Durham Cathedral Archive: Archiepiscopalia


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Archiep
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Archiepiscopalia
Dates of creation: c. 1121-1507
Extent: 3 original boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Documents issued by Archbishops (almost entirely of York) relating to the monastic community, with some associated material; a few now missing.
Language: Latin

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.
Stock checked by William Greenwell (late 19th century, marked by pencil ticks within Repertorium Magnum), March 1960 and (outer envelopes only) July 2023 .
Only discrepancies are as follows:
1.1.Archiep.27 (which does not survive) is not mentioned in 1960 stock check

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


The numbering system reflects the medieval organisation of the documents in boxes with four compartments: the first number is the compartment, the second the box, and the final one the number in the sequence (thus 3.2.Archiep.5 is the fifth document in the third compartment of the second box. The numbers were assigned in the Repertorium Magnum.
The documents are written on parchment unless otherwise stated.


Barlow, F., ed., Durham annals & documents of the thirteenth century (SS 155: 1945) [cited as DAD]
Brentano, Robert, York metropolitan jurisdiction and papal judge delegate (1279-96) (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1959).
Brown, W., ed., The register of John le Romeyn, lord archbishop of York, 1286-1296 (SS 123, 128: 1913-7) [cited as RJRo ]
Burton, T., The history and antiquities of the parish of Hemingsbrough in the county of York edited and enlarged by James Raine (York, 1888)
Fraser, C.M. ed., Records of Antony Bek, bishop and patriarch, 1283-1311 (SS 162: 1953) [cited as RBek]
Greenwell, W. ed., Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, (Surtees Society 58, 1872) [cited as FPD]
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B]
Holtzmann, Walther Papsturkunden in England 3vols. (Berlin and Göttingen, 1930-52).
Hutchinson, W., The history and antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham (3 vols: 1786-94)
Ingledew, C.J.D., The history and antiquities of North Allerton (1858)
Jaffé, Philipp Regesta pontificum romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum datum MCXCVIII, second ed. under direction of W. Wattenbach, (Leipzig, 1885-8).
Leach, A.F., Early Yorkshire Schools, II, (Y.A.S. Record Series XXXIII, 1903)
Raine, J., ed., Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (SS 9: 1839)[cited as HDST ]
Raine, J., ed., The register, or rolls, of Walter Gray, lord archbishop of York (SS 56: 1872)[cited as RWaGry]
Raine, J., ed., Historians of the church of York and its archbishops (RS, 3 vols. 1879-94) [cited as HCY ]
Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum I ed H W C Davis (1913), II ed C Johnson & H A Cronne (1956), III ed H A Cronne & R H C Davis (1968) [cited as RRAN]
Tillmann, Die päpstlichen Legaten in England


Box 1
DCD 1.1.Archiep.1
Charter (spurious) of Thomas [I], archbishop of York :
(a) granting, in return for a miraculous cure by St. Cuthbert, to God, St. Cuthbert, and his bishop and monks, liberties as follows:
They are to hold all churches in his diocese which they possess at present or may acquire in future free and quit for ever of all that appertains to the archbishop or his successors, in their own hands, freely appointing vicars who are to answer to the archbishop only for the cure of souls.
They and their vicars are to be free from all synodals, aids, burdens or rents, exactions or hospitality owed to archbishops, deans, archdeacons, or archbishop's vicars or ministers. They and their clerks are not to be compelled to attend synods or chapters, and anyone having complaint against them is to come to the court of St. Cuthbert at Durham to obtain right.
All liberties and dignities possessed by the archbishop and his successors in his own churches and lands are to be enjoyed by them in theirs.
(b) ratifying, in detail:
The grants of liberties made in full council at Westminster by authority of Pope Gregory VII and King William to the church of St. Cuthbert, and conferred on the prior and monks of that church, as subscribed and confirmed by the archbishop and Lanfranc archbishop of Canterbury (the extent of the diocese being defined);
the endowment of lands and the privileges then granted by William bishop of Durham to the prior and monks.
Witnesses: Aldred the dean; Durand the archdeacon; William son of Durand; William of Donington; Ranulf the treasurer; Fulk; Serlo; Tusti; Master Sirus; the master of schools Laurence; Hugh de Soteueim; Lambert the Fleming; Gilbert the chanter; Ketel son of Godman; Girold the canon.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3217) Attached by tongue with tie above (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Duplicate: 1.1.Archiep.2.
Inspeximus, 1185 x 1187: 1.1.Archiep.8
Official transcript, 1420: 1.1.Archiep.14a
Official transcript, 1420: 1.1.Archiep.14b
Inspeximus, 1253: 2.1.Archiep.10
Inspeximus, 1281: 2.1.Archiep.12
Inspeximus, 1281: 2.1.Archiep.13
Inspeximus, 1281: 2.1.Archiep.14
Late 14th cent. version: 4.13.Pont.5
Version circa 1322: 2.2.Arch.Dun.19, m.3
Official transcript, 1476: Loc.III:49
Late 14th cent. version: Misc.Ch.2614
Inspeximus, 1427: Loc.II:16
15th cent. version: Misc.Ch.5729
15th cent. extract: Loc.II:20
Cartulary copy: Cart.Vet. f. 154r
From official transcript of 1497: Cart.III i f.46r
Cartulary copy: Cart.III ii f.lr.
Cartulary copy from official transcript of 1497: Cart.III f.248r
Register copy from official transcript of 1433: Reg.III f.166r
Printed: Raine, St. Cuthbert, p.69n
Printed: HDST Appx p.xi, no.v
Printed: FPD p.lxxvi
Printed: HCY, III, 17
Printed: EYC, II, 262 (No.926)
Printed: cf. also Chronica Rogeri de Houedene (RS), I. 137
DCD 1.1.Archiep.2
Charter (spurious) of Thomas [I] archbishop of York (duplicate of 1.1.Archiep.1, with small verbal variations, an omission concerning the prior of Durham's position under the bishop, and omitting witnesses).
Seal: Seal wanting. Double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.3
Charter (spurious) of Lanfranc archbishop of Canterbury ratifying, by order of Pope Gregory VII, the integrity of the see of Durham (the extent of the diocese being defined), and (together with King William and Thomas archbishop of York ) the introduction of monks into the church of St. Cuthbert and the privileges granted to the prior
Witnesses: Gundulf bishop of Rochester; Remigius bishop of Lincoln; Paul abbot of St. Albans; Thorald abbot of Bury.
At the council of London
Seal: Seal wanting. Tongue with tie above.
Printed: HDST Appx p.x, no.iv (from Cart. I)
Printed: FPD p.lxxv
Printed: English episcopal acta. 28, Canterbury 1070-1136, ed Martin Brett and Joseph A. Gribbin, (Oxford 2004), p.4-6.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.4   [10 October 1154 x 1164, probably February 1155 or January 1158]
Charter (spurious ?) of Roger [of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York, granting to God, St. Cuthbert, and the prior and monks of Durham all their ancient liberties and dignities as enjoyed in the archbishopric of York in the time of any of his predecessors: they are to hold their churches in their own hands, with free disposal of them to the best profit of their church; no one is to compel their vicars or others to attend synods or chapters, nor are archdeacons or deans to vex them or require aids or hospitality from them. If any of their chaplains be guilty of an offence, on complaint to the prior and monks they shall be summoned to the court of St. Cuthbert for correction; in cases where they cannot be corrected without the archbishop's help, the prior and monks are to have them brought into the archbishop's presence.
Witnesses: Robert bishop of Lincoln; Ailred abbot of Rievaulx; Robert the dean; Thomas de Sotewania; Acard; & William, canons; Simund del Seil; Robert sacrist of Beverley; Guy butler.
Seal: (G&B 3220) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Inspeximus: DCD 1.1.Archiep.12, (1420) 1.1.Archiep.14a, (1420) 1.1.Archiep.14b and (1427) Loc.II:16.
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.156r-v, Cart.III, f.ii.2r.
Printed: G.V. Scammell, Hugh du Puiset (1956) p.265-266 (Appx II No.14); English Episcopal Acta 20 York 1154-1181, ed. M. Lovatt (Oxford 2000), p.14-16.
Digitised material for Charter of Roger, archbishop of York granting to Durham Priory all their ancient liberties and dignities in the archbishopric of York - DCD 1.1.Archiep.4
DCD 1.1.Archiep.5   [1164 x 1174]
Notification by Roger [of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York and papal legate, of the settlement by his mediation of a dispute between Hugh [of le Puiset] bishop of Durham and Robert de Stuteville about the chapel of Cowesby; the bishop as a concession to Robert has granted the chapel this time to a certain clerk, who shall pay to the mother church of Leake a yearly pension of 1 mark instead of the 10s. previously paid, but this is not to be made a precedent for the bishop's conduct on the said clerk's death.
Witnesses: John the archdeacon, William the chanter; William son of Tosti; Master Robert son of Stephen.
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3220) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document
Archbishop Roger not legate before 1164 (Tillmann, Die päpstlichen Legaten in England, 155). It is reasonably certain that William d'Eu was not precentor of York later than 1174.
Copies: DCD Cart.III, f.ii.64r and 95v.
Printed: EYC, IX, 95 (No. 14); G.V. Scammell, Hugh du Puiset (1956) p.265-266 (Appx II No.14); English Episcopal Acta 20 York 1154-1181, ed M. Lovatt (Oxford 2000), p.16-17.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.6   [1164 x c.1171/4]
Notification by Roger [of Pont L'Evêque], archbishop of York and papal legate, that Robert of Howden has resigned the church of Howden and that the archbishop has, at the presentation of Germanus the prior and the convent of Durham, granted it to Roger the clerk of Howden and has instituted him; Roger is to hold it freely and quietly, rendering the accustomed pension to the prior & convent, saving episcopal rights, and those of the archbishop's officials.
Witnesses: Robert dean of York; Geoffrey provost of Beverley; John archdeacon of Nottingham; Ralph archdeacon of Cleveland; Master Robert magnus; William precentor of York; William son of Tosti, Gerold, Master Alan, Nicholas son of Hugh, Thomas son of Paulinus, canons of York; Robert son of William grossus; Master Angotus; Master John London canon of Ripon; Geoffrey the chaplain; Master Lucian, Alan, canons of Southwell; Master Adam of Lambeth (`Lamhedona '), clerk of the archbishop of York
Seal: (G&B 3220) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet. f.156v-157r, Cart.III f.ii.20v, 60r and 248r.
Printed: EYC, II, 307 (No.978); G.V. Scammell, Hugh du Puiset (1956) p.265-266 (Appx II No.14); English Episcopal Acta 20 York 1154-1181, ed. M. Lovatt (Oxford 2000), p.17-19.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.7a   [c.1121 - 1128]
Charter of Thurstan, archbishop of York, granting & confirming to the prior & monks of St. Cuthbert the churches of Howden, Welton, Walkington, & Brantingham; in York the churches of Holy Trinity, St. Peter the Less, & All Saints; the churches of Holtby, Hemingbrough, Skipwith, Brompton, [North]allerton, & [Kirby] Sigston, with all chapels, lands, & other appurtenances: they are to hold them freely for ever, appointing what vicars they wish so that the revenues may be increased, the vicars to be free for the archbishop's own time and that of all his successors from all aids, hospitality, & other vexations & burdens of archbishops, archdeacons, & deans. If the archbishop or his successors have any complaint against any of the prior & monks' clerks, they shall accept such right as the prior shall offer for those clerks' crimes. If the archbishop receives a common aid from all churches in Yorkshire, he shall inform the prior & convent, who may if they wish give something voluntarily without prejudice to their liberty. These liberties are to apply to any churches or chapels they may canonically acquire in future.
Witnesses: Ranulf bishop of Durham; Ralph bishop of Orkney; Hugh dean of York; William the treasurer; Geoffrey the archdeacon; Hugh the archdeacon; Osbert the archdeacon; Walter the archdeacon; Thomas provost of Beverley; William clerk of Ste. Barbe; Ralph of St. Columba.
Seal: (G&B 3218) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
See EYC:- Archbishop Thurstan, consecrated by the pope 1119, did not return to England until January 1121.
Bishop Ranulf of Durham died 1128.
Inspeximus, 1427: Loc.II:16.
Copy (mid 13th century): Loc.III:2 (no witnesses after Ranulf).
Printed: EYC, II, 274 (No.936) and J.E. Burton ed., English Episcopal Acta V - York 1070-1154, (Oxford 1988), p.38-40.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.7b
Charter of Thurstan, archbishop of York (duplicate of 1.1.Archiep.7a, omitting the church of Hemingbrough)
Seal: split and face lost. Attached by tongue with tie below: the split reveals signs of an earlier attachment.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.8   [1165 - 1187]
Certificate of R[obert] abbot of St. Mary's York, R[alph] prior of Guisborough, & B[ernard] prior of Newburgh addressed to Pope Urban [III], testifying that they have seen and inspected charters of Thomas and Thurstan archbishops of York, and reciting their texts (originals 1.1.Archiep.1 and 1.1.Archiep.7a ): which transcripts H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham and the prior & convent of Durham send to the pope under witness of the seals of the abbot and priors.
Seal: Seals lacking. Three double tags through folded foot of document.
See EYC, and HduP, p.301):- It is addressed to Pope Urban [III] (1185-7).
First part printed: EYC, II, 265 (The rest consists of transcripts of 1.1.Archiep.1 & 1.1.Archiep.7a, q.v.)
DCD 1.1.Archiep.9
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart. I f.183v
Cartulary copy: Cart. III f. 248
DCD 1.1.Archiep.10   c.1250, not later than 1253: perhaps 1249 x 1253
Sealed copy (or renovation by S[ewal de Boville] dean & the chapter of York?) of certificate of S[imon of Apulia] dean & the chapter of York (original 1.1.Archiep.11).
The hand is mid-13th century. If this copy is in fact a renovation by Dean Sewal de Boville, it cannot be earlier than 1249 (the seal, attributed by G&B to the chapter of York, is unidentifiable; it may be that of the dean, but could equally be someone else's).
With the following (incomplete) addition at the end.
Partial copy in draft of a notification by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham that he has inspected letters from S[imon of Apulia], dean, and the chapter of York to I[nnocent III], pope, notifying the said pope that the said dean and chapter have inspected certain original charters of the church of Durham, of which they send full transcripts, abbreviated in this copy.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, Sunday after the Assumption of the BVM [17 August] 1253.
Seal: (G&B 3357) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document (broken, according to 19th century wrapper)
Original: DCD 2.1.Archiep.9 (now missing).
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.105.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.11   [1198-1214]
Certificate of S[imon of Apulia] dean & the chapter of York addressed to Pope I[nnocent III] testifying that they have inspected, and reciting the texts of, the following three documents:
Charter of Thurstan archbishop of York.
Charter of Roger archbishop of York.
Charter of Geoffrey [Plantagenet], archbishop-elect of York, granting and confirming to God, St. Cuthbert, Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, and the prior & monks of St. Cuthbert, Durham, all liberties and free customs which they had or should have had in the time of his predecessors, and their due rights over churches, clerks, and men in the archbishopric of York as witnessed by charters of his predecessors and papal privileges; and undertaking to renew this charter under his new seal after his consecration. [22 October - 31 December 1189]
Witnesses: Walter [of Coutances] archbishop of Rouen; Reginald [FitzJocelin], Hubert [Walter], Hugh [de Nonant], bishops of Bath, Salisbury & Coventry; William [Longchamp] bishop-elect of Ely, the king's chancellor; John count of Mortain; John Marshall; William his brother, lord of Striguil; William des Preaux; Stephen de Longchamp; William de Stuteville.
Endorsement recording that this document was taken to the pope by Elias de Rana.
Sealed copy or renovation of 1.1.Archiep.10.
Seal: (G&B 3358) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Simon of Apulia dean of York 1195-1214:
Innocent III 1198-1216:
Any possibility that this document should be assigned to the time of Sewal de Boville dean of York (1249-1256) and Pope Innocent IV (1243-1254) is excluded both by the hand and by the reference on the dorse to its being carried to the pope by Elias de Rana, who gave evidence c.1225 in which he claimed to have witnessed events in the prior's court twenty years before the death of Bishop Hugh of Le Puiset, i.e. c.1175 (FPD, p.282), and so would have been too old for such a mission by 1249.
Charter of Archbishop Geoffrey, recited in 1.1.Archiep.11 - 22 October x 31 December 1189.
Hubert Walter consecrated bishop of Salisbury 22 October 1189.
William Longchamp consecrated bishop of Ely 31 December 1189.
Original (charter of Thurstan): DCD 1.1.Archiep.7a.
Original (charter of Roger): DCD 1.1.Archiep.4.
Original (charter of Geoffrey): formerly DCD 2.1.Archiep.26, now missing.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.12   [1201]
Transcripts, inspected and sealed by John [of Salerno], cardinal priest of St. Stephen on the Coelian Hill, papal legate, of the following four documents:
Charter of Thurstan archbishop of York
Charter of Roger archbishop of York.
Charter of Geoffrey elect of York
Bull of Pope Alexander [III]
Seal: (G&B 3702) Attached by double tag over folded foot of document.
John cardinal of St. Stephen on the Coelian was legate to Scotland and Ireland, and passed through York, in 1201 (Roger of Howden, IV, 174; Tillmann, 90).
Original (charter of Thurstan): DCD 1.1.Archiep.7a.
Original (charter of Roger): DCD 1.1.Archiep.4.
Original (charter of Geoffrey): formerly DCD 2.1.Archiep.26, now missing, but copy in Cart. Vet. f.157r.
Original (charter of Alexander): formerly DCD 1.1.Pap.17, now missing, but copy in Cart.Vet. f.23r.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.13
Document does not survive.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.14a   22 October 1420
Notarial transcripts, certified and sealed by the official of the bishop of Durham, of the following three documents, exhibited in the consistory court at Durham by John Fishburn, proctor of the prior & chapter of Durham and monk of Durham:
Witnesses: Thomas Tange, notary, Robert Middleham, William Clerk, proctors of the court.
Notaries: William Doncaster, advocate of the court; Robert Berall, scribe of the court.
Dated: Durham, in the Galilee.
Charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Charter of Thurstan archbishop of York.
Charter of Roger archbishop of York.
Seal: (G&B 3174) Attached by silk cord through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 1.1.Archiep.14b
Original (charter of Thomas): DCD 1.1.Archiep.1.
Original (charter of Thurstan): DCD 1.1.Archiep.7a.
Original (charter of Roger): DCD 1.1.Archiep.4.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.14b
Notarial transcripts, certified and sealed by the official of the bishop of Durham
Seal: (G&B 3174) Attached by silk cord (imperfect) through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 1.1.Archiep.14a
DCD 1.1.Archiep.15
Document does not survive.
Copies: Cart III, f.i.46-47 & 248r-v.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.16
Document does not survive.
Copies: Cart III, f.i.36r-v & 248v-249v
DCD 1.1.Archiep.17   29 June 1504
Notarial transcript, certified and sealed by Martin Colyns, D.Cn.L., official of the court of York, of a charter of Thomas [Savage] archbishop of York ( original 1.1.Archiep.18 ), exhibited in the court of York by Master Robert Cheston, notary, proctor of the prior & chapter of Durham.
Witnesses: Masters Christopher York & John Underwood, advocates of the court; John Barker, notary, proctor general of the court; Robert Mason & Laurence Herrison, chaplains.
Notary: John Deyce, scribe of the official.
Dated: York cathedral, by the door of the chapter house.
Seal: Seal wanting. Holes for cord: marks of seal on dorse.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.18   10 January 1503[-4]
Charter of Thomas [Savage] archbishop of York and papal legate, declaring that, in accordance with a charter of Thomas I archbishop of York (original 1.1.Archiep.1 or 2 ), and although in or about 1486 commissaries of his immediate predecessor Thomas Rotherham archbishop of York presiding over a provincial council or convocation of clergy raised the question of the prior of Durham's presence, the prior & chapter of Durham have been and shall be for ever free from personal attendance at synods, chapters, general meetings and congregations, provincial councils and convocations of clergy.
Signature of the archbishop.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: Seal wanting. Holes for cord through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.19   [1154 x c.1158]
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting & confirming to the prior & convent of St. Cuthbert the parsonage of all their churches on the bishop's demesnes or on their own lands or those of others which belong to his bishopric or church; naming the churches of [North]allerton, Brompton, [Kirby] Sigston, All Saints in York with two other churches, Holtby, Walkington, Welton, Brantingham, Howden, Hemingbrough, and Skipwith. In all these churches and in chapels appertaining they are to be free to choose and introduce vicars, assigning them portions wherewith to sustain themselves, pay episcopalia, and serve the church.
Witnesses: Wazo & John, archdeacons; Master Laurence; Theobald; another Theobald; Master Thomas of Thixendale ('Sezevals') & Elias, clerks of the bishop; Alan priest of Wallsend; Master Roger Testard; Elias & Ralph of Warkworth; Richard priest of Pittington; Dolfin priest of Elvet; Robert & Michael of Billingham; Elias Escolland; Thomas son of Osbert.
Seal: (G&B 3114A) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document: affixed transversely.
1154 x 1156 (HduP, p.170)
1153 x c.1160 (EYC, II, 276)
Copies: DCD Cart.Vet., f.142r-v, Cart.I, f.178r-v.
Printed: Hutchinson, History of Durham, II, 72n
Printed: EYC, II, 276 (No.937)
Printed: Ingledew, History of Northallerton, 143 (from Hutchinson).
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 24 Durham 1153-1195, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.24-25.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.20
Inspeximus transcript of R[oger de Insula] dean and the chapter of York of the following document bearing the seal of R[ichard Marsh] bishop of Durham :
Agreement between the bishop of Durham and the prior & convent of Durham that the corn of Cornhill for the present autumn and the wood of Heworth be sequestrated in the hands of the archdeacons of Worcester & Durham, and that three prisoners in the prison of Norham be sequestrated in the hands of two knights, one the bishop's and one the prior's man: the sequestrations to last until the next day fixed by inquisitors for the bishop, and if no peace is made between bishop and monks by that day, all is to be as before the present agreement. Any action by any party before the day fixed for the inquisition will be null; but in the meantime the bishop is to make satisfaction to the prior & monks for 60 marks for corn of [North]allerton sold to Alexander of Dorset. All litigation between bishop and monks is to cease until the day fixed for the inquisition, except for acceptance by proctors of either party of days fixed in an ecclesiastical or king's court for after the date of the inquisition.
Dated: in the greater church at York, Saturday before Michaelmas [25 September] 1221 .
Seal: (G&B 3358) Attached by tongue, with tie below.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.182v-183r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.249-250.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.21a
Inspeximus transcript by S[imon of Warwick] and Th[omas of Whalley], abbots of York and Selby of the following document:
Bull of Pope Gregory [IX] granting the prior and convent of Durham, who wish to add twenty monks to their number, the appropriation of the church of St Peter, Howden, to which they have the presentation and in which the prior also has archidiaconal rights; provided that a vicarage is established with a suitable portion.
Dated: Lateran, 8 Kal. August, Pont.14 [25 July 1240]
Seal: (G&B 3563 & 3540) Attached by double tags through folded foot of document: the latter seal affixed back to front.
Printed: Coucher Book of Selby, II (Yorks. Arch. Soc. Record Series XIII, 1892), 345
Original (bull): formerly 2.1.Pap.32, now missing.
Duplicate: 1.1.Archiep.21b
DCD 1.1.Archiep.21b
Duplicate of 1.1.Archiep.21a
DCD 1.1.Archiep.22   Thursday after St. Mark 1277 [29 April 1277]
Record of proceedings before the official in the consistory court at Durham, reciting the text of the revocation by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of the sequestration of the goods of the late Richard of Middleton in the church of Hemingbrough (original 2.1.Archiep.18 ), exhibited in court by William Cuthbert, Thomas Le Deveneys, Roger of Methley , & William Lutterell, monks of Durham, Master Alexander of Allerton and Hugh of Hartlepool proctor of the prior & convent of Durham, and recording an appeal to the Holy See by Hugh of Hartlepool as the prior & convent's proctor against any such sequestrations or that of the revenues of any church in Allertonshire or Howdenshire, or others within the liberties of the prior & convent.
Dated: Durham, in the Galilee.
Seal: (G&B 3172) Attached by tongue, with tie below.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.23   Thurs. after St. Edmund the Confessor [18 November 1316]
Certificate of the official of the archdeacon of Durham to the prior & chapter of Durham, keepers of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Durham sede vacante, of the findings of an inquisition held by him in full chapter into the vacancy etc. in the church of Whitburn; reciting the mandate of 10 November 1316:
The church is found vacant by resignation of William de Ayremyn now rector of Bishop Wearmouth.
Jurors: the dean [of Christianity of Durham]; Master Geoffrey de Leuisham rector [sic] of Hilton; Henry of Dunnington (`Donyngton'), William de Craystok, Roger of Heslerton, Adam of Hepscott, & John of Rydal, rectors of both Baileys in Durham, Kimblesworth, Hunstanworth, & Muggleswick; Walter of Offington, Richard of Topcliffe, Thomas of Skirpenbeck, Thomas of Canterbury (`Cantuaria'), & William of Dalton, vicars of Billingham, Stranton, Merrington, Kelloe, and Dalton.
A note concerning a correction gives the name of the scribe, Nicholas of Staindrop, notary.
Dated: Durham, in the church of St. Nicholas.
Mandate of Geoffrey [Burdon] prior & the chapter of Durham, keepers of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Durham sede vacante, to the archdeacon of Durham or his locum tenens to enquire into the vacancy in the church of Whitburn, to which King Edward [II] has presented Nicholas of Welburn, clerk, by reason of the vacancy of the bishopric, and to certify the findings under his seal and those of the jurors.
Dated: Durham 10 November 1316.
Seal: (of official wanting)
dean [of Christianity of Durham]
rector or chaplain of Hilton (G&B 1583)
rector of South Bailey (G&B 804A)
(one wanting)
vicar of Merrington
vicar of Kelloe
vicar of Dalton
All attached by tongues.
Traces of official's seal on dorse.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.24   23 September 1428
Notarial exemplification, at the request of John Wessington prior of Durham, of the following document of 7 September 1428, sealed with the seal of the chapter of Durham, and to be directed to John [Kempe] archbishop of York :
Witnesses: Master Thomas Lyes dean of Auckland; Thomas Roos vicar of Merrington; Arsculph Killerby clerk.
Notary: William Smart.
Dated: Durham cathedral, in the chapel of St. Nicholas.
Protest of John [Wessington] prior and the chapter of Durham that in omitting the word "obedience" from letters of presentation to their benefices in the diocese of York, as has been done time out of mind, they do not intend the establishment of any new right in prejudice of John [Kempe] archbishop of York or his successors.
Dated: Durham, in the chapter house 7 September 1428.
DCD 1.1.Archiep.25
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 254
DCD 1.1.Archiep.26   [1253]
Notification by G[ilbert] bishop of Whithorn to W[alter Kirkham] bishop of Durham that on passing through Durham, having a copy made of the bishop of Durham's licence to the prior & convent of Durham to obtain ordination in his absence from any passing bishop (1.1.Archiep.25, now missing - see Cart.III f. 254r), notwithstanding that this licence is confined to the conferring of orders on monks of Durham and religious of the diocese, he has, at the instance of the archbishop of York, conferred orders on three monks of Fountains and another three of Jervaulx.
Seal: (G&B 3631, without secretum ) Attached by tongue, with tie below.
1253, after 13 April
Bishop Kirkham's licence here referred to is dated Palm Sunday pont.4, i.e. 13 April 1253 (Cart.III f.254r-v).
Bishop Gilbert died in 1253 ( Handbook of British Chronology : Chronicle of Lanercost)
Printed: HDST Appx p.lxxix, no.lxii (from Cart. III)
Printed: Memorials of Fountains Abbey (SS) II, 81 (from Cart. III)
DCD 1.1.Archiep.27
Described in Magnum Repertorium (later addition) as sentence of York Chapter relating to annual pension of £21 from church of Alverton
Document does not survive.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.1   9 Kal. February, 10 [Walter Gray] [24 January 1225]
Charter of Walter [Gray] archbishop of York granting & confirming to the prior & convent of Durham the due and ancient pensions that have been accustomed to receive from the churches in their gift in his diocese, namely from Rounton 3 marks, Kirby Sigston 10 marks, St. Peter the Less, York, 1 mark, All Saints York and Holtby 50s., Skipwith 1 mark, Hemingbrough 3 marks, Howden 5 marks, Brantingham & the chapel of Blacktoft 10 marks, Welton 3 marks, Walkington 100s., and Normanton-on-Soar 1 mark.
Witnesses: N[icholas] formerly bishop of Man & the Isles; Richard the archbishop's chaplain & Brother John the bishop's chaplain; Richard de Bereford; William de Vescy; Robert of Witton; Odo of Richmond; & Reginald of Stowe , clerks.
Dated: Otley.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: Hutchinson, History of Durham, II, 79n
Printed: RWaGry p.153 (Appx I No.XXIX) (from Cart. III)
Copied in DCD Cham.Cart. f.5r, with variations and omissions and 1.2.Archid.Dunelm.7(xvi).
DCD 2.1.Archiep.2a   18 Kal. December 1273 [14 November 1273]
Charter of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York to the prior & convent of Durham confirming their rights, jurisdictions, and liberties in the churches in their patronage in Howdenshire & Allertonshire, and making certain provisions concerning the respective rights and duties of the archbishop and the prior & convent in those churches.
Dated: [Bishop] Wilton.
Seal: (G&B 3224, without secretum ) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.1.Archiep.2b
Copy: DCD Misc.Ch.2623.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.2b   18 Kal. December 1273 [14 November 1273]
Charter of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York (duplicate of 2.1.Archiep.2a).
Seal: (G&B 3224, without secretum ) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.1.Archiep.2a
DCD 2.1.Archiep.3   [1218-1226]?
Inspeximus transcript by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York of the following two documents:
Charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham [3 January 1084 x 2 January 1085].
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham [late February x 3 March 1195].
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Cf. 2.1.Archiep.5, which is in exactly the same form and was probably executed at the same time.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.38n.
Original (charter of William): DCD 1.1.Pont.4a.
Original (charter of Hugh): DCD 4.1.Pont.5.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.4   [17 October 1253]
Inspeximus transcript by W[alter Gray] archbishop of York of the following privilege of Pope Gregory IX; saving the authority, rights, and possessions of the church of York, and providing that in appending his seal the archbishop in no way adds anything new to the prior & convent or the church of Durham, nor diminishes the possessions of the archbishop or the church of York:
Dated: [Bishop] Burton , 16 Kal. November, Pont.38.
Bull of Pope Gregory [IX] confirming to the prior & convent of Durham all ancient and reasonable customs of their church, all liberties and immunities granted to it by popes and other prelates, and all liberties and immunities from secular exactions granted to it by kings, princes, and others.
Dated: Lateran, 11 Kal. December, Pont.13 [21 October 1239]
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: Hutchinson, History of Durham, II, 78n (from Cart. I)
Original (bull): formerly 2.1.Pap.31, now missing.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.5   [1218-1226]
Inspeximus transcript by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York of the following two documents:
Charter of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham.
Charter of Richard [Marsh] bishop of Durham, 22 September 1218.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Richard Marsh is described as "nunc dei gratia Dunelmensi Episcopo" (1217 - 1226).
Marsh's charter which is inspected is dated 22 September anno pont.2, i.e. 1218.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.39n
Original (charter of William): DCD 1.1.Pont.1.
Original (charter of Richard): DCD 2.2.Pont.1.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.6   9 Kal. February, 10 [Walter Gray] [24 January 1225]
Certificate of Walter [Gray] archbishop of York witnessing his having admitted at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham the following clerks to the following churches:
Walter of Woburn to Welton, anno pont. 2
Robert Marsh to Hemingbrough, anno pont. 3
Master Simon of Farlington to Howden, anno pont. 5
Master Henry of Melsonby to Kirby Sigston, anno pont. 5
Robert of Holtby to St. Peter the Less, York, anno pont. 5
Robert of Hemingbrough to Walkington, anno pont. 9
John le Hauteyn to Howden, anno pont. 9, after the death of Master Simon.
Gilbert of Dalton to St. Peter the Less, York, anno pont. 9, after the death of Robert of Holtby.
Dated: Otley.
Seal: wanting. Slits for double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: RWaGry p.150 (Appx I No.XXV)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.7   [14 January 1219]
Certificate of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York witnessing that T. the chamberlain and Oswald, monks of Durham and proctors of their prior & convent, at Wilton before the archbishop on the morrow of St. Hilary next after the arrival of Pand[ulf] the papal legate in England appealed to the Holy See for the liberties and possessions of their church and themselves and the status of their church, themselves, and their men, and for protection of that appeal appealed to the said legate and the archbishop: that on the preceding St. Hilary's day they made the same appeal at York before the chapter: and that on the morrow of St. Hilary the proctor of Master S[imon of Farlington] archdeacon of Durham interposed a similar appeal for his right in the church of Howden and for his status.
Dated: [Bishop Wilton].
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by tongue (torn off and re-attached with thread) with tie below.
According to Ralph Coggeshall's Chronicle (Rolls Series) p.186, the legate Pandulf arrived in London 3 December 1218 ; this is the most precise of a number of chronicle entries indicating that Pandulf arrived just as his predecessor Guala was leaving, late in that year (cf. Tillmann,, pp.116-17 & note 298). This makes the morrow of St. Hilary next after his arrival 14 January 1219.
Although according to 2.1.Archiep.6 Simon of Farlington was not admitted to Howden until Archbishop Grey's 5th year, i.e. November1219-November 1220, he may have had a valid presentation by January 1219, and indeed had a much earlier interest in the church (cf. Cheney, Letters of Innocent III, No.454, Cal. Pap. Lett. I, 12-13; 2.1.Archiep.29 ).
Printed: RWaGry p.135 (Appx I No.IX)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.8   October 1218
Certificate of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York, acting as executor by papal authority of a debt of 1,000 marks said to be owed by R[ichard Marsh] bishop of Durham to (as to two thirds of the debt) John Robonis (?), Alcherucius, and Jacob de Marco, Roman citizens, and (as to one third) Bonco' paganus de Aldemar', William Gulluc', and Rainuc' Spinelli, witnessing that the bishop has freely acknowledged the debt and without delay has paid it to Senebald the proctor and envoy of the aforesaid merchants by the hand of the prior of St. Cuthbert, Durham, with whom the money was in deposit.
Dated: London.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: RWaGry p. 135 (Appx I No. X)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.9
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: DCD Cart. I f. 177.
Partial copy in draft: DCD 1.1.Archiep.10.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.10   [16 August 1253]
Inspeximus transcript by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of a charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York, (1.1.Archiep.2), confirming the privileges of the church of Durham.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland, morrow of the Assumption of the BVM Pont.4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 221 x 264mm
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3122) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.66r.
Printed: HDST Appx. p.cliv, no.cxxxvi; English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.60-62.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.11   [15 June] 1277
Inspeximus transcript by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following charter.
Charter of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York concerning the prior and convent of Durham's liberties in Howdenshire and Allertonshire.
Date: Wilton, 18 Kal. December [14 November] 1273.
Dated: [Bishop] Middleham, 17 Kal. July 1277.
Seal: (G&B 3124, without secretum ) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.ii.66r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.185-186.
Original (charter): DCD 2.1.Archiep.2a or 2b.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.12   [26 July] 1281
Inspeximus transcript by Hugh [Balsham] bishop of Ely of the following two documents:
Charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Letters patent of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York.
Date: Willingham, 7 Kal. August 1281.
Seal: (G&B 3189) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Original (charter): DCD 1.1.Archiep.1.
Original (letters): DCD 2.1.Archiep.18.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.13   9 Kal. August 1281 [24 July 1281]
Inspeximus transcript by William [Middleton] bishop of Norwich of the following two documents:
Charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Letters patent of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York.
Dated: Terling.
On dorse: memorandum recording production of this document in Parliament in the cause of the bishop of Durham concerning regal privileges & liberties, 11 Henry VI, 1433.
Seal: (G&B 3204) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: English episcopal acta. 40, Norwich, 1266-1288, ed Christopher Harper-Bill, (Oxford 2012), p.142-143.
Original (charter): DCD 1.1.Archiep.1.
Original (letters): DCD 2.1.Archiep.18.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.14    [19 July] 1281
Inspeximus transcript by Reginald [of Maidenhithe] abbot of Waltham of the following two documents:
Charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Letters patent of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York.
Dated: Waltham, 14 Kal. August.
Seal: (G&B 3555) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Original (charter): DCD 1.1.Archiep.1.
Original (letters): DCD 2.1.Archiep.18.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.15   [19 November 1220]
Notification by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, he has admitted, instituted, and inducted Master Henry of Melsonby to the church of Kirby Sigston, saving to the prior & convent the due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: Master Adam of Richmond, canon of Ripon; Master Roger of Burton; William Foliot; Philip of St Elena ; Walter de chaaluns; William de Vescy; Odo of Richmond.
Dated: Hexham, 13 Kal. December, Pont.6.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Formerly: DCD 2.1.Ebor.34.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.i.39 & 256.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.16   [28 March] 1313
Presentation by Stephen de Maulay rector of Hemingbrough [and archdeacon of Cleveland] to William [Tanfield] prior of Durham of James de Waterville, his familiar chaplain, to the chantry which was Richard del Wayce's in the church of Hemingbrough, vacant by Richard's death.
Dated: Hemingbrough, 5 Kal. April 1313.
Seal: (G&B 3291) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.17   [c.1218]
Notification by W[alter Gray] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, he has admitted and instituted Robert Marsh, clerk, to the church of Hemingbrough and Walter of Woburn, clerk, to the church of Welton.
Seal: wanting. Tongue with tie below.
According to 2.1.Archiep.6 , Walter of Woburn was admitted in Gray's 2nd year (1216-17) and Robert Marsh in his 3rd year (1217-18).
This document need not have been issued until some time after the event (cf. 2.1.Archiep.6).
DCD 2.1.Archiep.18   18 Kal. December 1273 [14 November 1273]
Letters patent of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York revoking the sequestration made by his authority by Master William de Hextilisbir', his official, of the goods of the late Richard of Middleton in the church of Hemingbrough, and returning money therefrom which had been converted to the archbishop's use; since the archbishop has learned that according to written evidences shown him by the prior & convent of Durham and by long custom the sequestration of this and other churches of their patronage in Howdenshire and Allertonshire belongs to them.
Dated: [Bishop] Wilton.
Seal: (G&B 3224, without secretum ) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Inspeximus, 1281: DCD 3.2.Ebor.27.
Inspeximus, 1427: DCD Loc.II:16.
Printed: DAD p.144, no.98 (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.19   4 Kal. August, 22 [Walter Gray] [29 July 1237]
Mandate of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York to Th. dean of Beverley to induct Master Odo of Kilkenny into the church of Brantingham, saving the archbishop's ordinance as to a certain portion of the church; the archbishop having admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Husthwaite.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3222) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Calendared as an institution, without reference: The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York, ed W. Raine (Surtees Society 56, 1872), p.78n.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.20   3 Nones October, 21 [Walter Gray] [5 October 1236]
Notification by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, he has admitted and instituted Master Henry of Melsonby, clerk, to the church of Brantingham, and has caused him to be inducted into the church with the chapel of Blacktoft and all its other appurtenances, saving to the prior & convent their due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: Master Robert Haget & S[ewal] de Bovill', canons of York; Matthew de Cantilupe, Reginald of Stowe, Alan of Hessle, clerks; Robert de Gray & William Martel, knights.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.75n
DCD 2.1.Archiep.21
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 62
DCD 2.1.Archiep.22   11 Kal. February 1278 [22 January 1279]
Settlement by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of a suit, brought before him as ordinary, of Adam of Bibury rector of Normanton-on-Soar against the prior & convent of Durham concerning tithes from certain lands and the issues of a certain mill: having considered the rights of both parties, the length of time the prior has received the tithes, and that the rector received his benefice from the prior & convent, the archbishop ordains that Adam give up his suit and, lest the archbishop or the prior be blamed for injuring the church of Normanton, promises to pay the said rector 100s. from his chamber to enable him to find land as quickly as possible to be devoted to the use of his church in compensation for the tithes.
Dated: Bearpark.
Seal: Richard Claxton, prior of Durham (G&B 3433)Walter Giffard, archbishop of York (G&B 3224, without secretum )Adam of Bibury, rector of Normanton-on-Soar (G&B 3367)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Digitised material for Settlement regarding a mill at Normanton-on-Soar - DCD 2.1.Archiep.22
DCD 2.1.Archiep.23
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart III i f. 41
DCD 2.1.Archiep.24   [15 June] 1277
Inspeximus by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following letters patent.
Letters patent of Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York stating that the sequestration of the goods of Richard of Middleton, deceased, and of the patrongae of his churches in Howdenshire and Allertonshire, pertains to the prior and convent of Durham, and revoking the sequestration of his goods in the church of Hemingbrough made by the archbishop's official, William of Hexham.
Date: Wilton, 18 Kal. December [14 November] 1273.
Dated: [Bishop] Middleham, 17 Kal. July 1277.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3124, without secretum ): 4.2.Pont.Loose Seal B may be part of this seal.
Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.ii.3v-4r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.184-185.
Original (letters): formerly DCD 2.1.Archiep.18, no longer extant.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.25   1191 x 1207
Letters of G[eoffrey Plantagenet] archbishop of York declaring invalid and not binding a sentence of excommunication which a proctor of the prior & monks of Durham has shown and proved by witnesses to have been promulgated against the prior by the bishop of Durham after an appeal had been made to the pope and the archbishop.
Seal: (G&B 3221) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
Archbishop Geoffrey, consecrated 1191, left the country in 1207 and never returned (DNB)
(Probably belongs to the time of Philip of Poitou, bishop of Durham from 1197: cf. HDST pp.18-23.)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.26
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart. Vet. f.157.
Cartulary copy: Cart. III ii f. 2.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.27   4 Kal. March 1259 [27 February 1260]
Notification by G[odfrey Ludham] archbishop of York that whereas Pope Alexander IV has granted for the relief of the debts of the church of York a subsidy from all who hold benefices in the city and diocese of York, the prior & convent of Durham have freely granted without duress or taxation of their goods 50 marks for the churches which they and their clerks hold in the diocese of York, except the church of Howden, whose subsidy the archbishop will himself obtain. No prejudice is hereby to be engendered to the prior & convent's privileges or the rights of the archbishop or church of York.
Dated: [Bishop] Burton.
Seal: (G&B 3223, secretum only) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.28   [1191 x 1207]
Charter of G[eoffrey Plantagenet] archbishop of York granting and confirming, at the presentation of B[ertram] prior & the convent of Durham, the church of Hemingbrough to Master Henry of Durham, whom he has instituted as parson, and who is to render annually to the monks of Durham the due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: Michael bishop of Man; Master Ralph of Kyme; Alan canon of Ripon; Master Columb'; Master Stephen de Lagget'; Walter de Neville; Richard de Vescy; John, Hugh, chaplains; Richard Malebise; Jollan de Neville; John of Cawood.
Seal: G&B 3221. Imperfect ("fragmentary" according to 19th century wrapper). Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Archbishop Geoffrey, consecrated 1191, fled the country in 1207 and never returned (DNB)
(Probably before 1204, as the Handbook of British Chronology gives the death of Michael bishop of the Isles [or Man] as 1193 or 1203; but the succession of bishops of the Isles is doubtful at this date.)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.29   1202 x 1207 (probably c.1203)
Notification by G[eoffrey Plantagenet] archbishop of York that, in accordance with a charter of the prior & monks of Durham which he has inspected, he has admitted and instituted Master S[imon] of Farlington to the vacant church of Howden, of which the monks are patrons.
Witnesses: Alan & Reginald, chaplains; Master Nicholas of Hampton; Master Roger of Richmond; Master Thomas de Discy; Master Robert de Etton'; Geoffrey of Dorchester; William Marker'; William de Bruges.
Seal: (G&B 3221) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Roger, parson of Howden, died 1201 or 1202 (see Barlow in EHR LXV (1950), pp.356. 358) Archbishop Geoffrey fled the country in 1207 and never returned (DNB)
Probably to be dated about the time of the papal mandate of 5 January 1203 for the settlement of the disputed presentation (Cheney, Letters of Innocent III, No.454: Cal. Pap. Lett. I, 12-13). As the preamble to the mandate shows that Master Simon's proctor at Rome did not plead this institution, it presumably took place after that date or only shortly before. Since Master Simon's rival eventually obtained possession ( FPD p.280: 2.1.Archiep.31 ), a date much later is unlikely.
DCD 2.1.Archiep.30   1191 x 1202
Charter of Geoffrey [Plantagenet] archbishop of York granting and confirming, at the petition and presentation of B[ertram] prior & the convent of Durham and at the instance of Ph[ilip] canon of Beverley and parson of Brantingham, the chapel of Blacktoft to Master William of Harpham in free vicarage for life, rendering annually to the mother church of Brantingham a pension of 3 marks of silver, payable 20s. at Martinmas and 20s. at Pentecost: the archbishop has instituted master William to the vicarage.
Witnesses: Alan, Reginald, chaplains; Master Columb'; Master Roger of Richmond; Master Robert de Etton'; Master Thomas de Discy; Anketill of Wetwang; William Marker; William de Lan[um ?]; Geoffrey of Dorchester; Simon de Capella; Hervey de St. John; Ranulf son of Ralph; Godfrey son of Alexander; William Muschet.
Seal: (G&B 3221) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Archbishop Geoffrey consecrated 1191.
William of Harpham received papal confirmation 24 November 1202 ( 3.1.Pap.14 ).
DCD 2.1.Archiep.31   1203 x 1207
Notification by Geoffrey [Plantagenet] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & monks of Durham, he has admitted and instituted Peter Thebert, clerk, of the church of Howden.
Witnesses: R[obert], prior of Holy Trinity, York; Alan, Jordan, Reginald, chaplains; Master Roger of Richmond; Master Peter of Sherburn; Master Richard de Turri; Master Walter de Meduers; William le Travaille; Simon de Capella; Geoffrey of Dorchester; Thomas de Capella; Robert the clerk.
Seal: (G&B 3221) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
This institution clearly dates from after the papal mandate of 5 January 1203 for settlement of the disputed presentation (Cheney, Letters of Innocent III, No.454: Cal. Pap. Lett. I, 12-13).
Archbishop Geoffrey fled the country in 1207 and never returned (D.N.B.)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.32
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart. III ii f. 3r-v
DCD 2.1.Archiep.33   1191 x 1207
Mandate of G[eoffrey Plantagenet] archbishop of York to G. de Forset' and P. de S. Runwald ordering them, or at least one of them, to go to the cathedral church of Durham and by authority of the archbishop to declare null a sentence which the bishop of Durham imposed on the prior of Durham on the morrow of Ash Wednesday, as the archbishop has been fully convinced that it was imposed after an appeal had been made to the pope and himself.
Seal: (G&B 3221) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Archbishop Geoffrey, consecrated 1191, left the country in 1207 and never returned (DNB)
(Probably belongs to the time of Philip of Poitou, bishop of Durham from 1197: cf. HDST pp.18-23.)
DCD 2.1.Archiep.Loose Seal
Seal: Walter Giffard archbishop of York (G&B 3224, without secretum), on double tag.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.1a   6 Kal. March 1267 [25 February 1268]
Ordination by Walter [Giffard], archbishop of York, with the consent of the dean & Chapter of York, of the church of St. Peter, Howden, as a collegiate church of five prebends, including appropriation to the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, of the chapel of Eastrington: the prior & convent, to whom Pope Gregory IX granted an indulgence to appropriate the church of Howden ( 2.1.Pap.32, now missing - see Cart. III part i f.42r), having nonetheless submitted the church to the archbishop's ordinance by a deed dated at Durham10 Kal. March 1267 [20 February 1268] (recited) so that provision might be made for the support of more clergy.
Seal: Archbishop Giffard (G&B 3224, with secretum no.1)
Chapter of York (G&B 3356)
Prior & convent of Durham (G&B 3427)
All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Duplicates: 3.1.Archiep.1b, 1c, 1d.
Printed: (part only) DAD p. 171, no.136a (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
Printed: The Register of William Melton, Vol.I (Cant. & York Soc. Vol. LXX) pp.113-117, no.377 (from York Reg. Melton)
DCD 3.1.Archiep.1b
Ordination by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of the church of Howden as a collegiate church.
Seal: [of archbishop Giffard wanting]chapter of York (G&B 3356)prior & convent of Durham (G&B 3427)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document (one tag wanting)
Duplicates: 3.1.Archiep.1a, 1c, 1d.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.1c
Ordination by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of the church of Howden as a collegiate church.
Seal: Archbishop Giffard (G&B 3224, with secretum no.2)chapter of York (G&B 3356)prior & convent of Durham (G&B 3427)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Duplicates: 3.1.Archiep.1a, 1b, 1d.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.1d
Ordination by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of the church of Howden as a collegiate church.
Seal: Archbishop Giffard (G&B 3224, with secretum no.2)chapter of York (G&B 3356)prior & convent of Durham (G&B 3427)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Duplicates: 3.1.Archiep.1a, 1b, 1c.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.2a   23 May 1404
Ordination by Walter [Skirlawe], bishop of Durham, of a chantry of St. Cuthbert in the collegiate church of Howden, with appointment of Nicholas Kayser, priest, as first chaplain, and endowment with eight cottages in Howden and 6 marks a year from the chapter of Howden; reciting the following two documents:
Letters patent of King Richard [II] granting licence to Walter [Skirlawe] bishop of Durham, who intends to found a chantry in the church of Howden and a hall with chambers etc. for the vicars etc. of the said church, to found the chantry and to grant to the chaplain in mortmain one messuage, eight cottages, and 40s. in rent.
TesteEdmund duke of York, guardian.
Dated: Westminster 10 February, 18 [Richard II].
Licence of Richard [le Scrope], archbishop of York and papal legate, to Walter [Skirlawe] bishop of Durham to found and ordain a chantry in the church of Howden and to place, institute, and induct the first chaplain.
Dated: Scrooby, 5 January 1403, 6 [Richard le Scrope] [5 January 1404].
Dated: Howden.
Seal: (G&B 3144) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
( CPR. 1391-1396 p.539) [10 February 1395]
Duplicate: DCD 3.1.Archiep.2b
Later version of 1 September 1404: DCD Loc.X:27.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.2b
Ordination by Walter [Skirlawe], bishop of Durham, of a chantry of St. Cuthbert in the collegiate church of Howden (duplicate of 3.1.Archiep.2a, with minor variations in wording concerning the celebrations to be made and the induction of the chaplain).
Seal: (G&B 3144) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document. Traces of paper cover.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.3
Document does not survive.
Cartulary copy: Cart III f. 257
DCD 3.1.Archiep.4   Ides September 1269 [13 September 1269]
Ordination by Walter [Giffard], archbishop of York, of the vicarage of the parish church of Eastrington, appropriated to the prior & convent of Durham by an ordinance of the archbishop ( 3.1.Archiep.1a, 1b, 1c, 1d ) in which the assessment of the vicarage was reserved to the archbishop.
Dated: Muggleswick.
Seal: (G&B 3224, with secretum no.3) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: DAD p.173, no.138 (from B.M. MS Stowe 930)
Digitised material for DCD 3.1.Archiep.4 - Ordination by Walter [Giffard], archbishop of York, of the vicarage of the parish church of Eastrington, appropriated to the prior & convent of Durham by an ordinance of the archbishop - 13 September 1269
DCD 3.1.Archiep.5    [20 July 1243]
Notification by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, he has admitted, instituted, and caused to be inducted Master Adam de Bokefeld' to the church of Rounton, saving to the prior & convent the due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: Peter of Figheldean canon of Ripon; Alan of Wassand; Walter de Castello, chaplain; Reginald of Stowe; Thomas of Stamford; Alan of Hessle.
Dated: Reading, 13 Kal. August, Pont.28 [Walter Gray].
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Formerly: DCD 2.1.Ebor.20.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.93.
Calendared: RWaGry p.92n
DCD 3.1.Archiep.6   16 Kal. November, 38 [Walter Gray] [17 October 1253]
Inspeximus confirmation by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York of a charter of Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham, 3.2.Pont. 8a, 8b, 12.
Dated: [Bishop] Burton.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.39n
DCD 3.1.Archiep.7   15 Kal. October, 1 [Walter Gray] [17 September 1216]
Notification by W[alter Gray] archbishop of York that during the vacancy of the see of Durham he has confirmed to the prior and monks of Durham the churches of Aycliffe and Pittington to be appropriated, as contained in letters of H[ugh of Le Puiset] formerly bishop of Durham, and that the prior & monks have by his consent and wish entered upon the possessions of those churches.
Witnesses: Master Richard of Cornwall; Master Serlo of Sonning; Master Walter de Taney; Master Elias Barnard'; Master Geoffrey of Buckland; Master Geoffrey of Standlake.
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Calendared (inaccurately), without reference: RWaGry p.38n
DCD 3.1.Archiep.8   5 Kal. October, 9 [Walter Gray] [27 September 1224]
Mandate of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York to Masters G[odard] penitentiary of York and W. de Than' [Walter de Taney ?] canon of Southwell to induct John le Hauteyn the archbishop's nephew (or kinsman) into the church of Howden, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Churchdown.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3222) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.9   [July 1217 x February 1218]
Confirmation by W[alter Gray] archbishop of York to Master William Scot of possession of the church of Rounton as he obtained it by presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, saving to the said monks the due and accustomed pension.
Witnesses: W[illiam of Rotherfield] archdeacon of Richmond; W[illiam] provost of Beverley; Walter Mauclerc; Master Walter de Taney; Henry of Waltham; Geoffrey of Standlake.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Formerly: DCD 2.1.Ebor.23.
W. archdn. of Richmond : William of Rotherfield became archdeacon by 1 March 1218, in succession to Richard Marsh, who relinquished it on consecration as bishop of Durham 2 July 1217 ( York Minster Fasti, I, 46: RWaGry p.132). Date cannot therefore be before July 1217.
W[illiam] provost of Beverley (known only from this document and 4.1.Archiep.6 and one other document said to be c.1217) was succeeded by Peter of Sherburn before 1 March 1218 ( Beverley Chapter Act Book (SS), II, xxi-xxii: RWaGry p.132). Date therefore must be before March 1218.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.i.38 & 258.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.6n
DCD 3.1.Archiep.10a   5 Kal. May 1268 [27 April 1268]
Inspeximus confirmation by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of bond as follows:
Bond not to be valid after payment of the pension owed to Bogo de Clare by the prior & convent has ceased.
Bond of Master John de Methelton, Richard of Middleton, Masters Geoffrey de Forset, Hugh of Evesham, and John of Newton, canons of Howden, to the prior & convent of Durham.
Dated: London.
Seal: (G&B 3224, without secretum ) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.1.Archiep.10b
Printed: DAD p.169, no.135a (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
Original (bond): DCD 4.1.Ebor.34.
DCD 3.1.Archiep.10b
Inspeximus confirmation by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York (duplicate of 3.1.Archiep.10a).
Seal: (G&B 3225, with secretum no. 1 of 3224) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.1
Charter (spurious) of William [of St. Calais] bishop of Durham granting, by grant and order of King William [II] and in the presence of Thomas archbishop of York and many others, bishops abbots & other persons clerical & lay, to God and St. Cuthbert and the prior and monks whom he has introduced into the church of Durham the churches in the vills of [North]allerton, Sigston, and Brompton in Allertonshire, with the tithes of his demesnes there; with free disposition of these churches with all chapels appertaining and other things, and with all liberties which the bishop in his charters has already granted them in their other churches.
Signa: (first column) Thomas bishop (sic) of York; Remigius bishop of Lincoln; Osmund bishop of Salisbury; John bishop of Bath; Guy abbot of St. Augustine's [Canterbury]; Baldwin abbot of [Bury] St. Edmunds; Stephen abbot of St. Mary's [York]
(second column) William bishop of Durham; King William the Second; Robert brother of the king; Henry brother of the king; Robert the king's chancellor, surnamed Bloet; Duncan son of king Malcolm; Roger earl of Shrewsbury
(third column) Hugh earl of Chester; Philip son of Roger earl of Shrewsbury; Robert earl of the Northumbrians; Edgar Clito; Roger Bigod; Moreal' the sheriff; William Peverel
(fourth column) Ranulf the treasurer; Mervin the priest; Ailav the priest; Orm the priest; Aldred the priest; Robert the king's dispenser; Siward Bran
(fifth column) Gilbert the seneschal; Arnold de Percy.
Seal: (G&B 3109) Attached by multiple tags through folded foot of document, with parchment reinforcement within the fold: tie at top of folded foot.
Printed: J. Raine, HDST Appx p.xxii, no. xiii; W. Farrer, EYC, II, 266 (No.928); H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.48-53.
Calendared: RRAN, I, 83 (No.318)
Copies: DCD 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.11(iv); 2.2.Archid.Dunelm.19(iv); Cart.Vet., f.132r-v; Cart.I, f.71v; Cart.III, f.i.81r.
Digitised material for DCD 4.1.Archiep.1
DCD 4.1.Archiep.2a   30 August 1325, 8 [William Melton]
Indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham settling a dispute concerning the jurisdiction and visitation to be exercised by the archbishop in the prior & chapter's churches and parishes of Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Hemingbrough, Skipwith, Welton, Walkington, Holtby, Northallerton, Sigston, and Rounton: setting out in detail the respective rights of the archbishop and the prior & chapter as agreed upon by the parties.
Dated: [Bishop] Wilton.
Seal: Archbishop Melton (G&B 3229) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicates: (: 4.1.Archiep.2b & (with different date) 2c) cf. also 1.2.Archiep.3 )
DCD 4.1.Archiep.2b
Indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham (duplicate of 4.1.Archiep.2a and (with different date) 2c)
Seal: Archbishop Melton (G&B 3229) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.2c   7 September 1325, 8 [William Melton]
Indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham (duplicate of 4.1.Archiep.2a & 2b, with different date)
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: Archbishop Melton (G&B 3229) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Inspeximus, 1427: Loc.II:16.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.3a   8 Ides April 1283 [6 April 1283]
Agreement between William [Wickwane] archbishop of York and Richard [Claxton] prior & the chapter of Durham to submit to arbitration a dispute about visitation of the church, city, and diocese of Durham by the archbishop, King Edward [I] having sent Antony Bek, his clerk and secretary, to end the dispute: both parties agree to revoke all sentences passed on their behalf during this dispute and all others; to submit to the decision of Master Henry of Newark archdeacon of Richmond and master Ralph of Ivinghoe chancellor of St. Paul's, London (chosen by the archbishop & his chapter), Master Robert Avenel (chosen by the bishop of Durham), and Master Reginald of Brandon canon of St. Paul's London (chosen by the prior & chapter), or a majority of them, the arrangements for arriving at a decision being laid down in detail; and to seek papal ratification for their award, Bek having promised to obtain the king's assistance in so doing. Pending the award, which should be made by the next feast of the Purification [2 February], neither party is to molest the other or attempt anything prejudicial to the award, and any papal letters etc, obtained to that effect shall be invalid.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: imperfect: Prior Claxton (G&B 3433) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicates: DCD 4.1.Archiep.3b & (with different date) 3c)
Draft: DCD Misc.Ch.5820/2h.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.3b
Agreement between William [Wickwane] archbishop of York and Richard [Claxton] prior & the chapter of Durham (duplicate of 4.1.Archiep.3a and (with different date) 3c).
Seal: imperfect: Prior Claxton (G&B 3433) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.3c   2 Nones May 1283 [6 May 1283]
Agreement between William [Wickwane] archbishop of York and Richard [Claxton] prior & the chapter of Durham (duplicate of 4.1.Archiep.3a & 3b, with different date).
Dated: Durham.
Seal: imperfect: chapter of Durham (G&B 3427) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.4a   4 Kal. February 1279, 1 [William Wickwane] [29 January 1280]
Ordination by William [Wickwane] archbishop of York, with the consent of the chapter of York, of the church of Skipwith as a prebend of the church of Howden, with provision for a vicar; the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, and Master William de la Corner, papal chaplain, the rector, being desirous that the church should be made a prebend of Howden by the archbishop's ordinance; reciting the following two documents:
Submission by the prior & convent of Durham, patrons of the church of Skipwith, to the ordination of William [Wickwane] archbishop of York for the purpose of making that church a prebend of Howden, saving all rights and liberties hitherto enjoyed by them in that church.
Dated: Durham, 14 Kal. February 1279 [19 January 1280].
Submission by Master William de la Corner, papal chaplain, rector of Skipwith, to the ordination of William [Wickwane] archbishop of York for the purpose of making that church a prebend of Howden.
Dated: Clacton, 6 Kal. January [27 December] 1279 .
Dated: Kilham.
Seal: [of Archbishop Wickwane wantingchapter of York (G&B 3356)chapter of Durham (G&B 3427)William de la Corner (G&B 696)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 4.1.Archiep.4b
Printed: Archbp. Wickwane's Register (SS) p.229 (from Reg. Wickwane) [the date is given as 8 Kal. February]
DCD 4.1.Archiep.4b
Ordination by William [Wickwane] archbishop of York (duplicate of 4.1.Archiep.4a)
Seal: Archbishop Wickwane (G&B 3226)chapter of York (G&B 3358)chapter of Durham (G&B 3427)[of William de la Corner wanting]All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.5   2 Kal. August 1322, 5 [William Melton] [31 July 1322]
Ordination by William [Melton] archbishop of York, with the consent of the prior & convent of Durham, patrons of the church of Howden, and Walter of Bedwyn prebendary of Barmby in that church, of a vicarage in the prebend of Barmby in the church of Howden.
Notary: Richard of Snowshill, scribe of the archbishop (in the presence of Master Adam de Heselbech and Richard of Melton ).
Dated: Thorp near York [Bishopthorpe].
Seal: (G&B 3229) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.6   1217 x 1218
Ratification & confirmation by W[alter Gray] archbishop of York of the institution by the dean of York, during the vacancy of the see, of Master William Scot to the church of Skipwith, to which the prior & convent of Durham presented him; saving to the said monks the due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: W[illiam of Rotherfield] archdeacon of Richmond; W[illiam] provost of Beverley; Walter Mauclerc; Master Walter de Taney; Henry of Waltham; Geoffrey of Standlake.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through fold in document.
Same hand and witnesses as 3.1.Archiep.9 .
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p.6n
DCD 4.1.Archiep.7   1143 x 1147 or 1153 x 1154
Confirmation by William [Fitzherbert] archbishop of York of the gift by Richard of Eston to God, St. Cuthbert, and the monks of Durham of the church of Normanton [-on-Soar] in free alms, as witnessed by Richard's charter (2.3.Ebor.12, now missing - see Cart. Vet. f.56v ).
Seal: (G&B 3219) Attached by tongue with tie above: affixed upside down.
William Fitzherbert consecrated archbishop September 1143, deprived 1147, restored October 1153, died June 1154 ( Handbook of British Chronology ).
DCD 4.1.Archiep.8   18 Kal. February, 21 [Walter Gray] [15 January 1236]
Notification by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York that, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, he has admitted, instituted, and caused to be inducted Henry of Melsonby, clerk, to the church of Normanton-on-Soar, saving to the prior & convent the due and ancient pension.
Witnesses: masters R[obert] Haget canon of York, William of Wisbech canon of Beverley, & Sewal de Boville; William de Vescy canon of Ripon & Matthew de Cantilupe, clerks; J. de Bello Campo [Beauchamp] , Ralph de Lintot, & William Martel, knights; Thomas of Stamford & Reginald of Stowe, clerks.
Dated: [Kirby] Sigston.
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Calendared, without reference: RWaGry p. 72n
DCD 4.1.Archiep.9
Copy of settlement by Walter [Giffard] archbishop of York of a suit (original 2.1.Archiep.22 ).
DCD 4.1.Archiep.10   Nones May 1277 [7 May 1277]
Grant by W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York that, notwithstanding any mandate or precept of himself or his officials issued in the past, the prior & convent of Durham are to exercise their jurisdictions and rights in accordance with the muniments granted by his predecessors or himself, and no denunciations or sentences are to prejudice their doing so.
Dated: Cropwell [Bishop]..
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3224, without secretum ) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.11   [1143 x c.1147]
Mandate of William [of Ste. Barbe] bishop of Durham to Ralph [Baro] the archdeacon [of Cleveland], Hugh the dean and all his chapter, recounting a case between Alexander clerk of Welbury and the prior of Durham about title to the chapel of Deighton in which, the bishop having twice given the parties a day to appear, the prior has both times appeared but Alexander has neither appeared nor sent any excuse; and ordering that no further representation be received in the matter without consulting the bishop nor any day be fixed for pleas between them without his assent.
Seal: (G&B 3112) Attached by tongue with tie above: affixed back to front.
William of Ste. Barbe consecrated 1143, d.1152.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.ii.89r.
Printed: H.S. Offler ed., Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.151-155.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.12   1 March 1347, 6 [William Zouche] [1 March 1348]
Revocation by William [Zouche] archbishop of York and papal legate of the sequestration by his authority of the goods late of Walter of Wetwang at Brantingham, as such sequestration belongs to the prior & convent of Durham by reason of their ecclesiastical jurisdiction therein.
Dated: Burton near Beverley [Bishop Burton].
Seal: (G&B 3231) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
Copy: DCD 1.3.Ebor.32.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.13   1224 x 1226
Mandate of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York to Masters G[eoffrey of Norwich] the precentor and W[alter] de Taney canon of York to induct F[ulk] Basset provost of Beverley into the church of Howden, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham: if both are not present, either is to act alone.
Seal: detached (G&B 3222) Formerly attached by tongue with tie below.
Mandate to induct Fulk Basset's predecessor as parson of Howden is dated 27 September 1224 ( 3.1.Archiep.8 )
Fulk Basset was parson of Howden by 25 February 1226 ( RWaGry p.7).
Calendared (inaccurately), without reference: RWaGry p.7n
DCD 4.1.Archiep.14    [13 December 1234]
Notification by Walter [Gray] archbishop of York that at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham he has admitted, instituted, and caused to be inducted Gilbert the chaplain to a moiety of that church of the Holy Trinity, York, of which the other moiety is in the archbishop's gift.
cf. RWaGry p.69 no.CCC.
Dated: Scrooby, Id. December, 20 [Walter Gray].
Seal: (G&B 3222) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Formerly: DCD 3.1.Ebor.14.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.61.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.15   [5 June, as of 30 May, 1277 ?]
Letters of W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York witnessing that on 3 Kal. June [30 May] he received by the hand of Master William of Masham, monk of Durham, the following letter of presentation (the text of which is recited and given below):
Presentation by Richard [Claxton] prior & the convent of Durham to W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York of William of Hollym, clerk, to the church of All Saints in Ousegate in the city of York, first vacant after the receipt of letters of the archbishop, the prior & convent being desirous of obeying a papal mandate and the archbishop's: requesting his admission to the church saving to the prior & convent the due and accustomed pension of 25s. a year.
Dated: Durham, 8 Kal. June [25 May] 1277.
Date: Laneham, “Nones June the day and year above written, namely ... 3 Kal. June 1277”.
Seal: fragmentary ("all in pieces" according to 19th century wrapper). G&B 3224, without secretum. Attached by tongue with tie below.
Formerly: DCD 3.1.Ebor.13.
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.98.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.16   5 Ides April 1333, 16 [William Melton] [9 April 1333]
Letters of William [Melton] archbishop of York to the official of the spirituality of Howden requesting him, since the late Master Hugh de Thorntoft and his executors owe the archbishop £48. 19s. 9d., arrears of his account for the time that he was receiver of the archbishop's monies at Howden, to sequestrate his goods until the debt is paid, and to wait three weeks or thereabouts for executors who are said to be absent before proceeding to the administration of his goods.
Dated: Thorp near York [Bishopthorpe].
Seal: Traces of seal on dorse.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.17
Entry deleted; replaced by added entry for 3.1.Archiep.10.
DCD 4.1.Archiep.18   2 Ides January 1317, 1 [William Melton] [12 January 1318]
Letters of William [Melton] archbishop of York acknowledging receipt from the prior & convent of Durham by the hand of Emery of Lumley, monk of that house, of £20 sterling in part payment of 100 marks in which they are bound to the archbishop by their bond.
Dated: Beverley.
Seal: (G&B 3229, without secretum ) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
Box 2
DCD 1.2.Archiep.1   10 August 1345, 4 [William Zouche]
Ordination by William [Zouche] archbishop of York, at the request of the founders, John of St. Paul and John of Tideswell, clerks, executors of the late Master Henry Cliffe canon of York, of two chantries at the altar of St. Mary in the northern part of the church of Hemingbrough lately built at the order of Adam of Osgodby, clerk, with John of Ingleby and Richard of Cliffe as the first chaplains.
Dated: Burton near Beverley [Bishop Burton].
Seal: (G&B 3230) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
Copy in: DCD Loc.X:49.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.2   2 May 1331, 14 [William Melton]
Letters of William [Melton] archbishop of York, to remain with the prior & chapter of Durham, reciting the following agreement:
Indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham (a) settling a dispute concerning the jurisdiction and visitation to be exercised by the archbishop in churches and places etc. in Allertonshire, setting out in detail the respective rights of the archbishop and the bishop as agreed by the parties and (b) settling a dispute concerning tuitorial appeals to the court of York by subjects of the bishop and church of Durham.
Dated: Thorpp' near York [Bishopthorpe], 11 Kal. February 1330, 14 [William Melton] [22 January 1331]
Also sealed by the bishop, dated: [Bishop] Auckland, 6 Feb. 1330, 13 [Louis Beaumont] [6 February 1331]
Sealed by the archbishop:
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging.
Seal: wanting. Double tag through folded foot of document.
Indenture of agreement printed, as confirmed by prior and convent: The Register of William Melton, Vol. I (Cant. & York Soc. Vol. LXX) pp.150-153 (from York Reg. Melton)
Another copy (indenture): DCD Misc.Ch.422, f.2r-3r.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.3   4 March 1330, 13 [Louis Beaumont] [4 March 1331]
Inspeximus confirmation by Louis [Beaumont], bishop of Durham, of the following agreement:
Indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham (counterpart of 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 2c, with different date)
Dated: Durham, 27 August 1325.
Dated: Easington.
Seal: fragment only, detached (G&B 3130) Double tag through folded foot of document.
Indenture of agreement printed: The Register of William Melton, Vol. I (Cant & York Soc. Vol. LXX) pp.136-138, no.436 (from York Reg. Malton)
DCD 1.2.Archiep.4
Copy of indenture of agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham
Original: DCD 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.5   4 August 1458, 12 consec., 7 trans. [William Booth]
Appropriation by William [Booth] archbishop of York and papal legate, with the assent of the dean & chapter of York, and at the petition of master John Burnaby prior & the convent of Durham, of the church of Brantingham to the prior & convent of Durham, in aid of the sustenance of eight monks and eight seculars at Durham College, Oxford, the prior & convent to enter upon the revenues of the church upon the withdrawal or legitimate removal of Master Robert Beaumont the present rector; with ordination of a vicarage; reciting the following letters patent:
Letters patent of King Henry [VI], 16 June 1458.
Sealed by the archbishop:
Dated: Thorpp' [Bishopthorpe].
Sealed by Richard [Andrew] dean & chapter:
Dated: York, in the chapter house, 3 March 1458 [3 March 1459].
Seal: archbishop Booth (G&B 3242)chapter of York (G&B 3356)Both attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
Unexecuted version: DCD 1.3.Ebor.22a.
Copy: DCD 1.3.Ebor.22b.
Original (letters): DCD 3.5.Reg.4.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.6   17 October 1455, consec. 9, trans. 4 [William Booth]
Commission of William [Booth] archbishop of York and papal legate to Masters Richard Tone, D.Cn.L., archdeacon of the East Riding, John Marshall, LL.B., John Sendale the archbishop's registrar, canons of York, and William Langton, LL.B., receiver of the archbishop's exchequer at York, to enquire into the revenues and burdens of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, as Master Thomas Candell, provost of the church, complains that the revenues have decreased so much since the ordination of the church as collegiate by J[ohn] Kempe the archbishop's predecessor that they are insufficient to support the burdens then laid on the provost.
Dated: Southwell.
Seal: (G&B 3242) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.7   19 March 1454, consec. 8, trans. 3 [William Booth] [19 March 1455]
Letters of William [Booth] archbishop of York and papal legate to the official of the court of York and his commissary-general, dismissing accusations made against them and the prior & chapter of Durham before the archbishop in his court of audience by Master Thomas Candell provost of Hemingbrough, and remitting him to the court of York; with mandate to compel him to observe everything concerning him in the ordinance whereby Hemingbrough was made a collegiate church, and especially to obey the prior & chapter of Durham and the keepers or officials of their jurisdiction there.
Dated: Scrooby.
Seal: (G&B 3242) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.8
Now 1.3.Ebor.21.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.9   5 Ides November 1286, 1 [John Romeyn] [9 November 1286]
Renunciation by John [Romeyn] archbishop of York of all proceedings, sentences, etc. against the prior & chapter of Durham or their adherents in whatever court or by whatever judges, including proceedings on the authority or at the instance of the late William [Wickwane] archbishop of York or his adherents.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: (G&B 3227) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: RJRo I, p.359 (from Reg. Romeyn)
DCD 1.2.Archiep.10   18 June 1382
Letters patent of Hugh [Basing] prior of Winchester declaring that he and his predecessors, by right both of repeated papal indulgences and of custom, have worn and do wear full pontificals (specified in detail) in the presence of superiors, during divine service and at convocations of clergy, without any objections from any party; all of which he makes known for the sake of any consequences in right which can or ought to follow therefrom.
Dated: Winchester.
Seal: Prior Basing (G&B 3561, attrib. to cathedral of Winchester) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 1.2.Archiep.11
Copy of revocation by William [Zouche] archbishop of York of a sequestration.
Original: DCD 4.1.Archiep.12.
DCD 2.2.Archiep.1   13 Kal. March, 2 Clement IV [17 February 1266]
Confirmation by Ottobuono, cardinal deacon of St. Adrian and papal legate, to the canons of St. Peter, Howden, at their request and that of the prior & convent of Durham, of the ordination of five prebends in the church of St. Peter, Howden, by Hugh [de Cantilupe] precentor, Rayner [of Skipton] archdeacon of York and Simon [of Evesham] archdeacon of Richmond in the church of York reciting 2.2.Archiep.2a or 2b.
Dated: London.
Seal: (G&B 3708) Attached by silk cord through folded foot of document.
Printed: DAD p.170, no.136 (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
DCD 2.2.Archiep.2a   Prid. Kal. May 1265 [30 April 1265]
Ordination by Hugh [de Cantilupe] the precentor, Rayner [of Skipton] archdeacon of York, and Simon [of Evesham] archdeacon of Richmond, canons of York, acting by authority of the chapter of York, of the church of St. Peter, Howden, as a collegiate church of five prebends, including appropriation to the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, of the chapel of Eastrington: the prior & convent, who say they have entered upon possession of the church by indulgence of Pope Gregory IX, having requested the chapter of York that prebends be ordained and submitted the church to the ordinance of the precentor and archdeacons for this purpose.
Seal: Hugh de Cantilupe (G&B 3350)Rayner of Skipton (G&B 3286)Simon of Evesham (G&B 3303)chapter of York (G&B 3356)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 2.2.Archiep.2b
Printed: DAD p.164, no.132 (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
Digitised material for Ordination of the church of St. Peter, Howden, as a collegiate church - DCD 2.2.Archiep.2a
DCD 2.2.Archiep.2b   Prid. Kal. May 1265 [30 April 1265]
Ordination by Hugh [de Cantilupe] the precentor, Rayner [of Skipton] archdeacon of York, and Simon [of Evesham] archdeacon of Richmond, canons of York, of the church of St. Peter, Howden, as a collegiate church (duplicate of 2.2.Archiep.2a)
Seal: Hugh de Cantilupe (G&B 3350)Rayner of Skipton (G&B 3286)Simon of Evesham (G&B 3303)chapter of York (G&B 3356)All attached by double tags through folded foot of document.
Digitised material for Ordination of the church of St. Peter, Howden, as a collegiate church - DCD 2.2.Archiep.2b
DCD 2.2.Archiep.3   15 Kal. May 1265 [17 April 1265]
Grant by the chapter of York of its authority and consent for the ordination of prebends in the church of St. Peter, Howden, by Hugh [de Cantilupe] the precentor, Rayner [of Skipton] archdeacon of York, and Simon [of Evesham] archdeacon of Richmond, canons of York; the prior & convent of Durham having requested that prebends be ordained, submitted the church to the ordinance of these three canons, and requested that the chapter's authority and consent be imparted to them.
Seal: (G&B 3356) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Printed: DAD p.163, no.131 (from B.L. MS Stowe 930)
DCD 2.2.Archiep.4   4 Nones June 1265 [2 June 1265]
Mandate of the chapter of York to Master John of Brompton, rector of Welton, to induct and install Master John de Methelton' to the first prebend and a canonry in the church of Howden, to which the chapter has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham.
Dated: York, in the chapter.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3358) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.2.Archiep.5   15 Kal. November 1299 [18 October 1299]
Admission and institution by the chapter of York sede vacante, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, of Roger de Clare, king's chaplain, to the prebend of Howden vacant by the death of Master William Sygwyn.
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3358) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.2.Archiep.6
Copies of the following ordination, admission, certificate and mandate:
Ordination by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York & papal legate, at the request of Henry of Barton canon of York, acting as proctor of William of Corbridge canon of Howden & prebendary of Thorpe, of a vicarage in the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden; reciting the following bull:
Notary: John called Picardi of Carleton, in the presence of Masters John of Waltham the archbishop's chancellor, John Irford iuris peritus, Henry of Grainsby priest, & Nicholas of Burton the archbishop's registrar, Roger Danyll', clerks of York & Lincoln dioceses.
Dated: Thorp near York [Bishopthorpe], 26 July 1365, 13 [John Thoresby].
Bull of Pope Innocent [VI] reciting and declaring valid, at the request of Adam Rovelyn canon of Howden, the following bull copied from papal register, since the original has been lost:
Dated: Avignon 8 Kal. March, 2 [Innocent VI] [22 February 1354].
Bull of Pope Clement [VI] granting to Robert of Thirsk, canon of Howden & prebendary of Thorpe, that he and his successors in the prebend of Thorpe shall, like the other prebendaries in the church of Howden, present a vicar to undertake the cure of souls, once the diocesan has assigned a suitable portion for such a vicar.
Dated: Avignon, 5 Ides April, 8 [Clement VI] [9 April 1350].
Admission & institution by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, of Thomas son of Thomas of Skelton of Howden, chaplain, to the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, at the presentation of Master John of Carlton, LL.D., proctor of William of Corbridge, canon of Howden and prebendary of Thorpe.
Dated: Thorpe near York [Bishopthorpe], 29 July 1365, 13 [John Thoresby].
Certificate of the official of the spirituality of Howden and Howdenshire that he has inducted Thomas son of Thomas of Skelton into the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe; reciting the following mandate:
Dated: Howden, 30 July 1365.
Mandate of John [Thoresby] archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden or his locum tenens to induct Thomas son of Thomas of Skelton, chaplain, into the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of Master John of Carlton, LL.D., proctor of William of Corbridge (`Dokebrygg' !), canon of Howden and prebendary of Thorpe.
Dated: Thorp near York [Bishopthorpe], 29 July 1365, 13 [John Thoresby].
Another copy: DCD 1.2.Ebor.14.
Bull also recited in: DCD 1.2.Ebor.6.
DCD 2.2.Archiep.7   [Monday after the feast of St. Lucy ?] [c.1200 ?] [14-20 December ?]
Certificate of J. prior & the convent of St. Mary's York testifying:
(a) that they have inspected and read charters and liberties conferred on the prior & monks of Durham by bishops of Durham and by popes concerning the right of an abbot (namely that the prior shall have the right and liberties of an abbot under the name of prior) and other dignities:
(b) that in their presence on the Monday after the feast of St. Lucy the prior & convent of Durham, through their proctors W., a monk, and Master A[lan ?] of Richmond, made an appeal for the status and liberty expressed in their charters and for themselves and theirs, and also appealed for their church of Heighington, then vacant, and for their clerk H., presented to the bishop of Durham to be parson of that church, who also appealed on his own behalf.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3562) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Probably, but not necessarily, issued on same day as the appeals referred to, i.e. Monday after St. Lucy, which can range from 14 to 20 December.
Probably belongs to time of Bishop Philip of Poitou (1197-1208) (cf. HDST pp.18-23). Master Alan of Richmond occurs temp. Bishop Philip & was presented to a benefice by the prior & convent of Durham temp. Archbishop Geoffrey, 1191 x 1207 (3.1.Ebor.22*). There was a vacancy in the church of Heighington in 1196-7 on death of Burchard Puiset ( FPD pp.242, 255, 296-8: HDST p.18), and another later in Bishop Philip's time on death of Germanus ( FPD p.253). H. the presentee is, in fact, probably Henry of Ferryhill (` Fery ') the prior's nephew, whom Bishop Philip instituted to Heightington at the prior & convent's presentation (1.2.Pont.9).
DCD 2.2.Archiep.8   13 Kal. January 1316 [20 December 1316]
Ratification by R[obert Pickering] dean & the chapter of York of an agreement between the dean & chapter of York and Master Richard of Eryholme, LL.D., proctor of the prior & chapter of Durham, concerning diocesan jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham during vacancy of the sees of both York and Durham: the dean & chapter of York having claimed the jurisdiction by virtue of a composition between John [Romeyn] archbishop of York and the prior & chapter of Durham ( 4.2.Archiep.3 ), and the prior & chapter of Durham having claimed it notwithstanding that composition, negotiations have taken place in the chapter at York between the dean & chapter and Masters Richard of Eryholme, LL.D., and John de Insula D.C.L., proctors of the prior & chapter, and it has been agreed between the dean & chapter and Master Richard that a notarial transcript of the disputed composition be sent to the pope, and that his decision be accepted as final; that in the meantime a keeper of the spiritualities be chosen by common consent of the parties to exercise the jurisdiction; and that everything done in exercise of the jurisdiction by or on behalf of the dean & chapter from the day of the death of Richard [Kellawe] last bishop of Durham to the present day be revoked without prejudice.
Dated: York, in the chapter.
On dorse, in later hand: "non fuit executum".
Seal: Seal wanting. Double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: HCY (Rolls Ser.), III, 237 (from D. & C. York Domesday Book)
DCD 2.2.Archiep.9   11 June 1331
Notarial instrument recording the letting to farm of the church of Brantingham, and the chapels annexed by John Lobarsana, clerk, substitute proctor of master Peter Vaurelli, clerk, principal proctor of Bertrand [de Monte Faviento] cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Aquiro, rector of Brantingham, to the prior & convent of Durham for five years from the next 1 July [1331] at an annual rent of £120 sterling.
Witnesses: William de Bracina & John de Claustro, clerks;
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge.
Dated: Durham, in the priory.
Seal: John Lobarsana (G&B 1620) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.1a   26 September 1410
Notarial record of definitive sentence in a case arising out of a visitation by Henry [Bowet], archbishop of York and papal legate, in which the prior, convent, & chapter of Durham were summoned to appear in the archbishop's chancery at the castle of Cawood on 28 July 1410, to reply to the accusations of having unlawfully appropriated the churches of Northallerton, Eastrington, Bossall, Fishlake, Ruddington, and Giggleswick, and pensions from the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Welton, Walkington, Skipwith, Holtby, Allerton, Sigston, Rounton, and Normanton[-upon-Soar], all in the diocese of York, and of having usurped spiritual jurisdiction and visitation in Howden & Howdenshire and Allerton & Allertonshire; reciting the following commission and appointment:
Commission of Henry [Bowet], archbishop of York and papal legate, to his chancellor, Master Richard Pittes, canon of York, to hear the case.
Appointment by John [Hemingbrough] prior & the convent of Durham of Masters John Southwell, Thomas Greenwood, LL.B., and John Stanton, proctor of the court of York, as proctors for the case, to represent them and their college at Oxford.
Dated: Durham, in the chapter house, 4 June 1409.
After a summary of the proceedings in the case, Master Richard Pittes issues sentence that the prior, convent, & chapter of Durham and their college at Oxford, represented by their proctor Master John Stanton, legitimately hold these churches and pensions in the diocese of York, and also jurisdiction and visitation in Howden & Howdenshire and Allerton & Allertonshire as laid down in an agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and the prior & convent (originals 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 2c ).
Witnesses: Master John Wodham, John Gilby, bachelors of laws, John Belvas, Thomas of Ryhale, and Richard of Stanton, clerks, notaries
Notaries: John of Welton, the chancellor's scribe; John Belvas, and Richard Stanton.
Dated: Cawood, in the archbishop's chancery.
Seal: Archbishop Bowet (G&B 3235) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.2.Archiep.1b, attested by one notary only.
Extract printed: Hutchinson, History of Durham, II, 95n
Extract printed: Ingledew, History of Northallerton, 148 (from Hutchinson)
Original (commission): DCD 3.2.Archiep.3.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.1b
Notarial record of definitive sentence in a case arising out of a visitation by Henry [Bowet], archbishop of York and papal legate (duplicate of 3.2.Archiep.1a, but attested by one notary only).
Notary: John of Welton, the chancellor's scribe.
Seal: Archbishop Bowet (G&B 3235) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.2   7 May 1410, 3 [Henry Bowet]
Admission and institution by Henry [Bowet], archbishop of York and papal legate, of Thomas Ayrmyn', priest, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, to the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of John Hemingbrough.
Dated: Thorp near York [Bishopthorpe].
Seal: (G&B 3236) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.3   26 July 1410, 3 [Henry Bowet]
Commission of Henry [Bowet], archbishop of York and papal legate, to Master Richard Pittes, canon of York, his chancellor, to enquire and do justice in the case of the prior, convent, & chapter of Durham, whom the archbishop has summoned to appear before him or his commissary as a result of having learned when on visitation in the years 1409 and 1410 that they (a) occupy without title the churches of Northallerton, Eastrington, Giggleswick, Bossall, Fishlake, and Ruddington, all in the diocese of York, and annual pensions from churches in the diocese, namely 5 marks from Hemingbrough, 10 marks from Brantingham, 3 marks from Welton, 100s. from Walkington, 1 mark from Skipwith, 25s. from Holtby, £20 sterling from the vicarage of Northallerton, 10 marks from [Kirby] Sigston, 40s. from Rounton, and 1 mark from Normanton[-on-Soar], and have appropriated the fruits to themselves and their college at Oxford, and (b) have usurped all manner of spiritual jurisdiction in the churches of Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Hemingbrough, Welton, Walkington, Holtby, Northallerton, [Kirby] Sigston, and Rounton, and elsewhere in Howden & Howdenshire and Allerton & Allertonshire.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: (G&B 3236) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Printed: Hutchinson, History of Durham, II, 95n
Printed: Ingledew, History of Northallerton, 147 (from Hutchinson)
DCD 3.2.Archiep.4   15 November 1375, 2 [Alexander Nevill]
Recognition by Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, of the right of the prior & convent of Durham to hold appropriated to themselves the churches of Northallerton and Eastrington and annual pensions of 10 marks from the church of [Kirby] Sigston, 5 marks from Hemingbrough, 10 marks from Brantingham, 3 marks from Welton, 100s. from Walkington, 1 mark from Skipwith, 25s. from Holtby, £20 from the vicarage of Northallerton, 1 mark from Normanton[-on-Soar], and 40s. from Rounton: the archbishop, finding them in possession when on a visitation of his diocese, summoned them to appear on an appointed day to prove their title, and their proctor has duly appeared and exhibited their evidences.
Dated: Northallerton.
Seal: (G&B 3234) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.5   6 August 1382, 9 [Alexander Nevill]
Licence of Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior of Durham and his successors to use episcopal insignia anywhere in his province, with certain reservations as to the form of the mitre if used in the archbishop's presence; Robert of Walworth, prior of Durham, whom the archbishop has discovered to be using episcopal insignia within the diocese of York, having, when summoned before the archbishop to show his authority for so doing, exhibited through his proctor the following bull of Pope Urban VI (recited):
Indult of Pope Urban [VI] granting to Robert [of Walworth] prior & the chapter of Durham that the prior and his successors may use episcopal insignia in so far as any other Benedictine priors of cathedral churches in England use them, notwithstanding a consitution Abbates of Pope Alexander IV or any other papal constitution to the contrary.
Dated: Rome, St. Peters, 12 Kal. August, 2 [Urban VI] [21 July 1379].
Dated: Thorp [Bishopthorpe].
Seal: (G&B 3233) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
Printed: HDST Appx. p.cliv, no. cxxxvii (from Reg.II)
Original (indult): formerly DCD 1.2.Pap.18, now missing.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.6a   20 July 1387, 14 [Alexander Nevill]
Confirmation by Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior & convent of Durham of their liberties and rights (set out in detail) in the churches and parishes of Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Hemingbrough, Skipwith, Welton, Walkington, Holtby, Northallerton, [Kirby] Sigston, and Rounton, as they enjoy them by virtue of writings of archbishops Walter [Giffard], William [Melton], and others of his predecessors and by long-standing custom.
Dated: Rest [Park].
Seal: Seal wanting. Slits for double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.2.Archiep.6b.
Copy (damaged) in: DCD Loc.VIII:34 m.2.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.6b
Confirmation by Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior & convent of Durham of their liberties and rights in certain churches and parishes (duplicate of 3.2.Archiep.6a).

Seal: (G&B 3233) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document, with paper cover (half lost) over seal.
On display in the Cathedral Treasures Exhibition [from 7 February 1972] to 24 October 2011.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.7
Copy of letters of Alexander [Nevill] archbishop of York and papal legate, 3.2.Archiep.4.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.8a   8 August 1387, 14 [Alexander Nevill]
Inspeximus confirmation by Alexander [Nevill] archbishop of York and papal legate of the following bond:
Bond of Robert [of Walworth] prior & the convent of Durham to Alexander [Nevill] archbishop of York and his successors to pay annual pensions of 13s. 4d. from each of the churches of Ruddington, Bossall, & Fishlake, in recompense for the loss of revenue to the archbishop and church of York during vacancies in those churches consequent upon their appopriation to Durham College, Oxford.
Dated: Durham, in the chapter house, 4 August 1387.
Dated: Beverley.
Seal: (G&B 3233) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 3.2.Archiep.8b
Inspeximus, 1388: DCD 3.5.Ebor.9.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.8b
Inspeximus confirmation by Alexander [Nevill] archbishop of York (duplicate of 3.2.Archiep.8a).
Seal: (G&B 3233) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document: fragment of paper cover on back.
DCD 3.2.Archiep.9   1283 x 1285
Instructions (incomplete) for answering charges brought by [William Wickwane] archbishop [of York, against the prior & chapter of Durham] concerning jurisdiction [in the diocese of Durham sede vacante ], failure to admit the archbishop to carry out a visitation of the chapter, and the conflict at [the church of] St. Nicholas [in Durham].
Wickwane's attempted visitation of the chapter of Durham sede vacante took place on 3 July 1283.
Wickwane died 26 August 1285.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.1a   11 July 1356
Licence of Simon [Langham] abbot of Westminster to John [Thoresby] archbishop of York to carry out the business of appropriating the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham in any place within the abbot's jurisdiction.
Dated: Westminster.
Seal: (G&B 3558) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Duplicate: 4.2.Archiep.1b.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.1b
Licence of Simon [Langham] abbot of Westminster (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.1a)
Seal: (G&B 3558) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2a   19 July 1356, 4 [John Thoresby]
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, with the consent of the chapter of York, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham; the prior & convent to pay an annual pension of 100s. of silver, 66s. 8d. to the archbishop and 33s. 4d. to the chapter of York.
Witnesses: Masters John of Burton the archbishop's chancellor, William of Farnhamjuris peritus ; Thomas of Thwing, Bartholomew of St. Neot's, rector of Papworth Agnes in the diocese of Ely, chaplains of the archbishop's chapel; William of Hartlebury, marshal of the archbishop's household, & Robert of Thoresby, the archbishop's under-chamberlain.
Notary: Walter Skirlawe, the archbishop's scribe.
Dated: in the archbishop's manor near Westminster
Seal: (G&B 3232, without secretum ) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document, with paper cover over seal.
Duplicates: 4.2.Archiep.2d & (without notarial attestation) 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2b
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, and papal legate, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior and convent of Durham (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.2c, 2e, 2f, & (with notarial attestation) 2a, 2d)
Seal: (G&B 3232) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2c
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, and papal legate, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior and convent of Durham (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.2b, 2e, 2f, & (with notarial attestation) 2a, 2d)
Seal: (G&B 3232) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2d
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, and papal legate, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior and convent of Durham (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.2a & (without notarial attestation) 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f)
Seal: (G&B 3232, without secretum ) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2e
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, and papal legate, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior and convent of Durham (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.2b, 2c, 2f, & (with notarial attestation) 2a, 2d)
Seal: (G&B 3232) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.2f
Appropriation by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, and papal legate, of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior and convent of Durham (duplicate of 4.2.Archiep.2b, 2c, 2e, & (with notarial attestation) 2a, 2d)
Seal: (G&B 3232) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 4.2.Archiep.3   4 Nones November 1286 [2 November 1286]
Indenture (quadripartite) of agreement between John [Romeyn] archbishop of York and the prior & chapter of Durham, settling, through the mediation of Anthony [Bek] bishop of Durham, a dispute between the archbishop's predecessor William [Wickwane] and the prior and chapter concerning diocesan jurisdiction in Durham sede vacante : the prior & chapter recognize that the archbishop & his successors may exercise diocesan jurisdiction in Durham sede vacante as the predecessors of Archbishop William [Wickwane] did; the archbishop forgives all actions etc. perpetrated by the monks or their proctors or adherents against him in the person of William his predecessor; the parties agree that all sentences in any court be annulled and suits revoked, and undertake to obtain this at their own expense within a year and deliver to each other sealed letters of renunciation; and the parties intend no prejudice to the rights of the bishop of Durham sede plena.
Witnesses: Master William of Pickering D.Cn.L. & Robert of Pickering D.C.L., rectors of Torpenhow & Bilton; Robert de la Ford, canon of Beverley, John de Lythegreynes the archbishop's steward, Master William of Lincoln rector of Sausthorpe, Thomas of Boston (`sancto Botulpho') , Robert of Nottingham, clerk.
Sealed by the archbishop & the chapter of York:
Dated: York, in the chapter.
Seal: Archbishop Romeyn (G&B 3227)Bishop Bek (G&B 3125)Ralph Ireton, bishop of Carlisle (G&B 3097)chapter of York (G&B 3356)All attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: HDST Appx p.xciv, no.lxxiii (from Cart. III)
Printed: HCY, III, 212 (from Reg. Romeyn)
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.XIV, p.252-3.
Photographed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, Plate 1.
Calendared: RJRo I p.358 (from Reg. Romeyn)
Calendared: RBek p. 5 (from B.L. MS Lansdowne 402; a version taken from one of the counterparts, with different witnesses and date)
Box 3
DCD 1.3.Archiep.1a   21 July 1356, 4 [John Thoresby]
Language:   Latin French
Ordination by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, of a vicarage in the church of Hemingbrough, lately appropriated by the archbishop to the prior & convent of Durham.
Dated: in the archbishop's manor near Westminster.
Seal cover:
Letter, in French, from Isabel Spynes prioress of Wilberfoss to [John Thoresby] archbishop of York asking him to commission his official to receive her resignation. (Imperfect)
Dated: Wilberfoss 8 June [1352-1356].
Seal: (G&B 3232, without secretum ) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document, with papal cover over seal.
Duplicate: 1.3.Archiep.1b
Letter printed and discussed in: M.G. Snape, “A Letter from a Yorkshire Prioress to Archbishop Thoresby, c.1356”, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (vol. XXVII, 1954) p.190-192.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.1b
Ordination by John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, of a vicarage in the church of Hemingbrough (duplicate of 1.3.Archiep.1a)
Seal: (G&B 3232, without secretum ) Attached by silk cords through folded foot of document, with paper cover over seal.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.2   12 May 1356
Certificate of the chapter of York to John [Thoresby], archbishop of York, that they have received, on 4 April, the following letters of the archbishop; and that after consultation they have given their consent to the proposed appropriation by the archbishop of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham, and have settled with the archbishop's commissary that an annual pension of £10, 10 marks to the archbishop and 5 marks to the chapter, should be paid by the prior & convent; reciting letters as follows:
Letters of John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the chapter of York informing them that, for given reasons, the king has asked him to appropriate the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons, and that, since he cannot do so without the chapter's consent, he has commissioned Master Thomas of Buckton LL.D., official of the court of York, to discuss the matter with them; and requesting them to certify to the archbishop the results of their discussions.
Dated: in the archbishop's manor near Westminster, 10 March 1355, 4 [John Thoresby] [10 March 1356].
Dated: York, in the chapter house.
Seal: (G&B 3358) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.3   25 June 1356
Certificate of the chapter of York to John [Thoresby] archbishop of York that they have received the following letters of the archbishop and that they consent to the reduction of pension proposed therein; reciting letters as follows:
Letters of John [Thoresby], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the chapter of York; the archbishop having lately directed letters to them about the appropriation of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham (see 1.3.Archiep.2 ), it appeared from their certificate of consent (1.3.Archiep.2), brought to him by a monk of Durham, that an annual pension of £10, 10 marks to the archbishop and 5 marks to the chapter, should be reserved; but it appears to the king and his council, at whose instance the archbishop has consented to the appropriation, that in view of the fact that the fruits of the church during vacancies belong to the prior & convent by prescriptive custom the archbishop and church of York lose nothing and such a pension would be excessive; and the archbishop, provided the chapter consent, therefore limits the pension to 100s., 5 marks to himself & his successors and 2½ marks to the chapter, and asks the chapter to consider this and quickly send their answer.
Dated: in the archbishop's manor near Westminster, 8 June 1356, 4 [John Thoresby].
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3358) Attached by tongue with tie below. Traces of a cloth cover adhere to seal.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.4   2 August 1356
Inspeximus confirmation by the chapter of York of the appropriation by John [Thoresby] archbishop of York of the church of Hemingbrough to the prior & convent of Durham of 4.2.Archiep.2a or 2d.
Notary: Hugh of Fleetham, the chapter's scribe, in the presence of Masters Adam of Twisleton the chapter's auditor of causes & William of Langtonjuris peritus, John of Cottingham the chapter's chamberlain, & Thomas Benet rector of [Kirby] Sigston.
Dated: York, in the chapter house.
Seal: (G&B 3356) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.5   10 January 1426 [10 January 1427]
Consent by the chapter of York to the submission of the church of Hemingbrough by the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons, to the ordinance and disposition of John [Kempe] archbishop of York for the purpose of erecting it into a collegiate church.
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3356) Attached by tongue with tie (lost) below.
Copies: DCD 2.2.Ebor.2; Reg.III, f.125r.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.6   March 1427
Ordination by John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, with the agreement of the prior & chapter of Durham, of the church of Hemingbrough as a collegiate church, with four canons (a provost and three prebendaries), six vicars including the chaplain of the existing chantry of Wass, and six clerks of the second form including the two aquebajuli ; reciting the following submission:
Submission by John [Wessington] prior & the chapter of Durham of the church of Hemingbrough to the ordinance of John [Kempe] archbishop of York for the purpose of erecting it into a collegiate church.
Dated: Durham, 10 November 1426.
Sealed by the archbishop:
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging, 1 March 1426, 2 [John Kempe] [1 March 1427]
Sealed by the prior & chapter:
Dated: Durham, in the chapter house, 16 March 1426 [16 March 1427]
Seal: Archbishop Kempe (G&B 3238) Imperfect.prior & convent of Durham (G&B 3427)Both attached by silk cords through folded foot of document.
Copy: DCD Reg.III, f.121r-123v.
Earlier version: DCD Loc.III:26.
Printed: Burton, ed. Raine, p.372, Appx V (from Reg. III)
DCD 1.3.Archiep.7   12 Kal. March, 34 [Walter Gray] [18 February 1249]
Licence of W[alter Gray] archbishop of York, at the instance of the prior & convent of Durham, that any English or Irish bishop passing through Durham may, as long as the vacancy of the see lasts, ordain monks of Durham and other religious of the diocese, prepare chrism, and dedicate the monks' churches; provided that he does not confer orders on secular clerks.
Dated: Laneham.
Seal: Seal wanting. Tongue (with tie, lost, below ?)
Printed: HDST Appx P.lxxix, no.lxi (from Cart. III) [attributed to archbishop William, and date given as 15 Kal. March]
DCD 1.3.Archiep.8   20 March 1479, 4 [Laurence Booth] [20 March 1480]
New ordination by Laurence [Booth], archbishop of York & papal legate, of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, made with the consent of the prior & chapter of Durham and the canons and other clergy of the church of Hemingbrough after enquiry into its affairs by the archbishop; the provost of Hemingbrough, Master James Preston, having represented to the archbishop that his church's resources were no longer sufficient to support the burdens laid down by the archbishop's predecessor John Kempe in the original ordination ( 1.3.Archiep.6 ).
Dated: Southwell.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3243) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed in T. Burton, The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough, ed. J. Raine (York 1888), p.378-380.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9a   25 August 1499, 19 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Thomas Colson into the canonry and prebend of Barmby in the church of Howden, vacant by resignation of Master Alexander Lee; the archbishop having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor John Ludwyn, priest, at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9b   20 August 1496
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Robert Claxton, M.A., priest, into the vicarage of Brantingham, vacant by resignation of Master Hugh Wren, to which the vicar general has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: York.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Master Robert Claxton by Master Hugh Wren on 23 August 1496.
Seal: vicar general of York: imperfect (G&B 3249) Appled to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9c   8 November 1496
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct William Andrew, chaplain, into the fourth vicarage in the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, vacant by the death of William Boyt, to which the vicar general has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: York.
Seal: vicar general of York: fragments only (G&B 3249) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9d   9 May 1497, 17 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct John West, chaplain, into the chantry of Cliffe at the altar of St. Mary the Virgin in the church of Hemingbrough, vacant by resignation of Henry Jackson, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood
On dorse:
Note recording induction of John West by Thomas Babthorpe, commissary, on 10 May 1497.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9e   16 November 1496
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct George Rowth, chaplain, into a canonry and the third prebend in the church of Hemingbrough, vacant by the death of Master Robert Wilson; the vicar general having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor Thomas Lowson, literatus, at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: York.
On dorse:
Note recording induction by Thomas Baker (?), commissary, on 17 November 1496.
Seal: vicar general of York: imperfect (G&B 3249) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9f   14 August 1494
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Hugh Clitheroe, priest, into the vicarage of Welton, vacant by the death of Thomas Lawson, to which the vicar general has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of Richard Sabram and John Tram, chaplains of the chantry of Katherine duchess of Lancaster in Lincoln cathedral, the patrons.
Dated: York.
On dorse:
Note recording that Hugh Clitheroe was admitted by Master William Sheffield, and inducted by Richard Steresman, vicar of South Cave, commissary deputed for the purpose, on 15 August 1494.
Seal: Seal wanting: traced on dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9g   25 August 1499, 19 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Robert Kent into the canonry and prebend of Howden in the church of Howden, vacant by resignation of Master Thomas Colson; the archbishop having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor Master John Chapman, at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9h   30 March 1496
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Edward Monkton, priest, into the chantry in the chapel of Lynton near Howden, vacant by resignation of William Charitie, to which the vicar general has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the patrons, Guy Fairfax, knight, William Rowkshaw, clerk, and William Reston, gentleman, feoffees of property in Yorkshire formerly belonging to the late Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland.
Dated: York.
Seal: vicar general of York: fragment only (G&B 3249) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9i
Document does not survive.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9j   18 February 1494, 15 [Thomas Rotherham] [18 February 1495]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Richard Wilson into the church of Walkington, vacant by the death of Robert Wode, the last rector, to which the archbishop has admitted, and instituted (?), him at the presentation of King Henry [VII], the reputed patron.
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Richard Wilson by Robert ... , chaplain of the church of Walkington (?), on 6 March 1494 [1495].
Seal: Seal wanting.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9k   18 November 1495
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Conan Calbek, priest, into the vicarage of Skipwith, vacant by the death of William Parkinson, to which the vicar general has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chaprter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: York.
On dorse:
Note recording issue of a commission to John Marryvoll (?) of Hemingbrough, chaplain, to induct Conan Calbek, 19 November 1495.
Seal: Seal wanting: traces on dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9l   21 January 1493, 14 [Thomas Rotherham] [21 January 1494]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Robert Fisher, priest, into the canonry and prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Master William Beverley; the archbishop having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor Master William Burbank, at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Scrooby.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Fisher in the person of his proctor Master William Burbank by Robert Robinson, commissary, on 24 January 1493 [1494].
Seal: fragment only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9m   31 March 1496
Mandate of William Sheffield, D.Cn.L., dean of York and vicar general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Thomas Colston, clerk, into the canonry and prebend of Howden in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Master John Hart; the vicar general having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor Robert Simson at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: York.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Colston in the person of his proctor Robert Simson by Nicholas Roslyn of Howden, chaplain, commissary, on 2 April 1496.
Note that Robert Simson owes 8s 8d. for the induction.
Seal: Seal wanting: traces on dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9n   12 June 1497, 17 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Thomas Hilton, priest, into the church of Holtby, vacant by resignation of Robert Tyndale, the last rector, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9o   4 October 1438, 14 [John Kempe]
Mandate of John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Henry Hanslap, chaplain, into the canonry & prebend of Skipwith in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Master Thomas Leys, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging.
Seal: Seal wanting: traces on dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9p   25 April 1497, 17 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Henry Jackson, priest, into the third vicarage in the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, vacant by resignation of John West, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Henry Jackson by Thomas Baker, vicar of Hemingbrough, commissary, on 27 April 1497.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9q   23 May 1500, 20 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the official or keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct William Manby, priest, into the vicarage of the prebend of Thorpe in the church of Howden, vacant by the death of Nicholas Rosthling, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Cawood.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 1.3.Archiep.9r
Fragments of seals, probably all from 1.3.Archiep.9a-q (seal references G&B 3244 and 3249)
DCD 1.3.Archiep.10   8 September 1494, 14 [Thomas Rotherham]
Mandate of Thomas [Rotherham], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the official of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Thomas Popeley, B.A., into a canonry and the first prebend in the church of Hemingbrough, vacant by the death of Laurence Strangeways, chaplain, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: Battersea.
On dorse:
Note recording induction of Thomas Popeley in the person of his proctor Conan Claton by Thomas Babthorpe, provost of Hemingbrough, and Thomas Baker, vicar of Hemingbrough, commissaries, on 27 September 1494.
Seal: fragments only (G&B 3244) Applied to dorse.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.1   20 September 1448, 24 [John Kempe]
Confirmation by Cardinal John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior & convent of Durham of their liberties and rights (specified in detail) in the churches and parishes of Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Hemingbrough, Skipwith, Welton, Walkington, Holtby, Northallerton, [Kirby] Sigston, and Rounton, as recognized in letters of his predecessors, and in particular in an agreement between Archbishop William [Melton] and William [Cowton] prior & the chapter of Durham (originals 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 2c ).
Dated: in the archbishop's manor near Westminster.
Seal: (G&B 3239) Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.2   25 June 1427, 2 [John Kempe]
Mandate of John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to John [Wessington] prior & the chapter of Durham to induct John Radburn, priest, as provost of Hemingbrough; the archbishop having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor John Radcliffe, chaplain, at the presentation of the prior & chapter, the patrons.
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging.
Seal: Seal wanting: traces on dorse.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.3   7 December 1441
Recognition by William Felter, D.Cn.L., dean of York, commissary of Cardinal John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, for the completion of a visitation begun by the archbishop in person, of the right of the prior, convent, & chapter of Durham to hold appropriated to themselves the churches of Northallerton, Eastrington, and Giggleswick, and to their college at Oxford those of Bossall, Fishlake, and Ruddington, all in the diocese of York; to receive pensions (specified) from the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Welton, Walkington, Skipwith, Holtby, Allerton, [Kirby] Sigston, Rounton, and Normanton[-on-Soar], in the same diocese; and to enjoy spiritual jurisdiction and visitation in Howden & Howdenshire and Northallerton & Allertonshire as laid down in an agreement between William [Melton] archbishop of York and the prior and convent (originals 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 2c ): the commissary having examined and found valid their written evidences for these privileges, exhibited to him by their proctor.
Dated: York.
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3335) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.4   10 Kal. May 1293, 8 [John Romeyn] [22 April 1293]
Admission by John [Romeyn], archbishop of York, of Walter of Langton, clerk, to the first prebend in the church of Howden, at the presentation of the prior & convent of Durham.
Dated: Totenhale [Tottenham Court].
Seal: (G&B 3227) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Printed: RJRo II, p.40-41 (from Reg. Romeyn).
DCD 2.3.Archiep.5   8 October 1432, 8 [John Kempe]
Licence of John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior of Durham College, Oxford, appropriator of the churches of Bossall, Fishlake, and Ruddington in the diocese of York, to be represented by a proctor at synods and convocations: terminable at will.
Dated: York
Seal: imperfect (G&B 3238) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Printed: HDST Appx p.ccxxiii, no.cxcix
DCD 2.3.Archiep.6   28 June 1427, 3 [John Kempe]
Mandate of John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to John [Wessington] prior & the chapter of Durham, or their official or commissary, to induct Robert Peacock, clerk, into a canonry and the third prebend in the church of Hemingbrough, to which the archbishop has admitted and instituted him at the presentation of the prior & chapter, the patrons.
Dated: Westminster, in the archbishop's lodging.
Seal: Seal wanting: traces on dorse.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.7   8 October 1432, 8 [John Kempe]
Licence of John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the prior of Finchale, appropriator of the church of Giggleswick in the diocese of York, to be represented by a proctor at synods and convocations: terminable at pleasure.
Dated: York.
Seal: (G&B 3238) Attached by tongue with tie below.
Printed: HDST Appx p.ccxxvi, no.cciii
DCD 2.3.Archiep.8   12 November 1446, 22 [John Kempe]
Commission of Cardinal John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to the keeper of the jurisdiction of Northallerton & Allertonshire to hold inquisition into the vacancy etc. in the church of [Kirby] Sigston, said to be vacant by the death of Thomas Birdale the last rector, to which church the patrons, William [Ebchester] prior & the chapter of Durham, have presented Henry Mony, chaplain, and to admit and institute Mony if all is found to be in order; with mandate to induct him into the church, and to certify to the archbishop what has been done by 1 December next.
Dated: Reste near Cawood [Rest Park].
Seal: (G&B 3239) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.9   [1430 - 1434]
Draft statutes of John Pollan, Richard Cli[ff], John Preston, Robert Belby, John Rockliff, and John Foreste, vicars in the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, for the regulation of the common house or bedern assigned to them by John Kempe late (sic) archbishop of York in consultation with John [Wessington] prior & the chapter of Durham, in which bedern they undertake to live together. To be sealed with the seal of the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire and subscribed by Master Thomas Appleby, notary.
At foot & on dorse:
Introductory and sealing clauses for ratification by John [Wessington] prior of Durham.
(cf. Reg.III ff. 193r-195r)
Dated: Durham, 6 October [1435].
Robert Belby was presented to the fourth vicarage in Hemingbrough on 18 November 1430, and resigned 28 January 1434 (Reg. III ff.137r, 155r).
Printed: T. Burton, The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough, ed. J. Raine (York 1888), p.383-387 Appx XIV (apparently conflating this version and prior Wessington's ratification in Reg.III, ff.193r-195r).
DCD 2.3.Archiep.10   3 September 1471
Mandate of William Poteman, LL.D., archdeacon of Cleveland & canon residentiary of York, vicar general of George [Nevill] archbishop of York, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden & Howdenshire to induct Master Lionel Woodvill, clerk, into the provostship of Hemingbrough, vacant by resignation of Master Thomas Portington; the vicar general having admitted and instituted him in the person of his proctor the said Thomas Portington, at the presentation of the prior & chapter of Durham, the patrons.
Dated: South Dalton near Beverley.
Seal: vicar general of York: imperfect (G&B 3249) Applied to dorse.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.11
Document does not survive.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.12   3 November 1501
Mandate of John Carver, D.Cn.L., archdeacon of Middlesex, vicar general of Thomas [Savage] archbishop of York, and keeper of the spiritualities of Durham sede vacante, to the prior & chapter or convent of Durham to be presented for his visitation in their chapter house on Wednesday before St. Martin, namely 10 November next.
Dated: Durham.
Seal: vicar general of York (G&B 3249) Attached by tongue with tie below.
DCD 2.3.Archiep.13   12 November 1507
Language:   English
Indenture of lease by Thomas [Castell] prior & the convent of Durham to James Karr, priest, and his heirs and assigns being schoolmasters, of half an acre of land lying near the church garth of Giggleswick in Craven on which to build and maintain a grammar school, for a term of 79 years from the next feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross [3 May] at an annual rent of 12d. payable at the feast of St. Laurence. After James Karr's death his successors as schoolmasters are to be chosen by the vicar & churchwardens and shall succeed to the lease, which shall be renewable at will by the schoolmaster for the time being.
Seal: James Karr. Attached by double tag through folded foot of document.
Printed: Leach, Early Yorkshire Schools, II, (Y.A.S. Record Series XXXIII), p.232 (from counterpart at Giggleswick School) and p. 234 (from Reg. V)
DCD 2.3.Archiep.Seal Fragments
Seal: Fragments of applied seals, apparently from documents in the 1.3.Archiep. and 2.3.Archiep. sections.