Reference code: GB-0033-DPR1/1
Title: Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (16th century)
Dates of creation: 1540-1599
Extent: 8 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: The Spiritual Chancellors to the bishops of Durham (through their Registrars)
Language: English, with some Latin
Original wills, inventories, accounts and associated documents, proved by the registrars to the bishops of Durham. See
main DPR1 catalogue for further details on these records. As
well as wills proved within the registry, this series also includes inventories and some other associated documents for those who died intestate, where administration was granted (although the actual administration bonds are stored within the
separate DPR1/3 series).
See main DPR1 catalogue.
Open for consultation.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
The entries within this list are arranged in the same order as the original documents, viz documents for every will proved (or administration granted) within a single year are stored together. Within each year, the documents are in name order.
This arrangement is reflected within the reference codes, but note that in a few cases documents were misfiled prior to 2006 and so are lettered or numbered out of sequence.
For pre-1752 wills, note that this is normally an 'old style' year, running from 25th March in the year stated until 24th March of the following year; however, the yearly bundling of wills was not entirely consistent in this respect. Where it can
be established with some confidence (for instance, from the date of an accompanying bond or an endorsement relating to the executors' oaths), the precise date of probate or administration is stated within this list. In other cases, however, you may
need to check a year each side of the actual year of probate, especially for earlier material (see also under Finding aids below).
This list incorporates all the public information from the North East Inheritance database relating to the original wills and inventories etc, but only includes sparse references to the related records within other series of the Durham Probate
Records (chiefly registered copies in DPR1/2 and probate bonds in DPR1/3). The online database at will generally be found more
helpful for research using the probate records, as it lists together records from multiple series relating to the same deceased person, and can be searched by person, place, occupation and document type as well as dates of probate and of documents.
All the data within this catalogue is made available through the online database.
For links to the lists for other parts of the series of original wills (DPRI/1), see the
collection level description, or use this link for the
next list.
Many of these wills and inventories have been published, chiefly in volumes of the Surtees Society. Full references, with links to online texts where available, are in the
Useful texts section of the North East Inheritance project pages.
Wills etc proved 1540Reference: DPRI/1/1540DPRI/1/1540/G1/1 14 February 1541
Sir Roger Gray, knight [Chatton, Northumberland]
Will. Endorsed: 1540, amended subsequently to 1545. No address stated: testator requests to be buried at Belford; of Horton [in Chatton parish].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Sir Roger Gray, knight [Chatton, Northumberland] Will. Endorsed: 1540, amended subsequently to 1545. No address stated: testator requests to be buried at Belford; of Horton [in Chatton parish]. - DPRI/1/1540/G1/1 DPRI/1/1540/O1/1 29 January 1540
Bell Ogle, of Botthall (Bothall) parych [Bothal, Northumberland]
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Bell Ogle, of Botthall (Bothall) parych [Bothal, Northumberland] Will. - DPRI/1/1540/O1/1 DPRI/1/1540/T1/1 1541
Richard Towgall, [chantry priest], clerk [Gateshead, County Durham]
Will. Address not stated: testator requests to be buried at Gateshead (apparently a chantry priest at one of the altars in Gateshead church).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richard Towgall, [chantry priest], clerk [Gateshead, County Durham] Will. Address not stated: testator requests to be buried at Gateshead (apparently a chantry priest at one of the altars in Gateshead church). - DPRI/1/1540/T1/1
Wills etc proved 1542Reference: DPRI/1/1542
Wills etc proved 1543Reference: DPRI/1/1543
Wills etc proved 1544Reference: DPRI/1/1544DPRI/1/1544/B1/1-2 [approximately 1544]
Thomas Bartram, son of William Bartram of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £3 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
14s 11d and more)
Will dated, 31 May 15... (damage). Endorsed: William Bartram, 1544.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 3.
Digitised material for Thomas Bartram, son of William Bartram of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Will, with Inventory, undated, actual total £3 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 14s 11d and more) Will dated, 31 May 15... (damage). Endorsed: William Bartram, 1544. - DPRI/1/1544/B1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1545Reference: DPRI/1/1545DPRI/1/1545/B1/1-2 20 February 1544
Robert Bedyke, tanner, of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Byddyke, Bedik
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 1-2.
Digitised material for Robert Bedyke, tanner, of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Byddyke, Bedik Will. - DPRI/1/1545/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1545/C1/1 16 [October] 1545
Nycoles Carr, tanner, of pariche of Sainct John within the towne of Neucastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Indented will dated, 16 ... 1545.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 4.
Digitised material for Nycoles Carr, tanner, of pariche of Sainct John within the towne of Neucastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]Indented Will dated, 16 ... 1545 - DPRI/1/1545/C1/1 DPRI/1/1545/G2/1 20 October 1545
Robert Goower, [officer of the garrison at Berwick-upon-Tweed], [garrison officer], of Barwick (Berwik, Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Gower; of the Gower family of Yorkshire)
Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Goower, [officer of the garrison at Berwick-upon-Tweed], [garrison officer], of Barwick (Berwik, Barwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Gower; of the Gower family of Yorkshire)Indented Will - DPRI/1/1545/G2/1 DPRI/1/1545/G3/1 2 November 1545
Edward Gray, of Lowyk (Louik, Lowik) [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £7 6s 4d (and more, with account of debts of 4s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 5.
Digitised material for Edward Gray, of Lowyk (Louik, Lowik) [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye Will, with Inventory, undated, actual total £7 6s 4d (and more, with account of debts of 4s 4d) - DPRI/1/1545/G3/1 DPRI/1/1545/H1/1-3 2 August 1545
Janet Hagarstone, widow, of Barwik (Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hagarston, Haggerston, Hagerston, Hagarston
Will (DPRI/1/1545/H1/1) and will, dated 25 October 1545 (DPRI/1/1545/H1/2), with undated inventory
(DPRI/1/1545/H1/3), actual total £6 10s. Inventory “of my mother wedo Hagarston”.
Digitised material for Janet Hagarstone, widow, of Barwik (Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hagarston, Haggerston, Hagerston, Hagarston Will (DPRI/1/1545/H1/1) and Will, dated 25 October 1545 (DPRI/1/1545/H1/2), with undated Inventory (DPRI/1/1545/H1/3), actual total £6 10s. Inventory of my mother wedo Hagarston. - DPRI/1/1545/H1/1-3 DPRI/1/1545/H2/1 December 1545
Thomas Hagerstone, [son of Thomas Hagerston of Hagerston Castle esquire], esquire, of Hagerstone within the paroching of Holly Eland [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Haggerston. Hagerstone “departed unto the mercy
of God in Scotland in the Kingis Majesteis service”
For the will of Hagerstone's father, Thomas Hagerston esquire, (recited in his Inquisition Post Mortem taken at Norham, Ref: TNA DURH 3/177/10), see
Surtees Society vol.2, 104-105: the editor states Hagerston [the younger] died at the Battle of Pannyerhaugh (Ancrum Moor) in 1545.
Digitised material for Thomas Hagerstone, [son of Thomas Hagerston of Hagerston Castle esquire], esquire, of Hagerstone within the paroching of Holly Eland [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Haggerston. Hagerstone departed unto the mercy of God in Scotland in the Kingis Majesteis service Inventory. - DPRI/1/1545/H2/1 DPRI/1/1545/H4/1-3 18 October 1545
Jhone Hedley, carischman, of towne of Newcastell upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedlye.
Will, with list of debts owing to (£1 13s 10d) and owing by (6s 8d) the testator. Inventory, udated, actual total £14 12s
Edited (will): Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 4.
Digitised material for Jhone Hedley, carischman, of towne of Newcastell upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedlye. Will, with list of debts owing to (£1 13s 10d) and owing by (6s 8d) the testator. Inventory, udated, actual total £14 12s 4d. - DPRI/1/1545/H4/1-3 DPRI/1/1545/H7/1 9 August 1545
William Heppell, yeoman, of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Heppelle, Hepell
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 6d).
Digitised material for William Heppell, yeoman, of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Heppelle, Hepell Will, with Inventory, undated, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 6d) - DPRI/1/1545/H7/1 DPRI/1/1545/H9/1 26 August 1544
Annes Horsley (Horsley made her will when her house was infected with the plague, but when she herself was still in good health). No address stated.
Will, with inventory, 29 July 1545, actual total £21 1s 2d (with account of debts of £10 16s
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Annes Horsley (Horsley made her Will when her house was infected with the plague, but when she herself was still in good health). No address stated. Will, with Inventory, 29 July 1545, actual total £21 1s 2d (with account of debts of £10 16s 5d) - DPRI/1/1545/H9/1 DPRI/1/1545/H11/1 20 July 1545
John Hynmers, of Holy Ilande (Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Hyndmer (the editor of Surtees Society 2 suggests Hynmers was the schoolmaster upon the island)
Will, with inventory, 20 July 1545, actual total £3 1s 9d (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £1). Endorsed: Bamburgh deaconry, time of Thomas Burton [Northumberland commissary], 1545.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Hynmers, of Holy Ilande (Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Hyndmer (the editor of Surtees Society 2 suggests Hynmers was the schoolmaster upon the island) Will, with Inventory, 20 July 1545, actual total £3 1s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1). Endorsed: Bamburgh deaconry, time of Thomas Burton [Northumberland commissary], 1545 - DPRI/1/1545/H11/1 DPRI/1/1545/P1/1-2 9 September 1545
Robert Parkinson, tanner, of Barnardcastell [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Parkynson
Will, with inventory (undated), actual total £11 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 19s 4d).
Digitised material for Robert Parkinson, tanner, of Barnardcastell [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Parkynson Will, with Inventory (undated), actual total £11 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 19s 4d) - DPRI/1/1545/P1/1-2 DPRI/1/1545/R3/1 3 December 1545
Cuthberte Rogerlie, yeoman, of Westow [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Rogerley
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 5.
Digitised material for Cuthberte Rogerlie, yeoman, of Westow [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Rogerley Will - DPRI/1/1545/R3/1 DPRI/1/1545/S1/1-2 7 August 1545
Robert Shaldeforthe, baker, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shawdfurthe
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 3.
See also Borthwick Institute for Archives: TRANS.CP.1547/1, appeal (validity of will) in consistory court, October 1545-March 1546; CP.G.388, testamentary (validity of will), June 1548.
Digitised material for Robert Shaldeforthe, baker, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shawdfurthe Will - DPRI/1/1545/S1/1-2 DPRI/1/1545/S2/1-3 September 1545
Willyam Shortton, of towne of Berwik on Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]
Will, with grant of probate, 6 February 1546, at Berwick-upon-Tweed to the executrix; with inventory, undated, actual total £4 10s 8d (with account of debts of
£3 15s 10d)
Copy will, with copy grant of probate and copy inventory (DPRI/1/1545/S2/2-3).
Digitised material for Willyam Shortton, of towne of Berwik on Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] Will, with grant of probate, 6 February 1546, at Berwick-upon-Tweed to the executrix; with Inventory, undated, actual total £4 10s 8d (with account of debts of £3 15s 10d)Copy Will, with copy grant of probate and copy Inventory (DPRI/1/1545/S2/2-3). - DPRI/1/1545/S2/1-3 DPRI/1/1545/S4/1 20 November 1545
Thomas Surttes, of parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Surties, Surtis
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £6 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 5.
Digitised material for Thomas Surttes, of parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Surties, Surtis Will, with Inventory, undated, actual total £6 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s 4d) - DPRI/1/1545/S4/1
Wills etc proved 1546Reference: DPRI/1/1546DPRI/1/1546/C1/1 28 April 1546
Lanslet Claxton, gentleman, of Wullay [Brancepeth, County Durham] (of the family of Claxton of Winyard, Old Park etc.)
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Lanslet Claxton, gentleman, of Wullay [Brancepeth, County Durham] (of the family of Claxton of Winyard, Old Park etc.) Will - DPRI/1/1546/C1/1 DPRI/1/1546/S1/1 14 December [damaged]
Edwarde Surteis, draper, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Surtes, Surtis (of the Derwentside family of Surtees; a draper in the Side in Newcastle.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 1.
Digitised material for Edwarde Surteis, draper, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Surtes, Surtis (of the Derwentside family of Surtees; a draper in the Side in Newcastle. Will. - DPRI/1/1546/S1/1
Wills etc proved 1547Reference: DPRI/1/1547DPRI/1/1547/T1/1 2 July 1547
Christofer Teysdall, of paroche of Kyrkhawght (Kyrkhawgh, Kerckhawe, Kerkhawgh) [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdell, Tesdeill
Will (dated 1547 or 1541), with inventory, undated, actual total £26 6s 4d.
Digitised material for Christofer Teysdall, of paroche of Kyrkhawght (Kyrkhawgh, Kerckhawe, Kerkhawgh) [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdell, Tesdeill Will (dated 1547 or 1541), with Inventory - DPRI/1/1547/T1/1 DPRI/1/1547/W1/1 10 May 1547
Lionell Wall, of Stanhap (Stanhop) in Wardell [Stanhope, County Durham]
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £10 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 0s 8d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Lionell Wall, of Stanhap (Stanhop) in Wardell [Stanhope, County Durham] Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1547/W1/1 DPRI/1/1547/W2/1 October 1547
John Watson, yeoman, of Holy Ilande (Holly Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland] (of the family of Watson, for many years settled at Holy Island)
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £12 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses
of £5 4s). Inventory totals appear inaccurate: recte £12 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 5s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 5.
Digitised material for John Watson, yeoman, of Holy Ilande (Holly Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland] - DPRI/1/1547/W2/1
Wills etc proved 1548Reference: DPRI/1/1548DPRI/1/1548/A2/1-2 7 October 1548
Thomas Archebald, of Berwyke (Berwick, Barwik) upon Tweyd [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbold.
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £9 16s 8d (date of probate uncertain).
Digitised material for Thomas Archebald, of Berwyke (Berwick, Barwik) upon Tweyd [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbold Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1548/A2/1-2 DPRI/1/1548/B2/1 6 March 1548
George Baytes, vicar of Kelloe, [from 1536], clerk, of Kellow within the countie of Duresme [Kelloe, County Durham] (a person of this name ceased to be the rector of South Bailey in 1535)
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for George Baytes, vicar of Kelloe, [from 1536], clerk, of Kellow within the countie of Duresme [Kelloe, County Durham] (a person of this name ceased to be the rector of South Bailey in 1535) Will. - DPRI/1/1548/B2/1 DPRI/1/1548/B3/1-2 15 October 1548
Thomas Blarthorne, of parys of Wolsyngame (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Blarthorn, Blerthorne
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £4 10s (with account of debts of 15s 11d).
Digitised material for Thomas Blarthorne, of parys of Wolsyngame (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Blarthorn, Blerthorne Will, with Inventory, undated, actual total œ4 10s (with account of debts of 15s 11d) - DPRI/1/1548/B3/1-2 DPRI/1/1548/B4/1 18 March 1549
Robert Blythman, girdler, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Blithman
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Blythman, girdler, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Blithman Will - DPRI/1/1548/B4/1 DPRI/1/1548/S1/1 [ ] November 1548
Thomas Schaffto, of Morpath [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Shayfto, Shaftoo, Shafto
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £7 6s 4d (with account of debts of £1 17s).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Schaffto, of Morpath [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Shayfto, Shaftoo, Shafto Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1548/S1/1 DPRI/1/1548/S4/1 1548
John Smythe, carpenter, of towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith, Smyth
Will, endorsed with incomplete and undated probate sentence.
Digitised material for John Smythe, carpenter, of towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith, Smyth Will, endorsed with incomplete and undated probate sentence - DPRI/1/1548/S4/1 DPRI/1/1548/S5/1 18 November 1547
John Smith, garrison-man, of Berwyk (Berwyke, Berwik) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth, Smythe
Indented will, with indented inventory (largely unvalued), 29 December 1547, actual total £3 10s (and more, with account of
debts of £1 6s 8d). Endorsed: 1548.
Digitised material for John Smith, garrison-man, of Berwyk (Berwyke, Berwik) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smyth, Smythe Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1548/S5/1 DPRI/1/1548/S6/1 4 October 1548
John Smythe, soldier, of toune and forte of Hadington beinge in Berwycke (Berwyke, Berwike, Berwik) upon Tweide [Haddington, East Lothian; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Haddington Fort is also known as Garleton Castle.
Digitised material for John Smythe, soldier, of Hadington. Will - DPRI/1/1548/S6
Smith, John, of Haddington, -1548?
Wills DPRI/1/1548/S7/1 April 1548
Nycholas Smyth, of pariche of Medomysle [Medomsley, County Durham]; also spelt Smyght, Smythe
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £8 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 7s 4d).
Digitised material for Nycholas Smyth, of pariche of Medomysle [Medomsley, County Durham]; also spelt Smyght, Smythe Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1548/S7/1 DPRI/1/1548/S8/1-2 1548
Thomas Stantone, of All Seinth [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Stannton, Stanton. Testator requests to be buried at [?Newcastle] All Saints.
Will, with inventory, actual total £11 1s 8d.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 5-6.
Digitised material for Thomas Stanton of Newcastle upon Tyne. Will and inventory - DPRI/1/1548/S8
DPRI/1/1548/W1/1 26 November 1548
James Wilson, of Holye Ilande (Holleland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Willson, Welson
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 19s 6d.
Digitised material for James Wilson, of Holye Ilande (Holleland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Willson, Welson Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1548/W1/1
Wills etc proved 1549Reference: DPRI/1/1549DPRI/1/1549/B1/1 [approximately 1549]
Raff Blaxton, first prebendary of the 10th stall in Durham Cathedral, clerk, of Duresm [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxston (of the family of Blakiston of Blakiston).
Will, with inventory (unvalued), 7 January 1550.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also
Register of Bishop Tunstall, (Surtees Society,161: 1952), 278: Blaxton's successor appointed, with consent of the Privy Council, 22 July 1550.
Digitised material for Ralph Blakiston, prebendary of Durham Cathedral: Will, 1549 - DPRI/1/1549/B1
DPRI/1/1549/E4/1 31 August 1549
Marion Eryngton, widow, of Littylle Whettan (Little Whitthon) within the countie off Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington, Erington. Parish uncertain: testator requests to be buried at Corbridge; 'Little Whettan'
[?Whittington Little, Corbridge].
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £11 13s.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 7.
Digitised material for Marion Eryngton, widow, of Littylle Whettan (Little Whitthon) within the countie off Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington, Erington. Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/E4/1 DPRI/1/1549/H2/1 6 July 1549
John Hedlee, bower, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley. Hedlee was probably a bowyer, although there are other senses for “bower”: a Jhon Hedley furnished with “a
jak-stell bonnett, a bowe and a schayff of arrays” appeared at the Newcastle muster of 1539 (Welford,
Newcastle and Gateshead ... vol.2, p.190).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 4.
Digitised material for John Hedlee, bower, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley. Will. - DPRI/1/1549/H2/1 DPRI/1/1549/H4/1 6 October 1549
Margaret Heron, of Bokynfeld (Bokynfelde, Bookynfelde, Bokynfield) [Felton, Northumberland]
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £34 10s.
Digitised material for Margaret Heron, of Bokynfeld (Bokynfelde, Bookynfelde, Bokynfield) [Felton, Northumberland] Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/H4/1 DPRI/1/1549/M1/1 1 December 1549
Janet Muschaunce, widow, of Lowyke [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschance, Muschame; of the family of Muschaunce or Muschamp of Barmore. Muschaunce's parish of Lowick is cancelled in the testament, while she nevertheless requests here
burial there; also endorsed as of Lowick by the probate office.
Indented will endorsed: [?administration granted at Bamburgh].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Janet Muschaunce, widow, of Lowyke [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschance, Muschame Indented Will - DPRI/1/1549/M1/1 DPRI/1/1549/R1/1-7 15 April 1549
William Rede, draper, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reede, Reed
Will (1-4) and copy will (5-7).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 6.
Digitised material for William Rede, draper, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reede, Reed Will (1-4) and Copy Will (5-7) - DPRI/1/1549/R1/1-7 DPRI/1/1549/S1/1 13 January 1549
John Sadlere, clerk, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sadler
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Sadlere, clerk, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sadler Will. - DPRI/1/1549/S1/1 DPRI/1/1549/S2/1 23 January 1550
Henry Sanderson, merchant, of the Syde, towne of Newcastell upone Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] (probably a member of the family of Sanderson of Brancepeth and Hedleyhope)
Indented will endorsed: “Whitehead venit ante hoc” (Whitehead came before this).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 7-8.
Digitised material for Henry Sanderson, merchant, of the Syde, towne of Newcastell upone Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Indented Will - DPRI/1/1549/S2/1 DPRI/1/1549/S3/1 30 June 1549
Gerard Selby, of Pauston in the county of North[umberland] [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie, Selbe
Indented will, with indented inventory, undated inventory of goods unvalued, and inventory of debts on face and dorse uncertain
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 6-7.
Digitised material for Gerard Selby, of Pauston in the county of North[umberland] [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie, Selbe Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/S3/1 DPRI/1/1549/S4/1 14 October 1549
Peter Selbye, soldier, of Barwyke (Berwik, Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby
Will, with inventory, 14 October 1549, actual total £3 16s 8d (and more, with account of debts of £1 3s).
Digitised material for Peter Selbye, soldier, of Barwyke (Berwik, Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/S4/1 DPRI/1/1549/S5/1 7 August 1549
Robert Shell, gunner, of Berwyk (Berwik) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shailles. Among the debts the testator claims are owing to him are his wages for campaigning in Scotland between June and Sept [1548], including money owed
to him by Master Ridgeway for 'work of Dunglasse Hume Roxbrugh', all fortifications captured or repaired during the 1544-1551 wars.
Will, with list of debts owing by (£5 10s 8d) and owing to (£32 17s 4d) the testator; [24 rials at 12s / rial;
rather than 2 rials, 24s].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Shell, gunner, of Berwyk (Berwik) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shailles. Will - DPRI/1/1549/S5/1 DPRI/1/1549/S8/1-2 [approximately 1549]
Raufe Surteis [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Surtes, Surtees; of Middleton St George, but of the family of Surtees of Dinsdale
Will, incomplete; endorsed: 1549; [?'defective'] and incomplete copy will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Raufe Surteis [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Surtes, Surtees. Will, incomplete; endorsed: 1549; and incomplete Copy Will. - DPRI/1/1549/S8/1-2 DPRI/1/1549/S9/1-2 26 September 1545
John Swynborne, tailor, of towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynborn, Swinborn
Will, endorsed: 39 Henry [VIII] [in error], and 1549 and inventory (undated), actual total £88 2s 1d (with account
of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £7). Funeral expenses and debts total £3 16s 8d, legacies, £3 3s 4d.
Digitised material for John Swynborne, tailor, of towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynborn, Swinborn. Will and Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/S9/1-2 DPRI/1/1549/S7/1 5 January 1550
William Sympson, of Berwyk (Berwik) upon Twead [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson, Symson
Will, with inventory, 5 January 1550, actual total £11.
Digitised material for William Sympson, of Berwyk (Berwik) upon Twead [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson, Symson Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1549/S7/1
Wills etc proved 1550Reference: DPRI/1/1550DPRI/1/1550/C1/1-2 18 April 1550
Wylliam Collyer, of parishe of Harte (Hart) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Colier, Colleyer, Colyer
Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £1. Endorsed with probate office notes relating to searches for: will of [?Robert]
Hagthrope (See DPRI/1/1549/H1/1); will of William Carre of Tanfield (probate c.1547); will of Thomas Glanton of Newcastle for Edward Watson of Newcastle. With copy will endorsed: registered.
Digitised material for Wylliam Collyer, of parishe of Harte (Hart) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Colier, Colleyer, Colyer. Will, with Copy Will - DPRI/1/1550/C1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1551Reference: DPRI/1/1551DPRI/1/1551/B1/1-2 27 March 1551
William Bee, formerly a monk of Mount Grace, chaplain, clerk, sumteme a professt brodere off the monastery of Montgrace (Mountt Grace), and nowe a bydyng at Newcastell upon Tyne [East Harlsey, Yorkshire; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also
spelt Be
Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £2 10s and inventory, 6 April 1551, actual total £7 2s 10d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Bee, formerly a monk of Mount Grace, chaplain, clerk; also spelt Be. Will and inventory - DPRI/1/1551/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1551/B2/1 16 November 1551
William Bewyke, [a collateral ancestor of the family of Bewick of Close-house], [admitted free of the Merchant Adventurers' Company, ca. 1520], merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bewik
(see Dendy's
Merchant Adventurers, v.2, p.194).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 8-9.
Digitised material for William Bewyke, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will. - DPRI/1/1551/B2/1 DPRI/1/1551/C1/1-6 [ ] August 1551
Johne Carre, late captain of Wark Castle, captain, of Wark (Warke) in the county of Northumberland [Wark, Northumberland; Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Car, Carr; of Hetton in the parish of Chatton. Carre died between August 1551 and 28
January 1552.
Will (made at Wark) with inventory (undated), actual total £159 3s 8d; with inventory of debts, actual total £180 5s 10d; (1) incomplete inventory of household goods etc.; (2) inventory of [?rents] and thirds of horses and of
desperate and good debts. The head sheet and possibly an additional sheet(s) at the foot of the first inventory are not present. The two inventories each appear formerly to have been bound to the head sheet of the will with thread. Endorsed: ...
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
For Inquisition Post Mortem, taken in 6 Edward VI, see TNA C 142/96/33 and WARD 7/6/10.
Digitised material for Johne Carre, late captain of Wark Castle [Wark, Northumberland; Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Car, Carr; of Hetton in the parish of Chatton. Will with 2 inventories - DPRI/1/1551/C1/1-6 DPRI/1/1551/L1/1-2 25 August 1551
Roberte Lawe, husbandman, of Cowpon within the parishinge of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £83 4s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £17 10s 8d) total of debts
uncertain (damage).
Digitised material for Roberte Lawe, husbandman, of Cowpon [in Billingham, County Durham] Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1551/L1/1-2 DPRI/1/1551/L2/1-2 25 September 1551
William Lawson, [of the family of Lawson of Cramlington], of town of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]
Indented inventory.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Lawson, [of the family of Lawson of Cramlington], of town of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1551/L2/1-2 DPRI/1/1551/L3/1 28 July 1551
John Lynne; also spelt Linne (no address stated)
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Lynne; also spelt Linne (no address stated) Will - DPRI/1/1551/L3/1 DPRI/1/1551/M2/1 15 December 1551
Helyng Muschaunce [Belford, Northumberland] No address stated: testatrix requests to be buried at Belforthe [Belford]. Muschaunce is owed “post mon[e]y” by the crown, and was perhaps the postmistress or widow of the postmaster of
Will, with inventory, 15 December 1551, actual total £36 13s 4d (with account of debts of £15 3s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 9.
Digitised material for Helyng Muschaunce [Belford, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1551/M2/1 DPRI/1/1551/P1/1-2 23 August 1550
Mawlde Paxton, wife of Thomas Paxton of Easington, widow, of Esington [Easington, County Durham]
Will, and inventory (1551), actual total £5 13s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 16s 8d) endorsed with memorandum
that when the legacies and goods are accounted together they exceed the total debts by £3 10s.
Digitised material for Mawlde Paxton, wife of Thomas Paxton of Easington, widow, of Esington [Easington, County Durham]. Will, and Inventory - DPRI/1/1551/P1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1552Reference: DPRI/1/1552DPRI/1/1552/H1/1-2 6 April 1552
Margret Headlame, wife of Thomas Headlame of Preston, [widow], of Pryston (Priston) [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Headlam
Indented will, with indented inventory, actual total £117 7s (with account of debts of £20 8s 4d) - date
in April 1552 uncertain (damage).
Digitised material for Margret Headlame, wife of Thomas Headlame of Preston, [widow], of Pryston (Priston) [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Headlam Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1552/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1552/J1/1-2 19 August 1552
Rychartt Jobson, tanner, of paryche of Sainct Johnes within the [town] of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Johnson. The testator's name has been amended in the first instance within the will to
Johnson, and is endorsed 'Johnson'; however, the inventory retains Jobson.
Will, with inventory (undated), actual total £36 5s 7d.
Digitised material for Rychartt Jobson, tanner, of paryche of Sainct Johnes within the [town] of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Johnson. Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1552/J1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1553Reference: DPRI/1/1553DPRI/1/1553/C1/1 8 December 1553
Janet Carre, gentlewoman, widow, of Hetton (Heton) in the countie of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £15 3s 8d (with account of debts of £3 1s 5d).
Digitised material for Janet Carre, gentlewoman, widow, of Hetton (Heton) in the countie of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland] - DPRI/1/1553/C1/1 DPRI/1/1553/C5/1-2 7 December 1552
Agnes Cramer, wife of Robert Cramer of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, widow, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cromer
Indented will, with indented inventory, dated 7 August 1553, actual total
£126 6s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £11 2s 6d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 10.
Digitised material for Agnes Cramer, wife of Robert Cramer of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, widow, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cromer. Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1553/C5/1-2 DPRI/1/1553/E1/1 11 January 1552
Edmund Elyngton, slater, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellyngton, Ellrington, Ellington
Indented will, with indented inventory (undated), actual total £40 16s 2d (with account of debts of
£16 7s).
Digitised material for Edmund Elyngton, slater, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellyngton, Ellrington, Ellington. Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1553/E1/1
Wills etc proved 1554Reference: DPRI/1/1554DPRI/1/1554/B1/1-2 25 July 1554
Thomas Bayttes, smith, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites, Baitts
Indented will, with indented inventory (undated), actual total £16 17s 8d (inventory of household goods and shop gear
Digitised material for Thomas Bayttes, smith, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites, Baitts Indented Will, with indented Inventory - DPRI/1/1554/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1554/B3/1 25 April 1555
Sir Robert Bowes, knight, (son of Sir Ralph Bowes of Streatlam Castle; younger brother of Sir Ralph Bowes; escheator of Durham, 1529-1543; member of the Council of the North, 1525-1555; lord warden of the East and Middle Marches; member of the
Privy Council, from 1551; master of the rolls, from 15510, of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Barnard Castle, County Durham]. Died 28 February 1555, at Berwick-upon-Tweed (ODNB).
Indented inventory of goods etc. [at Berwick].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
for Bowes' two surveys of the Borders (1542, 1550), see Hodgson's
A History of Northumberland, part 3, vol.2, p171-248. For the Inquisition Post Mortem, taken 1 & 2 Phillip & Mary, see TNA C 142/102/46, E 150/247/10 and WARD 7/7/32. For a pedigree, see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.4, p107. The will of Bowes' younger brother, Richard Bowes esquire, is printed in Surtees Society vol.26, p116-120.
Digitised material for Sir Robert Bowes, knight, (son of Sir Ralph Bowes of Streatlam Castle) Indented Inventory of goods etc. [at Berwick] - DPRI/1/1554/B3/1 DPRI/1/1554/T1/1 15 January 1555
Henry Talyer, of parochyn of Whyttyngem [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailyer, Tayler
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £3 19s (with account of debts of 7s 8d).
Digitised material for Henry Talyer, of paroch of Whyttyngem [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailyer, Tayler Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1554/T1/1 DPRI/1/1554/T3/1 30 June 1554
John Tod, of parish of Wlgham (Ulcham) [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Todde, Todd
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £8 1s 6d.
Digitised material for John Tod, of parish of Wlgham (Ulcham) [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Todde, Todd Will, with Inventory - DPRI/1/1554/T3/1 DPRI/1/1554/T5/1 1 April 1554
Martine Turping, of Langley [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Turpyn
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 11.
Digitised material for Martine Turping, of Langley [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Turpyn Will - DPRI/1/1554/T5/1 DPRI/1/1554/T6/1 7 May 1554
Anthone Tyndall, of Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Tyndell, Tindaill
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £12 19s 1d.
Digitised material for Anthone Tyndall, of Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Tyndell, Tindaill Will, with Inventory, undated - DPRI/1/1554/T6/1 DPRI/1/1554/Y1/1 9 September 1553
Edward Younger, clerk [South Shields, County Durham] (no address stated), testator requests to be buried at South Shields St Hilda.
Indented will, endorsed: “the testament that Sir Edward syned with his own hand is
within this testament” (the original signed will is no longer present).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Edward Younger, clerk [South Shields, County Durham]. Indented Will. - DPRI/1/1554/Y1/1
Wills etc proved 1555Reference: DPRI/1/1555DPRI/1/1555/F1/1 1554
Thomas Fairpoynt, cooper, of Crake [Crayke, Yorkshire].
Indented inventory, dated, 22 ... 1554; year amended from 1555 to 1554 in contemporary hand. Subscribed: administration granted to the children of the deceased. Endorsed: (1) inventory of Crake, [?name] defective; (2) inventory of Thomas
Fairpoynt of Craike cooper, 1555.
Items in the inventory indicate that a will once existed. An endorsement indicates that the inventory may have entered the registry with its head damaged and the name of the deceased lost; a further endorsement by the probate office in a
contemporary hand links this inventory with Thomas Fairpoynt of Craike and the year 1555: there were Fairpoynts resident at Craike in the 1580s, but no other Fairpoynt probate records can now be found in the 1550s. A misreading of the poorly legible
preamble caused this document to be wrongly indexed and misfiled for many years under the name John Smith in DPRI/1/1550.
Digitised material for Thomas Fairpoynt, cooper, of Crake [Crayke, Yorkshire] Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1555/F1/1 DPRI/1/1555/H1/1-2 28 April 1555
Rauffe Hardynge, mariner, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harding, Herdynge. Will and undated inventory, actual total £21 5s 4d.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 11-12.
Digitised material for Rauffe Hardynge, mariner, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1555/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1555/S1/1 6 May 1555
Odnell Selbye, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, [mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1536, 1539 and 1540], [M.P. of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1539], gentleman, Twedmowth within the [county] palentyne of No[rham], towne of Barwyke upone Twede [Tweedmouth,
Northumberland; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Copy will, with copy inventory, 6 May 1555, actual total £82 8s 8d (and more, with account of debts of £77 5s 4d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Odnell Selbye, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed Copy will, with copy inventory - DPRI/1/1555/S1/1 DPRI/1/1555/T2/1 [1555?]
Roger Tempest, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Tempese. Will. Dated, 30 [?Oct] ... . Endorsed: “... the will [?was revoked] and disproved before Mr Chaiyter in the consistory of Durham, 26 April 1555”.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Roger Tempest, of Norton [Norton, County Durham] Will - DPRI/1/1555/T2/1
Wills etc proved 1556Reference: DPRI/1/1556DPRI/1/1556/C1/1-3 12 June 1556
Robert Collyngwod, esquire, of Eslyngton in the countie of Northumbrland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood. Will and copy will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Collyngwod, esquire, of Eslyngton in the countie of Northumbrland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood. Will and copy will. - DPRI/1/1556/C1/1-3
Wills etc proved 1557Reference: DPRI/1/1557DPRI/1/1557/B1/1-2 2 December 1557
Elynor Benet, alias Lawes, of parochinge of Seint Andro within the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £3 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£1 6s 3d), endorsed with probate office memoranda concerning queries, citations and court fees for several causes.
Digitised material for Elynor Benet, alias Lawes, of parochinge of Seint Andro within the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1557/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1557/C2/1 19 May 1557
Thomas Craster, of Allnewike (Alnewike, Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £17 6s 1d (with account of debts of £1 3s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 13-14.
Digitised material for Thomas Craster, of Allnewike (Alnewike, Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1557/C2/1 DPRI/1/1557/G4/1 24 November 1556
Robert Goodchylde, parish clerk, of parishe clerke of the churche of Sanct Andrew wyth in the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Goodchilde. Indented will with indented inventory, 6 July
1557, actual total £19 7s.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Goodchylde, parish clerk, [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]. Indented will with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1557/G4/1 DPRI/1/1557/G5/1 8 December 1557
John Greyne, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Griene. Address on face damaged: testator requests to be buried at Darnton (Darlington). Indented will.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 14.
Digitised material for John Greyne, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]. Indented will - DPRI/1/1557/G5/1 DPRI/1/1557/L1/1-2 21 September 1557
Richard Lam, yeoman, of Stillington in the countie of Durham [Stillington, County Durham]; also spelt Lambe. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £52 4s 4d.
Digitised material for Richard Lam, yeoman, of Stillington [Stillington, County Durham]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1557/L1/1-2 DPRI/1/1557/L2/1 11 April 1557
Robert Lasse, yeoman, of Alnewicke in the countie of Northumbrelande [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £1 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 17s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 13.
Digitised material for Robert Lasse, yeoman, [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1557/L2/1 DPRI/1/1557/L3/1-2 16 July 1557
Jane Lawson, former prioress of St Mary Neasham, [daughter of William Lawson of Cramlington esquire], prioress, of Nesham (Nessham) [Hurworth, County Durham]. Indented inventory of goods and jewels etc. “browght in bye
Henrye Lawson executir of hir last will and testament”.
Temporarily unavailable for consultation in our Search Room. On exhibition in the Penned & Printed gallery at Palace Green Library until May 2025.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.3, p.264. For the will of Lawson's sister, Agnes Lawson the prioress of the nunnery of St Bartholomew, Newcastle upon Tyne, see
Digitised material for Jane Lawson, former prioress of St Mary Neasham [Hurworth, County Durham]. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1557/L3/1-2 DPRI/1/1557/L4/1 21 March 1558
Richard Leigh, keeper of the Hospital of St John the Baptist, Barnard Castle, clerk, hospital keeper, of Saynct Johans Hospitall in Barnardcastell [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Leghe. Will endorsed: 1557; 1562 cancelled.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richard Leigh, keeper of the Hospital of St John the Baptist, Barnard Castle. Will - DPRI/1/1557/L4/1 DPRI/1/1557/L5/1-2 23 February 1557
Alexander Lylburn, of Ayslabye [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Lilborne, Lylburne. Will, endorsed with names of sureties: Edward Dennand, William Rippon, Thomas Snaden of Aislaby and copy will endorsed with same names of sureties.
see Surtees Society vol.2, p151.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Alexander Lylburn, of Ayslabye [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Will and copy will - DPRI/1/1557/L5/1-2
Wills etc proved 1558Reference: DPRI/1/1558DPRI/1/1558/A1/1-3 31 January 1559
Henry Anderson, the elder, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, [sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1520], [mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1531, 1539, 1542 and 1546], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne,
Northumberland]; also spelt Andersone. Indented copy will and indented inventory, 23 March 1559, actual total £3,132 13s (with account of debts of £200). Inventory includes shop goods and goods at the cellar “on the hyll under the chapell”, at the
new house, at Elswick, and in the houses of Christopher Cook, Mr Davell, and Swan.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
For a pedigree, see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.1, p122.
Digitised material for Henry Anderson, the elder, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne. Indented copy will and inventory - DPRI/1/1558/A1/1-3 DPRI/1/1558/A2/1 3 April 1558
Roberte Askrige, husband of Cecill Askrige, yeoman, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]. Indented will of Roberte Askrige, with indented will of Cecill Askrige, widow of Roberte Askrige, 16 April 1559.
Digitised material for Roberte Askrige, [Billingham, County Durham]. Indented will of Roberte Askrige, with indented will of Cecill Askrige his widow - DPRI/1/1558/A2/1 DPRI/1/1558/B1/1 11 August 1558
William Blunte, [curate] of Croxdale, clerk, of Croksdell [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Blunt. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Blunte, [curate] [Croxdale, County Durham]. Will. - DPRI/1/1558/B1/1 DPRI/1/1558/C1/1 [approximately 1558]
Carr [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Car. Will endorsed: (in nineteenth-century hand) ... Carr.
This item has been identified with a member of the Carr family, probably of Durham City. From internal evidence the will may be dated between 3 February 1547 (appointment of Robert Meynell as Sergeant-at-Law) and 3 September 1558 (appointment of
Robert Bennet's successor to the 11th prebend). The testator was probably a Durham draper or clothier; the main legatees - 'children' named Carr and Bayncroft - were perhaps the testator's apprentices. The identification with the Carr family is not
Digitised material for [ ] Carr [Durham, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1558/C1/1 DPRI/1/1558/D2/1 21 October 1558
Robert Deneham, of Heighynton [Heighington, County Durham]. Will with letter, undated, from Christopher Chaytor to William Whitehead vicar [of Heighington] relaying the commission of Anthony Salvyn, Durham Chancellor, to take the oaths of the
executors and witnesses of Deneham's will and also of Thomas Marche, and certificate of oath.
Digitised material for Robert Deneham, [Heighington, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1558/D2/1 DPRI/1/1558/D5/1 17 March 1559
Agnes Doddes, wife of Robert Doddes of Newcastle upon Tyne, tanner, widow, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will, endorsed with incomplete act [?grant of probate] of William Garnet, commissary of
the bishop of Durham in Northumberland.
Digitised material for Agnes Doddes, wife of Robert Doddes of Newcastle upon Tyne, tanner [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will - DPRI/1/1558/D5/1 DPRI/1/1558/E1/1 29 November 1558
Roger Eryngton, of Wallyke (Wallik) and within the paryshe of Wardon [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Erington, Errington. Will, endorsed: registered.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 16.
Digitised material for Roger Eryngton, [Warden, Northumberland]. Will - DPRI/1/1558/E1/1 DPRI/1/1558/H1/1-3 23 February 1559
Lanclott Hodshon, of peryching of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hodschon, Hodgson. Will, For pedigree, see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.2, p77 and 319.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 18.
Digitised material for Lanclott Hodshon, [Lanchester, County Durham]. Will. - DPRI/1/1558/H1/1-3 DPRI/1/1558/H3/1-7 6 August 1558
Robert Hyndmer, rector of Sedgefield, [rector of Stanhope, from 1545], clerk, of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Hindmer, Hymers. Will with grant of probate, 5 November 1558, probate granted to Hyndmer's brother Reginald
Hyndmer clerk and Michael Myers priest, executors, with a power reserved to John Hyndmer, nephew and executor. Copy will with copy grant of probate, 5 November 1558. Inventory (undated), actual total £891 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £849 0s 10d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Hyndmer's Inquisition post mortem was taken at Durham, 11 November 1558: see TNA DURH 3/177/81.
Digitised material for Robert Hyndmer, rector of Sedgefield [Sedgefield, County Durham]. Will, copy will and inventory - DPRI/1/1558/H3/1-7 DPRI/1/1558/L1/1 12 November 1558
George Lawson, captain of Wark castle, captain, esquire, of Warke castle [Wark, Northumberland]. Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas. Indented will, endorsed: captain of Berwick.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for George Lawson, captain of Wark castle, [Wark, Northumberland]. Indented will - DPRI/1/1558/L1/1 DPRI/1/1558/S1/1-7 3 July 1558
Raff Surtes, merchant, of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Surtis. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £114 11s 9d (1) inventory of household and shop goods etc. (£58 12s 9d); (2) inventory of cloth (£55 19s), and wrapper.
Edited (will): Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 14-5.
Digitised material for Raff Surtes, merchant, [Durham, County Durham]. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1558/S1/1-7 DPRI/1/1558/T3/1-3 13 October 1558
Alan Taylor, butcher, of towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylorr, Tailer. Will, with inventory (undated), actual total £38 12s 4d. Inventory total includes £8 12s of legacies.
Digitised material for Alan Taylor, butcher, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1558/T3/1-3 DPRI/1/1558/T4/1-2 16 September 1558
Richard Thadye, gentleman, of Bronptoft (Brontoft, Bruntoft) in the countie of Duresme [Elwick Hall, County Durham]. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Thadye's inquisition post mortem was taken at Durham, 10 December 1558: see TNA DURH 3/177/113.
Digitised material for Richard Thadye, gentleman, of Bronptoft [Elwick Hall, County Durham]. Will. - DPRI/1/1558/T4/1-2 DPRI/1/1558/T6/1-4 28 November 1558
Ales Tode, widow, of Newton (Neuton) within the pareshinge of Darlyngton (Darlynton, Derlington, Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Todd, Tood, Tod, Toode. Will and copy will endorsed: to be wrytten in parchment; [probate]
granted to Cisselle Tode [daughter of the testatrix and] the mother of the executors John Tode and his sister Florence, for their use. Indented will. Inventory (undated), actual total £93 7s 8d.
Digitised material for Ales Tode, widow, of Newton [Darlington, County Durham]. Will and copy will. Indented will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1558/T6/1-4 DPRI/1/1558/T7/1 29 August 1558
Thomas Trollope, esquire, of Thornley in the parish of Kellowe (Kelloe) in the countie of Duresme [Thornley, Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Trolloppe. Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Trollope's inquisition post mortem was taken at Durham, 6 May 1559: seeTNA DURH 3/177/114.
Digitised material for Thomas Trollope, esquire [Thornley, Kelloe, County Durham]. Indented will. - DPRI/1/1558/T7/1 DPRI/1/1558/T8/1 12 April 1553
Margerye Tunstall, wife of Wylliam Tunstall, [daughter of Henry Pudsey of Barforth], [married first to Thomas Wandisford of Kirklington, North Yorks], widow, of the Holde Parke [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]. Will, see Surtees Society vol.2,
p140-141: [additional information drawn from this source].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Margerye Tunstall, widow, of the Holde Parke [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1558/T8/1
Wills etc proved 1559Reference: DPRI/1/1559DPRI/1/1559/C1/1 28 November 1559
Humphrey Carr, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 20.
Digitised material for Humphrey Carr, yeoman [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will. - DPRI/1/1559/C1/1 DPRI/1/1559/E1/1-2 1558
John Emson, vicar of Greatham, [from 20 February 1535], clerk, of Gretham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Empson. Will, dated, 24 ... 1558; with list of debts owing to (£19 13s 8d and more) and debts and funeral expenses owing by (£27 10s)
the testator. Inventory (undated), actual total £56 4s 4d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 10s) (inventory totals include the debts subscribed to the will).
see Surtees Society vol.2, p169-171: [additional information drawn from this source].
Digitised material for John Emson, vicar of Greatham, [Greatham, County Durham]. Will and inventory - DPRI/1/1559/E1/1-2 DPRI/1/1559/E2/1 25 March 1559
George Eeringtonn, [second son of Roger Errington of Denton], [husband of Barbara Errington, nee Shafto of Bavington], gentleman, of Denton [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Erington, Herrington. Indented will.
For a pedigree see Forster's
Visitation Pedigrees of Northumberland, p.46.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 19.
Digitised material for George Eeringtonn, gentleman [Denton, County Durham]. Indented will. - DPRI/1/1559/E2/1 DPRI/1/1559/H1/1-3 2 March 1560
Richard Hall, Lyntes Grene, Barmeton [Tanfield, County Durham; Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; parish uncertain: Hall held leases at both Barmpton and Lintz Green. Will with inventory, dated 15 March 1560, actual total £134 9s 1d (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £47 4s 4d). Inventory of goods at Lintz Green, Hamsterely (wood) and Barmpton; the total of debts includes £3 funeral expenses. Subscribed with an account of the allocation between the widow and six children,
and with inventories of the six children's goods in the possession of Antonye Hall their uncle (£32 13s 4d) and of their mother (£20 12s 6d).
Digitised material for Richard Hall [Tanfield or Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1559/H1/1-3 DPRI/1/1559/H3/1-2 21 March 1558
Roger Hoppine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hoppen. Will with grant of probate, 5 February 1560. Probate granted to the executrix, the widow of the testator, at Durham during the royal visitation. Inventory
(undated), actual total £6 15s.
Parish uncertain: testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 66 (in footnote).
Digitised material for Roger Hoppine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]. Will - DPRI/1/1559/H3/1-2
Wills etc proved 1560Reference: DPRI/1/1560DPRI/1/1560/C1/1-5 28 September 1559
Cuthbert Conyers, esquire, of Layton in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers. Will and copy will with grant of probate, 10 July 1560, granted at Durham to Mary Conyers relict, Ralph Conyers and Matthew Conyers
sons, executors, with a power reserved to the other minor executors.
Second son of Sir William Conyers knight, brother of Sir Christopher Conyers of Sockburn knight, high sheriff of County Durham, husband of Mary Conyers, née Layton.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also DPRI/2/3 ff.349-351.
Inquisition post mortem held at Durham, 25 September 1561: see TNA DURH 3/6 f.51.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Conyers, esquire, of Layton [Sedgefield, County Durham]. Will and copy will - DPRI/1/1560/C1/1-5
Wills etc proved 1562Reference: DPRI/1/1562DPRI/1/1562/B1/1-2 17 January 1563
Cuthbertt Burrell, [husband of Margaret Burrell, nee Garth], of Headlame (Headlam) in the parishe of Gainforthe (Gainforth, Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]. Will, with indented inventory (undated), actual total £103 7s 3d (with account of
debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £24 5s 8d). Probate granted to Jhone Burrell and Perceivell Burrell, sons and co-executors, with a power reserved to the absent Margaret Burrell, relict and co-executor, 14 January 1581.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 27-28.
See DPRI/2/4 ff.111v-112; and DPRI/4/2 f.191.
Digitised material for Cuthbertt Burrell, [Gainford, County Durham]. Will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1562/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1562/J1/1-3 11 July 1562
Wylliam Jhonson, of Stanlay Byers (Stanley Biers) within the parishyng off Tanffeld [Tanfield, County Durham]. Will, endorsed by probate office: "Will and Inventory" - the latter is not present in the original.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered copy of inventory: DPRI/2/2 ff.88v-90v.
Inquisition post mortem taken at Durham, 2 October 1563: see TNA DURH 3/6 f.15 and 3/178/27.
Digitised material for Wylliam Jhonson, [Tanfield, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1562/J1/1-3 DPRI/1/1562/O1/1-7 27 July 1562
Robert Ogle, 6th Lord Ogle, [deputy warden of the Marches, 1547], [husband of Jane Ogle, née Maleverer], of Bottall in the countie of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland]. Died 1 August 1562. Copy will with grant of probate, 28 August 1562.
William Graye, dean of Boroughbridge, by virtue of a commission issued to Robert Hebiltwhait esquire the commissary of the bishop of Chester within the archdeaconry of Richmond, grants probate to Jane Ogle, relict and sole executrix.
see Surtees Society vol.2, p202: [additional information drawn from this source].
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robert Ogle, 6th Lord Ogle, [Bothal, Northumberland].Copy will with grant of probate - DPRI/1/1562/O1/1-7
Wills etc proved 1563Reference: DPRI/1/1563DPRI/1/1563/L1/1-2 26 November 1562
Robert Lewen, esquire, of towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Lewin. Will (proved 1563) and schedule of legacies (referred to in the will as having been sealed and annexed to the will).
Admitted to the Merchants' Company, approximately 1525, sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1541, mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1544 and 1552, M.P. of Newcastle borough, 1553, 1558 and 1559, son of William Lewen; for a pedigree, see
History of Northumberland, vol.6, p148.
Abstracted: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 24-27.
For the will of Lewen's second wife, See DPRI/2/1 f.68.
Digitised material for Robert Lewen, esquire, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will and schedule of legacies - DPRI/1/1563/L1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1564Reference: DPRI/1/1564DPRI/1/1564/G1/1-4 18 June 1564
James Garnet, of Eggyscliffe (Eggscliffe) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered copy of inventory: DPRI/2/2 ff.142v-143v.
Inquisition post mortem taken at Durham, 28 August 1564: see TNA DURH 3/6 ff.25, 47 and 3/178/53.
Digitised material for James Garnet, of Eggyscliffe (Eggscliffe) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Will. - DPRI/1/1564/G1/1-4
Wills etc proved 1565Reference: DPRI/1/1565DPRI/1/1565/E1/1-3 6 September 1565
Sir Robart Ellerker, knight, of Hulle Parke within the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellarkar, Ellikar.
Will with inventory: (1) will, endorsed with list of debts owing to (£95 17s 1d) and owing by (£10 6s) the testator and a memorandum relating that an inventory has been taken and is annexed to the will; (2) unvalued inventory of goods, with list
of debts (£16 15s 4d and more); (3) administration granted to Robert Ellerker (son). Copy will subscribed: administration granted to [William Elliker] and Robert Elliker, [sons and residuary legatees].
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 32-33.
Digitised material for Sir Robart Ellerker, knight, of Hulle Parke [Alnwick, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1565/E1/1-3 DPRI/1/1565/F1/1-2 18 November 1565
Ranolde Forster, gentleman, of Captheton (Capheaton, Captheaton) in the countie of Northumberland [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster.
Indented will and indented inventory, taken 28 January 1566, actual total £99 2s 8s (with account of debts of £347 6s 6d). Inventory total of debts includes £28 of goods etc. belonging to the children of William Swinborne; with account of £217 0s
7d of debts paid. Sealed and delivered in Corbridge church by Clare Forster, relict and co-executor, 27 July 1573.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 33.
For the will of Forster's widow (21 July 1579), See DPRI/2/5, f.106v.
Digitised material for Ranolde Forster, gentleman, of Captheton (Capheaton, Captheaton) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1565/F1/1-2 DPRI/1/1565/H1/1 23 August 1565
Richard Hedworthe, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] (pedigree in Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.2 p197). Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richard Hedworthe, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1565/H1/1 DPRI/1/1565/L1/1 21 January 1565
Agnes Lambton, wife of John Lambton esquire, [daughter and co-heir of Roger Lumley of Ludworth esquire], widow [Pittington, County Durham] Parish uncertain: no address stated; testator requests to be buried at Pittington (for a Lambton pedigree
see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.2, p174). Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Register copies: DPRI/2/2 f.168v and f.224.
Digitised material for Agnes Lambton, wife of John Lambton esquire, widow [Pittington, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1565/L1/1 DPRI/1/1565/L2/1-2 14 March 1566
Angnes Lawson, late prioress of the nunnery of St Bartholomew, Newcastle upon Tyne, [daughter of William Lawson of Cramlington esquire], lightmaker, of Newcastle nunnery, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will,
endorsed: unproved; lightmaker [?occupation]; proved, 1565.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
For the will and inventory of Agnes Lawson's sister, Jane Lawson, late prioress of St Mary Neasham and latterly a farmer, see
Digitised material for Angnes Lawson, late prioress of the nunnery of St Bartholomew, Newcastle upon Tyne – DPRI/1/1565/L2/1-2 DPRI/1/1565/L3/1-3 16 June 1581
Robert Lawson, [second husband of Margery Lawson, née Swinhoe], esquire, of Rock (Rocke) [in the county of] Northumberland [Rock, Northumberland]. Indented will (date drawn from registered copy). Endorsed: will and codicil proved and registered.
With undated codicil.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/4/2 f.206v, and ff.227v-230v: cause to prove the codicil, introduced (14 April 1581) and finally proved (16 June 1581). For the registered copies See DPRI/2/1 f.27v-28 and 92-93.
Digitised material for Robert Lawson, [second husband of Margery Lawson, née Swinhoe], esquire, [Rock, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1565/L3/1-3 DPRI/1/1565/O1/1-4 29 June 1565
Margery Ogle, [wife of Gregory Ogle of Choppington], [daughter of Robert, fifth Lord Ogle], of Chapington (Chappington) [Choppington, Northumberland]; also spelt Oggle, Ogell. Will with list of debts owing by the testatrix of £74 8s 8d and more.
Copy will with grant of probate, 22 May 1566: probate granted at Morpeth to Dame Dorothy Fenwicke and Jane Fenwicke of Brinkburn tutors, for the use of their charges Cuthbert Ogle, Robert Ogle and Thomas Ogle, minor sons and executors. Proved, 22
May 1566.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 32.
Digitised material for Margery Ogle, of Chapington (Chappington) [Choppington, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1565/O1/1-4 DPRI/1/1565/P1/1-4 14 October 1565
Rolland Pratt, parson of Washington, [from 6 July 1558], clerk, of Wesshyington (Wasshington, Wesshington) in the countie of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Prat. Will, with indented inventory, taken 18 December 1565, actual total
£124 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 18s 5d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Will bond: DPRI/3/1565-1566/B24.
Digitised material for Rolland Pratt, parson of Washington, [from 6 July 1558], clerk, [Washington, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1565/P1/1-4 DPRI/1/1565/S1/1 27 February 1565
John Selbye, gentleman porter, of Barwycke (Berwik) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £248 8s.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
235-236 (the editor notes some of the prices in the inventory are unrealistically high for the period).
Digitised material for John Selbye, gentleman porter, [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1565/S1/1 DPRI/1/1565/S2/1-2 11 November 1564
Richard Seymour, a domestic at Auckland Castle, who was “slayne at Awkeland by Gregson” [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Seymor. Will endorsed: not proved; administration granted to Francis Seymour of Hornsby in Lincolnshire,
brother. Letter, 23 September 1565, from Robert Swift, Durham Chancellor, to Christopher Chaitor, Durham Register, relating that the executors have all renounced, and that administration should be granted to Francis Seymour, brother, with Thomas
Hawkins of Auckland as his surety; also concerning the process of a [?probate] case of Mr Busby currently disputed by Mr Farley.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Bond: DPRI/3/1565-1566/BUnnumbered6.
Digitised material for Richard Seymour, a domestic at Auckland Castle – DPRI/1/1565/S2/1-2 DPRI/1/1565/T1/1-3 10 April 1565
Robart Tempest, gentleman, of Thornele [Ryton, County Durham] (see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.2, p275); also spelt Tempes. Will, with list of debts of £9 10s and more. Endorsed with memorandum concerning the bond and sureties: John Swymop esquire,
brother. Copy will with inventory, 21 June 1565, actual total £68 13s 8d endorsed with [largely illegible] memorandum relating to a creditor and the probate fees.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Robart Tempest, gentleman, of Thornele [Ryton, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1565/T1/1-3 DPRI/1/1565/W1/1-6 30 November 1565
John Wall, the elder, merchant, draper, of cytye of Dureham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]. Died December 1565; buried at Durham St Nicholas, 12 December 1565. Will (dated 20 June 1565 at head and 30 November 1565 at foot of first page).
Endorsed: 'John Walls will off Durham alias [otherwise] ...'.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 31-2.
See DPRI/2/1 ff.25-26 (will) and DPRI/2/2 ff.192v-193v (will) and 193v-195v (inventory).
Digitised material for John Wall, the elder, merchant, draper, of cytye of Dureham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1565/W1/1-6
Wills etc proved 1566Reference: DPRI/1/1566DPRI/1/1566/C1/1 [1566 ?]
Rawf Claxston, esquire, of the Olde (Old) Parke in the countie of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham]; also spelt Claxton (for a Claxton pedigree, in which the testator is erroneously named Robert, see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.3, p.299). Indented inventory dated, [?5th] ... [?1566]; inventory includes goods etc. at Auckland St Helen, and the debts of William Claxston, [father]
(£16 14s). .
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered will and inventory of a William Claxton esquire of Burnhall, See DPRI/2/2 ff.324-325v, 325v-327 (
edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Rawf Claxston, esquire, of the Olde Parke [Whitworth, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1566/C1/1 DPRI/1/1566/C2/1-3 8 April 1566
Robert Conyers, of Cotam within the parishe of Longnewton in the cowntie of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]. Died April 1566; buried at Longnewton, 13 April 1566. Nuncupative will (date drawn from registered copy). Inventory, 3 May 1566 (date
drawn from registered copy), actual total £427 18s.
Abstract: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 35.
Registered copies: DPRI/2/1 f.28v-29 (will); DPRI/2/2 f.246v-250 (will) and f.254-254v (inventory).
Digitised material for Robert Conyers, of Cotam [Longnewton, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1566/C2/1-3 DPRI/1/1566/H1/1-4 18 November 1566
John Hilton, husbandman, of paroshynge of Monkwarmothe of the towne of Hilton [Hylton, County Durham]. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £38 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 5s 4d). Copy will with copy inventory,
undated, actual total £38 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 5s 4d) endorsed: not paid; write [in] parchment. Copy will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Hilton, husbandman, [Hylton, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1566/H1/1-4 DPRI/1/1566/H2/1-2 4 June 1566
Margret Hilton, (daughter of Sir James Metcalfe of Nappa Hal, Aysgarth parish, Yorkshire, wife of William Hilton esquire), widow, of North Byddycke [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Hylton. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered copy of the inventory of Hilton's husband: DPRI/2/2 f.76v-78v.
Digitised material for Margret Hilton, (daughter of Sir James Metcalfe of Nappa Hal, Aysgarth parish, Yorkshire, wife of William Hilton esquire), widow, of North Byddycke [Washington, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1566/H2/1-2 DPRI/1/1566/O1/1 4 April 1565
John Ogle, gentleman, of Ogle Castell in the countie of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]. Died 3 March 1567. Indented will with indented inventory, undated, actual total £5 19s 8d (and more) Inventory total uncertain (damage). Subscribed
with incomplete grant of probate by William Garnet, dated in the reign of bishop James Pilkington [i.e. between 3 March 1567 and 1576]. Date of death supplied in inventory is supported by 1566 [Old Style] memorial inscription in Whalton church.
Ogle's son Lancelot Ogle died 18 February 1565 and is also buried in Whalton church.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Ogle, gentleman, of Ogle Castell [Whalton, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1566/O1/1 DPRI/1/1566/S1/1-2 7 April 1565
Thomas Swynburne, [fourth son of George Swinburne esquire of Edlingham Castle], of Hawghton [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinburn, Swinburne, Swinborne. Will, with indented inventory, 16 May 1566, actual total £135 1s 6d (with account
of debts of £44 0s 11d).
For a Swinburne pedigree, see Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, v.2, p.278.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Swynburne, [fourth son of George Swinburne esquire of Edlingham Castle], of Hawghton [Simonburn, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1566/S1/1-2
Wills etc proved 1567Reference: DPRI/1/1567DPRI/1/1567/A1/1 1 February 1568
William Andersonne, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upone Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/1 f.41v-42.
Digitised material for William Andersonne, merchant, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] - DPRI/1/1567/A1/1 DPRI/1/1567/H2/1 25 July 1567
Jayne Hall, widow, of paryshe of Southe Bayley in the citie of Durham [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Haule. Died September 1567. Indented will. Hall was buried at Durham St Mary the Less, 9 September 1567.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered copy of inventory: DPRI/2/3 f.24v-25v.
Digitised material for Jayne Hall, widow, [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham] - DPRI/1/1567/H2/1 DPRI/1/1567/H3/1-2 4 December 1567
Jennet Hodgsone, widow, of towne of Barnardescastle (Barnardcastle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £20 0s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of 2s). Copy will, with copy
inventory, undated, actual total £20 0s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of 2s).
Registered copy of inventory: DPRI/2/3 f.43.
Digitised material for Jennet Hodgsone, widow, [Barnard Castle, County Durham] - DPRI/1/1567/H3/1-2 DPRI/1/1567/H4/1-5 [23 March 1567]
Elizabeth Hooton, wife of John Hooton of Hunwick esquire, [half-sister of Robert Dalton of West Auckland gentleman], widow, of Hunweake (Hunwicke) in the parich of St Andre Awklande in the countie of Duresme [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt
Howton, Hutton. Will with grant of probate, undated. Endorsed with [fragmentary] grant of probate: probate granted to Margaret Atththye wife of Christopher Atththye, Jane Hooton, Margerie Hooton, Elizabeth [Hooton], ... , [daughters and
co-executors]. Inventory, 27 October 1567, actual total £277 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £274 8s 10d) inventory includes goods etc. at Norton, and certain legacies bequeathed in the will of Hooton's husband.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Abstract: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 23 (footnote).
Registered copy: DPRI/2/2 f.347v-349.
Registered copy of will and inventory of Hooton's husband: DPRI/2/1 f.31v and DPRI/2/2 ff.316-317, 317-320, 363v-364v (
edited: Raine, J.
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Elizabeth Hooton, wife of John Hooton of Hunwick esquire, [Hunwick, County Durham] - DPRI/1/1567/H4/1-5
Wills etc proved 1568Reference: DPRI/1/1568
Wills etc proved 1569Reference: DPRI/1/1569DPRI/1/1569/C1/1 22 March 1570
Elyzaybeythe Claxxtonn, widow, of Wyttonn Gylbert in the countye of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]. Will (incomplete).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Registered copy: DPRI/2/1 f.62-62v.
Digitised material for Elyzaybeythe Claxxtonn, widow, [Witton Gilbert, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1569/C1/1 DPRI/1/1569/C2/1-11 17 November 1569
Elleoner Cooke, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cook. Inventory; includes goods etc. at Winlington [Winlaton]; with memorandum relating that the auctioneer's charges are not yet deducted
from the total. Endorsed: exhibited, 21 July 1571.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 46-47.
Registered copy of will (dated 26 June 1569 at head and 30 October 1569 at foot) and codicil (undated): DPRI/2/1 f.57-58 and 58v.
Digitised material for Elleoner Cooke, widow, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1569/C2/1-11 DPRI/1/1569/D1/1 3 February 1570
Robarte Dowghenbe, weaver, of towne of Newcastle upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Doffenbye. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £11 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 5s 6d). Inventory is
dated, 14 February [?1570]. Endorsed with names of sureties: William Selby merchant, Ralph Wright.
Digitised material for Robarte Dowghenbe, weaver, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1569/D1/1
Wills etc proved 1570Reference: DPRI/1/1570DPRI/1/1570/A1/1-6 8 March 1571
Bartram Anderson, [sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1543], [mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1551, 1557, 1563], [M.P. for Newcastle upon Tyne, 1554, 1557, 1563], alderman, merchant, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne,
Northumberland]. Indented will with indented grant of probate, 12 June 1571 probate granted to Harrye Anderson, son and executor. Indented inventory, 17 March 1571, includes goods etc. at Newcastle upon Tyne and Bladon (£2,307 12s 2d); indented
inventory, 19 March 1571, of goods etc. at Haswell, Haswell Grange, Ouston and White Hall (£436 10s 2d). Total £2,744 2s 4d.
For a biography, see Welford's
Men of Mark 'twixt Tyne and Tweed, v.1, p.47.
Edited (will): Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 58-61.
Edited (inventory): Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Inquisition Post Mortem held at Durham, 24 April 1571 (see TNA DURH 3/178/60).
Digitised material for Bartram Anderson, alderman, merchant, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/A1/1-6 DPRI/1/1570/A2/1-4 22 September 1570
George Anderson, sergeant, yeoman, of parishe of Sancte Necollas (Nycholas) in the towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersone. Will; indented copy will with indented
inventory, 9 March 1571, actual total £233 19s 8d (with account of debts of £4); inventory, 16 May 1571, actual total 10s 8d inventory of goods etc. not praised at the time of making the [first] inventory; Order [?under arbitration], 8 March 1570,
assigning Bartram Anderson [merchant and alderman], Thomas Lyddell and Issabell Anderson relict as the guardians to the son, two daughters, and one posthumous child as yet unborn.
Will of Bartram Anderson, made the same day, see - DPRI/1/1570/A1/1.
Digitised material for George Anderson, sergeant, yeoman, [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/A2/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/B1/1-3 11 February 1571
Robert Byrckhead, [husband of Isabella Byrckhead], of West Brandon [Brandon, County Durham]; also spelt Birkhead. Will with list of debts owing by (£5) and owing to (£21 1s 10d) the testator. Copy will subscribed with memorandum relating that the
probate copy of the will follows the form of the copy will rather than the original.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 57-58.
Digitised material for Robert Byrckhead, [husband of Isabella Byrckhead], [Brandon, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/B1/1-3 DPRI/1/1570/C3/1-2 3 February 1571
Rauf Collingwode, of Titlingtone (Titlington, Tittillinton) wythin the countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood, Collingwodd. Will with inventory, 3 February 1571, actual total £78 9s 8d (and more, with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 14s 7d). Copy will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Rauf Collingwode, of Titlingtone [Eglingham, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/C3/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/C5/1-3 24 September 1570
Thomas Creake, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Craike, Creak, Crak (died of the plague). Indented will. Indented inventory, undated, actual total £12 16s (with account of debts and
funeral expenses of £5 17s 5d).
Digitised material for Thomas Creake, yeoman, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/C5/1-3 DPRI/1/1570/C6/1-2 21 April 1570
Thomas Cuthbert, yeoman, of Stamford in the countie of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]. Will with inventory, 21 April 1570, actual total £21 0s 8d (with account of debts of £2 5s 1d) with grant of probate, 25 May 1570 probate granted at
Alnwick to the executors [Robert Hodshon and Rychard Hodshon of Stamford]. Copy will with inventory, 24 April 1570, actual total £23 0s 5d This second will differs substantially from the first and there is no indication of either probate or
Digitised material for Thomas Cuthbert, yeoman, of Stamford [Embleton, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/C6/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/D1/1-4 18 December 1570
William Dagge, spurrier, of towne of Gaytyshead (Gatished) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Dag, Dagg. Will, copy will and indented inventory, 8 February 1571, actual total £31 18s 10d (with account of debts of £3 17s 6d) subscribed with
names of sureties: William Donking merchant, George Rey yeoman.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Dagge, spurrier, [Gateshead, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/D1/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/D2/1-2 29 December 1570
Jenet Dayle, widow, of Archdeacon Newton within the parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Dayll, Daile, Daille. Indented will. Indented inventory, actual total £82 2s 8d dated 16 January 12 [recte 13] Elizabeth I [16
January 1571].
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 56-57.
Digitised material for Jenet Dayle, widow, of Archdeacon Newton [Darlington, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/D2/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/D4/1-2 14 February 1571
William Dunne, yeoman, of Benwell in the countte of Northumberland [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Dune, Downe. Will, endorsed with various notes, some unrelated, but the first of which, rather than to this will, may relate to the
administration of Robert Betson's estate, the husband of the testator's daughter Isabell (see 1570 inventory, DPRI/2/3 ff.299-300): (1) names of sureties, Stephen Herrington and Robert Taite of Benwell husbandmen; and the names of five Betson
children [the executors and grandchildren of the testator]; curator, Dorothy Rose ... William Rutter ... ; (2) prohibited; (3) memorandum relating to a citation to Thomas Mautla... of Holywell 'as a witness of Mr Anthony Ratcliffe'; (4) John Brown
of Newcastle All Saints and Alice Tayler of Durham singlewoman; (5) 'seach for the testament of James Hearon of Slaley parish'. Indented inventory, 2 April 1571, actual total £17 18s 8d.
Digitised material for William Dunne, yeoman, [Benwell, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/D4/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/G2/1-2 1 February 1571
Robert Galon, of Twerwith [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Gallon, Galland. Died 13 February 1571. The Gallon family occupied a pele tower in Low Trewhitt; testator requests to be buried at Rothbury. Will is endorsed by probate office:
Wills of Robert and Percyvall Gallon - the latter is not present. Will with inventory, 15 July 1571, actual total £17 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 13s 4d) subscribed with names of sureties: Edward Spragon, Henry Galland.
Copy will endorsed with genealogical probate information: Edward Gallon (d.18 November 1557, testate) father of Robert Gallon (d.13 February 1571), who was in turn the father of Percivall Gallon; reference is also made to a deed dated 7 March
Digitised material for Robert Galon, of Twerwith [Rothbury, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/G2/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/H1/1-4 15 February 1571
William Hawkslye, cook, of paryshe of Alsaintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tone (Newcastell upon Tyne) [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Haukeslaye, Hawxley, Hausley, Hawekley, Haksley, Haxley, Haukesley:
Hawkslye had worked in the household of Sir Robert Brandling knight of Newcastle, and perhaps also in the service of the Collingwoods of Eslington. Will. Indented inventory, 17 February 1571, actual total £33 18s 2d (and more) Inventory of goods
etc., to be canted [auctioned] at the testator's front door according to his instructions. Administration granted to Christopher Milborn of Morpeth tanner and Lucy Milborn his wife for the use of Thomas Readhead in southern parts and William
Readhead his brother and Anne Hawxley his cousin, executors; William Readhead and Anne Hawxley being minors. Sureties: George Dent yeoman or sergeant and Richard Dent tanner, both of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Hawkslye, cook [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/H1/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/J1/1-4 7 January 1571
William Jacson, cutler, of parryshe of All Saintes (Saynctes) within the towne of Newcastle upon Tone (Newcastell upon Tyne, Tynne, Tyn) [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Jackson, Jacksone, Jacksonn. Will; inventory of
debts, actual total £3 9s 2d; copy will; inventory, undated, actual total £2 4s 1d (and more) endorsed with names of sureties: Hawell Jackson, Edward Arcas tailor, Thomas Hardhewicke spurrier.
Digitised material for William Jacson, cutler [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/J1/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/K1/1-5 18 March 1570
Henry Kirkbye, of Northe Awkland (Auckland, Aukland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Kirkby, Kirkyby, Kyrkbye. Indented will endorsed with names of sureties: John Thomson of North Auckland and Thomas
Raykbames yeoman of North Auckland or Etherley; inventory, 30 September 1570, actual total £138 15s 7d (inventory of household and shop goods etc.); copy inventory, 30 September 1570, actual total £138 15s 7d.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 50-51.
Digitised material for Henry Kirkbye, of Northe Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/K1/1-5 DPRI/1/1570/P2/1-2 24 June 1569
Thomas Patenson, of paris off Hampstarlay (Hampsterly, Hampsterlaye) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Patensson, Pattenson, Pauteson. Will endorsed with names of sureties: William Trotter of Shipley, Rauffe [Patenson] of Edge Knoll
gentleman, son; four other children named. Inventory, undated, actual total £25 3s 4d (with account of debts of £1 19s 8d).
Digitised material for Thomas Patenson [Hamsterley, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/P2/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/P4/1-2 25 April 1570
William Patterson, weaver, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Patteson, Patinson. Indented will with indented inventory, undated, actual total £4 4s 6d inventory is dated, 15 January
[?1571]. Indented inventory, 23 January 1571, actual total £7 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 19s 11d) endorsed: administration granted to Ralph Wryght, and bound.
Digitised material for William Patterson, weaver [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/P4/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/P6/1-3 [1570]
Margret Pottes, wife of Andrewe Pottes of Newcastle upon Tyne, mason, mason, widow, of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will, with list of debts owing by the testatrix of 16s 7d. With grant of probate, 12 June 1571;
probate granted at Newcastle to Mathewe Pottes and Thomas Pottes, sons and executors. Inventory, undated, actual total £3 9s 4d; includes the clothes of both Margret Pottes and of her daughter Aylles [Alice] Pottes deceased (16d), and her son Thomas
Pottes (unvalued).
Digitised material for Margret Pottes, wife of Andrewe Pottes of Newcastle upon Tyne, mason, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/P6/1-3 DPRI/1/1570/R1/1-2 31 July 1570
Mathowe Ramies, skinner, of town of Newcastell upon Tynne and with in the pariche of Sainct John with in the town afor said [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Raymes, Rameis, Rames, Raimes. Indented will. Indented
inventory, 3 February 1570, actual total £94 19s 8d (with account of debts of £5 1s) subscribed with names [?of sureties]: William Lawson merchant and Arthur Farbecke skinner, both of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Digitised material for Mathowe Ramies, skinner, [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R1/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/R2/1-4 14 August 1570
Maryone Randell, single woman [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Randill, Randall, Randaill. No address stated, but the testatrix describes a house of hers inherited from her mother as lying outside Newgate in a street called
Sidegate: probably a resident of Newcastle upon Tyne. Indented will endorsed: not yet proved; William Huntley tailor, John Cook skinner, William Huntley merchant, sureties; 'no child but [the bond is for] for the securitie of the land and evidence';
not paid. Copy will. Indented copy will with indented grant of probate, 27 March 1571 probate granted at Newcastle to William Huntley, uncle and sole executor. Inventory, undated, actual total £4 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 11s
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Maryone Randell, single woman [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R2/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/R4/1/1-2 12 August 1570
Thomas Redhead, yeoman, of Mylborne (Milborne, Mylbourne) in the parishe of Ponteland within the countie of Northumberlande [Milbourne, Northumberland]; also spelt Redehede, Readhead, Redhed, Readhed. Will. Inventory, 13 October 1570, actual
total £35 16s 8d (and more, with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £56 13s 4d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Redhead, yeoman, [Milbourne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R4/1/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/R5/1 20 March 1570
Robarte Red, husbandman, toune of Wetheslette (Wetheslett), Newcastell [Longbenton, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Read. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £19 18s 6d (with account of debts of £1 8s)
endorsed with names of sureties: Thomas Harbottell and Edward Golightly of Weetslade husbandmen.
Digitised material for Robarte Red, husbandman, toune of Wetheslette (Wetheslett), Newcastell [Longbenton, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R5/1 DPRI/1/1570/R7/1-5 17 April 1570
Edward Revelaye, alderman of Durham, alderman [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Reaveley, Reveley, Revelye, Revelaie. Died January 1570. Durham St Nicholas parish register records that Revelaye was buried 5 January 1570, having been
Inventory of gold, silver and goods etc.; year date drawn from registered copy.
Registered copy: DPRI/2/3 f.258-259.
Digitised material for Edward Revelaye, alderman of Durham, alderman [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/R7/1-5 DPRI/1/1570/R9/1-4 11 January 1571
Jennet Robeson, widow, of perreche of Sainct Nicollas within the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Will, and inventory, undated, actual total £6 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 1s 8d),
sealed and delivered by Jarret Robeson, brother and co-executor.
Digitised material for Jennet Robeson, widow, [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R9/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/R10/1 4 June 1570
Bartram Robinson, husbandman, of Westcalcots in the parishe of Ponteland within the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will with grant of probate, 6 December 1570 probate granted to Agnes Robinson, relict and co-executor, with
a power reserved to Thomas Robinson and Hugh Robinson, minor sons and co-executors.
Digitised material for Bartram Robinson, husbandman, of Westcalcots [Ponteland, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/R10/1 DPRI/1/1570/S1/1-3 22 July 1570
Wylliam Saunderson, of Knaytone (Knaton, Knatonn) [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Saundersonn, Sanderson, Sandderson. Will with grant of probate, 12 September 1570 probate granted at Osmotherley to Robert Sanderson, brother and sole executor.
Inventory of debts, undated, actual total £10 6s 4d (and more) endorsed 'last inventory'. Indented inventory, undated, actual total £10 6s (with account of funeral expenses of £1).
Digitised material for Wylliam Saunderson, of Knaytone (Knaton, Knatonn) [Leake, Yorkshire] – DPRI/1/1570/S1/1-3 DPRI/1/1570/S2/1-2 13 June 1570
Umfreye Scrybener, clothier, of toune of Newcastle upone Tyine (Tyne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Scryvener, Skriviner. Will subscribed with names of [?sureties]: Rauff Lawson of Newcastle upon Tyne esquire and Henry Lawson
of Neasham esquire. Inventory, 24 July 1570, actual total £276 13s 2d (and more, with account of debts of £148 17s 2d). Inventory total does not include the coals 'ready wrought' [hewn]; signed and sealed by Barbara Scrybener relict (and universal
legatee), 16 May [?1571]. Endorsed: administration granted only to the wife of the deceased.
Digitised material for Umfreye Scrybener, clothier [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/S2/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/S3/1 20 June 1570
William Selbye, gentleman, of Gryndonryge (Gryndonrydg, Grindon[ridge]) in the parishe of Norhame [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby, Selbie. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £29 13s 4d (with account of debts of £7 13s 4d).
Digitised material for William Selbye, gentleman, of Gryndonryge [Norham, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/S3/1 DPRI/1/1570/S6/1 [1570]
Lionell Snawdon, labourer, of Burdfurth in the countie of Yorke [Birdforth, Yorkshire]. Inventory of goods etc. within Durham diocese, undated; administration granted to Alexander Snawdon, brother, 7 July 1570.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Lionell Snawdon, labourer, of Burdfurth [Birdforth, Yorkshire] – DPRI/1/1570/S6/1 DPRI/1/1570/S9/1-7 16 April 1570
Andrew Surtes, merchant, draper, of towene of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Surtys, Surttys, Surtyse, Suertys, Suerties, Surtis, Suarties. Will (dated 15 and 16 April 1570 at head). Copy
indented will endorsed with names of [?sureties]: ... Tailyer, Rauff Wilkinson, Edward Tailyer; with instruction concerning the execution of the will bond, 'consider of theis well to be of substance or take others'. Indented inventory of household
and shop goods etc., 24 April 1570, actual total £426 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 10s 2d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 52.
Digitised material for Andrew Surtes, merchant, draper [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/S9/1-7 DPRI/1/1570/S11/1 15 July 1570
Jhone Swynno, of Rock [Rock, Northumberland]; also spelt Suyndoe. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Jhone Swynno [Rock, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/S11/1 DPRI/1/1570/S4/1-2 25 July 1570
Agnes Symson, widow, of Sainct Androwe Awckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Sympson, Symsonn. Died August 1570. Nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted as within; [which memorandum was probably recorded on
a second copy of the will, now no longer present]; 2 copies. (Annas) Symson was buried at Auckland St Andrew, 3 August 1570.
Registered copy: DPRI/2/3 f.277v.
Digitised material for Agnes Symson, widow [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/S4/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/W4/1-6 13 July 1570
Gregory Water, of Owlstayne (Owlstane, Owlston) of the parishinge of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Watter, Wayter. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £125 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34
6s 11d); copy will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £125 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 6s 11d) endorsed: ask for the bond, 1573; copy will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £125 1s 8d (with account of
debts and funeral expenses of £34 6s 11d).
Digitised material for Gregory Water, of Owlstayne (Owlstane, Owlston) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/W4/1-6 DPRI/1/1570/W6/1-4 23 April 1570
Robert Watson, yeoman, of Chatterle in the parishe off Woulsingham (Wolsingham) within the countye of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £28 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s
8d); copy inventory, undated, actual total £28 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s 8d); indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £28 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s 8d) signed by Nicholas
Watson, son and co-executor, 20 March 1573.
Digitised material for Robert Watson, yeoman, of Chatterle [Wolsingham, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/W6/1-4 DPRI/1/1570/W8/1-2 16 November 1570
Roland Watsone, saddler, of citie of Durhame [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Watson. Watsone's inventory indicates he died ten days after having sustained a wound. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £5 11s 10d (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £2 5s 8d). (1) will, endorsed with list of debts owing to the testator of £3 6s 8d and more, and with account of funeral charges of £1 10s; (2) inventory, signed and sealed by Esbell Bennesone, mother and executrix, 6 March
Extract: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Roland Watsone, saddler [Durham, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/W8/1-2 DPRI/1/1570/W10/1-3 4 February 1571
John Widdrington, of Temple Helay [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Wedrington. Will, with inventory, 20 February 1571, actual total £97 17s 4d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Widdrington, of Temple Helay [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland] – DPRI/1/1570/W10/1-3 DPRI/1/1570/W11/1-2 29 October 1570
Jhon Wylleson, of parishe of Ritton (Riton) within the counttye of Durisme [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Willyson, Willeson. Will subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating to a posthumous child, as yet unborn, and its rights of
inheritance if it live. Inventory, 19 February 1571, actual total £16 7s 1d (with account of debts of £2 10s 6d) probate fees of 5s 6d have been added to the total of debts.
Digitised material for Jhon Wylleson [Ryton, County Durham] – DPRI/1/1570/W11/1-2
Wills etc proved 1571Reference: DPRI/1/1571DPRI/1/1571/B4/1-2 17 January 1572
Thomas Blackwell, husbandman, of Morden in the perrishe of Sedgfild in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Blakwell, Blacwell.
Will, with indented inventory, 29 January 1572, actual total £39 10s (with account of probate fees of 10s). Inventory sealed and delivered by Isabell Blackwell. Will endorsed: registered.
Digitised material for Thomas Blackwell, husbandman, Sedgefield, County Durham Will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B4/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/B5/1-3 30 September 1571
Rowland Blenckinsope, petty canon of Durham Cathedral, clerk, of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blenckynshoppe, Blenkinsop, Blenkenshop.
Will, with indented inventory, 1 October 1571, actual total £21 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 11s 4d), signed and sealed by Christopher Myllett, 13 October 1571.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 62-63.
Digitised material for Rowland Blenckinsope, petty canon of Durham Cathedral, clerk, Durham, County Durham Will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B5/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/B6/1-3
Christoffer Blount, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upoun Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Blunte, Blont, Blunt. Inventory, undated, sealed and delivered by Robert Wilkenson, tutor of the executor John Blunte, 2 May
Digitised material for Christoffer Blount, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B6/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/B9/1-2 31 August 1571
Thomas Browne, gunner of Tynemouth Castle, gunner, yeoman, of North Sheildes (Northe Sheilles, Sheiles) in the county of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland].
Will, endorsed: write in parchment, and inventory, 4 September 1571, actual total £101 13s 4d (with account of debts of £44 7s).
Digitised material for Thomas Browne, gunner of Tynemouth Castle, North Shields, Northumberland Will and inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B9/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/B10/1 6 August 1571
Richard Budyll, yeoman, of Nethertonn (Netherton) in the countie of Northumberland, Allanton [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Bedell, Budell, Beddall, Beddaill (testator requests to be buried at Alwinton).
Will, with inventory, actual total £26 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s), endorsed with names of sureties for the bond: Richard Budyll, Richard Spragon, James Budyll of Netherton.
Digitised material for Richard Budyll, yeoman, Alwinton, Northumberland Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B10/1 DPRI/1/1571/B11/1-2 20 November 1570
Antonye Baynbryg, of Langdang Becke within the parishe of Mydylton in Tesdale [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Baynbrigge, Bainbridg, Bainbricke, Baynbridge.
Will, and inventory, undated, actual total £61 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 13s). Signed and sealed by Elizabeth Bayngbryg, relict, 28 April 1571. Endorsed with names of sureties: John Archer of Bleggart in Alston Moor
gentleman, Henry Walton of Forshgarth in Teesdale yeoman or husbandman, John Horne of Hunthall in Teesdale husbandman; seven minor children named. Probate office fee (on dorse) has been added to the total of debts.
See DPRI/2/1 f.78 and DPRI/2/3 ff.345-345v.
Digitised material for Antonye Baynbryg,Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham. Will and inventory - DPRI/1/1571/B11/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/C1/1 10 February 1572
Ranold Carnabye, of Whittington, Halltone [Halton, Northumberland] (testator requests to be buried at Halton).
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £11 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 1s 4d).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Ranold Carnabye, Halton, Northumberland. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/C1/1 DPRI/1/1571/C2/1-4 14 February 1571
Roland Clerke, parson of Dinsdale, clerk, of Dettysall (Dynsdaill, Dinsaill) [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Clarke, Clerk, Clark. Will (dated in the New Style).
Inventory of debts, 14 August 1571, actual total £17 19s 10d (and more). Inventory of debts owing to the testator. Endorsed: this bunch is both sealed and signed.
Indented inventory, 16 August 1571, actual total £70 14s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 18s 2d), sealed and delivered, 20 October 1571.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 64-65.
Digitised material for Roland Clerke, Dinsdale, County Durham. Inventory of debts - DPRI/1/1571/C2/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/C3/1-4 3 August 1571
William Crawe, of parish of Harte [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Craw.
Will (endorsed: to seal).
Inventory, undated, actual total £62 16s 8d (with account of debts of 10s). Endorsed: not paid. Subscribed: 10s paid for [probate] fees by George Crawe, 26 April.
Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £62 16s 8d (endorsed: 1571; 1572).
Indented [incomplete] copy inventory, undated, actual total £60 10s 4d (endorsed: 1570).
Digitised material for William Crawe, Hart, County Durham. Inventories - DPRI/1/1571/C3/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/C4/1-4 18 March 1571
John Crooke, of towne and parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Crook.
Will (endorsed: 1573).
Inventory, 7 May 1571, actual total £19 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21).
Copy inventory, actual total £19 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21).
Indented copy inventory, actual total £19 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21) (endorsed: 1571).
Digitised material for John Crooke, Wolsingham, County Durham. Will and inventories - DPRI/1/1571/C4/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/C6/1 1 November 1571
William Cuthbert, of Great Ussworthe within the countie of Durham [Usworth, County Durham].
Indented will, with indented inventory, 26 November 1571, actual total £112 10s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 1s) (will dated, 1 November [?1571]).
See DPRI/4/1 f.5: probate granted to the executors, dated between 24 November 1571 and 18 January 1572.
Digitised material for William Cuthbert, Usworth, County Durham. Indented will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/C6/1 DPRI/1/1571/D1/1-3 31 March 1571
John Dalton, gentleman, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland].
Will; copy will; inventory, undated, actual total £5 19s 2d.
Digitised material for John Dalton, gentleman, yeoman, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will; copy will; inventory - DPRI/1/1571/D1/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/E1/1-2 29 August 1571
Simonde Elrington, of Espersheles (Espershell) in the parishe of Biwell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland].
Indented will, with indented grant of probate, undated. Indented inventory, 7 September 1571, actual total £148 9s 6d (inventory includes goods etc. at Thrisselton [?Thistleton, near Alnham]).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 61-62.
Digitised material for Simonde Elrington, of Espershele, Bywell St Peter, Northumberland. Indented will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/E1/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/F1/1 7 February 1572
Randall Fenyke, gentleman [Kirkharle, Northumberland]; also spelt Fennicke, Fenyk. Parish uncertain: testator requests to be buried at Kirkharle. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory of Randell Fennicke.
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £67 15s, with executor's records, 19 May 1572. (1) will, endorsed with; (2) inventory of the goods etc. of Marmaduke Fenyk, [son and co-executor]; (3) agreement between the executors Marmaduke Fenyke
and Roger Fenyke, sons, relating to farming and to the board of Roger Fenyke.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Randall Fenyke, gentleman, Kirkharle, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/F1/1 DPRI/1/1571/G1/1 11 May 1571
Thomas Gray, Ellweke (Elwick), Kyloe [Belford, Northumberland; Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye (testator requests to be buried at Belford).
Will with inventory, undated, actual total £79 4s 8d (endorsed: administration granted to Jennet Gray relict, Henry Gray and Elyonar Gray, children, executors; Kyloe and Elwick).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Gray, Ellweke (Elwick), Kyloe [Belford, Northumberland; Kyloe, Northumberland]. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/G1/1 DPRI/1/1571/H1/1-2 24 February 1572
Allexander Heron, gentleman, of parishe of Corbrydge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon.
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £31 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 3s 6d).
Digitised material for Allexander Heron, gentleman, [Corbridge, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/H2/1 26 January 1571
William Heron, gentleman, of Crawleye (Crawley) [Eglingham, Northumberland]. Inventory (endorsed by probate office: Will [not present]).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Heron, gentleman, of Crawleye [Eglingham, Northumberland]. Inventory - DPRI/1/1571/H2/1 DPRI/1/1571/J1/1-5 22 March 1572
Alison Jackson, widow, of Gatished [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died May 1571. Jackson was buried at Gateshead, 26 May 1571.
Will; inventory, 19 June 1571, actual total £21 17s 4d; inventory, 19 June 1571, actual total £21 17s 4d, signed and sealed by Thomas Howe.
See DPRI/4/1 ff.4 and 8v: will proved, 17 November 1571; probate granted to Thomas Howe, son-in-law and co-executor, with a power reserved to Thomas Jackson, son and co-executor, 22 March 1572.
Digitised material for Alison Jackson, widow, Gateshead, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1571/J1/1-5 DPRI/1/1571/L1/1-3 11 July 1571
Robart Lawe, of Northe Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham].
Will with grant of probate, 14 July 1571 (will, subscribed with incomplete grant of probate. Endorsed: not paid). Inventory, undated, actual total £11 6s 3d, inventory of household and shop goods etc. Inventory, undated, actual total £11 6s 3d -
inventory of household and shop goods etc.
See DPRI/4/1 f.1v: probate granted to Isabell Lawe, relict and executor, with a power reserved to William Lawe, minor son and executor and possibly also to a posthumous child not yet born, 14 July 1571.
Digitised material for Robart Lawe, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Will with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/L1/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/L2/1-2 24 December 1571
John Longcaster, husbandman, of Wyndelston (Wyndellston) within the parishe of Saine Androws Awckland in the countie of Durham [Windlestone, County Durham].
Will; indented inventory, 9 February 1572, actual total £24 3s (with account of debts of £2 1s 4d), signed by Agnes Longcaster, relict and sole executrix.
Digitised material for John Longcaster, husbandman, Windlestone, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/L2/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/M1/1 22 November 1571
Marie Maddesone, wife of Rowland Maddesone gentleman, widow, of Unthanke [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Maddessone, Maddeson, Madyson, Maddison. Rents in the inventory indicate Maddesone's husband died some three and a half years earlier,
roughly in May 1568. Indented inventory, inventory of goods etc. at Harnham and Newcastle, and rents at Stanton.
Digitised material for Marie Maddesone, wife of Rowland Maddesone gentleman, widow, of Unthanke [Alnham, Northumberland]. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/M1/1 DPRI/1/1571/M2/1 26 January 1572
Nycholes Maddeson, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Copy will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Nycholes Maddeson, master and mariner, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Copy will. - DPRI/1/1571/M2/1 DPRI/1/1571/M3/1-2 20 August 1571
Thomas Mathwe, yeoman, of Newbattle (Newbatle), parish of Houghttoon (Houghton) [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Mathw, Mathew.
Will. Indented inventory, 9 November 1571, actual total £27 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 8s), signed and sealed by Agnes Mathew widow, mother. Subscribed with names of sureties 'for the widow' [?Agnes Mathew, mother]:
Thomas Chiltton of Newbottle yeoman and John Mathwe of Offerton.
Digitised material for Thomas Mathwe, yeoman, Newbottle, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/M3/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/N2/1-4 10 September 1570
John Newton, tanner, of paryshe of Sancte Johnes withein the towne of Newcastell uponn Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland].
Indented will, and indented inventory, 1571, actual total £161 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 3s 4d and more).
Digitised material for John Newton, tanner, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland. Indented will, and indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/N2/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/H3/1-5 7 November 1571
Thomas Obson, of Het within the paroche of Merryngton [Hett, County Durham]; also spelt Hobson.
Will. Copy will, with inventory, 4 December 1571, actual total £28 7s 4d (with account of debts of £2 12s 2d). Copy inventory, actual total £28 7s 4d (with account of debts of £2 12s 2d). Indented copy inventory, 4 December 1571, actual total £28
7s 4d (with account of debts of £2 12s 2d).
Digitised material for Thomas Obson, Hett, County Durham. Will. Copy will, with inventories - DPRI/1/1571/H3/1-5 DPRI/1/1571/P2/1 6 October 1571
Thomas Phillipp, of Great Usworthe (Usworth) wythin the countye of Durham [Usworth, County Durham]; also spelt Phillip, Phillippe.
Will, dated 12 May 1570 at head and 24 October 1570 at foot. Endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/4/1 f.2: probate granted to Janet Phillipp and Elizabeth Phillipp, daughters, 6 October 1571.
Digitised material for Thomas Phillipp, Usworth, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/P2/1 DPRI/1/1571/P3/1-7 18 April 1570
Anthonye Place, gentleman, of Dynsdall in the countye of Duresme [Dinsdale, County Durham].
Will, with codicil dated 15 January 1571. Indented inventory, 30 January 1571, actual total £409 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £185 9s 7d); inventory of goods etc. at Dalton, Dinsdale, Grindon, Stainton and Swainston, dated
29 and 30 January 1571; subscribed with account of allocation of thirds between the widow and two named daughters, the executors; signed and sealed by Elizabeth Place relict, 7 April 1571.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Anthonye Place, gentleman, Dinsdale, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/P3/1-7 DPRI/1/1571/P5/1-8 10 June 1570
Ralfe Prat, of Est Thyckleye (Thykley) within the parishe of St Androws Awckland (St Helens Aukland, Awcklande) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Pratt, Pratte.
Indented will; 2 indented copy wills; indented inventory, 20 June 1571, actual total £68 1s; indented copy inventory, 20 June 1571, actual total £68 1s, endorsed with names of sureties: Lyonell Heronge of Thickley gentleman and Nicholas
Wharrington of Luttrington yeoman; indented copy inventory, 20 June 1571, actual total £68 1s, sealed and delivered by Jenett Prat, relict and sole executrix, 10 August 1571.
Digitised material for Ralfe Prat, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Indented will; 2 indented copy wills; indented inventory; indented copy inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1571/P5/1-8 DPRI/1/1571/P6/1-2 11 May 1571
George Prestonne, of Wallessand (Walsend) [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Preston, Prestone.
Will, probate granted to Christopher Preston, son and co-executor, for the use of Richard Preston and Elizabeth Preston, children and co-executors; [Preston names eight children as his executors]. Inventory, undated, actual total £60 12s 4d (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 13s).
Digitised material for George Prestonne, Wallsend, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1571/P6/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/S1/1-7 11 February 1571
Jerrerd Salven, the elder, esquire, of Croxdaill (Croxdayll, Croxdaile, Croxdall) in the countye of Durehm [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Salveyn, Salvine.
Will (endorsed: 10 February [1571]). Indented inventory, 16 February 1571, actual total £1,053 16s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £134 1s 2d) inventory of goods etc. at Croxdale, Sunderland, Hyll House, Grindon,
Wingate Grange and Biggin; sealed and delivered by Anthony Salven and Thomas Salven, sons and executors, 13 October 1571.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Jerrerd Salven, the elder, esquire, Croxdale, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/S1/1-7 DPRI/1/1571/S3/1-4 30 January 1571
Richarde Chawter, of Hawghton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Shawter, Schatter.
Indented inventory, endorsed: (1) memorandum concerning the delivery of 2 chalders of oats to the administrators; (2) administration granted to [Elizabeth Chawter] the relict and Henry Parkynson cousin also for the use of two children of the
deceased, a moeity of the goods being allocated to the relict and the two children. Indented copy inventory. Sealed and signed by Elizabeth Chawter, 22 March [1572]. Endorsed: administration granted to Elizabeth Chawter, relict and Elizabeth
Chawter, daughter.
See DPRI/4/1 ff.5v-8v: cause resulting in the grant of administration to Elizabeth Shawter and Henry Parkinson, mid Jan-22 March 1572.
Digitised material for Richarde Chawter, Haughton le Skerne, County Durham. Indented inventory. Indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1571/S3/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/S5/1-2 17 February 1571
John Smaylles, of Weste Weake (West Weake, Westwick) and one of the paryshe of Gaynforth [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Smailles.
Will; indented inventory, 20 April 1571, actual total £54 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 8s 6d), signed and sealed by Francis Smaylles and Janet Smaylles, children and co-executors, 27 April 1571.
Digitised material for John Smaylles, Barnard Castle, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/S5/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/S6/1 20 August 1570
George Smythe, of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]; also spelt Smyht, Smithe. Smythe requests to be buried in North Bailey churchyard [St Mary le Bow] 'on the est syde of the thorne tree'. Smythe is described by the probate office as
of the cathedral church of Durham; he appears as a beneficiary in the wills of several Durham prebendaries, and a George Smith is described as 'the verger' the 1558 will of Robert Benett, prebendary; the apparel listed in the 1571 inventory of
George Smythe is perhaps that of a verger.
Will, witnesses and Thomas Smythe an executor sworn 22 and 23 July 1571.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/1 f.83r-84r: probate granted to William Smythe and Thomas Smythe, brothers and executors, 29 July 1571.
Digitised material for George Smythe, Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/S6/1 DPRI/1/1571/S7/1-3 20 February 1571
Emounde Storye, weaver, of Newbattle [Newbottle, County Durham].
Will; inventory, 12 March 1572, actual total £9 6s; indented copy inventory, 12 March 1572, actual total £9 6s.
Digitised material for Emounde Storye, weaver, Newbottle, County Durham. Will; inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1571/S7/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/T1/1-2 12 May 1571
John Taylfar, of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Taylferr, Tailfer, Taylfferr.
Indented inventory, signed and sealed by Alice Taylfar, 6 August 1571. Endorsed: administration granted to Elizabeth Taylfar relict, Mathew Taylfar and Margaret Taylfar, children.
Digitised material for John Taylfar, Durham, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/T1/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/T2/1-2 24 January 1571
Isabell Thomson, widow, of Gatished (Gaitished, Gatshed, Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Tompson, Thompson.
Indented inventory, subscribed with memorandum relating that the house was again infected [with the plague] after the praising of the goods, and in the cleansing of the house at a charge of 10s further goods were 'lost' [destroyed], so that the
balance finally stands 2s 6d in defecit. Administration granted to William Chamber for the use of William Thomson, child aged 5. Copy inventory.
Digitised material for Isabell Thomson, widow, Gateshead, County Durham. Indented inventory. Copy inventory. - DPRI/1/1571/T2/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/T4/1-2 19 November 1571
Margrate Thorobe, widow, of parisshe of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorabie, Thorabe, Thorabye.
Will (endorsed: neither signed nor sealed). Indented inventory, 20 November 1571, actual total £15 19s 2d (with account of debts of £2 12s).
Digitised material for Margrate Thorobe, widow, Stranton, County Durham. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1571/T4/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/T5/1-3 23 February 1572
Roger Thorrbye, of Strannton within the parishe of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorabie, Thoribie, Thorryebye, Thorobye.
Will; inventory, undated, actual total £32 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 6s 11d), subscribed: (1) names of sureties: Mark Datchant of Stranton and William Crawe of Dalton, husbandmen; (2) memorandum relating that
Margaret Thorrybye daughter died [subsequent to the making of the inventory] in her minority.
Digitised material for Roger Thorrbye, Stranton, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1571/T5/1-3 DPRI/1/1571/T7/1 22 March 1571
John Tweddell, aged, of parechyng of Saynt Oswaldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Tweduell. Tweddell was buried at Durham St Oswald, 25 March 1571; the parish register burial entry describes him as 'aged'.
Will, with grant of probate, 4 May 1571, will, with incomplete grant of probate.
See DPRI/2/1 f.75v and DPRI/2/3 f.319.
Digitised material for John Tweddell, Durham St Oswald, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/T7/1 DPRI/1/1571/W1/1-2 24 April 1571
William Wyghtman, of Derlyngtone (Derlyngton, Dernton, Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Wightman.
Will subscribed: administration of the goods of Elizabeth Wightman, one of the daughters of the same William Wightman, granted to the four minor children; indented inventory, undated, actual total £41 19s.
Digitised material for William Wyghtman, Darlington, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/W1/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/W2/1-7 1 February 1571
John Wylkinson, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, [sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1555], [mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1561], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson,
Indented will, subscribed: probate granted to the executors. Inventory, 4 May 1571, actual total £561 7s 10d: inventory of household and shop goods etc.; total does not include £28 (Flemish; i.e. 168 guilders) of wares held under restraint in
Flanders; exhibited by Robert Wylkinson, executor, 27 March 1572.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Wylkinson, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1571/W2/1-7 DPRI/1/1571/W3/1-4 3 November 1571
William Wilkinson, of parishe off Ritton (Riton, Ryton) with in the counttye of Durisme [Ryton, County Durham].
Will (endorsed: not paid). Inventory, 30 October 1571, actual total £17 3s (with account of debts of £2 8s 6d) the probate fees have been added to the total of debts. Copy inventory, 30 October 1571, actual total £17 3s (with account of debts of
£2 8s 6d) the probate fees have been added to the total of debts. Indented copy inventory, 30 October 1571, actual total £17 3s (with account of debts of £2 8s 6d) the probate fees have been added to the total of debts.
See DPRI/4/1 f.3v: probate granted to the Janett Wilkinson, relict and sole executrix, 3 November 1571.
Digitised material for William Wilkinson, Ryton, County Durham. Will. Inventory. Copy inventory. Indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1571/W3/1-4 DPRI/1/1571/W4/1-2 17 November 1570
John Wylson, husbandman, of Nesham (Neesam) in the counte of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham].
Will, with inventory, 23 November 1570, actual total £21 11s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 3s).
Digitised material for John Wylson, husbandman, Hurworth, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/W4/1-2 DPRI/1/1571/W5/1 10 November 1571
William Wynterskell, of Preston upon Tyes (Priston upon Tyes, Tees) [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Winterskaill, Wynterskill. William Wynterskell probably died in November 1571, but probate was delayed until June 1572, after that of
his wife. Will.
See DPRI/4/1 f.12A: copy will, subscribed 'let no copy go forth without consent off the judge'; proved 13 or 14 June 1572. Wynterskell nominates his wife Elizabeth as his executrix; probate of her will (dated 27 November 1571) was granted to her
daughter Agnes Wynterskell, 18 January 1572 (See DPRI/4/1 f.5).
Digitised material for William Wynterskell, Preston-on-Tees, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1571/W5/1 DPRI/1/1571/W7 6 February 1571
Jhon Wryghte, of Whytborne (Wythborne) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Wright.
Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £37 12s 2d (with account of debts of £42 6s 4d). Endorsed: not yet proved for special matter; administration granted. Also endorsed with [?unrelated] memorandum concerning a citation to Mary Read now
wife of William Read of Ayslaby and formerly the widow of Michael Wilcocke of Ayslaby (for Wilcock's 1571 administration, See DPRI/2/4 f.4).
Digitised material for Jhon Wryghte, Whitburn, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1571/W7
Wills etc proved 1572Reference: DPRI/1/1572DPRI/1/1572/B2/1-6 25 May 1572
Robert Bolome, master and mariner, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bolam, Bolom. Indented will, and 2 indented copy wills; inventory, copy inventory, and indented copy inventory, actual total £11 11s 8d
(with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s).
Digitised material for Robert Bolome, master and mariner, [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented will, and 2 indented copy wills; inventory, copy inventory, and indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/B2/1-6 DPRI/1/1572/B3/1-6 [1572]
Roger Bouthe, of Howghell (Houghell) nigh Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Boothe, Booth. Inventory, undated, includes goods etc. at Hourworthe. Subscribed with account of the allocation between the widow, five children and
the administrators. Endorsed: administration granted to the wife and the children. Indented copy inventory, signed and sealed by Grace Booth, relict, 4 April 1573.
Digitised material for Roger Bouthe, of Howghell [Durham St Oswald, Durham] Inventory - DPRI/1/1572/B3/1-6 DPRI/1/1572/B5/1-2 5 November 1572
Cudbert Burnoppe, of parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Burnopp. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 14 February 1573, actual total £29 9s 4d, signed and sealed by William Grenwell, husband of the executrix,
3 October 1573.
Digitised material for Cudbert Burnoppe, [Wolsingham, County Durham]. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/B5/1-2 DPRI/1/1572/B6/1-2 13 December 1571
George Blaixston, the younger, gentleman, of Faernton (Faerntoon) Haull within the counttye of Durisme [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxton, Blaxtone. Died December 1571, buried at Bishopwearmouth, 16 December 1571. Will, with
indented inventory, 15 March 1572, actual total £18 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 11s 7d). Signed at Durham Registry by Rayffe Blaxtone, brother and executor, 7 June 1572. Inventory total includes probate fees.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also DPRI/4/1 f.11 and DPRI/2/4 f.12v: probate granted to Ralph Blaixston, brother and sole executor, 18 May 1572. For the will of George Blaixston the younger's father, George Blaixston the elder also of Farnton Hall, See DPRI/2/4
ff.12v-13: will dated 1 December 1571 and probate granted to Ralph Blaixston, son and co-executor, 18 May 1572.
Digitised material for George Blaixston, the younger, gentleman, [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/B6/1-2 DPRI/1/1572/C2/1 10 June 1572
William Carre, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, alderman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for William Carre, alderman [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will. - DPRI/1/1572/C2/1 DPRI/1/1572/C3/1-7 10 July 1568
Gennett Chillton, single woman, of Newbattle (Newbotle) [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton. Will. Copy will, subscribed with names of sureties for the bond (£20): Robert Chilton of Dalton and William Poncon the younger of West
Herrington, husbandmen. Endorsed: write probate; no inventory laid in; not sealed; administration granted as within; no inventory bond in; not paid. Grant of administration,16 August 1572. Administration granted to Thomas Chilton, brother, also for
the use of William Chilton, George Chilton, John Chilton, Barnard Chilton, Robert Chilton and [Dorothy] Chilton, brothers and sister of the deceased; registered. Indented inventory, 22 August 1572, actual total £17 (with account of funeral expenses
of £1 7s 2d), subscribed: 6s 6d paid for the [probate] fees by Thomas Chilton her brother, 23 August [1572]; for proces[s], 8d. 3 copies of indented inventory, actual total £17 (with account of funeral expenses of £1 7s 2d).
The grant of administration recites that Chilton was determined by the court on 27 October [1571] to have died intestate, and her will was therefore invalid.
See DPRI/4/1 f.3: (fragmentary) cancelled entry in the Probate Act Book concerning a grant of administration, with the names ... Bernard Chilton, William Chilton and Dorothy Chilton, [27] October 1571. See DPRI/4/1 f.15: in an office cause
against the administrators, Thomas Chilton, brother, refuses to exhibit an inventory or to enter a bond to pay the debts, 16 August 1572. Nevertheless, the inventory is dated 22 August 1572, and Thomas Chilton paid the court's fees the following
day, and the grant of administration is entered in the register dated 16 August 1572 (DPRI/2/4 f.18).
Digitised material for Gennett Chillton, single woman, [Newbottle, County Durham] Will. Copy will Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/C3/1-7 DPRI/1/1572/D1/1-2 23 February 1573
Thomas Dawson, clerk, of Elwicke (Elwick) [Elwick Hall, County Durham]. Will, endorsed with names of the sureties: Cuthbert Widdefild of Mainsforth and Robert Corner of Elwick, husbandmen. Inventory, actual total £52, 19 May [?1573]. Signed and
sealed by George Dawson and Robert Jhonson, 23 May 1573.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Dawson, clerk, [Elwick Hall, County Durham]. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1572/D1/1-2 DPRI/1/1572/D2/1-2 31 December 1571
John Dallavall, knight, of Seaton Dallavall (Seton Delavell, Ceaton Dalyvell) in the countie of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Dalavaill, Dalyvell, Delavell. Indented will, with indented grant of probate, 20 May 1572.
Probate granted at Newcastle to Robert Dallavall esquire, son heir and sole executor; with illegible subscription made at Seaton Delaval by William Garnett, commissary for Northumberland, 27 May 1572. Indented inventory, 6 May 1573, actual total
£309 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £360 8s).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Dallavall, knight, [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland] Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/D2/1-2 DPRI/1/1572/F1/1-3 February 1572
Margarat Farro, of Brandon in the parisshyinge of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Farrow, Farroe. Will (date in February 1572 uncertain - damaged). Inventory, actual total £17 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses
of £2 4s 4d). Indented copy inventory, 8 June 1572, actual total £17 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 4s 4d), signed and sealed by Rayff Farro and Jenet Farro, 12 July 1572.
Digitised material for Margarat Farro, [Brancepeth, County Durham]. Will. Inventory. Indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/F1/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/F3/1-3 21 July 1568
Lamwell Fewler, fisher[man], of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]. Indented will, with inventory, 1568, actual total £2 7s (with account of debts of 9s 8d). Indented copy inventory, 1568, actual total £2 7s (with account of debts of 9s
8d). Signed and sealed by Janete Fewler, relict and executrix, 12 July [1572]. Endorsed: names of six children of the deceased; no obligation [bond] taken.
See DPRI/4/1 f.13v: probate granted to Janete Fewler, relict and sole executrix, 12 July 1572.
Digitised material for Lamwell Fewler, fisherman [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]. Indented will, with inventory. Indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/F3/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/F4/1 19 November 1572
John Franklyne, [third husband of Issabell, widow of Ralph Carr of Cocken esquire], gentleman, of Coken within the countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Frankeleyne, Frankleyn. Will with grant of probate, 23 December
1572, probate granted to Issabell Franklyne, relict and sole executrix.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also DPRI/4/1 f.19, probate granted to Issabell Franklyne, relict and sole executrix, dated between 6 December 1572 and 16 January 1573; and f.21, inventory exhibited, 21 February 1573.
Digitised material for John Franklyne,gentleman, [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1572/F4/1 DPRI/1/1572/H3/1-4 24 April 1572
Robert Hawylle, of Hewtone Henrye (Hewton, Hutton Henrie) with in the parochen off Muncke Hesleden (Mounckhesleden) [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Hall. Will; copy will; inventory, 29 June 1572, actual total £19 18s (with account of
debts of £2 16s 8d), signed and sealed by Sibbell Hall, relict and co-executor, 12 July 1572; indented copy inventory, 29 June 1572, actual total £19 18s (with account of debts of £2 16s 8d), signed and sealed by Sibbell Hall, relict and
co-executor, 12 July 1572.
See DPRI/4/1 f.13v: probate granted to Sibbell Hall, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Agnes Hall, daughter and co-executor, 12 July 1572.
Digitised material for Robert Hawylle [Hutton Henry, County Durham]. Will; copy will; inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/H3/1-4 DPRI/1/1572/H4/1-6 6 April 1566
Thomas Harell, of Great Osworthe (Gretosworthe) [Usworth, County Durham]; also spelt Harle. Will, subscribed with names of sureties in the bond for the tuition of Thomas Harle, son and co-executor: Ralph Harle of Nether Heworth yeoman and Thomas
Cuthbert of Usworth yeoman. Indented copy will, endorsed: probate granted to Richard Harle, co-executor, with a power reserved to Thomas Harle, son and co-executor, 14 February 1573. Inventory and copy inventory, undated, actual total £97 15s (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 11s 8d).
Digitised material for Thomas Harell [Usworth, County Durham]. Will. Indented copy will. Inventory and copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/H4/1-6 DPRI/1/1572/H5/1-5 9 April 1572
Jhon Hynd, yeoman, of Cockes Close (Col, Cox Closse) of the parich of Laymslaye (Laymsleye, Lamesley, Lameslie) in the countie of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Hind, Hynde. Will, subscribed with names of sureties. Inventory and
indented copy inventory, April 1572, actual total £134 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 8s 2d).
See DPRI/4/1 f.10: probate granted to Richard Hynd, executor, and inventory exhibited, dated after 2 May 1572.
Digitised material for Jhon Hynd, yeoman [Lamesley, County Durham] Will. Inventory and indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/H5/1-5 DPRI/1/1572/J1/1-7 1 April 1572
Cuthbert Jackson, of parysheyng of Egglisclyffe (Eglesclife, Eggliscliffe) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Will, subscribed with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 6s 8d. Endorsed: not sealed. Copy will with grant of probate, 31 October
1572 - granted to James, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to Agnes Jackson and Catherin Jackson, daughters and co-executors. Inventory, copy inventory and indented copy inventory, 2 May 1572, actual total £33 1s 8d.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Jackson [Egglescliffe, County Durham]. Will. Copy will. Inventory, copy inventory and indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/J1/1-7 DPRI/1/1572/J3/1-3 28 October 1571
Wylliam Jeffrason, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferson. Indented will. Indented inventory, 22 April 1572, actual total £61 19s 4d, signed and sealed by Grace Jeffrason, 28 June [1572].
See DPRI/4/1 f.12v: probate granted to Grace Jeffrason, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to the children, dated between 21 and 30 June 1572.
Digitised material for Wylliam Jeffrason [Norton, County Durham]. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/J3/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/J4/1-3 31 July 1570
Thomas Johnson, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will, endorsed with names of sureties. Indented inventory, undated, actual total £160 18s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral
expenses of £82 8s 4d), signed by Elizabeth Johnson and Richard Johnson.
Digitised material for Thomas Johnson, yeoman [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/J4/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/K1/1-3 14 December 1572
John Kyllynghall, gentleman, of Myddletone (Middilton) George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Killinghall, Killinhall. Will and copy will, endorsed: the executors having renounced, administration was granted to Henry Killinghall
son, 19 November 1574.
See DPRI/4/1: f.19v (17 January 1573), f.32 (23 January 1574) and f.45 (between 23 October and 6 November 1574).
Digitised material for John Kyllynghall, gentleman [Middleton St George, County Durham]. Will and copy will - DPRI/1/1572/K1/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/L1/1-4 30 March 1572
Henry Latenye, husbandman, of Whytbarne (Whitbarne) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Lateny, Latanye. Will, copy will and indented copy will; indented inventory, 7 May 1572, actual total £49 10s 8d (with account of debts of £16 19s 1d and
more), signed and sealed by Janet Latenye, relict and co-executor, 12 July 1572.
Digitised material for Henry Latenye, husbandman [Whitburn, County Durham]. Will, copy will and indented copy will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/L1/1-4 DPRI/1/1572/M3/1-7 18 June 1565
Robert Mellett, esquire, of Maland [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Melet, Millit, Millett, Mylat, Millet. Died 25 October 1571. Will; copy will; indented copy will; inventory, 25 December 1572, actual total £91 1s (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £51 7s 2d) - includes goods etc. at Biddick and Mayland.
See Mellet pedigree in Surtees'
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol.2, p153: Robert Mellet of Whithill, Chester-le-Street.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
238 (incorrect date of death stated).
See DPRI/2/4 f.20v; and DPRI/4/1 f.17v: probate granted to Grace Millett, relict and sole executrix, and inventory exhibited, 15 November 1572.
Inquisition post mortem by writ of mandamus taken at Durham, 5 October 1572: see TNA DURH 3/177/17.
Digitised material for Robert Mellett, esquire [Hamsterley, County Durham. Will; copy will; indented copy will; inventory - DPRI/1/1572/M3/1-7 DPRI/1/1572/M5/1-5 18 July 1572
Antony Metford, esquire, of Pontyland (Pontiland, Pont Eland, Pontylande) in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford, Midfourth, Mytforde, Mydford. Will and indented inventory, 13 February 1573, actual total
£196 16s (with account of debts of £56 19s 1d).
Digitised material for Antony Metford, esquire [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will and indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/M5/1-5 DPRI/1/1572/M8/1 23 November 1571
Christofer Moyser, glover, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will, subscribed with part of a grant of probate, made by William Garnett. [This mutilated grant probably relates to a 1572 grant of
probate to the tutors of the executor, Cuthbert Moyser. Garnett died before February 1578.].
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 63-4.
See also DPRI/4/2: (ff.80v-81, 83) (1) in a cause promoted through the office by Lawrence Moyser brother v Christopher Morpeth and Florence Sotherne, tutors of Cuthbert Moyse of Newcastle the son and executor of Christopher Moyser, administration
of Cuthbert Moyser's goods is granted to Lawrence Moyser with a power reserved to the absent George Moyser, his uncle, and his uncle's children, 4 June 1579; (2) the tutors are also called to render an account of their administration of the goods of
both Christopher Moyser and his son Cuthbert Moyser, 4 June and 4 July 1579; (3) Christopher Morpeth and Florence Sotherne having been cited, administration of the goods not yet administered of Christopher Moyser is granted to Lawrence Moyser with a
power reserved to George Moyser and his children, 4 June 1579.
Digitised material for Christofer Moyser, glover [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented will - DPRI/1/1572/M8/1 DPRI/1/1572/N1/1-5 17 July 1572
Margaret Nicholson, widow, of parishe of Saincte Margaret in the cyte off Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Nycholson, Nycholsone. Indented will; inventory, [1572], actual total £98 13s 8d; indented copy inventory, actual
total £98 13s 8d; indented copy inventory, actual total £98 13s 8d, signed and sealed by Edward Hudspeth and Nycholas Turpyng, 15 November 1572.
Digitised material for Margaret Nicholson, widow [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]. Indented will; inventory; indented copy inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/N1/1-5 DPRI/1/1572/S3/1-5 7 April 1572
John Symson, of Howghton in the parishe of Denton [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £122 3s (with account of debts of £23 18s). Copy will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £122 3s
(with account of debts of £23 18s). Indented copy will with indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £122 3s (with account of debts of £23 18s), signed and sealed by John Symson, 2 August 1572.
Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 65-66
Digitised material for John Symson [Denton, County Durham]. Will with inventory. Copy will with copy inventory. Indented copy will with indented copy inventoryDPRI/1/1572/S3/1-5 DPRI/1/1572/S5/1-2 5 October 1571
Thomas Smirthwaite, of parishing of Northe Baley within the citie of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]; also spelt Smirthwait, Smythefeild, Smithefeild, Smirffeld. Will, with indented inventory, 6 October 1572, actual total £15 14s 8d
(with account of debts and legacies of £2 9s 2d).
See DPRI/4/1 f.16: probate granted to Isabell Smirthwaite, daughter and sole executrix, and inventory exhibited, 31 October 1572.
Digitised material for Thomas Smirthwaite [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham]. Will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/S5/1-2 DPRI/1/1572/S6/1-6 18 May 1572
Thomas Sparke, suffragan bishop of Berwick-upon-Tweed, master of Greatham Hospital, [1541], first prebendary of the third stall at Durham, May 1541, [rector of Wolsingham, 1547], clerk, of Berwick (Burwike) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland;
Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Spark. Inventory, 1 July 1572, with inventory, 3 October 1572, actual total £491 17s 5d (with account of debts of £161 17s 2d). (1) inventory of goods etc. ... 'over and besyde the stock of [Greatham] hospitall';
(2) inventory of goods etc. at Durham.
See Surtees Society vol.2, p379-382 and vol.161 pxvii: [additional information drawn from these sources].
For the will (25 January 1564), See DPRI/2/4 f.13v-14 and Raine's
History and Antiquities of North Durham, p128: probate 18 May 1572. Entries in the Register of Bishop Pilkington (492, 501) place Sparke's death before 1 March 1572. See DPRI/4/1: ( f.10 and 11) probate granted to
George Wynter [vicar of Greatham], executor, [18] May 1572; (f.14) Wynter cited for failing to exhibit the inventory, July 1572.
Digitised material for Thomas Sparke, suffragan bishop of Berwick-upon-Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. 2 inventories - DPRI/1/1572/S6/1-6 DPRI/1/1572/S8/1-4 8 November 1572
Edmund Stapleton, curate of Monkwearmouth, clerk, of Northe Warmouthe [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]. Certificate of debtor, undated - certificate of John Newton concerning a debt of £8 owed to the deceased. Inventory, 1572, actual total £7 4s
6d. Inventory of debts, 18 August 1572, actual total £21 0s 10d. Indented copy inventory with indented copy inventory of debts, 18 August 1572, actual total £28 5s 6d, with memorandum of debt, 18 August 1572. Inventory signed and sealed by John
Dawson and Christopher Moysies, [executors], 15 November 1572. Endorsed with memorandum of the executors concerning the debt and bond of John Newton and terms of repayment.
See DPRI/4/1 f.17: probate granted to John Dawson and Christopher Moises, and inventory exhibited, 8 November 1572.
Digitised material for Edmund Stapleton, curate of Monkwearmouth, clerk [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]. Certificate of debtor; inventory; inventory of debts; indented copy inventory with indented copy inventory of debts - DPRI/1/1572/S8/1-4 DPRI/1/1572/S9/1-4 21 July 1572
Thomas Swinburn, esquire, gentleman, of Edlingham (Eglingham) within the countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynborne, Swinborne, Swyenborn, Swinburne. Will with grant of probate, 22 August 1572, granted at
Newcastle to Gilbert Swinburn, tutor of William Swinburn and Jane Swinburn, children and co-executors, with a power reserved to Gawen Swinburn gentleman, the other tutor, and to John Swinburn, minor son heir and co-executor. Indented inventory, 13
October 1572, actual total £223 6s 10d (with account of debts of £50 6s), includes goods etc. at Newton and Nafferton; signed and sealed by Gilbert Swinburn, 4 November 1572.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Swinburn, esquire, gentleman [Eglingham, Northumberland]. Will with grant of probate. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1572/S9/1-4 DPRI/1/1572/T2/1-3 18 December 1571
Jhon Thorpe, of Longnewton (Long Newton) [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Throppe. Died December 1571. Will, inventory, 22 January 1572, actual total £220 15s 2d (with account of debts of £19 12s), signed and sealed by Genett Thorpe,
relict and co-executor, 1 May [?1572] and indented copy inventory, actual total £220 15s 2d (with account of debts of £19 12s).
Thorpe was buried at Longnewton, 25 December 1571.
Digitised material for Jhon Thorpe [Longnewton, County Durham]. Will, inventory and indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1572/T2/1-3 DPRI/1/1572/W3/1-6 20 April 1572
Roger Wooddrengton, gentleman, of the late dissolved howse of the friers preachers nigh to Bambrough (Bamebroughe, Bamborough) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wooderington, Wodrington, Woodrington,
Wodrengton, Witherington, Widdrington. Indented will endorsed: [cancelled] 'no inventarie laid in this 21 August 1572'. Indented inventory, 27 April 1572, actual total £605 17s 9d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £106), includes
goods etc. at Burton, Little Swinburn, West Matfen and Newcastle upon Tyne; signed and sealed and exhibited before William Garnet, commissary for Northumberland, by Jane Wooddrengton, 11 February 1573.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Roger Wooddrengton, gentleman, [Bamburgh, Northumberland]. Indented will and inventory - DPRI/1/1572/W3/1-6
Wills etc proved 1573Reference: DPRI/1/1573DPRI/1/1573/A1/1-3 14 July 1573
Wylliam Ansle, gentleman, of East Shaftoo (Shafto) in the countye of Northumbrelande [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Anesley, Eansley, Ansley. Will; indented copy will; indented inventory, actual total £125 19s.
Inventory edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Wylliam Ansle - DPRI/1/1573/A1/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/A2/1 14 February 1574
John Archer, of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Archar. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £16 15s, with list of debts owing by (£6 16s) and owing to (15s) the testator.
See DPRI/2/6 f.35v.
Digitised material for John Archer - DPRI/1/1573/A2/1 DPRI/1/1573/B1/1-2 19 October 1573
Christopher Baxter [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Testator requests to be buried at [?Newcastle] St Nicholas church; he also refers to his master Henry Anderson, alderman, probably a member of the Newcastle mercantile family
of the same name. Will, subscribed: Jane Neelson, executor, renounced execution of the will, 19 January 1574.
Digitised material for Christopher Baxter - DPRI/1/1573/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/B2/1-3 30 September 1573
Margerye Brantingam, servant of John Robinson of Middlestone, servant, single woman, of Myddleston (Mydlston) with in the parishe of Saincte Andrewes in the countye of Durishme [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Brantingham. Will;
indented inventory, 11 February 1574, actual total £2 11s 8d; indented copy inventory, actual total £2 11s 8d.
Will edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Margerye Brantingam - DPRI/1/1573/B2/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/C1/1 12 January 1574
Robert Carr, yeoman, of Esshett (Esshott) of the parishe of Felton within the countye of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Carre. Will with inventory, 2 February 1574, actual total £9 10s 10d (with account of debts and legacies
of £14 1s 10d) subscribed with names of sureties: William Garett and John Amer... [?Amery].
Digitised material for Robert Carr - DPRI/1/1573/C1/1 DPRI/1/1573/C2/1-3 26 February 1572
Leonard Shampney, of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Shampnay, Schampney, Champney. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £27 3s (with account of debts of £6 6s 8d), subscribed: probate granted to Matilda Bednell
singlewoman, guardian of John Champney, executor, with a power reserved to the said executor. Copy will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £27 3s (with account of debts of £6 6s 8d), endorsed: proved, 21 October 1573. Indented inventory,
undated, actual total £27 3s (with account of debts of £6 6s 8d).
Digitised material for Leonard Shampney - DPRI/1/1573/C2/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/C3/1-3 7 March 1574
George Chepman, yeoman, of Bollyopsheile (Bollyopesheale, Balliopsheale) in the parish of Stanhopp (Stanhope, Stanhop) and in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Chapman. Will with indented inventory, 20 March 1575, actual
total £28 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 13s 9d); copy will.
Digitised material for George Chepman - DPRI/1/1573/C3/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/C4/1-2 29 January 1574
Allan Clarke, shipwright, of towne off Newcastell upon Tynn [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerke. Will endorsed with names of sureties: Richard Wilkeson merchant and Robert Kinxeston [Kingston] mariner, both of Newcastle upon
Tyne. Inventory, actual total £71 3s with receipt, 17 February 1574; inventory, endorsed with three copies of a receipt by Jennet Clark [?relict] for 20 angels, 8 nobles and 54 shillings 6 pence [£15 7s 10d].
Digitised material for Allan Clarke - DPRI/1/1573/C4/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/C6/1-6 30 April 1573
Crystofore Coll, of parys of Hampsterlay (Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Cooll. Will; copy will; copy will with grant of probate, 30 May 1573 (probate granted to Jayne Coll, daughter and co-executor, with a power reserved to
Margarett Coll, minor daughter and co-executor); inventory, undated, actual total £34 10s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s), signed and sealed by Jayne Coll, co-executor; two copies of indented inventory, undated, actual total £34 10s
4d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s).
Digitised material for Crystofore Coll - DPRI/1/1573/C6/1-6 DPRI/1/1573/C8/1-2 22 October 1573
Rayffe Craige, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cragges, Crayge. Will; inventory, 18 January 1574, actual total £8 8s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 10d).
Digitised material for Rayffe Craige - DPRI/1/1573/C8/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/C9/1-2 26 February 1573
Thomas Cramlynton, gentleman, of Newsam within the countie of Northomberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Cramlington. Will endorsed with names of sureties: Gilbert Erington and Edward Erington. Indented inventory, 1 April 1573, actual
total £101 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £47 10s 6d).
Digitised material for Thomas Cramlynton - DPRI/1/1573/C9/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/C10/1-2 5 October 1572
William Cuthbart, of Southe Sheles (South Sheilles, Sheiles), parish of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Cuthbert. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £9 3s 4d (with account of debts of £22 13s 4d) exhibited, 27 June
1573; indented inventory, undated, actual total £32 16s 8d (with account of debts of £22 13s 4d), signed, sealed and delivered by Jennet Kytchen widow, executrix, 9 October 1573.
Digitised material for William Cuthbart - DPRI/1/1573/C10/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/C11/1-2 21 March 1572
Roger Claxton, gentleman, of cytie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]. Acquittance, 30 October 1572, of James Lasenbye of Helmsley in Yorkshire, brother-in-law of the deceased, to Robert Claxton [and Richard Claxton], executor[s], for legacies
bequeathed to Lasenbye's children and paid to him by John Claxton, brother.
For the will of Roger Claxton dated 3 January 1572, See DPRI/2/4 ff.7v-8. See also DPRI/4/1 f.8: probate granted to Robert Claxton and Richard Claxton, brothers and co-executors, with the consent of John Claxton, brother; inventory also
exhibited, [21] March 1572.
Digitised material for Roger Claxton - DPRI/1/1573/C11/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/D1/1-2 10 December 1572
George Dente, the elder, sergeant at mace, gentleman [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Dent; testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints. Will dated 10 December 1572 and also, in superscription, 1573.
Inventory, 14 January 1574, actual total £75 6s (with account of debts of £12 5s).
Digitised material for George Dente - DPRI/1/1573/D1/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/D2/1-2 8 April 1573
Robertt Dobson, yeoman, of Snyperley within the parisshe of Wetton Gylbertt (Gilbertt) [Witton Gilbert, County Durham]. Will with list of debts owing to the testator of £11 19s; indented inventory, 30 April 1573, actual total £27 14s 8d.
Digitised material for Robertt Dobson - DPRI/1/1573/D2/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/D3/1-2 15 December 1572
Thomas Ducket, keeper of the park at Bishop Auckland, park-keeper, of Bishoppe Awkelande (Awckeland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Duccat, Duckett, Duckat. Died December 1572. Will; indented inventory, 7 March 1574, actual total
£39 7s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £25 17s 10d), with indented inventory, undated, actual total £48 10s. (1) inventory of goods etc. [at Bishop Auckland]; (2) inventory of 'the farminge' in Merrington: signed and
sealed by Annas Ducket, relict and sole executrix.
See DPRI/4/1 f.23: probate granted to Annas Ducket, relict and sole executrix, 11 April 1573. Ducket was buried at Auckland St Andrew, 18 December 1572.
Digitised material for Thomas Ducket - DPRI/1/1573/D3/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/F1/1 5 November 1573
Albanye Fetherston, esquire, of Fethe[rstonehaughe] in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Fetherstone. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Albanye Fetherston - DPRI/1/1573/F1/1 DPRI/1/1573/H1/1-5 29 September 1573
Robert Hartelaye, of Thornelye (Thornley) in the parishe of Wolsingham (Wolsinghame) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Hertley, Hartley. Will, endorsed: proved, 21 November 1573; inventory, 3 November 1573, actual total £40 14s 8d (with
account of debts of £7 12s 9d); copy inventory, actual total £40 14s 8d (with account of debts of £7 12s 9d); two indented copy inventories, actual total £40 14s 8d (with account of debts of £7 12s 9d).
Digitised material for Robert Hartelaye - DPRI/1/1573/H1/1-5 DPRI/1/1573/H2/1 [undated, approximately 1573]
Henrye Headlam, of Alwin (Alwayne) [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Headlame, Hedlam. Inventory, endorsed: administration granted to the wife [of the deceased] as stated within; (this note is now damaged and illegible, parish
Digitised material for Henrye Headlam - DPRI/1/1573/H2/1 DPRI/1/1573/H3/1-2 19 January 1574
Edmond Hudespeth, yeoman, of towen and parishe of Corbrigge in the countie of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspethe. Will; indented inventory, undated, actual total £6 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges
of £1 14s).
Digitised material for Edmond Hudespeth - DPRI/1/1573/H3/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/H4/1-4 3 May 1573
Robert Hudispeth, tanner, of parishe of St Gyles in the citie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Huddespeth, Hudispethe. Will endorsed: proved; the other part [copy] given to Robert ... son and an executor ... inventory ...
(damage); inventory, 30 June 1573, actual total £55 18s (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s); indented copy inventory, actual total £55 18s (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s) signed by Robert Hudspeth, [son and co-executor].
Digitised material for Robert Hudispeth - DPRI/1/1573/H4/1-4 DPRI/1/1573/H5/1-2 30 November 1573
John Hucheson, alias Jenken Hucheson, yeoman, of parishe of Sedgfild in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Hoochonson, Huchonson. Will, endorsed: proved, 5 December [1573]; indented inventory, 2
December 1573, with indented inventory, 3 December 1573, actual total £48 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12). (1) inventory; (2) inventory of goods etc. at the Cowes in Weardale, Stanhope. Endorsed with names of bondsman and
sureties for the bond for the tuition of Agnes Headlam, daughter: Richard Gibson [tutor] of Sedgefield husbandman, Robert Tedcastle of Durham City tailor and John Young of Fishburn husbandman.
See DPRI/4/1 f.31: probate granted to Richard Gibson, John Younge, John Hucheson and George Hucheson, executors, and inventory exhibited, 5 December 1573.
Digitised material for John Hucheson - DPRI/1/1573/H5/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/H6/1;3-5 10 January 1571
William Harte, husband of Jane Harte, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Hart, Hert. Will; inventory, actual total £150 8s 4d (with account of debts of £2 5s 4d) Joint inventory of the goods etc. of William Harte and his
wife Jane Harte. The probate office fees (on dorse) have been added to the total of debts.
See DPRI/2/1 f.83v; DPRI/2/4 f.10: registered copies of the will, the second instance of which has 'vacat' (voided) in the margin. The registered copy of the will of Harte's wife may be found, with probate sentence, on the same page (ff.10-10v).
See also DPRI/4/1 f.24: probate granted to Roger Harte, son and co-executor, 23 May 1573. For the will of Harte's wife, see - DPRI/1/1573/H6/2.
Digitised material for William and Jane Harte - DPRI/1/1573/H6/1-5 DPRI/1/1573/H6/2 18 January 1571
Jane Harte, wife of William Harte, widow, of Stockton (Stocton) [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Hart, Hert. Will.
See DPRI/2/4 ff.10-10v: probate granted to Brian Harte, William Harte and Jane Harte, children and co-executors, 19 May 1572. For the will of Harte's husband, and for their joint inventory, see - DPRI/1/1573/H6/3-5.
Digitised version DPRI/1/1573/J3/1-3 27 October 1571
Wylliam Jackeson, of Elstobbe (Elstobb) in the parishe of Staynton in the Strete (Stainton in the Streat) [Great Stainton, County Durham]; also spelt Jackson. Died 27 October 1571. Will; indented inventory, 28 November 1571, actual total £127 15s
8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £124 11s 4d) sealed and delivered by Margarett Jackeson, relict and co-executor, 18 July 1573.
See DPRI/4/1 f.26v: probate granted to Margarett Jackeson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to the other executors, and inventory exhibited, 18 July 1573.
Digitised material for Wylliam Jackeson - DPRI/1/1573/J3/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/J2/1 3 March 1574
Thomas Jacksonn, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, alderman, of Bar[wick upon Twede] (Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Jackeson, Jackson. Will, with list of debts owing to (88 and a half barrels of salmon and £156 13s 4d)
and owing by (£59 8s 10d and more) the testator. Subscribed: Lyonell Jacksonn and Vane Jacksonn renounced execution, 20 April 1578.
Digitised material for Thomas Jacksonn - DPRI/1/1573/J2/1 DPRI/1/1573/L1/1 8 August 1573
John Layken, of Preston upon Tyes [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Laken, Laykyn, Lakyn. Will, endorsed: (1) probate written; (2) memorandum of a defamation cause, Jane Metford wife of Christopher Metford esquire and alderman of
Newcastle upon Tyne v Als [Alice] Parkynson widow of Edmund Parkynson gentleman; (3) memorandum of a will bond for the execution of the will of Andrew Bewick merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, the obligor and sureties are named as: Margaret Bewick
relict, and Cuthbert Hunter and Oswald Mytford of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchants.
Digitised material for John Layken - DPRI/1/1573/L1/1 DPRI/1/1573/L2/1 3 June 1571
Jhon Lee, yeoman, of Emeldon in the countie of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]. Will; inventory, undated, actual total £45 9s 7d (with account of debts of £2 6s 8d), endorsed with names of sureties on the bond (£20): John Lasey and
Robert Cuthbert.
Digitised material for Jhon Lee - DPRI/1/1573/L2/1 DPRI/1/1573/L4/1-4 [1573]
Ellyn Loge, widow, of Whyttone (Whitton) in the parysch of Gryndon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Loog, Lodge. Will dated 9 February ... [after 1560] (damage). Endorsed with names of sureties: Thomas Buckell and William Harrison of Whitton,
husbandmen. Indented inventory, 5 May 1573, actual total £23 9s and two indented copy inventories, actual total £23 9s.
Digitised material for Ellyn Loge - DPRI/1/1573/L4/1-4 DPRI/1/1573/L3/1-6 11 September 1573
Robart Lytle, merchant, of paryshe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Little, Lyttell, Lyttle. Will; inventory, 12 January 1574, actual total £624 7s 10d.
Digitised material for Robart Lytle - DPRI/1/1573/L3/1-6 DPRI/1/1573/M2/1 1 September 1572
Jhon Meburne, of paryshyng of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Meborn, Meyborn. Will with grant of probate, 11 April 1573. Probate granted to Dorate [Dorothy] Meburne relict, Francis Meburne and Anthony Meburne, co-executors,
with a power reserved to the other [three] children of the deceased, co-executors; with marginal note that the other copy of the will is signed. Endorsed: 1572, 1573 and 1575.
Digitised material for Jhon Meburne - DPRI/1/1573/M2/1 DPRI/1/1573/M3/1-3 13 February 1573
Antony Mitford, esquire, of Pont Eland (Ponteland) in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Mytforde, Midfourth. Will. Indented inventory, 13 February 1573, sealed and delivered by Julian Mytforde [relict], 14 July
1573; undated inventory of apparel, actual total £6 19s, dated before 14 July 1573.
Edited (inventory excerpt and will): Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
For the inventory of Mitford's wife, see - DPRI/1/1587/M9/1-3.
Digitised material for Antony Mitford - DPRI/1/1573/M3/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/N1/1-7 27 July 1573
Margareth Newsame, widow, of Aikley [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Newsham, Newsam. Will; copy will; inventory, 25 August 1573, actual total £97 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s); indented inventory, 25 August
1573, actual total £97 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s), signed and sealed by John Bowebanck.
Digitised material for Margareth Newsame - DPRI/1/1573/N1/1-7 DPRI/1/1573/O1/1-8 12 March 1574
Allesone Olever, widow, of parishing of St Nycholas within the ci[ty] of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Olyver, Oliver. Will; inventory, 16 March 1574, actual total £4 4s 11d, inventory of goods lying in the street;
inventory total uncertain (damage); inventory, 16 March 1574; inventory, 18 March 1574; inventory, 5 May 1574, actual total £8 4s 5d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 10s 4d) (1) inventory of goods lying in the street, incorporating
many items from the first inventory (DPRI/1/1573/O1/3-4); (2) inventory of goods 'lyenge in the stret'; (3) inventory. Indented copy inventory, 16 March 1574, with indented copy inventory, 18 March 1574, with indented copy inventory, 5 May 1574,
actual total £8 4s 5d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 10s 4d), (1) inventory of goods lying in the street, incorporating many items from the first inventory (DPRI/1/1573/O1/3-4); (2) inventory of goods 'lyenge in the stret'; (3)
Digitised material for Allesone Olever - DPRI/1/1573/O1/1-8 DPRI/1/1573/O2/1-2 19 May 1573
Thomas Olyver, tailor, of cytye of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Oliver. Will; indented inventory, 6 October 1573, actual total £73 11s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 0s 8d), inventory
of goods etc. at Durham, Bradbury and Edmundbyers; signed by Elyzabethe Martyn widow, sole executrix.
Digitised material for Thomas Olyver - DPRI/1/1573/O2/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/P1/1-7 6 April 1573
Edmunde Parkynson, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Parkinson, Perkinson, Perkingson. Indented will; indented inventory, 16 February 1574, with indented inventory, 22 February 1574,
actual total £628 2s 7d (1) inventory, including goods etc. at the house of Clement Anderson; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Hulam, County Durham; signed and sealed by Barbara Midforthe and Jane Lawson [daughters and co-executors], 22 June 1574.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 67-68.
Digitised material for Edmunde Parkynson - DPRI/1/1573/P1/1-7 DPRI/1/1573/P2/1-5 13 May 1573
John Preston, of perishe of Cockfeld (Cockfield) [Cockfield, County Durham]. Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £4 14s 8d, and debts and funeral expenses owing by the testator of £2 3s 4d; inventory, 22 May 1573, actual total £45
11s 2d; indented inventory, 22 May 1573, actual total £45 11s 2d.
Digitised material for John Preston - DPRI/1/1573/P2/1-5 DPRI/1/1573/R1/1-3 8 May 1573
William Rawling, yeoman, of towne of Sherebourne (Sheirborne) in the parishe of Pyttington (Pittington) and in the countie of Durham [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Rawlinge. Will endorsed: “probate written; list of probate office fees”;
indented inventory, 20 May 1573, actual total £91 1s 11d, signed and sealed by Iszabell Rawling, relict and co-executor; collated copy exhibited, and the other part [copy] given to Iszabell Rawling, 18 July 1573.
Digitised material for William Rawling - DPRI/1/1573/R1/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/R2/1 10 May 1573
John Revelay, of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Revelaye, Reifflye. Will is endorsed by probate office: “Will and Inventory - the latter is not present”. Will with list of debts owing by the testator of £12 2s 7d and more.
Digitised material for John Revelay - DPRI/1/1573/R2/1 DPRI/1/1573/R3/1-2 25 June 1572
Robart Robynson, of Cockerton (Cokkerton) in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Robinson. Will with list of debts owing to (8s) and owing by (£11) the testator; indented inventory, undated, actual total £55 13s,
signed and sealed by Allison Robinson, 5 June 1573.
Digitised material for Robart Robynson - DPRI/1/1573/R3/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/R4/1-19 21 October 1573
Thomas Rugg, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Barwick uppone Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rugge. Will; inventory, 29 October 1573, actual total £1,321 1s 9d (with account of debts of £368 11s 0d). Inventory of wares and
household goods (£437 6s 11d) and debts (£776 3s 10d), and the wares sent into Scotland by 'his man' Charles Haslopp 17 October 1573 (£107 11s); with list of debts owing by the testator at London (£288 1s 10d) and at York (£80 9s 2d and more).
Digitised material for Thomas Rugg - DPRI/1/1573/R4/1-19 DPRI/1/1573/S1 [approximately 1573]
Richerd Salvine, brother of the late Jerrerd Salvine, clerk; also spelt Salvyn, Salvayn, Salvin (no address stated). Inventory (undated).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richerd Salvine - DPRI/1/1573/S1 DPRI/1/1573/S2/1-3 7 May 1573
John Shortte, yeoman, of Hunchoforde (Hunchy Ford, Hinchalforde) [?Huntshield Ford] in the Forest (Foreste) in the parishe of Stanhoppe (Stanhope, Stanhop) and in the countye of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Short, Shorte. Will;
copy will (fragment); indented inventory, 8 June 1573, actual total £6 6s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s 3d), endorsed with names of the sureties: John Shorte of Hinchalforde and Thomas Stobes of Blackdeane, yeomen.
Digitised material for John Shortte - DPRI/1/1573/S2/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/S3/1 20 June 1571
Lawrence Silvertope (testator requests to be buried at Chester-le-Street) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Silvertopp, Silvertop. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £7 7s 4d (with account of debts of 9s).
Digitised material for Lawrence Silvertope - DPRI/1/1573/S3/1 DPRI/1/1573/S4/1-4 4 April 1573
William Simpson, of Barnardecastle (Barnard Castell) within the parishe of Gainforthe [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Sympson. Will; indented inventory, 7 May 1573, actual total £145 1s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral
expenses of £57 19s 8d), signed and sealed by George Simpson and Magdeline Simpson, children and executors, 31 June 1573; indented copy inventory, 7 May 1573, actual total £145 1s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £57 19s
Digitised material for William Simpson - DPRI/1/1573/S4/1-4 DPRI/1/1573/S5/1-2 24 September 1573
Annes Snawdon, wife of Anthony Snawdon, armourer, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne one the parishe of St Nicholas within the towne aforesaid [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Will (endorsed: proved). Indented inventory, 21
October 1573, actual total £24 7s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 19s 6d), endorsed with memoranda of the bondsmen and sureties concerning the will bond and four tuition bonds for the daughters of the testatrix: (1) for the tuition
of Margaret Blithman: Eleanor Rey widow, Robert Tempell sadler and James Robson smith; (2) for the will bond: Annes Blithman, daughter and co-executor, George Tailor butcher and Thomas Pottes cordwainer; (3) for the tuition of Annes Blithman and
Elizabeth Snawdon: George Tailor, George Heslopp armourer and Henry Blithman girdler; (4) for the tuition of Ruth Snawdon: Robert Snawdon tailor, John Wilson butcher and Bartram Liddall cutler; (5) for the tuition of Annes Snawdon: Elen Pacocke
widow, Bartram Liddall cutler and John Smithe butcher.
Digitised material for Annes Snawdon - DPRI/1/1573/S5/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/S6/1 4 May 1573
Robert Sperman [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Spearman; address not stated; testator requests to be buried at Rotthburye [Rothbury]. Will, with inventory, 28 July 1573, actual total £7 13s, subscribed with names of sureties: Roland Dodd,
Lawrence Swane and John Ferman.
Digitised material for Robert Sperman - DPRI/1/1573/S6/1 DPRI/1/1573/S7/1-3 23 March 1573
Elsabeth Summer, wife of Rychard Summer, of Bishoppe Auckelande (Bisshop Awckland, Aukland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Sommer. Will with inventory, 14 April 1573, actual total £6 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£4 17s 4d). Copy will with grant of probate, 24 April 1573; probate granted to Robert Summer, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to Robert White, son and co-executor. Indented inventory, 14 April 1573, actual total £6 (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £5 6s 4d), signed and sealed, 24 April 1573; endorsed with list of probate fees.
Digitised material for Elsabeth Summer - DPRI/1/1573/S7/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/T1/1 2 February 1573
John Talbot, of Thorenton in le Strett (Thornton in le Stret) in the countye of Yorke [Thornton-le-Street, Yorkshire]; also spelt Talbott. Will, endorsed: proved, 17 December 1573.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Talbot - DPRI/1/1573/T1/1 DPRI/1/1573/T2/1-4 29 June 1573
John Teisdayll, yeoman, of Brome within the parish of St Oswould (Oswoldes) in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Teasdall, Teisdaill, Teasdaile. Will with list of debts owing by (£1 16s 3d) and owing to (6s) the testator.
Inventory, actual total £16 6s 9d, dated before 17 November 1573. Endorsed: probate written. Two indented copy inventories, actual total £16 6s 9d.
Digitised material for John Teisdayll - DPRI/1/1573/T2/1-4 DPRI/1/1573/T3/1-2 14 February 1574
Jhone Tynmouthe, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastell upone Tyen (Newcastle upon Tyne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Tynemouthe. Will; copy will with grant of probate, 13 July 1574, granted at Newcastle upon Tyne to
Isabell Tynmouthe relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Annes Tynmouthe and Kyrstyinge (Kirthyne, Christabelle), daughters and co-executors.
Digitised material for Jhone Tynmouthe - DPRI/1/1573/T3/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/U1/1-2 24 August 1572
Christofor Unthancke, collier, yeoman, of Sydgate, toune of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Unthanke, Unthank, Unthanck. Will; inventory, undated, actual total £5 1s 2d (with account of debts of 13s 8d).
Digitised material for Christofor Unthancke - DPRI/1/1573/U1/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/W1/1-5 30 July 1573
John Walker, of Mydrige (Mydrig) within the parish of Saintt Androw Awklande (Awkland) [Middridge, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: probate written, with the inventory in parchment. Copy will with grant of probate, 29 August 1573, probate granted
to Iszabell Walker, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to John Walker, son and co-executor. Inventory, actual total £6 6s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 3s 2d). Two indented copy inventories, actual total £6 6s 5d
(with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 3s 2d).
Digitised material for John Walker - DPRI/1/1573/W1/1-5 DPRI/1/1573/W2/1-2 18 June 1573
George Walshe, husbandman, of Byllingham (Billinghame) within the cowntie of Durisme [Billingham, County Durham]. Will; indented inventory, 25 July 1573, actual total £90 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 15s 1d), signed and
sealed by George Thorp, supervisor, and George Webster, nephew and sole executor, 17 October 1573. Endorsed with names of sureties for the bond (200 marks or £133 6s 8d): George Thorpe of Wolston yeoman, Marmaducke Chapman of Billingham and Ralph
Walle of Newton yeomen.
Digitised material for George Walshe - DPRI/1/1573/W2/1-2 DPRI/1/1573/W3/1-5 8 April 1573
Rychard Walton, of paris off Hampsterlay (Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: this testament is written agayne in paper for the probate. Copy will with grant of probate, 30 May 1573, probate granted to Emyd (Emota) Walton
relict and Thomas Walton son, executors. Inventory, undated, actual total £26 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 14s 10d). Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £26 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£4 14s 10d). Indented copy inventory, undated (incomplete).
Digitised material for Rychard Walton - DPRI/1/1573/W3/1-5 DPRI/1/1573/W4/1-3 24 January 1572
Jennett Watson, widow, of Staendroupe (Stayndroupe, Staindrop, Staindrope) within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]. Will; inventory, actual total £11 0s 4d (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d) dated, 19 February [ ]. Endorsed with
names of sureties: Henry Hawxwell of Askfeild [?Aske] in Yorkshire yeoman and Elizabeth Romthwhat of Staindrop spinster; copy inventory, actual total £11 0s 4d (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d) dated, 19 February [ ].
Digitised material for Jennett Watson - DPRI/1/1573/W4/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/W7/1-4 19 August 1572
Robart Whyt, of Great Uswothe in the pariche of Washington [Usworth, County Durham]; also spelt Whit, Whyte, White. Will; inventory, undated, actual total £38 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 2s 8d); copy inventory,
undated, actual total £38 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 2s 8d); indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £38 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 2s 8d).
Digitised material for Robart Whyt - DPRI/1/1573/W7/1-4 DPRI/1/1573/W8/1-3 15 April 1573
Thomas Wryght, of towne and parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Wright. Died February 1573, buried, 24 February 1573. Inventory; indented copy inventory - administration granted to Thomas Wright son and heir, for the use
of four other named minor children.
Digitised material for Thomas Wryght - DPRI/1/1573/W8/1-3 DPRI/1/1573/W9/1-4 30 April 1573
Jhon Wielde, of Whorleton (Whorletonn) in the countye of Durhame and one of the parishe of Gaynforthe (Gaynforth, Gainforthe, Gainforth, Gainfourthe) [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Wylde, Wyld. Will endorsed: “probate written, and the
inventory in parchment”; indented inventory, 3 June 1573; three indented copy inventories.
Digitised material for Jhon Wielde - DPRI/1/1573/W9/1-4
Wills etc proved 1574Reference: DPRI/1/1574DPRI/1/1574/B1/1-2 28 December 1574
Arthur Barcus, yeoman, of towne of Heddon of the Walle in the countie of Northumbrelond [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]. Will with indented inventory, 13 March 1575, actual total £54 4s 10d (with account of debts of £1 5s 6d).
Digitised material for Arthur Barcus - DPRI/1/1574/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/B2/1-5 16 December 1574
Rychard Bayles, parson of Cockfield, clerk, of Cockfeild (Cockfeilde, Cockefeild) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes, Bailles. Indented will. Will proved, 15 January 1575. Endorsed: registered. Also endorsed with 15 January 1574
memorandum relating to Anthony Hall [of Lintz Green]: See DPRI/2/4 f.49. Inventory, actual total £101 16s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £39 6s 7d). Indented copy inventory, actual total £101 16s 10d (with account of
debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £39 6s 7d), inventory total of debts etc. is £29 6s 7d [recte £39 6s 7d].
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 71.
Digitised material for Rychard Bayles - DPRI/1/1574/B2/1-5 DPRI/1/1574/B3/1 [approximately 1574]
Henry Bewyck, of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bewycke, Bewik, Bewike. Will is endorsed by probate office: Inventory with will - the former is not present. Nuncupative will.
Digitised material for Henry Bewyck - DPRI/1/1574/B3/1 DPRI/1/1574/B4/1 6 February 1573
Elsabethe Blaxstone, widow, of Gybsyd (Gibside) [Gibside, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxton. Will, proven 4 June 1575.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Elsabethe Blaxstone - DPRI/1/1574/B4/1 DPRI/1/1574/B5/1 19 August 1573
Raiphe Blaxton, gentleman, of Sillskworthe (Sylkesworth), parish of Busshopwarmothe (Warmouth) [Silksworth, County Durham]. Died October 1573.
Blaxton was buried at Bishopwearmouth, 5 October 1573. Will, endorsed: [?probate] written: proved, 8 May 1574.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 202 (footnote).
Digitised material for Raiphe Blaxton - DPRI/1/1574/B5/1 DPRI/1/1574/B6/1-4 4 March 1574
George Bucke, of Bongaite within the parishe of Darnton [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Buck. Will. Inventory, undated, actual total £66 5s 2d (with account of debts of £1 17s 6d). Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £66 5s 2d
(with account of debts of £1 17s 6d), with certificate of delivery of bond, 15 May 1574. Inventory, subscribed: (1) with certificate of delivery of [will] bond, with witnesses named and signatures and seals of Lawrence Bucke and Agnes Bucke,
children and executors, 15 May 1574; (2) with instruction to indent another copy of the inventory and deliver the same to B. Mitford. Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £66 5s 2d (with account of debts of £1 17s 6d).
Digitised material for George Bucke - DPRI/1/1574/B6/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/B8/1-4 7 October 1573
Rayff Byerley, of Tooddo (Tuddo, Toodow) in the parishyng of Brancepeth (Bransepeth, Branncepethe) [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Bierley, Bierly. Died 8 October 1573. Will. Nuncupative will, 7 October 1573. Inventory, 2 November 1573,
actual total £61 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11); indented copy inventory, 2 November 1573, actual total £61 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11), administration granted to widow and children of the
deceased, 13 March 1574.
See DPRI/2/4 f.38v; and DPRI/4/1 f.34v: administration granted to Agnes Byerley relict, and five named children, executors, 13 March 1574.
Digitised material for Rayff Byerley - DPRI/1/1574/B8/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/C1/1 4 February 1575
John Carre, gentleman, of parish of Lesburye (Lesbury, Leisburie) in the countie of Northumbreland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Care. Will, with inventory, actual total £119 0s 6d (with account of debts of £42 8s 9d).
Digitised material for John Carre - DPRI/1/1574/C1/1 DPRI/1/1574/C2/1-4 17 November 1574
James Chamber, yeoman, of East Boldon (Est Bouldon) within the countie of Durham [East Boldon, County Durham]. Will. Indented copy will. Indented inventory, undated, actual total £173 1s 11d, inventory includes goods etc. at
Digitised material for James Chamber - DPRI/1/1574/C2/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/C3/1-3 1 November 1574
George Chepman, senior, of Frosterleye in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham]; also spelt Chapman. Will with certificate of probate, 8 March 1575. Inventory, 4 March 1575, actual total £31 7s 2d (with account of debts and
funeral expenses of £3 9s). Certificate of probate, 8 March 1575, probate granted by commission (dated 5 March 1575) by William Birche, pastor of Stanhope, to [Elizabeth] Chepman, relict and sole executrix, 8 March 1575.
Digitised material for George Chepman - DPRI/1/1574/C3/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/C4/1 22 November 1574
William Chiltton, husbandman, of Newbattle (Newbottle) [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton. Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £7 7s 6d. Endorsed with names of [?sureties]: William Ranson husbandman and John Rogerson
weaver, both of Newbottle.
Digitised material for William Chiltton - DPRI/1/1574/C4/1 DPRI/1/1574/C5/1-2 20 October 1574
Thomas Clyff, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Clyffe, Cliff. Clyff died November 1574 and was buried at Newcastle St Nicholas, 8 November 1574. Indented will, with indented
grant of probate, 22 February 1575, probate granted to Ellinor Clyff, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Dorrethie Clyff, daughter and co-executor. Indented inventory, 18 January 1575, actual total £19 11s 8d (with account of debts and
funeral expenses of £5 10s).
Digitised material for Thomas Clyff - DPRI/1/1574/C5/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/C6/1-3 25 October 1572
Alexander Cockson, of Colpighell, Lanchester parishe [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Cockeson, Coockson. Will. Indented inventory, 16 June 1574, actual total £118 8s 6d (with account of debts of £24 2s 6d).
Digitised material for Alexander Cockson - DPRI/1/1574/C6/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/D1/1-3 15 November 1574
George Daltone, husbandman, of Elswicke (Elswik, Elswick) in the parishe of Saincte Johns withein the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Dalton, Daulton. Indented will. Indented inventory, 12
January 1575, actual total £40 1s 4d (with account of debts of £17 13s 4d).
Digitised material for George Daltone - DPRI/1/1574/D1/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/D3/1-4 24 August 1573
William Dente [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Dent. Testator requests to be buried at Barnard Castle. Will, endorsed: registered (July 1574); inventory, 29 October 1573, actual total £39 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £3 2s 9d); copy inventory, actual total £39 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 9d); indented copy inventory, actual total £39 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 9d).
Digitised material for William Dente - DPRI/1/1574/D3/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/D4/1-2 18 April 1574
Barttrem Doodes, of parishe of Ritton (Riton) within the counttye of Durisme [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Doddes. Will, endorsed with the preamble of the [will] bond, naming the sureties: Bartram Lighton of Medomsley wheelwright and Anthony
Dytchant of Ryton husbandman. Indented inventory, 4 May 1574, actual total £57 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 2s 9d), subscribed: sealed and delivered by [Isabell Doodes] the deceased's wife, 22 May 1574.
Digitised material for Barttrem Doodes - DPRI/1/1574/D4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/D5/1-3 31 December 1574
Thomas Dryver, yeoman, of Kirklowe (Kyrklow, Kyrklowe) in the countye of Northumberland, Pontiland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Driver. Will; copy will; indented inventory, 9 February 1575, actual total £26 3s (with account of debts of
£4 18s 4d).
Digitised material for Thomas Dryver - DPRI/1/1574/D5/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/D6/1-3 5 June 1574
John Dyckman, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of towne of Barwycke (Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickman, Dykemanne. Will with inventory, 15 February 1575; will, with cancelled and unvalued inventory; inventory, 15
February 1575, actual total £4 0s 8d.
Digitised material for John Dyckman - DPRI/1/1574/D6/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/E1/1-2 25 January 1575
Robert Elringtone, of Espersheles (Espersheilles) [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Elrington, Ellingham; will; inventory, 20 March 1575, actual total £63 6s 4d (with account of debts of £10 8s 6d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 72-73.
Digitised material for Robert Elringtone - DPRI/1/1574/E1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/F1/1-2 13 August 1574
Thomas Fressell, weaver, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Freasell. Will, endorsed with incomplete and undated preamble to a grant of probate; inventory, undated, actual total £12 0s 10d.
Digitised material for Thomas Fressell - DPRI/1/1574/F1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/G1/1-3 4 November 1574
Wylliam Gallone, of Alnwycke (Alnewick, Alnwick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Gallon. Will with grant of probate, 16 December 1574, probate granted at Alnwick to [John Gallon, brother, and John Gallon, uncle,] the executors. Copy will,
endorsed: copy issed before 8 November 1611, TC [?Thomas Chaytor, Durham Register].
Digitised material for Wylliam Gallone - DPRI/1/1574/G1/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/G2/1-2 19 March 1574
John Garnett, of Carlton (Carleton) within the parishe of Readmarshall (Redmarshall) [Redmarshall, County Durham]. Indented will; indented inventory, 13 May 1574, actual total £78 13s 8d (with account of debts of £22 9s 2d).
Digitised material for John Garnett - DPRI/1/1574/G2/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/G3/1-3
Raf Gibson, husband of Cecilye Gibson, of Branscepethe [Brancepeth, County Durham]. Inventory of goods etc., undated, left in the keeping of Cecilye Gibson, relict now deceased; indented inventory, undated, Inventory of goods etc. left in the
keeping of Cecilye Gibson, relict now deceased. Subscribed: administration granted to Anne Gelson, wife of Anthony Gelson, who entered a bond for the same.
Digitised material for Raf Gibson - DPRI/1/1574/G3/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/G5/1-2 8 September 1573
Thomas Grise, glover, of North Awkland (Aukland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Grice. Will; indented inventory, 2 February 1575, actual total £21 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 5s 4d).
Digitised material for Thomas Grise - DPRI/1/1574/G5/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/H3/1-8 7 September 1574
Richard Harbottell, gentleman, of Chester in the Streat (Street) in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Harbotle, Harbottel. Will; indented inventory, 23 August 1574, actual total £361 1s 8d (with account of
debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £127 16s 2d). Inventory includes goods etc. at Burnygayle. Subscribed: signed and sealed by Ane Harbottell, relict and executrix, 11 May 1575.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richard Harbottell - DPRI/1/1574/H3/1-8 DPRI/1/1574/H4/1-3 24 April 1564
Thomas Hebborne, esquire, of Hebborne (Hebburne) nyghe Chillingham in the countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Hebburne. Will, endorsed with names of sureties: Thomas Lynsay and George Hudson of Hebburn.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Thomas Hebborne - DPRI/1/1574/H4/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/K1/1-2 25 February 1574
Richard Kichinge, vicar of Whittingham, clerk, of Whittingham (Whittyniame, Whittyngiame, Wittingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Kitchinge, Ketchinge. Will, endorsed: 1573 and copy will, endorsed: 1574.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Richard Kichinge - DPRI/1/1574/K1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/K2/1-6 26 June 1574
Wylliam Kyrklye, of Falleez in the parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Kirley, Kirkley, Kirkly. Will; inventory, 5 July 1574, actual total £31 1s 8d (with account of debts of £13 9s 6d); copy inventory, 5 July 1574,
actual total £31 1s 8d (with account of debts of £13 9s 6d); indented copy inventory, 5 July 1574, actual total £31 1s 8d (with account of debts of £13 9s 6d).
Digitised material for Wylliam Kyrklye - DPRI/1/1574/K2/1-6 DPRI/1/1574/L1/1-2 15 October 1574
Annas Laborne, widow, of the North Sheales and off the parisshon off Tynmoth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Labourn. Will, endorsed: administration granted to Robert Helme for the use of Elizabeth Laborne and Lucy Laborne, daughters
and executors; inventory, 28 October 1574, actual total £25 18s 8d (with account of debts of £5 5s 4d).
Digitised material for Annas Laborne - DPRI/1/1574/L1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/L3/1-5 16 April 1574
Jhon Laus, of paryshyng of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Lawes. Will, endorsed: the parchment inventory not written forth; indented inventory, 3 May 1574, actual total £41 (with account of debts of £38 1s); two indented copy
inventories, 3 May 1574, actual total £41 (with account of debts of £38 1s).
Digitised material for Jhon Laus - DPRI/1/1574/L3/1-5 DPRI/1/1574/L4/1-2 11 September 1573
Robertt Little, merchant, of paryshe of All Saintes within the town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Lyttell, Litle, Lytle. Will; grant of probate, 30 March 1574, probate granted at Newcastle to
Margaret Litle relict and co-exeuctor, with a power reserved to Anthony Little, minor son and co-executor.
Digitised material for Robertt Little - DPRI/1/1574/L4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/M1/1-2 4 February 1574
Annes Mathwe, widow, of Newbattle [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Mathew. Will with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £19 15s 8d; indented inventory, 31 March 1574, actual total £58 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£30 1s 10d), endorsed: inventory sealed and delivered in the presence of Richard Sclayter, curate, 27 June 1574; the other part [copy] given to the executors.
Digitised material for Annes Mathwe - DPRI/1/1574/M1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/M2/1-2 [approximately 1574]
William Meddiltone; also spelt Meddeltone, Middleton, Myddleton (no address stated). Inventory, undated, Subscribed: administration granted to John Middleton gentleman, brother. Endorsed: write in parchment; not yet written forth.
Digitised material for William Meddiltone; - DPRI/1/1574/M2/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/M3/1-4 6 November 1574
John Merreman, of Wickham (Whickham) [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Meryman, Meriman. Will dated, ... September 15... (damaged); inventory, 11 November 1574, actual total £30 8s 10d, endorsed with names of sureties: William Andro labourer
and Richard Merreman husbandman, both of Whickham; indented copy inventory, 11 November 1574, actual total £30 8s 10d, date drawn from original inventory.
See DPRI/4/1 f.46: probate granted to William Andro and Richard Merreman, with a power reserved to Robert Merreman, co-executor, 6 November 1574.
Digitised material for John Merreman - DPRI/1/1574/M3/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/M4/1-2 3 January 1575
Richarde Middelton, esquire, gentleman, of parish of Connscliffe (Consclif) [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Middeltone. Indented inventory. Inventory total does not include a later addition of £30 of goods etc. within the jurisdiction of
the diocese of York. Endorsed: 1574; administration not yet granted; will registered in 11 April 1579.
See DPRI/2/5 f.70: copy of will. Also See DPRI/4/2 f.75v: probate granted to Margaret Middelton, relict and sole executrix, by commission by Roland Backehouse, clerk, and approved by Matthew Hutton, dean of York, 7 January 1575; re-approved and
administration of the goods within Durham diocese regranted to the same Margaret Middelton, and inventory exhibited, 11 April 1579; with marginal note that no bond was entered.
Digitised material for Richarde Middelton - DPRI/1/1574/M4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/M5/1 28 September 1574
Christofer Mylborne, of paryshynge of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne, Mylborn, Milborn. Mylborne names his [minor] son George as his executor, and his uncle Mr Marshell, parson of Stanton, as his son's guardian, however
this Mr Marshell does not appear to have taken on the role. Administration is granted to Edward Mylborne of Newton Underwood, Mitford parish, also named as one of the bondsmen. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £63 11s (with account of
debts of 11s 10d), with memorandum, undated, endorsed with: (1) names of sureties: Edward Mylborne of Newton Underwood husbandman, ... Mylborne of Newcastle and Jerrard Robeson of Newcastle cobbler; (2) memorandum made at probate concerning the
cancellation of an item in the list of debts owing to the testator; (3) administration granted to Edward Mylborne, 2 November ... (damage) [?1574].
In the will of Edward Mylborne of Mitford, made 25 November 1574 and proved the same year, the testator gives the tuition of 'yonge Christofer Mylborne childe whiche I have by the lawe' to his friend and cousin Christopher Mylborne of Morpeth. In
1579 the will of Christopher Milburn of Morpeth is proved (See DPRI/4/2 f.73v), and one month later the tuition of George Milburn son of Christopher Milburn the younger is granted to Roger Milburn (See DPRI/4/2 f.78v). For the second grant of
tuition of George Mylborne, to Christopher Milburn of Morpeth, made at Newcastle St John 23 February 1575, See DPRI/2/1 f.89v. For the will of Edward Mylborne, see - DPRI/1/1574/M6/1.
Digitised material for Christofer Mylborne - DPRI/1/1574/M5/1 DPRI/1/1574/M6/1 25 November 1574
Edwarde Mylborne, of Mytfirthe (Metfurth) [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne, Mylborn, Mylburne. A second grant of tuition of the testator's ward places Edward Mylborne's death before 23 February 1575. Will, with inventory, 1574,
actual total £32 16s, with memorandum concerning the goods of young Christopher Mylborne's child (£5 13s 3d).
See DPRI/2/1 f.89v. For the will of the testator's ward Christopher Mylborne's father, See DPRI/1/1574/M5/1.
Digitised material for Edwarde Mylborne - DPRI/1/1574/M6/1 DPRI/1/1574/M7/1 12 March 1575
John Mytfurth, of Thropill in the paryshing of Mytfurth [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitfourth, Mitforth. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 8s 8d (with account of debts of £1 0s 4d).
Digitised material for John Mytfurth - DPRI/1/1574/M7/1 DPRI/1/1574/M8/1 27 May 1572
Christophor Morland, gentleman, of Pittington in the countye of Durham [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Morlande. Indented will, endorsed with memorandum of 11 October 1824 Exchequer case: James Milles clerk v Thomas Jackson and
See DPRI/4/1 f.41v: probate granted to Margarett Morland, relict and executrix, and inventory exhibited, 1 July 1574.
Digitised material for Christophor Morland - DPRI/1/1573/M8/1 DPRI/1/1574/O1/1-3 14 December 1574
Thomas Ogle, gentleman, esquire, of Tretlyngton (Trytlyngton, Trittllington, Tritlington) in the countye off Northumberland [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]. Indented will, with indented inventory, 17 January 1575, actual total £104 2s
2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 7s 8d), endorsed with names of sureties: James Ogle esquire, Mathew Ogle gentleman, Martyn Fenwike gentleman, John Fenwike gentleman, Robert Lisley gentleman. Copy will, with grant of probate, 21
June 1575, probate granted at Newcastle to Martinge Ogle, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to James Ogle, minor son and co-executor. Copy inventory, 17 January 1575, actual total £104 2s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£36 7s 8d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 70-71.
Digitised material for Thomas Ogle - DPRI/1/1574/O1/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/P1/1-2 4 January 1575
Thomas Pentlande, clerk, of parishe of St Gilles in the suburbes of the cytie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Pentland. Indented will; indented inventory, 11 January 1575, actual total £36 3s 8d (with account of debts,
legacies and funeral charges of £7 2s 6d), subscribed with names of sureties: John Cooke yeoman otherwise tanner and Thomas Snawball tanner, both of Durham St Giles.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 72.
Digitised material for Thomas Pentlande - DPRI/1/1574/P1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/P2/1-4 26 January 1574
Richard Pykkering, of Raby (Rabye, Rabie) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Pickeringe, Pickering. Will; copy will; inventory, 26 March 1574, actual total £65 11s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d), endorsed with names of
sureties (£100 bond): John Langstrothe and Christopher Thompson of Raby, husbandmen; indented inventory, 26 March 1574, actual total £65 11s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d), endorsed with names of sureties (£100 bond): John
Langstrothe and Christopher Thompson of Raby, husbandmen.
Digitised material for Richard Pykkering - DPRI/1/1574/P2/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/R2/1-2 8 November 1574
James Redhead, husbandman, of Milborn (Milborne) in the countie of Northumberland [Milbourne, Northumberland]; also spelt Readhead. Copy will; indented inventory, 21 January 1575, actual total £18 10s (with account of debts of £1 10s 2d).
Digitised material for James Redhead - DPRI/1/1574/R2/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/R3/1 19 September 1574
William Rey, yeoman, of Horton Grange in the countie of Northumberlande [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Raye. Will, with list of debts owing by (£1 13s) and owing to (£4 14s 1d) the testator.
Digitised material for William Rey - DPRI/1/1574/R3/1 DPRI/1/1574/R4/1-4 29 October 1574
Nicholas Ridley, esquire, of Wyllinmontswyk (Wyllinmontswyck) in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Redley, Ridlaye. Indented will with indented codicil, 15 November 1574, with indented codicil, undated, with
indented inventory, undated, actual total £56 8s (with account of debts of £14 15s 6d), second codicil made the day before Ridley's death.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Nicholas Ridley - DPRI/1/1574/R4/1-4 DPRI/1/1574/R5/1-3 28 November 1574
George Robinsone, tanner, of parishe of Saincte Johns withein the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinson. Indented will; indented inventory, 26 January 1575, actual total £67 7s 11d (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 4s 10d), sealed and delivered by Elizabeth Robinson, relict and co-executor, 23 February 1575.
Digitised material for George Robinsone - DPRI/1/1574/R5/1-3 DPRI/1/1574/R6/1-2 13 April 1574
Oswolde Robynson, yeoman, of Litell Calvarton in the countie of Northumberlande [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinson. Will with indented inventory, 20 April 1574, actual total £25 0s 8d (with account of debts of £7 18s 3d).
Digitised material for Oswolde Robynson - DPRI/1/1574/R6/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/R7/1-2 16 May 1574
Thomas Robynsonne, husbandman, of Weest Renttonne (West Rainton, Renton) [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Robinsonne, Robinson. Will with list of debts owing to the testator of £3 15s 4d; indented inventory, 15 July 1574, actual total
£64 3s 6d (with account of debts of £18 1s 1d), signed and sealed by Agnes Robynsonne, relict and co-executor.
See DPRI/4/1 f.46: probate granted to Agnes Robynsonne, relict and co-executrix, 6 November 1574.
Digitised material for Thomas Robynsonne - DPRI/1/1574/R7/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/R8/1 17 January 1575
Robert Rotchester, of Whittington in the parishe of Halton [Halton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotchasster. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £9 9s (with account of debts of £2 8s 2d), inventory total uncertain.
Digitised material for Robert Rotchester - DPRI/1/1574/R8/1 DPRI/1/1574/S4/1-2 7 December 1574
George Shawe, gentleman, of Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]. Copy administration bond, penal sum £40, with inventory, 8 October 1574, actual total £18 13s 4d, inventory exhibited, 7 December 1574; administration granted to Thomas
Shawe, James Shawe, Leonard Shawe, brothers, and Jaine Shawe, sister.
Digitised material for George Shawe - DPRI/1/1574/S4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/S5/1-2 1 January 1574
Thomas Sparro, of Washington [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Sparrowe. Will endorsed: registered; indented inventory, undated, actual total £56 14s 2d (with account of debts of £13 8s 8d), sealed and delivered by Elizabeth Sparro, relict
and co-executor, 19 June 1574.
Digitised material for Thomas Sparro - DPRI/1/1574/S5/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/T1/1-2 20 March 1575
Christofer Taillor, of Stobbeswod in the countie of Northumbreland and of the parishing of Morpethe [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailler, Taylier. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £19 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £1 17s).
Digitised material for Christofer Taillor - DPRI/1/1574/T1/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/T2/1-2 17 March 1574
David Tailor, vicar of Bolam (Northumberland), clerk, of Bolham in the countie of Northumberlande [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]. Will; indented inventory, 24 May 1574, actual total £60 18s 4d (with account of debts of £13 17s 11d)
Signed and sealed by William Tallier, co-executor. Endorsed with names of sureties: Alexander Heron esquire and Ralph Pottes husbandman, both of Meldon.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for David Tailor - DPRI/1/1574/T2/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/T3/1-2 21 September 1574
Cuthbart Thursebye, gentleman, of Woylles, Barnard Castle (testator requests to be buried at Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Thursby, Thursebeye, Thursbye. Will; inventory, 9 March 1575, actual total £46 3s 4d (with
account of debts of £22 13s 4d), signed [and sealed] by Thomas Lonsdaill.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 70.
Digitised material for Cuthbart Thursebye - DPRI/1/1574/T3/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/T4/1-2 15 January 1574
Thomas Todd, husbandman, of Weestharingtone (Weestharington) [Herrington, County Durham]. Will; indented inventory, 10 February 1574, actual total £134 5s 10d, sealed and delivered by Margerye Todd, relict and co-executor, 27 March 1574.
Digitised material for Thomas Todd - DPRI/1/1574/T4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/W1/1-5 5 August 1574
Thomas Wakerfeld, gentleman, of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Wakerfyld, Walkerfeild, Wakerfeilde, Wakerffyld, Wakerfild. Will; copy will; letter from Thomas Middelton to Robert Swyfte, Durham Chancellor, 2
December 1574, requesting the probate of the will of the deceased, his cousin; undated allegation of Anne Wakerfeld, relict and executrix, introducing the will; indented inventory, undated, actual total £54 (with account of debts of £40 6s),
exhibited by Gilbert Spence, proctor of Anne Wakerfeld, relict.
Digitised material for Thomas Wakerfeld - DPRI/1/1574/W1/1-5 DPRI/1/1574/W2/1-8 22 January 1575
Roberte Walker, of towne of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]. Will. Copy will. Inventory, 7 February 1575, actual total £22 1s 4d, endorsed: write this inventory in parchment. Copy inventory, 7 February 1575, actual total £22 1s 4d endorsed
with list of probate fees. Indented inventory, 7 February 1575, actual total £22 1s 4d.
Digitised material for Roberte Walker - DPRI/1/1574/W2/1-8 DPRI/1/1574/W4/1-2 25 September 1574
Thomas Wilkinsone, husbandman, of Weest Renttone [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkenson, Wilkingson. Will with list of debts owing by (£7 0s 4d) and owing to (£6 4s 4d) the testator; indented inventory, 3 November 1574, actual total
£75 6s 6d.
Digitised material for Thomas Wilkinsone - DPRI/1/1574/W4/1-2 DPRI/1/1574/W6/1 10 September 1574
Thomas Wrighe, of parish of Eglyngham [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Wright. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will, Inventory ... with bond - the latter is not present. Will with inventory, 10 September 1574, actual total £21 3s 8d
(with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 3s 4d), endorsed: Wright; and Edlingham [recte Eglingham].
Digitised material for Thomas Wrighe - DPRI/1/1574/W6/1
Wills etc proved 1575Reference: DPRI/1/1575DPRI/1/1575/A2/1 16 July 1574
Frances Armorar, master, gentleman, of Bellford (Belford) within the compthe of Northumberland [Belford, Northumberland]; also spelt Armorer. Will, with inventory, 16 July 1574, incorporating an inventory of unvalued goods etc., with list of
debts owing by the testator of £83 6s 5d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Frances Armorar, master, gentleman [Belford, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1575/A2/1 DPRI/1/1575/B1/1-7 10 March 1576
Francys Baymbryg, gentleman, of Wheatliehill (Wheatley Hill) in the countie of Duresme [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Baimbrige, Baymbryge, Banebrige, Bainebridge. Will. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is
not present.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/4/1 f.82v: probate granted to Margerye Baymbryg relict and Frannces Baymbryg daughter, co-executors, with a power reserved to five other named daughters, co-executors; inventory also exhibited (£525 0s 14d), 23 November 1576.
Digitised material for Francys Baymbryg, gentleman [Kelloe, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1575/B1/1-7 DPRI/1/1575/B3/1-2 April 1575
Wylliam Berteram, of Southwyk (Suthwicke, Suthwyk) in the parech of Mounk Warmothe within the count[y] of Durrham [Southwick, County Durham]; also spelt Bertram, Bartrame. Will, dated between 10 and 30 April 1575, endorsed: registered. Indented
inventory, undated, actual total £88 (with account of debts of £28 10s 2d).
Digitised material for Wylliam Berteram [Southwick, County Durham]. Will, indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/B3/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/B6/1 12 May 1575
Thomas Browne, husbandman, of Ulgham of the parishe of Morpethe (Morpath) in the countie of Northumberland [Ulgham, Northumberland]. Indented will, with indented inventory, undated, actual total £41 9s 10d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £4 7s 4d), endorsed: Morpeth Deanery.
Digitised material for Thomas Browne, husbandman [Ulgham, Northumberland]. Indented will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/B6/1 DPRI/1/1575/B7/1-2 10 December 1575
Maryon Burell, wife of Thomas Burell, widow, of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Burrell. Will with inventory, undated, actual total £11 1s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 16s 8d). Copy will with copy inventory,
undated, actual total £11 1s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 16s 8d).
Digitised material for Maryon Burell, wife of Thomas Burell, widow [Ovingham, Northumberland]. Will with inventory. Copy will with copy inventory - DPRI/1/1575/B7/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/C3/1-2 29 August 1575
Thomas Clarke, garrison-man, of Berwicke (Barwicke, Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £24 7s 8d; will includes a list of debts owing to (£2 6s 8d) and owing by (£12) the testator.
Digitised material for Thomas Clarke, garrison-man [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1575/C3/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/D1/1-6 10 May 1575
Thomas Daveson, of Acam (Acome), parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison. Will; copy will, with cancelled grant of probate at Corbridge by Arthur Shaftow vicar of [Chollerton and] Stamfordham, acting as
substitute Northumberland commissioner in the place of William Garnet LL.B., made to [?Ezabell Daveson, relict and sole executrix], 4 July 1575; indented inventory, actual total £9 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 13s).
Allegation, undated, of Ezabell Daveson relict, introducing the will, and relating to a cause to prove the will: Ezabell Daveson v Richard Daveson. Interrogatories, undated, of Richard Daveson to the witnesses on the part of Ezabell Daveson.
Digitised material for Thomas Daveson [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]. Will; copy will; indented inventory. Allegation. Interrogatories. - DPRI/1/1575/D1/1-6 DPRI/1/1575/D3/1-2 [1575]
John Dynesdayle, of Lyttell Staynton [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Dynsdale, Dynsdail, Dinsdaill. Will, dated, 5 July ... (damage). Endorsed: 1575; proved. Indented inventory, 15 October 1575, actual total £199 0s 2d, dated 7 October
1575 at head and sealed and dated 15 October 1575 at foot.
Digitised material for John Dynesdayle [Bishopton, County Durham]. Will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/D3/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/F1/1-3 [1575]
John Fenwick, of Lettell (Little) Harle [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick. Inventory (undated).
Extract: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for John Fenwick [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]. Inventory - DPRI/1/1575/F1/1-3 DPRI/1/1575/F2/1 15 May 1575
Wylliam Fynveck [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke, Fenwick. Testator requests to be buried at Mytfurth (Mitford). Will, with inventory, 15 May 1575, actual total £5 10s 1d (and more, with account of debts of £8 16s 8d). Will, with
inventory in which only the debts are valued. Endorsed: administration granted to Cuthbert Metfurth and Gawen Lawson at Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Wylliam Fynveck [Mitford, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1575/F2/1 DPRI/1/1575/F6/1 6 September 1575
Richard Forster, priest, clerk [County Durham]; also spelt Foster. No address stated (Durham City). Will, subscribed: “registered” 1 June 1576.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.73v: probate granted to Richard Buckle, sole executor, 1 June 1576.
For the will of Forster's “master”, Anthony Middleton of Newton, steward of St Giles manor from 1555, see
Digitised material for Richard Forster, priest, clerk (Durham City). Will - DPRI/1/1575/F6/1 DPRI/1/1575/G2/1-4 10 June 1575
Thomas Gibson, yeoman, of Prestwick in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will (date drawn from copy will); copy will; indented inventory, 20 June 1575, actual total £84 14s 11d (with account of debts of £8 16s 8d),
endorsed with names of sureties: George Potts, John Wynship and William Gibson of Prestwick, husbandmen.
Digitised material for Thomas Gibson, yeoman [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will; copy will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/G2/1-4 DPRI/1/1575/H1/1-4 18 January 1574
Bettresse Hall, wife of Christofer Hall gentleman, [daughter of John Trollop of Thornley esquire], widow, of Wingate Graunge in the countie of Durham [Wingate, County Durham]. Will.
Will of her son, Phillip, edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 276-277.
See DPRI/2/4 f.59v; and DPRI/4/1 f.57v and 58: probate granted to Philip Hall and Cecily Trotter, children and co-executors, 18 June 1575 and before 25 June 1575.
Digitised material for Bettresse Hall, wife of Christofer Hall gentleman, [daughter of John Trollop of Thornley esquire], widow [Wingate, County Durham]. Will. - DPRI/1/1575/H1/1-4 DPRI/1/1575/M2/1-2 [1575?]
John Middelton, of Blackwell within the parishe of Darnton [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Myddelton, Myddleton. Indented will, with indented inventory, actual total £277 0s 8d. Will dated, 30 June ...; with list of debts owing to (£3 2s
6d) and owing by (£1 18s 6d) the testator. Inventory subscribed with names of sureties to John Middelton, son and co-executor: Stephen Chamber and John Harrison of Blackwell, and William Helcott of Cockerton.
See DPRI/4/1: f.59, probate granted to John Middelton, son and co-executor (aged 16), 30 July 1575; and f.60, John Middelton elects Robert Bellamy M.D. as his curator, 7 October 1575.
Digitised material for John Middelton [Blackwell, County Durham]. Indented will, with indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/M2/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/M3/1-2 14 January 1575
George Morten, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, alderman, of towne of Berwick upon Twed (uppon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Mortonn, Morton. Will. Inventory, 16 February 1575, with inventory of debts, 22 November 1574,
actual total £819 0s 2d. Inventory of goods etc. at Morton and Berwick-upon-Tweed. Endorsed: proved at Berwick, 15 October 1575.
Digitised material for George Morten, alderman [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1575/M3/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/P3/1-3 2 April 1570
William Pattison, husbandman, of Readesbourn in Wardaill in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) and in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Pattenson, Pattingson. Will. Inventory, 19 October 1575, actual total £9 4s (with
account of debts and funeral charges of £8), with inventory of disputed goods at Alston Moor (Cumberland), Heighe in Northumberland and at Haddrnbourne [?Heatheryburn, County Durham], the ownership of which was disputed and the valuations
conjectural, 19 October 1575, actual total £11 3s 4d. Indented inventory, 19 October 1575, actual total £9 4s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £8). Probate granted 29 October 1575.
Digitised material for William Pattison, husbandman [Stanhope, County Durham]. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1575/P3/1-3 DPRI/1/1575/R5/1 14 November 1575
Thomas Richerdson, miller, servitor, of Berwicke (Barwicke) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Recheson, Richardson. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £20 8s 3d (with account of debts of £9 9s 6d).
Digitised material for Thomas Richerdson, miller, servitor Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1575/R5/1 DPRI/1/1575/S1/1-3 15 November 1575
Thomas Salkeld, gentleman, of Bassendon (Bassenton) in the countye of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory, 8 July 1577, actual total £137 3s 4d, endorsed: registered. Typescript copy will and inventory, made in
September 1988.
See DPRI/2/5 f.13: probate, July 1577. See also DPRI/3/1577/B116.
Digitised material for Thomas Salkeld, gentleman, of Bassendon [Eglingham, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory. Typescript copy. - DPRI/1/1575/S1/1-3 DPRI/1/1575/W1/1-2 24 January 1576
Cuthbert Wilkinson, yeoman, of the Hospitall (thospetall) of the Blessed Virgin Marye of Greatham (Greatam) within the countye of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkenson. Will, margin note: “registered”; indented inventory, 26
January 1576, actual total £4 12s 2d.
See DPRI/4/1 f.69v: probate granted to Isabell Wilkinson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Jane Wilkinson, daughter and co-executor; inventory also exhibited, 22 June 1576.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Wilkinson, yeoman, of the Hospitall of the Blessed Virgin Marye of Greatham [Greatham, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1575/W1/1-2 DPRI/1/1575/W5/1-4 1575
Jhon Wycliffe, of Bernardes Castell (Barnard Castle) within the parishe of Gaineforthe [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Wicklif, Wickliff, Wicklyf, Wycliff. Will; inventory, actual total £9 9s 10d (date drawn from copy inventory);
indented inventory, 1575, actual total £9 9s 10d; wrapper with list of names and sums of money (£3 4s 11d) [?debts, perhaps unrelated to the deceased's estate].
Digitised material for Jhon Wycliffe [Barnard Castle, County Durham]. Will; inventory; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1575/W5/1-4
Wills etc proved 1576Reference: DPRI/1/1576DPRI/1/1576/A1/1-2 18 February 1577
William Applybey, of Sadburye (Sadburie) of the Hill in the parishe of Haughton [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Applibie, Apleby, Applebie, Applebye. Will, endorsed: 1576; registered; indented inventory, undated, actual total £54 (with
account of debts of £4 0s 2d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.11: probate, August 1577.
Digitised material for William Applybey Sadberge, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/A1/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/G1/1 [1576?]
Janet Garnet, of parishe of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]. Indented inventory, undated, Inventory of goods etc. 'collected out of William Jeffrayson Inventary and left unto hir by John Garnet hir father d[ec]eased'. Endorsed:
administration granted.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B12. See DPRI/4/1 f.67 (1 June 1576) and f.70
v: administration granted to Agnes Jeffrayson widow, the mother of the deceased and relict of William Jeffrayson [the elder], for the use of William (or
Robert) Jeffrayson [the younger], brother of the deceased and a minor; Agnes Jeffrayson also appointed the tutrix of William Jeffrayson (22 June 1576). For the probate records of Garnet's father, John Garnet, See DPRI/1/1574. Agnes Jeffrayson was
also granted the administration of her [?second] husband William Jefrrayson's codicil and goods on 22 June 1576 (DPRI/4/1 f.70
v), with a power reserved to her son William Jeffrayson; an inventory of Jeffrayson's goods was
also exhibited (£69 2s 8d): the inventory of goods of Janet Garnet was probably extracted from this inventory. William Jeffrayson [the elder] was of Carlton in the parish of Redmarshall.
Digitised material for Janet Garnet, Redmarshall, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/G1/1 DPRI/1/1576/G2/1-2 13 December 1576
Andrew Gofton, merchant, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Goftone, Goftonn. Inventory, with inventory, 28 November 1576, actual total £1,158 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£1,016 4s 11d), with inventory of debts, 4 October 1585, actual total £11 (with account of debts paid of £64 13s 4d). (1) Inventory of household and shop goods etc.; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Normanby (Yorkshire); (3) inventory of debts paid
and received by Edward Whyt, latterly the husband of Gofton's widow; exhibited 21 February 1579. Endorsed: 1576; 1578.
See DPRI/4/2 f.10A
v: administration granted to Elizabeth Gofton, with a power reserved to four named children, 8 August 1577; with marginal note 'not registered'.
Digitised material for Andrew Gofton, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland. Inventory. - DPRI/1/1576/G2/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/G3/1-3 23 February 1577
John Graye, dyer, fuller, of towne of Newcastle upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray. Indented will; indented inventory, 9 April 1577, actual total £17 7s 8d (with account of debts of £2 0s 4d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.8; and DPRI/4/2 f.8
v: probate granted to Allisone Graye, relict and sole executrix, and inventory also exhibited, 31 July 1577.
Digitised material for John Graye, dyer, fuller,Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/G3/1-3 DPRI/1/1576/H1/1 27 April 1576
George Harbottell, gentleman, of Calleche Parke in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Harbattle, Harbottle. Will, with inventory, 26 February 1577, actual total £24 16s 8d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.9
v; and DPRI/4/2 f.7: probate granted to John Harbottell, executor, and inventory also exhibited, 29 July 1577. Harbottell was an official of the Earl of Northumberland.
Digitised material for George Harbottell, gentleman, Alnwick, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1576/H1/1 DPRI/1/1576/H2/1-2 1 December 1575
Sir George Heron, knight, of Harbottell (Harbotle) [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon. Indented inventory, undated, endorsed: 1576.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.70
v, administration act entered in the act book, December 1575 and DPRI/4/1 f.63v: administration granted at Ponteland to Lady Margaret Heron widow, Thomas Heron and Giles Heron, sons, 1 December
Digitised material for Sir George Heron, knight, Alwinton, Northumberland. Indented inventory. - DPRI/1/1576/H2/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/H3/1-4 8 May 1576
Wylliam Heyghington, of Busshope Meiddlam (Meddlam) within the countie of Durisme [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Heighington. Will, subscribed: registered; with cancelled grant of probate to Elizabeth Heighington, relict and sole
executrix, 27 July 1576; copy will; indented inventory, 19 July 1576, actual total £44 3s 4d; indented copy inventory, 19 July 1576, actual total £44 3s 4d; .
See DPRI/4/1 f.75
v: probate granted to Elizabeth Heron, relict, 27 July 1576; with marginal note, 'bond not entered'.
Digitised material for Wylliam Heyghington, Bishop Middleham, County Durham. Will; copy will; indented inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1576/H3/1-4 DPRI/1/1576/H4/1-2 1 April 1576
Cudbert Hilton, of Grete Usworthe (Greit, Usworth) in the parishe of Weishyngton [Usworth, County Durham]. Will, with grant of probate, 1 February 1577, probate granted to Elizabeth Hilton, relict and executrix; indented inventory, 10 July 1576,
actual total £130 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 6s 6d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 76-77.
See DPRI/2/4 f.96-96
v; and DPRI/4/1 f.88.
Digitised material for Cudbert Hilton, Usworth, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/H4/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/H6/1-2 15 January 1577
George Hodgson, of Blake (Blacke) Callerton in the parishe of Newborn (Newborne) [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodshone, Hodsone. Will, with inventory, 1577, actual total £6, date of inventory drawn from DPRI/1/1576/H6/2 - indented copy
inventory, actual total £6.
See DPRI/2/5 f.26
v: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for George Hodgson, Newburn, Northumberland. Will, with inventory; indented copy inventory. - DPRI/1/1576/H6/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/H7/1-3 2 April 1576
Robert Hodshon, physician, of parishe of St Nicholas in Newecastell (Newcastell, Newcastle) upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Died October 1576. Hodshon was buried at Newcastle St
Nicholas, 15 October 1576. Will; indented inventory, 23 November 1576, actual total £262 1s 4d.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B56.
Digitised material for Robert Hodshon, physician, Newcastle upon Tyne, St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/H7/1-3 DPRI/1/1576/J2/1 22 May 1576
Johne Jonsonne, husbandman, of Wolvestone wythin the paryshe of Billinghame in the countie of Durysme [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Johnesone, Johnson. Indented will, with indented inventory, 2 October 1576, actual total £113 4s 7d (with
account of debts of £2 19s 9d).
Digitised material for Johne Jonsonne, husbandman, Wolviston, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory. - DPRI/1/1576/J2/1 DPRI/1/1576/L3/1 10 October 1575
Edward Liddell [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddel, Liddaill, testator requests to be buried at Haltwessell [Haltwhistle]. Indented will, with indented inventory, undated, actual total £14 9s 8d (with account of debts of £6 14s 11d),
endorsed: administration granted.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B5.
Digitised material for Edward Liddell, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. Indented will, indented inventory. - DPRI/1/1576/L3/1 DPRI/1/1576/M1/1 9 March 1576
Umfraie Maire, of Hedlehoppe (Hedley Hope) [Lanchester, County Durham]. Will.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 75-76.
Digitised material for Umfraie Maire, Lanchester, County Durham. Will. - DPRI/1/1576/M1/1 DPRI/1/1576/N1/1-2 21 January 1576
Cuthbert Nycolson, formerly servant to the late William Dodes of Newcastle upon Tyne, tanner, servant, of paryshe of Saint Johnes [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Nichalson, Nicholson. Indented will; indented inventory,
30 January 1576, actual total £23 1s 6d.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B76.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Nycolson,tanner, servant, Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/N1/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/P1/1-6 7 February 1577
Christofer Pattenson, of West Auckeland (Auckland, Awckland) within the parysshe of Sanct Elyng (Ellynge) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson, Pittington. Will, endorsed: registered; copy will (date in this copy erroneously
altered to 8 February , and dated in the New Style); subscribed with (undated) certificate of accuracy made by Thomas Chaitor, Durham Register. Endorsed: registered. Indented copy will; inventory, undated, actual total £32 2s 8d (with account of
debts and funeral expenses of £2 1s 2d); copy inventory, actual total £32 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 2s 2d); indented copy inventory, with additions.
See DPRI/2/5 f.11
v; and DPRI/4/2 f.10: probate granted to Janet Pattenson relict, Florans Pattenson and Thomas Pattenson sons, co-executors, with a power reserved to the absent Anne Pattenson, co-executor; inventory
also exhibited, 31 August 1577.
Digitised material for Christofer Pattenson, Auckland St Helen, Durham. Will; copy will; indented copy will; inventory; copy inventory; indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1576/P1/1-6 DPRI/1/1576/P3/1 2 September 1576
Thomas Preston, of perysshe of St Oswaldes of the cety of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]. Will with list of debts owing to (1s) and owing by (9s 5d) the testator.
See DPRI/4/1 f.80v (cancelled entry on 3 November 1576) and f.82: probate granted to Robert Armestronge and Rychard Lydall, executors, and inventory exhibited (£12 5s), 17 November 1576.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B78.
Digitised material for Thomas Preston, Durham St Oswald, County Durham]. Will - DPRI/1/1576/P3/1 DPRI/1/1576/S1/1 26 April 1576
Gawyn Swynburne, gentleman, of Chesboroughe Graundge (Cheeseborough Grange) in the parishe of Stanfordham in the countie of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinburne. Will, with inventory, 24 August 1576, actual total
£150 10s 8d (with account of debts of £11 18s and more).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Gawyn Swynburne, gentleman, Stamfordham, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1576/S1/1 DPRI/1/1576/T1/1-2 21 June 1575
George Thorpe, yeoman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]. Indented will, subscribed: registered; indented inventory, 1 July 1575, actual total £203 18s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38).
See DPRI/4/1: will and inventory introduced by George Thorpe, son and executor, 10 December 1575 (f.64); probate granted to George Thorpe with a power reserved to four other named children, co-executors, and inventory also exhibited, 6 July 1576
Digitised material for George Thorpe, yeoman, Wolviston, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1576/T1/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/W2/1-5 16 August 1575
Lancelote Watson, carpenter, of parishe of Wolsingham (Woolsingham) within the countie of Duresm [Wolsingham, County Durham]. Will; will, 13 February 1576, administration of the goods and the tuition of Ralph Watson granted to his father Nicholas
Watson for the use of the said Ralph Watson, nephew and sole executor; inventory to be exhibited 22 June 1576; inventory, 1576, actual total £52 6s 2d (with account of debts of £7 12s 3d); copy inventory, 1576, actual total £52 6s 2d (with account
of debts of £7 12s 3d).
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B53.
Digitised material for Lancelote Watson, carpenter, Wolsingham, County Durham. Will; inventory; copy inventory - DPRI/1/1576/W2/1-5 DPRI/1/1576/W3/1-2 17 July 1574
Robert Watson, fuller, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Indented copy will. Certificate of probate, 12 January 1577, a commission having been issued to William Duxfeyld (absent) and George Graye preacher by
Robert Swift [formerly Durham Chancellor and latterly Commissioner sede vacante], probate is granted at Newcastle St John by Graye to Anne Watson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to John Graye, son and co-executor.
See DPRI/2/4 f.92v: probate, January 1577. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Robert Watson, fuller, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented copy will - DPRI/1/1576/W3/1-2 DPRI/1/1576/W6/1 29 December 1575
Wylliam Whytfeylde, of pereshyng off Pittyngton (Pyttyngton) [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild. This item was formerly misfiled and wrongly indexed in DPRI/1/1545. The vicar appearing as a witness, Robert Murrey, was not appointed
to Pittington until 1562, and remained there until 1594. Will.
See DPRI/4/1 f.69v: probate granted to Eleanor Whytfeylde, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to six named children, co-executors; inventory exhibited, £146 14s.
Bond: DPRI/3/1576/B37.
Digitised material for Wylliam Whytfeylde, Pittington, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1576/W6/1
Wills etc proved 1577Reference: DPRI/1/1577DPRI/1/1577/A1/1-3 27 August 1577
Symon Anderson, clerk, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersone. Will, endorsed: 1577; registered. Codicil, undated, superscribed: 'note to write this codicill together with the will'.
See DPRI/2/5 ff.27
v-28: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for Symon Anderson, clerk, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1577/A1/1-3 DPRI/1/1577/B1/1 18 July 1577
John Bayttes, shipwright, master mariner, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Baittes. From items listed in the debts of the inventory, it appears Bayttes may have died in Denmark. Inventory, endorsed: 1577;
administration granted to wife.
See DPRI/2/5, f.6: administration granted, July 1577.
Digitised material for John Bayttes, shipwright, master mariner, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B1/1 DPRI/1/1577/B3/1-2 27 June 1577
William Biddicke, of Durisme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Bidicke, Bedick, Boddick, Bodick. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 1578, actual total £11 7s 3d (with account of debts of 19s 8d).
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B42; See DPRI/2/5 f.23: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for William Biddicke, Durham, County Durham. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B3/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/B4/1-2 10 January 1578
John Billingham, gentleman, of Crucke Hall (Crook Hall) [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Byllyngham. Died December 1577. Billingham was buried at Durham St Margaret, 30 December 1577. Indented inventory.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.25
v: administration granted, January 1578.
Digitised material for John Billingham, gentleman, of Crook Hall, Durham St Margaret, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B4/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/B5/1-2 16 February 1578
John Birde, weaver, of towne of Newcastle upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bird. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 24 February 1578, actual total £12 12s 2d (with account of debts of £6 3s
See DPRI/2/5 f.33; and DPRI/4/2 f.31
v: probate granted to Agnes Birde, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Thomas Birde and Henry Birde, sons and co-executors; inventory also exhibited, 14 April 1578.
Digitised material for John Birde, weaver, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B5/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/B6/1-3 10 April 1577
Elsabethe Bowmaker, wife of John Bowmaker, fisherman, widow, of Southe Sheles (Sheiles) in the countye of Durham [South Shields, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, undated, actual total £107 (with account of debts and legacies
of £66 2s).
See DPRI/2/5 f.33; and See DPRI/4/2 f.35: probate, 3 May 1578.
Digitised material for Elsabethe Bowmaker, wife of John Bowmaker, fisherman, widow, South Shields, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B6/1-3 DPRI/1/1577/B7/1-4 6 September 1577
William Brandlinge, esquire, of Fellinge within the countye of Durham [Felling, County Durham]; also spelt Brandlynge. Indented inventory, exhibited, 6 September 1577. Inventory includes goods etc. at Ouston, St Mary Magdalen Hospital,
Brotherwick, Amble and Hadstone. Endorsed: 1577; administration granted to the wife of the deceased; and (in error) Henry Brandlinge alderman of Newcastle.
For the will of Henry Brandlinge, perhaps the uncle of William Brandlinge, which will was proved in 1578, See DPRI/2/5 ff.58-59.
See DPRI/2/4 f.64
v; and See DPRI/4/1 f.61: administration granted to Anne Brandlinge, relict, and incomplete inventory exhibited, 22 October 1575.
Digitised material for William Brandlinge, esquire, Felling, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B7/1-4 DPRI/1/1577/B8/1-2 22 September 1577
Lyonell Braydlaye, of Shetelhope (Shittlehope) in the peryshe of Stanhope (Stanhop) in Wardell [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Bradleye, Bradley, Braydlay. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 31 December 1577, actual
total £16 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 5s 4d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.28: probate, February 1578.
Digitised material for Lyonell Braydlaye, Stanhope, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/B8/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/C1/1-2 [December 1577?]
Robart Chipchas, of Butterwicke in the parishe of Sedgfild (Sedghfeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Chypches, Chipchase. Will, undated; indented inventory, 2 December 1577, actual total £27 13s 4d (with account of debts of £1 8s 6d),
endorsed: registered.
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B15. See DPRI/2/5 f.16
v: probate, December 1577.
Digitised material for Robart Chipchas, Sedgefield, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/C1/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/C3/1-2 28 February 1578
James Conyers, gentleman, of Osmotherley in the countye of Yorke [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 1577, actual total £167 13s 4d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.47
v; and See DPRI/4/2 f.46: probate, 26 July 1578.
Digitised material for James Conyers, gentleman, Osmotherley, Yorkshire. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/C3/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/D2/1-2 8 January 1578
Richarde Derycke, carpenter, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dericke, Deryck. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 21 January 1578, actual total £13 4s 4d.
See DPRI/2/5 f.26
v: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for Richarde Derycke, carpenter, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/D2/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/E2/1-2 [undated, approximately 1577]
John Ellyson, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellyssone, Ellissone. Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas. A bequest of a gown to a cousin named William
Riddell and which gown had been given to Ellyson by Riddell's father links the testator with another Newcastle merchant named Peter Riddell: in Peter Riddell's will, proved in 1558, Ellyson is given the same 'violet gown' (See DPRI/2/1 f.94). Will,
Digitised material for John Ellyson, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1577/E2/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/E1/1-3 9 April 1577
John Ellyssonne, brother of Robert Ellison of Newcastle, merchant and alderman, yeoman, of Nowcastell (Neucastiell, Newcastle) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellison, Ellyssone, Ellesone. Will; inventory, actual total £3 6s 8d,
date of 1577 cancelled.
See DPRI/2/5 f.7
v: probate, July 1577. For the will of Ellison's brother and executor Robert Ellison (died 31 January 1578), See DPRI/2/5 ff.42
Digitised material for John Ellyssonne, brother of Robert Ellison of Newcastle, merchant and alderman, yeoman, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1577/E1/1-3 DPRI/1/1577/G1/1 3 June 1576
Willyam Garnett, [LL.B.], [rector of Ryton, from 1562], [spiritual chancellor of Durham, 1560], clerk, of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]. Will, dated 3 June 1576 and 19 Eliz I (1577).
See DPRI/2/5 f.28
v: probate, February 1578. Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B24.
Digitised material for Willyam Garnett, clerk, Ryton, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1577/G1/1 DPRI/1/1577/H1/1-2 14 January 1577
Thomas Hall, of towne off Morton (Murton) and within the parishe of Tynmoth (Tynmothe) [Tynemouth, Northumberland]. Indented will, with indented inventory, undated, actual total £12 6s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of
£6 10s 8d), will dated in the New Style; inventory dated, 21 January .
See DPRI/2/5 f.19
v: probate, December 1577.
Digitised material for Thomas Hall, Tynemouth, Northumberland. Indented will, indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/H4/1-2 9 October 1577
Christofer Hodgeson, yeoman, of Matneall in the countie of Durham, parishe of Witton upon Weare [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson. Will; indented inventory, 2 December 1577, actual total £75 9s 8d (with account of debts of £7
8s), endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/5 f.22: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for Christofer Hodgeson, yeoman, Witton-le-Wear, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/H4/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/K1/1-2 8 July 1577
William Kendall, of Thorpthewles (Thorpethewles, Thorpe Thewles) in the paryche of Gryndone (Gryndon) [Grindon, County Durham]. Indented will, dated, 8 July 1577 (probably in error for 1576). Inventory, 12 April 1577, actual total £276 8s (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 0s 4d), inventory includes goods etc. at Thorpthewles and Billy Row.
See DPRI/2/5 f.2: probate, 5 July 1577. The dates of the will and inventory are incompatible.
Digitised material for William Kendall, Grindon, County Durham. Indented will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1577/K1/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/L1/1-4 8 May 1577
Thomas Liddell, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, [sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1563], [mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1572], merchant, alderman, of toune of Newcastell upon [Tyne] [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Lyddaill,
Ledell, Lyddell. Will; indented inventory, 7 July 1577, actual total £691 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £244 14s 2d), inventory of household and shop goods etc., and including wares bought at Flanders.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.6
v: probate, July 1577.
Digitised material for Thomas Liddell, alderman Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/L1/1-4 DPRI/1/1577/P2/1-2 23 November 1570
Jaymes Paterson, mason, of towne of Gaytyshed (Gatyshed) [Gateshead, County Durham]. Patterson was buried at Gateshead, 7 January 1572. Will, with copy act of court, 10 August 1577 (1) will; (2) with copy act of court: at Newcastle, Ralph
Tonstall and Thomas Burton, deputies of Richard, bishop of Durham and commissaries of the archbishop of York for the metropolitan visitation, grant probate to Annes Patterson relict and Thomas Patterson son, executors; inventory also exhibited.
Inventory, 25 September 1572, actual total £4 19s 4d (with account of debts of £4 7s 4d).
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B184.
Digitised material for Jaymes Paterson, mason, Gateshead, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1577/P2/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/R1/1 11 February 1578
Richard Rawlynge, vicar of Stranton, clerk, of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Rawling, Rawelinge. Indented will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.36; and DPRI/4/2 f.33
v: probate, 26 April 1578. Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B38.
Digitised material for Richard Rawlynge, vicar of Stranton, clerk, Stranton, County Durham. Indented will - DPRI/1/1577/R1/1 DPRI/1/1577/R2/1-2 7 July 1575
Humfra Rychardson, yeoman, of Mekyll Benton (Mykell Bentham) in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rychardsonne, Richardson. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 7 October 1576, actual total £17 7s 4d (with
account of debts of £8 13s 8d).
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B162. See DPRI/2/5 f.11
v: probate, August 1577.
Digitised material for Humfra Rychardson, yeoman, Longbenton, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1577/R2/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/S5/1-3 26 February 1578
Cuthbert Smyth, gentleman, of Ketton (Kettone) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Smithe. Indented copy inventory. Endorsed: (1) 'This ys the counterpane of the inventory of my coosin Cuthbirt Smythes goodes at Ketton, whereof I receavid of
William Southeron thother part, and the which said inventory is to be exhibytyd and geaven in to the court at Durham. By me Wylliam Smythe'; (2) with memorandum that, by special licence of Robert Swift the official principal [and chancellor], no
bond was entered upon the testament of Cuthbert Smyth, 1577.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 76.
For the will, See DPRI/2/5 f.37; probate, 10 May 1578. See also Probate Act Book DPRI/4/2 f.36
Digitised material for Cuthbert Smyth, gentleman, Aycliffe, County Durham. Indented copy inventory - DPRI/1/1577/S5/1-3 DPRI/1/1577/S6/1-2 8 July 1577
William Smithe, husbandman, of Westrenton [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 26 August 1577, actual total £88 7s 4d (with account of debts of £7 18s 4d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.10: probate, August 1577.
Digitised material for William Smithe, husbandman, West Rainton, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1577/S6/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/T2/1-3 14 January 1577
Bryen Temple, of Bernardes Castell (Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £36 7s 6d (with account of debts of £8 13s), endorsed: registered. Copy inventory, undated, actual total £36 7s 6d
(with account of debts of £8 13s).
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B83. See DPRI/2/5 f.23
v: probate, January 1578.
Digitised material for Bryen Temple, Barnard Castle, County Durham. Will, with inventory. Copy inventory - DPRI/1/1577/T2/1-3 DPRI/1/1577/T3/1-2 8 January 1578
John Tomson, fuller, cloth-maker, of parishe of Sct Andrewes (Awkeland Sct Androe) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson. Will; indented inventory, 27 January 1578, actual total £31 5s 7d (with account of legacies and funeral
expenses of £15 16s), inventory includes Tomson's work gear.
See DPRI/2/5 f.25: probate, February 1578.
Digitised material for John Tomson, fuller, cloth-maker, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/T3/1-2 DPRI/1/1577/W3/1-9 26 January 1576
Hughe Whitfeild, draper, of cittie of Durhame [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfelde, Whitfyeld. Testator requests to be buried at Durham St Nicholas. Will, endorsed: registered. Inventory, undated, actual total £820 1s 8d
(with account of debts and funeral expenses of £136 8s 11d), inventory includes goods etc. at Frankland Side.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 74-75.
Bond: DPRI/3/1577/B29. See DPRI/2/5 f.23: proved, 18 January 1578. The testator's wife, Emma Whitfeild, was buried at Durham St Nicholas, 28 February 1576.
Digitised material for Hughe Whitfeild, draper, Durham St Nicholas, County Durham. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1577/W3/1-9 DPRI/1/1577/W4/1-3 15 March 1576
Agnes Wilkeson, wife of Robert Wilkeson, master mariner, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkingson, Wilkinson. Will; copy will; indented inventory, 24 July 1577, actual total £23 11s
See DPRI/2/5 f.8
v: probate, July 1577.
Digitised material for Agnes Wilkeson, wife of Robert Wilkeson, master mariner, widow, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will; copy will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1577/W4/1-3
Wills etc proved 1578Reference: DPRI/1/1578DPRI/1/1578/W1/1 26 June 1578
Lucke Whyetfeld, yeoman, of peryshe of Stanhope in Wardale within the county of Durysme [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild, Whytfeyld. Indented will, endorsed: registered; 157[?8]; 1578.
See DPRI/4/2 f.71
v: probate granted to Margaret Whyetfeld, relict and executrix, with a power reserved to George Whyetfeld and Thomas Whyetfeld, minor co-executors, and inventory also exhibited (£17 7s 3d), 20 March
1579. Will is endorsed by probate office: “Will and Inventory” - the latter is not present.
Digitised material for Lucke Whyetfeld, yeoman [Stanhope, County Durham]. Indented will - DPRI/1/1578/W1/1
Wills etc proved 1579Reference: DPRI/1/1579DPRI/1/1579/C3/1 11 October 1579
Thomas Claxston, gentleman, of Wyndlston within the parishe of Sct Andrew Awcklande [Windlestone, County Durham]. Will.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.95: probate, January 1580.
Digitised material for Thomas Claxston, gentleman, Windlestone, County Durham. Will. - DPRI/1/1579/C3/1 DPRI/1/1579/F1/1-3 19 August 1579
Cuthbert Foster, husbandman, of Carlton within the countye of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Forster. Will; inventory, 17 November 1579, actual total £65 17s (with account of legacies of £20 7s); indented inventory, 17 November
1579, actual total £80 7s (with account of debts of £23 8s 4d and more) endorsed with list of probate fees (damaged).
See DPRI/2/5 f.106v: probate, February 1580.
Digitised material for Cuthbert Foster, husbandman, Redmarshall, County Durham. Will; inventory; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1579/F1/1-3 DPRI/1/1579/H1/1-2 15 May 1579
Umfrie Hancok, yeoman, of Pontyland (Pont Iland, Ponteland) in the countie of Northumberlande [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Hancock. Will, date drawn from registered copy; indented inventory, 1 June 1579, actual total £10 3s 6d.
See DPRI/2/5 f.77
v: probate, 4 June 1579.
Digitised material for Umfrie Hancok, yeomanPonteland, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1579/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1579/H3/1-2 12 April 1579
Raphe Herreson, yeoman, of Hunchonford within the parysh of Stanhope in Wardell [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 20 May 1579, actual total £18 1s 8d (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £6 4s 4d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.76: probate, June 1579.
Digitised material for Raphe Herreson, yeoman, Stanhope, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1579/H3/1-2 DPRI/1/1579/J1/1 25 July 1579
Thomas Jackson, the younger, of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]. Indented inventory.
See DPRI/2/5 f.82
v: copy of will. Also See DPRI/4/2 f.97: probate granted to Agnes Jackson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Francis Jackson and Anthony Jackson, minor co-executors; Agnes Jackson
appointed tutor; inventory also exhibited, 5 August 1579.
Digitised material for Thomas Jackson, the younger, Darlington, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1579/J1/1 DPRI/1/1579/S1/1 27 December 1579
William Surtes [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Surteis. Will (date drawn from registered copy).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 83.
See DPRI/2/5 f.106: probate, 22 March 1580. Probate granted to Elizabeth Surtes and Grace Surtes, co-executors, four other named children and co-executors being minors, 12 [correctly 22] March 1580.
Digitised material for William Surtes [Ovingham, Northumberland]. Will - DPRI/1/1579/S1/1 DPRI/1/1579/T1/1-2 28 April 1579
Francis Trolloppe, vicar of Sockburn, [younger son of John Trollop of Thornley esquire], clerk, of Sockburne [Sockburn, County Durham]. Will; inventory, 21 May 1579, actual total £34 7s 3d.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/5 f.79: probate, 11 June 1579.
Digitised material for Francis Trolloppe, vicar of Sockburn, Sockburn, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1579/T1/1-2 DPRI/1/1579/W1/1 2 August 1579
Richard Whitfeald, of Buckes withein the parishe of Hunsterworthe (Hunstanworth) [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild, Whitfeilde. Will, with inventory, 20 August 1579, actual total £45 16s 11d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £40 8s 3d).
See DPRI/2/5 ff.91
v-92; and DPRI/4/2 f.106
v: probate, 21 November 1579.
Digitised material for Richard Whitfeald, Hunstanworth, County Durham. Will, inventory - DPRI/1/1579/W1/1 DPRI/1/1579/W2/1 31 January 1580
Henry Wyclif, gentleman, of Over[tone] (Ufferton) within the parishe of Houghton (Houghton le Springe) [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Wiclif. Indented inventory, endorsed: administration granted.
See DPRI/4/2 f.117
v: administration granted to Elizabeth Wyclif relict, John Wyclif son having renounced, and inventory exhibited, 30 January 1580.
Digitised material for Henry Wyclif, gentleman, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1579/W2/1
Wills etc proved 1580Reference: DPRI/1/1580DPRI/1/1580/B2/1 11 May 1580
Henre Borrall, of Horton, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Burrell. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £47 6s 8d (with account of debts of £1 9s); testator requests to be buried at Chatton.
See DPRI/2/4 f.107: probate, August 1580.
Digitised material for Henre Borrall, Chatton, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1580/B2/1 DPRI/1/1580/B3/1 31 August 1580
Katharine Bucke, wife of John Bucke yeoman, widow, of Sadburye (Sadbury) in the countye of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]. Will, with grant of probate, 22 September 1580. Probate granted at Auckland [St Andrew] to William Wormelye of Eriam on
Tees [Eryholme, Yorkshire] tutor of four named children, the executors. Endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.127
Digitised material for Katharine Bucke, wife of John Bucke yeoman, widow, Sadberge, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1580/B3/1 DPRI/1/1580/C1/1-2 9 October 1579
George Collynes, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Collings, Colling. Collynes writes as a preamble to his inventory, 'and for as much as my mayd Jayne Hulle beynge mortall as well as I, I have thowght good to
sett downe what I have here in this howse'. Will, with inventory, 9 October 1579, incorporating a list of debts owing by the testator of £11 13s 2d and an (unvalued) inventory.
Digitised material for George Collynes, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1580/C1/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/C3/1-2 4 November 1580
Edward Conyers, of Long Newton (Longnewton) [Longnewton, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 11 November 1580, actual total £60 6s 6d (with account of debts of £21 18s).
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See also DPRI/2/4 f.164
v: probate, 4 March 1581.
Digitised material for Edward Conyers, Longnewton, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/C3/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/C4/1 25 October 1580
Johane Conyers, wife of James Conyers, widow, of Ellerbeck in the countie of Yorke, parish of Osmotherlye [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]. Will, endorsed: inventory not given; registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.109: probate, December 1580.
Digitised material for Johane Conyers, wife of James Conyers, widow Osmotherley, Yorkshire. Will - DPRI/1/1580/C4/1 DPRI/1/1580/C5/1-4 19 November 1580
Christofor Cooke, gentleman, of Kaverstone (Keverston, Caverston, Caverstone, Kaverston) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Cok, Cook. Indented inventory, with inventory of debts, 20 January 1581, actual total £1,130
16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £121 11s) (1) inventory, including goods etc. at Newcastle; (2) additional incomplete inventory of debts owing to the deceased, exhibited by Isabell Cooke, relict and administratrix.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.129
v: administration, November 1580.
Digitised material for Christofor Cooke, gentleman Staindrop, County Durham. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/C5/1-4 DPRI/1/1580/C7/1-2 26 July 1579
Bartholomow Craster, of Stobes Wood of the parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Craister. Will; inventory, undated, actual total £12 2s 10d (with account of debts of 14s 4d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 82.
See DPRI/2/5 f.107: probate, 7 April 1580.
Digitised material for Bartholomow Craster Morpeth, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/C7/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/C8/1-2 23 April 1580
Thomas Croucke, of Wulsingham within the countye of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Crouke, Crook, Crok, Crocke. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, undated, actual total £14 11s (with account of debts of £9
12s 11d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.126v: probate, October 1580.
Digitised material for Thomas Croucke Wolsingham, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/C8/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/E1/1 21 November 1580
John Elder, yeoman, of Howghtone (Houghton) in the countye of Northumberland [Longhoughton, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £14 16s 6d (with account of debts of £1 17s), endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.113
v: probate, January 1581.
Digitised material for John Elder, yeoman Longhoughton, Northumberland. Will, inventory - DPRI/1/1580/E1/1 DPRI/1/1580/H1/1-2 22 July 1579
William Henrie, yeoman, of Berwick on the Hill within the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will; indented inventory, 8 July 1580, actual total £15 3s 4d (with account of debts of £5 5s 2d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.125
v; and DPRI/4/2 f.151: probate granted to Janet Henrie, relict and sole executrix, and inventory exhibited, 11 July 1580.
Digitised material for William Henrie, yeoman, Ponteland, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/H2/1-2 19 January 1580
Mark Horsley, gentleman, of Scranwood in the parissh off Aelnhame (Alenam) in the counte of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland]. Will, (dated in the New Style), endorsed: registered; indented inventory, undated, actual total £9 2s 4d (with
account of debts of £1 9s).
See DPRI/4/2 f.140
v: probate granted at Alnwick to Margery Horlsey, relict and sole executrix, 16 May 1580.
Digitised material for Mark Horsley, gentleman, Alnham, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/H2/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/H3/1 16 May 1580
Robertt Howye, yeoman, of Newbiginge within the countie of Northomberland [Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland]; also spelt Howy. Parish uncertain: testator requests to be buried at the parish church of Newbiggin. Other Newbiggins at Shotley,
Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea. Will; with inventory, 7 October 1580, actual total £41 3s 8d (with account of debts of £8 7s 4d), endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.130: probate, October 1580. .
Digitised material for Robertt Howye, yeoman, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/H3/1 DPRI/1/1580/L2/1-3 4 April 1580
Allexander Lawson, merchant, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas. Will, endorsed: registered.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.104
v; and DPRI/4/2 f.143: probate granted at Newcastle to Richard Hodgeson of Newcastle esquire, alderman, and Ralph Lawson of Brough esquire, supervisors and also the tutors of George Lawson, son and
sole executor, for the sole use of George Lawson, 20 May 1580; inventory exhibited later (not present).
Digitised material for Allexander Lawson, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1580/L2/1-3 DPRI/1/1580/L3/1-5 18 April 1580
Edward Lawson, gentleman, of parishe of Bywell (Biwell) Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 24 May 1580, actual total £487 14s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral
expenses of £36 9s 10d), inventory of goods etc. at Prudhoe, Bromley, Healy, ..., Prestwick, Kirkharle, Bingfield, Bywell [St Andrew], and Corbridge.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.110
v: 22 November 1580.
Digitised material for Edward Lawson, gentleman, Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/L3/1-5 DPRI/1/1580/L4/1-2 20 September 1578
John Lauson, [younger son of William Lawson of Usworth gentleman], of parishinnge of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Lawson. Will; indented inventory, 21 July 1580, actual total £58 10s 2d (with account of debts of £8 10s).
Inventory includes goods etc. at Lumley. Endorsed: registered.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 19-21.
Proved, 15 July 1580.
Digitised material for John Lauson, younger son of William Lawson of Usworth gentleman, Chester-le-Street, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/L4/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/L5/1 14 December 1579
William Lawson, merchant, of paryche of Sanct Nycollas within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]. Will, endorsed: registered; ask for the inventory.
See DPRI/2/4 f.125
v: probate, August 1580.
Digitised material for William Lawson, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1580/L5/1Lawson, William, -1580?
Wills DPRI/1/1580/L6/1-2 24 September 1580
Anthonye Laxe, husbandman, of Westerton of the parishe of Sayncte Andrewes (Andrewe) Awklande [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 9 November 1580, actual total £47 15s 10d (with account of debts
and legacies of £18 1s 7d).
See DPRI/2/4 ff.111 and 111
v: probate, November 1580.
Digitised material for Anthonye Laxe, husbandman, Auckland St Andrew, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/L6/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/L7/1 28 May 1580
Roberte Lylburne, yeoman, of Beinlye wythine the cowntie of Northumberland, parish of Edlingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Lilborne. Will, with inventory, 28 May 1580, actual total £9 10s (with account of debts of £2), probate
granted to Elspethe Lylburne, relict and sole executrix, 15 October 1580.
Digitised material for Roberte Lylburne, yeoman, Eglingham, Northumberland. Will, inventory - DPRI/1/1580/L7/1 DPRI/1/1580/L8/1-2 28 November 1579
Robart Lylburne, yeoman, of towne of Ellyngton of the parishe of Wodhorne in the countie of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Lilborne. Will, endorsed: registered; with inventory, undated, actual total £25 9s 6d (with account
of debts and funeral expenses of £7 7s 8d). Copy inventory, undated, actual total £24 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 7s 8d).
See DPRI/2/5 f.108: probate, April 1580.
Digitised material for Robart Lylburne, yeoman, Woodhorn, Northumberland. Will; inventory; copy inventory - DPRI/1/1580/L8/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/R1/1-3 1 February 1580
Raphe Robeson, yeoman, of towne of Earsden within the parishe of Tynmoth (Tynmouth) [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Robison. Indented will, endorsed: registered; two indented inventories, 14 April 1580, actual total £58 4s 3d (with account
of debts of £14 15s 11d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.106: probate, April 1580.
Digitised material for Raphe Robeson, yeoman, Earsdon, Northumberland. Indented will; two indented inventories - DPRI/1/1580/R1/1-3 DPRI/1/1580/R2/1-3 4 July 1580
George Robinson, of Hawthorne in the parishe of Esington in the countie of Durham [Hawthorn, County Durham]; also spelt Robynson. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 16 August 1580, actual total £46 17s 10d.
See DPRI/2/4 f.107
v; and DPRI/4/2 f.159: probate granted to John Robinson, George Robinson and Thomas Robinson, executors, and inventory exhibited, 27 August 1580.
Digitised material for George Robinson, Hawthorn, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/R2/1-3 DPRI/1/1580/T1/1-4 5 December 1580
John Tallintyre, draper, of citye of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Tallentier, Tallentire. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 14 December 1580, actual total £148 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 15s
See DPRI/4/2 f.186; and DPRI/2/4 f.130: probate, December 1580.
Digitised material for John Tallintyre, draper, Durham, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/T1/1-4 DPRI/1/1580/T2/1-2 16 March 1580
John Taillor, master mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailer, Tailor, Tayler, Taylor. Indented inventory, includes goods etc. in the cellar at Trinity House. Subscribed: “Memorandum to send
the other inventary back to weddow Tailer of ...”.
See DPRI/4/2 f.137: administration granted to Elizabeth Taillor, relict, and incomplete inventory exhibited, 3 May 1580; notified to exhibit complete inventory at Gateshead on 20 May 1580.
Digitised material for John Taillor, master mariner, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/T2/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/T4/1-2 3 August 1580
Wylliam Taylyor, of Newbyggyng (Neubyggyn), parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Tayler, Taylor. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 2 September 1580, actual total £27 1s 8d (with account of debts of £9 1s
See DPRI/2/4 f.130: probate, October 1580.
Digitised material for Wylliam Taylyor, [Lanchester, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1580/T4/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/T6/1 22 July 1580
Isbell Thompson, wife of Rowland Thompson, widow, of Gateshead (Gateshed) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.110: probate, December 1580.
Digitised material for Isbell Thompson, wife of Rowland Thompson, widow, Gateshead, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1580/T6/1 DPRI/1/1580/T9/1-2 29 December 1580
Thomas Tornor, of perech of Warkworthe (Warkworth, Warkeworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Turner, Turnor. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 1580, actual total £30 8s.
See DPRI/4/2 f.209v: probate granted at Alnwick to Margaret Tornor, relict and sole executrix, and inventory exhibited, 18 April 1581.
Digitised material for Thomas Tornor, Warkworth, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1580/T9/1-2 DPRI/1/1580/W1/1 24 June 1580
Johne Watsonne, of city of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Watson. Testator requests to be buried at Durham St Oswald. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory not given. .
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 84-85.
See DPRI/2/4 f.127: probate, October 1580.
Digitised material for Johne Watsonne, Durham St Oswald, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1580/W1/1
Wills etc proved 1581Reference: DPRI/1/1581DPRI/1/1581/A1/1-3 26 September 1581
Gyles Andersone, tailor [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson. Testator requests to be buried at [Newcastle] St Nicholas. Will, endorsed: [registered]. Inventory, 7 November 1581, actual total £5 14s (with account
of debts of 14s 6d); inventory of household and shop goods etc.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 88.
See DPRI/2/4 f.141: date and abode drawn from registered copy; proved, 25 November 1581.
Digitised material for Gyles Andersone, tailor, Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland. Will, Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/A1/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/B1/1-2 18 September 1581
Margaret Backworthe, widow, of the North Shieles in the parishe of Tynmowthe (Tynemouth) in the countie of Northumberlande [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Backeworth, Baylif. Indented will, endorsed: registered; and 'Margaret Baylif'
[?in error]; indented inventory, 16 November 1581, actual total £37 17s 4d (with account of debts of £2 1s).
See DPRI/2/4 f.147
v: probate, October 1581.
Digitised material for Margaret Backworthe, widow, North Shields, Northumberland. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/B1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/B2/1-2 25 March 1581
Rychard Bewyck, of Nuton within the pariche of Medford (Mitford) [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Buyck, Bewicke. Will, endorsed: registered, with inventory, undated, actual total £4 16s (with account of debts of £1 13s 4d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.146: probate, April 1581.
Digitised material for Rychard Bewyck, Mitford, Northumberland. Will, inventory - DPRI/1/1581/B2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/B4/1 6 April 1581
Wylliam Blenkinssopp, of Blenkinssop Castell in the parishe of Hawtewis[sel] [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Blenkinsop, Blenkinsopp. Will, with inventory, 1581, actual total £74 18s 2d (with account of debts of £1 19s 8d and more).
Probate granted to [?Nicholas Rydly] esquire, tutor of Nicholas Blenkinssopp and [Richard] Blenkinssopp, sons and executors, with a power reserved to Jane Blenkinssopp, daughter and co-executor, 10 June 1581. Endorsed: registered.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 29-30.
See DPRI/2/4 f.152
Digitised material for Wylliam Blenkinssopp, of Blenkinssop Castell, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1581/B4/1 DPRI/1/1581/C1/1 23 April 1581
Rauphe Catricke, yeoman, of Wolvestone (Wolveston) in the countie of Duresme [Wolviston, County Durham]. Indented will, with memorandum of agreement, 6 May 1581, will, endorsed with memorandum of agreement made at probate between Rauphe Catricke
and William Cattricke, sons, concerning the division of a legacy. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is not present.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 86.
See DPRI/2/4 f.168; also DPRI/4/2 f.221: probate granted to William Catricke, son and sole executor, and inventory exhibited (£113 0s 10d), 6 May 1581: probate, 6 March 1582 [recte 6 May 1581].
Digitised material for Rauphe Catricke, yeoman, Wolviston, County Durham. Indented will - DPRI/1/1581/C1/1 DPRI/1/1581/C2/1-3 21 December 1581
John Cogden, yeoman, of Wylome (Wilome) w[ithin] the countie of Northumberland [Wylam, Northumberland]. Will, with list of debts owing by (£1 5s) and owing to (2s) the testator; inventory, 11 January 1582, actual total £25 9s 8d (with account of
debts of £1 5s 8d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.156: probate, January 1582.
Digitised material for John Cogden, yeoman, Wylam, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/C2/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/C3/1 26 January 1581
Rauphe Conyers, gentleman, of Cotham Stoke, parishe of Long Newton [Longnewton, County Durham]. Inventory, endorsed: administration granted to James Conyers, brother.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Rauphe Conyers, gentleman, Longnewton, County Durham. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/C3/1 DPRI/1/1581/C4/1-2 9 December 1580
Robert Crawe, yeoman, of Snaipcaste in the countie of Durham, parish of Hemsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, undated, actual total £21 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 13s
See DPRI/2/4 f.147: May 1581. Also See DPRI/4/2 f.225
v: probate granted, 27 May 1581.
Digitised material for Robert Crawe, yeoman, Hamsterley, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/C4/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/E1/1-2 29 January 1581
Cuthberte Ellysone, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellison, Elleson. Indented inventory, includes goods etc. at Nether Heworth, and shop goods. Endorsed: administration granted.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
Digitised material for Cuthberte Ellysone, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/E1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/E2/1-2 10 January 1582
George Elyson, shipwright, of towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellyson, Ellison, Elleson. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 7 March 1582, actual total £14 4s 2d (with account of debts
of £3 16s 10d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 90-91.
See DPRI/2/4 f.159
v-160; and DPRI/4/2 f.278
v: probate, 13 March 1582.
Digitised material for George Elyson, shipwright, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/E2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/F1/1-2 22 October 1581
Jennett Fargowse, wife of John Fargowse, widow, of Strannton (Stranton) in the countie of Durisme [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Fargose, Fargus. Will; indented inventory, 2 November 1581, actual total £23 16s 10d (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £2 19s 8d), endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.121: probate, December 1581.
Digitised material for Jennett Fargowse, wife of John Fargowse, widow, Stranton, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/F2/1-4 October 1580
John Fenwike, [son of John Fenwick of Wallington esquire], gentleman, of Wyallker (Wyalker) in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwyk. Testator requests to be buried at Mickle Benton (Longbenton). Indented
will, dated, [?20] October 1580 (damage). Endorsed: registered. Indented inventory, 9 August 1581, actual total £291 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £155 5s 11d), inventory includes goods etc. at Hindley Burn and Holystone.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 34-35.
See DPRI/2/4 f.137: probate, 14 August 1581.
Digitised material for John Fenwike, gentleman, Longbenton, Northumberland. Indented will. Indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F2/1-4 DPRI/1/1581/F3/1-2 3 December 1580
Edward Fletcher, husbandman, of Langhirst (Langhirste) in the countie of Northumberland [Longhirst, Northumberland]. Will, with inventory, 23 February 1581, actual total £23 17s 10d (with account of debts of £1 13s 4d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.154
v: probate, 1581.
Digitised material for Edward Fletcher, husbandman, Longhirst, Northumberland. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F3/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/F4/1-3 25 March 1581
Jams Forrest, parish clerk, of Darlingtonn (Darlingtonne) in the county of Duresme [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Forest. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 3 May 1581, actual total £15 8s 6d (with account of debts of £1 10s).
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 28-29.
See DPRI/2/4 f.149
v: probate, June 1581.
Digitised material for Jams Forrest, parish clerk, of Darlington, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F4/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/F5/1-2 15 February 1581
Christofer Foster, of Darlingtonne (Darneton) [Darlington, County Durham]. Inventory endorsed: [cancelled] administration granted.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 85-86.
See DPRI/2/4 f.161 for a copy of the will: probate, 17 March 1582.
Digitised material for Christofer Foster, Darlington, County Durham. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F5/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/F6/1 1 March 1581
Rychard Foster, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £10 15s 10d (with account of debts of £4 3s 2d). The debts listed at the time of making the will have been incorporated into the inventory totals.
Endorsed: registered; 'memorandum to ingrose the will and inventory'.
See DPRI/2/4 f.167; and DPRI/4/2 f.213
v: probate granted, 22 April 1581.
Digitised material for Rychard Foster, Norton, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1581/F6/1 DPRI/1/1581/G1/1-5 [undated]
Thomas Gayll, [son of William Gale of Scruton, Yorkshire, gentleman], of Greatham (Gretham) in the countie palatyne of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Gaile. Will, endorsed: registered; codicil, 17 October 1581; inventory, 20 October
1581, actual total £255 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 17s 8d); with additional inventory, 6 August 1589, actual total £14. (1) inventory; (2) inventory of goods not previously exhibited, and added to the former goods by
George Johnson, [brother-in-law and] one of the executors, [?20] January 1589; wrapper; proved, 25 November 1581.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 40-43.
Digitised material for Thomas Gayll, Greatham, County Durham. Will; codicil; inventories - DPRI/1/1581/G1/1-5 DPRI/1/1581/H1/1-3 20 March 1581
Thomas Hall, of Whitbarne within the countye of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 7 April 1581, actual total £66 9s 4d (with account of debts of £29 1s 4d), with memorandum, undated; inventory,
endorsed with memorandum relating to a lawsuit brought by William Hall and Raphe Hall, tutors of William Hall and Thomas Hall, children: Jennet Hall alias Rowsebye, former wife of the deceased, to have all the goods and pay to the deceased's three
children their portions and an additional £2 to each of them.
See DPRI/2/4 f.167: probate, April 1581.
Digitised material for Thomas Hall, Whitburn, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H1/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/H2/1-2 22 March 1581
Ellynore Harryson, wife of William Harryson of Newcastle St Andrew yeoman, widow, of paryche of Sanct Androwes within the town of Newcastle upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison, Harrison. Both Ellynore
Herryson and her husband died of the plague. Will, with memorandum, undated, relating that the testatrix died before she could prove the will of her late husband, William Harrison. Endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.147
v: probate, October 1581. For the joint inventory of Ellynore Harryson and her husband, See DPRI/1/1581/H2/3-4.
Digitised material for Ellynore Harryson, wife of William Harryson of Newcastle St Andrew yeoman, widow, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland. Will; William Harryson, husband of Ellynore Harryson, yeoman, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/H2/3-4 [1581]
William Harryson, husband of Ellynore Harryson, yeoman, of paryche of Sanct Androwes within the town of Newcastle upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison, Harrison. Both William Herryson and his widow died
of the plague. Inventory, undated, actual total £13 1s 10d (with account of debts of £5 13s 2d), joint inventory of William Harryson and his wife Ellynore Harryson.
For the will of Ellynore Harryson, see - DPRI/1/1581/H2/1-2.
DPRI/1/1581/H3/1-4 25 October 1580
William Harrysone, of Over Throstone in the perishe of Harte within the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Herrisonn, Harryson. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 19 December 1581, actual total £126 9s 8d (with
account of debts of £12 9s); draft account, undated, actual total £126 9s 8d (with discharge of £24 15s 8d) with allocation of thirds and division of shares between Ann Harrysone the relict and eight named children, co-executors, with a particular
calculation of the share of Elizabeth Harrysone, daughter; with additional note relating the marriage of Elizabeth [Harrysone] to Henrie Johnson, which Johnson pays nothing by reason of his poverty.
See DPRI/2/4 f.117
v: probate, September 1581.
Digitised material for William Harrysone, Hart, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H3/1-4 DPRI/1/1581/H4/1-2 20 July 1581
Phillip Hatherley, vicar of Stranton, clerk, of Stranton within the countie palatyne of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Hatherlye. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 28 July 1581, actual total £20 16s 9d (with account of debts of
£8 7s 6d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.117: probate, July 1581.
Digitised material for Phillip Hatherley, vicar of Stranton, clerk, Stranton, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H4/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/H5/1-4 4 April 1581
John Hayre, of Greatt Burdon within the parochinge of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Haire. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 3 April 1581, actual total £83 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £31 14s 10d). Letter 11 December 1588, from John Pepper of [the manor of] St Martin's [in Catterick parish, Yorkshire,] near Richmond to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, alleging mismanagement of the portions and guardianship of
Hayre's children, and requesting they be sent out to strangers at Richmond as Colmore formerly directed, undertaking to bind himself for the two daughters' portions, and particularly recommending the eldest son be placed with [?Richard Hurd] a
See DPRI/2/4 f.149: probate, April 1581.
Digitised material for John Hayre, Haughton le Skerne, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H5/1-4 DPRI/1/1581/H6/1 5 June 1581
Thomas Holborne, gentleman, of countie of Northumberlande [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Holburne. Will, endorsed: 1581; registered; inventory not given; and with direction to Gilbert Spence [clerk and notary public at Durham].
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 48-49.
See DPRI/2/4 f.148
v; and DPRI/4/3 f.2
v: Lowick parish; probate granted, 22 June 1582.
Digitised material for Thomas Holborne, gentleman, Lowick, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1581/H6/1 DPRI/1/1581/H8/1-2 [1581]
William Horslye, of Luker (Lucker) [Lucker, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsle, Horsley. Died 21 September 1581. Inventory, undated, endorsed: 1583 [?recte 1581].
See DPRI/4/2 f.271
v: administration granted to Margaret Horslye, relict, with a power reserved to Peter Ramsey, Elizabeth Horslye and Lucy Horslye, children (absent); also inventory exhibited, 26 January 1582.
Digitised material for William Horslye, Lucker, Northumberland. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H8/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/H11/1-3 19 September 1581
Robert Hylton, gentleman, of Butterweyk (Buterweyke, Butterbie) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Hilton. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 5 October 1581, actual total £159 3s 6d.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 39-40.
See DPRI/2/4 f.152: probate, October 1581.
Digitised material for Robert Hylton, gentleman, Sedgefield, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/H11/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/I1/1 1 February 1581
John Ironside, [grandfather of Gilbert Ironside, bishop of Bristol 1661-1671], of Houghtonn in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £71 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of
£12 19s 4d), endorsed: registered.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 f.148: probate, May 1581.
Digitised material for John Ironside, Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham. Will, with inventory - DPRI/1/1581/I1/1 DPRI/1/1581/J1/1-2 3 December 1580
Christofor Johnson, the elder, of Whorleton in the countie of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]. Indented will, endorsed: registered; proved, 27 May 1581; inventory, 7 April 1581, actual total £49 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses
of £6 13s 4d), inventory of goods etc. at Woodholm and Whorlton.
See DPRI/2/4 f.138.
Digitised material for Christofor Johnson, the elder, Whorlton, County Durham. Indented will; inventor - DPRI/1/1581/J1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/J2/1-2 11 August 1581
James Johnson, husbandman, of Chester in the Streate in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 22 September 1581 - date uncertain (damage), actual total £13 7s 4d (with account of debts
and funeral expenses of £3 11s 6d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.152
v: probate, October 1581.
Digitised material for James Johnson, husbandman, Chester-le-Street, County Durham. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/J2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/M1/1-2 23 February 1581
Richard Marshall, notary public, of Kingsgat, cytie of Durhame [Durham, County Durham]. Indented will, dated 23 February 1581 [New Style] and 23 Eliz I [1581]. Endorsed: registered. Indented inventory, 31 March 1581, with additional inventory, 1
April 1581, actual total £60 5s 8d; inventory includes goods etc. at Murton [in Dalton-le-Dale parish] and at Baswick [in Brandesburton parish] in Yorkshire.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 25-28.
See DPRI/2/4 f.149: probate, April 1581.
Digitised material for Richard Marshall, notary public, Durham, County Durham. Indented will. Inventories - DPRI/1/1581/M1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/M2/1-2 8 December 1575
Antony Myddleton, [steward of the manor of St Giles, from 1555], gentleman, of Newton in the countye of Durham [Newton Hall, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton. The testator requests to be buried at Durham St Margaret. Will, endorsed:
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 35-37.
See DPRI/4/2 f.247
v: probate granted to Thomas Myddleton, son and executor, and incomplete inventory exhibited, 7 October 1581.
Digitised material for Antony Myddleton, gentleman, Newton Hall, County Durham. Will - DPRI/1/1581/M2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/M3/1-2 8 September 1580
Thomas Middilton, [eldest son of Ambrose Middleton of Skirwith and Barnard Castle esquire], esquire, Skirwith in the countye of Cumberlande, Ortone (Oton), Barnard Castell [Kirkland, Cumberland; Orton, Cumberland; Durham, County Durham]; also
spelt Middleton, Myddilton. Middilton owned land at Barnard Castle in County Durham. Will with copy grant of probate, 11 November 1581 (probate granted to Margaret Middleton, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to four named minor
daughters and co-executors) - endorsed: registered. Inventory, 4 June 1581, actual total £151 7s 4d, inventory of goods etc. within Durham diocese: at Oton (Otone) [?Orton].
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 37-39.
See DPRI/2/4 f.151
Digitised material for Thomas Middilton, esquire, Barnard Castle. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/M3/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/M4/1 21 October 1577
Crystofor Mettford, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, [sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1556], [mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1569], [son of Christopher Mitford, merchant and alderman], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne
[Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mytford, Midforth. Will endorsed: registered; inventory not given.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 30-32.
See DPRI/2/4 ff.148
v-149: probate, 5 July 1581. For the will and account of Mettford's wife, see - DPRI/1/1608/M6/1 - DPRI/1/1608/M6/2.
Digitised material for Crystofor Mettford, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1581/M4/1 DPRI/1/1581/M6/1 19 April 1580
John Mowrton, gentleman, of Unthank (Unthanke) within the countie palentyne of Norham, parish of Twedemouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Murton. Will, with list of debts owing by (£3 and 2 barrels of salmon) and owing to (£2 15s) the
testator. Endorsed: inventory not given; registered.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 83.
See DPRI/2/4 f.134: probate, August 1581.
Digitised material for John Mowrton, gentleman, Tweedmouth, Northumberland. Will - DPRI/1/1581/M6/1 DPRI/1/1581/O1/1-5 2 January 1581
Henrye Ogle, gentleman, of Kirkelawe (Kirklaw) in the parishe of Ponteland (Pounttelland) in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Will, date drawn from registered copy - endorsed: registered; inventory, undated, actual total
£219 13s, endorsed with [?incomplete] list of debts of 12 bowles and a bushel [?of grain]; wrapper.
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 32-33.
See DPRI/2/4 f.153
v: proved, 2 August 1581. For the will of Ogle's wife, see - DPRI/1/1588/O3/1.
Digitised material for Henrye Ogle, gentleman, Ponteland, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/O1/1-5 DPRI/1/1581/O2/1-2 16 November 1580
John Ogele, of Sautwick (Sawtewicke) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogle. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, undated, actual total £63 10s 4d.
See DPRI/2/4 f.119: proved, 11 October 1581.
See also: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 33 (footnote).
Digitised material for John Ogele, Stannington, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/O2/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/R1/1-3 12 January 1580
Jhon Readheade, the elder, shipwright, of towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]. Will, with list of debts owing by (£8) and owing to (£10 4s and more) the testator; inventory, 26 October 1581, actual
total £178 14s 8d, inventory total drawn from Probate Act Book (DPRI/4/2 f.254). Endorsed: [will] registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.148; and DPRI/4/2 f.254: probate granted to John Readheade, son and executor, and inventory exhibited, 31 October 1581.
Digitised material for Jhon Readheade, the elder, shipwright, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/R1/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/R3/1-3 14 November 1580
Petere Ridlie, fair bailiff, woodward, of Morpethe [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley, Ridleye. Ridlie held manorial offices of the husbands of the co-heiresses of Morpeth manor, the Earl of Arundel and Lord William Howard: fair bailiff
and woodward. Will, dated 14 November 1580 at head and 23 Eliz I [1581] at foot - endorsed: registered. Inventory, 16 February 1581, actual total £85 0s 6d.
See DPRI/2/4 ff.142
v-143; and DPRI/4/2 f.210
v: probate granted at Morpeth to Agnes Ridlie relict and Nicholas Ridlie, executors, and inventory also exhibited, 19 April 1581.
Digitised material for Petere Ridlie, fair bailiff, woodward, Morpeth, Northumberland. Will. Inventory - DPRI/1/1581/R3/1-3 DPRI/1/1581/R4/1-2 31 January 1582
Bryan Robynson, farmer, of Carlton within the parishe of Readmarshall within the cowuntye of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Robinson. Indented will, with list of debts owing by (£1 8s 5d and more) and owing to (£2 8s 10d and
more) the testator - endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 13 March 1582, actual total £31 14s 6d (with account of debts of £1 8s 5d and more).
See DPRI/2/4 f.161
v: probate, 17 March 1582.
Digitised material for Bryan Robynson, farmer, Redmarshall, County Durham. Indented will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/R4/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/R6/1-12 [1581]
Lawrence Rookeby, bailiff of Heddon-on-the-Wall, [of the Rokeby family of Rokeby in Yorkshire], merchant, bailiff, of parishe of Alhallowes within the towne of Newcastel upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt
Rokebie, Rokebye, Rookby, Rookebye. Will, undated, with grant of probate, 2 August 1581. The first section of the will postdates the rest, which latter section is an earlier undated will not revoked in the latter will. Probate granted to Robert
Rookeby esquire co-executor, Henry Anderson of Newcastle alderman and co-executor, having renounced, [date drawn from DPRI/4/2]. Draft inventory, 27 February 1581, actual total £431 6s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £200 10s),
inventory of household and shop goods etc. With inventory, 31 August 1594, and inventory, 14 February 1595, actual total £425 16s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £307 19s 8d), inventory of household and shop goods etc.;
exhibited by Jer. Birkhead for Robert Rookeby, executor, 20 February 1595.
Edited: Raine, J. (ed),
Durham Probate Records Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, etc. of the Northern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century Downwards, Part I (Surtees Society, 2, 1835),
See DPRI/2/4 ff.135
v; and DPRI/4/2 ff.240
v: probate granted (2 August 1581), and with three notifications to enter an inventory, the last dated before
January 1584; with undated note that inventory has been exhibited [20 February 1595]. [DPRI/4/2 f.241: grant of administration of the estates of Adam Rokesbie, Robert Rokesbie and James Rokesbie, children of Lawrence Rokesbie of Newcastle, to John
Rokesbie, his brother. It is not clear that this is the family of the same man.
Digitised material for Lawrence Rookeby, bailiff of Heddon-on-the-Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland. Will. Inventories - DPRI/1/1581/R6/1-12 DPRI/1/1581/S1/1-2 9 July 1581
Thomas Smith, bailiff of Angerton, bailiff, yeoman, of Old (Olde) Angarton in the countie of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 29 September 1581, actual
total £103 8s 6d (with account of debts of £20 10s 6d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 87.
See DPRI/2/4 f.160
v: probate, 13 March 1582.
Digitised material for Thomas Smith, bailiff of Angerton, yeoman,Hartburn, Northumberland. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/S1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/W1/1-2 1 November 1581
Jenate Wylkinson, wife of John Wylkinson, widow, of East Raynton (Raynetone) in the countie of Durham [East Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Wylkeyson, Wilkinson. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 14 November 1581, actual total
£23 5s 7d (with account of debts of £1 8s 5d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.120
v: probate, November 1581.
Digitised material for Jenate Wylkinson, wife of John Wylkinson, widow, East Rainton, County Durham. Will; indented inventory - DPRI/1/1581/W1/1-2 DPRI/1/1581/W2/1-3 7 September 1580
Henry Woodward, gentleman, of Waggyn in the countie of Yorke [Wawne, Yorkshire]; also spelt Woodwarde, Woddwarde. Woodward made his will and died at Berwick-upon-Tweed. Will, endorsed: registered; inventory, 19 September 1580, actual total
See DPRI/2/4 f.133
v: probate, August 1581.
Digitised material for Henry Woodward, gentleman, Wawne, Yorkshire. Will; inventory - DPRI/1/1581/W2/1-3
Wills etc proved 1582Reference: DPRI/1/1582DPRI/1/1582/A1/1-2 15 July 1582
Margette Adamson, widow, of Eldon of the parishe of Sayncte Andrewe Awkland [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Addamson. Will; indented inventory, 26 July 1582, actual total £18 16s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5
See DPRI/2/4 f.177: probate, July 1582.
Digitised material for Margette Adamson, widow, of Eldon, County Durham. Will; indented inventory – DPRI/1/1582/A1/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/A2/1-4 11 June 1582
Anthonye Ayreye, of Thimblebye (Thimblebie, Thimbleby) of the parishe of Osmotherley in the countie of Yorke [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Ayrey, Arie. Will; indented inventory, 27 June 1582, actual total £142 10s 10d (with account of
debts and legacies of £24 1s 4d).
Digitised material for Anthonye Ayreye, of Thimblebye (Thimblebie, Thimbleby) of the parishe of Osmotherley in the countie of Yorke [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Ayrey, Arie. Will; indented inventory, 27 June 1582, actual total £142 10s 10d (with account of debts and legacies of £24 1s 4d). - DPRI/1/1582/A2/1-4 DPRI/1/1582/A3/1-2 9 April 1582
Annas Andersonne, widow, of Prestwick (Prestwicke) within the parishe of Pont Iland and in the countye of Northumberlande [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 17 April 1582,
actual total £20 13s 7d.
See DPRI/2/4 f.179: probate, July 1582.
Digitised material for Annas Andersonne, widow, of Prestwick (Prestwicke) within the parishe of Pont Iland and in the countye of Northumberlande [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 17 April 1582, actual total £20 13s 7d - DPRI/1/1582/A3/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/A4/1-2 20 December 1581
Henrie Ayton, yeoman, of Newbottle in the countie of Durrham [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Aiton. Will, endorsed by probate office: 1582; 1581 [later hand]; '... and therefore it might not be registered'. Indented inventory, 20 December
1581, actual total £200 3s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 7s 9d).
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 89.
A registered copy of the will can not be found in DPRI/2/6 and 7. See DPRI/4/2 f.290: probate granted, 12 May 1582. Ayton was buried at Houghton-le-Spring, 1 March 1582.
Digitised material for Henrie Ayton, yeoman, of Newbottle in the countie of Durrham [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Aiton. Will, endorsed by probate office: 1582; 1581 [later hand]; '... and therefore it might not be registered'. Indented inventory, 20 December 1581, actual total £200 3s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 7s 9d). - DPRI/1/1582/A4/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/B1/1-3 12 December 1582
Robert Barker, yeoman, of Sowth Wettsled (South Wetsled, Wetslett) in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]. Indented will; indented inventory, 24 January 1583, actual total £9 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral
expenses of £3 8s 8d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.186: probate, February 1583.
Digitised material for Robert Barker, yeoman, of Sowth Wettsled (South Wetsled, Wetslett) in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]. Indented will; indented inventory, 24 January 1583, actual total £9 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 8s 8d). - DPRI/1/1582/B1/1-3 DPRI/1/1582/B3/1-3 29 September 1582
Thomas Barrowe, quartermaster serving in Berwick-upon-Tweed, quartermaster, great gunner, of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Barroe. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 21 October 1582,
actual total £91 7s.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 95-96.
See DPRI/2/6 f.4
v-5: probate, February 1583.
Digitised material for Thomas Barrowe, quartermaster serving in Berwick-upon-Tweed, quartermaster, great gunner, of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Barroe. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 21 October 1582, actual total £91 7s. - DPRI/1/1582/B3/1-3 DPRI/1/1582/B4/1-2 21 January 1583
John Bee, yeoman, of Busshop Weremouthe (Bushop Wermoth) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Indented will; indented inventory, 6 March 1583, actual total £15 14s 10d (with account of debts of £4 3s 6d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.186
v: probate, March [1583].
Digitised material for John Bee, yeoman, of Busshop Weremouthe (Bushop Wermoth) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Indented will; indented inventory, 6 March 1583, actual total £15 14s 10d (with account of debts of £4 3s 6d) - DPRI/1/1582/B4/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/B5/1-3 23 October 1582
Thomas Bee, of Howghton (Houghton) in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]. Will; indented inventory, 29 January 1583, actual total £48 2s (with account of debts of £22 0s 2d), with additional debts; indented inventory, 29 January
1583, actual total £48 2s (with account of debts of £20 11s 2d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.186
v: probate, March [1583].
Digitised material for Thomas Bee, of Howghton (Houghton) in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]. Will; indented inventory, 29 January 1583, actual total £48 2s (with account of debts of £22 0s 2d), with additional debts; indented inventory, 29 January 1583, actual total £48 2s (with account of debts of £20 11s 2d). - DPRI/1/1582/B5/1-3 DPRI/1/1582/B6/1-3 21 December 1581
Robert Betson, of Hurworthe (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 26 June 1582, actual total £41 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s).
See DPRI/2/4 f.178
v: probate July 1582.
Digitised material for Robert Betson, of Hurworthe (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 26 June 1582, actual total £41 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s) - DPRI/1/1582/B6/1-3 DPRI/1/1582/B7/1-2 3 March 1583
John Billie, of Mainsworth, parish of Bushopp Mydlam (Midlham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Billey. Died 3 March 1583. Will; indented inventory, 22 March 1583, actual total £14 3s 11d (with account of debts of 9s 4d).
See DPRI/2/6 ff.6
v-7: probate, 23 March 1583.
Digitised material for John Billie, of Mainsworth, parish of Bushopp Mydlam (Midlham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Billey. Died 3 March 1583. Will; indented inventory, 22 March 1583, actual total £14 3s 11d (with account of debts of 9s 4d). - DPRI/1/1582/B7/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/B8/1 12 April 1582
Gyles Blythe, husbandman, of Longe Witton in the perrish of Hartburne within the countie of Northomberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Blyth. Will, with inventory, 8 December 1582, actual total £7 12s 8d (with account
of debts of £2 3s 4d).
Digitised material for Gyles Blythe, husbandman, of Longe Witton in the perrish of Hartburne within the countie of Northomberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Blyth. Will, with inventory, 8 December 1582, actual total £7 12s 8d (with account of debts of £2 3s 4d) - DPRI/1/1582/B8/1 DPRI/1/1582/B10/1 18 October 1582
Wylliam Borralle, of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Borrall, Burrall, Borrel. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 16s (with account of debts of £12 17s), endorsed: registered.
Extract: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 96.
See DPRI/2/4 f.186
v: probate, February 1583.
Digitised material for Wylliam Borralle, of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Borrall, Burrall, Borrel. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 16s (with account of debts of £12 17s), endorsed: registered. - DPRI/1/1582/B10/1 DPRI/1/1582/B11/1-2 28 March 1582
Jhon Brigges, of pariche of Rytton (Rittone, Ryton, Riton) [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Briggs. Will, endorsed: registered. Indented inventory, dated, 24 April [ ], actual total £13 8s 2s (with account of debts of £7 0s 2d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.190: probate, May 1582.
Digitised material for Jhon Brigges, of pariche of Rytton (Rittone, Ryton, Riton) [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Briggs. Will, endorsed: registered. Indented inventory, dated, 24 April [ ], actual total £13 8s 2s (with account of debts of £7 0s 2d) - DPRI/1/1582/B11/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/B12/1 11 July 1581
Richard Burnupe, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Burnupp. Will, endorsed: registered. Also endorsed with cancelled grant of probate at Newcastle of the will of ... Ellison to Isabell
Ellison, relict and executrix, 13 March 1582. The wills of a George Ellison and a Cuthbert Ellison, both of Newcastle upon Tyne, are filed in DPRI/1/1581.
See DPRI/2/4 ff.188
v-189: probate, April 1582.
Digitised material for Richard Burnupe, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Burnupp. Will, endorsed: registered. Also endorsed with cancelled grant of probate at Newcastle of the will of ... Ellison to Isabell Ellison, relict and executrix, 13 March 1582. The wills of a George Ellison and a Cuthbert Ellison, both of Newcastle upon Tyne, are filed in DPRI/1/1581. - DPRI/1/1582/B12/1 DPRI/1/1582/B13/1 8 May 1582
Johne Byerlaw, of parishe of Shotlie (chapelry of Shotley) [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Bierlay, Byerley. Will, endorsed: registered.
See DPRI/2/4 f.179 and DPRI/4/3 f.8: probate granted at Corbridge to Agnes Byerlaw, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Agnes Byerlaw, minor daughter and co-executor, and inventory (£31 6s 8d) exhibited, 16 July 1582. For the
account, see - DPRI/1/1607/H11/1-2.
Digitised material for Johne Byerlaw, of parishe of Shotlie (chapelry of Shotley) [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Bierlay, Byerley. Will, endorsed: registered - DPRI/1/1582/B13/1 DPRI/1/1582/C1/1-2 28 March 1582
Edward Car, of Shynclyffe (Shynclyff, Shinclif) of the parysshe of St Oswaldes newe unto the cety of Durham [Shincliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Carr. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 28 March 1582, actual total £7 15s (with
account of debts and funeral expenses of 13s 9d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.191
v: probate, June 1582.
Digitised material for Edward Car, of Shynclyffe (Shynclyff, Shinclif) of the parysshe of St Oswaldes newe unto the cety of Durham [Shincliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Carr. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 28 March 1582, actual total £7 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 13s 9d) - DPRI/1/1582/C1/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C3/1-2 27 October 1580
Isabell Chiltonne, wife of John Chiltonne, widow, of Newbotle (Newbottle) in the parishe of Houghton in the Springe [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltonn, Chilton. Will (date of will has been amended from 1582 to 1580); indented
inventory, 16 July 1582, actual total £47 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 8d).
See DPRI/2/4 f.185
v: probate, [February 1583].
Digitised material for Isabell Chiltonne, wife of John Chiltonne, widow, of Newbotle (Newbottle) in the parishe of Houghton in the Springe [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltonn, Chilton. Will (date of will has been amended from 1582 to 1580); indented inventory, 16 July 1582, actual total £47 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 8d). - DPRI/1/1582/C3/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C4/1-2 8 September 1582
Izabell Chilton, wife of Raphe Chilton, widow, of Howghton in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltonne. Will; indented inventory, 27 February 1583, actual total £9 12s 6d (with account of debts of 18s 4d), endorsed:
See DPRI/2/4 f.186v: probate, March 1583.
Digitised material for Izabell Chilton, wife of Raphe Chilton, widow, of Howghton in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltonne. Will; indented inventory, 27 February 1583, actual total £9 12s 6d (with account of debts of 18s 4d), endorsed: registered.See DPRI/2/4 f.186v: probate, March 1583 - DPRI/1/1582/C4/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C5/1-2 23 October 1582
William Clarke, of West Shipley in the parishe of Hampsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Clerke. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 29 October 1582, actual total £65 15s 8d.
See DPRI/2/4 f.181
v: probate, November 1582.
Digitised material for William Clarke, of West Shipley in the parishe of Hampsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Clerke. Will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 29 October 1582, actual total £65 15s 8d. - DPRI/1/1582/C5/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C6/1-2 30 November 1582
Roberte Clavering, esquire, of Callelie (Calleley, Callelye) within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Whittenhame (Whittingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Claveringe. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory,
31 January 1583, actual total £376 19s 9d (with account of debts of £40 6s 11d).
Edited: Greenwell, W. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part II (Surtees Society, 38, 1860), 56-60.
See DPRI/2/4 f.184
v: probate, January 1583.
Digitised material for Roberte Clavering, esquire, of Callelie (Calleley, Callelye) within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Whittenhame (Whittingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Claveringe. Indented will, endorsed: registered; indented inventory, 31 January 1583, actual total £376 19s 9d (with account of debts of £40 6s 11d) - DPRI/1/1582/C6/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C7/1-2 21 November 1581
Heughe Clerke, miller, of town of Berwick (Berwicke upon Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt [Clarke]. Buried at Berwick-upon-Tweed, 4 December 1581. Will, with list of debts owing to (£8 13s 7d) and owing by (£24 8s 10d) the
testator. Subscribed: proved in common form; probate granted to Elizabeth Sawer alias Clerke, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Thomas Sawer alias Clerke, son and co-executor. Endorsed: inventory not given; registered.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 71.
See DPRI/2/4 f.174v: probate, March 1582. .
Digitised material for Heughe Clerke, miller, of town of Berwick (Berwicke upon Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt [Clarke]. Buried at Berwick-upon-Tweed, 4 December 1581. Will, with list of debts owing to (£8 13s 7d) and owing by (£24 8s 10d) the testator. Subscribed: proved in common form; probate granted to Elizabeth Sawer alias Clerke, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Thomas Sawer alias Clerke, son and co-executor. Endorsed: inventory not given; registered. - DPRI/1/1582/C7/1-2 DPRI/1/1582/C8/1-2 23 May 1580
John Collingwood, weaver, of parishe of St Androes within the towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Collyngwood, Collingwod. Will; inventory, 1 June 1582, actual total £5 18s 3d
(with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 3s 6d), endorsed: registered.
Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed),
Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 84.
See DPRI/2/6 f.4: probate, January 1583.
Digitised material for John Collingwood, weaver, Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew,