Durham Cathedral Archive: Regalia


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-REG
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Regalia
Dates of creation: ca. 1087-1606
Extent: 5 original boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: documents issued in favour of the monastic community by kings of England, with some associated material; some now missing.
Language: Latin

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Stock checks

Stock checked by William Greenwell (late 19th century, marked by pencil ticks within Repertorium Magnum), November 1959 and (outer envelopes only) April 2023.
Only discrepancies are as follows:
1.3.Reg.8: triplicatur has been written alongside the entry in Repertorium Magnum (?not in Greenwell's hand), and the entry ticked three times, but one tick has perhaps been erased, duplicat' is also written (?by Greenwell), and only two copies (8a, 8b) were noted in 1959 or survive now
3.4.Reg.6 appears to have been missed by Greenwell, who notes it as missing (deest). A further note records that it has been found in another location (adest 1915. case 10)
3.5.Reg.4 is not noted as surviving by Greenwell, but survives (it had been previously numbered as Misc.Ch. 5826)

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


The numbering system reflects the medieval organisation of the documents in boxes, normally with four compartments: the first number is the compartment, the second the box, and the final one, after the class reference, is the number in the sequence (thus 4.5.Reg.2 is the second document in the fourth compartment of the fifth box in the class Regalia). The numbers were assigned and amended in the Magnum Repertorium, in the later nineteenth century, replacing the original letters, and some duplications and confusion has crept in, which is noted below. The jump from 2.4.Reg.5 to 3.4.Reg.6 marks one such occurence, for there is no material missing here.


Benedict of Peterborough: Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, ed. W.Stubbs (Rolls Series 1867 No. 49)
Bishop, T.A.M. Scriptores regis (Oxford, 1961).
Chaplais, P. “The seals and original charters of Henry I”, English Historical Review lxxv (1960), 260-75 [cited as EHR 1960 ].
Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837) [cited Rot.Cart.
Calendar of the Charter Rolls (London, 1903-1927) [cited as [ C.Ct.R. ]
Durham Episcopal Charters, 1071-1152, ed. H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham, compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872)
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B ]
Rotuli litterarum patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1835) [cited Rot.Lit.Pat.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls (London, 1891-1916) [cited as C.P.R. ]
Rhymer, T. Foedera ... (London, 1704-35).
Somerville, R. History of the Duchy of Lancaster vol. i (London, 1953)
Storey, R.L. “The Wardens of the Marches ...”EHR 72 (1957) pp. 609-614
Wyon, A.B. and Wyon, A. The great seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, (London, 1887).


Box 1
DCD 1.1.Reg.1   18 [William I] [1083-1084]
[Spurious] diploma, of William [I], king of England, by command of Pope Gregory VII and petition of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, with the assent of Archbishops Lanfranc [of Canterbury] and Thomas [I of York], confirming that the secular canons should be removed from the church of St Cuthbert and replaced by monks from Wearmouth and Jarrow, ordering that the Priors of Durham, freely elected by the monks, should have the privileges of an Abbot with a place under the bishop and over the archdeacons as the Deans of York, and confirming all the possessions and privileges granted to them by Bishop William [of St Calais], with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief, a full court and wreck, and with exemption from royal exactions.
Signa of: King William [I]; Odo, bishop of Bayeux; Osmund, bishop [of Salisbury]; Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances; Walkelin, bishop of Winchester; Herfast, bishop [of Elmham]; Tu...[Thurstan], abbot of Glastonbury; Scolland, abbot [of Augustine's Canterbury]; Vitalis, abbot of Westminster; Robert, count of Mortain; Richard de Courcy; Urso de Abetot; Maurice, chaplain; Siward Barn; Robert de Montefort; Alan of Lincoln; Turald de Papeleon; William, chaplain; Robert, count of Mortain [again]; Roger Bigod; Robert, steward; Robert, chaplain; Roger [II of Montgomery], earl of Shrewsbury; Hamo, steward
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: missing, folded tag
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.40v; Cart.I f.45r.
Printed: FPD pp.lxvii-lxviii; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I 1066-1100, ed H.W.C. Davis (Oxford 1913) no.205.
DCD 1.1.Reg.2a
Derivative version of 1.1.Reg.2b, with "waif" added after wreck, and the witnesses listed in lines rather than columns, with the description "chaplain" transferred from William to Urso.
Seal: missing, tag: but see SS 179 p.43, SS 58 p.lxxii "Seal of Prior Bertram". 19th century wrapper noted "cum sigillis fractis" (for 1.1.Reg.2a-2b)
Copied in DCD Loc.II:20 and Loc.III:9.
DCD 1.1.Reg.2b   18 [William I] [1083-1084]
[Spurious] diploma, of William [I], king of England, by command of Pope Gregory VII and petition of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, taking Aldwin, prior, and the monks in St Cuthbert's church and their successors under his protection, confirming to them the privileges granted them by William [of St Calais] : that the Priors, freely elected by the monks, should have the rights of an Abbot, as of old in the church of Lindisfarne, and the office of archdeacon, and granting to them in all their possessions their court, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief, and wreck, and exemption from all royal exactions.
Signa of: King William [I]; Lanfranc, archbishop [of Canterbury]; Thomas [I], archbishop [of York]; William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham; Odo, bishop [of Bayeux]; Herbert [Losinga], bishop [of Norwich]; Aelsi, abbot [of Bath]; Scolland, abbot [of St Augustine's Canterbury]; Thurstan, abbot; Thorald, abbot [of Peterborough]; Gilbert de Gant; Hugh, earl [of Chester]; Urso; William, chaplain
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: Second seal of King Stephen, green silk cord, (Wyon Plate IV nos 27 & 28). 19th century wrapper noted "cum sigillis fractis" (for 1.1.Reg.2a-2b)
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.41r-v; Cart.I f.46v; Loc.III:9.
DCD 1.1.Reg.3
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.41v; Cart. I f.45v-46r.
DCD 1.1.Reg.4   No date [2 January 1096 x 2 August 1100]
[Death of William of St Calais x death of William II; it is unwarranted to assume that R. is Ranulf bishop of Durham, since the monks held land at Blyborough in Lincolnshire at the time of Domesday Book, making Robert bishop of Lincoln a possibility.]
Writ, of W[illiam II], king of England, to Th[omas I], archbishop [of York], and R., bishop, and all his sheriffs, etc., ordering that the monks or men of St Cuthbert should not be impleaded for possessions of which they were seised on the death of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, which they are to hold with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and other customs, any encroachments being restored to them.
Witnesses: W[illiam], chancellor; W[illiam] Peverel
Seal: tongue, part of tie G&B No. 3013 (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.43v; Cart. I f.46r.
Printed: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I 1066-1100, ed H.W.C. Davis (Oxford 1913) no.481 and App. no.XCII.
DCD 1.1.Reg.5
Now missing.
See: 4.5.Reg.4*
Cartulary copy: Cart. Vet. f.43r
Cartulary copy: Cart.I f.46r
DCD 1.1.Reg.6
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart. Vet f.43v
Cartulary copy: Cart. I f.46r
DCD 1.1.Reg.7   No date [26 September 1087 x 1094 (Accession of William II x Robert Bloet's resignation on appointment as bishop of Lincoln.)]
Writ, of W[illiam II], king of England, to G[eoffrey] Bainardo [sheriff of Yorkshire], notifying him of his grant to St Cuthbert's monks of Billingham with all its appendages, to be held as their other lands between Tees and Tyne, and ordering him not to intervene in the monks' possessions.
Witness: R[obert Bloet], chancellor.
Seal: missing, fragment of tongue sewn on. cf. 1.1.Reg.Loose Seal
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.43r-v.
Calendared/printed: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I 1066-1100, ed H.W.C. Davis (Oxford 1913) no.344 and App. no.LV.
DCD 1.1.Reg.8   No date [2 January 1096 x 3 January 1098 (Death of William of St Calais x death of bishop Walkelin.)]
Writ, of W[illiam II], king of England, to T[homas I], archbishop [of York], H., sheriff, and R[alph] Pagenello, etc., ordering that G. of Durham should hold those possessions held by him of the king as William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham held, and ordering that no geld should be demanded nor distraint levied from North Tees.
Witnesses: W[alkelin], bishop [of Winchester]; U[rso] de Ab[etot]; W[illiam] de Albini
Seal: G&B No. 3013, tongue, part of tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.1.Reg.9    No date
[Spurious] grant in free-alms, by William [I], king of England, to the prior and monks of St Cuthbert, of the royal manor of the vill of Hemingbrough with all the land of Brackenholme, all adjacent lands and the church of the vill, with all customs and liberties enjoyed by the king there after the English victory, and according to the bounds by which it was held by the king, or the Earls Tostig or Siward.
Signa of: William [I], king of England; Thomas [I], archbishop of York; William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham; John [de Villula], bishop of Bath; Osmund, bishop of Salisbury; Baldwin, abbot of [Bury] St Edmunds; Moreal, sheriff; Hugh, earl of Chester; Ernald de Percy; Robert, steward; Guy, abbot; Roger [of Montgomery], early of Shrewsbury; William, son of the king; Robert [de Mowbray], earl of Northumbria; Richard de Courcy; Robert de Redvers; Robert Bloet; Robert, chaplain; Philip, son of the earl of Chester; Alan of Lincoln; Ranulf, royal clerk; Maurice, chaplain; Philip [of Montgomery], son of Roger [of Montgomery], earl [of Shrewsbury]; Robert de Redvers [again]; Richard de Bundevilla; Robert de Hulmets
Seal: missing, pair of horizontal slits at foot, also four strips cut from foot.
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet. f.42r-v; Cart. III f.69r; in 2.2.Ebor.15, 3.2.Ebor.37, 3.2.Ebor.41a.
Printed: EYC II No.990; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I 1066-1100, ed H.W.C. Davis (Oxford 1913) no.286.
DCD 1.1.Reg.10
Now missing.
Described: Magnum Repertorium f 9r - as if a copy of 1.1.Reg.9.
See also: 3.2.Ebor.37.
DCD 1.1.Reg.11   18 [William I] [1083-1084]
[Spurious] charter, of William [I], king of England and duke of Normandy, by command of Pope Gregory VII and petition of W[illiam of St Calais] bishop of Durham, with the assent of Archbishops Lanfranc [of Canterbury] and Thomas [I of York], confirming that the secular canons should be removed from the church of St Cuthbert and replaced with monks from Wearmouth and Jarrow, ordering that the Priors of Durham, freely elected by the monks, should have the privileges of an Abbot and first place after the bishop as Dean and Archdeacon, exempting their churches from episcopal impositions, taking the monks and their possessions under his protection, confirming the grants to them by William [of St Calais], bishop [of Durham], and restoring the vill of Billingham, also granting them in Nottinghamshire 2 ploughlands and one mill in Normanton [-on-Soar], 10 bovates in [Sutton] Bonnington, 4 ploughlands in Kingston [-on-Soar] and 2 ploughlands in Gotham with sake and soke, and granting them in all their possessions sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and their court, with exemption for themselves and their men from all royal exactions.
Signum of: William [I]
Witnesses: Odo, bishop of Bayeux; Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances; Walkelin, bishop of Winchester; Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury; Vitalis, abbot of Westminster; Robert, count of Mortain; Urso de Abetot.
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: missing, tongue
DCD 1.1.Reg.12
Now missing.
Described: Magnum Repertorium f 9r - as copies of charters of William I and bishop William of St Calais
DCD 1.1.Reg.13   [February 1136 or January - February 1138 (First seal)]
Writ, of S[tephen], king of England, ordering that the monks of St Cuthbert and their men should not be impleaded for any of the possessions of which they were seised on the death of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, or of King Henry [I], which they are to hold with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and all free customs, and ordering that they should be reseised of any of these possessions of which they had been disseised.
Witnesses: R[oger], chancellor; W[alter] Espec; William Mauduit (Maled'); Robert Musard.
Dated: Durham :
Seal: G&B No. 3019, tongue, part of tie
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copy: DCD Cat.Vet. f.50r-v.
Printed: J. Raine, Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres, (Surtees Society 9, 1839) App. p.xxxiii; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum III 1135-1154, ed H.A. Cronne & R.H.C. Davis (Oxford 1968) no.255.
DCD 1.1.Reg.14   [February 1136 or January - February 1138 (First seal)]
Confirmation, by S[tephen], king of England, to the monks of Durham, of all their possessions in Nottinghamshire, and specifically the two ploughlands in Normanton [-on-Soar] which they dereigned against Fulk de Lusoris in the court of King Henry [I] and for which they render 4s. a year, holding with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and all free customs as in the time of King Henry [I].
Witnesses: Chancellor; [Walter Espec] (W Esp'); Robert Musard.
Dated: Durham :
Seal: G&B No. 3019 (detached), tongue, part of tie
Seal on display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copy: DCD Cat.Vet. f.50r.
Printed: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum III 1135-1154, ed H.A. Cronne & R.H.C. Davis (Oxford 1968) no.256.
DCD 1.1.Reg.15   [February 1136 or January - February 1138]
Writ, of S[tephen], king of England, ordering Ran[ulf] de Muschamps and C[ecilia] his sister to surrender to St Cuthbert their land of Heatherslaw, which Thomas de Muschamps, their brother, whose heirs they are, granted to St Cuthbert on becoming a monk; failing them, Eustace son of John to do so.
Witness: W[illiam] Martel.
Dated: Durham :
Seal: missing, tongue, tie
Printed: J. Raine, North Durham, App. p.141; R. Surtees, History of Durham i, plate i p.cxxvi; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum III 1135-1154, ed H.A. Cronne & R.H.C. Davis (Oxford 1968) no.257.
DCD 1.1.Reg.16   [20 December 1153 x 25 October 1154 (Consecration of Hugh of le Puiset x death of Stephen)]
Confirmation by S[tephen], king of England, to his nephew, Hugh of Le Puiset, bishop of Durham, of the mining rights of Weardale.
Witnesses: Henry of Essex; Richard de Lucy; William Martel.
Dated: London :
Seal: G&B No. 3020, detached; tongue, tie
Printed: R. Surtees, History of Durham i, plate i p.cxxvi (incorrectly); J. Raine, Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres, (Surtees Society 9, 1839) App. p.xxxiii; T.A.M. Bishop, Scriptores Regis pl.xxiib; Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum III 1135-1154, ed H.A. Cronne & R.H.C. Davis (Oxford 1968) no.258.
DCD 1.1.Reg.17
Copies of the following diploma and 2.1.Reg.5.:
Diploma, of William [II], king of England, notifying the agreement made by him between William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, and Robert [de Mowbray], earl of Northumbria, by which Robert, in return for £100, quitclaimed to the bishop half the profits of theft and breach of the peace, everything in Claxton, Wolviston, Chilton, Stainton, Ricknall, Woodham, Aycliffe, Heworth, Preston [-le-Skerne], Brafferton, "Esmidebroc", Killerby, Ketton, Winston, Newhouse, Westwick and the other lands of St Cuthbert, the ferry outside the city of Durham, and anything claimed by him on the lands, customs and men of St Cuthbert.
Signa by: King William [II]; Walkelin, bishop [of Winchester]; Robert [de Mowbray], earl of Northumbria; Robert, steward; William, royal chancellor; Osmund, bishop of Salisbury; Hamo, steward; Ranulf, chaplain; Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury; Robert de Montefort; Alan of Lincoln; William de Redvers; Richard de Courcy; Robert son of Gerald; Turald [de] Papeleon; Urso de Abetot.
Dated from William, Giffard's appointment as chancellor x Robert de Mowbray's rebellion [1094 x 1095]
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.42v-43r.
Calendared: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I 1066-1100, ed H.W.C. Davis (Oxford 1913) no.349.
DCD 1.1.Reg.18
Copies of 2.1.Pont.2, omitting last ten witnesses and the following charter:
[Spurious] charter, of William [I], king of England, taking the Priory of Durham under his protection, confirming that the priors should have the privileges of an abbot with a place under the bishop as the dean of York, and ordering that the prior should have a place equal to that of the priors of Canterbury and Winchester at coronations and councils, receiving 5s. a day from the royal purse when attending the royal court, an ordinary monk to have 2s. a day, and that they are only to be impleaded for any of their possessions which they had on the day of their foundation by William [of St Calais], bishop [of Durham] in his presence.
Signum by William [I]
Witnesses: Walkelin, bishop of Winchester; Osmund, bishop of Salisbury; Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury; and many others.
Dated: Winchester, 12 [William I] [1077 x 1078]
DCD 1.1.Reg.19
Extracts concerning the Prior and Convent of Durham's right to a court from:
(1) 1.1.Reg.2b.
(2) 2.1.Reg.4b.

DCD 1.1.Reg.Loose Seal
[possibly from 1.1.Reg.7 ]
Seal: G&B No. 3013 reverse
DCD 2.1.Reg.1   [c.1103 x 1106 (Waldric chancellor and in England with the King.)]
[Spurious] diploma, of Henry [I], king of England, confirming that the Priors of Durham, freely elected by the monks, should have the privileges of an Abbot with a place under the bishop and over the archdeacons as the Deans of York, and confirming all the possessions and privileges granted to them by William [of St Calais], bishop [of Durham] or his successors, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and a full court, and with exemption from royal exactions.
Signa of: King Henry [I]; Roger, bishop of Salisbury; Waldric, chancellor; Hamo, steward; Robert [de Beaumont], count of Meulan; Henry de [Beaumont, earl of] Warwick; Audin, royal chaplain; Alured of Lincoln; Robert [Bloet], bishop of Lincoln; William Baynard (Bainar); Roger Bigod; William de Albini; Robert Malet; Nigel de Oilli; Odo, steward; William, constable; Humphrey de Bohun (Bohom); William de Albini [again!].
Dated: Winchester :
Seal: Imitation of G&B No. 3016, folded tag (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Printed: H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.37-39.
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.778*.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.44v; Cart.I, f.46r.
DCD 2.1.Reg.2   [1154 x 1173 (Royal style without "dei gratia")]
Writ, of H[enry II], king of England, ordering Cecilia de Muschamps and Thomas her son, to seise the monks of Durham of the vill of Heatherslaw, if the monks can deraign the grant of it to St Cuthbert by Thomas de Muschamps senior.
Witness: Reginald, earl of Cornwall
Dated: Bridgnorth :
Seal: G&B No 3021, detached ("in fragments" according to 19th century wrapper); tongue
Digitised material for DCD 2.1.Reg.2
DCD 2.1.Reg.3   [1113 x 1116 (Matilda's grant (1.3.Ebor 13 - Regesta II p. 129 No. 1108) not before 1113 - Earl David a witness x Henry's last acts in England before Matilda's death).]
Confirmation by H[enry I], king of England, notifying to R[ichard de Belmeis I], bishop of London, Geoffrey, dean, Aldw[in] chamberlain, and all the canons of Holy Cross, of the grant of Matilda, queen of England, to St Cuthbert and his monks of 1½ hides in Epping and ½ hide in Nazeing which Bruning , canon, held on his death, with sake and soke, toll and team and infangthief: the monks are not to be impleaded for this grant.
Witness: Matilda, queen
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: missing, tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1109.
DCD 2.1.Reg.4a   [1128 x 1135 (Death of Ranulf Flambard x death of Henry I)]
[Spurious] charter, of H[enry I], king of England, taking the prior of Durham, Algar, his successors elected by the convent, the monks and their possessions under his protection, on account of the injuries done to them by Ranulf [Flambard], bishop [of Durham], confirming to them all their privileges as on the death of William [of St Calais], bishop [of Durham] : that the prior should have the first place after the bishop, that the prior and monks should have their court as the bishop, and all their possessions with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and wreck, and confirming what bishop Ranulf took and then restored, namely Blakeston, Staindrop, Staindropshire, and Heworth wood east of Mereburn.
Witnesses: Robert, son of king [Henry I]; William de Warenne, earl [of Surrey]; Robert de Sigillo; William of Pont del Arche.
Dated: Rouen :
Seal: missing, tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1574.
DCD 2.1.Reg.4b
Version of 2.1.Reg.4a with additional clause:-
confirming in free alms all subsequent acquisitions with toll and team, infangthief, and exemption from royal exactions.
Seal: missing, tongue
DCD 2.1.Reg.5   1109
Grant, by Henry [I], king of England, to the church of Durham and Ranulf [Flambard], bishop [of Durham], of Burdon, Carlton and Aycliffe, claimed by the Northumbrians as belonging to their county, and confirming to the church of Durham and Bishop Ranulf [Flambard] the customs deraigned by the bishop against the Northumbrians, namely their claims to hunt in St Cuthbert's woods between Tees and Tyne, to take from them a cart-load of wood a year for 1d. and a tree for a ship for 1d. and to customs in St Cuthbert's waters in the Tyne.
Witnesses: Th[omas II], archbishop of York; Richard [de Belmeis I], bishop of London; William [Warelwast], bishop of Exeter; Robert [de Limesey], bishop of Chester; Herbert [Losinga], bishop of Norwich; Hervey, bishop of Ely; Gilbert, abbot of Westminster; Robert [de Beaumont], count of Meulan; William de Warenne (Waran'); Gilbert de L'Aigle (Aquila); Nigel de Albini; Robert de Lacy; Humphrey de Bohun; Robert de Brus; Geoffrey Ridel; Alured of Lincoln
Dated: Nottingham :
Seal: G&B No. 3016, folded tongue
Copies: DCD 1.1.Reg.17b; Cart. I f.59.
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.918d.
Digitised material for DCD 2.1.Reg.5
DCD 2.1.Reg.6   [1100 x 1107 (Accession of Henry I x death of Roger Bigod)]
Writ, of Henry [I], king of England, to G[erard], archbishop [of York], and R., bishop etc., ordering that the monks of St Cuthbert should not be impleaded for any of the lands, men, customs or anything else of which they were seised on the death of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, but should hold them in peace with sake and soke, toll and team etc., and should be reseised of anything of which they have been disseised since the bishop's death.
Witnesses: R[obert Bloet], bishop of Lincoln; R[obert de Beaumont], count of Meulan; Roger Bigod; Urso de Abetot.
Dated: [King's] Cliffe :
Seal: G&B No. 3015, detached (broken, according to 19th century wrapper); tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.767.
DCD 2.1.Reg.7   [1100 x 1107 (First seal ( EHR 1960, p.264)]
Confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, notified to Ralph of Aincourt (Agencurt) and William de Lovetot, to the monks of Durham of all their possessions in Nottinghamshire, as in the time of his father and brother and his own time, according to his writ, and in particular two ploughlands for 4s. a year which they deraigned against Fulk de Lisures, who is to return the money taken from them.
Witness: Nigel de Albini.
Dated: Woodstock :
Seal: G&B No. 3015, tongue, tie.
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.660.
DCD 2.1.Reg.8   [1100 x 1107 (Accession of Henry I x death of Roger Bigot.)]
[Spurious] writ, of Henry [I]. king of England, to G[erard], archbishop [of York] and R., bishop etc., ordering that the lands and men of St Cuthbert's monks should be free of shires, hundreds, trithings, wapentakes, and aids of sheriffs and reeves, having their own court and holding their possessions with sake and soke, toll and team etc., and that they should be reseised of anything of which they have been disseised since the death of R., bishop, for the goods of St Cuthbert are under the king's protection.
Witnesses: R[obert Bloet], bishop of Lincoln; R[obert de Beaumont], count of Meulan; Roger Bigot; Urso de Abetot.
Dated: [King's] Cliffe :
Seal: G&B No. 3017, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.768*.
DCD 2.1.Reg.9   [1114 x 1128 (Fourth seal (cf EHR 1960, p.265) x death of Ranulf Flambard, bishop of Durham (after the consequent vacany had been filled, in 1133, Henry did not visit Normandy again before Geoffrey de Clinton's death))]
Confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, notified to T. archbishop of York, the bishop of Durham etc., of Nigel de Albini's grant to the church of Durham of Barmpton and its appurtenances.
Witness: Geoffrey de Clinton.
Dated: Rouen :
Seal: G&B No. 3017, tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1705.
DCD 2.1.Reg.10   [1129 x 1133 (Henry I in England during the vacancy after Flambard's death, when the addressees were active in the diocese)]
Writ, of H[enry I], king of England, to Walter Espec, Eustace son of John and Geoffrey Escolland, ordering that the monks of Durham should hold their possessions in peace and specifically their vill of Blakeston, and that justice should be done in the event of a claim by Richard, nephew of Ran[ulf Flambard], bishop [of Durham], so that the monks make no further complaint.
Witnesses: Chancellor; Robert de Sigllo G[eoffrey] de Clinton; W[illiam] of Pont del Arche.
Dated: Windsor :
Seal: missing, tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1604.
DCD 2.1.Reg.11   Christmas [1100 x 1110 (William Peverel died in 1114; prior to that Henry had not been at Westminster for Christmas since 1110)]
[Spurious] confirmation by H[enry I], king of England, addressed to R., sheriff, etc., of Yorkshire, to the monks of St Cuthbert, of 1 carucate of land in Drewton and a mill with sake and soke, toll and team, and infangthief, as on William [II]'s death.
Witness: W[illiam] Peverel
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: forgery - G&B No. 3014, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.503.
DCD 2.1.Reg.12   [1128 x 1129 (Death of bishop Flambard x death of William de Tancarville).]
Confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, to the prior and monks of St Cuthbert, of 38 solidates of land beyond Durham bridge, 4 librates of land at Staindrop held by Dolfin, Blakeston - worth 40s, the cornage of Burdon at 2d. an animal held by Unspac, the church of [Kirby] Sigston, and 1 carucate of land in Wolviston held by Clibert, all as restored to them by Ranulf [Flambard], bishop [of Durham] and as on Ranulf's entry into the bishopric.
Witnesses: Robert de Sig[illo]; Nigel, nephew of [Roger] bishop of Salisbury; R[obert, son of Henry I], earl of Gloucester; W[illiam] de Tanc[arville]; William son of Odo; Robert de Brus; William of Pont del Arche.
Dated: Lyons-la-Forêt
Seal: missing, tongue, tie
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1586.
Digitised material for DCD 2.1.Reg.12 - Confirmation, by Henry I to the prior and monks of St Cuthbert of land and rights restored to them 1128 - 1129
DCD 2.1.Reg.13   30 September 1174 (Benedict of Peterborough: Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi (Rolls Series 1867 No. 49) ed. W.Stubbs. Vol I. pp. 77-79.]
Agreement, between H[enry II], king [of England], and Henry, Richard and Geoffrey, his sons, that the sons should return to the king's service, with all those who withdrew their fealty, restoring their homage, being pardoned by the king and having their lands returned to them; that the prisoners of both sides should be delivered with the exception of the king's prisoners - [William the Lion], king of Scotland, [Robert de Beaumont], earl of Leicester, [Hugh], earl of Chester, and Ralph de Fulger; that the king and his men should have their castles and lands back, restored to their original state; that [Henry], the king's son should have two castles in Normandy and £1[5],000 Anjou a year, observing all grants and specifically that to his brother John of £1,000 income in England from the demesne and escheats, the castle and county of Nottingham, the castle of Marlborough, £1,000 Anjou income and two castles in Normandy, £1,000 Anjou income in Anjou and the land which was the count of Anjou's and one castle each in Anjou, Maine and Touraine ; that Richard should have two establishments in Poitou and half [the income of] Poitou in cash; and that Geoffrey should have in Brittany in cash half the marriage of Count Conan's daughter; Richard and Geoffrey becoming the king's men, but Henry, the king's son's offer of homage refused in favour of security.
Dated: Montlouis :
Seal: missing; root of tongue.
DCD 2.1.Reg.14   Christmas [1100 x 1110 (William Peverel died in 1114; prior to that Henry had not been at Westminster for Christmas since 1110.)]
[Spurious] confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, addressed to O[sbert], sheriff, etc., of Lincoln, to the monks of St Cuthbert, of the house and land of Ulfget, as held by William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, in the time of William [II] and on his death.
Witness: W[illiam] Peverel
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: [forgery]- G&B No. 3014, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.504.
DCD 2.1.Reg.15   [1172 x 1186 (Introduction of "dei gratia" into royal style x death of Geoffrey, son of Henry II)]
Confirmation, by H[enry II], king of England, to Alan of Chilton, of the vill of Healeyfield, which John the archdeacon held with an intake of 120 acres, granted to him in fee by Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, for his claim in the bishop's vill of Cornforth, for half a mark a year, 6d. a year for forestage and nothing for his own pigs, with his men rendering pannage for their pigs as other men of the bishop's knights in the forest.
Witnesses: Geoffrey, son of H[enry II]; Ranulf Glanville; Reginald de Courtenay; Geoffrey de Pertico; Thomas Bard'; Robert son of Bernard; Robert Piken; Gerard de Camville.
Date: Woodstock :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, tag
Copies: DCD Reg. I, f.ii.2v; Cart.II, f.97v; 1.6.Spec.28.
DCD 2.1.Reg.16
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: Cart II f. 98v
Cart III f. 208r.
DCD 2.1.Reg.17   Christmas [1100 (William as chancellor)]
Confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, addressed to G[erard], archbishop [of York], and O[sbert], sheriff, etc., of Yorkshire, to the monks of St Cuthbert, of the land which Robert de Stuteville granted in Hunsley, 1 carucate of land in Drewton and a mill granted by Norman on becoming a monk, with sake and soke, toll and team, and infangthief.
Witness: William, chancellor.
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: G&B No. 3015, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.505.
DCD 2.1.Reg.18
Does not exist.
Equals: 3.1.Reg.6
DCD 2.1.Reg.Loose Seal A
Seal: G&B No. 3017.
DCD 2.1.Reg.Loose Seal B
Seal: G&B No. 3017.
DCD 3.1.Reg.1a   [1154 x 1166 (Accession of Henry II x death of Robert de Chesney, bishop of Lincoln, T.A.M.Bishop: Scriptores Regis p.44 No.169 gives 1155-8)]
Confirmation in free-alms, by H[enry II], king of England to the Prior and monks of St Cuthbert of all lands, tithes, churches and tenures belonging to the Priory of Durham: their lands in Durham and beyond the bridge with a garden, Elvet and the church of that vill, Shincliffe, Staindrop and Staindropshire with the church, Burdon, Blakeston, Billingham with the church of that vill and all its appendages, Cowpen [Bewley] with all its land of Wolviston, Barmpton, Skerningham, Ketton, Aycliffe and the church of that vill, Woodham, Ferryhill, the church of St John with its vill [of Kirk Merrington ], Merrington and the other Merrington, the church of [Bishop] Middleham with adjacent chapel(s) and lands, Tursdale, Pittington with the church of that vill, the other Pittington, Moorsley, Hardwick, Rainton and the other Rainton with the vill of Cocken, Hesleden and the other Hesleden with the church of that vill and its appendages, Dalton[-le-Dale] with the church of that vill, Hesledon, Wearmouth with the church of that vill and all its appendages, Southwick, Fulwell, Westoe, Harton, Preston, Heworth, Jarrow with its church and fisheries in the Tyne, the church of St Hild [ South Shields ], Hebburn, Monkton, Heworth and the other Heworth, Follingsby, with all lands and churches owned by them between Tees and Tyne;
In Northumberland: Wallsend with its chapel, Willington with their land in Cramlington, one fishery in the Tyne granted by Nicholas de Grenville :
Beyond the Tees: the church of Allerton, the church of Mother Brompton with the chapel of Deighton and other chapels, the church of Worsall, the church of [Kirkby] Sigston, in York the churches of All Saints, St Peter and Holy Trinity with other lands and possessions there, the church of Holtby with 3 carucates of land, the church of Skipwith with 2 bovates, 4 carucates in Everthorpe, 6 carucates in Cave, 14½ bovates in Brantingham, 1½ carucates in [Yokefleet], 2 carucates in Cliffe, a mill in Appleton, the vill of Hemingbrough with the church and mill and appendent waters, meadows and woods, 2 carucates in Brackenholme with woods and waters appendent, 1 carucate in Grimsthorpe with its wood and water, the church of Howden, with 1 carucate and the chapel of Eastrington, the church of Welton with its appendages, the church of Walkington, the church of Brantingham with the chapel of Ellerker and Hunsley and "Middihil", 2 carucates and a mill in Drewton, in Lincoln the land which was Ulfget's and that given by Humphrey with his nephew;
In Lincolnshire : 6 bovates at Cleatham, the church and 10 bovates in Blyborough, 3 bovates, a mill, 16 acres of land and as much of meadow in Stainton, the church of Kirkby[-on-Bain] and 9 bovates from the lay fee with wood and meadow and the chapel of Birchwood, the church of Biscathorpe and the mill in that vill, their tithes of Wispington, one tenement in Torksey, at Stamford the church of St Mary by the bridge with 8 tenements and ½ carucate of land and meadow, outside the borough the monastery of St Leonard, ½ bovate in Rippingale, the lesser church of St Mary [in Binewerk ];
In Nottinghamshire : 2 carucates with appendent meadow at Gotham, 6 bovates with meadow in Costock, the church, 5 carucates and 2 mills with meadow in Normanton[-upon-Soar], 10 bovates with meadow in [Sutton] Bonnington, 5½ carucates in Kingston [-on-Soar], 1 carucate with meadow in Barton [in Fabia], the land of Oincar son of Alnoth the moneyer and 2 tenements given by Azur son of Ulfag in Nottingham ; 1 carucate called Nunwick Thorns ;
In Northumberland : the church of Bedlington with the chapel of Cambois and all its appendages, the island of Farne with other appendent islands, the church of Holy Island with all its chapels, appendent lands and waters, Fenham and their holdings in Elwick, the church of Norham with its chapels, lands and waters, and the vill of Shoreswood ;
Beyond the Tweed : Coldingham with the church of that vill and all its appurtenances:- Old Cambus with the church, Lumsdaine, Renton, Greenwood, two Restons, Auchencrow, Swinewood, two Aytons with mills and port, Prenderguest with a mill, Edrom and the church of that vill with all its chapels, two Swintons with the church, two Lambertons with the church, the church of Berwick, Fishwick with the church, Paxton, Nisbet with a mill, the church of Ednam with the chapel of Stichill, and all their possessions in Lothian according to the charter of Edgar, king of Scots, together with all grants of the kings of England or Scotland or bishops of Durham, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and wreck, and their full court, exempt from royal exactions, under the king's protection, free from any impleading for the possessions of which they were seised on the death of King Henry [I] or of Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Roger [of Pont L'Eveque], archbishop of York; Robert [de Chesney], bishop of Lincoln; Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham; Earl Hugh; Earl Geoffrey; Richard de Lucy; Richard de Camville; Henry, chamberlain; Manser, steward; H[enry] of Essex, constable; William son of John; Simon son of Peter.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, multiple silk cords
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Archive: - 3.1.Reg.1a
DCD 3.1.Reg.1b
Copy of 3.1.Reg.1a..
DCD 3.1.Reg.1c
Copy of 3.1.Reg.1a..
DCD 3.1.Reg.2   [1154 x 1173 (Royal style without "dei gratia")]
Writ, of H[enry II], king of England, ordering Cecilia de Muschamps and Thomas her son to carry out the instructions of his other writ over the vill of Heatherslaw claimed by the monks of Durham, which they have failed to do.
Witness: Reginald, earl of Cornwall.
Dated: Northampton :
Seal: missing; tongue, tie
DCD 3.1.Reg.3
Cartulary copies: Cart I f.50r
DCD 3.1.Reg.4   [1154 x 1166 (Accession of Henry II x death of Robert de Chesney, bishop of Lincoln)]
Grant, by H[enry II], king of England, to the prior and monks of Durham, of all their liberties, immunities and free customs throughout England and Normandy and all his sea-ports, ordering that they and anything sworn by their men to be theirs should be exempt from any toll, ferry-toll or custom, on pain of £10.
Witnesses: R[oger of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York; R[obert de Chesney], bishop of Lincoln; Richard de Lucy.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, twice-folded tag.
Copy in DCD Cart.I f.50r, Alm.Sm.Cart. p.228-229 and Ushaw 25 f.130r, omitting witnesses and date.
Printed in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.xlix.
DCD 3.1.Reg.5   [1162/3 x 1173 (Election of Germanus, Prior of Durham x introduction of "dei gratia" into royal style. Richard the Engineer was granted Wolviston by Prior Germanus and the Convent of Durham (Misc. Charter 7126); his grant to Ralph (Feodarium p.140n) may in fact be as late as c.1170, for it is witnessed by Ralph [Haget], sheriff (A.A.1955 pp.64-65) narrowing the date of Henry II's confirmation to c.1170 x 1173. T.A.M.Bishop: Scriptores Regis. p.45 No. 174 suggests "perhaps 1166".]
Confirmation, by Henry [II], king of England, to Ralph son of Gamel, of his hereditament in Wolviston, as handed over to him by Master Richard the Engineer, to be held with the same services and customs as Aelsi son of Arkill, his grandfather, held it in the time of King Henry [I].
Witnesses: Richard de Humez; Mansel Biset; Baldwin Bulot; Bertram of Verdun.
Dated: Woodstock :
Seal: detached (broken, according to 19th century wrapper), G&B No. 3021, tag.
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.5
DCD 3.1.Reg.6   Christmas [1100 (William as chancellor.)]
[Spurious] confirmation, by H[enry I], king of England, addressed to R[ichard son of Gotse], sheriff, etc., of Nottinghamshire, to the monks of St Cuthbert of all their holdings in Nottinghamshire, with sake and soke, toll and team, and infangthief as on [King] William [II]'s death, which William Peverel is to ensure that they do not lose.
Witness: William, chancellor.
Dated: Westminster :
Seal: [forgery] - G&B No. 3014, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.502.
DCD 3.1.Reg.7   [1155 x 1158 (Becket as chancellor x Henry's departure from England.)]
Writ, of H[enry II], king of England, that his kinsman Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, should have his court, as his predecessors had theirs in the time of King Henry [I], where his men should be impleaded.
Witnesses: Arnulf, bishop of Lisieux; T[homas Becket], chancellor.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 3.1.Reg.8   [1108 x 1114 (Thomas as archbishop)]
Grant, by H[enry I], king of England, addressed to Thomas [II], archbishop [of York], and Os[bert], sheriff, etc., of Yorkshire and Northumberland, to Ran[ulf Flambard], bishop of Durham, of a market each Sunday at Norton, with the customs of royal markets in England.
Witnesses: Robert [Bloet], bishop of Lincoln; Nigel de Albini; Robert de Brus.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3016, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.925.
DCD 3.1.Reg.9   [1155 x 1157 (Becket as chancellor x death of Eustace son of John.)]
Grant, by H[enry II], king of England, confirming to the church of Durham and Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop [of Durham], the rights and properties deraigned by Ranulf [Flambard], bishop [of Durham] in the time of King H[enry I], as in 2.1.Reg.5.
Witnesses: Robert [de Chesney], bishop of Lincoln; Philip, bishop of Bayeux; Arnulf, bishop of Lisieux; Herbert, bishop of Avrances; Thomas [Becket], chancellor; Reginald, earl of Cornwall; Robert [de Beaumont], earl of Leicester; H[enry] of Essex, constable; Eustace son of John.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, folded tag
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.1.Reg.10   [1154 x 1173 (Royal style without "dei gratia".)]
Writ, of H[enry II], king of England, to R[oger of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York, and the bishop of Durham, that the monks of Durham should be free of shires, hundreds, trithings, wapentakes and aids of sheriffs and officials, having their court as in the time of King H[enry I] and holding everything with sake and soke, toll and team and infangthief.
Witnesses: R[oger of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York; W[illiam] son of John.
Dated: York :
Seal: G&B No. 3021, tongue, tie
DCD 3.1.Reg.11   3 October 24 Henry VI [1445]
Inspeximus, by Henry [Percy, second] earl of Northumberland and lord of Cockermouth, confirming the charter of Henry II, king of England, to the Prior and monks of Durham 3.1.Reg.4. and ordering his officers to observe it.
Dated: manor of "Catton" :
Seal: G&B 1964, tongue
DCD 3.1.Reg.12
Does not exist.
Equals: 2.1.Reg.3
DCD 3.1.Reg.13
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: Cart Vet. ff 51r - 52v
Cart I ff 50r-51r and cf. 2.3.Reg.3a.
DCD 3.1.Reg.14   6 April 2 [Richard I] [1191]
Confirmation, by Richard [I], king of England, to Walter of Farlington, of the grant by Roger of Acklam (Achelon) to him of the vill of Newbiggin for homage and the service of a twelfth of a knight's fee.
Witnesses: Robert de Sablell; Bertram of Verdun;John des Preaux; Roger des Preaux, royal steward; Richard de Camville; Warin son of Gerald; Reginald son of Herbert; Richard Arundel; Ralph son of Godfrey, royal chamberlain.
Dated: Messina, per manum Master Roger Malchin (Mali catuli), royal clerk.
Seal: G&B No. 3022, tag
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.1.Reg.15
No document ever under this reference (number not used within Magnum Repertorium)
DCD 3.1.Reg.16   2 February 5 [John] [1204]
Confirmation in free-alms, by John, king of England, to the Prior and monks of St Cuthbert, of all lands, tithes, churches and tenures belonging to the Priory of Durham: in detail as in 3.1.Reg.1a., together with all grants of the kings of England or Scotland or bishops of Durham, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief and wreck, and their full court, exempt from royal exactions, under the king's protection, free from any impleading for the possessions of which they were seised on the death of King H[enry I], King H[enry II] or Ranulf [Flambard], bishop of Durham, according to their charter of King H[enry II].
Witnesses: G[eoffrey] son of Peter, earl of Essex; William; Hugh de Neville; Henry de Neville; William Briwerre; Robert de Vieuxpont; Peter de Stokes; Ralph of Moulton; Robert of Braybrooke.
Dated: Newport, per manum Simon [de Camera], provost of Beverley and archdeacon of Wells
Seal: missing; hole torn from turn-up.
Copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.53r-54v.
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.16
DCD 3.1.Reg.17   29 August [1199 or 1203 (The only years when John's itinerary make his presence in Rouen on 29 August possible - Rot.Lit.Pat. pp.lvi-lvii.)]
Writ, of John, king of England, ordering that the Prior and Monks of Durham and their possessions, which he has taken under his protection, should be treated as his own.
Dated: Rouen :
Seal: missing (no record of seal on 19th century wrapper), root of tongue
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.17
DCD 3.1.Reg.18
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: Cart II f 29v
Cart III ff 208v-209r.
DCD 3.1.Reg.19   26 February 2 [John] [1201]
Confirmation, by John, king of England, of his licence to Richard son of Roger to endow religious with two carucates in Lytham, as in his charter as Count of Mortain.
Witnesses: Geoffrey son of Peter, earl of Essex; William de Stuteville; Hugh Bard'; William Briwerre; Gilbert son of Rainfrid; Hugh de Moreville.
Dated: [Long] Marton, per manum S[imon de Camera], archdeacon of Wells.
Seal: G&B No. 3024, braid (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Copied in DCD Loc.III:11 and Loc.IX:66.
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.19
DCD 3.1.Reg.20   17 August 10 [John][1208]
Confirmation, by John, king of England, to the Prior and monks of Durham, of the wood of Heworth which Philip [of Poitou], bishop of Durham, restored to them.
Witnesses: W[illiam de Longespée, earl of Salisbury; W[illiam] Warenne, earl [of Surrey]; Robert son of Roger; Roger [de Lacy], constable of Chester; Robert de Vieuxpont; Richard Malebise; Simon of Pattishall; James de Poterna; Philip of Oldcoates; Brian de Insula.
Dated: Carlisle, per manum Hugh of Wells, archdeacon of Wells.
Seal: missing (no record of seal on 19th century wrapper), hole torn from turn-up.
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.20
DCD 3.1.Reg.21   2 February 5 [John] [1204]
Confirmation, by John, king of England, that the priors of Durham, freely elected, should have the dignities of an abbot, with a seat on the left of the choir, and a place under the bishop and over the archdeacons as the deans of York, and with control of the appointment of monastic officials, confirming the grants of bishop William and his successors, and ordering that they should have free disposal of their possessions, which he has taken under his protection, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief, a full court and exemption from royal exactions, as in the charter of King H[enry I]
Witnesses: G[eoffrey] son of Peter, earl of Essex; William Briwerre; Hugh de Neville; Henry de Neville; Robert de Vieuxpont; Peter de Stokes; Ralph of Moulton; Robert of Braybrooke.
Dated: Newport per manum S[imon de Camera], provost of Beverley, archdeacon of Wells :
Seal: missing (no record of seal on 19th century wrapper), hole cut from turn-up
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.21
DCD 3.1.Reg.22   31 March [1203 (Enrolled: Rot.Lit.Pat p.27a.)]
Writ, of John, king of England, ordering that the prior and monks of Durham, their church of Howden and the clerk Peter Thebert, which he has taken under his protection, should not be troubled.
Witness: William de Braose.
Dated: Rouen
Seal: G&B No. 3024, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.22
DCD 3.1.Reg.23   9 April 11 [John] [1210]
Writ patent, of J[ohn], king of England, ordering the Custodians of the bishopric of Durham, to allow the Prior and monks of Durham the liberties and free customs in his bailiwick granted by his own and his predecessors' charters.
Dated: Durham
Seal: G&B No. 3024, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.23
DCD 3.1.Reg.24   30 July 11 [John] [1209]
Letters patent, of John, king of England, safeguarding the liberty of the prior of Durham against any custom or due being established by Prior Bertram's provision of transport at his request for the army bound for Scotland.
Dated: Durham, coram Robert son of Roger; A[imery], archdeacon of Durham; Philip of Oldcoates.
Seal: G&B No. 3024, tongue-torn off and resewn (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.24
DCD 3.1.Reg.25   [1154 x 1166] (Accession of Henry II x death of Robert de Chesney.)
Copies of 3.1.Reg.1a. and the following grant.
Grant, by Henry [II], king of England, of protection to the Priory and monks of Durham, with their liberties, and their full court like the bishop of Durham's, and confirming the liberties, dignities and honours granted by W[illiam of St Calais], bishop [of Durham]
Witnesses: Robert [de Chesney], bishop of Lincoln; Robert [de Beaumont], earl of Leicester.
Dated: Winchester: (no date)
Copied in DCD Cham.Cart. f.6r-v and Cart.Vet. f.48r.
DCD 3.1.Reg.26
Duplicate of 3.1.Reg.21.
Seal: G&B No. 3427 - seal of Prior and Convent of Durham; tag.
DCD 3.1.Reg.27   4 March 1 [John] [1200]
Copies of 1.3.Reg.13, except:- Baldwin, earl, in place of Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury; fuller names in witness-list, and the following two renewals and confirmation.
Renewal, by Richard [I], king of England of his grant of 9 January 6 [Richard I] [1195], to Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, of the service of William de Braose from two knights' fees in Hartness, of William son of Ranulf son of Walter from one knight's fee for Coniscliffe and Ulnaby, of William son of William for land of Hurworth and Neasham of 60s. a year and of Roger son of Gerard for Egglescliffe and Aislaby of 60s. a year, and also confirming the vills of Crayke and Cliffe[-on-Tees], with their woods.
Witnesses: Master Philip [of Poitou], archdeacon of Canterbury; Robert of Thornham, senescal of Anjou; William de Stagno; G[eoffrey] de Laley; Master Edmund, clerk of the lord of Canterbury; Master G. Costant'..
Dated: Brionne per manum:- Mag E[ustace], dean of Salisbury, vice-chancellor
Witnesses of the renewal: Master Mauger, archdeacon of Evreux; Robert and John, chaplains; William Marshal; Warin son of Gerald; Robert de Tresgoz.
Dated: Le Vaudreuil per manum:- Eustace, bishop of Ely, chancellor, 9 December 10 [Richard I] [1198]
Renewal, by R[ichard I], king of England of his delivery in free-alms to the church of Durham and H[ugh of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, of the manor of Sadberge with the wapentake and knights' fees, which he previously granted for 600 m., which he has been given.
Witnesses: B[aldwin], archbishop of Canterbury; H[ubert Walter], bishop of Salisbury; Gilbert Pipard; Bertram of Verdun.
Dated Marseilles : per manum:- William son of Richard, 7 December 10 [Richard I] [1198]
Delivery as above.
Witnesses: Master Mauger; Master Roger de S Edmundo; Robert, chaplain; Wigan Brito; William Marshall; Warin son of Gerald; Ralph de Ardenne.
Dated: Lyons[-la-Foré] per manum:- Eustace, bishop of Ely, chancellor, 5 August 1 [Richard I] [1190]
Confirmation, by J[ohn], king of England, to the church of Durham and Philip [of Poitou], bishop of Durham, of the manor of Sadberge with the wapentake and knights' fees, and of the vills of Crayke and Cliffe[-on-Tees] with their woods, as in the charters of King Richard [I].
Witnesses: William Marshal, earl of Pembroke; William [de Longespée, earl of Salisbury; William de Braose; Robert son of Roger; Hugh Baard; William Briwerre; Hugh de Neville; Thomas Basset.
Dated: Windsor per manum Simon [de Camera], archdeacon of Wells, and John de Gray, archdeacon of Cleveland (no date)
Printed: Rot.Cart. 37.
Printed (in part): C.Ct.R III, 394-5.
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Reg.27
DCD 3.1.Reg.28   20 June 1408
Letters, of John [Hemingbrough], prior of Durham, requesting the observance of the grant of Henry II, king of England, 3.1.Reg.4. (without witnesses), confirmed by Richard [II], king of England.
Dated: Durham :
Seal: G&B No. 3443, tongue, part of tie.
DCD 3.1.Reg.Loose Seal
Seal: G&B No. 3021.
Box 2
DCD 1.2.Reg.1   12 May 37 [Henry III] [1253]
Inspeximus, by Henry [III], king of England, confirming 3.1.Reg.16. and also confirming, to the Prior and monks of Durham, the grants by Nicholas [Farnham], bishop of Durham, of 100 acres of wood north of their vaccary, and of an area by Ivesmos; by Philip son of Hamo, of the vill of Newton, which Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, granted him in fee; by Henry Wallace (Wallensis), of the whole vill of Softley which Philip [of Poitou], bishop of Durham, granted him; by Henry of Le Puiset, of all his land in Haliwarfolc :- Wingate and Haswell, his burgage in Newcastle, his messuage in the Bailey, Durham, his land in Smalleys and in Stanhope, the vill of Yokefleet in Howdenshire bought from Adam de Warrum, the churches of [Market] Weighton and Giggleswick, half a carrucate in the vill of Shipton, bestowed on the monks by Stephen clerk of [Market] Weighton; by Henry of Orde, with the consent of Avicia his wife, of the fishery of Pool, and of the homage and service of Robert de Clifford, which John, king of England, confirmed; and by Walter [Kirkham], bishop of Durham, of free warren in the wood of Milneside and in the parks of Aycliffe, Ferryhill, Rainton and Heworth.
Witnesses: B[oniface of Savoy], archbishop of Canterbury; R[obert Grosseteste], bishop of Lincoln; W[alter Kirkham], bishop of Durham; F[ulk Basset], bishop of London; W[illiam of York], bishop of Salisbury; W[alter] [Suffield], bishop of Norwich; W[illiam of Bitton I], bishop of Bath and Wells; Richard, earl of Cornwall, the King's brother; Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk, marshall of England; Ralph son of Nicholas; John Maunsell, provost of Beverley; John de Grey; Master William of Kilkenny, archdeacon of Coventry; Bertram de Crioil; John de Lessinton; Robert Walerand; William de Grey; Nicholas de S. Maur; Roger of Lockington; Ralph de Bakepuz; Imbert Pugeys; Henry the Poitevin.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B 3025, multiple silk cords (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.2.Reg.2   11 February 9 [Henry III] [1225]
Re-Issue of Magna Carta in 1225.
Confirmation, by Henry [III], king of England, of specified liberties to the English church and all free men of the realm, on being granted a fifteenth on all moveables for this and the charter concerning the liberties of the forest.
Witnesses: S[tephen Langton], archbishop of Canterbury; E[ustace of Fauconberg], bishop of London; J[ocelin of Wells], bishop of Bath; P[eter des Roches], bishop of Winchester; H[ugh of Wells], bishop of Lincoln; R[ichard Poore], bishop of Salisbury; B[enedict de Sausetun], bishop of Rochester; W[illiam de Blois], bishop of Worcester; J[ohn of Fountains], bishop of Ely; H[ugh Foliot], bishop of Hereford; R[alph Neville], bishop of Chichester; W[illiam Briwerre], bishop of Exeter; the abbots of St Albans, [Bury] St Edmunds, Battle, St Augustine's Canterbury, Evesham, Westminster, Peterborough, Reading, Abingdon, Malmesbury, Winchcombe, Hyde [Winchester], Chertsey, Sherborne, Cerne, Abbotsbury, Milton, Selby, Whitby, Cirencester; H[ubert] de Burgh, justiciar; R[anulf de Blundeville], earl of Chester and Lincoln; W[illiam Longespée, earl of Salisbury; W[illiam] de Warenne, earl [of Surrey]; G[ilbert] de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford; W[illiam] de Ferrers, earl of Derby; W[illiam] de Mandeville, earl of Essex; H[ugh] le Bigod, earl of Norfolk; W[illiam de Fors], count of Aumale; H[umphrey de Bohun], earl of Hereford; John [de Lacy], constable of Chester; Robert de Ros; Robert son of Walter; Robert de Vieuxpont; William Briwerre; Richard de Montfichet; Peter son of Herbert; Matthew son of Herbert; William de Albini; Robert Grelly; Reginald Braose; John of Monmouth; John son of Alan; Hugh Mortimer; Walter Beauchamp; William of St John; Peter de Mauley; Brian de Insula; Thomas of Moulton; Richard of Argenten; Geoffrey de Neville; William Mauduit; John de Balun.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3025, multiple silk cords.
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
Copy in DCD Loc.I:25.
Reproduced and described in The Magna Carta (Sotheby's 2007), p.65.
Digitised material for DCD 1.2.Reg.2
DCD 1.2.Reg.3   12 November 1 [Henry III] [1216]
Re-Issue of Magna Carta in 1216.
Confirmation, by Henry [III], king of England, on the advice of Guala [Biachieri], cardinal legate; Peter [des Roches], bishop of Winchester ; R[einer], bishop of St Asaph; J[ocelin of Wells], bishop of Bath and Glastonbury; S[imon of Apulia], bishop of Exeter; R[ichard Poore], bishop of Chichester; W[illiam Cornhill], bishop of Coventry; B[enedict de Sausetun], bishop of Rochester; H[enry of Abergavenny], bishop of Llandaff; the bishop of St Davids; the bishop of Bangor; S[ylvester], bishop of Worcester; William Marshall, earl of Pembroke; Ranulf [de Blundeville], earl of Chester; William de Ferrers, earl of Derby; William [de Fors], count of Aumale; Hubert de Burgh, royal justiciar; Savaric of Mauleon; William Briwerre, father; William Briwerre, son; Robert de Courtenay; Fawkes de Breaute; Reginald de Vautort; Walter de Lacy; Hugh Mortimer; John of Monmouth; Walter Beauchamp; Walter Clifford; Roger Clifford; Robert Mortimer; William de Cantilupe; Matthew son of Herbert; John Marshall; Alan Basset; Philip de Albini; John Extranei; of specified liberties to the English church and all free men of the realm; sealed by Guala [Biachieri], cardinal legate, and William Marshall, earl of Pembroke, regent..
Witnesses: Those named above.
Dated: Bristol
Seal: missing, two tags
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
Reproduced and described in The Magna Carta (Sotheby's 2007), p.60.
Discussed in: The Letters and Charters of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri, ed N. Vincent (Canterbury and York Society 83, 1996), p.29.
Digitised material for Re-issue of Magna Carta, 1216 - DCD 1.2.Reg.3
DCD 1.2.Reg.4   ... [No]vember 2 [Henry III] [1217] (Printed versions give the missing day of the month as 6th, but the initial letter as surviving on this document can hardly be S; the possibilities seem to be O or Q. i.e. Octavo Id Nov ( Cart I f 50r ) = 6 Nov)
Charter of the Forest, 1217.
Confirmation, by Henry [III], king of England, of specified liberties relating to the forest, on the advice of Guala [Biachieri], cardinal legate; Walter [de Gray], archbishop of York; William [of Sainte-Mère-Eglise], bishop of London; and other bishops; and William Marshalll, earl of Pembroke, regent; sealed by G[uala Biachieri, cardinal legate, and William Ma]rshall', earl of Pembroke, regent.
Witnesses: Those named above.
Dated: St Pauls, London.
19th century wrapper (destroyed) stated, "The only one of that date of which any original or authentick record has yet been discovered. T.E. Tomlins. W. Illingworth. Durham 1 Oct.1806"
Seal: G&B No. 3701a, tag; that of William Marshall missing.
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
Reproduced and described in The Magna Carta (Sotheby's 2007), p.75, 77.
Discussed in: The Letters and Charters of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri, ed N. Vincent (Canterbury and York Society 83, 1996), p.31.
Digitised material for Charter of the Forest, 1217 - DCD 1.2.Reg.4
DCD 1.2.Reg.5   11 February 9 [Henry III] [1225]
Re-Issue of Charter of the Forest in 1225.
Confirmation, by ... [Henry III], king of England, of specified liberties relating to the forest, on being granted a fifteenth on all moveables for this and the charter concerning the liberties of the realm.
Witnesses: [the same as in 1.2.Reg.2, save for the erroneous replacement of R with S as bishop of Salisbury.]
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3025, multiple silk cords (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
Copy in DCD Loc.I:25.
Reproduced and described in The Magna Carta (Sotheby's 2007), p.76-77.
DCD 1.2.Reg.6a   14 January 50 [Henry III] [1266]
Inspeximus, by [H]enry [III], king of England, confirming 2.2.Archiep.2.
Witnesses: W[alter Giffard], bishop of Bath and Wells; Hugh le Bigod; Philip Basset; Roger Mortimer; Roger Clifford; Robert Walerand; Master. John of Chishall, provost of Beverley; Robert Aguyllon; William de Aete; Nicholas of Lewknor; Peter de Neville; William Belet; Bartholomew le Bigod.
Dated: Northampton.
Seal: G&B No. 3026, multiple silk cords (one seal on 1.2.Reg.6a-6b broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.2.Reg.6b
Duplicate of 1.2.Reg.6a.
Seal: G&B No. 3026, multiple silk cords (one seal on 1.2.Reg.6a-6b broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.2.Reg.7   12 September 11 [Henry III] [1227]
Confirmation, by Henry [III], king of England, to Master William of Greenlaw, of the grant to him by Richard [Marsh], bishop of Durham, of the fishery of Pool, which belonged to Henry of Orde.
Witnesses: H[ubert] de Burgh, earl of Kent, justiciar of England; Osbert Giffard; Ralph son of Nicholas; Henry de Trubleville; Geoffrey Dispenser; Ralph Tyrel; John son of Philip; Richard son of Hugh.
Dated: Windsor per manus:- R[alph Neville], bishop of Chichester, chancellor.
Seal: G&B No. 3025, tablet-woven braid.
DCD 1.2.Reg.8
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: Cart III ff 213v - 214v.
DCD 1.2.Reg.9a   10 May 54 [Henry III] [1270]
Inspeximus, by [H]enry [III], king of England, confirming: 3.2.Pont.13., 4.2.Pont.2. and 4.2.Pont.1.
Witnesses: W[alter Giffard], archbishop of York; N[icholas of Ely], bishop of Winchester; G[odfrey Giffard], bishop of Worcester; R[oger Longespée, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield;Richard, king of the Romans,William of Valence brothers to the King; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex; Philip Basset; Robert Walerand; Robert Aguyllon; William of Wintershall; William Belet; Ralph de Bakepuz; Benedict of Blakenham; Stephen of Edworth; Roger de Wauton.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3026, multiple silk cords.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 1.2.Reg.9b
Duplicate of 1.2.Reg.9a.
Seal: missing, hole torn from turn-up.
DCD 1.2.Reg.10   10 May [54 Henry III] [1270]
Inspeximus, by [H]enry [III], king of England, confirming 1.8.Spec.38.
Witnesses: W[alter Giffard], archbishop of York; N[icholas of Ely], bishop of Winchester; G[odfrey Giffard], bishop of Worcester; R[oger Longespée, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; Richard, king of the Romans; William of Valence brothers to the King; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex; Philip Basset; Robert Walerand; Robert Aguyllon; William of Wintershall; William Belet; Ralph de Bakepuz; Benedict of Blakenham; Stephen de Edworth; Roger de Wauton.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: missing, hole cut from turn-up
DCD 1.2.Reg.11   [1114 x 1123 (Fourth seal (cf EHR 1960, p.265) x death of Robert Bloet, bishop of Lincoln.)]
Writ, of H[enry I], king of England, to T., archbishop of York; Nigel de Albini; and Robert de Heriz, sheriff of Nottingham, ordering that the monks of Durham should hold their lands, mills etc., in Nottinghamshire in peace, as in his charter, and that they should not be impleaded for them.
Witnesses: Robert [Bloet], bishop of Lincoln; Nigel de Albini; William de Tancarville; Ralph Basset.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3017, tongue, tie
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Calendar: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum II 1100-1135, ed C. Johnson & H.A. Cronne (Oxford 1956) no.1355.
DCD 1.2.Reg.12   [1154 x 1169 (Accession of Henry II x death of Hilary, bishop of Chichester (Hilary was the only occupant of the see prior to the inclusion of "dei gratia" in the royal style).)
Confirmation, by H[enry II], king of England, to Hugh of Morwick, of the vill of Preston, to be held from the Prior and Convent of Durham for 20s. a year, and as Hugh's uncle, Lawrence, held it.
Witnesses: [Hilary], bishop of Chichester; William son of Hamo; Jocelin de Bailliol.
Dated: "Castellum leiri" [Chateau-de-Loir]
Seal: G&B No. 3021, tag, tie cut from turn-up (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.2.Reg.13   20 January 41 [Henry III] [1257]
Letters patent, of Henry [III], king of England, granting the monks of Durham on Farne licence to erect a store-house by the shore beside his mill of Brocksmouth [now Monks House], to be held in free-alms, after an inquiry by William Heirun, sheriff of Northumberland, establishing that it would not prejudice the mill.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3025, multiple silk cords
DCD 1.2.Reg.14
This entry in the Magnum Repertorium appears to be a mistaken entry for the deed now classified as 1.5.Reg.5.
DCD 2.2.Reg.1   [March] 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Language:   French
Articuli Super Cartas, 1300.
Ordinance, of [Edward I], for the publication and enforcement of Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest, and the regulation of royal purveyances, pleas before officers of the royal household and other matters.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3027
DCD 2.2.Reg.2   28 March 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Re-Issue of Magna Carta in 1300.
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 1.2.Reg.2.
Witnesses: R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury; A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; R[ichard Gravesend], bishop of London; R[alph Walpole], bishop of Ely; T[homas Bitton], bishop of Exeter; W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; S[imon of Ghent], bishop of Salisbury; J., bishop of Rochester; J[ohn Salmon], bishop of Norwich; J[ohn of Monmouth], bishop of Llandaff; J[ohn Dalderby], bishop-elect of Lincoln; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Thomas, earl of Lancaster; Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk, marshall of England; Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln; Ralph de Monthermer, earl of Gloucester and Hertford; Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex; Guy Beauchamp, earl of Warwick; Richard son of Alan, earl of Arundel; Reginald de Grey; John of Hastings; Henry de Percy; Hugh le Despenser; Hugh de Vere; Robert of Tattershall; Hugh Bardolf; Hugh de Courteney; John of Seagrave; Henry de Grey; William de Ros of Helmsley; Alan la Zouche; Robert de Tony; Robert de Montealt; William de Braose; Thomas Furnival; John Engayn; Peter Corbet; William of Leyburn; William Latimer; Walter Beauchamp, steward of the royal household; Walter of Huntercombe.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tag
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
Described in The Magna Carta (Sotheby's 2007), p.79.
DCD 2.2.Reg.3a   1 March 29 [Edward I] [1301]
Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, requesting that Richard de Hoton, prior of Durham, licensed by him to pursue business at the Roman Curia, should be accorded safe-conduct, together with his retinue, for two years.
Dated: Lincoln
Seal: G&B 3027, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 2.2.Reg.3b   1 March 29 [Edward I] [1301]
Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, requesting that Richard de Hoton, licensed by him to pursue business at the Roman Curia, should be accorded safe-conduct, together with his retinue, for two years.
Dated: Lincoln
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tongue, root of tie.
DCD 2.2.Reg.4a   20 March 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 1.2.Reg.1. and 3.2.Pont.16., and granting that the Prior and monks of Durham should enjoy their liberties to the full in England and Scotland.
Witnesses: R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury; A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; R[ichard Gravesend], bishop of London; W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Thomas, earl of Lancaster; Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk, marshall of England; Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln; Reginald de Grey; Henry de Percy; Hugh le Despenser; John of Seagrave.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: missing, cut from turn-up
Copy: Calendar of Charter Rolls II, p.481.
DCD 2.2.Reg.4b
Duplicate of 2.2.Reg.4a.
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords
DCD 2.2.Reg.4c   9 January 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 1.2.Reg.1. and 3.2.Pont.16.
Witnesses: A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; Walter Beauchamp, steward of the royal household; Adam of Wells; Walter of Huntercombe; Eustace de Hacche; Peter de Champvent; Robert of Bures; John of Mark.
Warrant: via W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and John of Droxford.
Dated: Durham
Seal: missing, cut from turn-up
DCD 2.2.Reg.5   12 November 30 [Edward I] [1302]
Language:   French
Writ, of Edward [I], king of England, summoning before him on day after Circumcision next [2 January 1303 ], Ranulf de Neville, John son of Marmaduke, Thomas of Whitworth, Alan of Teesdale, and John de Haveryngton, with others of the commonalty of the bishop of Durham's franchise, with power to reach a settlement with [Antony Bek], Bishop of Durham, of their grievances against him, which they pursued before the royal justices, the franchise of Durham being in the king's hand; ordering them to give credence to Henry of Guildford.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tag (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 2.2.Reg.6   12 December 27 [Edward I] [1298]
Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, granting the Prior and Convent of Durham remission of £1012.9s.11¼d. owed to the royal exchequer, as arrears of a half and of a fifth of their goods granted to him.
Warrant: via W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and J[ohn] of Droxford.
Dated: Durham
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tag, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Digitised material for DCD 2.2.Reg.6
DCD 2.2.Reg.7   12 July 21 [Edward I] [1293]
Inspeximus, by [E]dward [I], king of England, confirming 3.2.Pont.15.
Witnesses: A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; J[ohn of Pontoise], bishop of Winchester;Edmund [earl of Lancaster], the king's brother; William of Valence, the king's uncle; Robert Tibetot; Gilbert of Thornton; Walter Beauchamp; Richard de Bosco.
Warrant: via W. Langton
Dated: Canterbury
Seal: missing, cut from turn-up
DCD 2.2.Reg.8   28 March 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Re-Issue of Charter of the Forest in 1300.
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 1.2.Reg.5.
Witnesses: [the same as in 2.2.Reg.2. ]
Warrant: via J[ohn Langton], royal chancellor.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tag.
Boxed and stored separately
Not available for production in search room
DCD 2.2.Reg.9   9 July 19 [Edward I] [1291]
Language:   French
Writ, by Edward [I], king of England, ordering the Prior and convent, to have noted in their chronicles the transcripts of letters in the Treasury as follows:
Undertaking dated Tuesday after Ascension [5 June] 1291, by: Florence, count of Holland, Robert de Brus, lord of Annandale, John Baillol, lord of Galloway, John of Hastings, lord of Abergavenny, John Comyn, lord of Badenoch, Patrick of Dunbar, earl of March, John de Vescy, for his father, Nicholas de Soules, William de Ros
to submit their claims to the kingdom of Scotland to ... [Edward I], king of England, as sovereign lord of Scotland, and to observe his decision.
Dated: Norham
Grant dated Wednesday after Ascension [6 June] 1291, by: Florence, count of Holland, Robert de Brus, lord of Annandale, John Bailloil, lord of Galloway, John of Hastings, lord of Abergavenny, John Comyn, lord of Badenoch, Patrick of Dunbar, earl of March, John de Vescy, for his father, Nicholas de Soules, William de Ros
to Edward [I], king of England, of seisin of the land and castles of Scotland, to enable him, as sovereign lord of Scotland, to adjudicate their claims to the kingdom, on surety to the guardians and commonalty of the realm that it should be handed over within two months of the judgment to the adjudged claimant and the revenues of this period should be kept by the chamberlain of Scotland and by the man assigned by the king of England.
Dated: Norham.
Writ witnessed by W[illiam] of March, royal treasurer.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3029, tongue
DCD 2.2.Reg.10   20 March 28 [Edward I] [1300]
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 2.1.Reg.4b. and granting that the Prior and monks [of Durham] should enjoy their liberties to the full.
Witnesses: R[obert Winchelsey], archbishop of Canterbury; A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; R[ichard Gravesend], bishop of London; W[alter Langton], bishop of Coventry and Lichfield; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Thomas, earl of Lancaster; Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk, marshall of England; Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln; Reginald de Grey; Henry de Percy; Hugh de Despenser; John of Seagrave.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: missing, three holes in turn-up
DCD 2.2.Reg.11
Now missing.
Cartulary copies: Cart III f. 221r.
DCD 2.2.Reg.12   10 February 31 [Edward I] [1303]
Language:   French
Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, granting the knights and commonalty of the franchise of St Cuthbert of Durham that the provision of men-at-arms and foot-soldiers from the franchise at his request to go to Scotland should establish no disherison against them, no disparagement to the franchise and no custom or obligation.
Dated: Chalfont.
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tongue
DCD 2.2.Reg.13   18 ... [June] 11 [Edward I] [1283]
Copy of Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, granting the Prior and Convent of Durham licence to elect a bishop of Durham, as requested by John of Haswell and Richard de Hoton, monks of Durham, following the death of Robert [of Holy Island], bishop of Durham.
Dated: Rutland (Lacuna supplied from C.P.R. 1281-92, p.67.):
DCD 2.2.Reg.14   13 January 31 [Edward I] [1303]
Letters patent of safe-conduct, of Edward [I], king of England, for Richard de Hoton, prior of Durham, licensed by the king to be abroad, and for his men, lands, rents and possessions for ... [one year (lacuna supplied from C.P.R. 1301-1307, p.103.)]
Dated: Odiham
Seal: G&B No. 3027, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 2.2.Reg.15
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart III ff. 221v-222r.
DCD 2.2.Reg.16
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 222r.
DCD 2.2.Reg.17
Now missing.
Described - Magnum Repertorium f .11r - as the royal seal ("in cera est" - an added note of Cart III fol. 222r.) for the liberty of St Cuthbert of Durham while in the King of England's hand, 1302.
DCD 2.2.Reg.18
Copies of the following letters patent and (on dorse) renunciation:
(1) Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, confirming, by common counsel in parliament, to Robert [I], king of Scotland, the realm of Scotland, as on the death of Alexander [III], king of Scotland, free of subjection, servitude, claim or demand, Henry de Percy and William de la Zouche of Ashby being given full power and special mandate by other letters for its observance.
Dated: York, 1 March 2 [Edward III] [1328]
(2) [dorse] Renunciation, by Edward [III], king of England, of all proceedings, following the sentences against Robert [I], king of Scotland, and his subjects, by John [XXII], pope, and the legates Gaucelinus, cardinal-priest of SS Marcellinus and Peter, and Luke, cardinal-deacon of S. Maria in Via lata.
Dated: York, 1 March 2 [Edward III] [1328]
DCD 2.2.Reg.19   4 December 1285, 14 Edward [I]
Grant in free-alms, by Edmund ["Crouchback"], son of Henry [III], king of England, for the souls of Blanche, queen of Navarre, his wife etc., to the church of blessed Godric, the priory of Finchale and the monks there, for the maintenance of that church's lights, of a rent of 20s. a year for his mills of Embleton in Northumberland.
Witnesses: William Bagot, Richard of Craster, Robert of Hylton, Geoffrey of Langley, William of Cogenhoe, knights; William de Percy, John Russel, Walter de Radyng, clerks; Walter of Rothbury, Gilbert of Whitehill, Robert of Emerton.
Dated: Finchale.
Seal: missing, tag.
DCD 2.2.Reg.20   15 February 14 [Edward I] [1286]
Inspeximus, by Edward [I], king of England, confirming 2.2.Reg.19.
Witnesses: R[obert Burnell], bishop of Bath and Wells, royal chancellor; G[odfrey Giffard], bishop of Worcester; W[illiam Middleton], bishop of Norwich; William of Valence, the king's uncle; Edmund, earl of Cornwall; Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford; Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk, marshall of England; John de Vescy; Robert son of John; Peter de Champvent; Philip of Buckland.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: missing, cut from turn-up.
DCD 2.2.Reg.21
Now missing.
Described: Magnum Repertorium f.11r as if 2.2.Reg.2. or 2.2.Reg.8.
DCD 2.2.Reg.22
Duplicate of 2.2.Reg.10.
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords.
DCD 2.2.Reg.22*
Loose Seal.
Seal: G&B No. 3027 or No. 3030, or Edward III's first seal (Wyon Plate VIII Nos. 51 and 52), multiple silk cords.
DCD 2.2.Reg.23   3 July 1302
Exemplification of 2.2.Reg.4a or 2.2.Reg.4b
Collators: Robert of Osbaldwick, chaplain; Roger of Harwood, clerk
Notarial Sign: Andrew son of William of Tang.
Dated: Harwood.
Box 3
DCD 1.3.Reg.1   5 November 13 [Edward II] [1319]
Inspeximus, by [E]dward [II], king of England, confirming 2.2.Pont.9., 1.6.Pont.1., 2.2.Pont.10., 2.2.4.Ebor.57., 1.5.Ebor.8., the following confirmation:
Confirmation, by John de Warenne, earl of Surrey, in the light of royal charters and the confirmation of Edward [I], king of England, to the church of Durham, of all liberties, that the Prior of Durham and the monks should have all their holdings in his vill of Stamford in free-alms, and that the Prior of Durham and his fellow-monk, the Prior of St Leonard's Stamford, should have their free court and fines of beer, but reserving corporal penalties.
Witnesses: Thomas of Sheffield, John of Heslarton, Alexander de Montfort, William de Baiouse, knights; Master Nicholas de Ros, John of Dunnington, clerks; John Pyk; John of Repps; John Spriggy; Eustace Malherbe; Henry of Silton; William of Apethorpe; Robert of Newark.
Dated: Grantham, 7 December 8 Edward [II] [1314]

4.13.Spec.49., 2.17.Spec.24. and 1.3.Ebor.3..
Seal: G&B No. 3030, multiple silk cords.
Another copy of confirmation in: DCD 3.3.Ebor.42b.
DCD 1.3.Reg.2a   5 November [1319]
Inspeximus, by [E]dward [II], king of England, confirming 2.2.Reg.4a&b, 2.2.Reg.7., the following grant:
Grant, by Edward [I], king of England, to the Prior and Convent of Durham, of £40 a year from the royal exchequer of Berwick-on-Tweed, on condition that on the two feasts of St Cuthbert, 3,000 poor should each be given 1d., the Convent should have 50s as a pittance, and during services, two candles, each of 20 lb wax, should burn by the High Altar, in front of the Feretrary, that each Sunday and major festival, two candles should burn before St Cuthbert's banner during services, and that every day, in the Galilee, a priest should say the Mass of St Cuthbert, with two candles burning.
Dated: Berwick-on-Tweed, 16 September 24 Edward [I] [1296]
1.3.Reg.12b. and 1.3.Reg.12a.
Witnesses: W[illiam Melton], archbishop of York; J[ohn Hotham], bishop of Ely, royal chancellor; John of Brittany, earl of Richmond; Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke; Hugh le Despenser, the Younger; Ralph de Monthermer; Bartholomew of Badlesmere, steward of the royal household.
Dated: York, 5 November 13 [Edward II].
Seal: G&B No. 3030, multiple silk cords (one seal broken according to 19th century wrapper, referring to 1.3.Reg.2a-b)
Copied in DCD Loc.III:3.
Copy original (grant): DCD 1.1.Spec.30.
DCD 1.3.Reg.2b
Duplicate of 1.3.Reg.2a.
Seal: G&B No. 3030, multiple silk cords (one seal broken according to 19th century wrapper, referring to 1.3.Reg.2a-b)
Copied in DCD Loc.III:3.
DCD 1.3.Reg.3a   6 February 9 [Edward II] [1316]
Letters patent of safe-conduct, of Edward [II], king of England, for William le Husser of Aldin Grange, Andrew Postell and William of Newbiggin, to buy grain and food for the prior and convent of Durham, following the shortage caused in the north by Scottish aggression, for one year.
Dated: Lincoln
Seal: G&B No. 3030, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.3.Reg.3b
Duplicate of 1.3.Reg.3a.
Seal: G&B No. 3030, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.3.Reg.4   19 October 10 [Edward II] [1316]
Letters patent of Edward [II], king of England, granting the Prior and Convent of Durham licence to elect a bishop of Durham, as requested by Henry of Stamford and William of Cowton, monks of Durham, following the death of Richard [Kellaw], bishop of Durham.
Dated: Crayke
Seal: G&B No. 3030, tongue, tie
DCD 1.3.Reg.5   10 March 18 [Edward II] [1325]
Letters patent of safe-conduct, of Edward [II], king of England, for the prior of Durham or his men licensed by the king to go to Scotland to deal with the prior's lands and holdings there.
Dated: Tower of London
Seal: missing
Digitised material for DCD 1.3.Reg.5
DCD 1.3.Reg.6   29 May 20 [Edward I] [1292]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [I], king of England, granting licence, in spite of the Statute of Mortmain, for a grant to the prior and convent of Durham, by Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, of one messuage in Bamburgh.
Dated: Felton.
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords
Digitised material for DCD 1.3.Reg.6
DCD 1.3.Reg.7   8 August 16 [Edward II] [1322]
Letters patent of protection, of Edward [II], king of England, for the prior of Durham, his men, lands and possessions, for one year.
Dated: Gosforth.
Seal: G&B No. 3030, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.3.Reg.8a   22 April 23 [Edward I] [1295]
Grant, by Edward [I], king of England, to the Prior and Convent of Durham, of a weekly market, on Thursdays, and an annual fair, for eight days from the Vigil of the Assumption [14 August], at their manor of Hemingbrough, and of free warren in the demesne of that manor, outside the bounds of the royal Forest, protected by a penalty of £10.
Witnesses: A[ntony Bek], bishop of Durham; W[illiam of Louth], bishop of Ely; Edmund, [earl of Lancaster], the king's brother; John de Warenne, earl of Surrey; Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln; William de Vescy; Geoffrey de Goynevill'; Nicholas of Seagrave; Walter Beauchamp; Peter de Campania.
Warrant: via W de Langton.
Dated: Llanfaes.
Seal: missing, three pairs of holes in turn-up.
Copied in DCD Cham.Cart. f.5v-6r and 3.2.Ebor.37.
DCD 1.3.Reg.8b
Duplicate of 1.3.Reg.8a.
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords
Copied in DCD Cham.Cart. f.5v-6r.
DCD 1.3.Reg.9   1 March 8 [Edward III] [1334]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, extending to the men of the liberty of Durham and Norham, the remission of debts for green wax, arrears of farms, profits of justice etc granted to the men of Northumberland on 12 February 1 [Edward III] [1327] on account of Scottish inroads, and the remission of debts for food bought of his father, [Edward II], and himself at Newcastle, Carlisle and Skinburness granted to the men of Northumberland on 26 October 6 [Edward III] [1332] on account of the damage caused by war with Scotland.
Dated: York
Seal: missing, tongue
DCD 1.3.Reg.10    No date
Language:   French
Extract, [by Edward II, king of England ], from the Articuli Super Cartas of Edward [I], king [of England], of the article concerning prises and purveyances.
Seal: G&B No. 3030, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.3.Reg.11   18 July 36 [Edward III] [1362]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence, notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain, to the prior and convent of Durham to appropriate the church of Appleby in Leicestershire, in the patronage of the Prior of their cell of Lytham, for the maintenance of their fellow-monks studying in Oxford ; the prior of the students to celebrate for the King's soul when dead, as in the prior and convent of Durham's document.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3746, multiple silk cords
DCD 1.3.Reg.12a   20 January 19 [Edward I] [1291]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [I], king of England, granting licence, in spite of the Statute of Mortmain, for grants to the prior and convent of Durham, in the suburb of Oxford, by Thomas Lesewy of Oxford of 1 acre, and by Walter Bost of 4½ acres.
Dated: Ashridge
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords
DCD 1.3.Reg.12b   20 January 19 [Edward I] [1291]
Letters patent, of Edward [I], king of England, granting licence, in spite of the Statute of Mortmain, for grants to the prior and convent of Durham, in the suburb of Oxford, by Lawrence le Juvene of one toft, by John le Slater of one toft, by Henry of Dinsdale of one toft, by John Feteplace of two tofts, by Richard of Deddington of two tofts, and by Gilbert son of Avicia, clerk, of 5 acres.
Dated: Ashridge
Seal: G&B No. 3027, multiple silk cords.
DCD 1.3.Reg.13   18 September 1 [Richard I] [1189]
Copy of Grant in free-alms, by Richard [I], king of England, to the church of Durham and H[ugh of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, of his manor of Sadberge with its wapentake, and the service of Peter Carew for one knight's fee from Seaton [Carew] and Owton, of Thomas de Amundeville for one knight's fee from Coatham [Mundeville] and Trafford, and of Godfrey Baard for two parts of a knight's fee from Middleton [St George] and Hartburn, in exchange for the service for a fee of three knights held by Philip of Kyme from the bishop of Lincoln, a fee of two knights held by Gerard de Camville from him there, and a fee of one knight held by Baldwin Wach and the son of Roger de Oseville from him there.
Witnesses: B[aldwin], of Canterbury, W[alter of Coutances], of Rouen , John [Cumin], of Dublin, archbishops; R[eginald son of Jocelin], of Bath, H[ugh of Avalon], of Lincoln, ,J[ohn of Oxford], of Norwich, W[illiam of Northall], of Worcester, , H[ugh de Nonant], of Coventry, , Seffrid [II], of Chirchester, , Gilbert [Glanville], of Rochester, , J[ohn the Chanter], of Exeter, bishops; Lord J[ohn], the king's brother; W[illiam] de Mandeville, earl of Essex; Robert [de Beaumont], earl of Leicester; H[amelin] de Warenne, earl [of Surrey]; Waleran, earl of Warwick; William [d'Aubigny] earl of Arundel; Richard de Clare, earl of [Hertford]; William [son of Patrick], earl of Salisbury; Roger Bigot; William Marshall, lord of Striguil.
Dated: Geddington, per manum William Longchamp, chancellor.
Printed: C.Ct.R. III, 393-4.
DCD 1.3.Reg.14   5 February 7 [Edward III] [1333]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence notwithstanding the Statute of Mortmain, for the grant to a chaplain celebrating daily in St Aidan's church Bamburgh, by Thomas of Bamburgh, parson of Embleton, of one messuage in Bamburgh and one messuage sixty acres of land and ten acres of meadow in Fulbrigg in Bamburgh, for 5s.1¼d a year to the bailiffs of Bamburgh and 10s.2½d a year to the exchequer of Newcastle-on-Tyne, following the inquest by John of Lowther, royal escheator in Yorkshire, Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland.
Dated: York
Seal: missing, three pairs of holes in turn-up
DCD 2.3.Reg.1
Now missing.
Cart I f. 56v as confirmed in 3.4.Reg.6.
DCD 2.3.Reg.2a   14 May 20 [Edward III] [1346]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, exemplifying the tenor of an assize of novel disseisin, 2.2.Ebor.15.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: missing, slits in turn-up (19th century wrapper indicates that two seals survived at that point for 2.3.Reg.2a-b, one broken, but see note under 1.4.Reg.Loose Seal)
Copied in DCD Loc.V:77.
DCD 2.3.Reg.2b
Duplicate of 2.3.Reg.2a.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, tag
Copied in DCD Loc.V:77.
DCD 2.3.Reg.3a   31 January 9 [Edward III] [1335]
Inspeximus, by [E]dward [III], king of England, confirming 1.3.Reg.1., the following confirmation, and granting that any lapsed liberty should be revived without impediment, in view of his affection for St Cuthbert whose Banner had been brought out in the Scottish wars, exept freedom from impleading only as in the past.
Confirmation (perhaps spurious) in free-alms, by Richard [I], king of England, to the Prior and monks there, of all lands, tithes and churches belonging to the Priory of Durham; their lands in Durham, land and wood in the west of Durham, beyond the Wear as far as the Browney, the vill with garden on that side of the Wear, Elvet with the wood, church, chapels of Croxdale and Witton [Gilbert], and the new borough in Elvethaugh, Shincliffe with the wood, the two Raintons, Moorsley, Cocken, the hermitage of Finchale, Pittington with the church, the other Pittington, Dalton [-le-Dale] with the church, Hesledon, Hesleden with the church and chapels of Eden and Hardwick, land in Eden, lands in Hartlepool, Ferryhill, the church of St John with its vill [of Kirk Merrington], the two Merringtons, the church of [Bishop] Middleham, Muggleswick, Aycliffe with the church and the chapel of Ketton, Ketton, Woodham, the church of Heighington, Barmpton, Skerningham, Burdon, the vill of Newton which Hugh [of Le Puiset], bishop of Durham, had from Eustace de Baillol in exchange for Westwick and forty marks and granted to the Prior and monks of Durham in free-alms, Staindrop with the church, Staindropshire, Blakeston, Billingham with the church and the chapel of Wolviston, Wolviston, Cowpen [Bewley], the wood of Heworth from the mouth of Mereburn in the Tyne towards the sea, the fisheries on that side of the river towards the sea, Heworth and the other Heworth, Hebburn, Hedworth, Follingsby, Monkton, Preston, Simonside, Jarrow with the church and chapels of Wallsend and Heworth, the church of St Hild [South Shields], Westoe, Harton, Wearmouth with the church and the chapel of Hylton, Southwick, Fulwell and the fisheries on that side of the river [ Wear ];
in Northumbria : the church of Norham with land in that vill and the chapel of Cornhill, the vill of Shoreswood, the land between Norham and Shoreswood called Witherig with the turbary of the vill of Shoreswood, the west part of Holy Island and the church with the chapels of Lowick, Ancroft, Kyloe, Tweedmouth and Fenham, the vill of Fenham, their land in Elwick, Heatherslaw, one carrucate in Bowsden, the church of Branxton, the fishery of Hallowstell in the Tweed, the church of Edlingham with the chapel of Bolton, the church of Bywell, the church of Ellingham with the chapel of Charlton, the church of Bedlington with adjacent land and the chapel of Cambois, Willington, Wallsend with the chapel and fisheries: their land in Cramlington :
beyond the Tees : the church of Allerton with adjacent land, the church of Mother Brompton, the chapel of Deighton, the church of Worsall, the church of [Kirkby] Sigston, the vill of Hemingbrough with the church and mill, 2 carrucates in Brackenholme with adjacent woods and waters, one carrucate in Grimsthorpe with adjacent wood and water, the church of Skipwith with 2 bovates, the church of Howden with one carrucate in that vill and the chapel of Eastrington, the church of Brantingham with the chapels of Ellerker and Blacktoft, Hunsley and "Midilhil", the church of Welton, the church of Walkington,
in York, the churches of All Saints, St Peter and Holy Trinity with lands and other possessions there, the church of Holtby with 3 carrucates, 4 carrucates in Everthorpe, 6 carrucates in Cave, 14½ bovates in Brantingham, 1½ carrucates in Yokefleet, 2 carrucates in Cliffe, a mill in Appleton, 2 carrucates and a mill in Drewton,
in Lincoln the land which was Ulfget's and the land given by Humphrey with his nephew, 6 bovates at Cleatham, the church and 10 bovates in Blyborough, 3 bovates, a mill, 16 acres of land and as much of meadow in Stainton, the church of Kirkby [-on-Bain] with the chapel of Birchwood and 9 bovates from the lay fee with wood and meadow, the church of Biscathorpe, the mill in that vill, their tithes of Wispington, one tenement in Torksey, at Stamford the church of St Mary by the bridge with 8 tenements, ½ carrucate with the adjacent meadow, outside the borough the monastery of St Leonard, ½ carrucate, the lesser church of St Mary [in Binewerk ];
in Nottinghamshire: two carrucates with meadow in Gotham, 6 bovates with meadow in Costock, the church, 5 carrucates with meadow and two mills in Normanton [-upon-Soar], 10 bovates with meadow in [Sutton] Bonnington, 5½ carrucates in Kingston [-on-Soar], 1 carrucate with meadow in Barton [in Fabis], the land of Oincar son of Alnoth the moneyer and 2 tenements given by Azur son of Ulfag in Nottingham, and one carrucate called Nunwick Thorns, the Island of Farne with other adjacent Islands, together with all grants of the kings of England or the bishops of Durham, with sake and soke, toll and team, infangthief, waifs and wreck, exempt from royal exactions, free from any impleading for the possessions of which they were seised on the death of King Henry [I] or of Ranulf [Flambard] with their full court, as in the charter of Henry [II].
Witnesses: Master Philip [of Poitou, bishop-]elect of Durham; Master Mauger, treasurer of Normandy; Master Walter, chaplain; Otto, son of the duke [of Saxony], the king's nephew; Robert de Thornham, seneschal of Anjou; William de Stagno; Brice, chamberlain.
Dated: Chinon, per manum Master Eustace, dean of Salisbury, vice Chancellor: 4 February 6 [Richard I] [1196 (4 February 6 Richard I would fall in 1195, but 1196 is the only year compatible with the appearance of Philip of Poitou as bishop-elect of Durham as a witness. ?1197 Poitou bearing news of Longchamps' death.)]
Witnesses: R[ichard of Bury], bishop of Durham, chancellor; H[enry Burghersh], bishop of Lincoln, treasurer; John of Eltham, earl of Cornwall; Thomas Beauchamp, earl of Warwick; Henry de Percy; Gilbert Talbot; Ralph de Neville, steward of the household.
Dated: Roxburgh.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, multiple silk cords (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
cf. 3.1.Reg.13
DCD 2.3.Reg.3b
Duplicate of 2.3.Reg.3a.
Seal: missing
DCD 2.3.Reg.4   2 June 9 [Edward III] [1335]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting quittance for 1,000 marks received from Richard [of Bury], bishop of Durham, chancellor, as the fine of the Community of the Bishopric of Durham for surcease of the royal justices' itinerary in the last vacancy.
Dated: York.
Seal: G&B No. 3734, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrappers)
DCD 2.3.Reg.5a   6 March 30 [Edward III] [1356]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [III], king of England, granting licence despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the Prior and Ccnvent of Durham to appropriate the church of Hemingbrough, the advowson being theirs, as most of their possessions, lying near the Scottish March and in Scotland have been destroyed by the Scots.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, multiple silk cords
DCD 2.3.Reg.5b
Duplicate of 2.3.Reg.5a.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, tag
DCD 2.3.Reg.5c   20 May 49 [Edward III] [1375]
Letters patent of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence (as in 2.3.Reg.5a&b ), on account of the Prior and convent's undertakings set out in their indenture with him [ 2.3.Reg.8 ].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: missing, three pairs of holes in turn-up.
DCD 2.3.Reg.6   10 November 49 [Edward III] [1375]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [III], king of England, exemplifying the following letters patent:
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the prior and convent of Durham, to appropriate the church of Hemingbrough, the advowson being theirs, on condition that one monk or chaplain should celebrate daily in the Galilee for E[dward I] and the king's progenitors, one at St Cuthbert's altar and another in Hemingbrough for the king, Philippa his queen and his heirs, that on Sundays, apostles' feasts and other principal feasts, during Mass at the High Altar, matins and other hours, two candles of 20 lb should burn with two smaller candles by the high altar before the feretrary of St Cuthbert, and two before the banner of St Cuthbert, and that on the king's anniversary there should be solemn celebration with at least five copes in the choir, a pittance of 60s to the convent, and a distribution, to take place on St Cuthbert's day before the king's death, of 1d to 1,000 poor, the conditions being delayed until the Prior and Convent have full possession of the church of Hemingbrough.
Dated: Westminster, 8 March 30 Edward [III] [1356]
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: Wyon Nos 65 and 66, multiple silk cords
Digitised material for DCD 2.3.Reg.6
DCD 2.3.Reg.7   26 June 11 [Edward III] [1337]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [III], king of England, inspecting the following grant and confirming to the Prior and convent of Durham £40 a year from the chamber of Berwick-upon-Tweed, until provided with an ecclesiastical benefice of equal value.
Grant, by Edward [I], king of England, to the prior and convent of Durham, of £40 a year (as in 1.3.Reg.2.) undated.
Dated: Stamford.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, multiple silk cords
DCD 2.3.Reg.8a   7 March 30 [Edward III] [1356]
Indenture, of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence, (as in 2.3.Reg.5a&b ), and of the Prior and convent of Durham, quit-claiming £40 a year from the royal exchequer of Berwick-on-Tweed granted to them by Edward [I], king of England, and its arrears, undertaking conditions (as in 2.3.Reg.6. ), and quit-claiming the advowson of the church of Simonburn; the indenture to be read at the beginning of High Mass at the High Altar on the king's anniversary or the feast of St Cuthbert in March, every prior to swear to implement it on his installation, and a copy of it, with letters undertaking to implement it, to be exhibited within three months to the King of England or the Chancellor.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, multiple silk cords
DCD 2.3.Reg.8b
Duplicate of 2.3.Reg.8a.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, multiple silk cords
DCD 2.3.Reg.9
Copies of the following writs and entry.
Writ, of [Edward III], king [of England], to the Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer, to stay the demand for £109 from the Prior of Durham for food bought at Newcastle from his father, [Edward II], and himself in accordance with his letters patent ( 1.3.Reg.9. ) and acquit him.
Dated: Tower of London 18 April 10 [Edward III] [1336].
(2) Writ, of [Edward III], king [of England] to the sheriff of York, to stay the demand for £109 from the Prior of Durham, for food bought at Newcastle from his father [Edward II], and himself, and relax any distraint.
Witness: H[enry] le Scrope
Dated: York 15 May 10 [Edward III] [1336].
(3) Entry, on Great Roll [of the Pipe] for 9 E[dward] III, [1335], recording quittance of Prior of Durham's debt of £100, remaining from £207.5s for food bought at Newcastle, as in the account of Roger Waltham, keeper of the Wardrobe to E[dward II], in accordance with the King's writ ( (1) above.) [9 Edward III [1335] ?]
DCD 2.3.Reg.10
This number is used in the Repertorium Magnum to cross-reference to next sub-section, 1.4.Reg
DCD 2.3.Reg.11
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Misc.Ch.237.
DCD 2.3.Reg.Loose Seal
Seal: G&B No. 3745
Box 4
DCD 1.4.Reg.1a   20 November 48 [Edward III] [1374]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting that no precedent should be set by the payment of the subsidy by the men of the liberty of Durham.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3746, tongue
DCD 1.4.Reg.1b
Duplicate of 1.4.Reg.1a.
Seal: G&B No. 3746, tongue
DCD 1.4.Reg.2   27 July 7 [Edward III] [1333]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting that no precedent should be set by the provision of men at arms by Louis [Beaumont], bishop of Durham, outside his liberty of the bishopric of Durham.
Dated: Berwick-on-Tweed.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, tongue, tie
DCD 1.4.Reg.3a   2 August 7 [Edward III] [1333]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, remitting £100 outstanding from £300 for food bought from E[dward II] and himself at Newcastle by the Prior and convent of Durham, on account of their losses in Scottish invasions.
Dated: Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, tongue
DCD 1.4.Reg.3b
Duplicate of 1.4.Reg.3a..
Seal: G&B No. 3745, tongue, tie
DCD 1.4.Reg.4   2 August 41 [Edward III] [1367]
Letters patent of protection, of Edward [III], king of England, for the Prior of Holy Island, his men, lands and possessions, for one year.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3746, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.4.Reg.5   13 February 50 [Edward III] [1376]
Letters patent of safe-conduct and protection of Edward [III], king of England, for John Bisshopedale, to export up to 80 sacks of wool from Newcastle, on payment of dues as appropriate to the Staple of Calais.
Dorse: Note that John Bisshopedale shipped 14 sacks 2 cloves of wool in the "Blythebony of Lombardy" with John Beneid.
Dated: Westminster
Seal: G&B No. 3746, tongue
DCD 1.4.Reg.6   2 August 7 [Edward III] [1333]
Writ, of Edward [III], king of England, to the Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer, to acquit the Prior and convent of Durham of £100 outstanding from £300 for food bought from E[dward II] and himself at Newcastle, in accordance with his letters patent ( 1.4.Reg.3. ).
Dated: Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Seal: Quarter of G&B No. 3745, tongue
DCD 1.4.Reg.7   1 September 46 [Edward III] [1372]
Writ, of Edward [III], king of England, to Thomas Surtees, John Conyers, John Darcy, William of Claxton, Ralph de Euer, John of Hindley, Robert of Featherstonehaugh, Robert of Lumley, Thomas de Umframville, Richard of Hedworth, John of Ogle, Walter of Hawick, William of Embleton, Thomas Chanceller, and Richard de Meuburn, appointed by Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham for raising the subsidy from the men of his liberty to produce £353.16s overdue, within a fortnight of Michaelmas, and to appear before the Council to answer for their contempt in failing to execute a privy seal writ to produce this within three weeks of Trinity.
Witness: Richard, son of Edward, prince of Aquitaine and Wales, keeper of England.
Dated: Wallingford.
Seal: G&B No. 3746, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.4.Reg.8   15 November 25 [Edward III] [1351]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, exemplifying, at the request of John of Hallington, the following sequence of documents.
Dated: Westminster.
The tenor, sent to the Chancery on the king's order, of proceedings in King's Bench:
Tenor of proceedings in King's Bench, arising from the appeal for the death of John de Haukesgarth, by Constance his wife, against John of Hallington and others, enrolled Michaelmas term 19 Edward III [1345] :
Roll 42.York. The Sheriff of York, on the king's order:
Writ venire facias of Edward [III], king of England, to the sheriff of York, of the appeal for the death of John de Haukesgarth, by Constance his wife, against Thomas de Anlaby, John of Hallington, Geoffrey de Conyers and William de Halden, for the day after [All] Souls.
Witness: Lionel, son of [Edward III], keeper of England.
Dated: Southwick, 12 July 19 [Edward III] [1345]
Sent the appeal:
Appeal, by Constance, wife of John de Haukesgarth, of Thomas de Anlaby and John of Hallington, for stabbing her husband to death in Coney Street, York, on Wednesday after Lucy 18 Edward [III][15 December 1344], and of Geoffrey de Conyers and William de Halden, for harbouring them:
pledges - Roger of Selby and Nicholas of Hornington.
Crown Pleas before:
Thomas of Rokeby, sheriff of York; Ralph Lassells, Marmaduke Darell, Thomas Wayte and Nicholas Halden, coroners of York.
Dated: York, Mark 19 Edward III [25 April 1345].
Thomas de Anlaby and John of Halington, summoned four times, failed to appear, but finally mainprized by Robert Goges.
At the fifth Court of York, on Monday after Denis 19 [Edward III][10 October 1345 ], the Sheriff executed the king's writ venire facias.
Only Constance appeared, and so the sheriff ordered to produce the four appelles a fortnight after Hilary.
Proceedings continued until John of Hallington surrendered a fortnight after Michaelmas 20[Edward III] [1346] ; Constance failed to prosecute her appeal, and John produced royal letters patent, pardoning his breach of the peace:
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, pardoning John of Hallington his breach of the peace in the death of John de Haukesgarth, on condition of his appearance in court should any complain of it.
Witness: Lionel, son of [Edward III], keeper of England
Dated: Reading, 7 July 20 [Edward III] [1346]
and the king's writ de non molestando to the justices on his behalf, witnessed by Lionel, the king's son, keeper of England, at Windsor on 7 October 20 [Edward III] [1346], but, as the Court would not fully accept the letters, John mainprized by Hugh of Whitton, Henry of Bywell, William of Widmerpool, William of Hardwick, William of Lackenby and Richard de Sandes, all of Northumberland, to the octave of Trinity.
Thomas de Anlaby surrendered at octave of Michaelmas 22 [Edward III] [1348], and produced royal letters patent pardoning his breach of the peace:
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, pardoning Thomas de Anlaby his breach of the peace in the death of John de Haukesgarth, on condition of his appearance in court should any complain of it.
Dated: Porchester, 28 June 20 [Edward III] [1346]
but, as the Court would not fully accept the letters, Thomas mainprized by John of Crathorne, William of Merrington, Thomas del Boghes, John Hunter, Richard Hunter and Alexander of Layton, of Yorkshire, to fortnight of Easter.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, tag
DCD 1.4.Reg.9   25 February [1358]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting licence, despite the Statute of Mortmain, at the entreaty of Robert of Harle, to the prior and convent of Durham, to appropriate the church of Blyborough, the advowson being theirs, in order to increase the number of monks studying in the University of Oxford by two; celebration to be made for himself; Philippa, queen of England, his children and his progenitors, for William of Harle and William's son, Robert.
Dated: Westminster, 25 February 32 [Edward III].
Seal: G&B No. 3031, multiple silk cords
Copy: DCD 4.3.Ebor.17.
DCD 1.4.Reg.10a   31 January 9 [Edward III] [1335]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, granting in recompense for 10 quarters wheat and 2 tuns of wine a year granted verbally by E[dward II] to the monks on Farne Island near Bamburgh, a cell of the Priory of Durham, 13 marks and 10s a year, from the Mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne, out of the farm of the town.
Dated: Roxburgh.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, multiple silk cords
DCD 1.4.Reg.10b
Duplicate of 1.4.Reg.10a.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, multiple silk cords
DCD 1.4.Reg.11   25 March 2 [Henry V] [1414]
Letters patent, of Henry [V], king of England, pardoning the outlawry incurred by Robert [of] Masham, monk of Durham, imprisoned at Lancaster, as certified by Richard Norton, for failing to come before H[enry IV]'sjustices at Lancaster to answer articles, on condition of his appearance in court and his providing the king with satisfaction due.
Dorse: Note of acceptance before Richard Norton and his colleagues, royal justices for Lancashire session, Monday in 4th week of Lent 1 Henry V. Roll 23.
Dated: Lancaster.
Seal: G&B No. 3043, tag.
DCD 1.4.Reg.12   25 June 12 [Edward III] [1338]
Copy of Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, following his plea in Common Pleas that Richard [of Bury], bishop of Durham should allow him to present to the church of Simonburn, the advowson being claimed by the bishop and following his victory over the Scots at Halidon, before which he vowed to found a house of 13 Benedictine monks in the event of victory, granting to the bishop the advowson of Simonburn, on condition that he should establish within three years a house in honour of God and Margaret v. on the plot of the Prior and convent of Durham in the suburb of Oxford, for a Prior and 12 monks from the Chapter of Durham to study in the University and celebrate for himself, Philippa, queen of England, his children, progenitors and heirs, for the bishop and his successors, and for those killed in the battle, with a church and buildings to be built at royal expense; and granting licence, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the bishop to grant the advowson to the Prior and monks, and to them to appropriate the church.
Dated: Walton.
DCD 1.4.Reg.13
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart I f 249r ?from 2.2.Reg.12.
DCD 1.4.Reg.14
Cross-reference, altered to duplicate that in [1.4.Reg.16.]
DCD 1.4.Reg.15
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 230r.
DCD 1.4.Reg.16
Cross-reference to 2.4.Pont.13.
DCD 1.4.Reg.17   2 February 6 [Edward III] [1332]
Letters patent, of [E]dward [III], king of England, granting licence, to Robert son of Robert le Porter of Bamburgh, to enfeoff Thomas of Bamburgh, royal clerk, of 66 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow in Bamburgh, and of the custody of the gate of Bamburgh Castle with its remuneration of 2d. a day, held in chief, and to Thomas, to grant these to Robert for life, with reversion to Thomas after Robert's death.
Dated: Hertford.
Seal: G&B No. 3745, tag (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.4.Reg.18   20 May 16 [Edward III] [1342]
Letters patent, of Edward [III], king of England, signifying that Richard [of Bury], bishop of Durham and the liberties of that bishopric should suffer no derogation with the restitution of the town of Newcastle-on-Tyne to its burgesses.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3031, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 1.4.Reg.19   ...[24 *] December ... [4 Richard II*] [1380]
Letters patent of [R]ichard [II], king of England, inspecting and confirming the following two letters patent:
Letters patent, of Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, granting to William del Orchard, his clerk, a messuage with a garden on Palace Green, Durham for 18d a year.
Dated: Durham, per manum John of Kingston, his clerk, 2 April Pont.19 [1364]
Letters patent, of Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, granting to Master John of Hagthorpe, a plot on Palace Green, Durham, between the plot once William of Westley's and the gate towards the graveyard of Durham Cathedral ... [for 12d a year *]
Dated: Durham, per manum John of ... [Kingston, his clerk *]: 27 September Pont.21 [1365]
Dated: ... [Westminster *]
*[For sections obscured by gall. see Calendar of Patent Rolls 1377-81 p.565.]
Seal: missing, tag.
Noted on previous 19th century wrapper (destroyed), "so damaged by reckless use of gall by J[ames] R[aine] that it is now scarcely legible."
DCD 1.4.Reg.Loose Seal
"Bretigny" seal of Edward III, Richard II, or Henry IV (or even of Henry VI, "Silver Seal"?) on double parchment tag.
[N.B. In William Greenwell's time (1863-1909 ) this was evidently attached to, or kept with, 2.3.Reg.2a. (i.e. it is the "Willis G" of Greenwell's pencilled endorsement and the "sigillo fracto" of his wrapper), but it cannot have belonged originally to that document because of its date.
The parchment tag, on the other hand, may rightly belong to that document, which it seems to fit very well, for the seal bears signs of repair as if it had split down the middle and become detached, and could have been re-affixed to the wrong document.
This seal is now placed in the 1.4.Reg. section because it was to be found (1959) in the box of documents belonging to that section (MGS 23/7/59)]
DCD 2.4.Reg.1   27 August 9 [Richard II] [1385]
Mandate by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, to Henry de Percy, earl and sheriff of Northumberland; John de Neville of Raby, and Richard le Scrope, to hold inquests whether the Prior and convent of Holy Island have the means to defend their church and priory, and whether a grant to them to take down their fortifications, and to them and to the Prior and convent of Durham relieving them of provision for the defence of that church and priory, would be to his loss.
Dated: Kingston-upon-Hull.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 2.4.Reg.2   24 January 13 [Richard II] [1390]
Notification of ordinance by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, setting a value of at least £500 on the jewel to be offered publicly at St Cuthbert's feretrary in Durham by William le Scrope, knight, for trespasses and misprisions in the liberty of Walter [Skirlawe], bishop of Durham, as laid down by compromissaries and submitted to the king at his manor of Havering by John Clanvowe and Nicholas de Sharnesfeld, knights of the Chamber.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 2.4.Reg.3
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart I f 59r
DCD 2.4.Reg.4   No date [1377 x 1381 or 1417 x 1435]
Copy of Prohibition, by [Richard II, Henry V or Henry VI], king [of England], to Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, warden and commissary-general for the East Marches of Scotland, and his commissaries, on pain of £1,000, of distraint on Thomas [Hatfield or Langley], bishop of Durham, or the men and tenants in the liberty of Durham, to answer before them in courts outside the liberty.
(Henry Percy created earl of Northumberland x death of Thomas Hatfield or Henry Percy, warden of east March (R.L.Storey: “The Wardens of the Marches ...”EHR lxxii (1957) pp. 609-614).)
DCD 2.4.Reg.5   [26 May 1390*]
Copy of Request [by letters close by Richard II, king of England to Boniface IX *], pope, to remove the scandals and dangers caused by papal imposts, provisions and reservations, growing despite the statutes of his predecessors, and the subject of complaint at the last Parliament held in London. * Lacunae supplied from Rymer: Foedera... VII pp. 672-674.
One fragment of this item was formerly "Misc. Roll 47", transferred here 5 February 1975 (MGS).
DCD 3.4.Reg.6   22 March 4 [Richard II*] [1381]
Inspeximus, by Richard [II], king of England [confirming*] *[Lacuna supplied from Cart I ff 57v-58r.] an Inspeximus, by Edward [III], king of England, confirming 1.3.Reg.2., 1.1.Reg.2b., the following confirmation and grants
[Spurious] confirmation, by William [I], king of England, to the Prior and monks of St Cuthbert, of all liberties and customs granted to the Saint's guardians by former English kings, of free disposition of their lands and churches, of the archdeaconry of Prior Turgot and his successors, and of all dignities and liberties in the bishopric of Durham, granted by William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham, under his protection.
Witnesses: Thomas [I], archbishop of York; Remigius, bishop of Lincoln; Maurice, bishop of London; Gandulf, bishop of Rochester; John bishop; William & Henry, earls, sons of the King; Robert [de Beaumont], count of Meulan; Alan, count of Brittany; Robert son of Hamo; Odo, bishop of Bayeux; Urso de Abetot.
Dated: Westminster, (Turgot prior of Durham, but William I absent from England from 1086 until death!) [1087]
Grants of John de Cotum, chaplain, of the manor of Edmondbyers and the advowson of the church of that manor, of a bovate of land and half an acre of meadow in Tursdale, of a messuage in the South Bailey, Durham, and of an acre of land in Hett, and by Adam Bette, chaplain, of a messuage in the Bailey, Durham ; granting that any lapsed liberty should be revived without impediment, except freedom from impending only as in the past.
Witnesses: R[ichard of Bury], bishop of Durham, chancellor; H[enry Burghersh], bishop of Lincoln, treasurer; John of Eltham, earl of Cornwall; Thomas Beauchamp, earl of Warwick; Henry de Percy; Gilbert Talbot; Ralph de Neville, steward of the household.
Dated: Roxburgh, 31 January 9 [Edward III] [1335]
2.3.Reg.3., 1.3.Reg.8., ...[despite the Statute of Mortmain; granting that any lapsed liberty should be revived without impediment, except freedom from impleading as in the past.
Witnesses: S[imon Sudbury], archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, chancellor, W[illiam Courtenay], bishop of London, W[illiam of Wykeham], bishop of Winchester, T[homas Brantingham], bishop of Exeter, John [of Gaunt], king of Castille & Leon, duke of Lancaster, Edmund [of Langley], earl of Cambridge, Thomas earl Warenne, William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, Robert [Hales], prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, treasurer, Aubrey de Vere, chamberlain, Hugh Seagrave, steward of the household, John Fordham, keeper of the privy seal.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: missing.
Decoration: illuminated border of foliage with figures of bishops etc., historiated initial depicting king presenting charter to St Cuthbert.
outsize, stored in map cabinet
Noted as missing (deest) by [Greenwell] in Repertorium Magnum, but further annotated in same as found in 1915 (adest).
DCD 3.4.Reg.7   23 March 6 [Richard II] [1383]
Grant of licence by letters patent, by [R]ichard [II], [k]ing of [E]ngland, despite the Statute of Mortmain, at the entreaty of John lord Neville, for his good service guarding the Scottish Marches, to Lawrence of Allerthorp , clerk, Thomas of Middleton, clerk, and John of Killerby, clerk, to grant to the Prior and convent of Durham the advowson of Frampton church, not held in chief: and to the Prior and convent to appropriate that church to help sustain eight monks and eight secular clerks studying in the University of Oxford, according to the ordinance of Thomas [Hatfield] former bishop of Durham.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tag
DCD 3.4.Reg.8   1 August 10 [Richard II] [1386]
Grant by indenture, by Ralph of Lumley, knight, and William of Blakeston, to Richard [II], king of England, of their title to one bovate in Ruddington with the advowson of Frampton church, demised to them for fifty years by John de Neville, lord of Raby, with remainder subsequently granted to the King by John; on condition that their title should revive in the event of recipients of a grant by the king being impeded in the exercise of the patronage.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tag
DCD 3.4.Reg.9   10 June 1 [Richard II] [1378]
Grant of licence, by letters patent, by [R]ichard [II], [k]ing of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to John de Neville of Raby, to grant to any ecclesiastics the advowsons of the churches of Ruddington, Fishlake and Bossall, not held in chief, and to them to appropriate those churches.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tag (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Copy in: DCD 3.6.Ebor.7(ix).
Printed: Calendar of Patent Rolls 1377-81, p.235.
DCD 3.4.Reg.10
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 233v
DCD 3.4.Reg.11   13 January 7 [Richard II] [1384]
Undertaking, by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, at the entreaty of John de Neville, lord of Raby, so as to obviate difficulties after his death and burial in the monastery of Durham, to accept, and then to grant in free-alms to the Prior and convent of Durham on application to the royal chancellor, the reversion of two bovates in Ruddington, with the advowson of Ruddington church, of a messuage and two bovates in Claxton, with the advowson of Bossall church, and of the advowsons of the churches of Fishlake and Frampton, held by Ralph of Lumley and William of Blakeston for a term of fifty years, and intended by John for the Prior and convent, as licensed by royal letters patent to appropriate and hold them despite the Statute of Mortmain, on account of their losses in Scotland and on the Scottish Marches, to support the college of eight monks and eight secular clerks studying in the University of Oxford, newly founded in the suburbs of Oxford, with celebration for the King, E[dward III], his other progenitors as Kings of England, Philippa, once Queen of England, and all the faithful departed; with authority to the royal chancellor to issue an appropriate charter to the Prior and convent on application by them.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tongue (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Copies: DCD 1.6.Ebor.4a and in 1.6.Ebor.3.
DCD 3.4.Reg.12   27 February 2 [Richard II] [1378]
Grant of licence, by letters patent, by [R]ichard [II], [k]ing of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, at the entreaty of John de Neville of Raby, prevented by his departure to Aquitaine as the king's lieutenant from effecting his licence by the king's letters patent of 10 June past to grant to any ecclesiastics the advowsons of the churches of Ruddington and Fishlake, not held in chief, and to them to appropriate those churches, to Richard le Scrope, knight and John Fairfax, clerk, to grant under the same terms those advowsons and two bovates in Ruddington with which John de Neville has enfeoffed them; and of licence to Ralph Hastings, knight, to enfeof Richard le Scrope and John Fairfax with the manor of Styford and all his lands, tenements, rents, services, knights fees and advowson in the barony of Bulbeck in Northumberland, held in chief, and to Richard and John to grant these to Ralph for life with remainder to John de Neville.
Dorse: Note of enrolment for manor of Styford before Robert Bealknap and his colleagues, justices of Common Pleas, Easter term 2 Richard II Roll 376.
Note that no proceedings followed from this charter as the King granted the churches by his own charter.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tag.
Copy in: DCD 3.6.Ebor.7(ix).
Printed: Calendar of Patent Rolls 1377-81, p.343-344.
DCD 3.4.Reg.13   1 August 9 [Richard II] [1385]
Grant by indenture, by Ralph of Lumley, knight, and William of Blakeston, to Richard [II], king of England, of their title to three bovates in Ruddington and Claxton with the advowsons of the churches of Ruddington, Bossall and Fishlake, demised to them for fifty years by John de Neville, lord of Raby, with remainder subsequently granted to the King by John; on condition that their title should revive in the event of recipients of a grant by the King being impeded in the exercise of the patronage.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tag (broken (? - note not completely legible), according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 3.4.Reg.14   6 August 10 [Richard II] [1386]
Grant, by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the Prior and convent of Durham, and their new College in the University of Oxford of his foundation, of one bovate in Ruddington and the advowson of Frampton church, with power to appropriate it to help sustain eight monks and eight secular scholars studying there and celebrating for the King, his grandfather, E[dward III], his other progenitors and heirs, Philippa, once Queen of England, and all the faithful departed.
Dated: Oxford.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, multi-coloured multiple silk cords
Decoration: illuminated border and initial; three coloured capitals.
Script: Said by Sylvia Wright 13/7/83 to be in same hand as Trin. Coll. Oxf. MS8 & BL. Sloane MS 2466.
Copy in: DCD 1.6.Ebor.17a.
DCD 3.4.Reg.15   26 February 1 [Richard III] [1484]
Pardon, by letters patent, by Richard [III], king of England, to Robert Ebchester, Prior and the convent of Durham, of any offences committed before 21 February 1 [Richard III] [1484] and any debts before Michaelmas 22 Edward IV [1482].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3049, tag
Digitised material for DCD 3.4.Reg.15
DCD 3.4.Reg.16
Extracts as follows:
Pipe Roll 6 Henry VII : Yorkshire
Showing the Warden and Scholars of Durham College, Oxford, quit, by virtue of the exemption of colleges and collegiate halls in the University of Oxford, of £6.13s.4d, due as the royal tenth from the clergy of the province of York on the account of the Prior and convent of Kirkham, collectors in the archdeaconry of the East Riding, for Brantingham church, certified as theirs by T[homas Rotherham], archbishop of York. [1490 x 1491]
Pipe Roll 7 Henry VII : Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
Showing them similarly quit of £66s.8d, due on the account of the Prior and convent of Newstead, collectors in the archdeaconry of Nottingham, for their church of Ruddington in Bingham deanery. [1491 x 1492]
Pipe Roll 7 Henry VII : Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
Showing them similarly quit of £4, due on the account of the Prior and convent of Drax, collectors in the archdeaconry of York, for their church of Fishlake in Doncaster deanery. [1491 x 1492]
Clerical Subsidy Roll.
Showing them similarly quit of 40s, due on the account of the Abbot of Whitby, collector in the archdeaconry of Cleveland, for their church of Bossall. No date.
DCD 3.4.Reg.17   11 November 4 [Richard II] [1380]
Licence, by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, to Marjorie de Letham to go to Scotland for her inheritance from her father, Edward de Letham, knight, in view of his faithful service to E[dward III].
Dated: Northampton.
Seal: G&B No. 3032, tongue, tie (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
DCD 3.4.Reg.Loose Seal A
Brétigny Seal of Edward III, Richard II or Henry IV or Silver Seal of Henry V or Henry VI.
DCD 3.4.Reg.Loose Seal B
Quarter of first seal of Henry IV or Silver Seal of Henry V or Henry VI.
Box 5
DCD 1.5.Reg.1   20 February 2 [Henry IV] [1401]
Inspeximus by Henry [IV], king of England, confirming 1.4.Reg.10., for 20s in the Hanaper.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3033, multicoloured multiple silk cords.
Decoration: penwork initial and four capitals
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 1.5.Reg.2   26 October 5 [Henry VI] [1426]
Grant of licence, by letters patent, by [H]enry [VI], king of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the Prior and convent of Durham, on account of their remission of £40 a year from the royal exchequer of Berwick-on-Tweed granted by E[dward] I, and of the advowson of the church in Simonburn, for licence by E[dward] III to appropriate the church of Hemingbrough (exemplified in 2.3.Reg.6. ), unexecuted for want of papal confirmation and through prolonged occupation at papal provision, to raise the church of Hemingbrough, the advowson being theirs, into a collegiate church with a provost, three prebendal canons, six vicars and six clerks and other ministers, able, with royal licence, to acquire property, with a common seal and power to plead, celebrating for the king, his progenitors, their heirs and children, and all the faithful departed, and the anniversaries of E[dward] I and E[dward] III with distribution to the poor.
For £80 in the Hanaper.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, multicoloured multiple silk cords
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
Copies: DCD 2.2.Ebor.2; Reg.III, f.123v-125r.
DCD 1.5.Reg.3   25 April 7 [Henry IV] [1406]
Licence, by letters patent, by Henry [IV], king of England, to the Prior and convent of Durham, to elect a bishop of Durham, following the death of Walter [Skirlawe], last bishop of Durham.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3033, tongue; tie
DCD 1.5.Reg.4   29 January 10 [Henry IV] [1409]
Pardon, by letters patent, by Henry [IV], king of England, to Robert Cok of Nether Silton, Yorkshire, of all past offences except murder, rape and common larceny.
Dorse: Note of enrolment and acceptance before William Gascoigne and Thomas Rokeby and their colleagues, royal justices for insurrections in Yorkshire.
York, Wednesday in Easter week 10 Henry IV [10 April 1409].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: missing, pair of slits in turn-up.
DCD 1.5.Reg.5   12 August 7 [Henry IV*] [1406]
Mandate, by [Henry IV*], king of England, to officers in Lancashire, to allow the Prior and convent of Durham the liberties and immunities contained in their charters.
*[The name "Bolton" appears in the bottom right-hand corner, and presumably refers to the deputy chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster at Lancaster, occurs 1406 (R. Somerville: History of the Duchy of Lancaster I p.477)].
Dated: Lancaster.
Seal: missing
This charter appears to have been formally catalogued as a charter of Henry III and listed as 1.2.Reg.14 within the Magnum Repertorium.
Cartulary copy at Cart.3 f.216v (with O.1 reference belonging to the 1.2.Reg.14 entry within Magnum Repertorium)
DCD 1.5.Reg.Loose Seal
Second seal of Henry IV, or Golden Seal of Henry V or Henry VI.
DCD 2.5.Reg.1   20 January 3 [Henry V] [1416]
Pardon by letters patent, by [H]enry [V*], king of England, to the Prior and convent of Durham, of offences committed before 8 December 2 [Henry V] [1414] except any murder after 19 November that year, and of debts due to him on 21 March 1 [Henry V] [1413 ]
*[As the deadline for debts is the date of Henry V's accession, it seems unlikely that the issuer could be Henry VI, who used the same seal.]
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3037, tag.
DCD 2.5.Reg.2   29 March 2 [Henry VI] [1424]
Mandate by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to William Bowes, knight, Master William Doncaster LL.B, and William Park Esq, to administer the oath to James [I], king of Scots, within four days of his entry into Scotland, as agreed, for the observance of the agreement for his release, concluded between Philip [Morgan], bishop of Worcester, John Stafford, royal treasurer, William Alnwick, keeper of the privy seal and other of the King of England's commissaries, and William [Lauder], bishop of Glasgow, John, abbot of Balmerino, George [of Borthwick], archdeacon of Glasgow and other ambassadors and commissaries of the kingdom of Scotland.
Dorse: Note that the King of Scotland took the said oath on the third day of his entry into Scotland at Melrose Abbey.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, tongue, tie
DCD 2.5.Reg.3   28 December 16 [Henry VI] [1437]
Licence by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to the Prior and convent of Durham, to elect a bishop of Durham following the death of Thomas Langley, lately bishop of Durham.
Dated: Eltham.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, tongue
DCD 2.5.Reg.4   10 April 1424
Bond, by the Abbot and convent of Fountains, to the Prior and convent of Durham, for 200 marks to be paid at the feast of John the Baptist following [24 June].
Seal: G&B No. 3477, tongue.
Digitised material for DCD 2.5.Reg.4 
DCD 2.5.Reg.5   11 April 1424
Defeasance, by indenture between the Prior and convent of Durham, and the Abbot and convent of Fountains, of the bond of the latter, dated 10 April 1424 [ 2.5.Reg.4 ] for 200 marks to be paid to the Prior and convent at the feast of John the Baptist following [24 June], in the event of the Abbot and convent keeping the Prior and convent free from loss against the King for any claim by him arising from silverware and other valuables of the monastery of Fountains mortgaged by Roger Frank, so-called abbot of Fountains, for 200 marks, to John Wyndhill, rector of Arncliffe, deposited with the Prior and convent for safe-keeping, and then returned with John's consent to the Abbot and convent.
Dorse: Note of items of silverware and other valuables.
Seal: G&B No. 3477, tag; detached.
DCD 2.5.Reg.6   8 July 2 [Henry V] [1414]
Grant by letters patent, by [H]enry [V], king of England, to Thomas [Langley], bishop of Durham for six marks a year to Master William Brown and John Clayton, chaplains of the chantry of the Blessed Virgin and St Cuthbert recently founded by John Newton and John Thoralby, clerks [in the Galilee, Durham Cathedral - Bishop Langley's chantry], of one messuage six tofts and six bovates in Hardwick by Norton [iuxta Stockton], late of Roger son of Alan Fulthorpe, two tofts and two bovates there, late of William son of John, one messuage and sixty acres in Ryton, late of William, son of Thomas Gategang, forty-six acres in Boldon called Faderlesfeld, and one toft and sixty acres in Whitburn, late of Stephen Whitgray and Thomas Potter, one messuage, four bovates and 2d rent in Cassop, late of Thomas Clerk of Elvet, and a toft in the Bailey, Durham, by the North Gate in Owengate, together worth £8 a year, and the advowson of the chantry, as granted to the King by the founders of the chantry for this purpose; the appointment of its chaplains to be made by the bishop of Durham within two months of a vacancy, failing him the Prior and chapter of Durham within a further month, and failing them the archdeacon of Durham within the next month.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3037, multi-coloured multiple silk cords
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 2.5.Reg.7   1 June [1406]
Exemplification by letters patent, by [H]enry [IV], king of England, at the request of the Prior and Convent of Durham, of the enrolment of the following grant:
Grant by letters patent, by Richard [II], king of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to the Prior and convent of Durham, and their new College in the University of Oxford of his foundation, of three bovates in Ruddington and Claxton and the advowsons of the churches of Ruddington, Bossall and Fishlake, with power to appropriate them to help sustain eight monks and eight secular scholars studying there and celebrating for the King, his grandfather, E[dward III], his other progenitors and heirs, Philippa, once Queen of England, and all the faithful departed.
Dated: Westminster, 10 October 10 [Richard II] [1386]
Dated: Westminster, 1 June 7 [Henry IV].
Seal: G&B No. 3033, tag
DCD 2.5.Reg.8
Now missing.
Equals: 1.4.Reg.11.
DCD 2.5.Reg.9
Now missing. Described as an acquittance by Henry VIII
DCD 2.5.Reg.10   13 February 18 [Elizabeth I] [1576]
Presentation by letters patent, by Elizabeth [I], queen of England, to the Dean and chapter of Durham, keepers of the spiritualities of the see of Durham sede vacante, of James Fernyside, as rector of Whickham.
Dorse: Note that presentation was acted upon 20 March 1575 [1576] [cf. 2.5.Reg.11 dorse].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3059, tag.
DCD 2.5.Reg.11   27 March 19 [Elizabeth I] [1577]
Licence by letters patent, by Elizabeth [I], queen of England, to the Dean and chapter of Durham, to elect a bishop of Durham, following the death of the last incumbent.
Dorse: Note that presentation was acted upon by Maser John Pilkington, with the consent of Francis Bunney, George Cliffe and Ralph Lever, his colleagues, commissaries, for the exercise of spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham utraque sede vacante, 20 March 1575 [1576][cf 2.5.Reg.10].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3059, tag
DCD 2.5.Reg.12   31 May and 2 June 1589
Language:  Latin (appointment) and English (letters recommendatory)
Appointment, by Toby Matthew, STP, dean of Durham, in accordance with the enclosed letters recommendatory of Leonard Pilkington, STP, canon of the seventh stall in Durham Cathedral, John Pilkington, STB, canon of the second stall there, Ralph Tunstall, archdeacon of Northumberland, canon of the tenth stall in Durham Cathedral, and Richard Fawcett, M.A., canon of the ninth stall there, as his proctors to hold a Chapter for the election of Matthew Hutton to the vacant see of Durham.
Dated: London, 2 June 1589
Sign manual: Tobias Matthew Dec: Dunelm
With (attached): Letters recommendatory, by (Elizabeth) [I], queen [of England], (to the Dean and chapter of Durham ), for the election of Matthew Hutton, D.D., dean of York, to the vacant see of Durham.
Dated: Westminster, 31 May 1589
sign manual: Elizabeth R.
Parchment (appointment) and paper (attached letters recommendatory)
Seal: Official of the archdeacon of Surrey (on appointment); tag, also passing through letters recommendatorySignet of Elizabeth I, queen of England (on letters recommendatory); applied to dorse.
In an earlier version of the electronic catalogue, the attached letters recommendatory was given a separate number 2.5.Reg.12i.
DCD 2.5.Reg.13   21 August 4 [James I] [1606]
Licence by letters patent, by James [I], king of England, to the Dean and chapter of Durham, to elect a bishop of Durham following the preferment of Toby Matthew, the last bishop, to the archbishopric of York.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3061, tag.
DCD 3.5.Reg.1   1 August 35 [Henry VI] [1457]
Licence, by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to the Prior and chapter of Durham, to elect a bishop of Durham, following the death of Robert Neville, lately bishop of Durham.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, tongue, tie
DCD 3.5.Reg.2   29 July 24 [Henry VI] [1446]
Pardon, by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to William Ebchester, prior, and the convent of Durham, of offences committed before 9 April last [1446], and of debts before 1 September 20 [Henry VI] [1441], but excluding Alianora Cobham, daughter of Reginald Cobham, knight, John Bolton of Bolton in Lancashire, bladesmith, and William Wyghale, lately keeper of the royal gaol of Nottingham, and excluding the murder of Christopher Talbot, knight.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, tag.
DCD 3.5.Reg.3   19 November 27 [Henry VI] [1448]
Grant, by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to William [Ebchester], prior and the convent of Durham, their successors and their cells, of exemption from any tenth or other subsidy granted to the King by the clergy of the province of Canterbury or York and from the collecting of any such.
Dorse: Note that charter did not take effect [because revoked by Parliament (Magnum Repertorium f 14r)].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, multiple multi-coloured silk cords
Decoration: penwork initial and seven other top-line capitals
Copied in DCD Loc.III:23.
Original petition: DCD Loc.III:37.
DCD 3.5.Reg.4   16 June 36 [Henry VI] [1458]
Grant of licence, by letters patent, by [H]enry [VI], king of England, despite the Statute of Mortmain, to Master John Burnaby, prior and the convent of Durham, to appropriate the parish church of Brantingham, in their patronage, to assist in the support of eight monks and eight secular clerks at Durham College in the University of Oxford, studying and celebrating for the king, his progenitors and heirs, and all the faithful departed.
Dorse: Note that appropriation was put through by Master William Ebchester, former prior of Durham [cf Magnum Repertorium f 14r].
Dated: Westminster.
Repertorium Magnum cross-references to entries at f.120[r] and f.132[r] of Register IV.
Seal: missing
Previously numbered as Misc.Ch. 5826. Transferred into this series, 25 May 1959
DCD 3.5.Reg.5
Appears to be a duplicate entry in Repertorium Magnum for 3.5.Reg.1.
DCD 3.5.Reg.6   6 November 23 [Henry VI] [1444]
Mandate, by letters patent, by Henry [VI], king of England, to all of Northumberland, to answer to Robert Claxton, as sheriff of that county, committed to him by letters patent.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3040, tag (broken, according to 19th century wrapper); tie
DCD 3.5.Reg.7(i)
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: See: Cart III f 245r
DCD 3.5.Reg.7(ii)
Now missing.
Described - Magnum Repertorium f 14r - as if 4.5.Reg.3.
DCD 3.5.Reg.8
Now missing.
Cartulary copy: See: Cart III ff 243v-244r
DCD 3.5.Reg.9   6 August 7 [Henry VII] [1492]
Inspeximus, by letters patent, by Henry [VII], king of England confirming to John [Auckland], prior, and the convent of Durham: 2.2.Reg.10., 3.1.Pont.20., 3.2.Pont.16., 4.3.Pont.5B..
For £29 in the Hanaper.
Dated: Canterbury.
Seal: G&B No. 3050, multiple, multi-coloured silk cords and gold threads
Decoration: penwork initial, including two Tudor roses and the tag "post tenebras spero lucem" (Job 17:12), and other top-line letters.
DCD 3.5.Reg.10
Now missing.
Described - Magnum Repertorium f 14r - as if 4.5.Reg.1. and cross-referenced accordingly.
DCD 3.5.Reg.11
Now missing (noted as "wanting" on slip dated 21 November 1884, now destroyed)
Described - Magnum Repertorium f 14r - as if 4.5.Reg.2.
DCD 3.5.Reg.12
Now missing.
Described - Magnum Repertorium f 14r - as if 1.4.Reg.10.
DCD 3.5.Reg.13   2 March 1 [Richard III] [1484]
Inspeximus, by letters patent, by Richard [III], king of England confirming to the monks of Farne Island 1.4.Reg.10.
For 26s.8d in the Hanaper.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3049, tag.
DCD 3.5.Reg.14   20 August 2 [Henry VII] [1487]
Pardon, by letters patent, by Henry [VII], king of England, to John Auckland, Prof.Th., prior of Durham, of all offences.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: G&B No. 3050, tag
DCD 3.5.Reg.15   14 June 1 [Henry VIII] [1509]
Pardon, by letters patent, by Henry [VIII], king of England, to Thomas [Castell], prior and the convent of Durham, of all offences committed before 23 April 1 [Henry VIII] [1509].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3053, tag, through both leaves
DCD 3.5.Reg.16
Now missing.
Appears to be cross-referenced to 4.5.Reg., although no obvious entry there - Magnum Repertorium f 14v
DCD 3.5.Reg.17
Now missing.
DCD 3.5.Reg.18   1 September 1537, 29 [Henry VIII]
Grant, by letters patent, by Henry VIII, king of England, to the prior and chapter of Durham, confirming on his authority the substance of invalid letters of Urban VI, once bishop of Rome (recited): [1.2.Pap.18 lost], (exemplified in 3.2.Archiep.5.)
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3054, tag.
Decoration: penwork initial and other top-line capitals.
DCD 3.5.Reg.19   1 September 1537, 29 [Henry VIII]
Grant, by letters patent, by Henry VIII, king of England, to the prior of Durham, confirming on his authority the substance of invalid letters of Calixtus III, once bishop of Rome in the following grant:
Grant, by Calixtus III, pope to William [Ebchester], prior of Durham, at his petition and that of John Lax, Leg.Doc., papal secretary, of an indult that he and his successors should have licence and authority to confer all minor orders on professed monks of his church and to bless chalices, corporal cloths, altar-cloths and other ecclesiastical ornaments without episcopal or other licence, notwithstanding the constitutions of popes and his legates, Otto and Ottobuono.
Dated: Rome 6 Kal July [26 June] 1456 2 [Calixtus III].
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3054, tag
Decoration: penwork initial and one top-line capital.
Original of grant: 1.3.Pap.14.
DCD 4.5.Reg.1   23 April 1 Edward [IV] [1461]
Grant of protection, by letters patent, by Edward [IV], king of England, to the Prior and convent, their men, lands and possessions, for 7 years, in consideration of clerical subsidies.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: G&B No. 3045, tongue, tie.
DCD 4.5.Reg.2   12 July 2 [Edward IV] [1462]
Copy under the seal of the Court of Common Pleas, by [E]dward [IV], king of England, of the scire facias of a plea consequent on Richard Sutton Esq. impleading John [Burnaby], prior of Durham, over the advowson of the church of Ruddington:
As in Trinity term 37 Henry VI [1459] Roll 417:
Since fine levied in royal court at Westminster on the morrow of John the Baptist 1 Edward [II] [25 June 1308] before Ralph de Hengham, William de Bereford, William Howard, Lambert de Trykinham and Henry [for Hervey] de Stanton, justices of Common Pleas, between Richard of Bingham and Alice his wife, plaintiffs, by Robert Ludham, and Master Alan of Newsham deforcient, over the manor of Bingham and Clipston, 9 messuages, 28 acres and 8½ bovates of land, and 12 acres of meadow in Owthorpe, Kinoulton, Cotgrave, Nottingham and Ruddington, and the advowson of the church of Ruddington, whence, by a plea of covenant, Richard recognized the holdings and advowson to be Alan's by his own grant, and Alan granted them to Richard and Alice and their male descendants, failing that to William son of Alice Bertram of Bingham and his male descendants, failing that to William's younger brother, Richard, and his male descendants, failing that to Richard's brother, Thomas and his male descendants, and failing that to the heirs of Richard of Bingham;
and since King informed by Richard Sutton Esq., kinsman and heir of Richard of Bingham, that Richard and Alice, William son of Alice, William's younger brother Richard, and Richard's brother Thomas died without male descendants, and that the prior of Durham holding the advowson contrary to the fine;
and since willing for a jury etc;
the sheriff [of Nottingham] to summon the prior on day after John the Baptist to show why the advowson should not be Richard Sutton's. On that day, Richard Sutton appeared by his attorney, Peter Stainford, and the prior by his attorney, Ralph Amias; the sheriff returned that Prior summoned etc, by Robert Gardner, Roger Wygan, Thomas Bonour and Richard Smith etc;
day given three weeks from Michaelmas
Before that day, adjourned to day after All Souls.
On that day, day given in octave of Hilary.
On that day, day given a fortnight from Easter.
On that day, day given in octave of Trinity.
On that day, Richard Sutton claimed advowson as kinsman and heir of Richard of Bingham, being the son of Henry son of Roland son of John son of Alice daughter of Richard of Bingham;
the prior repudiated the claim, protesting that the parties to the fine had no right in the advowson at the time and said that Ed[mund] of Bingham, clerk, son of William, lord of Bingham, knight, by a document, produced by the prior and dated 20 August 22 Richard II [1398] [3.5.Ebor.15A], quit-claimed the advowson to the prior and convent of Durham, binding his heirs to warranty, whence the prior seised of the advowson, as the prior ready to verify; the prior sought judgment whether Richard Sutton, heir of Edmund, should have the advowson against Edmund's quit-claim with its warranty; Richard Sutton said that William of Bingham, knight, was a bastard, as ready to verify; and sought judgment in his favour; the Prior said that William Bingham, knight was legitimate; and submitted to a jury; Richard Sutton likewise; the sheriff to summon 12 for the octave of Michaelmas.
Postea proceedings respited to octave of Hilary 39 Henry VI [1461] and then adjourned to fortnight from Easter, but sine die on account of E[dward] IV's removal of Henry [VI] and assumption of the crown in the meanwhile.
Hilary term 1 E[dward IV] [1462]Richard Sutton sought writ for the sheriff of Nottingham to summon the prior and the jurors; and granted for a month from Easter.
On that day Richard Sutton sought similar writ and granted, for day after John the Baptist.
On that day Richard Sutton and the prior appeared by their attornies; the Prior said that since the last adjournment of the proceedings Richard Sutton, by a document handed over on 10 June last at Rolleston and dated 2 May 2 E[dward] IV [1462], quit-claimed the advowson of the church of Ruddington; the prior sought judgment whether Richard Sutton should have the advowson, and produced the document 3.5.Ebor.19..
Richard Sutton by his attorney unable to repudiate document and so judgment that Richard established nothing; the prior sine die.
Witness: R[obert] Danby [chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas] Dated: Westminster.
Seal: G&B No. 3048, tag
See also Loc.I:30-33, 36, 36*.
DCD 4.5.Reg.3   25 November 18 Henry VII [1502]
Language:   English
Receipt, by John Heron in the King's name, to Thomas [Castell], prior of Durham for £120.15s.3d., out of 500 marks 15s.3d deposited for the King with John [Auckland], prior of Durham.
Dated: Westminster, sign manual: John Heron.
Seal: small lozenge enclosing letter "I" and figure of a heron, applied to face at foot under corner cut and turned back.
DCD 4.5.Reg.4
DCD 4.5.Reg.4*   3 June 4 [Edward IV] [1464]
Inspeximus, by letters patent, by [E]dward [IV], king of England confirming to the prior and monks of Durham the following writ;
Writ, by W[illiam II], king of England, to T[homas], archbishop, H., sheriff, and all of Yorkshire, that the land of St Cuthbert should be free of all castle-work and gelds as in his father's time and at the death of William [of St Calais], bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: W[illiam Giffard], chancellor; Fulk, chaplain
Dated: Pont de l'Arche [1087 x 1100].
1.1.Reg.9., 2.1.Reg.4b., 3.1.Reg.4., 2.1.Reg.15., 1.2.Reg.9a&b, 2.2.Reg.20., 1.4.Reg.10a&b and Grant, by Philip [of Poitou], bishop of Durham, as in 4.2.Pont.7..
For £10 in the Hanaper.
Dated: York.
Seal: G&B No. 3046, multiple multi-coloured silk cords and gold thread
DCD 4.5.Reg.5   12 July 1547 1 [Edward VI]
Licence during pleasure under the seal ad causas ecclesiasticas, by Edward VI, king of England, to the Dean and chapter of Durham, to prove wills where jurisdiction previously exercised, to admit, institute and invest suitable presentees in benefices within that jurisdiction, and to collate and induct into benefices in their collation, if and in so far as the right previously theirs, to make visitations there, to take procurations as customary, and to take cognizance of ecclesiastical causes.
Seal: G&B No. 3057, tag
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 4.5.Reg.6   19 January 1 & 2 [Philip & Mary] [1555]
Commission by letters patent, by Philip and Mary, king and queen of England, to Edmund [Bonner], bishop of London, Cuthbert [Tunstall], bishop of Durham, Nicholas [Heath], bishop of Worcester, Thomas [Thirlby], bishop of Ely, and William Armysted, royal chaplain, to produce statutes for the cathedral of Durham, for confirmation under the great seal, on the basis of those previously drawn up by Nicholas [Heath], bishop of Worcester, and George [Day], bishop of Chichester, in the name of Henry VIII who established and endowed the college or cathedral church of Durham but was prevented by death from providing it with statutes under the great seal.
Dorse: Note that seal was torn off "by negligent casting it about" in the Chancery, 30 July 1568.
Dated: Westminster.
Parchment, torn in two and sewn together (see note on dorse)
Seal: G&B No. 3058, tongue