Durham Cathedral Archive: Archidiaconalia Dunelmensia


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Arch.Dunelm.
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Archidiaconalia Dunelmensia
Dates of creation: 1082-1507
Extent: 2 original boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Documents concerning the monastic community's appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, the prior's jurisdiction over them, including visitation, and relations with the archdeacon of Durham, especially the dispute with Archdeacon Thomas of Goldsborough in the earlier fourteenth century; some now missing.
Language: Latin

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


The numbering system reflects the medieval organisation of the documents in boxes with four compartments: the first number is the compartment, the second the box, and the final one the number in the sequence (thus 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.5 is the fifth document in the first compartment of the second box). The numbers were assigned in the Repertorium Magnum.

The dispute between the prior and the archdeacon is discussed in: F. Barlow, Durham Jurisdictional Peculiars, (Oxford 1950), especially p.1-48.
There is also discussion of the jurisdiction in: M.M. Harvey, “Church Discipline in the Later Middle Ages”, in Retribution, Repentance, and Reconciliation, ed K. Cooper and J. Gregory (Studies in Church History vol.40, 2004), p.95-105


DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1a   [14 November] 1147
Confirmation (?spurious) by William [of St Barbe] bishop of Durham to all priors of Durham of the position at the bishop's right hand and first place after him, claimed against Roger prior of Durham by Wazo archdeacon [of Durham], but then renounced, together with his appeal to the pope, in the presence of the bishop, Ailred abbot of Rievaulx, and Robert abbot of Newminster, following evidence of older men of the bishopric that all priors, since Ald[wi]n and Turgot in the time of William [of St Calais] and Ranulf [Flambard], bishops, had the abbot's seat in the choir, first place after the bishop, and the bishop's right hand, unchallenged, with their pre-eminence as deans and archpiests accepted by former archdeacons, and these functions never performed in the prior's presence by Michael or Robert, Wazo's predecessors, but, in his absence, by the subprior, both at synods and mass.
Witnesses: Ranulf archdeacon [in the diocese of Durham], Lawrence subprior [of Durham], Richard prior of Hexham, Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, Nicholas his canon, Maldred clerk of Auckland, Master Gregory, Reginald priest of Houghton, Hugh clerk of Easington.
Date: Prima Kal. December 1147.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 370mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3112 and 3526, each on a parchment tag, with a ?wrapping tag
Duplicate: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1b.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.129r, Cart.Vet., f.136r-v. 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (vi); 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 (though dated as Kal. September); Lincoln's Inn, Hale MS 114, f.116r-v.
Printed: Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis, ed W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872), p.lx-lxi.
Printed, translated and discussed: Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, ed H.S. Offler, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.142-147.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1b   [14 November] 1147
Duplicate of 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1a.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 340mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3112 and 3526, each on a parchment tag, with a wrapping tie cut from the top of the turnup
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.2   [c.1149 x 13 November 1152]
Notification (?spurious) by Ailred abbot of Rievaulx, Robert abbot of Newminster, Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, Richard prior of Hexham, and Germanus prior of Tynemouth, of the settlement, in the presence of William [of Ste Barbe] bishop of Durham and themselves, with all the clergy of the bishopric, of the dispute arising from the claim against Roger, late prior of Durham, by Wazo archdeacon of Durham to the first position at the bishop's right hand and first place after him, countered by Roger's claim to preside as summus dean over all archdeacons, like his predecessors Ald[wi]n, Turgot and Algar, and to have had by papal authority first voice in the election of Bishop W[illiam of St Barbe]; Wazo, renouncing his appeal to the pope and surrendering his claims, following the evidence of older men, and from their own boyhood in the region, that all priors since Ald[wi]n and Turgot in the time of William [of St Calais] and Ranulf [Flambard], bishops, had the abbot's seat in the choir, first place as summi deans, and the bishop's right hand, unchallenged, with these functions never performed in the prior's presence by Michael or Robert, Wazo's predecessors, but, in his absence, by the subprior, both at synod and mass; and Bishop William granting those liberties to the priors of Durham, and confirming to them all the rights of a dean (cf 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1).
Witnesses: Ranulf archdeacon [in the diocese of Durham] and Ralph of St Columba, Nicholas canon [?of Guisborough], Meldred clerk, Master Gregory of Auckland, Ernis of Lanchester, Reginald priest of Houghton, Hugh of Easington, Thomas clerk of Aycliffe, Hugh clerk of Wazo, Robert chaplain, Richard priest of Pittington.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 275mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3113 and 3553, each on a parchment tag, with a seal remnant on another parchment tag, three further blank tags, and a wrapping tie cut from the top of the turnup
Date: between the deaths of Prior Roger and Bishop William.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.129r; Cart.Vet., f.117r-v & 136v-137r; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11(vii); 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19.
Printed: Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis, ed W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872), p.lxii-lxiii.
Printed and discussed: Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152, ed H.S. Offler, (Surtees Society 179, 1968), p.147-151.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3   [29 August] 1276
Confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following judgement.
Witnesses: Master John de Hok, Robert Avenell, Henry of Kelloe, Robert of Driffield.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 4 Kal. September 1276.
Notification by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham of an agreement between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha, archdeacon of Durham, concerning archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches and chapels of the prior and convent within the diocese of Durham; the archdeacon confesses that the prior has in the past had these rights, which have been exercised by the archdeacon only on payment by him to the prior of an annual pension of 2 marks; the bishop restores this state, with the provision that if the pension is not paid for three years running, then the archdeacons shall lose the privilege of exercising these rights.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor at Auckland, 16 Kal. March 1271/2 [14 February 1272]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 230 x 215mm
Seal: G&B No.1872(i), damaged, on a parchment tag
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.129v-130r; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.16; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18d; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19.
Printed (confirmation): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.194-195.
Other versions of notification: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.14; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18a; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18b; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19.
Printed (notification): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.123-124.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.4   [14 February] 1272
Acceptance by the prior and convent of Durham and Robert of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham of the judgement and sentence by Robert [of Stichill] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction in the appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham of the prior and convent of Durham, except: mention of exemption omitted; reference to the prior and convent's production of papal privileges and authentic documents of bishops of Durham and kings of England included.
Witnesses: Master Roger de ?H/Qawe, Master Alexander of [North]allerton, Master Robert Avenell, Master John Hook, Master Henry of Kelloe, Dom Thomas of Levisham, Dom William of Whitby.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor of Auckland, 16 Kal. March 1271/2.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, some letters cut through
Size: 155 x 255mm
Seal: G&B No.3255, on a parchment tag
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.134v-135r.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.5   1 October 1323
Proceedings before the dean of York, as papal judge-delegate with the prior of Blyth and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, and as commissary of the prior of Blyth, Master Richard excusing himself, in the case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, recording that, after the production of the following four papal bulls, and the production by Gilbert of Houghton, as substitute for John of Barnard Castle, of the following appointment of a proctor and the following notarial instrument substituting him for John of Barnard Castle, and the production of the following commission, permission and certificate, Robert of Darlington, acting for the archdeacon of Durham, after producing the following appointment of himself as the archdeacon's proctor, and the following precautionary appeal and rejection, asserted the impropriety of a single person taking cognisanze of the case, which was rebutted on the part of the prior and chapter, and he also rejected the seal on the prior of Blyth's commission, which was maintained to be authentic on the prior and chapter's part, with, in addition, Master Hugh of Corbridge being admitted and examined to prove the seal, with the prior and chapter's request to admit John of Beckingham to prove the seal being refused after deliberation, following the objection on the archdeacon's part to him as an advocate of the prior and chapter, with Master Hugh's deposition partly proving the seal with decipherment of the seal's legend by Master Hugh of Corbridge and Master John of Thirsk notaries as “Sigillum Roberti ... Prioris de Blida” and with the sworn testimony of the prior and chapter's proctor; rejected Master Richard of Clare's seal, proved on the part of the prior and chapter by the production of the following notarial instrument, and the proctor of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham objected to the jurisdiction and citation of the prior of Blyth, the dean of York and Richard of Clare canon of York, as papal judges-delegate in the case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, as the form of the citation was contrary to the constitutions of Popes Boniface VIII and John XXII, and he also objected that the citation had been obtained by the prior and chapter contrary to their agreement with the archdeacon to suspend proceedings in the case until the arrival of the bishop of Durham in his diocese, and he further objected that the citation lacked sufficient particulars, and he requested a copy of all the documents produced during the proceedings, which were adjourned to Monday after the octave of St Martin or the first law-day thereafter.
Date: the collegiate church of Ripon, 1 October 1323.
Mandate of Pope John [XXII] to the prior of Blyth, the dean of York and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, or two of them, to deliver judgement, following an appeal by the prior and chapter of Durham that Master Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, by not mentioning the case pending between them before the official of the court of York, following their appeals in the dispute arising from the archdeacon's claim against the prior and chapter's right to ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the rectors and chaplains of their appropriated churches and chapels in the diocese of Durham, and to visitation and correction there in the case of their churches and chapels in his archdeaconry, Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Middleham, Merrington, Whitworth, Hesleden, Dalton le Dale, Witton [Gilbert], Billingham, Heighington, Aycliffe, St Oswald's Durham and Pittington, by falsely suggesting that an amicable settlement had been reached between them with the diocesan's assent, had obtained papal letters to the archdeacon of Nottingham to enforce observance of the settlement, and that the prior of Nocton and Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Lichfield, commissioned by the archdeacon of Nottingham, had summoned the prior and chapter, and had refused to entertain the prior and chapter's objection that they should not proceed on the basis of letters so obtained, with the case before the official of York pending.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7. [13 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], as in the next above, summoning the prior and chapter and refusing their request for a copy of the letters.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7. [13 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], summoning the prior and chapter and refusing their request for a copy of the proceedings of the case.
Date: Avignon, 17 Kal. May Pont.7. [15 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], summoning the prior and chapter and delivering sentence that jurisdiction, visitation and correction belonged to Master Thomas.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7. [13 April 1323]
Appointment by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham of John of Barnard Castle clerk as their proctor in all causes touching their monastery and appropriated churches.
Date: Durham in chapter, 6 Kal. May 1321 [26 April] 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the substitution by John of Barnard Castle clerk, principal proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, of Gilbert of Houghton as proctor.
Witnesses: Master John of Harlow, Master Thomas Ive, Master called Dayvill, clerks.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge of the diocese of Durham, NP by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham priory, 28 September 1323.
Commission by the prior of Blyth, papal judge-delegate with the dean of York and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, in a case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the dean of York and the prior of Holy Trinity York to act in his place.
Date: Blyth, morrow of the Assumption of the BVM [16 August] 1323.
Permission by Richard of Clare canon of York, papal judge-delegate with the prior of Blyth and the dean of York in a case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to his colleagues to act in his absence through royal business etc.
Date: Clare, 3 Id. August [11 August] 1323.
Certificate by the dean of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the prior of Blyth, the dean of York and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, papal judges-delegate in a case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, personally, at his manor of Easington, in accordance with their following mandate received on 8 Kal. September [25 August].
Date: Easington, 4 Kal. September in the said year. [29 August 1323]
Mandate by the prior of Blyth, the dean of York, and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, papal judges-delegate in a case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the dean of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to cite Thomas, either Thomas himself or his proctor, or by publication in Durham cathedral, to appear before them in the collegiate church of Ripon on the second law-day after Michaelmas next [1 October], and to report receipt of the mandate and his action by his sealed letters patent.
Date: Blyth, 4 August 1323; York, 5 month and year aforesaid; Clare, 11 month and year aforesaid.
Appointment by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, of Robert of Darlington clerk, as his proctor in all causes touching himself or his archdeaconry, with power to appoint substitutes, not revoking the powers of William of Hunmanby as his proctor.
Date: Easington, Sunday before Michaelmas [25 September] 1323.
Precautionary appeal by Robert of Darlington clerk, proctor of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the court of Rome against any injury to the archdeacon, the archdeaconry or himself, by the prior of Blyth, the dean of York, or Richard of Clare canon of York, through the suit brought by the prior and chapter of Durham, requesting immediate leave to appeal and submitting to the protection of the court of Rome.
Rejection by Robert of Darlington clerk, proctor of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, of the jurisdiction of the prior of Blyth, the dean of York, or Richard of Clare canon of York, requesting a copy of their authorisation and of all instruments to be used against the archdeacon.
Notarial instrument reciting the sealing by Master Richard of Clare canon of York of his letters as above.
Witnesses: Thomas of Middleton, Thomas of Burton.
Date: chamber over the gate of Clare Castle, 11 August 1323.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge of the diocese of Durham, NP by apostolic authority.
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur”.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 690 x 505mm
Seal: G&B No.3334, on a parchment tongue
Copy: DCD Cart.III, f.179v-180v.
Copy (Appointment [26 April] 1321): DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1d (xl).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6   5 March 1324
Memorandum of a concord between the prior and convent of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, on all disputes between them, arising from archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise in the prior and convent's appropriated churches and chapels in the archdeaconry of Durham: during Thomas's time in office, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependant chapels, and the archdeacon in all their other appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, like his predecessors; the prior and convent are to be free from appearing and answering before Thomas or his officials for defects in the chancels of their churches, the books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; the concord to have full effect when the support of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham is certain and when all disputes between the parties are settled, with the revoking of all actions over the jurisdiction and its exercise and against the prior of Nocton, all proceedings in the court of York and elsewhere being suspended in the meanwhile, and until Friday after the octave of Easter [27 April].
Date: Durham, 5 March 1323/4.
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur” and (15th century) “contra nos in toto” .
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 165 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3257, on a parchment tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy/draft: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.15.
Recited in: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17l.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7a   12 February 1332
Notarial instrument recording proceedings before Robert of Calne rector of Dinsdale, commissary of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, reciting the following commission, attested by the official of the bishop of Durham, quashing the sentence of excommunication imposed on William of Cowton prior, Robert Greystones subprior, John of Butterwick almoner, William of Durham sacrist, Alexander of Lamesley terrar, Robert of Cambois hostiller, Hugh of Woodburn chamberlain, and Walter of Scarisbrick cellarer, [monks] of Durham, by Master Luke de Ferrers and John of Belton rector of Crayke, commissaries of the bishop in a case over archidiaconal jurisdiction between Aimery of Beaumont archdeacon of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham, despite the prior and convent's appeals, following the petition of John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent, and the production of their proofs, with the consent of Guy de Ferrers, proctor of the archdeacon, reciting the following appointments of proctors.
Witnesses: Master John of Beckingham official of the bishop of Durham, Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, John of Harlow rector of Walkington.
Date: Galilee Durham, 12 February 1331/2.
Notaries: John [son of] John of Thirsk clerk of the diocese of York, NP by apostolic authority; Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Commission of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to Peter of Manningford, canon of Lanchester and his sequestrating-general, and Robert of Calne, rector of Dinsdale, to absolve members of the chapter of Durham from the ecclesiastical censures imposed by Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, Luke de Ferrers, and John of Belton rector of Crayke, commissaries of the bishop, in the matter of the archidiaconal jurisdiction in the archdeaconry of Durham, at the instance of Aimery of Beaumont archdeacon of Durham.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 10 February 1331/2.
Appointment by Aimery of Beaumont, archdeacon of Durham by collation of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, of Guy de Ferrers and Roland de Ferrers as his proctors and vicars-general for the archdeaconry of Durham.
Witnesses: John de Polayne his chaplain; John de Hertzac and Peter de Damisfot domicellis.
Date: hospice of William Barber in Angers, 19 April 1331.
Appointment by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham of Master Robert of Penrother, Master Hugh of Kirkham, Master Robert of Newnham and Master John of Barnard Castle, clerks, as their proctors.
Date: Durham in chapter, 4 February 1331/2.
Notary: Thomas Aprilis of the diocese of Rennes, NP by apostolic and royal French authority.
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur” .
Parchment, 1m
Size: 560 x 450mm
Seal: G&B No.3173 and a small oval seal of a virgin and child, each on a parchment tag, with a further blank parchment tag.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7b   12 February 1332
Settlement, with the approval of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and Guy de Ferrers, proctor of Aimery of Beaumont archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis's time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, as in the time of Thomas of Goldsborough former archdeacon of Durham, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches, as Thomas's predecssors had done, and as Thomas himself had done by virtue of his settlement with the prior and convent (1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6); with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; on the bishop's death, the prior and convent's position is to be as on 1 Januaruy 1331/2.
Date: Durham in chapter, 12 February 1331/2.
Approved by the bishop of Durham: [Bishop] Middelham, 12 February 1331/2.
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur” .
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, leters cut through
Size: 290 x 300mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3263, 3129 and 3173, each on a parchment tag
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.8   11/24 June 1334
Settlement, with the approval of Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and John Wawayn, canon of Lincoln and proctor of Thomas of Neville archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis's time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches, as Aimery of Beaumont former archdeacon of Durham by virtue of his settlement with the prior and convent (1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7b); with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and, failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; on the bishop's death, the prior and convent's position is to be as on 31 May 1334.
Date: Durham in chapter, 11 June 1334.
Approved by the bishop of Durham: Auckland, 24 June [1334].
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur” .
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 290 x 310mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3263, 3132 and 3173, each on a parchment tag
Original of the settlement: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18f.
Confirmed in: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.15.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.9   22 February 1363
Settlement, with the approval of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and William Westley archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis's time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 22 February 1362/3.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 380 x 395mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136 and 3259, each on a parchment tag
Copies: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.8 (without the dating clause) and Cart.I, f.130v-131v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.10   22 February 1363
Notarial instrument reciting a settlement, before Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and William Westley archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Witnesses: Dom Alan of Shitlington rector of Hemingbrough; and Masters John of Appleby official of the bishop of Durham, John of Nesbitt, William of Fakenham, and Simon of Newton public notaries by apostolic authority.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 22 February 1362/3.
Notaries: John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority; Simon of Newton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority; John of Nesbitt clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 500 x 555mm
Another version: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.12.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.135r-v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.11   8 January 1371
Notarial instrument reciting a settlement, before Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between John Fossor prior, with Uthred [of Boldon] his fellow monk Sac.Pag.Prof. subprior of Durham and proctor of the convent or chapter of Durham, and Master Alexander Neville archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: as in the former agreement with William Westley archdeacon of Durham, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Witnesses: Masters Robert of Wigford archdeacon of Winchester, William of Farnham official of the bishop of Durham, Alan of Shitlington rector of Hemingbrough, John of Henley rector of Sedgefield, and William of Fakenham registrar of the bishop of Durham.
Date: bishop's chapel at Auckland, 8 January 1370/1.
Notaries: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority; John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 600 x 390mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.135v-137r.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.12a   8 January 1371
Notarial instrument reciting a settlement, with the approval of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham and Master Alexander Neville archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: as in the former agreement with William Westley archdeacon of Durham, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Witnesses: Masters Robert of Wigford archdeacon of Winchester, William of Farnham official of the bishop of Durham, Alan of Shitlington rector of Hemingbrough, John of Henley rector of Sedgefield, and William of Fakenham registrar and scribe of the bishop of Durham; William of Tanfield, John of Hackthorpe, Roger of Pickering, Roger of Catterick and John of Sethope notaries public by apostolic authority.
Date: bishop's chapel at Auckland, 8 January 1370/1.
Notary: William Alfrid of Thorpland dictus of Fakenham clerk of Norwich diocese, NP by apostolic authority, registrar and scribe of the bishop [of Durham]; Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority; John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 375 x 490mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136 (with a paper cover) and 3259(i), each on a parchment tag
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.131v-132v.
?Draft: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.14 below.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.12b   8 January 1371
Duplicate of 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.12a.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 390 x 480mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136 and 3427, each on a parchment tag
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.13   5 January 1371
Notarial instrument reciting the proposed settlement between John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham and Master Alexander Neville archdeacon of Durham of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: as in the former agreement with William Westley archdeacon of Durham, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; and the appointment of Uthred [of Boldon] subprior and John of Hemingbrough terrar as their proctors in the matter before Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham by Uthred subprior of Durham, John de Billesfield sacrist, John of Hemingbrough sacrist, John of Berrington bursar, Thomas of Hardwick almoner, John Abel chamberlain, William of Norton hostiller, John of Barnard Castle chancellor, Thomas Legat cellarer, John of Goldsborough infirmarer, Thomas Launcells communar, Robert of Brackenbury, Robert of Faceby, John of Cornwall feretrar, John of Bolton, John of Hawthorn, Richard of Eden granator, Reginald of Wearmouth, William Graper, Robert of Pickton, Thomas of Kelloe, Thomas of Ormesby, John Bower, and William Killerby.
Date: Durham chapter house, 5 January 1370/1.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Endorsed (early 15th century) “non registratur” .
Parchment, 1m
Size: 560 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.3427, on a parchment tag
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.14
Former reference for document now at 1.14.Pont.14.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.15
Former reference for document now at 1.14.Pont.6.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.16   22 September 1411
Agreement between John [of Hemingbrough] prior and the convent of Durham and Master John Hovingham archdeacon of Durham that the archdeacon will not act prejudicial to the interests of the prior and convent, that they are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels, without any vexation from him and with the arbitration of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham chapter house, 22 September 1411.
Endorsed (15th century) as the detention of Master John Hovingham to the prior and convent's counsel without any annual pension.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 365mm
Seal: G&B No.3263, on a parchment tag
Discussed in: R.L. Storey, Thomas Langley and the Bishopric of Durham 1406-1437, (1961), p.198.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.132v-133r.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.17   3 January 1397
Mandate of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to Master John of Dalton his official of Durham to investigate the dispute between the prior and chapter of Durham and Master Thomas of Weston archdeacon of Durham over their archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Date: the bishop's manor of Auckland, 3 January 1396/7.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 65 x 325mm
Seal: G&B No.3145, damaged, repaired, on a parchment tongue, with a stub of [a tie]
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.132v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.1   11 December 1391
Mandate, by Paul de Dugniano LLD canon of Milan, papal chaplain and auditor, for the publication of the lifting of sentences of excommunication on Masters Thomas of Greatham and William Lumley, at the request of Master James de Submargo proctor at the papal curia, substitute of their proctor, Thomas of Walkington papal auditor, following the commission as auditor by Boniface IX pope to Peter Gasconis LLD papal protonotary and auditor, recorded on appeal to the pope, by John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland, following obstruction of his exercise of his established right to visit and correct throughout his archdeaconry, by Walter [Skirlawe] bishop of Durham, Master Thomas of Greatham vicar general and official of the bishop, Robert Auckland vicar of Hartburn, William Lumley and John Hayton, by obliging him to reside in his archdeaconry's church of Howick, and inhibiting him from excommunicating; and the deprivation of his archidiaconal jurisdiction by the prior and convent of Durham in their appropriated churches in his archdeaconry; the citation, at John of Reepham's instance, of Walter [Skirlawe] bishop of Durham, Master Thomas of Greatham, Robert Auckland, William Lumley and John Hayton, and the prior and convent of Durham, executed by Master John Scriviani proctor of John of Reepham, and unanswered; the papal commission as auditor to Bertrand de Alanio bishop of Gubbio, papal auditor, recorded on petition for the transference of all causes before Peter Gasconis until his recovery from illness; further unanswered citations, Bishop Walter laid under interdict and Master Thomas of Greatham, Robert Auckland, William Lumley and John Hayton pronounced excommunicate by Bertrand; and a papal commission to Paul, recorded on petition for the transference of all causes before Bertrand bishop of Gubbio until his return.
Witnesses: John Bonis, Reynard Schoynvorst, and John [son of] Peter de Asperen, notaries, of the dioceses of Milan, Liege, and Trarecten (?Taranto).
Date: Rome 11 December 1391.
Notary: Theodoricus de Ubach, NP by papal and imperial authority, of the diocese of Cologne.
Parchment, 1m, some holes with some text lost
Size: 610 x 560mm
Seal: missing, two pairs of holes in a turnup [for cords].
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.2   3 June 1396
Notarial instrument recording the appointment by Master Thomas Weston archdeacon of Durham of Master Henry Lounde clerk, as his proctor, in litigation against the prior and chapter of Durham.
Witnesses: Richard Pereson, and William of Bamburgh, priests of the diocese of Durham.
Date: Durham cathedral, 3 June 1396.
Notary: William of Thrislington, of the diocese of Durham, NP by papal authority; the text by another hand.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 170 x 300mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.133v-134r.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.3   1323
[? Draft] assertion by the proctor of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, against the prior and convent of Durham, of their violation of the sequestration of the tithes, fruits and profits of their churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Whitworth, St Oswald's Durham, Witton [Gilbert], Pittington, Aycliffe and Heighington, and of the inhibition against the usurpation of jurisdiction, by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, by provision of John XXII pope, before their appeals, following their failure to answer the bishop.
Parchment roll, 1m
Size: 390 x 245mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.4   26 - 31 July 1331
Copy notarial instrument recording proceedings in Middleham parish church 26 July 1331, before Master John de Insula LCvP dean of Auckland, Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Chester[ le Street], and Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, commissaries of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, in the business of the dispute over archidiaconal jurisdiction between Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham.
After the reading of a Commission, by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, to Master John de Insula LCvP dean of Auckland, Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Chester[ le Street], and Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, lawyers, to take cognizance of the case arising from the petition by the proctor of Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham, against interference by the prior and convent of Durham in his possession of his archidiaconal right, exercised from time immemorial in the visitation and correction of all parish churches of the archdeaconry.
Date: the bishop's manor of Middleham 24 July 1331.
And a Declaration, by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham, to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, of their intention to appear in accordance with his mandate received on 8 July:
Summons, by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, to appear before his commissaries in Middleham parish church on the next law day after St James' day, to answer the complaint on the part of Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham against their interference in his archidiaconal right, exercised from time immemorial in the visitation and correction of all parish churches of the archdeaconry.
Date: Middleham 1 July 1331
Date: Durham 20 July above [1331] with Roland de Ferrers appearing for the archdeacon, and William of Wigginton clerk, substitute proctor of John of Barnard Castle, for the prior and convent, and the production of an
Appointment, by Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham by the collation of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, of Guy de Ferrers and Roland de Ferrers, as his proctors; (as recited in 1.1.Arch. Dunelm.7a) and of a
Substitution, by John of Barnard Castle clerk, principal proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, of William of Wigginton, as proctor; seal of the officiality of the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Date: Newcastle 13 July 1331
Attestation by Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge, of the diocese of Durham, papal notary, with Master John of Harlow, and Alan of [Harlow].
Appointment, by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Holy Island, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth, Bywell Peter, St Oswald's [Durham], Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Dalton le Dale, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Pittington, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, (Edlingham), and Bedlington, of John of Barnard Castle clerk, as their proctor.
Date: in Chapter, Durham 14 Kal. November [19 October] 1328
An altercation over the substitution and appointment of the prior and convent's proctor, the archdeacon's proctor presented a Plea, before Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham or his commissaries, by the proctor of Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham, for judgement against interference by the prior and convent of Durham in his archidiaconal right, exercised from time immemorial in the visitation and correction of all parish churches of the archdeaconry and called on the prior and convent's proctor to answer; adjournment to the following day, 27 [July].
Present: Manser Marmion, rector of Houghton; John, vicar of Middleham; Master Giles de Bonavilla, and Master Hugh of Corbridge, notaries; and a large crowd.
Proceedings 27 July.
After the reading of the previous day's proceedings, and a petition on the archdeacon's part for the prior and convent's proctor to be compelled to answer the plea, the prior and convent's proctor laid objections against the commissaries, Master Ralph of Holbeach and Master John de Insula
Rejection by William of Wigginton, substitute proctor of John of Barnard Castle proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, of Master Ralph of Holbeach, commissary, with Master John de Insula dean of Auckland and Master Richard of Coates, of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, in a case between Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham as plaintiff and the prior and convent as defendants, as being immediately subject to the archdeacon.
Rejection of Master John de Insula dean of Auckland, commissary; in the same terms as Master Ralph of Holbeach.
A new commission was delivered:
Commission, by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, to Master John de Insula LCvP dean of Auckland, Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Chester[ le Street], and Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, lawyers; in the same terms as 24 July 1331 above, with final clauses slightly adapted.
Date: the bishop's manor of Middleham 27 July 1331
after altercation, Master Ralph and Master John declined to take further cognizance of the case, but the archdeacon's proctor asked as before for the prior and convent's proctor to be compelled to answer the plea, and Master Richard of Coates alone excommunicated William of Wigginton, for his contumacy in failing to answer the plea when required, and decreed that the prior and convent should appear on Wednesday before St Peter ad vincula [31 July] in Durham cathedral to purge their proctor's contumacy.
Present: Master John of Norton, and Master Hugh of Corbridge, notaries; John, vicar of Middleham; Walter Lovell, clerk; and a large crowd.
Proceedings in Durham cathedral 31 July, before Master Richard of Coates commissary.
After the reading of a Certificate, by the dean of Durham, to Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, commissary of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, of the execution of his mandate received on 28 July
Mandate, of Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, commissary of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, in the case between Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham as plaintiff, over interference in his archidiaconal jurisdiction, and the prior and convent of Durham as defendants, to the dean of Durham, to publish in the churches of his deanery on 28 July and following the excommunication of William of Wigginton, proctor of the prior and convent, for his contumacy in failing to answer the plea presented to him in the case; and to summon the prior and convent to appear in Durham cathedral on Wednesday, the vigil of St Peter ad vincula [31 July], to purge their proctor's contumacy.
Date: Middleham 27 July 1331
Date: Durham 30 July said year [1331]
With [Roland de Ferrers] his proctor appearing for the archdeacon, and John of Barnard Castle as proctor for the prior and convent by Appointment, by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham, appropriators of the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Hesleden, Pittington, Middleham, Merrington, Billingham, Heighington, Aycliffe, St Oswald's Durham, Whitworth, and Witton [Gilbert], of John of Barnard Castle, as their proctor, inter alia for the purging of William of Wigginton, their proctor.
Date: Chapter, Durham 3 Kal August [30 July] 1331
After a request on the prior and convent's part for a copy of all proceedings in the case, the laying of the Objection, by the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, appropriators of the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Hesleden, Pittington, Middleham, Merrington, Billingham, Heighington, Aycliffe, St Oswald's Durham, Whitworth, and Witton [Gilbert], to Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham, his representative, his plea against them, and the jurisdiction of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham or his commissaries, on account of the prior and convent's repeated appeals to the court of York, still pending, and its inhibitions on Bishop Louis, the archdeacon and their commissaries, following disputes between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over their long established visitation and archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise in the churches named, and on account of the failure of the archdeacon's plea over visitation and archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise to specify the churches in question. Altercation, the archdeacon's proctor asked that the prior and convent's proctor be compelled to answer the plea, Thomas called Corour parishioner of Merrington, admitted, after the examination of witnesses, on Petition, by Thomas Corour, to be admitted to assist the prior and convent of Durham in defending the case between Aimery de Beaumont and the prior and convent arising from alleged interference in the jurisdiction of the archdeacon of Durham, being a parishioner of the prior and convent's appropriated church of Merrington and subject to their archidiaconal jurisdiction there, laid objection against the commissary
Rejection, by Thomas Corour, parishioner of the prior and convent of Durham's appropriated church of Merrington and subject to the prior through his archidiaconal jurisdiction there, of Master Richard of Coates, commissary of the bishop of Durham in a case over interference in archidiaconal jurisdiction between Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham and the prior and convent, as being excommunicate.
A new commission was delivered and read: Commission, by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, to Master Richard of Coates rector of Alwinton, Luke de Perrers, lawyers, William of Stafford canon of Auckland, and John of Belton rector of Crayke; in the same terms as 27 July 1331, above.
Date: the bishop's manor of Middleham 31 July 1331
Master Richard declined to take further cognizance of the case; after a request on the archdeacon's part for the prior and convent's proctor to be compelled to answer the plea, the prior and convent's proctor laid objection against William of Stafford
Rejection, by John of Barnard Castle proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, of William of Stafford vicar of Norton, commissary of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham in a case between Aimery de Beaumont archdeacon of Durham as plaintiff and the prior and convent as defendants, as being immediately subject to the archdeacon.
William declined to proceed; after the refusal of repeated calls on the prior and convent's proctor to answer the plea and purge the contumacy of William of Wigginton, proctor of the prior and convent and formerly substitute of John of Barnard Castle, and with the prior and convent unrepresented in any other way, the two remaining commissaries, Master Luke and John, finding the prior and convent of Durham contumacious for failing to purge the contumacy of their proctor in not answering the plea on the part of the archdeacon of Durham against them presented before commissaries of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham over interference in the archdeacon's jurisdiction in the archdeaconry of Durham, excommunicated the maiores et rectores of the monastery, William [of Cowton] prior, Robert Graystanes subprior, John of Butterwick almoner, William of Durham sacrist, Alexander of Lamesley terrar, Robert of Cambois hostiller, Hugh of Woodburn chamberlain, and Walter of Scarisbrick cellarer.
Present: Master Robert of Keighley STP; Nicholas Gategange, rector of Ryton; Robert of Calne, rector of Dinsdale; Master Peter of Manningford; Master Hugh of Corbridge; and Robert called Scriptor of Darlington.
Schedule, attached to foot: Copy of 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6. [1324] indented memorandum of concord, between the prior and convent of Durham, and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham.
Parchment roll, 2m + 1m attached at the foot
Size: 1500 x 340mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.5   5 September 1372
Notarial instrument recording the payment, by Master Alexander Neville archdeacon of Durham, to John Fossor prior of Durham, of six gold nobles, each worth 6s 8d, for the annual pension of 40s due to the prior and convent in respect of the archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise in their appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth, and St Oswald's Durham, held by him at farm from them under a settlement between them [1.1.Arch.Dunelm.11&13.].
Witnesses: Master John of Hackthorpe, official of the archdeacon; Adam de Asmunderby, priest of the diocese of York; William of Masham, (and William of Blakeston, clerks.)
Date: prior's chamber, Durham priory 5 September 1372.
Notary: by Roger of Catterick, of the diocese of York, NP by papal authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 265 x 265mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.135r-v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.6   1 March 1382
Mandate, by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham, to Master John Hackthorpe papal notary, and William of Cowton priest of the diocese of Durham, to induct William of Greystones, into the church of Meldon, following the resignation of Reginald Porter last rector, presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, admission and institution.
Date: the bishop of Durham's hospice, London 1 March 1381/2.
Dorse: inter alia, “contra archidiaconum dunelm” and “pro inductione vicarij de Meldon”.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3141, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.7   17 January 1394
Notarial instrument recording the statement, by John of Hemingbrough prior of Durham, to Master Thomas Weston archdeacon of Durham, that, had the prior and monks known the archdeacon's purpose, they would have resisted him taking a stall and a place in chapter, unknown to them, but reported to the prior by the archdeacon, and that they would obstruct him in any future claim to possess, or attempt to occupy, a stall in choir or a place in chapter, following the archdeacon's statement that he had taken these by his archidiaconal right in the church of Durham, conditionally on their belonging to him by his archidiaconal right.
Witnesses: Robert of Hemingbrough, and Richard of Normanby, clerks of the diocese of York.
Date: prior of Durham's lower chamber 17 January 1393/4.
Notary: William of Thrislington, of the diocese of Durham, NP by papal authority; interlineation approved.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 165 x 285mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.133r-v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.8   31 December 1313
Judgement, by Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham, declaring the right of installing the prior of Durham to belong by right and custom to the archdeacon of Durham, and the archdeacon to be in possession of this right with the installation of Geoffrey Burdon prior of Durham by Master John de Insula LCvP rector of Boldon in the name of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, following the dispute before him between, on one side, the official of the bishop of Durham and the subprior and convent of Durham, the priory being vacant, and, on the other, Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham; the bishop to instal in the event of the archdeacon failing to do so; published at his direction by Richard de Ganyo notary.
Witnesses: Master Adam of Morpeth, official of the archdeacon of Durham; Master William of Kelloe; Master Robert of Darlington, notary.
Date: Stockton 31 December 1313.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, NP by papal and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, some damp damage repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 350 x 240mm
Seal: Seal: missing, slits for a tag in a turnup
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.89r-v; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5d (xlvii).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.9   7 December 1324
Proceedings before the dean of York, as papal judge delegate with the prior of Blyth and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, and as commissary of the prior of Blyth, Master Richard excusing himself, in cases over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise in the prior and convent of Durham's appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, between the prior and convent, appellants, and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham. After the reading of the previous proceedings [see 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.5], and of a certificate of the citation of Archdeacon Thomas, attested by Master Hugh of Corbridge papal notary, with Gilbert of Houghton appearing, as proctor of the prior and convent, and William of Hunmanby, as proctor of the archdeacon, after the statement on the prior and convent's part, acknowledged on the archdeacon's part and evidenced by the production of notarial instruments and documents sealed by Archdeacon Thomas [see 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6], that their dispute with the archdeacon had been settled, and that this included agreement that everything against the prior and convent etc. be declared void, excommunications on the prior, subprior, sacrist, cellarer, feretrar, hostiller, chamberlain, granator, terrar, bursar and almoner of Durham, on Gilbert of Elwick STD, William of Guisborough senior, John of Butterwick, and William of Ripon, monks of Durham, on Master Denis Avenell official of the court of York, John of Skerne commissary general of the official of the court of York, John of Harlow, John of Beckingham, Thomas Ive, Hugh of Corbridge, John of Barnard Castle, John of Halnaby, clerks and servants of the prior and convent, on Master Alan of Chirdon, Robert of Crossgate, Walter of Billingham, Henry of Lutterington, Thomas of Skirpenbeck, Richard de Hoton, William of Burdon, William of Dalton, vicars of the prior and convent's appropriated churches, and on John Gik, John of Leaventhorpe, Adam of Ryedale, Gilbert Burghard, John Fossor, Roger of Cowton, Robert of Dalton, Richard Aumener, Adam Bettes, William of Hartburn, Hugh of Wearmouth, Thomas de Castro, William son of Eufemia, Robert of Herrington, Roger of Northampton, Wido de Hoton, Cuthbert of Wolviston, William of Stamfordham, William Wettehude, John of Killerby, Bertram of Ferryhill, William Mair, Ralph of Stanton, Richard of Blakiston, Thomas of Wolviston, William of Sheepwash, and Henry of Barnard Castle, chaplains and parishioners of the prior and convent's appropriated churches, and sentences of suspension on the chapter of Durham and of interdict on the church of Durham, imposed by Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Lichfield and the prior of Nocton, commissaries of the archdeacon of Nottingham, and by Archdeacon Thomas, were declared void, as requested.
Witnesses: Master Richard of Scarborough; Thomas de Lewisham; John of Beckingham; William of Middleton, rector of Ford; Thomas of Bamburgh, rector of Ovingham; William Peedester; Adam of Cowton; clerks; Master Hugh of Corbridge, and Master William of Carlton, notaries.
Date: York minster, 7 December 1324.
Notary: Hugh called Palmer of Corbridge, of the diocese of Durham, NP by papal authority, after interlineation.
Dorse: inter alia, note (early 15th century) “non registratur”.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 510 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.3334 (Robert [Pickering] dean of York), on a tag
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.10   29 March 1341
Agreement between Thomas Nevill archdeacon of Durham and Thomas Lund subprior and the convent of Durham to submit to the compromise of Masters Hamo de Cesray and William of Langton on the archdeacon's part and Masters John of Towthorpe and William of Kelloe on the subprior's part over the archdeacon's right to a horse after the election of John Fosser as prior of Durham, with Master John de Hilawe clerk to make the final decision if there is disagreement.
Date: Durham, 29 March 1341.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 190 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.3258, on a parchment tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.88v-89r.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.11   [c.1300]
Judgement by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham confirming the continuing jurisdiction of the prior and convent of Durham in their appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, namely Jarrow with its chapels of Henwood and St Hild, Monkwearmouth with its chapel of Hilton, Hesleden, Billingham with its chapel of Wolviston, St Oswald [by Durham] with its chapel of St Margaret, Croxdale, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Whitworth, Pittington, and Dalton[ le Dale], which William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham, when he had first introduced monks to the church at Durham, had permitted the prior of Durham to act as archdeacon for, and which had been confirmed by successive bishops of Durham, also kings of England and popes.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 325 x 255mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.12   22 February 1363
Settlement between the prior and convent of Durham and William of Westley archdeacon of Durham, with the consent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and Durham St Oswald, with their dependent chapels, with the prior and convent to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Date: chapter house of Durham cathedral, 22 February 1362/3.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 295 x 400mm
Another version: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.10.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.13   2 May 1396
Bond by Master Thomas of Weston archdeacon of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham in £200 to abide by an agreement between himself and the prior and convent of Durham over archidiaconal jurisdiction in their appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and Durham St Oswald, with their dependent chapels.
Date: Durham, 2 May 1396.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3261 on a parchment tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.134r-v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.14   [?14 February] 1272
Judgement by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction in the appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham of the prior and convent of Durham between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham, with the archdeacon to maintain his archidiaconal jurisdiction over the prior and convent's churches as long as he continues to pay his annual pension to them.
Witnesses: Masters Alexander of [North]allerton, John Hok, Robert Avenell, and Henry of Kelloe.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor of Auckland, 1271[?/2].
Endorsed (early 15th century) non registratur.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 285mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.15   27 April 1346
Confirmation by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham of the following settlement between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Thomas Nevill archdeacon of Durham.
Settlement between the prior and convent of Durham and John Wawayn, canon of Lincoln and proctor of Thomas of Neville archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis's time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches, as Aimery of Beaumont former archdeacon of Durham did by virtue of his settlement with the prior and convent (1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7b); with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; on the bishop's death, the prior and convent's position is to be as on 31 May 1334.
Date: Durham in chapter, 11 June 1334.
Date: the bishop's castle at Durham, 27 April 1346.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 360 x 290mm
Original (of settlement): DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.8.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.16   [early March 1195]
Confirmation by Archdeacon Burchard [of Le Puiset] of the grant by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham to B[ertram] prior and the convent of Durham concerning their liberties, namely in respect of the personatus, institution and free disposition of all their churches, as granted by his predecessors.
Witnesses: William archdeacon, Simon chamberlain, Master Richard of Coldingham, Master William Blesens, Master Anger, Hugh of Fery, Ralph Haranc.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 130 x 195mm
Seal: G&B No.3253, on a parchment tag ("broken" according to 19th century wrapper)
Other copies: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19(xvi); 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6](vi); Cart.I, f.72r & 130v; Cart.Vet., f.141v-142r; Reg.IV, f.11v.
Printed: Twelfth-Century English Archidiaconal and Vice-Archidiaconal Acta, ed B.R. Kemp (Canterbury and York Society 92, 2001), p.22-23.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.17   [c.1219]
Confirmation by Master S[imon] of Farlington archdeacon of Durham of grants of immunities and liberties made by Richard [Marsh] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Master Philip de Sutham, Master Arnold of Auckland, William parson of Sedgefield, John parson of Middleton, Master Lawrence of Tanfield, Stephen of Elwick, William vicar of Elvet, Eustace parson of Stanhope, Richard vicar of Aycliffe, Ivon vicar of Pittington, Simon chaplain of Stanhope.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 85 x 160mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.130v; Reg.IV, f.12r.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.18   15 November 1396
Notarial instrument of Herman de Bilvelt DD, provost of the church of St Andrew of Insingen, papal chaplain and auditor, concerning a case with Archdeacon Reepham over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland.
Witnesses: Master Frederick Deys NP and his scribe, and John Grucer of ?Hannover, clerks of Paderborn and [Hannover] dioceses.
Date: Rome at St Peter's in the palace of apostolic causes, 15 November 1396.
Notary: Herman Dwerg clerk of Paderborn diocese, NP by apostolic authority, auditor and scribe of Herman de Bilvelt.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 455 x 525mm
Seal: G&B No.3691, on thin red cords laced through two holes
Decoration: elaborated initial “H”
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.19   20 March 1363
Notarial instrument recording the payment by John of Greatham, chaplain of William of Westley archdeacon of Durham, of 20s to John [Fosser] prior of Durham as part of his annual 40s pension for implementing archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's churches in his archdeaconry.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham, John Heyndlay, William of Kelloe, clerks of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: prior's chamber in Durham priory, 20 March 1362/3.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped [filing] holes in the centre of the foot
Size: 180 x 290mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.133r.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.20a   [15th century]
Extracts from documents detailing the dignity of the prior of Durham as being first after the bishop of Durham in the diocese of Durham, and other privileges:
bull of Pope Celestine III; bull of Pope Gregory IX; charter of King William I; charter of William [of St Calais] first bishop of Durham; charter of Hugh [Puiset] bishop of Durham; charter of Richard Marsh bishop of Durham; charter of Thomas archbishop of York.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 340 x 230mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.20b   [15th century]
Clauses from acta of Alexander Nevill archbishop of York outlining the rights of the prior, subprior or other monk of Durham when the see of Durham was vacant.
Paper, 1p
Size: 160 x 220mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.21   [13 October] 1316
Certification by the official of the archdeacon of Northumberland to Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham of an inquisition, reciting the following mandate, by Dom Robert de Bolthale, Hugh of Whelpington, and John of Stanington, rectors of churches; Dom William of Newcastle, John of Tynemouth, Philip of Newton in Glendale, Thomas of ?[North]allerton, John of Ponteland, and Gilbert of Newburn, vicars of churches; Dom John of Prudhoe, Nicholas Tyok, Thomas of Rochester, and William of Irby, parochial chaplains of Newcastle; that Meldon has been vacant since St Mark last [25 April] 1316 when the last rector Dom Robert was admitted as vicar of Hartborne, that the prior and convent of Durham are the patrons and that it is worth 10 marks annually.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 3 Id. October 1316.
Mandate from Richard Kellaw bishop of Durham to the archdeacon of Northumberland to enquire into the vacancy of Meldon church to which the prior and convent of Durham have presented Master John of Massington.
Date: the bishop's manor of Middleham, 5 October Pont.6. [1316]
Parchment, 1m, cut in half with the parts sewn back (?contemporarily)
Size: 165 x 220mm
Seal: 6 seals (including G&B No.2619), each on a parchment tongue, identified, with 2 further blank tongues
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.22   [15th century]
Extracts from canonists concerning the prior's archdeaconry.
Paper, 1p
Size: 150 x 215mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.23a   27 May 1342
Notarial instrument reciting the first attempt of Thomas Nevill archdeacon of Durham to exact his right to a horse after the prior's election.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas Lund subprior, Dom John Butterwick almoner of Durham, Master John of Hare Lawe, William de Swethop, Thomas de Aulakby, Robert of Leicester.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 290 x 275mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.23b   30 September 1342
Notarial instrument reciting the second attempt of Thomas Nevill archdeacon of Durham to exact his right to a horse after the prior's election.
Witnesses: Dom William of Killingworth, John of Barneby, Walter Gategang monks; William de Swethop, John de Halyden.
Date: Durham cathedral churchyard before the great door, 30 September 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 370 x 240mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.24   1261 - 1265
Accounts of the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in the archdeaconry of Durham:
m.1 Account of Dom ?R rector of the church of ?Wym' from Michaelmas 1261 for a whole year.
m.2 Account of Dom Roger the clerk from Michaelmas 1262 for a whole year.
m.3 Account of Dom R de Wym' from Michaelmas 1263 for a whole year.
m.3-4 Account of Dom R de Wym' from Michaelmas 1264 for a whole year.
Parchment roll, 4m, some damage to m1 with some text lost
Size: 2030 x 210mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.25   [?c.1229]
Ordinance by [Richard Poore] bishop of Durham re jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham between the prior and convent of Durham and Master W de Lanum archdeacon of Durham, that the archdeacon is to have the jurisdiction in return for paying the prior and convent each year 2 marks and half of any monetary fines imposed on priests and clergy of those churches.
Parchment, 1m, with an elliptical [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Size: 65 x 170mm
Another version: DCD Cart.Vet., f.123r and 172r-v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.1   2 October 1383
Mandate by William of Walworth dean of Auckland, commissary of John [Fordham] bishop of Durham, to Robert [of Walworth] prior and the convent of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, to induct John of Aycliffe to Aycliffe church, presented to him in Kimblesworth church.
Date: Auckland St Andrew, 2 October 1383.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 275mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.131r-v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.2   27 March 1391
Mandate by Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham or his official to induct Dom William of Barton deacon to Aycliffe church, vacant on the death of John of Aycliffe, last vicar.
Date: bishop's palace at Durham, 27 March 1391.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 340mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.155r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.3   13 December 1419
Mandate by Thomas [Leys] dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Master William Doncaster LLB to Aycliffe church, vacant on the death of Dom William Barton, last vicar.
Date: South Auckland, 13 December 1419.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 280mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.161r.
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.136.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.4   23 September 1420
Mandate by Thomas [Leys] dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Dom William Paxton chaplain to Aycliffe church, vacant on the resignation of Master William Doncaster, last vicar.
Date: Auckland, 23 September 1420.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 330mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.144.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.5   7 August 1425
Mandate by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Master John Fayt priest to Aycliffe church, vacant on the death of Dom William Paxton, last vicar.
Date: Durham, 7 August 1425 and Pont.19.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 310mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.186.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.6   1443
Mandate by Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and chapter of Durham in their appropriated churches, to induct Dom Thomas Radcliff bishop of Dromore to Aycliffe church, vacant on the death of John Fayte, last vicar.
Date: 12 June 1443 and Pont.6.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 75 x 410mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7   [c. 1270]
Copy documents.
Endorsed (14th century) as old presentations in England and Scotland, and concerning the dedication of Merrington church to St John the Baptist and establishing a chantry at Chilton.
Parchment roll, 2m, stained in parts
Size: 1220 x 175mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(i)   [8 November] 12[?]
Presentation of ? to York St Peter the Less.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. November 12?.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(ii)   [16 November 1258 x 1290]
Appointment by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham of W Cuthbert as a proctor for Berwick church.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. December year as above.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(iii)   [21 November 1258 x 1290]
Grant by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, of a pension of 100s to W[illiam] de la Corner, papal chaplain.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. December year as above.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(iv)   [22 March 1258 x 1279]
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to R[ichard Gravesend] bishop of Lincoln, of N[icholas] of Ireland as prior of Stamford.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. April year etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(v)   [2 April 1260 x 1283]
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to R[obert ?Stichill/Holy Island] bishop of Durham, of Dom John of Darlington chaplain to Durham St Oswald church.
Date: Durham, 4 Non. April year etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(vi)   [25 August] 1266
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to W[illiam of Langton] dean and the chapter of St Peter, York, of John of Bolton to Rounton church.
Date: Durham, morrow of St Bartholomew 1266.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(vii)   [?1267]
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York, of Dom Hervey of Darlington clerk to Kirby Sigston church.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(viii)   [29 August] 1267
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York, of Dom Nicholas of Woodford chaplain to Holtby church, and paying a pension of 10 marks.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. September 1267.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(ix)   [11 September 1267]
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham, to W[alter Giffard] archbishop of York, or his official, of John of Darlington chaplain to Northallerton church, vacant on the death of Gilbert former rector, and paying a pension of £20.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. September year as above.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(x)   [2 December ?1267]
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and convent of Durham to R[obert Stichill] bishop of Durham of Dom John of Barmpton chaplain to the portion in Middleham church formerly held by John former vicar there, paying a pension of 40s.
Date: Durham, 4 Non. December year etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xi)   [4 December ?126]7
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to R[ichard Gravesend] bishop of Lincoln, of Roger de Binewerk clerk to Stamford St Mary Binewerk, vacant on the death of Robert former rector, paying a pension of 20s.
Date: Durham, prid. Non. December year etc 7.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xii)   [1258 x 1290]
Licence by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to R[ichard] of Chilton for a chantry in Merrington church.
Date: Durham etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xiii)   [14 April] 1268
Appointment by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham, to Cardinal S of St Adrian of their fellow monks Dom Robert of Holy Island and Roger of Methley as proctors to the legatine council at London.
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. May 1268.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xiv)   [c.1300]
Presentation of Master W. of Newcastle clerk to Heighington church, vacant on the death of Roger the last vicar, paying an annual pension of 4 marks.
Date: etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xv)   [1258 x 1261]
Appointment by H[ugh of Darlington] prior, and the convent of Durham, to Pope Alexander [IV] of their fellow monks N and N or their clerks N and N as proctors at the papal curie.
Date: etc.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xvi)   [? x c.1300]
Commission to proctor R to make presentations outside the diocese of Durham after next Christmas.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xvii)   1225
Confirmation by Walter [Gray] archbishop [of York] of pensions due to the prior and convent of Durham from their churches, listing them.
Original: DCD 2.1.Archiep.1.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xviii)   [c.1275]
List of pensions from incumbents.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xix)   1270
Demand by H[ugh of Darlington] prior of Durham to the rector of Walkington or his proctor for his pension of 50s for Martinmas 1270.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xx)   1270
Receipt by H[ugh of Darlington] prior of Durham to the proctor of Walkington church for the pension of 50s for Martinmas 1270.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(xxi)   [c.1275]
List of chamberlain's farms.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.7(dorse)   [23 March] 1284
Mandate from R[ichard of Claxton] prior of Durham to Dom R vicar of [North]allerton for a pension of 5 marks from S rector of Ryston church.
Date: Bearpark, 10 Kal. April 1283/4.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.8   26 September 1381
Certification by Richard Whitlok, chaplain to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham, of having carried out the following mandate on 26 September, year as above.
Mandate by the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham in his churches in the archdeaconry [of Durham] to Dom Richard Whitlok chaplain at Billingham to induct Dom John de Lynehous to Billingham church.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Matthew [16 September] 1381.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge, slits for a sealing tag
Size: 125 x 280mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.9   3 October 1396
Mandate by Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, or the official of his jurisdiction, to induct Master John Killom priest to Billingham church, vacant on the resignation of Master John de Cokyn, last vicar, on being appointed a canon in the collegiate church of Chester-le-Street in the prebend of Urpath.
Date: the bishop's manor of Auckland, 3 October 1396 and Pont.9.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 70 x 340mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.155r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.10   1404
Mandate by Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, or the official of his jurisdiction, to induct John of Bury priest to Billingham church, vacant on the resignation of Master John Killom, last vicar, on being appointed vicar of the parochial church of Leake in York diocese, in the bishop's patronage, resigned by John of Bury.
Date: the bishop's manor of Auckland, 10 March 1403/4 and Pont.16.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 125 x 360mm
Seal: G&B No.3145 applied on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.155r-v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.11   12 September 1424
Mandate by Thomas [Langley] to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, or his official, to induct Thomas Stare priest to Billingham church, vacant on the resignation of John of Bury chaplain, last vicar, on his presentation to the parochial church of Stranton.
Date: the bishop's manor of Stockton, 12 September 1424 and Pont.19.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 100 x 270mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Printed: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.iii, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 169, 1954), p.20-21.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.12   22 May 1438
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the official of the same prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and monastery of Durham, to induct Dom John Neasham chaplain to Billingham church, vacant on the death of Dom Thomas Stare, last vicar.
Date: Durham, 22 May 1438.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 320mm
Seal: G&B No.3186b applied on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.13   10 December 1456
Mandate by Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham in their appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, or their official, to induct Dom Robert Brerey chaplain to Billingham church, vacant on the death of John Neasham, last vicar.
Date: Auckland, 10 December 1456 and Pont.19.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 75 x 315mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.14   14 February 1378
Mandate by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham in his archdeaconry in all his churches in the diocese, or his official, for an enquiry on the presentation of Dom Thomas of Kelloe chaplain to Heighington church, as to who should present and what it is worth.
Date: Durham, 14 February 1377/8 and Pont.33.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 280mm
Recited in: DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.15 next below.
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 421, f.4v; Reg. I, f.i.128v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.15   20 February 1378
Report from the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, reciting his mandate (as in 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.14 next above), of the enquiry [on the presentation of Thomas of Kelloe to Heighington church] held by Dom William of Lanchester, William Frauncess, Robert Earles, William Baty, and Robert Hausseclappe, vicars of the churches of Durham St Oswald, Merrington, Aycliffe, Pittington, and [Bishop] Middleham, also by Dom Thomas Copper, John Forster, Thomas of Hexham, William de Falderle, Alan of Haydon, Thomas Earles and John of Pittington, in the church of Durham St Oswald, who said that the said church was vacant on the death of John de Mitforth, last vicar, from Friday after St Nicholas last, that the vicar pays a pension to the prior and convent of Durham of 4 marks and is worth 20 marks per year, and that the presentation has been correctly carried out, and so they have fulfilled his mandate.
Date: Durham, 20 February 1377/8.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 195 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3454 on a tongue, with five other tongues each carrying two seals, also an applied seal remnants on the dorse over a parchment tag
Copies: DCD Misc.Ch. 421; Reg. I, f.i.128v-129r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.16   22 February 1378
Mandate by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham as archdeacon in all his churches in the diocese or his official, for the induction of Dom Thomas of Kelloe chaplain as vicar of Heighington, vacant by the death of John of Mitford, following his presentation by the prior and convent of Durham, admission and institution.
Date: [Bishop] Auckland 22 February 137/8 33 [Hatfield].
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3137 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copies: DCD Reg.I, f.i.129r and Reg.II, f.219r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.17   4 November 1400
Mandate by Thomas Weston Lic. Leg., archdeacon of Durham, vicar-general of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon of all the appropriated churches of the prior and convent within the diocese of Durham, to induct Dom Thomas Wyhot to be vicar of Heighington church on exchange with Dom John Gill on his presentation to the rectory of the parochial church of Elwick by the patrons the prior and convent through their proctor Dom William of Staindrop.
Date: Greatham, 4 November 1400.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.3260 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.153v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.18   29 March 1401
Mandate by Thomas Weston, Lic. Leg., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham diocese appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to induct John Catton or his proctor into the vicarage of Heighington; since the archdeacon Thomas has instituted John, through John's proctor, William Marchall, in the said vicarage; with John having been presented to the vicarage by the prior and convent, patrons of Heighington, following the resignation of the vicarage by William of Norham, proctor of Thomas Wyhot, the last vicar of Heighington; Thomas having resigned so as to exchange the vicarage for the vicarage of Fol[k]ton, York diocese.
Date: Greatham, 29 March 1401.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom left corner
Size: 110 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.3260 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.154r and Reg.II, f.351v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.19   4 May 1419
Mandate by Thomas Lyes dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated [churches] within Durham diocese, or their official, to induct Master John Holderness LLB, presented by them, to the vicarage of Heighington church on the death of John Catton, last vicar.
Date: Auckland, 4 May 1419.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 100 x 270mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy cited and the presentation calendared in: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.114.
Copy of the presentation (3 May 1419): DCD Reg.III, f.69v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.20   22 April 1422
Mandate by Thomas Lyes dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated [churches] within Durham diocese, or their official, to induct Master John Corbridge MA to the vicarage of Heighington church, vacant on the death of Master John Holderness, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the papal legates in England Otto and Ottobonus.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1422.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 85 x 265mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy cited and the presentation calendared in: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.159.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.21   15 April 1439
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Dom Robert Dale chaplain to the vicarage of Heighington church, vacant on the death of Master John Corbridge, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 55 x 335mm
Seal: applied seal (vicar-general of the bishop) on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.22   10 May [1419]
Certification by Robert Barker, chaplain, to the official in the churches of the archdeaconry of the prior of Durham, of having received and carried out the following mandate before the faithful of the parish, Robert Denham, John Denham, John Clerk, John Greveson, and Robert Fynlaw.
Date: Durham, 10 May year as above.
Mandate from the official of the prior of Durham in his archdeaconry to Dom William Barton vicar of Aycliffe and Dom Robert Barker and William Glover chaplains, to induct Master John of Holderness LLB into corporal possession of the vicarage of Heighington into which he was instituted, with certification to be made by their letters patent at the chapter in the church of St Oswald on Wednesday before St Dunstan next.
Date: Durham, 4 May 1419.
With various doodles.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge, part of the head missing
Size: 105 x 330mm
Seal: G&B No.3174, lower part missing, applied on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.159v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.23   11 September 1498
Mandate by Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham or his chancellor to induct Master William Tonge LLB to the vicarage of Heighington church, vacant by the death of Dom John Staindrop, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: 11 September 1498.
Paper, 1p
Size: 135 x 290mm
Seal: applied seal remnant on the face
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.24   28 November 1385
Mandate by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, the official of his archdeaconry of Durham, and Master John de Cokyn to induct Dom Thomas Yafforth chaplain to the vicarage of Hesleden church, vacant on the death of Dom William of Marton, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: Nayt by Westminster, 28 November 1385.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the left edge
Size: 95 x 320mm
Seal: applied seal remnant on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.25   4 May 1424
Mandate by Thomas Leys dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated [churches] within Durham diocese, or their official, to induct Dom Thomas Preston priest to the vicarage of Hesleden church, vacant by the resignation of Dom Thomas Yafforth, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: Auckland, 4 May 1424.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge
Size: 75 x 280mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Tied by a parchment tie to 26 and 27.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.26   20 December 1434
Mandate by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, or the official of their [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Dom Richard Kirkby priest to the vicarage of Hesleden church, vacant by the resignation of Dom Thomas Preston, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: the bishop's manor of Auckland, 20 December 1434, Pont.29.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge
Size: 70 x 310mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Tied by a parchment tie to 25 and 27.
Copy (?erroneous) cited and the admission calendared in: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.iv, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 170, 1955), p.146-147.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.27   30 March 1447
Mandate by Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to his official, the prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and his chapter, to induct Dom Thomas Turpin priest to the vicarage of Hesleden church, vacant by the death of Dom Richard Kirkby, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: 30 March 1447, Pont.9.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped filling holes on the left edge
Size: 75 x 395mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Tied by a parchment tie to 25 and 26.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.28   2 January 1426
Mandate by Thomas Leys dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated [churches] within Durham diocese, or their official, to induct Dom Roger Moreby priest to the vicarage of Dalton [le Dale] church, vacant by the death of Dom Richard Knapton, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: Auckland, 2 January 1425/6.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 350mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Presentation copied in: DCD Reg.III, f.114v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.29   8 December 1435
Mandate by Thomas Leys, canon of Lincoln, rector of Wearmouth, and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated [churches] within Durham diocese, or their official, to induct Dom Thomas March chaplain to the vicarage of Dalton [le Dale] church, vacant by the resignation of Dom Roger Moreby, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: Wearmouth, 18 December 1435.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 75 x 280mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Presentation copied in: DCD Reg.III, f.197r.
Related letters: DCD Loc.XXV:24 & 32.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.30   16 December 1438
Mandate by John Norton, DD, rector of Bishopwearmouth, and vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham or the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Richard Rash chaplain to the vicarage of Dalton [le Dale] church, vacant on the resignation of Dom Thomas March, last vicar.
Date: Bishopwearmouth, 16 December 1438.
Parchment, 1m, [filing] hole cut in the left edge
Size: 70 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.3186b applied seal on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.31   15 October 1395
Notarial instrument recording the induction by Dom Thomas Weston, chancellor of the bishop of Durham, of Dom John Crayke chaplain as vicar of the church of Middleham, by authority of a mandate of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, and on the exhibition of a notarial instrument of Master Henry Lunde NP, reciting his presentation by Master John Hakthorpe, official of the prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Robert Hemingbrough clerk of Durham diocese and Thomas Bolton.
Date: churchyard of Middleham church, Friday 15 October 1395, Boniface IX Pont.6
Notary: Richard Lytham, clerk of Durham, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 160 x 235mm
Tied by a parchment tie to 33 and 35.
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.154v-155r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.32   8 July 1395
[Copy] notarial instrument recording the admission before Master Thomas Weston, chancellor and commissary of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, of John Crayke to Middleham church, reciting the exhibited following presentation, along with his induction, in accordance with the constitution of the papal legates in these parts.
Witnesses: Master Robert Blundelll notary public and Dom John Bille chaplain of Chichester diocese.
Date: chapel of St John, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8 July 1395, Boniface IX Pont.6.
Notary: Henry de Lunde, clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Presentation by John [of Hemingbrough] prior and the convent of Durham to Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham of Dom John of Crayke chaplain to be vicar of the church of Middleham, saving a pension of 40s due to the sacrist of Durham. Date: Durham chapter house, 7 July 1395.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed [filing] hole on the left dge
Size: 150 x 280mm
Copy (presentation): DCD Reg.II, f.317v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.33   14 February 1414
Mandate by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and monastery of Durham's appropriated [churches], to induct Dom John Newburgh chaplain to the vicarage of Middleham church, vacant by the death of Dom John of Crayke, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: Durham, 14 February 1414.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole in the top left corner
Size: 110 x 280mm
Seal: applied seal remnant on the dorse
Tied by a parchment tie to 31 and 35.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.34   19 September 1452
Mandate by Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches of him and his chapter, to induct Dom Richard Garnett priest to the vicarage of Middleham church, vacant by the resignation of Dom William Bellingham, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in these parts.
Date: 19 September 1452.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 310mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.35   8 August 1377
Notarial instrument reciting the induction by John of Castle Barnard, monk of Durham, official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham in the diocese of Durham, of Dom John Hawmond chaplain [of the diocese of Durham], proctor of Dom Thomas of Morpeth chaplain, to Middleham church, its vicarage, and the church's ropes, bells, books and other ornaments, according to the mandate of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham official [of the bishop of Durham], Dom John of Middleham chaplain, Roger of Merrington clerk, of Durham diocese.
Date: porch of Middleham church, 8 August 1377, Gregory XI Pont.7, at the 6th hour.
Notary: Richard of Kelloe, clerk of Durham, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
Parchment, 1m, filing hole on the left edge, 2 small holes in the text with some letters lost
Size: 215 x 220mm
Tied by a parchment tie to 31 and 33.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.128r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.36   27 February 1388
Mandate by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham to the official of the [archidiaconal] jurisdiction of the prior and chapter of Durham to induct Dom John Gill chaplain to be vicar of Middleham church, vacant by the death of Dom Robert Hauslap, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of Ottobonus.
Date: in the bishop's house at London, 27 February 1437/8, Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 85 x 375mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.37   18 July 1405
Mandate of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham or the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction to induct Robert Ashburn LLB to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, vacant by the death of William Lanchester, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legate in this part .
Date: the bishop's manor of Howden, 18 July 1405, Pont.18.
Endorsed (contemporary) with a note of the induction of Robert Ashburn's proctor Alan Hayden by John Barton commissary of the bishop of Durham on 23 July.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 140 x 375mm
Seal: G&B No.3145 applied seal, parts of the edge lost, on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.155v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.38   6 October 1410
Mandate of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham, or the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Master Thomas Robert to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, on exchange with Dom Walter Bosum, who is to be vicar of the parish church of Ryther, York diocese, in accordance with the constitution of the legate in this part.
Date: the bishop's castle of Cawood, 6 October 1410, Pont.5.
Parchment, 1m, 2 stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 100 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3148 applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.156r.
Copy cited and the exchange calendared in: The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.i, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 164, 1949), p.132.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.39   [23 February] 1412
Mandate by Robert of Ashburn, dean of Chester-le-Street and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in his [appropriated] churches, to induct Dom William Catton to Durham St Oswald church, on exchange with Don Thomas Robert, who is to be vicar of Woodhorn.
Date: the dean's house at Chester[-le-Street], the morrow of St Peter in cathedra 1411/2.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 310mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.155r-156r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.40   11 October 1419
Mandate of Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and his chapter in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Master William Briscowe to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, exchanged by Dom William Newton for St Margaret in Walmgate in York, in accordance with the constitution of the legate in this part.
Date: South Auckland, 11 October 1419.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 305mm
Seal: applied seal (of the vicar-general) on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.160v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.41   29 July 1419
Mandate of Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and his chapter in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Dom William Newton chaplain to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, vacant by the resignation of Master John Holderness, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of Otto and Ottobonus fomer papal legates in England.
Date: Durham, 29 July 1419.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 115 x 325mm
Seal: applied seal (of the vicar-general) remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.160r-v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.42   4 August 1420
Mandate of Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and his chapter in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Master William Doncaster LLB to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, vacant by the death of Master William Briscowe, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in this part.
Date: Auckland, 4 August 1420.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 375mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.143.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.43   3 July 1435
Mandate by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, having archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropirated churches of himself and the chapter, or his official, to induct Master John Lytham to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, on the resignation of Master William Doncaster, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legate in this part.
Date: the bishop's manor of Stockton, 3 July 1435, Pont.29.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 70 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3143 applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.44   21 February 1446
Mandate by John Lounde, vicar-general to Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior of Durham in his archdeaconry of all the appropriated churches of himself and the chapter in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Master William Newton to be vicar of Durham St Oswald church, vacant on the death of Master John Lytham, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legate in this part.
Date: 21 February 1445/6.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Size: 90 x 280mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.45   27 May 1388
Mandate by Thomas of Greatham, rector of Ryton and vicar-general of John [Fordham] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham in his churches in the diocese of Durham, to induct Dom Reginald Porter chaplain to be vicar of Pittington church, in accordance with the constitituon of Otto and Ottobonus, formerly papal legates in England.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1388.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3173 seal on a tongue
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.130v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.46   8 May 1419
Mandate of Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of the chapter, or his official, to induct William Winlaton priest to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant by the resignation of Dom John Appleby, last vicar, in accordance with the constitituon of Otto and Ottobonus, formerly papal legates in England.
Date: Durham, 8 May 1419.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole in the left edge
Size: 125 x 330mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.159v-160r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.47   7 February 1423
Mandate of Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and his chapter, or his official, to induct Dom John Gresmere priest to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant by the resignation of Dom William Winlaton, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in this part.
Date: Auckland, 7 February 1422/3.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 310mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.48   10 April 1439
Mandate by John Norton DD, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham or the official of his jurisdiction, to induct Dom Robert Bates chaplain to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant by the resignation of Dom John Gresmere, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in this part.
Date: 10 April 1439.
Parchment, 1m, 2 shaped [filing] hoes cut in the left edge
Size: 70 x 330mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.49   October 1477
Mandate of Hugh Snell DD, vicar-general of William [Dudley] bishop of Durham, to Richard [Bell] prior of Durham, archdeacon in all the churches and chapels within the city and diocese of Durham appropriated to himself and the chapter of Durham, to induct Master William Leyburn to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant [blank] of the last vicar.
Date: Durham, [blank] October 1477.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a mandate to induct ... 21 February (sic) 1477/8.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 315mm
Seal: wrapping tie
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.50   5 November 1481
Mandate of Hugh Snell DD, vicar-general of William [Dudley] bishop of Durham, to Robert [Ebchester] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the appropriated churches of himself and the chapter of Durham, or his official, to induct Dom George Johnson priest to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant on the death of Master William Leyburn, last vicar, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in this part.
Date: 5 November 1481.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 360mm
Seal: G&B No.3186b, repaired, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.51   27 May 1499
Mandate by William Cocke Dec. Bac., commissary-general of the bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, to induct Master Thomas Patonson MA to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant by the death of Dom George Johson, last vicar.
Date: 27 May 1499.
Paper, 1p
Size: 100 x 210mm
Seal: G&B No.3181, damaged, applied on the face
Commission of the same date: DCD Reg.V, f.46v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.52   24 February 1500
Mandate by William Cocke Dec. Bac., commissary-general of Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, or their official, or chancellor, to induct Master William Greffson MA and ordained a priest to be vicar of Pittington church, vacant on the resignation of Master Thomas Patonson, last vicar, and presented by the prior's proctor Master Robert Dykes notary public, in accordance with the constitution of the legates in this part.
Date: 24 February 1499/1500, Pont.6.
Paper, 1p
Size: 210 x 280mm
Seal: papered applied seal on the face
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.53   19 August 1507
Admission by Edmund Jackson LLD, warden of the spiritualities of the bishop of Durham sede vacante, by authority of the archbishop of York, of Master Thomas Patenson MA, presented by the prior and chapter of Durham, as vicar of Pittington church, vacant by the resignation of William Greveson, last vicar.
Date: Durham, 19 August 1507.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3174, on a parchment tongue
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.54   6 May 1346
Commission by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham to collate a certain (unnamed) benefice in the diocese of Durham to Master William Legat clerk and to receive the resignation of Kepier Hospital.
Date: the bishop's manor of Northallerton, 6 May 1346, Pont.1.
Parchment, 1m, 2 cut and 1 stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 105 x 295mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.55   23 August 1368
Licence from Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to Richard de Billesfield vicar of Warkworth for three years' study leave.
Date: Darlington, 23 August 1368, Pont.24.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 80 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3137 remnants on a parchment tongue
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.56
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.57a   [2 June] 1345
Commission by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop elect of Durham to the prior of Durham as the bishop of Durham's vicar-general and deputy during his absence.
Date: Sherburn in Elmet, 4 Non. June 1345.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped and 1 stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 90 x 280mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.57b   16 September 1345
Commission by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham as the bishop of Durham's vicar-general and deputy during his absence.
Date: London, 16 September 1345, Pont.1.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped and 1 stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 95 x 285mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.58   12 March [1374 x 1381]
Licence by Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham as vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to Dom Thomas of School Aycliffe for his celebration of mass during illness as he cannot get to the parish church.
Date: Durham, 12 March.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 45 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3181 applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.59   [9 June] 1345
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop elect of Durham to the dean of Durham summon the clergy of Durham deanery to the Galilee in Durham on Monday before SS Peter and Paul next [27 June] to swear obedience to the bishop-elect.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. June 1345.
With interlineations and erasures.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 255mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.60   10 April 1359
Notification by the prior and chapter of Durham to Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham of the reservation of a pension of 6s 8d on the appropriation of Bolam church to the abbot and convent of Blanchland.
Date: in chapter [at Durham] 10 April 1359.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 135 x 265mm
Digitised material for DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.60 - Notification by the prior of Durham to Bishop Hatfield of a pension of 6s 8d on taking Bolam church to the abbot convent of Blanchland - 10 April 1359
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.60 (dorse)   [c.1400]
Language:   English
“The Durham Prologue”, a single speech in six 6 line stanzas, rhyming aaabab. It calls on the audience to quieten down and then summarises the play that is to follow, apparently a version of the Theophilus legend. A rich knight loses all and despairs; he is tempted by the devil, but in the end resists through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Printed: J. Cooling, “An Unpublished Middle English Prologue”, in The Review of English Studies (NS x, 1959), p.172-173 (copy with the document); N. Davis ed, Non-Cycle Plays and Fragments (Early English Text Society 1970); J.C. Coldewey, Early English Drama: An Anthology, (1993), p.14-15.
Facsimile in: N. Davis, Non-Cycle Plays and the Winchester Dialogues (Leeds 1979).
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.61   7 September 1358
Mandate and a forty day indulgence by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham, on the instructions of King [Edward III] for prayers on the death of the Queen-Mother Isabella.
Date: the bishop's manor of [Bishop] Middleham, 7 September 1358, Pont.14.
Endorsed (contemporary) with two versions of a draft certification in reply.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 300mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.62   28 August 1377
Commission by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham to receive the resignation of John of Newthorpe of Pontefract dean of Auckland and to collate Master William of Walworth LLB of [Durham] diocese.
Date: the bishop's manor of Le Oldeford, London diocese, 28 August 1377 and Pont.33.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left margin
Size: 135 x 305mm
Seal: G&B No.3137, applied on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.63   28 March 1395
Licence of Thomas [Appleby] bishop of Carlisle to Henry of Twineham clerk of [Carlisle] diocese for ordination elsewhere.
Date: the bishop's manor of Rosa, 28 March 1395, Pont.32.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge and four stabbed holes in a square near the tongue
Size: 100 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.3100 on a parchment tongue
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.64   18 [November] 1369
Certification from Uthred [of Boldon] subprior to John [Fosser] prior and the chapter of Durham of the following induction having been carried out on 12 November.
Sealed with the seal of the official of the bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 18 month aforesaid, year aforesaid.
Mandate of John [Fosser] prior and the chapter of Durham to their brother Uthred [of Boldon] subprior, as the archdeaconry of Durham is vacant and the collation thereby devolves on the prior, to induct Dom John of Kingston priest to the archdeaconry of Durham, to be certificated by his letters patent.
Date: Durham in the chapter house, 2 November 1369.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 95 x 350mm
Seal: G&B No.3173 on a parchment tongue
Formerly numbered: B.1.5.Pont. and 2B.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.116r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.65   9 January 1412
Notarial instrument being a licence of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, with the consent of the chapter, to his fellow monk Dom John of Tynemouth, monk, to visit the apostolic see for certain causes concerning his conscience, on his friends' expense; on condition that he return to Durham within a year of the date of the presents.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas Roose vicar of Merrington and John of Binchester chaplain, of Durham diocese.
Date: Durham in the priory, 9 January 1411/2.
Notary: Thomas of Ryhale, clerk of Lincoln diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the right edge
Size: 120 x 285mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
Copy: DCD Reg.III, f.35v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.66   9 July [1334 x 1344]
Notification by Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham of the appointment of Master Edmund Howard and Master John of Whitchurch as his vicars-general.
Date: Dover, 9 July.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 80 x 315mm
Seal: applied seal remnants on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.67   22 January 1413
Commission by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham as the bishop of Durham's vicar-general, with power to hear and determine causes of his subjects, to admit to benefices canonically presented to, to correct and punish crimes, defects and errors in the same [benefices], and to carry out whatever duties a vicar-general has customarily done.
Date: the bishop's manor of Wheel Hall, 22 January 1412/3, Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 125 x 265mm
Seal: seal residue on a parchment tongue
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.68   12 March 1439
Mandate of John Norton DD, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, or the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Robert Sotheron into the chantry in the Galilee [in Durham cathedral], vacant on the death of Dom John Clayton, last chaplain.
Date: 12 March 1438/9.
Parchment, 1m, cut-out [filing] hole in the bottom left corner
Size: 80 x 280mm
Seal: applied seal residue on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.69[a]
Former reference for document now at 3.3.Pont.7.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.[69b]
DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.70   23 January 1499
Mandate by Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham, or the chancellor of their archidiaconal jurisdiction in their appropriated churches, to induct John Surtees clerk to Dinsdale church, vacant on the resignation of Dom William Belt, last rector, through Thomas Surtees his proctor, saving a pension of 40s owed to the sacrist from of old.
Date: 23 January 1498/9, Pont.5.
Paper, 1p
Size: 175 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3163 applied seal remnants on the front
Digitised material for DCD 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.70 - Mandate by bishop Fox of Durham to induct John Surtees clerk to Dinsdale church - 23 January 1498/9
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.1   14 June 1419
Intimation by Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland collegiate church, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, that since he accepted the resignation on 7 June 1419 of the vicarage of Pittington by John Appleby, made due to his infirmity, and, on the morrow of the resignation, admitted William Winlaton, priest, to the said vicarage, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham; and following William's submission of his vicarage and its revenues to the disposal of the vicar general; he has made, in the presence of both William and John, and with their consent and that of the bishop and prior and chapter of Durham, in view of the inadequate means of John Appleby, this ordinance assigning to John Appleby a yearly pension, for life, of eight marks sterling from the revenues of the vicarage of Pittington, to be paid to John or his proctor in equal portions at the terms of Peter's Chains, All Saints, Candlemas and the Invention of the Cross, by the said William and his successors; charging William and his successors with effectual payment of the pension, on pain of excommunication and sequestration of the revenues of the vicarage; with John to be informed in advance of any dimission or resignation of the vicarage, and to be able to attend the oath-taking at the time of institution of future vicars, and that John and William have confirmed the ordinance and sworn to observe it. The letters to remain in the treasury of the church of Durham for the greater security of the two parties.
Date: 14 June year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 345 x 375mm
Seal: G&B No.3186b on a parchment tag
Copy: DCD Reg. III, f.66v-67r.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.2   [29 April 1323]
Copy bull of Pope John [XXII] to the archdeacon of Nottingham, on receipt of a petition from Master Thomas Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, for the observance of a composition drawn up by the late Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham supporting the archdeacon's claim against the prior and chapter's right to ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the rectors and chaplains of their appropriated churches and chapels in the diocese of Durham, and to visitation and correction there in the case of their churches and chapels in his archdeaconry, namely Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Middleham, Merrington, Whitworth, Hesleden, Dalton le Dale, Witton [Gilbert], Billingham, Heighington, Aycliffe, St Oswald's Durham and Pittington.
Date: Avignon, 3 Kal. May Pont.6.
Parchment, 1m
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.3   [c.1400]
Four statements about a composition between William Melton archbishop of York and William [of Cowton] prior and the chapter of Durham ([1321x1340])
?Libel of the prior and convent, reciting the establishment of the priory at Durham in 1083, with its privileges corroborated by William Carilef bishop of Durham, confirmed by Pope Celestine III, concerning the priory's right to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in its appropriated churches in the archdeaconries of Durham and Northumberland, and the enlisting of royal support in parliament against Master John [?of Hovingham].
Draft, with interlineations and cancellations.
Paper, 1p, torn along creases
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.4   8 October 1379
Mandate from Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham, archdeacon of the churches within the diocese of Durham appropriated to him and the chapter, to the vicars of the churches of Kirk Merrington, Middleham and Heighington, as he is intending to carry out a visitation there, to summon all to attend at Kirk Merrington church on Thursday after St Luke next, at Middleham church on Friday next following and at Heighington church on SS Simon and Jude next following.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1379.
?Draft, some interlineation.
Parchment, 1m
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.5   [1396]
Libel of the proctor of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham against Master T[homas] W[eston] archdeacon of Durham, asserting the rights of the prior and convent to visit and reform their appropriated churches and their clergy within the diocese of Durham for the previous 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more years. ?Draft.
Paper, 1p
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6   [c.1300]
Memoranda of [spurious] documents concerning the priory's archidiaconal rights in their churches in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Parchment roll, 1m, 2 stabbed holes at the foot
Size: 305 x 115mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (i)   [11 August] 1093
[Spurious] grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham to Prior Turgot of the office of archdeacon in his churches.
Date: 3 Id. August 1093, Pont.13.
Full original: DCD 1.1.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (ii)   [6 January] 1084
Bull of Pope Gregory [VII] granting the prior of Durham the authority of archdeacon over his churches in the diocese of Durham.
Date: 8 Id. January 1083/4.
Another copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7d (lv).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (iii)   1082
[Spurious] grant by the bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham of privileges and powers as archdeacon in their churches in the diocese of Durham as the dean of York has under the archbishop of York.
Date: council at London, 1082.
Full original: DCD 1.1.Pont.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (iv)   1093
Beginning of a [spurious] grant of privileges by the bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham.
Date: council at Gloucester, 1093.
Full original: DCD 1.1.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (v)   [14 August] 1147
[Purported] confirmation by William [of Ste Barbe] bishop of Durham, after a solemn inquisition, of the precedence of the prior of Durham over the archdeacon of Durham.
Date: Primo die Kal. (sic) September 1147.
Full original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (vi)   [16 May] 1196
Bull of Pope Celestine [III] granting the office of archdeacon to the prior [of Durham].
Date: 17 Kal. June 1196.
Full copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.28v-31r.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (vii)
Bulls of Popes Calixtus and Innocent ...
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6 (viii)   [14 February] 1272
Acceptance before Robert Stichill bishop of Durham by Robert of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham of the archidiaconal right of the prior and convent of Durham in their churches.
Date: Auckland, 16 Kal. March 1271/2.
Full original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.4 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.7   9 April 1310
Notarial instrument reciting the induction by Master William of Whickham, official of the archdeacon of Durham, of Master John de Insula into Boldon church, and all its possessions, through his proctors Dom Eustace de Insula chaplain and Robert of Egglescliffe layman, literatus.
Witnesses: Dom William of Thornton and William of Boldon chaplains; Peter de Blakeden, Henry of Tughall, Thomas of Crayke, William of Boldon and Gilbert of Greatham clerks; Gilbert of Boldon, William Carter of the same, John reeve (prepositus), William Scort, Thomas of Morton, William of Middleham, and Richard of Boldon, laymen.
Date: 9 April 1310.
Notary: Geoffrey Patricius of Malton, clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed hole in the head
Size: 345 x 265mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.8   [22 February 1363]
Copy settlement, with the approval of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and William Westley archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis [Beaumont]'s time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Parchment roll, 1m, double line of horizontal cuts down the roll
Size: 460 x 325mm
Decoration: elaborated initial “I” and other capitals in the top line
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.9 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9   [1323]
Materials in a case with Archdeacon Goldsborough, i-v being cited as the five causes of the [prior's] appeal.
Parchment roll, 2m
Size: 1300 x 210mm
All recited in: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.5 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (i)   [13 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII] to the prior of Blyth, the dean of York and Master Richard of Clare canon of York, or two of them, to deliver judgement, following an appeal by the prior and chapter of Durham that Master Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, by not mentioning the case pending between them before the official of the court of York, following their appeals in the dispute arising from the archdeacon's claim against the prior and chapter's right to ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the rectors and chaplains of their appropriated churches and chapels in the diocese of Durham, and to visitation and correction there in the case of their churches and chapels in his archdeaconry, Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Middleham, Merrington, Whitworth, Hesleden, Dalton le Dale, Witton [Gilbert], Billingham, Heighington, Aycliffe, St Oswald's Durham and Pittington, by falsely suggesting that an amicable settlement had been reached between them with the diocesan's assent, had obtained papal letters to the archdeacon of Nottingham to enforce observance of the settlement, and that the prior of Nocton and Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Lichfield, commissioned by the archdeacon of Nottingham, had summoned the prior and chapter, and had refused to entertain the prior and chapter's objection that they should not proceed on the basis of letters so obtained, with the case before the official of York pending.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (ii)   [15 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], summoning the prior and chapter concerning the constitution of Pope Boniface VIII.
Date: Avignon, 17 Kal. May Pont.7.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (iii)   [15 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], summoning the prior and chapter and refusing their request for a copy of the proceedings of the case.
Date: Avignon, 17 Kal. May Pont.7.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (iv)   [13 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], as in the next above, summoning the prior and chapter and refusing their request for a copy of the letters.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (v)   [13 April 1323]
Mandate of Pope John [XXII], summoning the prior and chapter and delivering sentence that jurisdiction, visitation and correction belonged to Master Thomas.
Date: Avignon, Id. April Pont.7.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.9 (vi)   25 June 1323
Notarial instrument reciting the requisition and protestation of Master Henry of Sywardston, proctor of the prior and chapter, that the above five papal bulls are not valid as the prior and chapter do not have copies.
Witnesses: Master Lawrence Davili proctor in the Roman curia, John de Bosco clerk and Paul de Alatro.
Date: Avignon, in the house of the brothers Godfrey de Alatro and Berengar Maynard of the Cistercian order, 25 June 1323.
Notary: Peter de Balneus, clerk of ?Bourges (Biterien'), NP by apostolic authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.10   [1323]
Statements of the proctor of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham against the prior and convent of Durham about exceptions of spoliations by the archdeacon, detailing 82 incidents of the archdeacon exercising his authority.
Parchment roll, 1m, hole cut out with some text missing near the head
Size: 505 x 180mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11   [early 14th century]
Copy grants to the prior and convent of Durham of churches and privileges in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Endorsed (contemporary) as copies of charters ... and testimonies of five prelates about the agreement between us and Wazo archdeacon of Durham.
Parchment roll, 2m
Size: 1130 x 255mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (i)   [1082]
Forged grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham to the monks of Durham of privileges and possessions.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (ii)   [?1084]
Forged grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham to the prior and monks of Durham of privileges and possessions.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (iii)   [3 January 1084 x 2 January 1085]
Forged grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham to the priors of Durham of privileges and confirmation of their possessions.
Date: council at Westminster, Pont.4.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.4.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (iv)   [1091 x 1092]
Forged grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham to the prior and monks of Durham of [North]allerton, Sigston and Brompton churches.
Original: DCD 4.1.Archiep.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (v)   [1146 x 1152]
Confirmation by William [of St Barbe] bishop of Durham of the grant to the monks serving God and St Cuthbert of Middleham church by Osbert, nephew of Bishop Flambard.
Original: DCD 1.2.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (vi)   [14 November] 1147
[Purported] confirmation by William [of Ste Barbe] bishop of Durham, after a solemn inquisition, of the precedence of the prior of Durham over the archdeacon of Durham.
Date: die prima Kal. December 1147.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (vii)   [c.1149 x 1152]
[Purported] notification by Ailred abbot of Rievaulx, Robert abbot of Newminster, Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, Richard prior of Hexham, and Germanus prior of Tynemouth that they have determined the controversy about precedence between Roger prior of Durham and Wazo archdeacon of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.2 above.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (viii)   [1154 x c.1160]
Charter of Hugh [du Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to the church and monks of Durham the same freedom, in their churches, vills, lands etc., as they had at the beginning of his episcopate, together with free power of disposal of all their possessions.
Witnesses: Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, John the archdeacon, Hugh de Fuddeby, John de Fana, Simon the chamberlain, Thomas of Thixendale (Sexdecim Vallibus).
Original: DCD 4.1. Pont.14.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (ix)   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to the monks of Durham the following: free election of their prior, who is to be the second dignitary of the church, to have an abbot's seat in the choir, the bishop's authority and full power, with chapter, in all the convent's business; full control over their churches; their own court; the restitution of any tithes taken from them in Puiset's time or that of any of his predecessors; freedom from all hospitality, aids and vexations of bishops, archdeacons and other officials.
(Truncated list of witnesses.)
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (x)   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting and confirming to B[ertram], prior, and the convent of Durham freedom of control over, and institution to, their churches, and freedom from all customs, aids and hospitality of bishops, archdeacons or other officials.
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (xi)   [c.1180 x 3 March 1195]
Charter of Hugh [of le Puiset] bishop of Durham granting to the monks of Durham the vill of Muggleswick, in exchange for Hardwick; the monks may clear 160 acres to the west, north and east of the vill, and are to have the pasture of Horseleyhope, Hitteshope and Baldinghope.
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.20.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (xii)   [1 March 1195]
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, announcing his quitclaim to B[ertram], prior, and the convent of Durham of their wood of Heworth.
(Reduced list of witnesses.)
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.19.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.11 (xiii)   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] Bishop of Durham confirming to the prior and monks of Durham the land called Witrig, between Shoreswood and Norham, with the turbary of Shoreswood, both of which the bishop has held for some time past, and granting to the monks the same straight boundaries between the bishop's vill of Boldon and their vill of Hedworth, and between Rainton and Houghton, and between Pittington and Sherburn, as they had at the beginning of Puiset's episcopate; the monks are to have all they need in the bishop's forests, and are to be free, along with the clerks of their churches, from forestage and pannage in all their demesne manors.
(Reduced list of witnesses.)
Original: DCD 4.1.Pont.5.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.12   23 April 1382
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the official of the prior of Durham in his archdeaconry to summon the prior and chapter, and the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham, to parliament at Westminster on 7 May.
Date: Durham, 23 April 1382.
With drafts of the [prior's official's] reply of certification.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.3173, applied on the dorse
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.13   27 September 1382
Commission by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham to Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham as his vicar-general.
Date: the bishop's manor of Auckland, 27 September 1382 Pont.1.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 135 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3141, on a parchment tongue, with a wrapper
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.14   8 January 1371
?Draft settlement, with the approval of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, between John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham and Master Alexander Neville archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton le Dale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: as in the former agreement with William Westley archdeacon of Durham, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependent chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches paying the prior and convent annually a pension of 40s; with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general.
Witness: Master R of Wigford.
Date: the chapel of the bishop's manor at Auckland, 8 January 1370/1.
Notary: Master William of Fakenham.
Endorsed with a list of supporting charters and bulls, and also addressed to “our most dear friends” Masters Robert Ashbourn, John Harewood and Roger Ragenhill .
Paper, 1p
Size: 205 x 305mm
Final version: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.12a.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.15   5 March 1324
Copy/draft memorandum of a concord between the prior and convent of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, on all disputes between them, arising from archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise in the prior and convent's appropriated churches and chapels in the archdeaconry of Durham: during Thomas's time in office, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependant chapels, and the archdeacon in all their other appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Durham, like his predecessors; the prior and convent are to be free from appearing and answering before Thomas or his officials for defects in the chancels of their churches, the books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; the concord to have full effect when the support of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham is certain and when all disputes between the parties are settled, with the revoking of all actions over the jurisdiction and its exercise and against the prior of Nocton, all proceedings in the court of York and elsewhere being suspended in the meanwhile, and until Friday after the octave of Easter [27 April].
Date: Durham, 5 March 1323/4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 180 x 255mm
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.16   [29 August] 1276
Copy confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following judgement.
Witnesses: Master John de Hok, Robert Avenell, Henry of Kelloe, Robert of Driffield.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 4 Kal. September 1276.
Judgement of Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor at Auckland, 16 Kal. March [14 February] 1271/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 80-180mm
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17a   25 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, that they did not dispute the authority of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, except as to their appropriated churches, their clergy and parishioners, in the diocese of Durham, and protesting particularly against his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York to inhibit and suspend from divine service the rector [of Wearmouth] and Dom Thomas of Hilton and Robert son of Alexander chaplains there, and to suspend the parishioners Elias son of Adam, William son of John and Adam of Fenton.
Witnesses: Dom Roger de Castro and Hugh of Wearmouth chaplains; John Bost and Richard of Aston.
Date: Wearmouth churchyard, 25 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 350 x 250mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxvi).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17b   28 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their church and clergy [at Dalton].
Witnesses: Dom Jordan of Dalton miles, Duket his armiger, John de Burgh and John of Morpeth.
Date: Dalton le Vale churchyard, 28 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 290 x 275mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxvii).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17c   31 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their church and clergy [at Hesleden], and his pronouncement of their rector there as contumacious, and the imposing of inhibitions and excommunications by himself and Master Philip of Kilkenny.
Witnesses: Dom Hugh vicar [of Hesleden], William Hoppyland, Peter de Holom, John of Morpeth.
Date: Hesleden churchyard, 31 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 300 x 230mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxix).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17d   4 - 18 November 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest, on each occasion, by John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their churches and clergy, and his pronouncement of their rector there as contumacious, and the imposing of inhibitions and excommunications.
Witnesses: John of Morpeth, John de Beauvys, John Bertram clerks.
Date: Billingham churchyard, 4 November 1321; [Bishop] Middleham churchyard, 7 November; Whitworth churchyard, 11 November; Durham St Oswald, 13 November; Pittington churchyard, 18 November.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 370 x 240mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxx).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17e   14 December 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the following mandate, which John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, handed over to be transcribed, noting that those listed on the schedule numbered over a hundred from the parishioners of the one parish of Durham St Oswald, including the rector of St Oswald, Emery of Lumley monk, Master John of Beckingham, John of Durham, Hugh of Sadberge, clerks, Dom John of Leventhorpe chaplain, John of Barnard Castle, John de Kattedun, clerks, John Alman, Adam Baty, John of Pittington, John del Gerver, John Gray, Roger Bagman, Gilbert of the mill, laymen.
Witnesses: Dom John of Butterwick monk of Durham, Robert of Coatham, William of Thockrington and Ralph Luminour clerks.
Date: 14 December 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate from Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham to the dean of Durham to cite those named on an attached schedule (not present) to be in the church of St Nicholas in Durham on the Saturday next after St Lucy the virgin [19 December 1321] to answer certain visitation articles of his, the carrying out of which he is to certify by his letters patent.
Date: Easington, 6 December 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 300 x 220mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxviii).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17f   23 July 1343
Notarial instrument reciting a claim by William de Qwalton, clerk, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, to their rights over their appropriated churches in the diocese of York, excepting the authority of William [Zouche] archbishop of York, to be pursued in the court of York or the Roman curie.
Witnesses: Dom William vicar of Benton and Henry de Ullefby chaplains, Warin Hering.
Date: house of the vicar of St Nicholas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 23 July 1343.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed (15th century) with a note that on 4 May [14]10 Thomas Ayrmyn valued your etc as on f.163, and with a proverb about drink.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 260 x 255mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17g   9 November 1322
Notarial instrument reciting that Master Philip of Kilkenny, official of Dom Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, sitting in tribunal over the case in the court of York between the prior and convent of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham over archidiaconal rights in the churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth and other appropriated churches within the diocese of Durham, recited letters from the prior of Nocton [Park], commissary of the archdeacon of Nottingham, judge delegate in this case, excommunicating the brothers Gilbert of Elwick Sac.Th.Doc., William of Guisborough, John of Butterwick, and William of Ripon, monks of Durham cathedral, Masters John of Beckingham, John de Herlaw, Thomas Yve, advocates, clerks and familiars of the prior and convent of Durham, John de Haulakby steward of the same, Master John of Barnard Castle proctor of the same, Master Alan de Chiron vicar of Pittington, Doms Robert of Crossgate of St Oswald's, Walter of Billingham, Henry of Middleham, Thomas of Merrington, Richard of Aycliffe, William of Heighington, and William of Dalton in the Vale, vicars of the appropriated churches of the prior and convent, John dictus Gik, John de Levingthorp, Adam de Ridal, Gilbert Burghard, John Fossour, and Roger of Cowton, chaplains of the said churches, and also the parishioners and notorious adherents of the said prior and convent, Doms Robert of Dalton, Richard Aumouner, Adam Bett, William of Hartburn, Hugh of Wearmouth, Thomas de Castre, William son of Eufenne, Robert of Herrington, Roger of Northampton, Wido de Hoton, Cuthbert of Wolviston, William of Stamfordham, William Wetherherd, John de Killerby, Bertram chaplain of the chapel of Ferry, William Man, Ralph of Stranton, Richard of Blakiston, Thomas of Wolviston, William of Sheepwash and Henry of Barnard Castle, for resisting the authority of the archdeacon of Durham in those appropriated churches.
Witnesses: Dom William of Gateshead chaplain, Thomas of Elvet, William of Hoppyland and Richard Dayvill.
Date: the church of St Nicholas, Durham, 9 November 1322.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 470 x 275mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17h   14 September 1322
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment by John of Castle Barnard, principal proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, of Thomas of Middleton as another substitute proctor.
Witnesses: John of Beckingham and Robert de Fenrother clerks.
Date: the monastery at Durham, 14 September 1322.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 260 x 260mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17j   16 September 1322
Notarial instrument reciting protestations, drawn up by Master John of Beckingham, presented by Thomas of Middleton, substitute proctor for John of Castle Barnard, principal proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, before Revd Master Ralph of Holbeach, canon of Lichfield and rector of Kilvington church in York diocese, and the prior of Nocton [Park], Lincoln diocese, [commissaries] for the archdeacon of Nottingham, judge delegate in the case between Thomas of Goldsborough, archdeacon of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham over archidiaconal rights in the appropriated churches of Jarrow etc.
Witnesses: Master John de Bok, Hugh de Stalton and Thomas of Burton.
Date: the collegiate church of Ripon, 16 Septemeber 1332.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 450 x 260mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17k   23 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting, before John of Castle Barnard clerk, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, the following inhibition, and that Goldsborough had exceeded his jurisdiction over Jarrow church in excommunicating Dom William of Hexham monk of Durham chaplain, Dom John of Ryedale chaplain serving in St Hild's chapel, dependant on the said church, Dom Adam ?Get chaplain serving Heworth chapel, dependant also on the said church, suspended from divine service, with Gilbert Harper, clerk of the same religious and minister of the said church, Adam cook, William shepherd, William smith of Jarrow, William of Fulwell, Walter son of Peter of Heworth, Alan Burell, William cook, Robert reeve, Robert cook, Hugh reeve, Peter Brand, Roger son of Alexander, William Page, Roger son of Arnolad, William of Hilton, John of Harton, Siward son of Thomas, Alexander of Whitburn, Roger son of John and Thomas de Wateney, parishioners of the same church.
Witnesses: Masters John of Beckingham, Thomas called Vue, Robert of Durham clerks, Gilbert called Harpour.
Date: the churchyard at Jarrow, 23 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 475 x 425mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.9 (xxxv).
   21 October [1321]
Inhibition by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham of Archdeacon Goldsborough, reciting the following mandate.
Date: Stockton, 21 October year as above.
   [19 October] 1321
Mandate of the official of the court of York to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to cite Thomas Goldsborough, archdeacon of York, to appear in the court of York in York minster on [31 October] next.
Date: York, 14 Kal November 1321.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17l   5 & 29 March 1324
Notarial instrument reciting an agreement between William prior and convent of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham over jurisdiction in appropriated churches in Durham diocese (as in DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6).
Witnesses: Masters William of Kelloe, William de Vallibus, and John de Hirlaw.
Date: chapter house of Durham cathedral, 5 March 1323/4.
And the agreement was recited before Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham by Master Richard de Eryom professor in both laws, and approved by the bishop, and the parties agreed to abide peaceably by it.
Witnesses: Masters John de Insula, John of Norton NP, and William de Vallibus.
Date: chapter house of Durham cathedral, 29 March 1324.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed (contemporary) as 14 instruments drawn up about the peace and agreement between the prior and convent of Durham and the archdeacon of Durham about the exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in the bishoprick of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 520 x 300mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17m   11 August 1323
Notarial instrument reciting the letters patent of Master Richard of Clare canon of York papal judge-delegate with the prior of Blyth and the dean of York in a case between the prior and chapter of Durham and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, permitting his colleagues to act in his absence through royal business etc.
Witnesses: Thomas of Middleton, Thomas of Burton.
Date: before the gate of Clare castle, 3 Id. August 1323.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the centre of the head
Size: 310 x 240-280mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17n   9 November 1321
Notarial instrument reciting that John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, before Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, alleged and claimed archidiaconal jurisdiction for the prior and convent of Durham in appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, which he had appealed to the bishop of Durham and, failing him, to the court of York, and that the court of York had thereby inhibited the archdeacon, but the archdeacon, notwithstanding, had still carried out his visitation with Master Philip of Kilkenny, claiming to be commissary of the archdeacon, pronouncing Dom Henry de Lutryngton vicar of Middleham to be inobedient to the archdeacon's authority, and also pronouncing as excommunicate Master Thomas Yve, clerk and advocate of the [prior and convent] and clerk pensioner of the vicar of Middleham.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas vicar of [Merrington] church, Peter of Durham, Thomas de Hoton, Alan Horner, John of Morpeth.
Date: churchyard of Merrington church, 9 November 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 300 x 240mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxviii).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17o   1 September 1322
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal by John of Barnard Castle, clerk, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the case against Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham over archidiaconal rights in appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, heard by Master Ralph of Holbeach canon of Lichfield, commissary with the prior of Nocton [Park] of the papal judge delegate the archdeacon of Nottingham.
Witnesses: subprior of Durham, sacrist of the same, Masters John of Beckingham, Robert de Fenrother, and John de Esseden clerks.
Date: the monastery of Durham, 1 September 1322.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 490 x 420mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18a   [14 February] 1272
Notification by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham of an agreement between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha, archdeacon of Durham, concerning archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches and chapels of the prior and convent within the diocese of Durham; the archdeacon confesses that the prior has in the past had these rights, which have been exercised by the archdeacon only on payment by him to the prior of an annual pension of 2 marks; the bishop restores this state, with the provision that if the pension is not paid for three years running, then the archdeacons shall lose the privilege of exercising these rights.
Date: chapel of our manor at Auckland, 16 Kal. March 1271/2.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 145 x 245mm
Other versions: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.14; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18b; recited in 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18b   [14 February] 1272
Notification by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham of an agreement between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha, archdeacon of Durham, concerning archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches and chapels of the prior and convent within the diocese of Durham; the archdeacon confesses that the prior has in the past had these rights, which have been exercised by the archdeacon only on payment by him to the prior of an annual pension of 2 marks; the bishop restores this state, with the provision that if the pension is not paid for three years running, then the archdeacons shall lose the privilege of exercising these rights.
Date: chapel of our manor at Auckland, 16 Kal. March 1271/2.
Parchment, 1m, slits for a sealing tag
Size: 165 x 335mm
Other versions: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.14; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18a; recited in 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18c   [?1312]
Memorandum about the dispute between Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham before R[ichard Kellaw] bishop of Durham over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the priory's appropriated churches in Durham diocese which was appealed to the court of York which inhibited the archdeacon from exercising such jurisdiction.
Witnesses on behalf of the archdeacon of Durham: Dom Roger of Stockton, Master Richard de Gavyt comparuit, Master Thomas de Hoo comparuit, John de Routheclyff, Walter de Gaiteford comparuit, John de Barlye.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120-160 x 270mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18d   [29 August] 1276
Copy confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following judgement.
Witnesses: Master John de Hok, Robert Avenell, Henry of Kelloe, Robert of Driffield.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 4 Kal. September 1276.
Judgement of Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction between the prior and convent of Durham and Master Robert of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor at Auckland, 16 Kal. March [14 February] 1271/2.
Size: 110 x 300mm
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18e   14 October 1321
Copy notarial instrument reciting an appeal, made by John of Barnard Castle, clerk and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the presence of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the court of York against the archdeacon's exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in the priory's appropriated churches in Durham diocese.
Witnesses: Dom Adam Bathele chaplain of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham, Roger clerk of the same church.
Date: church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham, 14 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, two [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 160 x 260mm
Copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.9 (xxxiv).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18f   11 June 1334
Settlement, with the approval of Richard [of Bury] bishop of Durham, between the prior and convent of Durham and John Wawayn, canon of Lincoln and proctor of Thomas [Neville] archdeacon of Durham, of a dispute between the prior and convent and the archdeacon over archidiaconal jurisdiction and its exercise, visitation and correction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton in the Vale, Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Aycliffe, Heighington, Witton [Gilbert], Whitworth and St Oswald's Durham, and their chapels: during Bishop Louis's time, the prior and convent are to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, visitation and correction in their churches of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, with their dependant chapels, with the archdeacon to exercise it in all their other named appropriated churches, as Aimery of Beaumont former archdeacon of Durham had by virtue of his settlement with the prior and convent (1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7b); with the prior and convent to be free from appearing and answering before the archdeacon or his officials concerning defects in the chancels of their churches, their books and ornaments, these being remedied as their responsibility within a period set by the archdeacon, and failing that, they are to be reported to the bishop of Durham or his vicar-general; on the bishop's death, the prior and convent's position is to be as on 31 May 1334.
Date: in the chapter house at Durham, 11 June 1334.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 320 x 275mm
Confirmed in : DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.8; 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.15.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19   [c. 1322]
Copies of grants to the prior and convent of Durham re churches in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Endorsed (15th century) as the great roll about the prior's jurisdiction.
Parchment roll, 10m + 1m attached
Size: 4880 x 350mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1 (i)   1093
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1 (ii)   [1082]
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.2 (iii)   [?1084]
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.2 (iv)   [1091 x 1092]
Forged grant by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham of [North]allerton, Sigston and Brompton churches.
Original: DCD 4.1.Archiep.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.2 (v)   [1084 x 1085]
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Pont.4.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3 (vi)   22 September [1218]
Confirmation by Richard [Marsh] bishop of Durham of privileges for the prior and convent of Durham.
Original: DCD 2.2.Pont.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3 (vii)   [1083 x 1085]
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by Archbishop Thomas [I].
Originals: DCD 1.1.Archiep.1 and 1.1.Archiep.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3 (viii)   [15 May] 1123
Confirmation by Pope Calixtus II of the priory's foundation.
Another copy in: DCD Misc.Ch. 7177 f.27r-v.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3 (ix)   [1083 x 1084]
Forged grant of privileges and possessions by King WIlliam I.
Original: DCD 1.1.Reg.2b.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3a (ixa)   [6 January] 1084
Forged bull of Pope Gregory VII safeguarding the priory's privileges.
Other copies: DCD 3.13.Pont.6; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7d (lv).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3-4 (x)   [16 June] 1196
Confirmation by Pope Celestine III of the priory's privileges and possessions.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.28v-31r.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4 (xi)   [29 August] 1276
Confirmation by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of Bishop Stichill's judgement of 1272 over jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4 (xii)   [1 September (sic, recte 1 December)] 1147
Confirmation (?spurious) by William [of St Barbe] bishop of Durham of the prior's privileges against the archdeacon of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4 (xiii)   [c.1149 x 13 November 1152]
Notification (?spurious) by Ailred abbot of Rievaulx, Robert abbot of Newminster, Cuthbert prior of Guisborough, Richard prior of Hexham, and Germanus prior of Tynemouth, of the settlement of the dispute between the prior of Durham and the archdeacon of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.2.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5 (xiv)   [14 February] 1272
Judgement by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham over jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in the archdeaconry of Durham.
Original: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5 (xv)   [22 May 1214]
Confirmation by Pope Innocent [III] to the prior and convent of liberties granted to them by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham and H[ugh of Le Puiset] his successor.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet. f.34v.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5 (xvi)   [?1195]
Confirmation by Archdeacon Richard (sic, recte Burchard) of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham's grant of privileges to the prior and convent of Durham of freedom of control to the prior and convent over their churches.
Witnesses: William archdeacon of Durham, Master Richard of Coldingham, Master Anger, William de Blessen, Master Hugh de Feritate, Ralph Harang.
Other copies: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.16 and 1.1.Arch.Northumb,[6](vi).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5 (xvii)   [late February x 3 March 1195]
Restitution by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham to God, St Cuthbert and the prior and monks of Durham of the borough made in Elvet and all other property of theirs converted to the bishop's use; with confirmation of all liberties granted and confirmed by the bishop's predecessors.
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.4.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xviii)   28 September 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Hesleden church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Doms Roger of Stanhope, John of Butterwick, John de Barneby, John de Kirkeby, John Booest.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xix)   22 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Billingham church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Master Henry of Carlisle, Gilbert of Burdon, John of Stapleton, John Booest.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xx)   4 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Pittington church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Emeric of Lumley hostillar of Durham, John de Barneby monk, John of Beckingham, John of Stapleton, clerks, John of Kirkby, John Booest.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xxi)   6 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording visitations of Merrington and Whitworth churches conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Doms John of Butterwick, John de Barneby monks, John of Stapleton, Gilbert of Burdon, John Booest, clerks, John of Kirkby.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xxii)   26 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Heighington church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Doms John of Butterwick, John de Barneby, with other monks, Master Gilbert of Burdon, John of Stapleton, John Booest, clerks, John of Kirkby, with Master Henry of Carlisle.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6 (xxiii)   26 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Aycliffe church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Masters Henry of Carlisle, Gilbert of Burdon, John of Stapleton clerks, John Booest, John of Kirkby literati.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxiv)   28 November 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Witton and Durham St Oswald churches conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Doms Thomas of Haswell almoner of Durham, John of Butterwick, John de Barneby monks, Master John of Beckingham, Gilbert of Burdon, John of Stapleton clerks, Dom Richard of Blakiston chaplain, John Booest and John of Kirkby literati, and Adam serviens.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxv)   7 September 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Jarrow church conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Dom Geoffrey of Haxby STP master and warden of Jarrow for the prior and convent of Durham, John of Butterwick, John of Barnby monks, Master John of Beckingham, John of Stapleton, John Booest clerks.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxvi)   8 September 1319
Notarial instrument recording a visitation of Monkwearmouth and Dalton in the Vale churches conducted by Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham.
Witnesses: Doms John of Butterwick, John of Barnby and several other monks, Master John of Beckingham, John of Stapleton, John of Kirkby, John Booest clerks.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxvii)   28 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their church and clergy [at Dalton].
Witnesses: Dom Jordan of Dalton miles, Duket his armiger, John de Burgh and John of Morpeth.
Date: Dalton in the Vale churchyard, 28 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17b.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7 (xxviii)   9 November 1321
Notarial instrument reciting that John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, before Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, alleged and claimed archidiaconal jurisdiction for the prior and convent of Durham in appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, which he had appealed to the bishop of Durham and, failing him, to the court of York, and that the court of York had thereby inhibited the archdeacon, but the archdeacon, notwithstanding, had still carried out his visitation with Master Philip of Kilkenny, claiming to be commissary of the archdeacon, pronouncing Dom Henry de Lutryngton vicar of Middleham to be inobedient to the archdeacon's authority, and also pronouncing as excommunicate Master Thomas Yve, clerk and advocate of the [prior and convent] and clerk pensioner of the vicar of Middleham.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas vicar of [Merrington] church, Peter of Durham, Thomas de Hoton, Alan Horner, John of Morpeth.
Date: churchyard of Merrington church, 9 November 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17n.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxix)   31 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their church and clergy [at Hesleden], and his pronouncement of their rector there as contumacious, and the imposing of inhibitions and excommunications by himself and Master Philip of Kilkenny.
Witnesses: Dom Hugh vicar [of Hesleden], William Hoppyland, Peter de Holom, John of Morpeth.
Date: Hesleden churchyard, 31 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17c.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxx)   4 - 18 November 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest, on each occasion, by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, asserting their authority in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, against the attempt of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, through his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York, to inhibit and visit their churches and clergy, and his pronouncement of their rector there as contumacious, and the imposing of inhibitions and excommunications.
Witnesses: John of Morpeth, John de Beauvys, John Bertram clerks.
Date: Billingham churchyard, 4 November 1321; [Bishop] Middleham churchyard, 7 November; Whitworth churchyard, 11 November; Durham St Oswald, 13 November; Pittington churchyard, 18 November.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17d.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxxi)   14 November 1321
Notarial instrument reciting that in tribunal before Master Philip of Kilkenny commissary of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham the certification of the dean of Durham of the following mandate was read, which was protested by John of Barnard Castle clerk, proctor of the monks of Durham, with Master John of Beckingham clerk, appealing against the archdeacon to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham and, failing him, to the court of York, but the monks were excommunicated and summoned to appear on Thursday after St Katherine next [26 November].
Witnesses: Doms Thomas and ?Hugh, vicars of the churches of Middleham and Merrington.
Date: church of St Nicholas Durham, 14 November 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of Thomas of Goldsborough archeacon of Durham to the dean of Durham to cite William of Cowton prior of Durham, Geoffrey of Burdon former prior of Durham, Robert of Durham, John of Bermeton and Thomas Lardener monks of Durham to appear before him or his commissary in St Nicholas church Durham on Saturday after St Martin next [14 November] concerning the exercising of his archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of Wearmouth and Jarrow.
Date: Easington, Tuesday before SS Simon and Jude [27 October] 1321.
?Draft original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.20.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8 (xxxii)   5 September 1321
Notarial instrument reciting a provocacio and appeal, presented by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, to the bishop of Durham and failing him to the court of York, against the claim of Thomas of Goldsborough, archdeacon of Durham, to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in Durham diocese.
Witnesses: Dom Peter of Mainforth prebendary in the collegiate church of Lanchester, John de Esschenden armiger literatus, Thomas Burghard burgess of Durham, Adam de Chesewyk literatus.
Date: the Galilee chapel of Durham cathedral, 5 September 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.9 (xxxiii)   14 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal, made by John of Barnard Castle, clerk and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the presence of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the court of York against the archdeacon's exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in the priory's appropriated churches in Durham diocese.
Witness: Peter of Mainforth.
Date: church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham, 14 October 1321.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.9 (xxxiv)   14 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal, made by John of Barnard Castle, clerk and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the presence of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, to the court of York against the archdeacon's exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in the priory's appropriated churches in Durham diocese.
Witnesses: Dom Adam Bacheler chaplain of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham, Roger clerk of the same church.
Date: church of St Mary in the North Bailey Durham, 14 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Another copy: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.18e.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.9 (xxxv)   23 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting, before John of Barnard Castle clerk, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, the following inhibition, and that Goldsborough had exceeded his jurisdiction over Jarrow church in excommunicating Dom WIlliam of Hexham monk of Durham chaplain, Dom John of Ryedale chaplain serving in St Hild's chapel, dependant on the said church, Dom Adam ?Get chaplain serving Heworth chapel, dependant also on the said church, suspended from divine service, with Gilbert Harper, clerk of the same religious and minister of the said church, Adam cook William shepherd, William smith of Jarrow, William of Fulwell, Walter son of Peter of Heworth, Alan Burell, William cook, Robert reeve, Robert cook, Hugh reeve, Peter Brand, Roger son of Alexander, William Page, Roger son of Arnolad, William of Hilton, John of Harton, Siward son of Thomas, Alexander of Whitburn, Roger son of John and Thomas de Wateney, parishioners of the same church.
Witnesses: Masters John of Beckingham, Thomas called Vue, Robert of Durham clerks, Gilbert called Harpour.
Date: the churchyard at Jarrow, 23 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Inhibition by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham of Archdeacon Goldsborough, reciting the following mandate.
Date: Stockton, 21 October year as above [1321]
Mandate of the official of the court of York to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to cite Thomas Goldsborough, archdeacon of York, to appear in the court of York in York minster on [31 October] next.
Date: York, 14 Kal November [19 October] 1321.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17k.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxvi)   25 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the protest by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, that they did not dispute the authority of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, except as to their appropriated churches, their clergy and parishioners, in the diocese of Durham, and protesting particularly against his appeal to the bishop of Durham and to the court of York to inhibit and suspend from divine service the rector [of Wearmouth] and Dom Thomas of Hilton and Robert son of Alexander chaplains there, and suspend the parishioners Elias son of Adam, William son of John and Adam of Fenton.
Witnesses: Dom Roger de Castro and Hugh of Wearmouth chaplains; John Bost and Richard of Aston.
Date: Wearmouth churchyard, 25 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh etc.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17a.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxvii)   16 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal by John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, before Master Thomas Yve, John of Wolviston and William Cuper clerks, to the court of York against the decision of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham in favour of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham exercising archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham at Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Dalton in the Vale, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Merrington, Whitworth, St Oswald in Durham, Witton and Pittington.
Witnesses: Doms Henry of Lutterington vicar of Middleham, Humphrey his chaplain, John of Morpeth clerk.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 16 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxviii)   14 December 1321
Notarial instrument reciting the following mandate, which John of Castle Barnard, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, handed over to be transcribed, noting that those listed on the schedule numbered over a hundred from the parishioners of the one parish of Durham St Oswald, including the rector of St Oswald, Emery of Lumley monk, Master John of Beckingham, John of Durham, Hugh of Sadberge, clerks, Dom John of Leventhorpe chaplain, John of Barnard Castle, John de Catden, clerks, John Alman, Adam Baty, John of Pittington, John del Gover, John Gray, Roger Bagman, Gilbert of the mill, laymen.
Witnesses: Dom John of Butterwick monk of Durham, Robert of Coatham, William of Thockrington and Ralph Luminour clerks.
Date: 14 December 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate from Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham to the dean of Durham to cite those named on an attached schedule (not present) to be in the church of St Nicholas in Durham on the Saturday next after St Lucy the virgin [19 December 1321] to answer certain visitation articles of his, the carrying out of which he is to certify by his letters patent.
Date: Easington, 6 December 1321.
Original: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.17e.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxix)   30 October 1321
Notarial instrument being a transumpt of a certification by the archdeacon of Durham to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham of having received the following inhibition on 23 October.
Date: Easington, 30 October 1321.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Inhibition from Louis [Beaumont] bishop of York to the archdeacon of Durham, citing the following mandate from the official of the court of York
Date: Stockton, 21 October 1321.
Mandate from the official of the court of York to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, on the basis of the appeal of the prior and convent of Durham, to inhibit the archdeacon of Durham from visiting their appropriated churches and to appear to answer the appeal in York [Minster] on Saturday next after All Saints [7 November].
Date: York, 14 Kal. November [19 October] 1321. Also recited in: 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1d (xli)
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1d (xl)   26 April 1321
Appointment by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham of John of Barnard Castle clerk as their proctor in all causes touching their monastery and appropriated churches.
Date: Durham in chapter, 6 Kal. May 1321.
A recited copy in: DCD 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.5.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.1d (xli)   4 November 1321
Certification by Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to the official of the court of York of having received on 12 Kal. November [21 October] the following mandate
Date: Stockton, 4 November [13]21.
Mandate from the official of the court of York to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, on the basis of the appeal of the prior and convent of Durham, to inhibit the archdeacon of Durham from visiting their appropriated churches and to appear to answer the appeal in York [Minster] on Saturday next after All Saints [7 November].
Date: York, 14 Kal. November [19 October] 1321. Also recited in: 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.10 (xxxix)
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.2d (xlii)   2 October 1312
Notarial instrument recording that sitting in judgment in the nave of Durham cathedral, in the place prepared for a synod, the official and specially deputed commissary of Richard, bishop of Durham, showed and caused to be read out by Master Richard de Ganye, N.P. by apostolic and imperial authority, to the clerks assembled there, the following commission, and that it was claimed on the prior's behalf that the priors of Durham had long held the right to preside at synods of Durham in the absence of the bishop, with certain episcopal and papal privileges being shown in support of the prior's right; and that the official, satisfied that these records were sufficient proof, pronounced, in a form of words (recited), that the priors of Durham ought to preside at synods of Durham in the absence of the bishop; and that the prior, passing to the place prepared for the synod with the procession of clergy (described), and taking the place of the bishop, held the synod.
Witnesses: Master Richard de Ganye, John of Sherburn and Thomas of Hurworth.
Done: in Durham cathedral in the place prepared for the synod, 2 October 1312.
Notaries: Andrew, [son] of the late William de Tang', clerk of York dioc., NP by apostolic authority, who drew up this instrument (eschatocol recited); Thomas of Hurworthy, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by imperial authority, and Richard, son of the late Henry de Ganye, clerk of Coventry & Lichfield diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority (openings of eschatocols recited).
Commission by Richard, bishop of Durham to his official of Durham to verify whether the prior of Durham has the right of presiding at the synod of Durham in the bishop's absence
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, Kal. October [1 October] 1312.
Original: DCD 1.14.Pont.14.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.3d-4d (xliii)   6 April 1313
Notarial instrument reciting proceedings before John de Nassington, commissary-general of the official of Durham, in full consistory court in a case between the prior and convent of Durham, represented by their proctor John de Laton, and Roger of Stockton, executor of Master William of St Botulph, late archdeacon of Durham, represented by his proctor Thomas of Elvet, reciting the following certification and appointments of proctors, with the prior and convent claiming the same authority as the dean of York had under the archbishop of York in the archdeaconries of that church.
Witnesses: Master William de Varis and Adam of Darlington, advocates of Hugh of Corbridge and Thomas of Hurworth NPs, along with John of Sherburn clerk of York diocese NP by imperial authority.
Date: Galilee in Durham [cathedral], 6 April 1313.
Notary: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Certification by the official of the archdeacon of Durham to the official of the commissary-general of Durham of having received on Friday after St Gregory [16 March] the following mandate and carried it out.
Date: Durham, 9 April 1313.
Mandate from the official of the bishop of Durham to the official of the archdeacon of Durham to attend in the Galilee on Friday before Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 9 March 1312/3.
Appointment by William [of Tanfield] prior and the convent of Durham of their fellow monks John of Layton and WIlliam of Cowton as their proctors.
Date: Durham, 24 October 1312.
Appointment by Roger of Stockton, clerk, executor of Master William of St Botulph, of Thomas of Elvet and John of Durham as his proctors.
Date: Durham, 19 Kal. January 1313 [14 December ?1312]
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4d (xliv)   30 May 1312
Agreement between William [of Tanfield] prior and the convent of Durham, supported by Dom Richard of Aislaby subprior with certain senior monks namely Reginald of Barnby, William of Guisborough and Thomas of Winstow, and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham over archidiaconal jursidiction in the prior and convent's churches in Durham diocese.
Witnesses: Peter of Kelloe, John de Botheby, Henry of the same, Henry de Luceby, rectors of the churches of Sedgefield, Ryton, Stanhope and Wollover, with Robert of Darlington and Nicholas of Staindrop clerks, NPs.
Date: the audience chamber of the bishop of Durham in his manor of Stockton, 30 May 1312.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4d (xlv)   27 October 1312
Acta before Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham between John of Layton proctor [of the prior and convent of Durham] and Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham through his proctor Thomas of Harpswell clerk in the dispute between the prior and the archdeacon over the exercising of archidiaconal jursidiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent in Durham diocese.
Date: chapel of the bishop's manor at Stockton, 27 October 1312.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.4d (xlvi)   22 October 1321
Notarial instrument reciting before Master Philip of Kilkenny official of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham a protest of the archdeacon that he had peacably obtained and enjoyed his possessions.
Witnesses: Master John de Insula professor of civil law and rector of Boldon, William of Kelloe, William de Vaus, Dom Thomas of Thockrington and Odinell de Delviston chaplains, and Robert dictus scriptor NP.
Date: manor of the rector of Boldon, 22 October 1321.
Notary: William of Carlton clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5d (xlvii)   31 December 1313
Judgement, by Richard [Kellaw] bishop of Durham, declaring the right of installing the prior of Durham to belong by right and custom to the archdeacon of Durham, and the archdeacon to be in possession of this right with the installation of Geoffrey Burdon prior of Durham by Master John de Insula LCvP rector of Boldon in the name of Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham, following the dispute before him between, on one side, the official of the bishop of Durham and the subprior and convent of Durham, the priory being vacant, and, on the other, Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham; the bishop to instal in the event of the archdeacon failing to do so; published at his direction by Richard de Ganyo notary.
Witnesses: Master Adam of Morpeth, official of the archdeacon of Durham; Master William of Kelloe; Master Robert of Darlington, notary.
Date: Stockton 31 December 1313.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, NP by papal and imperial authority.
Original: DCD 2.1. Arch.Dunelm.8.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.5d (xlviii)   2 December 1321
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to the archdeacon of Durham, detailing a petition of the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, inhibiting the archdeacon from visiting the churches of Heighington and Aycliffe and citing him to appear in the Galilee [chapel] of Durham [cathedral] on Tuesday after St Thomas the apostle next [22 December].
Date: [Bishop] Middleham, 2 December 1321.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (xlix)   7 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at Jarrow church, including the clergy of Gateshead church and its chapels, carried out on 5 November.
Witnesses: Master William of Whickham official of the archdeacon, Ralph of Holbeach, Thomas of Hoo, John of Durham, John of Barrow, and William Payn, clerks.
Date: Monkwearmouth church, 7 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (l)   7 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at Monkwearmouth church.
Witnesses: Master William of Whickham official of the archdeacon, Ralph of Holbeach, Thomas of Hoo, John of Durham, John of Barrow, and William Payn, clerks.
Date: Monkwearmouth church, 7 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (li)   20 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at Dalton in the Vale church.
Witnesses: Master William of Whickham official of the archdeacon, Ralph of Holbech, Thomas of Hoo, John of Durham, John of Barrow, and William Payn, clerks.
Date: 20 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (lii)   20 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at [Bishop] Middleham church.
Witnesses: Master William official [of the archdeacon], Ralph of Holbech, Thomas of Hoo, John of Durham, John of Barrow, and William Payn, clerks.
Date: 20 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (liii)   21 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at Merrington church.
Witnesses: Master William official [of the archdeacon], Ralph of Holbeach, Thomas of Hoo, John of Durham, and William Payn, clerks, Adam of Clitheroe layman.
Date: 21 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.6d (liv)   24 November 1310
Record of a visitation conducted by Thomas of Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham at Pittington church.
Witnesses: as above with Robert Adam of Darlington of Durham diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Date: 20 November 1310.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7d (lv)   [6 January] 1084
Bull of Pope Gregory [VII] granting the prior of Durham the authority of archdeacon over his churches in the diocese of Durham.
Date: 8 Id. January 1083/4.
Other copies: DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.6; 3.13.Pont.6.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7d (lvi)DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.7d (lvi)   11 August 1093
Note of the foundation of the cathedral by Prior Turgot.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19 m.8d (lvii)   [11 February 1230]
Confirmation and exemplification by Pope Gregory IX of the convenit.
Date: 3 Id. February Pont.3.
Another copy: DCD Cart.I, f.11v-12v.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.20   [1321]
Appeal of the proctor of the monks of Durham to the bishop of Durham against Thomas Goldsborough archdeacon of Durham over the exercising of archidiaconal jursidiction in the appropiated churches of the diocese, with a summons to St Nicholas church in Durham on Saturday next after St Martin.
?Draft, with some interlineations and cancellations.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole in the left edge
Size: 140 x 250mm