Hartlepool, (1816) appx p.iii-iv; R. Surtees, History and Antiquities of the County of Durham iii, p.386-387; (extracts with translation) A. Ballard & J. Tait, British Borough Charters 1216-1307, (1923) p.46, 133, 249, 263, 270, 279, 289, 298, 326; (calendar) Calendar of Charter Rolls v, p.191; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.292-293.
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Memorandum : Richard del Bischopryk' has a bond for 50s to be paid at Martinmas [11 November] 1325, for 10 qrs of rye bought from him.
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Memorandum: Alexander de Crathorn' has a bond for £10 to be paid within the octave of Martinmas [by 18 November], year as above.
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Memorandum : William son of Walter of Durham has a bond for £7, for 20 qrs malt bought from him, to be paid within the octave of Martinmas [by 18 November] 1325.
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f.90r    [25 October] 1325
Memorandum : Henry de Luttrington was presented to the vicarage of Eastrington, vacant by resignation of John de Mistreton', 8 Kal. November 1325.
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f.90r    [25 October 1325]
Memorandum of the presentation that same day of the same John de Mistreton' to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham, vacant by the resignation of the same Henry de Luttrington'.
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f.90v    [25 August] 1325
Ordinance by William prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the church of Bywell St Peter, that the 21 marks a year assigned by their predecessors for the support of the vicars, but not as a fixed portion, should be taken, under the supervision of their proctor, by Gilbert de Heley and his successors as vicars of Bywell from the altarage of that church, with the remainder reserved to the prior and convent, any shortfall being made up from the tithes of the mill, fishery and corn.
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. September 1325.
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f.90v    [24 October] 1325
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Bywell', chaplain, because the vicarage of Hesleden, to which he is known to have been presented by them, has been made poorer by the incursions of the Scots, of that croft abutting the vicar's garden, common pasture for beasts, specified, within their demesne of Hesleden and in the Priorpasture, and, until the situation recovers, the reek-pennies of the parish of Hesleden, for life.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. November 1325.
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f.90v    [11 November] 1325
Memorandum : Richard de Vaus was presented to the vicarage of Heighington, 3 Id. November 1325.
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f.90v    11 June 1321
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr William de Vaus, clerk, of a robe to be received yearly at Christmas; for his service and advocacy in the priory's causes and business.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1321.
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f.91r    11 November 1325
Letters testimonial by William, prior of Durham, for Richard Hunter as his fowler, to facilitate the exercise of his office.
Date: Durham, 11 November 1325.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cccclv.
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f.91r    [12 November 13]25
Memorandum : a bond for £33 6s 8d to be paid at Whitsun [13]36 was made to Henry de Bilton', merchant of York, 2 Id. November [13]25.
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f.91r    [25 December] 1325
Memorandum : collation of the school of Howden to Mr Adam de Esseby, chaplain, by the prior's letters patent and at the prior's pleasure, 8 Kal. January 1325.
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f.91r-v    3 January 1326
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following chirograph confirmation.
Chirograph confirmation by Louis, bishop of Durham, of the following chirograph grant.
Chirograph grant by Louis, elect of Durham, to Robert de Byncestr' following Robert's complaint that Antony, bishop of Durham, had made assarts from the common pasture in the old park next to Binchester leaving insufficient pasture for the free tenement in Binchester of William, Robert's father, and that there had been no remedy for this; of a space in his waste in the old park next to the field of Binchester; to be held by Robert and his heirs in their severalty of Louis and his successors, bishops of Durham, for the service of 1/50 of a knight's fee; with Robert granting that the elect and his successors be able to make assarts in the remainder of the waste, woods and pasture of the old park, and quitclaiming any right to common pasture in the said remainder.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Richard Marmaduk', then steward of Durham, Robert de Nevill', John de Coygners, Richard de Routhebiry, knights; Richard de Parco; Richard de Stanelaw, then sheriff of Durham.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1317.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevil', John Coygners, William de Kilkenny, knights; John de Evenwode, Nicholas Pollard, Richard Chaunceler.
Date: Durham, 6 February 1321/2.
Date: 3 January 1325/6.
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f.91v-92r    3 January 1326
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Byncestr', knight, confirming the following indenture.
Indenture between Louis, elect of Durham, and Robert de Byncestr', knight, commuting, following Robert's supplication, the terms of his and his heirs' tenure of the manors of Binchester and Hunwick, held of the bishops of Durham, to cash payments (given in detail).
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1317.
Date: Durham, 9 February 1321/2.
Date: Durham, 3 January 1325/6.
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f.92r    4 January 1326
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to John de Stratton', clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s, to be received from the camera at Durham, until provided to a benefice.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1325/6.
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f.92r-93v    July - October 1325
Extract of King's Bench roll 255 “Pleas at Westminster before W. de Bereford and his colleagues, justices of the King's Bench, the quindene of St John the Baptist [8 July] 18/19 Edward II [1325]” covering the suit brought by the prior of Lytham, against Edmund de Appelby on the plea that it be allowed to him to present a suitable person to the church of Appleby, claiming that Edmund had unjustly impeded him from exercising his right of patronage, and that he had suffered damage to the value of £200 thereby. John de Alnatheby, the prior's attorney, stating:
- that Marjory Banastre, patroness of the church of Appleby as lady of the manor thereof, had granted the patronage to William, then prior of Lytham, and his successors, in the reign of Henry III;
- that after the death of Richard de Midde, Marjory's last presentee, the prior's title to the advowson had been upheld against William son of William Vernoun' before the King's Bench, 50 Henry III [1265-66];
- that after the death of Thomas de Maundvill', instituted in the said church by the bishop of Lincoln owing to the delay, the title of Ambrose, then prior of Lytham, to the patronage was opposed by Richard Vernoun', kinsman and heir of William son of William;
- that R. de Hengham and his colleagues, justices of [common] pleas, had Richard warned that he had until the octave of John the Baptist [1 July] 16 Edward I [1288] to show why right of presentation ought not to belong to the prior;
- and that because of the delay the bishop of Lincoln instituted his clerk, John de Arayns of Cave, in the church, following whose death the church is now vacant;
Edmund stating that Henry de Appelby, his grandfather, to whom he was the heir, had been the true patron and had successfully presented Mr Henry Lovell', his clerk, to the church of Appleby in the reign of Henry III.
The prior stating that neither Edmund nor his antecessors had presented or made any claim at the previous two vacancies.
The plea being continued to the quindene of Michaelmas [13 October] and then to a month from Michaelmas [29 October], when Edmund admitted the prior's right and the court determined that the prior should recover seizin of the advowson and have a writ to the bishop of Lincoln. Including, as evidence to show no collusion between the parties to evade the statute of mortmain:
Extract of Coram Rege roll for Leicestershire, produced by John de Langton', chamberlain of the exchequer, covering pleas before the king at Westminster, the octave of Trinity, 16 Edward I of suit brought by the prior of Lytham against William Vernoun' on the plea that he permit the prior to present a suitable person to the church of Appleby; the justices finding in favour of the prior.
Date: Westminster [30 May 1288]
with Record of attendance of Richard [Vernoun'] and the prior before the king's lieutenant; Richard stating that he had no claim to the patronage of the church of Appleby.
Date: octave of St John the Baptist 16 Edward I [1 July 1288]
following on from: Writ of scire facias by Edward [I] to the sheriff of Leicester instructing him to inform Richard, kinsman and heir of William Vernoun', that he is to be present before the king or his lieutenant in three weeks from Trinity [13 June] to show why the prior of Lytham ought not to have the patronage of the church of Appleby.
Witness: R. de Hengham.
Endorsed as carried out.
Date: Westminster, 24 April 16 Edward I [1288]
With the prior to have execution, and freely remitting the damage to Edmund; Edmund making a quitclaim, as enrolled on the roll de cartis et protectionibus, Michaelmas term, 19 Edward II [1325]
Another copy: DCD Loc.V:71.
The above corresponds to 4.4.Ebor.2a and 2.4.Ebor.51
Another copy: f.240r-241v.
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f.93v    [7 November 1325]
Quitclaim by Edmund, son of Henry de Appelby, knight, to the prior of Lytham and his successors of any title to the patronage of the church of Appleby.
Date: Westminster, Thursday before Martinmas [7 November], year as above.
As in 3.4.Ebor.3.
Another copy: f.242r.
Digitised version
Notification by Henry, bishop of Lincoln, of extracts from the registers of his predecessors relating to Appleby church.
As in 3.4.Ebor.19a.
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f.94r    [29 March] 1326
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Peter Vaurell' / Vanrell', their clerk, for £40, to be paid to him entirely at his will once the church of Brantingham is appropriated to them.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. April 1326.
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f.94r    [31 March] 1326
Memorandum : John de Horneby, chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Eastrington, [vacant] by the resignation of Henry de Lutrington', 2 Kal. April 1326.
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f.94r    24 May 1326
Sale by William prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Whittewell', merchant, of the tithes of corn and hay of Shincliffe for three years for £40.
Date: Durham, 24 May 1326.
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f.94r-v    25 June 1326
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Agnes de Mordington', widow of Sir Henry de Haliburton', daughter and heiress of Sir Peter de Mordington', to John de Raynton', burgess of Berwick upon Tweed, of all her lands and tenements in Upper Lamberton; to be held by him, his heirs and assignees, in feu and heritage, of the chief lord of the fief thereof; doing service used and wont to the prior and convent of Durham and the prior and convent of Coldingham, chief lords of the fief of Lamberton; rendering 1d silver to Agnes, at Whitsun yearly , if asked, for all other services.
Witnesses: Adam de Pontefracto, then prior of Coldingham; Robert de Lawedr' the father, then justiciar of Lothian; Sir Henry de Prendergest, lord of that ilk; John son of Walter, then sheriff of Berwick and steward of the priory of Coldingham; Robert de Lummesden'; Henry, called clerk, of Ayton; William de Rydall', lord of Flemington, John de Ayton'; Nicholas de Badeby; Thomas de Heton', clerk; Simon de Saulton', clerk.
Date: Upper Lamberton, 21 November 1325.
Date: Durham, 25 June 1326.
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f.94v    [22 August] 1326
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Adam de Coldingham, chaplain, son of Thomas Stut' of a corrody, specified, to be received in the priory of Coldingham, with a robe at Christmas and allowances for a servant or boy.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. September 1326.
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f.94v    [4 April 1330]
[Memorandum :] John son of Roger de Byrden and Dionis' his wife withdrew [?: re (no mark of abbrev.)] their writ of novel disseizin against the prior of Durham concerning tenements in Westoe, Wednesday in Easter week, Pont. 13 Louis, bishop [of Durham].
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f.95r    c.1327
Ordinance by William prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the church of Billingham, for the vicarage of Billingham, as set by their predecessors of the house occupied by Walter de Offington', former vicar, and a set portion comprising all the offerings, mortuaries and less tithes from free men and from their servants, save for tithes of hay and of their animals.
Date: Durham.
ANother copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 78.
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f.95r    c.1327
Form of grant by William prior and the convent of Durham of a perpetual share of the masses, prayers &c performed by the monks of Durham and its dependent cells for service and aid to the priories of Durham and Coldingham.
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f.95r    [4 August] 1327
Memorandum: Roger de Middelton', clerk, was presented to the church of All Saints Ousegate, York, 2 Non. August 1327.
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f.95r    [2 October] 1327
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Suthuerch', clerk, of 100s yearly to be received at their cell of Stamford until provided with an acceptable benefice; giving notice that they have placed Mr Thomas in possession of the pension by handing over 100s for the first year thereof.
Date: Durham, 6 Non. October [2 October] 1327.
Digitised version
Memorandum: in parliament held at Westminster, the morrow of Epiphany [7 January] 1326/7, at which Edward II was deposed and Edward his son was made king (even as he was crowned at Westminster, on Sunday, the eve of the Purification [1 February]) and made the following pardons to the men of Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland.
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f.95v    12 February [1327]
Pardon by Edward [III], king of England, to the men of Northumberland discharging them of all they owe by way of estreats, arrears of farms, or otherwise, demanded by summons of the exchequer in his or his predecessors' time; and issues of forfeitures, goods of felons and all other debts, excepting those owed for the late king's goods, bought by them up to the date of the presents; because of the damage caused by the Scots.
Witness himself.
Date: Westminster, 12 February, 1 Edward III.
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f.95v    28 January [1328]
Mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer referring to his pardon [the preceding entry] and instructing them in accordance therewith to cause the prior of Durham to be quit of debts owed up to 12 February last.
Witness himself.
Date: York, 28 January, 2 Edward III.
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f.95v    28 January [1328]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to the sheriff of York referring to his pardon of 12 February 1326/7 (as above) and instructing him in accordance therewith to allow the prior of Durham to be quit of debts owed up to that date.
Witness himself.
Date: York, 28 January, 2 Edward III.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 4053.
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f.95v    28 January [1328]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, referring to his pardon of 12 February 1326/7 (as above) and instructing him in accordance therewith to allow the prior of Durham to be quit of debts owed up to that date.
Witness himself.
Date: York, 28 January, 2 Edward III.
Note of enrolment on roll 15 Brevia vero in ligulis .
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f.96r    c.1327
Grant by John de Crigelston', knight, of an annual rent of 5 marks for the maintenance of a chaplain at the altar of St Catherine in the church of Howden to be paid by John and his heirs at the four terms customary in Howdenshire from his toft in Hail, which James de Selby sometime held, and from his whole land del Nab, saving service to the lord of the fee, and from his two windmills, one in the field of Eastrington and the other towards Portington, pertaining to the manor of Spen; with obligations and conditions, specified ;
Witnesses: John de Cayvill', Robert Traynez [? knights]; Stephen Benedict, Richard, Henry, chaplains; William de Birland, Thomas de Barowe, Thomas de Metham, Thomas de Bakholm', Robert de Portington', Thomas and Reginald de Crigelston'.
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f.96r    22 October 1327
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Edward [III], king of England, for the price of assorted victuals (£30 11s. 8d. for 40 quarters of malt, 21 salt oxen at 3s. 4d. each, 133 bacons at 20d. each, and 360 salt cod at 40s. a long hundred) of the king, in the keeping of Sir John de Carleton', keeper thereof at Newcastle upon Tyne, and sold by him to the prior and convent on the date of the presents; to be paid to the king or his attorney at Newcastle at Whitsun [22 May] 1328.
Date: Durham, 22 October 1327.
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f.96v    [4 July] 1328
Resignation by William, called Lardener, rector of Holtby, York dioc., in the hands of William, archbishop of York, of the church of Holtby.
Under his own seal and, because his own is not known, that of the dean of Christianity of York.
Date: York, 4 Non. July 1328.
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f.96v    [8 July] 1328
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of Adam son of Robert de Hoton', clerk, to the church of Holtby, vacant by the resignation of William, called Lardener, late rector thereof; saving their yearly pension of 25s from the said church.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. July 1328.
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f.96v    3 August 1328
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by indenture by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Manoyer of all the lands and tenements which Sir Aymer de Hauden' and Sir John de Kynemonth held in Berrington and Kyloe by inheritance of Isobel and Mary their wives, and now in the bishop's hands as escheat by forfeiture of war; to be held for life of the chief lord of the fee, and reverting to the bishop or his successors; Robert having promised to be with the bishop against all men save the king in peace or in war; and if it happen that, because of peace between England and Scotland, the lands of the adherents of Robert Bruce be restored, and Emeric and John recover the said lands in Berrington and Kyloe, then Robert would no longer be bound to keep his promise unless the bishop made good [the loss] from elsewhere.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: manor of Stockton, 2 February 1327/8.
Date: 3 August 1328.
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f.97r    25 August 1328
Quittance by William, prior of Durham, to Robert Stagman of Norham, remitting all debts owed by him to the priory from the corn and fish tithes or from any contract up to the date of the presents, excepting 2 marks to be paid at Martinmas, because of his losses at the hands of the Scots, including the ransoms paid when captured on two occasions.
Date: 25 August 1328.
Another (incorrect) copy: DCD Misc. Ch. 421, f.12r.
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f.97r    30 August 1328
Memorandum : Reginald Forestar' of Elvet has a bond under the prior's seal for £27 (repayment dates specified), dated 30 August 1328.
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f.97r    [9 September] 1328
Memorandum : Thomas de Wedall' was presented to the vicarage of Ednam, St Andrews dioc., 5 Id. September 1328.
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Memorandum : the king has a bond under the chapter seal for £38 13s 4d, to be paid at Candlemas [2 February] and Easter [3 April] 1328, for victuals bought at Newcastle upon Tyne from Sirs Robert de Notingham and John de Carleton'.
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f.97r     [10 January] 1329
Letters of consent by William prior and the convent of Durham to William, archbishop of York, for him to establish a perpetual vicarage in the prebend of Skelton in the church of Howden, and reserving the right of patronage thereto to themselves.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. January 1328/9.
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f.97r    [13 November] 1325
Assignment by William prior and the convent of Durham accepting the assignment by their predecessors of the vicarage portion of [Bishop] Middleham namely: the manse in Middleham (two small houses near the church) as occupied by William de Mayners, former vicar, and his predecessors; the tithes, offerings and mortuaries of the church, excepting the corn tithes; and 5 marks a year from the master and brethren of the hospital of Sherburn (a sum assigned to the vicarage from the corn tithes of Garmondsway by the late Robert, bishop of Durham), who have been accustomed to make the payment to the vicars and, before appropriation, to the rectors of [Bishop] Middleham.
Date: Durham, Id. November 1325.
Original: DCD 3.12.Spec.11.
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f.97v    [29 January] 1328
Proxy by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Hepcotes, clerk, and John de Halnatheby appointing them their proctors and special nuncios in negotiations with the prior and convent of Kirkham, concerning a yearly pension of 4 marks and arrears thereof which the latter have demanded from them, and other controversies.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. February 1328.
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f.97v    [14 February] 1328
Collation by William prior and the convent of Durham to John Greton', chaplain, of the chantry of the chapel of Heworth.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. March 1328.
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f.97v    [1252]
[Out of chronological sequence:]
Bond by B[ertram of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham to the prior and convent of Kirkham to pay the latter 4 marks a year in perpetuity for all the tithes which they ought to have from the parish of Edlingham, as much in mills as otherwise, from two parts [two thirds ?] of the demesne of Bolton.
Witnesses: Mr Alan de Melsamby and his brother, Mr Alan, Mr Walter York (Ebor'), Mr Richard de Romondby, Alan de Cretton', Henry de Melsamby, Alexander de Edlingham, clerks; Girard Campanar', Walter de Kyllington', William de Ponte; Robert, chaplain, Robert and Roger, deacons of Allerton.
n.d.. [A memorandum on these tithes dates the dispute preceding this agreement to 1252, 1.1.Sacr.10b, printed in J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. VII (1904), p.210 n.2
. The cropped marginal caption ends '36' (?36 Henry III).
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f.97v-98r    [25 March] 1329
Sale by William prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Wyttewell' of the corn tithes of Shincliffe, along with the tithes of the hay and flax growing in the field thereof, in the parish of St Oswald, Durham, for three years; for £40.
Date: Durham, Saturday, Lady Day 1329.
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f.98r    26 March 1329
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Antony, bishop of Durham, to the church of St Cuthbert, Darlington, and Robert de Roueston', perpetual vicar there, of that messuage in Darlington next to the gate of the bishop's manor, formerly held by Adam de Stokesley and Cecilia, his wife, and a vennel, into which the messuage has been extended, which formerly led to Hundegate well; to be held by the vicar and his successors of the bishop and his successors in perpetual alms.
Witnesses: Mr William de Sancto Botolpho, then archdeacon of Durham; Thomas de Leuesam; Peter de Thorsby; Guichard de Charr on ; John de Saundon'; John, lord of Skerningham; Robert de Levingthorp'; William, son of Benedict de Derlington'; John de Blacwell'; Peter, clerk; William de Ruyile; Adam de Sutton'.
Undated [1297x1311]
Date: Durham, 26 March 1329.
Printed in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62 1875), p.235-237
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f.98r    1 April 1329
Mandate by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to the clergy of the said spirituality instructing them to permit the proctor of the canons of the church of St Mary, Swellen [Southwell], in the diocese of York, to set out to the populace the need for alms for completing the fabric of the said church; and to have whatever is given delivered to him.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1329.
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f.98v     [18 November] 1328
Appointment by William, prior of Durham, of G. de Ellewyk', doctor of theology, as prior of Holy Island, in particular to restore the priory from its present state of “collapse ”.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. December 1328.
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f.98v    3 May 1329
Collation by William, prior of Durham, to Roger de Ellesden', chaplain and hermit, of the hermitage near Norham.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1329.
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f.98v    4 December 1328
Release by William prior and the convent of Durham to Gilbert, vicar of Bywell St Peter, of the tithes of his own animals in the parish before the date of the presents; and power in future to receive in their name the tithes of his own animals and turn them to his use; saving the right to receive the tithes of the animals of Gilbert's successor.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1328.
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f.98v    4 December 1328
Quittance by William, prior of Durham to Gilbert, vicar of Bywell St Peter, lately their proctor of the same church, for the revenues of that church, following his discharge by the auditors of his account for them.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1328.
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f.98v    [15 August] 1329
Memorandum : Mr Richard de Hoton' was presented to the vicarage of Eastrington, 18 Kal. September 1329; the same day was Henry de Lutrington presented to the vicarage of Aycliffe.
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f.99r    12 September 1329
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert Parving' [?] of a yearly pension of 40s, with a robe to be received yearly at Christmas for his service rendered and to be rendered.
Date: Durham, 12 September 1329.
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f.99r    23 November 1329
Bond by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas del Holme of Beverley, merchant, for £420 received from him by John de Crepping', monk of Durham and terrar for cloth, spices and other things as a loan; to be repaid to Thomas or his attorney at Durham, John the Baptist [24 June] 1330.
Date: Durham, 23 November 1329.
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f.99r    [1329]
Acknowledgment and concession by Thomas del Holme, merchant burgess of Beverley, to the prior and convent of Durham (in respect of the preceding entry), allowing that if they pay £210 at the term date, or otherwise in goods giving satisfaction thereof, thereafter will the bond be of no force and the whole sum be held fully paid.
Date: “&c”.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 4465.
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f.99r     [1329]
Licence by William, prior of Durham and vicar general in the absence of Louis, bishop of Durham, to William de Middelton', rector of Ford, to study at the university of Oxford or elsewhere, so long as it please the bishop, and providing that cure of souls in his church continue to be exercised.
Date: Durham“&c”.
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f.99v    11 March 1330
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinance.
Ordinance by Louis, bishop of Durham, augmenting the hospital of Sherburn by the addition of two chaplains to the existing four: one of St Thomas and the other of St Catherine; in order to assist the master of the hospital, Thomas de Hessewell', rector of Sedgefield, in restoring the hospital to its former condition following the destruction wrought by the Scots and the careless rule of certain earlier masters.
Under the seals of the bishop and the master of Sherburn.
Date: the manor of Darlington, 30 October 1329.
Date: Durham, 11 March 1329/30.
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f.99v    [16 March] 1330
Memorandum : Mr William de Allerton' was presented to the vicarage of Aycliffe, 17 Kal. April 1329/30; the same day H. de Lutrington' was presented to the vicarage of Giggleswick.
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f.100r-v    [20 June] 1330
Notarized ordinance by William, archbishop of York, referring to the division of the church of Howden into five prebends under the late Walter, archbishop of York, and the lack of a perpetual vicarage in the prebend of Skelton, one of the five; reciting the following 2 submissions; establishing a perpetual vicarage in the prebend of Skelton, the vicar to be presented by the prior and convent of Durham for institution by the archbishop, and assigning a vicarage portion of 10 marks yearly to be paid by the prebendary from the issues of the prebend.
Submission by William prior and the convent of Durham to William, archbishop of York, agreeing that the archbishop be able to ordain a perpetual vicarage in the prebend of Skelton in the church of Howden, saving their right of presentation thereto and other proper and accustomed rights, liberties and jurisdictions.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. January 1328/9.
Submission by Hugh de Thorn'toft', prebendary of Skelton, to William, archbishop of York, agreeing that the archbishop be able to ordain a perpetual vicarage in his prebend and a suitable vicarage portion from the revenues thereof.
Date: Howden, Monday after Ascension [5 June] 1329.
Under the bishop's seal and subscribed by the notary, Mr John de Barneby.
Notary: John son of Thomas de Barneby, clerk of York dioc.. N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, scribe of the archbishop (eschatocol recited).
Witnesses: Richard de Warwyk' and John son of Thomas Dring' of Driffield, donzels of the archbishop.
Date: Laneham, 13 Kal. July 1330.
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f.100v    [20 August] 1330
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of Stephen de Grypthorp, chaplain, to the vicarage of Hugh de Thorn'toft's prebend of Skelton in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. September 1330.
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f.100v    6 September 1330
Memorandum : a bond under the prior's seal for £10, to be repaid at Whitsun [19 May] 1331, was made to William de Berewyk', 6 September 1330.
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f.100v    8 October 1330
Grant by William, prior of Durham, to Mr John Waweyn', clerk, of a yearly pension of 20s and a robe at Christmas, to be received during the prior's time, unless provided with a benefice in the meantime; with John swearing not to disclose the priory's business.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1330.
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f.100v    9 September 1330
Citation by William, prior of Durham, to the prior of Coldingham and his associates dwelling there instructing them to meet him in the chapter house of Coldingham on the Monday before St Denis next [8 October] and undergo visitation, and requiring certification incorporating the contents of the presents on receipt of the same.
Date: Durham, 9 September 1330.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.16-17.
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f.100v    [1330]
Citation by William, prior of Durham, to the prior and convent of Coldingham postponing his visitation of Coldingham, as in the preceding entry, because of pressing business, and instructing them instead to meet him in the chapter house of Coldingham on the Wednesday after Martinmas next [14 November]; “&c as above”.
Date: Durham
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f.101r    1 November 1330
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Insula, his vicar-general ... (cropped) having received on 31 October and reciting the following writ of summons, instructing him to have the prior, chapter, archdeacon and clergy forewarned to attend parliament according to the writ, and requiring certification in letters including the contents of the presents by four or five days before the said date.
Writ of summons by Edward [III], king of England, to L[ouis], bishop of Durham, instructing him to attend personally in parliament at Westminster on the Monday next after St Catherine [26 November] and cause the prior and chapter of Durham, and the archdeacon and all the clergy of the diocese to be forewarned to attend at the same date and place, with the prior and archdeacon attending in person, the chapter attending by one proctor and the clergy by two proctors.
Witness himself.
Date: Leicester, 23 October 4 Edward III [1330]
Date: Welborn', 1 November 1330.
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f.101r    3 January [1331]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Adam prior and the convent of Coldingham to John Rede of Lyntlawes of an allowance, specified; for his service and for his goods in larger livestock animals and sheep assigned to the priory; John swearing to maintain his faithful service to the house (care of the priory's stock is specified) and granting half his goods to the priory at his death; the prior and convent granting that he be a participant, in their prayers, vigils &c, just as a monk, and that on his death a service be held just as for a monk of Coldingham.
Date: Coldingham, St Andrew [30 November] 1330.
Date: Durham, 3 January [1330/1].
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.17-18.
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f.101r-v    3 January [1331]
[Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming] the following grant.
Grant by indenture by A. prior and the convent of Coldingham to Elias, surgeon, son of Ralph, of an allowance, specified, for his service and for his goods in larger livestock assigned to the priory, Elias swearing to tend the infirm of the priory and attend to the priory's business.
Date: Coldingham, St Andrew's eve [29 November] 1330.
Date: Durham, 3 January [1330/1].
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f.101v    21 January 1330
Memorandum: Adam de Boughs has a bond, under the common seal of the chapter, for 100 marks to be paid at Whitsun [7 June] 1332, dated 21 January 1330.
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f.101v    20 January 1331
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to William de Kellau of a yearly pension of 40s for the term of his life, with a robe yearly at Christmas; and, when in Durham, a chamber and sustenance for himself, a clerk, three horses and servants - as served to the priory's other clerks; for his advocacy in the priory causes and business.
Date: Durham, 20 January 1330/1.
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f.101v    4 February 1331
Memorandum : the same William [de Kellau] has a confirmation dated 4 February [1330/1] from the prior and convent of land called le Ryddyng' and waste called le Walterstrother, Lanchester parish, given to him by Richard [Kellaw], bishop of Durham [cf. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. II, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1874), p.1160-1161 ]; William has given the prior and convent letters for their having common pasture in the said places as before for their almoner's and sacrist's beasts at Sacriston Heugh and Witton [Gilbert].
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f.101v    4 February [1331]
Grant by [William prior and the convent of Durham] to Mr Philip de Nassington' of a yearly pension of 50s, for life; Mr Philip swearing to attend diligently to the priory's business in York and elsewhere and not to divulge the counsel of the prior and convent.
Date: [Durham,] 4 February, “year as above” [1330/1]
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f.102r    4 April [13]31
Memoranda : Adam de Boughs' has a bond for £100 and Sir Thomas de Hepscot' has a bond for 400 marks, both under the common seal and to be paid at Whitsun [7 June] 1332; William de Denum has two bonds under the common seal for £40, to be paid at John the Baptist next [24 June 1331], whereof one has been delivered to Patrick de Gosewyk'. 4 April [13]31.
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f.102r    20 March 1329
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, saving to themselves and their successors service owed from the said manor.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Aimery de Trew, his kinsman, of the manor of Felling, which came to the bishop by forfeiture of Walter de Selby, who had placed himself in the fealty of Robert Bruce; to be held by Aimery and his heirs of the lord of the fee in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Henry Beaumont, Philip Darcy, Robert Breton', John de Lymbiri, knights; Mr Richard de Eryom, Mr John del Isle; Thomas de Hessewell', Thomas de Sunbyri, clerks.
Date: Somerton', 26 April 1318.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1328/9.
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f.102r    4 August [1331]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Sir Ralph Nevill of the manor of Evenwood to be held for the term of his life, of the bishop and his successors.
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 29 July 1331.
Date: Durham, 4 August, “year of the Lord as above”.
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f.102v-103r    4 September 1331
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following 5 grants.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William de Denum of 20 acres of moor in the bishop's waste in Easington moor, as enclosed by a ditch, lying next to the said William's land, which was formerly Robert de Besepole's; to be held by William and his heirs of the bishop and his successors by service of a fortieth part of a knight's fee; rendering 6d yearly at the exchequer of Durham, at the four terms appointed within the bishopric of Durham, for all other services; and of common pasture for his draught animals, to be shared with the bishop's other men in Easington and Shotton; saving to the bishop and his successors their severalties and assarts.
Date: Riccall, 20 June 1316.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William son of William de Denum citing the grants of 140 acres of moor and waste in the manor of Evenwood, and 20 acres of waste at la Haygarth' by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William son of William, and now granting to William son of William the making of a road (chiminum) to his tenement over the bishop's lands and waste, and estovers in the wood of Evenwood and the bishop's other forests (exceptions specified).
Date: Auckland, 2 March 1325/6
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William son of William de Denum of half of the manor of West Sleekburn and a third of the manor of Cambois in Bedlingtonshire, which are due to fall to the bishop by the forfeiture of Stephen son of Adam de Kambhous, because Stephen was in the company of Gilbert de Middelton' for the bishop's kidnapping and later adhered to the Scots “then our enemies” ; wishing that William and his heirs should hold the said parts of manors of the bishop and his successors.
Witnesses: Sir Henry Beaumont, the bishop's brother, Sir Ralph de Nevill', Sir Jordan de Dalden', Sir Robert de Byncestr', John de Byrteley, Thomas his brother, Hugh de Hecham, John son of Ralph de Slykeburn'.
Date: manor of Allerton, 30 March 1327.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William son of William de Denum of a sixth of the vill of Cambois, and a messuage and 30 acres of land in Choppington, in the bishop's hands as escheat by the forfeiture of Adam son of Richard Heyr de Kambhous, in the fealty of the Scots; and 2 messuages and 20 acres of land in the vill of Cambois, in the bishop's hands as escheat by the forfeiture of William Gosse, in the fealty of the Scots; to be held by William and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevill', Walter de Wessyngton', Jordan de Dalden', knights; John de Byrteley, Hugh de Hecham, Adam de Elingeham.
Date: Durham, Friday, Lammas eve [31 July] 1327.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William son of William de Denum, Isobel his wife, and Edmund their son, of all the lands and tenements which William de Prendergest, his wife Isobel and his son William, Roger de Alton' and Margaret his wife, Isobel de Cornhall', and Margaret de Emeldon' held in Cornhill in the liberty of Norham; and all the lands and tenements which John son of Walter de Gosewyk', and Thomas his brother, and William son of Thomas de Gosewyk', and John de la Mare held in Goswick in the said liberty; in the bishop's hands by forfeiture of the abovenamed and their heirs; to be held by William, Isobel and Edmund for the term of their life of the bishop and his successors and of other chief lords of the fee, and at their decease reverting to the bishop and his successors.
Witnesses: Robert Gray and Thomas his brother, knights; Robert de Maners, then constable of Norham castle; Richard de Clyfford'; Robert de Tughall'; Patrick de Gosewyk'; Robert de Cornhall'.
Date: manor of Auckland, 2 April 1328
Date: Durham, 4 September 1331.
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f.103r    1331
Memorandum Mr John de Touthorp' has a yearly pension of 40s until provided with a suitable benefice; date “&c” 1331;
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f.103r    24 September [1331]
Memorandum Roger de Blaykeston' has a yearly pension of 40s and a robe, for life; 24 September [1331].
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f.103r    [13]36
Memorandum Thomas de Seton' has a letter for 40s and a robe, for life; date ( “as above” crossed out) “&c” [13]36.
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f.103r    24 April 1332
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to William de Douglas of Lothian of the corn tithes of the parishes of Earlston and Ednam for three years, sold to him for £120 sterling; and, should William be prevented by war from collecting the tithes, he is to continue to have the tithes until the loss be made good.
Under the common seal of the chapter and the seal of the prior of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 24 April 1332.
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f.103v    3 & 4 November 1331
Ordinance by Louis, bishop of Durham, accepting and approving the late settlement of the dispute over the church of Houghton [le Spring] between Anibaldus, cardinal priest of St Laurence in Lucina, and Manser Marmion, possessor of the said church; whereby the church would remain with Manser as rector and the cardinal would receive a yearly pension of £40 from the issues of the church until provided with an acceptable benefice, the pension to be paid to the cardinal or his proctor, in London in equal portions on SS Philip and James [1 May] and St Faith [6 October] following consultation with the prior and chapter of Durham, and with their and Manser's consent.
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 3 November 1331.
With separate statements of approval from the prior and chapter and Manser Marmion.
Date of both: Durham, 4 November [1331].
Duplicate at f.105r-v.
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f.104r    [1331]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinance.
Ordinance by Louis, bishop of Durham, upon a petition by the abbot and convent of Alnwick, granting that they might henceforward present their fellow canons, (at least of the order of deacon, according to the constitution of the legate Ottobuono) to the vicarages of Shilbottle, Lesbury and Alnham, instead of secular clergy.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 31 July 1331.
“Wherefor we the prior and convent &c ”
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f.104r    [?1331 x 1332]
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Wederhale, chaplain, of a corrody, specified, with a robe and 13s 4d yearly from the almoner of Durham, and a house beyond the gate of the manor of Bearpark, with pasture for two cows in the park thereof; for his service in the chapels of St John the Baptist and St Catherine in the park of Bearpark.
Date: Durham.
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f.104v    10 January 1332
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Surteyse, knight, of free warren in his demesne in Felling, so long as it is not within the bounds of the bishop's forest, on condition that none enter the lands for hunting or taking anything pertaining to the warren without licence of Sir Thomas, on pain of the bishop's penalty of £10; to be held by Thomas and his heirs in perpetuity.
Witnesses: “&c”.
Date: manor of Allerton, 28 December 1331.
Date: in chapter [Durham], 10 January [1331/2].
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f.104v    18 September [1332]
Certification by the prior and convent of Durham [to Louis, bishop of Durham,] the prior having received on 4 Kal. September [29 August], and the subprior and convent having received on 3 Kal. September [30 August] the following citation, intimating their intention of attending for visitation on the said date.
Citation by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham instructing them to attend before him in chapter on the Thursday next after Michaelmas [1 October], with continuation, in order to undergo visitation; requiring certification by six days before Michaelmas.
Date: Brantingham, 20 August 1332.
Date: Durham, 18 September [1332].
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f.105r    19 September [1332]
Certification by William prior and the convent of Durham to [Louis, bishop of Durham,] of the following mandate, intimating that he has complied with the mandate, having: cited the priors &c of Durham's cells to attend for visitation on the appointed day, although a certain number of monks, as decided by the priors, masters and keepers, are to remain to serve the cells at the time of the visitation; and delivered the said citation to the subprior and convent of Durham; saving the rights &c of the church of Durham; with the names of the cited contained in an attached schedule.
Mandate by Louis, bishop of Durham, to William, prior of Durham enjoining him to cite all the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend for visitation, as in the preceding entry; and to cause the bishop's citation concerning the visitation [the preceding entry] to be forwarded to the subprior and convent of Durham; requiring certification including the names of those cited.
Date: Brantingham, 20 August 1332.
Date: Muggleswick, 19 September [1332].
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f.105r    3 & 4 November 1331
Grant by Louis, bishop of Durham, to Anibaldus, cardinal, priest of S Laurencio in Lucina, with consent of the prior and convent of Durham and of Manser Marmion, who now bears himself as rector of Houghton [le Spring], of a yearly pension of £40 from the issues of the church of Houghton [le Spring] to be paid in London to Anibaldus or his proctor, by Manser or whoever should be rector at the time, in equal portions at the feasts of SS Philip and James [1 May] and St Faith [6 October]; until provided with an acceptable benefice of equal or greater value by the bishop.
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 3 November 1331.
With separate sealed statements of approval from the prior and convent of Durham and Manser Marmion,
both dated: Durham, 4 November [1331].
Duplicate at f.103v.
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f.105v    25 September 1332
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of Mr William de Dreuton', rector of Slingsby, to the church of Walkington to effect an exchange with John of Cornwall ( de Cornubia), rector of Walkington.
Date: Durham : 25 September 1332.
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f.105v    [28 November 1332]
Remission by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Calna, clerk, rector of Dinsdale, of all arrears of the yearly pension of 40s owed from the church [of Dinsdale] from the time of his induction until Martinmas [11 November] 1332; on condition that he satisfy the priory of the pension henceforward.
Date: [Durham,] 4 Kal. December “A.D. abovesaid”.
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Memoranda : Thomas del Holme has bonds under the common seal for £124 and £144 15s to be paid at Whitsun [23 May] 1333.
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f.106r    17 May 1334
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Herle, for the service and counsel rendered by Sir William de Herle, his father, in the priory's business; of a yearly pension of 6 marks to be received from the priory camera, and a robe yearly at Christmas; for the whole of his life from reaching full age until provided with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1334.
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f.106r    17 May 1334
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Alan de Heppescot' of a yearly pension of 20s and a robe yearly at Christmas; until provided with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1334.
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f.106r    [23 May 1334]
Remission by William de Herle to the prior and convent of Durham of all action against them concerning a certain annual rent of a robe and 6 marks and the arrears thereof; with the condition that he will not be able to claim or demand anything of the rent or arrears in future.
Date: Harle, Monday the morrow of Trinity 8 Edward III.
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f.106r    25 February 1335
Memorandum : John de Kellawe has a bond of 25 February 1334/5 for a loan of £20 for the office of cellarer, to be paid at Whitsun next thereafter [4 June 1335].
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f.106r     [22 March] 1335
Remission by William, prior of Durham, with consent of the chapter of Durham to John de Alnatheby, his heirs and executors, of all actions, real or personal [for] anything owed to the prior or his predecessors up to the date of the presents.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after St Cuthbert in March [22 March] 1334/5.
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f.106r    26 March 1335
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to the bishop of Lincoln of Thomas de Rypplingham, archdeacon of Stowe, to the church of Blyborough, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with J. de Bekyngham, rector of Blyborough.
Date: [Durham,] 26 March 1335.
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f.106v    17 August 1335
Memorandum : Hugh de Gaytteford was presented to the vicarage of Northallerton, vacant by exchange, 17 August 1335.
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f.106v    1335
(crossed out) Memorandum : the tithes of Newton next to Durham were granted and sold, under the prior's seal, to Adam de Boughes for 4 years from Lammas [1 August] 1335.
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f.106v    [18 September] 1335
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of John of Skipton in Craven, chaplain, to the vicarage of Giggleswick.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. October 1335.
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f.106v    [1335]
Account of the prior and convent of Durham, collectors in the archdeaconry of Durham of the tenth granted by the clergy for 8 Edward III [1334-35]
Audit of their attorney, Richard de Woluiston monk [of Durham], as owing £7 0s. 0¾d., respited to the octave of Michaelmas, both for his expenses and since mostly uncollected.
Memoranda roll 9 Edward III among views of accounts for Trinity term.
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f.106v    [13]36
Memorandum : William de Stafford', vicar of Norton' has a bond for £6 16s, for barley bought from him, to be paid at St John the Baptist [24 June], [13]36.
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f.106v    1 March [13]36
Memorandum William Thurgot', chaplain of Blacktoft has a bond, under the chapter seal, for £40, to be paid at St Mary's Abbey, York, at Whitsun [19 May] and Martinmas [11 November] [13]36, dated Durham, 1 March [13]35.
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f.106v    1 March [13]35
Memorandum Robert de Leycestr' has a bond, under the chapter seal, for £26 13s 4d, to be paid at Martinmas [11 November] and Whitsun [8 June] 1337, dated 1 March [13]35.
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f.106v    3 May 1336
Memorandum John de Bowes and Adam de Sesseword' were presented to the vicarages of Swinton and Edrom respectively, 3 May 1336.
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The account of the prior of the cathedral church of Durham, collector of the tenth in the diocese of Durham, deputed ad hoc by letters patent of R., bishop of Durham, of John de Halyden, the prior's attorney, as on Memoranda roll year 18, Michaelmas term. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment: £200 in the treasury, 100s. for the collector's expenses and £16 15s. 4½d. owing delivered into the treasury.
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f.107r    20 March 1337
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by the master and brothers of Kepier to Joan Beler' of various allowances, specified, and the chamber and cellar which John de Brompton held during his life; for a certain sum of money given by Joan to the hospital beforehand. Undated.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1336/7.
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f.107r    [12 March] 1337
Collation by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Stephen Dayvill, chaplain, of the chantry of the altar of St Catherine in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Nicholas de Knedelington'.
Date: manor of Wardley, St Gregory 1336/7.
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f.107r    15 March 1337
Presentation by W[illiam] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, of Nicholas de Hugat', clerk, to the prebend of Howden in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Mr Ralph de Horncastre.
Date: Durham, 15 March 1336/7.
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f.107r    [11 November] 1336
Memorandum : the lands and tenements of the prior and convent in Ednam were demised to (John crossed out) Adam son of Allota de Edenham, Martinmas 1336.
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The prior and convent of Durham render account for £95 10s 7d of the remainder of their account of the sale of the king's victuals in the parts of Newcastle upon Tyne, the 4th year.
Nothing in the treasury;
To the prior in part settlement of £233 6s. 8d. for which King E[dward II] was bound by two bills sealed with the seal of the Scottish chamber: £95 10s. 7d. by two royal writs [see f.124v below] enrolled on the Memoranda rolls for year 8 Trinity term, whereby the barons [of the exchequer] are ordered, on seeing the said bills, to make allowance to the prior for debts owed to the king at the exchequer, and by a royal privy seal writ similarly enrolled, whereby the barons are ordered to make the allowance, in accordance with the two great seal writs; the two bills being presented and returned to the prior, one dated 6 May 10 [Edward II: 1317] for £220 due to the prior and convent for arrears down to Whitsun 10 [Edward II: 1317] of £40 a year granted by [Edward II] at the Berwick exchequer as alms, endorsed that the prior should have allowance for the £95 10s. 7d., and the other bill dated 30 November 7 [Edward II: 1313] for £13 6s. 8d due to the prior for his tithes of Ednam, bought for Roxburgh castle; John de Weston, then chamberlain of Scotland, to answer for the £95 10s. 7d.; the prior and convent quit.
Cf. f.124v and 125r, and 170v below.
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f.107v    6 May [1337]
Writ by [Edward III,] king [of England] to the sheriff of York informing him that the prior and convent are quit of £95 10s 7d of the remainder of their account of the sale of his victuals in the parts of Newcastle upon Tyne; instructing him not to distrain them therefor, or to release them if he has already carried out distraint.
Witness: R. de Sadington'.
Date: York, 6 May, 11 Edward III.
By the great roll of the ninth year.
Further copies: f.125r and 170v below; Loc.XIX:129.
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f.107v    22 July 1336
Licence by William prior and the convent of Durham to Henry de Belton', mayor of York and parishoner of All Saints' Ousegate, to build houses in an unused part of the cemetery of the said church and turn the rents thereof to the support of a chaplain there celebrating mass in honour of the Virgin Mary, and to other pious uses as he should see fit.
Date: Durham, 22 July 1336.
Cf. also f.109v-110r below.
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f.107v    14 April 1337
Presentation by William prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, of Nicholas de Hugat', clerk, to the prebend of Saltmarshe in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Roger de Waltham.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1337.
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f.108r    [27 May] 1337
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham of John de Pikering', priest, lately rector of Spennithorne, in the arcdeaconry of Richmond, to All Saints' Ousegate, York, vacant by the resignation of W. de Rokeby, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with the said W.
Date: Durham, 6 Kal. June 1337.
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f.108r    3 May [13]37
Collation by William, prior of Durham, to Robert of Durham, hermit, acolyte, of the hermitage next to Norham.
Date: Durham, 3 May [13]37.
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f.108r-v    16 May 1337
Citation by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham instructing them to attend before him on the Monday next after SS Peter and Paul [30 June] in the chapter house of Durham and undergo visitation; requiring certification.
Date: York, 16 May 1337.
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f.108v    16 May [13]37
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William, prior of Durham, instructing him to cause the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to be cited to attend before him, as in the preceding entry; requiring certification, including the names of those cited.
Date: York, 16 May [13]37.
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f.108v    [12 June 13]37
Grant by William, prior of Durham, to Gilbert de Hely, vicar of Bywell St Peter, of the corn tithes of Selilawes, with the hay tithes of Bywell and the hall of Newton, for life.
Date: Durham, Prid. Id. June [13]37.
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f.108v-109r    20 May 1337
Ordinance by William prior and the convent of Durham of the vicarage of Bywell St Peter accepting the assertion by Gilbert de Hely, vicar thereof, that a portion has not been assigned to him; granting to Gilbert and his successors the manse occupied by Gilbert in the vill of Bywell St Peter and a threshing-floor (aream) with adjacent land in the vill of Whittonstall where the vicar is bound to provide for a priest celebrating mass continuously; along with 20 marks yearly from the altarage of Bywell St Peter (with surplus to be delivered to the prior and convent and shortfall to be made up from the tithes of the mill, fisheries and corn), to be received at four terms of the year from their proctor, appointed for that purpose.
Date: Durham, 20 May 1337.
Another Copy: DCD 2.2.Spec.13.
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f.109r     10 June 1337
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham since he has prorogued his visitation until the Wednesday after Michaelmas [1 October] instructing the prior to cite all those cited in accordance with his earlier mandate to attend and undergo visitation on the later date; requiring him to apprise him of his execution of the mandate, including the names of those cited.
Date: Stamford, 10 June 1337.
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f.109r-v    10 June 1337
Citation by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and the convent of Durham informing them that, because of business concerning himself, his church, the king and the kingdom, he is proroguing his visitation of the priory until the Wednesday next after Michaelmas [1 October]; instructing them to attend on that date and undergo visitation; and requiring them to apprise him of their actions in the foregoing between the date of receiving the presents and St Matthew [21 September].
Date: Stamford, 10 June 1337.
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f.109v    [17 September] 1336
Faculty by William, archbishop of York, to Henry de Belton', mayor of York and parishioner of York All Saints [Ousegate], upon his petition, licensing him to build houses in a part of the cemetery of All Saints not hitherto used for burials, the rest of the cemetery being sufficient for the burial of parishioners, and to use the rents from the houses to maintain a chaplain celebrating in honour of the Virgin Mary in the said church for Henry's soul and the souls of all faithul departed; the archbishop having ascertained through inquisition of the rector, parishioners and other interested parties by jurors that no inconvenience would be caused to those requiring burial, that the plot can without prejudice to anyone be in length 52ft on the Coppergate side and 43ft on the Ousegate side, and in width 48ft on the side towards the chancel of the church and 25ft towards Pavement and next to the rent[ed property] of the community of the city of York, and that no burials have taken place there; and assigning the said rents for the maintenance of the chantry in perpetuity; saving the right (&c) of the archbishop and his church of York in all things always
Date: Cawood, 15 Kal. October 1336.
See related entries on f.107v and 110r.
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f.110r    [28 October] 1336
Faculty by William prior and the convent of Durham to Henry de Belton, citizen of York, giving assent to the archbishop's licence [the preceding entry].
Date: [Durham,], SS Simon and Jude 1336.
Original: DCD 3.1.Ebor.10.
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f.110r    28 October 1337
Grant by William prior and the convent of Durham to Robert, vicar of Dalton le Dale of 40s yearly from the issues of the church of Dalton, for life, to be received at Dalton from the chamberlain of Durham; because his vicarage portion has been made meagre by invasion of the Scots and diverse inconveniences.
Date: Durham, 28 October 1337.
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f.110r    5 November [1337]
Memorandum : an exchange was made of the vicarage of Ellingham and the hospital of Capelford by J. de Stapelton' and Thomas de Gatesheued, chaplains.
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f.110v    30 June [1338]
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following manumission.
Manumission by Richard, bishop of Durham, of William de Estrington, dwelling in York and originating in and a reputed villein of the bishop's vill of Eastrington; at the intervention of Sir Geoffrye le Scrop', releasing William, who has been in York for 30 years and more, from the yoke of servitude, and granting that he be deemed free; and that neither in his person nor in his goods and chattels should he be troubled by the bishop's bailiffs or ministers.
Date: London, 14 May 1338.
Date: “&c”, 30 June [1338].
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f.110v-111r    26 December 1338
Inspeximus by William prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to Adam Scot', confirming him in the office of forest bailiff of the ward of Lanchester in the bishop's forest of Lanchester, granted to him by Richard de Kellawe, late bishop of Durham; willing that he hold the office for life, with the usual wages and appurtenances, according to the original grant; and granting that William, Adam's son, should hold the office after his father's death, of the bishop and his successors, for life.
Date: Durham, 31 March 1338.
Date: Durham, 26 December 1338.
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f.111r    13 February [1339]
Mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to Robert de Tughale, chamberlain of Berwick upon Tweed, since Edward [I] his grandfather granted, for himself and his heirs, £40 yearly to the prior and convent of Durham, to be received from his exchequer of Berwick upon Tweed; until he or his heirs should provide the prior and convent to a benefice of like value, after deduction of costs, in the kingdom of Scotland; subject to various conditions (specified, involving the distribution of pennies to 3,000 paupers; a pittance of 50s for the convent; the placing of candles at the high altar, by the bier and standard of St Cuthbert, and in the Galilee; and finding a priest to celebrate a daily mass of St Cuthbert) to be fulfilled at the two feasts of St Cuthbert and at certain other times; and, although he might have annulled the grant by reason of ordinances made after the recovery of Berwick, he has confirmed it [2.3.Reg.7] on the same terms in his letters of 26 June 11 Edward [III] [1337], with the £40 to be taken from the camera of Berwick; instructing the chamberlain to hand over £60 for the Martinmas term of 11 Edward [III: 1337] and the following Whitsun and Martinmas terms [1338], and another £40 yearly so long as he remain chamberlain; for which due allowance will be made in the exchequer account.
Witness: Edward, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, the king's son, keeper of England.
Date: Berkhamsted, 13 February, 13 Edward [III].
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f.111v    8 February [1339]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to Mr Bernard Cistre, archdeacon of Canterbury and papal nuncio in England, informing him that the chancery rolls show that on 7 October, 7 Edward [III: 1333], he gave licence to the prior and convent of Durham to elect a new bishop following the death of Louis [Beaumont]; that the pope, by virtue of reservation, appointed Richard de Bury to the bishopric on the following 7 December; that he has restored the temporalities of the bishopric to the same; and that he is empowered to do what is proper concerning the account of the said prior, who, as collector in the bishopric of Durham of the quadrennial papal tenth imposed on the clergy by John [XXII] and for the half granted to the king, is bound to render account to the archdeacon of the said tenth.
Witness: Edward, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, the king's son and keeper of England.
Date: Kennington, 8 February, 13 Edward [III].
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Account of the prior and convent of Durham, collectors in the diocese of Durham of the biennial tenth granted by the clergy to the king in 10 [Edward III], deputed for this purpose by letters patent of R[ichard], bishop of Durham; of Richard de Wolveston', monk of the said house, attorney of the said prior, for the second year. £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment, and £221 15s. 4½d. for the first year, giving a total of £443 10s. 9d.: £188 in the treasury by four tallies; the bishop of Durham, owing 100 marks for the second year, respited for the collectors for £46 13s. 4d.; prior respited for the first year of the triennial tenth for £8 17s. 5d.; £200 owing delivered to the treasury; quit.
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Account of the prior of the cathedral church of Durham, collector deputed by letters patent of R[ichard], bishop of Durham, in the diocese of Durham of the triennial tenth granted to the king by the clergy 11 [Edward III], Richard de Wolveston', monk of the foresaid house, attorney of the said prior, for the first year. £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment: £141 8s. 10½d. in the treasury by four tallies; the bishop of Durham owing 100 marks, respited for the collector; £13 13s. 2d. owing, and £8 17s. 5d. remaining from his account for the biennial tenth, giving a total of £32 10s. 7d.; none of it into the treasury; collector's expenses £15, i.e. 100s. a year; £7 10s. 7d. owing delivered into the treasury; quit.
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Schedule sewn to f.111v   [30 September] 1318
[Out of chronological order:]
Mandate by the abbot and convent of St Mary's York, deputed subcollectors by apostolic authority of the annual tenth granted to the king of England by John XXII, pope, to the dean of Amounderness instructing him to publish sentence of excommunication upon the undernoted rectors of churches in his deanery for non-payment of the tenth until they make satisfaction thereof; to place their churches under interdict; and to sequestrate their revenues; requiring him to return the mandate, as proof of implementation, by St Luke [18 October] and to warn all the clergy of his deanery to pay the second term's [instalment] of the tenth by the same date under pain of greater excommunication.
Date: York, 2 Kal. October 1318.
Unpaid for the second term: the rectors of Lan[caster], Ribchester, Garstang with his vicar.
Unpaid for either term: the rectors of St Michael's on Wyre, Preston, Chipping, Poulton, Cockerham with his vicar, and Lytham
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Memorandum : Mr Thomas de Eryum has a letter, under the chapter seal, for staying in the priory, with 2 horses and 2 servants and a yearly pension of 40s and a third of a length of fur-lined cloth, until promoted to a benefice.
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f.112r    15 November 1339
Licence by William prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Eryum, clerk, permitting him to dwell in London or elsewhere in order to practise his advocacy in the priory's causes notwithstanding the letters binding him to dwell at the priory [in order to receive his pension and allowance].
Date: [Durham,] 15 November 1339.
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f.112r     [11 November 1339]
Memorandum : The vicar of Allerton has paid all the arrears of his pension and 40s for the Martinmas term.
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f.112r    26 September 1340
Memorandum : Two bonds under the prior's seal were made to Roger de Qwassington and William Sire for 35 marks (£10 and 20 marks respectively), to be paid at Whitsun [4 June] 1341.
Date: 26 September 1340.
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f.112r    [1341]
Memorandum : Robert de Castro, merchant, has a bond under the prior's seal for £40, to be paid at Martinmas [11 November] 1341.
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The register of the time of Dom. John, prior, begins
f.112r    19 January 1343
Certification by John prior and the convent of Durham having received, 19 December, and answering the following citation, intimating their intention of attending, the said date and place, to undergo visitation.
Citation by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham to attend before him in the chapter house of Durham on the Monday after the Conversion of St Paul [27 January 1342/3], with continuation of days, and undergo visitation; requiring certification 4 days from receipt of the presents.
Date: manor of Auckland, 17 December 13[4]2.
Date: Durham, 19 January 1342/3.
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f.112v    [19 January 1343]
Certification by John, prior of Durham, having received, 19 December, and answering the following mandate, intimating that he has carried out the citation, noting that some monks, as determined by the respective priors, masters and keepers of the cells, will remain in their houses to celebrate divine offices and undertake other necessary tasks; that he has publicly delivered the citation to the subprior and convent; and that the names of those cited are given in an annexed schedule; saving the rights (&c) of the monastery of Durham.
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, instructing him to cite the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend the bishop's visitation and to deliver the citation, as in the preceding entry, to the subprior and convent of Durham; requiring certification, including the names of those cited, four days before the Conversion of St Paul.
Date: manor of Auckland, 17 December 1342.
Date: “as above”.
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f.112v    [1343]
Request by [the prior (? and convent) of Durham] to [the bishop of Durham] it being apparent from [the bishop's] letters that the commissaries through whom he now maintains his jurisdiction of Allertonshire are to make a visitation of the hospitals of Allerton and Lazenby asking, since the hospitals lie within a spiritual jurisdiction pertaining to the priory and the correction and punishment of the excesses of those within the hospitals has always been exercised by them, that the commissaries desist from enquiring into the excesses and omissions of the persons there until the [bishop's] return to those parts is arranged, when evidence in the matter will be produced. [n.d.]
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f.112v-113r    [1343]
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to the official of Allerton, being keeper of the spiritualities of both the bishop of Durham and the prior, instructing him that, when the bishop or his commissaries should come to carry out a visitation of the hospitals of Allerton and Lazenby, he should propose as modestly as possible that the bishop has limited rights in this regard, specified, and induce him [or them] that they might by no means intermeddle with crimes and excesses concerning the salvation of souls, which have come within the cognizance of the prior [ends incomplete].
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f.113r    3 April [13]43
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to his official of the said spirituality instructing him to cite the clergy and representatives of the parishioners (between 2 and 12, depending on the size of the parish) of certain parishes, named, on certain specified dates, to attend before him or his commissaries or lieutenants and undergo visitation, with the clergy, to have with them evidence of title to their benefices; requiring certification including the names of those cited. Without prejudice to any agreements made between the priory and the archbishops of York.
Date: Durham, 3 April [13]43.
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f.113v    8 April 1343
Testimonial (sent to Oxford University, according to marginal caption) by John, prior of Durham, for Richard son of John de Stoketon', clerk, intimating that he accepts as malicious the assertion that Richard is of servile condition and that he and his progenitors had been bound to the prior and his predecessors, and that from first having notice of Richard the latter has borne himself as a free man and the prior has considered him as such.
Date: Durham, 8 April 1343.
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f.113v    13 March 1343
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, reciting the following writ, enjoining him to cite the prior, archdeacons, chapter and clergy in conformity with the writ.
Writ of parliamentary summons and mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to R[ichard], bishop of Durham, having arranged a truce with the French at the instance of the bishops of Palestrina and Tusculum, cardinals and papal nuncios, and, for the extension of the peace according to agreement made thereon, having to send the nuncios to the Roman Curia before John the Baptist [24 June]; and, for this and other reasons, having ordained a parliament to begin at Westminster on Monday next after the quindene of Easter [28 April]; citing the bishop to attend the parliament, and requiring him to cite the prior and chapter of Durham, and the archdeacons and the clergy of his diocese, to attend as well, with the prior and archdeacons to attend personally, and the chapter and clergy to attend by one and two proctors respectively.
Witness: Edward, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, the king's son, keeper of England.
Date: Byfleet, 24 February, 17 Edward III [1343]
Date: Howden, 13 March 1342/3.
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f.114r    15 April 1343
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Walter de Langcestr', clerk, and John de Haliden' appointing them as proctors to attend parliament, as in the preceding entry, before the king or the keeper of England in his absence.
Date: Durham, 15 April 1343.
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f.114r    14 April 1343
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to the keeper of the spirituality of the church of Hemingbrough within the said liberty, referring to his intended visitation of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, as set out in his letters to his official of the same; enjoining him to cite the chaplains of the parish and 6, 5, 4 or 3 persons from every vill, according to the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries in the parish church of Hemingbrough on the Friday after SS Philip and James [2 May]; with the keeper to be personally present on this date, and the qualified and the chaplains to show their titles and letters of benefices and ordination; requiring certification, including the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1343.
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f.114r    24 April [13]43
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Richard de Tanfeld', clerk, for £40 lent to the priory, to be repaid to Mr Richard, or his attorney bearing the present writing, at Durham, Whitsun [23 May] 1344.
Date: Durham, 24 April [13]43.
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f.114v-115v    7 April 1343
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the official of Durham having received at Howden, 1 April, and reciting the following mandate, enjoining him to execute this mandate and to send certification within 12 days after the end of the month, including the names of payers and non-payers and the quantity paid and unpaid.
Mandate by Peter, bishop of Palestrina and vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, and Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, papal nuncios, to the bishop of Durham, or his vicars, lieutenants or vicegerents, reciting the following two letters, and [amongst other matters] requiring information about the payment of similar procurations, old and new, details of the old and new extents of the tenth, the names of the churches in the city and diocese of Durham; giving power of ecclesiastical censure; requiring payment of the first year of the procurations, which began on 1 July 1342; assigning a month to the clergy for payment from their having notice of their liability; assigning fifteen days from receipt of the presents for the bishop or those acting for him to bring the presents to the notice of those whom they concern; requiring certification; giving details of the ecclesiastical punishments to be imposed on gainsayers (becoming more severe in stages after every six days of continued disobedience); and exempting cardinals' benefices, hospitals, leper houses, and poor houses of nuns.
Two letters (in similar terms) by Clement VI, pope, to Peter, bishop of Palestrina (&c), and Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum (&c) authorizing them to raise from the clergy of England the procurations which a cardinal serving as legate or nuncio in England has been accustomed to receive, known to extend to the larger sum, and giving them power to use ecclesiastical censure upon gainsayers.
Date (of both letters): Avignon, 2 Kal. June, Pont. 1 [31 May 1342]
Date: Tournai, 2 Kal. November [31 October] 1342.
Date: manor of Howden, 7 April 1343.
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f.115v    22 April 1342
Demise by indenture by Elizabeth de Clifford', widow of Robert, son of Sir Robert de Clifford', knight, and John, son and heir of the same Robert, to John prior and the convent of Durham of Sunderland wood (bounds described), next to Ellingham to be held from Lammas [1 August] 1342 for 12 years; all the trees growing in the orchard of the manor of Ellingham, on either side of the ditch of the orchard, for 6 years beginning on the above date; this demise being made for 18 marks in which Elizabeth and John were obliged to the prior and convent for tithes sold to them, of which sum the prior and convent hold themselves satisfied.
Sealed interchangeably by the prior and Elizabeth and John.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1342.
Part printed: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland vol.ii, (Newcastle 1895), p.241n.
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f.116r    26 April 1343
Commission by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to John of Beverley, monk of Durham and doctor of theology, and Mr William de Alverton', clerk, to conduct a visitation of the said spirituality in place of the prior, with power of canonical coercion until revoked.
Date: Durham, 26 April 1343.
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f.116r    [1341x1374]
Request by John, prior of Durham, to W[illiam], bishop of St Andrews, asking remedy and assistance for Adam de Cesword', vicar of Edrom, who has been expelled from his vicarage by the laity and dare not return; thanking him for the generosity which he has shown to the prior of Coldingham, and asking that he have [in his care] their fellow monks, their interests, vicars, and churches in those parts.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.42.
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f.116r    3 August 1343
Licence by Ralph de Nevill', lord of Staindrop and Staindropshire, to the prior and convent of Durham (from whom his forbears held and he holds Staindrop and Staindropshire, by service of £4 annual rent) acknowleging their licence [for which see the next entry] to set three acres of land in mortmain for building three chapels in the church of Staindrop and 20 marks annual rent from the same places for three chaplains assigned to the said chapels; allowing that the prior and convent raise the £4 annual rent and all other services from all his lands and tenements of Staindrop and Staindropshire and that they may distrain for arrears from all the said lands, excepting the said three acres.
Date: Sheriff Hutton, 3 August 1343.
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f.116v    31 July 1343
Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Nevill', lord of Staindrop and Staindropshire, Durham dioc., to create chantries in the parish church of Staindrop and, for maintaining the priests there, to assign three acres of land, for erecting buildings for them and 20 marks annual rent; and, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, giving him special licence to set the lands in mortmain.
Date: Durham, 31 July 1343.
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f.116v    20 August [?1343]
Mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham instructing him, on the king's part as well as his own, not to attend the provincial chapter but to be present to assist in repelling the expected invasion by the Scots.
Date: Auckland, 20 August [? 1343].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxix-cxxx.
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f.116v    [?1343]
Letters by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot of St Albans explaining that he is unlikely to attend the provincial chapter at Northampton [by reason of the danger set out in the preceding entry], and that he has constituted Mr John of Beverley as proctor to attend in the event of his absence.
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f.117r    [?1343]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, that, should he so wish, he might be buried in their chapter house, in a place to be chosen by him while he remain alive, or by his executors after his death.
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f.117r    [?1343]
Letters by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas and Mr Edmund, archdeacons of Durham and Northumberland, his colleagues deputed by the apostolic see to act in providing for William de Sessay, poor clerk of York dioc., intimating that, as he is shackled by pressing business, his presence in the business of providing is not to be expected, and that they should proceed as they see fit.
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f.117r    [25 September] 1343
Mandate by the official of the church of Durham's archidiaconal jurisdiction to the parochial chaplain of Monkwearmouth instructing him to cite those whose causes or business before the official remain undecided and those accused of crimes or excesses to attend before him or his commissary in the parish church of Monkwearmouth on Thursday next after St Wilfrid [16 October]; requiring return of the mandate as proof of implementation.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. October 1343.
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f.117v    [25 September] 1343
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to the parochial chaplain of Jarrow stating that he intends to visit the parish church of Jarrow and its dependent chapels, and the clergy and people thereof, enjoining him to cite all the parish chaplains and ministers, and 8, 6, 4, or 3 trustworthy men from each township of the parish according to its size, by whom the truth of the matter regarding correcting and reforming of excesses might be better known, to appear before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, and undergo visitation namely:
from Jarrow, Monkton, Hebburn, Follingsby, Nether Heworth, Over Heworth, Felling, Willington and Wallsend, on Tuesday next after St Wilfrid [14 October], in the chapel of Heworth;
from Hedworth, Simonside, [South] Shields, Westoe and Harton on Wednesday next thereafter [15 October] in the chapel of St Hild;
the chaplains, both parochial and others, are to show their letters of ordination and conversatio and further to do and receive what were beneficial for the improvement of souls and in agreement with canon law; requiring certification by the said Tuesday as to what he shall have done in the foregoing, by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. October 1343.
Printed in The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.235.
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f.117v    [26 August] 1343
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to the parochial chaplain of Wearmouth stating that he intends to visit the parish church of Wearmouth and its dependent chapels, and the clergy and people thereof, enjoining him to cite all the parish chaplains and ministers, and 8, 6, 4, or 3 trustworthy men from each township of the parish, &c, in the same terms as the preceding entry, though giving no townships by name, to appear in the parish church of Wearmouth on the Thursday next after St Wilfrid [16 October]; &c, as in the preceding entry.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. September 1343.
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f.117v    24 September 1343
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Robert de Haliden, monk of Durham, as keeper of the house [of studies] in Oxford giving him full power thereto (specified, including concerning himself with the election of the master of Balliol).
Date: Durham, 24 September 1343.
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[? Added in space:]
Form of a letter by John, prior of Durham to Mr A. de S., clerk, [? Mr Alan de Setrington: see his appointment 26 September 1344, f.118v below] stating that he had given J. de N. no title to the church claimed by him in the church of S.; referring to the sending of 40s. as part payment of the pension due to the recipient for three years spent representing them in the Roman curia. [left incomplete]
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f.118r    13 January 1344
Ordinance by John prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the church of Merrington, assigning a vicarage portion (described in detail, including mention of the mill tithes of the two Chiltons, the grass growing in the cemetery of the church, and half the money from the tithe of the coal mine of William de Het' and his heirs, this last to be received at the hands of the keepers of the common of Durham) from the issues of the church, to be drawn from the whole parish outside the priory's manor and other places pertaining thereto, with the church or chapel of Whitworth remaining with the office of sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 13 January 1343/4.
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f.118r    27 January 1344
Citation and mandate by Richard, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, instructing him to attend and to cite the monks of Durham named in the attached schedule to attend before him or his commissary on the Thursday next after St Valentine [19 February], with continuation of days as need be, in the chapter house of Durham, upon the findings against them [arising from] the bishop's late visitation; requiring also that he forewarn the subprior and chapter of Durham to be present there at the same time; and requiring certification by four days before the said Thursday.
Date: Auckland, 27 January 1343/4.
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f.118r    [1344]
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to Richard, bishop of Durham, that, having received his mandate [the preceding entry], 28 January, he has cited his fellow monks to attend on the appointed date and has warned the subprior and chapter to be present.
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f.118v    28 July 1343
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to Robert de Kellawe, monk of Durham, appointing him to the offices of sacrist and almoner of the priory of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 28 July 1343.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.30-31.
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f.118v    12 March 1344
Safe-conduct by John, prior of Durham, for Robert de Castre', his servant, whom he has dispatched with salmon and dogdrawes to the monks of Durham studying at Oxford.
Date: Durham, 12 March 1343/4.
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f.118v    26 September 1344
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Alan de Setrington appointing him proctor to act in their name at the Roman Curia.
Date: Durham, 26 September 1344.
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f.118v    1 October 1344
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John Goman of Beverley, chaplain, of the chantry of the Virgin Mary's altar in the church of Darlington.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1344.
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f.119r    [?1344]
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham, to Richard, bishop of Durham, referring to certain requests and wishes of the bishop, set out to them in his letters and by word of John de Chernok', “your and our clerk” ; intimating that, after lengthy discussion with their clerks and others of their council, and having encountered certain difficulties of interpretation, they had decided to defer executing the bishop's requests; and seeking a meeting with the bishop and his council in order to come to an agreement.
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f.119r    [?1344]
Petition by the prior and convent of Durham to [the pope: “sanctitati vestre”, and see marginal caption] in view of the afflictions caused by the war between the king of England and the people of Scotland, and other disturbances, and the destruction and plundering wrought by the people of Scotland, which have impoverished the cells of Coldingham, Holy Island and Farne, whose monks, seeking refuge at the monastery of Durham, now lead a meagre life, and the support of whom (for which their resources are inadequate) has caused the priory to contract a parcel of debts, “so that adverse and prosperous times be the same ” ; while hoping for the return of peace; asking that the church of Hemingbrough, York dioc., or another of which they are patrons, be appropriated to their use, lest the priory decline into the disgrace of irretrievable ruin; or else asking for any subvention which it might please him to provide.
A 17th century transcript [?by James Mickleton] is in Durham Cathedral Library, Add Ms 314.
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f.119v    [?1344]
Petition by John prior and the chapter of Durham to cardinal Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, asking him to examine the schedule (which the bearer of the presents will show him) describing the sufferings to which the priory has been subjected for some time, and (according to the instructions of the bearer of the presents) to lay before the pope that, lest their monastery fall into ruin, and to avoid the dissolution of their community, he might, if he please, provide some remedy.
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f.119v    8 November 1344
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Albert, chaplain, appointing him their proctor to attend on their behalf before Mr William de Alverton', official of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, and to hear the confessions of Robert de Dyghton', perpetual vicar of Allerton, as to the sums of money owed by him to the priory, to hear the penalty and to ask and receive the sums so confessed.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1344.
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f.119v-120r    13 November 1344
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, bishop of Durham, of William de We'ltteden' [?] to the vicarage of Branxton vacant by the death of William de Espley.
Date: Durham, 13 November 1344.
Digitised version
f.120r    8 November 1344
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of Walter Wetwang', rector of Treng' [? Tring], to the church of Brantingham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr Edmund de Haukesgarth', rector of Brantingham; saving a yearly pension of 10 marks owed to the priory and their camera from the church of Brantingham.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1344.
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f.120r    10 December 1344
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, bishop of Durham, of Antony Fossor, vicar of Aston Cantlow, Worcester dioc., to the vicarage of Bedlington, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Normanton', vicar of Bedlington.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1344.
Cited at f.148v.
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f.120r    12 January 1345
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of Walter de Wetewang', prebendary of Woodford (lately obtained by Mr John de Trillek') in the church of Westbury[-on-Trym], Worcester dioc., to the prebend of Skipwith, in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr Edmund de Haukesgarth', prebendary of Skipwith; saving a yearly pension of 1 mark owed to the priory from the prebend of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 12 January 1344/5.
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f.120v    17 January 1345
Resignation by William de Blaktoft', vicar of Holy Trinity, Berwick upon Tweed, of his vicarage into the hands of the bishop of St Andrews.
Under the seal of the deanery of Christianity of Durham.
Date: Durham, 17 January 1344/5.
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f.120v    17 December 1344
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to William de Assh' of the demesne land in Eastrington, Owsthorpe, Hive, Sandholme, [Gilber]dike, Bennetland, and Newland lately held at the bishop's will by Nicholas de Sutton'; to be held for life of the bishop and his successors; rendering a rose at John the Baptist [24 June] at the exchequer of Howden for all other services, suit of court and demands.
Witnesses: Thomas Surteys', Roger de Aungervill' and Thomas de Metham, knights; Nicholas de Portington', Thomas de Housthorp', John de Ellerker' the elder, Ralph de Babthorp'.
Date: manor of Northallerton, Monday after St Lucy [15 December] 1343.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1344.
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f.120v-121r    2 January [?1345]
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard, bishop of Durham, informing him that, in view of the constitution lately issued by Pope Benedict [XII], stating that there should be a yearly chapter of priors, keepers and masters of external cells, and the later provision that it were proper for confirmations and other more serious business to be decided in the said chapter, and lest their fellow monks accuse them of being too hasty, they are unable to proceed with [his] business, and particularly that of Ralph de Nevill', over which the bishop has now written, but are waiting to expedite the same at the annual chapter around John the Baptist [24 June].
Date: Durham, 2 January [? 1344/5].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxx-cxxxi.
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f.121r    25 April [1345]
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam], archbishop of York, asking him, since they have appointed the following Friday [29 April] for the election of a new bishop, which date they had accepted for showing muniments concerning the appropriation of the church of Allerton before the archbishop or his commissary, asking that he accept their proctor for the purpose of exhibiting the documents and other matters on that day.
Date: Durham, 25 April [1345].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxiii.
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f.121r    [27 January 13]46
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to T[homas], bishop of Lincoln, of J. de Swynsted', chaplain, to the church of Biscathorpe, Lincoln dioc., if it be owed to no other by right.
Date: [Durham,] 6 Kal. February [13]45/6.
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f.121r    11 February 1346
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of the church of Durham, to W. de Qwalton', his clerk, appointing him in his place to undertake visitation of the clergy and people of the parishes of Bedlington and Bywell St Peter.
Date: Durham, 11 February 1345/6.
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f.121v    26 April [1345]
Certification by John prior and the convent of Durham to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, or his commissaries, one or more, having received on Monday, St Mark [25 April 1345], and reciting the following mandate, intimating that they will attend at the said date and place and undergo visitation, but that, for shortage of time, they have not arranged for their fellow monks dwelling in outer houses to be convened.
Mandate by William, archbishop of York (&c) to the prior and convent of Durham enjoining them to attend before him or his commissary, one or more, in the chapter-house of Durham, Wednesday after St Mark [27 April], and undergo visitation; and requiring certification by that date in letters patent incorporating the text of the presents, as to the date of receipt of the presents and the action taken thereon.
Date: Easington, 22 April 1345.
Date: Durham, 26 April [1345].
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f.121v    26 April [13]45
Letters by William de Nassington', canon of Exeter, and Mr John de Burton, rector of Sigglesthorne, York dioc., deputed commissaries of William, archbishop of York (&c), for the visitation of Durham cathedral, sede vacante, [to the prior and convent of Durham] stating, lest any obedientiaries call into question the office or form of the intended visitation ( “ne aliqui curiosi de hiis que non expediunt sepius disceptantes de huius visitationis officio sive forma ingenio quovis subtili qui potius fallaci forsitan disceptent”) on Wednesday, that it is not their intention to engender prejudice to the prior and convent, but duly to perform the office in as much as is customarily or rightly competent to the archbishop or those acting in his name; and that the prior and convent have agreed as a favour to undergo visitation at short notice.
Under the seal of the office of vicar of Durham sede vacante.
Date: Durham, 26 April [13]45.
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f.122r    1 March [1345]
Quitclaim by John Fossor prior and the convent of Durham, for themselves and their successors, to Richard de la Pole, knight, Joan his wife, and their heirs of a messuage in Lombard Street, London, with all its issues, lying on the eastern side of the church of St Edmund and the cemetery thereof.
Witnesses: Roger de Blaykeston', Thomas de Seton', Peter de Richemund', William de Sanford, clerk, Hugh de Brandon'.
Date: Durham, 1 March, 19 Edward III.
f.122r     [20 May] 1345
Memorandum : this quitclaim was issued on Friday after St Dunstan [20 May] 1345, for which the priory received 40 marks.
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f.122r    [mid 14th century]
Safe conduct by John, prior of Durham, for Peter of Durham, courier sent to Oxford with salmon and other supplies for the monks of Durham studying there.
Date: Durham“&c”.
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f.122r    4 June 1355
[Added in space:] Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Belgrave, his chamberlain, of the office of master forester of the bishop's regality (regie libertatis) of Durham for life; receiving 10 marks yearly from the bishop and his successors as his fee, with other fees pertaining to the office of old.
By the hand of William de Westeley, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 27 January, Pont. 8. [1353]
Date: Durham, 4 June 1355.
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f.122v-124r    [?1333]
... (preceding line cropped) William of Newcastle; rendering of account enrolled in the great roll of 7 Edward III.
Account of the prior and convent of Durham for moneys received from various men in the bishopric of Durham, Richmondshire, Northumberland, and Newcastle upon Tyne, for debts which were owed to the king for victuals bought from him and his father, and were accumulated by the king's mandate by Robert de Notingham, lately a baron of the exchequer; the prior and convent being assigned to the receipt of the same by the king's letters patent, of 22 February 4 Edward III [1330], enrolled in the memoranda of the same year. wherefor Richard de Wolveston', their attorney, monk of Durham, answered at the exchequer, as contained in the memoranda of Trinity term 7 Edward III [1333]:
[Durham] £3 2s. 6d., out of £11 owing, received from Robert de Neuwerk, William Brakis, John de Euenwode and Nicholas de Galeway of Evenwood; 100s., out of £15, from Jordan de Dalden knight, John de Yeland and Walter de Luddeword; 20s., out of 100s., from Odo de Dunolm rector of Finghall, Robert de Crossegate and William de Silkisworth; 20s., out of £6, from Richard de Routhbery knight, Robert de Angreton and Waleran de Lumley of Newcastle; 100s., from Walter de Hurtheworth rector of Sedburgh, John de Hurtheworth and John Pays; 40s., out of 106s. 8d., from William de Stepyng is, Robert de Couyntre and William Heryng is of Newcastle; 20s., out of £6, from Peter de Whetelawe of Seaton Carew, Robert Gerneth, Nicholas le Tauerner of Darlington, and Thomas de Thynley; 16s. 8d., out of 100s., from John de Lumley of the bishopric [of Durham], John de Hadham and Thomas de Haxby; 40s., out of £8, from Hugh de Monte Alto master of Kepier hospital; 40s., out of £12, from John de Bruni n ghyl, John de Grendon and John de Bury; 30s., out of £17, from John de Tropton, John de Sadb er y, John Wyot is of Heighington, John de Helbek, Robert Gernete and Nicholas le Tau er ner of Darlington; 16s. 8d., out £6 13s. 4d., from William de Meburne of Rainton, Mr Richard de Meburn and John Curour of Herrington; 13s. 4d., out of £14, from Robert Gerneth of Elwick, Peter de Wethetelawe, Thomas de Thicley and Nicholas le Tauerner; 8s., out of 32s., from John de Faludon, Warin de Swethopp and John de Herle; 40s., out of 53s. 4d., from John de Cambe parson of Middleton St George, Johanna widow of Roland Baarde executor of Ralph Baard, Thomas de Graystanes and William son of Peter de Derlington; 20s., out of £11, from Nicholas le Tau er ner of Darlington, William de Hyndeley and Robert Gerneth; 13s. 4d., out of £11 6s., from John Colier of Gateshead, Stephen de Habindon and Robert Schiluington.
County of Richmond. 40s., out of £14, from Robert de Horneby of Yorkshire, Robert de Wycliff and Hugh Bareth.
Northumberland. 15s., out of 40s., from John Tossan, Walter de Hauwyk and Hugh de Welpington; 46s. 8d., out of £10, from Gilbert de Haulgton rector of Ovingham, William de Burdon vicar of St Nicholas Newcastle, Thomas Marisco and John de Denton; 13s. 4d., out of £12 13s. 4d., from John son [and] heir of Robert de Lukre knight, Robert de Clifford knight, and Walter Dichant; 40s., out of £33, from the prior and convent of Brinkburn; 26s. 8d., out of £11, from John de Insula of Woodburn knight, William de Tyndal and Robert del Idle [? recte Yle]; 100s., out of £20, from Elizabeth countess of Angus, Robert earl of Angus and John de Insula knight; 5s., out £6 10s., from Brian de Heppale, Walter de Henknoll and Roger de Kyllewardby; 20s., out of £19, from William Olyue rector of Ingram, John de Lilleburn, and John de Burdon knight; 40s., out of £28, from the prioress of Holystone; 30s., out of £8, from Nicholas de Lunde, Robert de Schiluyngton and Robert de Ouyngham chaplain; 13s. 4d., out of 100s., from Robert de Barton, Gilbert de Barton vicar of Hartburn and William de Tymp er one; (f.123v) 26s. 8d., out of £8, from Gilbert de Barton vicar of Hartburn; 7s. 6d., out of 40s., from Walter de Hauwyk, Gilbert de Babington and Hugh de Qwelpington; 26s. 8d., out of 110s., from Gilbert Flemyng chaplain, John son of John Scot and Thomas de Wotton; 10s., out of £23, from Edmund de Craucestr, Robert de Maners and Robert de Angreston; £8, out of £28, from John de Denton, William de Burdone vicar of St Nicholas Newcastle, Hugh de Hetham, John Shapacape and William de Bedyk; 20s., out of £12 6s. 8d., from Robert de Cressewell, Robert Grey knight and Henry de Harderne; 6s. 8d., out of £6 6s. 8d., from Robert de Seton, Robert Cressewell and Simon de Welteden; £13 6s. 8d., out of £66 13s. 4d., from Robert de Schiluington, Adam de Galleway and John de Wermouth; 10s., out of 40s., from Peter de Blakden, Gilbert Malome chaplain and Gilbert Scot of Newcastle; 20s., out of £23, from Roger Heroun knight, Gilbert de Burghdon and John de Morpath; 10s., out of £8, from John de Goswyk, Robert de Hagreston and Robert de Maners; 40s., out of 106s. 8d., from Robert de Couentre of Ashington, Walter de Couyntre and William de Stepyng is ; 13s. 4d., out of 100s., from Thomas de Bradford, William de Swyneburne knight and Hugh de Welpyngton; 6s. 8d., out of 60s., from Adam de Bastonwayt, Richard de Acton and William de Acton; 66s. 8d., out of £60, from William Heryng is, Waleran de Lumley, Thomas de Frisco Marisco and William de Stotham; 10s., out of 77s. 8d., from Isabella Bataille widow of William de Shaftow, John Sclat er of Newcastle, John de Schafthow and William de Bradford; 10s., out of 47s. 4d., from William de Timperoun, Walter de Couyntre and Gilbert de Schirton; 6s. 8d., out of 73s. 4d., from Thomas de Frisco Marisco, Waleran de Lumley and Robert de Shiluington; 13s. 4d., out of 106s. 8d., from Hugh Heryng is and John de Aynewyk; 20s., out of 50s., from Roger Porter of Bamburgh, Robert de Couentre and Robert de London of Newcastle; (f.124r) 13s. 4d., out of £4, from Richard de Ouerton and Robert de Appilby; £20, out of £90, from Robert de Musgraue, William de Cougate, Lawrence of Durham and Stephen le Mercer; £4, out of £11, from John de Altelo, Robert de Kirkeby and Robert de Musgr a ue; 10s., out of 100s., from Eleanor Cosyne de Boliny, Hugh de Bales and Robert de Botelande; 13s. 4d., out of £17 14s. 4d., from Gilbert Haukyne, John son of Michael Scot and John Wodmane junior; 20s., out of £4, from Robert Butland, Hugh de Wallia and John Cusyne de Bolyny; £4 10s., out of £28 13s. 4d., from Richard de Acton, William de Acton and Thomas Daukyne; 20s., out of £8, from Thomas de Withfeld rector of Whitfield, John de Ins ula, Hugh de Insula of Woodburn and Robert son of the same John; 13s. 4d., out of £12, from Hugh Galoune, Robert de Heppall and Thomas of Carlisle; 26s. 8d., out of £15 7s. 4d., from William de Scharpelowe, Walter de Herle and John Gray of Little Harle; 106s. 8d., out of £58 16s. 8d., from the prior and convent of Hexham; 26s. 8d., out of £14, from William de Swynburn and Robert dela Vale knight; £4, out of £18, from Robert de Emeldon, Richard de Acton and Robert de Musegraue; 13s. 4d., out of 106s. 8d., from Robert le Tau er ner, William Heryng is and Thomas Norre[y]s; £13 8s. 11d., out of £168 8s. 11d., from Thomas Daukyne, Robert de Musgr a ue, William de Acton, William de Cougate and William Thoralde; 62s. 6d., out of £50, from Thomas Daukyne, Hugh de Hetham, Waleran de Lumley and John de Bertuill; and 5s., out of 75s., from Gilbert Haukyne, John Scot of Pandon, John son of Nicholas Scot and John Payteuyn.
Total receipts £151 11s. 1d. £51 6d. in the treasury by two tallies: £100 10s. 7d. owing. Nothing in the treasury; expenses 100s.; £95 10s. 7d. owing respited.
Another copy in: DCD Lox.XIX:129 m.1-2.
Digitised version
f.124v    [1334]
Audit of the account of the prior and convent of Durham for moneys as in account above, but with the king's letters patent dated 12 [not 22] February 4 Edward III.
For £151 11s. 1d. owing: £31 6d. paid by one tally on 2 August 4 [Edward III: 1330], £20 by another on 5 December 5 [Edward III: 1331]; £100 10s. 7d. owing: 100s. allowed in expenses £95 10s. 7d. owing, which they sought to be set against the £233 6s. 7d. for which the king is bound by two bills under the seal of the chamber of Scotland from the time of King E[dward II], and the king ordered the treasurer and barons [of the exchequer] by a great seal writ [see below] to make allowance to the prior after viewing the bills.
Among the states and views of accounts of Trinity term 8 [Edward III: 1334]
See the account at f.107r-v above.
Another copy in: DCD Loc.XIX:129 m.2
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f.124v    28 October [1331]
Writ by Edward [III, king of England,] to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer informing them that the prior of Durham has shown by his petition that he has not received satisfaction of £233 6s 8d owed by Edward [II], his father, as indicated by various bills under the seal of the latter's chamberlain of Scotland; and instructing them, if the bills appear lawful, to allow this sum to the prior of Durham on [his account of] debts owed at the exchequer, and to receive the said bills from him.
Witness “&c”.
Date: Odiham, 28 October, 5 Edward [III].
Another copy in: DCD Loc.XIX:129 m.2d.
Digitised version
f.124v-125r    16 July [1334]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Writ by Edward [III, king of England,] to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer instructing them to allow to the prior and convent of Durham a sum for which they ask allowance ( “by two bills according to the effect of writs under our great seal”), against a sum which they owe to the king from the time when they were receivers of moneys lately raised by the sale of his victuals by his ministers in those parts.
Under the privy seal.
Date: Nottingham, 16 July, 8 Edward [III].
Another copy in: DCD Loc.XIX:129 m.2d.
Digitised version
[? applying to the two preceding entries:]
“Among the writs of Holy Trinity term, year eight, directed to the barons”
Digitised version
Account rendered by the prior and convent of Durham of the remainder of their account of the sale of the king's victuals in the parts of Newcastle upon Tyne, year four [1330].
Almost exactly as f.107r-v above and 170v below.
Another copy in: DCD Loc.XIX:129 m.2d.
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f.125r    6 May [1337]
Writ by [Edward III,] king [of England] to the sheriff of York informing him that the prior and convent are quit of £95 10s 7d of the remainder of their account of the sale of his victuals in the parts of Newcastle upon Tyne; instructing him not to distrain them therefor, or to release them if he has already carried out distraint.
Witness: R. de Sadington'.
Date: York, 6 May, 11 Edward III.
By the great roll of the ninth year.
Further copies: f.107v above and 170v below; Loc.XIX:129 m.2d.
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Memorandum : the chantries of the chapels of SS Leonard and Bartholomew near Durham were collated to Henry of Durham, clerk, 5 December 1348, in the manner and form in which they were conferred upon a certain Robert de Dalton' in the time of William de Couton', then prior of Durham.
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f.125v    6 June [1293]
[Out of chronological order:]
Writ by Edward I, king of England, to Hugh de Cressingham since he wishes to have certification from Hugh and his colleagues, lately justices in eyre in Northumberland, concerning the process, means and cause of the seizure into the king's hands of the liberties of A[ntony], bishop of Durham (which he has caused to be replevied to the bishop until the quindene of Michaelmas [13 October] next) instructing him to send certification and return this writ.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 6 June, 21 Edward I.
(incorporated in a memorandum to the effect that Hugh sent the following:)
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f.125v-127r    [14 January 1293]
[Inquisition] held before Hugh de Cressingham and his colleagues, justices in eyre of the lord king, at Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland, the morrow of St Hilary, 21 Edward I .
Since the sheriff testified that [he had summoned] according to the statute of Gloucester [1278] the magnates and others enjoying liberties in the county which they had not yet claimed [and they had failed to be present] the inquisition was made by 12 jurors from beyond the Coquet and 12 jurors from this side of the Coquet who presented that, amongst other specified rights and privileges, the bishop used, through his bailiffs, to meet justices in eyre at Chillewell', Fourstones, or Qwakandbrig', to come before them at Newcastle on the first day of the eyre, and to seek the crown's articles for impleading, and this was done from time beyond memory to the time of Robert de Insula, who at the last eyre here withdrew from asking this, and had his own chancellors, and, through his writs and his own justices, held pleas in his liberties of Durham, Sadberge and Bedlington (this side of the Coquet) and Norham (beyond the Coquet); and he had his own mint at Durham, and a coroner at each of Sadberge, Bedlington and Norham, and three coroners for the three wards of the liberty of Durham; and straight after the finish of the eyre the bishop used, by his own justices, to hold pleas at Durham for all crown pleas and all other pleas within the liberty of Durham; and he had gallows at Durham and Norham; a market and fair at Durham, Darlington and Norham; and he set up a warren at Tweedmouth; at the head of Berwick bridge his bailiffs confiscated the merchandise of those coming to sell wool and hides without a cocket mark;
various magnates and others held liberties of the bishop [with particular franchises applying to the named places given in brackets]: namely the prior of Durham (Elvet); John, king of Scotland (Barnard Castle); Agnes de Valencia (Gainford); Robert de Brus' (Hartlepool); Ralph de Nevill' (Brancepeth); Robert de Hilton'; Guichard de Charrom; John Marmeduk'; Henry de Insula; Walter de Wessington; John de Gildeford; John de Graystok' (Coniscliffe); the bishop could replevy any of his men arrested within Northumberland for trial at Holburn on the march between Northumberland and Norhamshire, with the sheriff of Northumberland having a reciprocal right of replevin concerning men of his county arrested in Norhamshire; and it was recorded that the late bishops of Durham Nicholas de Farlham [for Farnham], Walter de Kyrkham, and Robert de Stichehill had sent their bailiffs or stewards to seek the crown's articles in the eyres of the abbot of Peterborough, R. de Turkelby and G. de Preston respectively, and that Robert de Insula, lately bishop of Durham, withdrew from asking the articles in the eyre of J. de Vallibus and his colleagues; and by inspection of the rolls of the last eyre it was apparent that the king of Scotland, the archbishop of York, the bishop of Durham and Gilbert de Humframvill', by their bailiffs, are due to meet the justices and seek the crown's articles; and the sheriff witnessed that [he had summoned] all those enjoying franchises in the county to claim them, and that in the absence of a claim by the bishop or any others he had taken the bishop's and the others' liberties into the king's hands until they came to replevy them.
Followed by an account of the bishop's successful action for restitution of his liberty.
“The abovewritten process will be found in a certain book of petitions made &c in the parliament of King Edward, son of King Henry, the 26th year of his reign, capitulo 25, kept at the king's exchequer” (added at the foot of f.125v).
Summarised in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, bishop of Durham 1283-1311 (Oxford, 1957), p.92-93, using TNA Assize Roll 226 m.9d.
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f.127r    [1345]
Account of the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the bishopric of Durham of the triennial tenth granted by the clergy to the king, 18 [Edward III] ('45, according to the marginal note), by Richard, late bishop of Durham, of John de Halyden', the prior's attorney, as in the memoranda of 19 [Edward III], among the attorneyships of Trinity term of the first year of the payment of the tenth. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, apart from minor benefices assessed at 6 marks. £183 8s. 8½d. delivered into the treasury by four tallies; 50 marks [£33 6s. 8d.] from the bishop of Durham for temporalities for the second term respited; blank respited [no further sum required for final balance]; 100s. allowed for expenses; quit.
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f.127r    23 September [13]56
[Added in space:]
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of St Andrews, of Robert de Wollisthorp', priest, to the vicarage of Berwick vacant by the resignation of Robert de Galmeton'.
Date: “&c” 23 September [13]56.
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[Added in space:]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Masham of the office of porter in the priory of Durham with an allowance, specified, a robe yearly, and the fees which H. de Denom used to receive by reason of the said office.
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f.127v    24 April 1350
Memorandum : William Maddy, chaplain, was presented to the church of Biscathorpe, Lincoln dioc., 24 April 1350.
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f.127v    5 June [13]60
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar-general, of John Bridde of Dunbar, chaplain, to the vicarage of Old Cambus, St Andrews dioc., vacant by the renunciation of presentation by Thomas de Kellowe, priest.
Date: the chapter house, Durham, 5 June [13]60.
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f.127v    [29 April 13]48
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Richard de Fenrother, vicar of Bedlington, of all his gardens in Bedlington for 20 years from the date of the presents; rendering 6s 8d yearly at Martinmas to the prior and his successors.
Date: Durham, Tuesday next before SS Philip and James [13]48.
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Request by John, prior of Durham, and the archdeacons of Durham and Northumberland, and the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, asking for his assistance in resisting the exaction from them, along with the laity of the bishopric, of a fine to the king for release from the last eyre in the bishopric, as contrary to their immunities and canonical statute.
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f.127v-128r    21 September [13]45
Indemnification by the prior and convent of Durham, demandants, of Robert Calne, William de Hemmyngton and William de Assh, executors of the will of the late Richard de Bury following the fulfilment of the agreement between them, whereby the executors were to restore the vestments, specified, and altar frontals owned by the priory by the largesse of the said late bishop and lent to him while he lived, and unjustly detained by the executors;
Date: Durham, 21 September [13]45.
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f.128r    [29 October] 1345
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Alexander de Neuwerk', clerk, of the mastership of the school of Howden for 3 years from Michaelmas [29 September] 1345.
Date: Durham, the morrow of Simon and Jude 1345.
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f.128r    [1 November 13]45
Oath by Richard de Tanfeld', clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham to render his faithful advocacy in their and their cells' causes and business as often as and wherever required, for life; and to keep their counsel.
Date: Durham, Kal. November [1 November] [13]45.
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f.128r    [1 November 13]45
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Richard de Tanfeld', clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s, and a robe, specified, to be received yearly at Christmas, with keep for himself, two servants and two horses as often as he should stay in the priory when rendering counsel and advice; until provided with a suitable benefice; for service and advocacy to be rendered to the priory, its cells and offices, when required.
Date: Durham, Kal. November [1 November] [13]45.
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f.128r    November 1348
Memorandum : the school of Norham was collated to William de Twysill', chaplain, November 1348, for two years from this date;
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f.128r    3 December 1348
Memorandum : Robert de Dalton' was presented to the vicarage of Aycliffe, [vacant] by resignation (cessionem) of Mr William de Alverton', last vicar thereof, 3 December 1348.
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Memorandum : on the sixth day following the chantry of the chapel over the [abbey] gate was collated to Henry of Durham in the same way whereby the foresaid Robert [de Dalton] obtained it, as registered above in the register [f.83v].
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Petition by the prior and convent of Durham to [the archbishop of York, not “pape” as in marginal caption] asking him to signify to Clement VI, the pope, by his letters testimonial, that they intend to ask for the appropriation of the church of Hemingbrough by reason of the impoverishment of the priory as a result of the destruction during sixty years caused by the war between the king of England and the people of Scotland; and in particular the loss of the revenues from their appropriated churches of Ednam, Edrom and Earlston in Scotland, worth £300 yearly, causing their monks at the cells of Coldingham, Holy Island and Farne to flee for refuge to the monastery of Durham.
See also f.119r, petition to the pope, to which the above seems to refer.
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f.128v-129r    17 August 1348
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Brydekyrk', rector of Stanhope, and Mr John de Appleby, rector of Durham St Nicholas, appointing them proctors to appoint the yearly pension which the prior and convent are bound to pay to Gaucelme, bishop of Albano, cardinal, (to him or his attorney, in London or York, at two terms of the year) for his labours on their behalf before the auditors of the papal camera, the auditors of the sacred palace, and other jurisdictions of the Roman curia, and for his counsel and aid; and to submit to any penalties set by these judges [to enforce] payment of the pension; denying them power either to set a sum in excess of £100 or to award a pension extending beyond the cardinal's death.
Date: Durham, 17 August 1348.
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f.129r-v    17 September 1348
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Bridekirk', rector of Stanhope, and John de Appleby, rector of Durham St Nicholas, appointing them as their proctors and special nuncios in all causes and business at the Roman Curia concerning the priory; with power to appoint substitutes.
Date: Durham, 17 September 1348.
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f.129v    16 September [13]48
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Bridekirk', rector of Stanhope, and John de Appleby, rector of Durham St Nicholas, appointing them as their proctors and special nuncios in the Roman curia to obtain letters of grace and justice, gainsay letters obtained against them, accept or reject judges and places of convening, obtain or renew privileges, confirmations and indulgences, answer charges, pursue appeals, appoint substitutes, (&c).
Date: Durham (specifying, unusually, in domo nostra capitulari), 16 September [13]48.
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f.129v    14 September 1348
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Roger Fossore of his keep in the priory of Durham receiving, while able to carry out the office of door-keeper of the priory bakery, what others in the office have been accustomed to receive (making suitable amends if he fail notably in the office); and an allowance, specified, when incapacitated by old age or infirmity, along with a robe yearly at the appointed time.
Date: Durham, 14 September 1348.
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f.129v    10 October 1348
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Robert de Ellewyk', doctor, of a yearly pension of 40s, with a third of a measure of cloth, specified, yearly, and sustenance for himself, two boys and two horses; until provided with a suitable benefice.
Date: Durham, 10 October 1348.
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f.130r    12 October 1346
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Wolviston' and Margaret his wife of a yearly pension of 20s to be received from the bursar of the priory at Durham (with Martinmas the only term specified); and, after the death of one, the other receiving 10s only, for life; and to John and Margaret and the longer lived a bushel of wheat, suitably winnowed: namely an eighth part of a quarter [i.e. a bushel] from the fields of the manor of Bewley, to be received every week at the hands of the priory's servants there, or 7½d, at the option of the prior and convent; with the right to distrain for the pension or wheat in the manor of Bewley if they happen to be in six weeks' arrears.
Date: Durham, 12 October 1346.
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f.130r    28 March [?1347]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Privy seal letters by [Edward III, king of England] to [? the prior/the prior and convent of Durham] intimating that he had sent to his council at Westminster to procure an aid for the prosecution of his war, and that it was agreed that he should have 20,000 sacks of wool from the laity, and the prelates there had agreed to aid the king with a certain quantity of wool; asking [the prior/the prior and convent] to grant him as much wool as he/they well may, to be paid on days to be appointed; and requiring certification to be sent to the council in London.
Date: before Calais, 28 March [? 1347].
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f.130r    8 April [1347]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to the prior of Durham intimating that he is sending his clerk Nicholas de Staunford with certain privy seal letters dealing with the subvention granted to him by members of the clergy and laity in council at Westminster; and asking him to have consideration of the contents thereof and of what the said clerk will say on the king's part, and to give a subsidy from [the priory's] wool by way of a loan, from which he expects to make a profit and reimburse the prior; requiring certification of their intentions via the said clerk.
Witness: Lionel, the king's son, keeper of England.
Date: Reading, 8 April, 21 Edward III.
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f.130v    20 May [?1347]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Return [to request on f.130r above] by John prior and the convent of Durham to the lords of the king's council referring to the destruction of their property suffered at the hands of the Scots (including loss and damage specified and estimated in the manor and park of Bearpark at £100, in two manors belonging to officers of the priory at 200 marks, tithes of Bywell at over 100 marks, in Merrington and Ferryhill) and the fact that they are burdened with the costs of their fellow monks from Coldingham; stating that, if they paid £40 or more yearly as a tenth to the king, the churches and temporalities for which they paid would be worth half their usual value, and that, to avoid dispersal of the community, they would have to borrow much of their sustenance for a long time to come (for which they believe they would not find sufficient or powerful enough merchants and friends owing to the impoverishment of the locality); but that, notwithstanding these misfortunes, they wish to give 5 sacks of wool as aid, if they can be allowed against the biennial tenth, the receiver being John de Wodehous; and excusing themselves for being unable to aid the king according to his request and Nicholas de Stanford's [?] message.
Date: Durham, 20 May [? 1347]
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f.130v-131r    26 August 1347
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of John de Melburn', canon of York and prebendary of Wetwang, to the prebend of Skipwith in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Walter de Wetewang', prebendary of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 26 August 1347.
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f.131r    19 October 1347
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of Mr Richard de Tanfeld', clerk, to the church of Brantingham, vacant by the death of Walter de Wetewang', last rector thereof, saving the yearly pension of 10 marks owed from the same church to the prior and convent and the office of the camera of Durham.
Date: Durham, 19 October 1347.
Item: this has been done for him by another presentation dated 26th day of the same month, the abovesaid year.
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f.131r    13 November 1347
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of John de Metham, clerk, to the prebend of Skipwith in the church of Howden vacant by the death of Walter de Wetewang', last prebendary thereof; saving a yearly pension of 1 mark owed from the same prebend to the prior and convent and the office of the library of Durham.
Date: Durham, 13 November 1347.
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f.131r-v    29 September 1347
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William Heron who had acquired in fee the manor of Thornton next to Norham from Agnes, who was the wife of Robert de Hornclyf', knight, and also various lands and tenements in Cornhill and Goswick from Edmund son of William de Denum, knight, which are held in chief of the bishop in his regality and are assessed at £20, as is said; and had not obtained licence to enter therein from the bishop or any of his predecessors; that he and his heirs hold the said lands of the bishop and his successors, without hindrance from the bishop's justices, escheators, sheriffs, bailiffs, and other ministers; and pardoning the transgressions committed in this respect.
By the hand of John de Sculthorp', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 24 June, Pont. 2. [1347]
Date: Durham, 29 September 1347.
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f.131v    [?1329]
Account (marginal caption: “for the third year”) of the prior of Durham, deputed collector of the triennial tenth in the diocese of Durham by T[homas], bishop of Durham, of John de Haliden', the prior's attorney, as contained in the Memoranda of 22 [Edward III: 1348] among the attorneyships of Michaelmas term on the king's remembrancer's part. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal. Nothing in the treasury; £150 2s. 0½d. delivered, in accordance with a royal writ, to John de Wodehousis, assigned by the king as receiver in all counties north of the Trent, as attested by an indenture between the prior and John; the bishop of Durham to answer for 100 marks for his temporalities; 100s. expenses; quit.
Original: DCD Loc.XIX:99.
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f.131v    [?1344]
Account (marginal caption: “for year 18”) of the prior of Durham, collector of the triennial tenth in the diocese of Durham deputed by R[ichard] bishop of Durham, of John de Haliden', the prior's attorney, as contained in the Memoranda of 18 [Edward III: 1344] among the attorneyships of Michaelmas term. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal. £200 in the treasury; 100s. expenses; £16 15s. 4½d. owing delivered into the treasury; quit.
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f.131v    [?1345]
Account (marginal caption: “for year 19 ”) of the prior of Durham, collector in the bishopric of Durham of the tenth granted by the clergy to the king, 18 [Edward III], deputed by R[ichard], lately bishop of Durham, of John de Haliden, attorney of the same prior, as contained in the Memoranda of 19 [Edward III: 1345] among the attorneyships of Trinity term, for the first year of payment of the tenth. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal. £183 8s. 8½d. in the treasury by four tallies; the bishop of Durham to answer for 50 marks for his temporalities for the second term; 100s. expenses; quit.
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Collation by William, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Mr Alexander de Neuwerk', clerk, of the mastership of the school of Howden from Michaelmas next [29 September] for three years.
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f.132r    20 February 1348
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Adam de Twysilton', clerk, of a yearly pension of 40s to be received from their camera of Durham for his council, aid and advocacy hitherto rendered in the monastery's business; Mr Adam swearing to serve the priory faithfully, keep its counsel [&c].
Date: manor of Pittington, 20 February 1347/8.
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f.132r    [20 February 1348]
[Memorandum :] Mr W. de Langton' has letters of the said date for a yearly pension of 40s, and John Brian, clerk of the register of York has letters of the said date and under the said seal for a pension of 20s.
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f.132r    5 May 1348
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[illiam], archbishop of York, of Thomas de Nevill' to the church of Brantingham vacant by the death of Mr Ralph Turvill', last rector thereof; saving a yearly pension of 10 marks owed from the said church to the prior and convent and the office of the camera of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 May 1348.
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f.132r-v    8 June 1348
Proxy by the chapter of Durham to J. de B. and W. de F. appointing them proctors and special nuncios in their name at the provincial convocation, with the other prelates and proctors of the clergy, before William, archbishop of York and legate of the apostolic see, in York minster on the Friday in Whit week next [13 June].
Date: Durham, 8 June 1348.
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f.132v    [8 June 1348]
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, to J. de B. and W. de F., clerks, appointing them to set out the causes of his non-attendance at the provincial council in York, as in the preceding entry, and if need be swear to these causes, and to serve as his proctors and special nuncios thereat.
Date: Durham.
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f.132v    14 June 1348
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham to the abbot of Leicester and his company (cetui) intimating that, [so] moved by the devotion and tearful entreaties of William de Hextildesham, canon of Leicester, that they thought fit to impart to the monastery of Leicester [something] of the relics of St Cuthbert, they have sent with the said canon, the bearer of the presents, a small portion of a certain gravecloth which held the saint's body for 418 yrs 5 months and 12 days.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1348.
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f.132v    12 July 1348
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Durham, of Robert de Hextildesham to the keepership of the priory of Stamford.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1348.
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f.133r-v    4 December 1348
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, conservator of the privileges of the Cistercian order, to the officials, deans, keepers of spiritualities, and whatsoever others having jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham having received from Pope Clement V [recte VI] and reciting the following mandate, to publish the mandate, prevent the beneficiaries being troubled, and to make any doing so desist.
Mandate by Clement [VI], pope, to the prior of Durham informing him that he has heard that the religious of the Cistercian order of either sex are being manifoldly disturbed by a number of persons “who are not afraid to take the name of the Lord in vain” ; and instructing him or others not to allow the Cistercians to be troubled unduly in their persons or goods, as contrary to papal privileges; notwithstanding certain constitutions of Pope Boniface VIII against a plaintiff and defendant of the same city or diocese being summoned more than a day's journey outside their diocese, and similar restrictions.
Date: “2 Kal. Non. September” or “2 Kal. Nou ember September”] Pont. 4 [31 August x 31 October 1345]
Date: Durham priory, 4 December 1348.
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f.133v-135r    [1348]
“Among the records of Easter term 22 Edward III [1348]” [? i.e. exchequer Memoranda]
Northumberland. The prior of Durham, lately subcollector of the quadrennial tenth reserved for Pope John XXII of benefices in the diocese of Durham, half of which the pope granted to the king, having a fortnight from Easter to satisfy the king for arrears of £33 6s. 8d., as in “these memoranda” among writs returned for the Hilary term, but making excuse on the basis of a certificate delivered by the executors of Mr Bernard de Sistre, recently papal nuncio and principal collector of the tenth, including the prior £45 13s. 8¾d. in arrears; £12 7s. 0¾d. paid to Bernard; not allowed by the king to levy the remainder, the temporalities of the bishopric of Durham being in his hands. John de Halyden, the prior's attorney, stated that the debt arose from the tenth on the temporalities of Louis, lately bishop of Durham, and for the last half year of it, and that Louis having died the king took his temporalities into his hands and the prior could not raise the debt, as made evident by the following quittance.
Quittance by Bernard Sistre, canon of Poitiers, papal nuncio, to the prior of Durham having received and reciting the following mandate, discharging the prior from liability for the tenth for the said period, when the bishopric was in the king's hands.
Mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to Mr Bernard Sistre, archdeacon of Canterbury, papal nuncio in England, instructing him to allow the prior of Durham, subcollector [in the bishopric of Durham] of the quadrennial tenth of John XXII, to be quit of accounting for the tenth on the temporalities of the bishopric for the period of the vacancy of see, namely from 7 October 7 Edward III [1333] the death of Louis [Beaumont; date above more nearly correct], to 7 December [1333], the restitution of the temporalities by the king to Richard de Bury; or else to show why he has not attended to his mandate.
Witness: Edward, duke of Cornwall, earl of Chester, the king's son and keeper of England.
Date: Berkhamstead, 4 May, 13 Edward [III] [1339]
Date: London, 8 May 1339.
The prior sought the removal of the exaction. The rolls being scrutinized it was found that the temporalities of the bishopric were in the king's hands from 23 September 7 [Edward III: 1333], the date of Louis' death [? recte 24 September] to 23 September following, as in the account of Ralph Neville, keeper of the temporalities; that the tenth was reserved on 30 June 14 [Pope John XXII: 1330 or, ? by exchequer reckoning, 1329] 3 [Edward III: 1329], as in the Memoranda of year 7 among records of the Hilary term. The prior having no jurisdiction in the bishopric with the temporalities in the king's hand and so unable to levy the £33 6s. 8d., it was agreed that Louis's executors should come to answer and so the sheriff of Northumberland on 14 July. The octave of Michaelmas, as elsewhere in the Memoranda among return of writs for the Trinity term, the sheriff returned that he was unable to ascertain the executors' names as Louis did not die in his bailiwick; the prior stated that the pope reserved the tenth on 2 Kal. July [30 June] 14 [John XXII: 1330 or 1329], 1329, 3 [Edward III: 1329], and subsequently declared the years and terms, counting from Easter 14 [John XXII: 1330], 1330, 4 [Edward III: 1330] for four years, with payments at Nativity of John the Baptist and Martinmas, as in letters patent by Bishop Louis directing the prior to collect, kept safely in the prior and convent of Durham's archives; that Louis died on 23 September 6 [Edward III: 1332] [recte 1333], before the final term of the fourth year, and the king took the temporalities of the bishopric into his hands; and that he could show the court that he should not be burdened with the £33 6s. 8d. The barons deliberating: since the first term of the fourth year began at Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] 7 [Edward III] ending and 8 beginning [1333, i.e. exchequer years], since the prior could not have jurisdiction in the bishopric, and since Louis died before the last term of the fourth year and the prior could not levy the moneys, and further that Louis enjoyed the proceeds of the entire harvest; the prior sine die . Agreed that Louis' executors should answer for the portion of the £33 6s. 8d. from Nativity of John the Baptist to 13 September, with execution against them, as in the Memoranda of the following year among return of writs for the Michaelmas term.
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f.135r    [1349]
Account of the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the diocese of Durham by the bishop of Durham of the biennial tenth granted to the king by the clergy in the province of York; John de Haliden', attorney of the prior, as contained in the memoranda of 23 [Edward III: 1349], among the attorneyships of Michaelmas term on the part of the king's remembrancer, for the prior for the first year of payment of the tenth. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment; nothing in the treasury; £145 2s. 0½d. delivered, in accordance with a royal writ, to John de Wodehousis, assigned by the king as receiver; the dean of Durham to answer for 100s. for the church of Houghton [le Spring]; the bishop of Durham to answer for 100 marks for his temporalities; 100s. expenses; quit.
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f.135r-v    20 November [1348]
Summons by Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, following business conducted at Calais by him with representatives of his enemies of France and of the count and people of Flanders, requiring him to attend a parliament at Westminster, on the Monday next after St Hilary [19 January 1349], in his proper person without appointing a proctor; and instructing him to forewarn the prior and chapter of Durham, the archdeacons and the clergy to attend: the prior and archdeacons in person and the chapter and clergy by one and two proctors respectively.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 November, 22 Edward [III].
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f.135v-136r    30 January 1349
Proxy by John Fossour, prior of Durham, to Mr John de Appilby, rector of Durham St Nicholas and Mr Thomas de Brydekyrk', rector of Stanhope, both Durham dioc.; Mr Robert of Beverley, rector of North Burton, and Thomas de Bowes, vicar of Eastrington, both York dioc., appointing them as his proctors in causes and business at the Roman Curia concerning him or his monastery of Durham, when cited to appear; and in particular to attend for him before the pope or any other judges in the Curia in whatsoever cause moved against him by reason of the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden on behalf of Mr Robert de Thresk', prebendary thereof.
Date: Durham, Friday before Candlemas 1348/9.
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f.136r    13 February 1349
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Roger de Menelay, chaplain, of the rectory of Muggleswick.
Date: Durham, 13 February 1348/9.
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f.136r-v    4 March 1349
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, of the foundation by Robert de Mortham, lately vicar of Gainford, of a perpetual chantry in St Mary's chapel, Barnard Castle, with seven messuages, 40 acres of land and 10s annual rent in Barnard Castle and Thwityngton' [? i.e. Whittington] for the support of a chaplain there, to be held of the chief lord of the fee for service used and wont, as contained in Robert's charter; stipulating that the vicars, Robert's successors, be bound to present a chaplain originating in the parish of Gainford, if one can be found, at the nomination of the community of Barnard Castle, within two months of the chantry's falling vacant, whereafter the collation of the chantry would devolve upon the bishop and his successors; with the bishop making provision to prevent the grant from being prejudicial to his church of Durham.
Date: Auckland castle, 26 February 1348/9.
Date: Durham, 4 March 1348/9.
Bishop Bury's confirmation printed in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62 1875), p.241-243.
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f.136v-137r    5 March 1349
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham, possessing the parish churches of Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham, Branxton, Holy Island, Norham, and Bywell St Peter, their dependent chapels, and an annual portion of 4 marks in the church of “Eden ” [? recte Meldon, from which the sacrist received a pension of 40s. a year], all in the archdeaconry of Northumberland, to Mr William de Farnham and Simon de Newton', clerks of York dioc. and Durham dioc., appointing them proctors and special nuncios to attend in name of the prior and convent before Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his commissaries, carrying out visitation in the aforementioned archdeaconry.
Date: Durham, 5 March 1348/9.
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f.137r    24 March 1349
Memorandum : John de Gordon', chaplain was presented to the vicarage of Ednam, St Andrews dioc., at the instance of Robert de Maners, knight, 24 March 1348/9.
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f.137r    26 May 1349
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Boner of the office of coroner of Easington ward for life, receiving the usual fee, for his service hitherto and to come.
Letters patent by the hand of John de Sculthorp', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 3 November Pont. 4. [1348]
Date: Durham, 26 May 1349.
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f.137r    8 June 1349
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Seton' and Alice his wife of an area of meadow called Sondernesmedow, and 12 acres of land in Sondernesse with the banks of Sondernesse in the vill of Stockton, for his reasonable counsel and aid rendered hitherto and to be rendered; to be held for the term of their lives, reverting thereafter to the bishop and his successors.
Letters patent by the hand of John de Sculthorp', the bishop's clerk.
Date: 10 October, Pont. 4. [1348]
Date: Durham, 8 June 1349.
Digitised version
Form of commission by John “&c” to hear the confessions of the fellow-monks with the recipient [? at the study house in Oxford] .
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f.137v    [1349]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Metham of the office of steward of the manors of Howden and Crayke to be held for life, of the bishop and his successors receiving 20 marks yearly from the issues of the said manors.
Letters patent by the hand of John de Sculthorp', the bishop's clerk.
Date: [no place] 26 June, Pont. 2. [1347]
Date: Durham, “&c”.
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f.137v    13 September [13]49
Memorandum : Robert de Usword, chaplain, has a letter of collation from the prior of the chapels of St Leonard and St Bartholomew and of the chapel over the monastery gate, in the manner in which Robert de Dalton formerly had [them], in the register under the date 13 September [13]49.
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f.137v-138r    7 September 1349
Memoranda :
John Franceys, chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Billingham, 7 September 1349;
William del Hay, chaplain, [was presented] to the vicarage of Hesleden, the same day and year;
John Leuay, chaplain, [was presented] to the vicarage of the prebend of Barmby in the church of Howden, the same day and year;
William de Lynton ( “chaplain” largely erased) [was presented] to the vicarage of Skelton in the same church, the same day and year;
Alexander de Neuwerk' [was presented] to the church of York St Peter the less, the same day and year;
Robert de Gamelton', chaplain, [was presented] to the vicarage of Berwick Holy Trinity, the same day and year;
Adam Ayr [was presented] to the church of Lamberton, the same day and year;
William de Norton' was presented to the church of Dalton[-le-Dale], the same day and year;
(f.138r) Thomas de Throklington' [was presented] to the vicarage of Pittington, the same day and year;
Digitised version
f.138r    30 September 1349
Memorandum: John Fossour, clerk, was presented to the prebend of Skipwith in the church of Howden, 30 September 1349.
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f.138r    21 October 1349
Memorandum : John Ald (Senex) was presented to the vicarage of Old Cambus, 21 October 1349.
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f.138r    29 October [13]49
Presentation by [the prior and convent of Durham] addressed to [the bishop of Lincoln] of Thomas de Walyngton', clerk, to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, saving a yearly pension of 5 marks owed to [the prior and convent] from the said church.
Date: Durham, 29 October [13]49.
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f.138r    4 November [13]49
Memorandum : Gilbert de Slaveley, chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Bywell St Peter, 4 November [13]49.
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f.138r    7 November [13]49
Memorandum : John de Gruton', chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Hesleden, 7 November [13]49
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f.138r    [28 November] 1349
Memorandum : Peter of Chester, chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Norham, 4 Kal. December 1349.
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f.138r    28 October 1349
Presentation by John, prior of Durham, addressed to the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar acting for him in distant parts, of Simon de Derlyngton as prior of the cell of Lytham; to be performed for the archdeacon what has hitherto customarily been performed for his predecessors by priors thereof.
Date: Durham, 28 October 1349.
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f.138r    2 December 1349
Memorandum : Peter Gyffard', chaplain was presented to the vicarage of Swinton, 2 December 1349.
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f.138r    [29 October 13]49
Collation by William, subprior of Durham, to William de Blenkow, chaplain, of the chantry of St John in the church of Bywell St Peter.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. November [13]49.
Digitised version
f.138v    4 October [13]49
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of John de Henley, rector of Exclef', to the church of Walkington, York dioc., in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William Basingham, rector of Walkington; saving a yearly pension of 100s owed to the prior and convent from the same church.
Date: Durham, 4 October [13]49.
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f.138v    7 December 1349
Memorandum : John de Yngelbi, chaplain, was presented to the vicarage of Hesleden, 7 December 1349.
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f.138v    [1351]
“In the roll of accounts of the tenth, thus: ”
Account by the prior of Durham, deputed collector of the biennial tenth in the diocese of Durham by letters patent of T[homas], bishop of Durham: John de Haliden', attorney of the prior for the second year of payment, as contained in the memoranda of 24 [Edward III] among the attorneyships of the Hilary term [1351]. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal; £131 6s. 8d. in the treasury; the bishop of Durham to answer for 100 marks; 100s. expenses; 100s. in the treasury; £13 15s. 4¾d. owing; £13 15s. 5d.; surplus ¼d. 1349.
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f.138v    27 April 1350
Memorandum : Robert de Schyrburn', rector of Normanton, and John de Dalton', vicar of Burton Agnes, both York dioc., exchanged their benefices, with a yearly pension of one mark owed to [the prior and convent] reserved from the church of Normanton, 27 April 1350.
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f.138v-139r    25 November [1350]
Mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to T[homas], bishop of Durham, summoning him to attend a parliament to be held at Westminster, the octave of Candlemas next [9 February 1350/1]; and instructing him to forewarn the prior and convent of Durham and the archdeacons and clergy to attend: the prior and archdeacons in person, the convent by one proctor, and the rest of the clergy by two proctors.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 25 November, 24 Edward [III].
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f.139r    18 April [1336]
[Out of chronological order:]
“Release of debts of green wax of Northumberland and the liberties of the prior of Durham”
Mandate by [Edward III,] king of England, to his treasurer and barons of the exchequer advising them that: on 12 February, 1 [Edward III: 1327], he had discharged the men of Northumberland of all green wax debts and arrears of farms demanded by the exchequer, and issues of forfeitures, chattels of felons and other debts, dating from his and his father's reigns; and on 26 October, 7 [Edward III: 1333], he had discharged the same of all debts for victuals purchased from him and his father at Newcastle, Carlisle and Skinburness; and on 1 March, 8 [Edward III: 1334], following their petition before him and his council in parliament, he had likewise discharged the men of that part of the liberty of Durham and Norham within Northumberland of their arrears and other debts, including debts for the purchase of victuals at the said places, up to the said 12 February [1327]; and instructing them to cause the prior of Durham to be quit of the debt of £109 for victuals lately bought from him and his father at Newcastle.
Witness: the king.
Date: Tower of London, 18 April 10 [Edward III].
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f.139v    15 May [1336]
[Out of chronological order:]
Writ by [Edward III,] king of England, to the sheriff of York instructing him to withdraw his demand for £109 from the prior of Durham for victuals bought from the king and his father at Newcastle upon Tyne and to release the prior from distraint therefor.
Witness: H. Scrop'.
By great seal writ of pardon, among the same year's Communia [Memoranda].
Date: York, 15 May, 10 [Edward III].
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f.139v    [?1335]
[Out of chronological order:]
Extract of [exchequer pipe] roll of 9 [Edward III: 1334-35] in Yorkshire returns recording the discharge, in accordance with a writ enrolled in the memoranda of the Easter term 10 [Edward III: 1336], of the debt of £109 owed by the prior of Durham, as in the preceding two entries, (who owed £100, the remainder of a debt of £207 5s for the purchase of victuals from the king['s father] at Newcastle, Carlisle and Skinburness, as contained in the account of Roger de Waltham, lately keeper of the wardrobe).
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f.139v-140r    16 November 1351
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following adjudication.
Adjudication by tripartite indenture by T[homas], bishop of D[urham] in a case heard before him at [Bishop] Middleham, between Mr W. L. [? William Legat] keeper and the brothers of Kepier hospital on the one part, and William de Dalton', rector of Houghton [-le-Spring] concerning the right of taking every other (quamcunque alteram) sheaf of the tithes from the bishop's demesne lands in the vills and fields of Houghton and Newbottle, in the parish of Houghton[-le-Spring], anciently exercised by the keeper and brothers of Kepier by gift of Ranulf [Flambard], bishop of Durham; with the keeper attending personally, the brothers attending through J. de H., clerk, their proctor, and the rector attending personally, the bishop ordained that the rector and his successors should take all of the said tithe sheaves in perpetuity and that the keeper and brothers of Kepier should instead have the tithe sheaves growing in the vill and fields of East Rainton, in the same parish, in perpetuity.
Made as a tripartite indenture (with the sealing described).
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 26 April 1351.
Date: 16 November 1351.
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f.140r    [?1351]
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, archbishop of York, legate of the apostolic see, of M. T. de N.*, canon and prebendary of Chester[-le-Street] to the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Henry de Rosse, canon and prebendary of Thorpe.
Date: Durham [no A.D.]
[* Probably Mr Thomas de Neville, canon of Chester-le-Street, presented to the prebend of Barnby in Howden church late in 1351, David de Wollore having been presented to the prebend of Thorpe by the king, see Borthwick Institute Register 10 f.276v.]
Digitised version
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to T[homas], bishop of Durham or his vicar-general in distant parts of H[ugh] de G[aytford]*, rector of S., Carlisle dioc., to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with W[alter] de S[wethope]*, vicar of [Bishop] Middleham; saving to the prior and convent a yearly pension of 40s from the church of [Bishop] Middleham.
[* Names supplied from R. Donaldson, “Patronage and the church : a study in the social structure of the secular clergy in the Diocese of Durham (1311-1540). Vol.2, Durham benefices and their incumbents 1311-1540”, (Edinburgh Univ. Ph.D. thesis 1955), p.37.]
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f.140v    26 September 1352
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, (par la <grace deleted> suffrantz de dieu) bishop of Durham, to John Dyne, attendant [?: soinet ] of the bishop's kinsman, of the office of porter of the manor of Darlington, for life, to be held of the bishop and his successors, receiving for his fee 2 bushels of wheat and 4d (quater soutz de sterlyng') every three weeks by the hands of the bailiff or provost of Coton', and also a robe.
Date: Auckland, 2 February 1349.
Date: Durham, 26 September 1352.
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f.140v    [1353]
Account of the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the diocese of Durham by T[homas], bishop of Durham, of the biennial tenth granted to the king by the clergy 25 [Edward III] of John de Halyden, the prior's attorney, as contained in the Memoranda of Michaelmas term 27 [Edward III: 1353], for the first year of payment of the tenth. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment £150 2s. 1d. in the treasury by 7 tallies; the bishop of Durham to answer for 100 marks for his temporalities; £4 19s. 11½d. owing allowed for expenses; quit.
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f.141r    2 April 1354
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to William de Syreston', chaplain, of the chantries of the chapels of St James and St Andrew on Elvet bridge (super novum pontem) in Durham being insufficient because of their meagreness for the support of two chaplains; celebrating every week three masses in one chapel and four in the other.
Date: Durham, 2 April 1354.
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f.141r-v    15 April [1353]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the church of St Cuthbert of Darlington and William de Welton', perpetual vicar thereof, and his successors of a messuage and garden in the lower part of Hundgate, Darlington, 320' (short hundred) x 46' at the front of the garden (the north), 72' in the middle, and 78' at the end (the south) between the tenement of John de Wotton', chaplain, [? and] Thomas de Wachefeld', and the former tenement of John Briys [?] on the west and the ditch of the bishop's orchard on the east; which William has by gift of Richard de Hanyngdon', perpetual vicar of Morland, Carlisle dioc., for himself, his heirs and assigns in pepetuity; to be held by William and his successors in pure alms for the term of 80 years; the bishop willing that, if no vicar of Darlington up to the said term should cause the messuage and garden to be amortized in pure alms for all time, the messuage and garden should revert to William's heirs.
Witnesses: Mr John Gray, professor of civil law; Thomas Gray, knight, steward of Durham; Thomas Surtays; Jocelin Surtays; Robert de Stubhus; William Morton'.
Date: Darlington, Thursday, St Ambrose [4 April] 1353.
Date: Durham, 15 April
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f.141v    7 March 1353
Notarial instrument recording that with
on the one part, John, prior of Durham, and certain of his monks; and,
on the other part, Peter Graper, mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, and John de Emeldon', John de la Chaumbr', and John Bedyng', from [among] the greater burgesses, as was said, of Newcastle;
being personally present in the revestry of Durham cathedral to come to an agreement about the following the prior said against the mayor and burgesses that they had taken boats from the vill of South Shields, within the priory's liberty, along with their crews and untithed catches, on the Tyne and moored to the prior's land in his liberty, and unjustly removed them to Newcastle and elsewhere (to the damage of the church of Jarrow, being united to the priory, and of which the said fishermen were parishioners) and imprisoned the fishermen and forced them to swear not to sell their catches outside Newcastle.
Date: Durham cathedral revestry, 7 March 1352/3.
Copy of part of notarial instrument on f.143v-144r.
See also DCD Misc.Ch. 6586*.
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f.141v    [1354]
Account of the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the diocese of Durham by T[homas], bishop of Durham, of the biennial tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York, 25 [Edward III], as contained in the Memoranda of 26 [Edward III] among the records of Trinity term [1352], of John de Haliden', the prior's attorney, as contained in the Memoranda of 28 [Edward III] among the attorneyships of Michaelmas term [1354], for the second year of payment of the tenth. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment £140 2s. 1d. in the treasury by ten tallies; the bishop of Durham to answer for 100 marks; £4 19s. 11½d. owing allowed for expenses; quit.
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f.142r    [13 July] 1347
[Out of chronological sequence:]
Letters by John de Craven, canon of Chester, specially deputed commissary, vicar general for the visitation of the archdeaconry of Richmond, of John, cardinal bishop of Porto, archdeacon of Richmond to the prior and convent of Durham accepting, after consideration of evidence during his visitation of the deanery of Amounderness, July 1347: that the priory of Lytham and the appointment of its priors are canonically held by the prior and convent of Durham; that the priors of Lytham attend visitations, convocations and chapters general held in the deanery of Amounderness, and swear canonical obedience to the archdeacons of Richmond, but that the prior and convent of Durham are absolved from such attendance and obedience; and that the priors of Lytham and their secular chaplains hear the confessions and administer the sacraments to the parishioners of the church of Lytham.
Date: Lancaster, 3 Id. July 1347.
Original: DCD 2.4.Ebor.40.
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f.142r-v    [9 July 1351 (2.4.Ebor.39) x 5 June 1362 (Lytham Stat 1362): Robert prior]
Proxy by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham to R[obert] de K[ellawe], prior of Lytham, and his fellow monks appointing them his proctors in all causes, business, actions and quarrels concerning him, his monastery of Durham and the church of Lytham.
Original proxy: DCD Loc.XXI:50(23).
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f.142v    3 August 1352
(All crossed out:)
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert Maners, knight, and Aline his wife of the third part of the toun of Paxton which John de Cheysholm' formerly held of the prior and convent in the land of Scotland, county of Berwick upon Tweed, with remainder, as in the following entry, rendering yearly to the prior and convent and their successors and to the prior of Coldingham 17s 9¾d & a third of a farthing at the usual terms in the vill of Paxton; performing forinsec service to the prior and convent and their successors, and forinsec service to the king for the prior and convent; rendering a third of a mark every Easter for the king's dues (corrodium), for suit at all the priory's courts, for ploughing and harrowing 2 acres of land at the priory's manor of Fishwick, and for twenty days' labour service in the autumn, for all other services; saving other services if found due of old.
Date: Durham, 3 August 1352.
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f.142v-143r    2 October 1352
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Maners, knight, and Aline his wife of a third part of the demesne of Paxton in the county of Berwick upon Tweed, with a third part of the fishings in the Tweed called Streme, Orrett and Brad, and all lands and tenements in Auchencrow to be held of the prior and convent and their successors by Sir Robert and Lady Aline and the former's lawfully begotten bodily heirs, with remainder, if Robert die without such heirs, to Robert son of William de Maners and his lawfully begotten bodily heirs male, whom failing, to the right heirs of Sir Robert, in perpetuity; rendering yearly to the prior and convent and to the prior of Coldingham the rent anciently used and wont, at the usual terms in the vills of Paxton and Auchencrow, service used and wont owed by the tenants of these lands to the manors of Fishwick and West Reston, and forinsec service to the prior and convent and the house of Coldingham and to the king for the prior and and convent and the house of Coldingham.
Date: chapter house of Durham, 2 October 1352.
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f.143r    26 September 1352
Inspeximus by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Byrland and Margaret his wife of the lands and tenements, which belonged to Thomas son and heir of Richard de Lyncz, in the liberty of Durham, in the bishop's hands as escheat because Thomas has been outlawed for felony; for John's service rendered and to come; to be held by John and Margaret, their heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors for the same service by which the lands were held of old.
By the hand of William de Westelay, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 17 September Pont. 8. [1352]
Date: Durham, 26 September 1352.
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f.143r    2 November [13]52
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard, bishop of Durham, to John de Gategang' of Gateshead of 33 acres of land in Gateshead, whereof 26 lie in a place called Aldpark' and the 7 remaining lie next to the said place; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop, his successors and the church of Durham, in perpetuity; rendering yearly 22s to the bishop and his successors at their exchequer of Durham at the four terms appointed in the bishopric, for all services.
Witnesses: Robert de Hilton', Richard de Marmeduk', Walter de Wessyngton', knights; Mr Thomas de Goldesburgh', archdeacon of Durham; Mr John de Insula, Mr Peter de Kellawe, clerks; William de Denum, John de Bydyk', John de Oswerth.
Date: Durham, 30 April 1312.
Date: 2 November [13]52.
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f.143v-144r    7 March 1353
Notarial instrument recording that with
John, prior of Durham, and certain of his monks on the one part and
Peter Graper, mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, John de Emeldon', John de la Chaumber', and John Bedyng, said to be among the greater burgesses of Newcastle, on the other part,
being personally present in the vestry of Durham cathedral to come to an agreement about the following the prior said against the mayor and burgesses that they had taken boats from South Shields, within the priory's liberty, along with their crews and untithed catches, on the Tyne and moored to the prior's land in his liberty, and unjustly removed them to Newcastle and elsewhere (to the damage of the church of Jarrow, being united to the priory, and of which the said fishermen were parishioners) and imprisoned the fishermen and forced them to swear not to sell their catches outside Newcastle in future; and that the fishermen of South Shields had always thitherto freely taken fish at sea and sold their catches where they wished, without impediment; and the mayor said that he seized the boats because of certain transgressions committed in Newcastle by the men in the boats, namely leaving with their tolls and customs in midstream of the Tyne, as on the king's highway, and that he caused them to swear to return and make satisfaction of the tolls and customs due; the mayor and burgesses acknowledged that the fishermen of South Shields could sell their fish where they would and promised not to trouble them in this respect.
Witnesses: Mr John de Appelby, official of the bishop; Mr Hugh de Tesdale, Mr John de Nesbyt, clerks; Roger de Blaykeston', Robert de Bowes, sheriff of Durham; Thomas Sourteys.
Details of amendments to the instrument made and approved.
Notaries: William de Farnham, clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority; Hugh Dalman of Teesdale, clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority; John de Nesbyt, clerk of Durham dioc., NP by apostolic authority. (eschatocols of all three recited).
Date: Durham cathedral vestry, 7 March 1352/3.
Original: DCD 1.3.Spec.38.
See also DCD Misc.Ch. 6586*.
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f.144r-145r    14 March 1353
Instrument recording a process before the official of the bishop of Durham between
the prior and convent of Durham, having the parish of Holy Island to their own use, plaintiffs on the one part, represented by their proctor Mr William de Whalton';
and Gilbert Douff', Adam Brouse, John Day, Alan Patteson, Nicholas Forestar', William Gretword', John Lang', Robert son of William, William son of Hugh, John son of William, Adam son of Adam Lang', John Hyne, John Sout', Robert Knorpyng, Robert Pott', William Gunson', John Malkynsone, Mac Sout', Marjory Grubbe, Isolde daughter of the priest, [names spelt as they first appear in the entry] inhabitants of Lowick and parishioners of Holy Island, defendants on the other part, represented by their proctor Mr Adam de Gylyngham;
reciting a libel brought by the proctor of the plaintiffs stating that the defendants were bound to carry the harvests of wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and other crops of the parishes of Holy Island and Norham (excepting those of the demesne lands of Ancroft, Fenwick and le Castelfeld' ) to the doors of the barns of these parishes for tithing, and to send the tithes to the prior and convent and their minister; the said religious being in full possession of the tithes of these parishes; and that the defendants took the corn tithes of Lowick of the months of August, September and October of 1351 and 1352 and maliciously threw them into pits for consumption by animals, incurring excommunication by authority of the Durham synodal constitution “Quamvis deus” ; and asking that the defendants be compelled to pay their tithes
in which the official, after appointing the Thursday after St Gregory [14 March] for hearing evidence, found the libel to be proved, and declared that the tithes should be paid, in the manner described.
Written by Simon de Newton, clerk of Durham dioc., NP by apostolic authority, and bearing the seal of the official and the signs and subscriptions of Mr Hugh de Tesdale and William de Farnham, NPs by apostolic authority.
Witnesses (from the dioceses of York, Lincoln and Durham): Mr Hugh de Tesdale and William de Farnham, clerks of the court of Durham, advocates and NPs; Geoffrey de Heyford'; John of Barnard Castle, chaplain and dean of Christianity of Durham.
Date: Galilee, Durham, 14 March 1352/3.
Original: DCD 2.1.Spec.8.
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f.145r    [1351]
Account by Roger de Blaykeston' and Thomas de Seton' of 600 marks as fine for the remission of the eyre of the bishopric of Durham, delivered to the treasury in two tallies by men of the bishopric. In the pipe roll of 25 Edward III [1351].
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f.145r    24 August [1352]
Mandate by Thomas, (dei gratia) bishop of Durham, to his justiciaries assigned to the taking and holding of pleas and assizes in the county of Durham, instructing them to cause to be read out in his presence, publicly proclaimed and firmly adhered to the letters called le Convenit made by Richard [Poore], sometime bishop of Durham, and the prior and convent of Durham, in order to settle the controversies and quarrels between them the articles of which the bishop wants to be kept for himself and all his justiciaries, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, and other bailiffs and ministers.
By the hand of William de Westele, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: 24 August Pont. 8.
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f.145r-v    [2 November] 1353
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John de Manfeld', priest, of the chantry of St Hild [Jarrow].
Date: Durham, the morrow of All Saints 1353.
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f.145v    17 December 1353
(Crossed out:)
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Roger Quiherd of the office of forester in the park of Bearpark, for life, with a weekly allowance, specified, a prior's servant's robe yearly, and the bark of trees to be cut down in the park, so long as the bark does not come from more than 12 trees felled on any one occasion, beyond which number the prior wishes the bark to be reserved to himself; on condition that Roger keep the park faithfully, or have it so kept if unable to do so in person through legitimate impediment; and as often as he should fail in the office the foregoing things are to be withdrawn until he should make suitable amends.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1353.
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f.145v    [22 October 1354]
(Crossed out [ “because it did not come into effect”]:)
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Walter de Scharesbek', prior of Coldingham.
Original: Misc.Ch. 1264, dated Durham, 22 October 1354
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f.145v    [c.1354]
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking Thomas, bishop of Durham, to institute William Boner, vicar of Whenby, York dioc., in the church of Kimblesworth, Durham dioc., in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Lythum, rector of Kimblesworth.
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f.145v    [c.1354]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham [confirming] the following letters.
Letters by Thomas, bishop of Durham, reciting the following bull.
Bull by Innocent VI, pope, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, giving licence for the gift by William de Synytahweyt', knight, lord of Eresby, and Joan his wife, of an annual rent, lands, tenements and the right of patronage of the church of Spilsby, Lincoln dioc., which are held in fee of the church and bishop of Durham, for the support of certain chaplains at a chantry in the church of Spilsby.
Date: Villeneuve, 3 Kal. June Pont. 2. [30 May 1354]
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f.145v    [c.1354]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Chestr' of the office of forester of the manor of Elvet, the woods thereof and the park of Shincliffe for life; with a hostiller's servant's robe yearly and an allowance, specified.
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f.146v    13 November 1361
Notarial instrument recording that John Fossour, prior of Durham; Richard de Bykirton', subprior; John de Tykill', sacrist; John de Cornewayll, feretrar; Michael de Chilton', infirmarer; John de Normanby, almoner; Robert Marmyon', precentor; Robert de Walleword', terrar; Thomas de Herdwyk', hostiller; Robert of Barnard Castle, communar; Richard de Bryteley, bursar; John de Heryngton', cellarer; John de Byllisfeld, granator; and the rest of the monks of Durham personally present appointed Mr John de Appelby, doctor of laws, and John of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham, as their proctors and special nuncios to come to a settlement of disputes between the prior and convent and any adversaries in the Roman curia, and particularly with Thomas de Morpath', vicar of Merrington, concerning certain suits occasioned by certain tithes and oblations which Thomas claims are owed him by the prior and convent, and concerning any other actions pending in the said curia between Thomas and the prior and convent.
Witnesses: Mr Adam de Billyngham, proctor of the court of Durham; John de Nessebyt', NP; John de Elvet' and Robert de Masham literati of Durham dioc.
Notary: Reginald de Spaldyng', clerk of Lincoln dioc., NP by apostolic and imperial authority (with his eschatocol).
Date: the chapter house of Durham, 13 November 1361.
f.146v    [3 May] 1355
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of William de Bamburgh' as prior of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 5 Non. May 1355.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.34.
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f.147r    13 November 1361
Notarial instrument recording that John Fossour, prior of Durham; Richard de Bykirton', subprior; John de Tykill', sacrist; John de Cornewayll, feretrar; Michael de Chilton', infirmarer; John de Normanby, almoner; Robert Marmyon', precentor; Robert de Walleword', terrar; Thomas de Herdewyk', hostiller; Robert of Barnard Castle, communar; Richard de Byrtley, bursar; John de Heryngton', cellarer; John de Billisfeld, granator; and other monks of Durham personally present appointed Mr John de Appelby and Mr Thomas de Paxton, doctors of laws; John of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham; Matthew de Bolton', vicar of St Nicholas, Newcastle; and Hugh de Bolton', clerk; as their proctors and special nuncios in all causes and business moved in the Roman curia concerning the prior and convent.
Witnesses: Mr Adam de Billyngham, proctor of the court of Durham; John de Nessebyt', NP; John de Elvet' and Robert de Masham literati of Durham dioc.
Notary: Reginald de Spaldyng', clerk of Lincoln dioc., NP by apostolic and imperial authority (with his eschatocol).
Date: the chapter house of Durham, 13 November 1361.
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f.147v    13 November 1361
Notarial instrument recording that John Fossour, prior of Durham; Richard de Bykirton', subprior; John de Tykill', sacrist; John de Cornewayll, feretrar; Michael de Chilton', infirmarer; John de Normanby, almoner; Robert Marmyon', precentor; Robert de Walleword', terrar; Thomas de Herdewyk', hostiller; Robert of Barnard Castle, communar; Richard de Briteley, bursar; John de Heryngton', cellarer; John de Billisfeld, granator; and other monks of Durham personally present appointed Mr John de Appelby and Mr Thomas de Paxton, doctors of laws; John of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham; Matthew de Bolton', vicar of St Nicholas, Newcastle; and Hugh de Bolton', clerk; as their proctors and special nuncios in the Roman curia.
Witnesses: Mr Adam de Billyngham, proctor of the court of Durham; John de Nessebyt', N.P.; John de Elvet' and Robert de Masham literati of Durham dioc.
Notary: Reginald de Spaldyng', clerk of Lincoln dioc., N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority (eschatocol recited).
Date: the chapter house of Durham, 13 November 1361.
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f.148r    [?1355 x 1366]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John son of Agnes of the office of forester in the park of Rainton, for life, with a robe yearly, two strikes of wheat every three weeks to be received at the manor of Pittington, and brushwood and bark from the park; any failure in carrying out the office to be subject to the consideration of six trustworthy men of the priory's fee.
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f.148r-v    [?1355 x 1366]
Ordinance by R[ichard], bishop of Durham, of the hospital of Greatham which he has founded and to which he has granted the manor of Greatham and the advowson of its church for the maintenance of a master, namely Andrew de Staneley, and another five priests, one or two clerks as the master sees fit, and 40 of the poor of the manors of the bishop of Durham; setting out the functions and rights of the master and brothers, and the right of the bishop to appoint new masters in the event of death, resignation or removal from office, and the right of the prior to do the same should the bishopric be vacant at the time.
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f.148v    [?1355 x 1366]
Letters by [John Fossor, prior of Durham] to (John de Appilby, at the Roman Curia) having heard through John de Cotom, canon of Guisborough, that Thomas de Morpath', vicar of Merrington, has proposed before the pope that the prior caused him to be in a secular prison for a year and a day and conferred the vicarage of Bedlington, due to him, upon Antony, the prior's brother; and obtained a decree for the prior's citation; explaining that this suggestion has no truth since he was master of Monk Wearmouth when his predecessor William de Couton' and the convent of Durham, before Thomas's suit, granted the patronage of Bedlington to Alan de Hebscotes for the first vacancy thereof; that Alan presented one Thomas de Normanton' to Bedlington, after Thomas, vicar of Merrington, obtained a papal bull, and had the same Thomas imprisoned in accordance with the recent [1351] statute of provisors; that he did not consent to this incarceration, which lasted into his priorate; and that his brother Antony obtained the vicarage by exchange with Thomas de Normanton' [for which see f.120r]; asking him (providing that he, the prior, be able to answer the citation by proctor) to resist the accusation and obtain a revocation of the decree, stating that because of his old age and infirmity he would be unable personally to attend as cited without imperilling his life; with his expenses to be satisfied and the bishop's register to be sent as proof of the presentation of Thomas de Normanton'.
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f.148v-149r    [?1355 x 1366]
Letters by [John Fossor, prior of Durham,] to (Mr Thomas de Karl') on the same subject as the previous entry asking him to add his aid and counsel to the defence of the prior before the papal vicechancellor against the accusations of Thomas, vicar of Merrington, and (referring to a similar cause against Mr Robert de Tresk') to cover any absences of Mr John de Appilby, appointing Mr Robert de Coventr' or another substitute.
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f.149r-v    [?1355 x 1366]
Letters by John, prior of Durham, deputed subsequestrator of the underwritten by apostolic authority, reciting the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham reciting the following mandate, instructing him to sequester the revenues of the church of Rothbury according to these apostolic letters.
Mandate by Innocent VI, pope, to the bishop of Durham on a petition of John Mareschal, asserting himself to be rector of Rothbury, concerning the dispute (details given, including reference to a hearing before Mr Guido de Baixio, canon of Modena and auditor of causes) which arose some time ago between John and William de Emmilden', priest of dioc. Durham, touching the church of Rothbury, then vacant by the death of John de Bourdon'; instructing him to sequester the remaining revenues of the church for him who shall obtain victory in this cause.
Date: Avignon, 2 Non. May, Pont. 2. [6 May 1354]
DCD Loc.III:24.
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f.149v    22 November 1366
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following regrant.
Regrant by Philip [of Poitou], bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Aclee and his heirs of the vill of Whitworth, with bounds described as running from the nearer ditch enclosing the bishop's park in the direction of Whitworth as far as Yldreburne, and as Yldreburne falls into the Wear, and as “other right divises”, which he and his forbears held in drengage; to be held by him and his heirs of the bishop and his successors; performing service of a fourth part of a knight's fee; Thomas having paid 6 score marks and quitclaimed the land and wood from the old ditch of the park as far as the vivarium towards Auckland for the relaxation of drengage. [20 April 1197 x 26 February 1204]
Witnesses: Aimery, archdeacon of Durham; Peter Theb[er]t; Leo de Heriz; Jordan Escolla[n]d; Robert son of Meldred; Robert de Amundevill'; Geoffrey son of Geoffrey; Roger Daudr'; Robert son of Thomas; Robert de Mosterz; William de Latton'; Simon de Autorp'; Geoffrey de Conieres; William de Elton'; John de Thorp; William de Silvedon'.
Date: Durham, 22 November 1366.
Copied f.271v-272r below.
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Dom. John Fossour prior John de Normanby librarian
From this point the chapter house is regularly specified as the place of issue

f.150r    21 October 1357
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following commission.
Commission by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Mr William de Farnham, clerk, and Robert de Langeton, priest, because of the age and ill-health of Mr Robert de Horton', vicar of Gainford, deputing them assistants to the vicar, and committing to them the administration of the goods of the perpetual vicarage of Gainford so far as pertains to this office of assistant.
Date: bishop's manor of Old Ford [near London], 3 Non. February [3 February] 1356/7.
Date: Durham, 21 October 1357.
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f.150r    21 October 1357
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Peter de Besingby, rector of Langton' to the vicarage of Skipwith, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Skypwyth', vicar of Skipwith.
Date: chapter house, Durham, 21 October 1357.
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f.150r-v    19 November 1357
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Seham, priest, to the church of Edmundbyers, vacant by the resignation of John de Bamburgh', last rector thereof; the presentation thereto of William de Hessewell', chaplain, who resigned all title thereto into the hands of the prior and convent, notwithstanding.
Date: chapter house, Durham, 19 November 1357.
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f.150v-151r    30 October 1357
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation and grant by the bishop of Durham.
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, (referring to John Yole's gift to Edward [III], king of England, his heirs and assigns, of a croft with adjacent meadow in Northallerton, in perpetuity, to be held of the bishop as lord of the manor of Northallerton) of the following royal grant, by papal authority and licence, and saving to the bishop and his successors an annual rent of 1d at Christmas for all time.
Witnesses: William de Dacre, Thomas de Seton', Walter de Boynton', knights; John Moubray, Thomas de Ingilby, Thomas de Carrow, Roger de Fulthorpp'.
Grant by Edward [III], king of England, to the provincial prior and friars of the Carmelite order in England for a certain new house of the said order of a croft called Tenthoucroft' and a meadow in Northallerton, together containing 3 acres 1 rood, lately acquired by gift of John Yole of Northallerton; to be held in pure alms, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 8 November, 30 Edward [III]. [1356]
Date: Durham castle, 20 February 1356/7.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior and friars of Northallerton, newly established there, of 3 acres in Northallerton, whereof 2 acres 1 rood lie on the northern side of the place which the prior and brethren have by gift of the king, and abut the common street to the west, and 3 rood lie on the southern side; to be held in perpetuity, by way of enlargement; rendering 2s yearly to the bishop and his successors for all other demands.
Witnesses: William de Dacre, Thomas de Seton', Walter de Boynton', knights; John Moubray, Thomas de Ingilby, Thomas de Karrow, Roger de Fulthorpp'.
Date: Durham castle, 20 February 1356/7.
Date: chapter house, Durham, 30 October 1357.
Printed: C.J.D. Ingledew, The History and Antiquities of Northallerton (1858), p.239-240.
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f.151r-v    28 March 1356
Licence by the prior and convent of Durham, appropriators of the church of Northallerton, to the provincial prior and friars of the Carmelite order in England (for the benefit of the parishioners of Northallerton and at the intervention of Edward [III], king of England) for the acquisition and possession of 6 acres in the vill of Allerton for the construction of a new house; free of pension, portion, other payment or charge pertaining to the rectory and patronage thereof, with the king, as in his letters to the prior and convent, compensating the priory accordingly.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1356.
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f.151v    [1358]
Account by the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the diocese of Durham by T[homas], bishop of Durham, of the annual tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York, 30 Edward III, as in the Memoranda of 31 [Edward III] among the records of Hilary term; of Hugh de Brandon, his attorney, as in the Memoranda of 32 [Edward III] among the records of Michaelmas term on the part of the king's remembrancer, for both terms. He accounted for £221 15s. 4½d. from a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment. £216 15s. 4d. in the treasury by four tallies; expenses 100s.; owing ½d.
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f.151v-152r    [13 November] 1357
Lease by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Wryght of Coningsby, staying in Boston, of land with buildings in Boston (in Wermouthgate, according to the marginal heading) lying between the rectory and the land held by Walter de Stikeney to the south, the land of the prior and convent of Kyme to the north, and abutting the common sewer to the east and the land of John de Milburn', clerk, and the water to the west; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, from the date of the presents for four score years; rendering therefor yearly to the prior and convent of Durham and their successors, at the exchequer of Durham, 6s 8d for each year for the first 10 years, 10s p.a. for the second ten years, 13s 4d p.a. for the third ten years, 16s 8d p.a. for the fourth ten years, and 20s p.a. for the remainder of the term; with conditions, specified, and with John to render service used and wont to the chief lords of the fee and pay off any existing arrears thereof, and to provide accommodation for the prior and monks of Durham when they come to the said vill.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, Monday after Martinmas 1357.
Original: DCD 3.3.Ebor.7.
Another copy: DCD Reg.I, f.i.55r-v.
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f.152r    17 February 1358
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his justices, sheriffs, bailiffs and ministers, advising them that he has granted to John de Elvet, clerk, for service rendered and to be rendered, that he should not be liable to serve on assizes, juries or inquests against his will; and instructing them not to trouble John against the terms of this grant.
Date: Durham, by the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor, 5 July, Pont. 9. [1354]
Date: Durham, 17 February 1357/8.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxvi.
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f.152r    21 March 1358
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John de Skipton' in Craven, chaplain, of the rectory of Muggleswick.
Date: Durham, 21 March 1357/8.
(Described as a presentation in the margin and in the table of contents.)
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f.152r    14 April 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general in spiritualities, of Thomas de Kellaw', chaplain, to the vicarage of Berwick Holy Trinity, vacant by the resignation of Robert de Galmeton', last vicar thereof, made in presence of the prior for the reason that he did not dare go to the bishop for fear of death.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1358.
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f.152v    12 April 1358
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr Henry de Gategang', rector of Welton, York dioc., Mr William Farnham, and Mr William Ciscill', clerks, and Richard Talbot, chaplain, appointing them proctors to attend before the archbishop of York, or his delegates or commissaries, one or more, to act on behalf of the prior and convent for their possessions in the diocese of York (the marginal heading specifying Howdenshire) at the visitation being carried out in his diocese; with promise to stand surety for the proctors or any substitutes.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1358.
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f.152v    5 May 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John Shout of Newbiggin, priest, to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant by the resignation of Robert Vescy, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 5 May 1358.
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f.152v-153r    8 May 1358
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr William de Farneham, clerk, Thomas Benet, rector of [Kirby] Sigston, Thomas Cicill', vicar of Eastrington, and Richard Talbot, chaplain, appointing them proctors to attend in the visitation [of the priory's possessions in the diocese of York] (with marginal caption specifying Howdenshire), of whatsoever ordinaries or commissaries [of the archbishop of York]; with promise to stand surety for the proctors or any substitutes.
Date: Durham, 8 May 1358.
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f.153r    9 May 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of William Baty, vicar of Grindon, to the vicarage of Pittington, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Richard de Aukland, vicar of Pittington.
Date: Durham, 9 May 1358.
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f.153r    [1358]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Henry Sheuefeld', his beloved servant (valletto), of the messuage in the bailey of Durham which belonged to Mr Peter de Manyford', and fell to the bishop as escheat because Peter died without an heir; to be held by Henry, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering therefor yearly, at the exchequer of Durham, rents and services used and wont.
Date: Durham, by the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor, 16 October, Pont. 6. [1350]
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f.153v    13 May 1358
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Richard de Whytchirche of the office of forester of the bishop's wood within the ward of Chester; to be held for life, receiving the fees and profits used and wont; Date: Durham, by the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor, 10 May, Pont. 10 [1355].
Date: Durham, 15 May 1358.
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f.153v    [19 May] 1358
Sworn undertaking by Richard de Whytchirche, to the prior and convent of Durham, the sacrist and the office of sacrist of Durham, promising to be faithful to them, cause them no trouble, and defend them from damage.
Date: Durham, Saturday, St Dunstan [19 May], 1358.
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f.153v    [29 May] 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Derlyngton', chaplain, to the church of Kimblesworth.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June 1358.
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f.153v-154r    11 June 1358
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham, confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the knights, freeholders, bailiffs and others in his lordship and jurisdiction, informing them that he has appointed John de Cousby, his familiar, as bailiff of his liberty of Northallerton and Northallertonshire, granting to him the customary income of the office and the power to appoint under-bailiffs; instructing them to submit and answer to him and his under-bailiffs as appropriate, and revoking any earlier commission of the office.
Date: manor of Auckland, Monday after the Assumption [17 August] 1355.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1358.
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f.154r    11 June 1358
Sworn undertaking by John de Cousby, to the prior and convent of Durham, promising to be faithful to them, cause them no trouble, and defend them from damage; saving homage and fealty to his lords, by whom he has been retained [as] at the date of the presents.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1358.
Original: DCD Loc.XXVIII:2(11).
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f.154r    3 June 1358
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Alan de Horton', Robert de Staynford', and Robert de Caskell', appointing them proctors to attend for the prior and convent and their church of Giggleswick, canonically granted to their cell of Finchale, in visitations of the church of Giggleswick by John, archbishop of York, or his commissaries; with promise to stand surety for the proctors.
Date: Durham, 3 June, 1358.
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f.154v    7 July 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking Thomas, bishop of Durham, to institute Adam de Toghale, chaplain, in the vicarage of Ellingham, vacant by the resignation of Adam de Softlawe.
Date: Durham, 7 (2 crossed out) July 1358.
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f.154v    19 July 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of Lincoln, to institute Stephen Kynnesman, rector of Quinton, in the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, to effect an exchange of benefices with Henry de Thorp', rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly due to the prior and convent therefrom.
Date: 19 July 1358.
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f.154v    3 October 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking Thomas, bishop of Durham, to institute William de Marton', chaplain, in the vacant vicarage of Hesleden.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1358.
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f.154v    3 October [?1358]
Letters by (the bishop of St Andrews) to [? Thomas de Kellawe] informing him that he has not been able to recover the letter of his presentation to the vicarage [of Berwick], and advising him to secure a like letter from the prior and convent of Durham; committing the rule, keeping and administration of the vicarage to him in the meantime.
Date: Coldingham, 3 October [? 1358].
[Cf. f.152r above.]
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.34.
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f.155r    [?1350 x 1360]
Letters [? incomplete] by [? the prior and convent of Durham] to [? one of the proctors named in entries on f.146v, 147r, 147v, 148v] thanking him for his labours in the business brought against them by the vicar of Merrington and Adam Robelyn in the Roman curia , as contained in his letters transmitted to the prior and convent by William, servant of the archdeacon of Durham, that, although their adversary's suggestion is horrible and now such are given credence in the curia, and that it is presumed that they will not proceed to accusing the great prelates unless they have ...
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f.155r    6 August 1352
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Fossour' of a weekly allowance, specified, and a robe and 10s yearly for his shoes, for life, so long as he be able to serve in the office of the pantry in the priory of Durham; John Fossour' to make suitable amends as often as he fail in the office, according to the view of trustworthy servants; and, when unable to carry out the charges of his office alone, to have an honest garcio approved by the prior, having an allowance, specified, and livery of a garcio.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1352.
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f.155r    17 December 1353
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham, to Roger Cowherd' of the office of forester in the park of Bearpark, and the keeping of the moor thereof, for life, with a weekly allowance, specified, and yearly a robe and 10s for his shoes, taking as much from the bark of the trees in the said park, and, if insufficient, taking the balance from the bursar; the foregoing to be withdrawn if he fail in his office, until he has made amends.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1353.
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Table of contents of eighteen folios [i.e. Register II, f.150-154 and 158-170, all bar the last of which are headed on the verso with the names of the prior and of John de Normanby, librarian]
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Summary descriptions of entries on f.157v and of the last entry on f.174r.
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f.156v    1421
“Inventory made by John Fysshburn of the books of the chancellor of the prior of Durham, A.D. 1421”
Printed in Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral ed. Beriah Botfield (Surtees Society 7, 1838), appendix p.123-124.
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Added heading “Copies of two charters of John de Corneford' useful as evidence to be given of the rents in Hawthorn pertaining to the chantry in the church of Pittington &c.”.
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f.157v    [1 June] 1370
Grant by John, son and heir of Thomas de Corneford' to Ralph de Beaufon of all his lands, tenments, rents and possessions, and all his domain in the township and territory of Hawthorn, excepting St Cuthbert's land; to be held by Ralph, his heirs or assigns, of the chief lord of the fee by service used and wont, in perpetuity.
Witnesses: John de Kyngeston', archdeacon of Durham; William de Menevyll'; John de Oggle; Thomas de Hadham; John Billy; Thomas Menyvill'; Ralph de Malteby.
Date: Hawthorn, Saturday, the eve of Whitsun 1370.
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f.157v    [26 January] 1370
Grant by John de Corneford', son and heir of Thomas de Corneford' of Hawthorn, to Ralph de Beaufon of all his lands, tenements, rents and possessions, and all his domains in the township and territory of Hawthorn; excepting the lands and tenements called Seint Cuthbertlandes and the chief messuage of the domains, called Thridpartgarth' ; to be held by Ralph, his heirs or assigns, of the chief lord of the fee by service used and wont, in perpetuity.
Witnesses: John de Kyngeston', archdeacon of Durham; William Menevill'; John de Oggle; Ralph de Malteby; Richard de Menburn'; Thomas Menevyll'.
Date: Hawthorn, Saturday next after the conversion of St Paul [26 January] 1369/70.
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f.157v    15 December [1345 x 1380]
Letter by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, with fulsome preamble, informing them that John de Beryngton', their fellow monk, will report to them by word of mouth and in writing what he (the bishop) has done with regard to the college of monks and seculars which he has established to the profit and honour of the church of Durham and what he wants them to do in the foregoing.
Written: London, 15 December “&c”.
Another copy: DCD Misc. Ch. 421, f.15v.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxlv-cxlvi.
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f.158r    23 September 1356
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking William, bishop of St Andrews, to institute Robert de Wollesthorp', priest, in the vicarage of Berwick, vacant by the resignation of Robert de Galmeton, made in presence of the prior and convent because he did not dare, for fear of death, go to the bishop.
Date: Durham, 23 September 1356.
f.158r    22 November 1358
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Robert de Ormesby, chaplain, to the church of Kimblesworth, vacant by the resignation of John de Derlyngton'.
Date: Durham, 22 November 1358.
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f.158r-v    1 February 1359
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Richard de Hethworth', his heirs and assigns, of the borough of Sunderland, with fisheries, marl-pit, Boldon yare, and all profits pertaining to the borough; to be held of the bishop and his successors from Martinmas next [11 November 1358] for 20 years; rendering yearly therefor at the exchequer of Durham £20 by equal portions at the four appointed terms of the year, with the first term of the first payment beginning at St Cuthbert in March [20 March 1359] next, and provision for allowance to be made if prevented by war from taking his profit of the borough.
Sureties: William de Menevyll', John de Birteley, along with the said Richard, and their heirs and executors, whose properties may be distrained upon by the bishop after 40 days' arrears.
Sealed interchangeably, with the seals of Richard and his sureties on the bishop's half, and the seal of the chancellor of Durham on Richard's half.
Date: Durham, Saturday in Whit week [26 May] 1358.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1358/9.
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f.158v    16 September 1358
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Kirkeby of the office of coroner of Chester ward for life, having the profits pertaining to the office.
By the hand of John Pulhore, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 5 December, Pont. 2. [1346]
Date: Durham, 16 September 1358.
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f.158v    16 September 1358
Sworn undertaking by William de Kirkeby, coroner of Chester ward, to the prior and convent of Durham promising to be faithful to them, cause them no trouble, and defend them from damage.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1358.
Original: DCD Loc.XXVIII:2(10).
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f.159r    [10 July 1358]
Bull by Innocent [VI], pope, to the scholars of the house of Durham in the university of Oxford, Lincoln dioc., on their supplication, appropriating the parish church of Appleby, Lincoln dioc., whose revenues do not exceed £20 yearly and is in the patronage of the prior of Lytham, to their and their successors' mensa ; with the provision that they might take corporeal possession of the church and turn its revenues to their own use when the rector thereof resigns, dies or otherwise leaves; with a suitable portion reserved for a vicar.
Date: Avignon, 6 Id. July, Pont. 6.
Other copies: DCD Loc.III:8; 3.4.Ebor.28.
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f.159r    [3 February] 1359
Bond by Richard de Hetheworth' to the prior and convent of Durham for £10 by reason of a loan; to be paid at Durham at St Cuthbert in March [20 March] next.
Date: Durham, Saturday in Candlemas 1358/9.
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f.159r-v    5 February 1359
Defeasance by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Hetheworth' invalidating his bond for £10 [the preceding entry] so long as he, his heirs and assigns, farmers of the borough of Sunderland, behave well and faithfully towards them, their successors, the cellarer of Durham, and their servants coming to buy fish; failing which the bond is to have force and effect.
Date: Durham, 5 February 1358/9.
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f.159v    8 April 1359
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of Lincoln, to institute Ralph de Lameley, vicar of Ryhall, in the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, to effect an exchange of benefices with Stephen Kynnesman of Arthingworth, rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving to the prior and convent their pension of 5 marks yearly to be received therefrom.
Date: Durham, 8 April 1359.
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f.159v    13 May 1359
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Elvet of the office of coroner of their abbey of Durham, to be held for life, with the grains accustomed to be received by other coroners from the husbandmen of the prior and convent; and with allowances, specified, for himself and a garcio, and yearly 1 mark and a robe each Christmas; with John to make amends for failing in his office, and to be provided for should he no longer be able to attend to his duties because of age or illness.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1359.
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f.160r-161r    23 November 1359
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinance.
Ordinance by Thomas, bishop of Durham, on the petition of the abbot and convent of Blanchland setting out their impoverishment due to invasion, their largely infertile lands, and the want of inhabitants on their more fertile lands following the pestilence; in augmentation of the abbey, granting and canonically appropriating to the abbot and convent the church of Bolam (in which the right of patronage is held by the abbey), with consent of the prior and convent of Durham; the abbot and convent taking possession when the rector resigns, dies or the church becomes otherwise vacant, and thereafter, and whenever the vicarage become vacant, presenting a canon of Blanchland or a suitable secular priest to the bishop for institution as vicar of Bolam; assigning a vicarage portion, described, and a pension of 2 marks yearly to be paid to the vicar by the abbot and convent, with a penalty of 40s alms to be paid to the bishop for failure to pay the pension within 40 days of the appointed terms; giving the abbot and convent responsibility for repairing the chancel and for supplying the books, vestments and other ornaments which used to be supplied by the rector; reserving a yearly pension of 6s 8d to be paid to the prior and convent of Durham; sequestration and excommunication to be applied in the event of refusal to comply with the foregoing terms.
Date: manor of Stockton, 12 April 1359.
Date: Durham, 23 November 1359.
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f.161r    3 June [1359]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Date: Durham, 3 June [1359].
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Robert proctor of Barnard Castle, chaplain, of his foundation of two chantries in the chapel of St Margaret in the castle of Barnard Castle, and his endowment thereof with 16 messuages and one hundred acres of land in Barnard Castle, Whittington, Gainford and Middleton in Teesdale, for the maintenance of chaplains in the said chantries; to be held by the chaplains, of the chief lords of the fee by service used and wont, as in Robert's charter; with Robert having faculty to promote chaplains to the chantries; and, after Robert's death, Thomas Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, and his heirs and assigns are to bestow the chantries upon chaplains within six months of vacancy, and after this period had elapsed collation would pass to the bishop and his successors.
Date: manor of Stockton, 15 April 1359.
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f.161r-v    6 June 1359
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of Lincoln, to institute Andrew Barbour of Stamford, rector of Heather, to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Stephen Kynnesman, rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly due to the prior and convent therefrom.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1359.
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f.161v    15 June 1359
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Henry Birkenshawe, chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of Barmby, in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 15 June 1359.
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f.161v    [ca. 1360?]
Consent by the prior and chapter of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the appropriation of the church of Bolam by the abbot and convent of Blanchland, saving a pension of 6s 8d to be paid yearly in compensation for loss to the chapter of Durham, and wanting the abbot and convent to be bound to payment thereof by penalties and ecclesiastical censures to be inserted in the letters of appropriation.
f.161v    4 March 1360
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of Lincoln, to institute Thomas Danno, rector of Tinwell, in the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, to effect an exchange of benefices with Stephen Kynnesman, rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly due to the prior and convent therefrom.
Date: Durham, 4 March 1359/60
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f.162r    28 March 1360
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking William, bishop of St Andrews, to institute Thomas de Kellawe, priest, in the vicarage of Old Cambus.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1360.
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f.162r    28 March 1360
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking William, bishop of St Andrews, to institute Adam Wan, priest, in the vicarage of Stichill in Teviotdale, vacant by the death of Geoffrey, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1360.
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f.162r    28 March 1360
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, of the foundation by Ellen, sister and heir of Hugh de Mawburne, of a chantry in the church of Middleton in Teesdale, and her grant of an annual rent of £3 13s 4d issuing from 7 tofts and 1 carrucate in Middleton in Teesdale to Hugh Maynard', chaplain, and his successors as chaplains there, holding divine service in the said church in perpetuity for the souls of Ellen and her forbears and heirs, and of John de Menevyll' of Summerhouse and his heirs (&c); with John de Menevyll' and his heirs to have faculty of presentation to the chantry, although after six months of vacancy collation would devolve upon the bishop and his successors.
Date: manor of Auckland, 24 September 1359.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1360.
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f.162v    11 April 1360
Bond by John de Carrowe to John prior and the convent of Durham for £10 by reason of a loan, to be paid to the prior and convent or their successors at Durham on Monday after Whitsun next to come [25 May 1360].
Date: Durham, 11 April 1360.
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f.162v    12 April 1360
Agreement by indenture between John prior and the convent of Durham and John de Carrowe witnessing that John has bound himself to repay £10 to the prior and convent, as in the preceding entry; the prior and convent grant that if John and his heirs behave well towards them, the bond is to be of no force.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1360.
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f.162v    12 April 1360
Oath by John de Carrowe and Thomas, his son and heir, to the prior and convent of Durham promising to be faithful to them, not to cause them trouble or bear grievance unreasonably, but to give advocacy in their business, wherever it be carried out, so that they sustain no damage; saving their homage and fealty to their lords by whom they have [already] been retained at the date of the making of the presents.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1360.
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f.162v-163r    28 March 1360
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, to Adam son of Walter of Stockton for 15 marks given to the bishop to pay a debt owed to the king for the manor and wapentake of Sadberge; of one carucate in the vill of Preston, bought by the bishop from William son and heir of Baldwin, and which William quitclaimed for himself and his heirs in perpetuity; to be held by Adam and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in fee and heritage; rendering 10s yearly to the bishop and his successors for all other service, custom, aid and demands. [1190 x 3 March 1195]
Witnesses: Henry de Puteaco, Philip the sheriff, Gilbert de Laya, Robert de Waccevill', Geoffrey son of Richard, Jordan Escollaud, William son of Thomas, Thomas de Amundevill', Henry de Ferligton and Walter his brother, Philip de Coleuill', Robert son of Meldred, Laurence the chamberlain, Roger de Audri, Peter Harpyn, Walter de Wessyngton', Geoffrey de Herdwyc'.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1360.
See also DCD Reg.I, f.ii.6r-v.
Another copy: DCD Reg.I f.ii 6r-v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.126-127.
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f.163r-v    28 March 1360
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by Walter, bishop of Durham, confirming the following grant.
Grant by William son of Ralph Bek' of Preston to Sir John Gilleth of Egglescl iffe, for his service and for 30 marks, of 3 bovates and 16 acres for a fourth bovate in the vill of Preston, and 4 tofts and crofts therein: namely 3 bovates next to the land of Adam de Preston' in the same field, and 10 acres with a toft once held by Alexander Tubbay, and other pieces of land variously located in or near Burneside, Estercoteflat, Fartebecsyde, Northcroklandes, Blakelawefeld', Heppethorn', Butterthorn, Suthmore, Coppeladesyde, with half of the meadow pertaining to a carucate variously located in Holmecrok', Landales, Scardales, Knottedales, [apparently a total of 4 bovates 1 acre, although the arithmetic seems problematic] and that toft and croft once held by Emma Bek', and 2 tofts and crofts lying between the lands of Adam son of Adam de Preston' to the north, and the toft which belonged to Isolde, widow of William son of Uccyng'; to be held by Sir John, his heirs and assigns, of William and his heirs, in perpetual fee farm; rendering therefor yearly 1d at Christmas, for all other service forinsec and intrinsic (&c).
Witnesses: Adam son of Adam of Preston; Hugh Poer of Preston (de eadem); Hugh with the nose (cum Naso) of Preston (de eadem); Henry de Miderig', clerk; John son of Alice of Stockton; Adam de Risseford; William de Dunsis, clerk; Ellis de Aldacres; Thomas de Middelham, then bailiff of Stockton; Hugh de Fressenay; John de Lithe graynes ; Benedict de Whecelawe, clerk; Richard de Kaler'; Robert de Langleye; Walter Cook (Coco ); Hugh Burdon'; William de Eggescl[iffe ], clerk.
Date: Stockton, Monday the morrow of St Peter in cathedra [23 February] 1259/60.
Witnesses: Mr William de Merwe; Mr Robert Kircham; Marmeduke son of Geoffrey; Robert le Bursere; John le Bel; Roger de Waltham; John de London', chaplain; Geoffrey de Elme; William de Wyntersee; Robert de Kircham; Ralph Firmin', clerk.
Date: Riccall, 25 May 1260.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1360.
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f.163v-164r    [20 April 1360]
Mandate by the official of the bishop of Durham to the official of the archdeacon of Durham reciting the following mandate, instructing him to cite the rectors, vicars and all the clergy of his archdeaconry to attend in the Galilee of Durham on Saturday the morrow of SS Philip and James [2 May] before him or the bishop or their vicegerent in order to elect proctors, and to warn the prior and chapter and archdeacon of Durham to attend the parliament in the form required; requiring certification incorporating the contents of the presents.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the official of Durham reciting the following writ, instructing him to execute the king's mandate and send certification incorporating the contents of the presents by 12 days before the said date.
Writ of parliamentary summons by Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, requiring his attendance at a parliament to be held at Westminster, Friday the morrow of Ascension Day next [15 May 1360], and that he give forewarning to the prior and chapter of his church of Durham, to the archdeacons and all the clergy of his diocese, that the prior and archdeacons should attend the parliament in person and that the chapter and clergy should attend through one and two proctors respectively.
Witness: Thomas, the king's son, keeper of England.
Date: Westminster, 3 April, 34 Edward [III] [1360]
Date: manor of Auckland, 17 April 1360.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. May [1360].
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f.164r    9 May 1360
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Roger de Fulthorpp' and Hugh de Brandon' appointing them proctors to attend in their name before the king or the keeper of England in parliament at Westminster, as in the preceding entry.
Date: Durham, 9 May 1360.
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f.164r     18 June 1360
Attorneyship by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Britley, monk of Durham, William de Emeldon', clerk, and Adam de Billyngham, to ask and receive from Edward [III], king of England, £200 which was lent to the king upon his last crossing to France.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1360.
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f.164r    1 June 1360
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Kellowe, monk of Durham, and Robert Bateson', appointing them proctors to attend for them and for their cell of Lytham in Amounderness at the visitation of the church of Lytham by Mr Humphrey de Charleton', archdeacon of Richmond and ordinary thereof, personally or by his commissaries or others; with promise to stand surety for the proctors.
Date: Durham, 1 June [13]60
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Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Adam Morgayne of the office of stableman in the priory of Durham, for life, receiving a daily allowance, specified, with, yearly at Christmas, a garment or 40d from the bursar and 40d as stipend from the hostiller; providing that Adam and any substitute appointed by him with the consent of the hostiller perform the office faithfully; with Adam or his substitute to make amends, as ordained by trustworthy men of the priory, as often as they fail in the office; Adam swearing to all the foregoing, touching the gospels.
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f.164v    13 August [?1360]
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, archbishop of York, to institute Adam de Esyngton', vicar of Bubwith, in the vicarage of Barmby in the church of Howden, to effect an exchange of benefices with Henry de Birkenshawe, vicar of Barmby.
Date: “&c”, 13 August [? 1360].
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f.164v    8 October 1360
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing Robert, vicar of [North]Allerton, Thomas Benet, rector of [Kirby] Sigston, and Richard Talbot, priest of York dioc., as his proctors to appear on his behalf in the visitation of the diocese of York, by John, archbishop of York, in person or by his commissaries; for him and the sundry appropriated churches, pensions and portions of whatsoever benefices within the diocese of York belonging or accustomed to be paid to the prior and convent of Durham, responsibilities described; with promise to stand surety for the proctors.
“Under the seal which I use ad causas”.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1360.
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f.165r    4 November 1360
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham asking John, bishop of Lincoln, to institute John Capell' of Buckworth, vicar of All Saints, Winwick, in the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas Danne, rector of St Mary at the bridge.
Date: Durham, 4 November 1360.
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f.165r    10 November 1360
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by letters patent by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Robert Tod of being one of the bishop's foresters in his high forest of Weardale, for life, receiving from the bishop and his successors, for himself and another under him, who should be a suitable servant in the view of the head forester, as much in wages, specified, as two other foresters would receive there. By the hands of John de Kyngeston', bishop's clerk.
Date: (no place-date) 22 August, Pont. 16. [1360]
Date: Durham, 10 November 1360.
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f.165r    10 November 1360
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by letters patent by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Burdon' of the keepership of the bishop's park of Auckland, to be held for life, receiving wages, specified, by the hand of the head forester of Weardale.
By the hands of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 4 January, Pont. 8 [1353].
Date: Durham, 10 November 1360.
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f.165v    19 March 1361
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Whalton' of the office of steward of the manor of Northallerton and of the whole lordship of Northallertonshire; to be held for life, receiving from the bishop and his successors £10 yearly from the issues of the said manor, with all other fees and profits of the office used and wont of old.
Date: London, 21 November, 34 Edward III. [1360]
Date: Durham, 19 March 1360/1.
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f.165v-166r    20 February 1361
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus and quitclaim by letters patent by Thomas, bishop of Durham, confirming the following grant and quitclaiming to Hugh and his heirs all right and claim to the messuage, except for service due therefor by escheat or in any other way; notwithstanding that the messuage is said to pertain to the bishop as escheat; saving to the bishop and his successors services used and wont by right therefor.
Grant by William de Marham, brother and heir of Thomas de Cauntebrigge of Durham, goldsmith, to Hugh de Brandon' of a messuage in Durham lying between the messuage of the late Richard son of Gilbert and the messuage of the late William Burghard'; to be held by Hugh and his heirs of the chief lords of the fee by service used and wont in perpetuity;
Witnesses: Gilbert de Stayndrop' of London; Thomas de Frechbek' of London; Henry Fyssh' of London; John Boner of Durham; William de Whalton' of Durham (de eadem); Thomas de Cokside of Durham (de eadem); John Goldesmyth' of Durham (de eadem); Adam de Wermouth' of Durham (de eadem), cordwainer.
Date: (no place date) Monday, the Translation of St Thomas the martyr 28 Edward III. [7 July 1354]
By the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 September, Pont. 12. [1356]
Date: Durham, 20 February 1360/1.
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f.166r-v    30 June 1360
[Inspeximus] by the prior and convent of Durham approving the following appropriation.
Appropriation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the keeper and college of secular canons (and others specified) in the chapel of St George, Windsor, Salisbury dioc., (on petition by Edward, king of England, and with assent and consent of the chapter of Durham) of the church of Simonburn, the right of patronage whereof is held by the same keeper and college; granting the revenues of the church to the keeper and college when the rector who now is has resigned or died; saving to the bishop the assignment of a vicarage portion (for a perpetual vicar to be presented by the keeper and college for admission by the bishop); and ordaining, with consent of the keeper and college, a pension of 40s to be paid yearly on Lady Day [25 March] by the keeper and college, after they are in possession of the church.
Date: London, 18 June 1360.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1360.
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f.166v    11 May 1361
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Alexander de Cheswyk of a third part of a third part of the manor of Cheswick and a messuage on Holy Island in the county of Norham; which Agnes, sometime wife of Robert de Cheswyk, holds of the bishop for the term of her life, and which, by forfeiture of John del Spens, who adhered to “our enemies of Scotland”, son and heir of Margaret, sometime wife of John del Spens, son and heir of Juliana, sometime wife of Alan Vepounde, who held the lands of the bishop in chief, pertain to the bishop after Agnes's death; to be held by Alexander, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity after Agnes's death, of the bishop of Durham and his successors for the service whereby it was held before the said forfeiture.
By the hand of John de Kingeston', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 5 November, Pont. 15. [1359]
Date: Durham, 11 May 1361.
f.166v-167r    21 May 1361
(Crossed out; vacat in the margin:)
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Snell' of the office of serjeant in the church of Durham to be held of the prior and convent and their successors for life; receiving yearly what a serjeant in the said office used to receive; John binding himself to bear the office, either by himself or through a substitute if he happen to be ill and not otherwise, to be chosen by him, at his peril, with consent of the sacrist; and if he fail in the office, in the view of the prior, sacrist and elders of the chapter, he is to make amends; John swearing to observe the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 21 May 1361.
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f.167r    25 May 1361
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Robert Hunter, chaplain, to the vicarage of Norham, vacant by the resignation of Richard de Chestre.
Date: Durham, 25 May 1361.
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f.167r    25 May 1361
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, Thomas de Whom, rector of Rowley, to the church of Kimblesworth, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Ormesby, rector of Kimblesworth.
Date: Durham, 25 May 1361.
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f.167r    20 June 1361
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Geoffrey Bachiler, chaplain, of the rectory of Muggleswick.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1361.
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f.167r-v    [7 February] 1347
Letters by John prior and the chapter of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, at the request of the bishop, in case he should be troubled by a vicar of Merrington as a result of his confirmation of their assignment of a portion from the revenues of their appropriated church of Merrington to the late Richard de Fenrother, then vicar thereof, and his successors; undertaking to refund all expenses which might be incurred should he be brought before any judge by a vicar of Merrington by reason of his said confirmation, and promising to come to his defence.
Date: Durham, Wednesday next after Candlemas 1346/7.
Digitised version
f.167v    4 September 1361
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Yelaund' of the offices of porter and parker of the manor of Howden, for the term of his life, receiving the fees used and wont, as received by others in the same offices.
Under the bishop's privy seal.
Date: London, 15 November, Pont. 16. [1360]
Date: Durham, 4 September 1361.
Digitised version
f.167v    6 September 1361
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Nicholas de Belgrave, his vallettus of the office of coroner of the Darlington ward, for life, receiving the fees and profits used and wont, as received by others in the said office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', his clerk.
Date: Durham, 18 February, Pont. 16 [1361].
Date: Durham, 6 September 1361.
Digitised version
f.168r    6 September 1361
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William Gore, his launderer (lavender) of the office of porter of the manor of Auckland, for the term of his life; receiving 2 bushels of wheat every three weeks, and 4s yearly as his fee, at the hands of the bailiff or provost of the said manor, and a robe.
Date: Auckland, 2 February 1349/50.
Date: Durham, 6 September 1361.
Digitised version
f.168r    4 September 1361
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Stephen Kynnesman of Arthingworth, rector of Tinwell, to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Capell' of Buckworth, rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving a pension of 5 marks owed of old yearly to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 4 September 1361.
Digitised version
f.168v    [?1361]
Instrument setting out an appeal by Alexander de Walton', abbot of Furness, to the apostolic see, stating that correction and punishment of Cistercian monks had always belonged to the abbot and superiors, asking for all sentences, warnings, censures (&c) pronounced in the processes brought by John de Sourby junior, monk of Furness, against him and his monastery and the whole Cistercian order, to be made null and void, and to be made [free] from all accusations made in the same processes, and from processes at the apostolic see since, in 1360, John de Sourby the younger, monk of Furness, having manifoldly committed incontinencies with a woman, who was caught by the abbot and other monks in the room appointed as John's writing office, fled the monastery taking with him more than 20 marks, and a horse as well, roamed his native districts as an apostate for a long time, and returned to the monastery with a bull reciting a constitution [ Pastor bonus] by Pope Benedict XII that monastic prelates could be compelled by papal deputies to receive back apostates and should discipline them mercifully so as not to frighten them from resuming their habit; but that Pope Benedict's intention was not to remove correction and punishment of apostates from prelates but that they should do so temperately, and that James de Bruacy, claiming to be dean of the collegiate church of St Peter, Avignon, and to be the agent for the execution of the bull on John's part, initiated a process at John's instance, warned the abbot against punishing John, freed John from any punishment imposed, restored him to his place and holding of office in the monastery, and warned the abbot against treating John as a reprobate, to the abbot's prejudice and beyond the limit of James' jurisdiction.
For Benedict's bull, see DCD Loc.I:40.
Digitised version
f.168v    10 October 1361
Memorandum : the prior and chapter of Durham presented Mr William de Farnham to the church of Walkington, York dioc., 10 October 1361.
Digitised version
f.169r    20 November 1361
Grant by the prior and chapter of Durham to Mr John de Appelby, doctor of laws, rector of Whitburn, of a pension of 100s yearly, for life, to be received by John or his certain attorney or proctor, in the church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 20 November 1361.
f.169r    15 December 1361
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Hugh de Beneston', priest, to the vicarage of Swinton.
Date: 15 December 1361.
Digitised version
f.169r    24 December 1361
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Seteryngton', clerk, of his keep in the priory of Durham, for the term of his life, so long as he be able to serve in the office of sacrist's clerk; receiving the same as he and Richard de Hexham receive at present and used to receive; Ralph to make amends for failing in the office, according to the view of trustworthy servants of the priory; and, when no longer able to serve in his office, to receive a daily allowance, specified, along with a robe yearly at the hands of the sacrist.
Date: “&c”, 24 December 1361.
Digitised version
f.169v    24 December 1361
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Swethop' the elder, of his keep in the priory of Durham, for the term of his life, so long as he be able to serve as other squires of the prior; receiving the same as a squire of the prior receives, and the same if he be deputed to a suitable office by the prior and convent; Ralph to make amends for failing in the aforesaid, according to the view of trustworthy servants of the priory; and, when no longer able to serve in his office, to receive a daily allowance, specified, along with a robe yearly from the prior.
Date: “&c”, 24 December 1361.
Digitised version
f.169v    24 December 1361
Grant by John prior and the chapter of Durham to Mr Geoffrey de Langton', clerk, of a pension of 40s yearly, for life, to be received in the church of Durham, for service to the monastery and to its dependent cells.
Date: “&c”, 24 December 1361.
Digitised version
f.169v    6 January 1362
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Lamb of Hartlepool, his servant (valettus), of the office of coroner of Stockton ward, for life, receiving in the office the fees, profits and advantages used and wont.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston, his clerk.
Date: Durham, 13 September, Pont. 17. [1361]
Date: “&c”, 6 January 1361/2.
Digitised version
f.169v-170r    9 January 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Mr Adam de Bolton', rector of Thormanby, York dioc., to the church of All Saints, the Pavement, York, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Tolleston of Thorp Arch, rector of All Saints.
Date: Durham, 9 January 1361/2.
Digitised version
f.170r    8 January 1362
Presentation by John prior and the chapter of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Thomas son of Adam de Boghes, clerk, to the church of Rounton, saving an old pension of 40s owed to them from the same church.
Date: Durham, 8 January 1361/2.
Digitised version
f.170r    24 April 1359
Ordinance by Thomas, bishop of Durham, with consent of the prior and convent of Durham, appropriators of St Oswald's church Durham, and of Nicholas de Bisshopton', perpetual vicar thereof, of a vicarage portion in that church; of the house next to the churchyard, as occupied by the said Nicholas and his predecessors; 16 marks from the prior and convent, to be received at the hands of the hostiller of St Oswald's [recte of Durham priory]; other specified rights, and the seclemes [?] called nightewakes, except from the vills of Croxdale, Sunderland [Bridge], and Butterby, since the prior and convent provide chaplains for the chapels of St Margaret and Croxdale, dependent upon the same church.
Date: manor of Stockton, 24 April 1359.
Original: DCD Loc.X: 4.
Digitised version
f.170r-v    10 March 1362
Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Masham, doorkeeper (janitor) of their abbey, to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, on condition that he have no claim to anything granted to him by reason of his office for the time of his absence; being able to reassume his office, with its corrody and fees, upon his return.
Date: Durham, 10 March 1361/2.
Digitised version
f.170v    14 May 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar-general, of Thomas de Bolton', chaplain, to the vicarage of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 14 May 1362.
Digitised version
From the great roll [of the exchequer] of 9 E[dward] III. The prior and convent answer for £95 10s. 7d. as the remainder of their account for the king's victuals sold around Newcastle-upon-Tyne year 4 [1330] [almost exactly as f.107r-v and 125r above] with
Writ by Edward [III, king of England] as f.107v and 125r above.
Digitised version
f.171r    26 June 1362
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham, since Edward III, king of England, has granted them licence for the appropriation of the church of Appleby, Leicester, being in the patronage of the prior of Lytham, for the maintenance of monks of Durham studying at Oxford, and waived the fine due therefor; that the prior of the said monks hold divine service at Oxford for the souls of the king and queen and their sons and forbears, for all time; that a chaplain of the king be nominated; and that the anniversary of the king's death be solemnly observed every year at Oxford by the said prior and monks.
Date: Durham, 26 June 1362.
Digitised version
f.171r    29 June 1362
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Henry de Ingelby, rector of Haughton [le Skerne], that he and his successors have a certain area of ground or waste on the highway in Haughton, on the south side between the rector's house and the cemetery, 30' x 200', to enclose with a fence or wall, for the enlargement of his said house; without hindrance from the bishop, his successors or his officers; the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 26 May, Pont. 17. [1362]
Date: Durham, 29 June 1362.
Digitised version
f.171v    5 July 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general of Richard Talbot', chaplain, to the vicarage of Norham, vacant by the death of Robert Hunter, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 5 July 1362.
Digitised version
f.171v    1 February 1362
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas Anesley of the office of forester of their park of Rainton, and the keeping of their coal mine at Rainton, for life; with a servant's robe yearly when the general livery should happen to be made; 2 strikes of wheat, or another corn as taken by the servant (serviens) of their manor of Pittington, every three weeks; bark and branches of all trees which will be given by the prior from the said park for the time when timber cannot be got; and 6d weekly for keeping the mine; and if the mine be unworked for a long time, or fail (providing the prior should not need Thomas to keep it), the 6d should not be paid; with Thomas to have a sufficient other undertake the keeping if he be too infirm to work; and to lose the foregoing [emoluments] in the event of negligence, until he make amends according to the view of six trustworthy men of the priory's fee, chosen and sworn by the prior.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1361/2.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxvi-cxxxvii.
Digitised version
f.171v    7 August 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general of John de Esyngton', chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of Howden.
Date: Durham, 7 August 1362.
Digitised version
f.171v    22 August 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general of William de Norham, priest, to the vicarage of Lamberton.
Date: Durham, 22 August 1362.
Digitised version
f.172r    24 August 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general of Adam Ayr' of Ayton, chaplain, to the vicarage of Edrom.
Date: Durham, 24 August 1362.
Digitised version
f.172r    20 ? 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general of Robert de Kellawe, chaplain, to the vicarage of Swinton (Shynton').
Date: Durham, 20 (month omitted) 1362.
Digitised version
f.172r    5 September [1362]
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of John de Thorne, vicar of Adlingfleet, York dioc., to the vicarage of Barmby, in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Henry de Birkenshawe, vicar of Barmby.
Date: “&c”, 5 September “&c”.
Digitised version
f.172r    16 September 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Richard de Ravenser, provost of St John's, Beverley, to the prebend of Barmby, in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Mr Thomas de Nevil, last prebendary thereof; protesting that they do not thereby intend to prejudice apostolic mandates.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1362.
Digitised version
f.172v    21 September 1362
Oath of fealty by John de Ask' to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: 21 September 1362.
Digitised version
f.172v    20 September 1362
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Richard Dask and John Dask his son of the office of bailiff errant of Howdenshire, for the term of their lives, having power to appoint the three under bailiffs; with the customary fees (&c), and a robe, specified, when the bishop makes his general livery.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 June, 35 Edward III. [1362]
Date: Durham, 20 September 1362.
Digitised version
f.172v    13 October [13]62
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by indenture by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Richard de Ask, his squire, of 200 acres of his demesne land in Eastrington; to be held by Richard and his heirs for the term of 60 years from the date of the presents; rendering to the bishop and his successors at their exchequer of Howden 5 (unit omitted) yearly.
Sealed interchangeably, with Richard's copy bearing the seal of the bishop's temporalities.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: 1 May, Pont. 17. [1362]
Date: Durham, 13 October [13]62.
Digitised version
f.172v-173r    30 September 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general of William Fraunceys, chaplain, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 15s to be received yearly by the sacrist of Durham therefrom.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1362.
Digitised version
f.173r    18 October 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts of Mr Alexander de Nevill' to the prebend of Skelton, in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of John de Prouano [?], last prebendary thereof.
Date: Durham, 18 October 1362.
Reproduced without date on f.177r.
Digitised version
f.173r    5 November 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general of Richard de Midilby, chaplain, to the vicarage of Earlston; saving a pension of 10 marks yearly, due from the glebe of old.
Date: Durham, 5 November 1362.
Digitised version
f.173r    6 November 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general of Hugh de Shilton, to the church of Kimblesworth.
Date: Durham, 6 November 1362.
Digitised version
f.173r-v    15 November 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts of Richard Talbot', vicar perpetual of Norham, to the church of Dinsdale, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Roland, rector of Dinsdale; saving a pension of 40s yearly due to them and to the office of sacrist of Durham from the church of Dinsdale.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1362.
Digitised version
f.173v    7 December [13]62
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Robert de Walworth', monk of Durham, as prior of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 7 December [13]62.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.37.
Digitised version
f.173v    20 March 1363
Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, for the interment of his body in a place of his choice between the high altar and the choir of Durham cathedral.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1362/3.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxvii-cxxxviii.
Digitised version
f.173v    20 March 1363
Statement by John prior and the convent of Durham that they are unable to find any evidence of a confirmation which they are said to have made of a charter by Antony, sometime bishop of Durham, in favour of Robert Scriptor and concerning a toft and 16 acres in Staindrop.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1362/3.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxviii.
Digitised version
f.174r    25 May 1363
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Walter de Swynhowe and his heirs of free warren in all the bishop's demesne lands in Scremerston, in Norhamshire, so long as they lie outside the bounds of the bishop's forest; none to enter the warren for hunting or taking anything pertaining to the warren without licence of Walter or his heirs, on the bishop's penalty of £10.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevill', Thomas Gray, William Heron, knights; Robert de Hagreston'; Alexander de Chesewyk; John de Kyngeston', chancellor of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 6 July, Pont. 16. [1361]
Date: Durham, 25 May 1363.
See a slightly shorter version on f.177r.
Digitised version
f.174r    [30 May] 1362
[Added in space:]
[Memorandum of] Ordinance by John Fossoure prior and the chapter of Durham enacting that since the pensions of churches sometime assigned to the prior of St Leonard's, Stamford, for paying a yearly pension of £6 to the abbot and convent of Crowland, owed to them of old for the church of Edrom, have now become so diminished that they are insufficient to pay the yearly pension, henceforward a proctor of the church of Edrom is to pay £6 yearly to the prior of Stamford or his attorney, by equal portions at the deposition of St Cuthbert and the Ascension, and the prior of Stamford is to be bound to satisfy the abbot and convent of the £6 each year at the due terms.
Made in the annual chapter, Monday next after Ascension Day 1362.
Another copy: Reg.Parv.II, f.69v.
Digitised version
f.174v-176v    20 April 13[63]
[Inspeximus by the prior and convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.]
Inspeximus by Thomas, bishop of Durham, confirming the following quadripartite charter, saving the right, jurisdiction, dignity and honour of the bishop and his church of Durham.
Quadripartite charter by William de Acketon', burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne, for the salvation of his body and soul and those of his wife Mary, Robert de Oggell', William del Strother and Robert de Angerton, and of the souls of William de Thorald' and his wife Dionysia, William de Acketon' and his wife Isolde (the grantor's parents), John, Thomas, Walter, Eda, Adam, Edmund, William, Peter and all his forbears [&c]; to William de Wackefeld' and the brothers of the Trinitarian order
of property in Newcastle upon Tyne: the land of Wall Knoll for building a hospital for occupation by a keeper, fellow Trinitarians, poor, infirm and clerks; and a messuage sometime belonging to Hugh de Haldenby, between the tenement of Robert de Norrays and the vennel in which John Graper lives; two cellars in the fore part of the messuage in which Robert Elward' dwells, between the land of Thomas Kelson, opposite Cale Cross, and the vennel of John Abell', extending from the highway to the said Robert's cellar; a plot of land between the lands of John de Stanhoppe' and the late Thomas Milson, extending from the highway next to the wall to the grantor's tenter garden; an annual rent of 33s 4d from his tenement next to the Lort Burn, which Adam Market once held; an annual rent of 36s 8d from his tenement next to the Lort Burn, which Alice de Grandon' once held, lying between the lands of David de Rodom to the north and Robert de Angerton to the south; an annual rent of 57s 4d from the tenement which Robert Elward holds of him in Flesher Rawe, between the lands of Thomas de Kelson' and John Abell'; an annual rent of 10s from the tenement of Thomas de Kelson opposite Cale Cross;
in pure alms, for the maintenance of three chaplains of the order (or suitable for orders, on condition that they be ordained within three years), of whom one is to be keeper perpetual of the hospital, three poor and infirm, and three clerks studying there, staying in the hospital and ministering in the chapel;
the charter goes on to give details of their responsibilities; to state that the choice of keepers lies with the grantor until his death, whereafter with the brethren themselves, whom failing, with the minister and convent of the Trinitarian house at Knaresborough, whom failing, with the provincial minister of the order in England, whom failing, with the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle; to require that the minister and representatives of the house at Knaresborough, whom failing, the prior of Durham, whom failing, the vicar of Newcastle, come to the hospital each year after the death of William de Wakefeld within a fortnight of Trinity Sunday and conduct a visitation; to state that the grantor is to place in the hospital suitable replacements for those brothers, poor and infirm persons, and clerks who die or leave, until his death, whereafter the keeper and brethren are to be responsible for this, whom failing, the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle.
Sealed interchangeably: with the seals of William de Wakefeld' and the chapter of Knaresborough on the part left with William de Acketon'; the seals of William de Acketon' and the town of Newcastle on the part left with William de Wakefeld' and the hospital; the seals of William de Wakefeld', of the chapter of Knaresborough, and of William de Acketon' on the part left with the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle in the common chest of the town; the seals of William de Acketon', of William de Wakefeld', and of Newcastle on the part left with the minister and convent of Knaresborough;
Witnesses: William de la Strother, then mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne; John de Emeldon, Nicholas Bagot and John de Camera, then bailiffs; Robert de Angerton, Thomas de Hette, Robert Qward', John de Bikere, Adam Brid', John Plumber, Nicholas Cook ( cocus).
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, Wednesday before Whitsun [20 May] 1360.
Date: manor of Auckland, 2 October 1361.
Date: Durham, 20 April [13]63.
Printed in: H. Bourne, The History of Newcastle upon Tyne, (Newcastle upon Tyne 1736, reprint 1980), appendix after p.246.
Digitised version
f.177r    25 May 1363
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Walter de Swynhowe and his heirs of free warren in all the bishop's demesne lands in Scremerston, in Norhamshire, so long as they lie outside the bounds of the bishop's forest; none to enter the warren for hunting or taking anything pertaining to the warren without licence of Walter or his heirs, on the bishop's penalty of £10.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevill', Thomas Gray, William Heron, knights; Robert de Hagreston'; Alexander de Chesewyk; John de Kyngeston', chancellor of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 6 July, Pont. 16 [1361]
Date: Durham, 25 May 1363.
Slightly shortened version of entry on f.174r.
Digitised version
f.177r    30 September 1362
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general of William Fraunceys, chaplain, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 40s yearly to be received therefrom by the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1362.
Digitised version
f.177r    [18 October 1362]
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Mr Alexander de Nevill' to the prebend of Skelton, in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of John de Prouano [?], last prebendary thereof.
Copy of entry on f.173r, dated 18 October 1362.
Digitised version
f.177v    [8 July] 1363
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts of William Bukbrigge, canon of the chapel royal Hastings, to the prebend of Thorpe, in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Adam Roblyn, canon and prebendary of Thorpe.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. July 1363.
Digitised version
f.177v    14 July 1363
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Thomas Webster, chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe, in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 14 July 1363.
Original: DCD 4.1.Ebor.40.
Digitised version
f.177v    10 March 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Adam Yoman of the office of parker of his park of Birtley [par. Brancepeth] to be held for life of the bishop and his successors for 1d daily and fees used and wont.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 8 February, Pont. 16. [1361]
Date: Durham, 10 March 1363/4.
Digitised version
f.178r    3 September 1363
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Hugh, called cook, of the office of purchaser (emptor ) of their abbey of Durham to be held for life, receiving for bearing the office, within and without the town as directed by the cellarer or one taking his place, a daily allowance, specified, a robe yearly, when the prior makes his general livery, and 1 mark yearly from the cellarer; Hugh to make amends for failing in the office, according to the view of lawworthy men, and to receive his allowance, without the pension, if incapacitated by age or ill-health; Hugh having sworn, as shown in his letters patent, to bear the office faithfully.
Date: Durham, 3 September 1363.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxxxviii-cxxxix.
Digitised version
f.178r    18 March 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Short of the office of forester in his high forest of Weardale, which William de Werdale sometime had and which Adam Batmanson' lately occupied to be held for life of the bishop and his successors, receiving therefor yearly the wages and fees used and wont to the office of old.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 26 November, Pont. 19. [1363]
Date: Durham, 18 March 1363/4.
Digitised version
f.178v    3 September 1363
Inspeximus by John prior and the covent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard [Poore], bishop of Durham, to William son of William of Cornhill (Cornhall) of the vill of Cornhill [on Tweed], except the advowson of the chapel thereof to be held by him and his heirs, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity, as it was held by William's forbears after it was exchanged for the vill of Horncliffe by Hugh, bishop of Durham; rendering yearly to the bishop and his successors 18 marks yearly at the four terms appointed in Norhamshire for all other service except forinsec service and common aid; and when Cornhill mill is unable to grind, his men and tenants are to use the bishop's mill at Twizel for [multure at] every thirteenth measure, with William and his heirs using the mill free of multure.
Witnesses: John de Rumes[ey], the bishop's steward; Master Robert de Ambianis, Oger de Tyoys, Gilbert de Hospitali, William de Bromham, Roger de la Laye, Simon de Ennezse, bishop's clerks.
Date: Tarrant [Keyneston], 5 Id. April, Pont 7. [9 April 1235]
Date: Durham, 3 September 1363.
Copy: Bodleian Lib. MS Dodsworth 49 f.7v.
Northumberland and Durham deeds : from the Dodsworth mss. in Bodley's library, Oxford, ed. A.M. Oliver (Newcastle upon Tyne Records Committee 7, 1929). p.100.
Two further copies of this charter, incorporated in two copies of an inspeximus of 1367, occur on f.269r and f.344v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.274-275.
Digitised version
f.178v-179r    [?1158]
Records of the Tyne fisheries made by the elders of the Haliwerefolk and of Northumberland at the time of Henry I, at the time of Bishop Ralph and in the presence of Walter de Spech and Eustace son of John, justices [? 1128]: from Stanleyburne to Tynemouth, as far as the sea, half of the Tyne pertains to St Cuthbert and the bishopric of Durham, and the other pertains to the county of Northumberland; a third part in midstream is common; the water to be measured at the maienflodh, when the river is full (de banch en banch) beginning at Stanleyburn, the fishings are:
St Hilda yare and St Ebba yare, which belong to Westoe;
Ful yare in Pul, Ebbe yare, Aches yare, Uth yare, Hutredes yare, Staure yare, pertaining to Jarrow;
Fule yare, Hungre yare pertaining to Monkton;
Peth yare, Sywyne yare, Uthward yare pertaining to Hebburn;
Uthward yare, Uth' yare, Londe yare, Hoochenninges yare, Bondene yare, Fiddene yare, pertaining to Heworth suor.
Belonging to the land of the bishop of Durham:
Goureth, Omper, Hunlf' [?] yare, Bosi Hongri yare, Dike yare, Elfletes yare, Chirche yare and another Chirche yare, Lether hose Green yare, Daphe yare, Essulnes yare, Malde yare, Luccel yare, Bonde yare, the two Comtithe yares, pertaining to Gateshead;
Timminches yare, Hurlhomes yare, Grip, Rote, Wornerch Deape ayre [sic], Alcherles yare, Heliwerestem, pertaining to Whickham;
one net, namely Draunet, pertaining to Derwentmouth;
Berde yare, Bladene yare, two nets called Tol and Pul and four stelnettes, two rednettes pertaining to Winlaton;
Crumbwel, Wythespole, Stampul, Pul, four stelnettes, pertaining to Ryton;
Buresfurdes Pul, pertaining to Crawcrook;
the record made by the elders of the Haliwerfolk and Northumberland in the time of Henry II, before Roger, archbishop of York, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, Hugh, bishop of Durham, and Richard de Luc[y], the king's justices, at Newcastle [? 1158]: on that side of the Tyne the monks of Durham have eight fisheries:
Bondewe yare, Wales yare, Utwardis yare, Holmes yare , belonging to Wallsend;
Teoting' yare, Sinipes yare, Rahgere, Utwardis yare , belonging to Willington.
Printed from another version in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62, 1875), p.39-41.
Discussed in Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152 , ed H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.62-63.
Digitised version
f.179r    14 February 1363
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Mr John de Thoresby, doctor of laws, to the church of Brantingham; saving a pension of 10 marks yearly due to them and to the office of the chamberlain of Durham.
Date: Durham, 14 February 1362/3.
Digitised version
f.179r    22 April 1364
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of John de Wyvestowe, clerk, to the church of Blyborough, vacant by the death of John de Kyllum, last rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1364.
Digitised version
f.179v-181r    30 March 1364
Inspeximus by John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus, saving their right of visitation.
Inspeximus by Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, reciting the following licence, grant and grant tripartite, and confirming the endowment, with the chaplains to pay a yearly pension of 4s at the terms appointed in Howdenshire, over and above the old farm, services and customs of the said lands and possessions; and saving his and his church of Durham's right, jurisdiction (&c).
Licence by Edward [III], king of England, to Richard de Ask' to assign 7 messuages, one mill, 140 acres of land, 9½ acres of meadow, and 109s of rent in Linton, next to Balkholme, Newland, Eastrington, Greenoak, Howden, Blacktoft, Staddlethorpe and Barmby to two chaplains to hold masses, for Richard's health and the salvation of his soul and the souls of the late William de Percy and all the faithful deceased, in St Mary's chapel, Linton; to be held by the chaplains and their successors, of Richard and his successors in perpetuity, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, saving service used and wont to the chief lords of the fees.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 4 December, 35 Edward III. [1361]
Grant by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York (&c) to Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, having lately been presented by Richard de Ask, donzel, with the following commission, that he may accept compensation from Richard de Ask for property held of the bishop in Howdenshire, and may consent to the use of the property by Richard as endowment for a chantry of two or three priests.
Commission by Innocent [VI], pope, to John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, to grant by papal authority, if the circumstances are satisfactory, to Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, the power to accept compensation from Richard Ask', donzel of York dioc., for property held of the bishop by Richard in Howdenshire, and to consent to Richard's intended use of it; the bishop and Richard having petitioned the pope to grant the bishop such power, as Richard desires to make use of the property to endow a chantry of two or three priests, but the bishop cannot agree to his proposals because of his oath taken at his consecration not to alienate the property and rights of his see without consulting the pope.
Date: Avignon, 3 Id. March, Pont. 8. [13 March 1360]
Date: Cawood, 13 July 1361.
Grant (tripartitite) by Richard de Ask' to Ralph de Wresill', chaplain, and Richard de Gunneys, chaplain, and their successors, chaplains of St Mary's chapel, Linton, of his manor of Linton; 40s rent from the lands and tenements sometime held by Gilbert de Lincoln' in Blacktoft, with right to distrain therefor, as contained in Gilbert's charter; 2 messuages, 36 acres of land, and 20s rent yearly, with service, from Thomas Sty and his heirs for the tenement he holds of Richard in the same vill; 6s rent from Alice de Metham and her heirs, with service, for the tenement she holds of Richard in Eastrington; a messuage with adjacent croft in Newland; a messuage and an oxgate of land in Barmby; a messuage and 2 acres of meadow in Howden; and whatever Richard has in Greenoak, Eastrington, Newland, Howden and Barmby; to be held by Ralph and Richard, celebrating masses every day for the souls of William de Percy, knight, Conan de Ask', the grantor's father, for the health of the grantor while he live and for his soul after his death (&c), as ordered by the grantor and his heirs, of the chief lords of the fees for service used and wont in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Thomas de Metham, knight; Peter de Saltmarsk', knight; William Dayvill' of Burland, Nicholas Roscelyn, William Lang'.
Date: Linton next to Howden, Thursday, Michaelmas [29 September] 1362.
Date: manor of Howden, 24 July 1363.
Date: Durham, 30 March 1364.
Digitised version
f.181r    24 May 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his bailiffs and others informing them that he has granted exemption from service on assizes, juries and inquests to Waleran de Birtley, his servant (valettus), for life, unless his oath be sought of necessity according to statute, and instructing them not to disturb Waleran in contradiction of this grant.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 3 April, Pont. 19. [1364]
Date: Durham, 24 May 1364.
Digitised version
f.181r-v    24 May 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Hugh, servant (valetto) of his buttery, of the office of forester of his wood of Broadwood, to be held for life with all fees (&c) used and wont of old.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 20 December, Pont. 19. [1363]
Date: Durham, 24 May 1364.
Digitised version
f.181v    26 June 1364
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Uthred, monk of Durham, S.T.P., and John de Haliden', their familiar, appointing them proctors to act on their behalf in reaching a settlement with Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby, Leicestershire, and whatever other persons.
Date: Durham, 26 June 1364.
See also f.182v.
Digitised version
f.181v    26 June 1364
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of William Pullore, chaplain, to the church of Meldon; saving a pension of 40s yearly due to the sacrist of Durham therefrom.
Date: Durham, 26 June 1364.
Digitised version
f.182r    10 August 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by Thomas, bishop of Durham, at the request of William de Ryse, to Thomas de Ecton', clerk, that he be able to give to Adam Bronhom', chaplain, keeper of a chantry in the church of Etton, and his fellow chaplains there, and their successors one bovate of land in Lund next to Watton, between the land of Roger de la More, knight, and the land of Simon de Rotse, which Thomas holds of Thomas de Thweng, who holds it in turn from the lord Percy, who holds it in turn from the bishop and his successors; to be held by the keeper and chaplains of the chief lords of the fee by service used and wont; saving services used and wont to the bishop and his successors and to the other lords of the fees, and saving the right and liberty of the church of Durham.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 16 February, Pont. 19. [1364]
Date: Durham, 10 August 1364.
Digitised version
f.182r    16 October 1364
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Thomas Appelby, vicar of Norham, of a pension of 2 marks yearly so long as he remain vicar there to be received from them or their proctor at Norham.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1364.
Digitised version
f.182v    3 January 1365
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of John de Ravenser (no benefice given) to the prebend of Barmby in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Richard de Ravenser, canon of Howden and prebendary of Barmby.
Date: Durham, 3 January 1364/5.
Digitised version
f.182v    20 April 1365
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Richard de Birtley, monk of Durham, and John de Halyden', their familiar, appointing them proctors to act on their behalf in reaching a settlement with Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby, Leicestershire, and any other persons.
Date: Durham, 20 April 1365.
See also f.181v.
Digitised version
f.183r    13 November [136]5
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to T[homas], bishop of Durham, of Robert Vescy of Conisbrough, priest, to the vicarage of Branxton vacant by the resignation of Henry de Dalton', last vicar thereof.
Date: “&c” 13 November [136]5.
Digitised version
f.183r    13 November [?1365]
Presentation by the prior and convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Mr Stephen de Ravenser, canon of Lincoln and prebendary of Clifton, to the prebend of Saltmarshe in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Retford, canon of Howden and prebendary of Clifton.
Date: “&c”, 13 November [? 1365].
Digitised version
f.183r    1 December 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to J[ohn], bishop of Lincoln, of Henry de Thorp', rector of Wigtoft, Lincoln dioc., to the church of St Mary at (supra) the bridge, Stamford, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Walington, rector of St Mary at the bridge; saving to the prior and convent a pension of 5 marks yearly owed therefrom.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1366.
Digitised version
At the foot are four and a half lines (trimmed) from an incomplete or draft entry. This appears to be a mandate, evidently concerned with the payment of the remainder of a pension.
Digitised version
Letter (badly faded and subsequently treated with reagent) by W. prior and the convent of L., asking for prayers for deceased brethren [?].
Digitised version
f.184r    6 January 1405
[Added on blank page:] Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to Walter, bishop of Durham, for the interment of his body in a prominent place, to be chosen by him, in the northern part of the choir of their church; acknowledging in particular his benefactions towards their college at Oxford.
Date: Durham, 6 January 1404/5.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxciii.
Digitised version
[Three separate additions on a blank page.] List of places where thurntoll is customarily taken, with direction of travel for which the tolls applied: Chester[le Street]; Sunderland; Everardbrigg' ; Wolsingham; Witton brigg' ; Rainton and Houton' [? Houghton]; Sedgefield; Norton; Grindon; Durham.
Digitised version
f.184v    6 May 1378
Defeasance by John de Nevill, lord of Raby, knight, to the prior and convent of Durham suspending repayment of 400 marks out of £400 owed to him by the prior and convent, as contained in their two bonds; so long as they maintain a monk to say mass in their monastery for the souls of his late parents Ralph de Nevill' and Lady Alesia, and their children; with the prior and convent and their successors to be wholly quit of the 400 marks after they confirm this chantry in writing.
Date: Brancepeth, 6 May 1378.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxliv-cxlv.
Digitised version
f.184v    [1133 x 1141]
Grant in alms (margin: Collation), by G[eoffrey], bishop of Durham, to Alverd, clerk, of the churches of Durham St Nicholas and Boldon, along with Old Durham and a fourth part of Biddick; to be held as Mr William held them.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeacon; Fabian, clerk; Simund; Mr Erkebald; Osbern, the bishop's grandson (nepos); Robert de Amundivill'; Robert Luvell'; Robert Brit[one]; Robert Flandr[ ense]; Robert son of Ralph [?: “Radufi”]; Meldred son of Dolfin; Roger son of Roger de Coisner; Thomas son of Osbern.
Printed in Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152 , ed H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.126-127.
Digitised version
Table of contents of the remainder of the volume, using old foliation.
f.185r Corrodies or liveries.
f.185r-186r Presentations to churches and collations of chantries.
f.186r-187r Confirmations.
f.187r Procurations and submissions.
f.187r Attorneys.
f.187r-v Pensions and provisions.
f.187v Testimonials, certificates, licences and bulls.
f.188r Commissions, declarations and powers.
f.188r Conventions, concords and prohibitions.
f.188r-v Mandates or premonitions and precepts.
f.188r Bulls.
f.188v Obligations with defeasances and acquittances.
f.188v Monition and citations.
f.189r Visitations of the bishops of Durham.
f.189r [Lists of bishops, kings, popes and archbishops.]
f.189r Letters of fraternity, sorority and burial, writs and other diverse letters.
f.189r Election processes.
f.189v [Inquisitions].
f.189v Manumissions.
f.189v Demises or concessions of lands.
f.189v Absolutions on indulgences.
f.189v [Excommunications.]
f.189v [Charters of liberties.]
f.189v Creations of hermits.
f.190r Accounts of tenths paid.
f.190r Ordinances or foundations of hospitals, religious houses or vicarages.
f.190v [Royal writs.]
Digitised version
[Added on blank page:] Account of the foundation and early history of the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow.
Digitised version
f.191v    2 September c.1350 x 1400
[Two separate additions on blank page:]
Form of letters creating a hermit.
Date: Durham, 2 September 1000 “&c”.
Digitised version
f.191v    [31 October 1370]
Inspeximus by Thomas [bishop of Durham] confirming the following collation, having been further certified of the legitimacy of the union of the two chantries by trustworthy witnesses.
Collation by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Brakenbiry, priest, of the chantries of St James' chapel at the end of the new [i.e. Elvet] bridge, Durham, and St Andrew's chapel on the same bridge.
Date: Durham, 18 October 1370.
Date: Durham, the eve of All Saints', Pont. 26.
Digitised version
f.192r    16 November 1362
Proxy by the prior and the convent of Durham to R. de Brakynbery, Roger de Allerton', monks of Durham, Mr John de Hagthorpe, William de Graystanys, and John de Wynestow appointing them as their proctors in all causes, business, suits and plaints concerning the priory.
Date: Durham, 16 November 1362.
Digitised version
f.192r-v    10 July 1367
Proxy by John prior and the convent [later deleted and replaced with “chapter”] of Durham to Mr Henry de Gategan[g], rector of Welton, and Thomas Benet, rector of [Kirby] Sigston, appointing them their proctors to attend for them and their appropriated churches, pensions and portions in the diocese of York at the visitation by John, archbishop of York, or his commissaries; with promise to stand surety for the proctors.
Date: Durham, 10 July 1367.
Original (?draft): DCD Loc.XXXVII:69.
Digitised version
f.192v-193r    18 June 1366
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Ingkelby, knight; Richard de Birtheley, monk of Durham; Roger de Fulthorp and Hugh de Westwik, familiars of the priory appointing them their proctors to treat and reach an agreement with Richard de Vernown, knight, Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby (Leicestershire, Lincoln dioc.), and whatsoever others.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1366.
Digitised version
f.193r    18 June 1366
Proxy by John, prior of Lytham, with assent of his fellow monks, to Thomas de Ingkelby, knight; Richard de Birtley, monk [of Durham]; Roger de Fulthorp'; Hugh de Westwyk', appointing them his proctors to treat with and reach an agreement with Richard de Vernown, knight, Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby (Leicestershire, Lincoln dioc.), and whatsoever others.
Sealed with “the seal which I use”.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1366.
Digitised version
f.193r    2 October 1365
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Roger de Fulthorp' and John de Aliden [cf. Haliden] appointing them their proctors to treat with and reach an agreement with Nicholas Allerwasse, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby (Leicestershire, Lincoln dioc.), and whatsoever others.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1365.
Digitised version
f.193r-v    23 April 1367
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to Robert de Walleworth, prior of Coldingham, John de Lomley and Simon de Leynthorp', monks of Durham, appointing them their proctors to treat with and reach an agreement with William, bishop of St Andrews, concerning the augmentation of the vicarage portion of Berwick Holy Trinity.
Date: Durham, 23 April 1367.
Digitised version
f.193v    1 October 1366
Proxy by the prior and chapter or convent of Durham to John Scott', literatus of Durham dioc., appointing him their proctor to seek and receive the revenues of their churches of Norham and Holy Island from the parishioners thereof, or from others withholding them; and to contest legal actions and do anything else required in connexion with the foregoing; with promise to stand surety for him.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1366.
Digitised version
f.193v-194r    4 December 1366
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham to John de Normanby, prior of Lytham, and Richard de Eden', monks [of Durham]; William de Hessewell', priest, and William de Bridekerk, literatus, appointing them their proctors to act for them and their priory of Lytham, before John, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, at his visitation of his diocese of York, and also in the visitations of the archdeacon of Richmond; with promise to stand surety for the proctors or any substitutes.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1366.
Digitised version
f.194r    23 July 1368
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Birtley, monk [of Durham], and Mr Geoffrey de Langton' appointing them their proctors to treat with and come to an agreement with Robert de Segyngton', rector of Normanton, York dioc., in the patronage of the prior and convent; concerning actions raised or to be raised between the said rector, or John Raven, his predecessor in the said church, on the one part, and the prior and convent on the other part, by reason of the tithes of the mills of Normanton; with promise to stand surety for the proctors.
Date: Durham, 23 July 1368.
Digitised version
f.194r-v    27 September 1368
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Staunton', clerk, appointing him their proctor to act for them in their absence in all causes, business, suits and actions before whatsoever judges or their vicegerents; with promise to stand surety for him.
Date: Durham, 27 September 1368.
Digitised version
f.194v-195r    [6 May 1369]
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his official of Durham having received at his manor of Wheel Hall, 6 May 1369, and reciting the following writ
Writ of summons by Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, instructing him to attend a parliament to be held at Westminster, the octave of Trinity next; and to forewarn the prior and chapter of Durham and the archdeacons and clergy of his diocese to attend: the prior and archdeacons in person and the chapter and clergy by one and two proctors respectively.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 6 April, 43 Edward [III]. [1369]
committing power to him to execute the writ, and requiring certification eight days before the said date, in letters patent incorporating the foregoing.
Date: as above [Wheel Hall, 6 May 1369].
Digitised version
f.195r    27 May 1369
Proxy by John prior and the chapter of Durham to Hugh de Westwik, rector of Egglescliffe, and Thomas de Hexham appointing them, or either of them, their proctors to be present in their name before the king or the keeper of England in parliament, in the octave of Trinity next at Westminster.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1369.
Digitised version
f.195r-v    24 August [1370]
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, to Robert de Claxton', prior of Stamford, appointing him his proctor to attend in his place the provincial chapter at Northampton, the Monday after Exaltation of the Holy Cross [16 September], with continuation of two days thereafter, 1370; since he will be unable to attend in person because of frailty and ill-health.
Date: Durham, 24 August [1370].
Digitised version
f.195v    [c. June 1381]
Letters excusatory by Robert, prior of Durham, for his inability to attend the provincial chapter at Northampton, the Monday after St Thomas the Martyr 1381; citing: the need for his presence at the peace negotiations being conducted with the Scots by [John of Gaunt,] king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, and other magnates, in name of the king [of England]; and knowing not how long he will be detained in connexion therewith; and the vacancy of the see of Durham, following the death of Thomas, last bishop thereof; which vacancy will last beyond the date set for the provincial chapter, and requires the prior to take the bishop's place in temporalities and spiritualities in the meantime. Followed by a note of [proxy ?]
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.208-209.
Digitised version
f.195v-196r    8 June [13]81
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, deputed visitor general of the Benedictines in the dioceses of York, Durham and Carlisle by the provincial chapter held at Northampton, to Uthred [of Boldon], subprior of Durham, S.T.P., to undertake visitations of the abbeys of St Mary's York beginning 14 June, Selby beginning 17 June, Monk Bretton beginning 20 June, and Whitby beginning 25 June.
Date: Durham, 8 June [13]81.
Digitised version
f.196r-v    14 June 1381
Certification by William, abbot of St Mary's York, to Robert, prior of Durham, deputed visitor general of the Benedictines, &c, as in the preceding entry, having received on 9 May, and reciting the following mandate, informing the prior that he has executed the mandate and that the names of those cited are given in an attached schedule.
Mandate and citation by Robert, prior of Durham, to William, abbot of St Mary's York, instructing him to warn his fellow monks and brothers to assemble on 14 June for visitation; summoning him to be present in the chapter house of the abbey on the said date before the prior or his commissary and undergo visitation; and requiring certification as to what he will have seen fit to do in the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 10 April 1381.
Date: [St Mary's abbey, York], 14 June [sic] 1381.
Digitised version
f.196v    30 June [1381]
Certification by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, having received on 5 June, and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by Alexander, archbishop of York, to the prior and chapter of Durham informing them that, the see of Durham being vacant, he means to undertake a visitation of their priory on Monday 8 July next to come, with continuation if need be; instructing them to assemble therefor in their chapter- house on the said date before him or his commissaries, one or more; and requiring certification by letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, directed to him or his commissaries before the said Monday, of the date of receipt of the presents and of what they shall have determined to do in the foregoing.
Date: manor of Beverley, 3 June 1381.
informing the archbishop or his commissaries that they will attend as required and undergo visitation.
Date: Durham, 30 June [1381].
See also f.203r-v below.
Digitised version
f.197r    22 October 1383
Notarial instrument recording that in the chapter house of Durham, Robert de Walworth', prior of Durham, Robert de Blaklaw, subprior, Robert de Brakanby &c, monks of Durham, appointed John Mowbray, Geoffrey de Scrop', and Thomas de Walkyngton', doctors of laws, their proctors in the Roman Curia with general powers, but specifying the obtaining of apostolic letters of grace and justice, and the gainsaying of letters obtained against them. (name of notary public not given)
Date: Durham, 22 October 1383.
Digitised version
f.197r    [? 1381]
Certification by Robert, prior of Durham, to John, abbot of Whitby, deputed visitor of the Benedictines in the dioceses of York, Durham and Carlisle by the provincial chapter held at Northampton, or his commissaries, one or more, having received on 30 May and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by John [abbot of Whitby] to [Robert, prior of Durham,] “as in the preceding folio, at such a sign”
(with two slightly differing versions of the certification clause).
informing the abbot that he has executed his mandate to cite all those who ought to be present at the visitation to attend before the abbot or his commissaries, the abovesaid date and place, and undergo visitation; with the names of those cited being supplied in an attached schedule.
Digitised version
f.197v    [1381]
Report of the arrangements for the funeral of Thomas de Hatfeld', bishop of Durham, who died at around 9 o'clock, 8 May 1381, at his house of Old Ford, near London; and of the election of John de Fordham, canon of York and secretary to the king, as bishop, 29 May [1381]. Including mention of the bishop of Hereford, saying masses as the body was borne back to Durham, and Lord Nevill, involved in discussions preceding the funeral.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxlviii-cli.
Digitised version
f.198r-199v    [? June 1381]
Petition and decretum electionis by the prior and chapter of Durham to Urban [VI], pope, referring to the death of Thomas de Hatefeld', bishop of Durham and giving an account of the election of John de Fordham as bishop of Durham by the chapter of Durham, having obtained licence from Richard [II], king of England, and having appointed a date for the election in chapter on 13 May [1381]; recording that Robert de Waleworth', prior, Utred de Bolton', subprior, and fifty-four named monks of Durham convened on Wednesday 29 May 1381, the appointed day, in chapter at Durham, and prorogued the election to the following day; and that on Thursday 30 May they elected the prior, subprior, and seventeen other named monks, including heads of cells and office-holders, as compromissaries to elect a bishop; and that the compromissaries elected John de Fordham, priest, canon of York, as bishop, and chose Uthred de Bolton' to make public his election; incorporating an
Instrument recording the election of John de Fordham by the compromissaries and including a statement by Uthred de Bolton' recounting his naming, in chapter, of John de Fordham as the compromissaries' choice. n.d.
recording the publication by Uthred, in the common tongue, of the result of the election to the clergy and people in the cathedral; and the appointment by the chapter on Friday 31 May of John de Acley, S.T.P., and John de Beryngton', monks of Durham, as their proctors to inform John de Fordham of his election, and to ask his assent thereto; and that the proctors later on personally passed to John de Fordham and presented him with his election, with his answer being given in the form of an
Instrument recording the form of words used by John de Fordham in assenting to his election as bishop of Durham; n.d.
and that the same proctors presented John to Richard [II], king of England, by whom he was admitted as bishop; and asking for the pope's confirmation of the election and his provision of John de Fordham to the bishopric; with the signs and subscriptions of their notaries (unnamed).
Date: Durham.
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f.200r-202v    13 May - 3 June 1381
Notarial instrument recording the process of the election of John de Fordham as bishop of Durham reciting
Licence by Richard [II], king of England, to the prior and convent of Durham to elect a bishop following the death of Thomas, last bishop of Durham. Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 May, 4 Richard [II: 1381].
recording the appointment by Robert Walworth', prior, and the chapter of Durham, on 13 May, of 29 May as the date for the election; and that the chapter “as above” entered the chapter house on the appointed day; reciting
Certification by Richard de Byrtley, prior of Farne, to Robert prior and the chapter of Durham having received
Citation and mandate by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham to Richard de Byrtley, prior of Farne, summoning him to attend in chapter in Durham 29 May 1381 for the election of a bishop of Durham; and instructing him to cite their fellow monks to attend therefor.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. May [13 May] 1381.
stating that he will attend as cited, and that as instructed he has cited Adam de Knaresburgh', his fellow monk dwelling with him, to attend . Date: island of Farne, 25 May [1381].
Certification by John, prior of Holy Island, to Robert prior and the chapter of Durham having received
Citation and mandate by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham as above.
stating that as instructed he has cited Robert de Claxton', prior of Coldingham, and William de Werdall', William de Trollop and Richard de Eden', monks dwelling with him, to attend.
Date: Holy Island, 24 May [1381].
Certification by John de Acley, monk and keeper of the church of Durham's house at Oxford, to Robert prior and the chapter of Durham having received
[Citation and mandate] by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham “&c” stating that as instructed he has cited Robert Pikton', Robert Blaklawe, Robert Rypon', John Bywell', Walter Tesdaill', Thomas Hampstirlay and William Appylby, dwelling with him, to attend.
Date: Durham college, Oxford, 14 Kal. June [19 May] [1381].
Certification by William, prior of Lytham, to Robert prior and the chapter of Durham having received
[Citation and mandate] by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham to William de Aslakby, prior of Lytham, “&c as above” stating that as instructed he has cited William de Kellowe, fellow monk dwelling with him, to attend.
Date: Lytham, 24 May [1381].
which certifications were read in chapter, 29 May 1381; recording that Robert de Langchestr' warned those who ought not to be present to withdraw, and reciting
Commission by Robert Walworth', prior of Durham; Uthred de Bolton', subprior; John de Acley “&c as above” to Robert de Langchestr', monk of Durham, to warn those who ought not to be present at the election of a future bishop to withdraw.
Date: [Durham,] 13 May [1381].
recording the prorogation of the election to the following day, when 19 compromissaries, as in the preceding entry, chose John de Fordham, priest, canon of York; and the appointment by 18 of the compromissaries of Uthred de Bolton', subprior, and reciting
Commission by 18 compromissaries (named) to Uthred de Bolton', subprior, to provide the chapter of Durham with their choice as bishop and to announce their choice to the clergy and people.
[Date: 30 May 1381]
Instrument recording the form of words used by Uthred de Bolton', subprior, to elect John de Fordham as bishop of Durham. recording the subsequent procession to the high altar, the singing of the Te Deum, and the announcement of the result of the election to the assembled people and clergy by Uchtred de Bolton'; and recording the appointment on the following day of proctors, reciting
Notarial instrument recording that the prior and chapter appointed John de Acley, S.T.P., and John de Beryngton [terrar], monks of Durham, their proctors to ask John de Fordham, canon of York, to consent to his election as bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Mr William de Farneham, Hugh de Fleteham, John de Hakthorp the elder, Hugh de Corbryg, Richard de Rypon', clerks of York, Carlisle and Durham dioceses.
Notary: Roger de Cateryk, clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority
Date: Durham, 31 May 1381.
recording that the proctors went to John de Fordham and sought his consent; reciting
Instrument recording John de Fordham's assent to his election as bishop.
recording that on 16 June the prior and convent, through their same proctors, presented John de Fordham to the king, with the proctors bearing the following
Presentation by the prior and chapter of Durham to Richard [II], king of England, asking his consent to the election of John de Fordham as bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 3 June 1381.
and the king accepting John de Fordham and the election of the same.
Notary: Roger de Cateryk, clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority.
Witnesses to the events of 29-31 May: Mr William de Farneham, rector of W., York dioc.; Hugh de Fleteham, advocate of the court of York; John de Hakthorp, clerk of Carlisle dioc., NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham, 13 May 1381 [i.e. the date at the opening of the instrument, and merely the date of the first of the events described].
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Acta of Alexander Nevyll', archbishop of York; the see of Durham being vacant by the death of Dom T[homas] Hatfelde, bishop of Durham, [13]81”
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f.203r-204r    [1381]
Description of events during the vacancy of the bishopric including:
Account of the visitation of the priory by commissaries of the archbishop of York, set for Monday next after [the translation of] St Thomas the Martyr [8 July 1381], but prorogued until 17 July;
Form of words used by Robert, prior of Durham, and John de Fordham at the installation of the latter as bishop of Durham.
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f.204v-205r    6 May 1383
Notarial instrument recording the presence in the chapter house of Durham of John, bishop of Durham, for a visitation of the prior and chapter of Durham, and of Robert de Walworth', prior of Durham, Robert de Blaklawe, subprior, and fifty other monks of Durham (named), to undergo visitation; the bishop protesting that though the visitation should be made in accordance with the constitution of Boniface VIII, namely that he should have with him two or three tonsured clerks, one of whom, at least, should be a religious [a Benedictine] and another a notary, he wished, with the consent of the prior and chapter, to omit the religious and proceed to visitation with two secular clerks and a notary; the prior and convent protesting that by custom predating the constitution the religious should be a monk of Durham, but agreeing to the omission of the monk of Durham at the present visitation; and protesting that this omission would in no wise prejudice the force of the said custom in future visitations.
Witnesses: Mr Thomas de Walkington, D.Dec., dean of Oxford; Mr Henry Gudberne, professor of canon and civil law, canon of the church of York; Stephen de Houden', rector of Newton le Wold, Lincoln dioc.
Notary: Roger de Cateryk, clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority. (More than one notary was present, but no other eschatocols are recited)
Date: Durham, 6 May 1383.
Another copy: DCD Loc.XXVII:23a.
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f.205r-v    [1383]
Account of negotiations preceding the visitation of Durham priory by John, bishop of Durham; the visitation being set for the Monday after the Invention of the Cross [4 May] 1383, and being postponed to the following day and to the Wednesday because the prior and convent protested that the bishop had contravened established custom by bringing with him a monk of St Mary's abbey, York, (as the Benedictine monk required by Boniface VIII's constitution relating to visitations of the priory) to take part in the visitation instead of a monk of Durham; the parties agreeing to accept arbitration on pain of £1,000, as contained in an indenture, and the bishop agreeing to conduct the visitation with two secular clerks and one secular notary, as in the preceding entry.
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f.205v    6 May 1383
Bond by John, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham for £1,000, by way of loan; to be repaid to the prior and convent or their successors at Whitsun 1384.
Date: 6 May 1383.
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f.205v    6 May 1383
Bond by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham to John, bishop of Durham, for £1,000 to be paid at Whitsun 1384; the bishop granting for himself, his heirs and executors, that the bond be of no force if the prior and convent agree to the ordinance of the bishop of Salisbury, with consent of Mr John Blauncharde and Mr John de Appelby, doctors of laws, concerning the dispute between the bishop and the prior and convent (as in the entries on f.204v-205r) before Easter next, or if the bishop of Salisbury produce no ordinance before the said term.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: 6 May 1383.
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All written later.
f.206r-v    c.1380
Libel made before John, priest of S Sabina, cardinal, or his commissary, by the proctor of Matthew de Bolton', vicar of St Nicholas' Newcastle upon Tyne, and other clergy with cure of souls of Durham dioc., against Richard de Helmesley O.P., complaining against his preaching in the Dominican house in Newcastle and elsewhere in English during February-May [137]8 and January-March 1379 concerning the offering of candles at Candlemas, offerings and tithes, churching of women, the honouring of friars' churches as much as parish churches, the observance of Omnis utriusque sexus on annual confession to the parochial clergy, offerings to friars' churches, the story of a great king with a most effective doctor and a false doctor, the illiteracy of local clergy, citation of parishioners by the local clergy before the bishop, the payment of mortuaries to the said Matthew, the payment of the mortuary of Matthew's parishioner Margaret de Euer to the Dominicans as being their parishioner rather than to Matthew, resulting in his excommunication; seeking sentence declaring such assertions false and imposing silence in repeating them, the public pronouncement of Richard's excommunication until worthy of absolution and his public preaching of his error in these matters.
Printed and discussed in H.L. Spencer, “Friar Richard 'Of Both Sexes'”, in Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale. Essays in Honour of Anne Hudson, ed. H. Barr & A.M. Hutchison (Turnhout, Belgium, 2005), p.32-36. For mention of this case see H. Leith Spencer, English Preaching in the Late Middle Ages, (Oxford 1993), p.70. See also Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 158, f.142v-145r.
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Sentence by John, cardinal Corfien', deputed judge or commissary by Urban [VI], pope, in the cause between Matthew Bolton', vicar of St Nicholas Newcastle, and other clergy with cure of souls of Durham dioc., and Richard de Helmeslay O.P., over certain articles presented by the former, that Richard, with the articles in his possession, in the cathedral and in other places where he preached them, namely St Nicholas church and the Dominican house in Newcastle, within forty days of being required to do so by Matthew or other clergy, in English in the presence of the people during mass or a sermon, as fixed by the clergy, should renounce his errors and preach against them once in each specified place as required by Matthew or other clergy, providing the cardinal with assurance (fidem ) on these matters within eight months by a public instrument; that he should go to the persons whom he told that they should not pay mortuaries or the fourth portion in accordance with [Pope Clement V's decretal of 1312] Dudum [...] Super cathedram [Clement. III, vii, 2, see Corpus iuris canonici, ed. Richter (1881), p.1161-1164] to the prejudice of Matthew and the clergy, and tell them his error; that he should never act or speak against Matthew or the clergy, but should promote obedience in paying tithes and other dues; that he should only hear confessions remitted to him in accordance with Dudum and induce his brethren to do likewise; that he should not administer, nor procure other brethren to administer, the eucharist or extreme unction in the parishes of Matthew and the other clergy without their licence; that he should not impede Matthew, other clergy or their parochial chaplains from entering Dominican houses to administer the sacraments to secular persons there; that he should warn the executors of M[argaret] de E[uer], who died in the Dominican house in Newcastle, to satisfy the vicar of the parish for her mortuary and fourth portion; that he should not admit, and should impede others from admitting, parishioners of Matthew and other clergy for burial among his brethren unless by right or custom they have had their funeral (ultimum vale) in their parish church; that Richard should take an oath before the cardinal to observe everything, as warned to do.
Printed and discussed in: H.L. Spencer, “Friar Richard 'Of Both Sexes'”, in Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale. Essays in Honour of Anne Hudson, ed. H. Barr & A.M. Hutchison (Turnhout, Belgium, 2005), p.36-38. See also Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 158, f.142v-145r.
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f.207r-v    [26 August 1379]
Heading, with additions [by Thomas Swawell]:
Copy of the bull Frequentes [title De iudiciis in Extravagantes] on the decretal Dudum [see above] for the bishop of Durham, the prior and chapter and all the clergy of the diocese against the friars [preachers and minor and also 2 other orders].
[Swalwell's reference is to Extrav. II, ii,1 Frequentes immo, issued in 1327, see Corpus iuris canonici, ed. Richter (1881) 1251-54.]
Bull “Frequentes hactenus immo” by Urban [VI], pope, to the archbishop of York, the bishop of Carlisle, and the archdeacon of Richmond, following complaints from various quarters by bishops and parochial clergy against the Dominicans and Franciscans, substantially as found in Extrav . II, ii,1, see above.
Date: St Peter's Rome, 7 Kal. September, Pont. 2.
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f.207v    [24 June 1408]
Commission by Louis [Bonito], archbishop of Taranto, acting as papal penitentiary and by special command of the pope given by word of mouth, to the prior of Durham authorizing him to dispense John de Tynemouth, priest, professed monk of Durham, after a period of suspension from his orders, from the disabilities incurred by him in abandoning his habit and order, leaving his house without licence, taking with him goods belonging to the church, and living for a time in the world, during which time in ignorance of the law he celebrated and participated in the divine office, and to restore him to his former state; since the said John, having set out in a petition to the pope that having committed these offences he has now returned to his church, resumed his monastic habit, and restored the church's goods, has been absolved from the general excommunication which he incurred and has carried out the penance enjoined by his superiors.
Date: Lucca, 8 Kal. July, 2 Gregory XII.
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f.208r    [24 June 1408]
Commission by Louis [Bonito], archbishop of Taranto, acting as papal penitentiary and by special command of the pope given by word of mouth, to the prior of Durham authorizing him to absolve Thomas Essh', professed monk of Durham, from excommunication, when he has made satisfaction to Richard de Stokton', priest, professed monk of Durham, for wounding him, and, having imposed a suitable penance, to dispense him, after a period of suspension from his orders, from the irregularity of having in ignorance of the law exercised his orders while excommunicate and from the disability incurred by him through his conduct; since the said Thomas, has set out in a petition to the pope that he came under sentence of excommunication by wounding Richard de Stockton' first in the arm in the cloister of the church of Durham, and then in the stomach in the church, by attacking him with an unsheathed knife, but that Richard recovered from his wounds and was not disabled from his religious duties.
Date: Lucca, 8 Kal. July, Pont. Gregory XII 2.
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f.208r    2 September 1408
Absolution by John, prior of Durham, having received and reciting a commission by Louis [Bonito], archbishop of Taranto, penitentiary to Gregory XII, “&c as above ” to Thomas Essh', in the customary manner; firstly in the chapel of St Nicholas in presence of the notary and witnesses, and secondly in the chapter house in presence of the convent.
Notary: Thomas de Kihale, clerk of Lincoln dioc., NP by apostolic authority (eschatocol recited).
Witnesses: Mr John Augthorp, jurist, John Bynchestr', chaplain of Durham dioc.
Date: Durham, 2 September 1408.
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f.208r-v    c.1380s
Letters by T. Rome, deputed commissary of J[ohn], prior of Durham, for the visitation of the church and parish of Allerton, to William Lewan', (margin: priest of the hospital of Allerton), rejecting and declaring false the latter's appeal against the accusations arising from the visitation because he has been judicially denounced as having for a long time held Alice Pakok, the commissary's subject (subdita ) in the parish of Allerton, as a concubine; and because William, sworn executor before the official of the spirituality of Allertonshire (which belongs to the priory of Durham) to carry out the last will of John Gillyng, lately vicar of Allerton, has failed to discharge [this duty] and kept the goods of the church of Allerton for his own use; this response being handed to “A. de B.”, William's proctor.
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f.208v    15 February 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John de Cawod the younger, Joan his wife and their heirs and assigns, of an annual rent of 13s 4d from their exchequer of Durham, in perpetuity; and if it happen that the rent be in arrears for 40 days after a term date, they are allowed, until satisfied of the rent, to distrain upon the lands of the prior and convent in Relley and in a tenement and 8 acres in Over Broom which were John's and Joan's.
Date: Durham, 15 February 1385/6.
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f.208v    17 June 1384
Proxy by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Blakelawe, subprior, bachelor of theology; Robert de Langchestr'; Mr John Stayneton' the elder; John de Hakthorp' the younger; appointing them their proctors to reach a settlement, in the name of the prior and convent and of their church of St Oswald's Durham, with John Leg', parishioner of St Oswald's and executor of Joan, his late wife, in the suit before the official of the bishop of Durham in the consistory of Durham, pending at the time of her death, between the said John and the prior and convent concerning the payment of mortuarium vivum ; and also with the inhabitants of Sidegate, Framwelgate, Milburngate, Crossgate, Allergate, South Street, and New Elvet, parishioners of St Oswald's, part of whom adhered to the said John against the prior and convent, and defended the same cause, lately raising an appeal through Mr William de Farneham, clerk, recently official of the bishop of Durham.
Date: [Durham,] 17 June 1384.
Also in DCD Cart.II, f.296v-297v.
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Memorandum, of the papal bull recited in the following entry.
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f.209r    30 June 1390
Mandate by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr Thomas Gretham, his vicar general in distant parts, having received and reciting the following bull
Bull by Boniface [IX], pope, to the bishop of Durham granting him authority to exercise episcopal and spiritual jurisdiction during the schism in those parts of Scotland in the diocese of St Andrews, namely the town and castle of Berwick and the land of Roxburgh, which are under the dominion of Richard [II], king of England; and in parts of the same diocese which should be acquired by the said king during the said schism; since Robert, sometime cardinal priest of the Twelve Apostles, now antipope, naming himself Clement [VII], has intruded “a certain son of iniquity” into the church of St Andrews.
Date: St Peter's [Rome], 16 Kal. February, Pont. 1. [19 January 1390]
instructing him to consider the reasons for the exchange of benefices intended by William de Shyrburn', vicar of Berwick upon Tweed, St Andrews dioc., and John Pays, vicar of Bedlington, and to authorize the exchange if he think fit; to receive the resignations of William and John, and, if the prior and convent of Durham, patrons of the vicarages, happen to present William and John to the bishop, to institute William to the vicarage of Bedlington by ordinary authority and John to the vicarage of Berwick by apostolic authority; requiring certification.
Date: Calais, 30 June 1390.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clx-clxii.
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f.209v    4 January 1403
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John de Gysburn, chaplain, of the keeping of the chapel of St Hild, for life so as to provide for the parishioners of [South] Shields, Harton and Westoe; having the manse and lands pertaining to the chapel, and half of the proceeds of the Holy Cross pyx, half of the wax offered in the chapel, all the lesser oblations, specified, including hedemespenys, the fish called Saynt Hilde fissh', and one mark yearly from the master of Jarrow; with consent of the master of Jarrow.
Date: (no place date) 4 January 1402/3.
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f.209v    March 1419
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to William Yonger', chaplain, of the chapel of St Hild, South Shields, for the term of ten years; holding divine service and ministering the sacraments to the parishioners in South Shields, Harton and Westoe, by himself or through any suitable chaplain; receiving a stipend, specified, as in the preceding entry; maintaining the manse during the term and leaving it and its appurtenances in suitable condition; with consent of the master of Jarrow;
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: (no place date) (blank) March 1418 [? /19].
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f.210r    [13]65
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William del Chaumbre of the office of marshal of the hall of the abbey of Durham, for life; receiving what others in the said office have been accustomed to receive; and, when prevented by age or ill-health from serving in the office, receiving a weekly allowance, specified, with a squire's robe yearly, when robes are handed out to others.
Date: “&c” [13]65.
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f.210r    27 July 1365
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John del Sayll' of the office of forester of their manor of Elvet and the wood thereof, and of their park of Shincliffe, for life, with a hostillar's servant's robe yearly, a three-weekly allowance, specified, including 4s., and rights, specified, in the wood of Elvet and the park of Shincliffe; and if incapacitated by infirmity, or occupied by service of the prior, or elsewhere by licence of the hostiller, he is to have [the office] kept by a suitable other.
Date: Durham, 27 July 1365.
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f.210r    3 September 1366
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Anlaby of a perpetual corrody, as taken by another squire of theirs, consisting of an allowance, specified, and a squire's robe yearly when the prior makes his general livery; and, if he be absent from the town for four days, his corrody is to be withdrawn from the fifth day until he return.
Date: Durham, 3 September 1366.
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f.210v    23 July 1368
Oath and grant by indenture : Gilbert de Holand' swearing to the prior and convent of Durham to render counsel, aid and labour as required, to travel on their business, and not to reveal their counsel to their damage; the prior and convent of Durham granting to Gilbert de Holand' a daily allowance, specified, a squire's robe every year at the prior's general livery, a salary of 10s, and keep for a horse, as taken by another squire of theirs; to be received by Gilbert, or his deputy during his absence on the monastery's business, for life; the foregoing, excepting the keep of the horse, to apply even if Gilbert be incapacitated by age or ill-health.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 23 July 1368.
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f.210v    17 May 1369
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Alan of Barnard Castle of the office of underporter (subjanitor) of their abbey of Durham; with a daily allowance as customarily taken by those in the same office, with a servant's robe yearly at the prior's general livery, and 6s 8d yearly.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1369.
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f.210v-211r    17 May 1369
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Walsch of the office of porter (janitor) of their cell of Holy Island; with a servant's robe to be taken yearly from the prior of the cell at his general livery, sustenance at the servants' common table in the hall, and 6s 8d yearly; having an allowance, specified, if incapacitated by age or ill-health; being not permitted to absent himself without licence of the prior of Holy Island or to sell his livery to anyone.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1369.
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f.211r    24 December 1369
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Margaret, widow of William Pymund, of a corrody, specified, for life, for various favours rendered and to be rendered by her.
Date: Durham, 24 December 1369.
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f.211r    24 December 1369
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Qwytton' of the office of cursor of their granary of Durham to be held for the whole of his life; receiving a daily allowance, specified, and a servant's robe at the prior's general livery; with Robert to continue to receive the livery for life in the event that he be incapable of continuing in the office because of age or disease; Robert having given his oath to the foregoing, as shown elsewhere in his letters.
Date: Durham, 24 December 1369.
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f.211r-v    [c.1369]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert Qwyton' of the office of forester of their park of Aycliffe for life, receiving a servant's robe yearly at the general livery, a three-weekly allowance of 2 strikes of wheat or other corn, such as the serjeant (serviens) of their manor of Ketton should happen to take, and the bark and branches in which timber cannot be found from all the trees from the park given to outsiders by the prior of Durham; on condition that, if he be unable to work, or is put by them into another office, he should have the park kept by a sufficient substitute; with Robert
[There follows what appear to be memoranda appended to, if not strictly forming part of these letters of appointment. These refer to Robert's continuing as cursor of the granary of Durham, to his food and drink allowance, to a servant's garment (garniamentum de secta garconum) for Robert's deputy in the office of “the said park”, the withdrawal of Robert's entitlements in the event of failing in the office of forester until amends be made, and the terrar's right, without judicial writ, to remove and replace Robert's deputy for failing in his office.]
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f.211r    1 February [?1370]
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Adam Curtays of one wagonload of coal at Rainton mine and a servant's robe yearly, or 10s should the prior and convent happen not to make livery, for life; for his service hitherto rendered.
Date: Durham, 1 February “year &c” [1369/70 ?].
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f.211v-212r    1 October [13]73
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam] de Masham of whatever others in the office of clerk of the sacristy of Durham have been accustomed to receive, so long as he be able to serve in the office; for life; making amends according to the view of trustworthy men if he fail in the office; with a weekly allowance, specified, and 10s yearly from their exchequer by the hands of the bursar, with the garment of a prior's squire yearly at the customary time when robes happen to be given, if incapacitated by age or illness; W[illiam] being unable to demand these entitlements if he happen to be promoted to priestly orders.
Date: Durham, 1 October [13]73.
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f.212r    16 May 1374
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Masham, clerk in the office of clerk of the sacristy of Durham, of daily and weekly allowances, specified, as their squires are accustomed to receive, and 20s yearly from the sacrist, with a clerk's robe every Christmas; for life, for carrying out his office; making amends for failing in the office according to the view of trustworthy men; and instead of the foregoing, if incapacitated by age or ill-health, receiving weekly allowances, specified, and 10s yearly from their exchequer by the hands of the bursar, with a prior's clerk's garment each year when the prior happens to give robes; William being unable to demand these entitlements if he happen to be promoted to priestly orders.
Date: Durham, 16 May 1374.
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f.212r    15 May 1374
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Baumburgh', clerk, of whatever he has hitherto received in the office in which he now is, or of whatever others have received in any post with which the prior and convent should see fit to charge him; so long as he be capable of serving in the office which he now holds or another post; and, if incapacitated by age or ill-health, receiving a weekly allowance, specified, and 10s for footwear yearly from their exchequer, with a clerk's robe when livery is made to their other clerks.
Date: D[urham], 15 May 1374.
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f.212v    28 June 1380
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, archdeacon of churches appropriated to the cathedral priory within Durham dioc., with consent of his convent, to Mr Nicholas de Heswell', vicar of Norham, his clerk, for the keeping of their archidiaconal jurisdiction in the parish of Norham, so long as he be vicar of Norham; on condition that he answer to the prior and his successors for the issues arising therefrom.
Date: Durham, 28 June 1380.
Digitised version
f.212v    30 June 1380
Grant by Robert, prior of Durham, archdeacon of the churches appropriated to the priory within Durham dioc., to Mr Nicholas de Heswell', his clerk, of the keeping of his archidiaconal jurisdiction in the parish of Norham, and the taking of the revenues arising from this jurisdiction, so long as he be keeper of the jurisdiction; for his counsel and aid rendered and to be rendered in the business of the prior and his monastery.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1380.
Digitised version
f.212v    [?1380]
Grant by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Morland' of the keeping of their park of Aycliffe, for life, with, for serving in the said office of forester, a servant's garment yearly when livery happens to be made, and 2 strikes of wheat or other corn such as the servant of their manor of Ketton will receive every three weeks, and also the bark and branches, in which no timber can be found, of trees given to outsiders by the prior; the keeping of the park to be maintained by a substitute if Robert should happen to be so ill as to be incapacitated.
Digitised version
f.213r    27 August 1380
Grant by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham to Catherine, widow of John de Bisshopdale, of a corrody, for life, namely an allowance, specified, as served to one monk, on every day that she lives.
Date: Durham, 27 August 1380.
Digitised version
f.213r    19 January 1382
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Richard Cowherd, son of Roger Cowherd, of the office of forester in their park of Bearpark, and the keeping of the moor thereof for life, after the decease of his said father; granting to Richard, for his service in the office, a weekly allowance, specified, including 4½d for provisions, and a prior's servant's robe yearly; and a further allowance, specified, for keeping the moor, and 10s yearly for footwear, to be taken from the bark of fallen trees in the said park, if the barks extend to so much, and any balance of the 10s to be taken from the bursar if they do not extend to so much; the foregoing to be withdrawn if he fail in the office until he make suitable amends.
Date: Durham, 19 January 1381/2.
Digitised version
Marginal note : “Require corrodium Roberti Fenrother vjto folio <precedenti> {sequenti} ad tale signu[m]”. See f.219r below.
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f.213r    [29 September] 1383
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Walworth', son of the prior's sister, [who is] to serve the prior of the time in the degree of squire (armiger), and so long as he be of thriving bodily health therefor, of his keep in their house of Durham, receiving the same as their other squires; receiving, if unable, because of age or infirmity, to serve further in the degree of armiger, a weekly allowance, specified, for the remainder of his life, with a squire's robe when the prior happens to give general livery to others, and 10s yearly.
Date: Durham, Michaelmas 1383.
Digitised version
f.213v    3 July 1383
Grant by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Walkyngton', doctor of canon law, of a pension of 5 marks yearly, for life, until promoted to a suitable benefice, and of a clerk's robe, namely a third of a piece of cloth lined with budge (Buggye) each year at Christmas, as received by William de Farnham, and cloth, described, for his squire when the prior makes general livery, and of a weekly allowance, specified, including fodder, with allowances, specified, for heating and lighting in winter of coal, firewood, and candles, stabling, and a chamber currently occupied by William de Farnham; all the foregoing to be withdrawn when he should happen to be absent from the monastery of Durham; Mr Thomas giving his oath to render counsel and aid to the prior and convent, their monastery and its cells in their causes and business as often as need be; and to forewarn of, and give reason and ask licence for, absences on his or others' business.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 3 July 1383.
Digitised version
f.214r     17 May 1390
(Partly crossed out:)
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John de Plumpton', dwelling in Durham, of a corrody, for life, namely a weekly allowance, specified, including a cooked dish called Sundaymes, a chaldron of coal once a year, or the right [to the place] of one sister in their infirmary next to the abbey gate when a vacancy arises, and, if they think fit, a dwelling-house in the Bailey of Durham, should he wish to stay there.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1390.
Digitised version
f.214r    9 June 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Ellen, wife of Thomas Lorimer of Gilesgate, of a livery, namely a weekly allowance, specified, until provided with a livery in their infirmary outside the abbey gate, whereafter she is to have an allowance, specified, on Sundays, for life.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1386.
Digitised version
f.214r    6 April 1398
Presentation by John prior and the chapter of Durham addressed to the dean and chapter of York of John de Elvet, clerk, to the church of Normanton, vacant by the death of John atte Hall, last rector thereof; saving a pension of 13s 4d yearly owed of old.
Date: Durham, 6 April 1398.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:141.
Digitised version
f.214v    9 June 1386
Grant by indenture by Robert de Wallworth prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Lomley and William de Strygat, chaplains, of a corrody, for life and to the longer lived, namely of a weekly allowance, specified, as served to two monks and, after the death of one of them, as served to one monk; with cloth for two clerks' [robes], or 2 marks in place of the cloth, each year at Christmas, and, after the death of one of them, cloth for one clerk's [robe] or 1 mark in its place; and a chamber with chimney and latrine, sometime the dwelling of Peter de Walworth, to be maintained at the expense of the prior and convent, with the adjoining terrar's chamber; on condition that these chambers be occupied by no other during their absences; with a yearly allowance of coal, wood and candles, the weight of the candles to be reduced from 20lbs to 10lbs after the death of one of the chaplains, and livery of the candles being made between Martinmas and Christmas; the corrody to be withdrawn if either be absent for any length of time.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1386.
Digitised version
f.214v    20 June 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Roger Couhird', of a weekly allowance, specified, for life, and a weekly allowance, specified, to Ivette, his wife, after his death, for the remainder of her life.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1386.
Digitised version
Memorandum : a bond for 40 marks has been issued under the common seal to William, son of William, to be paid to William or his undoubted attorney at Selby, at Whitsun and Martinmas next after the date of the bond, namely 15 January 1386/7.
Digitised version
f.215r    [4 June] 1386
Bond by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Claxton' for 200 marks, to be paid to Thomas or his executors at Durham at Easter next [7 April 1387].
Date: Durham, Monday after Ascension Day, 1386.
and Defeasance stating that if the corrody, namely of a weekly allowance, specified, as granted below by the prior and convent to Thomas de Claxton' and Beatrice his wife, for life and to the longer lived of them, be unpaid for four weeks, but within three days the prior and convent pay Thomas and Beatrice, the longer lived or their executors, these arrears together with all the corrody being in arrears in the meantime, the bond is thenceforward to have no force.
Digitised version
f.215r    [4 June] 1386
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Thomas de Claxton' and his wife Beatrice, and the longer lived of them, of a corrody of a weekly allowance of bread and beer, specified, for life; to be received by Thomas and Beatrice and their servants in the abbey's bakehouse and cellar.
Date: Durham, Monday after Ascension Day 1386.
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f.215v    25 May 1387
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John del Rodes of the office of keeper of the napery in the hall of their guest hall, for life, with a weekly allowance, specified, so long as he is able to serve in the office, a minister's garment when the general livery is made, and 3s 4d yearly salary; and of the next vacancy in their infirmary outside the abbey gate, for the remainder of his life, if he be incapacitated from serving further in the office; and if he die before Juliana his wife, Juliana is to have the next vacancy in the meisondeu after that time.
Date: Durham, 25 May 1387.
Digitised version
f.215v    27 September 1387
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to William Smyth of Nunstainton of the office of the ostlery (stabularia) of their abbey, for the term of his life, having, for as long as he is able to serve in the office, for his service in the office: a daily allowance, specified, just as other ministers of theirs, namely Alan de Coldyngham, their under-porter, and John del Rodes, servant in the hall of their guest-hall; and, for his yearly salary, 5s and a garment, as given to other ministers of the guest-hall, namely the under-forester and packman (sumptarius); and having the next vacancy in their infirmary of Durham outside the abbey gate when unable through age or ill-health to serve in the office, receiving his keep in the infirmary and having the foregoing allowance withdrawn.
Date: Durham, 27 September 1387.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clvii-clviii.
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f.215v    2 September 1388
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Walter Jakson' of Denton of a livery of a daily allowance, specified, 7d weekly for provisions, and a minister's garment when the general livery should happen to be made.
Date: Durham, 2 September 1388.
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f.216r    14 December 1388
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Bichebourne of the office of the keeping of the napery in the hall of the abbey guest-hall, for life, and, for his service in the office, a daily allowance, specified, just as other servants of his rank, a servant's garment as often as the general livery should happen to be made, and a salary of 6s 8d; with the condition that the taking of the salary and garment cease if he be incapacitated by age or ill-health, though the rest [of his livery] would continue for the remainder of his life.
Date: Durham, 14 December 1388.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clviii-clix.
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f.216r    1 June 1389
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to William Olyver of Darlington of a livery for life of a daily allowance, specified, and 7d weekly for provisions.
Date: [Durham] 1 June 1389.
Digitised version
f.216r    6 October 1390
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Annesley, in gratitude for his long faithful service to them and their house while he was in good health, of the tithe sheaves of North Pittington, likewise the house there in which he lives, for life, for increase of his keep; rendering yearly 20d.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1390.
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f.216r    [c.1390]
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to William son of John of the office of forester of Rainton, for life; with a servant's garment yearly when the general livery is made, a three-weekly allowance, specified, to be received from the serjeant (serviens) of their manor of Pittington, and bark and branches, in which timber cannot be found, from trees of the said park given to outsiders by the prior and convent; and if he happen to be so infirm that he can no longer serve in the office, or to be [promoted] to another office at the precept of [the prior] and convent, he is to have the park kept by a sufficient substitute; and, at any failure in carrying out the office, the foregoing are to be withdrawn until he make appropriate amends.
Date: Durham, 7 [.....] 13[..] (The line bearing the date is at the foot of the folio and is almost entirely missing.)
Digitised version
f.216v    6 February 1398
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, saving the rights and liberties of the church of Durham at all times.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Hugh atte Halle of a messuage with 90 acres of land and meadow in Brafferton; to be held for life, of the bishop and his successors by service of one rose yearly at John the Baptist [24 June]; which messuage, land and meadow were granted by letters patent by John [Fordham: 1381-88], lately bishop of Durham, to John Wyke, who held them for life by grant of Thomas [Hatfield: 1345-81], lately bishop of Durham, of the bishop and his successors, by service of one rose yearly at St John the Baptist; which estate John granted to Hugh atte Halle, having given up the letters patent thereof in the chancery of Durham for cancellation;
By the hand of Robert de Wyclif', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 January, Pont. 10. [1398]
Date: Durham, 6 February 1397/8.
Digitised version
f.216v-217r    [21 September] 1398
Indenture between John prior and the convent of Durham and John de Middleton', mason, witnessing that John de Middleton' undertakes to rebuild the walls of the abbey dormitory (the work to be done being described in considerable detail, and mentioning le Constabiletour at Brancepeth castle as an exemplar of the nature of work required) and complete the work within three years of Christmas next, and to support the existing vault below the dormitory; the prior and convent undertake to give the mason a squire's garment at every general livery of cloth, to supply food and drink to the mason and his servant (garcio) when engaged in the work, and to pay the mason 10 marks for every rod of work containing 6 ells squar ; with details of payment and the bond given by the mason to the prior and convent.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: (no place of issue), Saturday, St Matthew 1398.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxx-clxxxii.
A ?draft, in French, omitting the detailed building specifications, is in DCD Loc.II:13(16).
Digitised version
f.217r    6 January [1419]
Certification by John Wessyngton, prior of Durham, to the king in chancery of the following writ.
Writ by Henry [IV], king of England, to the prior of Durham instructing him to receive the oath of Robert Harbotyll' as escheator of Northumberland according to the form of the enclosed schedule, and requiring to be informed that the oath has been taken and requiring the return of the writ to chancery.
Witness: John, duke of Bedford, keeper of England.
Date: Westminster, 5 November, 6 Henry [V]. [1418]
Date: Durham, Friday, 6 January [1418/19].
Also on f.217v.
Digitised version
f.217r    [around 1400?]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Form of oath of the sheriff of Northumberland.
Digitised version
f.217v    17 March 1400
Commission by Thomas de W[eston], Leg. Lic., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in distant parts of W[alter], bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham; Mr John Dalton', official of Durham; Robert de Wiclif, constable of Durham; Mr J[ohn] de D[anby], canon of York and rector of Bishop Wearmouth; and John de Cokyn, dean of Lanchester having lately received and reciting the following mandate, authorizing and instructing them, or at least three or four of them, to carry out this writ's instructions within the archdeaconry of Durham, and assign suitable dates and places for the array of the clergy of the diocese.
Mandate by Henry [IV], king of England, to W[alter], bishop of Durham, as one of those faithful assigned to array the fensible men of the kingdom in order to defend the realm against invasion by the French (who have assembled a great fleet) and others unspecified; instructing him to cause the clergy of his diocese to be armed, each according to his means, and marshalled in thousands, hundreds and scores.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 27 January, 1 Henry [IV]. [1400]
Date: Greatham, 17 March 1399/1400.
Original: DCD Loc.XIX:131.
Digitised version
f.217v    6 January [1419]
Certification by John Wessyngton', prior of Durham to the king in chancery of the following writ.
Writ by Henry [IV], king of England, to the prior of Durham instructing him to receive the oath of Robert Harbotill' as escheator of Northumberland according to the form of the enclosed schedule, and requiring to be informed that the oath has been taken and requiring the return of the writ to chancery.
Witness: John, duke of Bedford, keeper of England.
Date: Westminster, 5 November, 6 Henry [V]. [1418]
Date: Durham, Friday, 6 January [1418/19].
Also on f.217r.
Digitised version
f.218r    [around 1400?]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Form of oath of the escheator of Northumberland.
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f.218v    [around 1400?]
Arguments that, with both the sees of York and Durham vacant, the custody of spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham should belong to the chapter of Durham.
A copy, possibly incomplete, of 1.12.Pont.4, now missing.
Digitised version
f.219r    6 July 1379
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in all his churches in dioc. Durham, or to his official, having, on presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, instituted John Pays, priest, previously rector of Stone, dioc. Rochester, in the vicarage of Bedlington, vacant by the resignation of John Lumbard, last vicar thereof, by reason of exchange of benefices; instructing him to induct John Pays or his proctor into corporal possession of the said vicarage; and requiring certification as to what he shall have done in the foregoing.
Date: Old Ford, 6 July 1379.
Digitised version
f.219r    27 December 1381
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Fenrother', of the office of the marshalcy of the hall of the abbey of Durham, for life, receiving: a daily allowance, specified, including particular arrangements for Sundays in Lent, as served to one of the priory squires; 6s 8d from the hostiller for his yearly pension; a robe at Christmas as often as the prior should happen to make his general livery; and a summer garment when the prior makes livery to his other squires; being provided with a suitable chamber within the abbey for residence; and being not permitted to absent himself on his own business without licence of the hostiller or his locum tenens, with his livery aforesaid ceasing for the period of any absence; and, if prevented by age or illness from serving in the office, part of his livery is to be reserved for him, specifying the parts of the livery to be withdrawn.
Date: Durham, 27 December 1381.
Digitised version
f.219r    22 February 1378
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in all his churches in dioc. Durham, or to his official, having, on presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, instituted Thomas de Kellaw, chaplain, in the vicarage of Heighington, vacant by the death of John de Mitford'; instructing him or others to induct Thomas or his proctor into bodily possession of the said vicarage; and requiring certification as to what he shall have done in the foregoing.
Date: Auckland, 22 February 1377/8.
Original: DCD 1.2.Archid.Dunelm.16.
Another copy: DCD Reg.I, f.i.129r.
Digitised version
f.219v    7 April 1382
Commission by the official of the bishop of Durham to Robert, prior of Durham, archdeacon in all churches appropriated to him and his convent within dioc. Durham, having received and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by John, bishop of Durham, to Mr Thomas Gretham, official of Durham, instructing him to cause the prior to conduct an inquisition, with points of enquiry specified, into the vicarage of Ellingham, in full chapter, by local, trustworthy men, clergy and lay, in the deanery in which the said vicarage lies; and, if the vicarage should appear to be vacant and belong to the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, he is, by his letters directed to the prior and convent, to institute William de Billyngham, chaplain, who has been presented to him by the prior and convent, in the said vicarage; requiring certification as to what he or the prior or his official shall have done.
Date: Fulham, 21 March 1381/2.
to conduct an inquisition, as instructed, and instructing them to give certification of all they shall have done in the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 7 April 1382.
Original: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.17.
Digitised version
f.219v-220r    21 March 1382
Mandate by John, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in all his churches in dioc. Durham, or to his official, following presentation by the prior and convent of Durham of William de Billyngham, chaplain, to the vicarage of Ellingham, instructing him to conduct an inquisition, with points of enquiry specified, in full chapter, by trustworthy churchmen, into the said vicarage; and requiring certification as to what he shall have done in the foregoing.
Date: Fulham, 21 March 1381/2.
Digitised version
f.220r    16 April 1382
Institution by Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, official and specially deputed commissary of the bishop of Durham, of William de Billyngham, chaplain, in the vicarage of Ellingham, vacant by the resignation of Roger del Bothe, last vicar thereof, William having been presented thereto by the prior and convent of Durham and sworn in his presence according to the form of constitution of Ottobuono and Otto; saving the right and dignity of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1382.
Digitised version
f.220r    16 April 1382
Commission by Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, official and specially deputed commissary of the bishop of Durham, to Robert, prior of Durham, archdeacon in all churches in dioc. Durham appropriated to him and his convent, or his official, having, on presentation by the prior and convent, instituted William de Billyngham, priest, in the vicarage of Ellingham, instructing him to have William or his proctor inducted into corporal possession of the said vicarage.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1382.
Another copy in: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.18.
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f.220r     24 April 1382
Mandate by Roger del Both, rector of [Long]horsley, official of the prior of Durham, the archdeacon of all his appropriated churches within Durham dioc., to Robert, chaplain in the chapel of Charlton, instructing him to induct William de Billyngham, priest, or his proctor, in corporal possession of the vicarage of Ellingham, according to the form of the mandate directed to the prior or his official by the official of the bishop of Durham, and enclosed herein.
Date: Norham, 24 April 1382.
Digitised version
f.220r    2 October 1383
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, archdeacon in all churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent, to Robert Gudynowh, priest, to induct John de Aclyf', chaplain, in corporal possession of the vicarage of Aycliffe; requiring certification as to what he shall have done in the said business.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1383.
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f.220v    26 April [1383]
Certification by the official of the prior of Durham, archdeacon in his [priory's] churches within dioc. Durham, having lately received and reciting [in part] [a commission to induct] by Mr Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, specially deputed commissary [of the bishop of Durham], that by authority whereof he has inducted William de Billyngham in corporal possession of the vicarage of Ellingham, 25 April.
Date: Durham, 26 April [1383].
Digitised version
f.220v    11 December 1383
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by John, bishop of Durham, to John Forester, chaplain, that he be able to give the 6 messuages and 14s 10d rent in Durham, which he holds in chief of the bishop, and 6 marks rent issuing from his manor of Kimblesworth, which he holds of Robert Haunsard', as is said, to John Fullour, chaplain at the altar of St James in the church of St Nicholas, Durham, for daily masses to be held in perpetuity by John and his successors for the souls of Thomas de Coxside, his wife Alice, their son Robert, their forbears and all the faithful departed; to be held by John and his successors, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, of the bishop in chief; exempting John and his successors from being disturbed by the bishop or his officers by reason of the foregoing, and saving services used and wont to the bishop, his successors, and other lords of those fees.
By the hand of Hugh de Westewik', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 March, Pont. 2 [1383]
Date: Durham, 11 December 1383.
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f.221r    [7 May] 1382
Mandate by Robert, prior of Durham and ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to the keeper of the spirituality of the church of Hemingbrough instructing him to cite or have cited: all chaplains within the church of Hemingbrough and within whatsoever [its] parishes, and six, five, four or three persons from every vill of the parishes according to size of vill; to attend and undergo visitation before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in the church of Hemingbrough on Sunday after Corpus Christi next [8 June]; requiring certification as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, and the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St John at the Latin Gate 1382.
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f.221r    [7 May] 1382
Mandate by Robert, prior of Durham and ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire, to his official of the said spirituality instructing him to cite or to have cited: the rectors, prebendaries, vicars, beneficed clerks, others holding divine service, and ministers of the churches, chapels and undernoted places; and 12, 8, 6, 4, or 2 trustworthy men of each vill of the parishes, according to size of vill; to attend, in person or by proctors, according to custom, and undergo visitation before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, or other locum tenens, at the places following:
Holtby, Saturday in Whit week, the eve of Trinity, in the parish church;
Walkington, Trinity Sunday, in the church;
and in Welton, Brantingham, Eastrington, Howden, and Skipwith as convenient;
requiring certification of his execution of the mandate, with the names of those cited.
Date: manor of Pittington, Wednesday after St John at the Latin gate 1382.
(With an appended disclaimer to the effect that no act of visitation is intended to prejudice any agreements made between previous archbishops of York and the prior's predecessors.)
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f.221r-v    [?1384]
Mandate by Robert, prior of Durham, ordinary of the [spirituality of the] liberty of St Cuthbert in Allertonshire, to his official of the said spirituality instructing him to cite or to have cited: the rectors, vicars, chaplains and clerks in Allerton and Allertonshire, and four, six or more trustworthy men of each vill of the parishes of the said jurisdiction, according to size of vill; to attend before him or his commissaries, one or more, and undergo visitation on the days and in the places, as given in the said schedule; requiring certification of the execution of the mandate, with the names of those cited, on the first day of the visitation, namely in the church of Rounton, Friday in Whit Week next.
Date: Durham, “&c”.
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f.221v    [?1384]
Itinerary for the visitation of Howdenshire giving dates for visitation of the churches and parishes of Holtby, Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Eastrington, Howden, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington, all to take place in the respective parish churches on dates ranging from the Tuesday after St Brice to St Clement [all November]. [It is evident that the octave of Martin in the year in question fell on Friday and Clement (23 November) on Wednesday, as was the case in 1384.]
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f.221v    [?1384]
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Uthred de Bolton', S.T.P., and Hugh de Schirbourn, monks of Durham, and Mr William de Farnham, the prior's clerk, to carry out the lately-ordered visitation of Allerton, Holtby, Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Welton, Walkington, [Kirby] Sigston and [West] Rounton, which he is unable to undertake himself because of difficult priory business.
Date: “&c”.
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f.222r    [?1384]
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to Robert de R. and Thomas de C. [?, over erasure] “&c” to carry out the visitation of the churches of Allerton, [Kirby] Sigston and [West] Rounton, at which he is unable personally to be present; requiring certification of all that they shall have found and done in the premisses.
Date: “&c”.
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f.222r    18 April 1384
Mandate by Robert, prior of Durham, judge ordinary of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to John de Ask' of Howden parish to sequestrate the goods of the late Henry de Gategange, lately rector of Welton, wherever they be within the prior's jurisdiction, until Henry's testament be proved by his executors before the prior or his ministers, or, if he died intestate, until the prior shall have disposed of the said goods; keeping the goods until the prior shall have seen fit to relax the sequestration.
Date: Durham, 18 April 1384.
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f.222r-v    [?1384]
Confirmation of probate by Robert, prior of Durham, of the testament by Mr John de Waltham, subdean of York, canon of Howden, and prebendary of Saltmarshe, presented to the prior by John de Waltham, brother of the deceased (asking for approval of the testament and confirmation of probate), along with letters of Thomas Gissill', vicar of Eastrington and official of the spirituality and jurisdiction of Howden and Howdenshire, the tenor whereof is attached to the presents; approving the testament and awarding the administration of the deceased's goods to the same John [de Waltham], executor, and to the priests John Liola [?] and John Sandall', coexecutors nominated in the said testament, if the same priests wish to receive it.
Date: Durham n.d. [will proved York 26 November 1384, A.B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, (Oxford 1957-1959), p.1974. ].
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f.223r    6 August 1382
Licence by Alexander, archbishop of York, to Robert de Walworth', prior of Durham, recording that it had come to the archbishop's notice that the prior had been celebrating masses and other divine offices within York dioc., having assumed the mitre, crozier, ring, sandals and other episcopal insignia, without his authority; and that the archbishop caused the prior to be summoned to show his authority for the foregoing; and that the prior, attending through his proctor, showed the following letters, at the request of the prior and convent, granting faculty to the prior and his successors, for himself and his successors, to use episcopal insignia, in conformity with the above apostolic privilege, when celebrating divine offices within the province of York, with a distinction specified between the form of mitre to be used in and away from the presence of the archbishop and his successors.
Letters of grace by Urban [VI], pope, to Robert prior and the convent of Durham inclining to their supplications and permitting the prior and his successors to use episcopal insignia in so far as any other Benedictine priors of cathedral churches in England use them, notwithstanding the constitution Abbates by Pope Alexander IV or any other apostolic constitution to the contrary.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 12 Kal. August, Pont. 2. [21 July 1379]
Date: manor of Thorpe [Bishopthorpe], 6 August 1382.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cliv-clvi.
Original: 3.2.Archiep.5
Original (letters of grace): 1.2.Pap.18, now missing.
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f.223v    18 June 1382
Letters testimonial by Hugh, prior of Winchester, stating that he has, and his predecessors had the privilege from the apostolic see, of using the mitre, ring, crozier and other episcopal insignia, specified, in the presence of superiors when they hold divine service, and at convocations of clergy.
Date: Winchester, 18 June 1382.
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f.223v    [7 September 1254]
Faculty by Innocent [IV], pope, to the prior and convent of Winchester granting that the prior and his successors be able to use the ring, mitre, crozier, and other insignia, specified.
Date: Anagni, 7 Id. September, Pont. 12.
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f.223v    [?25 February 1304]
Confirmation by Boniface [VIII ?], pope, to the prior of Winchester of his faculty to use episcopal insignia, as in the preceding entry.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 6 Kal March, Pont. 10 [Boniface VIII died a few months before attaining this date.]
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f.224r    27 September 1382
Appointment by John, bishop of Durham, to Robert, prior of Durham, deputing him his vicar general in spiritualities during his absence from the city and diocese of Durham.
Date: manor of Auckland, 27 September 1382.
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f.224r    30 January 1383
Commission by Robert, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert, York dioc., to John Portar', priest of the said spirituality, appointing him official or keeper of his rights in the church and parish of Allerton and its dependent chapels, namely Worsall, Deighton, Brompton, Romanby, Lazenby, and in the churches and parishes of [Kirby] Sigston and Rounton.
Date: Durham, 30 January 1382/3.
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f.224r    13 July [?1382]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Letter [by the ? prior of Canterbury] [? to the prior of Durham] giving information as to the usage of the mitre, crozier and other insignia at Canterbury.
Date: Canterbury, 13 July [1382 ?]
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f.224v    30 April 1383
Certification by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John, bishop of Durham, having received on 10 April, and reciting the following citation, informing him that, saving their rights, customs and privileges, they will be present in the foregoing.
Citation by John, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham to attend in their chapter house on Tuesday after the invention of the Cross next [5 May], with continuation, and undergo visitation; requiring certification by four days before the said date as to what they shall have seen fit to do in the premisses.
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 3 April 1383.
Date: Durham, 30 April 1383.
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f.224v-225r    1 May 1383
Certification by Robert, prior of Durham, to John, bishop of Durham, having received on 10 April, and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by John, bishop of Durham, to Robert, prior of Durham, instructing him to cite the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend before the bishop in the chapter house on Tuesday after the invention of the Cross next [5 May]; and instructing him to deliver his letters concerning the visitation to the subprior and convent of Durham without delay and under public witness; requiring certification, by four days before the said date, as to what he shall have done in the foregoing, and of the names of those cited.
Date: manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 3 April 1383.
informing him that he has cited the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells to attend for visitation, with the proviso that as many monks as thought necessary by the priors, masters and keepers should remain in the cells to hold divine service and perform other necessities; that he has delivered the bishop's letters to the subprior and convent; and that he has complied and will comply with the mandate in all respects, saving the rights, privileges, liberties and immunities of the monastery of Durham; and referring to an attached schedule of the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 1 May 1383.
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Five added memoranda, all apparently referring to one or more visitations:
“Appeal for the churches, privileges and state of all and sundry in the visitation, and a proxy thereto.”
“Process of the visitation of Bishop Walter under an instrument of [13]90.”
“Copy of a proposition for showing the titles of our churches.”
“Copy of a proxy for the prior and chapter against those impugning our jurisdiction.”
“Copy of a proxy for the prior alone, under an instrument thereto.”
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(Lower quarter of page blank.)
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f.225v    16 June 1397
(Added:) Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Dalton', his official, having continued his visitation of the church of Durham to the first law day after John the Baptist [25 June], and being unable to be present on this date because of difficult business of his church, giving John power to prorogue the visitation until 10 October next, if a law day.
Date: manor of Wheel Hall, York dioc., 16 June 1397.
f.225v    11 September 1397
(Added:) Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to John de Dalton', his official, having continued his visitation of the church of Durham to the first law day after John the Baptist [25 June], and then, because of other business, having instructed the official to prorogue the visitation until 10 October if a law day, and, if not, to the first law day thereafter; and being unable to complete the visitation on that day because he has been summoned to parliament; giving John power to prorogue the visitation until the first law day after the first Sunday in Lent [25 February 1398].
Date: Blyth, York dioc., 11 September 1397.
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f.225v    [1235 x 1244]
(Added:) Grant by T[homas of Melsonby] prior and the convent of Durham to Walter, archbishop of York, of their half of the patronage of the church of Holy Trinity, York, the other half already pertaining to the archbishop.
Also in: DCD 3.1.Ebor.18.
Printed from another copy: Register, or rolls of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, ed. J. Raine, (Surtees Society 56, 1872), p.174-175.
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(Lower half of page blank.)
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f.226r    14 May 1418
(Added:) Grant by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham to William Acley, their cook and buyer of victuals, of a servant's (valettus) corrody, specified, for life, once incapacitated by old age or infirmity and unable to administer the kitchen, and having not been assigned to another office suited to his condition by the prior, or whenever unable to serve in any office; William swearing to show himself as a faithful administrator and doer of business in any office or business assigned to him by the prior; and conceding that he was to make satisfaction within a month of any request for satisfaction for damage caused by him, on pain of the omission of his corrody.
Date: Durham, 14 May 1418.
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(Lower half of page blank.)
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f.226v    15 November 1397
(Added:) Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Thomas de Weston', archdeacon of Durham, John de Rome, and John de Scharburgh', clerks, their proctors to attend before Richard [II], king of England, in parliament at Shrewsbury, 15th day after Hilary next [27 January 1398] because John Brun' and Alexander de Stayndrop, their proctors in parliament at Westminster, whence parliament was prorogued to the said date and place, are unable because of bodily infirmity to be present there.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1397.
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f.226v    6 January 1398
Memorandum: of proxy adding Thomas Langton' to the above proctors.
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f.226v    31 January 1398
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Bisshopton' of the office of forester of their manor of Elvet, the wood thereof, and their park of Shincliffe, for life, receiving for his service therein the garment of a servant of the hostiller of Durham yearly, a three-weekly allowance, specified, including 4s and a third of the toll ale of Shincliffe, rights, specified, in the said wood and park, and yearly rights to herbage in Elvet wood or elsewhere, rakynges, where other foresters are accustomed to take them, or a wagonload of hay, as assigned by the hostiller; William appointing a suitable deputy if incapacitated by infirmity or old age; and to make amends according to the discretion of 12 trustworthy men in the hostiller's court for any damage caused by him or his deputy, until completion of which the said service is to be withdrawn from him; and to liable for removal from office after three requests to make amends.
Date: Durham, 31 January 1397/8.
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f.227r    23 March [13]66
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general, of William Botelford, priest, to the parish church of St Mary, Binewerk, in Stamford, vacant by the resignation of William de Cosseby, last rector thereof; saving a yearly pension of 20s owed of old to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 23 March [13]65/6.
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f.227r    24 September [13]66
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Robert de Claxton', monk of Durham, to the keeping or rule of their cell of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: 24 September [13]66.
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f.227r    16 May [13]66
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Henry de Snayth, holding the free chapel of St Radegunda in St Paul's, London, to the prebend of Howden in the collegiate church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr William de Denby, canon, prebendary of Howden.
Date: [Durham,] 16 May [13]66.
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f.227r    18 September [13]65
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Hugh de Chilton' to the church of Kimblesworth, vacant by the resignation of Gilbert de Slaflay.
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f.227r    31 July [1365]
Memorandum: Gilbert de Slaflay resigned in the hands of the prior in presence of a notary and many others.
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f.227r    28 May [13]65
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of John de Eland to the vicarage of Berwick, vacant by exchange with Robert de Jarwell'.
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f.227r    28 May [13]65
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Robert de Jarwell' to the vicarage of Ednam, vacant by exchange with John de Eland.
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f.227v    28 July [13]66
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Thomas de Langton' to the vicarage of Ednam, vacant by the death of Robert de Jarwell'
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f.227v    30 November [13]66
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Robert de Sekendon' to the church of Normanton upon Soar, vacant by exchange with John Raven; saving a pension of 1 mark yearly owed of old.
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f.227v    11 January [13]67
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Richard de Hemmynghburgh to the vicarage of Edlingham, vacant by the death of Peter de Edlyngham.
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f.227v    11 June [13]67
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Carleton' to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant by the resignation of John Schout.
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f.227v    5 October [13]66
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Nicholas de Wykeham to the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, vacant by exchange with William de Bughebrig'.
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f.227v    20 November [13]67
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of John de Bolden' to the vicarage of Skipwith, vacant by exchange with Thomas de Bolton'.
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f.227v    17 April [13]68
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Ingilby to the vicarage of Bywell [St Peter], vacant by the death of William de la Eges.
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f.227v    20 January [13]68
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of William de Cawyll' to the vicarage of Saltmarshe, vacant by the death of Thomas Smith (faber).
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f.227v    18 February [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of William Fawdon', clerk, to the church of Meldon, vacant by the death of William Pulhow; saving a yearly pension of 40s to the sacrist of Durham.
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f.227v    8 April [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of William de Kirkby to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant.
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f.227v    18 February [13]70
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Nicholas de Ingilby to the church of Meldon, vacant by the death of Pulhow; saving a yearly pension of 40s to the sacrist of Durham.
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f.227v    24 June [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Ingilby to the church of Meldon, vacant by exchange with Nicholas de Ingilby; saving a yearly pension of 40s to the sacrist of Durham.
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f.227v    24 June [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of Nicholas de Ingilby to the church of Bywell [St Peter], vacant by exchange with John de Ingilby.
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f.227v    31 July [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of William Langare to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, vacant by exchange with Simon Lessy de Cleve.
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f.227v    28 October [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of William Blak [?] to the vicarage of Saltmarshe, vacant by the death of William Cayvell'.
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f.228r    20 September 1369
Nomination by John prior and the convent of Durham to John, prior of Lytham, of Mr Walter Vavasour for presentation to the church of Appleby, vacant by the death of Nicholas de Allerwas, last rector thereof.
With the other part of the common seal, namely the head of St Oswald.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1369.
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f.228r    29 September 1369
Presentation by John prior and his fellow monks of Lytham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Mr Walter Vavasour, of York dioc., to the parish church of Appleby, vacant by the death of Nicholas Allyrwas.
Having no common seal, they have procured the seal of the dean of Christianity of Amounderness, in the archdeaconry of Richmond.
Date: Lytham, 29 September 1369.
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f.228r    24 May [13]70
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of John de Galeway to the church of Meldon, vacant; saving a yearly pension of 40s to the sacrist of Durham.
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f.228r    29 May [13]70
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Thomas Bere to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, vacant by exchange with Simon Lessy de Clyve.
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f.228r    6 October [13]70
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of William de Rilleston' to the vicarage of the prebend of Howden, vacant by the death of John de Esyngton'.
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f.228r    5 October [13]69
Memorandum : presentation, addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Richard de Blaketoft to the vicarage of Skipwith, by exchange with John de Bondgate.
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f.228r    [14 September] 1369
Collation by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Karleton', chaplain, of the chantry of St James at the end of the new [i.e. Elvet] bridge in Durham vacant by the death of W. de Syreston', last chaplain thereof.
Date: [Durham,] exaltation of the Cross 1369.
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f.228v    28 October 1370
Collation by John prior and the convent of Durham to T. de Brakynbery, priest, of the chantries of the chapels of St James and St Andrew at the end of and on the new [i.e. Elvet] bridge in Durham.
Date: D[urham], 28 October 1370.
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f.228v    31 July 1371
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to T[homas], bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of William de Langcestr', chaplain, to the vicarage of St Oswald's, Durham.
Date: D[urham], 31 July 1371.
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f.228v-229r    19 October 1369
Collation by John prior and the chapter of Durham to John de Kyngeston', priest of Winchester dioc., of the archdeaconry of Durham.
Date: D[urham], 19 October 1369.
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f.229r     2 November 1369
Mandate by John prior and the chapter of Durham to Uthred, subprior of Durham, to induct John de Kyngeston', priest, or his proctor in the archdeaconry of Durham; requiring certification of the settlement of this business, bearing any authentic seal or a notary's subscription.
Date: D[urham], 2 November 1369.
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f.229r    18 November 1369
Certification by Uthred, subprior of Durham, to John prior and the chapter of D[urham] of, and having lately received, the mandate by John prior and the chapter of D[urham] as in the preceding entry, recited in full, stating that he carried out the mandate to induct on 12 November 1369.
With the seal of the official of the bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 18 November 1369.
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f.229v    30 May 1373
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of D[urham] addressed to T[homas], bishop of D[urham], or his vicar general in distant parts, of Hugh de Chilton', rector of Kimblesworth, to the vicarage of Norham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr John de Swethopp', vicar of Norham.
Date: D[urham], 30 May 1373.
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f.229v    30 May 1373
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of D[urham] addressed to T[homas], bishop of D[urham], or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr John de Swethopp', vicar of Norham, to the church of Kimblesworth in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Hugh de Chilton', rector of Kimblesworth.
Date: D[urham], 30 May 1373.
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f.229v-230r    30 May 1373
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts of T. de Orgrave to the prebend of Skelton, in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of John Provan', last prebendary thereof.
Date: Durham, 30 May 1373.
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f.230r    21 June 1373
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of J. de Billisfeld to the keeping of their cell of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: D[urham], 21 June 1373.
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f.230r    10 February 1373
Memorandum : Thomas Jekys was presented by the prior and convent of Durham to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, by reason of exchange with T[homas] Bere, last rector thereof; saving a pension therefrom of 5 marks yearly to the prior and convent.
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f.230r    29 January 1374
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of John de Carlton', chaplain, to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, vacant by the death of Thomas Jekys, last rector thereof; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly owed of old to the prior and convent.
Date: [Durham,] 29 January 1373/4.
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f.230v    29 January 1374
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Richard de Wolveston', chaplain, to the vicarage of Dalton[-le-Dale] vacant by the death of W[illiam] de Norton', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 29 January 1373/4.
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f.230v    9 June 1374
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, of W[illiam] Barker of Durham, chaplain, to the church of Kimblesworth.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1374.
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f.230v    10 September 1374
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of William de Chirburn', priest, to the vicarage of Berwick [upon Tweed], vacant by the death of John de Eland, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 10 September 1374.
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f.230v    6 October [13]74
Memorandum : John de Akcliff' was presented to the church of Kimblesworth by the prior and convent.
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f.231r    18 February [13]75
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Malton', vicar choral of York minster, to the vicarage of Skipwith in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Richard Raa of Blacktoft, vicar of Skipwith.
Date: D[urham], 18 February [13]74/5.
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f.231r    20 July 1377
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Thomas de Morp[eth], vicar of Merrington, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with W[illiam] Frauncesse, vicar of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 40s yearly owed of old to the sacrist of Durham from the church of [Bishop] Middleham.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1377.
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f.231r    20 July 1377
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William Fraunseys, vicar of [Bishop] Middleham, to the vicarage of Merrington in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Morpeth', vicar of Merrington.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1377.
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f.231v    20 April 1375
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of Thomas de Walleworth', student of civil law, to the church of Hemingbrough, vacant by the death of Alan de Shutlyngton', last rector thereof; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly owed of old therefrom to the prior and convent and the office of the chamberlain of Durham.
Date: Durham, 20 April 1375.
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f.231v    20 October 1375
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, of William de Laysynby, vicar of Helmsley, to the church of Holtby, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Duffeld', rector of Holtby; saving a pension of 25s yearly owed therefrom to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 20 October 1375.
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f.231v    27 September 1378
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, of Peter Scherman of Driffield, chaplain, to the Cliffe chantry at St Mary's altar, Hemingbrough parish church, vacant by the death of Hugh Tebald'.
Date: Durham, 27 September 1378.
Copy, with minor amendments, on f.232r.
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f.232r    27 September 1378
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, of Peter Scherman of Driffield, chaplain, to the Cliffe chantry at St Mary's altar, Hemingbrough parish church, vacant by the death of Hugh Tebald'.
Date: Durham, 27 September 1378.
Copy, with minor amendments, of the entry on f.231v.
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f.232r    19 May [13]75
Memorandum : John de Breton' was presented to the vicarage of Fishwick by the prior and convent of Durham.
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f.232r    10 June [13]78
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of John de Galeway, chaplain, prebendary of Morley, in Auckland St Andrew collegiate church, to the church of St Peter the Less, York, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Richard de Kellawe, clerk, rector of St Peter the Less, York.
Date: Durham, 10 June [13]78.
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f.232r    18 June 1379
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of John Pays, rector of Stone, Rochester dioc., to the vicarage of Bedlington in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Lumbard', vicar of Bedlington.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1379.
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f.232v    29 October 1379
Memorandum : William de Miton' was presented (to Thomas, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant by the death of a certain William, last vicar thereof.
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f.232v    1 November [1379]
Memorandum : Roger del Bothe, chaplain, was presented (to Thomas, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Ellingham, vacant by the death of a certain Adam, last vicar thereof.
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f.232v    1 November [1379]
Memorandum : Robert de le Meson' de Dieu was presented (to William, bishop of St Andrews) to the vicarage of Lamberton, vacant by the death of William Litster of Norham.
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f.232v    2 December [1379]
Memorandum : Nicholas de Burn, chaplain, was presented (to William, bishop of St Andrews) to the vicarage of Ednam, vacant by the death of Thomas de Langton'.
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f.232v    8 November 1377
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of Robert de Hanslapp', priest of the chantry within Durham castle, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Morpeth', vicar of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 40s yearly owed therefrom to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1377.
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f.233r    29 June 1378
Memorandum : Reginald Porter, clerk, was presented to the church of Meldon by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham; saving a pension of 40s yearly therefrom to the sacrist of Durham.
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f.233r    2 February 1378
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general, of Walter Bell', vicar of Old Roxburgh, Glasgow dioc., to the vicarage of Earlston, to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Wytthornewyk', vicar of Earlston; saving a pension of 10 marks yearly owed of old from the glebe of Earlston.
Date: Durham, 2 February 1377/8.
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f.233r    30 December 1374
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Robert de Claxton', monk of Durham, as prior of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 30 December 1374.
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.43-44.
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f.233v    16 June 1375
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of John de Hemyngburgh', monk of Durham, to the keeping of their cell of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: Durham, 16 June 1375.
Digitised version
f.233v    20 March 1380
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Peldelew, vicar of Muston, to the vicarage of Skipwith in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Reginald de Refham, vicar of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1379/80.
Digitised version
f.233v-234r    11 June 1380
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to [Thomas over erasure], archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William son of Richard de Stalmyn, having the chapelry or chantry in the chapel of St Mary and the Holy Angels [al. St Sepulchre], York, to the vicarage of Giggleswick, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Stalmyn, vicar of Giggleswick.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1380.
[If the date is correct the archbishop concerned cannot have been Thomas [Arundel]: he was provided to York in 1388. The hand is the same as the preceding entry.]
Digitised version
f.234r    7 July 1380
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of Thomas Lyttester' of Howden, priest, to the vicarage of the prebend of Skelton in the church of Howden, vacant by the resignation of William de Lynton', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 7 July 1380.
Digitised version
f.234r    11 October 1380
Memorandum : Robert de Fenwyk', chaplain, was presented by the prior and convent (to the bishop of St Andrews) to the vicarage of Earlston; saving a pension of 10 marks yearly to the church of Durham.
Digitised version
f.234r    8 October 1380
Memorandum : Thomas de Kellawe, chaplain, was presented by the prior and convent (to the bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant by the death of William de Miton'.
Digitised version
f.234r    8 July 1381
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to the vicar general of spirituality of the city and diocese of Durham, sede vacante, of John de Lynehows, dean of Stow, Norwich dioc., to the vicarage of Billingham, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Nicholas de Catton', vicar of Billingham.
Date: Durham, 8 July 1381.
Digitised version
f.234r-v    8 July 1381
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to the vicar general of spirituality of the city and diocese of Durham, sede vacante, of William de Byllingham, chaplain, to the vicarage of Ellingham, vacant by the resignation of Roger del Both, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 8 July 1381.
Digitised version
f.234v    4 January 1382
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of William de Billyngham, chaplain, to the vicarage of Ellingham vacant by the resignation of Roger del Both, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1381/2.
Digitised version
A contemporary memorandum follows: “Seek the commissions for inquisition and institution, and also institution of the foresaid presented [candidate] on the 22nd folio preceding”. [The foliation has evidently altered since this was written: the relevant entries are on f.219v-220v.]
Digitised version
f.234v    22 June 1382
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr John de Waltam', canon of Lincoln, prebendary of Carlton cum Dalby, to a canonry in the church of Howden, and the prebend of Saltmarshe, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Stephen del See of Ravenser, canon of Howden and prebendary of Saltmarshe.
Date: Durham, 22 June 1382.
Digitised version
f.234v    12 July 1382
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of William de Hayton', vicar of North Otterington, York dioc., to the Cliffe chantry in the church of Hemingbrough, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Peter Scherman of Driffield, chaplain of the Cliffe chantry.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1382.
Digitised version
f.234v    25 September 1382
Memorandum : John de Acley, chaplain, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Branxton, vacant by the resignation of Roger del Bothe.
Digitised version
f.235r    2 December 1382
Memorandum : Robert Tollare was presented (to John, bishop of Lincoln) to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, by exchange with Henry de Barneby; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly owed of old to the prior and convent.
Digitised version
f.235r    11 December 1382
Memorandum : William de Bywell', chaplain, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Branxton.
Digitised version
f.235r    21 January 1383
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Gyllyng', rector of a moiety of the church of Linton, to the vicarage of Allerton in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Hayton, vicar of Allerton; saving a pension of £20 owed yearly therefrom to their church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 21 January 1382/3.
Digitised version
f.235r    27 June 1383
Memorandum : William de Billyngham, formerly vicar of Ellingham, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Edlingham, by exchange with Thomas de Irelande, formerly vicar of Edlingham.
Digitised version
f.235r     28 June 1383
Memorandum : Thomas de Irelande, formerly vicar of Edlingham, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Ellingham, by exchange with William de Billyngham, formerly vicar of Ellingham.
Digitised version
f.235r    3 September 1383
Memorandum : Ralph Leghton' was presented (to John, bishop of Lincoln) to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, by exchange with Robert Tollar'; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly to the prior and convent.
Digitised version
f.235r    27 September 1383
Memorandum : Robert Carles was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Kimblesworth, by exchange with John de Acley [i.e. John Carles of Aycliffe, according to the following memorandum].
Digitised version
f.235r    26 September 1383
Memorandum : John Carles of Aycliffe was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Aycliffe, by exchange with Robert Carles.
Digitised version
f.235v    31 May 1384
Memorandum : William Marnull' [?], chaplain, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Meldon, vacant by the resignation of John de Riggeton'; saving a pension of 40s yearly to the sacrist of Durham.
Digitised version
f.235v    11 June [13]84
Memorandum : Mr John Burgeys was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Meldon, by exchange with William Marnull' [?]; saving a pension of 40s yearly to the sacrist of Durham.
Digitised version
f.235v    10 August [13]84
Memorandum : William Wanton' was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the Cliffe chantry in the church of Hemingbrough, by exchange with Peter Scherman of Driffield.
Digitised version
f.235v    [?1384 x 1385]
Form of presentation by John de Nevill', lord of Raby, addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, of J. de D. to the church of Welton, vacant by the death of Henry de Gategange, last rector thereof; saving a pension of 40s yearly owed of old to the prior and convent of Durham, and their jurisdiction, with cognizance of first causes, and their other rights and liberties.
(The marginal caption mentions Walkington as well as Welton.)
Digitised version
f.235v    21 August 1385
Memorandum : Roger Bacon' was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the prebend of Howden, by exchange with Nicholas Slake.
Digitised version
f.235v    6 September 1385
Memorandum : John de Bellerby, rector of Melsonby, York dioc., Richmond archdeaconry, was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the church of St Peter the Less, York, by exchange with John Galoway.
Digitised version
f.235v     16 September [13]85
Memorandum : William de Newsom the younger was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Kimblesworth, by resignation of John de Appilby, last rector thereof.
Digitised version
f.235v    22 September 1385
Memorandum : William de Gamelton' was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the church of St Peter the Less, York, by exchange with John Bellerby, last rector thereof.
Digitised version
f.235v    11 October 1385
Memorandum : Richard de Bergh' was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the Cliffe chantry in the church of Hemingbrough, by exchange with William de Wanton', chaplain thereof.
Digitised version
f.236r    12 November 1385
Memorandum : Thomas de Yafforth', chaplain, was presented to (John, bishop of Durham) to the church of Hesleden, by the death of William de Marton', last vicar thereof.
Digitised version
(Crossed out:) Mr Robert Manfelde was presented.
Digitised version
f.236r    [?1385 x 1386]
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr Robert Manfeld, canon of the royal free chapel of St Stephen, Westminster and prebendary therein, London dioc., to a canonry in the church of Howden and the prebend of Skelton, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas Orgrave, canon of Howden and prebendary of Skelton.
Digitised version
f.236r    29 April [13]86
Memorandum : William de Hayton of North Otterington was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the Cliffe chantry in the church of Hemingbrough, by exchange with [Richard Bergh] William de Wanton' [the latter not crossed out, though presumably intended for deletion: cf. the last entry on f.235v], chaplain thereof.
Digitised version
f.236r    19 June [13]86
Memorandum : John de Lincoln' of Grimsby, dean of the royal free chapel of Tettenhall, was presented (to Alexander, archbishop of York) to the prebend of Howden in the college thereof, by exchange with Nicholas Slake, prebendary thereof.
Digitised version
f.236r    15 March 1387
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of John de Roucliff', chaplain, to the vicarage of Frampton (crossed out:) < “newly ordained by authority of our lord the pope” > (replaced with:) [“vacant”].
Date: 15 March 1386/7.
Digitised version
f.236r    20 November 1386
Memorandum : John Bond' was presented (to John, bishop of Lincoln) to the church of St Mary at the bridge, Stamford, by the death of Ralph de Leghton', last rector thereof; saving a pension of 5 marks yearly.
Digitised version
f.236r    [? 20 November 1386]
Memorandum : whereafter the said John Bond' bound himself to W. Graystanes and William Massam, clerk, in £100 to be paid at Easter 1387, under a defeasance and bond kept by the librarian.
Digitised version
f.236v    25 November 1386
Memorandum : John Porter, chaplain, was presented (to John, bishop of Lincoln) to the vicarage of Frampton.
Digitised version
f.236v    11 June 1387
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, of William [Wyndesor over erasure], canon of Lincoln and prebend of Caistor, to a canonry of the church of Howden and the prebend of Barmby therein in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Ravenser, canon of Howden and prebendary of Barmby.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1387.
Digitised version
f.236v    7 June 1387
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Thomas de Middelton, canon of the royal free chapel of St Stephen, Westminster, and prebendary therein, London dioc., to a canonry of Howden and the prebend of Saltmarshe therein in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Bolton', canon of Howden and prebendary of Saltmarshe.
Date: Durham, 7 June 1387.
Digitised version
f.236v    2 October 1387
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Durham, of Robert de Aukland', clerk, to the church of Meldon; saving a pension of 40s yearly to be paid therefrom to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1387.
Digitised version
f.237r    [9 September] 1387
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts of John Porter, chaplain, to the vicarage of Fishlake.
Date: Durham, 10 (no month given) 1387, (a marginal note suggests 9 September).
Digitised version
f.237r    5 February 1388
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Gill, chaplain, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham, vacant by the death of Robert de Hanslapp'; saving a pension of 40s yearly due of old therefrom, to be paid to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 February 1387/8.
Digitised version
f.237r    26 May 1388
Memorandum : Reginald Porter, chaplain, was presented (to John, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Pittington, [vacant] by the death of William Baty, last vicar thereof.
Digitised version
f.237r    14 January 1391
(Crossed out:)
Memorandum : William de Crayk, chaplain, was presented (to Walter, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Edlingham, [vacant] by the death of Thomas de Ireland', last vicar thereof.
Digitised version
f.237v    27 March 1389
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of Thomas de Barneby, vicar of Thriplow, Ely dioc., to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Gille, vicar of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 40s due therefrom of old to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 27 March 1389.
Digitised version
f.237v    9 August 1389
Memorandum : the chantries of SS James and Andrew on the new [i.e. Elvet] bridge, vacant by the death of Thomas de Brakynbury, were collated to Thomas son of Richard, chaplain.
Digitised version
f.237v    11 October 1389
Memorandum : Henry Leyng, chaplain, was presented (to Walter, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Ellingham, by the withdrawal of William de Byllyngham, last vicar thereof.
Original: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.20.
Digitised version
f.237v    12 December 1389
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Robert son of Richard de Hemyngburgh', chaplain, to the Cliffe chantry at St Mary's altar, Hemingbrough church, vacant by the death of William de Hayton'.
Date: Durham, 12 December 1389.
Digitised version
f.237v    29 March 1390
Memorandum : William Werdall', chaplain was presented (to Walter, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Ellingham, by the withdrawal of Henry Leyng, last vicar thereof.
Digitised version
f.237v     26 March 1391
Memorandum : William de Barton', deacon, was presented to (Walter, bishop of Durham) to the vicarage of Aycliffe, [vacant] by the death of John Carles of Aycliffe, last vicar thereof.
Digitised version
f.238r    4 July 1390
Presentation by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John atte Hall', rector of Oxted, Winchester dioc., to the church of Normanton upon Soar, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Blaby, rector of Normanton upon Soar; saving a pension of one mark yearly due therefrom of old to the church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 4 July 1390.
Digitised version
f.238r    28 August 1390
Presentation by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of William de Grandesden, chaplain, to the church of [Kirby] Sigston vacant by the death of Thomas Benet, last rector thereof; saving a pension of 10 marks yearly due of old therefrom to the prior and convent and their house of Durham.
Date: Durham, 28 August 1390.
Digitised version
f.238r    29 December 1390
Memorandum : Ralph de Wirsop' was presented (to Thomas, archbishop of York) to the vicarage of Barmby in the church of Howden, by exchange with Robert de Cathorp'.
Digitised version
f.238v    16 July 1390
(Crossed out:)
Presentation by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William de Shyrburn, vicar of Berwick, St Andrews dioc., to the vicarage of Bedlington, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Pays, vicar of Bedlington.
Date: Durham, 16 July 1390.
Digitised version
f.238v    16 July 1390
Presentation by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Pays, vicar of Bedlington, to the vicarage of Berwick, St Andrews dioc. in Scotland, committed to the bishop's spiritual jurisdiction by apostolic authority, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Shyrburn, vicar of Berwick.
Date: Durham, 16 July 1390.
Digitised version
f.238v    15 September 1390
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of Mr John Suthewell', LL.B., to the church of St Peter the Less, York, vacant by the death of William Gaunton [cf. de Gamelton, f.235v], last rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1390.
Digitised version
f.239r    7 April 1391
(Crossed out:)
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of Henry Bendbow, rector of Gilling in Ryedale, to the church of St Peter the Less, York, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr John de Suthewell', rector of St Peter the Less.
Date: Durham, 7 April 1391.
Digitised version
f.239r    14 May 1391
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Skyrwyth', vicar of Bishopton, to the church of Kimblesworth in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Bisshopton', rector of Kimblesworth.
Date: Durham, 14 May 1391.
Digitised version
f.239r    4 July 1391
(Crossed out:)
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general, of William de Wawton, vicar of North Otterington, to the vicarage of Fishlake in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Porter, vicar of Fishlake.
Date: Durham, 4 July 1391.
Digitised version
f.239r    10 December 1405
Presentation by John, prior of Durham, addressed to the archdeacon of Richmond of Robert Masham to the priory of the cell of Lytham; to be performed for the archdeacon what has hitherto customarily been performed for his predecessors by priors thereof.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1405.
Digitised version
f.239v    6 July 1391
Presentation by Robert prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of John Wace, vicar of Bubwith, to the Cliffe chantry at St Mary's altar in the church of Hemingbrough in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert son of Richard de Hemyngburgh', chaplain of the Cliffe chantry.
Date: Durham, 6 July 1391.
Digitised version
f.239v    11 September 1391
Memorandum : Robert de Hawkesworth' was presented (to Thomas, archbishop of York) to the Cliffe chantry, Hemingbrough church, [vacant] by resignation of John Wace.
Digitised version
f.239v    6 August 1392
(Crossed out:) Memorandum Robert de Catton' was presented (to Thomas archbishop of York) to the vicarage of Fishlake, by exchange with John Porter, previous vicar there.
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f.239v    5 April 1394
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of Robert Chapman', chaplain, to the vicarage of Heighington vacant by the resignation of Thomas de Kellow, last vicar thereof; saving a pension of 53s 4d due yearly of old to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1394.
Digitised version
Memorandum : Robert Chappeman, chaplain, did not want to pursue his presentation [see the preceding entry], and John Crayk was presented 21 September to the bishop of Durham, who refused to admit him; John appealed in the court of York, where sentence were borne in his favour unless he and the bishop agreed otherwise.
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f.240r-241v    July - October 1325
Extracts of court rolls relating to the prior of Lytham's claim to the patronage of the church of Appleby.
Copy of f.92r-93v.
Digitised version
f.241v    [1325]
Memorandum : - T. de Epscothe, clerk, was presented to the church of Appleby by Roger de Tyngnemouth', prior of Lytham, in 1325; Edmund de Appilby, asserting his right to the patronage, presented his clerk; the prior obtained a writ of quare impedit against Edmund, and a suit was raised before W. de Bereford and the justices of the King's Bench (as described in the preceding entry), whereafter Edmund de Appilby, son of Henry, quitclaimed all right to the patronage in favour of the prior and his successors, as enrolled in court on the first roll de cartis et protectionibus of Michaelmas term, 19 Edward II [1325]; and 5 Edward III Edmund entailed his lands and tenements, as shown in the rolls of that year, and the earlier date of the quitclaim of the advowson is to be given in answer if Edmund son of Edmund should refer to this entail.
Digitised version
f.242r    [7 November 1325]
Quitclaim by Edmund, son of Henry de Appelby, knight, to the prior of Lytham and his successors of any title to the patronage of the church of Appleby.
Date: Westminster, Thursday before Martinmas [7 November], year as above.
As in 3.4.Ebor.3.
Another copy: f.93v.
Digitised version
f.242r    [28 July] 1331
Institution by Henry, bishop of Lincoln, of Thomas de Hepscot, priest, lately rector of Appleby, by authority committed to him by Louis, bishop of Durham, in the church of Morpeth presented thereto, to the bishop of Durham, by Elizabeth, widow of lord Robert, son of Ralph, son of William, lady of Greystoke, by way of exchange of benefices with William de Bereford, lately rector of Morpeth; saving the episcopal customs and the dignity of the church of Durham.
Date: Langar, 5 Kal. August 1331.
Digitised version
f.242v    [16 November 1325]
Certification by the dean of Sperken [howe] of, having received on 16 Kal. December [16 November] 1325 and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by the official of the archdeacon of Leicester to the dean of Sperken [howe] and William de Howes, clerk, having lately received and reciting the following mandate, instructing them to induct the said Thomas or his proctor into the said church, and requiring certification as to what they shall have done in respect of the premises.
Mandate to induct by Henry, bishop of Lincoln, to the official of the archdeacon of Leicester informing him that he has instituted Thomas de Hepiscotes as rector of Appleby, and instructing him to cause Thomas to have possession of the church thereof.
Date: Kuckden ', 5 Id. November [9 November] 1325.
Date: Leicester, 17 Kal. December. [15 November 1325]
stating that he inducted Thomas, in the person of William de Heppiscotes, clerk, his proctor, into corporal possession of the said church, 16 Kal. December [16 November], by handing over the keys to the church and the rectory buildings, and other specified items.
Date: Appleby, St Edmund the Archbishop.
Original: 3.4.Ebor.9.
Digitised version
f.242v-243r    [2 August 1331]
Certification by the official of the archdeacon of Northumberland to Louis, bishop of Durham, of the following mandate
Mandate to induct by Louis, bishop of Durham, to the archdeacon of Northumberland or his official informing him that, in his place and by his authority, Henry, bishop of Lincoln, has instituted Thomas de Heppescotes, lately rector of Appleby, in the church of Morpeth by reason of an exchange of benefices with William de Berford', last rector of Morpeth; and instructing him to induct Thomas or his proctor into the church of Morpeth.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 31 July 1331.
stating that he inducted Thomas into corporal possession of the church of Morpeth on Friday after Peter's Chains [2 August] [1331].
Date: Morpeth.
Original: 3.4.Ebor.10
Digitised version
f.243r    [12 July 1288]
Notification by Oliver, bishop of Lincoln, to the effect that he collated, by authority of the Lateran Council, to John de Araynes, subdeacon, the church of Appleby, vacant for six months and more by the death of Mr Henry Lovel, last rector thereof, with the cause in the king's court concerning the advowson of the church undecided; saving the right of presentation when the church should fall vacant to the winner of this right in the said court; and that afterwards he received 5 Id. July [11 July] 1288 the following writ.
Writ by Edward [I], king of England, to the bishop of Lincoln informing him that the prior of Lytham has recovered the right of presentation to the church of Appleby from Richard de Vernoun in court at Westminster; and instructing him to admit a suitable person to the church of Appleby at the presentation of the prior, notwithstanding Richard's claim.
Witness: R [? cf. f.92r] de Hengham.
Date: Westminster, 4 July, 16 Edward [I]. [1288]
Date: Nettleham, 4 Id. July.
Original: 3.4.Ebor.20
Digitised version
f.243v    [20 February 1367]
Certification by the official of the archdeacon of Leicester to John, bishop of Lincoln, having lately received, and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by John, bishop of Lincoln, to the official of the archdeacon of Leicester instructing him to conduct an inquisition into the yearly value of the revenues of the church of Appleby, and into other circumstances of the church, and to send certification thereof by the feast of St Peter's Chair [22 February].
Date: Liddington, 12 January 1366/7.
and reporting: the value of the tithe sheaves, the tithe hay, the tithe lambswool, the oblations, the mortuary payments, the tithes of geese, piglets, flax, hemp and other small tithes, and of the two virgates of glebe; that the rector is charged with finding a parochial chaplain, or else is to celebrate mass personally; that the archdeacon of Leicester takes from the church yearly 7s 6¾d as procurations for his archidiaconal visitation and 3s 6d as synodal due.
Date: Leicester, 10 Kal. March.
Original: DCD 3.4.Ebor.21.
Digitised version
[Memorandum :] the extent of the church of Appleby by the assessment of the Roman and English church is 26 English marks, according to William de Bereford', rector thereof.
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f.244r-246v    [1365]
Extract of King's Bench roll 121 “Pleas at Westminster before R. de Thorp and his colleagues, justices of the King's Bench, from the Michaelmas term 39 Edward III” covering suit brought by the prior of Lytham against Richard de Vernoun, knight, and Nicholas de Allerwas, clerk, on the plea that it be allowed to him to present a suitable person to the church of Appleby, which is vacant.
The prior, through Hugh de Westwyk, his attorney, stating: that John de Barneby, late prior of Lytham, was seized in the advowson of Appleby in time of peace and presented thereto William de Bereford, clerk, who was admitted and instituted, and by whose death in the present reign the church is now vacant; that it pertains to the prior to present to the church, that he has been unjustly impeded from so doing by Richard and Nicholas, and that he has suffered damage to the value of £200.
Richard, through Roger de Greseleye, his and Nicholas' attorney, stating: that Richard de Vernoun, his great-grandfather, was seized in the manor of Appleby Parva, to which the advowson pertained, and he successfully presented H[enry] Lovel, clerk, to the church in the time of Henry [III]; and that the manor descended to Richard, son and heir of Richard, and from him to William, his son and heir, who was then a minor, and then to his son and heir, the present Richard de Vernoun himself; and that the presentation of William de Bereford took place while William de Vernoun was under age, and was a usurpation; and that he, the present Richard, has asked the bishop for judgment and writ to present to the church.
The similar testimony of Nicholas de Allerwas, whom Richard had presented to the church of Appleby, and who states that he had been instituted therein, follows, with Nicholas asking for judgment as to whether the prior be able to assign injury or impediment in this case.
Further testimony from the prior and Richard and Nicholas follows on f.244v-246r, much of which recapitulates the proceedings recorded on f.92r-93v and 240r-241v.
The parties were appointed the quindene of Hilary for judgement, but Nicholas and Richard made essoin and postponement was successively made to three weeks after Easter, the morrow of John the Baptist and the quindene of Michaelmas, when the prior recovered his presentation, with damages, and had a writ to the bishop of Lincoln; Richard in mercy. Since collusion between the parties contrary to the Statute [of Mortmain] was suspected, the sheriff [of Leicester] was ordered to summon 12 jurors for the quindene of Hilary for an enquiry quale ius of the prior in the advowson and the position of his predecessors; the advowson taken into the King's hand and the mediate and immediate lords scire facias to attend the enquiry; execution of judgement is stayed; the prior freely remits damages; Richard, impleading as parson, sine die .
Also 4.4.Ebor.5a, etc., and see next entry
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f.246v-247r    [1366]
“Pleas at Westminster before Robert de Thorp' and his colleagues, justices of the King's Bench, Hilary term next following ”.
The sheriff [of Leicester] instructed as above, but failed, and the quindene of Easter appointed. The prior appeared by his attorney and the justices of assize sent record of an enquiry quale ius before Thomas de Ingelby and John Cavendissh, justices of assize, in which the prior of Lytham appeared by his attorney, the sheriff [of Leicester] returned that scire fecit John [of Gaunt] duke of Lancaster, lord in chief of the fee, by Richard the Clerk and William the Bailiff and the advowson of the church of Appleby had been taken into the King's hand; and the jurors declared that John de Barneby, former prior of Lytham, was seised of the advowson and successfully presented William de Bereforth clerk, that William, once prior there, was seised of the advowson in the time of King H[enry III], as were his successors until Richard de Vernoun impeded the present prior, that the church was worth 40 marks a year, and that there was no collusion between the parties. The prior therefore should have execution [of the judgement, i.e. as above].
Also 4.4.Ebor.5a, etc., and see preceding entry.
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f.247r    15 February 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John de Cawod the younger and Joan his wife, and their heirs and assigns of an annual rent of 13s 4d from the exchequer of Durham; being permitted to distrain for the annual rent in the priory's lands in Relley and their tenement and 8 acres of land in Over Broom, formerly belonging to John and Joan, if the annual rent happen to be in arrears, in whole or in part, for 40 days after the appointed term dates.
Date: Durham, 15 February 1385/6.
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f.247v    [September x December 1383]
Extract of court [King's Bench ?] roll 328 on the plea by the prior of Durham that John Gillyng, vicar of Northallerton, render him £10 which he owes of an annual rent of £20; the prior, through John de Killyngalle, his attorney, stating that he and his predecessors had been seized in the annual rent by John and his predecessors since time immemorial, being paid at the usual terms until Whitsun last past, that John withheld the annual rent, and as yet has refused to render it to him; and claiming damage to the value of £20; John, through William Halgate, his attorney, said he was unable to contradict the prior's attorney; it was agreed that the prior should recover the annual rent and arrears thereof, and the damage was set at 20s, which the prior remitted.
Date: Michaelmas term, 7 Richard II.
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f.248r    [1386 x 1387]
From the roll of account of tenths of 10 Richard II.
Account of the prior of Durham, collector in the diocese of Durham of a tenth and a half-tenth for the king granted by the clergy of the province of York, rendered by John Bekwyth, his attorney, £332 13s. 0¾d. from a tenth and a half-tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment: £33 6s. 8d., £83 3s. 6d. and £100 in the treasury; collector's expenses £7 10s.; exonerations of £100 for the bishop of Durham, and, on the collector's oath, £4 5s. for exempt benefices in the archdeaconry of Northumberland (in St Nicholas' church Newcastle the bishop of Carlisle's portion 15s., the prior of Carlisle's 15s., the prior of Tynemouth's 6s., and for the vicar 10s., the church of Newburn 10s., the church of [Long]benton 3s., the church of Ovingham 3s., the vicarage of Woodhorn 3s.) and 26s. for the temporalities of the prioress of Neasham; 61s. 11d. in the treasury; surplus ¼d.
(Marginal caption names Thomas de Lyth as collector of the tenth and Gilbert de Elwet, squire, and John Bekwyth, clerk, as his proctors, with the date 1385.)
Original: DCD Loc.XVIII:3.
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f.248r    April x June 1399
Account of the prior of Durham, deputed collector in the diocese of Durham of a half-tenth for the king granted by the clergy of the province of York, in the church of York, 6 October, 21 Richard II [1397]; as contained in the memoranda of 22 Richard II [1399] among the records of Easter term, by J. de Killby, his attorney, as contained in the memoranda among the attorneyships of the Easter term, £110 17s. 8¼d. from a half-tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal: £70 14s. 2d. in the treasury; collector's expenses 50s.; exonerations of 78s. 3d. for benefices exempted as assessed at 10 marks or less (6s. 8d. for the church of Gateshead, 12d. for the vicarage of Pittington, 12[d.] for the vicarage of Stranton, 6s. 8d. for the church of Trimdon, 13½d. for the vicarage of Billingham, 16d. for the vicarage of Kelloe, 8d. for the vicarage of Middleham, 16½d. for the vicarage of Merrington, 2s. for the church of Wolsingham, 2s. for the church of Stanhope, 12d. for the church of Whickham, 18d. for the church of Ryton, 5s. 6d. for St Nicholas' church Durham, 4s. 6d. for the churches of Whitworth and Witton, 3s. 1d. for the deanery of Lanchester, 3s. 4d. for the church of Middleton in Teesdale, 12d. for the vicarage of Gainford, 3s. 2d. for the church of Cockfield, 16d. for the church of Heighington, 3s. for the church of Dinsdale, 2s. 8d. for the vicarage of Sockburn, 3s. 4d. for the church of Stainton le Street, 2s. for the church of Elton, 10s. for the St Nicholas' church Newcastle, 3s. 4d. for the church of Newburn, 12d. for the church of [Long]benton, 12d. for the church of Ovingham, 12d. for the vicarage of Woodhorn, 16d. for the vicarage of Darlington, and 16d. for the chapel of Hylton), of £33 6s. 8d. for the bishop of Durham's spiritualities and temporalities, and 8s. 8d. for the prioress of Neasham's temporalities; surplus ¾d., remitted to the king; quit.
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f.249v    30 December 1388
Citation by Richard de Thurn' [Thorne], residentiary canon of York minster, vicar general in distant parts of Thomas, archbishop of York, to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general or official, instructing him and, through him, the prelates and clergy subject to him, to attend personally or, in the case of the clergy, by two proctors, in York Minster on 24 January next, with continuation of days as need be; having been informed by the archbishop that immediately after the parliament at Cambridge the clergy of the province of Canterbury granted the king a tenth to help his burden and the many incumbrences of the kingdom, and that there were daily clamours during the payment of the first half of the tenth that the province of York had not granted a tenth, and wishing to consult with the bishop, and the prelates and clergy of his diocese, about making a similar contribution to the king, requiring certification of the manner of execution hereof by the 24th day from receipt of the presents.
Date: York, 30 December 1388.
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f.250r     [n.d.]
Form of proxy by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham appointing proctors to represent them at the visitation of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert of Howden and Howdenshire by Alexander, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, “&c, just as in the first folio at such a sign ” [no sign found]
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f.250r    10 January 1389
Proxy by Robert, prior of Durham, to Thomas de Corbrig', monk of Durham; Mr William de Farnham, rector of Walkington; Mr Hugh de Herele, rector of Whickham; appointing them his proctors to attend before Alexander, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, in a convocation of the clergy of the province of York to be held at St John's, Beverley, on the morrow of Hilary; to negotiate a subsidy for the king, and for other business.
Date: Durham, 10 January 1388/9.
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f.250r    10 January 1389
Proxy by the chapter of Durham to T[homas] de [Corbrig'], monk of Durham; Mr W[illiam] de [Farnham], rector of Walkington; Mr Hugh de Herele, rector of Whickham; appointing them his proctors to attend before Alexander, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, in a convocation of the clergy of the province of York to be held at Beverley, on the morrow [erasure] of Hilary next; to negotiate a subsidy for the king, and for other business.
Date: Durham, 10 January 1388/9.
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f.250v    20 April 1387
Bond by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham having appropriated, by authority of Urban VI, pope, and Richard [II], king of England, the church of Frampton, Lincoln dioc., to their college in Oxford, for 8 monks studying theology and philosophy and 8 secular clerks studying arts, to John, bishop of Lincoln, and his successors and church, for a pension of 26s 8d yearly to the bishop or his proctors, at the terms of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas in equal portions, at the bishop's palace, by reason of indemnifying the church of Lincoln against the appropriation and in token of the subjection of the church of Frampton; with licence to the bishop and his successors to raise arrears of the pension from the revenues of the church of Frampton immediately after the lapse of a term date, without judicial process.
Date: Durham, 20 April 1387.
Another copy in: DCD 2.5.Ebor.14a.
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f.251r    15 June 1387
Proxy by Robert, prior of Durham, to John de Hemmyngburgh, prior of St Leonard's, Stamford, and Robert de Rypon', bachelor of theology, monks of Durham, appointing them proctors in his name, to attend the [Benedictine] provincial chapter at Northampton, the Monday after the translation of St Thomas the martyr next [8 July], and to convey his excuses for being unable to attend and preside, namely that he has lately suffered a severe infirmity in his right side, impeding his travelling, and that, for the purpose of recovering the cell of Coldingham and other possessions to the value of 1,000 marks and more, detained by the king of Scots, he is occupied with the magnates and lords negotiating with the Scots in respect of the current truce.
Date: Durham, 15 June 1387.
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f.251r-v    17 June 1387
Letters by Robert, prior of Durham, a president of the provincial chapter of the chapter of the provinces of Canterbury and York of the Benedictine order, to the abbot of Ramsey, a president of the said chapter to be held at Northampton; reciting the excuses as contained in the preceding entry; and committing to him the power to preside deputed to him [the prior] by the last chapter.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1387.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clvi-clvii.
Original: DCD Misc. Ch. 6066
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f.251v    31 July 1388
(Wholly crossed out, and with alterations over erasures:)
Grant ( “Obligatio” in marginal caption) by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Robert Manfeld', clerk, of a yearly {pension of 20} marks, to be paid to Robert and his assigns for the term of Robert's life.
Date: [Durham] {31 July 1388}.
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f.251v    31 July 1388
(Wholly crossed out, and with alterations over erasures:)
Grant ( “Obligatio ” in marginal caption) by the prior and the convent of Durham to {John de Waltham, squire}, of a yearly pension of 26 marks, to be paid to John and his assigns for the term of John's life.
Date: Durham, {31 July 1388}.
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f.252r    [18 October] 1387
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham with consent of the prior and convent of Finchale to John del More, son of Walter del More, of his keep in [i.e. “from ”] the cell of Finchale, for his food, clothing and support at grammar school in Durham or elsewhere for his instruction to a suitable level for six years next to come, and for four more years if he be in need and bear himself well.
Date: Durham, St Luke 1387.
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f.252r-v    1 December 1387
Bond by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham to the dean and chapter of Lincoln and their successors obliging themselves to pay them a yearly pension of 13s 4d by way of indemnifying them for the appropriation of the church of Frampton, Lincoln dioc., by the prior and convent to their college (as described above, f.250v) at Oxford (by authority of Urban VI, pope, and Richard [II], king of England), and as a sign of the subjection of the said church; to be paid to the dean and chapter or their proctors or attorneys in Lincoln at Easter; with licence to them to raise arrears of the pension from the revenues of the church of Frampton immediately after the lapse of a term date, without judicial process.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1387.
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f.253r-v    1 December 1387
Bond by Robert prior of Durham to Nicholas Chaddesden, archdeacon of Lincoln obliging themselves to pay him and his successors a yearly pension of 13s. 4d., (as in the preceding entry).
Sealed with the common [chapter] seal.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1387.
Original: DCD 2.5.Ebor.4.
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f.254r    [1389 x 1404]
Form of proxy by Robert de R. [? Blacklaw], prior or warden of Durham college, Oxford, outside the walls of Oxford, upon Candiche, to (unnamed) appointing them his proctors to attend for him and for the churches of Fishlake and Ruddington, York dioc., appropriated to the college, before Alexander, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, in the synod being held at York minster; and to set out his excuse for non-attendance.
Bearing the seal of another (unnamed), because the warden's own seal is unknown to many.
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f.254r    8 November 1389
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Nicholas Hesswell', incepted in canon law, of a pension of 8 marks yearly, from them and their successors, beginning Whitsun 1390; with licence to distrain upon their manor of Merrington for arrears thereof in the event of non-payment in part or whole by 40 days after a term date.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1389.
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f.254r    9 November 1389
Defeasance by Nicholas Heswell', incepted in canon law, to Robert prior and the convent of Durham, nullifying their grant to him of a pension [as in the preceding entry], if he happen {not interlin.} to become vicar of Norham or be promoted to a benefice not tenable with it (incompassibile) or otherwise be promoted to whatsoever other benefice by the prior and convent or their successors.
Date: Durham, 9 November 1389.
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f.254v    14 March 1392
Memorandum : Letters of a mortuary-roll bearer were issued 14 March 1391/2 to Stephen de Lith for one year's duration, whereof a copy in f.89 of the old register [the first part of Reg. II above] shows more fully.
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f.254v-255r    30 January 1407
Notarized notification by the official of the bishop of Durham recording that Mr John Hagthorpe, proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, in the full consistory of Durham, presented a papal bull [3.2.Pap.10, now missing], and asked, because of the dangerous roads and the perils which might befall it in transporting it to distant parts, for it to be transcribed and published; and the official proclaimed that all able to allege an interest should attend before him in the Galilee, 30 January 1407, to determine why the apostolic letters ought not to be published; and ordered the letters to be transcribed verbatim by Thomas de Ryhall', NP by apostolic authority and reciting the following bull.
The opening and closing words of a Bull by Boniface [IX], pope, (according to the marginal caption, dealing with the reformation of the four churches of Durham College, Oxford).
Date: St Peter's, Rome, Kal. April Pont. 15. [1 April 1404]
With the seal of the official and the sign and subscription of the notary.
Witnesses: Robert Berall', Richard Rypon, notaries public, Robert de Myddylham, literatus, of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: the Galilee, Durham, 30 January 1407.
Eschatocol by Thomas de Ryhall', clerk of Lincoln dioc., NP by apostolic authority, attesting to the accuracy of his transcript, as ordered by John de Coken, official of the bishop of Durham, then presiding in the consistory of Durham.
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f.255r    26 September [1378]
Prohibition by Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, to the official of the jurisdiction of the priory of Durham or his commissary forbidding him from attempting execution in respect of the recognizance, made by Thomas Diker to Richard de Fysshburn for £15 5s 4d, before the official of the archdeacon of Durham in a plea in court-Christian; since recognizances of debt within his liberty of Durham, which, as in this case, concern neither testament nor marriage, pertain to him, and that execution thereof ought to be carried out by him and his ministers; stating that he, the official of the priory, will have warned Thomas to pay the sum under pain of excommunication, to Thomas' severe damage, as accepted by the bishop Thomas' complaint.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 September, Pont. 34.
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f.255r    3 July [1334]
Prohibition by Edward [III], king of England, to the prior of Durham and his commissary forbidding them from attempting anything which could derogate from his crown and dignity in respect of the recognizance made before them, in court Christian, by Joan, who was wife of William Talbot, William son of William Talbot, and William de Thornton, of their debt of £40 owed to W. Sunclyffe, chaplain, and instructing them to revoke anything of this sort done already; the prior and commissary having warned them to pay within a period now past, Joan, William and William having refused to pay, and the prior having pronounced sentence of excommunication, to the damage of the crown and injury of Joan, William and William; since recognizances of debt which, as in this case, concern neither testament nor marriage, pertain to the crown, and that execution thereof ought to be carried out by him and his ministers.
Witness: the king.
Date: York, 3 July, 8 Edward [III].
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f.255v    30 November 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Roger de Fulthorp' of his messuages of Hartlepool to be held by Roger and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 2s yearly in equal portions at Whitsun and Martinmas.
By the hand of John Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 1 October, Pont. 19. [1363]
Date: Durham, 30 November 1379.
Digitised version
Memorandum : The prior and convent of Durham gave £1,080 to the Lord de Nevyll' for the patronage of the churches of Frampton, Lincoln dioc., Ruddington, Fishlake and Bossall, York dioc., for appropriating to their college at Oxford; and also gave him, for the same reason, the patronage of the churches of Welton and Walkington, to be held by him, his heirs and assigns, saving to the prior and convent their jurisdiction therein and pensions therefrom, making presentations to them in the following form of presentation.
Digitised version
Form of presentation by John de Nevill lord of Raby, addressed to Alexander, archbishop of York, with the church being Welton, the vacancy arising from the death of Henry de Gategang', last rector, the presentee being J. de D., and a yearly pension of 40s due of old to the prior and convent being reserved. The Lord de Nevill' bound himself, his heirs and executors, by two bonds under the Statute of Merchants, remaining with the prior and convent, in 2,750 marks as guarantee of the agreed form of presentation, and of other conditions appointed between the parties.
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Articles of agreement between the Lord de Nevyll' and the prior and chapter of Durham: fifteen articles setting out the terms of the purchase by the prior and chapter of the advowsons of the churches of Frampton, Fishlake, Ruddington and Bossall, to be appropriated to Durham College Oxford; including reference to the financial details, to the advowsons of the parishes of Welton, Walkington and Brantingham, for which the advowsons of the four churches were exchanged, and, in the opening article, to lands, rents and tenements in Durham, Old Durham, Sunderland [Bridge] and Ebchester, lately sold to the prior and convent by the lord and now returned to him as part of the purchase price.
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f.257r    26 June or July 1389
Notarial instrument recording that Robert, prior of Durham, John, subprior and S.T.P., and their fellow monks, assembled in their chapter house, appointed J. de C. and A. de B. as their proctors, with their powers extensively described, to act in all causes and business at the apostolic see and Roman curia concerning the prior, chapter, convent and the church of F[rampton], appropriated to the college of their fellow monks and secular persons studying in the university of Oxford, Lincoln dioc. (NP not named)
Witnesses: A. de B. and J. de C.
Date: Durham, 26 Ju[..] 1389. (The folio has been cropped and some text has been lost at the right-hand side as a result.)
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f.257v    21 August 1397
Presentation by John prior and the chapter of Durham addressed to Robert, archbishop of York, of {r William de Strikland'} to the canonry and prebend of Howden, in Howden collegiate church, vacant by the death of Mr Michael Sergeaux.
Date: Durham, 21 August 1397.
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“W Shyrlaw”
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Thirteen articles of excommunication setting out the forms of wrongdoing for which excommunication is the penalty in the church of Durham “see the small register II, folio 87”.
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f.258r    [28 September] 1314
(Out of chronological order:)
Presentation by G[eoffrey] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of A. of Pontefract to the keeping of their cell of St Leonard's, Stamford,
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. October 1314.
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“Seek the sentence of excommunication of the articles aforesaid, carried out by Mr T. Rome on the feast of St Matthew the apostle [21 September] A.D. 1419, on the second folio following” [cf. f.259v below].
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f.258v    5 November 1397
Monition by John, prior of Durham to J[ohn] de Rypun', monk of Durham, having received and reciting the following mandate
Mandate by Boniface [IX], pope, to the prior of Durham cancelling earlier letters of grace whereby he had given licence to John de Rypun, asserting himself to be a papal chaplain, to receive and hold a benefice; instructing the prior that, if, by pretext of the earlier letters, John has acquired or should acquire a benefice or otherwise absent himself from the church of Durham and withdraw from observing the rule, he is to remove John from the benefice and recall him to the cloister; with authority to impose a condign punishment.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 12 Kal. May Pont. 8. [20 April 1397]
removing him from any benefice which he might have acquired through the apostolic letters, and warning him to return to the cloister within a month of receipt of the presents, on pain of great excommunication.
With the sign and subscription of T. R., clerk, NP by apostolic authority.
Date: the chapel of St Nicholas, next to the prior's private chamber within the abbey of Durham, 5 November 1397.
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f.258v-259r    17 December 1400
Exemplification made by the official of Worcester for John Rypon', monk of Durham, personally present before him in Worcester cathedral, of the following licence
Licence by Francis, cardinal priest of S Susanna, to John Rypon, priest, professed monk of the conventual prior of Durham, on John's petition explaining that he cannot remain in the priory, and granting his request for permission to transfer to another house.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 6 Id. July 10 Boniface [IX]. [10 July 1399]
following his examination of the licence, and finding it free of suspicion.
Date: Worcester, 17 December 1400.
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f.259r    22 August 1355
Licence by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Synyngthweyt, lord of Eresby, knight, and Joan, his wife, having received on their behalf the following bull
Bull by Innocent [VI], pope, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, granting him faculty to give licence to William de Synyngthweyt, lord of Eresby, knight, and Joan, his wife, following their petition, to endow a chantry in the church of Spilsby, Lincoln dioc., with certain annual rents, lands, tenements, and the advowson of the church of Spilsby, which are held in fee of the church and bishop of Durham; with compensation to the church of Durham for loss of revenue.
Date: Villeneuve, Avignon dioc., 3 Kal. June Pont. 2. [30 May1354]
by authority of these apostolic letters and with consent of the prior and convent of Durham, to endow a chantry, for the support of a master and chaplains there, with annual rents, three messuages and 21 acres of land in Spilsby, a messuage and 48 acres of land in Grebby, and 48 acres and 6 acres of meadow in Fulletby, which they hold in fee of the bishop and church of Durham; the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding; not wishing William and Joan, their heirs and executors, or the master and chaplains, to be troubled by the bishop's ministers in respect of the foregoing.
Date: manor of Auckland, 22 August 1355.
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Form of excommunication by the prior and chapter of Durham, including reference to their authority to excommunicate.
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f.260r    14 October 1364
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Roger de Slaitburn', priest, NP, of a pension of 20s yearly, for life.
Date: Durham, 14 October 1364.
f.260r    17 April 1368
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Hugh de Arlam, clerk, of a pension of 100s yearly, for life, for his aid, counsel and advocacy in the business of the monastery, its cells and offices.
Date: Durham, 17 April 1368.
Also on f.347r.
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f.260r    14 February 1366
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Richard of Barnard Castle, archdeacon of Northumberland, for 60s received from him, namely 20s at Martinmas 1364 and 40s for the two terms of 1365, for a certain pension owed to the prior by the archdeacon for the exercise of the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction in the archdeaconry of Northumberland, by virtue of a composition between the prior and the archdeacon.
Date: Durham, 14 February 1365/6.
Also on f.339v.
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f.260r    17 May 1366
Power of attorney by John, prior and the convent of Durham appointing Hugh Abbot of Stamford, clerk, to give seisin to William Botelsford', rector of [St Mary] Binewerk, Stamford, and Robert de Welton', burgess of Stamford, of a plot of land in Stamford, according to the deed made thereon.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1366.
Also on f.340r.
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f.260r-v    [13 May] 1366
Manumission and quitclaim by John prior and the convent of Durham to Hugh son of John de Westraynton', with all his issue, male and female, releasing them from all action of villeinage and granting that they be free of [servile] status in respect of the prior and convent and their successors, in perpetuity.
Witnesses: William de Dalden; William de Menevill', then sheriff of Durham; Robert de Lampton'; Robert de Fethirstanhalg' of Little Eden; William de Ludeworth.
Date: Durham, Wednesday next after St John at the Latin Gate 1366.
Also on f.340r.
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f.260v    17 February 1367
Letters of confraternity by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard Vernon' for his devotion to the monastery of Durham and especially to its cell of students at Oxford, granting participation to him, his progenitors and heirs, in all masses, prayers, vigils [&c] of the prior and convent and their fellow monks, as much in their monastery as in its dependent cells, and particularly in the cell at Oxford; and that his obit is to be as is customary for a deceased monk.
Date: Durham, 17 February 1366/7.
Also on f.336r.
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f.260v    [19 February] 1367
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby, knight, for £200 received from him as a loan, to be paid to Ralph or his attorney bearing the present deed, at Durham, at Michaelmas and Candlemas next after the date of the presents.
Date: Durham, Friday before St Peter's Chair 1366/7.
Also on f.336r.
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f.260v-261r    24 October [13]65
Inquisition in presence of the prior by six sworn men of various of the prior's vills for verification of the pasture rights of the priest of Heworth in the prior's demesne at Wardley and Heworth. Jurors: John Dobson, John son of Walter, Simon Fygthy, Robert son of John, William Tayllour, William de Wermogth, William Matfene [seven names !].
Date: Wardley, 24 October [13]65.
Also on f.341v.
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f.261r-v    24 May 1368
Notarial instrument recording that John, prior of Durham, John de Bishopton', subprior of Durham, Robert de Walleworth, prior of Coldingham, and other monks of Durham and Coldingham, on the one part, and John of Holy Island, vicar, as he says, of Holy Trinity, Berwick, annexed to the cell of Coldingham, as they say, attended and discussed the vicarage portion of the said vicarage; and, after discussion hereof, the prior of Coldingham said, with the consent of the prior and chapter of Durham, that the vicar of Berwick will receive £20 yearly, at four terms of the year from the prior and convent of Coldingham, and set out further rights and responsibilities of both parties, specified; and that the vicar swore to observe this ordinance of the vicarage.
Witnesses: Mr William de Farnham, official of the bishop of Durham, and Mr John de Hakthorp, clerk, NP.
Date: the prior's chapel within the abbey of Durham , 24 May 1368.
Also on f.346r-v and Misc.Ch. 974.
Digitised version
f.261v    24 May 1368
Notification by John prior and the convent of Durham to William, bishop of St Andrews, that, urged by him, they instructed the prior and convent of their cell of Coldingham to assign a suitable vicarage portion for the church of Holy Trinity, Berwick, which is appropriated to the said cell; which they have done, with the consent of the prior and convent of Durham, ordaining that John of Holy Island, now vicar of Holy Trinity, and his successors should receive £20 yearly from them in equal portions at the terms of All Saints, Candlemas, Invention of Cross, and St Peter's Chains; and wax for Candlemas and four candles for every funeral, if as many candles come to the church at these obsequies, with the prior of Coldingham, as rector of Holy Trinity, taking any other candles pertaining to the said church; the prior and convent of Coldingham, and not the vicar and his successors, being responsible for construction and repair of the chancel of the church, at their own expense; and that John, now vicar of Holy Trinity, has accepted the portion as sufficient for himself and his successors.
Date: Durham, 24 May 1368.
Also on f.335r-v.
Digitised version
f.261v-262r    20 May [1368]
Writ of certiorari super causa captionis by Edward [III], king of England, to John de Stotherskelf, escheator of Yorkshire, ordering him to inform him in chancery of his reason for taking the half of the vill of Holtby belonging to the prior of Durham into the king's hand; considering it insufficient that the escheator has found by inquisition ex officio that he, the king, has had no profit from this half of Holtby, held in chief of the king, by the death of the prior around 50 years ago, because the temporalities of the prior and convent ought not to be taken into the king's hand by the death of any prior; ordering him to remove the king's hand from this half of Holtby, and to restore the half to the prior.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 May, 42 Edward [III].
Also on f.346v.
Digitised version
f.262r    16 February [1368]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, accepting that, from an inquisition taken by the bishop, Ralph de Bulmer, the day he died, held no land of the king within the bishop's lordship, but that he held a messuage and 40 acres of land in Preston and Simonside, within the bishop's liberty, of the prior of Durham; and that Ralph, son of Ralph de Bulmere, is heir and is one year old and more; instructing him to remove the king's hand from these lands and permit the prior to take them into his custody, as is customary, and cause the issues thereof dating from Ralph's death to be delivered to the prior.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 16 February, 42 Edward [III].
Also on f.346v.
Digitised version
f.262r    [c.1368]
Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to Robert de Neuill' and Euphemia de Heserlaton' on their petition, to have sepulture on the south side of the Galilee of Durham cathedral.
Date: “&c”.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxl-cxli.
Digitised version
f.262r-263r    2 February 1369
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to John, master of the cell of Wearmouth reciting the following citation
Citation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham requiring them to attend before him in the chapter house of Durham on Monday 26 February next, with continuation if need be, and undergo visitation; enjoining the prior to cite the priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of Durham to attend, and to cause these letters to be delivered to the subprior and convent without delay; and requiring the prior to have him informed of what he has done in respect of the foregoing, and to supply the names of those cited, by eight days before the said date.
Date: manor of Crayke, 8 January 1368/9.
instructing him to cite the monks of Durham, wherever dwelling, to attend as required, and to inform him of what he has done in the foregoing, and of the names of those he shall have cited, by Ash Wednesday [14 February] next to come.
Date: Durham, 2 February 1368/9.
Digitised version
f.263r    19 October 1369
Collation by John prior and the chapter of Durham to John de Kyngeston', priest of Winchester dioc., of the archdeaconry of Durham; saving archidiaconal rights in churches appropriated to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 19 October 1369.
Also on f.228v-229r.
f.263r    2 November 1369
Mandate by John prior and the chapter of Durham to Uthred, subprior of Durham, to induct John de Kyngeston, priest, or his proctor, into bodily possession of the archdeaconry of Durham; requiring certification of this business, fortified with another's authentic seal or the sign and subscription of any notary public.
Date: Durham, 2 November 1369.
Also on f.229r
Digitised version
f.263r-v    18 [November 1369]
Certification by Uthred, subprior of Durham, to John prior and the chapter of Durham of a mandate, as in the preceding entry, stating that he inducted John de Kyngeston' into bodily possession of the archdeaconry of Durham, 12 November 1369; with the seal of the official of the bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 18 [November 1369].
Also on f.229r.
Digitised version
f.263v    27 August 1371
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr John de Swethop, their clerk, of a pension of 10 marks yearly, for life, to be taken in equal portions at the terms of Lady Day [25 March] and Virgin Mary's nativity [8 September].
Date: Durham, 27 August 1371.
Digitised version
f.263v    [1370s]
Grant of confraternity by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Broun, citizen of Stamford, of participation in all masses, prayers, vigils [&c] of the prior and convent, and their fellow monks in their dependent cells; because of his sincere devotion in the business of their cell of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: Durham
Digitised version
f.263v    12 July 1377
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Morpeth', vicar of Merrington, of a pension of 24 marks yearly, in equal portions at Martinmas, Candlemas, Invention of Cross and Lammas, for life; for his renunciation of a composition concerning the vicarage portion of Merrington, made in the Roman curia between the prior's predecessor and the convent of Durham on the one part and Thomas on the other part.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1377.
Digitised version
Digitised version
f.264v    5 January 1398
Grant by indenture by the prior and convent to Ralph de Bulmer, knight, since Ralph, by indenture, demised to John de Appelby, Thomas Kay and Robert de Hemmyngburgh', chaplains, their heirs and assigns, a third part of the manor of Simonside and Preston for three years from Martinmas 1395 rendering 5 marks yearly to Ralph and 13s 4d yearly to the prior and convent; that, if the render of five marks be unpaid in whole or part for 12 weeks after a term day, it be allowed to Ralph to distrain upon the two-thirds of the manor of Simonside and Preston and any other lands and tenements there which the prior and convent have, for retention by him until satisfied of the arrears, with the same right to pertain to any heir of Ralph's, being of full age, should Ralph happen to die within the three years.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: 5 January 1397/8.
Original: DCD Loc.XXXVII:93.
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f.264v    2 May 1371 - [13]83
Memorandum that the following successively obtained the church of Ruddington:
Alban Feir, by presentation of Richard Byngham, knight, the church being vacant by the death of Robert Annesley, last rector thereof, and by institution by John Thoresby, ordinary there, at Thorpe [Bishopthorpe], near York, 2 May 1371;
Robert Sybthorp', rector of Magna [Much] Hadham, London [dioc.], by exchange with the said Alban, by authority [?] of John de Thoresby, 17 June 1372;
Thomas Midilton', presented by John Nevill', and instituted by Alexander Nevill', 1376;
Alan de Hayden, presented by John Nevill' and Ralph his son, following the resignation of Thomas Midilton', [13]83.
Digitised version
Digitised version
f.265v    [29 September 1399]
Letters of abdication by Richard [II], king of England, renouncing his title.
Witnesses: H[enry], duke of Lancaster; T[homas], archbishop of Canterbury; R[ichard], archbishop of York; H[enry], earl of Northumberland; R[alph], earl of Westmorland; John Berkley; W. Bencham; Hugh Burnell'.
Digitised version
f.265v     [30 September 1399]
Language:   English, Middle (1100-1500)
Statements made by Henry, [duke] of Lancaster, before the throne, and seated on the throne.
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f.265v-266r    [1398]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Oath by Drew Barantyn, mayor, and the aldermen, citizens and commons of the city of London, to the king [Richard II] promising to abide by the ordinances of his parliament held at Westminster and continued at Shrewsbury, and to defend the same from any who might do anything against them.
Digitised version
f.266r-v    [2 October] 1289
(Added, out of sequence:) Inspeximus by Hugh prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinance, conserving the right and liberty of the chapter.
Ordinance by Antony, bishop of Durham, of the church of Lanchester reciting the following commission
Commission by Antony, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Craven', priest, appointing him guardian of the church of Lanchester during the vacancy following the death of Alexander de Alverton, late rector thereof.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 8 Kal. April 1283 [25 March 1284, presumably 1284: Antony Bek's election as bishop of Durham took place on 9 July 1283].
and, after discussion with the guardian, and with assent of the guardian and the chapter of Durham, erecting the church of Lanchester into a collegiate church, with a deanery and six prebends; specifying the responsibilities of the dean, including the requirement to have the chapels of Esh, Medomsley and Healey served by competent ministers; giving details of his income, including pensions from Collierly and Satley; and setting out the responsibilities of the prebendaries; assigning to the seven prebends the greater tithes of the following places:
(1) Esh, Cornsay, Headley, Nether Hamsteels, Over Hamsteels, Broomshiels and the land of Matthew Forestar';
(2) Medomsley, Ousterley, Kyo, Bushblades, Billingside, Bradley and Crook;
(3) Greencroft, Hollingside, Colepike, Steeley, Butsfield, the smith's land and Tassigurley;
(4) Langley, Ridding, Stobbilee, Broom, Notesteles, Burnhope, Lanchester and Peththe;
(5) Healeyfield, Consett, Knitsley;
(6) Iveston and Benfieldside;
(7) Moreleyes, Newbiggin, Hurbeck and The Ford;
with mention of the living quarters for the canons and specifying precedence in the stalls.
Date: Auckland, 12 Kal. October 1283 [sic], Pont. 1 [20 September 1284] [apparently the correct year].
Date: Durham, 6 Non. October 1289.
The details of this ordinance are printed in translation in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.3-5.
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f.267r    1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his justices, sheriffs, bailiffs, ministers &c informing them that he has granted to Thomas de Haddam, for life, the liberty that he may not be impanelled against his will for jury service on assizes or inquests; and instructing them not to trouble him contrary to this grant.
By the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: D[urham], 26 June, Pont. 9. [1354]
Date: “&c”, 1365.
Also on f.337r.
Digitised version
f.267r    8 May 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William del Orchard, of a messuage and garden upon a plot in Durham, as enclosed by fence and ditch; to be held by William, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 10s 8d yearly at the exchequer of Durham, for all service.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 2 April, Pont. 19 [1364]
Date: Durham, 8 May 1364.
Also on f.338r.
Digitised version
f.267r-v    18 March 1364
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Ralph de Hastyngg' of the office of steward of the lordship of Crayke, for life, receiving 5 marks yearly by the hands of the receiver or reeve (prouest) of the manor of Crayke.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, Michaelmas, 34 Edward III. [29 September 1360]
Date: Durham, 18 March 1363/4.
Also on f.338r.
Digitised version
f.267v    27 December 1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Kyrkeby for his service as coroner of the ward of Chester hitherto and to come, of 3 messuages and 12 acres of land in Cleadon, which were Thomas Cok's and came to the bishop as escheat when Thomas died without heir; to be held by William, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering rent and service used and wont at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of William de Westley, dean of Auckland, constable of the bishop.
Date: Durham, 7 September, Pont. 6. [1350]
Date: Durham, 27 December 1365.
Also on f.339r.
Digitised version
f.267v    7 September 1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Adam Batemansone of the office of forester which John Short occupied within the forest of Weardale; to be held for life, taking wages and profits used and wont to the said office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 1 April, Pont. 19. [1364]
Date: Durham, 7 September 1365.
Also on f.339r.
Digitised version
f.267v-268r    17 May 1366
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Botelsford, rector of Binewerk, Stamford, and Robert de Welton, burgess of Stamford, of a plot of land in Stamford, against the enclosure of the Carmelite friars, towards the gate of the Friars Minor, in the parish of Holy Trinity outside the east gate; to be held by William and Robert, their heirs and assigns of the chief lords of the fee, by service used and wont, in perpetuity.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1366.
See also f.275r below.
Digitised version
f.268r-v    17 September 1363
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Walter de Hesilden, his heirs and assigns, of the borough of Gateshead, with its demesne, meadow, pasture, and the site of the manor of Gateshead, and their profits as were accustomed to be demised before this time; saving to the bishop his mines within the demesne, meadow and pasture, and sufficient from the mines to the river Tyne; to be held by Walter, his heirs and assigns, from Whitsun 1364 for 40 years; rendering to the bishop and his successors £22 yearly, in equal portions at the four main terms appointed in the bishopric, beginning at St John the Baptist [24 June] 1364; the houses on the site of the manor to be maintained at Walter's expense and returned in as good or better condition than that in which he received them; and of the entire fishery of Gateshead, in the Tyne, for 40 years beginning with the date of the presents; rendering £20 yearly; with arrears of the said farm of £42 to be doubled if unpaid for 40 days; Walter finding William de Hoton', Alan de Ravensworth, William de Spiriden', John de Layburn', and Richard de Neleston, as sureties; the bishop granting proportional allowance of the farm, at the discretion of trustworthy men, if profits of the borough and fishing be lost through destruction in war.
Walter retaining the portion of the indenture bearing the seal of the bishop's temporality, and the bishop retaining the portion bearing the seals of Walter and his five sureties.
Date: Durham, Monday in Whit week [22 May] 1363.
Date: Durham, 17 September 1363.
See also on f.345r-v.
Digitised version
f.268v-269r    14 August 1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, to Ralph Basset of 134½ acres, next to the field of Biddick, of moor and cultivated land remaining in the bishop's hand from when he gave the vill of Penshaw to him in exchange for the land of Middleham, held of Jordan Escolland; and the mill and pond upon the Herrington Burn (Ellyngburne) in the bishop's land between Newbottle and Penshaw, with rights, specified; to be held by Ralph and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in fee and heredity; rendering yearly therefor 6 marks, for all other service and aid, and finding a man with two greyhounds for the great chase, as service owed from the land of Nicholas de Pench[aw] and performed by Nicholas before the exchange; the bishop granting further rights, specified, in his forest, and exempting Ralph and his heirs from suit of court at Durham for the land or mill, unless impleaded. [c.1170 x October 1180]
Witnesses: Henry de Puteaco; Gilbert Hansard; Ralph Haget, then sheriff; Michael son of Brien; Roger de Coigners; Alan de Bruntofte; Alan de Chiltona; Alexander de Hiltona; Patrick de Ufferton'; Geoffrey de Corp'; Richard de Parco; Richard de Punchard'.
Date: Durham, 14 August 1365.
Also on f.337v and DCD Reg.I, f.ii.6v-7r.
Printed in English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.3-4.
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f.269r    5 June 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard [Poore], bishop of Durham.
Date: Tarrant, 5 Id. April [9 April], Pont. 7 [9 April 1235]
Date: Durham, 5 June 1367.
Also on f.344v.
Calendared in detail above at f.178v, a copy of an inspeximus of 1363.
Digitised version
f.269r-v    20 August 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Hagthorp', his clerk, of a plot in Durham, 24' long, between the plot which was William de Westley's and the gate towards the cemetery of Durham cathedral; John being allowed to erect a stone structure against the wall, providing it be of no damage to the bishop and his successors or the wall; to be held by John and his heirs in perpetuity of the bishop and his successors; rendering 12d yearly at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 27 September, Pont. 21. [1365]
Date: Durham, 20 August 1367.
Also on f.343v.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 1704.
Digitised version
f.269v    20 August 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Andrew de Tyndale of the office of parker of the park of Wolsingham, for life, with the wages and fees due to the office, used and wont, as in the time of the bishop's predecessors.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 1 November, Pont. 22. [1366]
Date: Durham, 20 August 1367.
Also on f.343v.
Digitised version
f.269v-270r    5 June 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his justices, escheators, sheriffs, bailiffs, ministers and others informing them that he has granted to John de Thornton', for life, the liberty that he may not be impanelled against his will for jury service on assizes or inquests, those concerning the bishop or the right of the church of Durham alone excepted; and instructing them not to trouble him contrary to this grant. By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 12 April, Pont. 21. [1366]
Date: Durham, 5 June 1367.
Digitised version
f.270r    4 September 1366
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Hilton' of the office of parker, warrener and keeper of the wood of the lordship of Allerton and Allertonshire, for life, receiving the liveries and fees used and wont to the office.
Date: Auckland, 8 March 1362/3.
Date: Durham, 4 September 1366.
Digitised version
f.270r-v    25 September 1367
Sworn undertaking and bond by John de Hilton' to the prior and convent of Durham promising to be faithful to them, not to bring trouble unreasonably or allow the bringing of trouble to them, and to render faithful advocacy when present where their business is conducted, so that they sustain no damage; and obliging himself to pay 20s as often as he be shown knowingly to have failed herein.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1367.
Also, with minor differences and dated a year earlier, on f.341r.
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f.270v    26 May 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming a grant by {Thomas}, bishop of Durham, to Gamel de Jaroe as inspected f.335v below.
Date: Durham, 26 May 1368.
(The marginal caption describes this as the confirmation of John de Eluet, not Gamel de Jaroe.) [It is possible that such a grant to John was issued by Bishop Thomas Hatfield, 1345 x 1368, using the text of an earlier grant to Gamel; the witnesses above cannot be to a grant by Hatfield, e.g. Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, but fit well the text in the name of Bishop Robert inspected on the same day and copied at f.335v below.]
See also f.335v below.
Digitised version
f.270v-271r    26 May 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Menevill', of a plot of waste in the vills of Easington and Thorpe, namely 60 perches by 1½ perches on the southern side between the bounds of Horden and Thorpe, in easement of his mill, the waste extending to a ½ acre; to be held by William and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 2s yearly at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 5 April, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 26 May 1368.
Also on f.335v & 346r.
Digitised version
f.271r    22 July 1367
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Agreement by indenture between the prior of Durham and Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby, witnessing that Ralph has deposited 300 marks in the treasury of the church of Durham to be held until he or his executors or the prior and convent or their successors purchase £10 of land or rent within the diocese of Durham or elsewhere and amortize the same to the priory for finding a chaplain to sing [masses] for Ralph and Alesia his spouse, their forbears and issue, and for the souls of all Christians, at the altar where the bodies of Ralph and Alice will be interred in the monastery of Durham; if the said sum prove insufficient, Ralph or his executors are to provide what is necessary for the purchase beyond the said sum; the prior and convent are to give assurance, in a sealed deed, of maintaining the chantry once the purchase has been made; that, until the purchase is made, Ralph or his executors are to provide 10 marks yearly for the maintenance of a chaplain to be found by the prior and convent; masses are to be sung in the choir by the convent every year on the dates of the obits of Ralph and Alesia.
Sealed interchangeably, with the prior and convent appending their seal.
Date: Durham, 22 July 1367.
Also on f.344r.
Digitised version
f.271r-v    10 July 1368
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following indenture.
Indenture [of retinue] between Thomas, bishop of Durham, and John de Nevill', lord of Raby, witnessing that John is to dwell with the bishop, for the term of the bishop's life, to be of his counsel and to aid him, including riding with the bishop in time of peace or in time of war in the marches of Scotland and within Scotland, unless prevented by service to the king or the duke of Lancaster, with wages for his company according to those received from the duke, namely for 30 men-at-arms, or more or less, as agreed; and that the bishop has granted to John, for life, the manor of Winlaton, discharged of a £20 annual rent with which the manor is charged yearly at the exchequer of Durham, and 20 marks yearly for life to be taken from the vill of Whickham or from the exchequer of Durham, by the hands of the constable.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: London, 21 May, 42 Edward III. [1368]
Date: Durham, 10 July 1368.
Digitised version
f. 271v-272r   22 November 1366
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following regrant.
Regrant by Philip, bishop of Durham. [1197 x 1204]
Date: Durham, 22 November 1366.
Also on f.149, and calendared there.
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f.272r-v    5 September 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior and brethren of the Carmelite friary, Northallerton of an aqueduct from the spring in his park of Tursker [i.e. Turfker ?] to the cloister of the convent; with his and his successors' licence to excavate on their land and install lead pipes, improve the aqueduct as necessary, and to erect a covering over the spring to protect it; with conditions, specified.
Date: manor of Northallerton, 3 October 1367.
Date: Durham, 5 September 1368.
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f.272v    24 December 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following appointment.
Appointment by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Salkok, constituting him bailiff of the liberty of Allerton and Allertonshire, for life, receiving the fees customarily taken by others in the office;
with a mandate to all his subjects instructing them to be obedient to Thomas in all things pertaining to his office.
Date: manor of Auckland, 13 August 1367.
Date: Durham, 24 December 1368.
Digitised version
f.272v-273r    10 December 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Robert de Umframvill', knight, of free warren in the bishop's demesne lands of Farnacres, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, so long as these lands be not within the bounds of the bishop's forest; providing that none enter these lands to chase or take anything pertaining to the warren without Robert's licence, on pain of £10.
Witnesses: Bertram (Betramo ) Monboucher, knight; John Darcy, knight; William de Dalden', John Carrowe; Simon de Langton'; William de Kirkeby.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 25 September, Pont. 24. [1368]
Date: Durham, 10 December 1368.
Digitised version
f.273r    24 December 1368
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Salkok, marshal of the bishop's hostel, if he remain in the same office for the term of the bishop's life; of 100s yearly to be taken from the manor of Allerton, at Allerton, by the hands of the receiver there, for the term of his life, until the bishop or one of his successors should grant him the office of bailiff or other reward to the value of the office of parker of Crayke, which he lately had, or to the value of the said 100s.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's chancellor in Durham.
Date: Durham, 27 September 1361.
Date: Durham, 24 December 1368.
Digitised version
f.273r-v    1 February 1369
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Dalton', now rector of Houghton [le Spring], of a chief messuage with two buildings and 140 acres of land and meadow of the bishop's demesne in Houghton, in the bishop's hands by the death of Maunsell' Marmion, lately rector there, to be held for life; which tenement had been received by Robert de Shirburn', proctor of William de Dalton', at the halmote held at Houghton on Tuesday after [the translation of] St Thomas the martyr [10 July] 1347, Pont. 2 [this identifies which feast of St Thomas the martyr is meant]; to be held according to the customs of the manor, rendering the ancient farm yearly.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 23 February, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 1 February 1368/9.
Digitised version
f.273v    24 December 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Chaundeler of the office of parker of the park of Evenwood, and of other woods pertaining thereto; receiving from the bishop and his successors, at the hands of the reeve or bailiff there, 1d daily as wages, payment beginning on the date of the presents, with other rights and fees, specified; the office to be held for life.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 5 August, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 24 December 1368.
Digitised version
f.273v-274r    7 April 1369
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by Thomas, bishop of Durham, confirming the following grant.
Grant by John de Hampton' and Thomas, his brother, to John Verty of a messuage and 90 acres of land and meadow, which they had by gift of the bishop of Durham, in the vill of Brafferton; to be held for life, of the bishop and his successors, for service of one rose at St John the Baptist [24 June].
Witnesses: Bernard de Thurstanton', John Pollard, Thomas de Tours, Gilbert de Grendon', Thomas Chaunceller'.
Date: Brafferton, Monday after St Cuthbert in March [23 March] 1355/6.
By the hand of William de Westley, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 11 April, Pont. 11. [1356]
Date: Durham, 7 April 1369.
Digitised version
f.274r    24 June 1369
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William Forester of Gateshead at the request of William de Menevill' of the office of keeper of the park of Gateshead, for life, receiving 1½d daily as the customary wages.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 20 April, Pont. 24. [1369]
Date: Durham, 24 June 1369.
Digitised version
f.274r-v    6 January 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following collation.
Collation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Kellaw, priest of Durham dioc., of the chantry of St Cuthbert, Norham; vacant by the death of John Cort, clerk.
Date: manor of Howden, 3 August 1362.
Date: Durham, 6 January 1369/70.
Digitised version
f.274v    27 May 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Ottelay of Tweedmouth of a certain waste plot next to the common bakehouse in Tweedmouth on the southern side, 60' by 60'; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering yearly therefor 2s 8d at the exchequer of Norham, at the accustomed terms in Norhamshire.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 25 August, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: Durham, 27 May 1370.
Digitised version
f.274v-275r    27 May 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by William, lord of East Nisbet, to Patrick, his firstborn son, and Patrick's wife Margaret, daughter of William de Brechin, clerk, of his whole vill of East Nisbet, with the demesne thereof and the husbandlands and cotlands; to be held by Patrick and Margaret and their bodily heirs; rendering service used and wont to the prior and convent of Durham, chief lords of that fee, and 1d to William, while he live, at Christmas, if asked.
Witnesses: Robert de Lawedre, then justiciar of Lothian, knight; Alexander de Seton', knight; Robert of Moray (de Moravia), knight; Eustace de Maxwell', knight; Henry Balliol (de Balliolo), knight; John son of Walter, then sheriff of Berwick; Eustace de Lorreynis; Alan de Rowle; Guy de Denome; Richard son of Alan; Alexander de Hawyk; Patrick de Gledstans.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1370.
Digitised version
f.275r    24 December 1369
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following discharge.
Discharge by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Geoffrey de Brandesby, his tenant in Crayke, excusing him for life from carrucage and works in August and from the office of reeve, in French.
Under the seal of the chancery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 11 April, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 24 December 1369.
Digitised version
f.275r    29 May 1370
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Botelesford', rector of St Mary Binewerk, Stamford, and John Broune, burgess of Stamford, of a plot of land in Stamford, lying against the precincts of the Carmelite friars, outside the east gate, towards the gate of the Friars Minor, in the parish of Holy Trinity; to be held by William and John, their heirs and assigns, of the chief lords of the fee, by service used and wont, in perpetuity.
Date: Durham, 29 May 1370.
See also f.267v-268r above.
Calendared in: A. Rogers, People and Property in Medieval Stamford (2012), p.296.
Digitised version
f.275r    29 May 1370
Power of attorney by John prior and the convent of Durham to Adam of Barnard Castle to give seisin of a plot of land in Stamford to William de Botelsford', rector of St Mary in Binewerk, Stamford, and John Broune, burgess of Stamford.
Date: Durham, 29 May 1370.
Digitised version
f.275r-v    23 December 1372
Inspeximus by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas de Ingelby of a plot called Grubdalecote next to the vill of Osmotherley; to be held, with the right of driving cattle to and from his manor of Bordelby [now Mount Grace] for the term of 20 years.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 24 April, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 23 December 1372.
Digitised version
f.275v    8 May 1373
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by T[homas], bishop of D[urham], confirming the following grant, and also, after inspection, a charter by William prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming a charter in the same words (not recited).
Grant by H[ugh of Le Puiset], bishop of D[urham], to Gilbert Harun of the vill of Holmeside, with Sygrith daughter of Huchtred, to be held by him and by his and his wife's heirs of the bishop and his successors; rendering one mark yearly, and performing, himself or a suitable man in his place, yearly service of 15 days in the fawning [season] and 15 days in the rutting [season]; saving in all things the bishop's forest.
Witnesses: Simon the chamberlain, Mr Richard de Coldyngham, William son of the archbishop, Gilbert Halsard', Philip son of Hamo, Ralph Haget', Geoffrey son of Richard, Roger de Aldre, Roger de Applyndena, John de Ammundivilla, Jordan Escelland', Gilbert de Laya, Gilbert de Clara. [1175 x March 1184]
Date: Gateshead, Friday after St Valentine, Pont. 11. [19 February 1356]
Date: D[urham], 8 May 1373.
(The marginal caption, [C]onfirmatio Thome Umframvill', refers to the fourteenth-century tenant)
Another version: TNA C66/254 (patent roll) m.31 in a 1358 Edward III inspeximus; whence printed in Calendar of Patent Rolls 1358-1361, p.11.
Other versions: TNA DURH 3/1 (Bishop Bury's register) f.285r in a 1338 petition;
Printed from another version in: Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense vol. III, ed T.D. Hardy (Rolls Series 62 1875), p.268-269;English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.56-57 .
Digitised version
f.275v-276r    30 July 1373
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by Thomas, bishop of D[urham], confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture by John de Belgrave, the bishop's head forester of Weardale, to Alice de Nevill', lady of Brancepeth, of three byres (vacheryes) called Wereheued, Middilblakden', Est Blakden', to be held by Alice for the term of her life; rendering £4 10s, i.e. 30s for each byre, to the bishop, by the hands of the said John, or another in the said office; the byres to be in as good or better order at the end of the term as at the beginning thereof, and Alice having rights to materials from the bishop's wood for maintenance of the byres, at the hands of the head forester.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Stanhope, la veille de Seint Elyne 1373.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 24 July, Pont. 28. [1372]
Date: D[urham], 30 July 1373.
Digitised version
f.276r-v    13 April 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant by T[homas], bishop of D[urham], to William de Chichester of the keeping of the manor of Wheel Hall, for life; receiving yearly 20s from the bishop and his successors and 4 quarters 2½ bushels of wheat as his livery for keeping the said manor; and of the demesne of the said manor, at farm for life, rendering yearly at the exchequer of Howden 8d for every acre.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 22 November, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: D[urham], 13 April 1370.
Digitised version
f. 276v    13 April 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant by T[homas], bishop of D[urham], to Nicholas de Skelton', the bishop's valettus, of the office of coroner of the ward of Chester, for life, with fees and profits used and wont to the office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 21 October, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: D[urham], 13 April 1370.
Digitised version
f.276v    13 April 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant by T[homas], bishop of D[urham] to John de Bather' of the office of coroner of the ward of Darlington, for life, with fees and profits used and wont to the office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 7 December, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: D[urham], 13 April 1370.
Digitised version
f.276v-277r    13 April 1370
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant by T[homas], bishop of D[urham], to Robert Alem (or Alein), the bishop's valettus and master cook, of the office of bailiff errant of the lordship of Allerton and Allertonshire; for life, receiving fees and profits hitherto used and wont to the said office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 7 December, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: D[urham], 13 April 1370.
f.277r    15 May 1372
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of D[urham] to Ralph de Hastyngs of the office of parker and the keeping of the park of Crayke; receiving the wages and fees used and wont to the office hitherto; instructing his ministers, subjects and tenants to answer to him.
Under the seal of the chancery of Durham.
Date: D[urham], 20 February, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: D[urham], 15 May 1372
Digitised version
f.277r-v    [c.1370 x 1372]
Grant by Richard prior and the convent of Durham to Richard de Midfeld and his heirs begotten of him of 7 acres in the Pool of Freckleton, in fee farm, once held of them by Roger de Ris; to be held free of secular service; rendering yearly therefor 4s to the cell of Lytham; with 10s to be given to Lytham at the death of Richard or his heirs, and the heirs to pay 8s relief; with the land to revert to the cell of Lytham in the absence of bodily heirs, with other conditions specified.
Date: Durham.
Digitised version
f.277v    [19 May] 1371
Confirmation by John prior and the convent of D[urham] of the grant by John Logane, laird of Restalrig, to John de Lastalrig and Christian, his spouse, jointly and severally, and to the survivor, of his land of Flemington within the prior and convent's barony of Coldingham, which land is held of the prior and convent and their priory of Coldingham by certain rents and services.
Date: Durham, Monday next after Ascension Day 1371.
Digitised version
f.277v    31 May 1373
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of D[urham] confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of D[urham], to Alan de Suthyngton, clerk, steward of Durham, of a messuage in Howden which T. Benyt, parson of [Kirby] Sigston, held of the bishop for the term of his life, and due to revert to the bishop and his successors by the death of the said T.; to be held of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity by Alan, his heirs and assigns, by service used and wont.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: D[urham], 23 February, Pont. 28. [1373]
Date: D[urham], 31 May 1373.
Digitised version
f.277v-278r    16 April 1373
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Notton' barbur, valettus of the bishop's camera, of the office of forester of the woods of Clak and Cotcliffe, with the office of warrener of all the bishop's warrens of Allertonshire; to be held for life, receiving the fees and profits used and wont of old to the said offices.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 10 October, Pont. 25. [1369]
Date: Durham, 16 April 1373.
Digitised version
f.278r    20 April 1376
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Ralph son of Ralph of Thorneton' of a bovate of land in Thornton, sometime held by Ralph de Thornton', father of Ralph; to be held for life, rendering 10s yearly to the bishop and his successors.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: manor of Old Ford, 14 February, Pont. 31. [1376]
Date: Durham, 20 April 1376.
Digitised version
f.278r    6 January 1376
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following remission.
Remission by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Souter of Norham of liability to prosecution for the death of William de Wodeme; and of outlawry, if this shall have been pronounced upon Thomas by reason hereof; providing that he stand to right in the bishop's court, should anyone wish to speak against him concerning the said death.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 21 April, Pont. 25. [1370]
Date: Durham, 6 January 1375/6.
Digitised version
f.278r-v    19 March 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Nicholas de Hatefeld', his kinsman, of the office and keeping of the park of Wolsingham; for life, receiving 4d daily at the hands of the head forester of Weardale, along with other fees and profits pertaining to the said office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 August, Pont. 33. [1377]
Date: Durham, 19 March 1378/9.
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 421, f.8r.
Digitised version
f.278v    31 October 1378
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Robert Fauconer, at the request of [John of Gaunt,] king of Castille and Leon, duke of Lancaster, of the office of doorkeeper (janitor) of the manor of Darlington; to be held for the term of his life, receiving fees and profits pertaining to the office, just as previous doorkeepers of the said manor have received.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 24 January, Pont. 33. [1378]
Date: Durham, 31 October 1378.
f.278v    16 May 1378
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Henry Pillok', of the office of bailiff of the wapentake of Sadberge; for the term of his life, receiving fees and profits used and wont to the office, as received by previous bailiffs in the same office.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 24 March, Pont. 31. [1376]
Date: Durham, 16 May 1378.
Digitised version
f.279r    29 September 1378
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Popham, his kinsman, of a place called Woodhouse in the parish of Auckland, with its appurtenances both within the vill of Bishop Auckland and elsewhere in the bishop's regality of Durham; just as R. Avener or William de Beverlay, clerk, held the same; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering yearly therefor at the exchequer of Durham the rents and services used and wont.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 May, Pont. 33. [1378]
Date: Durham, 29 September 1378.
Digitised version
f.279r    29 September 1378
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas del Hall' of the office and keeping of the park of Muggleswick for life, with a servant's garment yearly when the general livery happens to be made, an allowance, specified, to be received from their house of Durham, and receiving from the prior's exchequer 4½d every week for food, along with other fees and profits pertaining to the office.
Date: Durham, 29 September 1378.
Digitised version
f.279v    3 September [1378].
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Coignes, knight, of free warren for him and his heirs in all his demesne lands of Sockburn, Bishopton, Harperley, Black Hall and Stainton in the counties of Durham and Sadberge; providing that those lands be not within the bishop's forest, and that none enter these lands to chase or take anything pertaining to the warren without licence of John and his heirs, on pain of £10.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 21 November, Pont. 28. [1372]
Date: Durham, 3 September [1378].
Digitised version
f.279v-280r    5 January 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following dispensation.
Dipensation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Ukyrby, chaplain, that he be able to retain the chantry in the bishop's manor of Darlington, which the bishop has lately collated to him, along with St Mary's chantry in the church of Darlington, which he holds by grant of the prior and convent of Durham, because the latter chantry is too impoverished for the maintenance of a chaplain, with his responsibility to the respective chantries specified; saving his right and that of his church of Durham.
Date: manor of Auckland, 3 July 1378.
Date: Durham, 5 January 1378/9.
Digitised version
f.280r    29 June 1378
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Wyles, his servant, of the office of doorkeeper (janitor ) of the manor of Auckland; holding the office for life with the profits pertaining thereto, of old used and wont; receiving a three-weekly allowance of 2 bushels of wheat and 4s yearly as his salary, a robe of valet's livery, and the other fees as received by previous doorkeepers.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 4 February, Pont. 30. [1375]
Date: Durham, 29 June 1378.
Another copy: DCD Misc.Ch. 421, f.7v.
Digitised version
f.280r-v    6 January [137]6
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, that the office of constable of Norham castle, granted by the bishop to Nicholas de Dagworth' for life, with the fees and profits customary of old to the office within the regality of Islandshire and Norhamshire; the estate of which office Nicholas granted, with the bishop's assent, to John Heron' for life, with Nicholas to recover the office if John die during Nicholas' lifetime; should be held by John for life should he survive Nicholas.
Date: manor of Auckland, 20 July, Pont. 29. [1374]
Date: Durham, 6 January [137]5/6.
Digitised version
f.280v    1 February 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Popham, his kinsman, of all his rights in the lands and tenements which were Thomas Chaumberlayn's in Cassop; to be held by him and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering the rents and services which Thomas used to render before the lands and tenements came into the bishop's hands.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 January, Pont. 32. [1377]
Date: Durham, 1 February 1378/9.
f.280v    6 March 1379
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Simon Alman of Elvet of a clerk's robe at Christmas and two stones of wool (one black) yearly at shearing, for life; with, for the next 7 years, while he live, at Martinmas, an ox or cow or 10s.
Date: Durham, 6 March 1378/9.
Digitised version
f.280v-281r    23 June 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Roger de Catryk', N.P., of an assarted plot of waste called Moorhouses, near Kimblesworth; to be held by Roger and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity, as John Potter' lately held the same; rendering therefor yearly at the exchequer of Durham 8s 10d and doing all other service used and wont. By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 12 May, Pont. 33. [1378]
Date: Durham, 23 June 1379.
Digitised version
f.281r    23 November 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Hatfeld', valettus of the bishop's pantry, of the office of bailiff errant in the lordship and liberty of Allerton and Allertonshire; to be held for life of the bishop and his successors; receiving the fees, wages and profits belonging to the office, as received by previous bailiffs in the same office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 13 September, Pont. 35. [1379]
Date: Durham, 23 November 1379.
Digitised version
f.281r-v    6 December 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Greyn of the office of parker of the park of Evenwood; to be held for the term of William's life; receiving fees, wages and profits pertaining to the office, as received by previous bailiffs there.
By the hand of William de Elmden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 22 September, Pont. 35. [1379]
Date: Durham, 6 December 1379.
Digitised version
f.281v    30 November 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham to Roger de Fulthorpp' and his heirs of free warren in all his demesne lands of Thrislington and Tunstall by Hart [par. Stranton] in the counties of Durham and Sadberge, so long as none of these lands lies within the bishop's forest; providing that none enter these lands to chase or take anything pertaining to the warren without licence of Roger and his heirs, on pain of £10.
Witnesses: Ralph de Nevill', knight; William de Wessyngton', knight; William de Claxton', knight; William de Menevill'; William de Dalden'.
By the bishop's hand.
Date: Durham, 4 December, Pont. 20. [1364]
Date: Durham, 30 November 1379.
Digitised version
f.281v-282r    30 November 1379
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Roger de Fulthorpp' of the office of steward of Howdenshire for the term of his life, with rôle stated in general terms; receiving fees and profits used and wont to the office; with mandate to his tenants, subjects and vassals there to obey Roger and his deputies.
Under the bishop's privy seal.
Date: London, 4 July, Pont. 34. [1379]
Date: Durham, 30 November 1379.
Digitised version
f.282r    6 December 1379
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Betonson' of Evenwood of the office of parker of the park of Bedburn, and the office of subforester of the forest of Weardale: namely those offices which Peter Forester held while he lived; holding these offices for life, receiving the fees, wages and profits, as received by the said Peter, pertaining to the offices.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 24 October, Pont. 35. [1379]
Date: Durham, 6 December 1379.
Digitised version
f.282v    c.1379
Account of the prior of Durham, collector in the diocese of Durham of the two tenths granted to the king by the clergy, 1 [Richard II], deputed for this purpose by letters patent of Thomas, bishop of Durham, [rendered by] John de Beryngton', monk of Durham, attorney to the prior, as contained in the Memoranda of 2 [Richard II] among the attorneyships of Hilary term. £443 10s. 9d. from the tenths of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal according to the new assessment: £430 in the treasury by three tallies; collector's expenses 100s.; £8 10s. 9d. in the treasury; quit.
Digitised version
f.282v    1 February 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Colyne of the office of parker of the park of Fenwick to be held for the term of his life of the bishop and his successors; receiving fees, wages and profits pertaining to the office, as accustomed to be received by previous holders of the office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 8 December, Pont. 35. [1379]
Date: Durham, 1 February 1379/80.
Digitised version
f.283r    2 April 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Macy younger, his serviens, of the office of parker of the park of Choppington to be held for the term of his life, receiving 1d daily along with the other fees and profits pertaining to the office, as other parkers in that office have been accustomed to receive before this time.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 31 March, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 2 April 1380.
Digitised version
f.283r-v    1 February 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence, providing that the lands, tenements and rents be not of their fee.
Licence by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Henle, parson of Sedgefield, that he be able to acquire and hold land, tenements and rents to the value of £10 yearly, within the regality of Durham, and held in chief of the bishop or others, for himself and his heirs in perpetuity; so that he be able to give the properties to two chaplains and their successors celebrating masses in the church of Sedgefield, according to John's ordinance, notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain; not wishing John and his heirs, or the chaplains to be disturbed by his officers; saving service used and wont to himself and his successors and to the other chief lords of the fees.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 16 September, Pont. 35. [1379]
Date: Durham, 1 February 1379/80.
Digitised version
f.283v    9 June 1380
Inspeximus by R[obert] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the keeper and chaplains of the chapel within his manor in London of a chamber under the chapel and the solar next to the chapel to the north, and the whole lodging ( hospicium) with houses built on the east side of the north gate of the manor, in which the bishop's clerk William de Beverle sometime dwelt; and a quarter of the garden on the north side, as it extends from the entry to the garden towards the north. to be held for the term of sixty years.
Date: the bishop's manor in London, 5 March, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 9 June 1380.
Digitised version
f.283v    24 June 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Popham, his kinsman, of the office of chief forester of Weardale, with supervision of the parks of Evenwood and Auckland; to be held, for the term of his life, of the bishop and his successors; receiving 10 marks yearly with all other fees, wages and profits pertaining to the office, as customarily received by previous head foresters in that office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 22 June, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 24 June 1380.
Digitised version
f.284r    31 October 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following collation.
Collation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Philip, bishop of Leighlin, his suffragan, of the chantry of St Mary, Friarside, vacant by the death of William de Wirkesale, monk of St Mary's, Citria, Nucerniensis dioc., last chaplain thereof.
Date: manor of Howden, 27 January 1377/8.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1380.
Collation also in Reg. Hatfield f.129v.
Digitised version
f.284r    31 October 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his bailiffs and others informing them that he has granted to Robert de Karlell' for life, the liberty that he may not be impanelled against his will for jury service on assizes or inquests, unless his oath be required in the business of the bishop or of his church of Durham; and instructing them not to trouble him contrary to this grant.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 28 May, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 31 October 1380.
Digitised version
f.284r    31 December 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Alice, who was wife of Thomas de Briteby, of all his lead mines in the high forest of Weardale excepting Rookhope, Stanhope, Bollihope and Newlandside; to be held for 40 years from the date of the presents, according to mining rights custom; rendering every eighth stone of lead or other metal when smelted; with rights to wood for her mineshafts by livery of the bishop's foresters and to pasturage in common for her draught horses; the bishop having the right to repossess the mines and dispose of them as he will, if they lie waste and unoccupied by Alice for a year and a day, unless she be impeded by war or pestilence.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 18 May, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 31 December 1380.
Digitised version
f.284v    23 December 1380
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Alexander Surteys to grant to Thomas de Monkton' and Richard de Norton' (or Notton'), chaplains, in increase of their maintenance, ten marks of rent from his lands and tenements in Middleton, Pounteys, Morton next to Haughton[-le-Skerne], Coatham Mundeville, and Sadberge, held of the bishop in chief; to be held by Thomas, Richard and their successors, chaplains in the church of Dinsdale, saying masses for the souls of the bishop, Thomas Surteys, knight, [&c]; paying one mark yearly from the ten marks for repair of the bridge of Pounteys; the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, because the lands and tenements concerned are held in chief of the bishop; not wishing Alexander or his heirs, or the chaplains and their successors to be troubled by the bishop or his ministers by reason of the foregoing.
By the hand of William de Elmden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 18 March, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 23 December 1380.
Digitised version
f.284v    9 February 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Elmden' younger of the office of coroner in the ward of Darlington; to be held for life receiving fees, wages and profits used and wont pertaining to the office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 January, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 9 February 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.285r    2 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Notton' Barbour, valettus of the bishop's camera, of the office of forester of the parks and woods of Clak ' and Cotcliffe and all others in Allertonshire, with the office of warrener of all warrens in Allertonshire; to be held for life, receiving a half bushel of wheat weekly, or its equivalent in silver, by the hand of the receiver of the manor of Allerton, with fees and profits customarily received by previous foresters and warreners in the said offices.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 April, Pont. 33 [1378].
Date: Durham, 2 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.285r-v    2 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Middilham, his servant, of a messuage and five acres of land in Redworth, which belonged to John Storour' of Redworth and came into the bishop's hands as escheat by reason of the latter John's felony; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering therefor yearly at the exchequer of Durham rents and services used an wont.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 12 May, Pont. 33. [1378]
Date: Durham, 2 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.285v    2 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Middilham, his servant, of a messuage and 14 acres of land in Redworth which came into the bishop's hands as escheat by the death without an heir of Alan Tiewe of Redworth; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors, in perpetuity; rendering yearly at the exchequer of Durham rents and services used and wont.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 8 May, Pont. 33. [1378]
Date: Durham, 2 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.285v    3 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Middelham, vallettus of the bishop's camera, of the office of poundsman (pinder) of all demesne lands of the manor of Howden; to be held for the term of his life; receiving, at the manor of Howden, by the hands of the receiver there, a bushel of wheat every three weeks, with all fees, profits and advantages used and wont to the office of old.
By the hand of Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 3 November, Pont. 27. [1371]
Date: Durham, 3 March 1380/1.
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f.286r    1 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Henle, Hugh de Westweyk, William de Beverle, and John atte Lee, clerks, of chambers, the lodging (hospicium) and houses now inhabited by the said William de Beverley, a garden and certain waste, described, all in his manor in London; to be held by John, Hugh, William and John, and their assigns, for the term of 60 years, with free ingress and egress thereto and therefrom, and to and from the bishop's chapel for themselves and for another 12 chaplains whom they shall have deputed to celebrate masses for the souls of the bishop, his predecessors and successors.
Date: London, 20 February, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 1 March 1380/1.
f.286r    2 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William Broughton', his serviens, of the common oven in the vill of Sedgefield; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all the fees, wages and profits pertaining thereto; rendering rents and services used and wont for the said oven.
By the hand of William de Elmedene', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 28 January, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 2 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.286v    6 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, giving assent to the grant by William de Elmedene' to Thomas de Elmeden', his son, of the offices of gaoler and doorkeeper of the castle of Durham; to be held for the term of his life, with all fees, wages and profits pertaining thereto; according to the form and effect of the grant of the same offices to William by the bishop, with William to resume the offices if Thomas die during William's lifetime, and Thomas to continue to enjoy the offices if he survive William.
By the hand of William de Elmedene', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 16 February, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 6 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.286v    6 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Rome, his serviens, of the office of chief apparitor of the consistory of the regality of Durham; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all fees and profits used and wont of old to the said office.
By the hand of William de Elmedene', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 24 February, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 6 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.287r    9 February 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Merley, younger, his serviens, of the office of parker of the park of Wolsingham and Waskerley, and the office of forester of Ruffside ward in the forest of Weardale; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all wages, fees and profits as accustomed to be taken by previous parkers and foresters in these offices.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 18 January, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 9 February 1380/1.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 6b.
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f.287r-v    16 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham, confirming the following ordinance.
Ordinance by Thomas, bishop of Durham, appointing John de Henlee, Hugh de Westwyk, William de Beverlee and John atte Lee, clerks, to depute 12 chaplains to hold divine service at the bishop's chapel within his manor on London for the souls of the bishop, his predecessors and successors, for the term of 60 years; and reciting his grant to John, Hugh, William and John of houses (&c as on f.286r) in the said manor.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 February 1380/1.
Date: Durham, 16 March 1380/1.
Digitised version
f.287v    16 March [13]81
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Date: Durham, 16 March [13]80/1.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Betonson' of Evenwood, his serviens, of the office of parker of the park of Evenwood; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all fees, wages and profits pertaining to the office, as taken by previous parkers in the office.
By the hand of William de Elmedene', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 5 March, Pont. 36 [1381].
Digitised version
f.287v    31 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of London, to John del Sawserie, his serviens, of the office of under-forester of the wood of Bradwode, to be held for the term of his life, receiving all fees, wages and profits of old pertaining to the office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 8 March, Pont. 36. [1381]
Date: Durham, 31 March 1381.
Digitised version
f.287v-288r    31 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Adam Yoman of a de dono [for de nouo : newly] assarted plot of waste in the vill of Bishop Auckland, lying next to the tenement of Thomas del Kychyne of Bishop Auckland to the west, 40' by 20'; to be held by Adam and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 6d yearly therefor at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 August, Pont. 34. [1378]
Date: Durham, 31 March 1381.
Digitised version
f.288r    31 March 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John del Sawserie of a messuage in North [i.e. Bishop] Auckland and a messuage and 14 acres of land in Hunwick; held in chief of the bishop, and in the bishop's hands as escheat because Juliana, who was the wife of John de Rychemond, holding the said tenements in fee, was a bastard, and died seised without a bodily heir; to be held by John and his heirs of the bishop and his successors, for services used and wont, in perpetuity.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 8 March, Pont. 33 [1378].
Date: Durham, 31 March 1381.
Digitised version
f.288r-v    8 October [1379]
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham (beginning in the margin, alongside the preceding entry) confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John Heron', knight, of the manor of [Bishop] Middleham for the term of fifteen years from the date of the presents; its appurtenances including the rents, farms and works of the vills of Sedgefield and Cornforth, as had by John atte Gate, former reeve, or by any other bailiff or reeve within ten years; together with the farms of the vill of Middleham, accustomed to be paid to the constable of Durham; reserving the wild animals in the park and the fish of the large fishpond to the bishop rendering £40 yearly at Durham, by the hands of the constable there; receiving on his entry to the manor an indenture to be made with the said John atte Gate, reeve, for the valuation of the acres already seeded, manured &c, and of the draught beasts and equipment; all to be left at the end of the lease as at the beginning, or the difference to be made up in cash according to the valuation; with the bishop maintaining the buildings of the manor roofed in lead and stone, except those occupied by Sir John to be maintained by him, together with those roofed with straw, in as good a state as he found them.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 28 September 1379.
Date: Durham, 8 October [1379].
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f.288v-289r    5 April 1381
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, and his assigns, of a coal mine in the field of Whickham, working only one pit at a time, for a term of 7 years from Whitsun next to come; rendering 40 marks yearly at the exchequer of Durham, with the farm for the first year allowed in order to assist with the earl's costs; the bishop reserving the right to win coal in the said field, but undertaking not to let mining rights to any other during the said term; the earl to have priority with workers when taken off the bishop's work, for a suitable wage; with the earl granting that the master forester and surveyors of the bishop should take a view at pleasure, with the mine to be left in a suitable state; if the mine should lapse by default of workers, with nothing being worked, contrary to the reasonable limitation on them made by the master forester and surveyors of the bishop, the master forester will dock (punissera ) the workers up to two strikes [? due radrosce ], as if they had done so with the mine in the bishop's hands; with the bishop granting permission to the earl to have coal borne from Fugar House [NZ 218597] to the Tyne by a suitable route, assigned by the steward and head forester of Durham, through the lordship of Whickham; the earl to find sureties within the franchise of Durham for £100 against non-payment of his farm for 40 days after any term date; with licence to carry to the Tyne without disturbance any coals won before the end of the lease.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Auckland, 6 January, 2 Richard II. [1378]
Date: Durham, 5 April 1381.
Digitised version
f.289r-v    10 April 1381
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Walter de Brantyngham, vadlettus of his kitchen, of the office of under-forester in the ward of Chester[-le-Street], lately held by Richard de Witchirche, and in the bishop's hands for Richard's crime (forisfactura) against him; to be held for the term of his life of the bishop and his successors; receiving fees, wages and profits used and wont to the same office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 14 June, Pont. 35. [1380]
Date: Durham, 10 April 1381.
Digitised version
f.289v    18 October 1382
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John de Billy of the office of coroner of the ward of Darlington; to be held for life, with fees and profits used and wont to the office; permitting John, if unable to serve in the office in proper person, to act through sufficient deputies, for whom he would answer.
By the hand of Hugh de Westwyk, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 9 October, Pont. 1. [1382]
Date: Durham, 18 October 1382.
Digitised version
f.289v    14 December 1382
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to Gilbert Eglyne of Birtley, his serviens, of the office of coroner of the ward of Chester[-le-Street]; to be held for the term of his life, receiving fees and profits used and wont of old to the office; allowing Gilbert, if, by service to the bishop in war or otherwise or by bodily incapacity, prevented from serving in the office in proper person, to act through sufficient deputies, for whom he would answer.
By the hand of Hugh de Westwyk, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 October, Pont. 1. [1382]
Date: Durham, 14 December 1382.
Digitised version
f.289v-290r    11 December 1383
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence by John, bishop of Durham,
[1] to John Forester, chaplain, that he be allowed to give: 6 messuages and 14s 10d rent in Durham, held in chief of the bishop; 6 marks of rent from his manor of Kimblesworth held of Robert Haunsard, as is said, to John Fullour, chaplain at the altar of St James in St Nicholas' church Durham, saying masses for the souls of Thomas de Coxside and Alice, his wife, and their son Robert [&c], and his successors there, in perpetuity;
[2] to John Fullour that he be able to receive and hold the said properties, for himself and his successors; [notwithstanding] the Statute of Mortmain, the properties being held in chief of the bishop; not wishing John Fullour to be troubled by himself, his successors or his officers by reason of the foregoing; saving services used and wont to himself, his successors, and the lords of the fees.
By the hand of Hugh de Westwyk, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 26 March, Pont. 2. [1383]
Date: Durham, 11 December 1383.
Digitised version
f.290r    16 February 1383
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John, Lord de Nevyll', of the advowsons of the churches of Welton and Walkington, York dioc., in exchange for the advowsons of the churches of Frampton, Lincoln dioc., and Fishlake, York dioc., to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity; reserving the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and convent, and their pensions of 40s from Welton and £6 from Walkington.
Date: Durham, 16 February 1382/3.
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f.290v    5 February 1385
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Blande of the office of steward of the manor of Northallerton and of the lordship of Northallertonshire; receiving £10 yearly of the issues of the manor and lordship for his whole life, with other fees and profits used and wont of old to the office.
Date: manor of Auckland, 1 October, 8 Richard II. [1384]
Date: Durham, 5 February 1384/5.
Digitised version
f.290v    18 May 1385
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following manumission.
Manumission by John, bishop of Durham, to Adam Cicellesson' of Horncliffe and his bodily heirs from servile condition.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 May, Pont. 4. [1385]
Date: Durham, 18 May 1385.
Digitised version
f.290v    17 May 1385
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to William de Chestre of the office of coroner of Chester ward; to be held for life, receiving fees and profits pertaining to the office; with licence to act through deputies, for whom he would answer, should he be unable to serve in the office in proper person by reason of bodily incapacity.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 23 November, Pont. 3. [1384]
Date: Durham, 17 May 1385.
Digitised version
f.291r-292r    13 July 1385
Confirmation by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham of the following ordinance.
Notarized Ordinance by John, bishop of Durham, appropriating the parish church of Haltwhistle to the prior and convent of Tynemouth, on supplication by the said prior and convent, by their proctor, William de Fenrother', monk of Tynemouth, as below, representing the priory as being built like a castle on the coast for the security of the region and the people there, but with the surrounding walls etc. defective through the impoverishment of their house by reason of frequent Scottish invasions and the plague; and following the request by Richard [II], king of England; John [of Gaunt], king of Castille and Leon, duke of Lancaster; and Thomas of Woodstock, earl of Buckingham and Essex; the king having lately granted the patronage of the church to the prior and convent of Tynemouth; and after discussion with the prior and chapter of Durham, and the holding of an inquest in the presence of the bishop and the same prior and chapter; reserving yearly pensions from the church of Haltwhistle, of 13s 4d to the bishop and his successors or, sede vacante, to the prior and chapter of Durham, and 6s 8d to the prior and chapter of Durham, by way of recompense, with sequestration in the event of non-payment; reciting the following proxy.
Proxy by Clement prior and the convent of Tynemouth, a dependent cell of the monastery of St Albans, to William de Fenrothre and William de Whathamsted, monks of Tynemouth, and William de Seton' of Tynemouth, layman of Durham dioc., appointing them proctors to attend on their behalf before John, bishop of Durham, or his commissary, and before the prior and convent of Durham, and make their case for appropriation of the church of Haltwhistle; saving the privileges [&c] of the monastery of St Albans and the cell of Tynemouth.
Date: [Tynemouth], 15 February 1384/5.
Written by Mr John de Cokyn, clerk, NP, the bishop's scribe, and with the bishop's seal.
Witnesses: John Wynkepery, canon of Auckland, and William de Titlyngton', NP of Durham dioc.
Date: manor of Auckland, 6 July 1385.
With the eschatocol of John de Cokyn, clerk of Durham, NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham, 13 July 1385.
Translated: W.S. Gibson, The history of the monastery founded at Tynemouth vol.I (1846), p.162-163.
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f.292r    13 July 1385
Confirmation by Robert prior and the chapter of Durham of the following release.
Release by John, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Tynemouth exempting them from obligation to attend synods, chapters and convocations in respect of their [newly appropriated] church of Haltwhistle, in accordance with the agreement between Nicholas [Farnham], bishop of Durham [1241-9], and the abbot and covnent of St Albans and the prior and convent of Tynemouth, freeing the prior and convent from such attendance for any of their appropriated churches.
Date: manor of Auckland, 7 July 1385.
Date: Durham, 13 July 1385.
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f.292v    18 July 1385
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John Walkar of Stockley and Alice his wife, and the longer lived, for life, for a certain sum of money, of a monthly livery at the abbey granary of 4 bushels, 1 peck levelled of wheat and 4 bushels 2 pecks heaped of malt, wherefrom bread and conventual beer will be made; and if the livery be in arrears for 40 days, the amount is to be doubled for that month.
Date: Durham, 18 July 1385.
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f.292v-293r    16 July 1385
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Reciprocal grant by indenture
[1] by John, bishop of Durham, to John de Notyngham and Eleanor his wife, their heirs and assigns, of the rents and services due for
[a] the manor of Newbiggin next to Thickley, with the east field there, which sometime belonged to John Maudut and John de Hekyngton', and which are held of the bishop by John de Redeworth', chaplain, by knight service, rendering 13s 4d yearly, 4d for wodsilver, 4 hens at Christmas, pannage for pigs and for other services, specified, including supplying men for work at the grange of Middridge;
[b] a messuage and 30 acres called le Northwod in the said vill of Newbiggin, sometime belonging to Emma daughter of Roger, and held of the bishop by John de Redworth', rendering 12d yearly; saving knight service to the bishop; and of 2 acres of exchequer land in the vill of Middridge called le Esterberils which John de Notyngham previously held for 2s yearly, and doing homage and fealty to the bishop and his successors; to be held of the bishop and his successors by knight service, in perpetuity;
[2] by the said John and Eleanor to the said bishop of a messuage and 40 acres of land in Middridge, which sometime belonged to Thomas de Hegyngton.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: Ralph de Eure, knight, Walter Hawyk, William de Blakeden', John de Mordon', John de Merlay.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, chancellor of Durham.
Date: Durham, 4 July, 9 Richard II. [1385]
Date: Durham, 16 July 1385.
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f.293r    5 September 1386
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John Bruyn of a yearly pension of 10 marks to be taken from the issues of the manor of Howden at the hands of the receiver there, by equal portions at the terms of Michaelmas and Easter, for his whole life until the bishop cause him to be provided with lands, tenements or rent to the value of the pension.
Date: the manor in London, 10 July, 10 Richard II. [1386]
Date: Durham, 5 September 1386.
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f.293r-v    17 September 1386
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by indenture by Robert Hanselep, vicar of Bishop Middleham, to William Hanselep of a cottage with a garden in Bishop Middleham, next to the fishpond; to be held by William for life, of the vicar and his successors; rendering 5s yearly, where formerly he rendered 40d; with licence to Robert to distrain for arrears of this said rent.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Bishop Middleham, Wednesday next before Easter [18 April] 1386.
Date: Durham, 17 September 1386.
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f.293v    [c.1386]
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to Ralph de Eure, knight, of 89 acres 1 rood of waste in the forest, next to the Wear in the place called Serselykerre, lengthways between the enclosure of the field of the vill of Escomb and an enclosure called Annotyslonyng', and sideways between the said Ralph's land next to the Wear and the new ditch made by him to enclose the waste on its southern side, and so descending to the Wear on the east side of the enclosure; and 8 acres of waste called le Stoklonyng on the eastern side of Ralph's manor, sometime called Bermeston' hall' [in Weardale ?], along with 4 acres of waste lying before Pottesrawe to the south, for making a fish pond; to be held by Ralph and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 6s 8d yearly at the exchequer of Durham; Ralph being allowed to enclose the said lands and include them in his severalty, at all times of the year, but not being allowed to detain or take fines for any animals of the bishop's tenants or others which enter the said lands through defect of the enclosure; saving mineral extraction to the bishop, and reasonable roads and aqueducts for mines; also granting housbote and haybote in the bishop's forest to Ralph, his heirs and his tenants, to be taken under the supervision of the bishop's foresters; and also common pasture; and, for Ralph and his heirs, the right to take coal for use in the hearth of their manor, if any coal mines be found in the above land, without render to the bishop or his successors.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 November, Pont. 4. [1385]
(The date of the inspeximus has been lost through the cropping of the foot of the folio.)
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f.294r    1 May [1386]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Testimonial by the prior of Durham to [Thomas of Woodstock] duke of Gloucester, earl of Essex and Buckingham, constable of England, informing him that he was unable to be present in York on 20 April, in accordance with the duke's mandate, to see and hear evidence of the arms of Richard le Scrop [in his dispute with Robert Grosvenor], because that date was Good Friday, on which day he could not be outside his church; and giving a description of the said arms and an indication as to how frequently they can be found in the bishopric of Durham.
Date: Durham, 1 May, 9 Richard II.
Digitised version
f.294r-v    17 July [1376]
Mandate by Edward [III], king of England, to the archbishop of York having heard that, under colour of certain letters, sent by the pope to the archbishop, the archbishop intends to conduct a visitation of the bishopric of Durham and extort procurations from the clergy and various sums from the people [&c]; advising him that the liberty of Durham is held in regality; instructing him to do nothing to weaken its liberties and privileges, perturb the people, or give daring and solace to the king's enemies.
Witness the king.
Date: Westminster, 17 July, 50 Edward [III].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxliii-cxliv.
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f.294v    21 July [?1376]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Mandate [by Edward III, king of England] [to the archbishop of York] (A version of the preceding entry, issued under the privy seal).
Date: “&c” 21 July [? 1376].
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f.294v    9 November 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John Proktour of Elvet and his wife Emma, of a tenement in Elvet which he now inhabits; with repairs when needed at the prior and convent's expense; to be held by them for life, and for the life of the longer lived of them; rendering one rose at St John the Baptist [24 June], if asked.
Date: Durham, 9 November 1386.
Digitised version
f.294v    26 October 1361
Manumission by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham of Walter de Hesilden'.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 26 October 1361.
Digitised version
f.295r    2 January 1387
Manumission by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham of Walter son of William son of Ralph de Blyburgh' at the request of Michael del Pole ( “Pule”), earl of Suffolk.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 2 January 1386/7.
Digitised version
f.295r    15 February 1386
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John de Cawod the younger, Joan his wife, and their heirs and assigns, of an annual rent of 13s 4d, to be received at the exchequer of Durham; and, if the annual rent should be in arrears for 40 days, having the right to distrain upon the lands and tenements of the prior and convent in Relley, and in a tenement and 8 acres of land in Over Broom, which belonged to the said John and Jean, until satisfied of the rent and arrears.
Date: Durham, 15 February 1385/6.
Digitised version
f.295r    16 May 1387
Manumission by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham of John Denome, son of John del Cotys, and of his sons William and John.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 16 May 1387.
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f.295r    25 June 1388
Manumission by indenture by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas son of Richard de Middelmeryngton', chaplain, and his brothers John and Robert, sons of the said Richard, quitclaiming all rights over them by reason of any neifty.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 25 June 1388.
Digitised version
f.295v    9 July 1387
Petition by John, abbot of Glastonbury, Edmund, abbot of Ramsey, and Robert, prior of Durham, presidents of the chapter-general of the black monks of the province of England to Urban VI, pope, asking forgiveness for the offences of Adam de Eston', sometime cardinal [and monk of] Norwich, and for his reinstatement; and intimating that they have constituted John Welles, doctor in theology, bearer of the presents, their proctor to put forward their plea.
Date: the general chapter [Northampton], 9 July 1387.
Printed in: Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers, ed J. Raine (Rolls Series 61 1873) p.423.
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f.296r    20 August 1387
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to John de Killerby the younger of an annual rent of 40s from the priory's lands and tenements in the vills of Ruddington and Edwalton, Nottinghamshire, for life, at the terms of Michaelmas and Easter by equal portions; in consideration of his labours in pursuit of the business of the prior and convent, and of their college at Oxford, in England and abroad, towards the Roman curia ; with licence to distrain upon the said lands for arrears, if the annual rent should happen to be unpaid in whole or part after any term date; the prior and convent placing John in full possession of the annual rent by payment of one penny.
Date: Durham, 20 August 1387.
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f.296r    2 October 1387
Grant by indenture by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Gilbert de Elvet of a plot of waste and ground in the borough of Elvet: 6' broad running from the wall of Gilbert's messuage, in which his mother Denise dwells, to the highway to the south, and running lengthways from a certain gate on the eastern side of his messuage as far as the end of the messuage to the west; to be held by Gilbert, his heirs and assigns, of the prior and convent and their successors; rendering 2d yearly at St Cuthbert in September and March for all other services and demands; with licence to erect a wall upon the plot.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1387.
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f.296v    2 April 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham, confirming the following appointment.
Appointment by John, bishop of Durham, of John de Ask as steward of the manor and lordship of Howden and Howdenshire, for the term of his life; receiving fees used and wont to the office; enjoining his ministers, tenants and others there to be obedient to him.
Date: the bishop's lodging next to Charing [London ], 8 March, 11 Richard II. [1388]
Date: Durham, 2 April 1388.
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f.296v    4 November 1387
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following commission.
Commission by John, bishop of Durham, to William de Fethrestanhalgh' and Robert Emeryson' of the keeping of the park of Stanhope to be held for life, with wages wont to the said keeping, as received by William Belers, last keeper thereof, namely 4d daily, with all other things pertaining to the keeping; receiving the wages at the hands of the principal receiver of the issues of the forest, at the four terms appointed in the bishopric.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 14 October, Pont. 4. [1385]
Date: Durham, 4 November 1387.
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f.296v-297r    10 September 1387
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by John, bishop of Durham, of a grant by John Burden', lately keeper of the park of Auckland by grant of Thomas, lately bishop of Durham, for life, receiving 3d daily wages at the hands of the head forester of Weardale, with other fees and profits pertaining to the office, as contained in letters patent made to John by the bishop's said predecessor; made with the bishop's assent to William of Hall', the bishop's valettus, of his title to the said keepership, with the said wages, fees and profits; the bishop granting him the office for life, with the said wages to be received at the hands of the head forester; and wishing that William stay in the office in his own person.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 19 August, Pont. 6. [1387]
Date: Durham, 10 September 1387.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 6a.
Digitised version
f.297r    29 January 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to William Iarum of the office of chancellor of Durham, for life, receiving 40s yearly as his fee in equal portions at the terms of Michaelmas and Easter, at the exchequer of Durham, at the hands of the constable of Durham; with all other fees and profits pertaining to the said office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 January, Pont. 7. [1388]
Date: Durham, 29 January 1387/8.
Digitised version
f.297r    11 July 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John Wyke, the bishop's squire, of a messuage with 90 acres of land and meadow in the vill of Brafferton, which John Verty held for life by grant of Thomas, lately bishop of Durham; to be held for the whole of his life of the bishop and his successors by service of one rose yearly at the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June], for all service.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 4 September, Pont. 4. [1385]
Date: Durham, 11 July 1388.
Digitised version
f.297v    11 July 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John de Wyke, the bishop's chamberlain and squire, of the custody of all lands and tenements in the bishop's hands by reason of the minority of William Sayer, kinsman and one of the heirs of John de Karrowe of Seaton, along with the marriage of the said William, without disparagement; to be held from Michaelmas last past until the full age of the said heir, along with all profits, without waste or destruction; paying rents and services used and wont for the lands, and bearing the cost of services and other charges attached thereto, without rendering other service therefor; and if William should die before majority, leaving a minor as an heir, then the bishop grants custody of the same lands to John during the minority of this heir, along with the marriage of this heir, and so on from heir to heir until there be an heir of lawful age.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham 24 September, Pont. 6. [1387]
Date: Durham, 11 July 1388.
Digitised version
f.297v    11 June 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John de Midelton' of the office of coroner of the ward of Darlington, for the term of his life; along with the fees pertaining to the office; providing that John remain in the office and faithfully answer for the moneys which he receives and ought to raise, and carry out all that belongs to the office in due form.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 28 January, Pont. 7. [1388]
Date: Durham, 11 June 1388.
Digitised version
f.298r    24 July 1388
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by indenture, in French, by John, bishop of Durham, to Ralph Eure, knight, because of his major rôle in the business of the bishop and church of Durham, and because he is retained for the term of his life by the bishop and his successors and their church to be of their counsel in their business, aiding, in as much as he can, to preserve their rights and franchises; saving his retinue [? demure ?] already made to the earl of Warwick; of £10 yearly to be taken from the rents and profits of the vill of Escomb, next to Auckland, at the hands of the reeve, collectors or other tenants of the vill; with licence to distrain for arrears in the said vill if the annual rent be unpaid in whole or part forty days after a term date.
Sealed interchangeably.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 25 September, 6 Richard II.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1388.
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f.298r-v     [1388]
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to John, Lord de Nevill', of 20 acres of waste in Coxside, next to the west side of a field called Birdenfeld', beginning at Dernesburn' and then crossing up to Birdennock', just as a certain newly-made ditch now extends; a close called Brakenberyclose in Helmeland in the vill of Newton Cap; a messuage and 40 acres of land in Colpike Hall; along with common pasture in Weardale forest in the ward of Lanchester, saving to the bishop and his successors their assarts to be made in the said forest; 2 acres of waste next to the southern side of Helme Park, beginning at the old road called Hexhamwey, and then as far as Redmireburn towards the west, with sufficient housebote and haybote thereto within the forest of Weardale and ward of Lanchester, by view of the bishop's foresters there; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors; rendering yearly 3s 4d for the land in Coxside, 4s for the close, 13s 4d for the messuage and land in Colpike Hall, with pannage and suit at the mill of Lanchester, and 4d for the land next to Helme Park, for all services and demands; saving to the bishop and his successors all manner of mines and access and necessaries thereto in the said 40 acres in Colpike Hall, with proportional allowance to be made from the 13s 4d rent if the bishop or his successors establish mines in the same land.
By the hand of William de Elmeden, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 18 April, Pont. 7 [1388, i.e. a fortnight after his translation to Ely].
Date: Durham.
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f.298v-299r    19 August 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by John, bishop of Durham, confirming the following grants.
Grant by Antony, bishop of Durham, to John de Watchynsfeld', chaplain, and his successors in the chantry at St Mary's altar in St Andrew's church, Auckland, of a messuage with a toft, 20 acres of land and an acre of wood in Holsawed' [? Howlish, near Coundon] (out of a tenement of 40 acres of land which the late Walter [Kirkham], bishop of Durham [1249-1260], granted to his servant Mr Geoffrey Cook, his heirs and assigns, in fee farm) quitclaimed to the bishop by William Faukys and Eda his wife, in the bishop's court at Durham, as shown by the fine levied there between [the bishop] and William and Eda; to be held in perpetual alms; rendering 5s yearly at the exchequer of Durham for all demands and secular exactions.
Witnesses: Robert de Hilton, Ranulf de Nevill', John Marmeduk, Guichard de Carron', John de Conyers, Gilbert de Heworth', knights; Mr William of St Botolph, then the bishop's steward, Peter de Thoresby, Thomas de Leuesham, clerks; William Pollard', Walter de Bermeton', Thomas le Chaunceller, Walter de Lutryngton', John de Hennek[n]oll'.
Date: Auckland, 17 June 1298.
Grant by [Antony, bishop of Durham,] to John de Wathynesfeld', chaplain at the said altar, and his successors, of 20 acres of waste in the bishop's forest, namely from the southern side of the road called Wlligat', stretching to the south as far as a stream called Dunespetheker ; to be held for maintenance of the chantry by the chaplain and his successors in perpetual alms, of the bishop and his successors, [free] of all secular demand, in perpetuity.
Witnesses: Mr William of St Botolph, archdeacon of Durham, Adam de Driffeld', Alan de Esyngwold', clerks; John de Henknoll', Walter de Lutryngton', Walter de Bermeton', William called Pollard, Thomas de Balne.
Date: Riccall, St Andrew, Pont. 17. [30 November 1300]
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 17 August, Pont. 7 [1388 ?: four month's after Fordham's translation to Ely].
Date: Durham, 19 August 1388.
Printed (grant 1) in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.53-54.
Printed (grant 2) in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.79-80.
Digitised version
f.299v    22 September 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by John, bishop of Durham, to John de Swaynby of the office of doorkeeper (janitor) of the manor of Allerton, for life, which John Dyk, who held the office for life by grant of Thomas, bishop of Durham, granted to John de Swaynby, with licence of John, bishop of Durham; to be held of the bishop and his successors, receiving fees wages and profits as received by John Dyk.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 10 June, Pont. 7. [1388]
Date: Durham, 22 September 1388.
Digitised version
f.299v    22 January 1388
Inspeximus by Robert prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by John, bishop of Durham, to Gilbert Hoton' of the office of coroner of the ward of Stockton to be held for life, with fees, wages and profits pertaining to the office.
By the hand of William de Elmeden', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 11 January, Pont. 7. [1388]
Date: Durham, 22 January 1387/8.
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f.299v    [?1388]
(Form of) proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham to J. de T. and T. de J. appointing them their proctors to attend a parliament to be held at Westminster on the such and such ( “tali”) day next to come.
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f.300r-301r    [27 September 1391]
Notarial instrument recording that before Mr Thomas de Gretham, official of Durham, Mr Thomas de Weston', master of Greatham hospital, Mr Alan de Newerk and Mr John de Cokyn', bachelors of law, and Mr John Hillyard, master of Allerton hospital, clerks, sitting as a tribunal, specially delegated as shown in the following commission, attended John de Hemyngburgh' underwritten and Robert de Langechestr', proctor of the chapter of Durham, by the following proxy, and with a certain mandate under the seal of the dean of Christianity of Durham, citing all having an objection to the election of John de Hemmyngburgh' to attend before the said delegates on 25 September, having been executed, and no objectors attending, the proctor Robert de Langechestr' delivered the following petition to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his commissaries, one or more, in which the proctor in name of the chapter of Durham states that from the 25 compromissaries following, chosen by the chapter, namely Uthred de Bolton', John Bisschopton', Richard Birtley, Richard Segbroke, John Bolton', Thomas Launcels, John Hawthorn', Robert Langchestr', William Aslakby, Thomas Legate, Robert Pikton', William Kellow, Robert Blaklaw, Thomas de Insula, Richard Stokton', William Killerby, Thomas Corbrigg', Thomas Dautry, Thomas Lyth, Robert Rypon', Robert Crayke, John Newborn', John de Bywell', William de Appelby, and John Hemyngburgh, elected John de Hemyngburgh as prior of Durham and seeks confirmation of his election; and, after discussion and the examination of further evidence, was published the following confirmation and on 27 September Hugh Herle, archdeacon of Durham, by virtue of his office, inducted the said John as prior of Durham, and caused him to sit in his choir stall and in his place in the chapter house in sign of his possession of the estate and rank of prior.
Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the delegates as above, stating that he has accepted the resignation of Robert de Wallworth as prior of Durham, and given licence to the subprior and convent of Durham to elect a new prior; and giving power to the above-named, or to two of them, to confirm or invalidate the election in his place, because he is unable, being detained by various and difficult business of the king and kingdom, to come to his church.
Date: manor of London, 1 September 1391.
Proxy by the subprior and convent of Durham to Robert de Langechestr', Robert de Rypon and William de Appelby, monks of Durham, and Mr Robert de Asschborn', appointing them their proctors to seek confirmation from Walter, bishop of Durham, or his commissaries, one or more, of the election of John de Hemmyngburgh' as prior of Durham.
Date: [Durham], 13 September 1391.
Confirmation by Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, official of Durham; Thomas de Weston', canon of Darlington, chancellor of Walter, bishop of Durham; Alan de Newerk', advocate of the court of York; John Hillyard', master of Allerton hospital; and John Cokyn', vicar of Billingham; specially deputed commissaries of the bishop of Durham of the election of John Hemyngburgh as prior of Durham.
Date: the cathedral church of Durham, 26 September 1391.
Witnesses: Hugh Herle, archdeacon of Durham, Mr John Suthewell' and Mr Robert Asschborn', of Durham, York and Lichfield dioceses. (no notary's eschatocol).
Date: 26 September 1391.
Original is in DCD Loc.XIII:10bi with a draft in Loc.XIII:10bii.
Original (commission): Loc.XIII/10e.
Printed (confirmation) in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxviii-clxix.
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f.301v    11 March 1389
Licence by Robert, bishop of London, to Walter, bishop of Durham, to exercise jurisdiction within the city and diocese of London, namely to consecrate and dedicate altars in the chapel of his lodging next to Charing Cross; to celebrate masses and other divine offices (the licence applying to his chaplains as well as to himself) in the same chapel, in other parts of the said lodging, and in other parts of the city and diocese of London; to have probate jurisdiction over his own subjects within the said city and diocese; to ordain to the first tonsure the learned of the dioceses of both Durham and London; to examine and confirm or invalidate elections to priorates, abbacies and other benefices within his own diocese; to exercise jurisdiction over his own subjects within the diocese of London.
Date: manor of Stepney, 11 March 1389.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clix-clx.
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f.302r    21 July 1391
Notarial instrument recording that in the presence of the notary, witnesses underwritten, and Mr Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, official of the bishop of Durham, Robert de Walleworth, prior of Durham, attended personally and renounced his priorate; which renunciation he asked to be accepted by Mr Thomas, acting in place of the bishop of Durham, as contained in the following schedule by Robert, prior of Durham, stating that he resigns his priorate in the hands of Walter, bishop of Durham, with Mr Thomas de Gretham acting in place of the bishop, and asking that it be accepted straight away which schedule was received by the said official, who said that he wished to deliberate over the contents.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Asshborn', William de Dalton', clerks of Lichfield and York dioceses.
Date: the prior's inner chamber in his manor of Bearpark, 21 July 1391.
Eschatocol of William de Barton', NP by apostolic authority, clerk of Durham dioc.
Digitised version
[Memorandum :] stating that the licence given by the bishop of London, which ought to be here, should be sought on the preceding folio.
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f.302r-v    14 August 1391
Licence by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the subprior and chapter of Durham stating that John de Hemyngburgh and Robert de Langechestr', monks of Durham, have presented him with the resignation of Robert de Walleworth' as prior of Durham, contained in a notarial instrument under the sign and subscription of Mr William de Barton', NP; and that he has accepted this resignation, discharging him of the cure, rule and administration of the priory of Durham; and granting them licence to elect a new prior.
Date: manor of London, 14 August 1391.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxv-clxvi.
Digitised version
f.302v    1 September 1391
Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr Thomas de Weston' assigning to him the keeping of the monastery of Durham in his name during the vacancy following the resignation of Robert, lately prior thereof; doing as deputies have been accustomed to do of old in vacancies, and as contained in letters of Richard, his predecessor, to the prior and convent; providing that he exceed not the terms of his predecessor's letters.
Date: manor near London, 1 September 1391.
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f.302v    1 September 1391
Mandate by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the subprior and convent of Durham notifying that he has assigned the keeping of the priory during the vacancy to Mr Thomas de Weston', his chancellor, as in the preceding entry; instructing them to admit Mr Thomas [to the keeping of the priory] in the terms aforesaid, in the bishop's name.
Date: manor of London, 1 September 1391.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxvi.
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f.303r    24 August 1391
(Crossed out:)
Instrument by the subprior and convent of Durham assigning 13 September 1391, with continuation of days if need be, as the date for their election of their future prior, and decreeing that their absent fellow monks be cited to attend at the chapter house on that date.
With the sign and subscription of Mr William de Barton', NP, and the chapter seal.
Date: [Durham,] 24 August 1391.
Replaced by the similar entry on f.303v.
Original is DCD Loc.XIII:10f.
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f.303r-v    24 August 1391
Mandate by John subprior and the chapter of Durham to Thomas de Corbrygg', prior of Lytham, notifying him that 13 September has been appointed for the election of their future prior; citing him to attend in the chapter house of Durham on that date; instructing him to cite the monks dwelling with him who ought to attend to be present on that date; advising him that the chapter will proceed with the election even if he or his fellow monks are not present; requiring certification as to whom he shall have cited, and as to what he and his fellow monks shall have determined to do in respect of the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 24 August 1391.
Similar mandates to the prior of Stamford in DCD Loc.XIII:10d and to the prior of Coldingham and master of Jarrow in DCD Loc.XVI:2a and c.
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f.303v    2 September [1391]
Certification by Thomas, prior of Lytham, to John subprior and the chapter of Durham incorporating a mandate (not recited, see the preceding entry) naming John de H. and Thomas de N[ewthorpe] as fellow monks whom he has cited in conformity with the mandate and informing the subprior and convent that John de H. will be unable to be present at the election because of adverse health.
Date: Lytham, 2 September [1391].
Digitised version
[Memorandum] to the effect that like certification was received from the other priors and masters of the cells.
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f.303v    24 August 1391
Instrument by the subprior and 'a, b, c', monks of Durham, now present and making a chapter, assigning 13 September 1391, with continuation of days if need be, as the date for their election of their future prior, and decreeing that the priors, masters and keepers of their cells and their absent fellow monks be cited to attend at the chapter house on that date, whilst advising them that, though they might care not to attend, the chapter will proceed with the election.
With the sign and subscription of Mr William de Barton', NP, and the chapter seal.
Date: [Durham,] 24 August 1391.
Evidently replacing the deleted entry on f.303r.
Original (with some variations) is DCD Loc.XIII/10f.
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f.304r    13 September 1391
Commission by the subprior, chapter and convent of Durham convening on the day appointed for the election of their future prior authorizing Robert Langchestr', monk of Durham, to cause those who are disqualified from attending the election, or are not by right or custom entitled to be present, to withdraw from the chapter; etc.
Date: [Durham,] 13 September 1391.
Original is DCD Loc.XVI/2b.
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f.304r-v    [13 September 1391]
Notarized grant of powers by John Akley, subprior, and A, B, C, and D monks of Durham, to Mr Uthred de Bolton', prior of Finchale, S.T.P., and to H, J, and K, monks of Durham, as compromissaries, until the seventh stroke struck upon le knoll' after the ninth hour, 13 September, to elect from among themselves or the community (de gremio nostro) a suitable person as prior, upon whom they or a majority of them agree; with one of them, by mandate of the others, to select that person in communi and publish the outcome of the election.
Written by John de Stanton', clerk of York, NP by apostolic authority, with his sign and subscription.
Date: [Durham, 13 September 1391].
Digitised version
f.304v-305r    13 September 1391
Notarial instrument recording that Uthred de Bolton', J[ohn] de H[emmyngburgh'] and R[obert] de L[angechestr'], monks of Durham, compromissaries for the election of a suitable person as prior of Durham, in place and by mandate of the chapter, convent and monks of Durham, as contained in letters [by the notary of this instrument] by the said chapter, unanimously, with John de He[m]myngburgh' excepted, chose John de He[m]myngburgh', one of the same compromissaries, as prior, and provided the church of Durham with him; and, with the said Mr Uthred and John excepted, chose Mr Uthred de Bolton' to publish the election and provision of John as prior; and Mr Uthred, before the subprior, chapter, fellow monks and compromissaries, John de Hemyngburgh' excepted, publicly chose John de Hemyngburgh' and provided the church with him; and published the same in the common tongue before the clergy and people gathered in a multitude there.
Witnesses: Mr John de Suthewell', advocate of the court of York, Robert Asschborn', jurist, William de Barton', NP, of York, Lichfield and Durham dioceses.
Done: in the chapter house of Durham, before the seventh hour after nine o'clock, 13 September 1391.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxvi-clxviii.
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f.305r-v    13 September 1391
Proxy by the subprior, convent and chapter of Durham to Robert de Langchestr', Robert de Rypon and William Appelby, monks of Durham, and Robert de Asshborn' appointing them their proctors to present John de Hemyngburgh with his election as prior, to ask the same John to show his assent to his election, and to ask Walter, bishop of Durham, or his deputed commissaries, one or more, for confirmation of John's election.
Date: [Durham,] 13 September 1391.
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f.305v    13 & 14 September 1391
Notarial instrument recording that Robert de Langchestr', monk of Durham, proctor (with others, jointly and severally) of the chapter of Durham, presented John de Hemmyngburgh' with his election and provision as prior of Durham by the chapter thereof; and that, the next day after deliberation, John gave to the chapter's proctors his assent to his election.
Date: in a certain great ground-floor (bassa ) chamber in the monastic precinct of Durham, 13 and 14 September 1391.
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f.305v-306r    1 September 1391
Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr T[homas] de G[retham], his official, Mr T[homas] de W[eston'], his chancellor, and A[lan] de N[ewerk], clerk, or to two of them, to confirm or invalidate, in his place, the election of a new prior by the subprior and chapter of Durham, and do all else in connexion therewith; because he is unable to come to Durham in person, being detained by diverse and difficult business of the king and kingdom; saving his and his church's rights [&c].
Date: manor of London, 1 September 1391.
Original, possibly a draft, is DCD Loc.XIII/10e, which extends the names and also adds John de Hildiard,clerk, and omits some short phrases.
Digitised version
f.306r    3 October 1391
Notarial instrument recording that John de Hemmyngburgh', elect, confirmed and installed prior of Durham, made and read a certain renunciation resigning the office of prior of St Leonard's, Stamford, into the hands of the bishop of Lincoln. and appointed as his proctors Hugh de Schyrborn', monk of Durham, Mr John de Haversham, Mr John de Bottisham and Thomas Vow, to renounce the office of prior of St Leonard's (the entry breaks off at this point)
Date: the prior's upper chamber in the abbey of Durham, 3 October 1391.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxx.
Digitised version
f.306v    20 July 1397
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of Thomas de Wethyrhall', chaplain, to the vicarage of Norham, vacant by the resignation of Mr Nicholas de Hessewell', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1397.
Digitised version
f.306v    29 January [1398]
Memorandum : the presentation of Roger de Catryk, chaplain, to the vicarage of Norham was issued after the resignation of William Birimand', last vicar thereof,
29 January [1397/8].
Digitised version
f.306v    29 September 1391
Mandate by Thomas de Gretham, official of Durham, Thomas de Weston', chancellor of Durham, Alan de Newark, advocate of the court of York, John Hillyard, master or keeper of Allerton hospital, John de Coken', vicar of Billingham, commissaries of Walter, bishop of Durham, to the subprior and chapter of Durham notifying them that they have confirmed the election of John de Hemmyngburgh' as prior of Durham and admitted him to the cure and administration of the priory; and instructing them to do obedience to him and to obey him.
Under the seal of the official of Durham.
Date: Durham, 29 September 1391.
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f.306v-307r    [c.1391]
Form of proxy by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham to Mr J. and Mr A. appointing them their proctors in all causes and business concerning their appropriated churches of A., B., C. and D.
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f.307r    [c.1391]
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to H[ugh] de S[hirburn'], [monk of Durham] with consent of the convent and following insistent petition to travel to the apostolic see in connexion with certain matters touching his conscience; on condition that he return to Durham within a year of setting out on his journey, barring legitimate impediment and setting excuses aside.
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f.307v    19 April [?1392]
Letter by [the prior and convent of Durham] to the king of Scotland asking that he admit Mr John Aclif, S.T.P., monk of Durham, as prior of Coldingham; having learnt from the earl of March that the king's will is that they present a monk of their house to the priory of their cell before next Whitsun.
Date: Durham, 19 April (no year given).
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.70.
Digitised version
f.307v    21 April 1392
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William Colynson' of the office of forester of the park of Hayning and the keeping of Hoterell, the moor, woods, ponds and warren in the lordship of Wardley; to be held for life, yearly receiving 5s and, when the general livery is made, a servant's garment; and 2 strikes of wheat every three weeks, rights to bark and branches, and a house and 1½ acres of land in Nether Heworth, which Nicholas the forester held previously; with the foregoing to be withdrawn in the event of negligence until suitable amends be made.
Date: Durham, 21 April 1392.
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f.307v    10 June 1392
Letters of sorority to Joan, widow of Richard de Byngham, admitting her to participation in the spiritual goods of the priory and all places and cells subject to it; having inserted her and her husband's names in their martyrology, and promising for them the devotions and prayers which they have been accustomed to do for other benefactors.
Date: Durham, 10 June 1392.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxii.
Digitised version
f.308r    1 July 1392
Bond by the prior and convent of Durham Walter, bishop of Durham, for 600 marks, to be paid at York at Martinmas [11 November] 1393.
Date: 1 July 1392.
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[Memorandum:] this bond was cancelled in chapter on Christmas Eve 1395 because the money had been paid.
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f.308r    1 July 1392
Defeasance by indenture by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham nullifying their bond for 600 marks [see the preceding entry] if they pay him 100 marks at Martinmas 1393 and 100 marks on the same date in the following two years.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: 1 July 1392.
Digitised version
[Memorandum :] “the abovewritten defeasance has been cancelled”.
Digitised version
f.308r    1 September 1392
Mandate by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Dalton', his official, having received and reciting the following writ
Writ by Richard [II], king of England, to W[alter], bishop of Durham, citing him to attend a parliament to be held at York on the morrow of the translation of St Edward the king, accepting no excuse other than infirmity for not attending in person; and instructing him to forewarn the prior and chapter of Durham, and the archdeacons and clergy of his diocese to be present, the said day and place: the prior and archdeacons to attend in person and the chapter and clergy to attend through one and two proctors respectively.
Witness the king.
Date: Windsor, 23 July, 16 Richard II. [1392]
instructing him to warn the prior and chapter, archdeacons and clergy, in accordance with the terms of the writ.
Date: manor of Stockton, 1 September 1392.
Digitised version
Memorandum : a bond was made for £50 to Walter, bishop of Durham, to be paid at Candlemas [2 February] next at Durham; 3 April 1394; the bond was cancelled in chapter, Christmas Eve 1395, and the money was paid.
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f.308v-309v    [26 June] 1392
Lease by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham to Margaret Fayrefax prioress and the convent of Nun Monkton of a messuage, 2 bovates of land and meadow containing 42 acres 1 rood, in the vill and field of Nunstainton, with strips and other pieces of land (amounts specified and locations described) variously lying in or adjacent to the flat called Thirndale, the marsh called le Northcar, the field of Chilton, the flat called le Northmore, le Estmore, the flat called le Estmore flatt', a carr between Stanynghoknoll' and Hoghbrygg', a place called Crompelandes, a pasture called Joppesbrak', a loaning called Grenegate, a place called Foxholm, a place called Kirkelandes, a place called Thornflatt, Bernesbutt, a place called Thriddomyer, Brad[d]erbuthes, Gibbeshedeland, a place called Moredales, Gibbesland', a place called Garthecroftes, le Friermedow, the garden of the vill of Stainton, le Welhill', le Brigflatt, Bradbury bridge, le Pollesyde, Annaspule, Eschem[er]buttes, Polesyde flatt, Espilmer, Polesydeland, le Hopp', Gaceschetes, Flanesmyreland, Flanesmyre, le Langflatt, Flanesmyrhedeland, a place called Sandirigges, Eschmyer, le Westmorehend, le Brek, le Litilgate, le Milnehill', Caldewelsyde, Tonnokfures, Threrodelandes, Langlandes del Hall', lez Brakes, le Lech', Crokehill', le Peth', Chiltongate, le Crosflatt', Stretesydeland', Gilb[er]tflatt', le Crokehillandes, le Northcrosflat', Lydemedowe, Horswelbuttes, Crosflathill', Brademyer, land of the prioress in the tenure of Nicholas Heworth, le Syde, Brademyersflatt', Thrittifall', a certain flat on the north side of Brademyer, le Hedelandes, le Northbrademyer, Horsewelsyke, land of the prioress in the tenure of Peter de Bolton', Northwelsyke, Nikyrwell', Burnecrukes, Sanderigges [cf. “Sandirigges”], Espirmyer, Horsekar , the River Skerne, Cotmanakr', le Milnedore ; the prioress and convent granting for themselves and their successors that they will conserve the bounds and baulks of the foregoing lands without diminution or ploughing [? over]; to be held by the prioress and convent and their successors for the term of 200 years after the date of the presents; rendering 33s 4d yearly, with the prior and convent being able to recover arrears of this sum, if unpaid in whole or part 40 days after a term date, by distraint upon the foregoing lands; the prioress and convent to maintain all buildings of the said messuage, namely a house called le Fyrehous containing 5 couples de syles and 2 gavelforkes, a grange containing 3 couples de syles and 2 gavelforkes, a grange containing 1 couple de syles and 2 gavelforkes, and a small house on the western side of the Fyrehous containing 3 couples de syles and 2 gavelforkes, to the end of the said term at their own expense.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, SS John and Paul 1392.
Original, now missing, was 1.12.Spec.4, copied into Cart. II f.203r-205r.
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f.309v    [c.1392]
Memorandum : the seal of the prioress and convent of Nun Monkton as used on an indenture of 1265 made between them and the prior and convent of Durham was [subsequently] changed for certain reasons; the seal now appended to the above indenture has been used for a long time, as attested by public instrument: there should be no doubt arising from the difference between the two seals; it was agreed between the parties that John Smythson' have the said messuage, lands and meadow, as tenant thereof by demise of the prior, according to the form of the demise made to him previously.
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f.309v    15 September 1392
Licence by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Scharpe and William de Medilton', chaplains, that they be able to give and assign to Alan de Hayden', chaplain, keeper of the chantry of St Mary in the church of Durham St Oswald, two messuages in Elvet which are held of the prior and convent, whereof one belonged to Gilbert de Elvet in the borough of Elvet and the other belonged to Emma de Chestr' in Old Elvet; to be held by him and his successors in increase of their maintenance, in perpetuity, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding; the prior and convent and their successors being unable to enter or claim the messuages by virtue of the said statute, but rather being excluded therefrom; saving services used and wont from the messuages.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1392.
Extracted in: M.M. Camsell, “The Development of a Northern Town in the Later Middle Ages: the City of Durham, c.1250-1540 ”, (York Univ. D.Phil. thesis 1985), p.715.
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f.309v    3 July 1394
(Crossed out:) Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Robert Frestone, chaplain, to the vicarage of Barmby, in the collegiate church of Howden, vacant by the death of Ralph de Wyrsopp', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 3 July 1394.
Digitised version
f.310r     [n.d.]
Form of mandate to induct [by the prior and convent of Durham] J. advising him that they have admitted him to the chantry of T in such and such church, on the presentation of T. de B.; and committing power to the parochial chaplain of C. to induct him into possession of the chantry; saving the dignity, liberty and spirituality of the church of Durham.
Date: Durham.
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f.310r     1 April 1378
Grant by Robert prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Middelton', clerk, of an annual rent of four score pounds; to be received for life, from all possessions of the prior and convent, in St Paul's cathedral, London; with Thomas or his executors being able to distrain in all the priory's possessions for arrears unpaid in whole or part forty days after a term date.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1378.
(Marginal caption: pension of £80 for the rector of Ruddington, for which were broken vessels worth no more.)
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:86.
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f.310r    4 December 1400
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr John de Refam, archdeacon of Northumberland for six payments of a 40s yearly pension for the jurisdiction of the prior and convent in Northumberland, to be made in equal portions at Martinmas [11 November] and Whitsun; made from Martinmas 1397 to Pentecost 1399, and Pentecost and Martinmas 1400; and thus for £{6}, in full payment [sic] of the yearly pension.
Date: [Durham ?], {4 December} {1400}.
(The heading for the entry states that the quittance is for payments of a pension of 20s yearly over six years.)
Digitised version
Form of quitclaim by N. to A. de B. of all actions against him, or which he will be able to have against him in future, for whatever cause existing up to the date of the presents.
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f.310v    12 March [?1393]
Letter [by the prior and convent of Durham] to the earl of Douglas, lord of Galloway, asking, because a certain John Stele has despoiled John de Aclyf of the priory of Coldingham, contrary to the will of the king of Scotland, who has instructed John de Aclyf, S.T.P., presented by the prior and convent, to be inducted and seized in the priory, that he restore and defend John de Aclyf and the right of the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 12 March [no year].
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.67-68.
Digitised version
f.310v    12 March [?1393]
Letter [by the prior and convent of Durham] to John de Swynton', knight, writing in similar terms to, and referring to, the letter copied in the preceding entry; and asking him to use force if need be to defend and recover their ancient right.
Date: Durham, 12 March [no A.D.].
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.68-69.
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f.310v    12 March [1390 x 1395]
Letter [by the prior and convent of Durham] to Alexander Cokburn', chancellor [of Scotland], writing in connexion with the subject with which the two preceding entries are concerned; asking him to be of assistance in the pursuit of their cause, as regards the king of Scotland and others.
Date: Durham, 12 March [no A.D.; 1390 x 1395: Cockburn chancellor; 1393 ?].
Printed in The Priory of Coldingham, [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.69.
Digitised version
f.311r    14 March 1392
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr Richard de Wynewik, prebendary of Chrishall (Cristeshale) in the collegiate church of St Martin's, London, to the prebend of Skelton in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr Robert de Manfeld, canon of Howden and prebendary of Skelton.
Date: Durham, 14 March 1391/2.
Digitised version
f.311r    14 March 1392
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualities, of Mr Robert de Asschborn, LL.B., to the church of St Peter the Less, York, vacant by the resignation of Mr John Suthewell', last rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 14 March 1391/2.
Digitised version
f.311r    20 March 1392
Memorandum: Walter de Nafferton', rector of St Margaret's, York, was presented to Thomas, archbishop of York, to the rectory of Holtby, by exchange with Robert de Pollyngton', rector of Holtby; saving the pension of 25s owed yearly to the prior and convent; 20 March 1391/2.
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f.311r    12 May 1392
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of Thomas Annesley, chaplain, to the church of Edmundbyers, vacant by the resignation of Thomas Gayterik, last rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 12 May 1392.
Digitised version
f.311r    [18 September 1392]
Memorandum : a bond was made to Walter, bishop of Durham, for £37 10s, to be paid at St John the Baptist [24 June] next to come; Wednesday before St Matthew [13]92.
Digitised version
f.311r    13 December 1392
(Crossed out:) Memorandum : John Clerges, chaplain, was presented to Walter, bishop of Durham, to the vicarage of Ellingham, [vacant] by the resignation of William de Werdall', last vicar thereof; 13 December 1392.
Digitised version
f.311v    11 March 1393
Memorandum : a proxy of the chapter of Durham was issued for the convocation of the clergy to be held in York minster, Monday after St Gregory next to come [17 March 1393]; 11 March 1392/3.
Digitised version
f.311v    30 May 1393
(Crossed out:)
Memorandum : William Camell' was presented to Thomas, archbishop of York, to the vicarage of Allerton, [vacant] by the death of John de Gillyngg', last vicar thereof; saving the pension of £20 owed yearly to the church of Durham; 30 May 1393.
(A full text of the presentation follows immediately.)
Digitised version
f.311v    30 May 1393
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualites, of William Kamell', chaplain, to the vicarage of Allerton, vacant by the death of John de Gillyng, last vicar thereof; saving to the prior and convent a pension of £20 yearly owed from the said church.
Date: Durham, 30 May 1393.
Digitised version
f.311v    6 August 1393
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualities, of William Blake, vicar of Saltmarshe, in the collegiate church of Howden, to the chantry of Cliffe, at St Mary's altar in the church of Hemingbrough, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Hawkeseworth, chaplain of the said chantry.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1393.
Digitised version
f.312r    6 August 1393
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualities, of Robert de Hawkesworth, chaplain of the chantry of Cliffe, at St Mary's altar in the church of Hemingbrough, to the vicarage of Saltmarshe, in the collegiate church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William Blake, vicar of Saltmarshe.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1393.
Digitised version
f.312r    6 August 1393
Proxy by John prior and the chapter of Durham appointing William de Werdall', vicar of Ellingham, Robert Taillyour, chaplain, and Hugh Crustethwate, clerk, their proctors to act for them before the abbot of Alnwick and the prior of Hexham, directed by Paulus de Dugmano, papal auditor of causes, by his [mandate] by Paul de Dugmano no more recited, to examine the evidence produced by either party in the matter between Mr John Refham, calling himself archdeacon of Northumberland, and the prior and chapter of Durham, concerning archidiaconal jurisdiction and his, as it were, possession in and of their churches of Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, and other matters, opened in the Roman curia.
Date: Durham, 6 August 1393.
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f.312v    30 September [1393]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Daske, their steward, asking him to arrange that the sheriff of York cease execution of the writ obtained against them by Thomas de Middelton', clerk of the royal chancery {marginal caption: sometime rector of Ruddington}, for £100 arrears of an annual rent of £40 owed to the said Thomas, by certain defeasances; because they have sent Robert Blaklaw, prior of their college in Oxford, to Thomas in London, to settle with him for all that they owe, which should be done by the quindene of Michaelmas next to come.
Date: Durham, 30 September <1393>.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:86.
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f.312v    [3 January] 1394
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Elmeden' for 90 marks, to be paid at Durham at Candlemas [2 February] next to come.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the Circumcision 1393/4.
With Defeasance nullifying the above bond if the prior and convent pay to William de Elmeden' 20 marks, £20 and £20 respectively at the said Candlemas [1394] and at Candlemas in the following two years [1395, 1396], or within the quindene following each Candlemas, and 10 marks at the following Whitsun [1396] or within the following quindene.
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f.312v    12 January [13]94
Memorandum : a proxy was issued to Gilbert de Elvet and John de Kyllynghall' as proctors for parliament, in the form as on f.109 [now f.299v];
12 January [13]93/4.
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f.312v    [8 October] 1381
Letters by Robert prior and the convent of Durham for John de P. for three years as their mortuary-roll bearer, soliciting prayers for the souls of Thomas, bishop of Durham, who died 8 Id. May [8 May 1381], and others.
Date: [Durham,] 8 Id. October 1381.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clii, The Obituary Roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, ed. J. Raine, (Surtees Society 31, 1856), p.53 and Receuil des Rouleaux des Morts vol.ii, ed J. Dufour (Paris 2006), p.538-540.
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f.313r    16 April 1394
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Peter del Hay, bishop's squire, of the office of steward of the vill and lordship of Allerton and Allertonshire; to be held for life, receiving £10 yearly in the manor of Allerton in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas at the hands of the bishop's receiver there, and other profits as stewards there have been accustomed to receive.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 16 September, Pont. 6. [1393]
Date: Durham, 16 April 1394.
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f.313r    17 April 1394
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Mr Henry Bowet, canon of Chichester and prebendary of Colworth, to the canonry and prebend of Barmby in the collegiate church of Howden; in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Wyndesore, canon of Howden and prebendary of Barmby.
Date: Durham, 17 April 1394.
Related letters: DCD Loc.XXV:49 and 93.
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f.313r    31 July 1391
Grant by John of Aycliffe subprior and the convent of Durham to Robert of Walworth, lately prior of Durham, of a newly-built chamber and chapel at their cell of Finchale, with maintenance for himself and his attendants, specified; with the tithes of Shadforth, North Sherburn, Sherburn Balyon ' [? otherwise South Sherburn], South Pittington [now Littletown] and Ludworth, and the whole farms of the vill of South Pittington, without charge whatsoever; and to his chaplain his oblations and necessaries as taken by other brothers of the cell; and, if unable to reside at Finchale because of war, he is to have the Coldingham chamber within their monastery, with sustenance for himself, his chaplain and the others.
Date: Durham, 31 July 1391.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxiv.
Original and duplicate are DCD Loc.XIII:9 and 9*.
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f.313v    6 June 1394
Commutation [by the prior and convent of Durham] of the grant made by John Aycliffe subprior and the convent of Durham to Robert of Walworth, sometime prior of Durham, cancelling his chamber, maintenance [&c] at Finchale, and giving him the cell of Jarrow instead, with the profits [&c] as received by John de Lomley and Thomas Launcells, sometime masters of Jarrow; along with the tithes of Shadforth, North Sherburn, Sherburn Balyon ' [? otherwise South Sherburn] and Ludworth; and two marks from the tenements of the vill of Jarrow, which William Dryclough', Robert Mody and Thomas Symson' hold, reserving the rest of the farm to the exchequer of Durham, for the maintenance of himself and two monks to be chosen by the prior and convent with Robert's consent, one saying masses, and the other having the keeping of the cell, just as the master there was accustomed to have, rendering account of the cell yearly and carrying out all other duties due to the cell, but admitting no monachi lusores except with Robert's assent; the prior and convent being able to remove either or both of the monks as they please; Robert to have the Coldingham chamber within their monastery, and maintenance for himself and his servants, if unable, because of war, to reside at Jarrow.
Date: [Durham,] 6 June 1394.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxiv-clxxv.
Original: DCD Loc.XIII:9**.
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f.313v    23 July 1394
Memorandum : John de Ellerton' was presented to the chantry of Cliffe in the church of Hemingbrough, 23 July 1394.
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f.313v    13 July 1394
William Blake was presented to the vicarage of the prebend of Barmby in the church of Howden, 13 July 1394.
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f.313v    15 August 1394
Proxy by John prior and the chapter of Durham appointing A. and J. de B. their proctors to find R. de C., chaplain, for whom the prior and chapter have made letters of presentation to the vicarage of Heighington, so that he should act upon their presentation, lest his negligence bring prejudice to their right of patronage.
Date: Durham, 15 August 1394.
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f.314r    2 November 1391
Nomination by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas, prior of Lytham, of Mr Edmund de C., of York dioc., for presentation to the church of Appleby on the commendation of Mr W. de V., rector of Appleby, seeking to exchange benefices with Mr Edmund.
Under the other part of the common seal, namely the head of St Oswald.
Date: Durham, 2 November 1391.
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f.314r    [13]91
Presentation by Thomas prior and the monks of Lytham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Mr E[dmund] de C., rector of Croft, York dioc., to the church of A[ppleby] in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr W. de V., rector of A[ppleby].
Under the seal of the dean of A[mounderness], archdeaconry of R[ichmond].
Date: “&c”, [13]91.
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f.314r    28 November 1391
Proxy by the chapter of Durham appointing Mr John de Swthewell', rector of St Peter the Less, York, and Mr John de Stanton' as their proctors to attend on their behalf the convocation of clergy in York minster being held by Thomas, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, on 4 December next to come.
Date: Durham, 28 November 1391.
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f.314r    23 May 1394
Memorandum : a proxy was issued, in the form of the abovewritten proxy, in name of the prior and chapter to Mr John Suthewell', Mr John Stanton' and Thomas Hexham to attend a convocation of clergy at York, 1 June; 23 May 1394.
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f.314v    11 July 1394
Memorandum : a proxy was issued for the prior and convent of Durham for the convocation of clergy at York, 20 July; 11 July 1394.
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f.314v    [29 September] 1394
Memorandum : a proxy was issued for the prior and chapter of Durham for the convocation of clergy at York, 1 October; Michaelmas 1394.
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f.314v    31 July 1394
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Peter del Hay, the bishop's squire, of the offices of steward and bailiff of the manor, lordship and liberty of Howden and Howdenshire to be held for life; receiving: £10 yearly from the issues of the said manor at the hands of the receiver there for the office of steward; the wages and fees pertaining to the office of bailiff; and profits and emoluments whatsoever pertaining to the said offices; Peter having power to appoint substitutes in his place in order to carry out his duties.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 May, Pont. 6 [1394, by temporalities dating].
Date: Durham, 31 July 1394.
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f.314v-315r    28 April 1392
Notarized licence by John, prior of Durham, for Hugh de Shirborn', monk of Durham, to travel to the apostolic see in connexion with certain matters touching his conscience; on condition that he return to the cell of St Leonard's Stamford within a year of setting out on his journey.
By William Thurstanton', N.P.
Witnesses: Robert de Freston', chaplain, William Watson' of Durham
Date: manor of Pittington, 28 April 1392.
Eschatocol of William de Thurstanton', clerk of Durham dioc., N.P. by apostolic authority.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxi.
Digitised version
f.315r    30 November 1394
Grant by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham to Master Thomas of Walkington, doctor of canon law, of an annual pension, for the term of his life, until promoted by the prior and convent to an acceptable benefice: of 15 marks when at the Roman curia ; 10 marks when in his church of Houghton [le Spring], or with the familia of the earl of Northumberland within Durham dioc., or in York, Beverley, Ripon or Howden collegiate churches, or with the familia of the earl of Northumberland outside Durham dioc.; 5 marks when staying in the monastery of Durham; these sums to be taken pro rata, depending on the time spent in residence in each case; with a clerk's robe at Christmas, a cloth allowance, specified, for his squire and his clerk when the general livery is made, a weekly allowance, specified, of food and drink for himself and his servants, a full allowance of fodder for one horse and a half allowance for two horses, a stable and chamber which Master William of Farnham occupied, and allowances of coal, wood and candles; the foregoing, excepting the robe and pensions, to be withdrawn during Thomas's absences; Thomas swearing to bind himself to the priory, its cells and its college in Oxford in their causes and business, saving his fealty to the king of England and the abbot of Whitby; to give his aid and counsel as often as required and labour on the priory's behalf in its business, wherever begun, with the prior and convent covering expenses.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1394.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxvi-clxxvii.
Original: DCD Loc.X:42.
Digitised version
f.315v    27 January 1395
Memorandum : a proxy was issued by the prior and convent for the convocation of clergy at York, the Thursday after Candlemas [4 February] next to come; 27 January 1394/5.
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f.315v    6 February 1395
Notarial instrument of proxy recording that John, prior of Durham, Robert, subprior, John de Bischopton', Thomas de Insula, Thomas Dautry, John de Barton', Robert de Crayk, Thomas Nenthorpp', William de Appelby, William Kawood', Thomas Launcels, Robert de Langechestr', John de Charleton', John de Hoton', William Mounceaux, Thomas Staplay, John de Durham, Robert Masham, William Barry, Robert Esby, John Fischewik, John Mores, and John de Fischeborn', monks of Durham, personally present, discussing the business of the adjournment in the cause pending before Paulus de Dugmano, auditor of causes of the apostolic palace, between John de Refham, archdeacon of Northumberland, and the prior and chapter, having been committed to William de Rokk, abbot of Alnwick, from whom it was moved to the Roman curia on the appeal of the prior and convent, appointed John Killerby the younger their proctor to bear documentary evidence of their rights to the Roman curia or elsewhere if need be.
Witnesses: Robert de Hemmyngburgh and Richard de Normanby, clerks of York dioc.
Date: Durham, 6 February 1394/5.
Digitised version
f.315v    3 May 1391
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to Walter, bishop of Durham, for 100 marks, with 50 marks to be paid to him at Durham on St Cuthbert in March [20 March] and St John the Baptist [24 June] next to come.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1391.
Digitised version
f.316r    1 October 1394
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Robert de Fall', chaplain, to the vicarage of Fishlake, vacant by the death of John Porter, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1394.
Digitised version
f.316r-v    6 February 1395
Notarial instrument of proxy recording that John, prior of Durham, Robert, subprior of Durham, “&c”, monks of Durham, personally present in chapter, appointed Mr James de Subinago, Mr Nicholas Lubyk, Mr Everard de Rees and John Kemp', absent or present, their proctors in causes and business concerning the prior and convent and their churches of Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, brought or to be brought at the instance of John de Refham, calling himself archdeacon of Northumberland, before the pope or in the Roman curia or elsewhere, with the functions of the proctors extensively described.
Date: Durham, 6 February 1394/5.
Original: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.23.
Digitised version
f.316v    1 March 1395
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Walter, bishop of Durham, of grant by William de Broghton' to Henry Pillok of his estate in the common oven in the vill of Sedgefield; which William had by grant of Thomas, lately bishop of Durham, for the term of his life, as contained in letters patent of the same bishop, which William returned to the chancery of Durham for cancellation; to be held by Henry for life, receiving all fees, wages and profits pertaining to the oven. rendering 6s 8d yearly and doing service used and wont. By the hand of Robert de Wycliff', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 17 March, Pont. 3. [1391]
Date: Durham, 1 March 1394/5.
Digitised version
f.316v    24 April 1395
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr John Suthewell', rector of St Wilfrid's, York; Mr Robert Ragenhill', Mr John Harewod, advocates of the court of York; Thomas de Hexham, vicar of Haltwhistle; and Mr John de Staynton' as their proctors to attend on their behalf the convocation of clergy in York minster next being held by Thomas, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more [no date given].
Date: Durham, 24 April 1395.
Digitised version
Memorandum : a proxy was issued to Mr John Suthewell', Mr Robert de Ragenhull', Mr John Harewood' and Mr John Staynton'; (blank) June (blank).
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f.316v    30 September 1397
Memoranda : a proxy was issued to Mr John Suthwel, Mr Robert Ragnel and Mr John Staynnton, to attend the convocation of clergy at York, to be held before Robert, archbishop, 5 and 10 October; 30 < “1st day” deleted> September 1397.
Digitised version
f.317r    28 March 1395
Lease by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Whitrout, burgess of the town of Hartlepool, of a tenement in Hartlepool on the south side of Lovestrete : 13 ells with as many inches and half an ell broad, from the tenement of William Fulthorp, knight, on the east to Trompchar' on the west; 22½ ells with as many inches, Hartlepool measure, long, from Lovestrete on the north to a tenement of the said John Whitrout on the south; to be held by John, his heirs and assigns, for 40 years from Martinmas [11 November] 1394; rendering 8s yearly to the almoner of Durham, with the first term of payment to begin at Whitsun next to come, and doing any service owed to the chief lord of the fee; John to complete the forebuilding (antedomum) and cellar, with solar above, as begun by the almoner, within two years, at his own expense, within two years; to build there a kiln and a 24' long kippering-house (alleciaria) within the said two years; and to maintain these structures throughout the term of the lease; the prior and convent to have right of distraint in the tenement if the 8s be unpaid in whole or part 40 days after a term date, and right of repossession if the tenement be notably ruinous after the said two years, or if the said buildings be unbuilt within the same period; John binding himself, his heirs and executors, in £40 to be paid to the prior and convent against any sale, destruction [&c] during the forty years.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1395.
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f.317r    [21 September] 1390
Bond by Robert de Wallworth' prior and the convent of Durham to Lady Margaret de Blenkensopp', John and Alexander her sons, and John de Blenkensopp' the elder, for 100 marks to be paid to them or their attorney showing this bond, at Durham at Martinmas [11 November] next to come.
Date: [Durham,] St Matthew 1390.
Defeasance cancelling the above bond if the prior and convent or their successors pay the 100 marks at Martinmas 1395.
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f.317r    6 June 1395
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John bishop of Lincoln of Walter Malett, rector of Crick, Lincoln dioc., to the church of Kirkby on Bain in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William Colvill', canon of Wells and prebendary of Barton [St David], and rector of Kirkby on Bain; saving a pension of 40s owed of old therefrom to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1395.
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f.317v    20 August [1389]
Writ of prohibition by Richard [II], king of England, to the prelates and clergy of cathedral and collegiate churches, other ecclesiastics of whatever office or dignity, notaries public, and others, stating that he has heard that various legal processes have been heard in their ecclesiastical courts and elsewhere outside his kingdom of England, prejudicial to the rights of the crown and of damage to Robert de Dalton', chaplain, in his possession of the prebend in the church of Darlington lately held by William de Lynton', clerk; the king having lately collated the prebend to the said Robert, who has been admitted, instituted and inducted; forbidding them from undertaking any action which could be prejudicial to his rights or damaging to the said Robert, and instructing them to revoke anything which has already been attempted in this matter.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 August, 13 Richard II.
Digitised version
f.317v    6 July 1395
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Gille, chaplain, to the vicarage of Heighington; saving a pension of 53s 4d yearly owed therefrom of old to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 6 July 1395.
Digitised version
f.317v    7 July 1395
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of John de Crayk, chaplain, to the vicarage of [Bishop] Middleham; saving a pension of 40s yearly owed therefrom of old to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Durham, 7 July 1395.
Another copy in: DCD 1.2.Archid.Dunelm.32.
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f.317v    3 September 1395
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Elvet, clerk, for £20, by reason of loan, to be paid to John or his attorney at Durham, in equal portions at Candlemas and Easter next to come.
Date: 3 September 1395.
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f.318r    14 September 1395
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Michael Sergeaux to the canonry and prebend of Howden, in the church of Howden, vacant by the resignation of John de Lincoln', last prebendary thereof.
Date: Durham, 14 September 1395.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:21.
Digitised version
f.318r    13 November 1395
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to John Conyers of the office of steward of the vill and lordship of Allerton and Allertonshire, following the resignation of the same to the bishop by Peter del Hay in the chancery of Durham; to be held for the term of his life, receiving £10 yearly in equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, in the manor of Allerton, at the hands of the receiver there, with other profits as customarily held by the stewards there.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 15 June, Pont. 7 [1395 by temporalities dating].
Date: Durham, 13 November 1395.
Digitised version
Memorandum : the abovewritten [f.314v] confirmation of Peter del Hay in the office of steward was cancelled before the confirmation above was issued.
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f.318r    21 December 1395
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Gray, knight, of the office of constable of the castle of Norham, with the offices of justice, steward, sheriff and escheator of Norhamshire and Islandshire, following the resignation of the same to the bishop, with handing over of his letters patent in the chancery of Durham for cancellation, by Gerard Heron, knight, to whom the offices had been granted by John, lately bishop of Durham, with the fees anciently due to the said constabulary in time of peace; to be held for the term of his life, with the fees anciently due.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 December, Pont. 8. [1395]
Date: Durham, 21 December 1395.
Digitised version
Memorandum : the confirmation of Gerard Heron in the said office was cancelled before the confirmation above was issued.
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f.318r-v    24 December 1395
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr John de Suthewell', clerk, of an annual rent or pension of 38 marks, for the term of his life, or until promoted to an acceptable benefice by the prior and convent or their successors, in equal portions at Martinmas, Candlemas, the Invention of the Cross, and St Peter's Chains, with the first term of payment to begin at Martinmas 1396; with Mr John permitted to distrain for the pension in all the priory's tenements in Yorkshire and Durham if it be in arrears in whole or part for 40 days after any term date, likewise for any damage or expenses occasioned by non-payment.
Date: 24 December 1395.
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f.318v    15 January 1396
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Robert de Gaynesbourgh', rector of Thirswelle in le Clay, to the vicarage of Fishlake, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Fall', vicar of Fishlake.
Date: Durham, 15 January 1395/6.
Digitised version
f.318v     2 February 1396
Proxy by the prior and chapter of Durham appointing Mr Robert de Blaklaw, monk of Durham, S.T.P., Mr Robert de Asshburn', rector of St Peter the Less, York, and John de Staynton, as their proctors to receive possession of the church of Bossall, annexed by apostolic authority to their college in Oxford, on the resignation or surrender of the church by the rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 2 February 1395/6.
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f.318v    [4 September] 1395
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to Walter, bishop of Durham, for 100 marks, to be paid in Durham, to the bishop or his attorney, in instalments of 40 marks at the next two feasts of Michaelmas, and 20 marks at the Nativity of John the Baptist thereafter.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert in September 1395.
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f.318v    7 September 1397
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Robert, archbishop of York, of Peter de Sherman, vicar of Maltby, to the vicarage of Fishlake, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Gaynesborgh', vicar of Fishlake.
Date: Durham, 7 September 1397.
Digitised version
f.319r    3 May 1396
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Thomas de Barneby, vicar of Thriplow, Ely dioc., to the vicarage of Saltmarshe in the collegiate church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Hawkesworth', vicar of Saltmarshe.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1396.
Letter about this: DCD Loc.XXV:9.
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f.319r    [? 1389 x 1404]
Form of absolution from excommunication to be given by authority of Boniface [IX ?], pope.
(The marginal caption, part of which is missing, indicates that the absolution was for use in the consistory court and that it was authorized by a bull concerning indulgence {in articulo mortis}.)
Cf. 3.2.Pap.12, now missing; no full copy yet traced.
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f.319r    3 May 1396
Grant by indenture by the prior and convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Weston', archdeacon of Durham, of an annual rent of 100s issuing from the manor of Billingham; to be held so long as he live, or until promoted to another, acceptable benefice, to be received at Martinmas and Whitsun in equal portions, the first term of payment to commence at Martinmas next to come; with Mr Thomas being allowed to distrain for arrears in the said manor if the annual rent be unpaid in whole or part for three months after a term date; Mr Thomas promising to render his counsel to the prior and convent, serving them against all men except Walter, bishop of Durham, and his successors, and to keep their counsel.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1396.
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f.319r-v    6 June 1396
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Thomas Emondson' of the office of bailiff errant in the lordship and liberty of Allerton and Allertonshire; since John de Hatfeld', to whom Thomas de Hatfeld', lately bishop of Durham, had granted the office, has resigned the same to the bishop; to be held for the term of his life, receiving all the fees, wages and profits belonging to the office, as previous bailiffs have been accustomed to receive.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff', the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 15 April, Pont. 8 [1396 by temporalities dating].
Date: Durham, 6 June 1396.
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f.319v    October 1393
Presentation by Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby, addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of John de Burnham to the church of Walkington, vacant by the death of the last rector thereof; saving to the prior and convent of Durham a pension of 100s yearly owed to them of old, likewise all their jurisdiction and rights in the same church.
Date: Brancepeth, (blank) October 1393.
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f.319v    30 June 1396
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Thomas de Gretham for £100 to be paid in Durham at Nativity of John the Baptist next to come.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1396.
Digitised version
f.319v    11 July 1396
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard Thikle of the keeping of the park of Aycliffe for life, with a servant's garment yearly at the general livery, a grain allowance, specified, from the manor of Ketton, of such kind as the serjeant (serviens) of the manor shall happen to receive, and certain rights, specified, to branches and bark in the said park; with Richard to appoint another suitable person if unable to bear the office by himself.
Date: Durham, 11 July 1396.
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f.319v    25 July 1396
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Robert de Redmershill', rector of St Anne's Aldrigegate [? Aldersgate, London], London dioc., to the vicarage of Allerton, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William Kamell', vicar of Allerton; saving a pension of £20 yearly due therefrom of old to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 25 July 1396.
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f.319v-320r    24 July 1396
Notarial instrument of proxy recording that John, prior of Durham, Robert de Rypon', subprior, John de Bisshopton', John de Bolton', John de Hawthorn', Richard de Eden', Robert de Langchestr', William de Kellaw, Richard de Stokton', Thomas Dawtre, Thomas Lyth', John de Barton', Robert Crayk', John de Newburne, Walter de Tesedall', John de Hoton', William Mounceaux, William de Appelby, Thomas de Stapley, John de Dorem, William de Suthwyk, William Barry, Richard de Hessewell', John de Gisburn', Roger de Langchestr', John Swynesheued, and William de Poklyngton', monks of Durham, assembled in chapter, appointed William de Thurstanton', clerk, as their proctor, in the Roman curia or elsewhere, to borrow, on behalf of the abovenamed and their monastery, up to 200 florins from whatever willing persons, and to enter into bonds for repayment of the same.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Assheburne and Robert de Hemmyngburgh', clerks of Lichfield and York dioceses.
(With eschatocol of the) notary: Thomas Clerk of Elvet, clerk of Durham dioc., NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1396.
Digitised version
f.320r    24 July 1396
Notarial instrument of proxy recording that John, prior of Durham, Robert de Rypon', subprior, John de Bisshopton', John de Bolton', John de Hawthorn', Richard de Eden', Robert de Langchestr', William Kellowe, Richard Stokton', Thomas Dautri, Thomas de Lyth', John Barton', Robert Crayk', John Newburn', Walter Tesedall', John Hoton', William Mounceaux, William Appelby, Thomas Staplay, John de Durham, William Suthewyk, Richard Hessewell', William Barry, John Gisburn', Roger de Langchestr', John Swynesheued, and William Poklyngton', monks of Durham, assembled in chapter, appointed Mr James de Subinago, Mr Nicholas de Lubyk, Mr Everard Rees and Mr William de Thurstanton', clerks, as their proctors to renounce the cause moved in the Roman curia or elsewhere between the prior, convent and chapter of Durham on the one part, and Mr John de Refham, archdeacon of Northumberland, on the other, concerning archidiaconal jurisdiction over certain churches.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Assheburn', LL.B., and Robert de Hemmyngburgh', priest, of Lichfield and York dioceses.
(With eschatocol of the) notary: Thomas Clerk of Elvet, clerk of Durham dioc., NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1396.
Digitised version
f.320v    24 July 1396
Notarial instrument of proxy recording that John, prior of Durham, Robert de Rypon', subprior, John de Bisshopton', John de Bolton', John Hawthorn', Richard Eden', Robert Langchestr', William Kellow, Richard Stokton', Thomas Dautry, Thomas Lyth', John Barton', Robert Crayk', John Newburn', Walter Tesedall', John Hoton', William Mounceaux, William Appelby, Thomas Staplay, John Durham, William Suthewyk, Richard Hessewell', William Barry, John Gisburn', Roger Langchestr', John Swynesheued, and William Poklyngton', monks of Durham, assembled in chapter, appointed Mr James de Subynago, proctor general in the Roman curia, and William de Thurstanton, clerk, as their proctors to come to an agreement with Mr John de Refham, archdeacon of Northumberland, or his proctors, one or more, concerning the archidiaconal jurisdiction over certain churches, pertaining, as said, to the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Mr Robert de Assheborn', LL.B., and Robert de Hemmyngburgh', priest, of Lichfield and York dioceses.
(With eschatocol of the) notary: Thomas Clerk of Elvet, clerk of Durham dioc., notary by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham, 24 July 1396.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxviii-clxxx.
f.320v    6 October 1396
Proxy by John prior ( “having all rights of an abbot, under the name of prior”) and the convent of Durham appointing J. de A[ycliffe], prior of Coldingham, as their proctor to arrange an agreement with Archibald de Dowgles, firstborn and heir of the earl of Dowgles (Douglas), upon certain matters concerning the liberties, possessions, lands and tenements of their cell of Coldingham.
Under the other part of the common seal, bearing the head of St Oswald.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1396.
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f.320v    10 September 1396
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Furbour the elder of Alnwick of the office of under janitor of the abbey of Durham, with a daily allowance, specified, and yearly a servant's garment at the general livery and 6s.
Date: Durham, 10 September 1396.
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f.320v    1 October 1396
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of John Kyllum, canon of Chester le Street and prebendary of Urpeth, to the vicarage of Billingham in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Cokyn', vicar of Billingham.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1396.
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f.320v-321r    19 July 1397
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, archbishop of York, of Robert de Hemmyngburgh', chaplain, to the vicarage of Skipwith, vacant by the death of the last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 19 July 1397.
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f.321r     [n.d.]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
[Extract of parliament roll ?] noting that religious and other clergymen have been entering properties adjacent to their churches and causing them to be consecrated as cemeteries, without licence of the king or the chief lords, and in breach of the Statute of Mortmain; declaring that the possessers, by enfeoffment or otherwise, of lands, tenements, fees, advowsons or other properties whatsoever, in order to amortize them to the use of religious and other clergymen, who are taking the profits thereof, are to have them amortized by licence of the king and of the [chief] lords by Michaelmas next, or else sell and alienate the properties to other use; on pain of forfeiture to the king or the [chief] lords according to the said statute.
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f.321r    [c.1395]
Account of the prior and convent of Durham, deputed collectors in the diocese of Durham, by letters of W[alter], bishop of Durham, of a half tenth granted by the [clergy of the] province of York in York minster, 3 September, 18 Richard [II: 1394]; as contained in the memoranda of the 18th year, among the records of Hilary term; [rendered by] John Killynghale, attorney of the prior and convent, as contained in the memoranda of the 18th year, among the attorneyships of Trinity term. £110 17s 8¼d. from half a tenth of the clergy's goods, spiritual and temporal, according to the new assessment: £70 3s. 8½d. in the treasury; collector's expenses 50s.; exemptions of 8s. 8d. for temporalities of the prioress of Neasham, and 28s. 4d. for benefices exempted, as he swears, in the archdeaconry of Northumberland (in St Nicholas' church Newcastle the bishop of Carlisle's portion 5s., the prior of Carlisle's 5s., the prior of Tynemouth's 2s., and for the vicar 10s., the church of Newburn 40d., the church of [Long]benton 12d., the vicarage of Woodhorn 12d., the church of Ovingham 12d.); £33 6s. 8d. in the treasury by Walter bishop of Durham for his spiritualities and temporalities; 14¼d. surplus on the same collectors' account for the clerical half-tenth in the diocese of Durham for the 15th year; 59s. 1½d. owing delivered in the treasury; quit.
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f.321r    28 October [1396]
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Bellasys the younger of Durham for 24 marks by reason of a loan to be paid to John or his attorney at Durham, Candlemas next to come.
Date: 28 October, 20 Richard II.
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f.321r-v    [1244 x 1258]
Inspeximus by Bertram [of Middleton, prior] and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Nicholas, bishop of Durham, to the four chaplains in the chapel which he has constructed at Gateshead of the whole vill of Ouston; and the whole of the old lordship of Gateshead; with the little wood called Bensham containing 43 acres, by these bounds (between the arable land of Holy Trinity and the way leading as far as Farnacres, in the direction of the meadow); and 29 acres of the bishop's escheat in Aluresacres ; to be held by the chaplains and their successors, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity, in pure alms; assigning in compensation to the church of Durham certain properties which the bishop has acquired from his own resources, namely:
16 acres in Staindrop, with the advowson of the church there; 16 acres in Winston, with the advowson of the church there; 5 bovates of land in Thimbleby, with the wood and the homage and service of William de Kolevile; 35 acres in Crayke, bought from Robert de Raskelf; the whole vill of Hardwick next to Stockton, bought from Geoffrey de Herdwyk, excepting the value of the exchange made with him in the bishop's lordship of Broadwood; 40 marks yearly from the churches in Northumberland of Silvester, bishop of Carlisle, and the prior of Carlisle, and 60 marks after the bishop's decease; the advowson of the church of Stamfordham. [1241 x 1249]
Witnesses: dominis et magistris John de Rumeshey, Philip de Sancta Helena, W. de Blokeleye, Odo de Kyllenny, William de Hurchwrth', John Forti, Geoffrey de Forseth', Martin de Sancta Cruce, Richard de Farnham, Robert de Sancto Albano, John le Gras, Robert de Bokyngham, Reginald de Ponte Curvo, John Gilet', Walter de Seleby, Roger de Winton', chaplains; Henry de Sumery, William de Sadberge, Richard Basseth, William de Karlawe, Ralph Fermin, clerk.
Printed (grant): H. Bourne, The History of Newcastle upon Tyne, (Newcastle upon Tyne 1736, reprint 1980), p.169 seq.. Also the first item of 2.3.Spec.65.
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f.321v    [1244 x 1258]
Inspeximus by Bertram [of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following ordinances.
Ordinances by Nicholas, bishop of Durham, for the chapel of St Edmund the Confessor and St Cuthbert, which he has founded at Gateshead for the souls of himself, his predecessors and successors, to the effect that there be four priests ministering there, namely the priest upon whom he has conferred the keeping of the chapel, and three others, reponsibilities specified; the three to be obedient to Gilbert, the master of the house, and his successors, and each to receive 20s yearly with board; the master being empowered to remove and replace any of his three subordinates in the event of continued wrongdoing after a warning; the bishop, with consent of the prior and convent of Durham, uniting the Trinity chapel [Gateshead] with St Edmund's chapel, because of the former's poverty; and also establishing the bishops of Durham as patrons, advocates and defenders of the said place (authority described). [1241 x 1249]
Printed (ordinances): H. Bourne, The History of Newcastle upon Tyne, (Newcastle upon Tyne 1736, reprint 1980), p.170 seq.. Also the final item of 2.3.Spec.65.
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f.322r-v    10 July 1343
Notarial instrument recording that Mr Richard de Tanfeld, official of the archdeacon of Durham, seated for a tribunal, in presence of John Fossour, prior of Durham, examined
Grant by John de Lytlegraynes [recte Lythegranes] and Alice his wife, having founded and constructed a chapel at Lazenby, for the souls of their forbears, the king and his heirs, Antony, bishop of Durham and his successors, to Walter de Preston', chaplain, of the whole manor of Lazenby in pure alms in perpetuity, creating the said priest master of the chapel and manor; with the manor to be held by the said master and his successors for the maintenance of 6 chaplains.
Witnesses: William de Colvyle, Richard de Fomundby, Richard de Waxhand', John Haunsald', Marmaduke Darell', knights; John Danyll' de Diston', William de Smython', William de Amundvyll', Alan Norreys, Nicholas de la Lound', Richard de Thorneton', Stephen Maunsell' of Allerton, Hugh de Otryngton', John clerico, Nicholas Astyn, William de Aslakby.
Date: Lazenby, Sunday after Tiburtius and Valerian, 18 Edward [I]. [16 April 1290]
Inspeximus by Antony, bishop of Durham, confirming the grant by John de Lithgraynes and Alice his wife as in grant, not recited, in return for 5 marks' worth of land granted to him, his successors, and his church of Durham by John and Alice.
Witnesses: Brian (Driano) son of Alan, Robert de Hilton', John de Bohun, Ralph son of William, William le Vavasour, Guichard de Carrom, Robert de Nunwyk, Oliver de Buscy, knights; Mr William de St Botulph, steward of Durham, Thomas de Leuesham, Mr Adam de Drifeld', Richard de Claxton', vicar of Allerton, John Morgan, John Longspeye.
Date: [North]allerton, Sunday after All Saints 19 Edward [I] [4 November 1291]
Inspeximus by Richard prior and the convent of Durham confirming an inspeximus by Antony, bishop of Durham, confirming a grant by John de Lythegranes and Alice his wife as in (1) above, partly recited, as in charter, partly recited, saving the ordinary jurisdiction [&c] of the prior and convent in their church of [North]allerton.
Date: Durham 18 Kal. December [14 November] 1291.
the official asked the notary for a faithful transcription of these three letters; which letters appeared to the notary to be free from suspicion.
Witnesses: John de Butterwyk, Richard de Bikerton' and William de Stapilton', monks of Durham; Mr John de Hirlaw, Robert de Dalton', chaplain, Richard of Durham, and Thomas de Gaytryk.
Notary: (eschatocol given) Hugh, called Palmer, of Corbridge, clerk of Durham dioc., NP by apostolic authority.
Date: the chapel next to the lesser chamber of John Fossour, prior of Durham, in the priory of Durham, 10 July 1343.
Original: DCD 2.1.Ebor.2.
More fully calendared (grant): Records of Antony Bek , ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.28-29.
Printed (charter): Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.29.
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f.322v-323r    [23 June] 1349
Inspeximus by Thomas, bishop of Durham, having examined the register of the time of Antony, bishop of Durham, confirming the following charter.
Charter by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, addressed to Germanus, prior of Durham, Burchard and William, archdeacons, and to all the clergy and laity of his bishopric, establishing a leper hospital next to the bridge at Sherburn, near Durham, dedicated to the Saviour, St Mary, St Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha, and established for the peace of the kingdom, for the welfare of the body and soul of Henry, king of England, his predecessors and heirs [&c]; prescribing three priests and four clerks to celebrate masses in the church there, dedicated to the aformentioned saints, and in the chapel of St Nicholas within the infirmary; providing for five convents of lepers, to the number of 65 at least;
granting from his demesne the vill of Sherburn, which used to render 60s when he first came to the bishopric; the anchorite's place on the Derwent, which divides the bishop's forest from Ebchester, for grazing the infirm brothers' animals and for their shepherds there, with licence to make assarts; a carrucate of arable containing eight score acres, and two bovates of land in Witton, anciently given for chapel service of the same vill; and seven bovates in the same vill which Geoffrey, son of Richard, and Aubrey bought; and the vill of Garmondsway, bought at the bishop's own expense, rendering therefor yearly to Ralph, son of Paulinus of York, and his heirs four marks for all service; a carrucate next to Garmondsway called Raisby, lately bought from the first baron thereof, rendering therefor yearly 15s to the lord of Major Kelloe for all service; a carrucate in Sheraton, with pasture for 1,000 sheep, given to the lepers by Thomas son of Stephen son of Burnolf, and formerly granted for a term of 24 years to the monks of Rievaulx by Stephen and Thomas, the bishop having given 50 marks to the monks for the three years preceding the end of the term; a bovate of land in Sheraton next to the said land, which Robert, paternal uncle of the said Robert, has granted to the lepers; the church of the nearby parish of Kelloe; the newly-built church of Grindon; the churches of Sockburn and Bishopton, given by Roger de Coyners with assent of Robert his son and heir. [18 June 1184 x 31 July 1189]
Witnesses: Germanus, prior of Durham, Burchard and William, archdeacons, Simon chamberlain, Mr Richard de Coldington' [recte Coldingham], Mr William Glesen', Mr Stephen Lincoln', William son of the archdeacon, William de Hoieden'.
Date: manor of Auckland, 9 Kal. July 1349.
(Addition to marginal caption [by Thomas Swalwell]: “et in Registro W. episcopi fo[lio] 141”, see note to entry on f.30r-v above.)
Printed in: R. Surtees, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham 4 vols. (1816-1840), vol. I, p.283-284 and English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.121-124; (from the Randall 12 copy) Collections relating to Sherburn Hospital in the County Palatine of Durham, [ed. G. Allan] ([Darlington] 1771), (unpaginated) and W. Hutchinson, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vols. (1785-1794), vol. II, p.591-601.
Other copies in: Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College ms 159/209, p.100-102; British Library ms Vitellius A ix f.25v-26v; Durham Cathedral Library, Randall 12 p.99-103.
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f.323r-324r    [c.1260 x c.1300]
Ordinances for Sherburn leper hospital citing the provisions variously laid down by bishops Hugh and Richard [Poore]: for three priests and four clerks celebrating mass at the altars of St Mary Magdalen and St Nicholas, a fourth chaplain celebrating mass at the new chapel of St Mary, built by bishop Richard on the north side of the main chapel, and a proctor of the house, who should be a priest, either regular or secular, with duties of the clergy specified; and for 65 lepers, with allowances of food and drink, clothing &c specified, and with mention of their dole of 5s 5d on Exaltation of Cross (14th September) for the anniversary of Martin of St Cross, former proctor of the house.
[1259+: the date of the will of Martin of St Cross].
Printed in: R. Surtees, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham 4 vols. (1816-1840), vol. I, p.284-286; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195 , ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.180-185; Collections relating to Sherburn Hospital in the County Palatine of Durham , [ed. G. Allan] ([Darlington] 1771), (unpaginated); W. Hutchinson, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vols. (1785-1794), vol. II, p.601-605.
Other copies in: British Library Stowe 930 f.133r-135v and ms Vitellius A ix f.26v-29r.
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f.324r    [c.1170 x 1184]
Ordinances for the hospital of Kepier by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham describing the provision for thirteen conversi in the house, made up of: six chaplains celebrating masses in the chapel of Kepier for the souls of the said bishop Hugh, bishop Ranulph, founder of the hospital, and all benefactors of the hospital, with one chaplain being assigned prior by the master of the hospital, with consent of the monks, to hear confessions of the fratres conversi and the infirm in care; each of the other seven being assigned to an office, specified.
Addition to marginal caption [by Thomas Swalwell]: “et in Registro W. episcopi [folio] 141”, see note to entry on f.30r-v above.
Printed in: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.45-46; Collectanea ad statum civilem et ecclesiasticum comitatus Dunelmensis spectantia, [ed. G. Allan (Darlington 1769-c.1779)]; W. Hutchinson, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vols. (1785-1794), vol. II, p.200n; Memorials of St Giles's, Durham , ed. J. Barmby (Surtees Society 95, 1896), p.196n.
Other copies in: DCD Reg. III, f.XIv; Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College ms 159/209, p.99.
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f.324r-v    9 April 1343
Inspeximus by Richard, bishop of Durham, confirming the following ordinances.
Ordinances by Nicholas, bishop of Durham, for the hospital of Northallerton, founded by his predecessor Philip [of Poitou, 1197-1208] and endowed by him and other [bishops of Durham] for poor passing by or staying there, that there should be a proctor, with one servant, three horses and two boys; two chaplains, with two clerks; a baker and brewer, with one boy; a cook, with a boy; five healthy brothers, clerical or lay, with the habit and rule of the brothers of Kepier [Hospital Durham], one being doorkeeper and proctor of the poor to be received nightly, another key-holder of the storeroom and buteler, the third larderer and gardener (ortolanus et gardinarius), the fourth keeper of cultivated land (wannagii ) and granger, and the fifth proctor of the sick in bed and distributor of left-overs, with any delicacies to be distributed to the sick in bed most in need; three sisters, with the habit and rule of sisters, two caring for the sick in bed at night; thirteen sick in bed in the infirmary; thirty poor to be fed at the hospital gate every night with half a loaf and pottage (with the loaf being such that 200 are made from a quarter of wheat), with any too sick to leave being provided for in the lodging by the gate; any increase in the hospital's possessions to be matched by an increase in the alms to the poor and sick; bishops [of Durham] to have the power of visitation and correction; the person given charge of the hospital by the bishop to be known as keeper (custos).
Date: [North]allerton, eve of SS Simon and Jude, [27 October] 1244.
Date: manor of Howden, 9 April 1343.
Addition to marginal caption [by Thomas Swalwell]: “patet in Registro W. Episcopi fo 141”, see note to entry on f.30r-v above.
Printed: Register, or rolls of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, ed. J. Raine, (Surtees Society 56, 1872), p.180-181 from, it is said, a DCD copy, but with a marginal note not found here; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.32-33.
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f.324v    6 January 1397
Proxy by John prior and the chapter of Durham appointing G. E. [?], Jo. K/Gillling' [initial altered] and John Burn' as their proxies to attend on their behalf before the king in parliament at Westminster, St Vincent next to come [22 January].
Date: Durham, 6 January 1396/7.
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f.324v-325r    8 January 1397
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following notarized disposition. Saving the rights and liberties of the church of Durham and their church of [North]allerton.
Notarized disposition by Walter, bishop of Durham, to John Hyldyard, keeper or proctor of the hospital of [North]allerton, recently comissioned by the bishop in that office, of that office for life, in view of his personal expenditure in restoring the hospital's ruinous buildings and resources (viribus), but not thereby setting the office up as an ecclesiastical benefice.
Written by Robert Blundell, chaplain of Chichester [dioc.], N.P. by apostolic authority (eschatocol recited).
Witnesses: Mr Richard Holm', canon of York, William de Wyke, prebendary or portioner of Norton, and John Strech', domicellus literatus of York and Worcester diocc.
Date: manor of Wheel Hall, York dioc., 17 June 1396.
Date: Durham, 8 January 1396/7.
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f.325r    8 January 1397
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following notarized disposition. Saving the rights and liberties of the church of Durham.
Notarized disposition by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr Thomas de Weston, master or keeper of the hospital of Greatham, licenciate in laws, recently comissioned by the bishop in that office, of that office for life, in view of his personal expenditure in restoring the hospital's ruinous buildings and resources (viribus ), but not thereby setting the office up as an ecclesiastical benefice.
Written by Robert Blundell, chaplain of Chichester [dioc.], N.P. by apostolic authority (eschatocol recited).
Witnesses: Mr Richard Holm', canon of York, William de Wyke, prebendary or portioner of Norton, and John Strech', domicellus literatus of York and Worcester dioceses.
Date: manor of Wheel Hal l, York dioc., 17 June 1396.
Date: Durham, 8 January 1396/7.
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f.325r-326r    26 July 1332
Inspeximus by Louis, bishop of Durham, having examined the register of Richard [Kellawe], bishop of Durham, exemplifying the following bull.
Bull by Boniface VIII, pope, to Antony, bishop of Durham, confirming the following ordinances.
Ordinances by Antony, bishop of Durham, establishing the collegiate church of Chester[-le-Street].
Date: Auckland, 5 Id. November [9 November], 1286.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, Id. March, Pont. 3. [15 March 1297]
Date: Brantingham, 26 July 1332.
Addition to marginal caption [by Thomas Swalwell]: “et patet in Registro Walteri episcopi folio 76 ”, see note to entry on f.30r-v above.
Substance of ordinances printed in translation in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.6-9.
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f.326r    23 February 1397
Presentation by John prior and the chapter of Durham addressed to the dean and chapter of York minster, with the archbishopric sede vacante, of Mr John Wykeham, canon of the royal free chapel of Bosham and prebendary of Walton, to the canonry and prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Nicholas Wykeham, canon of Howden and prebendary of Thorpe.
Date: Durham, 23 February 1396/7.
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f.326r     18 February 1397
Mandate by Walter, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, instructing him to cite all the priors, masters, keepers and monks of all the cells of Durham to attend before him in his church of Durham, 2 April next, and undergo visitation; and requiring certification as to what he shall have done in respect of the foregoing by 8 days before the said date.
Date: manor of Auckland, 18 February 1396/7.
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f.326r    18 February 1397
Citation by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham instructing them to attend before him in the chapter house of Durham on 2 April next and undergo visitation; with anything attempted by them in prejudice of the visitation to be revoked on pain of excommunication; requiring them to write back by eight days before the said date with notification of the date of their receipt of the presents and of what they shall have seen fit to do in respect of the foregoing.
Date: manor of Auckland, 18 February 1396/7.
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f.326r-v    21 March [1397]
Certification (partly obscured by re-agent on f.326v) by John prior and the convent of Durham having received on 4 March and incorporating the citation by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham not recited, see preceding entry intimating their readiness in respect of the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 21 March.
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f.326v    21 March [1397]
Certification (substantially obscured by re-agent) by John, prior of Durham, to Walter, bishop of Durham, having received on 28 February and incorporating the mandate by Walter, bishop of Durham, not recited, see f.326r intimating that he has cited all those monks who ought to be present to be present in the chapter house on the said date and undergo visitation.
Date: Durham, 21 March.
f.326v    30 March 1397
Presentation by John prior and the chapter of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualities, of Laurence Allerthorp', dean of the royal free chapel of Stafford, in Coventry and Lichfield dioc., and rector of Chorleton', Exeter dioc., to the church of Brantingham, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr John Siggeston', rector of Brantingham; saving a pension of 10 marks owed therefrom yearly of old to the prior and convent and to the office of their chamberlain (camera) of Durham.
Date: Durham, 30 March 1397.
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f.326v    30 March 1397
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Robert Langchestr' and William de Appelby, monks of Durham, Mr Robert Assheburn', Mr John Staynton', John Carleton' and John Killerby as their proctors to be present and act on their behalf in synods, visitations, consistories, chapters and convocations.
Date: Durham, 30 March 1397.
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f.326v-327r    [3 May 1396]
Decree by Boniface [IX], pope, on a petition by Walter, bishop of Durham, asking for a pronouncement on the claim by the prior and convent of Durham that the religious of their order who, by decree of Pope Boniface VIII, was to be one of the two or three clerks accompanying the bishop on his visitations of the priory, be drawn from their own chapter; to the effect that the bishop of Durham be able freely to take with him on his visitations a religious from the same chapter or from any other religious house of the same order.
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 5 Non. May, Pont. 7.
Another copy: DCD Loc.XXVII:11.
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f.327r    5 April 1397
Inspeximus by the prior and convent of Durham confirming the following licence.
Licence, as required by the Statute of Mortmain, by Walter, bishop of Durham, to John Gest of Rookwith, the abbot of Jervaulx having paid 40s for John to give to the abbot and convent of Jervaulx the two messuages in Darlington which he holds of the bishop by suit of court at three chief pleas yearly in the borough of Darlington, in burgage, as appears by an inquisition taken by Thomas de Boynton', the bishop's escheator in the county of Durham, and returned to the chancery of Durham; to be held by the abbot and convent and their successors, to assist in the maintenance of their house, in perpetuity; saving to the bishop and to other chief lords of the fee services used and wont.
By the hand of Robert de Wyclif, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 20 September, Pont. 5. [1392]
Date: Durham, 5 April 1397.
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f.327r    16 April 1397
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr Nicholas de Hessewell', inceptor in canon law, to the church of Kirkby on Bain, vacant by the death of William Colvill', last rector thereof; saving a pension of 40s yearly due to the prior and convent of old.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1397.
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f.327r    27 April [13]97
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr R[obert] B[lacklaw], prior of their college in Oxford, S.T.P., and John Kill' their proctors to receive from the executors of Thomas de Middelton, clerk, two books, namely Catholicon [?by John Balbi of Genoa] and a Bible, bequeathed by Thomas to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 27 April [13]97
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f.327v    3 June 1397
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William Colynson' of the keeping of the park of Muggleswick, for the whole of his life, with a servant's garment yearly at the general livery, and a weekly allowance, specified, 4½d soulsilver weekly, and 5s stipend; pasturage for his beasts, specified, in the park and pasturage of a meadow called forestermedow ; and rights, specified, to certain bark and branches in the park; and William is to be brought to the halmote in those parts if any damage be caused by him or any deputy appointed by him, and is to make good any damage at the pleasure of the terrar, bursar or steward, with the foregoing entitlements to be withdrawn in the meantime.
Date: Durham, 3 June 1397.
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f.327v    27 January 1398
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Belasys the younger of Durham for the term of his life of a daily allowance, specified, and a squire's garment yearly, or 10s in place of the garment.
Date: [Durham] 27 January 1397/8.
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f.327v    20 May 1398
Letters of confraternity by John prior and the convent of Durham to T[homas] de Barton' and Isote his wife, for their devotion to the monastery of Durham and the cell of Lytham and its prior, as faithfully related by the prior of Lytham and other monks of Durham; granting participation in all masses, prayers, vigils [&c] of the prior and convent and their successors, as much in their monastery as in its dependent cells; with the customary prayers every year in perpetuity for them after their deaths, just as for other brothers and sisters.
Date: Durham, 20 May 1398.
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f.327v-328r    15 May 1398
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to W[illiam] de Barton', vicar of Aycliffe, and John Isle, son of Thomas de Isle, for 20 marks, to be paid to them or their attorney at Durham, in equal portions at the terms of Martinmas next to come and the following Whitsun, and the Martinmas and Whitsun thereafter.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1398.
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f.328r    28 May 1398
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing M[r ?] J. H., R. B., and W. de T. as their proctors to act on their behalf in all causes or business moved or to be moved concerning the prior and convent or their monastery before whatsoever judges ordinary, delegate, subdelegate or their commissaries.
Date: Durham, 28 May 1398.
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f.328r    14 June 1398
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Catryk, clerk, to the vicarage of Norham, vacant by the resignation of Roger Catryk, chaplain, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1398.
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f.328r    16 June 1398
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing Mr T. W., residentiary canon of York, Mr John S., LL.B., and John Catryk, vicar of Norham, as his proctors; to be present on his behalf, with the other prelates of the province of York summoned by privy seal letters, in convocation on 20th of this instant month before Mr Richard Clifford, dean of York, keeper of the Privy Seal, sent by Richard [II], king of England.
Date: Durham, 16 June 1398.
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f.328v-329r    22 September 1397
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following four licences, saving the rents, liberties, privileges and rights whatsoever in Hartlepool of the prior and convent and their monastery of Durham.
Licence by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the mayor and community of the town of Hartlepool to found anew the chantry of two chaplains celebrating masses at St Mary's altar in St Hild's chapel, Hartlepool, for the health, while they live, of the bishop, Matilda, widow of Roger de Clifford', lord of Westmorland and of Hart and Hartness, their heirs, and the mayor and community and their successors, and for the souls of the said Roger and all the aforementioned after their deaths; to grant that the messuage held for life by Isobel de Shildon', wife of John Goldsmyth' the elder of Hartlepool, and the messuage held for life by Thomas del Kuk, chaplain, due to revert to the mayor and community on the death of these tenants, remain with Thomas del Kuk and John de Thornton', chaplains and keepers of the said chantry; and grant to the said chaplains and their successors thirty messuages, twenty-seven tofts and crofts, 2½ roods of land and 84s. 5d. in rents in Hartlepool, held of Matilda, widow of Roger de Clifford, lord of Westmorland and of Hart and Hartness; to be held in perpetuity of the chief lords of the fee for service used and wont; with licence to the chaplains to receive these properties, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
By the hand of Robert de Wycliff, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 3 April, Pont. 8. [1396]
Licence by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the mayor and community of the town of Hartlepool to found anew the chantry of one chaplain celebrating masses at St Helen's altar in St Helen's chapel, Hartlepool, for the health of Matilda [&c], as in the first licence, and for the souls of Roger [&c], as in the first licence; to grant that three messuages which Geoffrey de Eltham and Isobel his wife hold for the term of Isobel's life, and are due to revert to the mayor and community on Isobel's death, remain with Robert Rosson', chaplain and keeper of the said chantry; and to grant to the said Robert and his successors seven messuages, 51½ acres and 10 roods of land, 1 acre of meadow, 13 tofts and crofts, and 14s in rents in Hartlepool and Nelson, held of Matilda [&c], as in the first licence; to be held in perpetuity of the chief lords of the fee by service used and wont; with licence to the chaplain to receive these properties, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
Date: “as above”.
Licence by Walter, bishop of Durham, to the mayor and community of the town of Hartlepool to found anew the chantry of one chaplain celebrating masses at St Nicholas' altar in St Hild's chapel, Hartlepool, [&c], as in the first licence; and to grant eight messuages in Hartlepool, held of Matilda, widow [&c], as in the first licence, to John Abell', chaplain and keeper of the said chantry; to be held in perpetuity of the chief lords of the fee by service used and wont; with licence to the chaplain to receive these messuages, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding; “&c word for word to the end, as in the first charter”.
Licence by Walter, bishop of Durham to John Whitrut, mayor of the town of Hartlepool, and the community thereof, to grant to Walter Bakster and William Hwe, keepers of the fabric of St Hild's church, Hartlepool, seven messuages in Hartlepool held of Matilda, widow [&c], as in the first licence; to be held by them and their successors, for the maintenance of the church choir and for obtaining a light for St Mary's altar in the church, of the chief lords of the fee, by service used and wont therefor, in perpetuity; with licence to Walter and William to receive the messuages, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding; “&c word for word to the end, as in the first charter ”.
Date: Durham, 22 September 1397.
Draft: DCD Loc.X:36.
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f.329r    12 June 1397
Defeasance by John prior and the chapter of Durham rendering John de Refham, archdeacon of Northumberland, immune from his obligation to pay a yearly pension of 40s to the prior and chapter for their archidiaconal jurisdiction in Northumberland, as contained in an agreement between the parties; if he pay the prior and convent and their successors 6s 8d by equal portions at Durham at Whitsun and Martinmas next to come [and ?] yearly [thereafter ?].
Date: Durham, 12 June 1397.
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f.329r    17 November 1397
Bond by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham to Alexander son of Thomas de Blenkensop', knight, for 100 marks, to be paid to Alexander, his heirs or executors, or his attorney, at Seamer near Scarborough, at Candlemas next to come.
Date: Durham, 17 November 1397.
[Summary of] a defeasance, nullifying the above bond if the prior and convent pay 50 marks to Alexander or his attorney at the said place and date.
Original: DCD Loc.XXVIII:32(17).
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f.329v    22 July 1398
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to John de Elvet, clerk, for £40, by reason of a loan, to be paid to John or his attorney at Durham by equal portions at Martinmas and Midsummer next to come.
Date: 22 July 1398.
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f.329v    22 August 1398
Agreement by indenture between the prior and convent of Durham and Thomas de Mapperley that if Thomas be able to obtain before Martinmas next the following quitclaim, Thomas will deliver or cause to be delivered, to the prior and convent or their attorney, the siad quitclaim in St Peter's church, Nottingham, on the Sunday after the said feast [of St Martin: 17 November] immediately whereafter the prior and convent will deliver or cause to be delivered to Thomas in the same church a deed for a pension of 100s yearly, as in the following grant, and since Edmund has presented John son of the said Thomas to the church of Ruddington, and because Edmund, since he ought not to alter that presentation, owes £300 by his bond to the said Thomas, Thomas now grants that, if he be unable to acquire the quitclaim by the said Sunday and Edmund should alter the presentation in some way, so that he could have an action against Edmund by reason of the bond, then he will bring a suit against Edmund by reason of the bond, on the advice of the prior and convent; and that he will now do nothing in pursuit of a certain writ of quare impedit, obtained by Edmund against the prior and convent, without taking out a new writ and without delivering the bond to Edmund before Christmas.
Quitclaim by Edmund de Byngham, clerk, son of William de Byngham, knight, in favour of the prior and convent of Durham of all right which he might have in two bovates in Ruddington and the advowson of the church of Ruddington.
Witnesses: “&c”.
Date: “such a day &c”.
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham with consent of the whole chapter to Thomas son of Thomas de Mapperley of a pension of 10 marks [sic] yearly, in equal portions at the terms of the nativity of St Mary and Lady Day, for the term of his life, until Thomas son of Thomas or his assign be promoted to a prebend in the church of Howden or another acceptable benefice; Thomas son of Thomas having right of distraint for arrears of the pension if unpaid in whole or part fifteen days after any term date.
Date: Durham, 18 August 1398.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: 22 August 1398.
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f.329v    31 August [1398]
Memorandum : a citation was issued 31 August [1398] for a visitation of Howdenshire, thus: Holtby, 2 October; Skipwith, 4 October; Hemingbrough, 5 October; Eastrington, 7 October; Brantingham, 8 October; Welton, 9 October; Walkington, 10 October; Howden, 11 & 12 October [1398].
Digitised version
f.330r    September 1398
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following commission.
Commission by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Mr William de Lumlay, LL.B., of the keeping of St Edmund's hospital, Gateshead, the patronage whereof William de Brantyngham, priest, lately governor, [left to ?] William according to the form of the Clementine Quia contingit and of Pope Urban V's constitution Quamvis and the form of the hospital's foundation and its ordinances.
Date: manor of Auckland, 21 October 1390.
Date: Durham, (blank) September 1398.
Digitised version
f.330r    1 October 1398
Grant by indenture by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Mapperley the elder of Nottingham, of an annual rent of 20s, for the term of his life.
Sealed interchangeably.
Date: 1 October 1398.
Original: DCD 2.5.Ebor.19a.
Digitised version
f.330r-v    1 October 1398
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Cuthbert de Siggeston', vicar of Osmotherley, of a messuage anciently containing three cottages, with adjacent croft, at Oak Dale Wath' in Osmotherley, with common pasture [&c], as held of old; to be held by Cuthbert and his successors, vicars, from Michaelmas next to come for the term of 80 years; rendering therefor yearly to the bishop and his successors 3s 4d at the terms of the liberty of Allertonshire; Cuthbert having paid 3s 4d entry fine; the bishop releasing Cuthbert and his successors from suit of court for 4d yearly; with 3s 4d to be paid in name of gersum or relief after every vacancy of the vicarage; the bishop and his successors having the right of distraint upon the said property if the rent be unpaid in whole or part at any term date.
Sealed interchangeably.
Witnesses: John Conyers, steward of the liberty of Allerton; Marmaduke Darell'; George Darell'; German, vicar of Leake; Adam de Leke; Thomas Edmondson', then bailiff of the said liberty.
Date: 24 July, 22 Richard II. [1398]
Date: Durham, 1 October 1398.
Digitised version
f.330v    [24 December] 1398
Bond by John prior and the convent of Durham to John Lewyn of Durham for £40 10s, to be paid at Durham, at Easter next to come.
Date: Durham, Christmas Eve 1398.
Defeasance of the above, if the prior and convent pay John the sum at Easter, Nativity of John the Baptist and Michaelmas next to come [? in equal portions].
Digitised version
f.330v    23 February 1399
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William de Thursstanton', deacon, to the vicarage of Eastrington.
Date: Durham, 23 February 1398/9.
Digitised version
f.330v    7 March 1399
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Nicholas Haukrigge, clerk, to the church of Normanton on Soar; saving to the prior and convent a pension of 13s 4d owed of old therefrom.
Date: Durham, 7 March 1398/9.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:141.
Digitised version
f.330v    7 March 1399
Proxy by the chapter of Durham appointing Walter Tesdalle, monk of Durham, Mr Robert Ragenhill', and Mr John Staynton, as their proctors to attend on their behalf the convocation of clergy being held at York by Richard, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, 11 March next to come.
Date: Durham, 7 March 1398/9.
Digitised version
f.331r    16 March 1398
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[alter], bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William de Werdall', to the vicarage of Berwick, St Andrews dioc., and in the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishop of Durham by apostolic authority, vacant by the death of John Pays, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 16 March 1398.
Digitised version
f.331r    4 April 1399
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas, abbot of Whitby, visitor, by authority of the provincial chapter at Northampton, of Bendictine houses in York, Durham and Carlisle dioceses, having received, 10 March 1398/9, the following citation
Citation and mandate by Thomas, abbot of Whitby, deputed visitor of the Benedictines in the province of York by the provincial chapter of the black monks in England, last held at Northampton, to the prior and convent of Durham enjoining them to attend before him or his commissaries, one or more, in their chapter house on 8 April next to come, with continuation of days; instructing the prior to have all the monks of Durham cited to attend on the said date, and requiring certification of all that he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, and and of the names of those summoned.
Date: monastery of Whitby, 9 March 1398/9.
informing him that they have complied and will comply with his letters, and that he has cited to attend all those who ought to be present at the visitation, and that the names of those cited are on an attached schedule.
Date: Durham, 4 April 1399.
Digitised version
f.331r-v    9 April 1399
Mandate by John prior of Durham, ordinary of the liberty of St Cuthbert, Howdenshire, to Mr Robert Assheburn' and Mr John Carlton' following representations by William Thurstanton', vicar of Eastrington, concerning failings in the buildings, chancel, books &c, originating in the time of Thomas Redenesse, last vicar thereof, instructing them or either of them to go to the parish church and vicarage house of Eastrington, York dioc., and take an inquisition by a jury of clergy and laity as to failings in the choir, books, vestments and other ornaments there and in the manse, houses and buildings pertaining thereto, and as to the costs of repair and the time and circumstances in which these defects arose; having authority to sequestrate the possessions of the late Thomas, in whosesoever hands, to the sum assessed by the jury, and to cite Thomas's executors and others.
Date: Durham, 9 April 1399.
Digitised version
f.331v    [c.1399]
Libel before the official of the prior of Durham, archdeacon in appropriated churches, or his commissary, by (blank) proctor(s) in the name of William de Appelby, almoner of Durham, against William de Kent of Wolviston, that the same William de Kent has notoriously broken and breaks his lawful oath to William de Appelby, in peril of his soul and to the damage of William de Appelby.
Digitised version
f.331v    5 May 1399
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Henry, bishop of Lincoln, of Mr John de Gotham, rector of Wolsingham, to the church of Kirkby on Bain, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr Nicholas de Hessewele, rector of Kirkby on Bain; saving a pension of 40s due of old to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 5 May 1399.
Digitised version
Memorandum that the following ordinance was made without the consent of the chapter of Durham [apparently not quite contemporary to the following].
Digitised version
f.331v-332r    10 December 1397
Ordinance by Robert, archbishop of York, directed in particular to the canons and chapter, and chaplains, vicars and deacons of the collegiate church of Howden that the five canons or prebendaries of Howden, having come to be called a chapter and to have a common seal without authorization in Archbishop Walter's foundation ordinance of the collegiate church, be a chapter and have a common seal, thereby being able to receive property; that the chaplains and clerks of the church be called vicars and deacons in future, as has become the custom; that henceforward no chaplains and vicars are to be admitted by the archbishop and his successors without first being examined in their knowledge and ability to sing by the chapter and vicars of the church, with letters testimonial concerning the examination being sent to the archbishop and his successors before their admission.
Date: the archbishop's lodging, Westminster , 10 December 1397.
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f.332r    [c.1398]
Quitclaim by Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, to the prior and convent of Durham, of all actions, real or personal, which he might have against the prior and convent or their successors, by reason of an agreement with the prior and convent concerning an exchange of certain prebends in the collegiate church of Howden, in the patronage of the prior and convent, for the patronage and appropriation of the church of Spofforth, in the patronage of the earl.
Digitised version
f.332v    [1 August] 1398
Bond by the prior and chapter of Durham to Henry, earl of Northumberland, for £100, to be paid to him or his assigns at Warkworth, at Easter next to come.
Date: Durham, St Peter's chains 1398.
(The marginal caption refers to the associated defeasance on the following folio [333v])
Digitised version
f.332v    18 June 1399
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant, saving the rights and liberties of the church of Durham.
Grant by Walter, bishop of Durham, to Hugh atte Halle having lately granted to Hugh by letters patent a messuage and 90 acres of land and meadow in Brafferton, formerly belonging to John Wyke for the term of his life by grant of John Fordam, lately bishop of Durham; to be held by Hugh for the term of his life, of the bishop and his successors by service of one rose yearly at John the Baptist for all other service; and Hugh having returned the said letters patent effecting this grant to the chancery of Durham for cancelling; and because the said properties came into the hands of the bishop's predecessors by forfeiture of a certain John Lord'; of the said messuage and 90 acres; to be held by Hugh, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity, of the bishop and his successors, for all and sundry service used and wont before the said properties came into the hands of the bishop's predecessors.
By the hand of Robert de Wyclif, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: Durham, 6 May, Pont. 11 [1399 by temporalities dating].
Date: Durham, 18 June 1399.
Digitised version
f.332v    18 August 1399
Letters of confraternity by John prior and the convent of Durham to Annis de Poumfrayte and Katherine de Thorneton' “as in the sixth folio preceding [i.e. 327v] ”.
Date: Durham, 18 August 1399.
Digitised version
f.332v    20 September 1399
Proxy by John prior and the chapter of Durham appointing Mr T[homas] W[eston], archdeacon of Durham, T. Co., squire, and (blank) as their proctors to attend in their name before the king of England in the parliament to be held at Westminster, the morrow of Michaelmas next to come.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1399.
Digitised version
f.332v    13 October 1399
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Walter, bishop of Durham, of William Hyndeley, chaplain, to the church of Edmundbyers vacant by the death of Thomas Annesley, last rector thereof.
Date: Durham, 13 October 1399.
Digitised version
f.333r    22 February 1400
Bond by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Claxton' for 100 marks to be paid to Thomas or his attorney, at Durham, at Whitsun and Martinmas next in equal portions.
Date: Durham, 22 February 1399/1400.
Digitised version
f.333r    11 April 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Henry, bishop of Lincoln, of Robert de Fryston', chaplain, to the vicarage of Frampton, vacant by the death of the last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 11 April 1400.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:17.
Digitised version
f.333r     22 April 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, of John Clayton', chaplain, to the vicarage of Fishlake.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1400.
Digitised version
f.333r    7 April 1400
Notarized licence by John, prior of Durham, to H[ugh] de S[herburn], monk of Durham, though having absented himself from the monastery for a long time, without licence, thereafter of his free will humbly returning, to pass to the Roman curia for certain reasons concerning the salvation of his soul; providing that he return to them at Durham within a year of the date of the presents.
Written by T. R., clerk of Lincoln dioc., N.P..
Under the prior's seal and with the notary's eschatocol, the latter incorporating the names of the witnesses: Mr Roger Moreton, LL.B. (canon and civil), and Richard Hiburn' [?].
Date: Durham, 7 April 1400.
Digitised version
f.333r    6 June 1400
Memorandum : a presentation, delivered to the earl of Northumberland, to the canonry and prebend in Howden was issued, 6 June 1400, no-one's name having been inserted.
Digitised version
f.333r    8 June [1400]
Memorandum : a proxy for attendance on behalf of the prior and chapter at the convocation of clergy at York, before Richard, archbishop of York, on the Friday next after the Corpus Christi following, was issued, appointing T. W., R. A., and J. de S. as proctors, under the common form as entered on f.129 [now 314r]; 8 June.
Digitised version
f.333r    11 August 1400
Memorandum : a presentation was issued to the canonry and prebend of Howden, made for John Elvett at the instance of the earl of Northumberland, granted at another time to the clerk of the said earl, with no name entered, on 11 August 1400, under the form of the presentation to the same prebend, entered on f.129 [now 318r] of Michael Sergeaux but because of the variation of the date of the same presentation with Valete put at the end.
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f.333v    9 June 1400
Defeasance by Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, cancelling the bond for £100 to be paid at Easter 1399 by the prior and chapter of Durham [f.332v] if they pay to him or to his assign, at Warkworth, £40, £40 and £20 respectively at the next three feasts of Michaelmas; and granting, for himself, his heirs and executors, that the rent and arrears from Maudlin (les Maudeleyns) by Warkworth and of the mills of Warkworth, owed to the prior and chapter, be fully paid or be allowed in the said sum of £100.
Date: Carlisle, 9 June 1400.
Digitised version
f.333v    28 June 1400
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham for Stephen de Lyth' for two years as their mortuary-roll bearer, soliciting prayers for the souls of their fellow monks, conversi , familiars and benefactors.
Date: Durham, 28 June 1400.
Digitised version
f.333v    4 November 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[alter], bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Tournour, vicar of Winterton, Lincoln dioc., to the vicarage of Norham, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr John Catryk, vicar of Norham.
Date: Durham, 4 November 1400.
Digitised version
f.333v    23 August 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Thomas Cundal', chaplain, to the church of Holy Trinity, York.
Date: Durham, 23 August 1400.
Digitised version
f.334r    5 September 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Roger de Saxton', chaplain, to the vicarage of Ruddington, vacant by the death of the last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 5 September 1400.
Digitised version
[Note that] The presentation written below without day and month 1401 was issued on 22 October. [Untraced]
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f.334r    12 September 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Mr Thomas de Weston', archdeacon of Durham, LL.Lic., to the canonry and prebend of Barmby, in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 12 September 1400.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:93.
Digitised version
f.334r    1 November 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Henry, bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Stretton', chaplain, to the church of Biscathorpe.
Date: Durham, 1 November 1400.
Digitised version
f.334r    28 October 1400
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to H[enry], bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Robert de Brun', chaplain, to the church of St Mary Binewerk, Stamford, vacant by the death of the last rector thereof; saving a pension of 20s owed of old to the prior and convent.
Date: “&c”, 28 October 1400.
Digitised version
f.334v    1 November 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[alter], bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Thomas Wyhott, rector of the church of Elwick, Durham dioc., to the vicarage of Heighington, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Gill', vicar of Heighington; saving a pension of 53s 4d yearly owed therefrom of old to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: “&c”, 1 November 1400.
Digitised version
f.334v    24 December 1400
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to H[enry], bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general in distant parts, of William Wright, chaplain and rector of Chelsfield, Rochester dioc., to the rectory of St Mary Binewerk, Stamford, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Brun', rector of St Mary Binewerk; saving a pension of 20s owed of old to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 24 December 1400.
Digitised version
f.334v    10 January 1401
Proxy by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham appointing W. de A., monk of Durham, as their proctor to treat and come to an agreement with R[ichard], archbishop of York, and whatsoever others, concerning their patronage of the church of Holy Trinity, York.
Date: Durham, 10 January 1400/1.
Digitised version
f.334v    10 January 1401
Proxy by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham appointing J. C., G. de G. [?], and W. de A., monks of Durham, as their proctors to attend in their name before the king of England, in a parliament to be held on the octave of Hilary next to come, at Westminster.
Date: Durham, 10 January 1400/1.
Digitised version
f.334v    7 March 1401
Memorandum : the presentation of John de Catton to the church of Heighington, by way of exchange, was issued; {saving a pension of 4 marks}; 7 March 1400/1.
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f.334v    2 March 1401
Memorandum : the presentation of Mr John Selow to the church of St Mary Binewerk in Stamford, vacant by the resignation of William Wryht, rector thereof, was issued; {saving a pension of 20s therefrom}; 2 March 1400/1.
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f.335r    20 November 1367
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of John de Bokden', rector of St Gregory [recte George ?], York, to the vicarage of Skipwith, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Bolton', vicar of Skipwith.
Date: Durham, 20 November 1367.
Digitised version
f.335r    20 January 1368
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of William de Cawyll', chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of Saltmarshe in the church of Howden.
Date: Durham, 20 January 1367/8.
Digitised version
f.335r    17 April 1368
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of John de Ingylby, chaplain, to the vicarage of Bywell [St Peter], vacant by the death of John de la Eges.
Date: Durham, 17 April 1368.
Digitised version
f.335r-v    24 May 1368
Letters by John prior and the convent of Durham to William, bishop of St Andrews, informing him of the ordinance for the vicarage portion of Holy Trinity, Berwick, as in the preceding entry.
Date: Durham, 24 May 1368.
Also on f.261v.
Digitised version
f.335v    26 May 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant by Thomas [sic] bishop of Durham.
Grant by Robert, bishop of Durham, to Gamel de Jarue, of 2 bovates of land in Stockton which Elias the reeve (prepositus) sometime held, and in the same vill 1 acre 1 rood of meadow at Kaluthfalnes and another 2 bovates of land which Adam Castelok sometime held, the 4 bovates having been held by Henry de Medderigg, clerk, during his life at the will of the bishop; to be held by Gamel, his heirs and assigns, excepting religious men, of the bishop and his successors in perpetual fee farm; rendering ½ mark yearly for all other services; understanding that Gamel, his heirs and assigns grind their corn growing on the said lands at the bishop's mill at Stockton [paying multure] of every twenty-fourth measure. [1261 x 1283]
Witnesses: Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Thomas de Herington', Richard de Chaunceler, Hugh de Capella, Henry Dew, William de Caune, Adam de Fulthorp', Thomas de Midelham, John de Stoketon', Robert Cook (Coco) of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 26 May 1368. (The marginal caption describes the above as a confirmation of John de Elvet not Gamel de Jarue.)
For a grant of this property by Bishop Thomas Hatfield in the same terms, perhaps intended for John de Elvet, but with an unaltered witness-list, see f.270v above.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 6400.
Digitised version
f.335v & 346r   26 May 1368
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Menevill', of a plot of waste in the vills of Easington and Thorpe, namely 60 perches by 1½ perches on the southern side between the bounds of Horden and Thorpe, in easement of his mill, the waste extending to a ½ acre; to be held by William and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 2s yearly at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 5 April, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 26 May 1368.
Folios 336-345 have been intruded between the two sections of this document. The intrusion apparently predates those foliations which, having survived cropping, remain visible. A note at the foot of f.335v indicates that the entry continues on f.347 [now f.346].
See also f.270v-271r.
Digitised version
Digitised version
f.336r    17 February 1367
Letters of confraternity by John prior and the convent of Durham to Richard Vernon' (knight, according to the marginal caption).
Date: Durham, 17 February 1366/7.
Also on f.260v.
Digitised version
f.336r    [19 February] 1367
Bond by the prior and convent of Durham to Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby, knight.
Date: Durham, Friday before St Peter's Chair 1366/7.
Also on f.260v.
Digitised version
f.336r    23 April 1367
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham appointing Robert de Walworth', prior of Coldingham, John de Lomly and Simon de Leynthorp', monks of Durham, as their proctors to treat with William, bishop of St Andrews, concerning the augmentation of the vicarage portion of the church of Holy Trinity, Berwick, the church being annexed to the cell of Coldingham, with presentation to the vicarage pertaining to the priory of Durham.
Date: [Durham] 23 April 1367.
Digitised version
f.336v    1 October 1366
Proxy by the prior and chapter or convent of Durham, having the parish churches of Norham and Holy Island to their own use, appointing John Skott', litteratus , of Durham dioc., as their proctor with full power to demand and receive the revenues of the said churches from the parishioners and whatsoever others detaining them.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1366.
Digitised version
f.336v    5 June 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his justices, escheators, sheriffs, bailiffs, ministers and others, informing them that he has granted to John de Thornton' exemption for life from service, against his will, on juries or inquisitions, excepting those concerning the bishop or his church of Durham; and instructing them not to disturb John contrary to this grant.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 12 April, Pont. 21 [1366]
Date: Durham, 5 June 1367.
Digitised version
f.336v    11 June 1367
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of John de Carleton' (Crabeton in the marginal caption), chaplain, to the vicarage of Branxton, vacant by the resignation of John Schout', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1367.
(Interlineations indicate that this entry was made to serve as a record of another presentation: namely of W[illiam] de F[awdon] to the church of Meldon, vacant by the resignation of W[illiam] de Pulhowr. No alternative date is given, so perhaps the two presentations were issued on the same day.)
Digitised version
f.337r    1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to his justices, sheriffs, bailiffs, ministers &c informing them that he has granted to Thomas de Haddam, for life, the liberty that he may not be impanelled against his will for jury service on assizes or inquests; and instructing them not to trouble him contrary to this grant.
By the hand of William de Westle, dean of Auckland, the bishop's chancellor.
Date: D[urham], 26 June, Pont. 9. [1354]
Date: “&c” 1365.
Also on f.267r above.
Digitised version
f.337r    [13]65
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William del Chaumbre of the office of marshal of the hall of the abbey of Durham; to be held for the term of his life; receiving therefor, as long as he is in good health and able to serve in the office, the same as customarily received by others in the office, and, when incapacitated by old age or infirmity, an allowance, specified, with a squire's robe yearly when robes are given to others.
Date: “&c”, [13]65. (The original (?) marginal caption and approximately 1½ lines of text in the middle of the text have been erased.)
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f.337r    28 May 1365
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of John de Eland, vicar of Ednam, to the vicarage of Berwick, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Robert de Jarwell', vicar of Berwick.
Date: Durham, 28 May 1365.
Digitised version
f.337r    28 May 1365
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, of Robert de Jarwell', vicar of Berwick. to the vicarage of Ednam, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John de Eland', vicar of Ednam.
Date: Durham, 28 May 1365.
Digitised version
f.337v    27 July 1365
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to John del Sayll', of the office of forester of the manor of Elvet and its wood, and of the park of Shincliffe, for life, and, for service therein, a hostille[r's] servant's robe yearly, with a three-weekly allowance (as specified here, or the same as received by the serviens of the manor) including 4s, one-third of the beer from the toll of the vill of Shincliffe, and half of the fallen branches in Elvet wood and the park of Shincliffe in which timber cannot be found; providing John be able to carry out his duties himself; and if unable to serve because of infirmity or if occupied by service to the prior or otherwise, with the hostiller's licence, he is to have [the office] kept by a suitable other.
Date: Durham, 27 July 1365.
Digitised version
f.337v    14 [August 1365]
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, to Ralph Basset of 134½ acres, next to the field of Biddick, of moor and cultivated land remaining in the bishop's hand from when he gave the vill of Penshaw to him in exchange for the land of Middleham, held of Jordan Escolland; and the mill and pond upon the Herrington Burn (Ellyngburne) in the bishop's land between Newbottle and Penshaw, with rights, specified; to be held by Ralph and his heirs of the bishop and his successors in fee and heredity; rendering yearly therefor 6 marks, for all other service and aid, and finding a man with two greyhounds for the great chase, as service owed from the land of Nicholas de Pench[aw] and performed by Nicholas before the exchange; the bishop granting further rights, specified, in his forest, and exempting Ralph and his heirs from suit of court at Durham for the land or mill, unless impleaded. [c.1170 x October 1180]
Witnesses: Henry de Puteaco; Gilbert Hansard; Ralph Haget, then sheriff; Michael son of Brien; Roger de Coigners; Alan de Bruntofte; Alan de Chiltona; Alexander de Hiltona; Patrick de Ufferton'; Geoffrey de Corp'; Richard de Parco; Richard de Punchard'.
Date: Durham, 14 [August 1365].
Also on f.268v-269r and DCD Reg.I, f.ii.6v-7r.
Digitised version
f.338r    8 May 1364
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William del Orchard, of a messuage and garden upon a plot in Durham, as enclosed by fence and ditch; to be held by William, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering 10s 8d yearly at the exchequer of Durham, for all service.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 2 April, Pont. 19. [1364]
Date: Durham, 8 May 1364.
Also on f.267r.
Digitised version
f.338r-v    18 March 1364
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Ralph de Hastyngg' of the office of steward of the lordship of Crayke, for life, receiving 5 marks yearly by the hands of the receiver or reeve (prouest) of the manor of Crayke.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, Michaelmas, 34 Edward III. [29 September 1360]
Date: Durham, 18 March 1363/4.
Also on f.267r-v.
Digitised version
f.338v    16 November 1362
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing R. de Brakynberi' and Roger de Allerton', monks of Durham, Mr J. de Hagthorp', William de Graystanys and John de Wyvistow, as their proctors in all actions and business moved or to be moved concerning the prior and convent and their monastery, before whatsoever judges, against whatsoever adversaries, on whatsoever days in whatsoever places.
Date: [Durham] 16 November 1362.
Digitised version
f.339r    27 December 1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William de Kyrkeby for his service as coroner of the ward of Chester hitherto and to come, of 3 messuages and 12 acres of land in Cleadon, which were Thomas Cok's and came to the bishop as escheat when Thomas died without heir; to be held by William, his heirs and assigns, of the bishop and his successors in perpetuity; rendering rent and service used and wont at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of William de Westley, dean of Auckland, constable of the bishop.
Date: Durham, 7 September, Pont. 6. [1350]
Date: Durham, 27 December 1365.
Also on f.267v
Digitised version
f.339r    7 September 1365
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Adam Batemansone of the office of forester which John Short occupied within the forest of Weardale; to be held for life, taking wages and profits used and wont to the said office.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 1 April, Pont. 19. [1364]
Date: Durham, 7 September 1365.
Also on f.267v.
Digitised version
f.339v    14 February 1366
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Richard of Barnard Castle, archdeacon of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 14 February 1365/6.
Also on f.260r.
Digitised version
f.339v    12 March 1366
(Crossed out:)
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general, of Thomas Catour', priest, to the vicarage of Ednam, vacant by the death of Robert de Jarwell', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 12 March 1365/6.
Digitised version
f.339v    23 March 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general, of William Botelsford', priest, to the church of St Mary Binewerk, Stamford, vacant by the resignation of William de Cosseby, last rector thereof; saving a pension of 20s owed of old to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 23 March 1365/6.
Digitised version
f.339v-340r    16 May 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Henry de Snayth', having the free chapel of St Radegund, St Paul's cathedral, London, to the prebend of Howden in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Mr William de Denby, canon and prebendary of Howden.
Date: Durham, 16 May 1366.
Digitised version
f.340r    17 May 1366
Power of attorney by John, prior and the convent of Durham appointing Hugh Abbot of Stamford, clerk, to give seisin to William Botelsford', rector of [St Mary] Binewerk, Stamford, and Robert de Welton', burgess of Stamford, of a plot of land in Stamford, according to the deed made thereon.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1366.
Also on f.260r.
Digitised version
f.340r    17 May 1366
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to William de Botelsford', rector of [St Mary] Binewerk, Stamford, and Robert de Welton', burgess of Stamford, of a plot of land in Stamford, lying against the precincts of the Carmelite friars, outside the east gate, towards the gate of the Friars Minor, in the parish of Holy Trinity; to be held by William and Robert, their heirs and assigns, of the chief lords of the fee, by service used and wont, in perpetuity.
Date: Durham, 17 May 1366.
Calendared in: A. Rogers, People and Property in Medieval Stamford (2012), p.296.
Digitised version
f.340r    [13 May] 1366
Manumission and quitclaim by John prior and the convent of Durham to Hugh son of John de Westraynton', with all his issue, male and female, releasing them from all action of villeinage and granting that they be free of [servile] status in respect of the prior and convent and their successors, in perpetuity.
Witnesses: William de Dalden; William de Menevill', then sheriff of Durham; Robert de Lampton'; Robert de Fethirstanhalg' of Little Eden; William de Ludeworth.
Date: Durham, Wednesday next after St John at the Latin Gate 1366.
Also on f.260r-v.
Digitised version
f.340v    10 June 1366
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Thomas de Ingkelby, knight, Richard de Birthely, monk of Durham, Roger de Fulthorp' and Hugh of Westwyk, familiars of the priory, as their proctors to treat with Richard de Vernown, knight, Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby, Leics, Lincoln dioc., and whatsoever others, and come to a settlement with them.
Date: Durham, 10 June 1366.
Digitised version
f.340v    18 June 1366
Proxy by John, prior of Lytham, with consent of his fellow monks, appointing Thomas de Ingkelby, knight, Richard de Birthely, monk of Durham, Roger de Fulthorp' and Hugh de Westwyk, as his proctors to treat with Richard de Vernown, knight, Nicholas Allerwasshe, clerk, calling himself rector of Appleby, Leics, Lincoln dioc., and whatsoever others, and come to a settlement with them.
Under “the seal which I use”.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1366.
Digitised version
f.340v    28 July 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to William, bishop of St Andrews, or his vicar general, of Thomas de Langton', priest, to the vicarage of Ednam, vacant by the death of Robert de Jarwell', last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 28 July 1366.
Digitised version
f.340v-341r    3 September 1366
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas de Hanlaby of a corrody, specified, with a squire's robe yearly at the general livery; and if Thomas be absent from the town for more than four days, the corrody is to be wholly withdrawn from the fifth day of his absence until his return.
Date: Durham, 3 September 1366.
Digitised version
f.341r    4 September 1366
Language:  Latin; Anglo-Norman
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant, in French, by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John de Hylton' of the office of parker, warrener and keeper of the wood of the lordship of Allerton and Allertonshire, for life, receiving the liveries and fees used and wont to the office.
Date: Auckland, 8 March 1362/3.
Date: Durham, 4 September 1366.
Also on f.270r.
Digitised version
f.341r    14 September 1366
(Crossed out:)
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Robert de Claxton', monk of Durham, as prior of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: Durham, 14 September 1366.
Digitised version
f.341r    25 September 1366
Sworn undertaking and bond by John de Hylton' to the prior and convent of Durham promising to be faithful to them, not to bring trouble unreasonably or allow the bringing of trouble to them, and to render faithful advocacy when present where their business is conducted, so that they sustain no damage; and obliging himself to pay 20s as often as he be shown knowingly to have failed herein.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1366.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 58.
Also, with minor differences in the text and dated one year later, on f.270r-v.
Digitised version
f.341v    5 October 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Nicholas de Wykeham, canon of the royal free chapel of St Martin-le-Grand, London, prebendary of Burghs in Good Easter, to the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with William de Bughebrigg', canon of Howden and prebendary of Thorpe.
Date: Durham, 5 October 1366.
Digitised version
f.341v    24 September 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, bishop of Lincoln, of Robert de Claxton', monk of Durham, as prior of St Leonard's, Stamford.
Date: Durham, 24 September 1366.
Digitised version
f.341v    24 October [13]65
Inquisition in presence of the prior by six sworn men of various of the prior's vills for verification of the pasture rights of the priest of Heworth in the prior's demesne at Wardley and Heworth. Jurors: John Dobson, John son of Walter, Simon Fygthy, Robert son of John, William Tayllour, William de Wermogth, William Matfene [seven names !].
Date: Wardley, 24 October [13]65.
Also on f.260v-261r.
Digitised version
f.342r    30 November 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to John, archbishop of York, of Robert de Sekendon', chaplain, rector of Glenfield, Lincoln dioc., to the church of Normanton upon Soar, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Raven, chaplain, rector of Normanton upon Soar; saving a pension of one mark yearly used and wont of old to the church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1366.
Digitised version
f.342r    4 December 1366
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham appointing John de Normanby, prior of Lytham, Richard de Eden, monk of Durham, William de Hessewell', priest, and William de Bridekerk', literatus, as their proctors, to attend for the prior and convent and their priory and church of Lytham, before John, archbishop of York, or his deputed commissaries, one or more, in the office of visitation of his diocese, and also in the visitation of the archdeacon of Richmond; as often as they happen to visit.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1366.
Digitised version
f.342v    14 October 1364
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Roger de Slaitburn', priest, N.P., of a yearly pension of 20s, for life, to be received each Martinmas.
Date: Durham, 14 October 1364.
Digitised version
f.342v    29 December 1366
Proxy by the prior and chapter of Durham, having a cell in the university of Oxford, Lincoln dioc., dependent upon their church, appointing Richard de Brytley, monk of Durham, as their proctor, to petition John, bishop of Lincoln, and the dean and chapter of Lincoln, for the appropriation of whatsoever churches in Lincoln dioc., in their patronage or that of others, to their church of Durham and their said cell, for the use of their cell in Oxford and the monks living and studying there, because the revenues of the cell are insufficient.
Date: Durham, 29 December 1366.
Original: DCD 3.4.Ebor.13.
Digitised version
f.342v    11 January 1366
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general, of Richard de Hemyngburgh, chaplain, to the vicarage of Edlingham, vacant by the death of Peter de Edinham, last vicar thereof.
Date: Durham, 11 January 1366.
Digitised version
f.343r   10 July 1367
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing Mr Henry de Gategane, rector of Welton, and Thomas Benet, rector of [Kirby] Sigston, to attend for the prior and convent and their sundry churches, pensions and portions in York dioc., before John, archbishop of York, in the visitation of his diocese, by himself or his commissaries.
“Under the seal which we use ad causas”.
Date: Durham, 10 July 1367.
Digitised version
f.343r   [1367?]
Language:   Anglo-Norman
(Crossed out:) Agreement by indenture between the prior and convent of Durham and Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby.
The entry is an incomplete copy of the indenture which is entered in full on f.271r and 344r.
Digitised version
f.343v    20 August 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming thefollowing grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Mr John de Hagthorp', his clerk, of a plot in Durham, 24' long, between the plot which was William de Westley's and the gate towards the cemetery of Durham cathedral; John being allowed to erect a stone structure against the wall, providing it be of no damage to the bishop and his successors or the wall; to be held by John and his heirs in perpetuity of the bishop and his successors; rendering 12d yearly at the exchequer of Durham.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 27 September, Pont. 21. [1365]
Date: Durham, 20 August 1367.
Also on f.269r-v.
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 1704.
Digitised version
f.343v    20 August 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Andrew de Tyndale of the office of parker of the park of Wolsingham, for life, with the wages and fees due to the office, used and wont, as in the time of the bishop's predecessors.
By the hand of John de Kyngeston', the bishop's clerk.
Date: Durham, 1 November, Pont. 22. [1366]
Date: Durham, 20 August 1367.
Also on f.269v.
Digitised version
f.344r    22 July 1367
Language:   Anglo-Norman
Agreement by indenture between the prior of Durham and Ralph de Nevill', lord of Raby, witnessing that Ralph has deposited 300 marks in the treasury of the church of Durham to be held until he or his executors or the prior and convent or their successors purchase £10 of land or rent within the diocese of Durham or elsewhere and amortize the same to the priory for finding a chaplain to sing [masses] for Ralph and Alesia his spouse, their forbears and issue, and for the souls of all Christians, at the altar where the bodies of Ralph and Alice will be interred in the monastery of Durham; if the said sum prove insufficient, Ralph or his executors are to provide what is necessary for the purchase beyond the said sum; the prior and convent are to give assurance, in a sealed deed, of maintaining the chantry once the purchase has been made; that, until the purchase is made, Ralph or his executors are to provide 10 marks yearly for the maintenance of a chaplain to be found by the prior and convent; masses are to be sung in the choir by the convent every year on the dates of the obits of Ralph and Alesia.
Sealed interchangeably, with the prior and convent appending their seal.
Date: Durham, 22 July 1367.
Also on f.271v.
Digitised version
f.344v    5 June 1367
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Richard [Poore], bishop of Durham.
Date: Tarrant, 5 Id. April, Pont. 7. [9 April 1235]
Date: Durham, 5 June 1367.
Also on f.269r.
Calendared in detail above, f.178v, from a copy in an inspeximus of 1363.
Digitised version
f.345r-v    17 September 1363
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following lease.
Lease by indenture by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to Walter de Hesilden, his heirs and assigns, of the borough of Gateshead, with its demesne, meadow, pasture, and the site of the manor of Gateshead, and their profits as were accustomed to be demised before this time; saving to the bishop his mines within the demesne, meadow and pasture, and sufficient from the mines to the river Tyne; to be held by Walter, his heirs and assigns, from Whitsun 1364 for 40 years; rendering to the bishop and his successors £22 yearly, in equal portions at the four main terms appointed in the bishopric, beginning at St John the Baptist [24 June] 1364; the houses on the site of the manor to be maintained at Walter's expense and returned in as good or better condition than that in which he received them; and of the entire fishery of Gateshead, in the Tyne, for 40 years beginning with the date of the presents; rendering £20 yearly; with arrears of the said farm of £42 to be doubled if unpaid for 40 days; Walter finding William de Hoton', Alan de Ravensworth, William de Spiriden', John de Layburn', and Richard de Neleston, as sureties; the bishop granting proportional allowance of the farm, at the discretion of trustworthy men, if profits of the borough and fishing be lost through destruction in war.
Walter retaining the portion of the indenture bearing the seal of the bishop's temporality, and the bishop retaining the portion bearing the seals of Walter and his five sureties.
Date: Durham, Monday in Whit week [22 May] 1363.
Date: Durham, 17 September 1363.
Also on f.268r-v.
Digitised version
f.345v    2 October 1365
Proxy by the prior and convent of Durham appointing Roger de Fulthorp' and John de Halyden' as their proctors to treat with Nicholas Allerwasse, calling himself rector of Appleby, Leics., Lincoln dioc., and whatsoever others, and come to a settlement with them.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1365.
Digitised version
f.345v    18 September 1365
Memorandum : - Gilbert de Slafflay resigned his church of Kimblesworth <his vicarage of Bywell crossed out> in the hands of prior John, in presence of a notary and William de Swetop, John Scot' and Geoffrey Haddam, squires of the prior and familiars in the prior's chapel at Durham, 31 July; his successor was Hugh de Chilton', by presentation of the prior and convent, 18 September 1365.
(Struck through with an oblique stroke at the left edge of the entry)
Digitised version
f.345v    18 September [13]65
Memorandum : - Hugh de Chilton' was presented to Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the church of Kimblesworth, vacant by the resignation of Gilbert de Slaflay, 18 September [13]65.
Digitised version
f.345v    31 July [1365]
Memorandum : - Gilbert resigned Kimblesworth church in the hands of the prior and in presence of the notary and others, 31 July [1365].
Digitised version
(Continuation of inspeximus begun on f.335v, which is also on f.270v-271r.)
Digitised version
f.346r    28 May 1368
(Entry noted in the margin as void, and struck through)
Inspeximus by John prior and the convent of Durham confirming the following grant.
Grant by Thomas, bishop of Durham, addressed to abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, escheators, sheriffs, bailiffs, etc., informing them of his grant, to Thomas de Coxside and his heirs of free warren in his demesne lands of Kimblesworth, providing the lands do not lie within the bounds of his forest, and that none enter the lands to chase or take anything pertaining to the warren without licence of Thomas de Coxside or his heirs, on pain of £10.
Witnesses: John de Nevill', knight; Robert de Hilton', knight; Thomas Surtays, knight; Bertram Monbouchier, knight; John Darcy, knight; William de Menevill', sheriff of Durham; William de Dalden'; John de Carrow; Robert de Lambton'.
By the bishop's hand.
Date: Durham, 11 April, Pont. 23. [1368]
Date: Durham, 28 May 1368.
Digitised version
f.346r-v    24 May 1368
Notarial instrument recording that John, prior of Durham, John de Bishopton', subprior of Durham, Robert de Walleworth, prior of Coldingham, and other monks of Durham and Coldingham, on the one part, and John of Holy Island, vicar, as he says, of Holy Trinity, Berwick, annexed to the cell of Coldingham, as they say, attended and discussed the vicarage portion of the said vicarage; and, after discussion hereof, the prior of Coldingham said, with the consent of the prior and chapter of Durham, that the vicar of Berwick will receive £20 yearly, at four terms of the year from the prior and convent of Coldingham, and set out further rights and responsibilities of both parties, specified; and that the vicar swore to observe this ordinance of the vicarage.
Witnesses: Mr William de Farnham, official of the bishop of Durham, and Mr John de Hakthorp, clerk, NP.
Date: the prior's chapel within the abbey of Durham , 24 May 1368.
Also on f.261r-v and Misc.Ch. 974.
Digitised version
f.346v    20 May [1368]
Writ of certiorari super causa captionis by Edward [III], king of England, to John de Stotherskelf', escheator of Yorkshire, ordering him to inform him in chancery of his reason for taking the half of the vill of Holtby belonging to the prior of Durham into the king's hand; considering it insufficient that the escheator has found by inquisition ex officio that he, the king, has had no profit from this half of Holtby, held in chief of the king, by the death of the prior around 50 years ago, because the temporalities of the prior and convent ought not to be taken into the king's hand by the death of any prior; ordering him to remove the king's hand from this half of Holtby, and to restore the half to the prior.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 20 May, 42 Edward [III].
Also on f.261v-262r.
Digitised version
f.346v    16 February [1368]
Writ by Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, accepting that, from an inquisition taken by the bishop, Ralph de Bulmer, the day he died, held no land of the king within the bishop's lordship, but that he held a messuage and 40 acres of land in Preston and Simonside, within the bishop's liberty, of the prior of Durham; and that Ralph, son of Ralph de Bulmere, is heir and is one year old and more; instructing him to remove the king's hand from these lands and permit the prior to take them into his custody, as is customary, and cause the issues thereof dating from Ralph's death to be delivered to the prior.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 16 February, 42 Edward [III].
Also on f.262r.
Digitised version
f.347r    17 April 1368
Grant by John prior and the convent of Durham to Mr Hugh de Arlam, clerk, of a pension of 100s yearly, for life, for his aid, counsel and advocacy in the business of the monastery, its cells and offices.
Date: Durham, 17 April 1368.
Lower fourth-fifths of f.347 cut away, presumably blank.
Also on f.260r.
Digitised version
Digitised version
f.348r    [? 25 March] 1401
Quitclaim by John prior and the covent of Durham in favour of Thomas de Fisshehouse, lately buyer of the bishop's victuals, of all real or personal actions which they might be able to have in future against him by reason of arrears of receipts or of whatsoever other things.
Date: Durham, St Mary 1401.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxxvii.
Digitised version
f.348r    11 April 1407
Exhortation by John, prior of Durham, for William de Appilby, monk of Durham, whom he has appointed as his proctor to arrest the apostate Adam de Durham, monk of Durham, or to cause him to be arrested; asking those whom these letters reach to give assistance to William, so that Adam may be recovered from the error of his ways.
Date: Durham, 11 April 1407.
{Added above the entry: penultimo die mensis Martii }.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxcix.
Digitised version
f.348r    [? 1407]
Bill by John Hemmyngburgh, prior of Durham, to Henry [IV], king of England, asking that he might see fit to extend the secular arm for the arrest and return of the runaway A[dam] de D[urham], monk of Durham.
Date: E., 1[407 ?].
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cxcix-cc.
Digitised version
f.348v    [c. ?1413 - 1431]
Table of kings of England from William I to Henry VI with dates.
n.d.. [c. 1413 ?, with additions to 1431]
Digitised version
f.349r    [c. ?1417 - 1483]
Table of popes from Clement V to Innocent VIII with dates.
n.d. [c. 1417 ?, with additions to 1483]
Digitised version
Table of bishops of Durham from William of St Calais, “elected” 1080, to John Fordham, translated to Ely 1389 [sic] with dates.
Undated. (continued on the lower part of the recto of the next folio)
Digitised version
f.350r    11 June 1401
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Henry, bishop of Lincoln, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John Wytynge, chaplain of the chantry of North Wraxhall, in the parish church of North Wraxhall, Salisbury dioc., to the church of St Mary Binewerk, Stamford, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with John Selow, rector of St Mary Binewerk; saving a pension of 20s owed of old to the prior and convent and their monastery.
Date: Durham, 11 June 1401.
Digitised version
f.350r    18 January 1402
Presentation by John prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of Ralph Daleby, rector of Egremont, to the vicarage of Ruddington, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with Roger Saxton', vicar of Ruddington.
Date: Durham, 18 January 1401/2.
Digitised version
f.350r    [c.1400 - 1509]
Table (continued from f.349v) of bishops of Durham from Walter Skirelawe, translated to Durham 1389 [sic ], to Thomas Rowthall', 1509 with dates.
Digitised version
f.350v    [c.1400 - 1520]
Table of priors of Durham from Aldwin, created 1083, to Hugh Whithed, elected 1519/20 with dates.
Digitised version
f.351r    {c. 1450]
Table of archbishops of York from St Paulinus [625-633] to John Kempe [1425-1452].
Digitised version
f.351v    25 March 1401
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to W[alter], bishop of Durham, or his vicar general in distant parts, of W[illiam] de Malteby, vicar of Stainton-le-Street, to the rectory of Edmundbyers, in order to effect an exchange of benefices with W[illiam] de Lamesly, rector of Edmundbyers.
Date: Durham, 25 March 1401.
Digitised version
f.351v    28 March 1401
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to the parochial chaplain of Norham, to induct J[ohn] Turnour, chaplain, or his proctor, into the vicarage of Norham; and requiring certification thereof.
Date: Durham, 28 March 1401.
Digitised version
f.351v    29 March 1401
Mandate by Thomas de Weston', leg. lic., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Walter, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to induct John Catton' or his proctor into the vicarage of Heighington; since the archdeacon Thomas has instituted John, through John's proctor, William Marchall', in the said vicarage; with John having been presented to the vicarage by the prior and convent, patrons of Heighington, following the resignation of the vicarage by William de Norham, proctor of Thomas de Wyhotte, the last vicar of Heighington; Thomas having resigned so as to exchange the vicarage for the vicarage of Fo[l]kton, York dioc.
Date: Greatham, 29 March 1401.
Original: DCD 1.2.Archid.Dunelm.18.
Another copy: DCD Cart.I, f.154r.
Digitised version
f.351v    29 March 1401
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to the parochial chaplain of Heighington to induct John Catton', chaplain, or his proctor into the vicarage of Heighington; and requiring certification thereof.
Date: Durham, 29 March 1401.
Digitised version
f.351v    31 March 1401
Certification by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, having received and incorporating the mandate by Mr Thomas de Weston, archdeacon of Durham, “as above”, not recited, by authority whereof he has inducted John Catton', in the person of his proctor William Marchall', into the vicarage of Heighington, on the last day of March.
Date: Durham, 31 March 1401.
Digitised version
f.352r    27 March 1401
Mandate by Thomas de Weston', leg. lic., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Walter, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham dioc. appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to induct John Turnour or his proctor into the vicarage of Norham; following the institution of John in the vicarage by the bishop of Lincoln, by the archdeacon's authority; and with John having been presented to the vicarage by the prior and convent, patrons of Norham, following the resignation of the vicarage by Mr John Catryk, last vicar of Norham; Mr John having resigned so as to exchange the vicarage for the vicarage of Winterton, Lincoln dioc..
Date: Greatham, 27 March 1401.
Original: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29.
Digitised version
f.352r    18 March 1401
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of the churches of Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, appropriated to the prior and convent of Durham, to W[illiam] de Werdall', vicar of Berwick, deputing to him the custody of his archidiaconal jurisdiction in the said churches, duties specified, with canonical power to act in place of the prior until revoked.
Date: Durham, 18 March 1400/1.
Digitised version
f.352r    12 April 1401
Nomination by John prior and the convent of Durham to Thomas, prior of the cell of Lytham, of Mr Roger Moreton', clerk, for presentation by Thomas to the church of Appleby, vacant by the death of Mr Walter Vavasour, last rector thereof.
Under the other part of the common seal, namely the head of St Oswald.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1401.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:34.
Digitised version
f.352r    14 April 1401
Presentation by J[ohn] prior and the convent of Durham addressed to Richard, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in distant parts, of John de Hemyngburgh', chaplain, to the vicarage of Thorpe, in the church of Howden.
Date: “&c”, 14 April 1401.
Digitised version
f.352r    3 April 1401
Certification by J[ohn], prior of Durham, archdeacon “&c, as in the preceding folio ” (incorporating) [a commission] by Thomas “&c, the tenor of which commission is written above” by authority whereof he has inducted John Turnour, in the person of his proctor Adam de Spenser, into the vicarage of Norham, on the last day of March.
Date: Durham, 3 April 1401.
Digitised version
f.352r    31 May 1401
Memorandum : a proxy was issued appointing Mr Thomas de Hexham and Mr John Stanton to attend for the prior and chapter on Friday, the morrow of Corpus Christi, in York minster at a convocation of clergy; 31 May 1401.
Digitised version
f.352v    31 May 1401
Proxy by John prior and the convent of Durham appointing John Graynton', John Hagthorpe and William Bryscow as their proctors to attend before Richard, archbishop of York, or his commissaries, one or more, on Friday the morrow of Corpus Christi next to come, in a convocation of clergy of the province in York minster.
Date: Durham, 31 May 1401.
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f.352v-353r    [14 January 1293]
Ordinances by Antony, bishop of Durham, for the collegiate church of St Andrew, Auckland; with consent of Mr Robert de Alburwyk, vicar of Auckland, and of all the canons and prebendaries there; creating a prebend worth £10 from the tithes of assarts beyond the River Gaunless in the bishop's forest, and on this side of the Gaunless in Widehope moor; giving the title of dean to Mr Robert, hitherto vicar of Auckland, and his successors, annexing the said new prebend to the deanery, along with the existing vicarage revenues, and specifying certain of the dean's responsibilities; assigning an area, lying to the south of the church, to be divided up by him, on which the canons are to build houses within two years, and requiring non-resident canons to have vicars to officiate for them; specifying that the first five canons, namely Mr Robert Avenell', Walter de Langton', Geoffrey de Vezano, John de London', Mr Adam de Brempton' and their successors each have a priest, receiving five marks yearly from their revenues, as vicar; that four other canons, namely Mr John de Lacy, Richard de Insula, John de Wycham, and Alan de Kirkam each have a deacon, receiving 40s stipend yearly; and that the remainder have subdeacons or other suitable clerks, receiving 30s stipend yearly; with further ordinances relating to presentation of vicars, the singing of canonical hours, the celebration of mass, including the celebration of the mass of the Blessed Virgin by Mr Adam de Brompton [sic] or his vicar, and his successors, the cure of parishes and the order of seating or processing.
The entry is incomplete. A translation of virtually all of a complete copy of these ordinances, along with a list of other copies (though omitting an incomplete copy to be found in Misc. Ch. 422, f.lv), is printed in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.35-37.
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f.353v-354r    [c.1180 x 31 July 1189]
Grant by H[ugh of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, to his burgesses of Wearmouth of free customs according to the customs of the burgesses of Newcastle, specified in some 20 clauses, with one liberty as obtained by the burgesses of Durham, and common pasture as granted to them by the bishop at the outset; with the bishop retaining the custom of fish bought at Wearmouth, which Robert de Brus has of his men at Hartlepool; to be held of the bishop and his successors.
Witnesses: G[ermanus], prior; W., archdeacon; Simon, chamberlain; Mr Richard de Coldingeh[am]; Mr Stephen Lincoln'; Mr Bernard; Henry, marshall (Marescald'); Arnald, Adam and Simon, chaplains; Gilbert de Leia; Philip, sheriff; Jordan Escoland'; Alexander de Hilton'; Geoffrey son of Richard; Roger de Epplingden'.
Printed in: R. Surtees, History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham i, p.297-298; (extracts) W. Hutchinson, History of the County Palatine of Durham i, p.515; (with some minor errors) Boldon Buke, ed W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 25, 1852), appendix, p.xli-xlii; (extracts with translation) A. Ballard, British Borough Charters 1042-1216, (1923) p.25, 54-55, 58, 64, 70-71, 95-96, 101, 103, 115-116, 133, 143, 146, 153, 158, 162, 168, 197, 2145-215, 218; (extracts) C. Johnson, “The Oldest Version of the Customs of Newcastle upon Tyne”, Archaeologia Aeliana (4th series, 1), p.173-178; (translated) J.W. Summers, History and Antiquities of Sunderland, (1858) p.215-223; (translated) W.C. Mitchell, History of Sunderland, (1919) p.43-45; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.133-135.
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f.354r-355r    24 November [1316]
Ratification by Edward [II], king of England, to the prelates and clergy of the realm of the Articles of the Clergy, whereby various liberties were granted to them in response to certain articles of grievance brought by them in a parliament lately held at Lincoln, 9 Edward [II] [1316].
Witness the king.
Date: York, 24 November, 10 Edward [II].
Summarised in Calendar of Patent Rolls 1313-1317 (1898), p.607.
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f.355v-356r    [c.1440]
Tables for the years 1293, 1348 “namely two years after the battle of Durham [Neville's Cross] and in the year before the great pestilence”, 1350 “namely the first year after the great pestilence ”, 1392, 1420, 1430 and 1436; of receipts pertaining to the office of bursar from the churches of Earlston, Edrom, Edingham and the priory of Coldingham; Norham, Holy Island, Ellingham, Jarrow, Heighington, Aycliffe, Pittington, Hesleden, Merrington, Billingham, [North]allerton, Eastrington and Wearmouth (the churches in Scotland are named individually in the first table only, and are absent from the tables for 1392 and 1420; Billingham, Ellingham and Wearmouth do not appear in every table.) with explanations for the decline in receipts, valuations of the temporal and spiritual goods pertaining to the office of bursar in 1420, and a table of receipts [in 1420 ?] of the offices of hostiller, almoner, chamberlain, sacrist, commoner, feretrar and terrar.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxlviii-cclii.
Digitised version
f.356v-357r    24 March [1400]
Table of beneficed clergy of the bishopric of Durham present or absent at an array on Gilesgate Moor held by the prior of Durham, the official of Durham, the constable of Durham, the rector of [Bishop] Wearmouth, and the dean of Lanchester, deputed commissaries for the array; specifying the number of hobelers, men-at-arms and archers which each clergyman was liable to bring to the array. The clergy are identified by benefice rather than by name, with the exception of Mr Robert de Dalton', Mr William Hull', and John Maxfelde, prebendaries in the collegiate church of Darlington.
Date: 24 March, 1 Henry IV.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.clxxxv-clxxxxvii.
Original: DCD Loc.XIX:128.
Digitised version
f.357v-358r    13 June 1409
Taxation assessments for the deaneries of Newcastle upon Tyne, Corbridge, Alnwick and Bamburgh, valuing the rectories, vicarages, pensions, chantries &c for the purpose of a subsidy for the general council at Pisa.
Date: 13 June 1409.
{Added notes include a [memorandum] of monition naming John Skendilby in Alnwick, and Robert Tailour in Bamburgh.}
Digitised version
f.358v-359r    [11 November 1396]
Bull by Boniface [IX], pope, on petition by the abbot and convent of St Mary's, York, confirming the following decree.
Decree by letters patent, by Thomas [Arundel], archbishop of York (&c), having lately learnt, when conducting a visitation of his city and diocese of York, that the abbot and convent of St Mary's abbey, York, held the church of York St Mary with its dependent chapels of St Olave, Fulford, Poppleton, Askham Bryan and Knapton; the churches of Doncaster, Burton Agnes, Rudston, Overton, Lastingham, and Myton, and their dependent chapels; along with:
- in the archdeaconry of York, yearly pensions from the churches of York St Michael Ouse Bridge, and its rector (36s), York St Saviour (10s), York St Wilfrid (6s 8d), York St Cross (20s), Garforth (30s); in the church of Harewood two thirds of the corn tithe from the demesne lands of the lord of Harewood, in the parish of Newton-le-Willows the tithes of the demesne land, meadows and mill, and the manor lately belonging to Simon de Kyme, lord thereof;
- in the archdeaconry of the East Riding, yearly pensions from the vicarage of Burton Agnes (six marks), and the churches of Huggate (40s), Foxholes (12 marks), Langton (2s) near Malton, 100s and ½ the tithes of the sea fishery of the church of Kirby Underdale, 20s and ½ the tithes of corn, hay and lamb of the same parish and the tithes of 4 bovates of land there, and the greater and lesser tithes of 4½ carrucates in the same parish, which the said religious cultivate at their own expense, and the tithe of wool and lambs of their beasts in the said parish; in the said parish of Langton near Malton the corn tithe of seven carrucates of the demesne of lord de Vescy; in the parish of Skirpenbeck two thirds of the corn tithe of the lord of Skirpenbeck and of 17 carrucates, and the tithe of three strips brought into cultivation by the said baron and lord of Skirpenbeck; two thirds of the corn tithe of the lands of the lord of Skirpenbeck in the parish of Bugthorpe; two thirds of the corn tithes of the demesne of the lord of Scrayingham; two thirds of the corn tithe of the demesne of Buttercrambe in the parish of Buttercrambe; two thirds of the corn tithe of their demesne which the said religious cultivate in Elmswell;
- in the archdeaconry of Cleveland, pensions from the vicarage of Salton (10s), the churches of Normanby (10s), Foston (6s 8d), Sheriff Hutton (twenty marks) and Gilling in Ryedale (four marks);
- in the archdeaconry of Nottingham, pensions from the churches of Cotham (24s), Hickling (26s 8d), Granby (eight marks), Sturton (6s 8d);
- in the archdeaconry of Richmond, the cells of St Martin's Richmond and St Bees in Copeland, the churches of Burneston, Catterick with the chapels of Bolton[-upon-Swale], Hipswell and Hudswell, Gilling with the chapels of Forcett, Hutton [Magna], Barton, [South] Cowton, Barforth, Eryholme and Mortham, Middleton, Kirkby Lonsdale, (Kirkby) Kendal, St Bees; from the demesne of the earl of Richmond in the parish of East Witton, in Moulton (Middleton [Tyas] parish), two thirds of the corn tithe; in Snape in Well (Well parish), two thirds of the corn tithe; in Carlton in Coverdale (Coverham parish), two thirds of the corn tithe; in Spennithorne, in Thornton Watlass, two thirds of the corn tithe from the demesne of the late Ribald; in Leyburn (Wensley parish), in Dalton-on-Tees (Croft parish), from two ploughlands in Atley [now South] Cowton of the demesne of the late Wymar the steward, two thirds of the corn tithe; in Fleetham, from Stuartbrig' (Kirkby [Fleetham] parish), from the demesne of the late Odo the chamberlain, two thirds of the corn tithe; in Londe (Kirkby Ravensworth parish), in Wycliffe, two thirds of the corn tithe; in Scotton, from eight ploughlands, all the corn tithe with ½ the hay tithe; from the demesne of the late Alkar in Ainderby [? Steeple], in Morton[-on-Swale], two thirds of the corn tithe; in Warlaby, in Thrintoft, a third of the corn tithe from the demesne of the late Asketell; in Croft, Barton, Halnaby, Stapleton, Cleasby, Aldbrough, Caldwell, Brompton[-on-Swale], Skeeby, Constable Burton and Bellerby, a third of the corn tithe [from the demesne] of the late Nisard [Enisand] Musard; in [Great] Langton a third of the corn tithe from the demesne of the late Hugh Jarnegane; in Kirkay [? Kirby] in Aske, in Brettanby, Carlton [Green], Barforth, a third of the corn tithe of the demesne; in the parish of Scruton, in West Tanfield, from the demesne, a third of the corn tithe; in East Tanfield, in Ainderby [Quernhow] (Kirklington and Pickhill parishes) two thirds of the corn tithe from the demesne; in Swainby (Pickhill parish), from two ploughlands of the demesne, a third of the corn tithe; from the demesne of Robert and William of and in Middleton [Quernhow] (Wath parish), two thirds of the corn tithe, and a third of the tithe of the demesne of Ellis son of Morcar in Melmerby; in Great Crakehall, two thirds of the corn tithe of the lord's demesne; in Scorton, two thirds of the lesser tithes of the house of Henry son of John, from the house of Gilbert de Walton', a third of the mill same vill, 5s in name of tithe, namely from the house of Henry son of John two thirds, from the house of Gilbert a third; from the mill of Colburn, 2s 6d, and two thirds of the lesser tithes of the houses or manors of John de Bretton' and Adam of Manghenby in the vill of Colburn; in the vill of Ellerton [on Swale], from the house of Hugh Malbis, two thirds of the lesser tithes, and a third from the house of Alan son of Brian de Kilwardeby [Killerby]; all the tithes in Copeland from the demesne of the lord of Copeland; the tithes throughout Copeland which the rector of Egremont has been accustomed to take, excepting the mortuary dues of Cudrynkby, and the tithes of Holm' and of the fisheries of Egnee and Ester; pensions in the district of Richmond from the churches of Richmond (100s and 20lb wax) and Kirby Ravensworth (42s), the vicarages of Gilling (100s), Catterick (one mark), and Middleton [Tyas ?] (5½ marks), the churches of Croft (£10), [Great] Smeaton (100s), Patrick Brompton (17s 4d), Hauxwell (20s), Burneston (one mark);
- beyond the bounds of the said archdeaconry, pensions from the church of Whittingham (10s), from Whitbeck (5s), Bootle (4s), Corney (2s), Egremont (22s), Harrington (2s), Workington (four marks), the chapel of Clifton (2s), the chapels of Grasmere and Windermere (five marks), Heversham (40s), Beetham (40s), Burton [in Kendal] (four marks); within the city and diocese of York,
and occupy, hold, take or apply to their use the foregoing, contrary to common and canon law, with no right or sufficient title; and so the archbishop, wishing to proceed against them, had the said religious summoned before him to show right concerning the foregoing, if such they had; and, since they showed, through witnesses and written evidence, their title to these churches, portions (&c); pronouncing, with the advice of jurists, that all and sundry the aforesaid churches, chapels, portions, tithes and pensions belong to the said abbot and convent, who have sufficient title thereto; discharging the said religious and their monastery from further accusation of the archbishop's office in the foregoing.
Date: the chapel of [Bishop]thorpe near York, 20 November 1392
Date: St Peter's, Rome, 3 Id. November, Pont. 8.
Digitised version
f.359v    [5 November 1400]
Indulgence by Boniface [IX], pope, to the church of Ely, Benedictine order, of.....??
Date: St Peter's, Rome, Non. November, Pont. 11.
Digitised version
f.359v    [1415 x 1431]
Form of certification the official of the prior of Durham, archdeacon in his churches, having received and incorporating a mandate by Mr T[homas] L[yes], dean of A[uckland] collegiate church, vicar general in distant parts of T[homas], bishop of Durham, “&c”, not recited, by authority whereof he has inducted W. B. into the vicarage of B.
Date: Durham.
Digitised version
f.359v    [? 1234 x 1244]
Grant by T[homas] prior and the convent of Durham to Alan Gategang and his heirs of the house in Newcastle upon the bank of the Tyne which the prior and convent had from the heir[s] of Philip de Ulcotes, to be held by him and his heirs in fee farm, of the prior and convent; rendering 2 marks yearly.
Undated, but with a memorandum that this T[homas of] Melsonby ceased in 1244.
Also, somewhat earlier in the fifteenth century than this entry, Reg. I f.9v-10r, where the opening initial is R, i.e. Prior Melsonby's immediate predecessor, Ralph Kerneth (1218-34).
Digitised version
Memorandum: - that certification, recited, was made by the prior of Durham to the king in chancery of receipt of the oath of the sheriff of Northumberland, being written on the writ by virtue whereof the prior received the oath.
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