Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625)


Reference code: GB-0033-DPR1/1
Title: Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625)
Dates of creation: 1600-1625
Extent: 8 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: The Spiritual Chancellors to the bishops of Durham (through their Registrars)
Language: English, with some Latin


Original wills, inventories, accounts and associated documents, proved by the registrars to the bishops of Durham. See main DPR1 catalogue for further details on these records. As well as wills proved within the registry, this series also includes inventories and some other associated documents for those who died intestate, where administration was granted (although the actual administration bonds are stored within the separate DPR1/3 series).

Accession details

See main DPR1 catalogue.

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


The entries within this list are arranged in the same order as the original documents, viz documents for every will proved (or administration granted) within a single year are stored together. Within each year, the documents are in name order. This arrangement is reflected within the reference codes, but note that in a few cases documents were misfiled prior to 2006 and so are lettered or numbered out of sequence.
For pre-1752 wills, note that this is normally an 'old style' year, running from 25th March in the year stated until 24th March of the following year; however, the yearly bundling of wills was not entirely consistent in this respect. Where it can be established with some confidence (for instance, from the date of an accompanying bond or an endorsement relating to the executors' oaths), the precise date of probate or administration is stated within this list. In other cases, however, you may need to check a year each side of the actual year of probate, especially for earlier material (see also under Finding aids below).

Finding aids

This list incorporates all the public information from the North East Inheritance database relating to the original wills and inventories etc, but only includes sparse references to the related records within other series of the Durham Probate Records (chiefly registered copies in DPR1/2 and probate bonds in DPR1/3). The online database at http://familyrecords.dur.ac.uk/nei/data/ will generally be found more helpful for research using the probate records, as it lists together records from multiple series relating to the same deceased person, and can be searched by person, place, occupation and document type as well as dates of probate and of documents. All the data within this catalogue is made available through the online database.
For links to the lists for other parts of the series of original wills (DPRI/1), see the collection level description, or use these links for the previous list and next list.


Several of these wills and inventories have been published, chiefly in volumes of the Surtees Society. Full references, with links to online texts where available, are in the Useful texts section of the North East Inheritance project pages.


Wills etc proved 1600
Reference: DPRI/1/1600
DPRI/1/1600/A1/1   6 February 1600
John Awde, labourer, of the Manorhowse (Mannerhouse) in the county of Duresme, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]. Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for John Awde, labourer, of Lanchester, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1600/A1/1
Index terms
Awde, John, -1600?
Lanchester (England)
DPRI/1/1600/B1/1   23 December 1600
William Brasse, of the Flasse with in the parishinge of Eshe (chapelry of Esh) [Esh, County Durham]. Died December 1600; Brasse was buried 28 December 1600.
Will, endorsed: proved, 7 February 1601.
See DPRI/4/9 f.96: 7 February 1601; inventory, £26 13s 4d.
Digitised material for William Brasse, of Esh, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1600/B1/1
Index terms
Brass, William, -1600
Esh (England)
DPRI/1/1600/C1/1-4   26 July 1597
Myles Casse, curate of Auckland St Andrew, clerk, of parish of Saincte Andrewe Auckelannde (Awcklande, Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Caise.
Nuncupative will endorsed: proved. Copy nuncupative will. Indented inventory, 20 October 1600, actual total £58 13s.
See DPRI/4/9 f.84v: 24 October 1600.
Digitised material for Myles Casse, curate of Auckland St Andrew, clerk, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Nuncupative will. Copy nuncupative will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C1/1-4
DPRI/1/1600/C2/1-8   [1600?]
Robert Claveringe, esquire, of Calelee (Callaley, Caliley, Callilee, Calalye, Calaly) in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Clavering.
Will. Nuncupative codicil made the same day as the will. Copy will with copy nuncupative codicil, undated. Inventory, 9 April 1600, actual total £1,734 17s 5d (and more, with account of debts and funeral charges of £68 10s 3d): includes goods etc. at Callaley, Yetlington and Glanton. Indented inventory, 9 April 1600, actual total £1,734 17s 5d (and more, with account of debts and funeral charges of £68 10s 3d): includes goods etc. at Callaley, Yetlington and Glanton. Incomplete copy of a section of the will, dated 22 April 1600 in the house of James Clavering, brother and sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne on 22 April 1600. This copy was probably made in the process of proving the will in the presence of officers of the probate court in Newcastle.
Digitised material for Robert Claveringe, esquire, of Whittingham, Northumberland. Will. Nuncupative codicil. Copy will with copy nuncupative codicil. Inventory. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C2/1-8
DPRI/1/1600/C3/1-2   6 April 1600
William Claveringe, gentleman, of Elton in the countye of Duresme [Elton, County Durham].
Indented will endorsed: proved, 24 May 1600. Indented inventory, 24 April 1600, actual total £128.
See DPRI/4/9 f.62: 24 May 1600.
Digitised material for William Claveringe, gentleman, of Elton, County Durham. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C3/1-2
Index terms
Clavering, William, -1600?
Elton (Cleveland, England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/C4/1-3   4 December 1599
Christofer Collyn, single man, of Darnton (Darlington) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Collen.
Will. Indented inventory, 14 January 1600, actual total £37 endorsed: [will] proved, 30 May 1600.
Edited: Atkinson, J.A., et al., Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625, (Surtees Society, 201, 1993), 51-52
See DPRI/4/9 f.63: 30 May 1600.
Digitised material for Christofer Collyn, single man, of Darlington, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C4/1-3
Index terms
Collen, Christopher, -1600?
Darlington (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/C5/1-2   15 November 1599
Cicilye Colwich, widow, of parish of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland].
Will endorsed: proved. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Cicilye Colwich, widow, of Alnwick, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1600/C5/1-2
Index terms
Colwich, Cecily, -1600?
Alnwick (England)
DPRI/1/1600/C6/1-4   28 May 1600
Michaell Constable, esquire, of North Biddicke in the countye palantine of Duresme [Washington, County Durham].
Inventory, endorsed by probate office: Inventory ... with letter of Dorothy Constable consenting that administration may be granted to ... (damage) - the latter is not present.
See DPRI/4/9 f.72: 11 July 1600.
Digitised material for Michaell Constable, esquire, of Washington, County Durham. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C6/1-4
Index terms
Constable, Michael, -1600?
Washington (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/C7/1-4   6 September 1600
Thomas Cragges, of Landewe in the parishe of Woulsingham (Wolsingham) within the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Craggs.
Will. Indented inventory, 25 September 1600, actual total £47 9s 2d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £111 0s 9d); total for the goods does not include debts owing to the testator (damage). Endorsed: [will] proved, 7 February1601.
See DPRI/4/9 f.96v: 7 February1601.
Digitised material for Thomas Cragges, of Wolsingham, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/C7/1-4
Index terms
Craggs, Thomas, -1600?
Wolsingham (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/F1/1-3   13 June 1600
Jasper Fairallis, tailor, of parishe of St Johns within the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fareallis, Farnallis. Will endorsed: proved. Indented inventory, 30 June 1600, actual total £24 0s 9d.
Digitised material for Jasper Fairallis, tailor, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/F1/1-3
DPRI/1/1600/G1/1-4   8 December 1600
Anthonye Grundie, of parishe of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Grundye, Grundy.
Will endorsed: proved, 24 January 1601. Wrapper. Indented inventory, 12 January 1601, actual total £112 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 13s) endorsed: proved, 24 January [1601].
See DPRI/4/9 f.93v: 24 January 1601.
Digitised material for Anthonye Grundie, of Whickham, County Durham. Will. Wrapper. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/G1/1-4
Index terms
Grundy, Anthony, -1600?
Whickham (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/H1/1-2   21 December 1569
Allexander Hall, of Attorcappes (Ottercopes) in the pairsh of Elsedon (Elsdon) [Elsdon, Northumberland]. Will, endorsed with memorandum of Regnold Fenwick, vicar of Kirkwhelpington, relating that a true copy of the will can not be made due to its poor condition. Commission to Humphrey Grene, vicar of Bolam, and Reginald Fenwick, vicar of Kirkwhelpington, 4 September 1600, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Grene and Fenwick, (undated).
Digitised material for Allexander Hall, of Elsdon, Northumberland. Will. Commission - DPRI/1/1600/H1/1-2
Index terms
Hall, Alexander, -1600?
Elsdon (Northumberland)
DPRI/1/1600/H2/1-2   13 December 1600
Janet Halle, widow, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hall.
Will with warrant, 11 October 1599, issued at Sedgefield by Thomas Calverleye and George Frevell pursuant to an Act of Parliament (40 Elizabeth I) for the relief of soldiers and mariners. Endorsed: proved, 31 January [1601]. Inventory, undated, actual total £5 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s 4d).
See DPRI/4/9 f.95v: 31 January 1601.
Digitised material for Janet Halle, widow, of Lanchester, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H2/1-2
Alexander Hearon, of Ruplington within the parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland].
Account, undated, of Roberte Hearon of Riplington gentleman.
See DPRI/4/9 f.65: 11 June 1600.
Digitised material for Alexander Hearon, of Whalton, Northumberland. Account - DPRI/1/1600/H3/1
Index terms
Heron, Alexander, -1600?
Whalton (England)
DPRI/1/1600/H4/1-2   7 October 1600
Sir William Hilton, knight, of Hilton [Monkwearmouth, County Durham].
Inventory of goods etc. at Hylton and Newcastle. Endorsed: administration granted.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 178-179
See DPRI/4/9 f.240: 2 December 1603.
Digitised material for Sir William Hilton, knight, of Monkwearmouth, County Durham. Inventory. - DPRI/1/1600/H4/1-2
Index terms
Hilton, William, Sir, -1600?
Monkwearmouth (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/H5/1-6   8 May 1595
Wylliam Hodshon, gentleman, of the Manner House in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon.
Will endorsed: proved, 17 January [1601]. Indented inventory, 5 November 1600, actual total £314 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £244 13s 4d).
See DPRI/4/9 f.93: 24 January 1601.
Digitised material for Wylliam Hodshon, gentleman, of Lanchester, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H5/1-6
Index terms
Hodgson, William, -1600?
Lanchester (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/H6/1-2   28 November 1599
James Hopper, of Birkensyde (Birkenside) in the parishe of Shoteley (Shotley, Shotely) [Shotley, Northumberland]. Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Will. Indented inventory, 9 January 1600, actual total £43 0s 4d (with account of debts of £6 11s 2d).
Digitised material for James Hopper, of Shotley, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H6/1-2
DPRI/1/1600/H7/1   16 December 1599
Thomas Hucheson, of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Hutcheson.
Indented will.
Digitised material for Thomas Hucheson, of Alston, Cumberland. Indented will. - DPRI/1/1600/H7/1
Index terms
Hutchinson, Thomas, -1600?
Alston (England)
DPRI/1/1600/H8/1-4   1 September 1600
Rychard Hudson, yeoman, of parish of Greatham in the countie of Durisme [Greatham, County Durham].
Will endorsed: proved, 25 October 1600. Inventory, 1600, actual total £221 5s 1d; largely illegible: rough total.
See DPRI/4/9 f.85v: 25 October 1600.
Digitised material for Rychard Hudson, yeoman, of Greatham, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H8/1-4
DPRI/1/1600/H9/1-3   12 February 1600
Thomas Hudspeth, of the Hoole (Hole) of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspethe.
Will. Inventory, 4 June 1600, actual total £156 10s 4d.
Digitised material for Thomas Hudspeth, of Corbridge, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H9/1-3
Index terms
Hudspeth, Thomas, -1600?
Corbridge (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/H10/1-2   21 May 1595
Lyonell Hunter, of Wytton (Witton) Rawe in the parish of Wytton upon Weyre in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham].
Will. Inventory, 24 September 1600, actual total £5 3s 3d (with account of debts of £1 7s 10d).
Digitised material for Lyonell Hunter, of Witton-le-Wear, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H10/1-2
DPRI/1/1600/H11/1-2   4 June 1599
Hewgh Hutcheson, yeoman, towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne, parish of Newcastle St John, Esheabanke (Eshawebanke) [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland; Allendale, Northumberland]. Esheabanke is possibly near Eshells Moor in Allendale, where Hutcheson had lead mining interests.
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 4s 8d. Inventory exhibited by James Bylton, 18 April 1600. Endorsed: proved.
Digitised material for Hewgh Hutcheson, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1600/H11/1-2
DPRI/1/1600/P1/1-2   April 1600
Raphe Piersonn, of Branspeth (Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson, Pearson.
Will. Inventory, undated, actual total £9 7s 6d.
See DPRI/4/9 f.63v: 31 May 1600.
Digitised material for Raphe Piersonn, of Brancepeth, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/P1/1-2
Index terms
Pearson, Ralph, -1600?
Brancepeth (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/S1/1-2   9 November 1600
Marmaducke Stevensone, yeoman, of Nessame in the countie of Durhame, parish of Hurwothe (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Stevenson.
Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £16 15s 5d. Inventory, undated, actual total £84 5s 4d, (uncertain due to damage). Endorsed: administration granted.
See DPRI/4/9: f.103, 21 March 1601; f.106, 3 April 1601.
Digitised material for Marmaducke Stevensone, yeoman, of Hurworth, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/S1/1-2
Index terms
Stevenson, Marmaduke, -1600?
Hurworth on Tees (England)
Inventories (Probate)
DPRI/1/1600/S2/1-3   14 June 1599
Robart Swift, fellow of Lincoln's Inn, [admitted 19 Aug 1587], [only son of Robert Swift Ll.B., spiritual chancellor of Durham, and Anne Lever], gentleman, of Lincolnes (Lincolns) Inne in the countey of Middlesex [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex]; also spelt Swifte. Died 15 September 1599.
Will. Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £121 1s 4d. Inventory, undated, actual total £121 1s 4d.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 174-176 (will is dated incorrectly 14 January 1599/1600)
See DPRI/4/9 f.54: 11 April 1600.
Digitised material for Robart Swift, fellow of Lincoln's Inn. Will. Indented copy inventory. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/S2/1-3
DPRI/1/1600/W1/1-4   18 June 1600
Thomas Watson, of Stockton within the chaplerie of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham].
Will, probate granted in the house of Giles Wetherell at Stockton by Clement Colmer, [Durham Chancellor], to Alice Watson, relict and sole executrix, 28 July 1600; inventory also exhibited, £29 13s [2d]. Inventory, 24 June 1600, actual total £48 1s 8d (with account of debts of £18 8s 6d), endorsed: [will] proved, 28 July [1600].
See DPRI/4/9 f.75: 28 July 1600.
Digitised material for Thomas Watson, of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/W1/1-4
DPRI/1/1600/W2/1-2   April 1598
John Willo, of [Ea]tchwick (Eachwick) within the countye of Northumberland and of the [parish of] Hedden les Wallen [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Willoe. Christian, and alternate spelling of the surname name drawn from index DPRI/7.
Will (dated on or after 10 April 1598 - damage). Endorsed: proved. Inventory, undated, actual total £18 1s 4d (with account of debts of £10 17s 6d).
Digitised material for John Willo, of Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1600/W2/1-2
Wills etc proved 1601
Reference: DPRI/1/1601
DPRI/1/1601/B1   9 January 1602
Thomas BAYLES, of Bushopp Aucklande in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/9 f.147v: 9 Jan 1602
Digitised material for Thomas Bayles, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/B1/1-4
DPRI/1/1601/B1/1-2   30 May 1601
DPRI/1/1601/B1/3-4   14 July 1601
inventory, actual total £63 7s 8d (with account of debts of £14 5s 10d)
DPRI/1/1601/C1   22 July 1601
Thomas COLLINGWOOD, Colling, of [parish of] Alne[wick] [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwoode
see DDR/EV/VIS/2/1 (Visitation) f.177v: 22 July 1601
Digitised material for Thomas Collingwood of Alnwick, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1601/C1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/C1/1-2   2 May 1601
with inventory, undated, actual total £14 8s 10d
endorsed: proved, 22 Ju[ly 1601]
DPRI/1/1601/C2   4 April 1601
John CONYERS, gentleman, of Butterwycke (Butterwicke, Butterwick) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers
see DPRI/4/9 f.106: 3 Apr 1601
Digitised material for John Conyers, gentleman, of Sedgefield, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/C2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/C2/1-2   27 July 1599
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 4 Apr 1601
Robert COXON, yeoman, of Berwik on the Hil in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Iland (Ponteland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Robert Coxon, yeoman, of Ponteland, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1601/C3/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/C3/1-2   6 March 1600
with inventory, undated
items in the inventory are unvalued
Thomas CUTT, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne of the parishe of St Nicholas (Sainct Nichollas) within the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Thomas Cutt, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/C4/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/C4/1-2   7 February 1601
DPRI/1/1601/C4/3   24 March 1601
indented inventory, actual total £12 7s 9d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 5s 4d)
Katherin DELAVELL, daughter of Sir John Delavale knight, gentlewoman, of Seaton (Seton) Delavale of the chapelrie of Earsden (Ersden) [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Delavale, Delaval
Digitised material for Katherin Delavell, daughter of Sir John Delavale, gentlewoman, of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland. Nuncupative will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/D1/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/D1/1   undated
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1601/D1/2   1601
indented inventory, actual total £73 6s 8d
inventory of the deceased's filial portion from her father and her apparel
DPRI/1/1601/F1   11 March 1602
George FARNABIE, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant adventurer, alderman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Farnaby, Farnabye
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for George Farnabie, merchant adventurer, alderman, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Copy will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/F1/1-6
DPRI/1/1601/F1/1-2   21 October 1601
DPRI/1/1601/F1/3-4   21 October 1601
copy will
endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1602; inventory not exhibited
DPRI/1/1601/F1/5-6   4 March 1602
inventory, actual total £407 9s 10d (with account of debts of £61 and more)
inventory totals uncertain (damage)
Rauph FORSTER, yeoman, of Eward within the pareish of Dodyngtonne (Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Rauph Forster, yeoman, of Doddington, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/F2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/F2/1   20 January 1601
Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 16s. Endorsed: proved.
DPRI/1/1601/F2/2   undated
inventory, actual total 13s 6d
DPRI/1/1601/G1   22 July 1601
Jane GAIRE, of Lesburye [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Gare
Digitised material for Jane Gaire, of Lesbury, Northumberland. Nuncupative will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1601/G1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/G1/1-2   24 November 1600
nuncupative will
with inventory, 21 July 1601, actual total £3 (and more)
endorsed: administration granted, 22 July [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/G2   10 March 1602
Thomas GIBSONN, the elder, of Mickle Whittingtonn of the chapelrie of Haltonn (Halton), parish of Corbridge [Halton, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
bond: DPRI/3/1601/B336
Digitised material for Thomas Gibsonn, the elder, of Halton, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/G2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/G2/1   6 December 1601
endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602]
DPRI/1/1601/G2/2   9 March 1602
inventory, actual total £9 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 4s)
DPRI/1/1601/G3   12 June 1601
John GRAY, of Ferry Hill within the parishe of Merington [Ferryhill, County Durham]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for John Gray, of Ferryhill, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1601/G3/1
DPRI/1/1601/G3/1   1 April 1601
endorsed: proved, 12 June [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/G4   25 March 1601
Katherine GRAYE, of Kirke Whellpington (Kirkwhelpington) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Katherine Graye, of Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory x 2 - DPRI/1/1601/G4/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/G4/1   18 October 1600
endorsed: proved, 25 Mar [1601]; inventory exhibited, 18 July 160... [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/G4/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £18 0s 2d
exhibited by Barbara Coxon, executrix, 18 July 1601
DPRI/1/1601/G4/3   undated
indented inventory, actual total £13 6s
DPRI/1/1601/H1   10 March 1602
William HARRESON, of Pruddoe within the parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison
bond: DPRI/3/1601/B309
Digitised material for William Harreson, of Prudhoe, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1601/H1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/H1/1-2   undated
with inventory, undated, actual total £12 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 4s 8d)
Inventory dated, 16 Jan. Endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602].
DPRI/1/1601/H4   27 November 1601
Charles HASLOP, of town of Barwicke (Berwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslopp
Inventory is endorsed by probate office: '[Inventory] ... with private letter from [?Mary] Heslopp, relict, consenting that administration be granted to George Muschamp' - the latter is not present. See DPRI/4/9 f.143v: 27 Nov 1601.
Digitised material for Charles Haslop, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/H4/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/H4/1-2   21 November 1601
endorsed: administration granted to George Muschamp, 27 Nov 1602 [recte 1601]
Andrewe HAWKINS, weaver, of parishe of Sainct Oswoldes in the suburb[es] of the cittie of Duresme [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
Will endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Inventory - the latter is not present. See DPRI/4/9 f.128v: 22 Aug 1601.
Digitised material for Andrewe Hawkins, weaver, of Durham St Oswald, County Durham. Will. Nuncupative will, with nuncupative codicil - DPRI/1/1601/H2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/H2/1-2   30 July 1601
nuncupative will
with nuncupative codicil, 31 July 1601
endorsed: inventory exhibited, 3 Oct [1601]; proved
DPRI/1/1601/H3   26 September 1601
John HEDWORTHE, esquire, of Saltwelside [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth
See DPRI/4/9 f.134: 26 Sep 1601. The grant of administration referred to on the dorse of the inventory is not present.
Digitised material for John Hedworthe, esquire, of Chester-le-Street, County Durham. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/H3/1
DPRI/1/1601/H3/1   undated
Inventory is mutilated and incomplete. Endorsed: administration granted to Isabell Hedworth and John Hedworth, 26 Sep 1601; with copy of [grant of] administration now issued under the seal.
DPRI/1/1601/H5   9 May 1601
William HUTCHESON, yeoman, of Hetton in the Hole (Holle) in the parishe of Houghton (Howghton) in the countie of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
see DPRI/4/9 f.112v: 9 May 1601
Digitised material for William Hutcheson, yeoman, of Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham. Will. Inventory. Fragment of inventory - DPRI/1/1601/H5/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/H5/1   undated
DPRI/1/1601/H5/2   2 February 1601
inventory, actual total £106 0s 10d
endorsed: [will] proved, 9 May 1601
DPRI/1/1601/H5/3   undated
fragment of an inventory, different to DPRI/1/1601/H5/2
DPRI/1/1601/L1   24 July 1601
William LARKYN, master gunner, of Barwick upon Tweid (Berwicke upon Tweed, Barwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Larkin, Larken
Digitised material for William Larkyn, master gunner, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/L1/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/L1/1   28 January 1600
endorsed: proved, 24 July [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/L1/2-3   16 May 1601
indented inventory, actual total £54 7s 3d
inventory represents only half of the deceased's goods held during his lifetime, but his entire goods held after his death; the deceased having donated the half not inventoried here to Thomas Robson and his wife Silvester Robson in a deed of gift; the goods listed here are left to Jane Fairley, daughter and sole executrix
William LAWSON, of Langhurst within the parishe of Bothall [Longhirst, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Lawson, of Longhirst, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/L2/1
DPRI/1/1601/L2/1   25 June 1601
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1601/M1   10 March 1602
Jhone MARE, of Wylame within the parishe of Ovingham [Wylam, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Jhone Mare, of Wylam, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1601/M1/1
DPRI/1/1601/M1/1   undated
endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602]
Dionesse MAYSON, of Fyssheborne (Fishburne) in the parishe of Shedghfeild [Fishburn, County Durham]; also spelt Mason
see DPRI/4/9 f.152: 6 Feb 1602
Digitised material for Dionesse Mayson, of Fishburn, County Durham. Nuncupative will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/M2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/M2/1   21 December 1601
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1601/M2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £18 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 4d)
dated, 1601[/1602]
George MIDDLETON, husband of Margarett Middleton, of Silksworth [Silksworth, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/9 f.108: 24 Apr 1601
Digitised material for George Middleton, husband of Margarett Middleton, of Silksworth, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1601/M3/1
DPRI/1/1601/M3/1   28 January 1600
Will is mutilated and incomplete. Endorsed: 1599.
DPRI/1/1601/O1   17 March 1602
Martin OGLE, of Tritlyngton (Tritlington) in the parish of Hebburn (chapelry of Hebburne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1601/B307
bond: DPRI/3/1601/B306
Digitised material for Martin Ogle, of Hebburn, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1601/O1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/O1/1   28 April 1601
endorsed: proved, 17 Mar 1602
DPRI/1/1601/P1   17 March 1602
John POTT, yeoman, of parishe of Longhorsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for John Pott, yeoman, of Longhorsley, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/P1/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/P1/1-2   September 1601
endorsed: proved, 17 Mar [1602]
DPRI/1/1601/P1/3   1601
inventory, actual total £27 12s (with account of debts of £3 7s 6d)
Richard READHEAD, weaver, of parish of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Richard Readhead, weaver, of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1601/R1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/R1/1-2   4 September 1601
DPRI/1/1601/R2   10 October 1601
Thomas RICHARDSON, labourer, of Carlton (Carleton) in the Claye within the countie of Durham within the parish of Reedmarshall (Readmarshall) [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Richerdson
see DPRI/4/9 f.135: 10 Oct 1601
Digitised material for Thomas Richardson, labourer, of Redmarshall, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/R2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/R2/1   11 January 1601
endorsed: proved, 10 Oct [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/R2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £4 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 8s 2d)
DPRI/1/1601/R3   11 March 1602
Richard ROZE, otherwise Delarosse, gentleman, of Newcastle uponn Tynne within the parishe of All Saintes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Rosse
Digitised material for Richard Roze of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/R3/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/R3/1-2   27 July 1601
endorsed: proved, 11 Mar [1602]
DPRI/1/1601/R3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £37 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 12s 1d)
dated 4 March
Christofer SLAITOR, of Heworth within the parish of Jarroe [Heworth, County Durham]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Christofer Slaitor, of Heworth, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1601/S1/1
DPRI/1/1601/S1/1   26 February 1600
DPRI/1/1601/S2   17 March 1602
George STAWPER, yeoman, of parish of Bolame (Bolam) in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]
Digitised material for George Stawper, yeoman, of Bolam, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/S2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/S2/1   22 February 1602
endorsed: proved, 17 Mar [1602]
DPRI/1/1601/S2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £29 13s 8d
DPRI/1/1601/S3   24 July 1601
Andrew STORY, garrison-man, of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Andrew Story, garrison-man, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1601/S3/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/S3/1-2   undated
Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 14s. Endorsed: proved, 24 July [1601].
DPRI/1/1601/S4   21 July 1601
Gawen SWANE, yeoman, of Seton Delavale in the parishe of Ersden (chapelry of Earsden) [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Swan
Digitised material for Gawen Swane, yeoman, of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/S4/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/S4/1   3 January 1601
indented will
endorsed: proved, 21 July [1601]
DPRI/1/1601/S4/2   3 May 1601
indented inventory, actual total £32 15s 10d (with account of debts of £8 10s)
DPRI/1/1601/T1   21 November 1601
Robart TWEDDELL, of Munckhesleden towne of the parishe of Munckhesleden (Munck Hesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Tweddel
Digitised material for Robart Tweddell, of Monk Hesleden, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/T1/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/T1/1   7 November 1601
DPRI/1/1601/T1/2   19 November 1601
indented inventory, actual total £225 15s 10d
endorsed: proved, 21 Nov [1601]
Raphe WALLS, yeoman, of Dryborneside (Dryburnside) in the parishe of Stannope (Stanhop) and countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Walles
Digitised material for Raphe Walls, yeoman, of Stanhope, County Durham. Will. Inventory. Copy inventory - DPRI/1/1601/W1/1-3
DPRI/1/1601/W1/1   20 March 1601
DPRI/1/1601/W1/2   21 May 1601
inventory, actual total £30 4s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £10 11s)
inventory is missing the value of one item, and which is inserted in the fair copy
DPRI/1/1601/W1/3   21 May 1601
copy inventory, actual total £30 8s 1d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £10 11s)
DPRI/1/1601/W2   22 August 1601
Robert WALTON, of Harperley (Harperleye) in the parish of Witton upon Weere in the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/9 f.128v: 22 Aug 1601
Digitised material for Robert Walton, of Hamsterley, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/W2/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/W2/1   14 June 1601
DPRI/1/1601/W2/2   19 June 1601
inventory, actual total £15 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 12s 4d)
Thomas WALTON, of the Newsheild within the parish of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland]
see DPRI/4/9 f.120: 26 June 1601
Digitised material for Thomas Walton, of Alston, Cumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1601/W3/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/W3/1-2   25 April 1601
Bartram WEST, yeoman, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Bartram West, yeoman, of Gateshead, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1601/W4/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/W4/1-2   23 August 1601
DPRI/1/1601/W5   24 October 1601
John WESTMERLAND, of Hunwick (Hunwicke) [Hunwick, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/9 f.137v: 24 Oct 1601
Digitised material for John Westmerland, of Hunwick, County Durham. Nuncupative will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1601/W5/1
DPRI/1/1601/W5/1   26 September 1601
nuncupative will
with inventory, 22 October 1601, actual total £23 11s 1d (with account of debts of £5 8s 8d)
Brian WILLIE, of Kirke Merington (Merrington) within the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Willye, Willey
see DPRI/4/9 f.117v: 13 June 1601
Digitised material for Brian Willie, of Merrington, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1601/W6/1-2
DPRI/1/1601/W6/1   17 January 1599
DPRI/1/1601/W6/2   20 April 1599
inventory, actual total £9 2s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of 17s)
DPRI/1/1601/W7   13 February 1602
Richard WRANGHAM, of parrishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]
see DPRI/4/9 f.153v: 13 Feb 1602
Digitised material for Richard Wrangham, of Pittington, County Durham. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1601/W7/1-4
DPRI/1/1601/W7/1   29 March 1601
indented will
DPRI/1/1601/W7/3   8 February 1602
indented inventory, actual total £63 16s 10d (with account of debts of £14)
endorsed: proved, 13 Feb [1602]
Wills etc proved 1602
Reference: DPRI/1/1602

Reference number not used. There are only 4 surnames beginning R in DPRI/7 index book; probable that there is no (missing) item numbered DPRI/1/1602/R1, as the item R2 immediately follows P1, an easy error.
DPRI/1/1602/A1   27 November 1602
James APPELBY, yeoman, of Whitworth (Whitworthe) in the countye of Duresme [Whitworth, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye, Appleby
Digitised material for James Appelby, yeoman, of Whitworth, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/A1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/A1/1   6 September 1602
DPRI/1/1602/A1/2   20 September 1602
indented inventory, actual total £40 18s 8d (with account of debts and legacies of £3 16s 3d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Nov 1602
DPRI/1/1602/A2   3 July 1602
Robert ARRASMITH, of parish of Cockefeild (Cockfeild) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Arrowsmith
Digitised material for Robert Arrasmith, of Cockfield, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/A2/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/A2/1-2   24 December 1601
endorsed: proved, 3 July [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/A2/3   12 February 1602
indented inventory, actual total £66 18s 8d (with account of debts of £4 18s 2d)
DPRI/1/1602/A3   6 November 1602
William AYTON, yeoman, of West Herrington in the countie of Duresme, parish of Houghton in lez Springe [Herrington, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Ayton, yeoman, of Herrington, County Durham. Will. Inventory, with supplementary inventory - DPRI/1/1602/A3/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/A3/1   3 October 1602
DPRI/1/1602/A3/2-3   28 October 1602
with supplementary inventory, undated, actual total £560 9s (with account of debts of £385 1s 5d)
Inventory, with supplementary inventory adding values and further information concerning certain annuities and leases listed, but then unvalued, in the first inventory. Endorsed: [will] proved, 6 Nov 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/B1   24 April 16025 June 16021 August 1602
Jeffery BAINBRIGE, late of Crosthwate [in the] parish of Romoldkirke, but now of Woulsingham (Wollsingham) within the countie of Durham [Romaldkirk, Yorkshire; Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainbrigg
See DPRI/4/9: (f.163) sequestration granted to Guy Bainbrige, son, 24 Apr 1602; (f.177) probate granted at Middleton in Teesdale to Elizabeth Bainbrige relict and Guy Bainbrige, executors, and inventory exhibited, 1 Aug 1602. The inventory totals recorded with the 1 Aug 1602 entry in the Probate Act book accord with those in the inventory (DPRI/1/1602/B1/2), but no Bainbrige entry has been found in the Probate Act book for May-June 1602.
Digitised material for Jeffery Bainbrige, late of Romaldkirk, Yorkshire, now of Wolsingham, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/B1/1   25 January 1600
Dated, 25 Jan 159... [?1599/1600]. [Witnesses sworn] at Middleton in Teesdale, [1] Aug 1602. Endorsed: proved, 1 Aug [1602].
DPRI/1/1602/B1/2   20 February 1603
inventory, actual total £54 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £77 14s 5d)
Administration granted to Guy Bainbrige, son, with a power reserved to Elizabeth Bainbrige, relict, 5 June 1602. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 May [1602] [?recte June]; [will] proved later.
DPRI/1/1602/B2   28 March 1602
Roger BAINEBRIGGE, of towneshipp and parishe of Midelton (Middleton, Midleton in Teasdall) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigg, Bainbrigge
Digitised material for Roger Bainebrigge, of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/B2/1-2   20 February 1602
with inventory, 14 March 1602, actual total £61 13s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 3s 4d)
Subscribed: witnesses sworn; probate granted to Alice Bainbrigge, relict, also for the use of her son [David Bainbrigge], executors, 28 Mar 1602; two sureties named. Endorsed: proved.
DPRI/1/1602/B3   5 February 1603
William BAKER, yeoman, of citie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Baker, yeoman, of Durham, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B3/1-5
DPRI/1/1602/B3/1   30 April 1602
DPRI/1/1602/B3/2-5   9 February 1603
indented inventory, actual total £468 10s 2d
Inventory includes goods etc. donated by the testator prior to making his will in a deed of gift to his nephews William Baker and George Baker. Endorsed: [will] proved, 5 Feb 1603.
DPRI/1/1602/B4   28 March 1602
William BAYNBRIG, of the Bell in parishe of Midleton in Teysdayll (Midleton in Teasdaill) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebrigge, Bainbridge
Digitised material for William Baynbrig, of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B4/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/B4/1   2 May 1598
witnesses sworn at Middleton in Teesdale; James Allinson also sworn as tutor [of the executors, William Allenson and John Allenson, grandsons], 28 Mar 1602
DPRI/1/1602/B4/2-3   15 September 1602
inventory, actual total £16 10s 8d (with account of debts of £3 15s 5d)
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1602/B5   17 April 1602
Richard BINDLEY, of Merington within the parishe of Merington (Merrington) within the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Bindley, of Merrington, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B5/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/B5/1   25 October 1601
probate granted, 17 Apr 1602
DPRI/1/1602/B5/2   7 April 1602
inventory, actual total £109 16s
Thomas BROUNE, sergeant, of towne of Barwick upon Twede (Barwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne
Digitised material for Thomas Broune, sergeant, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B8/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/B8/1   7 February 1603
DPRI/1/1602/B8/2   20 December 1603
indented inventory, actual total £9 7s
Johne BROWNE, of Wyl[a]me [Wylum] in the parish of Ovinghame [Wylam, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Johne Browne, of Wylam, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B7/1
DPRI/1/1602/B7/1   1602
with inventory, 10 March 1603, actual total £8
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1602/B6   April 1602
George BRYGGES, fishmonger, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Briggs, Brigges
Digitised material for George Brygges, fishmonger, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B6/1-10
DPRI/1/1602/B6/1-4   6 September 1599
witnesses sworn, ... Apr and 30 Apr 1602
DPRI/1/1602/B6/5-10   13 April 1602
inventory, actual total £353 5s
DPRI/1/1602/B9   25 September 1602
William BULMER, of Ellerbecke, parish of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]
Digitised material for William Bulmer, of Osmotherley, Yorkshire. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/B9/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/B9/1   5 August 1602
endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/B9/2-3   1 September 1602
inventory, actual total £58 19s 9d (with account of debts of 11s 10d)
DPRI/1/1602/C1   26 March 1602
John CARR, of Wiser[le]y ... [parish] of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Carre
see DPRI/4/9 f.158v: proved, 26 Mar 1602
Digitised material for John Carr, of Wolsingham, County Durham. Nuncupative will - DPRI/1/1602/C1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/C1/1-2   January 1602
nuncupative will
dated on a Friday in January 1602; with draft nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1602/C2   June 1602
John CHIPCHES, butcher, of cyttye of Durhame [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
see DPRI/4/9 f.169v: proved, June 1602
Digitised material for John Chipches, butcher, of Durham, County Durham. Will. 2 inventories - DPRI/1/1602/C2/1-4
DPRI/1/1602/C2/1   8 March 1602
DPRI/1/1602/C2/4   8 March 1602
inventory of debts, actual total £35 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 4s)
Inventory of debts drawn up by the testator, and amended at an interim stage prior to the final additions to the inventory. Endorsed [in a later hand]: 1611.
DPRI/1/1602/C2/2-3   14 April 1602
inventory, actual total £41 13s 10d
Ralph CRAWFORD, of towne of Berwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Forename drawn from index DPRI/7. Not found in Probate Act book DPRI/4/9.
Digitised material for Ralph Crawford, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/C3/1-4
DPRI/1/1602/C3/1-2   23 December 1602
DPRI/1/1602/C3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £3 18s 2d
wrapper made from reused royal proclamation urging economy in the consumption of grain, 3 Dec 1800
DPRI/1/1602/D1   18 February 1603
John DICONSON, of Howdon of the parish of Witton upon Weere (Weire, Were) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Dickonson
Digitised material for John Diconson, of Witton-le-Wear, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/D1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/D1/1   12 January 1603
endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1603
DPRI/1/1602/D1/2   14 February 1603
inventory, actual total £57 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 0s 7d)
DPRI/1/1602/E1   27 March 1602
John ELSTOBE, the elder, gentleman, of Foxton within the paryshe of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstob
Digitised material for John Elstobe, the elder, gentleman, of Sedgefield, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/E1/1
DPRI/1/1602/E1/1   10 January 1602
indented inventory
The lower section of the inventory, probably listing the debts, is illegible. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Mar 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/E2   7 August 1602
Richard ESTERBY, of Bishop Auckland, parish of St Andrew Awcklande [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Easterbie
Digitised material for Richard Esterby, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/E2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/E2/1   26 January 1602
indented will
endorsed: proved, 7 Aug [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/E2/2   5 February 1602
indented inventory, actual total £35 14s 8d (with account of debts of £23 19s 10d)
DPRI/1/1602/F1   21 August 1602
George FELL, husbandman, of Ryop (Ryhopp) in the parishe of Bishopwermoth (Wermouth, Wermothe) in the countie of Durham [Ryhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Fell, husbandman, of Ryhope, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/F1/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/F1/1-2   10 July 1602
Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £134 5s 8d and more (damage). Endorsed: proved, 21 Aug [1602].
DPRI/1/1602/F1/3   18 August 1602
indented inventory, actual total £289 9s 8d
inventory includes goods etc. upon the 'farment' of John Burdon
DPRI/1/1602/F2   10 July 1602
John FETHERSTONHALGH, yeoman, of towne of Stanhop (parish of Stanhopp) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherstonhalghe
Digitised material for John Fetherstonhalgh, yeoman, of Stanhope, County Durham. Indented will - DPRI/1/1602/F2/1
DPRI/1/1602/F2/1   17 January 1601
indented will
endorsed: proved, 10 July [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/F3   17 July 1602
Sir John FORSTER, knight, Alnewicke Abbie in the countie of Northumberland, Balmbrough [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Will endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Commission and Inventory - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Sir John Forster, knight, of Alnwick, Northumberland, Will - DPRI/1/1602/F3/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/F3/1   27 April 1601
endorsed: will registered
DPRI/1/1602/F3/2   4 June 1602
with grant of probate, 17 July 1602
(1) commission to William Morton M.A., archdeacon of Northumberland, William Preston MA, William Ewbank and John Linsey, preachers, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Morton, 16 June 1602; (2) probate granted to Isabell Forster, relict, and Nicholas Forster, son, executors, 17 July 1602
Henrie GRAY, husband of Mary Gray, later Mary Jenison wife of William Jenison esquire, esquire, of New Minster Abbey (Abbeye) within the parish of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye
Account is endorsed by the probate office: Account ... with Ccommission to swear the accountant - the latter is not present. For the inventory of Henrie Gray, see DPRI/1/1597.
Digitised material for Henrie Gray, husband of Mary Gray, later Mary Jenison wife of William Jenison esquire, esquire, of Morpeth, Northumberland. Account - DPRI/1/1602/G1/1
DPRI/1/1602/G1/1   undated
Account of Mary Jenison, former relict and administratrix. Endorsed: admitted, 5 Nov 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/H1   21 October 1602
Frannces HALL, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Frannces Hall, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H1/1-4
DPRI/1/1602/H1/1   26 December 1601
endorsed: proved, 21 Oct 1602
DPRI/1/1602/H1/2-4   16 August 1602
indented inventory, actual total £430 19s 6d
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
John HARBOTTLE, of Ruglye (Rugley) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Harbottle, of Alnwick, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/H2/1   25 June 1599
with list of debts owing by (£11 14s 6d) and owing to (£6 10s) the testator
DPRI/1/1602/H2/2   August 1599
inventory, actual total £106 10s
date in August 1599 uncertain (damage)
DPRI/1/1602/H3   5 June 1602
Bryan HARISON, of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison
Digitised material for Bryan Harison, of Stranton, County Durham. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H3/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/H3/1   22 January 1601
indented will
endorsed: proved, 5 June 1602
DPRI/1/1602/H3/2   24 May 1602
indented inventory, actual total £30 16s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £11 13s)
DPRI/1/1602/H4   24 April 1602
George HARISON, labourer, of Seton Carewe in the county of Durham [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison
Digitised material for George Harison, labourer, of Seaton Carew, County Durham. Indented nuncuptive will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H4/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/H4/1   24 March 1602
indented nuncuptive will
endorsed: administration granted, 24 Apr 1602
DPRI/1/1602/H4/2   24 March 1602
indented copy nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1602/H4/3   undated
indented inventory, actual total £9 14s 8d (with account of debts of 2s)
DPRI/1/1602/H5   7 August 1602
Lionel HEARRYNGE, of Grenefeld [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Hearon
Digitised material for Lionel Hearrynge, of Auckland St Helen, County Durham. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H5/1
DPRI/1/1602/H5/1   undated
endorsed: administration granted, 7 Aug 1602
DPRI/1/1602/H6   22 May 1602
Jane HEDWORTH, wife of John Hedworth of Harnertonn [Harraton] esquire, widow, Horden within the countie of Durham, formerly of Harbertonn (Harverton) [Horden, County Durham; Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jane Hedworth, wife of John Hedworth of Horden, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1602/H6/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/H6/1-2   16 January 1602
endorsed: proved, 22 May [1602]; will registered
Raph HILTON, of Ile in the parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raph Hilton, of Sedgefield, County Durham. Account - DPRI/1/1602/H7/1
DPRI/1/1602/H7/1   undated
Account of Richard Hilton, brother. Endorsed: admitted, 25 Sep 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/H8   3 October 1601
William HODGESON, yeoman, of Winlawton in the countie pallantine of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Hodgeson, yeoman, of Winlaton, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1602/H8/1
DPRI/1/1602/H8/1   3 July 1601
Witnesses and executrix sworn, 3 Oct 1601. Endorsed: proved, 3 Oct 1601.
James HOPPER, of parishe of Shottley (Shotley) [Shotley, Northumberland]
Digitised material for James Hopper, of Shotley, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1602/H9/1
DPRI/1/1602/H9/1   13 August 1602
endorsed: no bond nor [probate] issued; 'carie these to Corbridge for the next [court]'
William HUNTLEY, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, alderman, of the Sandhill of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntly
Digitised material for William Huntley, merchant, alderman, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/H10/1-6
DPRI/1/1602/H10/1   23 November 1602
DPRI/1/1602/H10/2-6   9 December 1602
indented inventory, actual total £788 19s 7d
inventory of household goods on the Sandhill, in the Side, at John Lawson's house and at widow Lyme's house; and also of shop and warehouse goods etc.
DPRI/1/1602/J1   18 December 1602
Norman JOHNSON, weaver, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Norman Johnson, weaver, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1602/J1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/J1/1-2   22 October 1602
with inventory, 9 December 1602, actual total £17 9s 7d
endorsed: proved, 18 Dec 1602
Roberte LAMBE, blacksmith, of cittie of Durham and in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Lamb
Digitised material for Roberte Lambe, blacksmith, of Durham, County Durham. Nuncupative will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/L1/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/L1/1-2   13 February 1603
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1602/L1/3   8 March 1603
inventory, actual total £23 17s 9d
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
Elizabeth LAWSON, widow, of Little Osworth (Littell Usworth) in the parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Lawsone
Digitised material for Elizabeth Lawson, widow, of Washington, County Durham. Nuncupative will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/L2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/L2/1   19 May 1602
nuncupative will
with grant of probate, undated
probate granted to Charles Hedworth esquire, son-in-law and sole executor, 17 ... 1602 (damage)
DPRI/1/1602/L2/2   5 June 1602
indented inventory, actual total £124 12s 10d (and more)
DPRI/1/1602/L3   5 March 1603
Richerd LYDDLE, yeoman, of Elmeden (Embleton) in the countye of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Liddle
Digitised material for Richerd Lyddle, yeoman, of Sedgefield, County Durham. Indented will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/L3/1
DPRI/1/1602/L3/1   30 December 1598
indented will
with indented inventory, undated, actual total £81 19s 1d
endorsed: proved, 5 Mar 1603
Thomas MARSHALL, tanner, of Gilligate, parishe of Sainct Giles in Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Marshall, tanner, of Durham St Giles, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory, - DPRI/1/1602/M1/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/M1/1-2   15 November 1602
DPRI/1/1602/M1/3   7 December 1602
indented inventory, actual total £171 8s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £70 6s 4d)
Inventory of household and tannery goods etc. Endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Dec 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/M2   April 1602
Thomas MAWTLAND, of Howghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Mawtlande
see DPRI/4/9 f.162: 17 Apr 1602
Digitised material for Thomas Mawtland, of Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/M2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/M2/1   24 March 1602
DPRI/1/1602/M2/2   13 April 1602
indented inventory, actual total £74 1s 8d (with account of debts of 19s 2d)
endorsed: proved ... Apr [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/M3   22 August 1602
John MIDDLETON, gentleman, of Girsbye (Girsby) in the parishe of Sockburne (Sockburn) [in the county] of Yorke [Girsby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Mydleton
Digitised material for John Middleton, gentleman, of Girsby, Yorkshire. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/M3/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/M3/1-2   undated
Will, dated 18 Feb 16... . Endorsed: proved, 22 Aug 1602.
DPRI/1/1602/M3/3   5 August 1602
inventory, actual total £293 2s 9d (with account of debts and legacies of £65 6s 8d)
DPRI/1/1602/M4   8 May 1602
William MOORE, cannoneer, of Holye (Holie) Ilande [Holy Island, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Moore, cannoneer, of Holy Island, Northumberland. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/M4/1
DPRI/1/1602/M4/1   20 March 1603
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 8 May 1602
Andrewe OLIVER, yeoman, of Heppell in the countie of Northumberlande [Rothbury, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Andrewe Oliver, yeoman, of Rothbury, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/O1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/O1/1   24 August 1601
endorsed with list of debts owing by (£7 3s 8d) and owing to (£3 3s 8d) the testator
DPRI/1/1602/O1/2   20 January 1602
inventory, actual total £6 10s
DPRI/1/1602/P1   3 November 1602
James PATERSONE, of East Slikborne (Slikeburn) of the parish of Bedlington of the countie palentine of Durhame [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattison
Digitised material for James Patersone, of Sleekburn, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1602/P1/1
DPRI/1/1602/P1/1   22 February 1602
with inventory, undated, actual total £24 9s (with account of debts of £2 4s)
Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1602.
Thomas RAWE, sergeant at mace, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Rawe, sergeant at mace, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1602/R2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/R2/1-2   11 June 1602
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted
Robert ROBINSON, of parish of Stanhopp (Stanhop) in Wardaile [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Robinson, of Stanhope, County Durham. Will. Copy inventory - DPRI/1/1602/R4/1-4
DPRI/1/1602/R4/1-2   14 June 1602
Witnesses sworn, 10 July 1602. Endorsed: proved, 17 July [1602].
DPRI/1/1602/R4/3   28 June 1602
inventory, actual total £14 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 2d)
DPRI/1/1602/R4/4   28 June 1602
copy inventory, actual total £14 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 2d)
DPRI/1/1602/R5   22 May 1602
William ROSE, yeoman, of Cottom Mundyvell (Cottam Mundivell, Mondivell) within the parish of Haughton in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Roose
Digitised material for William Rose, yeoman, of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1602/R5/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/R5/1-2   23 March 1602
endorsed: proved, 22 May 1602
DPRI/1/1602/R5/3   4 May 1602
indented inventory, actual total £21 3s 4d (with account of debts of 19s 4d)
DPRI/1/1602/R3   9 October 1602
Christofer RYDLEY, of Parkside in the parish of Symondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley, Rydleye
see DPRI/4/11 f.182v: Oct 1602
Digitised material for Christofer Rydley, of Simonburn, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/R3/1-3
DPRI/1/1602/R3/1-2   undated
Will, comprising a list of certain parcels of land leased from the house and with list of debts owing to (20s) and owing by (11s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 9 Oct [1602].
DPRI/1/1602/R3/3   29 August 1602
inventory, actual total £16 12s 4d
DPRI/1/1602/S1   25 September 1602
Jerrerd SALVEN, esquire, of Croxdale (Croxdall, Croxdalle) in the county of Durham [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Salvyne
Digitised material for Jerrerd Salven, esquire, of Croxdale, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1602/S1/1
DPRI/1/1602/S1/1   28 August 1602
endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1602]
DPRI/1/1602/S2   17 April 1602
Lannerde SANDERS, of parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for Lannerde Sanders, of Chester-le-Street, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1602/S2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/S2/1-2   14 February 1602
endorsed: proved, 17 Apr [1602]
Thomas VYNT, husbandman, of Stainton in the countye of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Vint
Digitised material for Thomas Vynt, husbandman, of Barnard Castle, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1602/V1/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/V1/1   13 July 1600
DPRI/1/1602/V1/2   6 March 1601
inventory, actual total £15 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 15s 4d)
Thomas WIGHAM, yeoman, of parishe of St Andrew within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Wigham, yeoman, of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1602/W1/1-8
DPRI/1/1602/W1/1-8   6 December 1602
DPRI/1/1602/W2   20 December 1602
John WOODRINGTON [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Widrington, Wooddrington, Woddrington
address drawn from index DPRI/7: Plessy
Digitised material for John Woodrington of Stannington, Northumberland. Renunciation, with act of court - DPRI/1/1602/W2/1-2
DPRI/1/1602/W2/1-2   18 December 1602
with act of court, 20 December 1602
(1) renunciation of Barbra Wooddrington, relict, with her consent that administration be granted to Henry Woodrington of Swinburn, kinsman; the deceased was indebted to various persons; (2) act of court at the house of Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, granting administration to Henry [Woodrington], with a power reserved, 20 Dec 1602; inventory to be exhibited at the first court after 13 Jan 1603.
Wills etc proved 1603
Reference: DPRI/1/1603
DPRI/1/1603/A1   12 August 1603
Jane AINSLEY, widow, of parish of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B41
Digitised material for Jane Ainsley, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland. Nuncupative will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/A1/1-3
DPRI/1/1603/A1/1   25 June 1603
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1603/A1/2-3   28 June 1603
inventory, actual total £117 9s 4d
endorsed: proved, 12 Aug [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/A2   17 June 1603
Richard ALSECHER, of town (parish) of Berwick uppon Tweed (Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Alsucher
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B180
Digitised material for Richard Alsecher, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will. Commission. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/A2/1-5
DPRI/1/1603/A2/1-2   10 January 1603
DPRI/1/1603/A2/3   28 May 1603
commission to Richard Clarke M.A., vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executrix [Margaret Alsucher, relict], and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Clerke, 17 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/A2/4-5   20 December 1603
indented inventory, actual total £33 2s
William ARROWSMITH, the elder, husbandman, of chappelry of Barnard Castell (Bernard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Arrosmith
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B87
Digitised material for William Arrowsmith, the elder, husbandman, of Barnard Castle, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/A3/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/A3/1   11 December 1602
DPRI/1/1603/A3/2   21 December 1602
indented inventory, actual total £10 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 12s 11d)
Raphe ATKINSON, merchant adventurer, of the Syde, towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Atkinsonn
Digitised material for Raphe Atkinson, merchant adventurer, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/A4/1-9
DPRI/1/1603/A4/1-5   22 September 1603
DPRI/1/1603/A4/6-9   6 October 1603
inventory, actual total £1,871 13s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1,184 19s 8d)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
DPRI/1/1603/B1   1 June 1605
Cuthbert BATES, gentleman, of Hallywell (Hallowell, Halliwell) in the countye of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Baytes, Battes, Baites
Digitised material for Cuthbert Bates, gentleman, of Earsdon, Northumberland. Will. Copy will. Inventory. Copy inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B1/1-5
DPRI/1/1603/B1/3   23 January 1602
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 181-182

DPRI/1/1603/B1/1-2   23 January 1602
copy will
with probate records, undated
endorsed: (1) four undated probate office instructions, queries and memoranda clarifying the type of grant of probate, namely, probate was granted to Katherine Baites, minor daughter and sole executrix, when she comes of age, and until then her tuition and administration was granted to her mother, Elizabeth Baites; (2) proved, 1 June 1605
DPRI/1/1603/B1/4   19 February 1603
inventory, actual total £269 14s 2d
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 182-183

DPRI/1/1603/B1/5   19 February 1603
copy inventory, actual total £269 14s 2d
DPRI/1/1603/B2   29 September 1603
Thomas BECKHAM, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B252
Digitised material for Thomas Beckham, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B2/1-3
DPRI/1/1603/B2/1   27 September 1602
probate granted in the house of Gregory Milton in Berwick by Richard Clerk M.A., [vicar of Berwick], to Jane Beckham, relict, 29 Sep 1603; inventory also exhibited; Margaret Beckham, minor daughter
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 183-184

DPRI/1/1603/B2/2-3   2 October 1602
inventory, actual total £10 16s 10d
DPRI/1/1603/B3   29 February 1604
Edward BEWICKE, of Angertonne (Angerton), parish of Hartbourn (Hartburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Bewick
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B43
Digitised material for Edward Bewicke, of Hartburn (Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B3/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/B3/1   8 November 1603
endorsed: proved, 29 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/B3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £64 16s 8d (with account of debts of £39 3s 2d)
Christofor BLACKE, of parish of Staindrope (Staindrop) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Black
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B80
Digitised material for Christofor Blacke, of Staindrop, County Durham. Indented will - DPRI/1/1603/B4/1
DPRI/1/1603/B4/1   22 August 1603
indented will
endorsed: ask for the inventory
DPRI/1/1603/B5   6 February 1604
Hewe BOWMER [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Bulmer
address drawn from index DPRI/7
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B28
Digitised material for Hewe Bowmer of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B5/1
DPRI/1/1603/B5/1   10 December 1602
endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]
Henry BRACKENBURY, esquire, of Osmondcrofte in the parish of Winston in the counttie of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Brackenburie
Digitised material for Henry Brackenbury, esquire, of Winston, County Durham. Will. Nuncupative codicil. Commission - DPRI/1/1603/B6/1-3
DPRI/1/1603/B6/1   2 December 1601
will dated at head 6 Nov 1601; dated at foot at publication, 2 Dec 1601
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 180-181

DPRI/1/1603/B6/3   3 April 1602
nuncupative codicil
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 181

DPRI/1/1603/B6/2   24 January 1604
commission to Henry Thruscrosse M.A., rector of Winston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Francis Brackenbury esquire, son and executor, and also to swear the witnesses to the will, they having been unable to attend court
Jennett BRAIDLYE, widow, of Bongaite in Bushipe Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Bradley
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B98
Digitised material for Jennett Braidlye, widow, of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Nuncupative will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B7/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/B7/1   21 April 1603
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1603/B7/2   21 October 1603
indented inventory, actual total £16 15s 7d
DPRI/1/1603/B8   2 July 1603
Richarde BRYMLEYE, of towne and parrishe of Harte (Hart) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Brimley, Brymley
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B178
Digitised material for Richarde Brymleye, of Hart, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B8/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/B8/1   30 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/B8/2   20 June 1603
indented inventory, actual total £259 15s 5d (with account of debts of £10 16s 10d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/B9   1 March 1604
George BURDES, of Dilston (Dilstonn) of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B26
Digitised material for George Burdes, of Corbridge, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1603/B9/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/B9/1   20 July 1603
subscribed with memorandum of a further bequest
DPRI/1/1603/B9/2   24 August 1603
inventory, actual total £28 0s 8d
endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar [1604]
Jennet BUTTERFEILD, widow, of Winston within the countie of Durham [Winston, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B122
Digitised material for Jennet Butterfeild, widow, of Winston, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/B10/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/B10/1   21 February 1602
subscribed: [cancelled] this part of the will doth not agree with thother part read whereof the witnesses are sworne; Corrected and amended and doth agree
DPRI/1/1603/B10/2   14 March 1603
inventory, actual total £67 13s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 18s)
DPRI/1/1603/C1   8 April 1603
Anthonye CARISWALL, surgeon, of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Careswall
For act of court granting probate to Margaret Careswell, relict, see - DPRI/1/1603/M5/2-3
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B239
Digitised material for Anthonye Cariswall, surgeon, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C1/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C1/1-2   1602
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 8 Apr 1603
DPRI/1/1603/C2   3 November 1603
Robart CARRE, of Lamadon within the parishe of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B226
Digitised material for Robart Carre, of Edlingham, Northumberland. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C2/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C2/1   19 August 1603
endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1603
DPRI/1/1603/C2/2   29 September 1603
indented inventory, actual total £6 11s 4d (with account of debts of 6s)
DPRI/1/1603/C3   2 November 1603
Henrie CHANLAR, yeoman, of parish of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Chandler
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B235
Digitised material for Henrie Chanlar, yeoman, of Ancroft, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1603/C3/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C3/1-2   25 July 1603
Will, with list of debts owing by (£10 18s 6d) and owing to (£3 8s 8d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1603].
Marmaduke CHAPMAN, husbandman, yeoman, of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Chepman
The inventory of debts refers to two codicils, only one of which was proved and engrossed.
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B259
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B240
Digitised material for Marmaduke Chapman, husbandman, yeoman, of Billingham, County Durham. Will, with nuncupative codicil. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C4/1-6
DPRI/1/1603/C4/1   12 December 1602
with nuncupative codicil, 30 December 1602
nuncupative codicil dated 30 Dec [?1602]
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 184-185

DPRI/1/1603/C4/5-6   undated
inventory of debts, actual total £3 16s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £89 17s 1d)
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 185

DPRI/1/1603/C4/2-4   17 January 1604
inventory, actual total £309 6s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £89 17s 1d)
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1603/C5   27 May 1603
John CLARKE, of Killerbye (Killerby, Killerbie) in the parishe of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Clercke
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B175
Digitised material for John Clarke, of Heighington, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C5/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C5/1   23 February 1603
Will dated 23 Feb 1603 [?recte 1602 in the Old Style dating]. Endorsed: proved, 27 May 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/C5/2   19 May 1603
inventory, actual total £32 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 12s 11d)
inventory total does not include the value of a 13-year lease of a tenement in Killerby
DPRI/1/1603/C6   27 January 1604
Anne COCKEFIELD, alias Paicocke, single woman, of chapelry of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Pacok
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B62
Digitised material for Anne Cockefield, alias Paicocke, single woman, of Whorlton, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C6/1
DPRI/1/1603/C6/1   27 December 1603
with inventory, 27 December 1603, actual total £12 5s 9d (and more)
Will combined with an inventory. Endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1604].
DPRI/1/1603/C7   7 May 1603
Henry COCKFEILD, of Killerbie (Killerby) in the parish of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Cockfeilde
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B199
Digitised material for Henry Cockfeild, of Heighington, County Durham. Inventory. Indented inventory. Commission - DPRI/1/1603/C7/1-3
DPRI/1/1603/C7/3   11 March 1603
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1603/C7/2   19 April 1603
indented inventory
Dated at head, 11 Mar 1603, and subscribed 'this prised againe' 19 Apr 1603. endorsed: administration granted, 7 May 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/C7/1   19 March 1603
commission to John Cradocke M.A., vicar of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Cockfield, relict; commission executed by Cradocke, 21 Mar 1603; with memorandum concerning an additional debt owing to the deceased to be added to the exhibited inventory
DPRI/1/1603/C8   20 May 1603
William COLLINGWOOD, husband of Phyllis Collingwood, formerly Forster, of Kymmerston (Kemerston) in the parishe of Ford [Ford, Northumberland]. Died 6 March 1603
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B189
Digitised material for William Collingwood, husband of Phyllis Collingwood, formerly Forster, of Ford, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C8/1
DPRI/1/1603/C8/1   3 May 1603
Inventory with memorandum of two items not included in the inventory. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 May 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/C9   14 May 1603
Christafer COOKE, yeoman, of Escombe wythin the countye of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Cook
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B209
Digitised material for Christafer Cooke, yeoman, of Escomb, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C9/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C9/1   18 March 1603
endorsed: proved, 14 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/C9/2   27 April 1603
inventory, actual total £33 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 11s 9d)
DPRI/1/1603/C10   11 August 1603
Mathew CORRIE, of the Hoppe within the parich of Wheitfeild (Whitfeild, Whitfeld) [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Curry, Currey
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B272
Digitised material for Mathew Corrie, of Whitfield, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1603/C10/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/C10/1   7 March 1603
endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/C10/2   3 April 1603
inventory, actual total £16 12s
inventory made from mutilated [?draft will]
DPRI/1/1603/D1   25 June 1603
John DENT, of Pearcebridge (Persebridge) in the parish of Gaynefurth (Gainforthe) [Piercebridge, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B202
Digitised material for John Dent, of Piercebridge, County Durham. - DPRI/1/1603/D1
DPRI/1/1603/D1/1   10 April 1603
with codicil, undated
endorsed: proved, 25 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/D1/2-4   19 April 1603
inventory, actual total £210 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 15s)
exhibited by George Robinson, co-executor, 25 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/D2   31 October 1603
Thomas DOBESSON, of Lyptwood within the parishe of Hadon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Dobbeson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B68
Digitised material for Thomas Dobesson of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/D2
DPRI/1/1603/D2/1   26 May 1602
with inventory, undated, actual total £6 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 9s)
endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/E1   9 July 1603
Richard ELSTOB, husbandman, Morden in the countye of Durham, Foxton, parish of Sedgefeld [Morden, County Durham; Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobe, Elstobb
bond: DPRI/3/1603/BB
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B146
Digitised material for Richard Elstob, husbandman of Morden and Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/E1
DPRI/1/1603/E1/1   23 May 1603
endorsed: proved, 9 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/E1/2-3   24 July 1603
inventory, actual total £106 9s 1d
DPRI/1/1603/E2   28 January 1604
George EMMERSON, of parishe off Trimdon (Trymdon) [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B23
Digitised material for George Emmerson of Trimdon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/E2
DPRI/1/1603/E2/1   22 January 1604
nuncupative will
Subscribed: administration granted, 3 Feb 1604. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Jan [1604]; monition issued to the next of kin to oppose the will, (undated).
DPRI/1/1603/E2/2   26 January 1604
indented inventory, actual total £9 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 10s 7d)
DPRI/1/1603/F1   10 August 1603
Thomas FAWCUS, tanner, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B112
Digitised material for Thomas Fawcus, tanner of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/F1
DPRI/1/1603/F1/1   8 January 1603
DPRI/1/1603/F1/2-3   13 January 1603
inventory, actual total £34 5s 4d
endorsed: proved, 10 Aug [1603]
Robert FAWDON, gentleman, of Grenelow (Grinlaw, Greenlaw) in the countie of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Fawden
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B84
Digitised material for Robert Fawdon, gentleman of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/F2
DPRI/1/1603/F2/1-2   18 April 1603
DPRI/1/1603/F2/3-4   10 August 1603
indented inventory, actual total £20 12s
DPRI/1/1603/F3   25 February 1604
William FERIE, of parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Farie, Ferrye
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B47
Digitised material for William Ferie of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/F3
DPRI/1/1603/F3/1   15 February 1604
endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/F3/2   22 February 1604
indented inventory, actual total £17 0s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of 16s 4d)
DPRI/1/1603/F4   14 June 1603
Thomas FOSTER, blacksmith, of parish of Crayk (Crake, Cracke, Craike) of the cowntie of Durham [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Forster
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B200
Digitised material for Thomas Foster, blacksmith of Crayke, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1603/F4
DPRI/1/1603/F4/1   6 May 1603
indented will
DPRI/1/1603/F4/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £25 16s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 13s)
DPRI/1/1603/F4/3   28 May 1603
commission to Leonard Shawe, clerk, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executors, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed and Agnes Foster relict and executrix sworn, by Shaw, 1 June 1603; probate granted to Agnes Forster, relict and executor, with a power reserved to William Forster, minor son and co-executor, until he comes of age, 14 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/F4/4   9 June 1603
certificate of execution of commission
DPRI/1/1603/G1   20 May 1603
Cuthbert GRAY, of Berrington [Kyloe, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B183
Digitised material for Cuthbert Gray of Kyloe, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/G1
DPRI/1/1603/G1/1   20 October 1602
with inventory, 20 October 1602, actual total £16 15s 8d (with account of debts of £13 11s 5d
endorsed: Will and Inventory; [proved], 20 May 1603
William GRAY, of Dodyngtonne (Dodyngtonn, Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B244
Digitised material for William Gray of Doddington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/G2
DPRI/1/1603/G2/1   8 March 1603
with inventory, 8 March 1603, actual total £1 3s 4d (and more)
Inventory of goods unvalued. Endorsed: proved.
DPRI/1/1603/G3   8 October 1603
Janet GRICE, single woman, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durham, parish of Auckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Gryce
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B78
Digitised material for Janet Grice, single woman of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/G3
DPRI/1/1603/G3/1-2   31 December 1602
with inventory, undated, actual total £48
Will, endorsed with inventory of Grice's filial portion from her father John Grice. Endorsed: Will and Inventory; proved, 8 Oct 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/H1   17 September 1603
Henrye HADACKE, labourer, yeoman, of parish of Lameslye (chapelry of Lamesslly, Lamesley) within the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Haddacke
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B170
Digitised material for Henrye Hadacke, labourer, yeoman of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H1
DPRI/1/1603/H1/1   9 August 1603
endorsed with note of a debt of 5s 4d owing to the testator
DPRI/1/1603/H1/2   1603
inventory, actual total £10 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Sep 1603
DPRI/1/1603/H2   12 November 1603
John HARRISON, yeoman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld, Sedgefeild) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B228
Digitised material for John Harrison, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H2
DPRI/1/1603/H2/1-2   27 October 1603
Will, subscribed with cancelled grant of probate. Endorsed: proved, 12 Nov 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/H2/3   7 November 1603
inventory, actual total £126 1s
Thomas HARRISON, single man, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Herison
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B277
Digitised material for Thomas Harrison, single man of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H3
DPRI/1/1603/H3/1   10 August 1603
nuncupative will
endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved afterwards
DPRI/1/1603/H3/2-3   21 October 1603
indented inventory, actual total £19 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 14s 8d)
John HARWOD, surgeon, of towne of Berwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Harwood
Digitised material for John Harwod, surgeon of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/H4
DPRI/1/1603/H4/1   8 December 1603
DPRI/1/1603/H4/2   8 December 1603
inventory, actual total £178 4s 4d
formerly annexed to the will
DPRI/1/1603/H5   23 September 1603
Thomas HODGSHON, yeoman, of Grisbie (Girsbie) in the countie of York, parish of Sockburne [Girsby, Yorkshire]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B111
Digitised material for Thomas Hodgshon, yeoman of Girsby, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1603/H5
DPRI/1/1603/H5/1-2   15 July 1603
endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £32 14s 9d
DPRI/1/1603/H5/3-4   14 September 1603
inventory, actual total £33 10s 8d
endorsed: proved, 23 Sep [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/H6   4 June 1603
John HOPPER, alias Jenkin Hopper, of Tottipotes in the parishe of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Hopper, alias Jenkin Hopper of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H6
DPRI/1/1603/H6/1   25 April 1603
with list of debts owing to the testator of £80 13s
DPRI/1/1603/H6/2   25 April 1603
copy will
endorsed: proved, 4 June [1603]; issued
DPRI/1/1603/H6/3-4   27 May 1603
indented inventory, actual total £169 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 14s 4d and more)
DPRI/1/1603/H7   15 October 1603
Raphe HOWE, blacksmith, of chapelry of Hampsterley (Hamsterley) in the countie of Durhame [Hamsterley, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B121
Digitised material for Raphe Howe, blacksmith of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H7
DPRI/1/1603/H7/1   2 September 1603
with nuncupative codicil, undated
DPRI/1/1603/H7/2   21 September 1603
inventory, actual total £46 12s 7d (with account of debts of £1 13s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Oct [1603]
William HUDLESSE, of the Lang (Lange) Lee within the parish of Stannopp (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Hudless
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B141
Digitised material for William Hudlesse of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H8
DPRI/1/1603/H8/1   4 May 1603
nuncupative will
endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; probated
DPRI/1/1603/H8/2   11 May 1603
indented inventory, actual total £31 6s 8d
Leonard HUDSON, freemason, cannoneer, of the towne of Barwick (Berwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Leonard Hudson, freemason, cannoneer of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/H9
DPRI/1/1603/H9/1   8 October 1601
endorsed: inventory not exhibited
DPRI/1/1603/H10   28 May 1603
Rychard HUTCHESON, tanner, of Framelgate within the chappelrie of St Margrettes in the city of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchesonn, Hutchison, Hutchinson
Digitised material for Rychard Hutcheson, tanner of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/H10
DPRI/1/1603/H10/2-3   12 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/H10/1   12 May 1603
copy will
with grant of probate, 28 May 1603
probate granted to Christopher Hutcheson, son and [co-]executor
endorsed: [will] proved, 28 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/I1   19 November 1603
William ILEYE, of Bromshiles (Brumesheell) of the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Iyleye, Iley
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B142
Digitised material for William Ileye of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/I1
DPRI/1/1603/I1/1   23 April 1603
endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/I1/2   14 November 1603
indented inventory, actual total £70 3s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 17s)
DPRI/1/1603/J1   19 May 1603
Robert JACKSON, the elder, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, aged about 84, alderman, of Berwick uppon Tweid [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Jackson, the elder, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/J1
DPRI/1/1603/J1/1   11 October 1602
Will dated at foot, 13 Apr 1602 and on dorse, 11 Oct 1602. Endorsed: proved, 19 May [1603]; inventory not exhibited.
DPRI/1/1603/J2   18 May 1603
John JAMES, husbandman, of Sturton Grange in the parish of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B182
Digitised material for John James, husbandman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/J2
DPRI/1/1603/J2/1   4 April 1603
DPRI/1/1603/J2/2   15 April 1603
inventory, actual total £94 19s
endorsed: proved, 18 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/J3   9 April 1603
Alleson JECKELL, widow, of parish of Billingham in the county of Durisme [Billingham, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B214
Digitised material for Alleson Jeckell, widow of Billingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/J3
DPRI/1/1603/J3/1   22 November 1599
DPRI/1/1603/J3/2-3   11 March 1602
indented inventory, actual total £76 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 13s 8d)
endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/J4   16 April 1603
Margarete JEFFERSON, wife of Roger Jefferson of Norton, widow, of towen and parishe of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Jeffersone, Gefferson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B204
Digitised material for Margarete Jefferson, wife of Roger Jefferson of Norton, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/J4
DPRI/1/1603/J4/1-2   10 February 1603
endorsed: proved, 16 Apr 1603
DPRI/1/1603/J4/3   23 February 1603
inventory, actual total £18 15s
DPRI/1/1603/J5   6 February 1604
Marryan JOHNSON, wife of Edward Johnson, master and mariner, widow, of chapelry of All Saints of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B7
Digitised material for Marryan Johnson, wife of Edward Johnson, master and mariner, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/J5
DPRI/1/1603/J5/1-2   30 January 1604
endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]
Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of chappelry of Whorleton (Whorlton) in the parishe of Gainford (Gaynford) [Whorlton, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B139
Digitised material for Robert Johnson, yeoman of Whorlton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/J6
DPRI/1/1603/J6/1   1603
dated, 1 James I, between 24 Mar and 23 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/J6/2   23 May 1603
indented inventory, actual total £271 8s 4d (with account of debts of £1 2s 9d)
DPRI/1/1603/J7   9 July 1603
William JOHNSONN, of Whytehouse in the parish of St Andrew Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B172
Digitised material for William Johnsonn of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/J7
DPRI/1/1603/J7/1   21 May 1602
indented will
endorsed: proved, 9 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/J7/2   30 July 1602
indented inventory, actual total £99 13s 8d
DPRI/1/1603/J8   28 May 1603
James JURDESON, of Easington [Easington, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B193
Digitised material for James Jurdeson of Easington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/J8
DPRI/1/1603/J8/1   16 May 1603
endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/K2   1 March 1604
Thomas KRYSSOPT, of chapelry of Newebrought (Newbroughe) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsopp
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B38
Digitised material for Thomas Kryssopt of Newbrough, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/K2
DPRI/1/1603/K2/1   9 August 1602
endorsed with list of debts owing by (11s 6d) and owing to (10s) the testator
DPRI/1/1603/K2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £20 8s
endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar [1604]
John KYRBIE, of Craike [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Kirby
Digitised material for John Kyrbie of Crayke, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1603/K1
DPRI/1/1603/K1/1   25 October 1603
indented inventory
DPRI/1/1603/L1   14 May 1603
Mathewe LAMBERT, cordwainer, of Darnton (Darlington) in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lambart
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B206
Digitised material for Mathewe Lambert, cordwainer of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/L1
DPRI/1/1603/L1/1   1 February 1603
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 52-53

DPRI/1/1603/L1/2   13 April 1603
indented inventory, actual total £39 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 2s 4d)
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: [will] proved, 14 May 1603.
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 53-54

DPRI/1/1603/L2   26 November 1603
Henry LAWE, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of Gateshead [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Lawes
Digitised material for Henry Lawe, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/L2
DPRI/1/1603/L2/1   18 November 1603
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 10 January 1604, actual total £37 0s 3d (with account of debts of £67 19s 2d)
(1) inventory, made by Gateshead appraisers; (2) inventory, made by Newcastle appraisers. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Nov 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/L3   18 February 1604
John LAWE, husbandman, of Cowpon Bewley in the countie of Durham, parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Law
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B59
Digitised material for John Lawe, husbandman of Billingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/L3
DPRI/1/1603/L3/1   undated
indented will
endorsed: proved, 18 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/L3/2   24 November 1603
indented inventory, actual total £145 13s (with account of debts of £31 6s)
DPRI/1/1603/L4   4 November 1603
Urseley LAWRANC, of parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawrans, Lawrance, Lawrence
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B234
Digitised material for Urseley Lawranc of Whalton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/L4
DPRI/1/1603/L4/1   10 August 1602
endorsed: proved, 4 Nov [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/L4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £41 13s 10d
with letter, 13 May 1602
Inventory [subscribed with quotation from Cicero, de Natura Deorum, Book 1], endorsed with [?unrelated] letter from William Currer of Marley [Hall, in Bingley parish, Yorkshire] to an unidentified correspondent, relating to probate business in which Currer was concerned as a co-excecutor with John Shawe and the correspondent.
DPRI/1/1603/L5   6 February 1604
Nycholas LAWSON, of parish of Tynmowth (Tynmouth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Nycholas Lawson of Tynemouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/L5
DPRI/1/1603/L5/1   2 February 1604
Inventory includes burial expenses for Lawson and his wife. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604].
DPRI/1/1603/L6   1 March 1604
John LEDDELL, of Hadonbridges within the parishe of Hadon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lyddall, Liddell
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B44
Digitised material for John Leddell of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/L6
DPRI/1/1603/L6/1   27 December 1603
with inventory, 4 February 1604, actual total £22 2s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 14s 6d)
endorsed: proved, 1 Mar [1604].
DPRI/1/1603/L7   16 May 1603
James LIGHTFOUT, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne in the parish of Sainct Nichollas of the said town [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Lightfoot
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B156
Digitised material for James Lightfout, mariner of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/L7
DPRI/1/1603/L7/1   11 May 1603
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 May 1603.
Leonard LITLE, yeoman, of Stotfoldburne in the countie of Durham [Rookhope, County Durham]; also spelt Little, Littel
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B88
Digitised material for Leonard Litle, yeoman of Rookhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/L8
DPRI/1/1603/L8/1   27 January 1603
indented will
DPRI/1/1603/L8/2   27 January 1603
indented copy will
DPRI/1/1603/L8/3   10 March 1603
indented inventory, actual total £136 7s 7d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 10s)
DPRI/1/1603/L9   4 October 1603
Francis LOUDG, of parish of Cockefeild [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Lodge
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B102
Digitised material for Francis Loudg of Cockfield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/L9
DPRI/1/1603/L9/1   30 May 1603
endorsed: proved, 4 Oct [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/M1   6 February 1604
Raph MARCH, yeoman, of parish of Gateshead (Gatesheade) in the countie of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B262
Digitised material for Raph March, yeoman of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/M1
DPRI/1/1603/M1/1-2   8 October 1603
nuncupative will
Nuncuaptive will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £8 2s 5d. endorsed: proved, 6 Feb 1604.
DPRI/1/1603/M2   12 November 1603
Robert MEBORNE, of Shaudforth within the parrishe of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham]; also spelt Meaborne, Meborn
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B144
Digitised material for Robert Meborne of Shadforth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/M2
DPRI/1/1603/M2/1   30 October 1603
indented will
endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/M2/2   6 November 1603
indented inventory, actual total £31 12s 8d
DPRI/1/1603/M3   2 July 1603
John MIDDELLTON, yeoman, of parish of Whickham within the countye of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton, Middeton
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B191
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B157
Digitised material for John Middellton, yeoman of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/M3
DPRI/1/1603/M3/1-2   3 June 1603
Will, with list of debts owing to (£3 6s) and owing by (£4 15s 6d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 2 July 1603.
DPRI/1/1603/M3/3   11 June 1603
indented inventory, actual total £64 14s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 12s 4d)
DPRI/1/1603/M4   9 December 1603
William MILBANCKES, yeoman, of Tinemouth Sheeles, parish of Tynmouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mealebankes, Mealbankes
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B103
Digitised material for William Milbanckes, yeoman of Tynemouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/M4
DPRI/1/1603/M4/1   3 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/M4/2-3   10 November 1603
inventory, actual total £202 16s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 16s)
inventory of goods etc. at East Chirton, Preston and Tynemouth Shields
endorsed: proved, 9 Dec 1603
DPRI/1/1603/M5   8 April 1603
William MORTON, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne of Barwick (Berwicke) uppon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Murton, Moorton
bond: DPRI/3/1603/BC
Digitised material for William Morton, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/M5
DPRI/1/1603/M5/1   17 April 1602
endorsed: proved, 8 Apr 1603
DPRI/1/1603/M5/2-3   24 March 1603
with act of court, 8 April 1603
with act of court, 8 April 1603
(1) Letter from Davide Bullwore at Widdrington to [Clement] Colmer, Durham Chancellor, enclosing the will and requesting a commission be issued to Esable Morton, grandmother, and John Patteson, near kinsman, the tutors of the executor; with receipt for 3s 4d commission fee; (2) administration of the goods of Anthony Careswell of Berwick-upon-Tweed granted by Clement Colmer at Berwick to Margaret Careswell, relict, also for the use of five named minor children, and an inventory was exhibited, 8 Apr 1603; (3) probate of the goods of William Morton granted [at Berwick by Clement Colmer] to John Patteson, tutor of Noah Morton, [grandson and] sole executor, and with the consent of his father Thomas Morton, son, 8 Apr 1603; inventory to be exhibited at next court. For the inventory of Anthony Careswell, see - DPRI/1/1603/C1/1-2
DPRI/1/1603/N1   19 August 1603
Henry NAWNTON, prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk, Durham, Witton Gilbert, Egglisclife [Durham, County Durham; Witton Gilbert, County Durham; Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Naunton
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B83/2
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B83/1
Digitised material for Henry Nawnton, prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/N1
DPRI/1/1603/N1/1-3   30 July 1603
indented inventory
Inventory of goods etc. at Nawnton's houses in Durham, Witton Gilbert, and at his parsonage at Egglescliffe; exhibited, 27 Aug 1603. Endorsed: administration granted, 19 Aug [1603]; total goods (£448 14s 10d) and debts (£104 18s 4d) of £554 2s 4d [sic]. [These endorsed totals do not accord with the totals recorded on the face.]
DPRI/1/1603/N2   15 October 1603
Christofer NEWBIE, the elder, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Newby, Newbye
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B94
Digitised material for Christofer Newbie, the elder of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/N2
DPRI/1/1603/N2/1   19 June 1603
nuncupative will
Dated 'in or about Trinity Sundaie last past': [?19 June 1603]. Endorsed: proved, 15 Oct [1603].
DPRI/1/1603/N2/2   29 September 1603
indented inventory, actual total £34 1s 4d (with account of debts of £14 6s 10d)
John NEWCOME, of Gateshed (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died April 1603
Digitised material for John Newcome of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/N3
DPRI/1/1603/N3/1-2   April 1603
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1603/N4   16 July 1603
Thomas NOBLE, miller, of parish of St Margretes (Margrettes) in Duresme [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B79
Digitised material for Thomas Noble, miller of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/N4
DPRI/1/1603/N4/1   30 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/N4/2   12 July 1603
indented inventory, actual total £30 9s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 12s 10d)
endorsed: proved, 16 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/O1   9 July 1603
Isabell OSBURNE, wife of John Osburne, widow, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B190
Digitised material for Isabell Osburne, wife of John Osburne, widow of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/O1
DPRI/1/1603/O1/1   21 May 1602
DPRI/1/1603/O1/2   24 January 1603
indented inventory, actual total £13 3s 2d (with account of debts of £1 16s 11d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 9 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/P1   2 July 1603
Richard PALLEZER, of Consett of the parishe of Meddomsley [Consett, County Durham]; also spelt Pallacer
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B147
Digitised material for Richard Pallezer of Consett, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/P1
DPRI/1/1603/P1/1-2   24 May 1603
indented will
with indented inventory, 15 June 1603, actual total £34 16s
endorsed: proved, 2 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/P2   30 July 1603
Thomas PAPE, of parish of Darlington within the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B169
Digitised material for Thomas Pape of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/P2
DPRI/1/1603/P2/1   11 April 1603
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 55

DPRI/1/1603/P2/2   27 April 1603
indented inventory, actual total £25 2s 3d (with account of debts of £31 5s 4d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 55-57

endorsed: administration granted, 30 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/P3   3 November 1603
Georg PARKE, of Warton, parish of Rothburye (Rothbury) [Rothbury, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B74
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B67
Digitised material for Georg Parke of Rothbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/P3
DPRI/1/1603/P3/1   21 June 1603
endorsed: proved, 3 Nov [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/P3/2   1 November 1603
indented inventory, actual total £6 13s 4d (with account of debts of £2 12s 8d)
DPRI/1/1603/P4   1 March 1604
Thomas PIG, of Henso, parish of Haltwysle (Hawtwisell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Pigge
Henso [?Henshaw]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B42
Digitised material for Thomas Pig of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/P4
DPRI/1/1603/P4/1   undated
with inventory, actual total £5 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s)
endorsed: proved, 1 Mar [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/P5   14 January 1604
Jacob PILKINGTON, son of John Pilkington, prebendary of Durham cathedral []
address not stated
Digitised material for Jacob Pilkington, son of John Pilkington, prebendary of Durham cathedral - DPRI/1/1603/P5
DPRI/1/1603/P5/1   undated
indented inventory
Inventory of the filial portion and goods. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Jan 1604.
DPRI/1/1603/P6   20 December 1603
Jhon PILKINGTON, bachelor of divinity, archdeacon of Durham, second prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk, of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jhon Pilkington, bachelor of divinity, archdeacon of Durham, second prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/P6
DPRI/1/1603/P6/1-2   18 August 1603
DPRI/1/1603/P6/3   18 August 1603
copy will
DPRI/1/1603/P6/4   16 December 1603
commission to William Palmer, Chancellor of York, Thomas Hingston and Thomas Corner, vicars of the choir at York, to swear and examine Jonas Watterhouse, John Denton, Henry Litster of York, witnesses to the will, and who have not been able to attend court at Durham
DPRI/1/1603/P6/5   20 December 1603
certificate of execution of commission
certificate of execution of the commission at York by William Palmer; Jonas Watterhouse and John Denton having been sworn
DPRI/1/1603/P7   16 April 1603
Nehemias PILKINGTON, of parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nehemias Pilkington of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/P7
DPRI/1/1603/P7/1   3 March 1603
endorsed: proved, 16 Apr 1603; inventory not exhibited
John PRESTON, yeoman, of Walsend in the county of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B249
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B19
Digitised material for John Preston, yeoman of Wallsend, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/P8
DPRI/1/1603/P8/1   12 December 1603
DPRI/1/1603/R1   18 February 1604
Als RAWLING, Alice Rawlin, widow, of the North Shyle (Sheeles) [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Rawlinge
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B58
Digitised material for Alice Rawlin, widow of North Shields, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R1
DPRI/1/1603/R1/1-2   29 September 1603
DPRI/1/1603/R1/3   undated
inventory, actual total £5 19s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 8d)
endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1604
Robert REASLEY, miller, of Sandgate, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaslie, Reasly
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B188
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B153
Digitised material for Robert Reasley, miller of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R2
DPRI/1/1603/R2/1   6 April 1603
copy will
DPRI/1/1603/R2/2-3   4 April 1603
indented inventory, actual total £36 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 8s)
William REED, of Felton called by the name of Old Felton [Felton, Northumberland]. Died 31 December 1603
Digitised material for William Reed of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R3
DPRI/1/1603/R3/1   31 December 1603
with inventory, undated, actual total £16 9s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1)
DPRI/1/1603/R4   23 May 1603
Henrye RENWEICK, of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Renwicke
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B148
Digitised material for Henrye Renweick of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R4
DPRI/1/1603/R4/1   8 September 1602
indented will
DPRI/1/1603/R4/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £26 (with account of debts of £18 15s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 23 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/R5   6 February 1604
Antony REY, yeoman, of Berwik on the Hill in the parish of Pont Iland within the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B34
Digitised material for Antony Rey, yeoman of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R5
DPRI/1/1603/R5/1   30 September 1600
Will, endorsed with undated addition to the will; voided. Endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 6 Feb [1604].
DPRI/1/1603/R7   6 February 1604
Willyam RIDDELL, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Willyam Riddell, alderman, merchant, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R7
DPRI/1/1603/R7/1-2   27 August 1600
Subscribed: curation of four named minor children granted to Barbara Riddell, relict, ... 1603/4 (damage). Endorsed: proved, 6 Feb [1604].
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 177

DPRI/1/1603/R9   6 February 1604
Elizabeth ROBINSON, wife of George Robinson, baker and brewer, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Elizabeth Robinson, wife of George Robinson, baker and brewer, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R9
DPRI/1/1603/R9/1-2   1603
nuncupative will
Will dated about four days before Robinson's death, [on or before 23 Nov] 1603. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604].
DPRI/1/1603/R9/3   23 November 1603
inventory, actual total 17s 5d
DPRI/1/1603/R10   6 February 1604
John ROBINSON, of parish of Gatesyd (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Robinson of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/R10
DPRI/1/1603/R10/1-2   undated
endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/R11   12 August 1603
John ROBINSON, husbandman, of Mounk Seaton (Monkseaton), parish of Tynmouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B92
Digitised material for John Robinson, husbandman of Monkseaton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R11
DPRI/1/1603/R11/1   20 September 1602
endorsed: proved, 12 Aug [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/R11/2   6 May 1603
inventory, actual total £60 13s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 10d)
Thomas ROWCASTLE, of touen and parishe of Corbridge (Corbridg) [Corbridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Rowcastle of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R12
DPRI/1/1603/R12/1   4 March 1604
DPRI/1/1603/R12/2-3   25 July 1604
inventory, actual total £62 14s (with account of debts of 4s 4d)
William RYCHARDSON, yeoman, of Butterweyke (Butterwick) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Richardson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B164
Digitised material for William Rychardson, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/R6
DPRI/1/1603/R6/1   3 June 1603
subscribed with incomplete grant of probate
DPRI/1/1603/R6/2   30 June 1603
indented inventory, actual total £77 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 4s 8d)
DPRI/1/1603/R8   18 June 1603
William RYDELEYE, of parishe of Hawtwisell (Hawtwesell, Hawtwysell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Rydeley, Rydelye, Ridley
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B174
Digitised material for William Rydeleye of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/R8
DPRI/1/1603/R8/1   6 April 1603
endorsed: proved, 18 June 1603
DPRI/1/1603/R8/2   10 June 1603
indented inventory, actual total £134 1s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 5s 4d)
DPRI/1/1603/S1   13 August 1603
Lancelott SANSON, of Litlewhite in the parishe of Brancepethe (Branncepeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sansonn
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B129
Digitised material for Lancelott Sanson of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S1
DPRI/1/1603/S1/1   15 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S1/2   4 August 1603
inventory, actual total £45 17s 2d
DPRI/1/1603/S1/3   4 August 1603
copy inventory, actual total £45 17s 2d
endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Aug [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/S2   28 May 1603
James SHAWE, rector of Craike, clerk, of Crake (Craike) within the countie of palentine of Duresme and in the countie of Yorke [Crayke, Yorkshire]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B218
Digitised material for James Shawe, rector of Craike, clerk of Crayke, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1603/S2
DPRI/1/1603/S2/1   25 April 1603
indented will
DPRI/1/1603/S2/2-4   16 May 1603
indented inventory, actual total £278 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 18s 6d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 28 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/S3   12 August 1603
Agnes SIMPSON, widow, Gatesyde (Gaitsyd) in the countye of Durhame, also town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Symson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B69
Digitised material for Agnes Simpson, widow of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S3
DPRI/1/1603/S3/1-2   25 April 1603
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 12 Aug 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £19 3s 9d
William SISTERSONN, of Prwddo, parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Sisterson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B24
Digitised material for William Sistersonn of Prudhoe, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S4
DPRI/1/1603/S4/1   22 June 1603
with inventory, 22 June 1603, actual total £21 16s (with account of debts of £3 4s)
endorsed: proved
Roberte SMITH, the elder, of the Easte Grainge (Este Grange, Graynes), parish of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Smythe, Smithe
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B5
Digitised material for Roberte Smith, the elder of Durham St Giles, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S8
DPRI/1/1603/S8/1-2   11 August 1603
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1603/S8/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £19 3s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 12s)
DPRI/1/1603/S5   4 October 1603
Christopher SMITHE, petty canon of Durham cathedral, clerk, of cittie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smythe, Smith
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B108
Digitised material for Christopher Smithe, petty canon of Durham cathedral, clerk of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S5
DPRI/1/1603/S5/1-2   5 August 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S5/3-5   1 September 1603
indented inventory, actual total £56 6s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 6s)
Inventory appraised by Richard Jackeson clerk, Gilbert Spence notary public, and John Rangell and Thomas Humble singingmen. Endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Oct [1603].
DPRI/1/1603/S6   16 July 1603
Leonard SMYTH, of Chester in the parrish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B168
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B165
Digitised material for Leonard Smyth of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S6
DPRI/1/1603/S6/1   18 August 1602
DPRI/1/1603/S6/2-3   24 August 1602
indented inventory, actual total £97 19s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 11s 8d)
endorsed: goods sequestered, 15 Nov 1602; will proved, 16 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S7   7 January 1604
Richard SMYTH, of cittie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]. Died 22 December 1603
Digitised material for Richard Smyth of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/S7
DPRI/1/1603/S7/1   undated
with memorandum, undated
will, with memorandum concerning the validity of the will; administration granted to Edward Smyth, brother, 7 Jan 1604
Thomas SMYTHE, of Ovyntonn, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B37
Digitised material for Thomas Smythe of Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S9
DPRI/1/1603/S9/1   undated
with inventory, 24 September 1603, actual total £16 6s 4d (with account of debts of £4 12s 4d)
DPRI/1/1603/S10   31 October 1603
Johne SNAWDONNE, of parish of Hawtwisle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Snawdon
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B93
Digitised material for Johne Snawdonne of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S10
DPRI/1/1603/S10/1   undated
with inventory, undated, actual total £3 11s 4d (with account of debts of 6s 8d)
endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/S11   29 February 1604
William SPRAGGE, of Shilvinton of the parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B31
Digitised material for William Spragge of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S11
DPRI/1/1603/S11/1   3 October 1603
endorsed: proved, 29 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/S11/2   8 February 1604
inventory, actual total £52 0s 4d
Adam SURREY, of Scremerston, parish of Holy Eland [Scremerston, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Adam Surrey of Scremerston, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S12
DPRI/1/1603/S12/1-2   8 November 1603
with inventory, undated, actual total £7 8s 4d
DPRI/1/1603/S14   7 April 1603
James SWYNHOE, gentleman, towne of Barwick (Berwicke) uppon Twede, Berrington (Barrington) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinnoe, Swennoe, Swinowe
Will found filed with this inventory. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... with inventory; however, it is not certain the two documents refer to the same individual. Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/9 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/2 (Northumberland Visitation).
Digitised material for James Swynhoe, gentleman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S14
DPRI/1/1603/S14/1   15 January 1603
endorsed: proved, 7 Apr 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S14/2   22 April 1603
inventory, actual total £213 17s 4d
DPRI/1/1603/S13   18 May 1603
Ellen SWYNNOWE, widow, of Dunston within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Emeldon (Emelton) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynhowe, Swinhoe, Swynowe
Digitised material for Ellen Swynnowe, widow of Embleton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/S13
DPRI/1/1603/S13/1   23 February 1603
DPRI/1/1603/S13/2-3   5 April 1603
inventory, actual total £26 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 17s 4d)
endorsed: proved, 18 May 1603
DPRI/1/1603/T1   5 November 1603
Lian TALER, Lyonel Tailer, yeoman, of Stobbele (Stobbeley, Stobbeleye) within the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Tailor
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B91
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B90
Digitised material for Lyonel Tailer, yeoman of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T1
DPRI/1/1603/T1/1-2   10 October 1603
DPRI/1/1603/T1/3   29 October 1603
inventory, actual total £107 16s (with account of debts of £23 17s)
endorsed: proved, 5 Nov 1603
DPRI/1/1603/T2   28 February 1604
Robert TALYOR, of paryshe of Whittingham (Whyttingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B39
Digitised material for Robert Talyor of Whittingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/T2
DPRI/1/1603/T2/1   11 December 1603
endorsed: proved, 28 Feb [1604]
DPRI/1/1603/T2/2   20 January 1604
indented inventory, actual total £22 11s
DPRI/1/1603/T3   26 March 1603
Lorence THOMPSON, yeoman, of Ould Elvet in the paryshe of St Oswouldes in the suburbes of the cytye of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Thompsonne
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B207
Digitised material for Lorence Thompson, yeoman of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T3
DPRI/1/1603/T3/1-2   5 February 1603
DPRI/1/1603/T3/3   25 February 1603
inventory, actual total £56 10s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 18s 7d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Mar 1603
William THOMPSON, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B17
Digitised material for William Thompson of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T5
DPRI/1/1603/T5/1-2   13 October 1603
endorsed: monition issued to the children etc. to oppose the will
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 57-58

DPRI/1/1603/T5/3-4   3 November 1603
inventory, actual total £171 10s
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 58-59

DPRI/1/1603/T4   30 September 1603
Thomas THOMSON, of Hepstote in the parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B241
Digitised material for Thomas Thomson of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/T4
DPRI/1/1603/T4/1   19 August 1602
probate granted to Jane Thompson, relict and executrix; commission decreed to be issued to [?Roland] Nicholson, curate of Morpeth, to take the oath of William Duxfeild, a witness
DPRI/1/1603/T4/2   8 December 1602
inventory, actual total £70 15s 2d
endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Sep [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/T6   16 July 1603
Edwarde TODDE, of Bolam within the parishe of Gayneforthe (Gainforth) [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Tod, Todd
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B126
Digitised material for Edwarde Todde of Bolam, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T6
DPRI/1/1603/T6/1   14 June 1603
with list of debts owing to the testator of £7 3s
DPRI/1/1603/T6/2   6 July 1603
inventory, actual total £46 15s
endorsed: [will] proved, 16 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/T7   23 March 1604
Margerit TODDE, wife of Anthony Todde, of parish of Egliscleffe (Eggescliff, Eggscliff) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Todd, Toodd
For the joint inventory of Margerit Todde and her husband, see - DPRI/1/1603/T7/2
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B52
Digitised material for Margerit Todde, wife of Anthony Todde of Egglescliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T7
DPRI/1/1603/T7/1   17 December 1603
endorsed: probate granted, 23 Mar 1604
Anthonie TODDE, husband of Margerit Todde, of parish of Egliscleffe (Eggescliff, Eggscliff) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Toodd
For the will of Margerit Todde, see - DPRI/1/1603/T7/1
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B61
Digitised material for Anthonie Todde, husband of Margerit Todde of Egglescliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T7
DPRI/1/1603/T7/2   28 December 1603
indented inventory, actual total £42 17s 8d (with account of debts of £3 9s 2d)
joint inventory of Anthony Todde and his wife Margaret Todde
DPRI/1/1603/T8   30 July 1603
Robart TOMPSON, of parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Tomson, Thompson. Died 31 May 1603
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B167
Digitised material for Robart Tompson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T8
DPRI/1/1603/T8/1-2   2 January 1603
DPRI/1/1603/T8/3   2 July 1603
inventory, actual total £56 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 8s 5d)
DPRI/1/1603/T8/4   2 July 1603
indented copy inventory, actual total £56 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 8s 5d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 30 July [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/T9   3 December 1603
William TREWHAT, of Hetten the Hole, parish of Howghton (Houghton) in the Springe [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Trewhett
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B101
Digitised material for William Trewhat of Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/T9
DPRI/1/1603/T9/1-2   8 August 1603
probate granted to Jane Trewhat, relict, to whom was also granted the tuition of Christopher Trewhat, son
DPRI/1/1603/T9/3   undated
inventory, actual total £63 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 0s 2d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Dec [1603]
Johne USHER, of Humshaughe, parish of Simondburne [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wsher
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B257
Digitised material for Johne Usher of Humshaugh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/U1
DPRI/1/1603/U1/1   25 June 1603
endorsed: ask for the inventory
John WADSON, yeoman, of parishe of Sainct Johns within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Waidson, Waidsonne, Waydsonne
Digitised material for John Wadson, yeoman of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/W1
DPRI/1/1603/W1/1   22 December 1603
DPRI/1/1603/W1/2-5   10 May 1604
inventory, actual total £27 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 15s 4d)
DPRI/1/1603/W2   11 August 1603
Rycharde WALLESSE, of parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Walles
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B256
Digitised material for Rycharde Wallesse of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1603/W2
DPRI/1/1603/W2/1   3 February 1603
endorsed: proved, 11 Aug 1603
DPRI/1/1603/W2/2   13 February 1603
inventory, actual total £9 15s 4d (with account of debts of £7 5s 10d)
DPRI/1/1603/W3   28 May 1603
Christofor WALTON, of Harttoborne (Hartoborne, Hartoburne) in Wardaile within the cowenty palintin of Durhame, parish of Stanhop (Stanhope) [Stanhope, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B217
Digitised material for Christofor Walton of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W3
DPRI/1/1603/W3/1-2   1603
Probate granted to Margaret Walton, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Jane Walton, daughter, co-executor. Endorsed: proved, 28 May [1603].
DPRI/1/1603/W3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £53 9s 10d (with account of debts of £4 11s 8d)
DPRI/1/1603/W3/4   undated
indented copy inventory, actual total £53 9s 10d (with account of debts of £4 11s 8d)
Isabell WARDE, widow, of Blackwell in the countye of Durham, parish of Darlington [Blackwell, County Durham]
Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Inventory - the latter is not present.
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B85
Digitised material for Isabell Warde, widow of Blackwell, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W4
DPRI/1/1603/W4/1   1 September 1603
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 59-60

DPRI/1/1603/W5   14 May 1603
Robart WATSON, yeoman, of parish of Bushopwermoth (Bishop Wermouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Died 6 May 1603
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B210
Digitised material for Robart Watson, yeoman of Bishopwearmouth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W5
DPRI/1/1603/W5/1-2   4 May 1603
endorsed: proved, 14 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/W5/3   undated
inventory, actual total £255 18s 10d (with account of debts of £70 6s 7d)
inventory of goods etc. at Ryhope and Bishopwearmouth
DPRI/1/1603/W5/4   undated
indented copy inventory, actual total £255 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £78 17s 3d)
inventory of goods etc. at Ryhope and Bishopwearmouth
DPRI/1/1603/W7   30 July 1603
William WATSON, yeoman, of the Mannor (Manor) House in the parishe of Lanchester within the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B76
Digitised material for William Watson, yeoman of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W7
DPRI/1/1603/W7/1   3 July 1603
endorsed: proved, 30 July 1603
DPRI/1/1603/W6   7 May 1603
Roger WATSONNE, carpenter, of parrissh of Chester in the Street in the countye of Durisme [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Watson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B211
Digitised material for Roger Watsonne, carpenter of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W6
DPRI/1/1603/W6/1   27 March 1603
endorsed: proved, 7 May [1603]
DPRI/1/1603/W6/2   4 April 1603
indented inventory, actual total £33 1s 8d (with account of debts of £2 7s 8d)
DPRI/1/1603/W8   3 December 1603
Richard WATTER, of Morden in the parish of Sedgefeild (Sedgefeld) [Morden, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B255
Digitised material for Richard Watter of Morden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W8
DPRI/1/1603/W8/1   13 August 1603
endorsed: proved, 3 Dec 1603
DPRI/1/1603/W8/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £75 0s 8d (with account of debts of 10s and more)
Edmonde WILSON, of the Loinenge Heade in Teasdell within the countie of Duresme, parish of Middleton in Teasdaill [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edmonde Wilson of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W9
DPRI/1/1603/W9/1-2   21 September 1602
will dated at head, 9 Mar 1602; republished, 21 Sep 1602
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 179

DPRI/1/1603/W9/3   18 October 1602
inventory, actual total £69 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 9s)
DPRI/1/1603/W10   3 October 1603
John WILSON, of parish of Midelton (Middleton) in Teisdell [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Wilsonn
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B238
Digitised material for John Wilson of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W10
DPRI/1/1603/W10/1   20 April 1602
with list of debts owing by the testator of £4 14s 2d
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 183

DPRI/1/1603/W10/2   undated
inventory, actual total £37 13s 4d
Dated, 11 June 160... (damage). Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Oct 1603.
John WOOD, of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Wood of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1603/W12
indented inventory
inventory includes £475 12s of 'warrentes and tickettes oweinge by John Wood' for the half-year ending 29 Sep 1603, and £483 1s 9d of 'warrentes derected to the bringer and Tickettes'
DPRI/1/1603/W11   15 October 1603
John WYLSON, yeoman, of Brafferton (Brasserton) in the countie of Durhame [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Wilson
bond: DPRI/3/1603/B86
Digitised material for John Wylson, yeoman of Aycliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1603/W11
DPRI/1/1603/W11/1   26 December 1602
indented will
endorsed: proved, 15 Oct 1603
DPRI/1/1603/W11/2   12 January 1603
indented inventory, actual total £212 10s (with account of debts of £12 13s 4d)
Wills etc proved 1604
Reference: DPRI/1/1604
Nicholas ADAMES [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Adams. Died 13 June 1604
address drawn from index (DPRI/7)
Digitised material for Nicholas Adames of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/A1
DPRI/1/1604/A1/1-2   15 June 1604
Robert AKENSIDE, of chappelrie of St Andrews, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Akenside of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/A2
DPRI/1/1604/A2/1   4 October 1604
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1604/A3   10 April 1604
Robert ANDROE, younger, of Chester in the Street of the parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Andrewe
Digitised material for Robert Androe, the younger, of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/A3
DPRI/1/1604/A3/1   19 January 1604
endorsed: proved, [?10] Apr 1604
DPRI/1/1604/A3/2   8 March 1604
inventory, actual total £36 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 19s 2d)
Richard ANGUS, of Dilston of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Angus, of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/A4
DPRI/1/1604/A4/1   25 December 1604
endorsed: ask for the inventory
Henrie BAINBRIGE, of parish of Middleton in Teasdale (Teasdaill) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigg, Bainbridge
An inventory for £14 6s 8d was exhibited by Philipp Bainbrigg, one of the next of kin and who had claimed administration: £7 of the discharge was paid to Philipp Bainbrigg at the order of the judge.
Digitised material for Henrie Bainbrige, of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B1
DPRI/1/1604/B1/1   undated
account of Anne Turner, cousin and administratrix; admitted, 18 Aug 1604
Persevell BAMBRIDGE, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge
bond: DPRI/3/1604/B250
Digitised material for Persevell Bambridge, of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B2
DPRI/1/1604/B2/1   11 October 1603
DPRI/1/1604/B2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £9 9s (with account of debts of £4 6s 2d)
DPRI/1/1604/B3   14 May 1604
Sara BARKER, one of the daughters of Robert Barker of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and alderman, deceased, spinster, of parishe of St Nicholas of [the] towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Sara Barker, daughter of Robert Barker, merchant and alderman, deceased, spinster, of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B3
DPRI/1/1604/B3/1-3   2 March 1604
endorsed: proved, 14 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/B3/4   21 July 1604
inventory, actual total £572 15s 6d
inventory of the goods, filial portion, and legacy from the will of the deceased's uncle John Marche
Cuthbert BAXTER, gentleman, of towen and parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Cuthbert Baxter, gentleman, of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B4
DPRI/1/1604/B4/1   10 March 1602
DPRI/1/1604/B4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £54 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34)
DPRI/1/1604/B5   9 March 1605
Johne BEAMONDE, of parishe of Satleye (Satley) [Satley, County Durham]; also spelt Beammon
Digitised material for Johne Beamonde, of Satley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B5
DPRI/1/1604/B5/1   2 February 1605
endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1605]
DPRI/1/1604/B5/2   5 March 1605
indented inventory, actual total £95 16s 8d
Edward BELL, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Edward Bell, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B6
DPRI/1/1604/B6/1   4 July 1604
indented will
[witnesses sworn], Feb 1605
DPRI/1/1604/B6/2   25 January 1605
inventory, actual total £11 3s 6d (with account of debts of 4s)
Henry BRAFFERTON, yeoman, of Seaton Carew in the countie of Durham, parish of Strainton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Henry Brafferton, yeoman, of Seaton Carew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B7
DPRI/1/1604/B7/1   8 November 1604
indented will
endorsed: [cancelled: proved, 12 Jan 1605]; inventory not exhibited; proved in common form and now proved in [?solemn] legal form; voided because administration was granted later; with interrogatories
DPRI/1/1604/B8   14 March 1605
Jhon BROWNE, of Longhowgton (Longhowghton, Longhoughton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
Digitised material for Jhon Browne, of Longhoughton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B8
DPRI/1/1604/B8/1   8 November 1604
with inventory, 27 February 1605, actual total £9 18s 8d (with account of debts of £1 16s 8d)
probate granted to Jaine Browne, relict, 14 Mar 1605
DPRI/1/1604/B9   9 March 1605
Myles BUCKE, of Barmeton within the parishe of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
Digitised material for Myles Bucke, of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B9
DPRI/1/1604/B9/1   28 March 1604
DPRI/1/1604/B9/2-3   10 April 1604
indented inventory, actual total £504 13s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £415 17s 4d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 9 Mar 1605
DPRI/1/1604/B10   12 January 1605
Richard BULMAN, shipwright, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Bulman, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B10
DPRI/1/1604/B10/1   22 November 1603
indented will
endorsed: proved, 12 Jan 1605
DPRI/1/1604/B10/2   10 January 1605
indented inventory, actual total £161 2s 9d (with account of debts of £60 9s 6d)
DPRI/1/1604/B11   16 June 1604
John BURNOPP, of perishe of St Ellinge Auckland (chapelry of Awckland St Helen, Ellen) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Burnope
Digitised material for John Burnopp, of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/B11
DPRI/1/1604/B11/1   10 January 1604
endorsed: proved, 16 June 1604
DPRI/1/1604/B11/2   8 June 1604
inventory, actual total £46 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s 8d)
John BUTLER, merchant, of parishe of St Nicholas of the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1604/B229
Digitised material for John Butler, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/B12
DPRI/1/1604/B12/2   6 April 1604
indented inventory
endorsed: sequestration granted to Grace Selby widow, former wife of the deceased, 13 Apr 1604
DPRI/1/1604/B12/1   undated
account, actual total £66 18s 6d (with discharge of £74 5s 10d)
Account of Christopher Clewgh, administrator. Subscribed: Robert Rokebye (Rookebie), creditor, to object against [the account].
DPRI/1/1604/C1   10 May 1604
George CARTER, of parishe of Gainforde (Gainforth) [Gainford, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Carter, of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/C1
DPRI/1/1604/C1/1   30 March 1604
witnesses sworn, 10 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/C1/2   25 April 1604
inventory, actual total £144 2s 7d
endorsed: [will] proved, 10 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/C2   27 August 1604
Raphe CHAPMAN, yeoman, of chapelry of Readmyers (Readmyers, Readmiers, Read Miers) of the parish of Witton upon Weere (Were) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raphe Chapman, yeoman, of Witton-le-Wear, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/C2
DPRI/1/1604/C2/1   19 June 1604
DPRI/1/1604/C2/3   20 June 1604
inventory, actual total £27 8s 1d
DPRI/1/1604/C2/2   25 August 1604
commission to Robert Wilkinson, curate of Witton-le-Wear, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Chapman, relict and sole executrix, she being unable to attend court, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wylkynson, 27 Aug 1604
Belles CHARLTONN, daughter of James Charltonn, Greasteade, chapelry of Bellingham [Greystead, Northumberland; Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton
Digitised material for Belles Charltonn, daughter of James Charltonn, of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/C3
DPRI/1/1604/C3/1   20 January 1605
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 3

DPRI/1/1604/C3/2   20 January 1605
inventory, actual total £7 2s 6d
Margarett CLEWGHE, wife of Peter Clewgh of Newcastle upon Tyne, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Margarett Clewghe, wife of Peter Clewgh, shipwright, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/C4
DPRI/1/1604/C4/1   18 November 1603
endorsed: proved
George COATES, of Hauxley within the parishe of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Coats
Digitised material for George Coates, of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/C5
DPRI/1/1604/C5/1   4 February 1605
DPRI/1/1604/C5/2-3   4 February 1605
copy will
DPRI/1/1604/C5/4   10 March 1605
inventory, actual total £76 9s (and more)
DPRI/1/1604/C5/5   10 March 1605
copy inventory, actual total £76 9s (and more)
DPRI/1/1604/C6   20 April 1604
James COOKE, of parish of Bolame (Bolam) [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Cook
Digitised material for James Cooke, of Bolam, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/C6
DPRI/1/1604/C6/1-2   4 December 1595
DPRI/1/1604/C6/3-4   4 December 1595
copy will
endorsed: administration granted to Joshua Delevale gentleman, 20 Apr [1604]
John CRADOCK, the elder, of parish of Gaynford (Gainforth) in the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Cradocke
Digitised material for John Cradock, the elder, of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/C7
DPRI/1/1604/C7/1   14 June 1604
endorsed: not proved
DPRI/1/1604/C7/2-3   14 June 1604
copy will
With marginal note: ingrossed, not proved. Endorsed: the copy of my fathers will.
DPRI/1/1604/C8   26 May 1604
Margaret CROWE, widow, of parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Margaret Crowe, widow, of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/C8
DPRI/1/1604/C8/1   10 May 1604
endorsed: proved, 26 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/C8/2   undated
inventory, actual total £14
DPRI/1/1604/C9   14 May 1604
Richard CUTTER, of Angertonne of the parish of Hartbourne (Hartburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Cutter, of Hartburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/C9
DPRI/1/1604/C9/1   10 February 1604
endorsed: proved, 14 May [1604]
DPRI/1/1604/C9/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £33 17s 4d
DPRI/1/1604/D1   25 May 1604
Leonarde DACKE, yeoman, of Cockerton within the county of Durham, parish of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Dack
Digitised material for Leonarde Dacke, yeoman, of Cockerton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/D1
DPRI/1/1604/D1/1   2 April 1604
probate granted to Agnes Dacke and Margaret Dacke, executors, with a power reserved to Grace Dacke, co-executor; the said Grace Dacke elected Ralfe Blackwell as her curator; inventory exhibited; Mathewe Dacke, son aged 16, elected Richard Smith as his tutor (unopposed), 25 May 1604
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 60-61

DPRI/1/1604/D1/2   19 May 1604
indented inventory, actual total £108 0s 8d
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 61-62

DPRI/1/1604/D2   6 October 1604
John DAVISON, weaver, of Ryop (Ryopp) in the parishe of Bishop Wermoth (Wermouth) in the countie of Durhame [Ryhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Davison, weaver, of Ryhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/D2
DPRI/1/1604/D2/1   6 August 1604
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 6 Oct 1604
DPRI/1/1604/D2/2   4 October 1604
inventory, actual total £27 6s 4d
James DAVYE, of Snitter within the parish of Rothburye (Rothburie) [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Davie
Digitised material for James Davye of Rothbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/D3
DPRI/1/1604/D3/1   11 December 1602
with inventory, undated, actual total £12 4s 4d
endorsed: not issued; 'copie this & carye it to Alnewick the next Court & cite thexecutor & next of kin'
DPRI/1/1604/D3/2   undated
court documents
with copy will, 11 December 1602
with copy inventory, undated, actual total £13 5s 4d
Incomplete court document issued by Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, to John Davye, blood relative, with copy will and inventory subscribed. Endorsed: proved.
DPRI/1/1604/D4   19 January 1605
Henrye DAWSON, son of George Dawson of Mainsforth, labourer, of Fysheburne (Fysshborne, Fyssheborne) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeilde [Fishburn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Henrye Dawson, son of George Dawson labourer, of Fishburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/D4
DPRI/1/1604/D4/1   19 April 1596
Witnesses sworn, 19 Jan 1605. Endorsed: provedm, 19 Jan [1605].
DPRI/1/1604/D4/2   1 January 1597
indented inventory, actual total £12
inventory of the deceased's filial portion, due to him by the will of his father George Dawson of Mainsforth
Henrye DOD, of Bellingham in the parishe of Symonnbourne (Symondburn, Simonburn) [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
Digitised material for Henrye Dod, of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/D5
DPRI/1/1604/D5/1-4   8 November 1604
with inventory, 12 December 1604, actual total £220 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 15s)
DPRI/1/1604/D5/5   8 November 1604
copy will
William FAIRBARNE, labourer, of parishe of All Hallowes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Fairbarn
Digitised material for William Fairbarne, labourer, of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/D6
DPRI/1/1604/D6/1-2   31 October 1604
DPRI/1/1604/D6/3-4   20 November 1604
inventory, actual total £8 18s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s)
Robert FENWICK, husband of Barbarie Fenwick, of North Gosforth within the parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [North Gosforth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Fenwick, husband of Barbarie Fenwick, of North Gosforth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/F1
DPRI/1/1604/F1/1   undated
account of Barbarie Fenwick, relict
Robert FISHER, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints. For the inventory of Fisher's son William Fisher, see - DPRI/1/1606/F2/1
Digitised material for Robert Fisher, of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/F2
DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2   23 January 1605
Thomas FLEATHAM, yeoman, of chapelry of Stockton within the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Fletham
Digitised material for Thomas Fleatham, yeoman, of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/F3
DPRI/1/1604/F3/1   22 October 1603
endorsed: 'one part hereof sent with a commission to Mr Rand to take the wedowes oath & bond, but not as yet returned, which must be cal[le]d for'
DPRI/1/1604/F3/2   24 November 1603
inventory, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of 7s 10d)
DPRI/1/1604/F3/3   24 November 1603
copy inventory, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of 7s 10d)
Nicholas FREND, the elder, cordwainer, of Gaitshead (Gateshed, Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Frend, the elder, cordwainer, of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/F4
DPRI/1/1604/F4/1   12 April 1604
DPRI/1/1604/F4/2   29 August 1604
inventory, actual total £33 3s 4d (with account of debts of £8 7s 2d)
DPRI/1/1604/G1   30 June 1604
Richard GASKEN, of the Hallyards within the parishe of Ovinghame [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gaskenn
Digitised material for Richard Gasken of Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/G1
DPRI/1/1604/G1/1-2   14 May 1604
nuncupative will
with inventory, 4 June 1604, actual total £77 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £36 3s 4d)
endorsed: proved, 30 June [1604]
DPRI/1/1604/G2   20 October 1604
John GODDERSON, of Pelton in the parish of Chester [Pelton, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Godderson of Pelton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/G2
DPRI/1/1604/G2/1   23 July 1604
endorsed: proved, 20 Oct 1604
DPRI/1/1604/G2/2   14 September 1604
inventory, actual total £111 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 16s 2d)
Margratt GRAYE, wife of John Graye of Newcaslte upon Tyne, draper, widow, of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie, Gray
Digitised material for Margratt Graye, wife of John Gray, draper, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/G3
DPRI/1/1604/G3/1-3   28 August 1604
Inventory includes goods etc. at Newbiggin. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1604/G4   24 November 1604
Symond GRYC, yeoman, of Bushop Auckland (Awcklande, Aukland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Grice
Digitised material for Symond Gryc, yeoman, of Bishop Auckland, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/G4
DPRI/1/1604/G4/1-2   28 November 1603
with inventory, 20 November 1604, actual total £54
endorsed: proved, 24 Nov [1604]
Nycholas HEDLEY, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Nycholas Hedley, merchant, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/H1
DPRI/1/1604/H1/1   17 January 1604
DPRI/1/1604/H1/2   21 March 1604
DPRI/1/1604/H1/3-6   25 April 1604
inventory, actual total £118 11s 6d
with inventory, 26 April 1604, actual total £239 15s
(1) inventory of goods etc. at Newcastle upon Tyne; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Lintz Green. Endorsed: ask for the will.
John HEDWORTH, gentleman, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Hedworth, gentleman, of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/H2
DPRI/1/1604/H2/1   29 March 1604
endorsed: administration granted
Dorety HERRESON, spinster, of towen of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harreson
Digitised material for Dorety Herreson, spinster, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/H3
DPRI/1/1604/H3/1-2   7 December 1602
endorsed: exhibited on the part of Thomas Nicholson; proved
DPRI/1/1604/H3/3   undated
interrogatories of George Elleson and Agnes Elleson, next of kin, to the witnesses on the part of Thomas Nicholson
Isabell HINDMERS, spinster, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindners, Hyndmers
Hindmers made her will 'beinge Afrayed of the visitacion in which my mother [Agnes Bowrye] now is departed'.
Digitised material for Isabell Hindmers, spinster, of tNewcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/H4
DPRI/1/1604/H4/1-2   30 August 1603
with certificate, 1 September 1603
Will, with certificate of livery of seisin of a burgage in the north end of the Forestreet in Sandgate, Newcastle, devised by Hindmers to Thomas Clewghe.
DPRI/1/1604/H4/3   6 October 1603
indented inventory, actual total £7 15s 10d
John HODGSHON, husband of Margaret Hodgshon, yeoman, of Eggleston (Egelstonn) in the parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teisdell) in the countie of Durham [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon, Hodgeon
The Hodgshons died of the plague: children are also mentioned.
Digitised material for John Hodgshon, husband of Margaret Hodgshon, yeoman, of Eggleston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/H5
DPRI/1/1604/H5/1   28 October 1604
nuncupative will
joint will of John Hodgshon and his wife Margaret Hodgshon
DPRI/1/1604/H5/2   26 November 1604
inventory, actual total £25 19s 6d
appraised on 26 Nov 1604 and 4 Feb 1605
DPRI/1/1604/K1   1 February 1605
Richard KELL, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Kell, tailor, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/K1
DPRI/1/1604/K1/1-2   15 September 1595
probate granted to Margaret Kell, relict and co-executor, 1 Feb 1605
DPRI/1/1604/L1   12 January 1605
Christofer LEWEN, esquire, of Hetton in the Hole in the countie of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Springe [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Lewin
Digitised material for Christofer Lewen, esquire, of Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/L1
DPRI/1/1604/L1/1   26 September 1604
endorsed: proved, 12 Jan 1605
DPRI/1/1604/L1/3   undated
schedule of legatees
schedule of legatees 'such as is sett downe betwixte my wiff and me'; formerley attached to the will
DPRI/1/1604/L1/2   3 December 1604
indented inventory, actual total £96 2s 2d
Henry MARSHALL, of the Bille Rawe [Brancepeth, County Durham]
The documents' Christian and regnal dates are inconsistent: 1603 (regnal) or 1604.
Digitised material for Henry Marshall, of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/M2
DPRI/1/1604/M2/1   4 September 1604
DPRI/1/1604/M2/2   21 October 1604
inventory, actual total £106 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 7d)
This inventory was found partly sewn up, evidently to cover up entries which were repeated at the end.
DPRI/1/1604/M1   12 May 1604
Chrystobelle MAYNESFORTH, spinster, of parish of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeilde, Sedgfield) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Mainsforth
Digitised material for Chrystobelle Maynesforth, spinster, of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/M1
DPRI/1/1604/M1/1   27 February 1604
indented will
endorsed: proved, 12 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/M1/2   20 April 1604
indented inventory, actual total £10 11s 5d
Isabell OGLE, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Isabell Ogle, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/O2
DPRI/1/1604/O2/1   1 June 1602
endorsed: 'the Coppye of Mrs Ogle hir will'
DPRI/1/1604/O2/2-3   20 September 1604
inventory, actual total £72 19s 4d
endorsed with further inventory [?of debts] of £20 6s 8d
Cuthbert OGLEE, gentleman, of parish of Long Horsley (Longhorsley, Longehorsley) and in the countie of Northumberlande [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogle
Digitised material for Cuthbert Oglee, gentleman, of Longhorsley, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/O1
DPRI/1/1604/O1/1   1 December 1603
indented will
DPRI/1/1604/O1/2   1604
indented inventory, actual total £49 9s 8d
Raphe PATISON, yeoman, of Hampsterley (Hamsterly) within the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Pattison
Digitised material for Raphe Patison, yeoman, of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/O3
DPRI/1/1604/O3/1   17 March 1604
with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 2s
DPRI/1/1604/O3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £120 9s 8d
inventory total includes the £5 4s of debts subscribed to the will
DPRI/1/1604/P1   1 December 1604
Thomas PEARSON, of parish of Whickham within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Pearson, of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/P1
DPRI/1/1604/P1/1   10 December 1604
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 13 February 1607
with indented inventory, 23 November 1613, actual total £193 1s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 6s 8d)
Inventory includes the funeral expenses of Pearson's wife. Items were added to the debts owing to the deceased by his administrator James WIlkinson in 1607 and 1613. Subscribed: exhibited, 25 Jan 1605; the administrator was directed to complete the inventory by a certain date. Endorsed: administration granted, 1 Dec [1604].
DPRI/1/1604/R1   18 June 1604
Sir William REEDE, knight, of Fenham in the parish of Holie Ilande (Holye Iland) within the countie palentine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade, Reed
Digitised material for Sir William Reede, knight, of Holy Island, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/R1
DPRI/1/1604/R1/1   2 June 1604
endorsed: proved, 18 June 1604
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 2-3

DPRI/1/1604/R1/2-7   21 June 1604
with inventory, 28 June 1604, actual total £447 16s 4d
Inventory of household goods etc. and other goods at Holy Island, Fenham, Lowlin and Lameden [Lemington]. Page order: 1604/R1/2 (right), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2 (left).
DPRI/1/1604/R2   23 February 1605
Rowland RUTLISH, yeoman, Cold Rowlie (Rowley) in the parish of Mugleswicke, Crosegaite in the suburbes of the cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Muggleswick, County Durham; Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Rutledge. Died October 1604
Rutlish died 18 months after the making of his will. See DPRI/4/9 ff.306 and 309 (9 and 23 Feb 1605): probate granted to Alice Rutlish, relict, and inventory exhibited.
Digitised material for Rowland Rutlish, yeoman of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/R2
DPRI/1/1604/R2/1   26 April 1603
nuncupative will
administration granted to Allice Rutlish, relict
DPRI/1/1604/R2/2   15 January 1605
inventory, actual total £30 5s 6d (with account of debts of £8 15s 4d)
endorsed: administration granted, 23 Feb [1605]
DPRI/1/1604/S1   22 June 1605
Gracs SALTONSTALL, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Grace, Saltingstall
Digitised material for Gracs Saltonstall, widow, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/S1
DPRI/1/1604/S1/1-2   16 October 1604
endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605 [sic]
DPRI/1/1604/S1/3   16 October 1604
inventory, actual total £49 6s 3d
Elsabeth SHAFTO, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe
Digitised material for Elsabeth Shafto, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/S2
DPRI/1/1604/S2/1-2   19 January 1604
Elizabeth SMYTH, widow, of North Bailey in the citie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
Smyth made her will when infected with the plague.
Digitised material for Elizabeth Smyth, widow, of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/S4
DPRI/1/1604/S4/1   8 November 1604
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1604/S4/2   8 November 1604
copy nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1604/S3   5 May 1604
Cuthbert SMYTHE, yeoman, of Nether Cunsley, parish of Connscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
Digitised material for Cuthbert Smythe, yeoman, of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/S3
DPRI/1/1604/S3/1   18 April 1604
endorsed: proved, 5 May 1604
DPRI/1/1604/S3/2-3   26 April 1604
indented inventory, actual total £264 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 10s 8d)
Roberte STORER, of Thropton [Thropton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Roberte Storer, of Thropton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/S5
DPRI/1/1604/S5/1   24 September 1599
Thomas TOMSON, of towen (parish) of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Tomsson, Thompson
Digitised material for Thomas Tomson of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/T1
DPRI/1/1604/T1/1-2   20 September 1602
with codicil, 20 September 1602
with nuncupative codicil, 20 September 1602
with inventory, undated, actual total £1 18s (and more, with account of debts of 12s 8d)
inventory of goods is unvalued
George WALBIE, husbandman, of Neitherbouston (Bouston) in the parish of Warkworth and in the countye of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for George Walbie, husbandman, of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/W1
DPRI/1/1604/W1/1-2   July 1604
date in July 1604 uncertain (damage).Probate granted by John Ladiman, clerk, to William Walbie, sole executor.
DPRI/1/1604/W1/3   10 March 1605
inventory, actual total £9 3s 4d (with account of debts of £11 0s 2d)
DPRI/1/1604/W2   15 March 1605
Raiphe WALLIS, gentleman, of parish of Balmebrough (Balmbrough, Bambro) within the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Raiphe Wallis, gentleman, of Bamburgh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/W2
DPRI/1/1604/W2/1   6 January 1604
inventory, actual total £38 13s 4d
Subscribed with (fragmentary) memorandum relating to Allice ... and certain goods 'after given by Thomas Rokebye'. Endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Mar [1605].
DPRI/1/1604/W3   18 August 1604
Gyles WEATHERILL, of chapelry of Stockton upon Tease in the countye of Duresme [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Wetherell, Weatherell
Digitised material for Gyles Weatherill of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/W3
DPRI/1/1604/W3/1   12 July 1604
endorsed: proved, 18 Aug 1604
DPRI/1/1604/W3/2-3   12 July 1604
typescript copy will
Janet WHELDON, of parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Janet Wheldon of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/W4
DPRI/1/1604/W4/1   23 February 1605
DPRI/1/1604/W4/2   10 March 1605
inventory, actual total 6s 4d
DPRI/1/1604/W4/3   10 March 1605
copy inventory, actual total 6s 4d
DPRI/1/1604/Y1   9 June 1604
Henrie YOUNGER, yeoman, of the Hole Rawe, chapelrie of Shotley in the countie of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]. Died February 1598
Younger's wife Agnes had formerly been married to John Byerley and Roger Hopper, and latterly married George Atthie. The inventory refers to monies in the hands of George Atthie, the 'late' father-in-law of Robert Younger alias Hopper the illegitimate son of the deceased. Robert Younger is the only legatee named in the will, and which will is witnessed by his wife Agnes Younger among others: as the depositions (DDR/EJ/CCA/1/7 ff.296-298) make clear, Robert Younger's claim to any property was endangered both by his illegitmacy and by the existence of a younger legitimate brother 'sick in a cradle' and at the time of making the will thought likely to die; no further reference to this younger brother has been found. Henry Younger died about a week after making his will. His widow had married George Atthie (by July 1602) and then predeceased him (before 9 June 1604; hence the description of Atthie as 'late' father-in-law), and promises alleged to have been made by Atthie prior to this marriage are also described in the depositions of the witnesses to Henry Younger's will. See Probate Act Books: (1) DPRI/4/9 f.174: administration of the goods not yet administered of Robert Younger of Wolsingham [?father of Henry Younger] granted to Agnes Atthie, wife of George Atthie, for the use of Frances Younger, daughter of Henry Younger the son of Robert Younger; and inventory (£18) exhibited, 10 July 1602; (2) f.239v: blank entry with marginal heading relating to the curation of Frances Younger [daughter] and Robert Younger / Hopper, 26 Nov 1603; (3) f.262: Robert Younger, aged 14, elects as curators Hugo Hopper and John Richardson, with the consent of [his cousin] John Hopper, and the curators are monished to exhibit an inventory, 21 Apr 1604; (4) ff.264, 265, 267, 270v-271: in an office cause (May-June 1604) promoted against George Atthie by Hugo Hopper and John Richardson, Atthie is declared contumacious and the will is proved and administration of the goods not administered during the lifetime of Agnes Atthie is granted to Hopper and Richardson for the use of Robert Younger / Hopper, illegitimate son; an inventory already having been exhibited, 9 June 1604; [an inventory of Henry Younger (£118 0s 8d) is referred to in Atthie's 1607 account]; (5) f.394: Frances Younger, aged 13, elects her cousin John Hopper of Muggleswick and George Atthie as her curators, and the curators are monished to exhibit an inventory, 18 July 1606; (6) f.408v: in an office cause to exhibit an inventory, an inventory of the goods of Frances Younger (£20) is exhibited by John Hopper and George Atthie, 4 Oct 1606; (7) DPRI/4/10 f.11v (19 June 1607): (a) office cause to render an account of the administration of the estates of John Byerley and Roger Hopper promoted against George Atthye by Cuthbert Hopper son and William Hopper the husband of Margaret Hopper daughter, George Atthye exhibits the account, a copy of which is decreed to be delivered to the other parties; (b) office cause to render an account of the administration of the goods of Henry Younger promoted by George Atthye v John Hopper and others; (c) office cause, John Hopper, tutor, to render an account of the goods of his charge Frances Younger, daughter of Henry Younger; (8) f.14 (3 July 1607): (a) account of Frances Younger exhibited; (b) Byerley / Hopper office cause continues; (9) f.19 (31 July 1607): office cause to render an account of the administration of the goods of Roger Hopper promoted by William Hopper v George Atthye; (10) f.36-36v ([28] Nov 1607): office cause to render Atthye's account of the administration of the goods of Roger Hopper and Henry Younger; a long but damaged entry, and which appears to conclude the matter with the issue of letters testimonial upon Atthye's account. [The indexes for Probate Act Books 9 and 10 are defective, and further entries probably exist.] For the 1607 account, submitted by George Atthie, see - DPRI/1/1607/H11/1-2
Digitised material for Henrie Younger, yeoman, of Shotley, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1604/Y1
DPRI/1/1604/Y1/1   12 February 1598
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 9 June [1604]
DPRI/1/1604/Y1/2   29 June 1604
inventory, actual total £53
Inventory of goods etc. not yet administered and dew to Robert Younger alias Hopper, illegitimate son. [The will relates that Robert Younger was born before the marriage but after the marriage contract of the deceased and his wife Agnes, and the inventory reflects his father's doubts that his copyhold property could be devised to him, but that his leasehold might be safely bequeathed. This inventory is of Robert Younger's portion, rather than of Henry Younger's entire personal estate. The account records Henry Younger's estate was inventoried (£118 0s 8d), but which inventory has not been found.]
DPRI/1/1604/Y2   19 January 1605
Henrie YOUNGER, of Streat Yeate within the countie of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Henrie Younger of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1604/Y2
DPRI/1/1604/Y2/1   2 October 1604
indented inventory
administration granted, with the consent of Jane Younger daughter, to Eleanor Younger, relict, 19 Jan 1605
Wills etc proved 1605
Reference: DPRI/1/1605
John ALLANSON, alias Whaites, of St Hellen Auckland (St Ellen Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Allonsonne
Digitised material for John Allanson, alias Whaites of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/A1
DPRI/1/1605/A1/1   30 May 1605
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1605/A1/2   30 May 1605
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1605/A1/3   11 June 1605
inventory, actual total £15 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 11s)
DPRI/1/1605/A2   1 February 1606
Thomas ALLINSON, of the Overspenn within the parishe of Riton (Ryton) [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson
Digitised material for Thomas Allinson of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/A2
DPRI/1/1605/A2/1   20 November 1605
endorsed: proved, 1 Feb [1606]
DPRI/1/1605/A2/2   3 December 1605
indented inventory, actual total £57 6s 11d
Henry ANDERSON, esquire, of Heswell (Haswell) Grange in the countie of Durhame [Haswell, County Durham]
Digitised material for Henry Anderson, esquire of Haswell, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/A3
DPRI/1/1605/A3/1-3   1 August 1605
DPRI/1/1605/A4   15 March 1606
John APPLEBEE, of Barefoote on the More within the parishe of Winston [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Applebie, Appleby, Applebe
Digitised material for John Applebee of Winston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/A4
DPRI/1/1605/A4/1   12 September 1605
with codicil, 17 October 1605
endorsed: proved, 15 Mar 1606
DPRI/1/1605/A4/2   19 October 1605
indented inventory, actual total £239 13s 4d
Bartraim ATCHESONE, cutler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcheson, Atkinson
Digitised material for Bartraim Atchesone, cutler of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/A5
DPRI/1/1605/A5/1   15 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/A5/2-3   19 June 1605
inventory, actual total £14 0s 10d
James ATKINSON, husbandman, of Harton within the countie of Duresme [Harton, County Durham]; also spelt Atkingson
Digitised material for James Atkinson, husbandman of Harton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/A6
DPRI/1/1605/A6/1   25 August 1605
DPRI/1/1605/A6/2-3   30 September 1605
indented inventory, actual total £164 3s 4d (with account of debts of £56 6s 6d)
Jerret BALYE, yeoman, of parish of Tynemouthe (Tynemouth, Tinmouth) within the cowntie of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Bailey
Digitised material for Jerret Balye, yeoman of Tynemouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/B2
DPRI/1/1605/B2/1   22 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/B1   16 November 1605
William BARNES, [coroner of Darlington, from 1584/5], [coroner], gentleman, Bedburne Parke in the countie of Durham, Darlington [Hamsterley, County Durham; Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Barnes, coroner of Darlington, gentleman of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/B1
DPRI/1/1605/B1/1-2   26 September 1605
endorsed: proved, 16 Nov [1605]; inventory not exhibited; will registered in the book of paper
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 63-67

DPRI/1/1605/B1/3-6   14 December 1605
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 16 January 1606, actual total £594 10s 2d (with account of debts of £50 7s 7d)
inventory of goods etc. at Bedburn (£293 8s 6d) and at Darlington (£236)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 67-73

DPRI/1/1605/B3   18 March 1606
Elizabeth BEWICKE, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bewick
Digitised material for Elizabeth Bewicke, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/B3
DPRI/1/1605/B3/1   7 December 1605
with codicil, undated
endorsed: proved, 18 Mar 1606
DPRI/1/1605/B3/2-3   13 January 1606
inventory, actual total £57 9s
DPRI/1/1605/B4   20 April 1605
Elizabeth BOLDON, wife of Raph Boldon, widow, of Cledon in the countie of Durham [Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Bolden, Bowdenn, Bowden
Digitised material for Elizabeth Boldon, wife of Raph Boldon, widow of Cleadon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/B4
DPRI/1/1605/B4/1   23 February 1605
indented will
Witnesses sworn [proved], 20 Apr 1605; approved and probate granted to Michaell Calverley, sole executor, 27 Apr 1605. Endorsed: not issued under the seal.
DPRI/1/1605/B4/2   14 March 1605
indented inventory, actual total £8 16s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 7s 2d)
joint inventory of Raph Bowden and his wife Elizabeth Bowden
DPRI/1/1605/B6   24 July 1605
Richard BRACKENBURIE, [gentleman usher], esquire, of parish of Selabie (Sellaby) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Brackenbury, Brackenberry
Brackenburie also held chambers at court and at Whitehall.
Digitised material for Richard Brackenburie, gentleman usher, esquire of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/B6
DPRI/1/1605/B6/2-17   undated
copy draft will
Will dated, 12 July [?1604]; copy certified in 1605. Endorsed: proved by the witnesses Francis Brackenbury and Anthony Greene, 2 July 1605.
DPRI/1/1605/B6/1   July 1605
commission to John Crodock M.A., archdeacon of Northumberland, Giles Garthwhate M.A., vicar of Heighington, and ... Darbishire, vicar of North Otterington in Allerstonshire, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the goods within the diocese and peculiar jurisdictions to Richard Aldbrough of Elingthorpe [Ellenthorpe, Yorkshire] esquire, co-executor; Aldbrough being very aged and unable to attend court; commission executed by Cradock at Borrowby in Allertonshire, 24 July 1605
Robert BRADFURTH, of Somerhouse of the parish of Gainford (Gainforth) in the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Bradforth
Digitised material for Robert Bradfurth of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/B5
DPRI/1/1605/B5/1   12 August 1604
endorsed: proved, 8 June [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/B5/2   undated
inventory, actual total £138 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 2s)
Thomas CLARCKSON, draper, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarkson, Clerckson
Digitised material for Thomas Clarckson, draper of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/C1
DPRI/1/1605/C1/1-7   10 October 1605
indented inventory
Inventory of household goods etc. and wares; exhibited by Bartram Anderson on the part of Jane Clerkson, relict and administratrix, 16 Nov 1605. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1605/C2   11 May 1605
John COLLIN, of parish of Stainton (Strainton) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Collyn, Collinge
Digitised material for John Collin of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/C2
DPRI/1/1605/C2/1   undated
endorsed: administration granted, 11 May [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/C2/3   undated
inventory of debts, actual total £1 2s 6d (with account of debts of £7 16s 8d)
[date: contemporaneous with the will]
DPRI/1/1605/C2/2   2 March 1606
inventory, actual total £21 13s
DPRI/1/1605/C3   22 February 1606
Tobie COLLINGE, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Colling
Digitised material for Tobie Collinge of Cockerton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/C3
DPRI/1/1605/C3/1   18 April 1604
copy will
with grant of probate, 22 February 1606
probate granted to Gregory Lodge and Susan Collinge, executors
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 62-63

DPRI/1/1605/C3/2   24 August 1604
inventory, actual total £38 13s 4d (with account of debts of £12 7s 10d)
total of debts uncertain (damage)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 63-64

Henrye COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Oulld Ettall (Eatall) in the counttie of Northumbrlland, parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Etal, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwod
Digitised material for Henrye Collingwood, gentleman of Etal, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/C4
DPRI/1/1605/C4/1   9 November 1603
endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £66 10s and more
John COLLINGWOOD, of Alberwecke (Abberwicke) [Edlingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Collingwood of Edlingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/C5
DPRI/1/1605/C5/1   undated
exhibited, 20 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/C6   20 December 1605
Robart COWARD, of Hordon, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robart Coward of Horden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/C6
DPRI/1/1605/C6/1   26 November 1605
endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1605
DPRI/1/1605/C6/2   8 December 1605
indented inventory, actual total £8 11s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 17s 4d)
DPRI/1/1605/D1   18 March 1606
Robert DENHENE, yeoman, of parish of Tynemowth (Tynemouth) within the cowntie of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Deaneham
Digitised material for Robert Denhene, yeoman of Tynemouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/D1
DPRI/1/1605/D1/1   10 August 1605
endorsed: proved, 18 Mar 1606
DPRI/1/1605/D1/2   18 November 1605
indented inventory, actual total £45 17s 4d (with account of debts of £5 2s)
Persewell DIKSONN, yeoman, of Fenweeke (Fenwicke) within the countie of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dicsonn, Dickson, Dixson. Died 10 August 1604
Digitised material for Persewell Diksonn, yeoman of Stamfordham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/D2
DPRI/1/1605/D2/1-2   undated
with inventory, undated, actual total £4 4s 2d (and more, with account of debts of £9 14s 10d)
will, with incomplete inventory
DPRI/1/1605/D2/3   16 June 1605
inventory, actual total £28 0s 2d
DPRI/1/1605/D2/4   16 June 1605
copy inventory, actual total £22 16s 2d
incomplete copy inventory
DPRI/1/1605/F2   26 July 1605
Jane FARBESSE, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Forbess
Digitised material for Jane Farbesse, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/F2
DPRI/1/1605/F2/1   16 July 1605
indented will
endorsed: proved, 26 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/F2/2   16 July 1605
inventory, actual total £8 0s 4d
DPRI/1/1605/F1   28 February 1606
John FENWICK, gentleman, Wallington in the county of Northumberland, Berwick upon Tweed [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke
see DDR/EV/VIS/2/2 (Visitation): f.119: at Berwick, 22 June 1605
Digitised material for John Fenwick, gentleman, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/F1
DPRI/1/1605/F1/1   14 January 1605
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1605/F1/2   22 June 1605
commission issued at Berwick-upon-Tweed under the seal of the Consistorial Court to Ann Fenwick, relict of the intestate [sic] John Fenwick of Berwick-upon-Tweed, deputing her to act as administratrix; with marginal note: voided because a [grant of] administration to carry out the terms of the will was issued on 28 Feb 1606
DPRI/1/1605/F1/3   18 January 1606
commission to Richard Clerck, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Fenwicke [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], relict of John Fenwick of Wallington; commission executed by Clerke, 5 Feb 1606
DPRI/1/1605/F1/4-5   5 February 1606
Covering letter from Richard Clerke, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, enclosing the will and bond and concerning the penal sum of the bond and the good financial standing and reputation of the deceased and the administratrix's sureties. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Feb 1606; inventory not exhibited.
DPRI/1/1605/H2   27 April 1605
Thomas HALL, of parishe and towne of Lanchester (Lainchester) [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Hall of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H2
DPRI/1/1605/H2/1   13 March 1604
endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/H2/2   24 April 1605
indented inventory, actual total £44 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 7s 7d)
DPRI/1/1605/H3   20 September 1605
William HALL, of Otterburne (Otterborne), parish of Elledsone (Elsden) [Otterburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle
Digitised material for William Hall of Otterburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/H3
DPRI/1/1605/H3/1   30 November 1604
DPRI/1/1605/H3/2   30 November 1604
inventory, actual total £13 2s
endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Sep [1605]
Richard HANDMARSHE, yeoman, of Wawssend (Walsend) in the cowntty of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Haindmarshe, Hindmers
Digitised material for Richard Handmarshe, yeoman of Wallsend, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/H5
DPRI/1/1605/H5/1-2   16 August 1605
with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 16s 8d
DPRI/1/1605/H1   13 July 1605
William HARRISON, weaver, of Tuddoe (Tuddo) within the countie of Durham [Tudhoe, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Harrison, weaver of Tudhoe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H1
DPRI/1/1605/H1/1   18 May 1603
DPRI/1/1605/H1/2   3 May 1605
inventory, actual total £22 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 6s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 13 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/H4   27 April 1605
James HERRYSONE, of Mordon, Sedgefeld [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Herryson, Harryson, Harrison
Digitised material for James Herrysone of Morden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H4
DPRI/1/1605/H4/1-2   6 April 1605
endorsed with 27 Apr 1605 note concerning a fee for a [?grant of] tuition
DPRI/1/1605/H4/3   undated
inventory, actual total £22 13s 10d (with account of debts of £1)
endorsed: proved, 27 Apr 1605
DPRI/1/1605/H6   2 November 1605
Thomas HODGSON, yeoman, of Cold Hirst (Coldhirst) within the chappelarie of Hampsterley within the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Hodgson, yeoman of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H6
DPRI/1/1605/H6/1   7 June 1605
with list of debts owing to (£5 13s 4d) and owing by (£5 3s) the testator
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 9

DPRI/1/1605/H6/2   21 September 1605
inventory, actual total £15 4s 8d
endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/H8   15 November 1605
Hughe HOPPER, draper, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Accounts of the execution of the will and administration of the estate were exhibited in 1623 and 1624 by the executor, with detailed schedules of debts and receipts annexed: see - DPRI/1/1623/H9/1 - DPRI/1/1623/H9/2-10 - DPRI/1/1624/H11/1 - DPRI/1/1624/H11/2-17
Digitised material for Hughe Hopper, draper of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H8
DPRI/1/1605/H8/1-2   2 October 1605
with memorandum, 15 November 1605
Will, subscribed with memorandum of Robert Porrett, executor, made at probate [15 Nov 1605] and confirming that the residue is to be held by the executor in trust only for the sole use of the deceased's children. Endorsed: proved, 15 Nov [1605]; inventory not exhibited; will registered.
Henry HOULSWOORTH, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Houldesworth
Digitised material for Henry Houlswoorth of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/H7
DPRI/1/1605/H7/1   15 September 1605
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted
Sampson HUDSPITH, of town and parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspeth
Digitised material for Sampson Hudspith of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/H9
DPRI/1/1605/H9/1   10 March 1602
DPRI/1/1605/H10   25 January 1606
Ralphe HUGILL, labourer, of Bongait in the parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Ralphe Hugill, labourer of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H10
DPRI/1/1605/H10/1-2   2 November 1605
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 75-76

DPRI/1/1605/H10/3   21 December 1605
indented inventory, actual total £23 5s 2d (with account of debts of £12 10s 10d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Jan 1606
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 76-77

DPRI/1/1605/H11   15 April 1605
Johne HULLE, of Hurdbucke within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Johne Hulle of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H11
DPRI/1/1605/H11/1   22 January 1605
endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/H11/2   28 March 1605
indented inventory, actual total £84 6s 8d (with account of debts of £5 9s 4d)
DPRI/1/1605/H12   21 July 1605
Christopher HUTTON, gentleman, of Sellebye within the parish of Gaynford (Gainforth, Gayneforth, Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]
Digitised material for Christopher Hutton, gentleman of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/H12
DPRI/1/1605/H12/3-6   25 April 1601
endorsed: administration granted, 21 July [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/H12/1-2   undated
account, actual total £217 9s 4d (with discharge of £252 6s 1d)
with [draft] letters testimonial, 12 July 1605
Account of Anne Hutton, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 12 July 1605; also endorsed with [draft] letters testimonial acquitting the administratrix.
Richarde JACKSON, of Harraton (Harverton) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richarde Jackson of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/J1
DPRI/1/1605/J1/1-2   22 January 1605
DPRI/1/1605/J1/3   undated
inventory, actual total £95 13s
endorsed: 'query the will'
DPRI/1/1605/J2   10 April 1605
Elyzabeth JENYSON, widow, of Walworth (Wallworth) in the parish of Heighington in the countie palatine of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Jenneson, Jennison
A seal formerly attached to the will can be found pasted within a manuscript of the antiquarian Sir Cuthbert Sharp, held in the collections of Durham Cathedral Library, Ref: MS 32 p.317.
Digitised material for Elyzabeth Jenyson, widow of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/J2
DPRI/1/1605/J2/1-2   19 January 1605
endorsed: proved, 10 Apr [1605]; inventory not exhibited
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 3-6

DPRI/1/1605/J2/3-4   2 February 1605
with codicil, 4 April 1605
with codicil, 5 April 1605
endorsed: '... codicilles and inventory to be made redie against Whitson Tewesday' [21 May 1605]
DPRI/1/1605/J2/5-12   13 April 1605
inventory, actual total £954 10s 1d
DPRI/1/1605/J2/13-16   13 April 1605
indented copy inventory, actual total £954 10s 1d
endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Apr 1605; will registered
Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Nubigin within the county of Northumberland, parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Johnson, yeoman of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/J3
DPRI/1/1605/J3/1   20 June 1605
indented will
DPRI/1/1605/J3/2   6 August 1605
indented inventory, actual total £56 1s 6d (with account of debts of £18 13s)
DPRI/1/1605/K2   16 November 1605
Samson KING, vicar of Dalton-le-Dale, clerk, of Dolton (Dalton) in the countie of Durisme [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Kinge
Digitised material for Samson King, vicar of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/K2
DPRI/1/1605/K2/1-2   18 July 1605
endorsed: proved, 16 Nov 1605; will registered
DPRI/1/1605/K2/3   8 August 1605
indented inventory, actual total £184 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 5s 10d)
DPRI/1/1605/K1   23 November 1605
Arche KINGE, Hercules Kinge, of Nether Heworth (Heworthe) within the parish of Jarrow (Jerrow, Jarro) [Heworth, County Durham]. Died 31 October 1605
will is endorsed by the probate office [?in error]: will of Hercules Kinge
Digitised material for Arche Kinge, Hercules Kinge of Heworth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/K1
DPRI/1/1605/K1/1   10 February 1605
with memorandum, 23 November 1605
Will, with (1) list of debts owing by the testator of £4 18s 2d; (2) memorandum of Elizabeth Kinge, relict and executrix, made at probate [23 Nov 1605] confirming the intention of the testator that the residue is for the use of the executrix as well as the deceased's children, born and posthumous. Probate granted to Elizabeth Kinge, relict and sole executrix.
DPRI/1/1605/K1/2   30 October 1605
inventory, actual total £28 19s 10d (with account of debts of £3 5s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 23 Nov [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/L1   18 March 1606
Christofor LAMBERT, blacksmith, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Christofor Lambert, blacksmith of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L1
DPRI/1/1605/L1/1-2   17 March 1606
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar 1606
Robert LAWRANCE, husband of Margaret Lawrance, of township of Coopon (Cowpon, Copon) in the parish of Billingham [Cowpen, Northumberland]; also spelt Lowrance, Lawrence, Lawrens
Digitised material for Robert Lawrance, husband of Margaret Lawrance of Cowpen, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L2
DPRI/1/1605/L2/1   undated
account, actual total £160 12s 9d (with discharge of £104 19s 5d)
with interrogatories, undated
(1) Account of Dame Margaret Lawrance, relict and executrix; with allocation of thirds between the widow and executrix, and her six named children; [not admitted] (2) Interrogatory upon the second statement of the account [see marginal numbering], disputing the division of the goods. Endorsed: 1604.
DPRI/1/1605/L2/2   undated
Allegations of Richard Lawrance, son, disputing the inventory and the subsequent division of the goods, and seeking restitution from the widow and executrix. Endorsed: [account] not admitted, [1605].
DPRI/1/1605/L2/3   22 February 1605
copy responses
Copy of the personal responses of Margaret Lawrance, relict and executrix, to the allegations of Richard Lawrance, son. Endorsed: 22 Feb 1605; 'the widdow hath all hir writings but this copie'.
DPRI/1/1605/L3   12 July 1605
George LEE, of Garrigill in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]
Digitised material for George Lee of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L3
DPRI/1/1605/L3/1   5 July 1605
Probate granted to Arthur Lee, son and sole executor, and during his minority to his tutrix Elizabeth Lee, relict, for the use of the said Arthur Lee. Endorsed: proved, 12 July [1605].
DPRI/1/1605/L3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £100 10s 4d (with account of debts of £4 5s 2d)
DPRI/1/1605/L5   4 May 1605
Thomas LEGEAT, of the March Miers (Marche Myers) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Ledgeatt
Digitised material for Thomas Legeat of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L5
DPRI/1/1605/L5/1   15 March 1605
endorsed: proved, 4 May [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/L5/2   22 April 1605
indented inventory, actual total £17 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3 7s)
DPRI/1/1605/L4   22 June 1605
Allen LEICHE, of towne of Barwicke upon Tweid [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Leech
Digitised material for Allen Leiche of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L4
DPRI/1/1605/L4/1-2   10 October 1604
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 22 June 1605; will registered
DPRI/1/1605/L7   19 September 1605
Richard LIDDELL, husbandman, of towneshippe of Westmerringtonn (West Merington) within the parish of St Andrew Awkland (Auckland, Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Liddle
Digitised material for Richard Liddell, husbandman of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L7
DPRI/1/1605/L7/1   13 July 1605
probate granted to Anthony Liddell, brother and co-executor, also for the use of Francis Liddell and Charles Liddle, minor sons and co-executors, reserving a power to the same children; tuition of the said children also granted to Anthony Liddell, 19 Sep 1605
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 9-10

DPRI/1/1605/L7/2   5 September 1605
indented inventory, actual total £161 18s 10d (with account of debts of £14)
endorsed: proved, 19 Sep 1605; will registered
John LILBURNE, of parish of St Andrewe Aukland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Lilburne of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L8
DPRI/1/1605/L8/1   2 July 1597
DPRI/1/1605/L9   7 December 1605
Henry LOCKAY, of Cornefourthe (Corneforth) in the parishe of Bishopp (Bushopp) Middleham [Cornforth, County Durham]; also spelt Lockeye
Digitised material for Henry Lockay of Cornforth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L9
DPRI/1/1605/L9/1-2   6 October 1605
DPRI/1/1605/L9/3   6 October 1605
copy will
endorsed: proved, 7 Dec 1605
DPRI/1/1605/L10   5 October 1605
Thomas LONGSTRAFE, of Raby, parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Langstaffe
Digitised material for Thomas Longstrafe of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L10
DPRI/1/1605/L10/1-2   24 August 1605
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 5 Oct [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/L11   6 October 1605
Raphe LONSDALE, of Newbigging in Teasdale within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Lonesdale, Loinsdale
Digitised material for Raphe Lonsdale of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L11
DPRI/1/1605/L11/1   14 August 1605
DPRI/1/1605/L11/2   27 September 1605
indented inventory, actual total £37 10s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 16s 4d)
subscribed: sworn by Clement Colmore [Durham Chancellor] to execute, 6 Oct 1605; Isabell Lonsdale, relict, with John Lonsdale, son, obligors; two sureties also named
DPRI/1/1605/L12   2 November 1605
Robert LOWRYE, of Woodsid (Woodside) otherwise called the Fawside of the parissh of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Lowrie
Digitised material for Robert Lowrye of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/L12
DPRI/1/1605/L12/1   10 April 1605
endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1605
DPRI/1/1605/L12/2   22 July 1605
inventory, actual total £86 7s 8d (with account of debts of £23 3s 8d)
debts include £2 1s 8d of probate and burial charges itemised on the dorse
William LOWRYE, of Wallick (Wallicke) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lowrie
Digitised material for William Lowrye of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L13
DPRI/1/1605/L13/3-4   3 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/L13/1-2   3 June 1605
copy will
DPRI/1/1605/L13/5   undated
inventory, actual total £53 3s 4d
dated, 12 June [?1605]
Margret LYDDELL, wife of Thomas Lyddell of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and alderman, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell, Liddle
testatrix requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas
Digitised material for Margret Lyddell, wife of Thomas Lyddell, merchant and alderman, widow of town of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/L6
DPRI/1/1605/L6/1-2   undated
copy will
dated, 21 Feb
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 1-2

DPRI/1/1605/M1   1 June 1605
William MAVYN, of parich of Esington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Mavin
Digitised material for William Mavyn of Easington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/M1
DPRI/1/1605/M1/1   4 May 1605
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 1 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/M1/2   4 May 1605
copy nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted to George Hasen, [master of the deceased], and who was bound to pay to Oswald Mavyn, brother, as much as the judge decrees, 1 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/M1/3   24 May 1605
indented inventory, actual total £6 13s 4d
DPRI/1/1605/N1   25 January 1606
John NICHOLSONN, of Weetebottom (Weetbottom, Wete Bottome) in the perish of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholson
Digitised material for John Nicholsonn of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/N1
DPRI/1/1605/N1/1   1 June 1605
endorsed: proved, 25 Jan 1606
DPRI/1/1605/N1/2   undated
inventory, actual total £33 12s
DPRI/1/1605/O1   31 May 1605
Luke OGLE, of parish of Edlingham (Egglingham, Eglingham) [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogell, Oggell
Ogle died at Newcastle.
Digitised material for Luke Ogle of Eglingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/O1
DPRI/1/1605/O1/1   29 October 1604
DPRI/1/1605/O1/2-3   29 October 1604
administration granted to Isabell Ogle, relict, also for the use of Nicholas Ogle and Anne Ogle, minor children, 31 May 1605
DPRI/1/1605/P1   1 June 1605
Jeffraye PARKER, curate of St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, clerk, of the Chappell House, chappell of Saincte Johns in Wardayle (Wardaill, Wardaile) [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jeffraye Parker, curate of St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/P1
DPRI/1/1605/P1/1   23 July 1604
indented will
endorsed: proved, 1 June [1605]; inventory exhibited, 13 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/P1/2   29 October 1604
indented inventory, actual total £143 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 3s 9d)
exhibited by Ralph Nattrewwe on the part of Elizabeth Parker, widow and administratrix, 13 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/P2   11 May 1605
George PEERTE, of Wester Blacke (Backe) Deene within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Pert
Digitised material for George Peerte of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/P2
DPRI/1/1605/P2/1   23 March 1605
endorsed: proved, 11 May 1605
DPRI/1/1605/P2/2   3 April 1605
inventory, actual total £39 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 5s 2d)
Agnes PHILIPPE, single woman, of chappelrye of Bernard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Phillipps
Digitised material for Agnes Philippe, single woman of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/P3
DPRI/1/1605/P3/1   29 July 1605
DPRI/1/1605/P3/2   31 July 1605
indented inventory, actual total £46 (with account of debts of £1 12s)
DPRI/1/1605/P4   5 July 1605
Jane PILKINGTON, widow, of cittye of Duresme in the countye of Duresme, parish of St Mary in the South Bailey [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jane Pilkington, widow of Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/P4
DPRI/1/1605/P4/1   31 December 1604
copy will
with grant of probate, 5 July 1605
with memorandum, 21 March 1607
Probate granted to Edward Ewbanck, servant and sole executor. Endorsed with memorandum of delivery of the original holographic will to the executor, by order of Clement Colmore, [Durham Chancellor].
DPRI/1/1605/P4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £997 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1605/P5   29 June 1605
Edward PRESTON, of Heighinton in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edward Preston of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/P5
DPRI/1/1605/P5/1-2   24 November 1604
Will, with itemised list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s 5d. Endorsed: proved, 29 June [1605]; to be ingrossed.
DPRI/1/1605/P5/3   14 December 1604
inventory, actual total £12 14s
DPRI/1/1605/P6   17 December 1605
Christopher PRIARMER, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Priorman
Digitised material for Christopher Priarmer, butcher of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/P6
DPRI/1/1605/P6/1   20 November 1605
Proved by the sworn witnesses; Agnes Priorman, sole executor and daughter aged 14 years, chose Thomas Hall as her tutor; [?probate granted to the said Agnes Priorman], 17 Dec 1605; inventory to be exhibited ...
DPRI/1/1605/R1   22 February 1606
Giffray RAINE, glover, of parish of Darneton (Darlington) in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Rayne
Digitised material for Giffray Raine, glover of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/R1
DPRI/1/1605/R1/1   September 1605
nuncupative will
Dated between 9 and 29 Sep 1605. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Feb [1606].
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 73

DPRI/1/1605/R1/2-3   17 January 1606
indented inventory, actual total £43 17s 4d (with account of debts of £6 2s 4d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 73-75

DPRI/1/1605/R2   4 May 1605
Walter REISLEY, miller, of towne of Newcastle upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaseley, Reisleye
Digitised material for Walter Reisley, miller of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/R2
DPRI/1/1605/R2/1   14 October 1604
with memorandum
Will, subscribed with memorandum of the executors confirming they will not profit from the office. Probate granted to Anthonye Reaselye and Thomas Reaselye, executors, 4 May 1605.
Rolland REVELYE, husband of Elizabeth Revelye, gentleman, of Twedmouth, Barwicke upon Tweed [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Revlye, Reveley
For the inventory of Revelye's wife, and which includes the debts of Rolland Revelye, see - DPRI/1/1605/R3/3
Digitised material for Rolland Revelye, husband of Elizabeth Revelye, gentleman of Tweedmouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/R3
DPRI/1/1605/R3/1-2   3 May 1604
Elizabeth REVELYE, wife of Rolland Revelye of Tweedmouth gentleman, widow, of Twedmouth, Barwicke upon Tweed [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Revlye, Reveley
For the will of Elizabeth Revelye's husband, see - DPRI/1/1605/R3/1-2
Digitised material for Elizabeth Revelye, wife of Rolland Revelye of Tweedmouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/R3
DPRI/1/1605/R3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £13 3s 1d (with account of debts of £19 13s)
joint inventory of the goods etc. of Rolland Revelye and his widow Elizabeth Revelye, appraised by the constables of Tweedmouth
DPRI/1/1605/R4   8 March 1606
Robert RICHARDSON, of Heilifeilde (Heilifeild) of the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Richardson of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/R4
DPRI/1/1605/R4/1   19 October 1605
copy will
probate granted by John Philpott, deputy of Clement Colmor [Durham Chancellor], to John Richardson, sole executor; inventory also exhibited, 8 Mar 1606
DPRI/1/1605/R4/2   6 October 1605
inventory, actual total £22 6s 8d (and more, with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s 8d)
inventory is incomplete
Frannces ROBINSON, of parish of Dawden (Dalden) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
Digitised material for Frannces Robinson of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/R5
DPRI/1/1605/R5/1   12 October 1604
endorsed: curation of Thomas Robinson, illegitimate son, granted to Agnes Robinson, relict
DPRI/1/1605/R5/2   5 January 1605
inventory, actual total £46 16s 4d (with account of debts of £13 18s)
Robert RODAM [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Roddham
address drawn from DPRI/7 index
Digitised material for Robert Rodam of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/R6
DPRI/1/1605/R6/2-3   8 April 1605
endorsed: administration granted [?to the relict], 14 Sep 1605; also endorsed with draft and incomplete court document [?citation quorum nomina]
DPRI/1/1605/S1   13 September 1605
Francis SAIRE, mercer, of chapelry of Bernard Castell (Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for Francis Saire, mercer of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/S1
DPRI/1/1605/S1/1   12 August 1605
with memorandum, undated
will, subscribed with memorandum of Michael Walker, witness, concerning the testator's intentions as regards his children's portions. Endorsed: proved, 13 Sep 1605.
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 10-13

DPRI/1/1605/S1/2-3   15 August 1605
indented inventory, actual total £1,401 5s 3d (with account of debts of £249 1s 5d)
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 13

William SHAFTOE, gentleman, of Lipwood of the chappelrie of Haidon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Shaftoe, gentleman of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S3
DPRI/1/1605/S3/1   16 March 1606
with certificate of apprisement, undated, actual total £6 17s 8d
Date uncertain. Endorsed with: (1) certificate of John Clematson, curate of Langley, concerning the apprisement - 'to the greatest value according to the proportion that ever goods weare in the barronye of Langeleye since mye beinge there'; (2) administration granted.
Lanncelot SHAFTOW, [pensioner], gentleman, of towne of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe, Shaftowe
Digitised material for Lanncelot Shaftow, gentleman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S2
DPRI/1/1605/S2/1-3   1 January 1606
with codicil, 21 January 1606
DPRI/1/1605/S2/4-5   undated
inventory, actual total £295 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £163 3s 8d)
exhibited by the testator's 'brother'
Richard SHARPE, of Dilston of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Sharpe of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S4
DPRI/1/1605/S4/1   25 April 1605
DPRI/1/1605/S4/2   14 June 1605
inventory, actual total £12 10s
DPRI/1/1605/S5   15 June 1605
Alison SHEROTON, wife of William Sheroton of Elwick, widow, of Elwick of the parish of Harte [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Shereton, Shewton
Digitised material for Alison Sheroton, wife of William Sheroton of Elwick, widow of Hart, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/S5
DPRI/1/1605/S5/1-2   22 May 1605
endorsed: proved, 15 June [1605]
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 8-9

DPRI/1/1605/S5/3   3 June 1605
indented inventory, actual total £79 19s 8d
Robert STEELE, of parish of Holie Iland (Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Steall
Digitised material for Robert Steele of Holy Island, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S7
DPRI/1/1605/S7/1   19 April 1605
Commission to Olliver Selbye, Richard Tailor, Robert Steele and William Thewe of Holy Island, to inventory and appraise the goods again; these men having been elected by both parties in the cause: Henry Steele v Thomas Bell and his wife Elizabeth Bell. Subscribed with memorandum concerning the same cause.
DPRI/1/1605/S7/2   6 May 1605
inventory, actual total £29 11s 2d
exhibited, 10 May 1605
DPRI/1/1605/S6   22 June 1605
Henrie STEILL, of Phenwick (Fenwick), parish of Kyloo (Kyloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Steell
Digitised material for Henrie Steill of Kyloe, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S6
DPRI/1/1605/S6/1   13 October 1604
endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/S6/2   13 October 1604
inventory, actual total £37 10s 8d (with account of debts of £54 1s 8d)
DPRI/1/1605/S8   3 August 1605
William STEVENSONE, of Crooke within the parishe of Lanchester [Crook, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson
Digitised material for William Stevensone of Crook, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/S8
DPRI/1/1605/S8/1   26 May 1605
endorsed: proved, 3 Aug [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/S8/2   4 June 1605
indented inventory, actual total £49 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £22 18s 8d)
DPRI/1/1605/S9   21 June 1605
Thomas STROTHERE, gentleman, of Chattone within the countye of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Strother. Died 3 January 1604
Digitised material for Thomas Strothere, gentleman of Chatton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S9
DPRI/1/1605/S9/2   3 January 1604
endorsed: proved, 21 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/S9/1   3 January 1604
copy will
DPRI/1/1605/S9/3   10 January 1604
inventory, actual total £54 0s 10d
DPRI/1/1605/S9/4   10 January 1604
copy inventory, actual total £54 0s 10d
DPRI/1/1605/S10   3 August 1605
John SWANSTONE, tanner, of Bushopp Aucklande (Awckland) within the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Swainston
Digitised material for John Swanstone, tanner of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/S10
DPRI/1/1605/S10/1-2   12 May 1605
endorsed: proved, 3 Aug 1605
DPRI/1/1605/S10/3-4   22 May 1605
inventory, actual total £65 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 3s 8d)
Henry SWYNHOE, of Burton within the parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinhoe, Swinhoo
Digitised material for Henry Swynhoe of Bamburgh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/S11
DPRI/1/1605/S11/1-2   24 September 1604
Andrewe TEASDALE, of parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Teisdale, Teisdell
Digitised material for Andrewe Teasdale of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1605/T1
DPRI/1/1605/T1/1   27 October 1604
DPRI/1/1605/T1/2   24 November 1604
inventory, actual total £59 11s 10d
DPRI/1/1605/T2   8 June 1605
Richard THOMPSON, of Gilligaite in the parish of St Giles in Duresme [Durham St Giles, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Thompson of Durham St Giles, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/T2
DPRI/1/1605/T2/1-2   20 May 1605
endorsed: administration granted, 8 June 1605
William THOMPSON, of Hadon parishe (Haidon chapelry) within the towne of Hadonbridge [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Thompson of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/T3
DPRI/1/1605/T3/1   15 May 1604
DPRI/1/1605/T3/2   20 May 1604
inventory, actual total £9 4s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s 4d)
Jererd THORNETON, husband of Margarett Thorneton, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Thornton
The discharge of the account also includes the filial portion of Agnes Fenwick, daughter of the late Raph Fenwick of Nunnykirk, which was paid to Sir William Fenwick her tutor (see DPRI/1/1592).
Digitised material for Jererd Thorneton, husband of Margarett Thorneton of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/T4
DPRI/1/1605/T4/1-2   undated
acount of Margarett Thorneton, relict; admitted, 27 Apr 1605
DPRI/1/1605/T5   12 October 1605
Henrye TROTTER, of Gamesbye (Gamesby) Howse within the parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Troter
Digitised material for Henrye Trotter of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/T5
DPRI/1/1605/T5/1   10 May 1604
DPRI/1/1605/T5/2   25 September 1605
inventory, actual total £32 6s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 3s)
Subscribed with entry concerning the £17 [?and more] filial portion of Margaret Dowson (Dawson), daughter of the late Robert Dawson, for which Trotter had entered a bond in Durham Consistory Court, with the names of three men in whose hands the monies now remain. Endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Oct 1605.
DPRI/1/1605/T6   22 June 1605
Robert TROTTER, of parish of St Andrew Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Trotter of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/T6
DPRI/1/1605/T6/1   4 January 1605
indented will
endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605
DPRI/1/1605/T6/2   4 February 1605
indented inventory, actual total £114 12s 4d (with account of debts of £45 9s 8d)
John WALKER, of Aldernedge in the parishe of St Oswoldes [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Walker of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/W1
DPRI/1/1605/W1/1   6 January 1606
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1605/W1/2   14 January 1606
inventory, actual total £123 16s 8d (with account of debts of £21 1s)
DPRI/1/1605/W2   31 January 1606
Elizabeth WATSON, daughter of Nicholas Watson of Whickham, spinster, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
Watson died of the plague.
Digitised material for Elizabeth Watson, daughter of Nicholas Watson, spinster of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/W2
DPRI/1/1605/W2/1-2   November 1598
nuncupative will
dated after 7 Nov 1598 (damage); probate granted to Margaret Watson, sole executrix, 31 Jan 1606; inventory [to be exhibited] and monition ordered for 8 Feb 1606
DPRI/1/1605/W3   27 April 1605
Robert WILDE, yeoman, of Kiblesworthe in the countie palantine of Durham, the chappell of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wild
Digitised material for Robert Wilde, yeoman, of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1605/W3
DPRI/1/1605/W3/1-2   18 September 1604
endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1605]
DPRI/1/1605/W3/3   31 January 1605
indented inventory, actual total £59 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s 4d)
Cuthbert WYMPHRAY, baker, brewer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wymphrey, Winphrey
Digitised material for Cuthbert Wymphray, baker, brewer of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1605/W4
DPRI/1/1605/W4/1-2   25 January 1604
Wills etc proved 1606
Reference: DPRI/1/1606
DPRI/1/1606/A1   8 July 1606
John ALMRY, miller, of parishe (chapelry) of St Johnes of the towne and countie of Newcastle uon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Almry, miller, of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/A1
DPRI/1/1606/A1/1-2   3 March 1606
Will, with list of debts. Endorsed: proved, 8 July 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/A1/3-5   7 July 1606
inventory, actual total £48 4s 6d (with account of debts of £20 16s 8d)
Bartram ANDERSON, the elder, merchant, of Newecastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersonne, Anderdersonne, Andersonn
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas
Digitised material for Bartram Anderson, the elder, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/A2
DPRI/1/1606/A2/1-2   26 August 1606
DPRI/1/1606/A2/3-25   20 September 1606
inventory, actual total £2,680 17s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £595 7s 2d)
Inventory of household and shop goods etc.; also goods at Quarrell House, at the waterside and about the town, Lemenden [?Lemington], Chopwell, Willington. Endorsed: 'found in Dr Cradockes house after his death'.
DPRI/1/1606/A3   17 January 1607
John ARCHER, of Cassopp (Cassop) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Archer of Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/A3
DPRI/1/1606/A3/1-2   22 September 1606
with list of debts owing to the testator
DPRI/1/1606/A3/3   8 January 1607
inventory, actual total £196
DPRI/1/1606/A3/4   8 January 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £196
endorsed: proved, 17 Jan 1607
Thomas ARMSTRANGE, of parish of Haltwessell (Haltwisell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Armstrang, Armestrong
Digitised material for Thomas Armstrange of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/A5
DPRI/1/1606/A5/1   1605
endorsed: issued
DPRI/1/1606/A4   7 July 1606
Richard ARMSTRONG, of Softley within the parishe of Knarsdale (Knarsdaill) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Richard Armstrong of Knarsdale, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/A4
DPRI/1/1606/A4/1   undated
Will, dated 25 ... [damage]. Endorsed: [?proved], 7 July [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/A4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £93 7s 4d (with account of debts of £2 10s)
DPRI/1/1606/A6   8 November 1606
Robert ATKINSON, of West Bouldon in the countie of Durham, parish of Boldon [Boldon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Atkinson of Boldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/A6
DPRI/1/1606/A6/1   1606
Will, with list of debts. Endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/A6/2   1606
inventory, actual total £130 9s 2d (with account of debts of £9 1s 5d)
Thomas ATKINSON, of Northe Auckelande (Auckland, Awklande, Awkland) in the countye of Duresme [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Atkinsonn
Digitised material for Thomas Atkinson of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/A7
DPRI/1/1606/A7/2   11 July 1606
indented will
DPRI/1/1606/A7/1   11 July 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/B1   4 September 1606
Robart BAINBRIDGE, of Hartburne in the countye of Duresme, chapelry of Stockton [Hartburn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robart Bainbridge of Hartburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B1
DPRI/1/1606/B1/1   26 July 1606
indented nuncupative will
Nuncupative will, declared on 25 and 26 July 1606. Endorsed: proved, 4 Sep 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/B1/2-3   8 August 1606
indented inventory, actual total £148 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 4s 6d)
Robert BARNES, of Anthonyes in the parish of Alhallows in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Barnes of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/B2
DPRI/1/1606/B2/1   29 September 1606
DPRI/1/1606/B2/2-4   9 October 1606
inventory, actual total £16 3s 7d (with account of debts and legacies of £10 6s and more)
DPRI/1/1606/B3   3 May 1606
William BATMASON, of Ushawe (Ushaw) withe in the parisheinge of Eshe [Esh, County Durham]; also spelt Batmasson, Batmanson
Digitised material for William Batmason of Esh, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B3
DPRI/1/1606/B3/1   15 December 1605
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/B3/2   28 February 1606
inventory, actual total £40 8s 8d (with account of debts of £5 8s)
Thomas BAYNES, yeoman, of Priston (Preston) in the county off Durham, chapelry of Stockton [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Baines, Bayns
Digitised material for Thomas Baynes, yeoman of Preston-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B4
DPRI/1/1606/B4/1   22 April 1606
administration granted to Alice Baines, relict, who was bound to distribute to Margaret Allanson and Jane Thomson, daughters, a decreed portion of the goods
DPRI/1/1606/B4/2   3 May 1606
inventory, actual total £96 16s
Francis BEWICKE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Bewicke died intestate.
Digitised material for Francis Bewicke, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/B5
DPRI/1/1606/B5/1   16 August 1600
Inventory of goods etc., £4 4s of which goods were seized for three years of rent arrears by John Lyons gentleman, Collector of the Queen's rents. Endorsed: administration granted.
John BLENKYNSOP, gentleman, of Bellistar [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Blenkinsop
Digitised material for John Blenkynsop, gentleman of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/B7
DPRI/1/1606/B7/1   29 February 1607
dated, 29 Feb 1607 [sic]
DPRI/1/1606/B8   30 January 1607
William BLYTHMAN, of Westoe within the parish of Jerro (Jarro) [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Blithman, Blithmann
Digitised material for William Blythman of Westoe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B8
DPRI/1/1606/B8/1-2   12 July 1603
Subscribed with memorandum relating to the signatures of certain witnesses made at probate, 30 Jan 1607. Endorsed: in litigation.
DPRI/1/1606/B8/3-4   19 January 1607
inventory, actual total £1,119 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £137 8s 4d)
inventory of goods etc. at Westoe, Jarrow and Gateshead
George BOWES, esquire, of Bradley (Braidley) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
For the will of George Bowes, proved in 1603, see DPRI/2/3 ff.261-262v.
Digitised material for George Bowes, esquire of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B9
DPRI/1/1606/B9/1   11 September 1606
inventory of goods etc. at Bradley, Raby, Burnopp and Hapwell Tower [?Hopewell]
DPRI/1/1606/B9/2   3 September 1606
inventory, actual total £715 11s 8d
inventory of goods etc. at Lumley, Houghton, Cocket Island and Biddick
DPRI/1/1606/B10   6 February 1604
Henry BOWES, esquire, gentleman, of parish of Newburn (Newborne, Newburne) in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Henry Bowes, esquire, gentleman of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/B10
DPRI/1/1606/B10/2   6 January 1604
inventory, actual total £134 5s 6d
with inventory, 11 January 1604, actual total £26 4s 8d
(1) inventory of goods etc. at [?Newburn]; (2) inventory of goods at Raby and Stelling. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb 1604.
DPRI/1/1606/B10/1   undated
account, actual total £160 10s 2d (with discharge of £168 12s 6d)
Account of Anne Bowes, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 27 Jan 1607.
Robert BOWES, of Walkerfild (Wakerfeld) [Staindrop, County Durham]
parish uncertain
Digitised material for Robert Bowes of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B11
DPRI/1/1606/B11/1-4   8 January 1607
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1606/B12   6 December 1606
Agnes BROMBLEY, widow, of towne and parish and lordshipp of Hart (Harte) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Bromley
Digitised material for Agnes Brombley, widow of Hart, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B12
DPRI/1/1606/B12/1   27 September 1606
DPRI/1/1606/B12/2   23 October 1606
indented inventory, actual total £290 0s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £66 14s)
Inventory in the form of an account: the goods (£249 8s 8d) and legacies (£40 12s) are accounted together; from which the childrens' (£138 10s) and widow's (£138 10s) parts and legacies are deducted; £66 14s of additional legacies and debts are then deducted from the death's part (also £138 10s), the residue being allocated to the executors. Endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606.
Essabell BURDON, daughter of William Burdon of Norton, husbandman, of parish of Norton within the countye of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Essabell Burdon, daughter of William Burdon, husbandman, of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B13
DPRI/1/1606/B13/1-2   24 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/B14   13 January 1607
Edward BURNE, yeoman, of Sunderland (Sunderlande) in the contey of Durrum [Sunderland, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edward Burne, yeoman of Sunderland, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B14
DPRI/1/1606/B14/1   20 April 1606
DPRI/1/1606/B14/2   26 June 1606
inventory, actual total £69 12s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Jan 1607
DPRI/1/1606/B15   3 May 1606
Robert BUSBYE, of Thorpthewles (Thorpethewlas) of the parish of Grindon in the county of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Busby
Digitised material for Robert Busbye of Grindon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/B15
DPRI/1/1606/B15/1   28 July 1605
endorsed: proved, 3 May [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/B15/2   undated
inventory, actual total £30
DPRI/1/1606/B6   13 February 1607
John BYNCKES, of Borobie (Boroby, Borrowby, Borroby), parish of Leacke (Leeke) [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Bynkes, Binkes
Digitised material for John Bynckes of Leake, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1606/B6
DPRI/1/1606/B6/3-4   undated
with inventory, undated, actual total £18 (and more, with account of debts of £10 and more)
will, headed: 'the first will'; with inventory drawn up by the testator
DPRI/1/1606/B6/1-2   undated
copy will
headed: 'the first will'
DPRI/1/1606/B6/5   2 December 1606
headed: 'the second will'
DPRI/1/1606/B6/6   13 January 1607
inventory, actual total £130 16s 8d
DPRI/1/1606/C1   19 April 1606
Michael CALVERLEY, [coroner of Chester ward], gentleman, citie of Durham, Cleadon in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham; Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Calverleye
Digitised material for Michael Calverley, coroner of Chester ward, gentleman of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/C1
DPRI/1/1606/C1/1   21 March 1606
with codicil, 22 March 1606
endorsed: proved, 19 Apr 1606; inventory exhibited; will registered
DPRI/1/1606/C1/2-6   undated
inventory, actual total £296 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 6s 8d)
inventory of: (1) goods delivered by order of William James D.D., Dean of Durham Cathedral, and Clement Colmore D.D., [Durham Chancellor], to Margreat Calverley, relict, in full payment of her and her children's portions, apprised in the lifetime of the deceased; (2) other goods; (3) goods auctioned at Durham, 4 June 1606; (4) goods then unsold, but afterwards apprised and sold; (5) goods still unsold, apprised 28 Feb 1607
DPRI/1/1606/C1/7-8   undated
indented inventory, actual total £296 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 6s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Apr [1606]; will registered
Matthew CHAPMAN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne of the parish of Sainct Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Matthew Chapman, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/C3
DPRI/1/1606/C3/1   19 February 1605
with codicil, 29 October 1606
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 7-8

DPRI/1/1606/C3/2-4   25 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £1,960 3s 5d
DPRI/1/1606/C4   21 June 1606
Thomas CHAPPELLOWE, yeoman, of Palmes Morton within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Chappellow, Chappelowe
Digitised material for Thomas Chappellowe, yeoman of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/C4
DPRI/1/1606/C4/1   16 March 1606
indented will
DPRI/1/1606/C4/2   26 March 1606
indented inventory, actual total £386 0s 7d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £147 14s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 21 June [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/C2   16 January 1607
Allizon CHARTER, widow, of Fyssheborne in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Fishburn, County Durham]; also spelt Carter
Digitised material for Allizon Charter, widow of Fishburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/C2
DPRI/1/1606/C2/1   11 October 1606
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 16 Jan 1607
DPRI/1/1606/C2/2   28 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £29 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 14s 4d)
Jhonne CHATTER, yeoman, of Wodhouses (Woodhowses) ... in the parish of Holistone (Halleston) county of Northumberland and libertie of Riddisdaill [Holystone, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaitor. Died 11 April 1605
Digitised material for Jhonne Chatter, yeoman of Holystone, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/C5
DPRI/1/1606/C5/1   undated
Jennett COMYN, of Helmeden Rawe, parishe of Brannspethe (Brancpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jennett Comyn of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/C6
DPRI/1/1606/C6/1   27 May 1606
Thomas COOK, tanner, of Newcastle, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints
Digitised material for Thomas Cook, tanner of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/C7
DPRI/1/1606/C7/1   2 December 1606
John COWHERD, of Earsden (Earsdenn) within the chapelrye of Hebburne (Hebborne) and in the parishe of Bothall [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowheard
Digitised material for John Cowherd of Earsdon, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/C8
DPRI/1/1606/C8/1   3 November 1606
with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 6s
DPRI/1/1606/C8/2   11 December 1606
indented inventory, actual total £17 17s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/C9   6 December 1606
Edward CRAW, husbandman, of Elwicke in the parishe of Hart, parish of Elwick [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Crawe
Digitised material for Edward Craw, husbandman of Hart, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/C9
DPRI/1/1606/C9/1-2   14 November 1606
endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606
DPRI/1/1606/C9/3-4   1 December 1606
inventory, actual total £234 11s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 5s)
DPRI/1/1606/D1   24 May 1606
Robert DAILL, tanner, of Darlingtonn (Darlington) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Dail, Dale
Digitised material for Robert Daill, tanner of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/D1
DPRI/1/1606/D1/1   30 January 1606
indented will
endorsed: proved, 24 [?May 1606]
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 77-78

DPRI/1/1606/D1/2   26 March 1606
indented inventory, actual total £84 18s (with account of debts of £9 13s 4d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 78-79

John DAVISON, yeoman, of Cassopp (Cassoppe) in the countie of Durham [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Davison, yeoman of Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/D2
DPRI/1/1606/D2/1   11 February 1606
DPRI/1/1606/D2/2   1606
inventory, actual total £234
DPRI/1/1606/D3   27 February 1607
Sir Robert DELAVALE, knight, of Seton Delavale of the parishe of Tynemouth and chapelrie of Ersden (Erdesden, Earsden) in the countye of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Delaval, Delavall
Digitised material for Sir Robert Delavale, knight of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/D3
DPRI/1/1606/D3/1-4   18 November 1606
with codicil, 28 November 1606
DPRI/1/1606/D3/5-8   18 February 1607
inventory, actual total £2,152 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £2,188 14s)
DPRI/1/1606/D3/9-12   18 February 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £2,152 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £2,188 14s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Feb 1607
Robert DENT, husband of Katherin Dent, gentleman, of Byker (Biker) in the countye of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Dent, husband of Katherin Dent, gentleman of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/D4
DPRI/1/1606/D4/1-2   28 February 1606
draft account
Account of Katherine Ogle, former relict; accountant sworn, account admitted and letters testimonial decreed to be issued, 20 June 1606. Endorsed: admitted, 20 June [1606]; voided.
DPRI/1/1606/D4/3   undated
Only certain items from the draft account are included in this account. Endorsed: admitted, 20 June [1606]; probate issued under the seal.
DPRI/1/1606/D5   4 February 1607
William DENTT, of chappelrye of Bernard Castell (Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Dent, Dente
Digitised material for William Dentt of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/D5
DPRI/1/1606/D5/1   9 September 1606
endorsed: proved, 4 Feb 1607
DPRI/1/1606/D5/2   1 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £14 0s 8d
DPRI/1/1606/D5/3   30 January 1607
commission to Michael Walker, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Dent, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Walker, 4 Feb 1607
DPRI/1/1606/D6   July 1606
Alice DICKSON, wife of Arche Dickson, widow, of chapelry of Saint Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Alice Dickson died of the plague, and during her 11 weeks of sickness she was 'one of the pore which was mantaned [maintained] of the maidlenes' [the Hospital of St Mary Magdalen]. Prior to the outbreak of the plague she is described as havign suffered from 'the James sickness' [leprosy].
Digitised material for Alice Dickson, wife of Arche Dickson, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/D6
DPRI/1/1606/D6/1-2   20 June 1605
inventory, actual total £1 0s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 18s)
with letter, undated
Inventory, with covering letter to Thomas Kynge [Durham proctor] from Roger Errington, concerning a controversy over the goods of the deceased, and supporting the creditor's claim. Endorsed: administration granted.
Margaret DIXON, wife of William Dixon of Newcastle upon Tyne, master and mariner, widow, of Pandon in the towne of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Margaret Dixon, wife of William Dixon, master and mariner, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/D7
DPRI/1/1606/D7/1-2   18 February 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/D8   24 May 1606
Henrie DUNKANE, husbandman, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Donkane
For the inventory of Dunkane's wife, see - DPRI/1/1607/D7/1-3
Digitised material for Henrie Dunkane, husbandman of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/D8
DPRI/1/1606/D8/1   1 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/D8/2-5   13 May 1606
inventory, actual total £270 2s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £126 10s 11d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 24 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/E1   28 June 1606
Alexander EGGLESTON, of the Townfeilde in the parrishe of Hunstonworth [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Egleston
Digitised material for Alexander Eggleston of Hunstanworth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/E1
DPRI/1/1606/E1/1   29 March 1606
endorsed: proved, 28 June 1606
DPRI/1/1606/E1/3   undated
inventory, actual total £138 16s 2d
Inventory dated, 28 May [?1606]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 June [1606].
DPRI/1/1606/E1/4   undated
indented inventory, actual total £138 16s 2d
Inventory dated, 28 May [?1606]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 June [1606].
DPRI/1/1606/E2   20 March 1607
Barbara ELSTOB, widow, of Foxton, parish of Sedgfield (Sedgefeild, Seidgfeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb, Elstop
Digitised material for Barbara Elstob, widow of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/E2
DPRI/1/1606/E2/1   28 November 1606
endorsed: proved, 20 Mar 1607
DPRI/1/1606/E2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £29 16s 8d (with account of debts of £32)
endorsed: will not proved
DPRI/1/1606/E3   24 May 1606
William EMERSON, yeoman, of Barmeton within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
Inventory is endorsed by probate office; 'Inventory ... with Will that is not yet proved' - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for William Emerson, yeoman of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/E3
DPRI/1/1606/E3/1   23 May 1606
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 20 May 1606, actual total £675 15s 6d
Inventory of goods at [?Barmpton] and at Feildheade in Weardale. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 May [1606].
Issabell FETHERSTONHAUGHE, of parishe of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Issabell Fetherstonhaughe of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/F1
DPRI/1/1606/F1/1   undated
Inventory of goods etc. 'that was delivered to William Phillop of the Eastyes'. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1606/F2   20 February 1607
William FISSHER, son and executor of Robert Fissher of Newcastle upon Tyne, minor, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Fisher
Fissher was under the tuition of Hughe Maison. For the will of Fisher's father Robert Risher, see - DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2
Digitised material for William Fissher, son and executor of Robert Fissher, minor of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/F2
DPRI/1/1606/F2/1   20 February 1607
The inventory total represents Fissher's share of his father's personal property, he as executor having paid all debts and legacies etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1607.
Ambrose FRISSELL, of Horslie, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Frisell
Digitised material for Ambrose Frissell of Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/F3
DPRI/1/1606/F3/1   3 April 1606
with inventory, 21 April 1606, actual total £16 7s
endorsed: issued under the seal
DPRI/1/1606/G1   20 February 1607
Margarett GARNER, widow, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Gardner
Digitised material for Margarett Garner, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/G1
DPRI/1/1606/G1/1-2   12 December 1605
endorsed: proved, 20 Feb 1607
DPRI/1/1606/G1/3   20 May 1606
inventory, actual total £2 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 3d)
DPRI/1/1606/G2   30 March 1606
Lawrence GARNETT, gentleman, of Eglescliffe (Eggesclif, Eglescliff, Egglescliff, Eggliscliffe) in the countye palentyne of Durisme [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Garnet
Digitised material for Lawrence Garnett, gentleman of Egglescliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/G2
DPRI/1/1606/G2/1   18 March 1606
Witnesses sworn by commission, 30 Mar 1606. Endorsed: 1605.
DPRI/1/1606/G2/2-3   29 March 1606
inventory, actual total £223 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £167 11s 2d)
DPRI/1/1606/G2/4   30 March 1606
certificate of execution of commission
certificate of execution of a commission to prove the will and to execute a bond and grant probate to Anne Garnett, relict; commission executed by John Calthill and Michaell Colman
Edward GARRATT, of Shilbotell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrett, Garatt
Digitised material for Edward Garratt of Shilbottle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/G3
DPRI/1/1606/G3/1   17 January 1606
DPRI/1/1606/G3/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £53 19s 8d (with account of debts of £3)
Rychard GARRATT, yeoman, of Allintonge (Allanton, Allinton) within the parish of Woodhorne and in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrett, Garrat
Digitised material for Rychard Garratt, yeoman of AWoodhorn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/G4
DPRI/1/1606/G4/1   23 March 1603
indented will
Not proved. Subscribed: Margaret Garratt married since to Robert Younger; five living children and one deceased child named.
DPRI/1/1606/G4/2   28 April 1603
indented inventory, actual total £47 10s 4d (with account of debts of £8 12s)
inventory total includes £2 14s 4d of legacies
DPRI/1/1606/G5   26 July 1606
Jhon GARTHAT, of parishe of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) and lordshippe of Bransbethe (Bransbeth) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Garthwhate
Digitised material for Jhon Garthat of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/G5
DPRI/1/1606/G5/1   24 May 1606
indented will
endorsed: proved, 26 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/G5/2   12 June 1606
indented inventory, actual total £133 12s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £49 14s 2d)
Anthonie GEFFERSON, of Ryop [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferson
Gefferson made his will and codicil over two days 'lynge in a coove in the feild sicke in the visitation' [?plague].
Digitised material for Anthonie Gefferson of Ryhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/J2
DPRI/1/1606/J2/1   23 July 1604
nuncupative will
with nuncupative codicil, 25 July 1604
endorsed: not proved
John GREANE, of parishe of Hadon (chapelry of Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Green
Digitised material for John Greane of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/G6
DPRI/1/1606/G6/1   6 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/G6/2   6 July 1606
copy inventory
endorsed: 'query whether administration has been granted or not'
DPRI/1/1606/G7   26 April 1606
Thomas GREEVE, husbandman, of parish of Norton within the countie of Durrham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Greve, Greev
Digitised material for Thomas Greeve, husbandman of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/G7
DPRI/1/1606/G7/2-3   31 December 1605
with list of debts owing by the testator of £9 11s 6d
DPRI/1/1606/G7/1   31 December 1605
copy will
endorsed: proved, 26 Apr 1606
DPRI/1/1606/G7/6   21 April 1606
inventory, actual total £62 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 0s 9d)
DPRI/1/1606/G7/4-5   21 April 1606
indented copy inventory, actual total £62 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 0s 9d)
DPRI/1/1606/G8   17 January 1607
Johne GREGESONE, of Mortone in the parishe of Daltone (Dalltone, Dalton) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Gregson, Gregesonne
Digitised material for Johne Gregesone of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/G8
DPRI/1/1606/G8/1   5 January 1601
endorsed: proved, 17 Jan 1607
DPRI/1/1606/G8/2   15 January 1607
inventory, actual total £67 16s 8d (with account of legacies of £26 15s 4d)
DPRI/1/1606/G9   8 July 1606
Nicholas GRYFFINGE, chapman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Griffen, Griffin
Digitised material for Nicholas Gryffinge, chapman of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/G9
DPRI/1/1606/G9/1-2   24 March 1606
indented inventory
inventory of goods and chapman wares etc.
DPRI/1/1606/G9/3-4   24 March 1606
indented copy inventory
Inventory of goods and chapman wares etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 8 July [1606].
William HAGGERSTON, esquire, of Hassellrigg (Hasselridge) in the county of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Haggerston, esquire of Chatton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H1
DPRI/1/1606/H1/1   16 July 1606
inventory appraised over two days, 15 and 16 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H2   22 November 1606
John HALL, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Hall, cordwainer of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H2
DPRI/1/1606/H2/1   12 September 1606
endorsed: proved, 22 Nov 1606
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 80

DPRI/1/1606/H2/2   6 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £61 17s 6d (with account of debts of £9 8s 1d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 80-82

John HALL, yeoman, of chapelry of Earsden within the parishe of Tynmouthe within the countye of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Hall, yeoman of Earsdon, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H3
DPRI/1/1606/H3/1-2   undated
DPRI/1/1606/H4   8 November 1606
Lanclot HALL, of Framewelgaite in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarettes in the cittye of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]
Digitised material for Lanclot Hall of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H4
DPRI/1/1606/H4/1   22 September 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H4/2-3   17 October 1606
inventory, actual total £212 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 17s 4d)
endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H5   10 May 1606
Richard HALLIMAN, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Richard Halliman of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H5
DPRI/1/1606/H5/1   17 December 1603
endorsed: proved, 10 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H6   8 July 1606
Isabell HARLE, wife of James Harle, of parishe of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
Harle explicitly states her will was written with her husband's consent, and names him as her sole executor; however, it appears he did not obtain a grant of probate.
Digitised material for Isabell Harle, wife of James Harle of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H6
DPRI/1/1606/H6/1-2   2 June 1606
endorsed: proved, 8 July 1606; probate not granted
DPRI/1/1606/H8   11 October 1606
Isabell HARPERLEY, daughter and executor of Anthony Harperley of Hartburn, spinster, of parish of Hartburne of the chappelrie of Stockton [Hartburn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Isabell Harperley, daughter and executor of Anthony Harperley of Hartburn, spinster of Hartburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H8
DPRI/1/1606/H8/1   9 June 1597
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1606/H8/2   11 October 1606
inventory, actual total £38 13s 8d
DPRI/1/1606/H8/3   11 October 1606
inventory, actual total £38 13s 8d
endorsed: administration granted, 11 Oct 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H9   10 May 1606
Robert HARRYSON, of Mugleswicke Parke and of the paryshe of Mugleswicke (Mugleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison
Digitised material for Robert Harryson of Muggleswick, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H9
DPRI/1/1606/H9/1   26 February 1606
endorsed: proved, 10 May [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/H9/2   19 March 1606
inventory, actual total £57 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 5s 6d)
DPRI/1/1606/H7   18 July 1606
James HERRISON, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison
Digitised material for James Herrison of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H7
DPRI/1/1606/H7/1-2   11 April 1606
Subscribed: witnesses sworn and probate granted to Lucie Harreson, relict and co-executor; the other executors having renounced. Endorsed: proved, 18 July 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/H7/3   12 June 1606
inventory, actual total £20 12s 10d (with account of debts of £4 4s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/H11   10 May 1606
Thomas HUCHESON, of Langley within the parishe of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
Digitised material for Thomas Hucheson of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H11
DPRI/1/1606/H11/1   22 February 1606
indented will
endorsed: proved, 10 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H11/2   10 March 1606
indented inventory, actual total £27 7s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 12s 7d)
Richerd HUDLESSE, of parish of Darlingtonne (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Hoodlesse, Hoodelesse
Digitised material for Richerd Hudlesse of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H12
DPRI/1/1606/H12/1   21 February 1607
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 85-86

DPRI/1/1606/H12/2   11 March 1607
indented inventory, actual total £42 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 18s 4d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 86-87

DPRI/1/1606/H13   15 November 1606
Cuthbert HUNTER, of Salt Pannes neare to the South Shyldes, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]
Digitised material for Cuthbert Hunter of South Shields, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H13
DPRI/1/1606/H13/1-2   9 October 1606
endorsed: administration granted, 15 Nov 1606
Thomas HUNTER, husbandman, of Grange wythin the parishe of Warkworthe (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Hunter, husbandman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H14
DPRI/1/1606/H14/1-2   28 December 1604
DPRI/1/1606/H14/3   25 November 1606
inventory, actual total £48 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 1s 8d)
Andro HUNTRIDGH, of parish of Longehowghton (Longhowghton, Long Houghton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntridge, Huntridghe
Digitised material for Andro Huntridgh of Longhoughton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/H15
DPRI/1/1606/H15/1   9 April 1606
endorsed with voided and cancelled grant of probate
DPRI/1/1606/H15/2   20 May 1606
inventory, actual total £26 17s 2d
DPRI/1/1606/H15/3   20 May 1606
inventory, actual total £26 17s 2d
Agnes HUTCHEONSON, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Hucheson, Hutchinson, Hutchenson, Hutcheson
Digitised material for Agnes Hutcheonson of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H10
DPRI/1/1606/H10/1   11 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/H10/2   26 July 1606
inventory, actual total £60 12s 2d (with account of debts of £6 13s 4d)
DPRI/1/1606/H16   21 July 1606
John HUTCHESONNE, yeoman, of Crosegaite in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarettes in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
Digitised material for John Hutchesonne, yeoman of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/H16
DPRI/1/1606/H16/1-4   20 May 1606
endorsed: administration granted, 21 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/J1   18 April 1606
Matthew JAYE, one of the footmen of the old garrison, [army] footman, of towne of Barwicke (Berwick, Barwick) upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Jaie
Digitised material for Matthew Jaye, one of the footmen of the old garrison of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/J1
DPRI/1/1606/J1/1   17 April 1605
endorsed: inventory exhibited; proved, 18 Apr [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/J1/2   undated
inventory, actual total £17 1s 2d
Thomas JORDAN, husband of Elizabeth Jordan, of Bunes Ferrye alias Ferrye Boate []; also spelt Jordeine
location of Bunes Ferry unknown
Digitised material for Thomas Jordan, husband of Elizabeth Jordan of Bunes Ferrye - DPRI/1/1606/J3
DPRI/1/1606/J3/1-2   9 September 1606
indented inventory
DPRI/1/1606/J3/3   2 January 1607
renunciation of Elizabeth Jordan, relict, and John Jordan, son, consenting that administration be granted to Francis Jordan, eldest son
Thomas KIRTLEY, of Bysshopp Oke (Oake) within the parke (park) and parishe off Wollsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Keirtley
Digitised material for Thomas Kirtley of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/K1
DPRI/1/1606/K1/1   7 July 1603
indented will
DPRI/1/1606/K1/2-3   30 September 1606
indented inventory, actual total £139 (with account of debts and legacies of £17)
Edward LANGLANDES, of parishe of Halton, parish of Corbridge [Halton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Edward Langlandes of Halton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/L1
DPRI/1/1606/L1/1   6 December 1606
endorsed: issued
DPRI/1/1606/L1/2   10 January 1607
inventory, actual total £19 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 13s 1d)
Barbarye LAWSON, wife of Edward Lawson of Bywell gentleman, widow, of parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne
Digitised material for Barbarye Lawson, wife of Edward Lawson, gentleman, widow of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/L2
DPRI/1/1606/L2/1   31 December 1605
endorsed: issued under the seal
DPRI/1/1606/L2/2   30 January 1606
indented inventory, actual total £17 4s 9d (with account of a contentious debt of £8)
Richard LILBURN, of Sunderland, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Lilburne
Digitised material for Richard Lilburn of Bamburgh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/L4
DPRI/1/1606/L4/1   28 April 1606
nuncupative will
with inventory, 28 April 1606, actual total £32
DPRI/1/1606/L5   28 November 1606
Robert LORYMAN, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lorriman, Loriman
Digitised material for Robert Loryman of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/L5
DPRI/1/1606/L5/2   29 August 1606
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 83

DPRI/1/1606/L5/1   29 August 1606
copy will
endorsed: proved, 28 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/L5/3   16 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £69 18s 2d (with account of debts of £10 18s 8d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 84-85

William LYDDELL, yeoman, of Melkeriche in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Haltwesell [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell
The testator is refered to as Riddell on the dorse of the will.
Digitised material for William Lyddell, yeoman of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/L3
DPRI/1/1606/L3/1   12 February 1607
DPRI/1/1606/L3/2   24 February 1607
inventory, actual total £15 13s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/M1   24 September 1606
Anne MASON, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Maison
Digitised material for Anne Mason, widow of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/M1
DPRI/1/1606/M1/1-2   11 June 1606
DPRI/1/1606/M1/3   18 September 1606
commission to Richard Clerck preacher, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed: (1) to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the goods of John Dewell of Berwick-upon-Tweed, intestate, to Margaret Dewell, relict; commission executed by Clerke, 21 Sep 1606; (2) to administer an oath and grant administration to the children the executors of the will of Anne Mason, and during their minority to grant the same to Thomas Rotherupp, tutor; and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Clerke, and a bond also entered, 24 Sep 1606
William MATHEW, of East Bolden (Boldon) [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Matthew
Digitised material for William Mathew of East Boldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/M2
DPRI/1/1606/M2/1-2   undated
Elizabeth MAXCON, widow, of parech of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Maxon
Digitised material for Elizabeth Maxcon, widow of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/M3
DPRI/1/1606/M3/1   11 March 1607
subscribed with cancelled draft inventory
Lanclott MAXON, yeoman, of parish of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Lanclott Maxon, yeoman of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/M4
DPRI/1/1606/M4/1   13 February 1607
with inventory, 9 March 1607, actual total £21 3s 3d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/M5   1 April 1606
Stephen MELMARBIE, husbandman, of parish of Birkbie (Birkby) within the countie of Yorke [Birkby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Melmerby, Melmerbie
Digitised material for Stephen Melmarbie, husbandman of Birkby, Yorkshire - DPRI/1/1606/M5
DPRI/1/1606/M5/1   17 February 1606
DPRI/1/1606/M5/2-3   26 February 1606
inventory, actual total £122 3s (with account of debts of £29 7s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/M5/4   29 March 1606
commission to Edward Hutton LLB, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hutton, 1 Apr 1606
Gawine MITFORTH, of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Gawine Mitforth of Ulgham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/M6
DPRI/1/1606/M6/1-2   28 April 1606
DPRI/1/1606/M6/2   undated
inventory, actual total £25 15s 2d (with account of debts of £7 3s 4d)
Charles MOBERLEY, clerk, of St Oswoldes (Oswould) in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
Digitised material for Charles Moberley, clerk of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/M7
DPRI/1/1606/M7/1   8 August 1606
Inventory of goods not administered. endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1606/M8   10 November 1606
Adam MOORE, of Hortonn and parish church of Chatton (Chatton) [Horton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Adam Moore of Horton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/M8
DPRI/1/1606/M8/1   26 September 1606
endorsed: proved, 10 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/M8/2   undated
inventory, actual total £18 7s (with account of debts of £1 15s 8d)
Elezabeth MORRESS, of parish of St Nicholas in the citie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Morris, Morrice
Digitised material for Elezabeth Morress of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/M9
DPRI/1/1606/M9/1   1 January 1606
DPRI/1/1606/M9/2-4   30 January 1606
indented inventory, actual total £103 10s 5d (with account of debts of £37 16s 10d)
Catheren MOSCROPP, of parish of Gaitsid (Gateside) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Muscrop, Muscrope
Digitised material for Catheren Moscropp of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/M10
DPRI/1/1606/M10/1-2   20 February 1606
with inventory, actual total £5 10s
DPRI/1/1606/N1   26 April 1606
Thomas NETHERTON, of Nortonn [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Neitherton
Digitised material for Thomas Netherton of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/N1
DPRI/1/1606/N1/1   28 February 1606
DPRI/1/1606/N1/2-3   14 March 1606
indented inventory, actual total £117 7s 2d (with account of debts of £4 5s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Apr 1606; will registered
Michaell NEWCOME, fisherman, Gaitshead in the countie of Durham, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Michaell Newcome, fisherman, of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/N2
DPRI/1/1606/N2/1-2   29 January 1607
DPRI/1/1606/N2/3   11 February 1607
indented inventory, actual total £29 16s 4d (with account of debts of £5)
DPRI/1/1606/O1   10 January 1607
Phillis OGLE, widow, Newsame in the countye of Northumberland, Lemyngton of the parish of Edlingham [Earsdon, Northumberland; Edlingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Phillis Ogle, widow,of Earsdon and Edlingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/O1
DPRI/1/1606/O1/2   22 June 1606
witnesses sworn, 14 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/O1/1   22 June 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/O1/3   10 January 1607
indented inventory, actual total £240 13s 8d
Exhibited by Thomas Middleton, 10 Jan 1607. Endorsed: proved, 10 Jan 1607.
William OGLE, of Holieyland (Holie Iland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Oglee. Died 20 February 1606
Digitised material for William Ogle of Holy Island, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/O2
DPRI/1/1606/O2/1   20 February 1606
with inventory, undated, actual total £45 4s 10d (with account of debts of £6 8s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/P1   22 November 1606
Dame Jennett PATTYSONN, of towne and parish and lordship of Hart (Hartt, Harte) within the county pallatyne of Dunelem [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Pattisonn, Patysonn, Pattison
Digitised material for Dame Jennett Pattysonn of Hart, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/P1
DPRI/1/1606/P1/1   28 October 1606
DPRI/1/1606/P1/2   13 November 1606
indented inventory, actual total £164 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 5s 2d)
Inventory in the form of an account, with allocation of the residue to the executor, Robert Gibson. Endorsed: [will] proved, 22 Nov 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/P2   6 December 1606
Thomas PAXTON, blacksmith, of Hewton Henrie (Henrye) in the countie of Durham, parish of Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Paxton, blacksmith of Hutton Henry, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/P2
DPRI/1/1606/P2/1   15 June 1606
endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606
DPRI/1/1606/P2/2   4 August 1606
inventory, actual total £14 1s (with account of debts of £1 9s)
Jenet PEACOCK, widow, of parishe of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Peacocke
Digitised material for Jenet Peacock, widow of Greatham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/P3
DPRI/1/1606/P3/1   15 September 1604
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1606/P3/2   19 October 1604
inventory, actual total £25 11s 2d
Nicholus PISCOTT, of chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Pescott
Digitised material for Nicholus Piscott of Newbrough, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/P4
DPRI/1/1606/P4/1   19 July 1606
with inventory, undated, actual total £7
endorsed: issued
DPRI/1/1606/P5   16 May 1606
George POTS, yeoman, of Prestwick in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Iland (Ponte Iland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Pottes
Digitised material for George Pots, yeoman of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/P5
DPRI/1/1606/P5/1   22 December 1605
subscribed with names of five minor children
DPRI/1/1606/P5/2   22 December 1605
copy will
endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £1 14s 6d
DPRI/1/1606/P5/3   10 April 1606
indented inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/P5/4   10 April 1606
indented copy inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 16 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/P5/5   10 April 1606
indented copy inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/P5/6   16 May 1606
commission to Edward Dixwell M.A., vicar of Ponteland, to administer an oath and grant administration to Elinor Pots, relict and co-executor, and also to execute a bond of Elinor Pots and Williams Pots, son, co-executors; commission executed by Dixwell, (undated)
DPRI/1/1606/P6   25 October 1606
Raphe PRESTON, yeoman, of chapelry of Saincte Helyn Aiklande (Ellen Awckland) within the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raphe Preston, yeoman of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/P6
DPRI/1/1606/P6/1   17 April 1606
DPRI/1/1606/P6/2   12 August 1606
indented inventory, actual total £114 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £37 10s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Oct 1606
Christofor PRIERMAN, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Priorman
Digitised material for Christofor Prierman, butcher of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/P7
DPRI/1/1606/P7/1-5   11 December 1605
endorsed: exhibited, 10 Oct 1606
William RACKBAINE, of St Andrew Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Rackbaine of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R1
DPRI/1/1606/R1/1-2   11 October 1606
Account of Alice Rackbaine, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 11 Oct 1606.
John RAWE, Thornely (Thorneley) within the lordshipp of Bransbeth and parishe of Wollsingham, parish of Brancepeth [Wolsingham, County Durham; Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Rawe, of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R2
DPRI/1/1606/R2/1-2   16 January 1607
indented will
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1606/R2/3   3 February 1607
indented inventory, actual total £23 19s (with account of debts of £21 3s 1d)
Thomas RAWE, of Wharne Burne within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Rawe of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R3
DPRI/1/1606/R3/1   3 October 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R3/2   23 October 1606
indented inventory, actual total £43 1s 8d (with account of debts of £2 17s)
DPRI/1/1606/R4   3 May 1606
William RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Tuddoe (Tuddo) in the parish of Brancepeth (Branncepeth) in the countie of Durham [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Richeson
Digitised material for William Richardson, yeoman of Tudhoe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R4
DPRI/1/1606/R4/1   3 March 1606
endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R4/2   20 April 1606
indented inventory, actual total £54 1s
DPRI/1/1606/R4/3   20 April 1606
indented copy inventory, actual total £54 1s
DPRI/1/1606/R5   2 April 1606
John RICHESSONN, of West Cheavingtonn, chapelry of Chevington [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Richesson, Richardson
Digitised material for John Richessonn of Chevington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/R5
DPRI/1/1606/R5/1   11 February 1606
endorsed: administration granted, 2 Apr 1606
Thomas RIDLEY, yeoman, of Haltwesell in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Ridley, yeoman of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/R6
DPRI/1/1606/R6/1   2 January 1607
endorsed: issued
DPRI/1/1606/R7   7 March 1607
Edward ROBINSON, of Persbrigg (Percebrigge, Percebridge) within the countie of Durham and of the parishe of Gainforth (Gainford) [Piercebridge, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edward Robinson of Piercebridge, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R7
DPRI/1/1606/R7/1-2   15 October 1605
endorsed: proved, 7 Mar 1607
DPRI/1/1606/R7/3-5   14 November 1605
inventory, actual total £84 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4)
Elizabeth ROBINSON, widow, of Hawthorne within the parishe of Easington in the countie of Durham [Hawthorn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Elizabeth Robinson, widow of Hawthorn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R8
DPRI/1/1606/R8/1   August 1606
nuncupative will
dated in early Aug 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R8/2   8 September 1606
inventory, actual total £177 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 2s 10d)
DPRI/1/1606/R9   8 November 1606
George ROBINSON, yeoman, of Dalton in the Dale in the countie of Durisme [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Robinson, yeoman of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R9
DPRI/1/1606/R9/1   20 October 1606
endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R9/2   24 October 1606
inventory, actual total £44 6s 8d
John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Heighington in the county of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Robinson, yeoman of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R10
DPRI/1/1606/R10/3-4   17 March 1606
endorsed: query whether the other parts are in the Register
DPRI/1/1606/R10/1-2   17 March 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/R10/5-6   26 March 1606
inventory, actual total £149 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 14s)
DPRI/1/1606/R11   3 May 1606
John ROBINSON, of Thorpe Thewles (Thorpethewlesse) of the parishe of Grindon (Grindonn) [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Robinsonn
Digitised material for John Robinson of Grindon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R11
DPRI/1/1606/R11/1-2   2 March 1606
with memorandum, undated
Will, subscribed with memorandum concerning the testatrix's [sic] intention that the executors were granted the residue in trust only, and for the use of the testatrix's [sic] mother, Janett Robinson. Endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606; not issued because probate not granted.
DPRI/1/1606/R11/3   24 March 1606
inventory, actual total £20 13s 4d (with account of debts of £8 5s)
Lancelot ROBINSON, of parish of Stanhope (Stanhoppe) [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Lancelot Robinson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R12
DPRI/1/1606/R12/1   29 March 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R12/2   29 March 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/R12/3   28 April 1606
inventory, actual total £267 (with account of debts of £12)
DPRI/1/1606/R13   17 May 1606
Robert ROBINSON, yeoman, of Rucopsyde in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) in the countye of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Robinson, yeoman of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R13
DPRI/1/1606/R13/1   19 January 1606
indented will
endorsed: proved, 17 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R13/2   27 January 1606
indented inventory, actual total £72 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 14s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/R15   24 April 1606
Jhon ROBSON, vicar of Hart and Hartlepool, clerk, of Harte and Hartlepoole [Hart, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jhon Robson, vicar of Hart and Hartlepool, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R15
DPRI/1/1606/R15/1   31 October 1605
endorsed: proved, 24 Apr 1606
DPRI/1/1606/R15/2-3   10 December 1605
inventory, actual total £137 17s 6d
Edward ROBSONNE, of Boes Hell (Bosehill), parish of Simondburne [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson
Digitised material for Edward Robsonne of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/R14
DPRI/1/1606/R14/1-2   16 May 1596
DPRI/1/1606/R14/3   16 May 1596
copy will
with inventory, undated, actual total £4 6s 8d
Endorsed: in litigation. Note discrepancy between date on copy will (16 March 1596/7) and date recorded in original.
DPRI/1/1606/R16   10 October 1606
Thomas RUSHELLS, of Thorneton within the parish of Connscliff in the countie of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Russelles, Russell
Rushells made his will lying in the 'courtins' [?cattle yards] at Thorneton while sick with the plague. The inventory includes the burial expenses for six unidentified persons at Coniscliffe.
Digitised material for Thomas Rushells of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/R16
DPRI/1/1606/R16/1-2   27 August 1606
nuncupative will
Subscribed with notes relating to Rushells' next of kin; administration granted to Peter Russell, brother. Endorsed: administration granted, 10 Oct 1606.
DPRI/1/1606/R16/3   12 September 1606
indented inventory, actual total £27 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18)
Thomas RUTLIDGE, of Kyllame, parish of Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rutlidg, Rutlish
Digitised material for Thomas Rutlidge of Kirknewton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/R17
DPRI/1/1606/R17/1   15 February 1605
with inventory, undated, actual total £65 6s
Robert RUTTER, of Fenwick in the parish of Stanfordhame alias Stannerden within the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Rutter of Stamfordham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/R18
DPRI/1/1606/R18/1   17 July 1606
indented will
DPRI/1/1606/S1   6 September 1606
Robert SIMPSON, of Burninghall (Burning Hill), parish of Branncpeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Simpson of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S1
DPRI/1/1606/S1/1   20 August 1606
DPRI/1/1606/S1/2   20 August 1606
indented copy inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 6 Sep 1606
DPRI/1/1606/S1/3   20 August 1606
indented copy inventory
Thomas SMARTE, of East Cheavingtonn (Chevington, Chivington) within the parishe of Warkeworthe and county of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Smart
Digitised material for Thomas Smarte of Chevington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/S2
DPRI/1/1606/S2/1-2   17 July 1605
with list of debts owing to the testator of 10s
DPRI/1/1606/S2/3   10 February 1606
inventory, actual total £38 2s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/S3   31 May 1606
Christofer SMEATON, yeoman, of Nessame (Nesham, Nesham, Neasham) in the countie of Duresme, parish of Horworth (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Smetone, Smeatone
Digitised material for Christofer Smeaton, yeoman of Hurworth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S3
DPRI/1/1606/S3/1   29 August 1605
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1606/S3/4   29 August 1605
copy nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 31 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/S3/2   27 February 1607
inventory, actual total £526 19s 6d
DPRI/1/1606/S3/3   27 February 1607
indented inventory, actual total £526 19s 6d
DPRI/1/1606/S4   14 March 1607
Robert SMIRTHET, of parish of Branspeth (Branncepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Smirthwhait, Smirthette
Digitised material for Robert Smirthet of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S4
DPRI/1/1606/S4/1   11 February 1606
endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1607]
DPRI/1/1606/S4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £8 2s (with account of debts of 15s)
DPRI/1/1606/S5   15 November 1606
John SMITH, of Harte (Hart) Bushes of the parishe of Mounckhesledenne (Munckhesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Smithe
Digitised material for John Smith of Monk Hesleden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S5
DPRI/1/1606/S5/1-2   4 July 1606
probate granted to Ellen Smith, relict, and Robert Smith, son, executors, with a power reserved to Anne Smith, daughter and executor; inventory also exhibited, 15 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/S5/3   30 July 1606
inventory, actual total £82 2s (with account of debts of £12 9s 6d)
Inventory total includes £8 9s 4d of legacies. Endorsed: proved 15 Nov [1606].
Nicholas SMITHE, of the Mill House (Milhowse, Milhouse, Milehouse) of the parishe of Haiwtwisell (Hawtwistle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith, Smyth
Digitised material for Nicholas Smithe of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/S6
DPRI/1/1606/S6/1   undated
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1606/S6/2   undated
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1606/S6/3   3 August 1606
inventory, actual total £10 18s 4d
voided; completed inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 13 Jan 1607
DPRI/1/1606/S6/4   5 January 1607
inventory, actual total £24 12s 4d
DPRI/1/1606/S6/5   5 January 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £24 12s 4d
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1606/S7   12 July 1606
Robert SMITHE, yeoman, of Cassoppe (Cassopp) in the countie of Durham, parish of Kello (Kellow) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smith
Digitised material for Robert Smithe, yeoman of Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S7
DPRI/1/1606/S7/1   23 April 1606
DPRI/1/1606/S7/2-3   18 June 1606
inventory, actual total £215 9s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 12 July [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/S7/4   18 June 1606
indented copy inventory, actual total £215 9s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 12 July [1606]
Roger SMITHE, merchant, of Alnewick (Alnewicke) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smythe
Digitised material for Roger Smithe, merchant of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/S8
DPRI/1/1606/S8/1   8 September 1601
DPRI/1/1606/S9   10 January 1607
Alexander SNAWDON, of Grenecrofte (Greencroft) in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Alexander Snawdon of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/S9
DPRI/1/1606/S9/1-2   19 December 1606
Probate granted to Robert Robson, sole executor, 10 Jan 1607; inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 14 May 1607. Endorsed: inventory not exhibited.
DPRI/1/1606/S10   18 March 1607
Lyonell STEVENSON, of Eshington within the parishe of Bothall (Bothell) [Bothal, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Lyonell Stevenson of Bothal, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/S10
DPRI/1/1606/S10/1   16 March 1607
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar 1607
Gefferaye STORE, of Whithell within the parishe of Shelbetell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Storie
Digitised material for Gefferaye Store of Shilbottle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/S11
DPRI/1/1606/S11/3-4   20 December 1603
with inventory, undated, actual total £26 5s (with account of debts of £8 10s 8d and more)
DPRI/1/1606/S11/1-2   20 December 1603
copy will
copy will, subscribed with incomplete and undated grant of probate
DPRI/1/1606/T2   28 April 1606
Robert TAILBOIS, esquire, of Thorneton (Thornton) [Hall] [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Tailboies, Tailboys
Tailbois refers in his will to his imprisonment [for debt] at Durham since 6 Feb 1604, and prior to that date his imprisonment for six weeks in the house of Henry Rayes, and also in the house of John Wood. He also owed £30 pa to his brother-in-law John Barnes, a younger son of bishop Barnes, for the diet and maintenance of his wife [Elizabeth] for the period 41-43 Elizabeth I (1598/9-1600/1). Tailbois held the patent to an office of the Bishop of Durham.
Digitised material for Robert Tailbois, esquire of Low Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/T2
DPRI/1/1606/T2/1-4   undated
[Will dated after 6 Feb 1604.] Probate granted in the house of John Barnes esquire in North Bailey to Elizabeth Tailbois, relict and sole executrix, 28 Apr 1606
DPRI/1/1606/T2/5-6   21 July 1603
inventory of debts, actual total £1,056 (and more)
Inventory of debts owing to the testator. Subscribed: 'This inventure remayneth with Mr Lovell Attorney before the Counsell in the North and the bond with Richard Wheteleye'.
Thomas TAILER, yeoman, of Lesburie in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylour
Digitised material for Thomas Tailer, yeoman of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T1
DPRI/1/1606/T1/1-2   2 December 1604
DPRI/1/1606/T1/3   8 March 1605
inventory, actual total £31 10s 10d (with account of debts of £40 8s 10d)
John TAYLER, of West Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Tailer
Digitised material for John Tayler of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/T3
DPRI/1/1606/T3/1   21 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/T3/2   21 May 1606
copy will
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1606/T3/3   26 May 1606
inventory, actual total £77 4s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 15s)
DPRI/1/1606/T4   8 July 1606
Isabell TEMPLE, widow, of parish (chapelry) of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Isabell Temple, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T4
DPRI/1/1606/T4/1   30 May 1606
indented will
endorsed: proved, 8 July [1606]; probate not granted
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 14-15

DPRI/1/1606/T4/2   13 June 1606
indented inventory, actual total £21 7s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 14s 8d)
Mathew THOMPSON, of Ellerwashe, chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompsonn
Digitised material for Mathew Thompson of Newbrough, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T5
DPRI/1/1606/T5/1   8 January 1606
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 7 July [1606]
DPRI/1/1606/T5/2   undated
inventory, actual total £26 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 17s 6d)
Arthor THOMSONE, of Gison (Guyson) within the parish of Shilbottlle [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson, Thomson
Digitised material for Arthor Thomsone of Shilbottle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T6
DPRI/1/1606/T6/1   11 April 1605
DPRI/1/1606/T6/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £62 7s 4d (with account of debts of 13s 8d)
DPRI/1/1606/T7   17 November 1606
Edward TROUTBECK, rector of Whitfield, clerk, of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Trowtbeck
Digitised material for Edward Troutbeck, rector of Whitfield, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T7
DPRI/1/1606/T7/1   3 December 1602
indented will
probate granted to William Troutbeck, nephew and co-executor, with a power reserved to Robert Troutbeck, nephew and co-executor, 17 Nov 1606
DPRI/1/1606/T7/2   13 May 1606
indented inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d
Edmunde TUGGLE, yeoman, of West Lilbornne (Lilborne, Lilburne) in the countie of Northumberland [West Lilburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Tugglle, Tuggell
Digitised material for Edmunde Tuggle, yeoman of West Lilburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T8
DPRI/1/1606/T8/1-2   24 March 1606
with inventory, 30 March 1606, actual total £15 12s 8d
Johne TURNER, of Dirttoppe (Dirthope) within the office of Bewcastle [Bewcastle, Cumberland]
testator requests to be buried at Newbrough in Northumberland
Digitised material for Johne Turner of Bewcastle, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1606/T9
DPRI/1/1606/T9/3-4   30 January 1607
DPRI/1/1606/T9/1-2   30 January 1607
copy will
Nycholas TWEDDELL, yeoman, of Thorpthewless of the parishe of Gryndon (Grindon) within the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nycholas Tweddell, yeoman of Grindon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/T10
DPRI/1/1606/T10/1   14 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/T10/2   25 July 1606
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 4 October 1606, actual total £129 2s
endorsed: [will] not proved; goods sequestered
Robart WALKER, pensioner, of Barwycke (Berwick) uppon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Died 27 July 1605
buried, 28 July 1605
Digitised material for Robart Walker, pensioner of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/W1
DPRI/1/1606/W1/1-2   12 July 1605
DPRI/1/1606/W1/3-4   12 July 1605
copy will
DPRI/1/1606/W2   27 February 1607
William WALL, mercer, of cittie of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Wall, mercer of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W2
DPRI/1/1606/W2/1-2   29 May 1605
administration granted to Grace Wall, relict; inventory also exhibited, 27 Feb 1607
Cuthbert WARD, of Mugleswicke Parke and of the parishe of Mugleswicke (Muggleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]
Digitised material for Cuthbert Ward of Muggleswick, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W3
DPRI/1/1606/W3/1   23 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W4   8 July 1606
Garrett WATSON, yeoman, of parish of Pont (Ponte) Iland in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrard, Watson
Digitised material for Garrett Watson, yeoman of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1606/W4
DPRI/1/1606/W4/1   5 April 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W4/2   11 May 1606
indented inventory, actual total £56 1s 3d
endorsed: [will] proved, 8 July [1606]
Nicholas WATSON, of Hewton Henrie of Munckhesleden parishe of the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Watson of Hutton Henry, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W5
DPRI/1/1606/W5/1   11 June 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W6   14 March 1607
William WILKINSON, of parish of Kelloe (Kello) [Kelloe, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Wilkinson of Kelloe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W6
DPRI/1/1606/W6/1   26 January 1607
DPRI/1/1606/W6/2   undated
inventory, actual total £3 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 7s and more)
Dated, ... Mar [?1607]. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Mar [?1607].
DPRI/1/1606/W6/3   13 March 1607
letter from George Wells to Mr Kinge [Durham proctor] concerning a c.1600 will, since superseded by the impoverishment of the testator to his 'great deray' [confusion], his remaining goods having been bequeathed at the time of his death
DPRI/1/1606/W7   19 July 1606
Marie WINTER, widow, of the South Balie in the cittie of Duresme, parish of St Mary [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]
Digitised material for Marie Winter, widow of Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W7
DPRI/1/1606/W7/1-2   19 May 1606
endorsed: proved, 19 July 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W8   17 May 1606
Jhon WRANGHAM, of Langleye wythein the parishe of Langechester (Lanchester) [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jhon Wrangham of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W8
DPRI/1/1606/W8/1   21 March 1606
endorsed: proved, 17 May 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W8/2-3   31 March 1606
inventory, actual total £300 11s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 6s 2d)
Robart WRIGHT, of Standleye Milne within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robart Wright of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1606/W9
DPRI/1/1606/W9/1   18 August 1606
DPRI/1/1606/W9/2   13 October 1606
indented inventory, actual total £21 5s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d)
DPRI/1/1606/Y1   24 January 1607
Roberte YOUNG, gentleman, of Ederedackers (Edderacres, Ederdackers, Edderdackers) in in the countie of Durham and of the parishe of Easingetone [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Younge
Digitised material for Roberte Young, gentleman of Easington, County Durham – DPRI/1/1606/Y1
DPRI/1/1606/Y1/1   6 January 1606
endorsed: will registered
DPRI/1/1606/Y1/2   12 January 1607
inventory, actual total £37 2s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £10 9s 3d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Jan 1607; will registered
Wills etc proved 1607
Reference: DPRI/1/1607
DPRI/1/1607/A2   6 June 1607
William APPLEBY, of chappelrye of Barnard Castell (Bernard Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye
Digitised material for William Appleby of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/A2
DPRI/1/1607/A2/2   18 March 1607
DPRI/1/1607/A2/1   18 March 1607
copy will
DPRI/1/1607/A2/4-5   28 April 1607
nuncupative codicil
DPRI/1/1607/A2/3   15 May 1607
indented inventory, actual total £50 10s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 6 June 1606 [recte 1607]
DPRI/1/1607/A3   31 October 1607
Michael ASKELL, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete of the parrish of Chester in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxliii
Digitised material for Michael Askell, yeoman of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/A3
DPRI/1/1607/A3/1   5 September 1607
endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1607]; 'tuition is granted to the mother for the use of the three executors'
DPRI/1/1607/A3/2-4   28 September 1607
indented inventory, actual total £210 15s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £15 3s)
DPRI/1/1607/A4   13 August 1607
John ATKINSON, mason, of Upper Cunsley, parish of Connscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Atkinson, mason of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/A4
DPRI/1/1607/A4/1   23 April 1605
indented will
probate granted at Auckland [St Andrew] by Clement Colmor to Alice Atkinson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to the other co-executors being minors; inventory also exhibited, 13 Aug 1607
DPRI/1/1607/A4/2   18 June 1607
indented inventory, actual total £19 18s 2d (with account of debts of £2 10s 10d)
endorsed: proved, 13 Aug 1607
DPRI/1/1607/A5   20 November 1607
John ATKINSON, yeoman, of Sounderlande within the parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Atkinson, yeoman of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/A5
DPRI/1/1607/A5/1-2   12 November 1607
endorsed: administration granted, 20 Nov [1607]
Cuthbert AUDSTONE, master and mariner, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Awdston
Audstone's records were formerly indexed as Andstone.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Audstone, master and mariner of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/A1
DPRI/1/1607/A1/1-2   22 April 1607
DPRI/1/1607/A1/3   2 October 1607
indented inventory, actual total £32 13s 9d
Rychard BALLIDGE, vintner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ballidg, Balledge
Digitised material for Rychard Ballidge, vintner of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/B1
DPRI/1/1607/B1/1-3   24 November 1607
DPRI/1/1607/B1/4   January 1608
indented inventory, actual total £92 12s
inventory of goods and merchandise
Gawyne BARDE, of West Chevingtonn (Cheavington) in the parishe of Warkeworthe (Warkworthe) [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Bard
Digitised material for Gawyne Barde of Chevington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/B2
DPRI/1/1607/B2/1-2   19 July 1607
DPRI/1/1607/B2/3   18 January 1608
inventory, actual total £106 16s 9d (with account of debts of £31 18s 11d)
DPRI/1/1607/B3   28 November 1607
Alison BINLAY, widow, of Merington within the parishe of Merington (Merrington) within the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Binley
Digitised material for Alison Binlay, widow of Merrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/B3
DPRI/1/1607/B3/1   22 July 1607
endorsed: proved, 28 Nov [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/B3/2   6 November 1607
inventory, actual total £12 18s 4d
Nicholes BLAXTON, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholes Blaxton of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/B5
DPRI/1/1607/B5/1   undated
date lost (damage)
DPRI/1/1607/B5/2-3   November 1607
inventory, actual total £96 3s 2d (with account of debts of £4 5s 2d)
dated, [?Nov] 1607; total of debts uncertain (damage)
DPRI/1/1607/B6   4 July 1607
Thomas BLAXTON, of Hartburne: parrish of Norton [Hartburn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Blaxton of Hartburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/B6
DPRI/1/1607/B6/1   7 January 1606
endorsed: proved, 4 July [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/B6/2   18 February 1606
inventory, actual total £72 8s 8d
William BLAYXTON, esquire, of Gibside in the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxton, Blakeston
Digitised material for William Blayxton, esquire of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/B4
DPRI/1/1607/B4/1   5 February 1608
The original will is fragmentary, but survives in full in Probate Register DPRI/2/8 ff.286v-290; a fuller transcription of will has been published by the Surtees Society.
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 27-29

DPRI/1/1607/B4/2   24 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £1,116 5s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 19s 2d)
Only about half the inventory survives in the original, but survives in full in Probate Register DPRI/2/8 ff.286v-290; a full transcription has been published by the Surtees Society, and from which the total has been calculated.
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 29-31

John CARR, horseman, of towne of Barwicke (Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Car
Digitised material for John Carr, horseman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/C1
DPRI/1/1607/C1/1   23 November 1595
endorsed: administration granted to Isabell Carr, relict
DPRI/1/1607/C2   6 June 1607
Thomas CARRE, husband of Margaret Carre, of parishe of Felton [Felton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Carre, husband of Margaret Carre of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/C2
DPRI/1/1607/C2/1   21 May 1607
Inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Carre and of his wife Margaret Carre; exhibited by Robert Carre, 6 June 1607. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 June 1607.
Richard CHAMBERS, of the South Sheiles [South Shields, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Chambers of South Shields, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C3
DPRI/1/1607/C3/1   21 January 1608
indented inventory
DPRI/1/1607/C4   18 April 1607
Thomas CHAPMAN, yeoman, of Bradburye (Bradburie) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Chapman, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C4
DPRI/1/1607/C4/1   6 February 1607
DPRI/1/1607/C4/2-3   2 April 1607
inventory, actual total £133 13s (with account of debts of £4 12s 2d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Apr [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/C5   12 March 1608
John CHILTON, of Houghton in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Chilton of Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C5
DPRI/1/1607/C5/1   16 October 1607
Richard CLERK, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, clerk, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Cleark
Digitised material for Richard Clerk, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/C7
DPRI/1/1607/C7/1-4   10 February 1608
Inventory of household goods etc. (£20 10s 1d) and books (£14 9s 4d). Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1607/C6   18 July 1607
Dorretye CLERKE, wife of Thomas Clerke of Berwick-upon-Tweed burgess, widow, of towne of Barwicke upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerk
Digitised material for Dorretye Clerke, wife of Thomas Clerke of Berwick-upon-Tweed burgess, widow of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/C6
DPRI/1/1607/C6/1   15 June 1607
endorsed: administration granted, 18 July 1607; [completed] inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 29 Sep [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/C6/2-7   22 June 1607
[draft] inventory, actual total £545 6s 5d (and more)
Inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Clerke and of his widow Dorretye Clerke; includes a schedule of (unvalued) items given away by Dorretye Clerke. Endorsed: administration granted, 18 July 1607; a finished inventory to be exhibited by the administrators at the next court after 29 Sep [1607].
DPRI/1/1607/C6/8-14   22 June 1607
inventory, actual total £583 19s 4d (with account of debts of £180)
inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Clerke and of his widow Dorretye Clerke
DPRI/1/1607/C8   28 November 1607
Thomas COMYNGE, of Crosegaite (Crosgaite) in the parishe (chapelrie) of St Margarettes [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Comyn
see DPRI/4/10 f.36v-37v
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxii
Digitised material for Thomas Comynge of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C8
DPRI/1/1607/C8/1   15 September 1607
Probate decreed to be granted to James [Comyn, son and co-executor]. Endorsed: proved, 28 Nov [1607]; inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 13 Jan [1608].
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 26-27

DPRI/1/1607/C8/2   23 October 1607
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 29 November 1607, actual total £107 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 8s 4d)
inventory is subscribed with an additional inventory of (unvalued) items remaining in Comynge's house but claimed by Isabell Jackson to be the property of her husband William Jackson; exhibited, 16 Jan 1608. [Items in the main body of the inventory are recorded as coming to 'more than they were praised to', from which we might infer that the valuations here are sale prices.]
Raphe CONYERS, esquire, of Laiton (Layton), parish of Sedgefeilde [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raphe Conyers, esquire of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C9
DPRI/1/1607/C9/1-2   2 December 1605
Inventory includes 12 thraves of wheat valued 29 Sep 1605 and deemed 'spoiled for husbandrye' and worthless, and also many items reported to the appraisers the value of which is as yet unproven. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1607/C10   20 February 1608
Roger CORNEFORTH, of St Helene (Helen) Awckland, parish of Saint Andrew Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Cornforth
Digitised material for Roger Corneforth of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C10
DPRI/1/1607/C10/1   19 February 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1608
DPRI/1/1607/C10/2   19 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £72 13s
with indented inventory of debts, 18 July 1608, actual total £10 (debts)
endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1608
William CRAWE, Edward Crawe, father of William Crawe, of Elwicke (Elwick) [Hart, County Durham]
Probate office records on the dorse the deceased's name as Edward Crawe rather than William Crawe.
Digitised material for William Crawe, Edward Crawe, father of William Crawe of Hart, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/C11
DPRI/1/1607/C11/1   20 June 1607
Inventory of the portion and other rights of William Crawe, [minor] son and co-executor; signed by John Nicolson [?tutor]; exhibited, 20 June 1607. Endorsed: tuition granted, 20 June 1607.
William CROSSIER, mariner, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Crosier
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B175
Digitised material for William Crossier, mariner of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/C12
DPRI/1/1607/C12/1   12 September 1607
Clement DELAVALL []; also spelt Delavale
no address stated
Digitised material for Clement Delavall - DPRI/1/1607/D1
DPRI/1/1607/D1/1-2   19 April 1605
Edward DENIS, husbandman, of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and Ilandshyre parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Dennis
Digitised material for Edward Denis, husbandman of Ancroft, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/D2
DPRI/1/1607/D2/1-2   1 June 1606
with inventory, 10 June 1606, actual total £20 12s 8d (with account of debts of £1 7s 2d)
DPRI/1/1607/D3   6 June 1607
Elizabeth DIXON, spinster, of parish of Gateshead in the countie of Duresme [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Dickson
Digitised material for Elizabeth Dixon, spinster of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/D3
DPRI/1/1607/D3/1-2   12 November 1597
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 6 June 1607; to be engrossed and to be annexed to the administration
DPRI/1/1607/D3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £11 (and more)
many items remain unvalued
Francis DIXSON, yeoman, of the Newtowne (New Towne) within the parish of Chillingham and countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickson
Digitised material for Francis Dixson, yeoman of Chillingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/D4
DPRI/1/1607/D4/1-2   13 July 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £22 4s 4d
DPRI/1/1607/D5   18 August 1607
Thomas DOBSON, felt-maker, of towne of Newcastele upon Tyne of the parish of St Johnes within the saide towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]. Died 23 June 1607
Digitised material for Thomas Dobson, felt-maker of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/D5
DPRI/1/1607/D5/1-2   30 March 1607
endorsed: proved, 18 Aug 1607
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 17-18

DPRI/1/1607/D5/3-7   26 June 1607
inventory, actual total £96 4s 1d (with account of debts of £93 18s 9d)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
John DOD, of Chyrdann, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
testator requests to be buried at Bellingham
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B134
Digitised material for John Dod of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/D6
DPRI/1/1607/D6/1   16 October 1604
will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s 4d and more
DPRI/1/1607/D7   18 March 1608
Marie DONKIN, wife of Henry Donkin, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Dankane
For the will and inventory of Marie Donkin's husband, see - DPRI/1/1606/D8/1 - DPRI/1/1606/D8/2-5
Digitised material for Marie Donkin, wife of Henry Donkin, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/D7
DPRI/1/1607/D7/1-3   undated
Inventory of the goods of Mary Donkin 'which are also all the goods which Henry Donkin died possessed of and came after his death to the handes of the said Marie Donkin in the right of herself and Children'. Inventory total does not include profits from 2 oxgangs of land in Norton valued at £16 pa and to be divided among the deceased's children over 16 years; cross-reference is also made to an inventory of Dankane's husband Henry Donkin. Endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar [1608].
Robert ELLYS, the younger, tailor, of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellis
Ellys made his will 'being landed at the North Sheiles'.
Digitised material for Robert Ellys, the younger, tailor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/E1
DPRI/1/1607/E1/3   6 July 1607
nuncupative will
with certificate of oath, undated
Nuncupative will, subscribed with certificate of the execution of the commission, the witnesses having been sworn.
DPRI/1/1607/E1/2   undated
inventory, actual total £10
DPRI/1/1607/E1/1   18 July 1607
commission to Thomas Turwhatt, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jaine Ellys, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; [commission executed by Trewhet]
DPRI/1/1607/E2   9 May 1607
Emme ELLYSON, widow, of Dalton in the Daile [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Ellison
Digitised material for Emme Ellyson, widow of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/E2
DPRI/1/1607/E2/1   4 February 1607
endorsed: proved, 9 May 1607
DPRI/1/1607/E2/2   6 May 1607
inventory, actual total £21 2s 3d
John ELWOOD, yeoman, of Stannington in the countie of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Elwood, yeoman of Stannington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/E3
DPRI/1/1607/E3/1   11 November 1605
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1607/F1   12 March 1608
Maryon FAIRBAIRNE, widow, of Rochert Way Foote, parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Fairburne, Fairbarne
Digitised material for Maryon Fairbairne, widow of Rochert Way Foote, of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/F1
DPRI/1/1607/F1/1   5 July 1607
endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1608
DPRI/1/1607/F1/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £4 18s (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s 3d)
William FORRESTE, husbandman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Forrest
Digitised material for William Forreste, husbandman of Wolviston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/F2
DPRI/1/1607/F2/1   10 December 1606
DPRI/1/1607/F2/2   5 January 1607
inventory, actual total £191 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £80 10s)
DPRI/1/1607/F3   11 September 1607
Michaell FOSTER, of East Woodborne (East Woodburne) within the parishe of Corsingside (chapelry of Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster
Digitised material for Michaell Foster of Corsenside, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/F3
DPRI/1/1607/F3/1-2   6 August 1607
Probate granted to the executors Isabell Foster, relict, and John Foster, illegitimate son, and the tuition of six named minor children granted to Isabell Foster, 11 Sep 1607. Endorsed: proved, 11 Sep 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/F3/4   undated
indented inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/F3/5   undated
indented copy inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/F3/3   undated
indented copy inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/F4   12 December 1607
Richard FREVILL, husband of Margaret Frevill, gentleman, of Rabie (Raby) Castle, parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Frevile
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxix
Digitised material for Richard Frevill, husband of Margaret Frevill, gentleman of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/F4
DPRI/1/1607/F4/3-4   16 December 1607
Joint inventory of the goods etc. of Richard Frevilll and of his wife Maragret Frevill at Newton Cap, Bishop Middleham and Raby Castle. Endorsed: administration granted, 12 Dec [1607].
DPRI/1/1607/F4/1-2   20 November 1607
power of attorney
power of attorney of Sir Georg Frevile knight of Hardwick, brother, appointing William Jenison, John Jenison, Thomas Jenison, John Gadge and Hercules Brabant to act in his stead as guardian and next of kin to six named children of the deceased and to take out administration
William FYFFE, of Monke Seaton, parish of Tynmouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fiffe
Digitised material for William Fyffe of Monkseaton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/F5
DPRI/1/1607/F5/1   9 March 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/F5/2   17 April 1607
indented inventory, actual total £11 1s debt(with account of funeral expenses of £1 0s 8d)
Thomas FYLYPSON, keelman, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Felypeson, Phillipson
Digitised material for Thomas Fylypson, keelman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P7
DPRI/1/1607/P7/1   13 August 1607
endorsed: administration renounced by the wife, 18 Aug [1607]
Richard GOODWYN, master and mariner, of Gaitshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Goodwine
Digitised material for Richard Goodwyn, master and mariner of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/G1
DPRI/1/1607/G1/1   24 October 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/G1/2-4   15 January 1608
inventory, actual total £489 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £258)
DPRI/1/1607/G2   13 June 1607
Myles GUY, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Guye
Digitised material for Myles Guy, cordwainer of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/G2
DPRI/1/1607/G2/1   2 May 1607
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 87-88

DPRI/1/1607/G2/2   16 May 1607
indented inventory, actual total £148 3s (with account of a debt of 8s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 13 June 1607
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 88-91

DPRI/1/1607/H1   13 August 1607
Rowland HADDOCKE, labourer, of Upper Cunsley (Connscliffe) [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Haddock
Digitised material for Rowland Haddocke, labourer of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/H1
DPRI/1/1607/H1/1   29 January 1607
indented will
probate granted at Bishop Auckland by Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, to Jane Haddocke, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Margaret Haddocke, minor daughter and co-executor; inventory also exhibited, 13 Aug 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H1/2   18 June 1607
indented inventory, actual total £3 13s 2d
DPRI/1/1607/H2   20 August 1607
John HALL, of parish of Rothburie [Rothbury, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Hall of Rothbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H2
DPRI/1/1607/H2/1   27 April 1606
DPRI/1/1607/H2/2   7 November 1606
inventory, actual total £41
endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1607]
Lannclote HALL, yeoman, of parish of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B255
Digitised material for Lannclote Hall, yeoman of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H3
DPRI/1/1607/H3/1   24 December 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H4   28 March 1607
Charles HALL, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle
The three inventories ultimately derive from the estates of Charles Hall and Robert Fisher: several sons having died as minors, their portions and legacies pass to Thomas Hall, the surviving son of Charles Hall and also described as the son [?son-in-law] of Robert Fisher in Fisher's 1604 will. For the probate records of Charles Hall, Robert Fisher, and William Fisher, see - DPRI/1/1597/H3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1597/H3/3-5 - DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1606/F2/1
Digitised material for Charles Hall of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1597/H3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1597/H3/3-5 - DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1606/F2/1. - DPRI/1/1607/H4
DPRI/1/1607/H4/1   undated
indented inventory, actual total £10
with indented inventory, undated, actual total £10 10s
with indented inventory, undated, actual total £30 8s 5d
(1) inventory of the goods etc. due to Robert Hall deceased, minor son of Charles Hall; (2) inventory of the goods etc. due to Lancelot Hall deceased, also a minor son of Charles Hall; (3) inventory of the goods etc. due to William Fisher deseased, minor son of Robert Fisher. The sum total of all three inventories (£50 18s 5d) is due to Thomas Hall, [son of Charles Hall]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Mar [1607].
John HARDING, labourer, of Ayslabie of the parishe of Eglisclif (Eggescliffe) in the countie of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Hardinge
Digitised material for John Harding, labourer of Egglescliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/H5
DPRI/1/1607/H5/1   8 March 1606
DPRI/1/1607/H5/2   8 March 1606
copy will
endorsed: not proved
Bernard HEBSON, parish clerk of Newcastle St Andrew, parish clerk, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Bernard Hebson, parish clerk of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H6
DPRI/1/1607/H6/1   23 April 1607
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1607/H6/2   11 June 1607
inventory, actual total £38 17s 1d (with account of funeral charges of £3 13s 10d)
DPRI/1/1607/H7   27 October 1607
Adrien HEDWORTHE, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedworth, Hedwoorth
Digitised material for Adrien Hedworthe, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H7
DPRI/1/1607/H7/1-2   17 June 1605
with probate records, 15 September 1607
will, confirmed by testator on dorse 15 Sep 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H7/3   6 October 1607
indented inventory, actual total £467 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 0s 11d)
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 27 Oct 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/H7/4   27 October 1607
act of court
probate granted by William Murton, archdeacon of Durham, to Richard Hedworth, son and sole executor; inventory also exhibited
DPRI/1/1607/H8   19 July 1606March 1608
John HEDWORTHE, gentleman, of Coxeclose (Cockesclose, Cockes Close) in the chappelry of Lamesley in the countye pallentyne of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth, Hedwoorth
Digitised material for John Hedworthe, gentleman of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/H8
DPRI/1/1607/H8/2-4   13 May 1606
indented inventory
Inventory expenses include a charge for the coroner's fee; exhibited by Sir William Gascoigne knight, sequestrator, 20 June 1606. Endorsed: sequestration granted, 10 May 1606; administration granted, 19 July 1606.
DPRI/1/1607/H8/5   19 July 1606
grant of administration
Grant of administration to Sir William Gascoigne knight of Sadberg, curator of five named daughters of the deceased. Endorsed: cancelled, [1608].
DPRI/1/1607/H8/1   11 March 1608
Allegation of Sir William Gascoigne knight requesting his grant of administration be revoked, and that administration be re-granted to his servant John Atthie. Endorsed: exhibited, 11 Mar 1608. [Probate Act Book DPRI/4/10 f.48 (11 Mar 1608) contains a heading for John Hedworthe, bu the entry is otherwise blank.]
DPRI/1/1607/H9   4 July 1607
William HILL, husbandman, of Shotton of the parish of Easington within the county of Durhame [Shotton, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Hill, husbandman of Shotton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/H9
DPRI/1/1607/H9/1   7 April 1602
endorsed: proved, 4 July 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H9/2   16 July 1607
inventory, actual total £8 (with account of debts of £8 7s 6d)
DPRI/1/1607/H10   6 November 1607
Willyam HODGESHONN, of Egelstonn (Egglestonn) in the parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson
Digitised material for Willyam Hodgeshonn of Eggleston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/H10
DPRI/1/1607/H10/1   27 October 1607
administration granted to Isabell Hodgeshonn, relict, also for the use of Richard Hodgeshonn, minor son; by order of the judge the administratrix was also bound to distribute to the other children of the deceased, 6 Nov 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H12   18 June 1607
William HOPPER, of Tytlyngtone, parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Hopper of Eglingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H12
DPRI/1/1607/H12/1   16 December 1605
with inventory, 16 December 1605, actual total £34 19s 6d
Will and inventory, dated 16 Dec [?1605]. Endorsed: proved, 18 June 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/H13   18 July 1607
Henrye HUNTER, of Bogheade of Tersett in Tyndall within the parishe of Bellingham (chapelry of Bellingheam) [Bellingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Henrye Hunter of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H13
DPRI/1/1607/H13/1   2 January 1607
endorsed: proved, 18 July 1607
DPRI/1/1607/H13/2   undated
inventory, actual total £8 18s
DPRI/1/1607/H14   16 June 1607
William HUNTER, the elder, of Willington in the parishe of Wallesend [Wallsend, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Hunter, the elder of Wallsend, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H14
DPRI/1/1607/H14/1   15 February 1607
endorsed: proved, 16 June [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/H14/2   23 February 1607
inventory, actual total £63 14s 8d (with account of debts of £1 10s)
DPRI/1/1607/J1   19 March 1608
Grace JEFFERSON, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Jeffreson
Digitised material for Grace Jefferson, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/J1
DPRI/1/1607/J1/1   15 January 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar [1608]
Thomas JOHNSON, tanner, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Johnson, tanner of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/J2
DPRI/1/1607/J2/1   20 November 1606
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 91-92

Peter LAMBERT, of Fostonnes within the parishe of Wardon [Warden, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Peter Lambert of Warden, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/L1
DPRI/1/1607/L1/1   5 July 1607
with inventory, 7 July 1607, actual total £3 5s 10d
with list of debts owing to the testator of 10s.
DPRI/1/1607/L2   24 October 1607
Jane LAYBORNE, wife of Nicholas Layborne the elder of Darwancoat, widow, of Darwancoat (Darwancoate), chapelry of Meddomesley [Medomsley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Jane Layborne, wife of Nicholas Layborne the elder of Medomsley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/L2
DPRI/1/1607/L2/1   23 September 1607
with inventory, 23 September 1607, actual total £158 11s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/L2/2   23 September 1607
copy inventory, actual total £158 11s 8d
endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/L3   23 September 1607
Nicholas LAYBORNE, the elder, husband of Jane Layborne, of Darwancoate (Darwancoatt), chapelry of Meddomsley (Meddomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Layborne, the elder, husband of Jane Layborne of Medomsley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/L3
DPRI/1/1607/L3/1-2   1 September 1607
with commission, 22 September 1607
commission to George Wrightson, curate of Medomsley, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Layborne, relict and sole executrix, and to grant to her the tuition of the deceased's children; also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wrightsonn, 23 Sep 1607
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 25

DPRI/1/1607/L3/5-6   23 September 1607
act of court
probate granted in the home of the deceased at Darwancoatt to Jane Layborne, relict; Margery Layborne, daughter aged 17, elected her brother-in-law Roger Halsall as her curator, which Roger Halsall was monished to enter a bond; inventory exhibited
DPRI/1/1607/L3/3   23 September 1607
inventory, actual total £158 17s
DPRI/1/1607/L3/4   23 September 1607
copy inventory, actual total £158 17s
Margratt LYNN, wife of John Lynn, merchant adventurer, widow, of town of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St John
Digitised material for Margratt Lynn, wife of John Lynn, merchant adventurer, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/L4
DPRI/1/1607/L4/1   1 October 1607
DPRI/1/1607/L4/2   26 November 1607
inventory, actual total £39 0s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral charges of £10 10s)
DPRI/1/1607/L5   19 March 1608
Percyvaill LYNNE, yeoman, of Aymye Heade within the parishe of Wollsingham (Woolsingame, Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Percyvaill Lynne, yeoman of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/L5
DPRI/1/1607/L5/1   29 December 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/L5/2   7 January 1608
inventory, actual total £41 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £9 3s 10d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Mar [1608]
DPRI/1/1607/M1   10 October 1607
William MADDESON, of East Murton, chapelry of Elmeden [Embleton] [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Maddeeson
Digitised material for William Maddeson of Embleton - DPRI/1/1607/M1
DPRI/1/1607/M1/1   28 July 1606
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 15

DPRI/1/1607/M1/2   9 September 1607
indented inventory, actual total £36 8s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Oct [1607]
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 15

Symon MARLAY, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Marley
Digitised material for Symon Marlay, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/M2
DPRI/1/1607/M2/1-2   1 January 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £14
Richard MILBANKES [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milbanckes
parish uncertain
Digitised material for Richard Milbankes of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/M3
DPRI/1/1607/M3/1-2   1 January 1608
endorsed: administration granted
Robert MITFORD, father of Christopher, Henry, Anderson and Jane Mitford, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitforth, Mytforth
The account makes clear that Robert Mitford died before 1593, and that Jane Mitford, relict, acted as administratrix, at least until Oct 1593, and also was the tutrix of her four children. The same four named children of the deceased share the administrators' part between them in the account.
Digitised material for Robert Mitford, father of Christopher, Henry, Anderson and Jane Mitford, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/M4
DPRI/1/1607/M4/1   undated
Account of Jane Mitford, relict and tutrix of the four children of the deceased. Endorsed: exhibited, 16 Jan [1608]; admitted.
John MORLAND, of Kepyer Grainge (Kepyre, Keeper Grange) [Kepier Hospital, County Durham]; also spelt Morlande
Digitised material for John Morland of Kepier Hospital, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/M5
DPRI/1/1607/M5/1   17 March 1607
DPRI/1/1607/M6   19 March 1608
Peter MOSSE, of Priston, chapelry of Stockton [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]
Digitised material for Peter Mosse of Preston-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/M6
DPRI/1/1607/M6/1-2   9 December 1607
Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £4 14s 8d. Endorsed: proved, 19 Mar [1608].
DPRI/1/1607/M6/3   12 January 1608
inventory, actual total £32 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d)
Greggerye MYLLNER, of town of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Mllner
Digitised material for Greggerye Myllner of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/M7
DPRI/1/1607/M7/1   17 June 1607
DPRI/1/1607/N1   24 March 1607
Thomas NAWTONN, of parishe of Darlingtonn [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Nawton
Digitised material for Thomas Nawtonn of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/N1
DPRI/1/1607/N1/1   26 March 1607
indented inventory
Inventory of goods etc., less a mare detained by the wife of Robert Hood. Endorsed: administration granted to Thomas Hull, creditor, 24 Mar 1607; exhibited, 18 Apr [1607].
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 92-94

DPRI/1/1607/N2   12 December 1607
Petter NUTON, of Eldon (Eldone), parish of Awckland St Andrew [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Newtone, Newton
Digitised material for Petter Nuton of Eldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/N2
DPRI/1/1607/N2/1   7 November 1607
DPRI/1/1607/N2/2   10 December 1607
inventory, actual total £72 5s 8d (with account of debts of £67 10s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Dec [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/N2/3   10 December 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £72 5s 8d (with account of debts of £67 10s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Dec [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/N3   18 August 1607
Henry NYCHOLSON, mariner, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson
Digitised material for Henry Nycholson, mariner of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/N3
DPRI/1/1607/N3/1   10 February 1604
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Aug [1607]
William OVEREN, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Overon
Digitised material for William Overen of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/O1
DPRI/1/1607/O1/1   15 May 1607
indented inventory
Andrew PALLECER, husbandman, of parish of Alenam [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Palacer
Digitised material for Andrew Pallecer, husbandman of Alnham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P1
DPRI/1/1607/P1/1   3 May 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £11 0s 8d
Henrie PARKAR, of Slaggieford [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Henrie Parkar of Knarsdale, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P2
DPRI/1/1607/P2/1   undated
Robert PATERSON, husbandman, of Ambell wythin the parishe of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Paterson, husbandman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P3
DPRI/1/1607/P3/1-2   1 November 1606
DPRI/1/1607/P3/3   29 December 1606
inventory, actual total £49 5s 6d (with account of debts of £6 18s 8d)
Thomas PATTESON, of Halton Sheils (Sheles) and of the chapelrie of Halton [Halton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Patteson of Halton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P4
DPRI/1/1607/P4/1   14 January 1607
DPRI/1/1607/P4/2   31 January 1607
inventory, actual total £16 7s 4d
Thomas PEARSON, weaver, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Peareson
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints
Digitised material for Thomas Pearson, weaver of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P5
DPRI/1/1607/P5/1   8 December 1607
DPRI/1/1607/P5/2   30 December 1607
inventory, actual total £12 16s 4d
Thomas PEAT, yeoman, of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and Holy Ilandshyre parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Peat, yeoman of Ancroft, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P6
DPRI/1/1607/P6/1-2   26 May 1606
with inventory, 31 May 1606, actual total £18 4s (with account of debts of £15 1s 10d)
Will, with list of debts owing to (£2 17s 5d) and owing by (£15 1s 10d) the testator; and inventory. Endorsed: 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/P8   14 November 1607
John PICKERIN, husbandman, of Cowpon (Coopon) Bewley in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Pickering, Pickeringe
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B164
Digitised material for John Pickerin, husbandman of Billingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/P8
DPRI/1/1607/P8/1   21 February 1607
probate granted to Anne Pickerin, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted the tuition of the children named in the will and also Elizabeth Pickerin, posthumous daughter, 14 Nov 1607
DPRI/1/1607/P8/2   21 February 1607
copy will
DPRI/1/1607/P8/3-4   5 March 1607
inventory, actual total £227 17s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 0s 10d)
DPRI/1/1607/P9   1 May 1607
Barnabas PILKINGTON, gentleman, of Whitberne (Whitburn, Whitbarne) in the counetye of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]
Digitised material for Barnabas Pilkington, gentleman of Whitburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/P9
DPRI/1/1607/P9/1-4   13 April 1607
administration granted to Isabell Pilkington, relict, 1 May 1607; inventory to be exhibited before 29 Aug [1607]
Clement POOT, of parishe of St Andrewes within the towne and countie of Newcastell upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Pott
Digitised material for Clement Poot of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P10
DPRI/1/1607/P10/1   6 March 1607
with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s and more
Dennes PUDDELL, fisherman, of Newbiggin within the countie of Northumberland [Northumberland]; also spelt Puddle
parish uncertain: Newbiggins in Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea
Digitised material for Dennes Puddell, fisherman of Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/P11
DPRI/1/1607/P11/1   23 April 1606
DPRI/1/1607/R2   14 November 1607
William RANDE, of parish of Felton within the countie of Northumberlande [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rand
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxvii
Digitised material for William Rande of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/R2
DPRI/1/1607/R2/1   26 August 1607
[copy] will
endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/R2/2   17 September 1607
inventory, actual total £24 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 13s 8d)
DPRI/1/1607/R4   18 August 1607
Peter RIDDELL, the elder, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Riddle
Digitised material for Peter Riddell, the elder, merchant adventurer of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/R4
DPRI/1/1607/R4/1   6 June 1606
DPRI/1/1607/R4/2-4   undated
inventory, actual total £387 9s 5d
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 18 Aug [1607].
DPRI/1/1607/R5   5 March 1608
Edward ROBINSON, labourer, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edward Robinson, labourer of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/R5
DPRI/1/1607/R5/1   8 July 1607
endorsed: proved, 5 Mar [1608]
DPRI/1/1607/R5/2   undated
inventory, actual total £3 13s (with account of funeral expenses of 17s)
dated, 25 Feb
John ROBINSON, of Hallywell (Halliwell) of the countie of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Robinson of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/R6
DPRI/1/1607/R6/1   9 February 1608
with memorandum, 9 February 1608
Will, with memorandum of Elizabeth Robinson, wife, consenting to the terms of the will. Endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1608.
DPRI/1/1607/R6/2-4   undated
indented inventory, actual total £323 7s 6d (with account of debts of £35 16s 8d)
William ROBINSON, of parish of Heighington in the countye of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Robinson of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/R7
DPRI/1/1607/R7/1   14 June 1607
DPRI/1/1607/R7/2   4 July 1607
commission to Giles Garthwhate, vicar of Heighington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Robinson, relict and co-executor
DPRI/1/1607/R8   18 August 1607
Isabell ROBSON, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the parish of All Sainctes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Isabell Robson, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/R8
DPRI/1/1607/R8/1   11 July 1607
indented copy will
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 23-24

DPRI/1/1607/R8/2   18 July 1607
indented inventory, actual total £7 (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 16s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Aug [1607]
Jenet ROMSDEN, daughter of George Romsden of Halifax, of Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle uppon Tine) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramsden, Romsdenne, Romsdon
Digitised material for Jenet Romsden, daughter of George Romsden of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/R1
DPRI/1/1607/R1/1-2   29 July 1606
DPRI/1/1607/R1/3-4   30 July 1607
inventory, actual total £9 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 6s 8d)
Henry RUGG, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of brough of Barwyk upon Twed (Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rugge
Digitised material for Henry Rugg, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed - DPRI/1/1607/R9
DPRI/1/1607/R9/1   13 September 1606
DPRI/1/1607/R9/2-3   14 September 1606
inventory, actual total £37 2s 2d
Inventory of household goods and wares. Endorsed: 'call for a perfect inventory'.
DPRI/1/1607/R3   19 March 1608
William RYCHESON, blacksmith, of parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Recheson, Richardson
Digitised material for William Rycheson, blacksmith of Billingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/R3
DPRI/1/1607/R3/1   12 March 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar [1608]; 'ingrosse this'
DPRI/1/1607/R3/2   12 March 1608
indented copy inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar 1608
DPRI/1/1607/S1   6 February 160419 August 1607
Thomas SHEELLE, blacksmith, of countie of Newcastell, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Sheell, Sheel, Shele, Sheele, Sheile
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B107
Digitised material for Thomas Sheelle, blacksmith of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S1
DPRI/1/1607/S1/1-2   24 October 1603
endorsed: proved, 6 Feb [1604]; probate regranted to Cuthbert Kirsopp, tutor, 19 Aug 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S1/4-5   7 November 1603
inventory, actual total £42 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £8 3s)
DPRI/1/1607/S1/3   24 October 1603
copy will
with copy grant of probate, 6 February 1604
with memorandum, 19 August 1607
(1) copy will; (2) copy grant of probate to the five named children and co-executors of the deceased, and during their minority to their mother and tutrix Margery Sheile, 6 Feb 1604; (3) endorsed with memorandum of second grant of probate: Margery Wilson, former relict and now wife of George Wilson, renounced tuition of the five named children of the deceased and execution of the will, and which with her consent were then granted to Cuthbert Kirsop for the use of the children, 19 Aug 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/S2   20 June 1607
John SHERATON, of Belses in the parish of Billingham [Bellasis, County Durham]; also spelt Sheriton
Digitised material for John Sheraton of Bellasis, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S2
DPRI/1/1607/S2/1   27 May 1607
endorsed: administration granted, 20 June [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/S2/2   4 June 1607
inventory, actual total £126 1s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 16s 8d)
DPRI/1/1607/S3   6 February 1608
Thomas SIGGESWICK, son of Henry Siggeswick of Tudhoe, a minor, of Tuddo, parish of Branncepeth [Tudhoe, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Siggeswick, son of Henry Siggeswick, a minor of Tudhoe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S3
DPRI/1/1607/S3/1   6 February 1608
Inventory of the portions and legacies of Thomas and Janett Siggeswick, minors, due from the will of their father Henry Siggeswick. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1608].
Alexander SIMPSON, yeoman, of parish of Lesburie [Lesbury, Northumberland]
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxvii
Digitised material for Alexander Simpson, yeoman of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S4
DPRI/1/1607/S4/1-11   26 March 1607
John SMARTE, of chapelry of Lowicke in the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smart
Digitised material for John Smarte of Lowick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S5
DPRI/1/1607/S5/1-2   1 April 1607
with [inventory], 1 April 1607, actual total £20 10s 8d (with account of debts of £9 17s)
James SMETHE, under captain William Bowes esquire, [army soldier], of Ratten Rowe, parish of Barwick uppon Twide [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe, Smith, Smyth
Digitised material for James Smethe, under captain William Bowes esquire, army soldier - DPRI/1/1607/S7
DPRI/1/1607/S7/1   16 June 1605
DPRI/1/1607/S7/2   18 September 1607
inventory, actual total £10 10s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/S6   13 June 1607
Agnes SMITH, widow, of Cassopp (Cassoppe), parish of Kello [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Agnes Smith, widow of Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S6
DPRI/1/1607/S6/1   31 March 1607
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 13 June 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S6/2   12 June 1607
inventory, actual total £64 12s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/S6/3   12 June 1607
copy inventory, actual total £64 12s 8d
Thomas SMITH, cottager, of Westslickborne (Westslickburne) in the parish of Bedlington in Northumberland [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe
Digitised material for Thomas Smith, cottager of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S8
DPRI/1/1607/S8/1-2   19 November 1607
with inventory, 19 November 1607, actual total £26
DPRI/1/1607/S9   30 January 1608
Jane SMYTHSON, widow, of parish of Aickliffe (Aykliffe, Aickcliffe) in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Smithson, Smithsone
Digitised material for Jane Smythson, widow of Aycliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S9
DPRI/1/1607/S9/1   October 1606
DPRI/1/1607/S9/3-4   January 1608
inventory, actual total £45 0s 4d
DPRI/1/1607/S9/2   January 1608
indented copy inventory, actual total £45 0s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Jan 1608
John SNEED, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Sneed's date of death is stated as both 1 Jan [?1607] and 1 Dec 1606.
Digitised material for John Sneed of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S10
DPRI/1/1607/S10/2   3 January 1607
indented inventory
dated, 3 Jan [?1607]
DPRI/1/1607/S10/1   3 December 1606
indented copy inventory
Richarde SOTHEREIGNE, the younger, yeoman, of Ramesworthe (Ramesworth) within the chappellry of Lamesley (Lameslye) [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Sotheren
Digitised material for Richarde Sothereigne, the younger, yeoman of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S11
DPRI/1/1607/S11/1   11 June 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/S11/2   11 June 1607
indented inventory, actual total £33 19s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 9s 6d)
Gilbert SPENCE, clerk, notary public, of North Bayley of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
See Probate Act Book DPRI/4/10: (1) f.18, 18 July 1607; (2) f.392, office cause to render the account of Alice Spence, relict and the tutrix of Alice [?recte Katherine] Ryder, daughter and sole executrix of Gilbert Spence, 7 May 1614. [The index to Act Book 10 is defective, and other entries probably exist.]
Digitised material for Gilbert Spence, clerk, notary public of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S12
DPRI/1/1607/S12/1-6   16 April 1607
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 18-23

DPRI/1/1607/S12/7-12   16 April 1607
copy will
endorsed: inventory exhibited
DPRI/1/1607/S12/13-16   21 May 1607
inventory, actual total £72 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 1s 9d)
with supplementary inventory, 20 March 1612, actual total £1 6s 8d
Inventory, subscribed with supplementary inventory supplying the value of an item listed but not valued in the first inventory. Exhibited by Alice Spence, relict and tutrix of the executrix (Katherin Spence, daughter), 11 Mar 1608.
DPRI/1/1607/S13   7 October 1607
William STEVENSON, of Ellington (Ellingtone) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Stevensone
Digitised material for William Stevenson of Woodhorn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S13
DPRI/1/1607/S13/1   undated
administration granted to Margery Thompson widow, sister, who was bound to distribute the goods by decree, 7 Oct 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S13/2   30 September 1607
confirmation of her former renunciation of administration by Helen Stevenson, relict, and her consent that administration should be granted to Margery Thompsone, sister; Helen Stevenson having hindered Thompsone at Durham on 26 Sep [1607]; subscribed with signatures of the vicar of Woodhorn and the curate of Horton
DPRI/1/1607/S14   20 August 1607
Oswine STORIE, yeoman, of parish of Whalton in the countie of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Oswine Storie, yeoman of Whalton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S14
DPRI/1/1607/S14/1-2   25 July 1607
with inventory, 19 August 1607, actual total £33 10s 4d
endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/S15   30 January 1608
Richard STORIE, of Mordon, parish of Sedgfield [Morden, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Storie of Morden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S15
DPRI/1/1607/S15/1   undated
indented inventory
endorsed: proved, 30 Jan [1608]
Edward SURTIES, of Somerhouse (Sumer House) of the parrshe of Gainford in the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties, Surtis, Suertes
Digitised material for Edward Surties of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S16
DPRI/1/1607/S16/1-2   3 January 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S16/3   26 February 1607
inventory, actual total £291 8s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 16s 2d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 May 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S17   9 May 1607
William SUTHACKE, curate of Muggleswick, clerk, of Mugglesworth [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Southaicke, Suthack
Suthacke was curate of Muggleswick from 1586 until his death.
Digitised material for William Suthacke, curate of Muggleswick, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/S17
DPRI/1/1607/S17/1   20 November 1606
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 17

DPRI/1/1607/S17/2   20 November 1606
copy will
endorsed: proved, 9 May 1607
DPRI/1/1607/S17/3   9 April 1607
inventory, actual total £38 12s (with account of debts of £4 13s)
DPRI/1/1607/S17/4   9 April 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £38 12s (with account of debts of £4 13s)
DPRI/1/1607/S18   5 December 1607
William SWYNNOW, gentleman, of parish of Almouthe (Alnemouth, Ailemouth) [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynnowe, Swinnow
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B171
Digitised material for William Swynnow, gentleman of Alnmouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/S18
DPRI/1/1607/S18/2-3   15 November 1607
endorsed: sequestration granted to Edmund Finch for the use of the widow and children of the deceased, 5 Dec [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/S18/1   25 November 1607
inventory does not include the lease at Alnmouth, and there are other small differences
George TAYLOR, of parish of Alnewick (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor
Digitised material for George Taylor of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/T1
DPRI/1/1607/T1/1   21 August 1606
with list of debts owing by the testator of £6 17s 8d; executrix renounced
Thomas THOMPSEN, of Huton Henry (Hutonne Henrie) of the parishe of Munckhesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
Digitised material for Thomas Thompsen of Hutton Henry, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/T2
DPRI/1/1607/T2/1   6 October 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T2/2   26 October 1607
indented inventory, actual total £10 9s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £6 9s 8d)
DPRI/1/1607/T4   16 May 1607
Thomas THURSBYE, gentleman, of Wollesse in the chappelry of Bernard (Barnard) Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Thursbye, gentleman of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/T4
DPRI/1/1607/T4/1   9 February 1607
endorsed: administration granted, 16 May 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T5   15 August 1607
Rauf TIPPYNG, of parish of Bushopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Tippin
Digitised material for Rauf Tippyng of Bishopton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/T5
DPRI/1/1607/T5/1-2   19 April 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T5/3   13 August 1607
indented inventory, actual total £240
DPRI/1/1607/T5/4   13 August 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £240
endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Aug [1607]
John TODD, yeoman, of Nether Framlingtone in the parish of Framlington Magna in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Tod
Digitised material for John Todd, yeoman of Longframlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/T6
DPRI/1/1607/T6/1   24 July 1607
with memorandum, undated
will, subscribed with memorandum made at probate of a clarification of the testator's meaning by the executor and witnesses that the executor is to act only in trust for the use of the widow and children
DPRI/1/1607/T6/2   8 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £49
Humfrey TOMSON, parishe of Bellingham, parish of Ovingham [Bellingham, Northumberland; Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson
Digitised material for Humfrey Tomson, parishe of Bellingham, Northumberland; Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/T3
DPRI/1/1607/T3/1   11 April 1607
[nuncupative will]
DPRI/1/1607/T3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £5 14s 4d
Robert TORNER, yeoman, of Togdon (Togesden, Togston) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Turner, Turnor, Tournour
Digitised material for Robert Torner, yeoman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/T7
DPRI/1/1607/T7/1-2   27 March 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T7/3   29 January 1608
inventory, actual total £62 15s 10d
DPRI/1/1607/T8   31 July 1607
Nicholas TWEDDALL, of parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]
will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter is not present
Digitised material for Nicholas Tweddall of Stanhope, County Durham - the latter is not present. - DPRI/1/1607/T8
DPRI/1/1607/T8/1   20 June 1607
endorsed: proved, 31 July 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T9   20 February 1608
Janett TWEDDELL, widow, of parish of Monnckhesleden (Munckhesleton) in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Tweddle, Twedall
Digitised material for Janett Tweddell, widow of Monk Hesleden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/T9
DPRI/1/1607/T9/1   6 March 1607
nuncupative will
Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 20 Feb 1608.
DPRI/1/1607/T9/2   4 November 1607
inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d
exhibited by Robert Tweddle, son, 20 Feb 1608
DPRI/1/1607/T10   29 August 1607
Thomas TYNDALL, smith, of parish of Longnewtone (Longnewton) in the countie palentyne of Durhame [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Tindall
Digitised material for Thomas Tyndall, smith of Longnewton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/T10
DPRI/1/1607/T10/1   5 October 1606
endorsed: proved, 29 Aug 1607
DPRI/1/1607/T10/2   18 October 1606
indented inventory, actual total £59 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 15s)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
John URWEN, of parishe and towne of Stanningtone (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Urwene
bond: DPRI/3/1607/B254
Digitised material for John Urwen of Stannington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/U1
DPRI/1/1607/U1/1   28 January 1608
DPRI/1/1607/U1/2   28 January 1608
inventory, actual total £29 6s 4d
DPRI/1/1607/U2   12 September 1607
Johne USHERE, of Broumleye, parish of Biwell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Usher
Digitised material for Johne Ushere of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/U2
DPRI/1/1607/U2/1   23 August 1607
with memorandum, 12 September 1607
Will, subscribed with memorandum made at probate of a clarification by the co-executors of the testator's meaning concerning the residue. Endorsed: proved, 12 Sep 1607.
DPRI/1/1607/U2/2   9 September 1607
indented inventory, actual total £11 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 1s 7d)
with act of court, 12 September 1607
inventory, subscribed with memorandum of a decree awarding £3 and certain goods to Isabell Swinburne, daughter, as her filial portion
DPRI/1/1607/V2   29 August 1607
Percey VEPONTE, of parish of Monnckwermouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Vepont
Digitised material for Percey Veponte of Monkwearmouth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/V2
DPRI/1/1607/V2/1   29 July 1607
nuncupative will
administration granted to Richard Vepont, brother, he having been bound to distribute the goods according to the judge's decree
DPRI/1/1607/V2/2   26 August 1607
inventory, actual total £15 16s 10d (with account of debts of £1 10s)
endorsed: administration granted, 29 Aug [1607]
Thomas VICKERS, of Raby (Rabye), parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Vicars
Digitised material for Thomas Vickers of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/V1
DPRI/1/1607/V1/1   12 February 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/V1/2   24 April 1607
indented inventory, actual total £31 1s 6d (with account of debts of £4 15s 8d)
John WALKER, of Eldon in the parrish of St Andrew Auckland [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Waker
The probated testament referred to in the endorsement to the voided nuncupative will is not present.
Digitised material for John Walker of Eldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W1
DPRI/1/1607/W1/1   9 May 1607
nuncupative will
Will voided. Endorsed: not proved; voided because [?written] testament proved.
DPRI/1/1607/W2   2 May 1607
Thomas WALL, of Frosterley (Frosterleye), parish of Stanhoppe [Frosterley, County Durham]. Died 29 March 1607
Digitised material for Thomas Wall of Frosterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W2
DPRI/1/1607/W2/1   10 April 1603
DPRI/1/1607/W2/2   19 April 1607
indented inventory, actual total £12 4s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3 13s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 May 1607
Rauff WALLES, of Williamston, parish of Knarsdall [Knarsdale, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Rauff Walles of Knarsdale, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W3
DPRI/1/1607/W3/1   16 November 1606
DPRI/1/1607/W4   16 January 1608
Alexander WANLES, Sander Wanles, of parishe of Rytonn (Riton) [Ryton, County Durham]
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxiv
Digitised material for Alexander Wanles of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W4
DPRI/1/1607/W4/1   23 September 1607
endorsed: proved, 16 Jan 1608
DPRI/1/1607/W4/2   16 November 1607
indented inventory, actual total £28 6s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 8s 8d)
DPRI/1/1607/W6   20 March 160715 August 1607
James WATSON, of parish of Simondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]
The latter will referred to in the endorsement to the voided will is not present.
Digitised material for James Watson of Simonburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W6
DPRI/1/1607/W6/1-2   9 April 1606
copy will
with grant of probate, 20 March 1607
Probate granted to Elizabeth Pickering the wife of John Pickering, daughter, and to Thomas Watson, co-executors, with a power reserved to Janet Watson, relict and co-executor. Endorsed: will to remain in the Registry until a suit pending in the [Consistory] court concerning 'the latter' will is tried; [will] voided because the other [i.e. the latter] will proved, 15 Aug 1607.
John WATSON, husbandman, of Westslickburne (Wes Sleckburne) of the parish of Bedlington in Northumberland [Bedlington, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Watson, husbandman of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W7
DPRI/1/1607/W7/1-2   19 November 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £33 19s 8d (with account of debts of £1 3s)
DPRI/1/1607/W5   23 May 1607
Cathren WATSONE, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson
Digitised material for Cathren Watsone of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W5
DPRI/1/1607/W5/1-2   28 February 1607
Administration granted to Cuthbert Watson, son, with the consent of John and William Watson, sons. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1607/W5/3   22 May 1607
inventory, actual total £36 10s
endorsed: goods sequestered and sequestration granted to John Watson, son; inventory also exhibited, 23 May 1607
DPRI/1/1607/W8   25 September 1607
Symon WELBERYE, of chapelry of Saincte Ellen Auckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Welbury
Digitised material for Symon Welberye of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W8
DPRI/1/1607/W8/1   6 September 1607
endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/W8/2   24 September 1607
inventory, actual total £93 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/W8/3   24 September 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £93 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/W8/4   25 September 1607
commission to George Wilkinson, curate of Auckland St Helen, to swear Jayne Bussay, a witnesses to the will; commission executed in the home of William Williamson gentleman at Auckland St Helen by Wilkinson, 28 Sep 1607
William WELFOOTE, yeoman, of Bushopton (Bushoptton, Bishoptonn, Bishopton) within the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Welfoote, yeoman of Bishopton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W9
DPRI/1/1607/W9/1   29 April 1606
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1607/W9/2   undated
inventory, actual total £175 6s 8d (with account of debts of £13 16s)
DPRI/1/1607/W10   24 October 1607
Thomas WHEATLEY, yeoman, of Ramesworthe (Ravensworth), chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatlay
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxii
Digitised material for Thomas Wheatley, yeoman of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W10
DPRI/1/1607/W10/1   31 August 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1607/W10/2   19 October 1607
indented inventory, actual total £102 14s 2d (with account of debts of £18 2s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607]; 'ingrosse the Inventories in parchmente'
DPRI/1/1607/W10/3   19 October 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £102 14s 2d (with account of debts of £18 2s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/W11   18 April 1607
Margaret WIGGIN, widow, of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Margaret Wiggin, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W11
DPRI/1/1607/W11/1   15 February 1607
DPRI/1/1607/W11/2   17 April 1607
inventory, actual total £37 12s 8d
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Apr [1607]
DPRI/1/1607/W12   26 September 1607
Robart WILSON, glover, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durhame, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robart Wilson, glover of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W12
DPRI/1/1607/W12/1-2   25 July 1607
with list of debts
DPRI/1/1607/W12/3   25 September 1607
inventory, actual total £29 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 10s 4d)
endorsed: proved, 26 Sep [1607]
Robert WILSON, of Buckton in the parishe of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Willson
Digitised material for Robert Wilson of Kyloe, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W13
DPRI/1/1607/W13/1   12 January 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £24 16s
will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £2 16s
Robert WILSON, of Throckley of the parishe of Newborne (Newburne) [Newburn, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Wilson of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/W14
DPRI/1/1607/W14/1   28 January 1607
DPRI/1/1607/W14/2   3 April 1607
indented inventory, actual total £30 16s 4d
DPRI/1/1607/W15   19 March 1608
William WILSON, of Seton within the parisshe of Sehame (Seaham) [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Willson
Digitised material for William Wilson of Seaham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W15
DPRI/1/1607/W15/1   10 October 1606
DPRI/1/1607/W15/2   9 March 1607
indented inventory, actual total £62 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1607/W15/3   9 March 1607
indented copy inventory, actual total £62 6s 8d
endorsed: proved, 19 Mar 1608 [?recte 1607]
DPRI/1/1607/W16   5 December 1607
Henry WOOD, of Seaton Carewe (Carew) within the countie of Durham, parish of Stramton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Woodes
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxvi
bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxlii
Digitised material for Henry Wood of Seaton Carew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1607/W16
DPRI/1/1607/W16/1   24 November 1607
indented inventory
Exhibited by William Wood, administrator, 16 Jan 1608. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 Dec 1607.
Henry YONGER, of Hole Rawe within the chapelry of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Younger
The accountant George Atthie was the fourth husband of Agnes, who had formerly been the wife and executrix of John Byerley and then of Roger Hopper, and then the wife and administratrix of Henry Yonger, before marrying Atthie. Atthie had bound himself to distribute the portions and legacies of the children from each of the marriages of his wife, and for which he here makes his account. The account mentions inventories of Roger Hopper and of Henry Younger (£118 0s 8d), but which have not been found. Probate Act Book entries indicate that Agnes Atthie had died before 9 June 1604. The accountant mentions the following of her surviving children: Agnes Coteswoorth nee Byerley, Cuthbert Hopper, Margaret Hopper, Humphrey Hopper (tutor Robert Smith of Benfieldside). These estates became the subject of protracted disputes in the court: for the references to various Probate Act Book entries, see DPRI/1/1604/Y1: the account was exhibited on 3 July 1607, and appears to have been finally admitted on 28 November of the same year. For the will of a John Byerlaw of Shotley, and for the nuncupative will of Henry Younger and the inventory of his illegitimate son Robert's portion of his goods, see - DPRI/1/1582/B13/1 - DPRI/1/1604/Y1/1 - DPRI/1/1604/Y1/2
Digitised material for Henry Yonger of Shotley, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1607/H11
DPRI/1/1607/H11/1-2   undated
account of Roger Hopper, actual total £99 12s (with discharge of £35)
with account of Henry Yonger, actual total £118 0s 8d (with discharge of £79 9s 10d)
Accounts of George Atthie of the estates of Roger Hopper and Henry Yonger, former husbands of his wife Anne Atthie. With each remarriage the property of the deceased husband passes to the next: thus the first account includes items relating to the estate of John Byerley, and the second includes items relating to both Byerley and Hopper's estates. Endorsed: admitted.
Wills etc proved 1608
Reference: DPRI/1/1608
William APPLEBY, of Newbottle [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye, Appleby
Digitised material for William Appleby of Newbottle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/A1
DPRI/1/1608/A1/1   14 November 1607
endorsed: proved; [probate] issued
DPRI/1/1608/A1/2   3 December 1607
inventory, actual total £92 8s (with account of debts of £31)
William ARMORER, of Cornell [Cornhill, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Armorer of Cornhill, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/A2
DPRI/1/1608/A2/1-2   26 December 1607
with list of debts owing by (£53 13s 8d) and owing to (£29 12s 8d) the testator
DPRI/1/1608/A2/3-4   undated
unvalued inventory of livestock, with supplementary list of debts owing by the testator of £4 14s 4d, made in the testator's lifetime [?Dec 1607]
DPRI/1/1608/A3   16 April 1608
Thomas ATCHINSON, yeoman, of parish of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Atchinson, yeoman of Greatham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/A3
DPRI/1/1608/A3/1   27 January 1608
endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1608]; inventory not exhibited
DPRI/1/1608/B1   14 January 1609
Christopher BAINBRIDG, of Wakerfeld [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Bambridge
Digitised material for Christopher Bainbridg of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B1
DPRI/1/1608/B1/1   15 January 1608
indented will
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/B1/2   10 November 1608
indented inventory, actual total £52 2s 2d (with account of debts of £6 2s)
John BAINBRIGG, of Langeton (Langtonn, Langton) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainbrigge, Bambridge
Digitised material for John Bainbrigg of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B2
DPRI/1/1608/B2/1-2   22 November 1608
with memorandum, undated
Will; with (undated) memorandum of two of the witnesses further relating the intentions of the testator. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1608/B2/3   22 November 1608
inventory, actual total £23 7s 4d
DPRI/1/1608/B3   10 June 1608
Robert BAINBRIGG, of Langden Becke (Beck) in the parishe of Midleton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Baynbryg, Bainbrigge, Bainbridg
Digitised material for Robert Bainbrigg of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B3
DPRI/1/1608/B3/1   8 January 1607
Subscribed with names of the sureties. Endorsed: proved, 10 June 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/B3/2   2 June 1607
inventory, actual total £26 12s
Oswold BAKER, yeoman, of citie of Durham (cittie of Duresme) [Durham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Oswold Baker, yeoman of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B4
DPRI/1/1608/B4/1   13 May 1608
Probate granted to Marye Baker, relict and sole executrix, 10 June 1608; also subscribed with probate office instructions [of same date] relating to the speedy issuing of the probate under the seal to the executrix. Endorsed: proved, 10 June [1608]; inventory to be exhibited at next court after 29 Sep 1608; inventory exhibited.
DPRI/1/1608/B4/2   1 October 1608
inventory, actual total £121 7s (with account of debts of £26)
DPRI/1/1608/B5   9 April 1608
Thomas BAYLES, of Bishop Auckland, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes, Bailles
Digitised material for Thomas Bayles of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B5
DPRI/1/1608/B5/1-2   15 March 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B5/3-4   22 March 1608
inventory, actual total £25 16s 8d
endorsed: [will] proved, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/B6   27 August 1608
Thomas BAYLES, yeoman, of Newgate in the chappelry of Barnard Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Bayles, yeoman of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B6
DPRI/1/1608/B6/1   26 January 1608
endorsed: proved, 27 Aug [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/B6/2   6 February 1609
indented inventory, actual total £85 19s 8d (with account of debts of £26 9s 2d)
DPRI/1/1608/B7   7 May 1608
Thomas BAYLES, of parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Bayles of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B7
DPRI/1/1608/B7/1   13 April 1608
indented will
endorsed: proved, 7 May 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B7/2-3   19 April 1608
inventory, actual total £194 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 3s)
DPRI/1/1608/B8   8 April 1608
Alyce BAYNES, widow, of Bisshop Awckland in the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Beanes, Baines
Digitised material for Alyce Baynes, widow of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B8
DPRI/1/1608/B8/1   23 November 1604
with codicil, 18 March 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B8/2   6 April 1608
inventory, actual total £251 4s 2d (with account of debts of £3 6s 8d)
endorsed: [will and codicil] proved, 8 Apr [1608]
endorsed: for Giles Wedows [?vicar of Bishopton]
Bryan BELASIS, esquire, of Morton (Murton) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Bellasses, Bellasis, Bellasss
Digitised material for Bryan Belasis, esquire of Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B10
DPRI/1/1608/B10/1-2   15 July 1608
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 31-34

DPRI/1/1608/B10/3   15 July 1608
copy will
endorsed: registered, 11 Dec 161.. [1612]
DPRI/1/1608/B10/4   4 October 1608
commission to John Smith, preacher of Howden (Houeden), and William Bryarcliff, vicar of North Cave (Yorks), to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and the tuition of four named children to Sir Thomas Metham of Metham knight, co-executor; commission executed by Smyth and Brearcliffe, 8 Oct 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B9   14 January 1609
John BELL, husbandman, of parish of Heighington in the countye of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Bell, husbandman of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/B9
DPRI/1/1608/B9/1   12 November 1608
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/B9/2   6 December 1608
inventory, actual total £38 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 16s 11d)
Gilbert BROUNE, of Terset Watterheade, parish of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown
Digitised material for Gilbert Broune of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/B11
DPRI/1/1608/B11/1-2   20 November 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £6 12s 6d
John BULMAN, draper, of Morpeth (Morpethe) in the countye of Northumberlande [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Bulman, draper of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/B12
DPRI/1/1608/B12/1   6 April 1608
with codicil, 25 April 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B12/2   30 April 1608
inventory, actual total £802 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £45 4s)
James BURNE, yeoman, of Harford (Herford) within the parishe of Horton and countie of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland]; also spelt Burn
Digitised material for James Burne, yeoman of Horton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/B13
DPRI/1/1608/B13/1   26 April 1608
DPRI/1/1608/B13/2   4 June 1608
inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts of £8)
inventory of goods etc. at Sticklooe [?Stickley] and Hartford
Griffyn BUTLER, freemason, of Alnwick (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Griffyn Butler, freemason of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/B14
DPRI/1/1608/B14/1   10 September 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £1 11s 6d (with account of debts of £1)
DPRI/1/1608/B14/2   undated
inventory, actual total £1 11s 6d
DPRI/1/1608/C1   21 January 1609
Toby CALVERLEY, second son of Michaell Calverley, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Calverley's will was made at South Shields prior to his travelling to London.
Digitised material for Toby Calverley, second son of Michaell Calverley of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C1
DPRI/1/1608/C1/1   15 April 1608
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1609]; to be ingrossed
DPRI/1/1608/C1/2   15 April 1608
copy nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/C2   9 August 1608
Barbarie CARR, widow, of cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Barbarie Carr, widow of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C2
DPRI/1/1608/C2/1-2   23 July 1608
endorsed: proved, 9 Aug [1608];
DPRI/1/1608/C2/3-4   15 October 1608
inventory, actual total £634 3s 8d
George CARRE, yeoman, of Lesbury (Lesburye, Lesburie) in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr
Digitised material for George Carre, yeoman of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/C3
DPRI/1/1608/C3/1-2   23 July 1607
DPRI/1/1608/C3/3-4   22 December 1607
inventory, actual total £57 19s 5d (with account of debts of £47 16s 4d)
DPRI/1/1608/C4   30 July 1608
Robert CHILTOON, of Newbotle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton
Digitised material for Robert Chiltoon of Newbottle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C4
DPRI/1/1608/C4/1   1 April 1608
DPRI/1/1608/C4/2-3   2 May 1608
inventory, actual total £101 (with account of debts of £10 3s 4d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 30 July [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/C5   29 October 1608
Rychard CHYPCHAYSE, yeoman, of parish of Shedgesfyld (Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase
Digitised material for Rychard Chypchayse, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C5
DPRI/1/1608/C5/1   16 September 1601
endorsed: proved, 29 Oct [1608]; inventory not exhibited
DPRI/1/1608/C6   2 April 1608
John CLARKE, merchant, of parish of Alnewicke in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerk
Digitised material for John Clarke, merchant of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/C6
DPRI/1/1608/C6/1   3 January 1608
with inventory, undated, actual total £67 2s
DPRI/1/1608/C6/2   31 March 1608
Letter from John Wills, curate of Alnwick, to Thomas Kinge [proctor] at Durham, reporting his having witnessed the making of the will and having sworn the witnesses himself, so expediting probate for the executor. Endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Apr 1608.
Raphe CLAYE, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Raphe Claye, merchant of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/C7
DPRI/1/1608/C7/1   1 December 1607
with inventory, 1 December 1607, actual total £2 13s (with account of debts of £7 4s 4d)
Adryan COMMYNG, alias Cock, wife of William Cock [first husband], widow, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Comyn
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints
Digitised material for Adryan Commyng, wife of William Cock - DPRI/1/1608/C9
DPRI/1/1608/C9/1-2   5 September 1599
DPRI/1/1608/C10   13 October 1608
Christofer CONYERS, esquire, of Horden in the countie of Durham, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers
Digitised material for Christofer Conyers, esquire of Horden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C10
DPRI/1/1608/C10/1-2   12 September 1608
sequestration granted to Anne Conyers, daughter and co-executor, 8 Oct 1608
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 36

DPRI/1/1608/C10/3   12 September 1608
copy will
endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1608
DPRI/1/1608/C10/4-6   undated
inventory, actual total £333 10s 3d (with account of debts of £80 14s)
Dated 28 Sep. [Original page order: C10/4 verso right; 4 recto left; 4rr; 4vl; 5vr; 5rl; 5rr; 5vl; 6vr; 6rl; 6rr; 6vl]
Peter COPERTWHEAT, of parish of St Andrew Aikland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Copperwhaite, Coperthwait, Coperthwaite
Digitised material for Peter Copertwheat of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C11
DPRI/1/1608/C11/1-2   24 September 1590
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1608/C11/3   23 September 1590
copy will
dated, 23 [recte 24] Sep 1590
DPRI/1/1608/C11/4   29 June 1591
inventory, actual total £11 11s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s 4d)
DPRI/1/1608/C8   8 October 1608
Roger COULSON, yeoman, of the Sneip (Snape) in the paryshe of Whickhame wythin the county of Durhame [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Colson
Digitised material for Roger Coulson, yeoman of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/C8
DPRI/1/1608/C8/1-2   3 April 1608
DPRI/1/1608/C8/3   3 April 1608
copy will
endorsed: proved, 8 Oct 1608
DPRI/1/1608/C8/4-5   3 May 1608
inventory, actual total £55 13s 6d
DPRI/1/1608/C8/6   undated
inventory, actual total £8 5s 8d
inventory items are also included within the other inventory and total (DPRI/1/1608/C8/4-5)
George COWLE, of Hebburne [Bothal, Northumberland]
Digitised material for George Cowle of Bothal, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/C12
DPRI/1/1608/C12/1   12 January 1608
DPRI/1/1608/C12/2   undated
inventory, actual total £18 14s 8d
dated, 27 June
Jesper CUTHEBART, of Learmouthe (Learmouth), chapelry of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Jesper Cuthebart of Carham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/C13
DPRI/1/1608/C13/1   12 October 1607
with list of debts owing by (£30) and owing to (£4 18s 4d) the testator
DPRI/1/1608/C13/2   24 October 1607
inventory, actual total £46 8s 4d
DPRI/1/1608/D1   28 June 1608
Christopher DAWSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Dawsone
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas
Digitised material for Christopher Dawson of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/D1
DPRI/1/1608/D1/1-2   18 March 1608
DPRI/1/1608/D1/3   undated
inventory, actual total £54 13s 4d (with account of debts of £11 14s 6d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/E1   4 February 1609
Michaell ELISON, butcher, of parish of Edmonbyres (Edmondbyers, Edmondbyres) [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Ellison
Digitised material for Michaell Elison, butcher of Edmundbyers, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/E1
DPRI/1/1608/E1/1   13 January 1609
endorsed: proved, 4 Feb 1609
DPRI/1/1608/E1/2   22 January 1609
inventory, actual total £5 2s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d)
Gylbert ERINGTON, keelman, of Sandgayte in the lybertyes of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington, Eryngton
Digitised material for Gylbert Erington, keelman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/E2
DPRI/1/1608/E2/1   29 July 1608
DPRI/1/1608/E2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £5 16s 11d
DPRI/1/1608/F1   8 October 1608
Isabell FARBECK, widow, of parish of St Nicholas in Duresme [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Farbecke
See DPRI/4/10 f.79v: probate granted to Cuthbert Hawden of Durham City and Cuthbert Hawden of Catton Lee, two of the executors, with the consent of William Farbeck, son and remainder executor, 8 Oct 1608; inventory exhibited (£147 14s 8d), 19 Nov 1608; with marginal note naming four minor children who were not nominated as executors. For the inventory of Farbeck's husband, and which bears endorsements relating to the probate of his wife Isabell Farbeck, see - DPRI/1/1599/F2/1-4
Digitised material for Isabell Farbeck, widow of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/F1
DPRI/1/1608/F1/1   29 May 1607
DPRI/1/1608/F1/2-4   undated
indented inventory, actual total £147 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £124 10s 5d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Oct [1608]; the names of four minor children
Nicholas FORSTER, [father of Sir Claudius Foster knight], esquire, of Bamboroughe (Balmebrough, Balmborough) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
Not found in DPRI/4/10 (index defective). For the will, inventory of debts and account of Nicholas Forster, see - DPRI/1/1614/F4/1-2 - DPRI/1/1614/F4/3 - DPRI/1/1617/F11/1-2
Digitised material for Nicholas Forster, father of Sir Claudius Foster knight - DPRI/1/1608/F2
DPRI/1/1608/F2/1-5   17 October 1609
endorsed with 1608 file date
DPRI/1/1608/F3   4 February 1609
Robert FRISSEL, the elder, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Frissell
Digitised material for Robert Frissel, the elder of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/F3
DPRI/1/1608/F3/1-2   23 January 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 4 Feb 1609
Margarete FULTHORPE, widow, of Tunstall (Tonstall) [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Fulthrop, Fulthorp
Digitised material for Margarete Fulthorpe, widow of Stranton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/F4
DPRI/1/1608/F4/1   undated
most of the items listed in the inventory are unvalued
DPRI/1/1608/G1   28 April 1608
Thomas GIBSONN, yeoman, of Nether Conniscliffe (Counsliffe, Counceliff) in the countye of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Gibson
Digitised material for Thomas Gibsonn, yeoman of Low Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/G1
DPRI/1/1608/G1/1   8 July 1606
with codicil, 21 March 1608
with codicil, 4 April 1608
endorsed: proved, 28 Apr 1608
DPRI/1/1608/G1/2   8 April 1608
inventory, actual total £331 8s 6d (with account of debts of £40 1s 6d)
Thomas GRAY, cordwainer, of parish of Sainte Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Graye
Digitised material for Thomas Gray, cordwainer of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/G2
DPRI/1/1608/G2/1-2   24 December 1607
DPRI/1/1608/G2/5-6   24 December 1607
copy will
with grant of probate, 1608
(undated) grant of probate to Isabell Gray [relict] and Jane Gray [daughter], co-executors
DPRI/1/1608/G2/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £3 9s 8d (with account of debts of 18s 1d)
endorsed: [will] proved
Thomas GRAY, of Newbegine (Newbygine, Newbiggin) []; also spelt Graie
parish and county uncertain: Newbiggins in Bishopton, Heighington, Middleton in Teesdale (County Durham) and Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland)
Digitised material for Thomas Gray - DPRI/1/1608/G3
DPRI/1/1608/G3/1   1 January 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/G3/2   26 August 1607
indented inventory, actual total £11 9s 4d (with account of debts of £4 10s)
the dates of the inventory and the will are incompatible
William GRAY, labourer, of Hawkle in the parishe of Lesbury and county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye
Digitised material for William Gray, labourer of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/G4
DPRI/1/1608/G4/1   28 February 1608
DPRI/1/1608/G4/2   28 February 1608
inventory, actual total £4 14s 2d
DPRI/1/1608/G5   9 April 1608
John GRINDON, of Thorneley within the parishe of Wallsingham (Wolsingham) [Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Gryndon
Digitised material for John Grindon of Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/G5
DPRI/1/1608/G5/1   21 January 1608
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/H1   25 October 1608
Anthonie HANNYNGSHAW, yeoman, of parish of Newborne (Newbourne, Newburne) within the countie of Northomberlande [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Hangingshaw. Died 18 August 1608
Digitised material for Anthonie Hannyngshaw, yeoman of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H1
DPRI/1/1608/H1/1   28 August 1608
indented will
The will is not signed by the testator, and appears to have been witnessed ten days after the death of the testator. Endorsed: proved, 25 Oct [1608].
DPRI/1/1608/H1/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £21 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d)
dated, 28 Aug
Thomas HANNYNSHAW, yeoman, of Newbourne (Newborne) within the countie of Northomberlande [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Haningshawe, Hannyngshaw. Died 16 September 1608
Digitised material for Thomas Hannynshaw, yeoman of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H2
DPRI/1/1608/H2/1   12 September 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/H2/2-3   undated
indented inventory, actual total £22 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 6s 6d)
dated, 20 Oct
George HARBART, yeoman, of Kimblesworthe (Kimblesworth) in the countie of Durham [Kimblesworth, County Durham]; also spelt Harbert
Digitised material for George Harbart, yeoman of Kimblesworth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H3
DPRI/1/1608/H3/1-2   15 November 1608
Thomas HARLE, of Westowe (Westoe) [Westoe, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Harle of Westoe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H4
DPRI/1/1608/H4/1-2   25 February 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 23 Apr 1608; monished to exhibit the completed inventory
DPRI/1/1608/H5   28 June 1608
John HARRISON, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harreson
Digitised material for John Harrison, yeoman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H5
DPRI/1/1608/H5/1-2   11 June 1608
Will, with list of debts owing to (£4 1s 8d) and owing by (£2 15s 5d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 28 June [1608].
DPRI/1/1608/H6   30 April 1608
Matthewe HAYESONE, husbandman, of towne and parishe of Easingtone (Easington) in the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Haieson
Digitised material for Matthewe Hayesone, husbandman of Easington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H6
DPRI/1/1608/H6/1-2   28 December 1607
Subscribed: sequestration granted to Issabell Hayesone, relict (and co-executor). Endorsed: goods sequestered, 30 Jan 1608; proved, 30 Apr 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/H6/3   21 January 1608
inventory, actual total £103 1s (with account of debts of £24 7s 5d)
DPRI/1/1608/H7   24 September 1608
Gyles HEARON, gentleman, of Pygdon in the parish of Mitforde (Midford) [Mitford, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Gyles Hearon, gentleman of Mitford, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H7
DPRI/1/1608/H7/1   23 July 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 24 Sep 1608
DPRI/1/1608/H8   25 October 1608
Anne HEDWORTH, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedworthe
Digitised material for Anne Hedworth, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H8
DPRI/1/1608/H8/1   20 March 1608
endorsed: proved, 25 Oct [1608]; inventory exhibited, 12 Mar 1611
DPRI/1/1608/H8/2   April 1608
inventory, actual total £169 16s 6d
endorsed: exhibited, 12 Mar 1611
DPRI/1/1608/H9   25 June 1608
Cuthbert HEDWORTH, father of Richard Hedworth, of Darwen Crook (Darwencrook, Darncrook) of the parish of Gaitshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworthe
Formerly filed with the probate records of Richard Hedworthe, Cuthbert Hedworth's son and administrator, see - DPRI/1/1608/H9/1-3 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/4-6 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/8-9 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/10-11
Digitised material for Cuthbert Hedworth, father of Richard Hedworth of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H9
DPRI/1/1608/H9/7   undated
inventory of the goods of Cuthbert Hedworth left unadministered by his son and administrator Richard Hedworth; administration granted to Margaret Hedworth, widow, 25 June 1608
Richarde HEDWORTHE, son and administrator of Cuthbert Hedworth, gentleman, of Darncroocke (Darncrook, Darnecrooke, Darnecrook) within the parish of Gateshead within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth
Formerly filed with the probate records of Richard Hedworthe was the inventory of Cuthbert Hedworth, his father. These goods were still unadministered by Richard Hedworthe at the time of his death, and probate was subsequently granted to Margaret Hedworth [Richard's widow], see - DPRI/1/1608/H9/7
Digitised material for Richarde Hedworthe, son and administrator of Gateshead, County Durham – DPRI/1/1608/H9
DPRI/1/1608/H9/1-3   2 April 1590
with codicil, 14 September 1607
DPRI/1/1608/H9/4-6   2 April 1590
copy will
with copy codicil, 14 September 1607
with copy codicil, 25 September 1607
DPRI/1/1608/H9/8-9   undated
final sentence
final sentence finding for the plaintiff and signed by Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, in a cause: Margaret Hedworth, relict and sole executrix v John Broughe, cousin
DPRI/1/1608/H9/10-11   26 May 1608
indented inventory, actual total £336 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £17 2s 8d)
DPRI/1/1608/H10   12 November 1608
Anne HENDERSON, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hendersone, Handersonne
Digitised material for Anne Henderson, widow of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H10
DPRI/1/1608/H10/1-2   5 March 1607
with memorandum, 1 October 1608
with certificate of oath, 9 November 1608
with certificate of oath, 12 November 1608
Will, subscribed with: (1) memorandum of Thomas Kinge [Durham proctor] allowing the witnesses to be sworn at Berwick before Mr Selbie [?Lancelot Selbie, clerk of Tweedmouth] or Gilbert Durie, [vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed], 1 Oct 1608; (2) certificate of the oaths of the witnesses, taken by Gilbert Durie, 9 Nov 1608; (3) certificate of oath of Charles Maughen, son and universal legatee, to whom probate was granted, 12 Nov 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/H10/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £1 12s 8d (with account of debts 12s)
John HODGSHON, of Egelstonne (Egelstoon, Eggleston) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshonn, Hodshon
Digitised material for John Hodgshon of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H11
DPRI/1/1608/H11/1-2   11 June 1608
with inventory, 17 June 1608, actual total £24 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 0s 3d)
Inventory subscribed with the names and ages of six children. Endorsed with short account of probate office administrative fees of 10s 2d.
DPRI/1/1608/H12   23 April 1608
Robert HODGSHON, yeoman, of New Raw in the chapelry of Hamsterlay within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Hodgshon, yeoman of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H12
DPRI/1/1608/H12/1   28 October 1607
endorsed: proved, 23 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/H12/2-3   1607
inventory, actual total £192 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 19s)
DPRI/1/1608/H13   7 May 1608
Cuthbert HOLT, of Wardlie (Wardley) within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Holte
Digitised material for Cuthbert Holt of Jarrow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H13
DPRI/1/1608/H13/1-2   1 April 1607
Will, with list of debts owing by (£17 10s) and owing to (£18 6s 6d) the testator; subscribed with instruction to 'conferer [compare] these wills together & make them agree to this'; the will is interpolated with additions in a different hand. Endorsed: proved, 7 May 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/H13/3   7 April 1608
inventory, actual total £59 1s 6d
DPRI/1/1608/H14   20 August 1608
Robert HOPPER, husbandman, of Cowndon (Coundon) in the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Coundon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Hopper, husbandman of Coundon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H14
DPRI/1/1608/H14/1-2   4 April 1608
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/H14/3   29 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £56 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 7s 10d)
DPRI/1/1608/H15   24 October 1608
Agnes HORSLEYE, widow, of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horseley
testator requests to be buried at Bywell St Peter
Digitised material for Agnes Horsleye, widow of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H15
DPRI/1/1608/H15/1   4 October 1606
endorsed: proved, 24 Oct [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/H15/2   8 September 1608
indented inventory, actual total 12s
DPRI/1/1608/H16   20 May 1609
Henrye HORSLYE, of Nucastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horsleye, Horsly
The copy of the first will is endorsed by the probate office 'Will and Codicil': an additional subscription further indicates the second will may have been treated as a codicil to the first will. See DPRI/4/10: (f.98v) office cause promoted by George Horslye and John Scott, executors v John Horslye, brother: sequestration granted to the executors, 8 Apr 1609; (f.103) will and codicil proved and administration granted to the executors, 20 May 1609.
Digitised material for Henrye Horslye of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/H16
DPRI/1/1608/H16/1-2   7 December 1608
DPRI/1/1608/H16/3   7 December 1608
copy will
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1608/H16/4   16 February 1609
exhibited by John Horseley; three named witnesses sworn
DPRI/1/1608/H16/5-6   16 February 1609
copy will
allegation and codicil [second will] exhibited by the executors; witnesses sworn
DPRI/1/1608/H16/7   7 March 1609
inventory, actual total £179
DPRI/1/1608/H17   11 June 1608
William HUCHANSON, yeoman, of chappellry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Hutcheson
Digitised material for William Huchanson, yeoman of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/H17
DPRI/1/1608/H17/1   1 March 1608
endorsed: proved, 11 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/H17/2   14 April 1607
indented inventory, actual total £286 13s 4d
date of the inventory is incompatible with the date of the will
DPRI/1/1608/J1   23 April 1608
Raphe JACKSON, the elder, of Bylly (Billeye, Billy) Rawe [Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raphe Jackson, the elder of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/J1
DPRI/1/1608/J1/1   19 March 1608
endorsed: proved, 23 Apr 1608
DPRI/1/1608/J1/2   4 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £109 16s 8d (with account of legacy of £10)
Richard JACKSON, of Elstobe (Elstobb) [Great Stainton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Jackson of Great Stainton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/J2
DPRI/1/1608/J2/1   undated
endorsed: administration not granted
DPRI/1/1608/J3   26 November 1608
Robart JOLEY, miller, yeoman, of citty of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Jolley, Jollie
Digitised material for Robart Joley, miller, yeoman of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/J3
DPRI/1/1608/J3/1   20 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/J3/2   20 June 1608
copy will
endorsed: proved, 26 Nov 1608
DPRI/1/1608/J3/3   26 November 1608
inventory, actual total £17 7s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 0s 4d)
DPRI/1/1608/J4   11 June 1608
Alexander JOPLIN, husbandman, of Berley (Barley) in the parish of Ryton (Riton) in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Alexander Joplin, husbandman of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/J4
DPRI/1/1608/J4/1   18 January 1608
endorsed: proved, 11 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/J4/2   26 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £33 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/J5   28 June 1608
George JORDAN, yeoman, of Seaton Delavale of the parishe of Tynemouth (Tynmouth) within the chappelrye of Earsden in the countie of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Jordayne
Digitised material for George Jordan, yeoman of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/J5
DPRI/1/1608/J5/1-2   12 February 1608
DPRI/1/1608/J5/3-4   21 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £86 11s 9d (with account of funeral expenses of £2)
endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/K1   14 January 1609
Thomas KAY, the elder, of Grete Chilton in the parishe of Merington (Merrington) in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Key
Digitised material for Thomas Kay, the elder of Merrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/K1
DPRI/1/1608/K1/1-2   31 August 1608
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/K1/3-4   13 September 1608
inventory, actual total £328 10s (with account of portions, debts and legacies of £323 5s)
DPRI/1/1608/K1/5   13 September 1608
indented inventory, actual total £328 10s (with account of portions, debts and legacies of £323 5s)
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/L1   9 July 1608
John LACKINBYE, yeoman, of Swainston in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Lakinby
Digitised material for John Lackinbye, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/L1
DPRI/1/1608/L1/1   17 November 1607
endorsed: proved, 9 July [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/L1/2   4 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £263 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £104 1s 2d)
Johne LAWSON, of Bywell [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne, Lawsonn
testator requests to be buried at Bywell St Peter
Digitised material for Johne Lawson of Bywell St Peter, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/L2
DPRI/1/1608/L2/1   1 July 1607
DPRI/1/1608/L2/2   26 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £24 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s 6d)
DPRI/1/1608/M1   3 June 1608
Anne MAIRE, widow, of Hewton (Hooton) Henry within the parish of Munke Esleden (Munke Hesselden, Mounckhesleden, Hesleden) [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Maior, Mayre
Digitised material for Anne Maire, widow of Hutton Henry, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/M1
DPRI/1/1608/M1/1   1 June 1605
DPRI/1/1608/M1/2-4   1 June 1608
inventory, actual total £160 7s 4d
(1) Inventory of household goods etc.; (2) inventory of the goods etc. in the house of John Hall in Durham gentleman, appraised the same day. Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 June 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/M1/5-6   1 June 1608
indented inventory, actual total £160 7s 4d
(1) Inventory of household goods etc. includes goods at Hardwick; (2) inventory of the goods etc. in the house of John Hall in Durham gentleman, appraised the same day. Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 June 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/M5   13 August 1608
William MAITTLAND, husband of Agnes Maittland, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Matlande, Maultland, Maitland, Maultlande
Digitised material for William Maittland, husband of Agnes Maittland, mariner of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/M5
DPRI/1/1608/M5/2-3   9 May 1608
nuncupative will
endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved, 13 Aug [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/M5/1   9 May 1608
copy nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1608/M5/4   3 August 1608
inventory, actual total £44 7s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/M2   30 April 1608
Thomas MALAND, of cittie of Durham of the parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Maland of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/M2
DPRI/1/1608/M2/1   4 March 1608
indented nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1608/M2/2-3   23 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £76 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 10s)
Inventory of goods etc. at Lameldenn [?Lambton] and Durham; dated 23 or 24 Apr 1608. Endorsed: administration granted, 30 Apr 1608.
DPRI/1/1608/M3   11 June 1608
Francis MARKENDAILE, of Langley (Langleye), parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale
Digitised material for Francis Markendaile of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/M3
DPRI/1/1608/M3/1   16 April 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/M3/2   27 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £135 2s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 11 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/M4   11 June 1608
Margarat MAUGHON, widow, of parishe of Edmondbires (Edmondbyers) in the countye of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Maugham
Digitised material for Margarat Maughon, widow of Edmundbyers, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/M4
DPRI/1/1608/M4/1   17 March 1608
endorsed: proved, 11 June [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/M4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £3 8s 8d (with account of debts of £1 17s 10d)
DPRI/1/1608/M6   6 May 1608
Jayne MITFORD, widow, of parishe of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Mytford, Midford
The will is endorsed by the probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter, also referred to in the account, is not present. For the will of Mitford's husband, see - DPRI/1/1581/M4/1
Digitised material for Jayne Mitford, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/M6
DPRI/1/1608/M6/1   10 October 1606
endorsed: proved, 6 May [?1608]
DPRI/1/1608/M6/2   undated
account, actual total £3,239 0s 1d (with discharge of £1,399 12s 9d)
Account of John Craister and Christopher Mitford gentleman, executors. Endorsed: admitted.
Ambrose MOSSE, tanner, of Gateshead (Gaitshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for Ambrose Mosse, tanner of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/M7
DPRI/1/1608/M7/1-2   22 July 1608
subscribed: original will delivered [out of the Registry] to Gabriell Ryce of Team Staiths 'with promise to return it', 28 Aug 1652
DPRI/1/1608/M7/3   26 August 1608
inventory, actual total £48 10s 5d
DPRI/1/1608/O1   28 May 1608
Samuell OGLE, of parish of Horsley [Longhorsley, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Samuell Ogle of Longhorsley, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/O1
DPRI/1/1608/O1/1   23 May 1608
indented inventory
Administration granted to Dorothee Ogle, relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1608].
DPRI/1/1608/O2   26 May 1608
Edward OLIFER, chapman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastill uppon Tynne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Olever
Digitised material for Edward Olifer, chapman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/O2
DPRI/1/1608/O2/1   24 February 1608
Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 26 May [1608].
DPRI/1/1608/O2/2-3   3 March 1609
inventory, actual total £168 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 2s 11d)
William PATISON, of Newbegine (Newbygine, Newbiggin) []; also spelt Patteson
parish and county uncertain: Newbiggins in Bishopton, Heighington, Middleton in Teesdale (County Durham) and Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland)
Digitised material for William Patison - DPRI/1/1608/P1
DPRI/1/1608/P1/1   26 May 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/P1/2   20 January 1608
indented inventory, actual total £15 5s 4d (with account of debts of £7 6s 7d)
date in Jan 1608 uncertain (damage)
DPRI/1/1608/P2   12 November 1608
Thomas PATTISON, of Westaukland within the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Helen Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson
Digitised material for Thomas Pattison of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/P2
DPRI/1/1608/P2/1   28 August 1608
DPRI/1/1608/P2/2   6 October 1608
inventory, actual total £47 12s 4d (with account of debts of £10 4s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Nov [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/P2/3   13 November 1608
renunciation of Cicilie Pattesone, relict and co-executor, consenting that the other executors should act and asserting her right only to her widow's third
DPRI/1/1608/P3   30 April 1608
Wiliam PEARSON, of the Hagg (Hagge) of the parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson
Digitised material for Wiliam Pearson of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/P3
DPRI/1/1608/P3/1-2   15 May 1600
DPRI/1/1608/P3/3   15 May 1600
copy will
endorsed: proved and exhibited, 30 Apr 1608
DPRI/1/1608/P3/4   25 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 18s 6d)
DPRI/1/1608/P3/5   25 April 1608
indented copy inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 18s 6d)
DPRI/1/1608/P4   21 January 1609
Grace PHILPE, widow, of Elvitt within the parish of St Oswooldes [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
Digitised material for Grace Philpe, widow of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/P4
DPRI/1/1608/P4/1   10 August 1608
DPRI/1/1608/P4/2   21 November 1608
inventory, actual total £8 9s
endorsed: [will] proved, 21 Jan [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/R1   11 March 1609
Gawin RATCLIFFE, of parish of Darneton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Gawin Ratcliffe of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R1
DPRI/1/1608/R1/1   28 February 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 11 Mar [1609]
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 94

DPRI/1/1608/R2   23 January 1609
James REABURNE, yeoman, of Grynden (Grindon) within the countie pallentyne of Durham, parish of Norrham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaburn
Digitised material for James Reaburne, yeoman of Norham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/R2
DPRI/1/1608/R2/1-2   4 January 1609
with inventory, 17 January 1609, actual total £7 6s 8d
the inventory does not include numerous debts listed in the will
DPRI/1/1608/R2/4   10 January 1609
commission to Abraham Symson M.A., preacher of Lowick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Reaburne relict, Roger Selbie and John Reaburne, co-executors, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Symson at Grindonrigg, 23 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/R2/3   17 January 1609
indented inventory, actual total £7 6s 8d
subscribed: debts as appeareth in the will
DPRI/1/1608/R3   28 June 1608
Gawen READ, porter, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Gawen Read, porter of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/R3
DPRI/1/1608/R3/1-2   17 March 1608
DPRI/1/1608/R3/3   20 May 1608
inventory, actual total £5 11s 1d
endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/R4   23 April 1608
Roger REINE, labourer, of Halliwell in the parishe of Branspethe (Branncepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Raine
Digitised material for Roger Reine, labourer of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R4
DPRI/1/1608/R4/1   20 April 1608
indented nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1608/R4/2   undated
indented inventory, actual total £4 7s 6d
endorsed: administration granted, 23 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/R5   18 January 1609
John RICHARDSON, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland, Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Richardson of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R5
DPRI/1/1608/R5/1-2   10 January 1609
Subscribed: witnesses sworn; probate granted to Magdalen Richardson, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Richard Richardson, son and co-executor; tuition of Richard Richardson also granted to Magdalen Richardson, 18 Jan 1609; eight minor children named.
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 37-38

DPRI/1/1608/R5/3   10 January 1609
indented copy will
endorsed: proved, 18 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/R5/4-6   17 January 1609
indented inventory, actual total £872 16s 1d (with account of debts of £54 16s 8d)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
John RIDLEY, of Slatterfeilde in Tindale, parish of Symonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]
testator requests to be buried at Simonburn 'within the Ridleys portch'
Digitised material for John Ridley of Simonburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/R6
DPRI/1/1608/R6/1-2   26 January 1608
will dated, 25 and 26 Jan 1608
DPRI/1/1608/R6/3-4   11 March 1608
inventory, actual total £29 3s 4d
DPRI/1/1608/R7   8 October 1608
Robert ROBINSON, of Bradbury within the parish of Sedgefeild (Sedgefeilde) [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Robinson of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R7
DPRI/1/1608/R7/1   8 June 1608
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 8 Oct [1608]
Renold ROBSONN, of Whit House (Whiet, Whitehouse) within the parish of Jarro (Jarrow) [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Robson
Digitised material for Renold Robsonn of Jarrow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R8
DPRI/1/1608/R8/1-2   21 July 1607
DPRI/1/1608/R8/3-4   21 September 1607
inventory, actual total £17 15s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/R9   14 January 1609
Robert RUTTER, of Houghton in the Spring (Springe) [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Rutter of Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/R9
DPRI/1/1608/R9/1-2   19 September 1608
with codicil, undated
DPRI/1/1608/R9/3   19 September 1608
copy will
with copy codicil, undated
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609
DPRI/1/1608/S1   8 July 1608
Bartholomewe SANDERSON, of chappelrye of Bernardcastell (Barnard Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for Bartholomewe Sanderson of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S1
DPRI/1/1608/S1/1-2   28 April 1607
DPRI/1/1608/S1/3   28 April 1607
with memorandum, 8 July 1608
Will, subscribed with memorandum of three legatees [feoffees in trust] clarifying the testator's intention relating to a burgage in Barnard Castle. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1608].
DPRI/1/1608/S1/6   6 June 1607
indented inventory, actual total £27 13s 2d (with account of debts of £17 4s 8d)
DPRI/1/1608/S1/4-5   24 August 1608
letter from Myles Wrightson of Romaldkirk, legatee [feoffee in trust], to Clement Colmer, Durham Chancellor, reiterating the testator's intention relating to a burgage in Barnard Castle and covenanting to perform the trust
DPRI/1/1608/S2   11 March 1609
Elizabeth SICKERWHAM, wife of Humphray Sickerwham, widow, of Helmyndin (Helmeden, Helmdon) Rawe within the parish of Bransbyth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sickerwhame
Digitised material for Elizabeth Sickerwham, wife of Humphray Sickerwham, widow of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S2
DPRI/1/1608/S2/1   6 February 1609
endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1609
DPRI/1/1608/S2/2   11 February 1609
inventory, actual total £26 12s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 18s 1d)
DPRI/1/1608/S3   4 February 1609
Humfrey SICKERWHAME, husband of Elizabeth Sickerwhame, of Helmedon (Helmdon) Rawe, parish of Branncepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sickerwham
Digitised material for Humfrey Sickerwhame, husband of Elizabeth Sickerwhame of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S3
DPRI/1/1608/S3/1   23 September 1608
DPRI/1/1608/S3/2   28 October 1608
inventory, actual total £29 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 2s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Feb [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/S4   11 June 1608
Edward SLATIER, of Elden (Eldon) within the countie of Duresm [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Sclator, Slaiter
Digitised material for Edward Slatier of Eldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S4
DPRI/1/1608/S4/1   29 September 1607
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 11 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/S4/2   1 June 1608
inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/S5   18 February 1609
Robert SMITH, butcher, of parish of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Smith, butcher of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S5
DPRI/1/1608/S5/1-2   25 January 1609
endorsed: proved, 18 Feb [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/S5/3-4   8 February 1609
indented inventory, actual total £322 12s 9d
inventory of goods etc. at Gateshead, Follansby and Southwick
William STOBS, of Hedlye (Hedley), parish of Owinghame (Owingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobbes
Digitised material for William Stobs of Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/S6
DPRI/1/1608/S6/1   27 March 1607
with inventory, 29 June 1607, actual total £13 0s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/S6/2   27 March 1607
copy will
with copy inventory, 29 June 1607, actual total £13 0s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/S7   30 July 1608
John SWALWELL, of Shaudfourth within the parrish of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Swalwell of Shadforth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S7
DPRI/1/1608/S7/1   17 January 1608
indented will
Endorsed: (1) proved, 30 July [1608]; (2) memorandum of 11 Oct 1824 Exchequer case in which the will was exhibited: James Milles clerk v Thomas Jackson and others.
DPRI/1/1608/S7/2   26 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £118 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £67 9s 2d)
Endorsed with memorandum of 11 Oct 1824 Exchequer case in which the will was exhibited: James Milles clerk v Thomas Jackson and others.
DPRI/1/1608/S8   14 January 1609
George SYMPSON, yeoman, of Chester of the parishe of Chester in the Streate in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson
Digitised material for George Sympson, yeoman of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S8
DPRI/1/1608/S8/1   20 November 1608
endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1609]
DPRI/1/1608/S8/2-4   30 December 1608
indented inventory, actual total £100 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £78 11s 8d)
DPRI/1/1608/S9   2 December 1608
Thomas SYMSON, of parishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson
Digitised material for Thomas Symson of Pittington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/S9
DPRI/1/1608/S9/1   12 July 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/S9/2   28 November 1608
indented inventory, actual total £397 17s 4d (with account of debts of £42 3s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Dec [1608]
Raiphe TALER, of Elingtone of the parishe of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor
Digitised material for Raiphe Taler of Woodhorn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/T1
DPRI/1/1608/T1/1-2   16 November 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £48 6s 8d
William TEASDALE, yeoman, of Snapegest (Snapeghest) in the countye of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Teisdaile
Digitised material for William Teasdale, yeoman of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T2
DPRI/1/1608/T2/1   11 July 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/T2/2   11 July 1607
indented copy will
DPRI/1/1608/T2/3   4 August 1607
indented inventory, actual total £35 18s (with account of debts of £8 10s)
William THEW, of Dennicke (Dennick) in the parishe of Alnewicke (Alnewick) within the countye of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Thew of Denwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/T3
DPRI/1/1608/T3/1   undated
with inventory, undated, actual total £9 0s 4d (with account of debts of £6 10s 6d)
will dated, 19 June
John THORNTON, cordwainer, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Thornton, cordwainer of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T4
DPRI/1/1608/T4/1-2   1 September 1608
DPRI/1/1608/T4/3   16 September 1608
inventory, actual total £13 12s 4d
DPRI/1/1608/T5   6 March 1609
Robert THORP, yeoman, of Longnewtonn (Longnewton, Long Newton) in the countie of Durhame [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorpe
Inventory is endorsed by probate office: Will and [Inventory] ... with commission to prove the [will] - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Robert Thorp, yeoman of Longnewton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T5
DPRI/1/1608/T5/1   2 June 1608
DPRI/1/1608/T5/2-3   undated
inventory, actual total £626 4s (with account of debts of £3 5s 10d)
Thomas TONSTALL, gentleman, of East Shipley in the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Tonstall, gentleman of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T6
DPRI/1/1608/T6/1   16 September 1608
indented inventory
DPRI/1/1608/T7   9 April 1608
Mathew TROTTER, Westertonn in the parish of St Andrew Auckland, Helmeden Rawe [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Mathew Trotter, Westertonn in the parish of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T7
DPRI/1/1608/T7/1   5 October 1607
indented will
endorsed: proved, 9 Apr 1608
DPRI/1/1608/T8   9 April 1608
Richard TURBATT, of Bradburie (Bradbury), parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Turbatte
Digitised material for Richard Turbatt of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/T8
DPRI/1/1608/T8/1   25 March 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/T8/2   25 March 1608
copy inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/T8/3   6 April 1608
agreement for the administering and division of the goods between Robert, William and Margaret Turbatt, sons and daughter
DPRI/1/1608/W1   20 January 1609
Thomas WAISTALL, yeoman, of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Waistell
Digitised material for Thomas Waistall, yeoman of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W1
DPRI/1/1608/W1/1-2   13 November 1608
DPRI/1/1608/W1/3   23 November 1608
indented inventory, actual total £282 2s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £74 8s 10d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Jan [1609]
Robart WALL, yeoman, of Howghell (Houghall) within the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robart Wall, yeoman of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W2
DPRI/1/1608/W2/1-2   23 April 1608
Will, with list of debts owing to (£15 13s 9d) and owing by (£25 4s 4d) the testator. Probate granted to Elizabeth Wall, relict, during the minority and for the use of the executors, the six named children of the testator by two different wives.
DPRI/1/1608/W2/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £140 15s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/W3   24 October 1608
Renolde WALTON, Leehouse in Garrigill, chapelry of Bellingham [Alston, Cumberland]
Digitised material for Renolde Walton, of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W3
DPRI/1/1608/W3/1   1607
endorsed: proved, 24 Oct [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/W3/2   31 October 1607
inventory, actual total £11 5s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 0s 6d)
William WALTON, of parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Walton of Longbenton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W4
DPRI/1/1608/W4/1-2   undated
Account of Margarett Walton, relict and administratrix; with 15 Dec 1608 marginal notes relating to the production of related bills and acquittances and to the swearing of the accountant and Brian Walton and Raphe Walton; issue of letters testimonial decreed, 14 Jan 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 14 Jan 1609.
Thomas WANLESSE, husband of Agnes Wanlesse, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanles, Wanless
For the inventory of Thomas Wanlesse's wife Agnes Wanlesse, and which was formerly filed with the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, see - DPRI/1/1608/W5/3
Digitised material for Thomas Wanlesse, husband of Agnes Wanlesse of Morpeth, Northumberland – DPRI/1/1608/W5
DPRI/1/1608/W5/1   20 December 1608
DPRI/1/1608/W5/2   3 January 1609
inventory, actual total £178 3s 8d
Agnes WANLESSE, wife of Thomas Wanlesse, [widow], of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanles, Wanless
The inventory was formerly filed with the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, the husband of Agnes Wanlesse. For the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, see - DPRI/1/1608/W5/1 - DPRI/1/1608/W5/2
Digitised material for Agnes Wanlesse, wife of Thomas Wanlesse, widow – DPRI/1/1608/W5
DPRI/1/1608/W5/3   undated
DPRI/1/1608/W6   25 October 1608
Chrystofer WARDE, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ward
Digitised material for Chrystofer Warde of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W6
DPRI/1/1608/W6/1   17 April 1608
DPRI/1/1608/W6/2   30 June 1608
inventory, actual total £41 11s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Oct 1608
DPRI/1/1608/W7   6 May 1608
William WATSONN, yeoman, of Bedlington (Bedlingtonn) [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson
Digitised material for William Watsonn, yeoman of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W7
DPRI/1/1608/W7/1   10 March 1608
endorsed: proved, 6 May 1608
DPRI/1/1608/W7/2   undated
inventory, actual total £25 13s 4d
DPRI/1/1608/W7/3   undated
copy inventory, actual total £25 13s 4d
Isabell WAWBEE, Elizabeth Wawby, of parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]
Will endorsed by probate office: Elizabeth Wawby.
Digitised material for Isabell Wawbee, Elizabeth Wawby of Merrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W8
DPRI/1/1608/W8/1   undated
nuncupative will
nuncupative will dated, 7 Nov
DPRI/1/1608/W8/2   undated
copy nuncupative will
nuncupative will dated, 7 Nov
DPRI/1/1608/W9   16 July 1608
James WEST, of parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasdall, Tesedale, Teisdaile) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
Digitised material for James West of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W9
DPRI/1/1608/W9/1   26 June 1608
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 16 July [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/W9/2   undated
inventory, actual total £8 8s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £1)
dated, 12 July
DPRI/1/1608/W10   16 April 1608
Jaymes WHEATLYE, yeoman, of parish of Shedgesfeyld (Shedgesfeylde, Sedgefeilde) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley
Digitised material for Jaymes Wheatlye, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W10
DPRI/1/1608/W10/1   7 February 1608
endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/W10/2   11 April 1608
indented inventory, actual total £67 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 4s)
William WHITEHEAD, esquire, of parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Whithead
Digitised material for William Whitehead, esquire of Stannington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W11
DPRI/1/1608/W11/1-2   23 December 1607
endorsed with memorandum of John King [Durham proctor] requiring the inventory be exhibited before 29 Sep [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/W12   9 April 1608
Roland WILLY, of East Merington alias Kirkmerington, parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Willie, Willey
Digitised material for Roland Willy of Merrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W12
DPRI/1/1608/W12/1-2   23 February 1608
endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1608/W12/3   4 April 1608
inventory, actual total £130 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1608/W12/4   4 April 1608
copy inventory, actual total £130 6s 8d
Thomas WILSON, joiner, of parishe of Sainte Nicolas (Nicholas) in the cittie of Durhame [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Wilson, joiner of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1608/W13
DPRI/1/1608/W13/1   31 January 1609
DPRI/1/1608/W13/2-8   1 March 1609
inventory, actual total £139 5s 5d (with account of debts of £6 18s 8d)
John WODDE, yeoman, of Elmeden alias Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wood
Digitised material for John Wodde, yeoman of Embleton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/W14
DPRI/1/1608/W14/1   1 October 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/W14/2   13 December 1608
indented inventory, actual total £35 5s
Thomas YOUNGE, of Beednell (Beedenell) within the parish of Balmbrough (Balmebrough) [Beadnell, Northumberland]; also spelt Young
Digitised material for Thomas Younge of Beadnell, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/Y1
DPRI/1/1608/Y1/1   11 October 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/Y1/2   8 February 1608
indented inventory, actual total £4 8s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 7s 8d)
Rychard YOUNGHUSBAND, yeoman, of Bewdle, parish of Balmbrough (Balmebrough) within the countye of Northumbarland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Youngehusband, Younghusbande
Digitised material for Rychard Younghusband, yeoman of Bamburgh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1608/Y2
DPRI/1/1608/Y2/1   1 March 1607
indented will
DPRI/1/1608/Y2/2-3   18 May 1607
indented inventory, actual total £142 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £65 7s 1d)
Wills etc proved 1609
Reference: DPRI/1/1609
DPRI/1/1609/A1   1 October 1609
Henry ABRAHAM, fuller, of chapelry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with inventory and bond' - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Henry Abraham, fuller of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/A1
DPRI/1/1609/A1/1   28 April 1609
endorsed: proved, 1 Oct 1609
DPRI/1/1609/A1/2   13 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £28 11s 5d (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d)
Thomas ADDONN, surgeon barber, barber-surgeon, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Aidon
Digitised material for Thomas Addonn, surgeon barber, barber-surgeon of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/A2
DPRI/1/1609/A2/1   7 March 1609
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
DPRI/1/1609/A3   2 November 1609
Frances ANDARSON, the younger, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson
Digitised material for Frances Andarson, the younger, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/A3
DPRI/1/1609/A3/1-2   31 July 1609
endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1609
DPRI/1/1609/A4   6 June 1607
Roger ANDERSON, fisherman, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
Digitised material for Roger Anderson, fisherman of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/A4
DPRI/1/1609/A4/1-2   14 March 1607
Subscribed: witnesses sworn, 18 Apr 1607. Endorsed: proved, 6 June 1607; [cancelled] to be ingrossed.
DPRI/1/1609/A4/3   undated
inventory, actual total £38 3s 1d (with account of debts of £7 9s 6d)
DPRI/1/1609/A4/4   undated
copy inventory, actual total £38 3s 1d (with account of debts of £7 9s 6d)
endorsed: query will in 1607
DPRI/1/1609/A5   3 February 1610
Robert ANDREW, of parish of Stainton [Great Stainton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Andrew of Great Stainton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/A5
DPRI/1/1609/A5/1-2   26 September 1609
endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 3 Feb [1610]
Ellinor ATKINSON, of the Northe Sheeles [North Shields, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Ellinor Atkinson of North Shields, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/A6
DPRI/1/1609/A6/1-2   15 April 1608
inventory, actual total £7 3 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 11s 4d)
with will, 29 March 1608
Will is subscribed with 8 Aug 1609 memorandum relating that Alice Backworth, daughter, is to prove the will within one month, otherwise administration to be granted.
wrapper, made from (cut-down) 1832 Prayer of Thanksgiving ... for a favourable harvest
DPRI/1/1609/B1   3 February 1610
Anthony BAMBRICKE, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bambrick, Bainbridg, Bambridg
Digitised material for Anthony Bambricke of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B1
DPRI/1/1609/B1/1   14 January 1610
DPRI/1/1609/B1/2   30 January 1610
inventory, actual total £33 14s 6d
endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Feb [1610]
James BELL, keelman, of Sandgayte (Sandgate) within the lyberties of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for James Bell, keelman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/B2
DPRI/1/1609/B2/1   14 May 1608
DPRI/1/1609/B2/2-3   undated
inventory, actual total £5 18s 3d
Peter BELL, of Rytton Whitehouse (Whyte Howse, Whitehowse) within the parish of Hartburne and chappellrie of Nether Witton [Netherwitton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Peter Bell of Netherwitton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/B3
DPRI/1/1609/B3/1-2   12 January 1609
DPRI/1/1609/B3/3   undated
inventory, actual total £43 13s 4d
DPRI/1/1609/B4   1 July 1609
John BERRYER, of Branspeth (Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Berrier
Digitised material for John Berryer of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B4
DPRI/1/1609/B4/1-2   1 November 1608
endorsed: proved, 1 July [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/B4/3   undated
inventory, actual total £3 18s 4d
DPRI/1/1609/B5   18 March 1609
James BLACKBURNE, of Langley of the parish of Staindrope (Staindrop, Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Blaickburne, Blackbourne
Digitised material for James Blackburne of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B5
DPRI/1/1609/B5/2   22 March 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1609/B5/3   16 June 1608
indented inventory, actual total £35 0s 8d (with account of debts of £19 7s 6d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Mar [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/B5/1   18 March 1609
commission to Robert Dickson, rector of Cockfield, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Blackburne, relict and sole executrix; [commission executed by Dixon on or before 14 June 1609]
DPRI/1/1609/B5/4   14 June 1609
letter from Robert Dixon at Ramshaw, pastor of Staindrop, to Stephen Hegg at Durham, [Durham proctor], enclosing the executed commission and bond; also concerning a cause in which Raphe Simpson, a neighbour, requires representation; dated, 14 June [?1609]
DPRI/1/1609/B6   29 April 1609
Agnes BLAIKSTONE, wife of Nicholesse Blaikstone of Norton, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Blaikistone, Blaxton
Digitised material for Agnes Blaikstone, wife of Nicholesse Blaikstone, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B6
DPRI/1/1609/B6/1   26 April 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 29 Apr [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/B7   1 July 1609
John BLAYDES, yeoman, of Staynton in the chappelrye of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Blaydes, yeoman of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B7
DPRI/1/1609/B7/1   5 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/B7/2   17 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £20 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 17s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 1 July [1609]
Margret BRANDLEY, of Newcastell upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Brandling
Digitised material for Margret Brandley of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/B8
DPRI/1/1609/B8/1   4 August 1609
endorsed: administration granted
DPRI/1/1609/B9   6 October 1609
Richard BURRELL, of Headlame (Headlam) within the parish of Gainforth [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Burrall
Digitised material for Richard Burrell of Gainford, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/B9
DPRI/1/1609/B9/1-2   2 April 1609
endorsed: proved, 6 Oct 1609
DPRI/1/1609/B9/3-4   16 August 1609
draft inventory, actual total £85 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 0s 10d)
DPRI/1/1609/B9/5-7   16 August 1609
indented inventory, actual total £85 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 0s 10d)
DPRI/1/1609/C1   2 March 1610
John CARLILE, of parish of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Carlile of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C1
DPRI/1/1609/C1/1-2   16 October 1609
endorsed: exhibited 2 Mar 1610, upon the Lucy Carlile, relict
DPRI/1/1609/C1/3   16 October 1609
copy inventory, actual total £4 8s 5d (with account of debts of £8 8s 2d)
endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1610]; exhibited by Thomas Lee, administrator, 20 Mar [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/C2   8 August 1609
Richard CARR, of parish of Gateshead (Gaitshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Carr of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C2
DPRI/1/1609/C2/1-2   undated
endorsed: administration granted, 8 Aug [1609]
Thomas CATHERICK, tanner, of parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Catherick, tanner of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C3
DPRI/1/1609/C3/1-2   25 October 1608
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 99-100

DPRI/1/1609/C3/3   11 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £95 18s 6d (with account of debts of £5 18s 5d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 100-102

DPRI/1/1609/C4   4 November 1609
Thomas CHAPMAN, of Frosterley (Frosterleye) in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Chapman of Frosterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C4
DPRI/1/1609/C4/1   2 October 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C4/2   2 October 1609
copy will
endorsed: proved, 4 Nov 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C4/3   16 October 1609
inventory, actual total £39 2s (with account of debts of £3 11s)
DPRI/1/1609/C5   11 March 1610
Annes CHILTON, widow, of Newbottle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltoon
Digitised material for Annes Chilton, widow of Newbottle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C5
DPRI/1/1609/C5/1-2   undated
Administration granted to John Chilton, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Mar [1610]; inventory not exhibited.
DPRI/1/1609/C6   19 August 1609
George CHILTON, husbandman, of Chester of the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Chilton, husbandman of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C6
DPRI/1/1609/C6/1   10 March 1609
endorsed: proved, 19 Aug 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C6/2   17 July 1609
indented inventory, actual total £126 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 13s 4d)
DPRI/1/1609/C7   10 March 1610
William CHILTON, yeoman, of Breerton in the parish of Stranton (Strainton) and countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Chilton, yeoman of Stranton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C7
DPRI/1/1609/C7/1   25 February 1610
indented will
endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/C7/2   27 February 1610
indented inventory, actual total £241 16s (with account of debts of £18 16s 2d)
John CLARKE, of Greate Tossone (Tosson) of the parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerck, Clarcke
Digitised material for John Clarke of Rothbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/C8
DPRI/1/1609/C8/1   25 February 1610
subscribed with the names of six children
DPRI/1/1609/C9   15 July 1609
Roger CLARKE, yeoman, of Newton Bewley (Bewlye) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Clercke
Digitised material for Roger Clarke, yeoman of Wolviston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C9
DPRI/1/1609/C9/1   23 February 1609
endorsed: proved, 15 July 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C9/2   5 July 1609
indented inventory, actual total £90 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 12s)
DPRI/1/1609/C10   22 September 1609
Anthonie CLAXTON, of parish of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Anthonie Claxton of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C10
DPRI/1/1609/C10/1   15 July 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 22 Sep [1609]
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 102-103

DPRI/1/1609/C11   6 May 1609
John CLOASE, husbandman, of parish of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Cloase, husbandman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C11
DPRI/1/1609/C11/1   2 November 1608
DPRI/1/1609/C11/2   19 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £43 4s 4d (with account of debts of £3 0s 1d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 6 May [1609]
William COLLINGWODD, of Weetsledes, parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingewodd
Digitised material for William Collingwodd of Longbenton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/C12
DPRI/1/1609/C12/1   4 May 1609
endorsed: administration granted
George CONYERS, gentleman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefield) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Conyers, gentleman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C13
DPRI/1/1609/C13/1   29 January 1610
DPRI/1/1609/C14   27 February 1610
Sir John CONYERS, knight, of Sockborne (Sockburne) [Sockburn, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers
Digitised material for Sir John Conyers, knight of Sockburn, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C14
DPRI/1/1609/C14/1   9 February 1610
Inventory is listed by room, including those of Brian Daniell, young Chipcase [Chipchase] and Raffe Tippin. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Feb 1610.
Nicholas COOKE, yeoman, of Willington, parish of Walsend (Waulsende) [Wallsend, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Nicholas Cooke, yeoman of Wallsend, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/C15
DPRI/1/1609/C15/1   22 March 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C15/2   9 July 1609
indented inventory, actual total £32 14s 4d (with account of debts of £28 14s)
Edward COSTON, vicar of Chatton, clerk, of Chatton in the countye of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowleston
Digitised material for Edward Coston, vicar of Chatton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/C17
DPRI/1/1609/C17/1-2   10 January 1599
DPRI/1/1609/C16   3 February 1610
George COURTEPENNY, of Willington, parish of Branncepeth [Willington, County Durham]; also spelt Courtpeny
Digitised material for George Courtepenny of Willington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C16
DPRI/1/1609/C16/1-3   30 January 1610
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 3 Feb [1610]
John CRANE, comptroller of Berwick-upon-Tweed, comptroller, of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Crane, comptroller of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/C18
DPRI/1/1609/C18/1-2   20 December 1607
will, with (undated) memorandum relating to the settlement of the testator's debts by his son William Crane
DPRI/1/1609/C18/3-4   1607
inventory, actual total £185 16s 8d (with account of debts of £210 10s)
inventory includes household goods etc. at Tweedmouth
DPRI/1/1609/C19   25 November 1609
Raph CRAW, of Shildon, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Shildon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raph Craw of Shildon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C19
DPRI/1/1609/C19/1   25 August 1609
DPRI/1/1609/C19/2   25 August 1609
indented copy will
endorsed: proved, 25 Nov [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/C19/3   8 November 1609
indented inventory, actual total £116 11s 4d (with account of debts of £7 5s 2d)
DPRI/1/1609/C20   3 March 1610
John CUNINGHAM, of Middleton One Raw, parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Coningham
Digitised material for John Cuningham of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/C20
DPRI/1/1609/C20/1   4 February 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 3 Mar [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/D1   9 February 1610
Richard DACK, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Dack of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/D1
DPRI/1/1609/D1/1-2   1609
indented inventory of debts
Inventory of debts owing to the deceased. Endorsed: administration granted, 9 Feb [1610]; exhibited, 2 Mar [1610].
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 97-99

DPRI/1/1609/D2   9 February 1610
Ralphe DALLIVAL, gentleman, of North Sheles in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Tynmouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Dallivaile, Delavell
Digitised material for Ralphe Dallival, gentleman of North Shields, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/D2
DPRI/1/1609/D2/1-2   1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 9 Feb [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/D3   27 May 1609
Cuthbert DAVYSON, labourer, of Urputh of the parishe of Chester in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Davysonne, Davison
Digitised material for Cuthbert Davyson, labourer of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/D3
DPRI/1/1609/D3/1   21 March 1609
DPRI/1/1609/D3/2   18 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £14 3s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 5s 10d)
endorsed: administration granted, 27 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/D4   29 July 1609
Robert DENT, of Darneton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]
Inventory is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the former is not present.
Digitised material for Robert Dent of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/D4
DPRI/1/1609/D4/1   12 June 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: [will] proved, 29 July 1609
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 95

DPRI/1/1609/D5   17 June 1609
William DODD, servant to William Hutchinson of Humshaugh, servant, of Humshaughe in the parish of Simondburne (Symondburne, Simonborn) [Humshaugh, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Dodd, servant to William Hutchinson of Humshaugh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/D5
DPRI/1/1609/D5/1-2   9 November 1608
nuncupative will
with inventory, 9 November 1608, actual total £14 13s
endorsed: proved, 17 June 1609
Marie DONKIN, wife and an executor of Henry Donkin of Norton, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Donken, Donkyn, Donkan
Digitised material for Marie Donkin, wife and an executor of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/D6
DPRI/1/1609/D6/1-2   undated
account, actual total £129 9s 4d (with discharge of £28 12s 6d)
with account, undated, actual total £126 12s 4d (with discharge of £76 8s 8d)
Account of James Rand, prebendary of Durham, the tutor and administrator for the use of four named children, the co-executors (with their mother) of their father's estate: (1) account of the estate of Henry Donkin, with allocation of the thirds; (2) account of the estate of Mary Donkin, with allocation of the children's shares. The final balance of the combined accounts is recorded as £120 14s 8d [?recte £123 14s 8d]. Subscribed: Mr Rand [accountant] sworn, 20 May 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 20 May 1609.
Jane DUNNE, widow, of the Loningburne and parishe of Ellesdone (Elsden, Ellesden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn
Digitised material for Jane Dunne, widow of Elsdon, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/D7
DPRI/1/1609/D7/1   19 September 1603
DPRI/1/1609/D7/2   25 March 1609
inventory, actual total £3
DPRI/1/1609/E1   27 May 1609
Ralphe ELSTOBBE, gentleman, of Foxton in the parishe of Sedgeffiede (Sedgefeild) and countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb
Digitised material for Ralphe Elstobbe, gentleman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/E1
DPRI/1/1609/E1/1   23 May 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 27 May [1609]; ingrosse this
DPRI/1/1609/E1/2   23 May 1609
indented copy inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 27 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/E2   17 June 1609
Nycolas EMERSON, of Brotherley, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nycolas Emerson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/E2
DPRI/1/1609/E2/1   27 March 1609
indented will
endorsed: proved, 17 June [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/E2/2   10 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £88 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 2s)
DPRI/1/1609/E3   4 November 1609
William EMMERSON, of Lowhorsley (Loowhorsley, Low Horsley) in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhoop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson
Digitised material for William Emmerson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/E3
DPRI/1/1609/E3/1   26 June 1609
DPRI/1/1609/E3/4   26 June 1609
copy will
endorsed: proved, 4 Nov 1609
DPRI/1/1609/E3/2-3   19 October 1609
inventory, actual total £298 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 7s 6d)
Luke ERRINGTON, gentleman, of Creswell within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Cresswell, Northumberland]; also spelt Erringtonn
Digitised material for Luke Errington, gentleman of Cresswell, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/E4
DPRI/1/1609/E4/1   11 December 1609
DPRI/1/1609/E4/2   20 December 1609
inventory, actual total £72 4s 2d (with account of debts of £22 14s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved
DPRI/1/1609/E5   9 April 1608
Bernard EWBANKE, of Raby of the parish of Staindrope (Staindropp, Staindrop) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Ewbancke
Digitised material for Bernard Ewbanke of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/E5
DPRI/1/1609/E5/3   12 January 1608
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608]
DPRI/1/1609/E5/1-2   undated
account, actual total £152 1s 6d (with discharge of £163 1s 5d)
Account of Dorothie Ewbancke, relict; sworn, 8 July 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 15 July 1609.
DPRI/1/1609/F1   2 March 1610
Richard FAWCET, rector of Boldon, prebendary of Durham, clerk, of Bowdon (Boldon) [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Fawsett, Fawcett
Digitised material for Richard Fawcet, rector of Boldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/F1
DPRI/1/1609/F1/1-3   17 January 1610
DPRI/1/1609/F1/4-6   12 February 1610
inventory, actual total £287 7s 8d (with account of debts of £19 4s 1d)
total of debts uncertain: owing by the testator is inferred, rather than owing to the testator
DPRI/1/1609/F1/7-9   12 February 1610
indented copy inventory, actual total £287 7s 8d
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Mar [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/F1/10   16 February 1610
commission to John Hickes MA, rector of Whitburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellyner Fawcet relict and Ellyner Newton [daughter] and Jean Southaike [daughter], executors; commission executed by Hickes, 19 Feb 1610
DPRI/1/1609/F2   11 January 1610
Raphe FETHERSTONHAWGHE, of New Parke within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherstonhaugh
Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with inventory and bond' - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Raphe Fetherstonhawghe of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/F2
DPRI/1/1609/F2/1   27 November 1609
grant of probate and of tuition made to Elizabeth Fetherstonhawghe, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Philesse Fetherstonhawghe, minor daughter and co-executor, 11 Jan 1610; grant made in the dining chamber of Durham Castle; William Stobbes and Christopher Harreson, sureties
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 45

DPRI/1/1609/F2/2-3   17 December 1609
indented inventory, actual total £821 10s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £294 14s)
William FISHER, of Jarro Coothouse (Jarrow Coate House, Cotthouse) within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Fisher of Jarrow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/F3
DPRI/1/1609/F3/1-2   20 April 1609
DPRI/1/1609/F3/3-4   20 April 1609
copy will
DPRI/1/1609/F3/5   26 April 1609
inventory, actual total £42 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 3s 4d)
DPRI/1/1609/F4   18 November 1609
John FLEMINGE, of parish of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Fleaminge
Digitised material for John Fleminge of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/F4
DPRI/1/1609/F4/1-2   10 November 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Nov [1609]
Margarit FORSTER, of Balmburgh (Balmebroughe) [Bamburgh, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Margarit Forster of Bamburgh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/F5
DPRI/1/1609/F5/1-2   14 July 1609
witnesses sworn, 11 Aug 1609
Robert FRISSELL, husband of Elizabeth Frissell, of parish of All Saintes in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Frissell, husband of Elizabeth Frissell of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/F6
DPRI/1/1609/F6/1   undated
Account of Elizabeth Frissell, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 1 July [1609].
Anne GARNETTE, widow, of Eglesclyfe (Egglescliffe, Eggescliff) in the countie of Durhame [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Garnet, Garnett
Digitised material for Anne Garnette, widow of Egglescliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/G1
DPRI/1/1609/G1/1   18 November 1607
witnesses sworn at Jarrow, 30 Aug 1608
DPRI/1/1609/G1/2   29 August 1608
indented inventory, actual total £80 7s 1d
inventoy of goods etc. at canted [auctioned] prices
John GEBSONE, of Gysene within the parish of Shilbotell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson
Digitised material for John Gebsone of Shilbottle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/G3
DPRI/1/1609/G3/1-2   24 July 1608
with inventory, undated, actual total £25 13s 9d (with account of debts of £4)
William GIBSON, of Denwicke (Denwick) in the countye of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Gibson of Denwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/G4
DPRI/1/1609/G4/1-2   31 January 1609
with inventory, undated, actual total £8
Roger GREEN, yeoman, of Bedlington in the county palatyne of Durham [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Grene
Digitised material for Roger Green, yeoman of Bedlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/G5
DPRI/1/1609/G5/1   10 September 1608
DPRI/1/1609/G6   24 March 1610
Hue GROSER, of Counscliff [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Grosser
Digitised material for Hue Groser of Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/G6
DPRI/1/1609/G6/1   undated
Dated, 8 Dec. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 Mar 1610.
DPRI/1/1609/G7   23 June 1609
Sir Henry GUAVERA, knight, of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Guevara
Digitised material for Sir Henry Guavera, knight of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/G7
DPRI/1/1609/G7/1-2   28 May 1609
indented inventory
with indented inventory, 29 May 1609, actual total £525 19s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £818 11s 8d)
(1) Inventory of goods etc. 'remaining on the ground' at Callaley; (2) goods etc. at Hesleden Rigge. Endorsed: administration granted, 23 June 1609.
Edmund GYBSON, of Longe Howghton (Great Howghton, Longe Houghton) in Northumbria [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibsonn
Digitised material for Edmund Gybson of Longhoughton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/G2
DPRI/1/1609/G2/1   9 November 1607
DPRI/1/1609/H4   10 February 1610
John HAKINS, of chapelry of St Margrettes (Margaret) in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hawkens, Hawkins
Digitised material for John Hakins of Durham St Margaret, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H4
DPRI/1/1609/H4/1-2   20 January 1610
endorsed: proved, 10 Feb [1610]; inventory to be exhibited at the first court after 23 Apr 1609
DPRI/1/1609/H4/3-4   14 February 1610
inventory, actual total £53 14s 2d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 3s 6d)
inventory of goods appraised 8 Feb 1610, and auctioned 14 Feb 1610
Raph HALL, of Greenechesters (Grenechesters) of the parish of Elsden in the countye of Northumberland and libertye of Ridsdale [Elsdon, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Raph Hall of Elsdon, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H1
DPRI/1/1609/H1/1   26 September 1608
indented will
DPRI/1/1609/H1/2   3 February 1609
indented inventory, actual total £34 11s 1d (with account of debts of £19 15s 2d)
Thomas HALL, son of Charles Hall of Newcastle All Saints, mariner, Gaitshead in the countie of Durham, parish of All Santes in Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle
Digitised material for Thomas Hall, son of Charles Hall, mariner of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H2
DPRI/1/1609/H2/1   21 July 1609
indented will
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1609/H2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £50 18s 5d
John HARDCASTELL, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hardcastle
Digitised material for John Hardcastell of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H3
DPRI/1/1609/H3/1-2   28 July 1608
DPRI/1/1609/H3/3-4   18 August 1608
inventory, actual total £37 4s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 18s 2d)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
DPRI/1/1609/H5   19 January 1610
Robert HEARON, gentleman, Meldon in the countie of Northumberland, parish of St Peter Cornehill in the city and archdeaconry of London [Meldon, Northumberland; St Peter Cornhill, London]; also spelt Heron
Digitised material for Robert Hearon, gentleman, of Meldon, Northumberlandn - DPRI/1/1609/H5
DPRI/1/1609/H5/1   31 May 1609
copy will
with grant of probate, 5 July 1609
with grant of probate, 19 January 1610
(1) copy will; (2) probate granted by the Archdeaconry Court of London to Thomas Lumsden and Josua Delavale, co-executors, with a power reserved to Katherine Hearon, relict and co-executor; (3) probate of the goods within Durham diocese granted to Katherine Hearon, relict and co-executor; Josua Delavale having renounced.
DPRI/1/1609/H5/2   21 September 1609
indented inventory, actual total £62 17s 9d
DPRI/1/1609/H6   17 February 1610
John HEDWORTHE, gentleman, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth
Digitised material for John Hedworthe, gentleman of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H6
DPRI/1/1609/H6/1-2   6 February 1610
Subscribed: exhibited by Christopher Batmanson on the part of Wilfred Lawson, administrator, 3 Mar 1610. Endorsed: administration granted, 17 Feb [1610].
DPRI/1/1609/H7   24 November 1609
James HOGGE, of parishe of St Johns in Nucastill uppon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]
Digitised material for James Hogge of Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H7
DPRI/1/1609/H7/1-2   14 November 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 24 Nov 1609
DPRI/1/1609/H8   14 October 1609
John HORSLIE, esquire, of Screnwood (Screnewod) [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horseley
Digitised material for John Horslie, esquire of Alnham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H8
DPRI/1/1609/H8/1   15 September 1609
Subscribed: sequestration granted to George Horslie, son, 22 Sep 1609; monition decreed to be issued; and with instructions to an officer of the court to bind John Bulwell and Nicholas Atcheson for the sequestration, and to copy the inventory. Endorsed: goods sequestered, 22 Sep [1609]; administration granted, 14 Oct [1609].
DPRI/1/1609/H9   8 July 1609
Thomas HUCHESONNE, of Burne House (Howsse) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson, Huchesone
Digitised material for Thomas Huchesonne of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H9
DPRI/1/1609/H9/1   16 April 1609
endorsed: proved, 8 July [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/H9/2   4 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £61 16s (with account of funeral charges of £4)
Johne HUNTRODDS, of Boltonne (Bolton) [Bolton, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntrodes
Digitised material for Johne Huntrodds of Bolton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H10
DPRI/1/1609/H10/1   16 June 1609
DPRI/1/1609/H10/2   undated
inventory, actual total £71 14s 11d (with account of debts and legacies of £52 6s 11d)
DPRI/1/1609/H11   14 October 1609
Cuthbert HURDDE, yeoman, of Routhsid (Roughsid) in the parishe of Edmundbyers (Edmondbires, Edmondbyers) in the county of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Hurde, Hord, Hurd
Digitised material for Cuthbert Hurdde, yeoman of Edmundbyers, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H11
DPRI/1/1609/H11/1   13 April 1609
indented will
endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/H11/2   26 April 1609
inventory, actual total £54 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 1s 8d)
Thomas HUTCHESON, husbandman, yeoman, of Harton within the countye of Durham [Harton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Hutcheson, husbandman, yeoman of Harton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/H12
DPRI/1/1609/H12/1   16 October 1607
DPRI/1/1609/H12/2   3 March 1609
inventory, actual total £129 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 1s 8d)
Raphe HUTON, pensioner, of broughe of Berwick uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Huttonn
Digitised material for Raphe Huton, pensioner of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/H13
DPRI/1/1609/H13/1   27 May 1608
DPRI/1/1609/K1   20 October 1609
Ralfe KAY, yeoman, of parish of Aickliffe (Aicklicliffe) in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]
Digitised material for Ralfe Kay, yeoman of Aycliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/K1
DPRI/1/1609/K1/1   7 September 1609
DPRI/1/1609/K1/2-3   7 September 1609
inventory, actual total £66 17s 9d (with account of debts of £69 2s 10d)
endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1609]
Anthoney KENDELL, gentleman, of Westhall in the countie of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Kendall
Digitised material for Anthoney Kendell, gentleman of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/K2
DPRI/1/1609/K2/1   2 October 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 17 Nov [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/L1   3 February 1610
Richard LAVRICK, of Usebourne within the parishe of All Hallowes in Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Laverock, Lavrick. Died October 1609
Lavrick, his wife and four children all died of the plague some time between the first week and the 18th of October 1609.
Digitised material for Richard Lavrick of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/L1
DPRI/1/1609/L1/1-2   15 September 1609
with copy inventory, 23 January 1610, actual total £15
endorsed: proved, 3 Feb [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/L1/3   23 January 1610
indented inventory, actual total £15
with indented inventory of debts, 5 November 1609, actual total £3 14s 9d (debts)
(1) Inventory of household goods etc.; (2) inventory of disbursements laid out for Richard Lavrick, his wife and four children, with entries dating from 8 Sep 1609 to 5 Nov 1609.
Gregorie LAWE, husbandman, of Nethere Connscliff (Nether Conscliffe) in the countie of Duresme, parish of Connscliffe [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]
Lawe's will was proved at York, 8 June 1609
Digitised material for Gregorie Lawe, husbandman of Low Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/L2
DPRI/1/1609/L2/1   2 April 1609
copy will
with grant of probate, 8 June 1609
probate granted by the Prerogative Court of York to Christopher Richardson senior and Francis Richardson, executors; copy certified by Thomas Chaytor, Durham Register
DPRI/1/1609/L2/2-4   15 May 1609
copy inventory, actual total £519 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £138 13s 10d)
inventory of goods etc. in York and Durham dioceses, at Coniscliffe and Manfield; copy certified by Thomas Chaytor, Durham Register
DPRI/1/1609/L3   13 January 1610
Hugh LITTLE, husbandman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Lyttle
Digitised material for Hugh Little, husbandman of Wolviston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/L3
DPRI/1/1609/L3/1-2   24 December 1609
endorsed: proved, 13 Jan 1610
DPRI/1/1609/L3/3   24 December 1609
copy will
DPRI/1/1609/L3/4-6   8 January 1610
inventory, actual total £204 9s 2d (with account of debts of £25 11s 2d)
DPRI/1/1609/L4   5 February 1610
Anne LOCKEY, spinster, of Bishop Auckland, parish of Awckland Saint Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Anne Lockey, spinster of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/L4
DPRI/1/1609/L4/1-2   2 April 1609
nuncupative will
with memorandum, 3 February 1610
Nuncupative will, subscribed with 3 Feb 1610 memorandum of a commission issued to swear the witnesses, and instructing that a citation to account also be issued to the administrator. Endorsed: not issued under the seal.
DPRI/1/1609/L4/3   3 February 1610
commission to John Fell, curate of Auckland St Andrew, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fell, 5 Feb 1610
Lord John LUMLEY, knight, 1st Baron Lumley, husband of Lady Elizabeth Lumley, of Lumley Castle [Lumley, County Durham]. Died 11 April 1609
Date of death drawn from DNB entry (2008). Poorly legible endorsemnents to the will indicate an additional document relating to the probate of the will was once filed with the will and inventory, but is not longer present.
Digitised material for Lord John Lumley, knight, 1st Baron Lumley, husband of Lady Elizabeth Lumley of Lumley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/L5
DPRI/1/1609/L5/1   28 January 1606
copy will
DPRI/1/1609/L5/2-4   24 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £1,404 17s 8d
Barbary LYSLE, wife of John Lysle of Gosforth gentleman, widow, of Gosforthe in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisley
Digitised material for Barbary Lysle, wife of John Lysle of Gosforth gentleman, widow of Gosforth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/L6
DPRI/1/1609/L6/1-2   7 October 1608
DPRI/1/1609/M6   20 January 1610
John MAHAM, butcher, of St Hellen Aukland (Awkland) within the county of Durisme [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Maughan
Digitised material for John Maham, butcher of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/M6
DPRI/1/1609/M6/1   2 November 1609
endorsed: sequestration granted, 20 Jan 1610
DPRI/1/1609/M6/2-3   undated
inventory, actual total £16 3s 8d (with account of debts of £7 15s 8d)
Elinor MANWELL, [wife of Thomas Manwell of Newcastle, shipwright], widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Elinor Manwell's husband was probably Thomas Manwell of Newcastle, shipwright: see - DPRI/1/1609/M2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1609/M2/3
Digitised material for Elinor Manwell, wife of Thomas Manwell of Newcastle, shipwright - DPRI/1/1609/M1
DPRI/1/1609/M1/1   30 November 1607
Thomas MANWELL, husband of Ellinor Manwell, shipwright, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Manwell, husband of Ellinor Manwell, shipwright of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M2
DPRI/1/1609/M2/1-2   20 February 1606
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1609/M2/3   undated
supplementary inventory, actual total £7 4s 8d
inventory of goods etc. in the possession of Ellinor Manwell, relict and administratrix, and not included by her in an inventory she exhibited in court
DPRI/1/1609/M3   14 October 1609
Gabriell MARLEY, of Hiltone (Hilton) in the parish of Munkewearmouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Marleye
Digitised material for Gabriell Marley of Monkwearmouth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/M3
DPRI/1/1609/M3/1-2   20 June 1609
endorsed: [proved,] 14 Oct 1609
DPRI/1/1609/M3/3-4   20 June 1609
DPRI/1/1609/M3/5   undated
indented inventory, actual total £79 15s 10d (with account of debts and legacies of £40 1s 11d)
DPRI/1/1609/M4   1 July 1609
John MARSHELL, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Marshall
Digitised material for John Marshell of Cockerton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/M4
DPRI/1/1609/M4/1-2   22 April 1609
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 96

DPRI/1/1609/M4/3   9 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £58 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 2s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 1 July 1609
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 96-97

Roberte MATFEN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Matfenn
Digitised material for Roberte Matfen, merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M5
DPRI/1/1609/M5/1-2   18 February 1608
DPRI/1/1609/M5/3   10 June 1609
indented inventory, actual total £85 16s 8d
Exhibited, 2 Nov 1609. Endorsed: administration granted.
Anthony MEDFORTHE, gentleman, of Neitherbonston wythin the paryshe of Warkworthe (Warkworth) and in the countie of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Midforth
Digitised material for Anthony Medforthe, gentleman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M8
DPRI/1/1609/M8/1   26 January 1608
DPRI/1/1609/M7   1 April 1609
Richard MERSHALL, of chapelry of Denton [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Marshall
Digitised material for Richard Mershall of Denton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/M7
DPRI/1/1609/M7/1-2   19 October 1608
endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr [1609]
Anthonie MILBORNE, of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
Digitised material for Anthonie Milborne of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M9
DPRI/1/1609/M9/1   24 June 1609
DPRI/1/1609/M9/2   7 August 1609
inventory, actual total £3 10s 10d
Thomas MILBORNE, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne
Digitised material for Thomas Milborne of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M10
DPRI/1/1609/M10/1   18 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/M10/2   26 June 1609
inventory, actual total £101 3s 2d
George MORLEY, dyer, of Barwicke (Berwick) uppon Tweade [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for George Morley, dyer of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/M11
DPRI/1/1609/M11/1   October 1604
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1609/M11/2   undated
inventory, actual total £96 17s 8d (with account of debts of £39 11s 4d)
John MORRESBY, of chapelrie of Barnardcastle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
See DPRI/4/10 f.139 (10 Feb 1610): in an office cause to render an account, the account of Katherine Morresby, relict and administratrix, is attested by Thomas Allanson and admitted, and letters testimonial are decreed to be issued; with marginal note, 'not issued'; f.232v (12 Oct 1611): letters testimonial issued.
Digitised material for John Morresby of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/M12
DPRI/1/1609/M12/1   undated
Account of Katherin Morresby, relict. Subscribed: Thomas Allenson [a creditor] sworn and letters testimonial decreed, 10 Feb 1610. Endorsed: admitted, 10 Feb [1610]; and admitted, 12 Oct 1611, the administratrix having been sworn.
Cuthbart NICHOLL, yeoman, of Hortonn (Horton) in the county of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Cuthbart Nicholl, yeoman of Horton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/N1
DPRI/1/1609/N1/1   14 July 1607
with inventory, undated, actual total £22 6s 8d (with account of debts of £2 5s)
Thomas OTWAIE, of Preston of the parishe of Tynmouth [Preston, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Otwaie of Preston, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/O1
DPRI/1/1609/O1/1   26 February 1609
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 38-39

DPRI/1/1609/O1/2   24 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £242 5s 8d (with account of debts of £13 16s)
Henry OURD, of parish of All Santes in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourde
Digitised material for Henry Ourd of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/O2
DPRI/1/1609/O2/1   12 January 1610
endorsed: administration renounced by the deceased's wife
Amor OXLEY, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Oxeley
Digitised material for Amor Oxley of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/O3
DPRI/1/1609/O3/1   undated
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted.
DPRI/1/1609/P1   8 July 1609
Edmonde PAXTON, yeoman, of Easington in the county of Durham [Easington, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edmonde Paxton, yeoman of Easington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/P1
DPRI/1/1609/P1/1   6 January 1609
endorsed: proved, 8 July 1609
DPRI/1/1609/P1/2   27 June 1609
indented inventory, actual total £190 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £44 4s)
Margarett PENDRETH, widow, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne in the [countie of] the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Pendrethe
Digitised material for Margarett Pendreth, widow of countie of - DPRI/1/1609/P2
DPRI/1/1609/P2/1, 4   2 August 1608
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1609/P2/2-3   28 September 1609
indented inventory, actual total £88 18s 3d
John PILKINGTON, of parish of St Mary in the North Bailey of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]
See DPRI/4/10 f.146v: probate granted to Noah Pilkington and Isaac Pilkington, executors, and inventory exhibited (£134 16s 2d), 23 Mar 1610. See also, Surtees' The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, volume I, p. lxxix: buried at St Mary le Bow in Durham, 25 July 1609. The date of the will is not consistent with the reported date of burial.
Digitised material for John Pilkington of Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/P3
DPRI/1/1609/P3/1-4   8 February 1610
will, with list of debts owing by (£26 15s 11d) and owing to (£52 13s 4d) the testator, and with a list of books lent to Pilkington's friends Doctor Hutton, Mr Smarte and others
DPRI/1/1609/R1   3 March 1610
John RAWE, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Raw
Digitised material for John Rawe, yeoman of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/R1
DPRI/1/1609/R1/1   13 February 1610
probate granted to [George Chilton, Robert Marley and Raphe Rawe] the co-executors, 3 Mar 1610
DPRI/1/1609/R1/2-3   23 February 1610
indented inventory, actual total £197 10s 6d
James RAYMES, gentleman, of South Middellton (Southe Middleton) in the countye of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]
Digitised material for James Raymes, gentleman of Hartburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/R2
DPRI/1/1609/R2/1-2   22 January 1609
John READ, of Glanton (Glannton) in the parysh of Whyttinghame (Whyttingham, Whittingheam) [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade
Digitised material for John Read of Glanton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/R3
DPRI/1/1609/R3/1   24 March 1609
DPRI/1/1609/R3/2   21 April 1609
indented inventory, actual total £18 9s
Henry ROBINSON, merchant, of Chillingham within the countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Henry Robinson, merchant of Chillingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/R4
DPRI/1/1609/R4/1-2   3 June 1609
with list of debts owing by (£34 10s) and owing to (£4 4s 4d) the testator
DPRI/1/1609/R4/3   undated
inventory, actual total £27 7s 4d
DPRI/1/1609/R5   16 December 1609
Cuthbert ROBSONN, of the Lang Hawghe (Longhaughe) in Tyndell, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson
Digitised material for Cuthbert Robsonn of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/R5
DPRI/1/1609/R5/1-2   10 July 1597
endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; issued under the seal, 16 Dec [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/R5/3   undated
inventory, actual total £11 2s
Thomas SALVEN, gentleman, esquire, of Thorneton (Thornton) in the county of Durham, parish of Conscliff [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Salvin
Digitised material for Thomas Salven, gentleman, esquire of Low Coniscliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S1
DPRI/1/1609/S1/1-2   15 October 1609
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 41-43

DPRI/1/1609/S1/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £452 13s 4d
endorsed: exhibited by Stephen Hegg, notary public, who alleges he is the principal creditor of Robert Collingwodd, an executor named in the will of the said Thomas [Salven], 17 Apr 1618
DPRI/1/1609/S2   1 October 1609
William SANDERSON, of chapelry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Sanderson of Barnard Castle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S2
DPRI/1/1609/S2/1   7 September 1609
endorsed: proved, 1 Oct [1609]
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 39-41

DPRI/1/1609/S2/2   18 September 1609
indented inventory, actual total £42 17s 8d
DPRI/1/1609/S3   2 December 1609
William SCURFFEILD, yeoman, of Grindon in the countie of Durham, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild
Digitised material for William Scurffeild, yeoman of Grindon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S3
DPRI/1/1609/S3/1   25 November 1607
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 24-25

DPRI/1/1609/S3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £27
endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Dec [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/S4   2 November 1609
Hughe SELBYE, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie, Selby
Digitised material for Hughe Selbye, merchant adventurer of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/S4
DPRI/1/1609/S4/1-2   5 October 1608
DPRI/1/1609/S4/3   5 October 1608
copy will
endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/S4/4-7   23 November 1609
indented inventory, actual total £2,796 19s 10d (with account of debts of £773)
inventory of household and shop goods etc.; exhibited, 27 Mar 1610
DPRI/1/1609/S5   23 June 1609
Rauf SHERWOOD, of Mounckton within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Sherewood
Digitised material for Rauf Sherwood of Jarrow, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S5
DPRI/1/1609/S5/1-2   26 February 1609
will in the form of a copy deed of gift
Subscribed: concords with the original. Endorsed: administration granted, 23 June [1609].
DPRI/1/1609/S5/3   9 May 1609
inventory, actual total £24 13s 2d
George SIMPSON, husband of Sibill Simpson, of parish of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Simpson, husband of Sibill Simpson of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S6
DPRI/1/1609/S6/1-2   undated
Account of Sibill Simpson, relict and executrix. Endorsed: admitted.
Lanclote SMITH, of parish of St Andrew Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Lanclote Smith of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S7
DPRI/1/1609/S7/1   25 June 1609
endorsed: administration not granted; exhibited by the wife of the deceased upon her renunciation
DPRI/1/1609/S8   15 July 1609
Symond SMYTHE, of parishe of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Smith
Digitised material for Symond Smythe of Durham St Giles, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S8
DPRI/1/1609/S8/1   13 June 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 15 July [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/S9   7 October 1609
Edward SOMERSON, husbandman, of Muglswicke (Muggleswicke) Parke within the countie of Durham [Muggleswick, County Durham]
Digitised material for Edward Somerson, husbandman of Muggleswick, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S9
DPRI/1/1609/S9/1   9 May 1609
indented will
DPRI/1/1609/S9/2   23 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £80 10s 10s (with account of a debt of £2)
endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Oct 1609
DPRI/1/1609/S10   18 December 1609
John SOULBIE, of parish of Riton (Ryton, Rytonn) [Ryton, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Soulbie of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S10
DPRI/1/1609/S10/1-2   3 May 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Dec [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/S10/3-4   3 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/S11   3 March 1610
Edward SPARK, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Sparke
Digitised material for Edward Spark, yeoman of Greatham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S11
DPRI/1/1609/S11/1   26 September 1609
endorsed: proved, 3 Mar 1610
DPRI/1/1609/S11/2-3   15 February 1610
inventory, actual total £179 16s 11d
Thomas SPEAD, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Spede
Digitised material for Thomas Spead of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/S12
DPRI/1/1609/S12/1-2   29 December 1608
endorsed: [administration] renounced
DPRI/1/1609/S13   3 February 1610
Anthonye STOKOE, of parishe of Newbroughe [Newbrough, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Anthonye Stokoe of Newbrough, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/S13
DPRI/1/1609/S13/1   undated
Account of William Stokoe, son. Endorsed: admitted, 3 Feb 1610.
DPRI/1/1609/S14   6 May 1609
Anne SWIFT, widow, of the South Bayliffe in the citie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Swifte
Digitised material for Anne Swift, widow of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/S14
DPRI/1/1609/S14/1-2   13 November 1607
will, dated 12 Nov 1607 at head, and published 13 Nov 1607
DPRI/1/1609/S14/3   8 January 1609
inventory, actual total £139 14s 6d
probate granted to Anne Heg[g], [daughter and] executrix, and inventory exhibited, 6 May 1609
DPRI/1/1609/T1   15 July 1609
William TAILOR, yeoman, of the Stowhouse Milne within the parish of Lanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Tailor, yeoman of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T1
DPRI/1/1609/T1/1-2   22 May 1609
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1609/T1/3   29 May 1609
indented inventory, actual total £105 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 2s 2d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 15 July [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/T2   2 November 1609
Lawrence THOMPSON, house-carpenter, of parish of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Lawrence Thompson, house-carpenter of Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/T2
DPRI/1/1609/T2/1-2   26 August 1609
endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1609
DPRI/1/1609/T2/3   30 October 1609
indented inventory, actual total £8 4s 10d
DPRI/1/1609/T4   28 October 1609
John THOMSON, of Windleston Milne within the parish of St Andrew Awkland (Awckland) (parish of Merrington) [Windlestone, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson
Digitised material for John Thomson of Windlestone, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T4
DPRI/1/1609/T4/1-2   8 October 1609
proved, 28 Oct 1609
DPRI/1/1609/T4/3   undated
indented inventory, actual total £25 7s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 8s)
DPRI/1/1609/T5   8 April 1609
Thomas THORPE, yeoman, of parish of Elton in the countye of Duresme [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorp
Digitised material for Thomas Thorpe, yeoman of Elton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T5
DPRI/1/1609/T5/1-2   3 January 1609
endorsed: proved, 8 Apr 1609
DPRI/1/1609/T5/3   21 January 1609
inventory, actual total £64 11s 8d (with account of debts of £12)
DPRI/1/1609/T5/4   21 January 1609
indented copy inventory, actual total £64 11s 8d (with account of debts of £12)
endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Apr 1609
DPRI/1/1609/T6   10 February 1610
Robert TODD, of Frosterley within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Todd of Frosterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T6
DPRI/1/1609/T6/1   10 November 1609
endorsed: proved, 10 Feb [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/T6/2   23 November 1609
inventory, actual total £78 0s 5d
DPRI/1/1609/T3   27 January 1610
Robert TOMPSON, of Shildon, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Shildon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Tompson of Shildon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T3
DPRI/1/1609/T3/1   7 January 1610
DPRI/1/1609/T3/3   7 January 1610
indented copy will
endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/T3/2   23 January 1610
indented inventory, actual total £73 10s
DPRI/1/1609/T7   15 December 1609
Raphe TROLOP, gentleman, of Elvitt within the subburbes of the cittye of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Trollopp
Digitised material for Raphe Trolop, gentleman of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T7
DPRI/1/1609/T7/1-2   11 April 1609
with inventory, undated, actual total £39 5s 3d (with account of debts of £4 13s 8d)
Inventory of debts dated 11 Apr 1609 and supplemented with the household goods at an unknown date. Endorsed: proved, 15 Dec 1609.
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 39

DPRI/1/1609/T8   7 October 1609
Robert TURBATTE, yeoman, of Bradbury (Bradbarye, Bradburie) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Turbatt, Turbate
Digitised material for Robert Turbatte, yeoman of Sedgefield, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/T8
DPRI/1/1609/T8/1   27 May 1609
endorsed: proved, 7 Oct [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/T8/2   17 June 1609
inventory, actual total £128 13s 4d
DPRI/1/1609/T8/3   17 June 1609
indented copy inventory, actual total £128 13s 4d
endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Oct [1609]
John WALES, younger, yeoman, of Dawton in the parishe of Newborne (Newburne) within the countie of Northumberlande [Dalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wailes. Died 8 June 1608
Digitised material for John Wales, younger, yeoman of Dalton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W2
DPRI/1/1609/W2/1   May 1608
indented will
Will, 'made ... in the latter ende of May last', and transcribed 16 June 1608. Endorsed: proved.
DPRI/1/1609/W2/2   16 June 1608
indented inventory, actual total £30 15s 10d (with account of debts of £2 7s 10d)
Elspeth WALLAS, of Ewart, parish of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Walles
Digitised material for Elspeth Wallas of Doddington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W3
DPRI/1/1609/W3/1   8 February 1607
DPRI/1/1609/W3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £25 0s 10d
William WALTON, son, heir and executor of Richard Walton of Durham, draper, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Walton, son, heir and executor of Richard Walton of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W4
DPRI/1/1609/W4/1   undated
inventory of bonds and bills
DPRI/1/1609/W5   17 June 1609
Raphe WATSON, of Longley in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raphe Watson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W5
DPRI/1/1609/W5/1   27 May 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 17 June 1609
DPRI/1/1609/W6   29 April 1609
Thomas WAUBANKE, of Persbrigg (Pearcebridge) of the parishe of Gainforth within the countie of Durham [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Wawbancke, Wawbanck
Digitised material for Thomas Waubanke of Piercebridge, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W6
DPRI/1/1609/W6/1-2   2 June 1608
endorsed: proved, 29 Apr [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/W6/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £56 4s
Thomas WAYLES, ship-carpenter, shipwright, of Sandgayte nighe unto the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wailes
Digitised material for Thomas Wayles, ship-carpenter, shipwright of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W1
DPRI/1/1609/W1/1   3 November 1609
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 43-45

DPRI/1/1609/W1/2-3   16 November 1609
indented inventory, actual total £83 7s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 6s)
DPRI/1/1609/W7   20 January 1610
William WELSH, of Lumley (Lumnley) within the parish of Chester [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Wellsh, Wellshe
Digitised material for William Welsh of Lumley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W7
DPRI/1/1609/W7/1   1608
endorsed: proved, 20 Jan [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/W7/2   1608
copy will
endorsed: proved, 20 Jan [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/W7/3   29 October 1608
inventory, actual total £54 9s 8d (with account of debts of £9 6s 8d)
DPRI/1/1609/W7/4   29 October 1608
indented copy inventory, actual total £54 9s 8d (with account of debts of £9 6s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Jan [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/W8   27 January 1610
Michaell WHEATLEY, husbandman, of Shinckcley (Shinckliff) within the countie of Durham of the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Shincliffe, County Durham]
Digitised material for Michaell Wheatley, husbandman of Shincliffe, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W8
DPRI/1/1609/W8/1   26 September 1609
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 27 Jan 1610
DPRI/1/1609/W9   4 November 1609
Raphe WILDE, husbandman, of Pelton of the parish of Chester in the countye of Durham [Pelton, County Durham]; also spelt Wild
Digitised material for Raphe Wilde, husbandman of Pelton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W9
DPRI/1/1609/W9/1   14 August 1609
endorsed: proved, 4 Nov [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/W9/2-3   30 October 1609
indented inventory, actual total £79 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 16s)
DPRI/1/1609/W10   27 October 1609
Giles WILKESON, of Kineteton (Kineton), chapelry of South Gosforth [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkesone
Digitised material for Giles Wilkeson of Gosforth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W10
DPRI/1/1609/W10/1-2   14 September 1609
administration granted to Jane Wilkeson, relict, who is monished to enter a bond to distribute to the blood relatives of the deceased that portion of the goods as is decreed by the judge, 27 Oct 1609
Edwarde WILKINSON, carpenter, of parishe of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Edwarde Wilkinson, carpenter of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W11
DPRI/1/1609/W11/1   17 November 1608
with list of debts owing by (19s 4d) and owing to (£8 13s 8d) the testator
DPRI/1/1609/W11/2   undated
inventory, actual total £41 6s 8d (with account of debts 16s 2d)
debts owing by the testator are not listed; totals indicate the sum of debts owing is 16s 2d
DPRI/1/1609/W12   1 July 1609
Francis WILSON, wife of Robert Wilson, widow, of Frosterley, parish of Stanhopp [Frosterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Francis Wilson, wife of Robert Wilson, widow of Frosterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W12
DPRI/1/1609/W12/1-2   18 June 1609
endorsed: proved, 1 July [1609]; inventory not exhibited
Anthonye WINSHOPE, yeoman, of Foxholes within the parishe of Felton within the countie of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Anthonye Winshope, yeoman of Felton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/W13
DPRI/1/1609/W13/1   29 December 1608
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1609/W13/2-3   17 January 1609
inventory, actual total £69 4s (with account of debts of £7 7s 8d)
DPRI/1/1609/W14   4 November 1609
Richard WORTHIE, of parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for Richard Worthie of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W14
DPRI/1/1609/W14/1   29 September 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 4 Nov [1609]
DPRI/1/1609/W15   16 February 1610
Laurence WRIGHTE, yeoman, of Hunwick in the parrishe of Saint Andrewe Aukeland and in the countie pallantine of Duresme [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Wright
Digitised material for Laurence Wrighte, yeoman of Hunwick, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W15
DPRI/1/1609/W15/1   14 July 1607
DPRI/1/1609/W15/2   30 December 1609
DPRI/1/1609/W15/3   1609
indented inventory, actual total £103 12s 8d
endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Feb [1610]
DPRI/1/1609/W16   29 July 1609
Isabell WRIGHTSON, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Isabell Wrightson, widow of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1609/W16
DPRI/1/1609/W16/1-2   1593
nuncupative will
with inventory, undated, actual total £25 8s
Subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating to an allegation admitted in relation to the probate of the will of Richard Draver. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 July [1609].
DPRI/1/1609/W16/3   1593
copy nuncupative will
with probate records, 1 August 1609
copy nuncupative will; with memorandum of Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, relating that Jane Chapman, universal legatee, will act as executrix
DPRI/1/1609/W16/4   15 July 1609
commission to James Rand MA, vicar of Norton, and Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Boucke, 25 July 1609
DPRI/1/1609/W16/5   28 July 1609
commission to Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Chapman, daughter [sic]; commission executed by Boucke, 1 Aug 1609
Anthonye YOUNGE, husband of Helinor Younge, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Young
Digitised material for Anthonye Younge, husband of Helinor Younge of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1609/Y1
DPRI/1/1609/Y1/1   undated
account of Helinor Young, relict
endorsed: [account] admitted, 29 Apr 1609
Wills etc proved 1610
Reference: DPRI/1/1610
DPRI/1/1610/A1/1-4   15 March [1610]
Awgood, of Stoxfeild [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Allgood (not found in DPRI/4/12A, 12 or 11).
Incomplete copy will - first folio is not present. Probate granted to ... Awgood and Robert Awgood, sons and executors, 15 Mar 16... [?1610]. Inventory, undated, actual total £165 14s 6d.
Formerly kept at DPRI/1/1620/A6 as date had been taken as 1620.
Digitised material for Robert Allgood, of Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/A1/1-4
John CARNABY, of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Carnaby of Corbridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C1
DPRI/1/1610/C1/1   16 November 1610
Robert CARNABY, servant to Edward Nixon of Durham City, cordwainer, servant, of Saint Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Carnaby, servant to Edward Nixon of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/C2
DPRI/1/1610/C2/1-3   15 November 1610
DPRI/1/1610/C4   26 May 1610
Thomas CARRUDDERS, of Whitborne Mor (Whitburn Moore) in the county of Northumberland, parish of South Gosforth [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Carrodders
testator requests his burial at Newcastle St John
Digitised material for Thomas Carrudders of Gosforth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C4
DPRI/1/1610/C4/1-2   14 April 1610
probate granted to George Carrodders the elder, 26 May 1610
DPRI/1/1610/C4/3   3 May 1610
inventory, actual total £33 17s 10d
DPRI/1/1610/C5   21 April 1610
Isabell CATHRIKE, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Cattricke, Cateryck, Catherick
Digitised material for Isabell Cathrike of Darlington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/C5
DPRI/1/1610/C5/1   undated
[nuncupative] will
endorsed: administration granted, 21 Apr [1610]
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 103

DPRI/1/1610/C5/2   8 April 1610
inventory, actual total £24 5s 10d (with account of debts of £1 15s)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 104-105

DPRI/1/1610/C6   13 February 160728 April 1610
John CATRICK, of chapelry of Woolveston (Woolvestone, Wolveston) in Billingham parishe [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Cattrick, Catricke, Catherick
Digitised material for John Catrick of Wolviston, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/C6
DPRI/1/1610/C6/2   1 January 1607
with draft inventory, undated, actual total £177 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 12s 4d)
will, with list of debts owing by (£3 19s) and owing to (£3 12s 3d) the testator
DPRI/1/1610/C6/3   1 January 1607
copy will
endorsed: proved, 13 Feb [1607]; in litigation [cancelled]; 'enquire whether the executor be sworn or not', not issued under seal
DPRI/1/1610/C6/1   1 January 1607
copy will
Copy will, subscribed with cancelled grant of probate. Endorsed: proved, 13 Feb 1607; issued under seal, 28 Apr 1610.
DPRI/1/1610/C6/4-5   9 February 1607
indented inventory, actual total £167 16s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 12s 4d)
DPRI/1/1610/K3   7 July 1610
Robert CIRKEHOUSE, of parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Kirkhouse
Digitised material for Robert Cirkehouse of Merrington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/K3
DPRI/1/1610/K3/1-2   14 June 1610
endorsed: administration granted, 7 July 1610
DPRI/1/1610/C7   27 March 1610
Cuthebart COLINGWOOD, of parish of All Santes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood
Digitised material for Cuthebart Colingwood of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C7
DPRI/1/1610/C7/1-3   23 December 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 27 Mar [1610]
David COLSON, of Barrasford [Chollerton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for David Colson of Chollerton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C8
DPRI/1/1610/C8/1   15 April 1610
will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £7 2s 2d
DPRI/1/1610/C8/2   26 June 1610
inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/C9   15 June 1610
Thomas COOKSONN, mercer, of parish of St Nicholas in the citty of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Cookeson, Cookson
Digitised material for Thomas Cooksonn, mercer of Durham St Nicholas, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/C9
DPRI/1/1610/C9/1   14 June 1608
DPRI/1/1610/C9/2-12   28 June 1608
inventory, actual total £289 15s 1d (with account of debts of £217 4s 4d)
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: (1) with draft list of debts owing to the testator; (2) [will] proved, 15 June 1610.
DPRI/1/1610/C10   21 March 1611
Anthony COWCK, yeoman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuke, Cuk, Cook, Couk
Digitised material for Anthony Cowck, yeoman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C10
DPRI/1/1610/C10/1-2   11 December 1609
endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611]
DPRI/1/1610/C10/3-5   17 January 1611
inventory, actual total £15 12s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £1)
Roger CRAGGE, of parishe of Hadon (chapelry of Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Roger Cragge of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C11
DPRI/1/1610/C11/1   14 March 1609
DPRI/1/1610/C11/2   17 March 1609
inventory, actual total £10 18s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d)
DPRI/1/1610/C12   12 March 1611
William CRAWFOOT, mariner, of Pilgrame Streete, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Crawforth
Digitised material for William Crawfoot, mariner of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C12
DPRI/1/1610/C12/1   27 October 1606
endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1611
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 16-17

DPRI/1/1610/C12/2-3   14 August 1610
indented inventory, actual total £247 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £82 10s)
Raiphe CRISTON, of parish of Emlton (Emelton) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Christin
Digitised material for Raiphe Criston of Embleton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C13
DPRI/1/1610/C13/1   28 May 1610
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1610/C13/2   23 June 1610
inventory, actual total £54 12s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 15s 1d)
DPRI/1/1610/D1   12 March 1611
Thomas DAGGE, blacksmith, of Sandgat within the liberteyes of the towne and county of Newcastill upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dagg
Digitised material for Thomas Dagge, blacksmith of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/D1
DPRI/1/1610/D1/1-2   15 November 1610
endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1611
DPRI/1/1610/D1/3   29 November 1610
inventory, actual total £36 5s 11d
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
George DALTONE, yeoman, of Whickham within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Dallton
Digitised material for George Daltone, yeoman of Whickham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/D2
DPRI/1/1610/D2/1   16 April 1610
indented inventory
DPRI/1/1610/D2/2   undated
inventory of debts, actual total £47 18s (debts)
inventory of debts owing by George Dalton, with a further list of bonds (£105 10s) in which he is surety
DPRI/1/1610/D3   12 October 1610
George DAVISONN, labourer, of Morpethe within the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison
Digitised material for George Davisonn, labourer of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/D3
DPRI/1/1610/D3/1-2   24 December 1609
endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved, 12 Oct 1610
Bartholomew DIXON, of Netherwitton [Netherwitton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Bartholomew Dixon of Netherwitton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/D4
DPRI/1/1610/D4/1-2   21 March 1610
DPRI/1/1610/D4/3   1 May 1610
inventory, actual total £18 8s
DPRI/1/1610/D5   9 June 1610
William DOCKERRA [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Dockera
address uncertain [damage]
Digitised material for William Dockerra of Blackwell, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/D5
DPRI/1/1610/D5/1   23 April 1610
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 105

DPRI/1/1610/D5/2-3   May 1610
inventory, actual total £29 9s 5d (with account of debts of £1 12s 11d)
endorsed: proved, 9 June 1610
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 105-106

George DOD, of Greenhaughe [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd
Digitised material for George Dod of Bellingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/D6
DPRI/1/1610/D6/1   10 August 1609
with inventory, 10 August 1610, actual total £4 15s (with account of debts of £1 10s)
DPRI/1/1610/D7   12 May 1610
Edward DODE, of the Spenn within the parishe of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Dodd, Dod
Digitised material for Edward Dode of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/D7
DPRI/1/1610/D7/1   30 November 1609
endorsed: proved, 12 May [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/D7/2   12 December 1609
indented inventory, actual total £106 8s 6d (with account of debts of £7 10s 10d)
DPRI/1/1610/D8   12 May 1610
Rowland DUN, yeoman, of Coplaw in Aklife parish in the county of Durham [Woodham, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne
Digitised material for Rowland Dun, yeoman of Woodham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/D8
DPRI/1/1610/D8/1-2   30 April 1610
endorsed: proved, 12 May 1610; also endorsed with the names of the widow and five children
DPRI/1/1610/D8/3   undated
inventory, actual total £80 7s 6d
DPRI/1/1610/E1   21 July 1610
Cuthbert EMERSON, of Earnewell in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]
Digitised material for Cuthbert Emerson of Stanhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/E1
DPRI/1/1610/E1/1-3   18 March 1610
endorsed: administration granted, 21 July 1610
DPRI/1/1610/E2   20 October 1610
Edwarde EMMERSONNE, husbandman, of parish of Stranton (Stramton) in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson
Digitised material for Edwarde Emmersonne, husbandman of Stranton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/E2
DPRI/1/1610/E2/1   28 June 1610
indented will
endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/E2/2   28 September 1610
indented inventory, actual total £128 5s 10d (with account of debts of £77 15s)
John EMSALL, vicar of Lesbury, clerk, of Lesburye (Lesburie) [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Empsall
Digitised material for John Emsall, vicar of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/E3
DPRI/1/1610/E3/1-2   29 June 1609
with inventory, 1609, actual total £71 0s 8d
inventory dated, 23 ...ber 1609 [damage]
DPRI/1/1610/E4   12 March 1611
Thomas ERRINGTON, clock-maker, smith, of towne of Newcastelle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Erringtone
Digitised material for Thomas Errington, clock-maker, smith of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/E4
DPRI/1/1610/E4/1   4 February 1611
endorsed: administration granted, 12 Mar 1611
Alexander ERRINTONN, of parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington
Digitised material for Alexander Errintonn of Ovingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/E5
DPRI/1/1610/E5/1   27 July 1610
John EWEN, yeoman, of Bowsden in the countye of Northumberland, chapelry of Lowick [Lowick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Ewen, yeoman of Lowick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/E6
DPRI/1/1610/E6/1-2   19 April 1609
DPRI/1/1610/E6/3-4   27 September 1610
inventory, actual total £35 15s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/F1   30 October 1610
Christofer FAWELL, husbandman, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]
Digitised material for Christofer Fawell, husbandman of Cockerton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/F1
DPRI/1/1610/F1/1-2   23 February 1610
endorsed: proved, 30 Mar [1610]
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 107

DPRI/1/1610/F1/3-4   8 March 1610
inventory, actual total £38 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 17s 4d)
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 107-109

DPRI/1/1610/F2   11 June 1610
George FENWICKE, of Prestwick (Prestwicke) in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
Probate act not found in June 1610 (DPRI/4/10A) or 1611 (DPRI/4/10B).
Digitised material for George Fenwicke of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/F2
DPRI/1/1610/F2/1-2   12 February 1610
Will, with list of debts owing by (£17 9s 4d) and owing to (£1 0s 8d) the testator. Dated in the New Style? Endorsed: proved, 11 June [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/F2/3   4 April 1611
inventory, actual total £24 15s
DPRI/1/1610/F3   1 March 1611
Oswould FENWICKE, of chapelry of Cramlingtone [Cramlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
Digitised material for Oswould Fenwicke of Cramlington, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/F3
DPRI/1/1610/F3/1   3 December 1610
endorsed: proved, 1 Mar 1611
DPRI/1/1610/F3/2   17 December 1610
inventory, actual total £44 16s (with account of debts of £23 15s 5d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar 1611
Widget FENWICKE, of North Middleton in the parish of Hartborne, Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick
Digitised material for Widget Fenwicke of Hartburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/F4
DPRI/1/1610/F4/1   16 March 1610
with inventory, undated, actual total £12 (with account of a debt of £2)
DPRI/1/1610/F5   16 June 1610
John FEWLER, elder, yeoman, of chapelry of Stockton within the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Fewler, elder, yeoman of Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/F5
DPRI/1/1610/F5/1-2   22 May 1610
endorsed: proved, 16 June [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/F5/3   30 May 1610
inventory, actual total £63 8s 4d (with account of debts of £2 2s 8d)
Thomas FORSTER, of Edderstonn (Edderstonne), Beidnell (Beadnell) [Beadnell, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Thomas Forster of Beadnell, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/F6
DPRI/1/1610/F6/1   28 December 1608
DPRI/1/1610/F7   2 March 1611
Isabell FRANCHE, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt French
Digitised material for Isabell Franche of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/F7
DPRI/1/1610/F7/1-2   26 February 1611
Inventory includes the funeral expenses of Isabell Franche's husband. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1611].
DPRI/1/1610/F8   10 May 1611
John FREIND, yeoman, of Haltwesell (Hawtwesell) with in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Freinde
Digitised material for John Freind, yeoman of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/F8
DPRI/1/1610/F8/1   31 January 1611
endorsed: proved, 10 May [1611]
DPRI/1/1610/F8/2   22 February 1611
inventory, actual total £17 16s 4d
DPRI/1/1610/G1   28 April 1610
Edward GEDLING, of Raby within the parishe of Staindrope (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Gedlinge
Digitised material for Edward Gedling of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G1
DPRI/1/1610/G1/1   17 February 1610
indented will
endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/G1/2-3   24 February 1610
indented inventory, actual total £47 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 7s 4d)
DPRI/1/1610/G2   13 October 1610
John GIBSON, of towen and parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Gibson of Billingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G2
DPRI/1/1610/G2/1-2   28 March 1610
endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1610
DPRI/1/1610/G2/3   20 September 1610
inventory, actual total £220 3s 4d
inventory of goods etc. at Longnewton, Hutton Henry and Billingham
DPRI/1/1610/G3   18 December 1610
Edward GOFTON, yeoman, of Eland Hall in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Eland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Goftonn, Goffton
Digitised material for Edward Gofton, yeoman of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/G3
DPRI/1/1610/G3/1-2   19 January 1610
endorsed: proved, 18 Dec [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/G3/3   6 August 1610
indented inventory, actual total £40 17s 4d
DPRI/1/1610/G4   8 December 1610
Margaret GOODCHILD, daughter and administratrix of John Goodchild, of Ryhope (Rihopp) in the parishe of Bisshope Wermoth (Wermouth) [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Goodchilde
Digitised material for Margaret Goodchild, daughter and administratrix of John Goodchild of Ryhope, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G4
DPRI/1/1610/G4/1   19 September 1610
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 47-48

DPRI/1/1610/G4/2   undated
inventory, actual total £80 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 10s)
Inventory of Margaret Goodchild's portion and administrator's part of her deceased father John Goodchild's estate. Endorsed: proved, 8 Dec [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/G5   May 1610
Thomas GRANGER, minister of Castle Eden, clerk, of parish of Castle Eden [Castle Eden, County Durham]
Digitised material for Thomas Granger, minister of Castle Eden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G5
DPRI/1/1610/G5/1-2   3 July 1609
endorsed: administration granted, ... May [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/G6   21 April 1610
Richard GRAY, of Trimdon [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Graye
Digitised material for Richard Gray of Trimdon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G6
DPRI/1/1610/G6/2   12 January 1610
nuncupative will
endorsed: administration granted, 21 Apr [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/G6/1   16 April 1610
inventory, actual total £5 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d)
DPRI/1/1610/G7   20 December 1610
Umphray GRENE, yeoman, of Rothbury (Rothberie) Forrest in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Umphray Grene, yeoman of Rothbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/G7
DPRI/1/1610/G7/1   16 August 1609
with codicil, 6 November 1610
with codicil, undated
The codicil of 6 Nov 1610 appears to relate merely to the change of three to four years in lines 19 and 20; this codicil subsequently was voided.
DPRI/1/1610/G7/2   18 December 1610
inventory, actual total £25 10s (with account of debts of £15 19s 8d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Dec [1610]
John GRENWELL, vicar of Edmundbyers, clerk, of parishe of Edmondbires (Edmundbiers) [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Grenewell
Digitised material for John Grenwell, vicar of Edmundbyers, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/G8
DPRI/1/1610/G8/1   undated
Edward HADDLESEY, of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Edward Haddlesey of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/H1
DPRI/1/1610/H1/1-2   16 April 1610
DPRI/1/1610/H1/3   undated
inventory of debts, actual total £156 17s 11d
inventory of debts [?owing to the deceased]
DPRI/1/1610/H2   27 November 1610
Ellinor HALL, daughter of William Hall of Greencroft, spinster, of Greencroft within the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]
Digitised material for Ellinor Hall, daughter of William Hall of Lanchester, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H2
DPRI/1/1610/H2/1   1 December 1610
Inventory of Ellinor Hall's portion and other rights passing to her by the will of father William Hall; [exhibited] by Raphe Hall. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Nov [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/H3   1 October 1610
John HALL, the younger, alias Jenkin Hall, of parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teasdall) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Hall, the younger of Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H3
DPRI/1/1610/H3/1   3 February 1610
Subscribed: at Middleton in Teesdale in the home of Clement Colmore, [Durham Chancellor], [witnesses sworn], 1 Oct 1610. Endorsed: not proved.
DPRI/1/1610/H3/2   6 June 1610
inventory, actual total £7 1s 1d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d)
endorsed: proved at Middleton, 1 Oct 1610
DPRI/1/1610/H4   27 March 1610
Robert HALL, of West Brunton (Bronnton) in the parishe of South Gosfoorth [Gosforth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Hall of Gosforth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/H4
DPRI/1/1610/H4/1-2   9 December 1609
Will, with list of debts owing to (£3 7s) and owing by (£1 4s 4d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/H4/3-4   4 January 1610
inventory, actual total £79 10s
DPRI/1/1610/H5   16 February 1611
William HARBERT, of Homyers (Howmiers) in the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Harbert of Chester-le-Street, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H5
DPRI/1/1610/H5/1-2   31 January 1611
endorsed: administration granted, 16 Feb 1611
DPRI/1/1610/H6   16 February 1611
Bernard HARDING, of Staindrope (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Harden
Digitised material for Bernard Harding of Staindrop, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H6
DPRI/1/1610/H6/1   26 April 1610
indented will
endorsed: proved, 16 Feb 1611
DPRI/1/1610/H6/2   14 July 1610
indented inventory, actual total £16 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 8s 3d)
DPRI/1/1610/H8   12 March 1611
John HARLE, miller, of parysh of St Andrewes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Harle, miller of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/H8
DPRI/1/1610/H8/1   10 October 1610
endorsed: administration granted, 12 Mar 1611
DPRI/1/1610/H9   18 May 1610
William HARPERLEY, yeoman, of Long Newton within the countie of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Harperley, yeoman of Longnewton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H9
DPRI/1/1610/H9/1   6 June 1609
indented will
endorsed: proved, 18 May 1610
DPRI/1/1610/H9/2-3   undated
inventory, actual total £93 19s 2d (with account of debts of £32 9s 2d)
DPRI/1/1610/H10   2 March 1611
Lancelot HARRISON, of parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]
The interrogatories are endorsed by the probate office: Will ... with Interrogatories and Inventory - the will and inventory are not present.
Digitised material for Lancelot Harrison of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H10
DPRI/1/1610/H10/1   1610
Interrogatories, [without responses, relating to a cause to prove the will]. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar 1611.
Nicholas HEARON, of West Awkland, chapelry of Awckland St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Hearon of Auckland St Helen, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H11
DPRI/1/1610/H11/1   undated
account of John Hearon, brother; admitted and letters testimonial decreed to be issued, 18 May 1610
DPRI/1/1610/H12   16 March 1611
Jhon HEDLEY, of Bruntemoore of the parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Hedleye
Digitised material for Jhon Hedley of Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H12
DPRI/1/1610/H12/1   31 January 1611
DPRI/1/1610/H12/2   14 March 1611
inventory, actual total £44 1s (with account of debts of £1 16s)
endorsed: administration granted, 16 Mar [1611]
DPRI/1/1610/H7   19 December 1610
Edward HERKER, of Stobswood within the chapelrye of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Harker
Digitised material for Edward Herker of Ulgham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/H7
DPRI/1/1610/H7/1   2 March 1610
endorsed: proved, 19 Dec 1610
DPRI/1/1610/H7/2   17 April 1610
indented inventory, actual total £26 10s 10d
Richard HODGSHON, yeoman, of Stamfforde (Stanford), parish of Emelton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodshon
Digitised material for Richard Hodgshon, yeoman of Embleton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/H13
DPRI/1/1610/H13/1-2   20 April 1609
with inventory, undated, actual total £23 14s (with account of debts of £4 5s 5d)
DPRI/1/1610/H14   13 October 1610
John HOPPER, of the Dike in the parishe of Meddomsley (chapelry of Meddomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Hopper of Medomsley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H14
DPRI/1/1610/H14/1-2   20 June 1610
with inventory, 5 October 1610, actual total £40 10s 4d
endorsed: proved, 13 Oct [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/H15   2 March 1611
John HUCHINSON, of Killerbie in the parishe of Heighington in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson
Digitised material for John Huchinson of Heighington, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H15
DPRI/1/1610/H15/1   10 January 1611
endorsed: proved, 2 Mar [1611]
DPRI/1/1610/H15/2   undated
inventory, actual total £254 14s 7d
DPRI/1/1610/H16   9 January 1611
Robert HUTTON, parson of Haughton le Skerne, clerk, of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Hutton, parson of Haughton le Skerne, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/H16
DPRI/1/1610/H16/1   27 December 1610
will, with incomplete list of debts owing by the testator of £40 and more; witnesses sworn and sequestration granted to the executors, 9 Jan 1611
DPRI/1/1610/H16/2-5   2 January 1611
indented inventory, actual total £424 14s 10d
DPRI/1/1610/J1   7 July 1610
Raiphe JACKSON, of Billeraw (Bille Rawe), parish of Branncepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raiphe Jackson of Brancepeth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/J1
DPRI/1/1610/J1/1-2   25 May 1610
endorsed: proved, 7 July [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/J1/3   12 June 1610
inventory, actual total £104 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 0s 8d)
DPRI/1/1610/J2   3 November 1610
Thomas JONSON, weaver, of Elvet (Elvitt) within the parish of St Oswoldes within the subburbes of the cittye of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Janson, Johnson
Digitised material for Thomas Jonson, weaver of Durham St Oswald, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/J2
DPRI/1/1610/J2/1-2   29 September 1610
DPRI/1/1610/J2/3-4   31 October 1610
inventory, actual total £22 19s 4d
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1610.
Georg KARE, of Berrington in the parishe of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr
Digitised material for Georg Kare of Kyloe, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/C3
DPRI/1/1610/C3/1-2   December 1609
with inventory, December 1609, actual total £33 1s 6d (with account of debts of £13 7s 8d)
The list of debts is contemporaneous with the will, and while the inventory of goods is undated the debts are tallied with the goods in the inventory total.
DPRI/1/1610/K1   27 October 1610
John KELL, slater, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Kell died of the plague.
Digitised material for John Kell, slater of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/K1
DPRI/1/1610/K1/1-2   22 August 1610
endorsed: proved, 27 Oct 1610
DPRI/1/1610/K1/3-4   undated
inventory, actual total £36 4s 10d
DPRI/1/1610/K2   20 December 1610
John KENNYTYE, yeoman, of Falladon (Fallodon, Falladonn) in the parishe of Embleton (Emelton, Emmelton, Emiltonn) and countye of Northumberlande [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Kennyty
Digitised material for John Kennytye, yeoman of Embleton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/K2
DPRI/1/1610/K2/1   26 September 1610
DPRI/1/1610/K2/3   12 November 1610
inventory, actual total £64 19s (with account of debts of £6 10s)
DPRI/1/1610/K2/2   16 November 1610
commission to Martin Liddell, vicar of Ellingham, and John Willes, curate of Alnwick, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wills, [28 Nov 1611]
DPRI/1/1610/K2/5-6   28 November 1610
Depositions of two witnesses and the servant of the testator, taken by John Wills, [curate of Alnwick]. Endorsed: issued under the seal, 20 Dec [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/K2/4   30 November 1610
commission to John Willes, curate of Alnwick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Kennytie relict and Nicholas Kennytie son, exeuctors; commission executed by Wills, 5 Dec 1610
DPRI/1/1610/L1   21 March 1611
Henry LAWSON, keelman, of Sandegate (Sandgate) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Henry Lawson, keelman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/L1
DPRI/1/1610/L1/1-2   23 January 1610
copy will
endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611]
Cuthbridge LEECH, alias Brooke, wife of Allan Leech, widow, of Bridgegate within the town of Berwick (parish of Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Leache, Leeche. Died 6 February 1610
See DPRI/4/10 f.196 (16 Mar 1610). Further entries appear to exist in DPRI/4/10, but a damaged index lacks page numbers. (FG)
Digitised material for Cuthbridge Leech, alias Brooke, wife of Allan Leech, widow of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/L2
DPRI/1/1610/L2/3-4   3 March 1610
(Incomplete) inventory of goods etc. in the possession of James Burrell esquire, mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and which inventory was appraised by four bailiffs at the direction of the said mayor; inventory includes some items pawned by various persons. Endorsed: 1609; James Burrell, mayor of Berwick, sequestrator.
DPRI/1/1610/L2/5-6   7 March 1610
depositions of William Brook, Elizabeth Brook and Anne Umphra [Humphray], concerning the deceased's kin relation with the Brook family
DPRI/1/1610/L2/7-8   7 March 1610
letter from Richard Smithe, A Knowsley and Gilbert Durie concerning the non-execution of a commission issued to them to grant a sequestration and execute a bond; Richard Burrell, mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the intended sequestrator, having delayed the matter pending further direction from Durham; endorsed with direction to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor
DPRI/1/1610/L2/1-2   undated
Allegation concerning the nuncupative will of Cuthbridge Leech, made 23 Apr 1609 and 2 Feb 1610. Endorsed: in litigation.
DPRI/1/1610/L2/9   undated
inventory, actual total £23 16s 6d
with inventory, undated, actual total £4 8s
with agreement of administrators, 16 February 1611
(1) inventory of goods etc. purloined by Edward Frost and his wife, and by Christopher Thorneton and his wife now deceased, the latter goods are delivered to John Wills, curate of Alnwick (£23 13s 6d); (2) inventory of goods etc. purloined by Christable Willson, servant to Mrs Leach (£4 8s); exhibited by Richard Skyers, 16 Feb 1611; (3) agreement between George Leech and Richard Skiers concerning Leech's recovery and administration of the estate (excluding her houses at Berwick), and their equal division of such goods and costs between them
John LILE, of Rock [Rock, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle
Digitised material for John Lile of Rock, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/L3
DPRI/1/1610/L3/1-2   1609
with inventory, undated, actual total £18 15s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 14s 8d)
dated, 22 Nov or Dec 1609
Roger MILBURNE, of Morpeth in the countie of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Roger Milburne of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/M1
DPRI/1/1610/M1/1   undated
nuncupative will
dated, 19 Oct ... [damage]
DPRI/1/1610/M2   2 June 1610
Michaell MOWBRAY, of Frosterley in the parishe of Stanhop [Frosterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Michaell Mowbray of Frosterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/M2
DPRI/1/1610/M2/1-2   16 February 1610
copy will
with will, 16 February 1610
endorsed: proved, 2 [?June 1610]
DPRI/1/1610/M2/3   23 May 1610
inventory, actual total £40 14s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s 10d)
Elizabeth OXLEY, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints
Digitised material for Elizabeth Oxley, widow of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/O1
DPRI/1/1610/O1/1   12 June 1610
DPRI/1/1610/O1/2   20 February 1611
indented inventory, actual total £20 13s 5d (with account of debts of £5 13s 10d)
Doritie PINKNAY, gentlewoman, widow, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Pinknaye, Pinckneye, Pinckney, Pinkney
testator requests to be buried at Longnewton
Digitised material for Doritie Pinknay, gentlewoman, widow of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/P1
DPRI/1/1610/P1/1   12 January 1611
DPRI/1/1610/P1/2   15 March 1611
inventory, actual total £59 12s 6d
DPRI/1/1610/P1/3   6 April 1611
Commission to Martin Harrisonn, curate of Sadberge, to (1) execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the will of Dorothy Pinknay to Christopher Pinknay son, and Margerie Pinknay daughter, the executors, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; the court having been informed by Christopher Hall of the executors' inability to appear at court themselves; (2) to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the will of Lawrence Langley of Middleton St George to Margaret Langley, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will. [An endorsement to the will of Lawrence Langley indicates the commission had been executed by 9 Apr 1611 when probate was granted.] Subscribed: concords with the decree, Thomas Chaytor, notary public and Durham Register. For the will and inventory of Lawrence Langley, see - DPRI/1/1611/L2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1611/L2/3
DPRI/1/1610/R1   21 March 1611
John RAND, skinner, glover, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Rand, skinner, glover of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/R1
DPRI/1/1610/R1/1-2   2 April 1610
copy will
endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611]
Christopher READSHAWE, of Brekingsid (Brekinsid) in the parishe of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Christopher Readshawe of Shotley, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/R2
DPRI/1/1610/R2/1   23 March 1610
indented will
DPRI/1/1610/R2/2-3   25 April 1610
indented inventory, actual total £160 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d)
DPRI/1/1610/R3   31 March 1610
John READSHAWE, of Peddomsake (Peddomsid) and in the parishe of Edmondbires [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Readshaw
Digitised material for John Readshawe of Edmundbyers, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/R3
DPRI/1/1610/R3/1   9 November 1609
endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1610
DPRI/1/1610/R3/2   undated
inventory, actual total £33 12s (with account of debts of £2 13s 8d)
Agnes ROBINSON, widow, of Chiltone (Chilton) [Chilton, County Durham]; also spelt Robinsone
Digitised material for Agnes Robinson, widow of Chilton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/R4
DPRI/1/1610/R4/1   undated
Will, dated 15 June. Subscribed: monition issued against Thomas, Katherine and Elizabeth Robinson, [children], 24 Nov 1610.
DPRI/1/1610/R4/2   22 November 1610
indented inventory, actual total £30 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 13s 10d)
DPRI/1/1610/R5   17 November 1610
George ROBSON, of Bladon (Blaidon) in the parish of Ryton within the county palatine of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]
Digitised material for George Robson of Ryton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/R5
DPRI/1/1610/R5/1   29 June 1610
endorsed: proved, 17 Nov 1610
DPRI/1/1610/R5/2   31 October 1610
indented inventory, actual total £5 0s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 4s 8d)
Lyonell ROBSONNE, of Chyrden [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Robsonn. Died 25 December 1609
Digitised material for Lyonell Robsonne of Simonburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/R6
DPRI/1/1610/R6/1   undated
William ROPSON, yeoman, of parish of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson
Robson died of the plague.
Digitised material for William Ropson, yeoman of Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/R7
DPRI/1/1610/R7/1   10 May 1610
DPRI/1/1610/R7/2   10 May 1610
nuncupative codicil
subscribed: exhibited, 16 Feb 1611
DPRI/1/1610/R7/3-4   11 June 1610
with inventory, 14 February 1611, actual total £83 2s 3d (with account of debts and legacies of £38 1s 8d)
John SHAW, yeoman, of Blith Nouck (Blithsnouck) of the parish (chapelry) of Earsden in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Shaw, yeoman of Earsdon, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S1
DPRI/1/1610/S1/1   undated
DPRI/1/1610/S1/2-3   undated
inventory, actual total £37 6s 2d (with account of debts of £10 18s 8d)
DPRI/1/1610/S2   21 March 1611
John SHEVELL, smith, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shevill
Digitised material for John Shevell, smith of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S2
DPRI/1/1610/S2/1   6 September 1610
endorsed: proved, 21 M[arch 1611]
DPRI/1/1610/S2/2-3   January 1611
inventory, actual total £12 11s 5d (with account of debts of £6 7s 11d)
DPRI/1/1610/S2/4-6   January 1611
copy inventory, actual total £12 11s 5d (with account of debts of £6 7s 11d)
DPRI/1/1610/S3   21 April 1610
Nicholas SIMPSON, of Ulshaw (Ulshawe) in the parish of Esh [Esh, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Simpson of Esh, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/S3
DPRI/1/1610/S3/1   14 March 1610
DPRI/1/1610/S3/2   20 April 1610
inventory, actual total £84 3s 6d
endorsed: [will] proved, 21 Apr 1610
DPRI/1/1610/S4   6 October 1610
John SINCKLER, tailor, of parish of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Sinckler, tailor of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S4
DPRI/1/1610/S4/1   30 March 1610
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1610/S4/2   24 September 1610
inventory, actual total £10 13s 4d
Date uncertain: 24 Sep 1... [damage]. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Oct 1610.
DPRI/1/1610/S5   20 December 1610
Archbald SORESBIE, yeoman, of Ailemouth (Ailmouthe, Alemoth) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Soresbe
Digitised material for Archbald Soresbie, yeoman of Alnmouth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S5
DPRI/1/1610/S5/1   29 April 1610
DPRI/1/1610/S5/2   29 April 1610
inventory, actual total £5 19s 3d
endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Dec 1610
DPRI/1/1610/S6   18 December 1610
John SOTHEREN, shipwright, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sotheron
Digitised material for John Sotheren, shipwright of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S6
DPRI/1/1610/S6/1-2   14 October 1609
endorsed: administration granted, 18 Dec 1610
DPRI/1/1610/S7   19 December 1610
Thomas SPRAGGIN, yeoman, of Ogle in the parrishe of Whalton in the countie of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Spraggann
Digitised material for Thomas Spraggin, yeoman of Whalton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S7
DPRI/1/1610/S7/1-2   26 August 1610
with inventory, 21 September 1610, actual total £61 11s
endorsed: proved, 19 Dec 1610
Peter STAVERT, of Callalye [Whittingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Peter Stavert of Whittingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S8
DPRI/1/1610/S8/1   undated
DPRI/1/1610/S9   20 December 1610
Bartholemew STEELE, saddler, of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Stele
Digitised material for Bartholemew Steele, saddler of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S9
DPRI/1/1610/S9/1   22 June 1610
Will, with list of debts owing by (£23 13s 8d) and owing to (£5 2s and more) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1610.
DPRI/1/1610/S10   6 October 1610
John STEVENSON, of Coldehirst (Coldhirst) within the parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]
Digitised material for John Stevenson of Hamsterley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/S10
DPRI/1/1610/S10/1   undated
Dated, 1st ... [damage]. Endorsed: proved, 6 Oct [1610].
DPRI/1/1610/S10/2   24 August 1610
inventory, actual total £8 11s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/S11   21 September 1610
William STOCK, of Tow Gates in the More Close, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Stock of Auckland St Andrew, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/S11
DPRI/1/1610/S11/1-2   16 December 1609
DPRI/1/1610/S11/3   16 December 1609
copy indented will
endorsed: proved, 21 Sep [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/S11/4   20 September 1610
indented inventory, actual total £414 19s 9d
Clement STROTHER, of Callech Parke in the parish of Alnewick in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Clement Strother of Alnwick, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/S12
DPRI/1/1610/S12/1   25 February 1610
Roger TAILOR, miller, of Wooden in the parish of Lesbury and countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Roger Tailor, miller of Lesbury, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/T1
DPRI/1/1610/T1/1   4 January 1610
DPRI/1/1610/T1/2   19 December 1610
indented inventory, actual total £24 9s 10d
William TAILOR, of Ambell (Anbell) within the parish of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler
Digitised material for William Tailor of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/T2
DPRI/1/1610/T2/1   8 February 1610
nuncupative will
DPRI/1/1610/T2/2   3 March 1610
inventory, actual total £60 1s 2d (with account of debts of £10 14s 9d)
DPRI/1/1610/T3   13 October 1610
John TEASDAYLE, yeoman, of Somersyde of the parishe of Wossingham (Wolsingham) in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Teasdaill
Digitised material for John Teasdayle, yeoman of Wolsingham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/T3
DPRI/1/1610/T3/1-2   20 June 1610
DPRI/1/1610/T3/3   2 October 1610
inventory, actual total £140 9s 4d (with account of debts of £12 12s 4d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Oct [1610].
Robert THOMPSON, of parishe of Hadon (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Thompson of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/T4
DPRI/1/1610/T4/1   10 March 1609
endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/T4/2   17 March 1609
inventory, actual total £19 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/T4/3   17 March 1609
copy inventory, actual total £19 6s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/W1   18 December 1610
Roger WAILES, of Throcklay (Throckley) within the parishe of Newburne (Newburn) in the countie of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Wails
Digitised material for Roger Wailes of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/W1
DPRI/1/1610/W1/1   15 December 1609
endorsed: proved, 18 Dec 1610
Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 45-46

DPRI/1/1610/W1/2   23 March 1610
inventory, actual total £23 10s 10d (with account of debts of £1 6s 8d)
date in Mar 1610 uncertain
Alexander WALLAS, of parishe of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallesse
Digitised material for Alexander Wallas of Kirkhaugh, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/W2
DPRI/1/1610/W2/1   23 September 1608
DPRI/1/1610/W2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £8 11s 8d
DPRI/1/1610/W3   28 April 1610
Robert WILKENSON, of Heworth within the parish of Jarro [Heworth, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson
Digitised material for Robert Wilkenson of Heworth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/W3
DPRI/1/1610/W3/1   25 April 1610
endorsed: administration granted, 28 Apr [1610]
DPRI/1/1610/W4   16 June 1610
Ralfe WREN, yeoman, of Blackwell within the parish of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Wrene
Digitised material for Ralfe Wren, yeoman of Blackwell, County Durham - DPRI/1/1610/W4
DPRI/1/1610/W4/1   23 May 1610
DPRI/1/1610/W4/2-3   15 June 1610
inventory, actual total £19 17s 8d (with account of debts of £7 4s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 16 June 1610
Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 110-111

Edward YOUNGE, husband of Elizabeth Younge, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne and parishe of All S[ain]tes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Edward Younge, husband of Elizabeth Younge of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1610/Y1
DPRI/1/1610/Y1/1-3   1610
Inventory of the goods etc. of Edward Younge and his wife Elizabeth Younge; includes charges for maintaining Edward and Elizabeth Young from 21 Sep 1610 until their deaths, and for maintaining Issabel and Margaret [Younge] for eight weeks from 7 Oct 1610 in 'the tower' [?West Spital Tower]. Endorsed: administration granted.
Wills etc proved 1611
Reference: DPRI/1/1611
DPRI/1/1611/A1   22 June 1611
Luce ADDISON, widow, of towne of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Addyson
Digitised material for Luce Addison, widow of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A1
DPRI/1/1611/A1/1-2   11 March 1611
endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611
DPRI/1/1611/A1/3   21 March 1611
indented inventory, actual total 19s 11d (with account of debts of £3 6s 2d)
DPRI/1/1611/A2   20 June 1611
Cuthbert ANDERSON, yeoman, of parish of Warkworth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersonn
Digitised material for Cuthbert Anderson, yeoman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A2
DPRI/1/1611/A2/1-2   17 May 1611
endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/A2/3   17 June 1611
inventory, actual total £14 2s 6d (with account of debts and legacies of £4 4s)
DPRI/1/1611/A3   20 April 1611
George ANDERSON, husband of Margarett Anderson, yeoman, of Birtlye of the parishe of Chester in the county of Durham [Birtley St John, County Durham]
For the probate records of Anderson's wife, including accounts of a legacy bequeathed by the testator to his son Richard Anderson, see - DPRI/1/1618/A3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1618/A3/3-4
Digitised material for George Anderson, husband of Margarett Anderson, yeoman of Birtley St John, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/A3
DPRI/1/1611/A3/1   29 December 1610
endorsed: proved, 20 Apr [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/A3/2   3 April 1611
indented inventory, actual total £39 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 18s 8d)
DPRI/1/1611/A4   4 October 1611
John ANDERSON, of Barwick uppon the Hill within the parish of Pont Iland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Died 1603
Digitised material for John Anderson of Ponteland, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A4
DPRI/1/1611/A4/1   4 October 1611
Exhibited by Jane Litle, 4 Oct 1611. Endorsed: administration granted, 4 Oct [1611].
DPRI/1/1611/A5   11 January 1612
Richard ANDERSONN, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson
Digitised material for Richard Andersonn, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A5
DPRI/1/1611/A5/1-2   10 December 1611
Administration granted in the room of Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, to Katherine Anderson, relict, who was bound to distribute the goods between herself, four named children, and other cousins, 11 Jan 1612. Endorsed: [grant of administration] not issued; monition and bond issued, 8 Feb [?1612].
DPRI/1/1611/A6   29 November 1611
Marmaduck ANDREW, yeoman, of Middleton Craw of the parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Andrewe, Andray
Digitised material for Marmaduck Andrew, yeoman of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/A6
DPRI/1/1611/A6/1   5 October 1611
with acquittance, 18 October 1611
Will, with list of debts owing to (£50 16s 3d) and owing by (£12) the testator; and endorsed with acquittance of John Dossey for a £20 debt.
DPRI/1/1611/A6/2   undated
nuncupative codicil
with memorandum, undated
(1) nuncupative codicil, dated the same day as the testator died; endorsed with (2) memorandum concerning Andrew's widow's payment of the portion of Constance Stellinge, daughter of William Stellinge, and also concerning the portions of Francis Stellinge and William Stellinge, for which portions Marmaduke Andrew had formerly been bound by the court.
DPRI/1/1611/A6/3   15 October 1611
inventory, actual total £357 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 16s 5d)
DPRI/1/1611/A6/4-5   undated
inventory, actual total £139 9s 4d (with account of grazing and other charges of £9 3s)
Inventory of livestock sold at Rotherham and at Wakefield by Richard Mawer. Endorsed: [will] proved, 29 Nov 1611.
DPRI/1/1611/A7   28 August 1611
Henry ANTHONY, notary public, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthonie
Digitised material for Henry Anthony, notary public of Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A7
DPRI/1/1611/A7/1   16 August 1611
DPRI/1/1611/A7/2   23 August 1611
commission to William Morton, archdeacon of Durham and vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Anthonie, relict, for her use and the use of eight named children; [commission executed by Morton, 27 Aug 1611]. Endorsed: administration issued, 28 Aug 1611.
DPRI/1/1611/A7/3   27 August 1611
certificate of execution of commission
certificate of execution of the commission, and enclosing Katherine Anthony's bond and the inventory; endorsed with direction to Thomas King of Durham, D.D.
Anthonye ARCHER, of Browneside (Broneside) of the parishe of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland]
Digitised material for Anthonye Archer of Alston, Cumberland - DPRI/1/1611/A8
DPRI/1/1611/A8/1   27 September 1610
DPRI/1/1611/A8/2   13 October 1611
inventory, actual total £40 15s
DPRI/1/1611/A9   8 December 1611
Annes ATOON, wife of Henry Atoon, widow, of Newbotle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Aton, Ayton
Digitised material for Annes Atoon, wife of Henry Atoon, widow of Newbottle, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/A9
DPRI/1/1611/A9/1   9 April 1611
DPRI/1/1611/A9/2-3   23 October 1611
inventory, actual total £36 19s 6d (with account of debts of 12s 3d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Dec [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/A9/4   23 October 1611
indented copy inventory, actual total £36 19s 6d (with account of debts of 12s 3d)
endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Dec [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/A10   10 March 1612
John AWD, of Gaitside (Gateshead) Parke within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Awde
Digitised material for John Awd of Gateshead, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/A10
DPRI/1/1611/A10/1-2   21 August 1610
endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1612
DPRI/1/1611/A10/3-4   30 December 1611
inventory, actual total £19 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 8s 10d)
Francis BAMBRIGGE, of parish of Norton (Nortonn) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrige, Bambrig, Bainbrig
Digitised material for Francis Bambrigge of Norton, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/B1
DPRI/1/1611/B1/1-2   7 June 1611
Will, with list of debts owing to (£85 14s) and owing by (£9 12s 2d) the testator. Endorsed: proved.
Robart BARKER, weaver, of parish of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robart Barker, weaver of Morpeth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B2
DPRI/1/1611/B2/1   21 June 1610
DPRI/1/1611/B2/2   undated
inventory, actual total £10 (with account of debts of £2 12s 4d)
DPRI/1/1611/B3   18 June 1611
John BARRO, yeoman, of Henshawe of the parishe of Haltwesell (Hawtwesle) in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Barroe, Barrowe
Digitised material for John Barro, yeoman of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B3
DPRI/1/1611/B3/1   17 February 1611
endorsed: proved, 18 June [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/B3/2   17 February 1611
inventory, actual total £6 10s (with account of debts of £1 7s)
DPRI/1/1611/B4   18 June 1611
Bartholamewe BARROWE, of Birkshawe (Byrkshawe) in the parishe of Hawtwhissel (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Bartholamewe Barrowe of Haltwhistle, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B4
DPRI/1/1611/B4/1   1 May 1611
endorsed: proved, 18 June [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/B4/2   13 May 1611
inventory, actual total £14 5s (with account of debts of £1)
John BAXTER, master and mariner, of the North Sheeles (Sheldes, Northe Sheles) [North Shields, Northumberland]
Digitised material for John Baxter, master and mariner of North Shields, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B5
DPRI/1/1611/B5/1-2   31 August 1611
DPRI/1/1611/B5/3   10 October 1611
inventory, actual total £121 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £27 4s)
DPRI/1/1611/B6   22 June 1611
Raphe BLACKAMORE, of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Raphe Blackamore of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B6
DPRI/1/1611/B6/1   22 January 1611
endorsed: administration granted, 22 June [1611]
Richard BLYTHMANE, butcher, of cyttye of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blythman, Blithman
Digitised material for Richard Blythmane, butcher of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/B7
DPRI/1/1611/B7/1-2   27 February 1611
Henry BRANTINGHAME, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Brantingham
Digitised material for Henry Brantinghame of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B8
DPRI/1/1611/B8/1-2   12 August 1611
DPRI/1/1611/B9   27 April 1611
William BRASSE, of Huton Henry in the parishe of Monkhesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]
Digitised material for William Brasse of Monk Hesleden, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/B9
DPRI/1/1611/B9/1   6 July 1610
endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1611]
William BRONE, of Cresswell (Creswell) [Cresswell, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne
Digitised material for William Brone of Cresswell, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B12
DPRI/1/1611/B12/1   7 April 1611
DPRI/1/1611/B10   26 April 1611
Lanclott BROWELL, yeoman, of Hadston (Hadstone) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Warkeworthe (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Lanclott Browell, yeoman of Warkworth, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B10
DPRI/1/1611/B10/1-2   1611
endorsed: proved, 26 Apr 1611
DPRI/1/1611/B10/3   18 April 1611
inventory, actual total £141 4s 4d (with account of debts of £29 6s 6d)
DPRI/1/1611/B11   22 November 1611
Robert BROWNE, barber, of cyttie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]
Digitised material for Robert Browne, barber of Durham, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/B11
DPRI/1/1611/B11/1   4 November 1611
Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Nov [1611].
William BROWNE, yeoman, of Stickloe within the parishe of Horton (chapelry of Hortonn) and countie of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland]
Digitised material for William Browne, yeoman of Horton, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B13
DPRI/1/1611/B13/1   20 November 1610
DPRI/1/1611/B13/2   10 December 1610
inventory, actual total £15 4s
Nicholas BRYAN, yeoman, of Muncke Warmouth (Weremouthe) in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]
Digitised material for Nicholas Bryan, yeoman of Monkwearmouth, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/B14
DPRI/1/1611/B14/1-2   16 August 1611
DPRI/1/1611/B14/3-4   24 September 1611
inventory, actual total £227 10s 7d
DPRI/1/1611/B15   20 June 1611
Robert BURRELL, of Est Lilborn (Lilborne) of the parishe (chapelry) of Bewicke [Eglingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Burrell of Eglingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/B15
DPRI/1/1611/B15/1   4 March 1608
date uncertain
DPRI/1/1611/B15/2   undated
inventory, actual total £24 19s 4d (with account of debts of £19 3s 8d)
endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611]
Richard CARNABYE, of Throckley within the countye of Northumberland and of the parishe of Newborn (Newburn) [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Carnaby, Carnabie
Digitised material for Richard Carnabye of Newburn, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/C1
DPRI/1/1611/C1/1   25 August 1611
DPRI/1/1611/C1/2   31 August 1611
indented inventory, actual total £44 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 7s 4d)
DPRI/1/1611/C2   20 June 1611
Robert CLAVERING, of Lierchild (Lierchilde) of the parish of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland]
Digitised material for Robert Clavering of Edlingham, Northumberland - DPRI/1/1611/C2
DPRI/1/1611/C2/1   undated
endorsed: administration granted, 20 June [1611]
DPRI/1/1611/C3   21 February 1612
Raiph CLAYTON, husbandman, of Whitton of the parish of Grindon in the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Raiph Clayton, husbandman of Grindon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/C3
DPRI/1/1611/C3/1   4 February 1612
indented inventory
endorsed: administration granted, 21 Feb [1612]
DPRI/1/1611/C4   31 August 1611
Sibbell CLIFFE, of parish of Boldon [Boldon, County Durham]
Digitised material for Sibbell Cliffe of Boldon, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/C4
DPRI/1/1611/C4/1   6 May 1611
with memorandum, 31 August 1611
Will, subscribed with memorandum of the witnesses concerning the testatrix's verbal instruction for the payment of the legacies. Endorsed with memorandum relating to a bond, due 3 May 1611.
DPRI/1/1611/C4/2-3   10 May 1611
inventory, actual total £148 13s 7d (with account of debts of 15s)
endorsed: [will] proved, 31 Aug [1611]
Lawrance COLE, of Law Eighton (Nether Eightonn) within the chapellry of Lamesly (Lamesley) and parish of Chester [Lamesley, County Durham]
Digitised material for Lawrance Cole of Lamesley, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/C5
DPRI/1/1611/C5/1   13 June 1611
nuncupative will
endorsed: proved
DPRI/1/1611/C5/2   6 December 1611
with responses, 6 December 1611
interrogatories and responses of Thomas Cole, witness and executor; dated on dorse
DPRI/1/1611/C6   22 February 1612
Robart COLLING, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Collinge
Digitised material for Robart Colling of Middleton St George, County Durham - DPRI/1/1611/C6
DPRI/1/1611/C6/1   17 September 1611
endorsed: proved, 22 Feb [1612]