Durham Cathedral Archive: Pontificalia


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-PONT
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Pontificalia
Dates of creation: ca.1109-1595
Extent: 14 original boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: documents issued in favour of the monastic community by bishops, with some associated material; some now missing.
Language: Latin

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Stock checks

Stock checked by William Greenwell (late 19th century, marked by pencil ticks within Repertorium Magnum), June 1962 and (outer envelopes only) July-August 2023.
Only discrepancies are as follows:
1.11.Pont.2 is not noted as being duplicated in Repertorium Magnum, but the 1962 stock check is annoted to note existence of the duplicate (as 1.11.Pont.2b)

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


The numbering system reflects the medieval organisation of the documents in boxes, normally with four compartments: the first number is the compartment, the second the box, and the final one, after the class reference, is the number in the sequence (thus 4.5.Pont.2 is the second document in the fourth compartment of the fifth box in the class Pontificalia). The numbers were assigned and amended in the Magnum Repertorium, in the later nineteenth century, replacing the original letters, and some duplications and confusion has crept in, which is noted below.

A list of documents associated with episcopal visitations of the priory, 1300-1464, is kept in the strong room 5x3" card cabinet and can be made available by prior arrangement.


Dictionnaire de droit canonique
Guide to Bishops' Registers (Royal Historical Society)
Handbook of British Chronology (Royal Historical Society)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society: 58, 1872) [cited as FPD]
Historiae Dunelmensis scriptores tres, Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes, et Willielmus de Chambre, ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: 9, 1839) [cited as HDST]
Regesta regum anglo-normannorum, 1066-1154, vol 1; Regesta Willelmi Conquestoris et Willelmi Rufi, 1066-1100., ed. Davis, H.W.C. (1913)
Codex Diplomaticus Anglo-Saxorum, ed. Kemble, J.M. (1839-48)
Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. Birch, W. de G. (1885-93)
Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. Dugdale, Sir W. (1655-73)
Durham episcopal charters, 1071-1152, ed. Offler H S. (Surtees Society: 179, 1968)
Symeon of Durham: Opera omnia, ed. Arnold, T. (Rolls Series, 1882-5)
The priory of Finchale. The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls, ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: 6, 1837)
Decretales D. Gregorii Papae IX ... (Rome, 1632)
Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense 4 vols., ed. Hardy, Sir T.D. (1873)
Endowed charities, administrative County of Durham, and County Boroughs of Gateshead and Sunderland. Returns to orders of the ... House of Commons, dated 14 February 1900 and 9 February 1904 ... : return comprising the reports made to the Charity Commissioners ... 2 vols. (HMSO, 1904)
Boldon buke, a survey of the possessions of the See of Durham ... in the year 1083, ed. Greenwell W. (Surtees Society: 25, 1852)
Richard d'Aungerville, of Bury. Fragments of his register and other documents, ed. Kitchin G W. (Surtees Society: 119, 1910)
Memorials of St. Giles's, Durham being grassmen's accounts and other parish records, together with documents relating to the hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene, ed. Barmby., J. (Surtees Society: 95, 1896)
Durham annals and documents of the 13th century, ed. Barlow F. (Surtees Society: 155, 1945)
Records of Antony Bek, bishop and patriarch, 1283-1311, ed. Fraser C M. (Surtees Society: 162, 1953)
The register, or rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, ed. Raine J. (Surtees Society: 56, 1872)
The register of Willaim Greenfield, Lord Archbishop of York, 1306-1315, ed. Hamilton Thompson A. 5 vols (Surtees Society: 145, 149, 151, 152, 153; 1931-8)
The injunctions and other ecclesiastical proceedings of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, from 1575 to 1587, ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: 22, 1850)
Extracts from the account rolls of the abbey of Durham... 3 vols, ed. Fowler J T. (Surtees Society: 99, 100, 103; 1898-1900)
The register of Thomas of Corbridge, Lord Archbishop of York, 1300-1304 2v v1, ed. Hamilton Thompson A. (Surtees Society: 138, 141; 1925-8)
The history and antiquities of the parish of Hemingsbrough in the county of York by Thomas Burton, ed. and enlarged, Raine. J. (1888)
The Victoria history of the County of Durham, ed. Page, W. etc (1905-28)
Albe, E., Autour de Jean XXII (Rome, 1902-6)
Bateson, M., Borough Customs, II (Selden Society: 21, 1906)
Brentano, R., York Metropolitan Jurisdiction & Papal Judges Delegate (1279-1296) (1959)
Dobson, B., “Richard Bell, Prior of Durham and Bishop of Carlisle”, Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Ant. and Archaeol. Soc., New Series, vol. LXV, p.219.
Fayen, A., Lettres de Jean XXII (Paris, 1908)
Fraser, C.M., A history of Antony Bek, Bishop of Durham, 1283-1311 (1957)
Gibson, W.S., History of Monastery of Tynemouth 2 vols.(1846-7)
Göller, E., “Die Constitutio Ratio juris Johanns XXII und die Camera Apostolica”, Römische Quartalschrift, vol. 16 (1902), pp. 417ff.
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B]
Guillemain, B., La cour pontificale d'Avignon 1309-1376
Harbottle, B. “Bp. Hatfield's Visitation of Durham Priory in 1354”, Arch Aeliana 4th series vol. XXXVI
Hodgson J., etc., History of Northumberland (1893-1940)
Hutchinson, W., The history and antiquities of the County Palatine, of Durham (1785-1794)
Lapsley, G.T., The County Palatine of Durham (1900)
Lyte, Sir, H.C. Maxwell, Historical notes on the use of the Great Seal of England (1926)
Mollat, G., “Contribution a l'histoire de la Chambre apostolique au XIVe siecle”, Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 45 (1950) pp.82-94.
Mollat, G., “Contribution a l'histoire de l'administration judiciaire de l'église romaine au quatorzieme siecle”, Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 32 (1936)
Offler, H.S. “The early archdeacons in the Diocese of Durham”, Trans. of Arch. & Arch. Soc. of Dm. & North. XI, 189-208
Purvis, J S., Notarial signs from the York archiepiscopal records (1957)
Raine, J., North Durham (1852)
Richardson, R.K., “Bishopric of Durham under Antony Bek, 1283-1311”, Arch. Aeliana 3rd series, IX, 89-229
Samaran, Ch. and Mollat, G., La fiscalité pontificale en France au quatorzieme siecle. Période d'Avignon et du Grand Schisme d'Occident, (Paris, 1905)
Scammell, G.V., Hugh du Puiset, Bishop of Durham (1956)
Surtees, R., The history and antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham; compiled from original records, preserved in public repositories and private collections: and illustrated by engravings of architectural and monumental antiquities, portraits of eminents persons (1816-40)


Box 1
DCD 1.1.Pont.1a   A.D. 1093
Language:   Latin
Charter (spurious) of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham, addressed to L[anfranc] archbishop of Canterbury, T[homas I] archbishop of York, all his successors as bishop of Durham and all parsons of the bishopric. William states that when his consecration to the see was confirmed byPope Gregory VII he was moved by the state of the cathederal and the unsatisfactory behaviour of the clerks serving in it to expel them from the church, assigning certain churches for their maintenance, and to persuade the monks from Jarrow and Wearmouth to come to Durham and serve in the cathederal. He makes and confirms to the monks the following grants for the present and future: free election of their prior; the prior to be second to the bishop, having the dignity and honour of an abbot both inside and outside the church of Durham; the prior to be archdeacon of all his churches in the bishopric; and to be free from hospicia, auxilia etc. of bishops and archdeacons; the prior to have an abbot's seat in the choir, and the authority of the bishop, and full powers in consultation with his chapter, to conduct all the house's business, including the appointment and removal of monastic officials; in the bishop's absence the prior is to act for him in suitable matters; the prior is to have a court, as the bishop does, with the rights pertaining to a court. As many monks as the prior shall decide are to remain at Lindisfarne [Holy Island], Jarrow and Wearmouth. Other lesser grants follow, including an injunction to future bishops not to harass, or to attack the privileges or dignity of, a canonically elected prior, and then the bishop lists the prior and convent's possessions as follows: in Northumberland the church of Norham, with the adjacent land in the vill of N., and the vill of Shoreswood; the western part of the vill of Holy Island, and the vill called Fenham; the church of Tynemouth, Wallsend and Willington, with 8 named fisheries on the north bank of the Tyne; in Werhale all the wood and plane next to the Tyne, from the eastern side of Mereburne to the sea, and 21 named fisheries on the south bank of the Tyne; the two vills of Heworth and the vills of Jarrow, Hebburn, Monkton, Hedworth, Preston, Westoe and Harton; on the north bank of the Wear the vills of Wearmouth, with its church, and Southwick, and 9½ named fisheries; in Haliweresfolch the church and vill of Elvet, Shincliffe, the land from the western side of Durham across the Wear to the River Browney, the two Raintons, Pittington, the church and vill of Dalton, Hesleden and of Aycliffe, Hetton, Ferryhill, the two Merringtons, the church and vill of Billingham, Wolviston and Blakeston; in Yorkshire the churches of Howden, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington; in York the church of Holy Trinity; the churches of Brompton and Northallerton.
Signa of: William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham;Lanfranc archbishop of Canterbury;Thomas [I] archbishop of York;Walkelin bishop of Winchester;Maurice bishop of London;Stigand bishop of Chichester;William [de Beaufort] bishop of Thetford;Robert [de Limesey] bishop of Chester;Serlo abbot of Gloucester;Scolland abbot of St. Augustine's;Aelsi abbot of Bath;Thurstan abbot of Pershore.
Dated: At Gloucester :
Seal: G. & B. 3108. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Printed: FPD p. lii; HDST appendix XIV; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.53-63.
Exemplified: DCD 1.1.Pont.8; 1.1.Pont.9.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Pont.1b; 1.7.Pont.2; 3.13.Pont.1; 3.13.Pont.4; Cart.Vet., f.125r-127r; Cart.I, f.69r-70r; Cart.IV, f.281r (truncated).
Digitised material for 1.1.Pont.1a
DCD 1.1.Pont.1b
Language:   Latin
Copy of 1.1.Pont.1a.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.1.Pont.2a   A.D. 1082. & anno Episcopatus 4
Language:   Latin
Ego Willelmus
Charter (spurious) of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham, stating that when he became bishop he found the service of St. Cuthbert neglected. Finding that St. Cuthbert had in life and death been served by monks he asked the advice of Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, and of King William [I], who sent him to see Pope Gregory [VII]. The pope approved the bishop's plan to transfer the monks of Jarrow and Wearmouth to Durham, and ordered that the monks and bishop's possessions and rights should be inviolate for ever. These possessions and rights are listed in detail.
Witness: Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury;Thomas [I], archbishop of York;Odo, brother of the king, bishop of Bayeux;Gosfridus, bishop of Coutances;William, bishop of London,Walkelin, bishop of Winchester;Hereman, bishop of Sherbourne;Wulfstan [II], bishop of Worcester;Walter, bishop of Hereford;Giso, bishop of Wells;Remigius, bishop of Dorchester or Lincoln;Herfast, bishop of Elmham or Norwich;Stigand, bishop of Selsey; Osbert [Osbern Fitzosbern], bishop of Exeter;Peter, bishop of Lichfield;Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury;Scolland, abbot of St. Augustine's;Aelsi, abbot of Bath;Edmund, abbot of Pershore;Vitalis, abbot of Westminster;Aelgelwin, abbot of Evesham;Paul, abbot of St. Albans;Thurold, abbot of Peterborough;Robert, earl of Mortain;Roger, earl of Shrewsbury;Robert, earl of Northumbria;Roger Bidod [Bigod];Urso de Abetot', sheriff;Richard de Courcy;William de Redvers;Robert dispenser;Haimo, dapifer;Robert de Montfort; Robert, son of Gerald;Turald de Papeleon;Morcar;Roger;Siward, surnamed Bran; Wulfnoth, brother of King Harold;Alan de Lincoln;the royal chaplains Maurice, William and Robert.
Dated: In concilio Lundoniensi :
Seal: G. & B. 3109. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: FPD, p.xxxviii; HDST, Appendix, I; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.15-25.
Calendared: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum , vol. I p.40.
Exemplified: 1.1.Pont.9.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Pont.10; Loc.II:20; Cart.Vet., f.127r-129v (see 1.1.Pont.2b); Cart.I, f.70r-71r; Lincoln's Inn, Hale ms. 114, f.48r-50v.
DCD 1.1.Pont.2b   A.D. 1082
Language:   Latin
Another copy of 1.1.Pont.2a., with some differences in wording and the omission of part of the list of possessions of the church of St. Cuthbert.
Witnesses: as for 1.1.Pont.2a.
Dated: In concilio Lundoniensi :
Seal: detached and fragmentary. Was attached by a parchment strip through foot of document.
See under 1.1.Pont.2a. Noted on 19th century wrapper that the copy in Cart.Vet. is from this copy of the charter.
DCD 1.1.Pont.3a   Anno Episcopatus 4 [3 January 1084 - 2 January 1085]
Language:   Latin
Spurious charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham, granting to all future priors of Durham all the liberties, dignities and honours of an abbot, the right of appointing and removing all monastic officials, a status and right of speech second only to the bishop, and, with chapter, the first place in the election of the bishop; possession of all rights similar to those of the deans of York, that is below the bishop and above the archdeacons; and the rights of an archdeacon in all the prior and chapter's churches. The bishop also grants and confirms to the monks several named churches and vills, and the right of free election of their prior.
Signa of: William [of St. Calais], bishop of Durham;Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury; Thomas [I], archbishop of York;Odo, the king's brother, bishop of Bayeux;Walkelin, bishop of Winchester;Wulfstan [II], bishop of Worcester;Giso, bishop of Wells;Godfrey, bishop of Coutances;Stigand, bishop of Selsey;Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury;Scolland, abbot of St. Augustine's;Paul, abbot of St. Albans;Thurold, abbot of Peterborough; Aelsi, abbot of Bath;Thurstan, abbot of Pershore;Aegelwin, abbot of Evesham;Robert, earl of Northumberland;Roger Bigot [Bigod];Urso de Abetot;Robert de Montfort;Richard de Courcy;William Peverel;William, royal chancellor;Robert, earl of Mortain;Roger, earl of Shrewsbury;William de Redvers;Robert de Papeleon;Maurice, chaplain;William, royal chaplain;Robert, chaplain.
Dated: At Westminster, in concilio domini Regis :
Seal: G. & B. 3109. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: FPD p. xlvii; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.26-33.
Calendared: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum , vol. I p.53, no. 197.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Pont.3b; Cart.Vet., f.129r-131r; Cart.I, f.71r-v.
DCD 1.1.Pont.3b
Language:   Latin
Another copy of 1.1.Pont. 3a, with minor verbal differences and the omission of the church of Tynemouth from the list of possessions of the monks of Durham.:
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.1.Pont.4a   Anno Episcopatus 4 [3 January 1084 - 2 January 1085]
Language:   Latin
Spurious charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham, granting to all future priors of Durham all the liberties, dignities and honours of an abbot, the right of appointing and removing all monastic officials, and status and right of speech second only to the bishop, and, with chapter, the first place in the election of the bishop; possession of rights similar to those of the deans of York, that is below the bishop and above the archdeacons; and the rights of an archdeacon in all the prior and convent's churches. All the prior and convent's lands and churches are confirmed to them, and the bishop allows the monks free election of the prior and witnesses that the king has released the monks and their men from all royal customs.
Signa of: William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham;Lanfranc archbishop [of Canterbury]; Odo bishop of Bayeux;Wulfstan [II] bishop of Worcester;Gosfrid bishop of Coutances; Giso bishop of Wells;Thomas [I], archbishop [of York];Scolland, abbot [of St. Augustine's];Thurold, abbot [of Peterborough];Edmund, abbot [of Pershore];Aegwin (sic), abbot [of Evesham];Vitalis, abbot [of Westminster];Maurice, chaplain;Robert de Courcy;William Peverel;Roger Bigot [Bigod];Urso Abetot.
Dated: At Westminster, in concilio domini Regis :
Seal: G. & B. 3109. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: FPD p.1 (i.e. p.50 of Preface); H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.33-36.
Calendared: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum vol. I. no. 196 (p.53)
Copies: DCD 1.1.Pont.4b; Cart.Vet., f.131r-132r; Cart.I, f.82r-v.
DCD 1.1.Pont.4b   [1084-5]
Language:   Latin
Another copy of 1.1.Pont.4a. with minor differences and a longer list of subscribing dignitaries.
Signa of: William [of St. Calais], bishop of Durham;Lanfranc, archbishop [of Canterbury]; Odo, bishop of Bayeux;Gosfrid, bishop of Coutances;Wulfstan [II], bishop [of Worcester];Giso, bishop [of Wells];Remigius, bishop;Paul, abbot [of St. Albans]; Walkelin, bishop [of Winchester];Osmund, bishop of Bath;Aegelwin, abbot [of Evesham]; Thomas [I], archbishop [of York];Edmund, abbot [of Pershore];Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury;Scolland, abbot [of St. Augustine's];Thurold, abbot [of Peterborough]; William chancellor;Robert, earl of Northumberland;Roger Bigot [Bigod];Robert de Montfort; William Peverel;Maurice, chaplain;William, chaplain;Urso de Abetot.
Seal: G. & B. 3109. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: HDST Appendix VI.
Copied: 1.7.Pont.2. (with witness list from 1.1.Pont.3).
DCD 1.1.Pont.5   [13th century]
Language:   Latin
Document containing copies of two charters:
Charter of William [of St. Calais], bishop of Durham, granting and confirming to Aldwin the prior, his successors, and all the monks of Durham, in perpetual alms, the church of Tynemouth with all its appurtenances, which had been given to the monks, when they were at Jarrow, along with the boy Morcar his relation, by Waltheof earl of Northumberland; this grant had already been confirmed by Walcher, bishop of Durham and by Aubrey, Waltheof's successor as earl.
Dated: Monday 5 Kal. Mai. [27 April] A.D. 1085
Signa of: William [of St. Calais], bishop [of Durham];Eilaf, priest, of Hexham;Alwold, priest, of Tynemouth;Ulkil, priest, of Sedgefield;Eilaf of Bedlington;Mervin, priest, of Chester;Uthred, priest, of Auckland;Aldred, priest, of Aycliffe;Gilla, clerk of Egglescliffe; Hemming, priest, of Brancepeth.
Charter (spurious) of Waltheof, earl of Northumberland, confirming, in the presence of Walcher, bishop of Durham, to Prior Aldwin and the monks who serve with him at Jarrow, in pure and perpetual alms, the church of St. Mary in Tynemouth, with the body of St. Oswin, king and martyr, which rests there, and the boy Morcar, to be brought up in the service of God. And because Tynemouth seems a wild situation for a body of religious, Bishop Walcher and Waltheof have decided to provide somewhere more suitable near the body of St. Cuthbert, and Waltheof gives to St. Cuthbert, and those who serve him, the church of Tynemouth and everything given or to be given to its patrons S.S. Mary & Oswin.
No date [1074-1076]
Signa of: Walcher, bishop of Durham; Waltheof, earl of Northumberland; Aldred, earl; Uthred, brother of Morcar; Liulf, father of Morcar; Leobwinus, dean of Durham; Gilbert, nephew of the bishop; Hemming, priest; Ulkillus, priest; Mervin, priest; Elstan, priest; Ernan, bishop's son; Swartebrant, priest; Gamel, priest; Uthred, priest; Alwin, knight ; Wulfstan, knight; Walter; Godred; Aelfrid; Godmann, priest; Kinewlf, knight.
Seal: no seal
Printed: HDST, Appendix IX & X; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.39-46; the charter of Waltheof is printed (from Cart. I) in J. Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland part III vol. II pp. 110-114; the charter of William of St. Calais is printed on p.114f.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.82v-83v.
1.1.Pont.5.I: Printed: W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth vol II (1847), App. p.viii-ix.
Translated and discussed: W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth vol I (1846), p.24-25.
1.1.Pont.5.II: Printed: W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth vol II (1847), App. p.vii-viii.
Translated and discussed: W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth vol I (1846), p.21-23.
DCD 1.1.Pont.6   Tempore Agathorius pape anno etatis regis Egfridi 40, regni vero cuis 15. [January - February 685]
Language:   Latin
Copy of spurious charter of Egfrid, king of Northumbria, recording how Cuthbert was forced to accept a bishopric and that the king gave Cuthbert and his successors, at the time of his acceptance, the vill of Crayke, with the area within 3 miles of it, and the city of Carlisle, with the area within 15 miles of it.
Subscribed by: Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury;Bosa, bishop [of York];Cedd, bishop of East Saxons;Saxwulf, bishop of the Mercians;Eata, bishop of Hexham;Trumwin, bishop of the Picts [Abercorn];Ceadda, bishop of Lichfield;Eadhaeth, bishop of Lindsey.
Endorsement, referring to John of Kingston, Richard of Barnard Castle, and Roger of Allerton:“Dominus Johannes de Kyngeston' et Dominus Richardus de Castro Bernardi receperunt originale istius copie per indenturam de Rogero de Alverton' per preceptum domini prioris” .
The action referred to in this endorsement would be during the pontificate of Thomas Hatfield or thereabouts.
Seal: No seal
Copies: Cambridge, University Library, MS. Ff.1.27, p.186; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth MS IX f.8; DCD Cart. III f.274r; DCD Reg. III f.137r; DDR Miscellaneous Bks. 1; Charter Roll 15-17 Richard II no. 29.
Printed: Kemble, Codex Diplomaticus Anglo-Saxorum, vol. I p.29; Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum, no. 66; Monasticon Anglicanum, i, 234, 239b; Farrer, Early Yorkshire Charters, no. 918
DCD 1.1.Pont.7
Untraced, see Durham Episcopal Charters, no. 2.
DCD 1.1.Pont.8   21 February 1418/9 & Pont. 2 of Martin V
Language:   Latin
Notarial transcript, certified and sealed by the official of the bishop of Durham, of a charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham [1.1.Pont.1.], exhibited in the consistory court at Durham by John Fishburn, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Witnesses: Thomas Tange, notary; Robert Middleham and William Clerk, proctors of the court; and many others, clerks and lay.
Notarial signs: of William Doncaster, clerk of diocese of York, advocate of the court, and Robert Berall' clerk of diocese of Durham, scribe of the court.
Date: At Durham, in the Galilee.
Seal: of the official of the bishop of Durham. G. & B. 3174. Attached by a silk cord through the foot of document..
Duplicate: 1.3.Pont.8.
DCD 1.1.Pont.9   21 February 1418/9 & Pont. 2 of Martin V.
Language:   Latin
Notarial transcripts, certified and sealed by the official of the bishop of Durham, of the following documents, exhibited in the consistory court at Durham by John Fishburn, proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham and monk of Durham:
I. Charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham
II. Charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham
Witnesses: Thomas Tange, notary; Robert Middleham and William Clerk, proctors of the court; and many others, clerks and lay.
Notarial signs: of William Doncaster, clerk of diocese of York, advocate of the court, and Robert Berall' clerk of diocese of Durham, scribe of the court.
Date: At Durham, in the Galilee..
Seal: G, & B. 3174. Attached by a parchment strip through foot of document - rather to one side of centre, there being another pair of slits nearer the centre.
Original: I. 1.1.Pont.2a.
Original: II. 1.1.Pont.1a.
Another copy (incomplete and part only): Loc.III:10.
DCD 1.1.Pont.10
Language:   Latin
Copy of charter of William [of S. Calais] Bishop of Durham.
Original: 1.1.Pont.2a.
DCD 2.1.Pont.1   [early August 1128]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham restoring to St. Cuthbert and his monks everything that he took from them on his accession to the see, viz.: altar offerings, and income from churchyard burials, and the land beyond the bridge of Durham, and Staindrop and Blakeston, and 1 carucate of land in Wolviston, and Burdon, and the church of Kirby Sigston.
Witnesses: Osbert, nephew of the Bishop; R[oger] Conyers; Peter de Humet; John de Amundville; William. son of Ranulf; John and William., chamberlains; Ralph of Winchester; Walter de Musters; Unspac; Ralph de Musters.
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag..
Printed: R. Surtees, History of Durham, I, i, app. cxxv no. iv; FPD, p.145n; Farrer, EYC. no. 934; HDST, appendix xxi; Hutchinson, History of Durham, vol. I p.183f., incompletely and from a copy; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.107-111.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.133r-v; Cart.I, f.71v; Lincoln's Inn, Hale Ms.114, f.97v-98r.
Digitised material for 2.1.Pont.1
DCD 2.1.Pont.1*   [28 July 1137 x 1140?]
Language:   Latin
Certificate that on the eve of S.S. Felix, Simplicius, Beatrix & Faustinus [28 July] Robert the archdeacon, in the hearing of Roger the prior, and Laurence, Absalom & Simund, monks & Humphrey, priest, stated that he had been present when Bishop Ranulf [Flambard] made this grant to St. Cuthbert; it is noted also that long before Loharing' had said that the Bishop had made this same grant.
Seal: No seal, but a tag perhaps meant for one..
Printed: FPD, p.192n; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.111-112.
DCD 2.1.Pont.2   [early August 1128]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham restoring to St. Cuthbert and the monks who serve him all the possessions, in churches, vills, lands and everything else, which he took from them on his accession to the see.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeacon; Ranulf, archdeacon; Osbert, nephew of the bishop; Roger Conyers; Peter de Humet; John de Amundeville; William, son of Ranulf; Loher'; William, chamberlain; Robert, nephew of the bishop; Ansk' of Worcester; Ralph of Winchester; Walter de Musters; UnspacWalter of London; Ralph de Musters.
Seal: G&B No. 3110, split and re-attached ("very poor" according to 19th century wrapper), to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: HDST, appendix XX; R. Surtees, History of Durham, I, i, app., p.cxxv, no. v (perhaps from Cart. I f. 71V); Hutchinson, History of Durham, vol. I p.184 (incompletely and from a copy); H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.112-114.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.132v-133r; Cart.I, f.71v; Cart.III, f.ii.353r; 1.1.Reg.18; Lincoln's Inn, Hale ms.114, f.98r-v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.3a   [c.1116 x 1128]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to his men in Northallerton, Welton and Howden, granting to the monks of St. Cuthbert the tithes from his demesnes.
Printed: HDST, appendix XVIII; Farrer, EYC. no. 977; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.83-84.
Duplicate: 2.1.Pont.3b (but with different address and with witnesses).
COpies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134v; Cart.III, f.i.45v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.3b   [c1122 x 1128]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to Aegelr', monk, and all his servants and men in Howden, announcing the grant to St. Cuthbert and his monks of all the tithes from all his demesnes.
Witnesses: R[obert], archdeaconO[sbert], nephew of Bishop FlambardWilliam, chamberlain
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Attached to tag cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Printed: H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.84-86.
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.4   [c.1116 x 1128]
Language:   Latin
Mandate of R[anulf Flambard] bishop of Durham to Sw. of Ellerker (`Alrikar'), ordering that the monks of Durham be seised of the land next to Hunsley (`Hundeslea') towards Walkington, which Algar the Prior will point out.
Seal: G&B No. 3110. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Farrer, EYC, no.967; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.86-87 .
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134v; Cart. III f. 49r
DCD 2.1.Pont.5    [1124 x 1128]
Language:   Latin
Notification of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to all his men in Islandshire and Norhamshire that he has granted to St. Cuthbert and the monks of Durham, in pure and perpetual alms, free from all services and exactions except a pension of 5/4 p.a., the land held up to that time by Edward the monk, viz. Hewic [Raine ( North Durham p.74) says this place is not Howick]. The monks' cattle are to be allowed to graze on the common pasture where the Bishop's cattle and those of his men graze.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeaconRoger de ConyersAnsketil of WorcesterJohn de Amundville (`Mund') and many others French and English.
Seal: G&B No. 3110. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham, p.74n; E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland vol.ii, (Newcastle 1895), p.359n; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.95-96.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134r; Cart.II, f.54v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.6    [?1116 x 1119]
Language:   Latin
Notification of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to the archbishop of York, all barons and all his friends in Yorkshire, Durham and Northumberland, that with the permission of King Henry [I] and the agreement of his own chapter he has granted to William son of Ranulf and his heirs, for the service of 2 knights, Houghall, Harraton, Herrington and Hawthorn.
Witnesses: Ilger of Cornforth; Uhtred son of Maldred; John de Amundaville; Roger de Conyers; Ansketil of Worcester; Ralph of Winchester; Robert, clerk; Geoffrey Scollant; Walter de Musters; Loher'; William, chamberlain; Geoffrey of Aldelin and Bernard his brother.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.75-81.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.239r-v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.7    [?August 1114 x March 1116]
Language:   Latin
Notification of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to Thurstan, archbishop of York, all barons, French and English, of Yorkshire, the chapter of St. Cuthbert and all his barons and fatihful of Durham, and all barons, French and English, of Northumberland, that with the permission of King Henry [I] and the agreement of his own chapter he has granted to William son of Ranulf and his heirs, for one knight's service, Houghall, Harraton, Herrington and the other Herrington which Amalricus the smith held; the Bishop has also granted to William, for one knight's service, Hawthorn with all its appurtenances.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: R. Surtees, History of Durham I, ii, 181; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1564; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.72-74.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.239r.
DCD 2.1.Pont.7*   [c.1121?]
Language:   Latin
Notification of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham to T[hurstan] archbishop of York, all the clergy of the church of York, the chapter of St. Cuthbert, all barons, French and English, of Yorkshire, all his men and all who are loyal or friendly to him in Durham, and all in his diocese in Northumberland, that with the agreement of his chapter he has granted to William, son of Ranulf and his heirs, for the service of 2 knights, Houghall, Harraton, Herrington, Hawthorn, and the land which Amalricus the smith held of the bishop.
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: R.Surtees, History of Durham I, ii, 181; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.82-83.
Copy: DCD CArt.II, f.239v.
DCD 2.1.Pont.8   No date [c. 1110-1116] (according to Offler)
Language:   Latin
Charter [Regarded by Offler as spurious - Trans. of Arch. & Arch. Soc. of Dm. & North. XI, 197f] of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham, addressed to all his men, French and English, of Durham, granting and confirming to Algar, his successors as prior, and the monks of Durham the hermitage of Finchale, with its fields, fishery and everything else adjacent, as, with the agreement of the monks, the Bishop granted it to Brother Godric, to be held from them in his life.
Witnesses: Michael, archdeacon; Master Robert of Caumont (`Calf Monte'); William, Bishop Flambard's clerk, from Corbeil ; Rod', priest; Roger de Conyers; Osbern; and many others.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Dugdale, Monasticon IV, p.331-332; J. Raine, Priory of Finchale (Surtees Society 6, 1837) no. XVIII; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.68-72.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.133v; Cart.II, f.105v; Cart.III, f.ii.274r; Lincoln's Inn, Hale ms.114, f.89v-90r.
DCD 2.1.Pont.9   [1099 x c.1122]
Language:  Old English
Charter of R[anulf Flambard] bishop [of Durham] to all his men in Islandshire and Northamshire, announcing his grant to St. Cuthbert of his land in Allerdean and of [the fishery of] Hallowstell (`Haliwarestelle').
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Attached (upside-down) to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: G. Hickes, Thesaurus I (Oxford 1705), p.149; Raine, North Durham, App. DCCXXVII, p.129; HDST, app. XIX; FPD, p. 98n; R. Surtees, History of Durham, I, i, app. p. CXXV no.i; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.89-91.
Photograph: New Palaeograhical Society Facsimiles, Series I, Vol. II, Plate 45(c).
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134v; Cart.II, f.9r; Cart.IV, f.1v & 23v.
Digitised material for 2.1.Pont.9
DCD 2.1.Pont.10    [c.1122 x 1128]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham, addressed to S. of Ellerker (`Alrik'), William Martell, Ralph of Hunsley and all his men of Welton, announcing the grant to St. Cuthbert and his monks, out of the Bishops's land in Walkington, a piece 32 perches in width running the whole length of his land, on the side next to the monk's vill of Hunsley, and ordering William Martell and Ralph of Hunsley to seise the monks of this land.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeaconRobert, monkOsbert, sheriffWilliam, son of RanulfWilliam, chamberlainRobert, brother of OsbertRobert SibertUnspac
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Applied (to tag cut from foot of document) back-to-front and upside-down.
Printed: (from Cart. I f. 49) EYC vol. II, no. 966; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.87-89.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet, f.133v; Cart.III, f.ii.49r.
DCD 2.1.Pont.11   [c.1122 x 1127]
Language:   Latin
Charter of R[anulf Flambard] bishop of Durham to Papedy sheriff of Norham, announcing the grant to St. Cuthbert and his monks of the fishery of Hallowstell (`Haliweresstelle'), and ordering the sheriff, or, if he delays, Ranulf the bishop's nephew, to seise the monks of the fishery.
Witnesses: Osbert, sheriff; Roger Conyers; William, chamberlain; Unspac.
Seal: G. & B. 3110. Attached to tag cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Raine, North Durham, App. DCCXXVIII, p. 129; R. Surtees, Durham, I, i, app. CXXV no. iii; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.94-95.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.134r; Cart.II, f.54r.
DCD 2.1.Pont.12a   [10 August/17 October] 1248
Language:   Latin
Charter of Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Bertram, prior, and the monks of Durham, in free and perpetual alms, 100 acres of wood [at or around Bearpark] on the north side of the P. & C's cow-pasture [vaccaria (an endorsement calls this the "vaccaria de Milneside")]; the limits of this woodland are detailed.
Witnesses: Dom John of Romsey; Masters Odo of Kilkenny and William de Manfeld'; Dom John Gylet and Dom Martin of Holy Cross; Dom Robert of St. Albans, chaplain; Dom Roger of Winchester, chaplain; Adam of Bradley and Lawrence of Pontop, then foresters; Richard Basset, clerk; and others.
Date: Stockton, St Lawrence 1248 & Pont.8.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.1.Pont.12b.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.167r-v; Cart.II, f.101r.
Confirmation: DCD 3.2.Pont.7; 1.2.Reg.1; Calendar of Charter Rolls i, p.432.
Printed: FPD, p. 186n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.7-8.
DCD 2.1.Pont.12b   
Language:   Latin
Duplicate of 2.1.Pont.12a.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.1.Pont.12b.
DCD 2.1.Pont.13   3 October [1242]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Thomas [of Melsonby], prior, and the monks of Durham a piece of land by Iusemos [in or around Bearpark] whose limits are specified.
Witnesses: Master William of Kilkenny; John of Romsey; Geoffrey of Lewknor; Philip of St. Elena; William of Blockley; Gilbert of Layton; William of Bromham; Martin of Holy Cross; Adam of Bradley; Roger of Auckland; and others.
Date: Stockton, by the hand of Walter de Merton, bishop's clerk, 3 October Pont.2.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: 3.13.Pont.2 (without witness-list or date); Cart.Vet., f.167r; Cart.II, f.102r.
Confirmation: 3.2.Pont.7.
Printed: FPD, p. 186n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.4-5.
DCD 2.1.Pont.14   28 January [1249]
Language:   Latin
Charter (for a similar grant by Bishop Kirkham see 3.2.Pont.8.) of N[icholas Farnham] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the prior and convent of Durham the church of Bedlington, the adovowson of which already belongs to them. The bishop assigns the church to the sacristy of the church of Durham for the construction and maintenance of its roof, and excepts from this assignment a vicarage worth 45 marks, to be conferred whenever vacant by the bishop or his successors, which money is to be made up of the altarage of the church, with the exception of the hay tithe from the bishop's demesne and two tofts, once held by Robert Ras and Walter Wayt, and 8 acres of arable land, once held by Walter Wayt. If the income from these sources is inadequate, the sacrist of Durham shall supplement them. The vicar of the church shall bear its usual burdens. When William of Blockley, the rector, resigns or dies the prior and convent have the bishop's authority to enter and possess the church for the purposes specified.
Witnesses: Ds. John of Romsey; Ds. William of Blockley; Ds. Philip of St. Elena; Master Odo of Kilkenny; Master William of Hurworth; Ds. Robert of St. Albans; Ds. Martin of Holy Cross; Ds. John Gylet; Roger of Winchester, chaplain; Richard Basset
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, by the hand of Robert of St Albans bishop's chaplain, 28 January Pont.8.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.66r.
Confirmed: DCD 4.1.Pap.20; Cart.II, f.67r.
Printed: (from Cart. II) J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland, part III vol. II p.41-42; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.8-9.
DCD 2.1.Pont.15a   [16 May ] 1244.
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by N[icholas Farnham] bishop of Durham of a bull of Pope Gregory [IX] dated at Viterbo Non. Mai. [7 May] Pont. II [1237]; the bull acknowledges the prior and chapter's complaint that their interests are being damaged by the Pope's provision to benefices of Leonard and Iacinctus de Advocatis, his chaplains, and of many others, and by having to pay annual pensions to certain others until benefices can be found for them, and concedes that in future the prior and chapter shall not be bound by letters of provision unless such letters mention this indulgence.
Date: Darlington, 17 Kal. June 1244.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD 2.1.Pont.15b.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.274r-v.
Original papal bull: DCD 2.1.Pap.42.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.6-7.
DCD 2.1.Pont.15b   [16 May] 1244
Language:   Latin
Duplicate of 2.1.Pont.15a.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.1.Pont.15a.
DCD 2.1.Pont.16   [26 May 1241 x 2 February 1249]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham granting and confirming, in free, pure and perpetual alms, to St. Cuthbert and the prior and convent of Durham that piece of land, in the Bailey at Durham next to the church of St. Mary on the south side of the church, which they have by the gift of Robert son of Meldred.
Witnesses: Dom John of Romsey; Philip of St. Elena; Master William de Manfeld; Dom William of Blockley; Dom Martin of Holy Cross; Dom John Gylet; Walter of Selaby; Adam of Bradley; Laurence of Pontop; William de Heltona; John of Woodifield (`Wdingfeud') and others
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet.,f 167v; Cart.II, f.262v-263r; Cart.III, f.274v.
Printed: FPD, p. 197n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.2-3.
DCD 2.1.Pont.17   [17 July] 1247
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham and Bertram, prior, and the convent of Durham, reciting the following final concord. In future the bishop and the prior alternately will present to the church when a vacancy occurs.
Final concord made in the king's court at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls' Day Henry [III] 20 between Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham and Thomas [of Melsonby] prior of Durham, plaintiffs, and Walter Bek (Bech), defendant, about the advowson of the church of Wold Newton (Lincolnshire): by this concord Walter Bek renounces all his right and claim to the advowson in favour of the bishop and prior, and the bishop and prior receive him and his heirs into all the benefits of their church. [3 November 1235]
Witnesses: Dom John of RomseyDom Walter of MertonMaster Robert of BuckinghamMaster William de ManfeldMaster Robert of StaplefordMaster William of MerrowRichard of FarnhamMartin of Holy CrossRobert of St. AlbansThomas of Windsor and others.
Date: Feast of St. Kenelm 1247.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.124v-125r & 274v-275r.
Printed: HDST, app. LVIII; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.3-4.
Original of concord: TNA CP25/1/129/26/15.
Another copy of concord: DCD 1.4.Ebor.21.
Printed: (calendar) Lincolnshire Records, Abstracts of Final Concords temp. Ric. I, John & Hen. III i, ed W. Boyd (1896) p.293, no.239; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.317.
DCD 2.1.Pont.18   3 September [1248]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of N[icholas Farnham] bishop of Durham to A[dam] of Bradley and L[awrence] of Pontop, foresters, informing them that he has given 100 acres of wood to the prior and convent of Durham, and ordering them to seise the prior and convent of this land.
Date: Darlington, 3 September Pont.8.
Seal: G. & B. 3121. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.101v; Cart.III, f.275r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.1-2.
DCD 2.1.Pont.loose seal
Seal: Loose seal of Ranulf Flambard. G. & B. 3110.
DCD 3.1.Pont.1    No date.
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the following: free election of their prior, who is to be the second dignitary of the church, to have an abbot's seat in the choir, the bishop's authority and full power, with chapter, in all the convent's business; full control over their churches; their own court; the restitution of any tithes taken from them in Puiset's time or that of any of his predecessors; freedom from all hospitality, aids and vexations of bishops, archdeacons and other officials.
Witnesses: Ernald, abbot of RievaulxWilliam, abbot of NewminsterWilliam, abbot of RuffordBurchard and William, archdeacons Master William of BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamRoger, parson of HowdenHugh de FeritateMaster Robert de Edintona,Nicholas, physicianSimon, Ernald and Richard, chaplains William, the archbishop's sonRobert of ElwickRichard HairunWilliam of NorhamRalph de TornurRobert of Howden,Henry of Le PuisetJordan EscollandGeoffrey, son of RichardWilliam, son of ThomasOsbert of LaytonRobert, son of MeldredRoger de AudreRoger BurdonGilbert, chamberlainAlan of LondonRobert ScottusGilbert of FecampBesingRoger of Cavil'Adam of CavilRichard of AvranchesHugh Havet and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.138r-v, Cart.I f.72r, 1.5.Pont.2, 1.7.Pont.2 (incomplete copy), 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11(ix), Cart.Vet. f.138r-v, Misc.Ch.5729 (first part missing), Reg.IV f.11v; BL Cotton MS Claud. D iv f. 85v; London Lincoln's Inn MS Hale 114 f.133r-v.
Printed: Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, App. II, p.261-263; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.37-38.
DCD 3.1.Pont.2    No date
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to B[ertram], prior, and the convent of Durham freedom of control over, and institution to, their churches, and freedom from all customs, aids and hospitality of bishops, archdeacons or other officials.
Witnesses: Burchard and William, archdeacons Master William of BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamMaster Robert of EdingtonRoger, parson of HowdenHugh de FeritateMaster Henry of DurhamWalter of PittingtonRalph HarengRichard, parson of WinstonHenry of Le PuisetJordan EscollandWilliam son of ThomasGeoffrey son of RichardRoger de ConyersOsbert of LaytonRobert son of MeldredThomas de AmundavilleRoger of EppletonRoger PunchardRoger BurdonSimon of HawthornWalter, chaplain of HowdenRobert and Geoffrey, clerks, of Howden Adam of Cavil and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Split and re-attached (back to front) to parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.138r-v, 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11(x), 3.13.Pont.7, Cart.I f. 72r-v, Reg.IV f.11v, Loc.XXXVII:107; BL Cotton MS Claud. D iv f.88r; Lincoln's Inn MS Hale 114 f.133v-134r,
Printed: Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, App. II, p.259-260; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.38-40.
DCD 3.1.Pont.3   [c.1188 x 3 March 1195
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, confirming the church of Elvet, with its chapels and all its appurtenances, to the monks of Durham, and ordaining that after the death of Master Richard of Coldingham, to whom during his life the monks have granted the church in return for an annual pension, they may hold the church for their own uses without presenting or instituting anyone; but they must institute suitable priests to the chapels of Witton and Croxdale, to serve both those chapels and the mother church. The prior of Durham must pay synodal and episcopal dues as if he were the parson of the church.
Witnesses: William, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamMaster William of BloisMaster Stephen of LincolnWilliam, the archbishop's sonWilliam of HowdenHenry de AugoArnald andSimon, bishop's chaplains Master John of HowdenWilliam, almonerRalph, seneschalMaster Stephen, physicianMaster Richard of LindseyMaster Walter of Haddington Robert of Haddington Helias, archdeacon's chaplainWilliam de InfirmariaWalter, priest, son of DolfinMaster HamoMaster AngeriusRobert, physicianWalter of KettonPatrick, clerkSilvester, clerk and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: Parv. Cart. (Pont.) f.16v; Cart. II f. 272v; Misc.Ch. 7177 f.18r; Cart.Vet. f.140v-141r.
Extract: BL Stowe MS 930 f.26v.
Confirmation: 1.2.Pont.16.
Printed: Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, App. II, p.255; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.36-37.
DCD 3.1.Pont.4   [late February x 3 March 1195
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, restoring to the prior and monks of Durham everything, whether churches, lands or revenues, that he has taken from them since his accession to the see. Particularly specified are the burg in Elvethalgh, and all the liberties, in the church of Durham and in their other churches, lands and revenues, given to the monks by Bishop William [of St. Calais] and other bishops.
Witnesses: Ernald, abbot of RievaulxWm., abbot of RuffordBurchard and William, archdeacons Master William of BloisMaster Richard of Coldingham Master Robert of Haddington Hugh de FeritateRobert de MagdunoSimon, Richard his brother and John, chaplainsMaster Nicholas, physicianRalph HarangMaster Robert of HeddonMaster Hugh, physicianRichard Hairon and many others.
[At Howden]
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177 f.18r; Cart.Vet. f.141r; 2.2.Archid.Dunelm. 19 m.5; Cart.I f.72v; Cart.II f.272v.
Printed: FPD, p.198n; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.40-41.
DCD 3.1.Pont.5   [1154 x 1159]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham informing Absalom, Ppior, and the convent of St. Cuthbert of the grant to Thomas, son of William, and his heirs, for 2 knight's fees, of the following: Houghall, Harraton, Herrington, Hawthorn, the land which Amalricus the smith held, Birtley (?), Tribley, half of Picktree and his house which his father William held in Durham.
Witnesses: William, son of TostusWalter, chaplainWilliam de Insula and William [his?] brotherRobert of BonvilleWilliam of FishburnRalph Noble
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached (sideways) to very broad parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag at top
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.239v.
Printed: R. Surtees History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham vol I p.181; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.129-130.
DCD 3.1.Pont.6   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to the prior and convent of Durham the hermitage of Finchale with all its appurtenances.
Witnesses: Burchard and William, archdeacons Master William of BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamMaster Robert of EdingtonHugh de FeritateNicholas, physicianSimon, Ernald and Richard chaplains Richard HairunWm. of NorhamHenry of Le PuisetAlan MalecakeGilbert, chamberlainRobert de LamareAlan of LondonGilbert of FecampRobert Scott and many others.
[At Howden]
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.143r; Cart.II f.105v.
Printed: Priory of Finchale (SS) no. XIX; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.41.
Digitised material for 3.1.Pont.6
DCD 3.1.Pont.7   [August 1189 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to Philip son of Hamo, for one-fifth of a knight's fee, Newton with all its appurtenances.
Witnesses: Bertram, prior [of Durham]William, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainHenry of Le PuisetGilbert de La LeyAdam of AldhamPeter de CauzMarmaduke de ArelJordan EscollantWilliam son of ThomasRoger de AudreRoger de PunchardunRobert de PunchardunWalter de PunchardunRobert son of MeldredGilbert HansardRobert de AmundvilleGeoffrey son of Richard and Geoffrey his sonRoger of Eppleton and William his sonStephen, the bishop's kinsmanVincentAdam de Heint' and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3115. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.144v; Cart.II f.118v.
Printed: Archaeologia Aeliana, (4th series 34, 1956), p.88; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.99-100.
DCD 3.1.Pont.8   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to the prior and convent of Durham, in pure and perpetual alms, in recompense for his treatment of the church of Durham, the vill of Newton, which the Bishop has in exchange for Westwick and for the 400 marks which he gave to Eustace de Bailliol.
Witnesses: Arnulf, abbot of RievaulxWilliam, abbot of RuffordBurchard [of Le Puiset], treasurer of YorkWilliam, archdeacon of DurhamMaster William of BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamRoger, parson of HowdenPhilip, canon of BeverleyHugh de FeritateWilliam, son of the archbishopStephen de Heinden'German, clerkRichard HaironMichael, son of WilliamNicholas, physician and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.139v-140r; Cart.II f.119r.
: Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, App.II, p.258;English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.41-42 .
DCD 3.1.Pont.9   [1 August 1189 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to Henry of Le Puiset and his heirs 120 acres of the bishop's waste (or less if the limits specified happen to enclose less), to be used for the erection of a house of Augustinian canons, and to be held on payment of an annual rent to St. Cuthbert of 3 candles of 3 lbs weight.
Witnesses: Bertram, prior of DurhamBurchard and William, archdeacons Simon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamWilliam of HowdenHugh de MagdunoEustace de BalliolEustace de VescyRobert de MuschampsWalter, son of GilbertRichard de UmfravilleGilbert de la ValPhilip, son of Hamo, sheriffGilbert, chamberlainGeoffrey son of RichardRoger de AudreRoger BurdonPeter HarpinRobert de HumezDaniel of EshRalph de AudreWilliam, son of ThomasWalter de Musters (`Monasterio')John of ThorpeWalter of Aldin Grange (`Aldigrig') Elias of Hetton (`Heppedon') and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A(?). Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Cart. III f.275r-v.
Printed: Surtees' Durham, vol. IV, part 2, p. 105n
Printed: Priory of Finchale (SS) pp. 8-9
Printed: VCH Durham II, 109.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.5-6.
Digitised material for 3.1.Pont.9
DCD 3.1.Pont.10    No date.
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Hugh Burel and his heirs, for the service of one knight, Wingate with all its appurtenances.
Witnesses: Ansketill BulmerRobert de AmundvilleRoger ConyersElias EscollandThomas, son of OsbertThomas, son of WilliamMeldred, son of Dolfin, and Robert his brotherGeoffrey de Raweford'Robert EscollandGuy de HumezWilliam of Hetton (` Heppedon')RomanusRalph de Hedsowell'Ralph HagetGilbert HansardLuke de RanaWilliam of FishburnRoger Veel (`Vittalus') and Simon his nephewRalph NobleRobert de Capellaand many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.107v.
Printed: Priory of Finchale (SS) no. II.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.12.
DCD 3.1.Pont.11a   [1154 x 3 February 1157]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham informing Absalom, prior, and the convent of Durham that Ralph de Gaugy (`Calgi'), with the agreement of his heir Ralph, has given the church of Ellingham in perpetual alms to the convent of Durham, saving the right and possession of the parson, Geoffrey, while he lives and wishes to hold the church. The bishop grants that on Geoffrey's death Ralph de Gaugy's most suitable son shall be presented to the church, paying to the Convent an annual pension of 5/-. After the death of Ralph de Gaugy's son the prior and convent shall have the church and its parsonage, but Ralph and his heirs shall have the advowson and shall be received into fraternity by the convent.
Witnesses: Absalom, priorJohn and Wazo, archdeaconsRichard, prior of NewburghSimon, canonWm., son of TostusMaster John de RanaMaster ThomasTheobald, clerkRichard LuvelEliasGeoffrey son of Rom'Guy TisunMeldred, son of Dolphin, and Patrick his brotherHugh RidelThomas son of WilliamThomas son of OsbertRoger VeelSimon Veel and many others, French and English.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.143r, 1.1.Archid.Northumb.[6].(iv), Cart.II, f.49r.
Printed: FPD, p.100n.
Printed: J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland part III vol. II p. 131n. (from Cart. II)
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.22-24.
DCD 3.1.Pont.11b   [1154 x 3 February 1157]
Language:   Latin
Another copy of 3.1.Pont.11a., with same witnesses.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Split and re-attached sideways (was apparently originally attached sideways)
Printed: Northumberland Co. Hist. Vol. II p.268n.I (from no. 11b, with one correction from 11a)
DCD 3.1.Pont.11*   [1163 x 10 September 1174]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham of the gift by Ralph de Gaugy (`Calgi') of the church of Ellingham to the prior and convent of Durham in perpetual alms, with full power to use the church for the benefit of the church of Durham.
Witnesses: Burchard and John, archdeaconsSalomon, deanAlan, priest, of WallsendAsketin, priest, of Howick (`Hovic')Simon, chamberlainJohn de RanaElias, clerk,W[illiam [cf. 3.1.Pont.3. & 3.1.Pont.12.]], almonerEngelar, clerkPatrick, priest, and Hugh his brotherOsbert of Widdrington and many others, clerks and lay
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.145v, 1.1.Archid.Northumb.[6].(xiii), Cart.II, f.49r-v..
Printed: J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland, part III, vol. II p.131n (from Cart. II); Northumberland County History vol. II p. 268 n.2; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.30-31.
DCD 3.1.Pont.12   [1163 x 10 September 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham confirming the grant by G[erman], prior, and the convent of Durham of the church of Ellingham, with its chapel(s) and appurtenances, to Adam, clerk, son of Ralph de Gaugy (`Calgi').
Witnesses: Burchard and John, archdeaconsSalomon, deanAlan, priest, of WallsendAsketinus, priest, of Howick (`Hovic')Simon, chamberlainJohn de RanaElias, clerkWilliam, almonerHingel', clerkPatrick, priest , and Hugh his brotherOsbert of Widdrington and many others, French and English.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.III f.275v; Cart.IV f.37r-v.
Printed: FPD, p.103n; Northumberland County History vol. II p.272n 4; J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland, part III, vol. II p.132; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.52.
DCD 3.1.Pont.13   [1163 x 1172]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham confirming the grant by German, prior, and the chapter of St. Cuthbert of certain land at Wolviston, formerly held by Robert de Hubreville and later granted by Bishop Hugh [cf. 3.1.Pont.22] to the monks, to Richard the engineer, and his heirs, for 1 mark p.a., except that for foreign service Richard is to give the same amount as other similar tenants.
Witnesses: John, archdeaconRichard, seneschalSimon, chamberlainJohn de RanaElias, clerkHugh de SarzRalph HagetRalph NobleSimon Veel (`Vitulus')W[alter][cf.3.1.Pont.14.] of Tursdale (`Trillesdene') and many others, clerks and lay
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.148v.
Printed: (abridged) FPD, p.141n; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.104.
DCD 3.1.Pont.14   [1163 x 1172]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to the prior and monks of St. Cuthbert in free and perpetual alms certain land in Wolviston which was held in his life by Robert de Hubreville.
Witnesses: John, archdeaconAlan, priest, of WallsendSimon, chamberlainJohn de RanaStephen, physicianElias, clerkW[illiam], almonerRalph NobleRalph HagetThomas son of W[illiam][cf.3.1.Pont.5. & 10. & 11.]Simon Veel(`Vitulus')Ralph SilvanusRichard, seneschalGilbert de la LeyRobert, reeve and many others, clerks and lay
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.142v, Cart.II, f.149r.
Printed: FPD, p.141n.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.27-28.
DCD 3.1.Pont.15   [1163 x 1172]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham confirming the grant [3.9.Spec.11] by Richard the engineer, to Ralph of Wolviston of the land, in Wolviston, of Aelsi son of Arkil, Ralph's grandfather.
Witnesses: Simon, chamberlainRalph, sheriffHugh de SartisWilliam of HowdenWalter, chaplainGilbert de La LeyRobert ConyersAscektin de Cund'Robert BuelotWilliam of ClevelandRichard de ParcoWalter de Insula.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.149v.
Calendared: FPD, p.140n.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.139-140.
DCD 3.1.Pont.16   [20 April 1197 x c.1201]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] bishop of Durham confirming the grant by Ralph, son of Gilbert of Branxton, to the monks of Durham of the church of Branxton, with all its appurtenances, to be used for the benefit of the infirmary at Durham [cf. 3.2.Pont.4].
Witnesses: Aimery, archdeacon of DurhamMaster John of LondonMaster Simon of FarlingtonDs. Allon of ColombieresGilbert of NewcastleMaster Alexander NolanWilliam of LisieuxMilo BocelliRoger of Rouen Payn de PruliacoNicholas BecWm. Natalis and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: Misc.Ch. 7177 f.19r; Cart.Vet. f.147r; Cart.II, f.36r; Cart.III, f.275v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.202-203.
DCD 3.1.Pont.17   [1154 x 10 September 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Richard of Ifferley (Hyspherlea) and his heirs his house and toft and 48 acres of land in Stanhope, to be held on payment, during Richard's life, of 8 shillings p.a., and after his death of 10 shillings p.a.; the holding to be free from heriot and all services except when an aid is required from the whole bishopric.
Witnesses: John, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainHenry LincolnGilbert HansardRobert CorbetRalph, son of RobertRalph CuinteUlphus de Cund'John de Amundevill'eRobert CuinteRichard, son of TurchillWilliam, almonerHildredRoger Marchald.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.96r.
Printed: Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th ser. XXXIV, p.83; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.67.
DCD 3.1.Pont.18   [1154 x 1159]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, announcing his grant to the convent of Durham of the land of Coney Street in York, formerly belonging to Askillus, son of Fellat, and bought by Bishop Hugh from Hacok of Torkesy and his heirs; the grant to provide a light before the body of St. Cuthbert.
Witnesses: W[illiam] archdeacon [Scammell ( Arch. Aeliana 4th ser. vol. XXXIII) says Wazo. correctly], John archdeacon, William son of Tosti, Theobald of Skelton, Robert de Frebois, Master Thomas of Thixendale, Master John de Rana, Hugh son of Pinceon, Robert de Amundville, William the sheriff, Elias Escolland, Richard son of Paganus and many others, French and English.
Seal: G&B No. 3114A, on a parchment tag strip through a turnup
Formerly: DCD 4.1.Ebor.17.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.140v, Cart.III, f.i.41r, Cart.III, f.ii.275-276r; Ushaw 25 f.14r.
Printed: (with translation) Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (39, 1956-8), p.87.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.26.
Digitised material for 3.1.Pont.18
DCD 3.1.Pont.19   [1 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, announcing his quit-claim to B[ertram], prior, and the convent of Durham of their wood of Heworth.
Witnesses: William abbot of Rufford, Burchard and William archdeacons, Master William of Blois, Master Richard of Coldingham, Master Robert de Maddinglon, William Pulcin, Hugh de Feritate, Simon, Ernald and Richard, chaplains, Richard Hairun, Henry du Puiset, Alan Malecake, Gilbert chamberlain, Gikel' de Smithet'.
[At Howden]
Seal: G&B No.3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.139r, 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11(xii), Cart.II f.76v.
Printed: FPD, p.108n; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.44.
DCD 3.1.Pont.20    No date.
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the monks of Durham in free, pure and perpetual alms the vill of Muggleswick, in exchange for Hardwick; the monks may clear 160 acres to the west, north and east of the vill, and are to have the pasture of Horseleyhope, Hitteshope and Baldinghope; their holding is to be free from all service and custom, except as regards the Bishop's forest.
Witnesses: William, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamWm. of HowdenWilliam, son of the archbishopRobert of AddingtonGilbert HansartPhilip, sheriffGilbert de la LeieGeoffrey, son of RichardJordan EscollandAlexander de HeltunThomas, son of Wm.Roger de AldreGeoffrey de TorpRoger BurdunOsbert de LatunRoger of Eppleton and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied in part: DCD 1.6.Spec.5 (and in English).
Copied: DCD Cart.Vet. f.139r, 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11 (xi), Cart. II f.94r.
Confirmed: DCD 2.10.Pont.8, 3.5.Reg.9, Cart.III f.246r-v and 288v; TNA DURH 3/68 m.26.
Printed: FPD, p.182n; Boldon Buke (SS 25, 1852), p.xlv; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.34-35.
DCD 3.1.Pont.21   [1183 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to William, son of William son of King Stephen, Parva Halctona [Little Haughton] with all its appurtenances, for one fifth of a knight's fee.
Witnesses: Henry du PuisetGilbert de LeyaPhilip de ColevillaHenry of Farlington'Walter of Farlington'Gilbert, chamberlainMarmaduke de ArelAdam of Aldham and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3116. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.211v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.138.
DCD 3.1.Pont.22   [c.1155 x 10 September 1174]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming a grant by William de Thorp to the monks of Durham of 2 bovates of land in Eden, with 1 toft, meadow and other appurtenances as specified in Wm.'s charter [3.8.Spec.2].
Witnesses: John, archdeaconJohn de RanaElias, clerkGilbert de LaleieGeoffrey de RavensworthGeoffrey de ThorpSimon VitulusRichard, ingeniatorWalter de TrillesdeneWido, famulus of the monksOsbert, Theadbald and Odo of BillinghamAchemundAdhelardusRobert, provost of the canons of Eden and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: (and Thorp's original grant) DCD 3.8.Spec.2, Cart.Vet. f.143v, Cart.II, f.132r-v.
Printed: FPD, p.133n.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.31.
DCD 3.1.Pont.23   [15 September 1189 x March 1191]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Henry du Puiset and his heirs the vill of Yokefleet, in return for an annual payment of 4 marks of silver, payable at the 4 terms fixed in Howdenshire.
Witnesses: Bouchard [du Puiset], treasurer of YorkWm., archdeacon of DurhamMaster Stephen de SvatfeldMaster Wm. of BloisSimon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamWm. of HowdenPhilip, canon of BeverleyHugh de FeritateRoger, parson of HowdenWilliam, son of the archbishopGilbert de LaleieHenry of Farlington and Walter his brotherPhilip de ColevillaLaurence, chamberlainAlan MalecakeGilbert, chamberlainWm. de HerleseiaRobert BruncosteRichard de Heverl'Picot de Percy and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Reg.I f.i.142v; 2.2.Finc.13 with abbreviated witness list.
Printed: HDST, appendix no. XLV (from Reg. I, f.i.142v, with abbreviated witness list); EYC vol. II no. 987 (from 2.2.Finc.13., with abbreviated witness list); English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.81.
DCD 4.1.Pont.1   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham freeing Roger, parson of Howden, and his successors from the annual payment of ten pounds sterling which the Bishop has been forcing him to make.
Witnesses: Ernald, abbot of RievaulxWilliam, abbot of RuffordWilliam, abbot of NewminsterBertram, prior of DurhamBurchard, treasurer of YorkWilliam, sub-dean of LincolnWm., archdeacon of NorthumberlandMaster Richard of ColdinghamHenry du PuisetWalter, chaplain of the church of HowdenSimon and Arnald and Richard the almoner and Roger, chaplains of the Bishop of Durham and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177 f.18r; Cart. III f.i.42r.
Printed: Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, p.260-261; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.64-65.
DCD 4.1.Pont.2
Document does not survive (not noted as present by Greenwell)
Cartulary copies within Cart Vet. f. 142v and Cart II f.79v.
DCD 4.1.Pont.3   [c.1180 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Peter of Sedgefield, clerk of his household, 60 acres [for this 60 acres of land cf. 1.2.Pont.10] of land from the Bishop's waste in Rowley, in return for an annual payment of 5s. payable at the 4 terms fixed in the bishopric; Peter may build a chapel on the land, in return for an annual payment of 2 besants, and he may dispose of the tithes of the land as he pleases; his men on his land are to pay him pannage for their pigs, and when any of Peter's men dies, Peter may, until there is a graveyard on his land, take the body wherever he wishes for burial.
Witnesses: Burchard, archdeaconWilliam, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainMaster Wm. de BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamWm. HansardRichard de HeliWalter, deanDs. Henry du PuisetPhilip, sheriffGilbert de LeiaRobert de Wattevill'Thomas de AmundavillaGeoffrey, son of RichardJordan EscollandOsbert de Laton'Richard de Parc' and Geoffrey his sonWalter de MonasterisRoger de AudrePeter HarpinusRalph QueinteRalph de AudreWm. of ButterwickRalph de Musters and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Vart.Vet. f.144r-v; Cart.II f.96v; Cart.IV f.87v.0
Printed: Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th ser. XXXIV, p. 84-5; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.117-119.
DCD 4.1.Pont.4   [c.1170 x October 1180]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh of Le Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to the monks of Durham the land in front of the convent's gate which the monks bought from Richard the architect for 10 marks, so that the monks may build there a hospital for the poor. The Bishop also confirms to the monks the land between the land of Elias Escolland and the land of Richard, son of Paganus, where they had formerly had a hospital.
Witnesses: Simon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamWm. of HowdenMaster Stephen, physicianMaster Richard of LindseyWm., son of the archbishopRalph Haget, sheriffGilbert HansardPhilip, foresterRalph, son of RobertMichael, son of BrienRalph, son of RogerWm. of KettonWalter de Cell'Elias of WallsendWm. Beinin and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.140r-v, Cart.I, f.202r
Printed: FPD, p.198n.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.32.
DCD 4.1.Pont.5   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to the prior and monks of Durham the land called Hwiterig [Whiteside/Whitridge], between Shoreswood and Norham, with the turbary of Shoreswood, both of which the Bishop has held for some time past, and granting to the monks the same straight boundaries between the Bishop's vill of Boldon and their vill of Hedworth, and between Rainton and Houghton, and between Pittington and Sherburn, as they had at the beginning of Puiset's episcopate; the monks are to have all they need in the Bishop's forests, and are to be free, along with the clerks of their churches, from forestage and pannage in all their demesne manors.
Witnesses: Ernald, abbot of RievaulxWm., abbot of NewminsterWm., abbot of RuffordBurchard and Wm., archdeaconsMaster Wm. of BloisMaster Richard of ColdinghamMaster Robert de EdintonRoger, parson of HowdenHugh de FeritateWm., son of the archbishopSimon, Ernald and Richard, chaplainsRichard HeirunHenry du PuisetWm., son of ThomasJordan EscollandOsbert de LatonRoger de AudreRoger de ConyersRoger PunchardunRoger BurdunAlan BruncosteAlan MalecacheGilbert, chamberlainAlan of LondonGilbert de FeschaumpRalph, son of BernardRobert ScottRobert of AllertonBesingJordan, butler and many others.
[At Howden]
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD 2.1.Archiep.3 (inspeximus), Cart.Vet. f.139v, 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11(xiii), Cart.I f.182r-v, Cart.II f.82r, Cart.III, f.276r; BL Cotton Claudius D.iv f.88r-v; Lincoln's Inn MS Hale 114 f.134r-v; DCL Randall 3 p.4 (start only).
Printed: FPD, p. 1xxxvi; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.42-44.
DCD 4.1.Pont.5*   3 March 1311/2
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between John de Insula, rector of Boldon, and John Gategang', lord of the land called Nesbyttemor' in the moor and parish of Boldon. The rector, who had claimed, in the name of his church, a common right of pasture in Nesbyttemor' (which John de Gategang' denied), gives up, on behalf of himself and his successors, his right of pasture in the said land to John G., conceding that John G. may enclose the land, and promising to instruct his servants not to drive his animals on to it. In return John G. promises, on behalf of himself and his heirs and assigns, to offer one pound of wax at the high altar of the church of Boldon at the Annunciation [25 March] each year.
Date: Durham Cathederal.
Seal: not apparently in G. & B. Device looks ecclesiastical, but so do devices on seals of some members of Gategang family. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Pont.5+   Monday before St. George [17 April] 1312
Language:   Latin
Indenture recording the quit-claim by Agnes, widow of Thomas de Estnesbit', to John de Gategang' of Gateshead, his heirs and assigns, of Eststrotherhouses in the moor of Boldon, in return for an annual payment of 13s. 4d. of silver.
Witnesses: Gilbert Gategang'John of FarnacresJohn of UsworthJohn de Bedyk'Wm. Mayr of HebburnNicholas Russell of Follingsby (?)Wm. of Willington and others
Date: At Gateshead.
Seal: not in G.&B. Possibly Agnes de Estnesbit'. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Pont.6   [c.1160 x 1184]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to Gilbert de Heworth the half of the vill of Woodham which he holds from the prior and monks of Durham, at an annual rent of 16d.
Witnesses: Gilbert HansardRalph HagetGeoffrey, son of RichardGeoffrey de ThorpRichard de ParcaWm. of Laton and Osbert his sonRalph CuinteWalter de Ketton' and Wm. his brotherJordan of LindseyRobert Ansketil and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.210r.
Printed: FPD, p.162n; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.61-62.
DCD 4.1.Pont.7   [c.1190 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the Monk Cook 1 toft and 1 croft in Auckland, with 31 acres of land in the fields of Auckland, in return for an annual payment to the Bishop of one pound of cumin.
Witnesses: Henry du PuisetGilbert, chamberlainWm. de HerleseiaRobert, son of MeldredJordan EscollandRoger Burdon'Roger de AudriWm., son of GilbertAdam de Harden'Simon, hostiller and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Alm.Sm.Cart. p.85; CArt.IV f.205v..
Printed: FPD, p.177n. (abbreviated); Archaeologia Aeliana, (4th series 34, 1956), p. 84; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.85-86.
DCD 4.1.Pont.8   [c.1170 x September 1174]
Language:   Latin
Letters of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming the sale for 6 marks by Gerard, the Bishop's marshall, to Richard, ingeniator, of a piece of land in front of the monastery gate at Durham [formerly owned by Master Leuricus]. Gerard received the land, together with its owner's sister [or did he receive it jointly with his own sister?], from W., son of Uhtred, with the agreement of W.'s wife Iveta and her sister Agnes.
Witnesses: John, archdeaconBurchard, archdeaconSimon, chamberlainJohn de RanaGilbert HalsardGilbert de LeiaMalb', sheriff of NorhamElias, clerkWm., son of the archbishopDusgodus and many others.
Endorsements point out that the piece of land mentioned in this document is the site of the infirmary.
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.140r, Cart.I f.201v, Cart.III f.276r.
Printed: FPD, p.198n; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.104-105.
DCD 4.1.Pont.9   [c.1180 x 3 March 1195]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to Emma, sister of Walter de Monasteris, and her heirs 120 acres of land in Bradbury, given her by her brother Walter. Emma is to pay the Bishop one pound of pepper annually, and this will absolve her from all service and custom except forinsec service, for which she will be liable as holder of 4 bovates of land in Bradbury.
Witnesses: Wm., archdeaconSimon, chamberlainPhilip, sheriffRoger de ConyersHenry du PuisetHenry de BrocGilbert de LeiaGeoffrey son of RichardAlexander de Helt'Jordan EscollantGeoffrey de ThorpOsbert de Laton'Robert de Wattevill'Richard de Parca and Geoffrey his sonRobert de Hoton'Drogo de Middleham,Ralph de Monasteris
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II f.169r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.87.
DCD 4.1.Pont.10   [?20 December 1153 x 16 January 1154]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Hugh [du Puiset ] Bishop of Durham of the gift, in churches, lands, etc., of Hugh son of Pinchun to the monks of Durham.
Witnesses: John of NaplesTheobald, clerkBrother Ranulph
Seal: G. & B. 3114. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.143v, Cart.I, f.72v, 3.3.Ebor.42a m.1.
Printed: G.V. Scammell, 'A grant by Hugh, son of Pinzun, to the convent of Durham', Lincs. Arch. & Arch. Soc. Reports, 1956, p.83-85.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.21.
DCD 4.1.Pont.11   [1163 x 1195]
Language:   Latin
Letters of H[ugh of Le Puiset] Bishop of Durham allowing the prior and monks of Durham to sell their corn from [North]allerton as they wish, either by the skep or in sheaves.
Seal: G&B No. 3114A. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.276r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.28.
DCD 4.1.Pont.12   [c.1174 x October 1184]
Language:   Latin
Charter of H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham restoring to Roger of Howden and the church of St. Peter of Howden all the tithes of the parish of Howden, and announcing that with the agreement of Adam de Karrum, who was at the time proctor of the hospital of St. Giles at Durham, he has revoked his gift to the hospital of the tithes of Howden and has compensated the hospital for this loss.
Witnesses: German, prior of DurhamWilliam, archdeacon, and Hugh du Puiset his brotherSimon, chamberlainMaster Richard of ColdinghamMaster Wm. of BloisWm. of HowdenWm., son of the archbishopMaster Walter and Thomas and Ernald, chaplains Master HamoRalph of ChesterWm., almonerRichard, clerkHenry du PuisetGilbert HansardMichael, son of BrienRichard de ParcaReginald de AnesleiaWm. PulanusRichard of WarwickRichard son of HawisaJames of SelbyRobert, son of Graus (?) and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3114A. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177 f.18r-v; Cart. Vet. f.141r-v; Cart. III f.ii.10v-11r.
Printed: Memoriale Walteri de Coventri ii, ed W. Stubbs (Rolls Series 1873) p.xc-xci; Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, p.256-257; English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.63-64.
DCD 4.1.Pont.13   [?9 September 1174 x October 1180]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to Alan of Chilton the vill of Healeyfield [whose boundaries are specified in detail] in exchange for the vill of Cornforth. For Healeyfield, formerly held of the Bishop by John the archdeacon, Alan is to pay half a mark of silver per annum and to hold the land free of all service and custom.
Witnesses: Henry du PuisetGilbert HansardRalph Haget, sheriffMichael, son of BrienPhilip, son of HamoRoger de AudreEudo de PunchardunGeoffrey, son of RichardJordan EscollandJohn de AmundavillaGilbert de LeiaWm., son of GerardGilbert de ClaraAce, dispenserRobert de WalsantGeoffrey de Hethwic and many others
Size: 215 x 105mm
Seal: presumably G. & B. 3114A, but seems to have been re-moulded into a featureless lump, which was at some stage wrapped in cloth. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD 1.6.Spec.27, Misc.Ch. 6857, Cart.II, f.97r-v and (abbreviated witness list) Reg. I, f.ii.2v.
Confirmation: DCD 2.1.Reg.15 and Calendar of Patent Rolls 1461-1467, p.392-393..
Printed: R. Surtees, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham vol.ii (1816-1840), p.346-347.
Printed: Boldon Buke (SS 25) Appx. p. xlv (with abbreviated witness list) probably from Cart. II.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.18-19.
DCD 4.1.Pont.14   No date [1154-1157][See Scammell, p.254]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham granting to the church and monks of Durham the same freedom, in their churches, vills, lands etc., as they had at the beginning of his episcopate, together with free power of disposal of all their possessions.
Witnesses: Cuthbert, prior of GuisboroughJohn, archdeaconHugh de FuddebiJohn de RanaSimon, chamberlainThomas of Thixendale
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.137v, 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11 (viii), Cart.III f.276v.
Printed: G.V. Scammell, Hugh du Puiset, (1956) p.254; English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.22.
DCD 4.1.Pont.15    [1133 x 1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of G[eoffrey Rufus] Bishop of Durham granting to St. Cuthbert and the monks of Durham the half carucate of land in Wolviston which was held of the Bishop by Clibernus, son of Aelstan; the grant is to provide a light to burn for the souls of the Bishop and his predecessors and successors.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeaconRanulf, archdeaconOsbern, nepos of the BishopRoger de ConyersWm., son of RanulfDolfin, son of UhtredRobert, son of Herbert , and Aernald his brotherWm., chamberlainWm., son of Roger de Laton'Robert of LumleyMaldred, son of DolfinThomas, son of OsbernBurnulf, son of Arkill , and Wm., his sonGamel, son of Aelfer and many others, French and English.
Seal: G&B No. 3111. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Printed: R. Surtees, History of Durham, III, 149; FPD, p.140n; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.122-124.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.135r-v; Cart.II, f.149r.
DCD 4.1.Pont.16    [1138 x 1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of G[eoffrey Rufus] Bishop of Durham granting to St. Cuthbert and his monks the vill which is called Coken; the grant is for the sake of the souls of the Bishop, his parents and successors, and of Aeillafus [also spelled "Aeilanus" and "Ailafus" on copy], priest, who formerly held the vill of the Bishop by hereditary right and then, on becoming a monk, gave it to St. Cuthbert and his monks.
Witnesses: none, although the word "Test" has been written to introduce a list.
Seal: G&B No. 3111. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Damaged. Tie tag.
Copy: DCD 2.1.Finc.1; Cart.Vet., f.135r; Cart.II, f.105v-106r.
Printed: J. Raine Priory of Finchale (Surtees Society 6, 1837) p. 86 (from copy); H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.119-121.
DCD 4.1.Pont.17    [1133 x 1141]
Language:   Latin
Charter of G[eoffrey Rufus] Bishop of Durham granting in alms to St. Cuthbert and his monks 3 bovates of land in Grimsthorp.
Witnesses: Robert, archdeaconOsb', nepos of the bishopOsb' de WincRobert, son of LetoldRalph of HunsleyRichard, son of EudoGeoffrey Train'GraiThomas, son of OsbernGilbert, son of AilricClibern, nephew of Clibern and many others French and English
Seal: G&B No. 3111. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: FPD, p.205n; EYC no. 998; J. Raine, History of Hemingborough, 198; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.125-126.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.135v; Cart.III, f.ii.80r & 276v.
DCD 4.1.Pont.18    [1144 x 1152]
Language:   Latin
Charter of G[eoffrey Rufus] [William of Ste. Barbe, acc. to Offler] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Thorald of London and his heirs the whole of the land of Follingsby, with its boundaries as perambulated and drawn up by Osbert the sheriff, Geoffrey Escolland, Wm. de Friebois, Odo de Brenba, Roger de Putot and Archardus and his brother Dolfin; these boundaries are specified. Thorald is to hold free of all service, custom or exaction, and is to pay 10/- annually.
Witnesses: Osbert, sheriffOdo de BrenbaRobert de AmundavillaG. de BonevillaRalph, son of Wm.Robert de ThorpRobert ConyersHugh BorelRobert de PutotRoger del VelRoger de Sancta BarbaDolfinRobert FrieboisEngelarius and many others.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document [G. & B. have it listed as present]
Printed: : FPD, p.112n; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.167-170.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.135v; Cart. II, f.77v (with abbreviated witness-list).
DCD 4.1.Pont.19    No date. [Time of Bishop Puiset or soon after.]
Language:   Latin
Quitclaim by Peter de Meus and his wife Agnes to Wm., son of Ralph de Audre, of 10 shillingsworth of annual rent and 3 acres of land in Bradbury, Agnes having acquired the rent and land by gift from her mother Katerina.
Witnesses: Ds. Wm. HarpinWm. de LatonaJohn of StanhopeWm. of SadbergeWm. de Mord[on]Peter de HerdwyeGilbert de FordJohn de InsulaJohn of HeighingtonRoger de AldacresRobert de AldacresRobert de MustersJohn, son of Gilbert of SedgefieldRobert, clerk and others
Seal: originally 2, both missing. Were attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Box 2
DCD 1.2.Pont.1   [1146]
Language:   Latin
Charter of W[illiam of Ste. Barbe], Bp. of Durham, confirming the grant made by Osbert the sheriff, with the agreement of his heirs, of the church of Middleham to St. Cuthbert and his monks.
Witnesses: Ranulf, archdeaconNicholas, canonAlan, priest of WallsendBarnardRobert de Friebois (?)Richard de Ketalvile.
Seal: G&B No. 3113. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: R. Surtees, History of Durham III, p.383-386; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.138-139.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Archid.Dunelm.11(v); Cart.Vet., f.135v-136r; Cart.II, f.215r.
DCD 1.2.Pont.2   1 October 1252
Language:   Latin
Letters of W[alter Kirkham], bishop of Durham, to R[obert Grosseteste], bishop of Lincoln, saying that according to an agreement between the bishops of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham the right of presentation to the church of Wold Newton lies alternately with the bishop and the prior and convent, and that, as the last presentation, of Hugh of Eccleshall, Bishop Kirkham's clerk, was made by the bishop, on the resignation or death of Hugh the right of presentation belongs to the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1252 Pont.3.
Seal: G&B No. 3122, with secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.79-80.
DCD 1.2.Pont.3   [c.1148]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Wm. [of Ste. Barbe] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the church of St. Mary of Newminster Wolsingham, Fetherstonesfeld and Almescroft, from the Wear to Thornhope Burn, with everything contained by those bounds; the monks are to have pasture for their herds in the Bishop's forest, and wood for their needs “ad necessaria opera sua” and for fuel, and may build a mill on the land granted to them. The grant is to enable the monks to establish a grange, but they are not to build an abbey.
Witnesses: Roger, prior [of Durham]Ranulf, archdeaconNicholas, canonWarinus, priestRobert de Friboys, clerkBernard, clerkOsbert, sheriffWm. de FriboysRobert de UbbervileRoger of Ste. BarbeFulco de CapellaHugh, son of PincunHugh BurelRobert de Capella
Seal: G&B No. 3113, detached. Was attached, sideways, by yellow silk cord through foot of document.
Printed: FPD p.lxiv; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.155-158.
Copies: DCD Cart.II, f.54v; Lincoln's Inn, Hale ms.114, f.121r.
DCD 1.2.Pont.3*   [c.1149]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Wm.[of Ste. Barbe] Bishop of Durham granting, on instructions from the Pope, to the church of St. Mary and the Cistercian monks of Newminster Wolsingham, as the stream of Wolsingham runs into the Wear, and Fetherstanesfeld, and Almescroft, from the Wear to Thornhope Burn, with everything contained by those bounds; the monks are to have pasture for their herds in the Bishop's forest, and wood “ad necessaria opera sua.” (for building and repairs?) and for fuel. The purpose of the grant is to enable the monks to establish a grange, but they are not to build an abbey
Witnesses: Laurence, prior, and the chapter of Durham Ranulf, archdeaconNicholas, canonWarinus, priestRobert de Friebois, clerkOsbert, sheriffBertram de BulemereRobert de AmundavillaRobert de UbbervileRalph, son of WilliamRoger ConyersErnald, son of HerbertHugh, son of PincunFulc' de Capella and Robert his brother Roger of Ste. BarbeHugh BurelWilliam de Friebois
Seal: (i) of priory of Durham. G. & B. 3427 (obverse only).
(ii) of William of Ste. Barbe. G. & B. 3113. Attached sideways.
Both attached by long silk cords through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Printed: FPD lxiii; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.158-161.
Copies: DCD Cart.II, f.55r; Cart.IV, f.87r; Lincoln's Inn. Hale ms.114, f.121v.
DCD 1.2.Pont.4   [October 1144]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Wm.[of Ste. Barbe] Bishop of Durham of the grant, made at Durham in the presence of the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Carlisle, by Hugh son of Pinceon to Hugh Burel of Wingate and Smeaton, to be held for the service of one knight.
Witness: Richard, prior of HexhamRanulf, archdeaconRoger ConyersBertram de BulemerRobert de CapellaRobert de AmundavillaRobert de ...h'vill' (muribus corrosum)Godfrey de Amairnil(?) and very many others.
Seal: G&B No. 3112/3 (damaged - noted as broken on 19th century wrapper). Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: (from Cart. II) Priory of Finchale no. I; R. Surtees, History of Durham I, ii, 97; H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.135-138.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.107v (with abbreviated witness-list)
DCD 1.2.Pont.5
Later addition to the Repertorium Magnum, apparently a duplicate for the entry at 1.1.Archid.Dunelm.1
Printed: Durham Episcopal Charters, no. 36.
DCD 1.2.Pont.6   [20 April 1197 x 22 April 1208]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ph[ilip of Poitou] bishop of Durham confirming to Monk the cook 13 acres of the bishop's moor in Auckland, between Blindewelle and the land of Robert Falconarius, in exchange for 13 acres of land which the bishop has taken into his park.
Witnesses: Bertram, prior of DurhamAmericus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster Walter de WisebechMaster Simon of FarlingtonRobert de AmundavillaWilliam de HerleseyaRoger de AudreJordan EscollandRobert of KepierAlan PoignantReginald AbelinGodfrey BritoThomas, son of Bernard.
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Alm.Sm.Cart. p.86-87; Cart.IV, f.201r.
Printed: FPD p.177n; Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.227-228.
DCD 1.2.Pont.7   [20 April 1197 x November 1204]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitiers] Bishop of Durham confirming to the monks of Durham who serve God at Finchale the following:
The vill of Wingate, and the vill of Haswell, formerly the property of Geoffrey of Haswell; both of these vills were granted to the monks by Henry du Puiset, and the prior and monks of Finchale are to hold them of the Bishop in return for ⅔ of a knight's service.
The vill of Aldin Grange, with the service of Broom and Rilli, granted to the monks by Bertram of Hetton, and ⅓ of the vill of Hetton, also granted by Bertram, with 3 bovates of land, the gift of Alice of Hetton, in the vill of Hetton.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon [of Durham]Peter ThebertMaster John of LondonMaster Henry, son of the chamberlainMaster Robert of HaddingtonMaster Alan of RichmondMaster Edmund, seneschalWm. ThebertBernard ThebertLeo, sheriffJordan EscollandRobert, son of MeldredGeoffrey, son of GeoffreyRoger de AudreRoger ConyersGilbert de LeyaWm. de LatonThomas de AmundavillaWalter de MustersRoger of KibblesworthSimon de HauthornRoger de PunchardunRoger BurdunHilgerus BurdunRoger of EppletonWm. his sonGeoffrey de ParcPeter HarpinRichard de Rana and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.110r.
Printed: Priory of Finchale, no. CLXXIX (from Cart. II f.110, with abbreviated witness-list); English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.214-215
Digitised material for 1.2.Pont.7
DCD 1.2.Pont.8   [?September 1202 x c.1205]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the prior and monks of Durham the church of Billingham, with all its appurtenances; the gift is for the support of the convent, and there is to be a perpetual vicar, presented by the prior and monks.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster John of LondonMaster Walter, dean of PittingtonMaster Alan of RichmondMaster Walter of HaddingtonMaster Robert of EdingtonEdmund, seneschalPaganus, chaplainNigel, chaplainRoger, chaplainJohn de KettonRichard BrunWilliam of Aycliffe and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177, f.18v; Cart.Vet., f.146r; Cart.II, f.146r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.204.
DCD 1.2.Pont.9   [1203 x c.1205]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham announcing that on the presentation of Bertram, Prior, and the Convent of Durham he has granted to Henry de Ferie, nephew of the Prior, the church of Heighington and has instituted him to the church.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamPeter Thebert, parson of HowdenMaster John of LondonMaster Alexander, physicianRoger, chaplainMaster Robert de CameraWilliam of LisieuxGerman, clerkWilliam Natalis.
Seal: G. & B. 3117. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.277v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.218.
DCD 1.2.Pont.10   [20 April 1197 x c.1205]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham, granting to the prior and convent of Durham, in pure, free and perpetual alms, 60 acres [for which 60 acres cf. 4.1.Pont.3] of the Bishop's waste in Rowley, in return for an annual payment of 5/-; in return for an annual payment of 4/- the prior and convent may have a chapel on the land, and they may use the tithes and offerings of the land to serve the chapel as they wish. Their men on the land are to pay pannage, which the prior and convent themselves are to be free of, and when any of these men dies the prior and convent may, until they establish a cemetry, take the body wherever they wish for burial.
Witnesses: Aimericus, archdeacon of Durham and CarlisleMaster John of LondonMaster Henry of DurhamPeter Teberd'Master Constant'Master Robert of Adington'Nicholas BecMaster Alan of RichmondMaster Richard de Aiton'Jordan EscollandLeo de Heriz, sheriffRoger de ConyersRobert, son of MeldredGeoffrey, son of GeoffreyRoger de AudriRoger de PunchardunRobert de AmundavillaGilbert HansardWm. de Laton'Roger of KibblesworthRoger of EppletonRichard of Ely
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177, f.19r; Cart.Vet., f.147r-v; Cart.II, f.97r; Cart.IV, f.84r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.205-206.
DCD 1.2.Pont.11   [1198 or early 1199]
Language:   Latin
Certificate of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham that on the presentation of B[ertram], Prior, and the Convent of Durham he has instituted Philip Baill[ol], clerk, to the church of Middleham.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster John of LondonMaster Henry of DurhamMaster Simon of FarlingtonMaster Gregory de Sabrithewrd'Master Alexander SisicusAlo de ColumberisMaster Constantinus NathalisWilliam NathalisMilo BocelliWilliam of LisieuxRoger RouenNicholas BecMaster Hardom' and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.215v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.193-194.
DCD 1.2.Pont.12   [20 April 1197 x 22 April 1208]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to Master Roger de Cavill' and his heirs, in return for an annual payment of 2s., 24 acres of land in the parish of Wolsingham, towards the east beyond the Wear and between the land of Adam the chaplain and Robert Scotus. Master Roger is to hold the land free of all burdens, and, although the Bishop's forest-rights are reserved, he may take wood for his own heating and building needs and is to be free of pannage on his own pigs.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamLeo de HerizJordan EscollandRoger de AudreRobert de Jolton'RollandWm. of LumleyRobert de AmundavillaRobert, son of MeldredWalter de AudreThomas BardofRen' AbelinHugh LecomteRoger de Camera and many others.
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.96r-v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.199-200.
Digitised material for 1.2.Pont.12
DCD 1.2.Pont.13   [20 April 1197 x 22 April 1208]
Language:   Latin
Certificate of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham that the prior and convent of Durham, who were bound by writs issued by themselves to pay specified annual pensions to Master John of London, to Jolan, the Bishop's nephew, and to Master Edmund, until they could provide these men with (specified) safe incomes, have provided such incomes. The prior and convent are to have their writs returned to them, and the writs if not returned will be null and void.
Witnesses: none, although "His testibus" is written.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177, f.19r-v; Cart.III, f.277v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.206-207.
DCD 1.2.Pont.14a   [c.10 x 11 April 1208]
Language:   Latin
Notification by Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham that he has returned to the prior and convent of Durham the wood of Heworth and has seised them of it, recognising, on the evidence of his knights and men, that the wood belongs of right to the prior and convent
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamWm. Briton'Jordan EscollandRoger de Audre and Walter his brotherRalph, chaplainArnald of AucklandWm. NatalisRoger Burdon and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document, and protected by cloth.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177, f.18v; Cart.Vet., f.146r; Cart.II, f.76v.
Printed: FPD p.109n.as 14*; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.209.
DCD 1.2.Pont.14b   [20 April 1197 x November 1204]
Language:   Latin
Notification by Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham that he has confirmed to the prior and convent of Durham the wood of Heworth, as is contained in the charters of earlier bishops, to the prior and convent
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster John of LondonLeo de HerizJordan EscollandGilbert de LegaRoger de AudreWalter de MustersWm. de Laton' and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.277v.
Printed: FPD, p109n, as 14; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.203-204.
DCD 1.2.Pont.15
Noted as missing by Greenwell (in Repertorium Magnum)
Copied: Cart. II f.7v.
Copied: Cart. IV f.21r.
Confirmed: By Robert of Holy Island, 4.2.Pont.7.
Printed: North Durham, app.no. DCCXVI.
DCD 1.2.Pont.16   [1199 x 1202]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham confirming the grant by Hugh [de Puiset] his predecessor of the church of Elvet, with its chapels and appurtenances, to the monks of Durham [cf. 3.1.Pont.3.]. The monks are to hold the church for their own benefit and that of their guests, and need not appoint a vicar to it; but to the chapels of St. Margaret, of Witton - built by Bishop Hugh because of the remoteness of the place - and of Croxdale the monks must institute suitable priests, removable at will, to serve both the mother church and the chapels; and the Prior of Durham is to pay synodal and episcopal dues as if he were parson of the church of Elvet.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster Henry of DurhamMaster Alan of RichmondMaster Simon of Farlinton'Master John of LondonMaster Robert of AddingtonMaster Walter of HaddingtonWalter, dean of PittingtonRoger, parson of HowdenImbertus, chaplainGerman, clerkNicholas BecMaster Wm. of LisieuxAdam of CarlisleRoger, clerk and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177, f.19v; Cart.Vet., f.146r-v; Cart.II, f.273r; Cart.III, f.277v-278r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.207-209.
DCD 1.2.Pont.Loose Seal
Seal: Seal of Philip of Poitou. G. & B. 3117, with secretum. Formerly attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.2.Pont.1   22 September [1218].
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [Marsh] Bishop of Durham confirming to the prior and convent of Durham the following liberties: the monks are to have the right of free election of the Prior, who, when elected by the will of the monks, is to be second only to the bishop in dignity and is to have the status of an abbot; the Prior is to be archdeacon over all his churches, and his churches and clerks are to be free from all episcopal and archidiaconal exactions; the Prior is to have an abbot's seat in the choir, the right hand of the bishop, and full power, with his chapter, of controlling the internal and external affairs of the house and of appointing and removing monastic officials; in the bishop's absence the Prior in synod is to act for him in all spiritual matters pertaining to himself and the archdeacons; the Prior is to have a status identical with that of the dean of York, viz. below the bishop and above the archdeacons; the Prior is to hold all his lands and churches with freedom to increase their revenues and to institute vicars who will answer to him for their benefices but to the bishop for the cure of souls; the Prior is to have his own court, granted to him by King William [I], and is to have all the feudal and regal rights granted by the kings of England; all as specified in the charter of Bishop Wm. [of St. Calais] in the possession of the prior and convent
Witnesses: S[imon of Farlington], archdeacon of DurhamA[lan de Lenn?], archdeacon of NorthumberlandMaster Thomas of LichfieldMaster Philip de SuhamMaster Simon de Talinton'Master Robert Morell'Master Alexander NolanMatthew de Winterburn'Wm. of Cirencester and others
Date: Durham, 22 September Pont.2.
Seal: G&B No.3118 with secretum. Attached by pink plaited silk ribbons through 3 holes in the foot of the document
Copies: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.12; (in Archbishop Gray of York inspeximus 1218x1226) 2.1.Archiep.5; Misc.Ch. 7177, f.19v-20r; Cart.Vet., f.147v-148r; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3; Cart.I, f.72v-73r; (inspeximus) Cart.I, f.181r-v; 1.5.Pont.2 dorse; Misc.Ch. 5729; Reg.IV, f.11v-12r.
Printed: FPD p.lxxxvii-lxxxviii; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.246-248.
Digitised material for 2.2.Pont.1
DCD 2.2.Pont.2a   [June 1217 x March 1218]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [Marsh], Bishop of Durham and Royal Chancellor, granting and confirming to the prior and convent of Durham the churches of Aycliffe and Pittington, with their chapels and appurtenances, to hold for their own use, for the upkeep of their house and the care of guests and travellers. The prior and convent are to present a vicar to each church, and each vicar is to have the entire altarage from his church, except the tithes of wool and lambs from the monks' demesne. If the altarage from each church does not reach a certain (specified) value the monks are to supplement it. The grant has been confirmed [cf. 3.1.Archiep.7.], at Marsh's request, by Walter [de Gray] Archbishop of York.
Witnesses: Americus, archdeacon of DurhamMaster Alan de Len, official of DurhamMaster Simon of FarlingtonMaster Wm. [Scottalias] of StichillMaster Arnald of AucklandRobert, clerk of AllertonMaster Nicholas de Hedona and many others
Endorsement (inter alia): note that on 11 October 1824 the Dean and a prebendary of Durham produced and deposed to this document in an Exchequer action between James Miller, clerk, complainant, and Thos. Jackson and others, defendants.
Seal: G. & B. 3118 with secretum. Attached by plaited black/white and brown/white silk cords through two holes in the foot of document, which also has slits for a parchment tag.
Another copy: 2.2.Pont.2b.
Copies: DCD Loc.X:19; (with most of the witness list missing) 2.8.Pont.11; Misc.Ch. 7177, f.20r; Cart.Vet., f.148v-149r; 2.8.Pont.11; Cart.II, f.124v & 191v-192r; BL Cotton Vitellius A ix, f.17v-18r..
Confirmed: by Honorius III on 11 April 1218 Cart.Vet., f.36v-37r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.245-246.
DCD 2.2.Pont.2b   No date
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [Marsh], Bishop of Durham and Royal Chancellor: another copy of 2.2.Pont.2a.
Seal: G. & B. 3119 with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Another copy: 2.2.Pont.2a.
DCD 2.2.Pont.3   4 October [1224]
Language:   Latin
Notification by Richard [Marsh], Bishop of Durham and royal chancellor, that on the authority of a general council he has granted and confirmed to Oger de Tyes', clerk, the church of Ancroft, with all its appurtenances, and has instituted him to the church.
Witnesses: Master Walter Crispinus, tunc officialis nosterMaster Alan de Len, archdeacon of NorthumberlandMaster Wm. of LincolnMaster Adam, parson of WearmouthWm. de Block[ley], parson of BedlingtonOdardus, clerk and others
Date: Northallerton ( Averton ), 4 October Pont.8.
Seal: G. & B. 3118, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.22v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.241.
DCD 2.2.Pont.4    No date.
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard Marsh, archdeacon of Northumberland, ratifying the grant by H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham [cf. 3.1.Pont.11a & b.], made with the agreement of Ralph de Caugi and Ralph his heir, to the convent of Durham of the church of Ellingham in free alms; Marsh reserves pontifical and archidiaconal rights.
Witnesses: Master Alexander Nequam [Neckam]William de Quattuor MarisRobert de Yeland'Henry de CurtenayRichard de TonyMaster Simon de Talint[on]Master Robert Morell'Master William de Nevill'William of London and others
Seal: G. & B. 3270, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.2.Pont.5   22 September [1218]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [Marsh] Bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the prior and convent of Durham the church of Dalton[-le-Dale], to hold in free alms for their own use, and assigning it to their chamber. Marsh reserved his and his successors' pontifical and parochial rights.
Witnesses: S[imon of Farlington] archdeacon of DurhamA[lan de Len] archdeacon of NorthumberlandMasters Thomas of LichfieldPhilip de SuhamSimon de Talinton'William de RoyngesMatthew de Winterburn'William of Cirencester and others.
Date: Durham, 22 September Pont.2.
Seal: G. & B. 3118, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cham.Cart. f.3v-4r; Misc.Ch. 7177, f.20r; Cart.Vet., f.148v; Cart.II, f.127r..
Printed: R. Surtees, History and Antiquities of the County of Durham i, p.277; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.236-237.
DCD 2.2.Pont.6   14 June [1224]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Richard [Marsh], Bishop of Durham and royal chancellor, granting and confirming to his clerk Master William of Greenlaw, in return for his homage and service, the fishery of Pole, formerly held by Henry de Ordr'. Master William may assign the fishery to his heirs or relations, and is to pay the bishop annually 1lb of pepper or 12d., in return for which he is to be free from all episcopal exactions, with the exception of the assignment made by the bishop to Joan, wife of Walter de Godardvill', during her lifetime.
Witnesses: Alexander [Stavensby], bishop of CoventryMaster William de StavensbyMaster Robert de Nevill'Master Philip de SuhamMaster William de WisbechRobert, parson of AlbertonHenry of Farlington'Robert of CockfieldJohn de Peauton'William de Berners'Thomas of OtteringtonHenry MaveylinAlan MalacacheWilliam Huscarl'Robert MarshThomas ManselAlexander Huscarl'Ralph, serjeant of Allerton and others
Date: [North]allerton, 14 June Pont.8.
Seal: G. & B. 3118, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.27r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.254.
DCD 2.2.Pont.7   22 September [1218]
Language:   Latin
Certificate of Richard [Marsh], Bishop of Durham and royal chancellor, that on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham he has confirmed the church of Bedlington to Wm. de Royngg' and has instituted him; saving the pontifical and parochial rights of the bishop of Durham, the pension due to the prior and convent, and the tithe of the corn from Neddertop, with a toft in the vill of Bedlington, due to Nicholas de Herviliers while he lives. On Nicholas' death this tithe and toft are to revert to the church.
Witnesses: S[imon of Farlington], archdeacon of DurhamA[lan de Len], archdeacon of NorthumberlandMaster Thomas of LichfieldMaster Philip de SuhamMaster Simon de Talinton'Master Robert MorelJames, chaplainSimon and Nicholas de HadhamMatthew de Winterburn'Henry MarshWilliam de Blokkel[ey]Peter of Bath and others
Date: Durham, 22 September Pont.2.
Seal: G. & B. 3118, with secretum. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Copies: DCD Cart.III, f.278r; Cart.IV, f.37r.
Printed: (under the guise of a certificate of Bishop Bury) Richard d'Aungerville of Bury, p.102-103; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.242-243.
DCD 2.2.Pont.8   [1229 x 4 March 1234]
Language:   Latin
Indenture issued by Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and the Convent of Durham ratifying the confirmation by Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham of the liberties of the town of Hartlepool and reserving their own rights, granted by William and Robert de Bruce [cf. 4.8.Spec.1 & 2], in the town; in particular the convent's right to buy food freely in the town is reserved.
Parchment, 1m, indented head
Seal: G&B No. 3120, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Cart.II, f.135r.
Printed: C. Sharp, History of Hartlepool, (1816) p.59; English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.324-325.
DCD 2.2.Pont.9a   2 November, 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham granting in free alms to the prior and convent of Durham, since they have suffered so much as a result of their quarrel with Bishop Antony [Bek], all the waste and wood called Wascrophead in the vill of Wolsingham. The boundaries of this land are specified, and the prior and convent are to have rights of access and enclosure and of driving their grazing animals on and off the surrounding moors.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Clifford'Sir Ranulph de NevileSir Ralph, son of Wm.Sir Robert de Hylton'Sir Richard Marmaduk'Sir Walter de Wessington'Sir Thomas de Qwhiteworth', knights and others.
Date: Wolsingham
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by silk ribbon through foot of document.
Another copy: 2.2.Pont.9b
Printed: FPD p.184n.
DCD 2.2.Pont.9b   2 November, 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 2.2.Pont.9a.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip (which has been torn away) through foot of document.
Another copy: 2.2.Pont.9a
DCD 2.2.Pont.10   13 January 1312 [1313] and Pont.2
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham, narrating that the constable and castellans of the bishop's castle in Durham have several times disturbed the monks of Durham in their use of their fishery of Hockmanpoil. Kellaw confirms to the monks not only this private fishery but also the right of fishing in the Wear from Elvet Bridge to the old bridge below the castle, and orders that the officers of the castle do not molest them again.
Witnesses: Sir Ralph, knight, son of Wm.Sir Robert de Hylton, knightSir Richard Marmaduke, knightSir Thomas de Whiteworth, knightThomas de Fiheburn' [Fishburn?]Roger de FulthorpWm. de Mordon' and others
Date: Rykhale [Ricall]
Seal: G. & B. 3127, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 1.3.Reg.1.
DCD 2.2.Pont.11   2 December, 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Grant by Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham of some (the area is specified) of his waste adjoining Bearpark to the prior and convent of Durham in free alms. The grant is in response to the convent's claim that they are unable to enclose Bearpark (which was granted them by Bishop N[icholas Farnham]) unless the bishop allows them also to extend its area by taking in some of his waste.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Clifford, knightSir Ranulf de Nevile, knightSir Ralph, knight, son of WilliamSir Robert de Hylton, knightSir Richard Marmaduke, knightSir Walter de Wessington, knightSir Thomas de Whitworth, knight and others
Date: Auckland
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by silk ribbon through foot of document.
Copied: 3.12.Pont.2.
Printed: FPD p.187n.
DCD 2.2.Pont.12a   30 July 1341
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument issued by Thomas de Nevill', archdeacon of Durham, and Edmund Howard, archdeacon of Northumberland, commissaries appointed by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham, saying that with authority given them by the bishop they have appropriated the church of Longbenton to the Master and Scholars of Balliol College, Oxford.
They recite the deed of appropriation, which refers to the bishop's instructions that the agreement of the prior and convent of Durham should be sought and records the appropriation of the church to the Master and Scholars of Balliol as represented by their proctor Hugh of Corbridge, clerk. The deed recites the bishop's commission, which orders the archdeacons to attend to the matter of the appropriation while ensuring that neither the bishop of Durham nor the prior and convent suffers by losing the annual pension previously received during vacancies of the church of Longbenton; Balliol College is to have corporal possession of the church when the present rector resigns or dies, and the College is to present a vicar to the bishop for institution. The commission is dated at London 8 May 1341 and Pont.8. The commissaries order that the bishop and the prior and convent receive the same annual pensions as before, and that the College present a vicar to the bishop for institution.
Notarial certificate: of Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge, in the presence of Sir Thomas Surtees, knight, Masters Wm. de Kellow and John de Hirlowe, Drs Robert Godibour, clerk, Drs. Peter of Aycliffe, clerk.
Date: In the Galilee at Durham.
Seal: (i) of Thomas Neville. G. & B. 3258.
(ii) of Edmund Howard. G. & B. 3273.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Hodgson III ii. 107-109
DCD 2.2.Pont.12b   25 June 1342 & Pont.9.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham saying that, now that the church of Longbenton has been appropriated to the Master and Scholars of Balliol College, Oxford, there have appeared before him John de Somervill' of Burton Agnes, rector of Longbenton, and Master Hugh of Corbridge, proctor for Balliol College; John Somervill' has both submitted the church entirely to the bishop's will and has resigned as rector (the submission and resignation are both recited in part). Hugh of Corbridge having agreed to accept the bishop's decision, Richard de Bury has decided to give corporal possession of the church to Balliol, provided that from the fruits of the church the bishop of Durham is given 20/- p.a., the prior and convent of Durham 10/- p.a. and Somervill' 35 marks of silver p.a. as long as he lives.
Notarial certificate: of John Roberti de Hakthorp', clerk of the diocese of Carlisle, in the presence of Master Richard de Kilvyngton', S.T.P., Master John de Aton', canon of Lincoln, Ds. John Faukener, priest of the diocese of Lincoln, and other clerks of the bishop's household.
Date: At the bishop's chapel of Howden.
Seal: of the official of the bishop of Durham. G. & B. 3173. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Richard d'Aungerville of Bury, pp.145-8.
DCD 2.2.Pont.13   1341-1342
Language:   Latin
Grant by Philip de Somerville to the Master & Scholars of Balliol Hall, Oxford, of the advowson of the church of Longbenton, with 2 carucates of arable land and 20 acres of meadow in the vill of Longbenton. The purpose of the gift is to enable the number of fellows to be increased from 16 to 22, and the conditions of the gift, with the agreement of the Master & Scholars of Balliol, form a body of statutes for the Hall. One copy of the instrument is to remain with the prior and convent of Durham, one at Balliol and a third with Somerville and his heirs.
by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham, at Auckland, 18 October 1340
by the prior and convent of Durham, at Durham, 24 October 1340
by the Chancellor of Oxford University, [at Oxford], The day after the Purification of the B.V.M. [3 February] 1340 [1341]
by the Master & Scholars of Balliol, at Oxford, The day after the Purification of the B.V.M. [3 February] 1340 [1341]

Seal: originally five, all attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
1. of Richard de Bury. G. & B. 3133.
2. of Master & Scholars of Balliol Hall. G. & B. 3396.
3. of Chancellor of Oxford University. G. & B. 3392.
4. of Philip de Somerville. G. & B. 2271.
5. [of prior and convent of Durham]. Missing, as is the parchment tag also.
Copied: Reg. I, f.Ir-Vv.
Printed: Reg. Pal. Dunelm. vol. III pp. 582-98.
DCD 2.2.Pont.14   26 November 1312 & Pont.2
Language:   Latin
Commission issued by Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham to the Prior of Durham and the Dean of the prebendal church of Auckland to be his vicars-general during his absence from the diocese.
Date: At Allerton
Seal: G. & B. 3127, without secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Printed: HDST app. no. XCII.
DCD 2.2.Pont.15a    12 February 1335/6 and Cons. 3
Language:   Latin
III by the Bishop
At Durham Castle
Seal: originally 2, both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
I. Missing [seal of Bishop Bury].
II. Seal of Kepyer Hospital. G. & B. 3382.
Copied: Cart. II f. 116r-v (this could be a copy of either 15a or 15b)
Confirmed: 2.3.Pont.4a&b
Printed: (from Cart. II) Memorials of St. Giles's Durham, p. 217
Printed: Richard d'Aungerville of Bury, p. 104
DCD 2.2.Pont.15b   12 February 1335/6
Language:   Latin
Another part of the indenture of which 2.2.Pont.15a is the part meant to remain with the prior and convent
This part (2.2.Pont.15b) was meant to remain with the bishop.
Date as 2.2.Pont.15a.
Seal: 2, both attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
I. prior and convent of Durham. G. & B. 3427, with secretum.
II. Kepyer Hospital. G. & B. 3382.
DCD 3.2.Pont.1   [13 April 1253]
Language:   Latin
Transcript, inspected and sealed by W[alter Kirkham] bishop of Durham, of a charter of King John [3.1.Reg.16], confirming all the properties, possessions and rights of the prior and convent of Durham and dated at Newport 2 February anns regni 5 [1204].
Date: At Durham, Palm Sunday Pont.4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 276 x 342mm
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.278v-279v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.62-65.
DCD 3.2.Pont.2
Noted as missing by Greenwell (in Repertorium Magnum)
See: Cart. I f. 92r: Cart II f. 94r
DCD 3.2.Pont.3   [18 April] 1259
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Gilbert of Beal to the church of Holy Island, to provide lights in honour of the BVM & St Cuthbert, of 9 acres of arable land in Gilbert's demesne in the field of Beal.
Witnesses to Gilbert's grant: Robert of Kirkham constable of Norham, Dom Robert of Clifford, Dom William of Scremerston, William of Scremerston the younger, John of Haggerston, Henry of Berrington, Patrick of Goswick, John son of Constantine of Goswick, William of Harrop and others
Gilbert's grant is not dated but is in the same hand as bishop Kirkham's confirmation.
Inspeximus dated: Fenwick, 14 Kal. May 1259 Pont.10.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.10r-v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.71-72.
Original grant: 2.1.Spec. 19
DCD 3.2.Pont.4   [20 July 1252]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham granting to B[ertram of Middleton] prior and the convent of Durham the church of Branxton, whose advowson already belongs to them, for the support of 2 monks at the cell of Warkworth, and they may take possession on the resignation or death of the rector, Master Richard de Bervil.
Witnesses: Dom William of Middleton the bishop's steward, Dom Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Master Richard of Kirkham, Master Richard de Bervil, Masters Simon Guer, Robert of Driffield and Robert of Hinckley, Doms W[illiam] of Whitby and John Russel chaplains, Doms Peter of Wells, Richard of Bussay, William de Levinkthorp, William of Huddleston and others
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, 13 Kal. August Pont.3.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Inspeximus: DCD (Walter de Gray) 1.2.Spec.20; (1278) 2.4.Pont.12.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.168v; Cart.II, f.36r and 36v.
Printed: J. Raine, History and Antiquities of North Durham, (1852) p.140-141; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.58-59.
DCD 3.2.Pont.5   [22 March 1254]
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of an agreement of sale between Sir Robert de Neville and Bertram prior and the convent of Durham of the compertum and vesturam of the wood of Aldewode for the 30 years following this agreement, for which the prior and convent will pay the said Robert 630 marks.
Witnesses: Masters Richard of Kirkham, Robert of Driffield, Robert of Hinckley, Doms John of London, John of York, William of Whitby, Roger of Waltham, Hugh Beyvyn, Geoffrey de Elm', John of Clifton and others
Date: Gateshead, 11 Kal. April Pont.5.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 174 x 301mm
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Original agreement: 2.11.Spec.18
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.191r.
Printed: HDST, app. no. LXVII
DCD 3.2.Pont.6a   [5 December 1249 x 28 June 1253]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of the church of Heighington, the advowson of which already belongs to them, for hospitality and the relief of the poor, saving a vicarage of 30 marks per year; the monks may take possession of the church on the resignation or death of the rector, Master William of Kilkenny.
Witnesses: Masters Richard of Kirkham, Robert of Hinckley, Robert Driffield; Doms William of Middleton bishop's steward, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, William Basset, Eudo de Punchardon, William of Whitby chaplain, Richard of Bussay, Ralph Briton, Roger of Waltham, Hugh of Eccleshall, William of Huddleston, clerks and others
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD 3.2.Pont.6b.
Copies: (with most of the witness list missing) DCD 2.8.Pont.11 and Sacr.rntls f.96v; (with full witness list) Loc.X:19; (inspeximus by Robert of Holy Island) 4.2.Pont.8; Cart.Vet., f.168r; Cart.II, f.18r; BL Cotton Vit. A ix f.19v.
DCD 3.2.Pont.6b   [5 December 1249 x 28 June 1253]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 3.2.Pont.6a, with the same witnesses and the same seal attached in the same way.
Duplicate: DCD 3.2.Pont.6a
DCD 3.2.Pont.7a   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1260]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of a grant by his predecessor Nicholas [Farnham] to the prior and convent of Durham of the whole of the wood of Milneside with a piece of ground next to Ivesmoss.
Witnesses: Doms William of Middleton bishop's steward, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, William Basset, Eudo de Punchardon, Richard de Yeland, knights; Adam of Bradley, William de Levingthorp, John of Bradley, William Pollard, William of Shildon, Thomas of Fishburn, William of Huddleston clerk and others
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.2.Pont.7b
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.168v; Cart.II, f.101v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.54-55.
DCD 3.2.Pont.7b   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1260]
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham: another copy of 3.2.Pont.7a.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD 3.2.Pont.7a
DCD 3.2.Pont.8a   [5 December 1249 x 17 October 1253]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of the church of Bedlington, the advowson of which already belongs to them. The bishop assigns the church to the maintenance of the cathedral's fabric, and excepts from this assignment a vicarage of 45 marks annually. The vicar, who shall bear all the church's usual burdens, shall be presented by the prior and convent to the bishop of Durham. The prior and convent are given the bishop's authority to take possession of the church as soon as the rector, Ds. Wm. de Blockele, resigns or dies.
Witnesses: Masters Richard of Kirkham, Robert of Hinckley, Robert of Driffield; Doms William of Middleton bishop's steward, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, William Basset, Eudo de Punchardon, William of Whitby chaplain, Richard of Bussay, Ralph Briton, Roger of Waltham, Hugh of Eccleshall, William de Huddleston, clerks and others.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicates: DCD 3.2.Pont.8b and 3.2.Pont.12.
Confirmed: DCD (1253) 3.1.Archiep.6; (1278) 4.2.Pont.11.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.168r; Cart.II, f.66r-v; 1.1.Archid.Northumb.[6].(xi); BL MS Stowe 930 f.27v and Cotton Vit. A ix, f.15r.
Printed: Durham Annals and Documents of the Thirteenth Century, ed F. Barlow (Surtees Society 155, 1945) p.148; The Register of Walter Gray, archbishop of York, ed J. Raine (Surtees Society 56, 1872) p.39n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.55-56.
DCD 3.2.Pont.8b   No date. [Before 17 October 1253, which is date of Archbishop Gray's confirmation.]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 3.2.Pont.8a.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Another copy: 3.2.Pont.8a
DCD 3.2.Pont.9a   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1260]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to Thomas de Cattesdon and his heirs of a house and a toft and 48 acres of land [in Stanhope], all of which was granted by Kirkham's predecessor Hugh [of Le Puiset] to Richard of Ifferley [see 3.1.Pont.17]. Thomas is to pay into the bishop of Durham's treasury at Durham 10s of silver annually, and is to hold the land free of all services, including heriot and suit of court, except when an aid is required from the whole bishopric.
Witnesses: Doms Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Alan of Kirkham, William Basset, Eudo de Punchardun, Adam of Bradley, Robert of Kirkham, William de Levingthorp, Thomas of Ravensthorpe, John of Bradley, Robert of Howden, John of Clifton, William of Hudleston clerk and others.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.47-48.
DCD 3.2.Pont.9b   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1260]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to Thomas de Cattesdon of a toft and croft formerly belonging to Ralph del Hyll', 18 acres of land formerly held of the bishop by Ralph, and another toft and croft formerly held of the bishop by Richard Turner, all in the vill of Stanhope, rendering annually at the bishop's exchequer 6s 4d for the toft and croft and land formerly in the hands of Ralph del Hyll' and 6d for the other toft and croft, and he is to be free of all services and exactions except suit of mill and the payment of an aid when one is required from the whole bishopric.
Witnesses: Doms Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, John of Egglescliffe then seneschal [to the bishop], Robert bursar, Master William de Merewe, John le Bel, Peter de Bromdon, Roger of Waltham, Geoffrey de Elme, Roger of Auckland, John of Bradley, Roger marshall of Stanhope, Geoffrey de Henneknoll, William de Levingthorp, William del Hyll, William son of Ralph, William Pollard and others
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.96r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.48-49.
DCD 3.2.Pont.10a   23 April [1252]
Language:   Latin
Letter of W[alter Kirkham] bishop of Durham to Robert de Clifford, ordering him, since an enquiry made of 12 knights and other men of Northumberland has shown that the homage he owes for his half of the vill of Moor in Norhamshire is due to the prior and convent of Durham, to pay his homage to them without delay.
Date: Middleham, 23 April Pont.3.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag was below.
Duplicate: 3.2.Pont.10b
Copies: DCD Cart.II, f.29r and 31r.
Printed: (10a or 10b) North Durham, app. no. DCCLXI; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.50.
DCD 3.2.Pont.10b   23 April [1252]
Language:   Latin
Letter of W[alter Kirkham] bishop of Durham: another copy of 3.2.Pont.10a
Date: Middleham, 23 April Pont.3.
Seal: fragmentary but presumably G. & B. 3122; with secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Duplicate: DCD 3.2.Pont.10a.
DCD 3.2.Pont.11   26 April 1391
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham of the church of Longhorsley to the Priory of Brinkburn. The bishop records that Thomas de Wytton, prior of Brinkburn, has presented a petition for the appropriation on the grounds that the priory's income has been so diminished by pestilence and invasion that it will not, without help, support the various burdens upon it. After consultation with the Prior and Chapter of Durham the bishop grants the appropriation, stipulating that the Priory of Brinkburn pays an annual pension of 6/8 to the Bishop of Durham and one of 3/4 to the Prior and Chapter of Durham. There is to be perpetual vicar of Longhorsley, and he is to be a canon of Brinkburn, presented by the prior and convent of Brinkburn to the Bishop of Durham.
Robert [Wallworth], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham add their approval and (they say) append their seal.
Witnesses: Master Thomas de Gretham', the bishop's official, and Master Thomas de Weston', Licentiate in Law, canon of Wells.
Notarial certificate: of John de Cokyn, clerk, scribe to the bishop.
An endorsement calls this document a confirmation of the appropriation.
Date: Durham, in the chapter house
Seal: (i) G. & B. 3145, of Walter Skirlawe.
(ii) G. & B. 3416, of Brinkburn Priory.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Reg.III, f.102r-103r.
Printed: (from Cart. I) J. Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland, part III vol. II p. 46-48.
DCD 3.2.Pont.12    No date.
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham of the church of Bedlington to the prior and convent of Durham. The text and list of witnesses are identical with those of 3.2.Pont.8a & b., but 3.2.Pont.12 spells the names of some witnesses noticeably differently from 3.2.Pont.8.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document. The fold at foot of document has a hole, apparently deliberate, near each end.
DCD 3.2.Pont.13   13 July 1260
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to Hugh [of Darlington], prior, and the monks of Durham ( “monachis nostris Dunelm” ) in pure alms of 216 acres of the bishop's wood and waste in the valley of Horsleyhope. The limits of the land are specified, and the monks are given permission to enclose it provided that it remains acessible to wild animals and that the bishops of Durham have the right to hunt and rob the nests of woodland birds within the enclosure.
Witnesses: Masters William of Merrow, Roger de Sayton, Geoffrey of St Agatha and Robert of Kirkham; Doms Robert de Nevill, Gilbert Hansard, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Thomas of Herrington, Philip de Leya, Richard Harpin, Roger of Eppleton, Adam of Fulthorpe and Geoffrey de Parco, knights; John of Egglescliffe bishop's steward, Peter de Bramdon, John de Bel, John of London bishop's chaplain, and Geoffrey de Elm clerk; Robert of Kirkham, Geoffrey of Egglescliffe, Walter of Ludworth, Robert of Haswell, Geoffrey of Northampton, John de Holneset sergeant and others.
Date: Riccall, 13 July 1260.
Size: 259 x 187mm
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Inspeximus: DCD (1270) 1.2.Reg.9; (1507) 2.10.Pont.8.
Copied: DCD 3.13.Pont.2, with abbreviated witness-list; Cart.II, f.94r-v, with abbreviated witness-list; Cart.III, f.288v-291r.
Printed: (with omissions) Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis, ed W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872) p.184n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.74-75.
DCD 3.2.Pont.14   2 August 1391
Language:   Latin
Draft of licence issued by Master Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton, official of the bishop of Durham (this interlined), to the monks of Durham to choose a new prior in place of Robert [of Wallworth], who has resigned; the official recites letters patent of John, sub-prior, and the convent of Durham, dated at Durham 1 August 1391, requesting licence to elect.
An endorsement reads “Non sortiebatur effectum”.
Date: Durham
DCD 3.2.Pont.15a   28 August anno regni Edward [I] 20 and Cons. 9 [1292]
Language:   Latin
Charter of Antony [Bek], Bishop of Durham, inspecting and confirming a grant [original 2.14.Spec.19] by Sir Thomas of Herrington to Richard de Hoton, Prior, and the convent of Durham of his manor of Houghall with its appurtenances.
Witnesses: R[obert Burnell], bishop of Bath and WellsDs. Wm. de Hambleton, archdeacon of YorkSir Peter de Mauley and Sir Richard de Waldgrave, knightsRichard de Overton', clerkWalter de Borton'Robert de Barthelby, clerk and others
Date: Pickering
Seal: G. & B. 3125, with secretum. Attached (back to front) by parchment strip through foot of document.
Other copies: 3.2.Pont.15b, c, d
Original: 2.14.Spec.19
Confirmed: 2.2.Reg.7
Copied: Cart. II ff. 237v-238r
Copied: Cart. III ff. 219v-220r.
Printed: Records of Antony Bek, pp. 34-5.
Digitised material for 3.2.Pont.15a
DCD 3.2.Pont.15b   28 August 1292
Language:   Latin
Charter of Antony [Bek], Bishop of Durham: Another copy of 3.2.Pont.15a.
Date: Pickering
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Other copies: 3.2.Pont.15a, c, d.
DCD 3.2.Pont.15c   28 August 1292
Language:   Latin
Charter of Antony [Bek], Bishop of Durham: Another copy of 3.2.Pont.15a.
Date: Pickering
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Other copies: 3.2.Pont.15a, b, d.
DCD 3.2.Pont.15d   28 August 1292
Language:   Latin
Charter of Antony [Bek], Bishop of Durham: Another copy of 3.2.Pont.15a.
Date: Pickering
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Other copies: 3.2.Pont.15a, b, c.
DCD 3.2.Pont.16   [14 November] 1291
Language:   Latin
Letters of Anthony [Bek] Bishop of Durham granting to Richard [de Hoton'], Prior, and the Convent of Durham the right to have in their parks of Muggleswick, granted to them by Bishop Robert de Stichill (4.2.Pont.2.), all kinds of game, free chase without deer-leaps, and the nests of woodland birds. A penalty of £10 is fixed for imposition on anyone else entering the parks. The monks must enclose the parks in such a way as to prevent wild animals from the bishop's forest getting in.
Witnesses: Sir Ranulf de Neville, Sir Gilbert Hansard, Sir John, son of Marmaduke, Sir Richard de Waldgrave, knights; Master Wm. de St. Botolph, then seneschal to the bishop; Peter de Thoresby; Thomas de Levesham; Adam de Driffield and others
Date: Nassington, Wednesday after St. Martin in winter, 1291 and Cons. 8.
Seal: G. & B. 3125, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: DCD Cart. II f.94r; Cart. III f.246v.
Confirmed: 2.2.Reg.4.
Printed: FPD p.183n.
Calendared in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.30-31.
DCD 4.2.Pont.1   [25 December] 1267
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham to Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham of their wood of Bearpark, granted them by Bishop Nicholas [Farnham] [see 2.1.Pont.12] and by Bishop Stichill himself, with the whole of the field of Cruketon' [this was in Bearpark - see an endorsement on the copy of this document that is in 3.13.Pont.2], and Bearpark, and also the increase of the ridge of the moor ( incremento supercilii morae ) near Ivesmos, and near the outer gate of Bearpark; the monks are given this so that they may enclose it, as it is the best site for a palacium . The monks may enclose the wood and keep wild animals in it; no one else may enter it, on penalty of £10. If the monks of Durham acquire the land held by the prior of Finchale between their wood and the road leading to Aldin Grange, they may enclose it.
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Nevill', Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Richard of Thwing, Roger of Lumley, Walter of Ludworth, knights and others.
Date: Durham, Nativitas Dominica 1267 Pont.7
Seal: G. & B. 3123, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: FPD p.187n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.120-121.
Copies: DCD 3.13.Pont.2; Cart.II, f.102r.
Inspeximus: (by Henry III, 10 May 1270) DCD 2.1.Reg.9 and TNA C53/59 m.8, calendared in Calendar of Charter Rolls ii, p.141; (by Edward IV, 3 June 1464) TNA C66/509 m.27, calendared in Calendar of Patent Rolls 1461-7, p.393.
Digitised material for 4.2.Pont.1
DCD 4.2.Pont.2   [13 February 1261 x 10 May 1270]
Language:   Latin
Indenture issued by Robert [Stichill], Bishop of Durham, recording that, although Bishop Richard [Poore] had promised, in settling certain disputes between Richard Marsh bishop of Durham and Ralph Kernet prior and the convent of Durham in “Le Convenit” (see 1.4.Pont.4), to give the prior and convent of Durham an area of wood and pasture of their own in return for their surrender of any claim to rights in the bishop's forest, neither Bishop Poore himself nor either of his successors had been able to fulfil this promise, despite frequent requests. Bishop Stichill therefore grants to Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham 1,300 acres of wood (details of which are given), 140 acres of the bishop's waste on the west side of Muggleswick, 60 acres on the south side of Denshelm', a cow-pasture wherever the prior and convent wish in Horselyhope, and 40 acres in Horsleyhope to be enclosed as a meadow. The prior and convent may, saving the bishop's hunting rights, enclose all the land granted them by the indenture.
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Nevill', Gilbert Hansard, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Thomas of Herrington, Richard le Chanceler bishop's steward, Hugh de Capella, Gilbert of Layton, Roger of Eppleton and many others
Seal: G. & B. 3123, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: DCD 3.13.Pont.2, with abbreviated witness-list; Cart.Vet., f.9v; Cart.II, f.94v-95r.
Printed: FPD p.182n., with omissions; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.117-119.
Inspeximus: (by Henry III, 10 May 1270) DCD 1.2.Reg.9a and TNA C53/59 m.8, calendared in Calendar of Charter Rolls ii, p.141; (by Edward IV, 3 June 1464) TNA C66/509 m.27, calendared in Calendar of Patent Rolls 1461-7, p.393.
Digitised material for 4.2.Pont.2
DCD 4.2.Pont.3   [9 December 1274 x 7 June 1283]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island], bishop of Durham, to the prior and monks of Durham in free alms of one toft in the vill of Meldon and 2 acres of land in the same district, all of which were given to Bishop Robert [Stichill] by Sir Roger Bertram, together with the advowson of the church of Meldon (cf. 4.2.Pont.10 for this grant as a quid pro quo).
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Neville, Guichard de Charron' then steward of Durham, Thomas of Herrington, knights; Masters Alan of Easingwold, Alexander of [North]allerton, Robert Avenil', Robert of Driffield.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3124, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD CArt.II, f.38r.
Printed: (from Cart. II, with abbreviated witness list) J. Hodgson, History of Northumberland part III vol. II. p.53; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.193-194.
DCD 4.2.Pont.4    [5 October] 1278
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham, with the consent of the prior and convent of Durham, of the church of Bishop Middleham (the advowson of which belongs to the prior and convent of Durham and which is now vacant owing to the resignation of the rector, Peter de Monte Cuto) to the priory of Finchale. The purpose of the grant is to relieve the financial difficulties of the priory, and in particular to enable the number of its monks to be increased by 5 to a total of 15. Since the vicar's portion in the church of Bishop Middleham is inadequate, the vicar is to have in augmentation 5 marks from the tithes of the vill of Garmondsway, which in the past have been enjoyed by the rector of Bishop Middleham. The vicar shall be presented by the prior and convent of Durham to the bishop of Durham, and he shall pay the due pension to the sacrist of Durham.
Date: Darlington, 3 Non. October 1278, Pont.4.
Seal: (i) of Robert of Holy Island. G&B No. 3124, without secretum.
(ii) of Priory of Durham. G&B No. 3427, with secretum.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Reg.I, f.i.28v-29r.
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton], prior, and the convent of Durham (undated): DCD 3.12.Spec.15. Copies in: DCD Misc. Ch. 6304 and 3.2.Finc.27A. Drafts in: DCD 3.12.Spec.10, Loc.X:12 and Loc.X:12*.
Printed: (from Reg.I) Priory of Finchale, p.148-149; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.209-211.
DCD 4.2.Pont.5   [9 December 1274 x 6 April 1277]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to the priory of Finchale in free alms of the cow-pasture (vaccaria) at Balveshenge in the bishop's forest of Spurlswood, and of 21 acres of the bishop's waste, also at Balveshenge, to make a meadow. The limits of these 21 acres are specified, and with them is given the right of enclosure and the right of common pasture in the vill and manor of Softley; the monks may also, under the supervision of the bishop of Durham's foresters, take a reasonable amount of wood from the forest of Spurlswood for building, fencing (hayandum) and fuel.
Witnesses: Doms Robert de Nevill', Gilbert Hansard, Guichard de Charron' steward to the bishop, Adam of Fulthorpe, Roger Bernard, knights, Hugh de Monte Alto and Walter of Barmpton, then the bishop's foresters, and others.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 266 x 142mm
Seal: G&B No. 3124, with secretum, attached by silk cords through foot of document
Copies: with abbreviated witness list, DCD Cart.II, f.108r; Reg.I, f.ii.18v-19r.
Inspeximus: (1277) DCD 1.3.Finc.27.
Printed: (from Cart.II) Priory of Finchale p.110; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.206-207.
DCD 4.2.Pont.6   14 May [1283]
Licence granted by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to his men of Stanhope and all others with common rights around Waskerley Head (Wascrophead) to enclose Waskerley Head at their own expense and to maintain it, again at their own expense, in an enclosed state.
Witnesses: Dom Guichard de Charron steward to the bishop, Master Robert Avenel, Peter of Thoresby, Thomas of Levisham, Walter of Barmpton and others.
Date: Bishop Middleham, 14 May Pont.9.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.95v.
Printed: Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis p.185n; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.227.
DCD 4.2.Pont.7   [20 September] 1275
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following confirmation:
  • Confirmation by Philip[of Poitou] bishop of Durham of a confirmation for God, St Cuthbert and the monks of Farne Island of half a chalder of wheat yearly in the manor of Fenwick
  • Witnesses: Aimeric archdeacon of Durham, Master Constantine, Edmund of Lincoln, Leo de Heriz, William Natali
  • Dated [20 April 1197 x 22 April 1208]
  • Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.213-214

Date of inspeximus: Fenwick, 12 Kal. October 1275 Pont.1.
Attached by stitching is a note, in Latin on parchment, that as a guarantee this grant was enrolled on the account of Christopher Clapham, Bishop Thomas [Ruthall's] receiver for his demesnes of Norhamshire and Islandshire, for the 6th year of Ruthall's episcopate by John Metcalfe, the bishop's auditor, on 6 March 1514 [1515].
Size: 203 x 95mm
Seal: detached (formerly listed as Misc.Ch.1510*), G.& B. 3124, with secretum. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.7v; Cart.IV, 21r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.205.
DCD 4.2.Pont.8   [18 June] 1278
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the appropriation [3.2.Pont.6a or 6b] by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of the church of Heighington.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, 14 Kal. July, 1278 Pont.4.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.182r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.193.
DCD 4.2.Pont.9a   [8 September] 1279
Language:   Latin
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Dom Henry de Horncastle, prior, and the monks of Coldingham of a site for habitation 120 ft. square on the north side of Lamesete in the vill of Holy Island. The monks are to pay into the bishop's treasury at Norham 6d. a year, which will free them from all services and demands.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron, then seneschal of Durham, Thomas de Herrington, and John son of Marmaduke, knights; and Masters Alan of Easingwold, John Hock, Robert Avenel and Nicholas of Appleby, and others.
Date: [North]allerton, 6 Id. September 1279, Pont.5.
Size: 204 x 174mm
Seal: G&B 3124, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD 4.2.Pont.9b next below; also in 1280 inspeximus in Misc.Ch. 1217.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham, ed J. Raine (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.1-2; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.178-179.
DCD 4.2.Pont.9b   6 Id. September [8 September] 1279 and Pont.5.
Language:   Latin
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] Bishop of Durham: copy (or perhaps a draft) of 4.2.Pont.9a, with same witnesses.
Size: 220 x 103mm
Seal: No seal.
DCD 4.2.Pont.10   1277
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham, recalling the agreement (cf. 2.1.Pont.17) between Nicholas [Farnham] bishop of Durham by which the bishop and the prior and convent presented alternately when the church of Wold Newton, in the diocese of Lincoln, became vacant. In order to avoid future disagreements the prior and convent have now given up all claim to the advowson of the church of Wold Newton, and in return the bishop has granted to the prior and convent 1 toft in the vill of Meldon, 2 acres of land in the same district, and the advowson of the church of Meldon - all of which was granted to Bishop Robert [Stichill] by Sir Roger Bertram [This grant is also made in 4.2.Pont.3]. If any dispute arises in the future about the possession of this latter advowson, then the bishop of Durham is to defend the prior and convent's rights, or, if he fails in this, to provide the prior and convent with another benefice, in the diocese of Durham, of equal value.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Neville, Sir Guichard de Charron, then seneschal of Durham, Sir Thomas de Herrington, knights, and Masters Alan of Easingwold, Alexander of Allerton, Robert Avenel, Robert de Driffield and others.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: J. Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland , part III, vol. II, pp.51-53.
Calendar: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.250.
DCD 4.2.Pont.11   [18 June 1278]
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of letters of Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham (original 3.2.Pont.8a or b) appropriating the church of Bedlington to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: at Auckland, 14 Kal. July, Pont.4.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Archid.Northumb.[6].(xii); Cart.II, f.66v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.186-187.
DCD 4.2.Pont.12   [18 June 1278]
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of letters of Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham (original 3.2.Pont.4.) appropriating the church of Branxton to B[ertram of Middleton], prior and the convent of Durham.
Date: at Auckland, 14 Kal. July Pont.4.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.II, f.36v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.187.
DCD 4.2.Pont.13
Described in Repertorium Magnum as a deed of Robert Neville [Bishop of Durham] against William Elmeden for Shincliffe Moor (Exemplificacio written in margin, so perhaps it was an early Exemplification of a Common Recovery?). Marginal note appears to refer to f.169-170 of a Hostiller's Register (which no longer exists).
Noted as missing by Greenwell (in Repertorium Magnum)
DCD 4.2.Pont.14   12 May Pont.7. [1444]
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham of a deed, enrolled in the bishop's chancery at Durham, by which Wm. Lawson and Richard Palmer, chaplain, grant to John Gyldford and Isabella his wife and their heirs.
(i) all their manor in Gateshead, with all lands, tenements, closes and meadows which they possess, as a result of a grant by John G., in the field of Gateshead;
(ii) all the lands and tenements which they possess in East Rainton as a result of a grant by John G.
If John G. and Isabella die without issue, then all the above lands and tenements in East Rainton are to go to John [Wessington], Prior of Durham.
The deed is dated at Gateshead 8 August. 20 Henry VI [1442].
Date: At Durham, per manus Robert Beaumont, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: G. & B. 3153, with secretum. Attached (back-to-front) by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Pont.15   1 February Pont.1. [1439].
Language:   Latin
Licence of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to William [Alnwick], Bishop of Lincoln, Richard [Nevill], Earl of Salisbury, Nicholas Hulme, clerk, Thos. Holden, esquire, Richard Corston, clerk, and Robert Strother, esquire, executors of the will of the late Thomas [Langley], Bishop of Durham, to acquire property worth £40 p.a. in the county of Durham and Sadberge and to entrust it to John Artays, chaplain, and Robert Southeryn', chaplain, chaplains of the chantry of the B.V.M. and St. Cuthbert in the Galilee at Durham, so that they can celebrate the holy offices for the souls of Bishop Langley and his parents, under the direction of John Newton and John Thoralby, clerks. The property may either be granted to the 2 chaplains themselves, or the executors may entrust it to any Abbot and Convent or Prior and Convent, on the understanding that any such religious body shall then pay 20 marks p.a. to Robert Musbery, chaplain, so that he may celebrate the holy offices for the souls of Bishop Langley and his parents in the church of Middleton in Lancashire. The Statute of Mortmain is not to apply to any grant envisaged.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chauncellor, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: G. & B. 3153, with secretum. Attached (back-to-front) by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for 4.2.Pont.15
DCD 4.2.Pont.Loose seal A
DCD 4.2.Pont.Loose seal B
DCD 4.2.Pont.Loose seal C
Seal: Bishop Neville's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3153.
Box 3
DCD 1.3.Pont.1   2 November 1331 and Cons. 14.
Language:   Latin
Indenture of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham granting permission to William [of Couton], Prior, and the Convent of Durham to grant to Keyper Hospital and to Hugh de Monte Alto, Master, and the Brethren of the Hospital all the lands, tenements, income and services which they own in the vill and district of Hunstanworth, together with the advowson of the church of Hunstanworth. In return, the bishop grants permission to Master and Brethren of Kepyer to pay, as from Pentecost 1333, the prior and convent an annual rent of 60/-, to come from their manors of Caldecots and of Clyfton to the east of Kepyer. If the rent is not paid the prior and convent may distrain on these manors. The Statute of Mortmain is not to apply.
Date: At his manor of Middleham.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Memorials of St. Giles (SS 95), pp.215-17.
DCD 1.3.Pont.2   28 July 1328 and Pont.11
Language:   Latin
Licence of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to Ds. John de Coton', chaplain, to grant to the prior and convent of Durham the manor of Edmondbyers, with its appurtenances and the advowson of the church of Edmondbyers, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Calendared: FPD p.180n.
DCD 1.3.Pont.3   18 September 1333 and Cons. 16.
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the church of Elwick to the P. & Chapter of Durham for their table. The bishop recites a bull of Pope John XXII which, in response to a petition from the bishop telling of the depleted state of the priory's resources as a result of hostile invastions, grants permission for the appropriation of the church, the advowson of which belongs to the bishop and which was formerly rated for tithes at 40 marks but is now, owing to the results of enemy invasion, rated at 25 marks. The bull stipulates that the prior and convent may take possession of the church when the rector resigns or dies, that there must be a perpetual vicar with a suitable stipend, and that no attempts by anyone using papal letters to stop the appropriation shall have any effect. The bull is dated at Avignon 8 Id. Mai [24 April] Pont.17 [1333].
The bishop accordingly appropriates the church as specified by the pope, requiring also that each vicar shall be presented by the prior and convent to the Bishop of Durham, and that there shall be certain masses, a distribution of alms and a pittance for the monks, all for the sake of his soul.
An endorsement reads: Appropriacis ecclesie de Elwyk que non est executa.
Date: At Brantingham.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for 1.3.Pont.3
DCD 1.3.Pont.4   Tuesday after Crucifixion [25 April 1318 or 10 April 1319] 12 Edward II [1319] and 1 Bishop Beaumont [1318]
Language:   Latin
Final concord in the court of the Bishop of Durham at Durham before Nicholas Gategang, Robert de Brompton, Wm. de Denom' and Richard de Stanlawe, justices, and others, between the bishop, Louis [Beaumont], plaintiff, and Nicholas de Staindrop and Isabella his wife, defendants, concerning one messuage and 16 acres of land in Staindrop, and the advowson of the church of Staindrop. Nicholas and Isabella quitclaim the land and the advowson to the bishop, for a consideration of one sore (sic) sparrowhawk.
Date: Durham
Seal: No seal
DCD 1.3.Pont.5   June 1333
Language:   Latin
Appropriation in form of indenture by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the church of Stannington to the Abbot and Convent of Newminster, whose buildings have been destroyed by fire and who in general are suffering from Scottish invasions and from the demands of hospitality. The bishop says that he has consulted the rector, Master John de Grendale, and has established from documents that the A. & C. are the patrons of the church. In making the appropriation, Beaumont specifies that there must be a perpetual vicar with a suitable stipend, and that the vicar is to bear all the church's burdens except the upkeep of the chancel and procurations of bishops, archbishops, and legates, which are to be the responsibility of the A. & C. The prior and convent of Durham are to receive an annual pension of 1 mark. The A. & C. may take possession of the church on the resignation or death of the rector, and are to use the income for the repair and maintenance of their buildings and for the increase of divine worship. The vicar of Stannington is to have an adequate house, viz. the one to the east of the church, called placea vicarii, and 12 acres of arable land from the church glebe, and tithes of hay and corn from 3 vills, Blagdon, Dodenest and Dodenwest [?East and West Duddo], and tithes of corn from Saltwick, and various other tithes.
I: By Bishop Beaumont. At Stockton, 13 June 1333 and Cons. 16.
II: By A. & C. of Newminster. In chapter at Newminster, 16 June 1333.
Seal: Seals: I of Bishop Beaumont. G. & B. 3130, without secretum.
II of Abbey of Newminster. G. & B. 3525.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: (slightly abbreviated and from Cart. II) J. Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland part III vol. II pp. 68-70.
DCD 1.3.Pont.5*   12 March 1332 and Pont.15. (sic).
Language:   Latin
Grant by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to John de Skylington' of all the lands and tenements which Wm. de Haswell of Cralyn held in the vill of Great Haswell and which were forfeited by Wm. and came to the bishop in the manner of escheats.
Witnesses: Sir Thomas Surtees, seneschal to the bishop, Sir Jordan de Dalden, Sir Wm. de Wessington, Sir John de Lumley, Sir Wm. de Denum, knights, Wm. de Walworth, bishop's vicar, Adam de Bowes and others.
Date: At Auckland
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.3.Pont.6   10 April Pont.5. [1386].
Language:   Latin
Grant by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham to Peter Dring, mason, of 20 acres of the bishop's exchequer lands, lying between Durham and Bearpark and recently held by John Goldsmith and then by John Marshall. The land usually renders 8/6 p.a. to the bishop's treasury, and Peter Dring is to pay this amount annually and render such servies as are rendered by other tenants in a similar position.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. de Elmeden', bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Fordham's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3142. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.3.Pont.7   6 July 1385 and Pont.8 of Urban VI.
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham of church of Haltwhistle to prior and convent of Tynemouth. The bishop recites a petition [Dated in their chapter house, 15 February 1384/5] presented to him on behalf of the prior and convent of Tynemouth by Wm. de Fenrother, a monk of the house and its proctor, and notes that the prior and convent have told him that their buildings are in a ruinous state and that their incomes have been so reduced by invasion that they can no longer support themselves. In support of their plea for the appropriation are King Richard [II], who has recently granted the advowson of the church of Haltwhistle to the priory, John [of Gaunt], Duke of Lancaster, and Thos. of Woodstock, Earl of Buckingham and Essex. The prior and convent of Tynemouth having submitted the whole matter, including compensation of the church of Durham, to the judgement of the bishop, he has discussed it with the prior and convent of Durham and makes the appropriation on the following conditions: the prior and convent may take possession of the church on the resignation or death of the rector; there is to be a perpetual vicar, who is to have the accustomed stipend; and annual pensions of 13/4 and 6/8 are to be paid to the Bishop and the prior and convent of Durham respectively.
Witnesses: Ds. John Wynkepery, canon of Auckland, and Wm. Titlyngton, notary.
Notarial certificate: of Master John de Cokyn, clerk of Durham, scribe to the bishop.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Confirmed (the copy being intended to rest with prior and convent of Durham), as greater security for the payment of the annual pensions, by Clement [of Wheathampstead], Prior, and the Convent of Tynemouth.
Seal: 1. of Bishop Fordham. G. & B. 3140.
2. of priory of Tynemouth. G. & B. 3550.
Both attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Copied: Reg. II ff. 291r-292r, with confirmation at foot by prior and convent of Durham instead of prior and convent of Tynemouth.
Printed: (from Reg. II and with omissions) W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth vol. II app. no. CXXIX; (again from Reg. II) J. Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland part III vol II p.95f.
Digitised material for 1.3.Pont.7
DCD 1.3.Pont.8
Language:   Latin
Notarial transcript, certified and sealed by the official of the Bishop of Durham, of a charter of William [of St. Calais] Bishop of Durham [1.1.Pont.1.]. A duplicate of 1.1.Pont.8, with identical witnesses, notaries, date, seal and method of attachment of seal.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CLXXXIII.
Copied: Cart. III f. 281V.
DCD 1.3.Pont.9   A.D. 1174 prid. Id. Nov. [12 November].
Language:   Latin
Indenture issued by Roger, Bishop of Worcester, and John [of Salisbury], treasurer of Exeter, saying that, having been appointed, together with Robert [Butevilain], dean of York, by Alexander III to ensure that the quarrel between the prior and convent of Durham and the monastery of St. Albans over the church of Tynemouth does not flare up again, they have settled the matter as follows: Hugh [de Puiset], Bishop of Durham, and the prior and convent of Durham have given up the church of Tynemouth to St. Albans, and in return St. Albans have given up to the church of Durham the church of Bywell, saving the right of Salomon the priest while he lives, and the church of Edlingham, saving the tenement of Adam de Dumbar and, after him, of Engelerius, clerk. The monasteries of Durham and St. Albans have given up most of the muniments on which each based its claim to the surrendered church or churches, and it is agreed that the remaining muniments concerning these churches shall have no validity.
Date: At Warwick.
Seal: I of Bishop Roger. G. & B. 3216, with secretum. Has been split and glued together again.
II of John of Salisbury. G. & B. 3336.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Copy: DCD 1.1.Archid.Northumb.[6].(xiv).
Printed: HDST, app. no. XXXVIII; W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth, vol. II (1847) app. p.xxviii-xxix.
Translated: W.S. Gibson, History of Monastery of Tynemouth, vol. I (1846), p.57-58.
Printed: English episcopal acta. 33, Worcester 1062-1185, ed Mary Cheney ... [et al], (Oxford 2007), p.122-123.
DCD 1.3.Pont.10   1 March 1389 and Pont.9. (sic).
Language:   Latin
Licence of Robert [Braybrooke] Bishop of London to Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham to conduct any of the following business within the diocese of London: to consecrate, or have consecrated by any other proper bishop, altars in the chapel of Skirlawe's house near Charing Cross, so that the divine offices may be celebrated there by Skirlawe or any of his household; to prove wills and deal with the administration of the goods of deceased subjects of Skirlawe; to ordain, and to confirm elections to dignities in the diocese of Durham; and to deal with any other matters concerning Skirlawe's jurisdiction over his subjects.
Date: At his manor of Stebenheth [Stepney].
Seal: of Bishop Braybrooke. BM Cat. of Seals no. 1926. Not in G. & B. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CXLII.
DCD 1.3.Pont.11   2 March 1382 and Cons. 2
Language:   Latin
Letters of John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham saying that at a synod called by him the prelates and clergy of his diocese have granted him a subsidy of a tenth of the value of their benefices in order to help him and his church in their difficulties. The prior and convent of Durham, however, have claimed that they are not bound to contribute and have letters of popes and bishops to prove their immunity. Fordham agrees that the prior and convent may, without prejudice and without creating a precedent, make a purely voluntary contribution.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 3140. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.3.Pont.12   26 April 11 Ric. II [1388].
Language:   Latin
Letters of John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham certifying that he has received from Robert [Berington of Wallworth], Prior of Durham, John de Beryngton and Thomas Dantry, monks of Durham, a silver-gilt statue being the property of Fordham and having been in the custody of the prior and the 2 monks as security for money owed by Fordham to Lord Neville [An endorsement says John de Neville].
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: Fordham's privy seal. G. & B. 3143. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: Surtees, Hist. of Durham I, i, app. no. XXI.
DCD 1.3.Pont.loose seal
Seal: Seal of Bishop Beaumont. G. & B. 3130, without secretum.
Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.1   10 October Pont.34. [1378].
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham quitclaiming, at the request of the Prior of Durham, to Wm. de Graystanes, chaplain, John de Lethom, chaplain, and John of Bamburgh, clerk, the rents and services due to the bishop for the whole of his (the bishop's) life from the manor of Henknowl, and also relinquishing the arrears of rent due from the manor since the time when Wm. and the two Johns became seized of it.
Date: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden', bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 2.3.Pont.2   4 February 1374/5 and Pont.30.
Language:   Latin
Grant by Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham to Alan de Shothyngton', John de Henle, Hugh de Westwick, John de Lathom, chaplain, Wm. de Graystanes, chaplain, and John of Bamburgh of the manor of Henknowl, to be held in return for the due and usual services, and of one cottage and 3 acres of land in Wolviston, to be held on the same terms.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's privy seal. G. & B. 3139. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.3   10 January 1352/3 and Cons. 8.
Language:   Latin
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham to grant the advowson of the church of Hunstanworth, with its glebe, if any, and its appurtenances, to the Master and Brethren of Kepyer Hospital.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Digitised material for 2.3.Pont.3
DCD 2.3.Pont.4a   1 July 1378 and Cons. 33.
Language:   Latin
Inspexiumus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, addressed to the prior and convent of Durham, of a confirmation [original is 2.2.Pont.15a and b.] by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham of an agreement between the Master and Brethren of Kepier Hospital and the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3137. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.4b   1 July 1378 and Cons. 33.
Language:   Latin
Inspexiumus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 2.3.Pont.4a, but addressed to Ds. Richard Routoure, Master, and the Brethren of Kepier.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3137. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.5   24 January Pont.34. [1379].
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a licence of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to William [of Couton], Prior, and the Convent of Durham to grant to Kepyer Hospital and to Hugh de Monte Alto, Master, and the Brethren of the Hospital all the lands, tenements, income and services which they own in the vill and district of Hunstanworth, together with the advowson of the church of Hunstanworth. In return, the licence allows the Master and Brethren of Kepyer to pay to the prior and convent, as from Pentecost 1332, an annual rent of 46/8, to come from their manor of Caldecot near Durham. If the rent is not paid the prior and convent may distrain on the manor. The Statute of Mortmain is not to apply.
The licence is dated at the bishop's manor of Middleham 2 November 1331 and Cons. 14.
Date: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden', bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.6
Listed in Repertorium Magnum as rents arising from the manor of Caldcott between the Chapter of Durham and Kepier.
Does not survive - not noted as present by Greenwell (in Repertorium Magnum)
DCD 2.3.Pont.7   22 March 1372/3 and Pont.3. of Gregory XI.
Language:   Latin
New ordination by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the perpetual vicarage of the church of St. Oswald. The bishop relates that, having received a complaint from Ds. Wm. de Lanchester, perpetual vicar of St. Oswald (which belongs to the prior and convent of Durham) that his portion was inadequate, he ordered the prior and convent to increase the portion to an adequate size. The prior and convent, in the person of Wm. de Norton, monk of Durham, claimed that the vicar's portion was adequate, and Wm. de Lanchester appeared in person and denied this. The bishop has considered all the evidence, and judges that a portion defined in terms of money offers greater security against reductions. He therefore annuls the first ordination of this vicarage and, noting that for a long time the prior and convent have both defrayed all charges of hospitality incumbent on the church of St. Oswald and have satisfied all episcopal and other claims, ordains as follows, saving the rights and dignity of himself and his church: the vicar is to have a manse (viz. the one now held by Wm. de Lanchester) near the churchyard and is to receive from the prior and convent 24 marks of silver p.a. and the herbage of the churchyard, worth 3/4 in a normal year; the prior and convent are to find chaplains for the chapels of St. Margaret and of Croxdale, and are to support, out of the income of the church, all other ordinary and extraordinary burdens of the church except the cure of parishioners, the ministration of the sacraments and the celebration of the holy offices.
Notarial certificate of Master Roger de Catterick, clerk of York, in the presence of Master Wm. de Farnham, bishop Hatfield's official, Ds. John de Henle, rector of Sedgefield, Ds. Henry Grespesse [Grospois], rector of Boldon, Ds. Wm. de Brantingham, vicar of Kelloe, Master Wm. de Fakenham, bishop Hatfield's registrar, and very many others.
Date: In his chapel at Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.8   10 May Pont.28 [1372].
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a record of a case in his court before his justices of assize. The record is of a case heard by Thomas de Seton, Wm. de Westle, John Mowbray, Roger de Blaykeston and Peter de Richmond, justices to the bishop, on the Tuesday in Easter Week Pont.12. [26 April 1356], when Joan, daughter of John Wyot of Old Durham and Katerina her sister claimed, as against Richard of Barnard Castle, clerk, that in time of peace and in the time of the bishop they had been seised of one messuage, three pennyworth of rent and one third of a messuage in Durham [an endorsement specifies Elvet]. Richard defended his right and asked the court to declare who had the better title. Joan and Katerina applied for licencia loquendi and later, when solemnly called, did not appear. The tenements were therefore awarded to Richard.
Date: At Durham, per manum Richard of Barnard Castle, the bishop's clerk.
Seal: Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.9   12 April 1359 and Cons. 14.
Language:   Latin
Appropriation (in the form of an indenture) by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the church of Bolam to the Abbot and Convent of Blanchland. The bishop recites that a petition from the A. & C., who already hold the advowson of the church, asks for the appropriation on the grounds that the abbey stands in a district which lost many inhabitants to other parts of the country during a recent plague and that the abbey's income has been sadly reduced by hostile invasions. Having therefore consulted the prior and convent of Durham, the rector of Bolam and all others concerned, Hatfield makes the appropriation as follows: there is to be a suitable portion for a perpetual vicar, who is to be instituted by the Bishop of Durham, and out of this portion the vicar is to be able to support himself, to pay his share of episcopal rights and to provide hospitality for travellers. The A. & C. of Blanchland may take possession of the church when the rector resigns or dies. The vicar is to be a canon of Blanchland or a suitable secular clerk, and he is to have the cure of souls and be responsible in spiritual matters to the Bishop of Durham. The vicar is to have sufficient accommodation in the rectorial manse for himself and his household; this accommodation is to be chosen by an honest man on the appointment of the first vicar, and it is to be constructed at the expense of the A. & C. The vicar is also to have the tithe of hay of the whole parish, the tithes of wool, lambs, dairies, mills and fisheries, and mortuaries, obventions and oblations, with the altarage of the church and all lesser tithes belonging to the church or its rector. The vicar is also to have the glebe of the church and the cottages, houses and rents belonging to the church in the vill of Bolam. The A. & C. of Blanchland are to pay the vicar a pension of 2 marks of silver p.a. The A. & C. are to have the tithe of corn of the whole parish, the manse of the rectory (except the buildings assigned to the vicar), and any church income not already specified, and they are to see to the repair of the chancel and be responsible for the church's books, vestments and ornaments. All other burdens of the church are to be shared, the A. & C. bearing two thirds and the vicar one third. The A. & C. are to pay annual pensions of 13/4 to the Bishop of Durham and 6/8 to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: At his manor of Stockton.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.10   January 1349/50
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the church of Kirkwhelpington to the Abbot and Convent of Newminster. The bishop recites that a petition from the A. & C., who already hold the advowson of the church, asks for its appropriation on the grounds that their house has suffered dreadfully from fire, invasion and plague, and that they cannot maintain themselves or rebuild their house or support its burdens. Having therefore consulted everyone interested, including the prior and convent of Durham, Hatfield makes the appropriation on the following terms: the A. & C. may take possession of the church when the rector resigns or dies. There is to be a perpetual vicar, presented by Bishop of Durham, with cure of souls, and he is to have one third of the site of the rector's manse, together with a house which is to be decided upon, on the appointment of the first vicar, by an honest man and is to be built at the A. & C.'s expense. The vicar is to have the church's endowment and glebe, except 18 acres of it, and the tithe of hay, the tithes of wool, lambs, dairies, mills and fisheries, and mortuaries, obventions and oblations, with the altarage of the church, whatever is due to the church from the lesser tithes, the right to build a watermill on the land of the church's endowment, and all other emoluments formerly enjoyed by the rector, except the tithe of corn and the 18 acres mentioned earlier, which are to belong to the A. & C. The A. & C. are to repair the chancel when necessary and, on the appointment of the first vicar, to provide the church with books and ornaments, the care and replacement of which will then be the duty of the vicar. The vicar is to bear all the ordinary burdens of the church and one third of the extraordinary ones: the A. & C. are to bear the remaining two thirds of the extraordinary burdens. The A. & C. are to pay to the prior and convent of Durham an annual pension of 220/-, a third of which is to be paid to the A. & C. by the vicar of Kirkwhelpington.
At his manor of Auckland, 27 January 1349/50 and Cons. 5..
Confirmed by prior and convent of Durham:, 28 January 1349/50.
Confirmed by A. & C. of Newminster:
Date: In chapter at Newminster, 29 January 1349/50..
Seal: I of Bishop Hatfield. G. & B. 3136.
II of Priory of Durham. G. & B. 3427, with secretum.
III of Abbey of Newminster. G. & B. 3525.
All attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Hodgson, Hist. of Northumberland, part III vol. II, pp.78-82.
DCD 2.3.Pont.11a   Wednesday after Purification of B.C.M. [7 February] 1346/7 and Cons. 2
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of an ordination by John Fossor, Prior, and the Convent of Durham of the perpetual vicarage of Merrington. The ordination is made because of a dispute, caused by the lack of any formal agreement about the vicar's portion, between the prior and convent of Durham, who have had the church of Merrington appropriated to them, and Ds. Richard de Fenrother, vicar of Merrington, about the tithe of coal from the mine of Wm. de Hette. The bishop recites the ordination, which assigns to the vicar, inter alia, the tithes of calves, lambs, dairies, chickens, piglets, hay, the mills of the two Chiltons and half the tithe of the coal from Wm. de Hette's mine, together with all the herbage from the churchyard. No income is to come to the vicar from those parts of the parish, including the church or chapel of Whitworth, which belong to the Priory of Durham. The vicar is to bear all the church's burdens, both ordinary and extraordinary. The ordination is dated at Durham, in chapter, 13 January 1343/4.
Date: In Durham Cathedral.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Surtees, Hist. of Durham vol. III, p.396.
Copied: Cart. II f. 227r-v.
DCD 2.3.Pont.11b
Confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 2.3.Pont.11a, with same seal attached in same way.
DCD 2.3.Pont.12   11 June 1380 and Cons. 35.
Language:   Latin
New ordination by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the perpetual vicarage of the church of Norham, which is appropriated to the prior and convent of Durham. The bishop relates that having received a complaint from Master Nicholas of Haswell, perpetual vicar of Norham, that his portion was inadequate, he ordered the prior and convent, in the person of John de Beryngton, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and convent, claimed that the vicar's portion was adequate, and Nicholas of Haswell appeared in person and denied this. The bishop has considered all the evidence, and judges that a portion defined in terms of money offers greater security against reductions. He therefore annuls the first ordination of the vicarage and ordains as follows: the vicar is to have a manse next to the churchyard (viz. the one how held by Nicholas), all the herbage of the churchyard and £20 of silver p.a. from the prior and convent of Durham. The vicar is to have the cure of souls and to celebrate services as is appropriate, either in person or through a suitable chaplain. The vicar is to provide the bread, wine, wax, oil, incense, etc. for the church, as well as its ornaments and vestments, and is to pay archidiaconal and synodal dues. The prior and convent are to bear the other ordinary burdens of the church, and are to find a chaplain for the chapel of Cornhill-on-Tweed.
Date: At his manor at Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Extracted: J. Raine, The History and Antiquities of North Durham (1852), p.278n.
DCD 2.3.Pont.13   20 April Pont.23. [1368].
Language:   Latin
Grant by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to Richard of Barnard Castle and his heirs of free warren in Richard's demesne lands of Rilley [Relley] near Durham, provided that such lands are not within the bounds of the bishop's forest. No one is to enter Richard's lands to hunt without his permission, on penalty of a fine of £10.
Date: At Durham, per manum John de Kingston, bishop's clerk.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.14   1 November Pont.36. [1380].
Language:   Latin
Licence granted by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham after an inquisitio ad quod damnum revealing that there are no objections to such transactions, to the following:
(i) to the prior and convent of Durham to acquire the manor of Henknowl from Wm. de Graystanes, chaplain, John de Lethom, chaplain, and John de Bamburgh, clerk, and to Wm., John and John to transfer the manor to the prior and convent;
(ii) to the prior and convent of Durham, having got seisin of the manor of Henknowl; to grant it to John de Belasis and his heirs, in exchange for 7 messuages, 28 acres of land and 8 acres of meadow in Wolviston, and to John de Belasis to take part in this exchange.
The Statute of Mortmain is not to obstruct these transactions.
Date: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.15   7 September 1378 and Cons. 34.
Language:   Latin
Grant by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the Prior and Chapter of Durham, for a period of 80 years, of the annual pensions due to him from the churches of Simonburn (40/-), Longbenton (20/-) and Ovingham (20/-). The pensions are to be used for the improvement and maintenance of the bishop's chantry in Durham Cathedral, and if any of them are not paid the prior and convent may sequestrate the fruits of the church or churches concerned.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Duplicate: DCD Loc.X:45.
Inspeximus by Bishop [Fordham] in DCD Loc.X:41 (where it is dated 2 September).
DCD 2.3.Pont.16   6 September Cons. 34 [1378].
Language:   Latin
Appropriation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the church of Ovingham to the prior and convent of Hexham. The bishop recites that a petition from Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, claims that the possessions and revenues of the Priory of Hexham have been so diminished by invasion, war and plague that the prior and convent can no longer support either themselves or the burden of hospitality; the earl therefore asks that the prior and convent, who already as a result of his gift hold the advowson of the church of Ovingham, may have the church appropriated to them. The petition adds that the income of the church of Ovingham is so large that it could not only end the financial troubles of the prior and convent and provide for a vicar but also support other clerks, and the petition therefore asks the bishop to order that there should be 3 extra canons of Hexham to celebrate masses at Ovingham. The petition has been presented to the bishop by Wm. de Bolton, sub-prior of Hexham and proctor of the prior and convent of Hexham, whose mandate to Bolton and to Master Wm. Alman, clerk, dated in chapter 27 August 1378, is recited.
The terms of the appropriation are as follows: there is to be a suitable portion for a perpetual vicar, who is to be presented to the Bishop of Durham by the prior and convent of Hexham. There are to be 3 canons of Hexham, in addition to the usual number of canons, celebrating masses at Ovingham for the souls of King Richard [II], Gilbert de Umfraville, earl of Angus, and Henry de Percy. The Prior of Hexham is to provide for the food, clothing and lodging of these 3 canons, and provided that he sends a replacement he may recall any of these canons to Hexham. The bishop specifies what is to be done if invasion reduces the income of the church of Ovingham. If the Prior of Hexham neglects his duty to the church of Ovingham he is to pay specified fines to the Chapter of Durham and the Bishop of Durham. Annual pensions of 20/- to the Bishop of Durham and of 10/- to the P. & Chapter of Durham are to be paid. The prior and convent of Hexham may take possession of the church of Ovingham on the resignation or death of the rector.
Notary: Wm. de Bowland, clerk of the diocese of York, with Master Wm. de Farnham, Bishop Hatfield's official, Master Thomas de Greteham, rector of Ryton, Ds. John Attelle, rector of Smerden [Smarden], diocese of Canterbury, and Ds. Wm. de Brantingham, vicar of Kellor, and many others.
Date: At his manor at Auckland.
Seal: of Priory of Hexham (though Hatfield speaks of using his seal). G. & B. 3492. Attached by silk cord through foot of document.
Copied: Reg. Hat. ff 148v-149v.
DCD 2.3.Pont.17   27 December Pont.24. [1368].
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham guaranteeing that neither Wm. de Menevill (to whom Hatfield has recently given custody of all the lands and tenements in Esh, Skirningham and Barmpton formerly held in chief by Wm. de Esh and then falling into the bishop's hands owing to the minority of Thomas, son and heir of Wm.) nor his heirs shall be blamed by the bishop or his successors for any deficiencies in the said lands and tenements.
Date: At Durham, per manum John de Kyngeston, bishop's clerk.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Pont.Loose seal
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138.
DCD 3.3.Pont.1   11 April Pont.31. [1437].
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham of an indenture (in French), between himself and Sir Robert Ogle, by which, the bishop having leased to Sir Robert for 20 years the offices of constable of Norham and steward, sheriff and escheator of Norhamshire and Islandshire, Sir Robert is required and undertakes to safeguard Norham castle; to enable him to carry the burdens of his offices he is to have the accustomed revenues from the offices. He is to carry out all the duties of the offices, to safeguard the bishop's possessions and liberties, and to see that the bishop's dues, both from his courts and from other sources of revenue, are paid to his receiver.
In time of war Sir Robert is to pay all the costs of safeguarding the castle, receiving from the bishop only 300 marks p.a. for this purpose. The bishop is to have a third of whatever Sir Robert himself wins from the enemy and a ninth of whatever the men of Norham castle so win. If the bishop, at his own expense, reinforces the garrison of the castle, then he (the bishop) is to have a third of whatever the men comprising such reinforcement may win from the enemy. In the absence of the bishop any reinforcements stationed by him in Norham castle are to obey Sir Robert. Sir Robert is to see that the castle is properly maintained and supplied. If the bishop requires Sir Robert and his men to accompany him for service outside the royal franchise of Durham then he shall pay Sir Robert an amount to be agreed on at the time.
Sir Robert is to maintain all the buildings within the castle that are customarily maintained by the constable, and is to leave them at the end of his term of office in as good condition as he found them in,
Sir Robert binds himself in the sum of £1,000 to do all this, and the following friends of his bind themselved in the sum of £200 each: Sir John Bertram, Sir John Manners, Sir Robert Harbottle, John de Fenwick, Esq., Robert Manners, Esq., Thos. Ildreton, Esq., Robert Rayners, Esq., Thos. de Haggeston, Esq., and Wm. Muschamps, Esq.
The indenture is dated 23 August 14 Henry VI [1436].
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chauncellor, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3149. Attached by long parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition from 7 February 1972 to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.3.Pont.2   29 September [1431]
Language:   Latin
Transcript, inspected and sealed by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham, of the following three grants:
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor, 29 September Pont.26.
Grant by Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to Walter de Rothbury of 34 acres of waste (the limits of the area are specified) in the bishop's moor of Quarrington, in return for an annual rent of 8/6.
Witnesses: Sir Ranulf de Nevill, Sir Robert de Hylton, Sir John Marmaduke, Sir Robert de Lumley, Sir Guichard de Charron, Sir Walter de Wessington, Sir Philip de la Ley, Peter de Hardwick, Richard de Hette, Walter de Lutterington, Peter de Tudhoe, and others.
Date: At Durham, 6 Id. January 1299/1300, Cons.16.
Grant by Ds. Richard de Rothbury, son of Walter de Rothbury, to John de Deanham of all the lands and tenements in the moor of Quarrington that were given to Walter de Rothbury by bishop Antony [Bek], to be held of the Bishop of Durham in return for the usual services.
Witnesses: Walter de Ludworth, Roger de Esh, Simon de Esh, Bernard de Thrislington, Wm. de Hette, and others.
Grant (in the form of an indenture) by John de Deanham to Ds. Richard de Rothbury of the manor of Croxdale and of all lands and tenements that John holds in the moor of Quarrington as a result of a grant by Richard. Richard is to pay an annual rent of one rose and to perform all services owed to the bishop for the land.
Witnesses: Walter de Ludworth, Roger de Esh, Simon de Esh, Bernard de Thrislington, Wm. de Hette, and others.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3149. Attached by very long parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: Grant I: at 4.13.Spec.16 and quoted at 1.14.Spec.27.
DCD 3.3.Pont.3   26 October Pont.11. [1416].
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham putting Sir Ralph de Eure, his steward at Durham, Wm. Chaunceller, his chancellor, and Wm. Claxton, sheriff of Durham, in possession of ⅔ of ½ of the Tyne Bridge at Gateshead, viz. the sourthernmost third of the bridge. The Mayor and Corporation of Newcastle-on-Tyne have recently re-built a tower on that part of the bridge, and the king's court has ordered that the sheriff of Westmorland, instructed by a royal writ, restore that part of the bridge to the bishop.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor.
Endorsements: inter alia, a list of names, with a note that the people listed saw seisin of the bridge given to the bishop on 28 January 4 Henry V [1417]. The list reads:
Knights from the bishopric of Durham: Sir John Lumely, Sir Ralph de Eure, Sir Robert Hylton, Sir Wm. Fulthorp, Sir Wm. Tempest, Sir Thomas Surtees, Sir Robert Conyers, Sir Wm. Claxton, sheriff of Durham, Sir John Colvil, Sir Wm. de Lumley, Sir Thos. Lambert, Sir Wm. Eure.
Knights from Northumberland: Sir Robert de Ogle, Sir John Bertram, Sir John Widdington, Sir John Middleton.
From Westmorland: Sir Christopher Moresby, Sir Wm. Osmonderlawe.
Esquires: Robert Hylton, Wm. Bowes, Robert Eure, John Conyers, Wm. Lambton, senior, Wm. Lambton, junior, Hugh Burnyghill [Burnigill], John de Mordon, Wm. Billingham, John Birtley, Robert Belasis, Henry Tailboys, Thomas Tailboys, John de Hoton, Wm. Hoton, Thomas Coke de Fishburn, John Gildford, John Ravensworth, Robert Jackson, John Hedworth, John Gentill and many others.
Seal: missing. Was attached to broad strip cut from foot of document. Was a tie tag below seal tag.
Copied: Cart. III f. 283r (witness list abbreviated and its order slightly altered).
Printed: (from Cart. III, with the witness list abbreviated and its order not quite as in the original letters) HDST, app. no. CLXXXII.
DCD 3.3.Pont.4   20 February Pont.23 [1429].
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham of a record of a case heard in the court of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham by his justices of assize and pleas, Nicholas Gategang, Robert de Brompton, [Sir] Wm. de Deanham and Richard de Stanlawe, on Monday the morrow of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross [15 September] Pont.3. of Louis Beaumont [1320], when Wm. de Chilton claimed that Geoffrey [Burdon], Prior of Durham, and 27 other (named) persons had unjustly disseised him of the right of common pasture belonging to his free tenement in the Old Borough of Durham. The Prior, and Wm. de Newbiggin on behalf of the other defendants, said that Wm. de Chilton's tenement was held by burgage-tenure and so did not carry with it any right of common pasture. Wm. de Chilton claimed to have been seised of such a right, and said that from time immemorial the holders of his tenement had had this right. The record does not include a judgement.
cf. 2.6.Spec.48. Also exemplified is a record of a case heard in the court of Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham by his justices, Thos. of Hepscot and his colleagues, on Tuesday the morrow of St. James [Tuesday 26 July] Pont.1. of Richard [of Bury 1334], when Alice othe Slade claimed that Wm. [of Couton], Prior of Durham, and John Turner had unjustly disseised her of the right of common pasture belonging to her free tenement in the Old Borough of Durham. The Prior made the same claim as that made by Prior Burdon (see above), and to this Alice replied in the same way as Wm. de Chilton (see above). Again, no judgement is recorded.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3149. Attached by very long parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition from 7 February 1972 to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.3.Pont.5   20 January Pont.23. [1429].
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham of a record of a case heard in the court of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham by his justices of assize and pleas, John Mowbray and his colleagues, on the Monday after St. Matthew [23 September] Pont.15 of Thos. Hatfield [1359], when John Potter claimed that John [Fosser], Prior of Durham, and five other named persons had unjustly disseised him of the right of common pasture belonging to his free tenement in the Old Borough of Durham. For the Prior it was claimed that John Potter had never been seised of this right. Judgement was given against John Potter.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3149. Attached by long parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.3.Pont.6   [later 14th century ?]
Language:   Latin
Copies of the following two documents:
Copy of mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to [Thomas Gray] sheriff of Norham. The monks of Farne Island have complained to the bishop that since 1345 they have ceased to receive the annual half-chaldron of wheat granted to them from the manor of Fenwick by Philip [of Poitou] Bishop of Durham [See 4.2.Pont.7]. The sheriff is to hold an enquiry and return the bishop's mandate together with the findings of the enquiry.
Dated: At Durham, per manus John, bishop's clerk, 11 February Pont.2. [1347].
Copy of the findings of the enquiry made on oath of 12 (named) men; the monks ought to receive the half-chaldron of wheat, and they did in fact receive it until the consecration of Bishop Hatfield, when the bishop's servants at Norham stopped the payment as the bishop and his council were unsure of the validity of the grant.
Dated: At Norham, Thursday before St. John the Baptist [21 June or 23 August] 1347.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 3.3.Pont.7   13 June Pont.8. [1414].
Language:   Latin
Ordination by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham of a chantry in honour of the B.V.M. and St. Cuthbert in Durham Cathedral. Langley grants permission to John Newton, clerk, and John Thoralby, clerk, to found such a chantry [to be at the altar of the B.V.M. until another altar is provided] for the souls of Kings Henry IV and V, John of Gaunt, Walter Skirlaw and Langley himself and his parents. The chantry is to be permanent, and its 2 clerks are to be a corporate body capably of acquiring and hold property and of fighting legal cases involving the chantry. When the chantry is established John Newton and John Thoralby may assign to its chaplains an annual rent of 6 marks from 1 messuage, 6 tofts and 6 bovates of land in Hardwick, recently the property of Roger, son of Alan Fulthorp, 2 tofts and 2 bovates, also in Hardwick, recently the property of Wm., son of John, 1 messuage and 60 acres of land in Ryton, recently the property of Wm., son of Thos. Gategang, 46 acres of land in Boldon, called Faderlesfeld, and 1 toft and 60 acres in Whitburn, recently the property of Stephen Whitgray and Thomas Potter, 1 messuage and 4 bovates of land, as well as two pennyworth of rent, in Cassop, recently the property of Thos. Clerk of Elvet, and 1 toft in the Bailey of Durham, near the north gate in Owengate. The Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chanceller, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: cut off, together with the parchment strip (or whatever) by which it was attached through the folded foot of document.
Calendared: (with no reference to where the document is) VCH Durham, vol. I p.371.
Digitised material for 3.3.Pont.7
DCD 3.3.Pont.8   21 February 1416 [1417] and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Licence of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the Prior of Durham to exhume the bodies of Ralph, Lord of Nevill, and Alesia, his wife, from their graves in the nave of Durham Cathedral and to re-bury them wherever he chooses (an endorsement says before an altar, altered to near an altar, in the south side of the nave) in the cathedral.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3148. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. There was a tie tag below.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CLXXXI.
DCD 3.3.Pont.9   No date. [1437-46].
Language:   Latin
Copy of a tripartite indenture issued by John [Wessington], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham. The prior and convent note that John Newton and John Thoralby, clerks, have set up a chantry (in honour of the B.V.M. and St. Cuthbert) at the altar of the B.V.M. in Durham Cathedral (this being intended as a temporary arrangement until another altar is provided) and have instituted 2 chaplains, Master Wm. Browne and Ds. John Clayton, in the chantry. These acts were recorded in letters issed by Newton and Thoralby on 14 June 1414, and neither in these letters nor in Bishop Thomas [Langley's] spiritual and temporal licences for the establishment of the chantry was any mention made of the agreement of the prior and convent The prior and convent say that their agreement is necessary for the foundation, and as they approve the education purposes of the founders they confirm the establishment of the chantry and grant that its chaplains may celebrate masses at the principal altar of the B.V.M. in the Galilee, provided that: the chaplains must time their masses so that they do not conflict with the monks' daily Lady Mass; the chaplains may not enter the Galilee except during the hours when the doors are customarily open; the chaplains must educate not only the scholars provided for in the foundation of their chantry but also 30 people to be maintained in the almonry of the cathedral, from whom no fees are to be taken; the chaplain who teaches singing is to be present at specified services on feast days; and neither chaplain may bring any action against the prior and convent
The 3 parts of the indenture are to remain with (i) the prior and convent, (ii) Bishop Langley's executors, and after their death the Bishop of Durham, (iii) the chaplains of the chantry.
Paper roll
Seal: No seal.
Copied: Cart. III ff. 286v-287v.
Calendared: VCH Durham, vol. I, p, 373; Charity Commissioners' Returns on Endowed Charities in Co. Durham, vol. I, p.302.
DCD 3.3.Pont.10   May 31 of 33 Henry VIII [1541].
Language:   Latin
Grant by Cuthbert [Tunstall] Bishop of Durham to Hugh [Whitehead], Dean, and the Chapter of Durham of the Langley Chantry, with the right of presenting its 2 chaplains, one of whom teaches grammar and the other singing.
Witness: Robert Lyndmer, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Tunstall's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3170. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document, with sign manual written across top end of strip and part of foot of document.
Outsize (display portfolio)
Digitised material for 3.3.Pont.10
DCD 3.3.Pont.11   10 August 1437.
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham and John Wessington, Prior, and the Chapter of Durham, by which the bishop, having in his will given to the prior and convent certain (specified) books, is allowed to keep all or any of the books himself, it being understood that they are nevertheless the property of the prior and convent
Date: At Durham
Seal: Bishop Langley's privy seal. G. & B. 3150. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Seal noticed to be fractured 28 June 2017.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition from 7 February 1972 to 24 October 2011.
Too fragile to be produced.
Digitised material for 3.3.Pont.11
DCD 3.3.Pont.Loose seal
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3149.
DCD 4.3.Pont.1a   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1258]
Language:   Latin
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to B[ertram of Middleton] prior, and the convent of Durham, of free warren in the whole of their wood of Milneside and in their parks of Aycliffe, Ferryhill, Rainton and Heworth. Anyone entering the said wood or parks to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of £10.
Witnesses: Dom William of Middleton bishop's steward, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, William Basset, Eudo de Punchardun, Richard de Yeland, knights; Adam of Bradley, William de Levingthorp, John of Bradley, William Pollard, William of Shildon, Thomas of Fishburn, William of Huddleston clerk, and others.
Seal: G. & B. 3122, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD 4.3.Pont.1b.
Copied: (without witness-list or date) 3.13.Pont.2.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.52-53.
DCD 4.3.Pont.1b
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 4.3.Pont.1a., with same witnesses and same seal (though in wax of a different colour), but in a different hand.
DCD 4.3.Pont.2
Noted as missing by Greenwell (Repertorium Magnum)
Copied: DCD Cart.I f.92v.
DCD 4.3.Pont.3   [3 October] 1278
Language:   Latin
Grant by Richard [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to R[ichard of Claxton], prior and the convent of Durham of free warren in all their lands and pastures in Billingham and Billinghamshire and in all their lands belonging to the manor of Old Elvet, which is assigned to the hostiller of Durham. Excepted from the grant are a wood extending along the south bank of the Wear from Shincliffe to Tursdale, and any lands within the bounds of the bishop's forest. Anyone entering the lands specified in the grant to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of £10.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charrun then steward of Durham, John son of Marmaduke, Roger of Lumley and William of Layton knights, Masters Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel, Peter de Thoresby, Thomas of Levisham.
Date: at Darlington, 5 Non. October 1278.
Seal: G&B No. 3124, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.188.
DCD 4.3.Pont.4   [14 November] 1291
Language:   Latin
Grant by Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to Richard [de Hoton], prior, and the convent of Durham, of free warren in all their lands belonging to their manors of Westoe and Wardley. Anyone entering these lands to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of £10.
Witnesses: Sir Ranulf de Nevill, Sir Gilbert Hansard, Sir John, son of Marmaduke, knights, and Masters William. de St. Botolph, then bishop's steward, Peter of Thoresby, Thomas of Levisham, Adam of Driffield and others.
Date: Nassington, Wednesday after St. Martin in Winter 1291.
Seal: G. & B. 3125, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: DCD Cart. I f.93r.
Printed in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.30.
DCD 4.3.Pont.5a   17 December 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Grant by Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of free warren in all their demesne lands in 24 named vills (summarised in an endorsement as "all their demesne lands between Tyne and Tees"), provided that such lands are not within the bounds of the bishop's forest. Anyone entering these lands to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of £10.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Clifford, Sir Ralph, son of Wm., Sir Robert de Hylton, Sir Richard Marmaduke, Sir Walter de Wessington, Sir Thomas de Whitworth, knights, Master John de Insula, Ds. Adam de Middleton, Thos. de Fishburn and others.
Date: At Middleham.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip (which bears the words "nostri primo", as if from a draft of the document) through foot of document.
DCD 4.3.Pont.5b   17 December 1311
Language:   Latin
Grant by Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 4.3.Pont.5a., but with Heugh missisng from the list of vills and Segyrstaynhowh [Sacriston Heugh] in its place. Same witnesses and date.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.3.Pont.6
This reference has never been used - the entry in Repertorium Magnum is a blank entry.
DCD 4.3.Pont.7   11 January 1331/2
Language:   Latin
Letters of Sir Thomas Surtees reciting an inspeximus-confirmation by Wm. [of Couton], Prior, and the Convent of Durham of a grant to Surtees and his heirs by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of free warren in all Surtees' demesne lands in Felling, provided that such lands are not within the bounds of the bishop's forest. The grant is dated at the bishop's manor of Allerton, 28 December 1331 and Cons. 14. The confirmation is dated at Durham in chapter, 10 January 1331/2.
Surtees goes on to grant that whenever the prior or any of his successors is in Felling he may hunt on Surtees' land.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 2346. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with tie tag below.
DCD 4.3.Pont.8a   5 January 1363/4.
Language:   Latin
Indenture issued by Wm. de Swinhoe, granting that, since he has had the right of free warren in all his demesne lands in Scremerston granted to him by Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] and confirmed by the prior and convent of Durham, the prior or any of the monks of Durham, or their servants or members of their households, may enter Wm.'s lands to hunt any animal covered by the right of free warren.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip (still present) through foot of document.
DCD 4.3.Pont.8b
Language:   Latin
The companion indenture to 4.3.Pont.8a.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.3.Pont.9   24 December 1368.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Sir Robert Unfravill granting that, since he has had the right of free warrent in all his demesne lands in Farnacres granted to him by Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] and confirmed by the prior and convent of Durham, the prior or monks of Durham, or their servants or members of their household, may enter Sir Robert's lands to hunt any animal covered by the right of warrent.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 2508. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with tie tag below.
DCD 4.3.Pont.10   1 June 1347.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Robert de Bowes granting that, since he has had the right of warren in all his demesne lands in Stanton, Streatham, Hylton, Berford super moram [?Barford] and Willington granted to him by Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] and confirmed by the prior and convent of Durham, the prior or monks of Durham, or their servants or members of their household, may enter Robert's land to hunt any animal covered by right of warren.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 330. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. A tie tage was below seal tag.
DCD 4.3.Pont.11   8 August 1332
Language:   Latin
Letters of Hugh Burdon reciting an inspeximus-confirmation by Wm. [of Couton], Prior, and the Convent of Durham of a grant to Burdon and his heirs by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of free warren in all his (Burdon's) demesne lands in Wallays [?Wooley Hill], West Brandon, Ivesley, Seggestrother and West Grimdon, provided that such lands are not within the bishop's forest. The grant is dated at the bishop's manor of Auckland, 29 July 1328 and Cons. 11, and witnessed by Sir Ralph de Nevill, Sir John de Conyers, Sir Jordan de Dalden and Sir Wm. de Kilkenny, knights, and John de Birtley, Roger de Fulthorp, Henry de Langton and others. The confirmation is dated at Durham in chapter 7 August 1332.
Burdon goes on to grant to the prior and convent the same hunting rights in his lands as they had before Bishop Beaumont's grant.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: apparently cut off, together with the strip by which it was attached.
Copied: Cart. I, ff. 94v-95?.
DCD 4.3.Pont.12a   15 June 1343.
Language:   Latin
Letters of John de Carew granting that, since he has had the right of free warren in all his demesne lands of Seaton Carew granted to him by Bishop Richard [of Bury] and confirmed by the prior and convent of Durham, the prior or monks of Durham, or their servants or members of their household, may enter John's lands to hunt any animal covered by the right of warren.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 538. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with tie tag below.
DCD 4.3.Pont.12b
Letters of John de Carew: another copy of 4.3.Pont.12a., with same seal attached in same way (though in wax of a different colour), but in a different hand.
DCD 4.3.Pont.13   8 September 1378.
Language:   Latin
Indenture issued by Sir John Conyers granting that, since he has had the right of free warren in all his demesne lands in Sockburn-on-Tees, Bishopton, Harperley, Black Hall and Stanton granted to him by Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] and confirmed by the prior and convent of Durham, the prior or monks of Durham, or their servants or members of their household, may enter Sir John's lands to hunt any animal covered by the right of warren.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 682. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Box 4
DCD 1.4.Pont.1    No date.
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham on the other. See notes on 1.4.Pont.4 for the numbering and content of the clauses of the agreement; this document contains the following clauses in the following order: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Witnesses: as in 1.4.Pont.4, except that an ampersand before the name of John Fortis makes it clear that he is a "Magister" and that Valentine and Stephen de Burton are not.
Stitched to the dorse of this document is a small piece of parchment on which is a list of "notabilia" contained in the document.
Seal: 1. of Richard Poore. G. & B. 3120, with secretum.
2. of Durham Priory. G. & B. 3427, with secretum.
3. of Jocelin of Wells. G. & B. 3088, with secretum.
4. of Walter Mauclerc. G. & B. 3095, with secretum.
All as on 1.4.Pont.4.
All attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Printed: HDST, p. lxx.
Described, with a photograph: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.286 and pl.VIII.
DCD 1.4.Pont.2a   8 Kal. October [24 September] Pont.2. [1229].
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham on the other. See notes on 1.4.Pont.4 for the numbering and content of the clauses of the agreement; this document contains the following clauses in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.
Witnesses: Ralph [Kerneth], prior of Durham, Th[omas de Melsanby], prior of Coldingham, O. & R., monks of Durham, Ds. Robert de Laxington, Master Elias de Derham, John de Rumesey, bishop's seneschal, Sir Reginald de Caln', Stephen, the bishop's clerk.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: 1. of Richard Poore. G. & B. 3128 (ascribed to Bishop Kellawe).
2. of Prior of Durham. G. & B. 3427, with secretum.
Each attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy in a 1230 inspeximus: DCD Cart.I, f.11v-12v.
Described: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.284.
DCD 1.4.Pont.2b   Date as on 1.4.Pont.2a.
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and Chapter of Durham on the other. See notes on 1.4.Pont.4 for the numbering and content of the clauses of the agreement; this document contains the following clauses in the following order: 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Witnesses: as on 1.4.Pont.2a.
Seal: G. & B. 3128 and G. & B. 3427 with secretum (both as on 1.4.Pont.2a.), attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Described: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.285-286.
DCD 1.4.Pont.3   Date as on 1.4.Pont.2a.
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and Chapter of Durham on the other. See notes on 1.4.Pont.4 for the numbering and content of the clauses of the agreement; this document contains the following clauses in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Witnesses: as on 1.4.Pont.2a.
Seal: originally as on 1.4.Pont.2a. Now only G. & B. 3128 remains, attached by a parchment strip through foot of document. Another parchment strip is still present, but without its seal.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.73r-75r & 149r-152r; (latter part) Misc.Ch. 422, f.1v; BL MS Harley 5234 f.1r-2r; Bodleian Lib. MS Laud Misc 100 f.97r-99v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.277-283.
Digitised material for 1.4.Pont.3
DCD 1.4.Pont.4   No date. [1.2.Pont.3, which has a different witness-list but a text which, apart from one misplaced clause, is identical, is dated at Durham 8 Kal. October [24 September] Pont.2. [1229].]
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham on the other, intended to settle various differences between the Bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham, these differences dating from the episcopates of Hugh [du Puiset], Philip [of Poitou] and particularly of Richard Marsh. The terms of the agreement are as follows:
1. The monks of Durham are to have the right of free election of their prior. The election is to be examined and confirmed by the Bishop of Durham, and when the election has been confirmed the prior is to do canonical obedience to the bishop. The prior is to be, after the bishop, the first person in the bishopric, with the rank and position, but not the title, of an abbot.
2. The prior is to have an abbot's stall on the left side of the choir (but without the pastoral staff), and the right hand of the bishop, and full powers, with his chapter, of governing the priory in all its internal and external affairs, including real property and the fruits of appropriated churches. In unappropriated churches the prior is to have the right of free presentation; the prior is to have the right of removing and appointing monastic officials.
3. In the absence of the bishop, the prior, with the bishop's official and the archdeacons, may take action in synod on spiritual matters on behalf of the bishop.
4. Monks who have made profession in chapter in the presence of the prior are to repeat their profession at mass in the presence of the bishop, who will then solemnly bless them.
5. The prior is to be free from hospitality, episcopal aids and other burdens in all the churches appropriated to him and his monks up to the date of this agreement.
6. The rights and duties of the prior and monks in their lands and in churches appropriated to them, whether in the past or in the future, are to be as follows: the prior and convent are to have free disposition of their property so as to be able to increase their revenues; no one is to interfere with their temporal rights; the prior and convent are to present vicars for their appropriated churches to the Bishop of Durham, to whom, when instituted by him, the vicars will be responsible for the cure of souls.
7. The monks, by the authority of the bishop, are thrice a year solemnly to excommunicate those who within the bishopric of Durham knowingly disturb the rights, privileges or possessions of the bishop and of the church of Durham.
8. When the bishop, once or, if necessary, twice a year, visits the priory as ordinary, not as abbot, he is to correct faults with the agreement of the prior and convent The bishop is not to have procurations when making a visitation, as his residence is so close.
9. With regard to pleas of the crown: all attachments are to be made by the bishop's bailiff, by the view of the prior's bailiff; prisoners are to be kept in the bishop's prison until tried in the bishop's court or released on bail; the bishop's bailiff is to carry out sentences involving forfeiture, mutilation or death; if any free man from the prior's land or fee is convicted of felony and as a result forfeits his land then the bishop is to hold the forfeited land for a year and a day, and the bishop and prior are to share the issues of the land equally; after a year and a day the prior and convent are to have the land as their escheat; all fines and incomes from pleas of the crown and from all other pleas dealt with in the bishop's court but originating from the prior's land or fee are to be divided equally between the bishop and the prior; all the free men of the prior's land or fee, as well as the reeve and four other men from each vill, are to come to the pleas of the justices; the bishop is to hold pleas of the justices as often in the bishopric as they are held in Yorkshire; if the bishop's men from Norhamshire come to plead before the justices at Durham then the prior's men from Norhamshire are to do the same, and if the bishop's men from Norhamshire plead before the justices at Norham then the prior's men from Norhamshire are to do the same; all amercements etc. of the prior's tenants are to be divided equally between the bishop and the prior, but if anyone becomes an approver in the prior's court and appeals his associates then he is to be handed over to the bishop's bailiffs; but if anyone becomes an approver in the bishop's court and appeals any of the prior's tenants then the matter is to be settled in the bishop's court, although any resultant income is to be shared between the bishop and the prior; any tenant of the prior who is in mercy in the bishop's court is to be amerced, in the presence of the bishop's bailiffs, on the oaths of two free tenants of the bishop and two free tenants of the prior.
10. Wreck of the sea found on the prior's land or fee is to be shared equally by the prior and the bishop, but all customs on the Tees, saving the ferry at Billingham belonging to the prior and monks, are to belong to the bishop.
11. The prior is to have his own free court, with all rights and appurtenances, except pleas of the crown and pleas of land moved by the writ of the bishop or, sede vacante, by the writ of the king, saving to the prior and his men the writ of right. Any tenant of the prior who is attached by the bishop's bailiffs for anything appertaining to the prior's court may be claimed by the prior or the prior's bailiff. Any thief caught on the prior's land and convicted in the prior's court may be executed by the prior's bailiffs on the bishop's gallows; similarly, when they have need, the prior's bailiffs may use the bishop's pillory and tumbril. Customs of brewing and false measures concerning the prior's men in Elvet and the Old Borough of Durham are to continue to belong to the monks, but any of their men found in the bishop's borough with false measures are to be dealt with by the bishop's bailiffs, any resultant fines being shared by the bishop and the prior. The prior's men in Elvet and the Old Borough are to use the same weights and measures as the bishop's men in the bishop's borough.
12. The rights of presentation to the churches of Howden, Welton, Brantingham, Walkington and Kirkby Sigston are to continue to belong to the monks.
13. The custody and sequestration of vacant churches, in the gift of the monks and in the bishopric of Durham are to remain with the bishop.
14. The monks are to have the chapels of Cornhill-on-Tweed and Ancroft to their own use.
15. The monks are to continue to possess the church of Dalton, which is assigned to their chamberlain, as laid down in Bishop Richard Marsh's appropriation [2.2.Pont.5]; they must continue to provide a perpetual vicar.
16. The monks are to have free watercourse ( aquae ductum ) through the bishop's lands.
17. The bishop is to retain the woods of Brakenholm and Woodhall, while the monks retain their wood of Hemingbrough.
18. The bishop's forest is reserved to himself, the prior and monks being forbidden to take firewood or timber from it without his permission or that of his bailiffs.
19. Landieu is confirmed to the sacrist of the priory, just as Brother Ranulf held it as a gift from Bishop Hugh [du Puiset].
20. The prior and monks are to have the wood of Heworth, the bounds of which are specified.
21. Yearhaugh and Satley are to remain in the control of the bishop, on condition that he shall provide in what form the endowment shall continue.
22. The vill of Rowley, except its chapel (reserved to the mother church of Muggleswick) is to be retained by the bishop.
Witnesses: Jocelin [of Wells], Bishop of Bath [and Glastonbury]; Walter [Mauclerc], Bishop of Carlisle; Master William, archdeacon of Carlisle; Ds. Robert de Lexinton ; Master Elias de Derham ; Master William de Kilkenny ; Master Robert de Ambianis ; Master John Fortis ; Valentine, clerk ; Stephen de Burton, clerk ; Master William de Haya .
Seal: 1. of Richard Poore. G. & B. 3120, with secretum.
2. of Durham Priory. G. & B. 3427, with secretum.
3. of Jocelin of Wells. G. & B. 3088, with secretum.
4. of Walter Mauclerc. G. & B. 3095, with secretum.
All attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Copy: TNA Durh 8/77/5.
Confirmed: by Archbishop Gray in 2.4.Pont.7.
Printed: FPD, pp. 212-217; (witnesses only) English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.283-284.
For other documents related to 'Le Convenit', see:
1.4.Pont.1, 2a, 2b, 3
2.4.Pont.1, 2, 4, 9
1.5.Pont.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18
2.5.Pont.5, 6, 7
1.7.Pont.2, 12
2.8.Pont.11, 12

Digitised material for 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 2.4.Pont.1    No date.
Language:   Latin
“Le Convenit” - an agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham on the one hand and Ralph [Kerneth], Prior, and the Chapter of Durham on the other.
See notes on 1.4.Pont.4 for the numbering and content of the clauses of the agreement; this document contains the following clauses in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7.
Witnesses: as on 1.4.Pont.4., with "et aliis" at the end of the list.
Seal: as on 1.4.Pont.4., all attached by cords through foot of document.
Described: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.285.
DCD 2.4.Pont.2   25 December 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Indenture between Richard [Kellow] Bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham. The bishop relates that as a result of obscurities in the agreement between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham (viz. “Le Convenit” - see 1.4.Pont.4) difficulties have arisen between his servants and those of the prior and convent He therefore orders as follows: whenever one of the prior's men or tenants is taken while on the bishop's land or fee and imprisoned (except if he is appealed in the bishop's court), then the prior and convent may decide that matter in their own court; and if any of the bishop's men or tenants are taken on the prior and convent's land or fee, then the prior and convent are not to interfere in the matter; if one of the prior's men is in mercy in the bishop's court and is fined on the oaths of two free men from the bishop's land and two from the prior's, then the fine is to be shared between the bishop and the prior; for this purpose the accounting is to be done annually by the bishop's sheriff, in the presence of a representative of the prior and convent if the prior and convent so wish.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by plaited cords through foot of document.
Exemplified: 2.4.Pont.4.
Copied: 1.5.Pont.3.
Printed: (from Cart. Vet. ff 152v-153r, and ascribed to Bishop Bury) Richard d'Aungerville of Bury (SS 119) pp. 215-6.
DCD 2.4.Pont.3
Noted as missing by Greenwell (Repertorium Magnum)
See: Cart. I. fos 75v-76r.
DCD 2.4.Pont.4   24 February Pont.36. [1381].
Language:   Latin
Exemplification by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, at the instance of the Prior of Durham, of an indenture [original is 2.4.Pont.2] between Richard [Kellow] Bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham intended to clarify certain obscurities in “Le Convenit” (1.4.Pont.4).
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.4.Pont.5a    No date.
Language:   Latin
Draft of letters of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, acknowledging that the prior and convent of Durham have protested to him about attempts made by himself and his officers against [the prior and convent's right to take] half of all amercements, fines and other incomes from [cases concerning] their tenants [tried in the bishop's court], and against [the prior and convent's right to] wardship of both heirs [to lands within the prior and convent's fee] who are minors and their lands and holdings within the prior and convent's fee. The bishop, having conferred with Richard Norton and John Conyers [cf. 2.4.Pont.6], [two of] his justices, and with others of his council, grants that during his time the prior and convent may have half the profits of justice levied upon tenants resident on their fee before the bishop's sheriff, escheator or any of his justices, and half the income from the lands of heirs of their fee as long as the heirs are minors; the bishop reserves to himself wardships and marriages of the heirs themselves if they hold of him by military service.
Seal: No seal.
Duplicate: 2.4.Pont.5b.
Copy: 1.5.Pont.9.
Different version: In 1.5.Pont.3.
DCD 2.4.Pont.5b    No date.
Language:   Latin
Another draft (or rather a fair copy) of letters of Bishop Walter [Skirlawe], as in 2.4.Pont.5a.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.4.Pont.5c    No date.
Language:   Latin
Copy or draft of the recommendations of Richard de Norton and John de Conyers, [justices to bishop Skirlawe], about [the prior and convent of Durham's right to] half-shares [of the profits of justices levied upon the prior and convent's tenants in the bishop's court, and of the income from the lands of heirs of the prior and convent's fee who are minors] and wardships [of heirs within the prior and convent's fee who are minors]. Norton and Conyers suggest that the prior and convent should have half [the profits of justice levied in the bishop's court] from tenants resident in their fee, and that the bishop should have wardship of heirs within the prior and convent's fee who are minors, and half the lands of such heirs, provided that they hold some land of the bishop by military service.
Seal: No seal.
Another copy: Contained in 1.5.Pont.3.
Another text: Reg III f. 180v; slightly different version of these recommendations.
DCD 2.4.Pont.6   23 April.
Language:   Latin
Copy or draft of letters of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham [to Richard Norton and John Conyers, two of his justices], relating that the Prior and Chapter of Durham have protested to him about [the injustice they are suffering in respect of] half-shares in amercements [levied on their tenants in the bishop's court] and other matters. The bishop asks the addressees to investigate, considering the evidence put forward for the prior and convent and also that put forward on behalf of the bishop of Sir Ralph Eure, Dr. Robert Wycliffe and Sir Peter del Hay, and to inform him of their opinion.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: No seal.
Another copy: Contained in 1.5.Pont.3.
DCD 2.4.Pont.7   Kal. August, 15 [Walter Gray] [1 August 1230].
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Walter [Gray], archbishop of York, of an agreement between Richard [Poore], formerly bishop of Salisbury and now bishop of Durham, and the prior and convent of Durham ( “Convenit”, full version, with clauses as in 1.4.Pont.4.).
Witnesses: J. bishop of Man; masters Simon de Evesham, Laurence de Lincoln, & William de Suwell; Adam de Staveley; William de Vescy; Reginald the clerk; Henry Walensis; Lisiard de Norton; William de Lond'; Thomas de Belen (?).
Date: [Kirk]levington.
Seal: G&B 3222: Attached by braided cords through folded foot of document, with cover of figured cloth over seal.
Printed: (parts only) The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, SS 56, p. 38 (from Reg. Gray)
DCD 2.4.Pont.8   No date [1219 or soon after]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Walter of Ferryhill, Alan of Pittington, Richard Brun, Wm. de Fulwell, John of Hebburn, David of Hebburn, Ralph of Hebburn, Patrick of Hedworth, John de Rane, Robert de Heworth, Peter of Wearmouth, Walkelin of Wearmouth, John Passavaunt, Gilbert of Hesleden, Eustace of Eden, Laurence of Wolviston, Partick of Wolviston, Henry of Wolviston, Geoffrey of Billingham, Roger of Billingham, Henry de Cupum [Cowpen Bewley], John de Ketton, Nicholas of Aycliffe, Alan Pugais, Walter de Hette, Wm. son of Turstan, Wm. son-in-law of Turstan, Wm. of Ripon, Wm. Cnoit, Waldevus de Grene, Roger de Giseburne, Absalon son of Peter, Nicholas of Elvet, Thomas de Derebi, Peter de Biham, Hugh son of Abraham, Gilbert, son of Humphrey, and Rainger, testifying that they as tenants have personally witnessed, during the episcopates of Hugh [du Puiset] and Philip [of Poitou] as well as in that of Richard [Marsh] and during vacancies of the see, pleas of the crown (concerning arson, breach of the peace, rape and homicide) held in the court of the Prior of Durham, and that they have never known any plea of the crown arising from the prior's fee to be dealt with in the bishop's court. They also testify that the wood of Heworth is a free holding of the prior and convent of Durham, granted to them by Bishop Philip [of Poitou] after his legal advisers had found that it belonged by right to the prior and convent, that the prior and convent had seisin of the wood from the time of Bishop Philip's grant until 2 years after the consecration of Bishop Richard [Marsh], and that the prior and convent still have seisin, although it is disputed by the bishop.
Seal: originally 38, each attached to its own strip cut from foot of document. They remain as follows:
1. Walter of Ferryhill. G. & B. 991.
2. Alan of Pittington. G. & B. 1997.
3. Wm. de Fulwell?. G. & B. 2277?.
4. ?John de Hebburn. Not in G. & B.
5. Richard de Brun. G. & B. 418(2).
6. Ralph de Hebburn. G. & B. 1232.
7. Not identified.
8. Seal missing.
9. Seal and tag missing.
10. Peter de Wearmouth. G. & B. 2595.
11. Walkelin de Wearmouth. G. & B. 2596.
12. John Parsavaunt. G. & B. 1943.
13. Gilbert de Hesleden. G. & B. 1289.
14. Eustace of Eden. G. & B. 837.
15. Laurence of Wolviston. G. & B. 2695.
16. ?Henry of Wolviston.
17. ?Patrick of Wolviston. Probably G. & B. 1240. attributed to Patrick of Hedworth.
18. Geoffrey of Billingham. G. & B. 241.
19. Roger of Billingham. G. & B. 249.
20. ?Henry de Cupusm. G. & B. 751.
21. Not identified.
22. Nicholas of Aycliffe. G. & B. 18.
23. ?Alan Pugais. (Inscription reads S .... ANI FILII RADVLFI BRENT).
24. Wm. son of Turstan.
25. Wm. son-in-law of Turstan. G. & B. 2474.
26. ?Wm. of Ripon. G. & B. 2093.
27. Wm. Cnoit. G. & B. 653.
28. ?Waldeve of Grene. G. & B. 1129.
29. ?Absalon son of Peter. G. & B. 1978.
30. Nicholas of Elvet. G. & B. 878.
31. ?Thomas de Derebi. G. & B. 790.
32. Not identified.
33. Gilbert son of Humphrey. G. & B. 1418.
34. Hugh son of Abraham. G. & B. 3.
35. ?Rainger. Not in G. & B.
36. Fragmentary. Not identified.
37. Seal missing.
38. Seal missing.
Printed: FPD p. 218.
Copied: 3.12.Pont.1.
DCD 2.4.Pont.9   Thurs. before Conversion of St. Paul [23 January] 1331/2
Language:   Latin
Indenture between Robert du Maners, sheriff of Norham, and Simon of Esh, steward of the Prior of Durham, testifying as follows:
Richard, son of Wm. reeve of Shoreswood, was indicted on a charge of theft before John Grant, coroner to Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham, was imprisoned at Norham and then arraigned before Robert de Maners as Norham. He was then, as a tenant of the Prior of Durham, claimed for the prior's court by Simon of Esh, the terms of “Le Convenit” (1.4.Pont.4) being the ground for this claim; Simon delivered to Robert in court a writ (recited) of Bishop Beaumont ordering Robert as sheriff to comply with the terms of “Le Convenit” by handing Richard over to the prior or the prior's bailiff. Robert has therefore handed Richard over to Simon, as the prior's steward, together with the indictment charging him with stealing 24 sheep and 24 lambs from Robert Stagman at Northam.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Horncliffe, Thomas son of Sir Thos. Gray, Robert de Haggerston, Wm. de Preston, John de Chilton, Richard de Clifford and others.
Date: At Norham.
Seal: of Robert du Maners. G. & B. 1698. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: 1.5.Pont.3.
Copied: Cat Vet f 153r-v.
Printed: SS 119 pp. 216-218.
DCD 2.4.Pont.10   No date. [An endorsement notes that this document wasshown at a synod on 5 October 1383, in the presence of Master Thos. de Walkington, LL.D., Master Thos. de Greatham, rector of Ryton, Master John de Hakthorpe, senior, and many others.]
Language:   Latin
Copy of document presented before commissaries of John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham by John de Hakethorpe, junior, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in order to establish the prior and convent's right to possess their appropriated churches, pensions and other spiritualities within the bishoporic of Durham. It is related that Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham required the prior and convent to appear, in the persons of their proctors, before Master Richard de Eryom, canon of York, and Master Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, his commissaries, and to show by what right they held their appropriated churches etc. in the bishopric. The prior and convent, on the appointed day, accordingly stated their claims, and the judges considered the evidence produced by the prior and convent and found that they had proved their case. Bishop Beaumont confirmed this judgment, having the confirmation certified by a notary, John de Thirsk, and sealed. Bishop Beaumont's successor, Richard [of Bury], while on a visitation of the monastery of Durham, confirmed Bishop Beaumont's recognition of the prior and convent's rights, and Bishop Thomas [Hatfield], Bury's successor and Fordham's predecessor, followed Bury's example. Thus, it is claimed, the prior and convent have been in undisputed possession of these spiritualities for many years and even from time immemorial, and the proctor, offering to produce proof of all his statements, asks that the commissaries recognise the prior and convent's right to these possessions.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.4.Pont.11
Noted as missing by Greenwell (Repertorium Magnum). Appears to be a duplicate entry for 2.1.Pap.39
DCD 2.4.Pont.12
Noted as missing by Greenwell (Repertorium Magnum). Appears to be a duplicate entry for 3.1.Pap.27
DCD 2.4.Pont.13   8 June 27 Edward III [1353]
Language:  Latin. Agreement in French.
Letters patent of King Edward III exemplifying an enrolment on the Chancery Rolls of King Edward I of an agreement between Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham, and the inhabitants of Durham, made at York 19 July 1303 over their complaints of oppression.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 17½″ x 17½″
Seal: G. & B. 3031. Natural wax, attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in document.
Copied: Cart. I, f.192r.
Copied: (in part) 2.6.Pont.13.
Printed (agreement): C. M. Fraser, Records of Antony Bek, pp. 93ff.
Printed (agreement): Reg. Pal. Dun., pp. 61ff.
See also: Lapsley, County Palatine of Durham , pp. 131ff.
Box 5
DCD 1.5.Pont.1    No date. [Snape dates membrane 1, which is in a different hand from the others, as early 13th Century, and the other membranes as 14th Century.]
Language:   Latin
Roll of four membranes, the contents consisting of extracts, from charters of Wm. [of St. Calais], Bishop of Durham, King William I, King Henry I, King Henry II, King Richard I, King John, Hugh [de Puiset] Bishop of Durham, and Ranulf [Flambard] Bishop of Durham; the extracts concern the rights, privileges and possessions of the prior and convent of Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.5.Pont.2    No date.
Language:   Latin
Roll of one membrane, the contents consisting of a preamble followed by extracts from bulls and charters of Pope Gregory VII, King William I, Archbishops Lanfranc [of Canterbury] and Thurstan [of York], Pope Alexander III, Pope Urban III, Pope Innocent III, Bishop Hugh [de Puiset], Bishop Richard [Marsh] and [Bishop Richard Poore's] “Le Convenit” (1.4.Pont.4), concerning the rights of the Bishop of Durham and of the Prior and Chapter.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.5.Pont.3
Language:   Latin
Roll containing:
1. A copy of a version of “Le Convenit” (see notes on 1.4.Pont.4) consisting of clauses 9, 10 and 11 only and with witnesses as in 1.4.Pont.4.
2. Copy of a writ addressed by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham to the sheriff of Norham, saying that, since it was agreed between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham and the Prior and Chapter of Durham [in “Le Convenit”] that if any man from the prior's land or fee is attached by the bishop's bailiffs for anything appertaining to the prior's court he may be claimed by the prior or the prior's bailiff, that any thief caught on the prior's land and convicted in the prior's court may be executed on the bishop's gallows by the prior's bailiffs, and that the prior is to have his own free court, with all rights and appurtenances, and since the bishop gathers that one John Wydeweson, a tenant of the prior, has been taken and brought before the sheriff of Norham and is to be arraigned before him on a charge of theft, now that the prior has asked that John W. be handed over to him for judgment in his court the sheriff is to do as the prior asks.
Date: At Durham, per manus Nicholas Gategang, bishop's clerk, 26 June Pont.1 [1334].
3. Copy of 2.4.Pont.2.
4. Copy of a writ addressed by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham to the sheriff of Durham, saying that since it was agreed between Bishop Richard [Poore] and the Chapter of Durham [in “Le Convenit”] that if any free man from the prior's land or fee is convicted of felony and as a result forfeits his land, then the bishop is to hold the forfeited land for a year and a day, and the bishop and prior are to share the issues of the land equally, and after a year and a day the prior is to have the land as his escheat; and that all fines and incomes from pleas of the crown and from all other pleas dealt with in the bishop's court but originating from the prior's land or fee are to be divided equally between the bishop and the prior, the sheriff is to pay to the prior his half of the relevant profits of the bishop's court, both at the present and in the future.
Date: At Durham, per manum Robert de Calne, bishop's clerk, 8 December Pont.11. [1334].
5. Copy of a writ (4.1.Spec.44) addressed by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the sheriff of Norham, saying that the prior of Durham has pointed out that in a charter of Richard [Poore} Bishop of Durham [viz. “Le Convenit”] it is stated that any tenant of the prior who is attached by the bishop's bailiffs for anything appertaining to the prior's court may be claimed by the prior or the prior's bailiff, and that any theif caught on the prior's land and convicted in the prior's court may be executed by the prior's bailiff on the bishop's gallows. The bishop understands that Adam Kytteson of Shoreswood, John Watson of Shoreswood and Hugh Huddeson of Shoreswood, Robert de Slingley of Tweedmouth, Adam Hynede of Fenham and John Frere “Taylor” of Fenham, tenants of the prior, have been taken and brought before the sheriff of Norham and are to be arraigned before him on charges of theft, and since the prior has asked that the prisoners be handed over to im for judgment in his court the sheriff is to do as the prior asks, No date.
6. Copy of 2.4.Pont.9.
7. A copy of letters of Robert de Lexington, testifying that he was present at Auckland when it was agreed between Richard [Poore] Bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham that all amercements and other incomes from all types of please dealt with in the bishop's court but originating from the prior's land or fee were to be divided equally between the bishop and the prior, and stating that as he remembers it no pleas of any kind were excepted from this agreement, No date.
8. A copy of the text contained in 2.4.Pont.6, but dated 24 April.
9. A copy of the text contained in 2.4 Pont.5c.
10. Draft of letters of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham. The text is identical with that of 2.4.Pont.5a up to the end of the preamble, but it then continues thus: the bishop grants to the prior and convent of Durham that during his time the prior and convent may have half the profits of justice levied upon tenants resident on their fee before the bishop's sheriff or escheator or any of his justices, and he orders that the prior and convent's share of the profits of justice be paid to them, No date.
11. A copy of a decision in the court of Durham, sede vacante, before Adam de Bowes, sheriff, on the Monday before St. Ambrose [28 March] 10 Edward II [1317]. It is related that John son of Walter of Wingate, Elias son of Walter of Wingate, Robert son of Laurence of Hesleden, Walter Sandi, Robert of Eden and Wm. his brother, Isabella wife of Wm. del Halle and Agnes her daughter, Thos. Belle of Woodham and Margaret his wife were taken at Wingate, Hesleden, Ferryhill, Wolviston and Woodham on various charges of robbery, theft and burglary and were brought before the sheriff; there Robert Grethern', steward of the prior of Durham asked that the accused persons might be tried in the prior's court, as had always been customary for criminals caught on the prior's land. The sheriff dared not allow this without a royal warrant; the prior therefore produced a mandate (recited) from King Edward [II] ordering the sheriff, if the prior's claim was just, to accede to it. The mandate is dated at Durham, per manus Adam de Wion, chancellor for the liberty of the bishopric of Durham, 15 March a.r. 10 [1317]. The sheriff therefore ordered an enquiry by 12 honest men into the justice of the prior's claim. The body of enquiry found that the prior did indeed have, and always had had, the right to try criminals caught on his own land, homicides being excepted; such criminals (viz. those other than homicides) ought to be put in the bishop's prison and, if found guilty, hanged on the bishop's gallows, and the prior ought to take half of the good of such executed criminals. A day was therefore fixed for the case to be judged in the prior's court, and Robert of Eden, Wm. his brother and Robert son of Laurence were hanged, the other prisioners being discharged.
12. A note that before the episcopate of Antony [Bek] knights and other free tenants of the bishopric of Durham had wardship [of the lands] of tenants [who were minors and] who held of them by military service, even if such tenants held also of the bishop by military service, provided that such tenants held of the tenant-in-chief from an earlier date than that from which they held of the bishop. To illustrate and prove this point accounts are given of the events after the deaths of Sir John de Conyers, senior, Philip de Chyldeforth, senior, Roger son of Mirabella of Little Stainton and Wm. Surtees.
13. Note that if the justices or any other lawyers think that the bishop will have wardship and marriage of all his tenants who [are minors and] hold of him by military service even if they also hold of the prior by military service, then it seems that the prior shall have wardship of and all the income from all the lands held of himself, as happened in the time of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham; the relevant events are narrated in the record of a case in which Richard de Hoton, Prior of Durham, accused Bishop Antony and certain specified officers of his of ejecting him from the lands of a recently deceased tenant. The case was settled on the Monday after clausum Pasche [26 April] 33 Edward I [1305].
On the dorse of membrane 2 there is a historical disquisition about the privileges of the church of Durham and especially of the prior as the successor of the abbot of Lindisfarne.
Printed: Item no. 2: (from Cart. Vet. f. 55r-v) in Richard d'Aungerville of Bury (SS 119) p. 97f., and is found also Cart II f. 33v.
DCD 1.5.Pont.4    No date. [Early 15th Century?]].
Language:   Latin
Extracts from “Le Convenit” (clauses 9 and 11 - see notes on 1.4.Pont.4) concerning pleas of the crown and the prior's right to his own court.
DCD 1.5.Pont.5    No date. [Late 14th Century?].
Language:   Latin
Extracts from “Le Convenit” (clause 9 - see notes on 1.4.Pont.4) concerning pleas of the crown.
DCD 1.5.Pont.6   10 February 1341/2 and Cons. 9.
Language:   Latin
Copy of a writ addressed by Richard [Bury] Bishop of Durham to John de Merryll, sheriff of Durham, stating that it was agreed between Bishop Richard [Poore] and the Prior of Durham that all incomes from the prior's land or fee should be divided equally between the bishop and the prior, and that the present Prior of Durham has protested that since John de Merryll became sheriff the prior's share of such incomes has not been paid. The bishop orders that John pay the prior what is owing to him, both at the present time and in the future.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: No seal.
Copied: in 1.5.Pont.10.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.7    No date.
Language:   Latin
Draft (or copy?) of a writ of Thomas [?Langley] Bishop of Durham to his auditors, instructing them, at the instance of the Prior of Durham, to make allowances for payments to the prior of half of all incomes from pleas dealt with in the episcopal court but originating from any lands held by any other prior's tenants who are resident on the prior's fee, whether the lands are part of the prior's land or fee or not.
Seal: No seal.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.8   28 September Cons. 27 [1432].
Language:   French
Copy of a writ of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to his auditors, instructing them to make allowances for payments to the prior and convent of Durham of half of all incomes from pleas dealt with in the episcopal court but originating from tenants of the prior resident on the prior's land.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: No seal. (The attestation clause refers to the bishop's privy seal.)
Another copy: 2.5.Pont.11.
Another copy: 1.11.Pont.12.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.9
Language:   Latin
Another copy of the text contained in 2.4.Pont.5a.
DCD 1.5.Pont.10
Language:  Latin; French
File containing:
A copy (paper) of the text contained in 1.5.Pont.6.
Copy of writ of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham addressed to his auditors, in French, stating that the prior and convent of Durham are claiming that by the terms of the “Le Convenit” (1.4.Pont.4) they should receive half of the incomes from pleas dealt with in the bishop's court but originating from the prior's tenants residing on the prior's fee, and that they in fact had enjoyed such incomes during the episcopates of [Thos.] Hatfield and John Fordham. The bishop orders that allowances be made for the payment of this half-share pending an enquiry into the prior and convent's claim. An endorsement says "Ista est vera copia ...".
Date: At his manor of Auckland, 21 September Cons. 5 [1410].
Copy of an entry in a sheriff's account allowing 8/3½ paid to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham for his half-share of incomes from pleas originating from his tenants resident on his land. Bishop Langley's writ is recited as authority for the allowance. A endorsement notes that this is not a vera copia of the writ.
Another copy of Langley's writ: 2.5.Pont.10.
DCD 1.5.Pont.11    No date
Language:   Latin
List of tenants of the prior of Durham and men arrested on the prior's land who were imprisoned by the sheriff of Durham or the bailiff of the bishop of Durham and delivered to the prior's bailiff or steward or coroner for judgment in the prior's court at various dates from 1305 to Pont. Bishop Hatfield 36 [1380-81].
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.12    No date
Language:   Latin
Roll of extracts from the records of 26 sessions of the court of the prior of Durham held between Michaelmas 1335 and Michaelmas 1336.
Originals (part): DCD Loc.IV:26.
DCD 1.5.Pont.13    No date
Language:   Latin
Roll of extracts from the records of the court of the prior of Durham between Michaelmas 2 Henry IV and Pont. Walter [Skirlawe] 14 [1401] and the following Easter.
Original court roll: DCD Loc.IV:27.
DCD 1.5.Pont.14   [approximately 1357]
Language:   Latin
File of four items:
Voucher, 1357, concerning a sum of £20-6-8 owed to the prior of Durham as his share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court.
A similar voucher concerning an identical sum, dated Pont.12 of Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] [1356-7]
List, arranged by wards, of amounts acrruing to the prior of Durham as his share of fines and amercments levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, Pont.4 [Hatfield] [1348-9]
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.15   The notes are dated respectively Pont.11 of Bishop Hatfield [1355-6], Pont.3 of Bishop John [Fordham] [1384-5] and Pont.9 of Bishop Bury [1341-2].
Language:   Latin
Three notes concerning allowances made in sheriff's accounts for payments to the prior of Durham of his half-share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.16   1375-1376
Language:   Latin
Account roll of William de Elmeden, sheriff of Durham and Sadberge, from Michaelmas Pont. Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] 31 [1375] to Michaelmas Pont. Hatfield 32 [1376].
DCD 1.5.Pont.17   Pont.3 of Bishop John [Fordham] [1384-5]
Language:   Latin
List of allowances arranged by wards, made in the account of Robert de Laton, sheriff of Durham, for payments to the prior of Durham of his share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants [in the bishop's court].
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.18   Pont.6 of Bishop W[alter Skirlaw] [1393-94].
Language:   Latin
List of the prior of Durham's share of amercements levied on his tenants resident on his fee in the bishop's court.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 1.5.Pont.19    No date
Language:   Latin
Roll of four membranes (one for each ward of County Durham), stitched together at the foot, containing extracts of fines and amercements [levied in the bishop's court on the tenants of the prior of Durham] from Michaelmas Pont. Bishop Walter [Skirlaw] 16 [1403] to Michaelmas in the following year.
DCD 1.5.Pont.20    No date
Language:   Latin
List of the prior of Durham's share of amercements and fines levied on his tenants before the sheriff of Durham in Pont.6 of Bishop Thomas [Langley] [1411-12].
DCD 1.5.Pont.21    No date
Language:   Latin
Roll of 6 membranes containing lists of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants before the following officers in the following years:
Justices of Assize, Pont.15 of Bishop Thos. [Langley] [1420-21].
Justices of Assize, Pont.16 [1421-22].
Justices of Assize, Pont.17 [1422-23].
Justices of Labourers, Pont.15.
Justices of Peace, Pont.15.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.17.
Justices of Peace, Pont.17.
(Note quoting from clause 9 of “Le Convenit” (see notes on 1.4.Pont.4) concerning the prior's right to a half of certain profits of court).
(End of first membrane).
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.14 [1419-20].
Justices of the Peace, Pont.14 - heading only, followed by a space.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.14 - heading only, followed by a space.
Justices of Assize, Pont.14 - heading only, followed by a space.
Sheriff of Durham, Pont.15.
Justices of the Peace, Pont.15.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.15.
(End of second membrane).
Justices of Assize, Pont.15.
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.16 - continuing on m.4.
(End of third membrane).
Justices of the Peace, Pont.16 - heading only, followed by a space.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.16 - heading only, followed by a space.
Justices of Assize, Pont.16.
(End of fourth membrane).
Sheriff of Durham, Pont.17 - continuing on m.6.
(End of fifth membrane).
Justices of the Peace, Pont.17.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.17.
Justices of Assize, Pont.17.
Paper (except m.1, which is parchment).
Duplicate: Contents of m.1, on dorse of Granator's Account 1341-2.
DCD 1.5.Pont.22    No date
Language:   Latin
Roll of 5 membranes containing lists of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants before the following officers in the following years:
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.19 of Bishop Thomas [Langley] [1424-5].
Justices of the Peace, Pont.19.
Justices of Labourers, Pont.19.
Justices of Assize, Pont.19.
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.15 [1420-21].
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.16 [1421-22].
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.17 [1422-23].
Sheriff [of Durham], Pont.14 [1419-20].
(The roll contains references to rotulus pergamenus and alter rotulus - viz. m.1 of 1.5.Pont.21.
Duplicate: Dorse of the Granator's Account 1341-2.)
DCD 1.5.Pont.23    No date.
Language:   Latin
Roll of 2 membranes, joined at the foot:
Membrane 1: list of allowances made in the account of Robert Eure, sheriff of Durham, for the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants. The list is preceded by an extract from clause 9 of “Le Convenit” - see notes on 1.4.Pont.4.
Account presented at [Bishop] Auckland, 18 January 1424/5 and Pont. Bishop Thos. [Langley] 19.
Membrane 2: list of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercments levied on his tenants in the county court before Robert de Laton, sheriff of Durham, Pont.2 Bishop J[ohn Fordham] [1383-4]. The list is arranged by wards, and an endorsement reads dupplicatur .
DCD 1.5.Pont.24    No date
Language:   Latin
Summary of allowances made before the auditors of Bishop T[homas Langley] for the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court during the 6 years Pont.14 to Pont.19 of Bishop Langley [1419-25].
On the dorse is part of a cellarer's account, ca.1380.
DCD 1.5.Pont.25    No date
Language:   Latin
Extract from the account rendered at Michaelmas Pont. Bishop Thomas [Langley] 21 [1426] by Robert Eure, sheriff of Durham, listing the allowances made to the sheriff for the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants [in the bishop's court] in accordance with the terms of “Le Convenit” - see 1.4.Pont.4.
An endorsement reads "Iste rotulus dupplicatur"
Parchment roll of 3 membranes.
DCD 1.5.Pont.26   [1427]
Language:   Latin
List of allowances for the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, taken from the account of Robert Eure, sheriff [of Durham], in the year 1427 and Pont. Bishop Thomas [Langley] 22.
Duplicate: 1.5.Pont.27.
DCD 1.5.Pont.27   [1427]
Language:   Latin
List of allowances : A duplicate of 1.5.Pont.26.
Duplicate: 1.5.Pont.26.
DCD 1.5.Pont.28   1428-1432
Language:   Latin
Roll of 5 membranes, joined at the foot:
Membrane 1: List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, beginning of Pont. Bishop Thomas [Langley] 27 [August 1432].
Membrane 2: List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, Pont.26 [1431-32]
Membrane 3: List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, Pont.25 [1430-31]
Membrane 4: List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, Pont.24 [1429-30]
Membrane 5: List of allowances made to Robert Eure, sheriff of Durham, for the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, Pont.23 [1428-9]

Duplicate: Membrane 1: 1.5.Pont.29.
DCD 1.5.Pont.29   1432
Language:   Latin
Roll: List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court, beginning of Pont. Bishop Thomas [Langley] 27 [August 1432]
Duplicate: Membrane 1: 1.5.Pont.28.
DCD 1.5.Pont.30   Pont.29 of Bishop Th[omas Langley] [1434-5]
Language:   Latin
List of the prior of Durham's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court.
DCD 1.5.Pont.31   Pont.30 of Bishop Thomas [Langley] [1435-6].
Language:  Latin.
List of incomes of the court of Robert Umfravill, sheriff of Durham, of which the prior of Durham has a right to a half-share.
DCD 1.5.Pont.32   Michaelmas [29 September] Transl. Bishop Robert [Nevill] 4 [1441].
Language:  Latin.
List of allowances made in the account of Wm. Pudsay, Esq., sheriff and escheator of Durham, for payments to the prior of Durham of his share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants before the sheriff.
DCD 2.5.Pont.1   No date. [A 15th Century endorsement says 1228: statements in the document (see p. vii of preface to FPD) suggest a date during the episcopate of Richard Marsh.].
Language:  Latin.
“Attestaciones Testium ex parte Prioris” - a roll containing notes of the evidence given by several monks of Durham, tenants of the prior of Durham and others thought to favour the prior and convent in their dispute with the Bishop. The evidence concerns the prior's right to have his own court, possession of the wood of Heworth, the chapels of Cornhill-on-Tweed and Ancroft, the advowsons of several Yorkshire churches, custody of several churches in the bishopric, and other matters, most of which are mentioned in “Le Convenit”.
Printed: FPD pp. 262-301.
DCD 2.5.Pont.2   No date. [A 15th Century endorsement says 1228, but see p. vii of preface to FPD for a date temp. Bishop Richard Marsh.]
Language:  Latin.
“Attestaciones Testium ex parte Episcopi” - a roll containing notes of the evidence given by residents of the bishopric of Durham and of parts of Yorkshire who were thought to favour the bishop of Durham in his dispute with the prior and convent of Durham. The evidence covers topics similar to those referred to in 2.5.Pont.1., but with perhaps greater stress on the advowsons of the Yorkshire churches and the custody of the churches in the bishopric. Attestators:
William of Northumberland dean, Stephen chaplain of Lesbury, Richard chaplain of Shilbottle, Robert chaplain of Alnham, Adam of Ilderton chaplain, Andrew deacon, Roger of Whittingham subdeacon, Randolph, William of Hetton knight, Constantine of Grindon layman, Eustace le Brun layman, Roger le Clerc layman, Malbert of Duddoe layman, Patrick of Goswick layman, Elias of Haggerston layman, Henry son of Godfrey layman, William of Scremerston layman, Warin of Cheswick layman, Gilbert of Beal layman, Alexander of Horncliffe layman, Roger de Audrei knight, Jordan Hayrun knight, Adam of Lumsden knight, John of Thorp Knight, Wiliam of Layton knight, Henry of Farlington knight, Peter Harpin knight, Walter de Audre knight, Thomas son of Bernard knight, Richard of Auckland, Germanus de Causeby chaplain, William of Heddon layman, Thomas Bardolf, Reginald Ablein, Robert of Coggeshall, Robert of Langley, Richard of Hollinside, Henry Paulin, Oliver son of Roland, Godfrey le Breton, Alexander of Elmdon, Gilbert de Sewale, Peter of Darlington, Master William de Lisewis, John of Middleton, William of Auckland priest, William Baard parson of Middleton church, William of Norham deacon, William deacon and parson of Edmondsbury, William of Middleham chaplain, Master Reginald subdeacon and warden of the hospital of [North]allerton, Geppe Werri layman, Gilbert son of Gervase, William Haddoc layman, Ralph serviens layman, Adam of Preston layman, William of Whitwell layman, Elias of Ketton layman, Thomas of Howden chaplain, Peter of Heighington layman, Robert son of Thomas of Howden layman, William of Bellasis layman, James of Selby layman, William de Kauulle laymen, Gerard of Skipwith layman, Thomas of Aislaby layman, Robert son of Overard layman, William son of Hermer layman, William son of Ralph of Aislaby layman, Gilbert son of William layman, William son of Gospatric layman, Gilbert son of Liulfi layman, Roger of Weardale chaplain.
On the dorse is a document (containing a reference to something done in 1347) concerning the ordering of services from Advent to Christmas and probably further on in the year. Pantin says it is a 14th Century Ordinale.
Parchment roll, 11m
Printed: FPD pp. 220-261.
DCD 2.5.Pont.3
Language:  French; Latin
Roll containing copies of:
An agreement between Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham and the men of the community of the liberty of Durham, following protests by the community about injuries done to them by the bishop and his officers. The terms of the agreement include the following: no free man is to be imprisoned without a previous inquisition, unless he is caught red-handed; the bishop is to have custody during the minority of the heir only of lands held by military service; courts Christian are to judge only matrimonial and testamentary cases; free men are not to be summoned to appear in halmotes; Sadberge is to be administered separately from Durham; the community is to have free access through the N. gate of Durham Castle to the shrine of St. Cuthbert; the men of the community are not to be forced to serve beyond Tyne or Tees.
Date: [At York], No date. [19 July 1303 and 31 Edward [I]].
Charter of King John granting certain liberties to the knights and free tenants of County Durham.
Exemplified: 1. (from Chancery Rolls of Edward I) in 2.4.Pont.13.
Earlier version: 2. Cart. Vet. f. 63r.
Printed: 1. Records of Antony Bek pp. 93-98
Printed: 1. Registrum Palatinum Dunelm, vol. III pp. 61-67
Calendared: 1. CCR 1302-7 pp. 100-103. All from Close Roll of 31 Edward I, m.6d.
Discussed: 1. Lapsley, County Palatine of Durham, pp. 131-133
Discussed: 1. R. K. Richardson, “Bishopric of Durham under Antony Bek, 1283-1311”, Arch. Aeliana 3rd series vol. IX (1913)
Discussed: 1. C. M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, pp. 185-186.
DCD 2.5.Pont.4    No date.
Language:   Latin
Roll containing:
(i) grievances of the prior and convent of Durham against the agreement made between the bishop [of Durham] and [?the prior and convent of Durham (word illegible - may be “conventum”)]. The complaints all concern various aspects of the prior's jurisdiction, so that the agreement might be the “Convenit” but for the fact that it is termed “conventis” and not “Le Convenit”, as is usual (but cf. 2.5.Pont.5 & 6, where “composicio que vocatur Le Convenit” is the expression used).
(ii) grievances [of the prior and convent] against [attacks on] their liberties and free customs. These complaints for the most part concern injustices perpetrated by the bishop's burgesses against the prior's burgesses, but they also touch on rights of taking wood and pasturing pigs in the bishop's forest, and on the jurisdiction of the bishop's foresters (here again an unspecified “conventis” is mentioned, as are “lot” and “cavel”, which are apparently privileges. For lot and cavel see Bateson, M., Borough Customs II (Selden Soc. vol. 21), pp. lxvii ff. and 168ff).
DCD 2.5.Pont.5    No date.
Language:   Latin
Extracts from a charter of William [of St. Calais] Bishop of Durham [1.1.Pont.1], from “Le Convenit” [see 1.4.Pont.4], and from the agreement between Bishop Bek and the community of the bishopric [see 2.5.Pont.3], all concerning the right of the prior and convent of Durham to take wood from the bishop's forest.
DCD 2.5.Pont.6    No date.
Language:   Latin
Draft of an argument, with some documentary evidence recited and other documents introduced but the copying of their texts omitted, in favour of the prior and convent of Durham's having a half-share of certain judicial and other profits arising from the bishop's temporal jurisdiction. The documents quoted or mentioned range in time from “Le Convenit” (see 1.4.Pont.4) to the time of Bishop Skirlaw. The great majority of the argument, but not its preamble or its end, reads like a draft of part of the petition of Prior Wessington to Bishop Langley which is copied in Reg. III ff. 178r-188r, the text of ff. 180r-181v having only slight differences from the text of this argument.
DCD 2.5.Pont.7    No date.
Language:   Latin
Draft list of injuries suffered at the hands of the officials of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham by the prior and convent of Durham, for which the prior and convent seek remedy from the bishop. The complaints concern: the payment to the prior of his half-share of certain incomes of the bishop's court; the prior and convent's right to free ingress and egress [to and from the monastery] for themselves and their goods; the destruction of the prior's pillory [and therefore of his jurisdiction] in the Old Borough and Elvet; the prior's half-share of income from the ferry at Monkwearmouth; the seizure by the bishop of a wardship of a minor heir to which the prior had a right; the prior and convent's fear that the improper manner in which the bishop had forced them to meet him at his installation might be taken as a precedent; the seizure by the bishop of the prior and convent's jurisdiction in Allertonshire; the infringement by the bishop of the prior and convent's liberties concerning the vill of Hemingbrough.
Copied in part: 2.5.Pont.8.
See “Le Convenit”, 1.4.Pont.4
DCD 2.5.Pont.8    No date.
Language:   Latin
Draft of the heading and first two grievances contained in 2.5.Pont.7.
Full version: 2.5.Pont.7.
DCD 2.5.Pont.9   [1402-1403]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of six membranes, joined at the foot, containing extracts from the accounts of the county court, the Justices for the Statue of Labourers, the escheator and the sheriff, for the four wards of County Durham for the year beginning at Michaelmas 15 Bishop Walter [Skirlawe] [1402], and for Sadberge for the same year and for the following one. Some of the membranes are endorsed "nihil pro priore".
DCD 2.5.Pont.10
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of the writ of Bishop Langley to his auditors a copy of which forms item 2 of 1.5.Pont.10.
DCD 2.5.Pont.11
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of the writ of Bishop Langley of which 1.5.Pont.8. is a copy.
DCD 2.5.Pont.12
Language:  Latin.
Roll containg a summary of the provisions of a version of “Le Convenit” containing clauses 9, 10 and 11 only (for which see first item in 1.5.Pont.3 and inspeximus by Bishop Hatfield in Cart. I f.75v), here divided into 14 articles.
This roll, with its duplicate 2.5.Pont.13, was formerly Misc. Ch. 6074, although endorsed “2a.5e.Pont.” in red.
Duplicate: 2.5.Pont.13
DCD 2.5.Pont.13
Language:  Latin.
Roll containing a summary of the provisions of a verson of “Le Convenit” containing clauses 9, 10 and 11 only (as 2.5.Pont.12).
This roll, with its duplicate 2.5.Pont.12, was formerly Misc. Ch. 6074, although endorsed “2a.5e.Pontifical.” in red.
Duplicate: 2.5.Pont.12
Box 6
DCD 1.6.Pont.1a   12 November 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham giving protection in times of vacancy of the priorate to the sub-prior and monks of Durham. The bishop relates that on the death of Richard de Hoton, prior of Durham, the vicar-general and other officers of Bishop Antony [Bek], on their own authority and that of the bishop, removed the sub-prior and all other monastic officials from their posts, recalled monks from the priory's cells and in other ways acted contrary to the established liberties of the sub-prior and chapter, to whom belong all the spiritual and temporal powers of the prior when there is a vacancy. In order that such happenings may not become a precedent the bishop revokes and nullifies them insofar as they are contrary to the monks' established liberties, and orders that in future times of vacancy the sub-prior, in consultation with the monks, is to administer the spiritual and temporal powers of the priorate. In order to obtain custody the bishop may in future vacancies send to the priory, and exact maintenance for, only 1 clerk, 3 other men and 3 horses.
Date: At his manor in Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 1.6.Pont.1b.
Confirmed: 1.6.Pont.2.
DCD 1.6.Pont.1b   12 November 1311 and Pont.1
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 1.6.Pont.1a.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 1.6.Pont.1a.
Confirmed: 1.6.Pont.2.
DCD 1.6.Pont.2   14 September 1343.
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham of letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham giving protection in times of vacancy of the priorate to the sub-prior and monks of Durham - see 1.6.Pont.1a. & 1b.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3133. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 1.6.Pont.3.
Copied: Reg. Hatfield f. ixr-v.
Printed: (from Reg. Hatfield) Richard D'Aungerville of Bury, p. 24.
DCD 1.6.Pont.3   20 April 1346 and Cons.1
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of an inspeximus-confirmation by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham of letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham giving protection in times of vacancy of the priorate to the sub-prior and monks of Durham - see 1.6.Pont.2.
Date: At his manor of Stockton.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 1.6.Pont.4.
DCD 1.6.Pont.4   18 May 1383 and Cons.2
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham of an inspeximus-confirmation by Thos. [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of an inspeximus-confirmation by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham of letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham giving protection in times of vacancy of the priorate to the sub-prior and monks of Durham - see 1.6.Pont.3.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3140. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.5a   26 December Pont.33 [1377].
Language:  Latin (Petition in French)
Exemplification by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a record of a petition presented to him and his council in chancery by the prior and convent of Durham. The petition, which is in French, asks that, since it has been laid down by several bishops that when the priorate is vacant no one but the sub-prior, in consultation with chapter, may exercise the prior's spiritual and temporal powers, the bishop will revoke his presentation and induction of John Albon', his clerk, as vicar of Norham. The chancery record goes on to relate that the bishop therefore required John Albon to show cause why he should not be removed from the vicarage. John Albon failed to appear, and the court found that the right of presentation to the vicarage of Norham belonged to the prior and convent of Durham or, when the priorate was vacant, to the sub-prior and monks. The chancery proceedings, before Richard of Barnard Castle, chancellor, began on the Saturday after the Circumcision of Our Lord Pont. Hatfield 31 [5 January 1376].
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached back-to-front by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 1.6.Pont.5b.
DCD 1.6.Pont.5b   26 December Pont.33 [1377].
Language:  Latin (Petition in French)
Exemplification by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 1.6.Pont.5a.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Fragmentary. Attached back-to-front to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Duplicate: 1.6.Pont.5a.
DCD 1.6.Pont.6a   13 June 1313 and Pont.3.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham to Master Wm. Kellaw appointing him as keeper of the monastery of Durham, which is vacant owing to the resignation of Prior Wm. [of Tanfield].
Date: At Middleham.
Seal: G. & B. 3127, without secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.6b   13 June Pont.3 [1313].
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham informing the sub-prior and convent of Durham that, since the monastery is vacant owing to the resignation of Prior Wm. Tanfield, he has appointed Master Wm. Kellaw as keeper of the monastery during the vacancy.
Date: At Middleham.
Seal: missing complete with the strip cut from foot of document by which it was attached.
DCD 1.6.Pont.7   1 September 1391 and Transl.4 (so he dates his episcopate from provision, not from date of restoration of temporalities.)
Language:   Latin
Letters of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham informing the sub-prior and convent of Durham that, since the monastery is vacant owing to the resignation of Prior Robert Wallworth, he has appointed Master Thomas de Weston, his chancellor, as keeper of the monastery during the vacancy.
Date: At his manor of London.
Seal: Bishop Skirlawe's seal ad causas . G. & B. 3145. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
Printed: (from Reg. II) HDST, no. CXLVII, p. clxvi.
DCD 1.6.Pont.8   6 October 1416 and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham informing the sub-prior and convent of Durham that, since the monastery is vacant owing to the death of Prior John of Hemingbrough, he has appointed Dr. John Newton, rector of Houghton le Spring, as keeper of the monastery during the vacancy.
Date: At Calais.
Seal: Bishop Langley's seal ad causas . G. & B. 3148. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition from 7 February 1972 to 24 October 2011.
DCD 1.6.Pont.9   20 November 1374 and Cons. 30.
Language:   Latin
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the sub-prior and convent of Durham to elect a prior.
Date: At London.
Seal: G. & B. 3137. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.10   17 October Pont.11 [1416].
Language:   Latin
Licence of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the sub-prior and convent of Durham to elect a prior.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chauncellor, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.11   [16 March 1290]
Language:   Latin
Licence of Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham to the sub-prior and convent of Durham to elect a prior. The bishop reserves to himself the right of making provision for the last prior, Hugh of Darlington, from the goods and incomes of the monastery.
Date: Wark, 17 Kal. April 1289/90.
Seal: G. & B. 3125, without secretum. Fragmentary. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
Copied: DCD Reg.Langley f.85r; DCD Cart.I, f.83v.
Printed in Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.20-21.
DCD 1.6.Pont.12   30 June 1446
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument testifying that on 30 June 1446 Dr Robert Westmorland, monk of Durham and proctor of the sub-prior and convent of Durham, published in the chapter-house at Durham, in the presence of the sub-prior and convent and witnesses, the election by inspiration as prior of Durham of Master Wm. Ebchester, D.D., monk of Durham.
Master Richard Wettwang, B.C.L., canon of St. Paul's, London, Master John Lounde, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., Master of Kepyer Hospital, and Dr John Binchester, clerk of the York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: Wm. Byspham, clerk of York.
Seal: No seal.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CCXXXII.
DCD 1.6.Pont.13   25 November 1456 and Transl. 19.
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham, after due investigation conducted by Master John Norton, LL.D., into the suitability of the elect and the propriety of the election, of the election of John Burnaby, D.D., as prior of Durham, the vacancy in the priorate having been created by the resignation of Prior Wm. Ebchester.
Seal: G. & B. 3152. Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag was below.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CCLIV.
DCD 1.6.Pont.14   1 June 1478.
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Hugh Snell, LL.D., commissary of William [Dudley] Bishop of Durham, after due investigation into the suitability of the elect and the propriety of the election, of the election of Master Robert Ebchester, D.D., as prior of Durham.
Seal: fragmentary. Stated to be “sigillum officii vicariatus Dunelm”. Presumably G. & B. 3186B? Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CCLXXX.
DCD 1.6.Pont.15   18 September [1244]
Language:   Latin
Letters of N[icholas Farnham] Bishop of Durham informing the convent of Durham that he has received a petition from R[obert], their sub-prior, Clement, their sacrist, and two other monks, H. of Selby and R. of Stichill, for licence to elect a prior to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Prior Thomas [of Melsonby]; the bishop grants the licence.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 18 September Pont.4.
Seal: fragmentary. Presumably G. & B. 3121. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.85r; Cart.III, f.305v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.5-6.
DCD 1.6.Pont.16   15 April 1595
Language:   Latin
Letters of Tobias [Matthew], having been elected bishop of Durham, and having been confirmed and consecrated by Matthew [Hutton] Archbishop of York, appointing Leonard Pilkington, D.D., prebendary of the 7th prebend at Durham, John Pilkington, archdeacon of Durham and prebendary of the 2nd prebend at Durham, and Ralph Tunstall, archdeacon of Northumberland and prebendary of the 10th prebend at Durham, as his proctors to excuse his absence to the D. & C. of Durham and to have his enthronement and installation as bishop carried out.
Seal: "Quia sigillum nostrum in presenti in promptu non habemus, sigillum vicarii in spiritualibus generalis et auditoris causarum .... Johannis [Whitgift] Cant. Archiepiscopi ... presentibus apponi procuravimus." The seal is oval, about 4″ x 2½″, depicting a judge in court, and with the inscription: SIGILLUM CANCELLARII ET AUDITORIS CAUSARUM IOH[ANNIS (or, more probably, some abbreviation for this) CA]NT ARCHIEPISCOPI. Seal attached to strip cut from foot of document. Bishop Matthew attests also by his signature.
DCD 1.6.Pont.17   14 April 1595 and Transl. 1
Language:   Latin
Mandate by Matthew [Hutton] archbishop of York to the dean & chapter or subdean & chapter of Durham to induct, install, and enthrone Tobias Matthew, D.D., who, having been elected as bishop of Durham by the dean & chapter after the see had been made vacant by the archbishop's own translation, has been confirmed and consecrated by the archbishop.
Signature of Archbishop Hutton.
Seal: G&B 3246. Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 1.6.Pont.18   18 May a.r. 15 (Scotland 50) [1617].
Language:   English
Letters recommendatory of King James [I] requiring the D. & C. of Durham to elect Richard Neile, Bishop of Lincoln, to the vacant see of Durham.
Date: At Holyrood.
Paper    2ff.
Seal: Signet, applied to dorse. Sign manual.
DCD 1.6.Pont.19   27 May 1617
Language:   English
Letter of Sir Adam Newton [Dean of Durham] to the Chapter of Durham, saying that he has signed and sealed and returned to them the letters of proxy which they sent to him for sealing, and that with the present letter he sends King James' letters recommendatory and congé d'élire; the sub-dean, Mr. Blakiston (viz. Marmaduke Blakiston), having authority to act in the dean's place, the chapter are to proceed with the election to the see of Durham of [Richard Neile] the bishop of Lincoln.
Date: At Charleton
Seal: a signet, applied to dorse. Sign manual.
DCD 1.6.Pont.20   5 June 1617 and a.r. James I 15 (of Scotland 50)
Language:   Latin
Mandate of D. & C. of Durham to all minor canons of Durham, especially Mark Leonard, the precentor, stating that the D. & C. have received from King James [I] a congé d'élire for the filling of the see of Durham, made vacant by the death of Bishop William [James], and ordering Leonard to cite all the major canons, either personally or by posting notices above the doors of the chapter house and choir and above the canons' stalls, to be present for the election of the new bishop on Friday 6 June between 8 and 11 a.m. in the chapter house, at which time also Leonard will be required to state what action he has taken in the matter.
Date: At Durham
On dorse: Statement by Mark Leonard that on Thursday 5 June he published the citation between (during?) services in the cathedral, and that he posted notices over the stalls of Master John Browne, prebendary of the 2nd prebend, Master John Calfhill, 5th prebend, Master Geo. Morecroft, 9th prebend, Master Ralph Tunstall, 10th prebend, and Master Henry Ewbank, 12th prebend, and over the doors of the choir and chapter house.
Signature of Leonard.
Seal: described as "sigillum officialitatis nostre quo in hac parte utimur", but now a featureless lump of wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21a   20 August 1606
Language:  English.
Letter of W[illiam] James [dean of Durham] to Dr. [Emanuel] Barnes, sub-dean of Durham [and prebendary of the 5th prebend], and the other prebendaries of Durham, saying that, as the last bishop of Durham [Toby Matthew] was confirmed as archbishop of York on the 18th of the month and the king has sent the Durham chapter a congé d'élire and letters recommendatory requiring them to elect James as bishop, he would like to see the election carried through quickly, provided that it is done in the proper style. He asks them to send up Thos. King, the D. & C.'s registrar, to whom he has given such directions as he thinks necessary.
Date: At London.
Seal: a signet, applied to dorse. Signature.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21b   21 August 4 James I [1606]
Language:  English.
Letters recommendatory under the signet of King James I to the D&C of Durham requiring them to elect William James, Dean of durham, to the Bishopric of Durham vacant on the elevation of Toby Matthew to the Archbishopric of York.
Dated: Westminster
Paper.    2ff.
Seal: Signet and sign manual.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21c   24 August 1606 and a.r. James I 4 (of Scotland 40)
Language:   Latin
Mandate of the D. & C. of Durham to all minor canons of Durham, especially John Tod, the precentor, stating that the D. & C. have received from King James [I] a congé d'élire for the filling of the see of Durham, made vacant by the translation to York of Bishop Toby Matthew, and ordering Tod to cite all the major canons, either personally or by posting notices above the doors of the chapter house and choir and above the canons' stalls, to be present for the election of the new bishop on Monday 25 August between 8 and 11 a.m. in the chapter house, at which time also Tod will be required to state what action he has taken in the matter.
Date: At Durham.
On dorse: Statement by George Barker, minor canon and sacrist of Durham, that on Sunday 24 August he published the citation between (during?) services in the cathedral, and that he posted notices over the stalls of Master John Browne, prebendary of the 2nd prebend, Master Emanuel Barnes, 4th prebend, Master Peter Shaw, 6th prebend, Master Ralph Tunstall, 10th prebend, and Master Henry Ewbank, 12th prebend, and over the doors of the choir and chapter house.
Seal: described as "signum officialitatis nostre quo in hac parte utimur". Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21d   25 August 1606
Language:   English
Draft of letter from the chapter of Durham to William James, stating that they have elected him bishop of Durham and have all had dinner with Mrs James.
Date: At Durham.
There follows a draft, in a different hand, of a letter to James from the chapter saying that they have, in accordance with his instructions, sent up Thomas King with the certificate of election, the letters of proxy and two precedents concerning the installation of bishops; these last the new bishop is asked to give particular attention to, as they concern a privilege of the church [of Durham] which the archdeacons of York have in the past tried to infringe.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21e   7 September 1606, 1 [Tobias Matthew].
Language:   Latin
Mandate of Tobias [Matthew] archbishop of York to the dean & chapter, or subdean & chapter, of Durham to induct, install, and enthrone their new bishop, William James, D.D., whom the archbishop has confirmed and consecrated. Signature of the archbishop.
Seal: (B.M. Catalogue 2343) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 1.6.Pont.21f   19 September 1606 a.r. King James [I] 4, of Scotland 40, and Cons. 1
Language:   Latin
Letters of William [James], having been elected bishop of Durham and having been confirmed and consecrated by Tobias [Matthew] Archbishop of York, appointing Clement Colmor, LL.D., Master Ralph Tunstall, Master Francis Bunnie, Master Henry Ewbank, Master James Rand and Master Marmaduke Blakiston, major canons of Durham, as his proctors to excuse his absence to the vice-dean and chapter of Durham, and to have his enthronement and installation carried out.
Date: At London.
Seal: not in G. & B. or B.M. Cat. of Seals. Oval, about 3½″ x 2½″; representation of man with staff, walking; text below “Gratia dei sum quod sum”, and below that a shield of arms. Inscription reads: SIGILLUM GULIELMI IAMES EPISCOPI DUNELMENSIS 1606. Counter-seal: a signet of heraldic design. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Bishop's signature across fold at foot of document and across top of seal tag.
Digitised material for 1.6.Pont.21f - 19 September 1606 - King James [I] 4, of Scotland 40, and Cons. 1 Letters of William, having been elected bishop of Durham and to have his enthronement and installation carried out.
DCD 2.6.Pont.1   20 December 1374
Language:   Latin
Letters of Alan of Shitlington, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, and of Wm. de Farnham, Bishop Hatfield's official, commissaries appointed by the bishop, to Robert de Wallworth, monk of Durham, stating as follows: the priory of Durham being made vacant by the death of Prior Fossour, Roger of Allerton, sub-prior, and the convent of Durham have elected Wallworth as prior and have informed the bishop's commissaries accordingly; they, having duly investigated the propriety of the election, now confirm it and given authority for the installation of the new prior.
Date: At the monastery of Durham.
Seal: (i) of vicar-general. G. & B. 3186A.
(ii) of the official. G. & B. 3173, with secretum.
Both attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral's Saintly Sisters Exhibition in the Collections Gallery of Open Treasure from 28 November 2017 to 3 February 2018.
DCD 2.6.Pont.2   26 December 1374
Language:   Latin
Certificate of the official of the archdeacon of Durham, addressed to Ds. Alan of Shitlington, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, and to Master Wm. de Farnham, Bishop Hatfield's official, recording that in accordance with their mandate (dated at Durham on Wednesday, the eve of St. Thomas [20 December] 1374), which he recites, he has installed Robert Wallworth as prior of Durham in the place of the late John Fossor.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: missing complete with seal tag. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below seal tag.
DCD 2.6.Pont.3   7 December Pont.11 [1416]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham giving his agreement as temporal ruler to the election by the sub-prior and convent of Durham of John Wessington as prior of Durham.
Date: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 2.6.Pont.4   14 August 1391 and Transl. 4.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham informing the sub-prior and convent of Durham that he has received from John de Hemingbrough and Robert of Lanchester, monks of Durham, the resignation from the priorate of Robert Wallworth, together with a petition for licence to elect another prior. The bishop accepts the resignation and grants the licence.
Date: At his manor in London.
Seal: fragmentary. Presumably G. & B. 3144. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Probably was tie tag below.
DCD 2.6.Pont.5a   3 March Pont.4 [1349]
Language:   French
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, issued in response to an appeal by the community of the franchise of Durham, the people having claimed that Hatfield's action in ordering his justices to enquire into certain injustices and oppressions was contrary to the custom of the franchise, according to which custom the justices should not hold a session under general articles except at the time of an eyre. The bishop withdraws his commission to his justices, and agrees not to break the custom of the franchise in this way again.
Date: At Auckland Palace.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.6.Pont.5b.
Printed: (from chancery roll) G. T. Lapsley, The County Palatine of Durham, pp. 135-6.
DCD 2.6.Pont.5b   3 March Pont.4 [1349]
Language:   French
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham: another copy of 2.6.Pont.5a
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G. & B. 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.6.Pont.5a.
Printed: (from chancery roll) G. T. Lapsley, The County Palatine of Durham, pp. 135-6.
DCD 2.6.Pont.6
Now at Loc.XXV:167
See: Cart. III fo. 297r-v.
DCD 2.6.Pont.7   26 May [1446]
Language:   English
Letters close of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to the sub-prior and convent of Durham, accepting the resignation of John Wessington from the priorate and urging the convent to elect a suitable successor.
Date: At London
Seal: G. & B. 3154. Fragmentary. Applied to dorse. Signature.
Printed: HDST, app. no. CCXXX.
DCD 2.6.Pont.8   19 June 1446
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument witnessing that at 8 a.m. on 19 June 1446 in the nave of Durham Cathedral Ds. Robert Westmorland, monk of Durham and proctor of the sub-prior and convent of Durham, read a statement that since he feared certain threats to the convent's appropriated churches and other possessions, rights and privileges, including their right to free election of their prior, and since they were to elect a new prior on June 30th, he made a tutorial appeal to the Holy See and to York.
Witnesses: John Hexham, Wm. Bolton and Walter Berhalgh, lettered men of the dioceses of York and Durham.
Notarial sign: John Berehalgh, clerk of Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.6.Pont.9   [1416]
Report for legal opinion by the subprior and chapter of Durham following the death of prior John H[emingburgh] as to whether, since the bishop is overseas and messengers will take a long time to reach him, they may set in train arrangements for electing a new prior before receiving the bishop's licence to elect.
DCD 2.6.Pont.10   11 April 1321 and Cons. 4.
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the election as prior of Durham of Wm. of Couton.
Date: At Brantingham, diocese of York.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with tie tag below.
DCD 2.6.Pont.11
Reference number not used - Repertorium Magnum has a tautologous entry at this point, stating Littera sub littera y under reference Y.I.
DCD 2.6.Pont.12a   13 May 1446 and Transl. 9.
Language:   Latin
Letters (rather chewed along the top edge) of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to Master John Norton, his vicar-general, appointing him as keeper of the monastery of Durham from the time when Prior John [Wessington] resigns or dies.
Date: At his manor of Howden.
Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G. & B. 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag, now detached but still present, below.
DCD 2.6.Pont.12b   13 May 1446 and Transl. 9.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham informing the sub-prior and convent of Durham of his appointment of Master John Norton, LL.D., his vicar-general, as keeper of the priory from the time when Prior John Wessington resigns or dies.
Date: At his manor of Howden.
Seal: missing, complete with most of the tag, cut from foot of document, but which it was attached, and tie tag which was below.
DCD 2.6.Pont.13   [later 14th century]
Language:  Latin and French
File of copies of four documents relating to the prior of Durham's court:
Indenture between John [Fossor] prior of Durham and Margaret, widow of Thomas son of Richard of Ferryhill, by which the prior, having possession owing to the youth of Thomas' heir of all Thomas' lands and holdings in Ferryhill, Billingham and Cowpen [Bewley], grants to Margaret until such time as the heir attains his majority all Thomas' lands and holdings in Ferryhill. In return, Margaret, for the same period of time, relinquishes all claim to Thomas' lands in Billingham and Cowpen. Date: At Durham, 1 July 1365
Letters patent, in French, of King Edward [III] exemplifying an enrolment on the Chancery Rolls of Edward I. Partial copy of 2.4.Pont.13.
Petition, in French, of John [Fosser] Prior of Durham to [Richard de Bury or Thos. Hatfield] Bishop of Durham and his council. The prior states that in accordance with the terms of “Le Convenit” (see notes on clause 11 of 1.4.Pont.4) John Bille, his coroner, claimed for the prior's court John son of Thomas of Rainton and Robert Freeman of East Rainton, tenants of the prior, who were accused of theft by Roger Barbour of Easington before Wm. Mordon, sheriff of Durham. The sheriff refused both this claim and the prior's request for his share of wreck of the sea found on his land at Monk Hesleden. The prior asks that these injustices be remedied
Petition, in French, of John [Fosser] prior of Durham to [Richard de Bury or Thomas Hatfield] Bishop of Durham and his council. The petition is identical with the preceding one (item 3 above) except that it adds the following complaints: the bishop's officers are interfering with the custom whereby the prior's tenants may each take a cart-load of wood from the bishop's woodland, paying for this one hen a year (known as Wodehen) and in some cases a penny or three farthings a year (known as Wodehyre); whereas the priors of Durham have always held their own court of marshalsea on their own land, the bishop's officers are now preventing the prior's tenants from attending this court; when the prior's bailiff asked John de Sculthorp, receiver of Durham, and Wm. de Mordon, sheriff of Durham, for the prior's share of fines and amercements levied on his tenants in the bishop's court the request was refused.

DCD 2.6.Pont.14    No date.
Language:   Latin
Petition (draft of) from the prior and convent of Durham to the Pope [Calixtus III or Nicholas V], pointing out that from Septuagesima Sunday to the first Sunday in Lent they are not allowed by the Rule to eat fried food (frixa et frixaturas) outside the refectory, and that this severely weakens them and hampers them in the celebration of services, especially as they live on such a confined site that they have for the good of their health neither a garden nor fresh air; and as some of the brethren want to eat fried meat and pastries (pistas - perhaps "baked meat"?) at the time of year in question disunity and quarrels arise. The prior and convent therefore ask for permissions to eat meat outside the refectory, both at that season and on Christmas Eve when it falls on a Sunday, as well as on the other days when the eating of meat is not forbidden by the Church.
[A dispensation issued by Calixtus III - originally 1.3.Pap.15, registered at Cart. III f.201r-v - seems to be in reply to this petition or one of similar contents, and is dated 12 Kal. Mai. 1455 and Pont.1.]
Seal: No seal.
Copied: Cart. III f. 204r-v
DCD 3.6.Pont.1   12 December 1308, Patr. 3 and Cons. 25.
Language:   Latin
Notice of Antony [Bek] Patriarch of Jerusalem and Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham that on the day after the Purification of the B.V.M [3 February] he intends to begin a visitation of the church. They are to reply to the notice, informing him of the date of its receipt and reciting its text.
Date: At Eltham.
Seal: G. & B. 3125, without secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
Copied: Cart. I f. 95.
Printed: Records of Antony Bek, p. 134.
DCD 3.6.Pont.2   1 June 1344 and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument concerning a visitation by Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham of the priory of Durham. It is recorded that on 19 February 1343/4 the bishop, in the chapter-house at Durham, published a statement (recited), which was read out by Ds. Wm. de Hemyngton, priest, that the visitation would be canonical in all respects and in particular would conform with the contents of the constitution Debent superioribus reverenciam of Pope Boniface VIII. After the reading of this statement the bishop, through Master John de Aton', canon of Lincoln, explained that the purpose of his visitation was to correct the faults discovered at his last visitation - a matter which he had not been able to attend to before owing to ill-health and public duties. The bishop then, on February 19th and succeeding days, heard the replies of the prior and convent to various comperta and detecta, and, after undertaking to send his injunctions to the convent and praising their high standard of behaviour he left the chapter-house.
Notarial certificate of Simon de Cherryng', clerk of Canterbury diocese.
There follows a certificate by the bishop that the above facts are correctly recorded.
3.6.Pont.5. is also concerned with this visitation.
Date: At his manor of Welhall.
Seal: G. & B. 3133. Attached by silk cord through foot of document.
Transcript: In dei nomine amen. Per presens publicum instrumentum cunctis appareat evidenter quod anno ab incarnacione domini secundum cursum ecclesie anglicane millesimo trescentesimo quadragesimo tertio indictione duodecima pontificatus sanctissimi patris ac domini nostri domini Clementis divina providencia pape sexti anno secundo die Iovis proximo post festum Sancti Valentini die scilicet decima nona mensis Februarii hora quasi prima dicte diei reverendus in Christo pater dominus Ricardus dei gracia Dunelmensis episcopus constitutus personaliter in domo capitulari sue cathedralis ecclesie Dunelmensis et ibidem sedens in episcopali loco suo religiosis viris domino Iohanne de Fossoure ipsius ecclesie priore ac aliis eiusdem ecclesie monachis necnon clericis et laicis in multitudine copiosa tunc in ipsa domo congregatis idem dominus episcopus quamdam protestacionem in scriptis redactam palam et publice legi fecit per dominum Willelmum de Hemyngton presbyterum in cuius ore tunc ad hoc posuit verba sua cuius protestacionis tenor de verbo ad verbum per omnia talis erat: In die domine amen. Nos Ricardus permissione divina Dunelmensis episcopus in hiis scriptis palam et publice protestamur quod per debitam exactionem omissam dissimulacionem seu mitigacionem nostram aliqualem aliquodve dictum seu dicendum factum vel faciendum in presenti visitacione nostra in vos .. priorem et capitulum ecclesie nostre Dunelmensis exercenda seu pertinentibus ad visitacione eandem intencionis nostre nequaquam existit a forma et effectu visitacionis canonice presertim a modo racione constitucionis Bonifacii pape octavi que incipit Debent superioribus reverenciam quomodolibet resilire nec preiudicare nobis vel successoribus nostris in episcopali quacumque visitacione futura. Quam protestacionem habere volumus pro repetita eciam in singularibus actibus ipsam nostram visitacionem contingentibus quibuscumque. Et post lecturam protestacionis predicte dictus dominus episcopus adventus sui causam ad dictum locum per venerabilem et discretum virum magistrum Iohannem de Aton' canonicum Lincolniensem iuris utriusque professorem quem ad exponendum causam huiusmodi constituit organum sue vocis palam fecerat enarrari. Quam quidem causam magister Iohannes prelibatus dicebat esse pro correccionibus compertorum in visitacione ultima per ipsum dominum episcopum ac prelatum ordinarium ecclesie Dunelmensis predicte actualiter exercita in domo capitulari predicta faciendis adiciens inter cetera tunc per eum enarrata quod nihil censetur actum dum aliquid superest ad agendum et quod actus perfeccio ex confirmacione contingit operis, quodque prefatus dominus episcopus in actibus corressionum huiusmodi cum omni mansuetudine procederet et rigorem iustitie oleo misericordie temperaret et faceret quod in hac parte suo competeret officio pastorali, et quod antea tam propter sui debilitatem corporis quam inevitabiles et necessarias occupaciones dominum regem Anglie ipsiusque regnum et populum contingentes et alias circa corressiones easdem intendere commode non valebat. Exhibitaque subsequenter una certificatoria littera sub sigillo prioris eiusdem consignata per quam apparuit supprioram et capitulum ipsius ecclesis premunitos in genere ac quosdam ecclesie predicte monachos in spem per ipsum priorem citatos esse peremptorie quod coram domino episcopo memorato comparerent die et loco supradictis facturi et recepturi prout in ipsa certificatoria littera continetur idem donimus episcopus certis causis ipsum moventibus ut dicebat dictum diem Iovis ac correcciones easdem continuavit et prorogavit cum die crastino tunc venturo quem ceterisque monachis omnibus et singulis existentibus tunc ibidem prefixit et eciam assignavit ad comparendum coram ipso in domo capitulari predicta die crastina prelibata necnon ad vaciendum et recipiendum ulterius in dicto correccionis negocio quod fecisse et recepisse debebant die Iovis supradicto et quod canonicum fuerit et salubre ac ceteros quoscumque ecclesie et cellarum eiusdem monachos premunitos et citatos set nullatenus comparentes usque in eundem diem crastinum expectavit ad faciendum et recipiendum in eodem negocio iuxta vim formam et effectum citacionis eis in hac parte prius facte. Omnibus et singulis in eodem statu remanentibus quo fuerunt die Iovis supradicto presentibus tunc ibidem venerabilibus et discretis viris magistro Iohanne de Aton' et domino Willelmo de Hemyngton' supradictis ac magistris Willelmo Legat' dicti domini episcopi cancellario et Waltero de Farnedale clericis testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis. Eodem vero die crastino videlicet vicesima die mensis Februarii supradicti inter horam ipsius diei primam et terciam anno indictione et pontificatu supradictis idem dominus episcopus in ipsa domo capitulari personaliter constitutus cum Iohanne de Anton' Willelmo Legat' et fratre Iohanne de Buttrewyk' meque Symone de Cherryngg notario publico infrascripto quos secum habuit dictus dominus episcopus in actu visitacionis predicte obiecit priori prefato quedam comperta et detecta in visitacione memorata contra eum et habitus ad eadem responsionibus prioris predicti dominus episcopus prefatus eundem diem ac correcciones huiusmodi continuavit et prorogavit iterato cum die crastino proximo tunc sequenti. Quem cum continuacionem et prorogacionem dierum subsequencium usque ad finalem expedicionem corressionum huiusmodi predicto priori ac omnibus et singulis aliis monachis tunc ibidem congregatis prefixit et assignavit quod coram eo in ipsa domo capitulari dicto die crastino comparerent facturi et recepturi ulterius in dicto correccioum negocio quod iusticia suaderet et quod fecisse et recepisse debebant in hac parte die vicesima mensis Februarii supradicti quoscumque eciam monachos ecclesie et cellarum predictarum tunc absentes et diem vicesimam predictam ex continuacione seu prefixione huiusmodi habentes usque in predictum diem crastinum expectavit ad faciendum et recipiendum in negocio huiusmodi quod ius esset. Eodemque die crastino die scilicet vicesima prima mensis Februarii supradicti hora quasi tercia ipsius diei anno indictione et pontificatu predictis idem dominus episcopus in dicta domo capitulari personaliter constitutus cum Iohanne de Aton' Willelmo Legat' fratre Iohanne de Butrewyk' et me notario supradictis obiecit certis monachis dicti capituli quedam comperta et detecta contra eos in visitacione supradicta et habitis responsionibus per eosdem ad obiecta memorata prefatus dominus episcopus dictum diem ac correcciones huiusmodi continuavit et prorogavit iterato usque in diem Lune proximum tunc sequentem cum continuacione et prorogacione dierum subsequencium usque ad finalem expedicionem correccionum predictarum. Quem diem Lune prefixit et assignavit predicto domino priori ac ceteris monachis in ipsa domo tunc presentibus quod coram eo in ipsa domo comparerent facturi et recepturi ilterius in negocio correccionum huiusmodi quod iusticia suaderet. Quoscumque insuper monachos ecclesie et cellarum predictarum tunc absentes et dictam vicesimam primam diem ex continuacione seu preficione huiusmodi habentes usque in predictum diem Lune expectavit ad faciendum et recipiendum in negocio huiusmodi quod iuris fuerit et consonum eciam racioni. Eisdem eciam anno indiccione et pontificatu die vicesima tercia eiusdem mensis Februarii die videlicet Lune supradicto dominus episcopus memoratus in domo capitulari predicta personaliter constitutus una cum eisdem magistris Iohanne de Aton' et Willelmo Legat' ac fratre Iohanne de Butrewyk' meque Symone supradictis quedam comperta et detecta in visitacione prelibata ipsam visitacionem ac statum et priorem ceterasque personas eiusdem ecclesie tam communiter quam singulariter tangencia legi fecit palam publice et expresse coram ipsis priore suppriore et quibusdam monachis aliis dicti capituli presentibus tunc ibidem ipsisque compertis et detectis examinatis ac discussis idem dominus episcopus prefatum magistrum Iohannem de Aton' organum constituit vocis sue ad intimandum suo nomine predictis priori suppriori ceterisque monachis presentibus tunc ibidem ipsius domini episcopi voluntatem exitum visitacionis huiusmodu concernentem. Quibus prefatus magisterIohannes tunc dixit quod predictus dominus episcopus habita deliberacione plenaria de et super compertis et detectis huiusmodi iniunctiones suas in hac parte faceret et eas priori et capitulo ipsius ecclesie mitteret suo sigillo consignatas. Et hiis sic actis ut premittitur atque gestis idem dominus episcopus mores et actus et vitam laudabilem prioris et capituli predictorum multipliciter recomendans extra capitulum ecclesie abiit sepedicte.
Printed: (from Cart. I f. 105r) Richard d'Aungerville of Bury pp. 204ff.
Discussed: For Debent see Records of Antony Bek, pp. 86-7, and C. M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek pp. 161-2.
DCD 3.6.Pont.3   5 September 1354 and Cons. 10.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham stating that the fact that on his recent visitation of the priory of Durham he had with him 3 clerks and a notary is not to be taken as a precedent in conflict with the constitution Debent [superioribus reverenciam] of Pope Boniface VIII.
For other documents mentioning the same visitation see 2.7.Pont.3 and 6, 1.8.Pont.1, 2.8.Pont.4, 5 and 9.
Date: At Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3137. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Probably was tie-tag below.
DCD 3.6.Pont.4   1 June 1344 and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of the Priory of Durham by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham, beginning on 27 January 1342[3], when there were present in the chapter-house the bishop and the prior, the sub-prior and 49 monks who had been cited to appear; also present was a crowd of clerks and layment, who left the chapter-house after the bishop had preached, his text being Consideravit semitas domus sue (Prov. xxxi, 27).
Master John de Aton', canon of Lincoln, read on behalf of the bishop a declaration (recited) that the visitation would be canonical in all respects and in particular would conform with the contents of the constitution Debent superioribus reverenciam of Pope Bonifact VIII. John de Aton' also read the constitution Quia plerique and Simon de Cherryng, notary, read two letters (recited) of the prior and convent, one acknowledging the bishop's citation of themselves and the other acknowledging his mandate concerning the citation of the monks of the cells of the priory. Both letters are dated at Durham 19 January 1342 [1343]. A list of the monks cited from the priory and its cells follows. After these readings the bishop announced his intention to have with him on his visitation Master John de Aton', Master William Legat' and Brother John of Butterwick, clerks, and Simon de Cheryyng', notary, and ordered all the monks except the prior and John of Butterwick to leave the chapter-house. The bishop then examined the prior, and on the following three days he examined the monks, questioning 13 on the first day, 21 on the second and 24 on the third. Ons the following day the bishop, having conferred with his clerks, instructed John de Aton' to address the prior and monks concerning the disgraceful life of Brother Geoffrey of Lincoln at Farne and the inhuman threatment of those in the infirmary at Durham. The visitation then ended.
Notarial sign of Simon de Cherryng', clerk of the diocese of Canterbury, notary.
There follows a certificate by the bishop that the above facts are correctly recorded.
Date: At his manor of Welehall'.
Seal: Seal. G. & B. 3133. Attached by silk cord through foot of document.
Quia plerique
Decretales Gregorii, Lib. III, Cap. VIII. Printed e.g., in column 1407 of Decretales D. Gregorii Papae IX ... (Rome, 1632), which is Cosin Library F. 1. 3.
Text: Quia plerique prelati, ut procurationem aut servitium aliquod impendant legato vel alii, plus extorquent a subditis, quam solvant; et in eorum damnis lucra sectantes, quaerunt praedam, potius quam subsidium in subiectis, id de cetero prohibemus. Quod si quis forte presumpserit, et sic extorta restituat, et tantundem cogatur pauperibus elargiri. Superior autem, cui fuerit querela deposita, si neglegens fuerit in huiusmodi executione statuti, canonicae subiaceat ultioni. The summary of the above text reads: Prelati plus debito a subditis extorquentes pretextu procurationis vel alterius servitii impensi legato vel alteri, illud restituent, et tantundem pauperibus erogabunt.
Dr A. I. Doyle says that while searching for editions of the Corpus Iuris Canonici he has noted the following pair in the Refectory:
G. IA. 1-3 (A.D. 1548)
G. I. 8-10 (A.D. 1618)
Printed: (from Cart. I f.98V) Richard d'Aungerville of Bury, pp. 150ff.
DCD 3.6.Pont.5   19 and 20 February 1343/4.
Language:   Latin
Copy or draft of a notarial instrument recording a visitation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham of the priory of Durham, beginning on Thrusday 19 February 1343/4. Master John de Aton', D.C.L., D.Cn.L., canon of Lincoln, for the bishop, declared that the purpose of the visitation was to correct the faults discovered at the last visitation, conducted by the bishop as abbot - a matter which the bishop had not been able to attend to before owing to ill-health and public duties. Then Wm. de Walton', clerk, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, read a protestation of no prejudice (recited) and a precautionary appeal to Rome (recited), after which Ds. Wm. de Hemyngton, priest, on behalf of the bishop, read a declaration (recited) that the visitation would be canonical in all respects and in particular would conform with the contents of the constitution Debent superioribus reverenciam of Pope Boniface VIII. Then were exhibited letters of the prior and convent acknowledging that the sub-prior and chapter in general, and certain monks specifically, had been cited to appear at the visitation. The bishop ordered that the visitation should continue on 20 February and for as long as necessary thereafter, and on 20 February Wm. de Walton' delivered to Master Wm. Legat', the bishop's chancellor, copies of the prior and convent's protestacio and precautionary appeal. When, on the same day, the bishop ordered Simon de Cherryng', notary, to read out the record of the previous day's proceedings, Master Richard de Tanfield, clerk, for the prior and convent, objected to the words implying the bishop to have visited “as abbot”, and Wm. de Walton' producted 2 papal bulls (quotations from each being given), one of Pope Gregory [IX] (2.1.Pap.39; see Cart. I f. 11v) and one of Pope Celestine [III] (1.1.Pap.1; see Cart. I f. 7v) to prove that the bishop had not right to visit as abbot. The bishop admitted his error and ordered the offending words to be removed from the record. The chapter-house was then cleared of laymen so that the visitation could proceed.
Witnesses: Master John de Aton', Master Wm. Legat', Simon de Cherryng', and John de Butterwick, monk of Durham.
Notarial sign: of Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
The same visitation is dealt with in 3.6.Pont.2.
Date: [At Durham].
Seal: No seal.
Printed: (from Cart. I f. 103r) Richard d'Aungerville of Bury, pp. 196ff.
DCD 3.6.Pont.6   8 November 1324 and Cons. 7.
Language:   Latin
Commission of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to Master Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, Master John of Holy Island, D. C. L., dean of the collegiate church of Auckland, Master Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, and Master Richard de Cotes, rector of Alwinton. The commissaries are to investigate certain churches in the diocese in order to find out whether they have been appointed by religious bodies or are held by seculars, who receives their revenues, in what orders their priests and minister are, and everything else which the bishop investigated on his recent visitation.
For results of this commission see 3.6.Pont.8a & 8b.
Date: At Stockton.
Seal: missing. Was probably attached to strip cut from foot of document, but if so the strip has been torn off.
DCD 3.6.Pont.7
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
See Cart. I f.111, according to Repertorium Magnum. This is a copy of 2.4.Pont.10, a document apparently of the same nature, but from the time of Bishop Fordham not Bishop Walter Skirlawe.
DCD 3.6.Pont.8a   9 June 1325.
Language:   Latin
Final judgment of Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, commissaries appointed by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to investigate the possession by the prior and convent of Durham of 20 named churches in the diocese and of an annual pension of 4 marks of silver from the church of Castle Eden. After considering the witnesses and documentary evidence produced by the prior and convent, the commissaries judge that the prior and convent have established their right to these possessions.
Date: In the Galilee, Durham.
Seal: (i) of Richard of Eryholme. G. & B. 904.
(ii) of Wm. de Whickham. G. & B. 2635.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.8b.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.9a.
Confirmed: 3.6.Pont.12a. & b.
Copied: Cart. III f. 300r.
Copied: 4.6.Pont.12.
DCD 3.6.Pont.8b   9 June 1325.
Language:   Latin
Final judgment : another copy of 3.6.Pont.8a.
Date: In the Galilee, Durham.
Seal: (i) of Richard of Eryholme. G. & B. 904.
(ii) of Wm. de Whickham. G. & B. 2635.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.8a.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.9a.
Confirmed: 3.6.Pont.12a. & b.
Copied: Cart. III f. 300r.
Copied: 4.6.Pont.12.
DCD 3.6.Pont.9a   9 June 1325.
Language:   Latin
Final judgment : another copy of 3.6.Pont.8a.
Date: In the Galilee, Durham.
Seal: (i) of Richard of Eryholme. G. & B. 904.
(ii) of Wm. de Whickham. G. & B. 2635.
Both attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.8a.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.8b.
Confirmed: 3.6.Pont.12a. & b.
Copied: Cart. III f. 300r.
Copied: 4.6.Pont.12.
DCD 3.6.Pont.9b   11 June 1325 and Cons. 8.
Language:   Latin
Copy of a confirmation (original is 3.6.Pont.12a. & b.) by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the judgment of his commissaries Master Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and Master Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, concerning 20 named churches appropriated to the prior and convent of Durham. The judgment itself, which is recited, is 3.6.Pont.8a, 8b and 9a.
Notary: no sign or certificate, but clause of execution mentions John de Thirsk.
Date: At his manor of Allerton.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 3.6.Pont.10   Wednesday the eve of Ascension Day [15 May] 1325.
Language:   Latin
Evidence given by 10 witnesses (the approximate ages of 9 of these witnesses are given), 6 monks of Durham and 4 laymen, concering the prior and convent of Durham's right to hold their appropriated churches and to receive their annual pension of 4 marks from the chapel of Castle Eden.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 3.6.Pont.11   7 January 1328/9 and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham remitting to the prior and convent of Durham certain financial and other penalties imposed on them for deficiencies in manors, buildings and enclosures of theirs, and also in their appropriated churches and chapels and in the chancels, books and ornaments of these.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
Digitised material for 3.6.Pont.11
DCD 3.6.Pont.12a   11 June 1325 and Cons. 8.
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument by which Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham confirms the judgment (3.6.Pont.8a/8b/9a., recited) of his commissaries Masters Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, that the prior and convent of Durham have established their right to 20 names churches in the diocese of Durham as well as to their annual pension of 4 marks of silver from the church of Castle Eden.
Notary: John son of John of Thirsk, clerk of York, who witnesses to both the commissaries' judgment on 9 June 1325 and the bishop's confirmation on 11 June 1325. Witnesses on the first occasion were Master John de Nassington, official of the archdeacon of Durham, Master John de Hirlawe, and Master Thomas Ive, clerks, and Peter de Manyngford, bishop's sequestrator, and Hugh of Corbridge, notary; witnesses on the second occasion were Master John de Insula, D. C. L., Dr. Thomas de Haswell, rector of Sedgefield, and Master John de Hirlawe.
Date: At his manor of Allerton.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.12b.
Confirmed: (by Bishop Bury) 4.6.Pont.1.
Copied: 3.6.Pont.9b.
Similar document: 3.4.Ebor.16.
DCD 3.6.Pont.12b   11 June 1325 and Cons. 8.
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument : another copy of 3.6.Pont.12a.
Date: At his manor of Allerton.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.6.Pont.12a.
Confirmed: (by Bishop Bury) 4.6.Pont.1.
Copied: 3.6.Pont.9b.
Similar document: 3.4.Ebor.16.
DCD 3.6.Pont.13   5 January 1503/4 and Transl. 2
Language:   Latin
Letters of William [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham to his vicar-general, reciting a citation of King Henry [VII], dated at Westminster 3 November anno regni 19 [1503], ordering the bishop to appear in person at a parliament to be held at Westminster on 25 January next, and requiring him to cite the prior and convent of Durham and the archdeacons and clergy of his diocese, the prior and archdeacons to appear in person and the chapter and diocesan clergy to be represented by proctors. The bishop orders his vicar-general to carry out the king's orders.
At left foot of document is a note: Memorandum quod recepi hanc commissionam undecima die mensis Januarii circa horam undecimam ante meridiem.
Seal: G. & B. 3165. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie-tag below.
Digitised material for 3.6.Pont.13
DCD 3.6.Pont.14
Language:   Latin
Copy of the following two documents:
Recital (in part only, the recital tailing off with an "etc.") and confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham (original is 4.6.Pont.1.) of a confirmation (3.6.Pont.12.) by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the judgment of his commissaries Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, concerning the appropriated churches possessed by the prior and convent of Durham in the diocese of Durham.
Date: At his manor of Auckland, 13 September 1343 and Cons. 10.
Inspeximus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham (original is 4.6.Pont.4.) of I above.
Date: At his manor of Stockton, 20 April 1346 and Cons. 1
DCD 3.6.Pont.15   [1379-1390]
Language:   Latin
Document containing copies of the following documents:
Mandate of Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton and vicar-general of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, to the official of the archdeaconry exercised by the prior and convent of Durham over their appropriated churches to induct Ds. William Wardall, chaplain, to the vicarage of Ellingham, made vacant by the resignation of Ds. Henry Leyng, chaplain.
Date: At Durham, 29 March 1390
Letters of Ds. Robert Curtays, parish chaplain of Bedlington, to Robert [Wallworth], prior of Durham and archdeacon of the prior and convent of Durham's appropriated churches, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from the prior to induct Ds. John Pays, presented by the prior and convent and instituted by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, to the vicarage of Bedlington. The mandate is dated at Durham 21 September 1379. Curtays reports that on 25 September he inducted Pays in the person of his proctor, Ds. John de Brynyston, Chaplain.
Date: At Bedlington, 26 September 1379
Mandate of Thomas de Gretham, rector of Ryton and official and vicar-general of [Walter Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, to the archdeacon, or his official, of the prior and convent of Durham to induct Ds. William Crayk, chaplain, on the presentation of the prior and convent, to the vicarage of Edlingham. The original of this mandate is 1.2.Arch. Northumb. 41.
Date: At Durham, 9 January 1390 [1391]
Another copy of Robert Curtays' letters.
Seal: No seals.
Original of Curtays' letter: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.1.
DCD 3.6.Pont.16
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum, where it is described as an agreement concerning the appropriation of churches held from the bishops of Durham
DCD 4.6.Pont.1   13 September 1343 and Cons. 10.
Language:   Latin
Recital and confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham of a confirmation (3.6.Pont.12a. & b.) by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the judgment of his commissaries Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and William de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, concerning the appropriated churches possessed by the prior and convent of Durham in the diocese of Durham.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3133. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: 3.6.Pont.14.
Confirmed: (by Bishop Hatfield) 4.6.Pont.4.
DCD 4.6.Pont.2   13 September 1343 and Cons. 10.
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham reciting and confirming for the duration of his episcopate letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham granting to the prior and convent of Durham, in response to their claim that from time immemorial they have been free from any obligation to pay procurations on the occasion of a visitation of their priory and of their appropriated churches, that this freedom from procurations be continued for the duration of his episcopate. Bishop Beaumont's grant is dated at Durham 6 January 1328/9 and Cons. 11 (original of this grant is 4.6.Pont.8.).
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 4.6.Pont.3. (by Bishop Hatfield).
DCD 4.6.Pont.3   20 April 1346 and Cons. 1
Language:   Latin
Letters of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham inspecting and confirming for the duration of his episcopate Bishop Richard [of Bury]'s confirmation for the duration of his episcopate of Bishop Louis [Beaumont]'s grant to the prior and convent of Durham of freedom from payment of procurations on their appropriated churches (see 4.6.Pont.2).
Date: At his manor of Stockton.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 4.6.Pont.5. (by Bishop Fordham).
DCD 4.6.Pont.4   20 April 1346 and Cons. 1
Language:   Latin
Copy of an inspeximus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.1.) of a confirmation by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham (3.6.Pont.12a. & b.) of the judgment of his commissaries concerning the appropriated churches possessed by the prior and convent of Durham in the diocese of Durham (the original of this confirmation is 4.6.Pont.9).
Date: At his manor of Stockton.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 4.6.Pont.5   18 May 1382 and Cons. 2
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham of a confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.3.) of a confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.2.) of a grant by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of freedom from procurations for their appropriated churches. Bishop Fordham's grant of this freedom, like those of his predecessors, is for the duration of his own episcopate only.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3140. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 4.6.Pont.6 (by Bishop Skirlawe)
DCD 4.6.Pont.6   7 January 1394/5 and Transl. 7.
Language:   Latin
Confirmation by Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham of a confirmation by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.5.) of a confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.3.) of a confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.2.) of a grant by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham of freedom from procuratiions for their appropriated churches. Bishop Skirlawe's grant, like those of his predecessors, is for the duration of his own episcopate only.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3144. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 4.6.Pont.7   [26 December] 1261
Language:   Latin
Letters of Richard [Stichill] bishop of Durham stating that his reception by the prior and convent of Durham in their monastery on Christmas Night 1261 was an act of grace and not of obligation, and that their action is not to be taken as forming a precedent.
Date: Durham, St Stephen the first martyr, same year, Consecration 1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G. & B. 3123, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.94v.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.119-120.
DCD 4.6.Pont.8   6 January 1328/9 and Cons. 11
Language:   Latin
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham granting to the prior and convent of Durham, in response to their claim that from time immemorial they have been free from any obligation to pay procurations on the occasion of a visitation of their priory and of their appropriated churches, that this freedom from procurations be continued for the duration of his episcopate.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: G. & B. 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: 4.6.Pont.2. (by Bishop Bury).
DCD 4.6.Pont.9   20 April 1346 and Cons. 1
Language:   Latin
Inspeximus-confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a confirmation by Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham (4.6.Pont.1.) of a confirmation by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham (3.6.Pont.12a. & b.) of the judgment of his commissaries concerning the appropriated churches possessed by the prior and convent of Durham in the diocese of Durham.
Date: At his manor of Stockton.
Seal: G. & B. 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copied: 4.6.Pont.4.
DCD 4.6.Pont.10    No date.
Language:   Latin
Copy or draft of a case to be put before Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, or one or more commissaries of his, concerning the prior and convent of Durham's right to possess 20 named churches in the diocese of Durham. The proctor argues that the prior and convent, when required by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to prove their title to these churches, appeared before the bishop's commissaries, Masters Richard of Eryholme, canon of York, and Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, and produced evidence which satisfied the commissaries; Bishop Beaumont confirmed this judgment, as did his successor Richard [of Bury].
An endorsement suggests that the above case was to be stated at a visitation.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 4.6.Pont.11    No date.
Language:   Latin
Copy of letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham stating that, having found in the course of a visitation of his diocese that the prior and convent of Durham were in possession of the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Holy Island, Witton Gilbert, Whitworth and Bywell St. Peter (none of which had vicars or vicarages assigned to them), and of St. Oswald, Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Pittington, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham and Bedlington, with their dependent chapels, and of an annual pension of 4 marks from the church of Castle Eden, as well as 40/- annually from the church of Whittingham, 40/- from the vicarage of Middleham and 4 marks from the vicarage of Heighington, he ordered the prior and convent to appear before him and state their claim to these possessions; this he acknowledges they have done to his satisfaction.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 4.6.Pont.12    No date
Language:   Latin
Copy of the judgment of Richard de Eryholme, canon of York, and Wm. de Whickham, rector of Staindrop, commissaries appointed by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to investigate the possession by the prior and convent of Durham of 20 named churches, etc., in the diocese of Durham. Originals are 3.6.Pont.8a, 8b, 9a.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 4.6.Pont.13
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
See: Cart. III fo. 300v.
DCD 4.6.Pont.14   4 December 1464 and Cons. 8.
Language:   Latin
Citation by Laurence [Booth] Bishop of Durham of the prior and convent of Durham to be present in their chapter-house on the Monday after the Conception of the B.V.M., viz. 10 December, when he intends to conduct a visitation. The prior and convent are to inform the bishop of the date of their receipt of the citation, reciting its text at the same time.
Another document concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.16.
Date: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G. & B. 3157. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
DCD 4.6.Pont.15   24 July 1459 and Cons. 2
Language:   Latin
Mandate of Laurence [Booth] Bishop of Durham to John [Burnaby] prior of Durham to cite all monks of the cells of his priory, as well as the sub-prior and chapter of the priory itself, to be present in their chapter-house on the Wednesday following the Translation of St. Cuthbert, viz. 5 September, when the bishop intends to conduct a visitation. The prior is to inform the bishop of his action in the matter, reciting the text of the bishop's mandate, before 5 September.
Date: At his manor of London.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. There may have been a tie tag below the seal tag.
DCD 4.6.Pont.16   27 August 1442 and Transl. 5.
Language:   Latin
Commission of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to Masters John Norton, LL.D., John Lounde, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., Master of Kepyer Hospital, and William Ebchester, D.D., to investigate and correct the faults discovered by the bishop in his recent visitation of Durham Cathedral Priory. If necessary, the commissaries are to make up their number by co-opting Masters Robert Beaumont and Robert Twates, and they are to work in consultation with the prior and sub-prior and Brothers Thomas Ayer, Thomas Lawson, John Gateshead, William Dalton and Robert Westmorland.
For other documents mentioning this visitation see 2.7.Pont.8, 9, 12 and 13, 1.8.Pont.2.
Seal: G. & B. 3152 - Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Box 7
DCD 1.7.Pont.1
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum, where it is described as copy of charter of Bishops William [of St Calais], Hugh [of le Puiset], Richard Marsh and Thomas [of Bayeux], archbishop of York, concerning the liberties of the church of Durham
Part of this may now be Misc. Ch. 5729 [MGS]
DCD 1.7.Pont.2   18 June 1426
Language:   Latin
Roll recording that on 18 June 1426 John Wessington, prior of Durham, exhibited in the chapel of St. Nicholas in Durham abbey various documents, concerning the prior's rights and status, which are transcribed and the copies certified by a notary. The documents are:
(i) Extract from Bede, Hist. Eccl., bk. IV, chap. 25.
(ii) Extract from Bede, Prose Life of St. Cuthbert, chap. 16.
(iii) 1.1.Pont.1a [spurious charter of bishop William of St. Calais].
(iv) Extract from 1.1.Pont.4a. or 4b. [spurious charter of bishop William of St. Calais].
(v) 3.1.Pont.1 [charter of bishop Hugh of Le Puiset], with last sentence and witness-list omitted.
(vi) Extract fro “Le Convenit”, comprising clause 1 (see notes on 1.4.Pont.4), and a note that the agreement was confirmed by Pope Gregory IX and King Henry III.
(vii) Extract from a spurious bull of Pope Gregory VII, copied in Cart. Vet. f. 11r.
(viii) Extract from a bull of Pope Celestine III, copied in Cart. Vet. f. 28v.
(ix) Extract from a bull of Pope Innocent III [3.1.Pap.1], copied in Cart. Vet. f. 31r.
(x) 1.1.Reg.1 [spurious charter of King William I].
(xi) 1.1.Reg.2a [spurious charter of King William I].
(xii) spurious charter of bishop William of St. Calais, an abbreviated version of 1.1.Pont.3b.
Witnesses: Wm. Bawtre, clerk, and John Holme, literus, of the diocese of York.
Notary: Wm. Doncaster, clerk of the diocese of York.
Date: [At Durham].
Seal: No seal.
Copied: Cart. III ff. 302r-303v.
DCD 1.7.Pont.3   [end 14th century?]
Language:   Latin
File consisting of copies of 2 notarial instruments:
Instrument recording that on 27 May 1381 Master John Mawnedour' and John Pepham, clerks, executors of the late Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, brought into the nave of Durham Cathedral the body of Bishop Hatfield on a carriage drawn by 5 large horses. The body was then taken from the carriage and carried into the chancel, and immediately afterwards John Abel, monk and sacrist of Durham, with the knowledge of the executors and in the presence of Master Wm. de Farnham, rector of Walkington, Ds. John Hawmond', chaplain of the diocese of York and Durham, and many others, seized the carriage and horses as his due and took them away into the abbey.
Notarial certificate (no sign) of John de Cokyn, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Date: [At Durham], 27 May 1381
Instrument recording that on 20 April 1345, in a stable between the great gate of Durham Priory and the priory's brewhouse, Master John de Whitchurch, rector of Sedgefield, executor of the late Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham, handed over to Walter Gategang', monk and sacrist of Durham, 2 large gray horses, which had carried the bishop's corpse to the cathedral for burial, and 1 mule, which had carried the bishop's chapel on the same occasion; the executor stated that these animals were due to the prior and convent by reason of the bishop's having been carried to and buried in the cathedral. Present at the livery of the animals were Ds. Wm. Pichecot', chaplain, and Peter de Clif', Thomas Bremmesgrove and Wm. Page.
Notarial sign and certificate of Simon de Cherryng', clerk of the diocese of Canterbury.
Date: [At Durham], 20 April 1345
Original, 1381 instrument: DCD 1.1.Sacr.15.
DCD 1.7.Pont.4
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
See: Cart. I. ff 118v-120r.
DCD 1.7.Pont.5   No date (1438 or later).
Language:   Latin
Roll of 6 membranes endorsed Forma postulacionia magistri Roberti Nevyll' episcopi Sar', being a narrative, which include copies of relevant documents, concerning the burial of Thomas Langley, bishop of Durham, and the election to the vacant see of Robert Nevill, bishop of Salisbury. Included in the narrative is a list of the monks of Durham Priory and its cells who took part in the election.
Langley died at Auckland on 20 November 1437. The monks of Durham buried him in the Galilee, and afterwards William Ebchester, sacrist, claimed the carriage and 4 horses used to transport his body to the cathedral. A petition (recited) was then sent to King Henry VI for licence to elect a new bishop. Petition dated at Durham 6 December 1437. The king's licence is recited and is dated at Eltham 28 December anno regni 16.
John Wessington, prior, and the chapter of Durham appointed 27 January 1438 as the date for the election, and ordered all monks of Durham and its cells to be cited and appear in the chapter-house on that day.
On 27 January the Mass of the Holy Ghost was celebrated in the choir of the cathedral, and then a bell was rung and all the monks present (a list is given) entered the chapter house. The royal licence was read out, and so was a letter from William Drax, prior of Coldingham. This is dated at Coldingham 20 January 1437/8; it recites a mandate from Wessington to Drax, dated at Durham 15 December 1437, to cite all the monks of Coldingham to appear at Durham for the election, and certifies that this has been done. Similar letters were exhibited from the priors, masters and wardens of the other cells. Several letters appointing proctors were read out, and one of these is recited: John Mody, warden of Durham College Oxford, appointed William Ebchester as his proctor for the election - dated at Durham College 4 January.
After the above formalities William Ebchester preached on the text "Eligite meliorem de filiis Domini", and the hymn "Veni creator spiritus" was sung. Then William Dalton, monk and chancellor of Durham, was appointed by Wessington and the chapter (letters of appointment recited) to remove from the chapter house such people as had no right to take part in the election; Dalton's warning to such people to leave the building is recited. After due discussion the assembled monks decided to choose a compromissarius to choose the new bishop, and they unanimously chose Wessington. Letters appointing Wessington to make the decision jointly with 2 others are recited. Wessington accepted the commission and after due consideration and consultation announced (announcement recited) that he chose Robert Nevill, bishop of Salisbury. The assembled monks approved the decision, and then they left the chapter house, singing the Te Deum as they went, the bells were rung, and the monks processed to the high altar, from where Wessington announced the choice to the clergy and people assembled in the cathedral. On the following day the monks appointed William Ebchester and John Mody as their proctors to go and tell Nevill of the chapter's choice. The appointment is recited, as are the words of the proctors asking Nevill to agree to the election. Nevill's agreement is recited, and so is the letter to the king asking for his approval. This is dated by the prior and covent at Durham on 30 January. The fact of the king's approval is recorded.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.7.Pont.6   11 April 1441
Language:   Latin
Notarial instrument recording in detail the installation as bishop of Durham of Robert [Nevill] on 11 April 1441.
Witnesses: Ds. John Runkhorn, priest, and John Berehalgh, notaries, Thomas [Radcliffe], bishop of Dromore and bp. Nevill's suffragan, William [Spenser], abbot of Rievaulx, John [Brompton II], abbot of Jervaux, William [Helperby], abbot of Byland, William [Hebescott?], abbot of Newminster, William [ ], abbot of Alnwick, [ ] abbot of Blanchland, John [Millom], prior of Newburgh, John [Crossansdye], prior of Brinkburn, Master John Norton, LL.D., Master Robert Beaumont, the bishop's temporal chancellor, Master John Lounde, warden of Kepyer Hospital, Master Robert Thwaytes, dean of Auckland, Master Richard Witton, dean of Darlington, Master Robert Witton, dean of Greatham Hospital, Master William Newton, vicar of Bywell St Peter, Richard, earl of Salisbury, George, Lord Latemer and Edward, Lord Burgem, brothers of the bishop, Ralph, Baron Graystock, William, Lord Fitzhuch' (?), William Scrope, Lord Bolton, Robert, Baron Hylton, Sir Ralph Gray, Sir William Eure, Sir Thomas Metham', Sir William Bawes, Sir Robert Harbottle, Sir William Lumley, Thomas Fulthorp', king's justice, Christopher Boynton, bishop's justice, Robert Eure, Roger Thornton, Robert Claxton, William Hilton, son and heir of Baron Hylton, John Heron of Ford, Stephen Hatfield, William Chaunceler, Robert Constable, William Pudsay, sheriff of Durham, William Hoton of Heecwike, Robert Rodes, John Stafford, Nicholas Blaxton, Thomas Claxton, Robert Lampton, John Binchester, chaplain, John Holme, William Killinghall, Robert Stottfald and many others.
Notaries: Robert Bartram, clerk of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry John Berehalgh, clerk of the diocese of Durham John Runkhorn, clerk of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.7.Pont.7   5 February 1319/20.
Language:   Latin
Copy, alleging itself to have been sealed by Master John de Turleria (or Tueril), canon of Mende, of a mandate of Master Rigaudus de Anerio, papal nuncio in England, by virtue of which John de T. received from G[eoffrey Burdon], prior of Durham, certain possessions of the cardinals Gausclinus and Lucas. The mandate orders anyone who may acquire or has acquired any of the stolen possessions of the two cardinals to give them up to John de T., the cardinals' proctor and the bearer of the mandate. The mandate is dated at London, 15 January 1320.
Date: At Durham.
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. This strip, together with the tie tag that was probably below it, is also missing.
Copied:: Cart.III.f.306r.
DCD 1.7.Pont.8    7 Id. Aug. (7 August) anno secundo.
Language:   Latin
Petition on behalf of the P&C of Durham to the pope, pointing out that the priory of Durham has an annual income of 5,000 marks sterling or more, and that the prior is recognised to be superior in status to all other abbots and priors in the bishopric ( provincia Dunolm' ), and asking that the prior be allowed to wear episcopal insignia.
At the end of the text, before the date, is written in another hand Fiat infra monasterium suum et loca sibi subiecta . In Cart.III.f.303v, where this document is copied, a marginal note labels these words subscripcio pape . Date: At St Peter's, Rome.
Seal: No seal.
Copied: Cart.III.f.303v
See also: 1.7.Pont.12, 3.2.Archiep.5 & 1.2.Archiep.10.
DCD 1.7.Pont.9   [end 14th century?]
Language:   Latin
Document containing copies of the following two documents:
Grant by Robert son of Roger in free alms to God, St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Durham of 20 shillings a year from Robert's mill at Warkworth. (The money is to provide lights at St Cuthbert's tomb).
Witnesses: Philip (of Poitou), Bp. of Durham, Roger Bigot, earl of Norfolk, earl David, brother of the king of Scotland, Henry de Boby, earl of Hertford, Roger de Lacy, constable of Chester, Eustace de Vesci, Robert de Rose, William de Albeney, Vincent de Whitingingham (sic), Berther de Sancto Andomaso, William de Sparham, Roger, son of William, and many others.
Inspeximus-confirmation of the above by Henry de Percy, senior, lord of Alnwick and of Warkworth.
Witnesses: Sir Ralph de Nevill', Sir William de Dacre, Sir Walter de Crek, Sir William de Wessington, Sir John de Sigston, knights, and others.
Dated: Durham priory, 19 October 1346
DCD 1.7.Pont.10   18 May 1406
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a notarial instrument recording that on 18 May 1406 John Hemingbrough, prior, and 35 monks of Durham appointed Master John Acle, D.D., prior of Coldingham, Thomas Rome, B.D., and William Barry, monks of Durham, as their proctors to seek the agreement of Thomas Langley, dean of York and royal chancellor, to his election as bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Master Robert Asheburn, LL.B., Master John Southwell, LL.B., Master John Hawood, LL.B., William Bristowe, notary, Thomas Ryall, notary, and others.
Notary: John de Stanton, clerk of York.
DCD 1.7.Pont.11   27 September 1403 and anno regni 4 of Henry IV.
Language:  Latin.
Indenture of lease by John Chaumbr', knight, lord of Byllyngeston in Oxfordshire, Johanna his wife and John Marchall', citizen and tailor of London, to Thomas Ston, citizen and inn-keeper of London, for twenty years at an annual rent of 17 marks sterling, of an inn called the Lion on the Hoop, in Friday Street, in the parish of St Matthew the apostle and evangelist, London.
Dated: At London.
Seal: Missing, and its tag has been cut off.
A number of small, regularly-distributed slits cut in the document presumably indicate that it was cancelled. Below the last line of writing are traces of some sort of note or memorandum, most of which has been cut off.
DCD 1.7.Pont.12    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a petition addressed to the Pope [?Boniface IX] on behalf of the P&C of Durham, saying that his predecessor Urban VI had allowed the priors of Durham to wear episcopal insignia insofar as they were worn by priors of other Benedictine cathedrals in England, but that (i) an earlier agreement between the bishop of Durham and the P&C [ “Le Convenit” - cf. 1.4.Pont.4] had laid down, inter alia, that the prior was to have an abbot's stall on the left side of the choir (but without the pastoral staff), and the right hand of the bishop, and full powers, with his chapter, of governing the priory in all its internal and external affairs, and (ii) this agreement had been confirmed by the Holy See, and since Urban's indult had made no mention of this agreement many had expressed doubts about the validity of the indult. The Pope is therefore asked to declare that the indult is valid and to make express mention of “Le Convenit” in his declaration.
Seal: No seal.
Cf: 1.7.Pont.8; 3.2.Archiep.5 & 1.2.Archiep.10.
DCD 1.7.Pont.13   4 April 1441
Language:  Latin.
Commission of John [Wessington], prior of Durham, to Master John Norton, LL.D., and Master Robert Beaumont, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., stating that from time immemorial the priors of Durham have had the right of installing the bishops of Durham, but that Wessington fears that on the occasion of the installation of Robert [Nevill] he may be unable, because of illness or from any other cause, to exercise his right in person. Norton and Beaumont are therefore, on 11 April, to act for him at the installation.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below (seal tag torn away).
DCD 1.7.Pont.14   8 October 1333
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on the morrow of the feast of St Fides [7 October] 1333 Master Ralph de Holbeche, chancellor to the late Louis [Beaumont], bishop of Durham, offered at the shrine of St Cuthbert, as was customary, two silver seals with silver chains which had been used by the bishop and which, after his death, had been broken in the presence of Brothers William de Gisburn, senior, and Peter de Helton', feretrar, and of Master John de Bekingham, recently official of Durham, and Hugh of Corbridge, notary.
Notarial Sign: of Hugh, called Palmer, of Corbridge, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.7.Pont.15   21 May 1509.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Thomas [Castell], prior, and the chapter of Durham to King Henry [VIII], saying that, the see of Durham being vacant owing to the translation of Bishop Christopher [Bainbridge] to York, they have commissioned Thomas Castell', B.D., and Hugh Whitehead to petition for licence to elect a new bishop.
Dated: At Durham, in the Chapter House.
Seal: of Durham priory. G&B 3427, with secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.7.Pont.16   7 February 1502/3 & Transl. 1
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William [Senhouse] Bishop of Durham to Thomas [Castell], prior of Durham, appointing the prior as his vicar-general during his absence from the diocese.
Dated: At his Manor of Overton.
Seal: G&B 3165. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.7.Pont.17   [Date as above, or possibly a day or two later].
Language:  Latin.
Incomplete draft of a notarial instrument recording the election of [Laurence Booth] as the new bishop of Durham after the death of Robert Nevill. The day appointed by the P&C for the election was 26 September 1457, and the draft records all the preliminaries to the election (the sermon on the text “Eligite virum meliorem ”, the hymm “Veni creator spiritus ”, the reading of protestations, letters of proxy, certificates of priors and masters about the summoning of their monks, and the royal licence to elect, and the exclusion from the chapter house of all those disqualified from taking part in the election) but stops short of the election itself.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1
File of nine documents concerning visitations, mostly of Durham Priory and mostly by bishops of Durham
Documents sub-lettered a-j by Martin Snape, November 1971
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(a)   9 April 1319 & Cons. 2
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to G[eoffrey Burdon], prior of Durham, to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday after the Octave of Trinity Sunday [18 June].
Dated: At Grenforth.
Seal: fragments of a seal (presumably G&B 3130) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(b)   4 April 1325 & Cons. 8.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to W[illiam of Couton], prior of Durham, to appear before the bishop or his commissaries in the chapter house at Durham on the Monday before St George [22 April] to be present at the discussion of and action on certain comperta of the bishop's last visitation.
Dated: At his Manor of Auckland.
Seal: traces only of a seal (perhaps the secretum of G&B 3130) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(c)   21 August 1328 & Cons. 11
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to W[illiam of Couton], prior of Durham, to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday after St Luke the Evangelist [24 October].
Dated: At Stockton.
Seal: traces only of a seal (perhaps the secretum of G&B 3130) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(d)   - August 1332 & Cons. 15.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to William [of Couton], prior of Durham, to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Thursday after St Michael the Archangel [1 October].
Dated: At Brantingham.
Seal: traces only of a seal applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(e)   16 May 1337 & Cons. 4.
Two documents as follows:
(i). Copy of mandate of [Richard de Bury] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday after SS. Peter and Paul [30 June].
(ii). Copy of mandate of Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham to William [of Couton], prior of Durham, to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday after SS. Peter and Paul [30 June].

Both dated: At York.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(f)   11 June 1408 & Cons. 2
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday before St James the Apostle, viz. 23 July.
Dated: At his Manor of Stockton.
Seal: G&B 3148 (presumably). Attached to strip cut from foot of document, and covered with parchment.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(g)   11 June 1408 & Cons. 2
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to John [Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to appear at a visitation of the priory on the Monday before St James the Apostle, viz. 23 July. The prior is also to have the bishop's citation of the sub-prior and convent at Durham read out to them in the presence of witnesses.
Dated: At his Manor of Stockton.
Seal: G&B 3148. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
DCD 2.7.Pont.1(h)    No date.
Language:  Latin.
List of dates of 5 visitations [of Durham Priory] conducted by Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham, Thomas [Hatfield], Bishop of Durham, and Alexander [Neville], Archbishop of York. In each case the name of the assessor is noted.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2
File of 8 letters, concerning visitations of Durham Priory, between the priors of Durham and priors of various cells of Durham
Documents sub-lettered a-h by Martin Snape, November 1971
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(a)   2 Id. Oct. [14 October] 13 [18 x 21] (Beaumont visited the priory on 18 June 1319, so perhaps 1320 or 1321 is the year of this visitation)
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Geoffrey [Burdon] prior of Durham to the prior of Stamford to be present in the chapter house at Durham, and to cite his fellows to be present there, on the Monday after St Andrew the Apostle [St Andrew is 30 November], when Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham intends to visit the priory.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(b)   2 Non. Dec. [4 December] 1323
Language:   Latin
Letters (for this visitation see also item II of 2.8.Pont.1) of Robert [of Durham], warden of the cell of Jarrow, to W[illiam of Couton], prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior Couton (dated at Durham 14 Kal. Dec. [18 November] 1323) ordering Robert to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on the morrow of St Nicholas [7 December], when Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham intends to visit the priory. Prior Robert says that he has cited Thomas of Allerton.
Dated: At Jarrow.
Seal: traces only. Was applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(c)   16 March 1396/7.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Robert [Rypon] prior of Finchale to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior Hemingbrough (dated at Durham 4 March 1396/7) ordering Robert to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on the Monday after Letare Jerusalem, viz. 2 April, when Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham intends to visit the priory. Prior Rypon says that he has done as instructed, and he attaches a list of his monks (missing).
Dated: At Finchale.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip (also missing) cut from foot of document.
Digitised material for 2.7.Pont.2(c)
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(d)   22 February 1390/1
Language:  Latin.
Letters from John of Hemingbrough, prior of Stamford, to Robert [Wallworth], prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior Wallworth (dated at Durham 13 February 1390/1) ordering John to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on 6 March, when Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham intends to visit the priory. Prior Hemingbrough says that he has done as instructed, and he attaches a list of his monks (of the 2 names on the list, only one - Hugh of Sherburn - is easily legible).
Dated: At Stamford.
Seal: only traces left. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with the strip threaded through the list of monks.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(e)   2 February 1368/9.
Language:  Latin.
Letters from John [Fossor] prior of Durham to William [de Goldesburgh?] prior of Holy Island, reciting a mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to Fossor to cite all priors, masters and monks of cells to be present at a visitation of the priory on Monday 26 February. The mandate is dated at his manor of Crayk, 8 January 1368/9 and Cons. 24. Fossor orders the prior of Holy Island to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: traces of a seal (probably G&B 3439) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(f)
Language:  Latin.
The mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Thomas [d'Autre] prior of Finchale that is recited in (g) below.
Seal: fragments of a seal (probably G&B 3442) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(g)   9 July 1408
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Thomas [d'Autre] prior of Finchale to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior John (dated at Durham 16 June 1408) ordering Thomas to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on the Monday before St James the Apostle, viz. 23 July, when Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham intends to visit the priory. The prior of Finchale says that he has done as instructed, and he attaches a list of his monks (the list reads William Graystanes, John Charleton, John Durham, John Auckland, Robert Emeldon, Thomas Wytton, Thomas Hatfield).
Seal: G&B 3475. Attached to strip cut from foot of document, with the strip threaded through the piece of parchment on which the monks are listed.
DCD 2.7.Pont.2(h)   1 February 1343/4.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of John [Fossor] prior of Durham to G[ilbert of Elwick?] prior of Holy Island, ordering him to cite Thomas of Thrislington to appear in the chapter house at Durham on the Thursday after St Valentine [19 February] in order to hear the decision of Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham, or his commissary, about certain articles, which concern Thomas, among the comperta of his last visitation.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: fragments of an oval seal (apparently not in G&B) applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.3   16 June 1354 & Cons. 9.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present at his visitation of the priory on the Wednesday after St Margaret [23 July].
Dated: At Middleham.
An endorsement reads: Porrecte fuerunt littere iste domino priori Dunelmensi XVIII die mensis Iunii et eodem die porrecte fuerunt et liberate subpriori et conventus.
Seal: Seal: G&B 3136 (fragmentary). Applied to dorse.
See also: Another mandate concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.6.
See also: For other documents mentioning this visitation see 3.6.Pont.3, 2.8.Pont.4, 5 and 9.
DCD 2.7.Pont.4   11 May 1371 & Cons. 26.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present themselves, and to cite all priors, masters, wardens and monks of their cells to be present, at his visitation on the Wednesday after Ascension Day [21 May].
Dated: At York.
Seal: Seal: traces only. Was applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.5   No date [1321-33].
Language:  Latin.
Draft of tuitorial appeal to the Holy See and the Court of York made by John of Barnard Castle, clerk, proctor of William [Couton], prior, and the chapter of Durham, lest L[ouis Beaumont] Bishop of Durham or his ministers should attempt in any way to infringe the P&C's archidiaconal rights and powers in their appropriated churches.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.7.Pont.6   16 June 1354 and Cons. 9.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to John [Fossor] prior of Durham to cite all priors, masters, wardens and monks of cells of Durham to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Wednesday after St Margaret the Virgin [23 July].
Dated: At Middleham.
An endorsement reads: Porrecte fuerunt littere iste domino (?) priori Dunelmensi octavodecimo die mensis Iunii.
Seal: Seal: fragments only of a seal (presumably G&B 3136) applied to dorse.
See also: Another mandate concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.3. See also 3.6.Pont.3, 1.8.Pont.1 and 2.8.Pont.4, 5 and 9.
DCD 2.7.Pont.7   10 April 1446 & Transl. 9.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham to be present at his visitation of the priory on the Monday before the Feast of St Dunstan [16 May].
Two of the endorsements read respectively:
1. Presens citacio deliberata fuit Suppriori et capitulo ecclesie cathedralis Dunelmensis per Johannem Priorem eiusdem quartodecimo die mensis Aprilis in domo capitulari circa horam octavam presentibus Johanne Berehalgh' notario publico domino Johanne Binchestr; capellano et Johanne Hexham tonsurato.
2. Istud mandatum non fuit executum quod dominus episcopus non visitavit hac vice
Seal: Seal: G&B 3152 (Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas ). Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
: Another mandate concerning this proposed visitation is at 2.7.Pont.10.
DCD 2.7.Pont.8   17 September 1442 & Transl. 5.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to the prior and sub-prior of Durham and to Thomas Ayer, Thomas Lawson, John Gateshead, William Dalton and Robert Westmorland, monks of Durham, ordering them to collaborate with his commissaries and with Master William Ebchester, monk of Durham, in the work of correcting and reforming certain faults which were discovered at the bishop's visitation and which, for unspecified reasons known to the bishop, have so far not been corrected.
Seal: Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G&B 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
See also: For this visitation see also 2.7.Pont.9, 12, and 1.8.Pont.2. See also 4.6.Pont.16 and 2.7.Pont.13.
DCD 2.7.Pont.9   18 April 1444 & Transl. 7.
Language:  Latin.
Certificate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham that at his visitation of Durham Priory in 1442 he found the standards of observance and conduct to be flawless.
Seal: Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G&B 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
Seealso: 1.8.Pont.2 for a list of 46 criticisms of this flawless priory in 1442. For other documents mentioning this visitation see 4.6.Pont.16, 2.7.Pont.8, 12 and 13.
DCD 2.7.Pont.10   10 April 1446 & Transl. 9.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to John [Wessington] prior of Durham to cite all priors, masters, wardens and monks of cells to be present at the bishop's visitation of the priory on the Monday before the Feast of St Dunstan [16 May].
Two of the endorsements read respectively:
1. Deliberata fuit presens citacio Iohanni priori ecclesie cathedralis Dunelmensis terciodecimo die mensis Aprilis inter horam undecimam et duodecimam ante nonam presentibus quampluribus dicti prioris servientibus.
2. Istud mandatum non fuit executum quod dominus episcopus non visitavit hac vice.
Seal: Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G&B 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
See also: Another mandate concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.7.
DCD 2.7.Pont.11   5 December 1437.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of John Marchall, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., canon of Wells, vicar-general of John [Kempe] Archbishop of York and papal legate and keeper of the spiritualities of the diocese of Durham sede vacante after the death of Bishop Thomas Langley to the P&C of Durham to be present at Marchall's visitation of the priory on the Friday after St. Hilary, viz. 17 January [1438].
Dated: At the Hospital of St Mary Magdalen at Sherburn.
Seal: Seal: of the vicar-general of York. G&B 3250. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie-tag below.
Copy in: DCD Loc.XX:25.
See also: For another document mentioning this visitation see 1.8.Pont.17.
DCD 2.7.Pont.12   27 May 1442 & Transl. 5.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to John [Wessington] prior of Durham to cite all priors, masters, wardens and monks to be present at the bishop's visitation on the Monday after the Translation of St Thomas, viz. 9 July.
Dated: At his Manor of Stockton.
An endorsement reads: Tradita fuit presens citacio Iohanni priori ecclesie cathedralis Dunelmensis per Robertum Bertrame' curie consistorii Dunelmensis actorum scribam secundo die mensis Iunii presentibus magistro Iohanne Lethom' vicaris ecclesie Sancti Oswaldi et Ricardo Prentesse capellano cantarie beate Marie in eadem ecclesia. Et eodem die dictus prior circa horam decimam in domo capitulari dicte ecclesie cathedralis omnes confratres suos adtunc ibidem congregatos citavit ad comparendum coram Reverendo patre Roberto episcopo Dunelmensi iuxta tenorem mandati eiusdem infrascripti.
Seal: Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G&B 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
See also: Another mandate concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.13. See also 4.6.Pont.16, 2.7.Pont.8 and 9, 1.8.Pont.2.
DCD 2.7.Pont.13   27 May 1442 & Transl. 5.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present at his visitation of the priory on the Monday after the Translation of St Thomas, viz. 9 July.
Dated: At his Manor of Stockton.
An endorsement notes that the mandate was delivered to the sub-prior and chapter of Durham by John [Wessington], prior, on 2 June about 10 o'clock in the presence of John Berhalgh', notary, John Holme and Richard Hoton', literati .
Seal: Bishop Nevill's seal ad causas . G&B 3152. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
See also: Another mandate concerning this visitation is at 2.7.Pont.12. See also 4.6.Pont.16, 2.7.Pont.8 and 9, 1.8.Pont.2.
DCD 2.7.Pont.14   10 Kal. Mai. [22 April] 1300 & Cons. 17.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to be present at his visitation of the priory on the morrow of Ascension Day [20 May].
Dated: At Darlington.
Seal: traces of a seal applied to dorse.
DCD 2.7.Pont.15   16 May 1371, 26 pont.
Language:  Latin.
As 2.7.Pont.16a and 16b, but issued by bishop Thomas [Hatfield] in respect of a visitation to begin “on Wednesday next”.
Dated: At his Manor of Stockton.
Seal: G&B 3137. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
DCD 2.7.Pont.16a
Language:  Latin.
Duplicate of 2.7.Pont.16b, but with an extra clause at the end.
Seal: Seal tag torn away. Stub of tie tag below.
Noted as missing 1962, recovered from 2.7.Spec. in 1977 (MGS)
DCD 2.7.Pont.16b   7 December 1464.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Lawrence [Booth] Bishop of Durham stating that the short notice (viz. 6 days - 4.6.Pont.14) he has given the P&C of Durham of his intention to visit them on Monday 10 December was agreed by the P&C and is not to be a precedent that might prejudice the P&C's right to receive proper notice.
Dated: At his Manor of Auckland.
Seal: G&B 3157. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Stub of tie tag below.
Duplicate: 2.7.Pont.16a
DCD 2.7.Pont.17   22 March 1555/6 & Transl. 26.
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Cuthbert [Tunstall] Bishop of Durham to Master Thomas Watson, D.D., dean, and all canons and prebendaries of the chapter of Durham to be present at his visitation of the cathedral on Monday 13 April.
Dated: At his Manor of Auckland.
Seal: Seal: G&B 3169. Attached to parchment strip through foot of document.
Box 8
DCD 1.8.Pont.1   No date. [1345-74; Bishop Hatfield visited the priory in 1354 (see 2.7.Pont.6), 1369 (see item 4 of 2.7.Pont.2), 1346 and 1371 (see item 2 of 2.7.Pont.1, which, however, lists H's visitations as 1346, 1354 and 1371 and calls the 1371 visitation "tercia et ultima" - ie it ignores the 1369 visitation)]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of 2 membranes, consisting of objections, on the grounds of vagueness and lack of clarity, by John [Fossor] prior of Durham to ten allegations made against Fossor by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham at his visitation of the priory. The allegations are:
1. That there are not enough literate ministers in the priory to assist monks in the celebration of masses.
2. That the number of monks in the priory is smaller than the number which the income could support.
3. That it was improper of Fossor to appoint John of Shaftoe as Master of Monkwearmouth without any other monk to keep him company.
4. That Fossor had diverted some of the income of the church of Holy Island to his own table and exchequer, and that he had reduced the usual and proper number of monks resident on Holy Island.
5. That Fossor has diverted some of the income of the Master of Jarrow to his own table and exchequer.
6. That Fossor had diverted some of the income of the Master of Monkwearmouth to his own table and exchequer.
7. That Fossor appointed John de Langeton' as prior of Stamford in spite of Langeton's improvidence and known lack of judgement.
8. That Fossor has sent out too many of the older and more responsible monks, who could be of great value in chapter at Durham, to the cells, including the distant cells.
9. That Fossor ignores the advice of the older and more sensible monks and listens to those monks who neither wish nor dare to contradict him.
10. That Fossor removes the older monks from offices and replaces them with young and inexperienced men.

See also: For more detailed replies to most of the above charges see 2.8.Pont.5. For other documents mentioning the same visitation see 3.6.Pont.3, 2.7.Pont.3 and 6, 2.8.Pont.4 and 9.
Discussed: See Barbara Harbottle “Bp. Hatfield's Visitation of Durham Priory in 1354”, Arch Aeliana 4th series vol. XXXVI pp. 81ff, for a date in 1354 or 1355.
DCD 1.8.Pont.2   No date [1442].
Language:  Latin.
List of 46 comperta (see 1.9.Pont.3 for a more detailed list of these comperta ) and detecta sent to the P&C of Durham by Robert [Neville] Bishop of Durham after his visitation of the priory on 9 July 1442, with the replies proposed to these charges by a group working on behalf of the chapter and consisting of the prior and sub-prior and some of the monks.
Seal: No seal.
See also: For other documents concerning the same visitation see 2.7.Pont.8, 9, 12 and Loc.XXVII:17. See also 4.6.Pont.16 and 2.7.Pont.13.
DCD 1.8.Pont.3    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Roll of documentary evidence intended to prove that the control of the temporalities of Durham Priory belongs to the P&C above. The documents recited are:
(i) 1.1.Pont.1a - in part only.
(ii) 1.1.Reg.2a or b - with most of the witness list lacking.
(iii) a bull of Celestine III which is copied in Cart.Vet. ff.28v ff - recited in part only.

DCD 1.8.Pont.4    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Reply of the proctor of the P&C of Durham to an accusation made against the P&C by the parishioners of St Nicholas', Durham, at the visitation of the priory by the Bishop of Durham. The accusation concerns an annual farm of 14/- paid for three stalls by the end of the New Bridge [Elvet Bridge].
Copied: Cart.III.f.311r.
See also: 1.9.Pont.8.
DCD 1.8.Pont.5
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Master Alan de Neusum, official in the bishopric of Durham sede vacante of William [Greenfield] Archbishop of York, concerning the absolution from excommunication of Henry de Stamford, recently sub-prior of Durham.
Mandate of William [Greenfield], archbishop of York and papal legate, to master Alan de Neusum, the archbishop's official of Durham sede vacante, to publish the absolution of Henry de Stamford, lately sub-prior of Durham, from sentence of excommunication imposed on him by the archbishop for hindering the official and the rest of the archbishop's ministers from freely exercising the archbishop's jurisdiction in the city, church, and diocese of Durham during the vacancy of that see.
Dated: Burton near Beverley [Bishop Burton], 7 Id. April, 6 [William Greenfield] [7 April 1311]
DCD 1.8.Pont.6   No date.
Language:  Latin.
Document specifying the different methods (viz. documentary evidence or oral testimony given by specified monks or groups of monks) to be adopted for answering each of ten articles of complaint (very little information is given about the nature of the complaints) sent to the P&C of Durham by Bishop Thomas [Hatfield] after a visitation by him of Durham Priory.
The names of the monks mentioned make it more likely that the visitation in question is that of 1346 or that of 1354 (probably 1354 Reginald of Haswell is only mentioned between 1349 and 1359; he was cellarer 1354-5 and in 1355) than that of 1369/71. (Except the name John Abel - a John Abel was sacrist about 1381 and bursar in 1354-5 (cf. Acct. Rolls). Cf. 1.7.Pont.3). After the visitation of 1354 the number of articles of complaint seems to have been ten - see 1.8.Pont.1.
Monks of Durham mentioned in 1.8.Pont.6:
After the name of each monk is a list of the years in which I have found him occurring either in the Pontificalia (up to 2.8.Pont.6 only) or in the Surtees Soc. vols. of Account Rolls.
William de Goldesburgh: 1342, Sacrist 1349-51, 1352, 1369.
John de Goldesburgh: 1334-5, 1342, 1347-8, Master of Infirmary 1369-71.
A ? de Goldesburgh was Feretrar 1377.
Hugh de Faludon: 1368-9, 1382-5.
William de Bamburgh: 1342.
Roger of Allerton: 1342, Hosteler 1349-50, Sacrist 1367, 1374, 1379-81.
Robert Wallworth: Hosteler 1355, Prior 1374-.
John de Shaftoe: 1342, 1353-6.
Michael de Clifton: Hosteler 1326, Cellarer 1333-4, Master of Infirmary 1352-4.
Reginald Haswell: -
Thomas de Graystanes: 1292 (when the Bursar receives £60 from him), 1324-5, Sacrist 1338, Terrarer 1357-8.
John Abell: Bursar 1354-5 and shortly before 1364-5, Chamberlain 1370-1, dead 1374-5.
Robert de Benton: Bursar 1344-5.

DCD 1.8.Pont.7   6 May 1383
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument witnessing that on 6 May 1383, when Robert Wallworth, prior, Robert de Blacklaw, sub-prior, and 49 other (named) monks of Durham were assembled for a visitation by John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham, two protestations were made as follows:
The bishop stated that, although according to the constitution Debent [superioribus reverenciam] of Boniface VIII he might visit the priory accompanied by two or three clerks, of whom one at least must be a Benedictine monk, and one notary, on this occasion he intended, with the express agreement of the P&C, not to bring a monk with him; but this was not to form a precedent.
The P&C stated that, although ever since the promulgation of the constitution Debent it had been customary for the bishop of Durham, when visiting the priory, to be accompanied by a Benedictine monk of Durham Priory itself, on this occasion they intended, with the express agreement of the bishop, not to insist on this point; but this was not to form a precedent.
Witnesses: Master Thomas de Walkington, LL.D., dean of Exeter, Master Henry Gudbarne, D.C.L., D.Cn.L., canon of York [prebendary of the prebend of Dunnington], Master Stephen of Howden, rector of Wold Newton, Lincolnshire, Master John de Coken, LL.B., notary, and others.
Notarial signs: of Roger of Catterick, clerk of the diocese of York, and John de Coken, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Dated: [At Durham]
An endorsement reads: Protestacio prioris et capituli facta in visitacione episcopi intentis [sic] introducere monachum alterius domus videlicet Thomam Staynegrene monachum monasterii beate Marie Eboracensis tempore Iohannis Fordham episcopi Dunelmensis sed non intravit anno domini millesimo CCC octogesimo tercio.
Seal: No seal.
Copied: (with list of monks much abbreviated) Cart.III.f.337v-338r.
: For another document concerning this dispute see 1.8.Pont.8. See also 1.8.Pont.9.
DCD 1.8.Pont.8   6 May 1383
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 6 May 1383 John [Fordham] bishop of Durham and Robert Wallworth prior of Durham with 50 other (named) monks of Durham (the list is the same as that in 1.8.Pont.7) met in the chapter house at Durham to settle a dispute which had arisen on the previous day, when the bishop had claimed that the constitution Debent [superioribus reverenciam] of Boniface VIII justified him in bringing with him on his visitation of the priory Thomas de Stayngrene, monk of St Mary's, York, and prior of the cell at St Martin near Richmond, and the P&C had claimed that ever since the promulgation of the constitution Debent it had been customary for the Benedictine monk who was allowed by the constitution to accompany the Bishop of Durham on his visitations of the priory to be a monk of Durham Priory itself. On 6 May the bishop and P&C asked Ralph [Erghum] Bishop of Salisbury and Masters John de Appelby, LL.D., dean of London, and John Blawnchard, LL.D., archdeacon of Worcester, to act as arbitrators in the matter, and Master Thomas de Gretham, LL.B., official of the court of Durham, and Master William de Farnham, Licentiate in Law, with Master John de Coken, LL.B., notary, and Roger Catterick, notary, were deputed to hear evidence. The deputies were instructed to report to Bishop Erghum, and the parties to the dispute agreed to accept his decision in the matter.
Witnesses: Master Thomas de Walkington, LL.D., dean of Exeter, Master Henry Gudbarne, D.C.L., D.Cn.L., canon of York, Master Stephen of Howden, rector of Wold Newton in the diocese of Lincoln, and very many others.
Notary: Roger de Catterick, clerk of the diocese of York.
Endorsements note that the agreement to go to arbitration non fuit executum, and the document has been cancelled by cutting out the notary's sign.
Seal: No seal.
See also: For other documents mentioning this visitation see 1.8.Pont.7 and 9.
DCD 1.8.Pont.9   No date [May 1383, or a little later]
Language:  Latin.
Notes of nine points which Robert Lanchester, proctor of the P&C of Durham, intends to make before [Ralph Erghum] Bishop of Salisbury, Master John de Appleby, LL.D., dean of London, and Master John Blawnchard, LL.D., archdeacon of Worcester, in the dispute with John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham over whether the Bishop of Durham may be accompanied, when visiting the priory of Durham, by a monk from a Benedictine house other than Durham itself.
Copied: (perhaps not quite verbatim) 1.9.Pont.7.
See also: For other documents concerning this dispute see 1.8.Pont.7 and 8.
DCD 1.8.Pont.10
Noted by Greenwell as missing in Repertorium Magnum
See: Cart.I.f.21v-22r.
DCD 1.8.Pont.11
Noted by Greenwell as missing in Repertorium Magnum
See: ? Cart.I.f.21r.
DCD 1.8.Pont.12   1 February 1448/9.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William [Ebchester], prior, and the chapter of Durham appointing John Oll, sub-prior of Durham, Master Richard Wettwang, advocate of the court of York, Thomas Ayer, monk of Durham, John Gateshead, monk of Durham, William Dalton, monk of Durham, and Master William Bispham, proctor of the court of York, as their proctors to protect their interest in the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Holy Island, Middleham, Bywell St Peter, St Oswald, Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Dalton le Dale, Hesleden, Billingham, Pittington, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham and Bedlington, which are appropriated to the priory.
Dated: At Durham, in the chapter house.
Seal: Seal: G&B 3427, with secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
DCD 1.8.Pont.13   28 May 1442
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 28 May 1442, in the chapter house at Durham, Robert Westmerland, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, read out a statement that since he feared certain threats to the convent's appropriated churches and other possessions, rights and privileges, he was making a tuitorial appeal to the Holy See and to York.
Witnesses: John Holme, John Stele, and Thomas Coken, litterati, of the diocese of York and Durham.
Notary: John Berehalgh, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.8.Pont.14   30 June 1442
Language:  Latin.
Letters of John [Wessington], prior, and the chapter of Durham appointing Masters William Ebchester, D.D., Robert Ormesheued, advocate of the court of York, William Dalton, monk of Durham, Robert Westmerland, monk of Durham and William Bispham, proctor of the court of York, as their proctors to protect their interest in their eighteen (named) appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham.
Dated: At Durham, in the chapter house.
Seal: Seal: an impression of G&B 3427, with secretum, lives with this document, and may have been attached to it by a strip cut from the foot of the document.
DCD 1.8.Pont.15   16 February 1410/1
Language:  Latin.
Letters of John [of Hemingbrough], prior, and the chapter of Durham concerning the payment of procurations on the occasion of a visitation by the Bishop of Durham as ordinary of the convent's appropriated churches of Aycliffe and Pittington. The P&C on the one hand (who claim that the procurations ought to be paid by the vicars of the two churches), and Ds. William de Barton, perpetual vicar of Aycliffe, and Ds. John Appleby, perpetual vicar of Pittington, on the other hand (who claim that the procurations ought to be paid by the P&C), agree to appoint Master Robert de Ashburn, LL.B., dean of the church of Chester-le-Street, and Master Ralph Stele as arbitrators and to accept the arbitrators' decision.
Dated: in the chapter house at Durham.
Seal: Seal: the foot of the document is damaged, but there was probably a seal attached to a strip cut from foot of document. The document contains a sealing clause referring to the chapter's common seal.
DCD 1.8.Pont.16   8 July 1440
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 8 July 1440, in the chapel of St Nicholas, commonly called the prior's chapel, in the monastery of Durham, Robert Westmorland, monk of Durham and proctor of the P&C of Durham, read out a statement that since he feared certain threats to the well-established rights of the priory concerning visitations - the specific points claimed are that the Bishop of Durham may not exact procurations when visiting the priory, and that the bishop may be accompanied on a visitation only by two or three clerks, of whom one must be a Benedictine monk, and by a notary - he was making a tuitorial appeal to the Holy See and to York.
Witnesses: Master Robert Ormeshed, advocate of the court of York, John Holme, esquire, literatus, Thomas Coken (?Token), clerk, and Edmund Gilett, clerk.
Notary: William Bispham, clerk of the diocese of York.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.8.Pont.17   10 January 1437/8.
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William [Barry] prior of Finchale to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior John (dated at Durham 31 December 1437) ordering William to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on the Friday after St Hilary, viz. 17 January [1438], when John [Kempe] Archbishop of York (the see of Durham being vacant) intends to visit the priory. The prior of Finchale says that he has done as instructed, and he attaches a list of his monks. (The list reads Robert Moorby, Hugh Warkworth, Thomas Moorby, John Wycliff, John Harum, William Eden, William Clifton and William Wilberston).
Dated: [At Finchale].
Seal: Seal: missing. Was attached to strip cut from foot of document, with the strip threaded through the piece of parchment on which the monks are listed. There was a tie tag below the seal tag.
Copy in: DCD Loc.XX:25.
See also: For another document mentioning this visitation see 2.7.Pont.11.
DCD 1.8.Pont.17*   2 March []
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Henry VI to the Prior of Durham commanding him not to confirm annuities granted to certain people by the Bishop of Durham from the revenues of the church of Durham.
Dated: Manor of [Shene]
Size: 11¾″ x 8½″
Seal: Signet on dorse surrounded by plaited straw.
Copied: Cart. III, f. 336v.
Printed: HDST, p. ccclxxv (from cartulary).
DCD 1.8.Pont.17†    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Extracts from three documents, issued respectively by Richard Kellawe, Thomas Hatfield and one other, un-named, prelate, threatening with punishment any monk [of Durham] who, being diffamed of an offence at a visitation, says or does anything against anyone whom he may know or suspect to have diffamed him.
DCD 1.8.Pont.18   19 May 1394
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 19 May 1394 John Hemingbrough, prior of Durham, instructed Uthred [of Boldon], D.D., monk of Durham, to go to Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, who was about to visit the P&C's appropriated church of Pittington, and invite him to stay at the P&C's manor of Pittington, on condition that it was accepted that the bishop had no right to require such hospitality. Later on the same day, at Sherburn Hospital, Uthred conveyed the invitation to the bishop, who accepted it and acknowledged that he had no right to require the hospitality.
Witnesses: (i) to the prior's instructions to Uthred: Masters Robert de Ashburn, clerk of the diocese of Lichfield, and John Hagthorp', clerk of the diocese of Durham.
(ii) to the bishop's reception of the invitation: Robert of Hemingbrough, clerk of the diocese of York, and Richard de Ripon, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Notary: William of Thrislington, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.8.Pont.19   No date [1438-1457].
Language:  Latin.
An extract from the injunctions of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham at a visitation by him of Durham Priory. The bishop orders that in future enfeoffments should not be confirmed by the P&C until it has been carefully considered whether the confirmation in question would benefit the priory.
DCD 1.8.Pont.20   21 October Cons. 4 [1321]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, stating that all visitation records ought to be in the custody of the bishop or his deputies, but that he understands that the prior or his monks have some of the records of Richard [Kellawe] and others of his predecessors. The prior is to return such records to the bishop by the Feast of All Saints [1 November] at the latest.
Dated: At Stockton.
Seal: traces of a seal applied to dorse.
DCD 1.8.Pont.21   prid. Kal. Nov. [31 October 1314].
Language:  Latin.
Letters of H[enry de Stamford] prior of Finchale to Geoffrey [Burdon] prior of Durham, acknowledging and reciting a mandate from prior Burdon (dated at Durham 22 October and reciting a mandate of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham, dated at Rikale [Riccall in Yorkshire] 17 October Cons. 4 [1314]) ordering Henry to be present himself and to cite his fellows to be present in the chapter house at Durham on the Wednesday after St Martin [13 November], when the bishop intends to visit the priory. The prior of Finchale states that he has obeyed the mandate.
Dated: At Finchale.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.8.Pont.22   8 November 1324 & Cons. 7.
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a commission of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to Masters Richard of Eryholme, D.L.C., D.Cn.L., canon of York, John of Holy Island, D.C.L., dean of the collegiate church of Auckland, William de Whickham, rector of Staindrop and Richard de Cotys, rector of Alwinton, to enquire into and take appropriate action concerning certain churches in the diocese of Durham which are in the hands of monasteries, collegiate churches or secular persons, the orders of beneficed priests and everything which was discovered in the bishop's recent visitation.
A note at the foot of the document reads "Concordat cum originali".
Dated: At Stockton.
DCD 1.8.Pont.23
Noted by Greenwell as missing in Repertorium Magnum, where it is described as a petition to the pope to cancel the constitution concerning not introducing a monk during an episcopal visitation
DCD 2.8.Pont.1
Language:  All the documents in the file are written on parchment in Latin.
File of seven documents concerning visitations of Durham Priory
Documents sub-lettered a-g by Martin Snape, November 1971
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(a)   30 January 1342/3
Notarial instrument recording that on 30 January [recte 13[4]2/3] 1302/3 John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the P&C of Durham, made an appeal to Rome and York on the grounds of his fear of some attack on the P&C of Durham and their church.
Witnesses: Thomas de Lund, sub-prior of Durham, John de Butterwick, almoner of Durham, William de Killingworth, feretrar of Durham, John de Barneby, third prior of Durham, Master William de Kellawe, clerk, William de Sweethope, Thomas Gategang, Thomas Richoure and others.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge.
An endorsement notes that this appeal was read out on 20 May 1371 by Master John de Hak' [Hakthorpe?] in the prior's chamber at Durham.
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(b)   14 February 1302
Exemplification of a citation by Boniface VIII of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to appear to answer charges made against him by the P&C of Durham.
Notary: Elias de Couton.
On the dorse of this document, beside more normal things, are the results of someone's experiments in writing and a proverb or epigram about the dangers of women.
Calendared: Records of Antony Bek, SS 162, pp. 83-5.
Digitised material for 2.8.Pont.1(b)
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(c)   16 June 1303
Notarial instrument recording that on 16 June 1303, at Boldon church, William de Hawley, substitute for John of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham and proctor of the P&C of Durham, repeated certain appeals made to Rome and offered copies of the appeals to Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham, who refused to accept them. The appeals are said to be recited, but in fact they seem to be singular in number, this one appeal having been made at Rome on 29 January 1303 by Robert of Rothbury, monk of Durham and proctor of the P&C of Durham, against Bishop Bek's refusal to institute William Burdon, chaplain, as vicar of Heighington on the presentation of the P&C.
Witnesses: Thomas of Thockrington, monk of Newminster, Master Richard of Eryholme, clerk, and many others, clerks and lay.
Notary: Thomas de Selby, clerk of the diocese of York.
Another version, with procurations recited: DCD Loc.XIV:5.
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(d)   27 July 1303
Notarial instrument recording that on Saturday 6 Kal. Aug. [27 July] 1303, at the manor of the abbot of St Mary's, York, at Overton, in the diocese of York, William de Couton, monk of Durham and proctor of the P&C of Durham, appealed to York and Rome against an expected attempt at visitation of the priory of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham, the bishop having in the past visited the priory from motives not of justice but of malice, disregarded appeals by the P&C to York and Rome, deposed and imprisoned the prior and despoiled the P&C of their possessions.
Witnesses: Masters Benedict of Hartlepool, John de Hoton, Peter de Fishburn, clerks, and Ds. William de Staynton.
Notary: Thomas de Selby, clerk of the diocese of York.
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(e)   29 March 1324
Notarial instrument recording that on 29 March 1324 Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham, in the chapter house at Durham in the presence of William [of Couton], prior, and the convent of Durham, revoked the sequestration which he had imposed on the churches of Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Middleham, Pittington, Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Whitworth and Witton [Gilbert] after the P&C had ignored a repeated summons to explain to the bishop their possession of the churches. The bishop also annulled the consequences of the sequestration and absolved anyone who was under sentence of excommunication for violating the sequestration.
Witnesses: Masters John de Bekingham, John de Hirlawe, Thomas Ive, Richard Dayvill and John de Hanlakby, and many others, clerks and lay.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge.
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(f)   6 Non. March [2 March] 1323/4
Copy of Inhibition from the commissary-general of the court of York to Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham. The proctor of the P&C of Durham has appealed to the court of York, protesting that although they have pointed out to Beaumont that he may not reform or punish anything discovered at a visitation of the priory unless he acts in accordance with both a papal constitution [ Debent of Boniface VIII] and papal privileges granted to the P&C the bishop has nevertheless ignored the constitution and their privileges in his recent visitation. The bishop is ordered, while the P&C's appeal is pending in the court of York, not to do anything to prejudice the matter.
Dated: At York.
See also: The visitation referred to is also mentioned in item 7 of 2.7.Pont.2.
DCD 2.8.Pont.1(g)   No date [1333-40, the only vacancy of the see of Durham during this period being late in 1333]
Copy of a tuitorial appeal made by William [of Couton], prior, and the convent of Durham against any possible action by William [Melton] Archbishop of York or his deputies that might prejudice the P&C's rights in the matter of visitation. It is stated that the P&C intend to allow a visitation of their priory by Master William de Albirwyk, D.D., chancellor of York and Master Robert de Nassington, D.C.L., D.Cn.L., precentor of York, deputed to visit by the archbishop, only if the visitation is in accordance with the constitution Debent of Boniface VIII.
DCD 2.8.Pont.2   6 March 1390/1
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording most of the preliminaries - the sermon and the reading of certificates of citation and of protestations - to a visitation of Durham Priory by Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham on 6 March 1390/1. The number of monks present at the visitation, beside the prior and sub-prior, is given as 55.
Witnesses: Masters John of Southwell, advocate of the court of York, Thomas de Gretham and Robert de Ashburn, iurisperiti, William de Barton, clerk and notary, and others.
Notary: John de Stanton, clerk of the diocese of York.
DCD 2.8.Pont.3   14 May 1394
Language:  Latin.
Draft (or copy?) of a notarial instrument recording that:
(i) On 12 May 1394, in the parish church of Jarrow, there appeared before Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, who was visiting the church, Master John de Hagthorp, clerk, proctor of the P&C of Durham. Hagthorp exhibited letters of the P&C reciting a mandate (dated at his manor of Auckland 22 April 1394) from the bishop to his archdeacon to cite all beneficed clerks to be present at the bishop's forthcoming visitation and appointed Thomas Legate and Thomas Launcelles, monks of Durham, and Masters Robert de Ashburn and John de Hagthorp, clerks, as their proctors to represent them before the bishop at his visitation of their appropriated churches. (The letters of the P&C are dated in chapter at Durham 8 May 1394).
Hagthorp then, at the bishop's command, swore on his own behalf and that of the P&C an oath of obedience to the bishop and his successors, and then read a protestation claiming that the P&C, as a result of grants made by earlier bishops and by popes, were not bound to comply with the bishop's request for procurations on the occasion of a visitation of their appropriated churches. The bishop accepted the claim and agreed not to exact the procurations.
Witnesses: Ds. William de Billingham, chaplain, and John, clerk of the parochial chapel of St Hilda [South Shields?].
(ii) On 14 May 1394, in the parish church of Monkwearmouth, there appeared before Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, who was visiting the church, Thomas [Legate or Launcelles], proctor of the P&C of Durham. The proctor read a protestation similar to that which had been read by Hagthorp two days before, and again the bishop accepted the claim and agreed not to exact procurations.
Witnesses: Ds. John Stayngrene, chaplain, Nicholas Barton and William de Wearmouth, clerks of the dioceses of York and Durham.
No notarial sign or certificate.
DCD 2.8.Pont.4   15 April 1355
Language:  Latin.
Copy of notarial instrument recording that on 15 April 1355 John [Fossor], prior of Durham, having gathered the chapter of the priory together in the chapter house at the usual time, had certain injunctions of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham read out and explained. Fossor announced his own intention of obeying these injunctions and ordered the monks also to obey them; he then gave the original text of the injunctions to the sub-prior and ordered that a copy should be made available to each monk. The injunctions, which are dated at the bishop's manor of Auckland, 26 March 1355, are recited.
They concern:
1. The celebration of nocturnal services.
2. The consultation of the monks by the prior in weighty matters concerning the monastery.
3. The provision of a resident doctor for the monks.
4. The care and diet of sick monks in the infirmary.
5. The recreaciones of the monks.
6. The accompanying by senior monks of other monks who take walks outside the monastery, and the allowances to be paid to specified monks when they are away from the monastery.
7. The provision of appropriate facilities for, and the supervision of, monks who are given permission to visit their friends.
8. The provision by the obedientiaries of horses as transport for themselves and for other monks who have leave to go outside the monastery.
9. The entertainment at the monastery of friends and guests of the monks.
10. The handing-over by the prior to the almoner of the goods assigned to the almonry for the relief of the poor.
11. The feeding of the clerks in the almonry.
12. The distributions which are usually made on the anniversaries of Bishops William, Hugh and Philip.
13. The prevention of retaliation against any monk who may have discovered anything to be discredit of any other monk at the bishop's recent visitation.
14. The distribution to all the monks of copies of the injunctions.
15. The sealing of important documents.
16. The repair of the cathedral church and its tower.

Witnesses: Master Wm. de Farnham, advocate of the court of Durham, Master Hugh de Teesdale, advocate of the court of Durham, Master Adam de Billingham, proctor of the court of Durham, and others.
Notary: John de Nessebyt, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Printed: The bishop's injunctions are in: B. Harbottle, “Bishop Hatfield's visitation of Durham Priory in 1354”, Archaeologia Aeliana 4th series, vol.36 (1958), p.98.
See also: For other documents mentioning the same visitation, see 3.6.Pont.3, 2.7.Pont.3 and 6, 1.8.Pont.1, 2, 8.Pont.5 and 9.
DCD 2.8.Pont.5   No date. [See notes on 1.8.Pont.1 for a date in 1354 or 1355]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of 3 membranes, consisting of replies made by John [Fossor] prior of Durham to ten allegations made against Fossor by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham at his visitation of the priory. The first eight of the allegations are similar to the first eight allegations in 1.8.Pont.1. The ninth concerns the diversion by Fossor of the incomes of the church of Bedlington, which was appropriated to the convent, according to the bishop (see 3.2.Pont.8), in order to finance repairs to the fabric of the church of Durham, to his own table. The tenth allegation is similar to the ninth in 1.8.Pont.1.
Copied: Item (a) of 2.8.Pont.10.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6
File of eight items, stitched together at the foot
Documents sub-lettered a-h by Martin Snape, November 1971
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(a)   21 September 1382
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 21 September 1382, in the chapter house of the monastery of Durham, Master John de Hagthorp, clerk (this name has been altered, on the first occasion it appears, to dom. Robert Lanchester, monk, probably to provide a draft for a later document), proctor of the P&C of Durham, read out an appeal (recited) to Rome and York on behalf of the P&C.
Witnesses: Master William de Farnham and Thomas de Thorp, clerks of York diocese.
Notary: Roger of Catterick, clerk of the diocese of York.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(b)   21 September 1382
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 21 September 1382 Robert Wallworth, prior, and 36 other named monks of Durham appointed several named persons, including three monks of Durham, as their proctors.
Witnesses: Master William de Farnham, rector of Walkington, and Thomas de Thorp, clerk of the diocese of York.
Notary: Roger of Catterick, clerk of the diocese of York.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(c)   25 June 1343
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 25 June 1343, in the chamber of John Fossor, prior of Durham, five named monks of Durham, by special licence of the prior, appointed Master John de Seton, clerk of the diocese of Durham, as their proctor. Seton then read out an appeal to Rome and York on behalf of the five monks, who feared a threat from Richard [of Bury] Bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Master Richard de Tanfeld, clerk, William de Sweethope, Thomas de Hanelakby and very many others. Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(d)   14 October 1383
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 14 October 1383 Robert Wallworth, prior of Durham, and several named monks of Durham appointed Robert of Lanchester, monk of Durham, as their proctor to represent them in any dispute that might arise between the convent and John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham concerning the bishop's being accompanied by one religious when on a visitation of the convent.
Witnesses: Masters Robert de Ashburn, LL.B., and John de Coken, LL.B., and Ds. William de Esh, Ds. Reginald Porter, Ds. John Bather' and Ds. Richard of Staindrop, priests.
Notary: Roger of Catterick, clerk of the diocese of York.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(e)   9 May 1394
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 9 May 1394, in the lower chamber of John [of Hemingbrough], prior of Durham, Master John de Hagthorp, clerk, proctor of the P&C of Durham, read out an appeal (recited) to Rome and York on behalf of the P&C and their appropriated churches.
Witnesses: Ds. William de Bishopton, vicar of Bishopton, and Richard de Normanby, clerk.
Notary: William de Thrislington, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(f)   13 June 1394
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 13 June 1394, in the chapter house at Durham, John [of Hemingbrough], prior of Durham and archdeacon of the priory's appropriated churches, and certain named monks of Durham appointed several named persons as their proctors to act for them in case of any threat to their rights.
Witnesses: Master Robert de Ashburn and Robert de Hemingbrough, clerks.
Notary: William of Thrislington, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(g)   5 March 1390/1
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a notarial instrument recording that on 5 March 1390/1, in the chapter house at Durham, Master John de Stanton, clerk of the diocese of York and proctor of the P&C of Durham, read out an appeal (recited) to Rome and York on behalf of the P&C and their appropriated churches.
There follows a recital of letters (undated) of Robert [Wallworth], prior, and the convent of Durham appointing several named persons, including some monks of Durham but excluding John de Stanton, as their proctors to act for them in case of any threat to their appropriated churches.
No notarial sign or certificate.
DCD 2.8.Pont.6(h)   5 March 1402/3
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 5 March 1402/3 John [of Hemingbrough], prior of Durham, had an appeal read out on his behalf by Master John Hagthorp, clerk. The appeal, which is recited, is in response to a mandate from the archbishop of York to the prior to appear in person in York Minster on the Thursday before the feast of Gregory the Great [8 March 1403], on pain of excommunication; the prior claims that his health does not allow of his travelling to York at such a time of year.
Witnesses: Ds. John Hayford, chaplain, and Robert de Middleham, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Notary: Thomas de Ryhale, clerk of the diocese of Lincoln.
DCD 2.8.Pont.7   23 July 1408
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 23 July 1408, in the chapter house at Durham, in the presence of 43 monks of Durham, John Hemingbrough prior of Durham swore obedience (the oath is recited) to Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham, who was at the priory for a visitation.
Witnesses: Master Richard Holme, canon of York, and Alan de Newark, canon of the collegiate church of Lanchester, who were accompanying the bishop on his visitation in accordance with the constitution Debent of Boniface VIII.
Notary: Thomas de Lyes, clerk of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield.
DCD 2.8.Pont.8   No date. [Not a lot earlier than 1378/9. The document says it is not yet 80 years since the promulgation of the Constitution Debent, which was in the fourth year of Boniface's pontificate - viz. 1298-9].
Language:  Latin.
Notes of points to be investigated and arguments to be put forward concerning the Bishop of Durham's right to be accompanied, when on a visitation of Durham Priory, by a religious of a house other than Durham.
DCD 2.8.Pont.9   25 August 1354
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording that on 25 August 1354, in the chapter house at Durham, John [Fossor], prior, and a large number of monks of Durham (names are given of the major obedientiaries and of the heads of cells who were present) argued before Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham that it was customary for representatives of the convent to be present at the bishop's correction of faults discovered at a visitation. After a discussion the bishop conceded the point, and immediately the convent deputed the prior, the sub-prior and four other monks as their representatives for this purpose.
Witnesses: Master William de Farnham, Master Hugh of Teesdale, advocates of the court of Durham, Ds. Richard Talbot, priest of the diocese of York, and many others.
Notary: John de Nessebyt, clerk of the diocese of Durham.
Near the foot of the document a couple of Latin proverbs have been added.
See also: For other documents mentioning the same visitation see 3.6.Pont.3, 2.7.Pont.3 and 6, 1.8.Pont.1, 2.8.Pont.4 and 5.
DCD 2.8.Pont.10
Language:  Latin.
A file of three items concerning visitations
Documents sub-lettered a-c by Martin Snape, November 1971
DCD 2.8.Pont.10(a)
A copy of 2.8.Pont.5
DCD 2.8.Pont.10(b)
A list of ten allegations made against Prior Fossor by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham. The allegations are similar to those given in 2.8.Pont.5, but they are listed in a different order.
DCD 2.8.Pont.10(c)
A copy of the injunctions of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham which are recited in 2.8.Pont.4.
DCD 2.8.Pont.11    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Roll of one membrane. On the face are copies of three documents concerning certain of the P&C of Durham's appropriated churches:
1. Charter of Richard [Marsh] Bishop of Durham and Royal Chancellor granting and confirming to the P&C of Durham the churches of Aycliffe and Pittington (original 2.2.Pont.2a or b). Most of the witness list is omitted in the copy.
2. Ordination by John [Fossor], prior, and the convent of Durham of a vicarage for their appropriated church of Merrington. (Cf. 2.3.Pont.11). Dated: At Durham, in chapter, 13 January 1343/4
3. Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham of the church of Heighington (original 3.2.Pont.6a or b). Most of the witness list is omitted in the copy.

On the dorse of the roll is a legal opinion concerning the visitation by the Bishop of Durham of the P&C's appropriated churches. Included are extracts from two documents:
1. This extract is headed “In carta Hugonis epsicopi”. It grants to the prior and monks of Durham full control over their churches, making the payment of episcopal dues the responsibility not of the monks but of the chaplains who serve the churches, and it frees the monks of all episcopal, archidiaconal or other customs, aids and exactions in respect of their churches. No charter of Bishop Hugh is known with this wording.
2. “Le Convenit” (1.4.Pont.4, the clause quoted being numbered 5 in the calendar of the original).

The dorse is written in a hand different from that of the face.
Copied: Cart.III. f309r.
DCD 2.8.Pont.12   No date. [John de Shaftoe died 1375/6 ( Priory of Finchale (SS) p. xciv). According to HDST p. 134 the first secular person, except bishops, to be buried in the cathedral was Ralph Nevill (ob. 1367). Bishop Hatfield visited in 1371 - and possibly in 1369].
Language:  Latin.
List of complaints (in the form of a roll of 1 membrane indented at the head) concerning the state of the priory of Durham in general, and the mal-administration of the prior in particular, presumably made by a monk of Durham at a visitation. The subjects of complaint are as follows:
1. The prior's weakness and incompetence.
2. The prior's slackness in correcting faults and in observing the Rule.
3. Irreverently-conducted services, both at Durham and in the cells.
4. The reception of novices whose education and family are not suitable.
5. That novices do not follow the custom, prevalent in other religious houses, of presenting an antiphonary to the house.
6. The sending to cells of young and very inexperienced monks.
7. The slack discipline in the cells.
8. That the prior has never required proper purgation from monks accussed of offences.
9. Item quod misit ad cellas suspectas immediate post purgacionem indictam aliquos in purgacione sua deficientes aliquos illegitime se purgantes in scandalo religionis.
10. That the prior is a respecter of persons.
11. That without the agreement of the chapter the prior has allowed women to be buried in the cathedral.
12. That the prior sends those whom he dislikes away from Durham to places where he believes they will lapse.
13. That the prior allows monks to end their lives wretchedly, and in one case alone, at the cells.
14. That the sick are allowed to suffer.
15. That when monks who have been such for only a short time fall ill they do not receive auxilium de communi to relieve them in their sickness.
16. That there is no doctor living in the priory.
17. Gifts by the prior to his parents of the monastery's goods.
18. Alienation by the prior, without the consent of chapter, of the priory's possessions.
19. That the prior allows the monks to be paid cash allowances for their clothes and other necessities.
20. The prior's ignoring of the rules about the eating of meat.
21. That the prior does not insist that the majority of the monks eat in the refectory on days when meat may be eaten.
22. That the monks are not well fed when they eat with the prior.
23. The granting of corrodies by the prior in spite of the wishes of the convent.
24. That the prior allows certain people, particularly his own relatives, to proceed to the studium generale in spite of their unsuitability.
25. That the prior does not change his chaplain annually.
26. That the prior has allowed monks to live alone at the manors (sic) of Wearmouth, Lytham and Jarrow, and to be looked after there by women who were not relatives.
27. That the prior has leased his manor to a monk, who is now farming it.
28. The filling of various offices by unsuitable persons.
29. The ignoring by the prior of the Bishop's injunctions after a visitation.
30. That the monks do not dare, either at visitations or in the chapter's daily meetings, to suggest that the standard of religious observance could be raised.
31. That the monks do not dare to confess anything to the prior.
32. That the number of monks at Durham and in the cells is less than it used to be and less than that which the priory's income could support.
33. The diversion to other purposes by the prior and his associates of the funds intended for the relief of the poor.
34. Item quod ubi dicta elemosina indigentibus et pauperibus sponte solebat erogari modo carius quam valet sicut bos vel aliquid venale venditur et emitur.
35. That the remains of the monks' food are not kept for the clerks of the almonry.
36. That the funds formerly assigned to the hosteler are spent by the prior and his servants.
37. The lack of staff in the infirmary.
38. That badly needed places in the infirmary are occupied by secular persons.
39. That the prior does not visit or care for the sick.
40. The lack of the accustomed transport and escort for the monks.
41. That monks travelling to the cells are not allowed big enough expenses.
42. The lack of the accustomed staff to do repairs for the monks.
43. That each week the chamberlain nevertheless receives payment for this (non-existant) staff.
44. The lack of supervision of monks who are allowed to leave the priory for any reason.
45. That the old church of Holy Island is not properly served.
46. That the proper number of monks needed for the Holy Office is not kept at Holy Island.
47. That the monks at Holy Island and Finchale do not get out of bed for services as they ought to.
48. That the souls of benefactors are suffering because the ordinances in the martilogium (at Holy Island and Finchale?) are not observed.
49. That the reason for the above is the small number of monks there (viz. Finchale?): before the Black Death there used to be 13, as well as those ludentes, but now there are perhaps six, and very few ludentes .
50. That the monks at Finchale are deprived of their rights.
51. That there used to be two secular priests celebrating with the convent at Finchale, according to the records, but there is not one now.
52. That benefactors are no longer remembered at Finchale, and no help is given to the poor there.
53. That John de Shaftoe is doing so much harm at Finchale that it would be better for him to have other monks there with him.
54. John of Shaftoe's extremely secular life.
55. That John of Shaftoe was received into the priory only because of his medical knowledge, and he does nothing for other monks who are sick.
56. The ignoring of the clause in “Le Convenit” (see 1.4.Pont.4), which orders that monks repeat their profession before the Bishop.
57. That the prior and his associates hindered a papal visitation and oppressed those whom they believed to have given information.
58. That the prior had a nominee of the pope's imprisoned, that he forcibly expelled him from his benefice, and that he had an excommunicate relative of his own introduced in his place.
An endorsement questions the veracity of some of the complaints.
DCD 2.8.Pont.13
Number not used - appears in Repertorium Magnum as a reference only with no description, in 19th century hand
DCD 2.8.Pont.14
Number not used - appears in Repertorium Magnum as a reference only with no description, in 19th century hand
DCD 2.8.Pont.15   24 November [1396]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William of Thrislington, proctor of the P&C of Durham, to John [of Hemingbrough], prior of Durham, enclosing a bull (see Cart.I.f21r for a copy of this bull) (missing, but see Loc.XXVII.11) concerning episcopal visitation of the priory and a legal opinion (also missing) of Ds. Hubert de Navaia (see Cart.III.f.312r for a copy of this opinion) on the best method of defence against the contents of the bull. The proctor reports that Ds. Hubert particularly urges a gentle approach to the bishop [Walter Skirlaw], and he himself urges secrecy in the matter.
Dated: At Rome.
Seal: traces of a signet applied to dorse. Signature of William of Thrislington.
Box 9
DCD 1.9.Pont.1a   No date [1354/5]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a public instrument in which William Legat', rector of Brancepeth, and John de Appleby, warden of the hospital of St Edmund at Gateshead, commissioned by apostolic authority to visit the city and diocese of Durham, inform John [Fossor], prior of Durham, of certain faults (these are listed in detail) discovered in the course of their recent visitation of Durham Priory. The copy stops at the end of the 27th article of complaint with no indication (except that there is room on the parchment for several more articles) of whether it is complete.
No notarial sign or certificate.
DCD 1.9.Pont.1b   No date. [Richard of Birtley took office as bursar 11.xi.1357; Robert of Walworth left office as hostiller by 26.v.1358]
Language:  Latin.
List of monks who disclosed faults in the administration of Durham Priory at a visitation. In some cases the nature of the disclosure follows the name of the monk.
Prior: hours competently serviced; 33 professed monks.
John of Goldsborough, master of Jarrow: nothing.
John of Shaftoe, prior of Wearmouth: nothing.
William of Goldsborough, prior of Finchale: church at Finchale leaks, could be repaired for 20 marks.
Thomas of Graystones: buildings ruinous; irregular eating arrangements.
John of Elwick, monk at Finchale:
Robert Marmion, monk at Finchale: once 13 monks there; choir leaks; house burdened “alieno”.
John of Billefield, monk at Lytham: ought to be 3 monks at Lytham, but now 2.
Simon of Darlington: alms for bishops' soul withdrawn.
Richard of Bickerton: (service of 8 bonds of Jarrow diverted from master of Jarrow to Prior since plague). Deleted.
John of Botton:
William Forest:
Richard of Beckingham: John of Normanby using a silk belt.
Robert of Hexham:
Thomas of Hartlepool:
Hugh of Fallowden: prior not mixing.
John of Durham, sacrist: priors enjoying fruits of Bedlington church for 30 years and more.
Robert of Walworth, hostiller:
Michael of Chilton, infirmarer: cellarer ought to visit sick daily and provide nice food.
Robert of Layton, granator: alms on bishops' anniversaries not distributed, no chaplain celebrating at Mawdelaynes.
John of Tickhill, chamberlain: church and bell tower leaky, latter ruinous, sacrist unfit, 21s 5d withdrawn from chamberlain by Prior - “settesilver”, as Thomas of Greystones re ruinous hayloft.
Robert of Barnard Castle, cellarer:
William Vavasour, communar: he & John of Normanby using belts studded with silver.
Simon of Alwinton: no 3rd prior, no M.A. to teach monks, no feretrar - should be one to answer for offerings, bell tower ruinous, should be a “magister operis” and a sacrist as elsewhere, monks sent to cells not receiving as those in cloister, “offic ext”, should normally go to bed with test of convent, “decani” should be among seniors for important discussions, inadequate transport, no “armigers” from Holy Island with Robert of Hexham.
Adam of Darlington: ought to have rightful place?
Reginald of Haswell: nothing.
William of Welton: church leaky.
John of Lumley, cantor:
Simon of Leaventhorpe, refectorer: food for “equitoris” deficient.
William of Norton:
Robert de Screston:
Thomas of Hardwick: said that Prior sent monks to cells because of last visitation in hatred as defects then revealed.
Robert of Claxton:
John of Cornwall:
Richard of Birtley, bursar:
Robert of Faceby:
John of Normanby, almoner:
John of Newton, subprior: master of Monkwearmouth generally alone. Robert Marmion not performing divine service, celebrating one day in “patria”? Robert of Benton celebrated only once in the year. Proctor of Norham keeping a concubine, allowing liberties of St Cuthbert to be infringed, a monk previously proctor. ?“Magister cere” withdrawn lights for festivals of bishops. Proctor of Norham “male vivit”. Lytham worth 100 marks p.a.; two monks there. Sacrist and other officers not celebrating capitular masses. Robert of Kelloe took £140 from Coldingham sacristy.
John of Hemingbrough:
William de Scaccario: monks eating in many buildings.
Bursar ought not to have an “aula”.
Cellarer ought not to let in his exchequer.
Monks eat in Butelar with “armigers”.
Monks going out and returning should eat in new solar with ?
[? A Benedictine visitation].
DCD 1.9.Pont.1c   No date [15th century]
List of replies made by or on behalf of the P&C of Durham to 6 articles of complaint lodged after a visitation of the priory. The articles are referred to by numbers, but these are not in series; the highest number that occurs is 34.
The article listed 4th mentions the need for Henry Helay to render accounts for the last two years at Holy Island. A Henry Helay was prior of Holy Island in 1438 (1.7.Pont.5), and Archbishop Kempe visited Durham Priory in January 1438. But see 1.8.Pont.2 - 1442 - for the same complaints. Helay had only been prior of Holy Island about 8 months in January 1438; he ceased in November 1442.
DCD 1.9.Pont.2   No date [early 14th century].
Language:  Latin.
Notarial transcript of:
Notarial instrument recording an agreement between Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham and the P&C of Durham by which the P&C are to admit the bishop on a visitation of their priory provided that he is accompanied by only 3 or 4 clerks.
Witnesses: Masters J[ohn] de Craucombe, archdeacon of the East Riding, and W[illiam] de St Botolph, archdeacon of Durham, Sir O. de Grandisons, knight, Adam de Driffield, Brother Walter de Winterburn and several others.
Notary: John Erturi de Cadomo.
Dated: At Evenwood, undecima die exeunte mense Iunio [20 June] 1300.
Witnesses: Master Robert de Cava, D.Cn.L., and Brothers Robert de Killingworth and John de Barnard Castle, monks of Durham.
Notary: Elias de Couton.
Digitised material for 1.9.Pont.2
DCD 1.9.Pont.3   No date [1442].
Language:  Latin.
Indented list of 46 comperta based on the detecta of a visitation of Durham Priory conducted by Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham on 9 June 1441 and Transl. 5 (sic. But 9 June Transl. 5 is 1442, and comparison of this document with 1.8.Pont.2, which contains the P&C's replies to the charges listed in 1.9.Pont.3, shows that both documents refer to the same visitation, and 2.7.Pont.12 and 13 suggest quite definitely that Bishop Neville visited the priory in July 1442.).
DCD 1.9.Pont.4   No date. [Bishop Neville visited in July 1442, and he intended to visit in May 1446].
Language:  Latin.
List of memoranda prepared for a visitation of Durham Priory by Robert [Neville] Bishop of Durham:
1. “Le Convenit”, clause 8. (See notes on 1.4.Pont.4).
2. An extract from the constitution Debent of Boniface VIII.
3. Notes of visitations, since the publication of the constitution Debent, at which Bishops of Durham and Archbishops of York were accompanied as visitors by a monk of Durham.
4. A note about the summoning to episcopal visitations of Durham Priory of monks from cells outside the diocese of Durham.
5. A note about the summoning to episcopal and archiepiscopal visitations of the diocese of the prior of Durham as archdeacon of the P&C's appropriated churches.
6. A note about the proving of the P&C's right to possess their appropriated churches.

DCD 1.9.Pont.5   6 May 1383
Language:  Latin.
Indenture of agreement between John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham and the P&C of Durham, by which the bishop releases the P&C from their bond of £1,000 provided that the P&C accept the decision of [Ralph Erghum] Bishop of Salisbury, Master John Blauncharde, LL.D., and Master John de Appleby, LL.D., arbitrators appointed to settle the quarrel between the bishop and the P&C about the bishop's being accompanied by a Benedictine monk when on a visitation of Durham Priory. Cf. 1.8.Pont.7, 8 & 9.
Seal: Bishop Fordham's privy seal. G&B 3143. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
Copied: Cart.III.ff.342v-343r, where the marginal note describing the document ends “laudum non erat factum”.
See also: On f.343r of Cart.III, immediately after the copy of what is now known as 1.9.Pont.5, is a copy of a bond of Bishop Fordham to the P&C in £1,000 (dated 6 May 1383 and sealed with Bishop Fordham's privy seal). The marginal note beside this copy gives its reference as 1.9.Pont.E1 - that is, in the present system of numbering, 1.9.Pont.5. Note also that the Magnum Repertorium describes 1.9.Pont.5 (or E1) as “Obligaciones”. The original of Bishop Fordham's bond is now known as Misc.Ch.5988; the only medieval reference on this original is C.343 - viz. Cart.III.f343.
DCD 1.9.Pont.6
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
See: Cart.III.f.343r-v.
DCD 1.9.Pont.7   No date [May 1383 or a little later].
Language:  Latin.
Notes of points which Robert Lanchester, proctor of the P&C of Durham, intends to make before [Ralph Erghum] Bishop of Salisbury, Master John de Appleby, LL.D., dean of London, and Master John Blaunchard, LL.D., archdeacon of Worcester, in the dispute with John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham over whether the Bishop of Durham may be accompanied, when visiting Durham Priory, by a monk from a Benedictine house other than Durham itself.
See also: The document is very similar in wording and content to 1.8.Pont.9.
DCD 1.9.Pont.8    No date.
Language:  Latin.
List of detecta at a visitation [of the diocese of Durham] conducted by Robert Neville Bishop of Durham (according to an endorsement). The disclosures, made by parishioners of various churches in Co. Durham, accuse the P&C of Durham, and each disclosure is followed by the reply of the P&C's proctor.
See also: 1.8.Pont.4 & 1.9.Pont.9.
DCD 1.9.Pont.9    No date.
Language:  Latin.
List of detecta (the same list of complaints as in 1.9.Pont.8) at a visitation [of the diocese of Durham by Robert Neville Bishop of Durham].
Enclosed is a schedule of dates, appointed by the bishop's commissaries, before which the chancels of the various appropriated (not all the churches mentioned in the main document are appropriate to the P&C of Durham) churches which are complained about must be repaired.
DCD 1.9.Pont.10   No date. [Not long before 5 March 1306. See C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, p. 116].
Language:  Latin.
Draft list of 19 articles of accusation to be brought against Richard de Hoton, “qui se gerit pro priore ecclesie Dunelmensis”, apparently by a proctor of Antony Bek, Bishop of Durham, at the Curia.
Printed: Records of Antony Bek (SS 162) pp.113-8.
DCD 1.9.Pont.11
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum, where described (in a later hand) as various instruments concerning procurations, 1343
DCD 2.9.Pont.1   No dates. [The bull granted to Bishop Skirlaw is dated (see copy in Cart.I.f.21r) 5 Non. Mai. Pont. 7 [3 May 1396]. On 12 Kal. Mai. Pont. 8 [20 April 1397] Boniface IX revoked the bull in favour of Skirlaw; see Cart.I.f.21v].
Language:  Latin.
A file of five documents, accompanied by two loose documents. Four of the items in the file are of type (i) below, as is one of the loose documents; the remaining two documents are of type (ii):
(i) Draft appeal to the Pope [Boniface IX], on behalf of the P&C of Durham, petitioning for the revocation of a bull issued in favour of Walter [Skirlaw] Bishop of Durham and concerning the accompaniment of the Bishop of Durham while on a visitation of Durham Priory by a Benedictine religious of a house other than Durham.
(ii) Draft bull granting the petition in (i).
DCD 2.9.Pont.2   No date [?c.1354].
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a list of complaints concerning the maladministration of the priory of Durham, sent to the Bishop of Durham by the sub-prior and convent.
DCD 2.9.Pont.3    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Document giving instruction about the proper ways in which detecta are revealed, enquiry is made, and those who are diffamed may purge themselves, at episcopal visitations.
Another copy: 2.9.Pont.5.
DCD 2.9.Pont.4   No date [c.1300?].
Language:  Latin.
List of 90 or so questions, about the state of the house and its inmates, that are asked at a visitation of Durham Priory.
Parchment roll.    3 membranes
Transcribed in: UND/DB4/G10.
DCD 2.9.Pont.5    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Roll of two membranes, containing on the face (i) another copy of the text of 2.9.Pont.3, and (ii) other instructions about enquiries into detecta and about purgation, and on the dorse (i) instructions about receiving an episcopal visitation, and (ii) instructions about what a visitor ought to enquire in to.
DCD 2.9.Pont.6   No date [1308-13 or 1321-41 - ? 1332: Simon of Rothbury first occurs as master of Farne - Bur. Ac. 1332-3; John of Seaton dead by June 1337 - Bur. Ac. 1336-7. Cf. Loc.XXVII.12].
Language:  Latin.
Replies of William prior of Durham to eleven articles of complaint brought against him by the Bishop of Durham after a visitation of Durham Priory.
DCD 2.9.Pont.7    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Notes of regulations governing the temporary residence at Finchale ad spaciandum of Durham monks.
DCD 2.9.Pont.8    No date.
Language:  Latin.
List of payments received or due from several obedientiaries [of Durham Priory], mostly for horses.
DCD 2.9.Pont.9
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
Sparse description (Diffiniciones certe) matches that for 2.9.Pont.8
DCD 2.9.Pont.10   No date. [? Date as 2.9.Pont.6 - refers to Simon of Rothbury and Farne].
Language:  Latin.
List of 19 injunctions delivered to the prior of Durham [after an episcopal visitation].
DCD 2.9.Pont.11   No date [c.1400-1450?].
Language:  Latin.
Evidences from Canon Law, written by Ds. Robert Emylton (according to an endorsement) to prove that customs ought to be preserved.
Copied: Cart.III.f.349v-350v.
DCD 2.9.Pont.12
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum, where described as a parchment roll (later annotated as absolution of N[icholas] of Walworth, prior of [Holy] Island [1273-1285], from the lord's court
DCD 2.9.Pont.13   No date.
Language:  Latin.
Copy of letters of R[ichard of Claxton] (or de Hoton), prior of Durham, to the monks of Holy Island, informing them that he has accepted the resignation from the priorate of their cell of N[icholas] de Wallworth, and specifying the income and accommodation that are to be provided for Wallworth in his retirement.
Seal: No seal.
[Gilbert of Sherburn is deputed by the prior to carry some responsibility. This monk occurs elsewhere in 1278 ( Durham Account Rolls p. 486) and in 1290 (1.6.Pont.11). This tells us only that the document dates from some time in the priorate of either Claxton (or Hoton [Nicholas of Walworth, prior of Holy Island, ref. 4.iv.1281 (M.C.5234).), viz. 1273-85 or (1290-1308 [Richard of Barnby, prior of Holy Island, oc. 9.vii.1283 (M.C.5341)]).
DCD 2.9.Pont.14    No date.
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a petition for the king's protection against the Bishop of Durham's attacks on the P&C of Durham's rights in their appropriated churches.
Copied: Cart.III. f.350v.
DCD 2.9.Pont.15    [after 1363]
Language:  Latin.
List of fifty articles about which enquiry ought to be made at visitations, based on the decretal Ne in agro (Clem.III, x, 1), the constitutions of Benedict XII, the constitutions of Northampton (statutes of 1343) and the lately published or new constitutions of Northampton (of 1363).
Parchment, 1m
Other copies: Jesus College Cambridge, MS 61 f.42; Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.IV.20, f.71.
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks II, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlvii, 1933), p.82-89.
DCD 3.9.Pont.1   [6 November] 1291
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain land or annual incomes within the bishopric worth up to 30 or 40 marks.
Date: [North]Allerton, 8 Id. November, 1291 and Cons. 8.
Seal: G&B 3125, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III f.293.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Tres Scriptores , (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.xcvii.
Calendared in: Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1947), p.29.
DCD 3.9.Pont.2   9 Oct. 1315 and Cons.5.
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Richard [Kellawe] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from William de Ludworth and Matilda his wife one burgage in South Street, Durham.
Dated: At Stockton.
Seal: G&B 3127, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.3   10 April 1316 and Cons.5.
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Richard [Kellawe] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from Ds. Adam Bett', chaplain, one messuage in the Bailey at Durham.
Dated: At Stockton.
Seal: G&B 3127, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.4   17 April 1324 and Pont.7.
Language:  Latin.
Licence, in the form of an indenture, of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from John de Denum one messuage and 120 acres of land in Westoe, and in return to transfer to John de Denum 160 acres of land and 40 acres of pasture in Hardwick, near Monk Hesleden.
Dated: At Lazenby (Yorkshire, NR).
Seal: G&B 3130, without secretum. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.5   10 January 1339/40 and Cons.6.
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain various specified lands in Billingham, Aycliffe, the South Bailey at Durham, and Ferryhill.
Viz. Bishop Richard de Bury gives the convent licence to acquire in mortmain from John de Cotom chaplain in Billingham 18 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow and a third of a messuage with the reversion of 6 acres of land, and a third of a messuage held in dower by Johanna, widow of William, son of William of Kirkharle, in Aycliffe two messuages, 7 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow, in the South Bailey, Durham, one messuage and 12d. rent of the fee of Robert son of Theobald of Fishburn; from John de Cotom and John of Cotherston chaplains in the South Bailey, Durham, one messuage of the fee of Robert son of Theobald of Fishburn; and to retain their acquisitions in Ferryhill of 3 acres of land from Peter Clerk of Ferryhill, and in Billingham of 2 messuages 40 acres of land held in dower by Johanna, widow of William, son of William of Kirkharle of the inheritance of Roger of Butterwick and acquired from him
Witnesses: Sir Thomas Surtees, the bishop's steward, Sir William de Wessington, Sir Jordan de Dalden and Sir Roger de Esh, knights, John de Menenevill' (sic), the bishop's sheriff, Simon de Esh, Walter de Hawyk, Walter de Ludworth and many others.
Dated: At Durham Castle.
Seal: G&B 3133. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.6a   1 February 1334/5 and Cons.1 (sic).
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain twenty pounds worth of lands, tenements and incomes.
Dated: At York.
Seal: G&B 3133. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Bury's used of anno consecracionis in dating documents (Surtees Soc. vol. 119, pp.101 & 13) shows that his year of consecration begins 2 February. But see p. 47, which suggests 4 February or later but proves that February is the right month anyway.
Confirmed: 3.9.Pont.7.
See also: 3.9.Pont.6b.
DCD 3.9.Pont.6b   20 February Pont. 12 [1345]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Richard [de Bury] Bishop of Durham to the following persons to grant the following revenues and lands in mortmain to the P&C of Durham:
1. Walter Smyth' of Monkton. Income worth 13/4 in Monkton.
2. Robert de Dalton, chaplain. One messuage and twenty acres of land in Monk Hesleden, valued by William de Mordon, recently the bishop's escheator for Durham and Sadberge, at 16/-. The messuage and land, by inheritance from Robert de Dalton, belong to William de Cambhous and Lecelina his wife for the duration of Lecelina's life, and after her death they are to belong to the P&C.
The licence refers to a licence granted by the bishop to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain twenty pounds worth of lands, tenements and incomes, and states that the present licence is granted in partial fulfilment of the previous one. (Cf. 3.9.Pont.6a).
Dated: At Durham, per manum. Roberti de Calne, bishop's clerk.
An endorsement reads: Irrotulatur in rotul' cancellarie Dunelm' mense marcii anno pont' domini Ricardi de Bury episcopi Dunelm' duodecimo.
Seal: Bishop Bury's seal in chancery. G&B 3134. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.7   15 February 1345/6 and Cons.1
Language:  Latin.
Recital and confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of a licence of Richard de Bury Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain twenty pounds worth of lands, tenements and incomes; dated at York 1 February 1344/5 and Cons.1 (sic).
Dated: At Auckland Castle.
Seal: G&B 3136. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Original: 3.9.Pont.6a.
DCD 3.9.Pont.8   26 December 1352 and Cons.8.
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, at the instance of Ds. Robert de Bamburgh [monk of Durham?], to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain twenty shillings worth of lands and incomes from their own fee; the money to be used to provide a light before the altar of the B.V.M. in the cathedral.
Dated: At his manor of Auckland.
Seal: G&B 3136. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 3.9.Pont.9   10 August 1353 and Pont.9.
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, granted at the request of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes from their own fee to the value of 100 shillings; the money to be used to provide both a light before the altar of St Nicholas and St Giles in the cathedral and a chaplain to celebrate masses for the souls of the bishop, the prior and all the faithful.
Dated: At Auckland.
Seal: G&B 3136. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Was tie tag below.
See also: 3.9.Pont.10a or 10b.
DCD 3.9.Pont.10a   28 April Pont.34 [1379].
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from John of Bamburgh, clerk, in Wolviston one messuage, 24 acres and 0.5 acre of meadow called Dringsland, 32 acres and 1 acre of meadow called Bellasisland, 11 acres called Steresland, three parts of a plot called le Orcheard once held by Geoffrey Hunter, in Billingham a third part of a capital messuage 22 acres and 1 acre 1 rod of meadow once held by William son of William of Harle, in North Pittington an annual rent of 20s. from lands and tenements once held by Alexander of Pittington called Southwickland, in Moorsley one messuage and 12 acres once held by Alexander of Pittington, towards a light and a chaplain at the altar of SS Nicholas and Giles in the cathedral.
The licence records the satisfactory verdict given after an inquisicio ad quod damnum by John de Hyndeley, the bishop's escheator for Co. Durham; it also refers to a licence granted by the bishop to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes from their own fee to the value of 100 shillings (the money to be used to provide both a light before the altar of St Nicholas and St Giles in the cathedral and a chaplain to celebrate masses for the souls of the bishop, the prior and all the faithful), and states that the present licence is granted in partial fulfilment of the previous one. (Cf. 3.9.Pont.9).
Dated: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G&B 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.10b
See: 1.11.Pont.17, for the inquisition ad quod damnum referred to in this licence.
DCD 3.9.Pont.10b   28 April Pont.34 [1379].
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 3.9.Pont.10a, with same seal attached in same way. The spelling of place names is slightly different from that in 3.9.Pont.10a.
Dated: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G&B 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.10a
Digitised material for 3.9.Pont.10b
DCD 3.9.Pont.11
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for Misc.Ch.6524, q.v.
DCD 3.9.Pont.12   10 October Pont. 34 [1378].
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of £40.
Dated: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G&B 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.13
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. See Cart.II.f.288r-289r.
DCD 3.9.Pont.14   16 December Pont. 36 [1380].
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes within the liberty of Durham to the value of 200 marks a year; the money to be used to support eight monachi capellani and eight poor scholars at Durham College, Oxford.
Dated: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elemden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal in chancery. G&B 3138. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 3.9.Pont.15
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for 1.9.Spec.34, q.v. Also 1.4.Spec.80.
DCD 3.9.Pont.16a   1 May Pont. 7 [1388]
Language:  Latin.
Licence John [Fordham], Bishop of durham to the Priory and Convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain from William of Greystones chaplain, William of Cowton chaplain, John of Appleby chaplain and Reginald Porter chaplain, Healy Manor once held by John Streuelyne and then John de Neville and held in chief of the bishop for 6s. 8d. a year and 6d. forestage and worth £4 a year net; in Gateshead three messuages once held by John of Bishopdale from a tenement of John of Killingham held in chief in burgage of the bishop; in Whickham 3 acres of meadow once held by John of Bishopdale held of the bishop in freehold and worth 9s. a year net; in Durham an annual rent of 20s. once held by Richard of Barnard Castle from the messuage of Alexander of Stanhope by the old bridge held of the bishop in chief in burgage 2 messuages once held by John of Plumpton held of the bishop in burgage for 4d. a year and paying Alan of Billingham 13s. 4d. a year rent and worth 16s. 4d. a year net, 1 messuage in Sadlergate once held by John Coteler and held of the bishop in burgage for 11d. a year and paying the sacrist of Durham 2s. a year rent and the heirs of John of Thwing 9s. a year rent and worth 14s. 7d. a year net, 2 messuages in the Bailey once held by Robert of Masham and John of Yarm and held of the bishop in freehold and worth 23s. 4d. a year net, 2 messuages in the North Bailey once held by John of Bamburgh and held of the bishop for 2s. a year and worth 18s. a year net, 1 messuage in Sadlergate once held by John Short and held of the bishop for 5d. a year and worth 40s. a year net, 1 messuage in Fleshergate once held by John Short and of the bishop in burgage and paying the nuns of Newcastle-on-Tyne 13s. 4d. a year rent and worth 7s. a year net, 1 messuage in Fleshergate once held by Thomas of Tudhoe and held of the bishop for 4d. a year and paying John of Killinghall 13s. 4d. a year rent for life and the heirs of William of Langley 6s. 8d. a year rent and worth 13s. 4d. a year net, 1 messuage in Fleshergate of Thomas of Tudhoe held of the bishop for 4d. a year and paying Robert of Cockside's chantry 3s. 4d. a year rent and 20s. a year net, 1 messuage in Claypath once held by Thomas of Annesley and held of the bishop for 8d. a year and paying the chantry in St Nicholas Durham 7s. 6d. a year rent and 11s. 10d. a year net, 4 messuages in Claypath once held by William of Barnby and held of the bishop in burgage for 5.5d. a year and paying the sacrist of Durham 12d. a year rent and worth 10s. a year net, 1 messuage and 3 acres of meadow (not located; in Durham, see 1.11.Pont.3) once held by Thomas of Quarrington and held of the bishop for 12d. a year and worth 30s. a year net; in Gateshead 5 messuages in Pipewelgate on the north once held by John of Bishopdale and held in freehold of Gilbert Eglyn in his wife's right and worth 7s. a year net, an annual rent of 2s. 6d. from William of Hesleden's tenement in Pipewelgate once held by John of Bishopdale and held of William Gategang, an annual rent of 2s. from John of Dolphenby's tenement in Pipewelgate once held by John of Bishopdale and held of William Gategang for 1d. a year; in West Merrington 1 messuage 24 acres once held by Adam Cringilldikes and held of the prior for 3s. 4d. a year and worth 2s. 3½d. a year net, 1 messuage 3 acres once held by John Joly and held of the prior for 18d. a year and worth 6d. a year net; in East Merrington 2 messuages 80 acres held of the prior for 33s. 4d. a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Aycliffe 1 messuage 24 acres called Sabynland once held by John of Windlestone and held of the prior for 7s. 4d. a year and worth 6s. 8d. a year net, 40 acres once held by Richard of Heworth and held of the prior for 12d. a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net; in Ferryhill 1 messuage 30 acres once held by John de Neville and held of the prior for 7s. 6d. a year and worth 7s. 4d. a year net; in Wolviston 1 messuage 48 acres once held by Robert Lucas and held of the prior for 15s. a year and worth 1d. a year net; in Hesleden 2 acres once held by Robert Wittonman and Rosa his wife and held of the prior for 10d. a year and worth 12d. a year net; in Broom 2 messuages 8 acres once held by John of Cawood and held of the cell of Finchale for 2s. a year and of the prior for 13s. 4d. a year and worth 2d. a year net; in North Pittington 3 messuages 7 acres once held by Robert of Fenrother and held of the prior for 5d. a year and paying Robert 20s. a year rent for life and worth 2s. 6d. a year net; in East Rainton 1 messuage 10 acres once held by John Buss and held of the prior for 5s. a year and worth 5s. a year net, 1 messuage 60 acres once held by Walter Tailor of St Giles and held of the prior for 7s. a year and worth 3s. 4d. a year net; in Hebburn 3 acres once held by Alan of Durham and Diota his wife and held of the prior for 6d. a year and worth 12d. a year net; in Burdon 2 messuages 40 acres once held by John de Neville and held of the prior for 6s. 8d. a year and worth 40s. a year net; in Billingham 3 acres 1 rod and 1 acre 1½ rods of meadow once held by John Tydde and held of the prior for 10d. a year and worth 6s. 8d. a year net; in Edmundbyers 4 messuages 24 acres and 2½ acres of meadow once held by John del Ridding and held of the prior for 8d. a year and worth 27s. 8d. a year net, 1 messuage 12 acres once held by Roger Cowherd and held of the prior for 12d. a year and worth 8s. a year net, 1 messuage 12 acres once held by John Sadler and held of the prior and worth 6s. a year net, 1 messuage 12 acres held of the prior for 13d. and 1lb. cumin a year and worth 8s. a year net; in Gilesgate 1 messuage once held by Margery Pymond and held of the master of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 3s. 10½d. a year and worth 12.s 1½d. a year net, 8 messuages 10 acres 3 rods of meadow held of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 22s. 8d. a year and worth 106s. 8d. a year net, 4 messuages 2 acres of meadow once held by Richard of Barnard Castle and held of the master of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 6s. 1d. a year and worth 14s. a year net, 3 messuages 12 acres and 12 acres of meadow once held by Thomas of Lumley chaplain and held of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 11s. 7d. a year and worth 40s. a year net, 3 messuages 1 acre of meadow once held by Thomas Lorimer and Elena his wife and held of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 3s. 5d. a year and worth 16s. 7d. a year net, 1 messuage once held by Thomas of Stafford and held of Kepier Hospital in burgage for 2s. 8d. a year and worth 3s. a year net; in Durham 1 messuage in the Bailey once held by Richard of Barnard Castle and held of Kepier Hospital for 10s. a year and worth 16s. a year net, 1 messuage in Allergate once held by Stephen Aspur and held of prior in burgage for 2s. 11d. a year and worth 10s. 5d. a year net, 1 messuage in the South Bailey once held by Mr William of Farnham and held of the prior for 6d. a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net, 6 messuages 1 acre 1 rod of meadow in the Old Borough once held by Robert of Cockside and held of the prior in burgage for 20¾d. a year and worth 18s. 3¼d. a year net, 4 messuages 2 acres of meadow in the Old Borough once held by John Short and held of the prior in burgage for 10 and 7½d. a year and worth 30s. a year net, 1 messuage 3 acres of meadow in the Old Borough once held by Thomas of Tudhoe and 1 acre once held by Robert of Masham and held of the prior in burgage for 2d. a year and worth 10s. a year net, 1 messuage in the Old Borough once held by Roger Cowherd and held of the prior in burgage for 1½d. a year and worth 2s. 6d. a year net, 6 messuages in Elvet once held by William of Shadforth and held of the prior in burgage for 2s. a year and paying William of Coatham 13s. 4d. a year rent for life and worth 17s. a year net; in Cocken 1 messuage 20 acres once held by Thomas of Cockside and held of the prior for 1lb. cumin a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Durham 3 acres of meadow once held by Richard of Barnard Castle and held of the prior for 4d. a year.
Dated: At Durham, per manum Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Fordham's great seal in chancery. G&B 3142. Attached by silk cord through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.16b.
See also: 1.11.Pont.3, for the inquisition ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of this licence.
DCD 3.9.Pont.16b
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 3.9.Pont.16a.
Seal: Bishop Fordham's great seal in chancery. G&B 3142. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.16a.
See also: 1.11.Pont.3, for the inquisition ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of this licence.
DCD 3.9.Pont.17
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for 1.6.Spec.41, q.v.
DCD 3.9.Pont.18
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for 1.6.Spec.37, q.v.
DCD 3.9.Pont.19
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for 1.6.Spec.38, q.v.
DCD 3.9.Pont.20
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum. Entry as for 1.15.Spec.26, q.v.
DCD 3.9.Pont.21a   1 September Pont. 4 [1392]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Walter [Skirlaw] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from William of Cowton chaplain, and John of Appleby chaplain, in Durham 7 messuages in Elvet held for life by Matilda widow of William Alman of the inheritance of William and John and reverting to them on her death, 1 messuage in Elvet held for life by Matilda, widow of William Alman and then by Agnes of Langley for life of the inheritance of William and John and reverting to them after Matilda's and Agnes' deaths to remain with the convent; in Jarrow 1 messuage 20 acres once held by William son of William; in Ferryhill 1 messuage 10 acres once held by William Yut; in Cocken 3 messuages 7 acres; in East Merrington 10 acres once held by Thomas of Morpeth former vicar there; by Durham 1 croft in Smiddyhaugh once held by William Haswell, chaplain, 1 messuage 1 acre at the end of New Elvet by Smiddyhaugh once held by Alice of Birkby, 1 messuage in Elvet borough once held by the same Alice [of Birkby], 1 waste messuage in Rattenrow in said Elvet once held by said William Haswell, 1 messuage in said Rattenrow once held by Richard Stanley and Robert Draper, 1 messuage in Old Elvet once held by Thomas Swan, 1 messuage in Elvet borough once held by William of Drayton, 1 capital messuage with 1 croft 2 acres of meadow in “vicus” of Mary Magdalene once held by Hugh of Chilton, 1 messuage in Crossgate once held by Thomas of Claxton, 1 messuage in South Street with 1 acre at the end of the messuage garden called le Orchard once held by said Thomas of Claxton, 1 messuage in Old Elvet once held by William of Langley, 2 parts of th manor of Preston and 2 parts of the vill of Simonside once held by Ralph of Lumley, knight and Eleanor his wife and held of the prior.
Dated: At Durham, per manus Roberti de Wycliff, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Skirlaw's great seal in chancery. G&B 3146. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.21b.
See: 1.10.Pont.5 for the inquisitio ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of this licence.
DCD 3.9.Pont.21b
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 3.9.Pont.21a.
Seal: missing. If it was ever attached (the holes in the foot of the document look small and neat, and there are no seal cords present) it was by silk cords through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.21a.
See: 1.10.Pont.5 for the inquisitio ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of this licence.
DCD 3.9.Pont.22a   10 June Pont. 4 [1392]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Walter [Skirlaw] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the annual value of twenty pounds.
Dated: At Durham, per manus Roberti de Wycliff, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Skirlaw's great seal in chancery. G&B 3146. Attached by silk cord through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.22b.
DCD 3.9.Pont.22b   10 June Pont. 4 [1392]
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 3.9.Pont.22a.
Seal: G&B 3146. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.9.Pont.22a.
Box 10
DCD 1.10.Pont.1   30 November Pont. 3 [1408]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain the following:
1. From William Bedford, one messuage, 56 acres of land and four acres of meadow in Ludworth, in exchange for one messuage in the borough of Elvet.
2. From Thomas Holden, esquire, two messuages, 47 acres of land, three acres of meadow and six shillings and eight pence worth of income in Wingate, West Merrington and the borough of Elvet, in exchange for the messuage and lands to be acquired by the P&C from William Bedford (see above).
Dated: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G&B 3149. Attached by very long parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD 1.10.Pont.2   26 March Pont. 18 [1424]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain from William Doncaster, clerk, William Fishburn, chaplain, and John Binchester, chaplain, thirteen messuages, two saltpans, 280 acres of land, fifteen acres of meadow and sixteen penceworth of income in Coupon [Cowpen Bewley], Billingham, Burdon, East Rainton and Ferryhill.
The licence refers to a licence granted by the bishop to the P&C to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes worth ten marks a year, and states that the present licence is granted in fulfilment of the previous one. For a copy of this previous licence, and for the inquisition ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of 1.10.Pont.2, see 1.11.Pont.8.
Dated: At Durham, per manus Wm. Chauncellor, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Langley's great seal in chancery. G&B 3149. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
DCD 1.10.Pont.3   15 October Pont. 14 [1451]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to William [Ebchester], prior, and the convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of £20.
Bishop Robert Neville orders inquest ad quod damnum in allowing John Binchester, chaplain, John Partrike, chaplain, John Haggerston, chaplain, William Lawson and Richard Palmer, chaplain, to grant to the convent 2 messuages, 1 cottage, 4 tofts, 7 burgages, 153 acres, 8 acres 1 rod of meadow in Billingham, Burdon, Barmpton, East Rainton, East Merrington, Middle Merrington, West Merrington, Elvet Barony and the Old Borough, Durham.
Dated: At Durham, per manus John Lounde, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Nevill's great seal in chancery. G&B 3153. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Copied: 1.11.Pont.14.
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
Copy: Cart.III.f.294r-v.
DCD 1.10.Pont.5   Mon. before St Peter ad Vincula Pont. 4 [29 July 1392]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before Thomas de Boynton, escheator for Co. Durham to Walter [Skirlaw] Bishop of Durham, concerning proposed grants in mortmain to the P&C of Durham by William de Cowton, chaplain, and John de Appleby, chaplain.
Inquest ad quod damnun [preceding 3.9.Pont.21, which does not include the details here in <>] finds:
Re 7 messuages in Elvet held for life by Matilda widow of William Alman of the inheritance of William and John and reverting to them on her death, 1 messuage in Elvet held for life by Matilda widow of William Alman and then by Agnes of Langley for life of the inheritance of William and John and reverting to them after Matilda's and Agnes' deaths to remain with the convent <6 of 8 messuages held of prior in Barony of Elvet for 2s. 4d. a year; 2 other messuages held of prior for 17d. a year; for reversion William and John to find a chaplain in St Oswald's church, Durham, paying the chaplain 100s. a year until 24 marks in total paid; worth 3s. 4d. or, after 24 marks paid, 100s. a year net; rent of 19d. a year due to chaplain of St Mary's chantry in St Oswald's church from messuage between that of St Oswald's vicar and that of the prior of Finchale>; in Jarrow 1 messuage 20 acres once held by William son of William <and held of prior for 3s. a year and worth 10s. a year net>; in Ferryhill 1 messuage 10 acres once held by William Yut <and held of prior for 6s. 8d. a year and worth 4d. a year net>; in Cocken 3 messuages 7 acres <held of prior for 1lb. cumin a year and worth 6s. a year net>; in East Merrington 10 acres once held by Thomas of Morpeth former vicar there <and held of the prior for 10s. a year and worth 6d. a year net>; by Durham 1 croft in Smiddyhaugh once held by William Haswell chaplain <and held of prior for 18d. a year and worth 4s. a year net>, 1 messuage 1 acre at the end of New Elvet by Smiddyhaugh once held by Alice of Birkby <and held of prior for 3s. 4d. a year and worth 2s. 6d. a year net>, 1 messuage in Elvet borough once held by the same Alice [of Birkby] <and held of prior for 2s. 8d. a year and paying Gilbert of Elvet and his heirs 6s. 8d. a year rent, worth 2s. 8d. a year net>, 1 waste messuage in Rattenrow in said Elvet once held by said William Haswell <and held of prior for 7d. a year and worth 6d. a year net>, 1 messuage in said Rattenrow once held by Richard Stanley and Robert Draper <and held of prior and worth 6d. a year net>, 1 messuage in Old Elvet once held by Thomas Swan <and held of prior for 1d. a year and worth 12d. a year net>, 1 messuage in Elvet borough once held by William of Drayton and held of prior for 3d. a year and worth 2s. 5d. a year net, 1 capital messuage with 1 croft 2 acres of meadow in “vicus” of Mary Magdalene once held by Hugh of Chilton <and held of prior for 14d. a year and worth 18s. a year net>, 1 messuage in Crossgate once held by Thomas of Claxton <and held of prior for 3d. a year and paying St Mary's chantry chaplain in St Margaret's chapel Durham 18d. a year rent and worth 5s. a year net>, 1 messuage in South Street once held by same Thomas of Claxton < and held of the prior for 3d. a year and worth 2s. a year net>, 1 messuage in Old Elvet once held by William of Langley <and held of the prior for 8d. a year and worth 2s. 6d. a year net>, 2 parts of the manor of Preston and 2 parts of the vill of Simonside once held by Ralph of Lumley, knight, and Eleanor his wife, and held of the prior <for 26s. 8d. a year and worth £7 16s. a year net>.
(The result of the inquisition being favourable, the bishop issued a licence for the grants; see 3.9.Pont.21a and 21b).
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.10.Pont.6   Mon. 3 February Pont. 7 [1483]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before John Esh, esquire, escheator for Co. Durham to William [Dudley] Bishop of Durham, concerning proposed grants in mortmain to the P&C of Durham by John Pickering, clerk, Robert Hode, clerk, John Staindrop, John Haggerston, Thomas Goswick, Thomas Steyll', chaplains, Edmund Bell, clerk, and Roger Morland.
Inquest ad quod damnum [preceding 1.10.Pont.8, which does not include the details here in <>] finds:
Cleatlam <3 messuages 4 tofts 129 acres 9 acres of meadow and 6s. 8d. in rents once held by Alice Alwent, daughter and heir of Richard Middleton, and held of the Earl of Westmorland and the prior for 1lb. cumin to the earl, and paying 12d. a year to the lord of Ingleton's heirs and 23s. 6d. a year to the prior, and of Ralph Bowes for unknown service, and worth 40s. a year net>; Little Haswell <1 messuage 1 toft 100 acres and 4 acres of meadow once held by Richard Catlinson alias Katerinson son and heir of William Catlinson and held of the prior of Finchale by military service and paying him ½lb. ½ quarter pepper a year and worth 33s. 4d. a year net>; Wolviston <1 toft 22 acres 3 rods of meadow once held by Edmund Preston and Mary his wife, daughter and heir of John Simson goldsmith and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior 2s. 3d. a year and the communar of Durham 8d. and worth 6s. net; 1 messuage 24 acres once held by Roger Conyers knight and Sibilla his wife kinswoman and heir of Thomas Langton and held of the prior by military service and paying him 2s. 10d. a year and worth 8s. a year net; 7 acres and 1 rod of meadow once held by Robert Wild and held of the prior by military service and paying the communar of Durham 3s. a year and worth 2s. a year net; 1 toft 12 acres and 1 rod of meadow once held by Thomas Shaklock and held of the prior by military service and paying the communar of Durham 4s. a year and worth 2s. a year net; 1 cottage 12 acres and 1.5 rods of meadow once held by John Clerk and held of the prior by military service and paying the communar of Durham 4s. a year and worth 2s. a year net>; Ferryhill <reversion of 1 messuage 30 acres once held by Richard Brown kinsman and heir of Thomas Brown and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior 11d. a year and worth 10s. a year net; 2 acres once held by Thomas Ferry and held of the prior by military service and worth 16d. a year net>; Billingham <half a toft 7 acres 0.5 acre of meadow and 1 cottage once held by Robert Bellasis and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior's exchequer 12.5d. a year and 8d. a year to the prior's manor of Belasis for works and worth 6s. 8d. a year net>; Aycliffe <1 waste toft 8 acres and 3 rods of meadow once held by Peter Bolton alias Tait and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior 22d. a year and worth 3s. 4d. a year net; reversion of 2 waste cottages 3 acres and 6d. a year rent from Thomas Coundon's cottage once held by Thomas Gower son and heir of Lawrence Gower and held of the prior by service unknown and worth 2s. 6d. net>; Morton Tinmouth <1 toft 7 acres and meadow once held by John Willy and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior 6s. 4d. a year and worth 26s. 8d. a year net; third part of a messuage 5 acres once held by John Stavert and Benedicta his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Cocken and held of the prior by military service and paying the prior 10.5d. and worth 16d. a year net>; and in Durham in Elvet barony <2 tenements with 2 crofts once held by William Aspur and held of the prior and paying the hostiller of Durham 8s. 10d. and worth 4s. a year net; 1 toft once held by William Aspur and held of the prior and paying the hostiller of Durham 6d. a year and worth 18d. a year net; 1 tenement and 1 toft once held by William Rook and Elena his wife, daughter and heir of William Bainbridge and held of the prior and paying the hostiller of Durham 9d. a year the master of the infirmary of Durham 10d. a year and worth 2s. a year net; 1 tenement once held by Richard Lumley and held of the prior and paying the hostiller of Durham 11d. a year and the chaplain of the chantry of B.V.M. in St Oswald's Durham 4d. a year and worth 2s. a year net; 2 tenements 4 tofts and reversion of 1 tenement once held by John Barhalgh clerk and held of the prior and paying the hostiller of Durham 2s. 9d. a year and the almoner of Durham 12d. a year and worth 10s. a year net>; Elvet borough <1 waste burgage once held by Robert Preston and held of the prior in burgage and paying the hostiller of Durham 20d. landmale a year the prior 5s. a year, the chaplain of chantry of B.V.M. in St Nicholas Durham founded by Reginald merchant 5s. a year, the chaplain of other chantry of B.V.M. in St Nicholas Durham 6s. a year and worth nothing net; 1 burgage once held by Mary Thomson and held of the prior in burgage and paying the hostiller of Durham 20d. landmale a year the chaplain of chantry of B.V.M. in St Nicholas Durham 9s. a year and worth 3s. 4d. a year net; half a burgage once held by Agnes Flesher and held of the prior in burgage and paying the hostiller of Durham 4d. landmale a year and worth 2s. a year net; 1 burgage once held by William Aspur and held of the prior in burgage and paying the hostiller of Durham 5d. a year and worth 3s. a year net; 1 burgage once held by Robert Layton and held of the prior in burgage and paying the prior 3s. a year, the chaplain of St Andrew's chantry on Elvet bridge 4s. a year and worth 3s. a year net; 1 burgage once held by Thomas Warwick and held of the prior in burgage and paying the hostiller of Durham 6d. landmale a year and worth 3s. 4d. a year net; 1 burgage with croft once held by William Whelpdale and held of the prior in burgage and paying the sacrist of Durham 12d. landmale a year and worth 6s. 8d. a year net>; the Old Borough <reversion of 1 burgage once held by William Raket and held of the prior in burgage and paying the sacrist of Durham 3d. landmale a year and worth 3s. a year net; rent from 1 burgage once held by John Henryson of 2s. 7d. a year>; Gilesgate <reversion of 1 burgage once held by William Raket and held of master of Kepier Hospital in burgage and paying the hospital 2s. 5d. landmale a year and worth 8d. a year net; 1 burgage once held by Richard More and held of master of kepier Hospital in burgage and paying the master 16d. landmale a year and autumn boon-work worth 4d. and worth 12d. a year net>; the Borough <4 burgages in Sadlergate once held by Richard More and held of the bishop in burgage and paying the bishop 3d. a year and 13d. landmale a year and worth 8s. a year net; 1 burgage in Sadlergate once held by Thomas Thornburgh and held of the bishop and paying the bishop 2.5d. landmale a year, the sacrist of Durham 5s. a year and worth 2s. a year net; 4 burgages together in Claypath once held by Richard More and held of the bishop and paying the bishop 3s. landmale a year, the chaplain of chantry of B.V.M. in St Nicholas Durham, founded by Reginald, merchant, 14s. 2d. and worth 2s. a year net; 3 burgages in Framwelgate once held by John Yowdale and held of the bishop in burgage and paying the bishop 2s. 4d. meadowmale a year and 3.5d. landmale a year, the heirs of Ralph Hoton 5s. a year, John Killinghall 4s. a year and worth 5s. a year net; 1 burgage in Sidegate once held by William Durham and held of the bishop in burgage and paying John Raket 12d. a year and worth 12d. a year net; 2 burgages together in Claypath once held by Thomas Bradbury and held of the bishop in burgage and paying the bishop 3d. landmale a year and worth 2s. a year net>, and the South Bailey <1 tenement and 2 small tenements once held by Robert Sotheron chaplain and held of the bishop by castleward and paying the bishop 20d. a year and worth 10s. a year net>.
(The result of the inquisition being favourable, the bishop issued a licence for the grants; see 1.10.Pont.8).
Dated: At Durham.
Paper, 2p
Watermark: Raised hand and cuff
DCD 1.10.Pont.7   10 October Pont. 7 [1482]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of William [Dudley], Bishop of Durham, to Robert [Ebchester], prior, and the convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of twenty pounds.
Dated: At Durham, per manus John Kelyng, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Dudley's great seal in chancery. G&B 3160. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Information about the date of Bishop Dudley's consecration is too vague to allow one to choose between 1482 and 1483, but the decoration at the head of the documents includes a prayer for the safety of Edward IV, who died 9 April 1483.
Confirmed: 2.10.Pont.1a and 1b.
See also: 1.10.Pont.8.
DCD 1.10.Pont.8   1 April Pont. 7 [1483]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of William [Dudley] Bishop of Durham to Robert [Ebchester], prior, and the convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain from John Pickering, clerk, Robert Hode, clerk, John Staindrop, clerk, John Haggerston, Thomas Goswick, Thomas Steyll', chaplains, Edmund Bell' and Roger Morland, lands and incomes in Cleatlam, Little Haswell, Wolviston, Ferryhill, Billingham, Aycliffe, Morton, Tynemouth, Hebburn, the barony and borough of Elvet, the Old Borough of Durham, the vicus of St Giles and Durham City.
The licence refers to a licence granted by the bishop to the P&C to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of £20, and states that the present licence is granted in partial fulfilment of the previous one. (See 1.10.Pont.7).
For the inquisicio ad quod damnum which preceded the grant of this licence see 1.10.Pont.6.
Dated: At Durham, per manus John Kelyng, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Dudley's great seal in chancery. G&B 3160. Attached by linen (?) tape through foot of document.
The decoration at the head of this document includes a prayer for the safety of Edwardum quintum, verum regem, although Edward IV did not die until eight days after the date attached to the document.
Confirmed: 2.10.Pont.1a and 1b.
DCD 1.10.Pont.9   20 March Pont. 6 [1490]
Language:  Latin.
Licence of John [Shirwood] Bishop of Durham to John [Auckland], prior, and the convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and rents to the value of twenty pounds.
Dated: At Durham, per manus John Kelyng, cler, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: Bishop Shirwood's great seal in chancery. G&B 3162. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Confirmed: 2.10.Pont.1a and 1b.
Digitised material for 1.10.Pont.9
DCD 1.10.Pont.10   13 December Pont. 12 [1417]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William Claxton, escheator to Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham, concerning the proposed foundation by John Holderness, clerk, and Alan Hayden, chaplain, of a chantry, to be dedicated to St Catharine, in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, and the proposed grant in mortmain by Holderness and Hayden to the chaplain of the chantry of 21 messuages, 14½ acres of meadow and incomes worth 39/4 in Durham.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop would ensue from the foundation by John Holderness, clerk, and Alan Hayden, chaplain, of a chantry for one chaplain celebrating for the souls of John Belasis and Sibilla his wife at St Katherine's altar in St Mary's church in the North Bailey, Durham, supported by 21 messuages 14½ acres of meadow and 39s. 4d. in rents: in Durham in Allergate 5 messuages together on the south side between tenements of Richard Cowherd and of the prior of Durham and held of the prior and paying the prior 5d. a year and worth 20d. a year net, 3 messuages together with 1 croft of which 2 waste on the same side between tenements of John Chester once and of William Catterick and held of the prior paying 4d. a year and worth 8d. a year net, and 1 with croft on the north side between tenements of John Chester once and of the prior and held of the prior paying 4d. a year and worth 6s. a year net; 3 waste messuages in Crossgate, 2 together on the north side held by Roger Easingwold between tenements of Agnes, daughter and heir of Peter Dring on both sides and held of the prior paying 6d. a year and worth 2s. 6d. a year net, and 1 on the south side between a tenement of the prior and a vennell to the Almonerorchard and held of the prior paying 5.5d. a year and worth 7d. a year net; 1 messuage in South Street between a tenement of John Killinghall and a vennell to St Helen's well and held of the prior and worth 18d. a year net; 1 messuage and 1 acre of meadow on Belasis by Durham between land of the keeper of the chantry of B.V.M. in St Margaret's chapel Durham and of Thomas Pittington and held of the prior paying 5.5d. a year and worth 6s. a year net; 6 acres of meadow by Allergate held of the prior, 2 under Coddesley wood once held by William Chilton and then John son of Stephen Aspur and worth 8s. a year net, 2 under Redhill once held by John Fossor and worth 6s. a year net, and 2 under Redhill once held by Richard Cowherd between the king's highroad and land of Ralph Eure knight and worth 10s. a year net; and 13s. 4d. in rents from 1 messuage in the Old Borough Durham and 18 acres on Belasis held of the prior by Thomas Gray clerk.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 2.10.Pont.1a   20 November Transl. 6 [1500]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Richard [Fox] Bishop of Durham confirming licences to acquire lands and incomes in mortmain granted by William [Dudley] Bishop of Durham (see 1.10.Pont.7 and 8) to Robert [Ebchester], prior, and the convent of Durham, and by John [Shirwood] Bishop of Durham (see 1.10.Pont.9) to John [Auckland] prior, and the convent of Durham, and granting the P&C further licence to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the annual value of twenty pounds.
Witness: Roger Laburn', clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Fox's great seal in chancery. G&B 3164. Attached by silk tape through foot of document.
Duplicate: DCD 2.10.Pont.1b.
Copy: DCD Reg.V, f.60r-61r.
Draft: DCD Loc.XVIII:59.
DCD 2.10.Pont.1b   20 November Transl. 6 [1500]
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 2.10.Pont.1a
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Fox's great seal in chancery. G&B 3164. Attached by silk tape through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.10.Pont.1a.
Copy: DCD Reg.V, f.60r-61r.
Draft: DCD Loc.XVIII:59.
DCD 2.10.Pont.2
Noted as missing by Greenwell in Repertorium Magnum
Copy: Reg.V. f.59r.
DCD 2.10.Pont.3   10 October Transl. 5 [1499]
Language:  Latin.
Inspeximus-confirmation by Richard [Fox] Bishop of Durham of a grant by Walter [Skirlaw] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham of half of all amercements, fines and other incomes from [cases concerning] their tenants tried in the bishop's court, and of the entire income from wardship of minors who are heirs to lands within the P&C's fee. Skirlaw's grant is dated at his manor of Auckland 1 April 1403 and Transl. 15.
Bishop Fox makes provision against voidance of the grant by non- user.
Witness: Roger Laburn', clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: missing. Was attached by cords through foot of document.
Original: Missing, for copy see Cart.I.f.186r
Copy: 2.10.Pont.3*
DCD 2.10.Pont.3*
Language:  Latin.
A copy of 2.10.Pont.3.
Seal: No seal.
Original: 2.10.Pont.3
DCD 2.10.Pont.4   10 August Transl. 5 [1499]
Language:  Latin.
Grant by Richard [Fox] Bishop of Durham to Thomas [Castell], prior, and the convent of Durham of free warren in their parks of Muggleswick, Healeyfield and Bearpark, and in their woods of Strothowe [Strother?], Witton Maynes, Sacriston Heugh, Herbclose and Feryclyff. Anyone entering these lands to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of £10.
Witness: Roger Laburn', clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Fox's great seal in chancery. G&B 3164. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
DCD 2.10.Pont.5a   4 August Transl. 6 [1500]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Richard [Fox] Bishop of Durham pardoning Thomas [Castell], prior, and the convent of Durham for any transgressions of theirs or of their predecessors' in respect of the acquisition or alienation of lands held in chief of the bishop or his predecessors.
Witness: Roger Laburn', clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Fox's great seal in chancery. G&B 3164. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.10.Pont.5b.
Digitised material for 2.10.Pont.5a
DCD 2.10.Pont.5b   4 August Transl. 6 [1500]
Language:  Latin.
Another copy of 2.10.Pont.5a
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Fox's great seal in chancery. G&B 3164. Attached by silk cords through foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.10.Pont.5a.
DCD 2.10.Pont.6   28 September Pont. 1 [1507]
Language:  Latin.
Grant by Christopher [Bainbridge] Bishop of Durham to Thomas [Castell], prior, and the convent of Durham of the following:
1. The episcopal waste lying between the River Wear on the one hand and the walls of Durham Castle and Durham Cathedral on the other, from Framwelgate Bridge at one end to Elvet Bridge at the other. For this the P&C are to pay an annual rent of 13/4.
2. The River Wear between Framwelgate Bridge and Elvet Bridge.
The bishop's tenants and those of his people who live in the castle are to have the right of free passage over the waste and the river.
Witness: John Withers, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Bainbridge's great seal in chancery. G&B 3167. Attached by silk tape through foot of document.
DCD 2.10.Pont.7   28 September Pont. 1 [1507]
Language:  Latin.
Grant by Christopher [Bainbridge] Bishop of Durham to Thomas [Castell], prior, and the convent of Durham of free warren in their parks of Muggleswick, Healeyfield, Bearpark and Rayntonpark, and in their woods of Strothowe, Witton Maynes, Sacriston Heugh, Hanyngwodd, Herbclose and Feryclyff, Baxterwood, Relley, with the fields and meadows belonging to it, Aldin Grange, with the fields and meadows belonging to it, with Altonfeld and Morebebank . Anyone entering these lands to hunt or take anything covered by right of warren will be liable to a fine of ten pounds.
Witness: John Withers, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Bainbridge's great seal in chancery. G&B 3167. Attached by silk tapes through foot of document.
DCD 2.10.Pont.8   28 September Pont. 1 [1507]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Christopher [Bainbridge] Bishop of Durham:
1. Inspecting and confirming the following:
(a) Grant by H[ugh du Puiset] Bishop of Durham to the monks of Durham of the vill of Muggleswick.
(b) Grant by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham of land in the valley of Horsleyhope.
(c) Grant by Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham and the Prior of Finchale of an area of waste and moor (its bounds are specified) on the western side of Finchale Priory.
Witnesses: Sir Robert de Hylton, Sir Richard Marmaduke, Sir Walter de Wessington and Sir Thomas de Whitworth, knights, Jordan de Dalden, William of Kilkenny, Thomas de Fishburn, Roger de Esh and many others.
Dated: At Auckland, 20 November 1311 and Pont. 1.
2. Granting the following:
(a) Licence to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes not held in chief of the bishop to the value of £20 p.a.
(b) Pardon to the P&C of Durham and to John Pickering, clerk, Robert Sotheron, clerk, John Sedgefield, chaplain, John Nesse, chaplain, Thomas Williamson, chaplain, John Binchester, chaplain, Richard Emerson, John Pertrike, chaplain, John Milner, chaplain, Robert Hode, clerk, John Staindrop, clerk, John Haggerston, Thomas Goswick, Thomas Steyll', chaplains, Edmund Bell, Roger Morland, William Hull, chaplain, and Robert Lambert, esquire, in respect of any transgressions concerning the acquisition or alienation of land in mortmain.
(c) A general pardon to the P&C of Durham.
Witness: John Withers, clerk, bishop's chancellor.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Bainbridge's great seal in chancery. G&B 3167. Attached by silk tapes through foot of document.
Original (1a): 3.1.Pont.20.
Original (1b): 3.2.Pont.13.
Original (1c): Missing. A copy on f.223v of Bishop Kellaw's Register is printed in R.P.D. p.1144 and in Priory of Finchale,p.25). [Cf. 3.6.Spec.5 & 6].
Box 11
DCD 1.11.Pont.1
Language:  Latin.
Quire containing copies of the following:
1. Record of an assize held at Durham before Thomas of Hepscot and his colleagues, justices of the bishop [Richard de Bury], on the Monday after Michaelmas Pont.2 [2 October 1335] to establish whether Thomas de Ecton and Johanna his wife, Johanna de Elmeden and Thomas Shephird unjustly disseised David Bicheburn' and Roger de Herle of their free holding in Billingham.
Assize to determine whether Thomas of Ecton and Johanna his wife, Johanna of Embleton and Thomas Shepherd, disseised David of Bitchburn and Roger of Harle of their freeholding in Billingham of 1 messuage, 41 acres, 4 acres of meadow and half a messuage. For the defendants William of Potto stated that holding was third part of 3 tofts 70 acres and 10 acres of meadow, of which Thomas of Ecton and Johanna his wife were tenants of two-thirds and Johanna of Embleton of the third part as dower, since Walter of Harle held the tenements for life of the inheritance of John del Hay who granted their reversion to Walter Hunter and Johanna his wife, now Thomas of Ecton's wife, and they entered the tenements after Walter of Harle's death, but were ejected by Roger of Butterwick against whom they recovered the assize of novel disseisin without injury to David and Roger.
It was recognised that John son of Geoffrey died seised of 1 messuage, 72 acres and 4 acres of meadow in Billingham, then divided between his daughters Anne, who married Henry del Hay, Alice, who married Alexander of Kirkintolagh, and Margaret who married William, son of William of Harle, with Alexander and Alice subsequently granting their part, half a messuage and 24 acres, to William son of William who acquired 1 messuage and 6 acres in Billingham from William Champneys; William's son and heir William married Johanna of Embleton, died without heir and was succeeded by his sister Johanna, with Johanna of Embleton holding a third of the tenements in dower, while Johanna daughter of William married Walter of Harle, produced a son William and died, whereupon Walter held two parts of teh half messuage, 24 acres, messuages and 6 acres for life, which when Thomas [sic] died and after Walter of Harle's death [the plaintiffs] David son and heir of Sibilla sister of William son of William of Harle and one of his heirs and Roger son and heir of Isabella, William son of William of Harle's other sister and heir entered but were ejected by the defendants; David and Roger should recover seisin of the two parts, but their claim against Johanna of Embleton over the third part false.
2. Final concord made in the bishop's court at Durham on the Monday after St Peter ad vincula 10 Edward III [5 August 1336] before Thomas of Hepscot, Roger de Esh and Robert Parnyng', justices, between John de Cotun, chaplain, plaintiff, and David de Bicheburn' and Roger de Herle, defendants, about 2 messuages, 32 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow and 1½ messuages in Billingham.
Final concord between John of Coatham chaplain, plaintiff and David of Bitchburn and Roger of Harle, defendants, over 2 messuages, 32 acres, 2½ acres of meadow and half a messuage in Billingham: David and Roger grant John 1 messuage, 20 acres, 2½ acres of meadow and half a messuage and the reversion of 1 messuage and 10 acres held in dower by Johanna widow of William of Kirkharle on her death.
3. Record of an assize held at Durham before R[ichard] de Aldeburgh and his colleagues, justices of the bishop [Richard de Bury] on the Monday after St James the Apostle 12 Edward III and 5 Bury [27 July 1338], by virtue of a commission quod non eius .
Johanna widow of William of Kirkharle summoned to present her right in 1 messuage, 10 acres in Billingham granted by David of Bitchburn and Roger of Harle to John of Coatham, chaplain, by fine states that she holds a third part of 1 messuage, 10 acres in dower, half of the said third part of 8 acres and 2 acres of the inheritance of David and Roger, over which she is ready to acknowledge John, and the rest of the inheritance of Geoffrey son of Walter Hunter, which John states to be of the inheritance of David and Roger; the jury states that she holds 1 messuage in dower, two parts of it of the inheritance of David and Roger and third part of the inheritance of Geoffrey son of Walter Hunter; John accepts this for the whole of the land, but since Johanna claimed of the inheritance of David and Roger no more than half of a third part of the messuage and for the rest of the two parts claimed nothing of the inheritance of David and Roger, so disinheriting John, he should have seisin of the rest, and for the other piece Johanna acknowledges her liability [?]
4. Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William de Mordon, sheriff of Durham, on the Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross 4 Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham [4 May 1349] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by John son of Peter of Skipwith to the P&C of Durham of 1 messuage and 18 acres of land in Billingham.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing John son of Peter of Skipwith to grant to the convent in Billingham 1 messuage, 18 acres held of the prior for 2s. a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net.
5. Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William de Mordon, sheriff of Durham, on the Monday after St Barnabas the Apostle 2 Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham [18 June 1346] concerning the proposed grant in mortmain by Walter Smyth of Monkton to the P&C of Durham of 2 messuages, 70 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Monkton.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing Walter Smith of Monkton to grant to the convent in Monkton 2 messuages, 70 acres and 1 acre of meadow held of the prior for 33s. a year and worth 13s. a year net.
6. Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William de Mordon, escheator of Durham, on the Monday before the Assumption of the B.V.M. 2 Thomas Hatfield Bishop of Durham [14 August 1346] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by Thomas de Tours to the P&C of Durham of 1 messuage, 45 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Burdon.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing Thomas de Tours to grant to the convent in Burdon 1 messuage, 45 acres and 3 acres of meadow held of the prior for 2s. 6d. a year and worth 23s. 4d. net, leaving Thomas holding in fee in Preston-on-Skerne 1 messuage, 24 acres of John Randolf for 6s. a year and 1 messuage 40 acres of Ralph de Neville knight, together worth 40s. a year net, and for life in Brafferton 3 messuages 108 acres held of the bishop for 11s. 6d. a year and worth £4 a year net.
7. Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William de Mordon, escheator of Durham, on the Monday after the octave of Michaelmas 2 Thomas Hatfield Bishop of Durham [9 October 1346] concerning a proposed grant by John de Wolviston to the P&C of Durham of 1 messuage, 4 tofts, 152 acres of land, 7 acres of meadow and one pennyworth of rent in Wolviston.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing John of Wolviston to grant to the Convent in Wolviston the reversion of 1 messuage, 4 tofts, 152 acres, 7 acres of meadow and 1d. in rent held of John's inheritance by Cecilia widow of John Shirlock for life, messuage 3 tofts [land] and meadow held of the prior for 9s. a year and worth 100s. a year net, 1 toft held of Cecilia for the rent of 1d. a year, leaving John holding 2 tofts in Wolviston held of the prior and worth 8s. a year net.
Seal: No seal.
Printed: Item 1 (from Cart.III) in Richard D'Aungerville of Bury, p.123.
Printed: Item 2 Richard D'Aungerville of Bury p.126 (from Cart.III).
Printed: Item 3 (the source of the text is not clear) Richard D'Aungerville of Bury, p.132.
Original: Item 7 in DCD Loc.V:39.
Other copies of the text of 1. in: DCD Misc.Ch. 75 & 76.
DCD 1.11.Pont.2a
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before John de Hyndely, escheator for Co. Durham to Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham, on the Monday after the quindene of Easter 34 Hatfield [25 April 1379] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by John de Bamburgh, clerk, to the P&C of Durham of various specified lands in Wolviston, Billingham, Aycliffe, Ferryhill and other parts of Co. Durham.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing John of Bamburgh clerk to grant to the Convent in Wolviston 1 messuage, 152 acres and 7 acres of meadow once held by John of Wolviston and held of the prior in chief for 9s. a year and worth 60s. a year net, 1 messuage, 65 acres and 3.5 acres of meadow once held by Richard of Aske and held of the prior for 22s. 6d. a year and 2d. metred a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net, 1 toft, 30 acres once held by Robert of Masham and held of the prior for 15s. a year and worth 5s. a year net, 1 messuage, 30 acres and ½ acre of meadow once held by Thomas son of Margery of Wolviston and Margery his wife, and held of the prior for 1lb. cumin a year and paying Waleran of Lumley and his heirs 26s. 8d. a year and worth nothing net, 26s. 8d. a year in rent from the said holding of Thomas and Margery, 1 messuage, 67 acres, 1½ acres of meadow and three parts of a plot called le Orchard once held by Geoffrey Hunter and held of the prior for 11s. 11d. a year and ½d. metred a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Billingham 1 messuage, 30 acres once held by Adam Gilling and held of the prior for 3s. a year and worth 20s. a year net, 1 messuage, 18 acres once held by John of Skipwith and held of the prior for 2s. a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net, 4 tofts, 100 acres once held by Roger of Butterwick and held of the prior for 20s. a year and worth 60s. net, a third part of a messuage, 22 acres, 1 acre, 1 rod of meadow once held by Geoffrey Hunter and held of the prior for 3s. 4d. a year and worth 13s. 4d. net, 1 cottage, 3 acres, 1.5 rods of meadow once held by William Finch and held of the prior for 2s. ½d. a year and 11s. 5d. a year for light of B.V.M. in Billingham church and worth 9s. a year net; in Great Burdon 2 messuages, 45 acres and 3 acres of meadow once held by Thomas Toures and held of the prior for 2s. 6d. a year and worth 23s. 4d. a year net; in Aycliffe third part of a messuage, 6 acres once held by same Thomas and held of the prior for 7d. a year and worth 4s. a year net; in Ferryhill 1 messuage, 20 acres once held by Hugh son of Hawisia and held of the prior for 2s. 6d. a year and worth 10s. a year net, 1 messuage, 7 acres once held by John son of Simon and held of the prior for 12d. a year and worth 5s. a year net; in Monk Hesleden 1 messuage, 15 acres once held by William Hunter and held of the prior for 40d. a year and worth 4s. 8d. a year net; in Edmundbyers 12 acres once held by Adam Curteys and held of the prior for 1lb. pepper a year and worth 12d. a year net, 1 messuage 4 acres once held by William de Ridding and Margaret his wife and held of the prior and worth 3s. a year net; in Durham 10 acres, 1 rod once held by William Alman and held of the prior for 4s. a year and 20d. multure a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Hett 1 messuage, 1 bovate once held by John of Hett and held of the prior for 5s. a year and worth 15s. a year net; in Hebburn 6s. a year in rents from tenements once held by William Sire that Eda his wife held for life and held of the prior; in Spennymoor 1 messuage, 40 acres, called le Moorhouse once held by John of Ogle and held of the prior and paying 13s. 4d. a year and worth 6s. 8d. a year net; Relley Manor and 10 acres in Aldingrange once held by Richard of Barnard Castle and held of the prior for 4d. a year and worth 6 marks a year net; in Durham in Elvet 1 messuage, 4 cottages once held by the same Richard and held of the prior for 40d. a year and suit at the Elvet borough court and worth 26s. 8d. a year net, in the Old Borough 1 garden, 3 acres of meadow once held by the same Richard and held of the prior for 23d. a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Aldingrange 1 messuage, 80 acres once held by Roger Cowherd and held of the prior for 14s. 5d. [a year] and worth 40s. a year net; in Hebburn 1 messuage, 40 acres once held by William Lardener and held of the prior and paying 5s. a year and worth 20s. a year net; in Durham 3 messuages, 1 croft once held by Simon Alman and held of the prior and paying 3s. 2d. a year and for one tenement 14s. to the abbot of Blanchland and worth 26s. 8d. a year net; in Wolviston 2 messuages, 50 acres, 2 acres of meadow once held by Richard of Wolviston chaplain held of the prior for half a mark a year and worth 40s. a year net; leaving John holding in Durham 1 messuage, 60 acres called Dryburnhouse held of the bishop for 41s. 2d. a year and 2 tenements held of the bishop worth 10s. net.
See also the writ to initiate this inquisition, 18 April 1379, DCD Locelli V:29.
DCD 1.11.Pont.2b
Language:  Latin.
Draft (apparently) of the court record of an inquisition ad quod damnum that is copied in 1.11.Pont.2a.
This reference is noted on the original box list as having been added 30/5/1964 (duplicate is not mentioned within Repertorium Magnum)
DCD 1.11.Pont.3   19 March 1388
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William del Bowes, sheriff and escheator for Co. Durham to John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham, on Thursday the eve of St Cuthbert in March 7 Fordham [19 March 1388] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by William Graystanes, chaplain, William de Couton, chaplain, John of Appleby, chaplain, and Reginald Porter, chaplain, to the P&C of Durham of lands in Healey, Gateshead and Durham.
Copied: (in part only) on the dorse of 1.11.Pont.4.
See also: Licence granted as a result of this inquisition: 3.9.Pont.16.
See: 1.11.Pont.4
DCD 1.11.Pont.4   19 March 1388
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William del Bowes, sheriff and escheator for Co. Durham to John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham, on Thursday the eve of St Cuthbert in March 7 Fordham [19 March 1388] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by William of Graystanes, chaplain, William de Couton, chaplain, John Appleby, chaplain, and Reginald Porter, chaplain, to the P&C of Durham of lands in West Merrington, East Merrington, Aycliffe, Ferryhill, Wolviston, Monk Hesleden, Broom, North Pittington, East Rainton, Hebburn, Burdon, Billingham, Edmondbyers, Durham and Cocken.
On the dorse is an incomplete copy of the text that is copied in 1.11.Pont.3.
Copied: (with some differences) 1.11.Pont.6.
See also: 1.11.Pont.3.
DCD 1.11.Pont.5   No date. [1378 or soon after?]
Language:  Latin.
List of lands, etc, with their values, for the amortization of which T[homas] H[atfield] Bishop of Durham granted licences in 1378, see 1.11.Pont.2 and 7.
Copied: Cart.III. ff.325r-327v.
DCD 1.11.Pont.6   19 March 1388
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William del Bowes, sheriff and escheator for Co. Durham to John [Fordham] Bishop of Durham, on Thursday the eve of St Cuthbert in March 7 Fordham [19 March 1388]. The differences between the text of this document and that of 1.11.Pont.4 consist only in details concerning the valuations of land and in the inclusion in each of the two documents of one item of land that is omitted from the other.
An endorsement reads: Ista inquisicio capta fuit anno domini millesimo ccclxxxviii et non registratur quod plura continentur in amortizacione sigillata quam in ista.
DCD 1.11.Pont.7   25 April 1379
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before John de Hyndeley, escheator for Co. Durham, on the Monday after the quindene of Easter 34 Thomas [Hatfield] [25 April 1379] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by John of Bamburgh, clerk, to the P&C of Durham of lands in Wolviston, Billingham and North Pittington.
Inquest [preceding 3.9.Pont.10, which does not include the details here in <>] states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing John of Bamburgh, clerk, to grant to the convent towards a light and a chaplain at the altar of SS Nicholas and Giles [Trinity Chantry] in cathedral in Wolviston one messuage, 24 acres and 0.5 acre of meadow called Dringsland <once held by Geoffrey Hunter and held of the prior for 6s. 8d. a year>, 32 acres and 1 acre of meadow called Bellasisland <once held by the same Geoffrey and held of the prior for 21d. a year>, 11 acres called Steresland <and> three parts of a plot called le Orcheard once held by Geoffrey Hunter <and held of the prior for 3s. 6d. a year, all together worth 32s. a year net>, in Billingham a third part of a capital messuage, 22 acres and 1 acre, 1 rod of meadow once held by William, son of William of Harle <and held of the prior for 40d. a year and worth 24s. a year net>, in North Pittington an annual rent of 20s. from lands and tenements once held by Alexander of Pittington called Southwickland <and held of the prior>, in Moorsley one messuage and 12 acres once held by Alexander of Pittington <and held of the prior 1s. 5d. a year and worth 13s. a year net; leaving John holding in Durham 1 messuage, 60 acres called Dryburnhouse held of the bishop for 41s. 2d. a year and 2 tenements held of the bishop, worth 10s. net>
See also: Copy of the episcopal mandate for this inquisition see 1.11.Pont.9.
See also: Licence granted as a result of this inquisition see 3.9.Pont.10a or 10b.
DCD 1.11.Pont.8   [1420s ?]
Language:  Latin.
Roll containing copies of the following three documents:
Licence of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of 10 marks p.a.
Dated: At Durham, per manus, Wm. Chaunceller, bishop's chancellor, 18 September Pont. 16 [1421]
Writ of Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham (see 4.12.Spec.23) to his escheator for Co. Durham, ordering him to hold an inquisition ad quod damnum into the proposed grant in mortmain by William Doncaster, clerk, William Fishburn, chaplain, and John Binchester, chaplain, to the P&C of Durham of specified lands in Cowpen, Billingham, Burdon, East Rainton and Ferryhill - 13 messuages, 2 saltpans, 280 acres, 15 acres of meadow and 16d. in rents.
Dated: At Durham, per manus, Wm. Chauncellor, bishop's chancellor, 16 September Pont. 18 [1423]
Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum, held 27 September 18 Langley [1423], before Robert Eure, escheator for Co. Durham to Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham, in accordance with the order given in the above writ. Inquest [preceding 1.10.Pont.2, which does not include the details here in <>] states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing William Doncaster, clerk, William Fishburn, chaplain and John Binchester, chaplain, to grant to the convent in Cowpen <10 messuages, 2 saltpans, 76 acres, 4 acres of meadow and in> Billingham 10 acres, 3 acres of meadow, once held by Thomas of Ferry and held of the prior for 13s. 4d. and 15 bushels salt a year and worth 66s. 8d. a year net, in Ferryhill <1 messuage, 116 acres, 6½ acres of meadow once held by Thomas of Ferry and held of the prior for 6s. 8d. a year and worth 52s. a year net>, and 16d. in rents <from one tenement of William son of Gilbert Hoton, in> East Rainton <1 messuage, 48 acres once held by Robert Coldingham and held of the prior for 20s. a year and worth 3s. 4d. a year net, and in> Burdon <1 messuage, 30 acres, 1½ acres of meadow once held by Henry Chippes and held of the prior for 8d. a year and worth 10s. a year net>.
See also: Licence that was granted (several months later) as a result of the inquisition (3), see 1.10.Pont.2.
DCD 1.11.Pont.9   18 April 34 [1379]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to John de Hyndeley, his escheator for Co. Durham, to hold an inquisition ad quod damnum into the proposed grant in mortmain by John of Bamburgh, clerk, to the P&C of Durham of lands in Wolviston, Billingham and North Pittington.
Bishop Thomas Hatfield orders inquest ad quod damnum in allowing John of Bamburgh, clerk, to grant to the convent in Wolviston one messuage, 24 acres and ½ acre of meadow called Dringsland, 32 acres and 1 acre of meadow called Bellasisland, 11 acres called Steresland, three parts of a plot called le Orcheard once held by Geoffrey Hunter, in Billingham a third part of a capital messuage 22 acres and 1 acre, 1 rod of meadow once held by William son of William of Harle, in North Pittington an annual rent of 20s. from lands and tenements once held by Alexander of Pittington called Southwickland, in Moorsley one messuage and 12 acres once held by Alexander of Pittington, towards a light and a chaplain at the altar of SS Nicholas and Giles in cathedral [Trinity chantry]
Dated: At Durham, per manum, Wm. de Elmeden, bishop's chancellor.
Seal: No seal.
See also: Copy of the record of the inquisition resulting from this mandate see 1.11.Pont.7.
DCD 1.11.Pont.10   16 July 1414
Language:  Latin.
Record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before Percival de Lindley, escheator for Co. Durham to Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham, on Monday 16 July Pont. 8 [1414] concerning a proposed grant in mortmain by Peter de la Hay, esquire, to the P&C of Durham of lands and rents in Durham, Wolviston and Monkton, the purpose of the grant being to help the prior sustain the burdens of the altar of Bishop Walter [Skirlawe] in Durham Cathedral.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing Peter de la Hay to grant to the convent towards Bishop Skirlawe's altar in Wolviston 3 messuages, 72 acres, 3 acres of meadow once held by John of Bishopton and held of the prior for 12s. 9d. a year and worth 30s. a year net, in Monkton 1 messuage, 56 (interlined: 52) acres, 1 acre of meadow once held by William of Seaton and held of the prior for 2s. 2d. a year and worth 13s. 4d. a year net, in Durham 9s. in rent from 1 messuage held of the bishop in burgage and paying the bishop 2d. and 9d. a year, leaving Peter de la Hay with holdings in Durham, Boldon, Whitburn and Whickham held of the bishop and worth £10 a year.
DCD 1.11.Pont.11   24 October 1379
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a record of an inquisition ad quod damnum held before William del Bowes, escheator for Co. Durham, on the Monday after St Luke the Evangelist 35 Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham [24 October 1379], concerning a proposed grant by William de Graystanes, chaplain, John de Lethom, chaplain, and John de Bamburgh, clerk, to the P&C of Durham of the manor of Henknowl, and a proposed subsequent grant of the manor by the P&C of Durham to John de Bellasis in exchange for seven messuages, 28 acres of land and 8 acres of meadow in Wolviston.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing William of Greystones, chaplain, John de Lethom, chaplain and John of Bamburgh, clerk, to grant to the convent the manor of Henknowl held in chief of the bishop for 8s. a year and worth 100s. a year net, or by allowing convent then to grant the manor to John of Belasis in exchange for 7 messuages, 160 acres, 8 acres of meadow in Wolviston held of the prior for 20s. a year and worth 100s. a year net, leaving John of Bamburgh holding in Durham 1 messuage, 60 acres called Dryburnhouse held of the bishop for 41s. a year and worth 26s. 8d. net.
DCD 1.11.Pont.12
Language:  French.
Another copy of the writ of Bishop Langley of which 1.5.Pont.8 and 2.5.Pont.11 are copies. An endorsement reads: "ista est vera copia warranti secundi Thome Longley Dunelmensis episcopi".
DCD 1.11.Pont.13   2 September 1409
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition post mortem held at Durham 2 September Pont. 4 Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham [1409]. Inquest post mortem states that John Belasis died on 10 August 1409 holding in chief of the bishop the manor of Henknowl paying 8s. a year and worth 100s. a year net, of the heirs of John Spring 100 acres, 2 acres of meadow iin Shildon called Colwelfield and worth 20s. a year net, and of Ralph, Earl of Westmorland 60 acres, 2 acres of meadow in Shildon called Copecrokes and worth 10s. a year net; Robert Belasis son and heir, aged 31.
Seal: No seal.
DCD 1.11.Pont.14   [1450s ?]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of one membrane containing copies of the following three documents:
1. Licence of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to William [Ebchester], prior, and the convent of Durham to acquire in mortmain lands and incomes to the value of £20, [1451?]
2. Mandate of Robert [Nevill] Bishop of Durham to his escheator for Co. Durham to hold an inquisition ad quod damnum into the proposed grant in mortmain by John Binchester, chaplain, John Partrike, chaplain, John Haggerston, chaplain, William Lawson' and Richard Palmer, chaplain, to the P&C of Durham of specified lands in Billingham, Burdon, Barmpton, East Rainton, East Merrington, Middle Merrington, West Merrington, the barony of Elvet and the Old Borough of Durham.
Dated: At Durham, per manus, John Lounde, clerk, bishop's chancellor, 22 October Pont. 14 [1451]
3. Record of the inquisition ordered in the above mandate.
Inquest states that no damage to the bishop or others would ensue by allowing John Binchester, chaplain, John Partrike, chaplain, John Haggerston, chaplain, William Lawson and Richard Palmer, chaplain, to grant to the convent in Billingham 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 7 acres, ½ acre of meadow once held by Richard Billingham and held of the prior by military service and 20s. 5d. a year and worth 16s. a year net; in Burdon and Barmpton 2 tofts, 34 acres and meadow once held by Alice Bemesley and Margaret Wade, daughters and heirs of Katherine Bemesley, daughter and heir of Thomas of Burdon, and held of the prior by military service and 7s. 5d. a year and worth 16s. a year net; in East Rainton 1 messuage, 60 acres, 5 acres 3 rods of meadow once held by John Gildforth and held of the prior by military service and 11s. 8d. a year and worth 20s. a year net; in East Merrington 1 toft, 37 acres, 2 acres of meadow once held by John Jackson and held of the prior by military service and 13s. 4d. a year and worth 6s. 8d. a year net; in Middle Merrington 1 toft, 5 acres and; in West Merrington 9 acres once held by John de Ferry and held of the prior by military service and 8s. a year and worth 4s. a year net; in Durham in Elvet Barony 1 acre once held by John Witton and held of the prior and worth 5s. a year net; in the Old Borough in Crossgate 1 burgage once held by Thomas Cocken and held of the prior in burgage and paying 3d. landmale a year and 20d. to the communar of Durham and worth 2s. a year net; in South Street 2 burgages once held by John Horsley and held of the prior in burgage paying 4d. landmale a year and 10s. a year net, 1 burgage once held by Agnes Garnet and held of the prior in burgage and worth 12d. a year net; in Allergate 1 burgage once held by Margaret Bowman and held of the prior paying 3d. landmale a year and worth 5s. a year net.
Dated: Durham, Monday 25 October Pont. 14 [1451]
Original: (1) 1.10.Pont.3
DCD 1.11.Pont.15   6 September 1392
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William de Cowton, chaplain, appointing John de Appleby, chaplain, to act on his behalf in the matter of the livery of seisin to the P&C of Durham of all the lands held jointly by William and John and mentioned in a grant made by William and John to the P&C.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: of William de Cowton. G&B 714. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
See: For the grant, 1.5.Spec.26, copied at Cart.IV.f.79r.
DCD 1.11.Pont.16   6 September 1392
Language:  Latin.
Letters of John [of Hemingbrough], prior, and the convent of Durham appointing Ds. William de Killerby, monk of Durham, to act on their behalf in the matter of the livery of seisin to the P&C of all the lands to be granted to the P&C by William de Cowton, chaplain, and John de Appleby, chaplain, and mentioned in a grant made by William and John to the P&C.
Dated: At Durham, in the chapter house.
Seal: G&B 3427, with secretum. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
: For the grant, 1.5.Spec.26, copied at Cart.IV.f.79r.
DCD 1.11.Pont.17   27 July 1458
Language:  Latin.
Copy of record of an inquisition post mortem held at Bishop Auckland on Thursday 27 July Pont. 1 Laurence [Booth] Bishop of Durham [1458]. The findings are that at his death on Thursday 20 July Pont. 1 William Bowes, knight, held of the bishop the manor of Newton [in the civil parish of Durham, where Newton Hall was later built] and various other specified lands; and that William's heir is his son William Bowes, esquire, who is 30 years old and more.
DCD 1.11.Pont.18
Reference number listed in Repertorium Magnum but probably no document existed under this number (catalogue entry is a stub)
Box 12 For materials concerned with sede vacante business in 1406, see Guide to Bishops' Registers p.269 and also Misc.Ch. 7071a.
For articuli concerning the sede vacante dispute, see eg Misc.Ch. 5525b, etc. Cf. also the entry for 1.12.Pont.18, untraced.

DCD 1.12.Pont.1
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.2   [1324]
Language:  Latin.
File originally of three membranes (one has become detached, but is still kept with the others), joined at the foot, and with the head of each membrane badly stained and rather damaged. The contents of the file concern the P&C of Durham's efforts to prevent W[illiam Melton] Archbishop of York from conducting a visitation of their appropriated churches in Howdenshire and Allertonshire, and the following items are included:
1. A copy of an appeal to the pope on behalf of the P&C of Durham against the archbishop's attempt to visit in Howdenshire and Allertonshire, publicly read in Durham Cathedral by Master John de Beyinghill', acting for John de Stapilton, the P&C's proctor, on the Wednesday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, viz. 3 October 1324.
2. A draft of a notarial instrument recording that on October 2-th (the word vicesimo seems to be followed by another, illegible, ordinal) 1324, in York Minster, a tuitorial appeal was made on behalf of the P&C of Durham by Master John de Bekyngham, clerk, acting for Gilbert de H... [largely illegible even under ultra-violet light], proctor of the P&C of Durham.
Witnesses: Masters John de Hirlawe, John de Bekyngham, Thomas de Cavo, William of Durham and John de Claustro.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of the diocese of Durham (certificate only, no notarial sign).
3. A draft of a notarial instrument recording the making of an appeal against the archbishop's visitation by a representative of the P&C of Durham.
Witnesses: Ds. William [de Sherburn], rector of Washington, Master Richard de Askeby, rector of half of Aikton, diocese of Carlisle, and (name illegible), vicar of Wiston, diocese of York [Whiston, in the West Riding?].
Notary: John son of John of Thirsk, of York (certificate only, no notarial sign).
DCD 1.12.Pont.3
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.4
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.5   5 April 1406
Language:  Latin.
Draft of a mandate of Robert of Ripon, D.D., sub-prior of Durham, and John Barton, chamberlain of Durham, keepers of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, to Ds. Thomas, parochial chaplain of the collegiate church of Chester-le-Street, ordering him solemnly to declare, in his church, the major excommunication of those who ignore the commands of spiritual courts and impede their jurisdiction, and of those who in spite of warnings, continue to practise sorcery or to consult or believe sorcerers.
Dated: At Durham.
Copied: Cart.III.f.150r-v.
DCD 1.12.Pont.6
Language:  Latin.
Roll containing drafts or copies of documents concerning the administration of the see of Durham during a simultaneous vacancy of the sees of Durham and York:
1. Notarial instrument recording that on 30 March 1406, in the chapter house at Durham, John Hemingburgh, prior, Robert Ryton, D.D., sub-prior, John Bishopton, B.D., William Pocklington, B.D., and Thomas Rome, B.D., with many other monks of Durham, having heard the announcement of the death of Walter [Skirlawe] Bishop of Durham, claimed that by common law and prescriptive right the custody of the spiritualities and jurisdiction of the city and diocese of Durham, when the see of York and that of Durham were simultaneously vacant, belonged to the P&C. The P&C then appointed as keepers of the spiritualities Master Robert de Rypon, D.D., sub-prior, and John de Barton, chamberlain, and appointed Oswald, Bishop of Whithorn, to act in all matters where episcopal orders were necessary.
Witnesses: Master Thomas Ryhall, clerk of the diocese of Lincoln, notary, and John Ronchorne, clerk of the diocese of Lichfield.
No notarial sign or certificate, 30 March 1406
2. Notarial instrument, 19 April 1406, recording that on 19 April 1406, in Durham Cathedral, John Barton, chamberlain of Durham and keeper of the spiritualities sede vacante, appointed Ds. John de Brygg', perpetual vicar of Corbridge, as sequestrator for the archdeaconry of Northumberland. No notarial sign or certificate.
3. Notarial instrument recording that on 26 May 1406, in Durham Cathedral, Ds. William Marschall, rector of St Nicholas, Durham, and Ds. William Yarome, rector of Boldon, exhibited royal letters of presentation to each other's parishes and resigned their present parishes into the hands of John de Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, who then admitted and instituted Yarome to the rectory of St Nicholas and Marschall to the rectory of Boldon. (cf. 2.12.Pont.3.) No notarial sign or certificate.
4. Notarial instrument recording that on 12 June 1406, in Durham Cathedral, Ds. William Marschall, rector of Boldon, and Ds. John Tudhoe, rector of Winston, exhibited royal letters of presentation to each other's parishes and resigned their present parishes into the hands of John Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, who then admitted and instituted Tudhoe to the rectory of Boldon and Marschall to the rectory of Winston. No notarial sign or certificate.
5. Notarial instrument recording that on 13 July 1406, in Durham Cathedral, Ds. William Slegell', chaplain, exhibited royal letters of presentation to the parish church of Winston and was admitted and instituted to the church by John Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante. No notarial sign or certificate.
6. Notarial sign recording that on 30 July 1406, in Durham Cathedral, William Warkworth, regular canon of Brinkburn, exhibited letters of presentation, sealed with the common seal of his priory, to the parish church of Horsley and was admitted and instituted to the perpetual vicarage of Horsley by John de Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante. No notarial sign or certificate.
7. Notarial instrument recording that on 26 July 1406, at Brancepeth Castle, Richard [Gower - see 3.12.Pont.1], abbot of Jervaux, exhibited a papal dispensation and letters of presentation of Ralph de Neville, Earl of Westmorland, to the parish church of Brancepeth; whereupon he was admitted and instituted to the church by John Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante. No notarial sign or certificate.
8. Notarial instrument recording that on 15 August 1406, in Durham Cathedral, Master John Southall, clerk, exhibited royal letters of presentation to the parish church of Crayke in the diocese of York; whereupon he was admitted and instituted by John Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante.
Witnesses: William Winlaton, clerk of the diocese of Durham, and John Holme, clerk of the diocese of York.
No notarial sign or certificate.
DCD 1.12.Pont.7   July 1283
Language:  Latin.
Incomplete court roll of the official of Durham sede vacante . The cases recorded include matrimonial and testamentary disputes and cases of debt; in general few details of each case are given.
1. Case between Sir H. Springe, knight, executor of the will of Hugh de Balliol, of the one part, and Hugh [of Darlington], formerly prior of Durham, and Ds. Thomas de Levisham, executors of the will of R[obert] Bishop of Durham, of the other part.
2. Case in which Ds. J., rector of Low Dinsdale, admits that he owes the P&C of Durham five marks for books.
3. Case in which the rector of Kimblesworth accuses Alan Forestar' of carrying his hay on holy days and of knocking down the muros seu foveas (viz. the walls not of the church, I imagine, but perhaps of the churchyard) of the church.
Court-roll of Official of Durham ( sede vacante according to an endorsement) (and 1283 according to an endorsement and to an entry at foot of m.3 (counting first “sheet” for this purpose as 1 membrane), which records an event that occurred on feast of Mary Magdalene [22 July] 1283).
Includes record of a case (about half-way down second membrane of first “sheet”) between Sir H. Springe, knight, executor of will of Hugh de Balliol, on the one side, and Hugh [of Darlington], formerly prior of Durham, and Ds. Thomas de Levisham [rector of Stanhope according to Loc.VI.15], executors of the will of R., Bishop of Durham, on the other. No details given of case.
Is Bishop R., Robert of Holy Island or Robert Stichill? Holy Island died 7 June 1283 according to Handbook of Brit. Chron. , and the entry immediately after the above mentioned case includes a statement that a man was ordered to pay some money by the Sunday after the feast of John the Baptist. This feast, according to Martin, means in Durham his Nativitas on 24 June, the Sunday after which would be 27 June in 1283. So that if Bishop R. is Robert of Holy Island his executors had got themselves into court with considerable speed. Loc.VI.15 is a record of a quarrel between the P&C of Durham and Holy Island's executors; in this document the executors are given as Robert de Avenell, Thomas de Levisham and Henry de Insula, et alii - no mention of Hugh of Darlington; but of course Hugh might be expected to vanish from the picture in a case between the executors and the P&C.
But if Bishop R. is Robert Stichill: first, his executors are still involved in a quarrel nine years after his death on 4 August 1274; second, he has an executor who occurs as a witness to charters of Bishops Holy Island and Bek (3.2.Pont.16, 4.2.Pont.6, 4.3.Pont.3, 4.3.Pont.4) but not, in my experience, to charters of Bishop Stichill, though so far in Ponts I have seen only three documents issued by Stichill.
As far as age is concerned Hugh of Darlington could well have been an executor for both Stichill and Holy Island. Levisham I do not know about. Venn and Emden do not mention him, and nor do the York Minster Fasti. He was still active in 1291 (4.3.Pont.4). The Fasti Dunelmenses (not a very reliable work) list him as dying in 1311, and according to Misc.Ch. 6466 he was already rector of Wolsingham in 1275. The Fasti Dunelm., under Wolsingham, lists him as rector in 1373; perhaps he was already rector in 1273.
Discussed in: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction , p.132.
DCD 1.12.Pont.8   No date. [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Roll containing comperta of a visitation of the parishes of Co. Durham conducted by a keeper of the spiritualities of Durham appointed by the prior and chapter of Durham utraque sede vacante . The parishes, chapelries and other places visited are:
St Nicholas, Durham; St Mary in the North Bailey; St Oswald; Chester-le-Street; Lamesley; Tanfield [a chapelry of Chester-le-Street]; Gateshead; Whitburn; Washington; Bishopwearmouth; Monkwearmouth; Houghton-le-Spring; Rainton; Herrington; Pittington; Easington; Hesleden; Hart; Hartlepool; Stranton; Greatham; Billingham; Sedgefield; Kelloe; Merrington; Whitworth; Auckland [St Andrew]; Auckland St Helen; Wolsingham; Brancepeth; Tudhoe; Lanchester; Ebchester; Norton; Hartburn [near Stockton]; Stockton; Bishopton; Redmarshall; Elton; Egglescliffe; Hurworth; Dinsdale; Middleton; Darlington; Haughton-le-Skerne; Mordon; Sadberge; Barmpton; Coniscliffe; Gainford; Barnard Castle; Bolam; Staindrop; Hilton [not Hylton near Sunderland]; Winston; Cockfield; Heighington; Walworth; Ingleton.
The offences recorded are mostly fornication and adultery. Other, less frequently mentioned offences include, the abduction of a wife, the expulsion of a wife, defamation, working on feast days, the ill treatment of a wife, perjury, the failure of a clerk to say matins or vespers, unlicensed celebration by a chaplain in a private chapel, the failure of some clerks in Darlington (presumably canons of the collegiate church, or their vicars) to appear at the canonical hours, the failure of an excommunicated person to try to obtain absolution, the pasturing of a horse in a churchyard, and gossiping in church. Marginal notes record penalties imposed.
The only year during the period suggested by palaeographical criteria that there was a simultaneous vacancy of the sees of Durham and York.
DCD 1.12.Pont.9   13 July 1406
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of John de Barton, chamberlain of Durham and keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, to all abbots, priors, archdeacons, officials, deans, rectors, vicars and priests in the diocese, ordering that when Thomas Huntyngton, canon of Bradley [an Augustinian priory in Leicestershire] in the diocese of Lincoln, comes to them asking for charity they should allow him free access to their parishioners and should encourage them, by exhortation and example, to give to him.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: of the official of the prior's archdeaconry, G&B 3455. Applied (sic) to strip cut from foot of document, with paper cover stuck to reverse of seal and protecting the face. Tie tag below seal tag.
DCD 1.12.Pont.10
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.11   26 April 1345
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William de Nassington, canon of Exeter Cathedral and one of two commissaries (Master John de Burton, rector of Sigglesthorne, diocese of York [East Riding], being the other) appointed by William [Zouche], Archbishop of York and papal legate, sede Dunelmense vacante, to visit Durham Cathedral, certifying that it is no part of his intention in his forthcoming visitation to establish any precedent prejudicial to the rights of the P&C, and that it is on this understanding that the P&C have agreed to his visitation in spite of the very short notice given them.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: missing. Was attached to strip (torn off) cut from foot of document, with tie tag below.
Copied: Cart.I.f.183r.
DCD 1.12.Pont.12
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
See Cart.III.f.149v.
DCD 1.12.Pont.13   [early 15th century]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of ratification of an agreement by R[obert Pickering] dean and the chapter of York.
Original: 2.2.Archiep.8
DCD 1.12.Pont.14
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.15   No date. [October 1316]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of an appeal to Rome made by the proctor of the P&C of Durham, who protests that he does not intend to recognise the authority of Master John de Malton, who has been appointed by the Dean and Chapter of York (the see of York being vacant) as official for the vacant see of Durham, and that jurisdiction over the diocese of Durham sede vacante belongs to the P&C.
See Register of Archbishop Greenfield (SS vol. 153) pp.294-5 for two documents dated 20 October 1316, one being Malton's appointment as official by the Dean and Chapter of York, the other a letter from the Dean and Chapter to the P&C of Durham asking them to assist the official.
DCD 1.12.Pont.16   13 Kal. November [20 October] 1316
Language:  Latin.
Letters close of Robert [Pickering], dean, and the chapter of York, as administrators of the jurisdiction of the diocese and province of York sede vacante, informing the P&C of Durham that they have appointed Master John de Malton, rector of half of the church of Treswell [Nottinghamshire], as their official for the vacant see of Durham, and asking the P&C to co-operate with Malton.
Dated: At York.
Seal: missing. Was applied to dorse.
Calendared: (from York sede vacante register) Register of Archbishop Greenfield, p.295.
DCD 1.12.Pont.17   2 December 1381, 8 [Alexander Nevill]
Language:  Latin.
Recognition by Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, of the right of the P&C of Durham to hold appropriated to themselves, saving vicars' portions, the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Aycliffe, Heighington, St Oswald near Durham, Middleham, Dalton, Merrington, Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Bedlington, Whitworth, Witton, and Edlingham:
the archbishop, finding them in possession when on a visitation of the diocese of Durham sede vacante, summoned them to appear on an appointed day to prove their title to these churches, and their proctor has duly appeared and exhibited their evidences.
Dated: In the archbishop's manor near Westminster.
Seal: wanting. Tongue with tie below.
DCD 1.12.Pont.18
Appears to be a duplicate entry within Repertorium Magnum for 1.12.Pont.3 (which no longer survives)
DCD 1.12.Pont.19   [Early 14th century?]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a petition of a proctor of the P&C of Durham to judges delegate acting on apostolic authority, requesting confirmation and effective execution of the sentence of excommunication imposed by the P&C's official sede vacante on Richard of Sherburn, William Gregor', Mauger of Apulia, Nicholas de Boudon', John son of Adam Barte, Henry of Barnard Castle and John de Neusum, priests, and Walter, called Largus, clerk, all of whom had impeded the free exercise of the official's jurisdiction and in spite of excommunication continued to impede his jurisdiction and to celebrate masses.
Seal: No seal.
One William Gregor', chaplain, occurs in sede vacante court roll of 1283 (1.12.Pont.7), but so little information is given about his offence that it cannot be said whether there is any connection between 1.12.Pont.7 and 1.12.Pont.19 - or even whether both documents mention the same William Gregor'.
DCD 1.12.Pont.20   23 October 1507
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Thomas [Castell], prior, and the chapter of Durham appointing Masters Richard Caly, William Cathorne and Thomas Swalwell, Doctors of Divinity, and Richard Denande, B.D., monks of Durham, and Master John Batmanson, LL.D., William Tonge, LL.B., and Christopher Wardell, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., as their proctors for the exercise of the spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction that pertains to the bishop of Durham sede plena and to the P&C during vacancies of the see such as that caused by the recent death of William Senhouse.
Dated: At Durham, in the chapter house.
Seal: of the P&C, G&B 3427. Fragmentary. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
See also: 1.12.Pont.20*, a similar but not identical document.
DCD 1.12.Pont.20*   5 September 1507
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Thomas [Castell], prior, and the chapter of Durham appointing Masters Richard Caly, William Cathorne and Thomas Swalwell, Doctors of Divinity, and Richard Denande, B.D., and Richard Herrington, monks of Durham, and Masters Thomas Farne, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., and Christopher Wardall, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., as their proctors for the exercise of the spiritual jurisdiction over the see of Durham which pertains to the P&C now that the see is vacant.
The wording of this document is not identical with that of 1.12.Pont.20.
Dated: [At Durham] in the chapter house.
Seal: of the P&C, G&B 3427. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.12.Pont.21   Wednesday before Easter, viz. 3 April 1577
Language:  Latin.
Arbitration (in the form of an indenture) by Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, president of the Council of the North, in a dispute between the D&C of Durham and the D&C of York over spiritual jurisdiction in the see of Durham during a simultaneous vacancy of the sees of Durham and York. The arbitrator's decision is that within twenty days of the occurrence of such a vacancy the D&C of Durham are to present to the D&C of York the names of two suitable persons, of whom the D&C of York are to choose one to be vicar-general and official principal for the see of Durham.
Signature of the Earl of Huntingdon.
Dated: At the manor of Bishopthorpe near York.
Attached to 1.12.Pont.21: Indenture issued by Matthew Hutton, D.D., dean, and the chapter of York, approving and confirming the arbitrator's award, as above.
Dated: At York in the chapter house, 21 May 1577
Seal: (i) of Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, G&B 1421. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
(ii) of the Chapter of York. G&B 3356. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document and also through foot of the following document, which it authenticates:
DCD 1.12.Pont.22   16 October 1576
Language:  Latin.
Notification by Matthew Hutton, D.D., dean, and the chapter of York to Masters John Gybsonne, LL.D., precentor of York, Ralph Tonstall, M.A., canon of York and prebendary of Bychell with Knaresborough, Robert Swifte, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., with Ralph Lever, M.A., major canons of Durham, Richard Hudson, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., advocate of the consistory court of York, and Thomas Handley, clerk, of their appointment by Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, president of the Council of the North, to the exercise of spiritual jurisdiction in the see of Durham (the sees of Durham and York being vacant) until such time was the earl shall make a decision on the dispute that has arisen between the chapters of Durham and York over the said jurisdiction.
Dated: At York in the chapter house.
Seal: of the chapter of York. G&B 3356. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.12.Pont.23   13 March 1575 [1576] anno regni Eliz. 18
Language:  Latin.
Letters of William Whittingham, dean, and the chapter of Durham appointing Masters John Pilkington, B.D., Francis Bunye and Ralph Lever, Masters of Arts, and George Cliffe, B.D., major canons of Durham, to exercise spiritual jurisdiction in the see of Durham during the vacancy of the see caused by the recent death of Bishop James [Pilkington].
An endorsement reads: Commissio officialitatis decani et Capituli dunelm' utraque sede vacante que et executa est ut patet per acta.
Dated: At Durham, in the chapter house.
Seal: of the chapter of Durham. Not in G&B. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. There is a hole cut in the seal tag just above the seal so as to allow one of the lugs on the seal matrix to pass through.
DCD 1.12.Pont.24
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.25
Business during vacancies in both Durham and York sees (utraque sede vacante) - see medieval descriptions in Repertorium Magnum (where this item is noted as missing)
DCD 1.12.Pont.26   No date. [1279 x 1285]
Language:  Latin.
Document recording the reporting to the king of a dispute between William [Wickwane] archbishop of York and the P&C of Durham over diocesan jurisdiction in the see of Durham sede vacante, and the consequent command to the P&C to recognise the archbishop's right to exercise such jurisdiction, and to pay the archbishop £50 sterling in recompense for the injuries inflicted on him by the P&C.
Seal: No seal.
Perhaps 1283-4, but no mention of this or any similar document in R. Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction & Papal Judges Delegate (1279-1296 )
DCD 1.12.Pont.27   1576
Language:  Latin and English.
File of transcripts of documents (the earliest dated 1283) and legal argument and opinion concerning spiritual jurisdiction in the see of Durham during a simultaneous vacancy of the sees of Durham and York.
Copy, certified by R. Marshall, notary, of agreement between John [Romeyn] archbishop of York and the P&C of Durham (original 4.2.Archiep.3)
Copy, certified by R. Marshall, notary, of ratification of an agreement by R[obert Pickering] dean and the chapter of York (original 2.2.Archiep.8).
Parchment and paper.
DCD 1.12.Pont.28(1)   4 May 1501 and Transl. 7
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Richard [Fox] Bishop of Durham appointing Edmund Couper, Licentiate in Law, and Master William Thomson, B.D., as his proctors to represent him at all synods, councils and convocations of clergy called to deal with royal or national business, but not at similar gatherings called by Thomas [Savage] Archbishop of York, since the bishops of Durham are by custom and right not bound to attend these or be represented at them.
Seal: of Richard Fox. G&B 3163. Fragmentary. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.12.Pont.28(2)   8 January 1512 [1513] and Cons. 4
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Thomas [Ruthall] Bishop of Durham appointing Master Thomas Key, LL.B., his vicar-general, and Master Christopher Wardale, his commissary-general in the archdeaconry of Durham, as his proctors to represent him at all synods, councils and convocations of clergy called to deal with royal or national business, but not at similar gatherings called by Christopher [Bainbridge] Archbishop of York, cardinal priest of St Praxedes and papal legate, since the bishops of Durham are by custom and right not bound to attend these or be represented at them.
Seal: of Thomas Ruthall. G&B 3168. Fragmentary. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. There may have been a tie tag below.
DCD 1.12.Pont.29   3 - 1576
Language:  English.
Letters of the D&C of York to the D&C of Durham repeating an earlier offer to submit their dispute over spiritual jurisdiction in the see of Durham utraque sede vacante to the Archbishop of Canterbury (with an associate, if the D&C of Durham so wish) for arbitration.
Signatures: of Matthew Hutton, dean, John Gibson, precentor, William Palmer, chancellor, Christopher Ashburn, canon and prebendary [of the prebend of North Newbald].
Notarial attestation by William Fotherg[ill] (see plate 83 in Canon Purvis' Notarial Signs from the York Archiepiscopal Records ). Dated: At York.
Seal: fragmentary. Was applied to dorse.
DCD 1.12.Pont.30   29 March 1577
Language:  English.
Letters of William Whittingham, dean, and the chapter of Durham appointing Robert Swifte, Ralph Leaver and Francis Bunnye, prebendaries of Durham, as their attorneys to represent them before Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, President of the Council of the North, arbitrator in a dispute between the chapter of Durham and Matthew Hutton, dean, and the chapter of York about ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham utraque sede vacante .
Dated: At Durham in the chapter house.
Seal: of the chapter of Durham. Not in G&B. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. There is a hole cut in the seal tag just above the seal so as to allow one of the lugs on the seal matrix to pass through.
DCD 1.12.Pont.31   10 July 1576
Language:  Latin.
Mandate of Richard Hudson, B.C.L., B.Cn.L., commissary appointed by the D&C of York, utraque sede vacante, to administer their spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham, to the incumbent of the parish church of Bedlington and to all other clerks in the diocese, ordering them to publish the excommunication of Christopher Thoroby, vicar of Stannington, for contumacy in that he failed to appear when cited to reply to William Raye in a case of defamation.
Notarial certification by G. Spence that “concordat cum decreto”.
Signature of Richard Hudson.
Dated: At Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Seal: only traces remain. Was applied to left hand margin of face of document.
N.B. The vicar of Bedlington at this time was Robert Greenwell - see Durham D&C Reg. 3(c) f.82v, and Ecclesiastical Proceedings of Bishop Barnes (SS 22) p.76.
DCD 1.12.Pont.32   No date. [1284/5]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of ten membranes containing evidence presented at Rome on behalf of the P&C of Durham in a dispute with W[illiam Wickwane] Archbishop of York about the right of visitation of Durham Priory sede vacante .
Recited are two bulls of Martin [IV]: the first is dated 5 Id. Jan. Pont. 3 [9 January 1284] and orders the Bishop of Ely to deal with a dispute between the P&C and the Archbishop about visitation; the second, dated 15 Kal. Mai. Pont. 4 [17 April 1284] and addressed to the Prior of Barnwell, diocese of Ely, is about property etc, stolen from the P&C of Durham.
Notaries: Andrew de Maranol and Jonathan de Castro S. Laurencii de Valle, who explains why the whole roll (except for one membrane attached at some later date) has been written by Andrew de M.
Parchment (the dorse of one membrane is literally the hair side,as some of the hair is still present).
DCD 2.12.Pont.1   3 June 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham, presenting John Tudhoe to the church of Boldon and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 13¼″ x 5¼″
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.2   5 July 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham [viz. John Barton, chamberlain of Durham (1.12.Pont.6)], presenting William Slegyll to the church of Winston, vacant per resignation William Marshall, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 13″ x 4¾″
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.3   16 May 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham [viz. John Barton, chamberlain of Durham (1.12.Pont.6)], presenting William Marshall to the church of Boldon, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 14¼″ x 5″
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.4   16 May 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham, presenting William de Yarom to the church of St Nicholas in the city of Durham, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.5   3 June 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham, presenting William Marshall to the church of Winston, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 13″ x 4″
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.6   8 August 7 Henry IV [1406]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry IV to the keeper of the spiritualities of the see of Durham, presenting Master John South to the church of Crayke, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 13″ x 4¾″
Seal: G&B 3033. 1st Seal of Henry IV. Natural wax. Tie tag. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD 2.12.Pont.7   24 October a.r. 10 [1316]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Edward [II] to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting Nicholas de Welleburn to the church of Whitburn, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: At Newburgh.
Size: 9¾″ x 3½″
Seal: Edward's great seal. G&B 3030. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. There may have been a tie tag below.
DCD 2.12.Pont.8   21 May 20 Henry VII [1505]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Henry VII granting custody of the temporalities of the bishopric of Durham sede vacante to the prior of Durham and William Bulmer.
Dated: Westminster
Size: 13½″ x 6¾″
Seal: G&B 3050. Natural wax, attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag, now detached.
Seal restored to this document 30 January 1960 (MGS)
This document was written by a Durham monk. It seems not to have been at all usual at this period for a beneficiary's scribe to engross royal letters patent.
Maxwell-Lyte's Great Seal, p.271:
It is clear that the beneficiary named in a warrant could make his own arrangements for the completion of the final instrument which was to be issued to him under the Great Seal. In 1430, Denisot Rogier was obviously in possession of a warrant in his own favour when he returned it to the Clerk of the Council for emendation. Samuel Pepys records how, when wanting to get his Patent as Clerk of the Acts engrossed, he had "to run all up and down Chancery Lane and the Six Clerks' office" in a vain search for somebody at leisure who could write the Chancery hand. Eventually, he found a Mr Spong, who did most of the engrossment at home the next morning "in his nightgown". After obtaining the Chancellor's Recepi to the warrant, he took Spong's handiwork to Mr Beale, who was the Deputy Clerk of the Patents, in order that a docquet should be made, and, this done under protest, he returned to the Chancellor's house and got the Letters Patent sealed the same day.
DCD 2.12.Pont.9   15 May 1505, 5 [Thomas Savage]
Language:  Latin.
Commission of Thomas [Savage], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior of Durham and masters John Carver, D.Cn.L., archdeacon of York, and Thomas Hanyball, LL.D., prebendary canon of York, to act as his vicars general and keepers of the spiritualities in the city and diocese of Durham, the see of Durham being vacant by the death of bishop William Senhouse.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: G&B 3238. Attached by tongue with tie (lost).
DCD 3.12.Pont.1   12 May 1406
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland and Marshall of England, to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante (viz. John Barton, chamberlain of Durham), presenting Richard Gower, abbot of Jervaux, to the parish church of Brancepeth, which is vacant as a result of the death of Master Laurence de Allerthorp.
An endorsement reads “Ista presentacio non sortiebatur effectum”. Cf. 3.12.Pont.2.
Dated: At Brancepeth Castle.
Seal: not in G&B, but very probably B.M. Catalogue of Seals no. 12,140. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 3.12.Pont.2   Feast of St James the Apostle [25 July] 1406
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland and Marshall of England, to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting Richard [Gower], abbot of Jervaux, to the parish church of Brancepeth. This presentation differs from 3.12.Pont.1 in that it states that Gower has a papal dispensation allowing him to hold a benefice with cure of souls, even if the advowson be in lay hands.
An endorsement notes that this presentation resulted in Gower's institution.
Dated: At Middleham Castle.
Seal: as on 3.12.Pont.1. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 3.12.Pont.3   28 July 1406
Language:  Latin.
Letters of John, prior, and the convent of Brinkburn to John Barton, keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting Ds. William Warkworth, canon of Brinkburn, to the vicarage of Longhorsley.
Dated: At Brinkburn.
Seal: G&B 3416. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document. Tie tag also attached through foot of document.
DCD 3.12.Pont.4   4 Dec. a.r.1 [1483]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Richard [III] to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting George Ratclyff, chaplain, to the parish church of Bishopwearmouth, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: At Westminster.
Size: 12½″ x 4½″
Seal: Great seal of Richard III. G&B 3049. White wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. The tie tag that was below the seal tag has been torn off.
Calendared: (from the Patent Roll) CPR 1476-85, p.374.
DCD 3.12.Pont.5   17 April 1 Richard III [1484]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Richard III to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting William Evenwood to the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Woodhorn, vacant per mortem Robert Watson, and ordering him to be admitted and instituted.
Dated: Lincoln.
Size: 11¾″ x 4½″
Seal: Great seal of Richard III. G&B 3049. White wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. The tie tag that was below the seal tag has been torn off.
Calendared: (from the Patent Roll) CPR 1476-85, p.392.
Digitised material for 3.12.Pont.5
DCD 3.12.Pont.6   11 December 1 Richard III [1484]
Language:  Latin.
Letters patent of Richard III to the keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, presenting Alexander Skynner to the perpetual chantry of Farnacres in the parish of Whickham, vacant per mortem Thomas Bartram, and ordering him to be admitted.
Dated: Westminster.
Size: 13″ x 4″
Seal: Great seal of Richard III. G&B 3049. White wax. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. The tie tag that was below the seal tag has been torn off.
Calendared: (from the Patent Roll) CPR 1476-85, p.374.
DCD 3.12.Pont.7   As above (9 July 1287)
Language:  Latin.
Letters of the official of W[illiam of Louth] archdeacon of Durham to H[ugh of Darlington], prior of Durham and vice-gerent of A[ntony Bek] Bishop of Durham, acknowledging receipt of and reciting a mandate (dated at Bearpark on the Wednesday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr [9 July] 1287) to the archdeacon or his official to hold an inquisition with the chapter of his archdeaconry into the presentation by Sir Ralph de Neville of Hugh de Boleton to the church of Brancepeth. The official reports that he and a number of (named) incumbents in the archdeaconry have enquired into the presentation and found it to be quite proper.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: said to be those of the official and of the incumbents consulted by him. All missing. Were presumably attached to strips cut from foot of document. There was a tie tag below.
Box 13
DCD 1.13.Pont.1   13 August 1343
Language:   Latin
Indulgence of 40 days by Richard [ ] bishop of Bisaccia to those who listen to the preaching of the monks of Durham Cathedral, or who, after hearing the triple ringing at the triple prayer after the singing of the antiphon Salve Regina, sung daily by the monks there after compline, say three times the Paternoster with a triple Ave for the benefactors of the same church, the souls of all the faithful, and for the healthful state of the king of England, his realm, and the English church.
Dated: [Bishop] Auckland, 13 August 1343 5 [Richard ].
Seal: imperfect (B.M. Catalogue 22319). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Missing. Was: Indulgence of forty days by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham to all hearing the monks of Durham preach.
DCD 1.13.Pont.3   [7 June 1327]
Language:   Latin
Indulgence of 40 days by Roger [Northburgh], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to those who listen to the preaching of the monks of Durham.
Dated: Durham, 7 Ides June 1327, 5 [Roger Northburgh].
Seal: (G&B 3106). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.4   8 August 1312
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by John [de Leche], archbishop of Dublin, to those who listen to the preaching of the monks of Durham.
Dated: Durham, 8 August 1312, 2 [John de Leche].
Seal: (G&B 3107). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.5   [4 May 1311]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Greenfield], archbishop of York, to those who listen to the preaching of the monks of Durham.
Dated: Durham 4 Nones May 1311, 6 [William Greenfield].
Seal: (G&B 3228). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
The endorsement describes the document as being “p er Walt er rum Ebor Ep iscopum”; the entry in the Magnum Repertorium similarly refers to Walter.
The entry in the Magnum Repertorium for 1.13.Pont.6, now missing, is a better match for the document here, for it refers to “Littera Wi Ebor Archiepiscopi qui Indulget omnibus deuote audientibus Monachos dunelm verbum dei predicantes quadraginta dies Indulgencie”.
Missing, except perhaps represented by the indulgence now at 1.13.Pont.5, q.v. The document that is missing seems to be the indulgence of Archbishop Walter entered in the Magnum Repertorium at 1.13.Pont.5.
DCD 1.13.Pont.7   13 August 1343, 10 [Richard of Bury]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham to those who listen to the preaching of any of the monks of Durham Cathedral, or who, after hearing the triple ringing at the triple prayer after the singing of the antiphon Salve Regina, sung daily by the monks there after compline, say three times the Paternoster with a triple Ave for the benefactors of the same church, the souls of all the faithful, and for the healthful state of the king of England, his realm, and the English church; approving all other indulgences granted for the same purpose by archbishops and bishops possessing papal permission.
Dated: [Bishop] Auckland.
Seal: (G&B 3133). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.8   14 Kal. March 1315 [16 February 1316]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by John [of Halton] bishop of Carlisle to those who listen to the preaching of any monk of Durham approved for the purpose by the bishop of Durham.
Dated: Carleton near Lincoln.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3098). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.9   5 Kal. October 1312, 18 [Thomas of Kirkudbright] [27 September 1312]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Thomas [of Kirkudbright] Bishop of Whithorn to those who listen to the preaching of the monks of the monastery of Durham.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3633). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.10   12 March 1347
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham to those who listen to the preaching of any of the monks of Durham; approving all other indulgences granted for the same purpose by archbishops and bishops possessing papal permission.
Dated: Durham Castle, 12 March 1346/7, Pont.2.
Seal: fragment only (G&B 3137). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.11   [27 November 1277]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to those who listen to the preaching of any monk of the monastery of Durham Cathedral or city of Durham, or say a Paternoster and Ave for the state of the church, the king, and the realm of England; the preacher to instruct and inform his audience as to the saying of these prayers at the end of his sermon.
Dated: [Bishop] Auckland, 5 Kal. December, Pont.3.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3124). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.189.
DCD 1.13.Pont.12   [30 January 1256]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to those who for purposes of devotion or prayer visit the chapels of Bearpark in honour of St Mary the Virgin, St Edmund, and St Catherine; ratifying whatever indulgences are granted by other bishops to those wishing to visit the same chapels for purposes of devotion.
Dated: Bearpark, 3 Kal. February, Pont.7.
Size: 200 x 89mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3122). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.69.
DCD 1.13.Pont.13   16 November 1312, 2 [Richard Kellawe]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Richard [Kellawe] Bishop of Durham to those who listen to the preaching of any of the monks of Durham; approving all other indulgences granted for the same purpose by archbishops and bishops possessing papal permission.
Dated: [Bishop] Middleham.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3127, without secretum ). Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 1.13.Pont.14   28 July 1410, 4 [Thomas Langley]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Thomas [Langley] Bishop of Durham to those who listen to the preaching of any of the monks of Durham Cathedral in that church or its cemetery, or who, after hearing the triple ringing at the triple prayer after the singing of the antiphon Salve Regina, sung daily by the monks there after compline, say three times the Paternoster with a triple Ave for the benefactors of the same church, the souls of all the faithful, and for the healthful state of the king of England, his realm, and the English church; approving all other indulgences granted for the same purpose by archbishops and bishops possessing papal permission.
Dated: Durham Castle.
Seal: (G&B 3148). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.15   25 November 1333, 1 [Robert Graystanes]
Language:   Latin
Indulgence of 40 days by Robert [Graystanes] Bishop of Durham to those who for purposes of devotion and prayer visit the shrine in Durham Cathedral.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3131). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.13.Pont.16   14 June 1311, 1 [Richard Kellawe]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Richard [Kellawe], bishop of Durham, to those who visit the church of Durham to seek remission of their sins, or who make offerings to the fabric or the feretory of the same church; ratifying all other indulgences granted by archbishops and bishops to the said church.
Dated: Wolsingham.
Seal: (G&B 3127, with seal as bishop elect (B.M. Catalogue 2456) for secretum ).
DCD 2.13.Pont.1   5 Ides October 1278 [11 October 1278]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 30 days by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York to those who come and pray in the Galilee [at Durham Cathedral], dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Dated: Ketton.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3224, without secretum ). Attached by tongue (with tie, lost, below?).
DCD 2.13.Pont.2   [6 April 1256]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham to those who visit the feretory of St Cuthbert for purposes of devotion and prayer and bring offerings; confirming for ever all indulgences granted to the feretory by other bishops, and listing the following such indulgences, which he has inspected:
1. Silvester bishop of Carlisle, 40 days.
2. Gilbert bishop of Whithorn, 40 days (sic), 7 Kal. Nov. 1248.
3. Gilbert bishop of Whithorn, to each of five altars “in fronte ecclesie ” consecrated by him, “every day for ever ”, 40 days, 1253.
4. Thomas bishop of Annadown, 30 days.
5. Clement bishop of Dunblane, 20 days, Kal. May 1253.
6. Clement bishop of Dunblane, “every day for ever”, 40 days, at the consecration of a major altar, Nones June 1253.
7. Albinus bishop of Brechin, 40 days.
8. Richard bishop of Sodor, Man, & the Isles, 40 days.
9. Abel bishop of St Andrews, 40 days, 4 Nones June 1254.
10. W. bishop of Norwich, 40 days, 6 Ides Sept. 1254.
11. Richard bishop of Dunkeld, 40 days, morrow of St Lucy 1254.
12. Robert bishop of Ross, 40 days.
13. William bishop of Caithness, 40 days.
14. Isaac bishop of Connor, 40 days.
15. Alan bishop of Argyll, 40 days.
Dated: [Bishop] Auckland, 8 Ides April, Pont.7.
Size: 176 x 116mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3122). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: with different date, omitting last four indulgences: Misc. Ch. 1507.
Original: (1) Misc. Ch. 1520
Original: (2) Misc. Ch. 801
Original: (3) Misc. Ch. 802
Original: (4) Misc. Ch. 1514
Original: (6) Misc. Ch. 820
Original: (7) Misc. Ch. 798
Original: (8) Misc. Ch. 814
Original: (9) Misc. Ch. 818
Original: (10) Misc. Ch. 1515
Original: (11) Misc. Ch. 807
Original: (12) Misc. Ch. 824
Original: (13) Misc. Ch. 828
Original: (14) Misc. Ch. 1502
Original: (15) Misc. Ch. 811
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.70-71.
DCD 2.13.Pont.3   10 Kal. January 1335, 2 [John Stratford] [23 December 1335]
Language:   Latin
Indulgence of 40 days by John [Stratford], archbishop of Canterbury and papal legate, to those who for purposes of devotion and prayer visit the church of St Cuthbert at Durham and the shrine therein.
Dated: Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Seal: (G&B 3092). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.4   6 Ides September 1254 [8 September 1254]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 13 days by Walter [Suffield] bishop of Norwich to those who for purposes of devotion or prayer visit the chapel of St Edmund of Canterbury at Bearpark.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3203). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: English episcopal acta. 32, Norwich, 1244-1266, ed Christopher Harper-Bill, (Oxford 2007), p.44.
DCD 2.13.Pont.5   4 Nones May 1311, 6 [William Greenfield] [4 May 1311]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Greenfield] archbishop of York to those who for purposes of devotion and prayer visit the shrine in the church of St Cuthbert at Durham.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3228). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.6   5 June 1310, 5 & 27 [Antony Bek]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 80 days by Antony [Bek], patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, (40 days as patriarch & 40 days as bishop) to those who come to Durham Cathedral and visit the feretory of St Cuthbert and the other relics in whatsoever part of that church, or make offerings; ratifying all other indulgences granted by archbishops and bishops for the same purpose.
Dated: Eltham, in the diocese of Rochester.
Seal: (G&B 3126). Attached by silk cord through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.7   Nones June 1334, 17 [William Melton] [5 June 1334]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Melton] archbishop of York to those who for purposes of prayer and devotion visit the shrine in the church of St Cuthbert at Durham.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3229, with two partial impressions of secretum ). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.8   4 Nones May 1311, 6 [William Greenfield] [4 May 1311]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Greenfield] archbishop of York to those who for purposes of devotion come to Durham Cathedral and make offerings to the feretory of St Cuthbert.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3228). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.9   7 June 1334, 1 [Richard of Bury]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by Richard [of Bury], bishop of Durham, to those who visit the church of Durham to seek remission of their sins, or who make offerings to the fabric or the feretory of the same church; ratifying all other indulgences granted by archbishops and bishops to the said church.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3132). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.10   15 Kal. December 1259, 2 [Godfrey Ludham] [17 November 1259]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by G[odfrey Ludham] archbishop of York to all who for purposes of devotion or prayer visit the feretory of St Cuthbert or the Galilee [at Durham] and make offerings there.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3223). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.11   3 Nones October 1306, 1 [William Greenfield] [5 October 1306]
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence of 40 days by William [Greenfield] archbishop of York to those who at the feasts of the Holy Cross visit the new altar of the Holy Cross in Durham Cathedral or make offerings towards its illumination.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3228). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.13.Pont.12   6 June 1459
Language:  Latin.
Indulgence by William [Booth] archbishop of York and papal legate, Laurence [Booth] bishop of Durham, and William [Percy] bishop of Carlisle, recommending proctors of the P&C of Durham who seek alms for the rebuilding of Durham Cathedral, parts of which (specified) were burned by lightning on Easter day last; each offering an indulgence of 40 days to those who contribute valuables, building materials, physical labour or help to the rebuilding; and approving all other indulgences granted by anyone for the same purpose: valid for seven years.
Dated: London.
Seal: Archbishop Booth (G&B 3242).
Bishop Booth (G&B 3157).
Vicar General of Carlisle (G&B 3101, attrib. to Bishop Percy).
All attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Printed and discussed in: M.G. Snape, “Durham Cathedral: an Unknown Fire”, Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland (vol.III, 1987) p.71-74.
DCD 2.13.Pont.13   [15th century]
Form of excommunication by the P&C of Durham of those who infringe their liberties, vex the monks, or detain their revenues, especially Thomas Claxton, Thomas Billingham, and Walter Flesshewer alias Fethirstanhagh.
DCD 3.13.Pont.1   No date. [c.1400-1446, perhaps more probably before Wessington became prior in 1416]
Language:  Latin.
Roll of one membrane containing the following:
Copy of 1.1.Pont.1.
Extract from 1.1.Pont.1 about the prior's court.
Extract from 3.1.Pont.1 about the prior's court.
Extract from 2.2.Pont.1 about the prior's court.
Extract from 1.1.Reg.1.
Extract from 1.1.Reg.11.
Extracts from charters said to be of Henry I.
Extract from charter of Henry I - a complete text is in Cart.Vet.f.48r.
Copy of the Attestaciones de placitis corone - original is 2.4.Pont.8.
At the foot of the roll is a note that the originals of the above documents were shown to the Bishop of Durham at Auckland by William Barry and John Wessington.
DCD 3.13.Pont.2
Language:  Latin.
File of copies of the following:
a. 4.3.Pont.1, without witness list or date.
b. 4.2.Pont.1. An endorsement reads “memorandum quod villa de Croukton' fuit infra Bieurepayr' ex occidentali ripe de Broune iuxta Saynt Ion Stanes”. This endorsement is probably of the late 15th century.
c. 2.1.Pont.13, without witness list or date.
d. Licence by Walter [Kirkham] Bishop of Durham to Hugh [Darlington], prior, and the convent of Durham to enclose and make a park out of their wood at Muggleswick (the bounds of the wood are given).
For witness list and date see another copy of this licence at Cart.II.f.94r:
Witnesses: John de Balliol, Robert de Neville, Marmaduke, son of Geoffrey, William de Feugeram, knights and many others.
Dated: At Middleham, 1 January Pont. 11 and 1259 [1260].
e. 4.2.Pont.2, with abbreviated witness list.
f. 3.2.Pont.13, with abbreviated witness list.
g. Recognition by [Antony Bek Bishop of Durham] of the bounds of the P&C of Durham's lands to the west of Durham beyond the Wear and towards the Browney. This copy is probably taken from one at Reg.I part ii f.29r-v.
h. 2.2.Pont.11.
Printed: (d) (from Cart.II) FPD p.182n.
Calendared: (g) Records of Antony Bek, pp.108-9, where it is dated c.May 1305.
Printed: (g) FPD p.192n
DCD 3.13.Pont.3   25 November 1 Richard I [1189]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of a charter of Richard I granting to Hugh [du Puiset] Bishop of Durham the earldom of Northumberland for his life, to revert to the King on Hugh's death.
Witnesses: H. Bishop of Salisbury; John Count of Mortain; Richard Earl of Clare; Roger le Bigot; William de St John; John Marsh; William Marsh; Stephen de Longchamp.
Given by the hand of William de Longchamp, elect of Ely and Chancellor
Dated: Westminster
Size: 11¼″ x 6¼″
Digitised material for 3.13.Pont.3
DCD 3.13.Pont.4
Language:  Latin.
Copy of 1.1.Pont.1a, with a footnote reading “hec est vera copia orignalis carte de dotacione ecclesie Dunelmensis auctoritate apostolica de verbo ad verbum confirmanda”, and two endorsements of interest, one explaining the meaning of sac, soc, team etc, and the other reading “tradatur magistro Thome Grenewod ex parte domini Johannis Fysheburn monachi Dunelmensis”.
DCD 3.13.Pont.5
Language:  Latin.
Sheet of parchment containing copies of the following three documents:
Grant by Adam, canon of Holy Cross, to Algar, prior of Durham, and the monks of St Cuthbert of four parcels of land in London, [1109-37]. (See 1.4.Ebor.27).
Quitclaim by Benedict, son of Vivo episcopus jew of London, Morrow of Invention of Holy Cross Henry III [4 May 1227], to Ralph [Kerneth], prior of Durham, of all his land in the parish of St Edmund in Langeburdesward' [Lombard Street?].
In the presence of: Henry de Graybrot, Elias de Sunning, Ralph of Norwich, then Justice(s) of the Jews.
Witnesses: Henry son of Alcher', then constable of the Tower of London, etc.
Lease by R[alph Kerneth], prior, and the convent of Durham to Thomas of Durham, citizen of London, of the land specified in (ii) above, at a rent of 4 marks of silver p.a. [1227-34]
DCD 3.13.Pont.6   8 Id. Jan. [6 January] 1084 and Pont.10
Language:  Latin.
[15th century] copy of mandate (spurious) of Pope Gregory VII addressed to William [of St Calais] Bishop of Durham and his successors, ordering that no one is to interfere with the rights (some of which are specified) or possessions of the monks of Durham.
Dated: Benevento, per manum Johannis Cartan', cardinal deacon and chancellor.
Further copies: DCD Cart.I.f.1r-v, Cart.Vet.f.11r-12v, 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6, 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19, Loc.IX:2 and (inspeximus) Loc.III:28, also Durham Cathedral Library MS A.II.16, f.101v.
Printed: W. Holtzmann, Papsturkunden in England, vol.II, (Berlin 1935), p.132-136 and (from Cart.I) HDST pp.vii-x.
DCD 3.13.Pont.7
Language:  Latin.
Copies of 3.1.Pont.2. and the following two confirmations:
Confirmation by Pope Alexander [III] to G[ermanus], prior and the monks of Durham of all the churches and chapels in their possession, free from synodalia and other episcopal dues, [1159-81]. Possibly a copy of 1.1.Pap.17.
Confirmation by Pope Innocent [III?] to the P&C of Durham of all the liberties, immunities and customs granted and confirmed to them by William [of Ste Barbe] Bishop of Durham and H[ugh of le Puiset] his successor [1198-1216?]
DCD 3.13.Pont.8   1 May 13 Edward III [1339]
Language:  Latin.
Writ of King Edward III to the papal nuncio Master Bernard Cistre, archdeacon of Canterbury, saying that it was enrolled on the Chancery rolls that on 7 October 1333, sede vacante post mortem Lewis Beaumont, he granted a licence to elect to the P&C of Durham, and 7 December he took the oath of Richard de Bury and restored the temporalities to him, ordering him to allow the P&C to be quit of any summons for sums due under a tenth granted to the King from 7 October to 7 December.
Dated: Berkhamstead
Size: 10¾″ x ¼″
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.13.Pont.9   6 June 1345
Language:  Latin.
Commission issued by John [Fossor], prior of Durham and vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop elect of Durham, to Ds. Andrew Spenser and Ds. William de Dalton, chaplains, authorising them to exercise his powers of seeking out and taking into custody all clerks accused before any secular court in the diocese of Durham of any crime whatsoever, so that such clerks may be set free from secular hands until a decision in accordance with normal customs is made about them.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: missing. Was presumably attached to strip cut from foot of document, but if so the strip has been cut away. Seal is said to be that used by Fossor as vicar-general.
DCD 4.13.Pont.1
Language:  Latin.
Inspeximus transcript by Walter [Gray or Giffard] Archbishop of York of a charter of King Henry III granted to the prior & convent of Durham
Original: 1.2.Reg.1
Printed: The Register of Thomas of Corbridge Lord Archbishop of York 1300-1304, ii, 148-50.
DCD 4.13.Pont.3   c.1400?
Language:  Latin.
Form of letters of an archbishop of York and papal legate, witnessing that the P&C of Durham, whom when on visitation he has found to be exercising jurisdiction in certain churches in his diocese and to have appropriated certain churches and revenues there, have when summoned before him produced documents, including writings of archbishops Walter [Giffard], William [Melton], and others of his predecessors, by virtue of which and by long standing custom they enjoy liberties and rights (set out in detail) in the churches and parishes of Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Hemingbrough, Skipwith, Welton, Walkington, Holtby, Northallerton, Sigston, and Rounton, and hold appropriated to their own use the churches of Northallerton and Eastrington and annual pensions (specified) from the churches of Sigston, Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Welton, Walkington, Skipwith, Holtby, Allerton, Normanton[-upon-Soar], and Rounton, also receiving the fruits or portions of churches appropriated to Durham College, Oxford.
DCD 4.13.Pont.4   [1404 x 1408]
Language:  Latin.
Draft letters of the P&C of Durham appointing Master John Stanton, Robert Easingwold and William Bristowe as their proctors to represent them before Masters John de Newton, LL.D., Treasurer of York, and Thomas de Weston, archdeacon of Durham, arbitrators appointed to settle a dispute between Master John Southwell, clerk, and Ds. Thomas Axey about the prebend of Howden (now vacant by the death of Ds. John Elvet) in the church of Howden.
Dated: At Durham, in chapter house.
Weston was dead by 8 October 1408 (Le Neve); John Elvet was alive in 1404 (VCH. Durham III, 180).
DCD 4.13.Pont.5   [Late 14th century]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of (spurious) charter by Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Original: 1.1.Archiep.2.
DCD 4.13.Pont.6   1 May 1382, 8 [Alexander Nevill]
Language:  Latin.
Contemporary copy of mandate of Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden and Howdenshire to cite the clergy of the spirituality, and lay representatives from each vill, to appear at his visitation on Monday 9 June in Hemingbrough church, Tuesday 10 June in Howden church, Wednesday 11 June in Eastrington church, Thursday 12 June in Welton church, Friday 13 June in Brantingham church, and Saturday 14 June in Walkington church, and to be present himself.
With note that the mandate was received by the official of the spirituality of Howden on 21 May 1382.
Dated: Cawood.
DCD 4.13.Pont.7   [July 1387]
Language:  Latin.
Contemporary copy of confirmation by Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the P&C of Durham of their liberties and rights in certain churches and parishes.
Originals: 3.2.Archiep.6a & 6b
DCD 4.13.Pont.8   [1398-1405]
Language:  Latin.
Abridged copy of recognition by Richard [le Scrope], archbishop of York and papal legate, of the right of the abbot and convent of St Mary's, York, to hold appropriated various churches, chapels, portions, tithes, and pensions in the diocese of York: the archbishop having summoned them to prove their title, their proctor, Stephen of Duffield, monk of St Mary's, appeared on the appointed day, pleaded papal authority and prescriptive right, and exhibited a bull of pope Boniface [IX], which the original recites in full.
Dated: Beeston, in the chapel in the archbishop's manor.
Copy of bull of pope Boniface IX: Reg.II. f.358v
Box 14
DCD 1.14.Pont.1   3 Non. Nov. 1291 [3 November 1291]
Language:  Latin.
Copy of two letters patent of Pope Nicholas IV about the crusade, authenticated with Antony Bek's episcopal seal.
Dated: At Auckland.
Seal: G&B 3125. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Calendared in Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.26-27, although Miss Fraser does not suggest how impersonal a document this is - it begins not with any formula including the words “Antonius... episcopus Dunelmensis”, but with “In nomine domini amen. Hec est copia...”, and the only mention of Bishop Bek is in the sealing clause.
See also: Calendar of Papal Letters and Registers I (1893), p.553.

DCD 1.14.Pont.2   in crastino animarum 1291 & Cons. 8 [3 November 1291]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Antony [Bek] Bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham authorising him to exercise the powers - of preaching the crusade and of granting indulgences to and absolving from excommunication those who take the cross - that have been delegated to him by the Pope (see 1.14.Pont.1).
Dated: At Auckland.
Seal: G&B 3125. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Printed in Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.27-28.
Duplicate entry apparently, for 2.6.Pont.10, q.v.
DCD 1.14.Pont.4   20 November 1329 & Cons. 12
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham appointing William [of Cowton] prior of Durham as his vicar-general but retaining collations and institutions to churches in his own care.
Dated: At his manor of Allerton.
Seal: G&B 3130, without secretum . Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.14.Pont.5a   7 Kal. Aug. [26 July] 1317
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] bishop elect and confirmed of Durham to Geoffrey [Burdon], prior, and the convent of Durham, undertaking to indemnify them for any loss they may incur as a result of having co-operated with him in the commissioning of Emery de True and Gerard Lumbard' to borrow £2,000 sterling at the Curia. Beaumont promises further that after his consecration he will confirm the above undertaking and seal the confirmation with his episcopal seal.
Dated: At Ricknall.
Seal: Beaumont's seal as bishop elect and confirmed. G&B 3129. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Copied: Reg.II.f.56v.
Printed: (from Reg.II) HDST,pp.cxviif.
DCD 1.14.Pont.5b   7 Kal. Aug. [26 July] 1317
Language:  Latin.
Bond of Louis [Beaumont] to Geoffrey [Burdon], prior, and the convent of Durham in the sum of £2,000 sterling.
Dated: At Ricknall.
Seal: Beaumont's seal as bishop elect and confirmed. G&B 3129. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.14.Pont.6   6 Non. Oct. 1322 and Pont. 5 [2 October 1322]
Language:  Latin.
Letters of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham settling a dispute between Ds. William de Cowton, prior of Durham, and Master John de Insula, D.C.L., dean of the collegiate church of Auckland and vicar-general, about the presidency of the bishop's synod during his absence by awarding the presidency to the prior.
Dated: At Ricknall.
Seal: G&B 3130, without secretum . Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
It looks as though Bishop Beaumont dated his pontifical years from his consecration.
DCD 1.14.Pont.7   14 June 1329 and Cons. 12
Language:  Latin.
Acknowledgement by Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham of the receipt from the P&C of Durham, represented by Ds. John de Crepyng, terrarer, of 100 marks sterling, in which sum the P&C would bound by the terms of an agreement between themselves and the bishop.
Dated: At Allerton.
Seal: Secretum of G&B 3130. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.14.Pont.8   15 April 1343 and Cons. 10
Language:  Latin (royal writ is in French).
Mandate of Richard [Bury] Bishop of Durham to the P&C of Durham, reciting a privy seal writ of Edward [III], dated at the Tower of London 14 March a.r. England 17 and France 4 [1343], ordering him to appoint for his diocese collectors of the annual tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York, and ordering them to collect the amount of the tenth due at the first two terms, using appropriate ecclesiastical sanctions against any who refuse to pay, and reporting to the bishop on their actions.
Dated: At his manor of Howden.
Seal: Bishop Bury's seal ad causas, G&B 3135. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. There was probably a tie tag below.
DCD 1.14.Pont.9   1 September 1343 and Cons. 10
Language:  Latin.
Acknowledgement by Richard [Bury] Bishop of Durham of the receipt from the prior of Durham of £100 sterling, being the second instalment from the diocese of Durham of the tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York. (See 1.14.Pont.8).
Dated: At Auckland.
Seal: Bishop Bury's seal ad causas, G&B 3135. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
See: Cart.I. f.122v.
DCD 1.14.Pont.12   22 July Pont. 4 [1348]
Language:  Latin.
Acknowledgement by Thomas [Hatfield] Bishop of Durham of the receipt from the community of the royal liberty of the bishopric of Durham of 400 marks granted to him by the community.
Dated: At Durham.
Seal: Bishop Hatfield's great seal, G&B 3138. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
Entry as for 1.3.Pont.11, q.v.
DCD 1.14.Pont.14   2 October 1312
Language:  Latin.
Notarial instrument recording the pronouncement by the official of Richard [Kellaw] Bishop of Durham, appointed the bishop's commissary to examine the evidence said to be possessed by the prior of Durham in support of his claim to preside over the bishop's synod in his absence, that the priors of Durham do have the right to preside.
The instrument also recites the bishop's commission to the official (dated at Middleham 1 October 1312 and Pont. 2), and records that after the pronouncement of the commissary's decision the prior held and presided over such a synod in Durham Cathedral.
Witnesses: Masters Richard de Ganyo, John de Sherburn and Thomas de Hurworth, notaries, and many others, clerks and laymen.
Notarial signs and certificates: of Andrew son of William de Tang', clerk of the diocese of York; Thomas de Hurworth, clerk of the diocese of Durham; Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, clerk of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield.
Dated: In the nave of Durham Cathedral.
Copies: DCD Reg.II, f.11v-12r; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.2d (xlii).
DCD 1.14.Pont.15   20 February 1333 and Pont. John XXII 17
Language:  Latin.
Public instrument issued by Stephen de Pinu, abbot secularis ecclesie Dauratensis [Dorat, or le Dorat, according to A. Fayen, Letters de Jean XXII (Paris, 1908) vol. II, p.822.], diocese of Limoges, and vice-auditor of the court of the Apostolic Camera, recording that Master Richard de Bynteworth, D.C.L., canon of Auckland and proctor of Louis [Beaumont] Bishop of Durham, and Nicholas son of Rayner Perutti, citizen of Florence and proctor of a number of named merchants of Florence and associates of the Perutti company, have appeared before him and that Perutti, in accordance with a promise made on 29 December 1332, has on behalf of the Perutti company acknowledged that Bishop Beaumont and Geoffrey (sic), prior, and the convent of Durham have repaid the loan of £2,000 sterling which had been made to them by the Perutti company.
The following two documents are recited:
Letters of Bishop Beaumont appointing Richard de Bynteworth as his proctor. Dated: Auckland, 3 January 1332 [1333] and Cons. 15
Public instrument appointing Lapus, son of Michael and Nicholas, son of Rayner Perutti proctors of the Perutti company, 2 May 1332
Notary: John son of Betto Bonaventure, clerk of Florence, notary of the court of the Apostolic Camera.
Dated: At Avignon, in the papal palace.
Seal: the auditor of the court of the Apostolic Camera. Not in G&B or the B.M. Cat. of Seals. Inscription reads: [S' AUDI]TORIS CURIE CAMERE DOMINI PAP[E]. Attached by hempen cord through folded foot of document.
Dictionnaire de droit canonique, vol. V p.181: Suivent alors au quatriéme rang les églises abbatiales, régis par un abbé séculier ou régulier.
Op. cit. vol. I p.35:
De même nous nous occupons spécialement ici de l'abbé régulier, et non de l' abbé séculier. Or ne sont pas religieux mais séculiers, et sont aussi consideérés comme séculiers par l'Eglise, ceux qui ont obtenu du Saint-Siege l'approbation de leur regle, mais dont la société ou l'institut de vie n'a pas recu du pape le billet d'entrée dans l'etat religieux comme tel.
See also (for Stephen de Pinu, who is known in France as Etienne Dupin, and for his official position in the Curia) Bernard Guillemain, La cour pontificale d'Avignon 1309-1376 pp.291f.
For an incomplete list of auditors of the Apostolic Camera see Ch. Samaran and G. Mollat, La fiscalité pontificale en France au quatorzieme siecle. Période d'Avignon et du Grand Schisme d'Occident, Paris, 1905. Cited in B. Guillemain, op. cit., p.26.
See also G. Mollat, “Contribution a l'histoire de l'administration judiciaire de l'église romaine au quatorzieme siecle”, Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique , vol. 32 (1936) pp.877ff. and especially pp.898ff.
And for the appointment of Etienne Dupin as vice-auditor see E. Göller, “Die Constitutio Ratio juris Johanns XXII und die Camera Apostolica”, Römische Quartalschrift, vol. 16 (1902), pp. 417ff.
G. Mollat, “Contribution a l'histoire de la Chambre apostolique au XIVe siecle”, Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 45 (1950) pp.82-94.
Etienne Dupin was later titular patriarch of Constantinople and in 1346 became Archbishop of Beneventum. His benefices included “l'abbaye sécutiere du Dorat”, diocese of Limoges and he died 1350 - Edward Albe, Autour de Jean XXII (Rome, 1902-6, 4 parts), part III pp.109-110.
DCD 1.14.Pont.16   12 June [1478 x 1495]
Language:  English.
Letters close of Richard [Bell] Bishop of Carlisle to the prior of Durham explaining that the pressure of the king's business forces him to ask for the loan of such money as the prior can spare.
Dated: At London.
Seal: traces of what was presumably the bishop's signet, applied to the dorse.
See: Barrie Dobson, “Richard Bell, Prior of Durham and Bishop of Carlisle”, Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Ant. and Archaeol. Soc., New Series, vol. LXV, p.219.
DCD 1.14.Pont.17   5 August 17 Henry VII [1502]
Language:  Latin.
Bond of William [Senhouse] Bishop of Carlisle and Bishop elect of Durham to Thomas [Castell], prior of Durham, in the sum of 100 marks, to be paid by the feast of St Peter ad vincula [1 August].
Signature of Senhouse.
Seal: Bishop Senhouse's signet. G&B 3166. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. Tie tag below.
DCD 1.14.Pont.18   8 January 20 Henry VII [1505]
Language:  English.
Indenture recording that at York on 8 January 20 Henry VII [1505] William [Senhouse] Bishop of Durham delivered to Ds. William Hawkwell, bursar of Durham, two flagons with chains and stoppers of silver and partly gilt, to be kept by the prior of Durham until the Bishop, his executors or assigns should pay to the prior the sum of £46 13s. 4d. borrowed from him by the bishop. At the same time Hawkwell received from the bishop various (specified) vestments etc, to be kept in the priory during the bishop's pleasure.
Seal: apparently Bishop Senhouse's signet. Applied through paper.