Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625)unknown Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collectionsunknown© 2011eadxmlGB-0033-DPR1/1unknownEnglishunknownunknownpublicx2011-01-01publicDurham Probate Recordsdynaxml2011durham probate records pre1858 original wills and inventories 16001625unknown20112011::01::01dduu UkDhU:EADCatalogue.0552 Durham Probate Records: Catalogue of pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625) Palace Green Durham DH1 3RN England Telephone: 0191 334 2972 Email: PG.Library@durham.ac.uk URL: http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/asc/ © 2011 IDLastUsed 1 Durham Probate Records File created by Andrew Gray, taking data from ModesXML (North East Inheritance) database (probate2ead.xsl + ead_rebuild.xsl), August 2011. The finding aid is in English Durham Probate Records: Catalogue of pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625) Palace Green Durham DH1 3RN England Telephone: 0191 334 2972 Email: PG.Library@durham.ac.uk URL: http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/asc/ ark:/32150/s1p2676v528 Durham Probate Records: pre-1858 original wills and inventories (1600-1625) GB-0033-DPR1/1 1600-1625 8 metres Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections The Spiritual Chancellors to the bishops of Durham (through their Registrars) English, with some Latin Contents Original wills, inventories, accounts and associated documents, proved by the registrars to the bishops of Durham. See main DPR1 catalogue for further details on these records. As well as wills proved within the registry, this series also includes inventories and some other associated documents for those who died intestate, where administration was granted (although the actual administration bonds are stored within the separate DPR1/3 series). Arrangement The entries within this list are arranged in the same order as the original documents, viz documents for every will proved (or administration granted) within a single year are stored together. Within each year, the documents are in name order. This arrangement is reflected within the reference codes, but note that in a few cases documents were misfiled prior to 2006 and so are lettered or numbered out of sequence. For pre-1752 wills, note that this is normally an 'old style' year, running from 25th March in the year stated until 24th March of the following year; however, the yearly bundling of wills was not entirely consistent in this respect. Where it can be established with some confidence (for instance, from the date of an accompanying bond or an endorsement relating to the executors' oaths), the precise date of probate or administration is stated within this list. In other cases, however, you may need to check a year each side of the actual year of probate, especially for earlier material (see also under Finding aids below). Accession details See main DPR1 catalogue. Conditions of access Open for consultation. Copyright and copying Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material Finding aids This list incorporates all the public information from the North East Inheritance database relating to the original wills and inventories etc, but only includes sparse references to the related records within other series of the Durham Probate Records (chiefly registered copies in DPR1/2 and probate bonds in DPR1/3). The online database at http://familyrecords.dur.ac.uk/nei/data/ will generally be found more helpful for research using the probate records, as it lists together records from multiple series relating to the same deceased person, and can be searched by person, place, occupation and document type as well as dates of probate and of documents. All the data within this catalogue is made available through the online database. For links to the lists for other parts of the series of original wills (DPRI/1), see the collection level description, or use these links for the previous list and next list. Form of citation The form of citation should use the code GB-0033-DPR, or the collection name Durham Probate Records, followed by the full reference code shown within the list below. To order items in the searchroom, use the full reference number shown. Note that in this list, the references are shown as DPRI/1/..., rather than DPR1/1/... as in the higher-level Durham Probate Records catalogues (roman numeral I rather than arabic 1): the difference is immaterial. Bibliography Several of these wills and inventories have been published, chiefly in volumes of the Surtees Society. Full references, with links to online texts where available, are in the Useful texts section of the North East Inheritance project pages. Catalogue DPRI/1/1600 Wills etc proved 1600 DPRI/1/1600/A1/1 6 February 1600 John Awde, labourer, of the Manorhowse (Mannerhouse) in the county of Duresme, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]. Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. Will. Awde, John, -1600? Lanchester (England) Wills DPRI/1/1600/B1/1 23 December 1600 William Brasse, of the Flasse with in the parishinge of Eshe (chapelry of Esh) [Esh, County Durham]. Died December 1600; Brasse was buried 28 December 1600. Will, endorsed: proved, 7 February 1601. See DPRI/4/9 f.96: 7 February 1601; inventory, £26 13s 4d. Brass, William, -1600 Esh (England) Wills DPRI/1/1600/C1/1-4 26 July 1597 Myles Casse, curate of Auckland St Andrew, clerk, of parish of Saincte Andrewe Auckelannde (Awcklande, Auckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Caise. Nuncupative will endorsed: proved. Copy nuncupative will. Indented inventory, 20 October 1600, actual total £58 13s. See DPRI/4/9 f.84v: 24 October 1600. Cash, Miles, -1600? South Church (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/C2/1-8 [1600?] Robert Claveringe, esquire, of Calelee (Callaley, Caliley, Callilee, Calalye, Calaly) in the county of Northumberland [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Clavering. Will. Nuncupative codicil made the same day as the will. Copy will with copy nuncupative codicil, undated. Inventory, 9 April 1600, actual total £1,734 17s 5d (and more, with account of debts and funeral charges of £68 10s 3d): includes goods etc. at Callaley, Yetlington and Glanton. Indented inventory, 9 April 1600, actual total £1,734 17s 5d (and more, with account of debts and funeral charges of £68 10s 3d): includes goods etc. at Callaley, Yetlington and Glanton. Incomplete copy of a section of the will, dated 22 April 1600 in the house of James Clavering, brother and sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne on 22 April 1600. This copy was probably made in the process of proving the will in the presence of officers of the probate court in Newcastle. Clavering, Robert, -1600? Whittingham (Northumberland, England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/C3/1-2 6 April 1600 William Claveringe, gentleman, of Elton in the countye of Duresme [Elton, County Durham]. Indented will endorsed: proved, 24 May 1600. Indented inventory, 24 April 1600, actual total £128. See DPRI/4/9 f.62: 24 May 1600. Clavering, William, -1600? Elton (Cleveland, England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/C4/1-3 4 December 1599 Christofer Collyn, single man, of Darnton (Darlington) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Collen. Will. Indented inventory, 14 January 1600, actual total £37 endorsed: [will] proved, 30 May 1600. See DPRI/4/9 f.63: 30 May 1600. Edited: Atkinson, J.A., et al., Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625, (Surtees Society, 201, 1993), 51-52 Collen, Christopher, -1600? Darlington (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/C5/1-2 15 November 1599 Cicilye Colwich, widow, of parish of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]. Will endorsed: proved. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is not present. Colwich, Cecily, -1600? Alnwick (England) Wills DPRI/1/1600/C6/1-4 28 May 1600 Michaell Constable, esquire, of North Biddicke in the countye palantine of Duresme [Washington, County Durham]. Inventory, endorsed by probate office: Inventory ... with letter of Dorothy Constable consenting that administration may be granted to ... (damage) - the latter is not present. See DPRI/4/9 f.72: 11 July 1600. Constable, Michael, -1600? Washington (England) Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/C7/1-4 6 September 1600 Thomas Cragges, of Landewe in the parishe of Woulsingham (Wolsingham) within the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Craggs. Will. Indented inventory, 25 September 1600, actual total £47 9s 2d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £111 0s 9d); total for the goods does not include debts owing to the testator (damage). Endorsed: [will] proved, 7 February1601. See DPRI/4/9 f.96v: 7 February1601. Craggs, Thomas, -1600? Wolsingham (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/F1/1-3 13 June 1600 Jasper Fairallis, tailor, of parishe of St Johns within the towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fareallis, Farnallis. Will endorsed: proved. Indented inventory, 30 June 1600, actual total £24 0s 9d. Fairallis, Jasper, -1600? Newcastle upon Tyne (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/G1/1-4 8 December 1600 Anthonye Grundie, of parishe of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Grundye, Grundy. Will endorsed: proved, 24 January 1601. Wrapper. Indented inventory, 12 January 1601, actual total £112 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 13s) endorsed: proved, 24 January [1601]. See DPRI/4/9 f.93v: 24 January 1601. Grundy, Anthony, -1600? Whickham (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H1/1-2 21 December 1569 Allexander Hall, of Attorcappes (Ottercopes) in the pairsh of Elsedon (Elsdon) [Elsdon, Northumberland]. Will, endorsed with memorandum of Regnold Fenwick, vicar of Kirkwhelpington, relating that a true copy of the will can not be made due to its poor condition. Commission to Humphrey Grene, vicar of Bolam, and Reginald Fenwick, vicar of Kirkwhelpington, 4 September 1600, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Grene and Fenwick, (undated). Hall, Alexander, -1600? Elsdon (Northumberland) Wills DPRI/1/1600/H2/1-2 13 December 1600 Janet Halle, widow, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hall. Will with warrant, 11 October 1599, issued at Sedgefield by Thomas Calverleye and George Frevell pursuant to an Act of Parliament (40 Elizabeth I) for the relief of soldiers and mariners. Endorsed: proved, 31 January [1601]. Inventory, undated, actual total £5 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s 4d). See DPRI/4/9 f.95v: 31 January 1601. Hall, Janet, -1600? Lanchester (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H3/1 Alexander Hearon, of Ruplington within the parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]. Account, undated, of Roberte Hearon of Riplington gentleman. See DPRI/4/9 f.65: 11 June 1600. Heron, Alexander, -1600? Whalton (England) Wills DPRI/1/1600/H4/1-2 7 October 1600 Sir William Hilton, knight, of Hilton [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]. Inventory of goods etc. at Hylton and Newcastle. Endorsed: administration granted. See DPRI/4/9 f.240: 2 December 1603. Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 178-179 Hilton, William, Sir, -1600? Monkwearmouth (England) Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H5/1-6 8 May 1595 Wylliam Hodshon, gentleman, of the Manner House in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon. Will endorsed: proved, 17 January [1601]. Indented inventory, 5 November 1600, actual total £314 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £244 13s 4d). See DPRI/4/9 f.93: 24 January 1601. Hodgson, William, -1600? Lanchester (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H6/1-2 28 November 1599 James Hopper, of Birkensyde (Birkenside) in the parishe of Shoteley (Shotley, Shotely) [Shotley, Northumberland]. Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. Will. Indented inventory, 9 January 1600, actual total £43 0s 4d (with account of debts of £6 11s 2d). Hopper, James, -1600? Shotley (Northumberland, England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H7/1 16 December 1599 Thomas Hucheson, of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Hutcheson. Indented will. Hutchinson, Thomas, -1600? Alston (England) Wills DPRI/1/1600/H8/1-4 1 September 1600 Rychard Hudson, yeoman, of parish of Greatham in the countie of Durisme [Greatham, County Durham]. Will endorsed: proved, 25 October 1600. Inventory, 1600, actual total £221 5s 1d; largely illegible: rough total. See DPRI/4/9 f.85v: 25 October 1600. Hudson, Richard, -1600? Greatham (Durham, England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H9/1-3 12 February 1600 Thomas Hudspeth, of the Hoole (Hole) of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspethe. Will. Inventory, 4 June 1600, actual total £156 10s 4d. Hudspeth, Thomas, -1600? Corbridge (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H10/1-2 21 May 1595 Lyonell Hunter, of Wytton (Witton) Rawe in the parish of Wytton upon Weyre in the county of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]. Will. Inventory, 24 September 1600, actual total £5 3s 3d (with account of debts of £1 7s 10d). Hunter, Lionel, -1600? Witton-le-Wear (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/H11/1-2 4 June 1599 Hewgh Hutcheson, yeoman, towne of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne, parish of Newcastle St John, Esheabanke (Eshawebanke) [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland; Allendale, Northumberland]. Esheabanke is possibly near Eshells Moor in Allendale, where Hutcheson had lead mining interests. Will, with inventory, undated, actual total £19 4s 8d. Inventory exhibited by James Bylton, 18 April 1600. Endorsed: proved. Hutchinson, Hugh, -1600? Newcastle upon Tyne (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/P1/1-2 April 1600 Raphe Piersonn, of Branspeth (Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson, Pearson. Will. Inventory, undated, actual total £9 7s 6d. See DPRI/4/9 f.63v: 31 May 1600. Pearson, Ralph, -1600? Brancepeth (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/S1/1-2 9 November 1600 Marmaducke Stevensone, yeoman, of Nessame in the countie of Durhame, parish of Hurwothe (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Stevenson. Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £16 15s 5d. Inventory, undated, actual total £84 5s 4d, (uncertain due to damage). Endorsed: administration granted. See DPRI/4/9: f.103, 21 March 1601; f.106, 3 April 1601. Stevenson, Marmaduke, -1600? Hurworth on Tees (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/S2/1-3 14 June 1599 Robart Swift, fellow of Lincoln's Inn, [admitted 19 Aug 1587], [only son of Robert Swift Ll.B., spiritual chancellor of Durham, and Anne Lever], gentleman, of Lincolnes (Lincolns) Inne in the countey of Middlesex [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex]; also spelt Swifte. Died 15 September 1599. Will. Indented copy inventory, undated, actual total £121 1s 4d. Inventory, undated, actual total £121 1s 4d. See DPRI/4/9 f.54: 11 April 1600. Edited: Hodgson, J.C. (ed), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham ..., Part III (Surtees Society, 112, 1906), 174-176 (will is dated incorrectly 14 January 1599/1600) Swift, Robert, -1599 Lincoln's Inn (London, England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/W1/1-4 18 June 1600 Thomas Watson, of Stockton within the chaplerie of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]. Will, probate granted in the house of Giles Wetherell at Stockton by Clement Colmer, [Durham Chancellor], to Alice Watson, relict and sole executrix, 28 July 1600; inventory also exhibited, £29 13s [2d]. Inventory, 24 June 1600, actual total £48 1s 8d (with account of debts of £18 8s 6d), endorsed: [will] proved, 28 July [1600]. See DPRI/4/9 f.75: 28 July 1600. Watson, Thomas, -1600? Stockton-on-Tees (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1600/W2/1-2 April 1598 John Willo, of [Ea]tchwick (Eachwick) within the countye of Northumberland and of the [parish of] Hedden les Wallen [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Willoe. Christian, and alternate spelling of the surname name drawn from index DPRI/7. Will (dated on or after 10 April 1598 - damage). Endorsed: proved. Inventory, undated, actual total £18 1s 4d (with account of debts of £10 17s 6d). Willow, John, -1600? Heddon-on-the-Wall (England) Wills Inventories (Probate) DPRI/1/1601 Wills etc proved 1601 DPRI/1/1601/B1 9 January 1602 Thomas BAYLES, of Bushopp Aucklande in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] see DPRI/4/9 f.147v: 9 Jan 1602 DPRI/1/1601/B1/1-2 30 May 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/B1/3-4 14 July 1601 inventory, actual total £63 7s 8d (with account of debts of £14 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1601/C1 22 July 1601 Thomas COLLINGWOOD, Colling, of [parish of] Alne[wick] [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwoode see DDR/EV/VIS/2/1 (Visitation) f.177v: 22 July 1601 DPRI/1/1601/C1/1-2 2 May 1601 will with inventory, undated, actual total £14 8s 10d endorsed: proved, 22 Ju[ly 1601] DPRI/1/1601/C2 4 April 1601 John CONYERS, gentleman, of Butterwycke (Butterwicke, Butterwick) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers see DPRI/4/9 f.106: 3 Apr 1601 DPRI/1/1601/C2/1-2 27 July 1599 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Apr 1601 DPRI/1/1601/C3 Robert COXON, yeoman, of Berwik on the Hil in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Iland (Ponteland) [Ponteland, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/C3/1-2 6 March 1600 will with inventory, undated items in the inventory are unvalued DPRI/1/1601/C4 Thomas CUTT, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne of the parishe of St Nicholas (Sainct Nichollas) within the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/C4/1-2 7 February 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/C4/3 24 March 1601 indented inventory, actual total £12 7s 9d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1601/D1 Katherin DELAVELL, daughter of Sir John Delavale knight, gentlewoman, of Seaton (Seton) Delavale of the chapelrie of Earsden (Ersden) [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Delavale, Delaval DPRI/1/1601/D1/1 undated nuncupative will DPRI/1/1601/D1/2 1601 indented inventory, actual total £73 6s 8d inventory of the deceased's filial portion from her father and her apparel DPRI/1/1601/D1/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1601/F1 11 March 1602 George FARNABIE, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant adventurer, alderman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Farnaby, Farnabye Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/F1/1-2 21 October 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/F1/3-4 21 October 1601 copy will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1602; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1601/F1/5-6 4 March 1602 inventory, actual total £407 9s 10d (with account of debts of £61 and more) inventory totals uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1601/F2 Rauph FORSTER, yeoman, of Eward within the pareish of Dodyngtonne (Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/F2/1 20 January 1601 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 16s. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1601/F2/2 undated inventory, actual total 13s 6d DPRI/1/1601/G1 22 July 1601 Jane GAIRE, of Lesburye [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Gare DPRI/1/1601/G1/1-2 24 November 1600 nuncupative will with inventory, 21 July 1601, actual total £3 (and more) endorsed: administration granted, 22 July [1601] DPRI/1/1601/G2 10 March 1602 Thomas GIBSONN, the elder, of Mickle Whittingtonn of the chapelrie of Haltonn (Halton), parish of Corbridge [Halton, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. bond: DPRI/3/1601/B336 DPRI/1/1601/G2/1 6 December 1601 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602] DPRI/1/1601/G2/2 9 March 1602 inventory, actual total £9 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 4s) DPRI/1/1601/G3 12 June 1601 John GRAY, of Ferry Hill within the parishe of Merington [Ferryhill, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/G3/1 1 April 1601 will endorsed: proved, 12 June [1601] DPRI/1/1601/G4 25 March 1601 Katherine GRAYE, of Kirke Whellpington (Kirkwhelpington) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1601/G4/1 18 October 1600 will endorsed: proved, 25 Mar [1601]; inventory exhibited, 18 July 160... [1601] DPRI/1/1601/G4/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £18 0s 2d exhibited by Barbara Coxon, executrix, 18 July 1601 DPRI/1/1601/G4/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £13 6s DPRI/1/1601/H1 10 March 1602 William HARRESON, of Pruddoe within the parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison bond: DPRI/3/1601/B309 DPRI/1/1601/H1/1-2 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £12 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 4s 8d) Inventory dated, 16 Jan. Endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602]. DPRI/1/1601/H4 27 November 1601 Charles HASLOP, of town of Barwicke (Berwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslopp Inventory is endorsed by probate office: '[Inventory] ... with private letter from [?Mary] Heslopp, relict, consenting that administration be granted to George Muschamp' - the latter is not present. See DPRI/4/9 f.143v: 27 Nov 1601. DPRI/1/1601/H4/1-2 21 November 1601 inventory endorsed: administration granted to George Muschamp, 27 Nov 1602 [recte 1601] DPRI/1/1601/H2 Andrewe HAWKINS, weaver, of parishe of Sainct Oswoldes in the suburb[es] of the cittie of Duresme [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] Will endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Inventory - the latter is not present. See DPRI/4/9 f.128v: 22 Aug 1601. DPRI/1/1601/H2/1-2 30 July 1601 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, 31 July 1601 endorsed: inventory exhibited, 3 Oct [1601]; proved DPRI/1/1601/H3 26 September 1601 John HEDWORTHE, esquire, of Saltwelside [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth See DPRI/4/9 f.134: 26 Sep 1601. The grant of administration referred to on the dorse of the inventory is not present. DPRI/1/1601/H3/1 undated inventory Inventory is mutilated and incomplete. Endorsed: administration granted to Isabell Hedworth and John Hedworth, 26 Sep 1601; with copy of [grant of] administration now issued under the seal. DPRI/1/1601/H5 9 May 1601 William HUTCHESON, yeoman, of Hetton in the Hole (Holle) in the parishe of Houghton (Howghton) in the countie of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson see DPRI/4/9 f.112v: 9 May 1601 DPRI/1/1601/H5/1 undated will DPRI/1/1601/H5/2 2 February 1601 inventory, actual total £106 0s 10d endorsed: [will] proved, 9 May 1601 DPRI/1/1601/H5/3 undated inventory fragment of an inventory, different to DPRI/1/1601/H5/2 DPRI/1/1601/L1 24 July 1601 William LARKYN, master gunner, of Barwick upon Tweid (Berwicke upon Tweed, Barwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Larkin, Larken DPRI/1/1601/L1/1 28 January 1600 will endorsed: proved, 24 July [1601] DPRI/1/1601/L1/2-3 16 May 1601 indented inventory, actual total £54 7s 3d inventory represents only half of the deceased's goods held during his lifetime, but his entire goods held after his death; the deceased having donated the half not inventoried here to Thomas Robson and his wife Silvester Robson in a deed of gift; the goods listed here are left to Jane Fairley, daughter and sole executrix DPRI/1/1601/L2 William LAWSON, of Langhurst within the parishe of Bothall [Longhirst, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1601/L2/1 25 June 1601 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1601/M1 10 March 1602 Jhone MARE, of Wylame within the parishe of Ovingham [Wylam, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1601/M1/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1602] DPRI/1/1601/M2 Dionesse MAYSON, of Fyssheborne (Fishburne) in the parishe of Shedghfeild [Fishburn, County Durham]; also spelt Mason see DPRI/4/9 f.152: 6 Feb 1602 DPRI/1/1601/M2/1 21 December 1601 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1601/M2/2 undated inventory, actual total £18 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 4d) dated, 1601[/1602] DPRI/1/1601/M3 George MIDDLETON, husband of Margarett Middleton, of Silksworth [Silksworth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/9 f.108: 24 Apr 1601 DPRI/1/1601/M3/1 28 January 1600 will Will is mutilated and incomplete. Endorsed: 1599. DPRI/1/1601/O1 17 March 1602 Martin OGLE, of Tritlyngton (Tritlington) in the parish of Hebburn (chapelry of Hebburne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1601/B307 bond: DPRI/3/1601/B306 DPRI/1/1601/O1/1 28 April 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/O1/2 wrapper endorsed: proved, 17 Mar 1602 DPRI/1/1601/P1 17 March 1602 John POTT, yeoman, of parishe of Longhorsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/P1/1-2 September 1601 will endorsed: proved, 17 Mar [1602] DPRI/1/1601/P1/3 1601 inventory, actual total £27 12s (with account of debts of £3 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1601/R1 Richard READHEAD, weaver, of parish of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/R1/1-2 4 September 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/R2 10 October 1601 Thomas RICHARDSON, labourer, of Carlton (Carleton) in the Claye within the countie of Durham within the parish of Reedmarshall (Readmarshall) [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Richerdson see DPRI/4/9 f.135: 10 Oct 1601 DPRI/1/1601/R2/1 11 January 1601 will endorsed: proved, 10 Oct [1601] DPRI/1/1601/R2/2 undated inventory, actual total £4 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1601/R3 11 March 1602 Richard ROZE, otherwise Delarosse, gentleman, of Newcastle uponn Tynne within the parishe of All Saintes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Rosse DPRI/1/1601/R3/1-2 27 July 1601 will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar [1602] DPRI/1/1601/R3/3 undated inventory, actual total £37 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 12s 1d) dated 4 March DPRI/1/1601/S1 Christofer SLAITOR, of Heworth within the parish of Jarroe [Heworth, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/S1/1 26 February 1600 will DPRI/1/1601/S2 17 March 1602 George STAWPER, yeoman, of parish of Bolame (Bolam) in the county of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1601/S2/1 22 February 1602 will endorsed: proved, 17 Mar [1602] DPRI/1/1601/S2/2 undated inventory, actual total £29 13s 8d DPRI/1/1601/S3 24 July 1601 Andrew STORY, garrison-man, of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1601/S3/1-2 undated will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 14s. Endorsed: proved, 24 July [1601]. DPRI/1/1601/S4 21 July 1601 Gawen SWANE, yeoman, of Seton Delavale in the parishe of Ersden (chapelry of Earsden) [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Swan DPRI/1/1601/S4/1 3 January 1601 indented will endorsed: proved, 21 July [1601] DPRI/1/1601/S4/2 3 May 1601 indented inventory, actual total £32 15s 10d (with account of debts of £8 10s) DPRI/1/1601/T1 21 November 1601 Robart TWEDDELL, of Munckhesleden towne of the parishe of Munckhesleden (Munck Hesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Tweddel DPRI/1/1601/T1/1 7 November 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/T1/2 19 November 1601 indented inventory, actual total £225 15s 10d endorsed: proved, 21 Nov [1601] DPRI/1/1601/W1 Raphe WALLS, yeoman, of Dryborneside (Dryburnside) in the parishe of Stannope (Stanhop) and countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Walles DPRI/1/1601/W1/1 20 March 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/W1/2 21 May 1601 inventory, actual total £30 4s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £10 11s) inventory is missing the value of one item, and which is inserted in the fair copy DPRI/1/1601/W1/3 21 May 1601 copy inventory, actual total £30 8s 1d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £10 11s) DPRI/1/1601/W2 22 August 1601 Robert WALTON, of Harperley (Harperleye) in the parish of Witton upon Weere in the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham] see DPRI/4/9 f.128v: 22 Aug 1601 DPRI/1/1601/W2/1 14 June 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/W2/2 19 June 1601 inventory, actual total £15 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1601/W3 Thomas WALTON, of the Newsheild within the parish of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland] see DPRI/4/9 f.120: 26 June 1601 DPRI/1/1601/W3/1-2 25 April 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/W4 Bartram WEST, yeoman, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1601/W4/1-2 23 August 1601 will DPRI/1/1601/W5 24 October 1601 John WESTMERLAND, of Hunwick (Hunwicke) [Hunwick, County Durham] see DPRI/4/9 f.137v: 24 Oct 1601 DPRI/1/1601/W5/1 26 September 1601 nuncupative will with inventory, 22 October 1601, actual total £23 11s 1d (with account of debts of £5 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1601/W6 Brian WILLIE, of Kirke Merington (Merrington) within the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Willye, Willey see DPRI/4/9 f.117v: 13 June 1601 DPRI/1/1601/W6/1 17 January 1599 will DPRI/1/1601/W6/2 20 April 1599 inventory, actual total £9 2s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of 17s) DPRI/1/1601/W7 13 February 1602 Richard WRANGHAM, of parrishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/9 f.153v: 13 Feb 1602 DPRI/1/1601/W7/1 29 March 1601 indented will DPRI/1/1601/W7/3 8 February 1602 indented inventory, actual total £63 16s 10d (with account of debts of £14) DPRI/1/1601/W7/2 wrapper endorsed: proved, 13 Feb [1602] DPRI/1/1601/W7/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1602 Wills etc proved 1602 DPRI/1/1602 DPRI/1/1602/R1 Reference number not used. There are only 4 surnames beginning R in DPRI/7 index book; probable that there is no (missing) item numbered DPRI/1/1602/R1, as the item R2 immediately follows P1, an easy error. DPRI/1/1602/A1 27 November 1602 James APPELBY, yeoman, of Whitworth (Whitworthe) in the countye of Duresme [Whitworth, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye, Appleby DPRI/1/1602/A1/1 6 September 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/A1/2 20 September 1602 indented inventory, actual total £40 18s 8d (with account of debts and legacies of £3 16s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Nov 1602 DPRI/1/1602/A2 3 July 1602 Robert ARRASMITH, of parish of Cockefeild (Cockfeild) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Arrowsmith DPRI/1/1602/A2/1-2 24 December 1601 will endorsed: proved, 3 July [1602] DPRI/1/1602/A2/3 12 February 1602 indented inventory, actual total £66 18s 8d (with account of debts of £4 18s 2d) DPRI/1/1602/A3 6 November 1602 William AYTON, yeoman, of West Herrington in the countie of Duresme, parish of Houghton in lez Springe [Herrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/A3/1 3 October 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/A3/2-3 28 October 1602 inventory with supplementary inventory, undated, actual total £560 9s (with account of debts of £385 1s 5d) Inventory, with supplementary inventory adding values and further information concerning certain annuities and leases listed, but then unvalued, in the first inventory. Endorsed: [will] proved, 6 Nov 1602. DPRI/1/1602/B1 24 April 1602 5 June 1602 1 August 1602 Jeffery BAINBRIGE, late of Crosthwate [in the] parish of Romoldkirke, but now of Woulsingham (Wollsingham) within the countie of Durham [Romaldkirk, Yorkshire; Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainbrigg See DPRI/4/9: (f.163) sequestration granted to Guy Bainbrige, son, 24 Apr 1602; (f.177) probate granted at Middleton in Teesdale to Elizabeth Bainbrige relict and Guy Bainbrige, executors, and inventory exhibited, 1 Aug 1602. The inventory totals recorded with the 1 Aug 1602 entry in the Probate Act book accord with those in the inventory (DPRI/1/1602/B1/2), but no Bainbrige entry has been found in the Probate Act book for May-June 1602. DPRI/1/1602/B1/1 25 January 1600 will Dated, 25 Jan 159... [?1599/1600]. [Witnesses sworn] at Middleton in Teesdale, [1] Aug 1602. Endorsed: proved, 1 Aug [1602]. DPRI/1/1602/B1/2 20 February 1603 inventory, actual total £54 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £77 14s 5d) Administration granted to Guy Bainbrige, son, with a power reserved to Elizabeth Bainbrige, relict, 5 June 1602. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 May [1602] [?recte June]; [will] proved later. DPRI/1/1602/B2 28 March 1602 Roger BAINEBRIGGE, of towneshipp and parishe of Midelton (Middleton, Midleton in Teasdall) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigg, Bainbrigge DPRI/1/1602/B2/1-2 20 February 1602 will with inventory, 14 March 1602, actual total £61 13s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 3s 4d) Subscribed: witnesses sworn; probate granted to Alice Bainbrigge, relict, also for the use of her son [David Bainbrigge], executors, 28 Mar 1602; two sureties named. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1602/B3 5 February 1603 William BAKER, yeoman, of citie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/B3/1 30 April 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/B3/2-5 9 February 1603 indented inventory, actual total £468 10s 2d Inventory includes goods etc. donated by the testator prior to making his will in a deed of gift to his nephews William Baker and George Baker. Endorsed: [will] proved, 5 Feb 1603. DPRI/1/1602/B4 28 March 1602 William BAYNBRIG, of the Bell in parishe of Midleton in Teysdayll (Midleton in Teasdaill) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainebrigge, Bainbridge DPRI/1/1602/B4/1 2 May 1598 will witnesses sworn at Middleton in Teesdale; James Allinson also sworn as tutor [of the executors, William Allenson and John Allenson, grandsons], 28 Mar 1602 DPRI/1/1602/B4/2-3 15 September 1602 inventory, actual total £16 10s 8d (with account of debts of £3 15s 5d) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1602/B5 17 April 1602 Richard BINDLEY, of Merington within the parishe of Merington (Merrington) within the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/B5/1 25 October 1601 will probate granted, 17 Apr 1602 DPRI/1/1602/B5/2 7 April 1602 inventory, actual total £109 16s DPRI/1/1602/B8 Thomas BROUNE, sergeant, of towne of Barwick upon Twede (Barwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne DPRI/1/1602/B8/1 7 February 1603 will DPRI/1/1602/B8/2 20 December 1603 indented inventory, actual total £9 7s DPRI/1/1602/B7 Johne BROWNE, of Wyl[a]me [Wylum] in the parish of Ovinghame [Wylam, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/B7/1 1602 will with inventory, 10 March 1603, actual total £8 endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1602/B6 April 1602 George BRYGGES, fishmonger, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Briggs, Brigges DPRI/1/1602/B6/1-4 6 September 1599 will witnesses sworn, ... Apr and 30 Apr 1602 DPRI/1/1602/B6/5-10 13 April 1602 inventory, actual total £353 5s DPRI/1/1602/B9 25 September 1602 William BULMER, of Ellerbecke, parish of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1602/B9/1 5 August 1602 will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1602] DPRI/1/1602/B9/2-3 1 September 1602 inventory, actual total £58 19s 9d (with account of debts of 11s 10d) DPRI/1/1602/C1 26 March 1602 John CARR, of Wiser[le]y ... [parish] of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Carre see DPRI/4/9 f.158v: proved, 26 Mar 1602 DPRI/1/1602/C1/1-2 January 1602 nuncupative will dated on a Friday in January 1602; with draft nuncupative will DPRI/1/1602/C2 June 1602 John CHIPCHES, butcher, of cyttye of Durhame [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase see DPRI/4/9 f.169v: proved, June 1602 DPRI/1/1602/C2/1 8 March 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/C2/4 8 March 1602 inventory of debts, actual total £35 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 4s) Inventory of debts drawn up by the testator, and amended at an interim stage prior to the final additions to the inventory. Endorsed [in a later hand]: 1611. DPRI/1/1602/C2/2-3 14 April 1602 inventory, actual total £41 13s 10d DPRI/1/1602/C3 Ralph CRAWFORD, of towne of Berwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] Forename drawn from index DPRI/7. Not found in Probate Act book DPRI/4/9. DPRI/1/1602/C3/1-2 23 December 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/C3/3 undated inventory, actual total £3 18s 2d DPRI/1/1602/C3/4 wrapper wrapper made from reused royal proclamation urging economy in the consumption of grain, 3 Dec 1800 DPRI/1/1602/D1 18 February 1603 John DICONSON, of Howdon of the parish of Witton upon Weere (Weire, Were) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Dickonson DPRI/1/1602/D1/1 12 January 1603 will endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1603 DPRI/1/1602/D1/2 14 February 1603 inventory, actual total £57 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 0s 7d) DPRI/1/1602/E1 27 March 1602 John ELSTOBE, the elder, gentleman, of Foxton within the paryshe of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstob DPRI/1/1602/E1/1 10 January 1602 indented inventory The lower section of the inventory, probably listing the debts, is illegible. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Mar 1602. DPRI/1/1602/E2 7 August 1602 Richard ESTERBY, of Bishop Auckland, parish of St Andrew Awcklande [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Easterbie DPRI/1/1602/E2/1 26 January 1602 indented will endorsed: proved, 7 Aug [1602] DPRI/1/1602/E2/2 5 February 1602 indented inventory, actual total £35 14s 8d (with account of debts of £23 19s 10d) DPRI/1/1602/F1 21 August 1602 George FELL, husbandman, of Ryop (Ryhopp) in the parishe of Bishopwermoth (Wermouth, Wermothe) in the countie of Durham [Ryhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/F1/1-2 10 July 1602 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £134 5s 8d and more (damage). Endorsed: proved, 21 Aug [1602]. DPRI/1/1602/F1/3 18 August 1602 indented inventory, actual total £289 9s 8d inventory includes goods etc. upon the 'farment' of John Burdon DPRI/1/1602/F2 10 July 1602 John FETHERSTONHALGH, yeoman, of towne of Stanhop (parish of Stanhopp) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherstonhalghe DPRI/1/1602/F2/1 17 January 1601 indented will endorsed: proved, 10 July [1602] DPRI/1/1602/F3 17 July 1602 Sir John FORSTER, knight, Alnewicke Abbie in the countie of Northumberland, Balmbrough [Alnwick, Northumberland] Will endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Commission and Inventory - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1602/F3/1 27 April 1601 will endorsed: will registered DPRI/1/1602/F3/2 4 June 1602 commission with grant of probate, 17 July 1602 (1) commission to William Morton M.A., archdeacon of Northumberland, William Preston MA, William Ewbank and John Linsey, preachers, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Morton, 16 June 1602; (2) probate granted to Isabell Forster, relict, and Nicholas Forster, son, executors, 17 July 1602 DPRI/1/1602/G1 Henrie GRAY, husband of Mary Gray, later Mary Jenison wife of William Jenison esquire, esquire, of New Minster Abbey (Abbeye) within the parish of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye Account is endorsed by the probate office: Account ... with Ccommission to swear the accountant - the latter is not present. For the inventory of Henrie Gray, see DPRI/1/1597. DPRI/1/1602/G1/1 undated account Account of Mary Jenison, former relict and administratrix. Endorsed: admitted, 5 Nov 1602. DPRI/1/1602/H1 21 October 1602 Frannces HALL, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/H1/1 26 December 1601 will endorsed: proved, 21 Oct 1602 DPRI/1/1602/H1/2-4 16 August 1602 indented inventory, actual total £430 19s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1602/H2 John HARBOTTLE, of Ruglye (Rugley) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/H2/1 25 June 1599 will with list of debts owing by (£11 14s 6d) and owing to (£6 10s) the testator DPRI/1/1602/H2/2 August 1599 inventory, actual total £106 10s date in August 1599 uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1602/H3 5 June 1602 Bryan HARISON, of Stranton [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1602/H3/1 22 January 1601 indented will endorsed: proved, 5 June 1602 DPRI/1/1602/H3/2 24 May 1602 indented inventory, actual total £30 16s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £11 13s) DPRI/1/1602/H4 24 April 1602 George HARISON, labourer, of Seton Carewe in the county of Durham [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1602/H4/1 24 March 1602 indented nuncuptive will endorsed: administration granted, 24 Apr 1602 DPRI/1/1602/H4/2 24 March 1602 indented copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1602/H4/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £9 14s 8d (with account of debts of 2s) DPRI/1/1602/H5 7 August 1602 Lionel HEARRYNGE, of Grenefeld [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Hearon DPRI/1/1602/H5/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 7 Aug 1602 DPRI/1/1602/H6 22 May 1602 Jane HEDWORTH, wife of John Hedworth of Harnertonn [Harraton] esquire, widow, Horden within the countie of Durham, formerly of Harbertonn (Harverton) [Horden, County Durham; Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/H6/1-2 16 January 1602 will endorsed: proved, 22 May [1602]; will registered DPRI/1/1602/H7 Raph HILTON, of Ile in the parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/H7/1 undated account Account of Richard Hilton, brother. Endorsed: admitted, 25 Sep 1602. DPRI/1/1602/H8 3 October 1601 William HODGESON, yeoman, of Winlawton in the countie pallantine of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/H8/1 3 July 1601 will Witnesses and executrix sworn, 3 Oct 1601. Endorsed: proved, 3 Oct 1601. DPRI/1/1602/H9 James HOPPER, of parishe of Shottley (Shotley) [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/H9/1 13 August 1602 will endorsed: no bond nor [probate] issued; 'carie these to Corbridge for the next [court]' DPRI/1/1602/H10 William HUNTLEY, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, alderman, of the Sandhill of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntly DPRI/1/1602/H10/1 23 November 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/H10/2-6 9 December 1602 indented inventory, actual total £788 19s 7d inventory of household goods on the Sandhill, in the Side, at John Lawson's house and at widow Lyme's house; and also of shop and warehouse goods etc. DPRI/1/1602/J1 18 December 1602 Norman JOHNSON, weaver, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/J1/1-2 22 October 1602 will with inventory, 9 December 1602, actual total £17 9s 7d endorsed: proved, 18 Dec 1602 DPRI/1/1602/L1 Roberte LAMBE, blacksmith, of cittie of Durham and in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Lamb DPRI/1/1602/L1/1-2 13 February 1603 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1602/L1/3 8 March 1603 inventory, actual total £23 17s 9d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1602/L2 Elizabeth LAWSON, widow, of Little Osworth (Littell Usworth) in the parish of Washington [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Lawsone DPRI/1/1602/L2/1 19 May 1602 nuncupative will with grant of probate, undated probate granted to Charles Hedworth esquire, son-in-law and sole executor, 17 ... 1602 (damage) DPRI/1/1602/L2/2 5 June 1602 indented inventory, actual total £124 12s 10d (and more) DPRI/1/1602/L3 5 March 1603 Richerd LYDDLE, yeoman, of Elmeden (Embleton) in the countye of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Liddle DPRI/1/1602/L3/1 30 December 1598 indented will with indented inventory, undated, actual total £81 19s 1d endorsed: proved, 5 Mar 1603 DPRI/1/1602/M1 Thomas MARSHALL, tanner, of Gilligate, parishe of Sainct Giles in Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/M1/1-2 15 November 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/M1/3 7 December 1602 indented inventory, actual total £171 8s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £70 6s 4d) Inventory of household and tannery goods etc. Endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Dec 1602. DPRI/1/1602/M2 April 1602 Thomas MAWTLAND, of Howghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Mawtlande see DPRI/4/9 f.162: 17 Apr 1602 DPRI/1/1602/M2/1 24 March 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/M2/2 13 April 1602 indented inventory, actual total £74 1s 8d (with account of debts of 19s 2d) endorsed: proved ... Apr [1602] DPRI/1/1602/M3 22 August 1602 John MIDDLETON, gentleman, of Girsbye (Girsby) in the parishe of Sockburne (Sockburn) [in the county] of Yorke [Girsby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Mydleton DPRI/1/1602/M3/1-2 undated will Will, dated 18 Feb 16... . Endorsed: proved, 22 Aug 1602. DPRI/1/1602/M3/3 5 August 1602 inventory, actual total £293 2s 9d (with account of debts and legacies of £65 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1602/M4 8 May 1602 William MOORE, cannoneer, of Holye (Holie) Ilande [Holy Island, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/M4/1 20 March 1603 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 May 1602 DPRI/1/1602/O1 Andrewe OLIVER, yeoman, of Heppell in the countie of Northumberlande [Rothbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/O1/1 24 August 1601 will endorsed with list of debts owing by (£7 3s 8d) and owing to (£3 3s 8d) the testator DPRI/1/1602/O1/2 20 January 1602 inventory, actual total £6 10s DPRI/1/1602/P1 3 November 1602 James PATERSONE, of East Slikborne (Slikeburn) of the parish of Bedlington of the countie palentine of Durhame [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattison DPRI/1/1602/P1/1 22 February 1602 will with inventory, undated, actual total £24 9s (with account of debts of £2 4s) Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1602. DPRI/1/1602/R2 Thomas RAWE, sergeant at mace, of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/R2/1-2 11 June 1602 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1602/R4 Robert ROBINSON, of parish of Stanhopp (Stanhop) in Wardaile [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/R4/1-2 14 June 1602 will Witnesses sworn, 10 July 1602. Endorsed: proved, 17 July [1602]. DPRI/1/1602/R4/3 28 June 1602 inventory, actual total £14 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1602/R4/4 28 June 1602 copy inventory, actual total £14 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1602/R5 22 May 1602 William ROSE, yeoman, of Cottom Mundyvell (Cottam Mundivell, Mondivell) within the parish of Haughton in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Roose DPRI/1/1602/R5/1-2 23 March 1602 will endorsed: proved, 22 May 1602 DPRI/1/1602/R5/3 4 May 1602 indented inventory, actual total £21 3s 4d (with account of debts of 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1602/R3 9 October 1602 Christofer RYDLEY, of Parkside in the parish of Symondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley, Rydleye see DPRI/4/11 f.182v: Oct 1602 DPRI/1/1602/R3/1-2 undated will Will, comprising a list of certain parcels of land leased from the house and with list of debts owing to (20s) and owing by (11s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 9 Oct [1602]. DPRI/1/1602/R3/3 29 August 1602 inventory, actual total £16 12s 4d DPRI/1/1602/S1 25 September 1602 Jerrerd SALVEN, esquire, of Croxdale (Croxdall, Croxdalle) in the county of Durham [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Salvyne DPRI/1/1602/S1/1 28 August 1602 will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1602] DPRI/1/1602/S2 17 April 1602 Lannerde SANDERS, of parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1602/S2/1-2 14 February 1602 will endorsed: proved, 17 Apr [1602] DPRI/1/1602/V1 Thomas VYNT, husbandman, of Stainton in the countye of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Vint DPRI/1/1602/V1/1 13 July 1600 will DPRI/1/1602/V1/2 6 March 1601 inventory, actual total £15 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1602/W1 Thomas WIGHAM, yeoman, of parishe of St Andrew within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1602/W1/1-8 6 December 1602 will DPRI/1/1602/W2 20 December 1602 John WOODRINGTON [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Widrington, Wooddrington, Woddrington address drawn from index DPRI/7: Plessy DPRI/1/1602/W2/1-2 18 December 1602 renunciation with act of court, 20 December 1602 (1) renunciation of Barbra Wooddrington, relict, with her consent that administration be granted to Henry Woodrington of Swinburn, kinsman; the deceased was indebted to various persons; (2) act of court at the house of Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, granting administration to Henry [Woodrington], with a power reserved, 20 Dec 1602; inventory to be exhibited at the first court after 13 Jan 1603. DPRI/1/1603 Wills etc proved 1603 DPRI/1/1603/A1 12 August 1603 Jane AINSLEY, widow, of parish of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B41 DPRI/1/1603/A1/1 25 June 1603 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1603/A1/2-3 28 June 1603 inventory, actual total £117 9s 4d endorsed: proved, 12 Aug [1603] DPRI/1/1603/A2 17 June 1603 Richard ALSECHER, of town (parish) of Berwick uppon Tweed (Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Alsucher bond: DPRI/3/1603/B180 DPRI/1/1603/A2/1-2 10 January 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/A2/3 28 May 1603 commission commission to Richard Clarke M.A., vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executrix [Margaret Alsucher, relict], and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Clerke, 17 June 1603 DPRI/1/1603/A2/4-5 20 December 1603 indented inventory, actual total £33 2s DPRI/1/1603/A3 William ARROWSMITH, the elder, husbandman, of chappelry of Barnard Castell (Bernard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Arrosmith bond: DPRI/3/1603/B87 DPRI/1/1603/A3/1 11 December 1602 will DPRI/1/1603/A3/2 21 December 1602 indented inventory, actual total £10 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 12s 11d) DPRI/1/1603/A4 Raphe ATKINSON, merchant adventurer, of the Syde, towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Atkinsonn DPRI/1/1603/A4/1-5 22 September 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/A4/6-9 6 October 1603 inventory, actual total £1,871 13s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1,184 19s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1603/B1 1 June 1605 Cuthbert BATES, gentleman, of Hallywell (Hallowell, Halliwell) in the countye of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Baytes, Battes, Baites DPRI/1/1603/B1/3 23 January 1602 will Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 181-182 DPRI/1/1603/B1/1-2 23 January 1602 copy will with probate records, undated endorsed: (1) four undated probate office instructions, queries and memoranda clarifying the type of grant of probate, namely, probate was granted to Katherine Baites, minor daughter and sole executrix, when she comes of age, and until then her tuition and administration was granted to her mother, Elizabeth Baites; (2) proved, 1 June 1605 DPRI/1/1603/B1/4 19 February 1603 inventory, actual total £269 14s 2d Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 182-183 DPRI/1/1603/B1/5 19 February 1603 copy inventory, actual total £269 14s 2d DPRI/1/1603/B2 29 September 1603 Thomas BECKHAM, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B252 DPRI/1/1603/B2/1 27 September 1602 will probate granted in the house of Gregory Milton in Berwick by Richard Clerk M.A., [vicar of Berwick], to Jane Beckham, relict, 29 Sep 1603; inventory also exhibited; Margaret Beckham, minor daughter Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 183-184 DPRI/1/1603/B2/2-3 2 October 1602 inventory, actual total £10 16s 10d DPRI/1/1603/B3 29 February 1604 Edward BEWICKE, of Angertonne (Angerton), parish of Hartbourn (Hartburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Bewick bond: DPRI/3/1603/B43 DPRI/1/1603/B3/1 8 November 1603 will endorsed: proved, 29 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/B3/2 undated inventory, actual total £64 16s 8d (with account of debts of £39 3s 2d) DPRI/1/1603/B4 Christofor BLACKE, of parish of Staindrope (Staindrop) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Black bond: DPRI/3/1603/B80 DPRI/1/1603/B4/1 22 August 1603 indented will endorsed: ask for the inventory DPRI/1/1603/B5 6 February 1604 Hewe BOWMER [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Bulmer address drawn from index DPRI/7 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B28 DPRI/1/1603/B5/1 10 December 1602 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/B6 Henry BRACKENBURY, esquire, of Osmondcrofte in the parish of Winston in the counttie of Durham [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Brackenburie DPRI/1/1603/B6/1 2 December 1601 will will dated at head 6 Nov 1601; dated at foot at publication, 2 Dec 1601 Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 180-181 DPRI/1/1603/B6/3 3 April 1602 nuncupative codicil Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 181 DPRI/1/1603/B6/2 24 January 1604 commission commission to Henry Thruscrosse M.A., rector of Winston, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Francis Brackenbury esquire, son and executor, and also to swear the witnesses to the will, they having been unable to attend court DPRI/1/1603/B7 Jennett BRAIDLYE, widow, of Bongaite in Bushipe Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Bradley bond: DPRI/3/1603/B98 DPRI/1/1603/B7/1 21 April 1603 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1603/B7/2 21 October 1603 indented inventory, actual total £16 15s 7d DPRI/1/1603/B8 2 July 1603 Richarde BRYMLEYE, of towne and parrishe of Harte (Hart) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Brimley, Brymley bond: DPRI/3/1603/B178 DPRI/1/1603/B8/1 30 May 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/B8/2 20 June 1603 indented inventory, actual total £259 15s 5d (with account of debts of £10 16s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved, 2 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/B9 1 March 1604 George BURDES, of Dilston (Dilstonn) of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B26 DPRI/1/1603/B9/1 20 July 1603 will subscribed with memorandum of a further bequest DPRI/1/1603/B9/2 24 August 1603 inventory, actual total £28 0s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar [1604] DPRI/1/1603/B10 Jennet BUTTERFEILD, widow, of Winston within the countie of Durham [Winston, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B122 DPRI/1/1603/B10/1 21 February 1602 will subscribed: [cancelled] this part of the will doth not agree with thother part read whereof the witnesses are sworne; Corrected and amended and doth agree DPRI/1/1603/B10/2 14 March 1603 inventory, actual total £67 13s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 18s) DPRI/1/1603/C1 8 April 1603 Anthonye CARISWALL, surgeon, of Barwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Careswall For act of court granting probate to Margaret Careswell, relict, see - DPRI/1/1603/M5/2-3 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B239 DPRI/1/1603/C1/1-2 1602 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Apr 1603 DPRI/1/1603/C2 3 November 1603 Robart CARRE, of Lamadon within the parishe of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr bond: DPRI/3/1603/B226 DPRI/1/1603/C2/1 19 August 1603 will endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1603 DPRI/1/1603/C2/2 29 September 1603 indented inventory, actual total £6 11s 4d (with account of debts of 6s) DPRI/1/1603/C3 2 November 1603 Henrie CHANLAR, yeoman, of parish of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Chandler bond: DPRI/3/1603/B235 DPRI/1/1603/C3/1-2 25 July 1603 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£10 18s 6d) and owing to (£3 8s 8d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1603]. DPRI/1/1603/C4 Marmaduke CHAPMAN, husbandman, yeoman, of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Chepman The inventory of debts refers to two codicils, only one of which was proved and engrossed. bond: DPRI/3/1603/B259 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B240 DPRI/1/1603/C4/1 12 December 1602 will with nuncupative codicil, 30 December 1602 nuncupative codicil dated 30 Dec [?1602] Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 184-185 DPRI/1/1603/C4/5-6 undated inventory of debts, actual total £3 16s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £89 17s 1d) Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 185 DPRI/1/1603/C4/2-4 17 January 1604 inventory, actual total £309 6s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £89 17s 1d) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1603/C5 27 May 1603 John CLARKE, of Killerbye (Killerby, Killerbie) in the parishe of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Clercke bond: DPRI/3/1603/B175 DPRI/1/1603/C5/1 23 February 1603 will Will dated 23 Feb 1603 [?recte 1602 in the Old Style dating]. Endorsed: proved, 27 May 1603. DPRI/1/1603/C5/2 19 May 1603 inventory, actual total £32 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 12s 11d) inventory total does not include the value of a 13-year lease of a tenement in Killerby DPRI/1/1603/C6 27 January 1604 Anne COCKEFIELD, alias Paicocke, single woman, of chapelry of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Pacok bond: DPRI/3/1603/B62 DPRI/1/1603/C6/1 27 December 1603 will with inventory, 27 December 1603, actual total £12 5s 9d (and more) Will combined with an inventory. Endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1604]. DPRI/1/1603/C7 7 May 1603 Henry COCKFEILD, of Killerbie (Killerby) in the parish of Heighington in the county of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Cockfeilde bond: DPRI/3/1603/B199 DPRI/1/1603/C7/3 11 March 1603 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1603/C7/2 19 April 1603 indented inventory Dated at head, 11 Mar 1603, and subscribed 'this prised againe' 19 Apr 1603. endorsed: administration granted, 7 May 1603. DPRI/1/1603/C7/1 19 March 1603 commission commission to John Cradocke M.A., vicar of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Cockfield, relict; commission executed by Cradocke, 21 Mar 1603; with memorandum concerning an additional debt owing to the deceased to be added to the exhibited inventory DPRI/1/1603/C8 20 May 1603 William COLLINGWOOD, husband of Phyllis Collingwood, formerly Forster, of Kymmerston (Kemerston) in the parishe of Ford [Ford, Northumberland]. Died 6 March 1603 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B189 DPRI/1/1603/C8/1 3 May 1603 inventory Inventory with memorandum of two items not included in the inventory. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 May 1603. DPRI/1/1603/C9 14 May 1603 Christafer COOKE, yeoman, of Escombe wythin the countye of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Cook bond: DPRI/3/1603/B209 DPRI/1/1603/C9/1 18 March 1603 will endorsed: proved, 14 May 1603 DPRI/1/1603/C9/2 27 April 1603 inventory, actual total £33 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 11s 9d) DPRI/1/1603/C10 11 August 1603 Mathew CORRIE, of the Hoppe within the parich of Wheitfeild (Whitfeild, Whitfeld) [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Curry, Currey bond: DPRI/3/1603/B272 DPRI/1/1603/C10/1 7 March 1603 will endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1603] DPRI/1/1603/C10/2 3 April 1603 inventory, actual total £16 12s inventory made from mutilated [?draft will] DPRI/1/1603/D1 25 June 1603 John DENT, of Pearcebridge (Persebridge) in the parish of Gaynefurth (Gainforthe) [Piercebridge, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B202 DPRI/1/1603/D1/1 10 April 1603 will with codicil, undated endorsed: proved, 25 June 1603 DPRI/1/1603/D1/2-4 19 April 1603 inventory, actual total £210 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 15s) exhibited by George Robinson, co-executor, 25 June 1603 DPRI/1/1603/D2 31 October 1603 Thomas DOBESSON, of Lyptwood within the parishe of Hadon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Dobbeson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B68 DPRI/1/1603/D2/1 26 May 1602 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 9s) endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1603] DPRI/1/1603/E1 9 July 1603 Richard ELSTOB, husbandman, Morden in the countye of Durham, Foxton, parish of Sedgefeld [Morden, County Durham; Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobe, Elstobb bond: DPRI/3/1603/BB bond: DPRI/3/1603/B146 DPRI/1/1603/E1/1 23 May 1603 will endorsed: proved, 9 July 1603 DPRI/1/1603/E1/2-3 24 July 1603 inventory, actual total £106 9s 1d DPRI/1/1603/E2 28 January 1604 George EMMERSON, of parishe off Trimdon (Trymdon) [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B23 DPRI/1/1603/E2/1 22 January 1604 nuncupative will Subscribed: administration granted, 3 Feb 1604. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Jan [1604]; monition issued to the next of kin to oppose the will, (undated). DPRI/1/1603/E2/2 26 January 1604 indented inventory, actual total £9 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 10s 7d) DPRI/1/1603/F1 10 August 1603 Thomas FAWCUS, tanner, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B112 DPRI/1/1603/F1/1 8 January 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/F1/2-3 13 January 1603 inventory, actual total £34 5s 4d endorsed: proved, 10 Aug [1603] DPRI/1/1603/F2 Robert FAWDON, gentleman, of Grenelow (Grinlaw, Greenlaw) in the countie of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Fawden bond: DPRI/3/1603/B84 DPRI/1/1603/F2/1-2 18 April 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/F2/3-4 10 August 1603 indented inventory, actual total £20 12s DPRI/1/1603/F3 25 February 1604 William FERIE, of parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Farie, Ferrye bond: DPRI/3/1603/B47 DPRI/1/1603/F3/1 15 February 1604 will endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/F3/2 22 February 1604 indented inventory, actual total £17 0s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of 16s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/F4 14 June 1603 Thomas FOSTER, blacksmith, of parish of Crayk (Crake, Cracke, Craike) of the cowntie of Durham [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Forster bond: DPRI/3/1603/B200 DPRI/1/1603/F4/1 6 May 1603 indented will DPRI/1/1603/F4/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £25 16s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 13s) DPRI/1/1603/F4/3 28 May 1603 commission commission to Leonard Shawe, clerk, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executors, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed and Agnes Foster relict and executrix sworn, by Shaw, 1 June 1603; probate granted to Agnes Forster, relict and executor, with a power reserved to William Forster, minor son and co-executor, until he comes of age, 14 June 1603 DPRI/1/1603/F4/4 9 June 1603 certificate of execution of commission DPRI/1/1603/G1 20 May 1603 Cuthbert GRAY, of Berrington [Kyloe, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B183 DPRI/1/1603/G1/1 20 October 1602 will with inventory, 20 October 1602, actual total £16 15s 8d (with account of debts of £13 11s 5d endorsed: Will and Inventory; [proved], 20 May 1603 DPRI/1/1603/G2 William GRAY, of Dodyngtonne (Dodyngtonn, Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B244 DPRI/1/1603/G2/1 8 March 1603 will with inventory, 8 March 1603, actual total £1 3s 4d (and more) Inventory of goods unvalued. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1603/G3 8 October 1603 Janet GRICE, single woman, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durham, parish of Auckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Gryce bond: DPRI/3/1603/B78 DPRI/1/1603/G3/1-2 31 December 1602 will with inventory, undated, actual total £48 Will, endorsed with inventory of Grice's filial portion from her father John Grice. Endorsed: Will and Inventory; proved, 8 Oct 1603. DPRI/1/1603/H1 17 September 1603 Henrye HADACKE, labourer, yeoman, of parish of Lameslye (chapelry of Lamesslly, Lamesley) within the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Haddacke bond: DPRI/3/1603/B170 DPRI/1/1603/H1/1 9 August 1603 will endorsed with note of a debt of 5s 4d owing to the testator DPRI/1/1603/H1/2 1603 inventory, actual total £10 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Sep 1603 DPRI/1/1603/H2 12 November 1603 John HARRISON, yeoman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld, Sedgefeild) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B228 DPRI/1/1603/H2/1-2 27 October 1603 will Will, subscribed with cancelled grant of probate. Endorsed: proved, 12 Nov 1603. DPRI/1/1603/H2/3 7 November 1603 inventory, actual total £126 1s DPRI/1/1603/H3 Thomas HARRISON, single man, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Herison bond: DPRI/3/1603/B277 DPRI/1/1603/H3/1 10 August 1603 nuncupative will endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved afterwards DPRI/1/1603/H3/2-3 21 October 1603 indented inventory, actual total £19 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/H3/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1603/H4 John HARWOD, surgeon, of towne of Berwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Harwood DPRI/1/1603/H4/1 8 December 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/H4/2 8 December 1603 inventory, actual total £178 4s 4d formerly annexed to the will DPRI/1/1603/H5 23 September 1603 Thomas HODGSHON, yeoman, of Grisbie (Girsbie) in the countie of York, parish of Sockburne [Girsby, Yorkshire] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B111 DPRI/1/1603/H5/1-2 15 July 1603 will endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £32 14s 9d DPRI/1/1603/H5/3-4 14 September 1603 inventory, actual total £33 10s 8d endorsed: proved, 23 Sep [1603] DPRI/1/1603/H6 4 June 1603 John HOPPER, alias Jenkin Hopper, of Tottipotes in the parishe of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1603/H6/1 25 April 1603 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £80 13s DPRI/1/1603/H6/2 25 April 1603 copy will endorsed: proved, 4 June [1603]; issued DPRI/1/1603/H6/3-4 27 May 1603 indented inventory, actual total £169 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 14s 4d and more) DPRI/1/1603/H7 15 October 1603 Raphe HOWE, blacksmith, of chapelry of Hampsterley (Hamsterley) in the countie of Durhame [Hamsterley, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B121 DPRI/1/1603/H7/1 2 September 1603 will with nuncupative codicil, undated DPRI/1/1603/H7/2 21 September 1603 inventory, actual total £46 12s 7d (with account of debts of £1 13s) endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Oct [1603] DPRI/1/1603/H8 William HUDLESSE, of the Lang (Lange) Lee within the parish of Stannopp (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Hudless bond: DPRI/3/1603/B141 DPRI/1/1603/H8/1 4 May 1603 nuncupative will endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; probated DPRI/1/1603/H8/2 11 May 1603 indented inventory, actual total £31 6s 8d DPRI/1/1603/H9 Leonard HUDSON, freemason, cannoneer, of the towne of Barwick (Berwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/H9/1 8 October 1601 will endorsed: inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1603/H9/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1603/H10 28 May 1603 Rychard HUTCHESON, tanner, of Framelgate within the chappelrie of St Margrettes in the city of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchesonn, Hutchison, Hutchinson DPRI/1/1603/H10/2-3 12 May 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/H10/1 12 May 1603 copy will with grant of probate, 28 May 1603 probate granted to Christopher Hutcheson, son and [co-]executor DPRI/1/1603/H10/4 wrapper endorsed: [will] proved, 28 May 1603 DPRI/1/1603/I1 19 November 1603 William ILEYE, of Bromshiles (Brumesheell) of the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Iyleye, Iley bond: DPRI/3/1603/B142 DPRI/1/1603/I1/1 23 April 1603 will endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1603] DPRI/1/1603/I1/2 14 November 1603 indented inventory, actual total £70 3s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 17s) DPRI/1/1603/J1 19 May 1603 Robert JACKSON, the elder, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, aged about 84, alderman, of Berwick uppon Tweid [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/J1/1 11 October 1602 will Will dated at foot, 13 Apr 1602 and on dorse, 11 Oct 1602. Endorsed: proved, 19 May [1603]; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1603/J2 18 May 1603 John JAMES, husbandman, of Sturton Grange in the parish of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B182 DPRI/1/1603/J2/1 4 April 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/J2/2 15 April 1603 inventory, actual total £94 19s endorsed: proved, 18 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/J3 9 April 1603 Alleson JECKELL, widow, of parish of Billingham in the county of Durisme [Billingham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B214 DPRI/1/1603/J3/1 22 November 1599 will DPRI/1/1603/J3/2-3 11 March 1602 indented inventory, actual total £76 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 13s 8d) endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1603] DPRI/1/1603/J4 16 April 1603 Margarete JEFFERSON, wife of Roger Jefferson of Norton, widow, of towen and parishe of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Jeffersone, Gefferson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B204 DPRI/1/1603/J4/1-2 10 February 1603 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr 1603 DPRI/1/1603/J4/3 23 February 1603 inventory, actual total £18 15s DPRI/1/1603/J5 6 February 1604 Marryan JOHNSON, wife of Edward Johnson, master and mariner, widow, of chapelry of All Saints of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B7 DPRI/1/1603/J5/1-2 30 January 1604 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/J6 Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of chappelry of Whorleton (Whorlton) in the parishe of Gainford (Gaynford) [Whorlton, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B139 DPRI/1/1603/J6/1 1603 will dated, 1 James I, between 24 Mar and 23 May 1603 DPRI/1/1603/J6/2 23 May 1603 indented inventory, actual total £271 8s 4d (with account of debts of £1 2s 9d) DPRI/1/1603/J7 9 July 1603 William JOHNSONN, of Whytehouse in the parish of St Andrew Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B172 DPRI/1/1603/J7/1 21 May 1602 indented will endorsed: proved, 9 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/J7/2 30 July 1602 indented inventory, actual total £99 13s 8d DPRI/1/1603/J8 28 May 1603 James JURDESON, of Easington [Easington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B193 DPRI/1/1603/J8/1 16 May 1603 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/K2 1 March 1604 Thomas KRYSSOPT, of chapelry of Newebrought (Newbroughe) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsopp bond: DPRI/3/1603/B38 DPRI/1/1603/K2/1 9 August 1602 will endorsed with list of debts owing by (11s 6d) and owing to (10s) the testator DPRI/1/1603/K2/2 undated inventory, actual total £20 8s endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar [1604] DPRI/1/1603/K1 John KYRBIE, of Craike [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Kirby DPRI/1/1603/K1/1 25 October 1603 indented inventory DPRI/1/1603/L1 14 May 1603 Mathewe LAMBERT, cordwainer, of Darnton (Darlington) in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lambart bond: DPRI/3/1603/B206 DPRI/1/1603/L1/1 1 February 1603 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 52-53 DPRI/1/1603/L1/2 13 April 1603 indented inventory, actual total £39 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 2s 4d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: [will] proved, 14 May 1603. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 53-54 DPRI/1/1603/L2 26 November 1603 Henry LAWE, merchant, Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of Gateshead [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Lawes DPRI/1/1603/L2/1 18 November 1603 indented inventory with indented inventory, 10 January 1604, actual total £37 0s 3d (with account of debts of £67 19s 2d) (1) inventory, made by Gateshead appraisers; (2) inventory, made by Newcastle appraisers. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Nov 1603. DPRI/1/1603/L3 18 February 1604 John LAWE, husbandman, of Cowpon Bewley in the countie of Durham, parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Law bond: DPRI/3/1603/B59 DPRI/1/1603/L3/1 undated indented will endorsed: proved, 18 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/L3/2 24 November 1603 indented inventory, actual total £145 13s (with account of debts of £31 6s) DPRI/1/1603/L4 4 November 1603 Urseley LAWRANC, of parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawrans, Lawrance, Lawrence bond: DPRI/3/1603/B234 DPRI/1/1603/L4/1 10 August 1602 will endorsed: proved, 4 Nov [1603] DPRI/1/1603/L4/2 undated inventory, actual total £41 13s 10d with letter, 13 May 1602 Inventory [subscribed with quotation from Cicero, de Natura Deorum, Book 1], endorsed with [?unrelated] letter from William Currer of Marley [Hall, in Bingley parish, Yorkshire] to an unidentified correspondent, relating to probate business in which Currer was concerned as a co-excecutor with John Shawe and the correspondent. DPRI/1/1603/L5 6 February 1604 Nycholas LAWSON, of parish of Tynmowth (Tynmouth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/L5/1 2 February 1604 inventory Inventory includes burial expenses for Lawson and his wife. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]. DPRI/1/1603/L6 1 March 1604 John LEDDELL, of Hadonbridges within the parishe of Hadon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lyddall, Liddell bond: DPRI/3/1603/B44 DPRI/1/1603/L6/1 27 December 1603 will with inventory, 4 February 1604, actual total £22 2s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 14s 6d) endorsed: proved, 1 Mar [1604]. DPRI/1/1603/L7 16 May 1603 James LIGHTFOUT, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne in the parish of Sainct Nichollas of the said town [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Lightfoot bond: DPRI/3/1603/B156 DPRI/1/1603/L7/1 11 May 1603 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 May 1603. DPRI/1/1603/L8 Leonard LITLE, yeoman, of Stotfoldburne in the countie of Durham [Rookhope, County Durham]; also spelt Little, Littel bond: DPRI/3/1603/B88 DPRI/1/1603/L8/1 27 January 1603 indented will DPRI/1/1603/L8/2 27 January 1603 indented copy will DPRI/1/1603/L8/3 10 March 1603 indented inventory, actual total £136 7s 7d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 10s) DPRI/1/1603/L9 4 October 1603 Francis LOUDG, of parish of Cockefeild [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Lodge bond: DPRI/3/1603/B102 DPRI/1/1603/L9/1 30 May 1603 will endorsed: proved, 4 Oct [1603] DPRI/1/1603/M1 6 February 1604 Raph MARCH, yeoman, of parish of Gateshead (Gatesheade) in the countie of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B262 DPRI/1/1603/M1/1-2 8 October 1603 nuncupative will Nuncuaptive will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £8 2s 5d. endorsed: proved, 6 Feb 1604. DPRI/1/1603/M2 12 November 1603 Robert MEBORNE, of Shaudforth within the parrishe of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham]; also spelt Meaborne, Meborn bond: DPRI/3/1603/B144 DPRI/1/1603/M2/1 30 October 1603 indented will endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1603] DPRI/1/1603/M2/2 6 November 1603 indented inventory, actual total £31 12s 8d DPRI/1/1603/M3 2 July 1603 John MIDDELLTON, yeoman, of parish of Whickham within the countye of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton, Middeton bond: DPRI/3/1603/B191 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B157 DPRI/1/1603/M3/1-2 3 June 1603 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£3 6s) and owing by (£4 15s 6d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 2 July 1603. DPRI/1/1603/M3/3 11 June 1603 indented inventory, actual total £64 14s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/M4 9 December 1603 William MILBANCKES, yeoman, of Tinemouth Sheeles, parish of Tynmouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mealebankes, Mealbankes bond: DPRI/3/1603/B103 DPRI/1/1603/M4/1 3 July 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/M4/2-3 10 November 1603 inventory, actual total £202 16s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 16s) inventory of goods etc. at East Chirton, Preston and Tynemouth Shields DPRI/1/1603/M4/4 wrapper endorsed: proved, 9 Dec 1603 DPRI/1/1603/M5 8 April 1603 William MORTON, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne of Barwick (Berwicke) uppon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Murton, Moorton bond: DPRI/3/1603/BC DPRI/1/1603/M5/1 17 April 1602 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr 1603 DPRI/1/1603/M5/2-3 24 March 1603 letter with act of court, 8 April 1603 with act of court, 8 April 1603 (1) Letter from Davide Bullwore at Widdrington to [Clement] Colmer, Durham Chancellor, enclosing the will and requesting a commission be issued to Esable Morton, grandmother, and John Patteson, near kinsman, the tutors of the executor; with receipt for 3s 4d commission fee; (2) administration of the goods of Anthony Careswell of Berwick-upon-Tweed granted by Clement Colmer at Berwick to Margaret Careswell, relict, also for the use of five named minor children, and an inventory was exhibited, 8 Apr 1603; (3) probate of the goods of William Morton granted [at Berwick by Clement Colmer] to John Patteson, tutor of Noah Morton, [grandson and] sole executor, and with the consent of his father Thomas Morton, son, 8 Apr 1603; inventory to be exhibited at next court. For the inventory of Anthony Careswell, see - DPRI/1/1603/C1/1-2 DPRI/1/1603/N1 19 August 1603 Henry NAWNTON, prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk, Durham, Witton Gilbert, Egglisclife [Durham, County Durham; Witton Gilbert, County Durham; Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Naunton bond: DPRI/3/1603/B83/2 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B83/1 DPRI/1/1603/N1/1-3 30 July 1603 indented inventory Inventory of goods etc. at Nawnton's houses in Durham, Witton Gilbert, and at his parsonage at Egglescliffe; exhibited, 27 Aug 1603. Endorsed: administration granted, 19 Aug [1603]; total goods (£448 14s 10d) and debts (£104 18s 4d) of £554 2s 4d [sic]. [These endorsed totals do not accord with the totals recorded on the face.] DPRI/1/1603/N2 15 October 1603 Christofer NEWBIE, the elder, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Newby, Newbye bond: DPRI/3/1603/B94 DPRI/1/1603/N2/1 19 June 1603 nuncupative will Dated 'in or about Trinity Sundaie last past': [?19 June 1603]. Endorsed: proved, 15 Oct [1603]. DPRI/1/1603/N2/2 29 September 1603 indented inventory, actual total £34 1s 4d (with account of debts of £14 6s 10d) DPRI/1/1603/N3 John NEWCOME, of Gateshed (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]. Died April 1603 DPRI/1/1603/N3/1-2 April 1603 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1603/N4 16 July 1603 Thomas NOBLE, miller, of parish of St Margretes (Margrettes) in Duresme [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B79 DPRI/1/1603/N4/1 30 June 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/N4/2 12 July 1603 indented inventory, actual total £30 9s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 12s 10d) endorsed: proved, 16 July 1603 DPRI/1/1603/O1 9 July 1603 Isabell OSBURNE, wife of John Osburne, widow, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B190 DPRI/1/1603/O1/1 21 May 1602 will DPRI/1/1603/O1/2 24 January 1603 indented inventory, actual total £13 3s 2d (with account of debts of £1 16s 11d) endorsed: [will] proved, 9 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/P1 2 July 1603 Richard PALLEZER, of Consett of the parishe of Meddomsley [Consett, County Durham]; also spelt Pallacer bond: DPRI/3/1603/B147 DPRI/1/1603/P1/1-2 24 May 1603 indented will with indented inventory, 15 June 1603, actual total £34 16s endorsed: proved, 2 July 1603 DPRI/1/1603/P2 30 July 1603 Thomas PAPE, of parish of Darlington within the countye of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B169 DPRI/1/1603/P2/1 11 April 1603 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 55 DPRI/1/1603/P2/2 27 April 1603 indented inventory, actual total £25 2s 3d (with account of debts of £31 5s 4d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 55-57 DPRI/1/1603/P2/3 wrapper endorsed: administration granted, 30 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/P3 3 November 1603 Georg PARKE, of Warton, parish of Rothburye (Rothbury) [Rothbury, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B74 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B67 DPRI/1/1603/P3/1 21 June 1603 will endorsed: proved, 3 Nov [1603] DPRI/1/1603/P3/2 1 November 1603 indented inventory, actual total £6 13s 4d (with account of debts of £2 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/P4 1 March 1604 Thomas PIG, of Henso, parish of Haltwysle (Hawtwisell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Pigge Henso [?Henshaw] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B42 DPRI/1/1603/P4/1 undated will with inventory, actual total £5 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s) endorsed: proved, 1 Mar [1604] DPRI/1/1603/P5 14 January 1604 Jacob PILKINGTON, son of John Pilkington, prebendary of Durham cathedral [] address not stated DPRI/1/1603/P5/1 undated indented inventory Inventory of the filial portion and goods. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Jan 1604. DPRI/1/1603/P6 20 December 1603 Jhon PILKINGTON, bachelor of divinity, archdeacon of Durham, second prebend of Durham cathedral, clerk, of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1603/P6/1-2 18 August 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/P6/3 18 August 1603 copy will DPRI/1/1603/P6/4 16 December 1603 commission commission to William Palmer, Chancellor of York, Thomas Hingston and Thomas Corner, vicars of the choir at York, to swear and examine Jonas Watterhouse, John Denton, Henry Litster of York, witnesses to the will, and who have not been able to attend court at Durham DPRI/1/1603/P6/5 20 December 1603 certificate of execution of commission certificate of execution of the commission at York by William Palmer; Jonas Watterhouse and John Denton having been sworn DPRI/1/1603/P7 16 April 1603 Nehemias PILKINGTON, of parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1603/P7/1 3 March 1603 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr 1603; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1603/P8 John PRESTON, yeoman, of Walsend in the county of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B249 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B19 DPRI/1/1603/P8/1 12 December 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/R1 18 February 1604 Als RAWLING, Alice Rawlin, widow, of the North Shyle (Sheeles) [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Rawlinge bond: DPRI/3/1603/B58 DPRI/1/1603/R1/1-2 29 September 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/R1/3 undated inventory, actual total £5 19s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 8d) endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1604 DPRI/1/1603/R2 Robert REASLEY, miller, of Sandgate, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaslie, Reasly bond: DPRI/3/1603/B188 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B153 DPRI/1/1603/R2/1 6 April 1603 copy will DPRI/1/1603/R2/2-3 4 April 1603 indented inventory, actual total £36 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 8s) DPRI/1/1603/R3 William REED, of Felton called by the name of Old Felton [Felton, Northumberland]. Died 31 December 1603 DPRI/1/1603/R3/1 31 December 1603 will with inventory, undated, actual total £16 9s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) DPRI/1/1603/R4 23 May 1603 Henrye RENWEICK, of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Renwicke bond: DPRI/3/1603/B148 DPRI/1/1603/R4/1 8 September 1602 indented will DPRI/1/1603/R4/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £26 (with account of debts of £18 15s) endorsed: [will] proved, 23 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/R5 6 February 1604 Antony REY, yeoman, of Berwik on the Hill in the parish of Pont Iland within the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B34 DPRI/1/1603/R5/1 30 September 1600 will Will, endorsed with undated addition to the will; voided. Endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]. DPRI/1/1603/R7 6 February 1604 Willyam RIDDELL, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/R7/1-2 27 August 1600 will Subscribed: curation of four named minor children granted to Barbara Riddell, relict, ... 1603/4 (damage). Endorsed: proved, 6 Feb [1604]. Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 177 DPRI/1/1603/R9 6 February 1604 Elizabeth ROBINSON, wife of George Robinson, baker and brewer, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/R9/1-2 1603 nuncupative will Will dated about four days before Robinson's death, [on or before 23 Nov] 1603. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604]. DPRI/1/1603/R9/3 23 November 1603 inventory, actual total 17s 5d DPRI/1/1603/R10 6 February 1604 John ROBINSON, of parish of Gatesyd (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1603/R10/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/R11 12 August 1603 John ROBINSON, husbandman, of Mounk Seaton (Monkseaton), parish of Tynmouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B92 DPRI/1/1603/R11/1 20 September 1602 will endorsed: proved, 12 Aug [1603] DPRI/1/1603/R11/2 6 May 1603 inventory, actual total £60 13s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 10d) DPRI/1/1603/R12 Thomas ROWCASTLE, of touen and parishe of Corbridge (Corbridg) [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/R12/1 4 March 1604 will DPRI/1/1603/R12/2-3 25 July 1604 inventory, actual total £62 14s (with account of debts of 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/R6 William RYCHARDSON, yeoman, of Butterweyke (Butterwick) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Richardson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B164 DPRI/1/1603/R6/1 3 June 1603 will subscribed with incomplete grant of probate DPRI/1/1603/R6/2 30 June 1603 indented inventory, actual total £77 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 4s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/R8 18 June 1603 William RYDELEYE, of parishe of Hawtwisell (Hawtwesell, Hawtwysell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Rydeley, Rydelye, Ridley bond: DPRI/3/1603/B174 DPRI/1/1603/R8/1 6 April 1603 will endorsed: proved, 18 June 1603 DPRI/1/1603/R8/2 10 June 1603 indented inventory, actual total £134 1s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/S1 13 August 1603 Lancelott SANSON, of Litlewhite in the parishe of Brancepethe (Branncepeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sansonn bond: DPRI/3/1603/B129 DPRI/1/1603/S1/1 15 July 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/S1/2 4 August 1603 inventory, actual total £45 17s 2d DPRI/1/1603/S1/3 4 August 1603 copy inventory, actual total £45 17s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Aug [1603] DPRI/1/1603/S2 28 May 1603 James SHAWE, rector of Craike, clerk, of Crake (Craike) within the countie of palentine of Duresme and in the countie of Yorke [Crayke, Yorkshire] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B218 DPRI/1/1603/S2/1 25 April 1603 indented will DPRI/1/1603/S2/2-4 16 May 1603 indented inventory, actual total £278 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 18s 6d) endorsed: [will] proved, 28 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/S3 12 August 1603 Agnes SIMPSON, widow, Gatesyde (Gaitsyd) in the countye of Durhame, also town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Symson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B69 DPRI/1/1603/S3/1-2 25 April 1603 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 12 Aug 1603 DPRI/1/1603/S3/3 undated inventory, actual total £19 3s 9d DPRI/1/1603/S4 William SISTERSONN, of Prwddo, parish of Ovingham [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Sisterson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B24 DPRI/1/1603/S4/1 22 June 1603 will with inventory, 22 June 1603, actual total £21 16s (with account of debts of £3 4s) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1603/S8 Roberte SMITH, the elder, of the Easte Grainge (Este Grange, Graynes), parish of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Smythe, Smithe bond: DPRI/3/1603/B5 DPRI/1/1603/S8/1-2 11 August 1603 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1603/S8/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £19 3s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 12s) DPRI/1/1603/S5 4 October 1603 Christopher SMITHE, petty canon of Durham cathedral, clerk, of cittie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smythe, Smith bond: DPRI/3/1603/B108 DPRI/1/1603/S5/1-2 5 August 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/S5/3-5 1 September 1603 indented inventory, actual total £56 6s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 6s) Inventory appraised by Richard Jackeson clerk, Gilbert Spence notary public, and John Rangell and Thomas Humble singingmen. Endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Oct [1603]. DPRI/1/1603/S6 16 July 1603 Leonard SMYTH, of Chester in the parrish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Smith bond: DPRI/3/1603/B168 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B165 DPRI/1/1603/S6/1 18 August 1602 will DPRI/1/1603/S6/2-3 24 August 1602 indented inventory, actual total £97 19s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 11s 8d) endorsed: goods sequestered, 15 Nov 1602; will proved, 16 July 1603 DPRI/1/1603/S7 7 January 1604 Richard SMYTH, of cittie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]. Died 22 December 1603 DPRI/1/1603/S7/1 undated will with memorandum, undated will, with memorandum concerning the validity of the will; administration granted to Edward Smyth, brother, 7 Jan 1604 DPRI/1/1603/S9 Thomas SMYTHE, of Ovyntonn, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B37 DPRI/1/1603/S9/1 undated will with inventory, 24 September 1603, actual total £16 6s 4d (with account of debts of £4 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/S10 31 October 1603 Johne SNAWDONNE, of parish of Hawtwisle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Snawdon bond: DPRI/3/1603/B93 DPRI/1/1603/S10/1 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £3 11s 4d (with account of debts of 6s 8d) endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1603] DPRI/1/1603/S11 29 February 1604 William SPRAGGE, of Shilvinton of the parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B31 DPRI/1/1603/S11/1 3 October 1603 will endorsed: proved, 29 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/S11/2 8 February 1604 inventory, actual total £52 0s 4d DPRI/1/1603/S12 Adam SURREY, of Scremerston, parish of Holy Eland [Scremerston, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/S12/1-2 8 November 1603 will with inventory, undated, actual total £7 8s 4d DPRI/1/1603/S14 7 April 1603 James SWYNHOE, gentleman, towne of Barwick (Berwicke) uppon Twede, Berrington (Barrington) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinnoe, Swennoe, Swinowe Will found filed with this inventory. Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... with inventory; however, it is not certain the two documents refer to the same individual. Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/9 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/2 (Northumberland Visitation). DPRI/1/1603/S14/1 15 January 1603 will endorsed: proved, 7 Apr 1603 DPRI/1/1603/S14/2 22 April 1603 inventory, actual total £213 17s 4d DPRI/1/1603/S13 18 May 1603 Ellen SWYNNOWE, widow, of Dunston within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Emeldon (Emelton) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynhowe, Swinhoe, Swynowe DPRI/1/1603/S13/1 23 February 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/S13/2-3 5 April 1603 inventory, actual total £26 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 17s 4d) endorsed: proved, 18 May 1603 DPRI/1/1603/T1 5 November 1603 Lian TALER, Lyonel Tailer, yeoman, of Stobbele (Stobbeley, Stobbeleye) within the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Tailor bond: DPRI/3/1603/B91 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B90 DPRI/1/1603/T1/1-2 10 October 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/T1/3 29 October 1603 inventory, actual total £107 16s (with account of debts of £23 17s) endorsed: proved, 5 Nov 1603 DPRI/1/1603/T2 28 February 1604 Robert TALYOR, of paryshe of Whittingham (Whyttingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor bond: DPRI/3/1603/B39 DPRI/1/1603/T2/1 11 December 1603 will endorsed: proved, 28 Feb [1604] DPRI/1/1603/T2/2 20 January 1604 indented inventory, actual total £22 11s DPRI/1/1603/T3 26 March 1603 Lorence THOMPSON, yeoman, of Ould Elvet in the paryshe of St Oswouldes in the suburbes of the cytye of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Thompsonne bond: DPRI/3/1603/B207 DPRI/1/1603/T3/1-2 5 February 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/T3/3 25 February 1603 inventory, actual total £56 10s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 18s 7d) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Mar 1603 DPRI/1/1603/T5 William THOMPSON, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B17 DPRI/1/1603/T5/1-2 13 October 1603 will endorsed: monition issued to the children etc. to oppose the will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 57-58 DPRI/1/1603/T5/3-4 3 November 1603 inventory, actual total £171 10s Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 58-59 DPRI/1/1603/T4 30 September 1603 Thomas THOMSON, of Hepstote in the parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B241 DPRI/1/1603/T4/1 19 August 1602 will probate granted to Jane Thompson, relict and executrix; commission decreed to be issued to [?Roland] Nicholson, curate of Morpeth, to take the oath of William Duxfeild, a witness DPRI/1/1603/T4/2 8 December 1602 inventory, actual total £70 15s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Sep [1603] DPRI/1/1603/T6 16 July 1603 Edwarde TODDE, of Bolam within the parishe of Gayneforthe (Gainforth) [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Tod, Todd bond: DPRI/3/1603/B126 DPRI/1/1603/T6/1 14 June 1603 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £7 3s DPRI/1/1603/T6/2 6 July 1603 inventory, actual total £46 15s endorsed: [will] proved, 16 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/T7 23 March 1604 Margerit TODDE, wife of Anthony Todde, of parish of Egliscleffe (Eggescliff, Eggscliff) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Todd, Toodd For the joint inventory of Margerit Todde and her husband, see - DPRI/1/1603/T7/2 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B52 DPRI/1/1603/T7/1 17 December 1603 will endorsed: probate granted, 23 Mar 1604 DPRI/1/1603/T7 Anthonie TODDE, husband of Margerit Todde, of parish of Egliscleffe (Eggescliff, Eggscliff) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Toodd For the will of Margerit Todde, see - DPRI/1/1603/T7/1 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B61 DPRI/1/1603/T7/2 28 December 1603 indented inventory, actual total £42 17s 8d (with account of debts of £3 9s 2d) joint inventory of Anthony Todde and his wife Margaret Todde DPRI/1/1603/T8 30 July 1603 Robart TOMPSON, of parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Tomson, Thompson. Died 31 May 1603 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B167 DPRI/1/1603/T8/1-2 2 January 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/T8/3 2 July 1603 inventory, actual total £56 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 8s 5d) DPRI/1/1603/T8/4 2 July 1603 indented copy inventory, actual total £56 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 8s 5d) endorsed: [will] proved, 30 July [1603] DPRI/1/1603/T9 3 December 1603 William TREWHAT, of Hetten the Hole, parish of Howghton (Houghton) in the Springe [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Trewhett bond: DPRI/3/1603/B101 DPRI/1/1603/T9/1-2 8 August 1603 will probate granted to Jane Trewhat, relict, to whom was also granted the tuition of Christopher Trewhat, son DPRI/1/1603/T9/3 undated inventory, actual total £63 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 0s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Dec [1603] DPRI/1/1603/U1 Johne USHER, of Humshaughe, parish of Simondburne [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wsher bond: DPRI/3/1603/B257 DPRI/1/1603/U1/1 25 June 1603 will endorsed: ask for the inventory DPRI/1/1603/W1 John WADSON, yeoman, of parishe of Sainct Johns within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Waidson, Waidsonne, Waydsonne DPRI/1/1603/W1/1 22 December 1603 will DPRI/1/1603/W1/2-5 10 May 1604 inventory, actual total £27 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1603/W2 11 August 1603 Rycharde WALLESSE, of parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Walles bond: DPRI/3/1603/B256 DPRI/1/1603/W2/1 3 February 1603 will endorsed: proved, 11 Aug 1603 DPRI/1/1603/W2/2 13 February 1603 inventory, actual total £9 15s 4d (with account of debts of £7 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1603/W3 28 May 1603 Christofor WALTON, of Harttoborne (Hartoborne, Hartoburne) in Wardaile within the cowenty palintin of Durhame, parish of Stanhop (Stanhope) [Stanhope, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B217 DPRI/1/1603/W3/1-2 1603 will Probate granted to Margaret Walton, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Jane Walton, daughter, co-executor. Endorsed: proved, 28 May [1603]. DPRI/1/1603/W3/3 undated inventory, actual total £53 9s 10d (with account of debts of £4 11s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/W3/4 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £53 9s 10d (with account of debts of £4 11s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/W4 Isabell WARDE, widow, of Blackwell in the countye of Durham, parish of Darlington [Blackwell, County Durham] Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Inventory - the latter is not present. bond: DPRI/3/1603/B85 DPRI/1/1603/W4/1 1 September 1603 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 59-60 DPRI/1/1603/W5 14 May 1603 Robart WATSON, yeoman, of parish of Bushopwermoth (Bishop Wermouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Died 6 May 1603 bond: DPRI/3/1603/B210 DPRI/1/1603/W5/1-2 4 May 1603 will endorsed: proved, 14 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/W5/3 undated inventory, actual total £255 18s 10d (with account of debts of £70 6s 7d) inventory of goods etc. at Ryhope and Bishopwearmouth DPRI/1/1603/W5/4 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £255 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £78 17s 3d) inventory of goods etc. at Ryhope and Bishopwearmouth DPRI/1/1603/W7 30 July 1603 William WATSON, yeoman, of the Mannor (Manor) House in the parishe of Lanchester within the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B76 DPRI/1/1603/W7/1 3 July 1603 will endorsed: proved, 30 July 1603 DPRI/1/1603/W6 7 May 1603 Roger WATSONNE, carpenter, of parrissh of Chester in the Street in the countye of Durisme [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Watson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B211 DPRI/1/1603/W6/1 27 March 1603 will endorsed: proved, 7 May [1603] DPRI/1/1603/W6/2 4 April 1603 indented inventory, actual total £33 1s 8d (with account of debts of £2 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1603/W8 3 December 1603 Richard WATTER, of Morden in the parish of Sedgefeild (Sedgefeld) [Morden, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1603/B255 DPRI/1/1603/W8/1 13 August 1603 will endorsed: proved, 3 Dec 1603 DPRI/1/1603/W8/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £75 0s 8d (with account of debts of 10s and more) DPRI/1/1603/W9 Edmonde WILSON, of the Loinenge Heade in Teasdell within the countie of Duresme, parish of Middleton in Teasdaill [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1603/W9/1-2 21 September 1602 will will dated at head, 9 Mar 1602; republished, 21 Sep 1602 Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 179 DPRI/1/1603/W9/3 18 October 1602 inventory, actual total £69 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 9s) DPRI/1/1603/W10 3 October 1603 John WILSON, of parish of Midelton (Middleton) in Teisdell [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Wilsonn bond: DPRI/3/1603/B238 DPRI/1/1603/W10/1 20 April 1602 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £4 14s 2d Full edition published in Hodgson, J.C. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part III" (Surtees Society, number 112. 1906, reprinted 1967), p 183 DPRI/1/1603/W10/2 undated inventory, actual total £37 13s 4d Dated, 11 June 160... (damage). Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Oct 1603. DPRI/1/1603/W12 John WOOD, of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1603/W12/1-9 indented inventory inventory includes £475 12s of 'warrentes and tickettes oweinge by John Wood' for the half-year ending 29 Sep 1603, and £483 1s 9d of 'warrentes derected to the bringer and Tickettes' DPRI/1/1603/W11 15 October 1603 John WYLSON, yeoman, of Brafferton (Brasserton) in the countie of Durhame [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Wilson bond: DPRI/3/1603/B86 DPRI/1/1603/W11/1 26 December 1602 indented will endorsed: proved, 15 Oct 1603 DPRI/1/1603/W11/2 12 January 1603 indented inventory, actual total £212 10s (with account of debts of £12 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1604 Wills etc proved 1604 DPRI/1/1604/A1 Nicholas ADAMES [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Adams. Died 13 June 1604 address drawn from index (DPRI/7) DPRI/1/1604/A1/1-2 15 June 1604 inventory DPRI/1/1604/A2 Robert AKENSIDE, of chappelrie of St Andrews, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/A2/1 4 October 1604 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1604/A3 10 April 1604 Robert ANDROE, younger, of Chester in the Street of the parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Andrewe DPRI/1/1604/A3/1 19 January 1604 will endorsed: proved, [?10] Apr 1604 DPRI/1/1604/A3/2 8 March 1604 inventory, actual total £36 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 19s 2d) DPRI/1/1604/A4 Richard ANGUS, of Dilston of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/A4/1 25 December 1604 will endorsed: ask for the inventory DPRI/1/1604/B1 Henrie BAINBRIGE, of parish of Middleton in Teasdale (Teasdaill) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigg, Bainbridge An inventory for £14 6s 8d was exhibited by Philipp Bainbrigg, one of the next of kin and who had claimed administration: £7 of the discharge was paid to Philipp Bainbrigg at the order of the judge. DPRI/1/1604/B1/1 undated account account of Anne Turner, cousin and administratrix; admitted, 18 Aug 1604 DPRI/1/1604/B2 Persevell BAMBRIDGE, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge bond: DPRI/3/1604/B250 DPRI/1/1604/B2/1 11 October 1603 will DPRI/1/1604/B2/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 9s (with account of debts of £4 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1604/B3 14 May 1604 Sara BARKER, one of the daughters of Robert Barker of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and alderman, deceased, spinster, of parishe of St Nicholas of [the] towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/B3/1-3 2 March 1604 will endorsed: proved, 14 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/B3/4 21 July 1604 inventory, actual total £572 15s 6d inventory of the goods, filial portion, and legacy from the will of the deceased's uncle John Marche DPRI/1/1604/B4 Cuthbert BAXTER, gentleman, of towen and parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/B4/1 10 March 1602 will DPRI/1/1604/B4/2 undated inventory, actual total £54 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34) DPRI/1/1604/B5 9 March 1605 Johne BEAMONDE, of parishe of Satleye (Satley) [Satley, County Durham]; also spelt Beammon DPRI/1/1604/B5/1 2 February 1605 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1605] DPRI/1/1604/B5/2 5 March 1605 indented inventory, actual total £95 16s 8d DPRI/1/1604/B6 Edward BELL, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/B6/1 4 July 1604 indented will [witnesses sworn], Feb 1605 DPRI/1/1604/B6/2 25 January 1605 inventory, actual total £11 3s 6d (with account of debts of 4s) DPRI/1/1604/B7 Henry BRAFFERTON, yeoman, of Seaton Carew in the countie of Durham, parish of Strainton [Seaton Carew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/B7/1 8 November 1604 indented will endorsed: [cancelled: proved, 12 Jan 1605]; inventory not exhibited; proved in common form and now proved in [?solemn] legal form; voided because administration was granted later; with interrogatories DPRI/1/1604/B8 14 March 1605 Jhon BROWNE, of Longhowgton (Longhowghton, Longhoughton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown DPRI/1/1604/B8/1 8 November 1604 will with inventory, 27 February 1605, actual total £9 18s 8d (with account of debts of £1 16s 8d) probate granted to Jaine Browne, relict, 14 Mar 1605 DPRI/1/1604/B9 9 March 1605 Myles BUCKE, of Barmeton within the parishe of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/B9/1 28 March 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/B9/2-3 10 April 1604 indented inventory, actual total £504 13s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £415 17s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 9 Mar 1605 DPRI/1/1604/B9/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1604/B10 12 January 1605 Richard BULMAN, shipwright, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/B10/1 22 November 1603 indented will endorsed: proved, 12 Jan 1605 DPRI/1/1604/B10/2 10 January 1605 indented inventory, actual total £161 2s 9d (with account of debts of £60 9s 6d) DPRI/1/1604/B11 16 June 1604 John BURNOPP, of perishe of St Ellinge Auckland (chapelry of Awckland St Helen, Ellen) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Burnope DPRI/1/1604/B11/1 10 January 1604 will endorsed: proved, 16 June 1604 DPRI/1/1604/B11/2 8 June 1604 inventory, actual total £46 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1604/B12 John BUTLER, merchant, of parishe of St Nicholas of the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1604/B229 DPRI/1/1604/B12/2 6 April 1604 indented inventory endorsed: sequestration granted to Grace Selby widow, former wife of the deceased, 13 Apr 1604 DPRI/1/1604/B12/1 undated account, actual total £66 18s 6d (with discharge of £74 5s 10d) Account of Christopher Clewgh, administrator. Subscribed: Robert Rokebye (Rookebie), creditor, to object against [the account]. DPRI/1/1604/C1 10 May 1604 George CARTER, of parishe of Gainforde (Gainforth) [Gainford, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/C1/1 30 March 1604 will witnesses sworn, 10 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/C1/2 25 April 1604 inventory, actual total £144 2s 7d endorsed: [will] proved, 10 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/C2 27 August 1604 Raphe CHAPMAN, yeoman, of chapelry of Readmyers (Readmyers, Readmiers, Read Miers) of the parish of Witton upon Weere (Were) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/C2/1 19 June 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/C2/3 20 June 1604 inventory, actual total £27 8s 1d DPRI/1/1604/C2/2 25 August 1604 commission commission to Robert Wilkinson, curate of Witton-le-Wear, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Chapman, relict and sole executrix, she being unable to attend court, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wylkynson, 27 Aug 1604 DPRI/1/1604/C3 Belles CHARLTONN, daughter of James Charltonn, Greasteade, chapelry of Bellingham [Greystead, Northumberland; Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton DPRI/1/1604/C3/1 20 January 1605 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 3 DPRI/1/1604/C3/2 20 January 1605 inventory, actual total £7 2s 6d DPRI/1/1604/C4 Margarett CLEWGHE, wife of Peter Clewgh of Newcastle upon Tyne, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/C4/1 18 November 1603 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1604/C5 George COATES, of Hauxley within the parishe of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Coats DPRI/1/1604/C5/1 4 February 1605 will DPRI/1/1604/C5/2-3 4 February 1605 copy will DPRI/1/1604/C5/4 10 March 1605 inventory, actual total £76 9s (and more) DPRI/1/1604/C5/5 10 March 1605 copy inventory, actual total £76 9s (and more) DPRI/1/1604/C6 20 April 1604 James COOKE, of parish of Bolame (Bolam) [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Cook DPRI/1/1604/C6/1-2 4 December 1595 will DPRI/1/1604/C6/3-4 4 December 1595 copy will endorsed: administration granted to Joshua Delevale gentleman, 20 Apr [1604] DPRI/1/1604/C7 John CRADOCK, the elder, of parish of Gaynford (Gainforth) in the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Cradocke DPRI/1/1604/C7/1 14 June 1604 will endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1604/C7/2-3 14 June 1604 copy will With marginal note: ingrossed, not proved. Endorsed: the copy of my fathers will. DPRI/1/1604/C8 26 May 1604 Margaret CROWE, widow, of parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/C8/1 10 May 1604 will endorsed: proved, 26 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/C8/2 undated inventory, actual total £14 DPRI/1/1604/C9 14 May 1604 Richard CUTTER, of Angertonne of the parish of Hartbourne (Hartburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/C9/1 10 February 1604 will endorsed: proved, 14 May [1604] DPRI/1/1604/C9/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £33 17s 4d DPRI/1/1604/D1 25 May 1604 Leonarde DACKE, yeoman, of Cockerton within the county of Durham, parish of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Dack DPRI/1/1604/D1/1 2 April 1604 will probate granted to Agnes Dacke and Margaret Dacke, executors, with a power reserved to Grace Dacke, co-executor; the said Grace Dacke elected Ralfe Blackwell as her curator; inventory exhibited; Mathewe Dacke, son aged 16, elected Richard Smith as his tutor (unopposed), 25 May 1604 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 60-61 DPRI/1/1604/D1/2 19 May 1604 indented inventory, actual total £108 0s 8d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 61-62 DPRI/1/1604/D2 6 October 1604 John DAVISON, weaver, of Ryop (Ryopp) in the parishe of Bishop Wermoth (Wermouth) in the countie of Durhame [Ryhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/D2/1 6 August 1604 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 6 Oct 1604 DPRI/1/1604/D2/2 4 October 1604 inventory, actual total £27 6s 4d DPRI/1/1604/D3 James DAVYE, of Snitter within the parish of Rothburye (Rothburie) [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Davie DPRI/1/1604/D3/1 11 December 1602 will with inventory, undated, actual total £12 4s 4d endorsed: not issued; 'copie this & carye it to Alnewick the next Court & cite thexecutor & next of kin' DPRI/1/1604/D3/2 undated court documents with copy will, 11 December 1602 with copy inventory, undated, actual total £13 5s 4d Incomplete court document issued by Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, to John Davye, blood relative, with copy will and inventory subscribed. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1604/D4 19 January 1605 Henrye DAWSON, son of George Dawson of Mainsforth, labourer, of Fysheburne (Fysshborne, Fyssheborne) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeilde [Fishburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/D4/1 19 April 1596 will Witnesses sworn, 19 Jan 1605. Endorsed: provedm, 19 Jan [1605]. DPRI/1/1604/D4/2 1 January 1597 indented inventory, actual total £12 inventory of the deceased's filial portion, due to him by the will of his father George Dawson of Mainsforth DPRI/1/1604/D5 Henrye DOD, of Bellingham in the parishe of Symonnbourne (Symondburn, Simonburn) [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd DPRI/1/1604/D5/1-4 8 November 1604 will with inventory, 12 December 1604, actual total £220 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 15s) DPRI/1/1604/D5/5 8 November 1604 copy will DPRI/1/1604/D6 William FAIRBARNE, labourer, of parishe of All Hallowes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Fairbarn DPRI/1/1604/D6/1-2 31 October 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/D6/3-4 20 November 1604 inventory, actual total £8 18s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s) DPRI/1/1604/F1 Robert FENWICK, husband of Barbarie Fenwick, of North Gosforth within the parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [North Gosforth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/F1/1 undated account account of Barbarie Fenwick, relict DPRI/1/1604/F2 Robert FISHER, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints. For the inventory of Fisher's son William Fisher, see - DPRI/1/1606/F2/1 DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2 23 January 1605 will DPRI/1/1604/F3 Thomas FLEATHAM, yeoman, of chapelry of Stockton within the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Fletham DPRI/1/1604/F3/1 22 October 1603 will endorsed: 'one part hereof sent with a commission to Mr Rand to take the wedowes oath & bond, but not as yet returned, which must be cal[le]d for' DPRI/1/1604/F3/2 24 November 1603 inventory, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1604/F3/3 24 November 1603 copy inventory, actual total £10 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1604/F4 Nicholas FREND, the elder, cordwainer, of Gaitshead (Gateshed, Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/F4/1 12 April 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/F4/2 29 August 1604 inventory, actual total £33 3s 4d (with account of debts of £8 7s 2d) DPRI/1/1604/G1 30 June 1604 Richard GASKEN, of the Hallyards within the parishe of Ovinghame [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gaskenn DPRI/1/1604/G1/1-2 14 May 1604 nuncupative will with inventory, 4 June 1604, actual total £77 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £36 3s 4d) endorsed: proved, 30 June [1604] DPRI/1/1604/G2 20 October 1604 John GODDERSON, of Pelton in the parish of Chester [Pelton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/G2/1 23 July 1604 will endorsed: proved, 20 Oct 1604 DPRI/1/1604/G2/2 14 September 1604 inventory, actual total £111 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 16s 2d) DPRI/1/1604/G3 Margratt GRAYE, wife of John Graye of Newcaslte upon Tyne, draper, widow, of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie, Gray DPRI/1/1604/G3/1-3 28 August 1604 inventory Inventory includes goods etc. at Newbiggin. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1604/G4 24 November 1604 Symond GRYC, yeoman, of Bushop Auckland (Awcklande, Aukland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Grice DPRI/1/1604/G4/1-2 28 November 1603 will with inventory, 20 November 1604, actual total £54 endorsed: proved, 24 Nov [1604] DPRI/1/1604/H1 Nycholas HEDLEY, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/H1/1 17 January 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/H1/2 21 March 1604 codicil DPRI/1/1604/H1/3-6 25 April 1604 inventory, actual total £118 11s 6d with inventory, 26 April 1604, actual total £239 15s (1) inventory of goods etc. at Newcastle upon Tyne; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Lintz Green. Endorsed: ask for the will. DPRI/1/1604/H2 John HEDWORTH, gentleman, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/H2/1 29 March 1604 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1604/H3 Dorety HERRESON, spinster, of towen of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harreson DPRI/1/1604/H3/1-2 7 December 1602 will endorsed: exhibited on the part of Thomas Nicholson; proved DPRI/1/1604/H3/3 undated interrogatories interrogatories of George Elleson and Agnes Elleson, next of kin, to the witnesses on the part of Thomas Nicholson DPRI/1/1604/H4 Isabell HINDMERS, spinster, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindners, Hyndmers Hindmers made her will 'beinge Afrayed of the visitacion in which my mother [Agnes Bowrye] now is departed'. DPRI/1/1604/H4/1-2 30 August 1603 will with certificate, 1 September 1603 Will, with certificate of livery of seisin of a burgage in the north end of the Forestreet in Sandgate, Newcastle, devised by Hindmers to Thomas Clewghe. DPRI/1/1604/H4/3 6 October 1603 indented inventory, actual total £7 15s 10d DPRI/1/1604/H5 John HODGSHON, husband of Margaret Hodgshon, yeoman, of Eggleston (Egelstonn) in the parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teisdell) in the countie of Durham [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon, Hodgeon The Hodgshons died of the plague: children are also mentioned. DPRI/1/1604/H5/1 28 October 1604 nuncupative will joint will of John Hodgshon and his wife Margaret Hodgshon DPRI/1/1604/H5/2 26 November 1604 inventory, actual total £25 19s 6d appraised on 26 Nov 1604 and 4 Feb 1605 DPRI/1/1604/K1 1 February 1605 Richard KELL, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/K1/1-2 15 September 1595 will probate granted to Margaret Kell, relict and co-executor, 1 Feb 1605 DPRI/1/1604/L1 12 January 1605 Christofer LEWEN, esquire, of Hetton in the Hole in the countie of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Springe [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Lewin DPRI/1/1604/L1/1 26 September 1604 will endorsed: proved, 12 Jan 1605 DPRI/1/1604/L1/3 undated schedule of legatees schedule of legatees 'such as is sett downe betwixte my wiff and me'; formerley attached to the will DPRI/1/1604/L1/2 3 December 1604 indented inventory, actual total £96 2s 2d DPRI/1/1604/M2 Henry MARSHALL, of the Bille Rawe [Brancepeth, County Durham] The documents' Christian and regnal dates are inconsistent: 1603 (regnal) or 1604. DPRI/1/1604/M2/1 4 September 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/M2/2 21 October 1604 inventory, actual total £106 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 7d) This inventory was found partly sewn up, evidently to cover up entries which were repeated at the end. DPRI/1/1604/M1 12 May 1604 Chrystobelle MAYNESFORTH, spinster, of parish of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeilde, Sedgfield) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Mainsforth DPRI/1/1604/M1/1 27 February 1604 indented will endorsed: proved, 12 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/M1/2 20 April 1604 indented inventory, actual total £10 11s 5d DPRI/1/1604/O2 Isabell OGLE, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/O2/1 1 June 1602 will endorsed: 'the Coppye of Mrs Ogle hir will' DPRI/1/1604/O2/2-3 20 September 1604 inventory, actual total £72 19s 4d endorsed with further inventory [?of debts] of £20 6s 8d DPRI/1/1604/O1 Cuthbert OGLEE, gentleman, of parish of Long Horsley (Longhorsley, Longehorsley) and in the countie of Northumberlande [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogle DPRI/1/1604/O1/1 1 December 1603 indented will DPRI/1/1604/O1/2 1604 indented inventory, actual total £49 9s 8d DPRI/1/1604/O3 Raphe PATISON, yeoman, of Hampsterley (Hamsterly) within the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Pattison DPRI/1/1604/O3/1 17 March 1604 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 2s DPRI/1/1604/O3/2 undated inventory, actual total £120 9s 8d inventory total includes the £5 4s of debts subscribed to the will DPRI/1/1604/P1 1 December 1604 Thomas PEARSON, of parish of Whickham within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/P1/1 10 December 1604 indented inventory with indented inventory, 13 February 1607 with indented inventory, 23 November 1613, actual total £193 1s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 6s 8d) Inventory includes the funeral expenses of Pearson's wife. Items were added to the debts owing to the deceased by his administrator James WIlkinson in 1607 and 1613. Subscribed: exhibited, 25 Jan 1605; the administrator was directed to complete the inventory by a certain date. Endorsed: administration granted, 1 Dec [1604]. DPRI/1/1604/R1 18 June 1604 Sir William REEDE, knight, of Fenham in the parish of Holie Ilande (Holye Iland) within the countie palentine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade, Reed DPRI/1/1604/R1/1 2 June 1604 will endorsed: proved, 18 June 1604 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 2-3 DPRI/1/1604/R1/2-7 21 June 1604 inventory with inventory, 28 June 1604, actual total £447 16s 4d Inventory of household goods etc. and other goods at Holy Island, Fenham, Lowlin and Lameden [Lemington]. Page order: 1604/R1/2 (right), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2 (left). DPRI/1/1604/R1/8 wrapper DPRI/1/1604/R2 23 February 1605 Rowland RUTLISH, yeoman, Cold Rowlie (Rowley) in the parish of Mugleswicke, Crosegaite in the suburbes of the cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Muggleswick, County Durham; Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Rutledge. Died October 1604 Rutlish died 18 months after the making of his will. See DPRI/4/9 ff.306 and 309 (9 and 23 Feb 1605): probate granted to Alice Rutlish, relict, and inventory exhibited. DPRI/1/1604/R2/1 26 April 1603 nuncupative will administration granted to Allice Rutlish, relict DPRI/1/1604/R2/2 15 January 1605 inventory, actual total £30 5s 6d (with account of debts of £8 15s 4d) endorsed: administration granted, 23 Feb [1605] DPRI/1/1604/S1 22 June 1605 Gracs SALTONSTALL, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Grace, Saltingstall DPRI/1/1604/S1/1-2 16 October 1604 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605 [sic] DPRI/1/1604/S1/3 16 October 1604 inventory, actual total £49 6s 3d DPRI/1/1604/S2 Elsabeth SHAFTO, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1604/S2/1-2 19 January 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/S4 Elizabeth SMYTH, widow, of North Bailey in the citie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smith Smyth made her will when infected with the plague. DPRI/1/1604/S4/1 8 November 1604 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1604/S4/2 8 November 1604 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1604/S3 5 May 1604 Cuthbert SMYTHE, yeoman, of Nether Cunsley, parish of Connscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1604/S3/1 18 April 1604 will endorsed: proved, 5 May 1604 DPRI/1/1604/S3/2-3 26 April 1604 indented inventory, actual total £264 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 10s 8d) DPRI/1/1604/S5 Roberte STORER, of Thropton [Thropton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/S5/1 24 September 1599 will DPRI/1/1604/T1 Thomas TOMSON, of towen (parish) of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Tomsson, Thompson DPRI/1/1604/T1/1-2 20 September 1602 will with codicil, 20 September 1602 with nuncupative codicil, 20 September 1602 with inventory, undated, actual total £1 18s (and more, with account of debts of 12s 8d) inventory of goods is unvalued DPRI/1/1604/W1 George WALBIE, husbandman, of Neitherbouston (Bouston) in the parish of Warkworth and in the countye of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/W1/1-2 July 1604 will date in July 1604 uncertain (damage).Probate granted by John Ladiman, clerk, to William Walbie, sole executor. DPRI/1/1604/W1/3 10 March 1605 inventory, actual total £9 3s 4d (with account of debts of £11 0s 2d) DPRI/1/1604/W2 15 March 1605 Raiphe WALLIS, gentleman, of parish of Balmebrough (Balmbrough, Bambro) within the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/W2/1 6 January 1604 will DPRI/1/1604/W2/2 inventory, actual total £38 13s 4d Subscribed with (fragmentary) memorandum relating to Allice ... and certain goods 'after given by Thomas Rokebye'. Endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Mar [1605]. DPRI/1/1604/W3 18 August 1604 Gyles WEATHERILL, of chapelry of Stockton upon Tease in the countye of Duresme [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Wetherell, Weatherell DPRI/1/1604/W3/1 12 July 1604 will endorsed: proved, 18 Aug 1604 DPRI/1/1604/W3/2-3 12 July 1604 typescript copy will DPRI/1/1604/W3/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1604/W4 Janet WHELDON, of parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1604/W4/1 23 February 1605 will DPRI/1/1604/W4/2 10 March 1605 inventory, actual total 6s 4d DPRI/1/1604/W4/3 10 March 1605 copy inventory, actual total 6s 4d DPRI/1/1604/Y1 9 June 1604 Henrie YOUNGER, yeoman, of the Hole Rawe, chapelrie of Shotley in the countie of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]. Died February 1598 Younger's wife Agnes had formerly been married to John Byerley and Roger Hopper, and latterly married George Atthie. The inventory refers to monies in the hands of George Atthie, the 'late' father-in-law of Robert Younger alias Hopper the illegitimate son of the deceased. Robert Younger is the only legatee named in the will, and which will is witnessed by his wife Agnes Younger among others: as the depositions (DDR/EJ/CCA/1/7 ff.296-298) make clear, Robert Younger's claim to any property was endangered both by his illegitmacy and by the existence of a younger legitimate brother 'sick in a cradle' and at the time of making the will thought likely to die; no further reference to this younger brother has been found. Henry Younger died about a week after making his will. His widow had married George Atthie (by July 1602) and then predeceased him (before 9 June 1604; hence the description of Atthie as 'late' father-in-law), and promises alleged to have been made by Atthie prior to this marriage are also described in the depositions of the witnesses to Henry Younger's will. See Probate Act Books: (1) DPRI/4/9 f.174: administration of the goods not yet administered of Robert Younger of Wolsingham [?father of Henry Younger] granted to Agnes Atthie, wife of George Atthie, for the use of Frances Younger, daughter of Henry Younger the son of Robert Younger; and inventory (£18) exhibited, 10 July 1602; (2) f.239v: blank entry with marginal heading relating to the curation of Frances Younger [daughter] and Robert Younger / Hopper, 26 Nov 1603; (3) f.262: Robert Younger, aged 14, elects as curators Hugo Hopper and John Richardson, with the consent of [his cousin] John Hopper, and the curators are monished to exhibit an inventory, 21 Apr 1604; (4) ff.264, 265, 267, 270v-271: in an office cause (May-June 1604) promoted against George Atthie by Hugo Hopper and John Richardson, Atthie is declared contumacious and the will is proved and administration of the goods not administered during the lifetime of Agnes Atthie is granted to Hopper and Richardson for the use of Robert Younger / Hopper, illegitimate son; an inventory already having been exhibited, 9 June 1604; [an inventory of Henry Younger (£118 0s 8d) is referred to in Atthie's 1607 account]; (5) f.394: Frances Younger, aged 13, elects her cousin John Hopper of Muggleswick and George Atthie as her curators, and the curators are monished to exhibit an inventory, 18 July 1606; (6) f.408v: in an office cause to exhibit an inventory, an inventory of the goods of Frances Younger (£20) is exhibited by John Hopper and George Atthie, 4 Oct 1606; (7) DPRI/4/10 f.11v (19 June 1607): (a) office cause to render an account of the administration of the estates of John Byerley and Roger Hopper promoted against George Atthye by Cuthbert Hopper son and William Hopper the husband of Margaret Hopper daughter, George Atthye exhibits the account, a copy of which is decreed to be delivered to the other parties; (b) office cause to render an account of the administration of the goods of Henry Younger promoted by George Atthye v John Hopper and others; (c) office cause, John Hopper, tutor, to render an account of the goods of his charge Frances Younger, daughter of Henry Younger; (8) f.14 (3 July 1607): (a) account of Frances Younger exhibited; (b) Byerley / Hopper office cause continues; (9) f.19 (31 July 1607): office cause to render an account of the administration of the goods of Roger Hopper promoted by William Hopper v George Atthye; (10) f.36-36v ([28] Nov 1607): office cause to render Atthye's account of the administration of the goods of Roger Hopper and Henry Younger; a long but damaged entry, and which appears to conclude the matter with the issue of letters testimonial upon Atthye's account. [The indexes for Probate Act Books 9 and 10 are defective, and further entries probably exist.] For the 1607 account, submitted by George Atthie, see - DPRI/1/1607/H11/1-2 DPRI/1/1604/Y1/1 12 February 1598 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 9 June [1604] DPRI/1/1604/Y1/2 29 June 1604 inventory, actual total £53 Inventory of goods etc. not yet administered and dew to Robert Younger alias Hopper, illegitimate son. [The will relates that Robert Younger was born before the marriage but after the marriage contract of the deceased and his wife Agnes, and the inventory reflects his father's doubts that his copyhold property could be devised to him, but that his leasehold might be safely bequeathed. This inventory is of Robert Younger's portion, rather than of Henry Younger's entire personal estate. The account records Henry Younger's estate was inventoried (£118 0s 8d), but which inventory has not been found.] DPRI/1/1604/Y2 19 January 1605 Henrie YOUNGER, of Streat Yeate within the countie of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1604/Y2/1 2 October 1604 indented inventory administration granted, with the consent of Jane Younger daughter, to Eleanor Younger, relict, 19 Jan 1605 DPRI/1/1605 Wills etc proved 1605 DPRI/1/1605/A1 John ALLANSON, alias Whaites, of St Hellen Auckland (St Ellen Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Allonsonne DPRI/1/1605/A1/1 30 May 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1605/A1/2 30 May 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1605/A1/3 11 June 1605 inventory, actual total £15 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 11s) DPRI/1/1605/A2 1 February 1606 Thomas ALLINSON, of the Overspenn within the parishe of Riton (Ryton) [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson DPRI/1/1605/A2/1 20 November 1605 will endorsed: proved, 1 Feb [1606] DPRI/1/1605/A2/2 3 December 1605 indented inventory, actual total £57 6s 11d DPRI/1/1605/A3 Henry ANDERSON, esquire, of Heswell (Haswell) Grange in the countie of Durhame [Haswell, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/A3/1-3 1 August 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/A3/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1605/A4 15 March 1606 John APPLEBEE, of Barefoote on the More within the parishe of Winston [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Applebie, Appleby, Applebe DPRI/1/1605/A4/1 12 September 1605 will with codicil, 17 October 1605 endorsed: proved, 15 Mar 1606 DPRI/1/1605/A4/2 19 October 1605 indented inventory, actual total £239 13s 4d DPRI/1/1605/A5 Bartraim ATCHESONE, cutler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcheson, Atkinson DPRI/1/1605/A5/1 15 June 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/A5/2-3 19 June 1605 inventory, actual total £14 0s 10d DPRI/1/1605/A6 James ATKINSON, husbandman, of Harton within the countie of Duresme [Harton, County Durham]; also spelt Atkingson DPRI/1/1605/A6/1 25 August 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/A6/2-3 30 September 1605 indented inventory, actual total £164 3s 4d (with account of debts of £56 6s 6d) DPRI/1/1605/B2 Jerret BALYE, yeoman, of parish of Tynemouthe (Tynemouth, Tinmouth) within the cowntie of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Bailey DPRI/1/1605/B2/1 22 July 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/B1 16 November 1605 William BARNES, [coroner of Darlington, from 1584/5], [coroner], gentleman, Bedburne Parke in the countie of Durham, Darlington [Hamsterley, County Durham; Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/B1/1-2 26 September 1605 will endorsed: proved, 16 Nov [1605]; inventory not exhibited; will registered in the book of paper Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 63-67 DPRI/1/1605/B1/3-6 14 December 1605 indented inventory with indented inventory, 16 January 1606, actual total £594 10s 2d (with account of debts of £50 7s 7d) inventory of goods etc. at Bedburn (£293 8s 6d) and at Darlington (£236) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 67-73 DPRI/1/1605/B3 18 March 1606 Elizabeth BEWICKE, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bewick DPRI/1/1605/B3/1 7 December 1605 will with codicil, undated endorsed: proved, 18 Mar 1606 DPRI/1/1605/B3/2-3 13 January 1606 inventory, actual total £57 9s DPRI/1/1605/B4 20 April 1605 Elizabeth BOLDON, wife of Raph Boldon, widow, of Cledon in the countie of Durham [Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Bolden, Bowdenn, Bowden DPRI/1/1605/B4/1 23 February 1605 indented will Witnesses sworn [proved], 20 Apr 1605; approved and probate granted to Michaell Calverley, sole executor, 27 Apr 1605. Endorsed: not issued under the seal. DPRI/1/1605/B4/2 14 March 1605 indented inventory, actual total £8 16s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 7s 2d) joint inventory of Raph Bowden and his wife Elizabeth Bowden DPRI/1/1605/B4/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1605/B6 24 July 1605 Richard BRACKENBURIE, [gentleman usher], esquire, of parish of Selabie (Sellaby) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Brackenbury, Brackenberry Brackenburie also held chambers at court and at Whitehall. DPRI/1/1605/B6/2-17 undated copy draft will Will dated, 12 July [?1604]; copy certified in 1605. Endorsed: proved by the witnesses Francis Brackenbury and Anthony Greene, 2 July 1605. DPRI/1/1605/B6/1 July 1605 commission commission to John Crodock M.A., archdeacon of Northumberland, Giles Garthwhate M.A., vicar of Heighington, and ... Darbishire, vicar of North Otterington in Allerstonshire, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the goods within the diocese and peculiar jurisdictions to Richard Aldbrough of Elingthorpe [Ellenthorpe, Yorkshire] esquire, co-executor; Aldbrough being very aged and unable to attend court; commission executed by Cradock at Borrowby in Allertonshire, 24 July 1605 DPRI/1/1605/B6/18 wrapper DPRI/1/1605/B6/19 wrapper DPRI/1/1605/B5 Robert BRADFURTH, of Somerhouse of the parish of Gainford (Gainforth) in the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Bradforth DPRI/1/1605/B5/1 12 August 1604 will endorsed: proved, 8 June [1605] DPRI/1/1605/B5/2 undated inventory, actual total £138 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 2s) DPRI/1/1605/C1 Thomas CLARCKSON, draper, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarkson, Clerckson DPRI/1/1605/C1/1-7 10 October 1605 indented inventory Inventory of household goods etc. and wares; exhibited by Bartram Anderson on the part of Jane Clerkson, relict and administratrix, 16 Nov 1605. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1605/C2 11 May 1605 John COLLIN, of parish of Stainton (Strainton) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Collyn, Collinge DPRI/1/1605/C2/1 undated will endorsed: administration granted, 11 May [1605] DPRI/1/1605/C2/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £1 2s 6d (with account of debts of £7 16s 8d) [date: contemporaneous with the will] DPRI/1/1605/C2/2 2 March 1606 inventory, actual total £21 13s DPRI/1/1605/C3 22 February 1606 Tobie COLLINGE, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Colling DPRI/1/1605/C3/1 18 April 1604 copy will with grant of probate, 22 February 1606 probate granted to Gregory Lodge and Susan Collinge, executors Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 62-63 DPRI/1/1605/C3/2 24 August 1604 inventory, actual total £38 13s 4d (with account of debts of £12 7s 10d) total of debts uncertain (damage) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 63-64 DPRI/1/1605/C4 Henrye COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Oulld Ettall (Eatall) in the counttie of Northumbrlland, parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Etal, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwod DPRI/1/1605/C4/1 9 November 1603 will endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £66 10s and more DPRI/1/1605/C5 John COLLINGWOOD, of Alberwecke (Abberwicke) [Edlingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/C5/1 undated inventory exhibited, 20 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/C6 20 December 1605 Robart COWARD, of Hordon, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/C6/1 26 November 1605 will endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1605 DPRI/1/1605/C6/2 8 December 1605 indented inventory, actual total £8 11s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 17s 4d) DPRI/1/1605/D1 18 March 1606 Robert DENHENE, yeoman, of parish of Tynemowth (Tynemouth) within the cowntie of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Deaneham DPRI/1/1605/D1/1 10 August 1605 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar 1606 DPRI/1/1605/D1/2 18 November 1605 indented inventory, actual total £45 17s 4d (with account of debts of £5 2s) DPRI/1/1605/D2 Persewell DIKSONN, yeoman, of Fenweeke (Fenwicke) within the countie of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dicsonn, Dickson, Dixson. Died 10 August 1604 DPRI/1/1605/D2/1-2 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £4 4s 2d (and more, with account of debts of £9 14s 10d) will, with incomplete inventory DPRI/1/1605/D2/3 16 June 1605 inventory, actual total £28 0s 2d DPRI/1/1605/D2/4 16 June 1605 copy inventory, actual total £22 16s 2d incomplete copy inventory DPRI/1/1605/F2 26 July 1605 Jane FARBESSE, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Forbess DPRI/1/1605/F2/1 16 July 1605 indented will endorsed: proved, 26 July 1605 DPRI/1/1605/F2/2 16 July 1605 inventory, actual total £8 0s 4d DPRI/1/1605/F1 28 February 1606 John FENWICK, gentleman, Wallington in the county of Northumberland, Berwick upon Tweed [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke see DDR/EV/VIS/2/2 (Visitation): f.119: at Berwick, 22 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/F1/1 14 January 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1605/F1/2 22 June 1605 commission commission issued at Berwick-upon-Tweed under the seal of the Consistorial Court to Ann Fenwick, relict of the intestate [sic] John Fenwick of Berwick-upon-Tweed, deputing her to act as administratrix; with marginal note: voided because a [grant of] administration to carry out the terms of the will was issued on 28 Feb 1606 DPRI/1/1605/F1/3 18 January 1606 commission commission to Richard Clerck, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Anne Fenwicke [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], relict of John Fenwick of Wallington; commission executed by Clerke, 5 Feb 1606 DPRI/1/1605/F1/4-5 5 February 1606 letter Covering letter from Richard Clerke, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, enclosing the will and bond and concerning the penal sum of the bond and the good financial standing and reputation of the deceased and the administratrix's sureties. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Feb 1606; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1605/H2 27 April 1605 Thomas HALL, of parishe and towne of Lanchester (Lainchester) [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H2/1 13 March 1604 will endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1605] DPRI/1/1605/H2/2 24 April 1605 indented inventory, actual total £44 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 7s 7d) DPRI/1/1605/H3 20 September 1605 William HALL, of Otterburne (Otterborne), parish of Elledsone (Elsden) [Otterburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle DPRI/1/1605/H3/1 30 November 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/H3/2 30 November 1604 inventory, actual total £13 2s endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Sep [1605] DPRI/1/1605/H5 Richard HANDMARSHE, yeoman, of Wawssend (Walsend) in the cowntty of Northumberland [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Haindmarshe, Hindmers DPRI/1/1605/H5/1-2 16 August 1605 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 16s 8d DPRI/1/1605/H1 13 July 1605 William HARRISON, weaver, of Tuddoe (Tuddo) within the countie of Durham [Tudhoe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H1/1 18 May 1603 will DPRI/1/1605/H1/2 3 May 1605 inventory, actual total £22 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 6s) endorsed: [will] proved, 13 July 1605 DPRI/1/1605/H4 27 April 1605 James HERRYSONE, of Mordon, Sedgefeld [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Herryson, Harryson, Harrison DPRI/1/1605/H4/1-2 6 April 1605 will endorsed with 27 Apr 1605 note concerning a fee for a [?grant of] tuition DPRI/1/1605/H4/3 undated inventory, actual total £22 13s 10d (with account of debts of £1) endorsed: proved, 27 Apr 1605 DPRI/1/1605/H6 2 November 1605 Thomas HODGSON, yeoman, of Cold Hirst (Coldhirst) within the chappelarie of Hampsterley within the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H6/1 7 June 1605 will with list of debts owing to (£5 13s 4d) and owing by (£5 3s) the testator Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 9 DPRI/1/1605/H6/2 21 September 1605 inventory, actual total £15 4s 8d endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1605] DPRI/1/1605/H8 15 November 1605 Hughe HOPPER, draper, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Accounts of the execution of the will and administration of the estate were exhibited in 1623 and 1624 by the executor, with detailed schedules of debts and receipts annexed: see - DPRI/1/1623/H9/1 - DPRI/1/1623/H9/2-10 - DPRI/1/1624/H11/1 - DPRI/1/1624/H11/2-17 DPRI/1/1605/H8/1-2 2 October 1605 will with memorandum, 15 November 1605 Will, subscribed with memorandum of Robert Porrett, executor, made at probate [15 Nov 1605] and confirming that the residue is to be held by the executor in trust only for the sole use of the deceased's children. Endorsed: proved, 15 Nov [1605]; inventory not exhibited; will registered. DPRI/1/1605/H7 Henry HOULSWOORTH, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Houldesworth DPRI/1/1605/H7/1 15 September 1605 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1605/H9 Sampson HUDSPITH, of town and parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspeth DPRI/1/1605/H9/1 10 March 1602 will DPRI/1/1605/H10 25 January 1606 Ralphe HUGILL, labourer, of Bongait in the parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H10/1-2 2 November 1605 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 75-76 DPRI/1/1605/H10/3 21 December 1605 indented inventory, actual total £23 5s 2d (with account of debts of £12 10s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Jan 1606 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 76-77 DPRI/1/1605/H11 15 April 1605 Johne HULLE, of Hurdbucke within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H11/1 22 January 1605 will endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1605] DPRI/1/1605/H11/2 28 March 1605 indented inventory, actual total £84 6s 8d (with account of debts of £5 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1605/H12 21 July 1605 Christopher HUTTON, gentleman, of Sellebye within the parish of Gaynford (Gainforth, Gayneforth, Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/H12/3-6 25 April 1601 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 July [1605] DPRI/1/1605/H12/1-2 undated account, actual total £217 9s 4d (with discharge of £252 6s 1d) with [draft] letters testimonial, 12 July 1605 Account of Anne Hutton, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 12 July 1605; also endorsed with [draft] letters testimonial acquitting the administratrix. DPRI/1/1605/J1 Richarde JACKSON, of Harraton (Harverton) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/J1/1-2 22 January 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/J1/3 undated inventory, actual total £95 13s endorsed: 'query the will' DPRI/1/1605/J2 10 April 1605 Elyzabeth JENYSON, widow, of Walworth (Wallworth) in the parish of Heighington in the countie palatine of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Jenneson, Jennison A seal formerly attached to the will can be found pasted within a manuscript of the antiquarian Sir Cuthbert Sharp, held in the collections of Durham Cathedral Library, Ref: MS 32 p.317. DPRI/1/1605/J2/1-2 19 January 1605 will endorsed: proved, 10 Apr [1605]; inventory not exhibited Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 3-6 DPRI/1/1605/J2/3-4 2 February 1605 codicil with codicil, 4 April 1605 with codicil, 5 April 1605 endorsed: '... codicilles and inventory to be made redie against Whitson Tewesday' [21 May 1605] DPRI/1/1605/J2/5-12 13 April 1605 inventory, actual total £954 10s 1d DPRI/1/1605/J2/13-16 13 April 1605 indented copy inventory, actual total £954 10s 1d endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Apr 1605; will registered DPRI/1/1605/J3 Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Nubigin within the county of Northumberland, parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/J3/1 20 June 1605 indented will DPRI/1/1605/J3/2 6 August 1605 indented inventory, actual total £56 1s 6d (with account of debts of £18 13s) DPRI/1/1605/K2 16 November 1605 Samson KING, vicar of Dalton-le-Dale, clerk, of Dolton (Dalton) in the countie of Durisme [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Kinge DPRI/1/1605/K2/1-2 18 July 1605 will endorsed: proved, 16 Nov 1605; will registered DPRI/1/1605/K2/3 8 August 1605 indented inventory, actual total £184 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1605/K1 23 November 1605 Arche KINGE, Hercules Kinge, of Nether Heworth (Heworthe) within the parish of Jarrow (Jerrow, Jarro) [Heworth, County Durham]. Died 31 October 1605 will is endorsed by the probate office [?in error]: will of Hercules Kinge DPRI/1/1605/K1/1 10 February 1605 will with memorandum, 23 November 1605 Will, with (1) list of debts owing by the testator of £4 18s 2d; (2) memorandum of Elizabeth Kinge, relict and executrix, made at probate [23 Nov 1605] confirming the intention of the testator that the residue is for the use of the executrix as well as the deceased's children, born and posthumous. Probate granted to Elizabeth Kinge, relict and sole executrix. DPRI/1/1605/K1/2 30 October 1605 inventory, actual total £28 19s 10d (with account of debts of £3 5s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 23 Nov [1605] DPRI/1/1605/L1 18 March 1606 Christofor LAMBERT, blacksmith, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/L1/1-2 17 March 1606 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar 1606 DPRI/1/1605/L2 Robert LAWRANCE, husband of Margaret Lawrance, of township of Coopon (Cowpon, Copon) in the parish of Billingham [Cowpen, Northumberland]; also spelt Lowrance, Lawrence, Lawrens DPRI/1/1605/L2/1 undated account, actual total £160 12s 9d (with discharge of £104 19s 5d) with interrogatories, undated (1) Account of Dame Margaret Lawrance, relict and executrix; with allocation of thirds between the widow and executrix, and her six named children; [not admitted] (2) Interrogatory upon the second statement of the account [see marginal numbering], disputing the division of the goods. Endorsed: 1604. DPRI/1/1605/L2/2 undated allegations Allegations of Richard Lawrance, son, disputing the inventory and the subsequent division of the goods, and seeking restitution from the widow and executrix. Endorsed: [account] not admitted, [1605]. DPRI/1/1605/L2/3 22 February 1605 copy responses Copy of the personal responses of Margaret Lawrance, relict and executrix, to the allegations of Richard Lawrance, son. Endorsed: 22 Feb 1605; 'the widdow hath all hir writings but this copie'. DPRI/1/1605/L3 12 July 1605 George LEE, of Garrigill in the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1605/L3/1 5 July 1605 will Probate granted to Arthur Lee, son and sole executor, and during his minority to his tutrix Elizabeth Lee, relict, for the use of the said Arthur Lee. Endorsed: proved, 12 July [1605]. DPRI/1/1605/L3/2 undated inventory, actual total £100 10s 4d (with account of debts of £4 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1605/L5 4 May 1605 Thomas LEGEAT, of the March Miers (Marche Myers) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Ledgeatt DPRI/1/1605/L5/1 15 March 1605 will endorsed: proved, 4 May [1605] DPRI/1/1605/L5/2 22 April 1605 indented inventory, actual total £17 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3 7s) DPRI/1/1605/L4 22 June 1605 Allen LEICHE, of towne of Barwicke upon Tweid [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Leech DPRI/1/1605/L4/1-2 10 October 1604 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 22 June 1605; will registered DPRI/1/1605/L7 19 September 1605 Richard LIDDELL, husbandman, of towneshippe of Westmerringtonn (West Merington) within the parish of St Andrew Awkland (Auckland, Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Liddle DPRI/1/1605/L7/1 13 July 1605 will probate granted to Anthony Liddell, brother and co-executor, also for the use of Francis Liddell and Charles Liddle, minor sons and co-executors, reserving a power to the same children; tuition of the said children also granted to Anthony Liddell, 19 Sep 1605 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 9-10 DPRI/1/1605/L7/2 5 September 1605 indented inventory, actual total £161 18s 10d (with account of debts of £14) endorsed: proved, 19 Sep 1605; will registered DPRI/1/1605/L8 John LILBURNE, of parish of St Andrewe Aukland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/L8/1 2 July 1597 will DPRI/1/1605/L9 7 December 1605 Henry LOCKAY, of Cornefourthe (Corneforth) in the parishe of Bishopp (Bushopp) Middleham [Cornforth, County Durham]; also spelt Lockeye DPRI/1/1605/L9/1-2 6 October 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/L9/3 6 October 1605 copy will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec 1605 DPRI/1/1605/L10 5 October 1605 Thomas LONGSTRAFE, of Raby, parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Langstaffe DPRI/1/1605/L10/1-2 24 August 1605 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 5 Oct [1605] DPRI/1/1605/L11 6 October 1605 Raphe LONSDALE, of Newbigging in Teasdale within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Lonesdale, Loinsdale DPRI/1/1605/L11/1 14 August 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/L11/2 27 September 1605 indented inventory, actual total £37 10s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 16s 4d) subscribed: sworn by Clement Colmore [Durham Chancellor] to execute, 6 Oct 1605; Isabell Lonsdale, relict, with John Lonsdale, son, obligors; two sureties also named DPRI/1/1605/L12 2 November 1605 Robert LOWRYE, of Woodsid (Woodside) otherwise called the Fawside of the parissh of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Lowrie DPRI/1/1605/L12/1 10 April 1605 will endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1605 DPRI/1/1605/L12/2 22 July 1605 inventory, actual total £86 7s 8d (with account of debts of £23 3s 8d) debts include £2 1s 8d of probate and burial charges itemised on the dorse DPRI/1/1605/L13 William LOWRYE, of Wallick (Wallicke) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lowrie DPRI/1/1605/L13/3-4 3 June 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/L13/1-2 3 June 1605 copy will DPRI/1/1605/L13/5 undated inventory, actual total £53 3s 4d dated, 12 June [?1605] DPRI/1/1605/L6 Margret LYDDELL, wife of Thomas Lyddell of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and alderman, widow, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell, Liddle testatrix requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas DPRI/1/1605/L6/1-2 undated copy will dated, 21 Feb Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 1-2 DPRI/1/1605/M1 1 June 1605 William MAVYN, of parich of Esington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Mavin DPRI/1/1605/M1/1 4 May 1605 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 1 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/M1/2 4 May 1605 copy nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted to George Hasen, [master of the deceased], and who was bound to pay to Oswald Mavyn, brother, as much as the judge decrees, 1 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/M1/3 24 May 1605 indented inventory, actual total £6 13s 4d DPRI/1/1605/N1 25 January 1606 John NICHOLSONN, of Weetebottom (Weetbottom, Wete Bottome) in the perish of Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholson DPRI/1/1605/N1/1 1 June 1605 will endorsed: proved, 25 Jan 1606 DPRI/1/1605/N1/2 undated inventory, actual total £33 12s DPRI/1/1605/O1 31 May 1605 Luke OGLE, of parish of Edlingham (Egglingham, Eglingham) [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogell, Oggell Ogle died at Newcastle. DPRI/1/1605/O1/1 29 October 1604 inventory DPRI/1/1605/O1/2-3 29 October 1604 inventory administration granted to Isabell Ogle, relict, also for the use of Nicholas Ogle and Anne Ogle, minor children, 31 May 1605 DPRI/1/1605/P1 1 June 1605 Jeffraye PARKER, curate of St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, clerk, of the Chappell House, chappell of Saincte Johns in Wardayle (Wardaill, Wardaile) [St John's Chapel-in-Weardale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/P1/1 23 July 1604 indented will endorsed: proved, 1 June [1605]; inventory exhibited, 13 July 1605 DPRI/1/1605/P1/2 29 October 1604 indented inventory, actual total £143 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 3s 9d) exhibited by Ralph Nattrewwe on the part of Elizabeth Parker, widow and administratrix, 13 July 1605 DPRI/1/1605/P2 11 May 1605 George PEERTE, of Wester Blacke (Backe) Deene within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Pert DPRI/1/1605/P2/1 23 March 1605 will endorsed: proved, 11 May 1605 DPRI/1/1605/P2/2 3 April 1605 inventory, actual total £39 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1605/P3 Agnes PHILIPPE, single woman, of chappelrye of Bernard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Phillipps DPRI/1/1605/P3/1 29 July 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/P3/2 31 July 1605 indented inventory, actual total £46 (with account of debts of £1 12s) DPRI/1/1605/P4 5 July 1605 Jane PILKINGTON, widow, of cittye of Duresme in the countye of Duresme, parish of St Mary in the South Bailey [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/P4/1 31 December 1604 copy will with grant of probate, 5 July 1605 with memorandum, 21 March 1607 Probate granted to Edward Ewbanck, servant and sole executor. Endorsed with memorandum of delivery of the original holographic will to the executor, by order of Clement Colmore, [Durham Chancellor]. DPRI/1/1605/P4/2 undated inventory, actual total £997 6s 8d DPRI/1/1605/P5 29 June 1605 Edward PRESTON, of Heighinton in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/P5/1-2 24 November 1604 will Will, with itemised list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s 5d. Endorsed: proved, 29 June [1605]; to be ingrossed. DPRI/1/1605/P5/3 14 December 1604 inventory, actual total £12 14s DPRI/1/1605/P6 17 December 1605 Christopher PRIARMER, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Priorman DPRI/1/1605/P6/1 20 November 1605 will Proved by the sworn witnesses; Agnes Priorman, sole executor and daughter aged 14 years, chose Thomas Hall as her tutor; [?probate granted to the said Agnes Priorman], 17 Dec 1605; inventory to be exhibited ... DPRI/1/1605/R1 22 February 1606 Giffray RAINE, glover, of parish of Darneton (Darlington) in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Rayne DPRI/1/1605/R1/1 September 1605 nuncupative will Dated between 9 and 29 Sep 1605. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Feb [1606]. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 73 DPRI/1/1605/R1/2-3 17 January 1606 indented inventory, actual total £43 17s 4d (with account of debts of £6 2s 4d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 73-75 DPRI/1/1605/R2 4 May 1605 Walter REISLEY, miller, of towne of Newcastle upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaseley, Reisleye DPRI/1/1605/R2/1 14 October 1604 will with memorandum Will, subscribed with memorandum of the executors confirming they will not profit from the office. Probate granted to Anthonye Reaselye and Thomas Reaselye, executors, 4 May 1605. DPRI/1/1605/R3 Rolland REVELYE, husband of Elizabeth Revelye, gentleman, of Twedmouth, Barwicke upon Tweed [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Revlye, Reveley For the inventory of Revelye's wife, and which includes the debts of Rolland Revelye, see - DPRI/1/1605/R3/3 DPRI/1/1605/R3/1-2 3 May 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/R3 Elizabeth REVELYE, wife of Rolland Revelye of Tweedmouth gentleman, widow, of Twedmouth, Barwicke upon Tweed [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Revlye, Reveley For the will of Elizabeth Revelye's husband, see - DPRI/1/1605/R3/1-2 DPRI/1/1605/R3/3 undated inventory, actual total £13 3s 1d (with account of debts of £19 13s) joint inventory of the goods etc. of Rolland Revelye and his widow Elizabeth Revelye, appraised by the constables of Tweedmouth DPRI/1/1605/R4 8 March 1606 Robert RICHARDSON, of Heilifeilde (Heilifeild) of the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/R4/1 19 October 1605 copy will probate granted by John Philpott, deputy of Clement Colmor [Durham Chancellor], to John Richardson, sole executor; inventory also exhibited, 8 Mar 1606 DPRI/1/1605/R4/2 6 October 1605 inventory, actual total £22 6s 8d (and more, with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s 8d) inventory is incomplete DPRI/1/1605/R5 Frannces ROBINSON, of parish of Dawden (Dalden) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/R5/1 12 October 1604 will endorsed: curation of Thomas Robinson, illegitimate son, granted to Agnes Robinson, relict DPRI/1/1605/R5/2 5 January 1605 inventory, actual total £46 16s 4d (with account of debts of £13 18s) DPRI/1/1605/R6 Robert RODAM [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Roddham address drawn from DPRI/7 index DPRI/1/1605/R6/2-3 8 April 1605 inventory DPRI/1/1605/R6/1 wrapper endorsed: administration granted [?to the relict], 14 Sep 1605; also endorsed with draft and incomplete court document [?citation quorum nomina] DPRI/1/1605/S1 13 September 1605 Francis SAIRE, mercer, of chapelry of Bernard Castell (Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/S1/1 12 August 1605 will with memorandum, undated will, subscribed with memorandum of Michael Walker, witness, concerning the testator's intentions as regards his children's portions. Endorsed: proved, 13 Sep 1605. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 10-13 DPRI/1/1605/S1/2-3 15 August 1605 indented inventory, actual total £1,401 5s 3d (with account of debts of £249 1s 5d) Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 13 DPRI/1/1605/S3 William SHAFTOE, gentleman, of Lipwood of the chappelrie of Haidon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/S3/1 16 March 1606 inventory with certificate of apprisement, undated, actual total £6 17s 8d Date uncertain. Endorsed with: (1) certificate of John Clematson, curate of Langley, concerning the apprisement - 'to the greatest value according to the proportion that ever goods weare in the barronye of Langeleye since mye beinge there'; (2) administration granted. DPRI/1/1605/S2 Lanncelot SHAFTOW, [pensioner], gentleman, of towne of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe, Shaftowe DPRI/1/1605/S2/1-3 1 January 1606 will with codicil, 21 January 1606 DPRI/1/1605/S2/4-5 undated inventory, actual total £295 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £163 3s 8d) exhibited by the testator's 'brother' DPRI/1/1605/S4 Richard SHARPE, of Dilston of the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/S4/1 25 April 1605 will DPRI/1/1605/S4/2 14 June 1605 inventory, actual total £12 10s DPRI/1/1605/S5 15 June 1605 Alison SHEROTON, wife of William Sheroton of Elwick, widow, of Elwick of the parish of Harte [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Shereton, Shewton DPRI/1/1605/S5/1-2 22 May 1605 will endorsed: proved, 15 June [1605] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 8-9 DPRI/1/1605/S5/3 3 June 1605 indented inventory, actual total £79 19s 8d DPRI/1/1605/S7 Robert STEELE, of parish of Holie Iland (Eland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Steall DPRI/1/1605/S7/1 19 April 1605 commission Commission to Olliver Selbye, Richard Tailor, Robert Steele and William Thewe of Holy Island, to inventory and appraise the goods again; these men having been elected by both parties in the cause: Henry Steele v Thomas Bell and his wife Elizabeth Bell. Subscribed with memorandum concerning the same cause. DPRI/1/1605/S7/2 6 May 1605 inventory, actual total £29 11s 2d exhibited, 10 May 1605 DPRI/1/1605/S6 22 June 1605 Henrie STEILL, of Phenwick (Fenwick), parish of Kyloo (Kyloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Steell DPRI/1/1605/S6/1 13 October 1604 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/S6/2 13 October 1604 inventory, actual total £37 10s 8d (with account of debts of £54 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1605/S8 3 August 1605 William STEVENSONE, of Crooke within the parishe of Lanchester [Crook, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson DPRI/1/1605/S8/1 26 May 1605 will endorsed: proved, 3 Aug [1605] DPRI/1/1605/S8/2 4 June 1605 indented inventory, actual total £49 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £22 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1605/S9 21 June 1605 Thomas STROTHERE, gentleman, of Chattone within the countye of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Strother. Died 3 January 1604 DPRI/1/1605/S9/2 3 January 1604 will endorsed: proved, 21 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/S9/1 3 January 1604 copy will DPRI/1/1605/S9/3 10 January 1604 inventory, actual total £54 0s 10d DPRI/1/1605/S9/4 10 January 1604 copy inventory, actual total £54 0s 10d DPRI/1/1605/S10 3 August 1605 John SWANSTONE, tanner, of Bushopp Aucklande (Awckland) within the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Swainston DPRI/1/1605/S10/1-2 12 May 1605 will endorsed: proved, 3 Aug 1605 DPRI/1/1605/S10/3-4 22 May 1605 inventory, actual total £65 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 3s 8d) DPRI/1/1605/S11 Henry SWYNHOE, of Burton within the parish of Balmbrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinhoe, Swinhoo DPRI/1/1605/S11/1-2 24 September 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/T1 Andrewe TEASDALE, of parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Teisdale, Teisdell DPRI/1/1605/T1/1 27 October 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/T1/2 24 November 1604 inventory, actual total £59 11s 10d DPRI/1/1605/T2 8 June 1605 Richard THOMPSON, of Gilligaite in the parish of St Giles in Duresme [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/T2/1-2 20 May 1605 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/T3 William THOMPSON, of Hadon parishe (Haidon chapelry) within the towne of Hadonbridge [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1605/T3/1 15 May 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/T3/2 20 May 1604 inventory, actual total £9 4s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1605/T4 Jererd THORNETON, husband of Margarett Thorneton, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Thornton The discharge of the account also includes the filial portion of Agnes Fenwick, daughter of the late Raph Fenwick of Nunnykirk, which was paid to Sir William Fenwick her tutor (see DPRI/1/1592). DPRI/1/1605/T4/1-2 undated account acount of Margarett Thorneton, relict; admitted, 27 Apr 1605 DPRI/1/1605/T5 12 October 1605 Henrye TROTTER, of Gamesbye (Gamesby) Howse within the parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Troter DPRI/1/1605/T5/1 10 May 1604 will DPRI/1/1605/T5/2 25 September 1605 inventory, actual total £32 6s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 3s) Subscribed with entry concerning the £17 [?and more] filial portion of Margaret Dowson (Dawson), daughter of the late Robert Dawson, for which Trotter had entered a bond in Durham Consistory Court, with the names of three men in whose hands the monies now remain. Endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Oct 1605. DPRI/1/1605/T6 22 June 1605 Robert TROTTER, of parish of St Andrew Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/T6/1 4 January 1605 indented will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1605 DPRI/1/1605/T6/2 4 February 1605 indented inventory, actual total £114 12s 4d (with account of debts of £45 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1605/W1 John WALKER, of Aldernedge in the parishe of St Oswoldes [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1605/W1/1 6 January 1606 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1605/W1/2 14 January 1606 inventory, actual total £123 16s 8d (with account of debts of £21 1s) DPRI/1/1605/W2 31 January 1606 Elizabeth WATSON, daughter of Nicholas Watson of Whickham, spinster, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] Watson died of the plague. DPRI/1/1605/W2/1-2 November 1598 nuncupative will dated after 7 Nov 1598 (damage); probate granted to Margaret Watson, sole executrix, 31 Jan 1606; inventory [to be exhibited] and monition ordered for 8 Feb 1606 DPRI/1/1605/W3 27 April 1605 Robert WILDE, yeoman, of Kiblesworthe in the countie palantine of Durham, the chappell of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wild DPRI/1/1605/W3/1-2 18 September 1604 will endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1605] DPRI/1/1605/W3/3 31 January 1605 indented inventory, actual total £59 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s 4d) DPRI/1/1605/W4 Cuthbert WYMPHRAY, baker, brewer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wymphrey, Winphrey DPRI/1/1605/W4/1-2 25 January 1604 will DPRI/1/1606 Wills etc proved 1606 DPRI/1/1606/A1 8 July 1606 John ALMRY, miller, of parishe (chapelry) of St Johnes of the towne and countie of Newcastle uon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/A1/1-2 3 March 1606 will Will, with list of debts. Endorsed: proved, 8 July 1606. DPRI/1/1606/A1/3-5 7 July 1606 inventory, actual total £48 4s 6d (with account of debts of £20 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/A2 Bartram ANDERSON, the elder, merchant, of Newecastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersonne, Anderdersonne, Andersonn testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas DPRI/1/1606/A2/1-2 26 August 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/A2/3-25 20 September 1606 inventory, actual total £2,680 17s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £595 7s 2d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc.; also goods at Quarrell House, at the waterside and about the town, Lemenden [?Lemington], Chopwell, Willington. Endorsed: 'found in Dr Cradockes house after his death'. DPRI/1/1606/A3 17 January 1607 John ARCHER, of Cassopp (Cassop) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/A3/1-2 22 September 1606 will with list of debts owing to the testator DPRI/1/1606/A3/3 8 January 1607 inventory, actual total £196 DPRI/1/1606/A3/4 8 January 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £196 endorsed: proved, 17 Jan 1607 DPRI/1/1606/A5 Thomas ARMSTRANGE, of parish of Haltwessell (Haltwisell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Armstrang, Armestrong DPRI/1/1606/A5/1 1605 will endorsed: issued DPRI/1/1606/A4 7 July 1606 Richard ARMSTRONG, of Softley within the parishe of Knarsdale (Knarsdaill) [Knarsdale, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/A4/1 undated will Will, dated 25 ... [damage]. Endorsed: [?proved], 7 July [1606] DPRI/1/1606/A4/2 undated inventory, actual total £93 7s 4d (with account of debts of £2 10s) DPRI/1/1606/A6 8 November 1606 Robert ATKINSON, of West Bouldon in the countie of Durham, parish of Boldon [Boldon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/A6/1 1606 will Will, with list of debts. Endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606. DPRI/1/1606/A6/2 1606 inventory, actual total £130 9s 2d (with account of debts of £9 1s 5d) DPRI/1/1606/A7 Thomas ATKINSON, of Northe Auckelande (Auckland, Awklande, Awkland) in the countye of Duresme [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Atkinsonn DPRI/1/1606/A7/2 11 July 1606 indented will DPRI/1/1606/A7/1 11 July 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1606/B1 4 September 1606 Robart BAINBRIDGE, of Hartburne in the countye of Duresme, chapelry of Stockton [Hartburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/B1/1 26 July 1606 indented nuncupative will Nuncupative will, declared on 25 and 26 July 1606. Endorsed: proved, 4 Sep 1606. DPRI/1/1606/B1/2-3 8 August 1606 indented inventory, actual total £148 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 4s 6d) DPRI/1/1606/B2 Robert BARNES, of Anthonyes in the parish of Alhallows in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/B2/1 29 September 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/B2/2-4 9 October 1606 inventory, actual total £16 3s 7d (with account of debts and legacies of £10 6s and more) DPRI/1/1606/B3 3 May 1606 William BATMASON, of Ushawe (Ushaw) withe in the parisheinge of Eshe [Esh, County Durham]; also spelt Batmasson, Batmanson DPRI/1/1606/B3/1 15 December 1605 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/B3/2 28 February 1606 inventory, actual total £40 8s 8d (with account of debts of £5 8s) DPRI/1/1606/B4 Thomas BAYNES, yeoman, of Priston (Preston) in the county off Durham, chapelry of Stockton [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Baines, Bayns DPRI/1/1606/B4/1 22 April 1606 will administration granted to Alice Baines, relict, who was bound to distribute to Margaret Allanson and Jane Thomson, daughters, a decreed portion of the goods DPRI/1/1606/B4/2 3 May 1606 inventory, actual total £96 16s DPRI/1/1606/B5 Francis BEWICKE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Bewicke died intestate. DPRI/1/1606/B5/1 16 August 1600 inventory Inventory of goods etc., £4 4s of which goods were seized for three years of rent arrears by John Lyons gentleman, Collector of the Queen's rents. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1606/B7 John BLENKYNSOP, gentleman, of Bellistar [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Blenkinsop DPRI/1/1606/B7/1 29 February 1607 inventory dated, 29 Feb 1607 [sic] DPRI/1/1606/B8 30 January 1607 William BLYTHMAN, of Westoe within the parish of Jerro (Jarro) [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Blithman, Blithmann DPRI/1/1606/B8/1-2 12 July 1603 will Subscribed with memorandum relating to the signatures of certain witnesses made at probate, 30 Jan 1607. Endorsed: in litigation. DPRI/1/1606/B8/3-4 19 January 1607 inventory, actual total £1,119 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £137 8s 4d) inventory of goods etc. at Westoe, Jarrow and Gateshead DPRI/1/1606/B9 George BOWES, esquire, of Bradley (Braidley) [Wolsingham, County Durham] For the will of George Bowes, proved in 1603, see DPRI/2/3 ff.261-262v. DPRI/1/1606/B9/1 11 September 1606 inventory inventory of goods etc. at Bradley, Raby, Burnopp and Hapwell Tower [?Hopewell] DPRI/1/1606/B9/2 3 September 1606 inventory, actual total £715 11s 8d inventory of goods etc. at Lumley, Houghton, Cocket Island and Biddick DPRI/1/1606/B10 6 February 1604 Henry BOWES, esquire, gentleman, of parish of Newburn (Newborne, Newburne) in the county of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/B10/2 6 January 1604 inventory, actual total £134 5s 6d with inventory, 11 January 1604, actual total £26 4s 8d (1) inventory of goods etc. at [?Newburn]; (2) inventory of goods at Raby and Stelling. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb 1604. DPRI/1/1606/B10/1 undated account, actual total £160 10s 2d (with discharge of £168 12s 6d) Account of Anne Bowes, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 27 Jan 1607. DPRI/1/1606/B11 Robert BOWES, of Walkerfild (Wakerfeld) [Staindrop, County Durham] parish uncertain DPRI/1/1606/B11/1-4 8 January 1607 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1606/B12 6 December 1606 Agnes BROMBLEY, widow, of towne and parish and lordshipp of Hart (Harte) [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Bromley DPRI/1/1606/B12/1 27 September 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/B12/2 23 October 1606 indented inventory, actual total £290 0s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £66 14s) Inventory in the form of an account: the goods (£249 8s 8d) and legacies (£40 12s) are accounted together; from which the childrens' (£138 10s) and widow's (£138 10s) parts and legacies are deducted; £66 14s of additional legacies and debts are then deducted from the death's part (also £138 10s), the residue being allocated to the executors. Endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606. DPRI/1/1606/B13 Essabell BURDON, daughter of William Burdon of Norton, husbandman, of parish of Norton within the countye of Durham [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/B13/1-2 24 May 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/B13/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1606/B14 13 January 1607 Edward BURNE, yeoman, of Sunderland (Sunderlande) in the contey of Durrum [Sunderland, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/B14/1 20 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/B14/2 26 June 1606 inventory, actual total £69 12s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Jan 1607 DPRI/1/1606/B15 3 May 1606 Robert BUSBYE, of Thorpthewles (Thorpethewlas) of the parish of Grindon in the county of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Busby DPRI/1/1606/B15/1 28 July 1605 will endorsed: proved, 3 May [1606] DPRI/1/1606/B15/2 undated inventory, actual total £30 DPRI/1/1606/B6 13 February 1607 John BYNCKES, of Borobie (Boroby, Borrowby, Borroby), parish of Leacke (Leeke) [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Bynkes, Binkes DPRI/1/1606/B6/3-4 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £18 (and more, with account of debts of £10 and more) will, headed: 'the first will'; with inventory drawn up by the testator DPRI/1/1606/B6/1-2 undated copy will headed: 'the first will' DPRI/1/1606/B6/5 2 December 1606 will headed: 'the second will' DPRI/1/1606/B6/6 13 January 1607 inventory, actual total £130 16s 8d DPRI/1/1606/C1 19 April 1606 Michael CALVERLEY, [coroner of Chester ward], gentleman, citie of Durham, Cleadon in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham; Cleadon, County Durham]; also spelt Calverleye DPRI/1/1606/C1/1 21 March 1606 will with codicil, 22 March 1606 endorsed: proved, 19 Apr 1606; inventory exhibited; will registered DPRI/1/1606/C1/2-6 undated inventory, actual total £296 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 6s 8d) inventory of: (1) goods delivered by order of William James D.D., Dean of Durham Cathedral, and Clement Colmore D.D., [Durham Chancellor], to Margreat Calverley, relict, in full payment of her and her children's portions, apprised in the lifetime of the deceased; (2) other goods; (3) goods auctioned at Durham, 4 June 1606; (4) goods then unsold, but afterwards apprised and sold; (5) goods still unsold, apprised 28 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/C1/7-8 undated indented inventory, actual total £296 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 6s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Apr [1606]; will registered DPRI/1/1606/C3 Matthew CHAPMAN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne of the parish of Sainct Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/C3/1 19 February 1605 will with codicil, 29 October 1606 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 7-8 DPRI/1/1606/C3/2-4 25 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £1,960 3s 5d DPRI/1/1606/C4 21 June 1606 Thomas CHAPPELLOWE, yeoman, of Palmes Morton within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Chappellow, Chappelowe DPRI/1/1606/C4/1 16 March 1606 indented will DPRI/1/1606/C4/2 26 March 1606 indented inventory, actual total £386 0s 7d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £147 14s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 21 June [1606] DPRI/1/1606/C2 16 January 1607 Allizon CHARTER, widow, of Fyssheborne in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Fishburn, County Durham]; also spelt Carter DPRI/1/1606/C2/1 11 October 1606 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan 1607 DPRI/1/1606/C2/2 28 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £29 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 14s 4d) DPRI/1/1606/C5 Jhonne CHATTER, yeoman, of Wodhouses (Woodhowses) ... in the parish of Holistone (Halleston) county of Northumberland and libertie of Riddisdaill [Holystone, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaitor. Died 11 April 1605 DPRI/1/1606/C5/1 undated will DPRI/1/1606/C6 Jennett COMYN, of Helmeden Rawe, parishe of Brannspethe (Brancpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/C6/1 27 May 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/C7 Thomas COOK, tanner, of Newcastle, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints DPRI/1/1606/C7/1 2 December 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/C8 John COWHERD, of Earsden (Earsdenn) within the chapelrye of Hebburne (Hebborne) and in the parishe of Bothall [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowheard DPRI/1/1606/C8/1 3 November 1606 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 6s DPRI/1/1606/C8/2 11 December 1606 indented inventory, actual total £17 17s 4d DPRI/1/1606/C9 6 December 1606 Edward CRAW, husbandman, of Elwicke in the parishe of Hart, parish of Elwick [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Crawe DPRI/1/1606/C9/1-2 14 November 1606 will endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606 DPRI/1/1606/C9/3-4 1 December 1606 inventory, actual total £234 11s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 5s) DPRI/1/1606/D1 24 May 1606 Robert DAILL, tanner, of Darlingtonn (Darlington) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Dail, Dale DPRI/1/1606/D1/1 30 January 1606 indented will endorsed: proved, 24 [?May 1606] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 77-78 DPRI/1/1606/D1/2 26 March 1606 indented inventory, actual total £84 18s (with account of debts of £9 13s 4d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 78-79 DPRI/1/1606/D2 John DAVISON, yeoman, of Cassopp (Cassoppe) in the countie of Durham [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/D2/1 11 February 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/D2/2 1606 inventory, actual total £234 DPRI/1/1606/D3 27 February 1607 Sir Robert DELAVALE, knight, of Seton Delavale of the parishe of Tynemouth and chapelrie of Ersden (Erdesden, Earsden) in the countye of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Delaval, Delavall DPRI/1/1606/D3/1-4 18 November 1606 will with codicil, 28 November 1606 DPRI/1/1606/D3/5-8 18 February 1607 inventory, actual total £2,152 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £2,188 14s) DPRI/1/1606/D3/9-12 18 February 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £2,152 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £2,188 14s) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/D4 Robert DENT, husband of Katherin Dent, gentleman, of Byker (Biker) in the countye of Northumberland [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/D4/1-2 28 February 1606 draft account Account of Katherine Ogle, former relict; accountant sworn, account admitted and letters testimonial decreed to be issued, 20 June 1606. Endorsed: admitted, 20 June [1606]; voided. DPRI/1/1606/D4/3 undated account Only certain items from the draft account are included in this account. Endorsed: admitted, 20 June [1606]; probate issued under the seal. DPRI/1/1606/D5 4 February 1607 William DENTT, of chappelrye of Bernard Castell (Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Dent, Dente DPRI/1/1606/D5/1 9 September 1606 will endorsed: proved, 4 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/D5/2 1 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £14 0s 8d DPRI/1/1606/D5/3 30 January 1607 commission commission to Michael Walker, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Dent, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Walker, 4 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/D6 July 1606 Alice DICKSON, wife of Arche Dickson, widow, of chapelry of Saint Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] Alice Dickson died of the plague, and during her 11 weeks of sickness she was 'one of the pore which was mantaned [maintained] of the maidlenes' [the Hospital of St Mary Magdalen]. Prior to the outbreak of the plague she is described as havign suffered from 'the James sickness' [leprosy]. DPRI/1/1606/D6/1-2 20 June 1605 inventory, actual total £1 0s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 18s) with letter, undated Inventory, with covering letter to Thomas Kynge [Durham proctor] from Roger Errington, concerning a controversy over the goods of the deceased, and supporting the creditor's claim. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1606/D7 Margaret DIXON, wife of William Dixon of Newcastle upon Tyne, master and mariner, widow, of Pandon in the towne of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/D7/1-2 18 February 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1606/D8 24 May 1606 Henrie DUNKANE, husbandman, of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Donkane For the inventory of Dunkane's wife, see - DPRI/1/1607/D7/1-3 DPRI/1/1606/D8/1 1 May 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/D8/2-5 13 May 1606 inventory, actual total £270 2s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £126 10s 11d) endorsed: [will] proved, 24 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/E1 28 June 1606 Alexander EGGLESTON, of the Townfeilde in the parrishe of Hunstonworth [Hunstanworth, County Durham]; also spelt Egleston DPRI/1/1606/E1/1 29 March 1606 will endorsed: proved, 28 June 1606 DPRI/1/1606/E1/3 undated inventory, actual total £138 16s 2d Inventory dated, 28 May [?1606]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 June [1606]. DPRI/1/1606/E1/4 undated indented inventory, actual total £138 16s 2d Inventory dated, 28 May [?1606]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 June [1606]. DPRI/1/1606/E2 20 March 1607 Barbara ELSTOB, widow, of Foxton, parish of Sedgfield (Sedgefeild, Seidgfeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb, Elstop DPRI/1/1606/E2/1 28 November 1606 will endorsed: proved, 20 Mar 1607 DPRI/1/1606/E2/2 undated inventory, actual total £29 16s 8d (with account of debts of £32) endorsed: will not proved DPRI/1/1606/E3 24 May 1606 William EMERSON, yeoman, of Barmeton within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] Inventory is endorsed by probate office; 'Inventory ... with Will that is not yet proved' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1606/E3/1 23 May 1606 indented inventory with indented inventory, 20 May 1606, actual total £675 15s 6d Inventory of goods at [?Barmpton] and at Feildheade in Weardale. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 May [1606]. DPRI/1/1606/F1 Issabell FETHERSTONHAUGHE, of parishe of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/F1/1 undated inventory Inventory of goods etc. 'that was delivered to William Phillop of the Eastyes'. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1606/F2 20 February 1607 William FISSHER, son and executor of Robert Fissher of Newcastle upon Tyne, minor, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Fisher Fissher was under the tuition of Hughe Maison. For the will of Fisher's father Robert Risher, see - DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2 DPRI/1/1606/F2/1 20 February 1607 inventory The inventory total represents Fissher's share of his father's personal property, he as executor having paid all debts and legacies etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1607. DPRI/1/1606/F3 Ambrose FRISSELL, of Horslie, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Frisell DPRI/1/1606/F3/1 3 April 1606 will with inventory, 21 April 1606, actual total £16 7s endorsed: issued under the seal DPRI/1/1606/G1 20 February 1607 Margarett GARNER, widow, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Gardner DPRI/1/1606/G1/1-2 12 December 1605 will endorsed: proved, 20 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/G1/3 20 May 1606 inventory, actual total £2 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 2s 3d) DPRI/1/1606/G2 30 March 1606 Lawrence GARNETT, gentleman, of Eglescliffe (Eggesclif, Eglescliff, Egglescliff, Eggliscliffe) in the countye palentyne of Durisme [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Garnet DPRI/1/1606/G2/1 18 March 1606 will Witnesses sworn by commission, 30 Mar 1606. Endorsed: 1605. DPRI/1/1606/G2/2-3 29 March 1606 inventory, actual total £223 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £167 11s 2d) DPRI/1/1606/G2/4 30 March 1606 certificate of execution of commission certificate of execution of a commission to prove the will and to execute a bond and grant probate to Anne Garnett, relict; commission executed by John Calthill and Michaell Colman DPRI/1/1606/G3 Edward GARRATT, of Shilbotell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrett, Garatt DPRI/1/1606/G3/1 17 January 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/G3/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £53 19s 8d (with account of debts of £3) DPRI/1/1606/G4 Rychard GARRATT, yeoman, of Allintonge (Allanton, Allinton) within the parish of Woodhorne and in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrett, Garrat DPRI/1/1606/G4/1 23 March 1603 indented will Not proved. Subscribed: Margaret Garratt married since to Robert Younger; five living children and one deceased child named. DPRI/1/1606/G4/2 28 April 1603 indented inventory, actual total £47 10s 4d (with account of debts of £8 12s) inventory total includes £2 14s 4d of legacies DPRI/1/1606/G5 26 July 1606 Jhon GARTHAT, of parishe of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) and lordshippe of Bransbethe (Bransbeth) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Garthwhate DPRI/1/1606/G5/1 24 May 1606 indented will endorsed: proved, 26 July 1606 DPRI/1/1606/G5/2 12 June 1606 indented inventory, actual total £133 12s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £49 14s 2d) DPRI/1/1606/J2 Anthonie GEFFERSON, of Ryop [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferson Gefferson made his will and codicil over two days 'lynge in a coove in the feild sicke in the visitation' [?plague]. DPRI/1/1606/J2/1 23 July 1604 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, 25 July 1604 endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1606/G6 John GREANE, of parishe of Hadon (chapelry of Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Green DPRI/1/1606/G6/1 6 July 1606 inventory DPRI/1/1606/G6/2 6 July 1606 copy inventory endorsed: 'query whether administration has been granted or not' DPRI/1/1606/G7 26 April 1606 Thomas GREEVE, husbandman, of parish of Norton within the countie of Durrham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Greve, Greev DPRI/1/1606/G7/2-3 31 December 1605 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £9 11s 6d DPRI/1/1606/G7/1 31 December 1605 copy will endorsed: proved, 26 Apr 1606 DPRI/1/1606/G7/6 21 April 1606 inventory, actual total £62 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 0s 9d) DPRI/1/1606/G7/4-5 21 April 1606 indented copy inventory, actual total £62 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 0s 9d) DPRI/1/1606/G8 17 January 1607 Johne GREGESONE, of Mortone in the parishe of Daltone (Dalltone, Dalton) [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Gregson, Gregesonne DPRI/1/1606/G8/1 5 January 1601 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan 1607 DPRI/1/1606/G8/2 15 January 1607 inventory, actual total £67 16s 8d (with account of legacies of £26 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1606/G9 8 July 1606 Nicholas GRYFFINGE, chapman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Griffen, Griffin DPRI/1/1606/G9/1-2 24 March 1606 indented inventory inventory of goods and chapman wares etc. DPRI/1/1606/G9/3-4 24 March 1606 indented copy inventory Inventory of goods and chapman wares etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 8 July [1606]. DPRI/1/1606/H1 William HAGGERSTON, esquire, of Hassellrigg (Hasselridge) in the county of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/H1/1 16 July 1606 inventory inventory appraised over two days, 15 and 16 July 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H2 22 November 1606 John HALL, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/H2/1 12 September 1606 will endorsed: proved, 22 Nov 1606 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 80 DPRI/1/1606/H2/2 6 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £61 17s 6d (with account of debts of £9 8s 1d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 80-82 DPRI/1/1606/H3 John HALL, yeoman, of chapelry of Earsden within the parishe of Tynmouthe within the countye of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/H3/1-2 undated inventory DPRI/1/1606/H4 8 November 1606 Lanclot HALL, of Framewelgaite in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarettes in the cittye of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/H4/1 22 September 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/H4/2-3 17 October 1606 inventory, actual total £212 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 17s 4d) endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H5 10 May 1606 Richard HALLIMAN, of Norton [Norton, County Durham] Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1606/H5/1 17 December 1603 will endorsed: proved, 10 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H6 8 July 1606 Isabell HARLE, wife of James Harle, of parishe of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] Harle explicitly states her will was written with her husband's consent, and names him as her sole executor; however, it appears he did not obtain a grant of probate. DPRI/1/1606/H6/1-2 2 June 1606 will endorsed: proved, 8 July 1606; probate not granted DPRI/1/1606/H8 11 October 1606 Isabell HARPERLEY, daughter and executor of Anthony Harperley of Hartburn, spinster, of parish of Hartburne of the chappelrie of Stockton [Hartburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/H8/1 9 June 1597 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1606/H8/2 11 October 1606 inventory, actual total £38 13s 8d DPRI/1/1606/H8/3 11 October 1606 inventory, actual total £38 13s 8d endorsed: administration granted, 11 Oct 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H9 10 May 1606 Robert HARRYSON, of Mugleswicke Parke and of the paryshe of Mugleswicke (Mugleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1606/H9/1 26 February 1606 will endorsed: proved, 10 May [1606] DPRI/1/1606/H9/2 19 March 1606 inventory, actual total £57 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 5s 6d) DPRI/1/1606/H7 18 July 1606 James HERRISON, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1606/H7/1-2 11 April 1606 will Subscribed: witnesses sworn and probate granted to Lucie Harreson, relict and co-executor; the other executors having renounced. Endorsed: proved, 18 July 1606. DPRI/1/1606/H7/3 12 June 1606 inventory, actual total £20 12s 10d (with account of debts of £4 4s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/H11 10 May 1606 Thomas HUCHESON, of Langley within the parishe of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1606/H11/1 22 February 1606 indented will endorsed: proved, 10 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H11/2 10 March 1606 indented inventory, actual total £27 7s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 12s 7d) DPRI/1/1606/H12 Richerd HUDLESSE, of parish of Darlingtonne (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Hoodlesse, Hoodelesse DPRI/1/1606/H12/1 21 February 1607 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 85-86 DPRI/1/1606/H12/2 11 March 1607 indented inventory, actual total £42 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 18s 4d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 86-87 DPRI/1/1606/H13 15 November 1606 Cuthbert HUNTER, of Salt Pannes neare to the South Shyldes, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/H13/1-2 9 October 1606 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 15 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/H14 Thomas HUNTER, husbandman, of Grange wythin the parishe of Warkworthe (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/H14/1-2 28 December 1604 will DPRI/1/1606/H14/3 25 November 1606 inventory, actual total £48 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/H15 Andro HUNTRIDGH, of parish of Longehowghton (Longhowghton, Long Houghton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntridge, Huntridghe DPRI/1/1606/H15/1 9 April 1606 will endorsed with voided and cancelled grant of probate DPRI/1/1606/H15/2 20 May 1606 inventory, actual total £26 17s 2d DPRI/1/1606/H15/3 20 May 1606 inventory, actual total £26 17s 2d DPRI/1/1606/H10 Agnes HUTCHEONSON, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Hucheson, Hutchinson, Hutchenson, Hutcheson DPRI/1/1606/H10/1 11 July 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/H10/2 26 July 1606 inventory, actual total £60 12s 2d (with account of debts of £6 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1606/H10/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1606/H16 21 July 1606 John HUTCHESONNE, yeoman, of Crosegaite in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarettes in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1606/H16/1-4 20 May 1606 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 July 1606 DPRI/1/1606/J1 18 April 1606 Matthew JAYE, one of the footmen of the old garrison, [army] footman, of towne of Barwicke (Berwick, Barwick) upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Jaie DPRI/1/1606/J1/1 17 April 1605 will endorsed: inventory exhibited; proved, 18 Apr [1606] DPRI/1/1606/J1/2 undated inventory, actual total £17 1s 2d DPRI/1/1606/J3 Thomas JORDAN, husband of Elizabeth Jordan, of Bunes Ferrye alias Ferrye Boate []; also spelt Jordeine location of Bunes Ferry unknown DPRI/1/1606/J3/1-2 9 September 1606 indented inventory DPRI/1/1606/J3/3 2 January 1607 renunciation renunciation of Elizabeth Jordan, relict, and John Jordan, son, consenting that administration be granted to Francis Jordan, eldest son DPRI/1/1606/K1 Thomas KIRTLEY, of Bysshopp Oke (Oake) within the parke (park) and parishe off Wollsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Keirtley DPRI/1/1606/K1/1 7 July 1603 indented will DPRI/1/1606/K1/2-3 30 September 1606 indented inventory, actual total £139 (with account of debts and legacies of £17) DPRI/1/1606/L1 Edward LANGLANDES, of parishe of Halton, parish of Corbridge [Halton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/L1/1 6 December 1606 will endorsed: issued DPRI/1/1606/L1/2 10 January 1607 inventory, actual total £19 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 13s 1d) DPRI/1/1606/L2 Barbarye LAWSON, wife of Edward Lawson of Bywell gentleman, widow, of parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne DPRI/1/1606/L2/1 31 December 1605 will endorsed: issued under the seal DPRI/1/1606/L2/2 30 January 1606 indented inventory, actual total £17 4s 9d (with account of a contentious debt of £8) DPRI/1/1606/L4 Richard LILBURN, of Sunderland, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Lilburne DPRI/1/1606/L4/1 28 April 1606 nuncupative will with inventory, 28 April 1606, actual total £32 DPRI/1/1606/L5 28 November 1606 Robert LORYMAN, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lorriman, Loriman DPRI/1/1606/L5/2 29 August 1606 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 83 DPRI/1/1606/L5/1 29 August 1606 copy will endorsed: proved, 28 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/L5/3 16 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £69 18s 2d (with account of debts of £10 18s 8d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 84-85 DPRI/1/1606/L3 William LYDDELL, yeoman, of Melkeriche in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Haltwesell [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell The testator is refered to as Riddell on the dorse of the will. DPRI/1/1606/L3/1 12 February 1607 will DPRI/1/1606/L3/2 24 February 1607 inventory, actual total £15 13s 4d DPRI/1/1606/M1 24 September 1606 Anne MASON, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Maison DPRI/1/1606/M1/1-2 11 June 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/M1/3 18 September 1606 commission commission to Richard Clerck preacher, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed: (1) to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the goods of John Dewell of Berwick-upon-Tweed, intestate, to Margaret Dewell, relict; commission executed by Clerke, 21 Sep 1606; (2) to administer an oath and grant administration to the children the executors of the will of Anne Mason, and during their minority to grant the same to Thomas Rotherupp, tutor; and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Clerke, and a bond also entered, 24 Sep 1606 DPRI/1/1606/M2 William MATHEW, of East Bolden (Boldon) [East Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Matthew DPRI/1/1606/M2/1-2 undated inventory DPRI/1/1606/M3 Elizabeth MAXCON, widow, of parech of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Maxon DPRI/1/1606/M3/1 11 March 1607 will subscribed with cancelled draft inventory DPRI/1/1606/M4 Lanclott MAXON, yeoman, of parish of Felton in the county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/M4/1 13 February 1607 will with inventory, 9 March 1607, actual total £21 3s 3d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 10s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/M5 1 April 1606 Stephen MELMARBIE, husbandman, of parish of Birkbie (Birkby) within the countie of Yorke [Birkby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Melmerby, Melmerbie DPRI/1/1606/M5/1 17 February 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/M5/2-3 26 February 1606 inventory, actual total £122 3s (with account of debts of £29 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/M5/4 29 March 1606 commission commission to Edward Hutton LLB, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hutton, 1 Apr 1606 DPRI/1/1606/M6 Gawine MITFORTH, of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/M6/1-2 28 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/M6/2 undated inventory, actual total £25 15s 2d (with account of debts of £7 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1606/M7 Charles MOBERLEY, clerk, of St Oswoldes (Oswould) in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/M7/1 8 August 1606 inventory Inventory of goods not administered. endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1606/M8 10 November 1606 Adam MOORE, of Hortonn and parish church of Chatton (Chatton) [Horton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/M8/1 26 September 1606 will endorsed: proved, 10 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/M8/2 undated inventory, actual total £18 7s (with account of debts of £1 15s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/M9 Elezabeth MORRESS, of parish of St Nicholas in the citie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Morris, Morrice DPRI/1/1606/M9/1 1 January 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/M9/2-4 30 January 1606 indented inventory, actual total £103 10s 5d (with account of debts of £37 16s 10d) DPRI/1/1606/M10 Catheren MOSCROPP, of parish of Gaitsid (Gateside) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Muscrop, Muscrope DPRI/1/1606/M10/1-2 20 February 1606 will with inventory, actual total £5 10s DPRI/1/1606/N1 26 April 1606 Thomas NETHERTON, of Nortonn [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Neitherton DPRI/1/1606/N1/1 28 February 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/N1/2-3 14 March 1606 indented inventory, actual total £117 7s 2d (with account of debts of £4 5s) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Apr 1606; will registered DPRI/1/1606/N2 Michaell NEWCOME, fisherman, Gaitshead in the countie of Durham, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/N2/1-2 29 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1606/N2/3 11 February 1607 indented inventory, actual total £29 16s 4d (with account of debts of £5) DPRI/1/1606/O1 10 January 1607 Phillis OGLE, widow, Newsame in the countye of Northumberland, Lemyngton of the parish of Edlingham [Earsdon, Northumberland; Edlingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/O1/2 22 June 1606 will witnesses sworn, 14 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/O1/1 22 June 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1606/O1/3 10 January 1607 indented inventory, actual total £240 13s 8d Exhibited by Thomas Middleton, 10 Jan 1607. Endorsed: proved, 10 Jan 1607. DPRI/1/1606/O2 William OGLE, of Holieyland (Holie Iland) [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Oglee. Died 20 February 1606 DPRI/1/1606/O2/1 20 February 1606 will with inventory, undated, actual total £45 4s 10d (with account of debts of £6 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/P1 22 November 1606 Dame Jennett PATTYSONN, of towne and parish and lordship of Hart (Hartt, Harte) within the county pallatyne of Dunelem [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Pattisonn, Patysonn, Pattison DPRI/1/1606/P1/1 28 October 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/P1/2 13 November 1606 indented inventory, actual total £164 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 5s 2d) Inventory in the form of an account, with allocation of the residue to the executor, Robert Gibson. Endorsed: [will] proved, 22 Nov 1606. DPRI/1/1606/P2 6 December 1606 Thomas PAXTON, blacksmith, of Hewton Henrie (Henrye) in the countie of Durham, parish of Hesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/P2/1 15 June 1606 will endorsed: proved, 6 Dec 1606 DPRI/1/1606/P2/2 4 August 1606 inventory, actual total £14 1s (with account of debts of £1 9s) DPRI/1/1606/P3 Jenet PEACOCK, widow, of parishe of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Peacocke DPRI/1/1606/P3/1 15 September 1604 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1606/P3/2 19 October 1604 inventory, actual total £25 11s 2d DPRI/1/1606/P4 Nicholus PISCOTT, of chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Pescott DPRI/1/1606/P4/1 19 July 1606 will with inventory, undated, actual total £7 endorsed: issued DPRI/1/1606/P5 16 May 1606 George POTS, yeoman, of Prestwick in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Iland (Ponte Iland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Pottes DPRI/1/1606/P5/1 22 December 1605 will subscribed with names of five minor children DPRI/1/1606/P5/2 22 December 1605 copy will endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator of £1 14s 6d DPRI/1/1606/P5/3 10 April 1606 indented inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d DPRI/1/1606/P5/4 10 April 1606 indented copy inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 16 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/P5/5 10 April 1606 indented copy inventory, actual total £42 5s 4d DPRI/1/1606/P5/6 16 May 1606 commission commission to Edward Dixwell M.A., vicar of Ponteland, to administer an oath and grant administration to Elinor Pots, relict and co-executor, and also to execute a bond of Elinor Pots and Williams Pots, son, co-executors; commission executed by Dixwell, (undated) DPRI/1/1606/P6 25 October 1606 Raphe PRESTON, yeoman, of chapelry of Saincte Helyn Aiklande (Ellen Awckland) within the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/P6/1 17 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/P6/2 12 August 1606 indented inventory, actual total £114 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £37 10s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Oct 1606 DPRI/1/1606/P7 Christofor PRIERMAN, butcher, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Priorman DPRI/1/1606/P7/1-5 11 December 1605 inventory endorsed: exhibited, 10 Oct 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R1 William RACKBAINE, of St Andrew Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R1/1-2 11 October 1606 account Account of Alice Rackbaine, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 11 Oct 1606. DPRI/1/1606/R2 John RAWE, Thornely (Thorneley) within the lordshipp of Bransbeth and parishe of Wollsingham, parish of Brancepeth [Wolsingham, County Durham; Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R2/1-2 16 January 1607 indented will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1606/R2/3 3 February 1607 indented inventory, actual total £23 19s (with account of debts of £21 3s 1d) DPRI/1/1606/R3 Thomas RAWE, of Wharne Burne within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R3/1 3 October 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/R3/2 23 October 1606 indented inventory, actual total £43 1s 8d (with account of debts of £2 17s) DPRI/1/1606/R4 3 May 1606 William RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Tuddoe (Tuddo) in the parish of Brancepeth (Branncepeth) in the countie of Durham [Tudhoe, County Durham]; also spelt Richeson DPRI/1/1606/R4/1 3 March 1606 will endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R4/2 20 April 1606 indented inventory, actual total £54 1s DPRI/1/1606/R4/3 20 April 1606 indented copy inventory, actual total £54 1s DPRI/1/1606/R5 2 April 1606 John RICHESSONN, of West Cheavingtonn, chapelry of Chevington [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Richesson, Richardson DPRI/1/1606/R5/1 11 February 1606 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 2 Apr 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R6 Thomas RIDLEY, yeoman, of Haltwesell in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/R6/1 2 January 1607 will endorsed: issued DPRI/1/1606/R7 7 March 1607 Edward ROBINSON, of Persbrigg (Percebrigge, Percebridge) within the countie of Durham and of the parishe of Gainforth (Gainford) [Piercebridge, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R7/1-2 15 October 1605 will endorsed: proved, 7 Mar 1607 DPRI/1/1606/R7/3-5 14 November 1605 inventory, actual total £84 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4) DPRI/1/1606/R8 Elizabeth ROBINSON, widow, of Hawthorne within the parishe of Easington in the countie of Durham [Hawthorn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R8/1 August 1606 nuncupative will dated in early Aug 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R8/2 8 September 1606 inventory, actual total £177 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 2s 10d) DPRI/1/1606/R9 8 November 1606 George ROBINSON, yeoman, of Dalton in the Dale in the countie of Durisme [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R9/1 20 October 1606 will endorsed: proved, 8 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R9/2 24 October 1606 inventory, actual total £44 6s 8d DPRI/1/1606/R10 John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Heighington in the county of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R10/3-4 17 March 1606 will endorsed: query whether the other parts are in the Register DPRI/1/1606/R10/1-2 17 March 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1606/R10/5-6 26 March 1606 inventory, actual total £149 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 14s) DPRI/1/1606/R11 3 May 1606 John ROBINSON, of Thorpe Thewles (Thorpethewlesse) of the parishe of Grindon (Grindonn) [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Robinsonn DPRI/1/1606/R11/1-2 2 March 1606 will with memorandum, undated Will, subscribed with memorandum concerning the testatrix's [sic] intention that the executors were granted the residue in trust only, and for the use of the testatrix's [sic] mother, Janett Robinson. Endorsed: proved, 3 May 1606; not issued because probate not granted. DPRI/1/1606/R11/3 24 March 1606 inventory, actual total £20 13s 4d (with account of debts of £8 5s) DPRI/1/1606/R12 Lancelot ROBINSON, of parish of Stanhope (Stanhoppe) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R12/1 29 March 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/R12/2 29 March 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1606/R12/3 28 April 1606 inventory, actual total £267 (with account of debts of £12) DPRI/1/1606/R13 17 May 1606 Robert ROBINSON, yeoman, of Rucopsyde in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) in the countye of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R13/1 19 January 1606 indented will endorsed: proved, 17 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R13/2 27 January 1606 indented inventory, actual total £72 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/R15 24 April 1606 Jhon ROBSON, vicar of Hart and Hartlepool, clerk, of Harte and Hartlepoole [Hart, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/R15/1 31 October 1605 will endorsed: proved, 24 Apr 1606 DPRI/1/1606/R15/2-3 10 December 1605 inventory, actual total £137 17s 6d DPRI/1/1606/R14 Edward ROBSONNE, of Boes Hell (Bosehill), parish of Simondburne [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson DPRI/1/1606/R14/1-2 16 May 1596 will DPRI/1/1606/R14/3 16 May 1596 copy will with inventory, undated, actual total £4 6s 8d Endorsed: in litigation. Note discrepancy between date on copy will (16 March 1596/7) and date recorded in original. DPRI/1/1606/R16 10 October 1606 Thomas RUSHELLS, of Thorneton within the parish of Connscliff in the countie of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Russelles, Russell Rushells made his will lying in the 'courtins' [?cattle yards] at Thorneton while sick with the plague. The inventory includes the burial expenses for six unidentified persons at Coniscliffe. DPRI/1/1606/R16/1-2 27 August 1606 nuncupative will Subscribed with notes relating to Rushells' next of kin; administration granted to Peter Russell, brother. Endorsed: administration granted, 10 Oct 1606. DPRI/1/1606/R16/3 12 September 1606 indented inventory, actual total £27 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18) DPRI/1/1606/R17 Thomas RUTLIDGE, of Kyllame, parish of Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rutlidg, Rutlish DPRI/1/1606/R17/1 15 February 1605 will with inventory, undated, actual total £65 6s DPRI/1/1606/R18 Robert RUTTER, of Fenwick in the parish of Stanfordhame alias Stannerden within the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/R18/1 17 July 1606 indented will DPRI/1/1606/S1 6 September 1606 Robert SIMPSON, of Burninghall (Burning Hill), parish of Branncpeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/S1/1 20 August 1606 inventory DPRI/1/1606/S1/2 20 August 1606 indented copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 Sep 1606 DPRI/1/1606/S1/3 20 August 1606 indented copy inventory DPRI/1/1606/S2 Thomas SMARTE, of East Cheavingtonn (Chevington, Chivington) within the parishe of Warkeworthe and county of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Smart DPRI/1/1606/S2/1-2 17 July 1605 will with list of debts owing to the testator of 10s DPRI/1/1606/S2/3 10 February 1606 inventory, actual total £38 2s 4d DPRI/1/1606/S3 31 May 1606 Christofer SMEATON, yeoman, of Nessame (Nesham, Nesham, Neasham) in the countie of Duresme, parish of Horworth (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Smetone, Smeatone DPRI/1/1606/S3/1 29 August 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1606/S3/4 29 August 1605 copy nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 31 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/S3/2 27 February 1607 inventory, actual total £526 19s 6d DPRI/1/1606/S3/3 27 February 1607 indented inventory, actual total £526 19s 6d DPRI/1/1606/S4 14 March 1607 Robert SMIRTHET, of parish of Branspeth (Branncepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Smirthwhait, Smirthette DPRI/1/1606/S4/1 11 February 1606 will endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1607] DPRI/1/1606/S4/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 2s (with account of debts of 15s) DPRI/1/1606/S5 15 November 1606 John SMITH, of Harte (Hart) Bushes of the parishe of Mounckhesledenne (Munckhesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Smithe DPRI/1/1606/S5/1-2 4 July 1606 will probate granted to Ellen Smith, relict, and Robert Smith, son, executors, with a power reserved to Anne Smith, daughter and executor; inventory also exhibited, 15 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/S5/3 30 July 1606 inventory, actual total £82 2s (with account of debts of £12 9s 6d) Inventory total includes £8 9s 4d of legacies. Endorsed: proved 15 Nov [1606]. DPRI/1/1606/S6 Nicholas SMITHE, of the Mill House (Milhowse, Milhouse, Milehouse) of the parishe of Haiwtwisell (Hawtwistle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith, Smyth DPRI/1/1606/S6/1 undated nuncupative will DPRI/1/1606/S6/2 undated nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1606/S6/3 3 August 1606 inventory, actual total £10 18s 4d voided; completed inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 13 Jan 1607 DPRI/1/1606/S6/4 5 January 1607 inventory, actual total £24 12s 4d DPRI/1/1606/S6/5 5 January 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £24 12s 4d endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1606/S7 12 July 1606 Robert SMITHE, yeoman, of Cassoppe (Cassopp) in the countie of Durham, parish of Kello (Kellow) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smith DPRI/1/1606/S7/1 23 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/S7/2-3 18 June 1606 inventory, actual total £215 9s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 12 July [1606] DPRI/1/1606/S7/4 18 June 1606 indented copy inventory, actual total £215 9s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 12 July [1606] DPRI/1/1606/S8 Roger SMITHE, merchant, of Alnewick (Alnewicke) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smythe DPRI/1/1606/S8/1 8 September 1601 will DPRI/1/1606/S9 10 January 1607 Alexander SNAWDON, of Grenecrofte (Greencroft) in the county of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/S9/1-2 19 December 1606 will Probate granted to Robert Robson, sole executor, 10 Jan 1607; inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 14 May 1607. Endorsed: inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1606/S10 18 March 1607 Lyonell STEVENSON, of Eshington within the parishe of Bothall (Bothell) [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/S10/1 16 March 1607 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar 1607 DPRI/1/1606/S11 Gefferaye STORE, of Whithell within the parishe of Shelbetell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Storie DPRI/1/1606/S11/3-4 20 December 1603 will with inventory, undated, actual total £26 5s (with account of debts of £8 10s 8d and more) DPRI/1/1606/S11/1-2 20 December 1603 copy will copy will, subscribed with incomplete and undated grant of probate DPRI/1/1606/T2 28 April 1606 Robert TAILBOIS, esquire, of Thorneton (Thornton) [Hall] [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Tailboies, Tailboys Tailbois refers in his will to his imprisonment [for debt] at Durham since 6 Feb 1604, and prior to that date his imprisonment for six weeks in the house of Henry Rayes, and also in the house of John Wood. He also owed £30 pa to his brother-in-law John Barnes, a younger son of bishop Barnes, for the diet and maintenance of his wife [Elizabeth] for the period 41-43 Elizabeth I (1598/9-1600/1). Tailbois held the patent to an office of the Bishop of Durham. DPRI/1/1606/T2/1-4 undated will [Will dated after 6 Feb 1604.] Probate granted in the house of John Barnes esquire in North Bailey to Elizabeth Tailbois, relict and sole executrix, 28 Apr 1606 DPRI/1/1606/T2/5-6 21 July 1603 inventory of debts, actual total £1,056 (and more) Inventory of debts owing to the testator. Subscribed: 'This inventure remayneth with Mr Lovell Attorney before the Counsell in the North and the bond with Richard Wheteleye'. DPRI/1/1606/T1 Thomas TAILER, yeoman, of Lesburie in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Taylour DPRI/1/1606/T1/1-2 2 December 1604 will DPRI/1/1606/T1/3 8 March 1605 inventory, actual total £31 10s 10d (with account of debts of £40 8s 10d) DPRI/1/1606/T3 John TAYLER, of West Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Tailer DPRI/1/1606/T3/1 21 May 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/T3/2 21 May 1606 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1606/T3/3 26 May 1606 inventory, actual total £77 4s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 15s) DPRI/1/1606/T4 8 July 1606 Isabell TEMPLE, widow, of parish (chapelry) of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1606/T4/1 30 May 1606 indented will endorsed: proved, 8 July [1606]; probate not granted Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 14-15 DPRI/1/1606/T4/2 13 June 1606 indented inventory, actual total £21 7s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/T5 Mathew THOMPSON, of Ellerwashe, chapelry of Newbrough [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompsonn DPRI/1/1606/T5/1 8 January 1606 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 7 July [1606] DPRI/1/1606/T5/2 undated inventory, actual total £26 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 17s 6d) DPRI/1/1606/T6 Arthor THOMSONE, of Gison (Guyson) within the parish of Shilbottlle [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson, Thomson DPRI/1/1606/T6/1 11 April 1605 will DPRI/1/1606/T6/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £62 7s 4d (with account of debts of 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1606/T7 17 November 1606 Edward TROUTBECK, rector of Whitfield, clerk, of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Trowtbeck DPRI/1/1606/T7/1 3 December 1602 indented will probate granted to William Troutbeck, nephew and co-executor, with a power reserved to Robert Troutbeck, nephew and co-executor, 17 Nov 1606 DPRI/1/1606/T7/2 13 May 1606 indented inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d DPRI/1/1606/T8 Edmunde TUGGLE, yeoman, of West Lilbornne (Lilborne, Lilburne) in the countie of Northumberland [West Lilburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Tugglle, Tuggell DPRI/1/1606/T8/1-2 24 March 1606 will with inventory, 30 March 1606, actual total £15 12s 8d DPRI/1/1606/T9 Johne TURNER, of Dirttoppe (Dirthope) within the office of Bewcastle [Bewcastle, Cumberland] testator requests to be buried at Newbrough in Northumberland DPRI/1/1606/T9/3-4 30 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1606/T9/1-2 30 January 1607 copy will DPRI/1/1606/T10 Nycholas TWEDDELL, yeoman, of Thorpthewless of the parishe of Gryndon (Grindon) within the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/T10/1 14 July 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/T10/2 25 July 1606 indented inventory with indented inventory, 4 October 1606, actual total £129 2s endorsed: [will] not proved; goods sequestered DPRI/1/1606/W1 Robart WALKER, pensioner, of Barwycke (Berwick) uppon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]. Died 27 July 1605 buried, 28 July 1605 DPRI/1/1606/W1/1-2 12 July 1605 will DPRI/1/1606/W1/3-4 12 July 1605 copy will DPRI/1/1606/W2 27 February 1607 William WALL, mercer, of cittie of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W2/1-2 29 May 1605 inventory administration granted to Grace Wall, relict; inventory also exhibited, 27 Feb 1607 DPRI/1/1606/W3 Cuthbert WARD, of Mugleswicke Parke and of the parishe of Mugleswicke (Muggleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W3/1 23 July 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/W4 8 July 1606 Garrett WATSON, yeoman, of parish of Pont (Ponte) Iland in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrard, Watson DPRI/1/1606/W4/1 5 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/W4/2 11 May 1606 indented inventory, actual total £56 1s 3d endorsed: [will] proved, 8 July [1606] DPRI/1/1606/W5 Nicholas WATSON, of Hewton Henrie of Munckhesleden parishe of the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W5/1 11 June 1606 inventory DPRI/1/1606/W6 14 March 1607 William WILKINSON, of parish of Kelloe (Kello) [Kelloe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W6/1 26 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1606/W6/2 undated inventory, actual total £3 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 7s and more) Dated, ... Mar [?1607]. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Mar [?1607]. DPRI/1/1606/W6/3 13 March 1607 letter letter from George Wells to Mr Kinge [Durham proctor] concerning a c.1600 will, since superseded by the impoverishment of the testator to his 'great deray' [confusion], his remaining goods having been bequeathed at the time of his death DPRI/1/1606/W7 19 July 1606 Marie WINTER, widow, of the South Balie in the cittie of Duresme, parish of St Mary [Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W7/1-2 19 May 1606 will endorsed: proved, 19 July 1606 DPRI/1/1606/W7/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1606/W8 17 May 1606 Jhon WRANGHAM, of Langleye wythein the parishe of Langechester (Lanchester) [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W8/1 21 March 1606 will endorsed: proved, 17 May 1606 DPRI/1/1606/W8/2-3 31 March 1606 inventory, actual total £300 11s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1606/W9 Robart WRIGHT, of Standleye Milne within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1606/W9/1 18 August 1606 will DPRI/1/1606/W9/2 13 October 1606 indented inventory, actual total £21 5s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1606/Y1 24 January 1607 Roberte YOUNG, gentleman, of Ederedackers (Edderacres, Ederdackers, Edderdackers) in in the countie of Durham and of the parishe of Easingetone [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Younge DPRI/1/1606/Y1/1 6 January 1606 will endorsed: will registered DPRI/1/1606/Y1/2 12 January 1607 inventory, actual total £37 2s 9d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £10 9s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Jan 1607; will registered DPRI/1/1607 Wills etc proved 1607 DPRI/1/1607/A2 6 June 1607 William APPLEBY, of chappelrye of Barnard Castell (Bernard Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye DPRI/1/1607/A2/2 18 March 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/A2/1 18 March 1607 copy will DPRI/1/1607/A2/4-5 28 April 1607 nuncupative codicil DPRI/1/1607/A2/3 15 May 1607 indented inventory, actual total £50 10s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 6 June 1606 [recte 1607] DPRI/1/1607/A3 31 October 1607 Michael ASKELL, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete of the parrish of Chester in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxliii DPRI/1/1607/A3/1 5 September 1607 will endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1607]; 'tuition is granted to the mother for the use of the three executors' DPRI/1/1607/A3/2-4 28 September 1607 indented inventory, actual total £210 15s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £15 3s) DPRI/1/1607/A4 13 August 1607 John ATKINSON, mason, of Upper Cunsley, parish of Connscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/A4/1 23 April 1605 indented will probate granted at Auckland [St Andrew] by Clement Colmor to Alice Atkinson, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to the other co-executors being minors; inventory also exhibited, 13 Aug 1607 DPRI/1/1607/A4/2 18 June 1607 indented inventory, actual total £19 18s 2d (with account of debts of £2 10s 10d) endorsed: proved, 13 Aug 1607 DPRI/1/1607/A5 20 November 1607 John ATKINSON, yeoman, of Sounderlande within the parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/A5/1-2 12 November 1607 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Nov [1607] DPRI/1/1607/A1 Cuthbert AUDSTONE, master and mariner, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Awdston Audstone's records were formerly indexed as Andstone. DPRI/1/1607/A1/1-2 22 April 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/A1/3 2 October 1607 indented inventory, actual total £32 13s 9d DPRI/1/1607/B1 Rychard BALLIDGE, vintner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ballidg, Balledge DPRI/1/1607/B1/1-3 24 November 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/B1/4 January 1608 indented inventory, actual total £92 12s inventory of goods and merchandise DPRI/1/1607/B2 Gawyne BARDE, of West Chevingtonn (Cheavington) in the parishe of Warkeworthe (Warkworthe) [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Bard DPRI/1/1607/B2/1-2 19 July 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/B2/3 18 January 1608 inventory, actual total £106 16s 9d (with account of debts of £31 18s 11d) DPRI/1/1607/B3 28 November 1607 Alison BINLAY, widow, of Merington within the parishe of Merington (Merrington) within the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Binley DPRI/1/1607/B3/1 22 July 1607 will endorsed: proved, 28 Nov [1607] DPRI/1/1607/B3/2 6 November 1607 inventory, actual total £12 18s 4d DPRI/1/1607/B5 Nicholes BLAXTON, of Norton [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/B5/1 undated will date lost (damage) DPRI/1/1607/B5/2-3 November 1607 inventory, actual total £96 3s 2d (with account of debts of £4 5s 2d) dated, [?Nov] 1607; total of debts uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1607/B6 4 July 1607 Thomas BLAXTON, of Hartburne: parrish of Norton [Hartburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/B6/1 7 January 1606 will endorsed: proved, 4 July [1607] DPRI/1/1607/B6/2 18 February 1606 inventory, actual total £72 8s 8d DPRI/1/1607/B4 William BLAYXTON, esquire, of Gibside in the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxton, Blakeston DPRI/1/1607/B4/1 5 February 1608 will The original will is fragmentary, but survives in full in Probate Register DPRI/2/8 ff.286v-290; a fuller transcription of will has been published by the Surtees Society. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 27-29 DPRI/1/1607/B4/2 24 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £1,116 5s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 19s 2d) Only about half the inventory survives in the original, but survives in full in Probate Register DPRI/2/8 ff.286v-290; a full transcription has been published by the Surtees Society, and from which the total has been calculated. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 29-31 DPRI/1/1607/B4/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1607/C1 John CARR, horseman, of towne of Barwicke (Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Car DPRI/1/1607/C1/1 23 November 1595 will endorsed: administration granted to Isabell Carr, relict DPRI/1/1607/C2 6 June 1607 Thomas CARRE, husband of Margaret Carre, of parishe of Felton [Felton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/C2/1 21 May 1607 inventory Inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Carre and of his wife Margaret Carre; exhibited by Robert Carre, 6 June 1607. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 June 1607. DPRI/1/1607/C3 Richard CHAMBERS, of the South Sheiles [South Shields, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/C3/1 21 January 1608 indented inventory DPRI/1/1607/C4 18 April 1607 Thomas CHAPMAN, yeoman, of Bradburye (Bradburie) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/C4/1 6 February 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/C4/2-3 2 April 1607 inventory, actual total £133 13s (with account of debts of £4 12s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Apr [1607] DPRI/1/1607/C5 12 March 1608 John CHILTON, of Houghton in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/C5/1 16 October 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/C7 Richard CLERK, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, clerk, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Cleark DPRI/1/1607/C7/1-4 10 February 1608 inventory Inventory of household goods etc. (£20 10s 1d) and books (£14 9s 4d). Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1607/C6 18 July 1607 Dorretye CLERKE, wife of Thomas Clerke of Berwick-upon-Tweed burgess, widow, of towne of Barwicke upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerk DPRI/1/1607/C6/1 15 June 1607 will endorsed: administration granted, 18 July 1607; [completed] inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 29 Sep [1607] DPRI/1/1607/C6/2-7 22 June 1607 [draft] inventory, actual total £545 6s 5d (and more) Inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Clerke and of his widow Dorretye Clerke; includes a schedule of (unvalued) items given away by Dorretye Clerke. Endorsed: administration granted, 18 July 1607; a finished inventory to be exhibited by the administrators at the next court after 29 Sep [1607]. DPRI/1/1607/C6/8-14 22 June 1607 inventory, actual total £583 19s 4d (with account of debts of £180) inventory of the goods etc. of Thomas Clerke and of his widow Dorretye Clerke DPRI/1/1607/C8 28 November 1607 Thomas COMYNGE, of Crosegaite (Crosgaite) in the parishe (chapelrie) of St Margarettes [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Comyn see DPRI/4/10 f.36v-37v bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxii DPRI/1/1607/C8/1 15 September 1607 will Probate decreed to be granted to James [Comyn, son and co-executor]. Endorsed: proved, 28 Nov [1607]; inventory to be exhibited at the next court after 13 Jan [1608]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 26-27 DPRI/1/1607/C8/2 23 October 1607 indented inventory with indented inventory, 29 November 1607, actual total £107 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 8s 4d) inventory is subscribed with an additional inventory of (unvalued) items remaining in Comynge's house but claimed by Isabell Jackson to be the property of her husband William Jackson; exhibited, 16 Jan 1608. [Items in the main body of the inventory are recorded as coming to 'more than they were praised to', from which we might infer that the valuations here are sale prices.] DPRI/1/1607/C9 Raphe CONYERS, esquire, of Laiton (Layton), parish of Sedgefeilde [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/C9/1-2 2 December 1605 inventory Inventory includes 12 thraves of wheat valued 29 Sep 1605 and deemed 'spoiled for husbandrye' and worthless, and also many items reported to the appraisers the value of which is as yet unproven. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1607/C10 20 February 1608 Roger CORNEFORTH, of St Helene (Helen) Awckland, parish of Saint Andrew Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Cornforth DPRI/1/1607/C10/1 19 February 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1608 DPRI/1/1607/C10/2 19 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £72 13s with indented inventory of debts, 18 July 1608, actual total £10 (debts) endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb 1608 DPRI/1/1607/C11 William CRAWE, Edward Crawe, father of William Crawe, of Elwicke (Elwick) [Hart, County Durham] Probate office records on the dorse the deceased's name as Edward Crawe rather than William Crawe. DPRI/1/1607/C11/1 20 June 1607 inventory Inventory of the portion and other rights of William Crawe, [minor] son and co-executor; signed by John Nicolson [?tutor]; exhibited, 20 June 1607. Endorsed: tuition granted, 20 June 1607. DPRI/1/1607/C12 William CROSSIER, mariner, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Crosier bond: DPRI/3/1607/B175 DPRI/1/1607/C12/1 12 September 1607 inventory DPRI/1/1607/D1 Clement DELAVALL []; also spelt Delavale no address stated DPRI/1/1607/D1/1-2 19 April 1605 inventory DPRI/1/1607/D2 Edward DENIS, husbandman, of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and Ilandshyre parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Dennis DPRI/1/1607/D2/1-2 1 June 1606 will with inventory, 10 June 1606, actual total £20 12s 8d (with account of debts of £1 7s 2d) DPRI/1/1607/D3 6 June 1607 Elizabeth DIXON, spinster, of parish of Gateshead in the countie of Duresme [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Dickson DPRI/1/1607/D3/1-2 12 November 1597 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 6 June 1607; to be engrossed and to be annexed to the administration DPRI/1/1607/D3/3 undated inventory, actual total £11 (and more) many items remain unvalued DPRI/1/1607/D4 Francis DIXSON, yeoman, of the Newtowne (New Towne) within the parish of Chillingham and countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickson DPRI/1/1607/D4/1-2 13 July 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £22 4s 4d DPRI/1/1607/D5 18 August 1607 Thomas DOBSON, felt-maker, of towne of Newcastele upon Tyne of the parish of St Johnes within the saide towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]. Died 23 June 1607 DPRI/1/1607/D5/1-2 30 March 1607 will endorsed: proved, 18 Aug 1607 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 17-18 DPRI/1/1607/D5/3-7 26 June 1607 inventory, actual total £96 4s 1d (with account of debts of £93 18s 9d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1607/D6 John DOD, of Chyrdann, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd testator requests to be buried at Bellingham bond: DPRI/3/1607/B134 DPRI/1/1607/D6/1 16 October 1604 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s 4d and more DPRI/1/1607/D7 18 March 1608 Marie DONKIN, wife of Henry Donkin, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Dankane For the will and inventory of Marie Donkin's husband, see - DPRI/1/1606/D8/1 - DPRI/1/1606/D8/2-5 DPRI/1/1607/D7/1-3 undated inventory Inventory of the goods of Mary Donkin 'which are also all the goods which Henry Donkin died possessed of and came after his death to the handes of the said Marie Donkin in the right of herself and Children'. Inventory total does not include profits from 2 oxgangs of land in Norton valued at £16 pa and to be divided among the deceased's children over 16 years; cross-reference is also made to an inventory of Dankane's husband Henry Donkin. Endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar [1608]. DPRI/1/1607/E1 Robert ELLYS, the younger, tailor, of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Ellis Ellys made his will 'being landed at the North Sheiles'. DPRI/1/1607/E1/3 6 July 1607 nuncupative will with certificate of oath, undated Nuncupative will, subscribed with certificate of the execution of the commission, the witnesses having been sworn. DPRI/1/1607/E1/2 undated inventory, actual total £10 DPRI/1/1607/E1/1 18 July 1607 commission commission to Thomas Turwhatt, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jaine Ellys, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; [commission executed by Trewhet] DPRI/1/1607/E2 9 May 1607 Emme ELLYSON, widow, of Dalton in the Daile [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Ellison DPRI/1/1607/E2/1 4 February 1607 will endorsed: proved, 9 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/E2/2 6 May 1607 inventory, actual total £21 2s 3d DPRI/1/1607/E3 John ELWOOD, yeoman, of Stannington in the countie of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/E3/1 11 November 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1607/F1 12 March 1608 Maryon FAIRBAIRNE, widow, of Rochert Way Foote, parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Fairburne, Fairbarne DPRI/1/1607/F1/1 5 July 1607 will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1608 DPRI/1/1607/F1/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £4 18s (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s 3d) DPRI/1/1607/F2 William FORRESTE, husbandman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Forrest DPRI/1/1607/F2/1 10 December 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/F2/2 5 January 1607 inventory, actual total £191 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £80 10s) DPRI/1/1607/F3 11 September 1607 Michaell FOSTER, of East Woodborne (East Woodburne) within the parishe of Corsingside (chapelry of Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1607/F3/1-2 6 August 1607 will Probate granted to the executors Isabell Foster, relict, and John Foster, illegitimate son, and the tuition of six named minor children granted to Isabell Foster, 11 Sep 1607. Endorsed: proved, 11 Sep 1607. DPRI/1/1607/F3/4 undated indented inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d DPRI/1/1607/F3/5 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d DPRI/1/1607/F3/3 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £310 12s 8d DPRI/1/1607/F4 12 December 1607 Richard FREVILL, husband of Margaret Frevill, gentleman, of Rabie (Raby) Castle, parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Frevile bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxix DPRI/1/1607/F4/3-4 16 December 1607 inventory Joint inventory of the goods etc. of Richard Frevilll and of his wife Maragret Frevill at Newton Cap, Bishop Middleham and Raby Castle. Endorsed: administration granted, 12 Dec [1607]. DPRI/1/1607/F4/1-2 20 November 1607 power of attorney power of attorney of Sir Georg Frevile knight of Hardwick, brother, appointing William Jenison, John Jenison, Thomas Jenison, John Gadge and Hercules Brabant to act in his stead as guardian and next of kin to six named children of the deceased and to take out administration DPRI/1/1607/F5 William FYFFE, of Monke Seaton, parish of Tynmouth [Monkseaton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fiffe DPRI/1/1607/F5/1 9 March 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/F5/2 17 April 1607 indented inventory, actual total £11 1s debt(with account of funeral expenses of £1 0s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/P7 Thomas FYLYPSON, keelman, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Felypeson, Phillipson DPRI/1/1607/P7/1 13 August 1607 inventory endorsed: administration renounced by the wife, 18 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/G1 Richard GOODWYN, master and mariner, of Gaitshead in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Goodwine DPRI/1/1607/G1/1 24 October 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/G1/2-4 15 January 1608 inventory, actual total £489 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £258) DPRI/1/1607/G2 13 June 1607 Myles GUY, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Guye DPRI/1/1607/G2/1 2 May 1607 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 87-88 DPRI/1/1607/G2/2 16 May 1607 indented inventory, actual total £148 3s (with account of a debt of 8s) endorsed: [will] proved, 13 June 1607 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 88-91 DPRI/1/1607/H1 13 August 1607 Rowland HADDOCKE, labourer, of Upper Cunsley (Connscliffe) [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Haddock DPRI/1/1607/H1/1 29 January 1607 indented will probate granted at Bishop Auckland by Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, to Jane Haddocke, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to Margaret Haddocke, minor daughter and co-executor; inventory also exhibited, 13 Aug 1607 DPRI/1/1607/H1/2 18 June 1607 indented inventory, actual total £3 13s 2d DPRI/1/1607/H2 20 August 1607 John HALL, of parish of Rothburie [Rothbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/H2/1 27 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/H2/2 7 November 1606 inventory, actual total £41 endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/H3 Lannclote HALL, yeoman, of parish of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1607/B255 DPRI/1/1607/H3/1 24 December 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/H4 28 March 1607 Charles HALL, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle The three inventories ultimately derive from the estates of Charles Hall and Robert Fisher: several sons having died as minors, their portions and legacies pass to Thomas Hall, the surviving son of Charles Hall and also described as the son [?son-in-law] of Robert Fisher in Fisher's 1604 will. For the probate records of Charles Hall, Robert Fisher, and William Fisher, see - DPRI/1/1597/H3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1597/H3/3-5 - DPRI/1/1604/F2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1606/F2/1 DPRI/1/1607/H4/1 undated indented inventory, actual total £10 with indented inventory, undated, actual total £10 10s with indented inventory, undated, actual total £30 8s 5d (1) inventory of the goods etc. due to Robert Hall deceased, minor son of Charles Hall; (2) inventory of the goods etc. due to Lancelot Hall deceased, also a minor son of Charles Hall; (3) inventory of the goods etc. due to William Fisher deseased, minor son of Robert Fisher. The sum total of all three inventories (£50 18s 5d) is due to Thomas Hall, [son of Charles Hall]. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Mar [1607]. DPRI/1/1607/H5 John HARDING, labourer, of Ayslabie of the parishe of Eglisclif (Eggescliffe) in the countie of Durham [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Hardinge DPRI/1/1607/H5/1 8 March 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/H5/2 8 March 1606 copy will endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1607/H6 Bernard HEBSON, parish clerk of Newcastle St Andrew, parish clerk, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/H6/1 23 April 1607 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1607/H6/2 11 June 1607 inventory, actual total £38 17s 1d (with account of funeral charges of £3 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1607/H7 27 October 1607 Adrien HEDWORTHE, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedworth, Hedwoorth DPRI/1/1607/H7/1-2 17 June 1605 will with probate records, 15 September 1607 will, confirmed by testator on dorse 15 Sep 1607 DPRI/1/1607/H7/3 6 October 1607 indented inventory, actual total £467 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 0s 11d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 27 Oct 1607. DPRI/1/1607/H7/4 27 October 1607 act of court probate granted by William Murton, archdeacon of Durham, to Richard Hedworth, son and sole executor; inventory also exhibited DPRI/1/1607/H8 19 July 1606 March 1608 John HEDWORTHE, gentleman, of Coxeclose (Cockesclose, Cockes Close) in the chappelry of Lamesley in the countye pallentyne of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth, Hedwoorth DPRI/1/1607/H8/2-4 13 May 1606 indented inventory Inventory expenses include a charge for the coroner's fee; exhibited by Sir William Gascoigne knight, sequestrator, 20 June 1606. Endorsed: sequestration granted, 10 May 1606; administration granted, 19 July 1606. DPRI/1/1607/H8/5 19 July 1606 grant of administration Grant of administration to Sir William Gascoigne knight of Sadberg, curator of five named daughters of the deceased. Endorsed: cancelled, [1608]. DPRI/1/1607/H8/1 11 March 1608 allegation Allegation of Sir William Gascoigne knight requesting his grant of administration be revoked, and that administration be re-granted to his servant John Atthie. Endorsed: exhibited, 11 Mar 1608. [Probate Act Book DPRI/4/10 f.48 (11 Mar 1608) contains a heading for John Hedworthe, bu the entry is otherwise blank.] DPRI/1/1607/H9 4 July 1607 William HILL, husbandman, of Shotton of the parish of Easington within the county of Durhame [Shotton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/H9/1 7 April 1602 will endorsed: proved, 4 July 1607 DPRI/1/1607/H9/2 16 July 1607 inventory, actual total £8 (with account of debts of £8 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1607/H10 6 November 1607 Willyam HODGESHONN, of Egelstonn (Egglestonn) in the parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson DPRI/1/1607/H10/1 27 October 1607 inventory administration granted to Isabell Hodgeshonn, relict, also for the use of Richard Hodgeshonn, minor son; by order of the judge the administratrix was also bound to distribute to the other children of the deceased, 6 Nov 1607 DPRI/1/1607/H12 18 June 1607 William HOPPER, of Tytlyngtone, parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/H12/1 16 December 1605 will with inventory, 16 December 1605, actual total £34 19s 6d Will and inventory, dated 16 Dec [?1605]. Endorsed: proved, 18 June 1607. DPRI/1/1607/H13 18 July 1607 Henrye HUNTER, of Bogheade of Tersett in Tyndall within the parishe of Bellingham (chapelry of Bellingheam) [Bellingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/H13/1 2 January 1607 will endorsed: proved, 18 July 1607 DPRI/1/1607/H13/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 18s DPRI/1/1607/H14 16 June 1607 William HUNTER, the elder, of Willington in the parishe of Wallesend [Wallsend, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/H14/1 15 February 1607 will endorsed: proved, 16 June [1607] DPRI/1/1607/H14/2 23 February 1607 inventory, actual total £63 14s 8d (with account of debts of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1607/J1 19 March 1608 Grace JEFFERSON, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Jeffreson DPRI/1/1607/J1/1 15 January 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar [1608] DPRI/1/1607/J2 Thomas JOHNSON, tanner, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/J2/1 20 November 1606 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 91-92 DPRI/1/1607/L1 Peter LAMBERT, of Fostonnes within the parishe of Wardon [Warden, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/L1/1 5 July 1607 will with inventory, 7 July 1607, actual total £3 5s 10d with list of debts owing to the testator of 10s. DPRI/1/1607/L2 24 October 1607 Jane LAYBORNE, wife of Nicholas Layborne the elder of Darwancoat, widow, of Darwancoat (Darwancoate), chapelry of Meddomesley [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/L2/1 23 September 1607 will with inventory, 23 September 1607, actual total £158 11s 8d DPRI/1/1607/L2/2 23 September 1607 copy inventory, actual total £158 11s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607] DPRI/1/1607/L3 23 September 1607 Nicholas LAYBORNE, the elder, husband of Jane Layborne, of Darwancoate (Darwancoatt), chapelry of Meddomsley (Meddomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/L3/1-2 1 September 1607 will with commission, 22 September 1607 commission to George Wrightson, curate of Medomsley, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Layborne, relict and sole executrix, and to grant to her the tuition of the deceased's children; also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wrightsonn, 23 Sep 1607 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 25 DPRI/1/1607/L3/5-6 23 September 1607 act of court probate granted in the home of the deceased at Darwancoatt to Jane Layborne, relict; Margery Layborne, daughter aged 17, elected her brother-in-law Roger Halsall as her curator, which Roger Halsall was monished to enter a bond; inventory exhibited DPRI/1/1607/L3/3 23 September 1607 inventory, actual total £158 17s DPRI/1/1607/L3/4 23 September 1607 copy inventory, actual total £158 17s DPRI/1/1607/L4 Margratt LYNN, wife of John Lynn, merchant adventurer, widow, of town of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St John DPRI/1/1607/L4/1 1 October 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/L4/2 26 November 1607 inventory, actual total £39 0s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral charges of £10 10s) DPRI/1/1607/L5 19 March 1608 Percyvaill LYNNE, yeoman, of Aymye Heade within the parishe of Wollsingham (Woolsingame, Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/L5/1 29 December 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/L5/2 7 January 1608 inventory, actual total £41 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £9 3s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Mar [1608] DPRI/1/1607/M1 10 October 1607 William MADDESON, of East Murton, chapelry of Elmeden [Embleton] [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Maddeeson DPRI/1/1607/M1/1 28 July 1606 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 15 DPRI/1/1607/M1/2 9 September 1607 indented inventory, actual total £36 8s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Oct [1607] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 15 DPRI/1/1607/M2 Symon MARLAY, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Marley DPRI/1/1607/M2/1-2 1 January 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £14 DPRI/1/1607/M3 Richard MILBANKES [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milbanckes parish uncertain DPRI/1/1607/M3/1-2 1 January 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1607/M4 Robert MITFORD, father of Christopher, Henry, Anderson and Jane Mitford, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitforth, Mytforth The account makes clear that Robert Mitford died before 1593, and that Jane Mitford, relict, acted as administratrix, at least until Oct 1593, and also was the tutrix of her four children. The same four named children of the deceased share the administrators' part between them in the account. DPRI/1/1607/M4/1 undated account Account of Jane Mitford, relict and tutrix of the four children of the deceased. Endorsed: exhibited, 16 Jan [1608]; admitted. DPRI/1/1607/M5 John MORLAND, of Kepyer Grainge (Kepyre, Keeper Grange) [Kepier Hospital, County Durham]; also spelt Morlande DPRI/1/1607/M5/1 17 March 1607 inventory DPRI/1/1607/M6 19 March 1608 Peter MOSSE, of Priston, chapelry of Stockton [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/M6/1-2 9 December 1607 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £4 14s 8d. Endorsed: proved, 19 Mar [1608]. DPRI/1/1607/M6/3 12 January 1608 inventory, actual total £32 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/M7 Greggerye MYLLNER, of town of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Mllner DPRI/1/1607/M7/1 17 June 1607 inventory DPRI/1/1607/N1 24 March 1607 Thomas NAWTONN, of parishe of Darlingtonn [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Nawton DPRI/1/1607/N1/1 26 March 1607 indented inventory Inventory of goods etc., less a mare detained by the wife of Robert Hood. Endorsed: administration granted to Thomas Hull, creditor, 24 Mar 1607; exhibited, 18 Apr [1607]. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 92-94 DPRI/1/1607/N2 12 December 1607 Petter NUTON, of Eldon (Eldone), parish of Awckland St Andrew [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Newtone, Newton DPRI/1/1607/N2/1 7 November 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/N2/2 10 December 1607 inventory, actual total £72 5s 8d (with account of debts of £67 10s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Dec [1607] DPRI/1/1607/N2/3 10 December 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £72 5s 8d (with account of debts of £67 10s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Dec [1607] DPRI/1/1607/N3 18 August 1607 Henry NYCHOLSON, mariner, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson DPRI/1/1607/N3/1 10 February 1604 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/O1 William OVEREN, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Overon DPRI/1/1607/O1/1 15 May 1607 indented inventory DPRI/1/1607/P1 Andrew PALLECER, husbandman, of parish of Alenam [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Palacer DPRI/1/1607/P1/1 3 May 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £11 0s 8d DPRI/1/1607/P2 Henrie PARKAR, of Slaggieford [Knarsdale, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/P2/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1607/P3 Robert PATERSON, husbandman, of Ambell wythin the parishe of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/P3/1-2 1 November 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/P3/3 29 December 1606 inventory, actual total £49 5s 6d (with account of debts of £6 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/P4 Thomas PATTESON, of Halton Sheils (Sheles) and of the chapelrie of Halton [Halton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/P4/1 14 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/P4/2 31 January 1607 inventory, actual total £16 7s 4d DPRI/1/1607/P5 Thomas PEARSON, weaver, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Peareson testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints DPRI/1/1607/P5/1 8 December 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/P5/2 30 December 1607 inventory, actual total £12 16s 4d DPRI/1/1607/P6 Thomas PEAT, yeoman, of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and Holy Ilandshyre parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/P6/1-2 26 May 1606 will with inventory, 31 May 1606, actual total £18 4s (with account of debts of £15 1s 10d) Will, with list of debts owing to (£2 17s 5d) and owing by (£15 1s 10d) the testator; and inventory. Endorsed: 1607. DPRI/1/1607/P8 14 November 1607 John PICKERIN, husbandman, of Cowpon (Coopon) Bewley in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Pickering, Pickeringe bond: DPRI/3/1607/B164 DPRI/1/1607/P8/1 21 February 1607 will probate granted to Anne Pickerin, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted the tuition of the children named in the will and also Elizabeth Pickerin, posthumous daughter, 14 Nov 1607 DPRI/1/1607/P8/2 21 February 1607 copy will DPRI/1/1607/P8/3-4 5 March 1607 inventory, actual total £227 17s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 0s 10d) DPRI/1/1607/P9 1 May 1607 Barnabas PILKINGTON, gentleman, of Whitberne (Whitburn, Whitbarne) in the counetye of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/P9/1-4 13 April 1607 inventory administration granted to Isabell Pilkington, relict, 1 May 1607; inventory to be exhibited before 29 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/P10 Clement POOT, of parishe of St Andrewes within the towne and countie of Newcastell upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Pott DPRI/1/1607/P10/1 6 March 1607 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 17s and more DPRI/1/1607/P11 Dennes PUDDELL, fisherman, of Newbiggin within the countie of Northumberland [Northumberland]; also spelt Puddle parish uncertain: Newbiggins in Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea DPRI/1/1607/P11/1 23 April 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/R2 14 November 1607 William RANDE, of parish of Felton within the countie of Northumberlande [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rand bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxvii DPRI/1/1607/R2/1 26 August 1607 [copy] will endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1607] DPRI/1/1607/R2/2 17 September 1607 inventory, actual total £24 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/R4 18 August 1607 Peter RIDDELL, the elder, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Riddle DPRI/1/1607/R4/1 6 June 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/R4/2-4 undated inventory, actual total £387 9s 5d Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 18 Aug [1607]. DPRI/1/1607/R5 5 March 1608 Edward ROBINSON, labourer, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/R5/1 8 July 1607 will endorsed: proved, 5 Mar [1608] DPRI/1/1607/R5/2 undated inventory, actual total £3 13s (with account of funeral expenses of 17s) dated, 25 Feb DPRI/1/1607/R6 John ROBINSON, of Hallywell (Halliwell) of the countie of Durham, parish of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/R6/1 9 February 1608 will with memorandum, 9 February 1608 Will, with memorandum of Elizabeth Robinson, wife, consenting to the terms of the will. Endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1608. DPRI/1/1607/R6/2-4 undated indented inventory, actual total £323 7s 6d (with account of debts of £35 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/R7 William ROBINSON, of parish of Heighington in the countye of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/R7/1 14 June 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/R7/2 4 July 1607 commission commission to Giles Garthwhate, vicar of Heighington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Robinson, relict and co-executor DPRI/1/1607/R8 18 August 1607 Isabell ROBSON, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the parish of All Sainctes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/R8/1 11 July 1607 indented copy will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 23-24 DPRI/1/1607/R8/2 18 July 1607 indented inventory, actual total £7 (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 16s) endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/R1 Jenet ROMSDEN, daughter of George Romsden of Halifax, of Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle uppon Tine) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramsden, Romsdenne, Romsdon DPRI/1/1607/R1/1-2 29 July 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/R1/3-4 30 July 1607 inventory, actual total £9 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/R9 Henry RUGG, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of brough of Barwyk upon Twed (Barwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rugge DPRI/1/1607/R9/1 13 September 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/R9/2-3 14 September 1606 inventory, actual total £37 2s 2d Inventory of household goods and wares. Endorsed: 'call for a perfect inventory'. DPRI/1/1607/R3 19 March 1608 William RYCHESON, blacksmith, of parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Recheson, Richardson DPRI/1/1607/R3/1 12 March 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar [1608]; 'ingrosse this' DPRI/1/1607/R3/2 12 March 1608 indented copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar 1608 DPRI/1/1607/S1 6 February 1604 19 August 1607 Thomas SHEELLE, blacksmith, of countie of Newcastell, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Sheell, Sheel, Shele, Sheele, Sheile bond: DPRI/3/1607/B107 DPRI/1/1607/S1/1-2 24 October 1603 will endorsed: proved, 6 Feb [1604]; probate regranted to Cuthbert Kirsopp, tutor, 19 Aug 1607 DPRI/1/1607/S1/4-5 7 November 1603 inventory, actual total £42 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £8 3s) DPRI/1/1607/S1/3 24 October 1603 copy will with copy grant of probate, 6 February 1604 with memorandum, 19 August 1607 (1) copy will; (2) copy grant of probate to the five named children and co-executors of the deceased, and during their minority to their mother and tutrix Margery Sheile, 6 Feb 1604; (3) endorsed with memorandum of second grant of probate: Margery Wilson, former relict and now wife of George Wilson, renounced tuition of the five named children of the deceased and execution of the will, and which with her consent were then granted to Cuthbert Kirsop for the use of the children, 19 Aug 1607. DPRI/1/1607/S2 20 June 1607 John SHERATON, of Belses in the parish of Billingham [Bellasis, County Durham]; also spelt Sheriton DPRI/1/1607/S2/1 27 May 1607 will endorsed: administration granted, 20 June [1607] DPRI/1/1607/S2/2 4 June 1607 inventory, actual total £126 1s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/S3 6 February 1608 Thomas SIGGESWICK, son of Henry Siggeswick of Tudhoe, a minor, of Tuddo, parish of Branncepeth [Tudhoe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/S3/1 6 February 1608 inventory Inventory of the portions and legacies of Thomas and Janett Siggeswick, minors, due from the will of their father Henry Siggeswick. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1608]. DPRI/1/1607/S4 Alexander SIMPSON, yeoman, of parish of Lesburie [Lesbury, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxvii DPRI/1/1607/S4/1-11 26 March 1607 inventory DPRI/1/1607/S5 John SMARTE, of chapelry of Lowicke in the county of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Smart DPRI/1/1607/S5/1-2 1 April 1607 will with [inventory], 1 April 1607, actual total £20 10s 8d (with account of debts of £9 17s) DPRI/1/1607/S7 James SMETHE, under captain William Bowes esquire, [army soldier], of Ratten Rowe, parish of Barwick uppon Twide [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe, Smith, Smyth DPRI/1/1607/S7/1 16 June 1605 will DPRI/1/1607/S7/2 18 September 1607 inventory, actual total £10 10s 8d DPRI/1/1607/S6 13 June 1607 Agnes SMITH, widow, of Cassopp (Cassoppe), parish of Kello [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/S6/1 31 March 1607 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 13 June 1607 DPRI/1/1607/S6/2 12 June 1607 inventory, actual total £64 12s 8d DPRI/1/1607/S6/3 12 June 1607 copy inventory, actual total £64 12s 8d DPRI/1/1607/S8 Thomas SMITH, cottager, of Westslickborne (Westslickburne) in the parish of Bedlington in Northumberland [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe DPRI/1/1607/S8/1-2 19 November 1607 will with inventory, 19 November 1607, actual total £26 DPRI/1/1607/S9 30 January 1608 Jane SMYTHSON, widow, of parish of Aickliffe (Aykliffe, Aickcliffe) in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Smithson, Smithsone DPRI/1/1607/S9/1 October 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/S9/3-4 January 1608 inventory, actual total £45 0s 4d DPRI/1/1607/S9/2 January 1608 indented copy inventory, actual total £45 0s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Jan 1608 DPRI/1/1607/S10 John SNEED, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] Sneed's date of death is stated as both 1 Jan [?1607] and 1 Dec 1606. DPRI/1/1607/S10/2 3 January 1607 indented inventory dated, 3 Jan [?1607] DPRI/1/1607/S10/1 3 December 1606 indented copy inventory DPRI/1/1607/S11 Richarde SOTHEREIGNE, the younger, yeoman, of Ramesworthe (Ramesworth) within the chappellry of Lamesley (Lameslye) [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Sotheren DPRI/1/1607/S11/1 11 June 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/S11/2 11 June 1607 indented inventory, actual total £33 19s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 9s 6d) DPRI/1/1607/S12 Gilbert SPENCE, clerk, notary public, of North Bayley of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] See Probate Act Book DPRI/4/10: (1) f.18, 18 July 1607; (2) f.392, office cause to render the account of Alice Spence, relict and the tutrix of Alice [?recte Katherine] Ryder, daughter and sole executrix of Gilbert Spence, 7 May 1614. [The index to Act Book 10 is defective, and other entries probably exist.] DPRI/1/1607/S12/1-6 16 April 1607 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 18-23 DPRI/1/1607/S12/7-12 16 April 1607 copy will endorsed: inventory exhibited DPRI/1/1607/S12/13-16 21 May 1607 inventory, actual total £72 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 1s 9d) with supplementary inventory, 20 March 1612, actual total £1 6s 8d Inventory, subscribed with supplementary inventory supplying the value of an item listed but not valued in the first inventory. Exhibited by Alice Spence, relict and tutrix of the executrix (Katherin Spence, daughter), 11 Mar 1608. DPRI/1/1607/S13 7 October 1607 William STEVENSON, of Ellington (Ellingtone) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Stevensone DPRI/1/1607/S13/1 undated inventory administration granted to Margery Thompson widow, sister, who was bound to distribute the goods by decree, 7 Oct 1607 DPRI/1/1607/S13/2 30 September 1607 renunciation confirmation of her former renunciation of administration by Helen Stevenson, relict, and her consent that administration should be granted to Margery Thompsone, sister; Helen Stevenson having hindered Thompsone at Durham on 26 Sep [1607]; subscribed with signatures of the vicar of Woodhorn and the curate of Horton DPRI/1/1607/S14 20 August 1607 Oswine STORIE, yeoman, of parish of Whalton in the countie of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/S14/1-2 25 July 1607 will with inventory, 19 August 1607, actual total £33 10s 4d endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/S15 30 January 1608 Richard STORIE, of Mordon, parish of Sedgfield [Morden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/S15/1 undated indented inventory endorsed: proved, 30 Jan [1608] DPRI/1/1607/S16 Edward SURTIES, of Somerhouse (Sumer House) of the parrshe of Gainford in the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties, Surtis, Suertes DPRI/1/1607/S16/1-2 3 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/S16/3 26 February 1607 inventory, actual total £291 8s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 16s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 2 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/S17 9 May 1607 William SUTHACKE, curate of Muggleswick, clerk, of Mugglesworth [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Southaicke, Suthack Suthacke was curate of Muggleswick from 1586 until his death. DPRI/1/1607/S17/1 20 November 1606 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 17 DPRI/1/1607/S17/2 20 November 1606 copy will endorsed: proved, 9 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/S17/3 9 April 1607 inventory, actual total £38 12s (with account of debts of £4 13s) DPRI/1/1607/S17/4 9 April 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £38 12s (with account of debts of £4 13s) DPRI/1/1607/S18 5 December 1607 William SWYNNOW, gentleman, of parish of Almouthe (Alnemouth, Ailemouth) [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynnowe, Swinnow bond: DPRI/3/1607/B171 DPRI/1/1607/S18/2-3 15 November 1607 inventory endorsed: sequestration granted to Edmund Finch for the use of the widow and children of the deceased, 5 Dec [1607] DPRI/1/1607/S18/1 25 November 1607 inventory inventory does not include the lease at Alnmouth, and there are other small differences DPRI/1/1607/T1 George TAYLOR, of parish of Alnewick (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor DPRI/1/1607/T1/1 21 August 1606 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £6 17s 8d; executrix renounced DPRI/1/1607/T2 Thomas THOMPSEN, of Huton Henry (Hutonne Henrie) of the parishe of Munckhesleden [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1607/T2/1 6 October 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/T2/2 26 October 1607 indented inventory, actual total £10 9s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £6 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/T4 16 May 1607 Thomas THURSBYE, gentleman, of Wollesse in the chappelry of Bernard (Barnard) Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/T4/1 9 February 1607 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 16 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/T5 15 August 1607 Rauf TIPPYNG, of parish of Bushopton in the county of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Tippin DPRI/1/1607/T5/1-2 19 April 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/T5/3 13 August 1607 indented inventory, actual total £240 DPRI/1/1607/T5/4 13 August 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £240 endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/T6 John TODD, yeoman, of Nether Framlingtone in the parish of Framlington Magna in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Tod DPRI/1/1607/T6/1 24 July 1607 will with memorandum, undated will, subscribed with memorandum made at probate of a clarification of the testator's meaning by the executor and witnesses that the executor is to act only in trust for the use of the widow and children DPRI/1/1607/T6/2 8 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £49 DPRI/1/1607/T3 Humfrey TOMSON, parishe of Bellingham, parish of Ovingham [Bellingham, Northumberland; Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1607/T3/1 11 April 1607 [nuncupative will] DPRI/1/1607/T3/2 undated inventory, actual total £5 14s 4d DPRI/1/1607/T7 Robert TORNER, yeoman, of Togdon (Togesden, Togston) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Turner, Turnor, Tournour DPRI/1/1607/T7/1-2 27 March 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/T7/3 29 January 1608 inventory, actual total £62 15s 10d DPRI/1/1607/T8 31 July 1607 Nicholas TWEDDALL, of parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter is not present DPRI/1/1607/T8/1 20 June 1607 will endorsed: proved, 31 July 1607 DPRI/1/1607/T9 20 February 1608 Janett TWEDDELL, widow, of parish of Monnckhesleden (Munckhesleton) in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Tweddle, Twedall DPRI/1/1607/T9/1 6 March 1607 nuncupative will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 20 Feb 1608. DPRI/1/1607/T9/2 4 November 1607 inventory, actual total £43 3s 4d exhibited by Robert Tweddle, son, 20 Feb 1608 DPRI/1/1607/T10 29 August 1607 Thomas TYNDALL, smith, of parish of Longnewtone (Longnewton) in the countie palentyne of Durhame [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Tindall DPRI/1/1607/T10/1 5 October 1606 will endorsed: proved, 29 Aug 1607 DPRI/1/1607/T10/2 18 October 1606 indented inventory, actual total £59 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 15s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1607/U1 John URWEN, of parishe and towne of Stanningtone (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Urwene bond: DPRI/3/1607/B254 DPRI/1/1607/U1/1 28 January 1608 will DPRI/1/1607/U1/2 28 January 1608 inventory, actual total £29 6s 4d DPRI/1/1607/U2 12 September 1607 Johne USHERE, of Broumleye, parish of Biwell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Usher DPRI/1/1607/U2/1 23 August 1607 will with memorandum, 12 September 1607 Will, subscribed with memorandum made at probate of a clarification by the co-executors of the testator's meaning concerning the residue. Endorsed: proved, 12 Sep 1607. DPRI/1/1607/U2/2 9 September 1607 indented inventory, actual total £11 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 1s 7d) with act of court, 12 September 1607 inventory, subscribed with memorandum of a decree awarding £3 and certain goods to Isabell Swinburne, daughter, as her filial portion DPRI/1/1607/V2 29 August 1607 Percey VEPONTE, of parish of Monnckwermouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Vepont DPRI/1/1607/V2/1 29 July 1607 nuncupative will administration granted to Richard Vepont, brother, he having been bound to distribute the goods according to the judge's decree DPRI/1/1607/V2/2 26 August 1607 inventory, actual total £15 16s 10d (with account of debts of £1 10s) endorsed: administration granted, 29 Aug [1607] DPRI/1/1607/V1 Thomas VICKERS, of Raby (Rabye), parish of Staindropp [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Vicars DPRI/1/1607/V1/1 12 February 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/V1/2 24 April 1607 indented inventory, actual total £31 1s 6d (with account of debts of £4 15s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/W1 John WALKER, of Eldon in the parrish of St Andrew Auckland [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Waker The probated testament referred to in the endorsement to the voided nuncupative will is not present. DPRI/1/1607/W1/1 9 May 1607 nuncupative will Will voided. Endorsed: not proved; voided because [?written] testament proved. DPRI/1/1607/W2 2 May 1607 Thomas WALL, of Frosterley (Frosterleye), parish of Stanhoppe [Frosterley, County Durham]. Died 29 March 1607 DPRI/1/1607/W2/1 10 April 1603 will DPRI/1/1607/W2/2 19 April 1607 indented inventory, actual total £12 4s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/W2/3 wrapper endorsed: [will] proved, 2 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/W3 Rauff WALLES, of Williamston, parish of Knarsdall [Knarsdale, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/W3/1 16 November 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/W4 16 January 1608 Alexander WANLES, Sander Wanles, of parishe of Rytonn (Riton) [Ryton, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxiv DPRI/1/1607/W4/1 23 September 1607 will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan 1608 DPRI/1/1607/W4/2 16 November 1607 indented inventory, actual total £28 6s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1607/W6 20 March 1607 15 August 1607 James WATSON, of parish of Simondburne [Simonburn, Northumberland] The latter will referred to in the endorsement to the voided will is not present. DPRI/1/1607/W6/1-2 9 April 1606 copy will with grant of probate, 20 March 1607 Probate granted to Elizabeth Pickering the wife of John Pickering, daughter, and to Thomas Watson, co-executors, with a power reserved to Janet Watson, relict and co-executor. Endorsed: will to remain in the Registry until a suit pending in the [Consistory] court concerning 'the latter' will is tried; [will] voided because the other [i.e. the latter] will proved, 15 Aug 1607. DPRI/1/1607/W7 John WATSON, husbandman, of Westslickburne (Wes Sleckburne) of the parish of Bedlington in Northumberland [Bedlington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/W7/1-2 19 November 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £33 19s 8d (with account of debts of £1 3s) DPRI/1/1607/W5 23 May 1607 Cathren WATSONE, of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson DPRI/1/1607/W5/1-2 28 February 1607 will Administration granted to Cuthbert Watson, son, with the consent of John and William Watson, sons. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1607/W5/3 22 May 1607 inventory, actual total £36 10s endorsed: goods sequestered and sequestration granted to John Watson, son; inventory also exhibited, 23 May 1607 DPRI/1/1607/W8 25 September 1607 Symon WELBERYE, of chapelry of Saincte Ellen Auckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Welbury DPRI/1/1607/W8/1 6 September 1607 will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1607] DPRI/1/1607/W8/2 24 September 1607 inventory, actual total £93 6s 8d DPRI/1/1607/W8/3 24 September 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £93 6s 8d DPRI/1/1607/W8/4 25 September 1607 commission commission to George Wilkinson, curate of Auckland St Helen, to swear Jayne Bussay, a witnesses to the will; commission executed in the home of William Williamson gentleman at Auckland St Helen by Wilkinson, 28 Sep 1607 DPRI/1/1607/W9 William WELFOOTE, yeoman, of Bushopton (Bushoptton, Bishoptonn, Bishopton) within the countye of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/W9/1 29 April 1606 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1607/W9/2 undated inventory, actual total £175 6s 8d (with account of debts of £13 16s) DPRI/1/1607/W10 24 October 1607 Thomas WHEATLEY, yeoman, of Ramesworthe (Ravensworth), chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatlay bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxii DPRI/1/1607/W10/1 31 August 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1607/W10/2 19 October 1607 indented inventory, actual total £102 14s 2d (with account of debts of £18 2s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607]; 'ingrosse the Inventories in parchmente' DPRI/1/1607/W10/3 19 October 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £102 14s 2d (with account of debts of £18 2s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 24 Oct [1607] DPRI/1/1607/W11 18 April 1607 Margaret WIGGIN, widow, of Norton within the county of Durham [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/W11/1 15 February 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/W11/2 17 April 1607 inventory, actual total £37 12s 8d endorsed: administration granted, 18 Apr [1607] DPRI/1/1607/W12 26 September 1607 Robart WILSON, glover, of Bushop Auckland in the countie of Durhame, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1607/W12/1-2 25 July 1607 will with list of debts DPRI/1/1607/W12/3 25 September 1607 inventory, actual total £29 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 10s 4d) endorsed: proved, 26 Sep [1607] DPRI/1/1607/W13 Robert WILSON, of Buckton in the parishe of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Willson DPRI/1/1607/W13/1 12 January 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £24 16s will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £2 16s DPRI/1/1607/W14 Robert WILSON, of Throckley of the parishe of Newborne (Newburne) [Newburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1607/W14/1 28 January 1607 will DPRI/1/1607/W14/2 3 April 1607 indented inventory, actual total £30 16s 4d DPRI/1/1607/W15 19 March 1608 William WILSON, of Seton within the parisshe of Sehame (Seaham) [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Willson DPRI/1/1607/W15/1 10 October 1606 will DPRI/1/1607/W15/2 9 March 1607 indented inventory, actual total £62 6s 8d DPRI/1/1607/W15/3 9 March 1607 indented copy inventory, actual total £62 6s 8d endorsed: proved, 19 Mar 1608 [?recte 1607] DPRI/1/1607/W16 5 December 1607 Henry WOOD, of Seaton Carewe (Carew) within the countie of Durham, parish of Stramton [Seaton Carew, County Durham]; also spelt Woodes bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxxxvi bond: DPRI/3/1607/Bxlii DPRI/1/1607/W16/1 24 November 1607 indented inventory Exhibited by William Wood, administrator, 16 Jan 1608. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 Dec 1607. DPRI/1/1607/H11 Henry YONGER, of Hole Rawe within the chapelry of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Younger The accountant George Atthie was the fourth husband of Agnes, who had formerly been the wife and executrix of John Byerley and then of Roger Hopper, and then the wife and administratrix of Henry Yonger, before marrying Atthie. Atthie had bound himself to distribute the portions and legacies of the children from each of the marriages of his wife, and for which he here makes his account. The account mentions inventories of Roger Hopper and of Henry Younger (£118 0s 8d), but which have not been found. Probate Act Book entries indicate that Agnes Atthie had died before 9 June 1604. The accountant mentions the following of her surviving children: Agnes Coteswoorth nee Byerley, Cuthbert Hopper, Margaret Hopper, Humphrey Hopper (tutor Robert Smith of Benfieldside). These estates became the subject of protracted disputes in the court: for the references to various Probate Act Book entries, see DPRI/1/1604/Y1: the account was exhibited on 3 July 1607, and appears to have been finally admitted on 28 November of the same year. For the will of a John Byerlaw of Shotley, and for the nuncupative will of Henry Younger and the inventory of his illegitimate son Robert's portion of his goods, see - DPRI/1/1582/B13/1 - DPRI/1/1604/Y1/1 - DPRI/1/1604/Y1/2 DPRI/1/1607/H11/1-2 undated account of Roger Hopper, actual total £99 12s (with discharge of £35) with account of Henry Yonger, actual total £118 0s 8d (with discharge of £79 9s 10d) Accounts of George Atthie of the estates of Roger Hopper and Henry Yonger, former husbands of his wife Anne Atthie. With each remarriage the property of the deceased husband passes to the next: thus the first account includes items relating to the estate of John Byerley, and the second includes items relating to both Byerley and Hopper's estates. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1608 Wills etc proved 1608 DPRI/1/1608/A1 William APPLEBY, of Newbottle [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Applebye, Appleby DPRI/1/1608/A1/1 14 November 1607 will endorsed: proved; [probate] issued DPRI/1/1608/A1/2 3 December 1607 inventory, actual total £92 8s (with account of debts of £31) DPRI/1/1608/A2 William ARMORER, of Cornell [Cornhill, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/A2/1-2 26 December 1607 will with list of debts owing by (£53 13s 8d) and owing to (£29 12s 8d) the testator DPRI/1/1608/A2/3-4 undated inventory unvalued inventory of livestock, with supplementary list of debts owing by the testator of £4 14s 4d, made in the testator's lifetime [?Dec 1607] DPRI/1/1608/A3 16 April 1608 Thomas ATCHINSON, yeoman, of parish of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/A3/1 27 January 1608 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1608]; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1608/B1 14 January 1609 Christopher BAINBRIDG, of Wakerfeld [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Bambridge DPRI/1/1608/B1/1 15 January 1608 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/B1/2 10 November 1608 indented inventory, actual total £52 2s 2d (with account of debts of £6 2s) DPRI/1/1608/B2 John BAINBRIGG, of Langeton (Langtonn, Langton) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Bainbrigge, Bambridge DPRI/1/1608/B2/1-2 22 November 1608 will with memorandum, undated Will; with (undated) memorandum of two of the witnesses further relating the intentions of the testator. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1608/B2/3 22 November 1608 inventory, actual total £23 7s 4d DPRI/1/1608/B3 10 June 1608 Robert BAINBRIGG, of Langden Becke (Beck) in the parishe of Midleton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Baynbryg, Bainbrigge, Bainbridg DPRI/1/1608/B3/1 8 January 1607 will Subscribed with names of the sureties. Endorsed: proved, 10 June 1608. DPRI/1/1608/B3/2 2 June 1607 inventory, actual total £26 12s DPRI/1/1608/B4 Oswold BAKER, yeoman, of citie of Durham (cittie of Duresme) [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/B4/1 13 May 1608 will Probate granted to Marye Baker, relict and sole executrix, 10 June 1608; also subscribed with probate office instructions [of same date] relating to the speedy issuing of the probate under the seal to the executrix. Endorsed: proved, 10 June [1608]; inventory to be exhibited at next court after 29 Sep 1608; inventory exhibited. DPRI/1/1608/B4/2 1 October 1608 inventory, actual total £121 7s (with account of debts of £26) DPRI/1/1608/B5 9 April 1608 Thomas BAYLES, of Bishop Auckland, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Bailes, Bailles DPRI/1/1608/B5/1-2 15 March 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/B5/3-4 22 March 1608 inventory, actual total £25 16s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/B6 27 August 1608 Thomas BAYLES, yeoman, of Newgate in the chappelry of Barnard Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/B6/1 26 January 1608 will endorsed: proved, 27 Aug [1608] DPRI/1/1608/B6/2 6 February 1609 indented inventory, actual total £85 19s 8d (with account of debts of £26 9s 2d) DPRI/1/1608/B7 7 May 1608 Thomas BAYLES, of parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/B7/1 13 April 1608 indented will endorsed: proved, 7 May 1608 DPRI/1/1608/B7/2-3 19 April 1608 inventory, actual total £194 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 3s) DPRI/1/1608/B8 8 April 1608 Alyce BAYNES, widow, of Bisshop Awckland in the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Beanes, Baines DPRI/1/1608/B8/1 23 November 1604 will with codicil, 18 March 1608 DPRI/1/1608/B8/2 6 April 1608 inventory, actual total £251 4s 2d (with account of debts of £3 6s 8d) endorsed: [will and codicil] proved, 8 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/B8/3 wrapper endorsed: for Giles Wedows [?vicar of Bishopton] DPRI/1/1608/B10 Bryan BELASIS, esquire, of Morton (Murton) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Bellasses, Bellasis, Bellasss DPRI/1/1608/B10/1-2 15 July 1608 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 31-34 DPRI/1/1608/B10/3 15 July 1608 copy will endorsed: registered, 11 Dec 161.. [1612] DPRI/1/1608/B10/4 4 October 1608 commission commission to John Smith, preacher of Howden (Houeden), and William Bryarcliff, vicar of North Cave (Yorks), to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and the tuition of four named children to Sir Thomas Metham of Metham knight, co-executor; commission executed by Smyth and Brearcliffe, 8 Oct 1608 DPRI/1/1608/B9 14 January 1609 John BELL, husbandman, of parish of Heighington in the countye of Durham [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/B9/1 12 November 1608 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/B9/2 6 December 1608 inventory, actual total £38 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 16s 11d) DPRI/1/1608/B11 Gilbert BROUNE, of Terset Watterheade, parish of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Brown DPRI/1/1608/B11/1-2 20 November 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 12s 6d DPRI/1/1608/B12 John BULMAN, draper, of Morpeth (Morpethe) in the countye of Northumberlande [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/B12/1 6 April 1608 will with codicil, 25 April 1608 DPRI/1/1608/B12/2 30 April 1608 inventory, actual total £802 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £45 4s) DPRI/1/1608/B13 James BURNE, yeoman, of Harford (Herford) within the parishe of Horton and countie of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland]; also spelt Burn DPRI/1/1608/B13/1 26 April 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/B13/2 4 June 1608 inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts of £8) inventory of goods etc. at Sticklooe [?Stickley] and Hartford DPRI/1/1608/B14 Griffyn BUTLER, freemason, of Alnwick (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/B14/1 10 September 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £1 11s 6d (with account of debts of £1) DPRI/1/1608/B14/2 undated inventory, actual total £1 11s 6d DPRI/1/1608/C1 21 January 1609 Toby CALVERLEY, second son of Michaell Calverley, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Calverley's will was made at South Shields prior to his travelling to London. DPRI/1/1608/C1/1 15 April 1608 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1609]; to be ingrossed DPRI/1/1608/C1/2 15 April 1608 copy nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1609] DPRI/1/1608/C2 9 August 1608 Barbarie CARR, widow, of cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/C2/1-2 23 July 1608 will endorsed: proved, 9 Aug [1608]; DPRI/1/1608/C2/3-4 15 October 1608 inventory, actual total £634 3s 8d DPRI/1/1608/C3 George CARRE, yeoman, of Lesbury (Lesburye, Lesburie) in the county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr DPRI/1/1608/C3/1-2 23 July 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/C3/3-4 22 December 1607 inventory, actual total £57 19s 5d (with account of debts of £47 16s 4d) DPRI/1/1608/C4 30 July 1608 Robert CHILTOON, of Newbotle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton DPRI/1/1608/C4/1 1 April 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/C4/2-3 2 May 1608 inventory, actual total £101 (with account of debts of £10 3s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 30 July [1608] DPRI/1/1608/C5 29 October 1608 Rychard CHYPCHAYSE, yeoman, of parish of Shedgesfyld (Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Chipchase DPRI/1/1608/C5/1 16 September 1601 will endorsed: proved, 29 Oct [1608]; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1608/C6 2 April 1608 John CLARKE, merchant, of parish of Alnewicke in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerk DPRI/1/1608/C6/1 3 January 1608 will with inventory, undated, actual total £67 2s DPRI/1/1608/C6/2 31 March 1608 letter Letter from John Wills, curate of Alnwick, to Thomas Kinge [proctor] at Durham, reporting his having witnessed the making of the will and having sworn the witnesses himself, so expediting probate for the executor. Endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Apr 1608. DPRI/1/1608/C7 Raphe CLAYE, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/C7/1 1 December 1607 will with inventory, 1 December 1607, actual total £2 13s (with account of debts of £7 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1608/C9 Adryan COMMYNG, alias Cock, wife of William Cock [first husband], widow, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Comyn testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints DPRI/1/1608/C9/1-2 5 September 1599 will DPRI/1/1608/C10 13 October 1608 Christofer CONYERS, esquire, of Horden in the countie of Durham, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers DPRI/1/1608/C10/1-2 12 September 1608 will sequestration granted to Anne Conyers, daughter and co-executor, 8 Oct 1608 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 36 DPRI/1/1608/C10/3 12 September 1608 copy will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1608 DPRI/1/1608/C10/4-6 undated inventory, actual total £333 10s 3d (with account of debts of £80 14s) Dated 28 Sep. [Original page order: C10/4 verso right; 4 recto left; 4rr; 4vl; 5vr; 5rl; 5rr; 5vl; 6vr; 6rl; 6rr; 6vl] DPRI/1/1608/C11 Peter COPERTWHEAT, of parish of St Andrew Aikland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Copperwhaite, Coperthwait, Coperthwaite DPRI/1/1608/C11/1-2 24 September 1590 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1608/C11/3 23 September 1590 copy will dated, 23 [recte 24] Sep 1590 DPRI/1/1608/C11/4 29 June 1591 inventory, actual total £11 11s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1608/C8 8 October 1608 Roger COULSON, yeoman, of the Sneip (Snape) in the paryshe of Whickhame wythin the county of Durhame [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Colson DPRI/1/1608/C8/1-2 3 April 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/C8/3 3 April 1608 copy will endorsed: proved, 8 Oct 1608 DPRI/1/1608/C8/4-5 3 May 1608 inventory, actual total £55 13s 6d DPRI/1/1608/C8/6 undated inventory, actual total £8 5s 8d inventory items are also included within the other inventory and total (DPRI/1/1608/C8/4-5) DPRI/1/1608/C12 George COWLE, of Hebburne [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/C12/1 12 January 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/C12/2 undated inventory, actual total £18 14s 8d dated, 27 June DPRI/1/1608/C13 Jesper CUTHEBART, of Learmouthe (Learmouth), chapelry of Carham [Carham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/C13/1 12 October 1607 will with list of debts owing by (£30) and owing to (£4 18s 4d) the testator DPRI/1/1608/C13/2 24 October 1607 inventory, actual total £46 8s 4d DPRI/1/1608/D1 28 June 1608 Christopher DAWSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Dawsone testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas DPRI/1/1608/D1/1-2 18 March 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/D1/3 undated inventory, actual total £54 13s 4d (with account of debts of £11 14s 6d) endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608] DPRI/1/1608/E1 4 February 1609 Michaell ELISON, butcher, of parish of Edmonbyres (Edmondbyers, Edmondbyres) [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Ellison DPRI/1/1608/E1/1 13 January 1609 will endorsed: proved, 4 Feb 1609 DPRI/1/1608/E1/2 22 January 1609 inventory, actual total £5 2s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1608/E2 Gylbert ERINGTON, keelman, of Sandgayte in the lybertyes of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington, Eryngton DPRI/1/1608/E2/1 29 July 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/E2/2 undated inventory, actual total £5 16s 11d DPRI/1/1608/F1 8 October 1608 Isabell FARBECK, widow, of parish of St Nicholas in Duresme [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Farbecke See DPRI/4/10 f.79v: probate granted to Cuthbert Hawden of Durham City and Cuthbert Hawden of Catton Lee, two of the executors, with the consent of William Farbeck, son and remainder executor, 8 Oct 1608; inventory exhibited (£147 14s 8d), 19 Nov 1608; with marginal note naming four minor children who were not nominated as executors. For the inventory of Farbeck's husband, and which bears endorsements relating to the probate of his wife Isabell Farbeck, see - DPRI/1/1599/F2/1-4 DPRI/1/1608/F1/1 29 May 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/F1/2-4 undated indented inventory, actual total £147 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £124 10s 5d) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Oct [1608]; the names of four minor children DPRI/1/1608/F2 Nicholas FORSTER, [father of Sir Claudius Foster knight], esquire, of Bamboroughe (Balmebrough, Balmborough) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland] Not found in DPRI/4/10 (index defective). For the will, inventory of debts and account of Nicholas Forster, see - DPRI/1/1614/F4/1-2 - DPRI/1/1614/F4/3 - DPRI/1/1617/F11/1-2 DPRI/1/1608/F2/1-5 17 October 1609 inventory endorsed with 1608 file date DPRI/1/1608/F3 4 February 1609 Robert FRISSEL, the elder, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Frissell DPRI/1/1608/F3/1-2 23 January 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Feb 1609 DPRI/1/1608/F4 Margarete FULTHORPE, widow, of Tunstall (Tonstall) [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Fulthrop, Fulthorp DPRI/1/1608/F4/1 undated inventory most of the items listed in the inventory are unvalued DPRI/1/1608/G1 28 April 1608 Thomas GIBSONN, yeoman, of Nether Conniscliffe (Counsliffe, Counceliff) in the countye of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Gibson DPRI/1/1608/G1/1 8 July 1606 will with codicil, 21 March 1608 with codicil, 4 April 1608 endorsed: proved, 28 Apr 1608 DPRI/1/1608/G1/2 8 April 1608 inventory, actual total £331 8s 6d (with account of debts of £40 1s 6d) DPRI/1/1608/G2 Thomas GRAY, cordwainer, of parish of Sainte Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Graye DPRI/1/1608/G2/1-2 24 December 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/G2/5-6 24 December 1607 copy will with grant of probate, 1608 (undated) grant of probate to Isabell Gray [relict] and Jane Gray [daughter], co-executors DPRI/1/1608/G2/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £3 9s 8d (with account of debts of 18s 1d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1608/G3 Thomas GRAY, of Newbegine (Newbygine, Newbiggin) []; also spelt Graie parish and county uncertain: Newbiggins in Bishopton, Heighington, Middleton in Teesdale (County Durham) and Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland) DPRI/1/1608/G3/1 1 January 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1608/G3/2 26 August 1607 indented inventory, actual total £11 9s 4d (with account of debts of £4 10s) the dates of the inventory and the will are incompatible DPRI/1/1608/G4 William GRAY, labourer, of Hawkle in the parishe of Lesbury and county of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye DPRI/1/1608/G4/1 28 February 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/G4/2 28 February 1608 inventory, actual total £4 14s 2d DPRI/1/1608/G5 9 April 1608 John GRINDON, of Thorneley within the parishe of Wallsingham (Wolsingham) [Thornley, Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Gryndon DPRI/1/1608/G5/1 21 January 1608 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/H1 25 October 1608 Anthonie HANNYNGSHAW, yeoman, of parish of Newborne (Newbourne, Newburne) within the countie of Northomberlande [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Hangingshaw. Died 18 August 1608 DPRI/1/1608/H1/1 28 August 1608 indented will The will is not signed by the testator, and appears to have been witnessed ten days after the death of the testator. Endorsed: proved, 25 Oct [1608]. DPRI/1/1608/H1/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £21 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) dated, 28 Aug DPRI/1/1608/H2 Thomas HANNYNSHAW, yeoman, of Newbourne (Newborne) within the countie of Northomberlande [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Haningshawe, Hannyngshaw. Died 16 September 1608 DPRI/1/1608/H2/1 12 September 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1608/H2/2-3 undated indented inventory, actual total £22 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £10 6s 6d) dated, 20 Oct DPRI/1/1608/H3 George HARBART, yeoman, of Kimblesworthe (Kimblesworth) in the countie of Durham [Kimblesworth, County Durham]; also spelt Harbert DPRI/1/1608/H3/1-2 15 November 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/H4 Thomas HARLE, of Westowe (Westoe) [Westoe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/H4/1-2 25 February 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 23 Apr 1608; monished to exhibit the completed inventory DPRI/1/1608/H5 28 June 1608 John HARRISON, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harreson DPRI/1/1608/H5/1-2 11 June 1608 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£4 1s 8d) and owing by (£2 15s 5d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 28 June [1608]. DPRI/1/1608/H6 30 April 1608 Matthewe HAYESONE, husbandman, of towne and parishe of Easingtone (Easington) in the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Haieson DPRI/1/1608/H6/1-2 28 December 1607 will Subscribed: sequestration granted to Issabell Hayesone, relict (and co-executor). Endorsed: goods sequestered, 30 Jan 1608; proved, 30 Apr 1608. DPRI/1/1608/H6/3 21 January 1608 inventory, actual total £103 1s (with account of debts of £24 7s 5d) DPRI/1/1608/H7 24 September 1608 Gyles HEARON, gentleman, of Pygdon in the parish of Mitforde (Midford) [Mitford, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/H7/1 23 July 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 Sep 1608 DPRI/1/1608/H8 25 October 1608 Anne HEDWORTH, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedworthe DPRI/1/1608/H8/1 20 March 1608 will endorsed: proved, 25 Oct [1608]; inventory exhibited, 12 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1608/H8/2 April 1608 inventory, actual total £169 16s 6d endorsed: exhibited, 12 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1608/H9 25 June 1608 Cuthbert HEDWORTH, father of Richard Hedworth, of Darwen Crook (Darwencrook, Darncrook) of the parish of Gaitshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworthe Formerly filed with the probate records of Richard Hedworthe, Cuthbert Hedworth's son and administrator, see - DPRI/1/1608/H9/1-3 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/4-6 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/8-9 - DPRI/1/1608/H9/10-11 DPRI/1/1608/H9/7 undated inventory inventory of the goods of Cuthbert Hedworth left unadministered by his son and administrator Richard Hedworth; administration granted to Margaret Hedworth, widow, 25 June 1608 DPRI/1/1608/H9 Richarde HEDWORTHE, son and administrator of Cuthbert Hedworth, gentleman, of Darncroocke (Darncrook, Darnecrooke, Darnecrook) within the parish of Gateshead within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth Formerly filed with the probate records of Richard Hedworthe was the inventory of Cuthbert Hedworth, his father. These goods were still unadministered by Richard Hedworthe at the time of his death, and probate was subsequently granted to Margaret Hedworth [Richard's widow], see - DPRI/1/1608/H9/7 DPRI/1/1608/H9/1-3 2 April 1590 will with codicil, 14 September 1607 DPRI/1/1608/H9/4-6 2 April 1590 copy will with copy codicil, 14 September 1607 with copy codicil, 25 September 1607 DPRI/1/1608/H9/8-9 undated final sentence final sentence finding for the plaintiff and signed by Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, in a cause: Margaret Hedworth, relict and sole executrix v John Broughe, cousin DPRI/1/1608/H9/10-11 26 May 1608 indented inventory, actual total £336 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £17 2s 8d) DPRI/1/1608/H10 12 November 1608 Anne HENDERSON, widow, of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hendersone, Handersonne DPRI/1/1608/H10/1-2 5 March 1607 will with memorandum, 1 October 1608 with certificate of oath, 9 November 1608 with certificate of oath, 12 November 1608 Will, subscribed with: (1) memorandum of Thomas Kinge [Durham proctor] allowing the witnesses to be sworn at Berwick before Mr Selbie [?Lancelot Selbie, clerk of Tweedmouth] or Gilbert Durie, [vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed], 1 Oct 1608; (2) certificate of the oaths of the witnesses, taken by Gilbert Durie, 9 Nov 1608; (3) certificate of oath of Charles Maughen, son and universal legatee, to whom probate was granted, 12 Nov 1608. DPRI/1/1608/H10/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £1 12s 8d (with account of debts 12s) DPRI/1/1608/H11 John HODGSHON, of Egelstonne (Egelstoon, Eggleston) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshonn, Hodshon DPRI/1/1608/H11/1-2 11 June 1608 will with inventory, 17 June 1608, actual total £24 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 0s 3d) Inventory subscribed with the names and ages of six children. Endorsed with short account of probate office administrative fees of 10s 2d. DPRI/1/1608/H12 23 April 1608 Robert HODGSHON, yeoman, of New Raw in the chapelry of Hamsterlay within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/H12/1 28 October 1607 will endorsed: proved, 23 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/H12/2-3 1607 inventory, actual total £192 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 19s) DPRI/1/1608/H13 7 May 1608 Cuthbert HOLT, of Wardlie (Wardley) within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Holte DPRI/1/1608/H13/1-2 1 April 1607 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£17 10s) and owing to (£18 6s 6d) the testator; subscribed with instruction to 'conferer [compare] these wills together & make them agree to this'; the will is interpolated with additions in a different hand. Endorsed: proved, 7 May 1608. DPRI/1/1608/H13/3 7 April 1608 inventory, actual total £59 1s 6d DPRI/1/1608/H14 20 August 1608 Robert HOPPER, husbandman, of Cowndon (Coundon) in the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Coundon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/H14/1-2 4 April 1608 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1608] DPRI/1/1608/H14/3 29 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £56 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1608/H15 24 October 1608 Agnes HORSLEYE, widow, of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horseley testator requests to be buried at Bywell St Peter DPRI/1/1608/H15/1 4 October 1606 will endorsed: proved, 24 Oct [1608] DPRI/1/1608/H15/2 8 September 1608 indented inventory, actual total 12s DPRI/1/1608/H16 20 May 1609 Henrye HORSLYE, of Nucastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horsleye, Horsly The copy of the first will is endorsed by the probate office 'Will and Codicil': an additional subscription further indicates the second will may have been treated as a codicil to the first will. See DPRI/4/10: (f.98v) office cause promoted by George Horslye and John Scott, executors v John Horslye, brother: sequestration granted to the executors, 8 Apr 1609; (f.103) will and codicil proved and administration granted to the executors, 20 May 1609. DPRI/1/1608/H16/1-2 7 December 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/H16/3 7 December 1608 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1608/H16/4 16 February 1609 will exhibited by John Horseley; three named witnesses sworn DPRI/1/1608/H16/5-6 16 February 1609 copy will allegation and codicil [second will] exhibited by the executors; witnesses sworn DPRI/1/1608/H16/7 7 March 1609 inventory, actual total £179 DPRI/1/1608/H17 11 June 1608 William HUCHANSON, yeoman, of chappellry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Hutcheson DPRI/1/1608/H17/1 1 March 1608 will endorsed: proved, 11 June 1608 DPRI/1/1608/H17/2 14 April 1607 indented inventory, actual total £286 13s 4d date of the inventory is incompatible with the date of the will DPRI/1/1608/J1 23 April 1608 Raphe JACKSON, the elder, of Bylly (Billeye, Billy) Rawe [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/J1/1 19 March 1608 will endorsed: proved, 23 Apr 1608 DPRI/1/1608/J1/2 4 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £109 16s 8d (with account of legacy of £10) DPRI/1/1608/J2 Richard JACKSON, of Elstobe (Elstobb) [Great Stainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/J2/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration not granted DPRI/1/1608/J3 26 November 1608 Robart JOLEY, miller, yeoman, of citty of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Jolley, Jollie DPRI/1/1608/J3/1 20 June 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/J3/2 20 June 1608 copy will endorsed: proved, 26 Nov 1608 DPRI/1/1608/J3/3 26 November 1608 inventory, actual total £17 7s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1608/J4 11 June 1608 Alexander JOPLIN, husbandman, of Berley (Barley) in the parish of Ryton (Riton) in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/J4/1 18 January 1608 will endorsed: proved, 11 June 1608 DPRI/1/1608/J4/2 26 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £33 6s 8d DPRI/1/1608/J5 28 June 1608 George JORDAN, yeoman, of Seaton Delavale of the parishe of Tynemouth (Tynmouth) within the chappelrye of Earsden in the countie of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Jordayne DPRI/1/1608/J5/1-2 12 February 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/J5/3-4 21 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £86 11s 9d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608] DPRI/1/1608/K1 14 January 1609 Thomas KAY, the elder, of Grete Chilton in the parishe of Merington (Merrington) in the county of Durham [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Key DPRI/1/1608/K1/1-2 31 August 1608 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/K1/3-4 13 September 1608 inventory, actual total £328 10s (with account of portions, debts and legacies of £323 5s) DPRI/1/1608/K1/5 13 September 1608 indented inventory, actual total £328 10s (with account of portions, debts and legacies of £323 5s) endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1609] DPRI/1/1608/L1 9 July 1608 John LACKINBYE, yeoman, of Swainston in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Lakinby DPRI/1/1608/L1/1 17 November 1607 will endorsed: proved, 9 July [1608] DPRI/1/1608/L1/2 4 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £263 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £104 1s 2d) DPRI/1/1608/L2 Johne LAWSON, of Bywell [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne, Lawsonn testator requests to be buried at Bywell St Peter DPRI/1/1608/L2/1 1 July 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/L2/2 26 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £24 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s 6d) DPRI/1/1608/M1 3 June 1608 Anne MAIRE, widow, of Hewton (Hooton) Henry within the parish of Munke Esleden (Munke Hesselden, Mounckhesleden, Hesleden) [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Maior, Mayre DPRI/1/1608/M1/1 1 June 1605 will DPRI/1/1608/M1/2-4 1 June 1608 inventory, actual total £160 7s 4d (1) Inventory of household goods etc.; (2) inventory of the goods etc. in the house of John Hall in Durham gentleman, appraised the same day. Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 June 1608. DPRI/1/1608/M1/5-6 1 June 1608 indented inventory, actual total £160 7s 4d (1) Inventory of household goods etc. includes goods at Hardwick; (2) inventory of the goods etc. in the house of John Hall in Durham gentleman, appraised the same day. Endorsed: [will] proved, 3 June 1608. DPRI/1/1608/M5 13 August 1608 William MAITTLAND, husband of Agnes Maittland, mariner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Matlande, Maultland, Maitland, Maultlande DPRI/1/1608/M5/2-3 9 May 1608 nuncupative will endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved, 13 Aug [1608] DPRI/1/1608/M5/1 9 May 1608 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1608/M5/4 3 August 1608 inventory, actual total £44 7s 8d DPRI/1/1608/M2 30 April 1608 Thomas MALAND, of cittie of Durham of the parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/M2/1 4 March 1608 indented nuncupative will DPRI/1/1608/M2/2-3 23 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £76 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 10s) Inventory of goods etc. at Lameldenn [?Lambton] and Durham; dated 23 or 24 Apr 1608. Endorsed: administration granted, 30 Apr 1608. DPRI/1/1608/M3 11 June 1608 Francis MARKENDAILE, of Langley (Langleye), parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Markendale DPRI/1/1608/M3/1 16 April 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1608/M3/2 27 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £135 2s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 11 June 1608 DPRI/1/1608/M4 11 June 1608 Margarat MAUGHON, widow, of parishe of Edmondbires (Edmondbyers) in the countye of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Maugham DPRI/1/1608/M4/1 17 March 1608 will endorsed: proved, 11 June [1608] DPRI/1/1608/M4/2 undated inventory, actual total £3 8s 8d (with account of debts of £1 17s 10d) DPRI/1/1608/M6 6 May 1608 Jayne MITFORD, widow, of parishe of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Mytford, Midford The will is endorsed by the probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter, also referred to in the account, is not present. For the will of Mitford's husband, see - DPRI/1/1581/M4/1 DPRI/1/1608/M6/1 10 October 1606 will endorsed: proved, 6 May [?1608] DPRI/1/1608/M6/2 undated account, actual total £3,239 0s 1d (with discharge of £1,399 12s 9d) Account of John Craister and Christopher Mitford gentleman, executors. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1608/M7 Ambrose MOSSE, tanner, of Gateshead (Gaitshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/M7/1-2 22 July 1608 copy subscribed: original will delivered [out of the Registry] to Gabriell Ryce of Team Staiths 'with promise to return it', 28 Aug 1652 DPRI/1/1608/M7/3 26 August 1608 inventory, actual total £48 10s 5d DPRI/1/1608/O1 28 May 1608 Samuell OGLE, of parish of Horsley [Longhorsley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/O1/1 23 May 1608 indented inventory Administration granted to Dorothee Ogle, relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1608]. DPRI/1/1608/O2 26 May 1608 Edward OLIFER, chapman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastill uppon Tynne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Olever DPRI/1/1608/O2/1 24 February 1608 will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 26 May [1608]. DPRI/1/1608/O2/2-3 3 March 1609 inventory, actual total £168 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 2s 11d) DPRI/1/1608/P1 William PATISON, of Newbegine (Newbygine, Newbiggin) []; also spelt Patteson parish and county uncertain: Newbiggins in Bishopton, Heighington, Middleton in Teesdale (County Durham) and Shotley, Newburn, Rothbury, Hartburn (Newbiggen), Norham and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Northumberland) DPRI/1/1608/P1/1 26 May 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1608/P1/2 20 January 1608 indented inventory, actual total £15 5s 4d (with account of debts of £7 6s 7d) date in Jan 1608 uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1608/P2 12 November 1608 Thomas PATTISON, of Westaukland within the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Helen Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1608/P2/1 28 August 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/P2/2 6 October 1608 inventory, actual total £47 12s 4d (with account of debts of £10 4s) endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Nov [1608] DPRI/1/1608/P2/3 13 November 1608 renunciation renunciation of Cicilie Pattesone, relict and co-executor, consenting that the other executors should act and asserting her right only to her widow's third DPRI/1/1608/P3 30 April 1608 Wiliam PEARSON, of the Hagg (Hagge) of the parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson DPRI/1/1608/P3/1-2 15 May 1600 will DPRI/1/1608/P3/3 15 May 1600 copy will endorsed: proved and exhibited, 30 Apr 1608 DPRI/1/1608/P3/4 25 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1608/P3/5 25 April 1608 indented copy inventory, actual total £94 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1608/P4 21 January 1609 Grace PHILPE, widow, of Elvitt within the parish of St Oswooldes [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/P4/1 10 August 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/P4/2 21 November 1608 inventory, actual total £8 9s endorsed: [will] proved, 21 Jan [1609] DPRI/1/1608/R1 11 March 1609 Gawin RATCLIFFE, of parish of Darneton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/R1/1 28 February 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 Mar [1609] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 94 DPRI/1/1608/R2 23 January 1609 James REABURNE, yeoman, of Grynden (Grindon) within the countie pallentyne of Durham, parish of Norrham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Reaburn DPRI/1/1608/R2/1-2 4 January 1609 will with inventory, 17 January 1609, actual total £7 6s 8d the inventory does not include numerous debts listed in the will DPRI/1/1608/R2/4 10 January 1609 commission commission to Abraham Symson M.A., preacher of Lowick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Reaburne relict, Roger Selbie and John Reaburne, co-executors, and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Symson at Grindonrigg, 23 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/R2/3 17 January 1609 indented inventory, actual total £7 6s 8d subscribed: debts as appeareth in the will DPRI/1/1608/R3 28 June 1608 Gawen READ, porter, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/R3/1-2 17 March 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/R3/3 20 May 1608 inventory, actual total £5 11s 1d endorsed: [will] proved, 28 June [1608] DPRI/1/1608/R4 23 April 1608 Roger REINE, labourer, of Halliwell in the parishe of Branspethe (Branncepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Raine DPRI/1/1608/R4/1 20 April 1608 indented nuncupative will DPRI/1/1608/R4/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £4 7s 6d endorsed: administration granted, 23 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/R5 18 January 1609 John RICHARDSON, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland, Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/R5/1-2 10 January 1609 will Subscribed: witnesses sworn; probate granted to Magdalen Richardson, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Richard Richardson, son and co-executor; tuition of Richard Richardson also granted to Magdalen Richardson, 18 Jan 1609; eight minor children named. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 37-38 DPRI/1/1608/R5/3 10 January 1609 indented copy will endorsed: proved, 18 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/R5/4-6 17 January 1609 indented inventory, actual total £872 16s 1d (with account of debts of £54 16s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1608/R6 John RIDLEY, of Slatterfeilde in Tindale, parish of Symonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland] testator requests to be buried at Simonburn 'within the Ridleys portch' DPRI/1/1608/R6/1-2 26 January 1608 will will dated, 25 and 26 Jan 1608 DPRI/1/1608/R6/3-4 11 March 1608 inventory, actual total £29 3s 4d DPRI/1/1608/R7 8 October 1608 Robert ROBINSON, of Bradbury within the parish of Sedgefeild (Sedgefeilde) [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/R7/1 8 June 1608 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Oct [1608] DPRI/1/1608/R8 Renold ROBSONN, of Whit House (Whiet, Whitehouse) within the parish of Jarro (Jarrow) [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Robson DPRI/1/1608/R8/1-2 21 July 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/R8/3-4 21 September 1607 inventory, actual total £17 15s 8d DPRI/1/1608/R9 14 January 1609 Robert RUTTER, of Houghton in the Spring (Springe) [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/R9/1-2 19 September 1608 will with codicil, undated DPRI/1/1608/R9/3 19 September 1608 copy will with copy codicil, undated endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1609 DPRI/1/1608/S1 8 July 1608 Bartholomewe SANDERSON, of chappelrye of Bernardcastell (Barnard Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/S1/1-2 28 April 1607 will DPRI/1/1608/S1/3 28 April 1607 will with memorandum, 8 July 1608 Will, subscribed with memorandum of three legatees [feoffees in trust] clarifying the testator's intention relating to a burgage in Barnard Castle. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1608]. DPRI/1/1608/S1/6 6 June 1607 indented inventory, actual total £27 13s 2d (with account of debts of £17 4s 8d) DPRI/1/1608/S1/4-5 24 August 1608 letter letter from Myles Wrightson of Romaldkirk, legatee [feoffee in trust], to Clement Colmer, Durham Chancellor, reiterating the testator's intention relating to a burgage in Barnard Castle and covenanting to perform the trust DPRI/1/1608/S2 11 March 1609 Elizabeth SICKERWHAM, wife of Humphray Sickerwham, widow, of Helmyndin (Helmeden, Helmdon) Rawe within the parish of Bransbyth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sickerwhame DPRI/1/1608/S2/1 6 February 1609 will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1609 DPRI/1/1608/S2/2 11 February 1609 inventory, actual total £26 12s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 18s 1d) DPRI/1/1608/S3 4 February 1609 Humfrey SICKERWHAME, husband of Elizabeth Sickerwhame, of Helmedon (Helmdon) Rawe, parish of Branncepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Sickerwham DPRI/1/1608/S3/1 23 September 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/S3/2 28 October 1608 inventory, actual total £29 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 2s) endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Feb [1609] DPRI/1/1608/S4 11 June 1608 Edward SLATIER, of Elden (Eldon) within the countie of Duresm [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Sclator, Slaiter DPRI/1/1608/S4/1 29 September 1607 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 11 June 1608 DPRI/1/1608/S4/2 1 June 1608 inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d DPRI/1/1608/S5 18 February 1609 Robert SMITH, butcher, of parish of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/S5/1-2 25 January 1609 will endorsed: proved, 18 Feb [1609] DPRI/1/1608/S5/3-4 8 February 1609 indented inventory, actual total £322 12s 9d inventory of goods etc. at Gateshead, Follansby and Southwick DPRI/1/1608/S6 William STOBS, of Hedlye (Hedley), parish of Owinghame (Owingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobbes DPRI/1/1608/S6/1 27 March 1607 will with inventory, 29 June 1607, actual total £13 0s 8d DPRI/1/1608/S6/2 27 March 1607 copy will with copy inventory, 29 June 1607, actual total £13 0s 8d DPRI/1/1608/S7 30 July 1608 John SWALWELL, of Shaudfourth within the parrish of Pittington [Shadforth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/S7/1 17 January 1608 indented will Endorsed: (1) proved, 30 July [1608]; (2) memorandum of 11 Oct 1824 Exchequer case in which the will was exhibited: James Milles clerk v Thomas Jackson and others. DPRI/1/1608/S7/2 26 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £118 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £67 9s 2d) Endorsed with memorandum of 11 Oct 1824 Exchequer case in which the will was exhibited: James Milles clerk v Thomas Jackson and others. DPRI/1/1608/S8 14 January 1609 George SYMPSON, yeoman, of Chester of the parishe of Chester in the Streate in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson DPRI/1/1608/S8/1 20 November 1608 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1609] DPRI/1/1608/S8/2-4 30 December 1608 indented inventory, actual total £100 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £78 11s 8d) DPRI/1/1608/S9 2 December 1608 Thomas SYMSON, of parishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson DPRI/1/1608/S9/1 12 July 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1608/S9/2 28 November 1608 indented inventory, actual total £397 17s 4d (with account of debts of £42 3s) endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Dec [1608] DPRI/1/1608/T1 Raiphe TALER, of Elingtone of the parishe of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor DPRI/1/1608/T1/1-2 16 November 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £48 6s 8d DPRI/1/1608/T2 William TEASDALE, yeoman, of Snapegest (Snapeghest) in the countye of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Teisdaile DPRI/1/1608/T2/1 11 July 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1608/T2/2 11 July 1607 indented copy will DPRI/1/1608/T2/3 4 August 1607 indented inventory, actual total £35 18s (with account of debts of £8 10s) DPRI/1/1608/T3 William THEW, of Dennicke (Dennick) in the parishe of Alnewicke (Alnewick) within the countye of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/T3/1 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £9 0s 4d (with account of debts of £6 10s 6d) will dated, 19 June DPRI/1/1608/T4 John THORNTON, cordwainer, of Gaitshead (Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/T4/1-2 1 September 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/T4/3 16 September 1608 inventory, actual total £13 12s 4d DPRI/1/1608/T5 6 March 1609 Robert THORP, yeoman, of Longnewtonn (Longnewton, Long Newton) in the countie of Durhame [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorpe Inventory is endorsed by probate office: Will and [Inventory] ... with commission to prove the [will] - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1608/T5/1 2 June 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/T5/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £626 4s (with account of debts of £3 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1608/T6 Thomas TONSTALL, gentleman, of East Shipley in the countie of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/T6/1 16 September 1608 indented inventory DPRI/1/1608/T7 9 April 1608 Mathew TROTTER, Westertonn in the parish of St Andrew Auckland, Helmeden Rawe [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/T7/1 5 October 1607 indented will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr 1608 DPRI/1/1608/T8 9 April 1608 Richard TURBATT, of Bradburie (Bradbury), parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Turbatte DPRI/1/1608/T8/1 25 March 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/T8/2 25 March 1608 copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/T8/3 6 April 1608 agreement agreement for the administering and division of the goods between Robert, William and Margaret Turbatt, sons and daughter DPRI/1/1608/W1 20 January 1609 Thomas WAISTALL, yeoman, of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Waistell DPRI/1/1608/W1/1-2 13 November 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/W1/3 23 November 1608 indented inventory, actual total £282 2s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £74 8s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Jan [1609] DPRI/1/1608/W2 Robart WALL, yeoman, of Howghell (Houghall) within the county of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/W2/1-2 23 April 1608 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£15 13s 9d) and owing by (£25 4s 4d) the testator. Probate granted to Elizabeth Wall, relict, during the minority and for the use of the executors, the six named children of the testator by two different wives. DPRI/1/1608/W2/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £140 15s 8d DPRI/1/1608/W3 24 October 1608 Renolde WALTON, Leehouse in Garrigill, chapelry of Bellingham [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1608/W3/1 1607 will endorsed: proved, 24 Oct [1608] DPRI/1/1608/W3/2 31 October 1607 inventory, actual total £11 5s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 0s 6d) DPRI/1/1608/W4 William WALTON, of parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1608/W4/1-2 undated account Account of Margarett Walton, relict and administratrix; with 15 Dec 1608 marginal notes relating to the production of related bills and acquittances and to the swearing of the accountant and Brian Walton and Raphe Walton; issue of letters testimonial decreed, 14 Jan 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 14 Jan 1609. DPRI/1/1608/W5 Thomas WANLESSE, husband of Agnes Wanlesse, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanles, Wanless For the inventory of Thomas Wanlesse's wife Agnes Wanlesse, and which was formerly filed with the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, see - DPRI/1/1608/W5/3 DPRI/1/1608/W5/1 20 December 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/W5/2 3 January 1609 inventory, actual total £178 3s 8d DPRI/1/1608/W5 Agnes WANLESSE, wife of Thomas Wanlesse, [widow], of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wanles, Wanless The inventory was formerly filed with the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, the husband of Agnes Wanlesse. For the probate records of Thomas Wanlesse, see - DPRI/1/1608/W5/1 - DPRI/1/1608/W5/2 DPRI/1/1608/W5/3 undated inventory DPRI/1/1608/W6 25 October 1608 Chrystofer WARDE, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ward DPRI/1/1608/W6/1 17 April 1608 will DPRI/1/1608/W6/2 30 June 1608 inventory, actual total £41 11s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Oct 1608 DPRI/1/1608/W7 6 May 1608 William WATSONN, yeoman, of Bedlington (Bedlingtonn) [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson DPRI/1/1608/W7/1 10 March 1608 will endorsed: proved, 6 May 1608 DPRI/1/1608/W7/2 undated inventory, actual total £25 13s 4d DPRI/1/1608/W7/3 undated copy inventory, actual total £25 13s 4d DPRI/1/1608/W8 Isabell WAWBEE, Elizabeth Wawby, of parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham] Will endorsed by probate office: Elizabeth Wawby. DPRI/1/1608/W8/1 undated nuncupative will nuncupative will dated, 7 Nov DPRI/1/1608/W8/2 undated copy nuncupative will nuncupative will dated, 7 Nov DPRI/1/1608/W9 16 July 1608 James WEST, of parish of Midleton in Teasdale (Middleton in Teasdall, Tesedale, Teisdaile) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/W9/1 26 June 1608 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 16 July [1608] DPRI/1/1608/W9/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 8s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) dated, 12 July DPRI/1/1608/W10 16 April 1608 Jaymes WHEATLYE, yeoman, of parish of Shedgesfeyld (Shedgesfeylde, Sedgefeilde) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley DPRI/1/1608/W10/1 7 February 1608 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/W10/2 11 April 1608 indented inventory, actual total £67 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 4s) DPRI/1/1608/W11 William WHITEHEAD, esquire, of parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Whithead DPRI/1/1608/W11/1-2 23 December 1607 inventory endorsed with memorandum of John King [Durham proctor] requiring the inventory be exhibited before 29 Sep [1608] DPRI/1/1608/W12 9 April 1608 Roland WILLY, of East Merington alias Kirkmerington, parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Willie, Willey DPRI/1/1608/W12/1-2 23 February 1608 will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1608/W12/3 4 April 1608 inventory, actual total £130 6s 8d DPRI/1/1608/W12/4 4 April 1608 copy inventory, actual total £130 6s 8d DPRI/1/1608/W13 Thomas WILSON, joiner, of parishe of Sainte Nicolas (Nicholas) in the cittie of Durhame [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1608/W13/1 31 January 1609 will DPRI/1/1608/W13/2-8 1 March 1609 inventory, actual total £139 5s 5d (with account of debts of £6 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1608/W14 John WODDE, yeoman, of Elmeden alias Embleton in the county of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wood DPRI/1/1608/W14/1 1 October 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1608/W14/2 13 December 1608 indented inventory, actual total £35 5s DPRI/1/1608/Y1 Thomas YOUNGE, of Beednell (Beedenell) within the parish of Balmbrough (Balmebrough) [Beadnell, Northumberland]; also spelt Young DPRI/1/1608/Y1/1 11 October 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1608/Y1/2 8 February 1608 indented inventory, actual total £4 8s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1608/Y2 Rychard YOUNGHUSBAND, yeoman, of Bewdle, parish of Balmbrough (Balmebrough) within the countye of Northumbarland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Youngehusband, Younghusbande DPRI/1/1608/Y2/1 1 March 1607 indented will DPRI/1/1608/Y2/2-3 18 May 1607 indented inventory, actual total £142 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £65 7s 1d) DPRI/1/1609 Wills etc proved 1609 DPRI/1/1609/A1 1 October 1609 Henry ABRAHAM, fuller, of chapelry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with inventory and bond' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1609/A1/1 28 April 1609 will endorsed: proved, 1 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/A1/2 13 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £28 11s 5d (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1609/A2 Thomas ADDONN, surgeon barber, barber-surgeon, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Aidon DPRI/1/1609/A2/1 7 March 1609 inventory inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1609/A3 2 November 1609 Frances ANDARSON, the younger, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson DPRI/1/1609/A3/1-2 31 July 1609 will endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1609 DPRI/1/1609/A4 6 June 1607 Roger ANDERSON, fisherman, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/A4/1-2 14 March 1607 will Subscribed: witnesses sworn, 18 Apr 1607. Endorsed: proved, 6 June 1607; [cancelled] to be ingrossed. DPRI/1/1609/A4/3 undated inventory, actual total £38 3s 1d (with account of debts of £7 9s 6d) DPRI/1/1609/A4/4 undated copy inventory, actual total £38 3s 1d (with account of debts of £7 9s 6d) endorsed: query will in 1607 DPRI/1/1609/A5 3 February 1610 Robert ANDREW, of parish of Stainton [Great Stainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/A5/1-2 26 September 1609 will endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 3 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/A6 Ellinor ATKINSON, of the Northe Sheeles [North Shields, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/A6/1-2 15 April 1608 inventory, actual total £7 3 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 11s 4d) with will, 29 March 1608 Will is subscribed with 8 Aug 1609 memorandum relating that Alice Backworth, daughter, is to prove the will within one month, otherwise administration to be granted. DPRI/1/1609/A6/2 wrapper wrapper, made from (cut-down) 1832 Prayer of Thanksgiving ... for a favourable harvest DPRI/1/1609/B1 3 February 1610 Anthony BAMBRICKE, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bambrick, Bainbridg, Bambridg DPRI/1/1609/B1/1 14 January 1610 will DPRI/1/1609/B1/2 30 January 1610 inventory, actual total £33 14s 6d endorsed: [will] proved, 3 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/B2 James BELL, keelman, of Sandgayte (Sandgate) within the lyberties of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/B2/1 14 May 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/B2/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £5 18s 3d DPRI/1/1609/B3 Peter BELL, of Rytton Whitehouse (Whyte Howse, Whitehowse) within the parish of Hartburne and chappellrie of Nether Witton [Netherwitton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/B3/1-2 12 January 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/B3/3 undated inventory, actual total £43 13s 4d DPRI/1/1609/B4 1 July 1609 John BERRYER, of Branspeth (Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Berrier DPRI/1/1609/B4/1-2 1 November 1608 will endorsed: proved, 1 July [1609] DPRI/1/1609/B4/3 undated inventory, actual total £3 18s 4d DPRI/1/1609/B5 18 March 1609 James BLACKBURNE, of Langley of the parish of Staindrope (Staindrop, Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Blaickburne, Blackbourne DPRI/1/1609/B5/2 22 March 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1609/B5/3 16 June 1608 indented inventory, actual total £35 0s 8d (with account of debts of £19 7s 6d) endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Mar [1609] DPRI/1/1609/B5/1 18 March 1609 commission commission to Robert Dickson, rector of Cockfield, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Blackburne, relict and sole executrix; [commission executed by Dixon on or before 14 June 1609] DPRI/1/1609/B5/4 14 June 1609 letter letter from Robert Dixon at Ramshaw, pastor of Staindrop, to Stephen Hegg at Durham, [Durham proctor], enclosing the executed commission and bond; also concerning a cause in which Raphe Simpson, a neighbour, requires representation; dated, 14 June [?1609] DPRI/1/1609/B6 29 April 1609 Agnes BLAIKSTONE, wife of Nicholesse Blaikstone of Norton, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Blaikistone, Blaxton DPRI/1/1609/B6/1 26 April 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 Apr [1609] DPRI/1/1609/B7 1 July 1609 John BLAYDES, yeoman, of Staynton in the chappelrye of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/B7/1 5 May 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/B7/2 17 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £20 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 17s) endorsed: [will] proved, 1 July [1609] DPRI/1/1609/B8 Margret BRANDLEY, of Newcastell upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Brandling DPRI/1/1609/B8/1 4 August 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1609/B9 6 October 1609 Richard BURRELL, of Headlame (Headlam) within the parish of Gainforth [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Burrall DPRI/1/1609/B9/1-2 2 April 1609 will endorsed: proved, 6 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/B9/3-4 16 August 1609 draft inventory, actual total £85 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 0s 10d) DPRI/1/1609/B9/5-7 16 August 1609 indented inventory, actual total £85 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £38 0s 10d) DPRI/1/1609/C1 2 March 1610 John CARLILE, of parish of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C1/1-2 16 October 1609 inventory endorsed: exhibited 2 Mar 1610, upon the Lucy Carlile, relict DPRI/1/1609/C1/3 16 October 1609 copy inventory, actual total £4 8s 5d (with account of debts of £8 8s 2d) endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1610]; exhibited by Thomas Lee, administrator, 20 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1609/C2 8 August 1609 Richard CARR, of parish of Gateshead (Gaitshead) [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C2/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Aug [1609] DPRI/1/1609/C3 Thomas CATHERICK, tanner, of parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C3/1-2 25 October 1608 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 99-100 DPRI/1/1609/C3/3 11 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £95 18s 6d (with account of debts of £5 18s 5d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 100-102 DPRI/1/1609/C4 4 November 1609 Thomas CHAPMAN, of Frosterley (Frosterleye) in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C4/1 2 October 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/C4/2 2 October 1609 copy will endorsed: proved, 4 Nov 1609 DPRI/1/1609/C4/3 16 October 1609 inventory, actual total £39 2s (with account of debts of £3 11s) DPRI/1/1609/C5 11 March 1610 Annes CHILTON, widow, of Newbottle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Chiltoon DPRI/1/1609/C5/1-2 undated will Administration granted to John Chilton, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Mar [1610]; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1609/C6 19 August 1609 George CHILTON, husbandman, of Chester of the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C6/1 10 March 1609 will endorsed: proved, 19 Aug 1609 DPRI/1/1609/C6/2 17 July 1609 indented inventory, actual total £126 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1609/C7 10 March 1610 William CHILTON, yeoman, of Breerton in the parish of Stranton (Strainton) and countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C7/1 25 February 1610 indented will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1609/C7/2 27 February 1610 indented inventory, actual total £241 16s (with account of debts of £18 16s 2d) DPRI/1/1609/C8 John CLARKE, of Greate Tossone (Tosson) of the parish of Rothbury [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Clerck, Clarcke DPRI/1/1609/C8/1 25 February 1610 inventory subscribed with the names of six children DPRI/1/1609/C9 15 July 1609 Roger CLARKE, yeoman, of Newton Bewley (Bewlye) in the county of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Clercke DPRI/1/1609/C9/1 23 February 1609 will endorsed: proved, 15 July 1609 DPRI/1/1609/C9/2 5 July 1609 indented inventory, actual total £90 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 12s) DPRI/1/1609/C10 22 September 1609 Anthonie CLAXTON, of parish of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C10/1 15 July 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 Sep [1609] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 102-103 DPRI/1/1609/C11 6 May 1609 John CLOASE, husbandman, of parish of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeild) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C11/1 2 November 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/C11/2 19 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £43 4s 4d (with account of debts of £3 0s 1d) endorsed: [will] proved, 6 May [1609] DPRI/1/1609/C12 William COLLINGWODD, of Weetsledes, parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingewodd DPRI/1/1609/C12/1 4 May 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1609/C13 George CONYERS, gentleman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefield) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C13/1 29 January 1610 will DPRI/1/1609/C14 27 February 1610 Sir John CONYERS, knight, of Sockborne (Sockburne) [Sockburn, County Durham]; also spelt Coniers DPRI/1/1609/C14/1 9 February 1610 inventory Inventory is listed by room, including those of Brian Daniell, young Chipcase [Chipchase] and Raffe Tippin. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Feb 1610. DPRI/1/1609/C15 Nicholas COOKE, yeoman, of Willington, parish of Walsend (Waulsende) [Wallsend, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/C15/1 22 March 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/C15/2 9 July 1609 indented inventory, actual total £32 14s 4d (with account of debts of £28 14s) DPRI/1/1609/C17 Edward COSTON, vicar of Chatton, clerk, of Chatton in the countye of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowleston DPRI/1/1609/C17/1-2 10 January 1599 will DPRI/1/1609/C16 3 February 1610 George COURTEPENNY, of Willington, parish of Branncepeth [Willington, County Durham]; also spelt Courtpeny DPRI/1/1609/C16/1-3 30 January 1610 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/C18 John CRANE, comptroller of Berwick-upon-Tweed, comptroller, of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/C18/1-2 20 December 1607 will will, with (undated) memorandum relating to the settlement of the testator's debts by his son William Crane DPRI/1/1609/C18/3-4 1607 inventory, actual total £185 16s 8d (with account of debts of £210 10s) inventory includes household goods etc. at Tweedmouth DPRI/1/1609/C19 25 November 1609 Raph CRAW, of Shildon, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Shildon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/C19/1 25 August 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/C19/2 25 August 1609 indented copy will endorsed: proved, 25 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/C19/3 8 November 1609 indented inventory, actual total £116 11s 4d (with account of debts of £7 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1609/C20 3 March 1610 John CUNINGHAM, of Middleton One Raw, parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Coningham DPRI/1/1609/C20/1 4 February 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1609/D1 9 February 1610 Richard DACK, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/D1/1-2 1609 indented inventory of debts Inventory of debts owing to the deceased. Endorsed: administration granted, 9 Feb [1610]; exhibited, 2 Mar [1610]. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 97-99 DPRI/1/1609/D2 9 February 1610 Ralphe DALLIVAL, gentleman, of North Sheles in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Tynmouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Dallivaile, Delavell DPRI/1/1609/D2/1-2 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/D3 27 May 1609 Cuthbert DAVYSON, labourer, of Urputh of the parishe of Chester in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Davysonne, Davison DPRI/1/1609/D3/1 21 March 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/D3/2 18 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £14 3s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 5s 10d) endorsed: administration granted, 27 May 1609 DPRI/1/1609/D4 29 July 1609 Robert DENT, of Darneton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham] Inventory is endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the former is not present. DPRI/1/1609/D4/1 12 June 1609 indented inventory endorsed: [will] proved, 29 July 1609 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 95 DPRI/1/1609/D5 17 June 1609 William DODD, servant to William Hutchinson of Humshaugh, servant, of Humshaughe in the parish of Simondburne (Symondburne, Simonborn) [Humshaugh, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/D5/1-2 9 November 1608 nuncupative will with inventory, 9 November 1608, actual total £14 13s endorsed: proved, 17 June 1609 DPRI/1/1609/D6 Marie DONKIN, wife and an executor of Henry Donkin of Norton, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Donken, Donkyn, Donkan DPRI/1/1609/D6/1-2 undated account, actual total £129 9s 4d (with discharge of £28 12s 6d) with account, undated, actual total £126 12s 4d (with discharge of £76 8s 8d) Account of James Rand, prebendary of Durham, the tutor and administrator for the use of four named children, the co-executors (with their mother) of their father's estate: (1) account of the estate of Henry Donkin, with allocation of the thirds; (2) account of the estate of Mary Donkin, with allocation of the children's shares. The final balance of the combined accounts is recorded as £120 14s 8d [?recte £123 14s 8d]. Subscribed: Mr Rand [accountant] sworn, 20 May 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 20 May 1609. DPRI/1/1609/D7 Jane DUNNE, widow, of the Loningburne and parishe of Ellesdone (Elsden, Ellesden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn DPRI/1/1609/D7/1 19 September 1603 will DPRI/1/1609/D7/2 25 March 1609 inventory, actual total £3 DPRI/1/1609/E1 27 May 1609 Ralphe ELSTOBBE, gentleman, of Foxton in the parishe of Sedgeffiede (Sedgefeild) and countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb DPRI/1/1609/E1/1 23 May 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 May [1609]; ingrosse this DPRI/1/1609/E1/2 23 May 1609 indented copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 May 1609 DPRI/1/1609/E2 17 June 1609 Nycolas EMERSON, of Brotherley, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/E2/1 27 March 1609 indented will endorsed: proved, 17 June [1609] DPRI/1/1609/E2/2 10 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £88 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 2s) DPRI/1/1609/E3 4 November 1609 William EMMERSON, of Lowhorsley (Loowhorsley, Low Horsley) in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhoop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson DPRI/1/1609/E3/1 26 June 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/E3/4 26 June 1609 copy will endorsed: proved, 4 Nov 1609 DPRI/1/1609/E3/2-3 19 October 1609 inventory, actual total £298 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1609/E4 Luke ERRINGTON, gentleman, of Creswell within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorne [Cresswell, Northumberland]; also spelt Erringtonn DPRI/1/1609/E4/1 11 December 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/E4/2 20 December 1609 inventory, actual total £72 4s 2d (with account of debts of £22 14s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1609/E5 9 April 1608 Bernard EWBANKE, of Raby of the parish of Staindrope (Staindropp, Staindrop) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Ewbancke DPRI/1/1609/E5/3 12 January 1608 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Apr [1608] DPRI/1/1609/E5/1-2 undated account, actual total £152 1s 6d (with discharge of £163 1s 5d) Account of Dorothie Ewbancke, relict; sworn, 8 July 1609. Endorsed: admitted, 15 July 1609. DPRI/1/1609/F1 2 March 1610 Richard FAWCET, rector of Boldon, prebendary of Durham, clerk, of Bowdon (Boldon) [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Fawsett, Fawcett DPRI/1/1609/F1/1-3 17 January 1610 will DPRI/1/1609/F1/4-6 12 February 1610 inventory, actual total £287 7s 8d (with account of debts of £19 4s 1d) total of debts uncertain: owing by the testator is inferred, rather than owing to the testator DPRI/1/1609/F1/7-9 12 February 1610 indented copy inventory, actual total £287 7s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1609/F1/10 16 February 1610 commission commission to John Hickes MA, rector of Whitburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Ellyner Fawcet relict and Ellyner Newton [daughter] and Jean Southaike [daughter], executors; commission executed by Hickes, 19 Feb 1610 DPRI/1/1609/F2 11 January 1610 Raphe FETHERSTONHAWGHE, of New Parke within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherstonhaugh Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with inventory and bond' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1609/F2/1 27 November 1609 will grant of probate and of tuition made to Elizabeth Fetherstonhawghe, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Philesse Fetherstonhawghe, minor daughter and co-executor, 11 Jan 1610; grant made in the dining chamber of Durham Castle; William Stobbes and Christopher Harreson, sureties Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 45 DPRI/1/1609/F2/2-3 17 December 1609 indented inventory, actual total £821 10s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £294 14s) DPRI/1/1609/F3 William FISHER, of Jarro Coothouse (Jarrow Coate House, Cotthouse) within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/F3/1-2 20 April 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/F3/3-4 20 April 1609 copy will DPRI/1/1609/F3/5 26 April 1609 inventory, actual total £42 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1609/F4 18 November 1609 John FLEMINGE, of parish of Wollsingham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Fleaminge DPRI/1/1609/F4/1-2 10 November 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/F5 Margarit FORSTER, of Balmburgh (Balmebroughe) [Bamburgh, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/F5/1-2 14 July 1609 will witnesses sworn, 11 Aug 1609 DPRI/1/1609/F6 Robert FRISSELL, husband of Elizabeth Frissell, of parish of All Saintes in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/F6/1 undated account Account of Elizabeth Frissell, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 1 July [1609]. DPRI/1/1609/G1 Anne GARNETTE, widow, of Eglesclyfe (Egglescliffe, Eggescliff) in the countie of Durhame [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Garnet, Garnett DPRI/1/1609/G1/1 18 November 1607 will witnesses sworn at Jarrow, 30 Aug 1608 DPRI/1/1609/G1/2 29 August 1608 indented inventory, actual total £80 7s 1d inventoy of goods etc. at canted [auctioned] prices DPRI/1/1609/G3 John GEBSONE, of Gysene within the parish of Shilbotell (Shilbottle) [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson DPRI/1/1609/G3/1-2 24 July 1608 will with inventory, undated, actual total £25 13s 9d (with account of debts of £4) DPRI/1/1609/G4 William GIBSON, of Denwicke (Denwick) in the countye of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/G4/1-2 31 January 1609 will with inventory, undated, actual total £8 DPRI/1/1609/G5 Roger GREEN, yeoman, of Bedlington in the county palatyne of Durham [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Grene DPRI/1/1609/G5/1 10 September 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/G6 24 March 1610 Hue GROSER, of Counscliff [Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Grosser DPRI/1/1609/G6/1 undated inventory Dated, 8 Dec. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 Mar 1610. DPRI/1/1609/G7 23 June 1609 Sir Henry GUAVERA, knight, of Berwicke (Barwicke) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Guevara DPRI/1/1609/G7/1-2 28 May 1609 indented inventory with indented inventory, 29 May 1609, actual total £525 19s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £818 11s 8d) (1) Inventory of goods etc. 'remaining on the ground' at Callaley; (2) goods etc. at Hesleden Rigge. Endorsed: administration granted, 23 June 1609. DPRI/1/1609/G2 Edmund GYBSON, of Longe Howghton (Great Howghton, Longe Houghton) in Northumbria [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibsonn DPRI/1/1609/G2/1 9 November 1607 inventory DPRI/1/1609/H4 10 February 1610 John HAKINS, of chapelry of St Margrettes (Margaret) in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Hawkens, Hawkins DPRI/1/1609/H4/1-2 20 January 1610 will endorsed: proved, 10 Feb [1610]; inventory to be exhibited at the first court after 23 Apr 1609 DPRI/1/1609/H4/3-4 14 February 1610 inventory, actual total £53 14s 2d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 3s 6d) inventory of goods appraised 8 Feb 1610, and auctioned 14 Feb 1610 DPRI/1/1609/H1 Raph HALL, of Greenechesters (Grenechesters) of the parish of Elsden in the countye of Northumberland and libertye of Ridsdale [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/H1/1 26 September 1608 indented will DPRI/1/1609/H1/2 3 February 1609 indented inventory, actual total £34 11s 1d (with account of debts of £19 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1609/H2 Thomas HALL, son of Charles Hall of Newcastle All Saints, mariner, Gaitshead in the countie of Durham, parish of All Santes in Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Halle DPRI/1/1609/H2/1 21 July 1609 indented will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1609/H2/2 undated inventory, actual total £50 18s 5d DPRI/1/1609/H3 John HARDCASTELL, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hardcastle DPRI/1/1609/H3/1-2 28 July 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/H3/3-4 18 August 1608 inventory, actual total £37 4s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 18s 2d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1609/H5 19 January 1610 Robert HEARON, gentleman, Meldon in the countie of Northumberland, parish of St Peter Cornehill in the city and archdeaconry of London [Meldon, Northumberland; St Peter Cornhill, London]; also spelt Heron DPRI/1/1609/H5/1 31 May 1609 copy will with grant of probate, 5 July 1609 with grant of probate, 19 January 1610 (1) copy will; (2) probate granted by the Archdeaconry Court of London to Thomas Lumsden and Josua Delavale, co-executors, with a power reserved to Katherine Hearon, relict and co-executor; (3) probate of the goods within Durham diocese granted to Katherine Hearon, relict and co-executor; Josua Delavale having renounced. DPRI/1/1609/H5/2 21 September 1609 indented inventory, actual total £62 17s 9d DPRI/1/1609/H6 17 February 1610 John HEDWORTHE, gentleman, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth DPRI/1/1609/H6/1-2 6 February 1610 inventory Subscribed: exhibited by Christopher Batmanson on the part of Wilfred Lawson, administrator, 3 Mar 1610. Endorsed: administration granted, 17 Feb [1610]. DPRI/1/1609/H7 24 November 1609 James HOGGE, of parishe of St Johns in Nucastill uppon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/H7/1-2 14 November 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 Nov 1609 DPRI/1/1609/H8 14 October 1609 John HORSLIE, esquire, of Screnwood (Screnewod) [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley, Horseley DPRI/1/1609/H8/1 15 September 1609 inventory Subscribed: sequestration granted to George Horslie, son, 22 Sep 1609; monition decreed to be issued; and with instructions to an officer of the court to bind John Bulwell and Nicholas Atcheson for the sequestration, and to copy the inventory. Endorsed: goods sequestered, 22 Sep [1609]; administration granted, 14 Oct [1609]. DPRI/1/1609/H9 8 July 1609 Thomas HUCHESONNE, of Burne House (Howsse) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson, Huchesone DPRI/1/1609/H9/1 16 April 1609 will endorsed: proved, 8 July [1609] DPRI/1/1609/H9/2 4 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £61 16s (with account of funeral charges of £4) DPRI/1/1609/H10 Johne HUNTRODDS, of Boltonne (Bolton) [Bolton, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntrodes DPRI/1/1609/H10/1 16 June 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/H10/2 undated inventory, actual total £71 14s 11d (with account of debts and legacies of £52 6s 11d) DPRI/1/1609/H11 14 October 1609 Cuthbert HURDDE, yeoman, of Routhsid (Roughsid) in the parishe of Edmundbyers (Edmondbires, Edmondbyers) in the county of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Hurde, Hord, Hurd DPRI/1/1609/H11/1 13 April 1609 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1609] DPRI/1/1609/H11/2 26 April 1609 inventory, actual total £54 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1609/H12 Thomas HUTCHESON, husbandman, yeoman, of Harton within the countye of Durham [Harton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/H12/1 16 October 1607 will DPRI/1/1609/H12/2 3 March 1609 inventory, actual total £129 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1609/H13 Raphe HUTON, pensioner, of broughe of Berwick uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Huttonn DPRI/1/1609/H13/1 27 May 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/K1 20 October 1609 Ralfe KAY, yeoman, of parish of Aickliffe (Aicklicliffe) in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/K1/1 7 September 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/K1/2-3 7 September 1609 inventory, actual total £66 17s 9d (with account of debts of £69 2s 10d) endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1609] DPRI/1/1609/K2 Anthoney KENDELL, gentleman, of Westhall in the countie of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Kendall DPRI/1/1609/K2/1 2 October 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/L1 3 February 1610 Richard LAVRICK, of Usebourne within the parishe of All Hallowes in Newcastell uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Laverock, Lavrick. Died October 1609 Lavrick, his wife and four children all died of the plague some time between the first week and the 18th of October 1609. DPRI/1/1609/L1/1-2 15 September 1609 will with copy inventory, 23 January 1610, actual total £15 endorsed: proved, 3 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/L1/3 23 January 1610 indented inventory, actual total £15 with indented inventory of debts, 5 November 1609, actual total £3 14s 9d (debts) (1) Inventory of household goods etc.; (2) inventory of disbursements laid out for Richard Lavrick, his wife and four children, with entries dating from 8 Sep 1609 to 5 Nov 1609. DPRI/1/1609/L2 Gregorie LAWE, husbandman, of Nethere Connscliff (Nether Conscliffe) in the countie of Duresme, parish of Connscliffe [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham] Lawe's will was proved at York, 8 June 1609 DPRI/1/1609/L2/1 2 April 1609 copy will with grant of probate, 8 June 1609 probate granted by the Prerogative Court of York to Christopher Richardson senior and Francis Richardson, executors; copy certified by Thomas Chaytor, Durham Register DPRI/1/1609/L2/2-4 15 May 1609 copy inventory, actual total £519 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £138 13s 10d) inventory of goods etc. in York and Durham dioceses, at Coniscliffe and Manfield; copy certified by Thomas Chaytor, Durham Register DPRI/1/1609/L3 13 January 1610 Hugh LITTLE, husbandman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Lyttle DPRI/1/1609/L3/1-2 24 December 1609 will endorsed: proved, 13 Jan 1610 DPRI/1/1609/L3/3 24 December 1609 copy will DPRI/1/1609/L3/4-6 8 January 1610 inventory, actual total £204 9s 2d (with account of debts of £25 11s 2d) DPRI/1/1609/L4 5 February 1610 Anne LOCKEY, spinster, of Bishop Auckland, parish of Awckland Saint Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/L4/1-2 2 April 1609 nuncupative will with memorandum, 3 February 1610 Nuncupative will, subscribed with 3 Feb 1610 memorandum of a commission issued to swear the witnesses, and instructing that a citation to account also be issued to the administrator. Endorsed: not issued under the seal. DPRI/1/1609/L4/3 3 February 1610 commission commission to John Fell, curate of Auckland St Andrew, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Fell, 5 Feb 1610 DPRI/1/1609/L5 Lord John LUMLEY, knight, 1st Baron Lumley, husband of Lady Elizabeth Lumley, of Lumley Castle [Lumley, County Durham]. Died 11 April 1609 Date of death drawn from DNB entry (2008). Poorly legible endorsemnents to the will indicate an additional document relating to the probate of the will was once filed with the will and inventory, but is not longer present. DPRI/1/1609/L5/1 28 January 1606 copy will DPRI/1/1609/L5/2-4 24 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £1,404 17s 8d DPRI/1/1609/L5/5 wrapper DPRI/1/1609/L6 Barbary LYSLE, wife of John Lysle of Gosforth gentleman, widow, of Gosforthe in the county of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisley DPRI/1/1609/L6/1-2 7 October 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/M6 20 January 1610 John MAHAM, butcher, of St Hellen Aukland (Awkland) within the county of Durisme [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Maughan DPRI/1/1609/M6/1 2 November 1609 will endorsed: sequestration granted, 20 Jan 1610 DPRI/1/1609/M6/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £16 3s 8d (with account of debts of £7 15s 8d) DPRI/1/1609/M1 Elinor MANWELL, [wife of Thomas Manwell of Newcastle, shipwright], widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Elinor Manwell's husband was probably Thomas Manwell of Newcastle, shipwright: see - DPRI/1/1609/M2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1609/M2/3 DPRI/1/1609/M1/1 30 November 1607 will DPRI/1/1609/M2 Thomas MANWELL, husband of Ellinor Manwell, shipwright, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/M2/1-2 20 February 1606 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1609/M2/3 undated supplementary inventory, actual total £7 4s 8d inventory of goods etc. in the possession of Ellinor Manwell, relict and administratrix, and not included by her in an inventory she exhibited in court DPRI/1/1609/M3 14 October 1609 Gabriell MARLEY, of Hiltone (Hilton) in the parish of Munkewearmouth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Marleye DPRI/1/1609/M3/1-2 20 June 1609 will endorsed: [proved,] 14 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/M3/3-4 20 June 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/M3/5 undated indented inventory, actual total £79 15s 10d (with account of debts and legacies of £40 1s 11d) DPRI/1/1609/M4 1 July 1609 John MARSHELL, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Marshall DPRI/1/1609/M4/1-2 22 April 1609 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 96 DPRI/1/1609/M4/3 9 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £58 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 2s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 1 July 1609 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 96-97 DPRI/1/1609/M5 Roberte MATFEN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Matfenn DPRI/1/1609/M5/1-2 18 February 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/M5/3 10 June 1609 indented inventory, actual total £85 16s 8d Exhibited, 2 Nov 1609. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1609/M8 Anthony MEDFORTHE, gentleman, of Neitherbonston wythin the paryshe of Warkworthe (Warkworth) and in the countie of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Midforth DPRI/1/1609/M8/1 26 January 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/M7 1 April 1609 Richard MERSHALL, of chapelry of Denton [Denton, County Durham]; also spelt Marshall DPRI/1/1609/M7/1-2 19 October 1608 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr [1609] DPRI/1/1609/M9 Anthonie MILBORNE, of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne DPRI/1/1609/M9/1 24 June 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/M9/2 7 August 1609 inventory, actual total £3 10s 10d DPRI/1/1609/M10 Thomas MILBORNE, of parishe of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne DPRI/1/1609/M10/1 18 May 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/M10/2 26 June 1609 inventory, actual total £101 3s 2d DPRI/1/1609/M11 George MORLEY, dyer, of Barwicke (Berwick) uppon Tweade [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/M11/1 October 1604 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1609/M11/2 undated inventory, actual total £96 17s 8d (with account of debts of £39 11s 4d) DPRI/1/1609/M12 John MORRESBY, of chapelrie of Barnardcastle [Barnard Castle, County Durham] See DPRI/4/10 f.139 (10 Feb 1610): in an office cause to render an account, the account of Katherine Morresby, relict and administratrix, is attested by Thomas Allanson and admitted, and letters testimonial are decreed to be issued; with marginal note, 'not issued'; f.232v (12 Oct 1611): letters testimonial issued. DPRI/1/1609/M12/1 undated account Account of Katherin Morresby, relict. Subscribed: Thomas Allenson [a creditor] sworn and letters testimonial decreed, 10 Feb 1610. Endorsed: admitted, 10 Feb [1610]; and admitted, 12 Oct 1611, the administratrix having been sworn. DPRI/1/1609/N1 Cuthbart NICHOLL, yeoman, of Hortonn (Horton) in the county of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/N1/1 14 July 1607 will with inventory, undated, actual total £22 6s 8d (with account of debts of £2 5s) DPRI/1/1609/O1 Thomas OTWAIE, of Preston of the parishe of Tynmouth [Preston, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/O1/1 26 February 1609 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 38-39 DPRI/1/1609/O1/2 24 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £242 5s 8d (with account of debts of £13 16s) DPRI/1/1609/O2 Henry OURD, of parish of All Santes in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourde DPRI/1/1609/O2/1 12 January 1610 inventory endorsed: administration renounced by the deceased's wife DPRI/1/1609/O3 Amor OXLEY, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Oxeley DPRI/1/1609/O3/1 undated inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1609/P1 8 July 1609 Edmonde PAXTON, yeoman, of Easington in the county of Durham [Easington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/P1/1 6 January 1609 will endorsed: proved, 8 July 1609 DPRI/1/1609/P1/2 27 June 1609 indented inventory, actual total £190 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £44 4s) DPRI/1/1609/P2 Margarett PENDRETH, widow, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne in the [countie of] the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Pendrethe DPRI/1/1609/P2/1, 4 2 August 1608 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1609/P2/2-3 28 September 1609 indented inventory, actual total £88 18s 3d DPRI/1/1609/P3 John PILKINGTON, of parish of St Mary in the North Bailey of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham] See DPRI/4/10 f.146v: probate granted to Noah Pilkington and Isaac Pilkington, executors, and inventory exhibited (£134 16s 2d), 23 Mar 1610. See also, Surtees' The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, volume I, p. lxxix: buried at St Mary le Bow in Durham, 25 July 1609. The date of the will is not consistent with the reported date of burial. DPRI/1/1609/P3/1-4 8 February 1610 will will, with list of debts owing by (£26 15s 11d) and owing to (£52 13s 4d) the testator, and with a list of books lent to Pilkington's friends Doctor Hutton, Mr Smarte and others DPRI/1/1609/R1 3 March 1610 John RAWE, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Raw DPRI/1/1609/R1/1 13 February 1610 will probate granted to [George Chilton, Robert Marley and Raphe Rawe] the co-executors, 3 Mar 1610 DPRI/1/1609/R1/2-3 23 February 1610 indented inventory, actual total £197 10s 6d DPRI/1/1609/R2 James RAYMES, gentleman, of South Middellton (Southe Middleton) in the countye of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/R2/1-2 22 January 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/R3 John READ, of Glanton (Glannton) in the parysh of Whyttinghame (Whyttingham, Whittingheam) [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade DPRI/1/1609/R3/1 24 March 1609 will DPRI/1/1609/R3/2 21 April 1609 indented inventory, actual total £18 9s DPRI/1/1609/R4 Henry ROBINSON, merchant, of Chillingham within the countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/R4/1-2 3 June 1609 will with list of debts owing by (£34 10s) and owing to (£4 4s 4d) the testator DPRI/1/1609/R4/3 undated inventory, actual total £27 7s 4d DPRI/1/1609/R5 16 December 1609 Cuthbert ROBSONN, of the Lang Hawghe (Longhaughe) in Tyndell, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson DPRI/1/1609/R5/1-2 10 July 1597 will endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; issued under the seal, 16 Dec [1609] DPRI/1/1609/R5/3 undated inventory, actual total £11 2s DPRI/1/1609/S1 Thomas SALVEN, gentleman, esquire, of Thorneton (Thornton) in the county of Durham, parish of Conscliff [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Salvin DPRI/1/1609/S1/1-2 15 October 1609 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 41-43 DPRI/1/1609/S1/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £452 13s 4d endorsed: exhibited by Stephen Hegg, notary public, who alleges he is the principal creditor of Robert Collingwodd, an executor named in the will of the said Thomas [Salven], 17 Apr 1618 DPRI/1/1609/S2 1 October 1609 William SANDERSON, of chapelry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/S2/1 7 September 1609 will endorsed: proved, 1 Oct [1609] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 39-41 DPRI/1/1609/S2/2 18 September 1609 indented inventory, actual total £42 17s 8d DPRI/1/1609/S3 2 December 1609 William SCURFFEILD, yeoman, of Grindon in the countie of Durham, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild DPRI/1/1609/S3/1 25 November 1607 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 24-25 DPRI/1/1609/S3/2 undated inventory, actual total £27 endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Dec [1609] DPRI/1/1609/S4 2 November 1609 Hughe SELBYE, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie, Selby DPRI/1/1609/S4/1-2 5 October 1608 will DPRI/1/1609/S4/3 5 October 1608 copy will endorsed: proved, 2 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/S4/4-7 23 November 1609 indented inventory, actual total £2,796 19s 10d (with account of debts of £773) inventory of household and shop goods etc.; exhibited, 27 Mar 1610 DPRI/1/1609/S5 23 June 1609 Rauf SHERWOOD, of Mounckton within the parish of Jarro [Jarrow, County Durham]; also spelt Sherewood DPRI/1/1609/S5/1-2 26 February 1609 will in the form of a copy deed of gift Subscribed: concords with the original. Endorsed: administration granted, 23 June [1609]. DPRI/1/1609/S5/3 9 May 1609 inventory, actual total £24 13s 2d DPRI/1/1609/S6 George SIMPSON, husband of Sibill Simpson, of parish of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/S6/1-2 undated account Account of Sibill Simpson, relict and executrix. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1609/S7 Lanclote SMITH, of parish of St Andrew Awckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/S7/1 25 June 1609 inventory endorsed: administration not granted; exhibited by the wife of the deceased upon her renunciation DPRI/1/1609/S8 15 July 1609 Symond SMYTHE, of parishe of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1609/S8/1 13 June 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 15 July [1609] DPRI/1/1609/S9 7 October 1609 Edward SOMERSON, husbandman, of Muglswicke (Muggleswicke) Parke within the countie of Durham [Muggleswick, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/S9/1 9 May 1609 indented will DPRI/1/1609/S9/2 23 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £80 10s 10s (with account of a debt of £2) endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/S10 18 December 1609 John SOULBIE, of parish of Riton (Ryton, Rytonn) [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/S10/1-2 3 May 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Dec [1609] DPRI/1/1609/S10/3-4 3 May 1609 inventory DPRI/1/1609/S11 3 March 1610 Edward SPARK, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Sparke DPRI/1/1609/S11/1 26 September 1609 will endorsed: proved, 3 Mar 1610 DPRI/1/1609/S11/2-3 15 February 1610 inventory, actual total £179 16s 11d DPRI/1/1609/S12 Thomas SPEAD, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Spede DPRI/1/1609/S12/1-2 29 December 1608 inventory endorsed: [administration] renounced DPRI/1/1609/S13 3 February 1610 Anthonye STOKOE, of parishe of Newbroughe [Newbrough, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/S13/1 undated account Account of William Stokoe, son. Endorsed: admitted, 3 Feb 1610. DPRI/1/1609/S14 6 May 1609 Anne SWIFT, widow, of the South Bayliffe in the citie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Swifte DPRI/1/1609/S14/1-2 13 November 1607 will will, dated 12 Nov 1607 at head, and published 13 Nov 1607 DPRI/1/1609/S14/3 8 January 1609 inventory, actual total £139 14s 6d probate granted to Anne Heg[g], [daughter and] executrix, and inventory exhibited, 6 May 1609 DPRI/1/1609/T1 15 July 1609 William TAILOR, yeoman, of the Stowhouse Milne within the parish of Lanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/T1/1-2 22 May 1609 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1609/T1/3 29 May 1609 indented inventory, actual total £105 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 2s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 15 July [1609] DPRI/1/1609/T2 2 November 1609 Lawrence THOMPSON, house-carpenter, of parish of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/T2/1-2 26 August 1609 will endorsed: proved, 2 Nov 1609 DPRI/1/1609/T2/3 30 October 1609 indented inventory, actual total £8 4s 10d DPRI/1/1609/T4 28 October 1609 John THOMSON, of Windleston Milne within the parish of St Andrew Awkland (Awckland) (parish of Merrington) [Windlestone, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1609/T4/1-2 8 October 1609 will proved, 28 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/T4/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £25 7s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 8s) DPRI/1/1609/T5 8 April 1609 Thomas THORPE, yeoman, of parish of Elton in the countye of Duresme [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Thorp DPRI/1/1609/T5/1-2 3 January 1609 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr 1609 DPRI/1/1609/T5/3 21 January 1609 inventory, actual total £64 11s 8d (with account of debts of £12) DPRI/1/1609/T5/4 21 January 1609 indented copy inventory, actual total £64 11s 8d (with account of debts of £12) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Apr 1609 DPRI/1/1609/T6 10 February 1610 Robert TODD, of Frosterley within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/T6/1 10 November 1609 will endorsed: proved, 10 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/T6/2 23 November 1609 inventory, actual total £78 0s 5d DPRI/1/1609/T3 27 January 1610 Robert TOMPSON, of Shildon, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Shildon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/T3/1 7 January 1610 will DPRI/1/1609/T3/3 7 January 1610 indented copy will endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1610] DPRI/1/1609/T3/2 23 January 1610 indented inventory, actual total £73 10s DPRI/1/1609/T7 15 December 1609 Raphe TROLOP, gentleman, of Elvitt within the subburbes of the cittye of Durham, parish of St Oswald [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Trollopp DPRI/1/1609/T7/1-2 11 April 1609 will with inventory, undated, actual total £39 5s 3d (with account of debts of £4 13s 8d) Inventory of debts dated 11 Apr 1609 and supplemented with the household goods at an unknown date. Endorsed: proved, 15 Dec 1609. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 39 DPRI/1/1609/T8 7 October 1609 Robert TURBATTE, yeoman, of Bradbury (Bradbarye, Bradburie) in the county of Durham, parish of Sedgefeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Turbatt, Turbate DPRI/1/1609/T8/1 27 May 1609 will endorsed: proved, 7 Oct [1609] DPRI/1/1609/T8/2 17 June 1609 inventory, actual total £128 13s 4d DPRI/1/1609/T8/3 17 June 1609 indented copy inventory, actual total £128 13s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Oct [1609] DPRI/1/1609/W2 John WALES, younger, yeoman, of Dawton in the parishe of Newborne (Newburne) within the countie of Northumberlande [Dalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wailes. Died 8 June 1608 DPRI/1/1609/W2/1 May 1608 indented will Will, 'made ... in the latter ende of May last', and transcribed 16 June 1608. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1609/W2/2 16 June 1608 indented inventory, actual total £30 15s 10d (with account of debts of £2 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1609/W3 Elspeth WALLAS, of Ewart, parish of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Walles DPRI/1/1609/W3/1 8 February 1607 will DPRI/1/1609/W3/2 undated inventory, actual total £25 0s 10d DPRI/1/1609/W4 William WALTON, son, heir and executor of Richard Walton of Durham, draper, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/W4/1 undated inventory inventory of bonds and bills DPRI/1/1609/W5 17 June 1609 Raphe WATSON, of Longley in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/W5/1 27 May 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 June 1609 DPRI/1/1609/W6 29 April 1609 Thomas WAUBANKE, of Persbrigg (Pearcebridge) of the parishe of Gainforth within the countie of Durham [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Wawbancke, Wawbanck DPRI/1/1609/W6/1-2 2 June 1608 will endorsed: proved, 29 Apr [1609] DPRI/1/1609/W6/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £56 4s DPRI/1/1609/W1 Thomas WAYLES, ship-carpenter, shipwright, of Sandgayte nighe unto the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Wailes DPRI/1/1609/W1/1 3 November 1609 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 43-45 DPRI/1/1609/W1/2-3 16 November 1609 indented inventory, actual total £83 7s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 6s) DPRI/1/1609/W7 20 January 1610 William WELSH, of Lumley (Lumnley) within the parish of Chester [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Wellsh, Wellshe DPRI/1/1609/W7/1 1608 will endorsed: proved, 20 Jan [1610] DPRI/1/1609/W7/2 1608 copy will endorsed: proved, 20 Jan [1610] DPRI/1/1609/W7/3 29 October 1608 inventory, actual total £54 9s 8d (with account of debts of £9 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1609/W7/4 29 October 1608 indented copy inventory, actual total £54 9s 8d (with account of debts of £9 6s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Jan [1610] DPRI/1/1609/W8 27 January 1610 Michaell WHEATLEY, husbandman, of Shinckcley (Shinckliff) within the countie of Durham of the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Shincliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/W8/1 26 September 1609 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 Jan 1610 DPRI/1/1609/W9 4 November 1609 Raphe WILDE, husbandman, of Pelton of the parish of Chester in the countye of Durham [Pelton, County Durham]; also spelt Wild DPRI/1/1609/W9/1 14 August 1609 will endorsed: proved, 4 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/W9/2-3 30 October 1609 indented inventory, actual total £79 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 16s) DPRI/1/1609/W10 27 October 1609 Giles WILKESON, of Kineteton (Kineton), chapelry of South Gosforth [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkesone DPRI/1/1609/W10/1-2 14 September 1609 inventory administration granted to Jane Wilkeson, relict, who is monished to enter a bond to distribute to the blood relatives of the deceased that portion of the goods as is decreed by the judge, 27 Oct 1609 DPRI/1/1609/W11 Edwarde WILKINSON, carpenter, of parishe of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/W11/1 17 November 1608 will with list of debts owing by (19s 4d) and owing to (£8 13s 8d) the testator DPRI/1/1609/W11/2 undated inventory, actual total £41 6s 8d (with account of debts 16s 2d) debts owing by the testator are not listed; totals indicate the sum of debts owing is 16s 2d DPRI/1/1609/W12 1 July 1609 Francis WILSON, wife of Robert Wilson, widow, of Frosterley, parish of Stanhopp [Frosterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/W12/1-2 18 June 1609 will endorsed: proved, 1 July [1609]; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1609/W13 Anthonye WINSHOPE, yeoman, of Foxholes within the parishe of Felton within the countie of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1609/W13/1 29 December 1608 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1609/W13/2-3 17 January 1609 inventory, actual total £69 4s (with account of debts of £7 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1609/W14 4 November 1609 Richard WORTHIE, of parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/W14/1 29 September 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Nov [1609] DPRI/1/1609/W15 16 February 1610 Laurence WRIGHTE, yeoman, of Hunwick in the parrishe of Saint Andrewe Aukeland and in the countie pallantine of Duresme [Hunwick, County Durham]; also spelt Wright DPRI/1/1609/W15/1 14 July 1607 will DPRI/1/1609/W15/2 30 December 1609 codicil DPRI/1/1609/W15/3 1609 indented inventory, actual total £103 12s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Feb [1610] DPRI/1/1609/W16 29 July 1609 Isabell WRIGHTSON, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1609/W16/1-2 1593 nuncupative will with inventory, undated, actual total £25 8s Subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating to an allegation admitted in relation to the probate of the will of Richard Draver. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 July [1609]. DPRI/1/1609/W16/3 1593 copy nuncupative will with probate records, 1 August 1609 copy nuncupative will; with memorandum of Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, relating that Jane Chapman, universal legatee, will act as executrix DPRI/1/1609/W16/4 15 July 1609 commission commission to James Rand MA, vicar of Norton, and Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Boucke, 25 July 1609 DPRI/1/1609/W16/5 28 July 1609 commission commission to Christopher Boucke, vicar of Billingham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Chapman, daughter [sic]; commission executed by Boucke, 1 Aug 1609 DPRI/1/1609/Y1 Anthonye YOUNGE, husband of Helinor Younge, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Young DPRI/1/1609/Y1/1 undated account account of Helinor Young, relict DPRI/1/1609/Y1/2 wrapper endorsed: [account] admitted, 29 Apr 1609 DPRI/1/1610 Wills etc proved 1610 DPRI/1/1610/A1/1-4 15 March [1610] Awgood, of Stoxfeild [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Allgood (not found in DPRI/4/12A, 12 or 11). Incomplete copy will - first folio is not present. Probate granted to ... Awgood and Robert Awgood, sons and executors, 15 Mar 16... [?1610]. Inventory, undated, actual total £165 14s 6d. Formerly kept at DPRI/1/1620/A6 as date had been taken as 1620. DPRI/1/1610/C1 John CARNABY, of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/C1/1 16 November 1610 inventory DPRI/1/1610/C2 Robert CARNABY, servant to Edward Nixon of Durham City, cordwainer, servant, of Saint Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/C2/1-3 15 November 1610 inventory DPRI/1/1610/C4 26 May 1610 Thomas CARRUDDERS, of Whitborne Mor (Whitburn Moore) in the county of Northumberland, parish of South Gosforth [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Carrodders testator requests his burial at Newcastle St John DPRI/1/1610/C4/1-2 14 April 1610 will probate granted to George Carrodders the elder, 26 May 1610 DPRI/1/1610/C4/3 3 May 1610 inventory, actual total £33 17s 10d DPRI/1/1610/C5 21 April 1610 Isabell CATHRIKE, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Cattricke, Cateryck, Catherick DPRI/1/1610/C5/1 undated [nuncupative] will endorsed: administration granted, 21 Apr [1610] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 103 DPRI/1/1610/C5/2 8 April 1610 inventory, actual total £24 5s 10d (with account of debts of £1 15s) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 104-105 DPRI/1/1610/C6 13 February 1607 28 April 1610 John CATRICK, of chapelry of Woolveston (Woolvestone, Wolveston) in Billingham parishe [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Cattrick, Catricke, Catherick DPRI/1/1610/C6/2 1 January 1607 will with draft inventory, undated, actual total £177 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 12s 4d) will, with list of debts owing by (£3 19s) and owing to (£3 12s 3d) the testator DPRI/1/1610/C6/3 1 January 1607 copy will endorsed: proved, 13 Feb [1607]; in litigation [cancelled]; 'enquire whether the executor be sworn or not', not issued under seal DPRI/1/1610/C6/1 1 January 1607 copy will Copy will, subscribed with cancelled grant of probate. Endorsed: proved, 13 Feb 1607; issued under seal, 28 Apr 1610. DPRI/1/1610/C6/4-5 9 February 1607 indented inventory, actual total £167 16s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1610/K3 7 July 1610 Robert CIRKEHOUSE, of parish of Merrington [Merrington, County Durham]; also spelt Kirkhouse DPRI/1/1610/K3/1-2 14 June 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 7 July 1610 DPRI/1/1610/C7 27 March 1610 Cuthebart COLINGWOOD, of parish of All Santes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood DPRI/1/1610/C7/1-3 23 December 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1610/C8 David COLSON, of Barrasford [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/C8/1 15 April 1610 will will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £7 2s 2d DPRI/1/1610/C8/2 26 June 1610 inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d DPRI/1/1610/C9 15 June 1610 Thomas COOKSONN, mercer, of parish of St Nicholas in the citty of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Cookeson, Cookson DPRI/1/1610/C9/1 14 June 1608 will DPRI/1/1610/C9/2-12 28 June 1608 inventory, actual total £289 15s 1d (with account of debts of £217 4s 4d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: (1) with draft list of debts owing to the testator; (2) [will] proved, 15 June 1610. DPRI/1/1610/C10 21 March 1611 Anthony COWCK, yeoman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cuke, Cuk, Cook, Couk DPRI/1/1610/C10/1-2 11 December 1609 will endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611] DPRI/1/1610/C10/3-5 17 January 1611 inventory, actual total £15 12s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) DPRI/1/1610/C11 Roger CRAGGE, of parishe of Hadon (chapelry of Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/C11/1 14 March 1609 will DPRI/1/1610/C11/2 17 March 1609 inventory, actual total £10 18s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/C12 12 March 1611 William CRAWFOOT, mariner, of Pilgrame Streete, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Crawforth DPRI/1/1610/C12/1 27 October 1606 will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1611 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 16-17 DPRI/1/1610/C12/2-3 14 August 1610 indented inventory, actual total £247 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £82 10s) DPRI/1/1610/C13 Raiphe CRISTON, of parish of Emlton (Emelton) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Christin DPRI/1/1610/C13/1 28 May 1610 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1610/C13/2 23 June 1610 inventory, actual total £54 12s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 15s 1d) DPRI/1/1610/D1 12 March 1611 Thomas DAGGE, blacksmith, of Sandgat within the liberteyes of the towne and county of Newcastill upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dagg DPRI/1/1610/D1/1-2 15 November 1610 will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1610/D1/3 29 November 1610 inventory, actual total £36 5s 11d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1610/D2 George DALTONE, yeoman, of Whickham within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Dallton DPRI/1/1610/D2/1 16 April 1610 indented inventory DPRI/1/1610/D2/2 undated inventory of debts, actual total £47 18s (debts) inventory of debts owing by George Dalton, with a further list of bonds (£105 10s) in which he is surety DPRI/1/1610/D3 12 October 1610 George DAVISONN, labourer, of Morpethe within the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison DPRI/1/1610/D3/1-2 24 December 1609 will endorsed: [cancelled] in litigation; proved, 12 Oct 1610 DPRI/1/1610/D4 Bartholomew DIXON, of Netherwitton [Netherwitton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/D4/1-2 21 March 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/D4/3 1 May 1610 inventory, actual total £18 8s DPRI/1/1610/D5 9 June 1610 William DOCKERRA [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Dockera address uncertain [damage] DPRI/1/1610/D5/1 23 April 1610 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 105 DPRI/1/1610/D5/2-3 May 1610 inventory, actual total £29 9s 5d (with account of debts of £1 12s 11d) endorsed: proved, 9 June 1610 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 105-106 DPRI/1/1610/D6 George DOD, of Greenhaughe [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd DPRI/1/1610/D6/1 10 August 1609 will with inventory, 10 August 1610, actual total £4 15s (with account of debts of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1610/D7 12 May 1610 Edward DODE, of the Spenn within the parishe of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Dodd, Dod DPRI/1/1610/D7/1 30 November 1609 will endorsed: proved, 12 May [1610] DPRI/1/1610/D7/2 12 December 1609 indented inventory, actual total £106 8s 6d (with account of debts of £7 10s 10d) DPRI/1/1610/D8 12 May 1610 Rowland DUN, yeoman, of Coplaw in Aklife parish in the county of Durham [Woodham, County Durham]; also spelt Dunne DPRI/1/1610/D8/1-2 30 April 1610 will endorsed: proved, 12 May 1610; also endorsed with the names of the widow and five children DPRI/1/1610/D8/3 undated inventory, actual total £80 7s 6d DPRI/1/1610/E1 21 July 1610 Cuthbert EMERSON, of Earnewell in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/E1/1-3 18 March 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 July 1610 DPRI/1/1610/E2 20 October 1610 Edwarde EMMERSONNE, husbandman, of parish of Stranton (Stramton) in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Emmerson DPRI/1/1610/E2/1 28 June 1610 indented will endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1610] DPRI/1/1610/E2/2 28 September 1610 indented inventory, actual total £128 5s 10d (with account of debts of £77 15s) DPRI/1/1610/E3 John EMSALL, vicar of Lesbury, clerk, of Lesburye (Lesburie) [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Empsall DPRI/1/1610/E3/1-2 29 June 1609 will with inventory, 1609, actual total £71 0s 8d inventory dated, 23 ...ber 1609 [damage] DPRI/1/1610/E4 12 March 1611 Thomas ERRINGTON, clock-maker, smith, of towne of Newcastelle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Erringtone DPRI/1/1610/E4/1 4 February 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 12 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1610/E5 Alexander ERRINTONN, of parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Errington DPRI/1/1610/E5/1 27 July 1610 inventory DPRI/1/1610/E6 John EWEN, yeoman, of Bowsden in the countye of Northumberland, chapelry of Lowick [Lowick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/E6/1-2 19 April 1609 will DPRI/1/1610/E6/3-4 27 September 1610 inventory, actual total £35 15s 8d DPRI/1/1610/F1 30 October 1610 Christofer FAWELL, husbandman, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/F1/1-2 23 February 1610 will endorsed: proved, 30 Mar [1610] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 107 DPRI/1/1610/F1/3-4 8 March 1610 inventory, actual total £38 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 17s 4d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 107-109 DPRI/1/1610/F2 11 June 1610 George FENWICKE, of Prestwick (Prestwicke) in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick Probate act not found in June 1610 (DPRI/4/10A) or 1611 (DPRI/4/10B). DPRI/1/1610/F2/1-2 12 February 1610 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£17 9s 4d) and owing to (£1 0s 8d) the testator. Dated in the New Style? Endorsed: proved, 11 June [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/F2/3 4 April 1611 inventory, actual total £24 15s DPRI/1/1610/F3 1 March 1611 Oswould FENWICKE, of chapelry of Cramlingtone [Cramlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1610/F3/1 3 December 1610 will endorsed: proved, 1 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1610/F3/2 17 December 1610 inventory, actual total £44 16s (with account of debts of £23 15s 5d) endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1610/F4 Widget FENWICKE, of North Middleton in the parish of Hartborne, Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1610/F4/1 16 March 1610 will with inventory, undated, actual total £12 (with account of a debt of £2) DPRI/1/1610/F5 16 June 1610 John FEWLER, elder, yeoman, of chapelry of Stockton within the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/F5/1-2 22 May 1610 will endorsed: proved, 16 June [1610] DPRI/1/1610/F5/3 30 May 1610 inventory, actual total £63 8s 4d (with account of debts of £2 2s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/F6 Thomas FORSTER, of Edderstonn (Edderstonne), Beidnell (Beadnell) [Beadnell, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/F6/1 28 December 1608 will DPRI/1/1610/F7 2 March 1611 Isabell FRANCHE, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt French DPRI/1/1610/F7/1-2 26 February 1611 inventory Inventory includes the funeral expenses of Isabell Franche's husband. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1611]. DPRI/1/1610/F8 10 May 1611 John FREIND, yeoman, of Haltwesell (Hawtwesell) with in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Freinde DPRI/1/1610/F8/1 31 January 1611 will endorsed: proved, 10 May [1611] DPRI/1/1610/F8/2 22 February 1611 inventory, actual total £17 16s 4d DPRI/1/1610/G1 28 April 1610 Edward GEDLING, of Raby within the parishe of Staindrope (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Gedlinge DPRI/1/1610/G1/1 17 February 1610 indented will endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1610] DPRI/1/1610/G1/2-3 24 February 1610 indented inventory, actual total £47 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 7s 4d) DPRI/1/1610/G2 13 October 1610 John GIBSON, of towen and parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/G2/1-2 28 March 1610 will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1610 DPRI/1/1610/G2/3 20 September 1610 inventory, actual total £220 3s 4d inventory of goods etc. at Longnewton, Hutton Henry and Billingham DPRI/1/1610/G3 18 December 1610 Edward GOFTON, yeoman, of Eland Hall in the county of Northumberland, parish of Pont Eland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Goftonn, Goffton DPRI/1/1610/G3/1-2 19 January 1610 will endorsed: proved, 18 Dec [1610] DPRI/1/1610/G3/3 6 August 1610 indented inventory, actual total £40 17s 4d DPRI/1/1610/G4 8 December 1610 Margaret GOODCHILD, daughter and administratrix of John Goodchild, of Ryhope (Rihopp) in the parishe of Bisshope Wermoth (Wermouth) [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Goodchilde DPRI/1/1610/G4/1 19 September 1610 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 47-48 DPRI/1/1610/G4/2 undated inventory, actual total £80 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 10s) Inventory of Margaret Goodchild's portion and administrator's part of her deceased father John Goodchild's estate. Endorsed: proved, 8 Dec [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/G5 May 1610 Thomas GRANGER, minister of Castle Eden, clerk, of parish of Castle Eden [Castle Eden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/G5/1-2 3 July 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, ... May [1610] DPRI/1/1610/G6 21 April 1610 Richard GRAY, of Trimdon [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Graye DPRI/1/1610/G6/2 12 January 1610 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 21 Apr [1610] DPRI/1/1610/G6/1 16 April 1610 inventory, actual total £5 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/G7 20 December 1610 Umphray GRENE, yeoman, of Rothbury (Rothberie) Forrest in the county of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/G7/1 16 August 1609 will with codicil, 6 November 1610 with codicil, undated The codicil of 6 Nov 1610 appears to relate merely to the change of three to four years in lines 19 and 20; this codicil subsequently was voided. DPRI/1/1610/G7/2 18 December 1610 inventory, actual total £25 10s (with account of debts of £15 19s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Dec [1610] DPRI/1/1610/G8 John GRENWELL, vicar of Edmundbyers, clerk, of parishe of Edmondbires (Edmundbiers) [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Grenewell DPRI/1/1610/G8/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1610/H1 Edward HADDLESEY, of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/H1/1-2 16 April 1610 inventory DPRI/1/1610/H1/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £156 17s 11d inventory of debts [?owing to the deceased] DPRI/1/1610/H2 27 November 1610 Ellinor HALL, daughter of William Hall of Greencroft, spinster, of Greencroft within the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H2/1 1 December 1610 inventory Inventory of Ellinor Hall's portion and other rights passing to her by the will of father William Hall; [exhibited] by Raphe Hall. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 Nov [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/H3 1 October 1610 John HALL, the younger, alias Jenkin Hall, of parish of Mideltonn in Tesedale (Middleton in Teasdall) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H3/1 3 February 1610 will Subscribed: at Middleton in Teesdale in the home of Clement Colmore, [Durham Chancellor], [witnesses sworn], 1 Oct 1610. Endorsed: not proved. DPRI/1/1610/H3/2 6 June 1610 inventory, actual total £7 1s 1d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) endorsed: proved at Middleton, 1 Oct 1610 DPRI/1/1610/H4 27 March 1610 Robert HALL, of West Brunton (Bronnton) in the parishe of South Gosfoorth [Gosforth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/H4/1-2 9 December 1609 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£3 7s) and owing by (£1 4s 4d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/H4/3-4 4 January 1610 inventory, actual total £79 10s DPRI/1/1610/H5 16 February 1611 William HARBERT, of Homyers (Howmiers) in the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H5/1-2 31 January 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 16 Feb 1611 DPRI/1/1610/H6 16 February 1611 Bernard HARDING, of Staindrope (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Harden DPRI/1/1610/H6/1 26 April 1610 indented will endorsed: proved, 16 Feb 1611 DPRI/1/1610/H6/2 14 July 1610 indented inventory, actual total £16 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 8s 3d) DPRI/1/1610/H8 12 March 1611 John HARLE, miller, of parysh of St Andrewes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/H8/1 10 October 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 12 Mar 1611 DPRI/1/1610/H9 18 May 1610 William HARPERLEY, yeoman, of Long Newton within the countie of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H9/1 6 June 1609 indented will endorsed: proved, 18 May 1610 DPRI/1/1610/H9/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £93 19s 2d (with account of debts of £32 9s 2d) DPRI/1/1610/H10 2 March 1611 Lancelot HARRISON, of parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham] The interrogatories are endorsed by the probate office: Will ... with Interrogatories and Inventory - the will and inventory are not present. DPRI/1/1610/H10/1 1610 interrogatories Interrogatories, [without responses, relating to a cause to prove the will]. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar 1611. DPRI/1/1610/H11 Nicholas HEARON, of West Awkland, chapelry of Awckland St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H11/1 undated account account of John Hearon, brother; admitted and letters testimonial decreed to be issued, 18 May 1610 DPRI/1/1610/H12 16 March 1611 Jhon HEDLEY, of Bruntemoore of the parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Hedleye DPRI/1/1610/H12/1 31 January 1611 will DPRI/1/1610/H12/2 14 March 1611 inventory, actual total £44 1s (with account of debts of £1 16s) endorsed: administration granted, 16 Mar [1611] DPRI/1/1610/H7 19 December 1610 Edward HERKER, of Stobswood within the chapelrye of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Harker DPRI/1/1610/H7/1 2 March 1610 will endorsed: proved, 19 Dec 1610 DPRI/1/1610/H7/2 17 April 1610 indented inventory, actual total £26 10s 10d DPRI/1/1610/H13 Richard HODGSHON, yeoman, of Stamfforde (Stanford), parish of Emelton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodshon DPRI/1/1610/H13/1-2 20 April 1609 will with inventory, undated, actual total £23 14s (with account of debts of £4 5s 5d) DPRI/1/1610/H14 13 October 1610 John HOPPER, of the Dike in the parishe of Meddomsley (chapelry of Meddomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H14/1-2 20 June 1610 will with inventory, 5 October 1610, actual total £40 10s 4d endorsed: proved, 13 Oct [1610] DPRI/1/1610/H15 2 March 1611 John HUCHINSON, of Killerbie in the parishe of Heighington in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1610/H15/1 10 January 1611 will endorsed: proved, 2 Mar [1611] DPRI/1/1610/H15/2 undated inventory, actual total £254 14s 7d DPRI/1/1610/H16 9 January 1611 Robert HUTTON, parson of Haughton le Skerne, clerk, of Haughton within the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/H16/1 27 December 1610 will will, with incomplete list of debts owing by the testator of £40 and more; witnesses sworn and sequestration granted to the executors, 9 Jan 1611 DPRI/1/1610/H16/2-5 2 January 1611 indented inventory, actual total £424 14s 10d DPRI/1/1610/J1 7 July 1610 Raiphe JACKSON, of Billeraw (Bille Rawe), parish of Branncepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/J1/1-2 25 May 1610 will endorsed: proved, 7 July [1610] DPRI/1/1610/J1/3 12 June 1610 inventory, actual total £104 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 0s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/J2 3 November 1610 Thomas JONSON, weaver, of Elvet (Elvitt) within the parish of St Oswoldes within the subburbes of the cittye of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Janson, Johnson DPRI/1/1610/J2/1-2 29 September 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/J2/3-4 31 October 1610 inventory, actual total £22 19s 4d Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 3 Nov 1610. DPRI/1/1610/C3 Georg KARE, of Berrington in the parishe of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Carr DPRI/1/1610/C3/1-2 December 1609 will with inventory, December 1609, actual total £33 1s 6d (with account of debts of £13 7s 8d) The list of debts is contemporaneous with the will, and while the inventory of goods is undated the debts are tallied with the goods in the inventory total. DPRI/1/1610/K1 27 October 1610 John KELL, slater, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Kell died of the plague. DPRI/1/1610/K1/1-2 22 August 1610 will endorsed: proved, 27 Oct 1610 DPRI/1/1610/K1/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £36 4s 10d DPRI/1/1610/K2 20 December 1610 John KENNYTYE, yeoman, of Falladon (Fallodon, Falladonn) in the parishe of Embleton (Emelton, Emmelton, Emiltonn) and countye of Northumberlande [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Kennyty DPRI/1/1610/K2/1 26 September 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/K2/3 12 November 1610 inventory, actual total £64 19s (with account of debts of £6 10s) DPRI/1/1610/K2/2 16 November 1610 commission commission to Martin Liddell, vicar of Ellingham, and John Willes, curate of Alnwick, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wills, [28 Nov 1611] DPRI/1/1610/K2/5-6 28 November 1610 depositions Depositions of two witnesses and the servant of the testator, taken by John Wills, [curate of Alnwick]. Endorsed: issued under the seal, 20 Dec [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/K2/4 30 November 1610 commission commission to John Willes, curate of Alnwick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Kennytie relict and Nicholas Kennytie son, exeuctors; commission executed by Wills, 5 Dec 1610 DPRI/1/1610/L1 21 March 1611 Henry LAWSON, keelman, of Sandegate (Sandgate) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/L1/1-2 23 January 1610 copy will endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611] DPRI/1/1610/L2 Cuthbridge LEECH, alias Brooke, wife of Allan Leech, widow, of Bridgegate within the town of Berwick (parish of Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Leache, Leeche. Died 6 February 1610 See DPRI/4/10 f.196 (16 Mar 1610). Further entries appear to exist in DPRI/4/10, but a damaged index lacks page numbers. (FG) DPRI/1/1610/L2/3-4 3 March 1610 inventory (Incomplete) inventory of goods etc. in the possession of James Burrell esquire, mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and which inventory was appraised by four bailiffs at the direction of the said mayor; inventory includes some items pawned by various persons. Endorsed: 1609; James Burrell, mayor of Berwick, sequestrator. DPRI/1/1610/L2/5-6 7 March 1610 depositions depositions of William Brook, Elizabeth Brook and Anne Umphra [Humphray], concerning the deceased's kin relation with the Brook family DPRI/1/1610/L2/7-8 7 March 1610 letter letter from Richard Smithe, A Knowsley and Gilbert Durie concerning the non-execution of a commission issued to them to grant a sequestration and execute a bond; Richard Burrell, mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the intended sequestrator, having delayed the matter pending further direction from Durham; endorsed with direction to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor DPRI/1/1610/L2/1-2 undated allegation Allegation concerning the nuncupative will of Cuthbridge Leech, made 23 Apr 1609 and 2 Feb 1610. Endorsed: in litigation. DPRI/1/1610/L2/9 undated inventory, actual total £23 16s 6d with inventory, undated, actual total £4 8s with agreement of administrators, 16 February 1611 (1) inventory of goods etc. purloined by Edward Frost and his wife, and by Christopher Thorneton and his wife now deceased, the latter goods are delivered to John Wills, curate of Alnwick (£23 13s 6d); (2) inventory of goods etc. purloined by Christable Willson, servant to Mrs Leach (£4 8s); exhibited by Richard Skyers, 16 Feb 1611; (3) agreement between George Leech and Richard Skiers concerning Leech's recovery and administration of the estate (excluding her houses at Berwick), and their equal division of such goods and costs between them DPRI/1/1610/L3 John LILE, of Rock [Rock, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle DPRI/1/1610/L3/1-2 1609 will with inventory, undated, actual total £18 15s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 14s 8d) dated, 22 Nov or Dec 1609 DPRI/1/1610/M1 Roger MILBURNE, of Morpeth in the countie of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/M1/1 undated nuncupative will dated, 19 Oct ... [damage] DPRI/1/1610/M2 2 June 1610 Michaell MOWBRAY, of Frosterley in the parishe of Stanhop [Frosterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/M2/1-2 16 February 1610 copy will with will, 16 February 1610 endorsed: proved, 2 [?June 1610] DPRI/1/1610/M2/3 23 May 1610 inventory, actual total £40 14s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s 10d) DPRI/1/1610/O1 Elizabeth OXLEY, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] testator requests to be buried at Newcastle All Saints DPRI/1/1610/O1/1 12 June 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/O1/2 20 February 1611 indented inventory, actual total £20 13s 5d (with account of debts of £5 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1610/P1 Doritie PINKNAY, gentlewoman, widow, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Pinknaye, Pinckneye, Pinckney, Pinkney testator requests to be buried at Longnewton DPRI/1/1610/P1/1 12 January 1611 will DPRI/1/1610/P1/2 15 March 1611 inventory, actual total £59 12s 6d DPRI/1/1610/P1/3 6 April 1611 commission Commission to Martin Harrisonn, curate of Sadberge, to (1) execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the will of Dorothy Pinknay to Christopher Pinknay son, and Margerie Pinknay daughter, the executors, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; the court having been informed by Christopher Hall of the executors' inability to appear at court themselves; (2) to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration of the will of Lawrence Langley of Middleton St George to Margaret Langley, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will. [An endorsement to the will of Lawrence Langley indicates the commission had been executed by 9 Apr 1611 when probate was granted.] Subscribed: concords with the decree, Thomas Chaytor, notary public and Durham Register. For the will and inventory of Lawrence Langley, see - DPRI/1/1611/L2/1-2 - DPRI/1/1611/L2/3 DPRI/1/1610/R1 21 March 1611 John RAND, skinner, glover, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/R1/1-2 2 April 1610 copy will endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1611] DPRI/1/1610/R2 Christopher READSHAWE, of Brekingsid (Brekinsid) in the parishe of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/R2/1 23 March 1610 indented will DPRI/1/1610/R2/2-3 25 April 1610 indented inventory, actual total £160 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1610/R3 31 March 1610 John READSHAWE, of Peddomsake (Peddomsid) and in the parishe of Edmondbires [Edmundbyers, County Durham]; also spelt Readshaw DPRI/1/1610/R3/1 9 November 1609 will endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1610 DPRI/1/1610/R3/2 undated inventory, actual total £33 12s (with account of debts of £2 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/R4 Agnes ROBINSON, widow, of Chiltone (Chilton) [Chilton, County Durham]; also spelt Robinsone DPRI/1/1610/R4/1 undated will Will, dated 15 June. Subscribed: monition issued against Thomas, Katherine and Elizabeth Robinson, [children], 24 Nov 1610. DPRI/1/1610/R4/2 22 November 1610 indented inventory, actual total £30 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1610/R5 17 November 1610 George ROBSON, of Bladon (Blaidon) in the parish of Ryton within the county palatine of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/R5/1 29 June 1610 will endorsed: proved, 17 Nov 1610 DPRI/1/1610/R5/2 31 October 1610 indented inventory, actual total £5 0s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 4s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/R6 Lyonell ROBSONNE, of Chyrden [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Robsonn. Died 25 December 1609 DPRI/1/1610/R6/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1610/R7 William ROPSON, yeoman, of parish of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson Robson died of the plague. DPRI/1/1610/R7/1 10 May 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/R7/2 10 May 1610 nuncupative codicil subscribed: exhibited, 16 Feb 1611 DPRI/1/1610/R7/3-4 11 June 1610 inventory with inventory, 14 February 1611, actual total £83 2s 3d (with account of debts and legacies of £38 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/S1 John SHAW, yeoman, of Blith Nouck (Blithsnouck) of the parish (chapelry) of Earsden in the county of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/S1/1 undated will DPRI/1/1610/S1/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £37 6s 2d (with account of debts of £10 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1610/S2 21 March 1611 John SHEVELL, smith, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shevill DPRI/1/1610/S2/1 6 September 1610 will endorsed: proved, 21 M[arch 1611] DPRI/1/1610/S2/2-3 January 1611 inventory, actual total £12 11s 5d (with account of debts of £6 7s 11d) DPRI/1/1610/S2/4-6 January 1611 copy inventory, actual total £12 11s 5d (with account of debts of £6 7s 11d) DPRI/1/1610/S3 21 April 1610 Nicholas SIMPSON, of Ulshaw (Ulshawe) in the parish of Esh [Esh, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/S3/1 14 March 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/S3/2 20 April 1610 inventory, actual total £84 3s 6d endorsed: [will] proved, 21 Apr 1610 DPRI/1/1610/S4 6 October 1610 John SINCKLER, tailor, of parish of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/S4/1 30 March 1610 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1610/S4/2 24 September 1610 inventory, actual total £10 13s 4d Date uncertain: 24 Sep 1... [damage]. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Oct 1610. DPRI/1/1610/S5 20 December 1610 Archbald SORESBIE, yeoman, of Ailemouth (Ailmouthe, Alemoth) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Soresbe DPRI/1/1610/S5/1 29 April 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/S5/2 29 April 1610 inventory, actual total £5 19s 3d endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Dec 1610 DPRI/1/1610/S6 18 December 1610 John SOTHEREN, shipwright, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sotheron DPRI/1/1610/S6/1-2 14 October 1609 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Dec 1610 DPRI/1/1610/S7 19 December 1610 Thomas SPRAGGIN, yeoman, of Ogle in the parrishe of Whalton in the countie of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Spraggann DPRI/1/1610/S7/1-2 26 August 1610 will with inventory, 21 September 1610, actual total £61 11s endorsed: proved, 19 Dec 1610 DPRI/1/1610/S8 Peter STAVERT, of Callalye [Whittingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/S8/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1610/S9 20 December 1610 Bartholemew STEELE, saddler, of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Stele DPRI/1/1610/S9/1 22 June 1610 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£23 13s 8d) and owing to (£5 2s and more) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1610. DPRI/1/1610/S10 6 October 1610 John STEVENSON, of Coldehirst (Coldhirst) within the parishe of Hampsterley (chapelry of Hamsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/S10/1 undated will Dated, 1st ... [damage]. Endorsed: proved, 6 Oct [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/S10/2 24 August 1610 inventory, actual total £8 11s 8d DPRI/1/1610/S11 21 September 1610 William STOCK, of Tow Gates in the More Close, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1610/S11/1-2 16 December 1609 will DPRI/1/1610/S11/3 16 December 1609 copy indented will endorsed: proved, 21 Sep [1610] DPRI/1/1610/S11/4 20 September 1610 indented inventory, actual total £414 19s 9d DPRI/1/1610/S12 Clement STROTHER, of Callech Parke in the parish of Alnewick in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/S12/1 25 February 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/T1 Roger TAILOR, miller, of Wooden in the parish of Lesbury and countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/T1/1 4 January 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/T1/2 19 December 1610 indented inventory, actual total £24 9s 10d DPRI/1/1610/T2 William TAILOR, of Ambell (Anbell) within the parish of Warkworth (Warkworthe) [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler DPRI/1/1610/T2/1 8 February 1610 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1610/T2/2 3 March 1610 inventory, actual total £60 1s 2d (with account of debts of £10 14s 9d) DPRI/1/1610/T3 13 October 1610 John TEASDAYLE, yeoman, of Somersyde of the parishe of Wossingham (Wolsingham) in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Teasdaill DPRI/1/1610/T3/1-2 20 June 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/T3/3 2 October 1610 inventory, actual total £140 9s 4d (with account of debts of £12 12s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Oct [1610]. DPRI/1/1610/T4 Robert THOMPSON, of parishe of Hadon (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/T4/1 10 March 1609 will endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1610] DPRI/1/1610/T4/2 17 March 1609 inventory, actual total £19 6s 8d DPRI/1/1610/T4/3 17 March 1609 copy inventory, actual total £19 6s 8d DPRI/1/1610/W1 18 December 1610 Roger WAILES, of Throcklay (Throckley) within the parishe of Newburne (Newburn) in the countie of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Wails DPRI/1/1610/W1/1 15 December 1609 will endorsed: proved, 18 Dec 1610 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 45-46 DPRI/1/1610/W1/2 23 March 1610 inventory, actual total £23 10s 10d (with account of debts of £1 6s 8d) date in Mar 1610 uncertain DPRI/1/1610/W2 Alexander WALLAS, of parishe of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallesse DPRI/1/1610/W2/1 23 September 1608 will DPRI/1/1610/W2/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 11s 8d DPRI/1/1610/W3 28 April 1610 Robert WILKENSON, of Heworth within the parish of Jarro [Heworth, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkinson DPRI/1/1610/W3/1 25 April 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 28 Apr [1610] DPRI/1/1610/W4 16 June 1610 Ralfe WREN, yeoman, of Blackwell within the parish of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Wrene DPRI/1/1610/W4/1 23 May 1610 will DPRI/1/1610/W4/2-3 15 June 1610 inventory, actual total £19 17s 8d (with account of debts of £7 4s) endorsed: [will] proved, 16 June 1610 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 110-111 DPRI/1/1610/Y1 Edward YOUNGE, husband of Elizabeth Younge, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne and parishe of All S[ain]tes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1610/Y1/1-3 1610 inventory Inventory of the goods etc. of Edward Younge and his wife Elizabeth Younge; includes charges for maintaining Edward and Elizabeth Young from 21 Sep 1610 until their deaths, and for maintaining Issabel and Margaret [Younge] for eight weeks from 7 Oct 1610 in 'the tower' [?West Spital Tower]. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1611 Wills etc proved 1611 DPRI/1/1611/A1 22 June 1611 Luce ADDISON, widow, of towne of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Addyson DPRI/1/1611/A1/1-2 11 March 1611 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/A1/3 21 March 1611 indented inventory, actual total 19s 11d (with account of debts of £3 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1611/A2 20 June 1611 Cuthbert ANDERSON, yeoman, of parish of Warkworth in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersonn DPRI/1/1611/A2/1-2 17 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/A2/3 17 June 1611 inventory, actual total £14 2s 6d (with account of debts and legacies of £4 4s) DPRI/1/1611/A3 20 April 1611 George ANDERSON, husband of Margarett Anderson, yeoman, of Birtlye of the parishe of Chester in the county of Durham [Birtley St John, County Durham] For the probate records of Anderson's wife, including accounts of a legacy bequeathed by the testator to his son Richard Anderson, see - DPRI/1/1618/A3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1618/A3/3-4 DPRI/1/1611/A3/1 29 December 1610 will endorsed: proved, 20 Apr [1611] DPRI/1/1611/A3/2 3 April 1611 indented inventory, actual total £39 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/A4 4 October 1611 John ANDERSON, of Barwick uppon the Hill within the parish of Pont Iland [Ponteland, Northumberland]. Died 1603 DPRI/1/1611/A4/1 4 October 1611 inventory Exhibited by Jane Litle, 4 Oct 1611. Endorsed: administration granted, 4 Oct [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/A5 11 January 1612 Richard ANDERSONN, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson DPRI/1/1611/A5/1-2 10 December 1611 inventory Administration granted in the room of Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, to Katherine Anderson, relict, who was bound to distribute the goods between herself, four named children, and other cousins, 11 Jan 1612. Endorsed: [grant of administration] not issued; monition and bond issued, 8 Feb [?1612]. DPRI/1/1611/A6 29 November 1611 Marmaduck ANDREW, yeoman, of Middleton Craw of the parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Andrewe, Andray DPRI/1/1611/A6/1 5 October 1611 will with acquittance, 18 October 1611 Will, with list of debts owing to (£50 16s 3d) and owing by (£12) the testator; and endorsed with acquittance of John Dossey for a £20 debt. DPRI/1/1611/A6/2 undated nuncupative codicil with memorandum, undated (1) nuncupative codicil, dated the same day as the testator died; endorsed with (2) memorandum concerning Andrew's widow's payment of the portion of Constance Stellinge, daughter of William Stellinge, and also concerning the portions of Francis Stellinge and William Stellinge, for which portions Marmaduke Andrew had formerly been bound by the court. DPRI/1/1611/A6/3 15 October 1611 inventory, actual total £357 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 16s 5d) DPRI/1/1611/A6/4-5 undated inventory, actual total £139 9s 4d (with account of grazing and other charges of £9 3s) Inventory of livestock sold at Rotherham and at Wakefield by Richard Mawer. Endorsed: [will] proved, 29 Nov 1611. DPRI/1/1611/A7 28 August 1611 Henry ANTHONY, notary public, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Anthonie DPRI/1/1611/A7/1 16 August 1611 inventory DPRI/1/1611/A7/2 23 August 1611 commission commission to William Morton, archdeacon of Durham and vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Anthonie, relict, for her use and the use of eight named children; [commission executed by Morton, 27 Aug 1611]. Endorsed: administration issued, 28 Aug 1611. DPRI/1/1611/A7/3 27 August 1611 certificate of execution of commission certificate of execution of the commission, and enclosing Katherine Anthony's bond and the inventory; endorsed with direction to Thomas King of Durham, D.D. DPRI/1/1611/A8 Anthonye ARCHER, of Browneside (Broneside) of the parishe of Aldston [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1611/A8/1 27 September 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/A8/2 13 October 1611 inventory, actual total £40 15s DPRI/1/1611/A9 8 December 1611 Annes ATOON, wife of Henry Atoon, widow, of Newbotle, parish of Houghton [Newbottle, County Durham]; also spelt Aton, Ayton DPRI/1/1611/A9/1 9 April 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/A9/2-3 23 October 1611 inventory, actual total £36 19s 6d (with account of debts of 12s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Dec [1611] DPRI/1/1611/A9/4 23 October 1611 indented copy inventory, actual total £36 19s 6d (with account of debts of 12s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Dec [1611] DPRI/1/1611/A10 10 March 1612 John AWD, of Gaitside (Gateshead) Parke within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Awde DPRI/1/1611/A10/1-2 21 August 1610 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1612 DPRI/1/1611/A10/3-4 30 December 1611 inventory, actual total £19 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 8s 10d) DPRI/1/1611/B1 Francis BAMBRIGGE, of parish of Norton (Nortonn) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrige, Bambrig, Bainbrig DPRI/1/1611/B1/1-2 7 June 1611 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£85 14s) and owing by (£9 12s 2d) the testator. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1611/B2 Robart BARKER, weaver, of parish of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B2/1 21 June 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/B2/2 undated inventory, actual total £10 (with account of debts of £2 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1611/B3 18 June 1611 John BARRO, yeoman, of Henshawe of the parishe of Haltwesell (Hawtwesle) in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Barroe, Barrowe DPRI/1/1611/B3/1 17 February 1611 will endorsed: proved, 18 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/B3/2 17 February 1611 inventory, actual total £6 10s (with account of debts of £1 7s) DPRI/1/1611/B4 18 June 1611 Bartholamewe BARROWE, of Birkshawe (Byrkshawe) in the parishe of Hawtwhissel (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B4/1 1 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 18 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/B4/2 13 May 1611 inventory, actual total £14 5s (with account of debts of £1) DPRI/1/1611/B5 John BAXTER, master and mariner, of the North Sheeles (Sheldes, Northe Sheles) [North Shields, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B5/1-2 31 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/B5/3 10 October 1611 inventory, actual total £121 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £27 4s) DPRI/1/1611/B6 22 June 1611 Raphe BLACKAMORE, of Barwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B6/1 22 January 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/B7 Richard BLYTHMANE, butcher, of cyttye of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Blythman, Blithman DPRI/1/1611/B7/1-2 27 February 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/B8 Henry BRANTINGHAME, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Brantingham DPRI/1/1611/B8/1-2 12 August 1611 inventory DPRI/1/1611/B9 27 April 1611 William BRASSE, of Huton Henry in the parishe of Monkhesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/B9/1 6 July 1610 will endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1611] DPRI/1/1611/B12 William BRONE, of Cresswell (Creswell) [Cresswell, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne DPRI/1/1611/B12/1 7 April 1611 inventory DPRI/1/1611/B10 26 April 1611 Lanclott BROWELL, yeoman, of Hadston (Hadstone) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Warkeworthe (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B10/1-2 1611 will endorsed: proved, 26 Apr 1611 DPRI/1/1611/B10/3 18 April 1611 inventory, actual total £141 4s 4d (with account of debts of £29 6s 6d) DPRI/1/1611/B11 22 November 1611 Robert BROWNE, barber, of cyttie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/B11/1 4 November 1611 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Nov [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/B13 William BROWNE, yeoman, of Stickloe within the parishe of Horton (chapelry of Hortonn) and countie of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B13/1 20 November 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/B13/2 10 December 1610 inventory, actual total £15 4s DPRI/1/1611/B14 Nicholas BRYAN, yeoman, of Muncke Warmouth (Weremouthe) in the county of Durham [Monkwearmouth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/B14/1-2 16 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/B14/3-4 24 September 1611 inventory, actual total £227 10s 7d DPRI/1/1611/B14/5 wrapper DPRI/1/1611/B15 20 June 1611 Robert BURRELL, of Est Lilborn (Lilborne) of the parishe (chapelry) of Bewicke [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/B15/1 4 March 1608 will date uncertain DPRI/1/1611/B15/2 undated inventory, actual total £24 19s 4d (with account of debts of £19 3s 8d) endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/C1 Richard CARNABYE, of Throckley within the countye of Northumberland and of the parishe of Newborn (Newburn) [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Carnaby, Carnabie DPRI/1/1611/C1/1 25 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/C1/2 31 August 1611 indented inventory, actual total £44 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 7s 4d) DPRI/1/1611/C2 20 June 1611 Robert CLAVERING, of Lierchild (Lierchilde) of the parish of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/C2/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/C3 21 February 1612 Raiph CLAYTON, husbandman, of Whitton of the parish of Grindon in the countie of Durham [Grindon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C3/1 4 February 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 Feb [1612] DPRI/1/1611/C4 31 August 1611 Sibbell CLIFFE, of parish of Boldon [Boldon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C4/1 6 May 1611 will with memorandum, 31 August 1611 Will, subscribed with memorandum of the witnesses concerning the testatrix's verbal instruction for the payment of the legacies. Endorsed with memorandum relating to a bond, due 3 May 1611. DPRI/1/1611/C4/2-3 10 May 1611 inventory, actual total £148 13s 7d (with account of debts of 15s) endorsed: [will] proved, 31 Aug [1611] DPRI/1/1611/C5 Lawrance COLE, of Law Eighton (Nether Eightonn) within the chapellry of Lamesly (Lamesley) and parish of Chester [Lamesley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C5/1 13 June 1611 nuncupative will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1611/C5/2 6 December 1611 interrogatories with responses, 6 December 1611 interrogatories and responses of Thomas Cole, witness and executor; dated on dorse DPRI/1/1611/C6 22 February 1612 Robart COLLING, of parish of Middleton George [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Collinge DPRI/1/1611/C6/1 17 September 1611 will endorsed: proved, 22 Feb [1612] DPRI/1/1611/C6/2 25 January 1612 inventory, actual total £89 14s 4d (with account of debts of £10 2s 2d) DPRI/1/1611/C6/3 25 January 1612 indented copy inventory, actual total £89 14s 4d (with account of debts of £10 2s 2d) DPRI/1/1611/C7 17 August 1611 Elizabeth COMMIN, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Comyn DPRI/1/1611/C7/1-2 8 August 1611 will endorsed: proved, 17 Aug 1611 DPRI/1/1611/C8 17 August 1611 John CONN, yeoman, of Nether Connslyffe (Connslyf, parish of Connscliffe) in the countye of Durham [Low Coniscliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C8/1 13 January 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/C8/2-3 5 February 1611 inventory, actual total £80 7s 4d (with account of debts of £21 7s) endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Aug [1611] DPRI/1/1611/C9 21 May 1611 Henrie COOKE, of Shearborne (Shereburne), parish of Pittington [Sherburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C9/1-2 7 May 1611 will with inventory, undated, actual total £52 5s 8d (with account of debts of £2) DPRI/1/1611/C9/3 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £52 5s 8d (with account of debts of £2) endorsed: [will] proved, 21 May [1611] DPRI/1/1611/C10 Robert CRESWELL, gentleman, of Ellington (Elington) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorn (Woodhorne) [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Cresswell DPRI/1/1611/C10/1 20 July 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/C10/4 12 October 1610 draft inventory, actual total £82 16s 6d DPRI/1/1611/C10/2 12 October 1610 inventory, actual total £104 6s 2d (and more, with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 3s) DPRI/1/1611/C10/3 12 October 1610 inventory inventory of (unvalued) 'bills and bonds and writings' left in trust to Michael Colman, vicar of Woodhorn and an overseer DPRI/1/1611/C10/5 undated inventory, actual total £31 7s (with discharge of £11 2s 8d) inventory of goods and money received by Cuthbert Creswell, [overseer and tutor of Margerie Creswell, daughter] DPRI/1/1611/C10/6 29 October 1610 inventory, actual total £18 17s 6d (with discharge of £4 16s) inventory of goods received by Henry Blayklock, [overseer and tutor of Dorothy Creswell, daughter] DPRI/1/1611/C10/7-8 29 October 1610 inventory, actual total £17 13s 2d (with discharge of £5 1s 10d) inventory of goods and money received by Michael Colman, [overseer and tutor of Katherine Creswell, daughter] DPRI/1/1611/C10/9 undated inventory (unvalued) inventory of goods received by Margaret Creswell, relict DPRI/1/1611/C11 1 February 1612 Issabell CROOKE, widow, of West Buttesfeild within the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Crok DPRI/1/1611/C11/1 30 January 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 1 Feb [1612] DPRI/1/1611/C12 7 December 1611 William CROOKE, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/C12/1 25 August 1611 will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/C12/2 27 November 1611 inventory, actual total £162 18s 4d DPRI/1/1611/C13 22 June 1611 Agnes CROWE, widow, of borough of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/C13/1-2 4 January 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/C13/3 14 February 1611 inventory, actual total £27 8s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 22 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/C14 Andrewe CROWE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwick (Barwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/C14/1-2 2 July 1611 inventory endorsed: commission for administration etc. Agnes Craw [?executor] wife; two children named; also endorsed with a list of names DPRI/1/1611/D1 Jane DACKE, widow, of Murton in the countie of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/D1/1-2 30 January 1612 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1611/D3 8 November 1611 Robert DALLAMOND, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/D3/1-3 20 August 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Nov 1611 DPRI/1/1611/D2 23 November 1611 George DAYLE, of parish of Dalton [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Daile DPRI/1/1611/D2/1 4 November 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 23 Nov [1611] DPRI/1/1611/D4 Anthony DELAVALE, of North Sheildes (Sheles) [North Shields, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/D4/1 23 March 1610 indented inventory DPRI/1/1611/D6 Anthony DENNIS, mercer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/D6/1-3 25 August 1610 indented inventory Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 111-117 DPRI/1/1611/D7 25 May 1611 Christofer DENT, of Strickley Parke, Langley in the parishe of Staindroppe (Stainedrope, Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Dente DPRI/1/1611/D7/1-2 16 June 1609 will endorsed: proved, 25 May [1611] DPRI/1/1611/D7/3 29 April 1611 inventory, actual total £71 19s 9d DPRI/1/1611/D8 19 June 1611 Jaine DIXSON, of Rodely in the parish of Hartborne (Hartburne, Hartburn) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Dixon DPRI/1/1611/D8/1 8 May 1611 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1611/D8/2 1611 inventory, actual total £3 14s 6d endorsed: administration granted, 19 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/D9 29 June 1611 Christofer DUN, son of James Dun of Durham City, a minor, of citie of Durisme [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Dunn Dun died a minor under the tuition of Robert Throckmorton, vicar of Aycliffe and the surviving executor of Dun's father James Dun. DPRI/1/1611/D9/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/D5 Christopher DYNYNGE, shipwright, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne of the parishe of All Sayntes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Dyning, Denninge. Died 20 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/D5/1-2 9 July 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1611/E1 Elizabeth EWBANKE, wife and executrix of Richard Stobert, [first] wife of Tobie Ewbanke [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Ewbanck, Ewbancke. Died August 1611 Ewbanke's husband alleged that she did not obtain his consent in drawing up her will. In her will Ewbanke bequeaths only those goods of her former husband as were then still unadministered to her daughter, and appoints her former husband's parents-in-law Stephen Hegg and Anne Hegg as her daughter's tutors. See also, Surtees Society vol.142, p189 (fn): Ewbanke was the daughter of Richard Walton; baptised 24 Nov 1584 at Durham St Nicholas; married Richard Stobert 9 June 1607 at Durham St Mary the Less; Stobert was buried 18 Apr 1610 at Durham St Mary the Less; Elizabeth Stobert married Toby Ewbank 25 Apr 1611 at the same church; buried 25 Aug 1611 at Durham Abbey. For the will of Richard Stobert, extracted 5 May 1614, see DPRI/2/6 f.261-262. DPRI/1/1611/E1/1-2 1 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/E1/3-4 12 October 1611 allegation Allegation of Tobie Ewbanke gentleman, husband, informing the court of his interest in the probate of the will, and alleging his wife did not obtain his consent in making her will. Endorsed: exhibited, 12 Oct [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/F1 12 October 1611 Roberte FELL, husbandman, of Dalton in the countie of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/F1/1 4 August 1611 copy will with grant of probate, 12 October 1611 probate granted to Robert Fell and Margaret Fell, son and daughter, the executors DPRI/1/1611/F1/2 17 September 1611 inventory, actual total £245 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £39 12s 1d) inventory includes goods etc. at Ryhope DPRI/1/1611/F2 29 November 1611 Agnes FENWICK, wife of Martin Garnitt, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, widow, Buckton in the countie of Norham and Ilandshire, chapelry of Kyloo, Berwick [Kyloe, Northumberland; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke DPRI/1/1611/F2/1 undated will Date of will illegible. Endorsed: proved, 29 Nov 1611. DPRI/1/1611/F2/2 6 April 1611 inventory, actual total £91 17s 5d DPRI/1/1611/F2/3-4 10 January 1612 inventory Inventory of bills and bonds (1569-1599) for 156 barrels of salmon due to Martin Garnitt alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and which first came into the possession of Agnes Fenwick his widow and executrix, and then passed to Robert Garnitt, the executor of Agnes Fenwick. For the will of Fenwick's husband Martin Garnitt (Garnett), proved in 1582, see - DPRI/1/1582/G2/1-4 DPRI/1/1611/F3 10 March 1612 Richard FLETCHER, weaver, of towne of Newcastle, parish of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/F3/1 12 March 1611 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1612 DPRI/1/1611/F3/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £11 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 5s 6d) DPRI/1/1611/H1 6 December 1611 Francis HALL, gentleman, of Newsham (Newsam) [Egglescliffe, County Durham] see DPRI/4/10 f.243v: imperfect inventory exhibited, and administration granted to Christopher Hall, son, also for the use of nine other named minor children; Christopher Hall also appointed tutor to his nine siblings, 6 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H1/1-2 28 November 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1611/H2 19 July 1611 John HALL, of Colwelhill within the parishe of Elsden (Elsdenn) [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H2/1 16 July 1611 inventory administration granted to William Hall, son; bound according to order of the judge, 19 July 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H3 17 December 1611 John HALL, of Hely (Heley) within the chappelry of Netherwitton, within the parish of Hartburne [Netherwitton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H3/1-2 27 September 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/H3/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £25 6s Inventory dated, 3 Oct [?1611]. Endorsed: proved, 17 Dec 1611. DPRI/1/1611/H4 26 April 1611 Richard HALL, miller, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H4/1 30 March 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Apr 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H5 Roberte HALL, the elder, yeoman, of Whittleye (Whitleye) in the parishe of Tynmuthe (Tynemouth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H5/1 14 February 1610 will dated 13 or 14 Feb 1610 DPRI/1/1611/H5/2 2 July 1610 inventory, actual total £65 6s 8d DPRI/1/1611/H6 19 June 1611 William HALL, of Fawneclewgh (Fawnecleughe, Farnycleugh, Fawnecleugh) in the parish of Ellisden (Elisdenn, Elsden, Elsdenn) [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H6/1-2 3 March 1607 will endorsed: proved, 19 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H6/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £7 3s 4d DPRI/1/1611/H7 Roger HARELL, of parish of Sent John, town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Harle DPRI/1/1611/H7/1 10 May 1611 inventory endorsed: [administration] renounced, 25 May 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H9 6 July 1611 John HARTBOURNE, yeoman, of Carelton (Carlton) in the parishe of Reedemarshall (Readmarshall) in the countie of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Hartburne, Harborn DPRI/1/1611/H9/1-2 21 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H9/3-4 6 June 1611 inventory, actual total £261 18s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £67 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/H10 11 June 1611 John HASWELL, smith, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/H10/1 June 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H12 William HEIGHINGTON, of Merringt[on] [Merrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/H12/1 11 February 1612 inventory DPRI/1/1611/H11 26 October 1611 Christofer HEIGHINTON, of Morden, parish of Sedgefeild [Morden, County Durham]; also spelt Heighington DPRI/1/1611/H11/1 undated will DPRI/1/1611/H11/2 24 August 1611 inventory, actual total £30 3s 4d DPRI/1/1611/H11/3 24 August 1611 indented copy inventory, actual total £30 3s 4d endorsed: proved, 26 Oct [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H8 John HERRESON, of Slaggieford (Slaggiford), Knarsdale [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison DPRI/1/1611/H8/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1611/H13 James HESLOP, labourer, of Trewick in the countie of Northumberland [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Heslope, Heslopp DPRI/1/1611/H13/1 20 April 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/H13/2 24 April 1611 inventory, actual total £5 6s 8d DPRI/1/1611/H15 5 October 1611 Christofer HICSON, of Hurwith, parish of Kelloo (Kello) [Kelloe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/H15/1 5 September 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 5 Oct [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H14 14 June 1611 William HIND, of Hilton of the parish of Standropp (Staindropp) [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Hynd, Hinde DPRI/1/1611/H14/1 December 1610 nuncupative will endorsed: proved; probate granted, 14 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H14/2 31 May 1611 inventory, actual total £11 5s 4d DPRI/1/1611/H14/3 undated interrogatories interrogatories of Andrew More to the witnesses to the nuncupative will DPRI/1/1611/H16 John HODGSON, of Rootford in the parish of Hampsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon DPRI/1/1611/H16/1 1611 will date in 1611 uncertain [damage] DPRI/1/1611/H16/2 27 April 1611 inventory, actual total £59 16s 8d DPRI/1/1611/H16/3 27 April 1611 copy inventory, actual total £59 16s 8d DPRI/1/1611/H17 22 June 1611 Thomas HOGG, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hogge DPRI/1/1611/H17/1-2 9 October 1610 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H17/3 7 June 1611 inventory, actual total £54 11s 4d DPRI/1/1611/H18 26 October 1611 John HOPPER, the elder, of Conset Park (Consett Parke, Perk), chapelry of Meddomesley [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/H18/1 23 April 1611 will endorsed: proved, 26 Oct [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H18/2 22 October 1611 inventory, actual total £99 17s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/H18/3 22 October 1611 indented copy inventory, actual total £99 17s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 6s 8d) endorsed: proved, 26 Oct [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H19 11 June 1611 Bryane HUDSON, of parish of All Saints, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudsonn DPRI/1/1611/H19/1 30 January 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H20 William HUDSON, the elder, husbandman, of parish of Norton within the countye of Durham [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/H20/1 July 1611 will date in July 1611 uncertain [damage] DPRI/1/1611/H20/2 25 September 1611 indented inventory, actual total £17 11s 6d DPRI/1/1611/H21 19 October 1611 Martyn HULL, of Stockeley in the parishe of Brancepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/H21/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Oct [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H22 28 September 1611 Raph HULL, of Stocley (Stockley) in the parishe of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/10 f.228: in an office cause to prove the will, probate is granted on the oath of the executor the testator's son Ralph Hull alone, the witnesses having since died, and an inventory is exhibited, 28 Sep 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H22/1 undated will will dated 22 Dec; year of will uncertain (even under UV light) DPRI/1/1611/H22/2 27 September 1611 indented inventory, actual total £34 1s 8d (with account of debts of £1 13s) endorsed: [will] proved, 28 Sep 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H23 11 June 1611 Gilbart HUNTER, keelman, of Sandgatt, chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Honter DPRI/1/1611/H23/1 undated will DPRI/1/1611/H23/2 12 February 1611 inventory, actual total £4 10s 8d endorsed: administration granted, 11 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H23/3-4 12 February 1611 inventory, actual total £13 4s 8d endorsed: proved, 11 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H24 17 December 1611 Thomas HUNTER, of chapelrye of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Humter DPRI/1/1611/H24/1 31 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 17 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H24/2-3 27 June 1611 inventory, actual total £93 12s 4d (with account of debts of £1 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1611/H25 Thomas HUTCHESON, yeoman, of Newgate, Bishop Awkeland (Awckland Saint Andrew) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchison DPRI/1/1611/H25/1-2 1 March 1611 will with codicil, 1611 codicil dated between Sep and Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/H25/3 1612 commission Commission to John Hutton MA and Nicholas Cockey, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Agnes White alias Colson (now wife of Thomas Colson), co-executor; commission executed, 9 Feb 1612. [Document is largely illegible even uinder UV light, and this summary may be partial.] DPRI/1/1611/H26 11 June 1611 Michael HUTTON, cooper, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same town [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huttonn DPRI/1/1611/H26/1-2 13 September 1609 will endorsed: proved, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/H26/3-6 undated inventory, actual total £51 4s 8d inventory of household and shop goods etc.; endorsed with list of coopery materials DPRI/1/1611/I1 1 June 1611 Annes ILEY, widow, of Bromsheles of the parishe of Leanchester (Lanchester) and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Illee DPRI/1/1611/I1/1 7 April 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/I1/2 1 May 1611 inventory, actual total £27 9s endorsed: proved, 1 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/J1 Lanclott JACKSON, the elder, of Nowtston (Nutston) Feld [Lanchester, County Durham] parish uncertain DPRI/1/1611/J1/1 4 June 1611 inventory inventory, subscribed with allocation of the thirds between the deceased's widow and children, his executors [sic] DPRI/1/1611/J2 Margrett JACKSON, widow, of Nustonfyeld (Nuston Fyelde) in the parish of Lanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/J2/1 17 November 1611 will in the form of a deed of gift DPRI/1/1611/J3 William JACKSON, butcher, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/J3/1 undated indented inventory with indented inventory, 5 July 1611, actual total £606 2s 4d (1) inventory of livestock, monies and debts, dated 8 June [?1611]; (2) inventory of household goods etc., appraised 5 July 1611 and added to the former inventory, 6 July 1611. DPRI/1/1611/J3/2 undated probate records paper fragments, formerly adhering to dorse of inventory: references to Barnard Castle and [Bishop] Auckland DPRI/1/1611/J4 11 December 1611 John JOBBLINE, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Joplin DPRI/1/1611/J4/1-2 7 November 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/J5 Robarte JURDESONNE, the younger, of Shotton [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Jurdeson DPRI/1/1611/J5/1 30 April 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 June 1611; 2 parts DPRI/1/1611/J5/2 30 April 1611 copy inventory endorsed: for the administrator DPRI/1/1611/K1 22 June 1611 Thomas KENDROE, chirurgeon, surgeon, of borough of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/K1/1-2 8 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1611/L1 25 May 1611 George LAMPTON, of West Raynton (Rainton) within the parish of Houghton in the Springe [West Rainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/L1/1 7 May 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/L1/2 23 May 1611 inventory, actual total £158 13s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 11s 8d) endorsed: proved, 25 May [1611] DPRI/1/1611/L2 9 April 1611 Lowrance LANGLYE, tailor, of the Whine Housse within the paresh of Meddelton (Midleton, Middleton) George in the countie of Durhame [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Langlay, Langley For the commission to swear the witnesses and grant administration to Langlye's widow and sole executrix, see - DPRI/1/1610/P1/3 DPRI/1/1611/L2/1-2 22 December 1610 will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr 1611 DPRI/1/1611/L2/3 15 January 1611 inventory, actual total £39 10s (with account of debts of £9 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/L3 17 December 1611 Elezabeth LAWSON, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/L3/1 December 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/L4 10 June 1611 Robert LAWSON, the elder, yeoman, of Longhirste (Longhirst) in the parish of Bottlle alias Bothell (Botthall) in the countie of Northumberland [Longhirst, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/L4/1 26 July 1610 will Endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £5 3s 8d; proved at Morpeth, 10 June 1611. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 47 DPRI/1/1611/L4/2-3 4 March 1612 inventory, actual total £73 10s DPRI/1/1611/L5 Henrie LEWLYN, son and executor of Richard Lewlyn [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Lewlinge, Lulyn, Lewelinge Address drawn from will and inventory of Richard Lewlyn: - DPRI/1/1598/L5/1-4 DPRI/1/1611/L5/1 6 July 1611 account, actual total £154 0s 7d (with discharge of £90 5s 7d) with account, 6 July 1611, actual total £51 17s 6d (with discharge of £8 4s 9d) Account of John Marshall, tutor of Henry Lewlyn deceased, the executor of his father Richard Lewlyn. Endorsed: admitted, 6 July [1611]. The account is of the portion and estate of Henry Lewlyn, and also by virtue of his co-executorship of his father's will, of the execution of the will of Richard Lewlyn. The (first) charge is drawn from the inventory of the estate of Richard Lewlyn; after the allocation of the balance of Richard Lewlyn's estate between his executors or their representatives (Henrie Lewlyn's tutor and Richard Lewlyn's widow [Anne]), there follows a supplementary account of Henry Lewlyn's portion of his father's estate, with various discharges; the balance of this second account is delivered by Lewlyn's tutor to Henrie Lewlyn's administratrix Ann Simpson, wife of John Simpson of Cockerton. DPRI/1/1611/L6 27 July 1611 Thomas LIGHTON, of parish of Esington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/L6/1 23 April 1611 will endorsed: proved, 27 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/L6/2 25 July 1611 inventory, actual total £8 18s DPRI/1/1611/L8 Jhon LITSTER, of Dropswell in Kello (Kelloe) parishe [Kelloe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/L8/1 10 October 1611 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1611/L10 19 April 1611 Johne LOMLY, of parish of Darlyngton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lomle, Lomlye, Lumbley DPRI/1/1611/L10/1 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Apr [1611] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 118 DPRI/1/1611/L9 11 June 1611 Mathew LOWES, house-carpenter, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countye of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/L9/1 7 November 1608 will endorsed: proved, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/L9/2 10 April 1611 inventory, actual total £7 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 6s) DPRI/1/1611/L7 11 June 1611 Allice LYNTSKAILLES, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Laitskails Not found in DPRI/4/10 (index defective). DPRI/1/1611/L7/1 15 May 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/L7/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £13 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4) Dated between 25 July 1610 and 25 June 1611 [damage]. Endorsed: proved, 11 June [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/M1 19 July 1611 Richard MADOCKS, gentleman, of Skyrningham (Skirningham) within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Madockes, Maddockes DPRI/1/1611/M1/1 5 June 1611 will endorsed: proved, 19 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/M1/2-4 2 July 1611 inventory, actual total £186 9s DPRI/1/1611/M1/5 12 July 1611 commission commission to Ralph Tunstall, rector of Croft [in Yorkshire], and Robert Throgmorton, vicar of Aycliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Madocks, relict and sole executrix; commission executed by Throckmorton, 14 July 1611 DPRI/1/1611/M2 18 June 1611 Robert MALABOURNE, of Thorngrafton of the parishe of Hawtwesell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Mallaborne, Mallaburne DPRI/1/1611/M2/1-2 16 February 1611 will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 18 Jun [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/M2/3 13 May 1611 inventory, actual total £9 3s 4d (with account of debts of £1 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/M3 Jane MARLEY, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/M3/1 22 November 1610 will endorsed: 'see the other part which is in the office: if it be better then this probate it, otherwise write it over again for the probate'; 1611 DPRI/1/1611/M3/2 22 November 1610 copy will DPRI/1/1611/M4 John MATFEN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/M4/1-2 2 August 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/M4/3-5 12 October 1611 indented inventory, actual total £445 1s 6d appraised 'at and before' 12 Oct 1611 DPRI/1/1611/M5 17 June 1611 Johne MAUGHEN, of Mylhills (Milhills) in the parishe of Hadenbridge [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Maughan DPRI/1/1611/M5/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1611/M5/2 undated copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/M6 20 June 1611 Nicholas MAXON, yeoman, of Denwick in the parishe of Alnewicke (Alnewick) within the countie of Northumberland [Denwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/M6/1 4 June 1611 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£2 13) and owing by (a load of beer) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611]; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1611/M8 8 February 1612 Richard MIDDLETON, yeoman, of chapelry of Hartlepole (Hartlepoole) in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/M8/1 26 January 1612 will DPRI/1/1611/M8/2 1 January 1612 indented inventory, actual total £42 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 1s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Feb [1612] DPRI/1/1611/M9 16 November 1611 John MOODIE, yeoman, of Langley within the parish of Stainthropp (Staindrope) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Modie, Moody, Mody DPRI/1/1611/M9/1 30 September 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/M9/2 28 October 1611 inventory, actual total £70 6s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Nov [1611] DPRI/1/1611/M7 John MYDLETON, sailor, of Sandgayte, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Middletonn DPRI/1/1611/M7/1 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/N1 27 July 1611 Richard NEWBYE, of Upper Connslyf, parish of Connscliffe [Coniscliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/N1/1 25 July 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/N2 William NEWBYE, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/N2/1 2 March 1611 inventory date uncertain [damage] DPRI/1/1611/N4 John NEWTON, father of Richard Newton, of parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/N4/1 undated inventory Inventory of the deceased's son Richard Newton's share of his estate, as it accrues over the 5 years of his minority. Endorsed: tuition granted to Roger Newton, 12 Apr [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/N6 11 June 1611 William NICKSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/N6/1 4 March 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/N3 26 April 1611 Jan NOUTON, widow, of parish of Allsantes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Newton DPRI/1/1611/N3/1 13 November 1610 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Apr [1611] DPRI/1/1611/N5 20 June 1611 John NYCHOLSON, of paryshe of Whittinghame [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson DPRI/1/1611/N5/1 undated will Dated, [?1611: damage]. Endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611]. DPRI/1/1611/N5/2 15 March 1612 inventory, actual total £18 19s DPRI/1/1611/O1 Elsebeth ORD, of Alhallowes parish (chapelry of All Saints) in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde DPRI/1/1611/O1/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1611/O2 17 June 1611 Edwerd OURDE, of parish of Slaylay (Slalie) [Slaley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/O2/1-2 19 February 1611 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/P1 18 June 1611 John PATTESON, yeoman, of the Parke of the parishe of Haltwesell (Hawtwesle) within the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattesonn DPRI/1/1611/P1/1 12 February 1611 will endorsed: proved, 18 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/P1/2 28 February 1611 inventory, actual total £4 2s 6d (with account of debts of £7 11s 1d) DPRI/1/1611/P2 28 September 1611 William PORRETT, carpenter, of chapelry of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/P2/1-2 7 October 1611 copy inventory (incomplete) DPRI/1/1611/P2/3 7 October 1611 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 28 Sep 1611 DPRI/1/1611/P3 25 January 1612 Walter POWELL, schoolmaster, of towne of Hartlepole (chapelry of Hartlepoole) in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/P3/1-2 19 November 1611 will endorsed: proved, 25 Jan [1612] DPRI/1/1611/P3/3 27 November 1611 indented inventory, actual total £10 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 10s) DPRI/1/1611/R1 31 January 1612 John RAYNTON, yeoman, of Burnoppsyd (Burnnopsid) in the peryshe of Lanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Rainton DPRI/1/1611/R1/1 2 July 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/R1/2 14 January 1612 inventory, actual total £191 3s 10d endorsed: [will] proved, 31 Jan [1612] DPRI/1/1611/R2 Thomas REASLEY, of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Reisley, Reslaye DPRI/1/1611/R2/1 4 June 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/R2/2 1611 inventory, actual total £1 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 18s) DPRI/1/1611/R3 William RECHABIE, butcher []; also spelt Rickaby Address not stated. The inventory to which this inventory is intended to be a supplement is not present. DPRI/1/1611/R3/1 undated supplementary inventory of debts Inventory of debts owing to William Rechabie. Endorsed: to be added to the inventory. DPRI/1/1611/R5 1 February 1612 Robarte ROBINSON, husbandman, of Dalton in the Dale in the countie of Durhame [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/R5/1-2 8 January 1612 will endorsed: proved, 1 Feb 1612 DPRI/1/1611/R5/3 27 January 1612 inventory, actual total £109 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/R4 7 February 1612 Elizabethe ROBYSON, widow, of Homside, parish of Kymblesworth [Kimblesworth, County Durham]; also spelt Robeyson, Robinson DPRI/1/1611/R4/1-2 12 November 1610 will with codicil, 25 July 1611 DPRI/1/1611/R4/3-4 30 January 1612 inventory, actual total £57 8s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s 8d) endorsed: proved, 7 Feb [1612] DPRI/1/1611/R7 20 July 1611 Henrye ROTHERFORD, of parish of Ilderton [Ilderton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotherforth. Died 10 April 1611 DPRI/1/1611/R7/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/R6 22 June 1611 Henrie ROTHERUPP, husband of Margaret Rotheram, gentleman, of towne of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotheram For the will of Rotherupp's wife, see - DPRI/1/1614/R10/1 DPRI/1/1611/R6/1 24 December 1610 will endorsed: proved, 22 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/R6/2 22 June 1611 inventory, actual total £9 9s 10d DPRI/1/1611/R8 22 June 1611 Thomas ROULL, yeoman, of Ourd, chapelry of Twedmoth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Rowle, Roulle DPRI/1/1611/R8/1-2 28 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/R8/3 18 June 1601 inventory, actual total £20 0s 3d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12 17s 2d) dated 18 June 1601 [?recte 1611] DPRI/1/1611/S1 1 June 1611 Nicholas SANSON, of Cornsawe within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/S1/1-2 24 July 1610 [nuncupative] will endorsed: proved, 1 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/S1/3 28 May 1611 inventory, actual total £36 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/S2 16 December 1611 John SELBIE, of Newlandes (Newlands) within the parishe of Whittingstall (Whittonstall) [Whittonstall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/S2/1 28 July 1611 indented will endorsed: proved, 16 Dec 1611 DPRI/1/1611/S2/2 1611 inventory, actual total £39 13s (with account of reparations and funeral expenses of £3 10s) dated, 21 ...ber 1611 DPRI/1/1611/S3 Thomas SELBYE, esquire []; also spelt Selbie no address stated DPRI/1/1611/S3/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1611/S4 Persevell SHAFTO, gentleman, of Ingho (Ingoe) [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1611/S4/1 7 August 1611 inventory with memorandum, 9 August 1611, actual total £38 12s 10d Inventory, subscribed with memorandum of Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, authorising Thomas King [notary public and Durham proctor] to grant administration to the widow, she first having been sworn by a petty canon. Administration granted by Richard Jackson to Ann Shaftoe, relict, also for the use of five named children, 10 Aug 1611. DPRI/1/1611/S5 16 December 1611 Robert SHARPER, husbandman, of Bywell Peter in the counti of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Sharppers DPRI/1/1611/S5/1-2 15 November 1611 will Date in Nov 1611 uncertain. Endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1611]. The fragment, containing the last line of the will and with its probate office endorsement, was removed during conservation from the dorse of the (parchment) will of John Selby (see DPRI/1/1611/S2/1). DPRI/1/1611/S6 6 July 1611 Robarte SMYTH, the younger, yeoman, of Walridge of the parish of Chester in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1611/S6/1 14 April 1611 will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1611] DPRI/1/1611/S6/2-3 30 April 1611 indented inventory, actual total £179 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £87 3s 8d) DPRI/1/1611/S7 10 March 1612 Anthonye SOFTLYE, challen weaver, chalon weaver, of Gateside (Gatesid, Gateshead) in the countye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Softly DPRI/1/1611/S7/1 13 February 1612 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1612 DPRI/1/1611/S7/2 17 February 1612 indented inventory, actual total £17 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 10s) DPRI/1/1611/S8 13 April 1611 Robartt SPENCE, of Tame Bridge Mille (Milne) in the pareshe of Gaitshed (Gaitside) [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/S8/1 20 August 1609 will with memorandum, 16 March 1611 Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £29 7s; subscribed with memorandum of a decree of the judge [of the probate court] concerning the probate of the will by the executor, and the execution of a [will] bond; witnesses sworn on 16 Mar and 13 Apr 1611. Endorsed: proved, but no grant of probate made. DPRI/1/1611/S9 20 June 1611 George STANNERS, of Ellingeham (Ellingham) [Ellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stanmers DPRI/1/1611/S9/1 2 May 1602 will DPRI/1/1611/S9/2 undated inventory, actual total £23 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 18s 4d) endorsed: proved, 20 June [1611] DPRI/1/1611/S10 James STEELE, of chapelrye of Upgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stele DPRI/1/1611/S10/1 20 March 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/S10/2 29 April 1611 indented inventory, actual total £9 19s 7d DPRI/1/1611/S11 2 November 1611 John SUDDICKE, of towen and parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Suddick DPRI/1/1611/S11/1 18 February 1610 will DPRI/1/1611/S11/2 4 April 1611 inventory, actual total £15 2s (with account of debts of £5 1s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 2 Nov [1611] DPRI/1/1611/S12 20 June 1611 John SWANNE, yeoman, of parish of Embleton (Embletonn) in the countye of Northumberlande [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swann DPRI/1/1611/S12/1 6 July 1610 will endorsed: administration granted, 20 June 1611 DPRI/1/1611/S12/2 11 December 1610 inventory, actual total £61 7s DPRI/1/1611/S13 22 June 1611 Margarett SWANNE, [formerly wife of Meridith Griffin], widow, of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Swann Margarett Swanne's first husband was named Meridith Griffin. DPRI/1/1611/S13/1 25 October 1610 will endorsed: proved, 22 June 1611; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1611/T1 30 November 1611 Robert TAILOR, yeoman, of the Stowhouse (Stowhouse) Milne within the parishe of Lanchester (Lainchester) and countye of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor DPRI/1/1611/T1/1 25 September 1609 will DPRI/1/1611/T1/2 25 September 1609 copy will endorsed: proved, 30 Nov [1611] DPRI/1/1611/T1/3 30 May 1611 inventory, actual total £89 14s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £5 3s 4d) subscribed with list of legacies DPRI/1/1611/T2 1 February 1612 Cuthbart THOMPSON, of Frenchesse (Fraunches) Close within the parish of Rytone (Ryton) [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1611/T2/1 28 February 1592 will endorsed: [n]on probat [not proved]; proved, 1 Feb [1612]. DPRI/1/1611/T2/2 28 February 1592 inventory, actual total £6 7s 2d DPRI/1/1611/T4 6 April 1611 Thomas TOMKINS, soger, soldier, of Barwick uppon Twedd [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Thomkins DPRI/1/1611/T4/1-2 25 February 1611 inventory administration granted by commission by Richard Smith B.D. to Joan Tonkins, relict, also for the use of Thomas Tomkins, minor son, 6 Apr 1611 DPRI/1/1611/T3 13 April 1611 Richard TOMPSON, fisherman, of chapelry of Hartinpooll (Hartlepoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1611/T3/1 23 July 1610 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1611/T3/2 7 January 1611 inventory, actual total £29 6s endorsed: [prov]ed, 13 Apr [?1611] DPRI/1/1611/W1 Umfray WALKER, of Shotley Fyld (Fylde) in the parishe (chapelry) of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/W1/1 15 April 1610 indented will DPRI/1/1611/W1/2 11 April 1611 indented inventory, actual total £35 13s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 17s) DPRI/1/1611/W3 William WATKINSON, master and mariner, of the North Sheldes (Sheels) within the parishe of Tynmouth within the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Watkinsonne, Watkinsonn DPRI/1/1611/W3/1-2 10 January 1612 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1611/W3/3 22 January 1612 inventory, actual total £76 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 12s 9d) inventory refers to 'both the parties deceased' DPRI/1/1611/W2 Elizabeth WATKINSONNE, widow, of North Sheeles (Sheles) in the parishe of Tynmouth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Watkinson DPRI/1/1611/W2/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1611/W4 Thomas WILD, curer, of toun of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Willd, Wylld DPRI/1/1611/W4/1-2 12 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1611/W4/3-4 14 October 1602 inventory, actual total £16 19s 10d date is incompatible with the date of the will [?recte 1612] DPRI/1/1611/W5 11 March 1612 Anthony WRANGHAM, husband of Mergret Wrangham, of parish of St Nicholas of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/W5/1-2 5 March 1612 inventory Joint inventory of the goods etc. of Anthony Wrangham and his wife Mergret Wrangham. Administration of the goods of Anthony and Margaret Wrangham granted to Robert Baker, who is monished to enter a bond for the distribution of the goods according to the judge's order, 11 Mar [1612]. DPRI/1/1611/W6 1 June 1611 William WREN, yeoman, of Woddefeilde (Woddefeild, Woddifeld) of the parish of Witton upon Weare in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Wrene DPRI/1/1611/W6/1 1 May 1611 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £60 8s. Endorsed: proved, 1 June 1611; also endorsed with list of names of old and new [?church wardens]. DPRI/1/1611/W6/2 27 May 1611 inventory, actual total £38 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £55 2s 11d) Inventory refers to a schedule of debts owing by the testator (£50 18s 4d) that is not present. DPRI/1/1611/Y1 Raphe YOUNG, yeoman, of parish of Tugill (Tugghill) within county of Northumberland [Tughall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1611/Y1/1-2 16 May 1611 will with inventory, 16 May 1611, actual total £38 13s DPRI/1/1612 Wills etc proved 1612 DPRI/1/1612/A1 15 October 1612 George ALLEN, yeoman, of Rocke in the countie of Northumberland [Rock, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/A1/1-2 9 April 1611 will with inventory, undated, actual total £32 endorsed: proved, 15 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/A2 29 June 1612 Bartlomew ALLISON, freeman of the town of Holy Island, aged 50, of towne of Holie Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Alleson DPRI/1/1612/A2/1-2 8 March 1611 will with inventory, 8 March 1611, actual total £12 12s endorsed: proved at Kiloe, 29 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/A3 Robart ANDERSONN, of parish of Chattonn (Chatton) [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson DPRI/1/1612/A3/1-2 29 October 1612 will with inventory, undated, actual total £21 8s 6d DPRI/1/1612/A4 15 October 1612 Edward ARCHBALLD, of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Archbalde DPRI/1/1612/A4/1 26 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 15 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/A4/2 1 August 1612 inventory, actual total £45 13s 4d DPRI/1/1612/A5 31 July 1612 Anthonie ATKINSON, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/A5/1-3 29 June 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 31 July [1612] DPRI/1/1612/A6 Margerye ATKINSON, widow, of parishe of All Sants, town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/A6/1-2 29 June 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1612/B1 10 May 1612 Peter BAINEBRIDGE, of parish of Mideltonn in Teasdayle (Midleton, Middleton in Teasdaile) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbridge, Baynbrigge, Bainbrigge A letter (DPRI/1/1612/B1/3) concerning the 1638 probate of the will of a Peter Bainbrigge of Stannigill Heade in Middleton in Teesdale was erroneously filed with these 1612 probate records of a person of the same name and parish. The image of this letter will still appear associated with these records, but for the probate records of Peter Bainbrigge of Stannigill Heade, see - DPRI/1/1638/B2/1 - DPRI/1/1638/B2/2-3 - DPRI/1/1638/B2/4 DPRI/1/1612/B1/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 10 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B1/2 3 June 1611 inventory, actual total £20 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 11s 6d) endorsed with names of bondsmen DPRI/1/1612/B2 John BARKER, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B2/1-6 undated indented inventory DPRI/1/1612/B3 Elizabeth BARTRAM, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B3/1-2 6 March 1613 will DPRI/1/1612/B3/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1612/B4 Richard BARTRUM, butcher, Sunderland by the Sea in the countie of Durham, Bishop Warmouth in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham; Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Barton, Bartonn, Bartram DPRI/1/1612/B4/1-2 21 August 1612 copy inventory DPRI/1/1612/B5 9 June 1612 Margatt BAXTER, of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B5/1-2 3 January 1612 will endorsed: proved, 9 June [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B5/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £15 17s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 5s 8d) inventories: (1) of items given as legacies (£3 5s); (2) items remaining not given as legacies (£12 12s 3d); (3) funeral expenses DPRI/1/1612/B6 8 March 1613 Robert BENNETT, of Barrasford, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B6/1 14 November 1612 will Will dated 14 Sep 1612 at head, and then confirmed and fully published 14 Nov 1612 on dorse. Endorsed: proved, 8 Mar 1613. DPRI/1/1612/B6/2 22 November 1612 inventory, actual total £4 4s 8d DPRI/1/1612/B7 26 September 1612 George BLAXTON, of Christes Hospitall in Shereburne, parish of Shereburne [Sherburn, County Durham]; also spelt Blakeston DPRI/1/1612/B7/1 25 September 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Sep [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B8 Henrye BLAYKLOK, merchant, of Morpeth (Morpethe) in the same parishe [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Blaicklocke, Blakelock DPRI/1/1612/B8/1-2 25 March 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/B8/3-4 28 March 1612 inventory, actual total £103 16s 4d inventory of household goods and goods in the new shop and the old shop DPRI/1/1612/B9 10 March 1613 Robert BOLTON, husband of Anne Bolton, of Fenruther within the chappelrye of Hebburne (Hebborne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] For the will of Robert Bolton's wife, see - DPRI/1/1612/B9/2 DPRI/1/1612/B9/1 23 October 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/B9/3 16 February 1613 inventory, actual total £33 7s inventory of the goods etc. of Robert Bolton and of his widow Anne Bolton DPRI/1/1612/B9 10 March 1613 Anne BOLTON, wife of Robert Bolton, widow, of Fenruther, chapelry of Hebborne (Hebburne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] For the joint inventory of Anne Bolton and her husband, see - DPRI/1/1612/B9/3 DPRI/1/1612/B9/2 8 February 1613 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1612/B14 14 October 1612 Jenking BROWNE, of Hatherwick (Hatherwicke) within the parish of Elsden (Elsdenn) [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B14/2 21 January 1612 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B14/1 5 March 1613 inventory, actual total £39 0s 4d DPRI/1/1612/B15 Francis BUNNEY, gentleman, of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Bunneye DPRI/1/1612/B15/1 undated account Account of Francis Bunney, parson of Ryton, father. Endorsed: admitted, 3 Aug 1612. DPRI/1/1612/B16 Elizabethe BURDEN, wife of George Burden, widow, of Ryup (Ryop) within the parishe of Bushopp Weremouthe in the countye of Durham [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Burdon DPRI/1/1612/B16/1 8 November 1612 will with probate records, undated Will, endorsed with cancelled account of a £15 daughter's portion reckoned between Richard Sampson and William Suret. [An Anthony Surret is named in the will as tutor to Edmund Burdon.] DPRI/1/1612/B16/2 8 November 1612 copy will DPRI/1/1612/B16/3 15 January 1613 inventory, actual total £74 0s 8d DPRI/1/1612/B17 4 July 1612 John BURNE, yeoman, of parish of Chester in the Streete within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/B17/1-2 6 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 4 July [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B17/3 20 May 1612 inventory, actual total £14 15s 6d (with account of debts of £7 16s 8d) endorsed: proved, 4 July [1612]; not issued DPRI/1/1612/B19 16 January 1613 Robert BURNOPP, yeoman, of Burnopside (Burnoppside) within the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/B19/1-2 21 December 1612 nuncupative will with inventory, 14 January 1613, actual total £129 18s endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1613] DPRI/1/1612/B19/3 14 January 1613 indented inventory, actual total £129 18s endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1613] DPRI/1/1612/B18 21 April 1612 Cuthbert BURNOPPE, of Wineyard (Winyard) Milne, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Burnopp DPRI/1/1612/B18/1-2 15 April 1612 indented inventory subscribed with the names of three children, the widow and three sureties DPRI/1/1612/B18/3 15 April 1612 indented copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 Apr [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B20 13 June 1612 Persevell BURRELL, M.A., of Somerhouse in the countye of Durham, parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/B20/1-2 1 November 1604 will with codicil, undated Will, with codicil dated 21 Feb. DPRI/1/1612/B20/3-4 14 January 1612 inventory, actual total £46 7s 6d endorsed: proved, 13 June [1612] DPRI/1/1612/C1 Lancelet CARE, of West Aukland (Awkland) [West Auckland, County Durham]; also spelt Carr DPRI/1/1612/C1/1-2 21 March 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/C1/3 24 April 1612 inventory, actual total £7 4s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £4 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/C2 12 October 1612 George CARR, of parishe (chapelry) of Slalay [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Car DPRI/1/1612/C2/1 8 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 12 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/C2/2 13 August 1612 indented inventory, actual total £5 19s 8d (with account of debts of £2 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/C3 9 March 1613 Edward CHAPMAN, of chapelry of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/C3/1 26 February 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/C4 9 June 1612 Rauff COCK, the elder, merchant, of towne of Newcastell, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/C4/1-2 29 August 1611 will endorsed: proved, 9 June [1612] DPRI/1/1612/C5 8 May 1612 Lawrence COLE, yeoman, of Nether Eightone in the countie palatine of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will, Inventory [and] Codicil' - the inventory and codicil are not present. See also Borthwick Institute for Archives: TRANS.CP.1613/3, appeal (testamentary), 1613; CP.H.1010, appeal (testamentary), Oct 1613-April 1614. DPRI/1/1612/C5/1 5 June 1611 will Will refers to a deed of sale between the testator and his executor Thomas Cole; will is subscribed, the deed (14 July 1610); the lease (16 July 1610). Endorsed: probate granted, 7 Dec [1611]; inventory to be exhibited the next court after Hilary [?Jan 1612]; issued under seal, 8 May 1612 according to decree. DPRI/1/1612/C5/2 11 February 1613 copy monition Copy monition from York to Durham to dispatch the processus [legal action and papers] relating to a cause now appealed in the prerogative court, Ralph Thompson v Thomas Cole; original monition withdrawn from the Registry by Ralph Thompson. [This item was found separately from the will in the same box DPRI/1/1612. While Thomas Cole was the cousin and sole executor of Lawrence Cole, these two documents may not belong together.] DPRI/1/1612/C6 Antony COWPARE, yeoman, of parish of Gateside (Gatesid, Gateshead) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Cowper DPRI/1/1612/C6/1-2 March 1612 will Will, date uncertain: 1611 or 1612 [damage]. Endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/C6/3 undated inventory, actual total £23 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £4 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1612/C7 30 June 1612 Launcelot CRESWELL, of parish of Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/C7/1 13 December 1609 will endorsed: proved, 30 June 1612; ask for inventory DPRI/1/1612/C8 29 June 1612 Agnes CROWE, wife of Andrew Crowe of Berwick, burgess, widow, of borough of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Crow DPRI/1/1612/C8/1 30 March 1612 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 10s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 29 June 1612. DPRI/1/1612/C8/2 11 April 1612 inventory, actual total £17 6s 6d DPRI/1/1612/C9 4 April 1612 Elizabeth CURRY, widow, of B[ishop] Aucklande (Auckland, Awckland St Andrew) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Currey DPRI/1/1612/C9/1-2 13 June 1610 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £19 19s 2d. Endorsed: proved, 4 Apr 1612. DPRI/1/1612/C9/3 28 October 1610 indented inventory, actual total £86 5s DPRI/1/1612/D1 10 June 1612 Marye DAVISON, widow, of Beayle, parish of Biwell Andrewe (Bywell Andrew) [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/D1/1-2 26 October 1611 will endorsed: proved, 10 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/D2 10 October 1612 Jane DAWSON, widow, of parishe (chapelry) of St Margaretes of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/D2/1 12 January 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/D2/2-3 6 October 1612 inventory, actual total £13 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 14s) endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/D3 6 July 1612 Peter DELAVALE, gentleman, of Tynemoothe (Tynemouthe, Tynmouth) within the countye of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Delavell DPRI/1/1612/D3/1-2 8 August 1611 will DPRI/1/1612/D3/3-4 30 August 1611 inventory, actual total £979 0s 11d DPRI/1/1612/D3/5 9 June 1612 commission Commission to William Robinson, vicar of Tynemouth, and George Carr, curate of St Hilda, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Delavale relict, and John Delavale [eldest] son, executors, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Robinson, who also granted the tuition of the children to the executors, 6 July 1612. Endorsed with note relating to copies of the will and inventory made for Peter Riddell, 14 Oct 1613. DPRI/1/1612/D3/6 6 July 1612 act of court act of court at the home of Peter Delavale of Tynemouth before William Robinson, concerning an office cause to prove the will: the executors presented the witnesses who were sworn; the will having been proved, probate and tuition of five named minor children were granted to the executors, two other named children having attained their majorities; inventory exhibited DPRI/1/1612/D4 12 October 1612 John DOD, of Rowghsid alias Eales of the parish of Symondburne (Symonburne) and chappellerye of Bellingham in Tyndall [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd DPRI/1/1612/D4/1 13 April 1611 will endorsed: proved, 12 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/D4/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 6s 2d DPRI/1/1612/D5 12 October 1612 Stephen DOD, of Rougheside of the chappelerie of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/D5/1 22 February 1612 nuncupative will with inventory, actual total £3 2s 6d Nuncupative will dated 'in or about Shrovetyde' 1611. Endorsed: proved, 12 Oct 1612. DPRI/1/1612/D6 8 March 1613 Symone DOD, of Hilhouses (Hilhowses), chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dodd endorsed: administration granted, 8 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/D6/2 28 August 1612 nuncupative will with inventory, undated, actual total £24 two clauses are cancelled, with a marginal note: not proved therefore voided because not added [to the will] by the witnesses DPRI/1/1612/D6/1 28 August 1612 copy nuncupative will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £24 two clauses are cancelled, with a marginal note: not proved therefore voided because not confirmed by the witnesses DPRI/1/1612/D7 9 May 1612 John DODS, labourer, of Pelton in the countie of Durham, parish of Chester [Pelton, County Durham]; also spelt Doodes, Doods, Doddes DPRI/1/1612/D7/1 7 April 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/D7/2 27 April 1612 indented inventory, actual total £20 7s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 4s 6d) endorsed: [will] proved, 9 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/D8 Renold DOXFORD, of Beednell [Beadnell, Northumberland]; also spelt Duxford DPRI/1/1612/D8/1-2 22 May 1611 will with inventory, May 1611, actual total £30 15s 10d (with account of debts of £9 19d 6d) inventory dated between 21 and 31 May 1611 [damage] DPRI/1/1612/E1 9 June 1612 William ELLISONE, weaver, of parish of Gatesid (Gaitside, Gateside) in the countie of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Ellison, Ellesonne DPRI/1/1612/E1/1-2 19 September 1611 will endorsed: proved, 9 June [1612] DPRI/1/1612/E1/3 undated inventory, actual total £27 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 7s 11d) DPRI/1/1612/E2 28 April 1612 William EMMERSON, yeoman, of Stranton in the countie of Duresme [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson DPRI/1/1612/E2/1 26 March 1612 indented will endorsed: proved, 28 Apr 1612 DPRI/1/1612/E2/2-4 13 April 1612 indented inventory, actual total £380 11s 4d (with account of debts of £110 7s) DPRI/1/1612/F1 23 January 1613 John FEWSTER, the younger, of parishe of Ebchester [Ebchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/F1/1 27 October 1612 indented will endorsed: proved, 23 Jan 1613 DPRI/1/1612/F1/2 31 October 1612 indented inventory, actual total £18 13s 4d DPRI/1/1612/F2 31 October 1612 Raphe FLETCHER, yeoman, of Bishopp Wermouth (Bishoppe, Bishop Warmoth) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/F2/1-2 5 March 1612 will endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/F2/3-4 5 March 1612 copy will endorsed: proved, 31 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/F2/5 16 April 1612 indented inventory, actual total £48 2s 8d DPRI/1/1612/F3 30 June 1612 Cuthberte FORSTER, gentleman, of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/F3/1 15 April 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/F3/2 15 May 1612 inventory, actual total £138 12s 8d (with account of debts of £5 2s 2d) endorsed: proved, 30 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/F4 3 April 1612 Robert FORSTER, of parish of Haltwesell (Haltwessell, Hawtwistle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster DPRI/1/1612/F4/1 26 March 1612 will probate granted to John Forster, sole executor and inventory exhibited, 3 Apr 1612 DPRI/1/1612/F4/2 29 March 1612 inventory, actual total £49 15s 4d (with account of debts of £6 6s) DPRI/1/1612/F5 Samuell FORSTER, of Newton in the parishe Embleton (Elmeden) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster DPRI/1/1612/F5/1-2 12 December 1612 will with nuncupative codicil, 13 December 1612 cancelled on dorse: no [probate] act; foisted into the office DPRI/1/1612/F5/3 12 December 1612 copy will with copy nuncupative codicil, 13 December 1612 marginal memorandum records that the codicil was not proved DPRI/1/1612/F5/4 12 December 1612 copy will with copy nuncupative codicil, 13 December 1612 marginal memorandum records that the codicil was not proved DPRI/1/1612/F5/5-6 21 December 1612 inventory, actual total £129 8s (and more, with account of debts of £11 1s 4d and more) DPRI/1/1612/F5/7 21 December 1612 inventory, actual total £118 15s 1d (and more, with account of debts of £60 3s 1d and more) DPRI/1/1612/G1 11 March 1613 Daniel GALLON, gentleman, of Shilbotle (Shilbottle) in the countie of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Gallonn DPRI/1/1612/G1/1-2 22 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1613 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 61-62 DPRI/1/1612/G1/3 10 August 1612 inventory, actual total £23 6s (with account of debts of £30 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1612/G2 10 May 1612 John GASTELL, of Newbiggin, parish of Mideltonne (Middleton in Teasdeall) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/G2/1-2 13 February 1602 will with inventory, 7 October 1612, actual total £34 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 3s 8d) Will is subscribed with the names of the bondsmen. Endorsed: proved, 10 May [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/G4 8 March 1613 Richard GIBSONE, of Old (Olde) Ridlie [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibsonn DPRI/1/1612/G4/1 31 January 1613 will endorsed: proved, 8 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/G4/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 DPRI/1/1612/G3 9 May 1612 Georg GIPSON, salter, of North Sheles (Sheeles), parish of Tynmoth [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson, Gibsonn DPRI/1/1612/G3/1 18 April 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 May 1612 DPRI/1/1612/G5 16 May 1612 Robert GIPSON, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Gibsoon, Gibson DPRI/1/1612/G5/1 20 March 1612 will endorsed: administration granted, 16 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/G5/2 14 May 1612 indented inventory, actual total £4 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 1s 4d) DPRI/1/1612/G6 13 February 1613 Robert GREEVE, the elder, of Nortonn (Norton) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Greve DPRI/1/1612/G6/1-3 4 March 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 Feb 1613 DPRI/1/1612/H2 16 January 1613 Edwarde HALL, tanner, of Geligate of the cittie of Durham, parish of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H2/1 3 October 1612 will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1613] DPRI/1/1612/H2/2-3 16 November 1612 indented inventory, actual total £416 6s 3d (with account of debts of £137 0s) Inventory is torn at foot, and some debts owing by the testator may have been lost. Endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Jan [1613]. DPRI/1/1612/H3 Thomas HARBOTLE, gentleman, of Chester in the Streete within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Harbottle DPRI/1/1612/H3/1 30 April 1612 inventory DPRI/1/1612/H4 19 September 1612 Margrett HARPERLEY, widow, of Hartburn (Hartburne) in the chapplerie of Stockton and countye of Durham [Hartburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H4/1-2 30 May 1610 will endorsed: proved, 19 Sep 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H4/3-4 8 September 1612 inventory, actual total £117 6s DPRI/1/1612/H5 20 June 1612 Georg HARRISON, of parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H5/1 28 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 20 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H5/2 11 June 1612 inventory, actual total £30 3s 10d (with account of debts of £5 0s 9d) DPRI/1/1612/H6 14 October 1612 James HARRYSON, yeoman, of West Slickborne in the parishe of Bedlington of the county palentine of Durisme [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1612/H6/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/H6/2 undated inventory, actual total £33 15s 4d (with account of debts of £4 16s 8d) dated, 6 Jan DPRI/1/1612/H1 14 October 1612 George HAYTON, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Haton, Haiton DPRI/1/1612/H1/1-2 3 August 1612 will endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/H1/3 5 August 1612 inventory, actual total £70 14s DPRI/1/1612/H7 Margerie HEARON, wife of John Hearon of Chipchase esquire, widow, of Chipchaise (Chipchaice) in the parishe of Chollerton in the countye of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/H7/1 3 November 1612 nuncupative will endorsed: not yet proved DPRI/1/1612/H8 Henry HEDLEY, of Litle Swynburne (Swinburne) [Chollerton, Northumberland] Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Inventory ... with Will' - the former is not present. DPRI/1/1612/H8/1-2 9 February 1612 will with codicil, undated Will and codicil, with list of debts owing by the testator of £24 1s 8d. DPRI/1/1612/H9 9 March 1613 Richard HELME, sail-maker, mariner, of town of Newcastell (Newcastle upon Tyne), chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Healem DPRI/1/1612/H9/1 13 November 1612 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/H9/2 20 November 1612 inventory, actual total £52 15s 5d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 15s 3d) DPRI/1/1612/H10 8 March 1613 John HERISON, of Newton in the parishe of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/H10/1 undated will with inventory, 24 August 1612, actual total £18 6s 8d (and more) endorsed: proved, 8 [?Mar 1613] DPRI/1/1612/H11 25 April 1612 Raphe HERRISON, of parish of Aycliffe (Ayccliffe, Aickliffe) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1612/H11/1-2 20 March 1611 will DPRI/1/1612/H11/3 14 April 1612 inventory, actual total £8 14s 5d endorsed: proved, 25 Apr [1612] DPRI/1/1612/H12 Thomas HERRISON, tanner, of chapelry of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1612/H12/1 8 January 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/H12/2 22 February 1612 indented inventory, actual total £37 11s 4d (with account of debts of £12 4s) DPRI/1/1612/H12/3 21 April 1612 commission commission to James Hondley, curate of Middleton in Teesdale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executors [William Herrison, son, and Agnes Herrison, relict], and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Honley, (undated) DPRI/1/1612/H13 Elizabethe HEWETSON, widow, of parishe of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/H13/1 12 March 1601 will DPRI/1/1612/H14 28 August 1613 Mathew HEWETSON, labourer, of Huton Henrie of the parishe of Munck Hesleden of the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H14/1 16 March 1612 will endorsed: proved, 28 Aug 1613 DPRI/1/1612/H14/2 7 April 1612 inventory, actual total £15 11s 8d (with account of debts of £4 13s 5d) DPRI/1/1612/H15 Raph HILTON, of Lawbyer, parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1612/H15/1 8 July 1612 indented inventory Subscribed: commission decreed [to be issued to] John Wilson, curate of Alston, to take the oath of Elinor Hilton, relict, to execute a bond and to grant to her administration. DPRI/1/1612/H15/2 8 July 1612 copy indented inventory DPRI/1/1612/H16 24 April 1612 Richard HODGESON, yeoman, of Branspeth in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon DPRI/1/1612/H16/1 22 December 1611 will endorsed: proved, 24 Apr 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H16/2 4 January 1612 indented inventory, actual total £46 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1612/H17 6 February 1613 Peter HODGSON, of Edgknowlne (Knowle) in the parishe (chapelry) of Hamsterley within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon, Hodgshon DPRI/1/1612/H17/3 1 December 1612 will with codicil, 13 January 1613 DPRI/1/1612/H17/4 1 December 1612 copy will with copy codicil, 13 January 1613 endorsed: proved, 6 Feb 1613 DPRI/1/1612/H17/1-2 29 January 1613 inventory, actual total £394 16s (with account of debts of £148 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1612/H18 21 April 1612 John HODSHON, yeoman, of Hullerbush (Hullerbushe) of the chappellry of Barnard Castell in the countye of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H18/1 31 August 1611 will endorsed: proved, 21 Apr 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H18/2 27 March 1613 indented inventory, actual total £103 4s 8d DPRI/1/1612/H19 3 October 1612 John HOPPER, of Shinckliffe (Shincklife) [Shincliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H19/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H20 Margaret HORSLEY, widow, of parishe of the North Bailey in Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H20/1 7 July 1601 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1612/H21 30 June 1612 John HORSLY, gentleman, of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley DPRI/1/1612/H21/1 6 May 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/H22 15 October 1612 Edward HUDSON, of Thronton in the parish of Whittingham [Whittingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/H22/1 15 July 1612 will endorsed: proved, 15 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/H22/2 28 September 1612 indented inventory, actual total £18 0s 8d DPRI/1/1612/H23 6 February 1613 Isabell HULL, widow, of parish of Branncepeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H23/1 17 August 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 Feb [1613] DPRI/1/1612/H23/2 13 February 1613 inventory of debts, actual total £51 19s inventory of debts owing to the testatrix; also subscribed under the inventory and included in the total DPRI/1/1612/H24 8 March 1613 George HUNTER, of Bearle within the parish of Bywell Andrew within the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland] The will is endorsed by the probate office, 'Will and Inventory', and as the list of debts includes funeral expenses they may have been treated as an inventory by the office; however, a separate inventory may also have been lost. DPRI/1/1612/H24/1 14 December 1612 will with inventory, undated, actual total £16 11s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 4s) Will, with list of debts owing to (£16 11s 11d) and owing by (£4 4s) the testator. The debts include the funeral expenses of George Hunter's 'supposed son'. Endorsed: proved, 8 Mar [1613]. DPRI/1/1612/H25 13 February 1613 Thomas HUNTER, the elder, of chapelry of Medomeslie (Meddomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H25/1-2 18 December 1612 will endorsed: proved, 13 Feb [1613] DPRI/1/1612/H25/3 undated inventory, actual total £95 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 11s) DPRI/1/1612/H26 28 March 1612 John HUTTON, rector of Gateshead, clerk, of Gatesheade (Gateside) within the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/H26/1-2 20 February 1612 will endorsed: proved, 28 Mar 1612 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 53-54 DPRI/1/1612/H26/3-7 24 March 1612 inventory, actual total £294 9s 6d DPRI/1/1612/J1 1 July 1612 William JACKSON, cordwainer, of Netherwitton in the parish of Hartburne [Netherwitton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/J1/1-2 10 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 1 July 1612 DPRI/1/1612/J1/3 23 April 1612 inventory, actual total £24 DPRI/1/1612/J2 8 May 1612 Michaell JEFFREYSON, tanner, of parish of Darlington (Darnton, Darlingtonn) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Jefferson, Jeffereyson DPRI/1/1612/J2/1 7 February 1612 will endorsed: probate granted, 8 May [1612] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 126 DPRI/1/1612/J2/2-3 10 February 1612 inventory, actual total £46 8s 4d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 126-129 DPRI/1/1612/J3 13 October 1612 Christoffor JOBSON, yeoman, of Hye (High) Callerton in the county of Northumberland and parish of Pont Iland (Eland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Jobsonn DPRI/1/1612/J3/1 23 August 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/J3/2-3 21 September 1612 inventory, actual total £39 18s 8d (with account of debts of £3 10s) endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/J4 9 May 1612 Elizabeth JOHNSON, wife of Thomas Johnson, widow, of Elvitt (Elvet) of the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/J4/1-2 18 April 1612 will Will, with list of debts of 13s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 9 May 1612. DPRI/1/1612/J4/3-4 1 May 1612 inventory, actual total £9 11s 10d DPRI/1/1612/J5 24 October 1612 Robert JORDISON, of Shotton in Esington perishe in the county of Durham [Shotton, County Durham]; also spelt Jurdison DPRI/1/1612/J5/1-2 18 September 1612 will will, with list of debts owing by (£25 13s 6d) and owing to (£44 9s) the testator DPRI/1/1612/J5/3 7 October 1612 inventory, actual total £182 10s 10d endorsed: proved, 24 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/K1 21 November 1612 Persevell KIRKLAY, of Bushopocke, parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Kirkley DPRI/1/1612/K1/1 2 October 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/K1/2 2 October 1612 copy will DPRI/1/1612/K1/3 undated inventory, actual total £113 13s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £53 13s 4d) Inventory dated, 24 Oct [?1612]. Endorsed: [will] proved, 21 Nov [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/K2 William KITCHIN, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/K2/1 18 May 1612 will Subscribed: not proved; exhibited by the executor(s) and execution renounced, 20 June 1612. Endorsed: not proved. DPRI/1/1612/L1 26 September 1612 Henrie LADLEY, yeoman, of Plawsworth (Plawseworth) in the parishe of Chester within the countie of Duresme [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Ladleye DPRI/1/1612/L1/1-2 3 September 1612 will endorsed: proved, 26 Sep 1612 DPRI/1/1612/L1/3-4 18 September 1612 inventory, actual total £69 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £76 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1612/L2 10 March 1613 George LAMBE, of Comberton in the parish of Hertborne (Hartbourne, Hartburne) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/L2/1-2 December 1612 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/L2/3 18 February 1613 inventory, actual total £100 0s 4d (with account of debts of £11 2s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/L3 12 September 1612 William LAMBTON, gentleman, Little Haughton alias Haughtonfeild within the countie of Durham, Readhouse in the parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] The inventory is endorsed by the probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the former is not present. See DPRI/4/10 f.291: in an office cause to prove the will and codicil, probate is granted to Margaret Lambton, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Ann Lambton and Margaret Lambton, minor daughters and co-executors, with a like power reserved to the same; Margaret Lambton is also granted the tuition of the two children; inventory exhibited, 12 Sep 1612. DPRI/1/1612/L3/1-2 7 July 1612 inventory endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Sep 1612; registered, 11 Dec 1612 DPRI/1/1612/L4 13 October 1612 William LASELLS, of parish of St Andrew in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Lassalls DPRI/1/1612/L4/1-2 20 July 1612 will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/L5 12 June 1612 Robert LAWSON, esquire, Cramlingtone in the countie of Northumberland, town of Newcastle [Cramlington, Northumberland]; also spelt merchant DPRI/1/1612/L5/1 13 January 1612 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 51 DPRI/1/1612/L5/5 24 March 1612 inventory, actual total £12 6s 3d DPRI/1/1612/L5/3-4 24 March 1612 inventory, actual total £919 9s 2d (with account of debts of £79 3s) endorsed: administration granted, 12 June [1612] DPRI/1/1612/L5/2 11 June 1612 election of guardian certificate of Michaell Lawson and Dority Lawson of the election of their brother Thomas Lawson of Cramlington as their tutor and guardian DPRI/1/1612/L6 William LAWSONNE, of parish of Bothell (Bothall) [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawson DPRI/1/1612/L6/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1612/L7 31 July 1612 Thomas LEE, of the Forrest of Middleton in Teasdell [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/L7/1 undated nuncupative will with inventory, undated, actual total £10 18s 6d (with account of debts of £3 14s 2d) witnesses sworn, 25 July 1612 DPRI/1/1612/L7/2 undated copy nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 31 July [1612] DPRI/1/1612/L7/3 undated inventory, actual total £10 18s 6d (with account of debts of £3 14s 2d) DPRI/1/1612/L8 1 July 1612 Edward LEIGH, of the Hurst, parish of Woodhorn [Woodhorn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/L8/1 1 March 1612 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£4 8s 10d) and owing by (£2 1s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 1 July 1612. DPRI/1/1612/L8/2 23 March 1612 inventory, actual total £95 12s inventory total uncertain [damage] DPRI/1/1612/L9 Robert LITSTER, of parish of Elwick [Elwick Hall, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/L9/1 26 February 1612 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1612/L9/2 25 April 1612 inventory, actual total £60 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 2s 11d) DPRI/1/1612/L10 18 July 1612 Isaac LOWDEN, clerk, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/L10/1-4 15 July 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 July [1612] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 122-125 DPRI/1/1612/L11 26 March 1612 Edward LOWTHER, of parish of Gretham (Greatham) [Greatham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/L11/1 1 April 1612 inventory endorsed: sequestration granted, 26 Mar [1612] DPRI/1/1612/M1 7 November 1612 Elizabeth MADDESONNE, widow, of Pelton, parishe of Chester in the countye of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Maddeson DPRI/1/1612/M1/1 16 February 1610 will endorsed: proved, 7 Nov [1612] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 46-47 DPRI/1/1612/M1/2 30 July 1611 indented inventory, actual total £19 13s 2d Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 30.7.1611 DPRI/1/1612/M2 Christoffor MALLABURNE, of Swalwell within the parishe of Whickame [Swalwell, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/M2/1-2 2 June 1612 will with inventory, 4 June 1612, actual total £13 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 2s 6d) DPRI/1/1612/M3 15 October 1612 Launclott MANERES, of Longe Framlingtonn (Long Framlington) [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Manners DPRI/1/1612/M3/1-2 17 June 1611 inventory endorsed: sequestration granted, 15 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/M4 William MARLAY, merchant, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Marley DPRI/1/1612/M4/1-3 undated inventory DPRI/1/1612/M5 8 March 1613 George MAUGHEN, of chapelry of Haiden (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Maugham DPRI/1/1612/M5/1 undated will Will, with list of debts owing to (£5 12s 4d) and owing by (£3 4s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 8 Mar [1613]. DPRI/1/1612/M5/2 28 December 1612 inventory, actual total £21 15s DPRI/1/1612/M7 10 March 1613 Thomas MILBURNE, tanner, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/M7/1-2 22 October 1612 inventory, actual total £197 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £39 1s 1d) with will, 15 October 1612 Inventory: among the debts is the cost of the testator's daughter Lucy Milburne's lair-stall. Endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1613]. DPRI/1/1612/M8 6 October 1612 Katheryn MORE, widow, of Dynsdaile (Dinsdell) in the countie of Yorke in the parish of Sockborne (Sockburne) [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Moore The will concerns only a £1,000 recognizance that is bequeathed to the executors; 'and not for anie other my goodes or chattells whatsoever'. DPRI/1/1612/M8/1 15 March 1612 will endorsed: proved, 6 Oct [1612]; inventory made manifest by the will DPRI/1/1612/M9 Thomas MOWRIE, of Barmtun (Barmton) within the parishe of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/M9/1 10 September 1581 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£4 8s 2d) and owing to (£4 5s and more). Endorsed with certificate of oath of Rolland Outhwhet, a witness too aged to travel [to the court]. DPRI/1/1612/M9/2 wrapper endorsed: exhibited, 31 July [1612] DPRI/1/1612/M10 John MUSCHAMP, gentleman, of Lyham Hall within the county of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschampp, Muschampe DPRI/1/1612/M10/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1612/M10/3-4 12 March 1613 inventory, actual total £29 11s 4d (with account of debts of £80 7s 1d) DPRI/1/1612/M6 19 September 1612 Elizabeth MYDELTONE, wife of William Mydeltone, widow, of Hetton on the Hill within the parish of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton, Midleton DPRI/1/1612/M6/1 28 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 19 Sep [1612]; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1612/M6/2-3 undated indented inventory, actual total £535 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 6s 2d) inventory of goods sold for the use of the children by the executors in trust DPRI/1/1612/N1 9 May 1612 Christopher NEWBYE, yeoman, of Woddland (Woodland) in the countie of Durham, parish of Cockfield (Cockefeild) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Newby DPRI/1/1612/N1/1 27 January 1611 will endorsed: proved, 9 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/N1/2 9 February 1611 indented inventory, actual total £14 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 0s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/N2 14 October 1612 Richard NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Cambois of the county of Durisme, parish of Bedlington [Cambois, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson DPRI/1/1612/N2/1 1612 will endorsed: administration granted, 14 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/N2/2 13 October 1612 inventory, actual total £40 15s 8d DPRI/1/1612/N3 26 February 1613 Thomas NIXON, yeoman, of Leehouse in Aldstonmoore (Alston Moore) and countye of Cumberland [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Nickson For the account, see - DPRI/1/1625/N1/1-2 DPRI/1/1612/N3/1 6 February 1613 will with nuncupative codicil, undated endorsed: proved, 26 Feb 1613; J.R. hath the inventory DPRI/1/1612/O1 Georg ORD, gentleman, of Westernewbiggin (Wester Newbegin) in the county pallatine of Durham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde DPRI/1/1612/O1/1-2 8 February 1612 will endorsed: 'call the [e]xecutor for the Inventory' DPRI/1/1612/O2 16 October 1612 George ORDE, [husband of Margaret Orde], of Orde in the countye pallatin of Durham, chapelry of Twedmoth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourde, Oard For the account of the administration of Orde's estate, see - DPRI/1/1614/O1/1 DPRI/1/1612/O2/1 10 October 1612 inventory The inventory total of the extant items is £43 4s 8d; while the account states the charge at £44 8s 10d, and this has total been preferred here. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 Oct [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/P1 9 May 1612 Richard PATTESON, of the Southe Sheelles, chapelry of Saint Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Pattesone DPRI/1/1612/P1/1-2 27 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 9 May 1612; inventory not exhibited; and with instructions relating to the execution of a £500 will bond DPRI/1/1612/P2 26 June 1612 John PATTINSON, yeoman, of the South Sheile Pannes in the county of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1612/P2/1-2 9 April 1612 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 26 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/P2/3 undated interrogatories interrogatories of Grace Patteson to the witnesses on the part of [?Richard] Patteson, relating to a cause to prove the nuncupative will DPRI/1/1612/P3 13 October 1612 Roger PERITH, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Peareth DPRI/1/1612/P3/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/P4 13 March 1613 Alice PIGG, widow, of towne (parish) of Barwick (Berwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/P4/1-2 27 April 1612 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£3 5s) and owing to (4s 8d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 13 Mar [1613]. DPRI/1/1612/P4/3 25 May 1612 inventory, actual total £3 4s 10d DPRI/1/1612/P4/4 25 May 1612 inventory, actual total £3 4s 10d DPRI/1/1612/P5 William PORRETT, husband of Agnes Porrett, carpenter, of chapelry of Hartelpole (Hartlepoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/P5/1 undated account Account of Agnes Porrett, relict; referring to the 31 Jan 1612 decree of Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, concerning the division of a third of the estate. Endorsed: admitted, 16 May 1612. DPRI/1/1612/R1 10 May 1612 Edmund RAICE, of the Bowleese (Bowleesse, Bowlees) in the parish of Mideltonn in Teasedell (Middleton George) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/R1/1-2 3 December 1611 will Will, subscribed with the names of the bondsmen. Endorsed: proved, 10 May [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/R1/3 undated inventory, actual total £23 7s 10d dated, 5 Dec [?1611] DPRI/1/1612/R3 13 October 1612 Anthony RICHESON, yeoman, of Kirklay (Kerklo) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Eland (Iland) [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Richison DPRI/1/1612/R3/1 12 March 1612 will Will probably dated in the New Style; see dorse. Endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1612. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 71-72 DPRI/1/1612/R3/2 26 March 1612 indented inventory, actual total £37 18s 8d DPRI/1/1612/R4 9 March 1613 Elinor RIDDELL, wife of Peter Riddell of Newcastle, merchant, widow, of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Riddle DPRI/1/1612/R4/1-2 28 January 1613 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1612/R4/3 undated inventory with codicil, 5 February 1613 (1) unvalued inventory of goods bequeathed to William Riddell, son, and Barbara [Theobald], daughter, and of the household goods of the testatrix; (2) with codicil. DPRI/1/1612/R5 29 June 1612 John ROBINSON, pensioner, of towne of Barwick uppon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/R5/1-2 14 March 1612 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of 19s DPRI/1/1612/R5/3-4 25 March 1612 inventory, actual total £2 15s 10d (with account of debts of £4 5s 10d) Inventory total uncertain [damage]. Endorsed: [will] proved, 29 June 1612. DPRI/1/1612/R6 7 November 1612 Margarett ROBINSON, widow, of Neyther Conyscliff in the countie of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/R6/1 17 November 1612 indented inventory Inventory includes the charge for the execution of the will of George Robinson and associated probate fees of 13s 6d. Endorsed: administration granted, 7 Nov 1612. DPRI/1/1612/R7 11 December 1612 Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Cockerton within the parishe of Darlington (Darneton) within the county of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/R7/1-2 16 October 1612 will endorsed: proved, 11 Dec [1612] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 119 DPRI/1/1612/R7/3-4 17 October 1612 inventory, actual total £256 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 19s 8d) in addition to the will the inventory refers to a deed of gift made by the testator dated 16 Oct 1612 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 120-122 DPRI/1/1612/R8 10 May 1612 Andrew ROBSON, of the Overbrodlee in Teasdaill within the countye or Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasdaill [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/R8/1-2 10 March 1609 will with codicil, undated DPRI/1/1612/R8/3 18 April 1612 inventory, actual total £121 12s (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s) with certificate of oath, 10 May 1612 DPRI/1/1612/R8/4 18 April 1612 indented copy inventory, actual total £121 12s (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s) endorsed: [will] proved, 10 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/R9 17 October 1612 John ROXSBYE, of parish of Whitborne (Whitebarne) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Roxby, Roxbye DPRI/1/1612/R9/1 6 October 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/R9/2-3 6 October 1612 copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/R10 11 March 1613 Edward RUTHER, of Glanton, Whittingham [Glanton, Northumberland]; also spelt Rutter DPRI/1/1612/R10/1 5 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1612/R10/2 8 March 1613 indented inventory, actual total £12 10s DPRI/1/1612/R2 29 June 1612 James RYCHARDSON, of the Spytle (Spittle), parish of Twedmouthe [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Richardson, Rychardsonne DPRI/1/1612/R2/1 21 October 1611 will endorsed: proved, 29 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/R2/2 undated inventory, actual total £14 DPRI/1/1612/S1 14 October 1612 Robert SADLER, of Langhirst (Langhurst), Botthall [Longhirst, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/S1/1 8 March 1610 will endorsed: proved, 14 Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/S1/2 12 October 1612 inventory, actual total £22 13s 4d DPRI/1/1612/S2 20 June 1612 Richard SELBIE, of Bladon in the parishe of Riton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Selbye, Selby DPRI/1/1612/S2/1 18 June 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/S2/2 18 June 1612 indented copy inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/S3 9 March 1613 Clement SHAFTO, tanner, of Newcastell upon Tyne, parish of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1612/S3/1 17 December 1612 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/S3/2-3 18 December 1612 codicil DPRI/1/1612/S3/4 11 February 1613 inventory, actual total £49 3s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 12s) DPRI/1/1612/S4 11 December 1612 Richard SHAFTO, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1612/S4/1-3 1611 inventory DPRI/1/1612/S4/4 undated inventory of debts, actual total £25 8s 4d (debts) endorsed: administration granted, 11 Dec 1612 DPRI/1/1612/S5 29 June 1612 George SHEILE, pensioner, of the brough of Berwick upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shiele, Shele DPRI/1/1612/S5/1 19 March 1611 will DPRI/1/1612/S5/2-3 23 June 1612 inventory, actual total £2 17s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 29 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/S6 22 May 1612 Thomas SILVERTOPP, tailor, Chester in leye Streete in the countie of Durham, parish of Gateshead [Chester-le-Street, County Durham; Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/S6/1 29 March 1612 will endorsed: proved, 22 May [1612] DPRI/1/1612/S6/2-3 22 April 1612 indented inventory, actual total £114 14s 8d (with account of debts of 10s 5d) DPRI/1/1612/S8 6 March 1613 Edward SMYTH, organist of Durham cathedral, organist, lay singer [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1612/S8/1-2 10 February 1612 will endorsed: proved, 6 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/S8/3 4 March 1613 inventory, actual total £27 13s 10d DPRI/1/1612/S9 9 June 1612 Robert SMYTH, tallow-chandler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1612/S9/1-3 1 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 9 June 1612 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 54-56 DPRI/1/1612/S7 Agnes SMYTHE, wife of William Smythe of Bishopwearmouth, widow, of B[ishop] Wermoth (Weremouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smith DPRI/1/1612/S7/1-2 4 February 1613 will DPRI/1/1612/S7/3 14 February 1613 inventory, actual total £36 15s 9d (with account of debts of £2 9s 6d) DPRI/1/1612/S10 28 November 1612 William SOTHERON, Morralees within the parishe of Lanchester, Newcastle uppon Tyne [Lanchester, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/S10/1 11 December 1612 inventory, actual total £2 8s 6d with inventory, 18 December 1612, actual total £52 19s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 1s) (1) inventory of goods etc. 'remaininge within the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne'; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Morralees. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Nov [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/S11 13 March 1613 Quintyne STRINGER, of Berwick (Barwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/S11/1 28 February 1613 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1612/S12 8 May 1612 Lancelot STROTHER, esquire, of parish of Kirknewton (Newton in Glendall) in the county of Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/S12/1-2 30 July 1611 will endorsed: proved, 8 May 1612; execution [of the will] not granted; goods should be sequestered; register the will upon [grant of] administration Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 49-50 DPRI/1/1612/S12/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1612/S13 8 May 1612 William STROTHER, esquire, of parish of Newton in Glendall in the county of Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/S13/1-2 6 February 1610 will endorsed: proved, 8 May [1612]; execution [of the will] not granted; goods should be sequestered DPRI/1/1612/S14 26 September 1612 William SUDDICKE, of chapelry of Escombe within the countie of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Suddick DPRI/1/1612/S14/1 13 August 1612 will endorsed: proved, 26 Sep [1612] DPRI/1/1612/S14/2 15 September 1612 inventory, actual total £235 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £53 2s) DPRI/1/1612/S15 8 March 1613 Raphe SURTIS, yeoman, of New Ridley in the parishe (chapelry) of Bywell Peter in the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1612/S15/1 20 January 1613 indented will endorsed: proved, 8 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/S15/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 17s 9d) DPRI/1/1612/T1 11 March 1613 Edward TALLOR, of Haxley (Hauxley) in the parishe of Warkwith (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Taler DPRI/1/1612/T1/1 24 November 1612 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £15 0s 10d. Endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1613. DPRI/1/1612/T1/2 8 December 1612 inventory, actual total £50 15s 8d DPRI/1/1612/T3 George THOMPSON, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/T3/1 undated will DPRI/1/1612/T3/2-5 undated inventory, actual total £56 11s 2d (and more) DPRI/1/1612/T3/6 undated inventory, actual total £9 0s 1d (and more) dated, 25 Apr 16... [damage] DPRI/1/1612/T3/7 undated inventory DPRI/1/1612/T2 27 February 1613 Anthonye TOMPSON, yeoman, of Longacres in the countie palatine of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Tompsone, Thompson DPRI/1/1612/T2/1 21 January 1613 indented will DPRI/1/1612/T2/2 4 February 1613 indented inventory, actual total £153 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 2s) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Feb [1613] DPRI/1/1612/T4 October 1612 George TURPIN, of Seaton within the parishe of Woodhorne (Woodhorn) [Woodhorn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/T4/1-2 undated will Dated, 13 Aug 16... [damage]. Endorsed: proved, ... Oct [1612] DPRI/1/1612/T4/3 9 September 1612 inventory, actual total £58 1s 8d (with account of debts of £14 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/W1 29 June 1612 James WALLIS, of Coupland (Copeland, Copland) [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Walless, Wallas DPRI/1/1612/W1/1 3 January 1611 will with inventory, undated, actual total £160 17s (with account of debts of £34 15s 8d) probate granted at Kyloe to Roger Wallis, son and sole executor, to whom was also granted the tuition of seven named minor children, 29 June 1612 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 48 DPRI/1/1612/W2 1 July 1612 Thomas WARRINER, of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Warrener, Warryner DPRI/1/1612/W2/1-2 12 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 1 July 1612 DPRI/1/1612/W2/3 16 April 1612 inventory, actual total £105 0s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £81 3s 8d) DPRI/1/1612/W4 John WATSON, gentleman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/W4/1 26 September 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/W4/2 14 November 1612 nuncupative codicil DPRI/1/1612/W5 14 November 1612 Robert WATSON, the elder, husbandman, of chapelry of Wittongilbert (Witton Gilbert) in the countie of Durham [Witton Gilbert, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/W5/1-2 undated inventory, actual total £19 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 2s 5d) with will, 8 September 1612 endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1612] DPRI/1/1612/W3 9 March 1613 Jennet WATSONN, widow, of the North Sheals in the county of Northumberland, parish of Tynmoth [North Shields, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/W3/1 20 December 1612 will DPRI/1/1612/W3/2-3 21 January 1613 inventory, actual total £35 17s 1d (with account of debts of £8 5s) endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/W6 John WHARIER, yeoman, of Togsdon in the parish of Warkworth in the countye of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wharrier DPRI/1/1612/W6/1-2 17 September 1612 will with inventory, 16 October 1612, actual total £100 11s 8d (with account of debts of £27 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1612/W7 Mallie WHITEFEILD, alias Mergerie Whitefeild, widow, of parish of Whitefeild [Whitfield, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/W7/1 12 June 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1612/W8 23 January 1613 Izabell WILDE, wife of Robert Wilde of Kibblesworth, widow, of Kiblesworthe in the countie palatine of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/W8/1 23 September 1610 indented will endorsed: proved, 23 Jan 1613 DPRI/1/1612/W8/2 18 January 1613 indented inventory, actual total £31 15s 4d DPRI/1/1612/W9 9 March 1613 John WINSHOPP, of Backworth (Backwoorth) within the parishe (chapelry) of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Winshop, Wenshop DPRI/1/1612/W9/1-2 undated nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 9 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1612/W9/3 18 February 1613 inventory, actual total £74 13s DPRI/1/1612/W11 29 June 1612 Issable WOOD, widow, of towne of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Woode DPRI/1/1612/W11/1-2 18 April 1612 will with inventory, 14 April 1612 (1) will, with list of debts owing by the testatrix of £6 9s; (2) unvalued inventory DPRI/1/1612/W11/3-4 24 June 1612 inventory, actual total £28 7s endorsed: proved, 29 June 1612 DPRI/1/1612/W12 22 August 1612 Anthonie WRENN, of parish of All Hallowes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/W12/1 22 August 1612 inventory Exhibited by the administrator Clement Carr of Fleet Street in London, draper. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Aug [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/W13 7 April 1612 George WREYE, of Woodhouses in the parish of Saint Andrew Auckland (Andrewes Aucklande, Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wrey DPRI/1/1612/W13/1-2 6 January 1612 will with inventory, 15 January 1612, actual total £44 9s 6d Will, with list of debts owing to the executors of £67 6s 6d. Probate granted to William Wreye and Annesse Sympsonn, brother and sister, executors, 7 Apr 1612. DPRI/1/1612/W10 10 June 1612 Johne WYNTER, of parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Winter DPRI/1/1612/W10/1 22 February 1612 will with inventory, 25 March 1612, actual total £16 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 1d) [?Nuncupative will]. Endorsed: proved, 10 June [1612]. DPRI/1/1612/Y1 Elenor YOUNGER, of Streett Yaitt (Stretegate) [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Younge DPRI/1/1612/Y1/1-2 15 April 1610 will will, with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £52 2s 6d DPRI/1/1612/Y2 11 March 1613 Henry YOUNGER, tanner, of Alnewicke in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/Y2/1-2 5 February 1613 copy will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1612/Y2/3-4 23 February 1613 inventory, actual total £174 19s (with account of debts of £30 7s 10d) DPRI/1/1612/Y2/5-6 4 August 1654 bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 bond of George Stanton, William Currey and James Winney, to redeliver the original will DPRI/1/1613 Wills etc proved 1613 DPRI/1/1613/A1 Thomas ADON, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Aydon DPRI/1/1613/A1/1 4 September 1647 letters testimonial with copy will, 18 August 1613 Letters testimonial issued by the Bishop of Durham, publishing the existence of Thomas Adon's original will in Durham Registry and containing a full copy of the same; (formerly with pendant seal of the Bishop's Official Principal attached); inscribed and fully attested by Richard Newhouse notary public and [Durham] Register, and with his sign manual. Endorsed with (undated) memorandum relating that the original will was delivered to Gawin Aydon, and that this copy was placed in the Registry in its place by Robert Newhouse. DPRI/1/1613/A1/2-3 27 August 1613 indented inventory, actual total £45 9s DPRI/1/1613/A2 Richard ALLISON, yeoman, of Morwicke (Marwick) in the countye of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Allenson, Alason DPRI/1/1613/A2/1 16 March 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/A2/2-3 9 April 1612 inventory, actual total £24 10s 6d (with account of debts of £4 12s 2d) date of inventory incompatible with that of will DPRI/1/1613/A3 19 July 1613 Bartraham ANDERSON, merchant, of the Close in the towne of Newcastell upon Tine in the parish of St Nicholas within the same city [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Bartram, Anderson DPRI/1/1613/A3/1-2 10 June 1605 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1613/A3/3 17 July 1613 commission commission to William Morton MA, archdeacon of Durham, and Thomas Hook MA, rector of Gateshead, and Alexander Leighton MA, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to David Hechstetter and his wife Alice Hechstetter, daughter of the deceased, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Morton at his Vicarage House in Newcastle, 19 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/A4 7 December 1613 Robart ARMSTRONGE, cordwainer, of towne of Newcastell, parish of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestronge DPRI/1/1613/A4/1-2 9 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/A4/3 undated inventory, actual total £11 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6) DPRI/1/1613/A5 8 May 1613 Michell ARROWSMITH, of parish of Branspeth (Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Arrowsmithe DPRI/1/1613/A5/1 1 March 1613 will endorsed: proved, 8 May 1613 DPRI/1/1613/A5/2 undated inventory, actual total £28 6s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1613/A6 27 March 1613 William ASHTON, vicar of Bywell St Andrew, clerk, of Bywell Andrewe [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Asheton, Ashetone, Ashtonn DPRI/1/1613/A6/1 3 February 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/A6/2 undated inventory, actual total £52 5s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 17s 10d) Exhibited, 27 Mar 1613. Endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/A7 5 May 1613 Cuthbart ATCHESONE, of the Woodside (Woodeside) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Atcheson DPRI/1/1613/A7/1 30 March 1613 will endorsed: proved, 5 [?May] [1613] DPRI/1/1613/A7/2 21 April 1613 indented inventory, actual total £66 17s DPRI/1/1613/A8 13 November 1613 Thomas ATKINSON, yeoman, of Trimdon (Trymdon) parishe in the county of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/A8/1 13 September 1613 will endorsed: administration granted, 13 Nov 1613; the executor having renounced DPRI/1/1613/A8/2 19 October 1613 indented inventory, actual total £256 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £185 17s 1d) DPRI/1/1613/A9 6 November 1613 William ATKINSON, of Midridg (Midridge) within the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Middridge, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/A9/1 26 October 1613 will [?nuncupative will] DPRI/1/1613/A9/2 2 November 1613 inventory, actual total £30 2s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 13s 1d) endorsed: administration granted, 6 Nov [1613] DPRI/1/1613/A10 24 April 1613 William ATKINSON, of Northe Auckelande in the countie of Duressme, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/A10/1-2 13 January 1612 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 Apr [1613]; also endorsed, Jane [Atkinson] relict, and with the names of two children DPRI/1/1613/B1 11 December 1613 John BACON, labourer, of parishe of Lanchester in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Bacone DPRI/1/1613/B1/1 26 September 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/B1/2 26 September 1613 copy will endorsed: proved, 11 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B1/3 15 October 1613 indented inventory, actual total £10 4s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 10s 9d) DPRI/1/1613/B2 William BARD, yeoman, of West Chevington (West Chivington, Chevingtone) in the countie of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Baird DPRI/1/1613/B2/1 26 February 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/B2/2 20 April 1613 inventory, actual total £36 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 1s 10d) DPRI/1/1613/B3 Thomas BARDE, yeoman, of West Chevington in the countye of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Bard DPRI/1/1613/B3/1 7 March 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/B3/2 11 May 1613 inventory, actual total £141 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 1s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/B4 7 August 1613 John BARNES, esquire, of cittie of Duresme (Durham) [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/B4/1-2 18 July 1613 will endorsed: proved, 7 Aug [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B4/3-5 20 July 1613 inventory, actual total £209 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £694 0s 2d) Exhibited by the executors at Durham Consistory Court, 26 Mar 1614. DPRI/1/1613/B6 25 February 1614 James BARTANE, of Elfoord, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Bartan, Barton DPRI/1/1613/B6/1-2 2 November 1612 will with inventory, undated, actual total £33 (with account of debts of £5 10s) Will, with [?contemporaneous] inventory. Endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/B5 10 July 1613 Arthur BARTLETT, of Berwick upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/B5/1-2 14 January 1613 will endorsed: proved, 10 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/B7 14 January 1614 William BARTRAM, mariner, of parish of Gaitsid (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/B7/1-2 31 December 1613 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1614] DPRI/1/1613/B7/3 10 January 1614 inventory, actual total £6 5s 4d DPRI/1/1613/B7/4-5 undated inventory of debts, actual total £6 7s 6d (debts and funeral expenses) DPRI/1/1613/B8 1 December 1613 Robert BELL, of Coxhow (Coxhowe) in the parish of Kelloe (Kelloo) [Coxhoe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/B8/1 24 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/B8/2 30 November 1613 indented inventory, actual total £273 4s 2d (with account of debts of £42 16s 11d) endorsed: proved, 1 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B9 25 February 1614 Thomas BELL, yeoman, of Cheswick of the parish (chapelry) of Ancroft (Ancrofte) within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countye pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/B9/1-2 27 November 1613 will endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/B9/3 27 November 1613 inventory, actual total £13 18s 4d DPRI/1/1613/B11 5 June 1613 Johne BLACKET, husband of Janett Blackett, of West Buttesfeild (Est Butsfeld) of the parrish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Blackett DPRI/1/1613/B11/1 31 May 1613 inventory, actual total £31 11s 8d (with account of debts of £21 4s) endorsed: administration granted, 5 June [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B10/1 9 October 1613 account Account of Cuthbert Rawe, Janett Blacket's sole executor, of the administration of the goods etc. of her husband John Blacket. Endorsed: exhibited, 9 Oct 1613. DPRI/1/1613/B10/2 16 October 1613 account, actual total £31 11s 8d (with discharge of £25 3s 10d) with depositions, 16 October 1613 (1) annotated account, subscribed with adjudged allocation between the executor [of Janett Blacket] and four other named individuals; admitted 6 Nov 1613; (2) six depositions of creditors named in the account and their supporting witnesses. DPRI/1/1613/B12 24 April 1613 John BLAIXTON, of Headlam in the parish of Gainfoord (Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Blaxton DPRI/1/1613/B12/1 20 April 1613 will with memorandum, 24 April 1613 Will, subscribed with memorandum made at probate relating to the testator's ensealing of the will. DPRI/1/1613/B12/2 22 April 1613 inventory, actual total £35 16s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of 13s) endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B13 6 July 1613 Lanclott BONNER, of parishe of Newburne (Nuburne) [Newburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/B13/1-2 23 January 1610 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£27 3s 4d) and owing by (£3 14s 6d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/B13/3 undated inventory, actual total £27 10s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 1s 2d) DPRI/1/1612/B10 13 October 1612 Lawnce BOOMER, plumber, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1612/B10/1 11 December 1611 will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct 1612 DPRI/1/1612/B10/2-3 13 July 1612 inventory, actual total £15 0s 10d DPRI/1/1613/B14 William BOWDEN, of parish of Longhoughtone (Longhoughton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/B14/1 20 March 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £9 4s. DPRI/1/1613/B14/2 24 June 1613 inventory, actual total £43 7s 6d DPRI/1/1612/B11 18 July 1612 Hercules BRABANT, of Redworthe of the parishe of Heinghington (Heighington) in the countie pallentine of Durham [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/B11/1 22 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 18 July 1612 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 58-61 DPRI/1/1612/B11/2 22 April 1612 codicil The date of the codicil appears to have been amended from 1612 to 1613, however date of the inventory and of the grant of probate makes this impossible. DPRI/1/1612/B11/3 17 May 1612 codicil DPRI/1/1612/B11/4 24 May 1612 codicil DPRI/1/1612/B11/5-6 16 June 1612 indented inventory, actual total £561 17s 10d inventory refers to a schedule of legacies annexed (not present) DPRI/1/1612/B12 2 May 1612 William BRIGGS, of Harum in the parishe of Branspethe (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Brigges DPRI/1/1612/B12/1 10 December 1611 will endorsed: proved, 2 May 1612 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 50 DPRI/1/1612/B13 28 November 1612 William BROUGH, of parishe of Washington (Washingtonn) [Washington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1612/B13/1 21 October 1612 will endorsed: proved, 28 Nov [1612] DPRI/1/1612/B13/2 21 October 1612 copy will DPRI/1/1612/B13/3 24 November 1612 inventory, actual total £149 16s 6d DPRI/1/1612/B13/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1613/B16 10 July 1613 Robert BROWN, yeoman, of Barwick (Berwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne. Died 24 March 1613 Brown was buried, 25 Mar 1613. A pension is referred to in the will. DPRI/1/1613/B16/1-2 12 March 1613 will with inventory, actual total £3 8s 10d Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £10 12s; and inventory. Endorsed: proved, 10 July 1613. DPRI/1/1613/B16/3 3 May 1613 letter of attorney letter of attorney from John Brown and Phillipp Brown at London, sons and executors, to Mr Richard Crowe and Master Thomas Smith [at Berwick], empowering them to give surety, and to prove and take execution of the will DPRI/1/1613/B17 13 December 1613 Anthony BUCKE, the elder, of Shotley Fylde (Fyld) in the parishe of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Buck DPRI/1/1613/B17/1 16 April 1613 indented will endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/B17/2 19 April 1613 indented inventory, actual total £44 19s 4d DPRI/1/1613/B15 20 November 1613 John BROWNE, esquire, Grayes Inn London, Newcastle [Gray's Inn, Middlesex; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/B15/1 9 November 1613 inventory Inventory of goods etc. at Newcastle. Endorsed: administration granted to William Wall, creditor, 20 Nov [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B18 22 August 1614 Thomas BULL, of chapelry of Bernard Castell (Bernerd, Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Books. DPRI/1/1613/B18/1 28 August 1613 nuncupative will endorsed: not issued [under seal] DPRI/1/1613/B18/2 31 August 1613 indented inventory, actual total £7 14s 4d (with account of debts of £13 0s 2d) endorsed: administration granted, 22 Aug [1613] [?recte 1614] DPRI/1/1613/B19 30 October 1613 John BUNTING, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Buntinge DPRI/1/1613/B19/1-2 20 October 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 Oct [1613] DPRI/1/1613/B20 Robert BURTON, yeoman, of Hedworth within the parishe of Jarro [Hedworth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/B20/1-2 29 December 1611 will DPRI/1/1613/B20/3 30 July 1612 inventory, actual total £23 10s DPRI/1/1613/B21 Nicholas BYERLAWE, yeoman, of Cornsawe (Cornsaw) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Byerleye, Byerley, Bairley DPRI/1/1613/B21/1 23 August 1613 will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1613/B21/2 23 August 1613 copy will endorsed: administration granted to carry out the will DPRI/1/1613/B21/3 4 October 1613 indented inventory, actual total £51 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £48 0s 4d) with memorandum, undated inventory, subscribed with memorandum concerning an annuity conditional upon a lease DPRI/1/1613/C1 John CARR, of Midleherinton (Herington, Middle Herrington) in the county of Durham [Herrington, County Durham]; also spelt Car DPRI/1/1613/C1/1 8 March 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/C1/2-3 24 March 1613 inventory, actual total £29 8s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 10s 2d) endorsed: proved, 27 Mar 1613 DPRI/1/1613/C2 17 April 1613 William CARR, of Midleherinton (Midle Herinton), Herrington (Harrington) [Herrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/C2/1 28 November 1612 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 17 Apr 1613 DPRI/1/1613/C2/2 28 November 1612 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1613/C2/3 7 April 1613 inventory, actual total £12 6s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £3 4s 3d) DPRI/1/1613/C3 Edward CHAMBER, of Hedworth (Hedworthe) in the parish of Jarro [Hedworth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/C3/1-2 20 December 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/C3/3 5 April 1613 inventory, actual total £6 15s 6d DPRI/1/1613/C3/4 5 April 1613 copy inventory, actual total £6 15s 6d DPRI/1/1613/C4 7 August 1613 Agnes CLAXTON, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] Inventory refers to a will, however probate office endorsement makes no mention of such. DPRI/1/1613/C4/1 undated inventory Inventory of goods delivered to Anthony Claxton for the use of An Claxton, daughter. Endorsed: administration granted, 7 Aug [1613]. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 130 DPRI/1/1613/C5 7 December 1613 Gawin CLIFTON, yeoman, of Shepcoate Barnes in the county of Durham, parish of Gateside [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Cliftonn DPRI/1/1613/C5/1-2 23 September 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/C5/3-4 12 October 1613 inventory, actual total £45 0s 10d DPRI/1/1613/C5/5-6 undated inventory, actual total £10 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £19 10s 1d) Inventory of debts, and including 2 cows and ready money not included in the other inventory. Endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/C6 15 May 1613 Rafe COLLINGE, yeoman, of towne and perres of Longnewton (Longenewton) in the countie of Durhame [Longnewton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/C6/1 17 December 1612 will Date of will uncertain: 1611 or 1612. Endorsed: proved, 15 May [1613] DPRI/1/1613/C6/2 31 December 1613 inventory, actual total £46 DPRI/1/1613/C7 13 December 1613 Willyam COLLINGWOOD, of West Matfen, Matfen [Matfen, Northumberland] testator requests to be buried at Stanfordham alias Stanardton DPRI/1/1613/C7/1 22 July 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/C7/2 12 October 1613 inventory, actual total £153 5s 8d Inventory includes goods etc. at Hawkwell. Endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1613. DPRI/1/1613/C8 7 December 1613 John COMMINGE, yeoman, of parishe of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Comnynge, Cominge DPRI/1/1613/C8/1 11 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/C8/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £6 19s 8d endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/C9 John COOKE, yeoman, of East Chevington (Chivington) in the county of Northumberland [Chevington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/C9/1 20 September 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/C9/2 24 November 1612 inventory, actual total £25 10s 8d DPRI/1/1613/C10 7 December 1613 John COXSON, yeoman, of Eatchwick (Eachwick) within the countye of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Cocksonn DPRI/1/1613/C10/1 8 May 1613 will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/C10/2 28 June 1613 indented inventory, actual total £34 5s 4d (with account of debts of £3 15s) DPRI/1/1613/C11 7 December 1613 Edward CRAIME, master and mariner, of parish of Gatshead (Gateshead) in the county of Dourham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Crame DPRI/1/1613/C11/1 7 February 1613 will witnesses sworn, 7 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/C11/2-3 1 November 1613 inventory, actual total £36 2s 2d DPRI/1/1613/C12 15 May 1613 Margaret CROOKE, spinster, of parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Crook DPRI/1/1613/C12/1 30 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 15 May 1613 DPRI/1/1613/C12/2 30 May 1613 indented inventory, actual total £8 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 19s 10d) inventory includes a charge for appraising the goods 'over againe at the appoyntment to Docter Colmore'; [?a prior inventory having been found to be unsatisfactory] DPRI/1/1613/D1 Robart DALTON, of South Weetsledg (Wetsled), parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/D1/1 undated indented inventory inventory includes goods at the South Town; dated, 30 Aug DPRI/1/1613/D2 William DALTON, the elder, gentleman, esquire, of parish of St Andrewes in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/D2/1 19 July 1613 will endorsed: proved Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 75-78 DPRI/1/1613/D2/2 28 July 1613 inventory, actual total £62 16s endorsed in error William Dalton of Wetsled (see DPRI/1/1613/D1) DPRI/1/1613/D3 John DAVISON, yeoman, of Shipleye in the countye of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/D3/1 29 May 1613 will endorsed with cancelled inventory DPRI/1/1613/D3/2 28 June 1613 inventory, actual total £137 1s (with account of debts of £32 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/D4 13 April 1611 5 October 1613 Thomas DEAVON, of parishe of South Bayly in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Deaven, Deven DPRI/1/1613/D4/1-2 28 December 1609 will endorsed: will proved, 13 Apr [1611]; probate granted, 5 Oct 1613 DPRI/1/1613/D4/3 13 March 1610 indented inventory, actual total £37 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1613/D5 George DENNAN, yeoman, of Morton of the parish of Tynmouth (Tynemouthe) within the countie of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/D5/1 20 January 1614 will Will, subscribed with legal advice concerning the appointment of executors (see margin). DPRI/1/1613/D5/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1613/D6 25 February 1614 Raph DENNES, yeoman, of Scremerston of the parishe of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countie pallentine of Durham [Scremerston, Northumberland]; also spelt Dennis DPRI/1/1613/D6/1 27 February 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £16 8s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 70-71 DPRI/1/1613/D6/2 27 February 1613 inventory, actual total £22 DPRI/1/1613/D7 Henry DETHICK, son of Sir Gylbert Dethick of the county of Middlesex knight, master of Greatham Hospital, hospital master, of Gretham (Greatham) Hospital [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt [Dethicke] DPRI/1/1613/D7/1 1 April 1613 indented will endorsed: proved, 5 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/D8 29 November 1613 Robart DUN, of Bornhall (Burnhall) in the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/D8/1-2 18 October 1613 will will, with 'a note of goodes that Robert Dun haith'; also with a list of debts owing by and owing to the testator, subsequently voided. DPRI/1/1613/D8/3-4 28 October 1613 inventory, actual total £99 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £23 7s 6d) endorsed: proved, 29 Nov [1613] DPRI/1/1613/D8/5 28 October 1613 indented inventory, actual total £99 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £23 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1613/D8/6 10 December 1613 inventory of expenses, actual total £5 5s 4d inventory of funeral and probate expenses DPRI/1/1613/E1 16 October 1613 William ELLINOR, yeoman, of Huton Henrie in the parishe of Munckhesleden of the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/E1/1 15 February 1612 will endorsed: proved, 16 Oct [1613] DPRI/1/1613/E1/2 8 July 1613 inventory, actual total £40 10s 10d (with account of debts of £15 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1613/E2 8 May 1613 Heugh ELSTON, of parish of Elton [Elton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/E2/1 27 October 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/E2/2-3 16 December 1612 inventory, actual total £130 6s 4d (with account of debts of £13) endorsed: proved, 8 May [1613] DPRI/1/1613/E4 12 March 1614 George EMERSON, the eldest, of the Eastyeat in Wardall (East Gate in Werdayle) with the parish of Stanup (Stanhop, Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/E4/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1613/E4/3 undated copy will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar [1614] DPRI/1/1613/E4/4 20 January 1613 indented inventory, actual total £131 14s 8d DPRI/1/1613/E5 26 March 1613 Christopher EMERSON, of Ludwell in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/E5/1 1 November 1612 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1613/E5/2 23 February 1613 inventory, actual total £15 5s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £6) endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1613/E3 26 March 1613 Allison EMMERSON, widow, of Ludwell in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson DPRI/1/1613/E3/1 9 January 1613 will will, dated at head 7 Jan 1613, and endorsed with memorandum of its confirmation [publication] before witnesses, 9 Jan 1613 DPRI/1/1613/E3/2 23 February 1613 inventory, actual total £270 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £68 6s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Mar [1613] DPRI/1/1613/E6 27 June 1595 Thomas ERRINGTON, gentleman, of Elton [Elton, County Durham]; also spelt Erington. Died 5 April 1595 For the will of Thomas Errington, see - DPRI/1/1595/E2/1 DPRI/1/1613/E6/2 undated inventory of debts, actual total £159 9s 11d (debts and funeral expenses) inventory of debts owing at the time of the death of Thomas Errington DPRI/1/1613/E6/1 undated account Account of Thomas Collingwood, tutor and governor of Ephraym Errington, sole executor. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1613/F2 25 February 1614 Cuthbert FENKELL, of Fenwick in the parishe of Kyloe (chapelry of Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/F2/1 8 November 1613 will with inventory, 8 November 1613, actual total £13 15s Will, incorporating an inventory. Endorsed: 25 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/F1 8 July 1613 Anna FENKLE, widow, of Longhoughton within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Houghton [Longhoughton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/F1/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 8 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/F3 Thomas FENKLE, of parish of Longhoughton (Longehoughton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenkell DPRI/1/1613/F3/1 12 June 1611 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 2s. DPRI/1/1613/F3/2 8 July 1613 inventory, actual total £10 DPRI/1/1613/F4 22 February 1614 Mungo FENWICKE, of Longwitton (Longewitton) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick testator requests to be buried at Harrborne (Hartburn) DPRI/1/1613/F4/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 22 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/F4/2 undated inventory, actual total £17 14s 4d (with account of debts of £4) DPRI/1/1613/F5 21 December 1613 Sir William FENWICKE, knight, of Wallington in the parish of Hartborne (Hartburne) in the countie of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1613/F5/1 3 December 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/F5/2 19 December 1613 commission Commission to William Morton, archdeacon of Durham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the executors, to make grants of tuition to the persons nominated in the will, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; [commission executed by Morton, 21 Dec 1613]. Endorsed: [will] proved; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1613/F5/3-4 21 December 1613 act of court with deposition, 21 December 1613 (1) act of court in the home of Sir George Selby in Newcastle before William Morton, archdeacon of Durham: William Fenwicke gentleman, son and co-executor, and Sir George Selbye, tutor of Roger Fenwicke, son and co-executor, exhibit the will and present the witnesses to prove the same; with additonal notes; (2) deposition of William Fenwick, witness, concerning an ammendment to the will. [Also with memorandum concerning a (?14 Jan 1614) monition against the executors, possibly relating to the estate of Margaret Jackson of Newcastle All Saints, see DPRI/1/1613/J1/1-3 and DPRI/1/1613/J1/4-6.] DPRI/1/1613/F6 Giles FOTHERGILL, of chappelrye of Bernard castell (Bernerd, Barnard Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/F6/1 2 January 1614 will DPRI/1/1613/F6/2 13 January 1614 indented inventory, actual total £59 1s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 13s 2d) DPRI/1/1613/F6/3 21 January 1614 commission commission to Michael Walker, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Fothergill, relict, and Matthew Fothergill [son], executors, and also to swear the witnesses to the will DPRI/1/1613/F7 25 September 1613 John FREISELL, husband of Jane Freisell, of the Parke end (ende) in the parish of Simonborne and countie of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Frisell, Frisle, Frizle. Died 25 April 1613 For the will of John Freisell's widow, see - DPRI/1/1613/F7/3-4 - DPRI/1/1613/F7/5 DPRI/1/1613/F7/1 25 April 1613 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1613/F7/2 undated inventory, actual total £15 15s 6d (with account of debts of £1 14s) inventory of the goods etc. of John Freisell and his wife Jane Freisell, his executor; exhibited by Margaret Ridlie and John Robson, executors of Jane Freisell, relict of John Freisell, 25 Sep 1613 DPRI/1/1613/F7 25 September 1613 Jane FREISELL, wife and executor of John Freisell, widow, of the Parke ende [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Frisell, Frisle, Frizle Jane Freisell died within eight days of her husband (d. 25 Apr 1613). For the joint inventory of Jane Freisell and of her husband, see - DPRI/1/1613/F7/2 DPRI/1/1613/F7/3-4 30 April 1613 will with memorandum, 25 September 1613 will, with memorandum of the executors concerning the bequest [?nuncupative codicil] of the insight goods to Mallie Robson DPRI/1/1613/F7/5 30 April 1613 will with memorandum, 25 September 1613 Will, with (marginal) memorandum of the executors concerning the bequest [?nuncupative codicil] of the insight goods to Mallie Robson. Endorsed: proved, 25 Sep [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/G1 Peter GARNET, of West aucland (Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Garnett DPRI/1/1613/G1/1 undated inventory dated, 5 Oct DPRI/1/1613/G2 Giles GARTHWAITE, vicar of Heighington, clerk, of parish of Heighinton (Heighington) within the countie of Durisme [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Garthwhaite DPRI/1/1613/G2/1 4 June 1613 copy will DPRI/1/1613/G2/2 10 June 1613 inventory, actual total £124 17s 2d (with account of debts of £124 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/G3 Mychelle GIBSON, cooper, of parishe of Sainte Andrewes, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/G3/1 7 December 1613 inventory administration renounced DPRI/1/1613/G4 6 July 1613 John GREINEAKERS, of parish of Sanct Johns in Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Greneacre, Greneacres, Grenakers buried at Newcastle St Nicholas DPRI/1/1613/G4/1-2 20 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613]; also with [?unrelated] memorandum relating to a query and monition concerning the execution of the will of Gilbert Hunter of Rothbury DPRI/1/1613/G4/3 undated inventory, actual total £11 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 8s 1d) DPRI/1/1613/H1 Phillipp HAGTHROPPE, the elder, gentleman, of Daringe Crooke (Darnecrooke) in the parishe of Gatesheade (Gateside) withe in the county of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Hagthorp, Hagthropp, Hagthrop DPRI/1/1613/H1/1-19 20 January 1612 [?copy] will will, written on the pages 17-18 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 51-53 DPRI/1/1613/H1/20-23 10 March 1612 inventory, actual total £138 19s 2d (with account of debts of £137 15s 6d) inventory of goods etc. at Darnecrooke and at Chester-le-Street DPRI/1/1613/H2 8 December 1613 Edward HALL, alias Mickle Eddie, of Munckerdge (Munckeredg, Munckeridge, Munkeredge) within the parish of Elsden (Ellesden) and countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H2/1 6 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/H2/4 6 November 1613 copy will DPRI/1/1613/H2/2 19 November 1613 indented inventory, actual total £83 10s DPRI/1/1613/H2/3 3 December 1613 commission commission to John Smaithwate, rector of Elsdon, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Gabriel Hall and Jane Hall spinster, co-executors [and residuary legatees], also for the equal use of Robert Hall, co-executor (and residuary legatee); commission executed at Elsden by Smaithwait, 8 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/H3 11 December 1613 James HALL, yeoman, of parish of Bushopp mydleham (Middleham) in the countye of Durharme [Bishop Middleham, County Durham] Two dates of probate are stated on the dorse of the will. DPRI/1/1613/H3/1 undated will with executor's records, undated Will, with memorandum (made at probate) of the executor acknowledging his office was in trust for the sole use of the children of the testator. Endorsed: proved, 11 Dec [1613]; proved, 27 Nov [1613]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 72 DPRI/1/1613/H3/2 undated copy will with executor's records, undated Copy will, with memorandum (made at probate) of the executor acknowledging his office was in trust for the sole use of the children of the testator. Endorsed: proved, 11 Dec [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/H3/3-7 24 November 1613 indented inventory, actual total £371 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £23 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/H4 John HALL, of Halliwell (Hallywell) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Earsdon (Earsden) [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H4/1 13 July 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/H4/2-3 20 July 1613 indented inventory, actual total £60 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £40 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1613/H5 6 July 1613 Essabelle HALLYDAYE, widow, of parishe of All Hallowes [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hallidaie DPRI/1/1613/H5/1-2 2 July 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 6 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H6 21 August 1613 William HARLE, yeoman, of Herrington mill (milne) in the county of Duresme, parish of Houghton in the Springe [Herrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/H6/1 20 July 1613 will endorsed: proved, 21 Aug [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H6/2 19 August 1613 indented inventory, actual total £72 7s DPRI/1/1613/H7 Mergerie HEARON, widow, of Chipchaise (Chipches) in the county of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H7/1-2 19 March 1614 indented inventory Inventory of the goods etc. of Mergerie Hearon exhibited at Durham 19 Mar 1614 by John Hearon, son and administrator, 'to the use of himself and others'. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1613/H8 William HEARON, of parish of All Santes, Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H8/1 27 October 1613 inventory endorsed: administration renounced, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H9 19 November 1613 John HEDWORTHE, esquire, of Chester Deanerie of the parish (chapelry) of Chester in the Streete within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworth DPRI/1/1613/H9/1-2 21 October 1613 will endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H9/3 24 November 1613 inventory, actual total £719 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1,177) with inventory, 17 December 1614, actual total £1,600 DPRI/1/1613/H10 24 April 1613 Raphe HEPPELL, of Whitborne (Whitebarne) [Whitburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/H10/1 14 August 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/H10/2 14 August 1612 copy will endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1613]; 2 parts and issued under seal DPRI/1/1613/H10/3 9 September 1612 indented inventory, actual total £154 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £63 19s) DPRI/1/1613/H10/4 9 September 1612 indented copy inventory, actual total £154 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £63 19s) DPRI/1/1613/H11 2 October 1613 Elizabeth HERRISON, widow, of Bushop Auckland (Busshopp Auckelande) in the countie of Durham (Duressme), parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison, Harryson DPRI/1/1613/H11/1-2 25 August 1613 will endorsed: proved, 2 Oct [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H11/3-5 3 December 1613 indented inventory, actual total £29 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 15s) DPRI/1/1613/H12 26 June 1613 Jhon HERYSON, of Sidbornehouse in the parishe of Branspeth (Branncpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Herison DPRI/1/1613/H12/1-2 28 December 1612 will endorsed: proved, 26 June [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H12/3 25 February 1613 inventory, actual total £82 19s 10d (with account of debts of £30 3s) DPRI/1/1613/H13 18 June 1613 John HICKE, servant to the Right Worshipful Lady Selbye, servant, of Twisell in the parishe of Norrham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Hick DPRI/1/1613/H13/1 2 April 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 June [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H14 11 September 1613 Edwarde HIXON, of Preston upon Skerne (Preston uppon Skearne), parish of Aickliffe (Aickliff) [Aycliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/H14/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1613/H14/2 undated indented copy inventory, actual total £120 endorsed: administration granted, 11 Sep [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H14/3 8 September 1613 letter of consent letter of Ann Hixon giving her and her [other six] children's consent that administration may be granted to Robbertt Hixon, her youngest son, and Thomas Mawer DPRI/1/1613/H15 15 May 1613 Leonard HODGSON, yeoman, of West Awckland within the countye of Durham, chapelry of Awckland St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon DPRI/1/1613/H15/1 11 May 1613 inventory administration granted to Thomas Hodgson, son, with the consent of Agnes Hodgson, relict, 15 May 1613 DPRI/1/1613/H16 Edward HOLBOURNE, anchor-smith, of parishe of Al Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Holburne DPRI/1/1613/H16/1-4 6 January 1614 indented inventory inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1613/H20 10 June 1613 Margrat HOOWE, of Bushup Auckland (Awckland, Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Hoow, Howe DPRI/1/1613/H20/1-2 17 April 1613 will probate granted to Charles Trotter, executor, 10 June 1613 DPRI/1/1613/H17 John HORSLEY, gentleman, of parish of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H17/1 6 May 1612 indented inventory, actual total £17 3s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £27 13s 4d) with indented account, undated, actual total £17 3s 10d (with discharge of £27 13s 4d) (1) Inventory; (2) Account of Jane Horsley, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 25 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/H18 24 February 1614 John HORSLEY, yeoman, of Morwicke (Morwick) in the countye of Northumberlande, parish of Warkeworthe (Warkworth) [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H18/1 15 November 1613 will endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/H18/2 29 November 1613 inventory, actual total £65 14s 4d DPRI/1/1613/H19 23 February 1614 Robert HORSLEY, of Ailneham (Alenam) [Alnham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/H19/1 20 April 1613 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 73 DPRI/1/1613/H19/2 20 April 1613 inventory, actual total £19 10s endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/H21 30 July 1613 John HUNTER, of parish of St Oswold in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/H21/1-2 25 April 1611 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H22 7 December 1613 John HUNTRISH, miller, of parish of St John in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntres, Huntresh, Huntredge DPRI/1/1613/H22/1 November 1612 will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/H22/2-4 4 November 1613 inventory, actual total £49 10s 11d (with account of debts of £14 14s 6d) DPRI/1/1613/H23 22 January 1614 Brian HUTCHISON, of Towne Kelloe (Towen Kellowe) within the parishe of Kelloe (Kelloo) [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Hucheson, Hutchinson DPRI/1/1613/H23/1 1 January 1614 will DPRI/1/1613/H23/2 17 January 1614 inventory, actual total £39 5s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 8s) endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1614] DPRI/1/1613/H24 7 December 1613 John HYMORS, of parish of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hymores, Hymers, Hindemers DPRI/1/1613/H24/1-2 31 March 1613 will Will, with list of debts and funeral charges of £3 11s 10d and a list of debts owing to the testator (£21 3s 8d). Endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/H24/3-4 31 March 1613 copy will will, with list of debts and funeral charges of £3 11s 10d and a list of debts owing to the testator (£21 3s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/J1 19 February 1614 Margaret JACKSON, widow, of parish of All Saints in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] For a memorandum of a monition issued, possibly relating to the estate of Margaret Jackson, see - DPRI/1/1613/F5/3-4 DPRI/1/1613/J1/1-3 17 December 1613 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/J1/4-6 17 December 1613 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/J2 17 February 1614 Martyne JACKSON, of Helmedon Rawe (Helmeden Raw), parish of Branncpeth [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/J2/1-2 24 October 1613 will endorsed: proved, 17 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/J2/3 8 December 1613 inventory, actual total £345 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 18s) DPRI/1/1613/J4 William JACKSON, of Tuddoe within the parish of Brancepeth [Tudhoe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/J4/1 10 March 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/J4/2 9 April 1612 inventory, actual total £157 17s 4d (with account of debts of £43 11s 8d) date of inventory is incompatible with the date of the will DPRI/1/1613/J3 24 April 1613 Richarde JACSON, of Trimdon parishe [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Jackson DPRI/1/1613/J3/1 4 March 1613 will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 24 Apr 1613. DPRI/1/1613/J3/2 12 April 1613 indented inventory, actual total £167 14s 8d (with account of debts of £4 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/J5 22 February 1614 John JENNINGS, of Lainghurst (Langhirst), parish of Bothall [Longhirst, Northumberland]; also spelt Gennings, Jeninges DPRI/1/1613/J5/1 3 June 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/J5/2 5 July 1613 inventory, actual total £27 10s 8d endorsed: proved, 22 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/J6 Mathewe JOHNSSON, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], alderman, of towne of Barwick (Berwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Johnson For the account, see - DPRI/1/1614/J3/1 DPRI/1/1613/J6/1 4 May 1613 will dated 1 May 1613 at head and 4 May 1613 at foot DPRI/1/1613/J7 Jane JORDEYNE, widow, of chaplerie of Earsden (Earesden) [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Jordeine DPRI/1/1613/J7/1 February 1613 nuncupative will date uncertain: probably either 5 Feb 1613 or 4 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/K1 25 February 1614 Katherine KENDROE, widow, of boroughe (parish) of Barwick (Berwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Kendro, Kendreth DPRI/1/1613/K1/1 3 March 1613 will endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/K1/2 29 October 1613 inventory, actual total £5 15s 8d DPRI/1/1613/K2 William KITCHIN, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Kitchinge, Kitching DPRI/1/1613/K2/1 undated account Account of Raph Porrett of Hartlepool, one of the creditors; the charge having been discounted from £256 8s. Endorsed: admitted, 19 Nov [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/K3 7 March 1614 William KNAGG, of the Lin Sheeld, parish of Haltwisle (Hawtwesell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Knage, Knagges DPRI/1/1613/K3/1-2 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £10 2s endorsed: proved, 7 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1613/L1 10 July 1613 Richard LEALAND, of parish of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/L1/1-2 4 March 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 10 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/L2 8 May 1613 Agnes LIDDELL, widow, of Sunderland in the chappelrie of Croxdale within the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/L2/1 4 April 1591 nuncupative will dated, 'about Easter' 1591 DPRI/1/1613/L2/2 undated inventory, actual total £13 8s 4d Exhibited, 8 May 1613. Endorsed: administration granted, 8 May [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/M1 William MALLABAR, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mallaber DPRI/1/1613/M1/1-2 15 November 1613 inventory inventory includes goods etc. in the cellar of Abraham Johnson DPRI/1/1613/M2 23 February 1614 Edward MANE, yeoman, of Ailmouthe (Alemouth) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mann. Died 29 April 1613 DPRI/1/1613/M2/1 29 April 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/M2/2-3 1613 inventory, actual total £25 18s endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/M3 4 February 1614 George MANN, yeoman, of cittie of Durham, parish of St Oswold [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Man DPRI/1/1613/M3/1-7 18 January 1614 inventory with memorandum, undated, actual total £649 4s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £ Inventory, subscribed with memorandum of Ann Mann, relict, and Thomas Mann, eldest son, consenting to a 20s annuity to the poor of Pittington and Elvet payable out of the deceased's lease of a quarter of the Bishop's mills in Durham. Endorsed: administration granted, 4 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/M4 Rycherd MARSHELL, yeoman, of Sehame (Seeham) within the countye of Durhame [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Marshall DPRI/1/1613/M4/1 15 January 1614 will endorsed: [?proved], 19 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1613/M4/2 28 February 1614 indented inventory, actual total £8 DPRI/1/1613/M5 25 February 1614 Noynian MARTING, of parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ninian, Martynn DPRI/1/1613/M5/1 12 June 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/M5/2 undated inventory, actual total £31 endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/M7 Robert MAXON, yeoman, of Shiplye (Shipley) in the countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Maxton DPRI/1/1613/M7/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1613/M6 15 January 1614 Nicholas MAYSON, of Amlanbarnes in the parish of St Margarettes in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Maison [Almonersbarns] DPRI/1/1613/M6/1-2 26 October 1613 inventory administration granted to Mary Mayson, relict, also for the use of five named children, 15 Jan [1614] DPRI/1/1613/M8 25 February 1614 James MELVINE, preacher, clerk, of parish of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Melvin, Melven DPRI/1/1613/M8/1 14 January 1614 will endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/M8/2 24 February 1614 inventory, actual total £137 6s 10d DPRI/1/1613/M10 22 November 1613 Chrystofer METTFORDDE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Mytforde, Midforth, Mitford DPRI/1/1613/M10/1 11 September 1613 will Isabell Mitford, witness, sworn 7 Dec 1613; James Clavering, witness, sworn 22 Nov 1613; Bertram Mitford, son executor and still a minor, chose James Clavering alderman, supervisor and overseer, as his curator; and probate was granted to Clavering, 22 Nov 1613 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 79 DPRI/1/1613/M10/2 8 November 1613 inventory, actual total £285 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £128 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/M10/3 8 November 1613 copy inventory, actual total £285 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £128 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/M9 7 December 1613 Jhon MIRRIMAN, yeoman, of Newton Garthes in the county of Durham, parish of Whitbarn [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Meryman DPRI/1/1613/M9/1 13 May 1613 will endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/M11 Cuthbert MITFORD, gentleman, of Mitforde (Mitford) in the county of Northumberland [Mitford, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/M11/2 17 October 1613 inventory of debts, actual total £148 16s 7d DPRI/1/1613/M11/1 23 November 1613 indented inventory DPRI/1/1613/M12 12 February 1614 Katherine MORTON, wife of Henrie Morton, widow, of parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/M12/1-3 5 February 1614 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 12 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/M13 Elizabeth MOWBRAY, widow, of Frosterley, parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Frosterley, County Durham]; also spelt Mowbrey DPRI/1/1613/M13/1-2 5 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/M13/3 15 November 1613 inventory, actual total £33 19s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 5s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/M14 George MOWBRAY, of Frosterley in the parishe of Stanhop (Stanhopp in Weredaile) [Frosterley, County Durham]; also spelt Mowbrey DPRI/1/1613/M14/1-2 18 October 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/M14/3 25 October 1613 inventory, actual total £48 13s 7d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £18 13s 1d) DPRI/1/1613/M15 10 July 1613 John MUSCHAMPP, gentleman, of Lyhamhall (Lyham Hall) within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschamppe, Muschampe DPRI/1/1613/M15/1 undated will endorsed: probate granted, 10 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/M16 2 October 1613 Marmaduke MYERS, vicar of Bishop Middleham, clerk, of Bishop Middlehame (Middleham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/M16/1 1 September 1613 inventory endorsed: proved, 2 Oct [1613] DPRI/1/1613/N1 13 December 1613 Thomas NEWTONE, yeoman, of Hawkwell in the perishe of Stamfordham (Stamfordhame) and countie of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Newton DPRI/1/1613/N1/1-2 20 August 1613 will endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1613 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 62-63 DPRI/1/1613/N1/3-4 29 September 1613 inventory, actual total £65 1s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 7s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/N1/5 19 June 1613 inventory of debts, actual total £24 2s 8d (with account of debts of £27 11s 10d) DPRI/1/1613/O1 25 February 1614 Henry OGLE, of the Holye Iland (Holie Ilande) [Holy Island, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/O1/1 16 February 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/O2 23 July 1613 Henry OGLE, gentleman, of the Huntlaw (Huntlawe) in the parishe of Whatone (Whalton) [Whalton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/O2/1-2 16 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 23 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/O2/3 14 May 1613 inventory, actual total £121 with inventory, 15 May 1613, actual total £76 6s 8d DPRI/1/1613/O3 Raphe OGLE, of parish of Bothell (Botthall) [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/O3/1 17 May 1613 inventory Ogle's widow renounced administration, 22 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/O4 Thomas ORDE, yeoman, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourd DPRI/1/1613/O4/1 26 July 1613 inventory DPRI/1/1613/P1 John PARKER, gentleman, of Berwick (Barwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/P1/1 7 July 1613 inventory DPRI/1/1613/P2 28 January 1614 John PATTESON, pewterer, of Elvitt within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham and within the parish of St Oswoldes [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/P2/1-4 19 January 1614 indented inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc.. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Jan [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/P3 27 November 1613 Mathew PATTESON, of West Awckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/P3/1-2 11 February 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 Nov 1613 DPRI/1/1613/P5 10 July 1613 Richard PEARSON, yeoman, of Cowndon in the county of Durham of the parish of the South Church, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Coundon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/P5/1-2 2 June 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/P5/3 9 June 1613 indented inventory, actual total £51 18s 5d endorsed: [will] proved, 10 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/P6 Robert PEARSON, the elder, cordwainer, of cittie of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Pereson, Peareson DPRI/1/1613/P6/1-2 2 December 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/P6/3 undated inventory, actual total £135 7s 4d DPRI/1/1613/P4 Anthonye PEARSONN, of Coundon, parish of Awckland St Andrew [Coundon, County Durham]; also spelt Pearson DPRI/1/1613/P4/1 3 February 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Apr [1613] DPRI/1/1613/P7 Robert PEARSONN, vicar of Haltwhistle, clerk, of Hatwessle (Hawtwesell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Peareson DPRI/1/1613/P7/1-2 12 January 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1613/P8 25 October 1613 John PERTE, of Hedry Clewghe (Hedley Cleugh), parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Peart DPRI/1/1613/P8/1 16 May 1612 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 25 Oct 1613 DPRI/1/1613/P9 15 May 1613 Thomas PICKERINGE, webster, of Crawcrooke (Crawcroke) in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/P9/1-2 7 November 1612 will endorsed: proved, 15 May 1613 DPRI/1/1613/P9/3 11 January 1613 indented inventory, actual total £20 15s 8d DPRI/1/1613/P10 6 July 1613 Raulph PRESTON, mariner, of Cowpon in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Horton [Cowpen, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/P10/1 14 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 73 DPRI/1/1613/P10/2 28 April 1613 inventory, actual total £62 6s 4d DPRI/1/1613/P11 17 December 1613 Robert PY, the elder, of Collyerley, parish of Lanchester [Collierley, County Durham]; also spelt Pye DPRI/1/1613/P11/1 23 June 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/P11/2 15 November 1613 inventory, actual total £52 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 9s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/R1 23 October 1613 Margaret RACKET, widow, of Unthanke in the parish of Bransepethe (Branspeth, Brancepethe) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Rackett DPRI/1/1613/R1/1 14 July 1611 will Will, with cancelled codicil (4 June 1613) DPRI/1/1613/R1/2 14 July 1611 copy will Copy will, with cancelled copy codicil (4 June 1613). Endorsed: proved, 23 Oct 1613. DPRI/1/1613/R1/3 11 October 1613 inventory, actual total £43 3s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £17 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/R2 25 September 1613 George RADCLIFF, gentleman, of Thropton in the parish of Rothburie [Thropton, Northumberland]; also spelt Radcliffe DPRI/1/1613/R2/1 1 December 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/R2/2 undated inventory, actual total £47 14s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Sep 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R3 26 February 1614 Ralfe RANOLSON, yeoman, of parish of Woulsingham (Woulsyngham, Wolsingham) within the countye of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Ranoldsone, Reinoldson, Ranoldson DPRI/1/1613/R3/1-2 1 January 1614 will endorsed: proved, 26 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/R3/3-4 14 February 1614 inventory, actual total £33 17s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 6s 5d) DPRI/1/1613/R7 7 March 1614 Johne RAYNETSONE, of Newlandes in the parishe of Whittingstall [Whittonstall, Northumberland]; also spelt Renatson, Raynetsonn DPRI/1/1613/R7/1 10 December 1613 indented will endorsed: proved, 7 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1613/R7/2 5 March 1614 indented inventory, actual total £55 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 2s 6d) DPRI/1/1613/R4 12 February 1614 Archbald READ, of Blackhope within the parish of Elsden and countey of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed DPRI/1/1613/R4/1 4 February 1613 will endorsed: proved, [?12] Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/R6 14 January 1614 Thomas READE, miller, of parish of St Johns within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Read see DPRI/4/10 f.367 (14 Jan 1614): confirms the subscription to the codicils, and adds that the inventory was exhibited on 28 Jan 1614 DPRI/1/1613/R6/10 17 March 1627 letters testimonial with copy will, 23 September 1613 Letters testimonial issued by the Bishop of Durham, publishing the existence of Thomas Reade's original will in Durham Registry and containing a full copy of the same; (formerly with pendant seal of the Bishop's Official Principal attached); inscribed and fully attested by Richard Newhouse notary public, [Durham] Register, and with his sign manual. DPRI/1/1613/R6/1-2 3 December 1613 codicil with codicil, 3 January 1614 Subscribed: Thomas Read and Thomas Read, executors and minors; Henry Shele (Sheill) renounced tuition; at the peition of Henry Shele, Oswald Chaitor and Henry Woldhave (Wouldhave), the tutors nominated in the will, Oswold Chaitor was appointed tutor of Thomas Reade (son of Henry Reade), and Henry Woldhave was appointed the tutor of Thomas Reade (son of Bartram Reade); probate granted to the said Oswald Chaitor and Henry Woldhave for the use of [the co-executors until they attain their majority]. Endorsed: 14 Jan 1614. DPRI/1/1613/R6/3-9 11 January 1614 inventory, actual total £1,073 13s 9d (with account of debts of 13s) DPRI/1/1613/R5 22 February 1614 Alixander REDDE, cordwainer, of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Redd, Red, Reed. Died 25 December 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R5/1-2 20 November 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£4 9s 4d) and owign to (£1 0s 1d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 22 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/R5/3 24 January 1614 inventory, actual total £12 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/R8 7 December 1613 Christofer RIDLEY, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/R8/1-2 12 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/R8/3 3 December 1613 inventory, actual total £104 (with account of debts and funeral charges of £95 18s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Dec [1613] DPRI/1/1613/R9 13 December 1613 Heugh RIDLEY, of the Waltowne (Walltowne, Wall Towne) of the parish of Haltwhesle in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridleye see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.193v: will proved, 13 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R9/1 20 November 1613 will with inventory, 30 November 1612, actual total £34 13s Date of inventory is incompatible with the date of the will [?recte 30 Nov 1613]. Endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1613. DPRI/1/1613/R10 13 December 1613 Hughe RIDLEY, of Howdon, parish of Hawtwesell [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.194: 13 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R10/1-2 1 December 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R11 John RIDLEY, yeoman, of parish of Haltwhesle (Hawtwesell) in the countie of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/R11/1 4 November 1613 will with inventory, 7 December 1613, actual total £5 18s 4d DPRI/1/1613/R12 7 February 1614 Anne ROBINSON, widow, of citty of Durham, parish of St Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/R12/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/R12/2-3 21 January 1614 inventory, actual total £65 9s 6d DPRI/1/1613/R13 John ROBINSON, of parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/R13/1 12 June 1613 account Account of Isabell Robinson, relict; sworn, 12 June 1613. Endorsed: admitted, 19 June [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/R14 7 May 1613 William ROBINSON, weaver, of Blackwell in the countie of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/R14/1 25 April 1612 will endorsed: proved, 7 May 1613 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 130-131 DPRI/1/1613/R14/2 28 April 1612 indented inventory, actual total £19 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 4s 10d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 131-133 DPRI/1/1613/R15 27 November 1613 Andrew RUTLISH, drover, of parish of Gatesid (Gaiteshead, Gatesheade, Gateshed, Gateshead) in the countie of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Rutlishe, Rutleshe, Rutlesh DPRI/1/1613/R15/3-4 19 November 1613 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 27 Nov 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R15/2 undated account, actual total £116 0s 6d (with discharge of £9 18s 6d) Account of Anne Rutlish, relict; subscribed with allocation claimed by the administratrix between herself and her husband's kindred. Endorsed: admitted, 28 Jan [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/R15/1 21 January 1614 commission commission to Thomas Hookes, rector of Gateshead, to swear Anne Rutlish, relict, to the truth of the account; commission executed by Hooke, 26 Jan 1614 DPRI/1/1613/R16 13 December 1613 John RUTLISHE, of Gorbatthill within the parishe of Haltwhesle (Haltweshle, Hawtwesell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Rutlish, Rutledge DPRI/1/1613/R16/1 15 October 1613 will endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1613 DPRI/1/1613/R16/2 undated inventory, actual total £51 17s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/S1 25 February 1614 John SATTERTHWAYTE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of borough (parish) of Berwick upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Satterwhate DPRI/1/1613/S1/1 12 January 1614 inventory Inventory, with memorandum relating that the deceased owed no debts, and that the deceased's house was not included in the inventory, Satterthwayte's widow having claimed that it had been jointly purchased; with additional notes indicating the house passes to the deceased's three children by a former wife, the portion of the eldest son of that marriage having been preferred; seven children named in all. Endorsed: administration granted, 25 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/S2 23 February 1614 William SCOTT, yeoman, of parish of Rock in the countie of Northumberland [Rock, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/S2/1 29 July 1613 will with inventory, undated, actual total £196 6s 1d endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/S4 25 February 1614 John SELBY, quartermaster, Tinmoth, Berwick [Tynemouth, Northumberland; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie DPRI/1/1613/S4/1 23 August 1613 inventory Inventory includes goods etc. 'in his chamber' at Tynemouth. Endorsed: administration granted, 25 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/S6 7 March 1614 Rowland SELBY, of Newlandes in the parishe of Whittingstall [Whittonstall, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbye DPRI/1/1613/S6/1 26 February 1614 indented will endorsed: administration granted, 7 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1613/S6/2 5 March 1614 indented inventory, actual total £24 3s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) DPRI/1/1613/S3 6 July 1613 George SELBYE, merchant adventurer, of parishe of All Saintes within the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbe, Selbie DPRI/1/1613/S3/1 8 June 1613 will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/S3/2 undated inventory, actual total £87 3s DPRI/1/1613/S3/3 undated inventory of funeral expenses, actual total £13 8s 2d (funeral expenses) DPRI/1/1613/S5 John SELBYE, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne, parish of Saint Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby, Selbie Will is endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with Commission to prove the same, and Inventory' - the commission is not present. DPRI/1/1613/S5/1 6 September 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/S5/2-9 2 December 1613 inventory, actual total £1,119 0s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £783 6s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1613/S7 21 February 1614 April 1617 Garrard SHAFTO, of Milburne in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Eland [Milbourne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1613/S7/1 2 December 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted to Anne Shafto, relict, 21 Feb [1614]; administration issued, Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1613/S8 25 February 1614 John SHAFTOW, the elder, of towne of Barwick upone Tweed (parish of Berwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1613/S8/1 28 January 1612 will endorsed: administration granted, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/S9 23 February 1614 William SKEILL, of Alnewicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Skeil, Skeele DPRI/1/1613/S9/1-2 31 December 1613 [copy] will endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/S9/3-4 31 December 1613 inventory, actual total £41 with inventory, undated, actual total £17 4s 4d (1) inventory of 56 bolls and 2 bushels of beer, 7 bolls of oats (valued on dorse at £20 11s), and £20 9s of debts owing to the testator; (2) inventory of household goods etc. of the deceased testator DPRI/1/1613/S10 18 February 1614 Elizabeth SMITH, widow, of Fulwell, parish of Monk Warmoth [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Smythe DPRI/1/1613/S10/1-2 16 December 1613 will endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/S10/3-4 30 December 1613 inventory, actual total £130 15s 10d DPRI/1/1613/S12 6 July 1613 Christofor SMYTH, yeoman, of Dalton within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Newburn [Dalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1613/S12/1 2 July 1610 will DPRI/1/1613/S12/2 2 July 1610 copy will endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613] DPRI/1/1613/S12/3 15 October 1610 indented inventory, actual total £99 9s 4d DPRI/1/1613/S12/4 15 October 1610 indented copy inventory, actual total £99 9s 4d DPRI/1/1613/S11 Robert SMYTHE, gentleman, of Walridge in the countie of Duresme [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Smith, Smithe, Smyth DPRI/1/1613/S11/1-2 6 May 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/S11/3-4 7 July 1613 indented inventory, actual total £368 0s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £61 4s) DPRI/1/1613/S13 16 April 1613 John SOBER, of parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/S13/1 12 May 1612 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1613] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 129 DPRI/1/1613/S14 22 January 1614 Parcivell SOFTLEAYE, yeoman, of Benwell in the countye of Northumberland, parish of St John Newcastle [Benwell, Northumberland]; also spelt Softley DPRI/1/1613/S14/1 26 December 1612 indented will endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1614] DPRI/1/1613/S14/2 12 January 1613 inventory, actual total £54 6s 4d (with account of debts of £4 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/S15 Marke SOTHERINE, of West Chevington (Chivington) [Chevington, Northumberland]; also spelt Sotheron, Sutherin DPRI/1/1613/S15/1-2 17 April 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/S15/3 1 April 1613 inventory, actual total £110 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 7s) DPRI/1/1613/S16 25 February 1614 Richard STANDLEY, of parish of Chattonn (Chatton) [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Stanley DPRI/1/1613/S16/1 23 February 1613 will with inventory, undated, actual total £22 6s 8d endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/S17 Henrie STEVENSON, cordwainer, of Clapurth in the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson DPRI/1/1613/S17/1-2 23 June 1613 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 75 DPRI/1/1613/S17/3-4 21 July 1613 inventory, actual total £72 10s inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1613/S18 7 December 1613 Thomas STOCK, butcher, of towne and county of Newc[astle] upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/S18/1 30 August 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/S18/2 18 November 1613 indented inventory, actual total £41 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 8s) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 7 Dec [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/S19 6 July 1613 Michaell STOKOE, of chapelry of Haiden [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Stocoe, Stockoe DPRI/1/1613/S19/1-2 undated will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £26 4s 5d. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/S19/3 13 April 1613 inventory, actual total £42 14s 8d DPRI/1/1613/S20 Edward SUMNER, yeoman, of cyttie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Sunmer, Sonner, Somner, Sonmer, Sommer, Summer DPRI/1/1613/S20/1 19 August 1613 will Will, with [unimaged] list of debts owing by the testator of £11 19s 8d. DPRI/1/1613/S20/2 6 September 1613 indented inventory, actual total £29 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/S22 7 December 1613 Edward SURTES, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1613/S22/1 undated inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 7 Dec [1613]. DPRI/1/1613/S21 30 October 1613 Barthram SURTIES, of Chester of the parishe of Chester (Chester upon the Street) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1613/S21/1 15 September 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/S21/2-3 26 October 1613 indented inventory, actual total £67 0s 6d (with account of debts of £6 2s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Oct 1613 DPRI/1/1613/S23 Jhone SWAINSTONE, yeoman, of Weste Awkelande (Awckland) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Swainston DPRI/1/1613/S23/1-2 25 June 1612 will DPRI/1/1613/S23/3 15 October 1613 inventory, actual total £19 18s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £6 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/S24 18 February 1614 Thomas SYMPESON, of parishe of Slalay (chapelry of Slaley) [Slaley, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson, Sympson DPRI/1/1613/S24/1 10 January 1614 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator (£54 10s). Endorsed: proved, 18 Feb 1614. DPRI/1/1613/S24/2 1 February 1614 inventory, actual total £103 5s 10d DPRI/1/1613/T1 17 February 1614 William THRELKELD, of Evenwood (Evenewood) in the countie of Duresme [Evenwood, County Durham]; also spelt Thirkeld DPRI/1/1613/T1/1 4 January 1614 will with inventory, 26 January 1614, actual total £63 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 8s 8d) Probate granted at the manor of Bishop Auckland to Margret Threlkeld, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Henry Threlkeld, son and co-executor, 17 Feb 1614. Endorsed: proved, 17 Feb 1614. DPRI/1/1613/T2 6 July 1613 John TONG, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/T2/1 6 April 1613 will endorsed: proved, 6 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/T3 William TOPPIN, gentleman, of parish of Alnicke (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Topping. Died 27 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/T3/1 22 July 1613 will with memorandum, 27 July 1613 Will, with memorandum recording the first reading of the will before his widow Claire Toppin immediately following the testator's death. DPRI/1/1613/T3/2 13 October 1613 inventory, actual total £250 12s 4d (with account of debts of £46 2s) DPRI/1/1613/T4 12 June 1613 Richard TROTTER, of Bushop Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/T4/1 8 May 1613 indented will endorsed: proved, 12 June [1613] DPRI/1/1613/T4/2-3 15 May 1613 indented inventory, actual total £95 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1613/T5 16 October 1613 Edwarde TWEDDELL, farmer, of Hulam of the parishe of Munckhesleden within the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/T5/1 23 June 1613 will endorsed: proved, 16 Oct [1613] DPRI/1/1613/T5/2 29 June 1613 inventory, actual total £81 18s 8d (with account of debts of £10 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/W1 20 March 1614 Raph WALKER, yeoman, of Byshopp Auckland (Awckland) within the county palatine of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/W1/1-2 1 March 1614 will probate granted in 'the Dyning Chamber' in the manor of Bishop Auckland to the executors [John Walker and Raph Walker], 20 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1613/W1/3-4 15 March 1614 inventory, actual total £344 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 13s 4d) Inventory appraised 8 and 15 Mar 1614. Endorsed: proved, 20 Mar [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/W2 1 May 1613 Rayphe WATSON, yeoman, of Thorpethewlesse (Thorpethewles) in the parishe of Grindon in the countye of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Watsonn, Watsonne DPRI/1/1613/W2/1 22 September 1612 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 63-64 DPRI/1/1613/W2/2 16 April 1613 inventory, actual total £338 10s endorsed: proved, 1 May [1613] DPRI/1/1613/W3 9 October 1613 Robarte WAWGHE, yeoman, of Chester in ley Street within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Wawegh, Wawgh, Waughe DPRI/1/1613/W3/1 24 April 1612 will with codicil, 7 September 1613 endorsed: proved, 9 Oct 1613 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 56-57 DPRI/1/1613/W3/2-3 24 September 1613 indented inventory, actual total £96 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13) DPRI/1/1613/W4 Robert WEAMES, the younger, of parish of Trimdon in the countie palatine of Duresme [Trimdon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/W4/1 24 December 1613 will endorsed: proved, 5 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1613/W4/2 3 January 1614 indented inventory, actual total £83 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3 11s 8d) DPRI/1/1613/W5 26 February 1614 Nycholas WHETMAN, of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/W5/1 10 February 1614 indented will endorsed: proved, 26 Feb [1614] DPRI/1/1613/W5/2-3 undated indented inventory, actual total £48 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 5s 4d) dated, 23 Feb [?1614] DPRI/1/1613/W6 18 February 1614 Christofer WHITFEILD, glover, of parishe (chapelry) of Saynte Margrettes in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfield DPRI/1/1613/W6/1-2 25 December 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/W6/3 25 December 1613 copy will with grant of probate, 18 February 1614 probate granted to Elizabeth Whitfeild, relict and co-executor, with a power reserved to four named children and co-executors DPRI/1/1613/W6/4-5 10 January 1614 indented inventory, actual total £257 9s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1613/W7 Alice WILKINSON, wife of Richard Wilkinson of Bishopwearmouth, widow, of Bishop Wermoth (Warmoth) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]. Died 29 August 1613 DPRI/1/1613/W7/1-2 undated nuncupative will DPRI/1/1613/W7/3 20 September 1613 indented inventory, actual total £99 14s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £28 14s) DPRI/1/1613/W8 23 February 1614 Gawen WILKINSON, yeoman, of Tytlington (Titlington) in the parishe of Eglingham and countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1613/W8/1 undated will Will, dated 18 Sep. Endorsed: proved, 23 Feb [1614]. DPRI/1/1613/W9 23 October 1613 Roger WITTON, of West Aukland within the countie of Durham, parish of Awckland St Helen [West Auckland, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/W9/1-2 24 February 1613 will endorsed: proved, 23 Oct 1613 DPRI/1/1613/W10 15 May 1613 Robert WOOD, weaver, of West Bouldon in the county of Durham, parish of Boldonn [Boldon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1613/W10/1 30 December 1611 will endorsed: proved, 15 May [1613] DPRI/1/1613/W10/2 10 February 1612 inventory, actual total £17 10s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 0s 5d) DPRI/1/1613/W11 17 February 1614 Elyzabeth WREN, wife of Anthonye Wren of Binchester esquire, widow, of Bushop Auklande (Awklande) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wrenn DPRI/1/1613/W11/1-2 28 May 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £91 12s; probate granted to [Sir Charles Wren son], sole executor, 17 Feb 1614. Endorsed: proved, 17 Feb [1614]; and with names of sureties. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 73-75 DPRI/1/1613/W11/3 1 February 1614 inventory, actual total £275 18s 10d DPRI/1/1613/W11/4 1 February 1614 inventory, actual total £275 18s 1d DPRI/1/1613/Y1 3 July 1613 Robert YOUNG, of Wharrington in the parish of Kelloe (Kelloo) [Cassop cum Quarrington, County Durham]; also spelt Younge DPRI/1/1613/Y1/1 21 May 1613 will DPRI/1/1613/Y1/2 1613 indented inventory, actual total £105 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £71 10s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 3 July 1613 DPRI/1/1613/Y2 23 October 1613 Wyllyam YOUNGE, of towne (parish) of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham]. Died 9 September 1613 DPRI/1/1613/Y2/1 5 September 1613 will endorsed: administration granted, 23 Oct 1613 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 80 DPRI/1/1613/Y2/2 24 September 1613 inventory, actual total £15 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 11s) DPRI/1/1614 Wills etc proved 1614 DPRI/1/1614/A1 Robart ANDERSON, alderman [of Newcastle upon Tyne], merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Andersonne DPRI/1/1614/A1/1-2 9 January 1615 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 90-92 DPRI/1/1614/A2 Thomas ARCHER, of Bayles, parish of Aldston (Alston Moore) [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1614/A2/1 30 May 1614 indented will DPRI/1/1614/A2/2 6 June 1614 indented inventory, actual total £111 16s 8d DPRI/1/1614/A3 Thomas ARCHER, of parishe of Crayke (Crayk) [Crayke, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1614/A3/1-2 27 July 1613 will DPRI/1/1614/A4 Katheren ATCHESONNE, widow, of Preston of the parishe of Tynmouth (Tynemouthe) within the countie of Northumberland [Preston, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcheson, Atkinson DPRI/1/1614/A4/1 undated will DPRI/1/1614/A4/2 7 March 1614 inventory, actual total £58 2s 10s DPRI/1/1614/A4/3 7 March 1614 copy inventory, actual total £58 2s 10s DPRI/1/1614/A5 21 January 1615 William ATKINSON, of West Boldon (Boldonn), Bolden [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Atchynson DPRI/1/1614/A5/1-2 24 January 1614 will Will, with contemporaneous list fo debts owing to the testator of £14 13s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 21 Jan 1615. DPRI/1/1614/A5/3 1 December 1614 inventory, actual total £316 8s DPRI/1/1614/B1 9 July 1614 George BILTON, of Langley in the parishe of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/B1/1-2 undated will Will dated, 16 June [?1614]. Endorsed: proved, 9 July [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/B1/3-4 29 June 1614 inventory, actual total £13 16s DPRI/1/1614/B2 2 April 1614 Thomas BLENKENSOPP, of Blenkensopp (Blenkinsope) Castle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Blenkinsope DPRI/1/1614/B2/1 27 December 1613 inventory Administration granted to the relict of the deceased, also for the use of six minor children. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Apr [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/B3 14 January 1615 John BOURNE, the elder, of Cowpon (Cowpan) in the parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Burne DPRI/1/1614/B3/1-2 28 November 1614 will Probate granted to John Bourne, son and sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1615]. DPRI/1/1614/B3/3 29 December 1614 inventory, actual total £126 9s DPRI/1/1614/B4 19 December 1614 Reynold BRECKING, yeoman, of chapelry of Bernerd Castle (Barnard Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Breckin, Breckinge, Bracken DPRI/1/1614/B4/1 20 October 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/B4/2 10 November 1614 indented inventory, actual total £51 18s 5d (with account of debts of £39 5s 3d) DPRI/1/1614/B4/3 15 December 1614 commission commission to James Hondley, curate of Middleton in Teesdale, Jeremiah Williams, curate of Barnard Castle, to superintend the election by Jane Brecking, daughter and sole executrix, of George Middleton as her tutor, and then to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant the tuition of Jane Brecking and the administration of her father's goods to the said George Middleton for her use; also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Williams, 19 Dec [1614] DPRI/1/1614/B5 21 January 1615 Elizabeth BUNTONN, widow, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Bunting, Buntinge DPRI/1/1614/B5/1 29 November 1614 will endorsed: proved, 21 Jan 1615 DPRI/1/1614/B6 4 June 1614 Cuthbert BURSTALL, of parishe of Castle Eden (Edenn) [Castle Eden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/B6/1 30 January 1614 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 4 June 1614 DPRI/1/1614/B6/2 27 April 1614 inventory, actual total £10 (with account of debts of 12s 4d) DPRI/1/1614/C1 26 February 1614 Wylliam CALVERLEY, gentleman, of Hartinpoole (Hartlepoole) in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/C1/1 10 June 1614 indented inventory Exhibited by William Calverley, son, 14 June 1614. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Feb 1614 [sic]. DPRI/1/1614/C2 25 June 1614 Robert CARLIOLE, son of John Carliole of Grenehead, of Grenehead (Greneheade) of the parish (chapelry) of Witton upon Weere (Were) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Carlwell DPRI/1/1614/C2/1 13 May 1614 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £28 4s 2d. DPRI/1/1614/C2/2 2 June 1614 inventory, actual total £38 10s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 6s) endorsed: [will] proved, 25 June 1614 DPRI/1/1614/C3 27 January 1615 Margret CARR, widow, of Gaitshead (Gateside) in the county of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/C3/1 22 November 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/C3/2-5 7 December 1614 indented inventory, actual total £166 1s 2d (with account of debts of £2 6s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Jan [1615] DPRI/1/1614/C4 Thomas CHAYTOR, esquire, of Buterbie (Butterby) in the countie of Duresme [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Chaitor DPRI/1/1614/C4/1 6 July 1614 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 82-83 DPRI/1/1614/C5 Thomas CLEWGH, shipwright, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cloughe, Cleughe DPRI/1/1614/C5/1 13 January 1613 will DPRI/1/1614/C6 14 January 1615 Henry COOKE, yeoman, of Washington in the countie of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Cook DPRI/1/1614/C6/1 26 November 1614 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1615] DPRI/1/1614/C6/2 3 January 1615 indented inventory, actual total £57 6s 2d DPRI/1/1614/D1 Josua DELAVALE, gentleman, of Rivers Grene in the county of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland]; also spelt Delavaile DPRI/1/1614/D1/1-2 16 August 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/D1/3 17 August 1614 codicil codicil of 'certaine Legacies ... remaining in the custody of Robert Delavale of Alnwick esquier' DPRI/1/1614/D1/4 24 August 1614 indented inventory, actual total £161 10s 4d DPRI/1/1614/D1/5 24 August 1614 copy inventory, actual total £161 10s 4d copy certified, 23 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1614/D2 Thomas DENNAN, yeoman, of parrish of Washington in the countie of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Denen, Dennon DPRI/1/1614/D2/1-2 2 September 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/D2/3 25 October 1614 indented inventory, actual total £34 6s 8d DPRI/1/1614/D3 16 April 1614 Henrie DIXON, of Sheraton (Shearaton, Sheroton) of the parish of Munck Hesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Dixson. Died 10 April 1614 Dixon died at Hartlepool in the house of William Cockerell. DPRI/1/1614/D3/1 8 April 1614 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1614/D3/2 8 April 1614 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 16 Apr 1614 DPRI/1/1614/D3/3-4 14 April 1614 inventory, actual total £187 16s 2d (with account of debts of £15 0s 2d) DPRI/1/1614/D5 Thomas DIXON, rope-maker, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickson, Dixesonn see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.205: 7 Feb 1615 DPRI/1/1614/D5/1 6 October 1609 will DPRI/1/1614/D5/2 26 November 1609 inventory, actual total £79 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £21 17s 10d) DPRI/1/1614/D4 John DIXSON, of East Brandon within the perish Branspeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Dixon DPRI/1/1614/D4/1 22 June 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/D4/2 undated inventory, actual total £100 17s 4d DPRI/1/1614/D6 31 August 1614 George DUNNE, of Woodside in the parishe of Elsden (Elsdenn) and countey of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn DPRI/1/1614/D6/1-2 1 August 1613 indented will with indented inventory, 14 February 1614, actual total £10 3s 4d (and more) endorsed: proved, 31 Aug [1614] DPRI/1/1614/D6/3 13 February 1614 inventory, actual total £13 16s 8d DPRI/1/1614/D6/4 13 February 1614 copy inventory, actual total £13 16s 8d DPRI/1/1614/E1 7 February 1615 Richard ELLISON, carpenter, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/E1/1-2 10 January 1615 inventory administration granted to Elizabeth [Ellison], relict, also for the use of Barbara [Ellison], daughter, 7 Feb 1615 DPRI/1/1614/E2 Gylbert ERRINGTON, gentleman, of Thole Howse in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Erryngton DPRI/1/1614/E2/1-2 9 March 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/F1 30 July 1614 William FENNICKE, gentleman, of Whitchester within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Stamfordham [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Fennick, Fenwick DPRI/1/1614/F1/1 25 June 1614 will with nuncupative codicil, 25 June 1614 DPRI/1/1614/F1/2-3 25 June 1614 copy will with copy nuncupative codicil, 25 June 1614 DPRI/1/1614/F1/4 25 June 1614 draft nuncupative codicil endorsed: proved, 30 July [1614] DPRI/1/1614/F1/5-6 8 July 1614 indented inventory, actual total £615 19s DPRI/1/1614/F1/7 30 July 1614 will bond, penal sum £1,200 bond of Sir John Fenwicke knight [cousin] and his sureties to execute the will and codicil for the use of Cuthbert Fenwicke alias Nicholson, son and executor, and Marie, Jane and Margaret Fenwicke and a child yet unborn, minor children; also binding the obligors to provide for the children's tuition DPRI/1/1614/F2 4 June 1614 George FEWLER, of parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/F2/1 31 May 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 June [1614] DPRI/1/1614/F3 Robert FLETCHER, labourer, of Sedgfeild (Sedgefeild) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/F3/1 29 July 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator by his son Rayphe Fletcher of £14 15s 4d. Subscribed: Matthew Crawdo of Sedgefield cited to attend the next court. Endorsed: not proved. DPRI/1/1614/F4 2 December 1614 Nicholas FORSTER, [father of Sir Claudius Foster knight], esquire, of Balmborough (Balmebrough, Bamboroughe) in the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland] Not found in DPRI/4/10 (index defective). For the inventory and the account, see - DPRI/1/1608/F2/1-5 - DPRI/1/1617/F11/1-2 DPRI/1/1614/F4/1-2 12 September 1609 will endorsed: proved, 2 Dec 1614 DPRI/1/1614/F4/3 12 September 1609 inventory of debts, actual total £828 3s 10d schedule of debts and servants wages owing by the testator DPRI/1/1614/F5 Edmand FOSTER, yeoman, of parishe of Ailmouthe (Alemouth) in the countye of Northumberland [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster The testator requests to be buried at Alnmouth, where a chapel dedicated to St John the Baptist existed until ruined by tidal action in 1856: see Francis Whellan's History Topography and Directory of the County Palatine of Durham (1894). DPRI/1/1614/F5/1 1614 will with inventory, 12 July 1614, actual total £5 1s 2d (with account of debts of 18s 4d) DPRI/1/1614/F5/2 12 July 1614 copy inventory, actual total £5 1s 2d (with account of debts of 18s 4d) DPRI/1/1614/G1 3 September 1614 John GADGE, gentleman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld) in the county of Duresme [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Gage, Gaige DPRI/1/1614/G1/1-2 20 May 1614 will witnesses sworn in the registry before Edward Hutton LL.B., 3 Sep 1614 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 80-81 DPRI/1/1614/G1/3 3 June 1614 inventory, actual total £203 19s 4d DPRI/1/1614/G2 Margarett GIBAN, widow, of Weste Aucklande, chapelry of Awkland St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Gibbon DPRI/1/1614/G2/1-2 13 May 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/G3 Bartram GOFTON [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Goften see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.203v: 30 Oct 1614 DPRI/1/1614/G3/1 18 August 1614 inventory inventory of the goods etc. of Bartram Gofton and his wife Alls [Alice] Gofton DPRI/1/1614/G4 8 March 1615 John GRAYME, of chapelry of St Margaret in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Greame see DPRI/4/11 f.23: administration granted to James Wilkinson, 8 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1614/G4/1 10 February 1615 inventory with memorandum, 1 March 1615, actual total £11 4s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s 7d) (1) inventory referring to an adjudged allocation to the poor by Durham Chancellor Clement Colmer - the total has been corrected to reflect the 7s 6d (rather than 6s 5d stated) given to the poor (see DPRI/1/1614/G4/2); (2) memorandum relating to a bundle of old swords and daggers and other work gear of John Hutchison of Newcastle, released to him from Grayme's house with the court's consent. Endorsed: administration granted, 8 Mar 1615. DPRI/1/1614/G4/2 undated inventory, actual total 7s 6d (and more) inventory of alms given, listing each of the receivers of pennies and the deceased's clothes by name DPRI/1/1614/H1 Ales HALL, wife of Lanslott Hall of Newcastrle upon Tyne yeoman, widow, of town of Newcastell upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/H1/1-2 6 September 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/H1/3-5 12 September 1614 inventory, actual total £299 4s 2d DPRI/1/1614/H2 31 August 1614 Robert HALL, of Munckeredge within the parishe of Elsden (Elsdenn) and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/H2/1 14 August 1613 will endorsed: proved, 31 Aug [1614] DPRI/1/1614/H3 14 January 1615 William HALL, yeoman, of Hauxley in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warkworthe [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/H3/1-2 7 June 1614 will Subscribed: witnesses sworn and examined upon the interrogatories. Endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1615. DPRI/1/1614/H3/3 6 December 1614 inventory, actual total £83 15s 8d DPRI/1/1614/H4 3 September 1614 Margery HALLYMAN, daughter of Martyn Hallyman of Lumley Castle gentleman, of Lumley Castle [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Halleman The inventory refers to an award made by a Sergeant Hutton concerning the estate of a Richard Reed. DPRI/1/1614/H4/1-2 3 September 1614 inventory, actual total £20 with inventory, actual total £25 (1) inventory of the goods and rights of Margery Hallyman conveyed to her by the will of Richard Reed as also by an award made by Sergeant Hutton; (2) inventory of the goods conveyed to Richard Hallyman and Thomas Hallyman, brothers of the deceased, by the will of Richard Reed as also by an award made by Sergeant Hutton. Subscribed: administration of the goods of Margery Hallyman granted to Martin Hallyman, her father, who was first bound by court decree to distribute such goods between Richard and Thomas Hallyman, and also assigned their tutor, 3 Sep 1614. DPRI/1/1614/H5 William HARRESON, smith, of Sandgaite within the county (town) of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harresone, Harrison DPRI/1/1614/H5/1 23 July 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/H5/2 15 August 1614 inventory, actual total £46 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £68 12s 7d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1614/H6 14 January 1615 George HARRISON, fisherman, of Hartinpoole (Hartlepoole) in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Harreson DPRI/1/1614/H6/1-2 17 November 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 Jan [1615]; also endorsed with the names of the relict, two children and two sureties DPRI/1/1614/H7 Thomas HARRISON, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison DPRI/1/1614/H7/1-2 20 August 1614 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1614/H7/3 30 August 1614 inventory, actual total £40 12s 10d DPRI/1/1614/H8 Michaell HARRYSON, of Midle Merington (Middle Meringeton, Meringtonn) in the countie of Duressme, parish of Awkland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Herrison, Harrison see DPRI/4/11 f.10: 29 Oct 1614 DPRI/1/1614/H8/1 12 March 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/H8/2 13 April 1614 inventory, actual total £115 9s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £75 4s 10d) DPRI/1/1614/H8/3 25 July 1614 award of arbitration award of arbitration concerning the distribution of the estate between the widow Elizabeth Harryson, the executor George Harryson, [Nicholas Harryson] the eldest son and four younger children DPRI/1/1614/H9 John HAUSWELL, of Preston in the parishe of Tynmouth (Tynmoth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Haswell DPRI/1/1614/H9/1 undated will DPRI/1/1614/H9/2 7 March 1614 inventory, actual total £18 17s 10d (with account of debts of £6 3s 6d) DPRI/1/1614/H10 Julian HEARON, Killingworth, wife of John Kyllingworth, gentlewoman, widow, of Fenhame (Fennam) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of St Andrew in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Herone Hearon requests her burial beside her husband, John Killingworth, at Longbenton. See DPRI/4/11 f.2: caveat. DPRI/1/1614/H10/1-2 2 September 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/H10/3 21 September 1614 inventory, actual total £66 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 13s 9d) DPRI/1/1614/H10/4 21 September 1614 copy inventory (incomplete), actual total £66 14s 4d DPRI/1/1614/H10/5 wrapper endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1614/H11 26 August 1614 Roger HEARON, gentleman, of Riplington in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Whalton [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Heron DPRI/1/1614/H11/1-2 30 June 1614 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 81-82 DPRI/1/1614/H11/3 5 July 1614 inventory, actual total £29 12s 4d (and more) DPRI/1/1614/H11/4 5 July 1614 indented copy inventory, actual total £29 12s 4d (and more) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Aug [1614] DPRI/1/1614/H12 31 August 1614 Elioner HEDLEY, of the Bogge in Ridsdaile within the parishe of Elesden (Elsdenn, Elsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedleed DPRI/1/1614/H12/1-2 28 May 1604 will endorsed: proved, 31 Aug [1614] DPRI/1/1614/H12/3 31 August 1614 inventory, actual total £3 18s 10d DPRI/1/1614/H13 4 February 1615 William HEIGHE, yeoman, of Woolveston (Wolveston) in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt High, Heyghe DPRI/1/1614/H13/1 13 February 1614 will endorsed: proved, 4 Feb [1615] DPRI/1/1614/H13/2 2 May 1614 indented inventory, actual total £146 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 11s) DPRI/1/1614/H14 Edward HENDERSON, of chapelry of Newbrough (Newbroughe) [Newbrough, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/H14/1-2 1 October 1614 account Account of Anthonie Henderson, son. Endorsed: admitted, 1 Oct [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/H15 28 January 1615 Janet HEPPELL, widow, of parish of Whitborne [Whitburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/H15/1 17 August 1614 will endorsed: proved, 28 Jan 1615 DPRI/1/1614/H15/2 17 January 1615 indented inventory, actual total £100 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £105 2s 4d) DPRI/1/1614/H16 24 March 1615 Rychard HINDMERS, yeoman, of the Southe Sheles (South Sheels) in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Hindemers see DPRI/4/11 f.25v DPRI/1/1614/H16/1-2 9 May 1614 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 10s 8d Will, with list of debts owing to (£21 7s 6d) and owing by (£2 5s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 24 Mar [1615]. DPRI/1/1614/H17 28 May 1614 Ralfe HODGSON, of Bed[b]urne Hall, chapelry of Hamsterley [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon DPRI/1/1614/H17/1-2 20 April 1614 inventory endorsed: tuition of seven named children granted, with the consent of [the elder of the sons and daughters] Anthony and Elizabeth Hodgson, to Brian Belt, to whom administration was also granted, 28 May [1614] DPRI/1/1614/H18 24 March 1615 Richard HOLME, esquire, Maghull in the countie of Lancaster, chapelry of Stockton [Maghull, Lancashire; Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 ff. 23 (2 Mar 1615) and 25v (24 Mar 1615): probate granted to William Lea alias Holme, and in the interim during his minority to his mother Mary Lea DPRI/1/1614/H18/1 11 September 1612 [copy] will endorsed: proved, 24 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1614/H18/2 9 March 1615 inventory, actual total £910 10s Exhibited by Mary Lea, 24 Mar 1615. (Marye Lea is described in the will as the 'divorced wife to John Lea and mother to the said William Lea alias Holme [sole executor]'.) DPRI/1/1614/H19 Richard HOWDON, house-carpenter, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. DPRI/1/1614/H19/1 17 February 1614 will endorsed: [grant of probate] voided DPRI/1/1614/H20 25 June 1614 Isabell HUTCHESON, of Towne Kellow in the countie of Duresme, parish of Kelloo [Kelloe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/H20/1-2 5 April 1614 will endorsed: proved, 25 June [1614] DPRI/1/1614/I1 Christofer ILE, apothecary, grocer, of parish of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Isle DPRI/1/1614/I1/1 30 October 1614 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 87-90 DPRI/1/1614/I1/2-4 17 November 1614 inventory, actual total £979 2s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1614/J1 23 September 1614 Elizabeth JOHNSON, wife of John Johnson, widow, of parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/J1/1 8 August 1614 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £7. Endorsed: proved, 23 Sep [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/J2 Izabell JOHNSON, of Brimewham (Brimme Wham) of the parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11 (begins 23 Sep 1614). Inventory endorsed by probate office 1614, then amended to 1615. DPRI/1/1614/J2/1 11 April 1615 indented inventory DPRI/1/1614/J3 Mathew JOHNSON, husband of Jane Johnson, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], alderman, of Berwicke upon Tweed (Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] For the will, see - DPRI/1/1613/J6/1 DPRI/1/1614/J3/2 29 September 1614 draft account, actual total £293 14s (debts) DPRI/1/1614/J3/1 undated account account of Jane Johnson, relict DPRI/1/1614/K1 14 May 1614 Humphrey KEY, yeoman, of the Ile in the parish of Sedgfield in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Keye DPRI/1/1614/K1/1-2 11 April 1614 will endorsed: proved, 14 May 1614 DPRI/1/1614/K1/3 9 May 1614 inventory, actual total £77 6s 2d DPRI/1/1614/L1 26 November 1614 Bryan LAMBE, yeoman, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/L1/1-2 19 July 1614 will endorsed: proved, 26 Nov [1614] DPRI/1/1614/L1/3 30 July 1614 indented inventory, actual total £252 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £71 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1614/L2 5 February 1614 Elizabeth LAMBE, widow, of citie of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/L2/1-2 2 November 1611 will witnesses sworn, 5 Feb 1614 DPRI/1/1614/L3 7 February 1615 George LAMBERT, smith, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/L3/1-2 17 December 1614 will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb 1615 DPRI/1/1614/L3/3-4 3 January 1615 inventory, actual total £91 0s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 9s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1614/L4 Roger LAWSON, esquire, of Heaton [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] See DPRI/4/11 f.7 (15 Oct 1614); f.84 (24 Feb 1616). Lawson left a widow and twelve children. DPRI/1/1614/L4/1 1614 inventory DPRI/1/1614/L5 14 January 1615 Thomas LITELFAIRE, of Towen Kellowe (Kello, Kelloe) [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Littelfaire, Littlefare see DPRI/4/11 f.18 DPRI/1/1614/L5/1 undated will probate granted to Elizabeth Litelfaire, relict DPRI/1/1614/L5/2-3 2 January 1615 inventory, actual total £23 (with account of debts of £2 5s) endorsed: [will] proved, 14 Jan 1615 DPRI/1/1614/L6 14 October 1614 Georg LONSDALE, yeoman, of Bernerd Castle (Barnard Castell) in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Londesdale see DPRI/4/11 f.6: 14 Oct 1614 DPRI/1/1614/L6/1 29 July 1614 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1614/L6/2 29 July 1614 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1614/L6/3 4 August 1614 indented inventory, actual total £17 5s 2d (with account of debts of £3 10s 3d) endorsed: administration granted, [?14] Oct 1614 DPRI/1/1614/L7 Oswold LUMLEY, of Staindrope (Staindroppe) [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/L7/1 2 August 1614 indented will DPRI/1/1614/L7/2-3 5 September 1614 indented inventory, actual total £135 12s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1614/L8 22 July 1614 Elizabeth LYDDELL, wife of Richard Lyddell, widow, of West Merington in the parishe of St Andrewe Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Liddell DPRI/1/1614/L8/1 7 July 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/L8/2 15 July 1614 inventory, actual total £191 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £114 9s) endorsed: [will] proved, 22 July [1614] DPRI/1/1614/L9 7 May 1614 William LYDDELL, yeoman, of Byllingham (Billinggame, Billingham) in the county of Durham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Liddell, Lidell DPRI/1/1614/L9/1-2 22 October 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£66 13s 4d) and owing to (£109 13s) the testator. Probate granted to Aylce Lyddell, relict, also for the use of Rychard Lyddell, son; also Aylce Lyddell granted his tuition. Endorsed: proved, 7 May [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/L9/5 20 October 1613 inventory, actual total £244 19s 2d date of inventory incompatible with date of will DPRI/1/1614/L9/3-4 20 October 1613 inventory, actual total £354 12s 2d (with account of debts of £66 13s 4d) date of inventory incompatible with date of will DPRI/1/1614/M1 30 July 1614 Wiliam MADDESON, of Birtley of the parishe of Chester [Birtley St John, County Durham]; also spelt Maddison DPRI/1/1614/M1/1-2 14 July 1614 inventory Debts owing by the deceased are listed but not valued. Administration granted to Ralph Maddeson, son, conditional upon a court decree concerning the relict of the deceased, 30 July 1614. DPRI/1/1614/M2 Richard MADDOX, husband of Isabell Maddox, gentleman, of Skyrningham (Skirningham) in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Maddocks DPRI/1/1614/M2/1 undated indented account Account of Isabell Maddox, relict and executrix. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1614/M3 Thomas MADDYSON, of East Murtonn (Easte Morton, Murton) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Maddison DPRI/1/1614/M3/1 26 August 1614 inventory DPRI/1/1614/M3/2 6 September 1614 renunciation letter of consent of Elizabeth Maddyson, relict, transferring administration to Anthonye Robsonn of West Morton DPRI/1/1614/M4 27 August 1614 Anne MAN, widow, of Elvett, parishe of St Oswolds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Mann DPRI/1/1614/M4/1 12 August 1614 will endorsed: proved, 27 Aug [1614] DPRI/1/1614/M5 Christofer MAN, of parishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Mann DPRI/1/1614/M5/1 1 October 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/M5/2 14 December 1614 inventory, actual total £258 16s 10d (with account of debts of £55 6s) DPRI/1/1614/M5/3 14 December 1614 indented copy inventory, actual total £258 16s 10d (with account of debts of £55 6s) DPRI/1/1614/M6 29 April 1614 Anthony MEBOURN, of Pontup (Pontupp) in the parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Mebournn, Meaburne DPRI/1/1614/M6/1 31 March 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/M6/2-3 13 April 1614 inventory, actual total £498 2s 4d Subscribed with the names of six minor children. Endorsed: [will] proved, 29 Apr [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/M7 22 October 1614 Thomas MORGAN, tailor, of parish of Sehame (Seham) within the countye of Durhame [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Morgain DPRI/1/1614/M7/1 18 May 1614 will endorsed: proved, 22 Oct [1614] DPRI/1/1614/M7/2 16 September 1614 indented inventory, actual total £22 18s 4d DPRI/1/1614/M8 29 November 1614 Robart MUSSGRAVE, of Panshells (Panshelles, Pansheles, Pensheels) in the parishe of Shotley within the countye of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Musgrave DPRI/1/1614/M8/1-2 6 September 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 Nov [1614] DPRI/1/1614/M8/3-4 18 November 1614 renunciation letter of Ann Musgrave, relict, and John Musgrave, brother, renouncing administration and consenting that administration may be granted to William Tounge; a monition having been published at Shotley; endorsed with direction to Thomas Chater [Chaytor] esquire DPRI/1/1614/N1 26 November 1614 Jennett NELSON, alias Townes, widow, of Elvitt (Elvet) within the parishe of St Oswoldes within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.10v and f.12v: Nov 1614 DPRI/1/1614/N1/1-2 30 October 1614 will endorsed: proved, 26 Nov 1614 DPRI/1/1614/N1/3 4 November 1614 indented inventory, actual total £4 4s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1614/N2 7 May 1614 Thomas NEWTON, of Little Stainton (Staynton) in the parish of Bushopton [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/N2/1-2 10 December 1613 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by (£112 8s 8d) and owing to (£44 8s 3d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 7 May 1614; also endorsed, Katherin Newton, relict, Ann Newton, posthumous child, and names of four other children. DPRI/1/1614/N2/3 25 January 1614 inventory, actual total £81 13s DPRI/1/1614/N3 26 November 1614 Robart NICKSON, of Elvitt (Elvett) within the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Nixon DPRI/1/1614/N3/1-2 13 November 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/N3/3-4 22 November 1614 indented inventory, actual total £26 3s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 17s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Nov [1614] DPRI/1/1614/O1 George OARD, husband of Margaret Oard, gentleman, of Oard (Ourd) within the countie palatine of Durham, chapelry of Twedmoth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourde, Ourd, Orde For the inventory (fragment) of George Oard, see - DPRI/1/1612/O2/1 DPRI/1/1614/O1/1 undated account Account of Margaret Oard, relict. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1614/O2 Hector OGLE, gentleman, of Burrodon in the countie of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/O2/1 23 October 1614 indented inventory Inventory includes goods etc. at Keynton [?Kenton] and Whaton. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1614/O4 Edward ORDE, of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourd, Ourde, Ord DPRI/1/1614/O4/1-2 16 February 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1614/O4/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £7 (with account of debts of £24 12s 3d) DPRI/1/1614/O3 6 May 1614 Marie OSBURNE, alias Mallie Osburne, widow, of South Sheeles, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham]; also spelt Osborne DPRI/1/1614/O3/1 12 March 1614 will with inventory, 18 April 1614, actual total £42 9s endorsed: proved, 6 May [1614] DPRI/1/1614/O3/2 18 April 1614 inventory, actual total £42 9s DPRI/1/1614/P1 18 June 1614 Robert PEAKE, of the Blunthouse in the parish of Mideltonn in Teasedale (Midelton, Middleton in Teisdaile) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/P1/1 5 April 1614 will endorsed: proved, 18 June 1614 DPRI/1/1614/P1/2 20 May 1614 inventory, actual total £35 14s 2d (with account of debts of £1) subscribed with names of the sureties DPRI/1/1614/P2 7 May 1614 Heugh PEARSON, of Ingleton within the parish of Staindrop [Ingleton, County Durham]; also spelt Person DPRI/1/1614/P2/1-2 1 April 1614 nuncupative will administration granted to George Preston, brother-in-law, for the use of Ellinor, Elizabeth and Margaret Pearson, daughters; Preston was also appointed as the children's tutor, with the consent of Margaret Pearson, relict, 7 May 1614 DPRI/1/1614/P2/3 4 April 1614 indented inventory, actual total £75 15s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 3s 5d) DPRI/1/1614/P3 Steven PEARSON, tanner, of Morpeth within the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Pereson DPRI/1/1614/P3/1 28 August 1613 will with inventory, 28 August 1613, actual total £22 8s DPRI/1/1614/P4 Peter PORRETT, of Hartlepoole [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/P4/1 26 June 1614 will subscribed: 'this will will doth agree with the same will under seale' [i.e. the will was proved and issued under seal] DPRI/1/1614/P5 7 May 1614 Richard PROUDLOCKE, labourer, of parish of Bishipton (Bushopton) [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/P5/1-2 17 January 1614 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£17 10s 3d) and owing to (5s 11d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 7 May 1614. DPRI/1/1614/P5/3 19 January 1614 inventory, actual total £38 1s 8d DPRI/1/1614/P6 8 October 1614 William PUNCHON, gentleman, of West Herrington within the countie of Durham, parish of Houghton [Herrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/P6/1 5 October 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Oct [1614] DPRI/1/1614/R1 28 May 1614 Cuthbert RADCLYFF, esquire, of Blannchland (Blannchlande, Blanchland) in the paryshe of Shottley (Shoteley, Shotley) in the countye of Northumberland [Blanchland, Northumberland]; also spelt Radclyffe, Radcliffe, Radcliff DPRI/1/1614/R1/1 30 March 1612 will DPRI/1/1614/R1/2-3 24 August 1612 inventory, actual total £1,094 4s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £108 13s) DPRI/1/1614/R1/4 24 August 1612 indented inventory, actual total £1,094 4s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £108 13s) endorsed: [will] proved, 28 May [1614] DPRI/1/1614/R2 24 September 1614 Henry RAND, of Raby, parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/R2/1 3 June 1614 indented will endorsed: proved, 24 Sep [1614] DPRI/1/1614/R2/2 7 July 1614 indented inventory, actual total £10 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 19s 11d) DPRI/1/1614/R3 September 1614 Cuthbert RAYNE, of Barnard Castle (Barnard Scastle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/R3/1 27 July 1614 will endorsed: proved, Sep 1614 DPRI/1/1614/R3/2 5 August 1614 indented inventory, actual total £107 19s 4d DPRI/1/1614/R4 Annys READ, wife of Thomas Read of Newcastle, miller, widow, of parishe of St Johns of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade DPRI/1/1614/R4/1 28 March 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/R4/2-5 26 July 1614 inventory, actual total £440 6s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 10s 10d) DPRI/1/1614/R5 Margaret READE, widow, of parish of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Read Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation). DPRI/1/1614/R5/1-2 16 June 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/R5/3-4 22 June 1614 indented inventory, actual total £329 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £23 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1614/R6 21 November 1614 John RICHARDSON, notary public, of Elvett [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11: f.13, proved 21 Nov 1614; f.56v, 6 Oct 1615; f.145v, 6 Dec 1616; ff.153, 157v, 164v, 169v, 171v; f.203, 24 July 1617. For the appointment of tutors of Richardson's son Clement, see - DPRI/1/1616/R6/1 DPRI/1/1614/R6/1-2 2 September 1614 will will, dated 23 May 1614 at head and 2 Sep 1614 at foot DPRI/1/1614/R7 15 April 1614 Thomas RICHARDSON, of Slaggiburne in Garrigill within Aldston Moore [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Richardsonn DPRI/1/1614/R7/1 14 January 1614 will endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1614] DPRI/1/1614/R7/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £18 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 14s 1d) DPRI/1/1614/R8 1 October 1614 Mychaell ROBINSON, of Ettersgill in the Forrest of Teasedale within the countye of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasdaill [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. DPRI/1/1614/R8/1 11 August 1614 will endorsed: proved, 1 Oct [1614] DPRI/1/1614/R8/2 27 August 1614 indented inventory, actual total £70 10s 6d DPRI/1/1614/R8/3 2 October 1614 certificate of oaths certificate of the oaths of the witnesses, the executors and the sureties DPRI/1/1614/R9 Anthonye RODDOM, yeoman, of Farnakers Milne (Farnacars, Faracres Miln) in the parish of Whickham within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/R9/1-2 17 January 1614 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to (£26 1s 2d) and owing by (£16 18s) the testator. DPRI/1/1614/R9/3 October 1614 inventory, actual total £147 1s 6d DPRI/1/1614/R10 Margret ROTHERUPP, wife of Henrie Rotherupp, widow, of towne of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotherup For the will and inventory of Rotherupp's husband, see - DPRI/1/1611/R6/1 - DPRI/1/1611/R6/2 DPRI/1/1614/R10/1 20 April 1614 will with grant of probate, 1614 probate granted to Jane Haggerston, daughter and sole executrix, the wife of Richard Haggerston DPRI/1/1614/S1 Wennefrett SANDERSON, widow, of parish of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Winfrett Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation). DPRI/1/1614/S1/1-4 7 May 1611 inventory Inventory of the goods etc. 'as the same were grannted to the utmost by thapariter [the apparitor] in Newcastel'. Endorsed: exhibited, 22 July [1614]. DPRI/1/1614/S2 30 July 1614 Rowland SELBYE, of Newlandes in the parishe of Whittingstall (Whittonstall) [Whittonstall, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby DPRI/1/1614/S2/1 5 March 1614 indented inventory endorsed: inventory of goods not administered [see also second inventory]; administration granted to Anne Somersale, sister, to distribute between herself and any cousins by order of the judge, 30 July [1614] DPRI/1/1614/S2/2 11 July 1614 indented supplementary inventory inventory of goods not appraised in the first inventory DPRI/1/1614/S3 5 November 1614 21 September 1616 William SHERATON, husband of Elizabeth Sheraton, husbandman, of Elwick (Elwicke) in the parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11: f.10v, will of William Sheraton proved, 5 Nov 1614; f.128, will of Elizabeth Sheraton proved, 21 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1614/S3/1-2 7 February 1614 copy will with copy will, 12 August 1616 Wills of William Sheraton and Elizabeth Sheraton his widow. Copies certified, 27 Aug 1625. DPRI/1/1614/S3/3 12 October 1614 inventory, actual total £387 16s (with account of debts of £11 13s 8d) inventory of the goods etc. of William Sheraton; dated, 12 Oct [?1614] DPRI/1/1614/S4 7 February 1615 John SMITH, the elder, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1614/S4/1 28 May 1612 copy will endorsed: Coppy; Robson DPRI/1/1614/S4/2-3 30 December 1614 indented inventory, actual total £353 16s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £172 13s 4d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. including those at North Gosworth DPRI/1/1614/S4/4 7 February 1615 grant of probate probate granted at Newcastle to Agnes Smith, daughter and sole executor; and in the interim while she is still a minor, administration granted to Margaret Smith, relict, and Thomas Smith senior for the use of Agnes Smith DPRI/1/1614/S4/5 4 December 1690 bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £5,000 bond of Timothy Robson of Newcastle esquire to redeliver the original will DPRI/1/1614/S5 21 May 1614 Anthonie STEPHENSON, yeoman, of Hedley within the countie of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/S5/1-2 8 April 1614 will Date in Apr 1614 uncertain [damage]. Endorsed: proved, 21 May 1614. DPRI/1/1614/S5/3 28 April 1614 inventory, actual total £43 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 6s) DPRI/1/1614/S6 14 January 1615 William STOBS, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the county of Duresme [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Stobbes DPRI/1/1614/S6/1 27 August 1614 nuncupative will probate granted to Anne Stobs, relict and sole executrix, 14 Jan 1615; inventory (£58 19s 4d), debts (£22 11s); four minor children named DPRI/1/1614/S6/2 3 November 1614 inventory, actual total £58 19s 4d (with account of debts of £22 14s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 14 Jan [1615] DPRI/1/1614/S7 Thomas STOKOE, skinner, glover, of parishe of Sainte Johns of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Stocoe DPRI/1/1614/S7/1-2 20 August 1613 will DPRI/1/1614/S7/3-4 20 August 1613 copy will with receipt, 6 August 1653 with receipt, 1653 Copy will, with two later receipts given by Robert Bulman for the original will and its safe redelivery within twenty days. DPRI/1/1614/S7/5 12 October 1613 inventory, actual total £6 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 8s 11d) DPRI/1/1614/S8 8 July 1614 John SWYNBOURNE, of the Hugh of the parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinburne DPRI/1/1614/S8/1 3 June 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 July [1614] DPRI/1/1614/T3 22 December 1614 William THOMPSON, of Elvitt within the parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] The inventory includes the funeral expenses of both William Thompson and of his wife. DPRI/1/1614/T3/1 24 November 1614 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 Dec 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T1 26 November 1614 John THOMSON, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1614/T1/1 25 December 1613 will endorsed: proved, 26 Nov [1614] DPRI/1/1614/T1/2 29 December 1613 inventory, actual total £70 15s DPRI/1/1614/T1/3 19 November 1614 commission commission to William Wood, vicar of Greatham, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Mary Thomson, relict and sole executrix; commission executed at Greatham by Wood, 20 Nov 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T2 2 September 1614 Raiphe THOMSON, carpenter, of Hartlepoole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1614/T2/1 11 August 1614 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 2 Sep 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T4 14 May 1614 John THORPE, of chapelry of Hartinpoolle (Hartlepoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Thorp DPRI/1/1614/T4/1 7 December 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 May 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T5 8 April 1614 John THURSBYE, of Aickliffe, Schole Acley [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Thursbe DPRI/1/1614/T5/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Apr 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T6 8 April 1614 George TOMSONE, yeoman, of Doddington within the countye of Northumberland [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Tomsonne, Thompson DPRI/1/1614/T6/1 17 May 1611 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr 1614 DPRI/1/1614/T7 10 July 1614 Thomas TYNDALL, of Peicebrigge (Pearcebridge) in the parish of Gainford in the county of Durham [Piercebridge, County Durham]; also spelt Tyndale DPRI/1/1614/T7/1 23 June 1614 will DPRI/1/1614/T7/3 7 July 1614 inventory, actual total £78 1s 2d DPRI/1/1614/T7/2 9 July 1614 commission commission to Robert Burrell MA, curate of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Janet Tyndall, relict, and Cuthbert Fawdon, co-executors; commission executed at Gainford by Burrell, 10 July [1614] DPRI/1/1614/W1 John WALKER, of Middridge (Midderidge) within the countie of Durham [Middridge, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W1/1 27 February 1615 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1614/W1/2 6 March 1615 renunciation letter from Sythe Walker, relict, consenting that administration may be granted to her son John Walker DPRI/1/1614/W1/3 undated renunciation letter from Ann Walker, daughter, consenting that administration may be granted to her brother John Walker, such grant having been denied to him when empowered with only the widow's consent; dated 19 Mar [?1615] DPRI/1/1614/W2 26 August 1614 Michaell WALKER, curate of Barnard Castle, clerk, of Bernard (Bernerd) Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W2/1 31 January 1614 will Will, first drawn up 4 Jan 1614 (at head) and published 31 Jan 1614 (at foot). DPRI/1/1614/W2/2 14 April 1614 indented inventory, actual total £63 5s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £52 9s 1d) DPRI/1/1614/W2/3 26 August 1614 commission commission to Jerome Williams, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Gelian Walker and Abigail Walker, daughter, co-executors, also for the use of Christian Walker, daughter and co-executor, during her minority; the court having been informed by Francis Walker, son, of the executors' inability to attend in person; and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Williams, 26 Aug 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W3 18 March 1614 John WALTON, draper, of parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. See DPRI/4/10 f.382 (18 Mar 1614): administration granted to Margaret Walton, relict, also for the use of Elizabeth Walton and Margaret Walton, daughters; Margaret Walton also appointed tutrix of the said children; inventory exhibited later. DPRI/1/1614/W3/1-12 undated inventory inventory of household goods and stock in trade, including Walton's share of a partnership at Sunderland with his brother George Walton and William Hardcastle; exhibited by Margaret Walton, relict, 27 Jan 1615 DPRI/1/1614/W4 14 January 1615 Anthony WATSON, of Ryop (Ryope) in the parishe of Bushop Warmouthe [Ryhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W4/1 19 December 1614 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan 1615 DPRI/1/1614/W4/2 29 December 1614 indented inventory, actual total £76 16s 8d (with account of debts of £27 14s) DPRI/1/1614/W5 2 July 1614 James WATSON, gentleman, of Sheraton (Sheroton) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W5/1 17 March 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 2 July 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W5/2 2 May 1614 renunciation renunciation of Marye Watson, relict, consenting that administration may be granted to John Watson, son DPRI/1/1614/W6 14 May 1614 John WIDDOWSON, husbandman, of parish of Stranton in the countie of Duresme [Stranton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W6/1 28 April 1614 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 May 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W6/2 2 May 1614 indented inventory, actual total £159 12s (with account of debts of £5 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1614/W7 26 November 1614 William WILKINSONN, the elder, of West Rainton within the parishe of Houghton in the Springe [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkeson, Wilkinson DPRI/1/1614/W7/1-2 25 October 1614 will endorsed: proved, 26 Nov 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W7/3 16 November 1614 inventory, actual total £23 0s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 12s 3d) subscribed with account of the allocation of the widow's and executors' shares DPRI/1/1614/W8 15 April 1614 John WILSON, stringer, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W8/1 15 March 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted to Ralph Wilson, brother, 15 Apr 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W9 24 September 1614 Thomas WILSON, of parishe of Bishop Wermouthe [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1614/W9/1 6 September 1614 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 Sep [1614] DPRI/1/1614/W10 7 May 1614 Robert WREIGHT, of chapelry of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Wright DPRI/1/1614/W10/1 24 March 1614 inventory administration granted to Isabell Wreight, relict, also for the use of five named children; Isabell Wreight also appointed tutrix to the said children, 7 May 1614 DPRI/1/1614/W10/2 wrapper [on dorse: incomplete notice issued by Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor] DPRI/1/1615 Wills etc proved 1615 DPRI/1/1615/A1 3 February 1616 Richard ADDISON, of Escombe within the countye of Durham [Escomb, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/A1/1 2 June 1614 will endorsed: proved, 3 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/A1/2 24 August 1614 inventory, actual total £33 8s 4d (with account of debts of £2 5s) DPRI/1/1615/A2 1 April 1615 John AIRE, tanner, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Ayre Aire fell sick at Shipton in Yorkshire whilst on a journey to York. DPRI/1/1615/A2/1-2 18 September 1614 nuncupative will with inventory, 7 January 1615, actual total £49 18s 10d endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr 1615 DPRI/1/1615/A3 Thomas ALBONN, yeoman, of Newtonn Underwodd in the county of Northumberland and parishe of Midforde [Mitford, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/A3/1 6 September 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 4s. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/A3/2 undated inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d DPRI/1/1615/A4 John ALDER, merchant, of parish of Alnwicke [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/A4/1 28 October 1615 will Subscribed: 'Anthony I pray yow examyne these 3 witnesses upon this will and ... your interr[ogatories] upon them also'. Endorsed: not proved; 2 Dec 1615. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 93 DPRI/1/1615/A5 John ALDERE, husbandman, of Longe Framlington, chapelry of Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Alder DPRI/1/1615/A5/1 8 December 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/A5/2 8 December 1614 inventory, actual total £24 14s 8d endorsed: [wil] proved DPRI/1/1615/A6 27 June 1615 Mathewe AMCOTTES, esquire, of Pencher (Pensher) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring [Penshaw, County Durham]; also spelt Amcots, Amcoates DPRI/1/1615/A6/2 19 June 1615 inventory DPRI/1/1615/A6/1 23 June 1615 commission Commission to Anthony Airye, preacher of Houghton-le-Spring, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Susan Amcoates relict, for her use and also for the use of Silline and Marie Amcoates, daughters, and also granting to her tuition of the said children; commission executed by Airay, 27 June 1615. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/A7 21 July 1615 Nycholas ANDREWE, the elder, yeoman, of Shotley Bridge in the parishe of Shotley in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Andrew DPRI/1/1615/A7/1 22 June 1615 indented will endorsed: proved, 21 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/A7/2 7 July 1615 indented inventory, actual total £125 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7) DPRI/1/1615/A8 27 January 1616 Richard ARCHER, yeoman, of Elvitt in the parish of St Oswoldes within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/A8/1 14 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1616] DPRI/1/1615/A8/2-3 23 January 1616 indented inventory, actual total £5 1s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/A9 Emond ARMESTRONGE, yeoman, of Benridge (Benridg) in the county of Northumberland and parishe of Midford (Mitford) [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong DPRI/1/1615/A9/1 22 October 1615 will Date of will in Oct 1615 uncertain. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/A9/2 undated inventory, actual total £35 4s 8d DPRI/1/1615/A10 1 July 1615 Robert ARTHURE, yeoman, of parishe of Embleton in the countye of Northumberlande [Embleton, Northumberland] See DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.215r: probate granted at Boulmer by Anthony Walker to John Arthure, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to Agnes Arthure, relict and co-executor, 1 July 1615; inventory exhibited. DPRI/1/1615/A10/1 16 September 1614 will endorsed: 'A; Willes etc. of Northumberland proved at B[o]ulmer 1 July 1615 to be probated and bonds to be made readye and caried at the next court at Alnewicke.' DPRI/1/1615/A10/2 20 September 1614 inventory, actual total £32 6s 8d DPRI/1/1615/A12 22 May 1616 Robert ATKINSON, weaver, of Crosgaite (Crosgate) within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Atkinsonn See DPRI/4/11 f.107: probate granted to Margaret Atkinson, relict and sole executrix; inventory exhibited (£20 2s 2d), 22 May 1616. Will endorsed by probate office: 'will and inventory' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1615/A12/1-2 7 February 1616 will endorsed: proved, 22 May [1616] DPRI/1/1615/A11 Martine ATKINSONE, yeoman, of Hamstells within the parish of Lanchester [Hamsteels, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/A11/1 20 February 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/A11/2 17 April 1615 indented inventory, actual total £123 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 3s 10d) DPRI/1/1615/B1 Thomas BAINBRIGE, of Bridgehous in the parish of Midelton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrig, Bainbrigg, Bainebrige, Bainebrigge, Baynbrigg, Baynbrigge DPRI/1/1615/B1/1-2 17 April 1615 will with affidavit, 1 October 1615 Will; with affidavit concerning the validity of the will. DPRI/1/1615/B1/3-4 8 September 1615 inventory, actual total £181 9s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £224 12s) Administration granted to Rebecha Baynbrigg widow, mother, with the consent of her son George Baynbrigge; inventory exhibited, 1 Oct 1615; William Linde and John Wilson, sureties. DPRI/1/1615/B2 3 February 1616 Tobye BARNESS, gentleman, of parishe of Wolsingham in the countye of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Barnes DPRI/1/1615/B2/1-2 5 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 3 Feb [1616] DPRI/1/1615/B2/3 12 October 1617 indented inventory, actual total £710 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £81 15s 10d) DPRI/1/1615/B3 29 July 1615 Thomas BATMANSON, gentleman, of Brome Hall, Broome [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Batmansson DPRI/1/1615/B3/1 10 December 1613 will DPRI/1/1615/B3/2 27 July 1615 inventory, actual total £103 6s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 29 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/B4 29 January 1616 Robert BECKWITH, gentleman, of Whitburne (Whitburn, Whitbarn) in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Becwith, Beckewith DPRI/1/1615/B4/1-2 15 December 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/B4/3 8 January 1616 inventory, actual total £256 4s with inventory, 12 January 1616, actual total £165 DPRI/1/1615/B4/4 27 January 1616 commission commission to Christopher Hickes, rector of Whitburn, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabelle Beckewith, relict and sole executrix, she being unable to attend court herself, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hickes, 29 Jan 1616 DPRI/1/1615/B4/5 29 January 1616 grant of probate certificate of Hickes of the grant of probate made at the home of the deceased DPRI/1/1615/B5 Franncis BILLINGHAM, gentleman, of Crook Halle (Crookehall) in the countie of Duresme, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/B5/1-2 20 January 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/B5/3 30 January 1615 inventory, actual total £122 7s 2d DPRI/1/1615/B6 Raphe BLENKINSOP, of Birtley [Birtley St John, County Durham]; also spelt Blenkinsope see DPRI/4/11 f.66 and f.88v DPRI/1/1615/B6/1 14 November 1615 inventory Exhibited, 17 Nov 1615. Endorsed: administration renounced, 18 Nov [1615]. DPRI/1/1615/B7 23 March 1616 Thomas BROWNE, barber, of parishe of St Giles in the cittie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/B7/1-2 25 February 1616 will DPRI/1/1615/B7/3 undated inventory, actual total £19 17s (with account of debts of £26 16s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 23 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1615/B8 Sir Bevis BULLMER, knight, of parish of Aldeston (Aldston, Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Bulmer. Died 15 September 1613 see DPRI/4/11 f.62v and f.74 DPRI/1/1615/B8/1-2 17 September 1613 inventory, actual total £5 8s 10d with inventory, 28 October 1615, actual total £10 (1) inventory of goods etc. at the home of Raffe Whitfeild of Alston; with more items 'bought and sent unto him by mee Francis Belgrave'; (2) inventory of a 21-year lease in a lead mine. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/B8/3 undated account, actual total £15 8s 10d (with discharge of £16 5s 6d) account of John Bulmer gentleman, son DPRI/1/1615/B8/4 wrapper wrapper to the account; endorsed: admitted DPRI/1/1615/B9 Marye BUNEY, widow, of Newsham in the countye of Durham, parish of Winston [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Bunnye, [Bunny] see DPRI/4/11 f.81: 3 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/B9/1-5 28 January 1616 inventory with inventory, 24 January 1616, actual total £185 7s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 13s 2d) Inventories of goods etc. (1) at Newsham; (2) remaining at the deceased's father's house at Langley; exhibited by John Wortley, 27 Apr 1616. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/B10 30 June 1615 Thomas BURALL, of Melfeld of the parish of Newton (Newtonn) [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Burrell see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.213v: 30 June 1615 DPRI/1/1615/B10/1-2 1613 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/B11 29 July 1615 John BUSSIE, gentleman, of Elvett in the parish of St Oswald in the cyttie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Bussye DPRI/1/1615/B11/1 30 March 1607 will with memorandum, undated Will, subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating the publication of the will. Endorsed: proved; Jane Bussie, relict and sole executrix, sworn, 29 July 1615. DPRI/1/1615/C1 24 February 1616 Roger CARNABYE, the elder, of Setlingstons in the chappelrie of Newbroughe (Newbrough) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Carnabie DPRI/1/1615/C1/1 29 December 1615 will endorsed: proved, 24 Feb [1616] DPRI/1/1615/C1/2 undated inventory, actual total £51 13s 10d DPRI/1/1615/C3 William CARR, tailor, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/C3/1-3 10 November 1615 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/C2 23 March 1616 Raiphe CARRE, gentleman, of Howburne (Howbourne, Howborne) within the chaplerie of Lowicke in the countie of Northumberland [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Car, Carr DPRI/1/1615/C2/1-2 1615 indented inventory inventory of goods etc. at Howburn and Downham DPRI/1/1615/C2/3 1 September 1615 election of guardian election by Jane Carre, daughter, of her uncle John Ogle as her guardian (tutor) DPRI/1/1615/C2/4 23 September 1615 order order of Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, for the distribution of the estate of the deceased, administration having been granted to Jane Carre, relict, conditional upon this subsequent allocation DPRI/1/1615/C2/5 25 November 1615 copy quitclaim copy quitclaim of Jane Carre, relict, in the goods of her husband Raiphe Carre to John Ogle, and referring to an Agreement between Carre, her daughter Jane Carre, and Ogle dated 7 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C2/6-7 21 March 1616 letter Letter to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, from Jane Carre, relict, at Berwick requesting administration be re-granted to John Ogle, her brother-in-law, they having reached an agreement; also requesting the [cancellation and] return of her and her sureties' bonds. Endorsed: administration [re-]granted, 23 Mar [1616]. DPRI/1/1615/C2/8-9 21 March 1616 letter Letter to Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, from Thomas Armorer at Belford, a surety and cousin of Jane Carre, consenting to the grant of administration to John Ogle, and requesting the release of his bond and those of the other named sureties to John Ogle. DPRI/1/1615/C4 13 November 1615 Edward CHARLTON, of chapelry of Bellingham (Bellingheam) [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charleton see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.215v: widow Jane Charlton now married to John Todd; one child, Isabella Charlton, 13 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C4/1 28 December 1612 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov 1615 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 70 DPRI/1/1615/C5 20 December 1615 Thomas CHILTON, of Foulwell (Fulwell) in the parish of Munckewarmounth (Munckwarmouth) [Monkwearmouth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/C5/1 21 August 1613 will endorsed with (undated) memorandum of publication, 'aboute a week before he dyed' DPRI/1/1615/C5/2 21 August 1613 copy will endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C5/3-4 28 November 1615 inventory, actual total £158 1s 10d (with account of debts of £16 7s 1d) endorsed: proved, 20 Dec 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C11 Margreat COCK, daughter of Thomas Coningame on Crossgate, wife of Thomas Cock [Durham, County Durham] Address not stated: deceased owned three burgages in Durham City. See DPRI/4/11 ff.24v, 27v, 29v. DPRI/1/1615/C11/1 28 August 1613 will DPRI/1/1615/C6 25 March 1615 Thomas COGDEN, of Durham Hill (Hille) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/C6/1 14 December 1613 will endorsed: proved, 25 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C6/2 2 May 1614 indented inventory, actual total £20 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2) DPRI/1/1615/C7 30 September 1615 Thomas COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Ingram in the county of Northumberland [Ingram, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/C7/1-2 24 September 1615 inventory endorsed: [grant of] administration issued, 30 Sep [1615] DPRI/1/1615/C7/3 2 September 1615 commission commission to Percival Wilson, vicar of Ilderton, and Stephen Hudspeth, curate of Branxton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Collingwood, relict, for her use and for the use of Jane and Anne Collingwood, daughters, and also granting to her the tuition of the said children; commission executed by Hudspeth, 25 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/C8 9 December 1615 Anne COLLYER, widow, of Offerton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Collier DPRI/1/1615/C8/1 24 November 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: proved; administration granted, 9 Dec [1615] DPRI/1/1615/C8/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/C9 Robert COLSON, yeoman, of the Parke within the county of Northumberland, parish of Haltwisell (Hawtwesell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Coulson DPRI/1/1615/C9/1-2 27 February 1614 will with inventory, actual total £10 16s 4d DPRI/1/1615/C12 John COOLSON, barber-surgeon, of parish of All Sainctes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Colson Inventory endorsed: 'will and inventory ... with commission to prove the will' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1615/C12/1-2 12 October 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/C12/3-7 2 March 1615 indented inventory, actual total £176 14s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1615/C10 27 January 1616 Thomas COWLSON, labourer, of cittie of Durham in Gelegate (Gilligate), parish of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Colson DPRI/1/1615/C10/1-2 28 November 1615 will endorsed: proved, 27 Jan 1616 DPRI/1/1615/C10/3 1 December 1615 inventory, actual total £32 9s DPRI/1/1615/C13 26 January 1616 Roger COWLSON, tailor, of cittie of Durham, parish of Saint Nicholas [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Colson DPRI/1/1615/C13/1-2 11 December 1615 will endorsed: proved, 26 Jan 1616 DPRI/1/1615/C13/3 12 December 1613 inventory, actual total £34 5s (with account of debts of £3) DPRI/1/1615/C14 Humfraye CRAWE, of the Townegreene within the parish of Knairsdell (Knaresdale) [Knarsdale, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/C14/1 26 September 1615 indented will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/C14/2 4 October 1615 indented inventory, actual total £8 19s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s 11d) DPRI/1/1615/C15 21 October 1615 Jhon CRAWFORTH, of Bolam (Bowlam) within the paryshe of Gainforde [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Crawforthe DPRI/1/1615/C15/1-2 17 May 1615 will endorsed: proved, 21 Oct [1615] DPRI/1/1615/C15/3 28 October 1615 inventory, actual total £13 5s (with account of debts of £3 4s) DPRI/1/1615/C16 Anne CRESWELL, widow, of Hedden (Heddon) uppon the Wall within the countye of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/C16/1 2 March 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/C16/2 5 March 1615 indented inventory, actual total £17 2s 4d DPRI/1/1615/C17 25 March 1614 Richard CROSBYE, gentleman, of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Crosbie DPRI/1/1615/C17/1 1613 indented inventory with the consent of Robert Crosbye, son, administration was granted to Robert Hadley of Beamish for the use of seven other named minor children, 25 Mar 1614 DPRI/1/1615/D1 Thomas DAKAME, gentleman, of parish of Gateshead (Gateshed) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Dackham, Dakam, Dickham DPRI/1/1615/D1/1 17 December 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/D1/2 29 December 1614 inventory, actual total £165 11s 4d DPRI/1/1615/D2 Richard DAVISON, of Phenwick in the parish of Kyloe (chapelry of Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/D2/1 31 March 1614 will with inventory, 31 March 1614, actual total £36 13s 4d endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/D3 9 March 1616 William DENEN, wheelwright, of Washington in the countye of Durham [Washington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/D3/1-2 27 November 1615 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1615/D3/3 undated inventory, actual total £46 6s 4d DPRI/1/1615/D4 28 April 1615 Anne DENT, widow, of Darneton (Darlington) [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/D4/1 17 April 1615 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 133-134 DPRI/1/1615/D4/2 26 April 1615 inventory, actual total £38 6s 10d endorsed: [will] proved, 28 Apr 1615 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 134-136 DPRI/1/1615/E1 Rayphe ELSTOB, gentleman, of Foxtone (Foxton) in the countye of Durham, parish of Sedgfeild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Elstobb DPRI/1/1615/E1/1 12 September 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/E1/2 13 December 1615 indented inventory, actual total £455 10s DPRI/1/1615/E2 Isabell EMERSON, widow, of Rookhopeside in Wardale, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/E2/1 9 February 1616 will DPRI/1/1615/E2/2 15 February 1616 indented inventory, actual total £10 6s 8d DPRI/1/1615/F1 27 January 1616 Richard FARALES, draper, tailor, of cittie of Duresme [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/F1/1-2 19 November 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 27 Jan 1616 DPRI/1/1615/F1/3-7 3 January 1616 inventory, actual total £365 10s 7d DPRI/1/1615/F2 Edmund FAWELL, yeoman, of Cockerton in the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/F2/1 1 January 1615 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 136-137 DPRI/1/1615/F2/2-4 22 January 1615 inventory, actual total £49 5s (with account of debts of £13 10s 10d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 137-138 DPRI/1/1615/F2/5-6 undated inventory, actual total £59 19s (with account of debts of £15 15s 4d) Inventory of goods sold. Endorsed: [will] proved. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 138-140 DPRI/1/1615/F3 13 May 1615 Alyce FETHERSTON, widow, of Preston upon Teas in the county of Duresme, parish of Norton [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Featherston, Fedderston DPRI/1/1615/F3/1 10 March 1611 will endorsed: proved, 13 May [1615] DPRI/1/1615/F3/2 undated inventory, actual total £41 10s DPRI/1/1615/F3/3 13 May 1615 bill of expenses, actual total 12s 8d bill of expenses relating to an office cause for rash administration over four years v Edward Fetherston, executor; the bill to be paid before the testament may be issued under seal DPRI/1/1615/F4 4 November 1615 John FISHER, of parish or chapelry of Saint Margaret of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Fysher DPRI/1/1615/F4/1-2 8 September 1615 will endorsed: proved, 4 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/F6 Henrye FLEATCHER, of Raye (Rea) within the parishe of Kirkwhelpington (Whelpington) [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Fletcher DPRI/1/1615/F6/1-2 25 June 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/F6/3-4 25 June 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/F6/5 undated indented inventory, actual total £33 17s 1d DPRI/1/1615/F6/6 undated indented inventory, actual total £33 17s 1d DPRI/1/1615/F7 21 April 1615 4 July 1617 Richard FLETCHER, cordwainer, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11: f.29 (incomplete entry), Richard Fletcher of Durham St Nicholas, probation of will, 21 Apr 1615; f.196: probate granted to George Fletcher, son and executor, 4 July 1617 DPRI/1/1615/F7/1-2 12 December 1614 will endorsed: proved [1615], and approved, 1617 DPRI/1/1615/F8 Nycholas FOSTER, yeoman, of Ferell (Farles) in the parishe of Whittingstall (Whittonstall) in the county of Northumberland [Whittonstall, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1615/F8/1 11 October 1614 indented will DPRI/1/1615/F8/2 1 November 1614 indented inventory, actual total £21 12s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 15s) DPRI/1/1615/F5 3 February 1616 William FYSHER, blacksmith, of chappellrie of St Margrettes in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Fisher DPRI/1/1615/F5/3 7 September 1615 will endorsed: administration granted, 3 Feb [1616] DPRI/1/1615/F5/1 7 September 1615 nuncupative codicil drawn up, 14 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/F5/2 11 October 1615 inventory, actual total £36 17s 6d (with account of debts of £42) inventory includes certain unvalued goods etc. taken away by the deceased's children and by Elizabeth Ditchburne, [employee] DPRI/1/1615/G1 23 March 1616 Richard GARMANSWAY, of Longnewton [Longnewton, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.88 (2 Mar 1616); f.168v (28 Feb 1617) DPRI/1/1615/G1/1 8 March 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 23 Mar 1616 DPRI/1/1615/G2 1 December 1615 George GARNET, shipwright, of Sandgate within the liberties of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Garnett DPRI/1/1615/G2/1 30 November 1615 copy will with grant of probate, 1 December 1615 probate granted to William Wood, brother-in-law and co-executor; Thomas Mills, co-executor, having renounced DPRI/1/1615/G3 17 June 1615 Raphe GIBSON, of the Looneinge in the Forest of Wardaile, parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/G3/1 18 February 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 17 June 1615 DPRI/1/1615/G3/2 4 May 1615 inventory, actual total £76 2s 7d DPRI/1/1615/G4 Robert GOFTON, cordwainer, of towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne of the parishe of Sainte Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Goftonn, Goftone DPRI/1/1615/G4/1-2 17 January 1616 will endorsed: proved Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 96 DPRI/1/1615/G4/3 4 February 1616 inventory, actual total £32 15s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 2s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/G5 21 November 1615 James GRENE, tanner, of Claport, Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Greene DPRI/1/1615/G5/1-2 28 October 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £11 10s 10d. Endorsed: proved, 21 Nov [1615]. DPRI/1/1615/G5/3 2 November 1615 inventory, actual total £65 19s 2d DPRI/1/1615/G6 19 December 1615 Jane GRYNWELL, widow, of parish of Sanct Nicholas within the towen of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Grinwell DPRI/1/1615/G6/1 18 April 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/G6/2 16 December 1615 commission commission to Thomas Hookes MA, rector of Gateshead, to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hooke, 19 Dec 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H1 20 November 1615 Anthony HALL, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.216v: administration granted, 20 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H1/1 9 November 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/H2 21 July 1615 Henry HALL, yeoman, of Whickham in the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/H2/1-2 20 April 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£8 19s 6d) and owing to (£1 5s) the testator. Endorsed: administration granted, 21 July 1615. DPRI/1/1615/H2/3-4 24 April 1615 inventory, actual total £36 0s 2d (with account of debts and legacies of £22 19s 6d) DPRI/1/1615/H3 James HALL, of the Ridinge (Riding) within the parishe of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/H3/1 28 February 1615 indented will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/H3/2 29 May 1615 indented inventory, actual total £13 6s 8d DPRI/1/1615/H4 Jane HALL, widow, of parish of St Nicholas of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/H4/1 14 February 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/H5 Michaell HALL, pensioner, of the Burrow of Berwick (Barwick) upon Twede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/H5/1 6 May 1614 will endorsed: proved; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1615/H6 30 September 1615 Thomas HALL, of Eatchwick (Eachwick) within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Heddon on the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/H6/1 2 September 1615 will exhibited by Alice Hall, relict and sole executrix, who renounced execution at the same time, 30 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H6/2 21 September 1615 indented inventory, actual total £106 17s inventory of goods etc. at Eachwick and Baggery [?Bagraw] in Hexham Liberty DPRI/1/1615/H7 1 September 1615 Richarde HEAVISIDE, yeoman, of Bishopp Aukland (Auckelande, Awckland) within the countie palatine of Durhame (Duressme) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Heavyside DPRI/1/1615/H7/1-2 28 April 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/H7/3 9 May 1615 inventory, actual total £120 0s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 1 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H9 2 December 1615 Christopher HILL, parish clerk, of East Bolden, parish of Bolden, in the county of Duresme [Boldon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/H9/1 21 November 1615 will Will, endorsed with list of debts owing to the testator of £88 18s 4d. DPRI/1/1615/H9/2 27 November 1615 inventory, actual total £121 12s 1d endorsed: proved, 2 Dec [1615] DPRI/1/1615/H10 10 November 1615 Thomas HILTON, yeoman, of town and parish of Bishop Wermoth (Wermothe, Warmoth) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/H10/1-2 28 April 1614 will endorsed: proved, 10 Nov [1615] DPRI/1/1615/H10/3 22 May 1615 inventory, actual total £87 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 5s 9d) DPRI/1/1615/H13 John HODGSHON, of Egelstonne in the parish of Midelton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdell) [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgeon, Hodgsonn DPRI/1/1615/H13/1 21 May 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/H13/2 undated inventory, actual total £29 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 1s 7d dated, 8 June [?1615] DPRI/1/1615/H11 Edmund HODGSON, of parish of Stainton [Great Stainton, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.46: 15 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H11/1 undated inventory Subscribed: Elizabeth [Hodgson], relict; and with names and ages of 3 children. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/H11/2 undated copy inventory Subscribed: Elizabeth [Hodgson], relict; and with names and ages of 3 children. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/H14 William HODGSON, of Eldon in the pareche of Sante Andrewe Aucklande [Eldon, County Durham]; also spelt Hodshon, Hodgeshon Will endorsed by probate office: 'Will ... with commission to take the oath of the executors' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1615/H14/1 24 July 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/H14/2 undated interrogatories interrogatories of John Hodgeshon, father and curator ad lites of Robert and Barbarie Hodgeshon, uterine brother and sister of the deceased DPRI/1/1615/H12 19 January 1616 George HODSHON, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodgsonn DPRI/1/1615/H12/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Jan [1616] DPRI/1/1615/H15 22 May 1615 Humfray HOPPER, of Shotley Fyld in the parishe (chapelry) of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/H15/1 19 December 1613 indented will endorsed: administration granted, 22 May [1615] DPRI/1/1615/H15/2 15 February 1614 indented inventory, actual total £55 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/H16 10 November 1615 Robart HORSLAY, esquire, of Skrenwood (Skrenewood, Scranwood, Skreenwood), parish of Alenam [Alnham, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsleye, Horsley DPRI/1/1615/H16/1,4 29 September 1615 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/H16/2-3 29 September 1615 inventory, actual total £124 11s 4d endorsed: administration granted, 10 Nov [1615] DPRI/1/1615/H21 4 November 1615 George HUCHESON, of parishe of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Hutcheson DPRI/1/1615/H21/1 29 July 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/H21/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £50 3s 10d (and more, with account of debts of £6 13s 11d) Inventory, dated 29 July [?1615]. Endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Nov 1615. DPRI/1/1615/H20 George HUCHINSON, surgeon, of Elvett (Elvitt) within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson, Hucheson DPRI/1/1615/H20/1-2 17 November 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/H20/3-5 8 February 1616 indented inventory, actual total £37 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 18s 11d) DPRI/1/1615/H17 Robert HUDSON, pensioner, of towne of Barwick uppon Tweede (Twed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/H17/1 8 July 1614 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/H17/2 30 June 1615 inventory, actual total £7 9s 2d DPRI/1/1615/H18 31 March 1618 Thomas HUDSON, of Yetlington within the parish of Whitingham (Whittingham) [Whittingham, Northumberland] See DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation): f.212r, at Alnwick, Thomas Huson, son, cited why probate may not be granted to Katharine Hudson, relict, 28 June 1615; f.244r, at Alnwick 31 May 1618, probate granted to Thomas Hudson, son and co-executor, the will already having been proved at Durham. DPRI/1/1615/H18/1 19 May 1615 will Probate granted to Thomas Hudson, son and executor, 31 Mar 1618. Endorsed: probate issued, 31 Mar 1618. DPRI/1/1615/H18/2 19 May 1615 inventory, actual total £13 12s (with account of debts of £2 8s 8d and more) DPRI/1/1615/H8 13 May 1615 Robert HUETSON, yeoman, of parrish of Washington in the countie of Durham [Washington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/H8/1 27 March 1615 will endorsed: proved, 13 May 1615 DPRI/1/1615/H8/2 8 May 1615 indented inventory, actual total £42 12s 2d DPRI/1/1615/H19 14 February 1616 Robert HUNTLYE, merchant, of town of Newcastell upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Huntly, Huntleye, Huntley DPRI/1/1615/H19/1-2 6 June 1615 will endorsed: proved, 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/H19/3-9 1615 inventory, actual total £1,050 6s 11d endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/H22 22 March 1616 Roger HUTCHYNSONN, of Elvett within the parishe of Saint Oswolds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchynson, Huchinson, Hutchinson DPRI/1/1615/H22/1-2 25 November 1614 will endorsed: 22 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1615/J1 29 April 1615 Cuthbert JACKSON, of Bille Raw (Billey Rawe) in the parishe of Brancepethe [Brancepeth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.31: 9 Apr 1615 DPRI/1/1615/J1/1-2 10 June 1614 will endorsed: proved, 29 Apr 1615; William Brasse and John Hodshon, sureties DPRI/1/1615/J1/3 11 July 1614 inventory, actual total £249 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £4 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/J2 6 June 1618 John JOHNSON, alias Conyers, yeoman, of Bishoppe Auckland ali[a]s Northe Auckland (Awckland) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/J2/1 19 August 1615 will endorsed: proved later, 6 June 1618 DPRI/1/1615/J2/2 24 February 1616 inventory, actual total £8 5s 9d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1615/J3 24 February 1616 Thomas JOHNSON, of parish of Bishop Middleham (Midleham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/J3/1-2 10 September 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£38 14s 2d) and owing to (£6 1s) the testator; and with the names of five children, the co-executors (with the relict). Endorsed: proved, 24 Feb 1616. DPRI/1/1615/J3/3 undated inventory, actual total £120 (with account of debts and legacies of £58 14s 2d) DPRI/1/1615/K1 28 October 1615 Christopher KEARTON, of Middrige (Midderidge) Grange in the countie palentyne of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Keirton, Keireton DPRI/1/1615/K1/1-2 8 August 1615 will witness sworn, 28 Oct 1615 DPRI/1/1615/L1 25 March 1615 William LAWES, of Kyo towen (towne) in the paresh in Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/L1/1 1 November 1614 will endorsed: proved, 25 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1615/L1/2 17 November 1614 inventory, actual total £38 7s 4d DPRI/1/1615/L2 March 1616 Elizabeth LAWSON, [wife of Robert Lawson of Cramlington esquire], widow, of Cramlington [Cramlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonne, Lawsson There were lengthy proceedings in the consistory court concerning Lawson's estate: see Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11: f. 82, inventory of £378 11s 4d (10 Feb 1616); and ff. 87, 115 (26 June 1616), 116, 120v, 121v, 126v, 128v, 132, 137, 139v, 142, 145, 150v, 153v, 156v, 159v, 162, 165v, 166v, 171, 173, 176, 179, 181v, 205v, 224v (5 Dec 1617). For the Court Order awarding distribution the estate, see - DPRI/1/1616/L9/1 DPRI/1/1615/L2/1-3 6 February 1616 inventory, actual total £378 11s 4d DPRI/1/1615/L2/4-5 6 February 1616 inventory DPRI/1/1615/L2/6 20 February 1616 inventory of debts, actual total £39 14s 8d Inventory of monies owing by the deceased to: Michaell Lawson (£12 17s 8d), Mary Lawson (£9), Robert Lawson (£1 7s 5d) and George Lawson (£16 9s 7d), her children; drawn up by Michaell Lawson. Endorsed: endorsed: administration granted, ... Mar, [1616]. DPRI/1/1615/L2/7 20 February 1616 account of debts, actual total £35 2s 4d (with discharge of £ 11 3s 4d) account of Raphe Lawson, son, of monies owing and paid to him by the deceased DPRI/1/1615/L2/8 undated inventory of debts, actual total £6 7s 4d inventory of debts owing to Thomas Lawson, son by the deceased DPRI/1/1615/L2/9 undated inventory, actual total £3 inventory of a debt owing to Elizabeth Lawson, daughter, by the deceased DPRI/1/1615/L2/10 undated inventory, actual total £9 13s 4d inventory of debts owed to William Scutfeilde, husband of Isabell Lawson, daughter, by the deceased DPRI/1/1615/L3 Roger LAWSON, esquire, of Heaton within the parishe of All Sainctes of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/L3/1-2 undated account Account of Marmaduke Lawson gentleman. Endorsed: admitted, 24 Feb [1616]. DPRI/1/1615/L4 William LAWSON, of Langhurst, parish of Botthall [Longhirst, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/L4/1 30 March 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/M1 9 December 1615 William MADDOCKES, gentleman, of Skyrningham (Skirningham) in the parish of Haughton in the countie of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Maddocks, Madocces DPRI/1/1615/M1/1-2 29 November 1615 indented inventory DPRI/1/1615/M1/3 2 December 1615 commission Commission to Robert Throgmorton, vicar of Aycliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Maddocks widow, mother; commission executed by Throckmorton, 6 Dec [1615]. Endorsed: administration granted, 9 Dec [1615]. DPRI/1/1615/M2 14 April 1615 John MAIRE, yeoman, of Croke (Crooke) in the parish of Branspeeth (Brancepethe) and countye of Durham [Crook, County Durham]; also spelt Mair DPRI/1/1615/M2/1 26 May 1613 will probate granted by Clement Colmore, [Durham Chancellor], to Agnes (Anne) Richmond, niece and sole executrix, 14 Apr 1615; sureties named DPRI/1/1615/M2/2 3 April 1615 inventory, actual total £18 15s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 11s) DPRI/1/1615/M3 Henrye MARCHAM, of Woolveston (Wolveston) [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Markham, Merckam DPRI/1/1615/M3/1 16 September 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 2 Dec 1615 DPRI/1/1615/M3/2-3 24 October 1615 inventory, actual total £90 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 10s 4d) endorsed with the names of the bondsmen DPRI/1/1615/M4 21 July 1615 John MARLEY, yeoman, of Wolsingham in the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Marleye see DPRI/4/11 f.46: 21 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/M4/1-2 2 July 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/M4/3-4 10 July 1615 inventory, actual total £88 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 19s 8d) DPRI/1/1615/M5 7 February 1616 Thomas MARSHALL, yeoman, of Gilligaite within the suburbes of the citye of Durham, parish of St Giles [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/M5/1-2 28 June 1615 will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/M5/3-6 5 October 1615 indented inventory, actual total £128 17s 11d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £31 19s 4d) inventory includes goods etc. at Whites Close DPRI/1/1615/M6 14 July 1615 Annas MATLEN, widow, of parech of All Sance, the towne of Newcastll [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Matlan DPRI/1/1615/M6/1-2 14 July 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/M7 20 May 1615 George MEDLETON, of Killerbie (Killerbye, Killerbe) within the parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Middleton, Middletone It appears the court was not satisfied with the first inventory, and commissioned four other appraisers to make a new inventory. DPRI/1/1615/M7/1 undated inventory Inventory dated, 3 Dec [?1615]. Subscribed: commission [issued] for [re-]appraising all of the goods, 29 Apr 1615. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/M7/2 9 May 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted to Margerie Medleton, relict, also for the use of three named children; the said Margerie Medleton also appointed tutor, 20 May [1615] DPRI/1/1615/M8 Andrew MILBURNE, yeoman, of the Yatehouse in the libe[rti]e of Tindall in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Knaresdale [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburn DPRI/1/1615/M8/1 25 November 1614 will endorsed: not issued under the seal DPRI/1/1615/M8/2 undated inventory, actual total £4 3s 2d DPRI/1/1615/M9 Christofer MILBURNE, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburn DPRI/1/1615/M9/1 7 February 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/M9/2 9 February 1615 indented inventory, actual total £82 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £51 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1615/M10 Isabell MITFORDE, widow, of parish of St Nicholas, Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.209v: 20 June 1616 DPRI/1/1615/M10/1-3 13 April 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/M11 Robart MOORE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne (parish) of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Moor DPRI/1/1615/M11/1 29 January 1613 will endorsed: inventory not exhibited; proved DPRI/1/1615/N1 Daniell NESBITT, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Nesbett. Died 1 August 1614 DPRI/1/1615/N1/1 30 June 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/N2 Henry NEWTON, gentleman, towne of [Newcastle], Relley in the countie of Durham [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Newtonn DPRI/1/1615/N2/1 12 March 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/N2/2-4 28 March 1615 inventory, actual total £77 12s 8d Inventory of goods etc. at Relley and at Newcastle DPRI/1/1615/N3 Jane NICHOLSONN, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/N3/1 19 October 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/N4 Johne NYCHOLSON, of Barrasford [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/N4/1-2 11 December 1614 will with inventory, 19 May 1615, actual total £16 DPRI/1/1615/O1 Edward OLIVER, of Whitfeild (Whitfeld) [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver DPRI/1/1615/O1/1 8 October 1613 will DPRI/1/1615/O1/2 30 November 1613 inventory with inventory of debts, undated, actual total £14 19s 4d (with account of debts of £3 4s 8d) (1) inventory, dated 30 Nov 1612 at head of preamble, and corrected to 1613 at end of preamble; (2) endorsed with inventory of debts, [?8 Oct 1613] DPRI/1/1615/O2 5 September 1615 William OLIVER, chapman, of Monkewarmouth (Munck Warmoth) [Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Olliver DPRI/1/1615/O2/1 31 August 1615 inventory Exhibited by [Anne Oliver], relict, 2 Sep 1615. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1615/O2/2 2 September 1615 commission commission to Thomas Falder, vicar of Bolam, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Thomas Middleton of Beses esquire, creditor; Ann Oliver, relict, having renounced; commission executed by Falder, 5 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/O3 20 January 1616 Richard ORDE, of Phenwick (Fenwick) in the parish (chapelry) of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord, Ourd see DPRI/4/11: f.76v, administration granted, 20 Jan 1616; f.145v, 6 Dec 1616; f.234v, 13 Feb 1618; f.265, 31 July 1618 DPRI/1/1615/O3/2 16 March 1615 inventory, actual total £8 18s 3d Date uncertain: English (1615) and Scottish (1617) regnal dates incompatible. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 Jan [1616]. DPRI/1/1615/O3/1 2 September 1615 transfer of administration transfer of administration by Mergarett Orde, relict, to her son Thomas Orde DPRI/1/1615/O4 9 December 1615 William ORDE, of Westherrington (West Herrington) late of the parish of Howghton in the Springe (Houghton in the Spring) [Herrington, County Durham] Inventory endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the former is not present. See DPRI/4/11 f.72: proved, 9 Dec 1615 DPRI/1/1615/O4/1 undated inventory endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/P1 18 November 1615 Richard PALLASER, of Brimywham (Broomiewham) within the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Pallister, Pallacer see DPRI/4/11 f.66v: 18 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/P1/1 4 October 1615 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1615/P1/2 undated inventory, actual total £117 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £63 5s) endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1615] DPRI/1/1615/P2 Edward PARELL, of Rosdone of the parishe of Ilderton [Ilderton, Northumberland]; also spelt Parrell DPRI/1/1615/P2/1 26 May 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/P2/2 26 May 1614 inventory, actual total £7 12s 4d (with account of debts of £4) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/P5 William PATESONNE, of Redworth, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1615/P5/1-2 10 May 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/P5/3-4 20 May 1615 inventory, actual total £54 8s 8d (with account of debts of £4) DPRI/1/1615/P4 10 November 1615 William PATTESON, yeoman, of Bushope Warmouthe (Wermothe, Warmothe) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Pattinsonn, Pattinson DPRI/1/1615/P4/1-2 26 October 1614 will endorsed: proved, 10 Nov [1615] DPRI/1/1615/P4/3 26 January 1615 inventory, actual total £204 4s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 12s 1d) DPRI/1/1615/P3 8 July 1615 Georg PATTYSON, yeoman, of West Awkland in the countie of Durham, St Hellen Awkland (Awckland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1615/P3/1 8 June 1615 will endorsed: proved, 8 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/P3/2 13 June 1615 indented inventory, actual total £58 6s 10d DPRI/1/1615/P8 28 October 1615 Cuthbart PEARSON, yeoman, of parrishe of Washington in the countye of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson DPRI/1/1615/P8/1-2 18 September 1615 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to (£14) and owing by (£11) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 28 Oct 1615; six children named. DPRI/1/1615/P8/3 undated inventory, actual total £107 2s DPRI/1/1615/P7 Christopher PEIRSON, vicar of Kirknewton, clerk, of Newton [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Peirsonn, Pearson, Persone DPRI/1/1615/P7/1-2 6 May 1614 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/P7/3 undated inventory, actual total £38 5s 8d DPRI/1/1615/P6 Anthonye PERSON, of chappellere of Westooe (Westoe), chapelry of St Hilda [Westoe, County Durham]; also spelt Parson, Pereson DPRI/1/1615/P6/1 7 October 1615 will endorsed with list of debts owing to (11s 2d) and owing by (£1 5s) the testator DPRI/1/1615/P10 Thomas POOTES, the younger, cordwainer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Potts DPRI/1/1615/P10/1 21 March 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/P10/2-3 27 April 1615 inventory, actual total £36 11s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 14s) DPRI/1/1615/P9 Michell POTE, of Eshat (Eshett) within the county of Northumberland, parish of Feltonn [Felton, Northumberland]; also spelt Pott The dates of the will and the inventory are incompatible. DPRI/1/1615/P9/1 21 May 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/P9/2 20 May 1614 inventory, actual total £40 6s 4d (with account of debts of £8 1s) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/P11 Thomas PURSELL, soldier, of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/P11/1 10 January 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/R1 9 March 1616 Cuthbert RAWDONN, yeoman, of Great Burdon in the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Rewdon, Rawdon DPRI/1/1615/R1/1-2 4 June 1615 will endorsed: proved, 9 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1615/R1/3-4 4 July 1615 indented inventory, actual total £44 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 7s) DPRI/1/1615/R2 Robert READE, yeoman, of Alnewicke in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed DPRI/1/1615/R2/1 18 August 1614 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 13s 4d DPRI/1/1615/R3 22 November 1615 Robert REVELY, the elder, pensioner, of towne of Berwick (Barwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Reveley see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.218: proved at Belford, 22 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/R3/1-2 15 August 1615 will with inventory, 6 November 1615, actual total £10 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 4s 4d) (1) Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £49 6s; (2) inventory. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/R5 Cuthbert RICHARDSON, miller, of Worskersheild (Worskershield) Milne within the parishe of Elsden (Ellsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R5/1-2 17 December 1614 indented will with indented inventory, 31 December 1614, actual total £46 7s 5d endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R4 Cuthbert RICHARDSONE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of broughe of Barwick upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Richardson DPRI/1/1615/R4/1-2 17 June 1614 will with inventory, 17 June 1614 (1) Will, with list of debts owing by (£4 5s 8d) and owing to (12s) the testator; (2) unvalued inventory. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/R4/3 18 July 1614 inventory, actual total £5 0s 4d DPRI/1/1615/R7 William RICHARTSON, of the Spittle, chapelry of Tweedmouth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Richartsonn, Richardson DPRI/1/1615/R7/1 14 October 1611 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R6 Thomas RICHESONE, yeoman, of parishe of Ancrofte (chapelry of Ancroft) within the liberties of Norham and countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Richardson DPRI/1/1615/R6/1 15 September 1614 will Will, endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £1 13s. DPRI/1/1615/R6/2 20 September 1614 inventory, actual total £28 15s 4d DPRI/1/1615/R6/3 20 September 1614 copy inventory, actual total £28 15s 4d endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/R8 15 July 1615 John RIDLEY, the elder, yeoman, of Waskerlay (Waskerley) in the parishe (chapelry) of Shotley in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R8/1 21 May 1615 indented will endorsed: proved, 15 July [1615] DPRI/1/1615/R8/2-3 12 July 1615 inventory, actual total £337 9s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £6) DPRI/1/1615/R9 Matthew RIDLEY, of parish of Haltwysell (Hawtwesell) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R9/1-2 29 March 1614 will with inventory, 7 April 1614, actual total £15 2s 6d Will, with list of debts owing to (£4 19s 4d) and owing by (£2 16s 8d) the testator. DPRI/1/1615/R13 Roger ROBINGSONNE, of the Long Howse in Hullparke in the paresh of Anwick (Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinson DPRI/1/1615/R13/1-2 15 May 1614 will with inventory, actual total £9 1s endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R10 26 January 1616 Bryan ROBINSON, cordwainer, of Bishop Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Robbinsun, Robinsonn DPRI/1/1615/R10/1-2 16 December 1615 will Subscribed: Ann [Robinson], relict, sworn as tutrix DPRI/1/1615/R10/3 16 December 1615 copy will DPRI/1/1615/R10/4 24 January 1616 inventory, actual total £40 13s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 10s) endorsed: proved, 26 Jan [1616] DPRI/1/1615/R11 John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Acklington of the parishe of Warkeworthe (Warkworth) in the countie of Northumberlande [Acklington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R11/1 15 November 1614 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R11/2 12 December 1614 indented inventory, actual total £36 5s 8d DPRI/1/1615/R12 John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Ulgham (Oulgham) [Ulgham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R12/1 30 July 1614 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R12/2 25 August 1614 indented inventory, actual total £49 14s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £9 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1615/R14 Mathewe ROBSONN, of Allerwishe (Allarwish, Allerwashe) in the chappelrie of Newbroughe [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson DPRI/1/1615/R14/1 30 September 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/R14/2-3 1 October 1615 inventory, actual total £128 10s 5d DPRI/1/1615/R14/4 undated inventory, actual total £22 17s 5d inventory of book debts 'without byll or bound' [unsecured] DPRI/1/1615/R15 Henrie ROKEBIE, merchant, of chapelry of St John in the towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Rookbie, Rookebie, Rokbie, Rookesbie Rokebie is alleged to have committed suicide. See DPRI/4/11: (1) f.36, administration granted to George Bednell of Lamendon [Lemmington] in Edlingham gentleman, brother and Dorothy Rokebie, relict; and who were monished to enter a bond to distribute the goods to the widow and other next of kin according to the order of the judge; with marginal note, 'no children', 1 June 1615; (2) ff.39v and 40v, office cause, promoted by Henry Anderson v George Bednell, to revoke the grant of administration to Bednell and Rokebie and to grant the same to Anderson, 10 and 16 June 1615; (3) f.131v, in an office cause to render an account of the administration, a citation having been issued, George Bednell exhibits his account and which is admitted. [The Anderson cause appears to peter out, and indeed Bednell is still identified as the administrator in 1616; however, additional acts relating to this administration have been found unreferenced in the index to DPRI/4/11, and more may exist.] DPRI/1/1615/R15/1-2 28 June 1615 inventory, actual total £244 14s 10d DPRI/1/1615/R15/3-4 undated inventory DPRI/1/1615/R15/5 10 June 1615 allegation Allegation of George Bednell, cousin. Bednell states the deceased was a suicide, and his goods etc. should therefore be forfeit to pious uses; nevertheless, he alleges that a former grant of administration to himself and the deceased's widow should not be revoked but remain in force, the goods to be distributed to the next of kin and to pious uses according to the arbitration of the judge. [See DPRI/4/11 f.39v: allegation exhibited, 10 June 1615.] DPRI/1/1615/R16 John ROWMAINE, tanner, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/R16/1-2 25 April 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/R18 Alice RUTLEDGE, widow, of Crosegaite (Crosgate) in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarettes in subarbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/R18/1 28 August 1607 will with codicil, 28 June 1615 endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/R18/2 29 June 1615 inventory, actual total £15 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 10s) DPRI/1/1615/R17 Agnes RUTLISHE, widow, of Gatesheade (Gateshead, Gateside) in the countie of Duresme [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/R17/1-2 5 September 1615 will endorsed: proved, 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/R17/3 9 January 1616 inventory, actual total £64 5s (with account of debts of 9s) DPRI/1/1615/S1 24 February 1616 William SADLER, of towen of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/S1/1 4 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 24 Feb 1616 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 94-95 DPRI/1/1615/S1/2-3 22 January 1616 inventory, actual total £26 (with account of funeral expenses of £4 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1615/S2 25 November 1615 William SANDER, yeoman, of Riton Woodside in the parishe of Riton in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/S2/1 8 January 1615 will endorsed: proved, 25 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S2/2 29 June 1615 indented inventory, actual total £48 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 10s) DPRI/1/1615/S3 Robert SARE, vicar of Stamfordham, clerk, of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Saire see DPRI/4/11 f.47: 22 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S3/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/S4 Raphe SCOTT, pensioner, of Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/S4/1-2 2 May 1614 will with inventory, 30 June 1615, actual total £19 1s (1) Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by (£2 18s 6d) and owing to (£6 13s 6d); (2) inventory. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/S5 31 July 1615 William SCROPE, alias Rawlinson, of Heighley, parish of Winstonn [Winston, County Durham]; also spelt Scroop see DPRI/4/11 f.48v: 31 July 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S5/1 15 June 1615 inventory Inventory of goods etc. at Heighley and Winston; annotated after 14 July 1615. Endorsed: administration granted, 31 July [1615]. DPRI/1/1615/S5/2 14 July 1615 inventory, actual total £8 2s 10d inventory of goods etc. at Langley Hall DPRI/1/1615/S8 Rafe SELBIE, fuller, dyer, of parish of Gateside (Gatesheade) in the cowntie of Duresme [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/S8/1-2 12 August 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/S8/3 6 May 1615 inventory, actual total £25 19s 2d DPRI/1/1615/S7 22 May 1615 Cuthbert SELBY, of Newlandes in the parishe of Whittingstall (Whittonstall) [Whittonstall, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie DPRI/1/1615/S7/1 19 March 1614 indented will endorsed: proved, 22 May [1615] DPRI/1/1615/S7/2 30 March 1614 indented inventory, actual total £33 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 10s 10d) DPRI/1/1615/S6 14 February 1616 Alice SELBYE, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie, Selby see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.219: 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/S6/1 15 January 1616 will endorsed: proved Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 95-96 DPRI/1/1615/S6/2 undated inventory, actual total £48 11s 11d (with account of funeral charges of £6 14s 1d) endorsed: [will] proved, 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/S9 John SHADFURTHE, yeoman, of Mortone (Murton) in the parishe of Daltone within the countie of Durham [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham]; also spelt Shadfourthe, Shadforth, Shawdfurth. Died 21 September 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S9/1-2 13 February 1610 will DPRI/1/1615/S9/4-5 14 September 1615 nuncupative codicil DPRI/1/1615/S9/3 24 October 1615 indented inventory, actual total £809 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £93) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/S10 14 February 1616 Jane SHARPINTYNE, alias Sharpery, widow, of parish of Gatesheade (Gateshead, Gateside) in the countye of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Shirpintyne, Sharprey see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.218v: 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/S10/1 4 March 1615 will endorsed: proved, 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/S10/2 15 January 1616 inventory, actual total £7 6s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1615/S11 James SHORT, of Unthank of the parishe of Twedmouthe (Twedmouth, chapelry of Twedemouth) [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Shorte DPRI/1/1615/S11/1 26 August 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/S11/2-3 October 1614 inventory, actual total £39 16s 8d endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/S12 William SIDGSWICKE, yeoman, of Tofthill (Toftehill) of the parish of St Ellen Auckland (St Hellen Awkelande) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Sigswicke, Sigeswick, Sigswick DPRI/1/1615/S12/1 29 December 1614 will Will, with schedule of goods etc. assigned by the testator to his wife Margarett Sidgswicke DPRI/1/1615/S12/3 24 April 1615 inventory, actual total £63 2s 8d DPRI/1/1615/S12/2 29 December 1614 copy will (incomplete) endorsed: commission issued; not returned DPRI/1/1615/S13 18 November 1615 John SIMPSON, of parish of Esington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Simpsonn DPRI/1/1615/S13/1 1 January 1615 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1615] DPRI/1/1615/S13/2 13 November 1613 inventory, actual total £12 19s 2d (with account of debts of £1 12s) DPRI/1/1615/S14 William SKIPSIE, of Ellinton (Ellington), parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Skipsey DPRI/1/1615/S14/1 24 May 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/S14/2 16 June 1614 indented inventory, actual total £29 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 15s) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/S17 29 April 1615 William SMITH, of West Morton, parish of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld) [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Smyth, Smithe DPRI/1/1615/S17/1-2 3 January 1615 will with inventory, actual total £75 3s 4d endorsed: proved, 29 Apr [1615] DPRI/1/1615/S17/3 18 April 1615 inventory, actual total £86 0s 2d (with account of debts of £14 4s 3d) endorsed: [will] proved, 29 Apr 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S15 Edwarde SMYTH, yeoman, of Ellyngton (Ellington), parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1615/S15/1 16 July 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/S15/2 16 November 1615 inventory, actual total £27 DPRI/1/1615/S16 Thomas SMYTHE, shipwright, of parish of Gateshead (Gaiteshead, Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1615/S16/1 10 February 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£5 8s) and owing by (£3 10s) the testator. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/S16/2 13 September 1615 inventory, actual total £34 13s 6d DPRI/1/1615/S18 19 August 1615 Robert SPEREMAN, of Preston of the parish of Tynmouth [Preston, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/S18/1 20 July 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Aug [1615] DPRI/1/1615/S19 Agnes STEALE, wife of Raph Steale of Ancroft, coatman, widow, of chapelry of Ancrofte of the parish of Holye Iland within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countye pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Steele DPRI/1/1615/S19/1-2 6 July 1614 will endorsed: proved; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1615/S20 John STEILL, of Phenwick, chapelry of Kyloe (Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Steele DPRI/1/1615/S20/1 6 November 1614 will with inventory, actual total £80 4s 8d (with account of debts of £5 12s 2d) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/S22 Robert STEPHENSON, yeoman, of Newehowse nere Beamishe Parke Heade within the countie of Durham, chapelry of Tanfeild [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Stephen DPRI/1/1615/S22/1 18 August 1612 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/S22/2 28 April 1615 indented inventory, actual total £44 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 10s 6d) DPRI/1/1615/S23 16 January 1616 Lawrance STERNOLD, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Starnold DPRI/1/1615/S23/1 8 January 1616 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 16 Jan [1616] DPRI/1/1615/S21 Conand STEVENSON, of parish of St Andrews in Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Stephenson DPRI/1/1615/S21/1-2 28 September 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£6 2s 9d) and owing by (£1 10s 7d) the testator. Endorsed: proved. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 92-93 DPRI/1/1615/S21/3 24 October 1615 inventory, actual total £24 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/S24 Johnn STOKOE, of Wodhall (Woode Hall), chapelry of Hayden (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Stoko, Stocoe, Stochus DPRI/1/1615/S24/1 14 August 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£22 5s 10d) and owing to (£23 11s 10d) the testator. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/S24/2 13 November 1615 indented inventory, actual total £21 13s DPRI/1/1615/S25 21 November 1615 John STORY, of Stamforth (Stameforth), parish of Emilton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Storie DPRI/1/1615/S25/1 30 August 1615 nuncupative will with grant of probate, 21 November 1615 probate granted at Alnwick to Isabell Story, relict and co-executor, also for the use of John Story, son and co-executor, a minor DPRI/1/1615/S25/2 10 September 1615 inventory, actual total £25 18s 8d DPRI/1/1615/S26 21 March 1615 John STRANNGWAIES, gentleman, of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Stranguish DPRI/1/1615/S26/1-4 16 March 1615 indented inventory DPRI/1/1615/S26/5 20 March 1615 commission commission to William Morton MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Thomas Hook, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margerie Stranguish, relict, also for the use of Christopher, John and Margerie Stranguish, children; also granting to Margerie Stranguish the tuition of the said children; commission executed by Morton, 21 Mar 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S27 9 December 1615 Jannett SURTICE, widow, of Cockerton in the county of Durham in the parishe of Darnton (Darlington) [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Jane, Surtes, Surtise, Surties, Suretesse, Suerties, Surtis, [Surtees] See DPRI/4/11: f.72v, administration granted to Ann Surtice, 9 Dec 1615; f.83v, 24 Feb 1616; f.115, 26 June 1616. For the probate records of Ann Surtees, see - DPRI/1/1616/S22/1-2 - DPRI/1/1616/S22/3 DPRI/1/1615/S27/1-2 2 January 1615 nuncupative will Subscribed with 13 Apr 1616 memorandum relating to an office cause promoted by Ann [?Agnes] Surtes v Jane Fawell. Endorsed: in dispute. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 140 DPRI/1/1615/S27/3 undated interrogatories with interrogatories, undated (1) interrogatories to the witness on the part of Agnes Surtise; (2) interrogatories of Christopher Joyner and others to the witneses on the part of Elizabeth Joyner. [The latter interrogatories concern the disputed will of Elizabeth Joyner's husband.] DPRI/1/1615/S27/4 4 March 1616 letter letter made at Darlington to Clement Colmor, Durham Chancellor, from six persons appointed by Thomas Bowbanck to represent him at court in a matter concerning the portion of Ann Suretesse, daughter and residuary legatee; Bowbanck having been cited, but being unable to attand due to infirmity DPRI/1/1615/S27/5 21 May 1615 inventory, actual total £12 8s Administration granted to Ann Surtice, daughter, conditional upon a court order relating to the two children of Edmund Fawell and Christopher Fawell, brothers of the said Ann Surtice, 9 Dec [1615]. [The nuncupative will names Edmund Fawell's children as Margaret and Merial, and Christopher Fawell's son as Robert Fawell.] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 140-141 DPRI/1/1615/S28 Phillice SURTIES, widow, of Chester of the parishe of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1615/S28/1 22 April 1615 will Subscribed with (undated) memorandum concerning the swearing of a witness to prove the will. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/S29 26 January 1616 John SWAYNSTON, of Gainforthe (Gainford) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Swainston DPRI/1/1615/S29/1 27 December 1615 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Jan [1616] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 94 DPRI/1/1615/S30 John SWINBURNE, of parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinborne, Swynborn see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.207: 22 May 1615 DPRI/1/1615/S30/1-2 23 November 1613 will DPRI/1/1615/S30/3 26 January 1614 inventory, actual total £55 4s 4d (with account of debts of £23 6s) DPRI/1/1615/T3 10 June 1615 William TAILER, yeoman, of Sadbarge (Sadberge, Sadberdge) in the countie of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Taller, Tailor DPRI/1/1615/T3/1 19 October 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/T3/2 19 October 1614 copy will with grant of probate, 10 June 1615 probate granted to Agnes Choppelow, sister and co-executor, also for the use of Thomas Harrison, Ann Harrison and Alice Harrison, co-executors and minors DPRI/1/1615/T3/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £82 12s inventory of debts owing to the testator DPRI/1/1615/T1 1 April 1615 Lanclott TAYLER, yeoman, of Copighell (Copighill) in the parish of Lanchester in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Tailer [?Colepike Hall] DPRI/1/1615/T1/1 15 December 1614 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1615/T1/2 15 December 1614 copy nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1615] DPRI/1/1615/T1/3-4 16 January 1615 inventory, actual total £243 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 11s 4d) inventory of goods etc. at Copighell and Witton Gilbert DPRI/1/1615/T2 Lanclote TAYLER, yeoman, of Rearden in the parishe of Lanchester (Leanchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Tailor DPRI/1/1615/T2/1 21 February 1616 will DPRI/1/1615/T2/2-3 4 March 1616 inventory, actual total £267 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1615/T7 13 January 1616 Robert THOMLINSON, of parish of Gateside [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Thomlingson DPRI/1/1615/T7/1 12 November 1615 inventory administration granted to Isabell Thomlinson, relict, also for the use of four named children, 13 Jan 1616 DPRI/1/1615/T4 Johnne THOMPSONE, of chapelry of Lowick [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1615/T4/1 23 April 1614 will with inventory, undated, actual total £36 8s (with account of debts of £9 11s 10d) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/T5 Richard THOMSON, of Stockley in the perish of Branspeth (Brancpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Thompsonn, Thompson DPRI/1/1615/T5/1 9 November 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/T5/2 16 November 1615 inventory, actual total £26 8s 4d DPRI/1/1615/T6 24 February 1616 Henry TOD, yeoman, of Horden (Hordenn) in the parishe of Eshington (Easington) in the countie of Durham [Horden, County Durham]; also spelt Todd DPRI/1/1615/T6/1-2 10 October 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/T6/5 10 October 1615 copy will Will, with list of debts. Endorsed: proved, 24 Feb 1616. DPRI/1/1615/T6/3-4 7 December 1615 inventory, actual total £383 10s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £139 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1615/T8 Thomas TOMSON, joiner, of parish of Gatesheade (Gateshead, Gateside) in the cowntie palatine of Duresme [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Tompson, Thompson DPRI/1/1615/T8/1-2 20 March 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £14 9s 8d. DPRI/1/1615/T8/3-4 28 May 1615 inventory, actual total £17 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 17s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/T9 Henry TONGE, esquire, of parishe of Denton [Denton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/T9/1-2 19 November 1615 inventory DPRI/1/1615/T10 14 February 1616 Raiphe TOTHERICKE, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Totherick DPRI/1/1615/T10/1 5 February 1616 will endorsed: proved, 14 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/U1 15 March 1616 Thomas UNTHANKE, of Brafferton in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Unthank DPRI/1/1615/U1/1 10 February 1616 will DPRI/1/1615/U1/2-3 10 February 1616 inventory, actual total £48 18s endorsed: proved, 15 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1615/V1 Anthony VASEY, gentleman, of Mugelswicke Parke in the county of Durham and parishe of Mugelswicke (Muggleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Vasie DPRI/1/1615/V1/1-2 18 April 1615 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/W1 Raph WAID, of Buckton (Bucktonn) in the parish of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/W1/1 14 February 1614 will with inventory, 14 February 1614, actual total £23 6s 4d (with account of debts of £1 10s) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/W2 Anthony WALL, of Bushopley (Bushopleye) in the parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W2/1 15 September 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/W3 William WALLAS, of Haggerston, chapelry of Ancroft [Ancroft, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/W3/1-2 30 August 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/W3/3 30 August 1614 inventory, actual total £17 6s 8d endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/W3/4 30 August 1614 inventory, actual total £17 6s 8d endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/W4 5 August 1615 John WALLER, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/W4/1 19 June 1615 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 5 Aug [1615] DPRI/1/1615/W4/2-3 27 July 1615 indented inventory, actual total £351 9s 9d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1,100 4s 9d) inventory of household and shop goods etc., exhibited by Stephen Hegg, proctor of Isabell Waller, relict, 10 Feb 1616 DPRI/1/1615/W5 Thomas WATSON, farmer, of Fenham (Phenham), parish of Holie Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/W5/1 6 November 1613 will with inventory, 6 November 1613, actual total £3 2s 4d (with account of debts of £4 10s 10d) Will, with inventory of household goods and debts. DPRI/1/1615/W5/2 undated inventory, actual total £17 1s 3d Inventory of household, farming gear and livestock. Endorsed: [will] proved. DPRI/1/1615/W6 22 May 1615 Thomas WATSON, of Ninwicke in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Symonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland] Will endorsed by probate office: 'Will and Inventory' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1615/W6/1-2 13 October 1613 will endorsed: proved, 22 May [1615] DPRI/1/1615/W7 Issabell WATT, widow, of Bushoppe Auckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W7/1 24 October 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/W8 13 May 1615 Robart WEAMES, yeoman, of Bushop Auckland (Awklande) in the countie of Durham, parish of Awkland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Weemes DPRI/1/1615/W8/1-2 12 April 1615 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by the testator of £9 18s 4d. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1615/W8/3 12 May 1615 inventory, actual total £45 2s 8d sequestration of the goods etc. granted to John Harperley, [son-in-law], 13 May 1615 DPRI/1/1615/W9 Isabell WELLANDE, widow, of Gaiteside (Gateside) in the countie of Durhame [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Weland DPRI/1/1615/W9/1 22 May 1615 will endorsed: proved; inventory not exhibited DPRI/1/1615/W10 John WETHERLEY, weaver, of parish of Alnewick in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Wetherly DPRI/1/1615/W10/1 5 November 1614 will DPRI/1/1615/W10/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £12 16s 6d (with account of debts of £4 19s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/W11 30 September 1615 Rauph WHEISLETT, of Barnes, parish of Bishopwearmouth [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Wetslett DPRI/1/1615/W11/1 25 September 1615 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 Sep 1615 DPRI/1/1615/W12 Margerie WHITFEILD, of parish of Whitfeild (Whitfeld) [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeld DPRI/1/1615/W12/1 undated will DPRI/1/1615/W14 2 March 1616 Jennet WIDDISON, widow, of parish of Stranton in the countie of Duresme [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Widdeson, Widdyson DPRI/1/1615/W14/1 9 July 1615 indented will Subscribed: (1) memorandum (undated) concerning the allocation of the residue between Richard Law, Roger Widdison and Janett Wall; (2) administration granted in the hall of Clement Colmer, Durham Chancellor, to Roger Widdison, who was ordered and bound to distribute the goods etc. between himself and the cousins of the deceased, 2 Mar 1616; (3) John Dodshon, executor, renounced execution; administration decreed to be granted to Roger Widdison at the next court, 24 Feb 1616. DPRI/1/1615/W14/2 2 May 1615 inventory, actual total £9 6s 8d (and more) Inventory of goods etc. (some unvalued) in the possession of Roger Widdeson and five other named persons. Roger Widdeson, the exhibitant, refers to an inventory already exhibited in the court by John Hodgeson. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1616]. DPRI/1/1615/W14/3 11 July 1615 indented inventory, actual total £70 19s DPRI/1/1615/W13 28 October 1615 Martin WIDEFIELD, yeoman, of Bishop Midlam in the county of Durham [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Woodifeld DPRI/1/1615/W13/1-2 1 August 1615 will endorsed: proved, 28 Oct 1615 DPRI/1/1615/W13/3-4 16 August 1615 inventory, actual total £185 13s 7d (with account of debts of £30 10s) DPRI/1/1615/W16 Thomas WILKESONE, elder, of Eward, chapelry of Doddingtonn (Doddington) [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson DPRI/1/1615/W16/1 30 March 1614 will with inventory, actual total £22 (with account of debts of £6 3s 8d) DPRI/1/1615/W16/2 wrapper endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/W15 23 September 1615 Rowland WILKINSON, yeoman, of the Nether (Neather) Moresid of the parish of Lanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W15/1 22 August 1615 will endorsed: (1) medical bill; (2) will exhibited, not yet proved, 23 Sep 1615; administration granted to John Wilkinson, eldest son, 23 Sep 1615. DPRI/1/1615/W15/2-5 30 August 1615 inventory, actual total £197 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £379 6s) inventory includes goods etc. at Lanchester and Newbiggin DPRI/1/1615/W17 13 May 1615 Thomas WILKINSON, of East Renton (Raynton, Rainton) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring [East Rainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W17/1 13 February 1615 will endorsed: proved, 13 May 1615 DPRI/1/1615/W17/2 27 February 1615 indented inventory, actual total £110 15s 8d DPRI/1/1615/W18 20 November 1615 Alice WILLIAMSON, of Morpeth (Morpethe) [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1615/W18/1 2 October 1615 will endorsed: proved, 20 Nov 1615 DPRI/1/1615/W18/2-3 9 October 1615 indented inventory, actual total £27 1s 8d (with account of legacies of £13 3s 9d) DPRI/1/1615/W19 William WILLIAMSON, of St Ellen Auckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W19/1-2 17 April 1610 inventory DPRI/1/1615/W20 15 July 1615 Anthonie WILSON, of Brafferton in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/W20/1 9 March 1615 will DPRI/1/1615/W20/2-4 1 April 1615 inventory, actual total £243 14s 9d (with account of debts of £41 16s 1d) Exhibited by Thomas Wilson, [eldest son and] executor, 15 July 1615. Endorsed: [will] proved, 15 July 1615. DPRI/1/1615/W21 Thomas WILSON, of Craike (Cracke, Crake) [Crayke, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1615/W21/1 30 June 1615 inventory, actual total £5 13s 2d (with account of debts of £6 2s) with commission, 9 September 1615 Inventory, with (informal marginal) commission by Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, authorising Mr Jackson to sweare and grant administration to William Wilson for the use of [the deceased's] children, the administrator having only to provide one surety due to the low value of the estate, 9 Sep 1615. Endorsed with the names of five children. DPRI/1/1615/W21/2 30 June 1615 indented inventory, actual total £5 13s 2d (with account of debts of £6 2s) endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1615/W22 Edwarde WRANGHAME, yeoman, of Bolame (Bolam) in the peryshe of Gainforde [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Wrangham DPRI/1/1615/W22/1 13 April 1615 will with affidavit Will, with (marginal) affidavit of Francis Rivington of Eryholme (in Gilling West, Yorkshire), clerk, concerning his writing of the will in mid-January 1615, and some later interpolations therein. DPRI/1/1615/W22/2 13 April 1615 copy will DPRI/1/1615/W22/3-4 26 April 1615 inventory, actual total £200 5s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 12s 10d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1615/Y1 Roger YELDART, of towen of Corbridge (Corbridg) [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Yeldert List of debts includes an account of a child named Dorothy Forrest committed to the deceased's care. DPRI/1/1615/Y1/1 4 May 1613 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £16 4s 5d and more. DPRI/1/1615/Y4 8 July 1615 James YONGER, cutler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Younger DPRI/1/1615/Y4/1 16 October 1614 will Endorsed with memorandum relating that Agnes Yonger, relict and sole executrix, renounced execution, no mention or provision for her posthumous child having been made in the will. DPRI/1/1615/Y4/2-4 26 October 1614 indented inventory, actual total £357 6s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £75 3s) endorsed: administration granted, 8 July [1615] DPRI/1/1615/Y2 24 February 1616 John YOUNGE, of Mainsforthe (Maynsforthe, Mainsforth) within the parrishe of Bishop Middleham (Midlam) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/Y2/1 23 October 1615 will endorsed: proved, 24 Feb [1616] DPRI/1/1615/Y2/2 1615 inventory, actual total £185 16s 8d (with account of debts of £45 5s 4d) inventory of goods etc. at Willington and Mainsforth DPRI/1/1615/Y3 Raiphe YOUNGE, slater, of Crosgaite (Crosgate) in the suburbes of the cittie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1615/Y3/1-2 26 August 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1615/Y3/3-6 7 September 1615 indented inventory, actual total £53 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 10s) DPRI/1/1616 Wills etc proved 1616 DPRI/1/1616/A9 16 August 1616 William ACKINSON, blacksmith, of parish of Corbridge in the county of Northumberland [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Atcheson, Atkinson DPRI/1/1616/A9/1-2 5 March 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/A9/3 27 May 1616 inventory, actual total £18 9s 4d inventory of household and shop goods etc., with list of goods etc. the propety of Alice Atcheson, relict, before her marriage; also with unrelated theological notes. DPRI/1/1616/A9/4 undated inventory of debts, actual total £4 10s 10d (and more, with account of debts and funeral charges of £12 16s 3d) endorsed: administration granted, 16 Aug [1616] DPRI/1/1616/A1 1 March 1617 William ADDAMSONN, of Eldon in the parish of St Andrewe Aukland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Addamson, Adamson DPRI/1/1616/A1/1-2 26 January 1617 will with inventory, 28 February 1617, actual total £15 2s endorsed: proved, 1 Mar [1617] DPRI/1/1616/A3 8 May 1616 William ALLANE, yeoman, of Nessame (Neassam) in the countie of Durhame, parish of Hurworthe [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Allan, Allen DPRI/1/1616/A3/1 undated will DPRI/1/1616/A3/2 11 April 1616 inventory, actual total £165 2s DPRI/1/1616/A3/3 4 May 1616 commission commission to Nicholas Hilton, rector of Hurworth, to administer an oath to and to examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hilton, 8 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/A4 Henrie ANDERSON, merchant, of parish of All Saynts within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B46 DPRI/1/1616/A4/1 16 August 1616 account account of Katherine Anderson, relict; account admitted, 16 Aug 1616 DPRI/1/1616/A5 4 May 1616 John ANDREW, yeoman, of Black Hedley (Blaikhedlye) in the chappelrie of Shotley (parishe of Shotlie) in the county of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Andrewe. Died 28 January 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/BA DPRI/1/1616/A5/1 26 January 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: exhibited by Anne Andrew, relict; administration granted, 4 May 1616 DPRI/1/1616/A5/2 6 February 1616 indented inventory, actual total £88 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £71 7s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/A6 28 April 1616 John APPLEBY, younger, of Whorletonn (Whorltonn) in the parrishe of Gainfoorthe [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Aplebye, Applebe, Applebye bond: DPRI/3/1616/B123 DPRI/1/1616/A6/1 1 July 1615 indented will Witnesses and Francis Appleby, relict and executrix, sworn, 28 Apr 1616. Endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/A6/2 6 July 1615 indented inventory, actual total £73 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 10s) DPRI/1/1616/A7 8 February 1617 Margret ARROWSMITH, wife of Robert Arrowsmith, widow, of parish of Cockfield (Cockfeild) [Cockfield, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B328 DPRI/1/1616/A7/1-2 12 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 8 Feb [1617] DPRI/1/1616/A7/3 undated inventory, actual total £99 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 13s) DPRI/1/1616/A8 13 November 1616 Henrie ATKINSON, cordwainer, of parishe of Al Saints in the towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Atkinsonne DPRI/1/1616/A8/1 27 May 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov 1616 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 99-100 DPRI/1/1616/A8/2-4 11 November 1616 inventory, actual total £215 16s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £188 10s) DPRI/1/1616/A2 John AWDER, of parishe of Alnewick (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Alder DPRI/1/1616/A2/1 undated account account of Jane Awder, relict and executrix; [dated and exhibited before 15 June 1616] DPRI/1/1616/A2/2 15 June 1616 commission commission to John Wills MA, vicar of Eglingham, to administer an oath to Jane Alder, relict and sole executrix, upon the truth of the annexed account; commission executed by Wills, 20 June 1616 DPRI/1/1616/B1 Ursula BAINBRIGG, wife of Phillipp Bainbrigg, widow, of chapelry of St Margaret in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Baynbrigge, Bainbrig DPRI/1/1616/B1/1-2 19 December 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/B1/3-5 30 December 1616 inventory with inventory, 15 January 1617, actual total £62 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 13s 6d) inventory of the goods etc. of Phillipp Bainbrigg and of Ursula Bainbrigg his wife DPRI/1/1616/B2 17 January 1617 William BARNES, of Westwick [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/B2/1-2 3 January 1613 will Exhibited by Michell Barnes, brother and sole executor, 17 Jan 1617. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1616/B3 Francis BELGRAVE, gentleman, esquire, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] A seal formerly attached either to the will or to the wrapper can be found pasted within a manuscript of the antiquarian Sir Cuthbert Sharp, held in the collections of Durham Cathedral Library, Ref: MS 33 p.159. bond: DPRI/3/1616/B325 DPRI/1/1616/B3/1-2 15 September 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/B3/6-12 23 October 1616 inventory, actual total £641 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £127 3s 8d) inventory of household goods etc. at Newcastle, with list of (unvalued) legacies DPRI/1/1616/B3/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £39 5s 4d inventory of goods etc. at Follingsby DPRI/1/1616/B3/5 wrapper DPRI/1/1616/B4 18 November 1616 Elizabeth BELL, widow, of parish of Whalton in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1616/B4/1 26 April 1615 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/B4/2 1 May 1616 inventory, actual total £4 19s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/B5 31 January 1617 Brian BELTE, gentleman, of Escome (Escombe) in the countie of Durham [Escomb, County Durham]; also spelt Belt See DPRI/4/11 ff.iii, 130, 133v, 140v, 146v, 150, 155v; and f.157, probate granted to Bridget Belte, 31 Jan 1617. A short probate office memorandum relating to the probate of the will and codicil is written on the dorse of the inventory of Nicholas Warye of Langley Mill, see - DPRI/1/1616/W13/1 DPRI/1/1616/B5/1-2 10 June 1616 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, 11 June 1616 endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/B5/3-4 14 July 1616 inventory, actual total £322 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £101 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/B16 William BIARLEY, bachelor, of town of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Bierley, Byerley The probate records of William Biarley were misfiled and misnumbered with those of another William Byarley (of Lanchester): the image of the latter's inventory will appear attached to this record, however, for the correct image of the inventory of William Biarley of Gateshead see the probate images at - DPRI/1/1616/B17/1 DPRI/1/1616/B16/1-2 9 November 1615 will DPRI/1/1616/B16/3-4 30 November 1615 inventory, actual total £18 6s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/B6 13 April 1616 Thomas BIRD, of parrishe of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Birde, Byrd bond: DPRI/3/1616/B76 DPRI/1/1616/B6/1 2 April 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/B6/2 10 April 1616 indented inventory, actual total £18 14s DPRI/1/1616/B6/3 10 April 1616 indented copy inventory, actual total £18 14s DPRI/1/1616/B7 22 April 1616 Robert BIRLETSON, of Earsden within the parishe of Hebborne (chapelry of Hebburne) [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Burletson DPRI/1/1616/B7/1-2 13 April 1616 will with inventory, 18 April 1616, actual total £36 15s 8d (with account of debts of £1 11s 11d) endorsed: administration granted, 22 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/B8 Sara BLAIKESTON, spinster, of Easte Stobbey Lee (Stobbeley) in the parishe of Lanchester in the countye of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Blakeston, Blaxton See also Borthwick Institute for Archives CP.H.1569: consistory court appeal (disputed legacy), Nov 1622-July 1623. DPRI/1/1616/B8/1 4 January 1616 will endorsed: not yet proved; sequestration granted to Thomas Blakeston, [brother and co-executor], 25 May 1616 DPRI/1/1616/B9 George BOTCHOBIE, yeoman, of Woodland in the parishe of Cockfeild (Cockfeld) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Botcherby bond: DPRI/3/1616/B221 DPRI/1/1616/B9/1 4 April 1616 will Witnesses sworn, 6 July 1616. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1616/B9/2 12 April 1616 inventory, actual total £87 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/B11 William BROWNE, husband of Beatrice Browne, of parish of Trymden (Trimdon) within the county palatyne of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Brown See DPRI/4/11 ff.170, 170v (8 Mar 1617); 172v (15 Mar 1617). For the will of Brown's wife, see - DPRI/1/1616/B11/3-4 DPRI/1/1616/B11/1 11 January 1617 will endorsed: administration granted; will not proved DPRI/1/1616/B11/2 22 January 1617 inventory, actual total £60 15s 8d (with account of debts of £13 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/B11 15 March 1617 Beteresse BROWNE, wife of William Browne, of parish of Trymden (Trimdon) within the county palatyne of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham]; also spelt Beatrice, Browne See DPRI/4/11 ff.170, 170v (8 Mar 1617); 172v (15 Mar 1617). For the will and inventory of Browne's husband, see - DPRI/1/1616/B11/1 - DPRI/1/1616/B11/2 DPRI/1/1616/B11/3-4 12 February 1617 will with grant of probate, 15 March 1617 probate granted to John, Thomas, Elsabeth, Margeret and Ann Browne, children and co-executors; Robert Burletson and Andrew Browne appointed to act for their use until they come of age DPRI/1/1616/B12 Richard BRUNDONE, yeoman, of parish of Whickham (Whickhame) within the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Brunden, Brundon DPRI/1/1616/B12/1 16 February 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1616/B12/2-3 14 March 1616 inventory, actual total £73 8s 10d DPRI/1/1616/B13 13 December 1616 Elyner BUCK, widow, of Barmeton (Barmton) [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/B13/1-2 15 November 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 Dec [1616] DPRI/1/1616/B14 13 April 1616 Thomas BULBE, of Hilton, parish of Bishop Wermouth [Hylton, County Durham]; also spelt Bulbye see DPRI/4/11 f.97: 13 Apr 1616 DPRI/1/1616/B14/1-2 19 February 1616 inventory Endorsed: administration granted to Elizabeth Bulbe widow, 13 Apr [1616]; Richard and Mary Bulbe, minor children. Inventory is referred to in the Probate Act Book entry in Apr 1616, and is therefore dated in the New Style. DPRI/1/1616/B10 16 April 1616 Thomas BURNE, of Halbernes (Halbarnes), parish of Simonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Bourne see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.220: proved at Corbridge, 16 Apr 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B173 DPRI/1/1616/B10/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/B10/2 8 March 1615 inventory, actual total £11 18s (with account of debts of £18) DPRI/1/1616/B15 20 November 1616 John BURRELL, of Howtell [Kirknewton, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.230v: 20 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/B15/1 24 April 1616 inventory Subscribed: exhibited, 19 Nov 1617. Endorsed: administration granted Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 114 DPRI/1/1616/B17 15 February 1617 William BYARLEY, bachelor, of Steley within the parish of Leanchester (Lanchester) and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Bierleye The probate records of William Byarley were misfiled and misnumbered with those of another William Byarley (of Gateshead): the image of the latter's inventory will appear attached to this record, however, for the correct image of the inventory of William Byarley of Lanchester see the probate images at - DPRI/1/1616/B16/1-2 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B356 DPRI/1/1616/B17/1 5 November 1616 will endorsed: proved, 15 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/B17/2 14 February 1617 inventory, actual total £20 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/C1 31 May 1616 Thomas CARR, gentleman, of Alnmoth (Aillmouth, Alemoth) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Car. Died 11 April 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B91 DPRI/1/1616/C1/1 5 April 1616 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1616/C1/2 16 April 1616 inventory, actual total £216 14s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 31 May 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C1/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £426 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £163 15s 5d) DPRI/1/1616/C2 31 January 1617 Jane CARVELL, widow, of Berwick [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.155v: 31 Jan 1617 DPRI/1/1616/C2/1 8 January 1617 indented inventory DPRI/1/1616/C3 20 June 1616 William CATCHASYDE, miller, of parish of Gateshead (Geatshead, Gateside, Gatesheade) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Cateshasyde, Catcheside, Catchasid DPRI/1/1616/C3/1-2 20 February 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/C3/3-4 6 March 1616 inventory, actual total £34 5s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £37 6s 7d) DPRI/1/1616/C3/5 14 June 1616 commission commission to Thomas Hookes MA, rector of Gateshead, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hooke, 20 June 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C4 19 October 1616 John CATCHESIDE, of the Quarries, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.136v: Richard Dun, father of Richard Dun, executor, assigned as tutor; probate granted and inventory exhibited, 19 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C4/1 5 February 1616 indented will probate granted to Richard Dun (Dune), brother and executor, and during his minority to Richard Dun his father for his use, 19 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C4/2 22 April 1616 indented inventory, actual total £15 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/C5 24 April 1616 Henrie CHANLAR, yeoman, of chapelry of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham and Ilandshire parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Chanler see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.223v: 24 Apr 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B146 DPRI/1/1616/C5/1 5 March 1616 will Will dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/C5/2-3 6 March 1616 inventory, actual total £46 2s DPRI/1/1616/C6 Robert CHILTON, of Dalton Percie in the parish of Hart and within the countye of Durham [Hart, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/BC DPRI/1/1616/C6/1 11 December 1616 will with memorandum, 8 March 1617 Will, subscribed with memorandum of Elizabeth Chilton, relict and co-executrix, relating to the widow's portion at the time when Robert Chilton, son, will attain his majority, 8 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/C6/2 19 February 1617 inventory, actual total £166 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £77 7s 5d) DPRI/1/1616/C7 26 October 1616 Robert CHRYSSOPE, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tynne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Crissopp, Kirsop see DPRI/4/11 f.138v: 26 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C7/1-4 7 October 1616 indented inventory DPRI/1/1616/C8 Thomas CLARKSON, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastell [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarckson DPRI/1/1616/C8/1 3 August 1616 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1616/C9 John CLAXTON, gentleman, of parish of Chester in the Streete (Streat) within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/C9/1-2 18 March 1616 will Will, (with cancelled codicil). Endorsed: 'The inventory is in Thomas Kinge's hands, being delivered unto him when he drew the account and never yett returned'. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 98 DPRI/1/1616/C9/3 7 April 1616 consent consent of Thomas Scott the elder of Allerton in Yorkshire, father of Thomas Scott the younger, sole executor and a minor, that tuition of the executor may be granted to his uncle Cuthbert Browen of Gateshead DPRI/1/1616/C10 13 November 1616 Margaritt CLYBURNE, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Clibburne, Clyborne DPRI/1/1616/C10/1-2 4 October 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/C10/3-8 12 October 1616 inventory, actual total £291 6s 1d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £112 1s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/C11 Thomas COLE, yeoman, of Gateshead (Gattsyd, Gateside, Gatesheade) in the countye of Dureseme [Gateshead, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11: ff.148v (14 Dec 1616); 152-152v (18 Jan 1617); 187 (30 May 1617). See also Margaret Parkin. DPRI/1/1616/C11/1-2 6 December 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/C11/14 undated allegation allegation of Ralph Cole, nephew and executor DPRI/1/1616/C11/12-13 18 January 1617 interrogatories interrogatories of James Cole to the witnesses to the will on the part of Ralph Cole, relating to a cause to prove the will DPRI/1/1616/C11/3-11 18 June 1617 inventory with inventory, 17 December 1616 with inventory, 18 June 1617, actual total £7,446 10s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £1,061 2s) (1) inventory of debts owing to the testator, and gold (£5,045 5s 4d); (2) inventory of annuities owing to the testator (£1,857 18s 8d); (3) inventory of household goods etc. at the White House, Gateshead, the Sckotts House (£543 6s 8d). Endorsed: [will] proved; exhibited, 28 June [1617]. DPRI/1/1616/C12 25 January 1617 John CONYERS, of Aickclife in the countie of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham; Barnard Castle, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.155v: 25 Jan 1617; of Stainton DPRI/1/1616/C12/1-2 3 January 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 25 Jan [1617] DPRI/1/1616/C13 John COOK, draper, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke see DPRI/4/11 f.128v: 23 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/C13/1 undated will DPRI/1/1616/C13/2-3 13 September 1616 indented inventory, actual total £1,178 4s 3d Inventory includes goods etc. at Redmarshall. Subscribed: exhibited by Margaret Cook, relict and co-executor, 9 Dec 1616. Endorsed: [will] proved. DPRI/1/1616/C14 Robert CORBELL, yeoman, of parish of Harte (Hart) in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/C14/1 20 December 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/C14/2 26 March 1616 indented inventory, actual total £79 3s 4d DPRI/1/1616/C15 12 June 1616 Cuthbarte CORNEFORTHE, yeoman, of Blackwell in the county of Durham, parish of Darlington [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Cornforth, Corneforth see DPRI/4/11 f.110 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B99 DPRI/1/1616/C15/1 24 March 1616 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 144-146 DPRI/1/1616/C15/2 16 April 1616 codicil Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 146-147 DPRI/1/1616/C15/6 24 March 1616 copy will with copy codicil, 16 April 1616 Subscribed: probate granted at Darlington to Jane Corneforthe, relict, for the use of the executors, minors, 12 June 1616. DPRI/1/1616/C15/3-5 7 May 1616 indented inventory, actual total £816 17s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £57 1s 6d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 147-150 DPRI/1/1616/C17 12 October 1616 Wylliam CRAGES, of parish of Elwick [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Cragges bond: DPRI/3/1616/B295 DPRI/1/1616/C17/1 26 August 1616 will Subscribed: probate granted to William Cragges, son and sole executor, and during his minority to Mary Cragges, relict. Endorsed: proved, 12 Oct 1616. DPRI/1/1616/C17/2 8 October 1616 inventory, actual total £77 11s 4d DPRI/1/1616/C16 15 February 1617 Thomas CRAGGES, husbandman, yeoman, of Elweeke (Elwick) of the parish of Hart and in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Cragge see DPRI/4/11 f.164v: 15 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/C16/1-2 23 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 15 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/C16/3-4 6 April 1616 inventory, actual total £223 0s 4d (with account of debts of £45 8s) DPRI/1/1616/D1 Cuthbart DARELINGE, of Embletone (Embleton) [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Darling bond: DPRI/3/1616/B397 DPRI/1/1616/D1/1-2 2 November 1616 will with inventory, 16 November 1616, actual total £32 0s 4d DPRI/1/1616/D2 Robert DARNETON, of Ferrihill (Ferryhyll, Ferie Hill) [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Darnton, Darntone DPRI/1/1616/D2/1 29 April 1616 will Will, subscribed with names of seven children (four by a former wife), and endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £3 17s 8d. DPRI/1/1616/D2/2-3 25 May 1616 inventory, actual total £200 2s 8d (with account of children's portions of £140) DPRI/1/1616/D3 26 October 1616 Margrett DENEN, widow, of parish of Washington in the countye of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Denam DPRI/1/1616/D3/1 29 March 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £13 2s 2d. Endorsed: proved, 26 Oct 1616. DPRI/1/1616/D3/2 undated inventory, actual total £12 19s DPRI/1/1616/D4 18 August 1616 William DINSDAILE, yeoman, of chapelry of Whorltonn (Whorlton) in the countie of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Dinsdale, Dindsdale bond: DPRI/3/1616/B219 DPRI/1/1616/D4/1 4 January 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/D4/3 4 January 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1616/D4/2 16 January 1616 indented inventory, actual total £25 2s (with account of debts of £8 18s 7d) DPRI/1/1616/D4/4 22 June 1616 commission commission to Robert Burrell MA, curate of Gainforth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Janet Dinsdaile, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Burrell, 18 Aug 1616 DPRI/1/1616/D6 12 November 1616 Henry DOBSON, yeoman, of Byars (Biars) Hall within the parrish of Haltwisell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Dobsonn bond: DPRI/3/1616/B322 DPRI/1/1616/D6/1-2 16 December 1615 will with inventory, 16 December 1615, actual total £10 7s 8d endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/D6/3 16 December 1615 copy inventory, actual total £10 7s 8d DPRI/1/1616/D7 15 February 1617 Henry DOBSON, of Ufferton (Uffertonn) in the parishe of Hoghton (Houghton) in the Springe [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Dobsonn DPRI/1/1616/D7/1 11 November 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/D7/2 11 November 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1616/D7/3 18 November 1616 indented inventory, actual total £88 5s 6d (with account of debts and a legacy of £4 14s) endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Feb [1617] DPRI/1/1616/D5 Anthony DOBSONN, the elder, haberdasher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dobsone, Dobson bond: DPRI/3/1616/B166 DPRI/1/1616/D5/1 29 January 1616 will Will, dated 30 Sep 1615 at head and 29 Jan 1616 at foot. DPRI/1/1616/D8 12 February 1617 John DOWTHWAITE, yeoman, of Sainct Hellen Aukland (Awkeland) within the countye of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Dowthwate, Dowthwait DPRI/1/1616/D8/1 13 December 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/D8/2 13 December 1616 copy will with grant of probate, undated Probate granted to Barbara Dowthwate, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1616/D8/3-4 20 December 1616 inventory, actual total £129 3s 9d (with account of a debt of £4) inventory total uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1616/D8/5 7 February 1617 commission commission to John Vaux, curate of Auckland St Helen, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Dowthwate, relict and sole executrix, the will already having been proved; commission executed by Vaux, 12 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/D9 27 March 1616 John DUNSFORTH, of parishe of Chester in the Street [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/D9/1-2 28 February 1616 will endorsed: proved, 27 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1616/D9/3-4 26 March 1616 inventory, actual total £273 14s 4d DPRI/1/1616/D9/5 27 March 1616 commission commission to Brian Grant, vicar of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Cuthbert Corneforth of Blackwell, executor, the will already having been proved; commission executed by Grant, 29 Mar [1616] DPRI/1/1616/E1 6 September 1616 John EDWARDE, of chapelry of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/E1/1-2 9 July 1616 will endorsed: proved, 6 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/E1/3 25 July 1616 inventory, actual total £122 6s 9d DPRI/1/1616/E2 12 October 1616 Richard ELTRINGHAM, of Byers Greane (Biers Greene) [Byers Green, County Durham]; also spelt Eltringheam DPRI/1/1616/E2/1 17 June 1616 will endorsed: proved, 12 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/E2/2 8 October 1615 inventory, actual total £102 6s 4d (with account of debts of £13) dated, 8 Oct 1615 [?recte 1616] DPRI/1/1616/E3 Arthure EMERSON, yeoman, of Flasse in the countie of Durham, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B34 DPRI/1/1616/E3/1-2 14 December 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/E3/3 undated inventory, actual total £66 3s 8d DPRI/1/1616/E4 13 November 1616 Roger ERRINGTON, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B399 DPRI/1/1616/E4/1-2 6 November 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/F1 12 October 1616 James FARELES, draper, tailor, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Farales See DPRI/4/11 f.134v: administration granted to Alice Fareles, relict, and Richard Fareles, son, 12 Oct 1616; f.196, 197, 198v, 200. The inventory appears to have required a second valuation at the direction of the court. DPRI/1/1616/F1/1-4 14 October 1616 inventory Inventory 'valued againe by the informacion of Thomas Garfoot and his two sisters in Law', the appraisers having been appointed by Clement Colmore, Official Principal. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1616/F2 10 May 1616 Elsabeth FENWICK, widow, of Bellingham in the countie of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke bond: DPRI/3/1616/B47 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B33 DPRI/1/1616/F2/1 10 March 1616 will with memorandum, 10 May 1616 Will, endorsed with memorandum of John Charleton, brother, acknowledging that he is to execute the will for the sole use of the deceased's children. DPRI/1/1616/F2/2 wrapper endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1616/F3 Gregory FENWICK, gentleman, of parish of Brenkborn (Brenckborne, Brenckburne) in the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/BE bond: DPRI/3/1616/B188 DPRI/1/1616/F3/1 25 November 1615 indented will DPRI/1/1616/F3/2 undated inventory, actual total £491 15s DPRI/1/1616/F4 4 May 1616 Robert FORREST, the elder, freeholder, of parish and towne of Redmarshall (Readmarshall) in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/BG DPRI/1/1616/F4/1-2 22 July 1611 will endorsed: proved, 4 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/F4/3 7 February 1616 inventory, actual total £37 3s DPRI/1/1616/F5 17 May 1616 George FORSTER, husbandman, of parish of Easington within the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B49 DPRI/1/1616/F5/1 16 October 1614 will endorsed: proved, 17 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/F5/2 25 April 1616 inventory, actual total £110 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £29 11s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/F6 19 November 1616 Rauff FORSTER, gentleman, of Overgrasse within the county of Northumberland, parish of Feltonn [Felton, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B402 DPRI/1/1616/F6/1 27 October 1616 will endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/F6/2-3 22 May 1616 indented inventory, actual total £160 17s 8d DPRI/1/1616/F7 19 November 1616 John FORSTER, yeoman, of Biltowne (Bilton) in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.229v: proved at Alnwick, 19 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/F7/1 21 January 1616 will dated in the New Style DPRI/1/1616/F7/2 19 August 1616 inventory, actual total £29 15s (with account of debts of £1 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/G1 12 June 1616 John GLOVER, weaver, of Darlington (Darneton) within the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.110v bond: DPRI/3/1616/B90 DPRI/1/1616/G1/1 3 October 1615 will Subscribed: Katheren Glover, relict and sole executrix, sworn at Darlington, 12 June 1616. Endorsed: proved, 12 Jun 1616. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 143 DPRI/1/1616/G1/2 2 November 1615 inventory, actual total £22 9s 4d (with account of debts of £4) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 143-144 DPRI/1/1616/G3 17 January 1617 Henrie GRAIE, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray, Graye DPRI/1/1616/G3/1-2 3 December 1616 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Jan [1617] DPRI/1/1616/G3/3-4 3 December 1616 copy inventory, actual total £103 3s 10d (with account of funeral charges of £10 5s) DPRI/1/1616/G2 John GRAINGE, yeoman, of Wolsingham within the countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/G2/1-2 10 February 1617 will DPRI/1/1616/G2/3-5 10 February 1617 inventory, actual total £62 15s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/G5 3 June 1616 Thomas GRAY, yeoman, of Etall (Eatall, Eatell) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Forde [Etal, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye, Graie DPRI/1/1616/G5/1 29 March 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 3 June [1616] DPRI/1/1616/G5/2 26 May 1616 inventory, actual total £9 1s DPRI/1/1616/G4 Robart GRAYE, yeoman, of chapelry of Newbygine (Newbiggin) within the countie of Northumberland [Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1616/G4/1 28 January 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/G4/2 10 February 1616 inventory, actual total £23 16s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £4 11s 10d) DPRI/1/1616/G6 John GRENE, gentleman, of Bondgate in the parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B154 DPRI/1/1616/G6/1 4 January 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£11) and owing to (19s 4d) the testator. DPRI/1/1616/G6/2 19 April 1616 inventory, actual total £20 4s 8d DPRI/1/1616/H1 13 November 1616 Robert HADDOCKE, glover, of towne of Newcastell upon Tynne (Tyenne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hadok, Haddock DPRI/1/1616/H1/1-2 11 September 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/H1/3 15 October 1616 inventory, actual total £39 2s 5d (with account of funeral expenses of £8 10s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/H2 7 September 1616 James HALL, of Munckheslton in the parishe of Munckheslton (Munckhesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B225 DPRI/1/1616/H2/1 7 August 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/H2/2-3 16 August 1616 inventory, actual total £256 19s 6d (with account of debts of £28 2s) endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H3 18 November 1616 Richarde HARBORNE, yeoman, of parish of Woodhorne in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Harburne DPRI/1/1616/H3/1 20 April 1616 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/H3/2 3 May 1616 inventory, actual total £63 2s 6d (with account of debts of £5 16s 10d) DPRI/1/1616/H10 8 June 1616 William HARESON, husband of Jane Hareson, of Chrosgaite, chappelrie of St Margarets in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison, Harryson, Herrison see DPRI/4/11 ff.75, 109: Jan 1616-June 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/BJ DPRI/1/1616/H10/1 29 August 1615 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £40. Witnesses sworn, 22 Sep 1615. Endorsed: proved, [1615/6]; re-granted, 8 June 1616. DPRI/1/1616/H10/3 30 August 1615 inventory, actual total £41 9s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 5s 6d) inventory of the goods etc. of William Hareson and of his wife Jane Hareson DPRI/1/1616/H10/4 10 June 1616 inventory, actual total £40 19s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 3s) inventory of the goods etc. of William Hareson and of his wife Jane Hareson, and including the funeral expenses of John Hareson, son DPRI/1/1616/H10 8 June 1616 Jane HARESON, wife of William Hareson, of Chrosgaite, chappelrie of St Margarets in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison, Harryson, Herrison See DPRI/4/11 ff.75, 109: Jan 1616-June 1616. The probate records of Jane Hareson and her husband were (and remain) filed together in the Registry, and the joint endorsement to the wills reads: proved, [1615/6]; re-granted, 8 June 1616. For the joint inventories of Jane Hareson and of her husband, see - DPRI/1/1616/H10/3 - DPRI/1/1616/H10/4 DPRI/1/1616/H10/2 11 December 1615 will with inventory, undated, actual total £39 14s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 3s) (1) Will, with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £1 1s; (2) inventory, including the burial expenses of John Hareson, [son]. DPRI/1/1616/H6 Thomas HARISONN, of Owintonn (Ovington) of the parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison bond: DPRI/3/1616/BH DPRI/1/1616/H6/1 27 March 1616 will with inventory, 7 November 1616, actual total £10 1s 8d (with account of debts of £2 11s) endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/H4 Edward HARLE, tanner, yeoman, of Herrington Mill (Harrington Milne) in the county of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Herrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/H4/1 27 January 1617 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/H4/2 6 February 1617 indented inventory, actual total £462 9s DPRI/1/1616/H5 14 February 1617 Thomas HARLE, of Great Usworthe (Osworthe) [Usworth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.163: administration granted to Jane Harle, relict, 14 Feb 1617 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B345 DPRI/1/1616/H5/1-2 9 December 1616 inventory DPRI/1/1616/H8 18 January 1617 Ambrose HECHSTETTER, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hetchstetter Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation). bond: DPRI/3/1616/B319 DPRI/1/1616/H8/1 2 April 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 18 Jan [1617] DPRI/1/1616/H8/2 6 April 1616 inventory, actual total £78 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 12s 3d) DPRI/1/1616/H8/3 18 February 1617 commission commission to William Morton MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Thomas Hooke, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Joseph Hechstetter [brother], and also to swear and examine James Clavering [alderman] of Newcastle, uncle and a witness to the will; commission executed by Hooke, 21 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/H9 20 April 1616 George HERRISON, the elder, of Hartinpoole (Hartlepool) [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Harrisonn see DPRI/4/11 f.100v: administration granted to Jane Herrison, relict, 20 Apr 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H9/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Apr 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H7 25 January 1617 Agnes HEVISIDE, wife of Richard Heviside, widow, of Bushops Auckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Heaviside, Heaveside DPRI/1/1616/H7/1-2 6 November 1616 will endorsed: proved, 25 Jan [1617] DPRI/1/1616/H7/3 11 January 1617 inventory, actual total £118 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £58 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/H11 28 May 1616 Cuthbert HILL, rector of Knarsdale, clerk, of Knarsdeall (Knaresdell) [Knarsdale, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B101 DPRI/1/1616/H11/1-2 28 October 1613 will endorsed: proved, 28 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/H11/3 undated inventory, actual total £79 16s 8d (with account of debts of £47) DPRI/1/1616/H12 14 March 1617 Nicholas HILTON, rector of Hurworth, clerk, of Hurwoth (Hurworth) [Hurworth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.171, 222v DPRI/1/1616/H12/1-2 21 January 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/H13 10 March 1617 Henrye HITTON, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of burrowghe of Barwicke (Barwick) upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hiton, Heytton see DPRI/4/11 f.170v: 10 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/H13/1 11 December 1615 will endorsed: proved, 10 Mar [1617] DPRI/1/1616/H13/2-7 3 March 1617 inventory, actual total £565 4s 4d (with account of debts of £200 17s 1d) inventory of household and shop and workhouse goods etc. DPRI/1/1616/H14 28 May 1616 Robert HODGSON, ship-carpenter, house-carpenter, single man, of parishe of All Saintes (Sayntes) in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hodgsone, Hodgsonn see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.224v: probate granted at Newcastle to George Hodgson, brother, for his use and of his brothers and sisters and any other next of kin; inventory exhibited (£9 0s 8d), 28 May 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B110 DPRI/1/1616/H14/1 16 December 1615 nuncupative will administration granted to George Hodgson, brother, who was bound to distribute the goods etc. to the brothers and sisters of the deceased, 28 May 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H14/2 15 April 1616 inventory, actual total £9 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £5 17s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/H16 Thomas HONDLY, surgeon, barber-surgeon, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Hondley, Hundley The deceased was probably the brother of Jacob Handly, curate of Middleton-in-Teesdale: see article by Father Joseph B. Gavin S.J. in Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. LXX (1970), pp.247-268, 'Handley v. Newbie alias Shields: a marriage at Farlam in 1605'. bond: DPRI/3/1616/B324 DPRI/1/1616/H16/1-2 4 April 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1616/H16/3 7 June 1616 inventory, actual total £22 18s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 5s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1616/H15 30 November 1616 Robert HUMBLE, yeoman, of Riton in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/H15/1 28 September 1616 will probate granted to Jane Humble, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Elizabeth, Mary and Isabell Humble, daughters and co-executors, 30 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H15/2 11 November 1616 indented inventory, actual total £149 18s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 10s) DPRI/1/1616/H17 William HUNTER, weaver, of Elwick in the parrish of Hart (Harte) [Hart, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/H17/1 17 March 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/H17/2 17 March 1616 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/H17/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £13 6s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 16s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/H18 3 June 1616 Anne HUNTINGTON, widow, of Barwick upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B141 DPRI/1/1616/H18/1-2 5 August 1615 will with inventory, undated, actual total £9 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 1s 4d) endorsed: proved, 3 June [1616] DPRI/1/1616/H19 12 June 1616 William HUNTINGTON, labourer, of chapelry of Woolveston (Wolveston) of the parishe of Billingham within the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B84 DPRI/1/1616/H19/1 4 May 1616 will probate granted at Darlington to Maude Huntington, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Jane Huntington, daughter and co-executor, 12 June 1616; six children of age also named DPRI/1/1616/H19/2-3 7 June 1616 inventory, actual total £50 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/H20 6 July 1616 Margrett HUTON, gentlewoman, of chapelry of Sadberge (Setbarge, Sadburie, Sadberrie) in the countie of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Hutton DPRI/1/1616/H20/1 21 February 1616 will probate granted to George Emmerson, cousin and sole executor, 6 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/H20/2-3 3 December 1616 inventory, actual total £30 DPRI/1/1616/J1 20 April 1616 Thomas JOHNSON, of Crooke within the parishe of Branspethe (Brancepethe) [Crook, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B126 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B26 DPRI/1/1616/J1/1-2 28 June 1615 will endorsed: proved, 20 Apr 1616 DPRI/1/1616/J1/3 22 November 1615 inventory, actual total £81 0s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3) DPRI/1/1616/J2 6 July 1616 Andrew JOPLINE, yeoman, of Milkeswell Borne (Milkeburne House) in the parishe of Riton and in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B127 DPRI/1/1616/J2/1 13 December 1615 will DPRI/1/1616/J2/2 1 May 1616 indented inventory, actual total £75 5s 2d (with account of debts of £8) endorsed: proved, 6 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/K1 3 June 1616 Thomas KARNS, yeoman, Grenden (Greneden) within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countye pallentyne of Durham, chapelry of Ancroft [Norham, Northumberland; Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Karne, Karnes see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.226: proved at Berwick, 3 June 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B138 DPRI/1/1616/K1/1-2 5 February 1616 will with inventory, actual total £28 13s 3d endorsed: proved, 3 June 1616 DPRI/1/1616/K2 12 April 1616 Christopher KEARTON, of Midderidge (Middrige) Graunge in the parishe of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 ff.63v (28 Oct 1615); 63 (4 Nov 1615); 67 (18 Nov 1615); 70 (2 Dec 1615); 72 (9 Dec 1615); 76 (20 Jan 1616); 78 (27 Jan 1616); 96v will proved (12 Apr 1616): will does not survive bond: DPRI/3/1616/B41 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B27 DPRI/1/1616/K2/1 22 August 1615 inventory DPRI/1/1616/K3 6 July 1616 Elizabeth KENDALL, widow, of Chrosgait (Crosgate) in the suburbs of the cittie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Kendale bond: DPRI/3/1616/B97 DPRI/1/1616/K3/1 21 January 1616 will probate granted to the executors Thomas Walker and his wife Marie Walker, 6 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/K3/2 7 March 1616 indented inventory, actual total £105 18s 6d (with account of debts of £5) endorsed: [will] proved, 6 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/L1 22 April 1616 Edwarde LADLEYE, of Whiteside in Scotlande [Bathgate, West Lothian]; also spelt Ladley see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.223: proved at Morpeth, 22 Apr 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B153 DPRI/1/1616/L1/1-2 26 February 1616 will with inventory, actual total £12 inventory of the goods etc. 'in the house of Giles Snawdon of Tossen the Greater within the parisshe of Routhbury' DPRI/1/1616/L2 26 April 1616 Anthony LAMBERT, of chapellry of Tanfeild [Tanfield, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B38 DPRI/1/1616/L2/1 16 March 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 26 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/L2/2 18 March 1616 inventory, actual total £5 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 6s 9d) DPRI/1/1616/L3 16 April 1616 Margaret LAMBERT, widow, of Fowstons in the parishe of Wardon (Warden) [Warden, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B132 DPRI/1/1616/L3/1 22 November 1615 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/L3/2 2 February 1616 inventory, actual total £5 8s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of 18s) DPRI/1/1616/L4 12 June 1616 Margery LASSELLES, widow, of Darlington (Darnton) in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lassels, Lassells bond: DPRI/3/1616/B103 DPRI/1/1616/L4/1-2 5 June 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testatrix of £4 5s 8d. Administration granted at Darlington to Timothy Barnes and his wife Elizabeth Barnes, [?sister], 12 June 1616. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 151 DPRI/1/1616/L4/3-4 12 June 1616 indented inventory, actual total £138 18s 10d endorsed: administration granted, 12 June 1616 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 152-154 DPRI/1/1616/L5 George LAW, of Newhome, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawe bond: DPRI/3/1616/B131 DPRI/1/1616/L5/1 7 April 1614 will with inventory, undated, actual total £22 6s 8d DPRI/1/1616/L7 25 January 1617 Margaret LAWRENCE, widow, of Cowpon (Coopon) Bewley in the parish of Billingham in the countie of Durham [Billingham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B315 DPRI/1/1616/L7/1 28 November 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£23 11s 4d) and owing by (£2 15s 10d) the testatrix. Endorsed: proved, 25 Jan [1617]. DPRI/1/1616/L7/2 16 January 1617 inventory, actual total £52 4s (with account of debts of £2 15s 10d) DPRI/1/1616/L8 Christofor LAWSON, blacksmith, of parysh of All Sayntes in Newcastle uppon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawsonn DPRI/1/1616/L8/1 27 March 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/L8/2-3 3 April 1616 inventory, actual total £15 8s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 19s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1616/L9 Elizabeth LAWSON, widow, of Cramlington in the countie of Northumberland [Cramlington, Northumberland] There were lengthy proceedings in the consistory court concerning Lawson's estate: see Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11: f. 82, inventory of £378 11s 4d (10 Feb 1616); and ff. 87, 115 (26 June 1616), 116, 120v, 121v, 126v, 128v, 132, 137, 139v, 142, 145, 150v, 153v, 156v, 159v, 162, 165v, 166v, 171, 173, 176, 179, 181v, 205v, 224v (5 Dec 1617). The Apr 1616 Order awarding distribution (below) is not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or DDR/EV/VIS/2/4. For the inventories concerning Elizabeth Lawson's estate, see - DPRI/1/1615/L2/1-3 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/4-5 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/6 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/7 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/8 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/9 - DPRI/1/1615/L2/10 DPRI/1/1616/L9/1 26 April 1616 court order Order of Clement Colmore, Durham Chancellor, awarding distribution of the goods etc. between ten named children; administration having been granted to George Lawson and Raph Lawson, sons; an inventory (£268 14s 4d) having been exhibited; and a bond having been entered. DPRI/1/1616/L10 26 October 1616 Robert LEAKE, of Bladon in the countie of Durham and parishe of Riton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Leeke DPRI/1/1616/L10/1 24 January 1614 will endorsed: proved, 26 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/L10/2 21 October 1616 indented inventory, actual total £11 11s DPRI/1/1616/L11 William LIDDELL, of Sunderland of the chapplerie of Croxdaile [Croxdale, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.141v: 16 Nov 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B268 DPRI/1/1616/L11/1 1616 inventory DPRI/1/1616/L12 George LIGHTFOOT, gentleman, esquire, of citie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Lightfoote see DPRI/4/11 f.95: 25 Mar 1616 DPRI/1/1616/L12/1-2 3 July 1615 will with inventory, 1 July 1615, actual total £1,224 Will, endorsed with a 'briefe Estimate of my Inventarie'; will drawn up 1 July 1615, and published (on dorse) 3 July 1615. DPRI/1/1616/L12/3 3 July 1615 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/L13 13 April 1616 Simond LODGE, of Pethrawe within the perishe of Cockfield (Cockfeild) [Cockfield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/L13/1 18 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/L13/2-3 3 April 1616 indented inventory, actual total £313 15s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £37 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/L6 9 April 1616 James LOWRANC, of Raby, parish of Staindrop [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Lawrance DPRI/1/1616/L6/1 18 July 1615 indented will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/L6/2-3 undated indented inventory, actual total £55 5s 4d (with account of debts of £17 6s) dated, 19 Aug [?1616] DPRI/1/1616/L14 Roger LUMLEY, of Axwell Howses (Haxwell Houses) in the countie of Durham [Winlaton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/L14/1-2 26 March 1616 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/L14/3 undated inventory, actual total £2 15s with inventory, 5 September 1616, actual total £2 4s 10d (1) inventory of goods etc. at Gateshead and the house of Mrs Tomlinson; (2) inventory of goods etc. at Axwell Houses. DPRI/1/1616/L15 Agnes LYSLE, wife of John Lysle gentleman, of Ackton (Acton) in the countye of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle DPRI/1/1616/L15/1-2 1 October 1601 will DPRI/1/1616/L15/3 19 November 1616 inventory, actual total £65 13s 4d lease valued at 100 marks per annum DPRI/1/1616/M1 John MAISON, yeoman, of Aikcliff (Aikliff) in the countye of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/M1/1-2 14 February 1617 will with inventory, 26 February 1617, actual total £39 11s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £12 16s) DPRI/1/1616/M2 Persevell MARTENDELL, of Willingtoune (Willington) [Willington, County Durham]; also spelt Martindale, Martindaile DPRI/1/1616/M2/1 10 September 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/M2/2 undated inventory, actual total £128 13s DPRI/1/1616/M3 22 April 1616 Gregory MITFOORD, of parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.221: administration granted at Morpeth, 22 Apr 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B192 DPRI/1/1616/M3/1 18 April 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/M4 19 November 1616 Jane MITSCHELLSONN, daughter of Robert Mitschellsonn deceased, Scot, of Blake (Blak) Haugh, Bettellstane (Bettellstone) in Ingland vethin the pareis of Allenton (Alentone) [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Metschellsonn, Mitchelson DPRI/1/1616/M4/1 15 September 1613 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1616/M4/2 15 September 1613 copy nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/M5 Thomas MORLANDE, yeoman, of Sedgfeilde (Sedgfeld) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Morland DPRI/1/1616/M5/1 9 September 1616 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/M5/2 2 October 1616 indented inventory, actual total £35 9s 10d DPRI/1/1616/M6 18 November 1616 Anthony MYTFORTH, yeoman, of Ellyngton (Elyngtonn, Ellington) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Woodhorn [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. DPRI/1/1616/M6/1 19 February 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 15s. Dated in the New Style? Endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/M6/2 19 February 1616 inventory, actual total £50 8s 4d Dated in the New Style? DPRI/1/1616/N1 12 November 1616 John NEWTON, of Fawtherlie within the parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Newtonn DPRI/1/1616/N1/1 12 September 1616 will endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/N1/2 20 September 1616 inventory, actual total £46 15s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 9s) DPRI/1/1616/N3 24 April 1616 Michaell NICHOLSON, of chapelry of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson bond: DPRI/3/1616/B170 DPRI/1/1616/N3/1 26 December 1615 will endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/N3/2 26 December 1615 inventory, actual total £24 4s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 4s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/N4 6 July 1616 Thomas NICHOLSON, yeoman, parish (chapelry) of St Helen Auwkland (Awkland, Awckland), Westawkland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B95 DPRI/1/1616/N4/1 14 June 1616 will endorsed: proved, 6 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/N4/2 29 June 1616 indented inventory, actual total £27 19s 10d DPRI/1/1616/N2 16 April 1616 Johne NYCHOLSON, of Gonnerton (Gunertonn) [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson DPRI/1/1616/N2/1 19 January 1616 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £3 16s DPRI/1/1616/N2/2 12 April 1616 inventory, actual total £12 13s 4d endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/O1 10 January 1617 Thomas OGLE, gentleman, of Bebsyde (Bibside, Bebside) in the county of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.150 (10 Jan 1617) and f.154v (25 Jan 1617) DPRI/1/1616/O1/1 7 March 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 10 Jan 1617 DPRI/1/1616/O1/2 25 January 1617 account, actual total £287 (with discharge of £316 3s 9d) Account of Dorothie Ogle, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 25 Jan 1617. DPRI/1/1616/O2 15 March 1617 Ales OORD, wife of Wilyam Oord, widow, of Shadfoorth (Shawdfurthe) [Shadforth, County Durham]; also spelt Ourd DPRI/1/1616/O2/1-2 12 December 1616 will endorsed: proved, 15 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/O3 24 June 1616 William ORD, of parrish of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham]; also spelt Ourde, Ourd, Hourd bond: DPRI/3/1616/B72 DPRI/1/1616/O3/1 29 April 1616 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/O3/2 13 May 1616 indented inventory, actual total £153 4s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/O3/3 15 June 1616 commission commission to William Murrey, vicar of Pittington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Allyson Ord, relict and co-executor, the will already having been proved; commission executed by Murrey, 24 June 1616 DPRI/1/1616/P1 12 November 1616 Edward PARKER, of Coanwood of the parish of Halwesell (Hautwisell, Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1616/P1/1 undated will DPRI/1/1616/P1/2 7 September 1616 inventory, actual total £21 9s (with account of funeral expenses of £3) endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/P3 20 April 1616 Raphe PATTISON, of Huton Henry in the parishe of Munck Heseldon (Hesledenn) in the county of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson A list of charges relating to the estates of Michaell Simpson and Alice Simpson was misfiled and misnumbered (DPRI/1/1616/P3/5) with the inventory of Raphe Pattison, and the image of this item will appear attached to this record: this item has been refiled and renumbered at - DPRI/1/1616/S9/8 DPRI/1/1616/P3/1-4 26 March 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/P4 8 February 1617 Bryan PEARSON, of Trymdon (Trimdon) [Trimdon, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.161v: 8 Feb 1617 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B339 DPRI/1/1616/P4/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 8 Feb [1617] DPRI/1/1616/P4/3 10 January 1617 inventory, actual total £81 3s 10d (with account of debts of £27 3s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/P5 29 November 1616 Williame PEARSONE, yeoman, of Harton within the countye palatine of Durhame [Harton, County Durham]; also spelt Pearson DPRI/1/1616/P5/1 25 July 1616 will witnesses sworn, 29 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/P5/2 undated inventory, actual total £153 13s 4d DPRI/1/1616/P5/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £153 13s 4d DPRI/1/1616/P6 22 November 1616 Richard PEART, yeoman, of Borrowbie (Borrabye, Borabe, Barrowbie) wythin the parish of Leake (Leek) in the county of York [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Pert, Pearte see DPRI/4/11 f.124, cause to prove the will, Stephen Elwes and George Cawstock v Martha Peart, relict; f.126, sequestration granted to Thomas Lumley (6 Sep 1616); ff.129, 130v, 139 (2 Nov 1616) bond: DPRI/3/1616/B264 DPRI/1/1616/P6/1-3 8 June 1615 will with commission, 15 November 1616 (1) will; (2) commission to Francis Kaye, vicar of Allerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Martha Peart alias Lumley, relict and executrix, the will already having been proved; commission executed by Kaye, 22 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/P6/4 11 June 1616 inventory, actual total £559 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 17s 1d) Inventory of goods etc. at Crosby in Northallerton and at Borrowby in Leake. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1616/P2 7 October 1616 Edmonnd PERMELEY, of the Forrest in the parish of Midelton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdale) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Parmeley, Parmiley, Permilie, Permily, Parmelly DPRI/1/1616/P2/1 7 October 1616 will probate granted at the Parsonage House [at Middleton in Teesdale] to Elizabeth Permeley, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted the tuition of four named children, 7 Oct 1616; Francis Addison and Raphe Bainbrig, sureties DPRI/1/1616/P2/2 29 August 1616 inventory, actual total £90 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 5s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/P7 16 April 1616 Alexander PESCOTT, of Allewashe (Allerwishe) in the parishe of Newbroughe (Newbrough) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Pescot, Pescod DPRI/1/1616/P7/1 3 December 1615 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £4 16s 8d DPRI/1/1616/P7/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 16s 8d endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/P8 28 September 1616 Thomas PORRETT, of Hartinpoole (Hartlepoole) [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Porret see DPRI/4/11 f.129v: 23 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/P8/1-2 23 September 1616 inventory Administration granted to Isabell Porrett, relict, also for the use of two named daughters, 27 Sep 1616. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Sep [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/P9 28 February 1617 Francis PUNSHON, wife of Edward Punshon, widow, of Walridge (Walredge) within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/P9/1-2 6 February 1617 will endorsed: proved, 28 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/P9/3-4 24 February 1617 indented inventory with indented inventory, 28 January 1617, actual total £79 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 13s) Inventories of the goods etc. of Edward Punshon and of his widow Francis Punshon: (1) inventory of moveable goods sold at auction ('canted'), 24 Feb 1617; (2) inventory of household goods and implements etc. appraised, 28 Jan 1617. DPRI/1/1616/R1 15 March 1617 Nicholas RAINE, husbandman, of West Auckland (Awckland) within the countye of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/R1/1 31 October 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/R1/2 4 November 1616 inventory, actual total £30 19s (with account of debts of £7 10s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/R2 16 April 1616 John RAMSHAW, of Linhead in Tindall in the parish of Simondburn (Symonburne) and countie of Northumberland [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramshawe bond: DPRI/3/1616/BN DPRI/1/1616/R2/1-2 13 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/R2/3 17 February 1616 inventory, actual total £10 17s DPRI/1/1616/R3 John RAYE, husbandman, of Bishipton (Bushopton) in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Rea bond: DPRI/3/1616/B247 DPRI/1/1616/R3/1-2 2 October 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £33 12s. DPRI/1/1616/R3/3 24 October 1616 inventory, actual total £128 15s 8d DPRI/1/1616/R3/4 26 October 1616 commission commission to Giles Widdowes, vicar of Bishopton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Kaye, son and co-executor (incapable of appearing at Durham due to infirmity), the will already having been proved; commission executed by Widdowes, (undated) DPRI/1/1616/R3/6 13 October 1616 probate records Certificate of execution of [?commission] by Myles Watmorgh [Watmough], curate of Lanchester; [on dorse: mutilated fragment of a discourse with classical quotations, including from a Letter of Seneca the younger's to Lucilius]. DPRI/1/1616/R3/5 wrapper wrapper, formerly a wrapper for a 1614 allegation of Peter Finche DPRI/1/1616/R3/7 2 November 1616 stray from Durham Diocesan Records [Unrelated to Raye probate records.] Certificate of Gylles Widowes [vicar of Bishopton] and seven parishoners relating to the non-attendance of Thomas Wellfoote of Bishopton, by reason of his infirmity. DPRI/1/1616/R4 Peeter REEDE, of Hire Howse within the parishe of Elsden, countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed Inventory endorsed by probate office: will and inventory ... with commission to prove [the will] - the latter is not present. bond: DPRI/3/1616/B118 DPRI/1/1616/R4/1 15 April 1615 indented will with memorandum Will, subscribed with memorandum: commission issued to John Smathewate to take the oath of a witness to the will, and the executrix Elizabeth Reed, relict and co-executor, 12 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/R4/2 4 May 1616 indented inventory, actual total £101 4s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £22 17s) DPRI/1/1616/R6 John RICHARDSON, of parish of Saint Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11 f.13 (21 Nov 1614) and ff.56v, 145v, 153, 157v (2), 164v, 169v, 171v, 203 (24 July 1617). For the will of John Richardson, see DPRI/1/1614. For the will of John Richardson and the probate records of Richardson's mother, see - DPRI/1/1614/R6/1-2 - DPRI/1/1616/R5/1-2 - DPRI/1/1616/R5/3-6 - DPRI/1/1616/R5/7 bond: DPRI/3/1616/BW DPRI/1/1616/R6/1 8 November 1616 appointment of tutors appointment by Clement Colmore and Thomas Chaitor of Christopher Fulthorp and John Willey to be tutors of Clement Richardson, son; Isabell Richardson, relict, having died; appointment made with the consent of the deceased's brothers and brother-in-law and friends DPRI/1/1616/R7 23 April 1616 John RICHARDSON, yeoman, of chapelry of Rennington within the countye of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B180 DPRI/1/1616/R7/1 14 November 1615 will endorsed: proved, 23 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/R7/2 14 November 1615 inventory, actual total £94 12s 4d DPRI/1/1616/R5 Isbell RICHERDSON, widow, of Elvett (Elvet) of the parishe of St Osswalds (Osswouldes, Oswold) in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Richardson, Richeson DPRI/1/1616/R5/1-2 22 August 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/R5/3-6 28 August 1616 inventory, actual total £422 7s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £207 11s 1d) DPRI/1/1616/R5/7 undated interrogatories Interrogatories to the witnesses to the will. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1616/R8 12 November 1616 Henry RIDLEY, yeoman, of Woohouse of the parrish of Haltwisell (Hawtwesle) and within the county of Northumberland [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B102 DPRI/1/1616/R8/1-2 1615 will with inventory, actual total £20 19s 4d (with account of debts of £2 10s) endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/R10 28 May 1616 Hughe RIDLEY, of Whitchester of the parrish of Haltwisell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] See DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.224v: probate granted at Newcastle to Agnes Ridley, relict and sole executrix, 28 May 1616; inventory exhibited; tuition of five named children granted to Agnes Ridley. DPRI/1/1616/R10/1-2 17 January 1616 will Will, dated in New Style (see dorse). Endorsed: proved, 28 May [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/R10/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £95 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 4s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/R9 8 February 1617 Hugh RIDLY, yeoman, of Shankefoott within the parish of Haltwisell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley see DPRI/4/11: administration granted, 8 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/R9/1 19 January 1617 indented inventory DPRI/1/1616/R12 1 June 1616 William ROBESON, yeoman, of parish of Heighington in the county of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Robinson bond: DPRI/3/1616/BP DPRI/1/1616/R12/1-2 6 April 1616 will with memorandum, 8 June 1616 Will with list of debts owing to the testator of £12 11s 8d; with memorandum of Richard Robinson, brother and sole executor, acknowledging his appointment as executor in trust, acting only for the benefit of Edward Romfaite (Romfote) and William Robinson, nephews. Endorsed: proved, 1 June 1616. DPRI/1/1616/R12/3-4 28 May 1616 inventory, actual total £27 10s DPRI/1/1616/R11 Anthony ROBINSON, yeoman, of West Herrintgon in the county of Durham, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/R11/1 22 November 1616 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 106-107 DPRI/1/1616/R11/2-3 2 December 1616 indented inventory, actual total £110 10s 3d DPRI/1/1616/R13 28 May 1616 John RUTLEDGE, yeoman, of Playnmeller (Plainmeller, Playnmellere) in the parishe of Haltwesle (Haltwhesle, Hautwesle) [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/R13/1 7 April 1616 will endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/R13/2 16 April 1616 inventory, actual total £18 15s 5d (with account of debts of £15 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/S1 7 December 1616 Jane SANDER, widow, of Riton Woodside in the county of Durham, parish of Rytonn [Ryton, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.148v: 14 Dec 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B288 DPRI/1/1616/S1/1 28 October 1616 indented inventory Inventory includes administration fees for the deceased's daughter. Endorsed: administration granted to William Dodd, father, 7 Dec 1616. DPRI/1/1616/S2 5 July 1616 Thomas SANDERSON, of chapelry of Barnard Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B108 DPRI/1/1616/S2/1 24 March 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 5 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S2/2 27 March 1616 inventory, actual total £26 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 19s 1d) DPRI/1/1616/S3 13 November 1616 Marye SAYR, single woman, of Gaitesid (Gatesheade, Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Sare, Saier DPRI/1/1616/S3/1-2 21 January 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S3/3 13 November 1616 inventory, actual total £6 6s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 4s) DPRI/1/1616/S4 23 November 1616 George SCARLOTT, yeoman, of Iweston (Iveston) in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Scarlet see DPRI/4/11 f.143: 23 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S4/1 10 June 1607 copy will in the form of a deed of gift upon death deed of gift upon the occasion of death (donatio mortis causa); copy certified by Thomas Chaytor, 23 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S5 28 February 1617 Francis SCOTT, widow, of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/S5/1-2 20 February 1617 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 28 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/S5/3 undated inventory, actual total £1 9s 4d with inventory, undated, actual total £5 13s 4 (1) inventory of goods etc. given to Elizabeth Ladley, daughter; (2) inventory of goods etc. given to the children of John Scott, son. DPRI/1/1616/S6 Richard SHARPE, yeoman, of Whitburne (Whitburn) in the county of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B255 DPRI/1/1616/S6/1 6 November 1616 will endorsed: proved, 23 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S6/2 6 November 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1616/S6/3 20 November 1616 inventory, actual total £92 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 11s 5d) DPRI/1/1616/S7 Elizabeth SHERATON, wife of William Sheraton of Elwick, [widow], of Elwicke [Hart, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.128: 21 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S7/1 16 September 1616 inventory DPRI/1/1616/S8 12 November 1616 John SHORTE, of Milhouse (Mylhouse) in the parishe of Haultwhisell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Short DPRI/1/1616/S8/1 29 December 1615 will DPRI/1/1616/S8/2 5 January 1616 inventory, actual total £13 10s 5d (with account of debts of £5 18s) endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S9 16 August 1616 Michaell SIMPSON, draper, tailor, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Sympsonn Item DPRI/1/1616/S9/8 was formerly misfiled and incorrectly numbered at DPRI/1/1616/P3/5. For the image of this item see - DPRI/1/1616/P3/1-4 DPRI/1/1616/S9/1-7 3 August 1616 inventory, actual total £33 18s (with account of debts of £6 11s 2d) with inventory, August 1616, actual total £19 13s 4d with inventory, 22 November 1616, actual total £9 11s 10d with inventory, undated (1) inventory of household and shop goods etc. of Michaell Simpson and of his wife Alice Simpson; (2) inventory of the goods etc. '[so]lde and ca[nted]' [auctioned, by Valentyne Simpson], Aug [1616]; (3) inventory of 'unsold or uncanted' goods; (4) inventory of linen, unvalued. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 Aug [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/S9/8 1616 inventory, actual total £3 6s 10d inventory of charges disbursed by Valentine Simpson upon Alice Simpson's household after her death, including tuition fees of a son, and the funeral expenses of Michaell and Alice Simpson DPRI/1/1616/S10 12 April 1616 James SMETON, yeoman, of Newton Garthes in the parish of Boulden within the countye of Durham [Boldon, County Durham]; also spelt Smeaton DPRI/1/1616/S10/1 12 March 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/S10/2 12 March 1616 copy will endorsed: proved, 12 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S10/3-4 5 April 1616 inventory, actual total £99 16s 4d (with account of debts of £16 3s) DPRI/1/1616/S11 13 April 1616 Anthonie SMITHE, of Tunstall and parishe of Busshopp Warmouthe [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Smith bond: DPRI/3/1616/BR DPRI/1/1616/S11/1-2 22 February 1616 will with inventory, 7 March 1616, actual total £141 11s (with account of debts of £35 6s 8d) Probate and curation granted to Thomas Rookesbye, supervisor, for the use of and upon the election of Richard Smith, son and sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 13 Apr 1616. DPRI/1/1616/S12 16 April 1616 John SMYTH, the elder, of parishe of Corebridge (Corbridge) [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith bond: DPRI/3/1616/B172 DPRI/1/1616/S12/1 16 August 1612 will endorsed: proved, 16 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S12/2-3 22 February 1614 indented inventory, actual total £23 3s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/S13 14 March 1617 Thomas SNAWBALL, tanner, of Crosgaite (Crosgate) within the suburbes of the cittie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B372 DPRI/1/1616/S13/1-2 24 January 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £11 3s. Endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1617]. DPRI/1/1616/S13/3-4 17 February 1617 inventory, actual total £120 4s 2d (with account of debts of £23 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/S14 19 April 1616 Robart SOFTLEY, draper, tailor, of Elvett, parish of St Oswoldes in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.99v: 13 Apr 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S14/1-3 16 April 1616 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Apr [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S15 16 August 1616 William SPARKE, of Riton Woodsidie in the parishe of Riton (Ryton) and in the countie of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Spark see DPRI/4/11 f.124: 16 Aug 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B224 DPRI/1/1616/S15/1 9 August 1616 indented inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Elizabeth Sparke, relict; four children named. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 Aug [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/S17 19 November 1616 Isabell STEAVENSON, widow, of Neasham (Neesham) upon Tease within the countie of Durham, parish of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Steaphenson, Stephenson bond: DPRI/3/1616/B244 DPRI/1/1616/S17/1 13 January 1614 will endorsed: provedm 19 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S17/2 15 October 1616 inventory, actual total £22 4s 5d DPRI/1/1616/S16 20 November 1616 John STEELE, yeoman, of Phenham (Phennam) in the county pallentyne of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.230: proved at Belford, 20 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S16/1 2 February 1616 will with inventory, undated, actual total £16 6s 8d endorsed: proved, 20 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S18 13 November 1616 Allexander STOKO, mariner, Aldebroughe in the county of Suffolk, parish of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Aldeburgh, Suffolk; Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Stocoe DPRI/1/1616/S18/1-2 13 May 1615 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S19 Richard STORIE, yeoman, of Shotton in the parish of Esington (Easington) in the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B254 DPRI/1/1616/S19/1 29 September 1616 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1616/S19/2 20 November 1616 inventory, actual total £20 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 17s 8d) DPRI/1/1616/S20 12 November 1616 Henrie STOTT, of Mickle Whittington, parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.226v: proved at Corbridge, 12 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S20/1 21 June 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 12 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S21 25 May 1616 Raph SUDDICK, of Munck Hesledon [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.107v: 25 May 1616 DPRI/1/1616/S21/1 17 May 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 25 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/S22 Ann SURTIS, spinster, laite of Cockkerton (Cockerton) within the county of Durham, but now within the cittie of Durham [Cockerton, County Durham; Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Agnes, Suerties, Surtice, Suretesse See DPRI/4/11 f.83v and f.162 (14 Feb 1617). See also re Jane Surtis, DPRI/4/11 ff.72v, 83v, 115: for the probate records of Jane Surtis, see - DPRI/1/1615/S27/1-2 - DPRI/1/1615/S27/3 - DPRI/1/1615/S27/4 - DPRI/1/1615/S27/5 DPRI/1/1616/S22/1-2 10 September 1616 will with inventory, 24 September 1616, actual total £15 14s 4d endorsed: proved Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 141-142 DPRI/1/1616/S22/3 24 February 1616 act of court with receipt, 15 March 1617 with receipt, 21 March 1617 (1) Act of court relating to an office cause promoted by Jane Fawell widow of Edmund Fawell of Darlington, tutrix of Merial and Margaret Fawell, daughters of Edmund Fawell v Ann Surtis, daughter and administratrix of Jane Surtis widow of Darlington. Ann Surtis had brought a suit in Durham County Court to recover a £6 debt from Edmund Fawell owed to Jane Surtis. Jane Fawell brings her cause in the Consistory Court to obtain an order for 40s of this £6 debt belonging to Jane Surtis' estate to be distributed to Merial and Margaret Fawell: a further 5s was later ordered to be distributed to each of them. (2) Subscribed with 15 Mar 1617 receipt of Michaell Wandesforth and Thomas Conyers for 50s received for the use of Merial and Margaret Fawell; only £5 17s of the £6 debt having been received. (3) Endorsed with 21 Mar 1617 receipt of William Stainforth for 50s, referring to an act of court ordering John Walker, executor of Ann (Agnes) Surtis to pay 50s to Robert Fawell and Isobell Fawell, children of Margaret Stainforth, former relict of Christopher Fawell of Cockerton and now wife of William Stainforth of Cockerton. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 142 DPRI/1/1616/S23 16 November 1616 Raphe SYMSON, of Cleatlam (Cletlam) in the countye of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Simpson, Simson DPRI/1/1616/S23/1 9 September 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/S23/2 22 October 1616 inventory, actual total £34 15s (with account of debts of £18 9s 11d) endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/T1 7 June 1616 Elizabeth TAILBOIS, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham; Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Taileboys see DPRI/4/11 f.108: administration granted to Margaret Oswold sister, wife of Toby Oswold, 7 June 1616; Wolsingham DPRI/1/1616/T1/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1616/T2 15 June 1616 Mathewe TAILFARE, lay singing man, cathedrall churche of Durham, North baylie within the citie of Durham, parish of St Mary South Bailey of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham; Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Talfeire, Taylfare. Died 1614 See MSP 29 f.68v bond: DPRI/3/1616/B81 DPRI/1/1616/T2/1-2 6 January 1614 will endorsed: proved, 15 June 1616 DPRI/1/1616/T2/3-4 19 July 1615 inventory, actual total £76 12s DPRI/1/1616/T3 13 November 1616 Ellinor TALER, spinster, of parish of All Saintes in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Talar, Taylor DPRI/1/1616/T3/1-2 3 July 1616 will proved, 13 Nov [1616] DPRI/1/1616/T3/3-4 19 July 1616 inventory, actual total £21 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 11s 4d) dated 19 July 1616 on face, and 20 July 1616 on dorse DPRI/1/1616/T4 Edward TAYLOR, cordwainer, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Talor, Tailer see DPRI/4/11 f.165: 20 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/T4/1-2 24 January 1617 will DPRI/1/1616/T4/3-4 28 January 1617 indented inventory, actual total £169 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £50 7s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/T5 19 July 1616 Ussalaye TEADDCASTELL, wife of George Teaddcastell, widow, of the Deaneries within the barranre of Lanelye (Langlye) within the counttie of Northumberland, chapelry of Haiddon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Teadcastell, Maugham see DPRI/4/11 f.120: 19 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/T5/1 2 July 1616 will endorsed: proved, 19 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/T5/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £22 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 1s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/T6 28 May 1616 Thomas TEASDEALL, of parishe of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdell see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.224: proved at Newcastle, 28 May 1616: bond: DPRI/3/1616/B228 DPRI/1/1616/T6/1-2 3 December 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/T6/3 undated inventory, actual total £41 (with account of debts of £11 18s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/T7 5 July 1616 George TEDCASTLE, of the Deanes (Westerdeanes) within the barrony of Langlie (Langlye), chapelry of Haiden (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Tedcastell see DPRI/4/11 f.116v: 5 July 1616 DPRI/1/1616/T7/1-2 14 February 1616 will Will, dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 5 July 1616. DPRI/1/1616/T7/3 25 April 1616 inventory, actual total £58 19s DPRI/1/1616/T8 Elizabeth TENNANNTE, wife of Henry Tennannte of Newcastle, merchant, widow, of parish of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Tannant DPRI/1/1616/T8/1 13 October 1614 will DPRI/1/1616/T8/2 15 April 1616 inventory, actual total £187 18s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 10s) DPRI/1/1616/T10 13 November 1616 Richard THOMPSON, barber-surgeon, tallow-chandler, of parish of All Sainctes (Alsayntes) within the towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompsone bond: DPRI/3/1616/B396 DPRI/1/1616/T10/1-2 24 June 1616 will endorsed: proved, 13 Nov [1616] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 100-101 DPRI/1/1616/T10/3-4 12 November 1616 inventory, actual total £49 2s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £7) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1616/T12 17 May 1616 Robert THOMPSON, of parishe (chapelry) of Meddomsley [Medomsley, County Durham]; also spelt Tompson bond: DPRI/3/1616/B50 DPRI/1/1616/T12/1-2 21 April 1616 will with indented inventory, 9 May 1616, actual total £15 0s 2d (with account of debts of £2 6s 2d) endorsed: proved, 17 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/T9 27 July 1616 John THOMSON, yeoman, of Bushope Wermouth (Bushop Wearmouth, Warmoth) in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson bond: DPRI/3/1616/B120 DPRI/1/1616/T9/1 12 July 1616 will Subscribed: [proved], 27 Jul 1616; inventory £212 10s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 27 July [1616] DPRI/1/1616/T9/2 18 July 1616 inventory, actual total £217 12s 4d DPRI/1/1616/T11 5 October 1616 William THOMSON, of Carlton of the countye of Durham, parish of Readmarshall [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson see DPRI/4/11 f.133v: 5 Oct 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/BS DPRI/1/1616/T11/1 29 April 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/T11/2-3 4 June 1616 inventory, actual total £182 14s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/T11/4 wrapper [will] proved, 5 Oct [1616] DPRI/1/1616/T13 5 October 1616 William TOMSON, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson see DPRI/4/11 f.133: 5 Oct 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B233-234 DPRI/1/1616/T13/1-2 3 March 1614 will endorsed: proved, 5 Oct [1616] DPRI/1/1616/T13/3 undated inventory, actual total £69 (with account of debts of £20 1s 6d) DPRI/1/1616/T14 28 May 1616 Jane TORRE, widow, of parishe of Saint Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Tower, Torr, Tore see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation): 28 May 1616; see also DPRI/4/1: f.200-200v, grant of tuitions of Elizabeth Torre and Anne Torre, daughters (18 July 1617); f.239, grant of tuition of James Torre (13 Mar 1618). bond: DPRI/3/1616/B114 DPRI/1/1616/T14/1-2 8 April 1616 will with inventory, undated Will, with list of debts owing by the testatrix of £3 14s; also with an unvalued inventory of goods etc. 'now in the use and custodie' of Jane Torre. Endorsed: proved, 28 May [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/T14/3-5 23 May 1616 inventory, actual total £118 15s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £6 11s 7d) DPRI/1/1616/T15 William TOWNES, yeoman, of Earsden within the chappelrye of Hebborne [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1616/T15/1 3 December 1611 will DPRI/1/1616/T15/2 19 April 1616 inventory, actual total £21 2s (with account of debts of £2 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1616/T16 Charles TROTTER, yeoman, of Hartlepoole in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/T16/1 28 January 1614 will DPRI/1/1616/T17 28 May 1616 Edward TURNER, of parishe of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B115 DPRI/1/1616/T17/1-2 27 May 1616 will with inventory, 27 May 1616, actual total £13 13s 4d (and more) endorsed: proved, 28 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/E5 18 November 1616 Lannclote UBANNCKE, gentleman, of Drerige in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Woodrington [Widdrington, Northumberland]; also spelt Ewbanck, Ubancke see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.229: proved at Morpeth, 18 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/E5/1-2 29 July 1616 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1616] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 103-104 DPRI/1/1616/E5/3 26 September 1616 inventory, actual total £385 5s (with account of debt of £22 10s) Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 104-105 DPRI/1/1616/W1 28 May 1616 Rychard WALLICE, [pauper], of parish of Knarsdale (Knaresdell) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.224: 28 May 1616; pauper bond: DPRI/3/1616/B139 DPRI/1/1616/W1/1-3 6 April 1614 indented inventory Subscribed with incomplete memorandum concerning [?unrelated] office cause. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 May [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/W2 15 March 1617 John WALTON, [park-]keeper, of Bearkparke (Bearparke, Bearepark) in the countie of Durham [Bearpark, County Durham]; also spelt Wolton see DPRI/4/11 f.172: 15 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/W2/1 10 August 1615 will endorsed: proved, 15 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1616/W2/2 11 March 1617 inventory, actual total £117 5s inventory of goods etc. at Underside and Bearpark Lodge DPRI/1/1616/W3 1 February 1617 John WALTON, yeoman, of Plawsworth in the parishe of Chester within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.158v: 1 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1616/W3/1-3 20 November 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£18 10s) and owing by (£2 9s 10d) the testator. DPRI/1/1616/W3/4 20 November 1616 copy will with grant of probate, 1 January 1617 Probate granted to Robert Walton [sic], son and sole executor, and during his minority to Thomas Smithe of Waldridge, tutor, for the use of the said Robert Walton. [The testator names his son Thomas Walton his sole executor.] Endorsed: '...delivered to Mr Parkinson the 20th November 1616'. DPRI/1/1616/W3/5-6 4 December 1616 indented inventory, actual total £73 12s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £12 10s 4d) DPRI/1/1616/W4 12 July 1616 Margret WARTER, widow, of Whitwell in the county of Durham [Shincliffe, County Durham; Kelloe, County Durham]. Died 20 May 1616 see DPRI/4/11 f.112v, renunciation of executorship (21 June 1616); f.118v, proved (12 July 1616); Kelloe parish DPRI/1/1616/W4/1 18 May 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/W4/2 24 May 1616 inventory, actual total £494 16s DPRI/1/1616/W4/3 wrapper endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1616/W5 12 October 1616 Charles WATSON, of Branspeth (Branncpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Wattsonne bond: DPRI/3/1616/B241 DPRI/1/1616/W5/1-2 31 March 1616 will endorsed: proved, 12 Oct [1616] DPRI/1/1616/W5/3-4 1 April 1616 inventory, actual total £217 14s DPRI/1/1616/W6 22 June 1616 Raphe WATT, of Cockfeild [Cockfield, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B79 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B77 DPRI/1/1616/W6/1-2 15 March 1615 will Endorsed: probate granted to Ann Watt and Susann Watt, daughters and co-executors; Henry Watt and Barbery Watt, son and daughter and the other co-executors elected George Dixon (attorney) and George Watt (son) their curators, to whom probate was also granted, for their use, 22 June [1616]; with probate office instructions concerning the execution of two will bonds. DPRI/1/1616/W6/3 6 May 1616 inventory, actual total £330 16s 2d DPRI/1/1616/W7 11 May 1616 William WATT, of Cockfeilde [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Wat see DPRI/4/11 f.79v (3 Feb 1616); f.81v (10 Feb 1616); f.99v and 100v (20 Apr 1616); f.101v (27 Apr 1616); f.105v, proved (11 May 1616) DPRI/1/1616/W7/1-2 23 December 1615 will endorsed: proved, 11 May [1616] DPRI/1/1616/W7/3 January 1616 inventory, actual total £77 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 9s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/W8 12 June 1616 Robert WILKINSON, yeoman, of Haughton (Hawghton) within the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkingson see DPRI/4/11 f.110v: 12 June 1616 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B71 DPRI/1/1616/W8/1 undated nuncupative will Subscribed: probate granted to Elizabeth Wilkinson, relict and executrix; no children. Endorsed: proved, 12 June [1616]. DPRI/1/1616/W8/2 undated inventory, actual total £23 7s 8d (with account of debts of £9 14s 2d) DPRI/1/1616/W9 23 September 1615 Roland WILKINSON, of the Neithermoreside (Neither moreside) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11: f.54v, administration granted to John Wilkinson (23 Sep 1615); f.124v, account (16 Aug 1616) DPRI/1/1616/W9/1-2 16 August 1616 account Account of John Wilkinson, son. Endorsed: admitted, 16 Aug 1616. DPRI/1/1616/W10 James WILSONE, yeoman, of parish of Embletone (Embleton) in the countie of Northumberland [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilson DPRI/1/1616/W10/1 8 August 1616 will DPRI/1/1616/W10/2 1 November 1616 inventory, actual total £42 17s 4d DPRI/1/1616/W11 23 November 1616 Nicholas WINTER, of Buttesfold (Buttesfeild, Buttesfeld) within the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1616/W11/1 2 November 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 23 Nov 1616 DPRI/1/1616/W11/2 5 November 1616 inventory, actual total £57 13s 4d DPRI/1/1616/W12 24 September 1616 John WRANGHAM, yeoman, of Gaineford (Gainford) in the countie of Duresme [Gainford, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1616/B220A DPRI/1/1616/W12/1-2 20 February 1615 will commission issued to Robert Burrell, to take the oath of Elizabeth Crawforth widow, executrix, 6 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/W12/3 20 February 1615 copy will DPRI/1/1616/W12/4 6 September 1616 commission commission to Robert Burrell MA, curate of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Crawforth widow, sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Burrell, 24 Sep 1616 DPRI/1/1616/W13 25 January 1617 Nicholas WRAYE, of Langley Milne, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Wreye, Wray see DPRI/4/11 f.155: 25 Jan 1617 bond: DPRI/3/1616/B331 DPRI/1/1616/W13/1 21 January 1617 inventory with inventory, 11 July 1618, actual total £46 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 10s 9d) Inventory, with supplementary inventory added at the order of Dr Colmore, Durham Chancellor, by Jane Hall, former relict. Endorsed: administration granted to Jane Wray widow, for her use and the use of Margaret and Ellinor Wray, daughters, 25 Jan 1617; also with [?unrelated] memorandum relating to the probate of the will of Brian Belt, see - DPRI/1/1616/B5/1-2 DPRI/1/1616/Y1 26 October 1616 Robert YOUNGE, the North Baylie of Durham, parish of St Mary in the South Bailey of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham; Durham St Mary the Less, County Durham]; also spelt Young see DPRI/4/11 f.137v: 26 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/Y1/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Oct 1616 DPRI/1/1616/Y2 25 January 1617 Thomas YOUNGE, of Edderdackers (Edderdacre), parish of Easington [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Yonge see DPRI/4/11 f.155: 25 Jan 1617 DPRI/1/1616/Y2/1-2 28 October 1616 inventory endorsed: administration granted to the wife and daughter DPRI/1/1617 Wills etc proved 1617 DPRI/1/1617/A1 18 November 1617 George ALDER, of Hobberlaw (Hubberlawe) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.244v: account, 18 Apr 1618 DPRI/1/1617/A1/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Nov [1617] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 121 DPRI/1/1617/A2 7 February 1618 Isack ANDERSON, merchant, of Newcastle uppon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.234: 6 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/A2/1-2 18 June 1618 indented inventory endorsed: exhibited, 27 June 1617; administration granted, 7 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/A3 17 November 1617 John ANDERSON, yeoman, of Prestwick (Prestwicke) in the parish of Pont Iland in the countie of Northumberland [Ponteland, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/A3/1-2 16 September 1616 will endorsed: proved, 17 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/A3/3 11 November 1617 inventory, actual total £61 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22) DPRI/1/1617/A4 4 March 1618 William ANDERSON, miller, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] Commission refers to an inventory exhibited, and probate office endorsement to the will indicates an inventory was once filed with the will - no longer present. DPRI/1/1617/A4/1 27 September 1617 will endorsed: proved; commission introduced, 14 Mar [1618] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 120-121 DPRI/1/1617/A4/2 23 February 1618 commission commission to William Morton MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Robert Jennison MA, preacher, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Anderson and Barbara Anderson, daughters and co-executors, minors, and until they come of age to grant the same to William Cooke, tutor of Elizabeth Anderson, and to Anthony Morpeth, tutor of Barbara Anderson; and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Morton, 4 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1617/A5 11 May 1617 George APPLEBYE, of parishe of Stanhope [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Appleby DPRI/1/1617/A5/1 9 December 1616 will Subscribed: probate granted to Anne Nicholson, sister and sole executrix, 11 May 1617. Endorsed: proved at Middleton in Teesdale. DPRI/1/1617/A5/2 11 December 1616 inventory, actual total £28 7s 4d (with account of debts of 10s) DPRI/1/1617/A6 27 September 1617 Thomas ARMSTRONG, of Danton (Dalton), parish of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armstronge, Armestronge DPRI/1/1617/A6/1 6 August 1617 will endorsed: proved, 27 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/A6/2 22 September 1617 inventory, actual total £111 14s 6d (with account of debts and legacies of £8 8s 10d) DPRI/1/1617/A7 6 June 1617 Marie ATKINSON, widow [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.188v: 6 June 1617 DPRI/1/1617/A7/1-6 13 May 1617 indented inventory Inventory, with an additional £37 13s 4d of debts and legacies challenged by the administrators. With the consent of John Atkinson, administration was granted to George Newton and John Joplin, uncles of three named children. DPRI/1/1617/B1 21 June 1617 Agnes BAINBRIDGE, widow, of parish of Norton in the countie of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigg, Bainbrigge DPRI/1/1617/B1/2-3 30 March 1616 will endorsed: proved, 21 June 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B1/1 30 March 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1617/B1/4-6 14 April 1617 inventory, actual total £310 15s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 7s 5d) DPRI/1/1617/B2 12 November 1617 Rowland BARKER, of Newlands in the parish of Whittingstall (Whittonstall) [Whittonstall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/B2/1 30 May 1617 indented will with indented inventory, 8 September 1617, actual total £59 16s 5d endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/B3 12 November 1617 James BARROWE, of Thorngrafton (Thorngraffton) in the parishe of Haltwhissell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.237v: 12 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B3/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/B3/2 18 February 1617 inventory, actual total £5 DPRI/1/1617/B4 7 February 1618 Cuthbert BECKFEILD, yeoman, of Bishipton in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/B4/1 2 March 1617 will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/B4/2 2 March 1617 copy will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/B4/3 4 March 1618 inventory, actual total £21 10s DPRI/1/1617/B5 12 December 1617 John BIRD, yeoman, of parish of Chester in the Street (Streate) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Byrd, Birde see DPRI/4/11 f.225v: 12 Dec 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B5/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 12 Dec 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B5/3 11 December 1617 inventory, actual total £44 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £8 5s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/B6 27 September 1617 John BLARTON, the younger, of Kyo Peith (Kio Peth) within the parish of Lanchester in the countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Blarthorn DPRI/1/1617/B6/1 30 April 1614 will DPRI/1/1617/B6/2-3 16 September 1617 indented inventory, actual total £189 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Sep [1617] DPRI/1/1617/B8 14 April 1617 Lanclott BOULMAN, of Todborne (Todburne), parishs of Horsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Bulman DPRI/1/1617/B8/1 10 November 1616 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/B8/2 6 February 1617 indented inventory, actual total £24 2s (with account of a debt of £3s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/B7 19 November 1617 Johnne BROWN, of Sunderland, parish of Balmebrough [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Browne DPRI/1/1617/B7/1 16 January 1617 will with inventory, 16 January 1617, actual total £30 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 1s 10d) endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/B9 5 July 1617 Francis BUNNY, rector (parson) of Ryton, prebend of Durham, clerk, of Ryton in the county of Durham [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Buney, Bunnie DPRI/1/1617/B9/1-2 20 January 1617 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 108-111 DPRI/1/1617/B9/3-4 28 April 1617 inventory, actual total £519 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £87 8s) Subscribed: exhibited, 5 July 1617. Endorsed: proved; will delivered to Durham Chancellor by Anthony Thompson, 10 Jan 1620; will redelivered back, 24 Jan 1620. DPRI/1/1617/B10 22 November 1617 Restwould BUNNY, [cloth merchant], of parish of St Nicholas of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Bunnye, Bunnie Bunny was indebted to, and perhaps a member of, the Clothworkers Company of London. See DPRI/4/11: f.221v administration granted and inventory exhibited (22 Nov 1617); f.234v office cause to produce the account (13 Feb 1618); f.236v account admitted (21 Feb 1618). DPRI/1/1617/B10/1 8 January 1617 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Nov 1617; account admitted, 21 Feb 1618. DPRI/1/1617/B10/2-3 13 February 1618 commission with account, undated, actual total £94 10s (with discharge of £112 9s 10d) (1) commission to William Morton MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and Robert Jennison MA, preacher, to administer an oath to Sarah Procter alias Bunny, former relict and now wife of Geoffrey Procter, relating to the annexed account of the administration of her former husband's estate; commission executed by Jenison, 23 [?recte 13] Feb 1618; (2) account of Sara Procter alias Bunny, [admitted 21 Feb 1618]. DPRI/1/1617/B11 27 September 1617 John BURDON, yeoman, of Litle Eadon (Little Eden) in the county of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/B11/1-2 8 August 1617 will endorsed: proved, 27 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B11/3 27 August 1617 inventory, actual total £589 1s 4d (with account of a debt of £11) DPRI/1/1617/B11/4 undated inventory of funeral expenses, actual total £2 16s 8d with list of sureties, widow and seven named children DPRI/1/1617/B12 17 November 1617 George BURRELL, gentleman, of Ellington, parish of Woodhorn [Woodhorn, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation), f.239: administration granted at Morpeth DPRI/1/1617/B12/1-2 10 October 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/B13 6 November 1736 Jhon BUTTREY, gentleman, of Nesbet (Nesbett, Nesbitt) in the parish of Harte in the countye of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Buttre, Buttery, Butterie, Buttrie, Battery DPRI/1/1617/B13/1 6 May 1616 will endorsed with 6 Nov 1736 memorandum relating to a grant of administration of the goods left unadministered by Ralph Buttery, son and sole executor, to John Maire DPRI/1/1617/B13/2-4 9 April 1617 indented inventory endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1617/C1 Robarte CLARKE, yeoman, of Great Lumley in the countie of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Clerk DPRI/1/1617/C1/1-3 22 August 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/C2 3 May 1617 Deniz CORNER, of Wynyard (Wyneyard, Winyard) Feild within the county of Durham, parish of Grindon [Grindon, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.182v: administration granted to Agnes Corner, widow, 3 May 1617; f.199v, 12 July 1617; f.200v, 19 July 1617. DPRI/1/1617/C2/1-2 20 February 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 May [1617] DPRI/1/1617/C3 13 December 1617 Wylliam CORNER, of Elwicke of the parishe of Harte [Hart, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/C3/1 13 October 1617 will endorsed: proved, 13 Dec 1617 DPRI/1/1617/C3/2 17 November 1617 inventory, actual total £324 12s 2d DPRI/1/1617/C4 18 November 1617 Henrye CUTHBERT, of Stamefoorde (Stamford), parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/C4/1-2 19 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/C4/3 27 January 1617 inventory, actual total £46 12s 8d DPRI/1/1617/D1 Peter DELAVALE, of Tynmouth [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Delaval see DPRI/4/11: f.221, 22 Nov 1617; f.222v, 29 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/D1/1-4 29 November 1617 account Account of John Delavale, son and co-executor, (Marie Delavale, relict and co-executor not having intermeddled), subscribed with his request that certain items in the charge be discounted as unrecoverable. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1617/D2 12 November 1617 William DODD, yeoman, of Chirdon within the parish (chapelry) of Bellingham and countie of Northumberlande [Bellingham, Northumberland] See DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.237: proved, 12 Nov 1617. [?See also DPRI/4/11 f.169: 1 Mar 1617] DPRI/1/1617/D2/1-2 16 July 1617 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £16 1s 8d. Endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/D2/3 20 October 1617 inventory, actual total £55 3s 4d DPRI/1/1617/D3 Isabell DODDES, widow, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countye of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/D3/1 26 October 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/D4 10 May 1617 John DOSSEY, yeoman, of parish of Longnewton in the county of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Dossie DPRI/1/1617/D4/1-2 4 April 1617 will Subscribed: probate and the tuition of John and Robert Dossie, grandchildren, and John Dossie alias Harperley granted to Anthony Dossey, son and executor; inventory to be exhibited at the next court, 10 May 1617. DPRI/1/1617/D4/3-6 25 April 1617 inventory, actual total £446 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £40 4s 1d) DPRI/1/1617/D5 11 October 1617 Bryan DOWNES, gentleman, of Wadley in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.213: 11 Oct 1617 DPRI/1/1617/D5/1 27 September 1616 will DPRI/1/1617/E1 9 April 1617 George EDON, vintner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Edenn, Eden DPRI/1/1617/E1/1-2 27 September 1616 will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/E1/3-5 10 December 1616 inventory, actual total £171 3s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £90 12s) DPRI/1/1617/E2 18 November 1617 Thomas ELDER, yeoman, of Birline (Birlin, Birlyn) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/E2/1 29 September 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/E2/2 12 October 1617 inventory, actual total £98 7s 10d (with account of debts of 5s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/E3 21 June 1617 Thomas EMERSON, of Iresopebowrne (Iresopbowrne, Arsesopburne) in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/E3/1 10 May 1617 will endorsed: proved, 21 June 1617 DPRI/1/1617/E3/2 10 May 1617 inventory, actual total £110 15s 8d (with account of debts of £96 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/F1 11 November 1617 William FARBRIGGE, glover, of parish of Gaiteside (Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Farbrig DPRI/1/1617/F1/1-2 7 May 1616 will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/F1/3 11 June 1616 indented inventory, actual total £11 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 19s 3d) DPRI/1/1617/F2 31 July 1617 John FARROW, yeoman, of parish of Longnewton (Longe Newton) in the countye of Durham [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Farray, Farroe Probate of the will was the subject of a cause: Ann Hett, next of kin v Richard Colling, sole executor. DPRI/1/1617/F2/1 15 July 1617 will endorsed: proved, 31 July [1617] DPRI/1/1617/F2/2 18 July 1617 indented inventory, actual total £40 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 16s 11d) DPRI/1/1617/F2/3 undated interrogatories interrogatories of Ann Hett, next of kin, to the witnesses to the will exhibited by Richard Collen (Colling), sole executor DPRI/1/1617/F3 John FAWCET, cordwainer, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Fawcett see DPRI/4/11: ff.190 and 191, 21 June 1617; ff.192v (2), 27 and 28 June; f.195, 5 July 1617 DPRI/1/1617/F3/1 22 April 1617 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 154-155 DPRI/1/1617/F3/2 14 May 1617 indented inventory, actual total £90 12s 2d (with account of debts of £29 19s 1d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 155-158 DPRI/1/1617/F4 Rogere FAWCUS, craftsman, of Longe Framlingtone [Longframlington, Northumberland]. Died 11 June 1617 DPRI/1/1617/F4/1 11 June 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/F4/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 3s 4d dated, 13 Nov [?1617] DPRI/1/1617/F5 24 January 1618 Roberte FAWDONNE, yeoman, of Grindone (Grindon) within the countye of Durhame [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Fawdone, Fawdon DPRI/1/1617/F5/1-2 22 October 1617 will endorsed: proved, 24 Jan 1618 DPRI/1/1617/F5/3 13 January 1618 inventory, actual total £495 1s 8d (with account of debts of £64) DPRI/1/1617/F6 31 January 1617 Matthew FENWICK, of Breckenhill (Breckinhill) within the parish (chapelry) of All Sants in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] Account includes a coroner's fee. See DPRI/4/11 f.157: administration granted to Isabell Fenwick, 31 Jan 1617; f.212v: account admitted, 10 Oct 1617. DPRI/1/1617/F6/1 10 October 1617 account Account of Isabell Fenwick, relict. Endorsed: admitted, 10 Oct [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/F7 19 November 1617 Raphe FENWICK, pensioner, of parish of Berwick (Barwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/F7/1-2 30 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/F7/3 30 January 1617 inventory of debts, actual total £461 5s 8d (with account of debts of £11) with inventory, 3 March 1617, actual total £51 12s 3d DPRI/1/1617/F8 15 April 1617 Robert FENWICK, gentleman, of Lesburie in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/F8/1 28 November 1616 will Will, dated 18 Nov 1616 at head and 28 Nov 1616 at foot. Endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/F8/2-4 28 March 1617 inventory, actual total £99 (with account of debts of £43 19s 2d) DPRI/1/1617/F9 Anthony FLETHAM, of Stockton [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.228, 10 Jan 1618; f.229, 16 Jan 1618 DPRI/1/1617/F9/1 3 November 1617 inventory DPRI/1/1617/F10 14 April 1617 John FORSTER, yeoman, of Benridge (Benridg) in the county of Northumberland and parishe of Midforde (Midford, Mitford) [Mitford, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/F10/1 14 March 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/F10/2-3 3 April 1617 inventory, actual total £198 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 16s 4d) DPRI/1/1617/F11 Nicholas FOSTER, father of Sir Claudius Foster knight, esquire, of parishe of Balmebroughe (Balmborough, Bamboroughe) [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster Not found in DPRI/4/10 (index defective). See DPRI/4/11 f.15, account entered (Dec 1614); f.204, 20 July 1617; ff.210, 214; f. 227, 17 Dec 1617. For the will, an inventory of debts, and the inventory, see - DPRI/1/1614/F4/1-2 - DPRI/1/1614/F4/3 - DPRI/1/1608/F2/1-5 DPRI/1/1617/F11/1-2 undated account Account of Sir Claudius Foster knight, son and executor. Endorsed: admitted. DPRI/1/1617/F12 Roberte FULTHROPPE, gentleman, of Sherintonn in the parishe of Munkhesleden (Munkehesleden, Hesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Fulthropp DPRI/1/1617/F12/1 11 August 1616 will with executor's records, 17 June 1617 Will, subscribed with declaration of consent of Margerie Fulthroppe, relict and executrix, to take up execution. DPRI/1/1617/F12/2 3 December 1616 indented inventory, actual total £40 16s DPRI/1/1617/G1 17 November 1617 Richard GRAY, yeoman, of Stanningtone of the countie of Northumberland [Stannington, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11, or in DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation). DPRI/1/1617/G1/1 14 February 1617 will Will, with list of debts of £2 15s and more. Endorsed: proved, 17 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/G1/2 undated inventory, actual total £47 DPRI/1/1617/G2 15 April 1617 Rowland GRENE, yeoman, of Middle (Midle) Horsfeild Lee in the Forrest of Rothbury (parish of Rothburie) within the countie of Northumberland [Rothbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/G2/1 2 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/G2/2 13 January 1617 indented inventory, actual total £121 1s (with account of debts of £1 7s) DPRI/1/1617/G3 29 November 1617 Thomas GRENEWELL, yeoman, of Thornely (Thorneley, Thorneton) of the parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Greenwell, Grenwell, Grinwell see DPRI/4/11: ff.220 and 223, Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/G3/1-2 10 July 1617 will endorsed: proved, 29 Nov [1617] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 116-117 DPRI/1/1617/G3/4 15 November 1617 commission Commission to Henry Atkinson of Shipley, Lancelot Chapman of Newlands, John Atkinson of Fallees and James Jackson of the Waystes in County Durham, yeomen, to re-appraise the goods etc. of the deceased; William Grenewell, son and sole executor, having exhibited a much undervalued inventory; Michael Grenewell, son, to be given notice, should he wish to be present at the time of appraisal; [commission executed, 20 Nov 1617]. DPRI/1/1617/G3/3 20 November 1617 inventory, actual total £90 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 9s 4d) Inventory, made by commission (issued 15 Nov 1617); subscribed with additional £44 19s 2d of disputed debts alledged to be owing by the deceased. DPRI/1/1617/H1 Johne HALLE, yeoman, of West Butsfilde in the parishe of Lanchester and countie of Durisme [Lanchester, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11, or in DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation). DPRI/1/1617/H1/1 14 July 1617 indented inventory DPRI/1/1617/H2 14 April 1617 Roger HANGINGESHAW, yeoman, of the Haire Haugh (Hairehaugh) in the countye of Northumberland, chapelry of Halliston [Holystone, Northumberland]; also spelt Hangingshaw DPRI/1/1617/H2/1-2 9 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/H2/3 9 January 1617 inventory, actual total £6 13s 4d (with account of debts of £11 0s 10d) DPRI/1/1617/H3 28 January 1618 John HETHE, the eldest, esquire, of Kepeyere (Keepyere, Kepeyer, Kepier, Kepiere) in the countye of Durham, city of Durham [Kepier Hospital, County Durham]; also spelt Heth, Heath, Heeth see DPRI/4/11 f.232 DPRI/1/1617/H3/1-12 24 November 1612 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 65-70 DPRI/1/1617/H3/13-15 10 January 1613 codicil DPRI/1/1617/H3/16-17 1 November 1613 codicil DPRI/1/1617/H3/18-20 3 February 1618 indented inventory, actual total £294 4s Inventory of goods etc. at Kepier, Middle Grange and the East Grange. Endorsed: [will] proved, 28 Jan [1618]. DPRI/1/1617/H4 7 January 1618 Thomas HETHERINGTON, cordwainer, of cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham, in the perish of St Nicolas within the brough of the city of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Hedrinton DPRI/1/1617/H4/1-2 11 December 1617 will with codicil, 13 December 1617 DPRI/1/1617/H4/3-4 2 January 1618 inventory, actual total £158 14s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 7 Jan 1618 DPRI/1/1617/H5 Nicholas HILTON, parson of Hurworth, clerk, of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 ff.171, 222v DPRI/1/1617/H5/1 29 November 1617 account Account of William Hilton, son. Endorsed: admitted, 29 Nov 1617. DPRI/1/1617/H6 22 November 1617 Nicholas HOPPER, yeoman, of Blackhedley in the countye of Northumberland and parrishe (chapelry) of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/H6/1 25 August 1617 will endorsed: proved, 22 Nov [1617] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 118 DPRI/1/1617/H6/2-3 29 October 1617 inventory, actual total £156 11s 8d DPRI/1/1617/H7 18 November 1617 Thomas HOPPER, yeoman, of Biltowne (Bilton) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Lesburie [Lesbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/H7/1 12 February 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/H7/2 15 November 1617 inventory, actual total £69 0s 6d (with account of debts of £65 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/H8 18 November 1617 William HUNTER, cordwainer, of parish of Alnwicke (Alnewick) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/H8/1 2 September 1616 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/H8/2-3 2 September 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1617/H9 19 November 1617 Henrie HUTTEUN, hireling, of Eward, chapelry of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Huttonn DPRI/1/1617/H9/1-2 28 February 1617 will with inventory, actual total £16 14s 6d endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/K1 24 October 1617 Thomas KILLINGWORTH, of Killingworth [Killingworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/K1/1 7 January 1611 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 24 Oct [1617] DPRI/1/1617/K2 10 November 1617 Cuthbart KINGE, of Newtone by the Sea, parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/K2/1 28 October 1616 will endorsed: proved, 10 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/K2/2 11 November 1617 inventory of debts, actual total £195 4s 4d (with account of debts of £19) DPRI/1/1617/K3 10 January 1618 Isabell KIPLINGE, spinster, of Westauckland (West Awkland) within the countie of Durham [West Auckland, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/K3/1-2 13 December 1617 will endorsed: proved, 10 Jan [1618] DPRI/1/1617/K3/3-4 2 January 1618 inventory, actual total £28 7s 10d (with account of legacies of £5) DPRI/1/1617/K4 12 November 1617 Jerrett KIRSUPP, of Wodlisheals (Wodlisheall), parish of Symonburn [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirsop, Kirsup DPRI/1/1617/K4/1 18 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/K4/2 undated inventory, actual total £1 12s DPRI/1/1617/K4/3 undated duplicate inventory, actual total £1 12s DPRI/1/1617/L1 Robart LAVEROCK, yeoman, of Bradburye (Bradburie) in the countye of Durham, parish of Sedgfild [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Laverocke, Laverack DPRI/1/1617/L1/1 20 January 1618 will with probate records, 21 February 1618 Will, subscribed with memorandum of two witnesses relating the expressed intention of the testator relating to a tutorship. DPRI/1/1617/L1/2-3 9 February 1618 indented inventory, actual total £401 18s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £147 2s 4d) Inventory of goods etc. at Foxton and Bradbury. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1617/L2 Raphe LAWSON, gentleman, of Crookehall (Crokhall) in the parishe (chapelry) of St Margarets in the cittie of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/L2/1 19 January 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted to John Richardson, creditor DPRI/1/1617/L3 Robert LISLEYE, of Haison (Hasin) within the perishe of Shilbottle [Shilbottle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/L3/1 11 August 1616 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1617/L4 Robert LORRAINE, esquire, of Cheapington in the parishe of Bedlington within the countie pallantyne of Duresme [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Loraine DPRI/1/1617/L4/1 6 February 1618 will DPRI/1/1617/L5 1 March 1617 Lady Elizabeth LUMLEY, [second] wife of John, 1st Baron Lumley, [widow], parish of St Olave in Hart Streete in the city of London, Castle of Lumley in the county of Durham [St Olave Hart-street, London; Lumley, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11, or DDR/EV/VIS/2/4. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 8 Feb 1617 (see PROB 11/129). DPRI/1/1617/L5/1 6 November 1616 copy will DPRI/1/1617/L5/2 27 February 1617 power of attorney Power of attorney of Thomas Lord Darcie (brother) and Sir Thomas Savadge baronet (nephew), executors, to Thomas King, notary public and proctor at Durham, to obtain probate (or approbate) and administration of the goods etc. within Durham diocese; the will already having been proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, [8 Feb 1617]. DPRI/1/1617/L5/3 27 February 1617 inventory, actual total £1,000 5s exhibited at Durham, 1 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1617/L5/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1617/L6 11 October 1617 Cuthbert LYDDELL, yeoman, of Elmden (Elmeden, Emelden) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Liddell see DPRI/4/11 f.213: 11 Oct 1617 DPRI/1/1617/L6/1 21 August 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/L6/2 18 September 1617 indented inventory, actual total £96 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 5s 5d) subscribed with memorandum relating to goods not inventoried DPRI/1/1617/M3 27 September 1617 John MAIOR, of Plausworth (Plawsworth), parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Mare DPRI/1/1617/M3/1 18 September 1617 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1617/M3/2 25 September 1617 inventory, actual total £26 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £15 6s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Sep [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M1 12 November 1617 Marye MALLABER, wife of Martin Mallaber, widow, of parish of Haltwesle (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Malliber DPRI/1/1617/M1/1 10 April 1617 will endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M1/2 6 June 1617 inventory, actual total £7 DPRI/1/1617/M2 29 March 1617 Georg MANN, yeoman, of Elvett, cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.175v: 29 Mar 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M2/1-4 18 January 1614 inventory Inventory of goods etc. not administered by Anne Mann relict, since deceased. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1617/M4 19 July 1617 Christifor MARLEY, butcher, of Hartlpole (Hartinpole, Hartinpoole, Hartlpoll) within the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.210v: 19 July 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M4/1-2 22 June 1617 will Will, endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owing to (£50 9s 10d) and owing by (£6) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 19 July [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/M4/3-5 15 July 1617 inventory, actual total £83 14s 3d (with account of debts of £7 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1617/M5 14 April 1617 William MARSHALL, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/M5/1 21 November 1616 will with codicil, 23 November 1616 with grant of probate, 14 April 1617 probate granted at Morpeth to Margerie Marshall, relict and sole executrix, 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M5/2-5 9 December 1616 indented inventory, actual total £319 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £80 16s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/M6 10 May 1617 John MARTIN, rector of Dinsdale, clerk, of Dinsdale (Dinsdaile, Dindesdale) in the county of Duresm [Dinsdale, County Durham]; also spelt Martyn DPRI/1/1617/M6/1 20 February 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/M6/2 2 March 1618 indented inventory, actual total £94 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 7s 3d) endorsed: proved, 10 May [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M7 Raphe MARTIN, of Frosterley in Wardale within the parish of Stanhope (Stanhop) and countie of Durham [Frosterley, County Durham]; also spelt Marton DPRI/1/1617/M7/1 10 December 1615 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1617/M7/2 3 January 1616 inventory, actual total £49 8s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £30 0s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/M8 Roger MAUGHAM, yeoman, of chapelry of Hadon (Haidon) Brige in the county of Northumberlande [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/M8/1 25 July 1617 will endorsed: executor renounced, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M8/2 30 July 1617 inventory, actual total £29 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 9s) DPRI/1/1617/M9 9 April 1617 John MILBURNE, yeoman, of Throkley, parishe of Newburne in the countye of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne DPRI/1/1617/M9/1-2 13 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M9/3 16 March 1617 inventory, actual total £30 10s 4d DPRI/1/1617/M10 11 November 1617 John MILBURNE, butcher, of towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milbourne DPRI/1/1617/M10/1 1 April 1617 will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M10/2 1 November 1617 inventory, actual total £54 8s 8d DPRI/1/1617/M11 14 April 1617 Roger MILBURNE, tanner, of parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Milbourn DPRI/1/1617/M11/1 16 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M11/2-3 24 January 1617 indented inventory, actual total £56 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £59 1s 6d and more) DPRI/1/1617/M12 18 November 1617 Johne MILL, of Lemendone (Lamendon), parish of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/M12/1-2 5 April 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M12/3 undated inventory, actual total £22 1s 4d DPRI/1/1617/M13 11 November 1617 Roberte MILL, yeoman, of Munckseaton (Munck Seaton) in the parishe of Tynmouth (Tynmoth) in the countie of Northumberland [Monkseaton, Northumberland]; also spelt Milles DPRI/1/1617/M13/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M13/3 29 May 1617 inventory, actual total £145 (with account of debts of £50 14s 10d) DPRI/1/1617/M16 11 November 1617 Margery MORLAYE, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Morlaie, Morley, Morly DPRI/1/1617/M16/1-2 21 May 1610 will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/M14 21 February 1617 Allysone MYTFORD, widow, of Seighell (Sigel) within the counttie of Northumberland [Earsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Alice, Mitford see DPRI/4/11 f.166: 21 Feb 1617; and also 9 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M14/1 20 January 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 Feb 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M15 14 April 1617 Stephen MYTFORD, of chapelry of Horton in the county of Northumberland [Horton, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation), f.234: Morpeth, 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/M15/1 undated inventory Inventory of the goods etc. entered into by James Story of Horton after the death of Stephen Mytford. DPRI/1/1617/N1 Thomas NEWTON, the elder, of Harton within the chappelrie of St Hyldes in the parish of Jarro (Jarroe) [Harton, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 iii caveat, 7 Feb 1617; and also ff. 159, 162v, 163, 165v, 217v DPRI/1/1617/N1/1 23 October 1616 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1617/N1/2 30 January 1617 inventory, actual total £189 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 16s) DPRI/1/1617/N2 William NEWTON, of parishe of St Giles in Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/N2/1 1 October 1617 will with memorandum Will, subscribed with memorandum (made at probate) of the witnesses clarifying the terms of the will regarding the appointment of executors. DPRI/1/1617/N2/2 17 October 1617 inventory, actual total £31 17s 1d (with account of debts of £17 1s) DPRI/1/1617/N3 17 November 1617 John NICHOLSON, of West Slickburne (Slicburne) of the parish of Bedlington in the countie of Northumberland [Sleekburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation): proved at Morpeth, 17 or 18 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/N3/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 17 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/N3/2 undated inventory, actual total £62 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5) DPRI/1/1617/N4 Matthew NOBLE, miller, of Elvitt (Elvett) within the parish of St Oswolds in the suburbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/N4/1-2 10 February 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing [to] the testator of £34 0s 10d. Endorsed: proved Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 111-112 DPRI/1/1617/N4/3-5 21 March 1617 indented inventory, actual total £142 8s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 10s 9d) DPRI/1/1617/N5 12 December 1617 Elizabeth NORMANN, widow, of parish of All Saints within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Norman DPRI/1/1617/N5/1-2 21 November 1616 will endorsed: probate granted to Anthony Norman, 12 Dec 1617 DPRI/1/1617/N5/3 11 December 1617 indented inventory, actual total £21 19s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3) DPRI/1/1617/O1 13 February 1618 John OVINGETON, of Whorleton (Whorlton) in the countie of Durham and parish of Gainford [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Ovington see DPRI/4/11 f.234v: 13 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/O1/1 16 January 1618 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 122-123 DPRI/1/1617/O1/2 5 February 1618 inventory, actual total £811 18s 3d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £423 13s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/P1 8 April 1617 Richard PARKER, yeoman, of Over Lippwood (Lipwood) alias Cutts Hill in the parish of Haydon (Haidon) within the barronye of Langley in the countye of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation): f.231v: Corbridge, 8 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P1/1-2 7 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P1/3-5 7 February 1617 inventory, actual total £80 3s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £4) DPRI/1/1617/P2 5 April 1617 Richard PAUL, of Redmarshall (Reademarshall) [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Paule see DPRI/4/11 f.177v DPRI/1/1617/P2/1 22 January 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted to Janet Paule, relict, also for the use of four named children, 5 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P3 27 September 1617 John PERSEVELL, of chapelry of Barnard Scastle (Castell, Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Percivell, Persevell see DPRI/4/11 f.209v: 27 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P3/1 24 July 1616 will endorsed: proved, 27 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P3/3 24 July 1617 inventory, actual total £210 17s 8d (with account of debts of £2 10s) subscribed with the names of the sureties, the relict and four children DPRI/1/1617/P3/2 25 September 1643 wrapper Wrapper, made from copy will bond (25 Sep 1643) binding Dorothy Harreson widow to execute the will of Thomas Hatherington of Newcastle upon Tyne and administer his goods for the use of Dorothy and Margaret Hatherington, daughters and co-executors, and also binding her to provide for their tuition. For the grant of administration of Hatherington's estate, see DPRI/4/15 f.156v: 26 Sep 1643. For the will of Thomas Hatherington, see - DPRI/1/1643/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1617/P4 29 March 1617 Marmaduke PERT, of parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Peart DPRI/1/1617/P4/1-2 27 June 1616 will endorsed: proved, 29 Mar [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P4/3 25 March 1617 inventory, actual total £10 12s 6d DPRI/1/1617/P5 11 October 1617 Isaac PILKINGTON, gentleman, of Cotes a Moore, parish of Heighington [Heighington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.213v: administration granted to Margaret Pilkington, relict, 11 Oct 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P5/1 24 June 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 11 Oct [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P6 14 April 1617 Andrew POTT, of the Hirdlaw (Hirdlawe), within the parish of Elsden, countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.233: proved at Morpeth, 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P6/1 9 November 1616 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P6/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £4 19s DPRI/1/1617/P7 14 April 1617 Clement POTT, of the Harnehouse, parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.233: proved at Morpeth, 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P7/1 27 October 1615 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P7/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £8 DPRI/1/1617/P8 14 April 1617 Robert POTT, of Burdhope Cragg (Burdhoope Cragge) within the parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.233: proved at Morpeth, 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P8/1 4 August 1616 indented will endorsed: administration granted, 14 Apr [1617]; vacat [nullified] DPRI/1/1617/P8/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £17 DPRI/1/1617/P9 5 July 1617 Phillipp POTTER, of Hutton Henrye of the parishe of Munkehesledenn (Hesledenn) [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/P9/1 12 June 1616 will endorsed: proved, 5 July [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P9/2 10 July 1616 indented inventory, actual total £24 4s 8d DPRI/1/1617/P10 17 November 1617 Cuthbert PYE, gentleman, yeoman, Newminster in the parishe of Morpeth and county of Northumberland, Morpeth Abbey (Abbye) in the parish of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.238v: proved at Morpeth, 17 or 18 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/P10/1-2 4 March 1617 will with executor's records Will, subscribed with [17 Nov 1617] memorandum of the executor acknowledging his nomination as executor in trust only, and renouncing all benefits of the office to the widow and children. Endorsed: proved, 17 Nov 1617. DPRI/1/1617/P10/3-4 24 March 1617 inventory, actual total £76 11s 2d (with account of debts of £10) DPRI/1/1617/P11 15 April 1617 Thomas PYGDEN, of parish of Whittingham [Whittingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Pigdon DPRI/1/1617/P11/1 10 March 1617 will endorsed: proved, 15 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/P11/2 13 April 1617 indented inventory, actual total £30 DPRI/1/1617/R1 11 November 1617 William RAND, master and mariner, of parish of Gatshead (Gatesid) in the countye of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/R1/1-2 20 May 1617 will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R1/3-5 7 July 1617 inventory, actual total £180 4s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £37 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1617/R2 14 April 1617 Robert REED, of the Ould towne within the parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/R2/1 8 July 1616 indented will endorsed: administration granted, 14 Apr [1617]; vacat [nullified] DPRI/1/1617/R2/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £8 16s 8d DPRI/1/1617/R3 21 June 1617 John RICHARDSON, yeoman, of Trymden (Trymdon, Trimdon) within the county pallatine of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/R3/1 28 September 1616 will with inventory, 1 June 1618, actual total £242 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 17s 6d) Will, and inventory [date uncertain, almost illegible]. Endorsed: proved, 21 June [1617]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 105-106 DPRI/1/1617/R4 14 April 1617 Robart RICHARDSON, of West Thriston within the parishe of Felton and county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/R4/1-2 22 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R4/3 28 February 1617 inventory, actual total £46 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7) DPRI/1/1617/R5 John RIDLEY, bailiff of Haltwhistle, bailiff, of Haltwisell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/R5/1-2 1 December 1616 will with inventory, 2 December 1616, actual total £20 3s 4d endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1617/R6 12 November 1617 Nicholas RIDLEY, of the Hard Riding, parish of Haltwesell (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/R6/1 23 May 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/R6/2-3 23 May 1617 inventory of debts, actual total £17 2s 6d (with account of debts of £12 6s 8d) with inventory, 26 June 1617, actual total £77 6s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R7 14 April 1617 Richard RIDLEY, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.234: 14 Apr 1617 DPRI/1/1617/R7/1-2 11 April 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R8 27 February 1618 Katherine RIDLIE, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley see DPRI/4/11 f.236v: 27 Feb 1618 DPRI/1/1617/R8/1-2 14 January 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 27 Feb [1618] DPRI/1/1617/R9 21 June 1617 George ROBINSON, yeoman, of Kiblesworthe (Kibblesworth) in the countie palatine of Durham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/R9/1 15 August 1608 indented will endorsed: proved, 21 June [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R9/2 29 April 1617 indented inventory, actual total £42 12s DPRI/1/1617/R10 27 September 1617 John ROBINSON, of Bollam (Bolam) in the parishe of Gayneforth (Gainforth) [Bolam, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/R10/1-2 7 September 1617 will endorsed: proved, 27 Sep [1617] DPRI/1/1617/R10/3-4 18 September 1617 inventory, actual total £159 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 19s 6d) DPRI/1/1617/R11 17 January 1618 Robert ROBISON, of Barkeres House, chapelry of Tanfeld [Tanfield, County Durham]; also spelt Robeson, Robinson DPRI/1/1617/R11/1-2 1 May 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£4 5s 1d) and to (£2 4s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1618]. DPRI/1/1617/R11/3 1617 indented inventory, actual total £47 9s 6d DPRI/1/1617/R12 12 November 1617 Johne ROBSON, of Birkley, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/R12/1 25 February 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £2 14s. Endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/R12/2 30 March 1617 inventory, actual total £24 1s 8d DPRI/1/1617/R13 12 September 1617 John ROSE, yeoman, of Cleatlam (Cletlam) in the county of Durham [Gainford, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/R13/1 3 June 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/R13/2 25 August 1617 inventory, actual total £62 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 15s) endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/S1 31 July 1617 Robert SADLER, of Trymden (Trimdon) in the county pallentine of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/S1/1 13 June 1617 will with inventory, 20 June 1617, actual total £28 6s (with account of debts of £14 2s 5d) endorsed: proved, 31 July [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S2 18 November 1617 Lancelott SCOTT, yeoman, of South Charlton in the county of Northumberland [South Charlton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/S2/1 14 May 1617 will with inventory, 15 May 1617, actual total £86 7s Will and inventory, with marginal memorandum: not proved. Endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/S3 George SHAWDFURTH, yeoman, of Tonstall (Tonnstall, Tunstall) within the parish of Bushopp Weremouth in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Shawdforthe, Shawdeforth see DPRI/4/11 ff.208v and 225: Shawdfurth lived at Murton, Dalton-le-Dale, at the time of his death DPRI/1/1617/S3/1 31 July 1617 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 117 DPRI/1/1617/S3/2-3 19 August 1617 indented inventory, actual total £1,528 18s 4d (with account of debts of £900) Inventory of goods etc. at Tonstall and Murton. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1617/S4 Mathew SHERD, yeoman, of the Allertons in the countie pallintine of Durham, parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/S4/1 3 October 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£19 19s) and owing by (£8 1s 8d) the testator. DPRI/1/1617/S4/2 23 October 1617 inventory, actual total £20 19s 4d endorsed: [proved], 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S5 12 November 1617 James SLATER, of Ouldridlaie (Ould Ridley, Old Ridley) with parish of Bywell Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Sclaitor DPRI/1/1617/S5/1-2 27 September 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing by (12s 8d) and owing to (£12 0s 12d and one cow) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 12 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/S5/3 undated inventory, actual total £20 3s 6d DPRI/1/1617/S5/4 6 November 1617 inventory, actual total £20 2s 6d DPRI/1/1617/S6 Anthony SMYTH, yeoman, of Bushop Auckland (Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Smithe DPRI/1/1617/S6/1-2 1 February 1617 will DPRI/1/1617/S6/3 11 March 1617 inventory, actual total £134 8s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £201 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1617/S6/4 19 July 1617 inventory of debts, actual total £201 19s (debts) DPRI/1/1617/S7 14 April 1617 Mathewe SMYTH, yeoman, of Ellington (Ellyngtone) in the countie of Northumberland and parishe of Woodhorne (Woodhorn) [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1617/S7/1 15 February 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S7/2 27 February 1617 inventory, actual total £43 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1617/S8 14 April 1617 John SOPPAT, yeoman, of parishe of Horsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Soppett DPRI/1/1617/S8/1 24 January 1617 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S8/2 10 March 1617 indented inventory, actual total £84 4s 4d endorsed: administration granted, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S9 6 December 1617 Thomas STELLINGE, of Nunn Stainton [Aycliffe, County Durham] Only a fragment survives, reused as a wrapper for 1616 wills: will and inventory are not present. See DPRI/4/11 f.224v: will proved, 6 Dec 1617. DPRI/1/1617/S9/1 undated wrapper endorsed: proved, 6 Dec [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S10 28 June 1617 John STEVENSON, the elder, of Nesham (Neasham, Neesham), parish of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Stephenson see DPRI/4/11 f.193: administration granted to Jane Stevenson, relict, 28 June 1617 DPRI/1/1617/S10/1-2 22 May 1617 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 28 June [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S11 8 November 1617 George STOBBES, of Amblingyate (Ambling Gate, Amblingate) in Wardalle within the parish of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Stobbs DPRI/1/1617/S11/1 23 April 1616 will Will, subscribed: John Stobbes and Thomas Stobbes [grandsons and two of the executors] elected their mother Margerie [Stobbes, daughter-in-law] as their tutrix, 15 Nov 1617. Endorsed: proved, 8 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/S11/2 19 August 1617 inventory, actual total £101 14s (with account of debts of £16 5s 2d) DPRI/1/1617/S12 27 September 1617 Thomas STOBBES [Gainford, County Durham] Only a fragment survives, reused as a wrapper for 1616 wills: will and inventory are not present. See DPRI/4/11 f.224v. DPRI/1/1617/S12/1 undated wrapper endorsed: administration granted to Jane [Stobbes], wife; bond to distribute to the next of kin, according to the decree of the judge, 27 Sep 1617 DPRI/1/1617/S13 17 January 1618 Cuthbert STODDERT, of Lancketon (Lanckton, Langton) in the cou[n]ty of Durham [Gainford, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.230: 17 Jan 1618 DPRI/1/1617/S13/1-2 28 November 1617 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1618] DPRI/1/1617/S13/3 undated inventory, actual total £38 13s (with account of debts of £4 7s) DPRI/1/1617/S14 20 August 1617 Henrie STROTHER, gentleman, of Hallywell House in the parish of Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/S14/1-2 4 August 1617 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Aug [1617] DPRI/1/1617/S15 17 January 1618 Robert SURTEES, mercer, of parishe of Sainct Nicholas in the cittie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Surtis, Surties, Surteis DPRI/1/1617/S15/1-6 27 November 1617 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1618] DPRI/1/1617/S15/7-9 13 January 1618 inventory, actual total £1,089 14s 1d inventory of household, shop, warehouse and pawnshop goods etc. DPRI/1/1617/T2 9 April 1617 John TALER, senior, butcher, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne and of the parish of All Saintes, parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Tayler, Taylor DPRI/1/1617/T2/1 26 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 9 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/T2/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £19 13s 11d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1617/T1 29 July 1617 Robert TATE, weaver, of Berwick uppon Tweed (Barwick upon Twede, Barwicke upon Twedd) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/T1/1-2 7 August 1616 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£22 19s 9d) and by (£15 6s 8d) the testator. DPRI/1/1617/T1/3-4 7 August 1616 will with inventory, 22 August 1616, actual total £34 5s 3d Will, with list of debts owing to (£21 19s 9d) and by (£15 6s 8d) the testator. DPRI/1/1617/T1/5 22 August 1616 inventory, actual total £34 5s 3d (with account of debts of £15 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1617/T1/6 25 July 1617 commission commission to Gilbert Durie, vicar of Berwick, and John Jackson, preacher of Berwick, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Oswald Armorer, executor, for the use of the deceased's children; also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Durie and Jackson, 29 July 1617 DPRI/1/1617/T3 Robert TAYLOR, cordwainer, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Tailor DPRI/1/1617/T3/1-2 2 December 1616 will DPRI/1/1617/T3/3-10 16 December 1616 indented inventory, actual total £186 8s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £91 0s 3d inventory of household and shop goods etc., includes items at a house at Elvet Bridge End; listed but not accounted is the dwelling house that belonged to Taylor's wife's first husband DPRI/1/1617/T4 Robert TEMPEST, merchant adventurer, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] Tempest held a lease of the butlerage of wines, and which he bequeathed to his brother Charles Tempest. See DPRI/4/11 f.178, 178v, 199, 205, 206, 207v: 7 Apr 1617-23 Aug 1617. DPRI/1/1617/T4/1-2 4 December 1616 nuncupative will Subscribed: a commission decreed for examining my Lady [Margaret] Selbie, 12 May [1616]. Endorsed: not proved. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 107-108 DPRI/1/1617/T4/3-4 undated interrogatories interrogatories of Anne Tempest, relict, to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of William Tempest gentleman, relating to a cause to prove the will DPRI/1/1617/T5 11 October 1617 John THOMPSONE, tailor, of Sedgfeild (Sedgfeld) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1617/T5/1 30 December 1608 will endorsed: proved, 11 Oct [1617] DPRI/1/1617/T5/2 22 September 1617 indented inventory, actual total £4 14s 8d (with account of legacies of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1617/T6 30 August 1617 John TONSTALL, parish clerk of Newcastle All Saints, parish clerk, yeoman, of parrish of Allhallowes (Alhallows) within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/T6/1 28 June 1617 will endorsed: proved, 30 Aug [1617] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 114-116 DPRI/1/1617/T6/3 4 July 1617 codicil DPRI/1/1617/T6/2 9 July 1617 inventory, actual total £105 13s 2d DPRI/1/1617/T7 14 April 1617 George TOWERS, tanner, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/T7/1 20 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 14 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/T7/2-3 28 January 1617 indented inventory, actual total £73 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 10s) DPRI/1/1617/T8 15 November 1617 Michell TURBUTT, labourer, Chester in the Streat in the countie of Durham, otherwise at Girsbye (Girsbie) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham; Sockburn, County Durham]; also spelt Turbatt, Turbut Turbutt died at Girsbie in Yorkshire. DPRI/1/1617/T8/1 13 July 1617 will with inventory of debts, actual total £13 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 7s 4d) Will, and inventory of debts owing to and owing by the testator, 'having none other goods'. DPRI/1/1617/T8/2 24 October 1617 commission Commission to Lewis Ambrose, vicar of Sockburn, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Ambrose, 31 Oct 1617. Endorsed: proved, 15 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/W1 21 November 1617 Thomas WALL, of Browne Howses (Browen House) in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1617/W1/1 14 April 1613 will Subscribed: proved by George Hall, clerk; probate granted to Elizabeth Emerson widow, [sister-in-law and] survivng executor, 21 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/W1/2 4 June 1613 inventory, actual total £21 9s 3d DPRI/1/1617/W1/3 4 June 1613 copy inventory, actual total £21 9s 3d DPRI/1/1617/W2 11 April 1617 Stephen WARDE, yeoman, of Blackwell in the countie of Durham, Darlington [Blackwell, County Durham]; also spelt Warde DPRI/1/1617/W2/1 28 December 1616 will endorsed: proved, 11 Apr [1617] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 108 Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 159 DPRI/1/1617/W2/2-3 22 February 1617 indented inventory, actual total £438 0s 4d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 159-161 DPRI/1/1617/W3 15 April 1617 Richarde WARDELLE, husbandman, of Long (Longe) Framlingtone [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Wardell. Died 19 November 1616 DPRI/1/1617/W3/1 19 November 1616 will DPRI/1/1617/W3/2 undated inventory, actual total £37 6s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 15 Apr [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W4 23 August 1617 John WATSON, miller, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.207: 23 Aug 1617 DPRI/1/1617/W4/1-2 28 July 1617 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 23 Aug [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W5 30 October 1617 William WATSON, gentleman, of Whitworth in the countye of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11 f.217v: 30 Oct 1617. The dates of the will and inventory are incompatible. DPRI/1/1617/W5/1 26 August 1617 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 118-120 DPRI/1/1617/W5/2-3 5 August 1617 indented inventory, actual total £149 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 11s) endorsed: [will] proved, 30 Oct [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W6 11 November 1617 John WATTSONNE, of North Sheles (Sheldes, Sheels) in the countie of Northumberland [North Shields, Northumberland]; also spelt Watsonn DPRI/1/1617/W6/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W6/2 undated inventory, actual total £21 19s 4d (with account of debts of £14 14s) DPRI/1/1617/W7 3 May 1617 Margaret WHITE, spinster, of towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/W7/1 undated nuncupative will administration granted to Agnes (Ann) White, sister, limited by the deceased's brother's greater part of [their] father's lands and tenements, 3 May 1617 DPRI/1/1617/W7/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1617/W8 18 July 1617 Thomas WHITFEILD, of Clapurthe (Claputh), parish of St Nicholas in Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeilde, Whittfeilde DPRI/1/1617/W8/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 18 July [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W8/3 18 March 1617 inventory, actual total £62 0s 4d DPRI/1/1617/W9 12 November 1617 Thomas WHITFELD, of Dues Grene late of Whitfeld [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeild see DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.237v: proved at Corbridge, 12 Nov 1617 DPRI/1/1617/W9/1 undated will DPRI/1/1617/W9/2 8 November 1617 inventory, actual total £8 2s endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W10 Richard WHYTE, yeoman, of Streatlam in the countie of Durham and in the parishe (chapelry) of Barnardcastle [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt White DPRI/1/1617/W10/1-2 31 May 1617 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1617/W10/3-4 25 June 1617 inventory, actual total £121 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 10s) DPRI/1/1617/W11 18 November 1617 John WILKENSON, yeoman, of parish of Lesburie in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson DPRI/1/1617/W11/1 8 April 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W11/2 15 November 1617 inventory, actual total £50 8s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 16s) DPRI/1/1617/W12 11 November 1617 Katheran WILKINSON, widow, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/W12/1 28 March 1617 will endorsed: proved, 11 Nov [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W12/2-3 1 July 1617 inventory, actual total £85 8s 3d (with account of funeral charges of £8) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1617/W13 20 February 1618 William WILKINSON, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/W13/1-2 4 December 1617 will endorsed: proved, 20 Feb [1618] DPRI/1/1617/W13/3-4 27 January 1618 indented inventory, actual total £113 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £75 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1617/W14 19 November 1617 Raph WILSON, of Buckton in the parish (chapelry) of Kylo (Kyloe, Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Willsson DPRI/1/1617/W14/1-2 15 March 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £5s and more. Endorsed: proved, 19 Nov [1617]. DPRI/1/1617/W14/3 undated inventory, actual total £9 15s 4d DPRI/1/1617/W15 24 July 1617 Robert WINTER, sword-bearer, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/W15/1-2 10 June 1617 will endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 24 July [1617] DPRI/1/1617/W15/3-4 13 June 1617 inventory, actual total £58 11s 4d DPRI/1/1617/W16 12 August 1617 Thomas WOODRINGTON, pensioner of Berwick-upon-Tweed, pensioner, gentleman, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1617/W16/1 2 April 1617 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 112-114 DPRI/1/1617/W16/2 1 July 1617 indented inventory, actual total £333 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 10s 7d) DPRI/1/1617/W16/3 11 July 1617 commission commission to John Cradock archdeacon of Northumberland, John Robson rector of Morpeth, John Warwick rector of Warkworth, William Awlder preacher, and John Ripley vicar of Felton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Sir Henry Woodrington, Robert Woodrington and Ann (Agnes) Pott, three of the executors; relating to a cause to prove the will, Lewes Woodrington and Isabell Bewick, the other executors, already having been sworn, and an inventory already having been exhibited; commission executed by Ripley, 12 Aug 1617 DPRI/1/1618 Wills etc proved 1618 DPRI/1/1618/A1 31 March 1618 John ALDER, of Dunston in the parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/A1/1 29 December 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1618/A1/2 2 January 1617 inventory, actual total £78 15s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 0s 11d) DPRI/1/1618/A2 November 1618 Mary ALLYBURTON, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Alliburton bond: DPRI/3/1618/B245 DPRI/1/1618/A2/1 15 September 1618 will endorsed: proved, [?Nov 1618] (illegible) DPRI/1/1618/A2/2 29 October 1618 indented inventory, actual total £6 7s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £4) subscribed: monition decreed for [attendance at] the next court DPRI/1/1618/A3 25 July 1618 Margarett ANDERSON, wife of George Anderson, widow, of Birtley within the countie of Durham, parish of Chester [Birtley St John, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/A3/1-2 5 December 1617 will with codicil, undated Will and codicil, with list of: (1) debts owing to the deceased [?as tutrix or curatrix] being monies bequeathed by Anderson's late husband to their son (£21 14s 8d), and owing to the said son by Margaret Anderson herself (£2 10s); (2) debts owing by Margaret Anderson (4s 8d). Endorsed: proved, 25 July [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/A3/3-4 12 May 1618 indented inventory, actual total £31 0s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £7 19s) Subscribed with (undated) account of Thomas West, brother and sole executor [and curator], relating to monies bequeathed to Margaret Anderson's son [Richard Anderson] by his father [George Anderson], (£23 14s 8d). For the will and inventory of George Anderson, see - DPRI/1/1611/A3/1 - DPRI/1/1611/A3/2 DPRI/1/1618/A4 17 August 1618 William ANDERSON, of Barwicke (Barwick) on the hill in the parish of PontIland [Ponteland, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/A4/1-2 12 December 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 8s. Probate granted to Jennet Anderson, relict and co-executor, and Ralph Fife father of Robert Fife, grandson and co-executor. Endorsed: proved, 17 Aug [1618]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 121-122 DPRI/1/1618/A4/3 23 January 1618 inventory, actual total £163 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1618/A5 8 April 1618 Thomas ARCHER, of Est Matphan (East Matfen) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Artcher bond: DPRI/3/1618/B13 DPRI/1/1618/A5/1 14 January 1618 will Subscribed with the names of three children; tuition of John Archer, grandson of the deceased and son of John Archer, granted to Thomas Davison, brother [?-in-law]; Jarrate Anderson, son and co-executor, sworn [with a power] reserved to George Anderson, son and co-executor. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/A5/2 22 January 1618 inventory, actual total £37 8s DPRI/1/1618/A6 11 August 1618 Adam ARMSTRONG, yeoman, of towne of Greyndon within the liberties (parish) of Norham parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Armestronge DPRI/1/1618/A6/1-2 25 November 1615 will with inventory, actual total £28 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 19s 6d) endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1618] DPRI/1/1618/B1 14 August 1618 Raph BARROFFORDE, of Angerton in the parish of Hertborne (Harton) [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Barrofford, Barrasford, Barresford DPRI/1/1618/B1/1-2 17 March 1617 will with memorandum, 14 August 1618 Will, endorsed with memorandum made at probate relating to a bequest subsequent to the publication of the will, and to the duties of one of the executors in trust. Endorsed: proved, 14 Aug 1618; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1618/B2 Jane BATES, alias Thompson, of parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Baites, Baits Bates died in the house of Stephen Fenwick. DPRI/1/1618/B2/1 undated nuncupative will DPRI/1/1618/B2/2 undated interrogatories Interrogatories of Anne Thompson, [mother and] administratrix of Janet (Jane) Thompson alias Baits [the deceased] to the witnesses to the nuncupative will on the part of Elizabeth Fenwicke [nee Bates, sister]: subscribed, 'Mr Thompson, I pray yow exsamyne thes witnesses fully upon all the points and parts of thes interrogatories.' DPRI/1/1618/B3 21 November 1618 Andrew BELL, yeoman, of parish of Bedlington of the county palatine of Duresme [Bedlington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/B3/1 25 March 1612 will endorsed: proved, 21 Nov [1618] DPRI/1/1618/B3/2 24 April 1612 inventory, actual total £57 16s DPRI/1/1618/B4 15 July 1618 Richard BELL, of Gateside in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Belle DPRI/1/1618/B4/1-2 20 May 1618 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by (£26 7s) and to (£32 2s 2d) the testator. Witnesses sworn by Thomas Hooke, 15 July 1618 DPRI/1/1618/B5 20 February 1619 John BLAXTON, the younger, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Blakeston The inventory includes (undated) charges for a sequestration and relaxation of the same. DPRI/1/1618/B5/1 25 November 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 20 Feb [1619] [?recte 23 or 26 Feb 1619] DPRI/1/1618/B5/2 20 February 1619 commission commission to James Rand, prebend of the first stall at Durham and vicar of Norton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margery Blaxton, relict, also for the use of her unborn child; commission executed by Rand, 23 Feb 1619 DPRI/1/1618/B6 20 February 1619 Thomas BLENKINSOPPE, of Great Chilton [Chilton, County Durham]; also spelt Blenkinsop, Blenkinsope DPRI/1/1618/B6/1 23 July 1617 indented will DPRI/1/1618/B6/2 19 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £255 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 10s) endorsed: proved, 20 Feb [1619] DPRI/1/1618/B7 3 July 1618 John BOOTH, of Gilligate of the parish of St Giles nere the cittie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Boothe see DPRI/4/11: f.257bv, 3 July 1618; f.397 tuition, Apr 1619 DPRI/1/1618/B7/1-6 27 March 1618 copy will with copy codicil, 20 May 1618 Will and codicil, with memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was issued under seal. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1618/B7/7-8 1 July 1618 inventory, actual total £415 13s DPRI/1/1618/B8 8 October 1618 Jane BRASSE, widow, of Flasse, chapelry of Esh [Esh, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/B8/1-2 20 May 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/B9 11 August 1618 Raph BROWNE, yeoman, of Cheswick within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham, chapelry of Ancroft [Ancroft, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/B9/1-2 18 April 1617 will with inventory, undated, actual total £18 14s Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 14s. Probate granted to Janet Browne, relict, also for the use of Raph [Browne], co-executors; four other children named. Endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/C1 8 May 1618 William CALAM, vicar of Coniscliffe, clerk, of Upper Cunscliffe (Conscliffe, Connsclif) within the county of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B404 DPRI/1/1618/C1/1 22 January 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/C1/2-3 27 January 1618 inventory, actual total £100 10s endorsed: proved, 8 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/C2 Thomas CHAYTOR, register, esquire, of Butterbe (Butterbye, Butterbie) in the countye of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Chaitor. Died 19 July 1618 Chaytor was the Register of Durham diocese. DPRI/1/1618/C2/1-2 23 June 1617 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, 23 June 1617 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 83-84 DPRI/1/1618/C2/3-4 29 September 1618 indented inventory, actual total £1,579 19s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £443 18s 8d) inventory of goods etc. at Butterbye and at [?Elvet in] Durham Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 84-87 DPRI/1/1618/C4 31 July 1618 Raph CLAVERNE, [junior], of parish (chapelry) of Lowicke [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Clavering, Claveringe see DPRI/4/11: f.257 (19 June 1618); f.264v (31 July 1618) DPRI/1/1618/C4/1-2 6 June 1618 inventory with inventory, 7 October 1618, actual total £319 15s (with account of debts of £9 15s and more) endorsed: administration granted, 31 July [1618] DPRI/1/1618/C3 19 December 1618 Michaell CLERK, yeoman, of Old Etell (Etal) in the countye of Northumberland, parish of Ford [Etal, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarke, Clark bond: DPRI/3/1618/B300 DPRI/1/1618/C3/1 1 November 1617 will Will, endorsed with list of debts owing by (£24) and owing to (unvalued) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 19 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/C3/2 14 December 1618 inventory, actual total £41 1s 2d DPRI/1/1618/C5 1 April 1618 George CLUGHE, of the Blacke Close with the parishe of Bothall [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Cleughe DPRI/1/1618/C5/1 27 January 1618 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/C5/2 24 February 1618 inventory, actual total £39 0s 8d (with account of debts of £5 18s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/C6 Robert COATES, labourer, of Eglescliffe (Eggecliffe, Eggescliffe) [Egglescliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Cotes DPRI/1/1618/C6/1 19 September 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/C6/2 undated inventory, actual total £7 DPRI/1/1618/C8 Danyell COLLINGWOD, of Branton of the parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwodd, Collingwood DPRI/1/1618/C8/1-2 13 June 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 and more. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1618/C8/3-4 17 June 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: will exhibited by Robert Mitford DPRI/1/1618/C7 31 March 1618 Cuthbert COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Branton in the countie of Northumberland [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/C7/1-4 12 August 1608 will endorsed: proved, 31 Mar [1618]; inventory not exhibited Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 34-35 DPRI/1/1618/C9 11 August 1618 Willyam COUKE, of Skremerstone (Scremerston), chapelry of Ancroft [Scremerston, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke. Died 25 June 1618 DPRI/1/1618/C9/1 19 June 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/C9/2-3 9 August 1618 inventory, actual total £17 15s 10d endorsed: [will] proved, 11 Aug [1618] DPRI/1/1618/C10 Raiph COWPER, yeoman, of Low (Lowe) Angerton in the parish of Hartborne (Hartburne) in the county of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Cooper DPRI/1/1618/C10/1 30 November 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £11 14s 1d. Endorsed: proved, ... Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/C10/2 29 December 1617 indented inventory, actual total £27 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 15s 9d) DPRI/1/1618/C11 8 April 1618 Edward CROSER, of chappelrie of Newbroughe (Newbrough) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Crosier bond: DPRI/3/1618/B6 DPRI/1/1618/C11/1 21 February 1618 will Subscribed: Agnes, widow; no chilld. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/C11/2 24 February 1618 inventory, actual total £26 10s 8d DPRI/1/1618/C12 19 December 1618 North CUNEY, gentleman, of the Holy (Holie) Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Cunye Not found in Probate Act Book, DPRI/4/11 (1614-1619). DPRI/1/1618/C12/1-2 8 July 1617 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/C12/3 undated inventory, actual total £45 4s 4d DPRI/1/1618/D1 12 June 1618 Thomas DANBY, gentleman, Braworth, parish of Leek [Stokesley, Yorkshire; Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Danbie DPRI/1/1618/D1/1-2 8 April 1618 inventory DPRI/1/1618/D1/3 12 June 1618 commission commission to John Maier of Sadburie [in County Durham] MA, and James Readman, rector of Halton [in Cheshire], to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Danby, relict, also for the use of Thomas and Christopher Danby, sons; also granting to her the tuition of the said children; commission executed by Readman at Halton, 12 June 1618 DPRI/1/1618/D2 7 November 1618 Margarat DARNELL, widow, of West Bromeshels (Bromsheles, Bromesheles) within the county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.281v: 7 Nov 1618 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B415 DPRI/1/1618/D2/1 16 May 1617 will endorsed: proved, 7 Nov [1618] DPRI/1/1618/D2/2 26 November 1617 inventory, actual total £26 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 19s 6d) DPRI/1/1618/D9 11 August 1618 Robert DAVENPORT, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of boroughe of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] See DDR/EV/VIS/2/4 (Northumberland Visitation) f.248v: probate granted at Berwick to Agnes Windloe, co-executor and former relict, with a power reserved to the other executors, 11 Aug 1618; Robert, John and Agnes Davenport, minor children. This will was mistakenly filed in 1610 and formerly numbered DPRI/1/1610/D3/1-2, the original probate office endorsement [1618] having become illegible due to damage. DPRI/1/1618/D9/1-2 11 March 1615 will Probate granted to Agnes Windloe co-executor, former relict and now the wife of William Windloe. Endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1618]; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1618/D3 16 May 1618 Margaret DAWSON, spinster, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/D3/1 16 March 1618 will endorsed: administration granted, 16 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/D3/2 undated inventory, actual total £5 3s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 0s 5d) inventory invludes the funeral expenses of John Dawson [relation to deceased unknown] DPRI/1/1618/D4 14 December 1618 William DAWSON, tanner, of Gatesheade (Gateshead, Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B297 DPRI/1/1618/D4/1-2 16 April 1618 will endorsed: proved, 14 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/D4/3 4 May 1618 indented inventory, actual total £13 7s DPRI/1/1618/D5 19 January 1619 Richard DICKINSON, of Whinacley (Whinecley), chapelry of Hayden (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Dickenson Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1618/D5/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/D5/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £18 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 19s) DPRI/1/1618/D6 8 April 1618 Henrye DIXON, of Knarre within the parish of Knairsdell (Knaresdell) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Dyxon bond: DPRI/3/1618/B1 DPRI/1/1618/D6/1 22 April 1617 will Subscribed: Henry, Isabell and Margaret Dixon, minor children; the child Dixon's wife was carrying at the time of making the will died. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/D6/2 7 May 1617 indented inventory, actual total £55 8s 4d (with account of debts of £1 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1618/D7 9 May 1618 Lancelot DORMOND, of Holmesyd (Holmeside) [Lanchester, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.250: 9 May 1618 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B90 DPRI/1/1618/D7/1 16 June 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted to Margaret [Dormond] relict, also for the use of William, Jane and Elizabeth [Dormond], 9 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/D8 19 January 1619 Thomas DUNNE, yeoman, of Hawckwell in the county of Northumberland, parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunn DPRI/1/1618/D8/1 25 November 1618 will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/D8/2 22 December 1618 indented inventory, actual total £7 7s 8d DPRI/1/1618/F1 Margery FENWICK, of Botthall [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/F1/1-2 27 December 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/F2 16 January 1619 Henrye FENWICKE, gentleman, of Nether Helye in the parisshe of Routhburye (Rothbury) [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick bond: DPRI/3/1618/B9 DPRI/1/1618/F2/1 24 December 1618 will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/F2/2 undated inventory, actual total £64 13s 6d DPRI/1/1618/F3 26 March 1618 Marmaduke FENWICKE, gentleman, Fennam (Fenname) in the countie of Northumberlande, parish of St Andrew in Newcastle upon Tyne [Holy Island, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A DPRI/1/1618/F3/1 18 February 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1618/F4 15 January 1619 Roger FENWICKE, esquire, of Bitchfeild (Bitchfeld) in the parish of Stamphordham (Stanfordham) within the countye of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick The 1622 account refers to letters of sequestration. DPRI/1/1618/F4/2 4 January 1619 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 15 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/F4/1 6 December 1622 account, actual total £150 17s 4d (with discharge of £153 5s 11d) Account of Robert Fenwick, son. Endorsed: exhibited, 6 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1618/F5 16 May 1618 William FEWLER, of Preston (Priston) [Preston-on-Tees, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/F5/1 21 April 1618 will endorsed: proved, 15 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/F5/2 2 May 1618 inventory, actual total £75 16s 6d (with account of debts of £1 12s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/F6 20 March 1619 Richard FIDLER, of Hunwick (Hunwicke) within the parish of St Andrewe Auckland (St Andrew Awkland) [Hunwick, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/F6/1-2 14 November 1618 will endorsed: proved, 20 Mar [1619] DPRI/1/1618/F6/3-4 12 March 1619 inventory, actual total £56 3s 4d DPRI/1/1618/F7 12 December 1618 Richard FLETCHER, yeoman, of parish of Chester in the Street (Streete) in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/F7/1 7 August 1618 will endorsed: proved, 12 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/F7/2-3 2 December 1618 indented inventory, actual total £106 16s 5d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £36 3s) DPRI/1/1618/F8 26 September 1618 Christopher FOSTER, butcher, of parish of Darlington in the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Forster bond: DPRI/3/1618/B24 DPRI/1/1618/F8/1 17 March 1618 will Subscribed: five (named) minor children, not the executors. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 162 DPRI/1/1618/F8/2 7 July 1618 indented inventory, actual total £82 19s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Sep [1618] Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 162-163 DPRI/1/1618/F9 John FREEND, cordwainer, of Gatesheed (Gaiteside, Gateshead) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Freind, Frend bond: DPRI/3/1618/B246 DPRI/1/1618/F9/1-2 14 August 1618 copy will Will, with (undated) memorandum certifying its accuracy and relating that the original will was delivered to Ralph Taylor for the use of Christopher Redshawe of Gateshead. DPRI/1/1618/F9/3-4 5 September 1618 indented inventory, actual total £37 18s 6d (with account of debts of £1 17s) DPRI/1/1618/G2 8 October 1618 Thomas GIBSON, of Egleston, parish of Middleton in Teasdell [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Gybson, Gibsonn see 1618 bond 17 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B17 DPRI/1/1618/G2/1 19 June 1618 inventory endorsed: John Gybson, brother, sworn administrator, his sureties John Pinkney and Michael Bland, both of Egleston, 28 June 1618; administration granted, 18 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/G3 16 January 1619 John GLENN, husbandman, of Seaton within the parish of Seaham (Sehame, Seham) [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Glen bond: DPRI/3/1618/B286 DPRI/1/1618/G3/1-2 12 October 1618 will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/G3/3 5 January 1619 inventory, actual total £259 4s (with account of debts of £39 4s 8d) Subscribed: tuition of Cuthbert, Robert and Sibill [Glenn] granted to Cicily, their mother DPRI/1/1618/G6 19 January 1619 Andrew GRAY, of parish of Symonburne [Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye Not found in Probate Act Books, DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/G6/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/G7 Isabell GRAY, widow, of North Wetledg, parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Beell, Graye bond: DPRI/3/1618/B299 DPRI/1/1618/G7/1 11 November 1618 will Subscribed: probate granted to Roger Dixon, sole executor. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1618/G7/2 17 November 1618 indented inventory, actual total £11 2s 6d DPRI/1/1618/G8 3 July 1618 Thomas GRAY, gentleman, of chapelry of Kiloe [Kyloe, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 ff. 252v; 253v; 257Bv, administration granted to Ralph Gray, son, 3 July 1618 DPRI/1/1618/G8/1 29 May 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 July [1618]; Ralph [Gray], and the names of seven children; Thomas Ourd esquire of ... and Thomas Ourd of Fenwick gentleman [?sureties] DPRI/1/1618/G9 10 February 1616 Phillipp GRAYE, brother of Edward Graye gentleman, gentleman, of Howick (Howicke) [Howick, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11: f.82v, administration granted, 10 Feb 1616; ff.289v (16 Jan 1619), 293 (30 Jan 1619), account DPRI/1/1618/G9/1 30 January 1619 account endorsed: [account] admitted, 30 Jan 1619 DPRI/1/1618/G4 26 March 1618 Cuthbert GREAVER, of parish of St John in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Greave, Greve, Greeve Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 and 12. DPRI/1/1618/G4/1-2 10 November 1617 inventory DPRI/1/1618/G4/3-4 undated inventory of debts, actual total £47 17s (debts) endorsed: administration granted, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/G5 3 October 1618 Robart GREAVSON, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Greveson bond: DPRI/3/1618/B419 DPRI/1/1618/G5/1 28 July 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 3 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/G10 22 May 1618 Franncis GREENE, vicar of Grindon, clerk, of Grinden (Grindon) [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Grene see DPRI/4/11 f.252v: 22 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/G10/1-2 8 May 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 22 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/G10/3-4 14 May 1618 inventory, actual total £62 0s 6d (with account of debts of £8 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1618/G11 John GRYNLEY, alias More, of chapelry of Bewycke (Bewick) [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Grinley, Moore DPRI/1/1618/G11/1 undated inventory dated, 31 Mar [?1618] DPRI/1/1618/G1 14 December 1618 James GYBSON, locksmith, of perishe of St Nycholass in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Gibson, Gibsonn DPRI/1/1618/G1/1-2 29 April 1618 inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Jane Gibson, relict, also for the use of four named children. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H1 19 December 1618 William HAGE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Berwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B287 DPRI/1/1618/H1/1-2 14 December 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H7 11 August 1618 Thomas HAL, of Buidel (Budle), parish of Balmburgh (Balmebrough) [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Hall DPRI/1/1618/H7/1-2 29 September 1617 will with inventory, 30 March 1618, actual total £37 5s 4d Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £6 3s 4d. Probate granted to Robert Hall, nephew and sole executor; no children. Endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H3 26 March 1618 Edward HALE, baker, beer-brewer, of parish (chapelry) of All Saynts (Saints) in Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hall DPRI/1/1618/H3/1 24 November 1616 will DPRI/1/1618/H3/2 2 December 1616 inventory, actual total £11 4s (with account of debts of £9 10s) endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H2 Alexander HALL, of Wodhall (Woodhall) of the chappelrie of Halliston [Holystone, Northumberland]. Died 20 April 1617 DPRI/1/1618/H2/1 20 April 1617 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1618/H2/2 26 June 1618 inventory, actual total £24 DPRI/1/1618/H4 29 January 1619 John HALL, yeoman, of Cleatlam in the county of Durham, parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.292v: 29 Jan 1619 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B281 DPRI/1/1618/H4/1 4 February 1617 inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Cicily Hall, relict, also for the use of six minor children, 29 Jan [1619]. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 Jan [1619]. DPRI/1/1618/H5 28 August 1618 John HALL, gentleman, of the Hollingbush within the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham] The inventory includes the funeral expenses of Hall's wife, who died after him. See DPRI/4/11 f.266v: 28 Aug 1618. DPRI/1/1618/H5/1-2 26 July 1618 inventory DPRI/1/1618/H6 Matthew HALL, yeoman, of Milburne in the parish of PontIland [Milbourne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/H6/1 26 December 1617 will tuition of William Hall, son and co-executor, granted to William Dixon; tuition of Isabell Hall, daughter and the other co-executor, and of Matthew Hall, posthumous son, granted to Margaret Hall, relict, to whom probate was also granted DPRI/1/1618/H6/2 23 January 1618 inventory, actual total £107 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 11s 4d) endorsed: proved, 17 Aug [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H8 14 December 1618 Thomas HALL, of Willingtonn, chapelry of Walsend [Wallsend, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B285 DPRI/1/1618/H8/1-2 2 April 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £1 9s 10d. Endorsed: proved, 14 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H8/3 8 May 1618 inventory, actual total £7 0s 12d DPRI/1/1618/H9 1 April 1618 Robert HARLE, of Otterbourne (Otteburne) within the parish of Elsdenn [Otterburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/H9/1 3 August 1617 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H9/2 14 November 1617 inventory, actual total £14 16s 8d DPRI/1/1618/H10 26 March 1618 Mark HAROPP, butcher, of parish of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Harup DPRI/1/1618/H10/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H11 10 March 1619 George HARRISON, of Hullerbush, parish of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Herrison DPRI/1/1618/H11/1 9 March 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 10 Mar 1619 DPRI/1/1618/H13 14 December 1618 William HARRISON, mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tine, [parish of] All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B298 DPRI/1/1618/H13/1-2 10 December 1618 inventory Subscribed: administration granted to John Harrison, brother. Endorsed: administration granted, 14 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H14 John HARSWELL, yeoman, of Sherborne Greene (Shereburne Grange) in the county of Durham, parish of Rytonn [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Haswell DPRI/1/1618/H14/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1618/H14/3 4 June 1618 inventory, actual total £106 19s 6d DPRI/1/1618/H15 13 June 1618 Leonard HARTBURNE, of chapelry of Halton [Halton, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 ff.256v administration granted, (14 June 1618); 348 account (15 Dec 1619) DPRI/1/1618/H15/1 13 June 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 June [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H16 11 August 1618 John HEARISON, of parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Herrison Hearison died at Berwick-upon-Tweed. DPRI/1/1618/H16/1-2 25 March 1617 inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Thomas Herrison, son, who was bound to distribute between himself and John, Cicily and Elizabeth Hearison, other children of the deceased. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H17 19 January 1619 John HEARON, gentleman, of Chipchase (Chipchesse, Chipches) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/H17/1-2 11 June 1618 will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 127 DPRI/1/1618/H17/3-4 6 October 1618 inventory, actual total £249 17s 4d (with account of debts of £54 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1618/H18 14 August 1618 Agnes HEDLY, wife of Anthonie Hedley of the Stobes, widow, of the Stobes within the parish of Elsdenn (Elsden) [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedlie DPRI/1/1618/H18/1 1 July 1618 nuncupative will Subscribed: probate granted to Peter Hall, sole executor; letters of administration issued under the seal. Endorsed: proved, 14 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H18/2 9 August 1618 inventory, actual total £8 11s 4d DPRI/1/1618/H19 17 August 1618 Christofore HENDERSONN, of chapelry of All Saints in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Henderson DPRI/1/1618/H19/1 25 July 1618 inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Elizabeth Hendersonn, relict, also for the use of William Hendersonn, minor son. Endorsed: administration granted, 17 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H12 20 November 1618 Rowlande HERISON, yeoman, of parishe of Muglswicke (Muglswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1618/H12/1 12 June 1618 will endorsed: proved, 20 Nov [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H12/2 27 October 1618 inventory, actual total £109 19s DPRI/1/1618/H20 8 May 1618 George HERRISON, of Girsbie (Girsbye), parish of Sockburne [Sockburn, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison see DPRI/4/11 f.248v: 8 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/H20/2-3 28 March 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H20/1 6 May 1618 renunciation consent of Margrett Herrison, relict, that her son Thomas Herrison may take out administration DPRI/1/1618/H21 19 December 1618 Raph HESLOPE, of chapelry of Lowick within the paroshe of Lowick [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Heslop, Heslopp Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/12 or 12. bond: DPRI/3/1618/B283 DPRI/1/1618/H21/1 16 July 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H22 8 April 1618 Martyn HOGG, of Corbridg (Corbridge) [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/H22/1 10 December 1617 will Subscribed: no children. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]; inventory not exhibited. DPRI/1/1618/H23 16 January 1619 Adam HOLME, yeoman, of Bishop Warmouth (Warmoth) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Hollme bond: DPRI/3/1618/B279 DPRI/1/1618/H23/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 16 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/H23/3 7 January 1619 inventory, actual total £259 8s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £94 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/H24 4 July 1618 John HORSLEY, the elder, husband of Margerie Horsley, of the North Balie (Balye) in the citie of Durham [Durham St Mary-le-Bow, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11 f.259: 4 July 1618. Horsley was a clerk or lay singer: he owned a gown and surplice, and appears in DCD Treasurer's book as a lay-clerk, 1576-1617. DPRI/1/1618/H24/1 26 June 1618 inventory, actual total £7 6s 4d with renunciation, 4 July 1618 Inventory, endorsed with the consent of Margerie Horsley, relict, that William and Ellinor Smarte, her son-in-law and daughter, should take out administration. Endorsed: administration granted, 4 July [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H32 19 January 1619 Hugh HUCHINSON, of Wyddon within the parishe of Haltwhesle (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1618/H32/2-3 2 March 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£19 2s 5d) and to (£18 8s 3d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619]. DPRI/1/1618/H32/1 undated inventory, actual total £14 1s 8d (and more) inventory, subscribed with (unvalued) list of goods and cattle 'abroad in the country' DPRI/1/1618/H25 12 March 1619 Cuthbert HUCHISON, yeoman, of parish of Whitburne in the countye of Durham [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1618/H25/1 28 March 1616 will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar [1619] DPRI/1/1618/H25/2 29 April 1616 indented inventory, actual total £67 3s 8d (with account of debts of £13) DPRI/1/1618/H26 William HUDSPETH, parish of Bywell Andrew, parish of Corbridge [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland; Corbridge, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Books, DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1618/H26/1 undated inventory Subscribed: Isabell Hudspeth, relict, renounced. Endorsed: administration renounced by the wife, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H27 3 June 1618 Martyn HULL, yeoman, of parish of Brancepeth (Branncepeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/H27/1-2 1 April 1618 will endorsed: proved, 3 June [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H27/3 10 April 1618 inventory, actual total £344 10s 8d inventory of goods etc. at Brancepeth and West Brandon DPRI/1/1618/H28 4 December 1618 Margarett HUNDLEY, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Hindley see DPRI/4/11 f.285v: 4 Dec 1618 DPRI/1/1618/H28/1 1 December 1618 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H29 26 June 1618 Jenkin HUNTER, alias John Hunter, of Terset (Tarsett) in Tindaile within the parish (chapelry) of Bellingham in the countie of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/H29/1 15 May 1618 indented will Will, subscribed with undated memorandum of the testator relating his son's consent to the terms within. Endorsed: proved, 26 June [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/H29/2 17 June 1618 inventory, actual total £87 16s 4d DPRI/1/1618/H30 9 May 1618 John HUNTER, the elder, of towne and parishe of Medomsley (Medomesley) [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/H30/1 3 November 1617 will DPRI/1/1618/H30/2 12 March 1618 inventory, actual total £64 9s 8d endorsed: proved, 9 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/H31 30 October 1618 Cuthbert HUTCHINSON, of parish or chaplerie of Saint Margarets in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.272v: 2 Oct 1618; f.278v: 30 Oct 1618 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B20 DPRI/1/1618/H31/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 30 Oct 1618 DPRI/1/1618/H33 17 August 1618 William HYND, of Bearle, parish of Bywell St Andrew [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Hynde, Hinde DPRI/1/1618/H33/1 13 December 1617 will DPRI/1/1618/H33/2 2 May 1618 inventory, actual total £144 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £55 8s 8d) endorsed: proved, 17 Aug [1618] DPRI/1/1618/J1 11 August 1618 Meryall JACKSON, wife of Robert Jackson, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, widow, of Berwicke (Barwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/J1/1 18 June 1618 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, 19 June 1618 Subscribed: administration with the will annexed granted to Sir Robert Jackson, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/J3 6 November 1618 Rowland JOHNSON, of Quarell (Quarrell) Howse within the perishe (chapelry) of St Mergaretts with[in] the suburbes of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.280v: 6 Nov 1618 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B257 DPRI/1/1618/J3/1 29 January 1617 will Will, with list of debts owintg to the testator of £7. Endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/J3/2 3 November 1618 inventory, actual total £116 12s Subscribed with the names of four children in their majority. DPRI/1/1618/J4 19 January 1619 Thomas JOHNSON, yeoman, of Prestwicke in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Pont Iland [Ponteland, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/J4/1 8 December 1618 will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/J4/2 28 December 1618 inventory, actual total £61 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 18s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/J2 2 January 1619 John JONSON, doctor and practicioner of phisicke, doctor, of citty of Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Johnson Jonson died 29 Dec [?1618]. See DPRI/4/11 f.287: 2 Jan 1619. DPRI/1/1618/J2/1 7 September 1618 will endorsed: 2 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/J2/2 undated inventory, actual total £115 5s (with account of funeral expenses of £4 8s) DPRI/1/1618/L1 20 June 1618 Nicholas LAWE, of Cowpan (Cowpon, Coopon), Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/L1/1-2 22 December 1616 will Will, with (undated) list of debts and funeral expenses owing by the testator of £34 12s 2d, and a debt owing to the testator of £4. DPRI/1/1618/L1/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £43 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 12s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 20 June [1618] DPRI/1/1618/L2 Robert LAWRENCE, esquire, of Cheapington (Chappington) in the parishe of Bedlington within the county pallantyne of Duresme [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawrance, Lorren DPRI/1/1618/L2/1 6 February 1618 will endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1618/L2/2 13 February 1618 inventory, actual total £417 8s 4d DPRI/1/1618/L3 16 January 1619 Thomas LAWSON, of Cramlington [Cramlington, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.289v: 16 Jan 1619 DPRI/1/1618/L3/1 17 December 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 16 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/L3/2 1618 inventory of debts, actual total £462 7s 2d (debts) inventory of debts and funeral expenses DPRI/1/1618/L4 27 February 1619 Edward LEE, of parish of Staindrope [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/L4/1 13 December 1615 indented will endorsed: proved, 27 Feb [1619] DPRI/1/1618/L4/2 17 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £13 18s 4d (with account of debts of £9 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/L5 20 January 1619 Frauncis LIDDALL, merchant, gentleman, of towne of Newcastell uppon Tyne (Newcastle upon Tyne) [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddle, Liddell Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1618/L5/1 7 February 1618 will endorsed: proved, 20 Jan [1619] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 123-124 DPRI/1/1618/L5/2 19 January 1619 inventory, actual total £464 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £242 18s 6d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Subscribed: in the house of George Swann before John Shawe, clerk, Bartram Liddall, [son and] executor, renounced execution, and probate was granted to George Liddall, [son and] the other executor, 20 Jan 1619. DPRI/1/1618/L6 20 November 1618 Ambrose LOWDER, curate of Lamesley, clerk, of parish of Laimslaye (Lamsley, Lamesley) [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Louther see DPRI/4/11 f.282v: 20 Nov 1618 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B19 DPRI/1/1618/L6/1 18 October 1618 will endorsed: proved, 20 Nov [1618] DPRI/1/1618/L6/2 28 October 1618 inventory, actual total £5 5s 8d DPRI/1/1618/L7 12 March 1619 Andrew LUMSDELL, yeoman, of North Gosforth in the countie of Northumberland [North Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Lumbsden DPRI/1/1618/L7/1-2 7 May 1618 will endorsed: proved, 12 Mar [1619]; and with Feb [1619] memorandum relating to the exhibition of the inventory by Askew [?supervisor] DPRI/1/1618/L7/3-6 27 May 1618 indented inventory, actual total £778 1s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £111 6s 2d) inventory of goods etc. at Gosforth and Heaton DPRI/1/1618/M1 19 December 1618 John MAKENNE, of Learmouthe, parish of Carham [Carham, Northumberland]; also spelt Mackene Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/M1/1 13 July 1618 will with inventory, undated, actual total £31 16s 8d endorsed: administration granted, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/M2 1 April 1618 Lyonell MARSHALL, of Seton, parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/M2/1 8 March 1618 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/M2/2 undated inventory, actual total £19 4s DPRI/1/1618/M4 Cuthbert METCALFE, of parish of Alnewicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Metcalf See DPRI/4/11 f.295, 295v: 5-6 Feb 1619. For the will and inventory, see - DPRI/1/1598/M1/1 DPRI/1/1618/M4/1-2 undated account account of John Scott and Luke Scott, sequestrators and administrators, for the use of Roger Metcalfe and Margrett Metcalfe, children of the deceased DPRI/1/1618/M4/3 6 February 1619 commission commission to John Wills, vicar of Eglingham, and Robert Stephenson, curate of Alnwick, to administer an oath of the truth of the annexed account to the administrators John Scott and Luke Scott of Alnwick; commission executed at Alnwick by Stevenson, 20 Feb 1619 DPRI/1/1618/M5 26 March 1618 Jane MIDDELTON, widow, of towne of Newcastill upon Tynne and of the parish of Saint Johns [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Middleton, Mydelltone DPRI/1/1618/M5/1 31 January 1618 will endorsed: administration granted, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/M5/2 24 March 1618 inventory, actual total £3 12s (with account of funeral expenses of £3 10s) DPRI/1/1618/M7 26 March 1618 Thomas MILBORNE, yeoman, of parishe of Newborne in the countye of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne DPRI/1/1618/M7/1-2 5 March 1617 will with inventory, undated, actual total £50 6s 4d endorsed: proved, 26 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1618/M3 15 December 1618 Robert MILL, the elder, of town and parish of Bedlington within the countie pallantine of Durisme [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Mell Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or 12. bond: DPRI/3/1618/B291 DPRI/1/1618/M3/1-2 25 October 1618 will endorsed: proved, 15 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/M3/3 27 October 1618 inventory, actual total £32 4s 8d DPRI/1/1618/M8 28 November 1618 Phillip MITCHESON [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Mitchesonn see DPRI/4/11 ff.222 (28 Nov 1617); 284v (28 Nov 1618); 315v (5 June 1619) DPRI/1/1618/M8/1 undated supplementary inventory Inventory of goods etc. not [formerly] administered, goods not included in an inventory already exhibited: administration granted to Jane Scott, wife of Olliver Scott, former relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Nov 1618. DPRI/1/1618/M9 25 July 1618 Thomas MOORIE, yeoman, of East Newbiggin in the parish of Bishipton (Bushopton) in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/M9/1 7 January 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£29 5s 4d) and to (£5 14s 2d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 25 July 1618. DPRI/1/1618/M9/2 5 February 1618 inventory, actual total £60 6s 8d (with account of debts and legacies of £30) DPRI/1/1618/M10 Roger MORLEYE, of Aycliffe (Aikliff) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Morley Not found in Probate Act Books, DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/M10/1-2 13 April 1615 inventory subscribed with memorandum relating to Jane Morley, widow, and the taking up or renunciation of administration to be decided 14 Nov 1618 DPRI/1/1618/M11 29 January 1619 George MORTON, esquire, of Morton [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Mortonn see DPRI/4/11 f.292: 29 Jan 1619 DPRI/1/1618/M11/1 undated inventory Unvalued inventory. Endorsed: sequestration granted to Elizabeth Morton, relict. DPRI/1/1618/M6 19 January 1619 Anne MYLBOURNE, of chappelrie of Newbroughe (Newbrough) [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne DPRI/1/1618/M6/1 30 August 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/M6/2 undated inventory, actual total £16 6s 9d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) Subscribed with account of the theft of a young horse, and the terms of agreement concerning reward and purchase of the same agreed between the deceased and an informer (John Robson of Woodhouses) who identified the thieves (Andrew and Lyonell Robson of the [?Berling]). Endorsed: 19 Jan 1619. DPRI/1/1618/N1 23 October 1618 Robert NEWTON, yeoman, of Little (Litle) Stainton in the parish of Bishipton in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B424 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B238 DPRI/1/1618/N1/1 28 February 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£4 13s 4d) and to (£11 15s 4d) the testator. DPRI/1/1618/N1/2 21 July 1618 inventory, actual total £208 0s 8d endorsed: proved, 23 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/O1 1 April 1618 Cuthbert OGLE, of Saltick within the parish of Stanington (Stannington) [Stannington, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/O1/1 31 March 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/O2 26 January 1619 Robert OGLE, gentleman, of Bothall (Botthall) within the countie of Northumberland [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/O2/1 29 December 1618 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1618/O2/2 14 January 1619 inventory, actual total £536 18s endorsed: administration granted [?at Bothal], 19 Jan 1619 DPRI/1/1618/O2/3 19 January 1619 commission commission to John Robson, rector of Morpeth, to swear and examine William Clarke of Bothal gentleman, a witness; commission executed at Morpeth by Robson, 26 Jan 1619 DPRI/1/1618/O3 8 April 1618 William OLIFFER, of Headon Brigge (Brige), chapelry of Haidon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Olliver, Olliffer DPRI/1/1618/O3/1-2 4 December 1617 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/O3/3 17 December 1617 inventory, actual total £13 8s 11d DPRI/1/1618/P1 8 May 1618 Robart PARKIN, of the Waysts (Waistes), chapelry of Awkland St Helen [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B402 DPRI/1/1618/P1/1 14 July 1617 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £9 12s DPRI/1/1618/P1/2 21 July 1617 inventory, actual total £36 7s 4d endorsed: proved, 8 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/P2 29 January 1619 Annas PATTENSON, wife of Raphe Pattenson, widow [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson. Died 2 January 1610 see DPRI/4/11 f.292v: 19 Jan 1619; Hamsterley DPRI/1/1618/P2/1-2 25 January 1619 inventory administration granted to William Hodgeshon husband of Grace, daughter of the deceased, 29 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/P3 20 June 1618 Gilbert PATTESON, of Stockley in the perish of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/P3/1 30 May 1618 will endorsed: proved, 20 June [1618] DPRI/1/1618/P3/2 undated inventory, actual total £20 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £2 11s) subscribed: Margaret [Patteson, relict]; Michael Smith and John Back of Stockley, [?sureties] DPRI/1/1618/P4 Hughe PATTISON, of the Woodhall, parish of Hawtwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1618/P4/1 16 July 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£13 3s 8d) and to (£5 3s 2d) the deceased. Endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619]. DPRI/1/1618/P4/2 25 July 1618 inventory, actual total £11 7s DPRI/1/1618/P5 26 March 1618 Jhone PEARSON, of Earsden within the parish of Tynemouth (Tynemowth) [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/P5/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/P5/2-3 inventory, actual total £217 17s (with account of debts of £33 4s) DPRI/1/1618/P7 16 May 1618 Jane PICKERING, widow, of Crawcrook in the parish of Ryton [Crawcrook, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/P7/1-2 12 November 1617 will endorsed: proved, 16 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/P7/3 21 April 1618 inventory, actual total £36 6s 1d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 11s) DPRI/1/1618/P6 Georg PICKRINGE, of the Broadclosse (Brode Close) in the parish of Croxdall (chappelrie of Croxdale, Croxdaile) in the countie of Durham [Croxdale, County Durham]; also spelt Pickeringe, Pickering DPRI/1/1618/P6/1 29 January 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/P6/2 26 March 1618 indented inventory, actual total £227 1s 4d (with account of debts of £28 10s) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1618/P8 31 March 1618 Marke POTTE, of Warton in the paresshe of Routhburye (Rothburie) [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Pott bond: DPRI/3/1618/B5 DPRI/1/1618/P8/1 6 January 1618 will endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1618/P8/2 undated inventory, actual total £199 13s 10d DPRI/1/1618/P9 13 October 1618 Symon PRIST, carpenter, of Thornton in le More (Moore) in the countie of Yorke, parish of North Ottrington [North Otterington, Yorkshire]; also spelt Prest DPRI/1/1618/P9/1 18 May 1618 will endorsed: proved, 13 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/P9/2 30 June 1618 inventory, actual total £27 17s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5) DPRI/1/1618/R1 23 September 1618 Nicholas RAINE, of Rogermoure, chapelry of Barnacastle [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/R1/1 1 September 1618 inventory administration granted to Robert Raine, son, 23 Sep 1618 DPRI/1/1618/R2 19 January 1619 Christofer RAMSHAWE, of the Woode Hall (Woodhall) within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Hawtwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramshaw DPRI/1/1618/R2/1 23 May 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/R2/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £23 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 13s 2d) endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/R3 Robert RANSON, yeoman, of parish of Whickham in the county of Durham [Whickham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B240 DPRI/1/1618/R3/1-2 29 June 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/R3/3 undated inventory, actual total £24 8s 11d (with account of debts of £12 12s) DPRI/1/1618/R4 19 December 1618 Lady Margarett READE, wife of Sir William Reade of Fenham knight, widow, of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Read, Reed, Reede For the will and codicil of Reade's husband, see - DPRI/1/1618/R6/1 DPRI/1/1618/R4/1 9 December 1618 will with memorandum, 19 December 1618 Will, subscribed with 19 Dec 1618 memorandum relating that at probate the executors renounced all profit accruing to them from their office, having been named only as executors in trust. DPRI/1/1618/R4/2-5 17 December 1618 inventory, actual total £121 4s 10d Inventory, endorsed with memorandum relating the election of four appraisers, two of whom are to make the appraisement to take place prior to 31 Jan 1619. DPRI/1/1618/R4/6-13 21 December 1618 inventory, actual total £235 6s 11d Inventory at the second appraisement: valuations differ, and some additional items listed. Subscribed: exhibited by John Morrelley, executor, 1 Feb 1619. Endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/R5 17 October 1618 John REEDE, yeoman, of Lumley within the countie of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Reed bond: DPRI/3/1618/B428 DPRI/1/1618/R5/1-2 6 March 1618 will with confirmation and consent, 6 March 1618 Will, subscribed with confirmation and consent to its terms by Richard Reed, eldest son. Endorsed: proved, 17 Oct [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/R5/3 29 September 1618 indented inventory, actual total £103 17s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £33) DPRI/1/1618/R6 Sir William REEDE, knight, of Fenham within the countie palatine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Reade, Reed Will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory - the latter is not present. For the probate records of Reede's widow, see - DPRI/1/1618/R4/1 - DPRI/1/1618/R4/2-5 - DPRI/1/1618/R4/6-13 DPRI/1/1618/R6/1 3 March 1616 will with codicil, 4 March 1616 endorsed: proved, 31 Mar [1618] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 97 DPRI/1/1618/R7 15 December 1618 William REEDHEAD, gentleman, of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Readhead DPRI/1/1618/R7/1 15 April 1618 will with codicil, 16 April 1618 endorsed: proved, 15 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/R10 31 March 1618 Jerard RICHARDSON, of Stamforth in the parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/R10/1 20 October 1617 will Subscribed with (undated) preamble to the extract of probate. Endorsed: proved, 31 Mar 1618. DPRI/1/1618/R10/2 20 November 1617 inventory, actual total £18 11s 4d DPRI/1/1618/R9 19 December 1618 Archbald RICHARTSON, of Buckton in the chapelry of Kiloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Richardson DPRI/1/1618/R9/1 6 May 1618 will The will is written reused paper, and the writing on the dorse was formerly part of some cause papers, being perhaps evidence given in a testamentary cause relating to John Fenwick. DPRI/1/1618/R9/2 undated inventory, actual total £42 2s 11d endorsed: proved, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/R11 19 January 1619 James RIDLEY, of Walltowne, parish of Hawtwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridlei Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. [But see DPRI/4/12 f. 559v: in an office cause to render an account of the administration of the goods of James Ridley of Haltwhistle, the account of Hugh Ridley, son, is admitted and letters testimonial are issued, 16 Dec 1624. This account itself does not survive, and no values are recorded in the act book: may not be the same person.] DPRI/1/1618/R11/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/R12 2 May 1618 Thomas RIPPIN, of Rookpethside (Ragpethsid) within the parish of Leanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Ryppon, Rippon bond: DPRI/3/1618/B10 DPRI/1/1618/R12/1 23 February 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/R12/2 undated inventory, actual total £101 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 13s 4d) Inventory, dated, 2 Apr 16... [document damaged]. Endorsed: proved, 2 May 1618. DPRI/1/1618/R15 8 April 1618 Thomas ROBINSON, of Farehill within the parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B7 DPRI/1/1618/R15/1 6 March 1614 will Will, subscribed with the names of five minor children, and note 'owes more than goods'. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/R15/2 18 March 1617 inventory, actual total £52 (with account of debts of £56) DPRI/1/1618/R13 26 March 1618 George ROBINSONN, of Willington (Willingtonn), parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland; Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinsonne, Robinson DPRI/1/1618/R13/1-2 30 September 1617 will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar 1618 DPRI/1/1618/R13/3 12 January 1618 inventory, actual total £104 7s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 6s) DPRI/1/1618/R14 26 March 1618 Richard ROBINSONN, of Willingtonn, parish of Walsend [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinsonn DPRI/1/1618/R14/1-2 14 March 1618 will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/R14/3 16 March 1618 inventory, actual total £9 9s 8d DPRI/1/1618/R17 5 March 1619 Thomas ROBSON, of Eatchwick (Eatchweck) in the parish of Hedden (Heddon on the Wall) [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]. Died 31 October 1618 DPRI/1/1618/R17/1-2 17 October 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: probate granted, 5 Mar [1619] DPRI/1/1618/R17/3 18 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £26 3s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 4s) DPRI/1/1618/R16 2 October 1618 Anthony ROBSONN, fewler, fowler, of Bishoppe Awckeland (Auckland, Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Robson bond: DPRI/3/1618/B429 DPRI/1/1618/R16/1-2 22 April 1618 will endorsed: proved, [?2] Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/R16/3 7 August 1618 inventory, actual total £25 16s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1618/R18 Annes ROSE, wife of Robert Rose, widow, of Ferry on the Hill (Ferrie Hill, Ferryhill) in the parish of Merington (Merrington) [Ferryhill, County Durham] For the will and inventory of Robert Rose of Ferryhill, perhaps the grandfather of this testatrix, see - DPRI/1/1590/R6/1 - DPRI/1/1590/R6/2-3 DPRI/1/1618/R18/1 1614 nuncupative will made between 9 Mar and 23 Apr 1614 (Lent) DPRI/1/1618/R18/2 undated inventory, actual total £41 18s DPRI/1/1618/R8 16 February 1619 Anthony RYCHARDSON, of Cleatlam in the county of Durham, parish of Gainford [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Richardson DPRI/1/1618/R8/1 18 December 1618 inventory DPRI/1/1618/R8/2 8 January 1619 commission Commission to Robert Burrell MA, curate of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Richardson, widow, also for the use of her children; commission executed at Langton by Burrell, 16 Feb 1619. Subscribed: the inventory is given in to Mr Richard Cradock being at Gainford the 15 Jan 1619. DPRI/1/1618/S1 William SCURFELD, gentleman, of Kiblesworth (Kibblesworth) [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild see DPRI/4/11: sequestration, 16 Jan 1618 (f.228v); and ff.244v (18 Apr 1618), 245v (24 Apr 1618), 246v (28 Apr 1618). DPRI/1/1618/S1/1 8 December 1617 inventory DPRI/1/1618/S2 John SEAMER, senior, yeoman, of Ayeslibie (Ayslabye, Aiesleyby, Aislaby) in the countie of Durham, parish of Eggescliff (Egscliffe) [Egglescliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/S2/1-2 29 November 1616 will DPRI/1/1618/S2/3 29 November 1616 copy will with memorandum of Daniel Birkhead, [rector of Egglescliffe] certifying its accuracy DPRI/1/1618/S2/4 10 December 1616 inventory, actual total £106 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £42 3s) DPRI/1/1618/S2/5 10 December 1616 copy indented inventory, actual total £106 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £42 3s) DPRI/1/1618/S2/6 8 April 1618 commission commission to Daniel Birkhead MA, rector of Egscliffe, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Seamer, relict, and John and Elinor Seamer, son and daughter, executors, and also to grant to Elizabeth Seamer the tuition of three other named children; also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will (Michael Pemberton, Thomas Punchon and William Hewthwhate); commission executed by Birkhead, 18 Apr 1618 DPRI/1/1618/S3 12 September 1618 John SHAW, husbandman, of Hynden (Hindon) in the perishe of Cockefeilde (Cockfeild) in the county palatyne of Durisme [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Shawe DPRI/1/1618/S3/1 15 June 1618 will endorsed: proved, 12 Sep [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S3/2 17 June 1618 inventory, actual total £51 DPRI/1/1618/S4 16 May 1618 Christofer SIGSWEEKE, of Wakerfeild in the parish of Staynedroppe (Staindrop) within the countie of Duresme [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Sygsweeke, Sidgewick, Sigswick DPRI/1/1618/S4/1-2 8 March 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 16 May [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S4/3 6 April 1618 indented inventory, actual total £103 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1618/S5 31 March 1618 Margaret SKELE, of Balifgate in the parish of Alnwicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Skeele DPRI/1/1618/S5/1-2 24 January 1617 will endorsed: proved, 31 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S5/3-4 28 June 1617 inventory, actual total £157 13s 7d DPRI/1/1618/S6 14 August 1618 Robert SMITHE, yeoman, of Ambell of the parish of Warkworth and in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1618/S6/1 3 July 1618 indented will Subscribed: probate granted to Thomas Smithe, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to Allice Smithe, relict and co-executor. Endorsed: proved, 14 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/S6/2 17 July 1618 indented inventory, actual total £63 12s DPRI/1/1618/S7 17 August 1618 Robert SNABA, of Pruddo of the parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Snawball DPRI/1/1618/S7/1 15 April 1618 will Subscribed: probate granted to Thomas Snawball, brother and sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 17 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/S7/2 26 May 1618 inventory, actual total £26 9s DPRI/1/1618/S8 15 May 1618 Thomas SNAWDEN, labourer, of Langley dale in the lordship of Rabie of the parish of Staindrope (Staindropp) and countye of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Snawdon DPRI/1/1618/S8/1-2 28 January 1617 will Subscribed with certificates of oaths of two of the witnesses, sworn by John Stockdayle, preacher of Staindrop, 13 and 15 May [1618]. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1618/S8/3 1 February 1617 inventory, actual total £5 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 14s 5d) DPRI/1/1618/S8/4 6 June 1618 account, actual total £5 14s 2d (with discharge of £4 7s 6d) Account of John Burdon of Hatburn, late of Langleyford. Endorsed: admitted, 6 June 1618. DPRI/1/1618/S8/5 9 May 1618 commission commission to John Stockdaile MA, preacher of Staindrop, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will (Edward Botcherbye, Christopher Duckett and others); [commission executed by Stockdaile, 13 and 15 May 1618] DPRI/1/1618/S10 2 May 1618 William STORIE, of Gateshead (Gateside) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Storye, Storey bond: DPRI/3/1618/B432 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B15 DPRI/1/1618/S10/1-2 17 April 1614 will endorsed: exhibited, 2 May 1618 DPRI/1/1618/S9 15 December 1618 Margret STORY, widow, of parish of Kirkharle (Kirke Harle) in the countye of Northumberland [Kirkharle, Northumberland]; also spelt Storye DPRI/1/1618/S9/1 18 December 1617 will endorsed: proved, 15 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S9/2 24 January 1618 inventory, actual total £17 0s 4d DPRI/1/1618/S11 19 January 1619 Richard SUERTISSE, of Heigh Fatherley within the parish of Bywell (Bywel) Peter [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1618/S11/1-2 1 January 1619 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/S11/3 4 January 1619 inventory, actual total £9 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 16s 2d) DPRI/1/1618/S12 19 December 1618 George SYME, of New Etall, parish of Ford [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Symm bond: DPRI/3/1618/B290 DPRI/1/1618/S12/1 14 November 1617 will DPRI/1/1618/S12/2-3 14 November 1617 inventory, actual total £12 6s 6d endorsed: proved, 19 Dec [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S13 26 March 1618 Davyd SYNCKELER, waterman, of parysh (chapelry) of All Sayntes in Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Sinckler DPRI/1/1618/S13/1 12 December 1617 will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/S13/2 17 January 1618 inventory, actual total £9 2s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £6 18s) dated, 16 or 17 Jan 1618 (unclear) DPRI/1/1618/T4 8 April 1618 Robart TADCASTLE, of Awtunside (Awtumside) of the parish of Headon (chapelry of Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Tedcastle DPRI/1/1618/T4/1 21 March 1618 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/T4/2 21 March 1618 inventory, actual total £17 10s 10d (with account of debts of £9 10s) DPRI/1/1618/T1 26 March 1618 Margarett TAYLLERE, widow, of parishe of Saynte Tandrewes, towne of Newcastell upone Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/T1/1-2 28 December 1617 will with inventory, 29 December 1617, actual total £13 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 17s 6d) endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1618] DPRI/1/1618/T2 19 January 1619 William TAYLOR, yeoman, of Eastmatfen (East Matfen) in the parish of Stamfordham within the county of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland]; also spelt Taler DPRI/1/1618/T2/1 21 August 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £2 6s 8d DPRI/1/1618/T2/2 14 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £32 0s 8d endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/T3 8 April 1618 John TEASDEALL, of parishe of Kirkhaugh (Kirkhauge, Kirkhaughe) [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdell bond: DPRI/3/1618/B8 DPRI/1/1618/T3/1-2 11 March 1618 will Will, subscribed: 'no childr[en] but above age and their portions paid'. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/T3/3 undated inventory, actual total £19 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1618/T5 Marie THOMPSON, widow, of parish of Greatham [Greatham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/T5/1-2 13 October 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1618/T6 19 December 1618 Thomas THOMPTSON, Smyth, of chapelry of Kyloe (Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson, Smith bond: DPRI/3/1618/B289 DPRI/1/1618/T6/1 27 September 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £7 16s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 19 Dec [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/T6/2 undated inventory, actual total £131 3s DPRI/1/1618/T7 1 April 1618 Edward TURPIN, yeoman, of Hadston within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Warkeworth [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/T7/1 9 November 1617 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£9 17s 4d) and to (£2 11s 10d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/T7/2 3 February 1618 indented inventory, actual total £89 7s 6d DPRI/1/1618/T8 19 January 1619 James TWEDALL, of Hawtwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Twedell, Tweddell. Died 24 April 1617 Not found in Probate Act Books, DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/T8/1 17 May 1617 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/U1 19 December 1618 Thomas UNTHANCKE, the elder, of Milfeild (Millfeild) in Newton (Newtonn) parish [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Unthank, Unthanck, Unthanke DPRI/1/1618/U1/1-2 5 November 1618 will endorsed: proved, 19 Dec 1618 DPRI/1/1618/U1/3 undated inventory, actual total £34 DPRI/1/1618/W1 25 November 1618 Robert WAKE, labourer, of Oldacres in the parish of Sedgefeild (Sedgfeld) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Waike bond: DPRI/3/1618/B439 DPRI/1/1618/W1/1 15 January 1617 nuncupative will with inventory, 27 January 1617, actual total £6 7s 9d endorsed: proved and administration granted DPRI/1/1618/W1/2 20 November 1618 commission commission to George Wood MA, curate of Sedgefield, to administer an oath to Allice Richardson (Richeson) wife of Roger Richardson, witness to the will; commission executed by Wood, 25 Nov 1618 DPRI/1/1618/W2 19 January 1619 Angnes WALKER, widow, of Awtonsid, chapelry of Haydon [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/W2/1 14 April 1618 indented will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1619] DPRI/1/1618/W2/2 undated inventory, actual total £16 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7) DPRI/1/1618/W3 8 April 1618 Rowland WALKER, of parish of Headon (chapelry of Haiden) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] see 1618 bond 440 bond: DPRI/3/1618/B440 DPRI/1/1618/W3/1-2 20 November 1617 will Subscribed: probate granted to Thomas Walker son, with a power reserved to Agnes Walker relict (absent), executors. Endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W3/3-4 11 December 1617 inventory, actual total £81 6s 4d DPRI/1/1618/W4 5 January 1619 Raphe WALTON, yeoman, of the Trowe of the cappelrye of Hamesterley (Hampsterley) [Hamsterley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/W4/1 6 May 1618 will Subscribed: William Sigswick of Trowe, son-in-law and co-executor; William Newbie of Trowe and George Heblethwate of Lumpton [?Lunton] Hill, sureties. Endorsed: proved, 5 Jan [1619]. DPRI/1/1618/W4/2 6 May 1618 inventory, actual total £49 19s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 13s 7d) DPRI/1/1618/W5 8 April 1618 Richard WALTON, of Thover (The Overlee) Leehouse within the chaplerie (parish) of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Waltonn bond: DPRI/3/1618/B11 DPRI/1/1618/W5/1 9 August 1617 will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/W5/2 1 September 1617 indented inventory, actual total £43 14s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 9d) DPRI/1/1618/W7 11 August 1618 Richard WATSON, of parish of Kyloe (chapelry of Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1618/W7/1 26 May 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £50 10s 10d. Probate granted to Jennett Watson, relict and executor. Endorsed: proved, 11 Aug [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W6 3 October 1618 Alas WATSONE, wife of Anthonie Watson, widow, of Ryhoop (Riop) in the countye of Durham, Bishop Weremouthe [Ryhope, County Durham]; also spelt Watson DPRI/1/1618/W6/1 2 September 1618 will endorsed: proved, 3 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/W6/2 undated inventory, actual total £11 6s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) dated, Oct [?1618] DPRI/1/1618/W8 13 June 1618 Thomas WELFETT, the elder, yeoman, of Bishopton (Bishipton) within the countie of Durham, parish of Haughton [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Wellfett, Wellfoote, Welfoote DPRI/1/1618/W8/1 7 March 1614 will DPRI/1/1618/W8/2 2 January 1618 inventory, actual total £21 11s 4d (with account of debts of £20) DPRI/1/1618/W8/3 2 January 1618 inventory, actual total £20 11s 4d (with account of debts of £20) Estate value recte £21 11s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 13 June [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W9 7 November 1618 Christopher WHARTON, gentleman, of Ufferton in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1618/W9/1 12 August 1618 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 128-129 DPRI/1/1618/W9/2 2 September 1618 indented inventory, actual total £1,614 3s (with account of debts of £272) endorsed: proved, 7 Nov [1618] DPRI/1/1618/W10 20 June 1618 Davyd WHITE, [pauper], of parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]. Died 2 April 1618 see DPRI/4/11 f.257: 20 June 1618; pauper DPRI/1/1618/W10/1 undated inventory Inventory of the goods etc. left in the house of John Dobyson (Dobbinson), creditor. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 June [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W11 28 November 1618 Robert WHITE, pauper, of parish of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.284v: 28 Nov 1618 DPRI/1/1618/W11/1 undated inventory Subscribed: administration granted to Margaret White widow, mother. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Nov [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W12 28 August 1618 Wylliam WHITFEYLD, skinner, glover, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeild, Whitfeld DPRI/1/1618/W12/1-2 16 June 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/W12/3-4 15 July 1618 inventory, actual total £21 16s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 19s 7d) Subscribed: administration granted at Newcastle St John to Phillis Whitfeyld relict, the obligor by decree of the judge, 28 Aug 1618; no children. DPRI/1/1618/W13 7 September 1618 Robert WILLSON, servant to William Willson, servant, of Long Framlington [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilson DPRI/1/1618/W13/1 25 August 1618 will endorsed: proved, 7 Sep [1618] DPRI/1/1618/W13/2 25 August 1618 indented inventory, actual total £15 DPRI/1/1618/W14 11 August 1618 Robert WILSONN, of Beidnel (Budell, Beadnell) [Beadnell, Northumberland]. Died 4 April 1618 Wilsonn died at Beadnell. Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1618/W14/1-2 undated inventory Subscribed: administration granted to George Wilson, brother. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Aug [1618]; Michael Johnson, William Dennis of Beadnell [?sureties]. DPRI/1/1618/W15 13 October 1618 Edmond WRAY, of Borroby in the county of Yorke [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Wraye DPRI/1/1618/W15/1 31 August 1618 will DPRI/1/1618/W15/2 5 September 1618 inventory, actual total £13 8s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 13 Oct [1618] DPRI/1/1618/W16 Hughe WRIGHT, of Milhouse in the parish of Haltwesle (Hawtwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1618/B14 DPRI/1/1618/W16/1 26 July 1618 will Will, subscribed with cancelled letter from Robert Dixon, vicar of Haltwhistle, to Mr Smith [?at Durham], in support of the executor, John Wright, son; Agnes Wright widow, deceased; three other children named, 4 Sep [1618]. DPRI/1/1618/W16/2 undated inventory, actual total £16 10s endorsed: [will] proved, 4 Sep 1618 DPRI/1/1618/Y1 8 April 1618 Henrie YEATES, of Farehill within the parishe of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Yates bond: DPRI/3/1618/B25 DPRI/1/1618/Y1/1 12 June 1617 indented will endorsed: proved, 8 Apr [1618] DPRI/1/1618/Y1/2 28 June 1617 indented inventory, actual total £19 10s DPRI/1/1619 Wills etc proved 1619 DPRI/1/1619/A1 12 August 1619 William ACRIGG, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of burghe of Barwick (Berwicke, Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Acregg, Aikrigg Not found in DPRI/4/11 or 12. DPRI/1/1619/A1/1 1 June 1619 will with codicil, 11 June 1619 endorsed: proved, 12 Aug 1619; inventory to be exhibited by 27 Aug 1619 DPRI/1/1619/A1/2 undated inventory, actual total £70 13s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £10) DPRI/1/1619/A2 25 September 1619 Thomas ADDISON, yeoman, of Eggleston in the countie palentine of Durham [Eggleston, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B237 DPRI/1/1619/A2/1-2 undated will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep 1619 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 133-134 DPRI/1/1619/A3 9 October 1619 William ALLENSON, of the Read-hall (Redehouse) in the parish of Midleton-George (Middleton George) [Middleton St George, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B141 DPRI/1/1619/A3/1 17 September 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £229 13s. Endorsed: proved, 9 Oct 1619. DPRI/1/1619/A3/2-3 28 September 1619 inventory, actual total £608 17s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £65 3s 11d) DPRI/1/1619/A4 Thomas ALNEWICK, yeoman, of Biltowne in the countie of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Alnwick DPRI/1/1619/A4/1 28 November 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/A4/2 7 February 1620 inventory, actual total £33 1s 8d (with account of debts of £8 11s) DPRI/1/1619/A5 14 March 1620 Isabell ANDERSON, widow, of parish of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/A5/1 9 March 1620 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/A6 13 May 1619 John ANDERSON, of chappelrie of Ulgham in the parishe of Morpeth [Ulgham, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B52 DPRI/1/1619/A6/1 18 December 1618 will Will, with list of debts and funeral expenses owing by the deceased of £7 1s 8d. Endorsed: proved, 13 May [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/A6/2 8 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £25 5s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 1s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/A7 Christofer ANDREW, yeoman, of Newbrige in the countie of Durham, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Andrewe DPRI/1/1619/A7/1-2 7 December 1618 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £6 18s 11d. DPRI/1/1619/A7/3 9 March 1620 inventory, actual total £22 16s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of 10s) DPRI/1/1619/A8 11 March 1620 Margarett ARCHER, widow, of Hett within the parish of Church Merrington (Merington) [Hett, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/A8/1-2 29 September 1618 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 11 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/A8/3 undated inventory, actual total £14 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £3) DPRI/1/1619/B1 26 February 1620 Jennett BAILES, widow, of Bishopp Auckland (Awckland, Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B1/1 23 November 1619 will endorsed: administration granted, 26 Feb [1620]; John Gainford, John Comyn of West Awk[land], [?bondsmen] DPRI/1/1619/B1/2 24 December 1619 inventory, actual total £27 17s DPRI/1/1619/B2 2 March 1620 Christian BELL, single woman, of chapplery of Barnard Castle [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B2/1 1 December 1619 will endorsed: administration granted, 2 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/B2/2 13 March 1620 indented inventory, actual total £51 (with account of funeral expenses of 18s) DPRI/1/1619/B3 14 March 1620 Dorethie BIRD, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/B3/1 5 March 1620 will endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/B3/2 13 March 1620 indented inventory, actual total £29 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 4s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/B4 14 March 1620 Mathew BIRDE, merchant, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Bird DPRI/1/1619/B4/1 13 March 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/B5 23 February 1620 Thomas BONWELL, of parishe of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1619/B5/1-2 13 January 1620 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £16 19s. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/B5/3 25 January 1620 inventory, actual total £21 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 1s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/B5/4 22 February 1620 commission commission to Francis Kaye MA, vicar of Allerton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Dorothy Benwell, daughter and executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Kaye, 23 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/B5/5 22 February 1620 sequestration sequestration of the goods of Thomas Bonwell to John Grante of North Allerton yeoman, with the consent of Dorothy Bonwell, executrix, and referring specifically to £7 10s owing by Christopher Crosley; sequestration executed and Crosley notified by Kaye DPRI/1/1619/B6 Isabell BOURNE, widow, of Cowpon (Coopon), parish of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] From the evidence of endorsements, it appears likely that the will and inventory were first processed by the probate office in 1618; the codicil only being interpolated later in 1619. bond: DPRI/3/1619/B246 bond: DPRI/3/1619/B225 DPRI/1/1619/B6/1 13 September 1618 will Will, dated 3 June 1617 at head, and confirmed at foot 13 Sep 1618. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/B6/3 17 September 1619 nuncupative codicil dated 17 Sep 1619 [?recte 1618] DPRI/1/1619/B6/2 23 January 1619 inventory, actual total £20 10s (and more) DPRI/1/1619/B7 William BOWDLER, bookseller, of parish of Gateshead (Gaiteshead) and countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B7/1 8 January 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/B7/2-4 30 September 1619 indented inventory, actual total £319 17s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £112) DPRI/1/1619/B8 14 May 1619 Thomas BOWSWELL, tallow-chandler, of parishe of Saint Johnes within the towne of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Bowser, Bowcer, Boswell bond: DPRI/3/1619/B183 DPRI/1/1619/B8/1-2 17 November 1613 will endorsed: proved, 14 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/B8/3-4 3 May 1619 inventory, actual total £191 5s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £12 2s) DPRI/1/1619/B9 14 March 1620 Isbell BROWNE, wife of Thomas Browne of Newcastle All Saints, mariner, widow, of parishe of Alsaynts (All Saints) in the towne of Newcastell uponTyne (Newcastle uppon Tyne), without the wals in a certayne streat called Sandgate near unto a place called the Swirrell [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/B9/1 22 December 1619 will with nuncupative codicil, 23 December 1619 Will, subscribed with memorandum of the executors relating to a bequest made the [?morning] after the making of the will. Endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/B9/2 22 December 1619 inventory of debts, actual total £67 11s 4d inventory of debts owing to the testatrix DPRI/1/1619/B9/3-4 11 January 1620 inventory, actual total £162 8s 6d DPRI/1/1619/B10 Nicholas BURDON, aged 14 and a quarter, of parish of Ezeington (Easington) [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Burdonn See DPRI/4/12: f.393v (22 July 1620) Janet Burdon widow, mother, to distribute the goods etc. among Burdon's seven (named) brothers and sisters; f.419 (27 Apr 1621) Gilbert Paxton, husband of Ellene Paxton, sister, begins a cause to bring Janet Burdon to render an account. DPRI/1/1619/B10/1 14 August 1618 nuncupative will Will dated about a fortnight after Lammas 1618; subscribed with probate office note relating to the granting of a sequestration at the next court date. DPRI/1/1619/B11 18 March 1620 Michaell BURGEN, of Berwicke [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Burgoine DPRI/1/1619/B11/1 2 October 1616 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, and administration granted, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/B11/2 14 November 1616 inventory, actual total £25 2s 5d DPRI/1/1619/B12 Anthony BURNUPP, of Wollsingham Parke, parish of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Burnuppe, Burnapp, Burnop DPRI/1/1619/B12/1 25 January 1619 nuncupative will Will, subscribed with memorandum relating to the witnesses to the will produced by Percivall Burnupp, brother, and related court fees. Endorsed: not proved. DPRI/1/1619/B12/2 25 March 1619 inventory, actual total £147 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £61 15s 2d) inventory, subscribed with names of Burnopp's widow and five (minor) children DPRI/1/1619/B13 Jennet BURSTALL, widow, of Castle Eden in the countie of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B13/1-2 7 February 1620 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1619/B13/3-4 9 February 1620 indented inventory, actual total £8 3s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/B14 4 March 1620 John BURSTALL, labourer, of Castle Eden in the countie of Durham [Castle Eden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B14/1 28 January 1620 will DPRI/1/1619/B14/2-3 7 February 1620 indented inventory, actual total £9 0s 10d (with account of debts of £2 13s) endorsed: proved, 4 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/B15 25 September 1619 Nycholas BUTLER, of Mydrich (Midridge), parish of Awckland St Andrew [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/B15/1 21 June 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/B15/2 undated inventory, actual total £63 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s) endorsed: proved, 25 Sep 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C1 20 September 1619 John CALFHILL, [rector of Redmarshall], [5th prebendary of Durham], clerk, of ... in the county of Durham [Redmarshall, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.323v: 24 Sep 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C1/1 undated will Endorsed with (fragmentary) certificate of oath of Daniell Birkhead D.D., a witness, 20 Sep 1619. Seals applied to dorse were found so attached, but may not originally have belonged with this document. DPRI/1/1619/C2 Ann CALVERLEY, daughter of Michaell Calverley gentleman (deceased), of cittye of Durham [Durham, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.338v: 13 Nov 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C2/1 27 November 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 13 Nov 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C3 9 October 1619 John CARD, of Langton in the county of Duresme [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Carde bond: DPRI/3/1619/B154 DPRI/1/1619/C3/1-2 17 August 1619 will subscribed: executrix sworn DPRI/1/1619/C3/3-4 26 August 1619 indented inventory, actual total £332 8s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £119 15s 7d) endorsed: proved: 9 Oct [1619] DPRI/1/1619/C4 21 March 1620 James CARR, of Hatton in the countye of Northumberland [Lesbury, Northumberland] parish uncertain: inferred from testator's request to be buried at Lesbury DPRI/1/1619/C4/1-2 8 January 1610 will with inventory, undated, actual total £10 13s 6d (with account of debts of £2 3s 4d) endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1920] DPRI/1/1619/C5 30 September 1619 John CHAPMAN, yeoman, of Crawleysyde (Crawleyside) in the county of Durham, parish of Stanhopp [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/C5/1 10 February 1617 will endorsed: proved, 30 Sep 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C5/2 15 March 1617 inventory, actual total £18 13s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 18s) DPRI/1/1619/C6 George CHILTONN, yeoman, of parish of Gateside in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Chilton bond: DPRI/3/1619/B177A DPRI/1/1619/C6/1-2 2 July 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/C6/3-4 2 July 1619 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1619/C6/5-6 25 August 1619 inventory, actual total £69 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 11s 3d) DPRI/1/1619/C7 14 March 1620 Nathaniell CLARKSONN, draper, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Clarkson, Clerkson DPRI/1/1619/C7/1-2 20 December 1619 will endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1620]; willes att Newcastle DPRI/1/1619/C7/3 4 January 1620 inventory, actual total £144 (with account of funeral expenses of £9 2s 6d) DPRI/1/1619/C11 Mathew COKE, of Gonnerton, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Cook, Cooke bond: DPRI/3/1619/B190 DPRI/1/1619/C11/1-2 10 May 1616 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £10 4s DPRI/1/1619/C8 8 May 1619 John COLLIN, of the Woodd House, parish of Longnewton [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Collinge see DPRI/4/11 f.311: 8 May 1619 DPRI/1/1619/C8/1-3 16 December 1618 will with codicil, 20 December 1618 with inventory, 19 January 1619, actual total £117 3s 2d Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £17 0s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 8 May 1619. DPRI/1/1619/C9 Isabell COLLINGWOOD, alias Robinson, wife of John Collingwood, of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/C9/1 31 December 1619 inventory inventory of debts owing to the deceased DPRI/1/1619/C10 25 February 1620 John CONYERS, gentleman, of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Coniers DPRI/1/1619/C10/1-2 26 May 1619 copy will with copy codicil, 9 August 1619 with grant of probate, 25 February 1620 probate granted to James Conyers, son and sole executor DPRI/1/1619/C10/3-4 23 February 1620 indented inventory, actual total £1,965 15s (with account of funeral expenses of £35 6s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Feb [1620] DPRI/1/1619/C12 Cook RICHARD, of Kyloe (Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke DPRI/1/1619/C12/1-2 14 March 1619 will with inventory, undated, actual total £10 11s DPRI/1/1619/C13 18 March 1620 John CORKER, alias Headlam, weaver, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/C13/1 24 January 1620 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £29 3s Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 164 DPRI/1/1619/C13/3 24 January 1620 copy will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/C13/2 12 February 1620 inventory, actual total £50 3s 11d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 165-166 DPRI/1/1619/C14 Clement CROSIER, of Fowestones [Warden, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/C14/1 undated will DPRI/1/1619/C14/2 undated inventory, actual total £13 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 12s) DPRI/1/1619/C15 16 October 1619 Richard CROSLEY, labourer, of chapelry of Stockton within the countye of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.330v DPRI/1/1619/C15/1 20 August 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/C15/2 9 October 1619 inventory, actual total £40 3s 10d (with account of debts of £7 10s 5d) endorsed: [will] proved, 16 Oct [1619] DPRI/1/1619/D2 20 December 1619 Robert DAVISON, yeoman, of Newton in the countie of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/D2/1 24 May 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/D2/2 undated inventory, actual total £12 8s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Dec 1619 DPRI/1/1619/D1 George DAVISONN, blacksmith, anchor-smith, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne and within the parishe of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Davesone, Davison, Davisone bond: DPRI/3/1619/B191 DPRI/1/1619/D1/1-2 15 April 1619 will date in Apr 1619 uncertain (damage) DPRI/1/1619/D1/3-4 23 August 1619 inventory, actual total £524 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £247 11s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1619/D3 John DENTE, yeoman, of Barmeton (Barmton) in the countye of Doraham, parish of Haughton [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Dent DPRI/1/1619/D3/1-2 8 April 1619 will endorsed: proved, 14 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/D3/3 17 April 1619 inventory, actual total £35 2s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1619/D4 17 April 1619 Thomas DOBSON, of Redworth [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Dobsonne DPRI/1/1619/D4/1 30 August 1617 will DPRI/1/1619/D4/2 2 April 1619 indented inventory, actual total £148 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £34 7s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Apr [1619] DPRI/1/1619/D5 14 May 1619 Roberte DOVE, of Whitley of the parish of Tynmouth (Tynmoth) [Tynemouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Dowe see DPRI/4/12 f.378, 385v DPRI/1/1619/D5/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 14 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/D5/2 28 April 1619 inventory, actual total £164 (with account of debts of £18) DPRI/1/1619/E1 Godfrey EMMERSONN, yeoman, of Breerton (Breertonn, Brerton) in the parish of Stranton and county of Duresme [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Emerson, Emmerson, Emmersonne DPRI/1/1619/E1/1 18 August 1619 indented will DPRI/1/1619/E1/2 23 September 1619 indented inventory, actual total £184 17s 8d (with account of debts of £7 5s) DPRI/1/1619/E2 Anthonie ERRINGTON, sergeant at mace, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/E2/1-2 1 September 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/E2/3 29 September 1619 inventory, actual total £22 14s 2d DPRI/1/1619/F1 18 March 1620 Leonard FAYRLEY, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], alderman, of borowgh off Barwick wpon Tweid (Berwicke upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fairlie, Fairelie DPRI/1/1619/F1/1-2 21 January 1618 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620]; 'my Grannfathers will' DPRI/1/1619/F1/3 13 March 1620 inventory, actual total £286 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £40) DPRI/1/1619/F3 Margerie FENWEEK, of Ogle Castle, Botthall [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick, Fenwicke DPRI/1/1619/F3/1-2 26 April 1619 inventory with supplementary inventory, 26 April 1619 with supplementary inventory, 28 April 1619 with supplementary inventory, undated with supplementary inventory, 19 May 1619, actual total £74 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 0s 4d) inventories of goods at: East Heddon (£19); Clifton Field (Clefton Fyld), detained by John Bell (£21 10s); Bothal (£4 6s 8d); Cockhill (Cockill) Park, Bothal (£1 12s); the Farhyeland (Farhieland) (£28) DPRI/1/1619/F3/3 26 April 1619 indented (fair) copy inventory with indented copy supplementary inventory, 26 April 1619 with indented copy supplementary inventory, 28 April 1619 with indented copy supplementary inventory, undated with indented copy supplementary inventory, 19 May 1619, actual total £74 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 0s 4d) inventories of goods at: East Heddon (£19); Clifton, detained by John Bell (£21 10s); Bothal (£4 6s 8d); Cockhill Park, Bothal (£1 12s); the Farhyeland (Farhieland) (£28) DPRI/1/1619/F2 1 October 1619 John FENWICKE, gentleman, of Butterlay (Butterley) in the parishe of Newborne within the countie of Northumberland [Newburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1619/F2/1 7 January 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/F2/2 7 January 1619 duplicate will endorsed: proved, 1 Oct [1619] DPRI/1/1619/F2/3 28 April 1619 inventory, actual total £227 12s 8d DPRI/1/1619/F4 George FENWICKE, father of Claudius Fenwicke, gentleman, esquire, of Brenkborne (Brenckburne) in the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland] See DPRI/4/11 ff.241, 243v, 245v: cause to prove the will, Alice Wallas v Dorothy Fenwick, relict. See also, DPRI/4/11 f.330: Sir Claudius Forster of Blanchland assigned tutor (as nominated in the will) to Claudius Fenwick, son (16 Oct 1619). DPRI/1/1619/F4/1 16 October 1619 inventory inventory of the filial portion of the deceased's son Claudius Fenwick DPRI/1/1619/F5 15 January 1620 John FETHERSTONHALGE, esquire, of Stonhouse in the parish of Stanhop (Stanhope, Stanhoppe) in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Fetherstonhalghe, Fetherstonhalgh see DPRI/4/12 f.350v: 15 Jan 1620 DPRI/1/1619/F5/1-2 15 December 1619 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 15 Jan 1620 DPRI/1/1619/F5/3-5 18 December 1619 inventory, actual total £711 13s inventory of goods etc. at Stonehouse, Horsleyburne, Bewdley and Wellhope DPRI/1/1619/F6 18 March 1620 Hewgh FEWLE, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of towne of Berwick (Berwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Fewell Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11 and 12. Fewle had a shop at Berwick. DPRI/1/1619/F6/1-2 31 December 1618 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/F6/3-4 13 July 1619 inventory with inventory of legacies, 9 August 1619 with inventory of legacies, 15 December 1619, actual total £15 13s 10d (with account of legacies of £24) inventory of goods etc.; with two supplementary inventories of legacies of Mathew Fewle, son (£5), and Margrett Fewle, daughter (£4) DPRI/1/1619/F7 18 March 1620 William FOLANSBYE, husband of Frances Folansbye, gentleman, of parish of Hamesterleye (Hamsterley) in the countye of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Follansby, Follensbye. Died 7 September 1619 DPRI/1/1619/F7/1 16 March 1620 transfer of administration transfer of administration by Francis [Frances] Folansbye, relict, to Robarte Folansbye, son DPRI/1/1619/F7/2 16 March 1620 inventory, actual total £23 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 13s 4d) Subscribed: administration granted to Robert Folansbye, son, with the consent of Frances Folansbye, relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/F8 Issabell FORSTER, of Midhale (Midhall) or Etherstone (Etherstonn) [Bamburgh, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12, 12A. For the will and inventory of Forster's husband, see - DPRI/1/1587/F9/1-2 - DPRI/1/1587/F9/3-6 DPRI/1/1619/F8/1-2 14 July 1619 will will, with list of debts owing to the testatrix of £7 9s DPRI/1/1619/F8/3-4 14 October 1619 inventory, actual total £35 0s 12d DPRI/1/1619/F10 22 November 1619 John FORSTER, saddler, of town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Foster testator requests to be buried at [Newcastle] St Nicholas bond: DPRI/3/1619/B199 DPRI/1/1619/F10/1 19 August 1619 will endorsed: proved, 22 Nov 1619 DPRI/1/1619/F10/2-3 19 November 1619 inventory, actual total £12 7s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 4s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1619/F9 Isaack FORTH, servant to Lady Mary Guenarie (Guenarye), servant, of Duddoe of the parish of Norham [Duddo, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/11 and 12A, many references DPRI/1/1619/F9/1 10 May 1619 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1619/F11 3 March 1620 Alice FRENCH, wife of Roberte French of Whinnetley in Haydon, widow, of Whinnetley in the chaplreie of Haiden (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] French made her will nuncupatively immediately after the death and before the burial of her husband. For the will and inventory of her husband, see - DPRI/1/1619/F12/1 DPRI/1/1619/F11/1 27 January 1620 nuncupative will witnesses sworn, 3 Mar 1620 DPRI/1/1619/F12 25 February 1620 Robert FRENCHE, husband of Alyce Frenche, of Whynnetlie of the parishe (chapelry) of Hayden (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt French French died before 27 Jan 1620; for the will and inventory of his wife, see - DPRI/1/1619/F11/1 DPRI/1/1619/F12/1 22 January 1620 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£1 8s) and owing to (£8 9s 4d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 25 Feb [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/F12/2 1 February 1620 inventory, actual total £61 11s 4d DPRI/1/1619/G1 20 August 1619 Thomas GARNER, baker, beer-brewer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/G1/1-2 8 July 1619 will endorsed: proved, 20 Aug [1619] DPRI/1/1619/G1/3-5 17 July 1619 indented inventory, actual total £110 3s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 4s 2d) DPRI/1/1619/G2 George GARRATT, of parish of Longe Houghton [Longhoughton, Northumberland]; also spelt Garrat, Garrett bond: DPRI/3/1619/B38 DPRI/1/1619/G2/1-2 20 December 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 12 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/G3 14 January 1620 Allice GASTELL, widow, of Ambling Barnes in the countie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Gastle see DPRI/4/12 f.349v: 14 Jan 1620 DPRI/1/1619/G3/1 30 December 1619 will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1619/G3/2 7 January 1620 inventory, actual total £10 DPRI/1/1619/G4 13 May 1619 Thomas GRAY, of chappelrye of Ulgham in the parishe of Morpeth [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye bond: DPRI/3/1619/B300 DPRI/1/1619/G4/1 10 December 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £6 10s 4d. Endorsed: proved, 13 May [1619]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 129 DPRI/1/1619/G4/2 22 December 1618 inventory, actual total £35 8s (with account of debts of £6 10s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/G5 15 December 1619 Raulfe GRINWELL, of Cornsay Raw (Rawe) within the parish of Leanchester (Lanchester) and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.347v: 15 Dec 1619 DPRI/1/1619/G5/2 5 December 1619 nuncupative will administration granted to Ralph Trotter, brother-in-law, and Richard Grinwell, brother; six children named DPRI/1/1619/G5/1 9 December 1619 inventory, actual total £44 11s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/H1 Anne HALL, of Great Chilton in the parishe of Kirk Merington (Merrington) [Merrington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/H1/1-2 16 January 1618 will Endorsed with [?unrelated] memorandum: Guy Bainbr[idge] sworn on the part of Thomas Scott. DPRI/1/1619/H2 23 October 1619 Robert HALL, of Hesleden Hall of Munckhesleden parishe [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/H2/1-2 12 August 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 23 Oct 1619 DPRI/1/1619/H3 Henry HANCOCKE, of Hertborne (Hartburne) in the countie of Northumberland [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Hancock bond: DPRI/3/1619/B252 DPRI/1/1619/H3/1-2 23 October 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/H3/3 undated inventory, actual total £156 3s 4d dated, 8 Dec [?1619] DPRI/1/1619/H4 Anthony HARPERLEY, yeoman, of Stockton (Stocktonn) upon Tease within the countie of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B156 DPRI/1/1619/H4/1-2 2 December 1618 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by the testator of £10 7s (and more); subscribed with (undated) memorandum relating to the exhibition of the will by Margaret Harperley, relict, and the swearing of two witnesses, Edward Hutton and John Harperley, [?son] DPRI/1/1619/H5 William HARRESONNE, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison bond: DPRI/3/1619/B192 DPRI/1/1619/H5/1 24 November 1618 will DPRI/1/1619/H5/2-3 12 May 1619 indented inventory, actual total £22 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £110 6s 2d) DPRI/1/1619/H6 3 September 1619 Andrew HARUP, butcher, of towne and countie of Newcastle on Tyne and of the parish of St Andrewes [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Hairopp, Haropp, Harop DPRI/1/1619/H6/1-2 19 January 1619 will with codicil, undated DPRI/1/1619/H6/3 17 May 1619 codicil DPRI/1/1619/H6/4 July 1619 inventory, actual total £293 19s 10d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £158 10s 6d) DPRI/1/1619/H6/5 wrapper [will] proved, 3 Sep 1619 DPRI/1/1619/H8 13 May 1619 Robert HEDLEYE, of parishe of Kirk Whelpington [Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley bond: DPRI/3/1619/B50 DPRI/1/1619/H8/1-2 26 April 1618 will endorsed: proved, 13 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/H8/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £44 DPRI/1/1619/H7 Gabriall HEDLIE, yeoman, of Bowreshele within the parish of Elsdenn (Elsden) countie of Northumbarland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley DPRI/1/1619/H7/1 8 December 1618 will with codicil, 13 December 1618 endorsed: proved, 11 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/H7/2 10 May 1619 inventory, actual total £13 7s 4d DPRI/1/1619/H9 11 May 1619 James HEDLIE, yeoman, of Garratsheles within the parish of Elsden countie of Northumbarland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Hedley DPRI/1/1619/H9/1 19 March 1619 will with codicil, 20 March 1619 endorsed: proved, 11 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/H10 Robert HEELEY, master and mariner, of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Heley DPRI/1/1619/H10/1-2 8 September 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/H11 Edward HERON, of Humpshaugh within the parish of Simonburne (Symonburne) [Humshaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon DPRI/1/1619/H11/1 May 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/H11/2 19 August 1619 inventory, actual total £30 14s 4d DPRI/1/1619/H12 25 September 1619 Mychaell HODGSHON, of Headlame (Headlam) within the parishe of Gainford (Gainforth) [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson DPRI/1/1619/H12/1-2 31 March 1619 will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep 1619; and with direction to Mr Langesster at Headlam from Miles Jonson [?unrelated: an Ambrose Lancaster and a William Lancaster appear as appraiser and witness respectively] DPRI/1/1619/H12/3 1 May 1619 inventory, actual total £66 13s 5d DPRI/1/1619/H13 4 February 1620 Thomas HOOKE, parson of Gateshead, clerk, of parish of Gateshead [Gateshead, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B241A DPRI/1/1619/H13/1-2 25 January 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/H14 12 May 1619 John HUDSON, yeoman, of Anbell (Ambell) within the countye of Northumberland, parish of Warkeworth [Amble, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/H14/1 9 February 1619 indented will endorsed: proved, 12 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/H14/2 29 April 1619 indented inventory, actual total £65 5s 8d DPRI/1/1619/H16 12 May 1619 Nicholas HUNTLEY, yeoman, of parish of Alneham (Alnham) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnham, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B37 DPRI/1/1619/H16/1 1 July 1618 will endorsed: proved, 12 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/H16/2 10 May 1619 indented inventory, actual total £4 16s 8d (with account of debts of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1619/H15 18 March 1620 Margeret HUTON, widow, of Barwicke (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hutton DPRI/1/1619/H15/1 11 October 1618 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/H15/2-3 inventory, actual total £5 12s (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/J1 Cuthbert JACKSON, yeoman, of Trymden (Trimdon) within the county pallatyne of Durham [Trimdon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/J1/1 21 September 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/J1/2 7 October 1619 inventory, actual total £24 1s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £19 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/J2 12 May 1619 Elinoure JACKSON, widow, of West Chivington (Chevington) in the countye of Northumberlande [Chevington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/J2/1 1 March 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/J2/2 8 March 1619 inventory, actual total £24 7s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 12 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/J3 30 April 1619 Henry JACKSON, of parish of Garrigill [Alston, Cumberland] see DPRI/4/11 f.308 bond: DPRI/3/1619/B30 DPRI/1/1619/J3/1 26 January 1619 will endorsed: proved, 30 Apr [1619] DPRI/1/1619/J3/2 22 April 1619 inventory, actual total £239 13s 2d (with account of debts of £9 6s) DPRI/1/1619/J4 Timothie JAMES, [son of William James, bishop of Durham], gentleman, of Bishop Auckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] See DPRI/4/11 f.348v: 20 Dec 1619. Will is endorsed 1616 (in later hand), but see Surtees' History of Durham, vol. 1, p.216: pedigree - Timothy James was alive when his father William James, bishop of Durham, made his will in 1617. DPRI/1/1619/J4/1-2 11 March 1617 will DPRI/1/1619/J5 21 October 1619 William JEFFERY, Gatesheade within the countie palatine of Durham, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Gateshead, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Jeffreyes, Jeffers see DPRI/4/11 f.329v: of Gateshead bond: DPRI/3/1619/B182 DPRI/1/1619/J5/1-2 18 August 1619 will endorsed: proved, 21 Oct 1619 DPRI/1/1619/J6 Lawrence JEFFERY, chandler, of St Edmonds Bury (St Edmundsburye) in the countie of Suffolk [Bury St Edmunds, St Mary, Suffolk]; also spelt Jeffreys, Jeffreyes Testator requests to be buried at Gateshead; and leaves money to the poor of Bury St Mary. See DPRI/4/11 f.336v. DPRI/1/1619/J6/1 14 August 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/J7 Jane JOHNSON, wife of Mathewe Johnson esquire, alderman of Berwick-upon-Tweed, widow, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/J7/1 10 August 1619 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 132-133 DPRI/1/1619/J7/2-6 17 August 1619 inventory, actual total £605 17s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 5s 3d) Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 133 DPRI/1/1619/J8 30 April 1619 John JOHNSON, yeoman, of Greenhead (Grenehead) in the countye of Durham, parish of Stanhop [Stanhope, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.308 DPRI/1/1619/J8/1 29 March 1619 indented will with codicil, 30 March 1619 endorsed: proved, 30 Apr [1619] DPRI/1/1619/J8/2 6 April 1619 indented inventory, actual total £205 7s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/L1 20 November 1619 Thomas LAMBERT, mayor of Stockton-on-Tees, mayor, of Stocktone within the countye of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Lambarte DPRI/1/1619/L1/1-2 29 May 1619 will endorsed: proved, 20 Nov [1619] DPRI/1/1619/L1/3 16 June 1619 inventory, actual total £676 17s 9d (with account of debts of £350) DPRI/1/1619/L2 3 June 1619 John LAWE, carpenter, of parish of Gateside [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/L2/1-2 12 April 1619 will Will, with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing to the testator of £1 19s. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/L2/3 25 May 1619 inventory, actual total £38 10s 4d DPRI/1/1619/L2/4 2 June 1619 commission commission to Thomas Hooke, rector of Gateshead, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Lawe, relict, an inventory already having been exhibited on her behalf; and also to swear the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Hooke, 3 June 1619 DPRI/1/1619/L3 Tristram LISELYE, gentleman, of Welden within the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Lisle, Lisley Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12A, 12 or 11. For the pedigree of Lisle of Welden and Acton, see A History of Northumberland (N.C.H.), vol. VII, p.500: Tristram Lisle of Weldon-hall. DPRI/1/1619/L3/1-2 5 October 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/L3/3-4 21 December 1619 inventory, actual total £10 8s 2d DPRI/1/1619/L4 Thomas LYDDELL, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Liddell DPRI/1/1619/L4/1-2 27 July 1615 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 101-103 DPRI/1/1619/M1 21 May 1619 Margaret MANNFEILD, widow, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Manffeild, Manfeild, Manfeld bond: DPRI/3/1619/B62 DPRI/1/1619/M1/1 18 November 1617 will DPRI/1/1619/M1/2 28 November 1617 indented inventory, actual total £11 5s 10d (with account of debts of £3) endorsed: probate granted, 21 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/M2 29 January 1620 Gregorie MARIATT, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Marriott DPRI/1/1619/M2/1-2 14 April 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 Jan [1620] DPRI/1/1619/M3 14 March 1620 Elizabeth MARTINE, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Martyn DPRI/1/1619/M3/1-2 6 December 1619 will endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/M3/3 13 March 1620 inventory, actual total £60 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 10s) DPRI/1/1619/M4 2 February 1620 George MATFEN, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] For the commission to prove the will and to grant administration to one of the supervisors and the tutors, see - DPRI/1/1619/S10/8 DPRI/1/1619/M4/1-2 12 December 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/M4/3-5 3 January 1620 inventory, actual total £493 14s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £130 2s 2d) DPRI/1/1619/M5 Thomas MAWGHAM, of Chesterwood of the chappelrie of Hayden (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Maugham bond: DPRI/3/1619/B176 bond: DPRI/3/1619/B46 DPRI/1/1619/M5/1 28 January 1619 will with inventory, undated, actual total £17 15s 11d (with account of debts of £2 7s) endorsed: proved, 10 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/M6 14 March 1620 Michaell MILBOURNE, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne, Milburn DPRI/1/1619/M6/1-2 30 November 1619 will endorsed: proved, 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/M7 James MILBURN, of the Snepe in the parishe (chapelry) of Bellengham (Bellingham) [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Milburne Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12, or 12A. bond: DPRI/3/1619/B209 DPRI/1/1619/M7/1 12 March 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/M7/2 undated inventory, actual total £12 13s 8d DPRI/1/1619/M8 22 March 1620 Uswold MITFORTH, of Shottone of the parish of Staningtone (Stanington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Midford. Died 18 February 1620 see DPRI/4/12A p.9 DPRI/1/1619/M8/1 10 March 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/M9 18 March 1620 Jane MOORE, widow, of Barwick (Berwicke) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/M9/1 2 October 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/M9/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £18 5s DPRI/1/1619/M10 20 April 1619 John MORTON, of Somerhouse in the parish of Gainford (Gaineford) [Gainford, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/M10/1-2 17 April 1619 inventory Administration granted to Anne Morton, relict, also for the use of seven named children. Endorsed: administration granted, 20 Apr 1619. DPRI/1/1619/M11 Peter MOWBRAY, of parishe of Stanhope (Stanhopp) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Mowbreye Will endorsed by probate office: 'will, inventory, with commission to prove the will' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1619/M11/1 22 May 1619 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 129 DPRI/1/1619/M11/2 7 June 1619 inventory, actual total £40 15s 4d (with account of debts of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1619/M13 Johne MUSCHAMPE, of Lowick (Lowicke) [Lowick, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschamp DPRI/1/1619/M13/1 9 March 1618 will with inventory, undated, actual total £39 6s 8d (with account of debts of £54 12s) DPRI/1/1619/M12 Helyonner MUSCHAMPP, widow, Lyham, Ulgham [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschamppe, Muschampe Will endorsed by probate office, Ulgham; but see DPRI/4/12A p.18 - Lyham. DPRI/1/1619/M12/1 17 October 1616 will DPRI/1/1619/M12/2-3 16 October 1619 inventory, actual total £74 5s DPRI/1/1619/N1 18 February 1620 Roger NEWBYE, of the Powtre (Powtree) in the parish of Midelton in Teasedale (Middleton in Teasdale) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham] See article by Father Joseph B. Gavin S.J. in Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. LXX (1970), pp.247-268, 'Handley v. Newbie alias Shields: a marriage at Farlam in 1605'. DPRI/1/1619/N1/1-2 8 November 1617 will endorsed: proved, 18 Feb [1620] DPRI/1/1619/N1/3 2 February 1620 inventory, actual total £23 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 14s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/N2 28 January 1620 George NICHOLSON, the elder, yeoman, of Gateside in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] See DPRI/4/12 f.455v: probate granted to Elizabeth Nicholson, relict, 28 Jan 1620; inventory exhibited, £40 15s 6d. For the wrapper (referring also to a now missing inventory) reused for the inventory of Christofer Ward of Newcastle St Nicholas, see - DPRI/1/1619/W5/2-3 DPRI/1/1619/N2/1 30 December 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/N2/2 3 March 1656 bond to redeliver the original will, penal sum £200 bond of William Nicholson of Berwick-upon-Tweed, mariner, to redeliver the original will to be used as evidence in a lawsuit, Katherine Scurfeild, wife of Ema[n]uell Scurfeild v William Nicholson DPRI/1/1619/N3 7 December 1619 John NICHOLSON, yeoman, of Cracke (Crake) of the countie pallentine of Durham and within the county of Yorke [Crayke, Yorkshire] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B195 DPRI/1/1619/N3/1 21 September 1618 indented inventory Subscribed with the names of two children of the deceased. Endorsed: administration granted, 7 Dec 1619. DPRI/1/1619/O1 Henry ORDE, gentleman, esquire, of Norham Castle [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord. Died 20 January 1620 Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1619/O1/1-2 19 January 1620 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 137-139 DPRI/1/1619/O1/3 9 February 1620 inventory, actual total £299 16s 6d The first item is a lease of Norham Castle from the Earl of Dunbarton, expiring 11 Nov 1620. Endorsed: dispatch. DPRI/1/1619/O2 14 May 1619 Michaell OURD, of Nubiggin, parish of Newburne [Newburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/O2/1 3 March 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/O3 23 October 1619 Richard OUSTON, of Sheraton Grange of the perishe of Munkhesleden (Munckhesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Owston bond: DPRI/3/1619/B148 DPRI/1/1619/O3/1 18 August 1619 will endorsed: proved, 23 Oct [1619] DPRI/1/1619/O3/2 8 September 1619 inventory, actual total £48 8s 4d (with account of debts of 18s) DPRI/1/1619/O4 10 May 1619 John OWRON, of the Carhowses in the parish (chapelry) of Halton [Halton, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B45 DPRI/1/1619/O4/1 14 January 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/O4/2-3 26 January 1619 inventory, actual total £28 9s 8d endorsed: proved, 10 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/P2 William PARKER, yeoman, of Edmondbires (Edmundbyers) within the countye of Durham [Edmundbyers, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.309v: 7 May 1619 DPRI/1/1619/P2/1 8 August 1614 will Date uncertain (?post facto). Endorsed: not proved. DPRI/1/1619/P2/2 8 August 1614 inventory, actual total £160 13s DPRI/1/1619/P1 5 June 1619 William PARKIN, yeoman, of Cowndon (Coundon) in the county of Durham [Coundon, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/P1/1 1 December 1618 will endorsed: proved, 5 June [1619] DPRI/1/1619/P1/2 11 January 1619 inventory, actual total £45 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17 5s) DPRI/1/1619/P3 Thomas PARKINSON, alderman [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], alderman, of burgh of Barwik upon Tweid (Barwicke upon Tweed, Berwick, Barwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/P3/1-2 13 December 1619 will with receipt for the original will, 16 September 1658 will, endorsed with receipt of Henry Shelle for the original will out of Durham Registry DPRI/1/1619/P3/3 13 March 1620 inventory, actual total £711 11s 2d (with account of funeral charges of £60) DPRI/1/1619/P4 6 November 1619 Thomas PASMORE, of parish of Harte in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B166 DPRI/1/1619/P4/1-2 14 March 1619 will with nuncupative codicil, undated Will and codicil, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by the testator (and supplemented later with account of the funeral charges) of £19 6s 4d and more. Endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/P4/3 2 April 1619 inventory, actual total £86 13s 10d DPRI/1/1619/P5 Cuthberte PATTESON, yeoman, of South Shieles Wester Salte pannes in the countye of Durham, chapelry of St Hilda [South Shields, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/P5/1 17 January 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1619/P6 15 May 1619 John PAVEREL, of Eldon within the parish of St Andrew Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Paverell bond: DPRI/3/1619/B47 DPRI/1/1619/P6/1-2 16 September 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £4 4s. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/P6/3 7 October 1618 inventory, actual total £94 0s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £67 12s 6d) DPRI/1/1619/P6/4 15 May 1619 commission commission to Christopher Vincent, preacher at Auckland St Andrew, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Brian Paverell of Eldon, son [and sole executor], the will already having been proved and an inventory exhibited at Durham; commission executed by Vincent, 19 May 1619 DPRI/1/1619/P7 6 October 1619 Anthonie PEARSON, the elder, chapman, of chapelry of Bernerd Castell (Barnard Castle) in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson bond: DPRI/3/1619/B144 DPRI/1/1619/P7/1-2 9 September 1619 nuncupative will with commission, 30 September 1619 Commission to Robert Burrell MA, preacher, and Giles Foster, preacher and curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Elizabeth Pearson, daughter and co-executor, also for the use of Phillis Pearson, daughter and co-executor; also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Foster, 6 Oct 1619. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/P7/3 16 September 1619 indented inventory, actual total £30 (with account of debts of £3) DPRI/1/1619/P8 John PHILPOTT, clerk of Durham St Oswold, minor canon of Durham cathedral, [curate of Whitworth Chapel], clerk, of parish of St Oswolds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Filpott See DPRI/4/12 f.349 and 352v: Philpott was curate of Whitworth Chapel, and a minor canon of Durham cathedral; Philpot is described as clerk of the parish of St Oswald in Durham in the inventory. The vicar of Durham St Oswald at this time was Richard Snowdon. DPRI/1/1619/P8/1-2 18 January 1620 indented inventory Jane Philpott widow renounced administration; and a monition was decreed to be issued to the creditors to undertake administration, 21 Jan 1620 DPRI/1/1619/P9 Thomas PILKINGTON, gentleman, of West Rainton within the parish of Houghton in the Springe in the countye of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/P9/1-2 28 July 1619 will will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £6 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 131 DPRI/1/1619/P9/3 6 August 1619 indented inventory, actual total £66 16s (with account of debts of £6) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1619/P11 William PORTER, gentleman, of Andrewefeild within the county of Durham, Sheleraw [Tanfield, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.353v, 368v, 452 DPRI/1/1619/P11/1-2 15 February 1619 inventory DPRI/1/1619/P12 22 March 1620 Janne POTT, wife of Andrew Pott of the Hirdlawe, Elsdon, widow, of Farniclugh, parish of Elsden [Elsdon, Northumberland] parish uncertain [?Fairnley, Hartburn] DPRI/1/1619/P12/1 4 June 1619 will endorsed: proved, 22 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/P12/2 10 June 1619 inventory, actual total £4 DPRI/1/1619/P12/3 10 June 1619 duplicate inventory, actual total £4 DPRI/1/1619/P10 Raiphe PYNCKNEYE, of chapelry of Barnard Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Pynckney, Pinkneye, Pinckney DPRI/1/1619/P10/1 8 May 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/P10/2 1 July 1619 inventory, actual total £15 1s 6d (with account of debts of £6 12s 10d) DPRI/1/1619/R1 25 September 1619 George RACE, of Windgate (Windgat) in the parish of Kellow (Kellowe) [Kelloe, County Durham]; also spelt Raice, Raise DPRI/1/1619/R1/1-2 29 July 1619 will endorsed: proved, 25 Sep 1619 DPRI/1/1619/R1/3 21 September 1619 inventory, actual total £127 5s 10d (with account of debts of £45 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/R2 3 October 1619 Christopher RAYSE, labourer, of Raybie (Rabye, Raby) in the parish of Staindrope (Stainedrop) in the countie of Duresme [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Raice bond: DPRI/3/1619/B143 DPRI/1/1619/R2/1 24 August 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/R2/2 24 August 1619 copy will DPRI/1/1619/R2/3 5 September 1619 inventory, actual total £12 4s 8d (with account of debts of £1 9s) DPRI/1/1619/R2/4 25 September 1619 commission commission to John Stockdaile, vicar of Staindrop, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Janet Raice, relict [and executrix], and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Stockdall, 3 Oct 1619 DPRI/1/1619/R3 10 May 1619 Thomas READ, of Colwell, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reed Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1619/R3/1-2 6 February 1616 nuncupative will with inventory, undated, actual total £37 3s endorsed: proved, 10 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/R4 19 October 1619 James RIDLEY, yeoman, of the Wall Towne in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Bellingham [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. bond: DPRI/3/1619/B179 DPRI/1/1619/R4/1-2 17 April 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £17 11s 6d. Endorsed: proved at Corbridge, 19 Oct [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/R4/3 15 October 1619 inventory, actual total £49 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 8s 4d) Ridley incurred medical and funeral expenses at Newcastle. DPRI/1/1619/R5 17 July 1619 Raiphe ROBESON, weaver, of West Rentonn (Rainton) in the perish of Houghton in the countie of Durham [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Robinson, Robison see DPRI/4/11 f.316 DPRI/1/1619/R5/1-2 2 June 1619 will endorsed: proved, 17 July [1619] DPRI/1/1619/R5/3 6 July 1619 inventory, actual total £13 14s DPRI/1/1619/R6 Barbary ROCHESTER, single woman, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Rotchester DPRI/1/1619/R6/1-2 25 February 1619 will Subscribed with draft account of probate charges. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/R6/3 17 March 1619 indented inventory, actual total £25 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 19s 1d) DPRI/1/1619/R7 19 February 1620 Thomas ROXBY, yeoman, of Bushop Wermouth in the countie of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Roxbye DPRI/1/1619/R7/1 6 May 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/R7/2-3 21 September 1619 inventory, actual total £57 18s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 19 Feb [1620] DPRI/1/1619/R8 12 May 1619 Thomas RYCHARDSON, yeoman, of Howick within the countie of Northumberland [Howick, Northumberland]; also spelt Richardson Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 and 12A. bond: DPRI/3/1619/B36 DPRI/1/1619/R8/1-2 6 March 1619 will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: proved, 12 May [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/R8/3 10 May 1619 inventory, actual total £18 7s 3d (with account of debts of £2 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/S1 18 March 1620 Stephen SALTONSTALL, gentleman, of Barwick (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A p.5: 18 Mar 1620 DPRI/1/1619/S1/1 21 December 1614 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/S2 21 March 1620 Andrewe SKEYLE, yeoman, of Fawdon in the parishe of Ingram (Ingerham) [Ingram, Northumberland]; also spelt Skeale DPRI/1/1619/S2/1 28 October 1619 will endorsed: proved, 21 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/S2/2 18 December 1619 inventory, actual total £86 17s 4d (with account of debts of £17 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/S3 14 August 1619 Robert SMITH, of North Pittington, parrish of Pittington [Pittington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.318v: 14 Aug 1619 DPRI/1/1619/S3/1 19 March 1617 indented will endorsed: proved, 14 Aug [1619] DPRI/1/1619/S3/2 12 August 1619 indented inventory, actual total £158 18s 10d DPRI/1/1619/S4 18 March 1620 Edward SMYTH, yeoman, of Ancroft within the liberties of Norham parcell of the countye pallentyne of Durham [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe DPRI/1/1619/S4/1 28 March 1619 will endorsed: proved and administration granted, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/S4/2 17 March 1620 inventory, actual total £9 13s 8d DPRI/1/1619/S4/3 17 March 1620 copy inventory, actual total £9 13s 8d DPRI/1/1619/S5 Thomas SMYTH, of parish of Stanningtone [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith bond: DPRI/3/1619/B168 DPRI/1/1619/S5/1 20 June 1619 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £5 2s DPRI/1/1619/S5/2 undated inventory, actual total £29 (with account of debts of £4 14s) DPRI/1/1619/S6 15 June 1619 John SMYTH, of the Carre (Carr) House within the parishe (chapelry) of St Margretts in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1619/S6/1 16 March 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£1 8s) and owing by (£1 14s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 15 June [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/S6/2 27 April 1619 inventory, actual total £23 16s 8d DPRI/1/1619/S7 24 March 1620 John SMYTHE, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete (Street) within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Smith see DPRI/4/12 f.371v: 24 Mar 1620 DPRI/1/1619/S7/1-2 28 February 1620 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £38. Endorsed: proved, 24 Mar [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/S7/3 23 March 1620 inventory, actual total £40 11s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £24 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/S8 Richard SNAWDONE, yeoman, of Shelley in the county of Northumberland [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Snawdon Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12, 12A. DPRI/1/1619/S8/1 22 November 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/S8/2 13 December 1619 indented inventory, actual total £11 1s 8d (with account of debts of 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/S9 Christopher SOTHERON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Sotheren Not found in Probate Act Books, DPRI/4/11, 12, 12A. DPRI/1/1619/S9/1-2 8 October 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £19 3s and more. Endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1619/S10 2 February 1620 Florence SOTHERON, wife of John Sotheron, widow, of parish of St Nicholas in the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Sotheren, Sotherone see DPRI/4/11 f.347; DPRI/4/12 f.357, 420v DPRI/1/1619/S10/1-3 9 December 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/S10/4-7 30 December 1619 indented inventory, actual total £806 2s 3d inventory of household and shop goods (among which are itemised various bond debts owing to the testatrix) etc. DPRI/1/1619/S10/8 29 January 1620 commission (Double) commission to John Robson MA, rector of Morpeth, and John Shaw, curate of Newcastle St John, relating to Florence Sotheron as well as George Matfen (DPRI/1/1619/M4), both of Newcastle St Nicholas: to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the nominated executors and tutors or guardians for the use of the various children, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will. Commission executed by Shaw and Robson: (1) Sotheron - Nicholas Tempest and Thomas Chamber tutors and executors [nominated in the will as overseers and administrators during the minority of the executors] sworn etc., 2 Feb 1620; (2) Matfen - Oswald Chaytor [uncle], executor [nominated in the will as supervisor] and tutor [of Oswald Matfen, eldest son and co-executor], and Joan [?recte Margery] Milbancks [sister], tutrix of Jane Matfen, daughter, sworn etc., 2 Feb 1620. For the probate records of George Matfen, see - DPRI/1/1619/M4/1-2 - DPRI/1/1619/M4/3-5 DPRI/1/1619/S11 12 May 1619 Edward STANTON, of Rugley within the parish of Alnwicke [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Stainton bond: DPRI/3/1619/B32 DPRI/1/1619/S11/1-2 27 April 1618 will with inventory, 6 May 1619, actual total £9 5s 2d Will, with list of debts owing to (£1 14s 8d) and by (£4 5s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 12 May [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/S12 14 March 1620 Mychaell STAWPER, blacksmith, of payrish of All Sayntes in the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Stawpert, Stawpart DPRI/1/1619/S12/1 6 February 1619 will endorsed: proved 14 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/S12/2-3 30 December 1619 inventory, actual total £29 11s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 19s 8d) DPRI/1/1619/S13 22 October 1619 Jane STEPHENSON, wife of John Stephenson, of perishe of Hurworth [Hurworth, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B150 DPRI/1/1619/S13/1 12 October 1619 inventory Marmaduke Robinson the uncle of Christopher Stephenson (aged 19) and Elinor Stephenson (aged 17) was chosen by them as their tutor; administration granted to Robinson during the minority of three named children, 22 Oct 1619. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Oct [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/S14 18 September 1619 Reanolde STOUTE, yeoman, of Bushoppley (Bushopley) in the parish of Stanhope (Stanhopp) and countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1619/S14/1-2 11 January 1619 will endorsed: proved, 18 Sep [1619] DPRI/1/1619/S14/3 14 February 1619 inventory, actual total £14 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 10s 5d) DPRI/1/1619/S15 Raiphe STROTHER, gentleman, of Eshett Brookes within the parishe of Felton and county of Northumberland [Felton, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B185 DPRI/1/1619/S15/1 1 July 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1619/S16 Margarett SWYNHOE, widow, of Berrington Demayne in the county pallatyne of Durham [Kyloe, Northumberland; Cornhill, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinno, Swynho See DPRI/4/11 f.320: 27 Aug 1619; Cornhill. DPRI/1/1619/S16/1 19 March 1610 will DPRI/1/1619/S16/2 March 1611 inventory, actual total £174 19s 4d DPRI/1/1619/T1 John TALLOR, of New Redley (Newe Ridley) [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailor, Tailer DPRI/1/1619/T1/1 1 December 1619 will Administration granted to Dorythie Taller, relict. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1619/T2 William TEMPEST, Stelley and parishe of Riton, town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Stella, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/T2/1-2 10 January 1620 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1619/T3 11 May 1619 29 January 1620 Robert TEMPLE, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of brough of Barwicke upon Twed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1619/T3/1-2 2 January 1619 copy will proved, 11 May 1619 DPRI/1/1619/T3/3-4 10 May 1619 indented inventory, actual total £95 13s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 29 Jan [1620]; 11 May [1619] DPRI/1/1619/T4 23 April 1619 Gilbart THOMPSON, yeoman, of towne and parishe of Neatherwarden in the countie of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]. Died 29 March 1619 DPRI/1/1619/T4/1-3 27 January 1619 will endorsed: proved, 23 Apr [1619] DPRI/1/1619/T4/4 29 March 1619 indented inventory, actual total £70 16s 2d (with account of debts of £4 13s 1d) date of document uncertain DPRI/1/1619/T6 Thomas THOMPSON, husband of Dorothie Thompson, of parish of Egscliffe [Egglescliffe, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1619/B186 DPRI/1/1619/T6/1 undated account, actual total £23 (with discharge of £3 14s 4d) with account, actual total £9 12s 10d (with discharge of £1 18s 6d) (1) account of the estate of Thomas Thompson exhibited by Dorothie Thompson alias Garbett, relict, with account of allocation of the widow and daughter Agnes' thirds; (2) account of daughter Anne Thompson's third share of her father's estate, with account of allocation between her surviving mother and sister. DPRI/1/1619/T8 Robert THROCKMORTON, vicar of Aycliffe, clerk, of Aykliffe (Ayckcliffe, Aickliffe, Aikliff) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Throgmorton see DPRI/4/11 f.300, 313 bond: DPRI/3/1619/B55 DPRI/1/1619/T8/2-3 6 March 1619 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1619/T8/1 8 May 1619 commission commission to Christopher Lever, vicar of Heighington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to (the aged) Mary Throgmorton, relict, also for the use of John Throgmorton, son; commission executed by Lever, 21 May 1619 DPRI/1/1619/T9 26 February 1620 Anthony TOD, yeoman, of Westermaknele of the parish (chapelry) of Witton upon Were (Wear) in the countie of Durham [Witton-le-Wear, County Durham]; also spelt Todd DPRI/1/1619/T9/1 9 November 1619 will Probate granted to Thomas Tod, sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 26 Feb [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/T9/2 10 January 1620 inventory, actual total £140 5s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 9s 6d) DPRI/1/1619/T5 Richard TOMPSON, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Thomson, Thompson DPRI/1/1619/T5/1 30 May 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/T5/2-3 23 June 1619 inventory, actual total £65 10s 2d (with account of debts of 16s) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1619/T7 Thomas TOMPSONE, of Staningtone (Stanington) [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1619/T7/1 23 July 1619 will with list of debts owing by the testator of £6 6s DPRI/1/1619/T7/2 undated inventory, actual total £28 4s 8d (with account of debts of £6 6s) DPRI/1/1619/W1 11 March 1620 William WALKER, yeoman, of Munckhesledon (Munckhesleden) within the countie of Durhame [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 ff.368 (11 Mar 1620); 457 (27 Sep 1622) DPRI/1/1619/W1/1 4 January 1620 will endorsed: proved, 11 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/W2 George WALLACE, of Cowpland (Copland) [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallas see DPRI/4/11, 12, 12A DPRI/1/1619/W2/1-2 1 November 1619 inventory endorsed: goods sequestered DPRI/1/1619/W4 24 April 1619 Thomas WALTON, of Tynehead being of the parish of Garrigill in Aldstonmoore [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1619/W4/2 5 February 1619 nuncupative will Administration granted to Anthony, father and tutor, for the use of Edward Walton and Janett Walton, children. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 Apr [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/W4/1 5 February 1619 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1619/W4/3-4 20 April 1619 inventory, actual total £18 1s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 17s 7d) DPRI/1/1619/W3 26 February 1620 James WALTONE, of the White Howse within the parishe (nere) of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Walton see DPRI/4/12 f.364: 26 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W3/1 3 April 1619 will Probate granted to Arthur Walton, sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 26 Feb [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/W3/2 23 February 1620 indented inventory, actual total £83 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £24) DPRI/1/1619/W5 Christofer WARD, painter, imbordurer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne and of the parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Warde bond: DPRI/3/1619/B250 DPRI/1/1619/W5/1 23 January 1620 will DPRI/1/1619/W5/2-3 26 January 1620 inventory, actual total £126 13s (with account of funeral expenses of £3 16s) Inventory made from wrapper to the will and inventory of George Nicholson of Gateshead, see - DPRI/1/1619/N2/1 DPRI/1/1619/W6 24 August 1619 George WARDE, of Hurworth (Hurworthe) in the countie of Durham [Hurworth, County Durham]; also spelt Ward DPRI/1/1619/W6/1 31 July 1619 inventory endorsed: Elizabeth Ward, wife [relict]; Frances daughter aged 3 DPRI/1/1619/W6/2 31 July 1619 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 Aug [1619] DPRI/1/1619/W7 20 August 1619 William WARDE, yeoman, of parishe of Mugelswicke (Muggleswick, Muggleswicke) [Muggleswick, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 f.319v: 20 Aug 1619 DPRI/1/1619/W7/1-2 21 February 1619 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1619/W7/3-4 7 June 1619 indented inventory, actual total £118 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/W8 John WARRINER, keelman, of Sandgate within the libertyes of the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Warrener, Warryner bond: DPRI/3/1619/B206 DPRI/1/1619/W8/1 13 January 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/W8/2-3 15 February 1619 inventory, actual total £24 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 10s) DPRI/1/1619/W9 16 July 1619 Richard WELSHE, of Hetton in the Hole, parish of Houghton in the Spring [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham]; also spelt Welsh DPRI/1/1619/W9/1-2 18 June 1619 will endorsed: proved, 16 July [1619] DPRI/1/1619/W9/3 29 June 1619 inventory, actual total £33 7s 8d DPRI/1/1619/W10 24 April 1619 Alice WHARTON, widow, of Ufferton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] see DPRI/4/11 ff.293v (30 Jan 1619) and 307v (24 Apr 1619) bond: DPRI/3/1619/B28 DPRI/1/1619/W10/1 21 September 1618 will DPRI/1/1619/W10/2 19 January 1619 indented inventory, actual total £329 3s 10d endorsed: proved, 24 Apr [1619] DPRI/1/1619/W11 26 February 1620 John WHEATLEYE, yeoman, of Hedley (Hedla) in the countie of Duresme, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley, Whetla see DPRI/4/12 f.364: 26 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W11/1 28 January 1620 will Probate granted to Dorothy Wheatleye, relict, and Cuthbert Wheatleye, son, executors. Endorsed: proved, 26 Feb [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/W11/2 undated inventory, actual total £99 3s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 4s 4d) dated 13 Feb [?1620] DPRI/1/1619/W12 John WHITFEILD, of parish of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfeld Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12, 12A. bond: DPRI/3/1619/B208 DPRI/1/1619/W12/1-2 27 October 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/W12/3 undated inventory, actual total £14 2s 9d (and more, with account of funeral expenses of 17s) dated, 9 Oct [?1620] DPRI/1/1619/W13 19 February 1620 Thomas WILBOURNE, the elder, husband of Catheren Wilbourne, wheelwright, of parrishe (chapelry) of Hamesterley (Hampsterley) in the countye of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Wilburne. Died 29 January 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W13/2 1 February 1620 inventory, actual total £26 19s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s 11d) endorsed: administration granted, 19 Feb [1620] DPRI/1/1619/W13/1 12 February 1620 renunciation transfer of administration by Catheren Wilbourne, relict, to Raphe Wilbourne of Hamsterley wheelwright, son, by reason of her old age DPRI/1/1619/W14 20 March 1620 Adam WILLKESON, yeoman, of chapelry of Doddington [Doddington, Northumberland]; also spelt Edmond, Willkeson, Edward, Willkeson, Wilkinson. Died 24 December 1617 See Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12A p.7: 20 Mar 1620. Testator named as Edward in Probate Act Book, Edmund in probate office endorsement to the will, and Adam in will itself. DPRI/1/1619/W14/1 undated will with inventory, undated, actual total £9 10s 9d (with account of debts of £4 10s) Endorsed: proved, 20 Mar [1620]. DPRI/1/1619/W15 12 May 1619 Micheall WILSON, of Rennington [Rennington, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilsonne Not found in Probate Act Books DPRI/4/11, 12 or 12A. DPRI/1/1619/W15/1-2 27 August 1618 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£5 15s 4d) and to (5s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 12 May [1619]. DPRI/1/1619/W15/3 27 August 1618 inventory, actual total £14 10s 9d DPRI/1/1619/W16 11 March 1620 Jane WRANGHAM, spinster, of Owsterley (Owsterlie) within the parish of Leanchesster (Lanchester) and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.368: 11 Mar 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W16/1 16 November 1619 will DPRI/1/1619/W16/2 11 March 1620 inventory, actual total £66 endorsed: [will] proved, 11 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/W17 18 March 1620 Thomas WRAY, yeoman, of Scremerston (Scranmerston), chapelry of Ancroft [Scremerston, Northumberland]; also spelt Wrey DPRI/1/1619/W17/1 23 July 1619 will endorsed: proved, 18 Mar [1620] DPRI/1/1619/W17/2 9 March 1620 inventory, actual total £11 13s 8d DPRI/1/1619/W17/3 9 March 1620 copy inventory, actual total £11 13s 8d DPRI/1/1619/W18 4 February 1620 Raph WREN, gentleman, of parish (chapelry) of St Margaretts, Framwellgate (Framwelgate) in the city of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Wrenne DPRI/1/1619/W18/1 24 July 1619 will with codicil, 1 September 1619 DPRI/1/1619/W18/2 8 November 1619 inventory, actual total £80 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 4s 8d) inventory lists rooms of Mr Lawson, Mr Cadwell, Mr Delavell DPRI/1/1619/W18/3 wrapper [will] proved, 4 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W19 30 October 1619 Raphe WRENN, of Bishop Auckland (Awckland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wrene see DPRI/4/11 f.334v: 30 Oct 1619 DPRI/1/1619/W19/1 29 October 1619 inventory Subscribed and endorsed: administration renounced by Anne [Wrenn], wife of the deceased, 30 Oct [1619]; also with probate office memorandum relating to the same. Inventory is dated, 39 [sic] Oct 1619: date of 29 Oct 1619 inferred from subscription as well as date of recorded in Probate Act Book. DPRI/1/1619/W20 15 February 1620 George WRIGHT, yeoman, of Rowghe Lee (Rough Lee, Roweley) in the countye of Durham, Hunwicke within the parishe of St Andrewe Auckland (Awkland) [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wrighte see DPRI/4/12 f.361: 15 Feb 1620 DPRI/1/1619/W20/1-2 25 October 1619 will endorsed: proved, 15 Feb [1620] DPRI/1/1619/W20/3-4 19 January 1620 inventory, actual total £85 7s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £18 11s 4d) DPRI/1/1619/W20/5 15 February 1620 renunciation renunciation of Scicilie (Cycilye) Wright, relict, and Dorothie Wright, daughter, co-executors, and their consent that Bryan Wright, son and the other co-executor, should execute the will DPRI/1/1620 Wills etc proved 1620 DPRI/1/1620/A1 29 April 1620 John ADAMS, of Houghton (Longhoughton) [Longhoughton, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A p.16: 29 Apr 1620 DPRI/1/1620/A1/1-2 24 November 1619 will with inventory, undated, actual total £42 13s 4d (with account of debts of £34 15s 6d) endorsed: proved, 29 Apr [1620]; Alnwick wills DPRI/1/1620/A2 John ALLENSON, parson of Whickham, clerk, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/A2/1-4 22 January 1620 inventory inventory of goods etc. at Whickham and at Durham DPRI/1/1620/A3 14 November 1620 Edward ANDERSON, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Aandersonn, Andersonne DPRI/1/1620/A3/1 undated will DPRI/1/1620/A3/2 1 April 1620 inventory, actual total £6 6s 4d inventory of goods etc. at the house of John Andersonne, brother, at Davishele [Daveyshiel] in Ridsdale, and goods etc. 'which were at his mothers' DPRI/1/1620/A3/3-4 6 April 1620 inventory, actual total £14 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11) endorsed: administration granted, 14 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/A4 29 April 1620 Lanclot ANDERSON, yeoman, of Whitworth in the parishe of Whitworth in the countie of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham]; also spelt Andersonn DPRI/1/1620/A4/1-2 17 April 1620 will endorsed: proved, 29 Apr [1620] DPRI/1/1620/A4/3 24 April 1620 inventory, actual total £13 10s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1620/A5 John ATKINSON, of Hellington within the parishe of St Andrewe Awckeland, Helmeden [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/A5/1-2 11 April 1620 will endorsed: proved, 10 June 1620 DPRI/1/1620/A5/3 24 April 1620 inventory, actual total £196 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 6s 8d) [DPRI/1/1620/A6] Now relocated to DPRI/1/1610/A1. DPRI/1/1620/B2 26 September 1620 Valentyne BAKER, cordwainer, of in or neare the Sandhill in the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/B2/1 9 July 1620 Will, endorsed: proved, 26 Sep [1620] DPRI/1/1620/B2/2-3 14 August 1620 indented inventory, actual total £284 13s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £14 2s 3d) Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Inventory includes disbursements relating to the tuition of Baker's two daughters as well as of Robert Graie, [son of John Gray of Newcastle, master mariner]. DPRI/1/1620/B3 17 June 1620 John BARKEHOUSE, yeoman, of Houghton in the Springe within the countie of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Barcas, Barcus, Barkus, Barchus see DPRI/4/12 f.386v: 17 June 1620 DPRI/1/1620/B3/1-2 7 August 1618 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/B3/3 29 May 1620 inventory, actual total £148 1s 4d DPRI/1/1620/B1 Guy BAYNBRIGGE, gentleman, of Heendfelloe Howse in the Forrest of Teasdale within the countie of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasale [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrig DPRI/1/1620/B1/1-2 10 March 1620 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1620] DPRI/1/1620/B1/3-5 5 April 1620 indented inventory, actual total £713 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £431 9s 11d) exhibited, 21 Apr 1620 DPRI/1/1620/B4 Edmond BELL, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/B4/1 undated will Fragment found adhering to dorse of the will of Valentyne Baker (DPRI/1/1620/B2/1), and presumed to be a fragment of the will of Edmond [Bell]. DPRI/1/1620/B4/2-4 24 April 1620 indented inventory DPRI/1/1620/B5 14 November 1620 Thomas BETHOM, yeoman, gentleman, of Useburne (Useborne) in the county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Bethome, Bethume DPRI/1/1620/B5/1 14 February 1620 will endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1620] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 139 DPRI/1/1620/B5/2-4 10 October 1620 inventory, actual total £58 8s DPRI/1/1620/B6 30 June 1620 Richarde BILLINGHAM, of sometymes of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]. Died 1594 see DPRI/4/12 f.388v: 30 June 1620 DPRI/1/1620/B6/1 30 June 1620 inventory Date in June 1620 uncertain (damaged). Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1620/B7 29 July 1620 Isabell BIRKETT, widow, of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Birket, Birkit DPRI/1/1620/B7/1-2 25 June 1620 will with nuncupative codicil, 27 June 1620 endorsed: proved, 29 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/B7/3 29 June 1620 indented inventory, actual total £3 0s 8d (with account of funeral charges of 10s) DPRI/1/1620/B8 19 December 1620 Thomas BLACKBOURNE, of Newbrough payrish [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Blackborne DPRI/1/1620/B8/1 18 November 1620 will Subscribed: probate granted to John Forster (Foster), manservant and co-executor, with a power reserved [to Elizabeth Blackbourne, relict and co-executor], 19 Dec 1620 DPRI/1/1620/B8/2 15 December 1620 inventory, actual total £13 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 9s) DPRI/1/1620/B9 Thomas BURRELL, gentleman, of Milfeild in the parish of Newton within the countie of Northumberland [Kirknewton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/B9/1-2 20 May 1620 will endorsed: inventory requested; Wooler wills Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 141 DPRI/1/1620/C1 22 July 1620 John CARR, gentleman, of Newcastle, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/C1/1-2 29 July 1620 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 22 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/C2 John CHARLTONE, of Callcottes (Coldcotes, Coldecotes, Caldcoats) in Bellingham chaplerie (parish) [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charlton, Charltonn, Charleton DPRI/1/1620/C2/1 13 January 1619 will DPRI/1/1620/C2/2-3 13 January 1619 copy will with inventory, 29 May 1620, actual total £2 11s 10d endorsed: proved, 29 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/C3 Robert CLERKE, bailiff of Alnwick, bailiff, of Alnwicke (Alnwick, Alnewick) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/C3/1 15 January 1620 will endorsed: proved, 3 Mar [1621]; inventory requested DPRI/1/1620/C4 6 November 1621 Henry COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Berwick upon Tweede [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book. DPRI/1/1620/C4/1-2 8 December 1620 will endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1621] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 142-143 DPRI/1/1620/C4/3-4 5 January 1621 inventory, actual total £41 11s 10d DPRI/1/1620/C6 2 March 1621 Thomas COOKE, the elder, mercer, of citty of Durham [Durham, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.413: 2 Mar 1621 DPRI/1/1620/C6/1-14 26 February 1621 inventory inventory of household and shop goods etc.; inventory total uncertain DPRI/1/1620/C7 Dorithee COOPER, widow, of Huton Henry (Hutton Henrye) in the county of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/C7/1 19 April 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/C7/2-3 21 April 1620 indented inventory, actual total £25 2s 4d DPRI/1/1620/C8 26 April 1620 Thomas COOPER, tanner, of Morpeth in the countie of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Cowper. Died 28 December 1619 DPRI/1/1620/C8/1-2 27 December 1619 will endorsed: proved, 26 Apr 1620; Morpeth wills DPRI/1/1620/C8/3 27 December 1619 copy will DPRI/1/1620/C8/4-6 31 December 1619 indented inventory, actual total £171 3s 11d (with account of debts of £17) DPRI/1/1620/C9 3 March 1621 George CORBET, of Estlylborne (East Lilborne), chapelry of Bewicke [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Corbett DPRI/1/1620/C9/1 12 February 1620 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 12s 8d (with account of debts of £11 18s) endorsed: proved, 3 Mar [1621]; Alnwick wills DPRI/1/1620/C10 26 September 1620 Allexander CORKER, yeoman, of Lemedon in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Newborne (Newburne) [Newburn, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A f.39 DPRI/1/1620/C10/1-2 6 December 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£8 3s) and owing by (?£10 8s 2d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 26 Sep [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/C10/3-4 9 May 1620 indented inventory, actual total £23 7s (with account of debts of £10 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1620/C10/5-6 9 May 1620 indented copy inventory, actual total £23 7s (with account of debts of £10 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1620/C5 2 May 1620 Thomas CUNINGHAM, of Twedmouth (Tweedmouth) [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Coningham DPRI/1/1620/C5/1-2 12 May 1617 will with inventory of debts, 12 May 1617, actual total £18 19s 4d (with account of debts of £2 1s 10d) endorsed: not proved; administration granted, 2 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/D1 20 January 1621 Robert DAVISONE, of parish of Edlingham [Edlingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Davison DPRI/1/1620/D1/1 undated will DPRI/1/1620/D1/2 undated inventory, actual total £91 9s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 20 Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/D2 31 July 1620 Roger DAVYSONNE, blacksmith, of Newcastill, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Davesone, Davyson DPRI/1/1620/D2/1-2 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 31 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/D3 15 November 1620 Richard DAWSON, of Fenruther (Fenrother) within the Chappellrie of Hebburne (Hebborne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/D3/1 25 May 1620 will endorsed: proved, 15 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/D3/2 14 November 1620 inventory, actual total £78 16s 4d (with account of debts of £5 2s) inventory, subscribed with list of goods etc. (£7 6s 8d) of three named daughters of the deceased DPRI/1/1620/D4 27 July 1620 George DUNE, of Scranewood (Scranwodd, Scranwood) in the parishe of Alnham (Alneham) [Alnham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/D4/1 4 May 1620 will endorsed: proved, 27 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/D4/2 10 July 1620 indented inventory, actual total £8 4s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 13s) DPRI/1/1620/D5 10 May 1620 Jarratt DUNE, miller, of parishe (chapelry) of St Andrewes within the liberty of the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Dunne DPRI/1/1620/D5/1-2 16 March 1620 will endorsed: proved, 10 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/D5/3-4 27 March 1620 inventory, actual total £39 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 1s) DPRI/1/1620/E1 6 April 1620 John EDWARD, tanner, of Hewgh Colling, Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/E1/1-2 2 December 1619 will DPRI/1/1620/E1/3 3 April 1620 inventory, actual total £90 3s 10d (with account of debts of £13 13s 8d) Inventory totals uncertain (some totals illegible). Endorsed: [will] proved, 6 Apr [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/E2 26 September 1620 Raphe ELLYSON, carpenter, of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Allanson DPRI/1/1620/E2/1-2 1 February 1620 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 Sep [1620]; DPRI/1/1620/F1 Edward FARRALES, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Farrales died and his funeral was at London, prior to 4 June 1620; administration was also granted there, by commission. See DPRI/4/12 f.400. DPRI/1/1620/F1/1-2 16 October 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1620/F2 William FARROE, of Biggin of Branspeth parish in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Farrow DPRI/1/1620/F2/1-2 11 May 1620 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/F2/3 7 June 1620 inventory, actual total £130 3s 10d (with account of debts of £33 3s) DPRI/1/1620/F3 22 January 1621 George FENWYCKE, merchant, of parishe of St Johnes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke DPRI/1/1620/F3/1 9 December 1620 will endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1621]; inventory requested DPRI/1/1620/F4 8 March 1621 George FORSTER, husband of Grace Forster, gentleman, of Lyham (Lyam), parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A f.66: 8 Mar 1621 DPRI/1/1620/F4/1 21 January 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/F4/2-3 8 March 1621 inventory, actual total £400 (with account of debts of £100) Endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Mar [1621]. Date drawn from wrapper. DPRI/1/1620/F4/4 undated wrapper DPRI/1/1620/F5 26 April 1620 Peter FOSTER, of Chesteroup (Chestrhoup, Chesterupp) in the parish of Corsensydd (Corsenside) [Corsenside, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster. Died 21 March 1620 See DPRI/4/12A f.15: 26 Apr 1620. Date of death inferred from inventory. DPRI/1/1620/F5/1-2 21 March 1620 will with inventory, 21 March 1620, actual total £7 13s (and more) Date of will - day in Mar 1620 uncertain. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Apr [1620] DPRI/1/1620/F6 8 March 1621 Lyonell FOSTER, of Wettwood (Weetwoodd), parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1620/F6/1 9 April 1620 will with inventory, undated, actual total £14 0s 4d endorsed: proved, 8 Mar [1621] DPRI/1/1620/F7 Sir George FREVILE, knight, husband of Lady Elizabeth Frevile, of Hardwick parish of Sedgefeld [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Freville See DPRI/4/12 ff.349 (10 Jan 1620); 365 (26 Feb 1620); 378v (6 May 1620). For the Inquisition Post Mortem, taken at Durham 12 April 1620, see TNA DURH 3/189/25. A copy of an inventory of Frevile's goods (£ 2,861 13s 1d) dated 9 Feb 1620 is transcribed in Swift's Precedent Book (Raine MSS 124) f.314, held in Durham Cathedral Library: the original record does not survive in the Durham probate collection. DPRI/1/1620/F7/1 22 January 1620 commission commission to Christopher Lever MA, vicar of Heighington, and Robert Burrell MA, preacher and curate of Gainford, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to (the aged) Lady Elizabeth Frevile, relict and [sole] executrix of the will and codicil DPRI/1/1620/G1 10 February 1621 John GARGRAVE, yeoman, of Hetton in the Hole in the countie of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.410v: 10 Feb 1621 DPRI/1/1620/G1/1 14 February 1618 will endorsed: John Gargraves will & his wiffes fefftment [feoffment] 1618 DPRI/1/1620/G1/2-3 20 May 1619 inventory, actual total £84 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 5s) endorsed: [will] proved, 10 Feb [1621] DPRI/1/1620/G2 11 November 1620 Jenett GOODCHILDE, spinster, of Seham (Sehame) in the countie of Durham [Seaham, County Durham]; also spelt Goodchyld, Goodchild see DPRI/4/12 f.404v: 11 Nov 1620; will proved by Robert Goodchilde, son DPRI/1/1620/G2/1-2 26 April 1620 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/G2/3 1 June 1620 inventory dated 1 June 1602 [recte 1620] DPRI/1/1620/G3 28 February 1621 Henry GRAY, of chapelry of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie The inventory of Henry Gray of Ulgham was formerly filed in error with Thomas Gray's probate records (DPRI/1/1620/G4/1). DPRI/1/1620/G3/1 2 August 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 28 Feb [1621] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 142 DPRI/1/1620/G4 January 1621 Thomas GRAY, of Ulgham [Ulgham, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A pp.52 or 16; not in DPRI/4/12. DPRI/1/1620/G4/1 undated will with inventory, 1620, actual total £12 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 15s) endorsed: [proved,] ... Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/G5 Richard GRAYSON, of Craike (Crake, Craike) [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Graison DPRI/1/1620/G5/1 31 August 1618 will DPRI/1/1620/G5/2 29 December 1618 inventory, actual total £19 1s 8d (with account of debts of £4 5s) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1620/G7 14 November 1620 John GREEN, of parish of St Nicholas of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Greene DPRI/1/1620/G7/1 7 August 1620 will endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/G7/2 10 November 1620 inventory, actual total £15 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1620/G6 17 November 1620 James GREENE, tanner, of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) within the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Grene DPRI/1/1620/G6/1-2 24 May 1620 will Year of will inferred from date of inventory. Endorsed: proved, 17 Nov [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/G6/3-4 26 September 1620 inventory, actual total £47 2s 7d (and more) inventory total incomplete (document damaged) DPRI/1/1620/G8 Richard GRINWELL, of Byarlay (Byarley)House within the parish of Leanchester (Lanchester) and countye of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/G8/1 25 May 1620 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 2 June DPRI/1/1620/G8/2 30 May 1620 indented inventory, actual total £19 19s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1620/H1 George HALLYMAN, gentleman, of Lumley Castle in the countye of Durham [Lumley, County Durham]; also spelt Halliman, Hallieman see DPRI/4/12 f.406v DPRI/1/1620/H1/1 10 December 1620 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1620/H1/2-4 2 January 1621 inventory, actual total £945 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £37 17s 3d) DPRI/1/1620/H2 5 January 1621 John HERON, gentleman, of Greenefeild (Grenefeild, Grenefeld) in the parishe of St Hellen Auckland [Auckland St Helen, County Durham]; also spelt Hearon DPRI/1/1620/H2/1-2 8 March 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1620/H2/3 4 January 1621 commission commission to Brian Grante, vicar of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration and the tuition of the children of the deceased to Dorothy Hearon of Darlington, relict, also for the use of the said children; commission executed by Grant, 5 Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/H3 26 March 1620 James HOBSON, vicar of Heddon-on-the-Wall, clerk, of Heddon upon the Wall [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland] Probate Act not found in DPRI/4/12A or 12 upon 26 Mar 1620. DPRI/1/1620/H3/1 undated will Will dated, 13 Mar [?1620]. Endorsed: proved, 26 Mar 1620. DPRI/1/1620/H3/2 20 March 1620 indented inventory, actual total £33 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £1 16s 10d) DPRI/1/1620/H4 Thomas HORNESAY, of Craike (Crake) [Crayke, Yorkshire]; also spelt Hornsay Not found in Probate Act Book, DPRI/4/12. DPRI/1/1620/H4/1 11 September 1619 will Will, subscribed with note relating that four of the deceased's children were minors. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1620/H4/2 20 September 1619 inventory, actual total £21 0s 8d (with account of debts of £3 14s) DPRI/1/1620/H5 12 April 1620 Humfray HUDSON, miller, of parish of Saint Nicholas in the cittie and countie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.374v DPRI/1/1620/H5/1-2 7 March 1620 will with list of debts owing to the testator of £7 13s 6d DPRI/1/1620/H5/3 undated inventory, actual total £69 6s endorsed: [will] proved, 12 Apr [1620] DPRI/1/1620/H6 25 February 1621 George HUTTON, gentleman, of Sunderland in the county of Durham [Croxdale, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12A f.411v: 25 Feb 1621; Croxdale specified DPRI/1/1620/H6/1-2 3 June 1618 copy will subscribed: original delivered to Mr Jackson to trust of his son-in-law Hutton, 3 Dec 1653 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 124-126 DPRI/1/1620/H6/3 12 February 1621 inventory, actual total £3 6s 8d DPRI/1/1620/J1 Christofor JACKSON, yeoman, of Great Usworth (Greate Osworth) in the parish of Washingtowne within the countie of Durham [Washington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/J1/1 December 1618 will Date in Dec, 1618 illegible (damaged). Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1620/J1/2-3 21 June 1620 inventory, actual total £34 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 18s 11d) DPRI/1/1620/J2 William JACKSON, of Helmedon Rowe in the parishe of Brancpeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/J2/1-2 1 October 1620 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/J2/3-4 8 November 1620 inventory, actual total £151 12s 6d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £33 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1620/J3 13 May 1620 Clement JOHNSONE, of Kyo (Kio) in the parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Johnson DPRI/1/1620/J3/1 15 February 1620 will endorsed: proved, 13 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/J3/2 10 May 1620 indented inventory, actual total £58 13s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £12 1s 5d) DPRI/1/1620/K1 Henrye KILLINGHALL [Middleton St George, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f. 386v DPRI/1/1620/K1/1-4 19 April 1620 inventory DPRI/1/1620/K2 22 January 1621 Michael KIRKLAIE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne of Newcastle, parish of St Nicolas (Nicholas) [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Kirkly, Kirkley, Kirkely see DPRI/4/12A f.51 DPRI/1/1620/K2/1-2 31 July 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/K2/3 31 July 1620 copy will DPRI/1/1620/K2/4-6 29 January 1621 inventory, actual total £2,142 10s endorsed: [will] proved, 22 Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/M1 27 May 1620 Lyonell MADDISON, yeoman, of Rydinge House within the parish of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Maddeson DPRI/1/1620/M1/1 6 April 1620 inventory Administration granted to Elizabeth Maddison, relict, also for the use of four named children. Endorsed: administration granted, 27 May [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/M2 Anthonie MARLEY, yeoman, of Picktree within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/M2/1-2 21 December 1620 will Will, with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing to the testator of £195 19s 8d. Endorsed: proved. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 143-144 DPRI/1/1620/M2/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1620/M3 7 February 1621 Simond MILBURNE, yeoman, of the Yatehouse within the parish (chapelry) of Bellingham and countie of Northumberland [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Milborne, Mylburne see DPRI/4/12A p.57: 7 Feb 1621 DPRI/1/1620/M3/1 5 January 1621 will endorsed: proved, 7 Feb [1621]; Simonburn wills DPRI/1/1620/M3/3 3 February 1621 inventory, actual total £6 13s DPRI/1/1620/M3/2 3 February 1621 copy inventory, actual total £6 13s DPRI/1/1620/M4 Thomas MITCHELL, of Stainton in the parish of Barnard Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12. DPRI/1/1620/M4/1 undated will DPRI/1/1620/M4/2 17 June 1619 inventory, actual total £203 10s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 16s 8d) Inventory total uncertain (damage). Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1620/M5 Jane MOORIE, widow, of East Newbiggin in the countie of Durham, parish of Bushop[ton] [Bishopton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/M5/1 9 July 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/M5/2 19 July 1620 inventory, actual total £53 3s (with account of debts of £51 6s) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/M6 24 July 1620 John MORNING, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], of brough of Barwicke (Berwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Morneinge DPRI/1/1620/M6/1-2 6 May 1620 will endorsed: proved, 24 July [1620]; Berwick wills; inventory requested DPRI/1/1620/M7 William MORTON, archdeacon of Durham, vicar of Newcastle upon Tyne, clerk, Newcastle upon Tyne, Easington [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Easington, County Durham] See DPRI/4/12 ff.395v (31 July 1620); 396v (22 Aug 1620). See also, DDR Register of Bishop Neile, p.31. Morton's date of death uncertain: Le Neve (vol.3 p.304) and Fordyce differ. DPRI/1/1620/M7/1 17 December 1619 will DPRI/1/1620/M7/2 22 March 1620 codicil DPRI/1/1620/M7/3-4 27 July 1620 inventory, actual total £1,853 0s 2d Inventory totals £1,767 4s 8d; to which has been added £85 15s 6d of goods etc. at Easington 'valewed in an other perticular inventory given into the Court'. DPRI/1/1620/M7/5 wrapper DPRI/1/1620/M7/6 wrapper [Wrapper, made from an envelope addressed to Sir Cuthbert [Sharp] of Hartlepool.] DPRI/1/1620/M8 4 May 1620 Georg MUSCHAMPE, gentleman, of Lyham (Lyam) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Muschamp see DPRI/4/12A p.18: administration granted to Margaret Muschampe, relict, 4 May 1620 DPRI/1/1620/M8/1 20 June 1619 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 4 May [1620]; 20 May 1620, Wooler wills Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 140-141 DPRI/1/1620/N1 Cuthbert NATTRIS, of Weareshead in the forest of Wardaile and in the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Nattres DPRI/1/1620/N1/1 30 June 1620 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/N1/2 8 July 1620 inventory, actual total £20 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 9s 7d) DPRI/1/1620/N2 Edmond NICHOLSON, of parishe of Craike (Crake) [Crayke, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1620/N2/1 4 August 1619 will subscribed with the names of four of Nicholson's children, they being minors DPRI/1/1620/N2/2 10 August 1619 inventory, actual total £21 3s 4d (with account of debts of £1 10s) endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1620/O2 5 May 1620 Olyver OGLE, gentleman, of Burrodone (Burrowden, Burraden, Burredon) in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland] See DPRI/4/12 ff. 350, 353v, 354v, 356v, 363, 369: 14 Jan 1619-18 Mar 1620, See also DPRI/4/12A p.19: administration granted, 5 May 1620. DPRI/1/1620/O2/1 24 October 1614 will endorsed: not yet proved DPRI/1/1620/O2/2-3 1619 indented inventory, actual total £200 15s with grant of administration, 5 May 1620 inventory, subscribed with copy act of court granting administration to Magdalen Ogle, relict, with the consent of Lancelot Ogle, eldest son, and limited to the goods etc. listed in this inventory, 5 May 1620 DPRI/1/1620/O2/4-5 undated inventory, actual total £27 12s 8d Inventory of goods etc. 'not conveyed by the deed of gift made in his lifetyme to Lancelot Ogle his sonne'. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 May [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/O1 26 February 1621 Hercules OGLLE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ogle DPRI/1/1620/O1/1 29 December 1620 will Endorsed: proved, 26 Feb [1621]. Also endorsed with [?unrelated] 27 Feb [?1621] memorandum relating to the fililation of the new child of Cicelie Elgie now of Newlinside, Stanhope. DPRI/1/1620/O1/2 29 January 1621 inventory, actual total £121 1s 5d inventory of shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1620/O3 John ORNESBY, of parishe of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Hornsby not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12 under O or H DPRI/1/1620/O3/1 6 February 1621 inventory DPRI/1/1620/P1 10 May 1620 Henrie PATTISON, yeoman, of Newcastle uppon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/P1/1 8 May 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 10 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/P2 22 January 1621 Raph PATTISON, yeoman, of Seaton Delavale in the countie of Northumberland [Seaton Delaval, Northumberland]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1620/P2/1 5 July 1620 will with inventory, 5 July 1620, actual total £7 1s 3d Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £7 1s 3d. Endorsed: will and inventory; proved, 22 Jan [1621]. DPRI/1/1620/P3 10 May 1620 Thomas PATTYSON, yeoman, of Echwick (Eachewicke, Eachwicke) in the paryshe of Heddon on the Wall in the county of Northumberland [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattison, Patterson DPRI/1/1620/P3/1 13 March 1620 will endorsed: proved, 10 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/P3/2 7 April 1620 inventory, actual total £22 12s 4d DPRI/1/1620/P4 Giles PAYCOCKE, yeoman, of Barnardcastell (Barnard Castle) within the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Peacock, Pacock DPRI/1/1620/P4/1 20 July 1619 will DPRI/1/1620/P4/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 12s 4d DPRI/1/1620/P5 14 November 1620 Michaell PEARSON, rope-maker, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, parish or chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Peareson DPRI/1/1620/P5/1-2 4 May 1620 will endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/P5/3 undated inventory, actual total £19 18s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 11s) DPRI/1/1620/P6 14 January 1621 William PEARSONNE, yeoman, of parisshe of Horsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Horsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Pearson DPRI/1/1620/P6/1 15 March 1620 will endorsed: proved, 14 Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/P6/2 4 April 1620 indented inventory, actual total £31 7s 8d DPRI/1/1620/P7 29 July 1620 Robarte PEMMERTON, gentleman, of Esh [Esh, County Durham]; also spelt Pemberton see DPRI/4/12 f.394v: 29 July 1620 DPRI/1/1620/P7/1 21 April 1620 inventory Subscribed: completed inventory to be exhibited the Saturday after [Feast of St] Michael (30 Sep [1620]). Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1620/P8 Adaline PRIORMAN, of Keepier in the parish of St Giles of the countie of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Prierman see DPRI/4/12 f.414 DPRI/1/1620/P8/2 1 March 1621 nuncupative will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/P8/1 16 March 1621 inventory, actual total £142 16s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 1s 3d) DPRI/1/1620/P10 William PRIST, of Thornton in the Beanes, parish of Osmotherley [Osmotherley, Yorkshire] Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12 (1619-1625). DPRI/1/1620/P10/1 16 March 1620 inventory administration granted to Dorothy Prist, relict, and Thomas Prist, son, also for the use of James and William Prist, sons DPRI/1/1620/P9 Thomas PRYERMAN, yeoman, of Kepeyere (Kepier) in the county of Durham [Durham St Giles, County Durham]; also spelt Priarman DPRI/1/1620/P9/1 15 February 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/R1 12 July 1620 Nicholas RIDLEY, of Bramhaugh (Broomehaugh) within the parish of Bywell Andrew [Broomhaugh, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A f.30: proved, 12 July 1620 DPRI/1/1620/R1/1 7 July 1620 inventory endorsed: will proved 12 July [1620] and delivered to the office of the Consistory [Court] DPRI/1/1620/R2 27 May 1620 Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Branspeth (Brancepeth, Brancpeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/R2/1-2 20 April 1620 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £141. Endorsed: proved, 27 May [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/R2/3 19 May 1620 inventory, actual total £155 10s 8d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £100 5s) DPRI/1/1620/R3 23 March 1621 Issabell RUTTER, widow, of Hunshell Fourd (Hunsheldfourd) within the parishe of Stanhope [Stanhope, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.414v: 23 Mar 1621 DPRI/1/1620/R3/1 1 March 1621 will DPRI/1/1620/R3/2 13 March 1621 inventory, actual total £4 18s 4d (with account of debts of £1 18s) DPRI/1/1620/S1 18 December 1620 Robert SANDER, of Ryton and of the same parish [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Sanders see DPRI/4/12 ff. 406v, 407v, 410v, 411, 412 (23 Feb 1621): administration granted to Margaret Sander, daughter, 18 Dec 1620 DPRI/1/1620/S1/1 1620 act of court Act of court: John Cradocke, Durham Chancellor, orders the distribution of legacies due to Margaret Sander and also certain perishable crops between John Sander, son and executor, and Margaret Sander, daughter; the distribution of the residue to be decreed upon at the next court day. DPRI/1/1620/S2 24 July 1620 Lancelot SELBIE, [clerk of Tweedmouth chapel], clerk, of Berwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] Selbie drew the wage of a clerk at Tweedmouth chapel (see inventory). DPRI/1/1620/S2/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S3 26 July 1620 John SELBY, gentleman, of Tendal Hous (Tindall, Tindale House) within the counttie of Norham, parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbie. Died 9 September 1619 see DPRI/4/12A p.33 DPRI/1/1620/S3/1-2 14 November 1615 will endorsed: administration granted, 26 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S3/3 21 August 1620 inventory, actual total £13 18s DPRI/1/1620/S4 24 July 1620 John SHOTTON, of Barwicke (Berwick upon Tweed) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/S4/1 29 June 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 24 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S5 17 November 1620 Peter SMALES, husband of Janett Smales, of Haroppe (Haireupp), parish of Egglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Smailes DPRI/1/1620/S5/1 8 November 1620 inventory Inventory of the goods etc. of Peter Smales and of his wife Janett Smales. Endorsed: administration granted, 17 Nov [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/S6 29 July 1620 Humphrey SMITHE, of parish of Bolam [] parish uncertain: Bolam parishes in both County Durham and Northumberland DPRI/1/1620/S6/1 29 May 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 29 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S6/2 29 May 1620 copy inventory DPRI/1/1620/S7 William SOBER, yeoman, of Darlington within the county of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.407 DPRI/1/1620/S7/1 1620 will Will dated, 25 M... [?May] 1620. Endorsed with the names of John Bygott and Thomas Lumley of Darlington, bondsmen. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 166-167 DPRI/1/1620/S7/2-3 22 June 1620 inventory, actual total £95 16s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £39 16s 10d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 168-170 DPRI/1/1620/S8 Roger SOULE, husbandman, of Norton within the countie of Durham [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1620/S8/1-2 17 March 1618 will with codicil, 1 August 1620 Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by (£9 7s) and owing to (£1 19s 3d) the testator. Endorsed: proved. DPRI/1/1620/S8/3 3 October 1620 inventory, actual total £48 12s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 4s 4d) inventory total uncertain DPRI/1/1620/S9 7 March 1621 Richard STEILL, of Phenwicke, chapelry of K[yloe] [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/S9/1 29 August 1620 will Will, with list of debts owing to (£6 3s) and owing by (£9 4s 8d) the testator. Subscribed: [Henry Steill, brother and] executor renounced, and administration granted to the deceased's widow, 7 Mar 1621. Endorsed: Tweedmouth wills. DPRI/1/1620/S9/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 17s DPRI/1/1620/S10 17 November 1620 John STEVENSON, freemason, of Cannogate within the parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Stephenson DPRI/1/1620/S10/1-2 9 July 1620 will with inventory, 2 November 1620, actual total £135 9s 11d (with account of debts of £21) DPRI/1/1620/S10/3 wrapper endorsed: proved, 17 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S11 20 November 1620 William STEWARTE, of the parish of Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Steward. Died 1 May 1620 date of death in 1620 uncertain (see inventory). DPRI/1/1620/S11/1-2 5 April 1620 will endorsed: proved, 20 Nov [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S11/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £41 4s 9d (with account of debts of £46 6s 8d) endorsed: Berwick wills DPRI/1/1620/S12 17 October 1620 Thomas STOBBARD, of the Bothowse (Boathouse) of the parishe of Owingame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Stobbert DPRI/1/1620/S12/1 17 July 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 17 Oct [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S13 William STODDERT, the elder, of Grensid (Grenside) in the countye of Durham, Trimdon [Trimdon, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.409 DPRI/1/1620/S13/1 26 September 1620 will Will, with (undated) list of debts owing by the testator of £8 2s 8d. Endorsed: John Dixon his bond for £11 DPRI/1/1620/S13/2-3 6 November 1620 inventory, actual total £35 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 3s 8d) endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/S14 14 November 1620 John STOKOE, of Walbotle (Wawbotle) in the parishe of Newburne (Newb[orne]) [Newburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/S14/1-2 23 March 1620 will with inventory, 3 June 1620, actual total £13 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 11s 4d) endorsed: proved, 14 Nov [1620]; Newcastle wills DPRI/1/1620/S15 William STRINGER, Heyley Feild within the parish of Lanchester, Helyefeild in the parish of Muggleswick [Lanchester, County Durham; Muggleswick, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 ff. 379, 381v (May 1620): parish given as Lanchester; however, there is a Healeyfield near Muggleswick. DPRI/1/1620/S15/1-2 4 May 1620 inventory subscribed: Margaret Stringer, relict, renounced administration. Endorsed: administration granted. DPRI/1/1620/S16 28 February 1621 John SWAN, the elder, of Earsden within the chappelrie of Hebburne (Hebborne) [Earsdon, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/S16/1 27 December 1620 will endorsed: proved, 28 Feb [1621]; Morpeth court wills DPRI/1/1620/S16/2 31 January 1621 inventory, actual total £67 8s 7d DPRI/1/1620/S17 Edward SWYNNEY, of Embleton of the parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinhoe, Swynnoe DPRI/1/1620/S17/1-2 22 April 1620 will endorsed: proved, 20 June [1620] DPRI/1/1620/S17/3 4 May 1620 inventory, actual total £41 14s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 1s 2d) DPRI/1/1620/T1 Robert TATE, of Shotton of the parish of Newton in Gle[n]d[ale] [Kirknewton, Northumberland]; also spelt Taite see DPRI/4/12A p.32: administration granted at Wooler, 26 July 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T1/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 26 July [1620] DPRI/1/1620/T2 9 May 1620 John TEASDALE, of parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Teasdaile see DPRI/4/12A p.20: administration granted to Bridgete Crosier, former relict and now wife of William Crosier, 9 May 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T2/1 6 January 1618 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 9 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/T3 19 May 1620 Nicholas TEWERT, of Heighington in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.381: 19 May 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T3/1-2 8 May 1620 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1620/T3/3 18 May 1620 inventory, actual total £137 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 10s) DPRI/1/1620/T4 10 May 1620 Issabell THORNTON, of parish (chapelry) of Alhallowes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A f.23: administration granted at Newcastle St Nicholas to James Cole for the use of Jane Thornton, minor daughter, and inventory exhibited, 10 May 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T4/1-2 27 March 1620 inventory Administration granted to James Scoles (Cole) for the use of James Thornton [sic], 8 Apr 1620. Endorsed: administration granted, 10 May 1620; Newcastle wills. DPRI/1/1620/T5 Mary THROCKMORTON, relict of Robert Throckmorton, clerk, widow, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Throckemorton DPRI/1/1620/T5/1-2 16 September 1620 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 170-171 DPRI/1/1620/T5/3 7 December 1620 inventory, actual total £380 3s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £219) endorsed: [will] proved Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 171-173 DPRI/1/1620/T6 17 May 1620 Anthony TILBURNE, yeoman, of Barnard Castell (Castle) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] See DPRI/4/12 f.380: 17 May 1620. Will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory - the latter is not present, however, the Probate Act Book supplies exhibited inventory total as £10 4s. DPRI/1/1620/T6/1 6 August 1619 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/T7 1 April 1620 Thomas TOMPSONN, of Ayckliffe (Aiklif) [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Tomson, Thompson see DPRI/4/12 f.373v: 1 Apr 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T7/1 5 January 1619 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr 1620 DPRI/1/1620/T7/2 17 February 1619 inventory, actual total £103 18s 10d inventory total drawn from DPRI/4/12 f.373v DPRI/1/1620/U2 29 April 1620 William UNTHANK, of Lossen Hill within the pariche of Lamsley [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Hunthank see DPRI/4/12 f.377: 29 Apr 1620 DPRI/1/1620/U2/1-2 15 February 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/U1 Anthony UNTHANKE, yeoman, of Crookham in the parish of Fourd (Foord) [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Unthancke DPRI/1/1620/U1/1 25 November 1620 will DPRI/1/1620/U1/2 5 December 1620 inventory, actual total £12 8s endorsed: proved, 7 Mar [1621] DPRI/1/1620/W1 6 February 1621 Rowland WALKER, yeoman, of Shotleyfeild in the countie of Northumberland [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/W1/1 16 January 1621 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing by (£5 14s 1d) and owing to (9s 4d) the testator.Endorsed: proved, 6 Feb [1621]; Corbridge wills. DPRI/1/1620/W1/2 23 January 1621 inventory, actual total £41 5s 8d DPRI/1/1620/W2 9 May 1620 Rolannd WALLAS, of parishe of Kirkhaugh (Keirkhaugh) [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallace DPRI/1/1620/W2/1 1 March 1618 indented will endorsed: proved, 9 May [1620] DPRI/1/1620/W2/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £36 DPRI/1/1620/W3 Edward WANLES, alderman of Durham, dyer, alderman, of parishe of Saint Nicholas within the cittie of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Wanless see DPRI/4/12 ff. 397, 398v, 399v, 400v, 401: 26 Aug 1620-13 Oct 1620 DPRI/1/1620/W3/1-2 24 June 1619 will will dated 23 June 1619 at head and 24 June 1619 at foot DPRI/1/1620/W3/5 24 June 1619 copy will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1620/W3/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1620/W3/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1620/W4 Jarrat WILSON, of Muggilswicke (Muggleswick) [Muggleswick, County Durham]; also spelt Willson. Died 8 February 1620 DPRI/1/1620/W4/1 26 January 1620 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £1 11s 4d DPRI/1/1620/W4/2 8 February 1620 inventory, actual total £11 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 7s 6d) endorsed: [will] proved DPRI/1/1620/W5 9 May 1620 Robart WOODMAN, yeoman, of towne and parishe of Chollerton [in] the countye of Northumberland [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Wodman, Wooddmann DPRI/1/1620/W5/1-2 19 April 1620 will with nuncupative codicil, 19 April 1620 Will and codicil, subscribed with (undated) memorandum clarifying a bequest made in the will, made by the witnesses to the will upon probate. Endorsed: proved, 9 May [1620]. DPRI/1/1620/W5/3 3 May 1620 inventory, actual total £86 11s 7d DPRI/1/1620/W6 22 January 1621 Peter WRIGHT, mariner, lighterman, of towne of Newcastell uponn Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1620/W6/1-2 17 December 1620 will endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1621] DPRI/1/1620/W6/3 1 January 1621 inventory, actual total £14 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 4s 3d) DPRI/1/1621 Wills etc proved 1621 DPRI/1/1621/A1 29 August 1621 Ann ANDERSON, wife of Bartram Anderson of Newcastle, merchant, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/A1/1 4 August 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/A1/2 10 August 1621 nuncupative codicil endorsed: proved, 29 Aug [1621] DPRI/1/1621/A1/3-6 23 August 1621 indented inventory, actual total £1,975 5s 7d Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 29 Aug [1621]. DPRI/1/1621/A2 27 July 1621 Archeball ARMSTRONG, of parish of Whitfeild [Whitfield, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong DPRI/1/1621/A2/1 16 March 1621 will endorsed: proved, 27 July [1621] DPRI/1/1621/A2/2 undated inventory, actual total £7 0s 8d (with account of debts of £3 15s 6d) DPRI/1/1621/A3 Percevell ATKINSON, of Elme (Helm) Park within the parishe of Wolsinghame [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/A3/1-2 13 December 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/A3/3-4 28 January 1622 inventory, actual total £75 1s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 0s 8d) DPRI/1/1621/A4 Lancelott AYTIS, yeoman, of Cornforth (Corneforth) within the parish of Midlam (Bishop Midlam) in the countie of Durham [Cornforth, County Durham]; also spelt Aytus will bond, penal sum £100: DPRI/3/1621/B109 bond: DPRI/3/1621/B109 DPRI/1/1621/A4/1 5 January 1622 will DPRI/1/1621/A4/2 undated inventory, actual total £55 5s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/B1 19 January 1622 Edward BELL, of Nether Buston [Warkworth, Northumberland] See DPRI/4/13A f.2v: 19 Jan 1622. For a commission relating to a limited grant of administration of Bell's estate, see - DPRI/1/1622/O6/5 DPRI/1/1621/B1/1 31 August 1620 will year date uncertain DPRI/1/1621/B1/2 undated inventory, actual total £49 1s 2d inventory of the portion bequeathed to Edward Bell of Cheswick, nephew DPRI/1/1621/B2 3 May 1621 Christofer BLACKBEARD, cook, sergeant at mace, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Chrestofer DPRI/1/1621/B2/1 12 March 1621 will endorsed: '3 May 1621; Newcastle wills etc.'; proved, 3 May [1621] DPRI/1/1621/B2/2-3 30 March 1621 inventory, actual total £86 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 14s 3d) DPRI/1/1621/B3 Magdalen BOWES, widow, of Biddick (Biddicke) in the county pallantyne of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/B3/1 14 August 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/B4 Robert BOWES, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/B4/1-4 8 January 1622 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 8 Feb [1622] DPRI/1/1621/B5 9 February 1622 Thomas BOWES, merchant, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/B5/1-2 15 January 1622 indented inventory Inventory of all household and shop goods etc. held jointly by Bowes and his 'copartner' Raphe Gray at the time of Bowes' death. Endorsed: administration granted, 9 Feb [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/B6 9 May 1621 Daniel BRADER, gentleman, of Bedlington in the county palatine of Durisme [Bedlington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/B6/1 22 October 1620 will endorsed: 2 & 9 May 1621; Morpeth wills etc. DPRI/1/1621/B6/2-4 undated indented inventory, actual total £385 10s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 19s 1d) Inventory total includes £298 17s of desperate bonds. Endorsed: proved, 9 May [1621]. DPRI/1/1621/B7 17 April 1621 John BURRELL, gentleman, of parish (chapelry) of St Andrewe within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/B7/1-2 9 March 1621 will endorsed: proved, 17 Apr [1621] DPRI/1/1621/B7/3-4 16 April 1621 inventory, actual total £114 17s DPRI/1/1621/C1 George CHILTON, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete (Streat) within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/C1/1-2 19 March 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/C1/3-4 11 October 1621 inventory, actual total £64 9s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £53 15s 7d) DPRI/1/1621/C2 Richarde CLEMENT, vicar of Dalton-le-Dale, clerk, of Dalton in the Hole in the countie palatine of Durhame [Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/C2/1-2 25 February 1621 will Subscribed: probate granted at Durham Castle to Elizabeth Hixon, the deceased's housekeeper and sole executrix; inventory (£37 18s 2d) exhibited, 21 Apr 1621. Endorsed: 28 Apr 1621. DPRI/1/1621/C2/3-4 21 April 1621 inventory, actual total £37 18s 2d inventory of household goods etc., with a note of items 'convayed awaye out of the house' since the death of Clement DPRI/1/1621/C3 16 January 1622 Sampson COLLINGWOOD, of Trewicke in the parish of Bolam [Bolam (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/C3/1 18 October 1621 inventory endorsed: administration and the tuition of three named daughters granted to Anne Collingwood, relict, 16 Jan [1622] DPRI/1/1621/C4 Michaell COWLSON, yeoman, of Chopwell in the county of Durham, Rytonn [Chopwell, County Durham]; also spelt Colson DPRI/1/1621/C4/1-2 2 August 1621 will will, with list of debts DPRI/1/1621/C4/3-4 17 September 1621 inventory, actual total £111 6s 8d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £80 17s) DPRI/1/1621/C5 3 May 1621 Anthonie CRESWELL, husbandman, yeoman, of Heddon uppon the Wall within the countie of Northumberlande [Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland]; also spelt Cresswell DPRI/1/1621/C5/1 4 March 1621 will endorsed: proved, 3 May [1621] DPRI/1/1621/C5/2 30 April 1621 inventory, actual total £31 12s 8d DPRI/1/1621/C5/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/D1 6 November 1621 John DERRY, burgess [of Berwick-upon-Tweed], blacksmith, of towne of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Derrye, Dirrie DPRI/1/1621/D1/1-2 11 September 1621 will will, with list of debts owing to (£90 19s 10d) and owing by (£6 8s 5d) the testator DPRI/1/1621/D1/5-6 11 September 1621 inventory of debts, actual total £47 17s 2d (with account of debts of £6 5s 8d) Date drawn from will. Endorsed: [will] proved, 6 Nov [1621]. DPRI/1/1621/D1/3-4 5 October 1621 inventory, actual total £73 0s 8d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1621/D1/7 5 October 1621 inventory, actual total £4 1s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 6s 9d) Inventory of funeral expenses, with list of debts received from those debtors listed in the inventory made at the time of the will (D1/5-6). Endorsed with calculations relating to the inventory (D1/3-4) and particularly to the £43 2s 8d of bills and bonds therein. Date drawn from inventory D1/3-4. DPRI/1/1621/D2 28 August 1621 William DUNE, pulley-maker, of parysh (chapelry) of All Sayntes in Newcastle uppon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Dun DPRI/1/1621/D2/1 13 June 1621 will endorsed: proved, 28 Aug [1621] DPRI/1/1621/D2/2 27 August 1621 inventory, actual total £7 3s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 13s) DPRI/1/1621/E1 27 July 1621 Hugh ERRINGTON, yeoman, of Netherwarden (Neather Warden) within the countie of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]. Died 13 January 1621 see DPRI/4/12A p.86: 27 July 1621 DPRI/1/1621/E1/1 January 1621 nuncupative will written and dated at head, 25 Jan 1621; but will made before 13 Jan 1621 DPRI/1/1621/E1/2-3 25 January 1621 inventory, actual total £21 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £30 11s 9d) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 July [1621] DPRI/1/1621/F1 Elizabeth FARROW, widow, of Rearden (Rareden), Brancepethe in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Farrowe DPRI/1/1621/F1/1 28 February 1617 will DPRI/1/1621/F1/2 11 December 1621 codicil DPRI/1/1621/F1/3 18 January 1622 inventory, actual total £5 18s 8d DPRI/1/1621/G1 Ann GADGE, widow, of Sedgfeild in the countie of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Agnes, Gage DPRI/1/1621/G1/1 27 September 1621 will with nuncupative codicil, 27 September 1621 DPRI/1/1621/G1/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £230 11s 4d DPRI/1/1621/G2 3 May 1621 Anthony GARNETT, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Garnet DPRI/1/1621/G2/1 15 December 1619 will endorsed: proved, 3 May [1621]; inventory requested DPRI/1/1621/G3 Anne GODDERSON, widow, of Pelton (Peltonn) within the countie of Durham [Pelton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/G3/1-2 11 May 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/G3/3 undated indented inventory, actual total £31 15s 10d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £28 2s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/H2 August 1621 Margret HEBORNE, of town and parish of Morpith (Morpeth) [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Hebborne DPRI/1/1621/H2/1-2 4 July 1619 will endorsed: proved, Aug [1621] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 130 DPRI/1/1621/H2/3 10 August 1619 inventory, actual total £203 17s 2d Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 130 DPRI/1/1621/H1 John HERRINSON, yeoman, of Hordon in the countie of Durham, parish of Easington [Horden, County Durham]; also spelt Herrison DPRI/1/1621/H1/1-2 1 May 1620 will with inventory, undated, actual total £45 DPRI/1/1621/H3 Thomas HODSHON, of Mortonn (Morton) nigh unto Darlington [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgson DPRI/1/1621/H3/1-2 27 January 1622 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 187 DPRI/1/1621/H3/3 31 January 1622 inventory, actual total £350 3s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £46 16s 8d) inventory of goods etc. at Morton and Cockerton Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 187-189 DPRI/1/1621/H4 Anne HORSLEY, widow, of citie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/H4/1-2 13 September 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/H5 25 September 1621 Thomas HUDSON, gentleman, of Cheswick (Chessicke) within the liberties of Norham and Ilandshire parcell of the countie pallentyne of Durham, chapelry of Ancroft [Ancroft, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudsone DPRI/1/1621/H5/1 12 July 1620 will DPRI/1/1621/H5/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £43 18s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Sept [1621] DPRI/1/1621/H5/4 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/H6 16 January 1622 Esbell HUNTER, spinster, of Aclington in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Chivington [Acklington, Northumberland] See DPRI/4/13A f.1: probate granted to Roger Brotherwick, sole executor, and inventory exhibited, 16 Jan 1622 DPRI/1/1621/H6/1 12 May 1621 will Probate granted to Roger Brothericke, sole executor, 16 Jan 1622. Endorsed: administration [sic] granted, 16 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/H6/2 undated inventory of debts owing to the testator, actual total £6 9s DPRI/1/1621/H7 Thomas HUNTER, fisherman, of Hartinpoole (Hartlepool) in the county of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/H7/1-2 5 May 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/H7/3-4 9 July 1621 inventory, actual total £54 6s 4d DPRI/1/1621/J1 William JOHNSON, husbandman, yeoman, of Stranton in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham] Johnson's goods etc. were first administered by his widow and co-executrix Elizabeth Johnson, exhibiting an inventory, and then after her death by Thomas Atkinson (?son-in-law). DPRI/1/1621/J1/1 23 October 1621 will subscribed with names of the bondsmen DPRI/1/1621/J1/2-3 22 January 1622 indented inventory, actual total £237 9s 4d (with account of debts of £37 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1639/J4/1-2 undated account account of Jane Johnson alias Wren, daughter and co-executrix, subscribed with the adjudged allocation of three other daughters' portions DPRI/1/1621/J2 John JOPLINE, of Cold Rowley (Colde Rowlie) [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Joplin, Joplyn DPRI/1/1621/J2/1-2 25 July 1621 will with inventory, undated, actual total £76 0s 6d DPRI/1/1621/J3 30 January 1622 John JOPLING, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/J3/1-2 9 October 1621 will Probate granted to Margaret Jopling, relict, and William Jopling, son, executors ... . Endorsed: proved, 30 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/J3/3 5 December 1621 indented inventory, actual total £22 7s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 10s) DPRI/1/1621/L1 John LAMPTON, of West (Weste) Rainton [West Rainton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/L1/1-2 13 November 1621 will dated on dorse DPRI/1/1621/L1/3-4 13 November 1621 inventory, actual total £299 8s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £130 10s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/L2 11 July 1621 Thomas LAWSON, of Langurst (Langhirst), parish of Bothall [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/L2/1 7 April 1621 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £6 14s. Endorsed: proved, 11 July [1621]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 149 DPRI/1/1621/L2/2 24 May 1621 inventory, actual total £9 8s 4d DPRI/1/1621/L2/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/L3 30 October 1621 30 January 1622 Jaine LOWRIE, wife of Cuthbert Lowrie, of Woodhall of the chaplerie of Haydon in the countie of Northumberland, Warden parishe [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Lowry DPRI/1/1621/L3/1 21 September 1620 nuncupative will with grant of probate probate granted according to the decree [not present] at Corbridge to Thomas Lowrie of Allerwash, nephew and sole executor, 30 Oct 1621 DPRI/1/1621/L3/2 30 January 1622 inventory, actual total £82 Exhibited by William Errington, John Robson and Percival Dodd on behalf of Ellinor [Errington], Margaret [Robson] and Mabell [Dodd] their wives and 'sisters of [Jaine Lowry] and of Cuthbert Lowry her husband'. DPRI/1/1621/L3/3 30 January 1622 inventory, actual total £12 9s (and more) Exhibited by Cuthbert Lowry, John Robson, William Errington and Parcivell Dodd on behalf of the said Cuthbert Lowry, Ellinor [Errington], Margaret [Robson] and Mabell [Dodd] 'sisters of [Jaine Lowry] and of the said Cuthbert Lowry'. Endorsed: administration granted, 30 Jan 1622. DPRI/1/1621/L4 Rafe LUMLEY, of Whitburne [Whitburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/L4/2 1620 will dated at head [16]20; subscribed with certificate of the accuracy of the copy, 11 Dec 1621 DPRI/1/1621/L4/1 1620 copy will DPRI/1/1621/L4/3 1620 inventory, actual total £92 16s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 15s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/M1 Katherin MARLEY, late wife of John Marley deceased, widow, of Chester in the Streate [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/M1/1 8 March 1621 will with list of debts owing to (£8 1s 6d) and owing by (£7) the testator DPRI/1/1621/M1/2 5 April 1621 indented inventory, actual total £44 8s 4d DPRI/1/1621/M1/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/M2 Thomas MARLIE, of Urpeth [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Marley DPRI/1/1621/M2/1 19 March 1621 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1621/M2/2-3 3 May 1621 inventory, actual total £34 2s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £15 3s) DPRI/1/1621/M3 Nicholas MARSHALL, of Stokley (Stockly), Brancpeth [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Marchell DPRI/1/1621/M3/1-2 13 June 1617 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £9 10s DPRI/1/1621/M3/3 28 June 1621 inventory, actual total £40 18s DPRI/1/1627/M5 22 September 1621 Henrye MAUGHEN, yeoman, of Bushop Awkland (Bishop Auckland) of the pareshe of Saynt Andrewe Awkland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Mawghen, Maugham The will and wrapper are misfiled in 1627. See DPRI/4/12 f.428: 22 Sep 1621. DPRI/1/1627/M5/1 3 December 1617 will probate granted to Mary Maughen, relict and co-executor, 22 Sep 1621; George Maughen, brother and co-executor, having renounced; endorsed by probate office, 1627 DPRI/1/1627/M5/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/N1 Robert NEWTON, yeoman, of Rickelden (Rickleden) within the county of Duresme, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 ff.441, 461, 462v, 467v, 477v: 16 Mar 1622, 16 Nov 1622 to 17 May 1623 DPRI/1/1621/N1/1 9 January 1622 will with inventory, 15 March 1622, actual total £18 12s DPRI/1/1621/P1 Thomas PUNSHON, yeoman, of Walridge within the countie of Durham, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/P1/1-2 14 January 1622 will DPRI/1/1621/P1/3 11 February 1622 indented inventory, actual total £51 0s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £51 9s 10d) subscribed with allocation of four of the deceased's children's portions DPRI/1/1621/R1 James RAND, vicar of Norton, clerk, of Norton [Norton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/R1/1 4 December 1621 inventory inventory total lost [damage] DPRI/1/1621/R1/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/R2 22 January 1622 Nicholas RIDLEY, of Farrosheels (Farrosheelds), parish of Haltwesle [Beltingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/R2/1 12 November 1621 will Probate granted at Haltwhistle to William Ridley, son and executor. Endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/R2/2 undated inventory, actual total £5 7s 8d (with account of debts of 4s 6d) DPRI/1/1621/R3 19 January 1622 Robert ROBINSON, yeoman, of the Walk Milne (Walkemylle) in the parish of Warkworth (Warkeworth) in the county of Northumberland [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/R3/1 June 1621 will probate granted [at Warkworth] to Francis [Frances] Robinson, relict, and Robert Robinson, eldest son, executors; also the tuition of four other named children granted to Francis [Frances] Robinson DPRI/1/1621/R3/2 June 1621 copy will endorsed: proved, 19 Jan [1622] DPRI/1/1621/R3/3 10 August 1621 inventory, actual total £44 13s (with account of debts of £14 18s) endorsed: 19 Jan 1622 Warkworth DPRI/1/1621/R3/4 10 August 1621 copy inventory, actual total £44 13s (with account of debts of £14 18s) DPRI/1/1621/S1 16 January 1622 Raiphe SHOTTON, of town and parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/S1/1 17 December 1621 will will proved and administration granted to Jane Shotton, relict, [no executor having been nominated]; also the tuition of five named children granted to Jane Shotton, 16 Jan 1622 DPRI/1/1621/S1/2-3 14 January 1622 indented inventory, actual total £61 6s 4d (with account of debts and legacies of £15 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1621/S2 28 August 1621 Marke SIGNE, mason, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/12A p.89: 28 Aug 1621 DPRI/1/1621/S2/1 2 July 1621 will endorsed: proved, 28 Aug [1621] DPRI/1/1621/S2/2 20 August 1621 inventory, actual total £6 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 1s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/S3 22 September 1621 Richard SMYTH, of parish of Holy Iland within the countie pallentine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Smithe, Smythe see DPRI/4/12A p.91: 22 Sep 1621 DPRI/1/1621/S3/1 4 May 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/S3/2-3 19 September 1621 inventory endorsed: [will] proved, 22 Sep 1621 DPRI/1/1621/S4 James STRATFORTH, yeoman, of Sheraton (Sheratonn) within the parish of Munckhesleden [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Startforth DPRI/1/1621/S4/1 31 October 1620 inventory endorsed: administration granted DPRI/1/1621/S5 William SURTIES, yeoman, of Brodoke (Woodoke) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ovingham [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Sureties DPRI/1/1621/S5/1-2 2 October 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/S5/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1621/S6 Margret SWYNBURN, of Newcastle, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Swinburn, Swinborne DPRI/1/1621/S6/1 10 November 1621 will endorsed: probate granted, 13 Nov 1621; inventory requested DPRI/1/1621/S7 9 August 1621 George SYMPSON, mariner, of parish (chapelry) of Al Saints in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson see DPRI/4/12A p.87: administration granted to Elizabeth Sympson, relict, 9 Aug 1621 DPRI/1/1621/S7/1-2 7 August 1621 inventory Subscribed: 9 Aug 1621, Newcastle Courte wills etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 9 Aug [1621]. DPRI/1/1621/T1 22 January 1622 Cuthbert TAYLER, of Unthanke, parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailer DPRI/1/1621/T1/1 18 July 1621 will will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £13 4s 11d DPRI/1/1621/T1/2 24 August 1621 inventory, actual total £33 3s 9d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) Probate granted to Agnes Tayler, relict, and Richard Tayler, son, executors; also the tuition of six named children granted to Agnes Tayler. Endorsed: proved, 22 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/T2 Edward THURSBYE, yeoman, of Schooleakelye (Scoole Akeley, Schoole Aikli[iffe]) in the countye of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Thurseby DPRI/1/1621/T2/1-2 5 April 1621 will endorsed: proved DPRI/1/1621/T2/3 8 May 1621 inventory, actual total £60 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £76 10s) DPRI/1/1621/T3 18 January 1622 Richard TODD, yeoman, of Crookham in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Ford [Ford, Northumberland]; also spelt Tod DPRI/1/1621/T3/2 30 August 1621 will Subscribed: probate granted to John Todd, son and sole executor. Endorsed: testator owes £4. DPRI/1/1621/T3/1 30 August 1621 copy will Subscribed: probate granted to John Todd, son and sole executor. Endorsed: testator owes £4. DPRI/1/1621/T3/3 undated inventory, actual total £25 6s 8d Inventory, dated, 1 Sep [?1621]. Endorsed: proved, 18 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/T3/4 undated copy inventory, actual total £25 6s 8d Inventory, dated, 1 Sep [?1621]. Endorsed: proved, 18 Jan [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/W1 18 May 1621 George WALLES, of Marlyekno (Marley Kno) within the parish of Knarsdell (Knaresdaile) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallesse see DPRI/4/12A p.78: proved, 18 May 1621 DPRI/1/1621/W1/1 16 March 1621 will endorsed: proved, 18 May [1621] DPRI/1/1621/W1/2 24 June 1620 indented inventory, actual total £11 7s [?date recte 24 June 1621] DPRI/1/1621/W2 Walter WATKINS, one of H.M.'s almosemen within the cathedral church of Durham, almsman, yeoman, of cittie of Durham in the countie of Durham, South Balie [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/W2/1 28 April 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/W2/2-3 8 February 1622 inventory, actual total £22 13s 2d (with account of debts of £17 16s 3d) DPRI/1/1621/W5 14 May 1621 Jane WATSON, spinster, of borowgh of Barwick (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/W5/1 23 April 1621 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 14 May [1621] DPRI/1/1621/W5/2-3 25 April 1621 renunciation transfer of administration by John Watson, nephew, and John Watson, brother, nominating Emanewell Coates to take out administration DPRI/1/1621/W6 18 January 1622 Wylliam WATSON, the elder, of Berrington in the parish (chapelry) of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1621/W6/1 23 April 1621 will Will, with list of debts owing by (£18 16s 8d) and owing to (£2 2s) the testator. Endorsed: probate granted to Fillis Watson, relict, and William Watson, son; also the tuition of three named children granted to Fillis Watson, co-executors; inventory £18. DPRI/1/1621/W6/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 10s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 18 Jan 1622 DPRI/1/1621/W4 Henrie WATSONE, the elder, yeoman, of Wolsingham within the countie pallatine of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Watson DPRI/1/1621/W4/1-2 22 February 1621 will with nuncupative codicil, 23 February 1621 DPRI/1/1621/W4/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £153 1s 1d DPRI/1/1621/W3 28 August 1621 Henry WATSONN, apothecary, grocer, of parish of St Nycholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson see DPRI/4/12A p.89: 28 Aug 1621; and see also DPRI/4/13A f.41v: 29 Nov 1622 DPRI/1/1621/W3/1-2 15 May 1621 will probate granted to [Raph Watson, brother, and Barbara Watson, mother], co-executors, 10 Aug 1621 DPRI/1/1621/W3/3-16 1621 inventory, actual total £333 11s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £318 19s) Inventory of shop goods and wares (£248 15s 3d), household goods (£10 11s 10d), and debts owing to Watson (£74 4s 7d), appraised by Robert Henderson 'practitoner in physick', Abraham Eden and Bulmer Ile apothecaries, and Henry Mitford, merchant. Endorsed by probate office: [will] proved, 28 Aug [1621]; 5, 8, 10 Oct 1621 Durham, Newcastle, Morpeth wills etc. DPRI/1/1621/W3/17 20 November 1622 draft account, actual total £306 16s 8d (debts and funeral expenses) DPRI/1/1621/W3/18-19 29 November 1622 account, actual total £300 4s 2d (with discharge of £307 16s 8d) Account of Raph Watson clerk [and brother] and Barbara Watson [relict], co-executors. Endorsed: exhibited, 29 Nov [1622]. DPRI/1/1621/W7 James WHARTON, yeoman, of Bushop Awklande (Bushopp Auckland, Awkland) in the countye of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/W7/1-2 9 March 1621 [copy will] DPRI/1/1621/W7/3 23 March 1621 inventory, actual total £240 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 18s 6d) DPRI/1/1621/W8 Henry WHITFEILD, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Whitfield DPRI/1/1621/W8/1 14 April 1620 will endorsed: inventory requested DPRI/1/1621/W9 William WHITFEILD, draper, of Silver Streat, city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Whittfield DPRI/1/1621/W9/1-2 23 February 1622 copy will DPRI/1/1621/W10 Gyles WIDDOWES, vicar of Bishopton, clerk, of Bishipton in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Wyddowes Not found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12 (1619-1625) DPRI/1/1621/W10/1 31 July 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/W12 Robert WILKINSON, of Midridge (Midridg) in the countie of Durham [Middridge, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/W12/1 20 July 1621 indented inventory DPRI/1/1621/W11 Anne WILKISON, wife of William Wilkinson, butcher, widow, of parishe (chapelry) of St Johns within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson DPRI/1/1621/W11/1-2 11 June 1621 will endorsed: proved, 9 July [1621]; Newcastle court wills DPRI/1/1621/W11/3 indented inventory, actual total £15 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £100 2s 11d) DPRI/1/1621/W13 George WILSON, gentleman, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Wilsonn DPRI/1/1621/W13/1-3 14 July 1618 inventory, actual total £194 10s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £90 18s) with supplementary inventory of debts, 18 September 1626, actual total £4 6s 6d (debts) Inventory includes the funeral expenses of George Wilson's wife who died within two weeks of his death, and the tuition expenses for two (of three) children for the four years to July 1622. Subscribed: exhibited by Robert Dearham and Ralph Wilson, administrators, 16 Mar 1622. DPRI/1/1621/W14 John WILSON, weaver, of Bishop Aucland (Bushop Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/W14/1-2 14 May 1621 will DPRI/1/1621/W14/3-4 7 September 1621 inventory, actual total £45 10s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £36 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1621/W15 Symond WRANGHAM, yeoman, of Bolam in the countie of Durham [Bolam, County Durham]; also spelt Wrangeham DPRI/1/1621/W15/1-2 15 December 1620 will with inventory, undated, actual total £29 2s 6d DPRI/1/1621/W16 Sir Charles WREN, knight, of Binchester in the countie of Durham [Binchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1621/W16/1 9 March 1621 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 147-148 DPRI/1/1621/W16/2 4 April 1621 inventory, actual total £1,682 0s 1d Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 148-149 DPRI/1/1622 Wills etc proved 1622 DPRI/1/1622/A1 20 September 1622 Roger ANDERSONN, gentleman, Jesmond (Gesmond) in the chaplerie (parish) of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of St Andrew in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Jesmond, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson DPRI/1/1622/A1/2 28 August 1622 will endorsed: proved, 20 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1622/A1/3-7 10 September 1622 inventory, actual total £693 10s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £183 10s 1d) Inventory of goods etc. at Jesmond, the New House, Cramlington, Henry Lawson's house, and 'houshold stufe conveyed by her meanes to Sir Umphraie Grenes'. [Page order: DPRI/1/1622/A1/3, 4, 6, 7, 5.] DPRI/1/1622/A1/1 24 January 1623 account, actual total £693 10s 7d (with discharge of £697 4s 1d) Account of Francis Anderson, alderman and merchant of Newcastle, executor and father. Endorsed: exhibited, 24 Jan 1624. DPRI/1/1622/A2 Edward ARMESTRONGE, yeoman, of the Coledge in Bushop Aucland (Auklann, Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Armstronge, Armstrong DPRI/1/1622/A2/1-2 9 November 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/A2/3-4 20 November 1622 inventory, actual total £90 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 17s 6d) DPRI/1/1622/A3 John ATKINSON, gentleman, of Bongait in Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/A3/1 14 December 1622 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 173-175 DPRI/1/1622/A3/2-4 12 February 1623 inventory, actual total £134 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 11s 8d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 175-178 DPRI/1/1622/A4 William ATKINSONN, yeoman, South Sheeales (Sheels) within the couty of Durham, Sunderland [South Shields, County Durham; Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Attkinson DPRI/1/1622/A4/1-2 12 December 1621 will endorsed with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing to (£30 4s) and owing by (£65) the testator DPRI/1/1622/A4/3-4 3 April 1622 inventory, actual total £261 11s 6d DPRI/1/1622/B1 May 1622 Roland BAILES, yeoman, of Greatham in the countie of Durham [Greatham, County Durham]; also spelt Bayles, Lawrence, Bailes Testator named as Roland Bailes in the will, but as Lawrence Bailes in the inventory and in Probate Act Book 12, f.446 (May 1622). DPRI/1/1622/B1/1-2 14 July 1621 will endorsed with list of debts owing by the testator DPRI/1/1622/B1/3 20 May 1622 inventory, actual total £179 5s 11d DPRI/1/1622/B2 8 July 1622 Abraham BARKER, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] Testator requests to be buried at Newcastle St Nicholas. Will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1622/B2/1 6 September 1621 will Probate and the tuition of Robert Barker, son, granted to Charles Mitford, brother-in-law and sole executor. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1622]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 149-150 DPRI/1/1622/B3 17 January 1623 Thomas BARKER, yeoman, of Wetsledd (Wetsleed) in the parish of Benton in the county of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/B3/1 undated will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/B3/2-3 21 November 1622 indented inventory, actual total £233 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 18s) DPRI/1/1622/B3/4 9 January 1623 commission commission to Henry Gower MA, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and John Shaw, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John Fenwicke of Brenckley in Ponteland, [brother-in-law], for the use and during the minority of Thomas Barker, son and sole executor; also granting to him the tuition of the said Thomas Barker; and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/B4 John BLAXTON, the younger, widow, of parish of Norton [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Blakeston DPRI/1/1622/B4/1 undated account account of Margerie Blaxton, relict; subscribed with (1) undated [?draft] decree relating to the allocation of shares of the moeity of the balance; (2) 28 June 1622 memorandum of decree of John Cradock, Durham Chancellor, further ruling upon the earlier allocation to John Blakeston [the elder], father DPRI/1/1622/B5 William BOWER, the elder, gentleman, of Oxenetfeild (Oxnet Feilde) in the countie of Durham, parish of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/B5/1 13 March 1622 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 180-183 DPRI/1/1622/B5/2-3 4 June 1622 inventory, actual total £365 16s 2d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 183-185 DPRI/1/1622/B6 5 July 1622 John BOYDE, of town and chapelry of Lowick (Lowicke) [Lowick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/B6/1-2 12 August 1621 will with inventory, undated, actual total £66 11s 4d (with account of debts of £1 12s) endorsed: proved, 5 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/B7 William BURDON, of Stockton within the countye of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/B7/1 20 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/B7/2-3 2 June 1622 inventory, actual total £66 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/C1 16 December 1622 William CARNABYE, shipwright, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Carnybye, Carneby, Carnaby DPRI/1/1622/C1/1-2 21 November 1622 indented inventory Administration granted to Barbara Carnabye, widow, for the use of Henry Carnabye, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 16 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/C2 8 October 1622 Robart CARR, yeoman, of parishe (chapelry) of AlSaints of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Carre DPRI/1/1622/C2/1 17 July 1622 will endorsed: proved, 8 Oct 1622 DPRI/1/1622/C2/2-3 4 September 1622 inventory, actual total £32 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 7s) DPRI/1/1622/C3 6 July 1622 Roger CARR, of Newmoore House [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Carre DPRI/1/1622/C3/1 1 April 1620 will Will, with [contemporaneous] list of debts owing by the testator of £69 7s 6d. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1622]; cited for inventory [not present]. DPRI/1/1622/C4 17 January 1623 John CAWARTT, butcher, of town and parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) in the countie of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Cawart DPRI/1/1622/C4/1 30 November 1622 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan 1623 DPRI/1/1622/C4/2-4 10 December 1622 inventory, actual total £22 5s 8d (with account of debts of £5 9s 10s) DPRI/1/1622/C5 Thomas CHAPMAN, yeoman, of Billingham within the countye of Durisme [Billingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/C5/1-2 16 January 1623 will will, with list of debts owing by (£37 13s 4d) and owing to (£1 3s) the testator DPRI/1/1622/C5/3-4 25 February 1623 inventory, actual total £165 19s 5d inventory total includes £13 10s 8d of goods etc. 'which the widow claymeth' DPRI/1/1622/C6 21 January 1623 Reynold CHARLTON, yeoman, of the Newke within the parish (chapelry) of Bellingham and countie of Northumberlande [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Charleton DPRI/1/1622/C6/1-2 13 December 1622 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £7 11s 11d. Endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1623]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 156 DPRI/1/1622/C6/3 4 January 1623 inventory, actual total £46 11s 6d DPRI/1/1622/C7 Christofer CHESTER, fisherman, of chapelry of Hartlepole in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/C7/1-2 24 February 1612 will DPRI/1/1622/C8 15 August 1622 Anthony CLOUDSLEY, baker, beer-brewer, of parish (chapelry) of AlSaynts (Alsaints) of the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Cloudesley see DPRI/4/13A f.27 DPRI/1/1622/C8/1 9 July 1622 will Probate granted to Margaret Cloudsley, relict and co-executor, and Thomas Fawside, uncle [during the minority of George Cloudsley, son and co-executor]; tuition of George and Elizabeth Cloudsley, children, granted to Thomas Fawside. Endorsed: proved, 15 Aug [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/C8/2-3 3 August 1622 inventory, actual total £32 18s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13) DPRI/1/1622/C9 26 April 1622 William COCKE, esquire, of towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Cock DPRI/1/1622/C9/4-5 25 April 1622 agreement with act of court, 26 April 1622 Agreement of interested parties, nominating Anne Davison niece, the wife of Allexander Davison of Newcastle merchant, to take out administration; with act of court (made in 'the withdraweing chaimber' in Durham Castle) granting administration to Anne Cock alias Davison, and decreeing a commission be issued to Henry Power, vicar [of Newcastle St Nicholas, MA], to make said grant. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Apr [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/C9/1-3 20 September 1622 indented inventory Inventory of debts owing to the testator and some household goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 6 Apr [1622] [sic]. DPRI/1/1622/C9/6-8 31 January 1623 account, actual total £7,001 16s 8d (with discharge of £647 14s) with draft covenant, undated with draft act of court, undated Account of Anne Davison (C9/6); with draft account (C9/7); adjudged and mutually agreed allocation of the balance among the nearest kindred (C9/8); draft covenant of the nearest kindred agreeing to be equally liable with the administratrix for disbursements relating to the settlement of the estate (C9/8: foot); draft act of court by John Cradock, Durham Chancellor, ensealing the account (undated), (C9/8: margin). Endorsed: Given at Durham, 30 Jan 1623. [Exhi]bited, 31 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1622/C10 25 January 1623 George COLLINGWODD, husband of Mary Collingwodd, gentleman, of Brenkhewgh (Brenkheugh, Brenckheugh, Brenkheughe) of the parish of Brenckburne (Brenkburn, Brenckborne) in the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood For the will of Collingwodd's wife, see - DPRI/1/1622/C10/2 DPRI/1/1622/C10/1 21 December 1622 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 157 DPRI/1/1622/C10/3 22 January 1623 indented inventory Inventory of George Collingwood and of his widow Mary Collingwood. Endorsed: [will] proved, 25 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1622/C10 25 January 1623 Mary COLLINGWODD, widow of George Collingwodd, widow, of Brenkhewgh (Brenkheugh, Brenckheugh, Brenkheughe) of the parish of Brenckburne (Brenkburn, Brenckborne) in the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingwood For the joint inventory of Mary Collingwodd with her husband, see - DPRI/1/1622/C10/3 DPRI/1/1622/C10/2 3 January 1623 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 158 DPRI/1/1622/C11 13 December 1622 Clement COLMORE, Durham Chancellor, 1590-1619, D.C.L., clerk, gentleman, of Brancepeth [Durham, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.464: 13 Dec 1622 DPRI/1/1622/C11/1 20 December 1622 indented inventory inventory of goods etc. at Brancepeth and 'at Sir Cockeys' DPRI/1/1622/C12 5 July 1622 Richard COOKE, of Broomhouse(Bromehose) within the parishe of Holye (Holy) Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland]; also spelt Coke. Died 17 May 1621 DPRI/1/1622/C12/1-2 11 December 1621 inventory DPRI/1/1622/C12/3-4 11 December 1621 inventory Administration granted to Jane Cooke for the use of Richard Cooke; also the tuition of the said Richard Cooke [?granted to Jane Cooke]. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 July 1622. DPRI/1/1622/C13 William COTSFORTH, yeoman, of Lingrigge (Lingey Rigg) in the forrest of Wardall (Wardaile Forreste) in the perish of Stanhopp (Stanhop) and in the countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Coatsworth, Cotesforth DPRI/1/1622/C13/1 21 February 1623 will DPRI/1/1622/C13/2 26 February 1623 indented inventory, actual total £17 6s 4d DPRI/1/1622/C14 4 January 1623 Ellynor CRAGGS, widow, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/C14/1 6 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 4 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/C14/2-3 17 January 1623 indented inventory, actual total £7 14s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 17s 11d) DPRI/1/1622/C15 Elizabeth CROFTE, widow, of Whitburne (Whitborne) in the countye of Durhame [Whitburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/C15/1-2 18 August 1619 will with nuncupative codicil, undated with nuncupative codicil, undated with nuncupative codicil, undated DPRI/1/1622/C15/3-4 14 February 1622 inventory, actual total £83 8s 5d DPRI/1/1622/D1 16 December 1622 Margaret DENTON, widow, of Great Benton within the county of Northumberland, parish of Benton [Longbenton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/D1/1-2 11 November 1622 will Probate granted to John Bland, co-tutor, during the minority of Margaret Denton, youngest daughter and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/D1/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £49 2s (with account of debts of £21 3s) with supplementary inventory, 24 February 1623, actual total £8 DPRI/1/1622/D2 8 July 1622 Walter DENTON, vicar of Longbenton, clerk, of Greate Benton (Benntone) within the countie of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland]; also spelt Denntone DPRI/1/1622/D2/1 12 May 1621 will DPRI/1/1622/D2/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £95 4s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 6s 8d) endorsed: [will] proved, 8 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/D3 17 September 1622 Thomas DICKINSON, of chaplerye of Garigill (Garrigill, Garragill) with the parish of Aldston (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1622/D3/1 7 November 1621 will Probate granted to Agnes Dickinson, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 17 Sep [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/D3/2 undated inventory, actual total £26 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £24 4s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/D4 Christofer DIXON, of Rabie (Raybie, Rabye) in the county palintine of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/D4/1 9 September 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/D4/2-3 28 October 1622 inventory, actual total £29 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/D5 6 November 1622 Jane DODD, widow, of town and chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/D5/1-2 9 February 1621 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator; subscribed, 'and also the tuition of Edward Charleton, nephew' [?granted at the same time as probate was granted]. Endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/D6 8 July 1622 Robert DOVER, butcher, of parishe of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/D6/1 20 March 1622 will Probate granted to Edeth Dover, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted the tuition of Christopher Dover, son. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/D6/2-3 3 June 1622 indented inventory, actual total £46 6s 3d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 16s 3d) DPRI/1/1622/D7 William DUNNE, of Fenwicke (Fenwick) within the parishe of Stamfordham and in the countie of Northumberland [Stamfordham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/D7/1 27 July 1621 will Probate granted to Ursula Dunne, relict also for the use of Anthony Dunne, son, co-executors. Endorsed: proved, 2 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/D7/2 29 September 1621 inventory, actual total £47 3s 4d DPRI/1/1622/D8 19 August 1622 Lawrence DUTTON, pensioner, of towne and parish of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Duttone see DPRI/4/13A f.27v: probate granted to Agnes Dutton, relict, 19 Aug 1622 DPRI/1/1622/D8/1-2 4 January 1619 will in the form of a deed of gift endorsed: proved, 19 Aug 1622 DPRI/1/1622/D8/3-4 4 February 1622 inventory, actual total £6 13s 9d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/E1 James EDEN, yeoman, of Wolveston in the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham]; also spelt Edenn DPRI/1/1622/E1/1 20 April 1620 will with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £56 DPRI/1/1622/E1/2 18 April 1622 inventory, actual total £91 13s 1d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 10s) DPRI/1/1622/E2 Umfraye ELSTOBB, gentleman, of Bishipton (Bushopton) in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Elstob DPRI/1/1622/E2/1 25 October 1622 inventory inventory total includes £326 10s of 'alledged' debts due to the deceased but not included in the charge at the time the inventory was exhibited DPRI/1/1622/E4 17 January 1623 William EMBLETON, yeoman, of chapelry of Rennington (Renington) within the countye of Northumberland [Rennington, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/E4/1-2 10 November 1621 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/E4/3 10 November 1621 inventory, actual total £3 14s 2d DPRI/1/1622/E3 17 January 1623 John EMLETON, yeoman, of Shilbotle within the countie of Northumberland [Shilbottle, Northumberland]; also spelt Embleton. Died 31 August 1622 DPRI/1/1622/E3/1 24 February 1619 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/E3/2 18 October 1622 inventory, actual total £11 9s (with account of debts of £2 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/F1 4 September 1622 Margaret FARALES, widow, of cyttye of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Farles, Farrales, Farelles DPRI/1/1622/F1/1-2 19 November 1620 will endorsed: ingrossed, 4 Sep 1622 DPRI/1/1622/F2 Robert FARRO, yeoman, of Elvitt (Elvett) within the suburbs of the cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Farroe DPRI/1/1622/F2/1-2 9 June 1622 will will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testator of £8 18s 8d DPRI/1/1622/F3 Robert FARROWE, the elder, yeoman, of Fyshebourne (Fishborne, Fishburne) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Farrow For the will and inventory (made same day) of Farrow's son Robert Farrow [the younger], see - DPRI/1/1622/F3/4-5 - DPRI/1/1622/F3/6 DPRI/1/1622/F3/1-2 12 July 1617 will with codicil, 28 March 1622 Will, subscribed with codicil confirming the will 'soe it tend and be for the proffitt and onlie benifitt' of his eldest son Robert Farrowe, 'otherwyse he dothe revoke the same'. DPRI/1/1622/F3/3 5 September 1622 indented inventory, actual total £67 17s DPRI/1/1622/F3 Robert FARROWE, the younger, of Fishburne (Fishborne) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Farrow For the will and inventory (made same day) of Farrowe's father, Robert Farrowe the elder, see - DPRI/1/1622/F3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1622/F3/3 DPRI/1/1622/F3/4-5 15 August 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/F3/6 5 September 1622 indented inventory, actual total £179 DPRI/1/1622/F4 6 November 1622 Isabell FENWICK, of Middleton (Midleton) in the parish of Hartborne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/F4/1 18 June 1622 nuncupative will administration granted to John Wood, godson DPRI/1/1622/F4/2 10 September 1622 inventory, actual total £4 DPRI/1/1622/F4/3 10 September 1622 inventory, actual total £4 endorsed: [will] not proved, but administration granted, 6 Nov [1622] DPRI/1/1622/F5 18 March 1623 Raffe FENWICK, parish of Chollerton, parish of Symondburne [Chollerton, Northumberland; Simonburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwike, Fenwicke DPRI/1/1622/F5/1-2 8 November 1621 will endorsed: testator resident of Simonbur, and died in Chollerton; proved, 18 Mar [1623] DPRI/1/1622/F5/3 undated inventory, actual total £33 4s 8d DPRI/1/1622/F6 17 July 1622 Thomas FENWICKE, gentleman, of Coteyard (Coatyard) in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of Netherwitton [Netherwitton, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1622/F6/1 21 March 1622 will Dated in the New Style. Subscribed: probate granted to Agnes [Fenwicke], daughter, with a power reserved to Jane Fenwicke, relict, co-executors, 17 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/F6/2 3 June 1622 indented inventory, actual total £3 10s DPRI/1/1622/F7 8 October 1622 Thomas FENWICKE, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwick DPRI/1/1622/F7/1-2 23 July 1622 will endorsed: proved, 8 Oct [1622] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 155-156 DPRI/1/1622/F7/3-4 23 July 1622 inventory, actual total £83 5s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £7) DPRI/1/1622/F8 Thomas FERRYBIE, fisherman, of chapelry of Hartinpole (Hartlepoole) in the countie of Durham [Hartlepool, County Durham]; also spelt Ferribye DPRI/1/1622/F8/1-2 10 February 1623 inventory administration granted to Isabell Ferrybie, relict also for the use of three named children DPRI/1/1622/F9 Marmaduke FLETCHER, of parish of Chester in the Streat [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/F9/1-2 17 November 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/F9/3-4 3 December 1622 indented inventory, actual total £66 5s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £52 17s) DPRI/1/1622/F10 6 July 1622 Jane FORSTER, of town and parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland] Not found in Probate Act Book. DPRI/1/1622/F10/1-2 18 January 1622 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to the testatrix of £5 10s; subscribed with (undated) certificate of oaths of witnesses and executors. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1622]. Dated in the New Style. DPRI/1/1622/F10/3-4 25 January 1622 inventory, actual total £45 13s 10d Dated in the New Style. DPRI/1/1622/F11 6 July 1622 Raphe FORSTER, of the market plac, town and parish of Alnewick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Fester DPRI/1/1622/F11/1-2 20 April 1622 will Probate granted to Margaret Forster, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/F11/3-4 29 April 1622 inventory, actual total £8 12s 8d with inventory, 29 April 1622, actual total £7 9s 2d (1) inventory of shop goods etc.; (2) inventory of household goods etc. DPRI/1/1622/F12 Mark FOSTER, notary public, of cittie of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1622/F12/1 7 January 1623 will probate granted to Margaret Foster, relict and sole executrix, she having been monished to exhibit an inventory before 29 Sep 1623 DPRI/1/1622/F12/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £626 2s inventory of goods etc. at Durham and Weredale DPRI/1/1622/F13 6 January 1623 Robert FOWBERIE, aged 58, M.A., master of St Mary's Hospital, Newcastle, master of the Royal Free Grammar School, Newcastle, schoolmaster, hospital master, of chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Fowbery Fowberie describes the school as the 'chiefe Grammarre Schoole in Newcastle', and the hospital as the West Spittle. DPRI/1/1622/F13/1-2 14 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 6 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/F13/3-4 4 January 1623 inventory, actual total £94 17s 9d (with account of debts of £10) DPRI/1/1622/G1 John GALLILLE, yeoman, of Chester in the Streat in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Gallile, Gallaley DPRI/1/1622/G1/1-2 2 October 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/G1/3-4 15 October 1622 indented inventory, actual total £40 1s 4d (with account of debts of £14) DPRI/1/1622/G2 Robert GARNET, gentleman, of Blackewell in the parish of Darlington within the countie of Durham [Blackwell, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/G2/1 undated inventory Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 185-186 DPRI/1/1622/G2/2 4 January 1623 copy act of court with memorandum (1) copy of (extract of) an act of court ordering Ann Garnet, relict and sequestratrix, to sell that wood and timber of the deceased which lies outside and vulnerable to theft, spoil and rot; (2) endorsed with list of unproved wills: Thomas Potts, Roger Younger, Raphe Thompson, Richard Wheldon, Savage, Thomas Bancks, Robert White, John Eltringham, Dorothy Hamble; the names William Lawes of Thame Brigg and John Merton of Lamesley Dale having been cancelled. Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 186 DPRI/1/1622/G3 John GIBSON, of the Loninge (Loaninge) within the parishe of Stanhopp (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Gibsonn DPRI/1/1622/G3/1 25 March 1622 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1622/G3/2-3 24 April 1622 inventory, actual total £57 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 7s) DPRI/1/1622/G4 Christopher GLOVER, yeoman, of the Deanery of St Andrew Aucland (Deanarie of Saint Andrewe Aukland, Awkland Deanerye) within the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/G4/1-2 29 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/G4/3-4 29 May 1622 copy will with codicil, 16 August 1622 DPRI/1/1622/G4/5-11 3 January 1623 indented inventory, actual total £477 11s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £97 4s 2d) DPRI/1/1622/G5 16 December 1622 Robart GRAY, tailor, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie DPRI/1/1622/G5/1 3 September 1622 will endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1622] DPRI/1/1622/G5/2 25 November 1622 inventory, actual total £97 13s 2d DPRI/1/1622/G7 Anthonie GREGSON, yeoman, of Sedgfeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/G7/1 3 February 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/G7/2 13 May 1622 inventory, actual total £35 17s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 2s 7d) DPRI/1/1622/G6 6 July 1622 George GRENE, saddler, of parish of Alnwick (Anwicke, Alnewick), Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Greene DPRI/1/1622/G6/1 15 July 1621 will probate granted to Ales Grene, relict and co-executor DPRI/1/1622/G6/2-3 30 November 1621 inventory, actual total £32 18s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 6 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/G8 Robert GRICE, yeoman, of BushopAucland (BushoppAucland, Awkland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/G8/1 15 October 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/G8/2 22 November 1622 inventory, actual total £153 13s 10d DPRI/1/1622/H1 13 February 1623 Thomas HADDOCKE, yeoman, of Over Eighton in the county of Durrham, chapelry of Lamesley [Lamesley, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.468v: probate granted to Thomas Haddocke, son and sole executor, 13 Feb 1623 DPRI/1/1622/H1/1 24 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1622/H1/2-3 24 January 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1622/H1/4-5 3 January 1623 inventory, actual total £328 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £99 12s 4d) dated, 3 Jan 1623 [?recte 3 Feb 1623] DPRI/1/1622/H2 26 November 1622 Margeret HALL, wife of Edwarde Hall of Kesterne in Rothbury, of Kesterne in the parishe of Routhburye (Roathbury, Roathburie) [Rothbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/H2/1 21 March 1620 will with inventory, actual total £158 10s 10d inventory total in both cases is much amended and unclear DPRI/1/1622/H2/2 21 March 1620 copy will with copy inventory, undated, actual total £170 5s 10d endorsed with the names of the sureties DPRI/1/1622/H2/3 16 November 1622 commission commission to Charles Slingesbie B.D., rector of Rothbury, and John Robson MA, rector of Morpeth, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Katherine Gallon, daughter and sole executrix, now wife of Thomas Ord of Rothbury gentleman, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed at Morpeth by Robson, 26 Nov 1622; the sureties of Katherine Gallon are named as Robert T... [Todrig] gentleman and John Davison DPRI/1/1622/H3 27 August 1622 Marttynn HALLYMAN, gentleman, of Lumley Castle [Lumley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/H3/1-2 4 January 1622 will [proved], 27 Aug 1622; inventory to be exhibited within 20 days DPRI/1/1622/H3/3 16 September 1622 inventory, actual total £302 6s 8d DPRI/1/1622/H4 Leonard HARRISON, husbandman, of Readmarshall (Redmarshall) [Redmarshall, County Durham]; also spelt Herrison DPRI/1/1622/H4/1-2 30 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/H4/3 16 May 1622 inventory, actual total £62 DPRI/1/1622/H5 Jane HEDWORTH, gentlewoman, of the Bromehalle [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Hedworthe DPRI/1/1622/H5/1 29 December 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/H5/2 6 January 1623 inventory, actual total £112 2s 4d (with account of debts of £51 18s) DPRI/1/1622/H6 John HEDWORTH, aged 80, esquire, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham]. Died June 1622 DPRI/1/1622/H6/1 June 1622 nuncupative will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 153 DPRI/1/1622/H6/2-3 June 1622 copy nuncupative will DPRI/1/1622/H6/4 27 October 1625 indented inventory, actual total £36 14s 10d DPRI/1/1622/H7 2 April 1622 Thomas HEIRON, gentleman, of town and parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hearon DPRI/1/1622/H7/1 13 March 1622 nuncupative will Probate and the tuition of Isabell and Mary Heiron, daughters and co-executors, granted to Margaret Heiron, relict, during the minority of the said children; also the tuition of Alexander Heiron granted to Christopher Welton, his uncle. Endorsed: proved, 2 Apr [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/H7/2 18 March 1622 inventory, actual total £51 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 2s 2d) DPRI/1/1622/H8 13 September 1622 Cuthbert HILL, of the Leyes (Lees) in the barronie of Langlie and the chappelrie of Hayden (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/H8/1 25 February 1622 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owing to (3s 6d) and owing by (11s) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 13 Sep [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/H8/2 undated inventory, actual total £8 11s 8d DPRI/1/1622/H9 John HOLBORNE, mariner, of Newcastle, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] Will written at Nobel Christien, Denmark [now Kristianopel in Sweden]. DPRI/1/1622/H9/1-2 10 January 1620 copy will It is assumed the testator was using English 'Old Style' dating, thus 10 Jan 1619 is 10 Jan 1620 in the New Style Gregorian calendar. The local calendar at Kristianopel at this time was still Julian (until 1700) as in England, but the new year began on 1 January rather than 25 March: thus, if the testator was following local practice, then the will is dated 10 Jan 1619 as stated. Original will delivered [out of the Registry], 9 Apr 1649. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 135-137 DPRI/1/1622/H9/3-4 27 June 1622 inventory, actual total £247 15s 10d DPRI/1/1622/H10 5 July 1622 Willyam HOPE, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of the brough of Barwicke upon Tweed (Barwick upon Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/H10/1 15 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/H10/2 30 May 1622 inventory, actual total £26 10s 8d endorsed: [will] proved, 5 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/H11 4 June 1622 Charelles HORSLY, gentleman, of B...gh [?Brinkheugh] in the parish of chapelry of Brenkburn (Brenckburne, Brenckborne) [Brinkburn, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley DPRI/1/1622/H11/1 2 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/H11/2 9 May 1622 inventory, actual total £47 Subscribed: administration granted to Thomas Robinson. Endorsed: (1) administration granted, 4 June [1622]; (2) inventory exhibited, 5 Jan 1623 DPRI/1/1622/H12 Robert HUNTER, junior, of chapelry of Medomsley (Meddomsley) [Medomsley, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/H12/1 31 December 1622 indented inventory DPRI/1/1622/H13 Robert HUNTLEY, yeoman, of East Burden (Burdon) in the county of Durham [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.471v DPRI/1/1622/H13/1-2 15 December 1622 inventory DPRI/1/1622/J1 John JOLLYE, of Rytton (Ryton) [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Jolly DPRI/1/1622/J1/1 7 November 1621 will with list of debts owing by (£1 17s 2d) and owing to (16s) the testator DPRI/1/1622/J1/2 6 December 1621 inventory, actual total £8 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 5s) DPRI/1/1622/K1 William KENDREWE, of Thorntonne (Thornetone) in the Moore in the countye of Yorke, parish of North Ottrington [North Otterington, Yorkshire]; also spelt Kendroe DPRI/1/1622/K1/1-2 21 January 1620 indented will probate granted to James Kendrewe, son and co-executor, with a power reserved to Jeane Kendrewe, relict and co-executor DPRI/1/1622/K1/3 3 January 1622 inventory, actual total £90 6s 8d DPRI/1/1622/K2 Beatrice KIRSOPE, widow, of Whickham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Kirsop, Kirsopp see DPRI/4/12 f.464v DPRI/1/1622/K2/1 undated will DPRI/1/1622/K2/2 undated inventory, actual total £10 5s 10d DPRI/1/1622/L1 3 July 1622 Thomas LANGTON, yeoman, of town and parish of Woodhorne in the countie of Northumberland [Woodhorn, Northumberland]; also spelt Langtonn DPRI/1/1622/L1/1-2 24 May 1622 will Probate granted to Magdalene Langton, relict, and Thomas Langton, son, executors; also the tuition of Richard Langton, son. Endorsed: proved, 3 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/L1/3 24 May 1622 inventory, actual total £142 3s 10d DPRI/1/1622/L2 Margret LAVERACKE, widow, of Bradbury (Bradberrie) in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Laverock DPRI/1/1622/L2/1 30 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/L2/2 19 June 1622 indented inventory, actual total £91 9s 8d DPRI/1/1622/L3 15 January 1623 John LAWSON, bachelor, of Ulgham in the countye of Northumberland [Ulgham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/L3/1 2 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 15 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/L3/2 21 December 1622 indented inventory, actual total £77 4s 8d DPRI/1/1622/L4 Thomas LIDDELL, curate of Chester-le-Street, clerk, of Chester in the Streete [Chester-le-Street, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/L4/1 10 June 1622 inventory administration granted to Agnes Liddell, relict DPRI/1/1622/L5 6 July 1622 John LISLE, gentleman, of parish of Shilbotle [Shilbottle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/L5/1 20 May 1621 will Probate granted [?at Shilbotle] by John Hart, curate, to Richard Garret (Garrett), father-in-law, with the consent of Isabel Lisle, relict, [during the minority of the three sons and executors of the deceased]; also the tuition of the said children granted to Richard Garret. Endorsed: proved, 6 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/L5/2 3 January 1622 indented inventory, actual total £13 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 17s) DPRI/1/1622/L5/3 3 January 1622 indented copy inventory, actual total £13 18s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 17s) DPRI/1/1622/M1 George MAN, husbandman, of parish of Norton (Nortonn) in the countye of Durham [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Mann DPRI/1/1622/M1/1-2 15 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/M1/3 23 April 1622 inventory, actual total £226 1s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £95 10s 7d) DPRI/1/1622/M2 George MARSHALL, yeoman, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/M2/1 11 January 1623 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 178-179 DPRI/1/1622/M2/2 23 January 1623 inventory, actual total £269 6s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £12 14s 9d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 179-180 DPRI/1/1622/M3 Jeffraye MATTESON, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham]; also spelt Mattiesone DPRI/1/1622/M3/1-2 29 January 1619 will with codicil, 17 March 1622 DPRI/1/1622/M3/3 2 May 1622 inventory, actual total £147 8s 6d (with account of debts of £69 17s 7d) DPRI/1/1622/M4 8 July 1622 Heugh MAYSON, sergeant at mace, of parish (chapelry) of All Saints within the towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Mason DPRI/1/1622/M4/2 undated draft will Draft will in the form of a letter of instruction from the testator to Gossope Kirklaie and Raphe Care. Endorsed: proved, 8 July 1622. DPRI/1/1622/M4/1 1 April 1620 will DPRI/1/1622/M4/3 4 July 1622 inventory, actual total £154 3s 4d DPRI/1/1622/M5 Thomas MELLES, tailor, of Newcastell upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Milles DPRI/1/1622/M5/1-2 23 November 1622 will Probate granted to John Swinburne, brewer, and Margaret Humphray, wife of John Humphray; [?during the minority of Annas Melles, daughter and sole executrix]. Endorsed: proved, 16 Dec 1622. DPRI/1/1622/M5/3-4 29 November 1622 inventory, actual total £25 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 13s 10d) DPRI/1/1622/M6 Robert MILOTT, esquire, of Whithill within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Millot tuition of six named children granted to Sir William Lambton and Thomas Wrey esquire, 12 Apr 1623; tuition of Ralph Milott, son, granted to Robert Eden gentleman, 29 Mar 1629 DPRI/1/1622/M6/1-3 10 March 1623 indented inventory Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 158-160 DPRI/1/1622/M7 4 January 1623 Jane MIRRIMAN, spinster, of parishe of St Johns in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Merriman DPRI/1/1622/M7/1 9 December 1622 will Will, with list of funeral expenses (£3). Probate granted to Arther Mirriman, brother. Endorsed: proved, 4 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1622/M8 5 July 1622 John MORLEY, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Barwicke (Bewick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/M8/1-2 26 November 1621 will endorsed: proved, 5 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/M8/3 12 February 1622 inventory, actual total £111 5 8d (with account of debts of £118) DPRI/1/1622/M9 Barthillmew MUSGRAVE, gentleman, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/M9/1 25 July 1619 will DPRI/1/1622/M9/2 26 March 1622 inventory, actual total £225 15s 10d (with account of debts of £16 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/N1 16 December 1622 Jane NEELSON, widow, of parish (chapelry) of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Nilson, Nelson, Nealson DPRI/1/1622/N1/1 6 September 1622 will Subscribed: inventory [to be exhibited] before 2 Feb 1623. Endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/N1/2 18 December 1622 inventory, actual total £23 2s 8d (with account of debts of £4 9s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/N2 8 October 1622 George NICHOLSON, cutler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Nycolson DPRI/1/1622/N2/1-2 13 September 1622 will endorsed: proved, 8 Oct [1622] DPRI/1/1622/N2/3 8 October 1622 inventory, actual total £287 16s 8d DPRI/1/1622/O1 10 January 1623 Lady Katherine OGLE, baroness of Bothal, of Bothall [Bothal, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/O1/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted, 10 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/O2 17 January 1623 Roger OGLE, gardener, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St Andrew [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/O2/1 10 December 1622 will probate and the tuition of the children granted to Grace Ogle, relict DPRI/1/1622/O2/2-3 undated inventory, actual total £25 17s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 10s) endorsed: [will] proved, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/O3 19 July 1622 Thomas OGLE, of North Seaton in the parish of Woodhorne [Woodhorn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/O3/1 18 January 1622 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 19 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/O6 8 January 1623 Nathaniell ORD, gentleman, of town and parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde DPRI/1/1622/O6/1-2 22 August 1622 will with memorandum, undated with memorandum, undated Will, with two memoranda of Anna Ord, relict and executrix, and Jane Shaftow widow, relating to the tuition of [his nephew] Henry Ord [the younger, eldest son of Henry Ord of Norham Castle], upon which further instructions are made in the codicil. DPRI/1/1622/O6/3 25 August 1622 nuncupative codicil DPRI/1/1622/O6/5 28 December 1622 commission with commission, undated with letter, undated (1) commission to Gilbert Dury MA, vicar of Berwick, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will and codicil of Nathaniell Ord; commission executed by Durie, 8 Jan 1623; (2) commission [?dated before 8 Jan 1623] to Gilbert Dury, to swear Robert Jackson, to execute a £10 bond, and to grant to him administration of the estate of Edward Bell of Buston in Warkworth limited to a £5 legacy to and for the sole use of Jackson's son Robert Jackson the younger, the grant of tuition to be issued upon receipt of the bond; [?commission executed by Durie, 8 Jan 1623]. For the probate records of Edward Bell, see DPRI/1/1621/B1; - DPRI/1/1621/B1/1 - DPRI/1/1621/B1/2 (3) letter from John Cradocke, Durham Chancellor, to Gilbert Durie, relating that a grant of tuition [of Henry Ord, junior] was made to a Mr Ord around 14 Dec 1622, which grant shall be revoked upon probate, when a like grant will be made to Mr [Henry] Shaftow: for the probate records of Henry Ord [the elder] and of his eldest son Henry Ord the younger's portion, see - DPRI/1/1619/O1/1-2 - DPRI/1/1619/O1/3 - DPRI/1/1622/O5/2 DPRI/1/1622/O6/4 7 January 1623 inventory, actual total £38 8s 2d endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/O4 11 October 1622 Ellinor ORDE, wife of Robert Ord of Chatton, of parish of Chatton [Chatton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/O4/1 undated inventory Inventory of debts owing to the deceased. Administration granted to Robert Ord, husband, 11 Oct 1622. DPRI/1/1622/O5 Henry ORDE, of parish of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Ord For the probate records of Henry Orde [of Norham Castle], see DPRI/1/1619/O1. For the tuition of Henry Orde's eldest son, Henry Ord, see - DPRI/1/1622/O6/1-2 - DPRI/1/1622/O6/3 - DPRI/1/1622/O6/5 DPRI/1/1622/O5/1 undated inventory inventory of the portion of Margerye Orde, daughter DPRI/1/1622/O5/2 undated inventory, actual total £155 (and more) inventory (most items not valued) of the portion of Henry Orde, eldest son DPRI/1/1622/P1 2 July 1622 Richard PARKER, yeoman, of towne of Haydonbrigge (Haidonbrige) and parishe (chapelry) of Haydon (Haidon) in the countye of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/P1/1-2 12 May 1622 will endorsed: proved, 2 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/P1/3-5 24 May 1622 inventory, actual total £88 18s 10d DPRI/1/1622/P2 September 1622 Edward PATERSON, of Ogle of the parish of Whalton in the county of Northumberland [Whalton, Northumberland]; also spelt Patterson see DPRI/4/13 f.33: Sep 1622 DPRI/1/1622/P2/1-2 5 December 1619 inventory date uncertain (damaged) DPRI/1/1622/P2/3-4 1622 account, actual total £29 13s 4d (with discharge of £22 1s 4d) account of Agnes Patterson, relict DPRI/1/1622/P3 Nicholas PEARSON, of Chestere in the Strete (Chester in the Streat) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Peareson DPRI/1/1622/P3/1 23 February 1620 will DPRI/1/1622/P3/2-3 10 July 1622 indented inventory, actual total £18 5s 4d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £5 10s) DPRI/1/1622/P4 Thomas PERKIN, yeoman, of chappellrie of Bernerd Castle (Castell) [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Parkyn DPRI/1/1622/P4/1 14 September 1615 will DPRI/1/1622/P4/2 28 September 1615 indented inventory, actual total £21 13s 4d DPRI/1/1622/P5 James PICKERINGE, yeoman, of Branncepeth (Brancpeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/P5/1-2 15 March 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/P5/3 8 April 1622 inventory, actual total £112 12s 4d (with account of debts of £90 13s) DPRI/1/1622/P6 24 July 1622 Thomas POTT, of Yardhop withine the parishe of Halystonne (Halistonne, Hallistone) [Holystone, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.25 DPRI/1/1622/P6/1-2 3 July 1622 will with inventory, undated, actual total £6 8s 4d endorsed: proved, 24 July [1622] DPRI/1/1622/P7 8 July 1622 Richard POWNSHON, yeoman, of town and parish of Walsend within the county pallatyne of Durham [Wallsend, Northumberland]; also spelt Punshon DPRI/1/1622/P7/1-2 19 April 1622 will Probate granted to Edward Punshon, son and sole executor; tuition of Agnes Punshon, daughter, granted to Elizabeth Punshon, relict. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/P7/3-4 30 April 1622 inventory, actual total £125 18s 8d DPRI/1/1622/R1 Charles RADCLIFFE, gentleman, of Tunstall (Tonstall) [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Radclif see DPRI/4/12 f.446v DPRI/1/1622/R1/1-3 28 March 1622 inventory DPRI/1/1622/R2 21 January 1623 Sir Francis RADCLIFFE, baronet, of Dilston [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/R2/1 20 January 1623 indented inventory endorsed: administration granted, 21 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/R3 17 September 1622 Robert RAMSHAW, of town and parish of Haltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Ramshawe DPRI/1/1622/R3/1 26 May 1622 will proved, 17 Sep [1622] DPRI/1/1622/R3/2 10 May 1622 inventory, actual total £26 4s 8d (with account of debts of £5 11s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/R4 2 April 1622 James READ, of Colwell, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland]; also spelt Reede DPRI/1/1622/R4/1 12 February 1622 will Proved by James Wallace and Emily Read, witnesses, and probate granted to Emme Read, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 2 Apr [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/R4/2 29 March 1622 inventory, actual total £16 8s 10d (with account of debts of £4 2s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/R5 Leonard READ, yeoman, of Plawsworth in the countie of Duresme [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Reede, Reed DPRI/1/1622/R5/1-2 26 August 1622 will tuition of Elizabeth and Agnes, [daughters], granted to Nicholas Herrison, their uncle; tuition of Richard, John and Leonard Read, [sons], granted to Thomas Hopper DPRI/1/1622/R5/3-4 11 October 1622 indented inventory, actual total £258 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £123 10s) DPRI/1/1622/R6 17 September 1622 Gawine READSHAWE, gentleman, of the Snodes in the parishe of Shotley (Shotlye) [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Redshaw, Readshaw The inventory includes the funeral expenses of Agnes Readshawe, [daughter and co-executrix]: for the nuncupative will of Agnes Readshawe, see - DPRI/1/1622/R7/1 DPRI/1/1622/R6/1 2 August 1622 will Probate and the tuition of Christopher Readshawe, son and [surviving] co-executor, granted to Nicholas ... [?Androe], her uncle, during the minority of the executor. Endorsed: proved, 17 Sep [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/R6/2 12 August 1622 indented inventory, actual total £86 12s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 14s 10d) DPRI/1/1622/R7 17 September 1622 Agnes READSHAWE, spinster, of the Sneds in the parish of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Redshaw, Redshawe For the funeral expenses of Agnes Readshawe, see - DPRI/1/1622/R6/2 DPRI/1/1622/R7/1 9 August 1622 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 17 Sep [1622] DPRI/1/1622/R8 6 November 1622 Bartram REVELIE, gentleman, of Newton Underwood, parish of Midford [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Reeveley DPRI/1/1622/R8/1-2 5 October 1622 will Probate granted to Dianes [Revelie], sister and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/R8/3 20 October 1622 inventory, actual total £47 7s 8d (with account of debts of £44 3s 6d) DPRI/1/1622/R10 8 October 1622 Nicholas ROBESON, cordwainer, of parish (chapelry) of St Andrewes within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Robson DPRI/1/1622/R10/1-2 10 August 1622 will endorsed: proved, 8 Oct [1622] DPRI/1/1622/R10/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £94 19s 2d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1622/R11 17 January 1623 Roberte ROBINSON, yeoman, of Benely in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Eglingham [Eglingham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/R11/1 11 May 1622 will with inventory, undated, actual total £16 17s 1d Will and [?contemporaneous] inventory, with marginal note of the names of four children. Endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1622/R12 Elizabeth ROBSON, widow, of the White House within the parish of Jarro (Jarroe) in the countie of Durham [Jarrow, County Durham]. Died 18 October 1621 DPRI/1/1622/R12/1 10 October 1621 will DPRI/1/1622/R12/2 16 November 1621 inventory, actual total £102 (with account of debts of £103 7s 6d) DPRI/1/1622/R13 Margaret RUTLISHE, widow, of Plawsworthe (Plawsworth) in the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Rutlish, Rutledge, Rutlidg DPRI/1/1622/R13/1-2 22 April 1621 will DPRI/1/1622/R13/3-4 4 July 1622 indented inventory, actual total £36 17s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £30 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/R9 6 November 1622 Nicholes RYDLAYE, merchant, of Morpethe (Morpeth) in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridley. Died 18 October 1622 DPRI/1/1622/R9/1 17 October 1622 will endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1622] DPRI/1/1622/R9/2-5 3 November 1622 indented inventory, actual total £39 16s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 2s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1622/S1 William SAMSONE, yeoman, of Cornsay (Cornesey) in the parishe of Leanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Samsonn, Samsonne, Sampson DPRI/1/1622/S1/1 1 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/S1/2-3 7 May 1622 inventory, actual total £86 17 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £92 17s 7d) DPRI/1/1622/S2 8 July 1622 John SCLATER, saddler, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Sclator DPRI/1/1622/S2/1-2 30 April 1620 will Probate and the tuition of Suzan Sclater, daughter, granted to Alice Sclater, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/S2/3-6 8 January 1622 inventory, actual total £60 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 16s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1622/S3 21 May 1622 William SELBIE, esquire, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby DPRI/1/1622/S3/1 24 July 1612 copy will endorsed: proved, 21 May 1622 DPRI/1/1622/S4 5 July 1622 Anna SELBY, widow, of town of Bewick (Barwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/S4/1-2 6 July 1622 inventory Administration granted to Dorothy Selby, daughter; Isabell Selby, daughter, having failed to act. Endorsed: administration granted, 5 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/S5 16 December 1622 Thomas SIMSON, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Simpson DPRI/1/1622/S5/1-2 10 January 1623 inventory endorsed: exhibited, 16 Dec [1622], administration first having been granted by Master Wigham [clerk] DPRI/1/1622/S6 January 1623 Peter SMITHSON, webster, of St Anthonyes (Anthonies) in the parishe of Allhallowes (chapelry of All Saints) within Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] date of probate in Jan 1623 uncertain DPRI/1/1622/S6/1-2 13 January 1623 will endorsed: proved, 4 Jan [1623] [?recte 14 Jan 1623] DPRI/1/1622/S6/3 20 January 1623 inventory, actual total £32 15s 7d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) DPRI/1/1622/S7 19 August 1622 George SMYTH, late servant to Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State, pensioner, of Barwick (Berwick) uppon Tweed in the county of Durham [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Smythe, Smith DPRI/1/1622/S7/1-5 2 January 1621 will endorsed: proved, 19 Aug [1622] DPRI/1/1622/S7/6 14 May 1621 copy inventory, actual total £24 9s 8d DPRI/1/1622/S7/8 14 May 1621 commission commission issued at Berwick by John Cradocke, Durham Chancellor, to Martin Daye D.D., rector of St Faith under St Paul's in London, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will DPRI/1/1622/S7/7 6 May 1622 certificate certificate of Sir William Bowyer knight, mayor of Berwick, validating the inventory at the promotion of Phillice (Phillis) Mitton, former relict, and Thomas Mitton, her now husband, pensioner; with common seal of Berwick applied DPRI/1/1622/S8 5 April 1622 Allexander SMYTH, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1622/S8/1 25 July 1621 will in the form of a deed of gift endorsed: administration granted, 5 Apr [1622] DPRI/1/1622/S8/2 28 February 1622 indented inventory, actual total £55 7s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 8s) [administration granted to] Dorothy Smith, relict, [also] for the use of Mazie Smith, daughter DPRI/1/1622/S9 3 July 1622 William SPETLL, yeoman, of town and parish of Bedlington (Bedlingtone) in the county pallentine of Durham [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Spetlle, Spitle, Spitell, Spettle DPRI/1/1622/S9/1-2 19 March 1621 will endorsed: proved, 3 July 1622 DPRI/1/1622/S9/3 19 April 1621 inventory, actual total £76 18s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 19s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/S10 6 November 1622 Nicholas SPOORE, of Fenruther in the chappelrie of Hebburne (Hebborne) [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/S10/1 8 October 1622 will endorsed: proved, 6 Nov [1622] DPRI/1/1622/S10/2 28 October 1622 inventory, actual total £31 14s 10d (with account of debts of £9 10s) DPRI/1/1622/S11 17 January 1623 George STANTON, of town and parish of Alwicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/S11/1-2 28 July 1622 will endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/S11/3-4 14 October 1622 inventory, actual total £67 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £69 10s) DPRI/1/1622/S12 Raph STEPHENSON, freemason, of Elvitt (Elvett) in the parish of St Oswolds in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Stevenson DPRI/1/1622/S12/1-2 13 September 1621 will will, with list of debts owing to (£4 18s 7d) and owing by (£7 7s 10d) the testator DPRI/1/1622/S12/3-4 22 May 1622 indented inventory, actual total £22 16s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/S13 Margaret STEVENSONNE, widow, of Claypurthe, parishe of St Nicholas in Durham, city of Durham [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Stevenson, Stevensonn, Stephenson DPRI/1/1622/S13/1-2 7 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/S13/3 undated inventory, actual total £21 12s 4d DPRI/1/1622/S14 Cuthbert SURTIES, of parishe of Ebchester [Ebchester, County Durham]; also spelt Suerties DPRI/1/1622/S14/1 23 August 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/S14/2 16 August 1622 indented inventory, actual total £435 14s 10d DPRI/1/1622/S15 2 July 1622 Thomas SURTIES, of Whittenstall (Whittonstall) [Whittonstall, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/S15/1 18 May 1622 inventory Administration granted to Christabel Suerties, widow, also for the use of four named children. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/T1 21 January 1623 Nicholas TAYLER, yeoman, of Shotley Feild (Feilde) in the parishe of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailer DPRI/1/1622/T1/1 6 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/T1/2 10 January 1623 indented inventory, actual total £37 19s 8d DPRI/1/1622/T2 Robert TAYLOR, yeoman, of Middle Herrinton (Herringtonn) in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/T2/1-2 6 January 1623 will with nuncupative codicil, 6 January 1623 DPRI/1/1622/T2/3-4 23 January 1623 inventory, actual total £89 5s 5d DPRI/1/1622/T3 2 July 1622 Thomas TEASDEALL, of parishe of Kirkhaugh [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Teasdaile DPRI/1/1622/T3/1 26 April 1622 will Probate and the tuition of Francis Teasdaile, son and co-executor, granted to Agnes Teasdaile, relict and co-executor, also for the use of Francis Teasdaile. Endorsed: proved, 2 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/T3/2 14 May 1622 inventory, actual total £109 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 13s 8d) DPRI/1/1622/T4 Raphe THURSBEY, yeoman, of Archdeacon Newton within the parishe of Darlington [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Thursbie DPRI/1/1622/T4/1-2 24 September 1622 inventory endorsed with the names of Thursbey's wife and four children Full edition of the inventory published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 190 DPRI/1/1622/T5 Nicholas TOWARD, of Wolsingham [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Towerd DPRI/1/1622/T5/1-2 14 March 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/T5/3 11 September 1622 inventory, actual total £109 7s 8d DPRI/1/1622/W1 2 July 1622 Cuthbart WALKER, of Prodoe (Prwddo) of the parish of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Prudhoe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/W1/1-2 30 January 1622 will Will, with list of debts owing to the testator of £5 1s 4d. Probate granted to Margrett Walker, relict and sole executrix. Endorsed: proved, 2 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/W1/3 6 March 1622 inventory, actual total £2 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 1s) DPRI/1/1622/W1/4 6 March 1622 duplicate inventory, actual total £2 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 1s) DPRI/1/1622/W2 2 July 1622 Henry WALLEIS, bachelor, now of Newsham in the county of Durham, parish of Kirkhough [Kirkhaugh, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallace Durham parish uncertain: Winston or Egglescliffe. See DPRI/4/13A f.16: Henry Wallace of Kirkhaugh, 22 or 23 June 1622. DPRI/1/1622/W2/1 3 June 1622 will Probate granted to Edward Wallace and Raph Wallace, brothers and executors. Endorsed: administration granted, 2 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/W2/2 undated inventory, actual total £53 18s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 17s 4d) DPRI/1/1622/W3 29 October 1622 Roberte WALLES, of the Merykno in the parish of Knaresdaile [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Wallice, Wallace DPRI/1/1622/W3/1 8 January 1622 will Dated in the New Style. Subscribed: administration granted until will is proved by Margaret Walles, relict and sole executrix. DPRI/1/1622/W3/3 8 January 1622 copy will Dated in the New Style. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 Oct [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/W3/2 15 June 1622 inventory, actual total £7 8s 7d (with account of debts of £1 6s and more) DPRI/1/1622/W4 8 July 1622 George WATSON, shipwright, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/W4/1-4 16 December 1621 will Probate granted to Richard Watson, co-executor; [Robert Watson, son and] the other co-executor being a minor. Endorsed: proved, 8 July [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/W4/5 8 January 1622 inventory, actual total £243 3s 10d DPRI/1/1622/W5 12 November 1622 William WHARTON, yeoman, of Egleston (Eggleston) in the countye of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasdale [Eggleston, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.443: 5 Apr 1622 DPRI/1/1622/W5/1 26 July 1621 will DPRI/1/1622/W5/2 18 August 1621 indented inventory, actual total £64 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £4) DPRI/1/1622/W5/3 12 April 1622 commission commission to James Honley, preacher of Middleton in Teesdale, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Whalton, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Honley, 12 Nov [1622] DPRI/1/1622/W6 Marten WHEATLY, yeoman, of Ravensworth in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Wheatley DPRI/1/1622/W6/1 16 September 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/W6/2 9 October 1622 inventory, actual total £152 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £57 16s 2d) DPRI/1/1622/W8 Robert WILKINSON, yeoman, of Laytone (Layton) in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1622/W8/1 29 April 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/W8/2 17 July 1622 indented inventory, actual total £45 5s (with account of debts of £37 3s) DPRI/1/1622/W7 16 December 1622 Raiphe WILKINSSONE, cooper, of towne and countie of Newcastle uppon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinson DPRI/1/1622/W7/1 19 September 1622 will Probate granted to Gawen Aden (Aidon) and John Wilkinson, merchants and overseers. Endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1622]. DPRI/1/1622/W7/2-4 October 1622 inventory, actual total £32 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £25 0s 9d) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1622/W9 17 February 1623 Dorothie WILLSON, widow, of parishe (chapelry) of Alsaints of the towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilson DPRI/1/1622/W9/1 25 November 1622 will Probate granted to Henry Sandelance and Dorothy Sandelance, co-executors. Endorsed: proved, 17 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1622/W9/2-5 20 December 1622 inventory, actual total £165 18s 5d (with account of funeral expenses of £9) DPRI/1/1622/W10 24 January 1623 Thomas WOODMASSE, yeoman, of parishe of Gaitshead (Gateshead) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Woodmas, Woodmass DPRI/1/1622/W10/1 8 October 1622 will Subscribed with certificate of oaths of the witnesses, 24 Jan [1623]. Endorsed: proved, 21 Jan [1623] [?recte 24 Jan 1623]. DPRI/1/1622/W10/2 14 December 1622 indented inventory, actual total £61 12s 7d DPRI/1/1622/W10/3 20 January 1623 commission commission to Joseph Browne MA, rector of Gateshead, and John Shaw MA, curate of Newcastle St John, to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Browne and Shaw, 24 Jan [1623] DPRI/1/1622/W11 24 May 1622 William WRANGHAM, of North Sheles (Sheiles) of the parish of Tynmouth [North Shields, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/W11/1-2 29 March 1622 will endorsed: proved, 24 May 1622 DPRI/1/1622/W12 8 October 1622 Theodore WRIGHT, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1622/W12/1-2 21 August 1622 will DPRI/1/1622/W12/4-5 17 October 1622 inventory, actual total £209 7s 4d endorsed: [will] proved, 8 Oct [1622] DPRI/1/1622/W12/3 undated bill of expenses, actual total 14s 7d Bill of expenses relating to an office cause against Richard Wilson and Ann Singleton of Simonburn. [Found with Wright's probate records, but the connection is not evident.] DPRI/1/1623 Wills etc proved 1623 DPRI/1/1623/A1 18 April 1623 Robert ALDER, gentleman, of Prendick (Prendicke), parish of Alneham [Alnham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/A1/1 30 March 1623 inventory administration granted at Durham College to Robert Alder, son, (also for the use of other unnamed children); bond entered, 18 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/A2 John ALLENSON, of Ettersgill in the parishe of Middleton in Teasedale (Teasdale) [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Allanson DPRI/1/1623/A2/1 undated will dated 17 Apr [?1623] DPRI/1/1623/A2/2-3 29 April 1623 inventory, actual total £20 7s DPRI/1/1623/A3 Richard ARROSMITHE, yeoman, of Cockfield (Cockfeild) in the county of Durham [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Arrowsmith, Arrowesmith, Arrawesmithe DPRI/1/1623/A3/1-2 20 January 1619 will in the form of a deed of gift with nuncupative will, 1 June 1623 deed of gift subscribed with note of delivery of seisin (same date) DPRI/1/1623/A3/3 4 September 1623 inventory, actual total £21 13s DPRI/1/1623/A4 Margaret ASCOUGH, wife of Richard Ascough of Berwick gentleman, widow, of parish (town) of Berwick upon Tweede (Barwick upon Twede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Ascoughe, Askwythe, Ascouth See DPRI/4/13A f.83: mentions the swearing of Reveleye (Revelye), a witness, in 1618; will proved by Reveleye and Ourd, and administration granted to Elizabeth Ascough, daughter and sole executrix, 19 Aug 1623. Visitation Book II/7 goes straight from 8 Apr 1618 to Aug 1618; no mention in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/11. DPRI/1/1623/A4/1-2 27 February 1611 will DPRI/1/1623/A4/4 29 April 1618 act of court act of court relating to a cause to prove the will: will introduced by John Ourde before Ralph Hutton MA in the home of Laurence Steele in Berwick DPRI/1/1623/A4/3 undated inventory, actual total £3 15s 8d endorsed: 19 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/A5 Thomas ATKINSON, yeoman, of Bishop Aucland (Bushop Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/A5/1 3 October 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/A5/2 14 October 1623 inventory, actual total £21 14s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 15s 10d) DPRI/1/1623/A5/3-4 14 October 1623 indented inventory, actual total £24 14s 7d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/A6 Thomas AYRE, yeoman, of Bishipton (Bushopton) in the countie of Durham [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Aire DPRI/1/1623/A6/1-2 28 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1623/A6/3 4 February 1624 inventory, actual total £139 3s DPRI/1/1623/B1 29 January 1624 James BALIF, Jacob Balif, gentleman, of Preston of the parich of Tynmouth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Preston, Northumberland]; also spelt Balife, Bayliffe, Bayliff see DPRI/4/13A f.106: 1623 DPRI/1/1623/B1/1 7 May 1623 will endorsed: 29 Jan [1624] DPRI/1/1623/B1/2-3 13 November 1623 inventory, actual total £148 7s 6d inventory of goods etc. at Halliwell and Preston DPRI/1/1623/B2 Barnabie BELL, of Midridge Graunge (Midredge Grange) in the countie palatyne of Duresme [Middridge, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/B2/1-2 19 July 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/B2/3 undated inventory, actual total £196 17s 8d (with account of debts of 12s) DPRI/1/1623/B3 Henrie BELL, of Byarshall in the parish of Heltwesle [Haltwhistle, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/B3/1 7 January 1623 will endorsed: proved, 29 Oct [1623] DPRI/1/1623/B3/2 undated inventory, actual total £13 (with account of debts of 14s) DPRI/1/1623/B4 John BELLAMIE, of Walworth in the countie of Durhame [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Bellamye DPRI/1/1623/B4/1-2 30 July 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/B4/3 19 August 1623 inventory, actual total £316 0s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £347 5s 6d) DPRI/1/1623/B5 20 October 1623 Roger BILTON, skinner, glover, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Bylltonn DPRI/1/1623/B5/1 24 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1623]; Thomas and Robert [Bilton], sons DPRI/1/1623/B5/2 undated inventory, actual total £21 9s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £5 11s) dated, 8 Oct [?1623] DPRI/1/1623/B6 Robert BLAIKESTON, of Norton (Nortonn) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Blaickston, Blakeston DPRI/1/1623/B6/1-2 undated inventory administration granted to Anne [Blaickeston], relict, also for the use of four named children, (undated) DPRI/1/1623/B7 John BLARTON, the elder, yeoman, of Kiopeth (Kyo peth) in the parish of Lanchester and countie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/B7/1 14 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/B7/2 14 May 1623 inventory, actual total £64 2s 4d DPRI/1/1623/B8 Christofer BOWES, of parishe of Hutton Bonvill (Bonvile) [Birkby, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1623/B8/1 1 December 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/B9 21 April 1623 Roberte BROWNE, baker, brewer, of parishe (chapelry) of St Andrewes within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/B9/1 29 March 1623 will endorsed: proved, 21 Apr [1623] DPRI/1/1623/B9/2-4 18 April 1623 inventory, actual total £265 11s 6d (with account of debts of £14 19s 10d) DPRI/1/1623/B10 19 August 1623 Williame BRUGHE, of town and parish of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Brugh DPRI/1/1623/B10/1 13 August 1623 inventory subscribed: Winifred, relict, and five named [?children]; administration granted, 19 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/B11 John BURRELL, of Raby (Rabie) [Staindrop, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/B11/1 25 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/B12 Raphe BURTON, of Hedworth within the parishe of Jarro in the countie of Durham [Hedworth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/B12/1 27 May 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/B12/2 9 October 1623 inventory, actual total £164 13s 4d (with account of debts of £6 6s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/B13 10 February 1624 Dame Winifrid BURTON, now wife of Sir Henry Burton of Carsalton KB, late wife and sole executrix of John Theaker of Crayke esquire, Carsalton in the countie of Surrey, Craike in the countie of Yorke [Carshalton, Surrey; Crayke, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1623/B13/1-2 21 March 1609 copy will with grant of probate, 10 February 1624 Will, subscribed with extract of probate granted at Durham House in the Strand, London, to Sir Henry Burton, husband and sole executor, 10 Feb 1624; Thomas Hendrick, witness, having been sworn, 19 Jan 1624. DPRI/1/1623/B14 10 December 1623 Roger BUSTON, yeoman, of Over (Upper) Buston in the county of Northumberland, parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/B14/1 4 January 1623 will endorsed: proved, 10 Dec [1623] DPRI/1/1623/B14/2 6 December 1623 indented inventory, actual total £22 13s (with account of debts of £2) DPRI/1/1623/C1 Richerd CALVERLEY, yeoman, of Barmston (Barmeston) in the countye of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Calverlye, Coverley DPRI/1/1623/C1/1-2 12 December 1623 will will endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts owed to the testator of £21 1s 8d DPRI/1/1623/C1/3 12 January 1624 inventory, actual total £135 6s 3d (with account of debts of £5 7s) DPRI/1/1623/C2 20 October 1623 Ralph CARRE, senior, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/C2/1-4 16 October 1623 inventory Subscribed: Isabell Carre, relict, Susan and Anne Carre, daughters. Endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C3 Lawrence CATHERICKE, yeoman, of Darlington in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Catherick, Cathricke DPRI/1/1623/C3/1 18 April 1623 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 195-197 DPRI/1/1623/C3/2-3 1 May 1623 inventory, actual total £346 18s 2d (with account of debts of £70 7s 11d) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 198-200 DPRI/1/1623/C4 22 September 1623 Henry CHAITER, weaver, of chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaytor, Chaitor DPRI/1/1623/C4/1-2 20 May 1623 indented inventory Administration granted to Katherine Chaytor, relict, and George Chaytor, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 22 Sep [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C5 29 January 1624 Roger CHAITER, weaver, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaitor, Chaytor. Died 8 December 1623 DPRI/1/1623/C5/1-2 26 January 1624 indented inventory Administration granted to Cuthbert Proctor, creditor; Ellenor Chaytor, relict, having renounced. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 Jan [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/C6 Robart CHAMBERS, of Bladon within the parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Chamber DPRI/1/1623/C6/2 23 June 1623 commission commission to William Hancocke, curate of Ryton, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Chambers, relict, also for the use of two named children, and also to grant to her the tuition of the said children; commission executed by Hancok, 25 June 1623 DPRI/1/1623/C6/1 25 June 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/C7 6 November 1623 Roger CHAMBERS, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Chamber The inventory refers to the marriage of Chambers to Suzan [?Harrison]. No reference to the 15 May [1623] grant of administration found in Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12. But see DPRI/4/12 f.553: administration of the goods etc. of Thomas and Barbara Chambers, children of Roger Chambers, granted to their mother Suzan Chambers, relict, also for the use of Suzan Chambers, daughter, 6 Nov 1624; a monition to exhibit an inventory within a month having been issued. See also the probably related documents at the Borthwick Institute for Archives: TRANS.CP.1627/3, consistory court appeal 1627-1629; and CP.H.1824 appeal (disputed administration), Sept 1626-May 1629. DPRI/1/1623/C7/1-4 2 May 1623 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc.; subscribed: Thomas, Barbara and Suzan Chambers, children. Endorsed: administration granted, 15 May [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C8 15 May 1623 Henry CHAPMAN, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/C8/1 17 September 1620 will Endorsed: 15 May [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C9 22 August 1623 Oswold CHATER, weaver, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of St John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Chaitor, Chaytor DPRI/1/1623/C9/1 18 July 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/C9/2 21 August 1623 inventory, actual total £176 13s 2d endorsed: proved, 22 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/C9/3 undated supplementary inventory of debts, actual total £160 DPRI/1/1623/C10 John CLARKE, servant to the Right Worshipful Sir William Bowes knight, servant, of Bradley [Wolsingham, County Durham; Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 ff.476v and 493v DPRI/1/1623/C10/1 1 November 1607 will DPRI/1/1623/C10/2-3 2 June 1623 inventory, actual total £13 10s 3d inventory of goods etc. at Streatlam; endorsed: will not proved DPRI/1/1623/C10/4-5 3 June 1623 inventory, actual total £3 4s 8d inventory of goods etc. at the house of Simon Myres at Bremelane DPRI/1/1623/C10/5 10 June 1623 inventory, actual total £51 12s DPRI/1/1623/C11 26 April 1623 Richard COLLINE, of Long Newton (Longe Newton) [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Collinge see DPRI/4/12 f.474v: administration granted to Isabell Colline, relict, 26 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/C11/1 20 January 1623 inventory administration granted to Isabell Colline, relict DPRI/1/1623/C12 24 October 1623 Robert COLLINE, of Long Newton [Longnewton, County Durham]; also spelt Collinge see DPRI/4/12 f.503: administration granted to Custance (Constance) Colline, relict, 24 Oct 1623 DPRI/1/1623/C12/1 28 December 1622 inventory administration granted to Custance [Colline], relict, also for the use of seven named children DPRI/1/1623/C13 30 April 1623 Thomas COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Brenkheugh of the parish of Brenkbourne (chapelry of Brenckburne) and the county of Northumberland [Brinkburn, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/C13/1 25 March 1623 inventory Administration granted to Elizabeth [?Collingwood, relict], also for the use of Charles Collingwood, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 30 Apr [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C14 George CONIERS, of High Grendon (Grindon) [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Conyers DPRI/1/1623/C14/1 31 December 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/C15 22 September 1623 Elizabeth COOK, spinster, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Cooke see DPRI/4/13A f.89v DPRI/1/1623/C15/1 1 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/C16 Robert COOKE, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Cook DPRI/1/1623/C16/1 9 November 1623 will Subscribed: inventory [to be exhibited] before 29 Sep [1624]. Endorsed: proved, 29 Jan [1624] DPRI/1/1623/C17 27 January 1624 Raphe COOPER, yeoman, of parish or chapelry of Whittenstall (Whittonstall) in the countie of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/C17/1 23 October 1623 will Will, with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed by (8s 2d) and owed to (1s 8d) the testator. Endorsed: proved, 27 Jan [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/C17/2 1 November 1623 inventory, actual total £7 2s 8d DPRI/1/1623/C18 Robert COOPER, lay singer in Durham cathedral, lay singing man, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Coper DPRI/1/1623/C18/1 11 November 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/C18/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1623/C19 Robert COOPER, clerk, of parrish of Elton (Eltonn) in the county of Durham [Elton, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/C19/1 25 November 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/C19/2 21 December 1622 indented inventory, actual total £10 8s 6d (with account of debts of 9s) DPRI/1/1623/C20 19 August 1623 Robert CRAWFORTH, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of broughe (town) of Barwicke upon Twede (Berwick upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Crawford, Crawforthe DPRI/1/1623/C20/1-2 17 November 1621 will Endorsed: proved, 19 Aug [1623]. A further [probate office] endorsement relating to the will of Margaret Ascough (see DPRI/1/1623/A2) was probably made in error: administration of Ascough's will was granted on the same day as Crawforth's will was proved. DPRI/1/1623/C20/3 22 November 1622 inventory, actual total £22 16s 2d (with account of debts of £22 15s 3d) DPRI/1/1623/C21 Simon CRAWFORTH, yeoman, of Raybie (Rabie) in the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Crawford DPRI/1/1623/C21/1-2 1 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/C21/3 undated inventory, actual total £12 11s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4) DPRI/1/1623/C22 3 October 1623 John CUTTER, of North Midletonn (Middletonn, Midleton), parish of Hartborne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/C22/1 3 September 1623 will Will, with list of debts owed by the testator of £4 8s and more; dated in margin, 2 or 3 Sep 1623. Endorsed: proved, 3 Oct [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/C22/2 9 September 1623 inventory, actual total £32 14s 10d DPRI/1/1623/D1 Thomas DANBYE, esquire, of Great Leak (Leeke, Leake) in the county of Yorke [Leake, Yorkshire]; also spelt Danby DPRI/1/1623/D1/1 8 September 1623 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 164-165 DPRI/1/1623/D1/2-3 27 September 1623 inventory, actual total £358 3s 4d DPRI/1/1623/D2 19 April 1623 Thomas DAND, yeoman, of Bilton in the parish of Lesburie [Lesbury, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/D2/1 16 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 19 Apr [1623] DPRI/1/1623/D2/2 14 April 1623 inventory, actual total £29 11s 6d (with account of debts of £9 6s) DPRI/1/1623/D3 Claudius DELAVALE, gentleman, of parish of St Nycholas in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/D3/4 6 May 1623 inventory, actual total £339 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £452 3s 4d) with draft account, actual total £210 12s 4d (with discharge of £434) inventory, endorsed with draft account which does not take into the charge £149 of desperate debts DPRI/1/1623/D3/3 undated draft account of discharge, actual total £486 10s (discharge) DPRI/1/1623/D3/1-2 6 March 1624 account, actual total £210 12s 4d (with discharge of £486 10s) Account of Arthure Delavale gentleman, brother, which does not take into the charge £129 of desperate debts. Endorsed: exhibited, 6 Mar [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/D4 George DENTTON, of towne of Berwick (Barwick) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Denton DPRI/1/1623/D4/1-2 10 March 1623 will Subscribed with list of debts owed by the testator of £6 16s 2d. Endorsed: proved, 19 Aug [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/D4/3 28 August 1622 inventory, actual total £10 4s 4d DPRI/1/1623/D5 Myles DIGLES, blacksmith, of Gateshead (Gaitesid, Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Diggles DPRI/1/1623/D5/1-2 29 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/D5/3-4 3 March 1623 indented inventory, actual total £21 5s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £15 10s) DPRI/1/1623/D6 Thomas DIXON, husband of Isabell Dixon, slater, rough mason, of chaplerie of Sainct Margarets in or nere Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Dyckson, Dixson For the will and codicil of Dixon's wife Isabell Dixon, filed with the probate records of her husband, see - DPRI/1/1623/D6/2-3 - DPRI/1/1623/D6/4-5 DPRI/1/1623/D6/1 16 August 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/D6/6 20 August 1623 inventory, actual total £40 0s 7d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £5 7s 2d) DPRI/1/1623/D6 Isabell DIXON, wife of Thomas Dixon, widow, of parishing of St Margarets [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Dyckson, Dickson For the will and inventory of Dixon's husband, Thomas Dixon, see - DPRI/1/1623/D6/1 - DPRI/1/1623/D6/6 DPRI/1/1623/D6/2-3 21 August 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/D6/4-5 27 August 1623 codicil DPRI/1/1623/D7 20 March 1624 Annas DUN, wife of Raph Dun of Ferryhill, of Ferye Hill (Ferrie Hill) of the parish of Merrington [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Dunn see DPRI/4/12 f.526: 20 Mar 1624 DPRI/1/1623/D7/1 29 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1623/D7/2 19 March 1624 inventory, actual total £12 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/D8 Raph DUN, of Ferye Hill (Ferrie Hill) [Ferryhill, County Durham]; also spelt Dune, Dunn DPRI/1/1623/D8/1 3 March 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/D8/2 26 November 1623 inventory, actual total £77 11s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £35 6s 10d) DPRI/1/1623/E1 9 June 1623 William ELDER, tanner, of town and parish of Alnwicke (Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/E1/1-2 27 December 1622 will with contemporaneous list of debts owed to (£1 1s 11d) and owed by (£1 10s) the testator DPRI/1/1623/E1/3 4 June 1623 inventory, actual total £3 6s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of 17s) endorsed: proved, 9 June [1623] DPRI/1/1623/E2 Humfrey ELSTOBB, husband of Alice Elstobb, of parishe of Bushopton [Bishopton, County Durham]; also spelt Elstob DPRI/1/1623/E2/1 undated account account of Alice Elstobb, relict DPRI/1/1623/E3 6 June 1623 Thomas EWART, of chapelry of Kyloe (Kiloe) [Kyloe, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/E3/1 18 April 1623 will Will, with contemporaneous list of debts owed to the testator of £7 4s. Endorsed: proved, 6 June [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/E3/2 undated inventory, actual total £99 9s DPRI/1/1623/F2 Jarrard FENWICK, weaver, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenwicke DPRI/1/1623/F2/1 8 January 1624 indented inventory Administration granted to Margaret Fenwicke; the executor having renounced. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 Jan [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/F3 26 August 1623 Rafe FENWICK, of Dilston, parish of Corbridg [Corbridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/F3/1-2 21 August 1623 indented inventory Administration granted to Ralph Grinwell, husband of Isabell Grinwell, daughter of the deceased; five other named daughters having failed to appear in court. Endorsed: administration granted, 26 Aug [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/F1 19 May 1623 Henry FERNESIDE, merchant, of towne of Newcastell (Newcastle upon Tyne) in the county of the same towne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Farnysid, Farnnysid, Ferniside, Farnyside For the will and inventory of the deceased's business partner [?and brother], Jacob Ferneside, see - DPRI/1/1623/F4/1-3 - DPRI/1/1623/F4/4-5 DPRI/1/1623/F1/1-2 19 April 1623 will endorsed: proved, 19 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/F1/5-6 19 April 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/F1/3-4 12 May 1623 inventory, actual total £2,760 8s 5d inventory includes goods, shop goods and debts etc. held by the deceased in equal partnership with Jacob Ferniside DPRI/1/1623/F4 19 May 1623 Jacob FERNESIDE, merchant, of the Sand Hill in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Ferniside, Fernisid For the will and inventory of the deceased's business partner [?and brother], Henry Ferneside, see - DPRI/1/1623/F1/1-2 - DPRI/1/1623/F1/3-4 DPRI/1/1623/F4/1-3 17 April 1623 will endorsed: proved, 19 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/F4/4-5 30 April 1623 indented inventory, actual total £2,515 5s 8d inventory includes goods, shop goods and debts etc. held in equal partnership with Henry Ferneside DPRI/1/1623/F5 John FINCH, of towne and parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland]; also spelt Fenche DPRI/1/1623/F5/1 30 March 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/F5/7 10 February 1622 letter letter from John Wilkin of Berwick [gentleman], requesting payment of a debt; [dated in the New Style following the Scottish practice at this time] DPRI/1/1623/F5/6 13 June 1622 acquittance receipt of John Wilkin of Berwick [gentleman] for part payment of a debt DPRI/1/1623/F5/5 17 June 1622 acquittance acquittance of James Wade of Cawood, Yorkshire, mariner, [for tobacco] DPRI/1/1623/F5/8 4 April 1623 acquittance receipt of John Read [of Newcastle, for wollen cloth] DPRI/1/1623/F5/9 undated acquittance receipt of Nycholas Forster [of Alnwick, for cloth] DPRI/1/1623/F5/10 undated acquittance receipt of Thomas Lewen (and Henry Lewen) [of Newcastle, for tobacco] DPRI/1/1623/F5/4 undated draft account of discharge, actual total £25 13s 5d (discharge) DPRI/1/1623/F5/2-3 25 July 1623 account, actual total £16 2s 8d (with discharge of £27 13s 5d) account of Jane Finch, relict DPRI/1/1623/F6 Jane FLETHAM, widow, of Stockton within the countye of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Fleatham DPRI/1/1623/F6/1-2 15 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/F6/3 8 May 1623 inventory, actual total £44 10s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 19s 10d) DPRI/1/1623/F7 24 September 1623 Henrie FOSTER, yeoman, of Benridge within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Mitford [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1623/F7/1 14 September 1623 will endorsed: administration granted, 24 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/F7/2 23 September 1623 inventory, actual total £12 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1623/F8 24 September 1623 John FOSTER, yeoman, of Benridge in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Midford [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1623/F8/1 4 August 1623 will endorsed: proved, 24 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/F8/2 23 September 1623 inventory, actual total £15 9s (with account of funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1623/F9 24 September 1623 Maudline FOSTER, wife of John Foster, widow, of Benridge within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Mitford [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1623/F9/1 23 September 1623 will endorsed: administration granted, 24 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/F9/2 23 September 1623 inventory, actual total £14 2s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1623/F10 Thomas FOSTER, of Steales Howse (Steelshouse) within the parishe of Branesepeth (Branspeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Forster DPRI/1/1623/F10/1-2 17 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/F10/3 28 April 1623 inventory, actual total £17 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £1 19s) DPRI/1/1623/F11 Lancelot FOXTON, yeoman, of Nether Silton within the countye of York (Yorke) [Leake, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1623/F11/1-2 27 December 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/F11/3-4 10 January 1623 inventory, actual total £113 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 18s) DPRI/1/1623/G1 19 May 1623 Cuthbert GRAY, merchant, of parishe of St Nicholes of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie DPRI/1/1623/G1/1 19 April 1623 will subscribed with (undated) memorandum of Henry [?Gower], authorised to grant probate to Elizabeth Gray, sole executrix, she having been sworn, and to grant to her the tuition of the children DPRI/1/1623/G1/2-6 28 April 1623 inventory, actual total £2,138 18s 9d Inventory of household and shop goods etc., as well as of coals, shipping and other goods etc. at Denton Burn, Newbiggin, Higham Dikes, Bellasis, Pandon Gate. Endorsed: proved, 19 May [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/G2 1 April 1623 John GRAY, butcher, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Graie DPRI/1/1623/G2/1 26 October 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/G2/3-5 17 February 1623 indented inventory, actual total £141 16s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 18s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/G2/2 undated petition with act of court, 31 March 1623 with act of court, 9 July 1624 (1) Petition of Margartt Gray, relict and executrix, requesting a decree upon the terms of the payment of her son's portion and her maintenance of him during his minority, relating to a difference of interpretation of the terms of the will; (2) Decree of John Cradocke, Durham Chancellor, ordering the witnesses to the will to be examined, probate to be confirmed under seal, tuition to be granted, and a bond to be entered, ruling in the petitioner's favour; (3) Further decree of John Cradock, making further provision for the security of the son's portion, the deceased's estate having been found to be less valuable than formerly accounted, and Margaret Gray having remarried and her husband being unwilling to accept the liability. Endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/G5 Thomas GRAY, weaver, of Longe Framlingtone (Longe Framelingtone, Framlington) [Longframlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Graye. Died 9 October 1623 DPRI/1/1623/G5/1 9 October 1623 will endorsed: proved, [4 Feb 1624] DPRI/1/1623/G5/2 undated inventory, actual total £9 10s 8d (with account of debts of £5 10s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/G3 7 November 1623 Sir Raph GRAYE, knight, of Chillingham in the countie of Northumberland [Chillingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray see DPRI/4/12: office cause to prove the will promoted by Sir William Gray knight and baronet, son v Lady Dorothy Gray, relict, 14 Oct 1623 (f.500v); probate granted to Sir William Graye, 7 Nov 1623 (f.505) DPRI/1/1623/G3/1-2 5 September 1623 [copy will] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 163-134 DPRI/1/1623/G3/3 23 August 1624 decree in the form of a letter letter from John Cradocke at Morpeth, Durham Chancellor, to Anthony Thopson at Durham, ordering the original will and a copy of the allegation exhibited at its probate be dispatched to York for probate, bona notabilia having been found within Yorkshire DPRI/1/1623/G4 22 September 1623 Thomas GRAYE, mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray see DPRI/4/13A f.476: will proved at Newcastle St Nicholas, but grant of probate reserved until an application is made, the executor having died, 22 Sep 1623 DPRI/1/1623/G4/1 9 May 1622 will endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/G6 Margerie GROWNWELL, widow, of Pelton within the countie of Durham [Pelton, County Durham]; also spelt Grownewell, Grenewell, Greenewell, Grinwell, Greenwell DPRI/1/1623/G6/1-2 23 June 1620 will DPRI/1/1623/G6/3 2 December 1623 indented inventory, actual total £12 15s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1623/H1 29 November 1623 Lanclot HACKFIRTH, of Morley in the parishe of Branspethe (Brancepethe, Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Hackfurth, Hackforth, Hackforthe, Hackfurthe see DPRI/4/12 f.509v: office cause to prove the will; probate granted to Agnes (Ann) Hackforth, relict, for the use and during the minorities of the five named children of the deceased, executors; Agnes Hackforth also assigned as their tutrix, 29 Nov 1623 DPRI/1/1623/H1/1-4 19 May 1619 will with codicil, 19 May 1619 with memorandum, 29 November 1623 will and codicil, subscribed with memorandum made at probate clarifying the terms of the will DPRI/1/1623/H1/5-6 1 September 1619 inventory, actual total £287 19s (with account of debts of £163 3s 4d) subscribed: sequestration granted to Anne Hackforth, widow, 18 Dec 1619 DPRI/1/1623/H2 7 June 1623 Margrett HAGTHROPP, of Greate (Great) Osworth [Usworth, County Durham; Monkwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Hagthrop, Hagthrope see DPRI/4/12 f.481v: domicile stated as Monkwearmouth; 7 June 1623 DPRI/1/1623/H2/1 28 September 1621 will DPRI/1/1623/H2/2 20 May 1623 inventory, actual total £20 16s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1623/H3 Raphe HARRISON, yeoman, of Hutton Henrie (Huttonn Henrye) in the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Harrisonn, Herrison DPRI/1/1623/H3/1 24 February 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/H3/2 15 April 1623 indented inventory, actual total £40 7s 8d (with account of debts of £49 14s 1d) DPRI/1/1623/H4 3 February 1624 Margery HAYTON, Newcastle upon Tyne, town and parish of Morpeth [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Morpeth, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.107v: Feb 1624; domicile stated as Morpeth only DPRI/1/1623/H4/1 13 January 1624 will endorsed: proved, 3 Feb 1624 DPRI/1/1623/H4/2 3 February 1624 inventory, actual total £62 13s 4d DPRI/1/1623/H7 12 March 1624 Edmund HEARON, of Dilston, parish of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.111v: 12 Mar 1624 DPRI/1/1623/H7/1 5 December 1623 inventory, actual total £12 11s 8d with inventory, 17 December 1623, actual total £20 9s 2d (and more, debts) Account of debts includes 2s for ingrossing the inventory; administration granted to Elizabeth Hearon, relict, also for the use of Barbara, [?daughter]. Endorsed: administration granted, 12 Mar [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/H5 20 October 1623 John HEDWORTH, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/H5/1-2 25 June 1623 will Administration granted to John Heron of Birkley Hall, father-in-law, and William Hall, uncle, supervisors. Endorsed: proved, 20 Oct [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/H5/3-4 25 June 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/H5/5-7 26 June 1623 inventory, actual total £232 15s inventory of goods etc. at Newcastle and Ryton Woodside DPRI/1/1623/H6 22 September 1623 William HELYE, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tynn, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Heeley, Hely DPRI/1/1623/H6/1 15 February 1623 will Subscribed: monition issued to exhibit an inventory within the month. Endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/H8 21 April 1623 Ovin HERON, muscicioner, musician, of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Owin, Hearon see DPRI/4/13A f.65v: 21 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/H8/1 undated inventory endorsed: administration granted to Agnes Heron, relict, 21 Apr [1623] DPRI/1/1623/H9 15 November 1605 Hugh HOPPER, draper, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Will dated, 2 Oct 1605 (see DPRI/1/1605; DPRI/2/6 ff.249-250). Inventory of debts paid includes the funeral expenses of Hopper's daughter. See DPRI/4/12 ff.505v, 515v, 517v, 529, 530v, 535v, 536, 537v: Nov 1623-June 1624. For a subsequent account exhibited by the executor upon being cited to do so by Thomas Hopper, see - DPRI/1/1624/H11/1 - DPRI/1/1624/H11/2-17 DPRI/1/1623/H9/1 undated account account of Robert Porrett, executor DPRI/1/1623/H9/2-10 undated schedule of legacies, actual total £73 0s 8d with schedule of debts received, undated, actual total £543 17s 7d with supplementary schedule of debts received, undated, actual total £81 2s 3d with schedule of desperate debts, undated, actual total £187 9s with schedule of debts paid, undated, actual total £983 13s 7d five schedules or inventaries of legacies and debts (paid and received) formerly annexed to the account DPRI/1/1623/H10 Isabell HOPPER, of Byrkenside (Byrkensid) in the parishe of Shotley [Shotley, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/H10/1 3 April 1623 will endorsed: proved, 17 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/H10/2 6 April 1623 indented inventory, actual total £13 19s DPRI/1/1623/H11 George HUNTLEY, merchant, of town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/H11/1-4 13 December 1623 inventory inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1623/H12 5 March 1624 Henrye HUTCHESON, of Garrigill gate, chaplerye of Garrigill (Garragill) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Hutchinson DPRI/1/1623/H12/1 22 July 1623 will endorsed: proved, 5 Mar [1624] DPRI/1/1623/H12/2 10 August 1623 inventory, actual total £56 14s DPRI/1/1623/H13 Matthew HUTTON, gentleman, of Bishop Aucland (Awkland) in the countie palatine of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/H13/1-2 11 December 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/H13/3-4 8 January 1624 inventory, actual total £148 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 5s 10d) DPRI/1/1623/H14 21 May 1623 Robert HUTTON, D.D., parson (rector) of Houghton-le-Spring, [3rd] prebendary of Durham cathedral, clerk, of Houghton [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham; Durham, County Durham] See DPRI/4/12 f.478v: 21 May 1623: administration granted to Grace Hutton, relict. See also CC box 18: file on rebuilding of Houghton rectory after the Restoration. See also, Fordyce, vol. 2, from p515. DPRI/1/1623/H14/1-8 23 May 1623 inventory with inventory, undated with inventory, 27 May 1623 with inventory, 26 May 1623 with inventory, 28 May 1623, actual total £507 7s 1d Inventory of goods etc. at: (1) ?Durham; (2) John Smith's house at Anmer Barns; (3) Houghton-le-Spring; (4) the Appe Shells (Ayhope Sheild in Weardale); (5) Southwick and Sacriston Heugh. Page order: 1-4, 7-8, 5-6. DPRI/1/1623/H14/9 15 May 1624 supplementary inventory, actual total £486 2s 3d supplementary inventory of debts and leases due to the deceased, exhibited by Grace Hutton, relict and administratrix DPRI/1/1623/J1 22 September 1623 Richard JENKINSON, of parish of St Nycholas in Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.89: 22 Sep 1623: administration granted to Thomas Jenkinson, but Jane Legerd given authority during his absence. DPRI/1/1623/J1/1-2 undated account Account of Jane Legerd, widow, made upon the sequestration of the goods etc. Endorsed: exhibited, 29 Jan [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/J2 John JOHNSON, weaver, of Elvett within the parish of St Oswolds in or near Durham in the countie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 ff.490v, 492: complications over the tuition of the deceased's children, Elinor and Toby Johnson, Aug 1623 DPRI/1/1623/J2/1 25 July 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/J3 Robert JOHNSON, yeoman, of Willington in the parish of Branspeth within the countie of Durham [Willington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/J3/1-2 7 September 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/J3/3 23 September 1623 inventory, actual total £260 2s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £ DPRI/1/1623/K1 George KILLINGWORTH, gentleman, of Killingworth, parish of Benton [Killingworth, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.101: administration granted to Isabell Killingworth, relict, 8 Dec 1623 DPRI/1/1623/K1/1 6 September 1622 indented inventory Administration granted to Isabell Killingworth, relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 8 Dec [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/L1 19 May 1623 Robert LEDGERD, draper, of Newcastle uppon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ledgard, Legerd DPRI/1/1623/L1/1-2 16 April 1623 will endorsed: 19 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/L1/3-5 24 April 1623 inventory, actual total £4,397 15s 6d inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1623/L2 16 December 1623 John LEE, carver, joiner, of the Markett place within the cittye of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/L2/1-2 30 November 1623 will will, subscribed with memorandum relating the publication of the will; proved by Hugh Wright, mayor of Durham, Robert Barwicke and William Sidgwicke (Sigswicke), 16 Dec 1623 DPRI/1/1623/L2/3-5 8 December 1623 inventory, actual total £114 2s 6d (with account of debts of £12) inventory of goods etc. at Durham (Market Place, Framwellgate), Mugglesworth Park, the Waterside DPRI/1/1623/L3 Christopher LEVER, vicar of Heighington, clerk, of Heighington in the countye of Duresme [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/L3/1-2 3 December 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/L4 Robert LIDDELL, wheelwright, of Ravensworthe in the county of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Lidell DPRI/1/1623/L4/1 24 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/L4/2 15 April 1623 inventory, actual total £37 1s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 13s 4d) endorsed: administration granted to Margaret Liddell, relict, and Robert Liddell, son, joint executors; five other [children] named DPRI/1/1623/L5 29 March 1623 John LISLE, gentleman, Bedboorne (Bedburne) Parke in the parish of Hamsterley (chapelry of Hampsterley) within the countie of Durham, Darlington [Hamsterley, County Durham; Darlington, County Durham]; also spelt Lysle see DPRI/4/12: will proved in solemn form, and probate granted to Barbara Lisle, relict and executrix (f.472v- 473: 29 Mar 1623); tuition of two legatees (f.589: 12 Aug 1625) DPRI/1/1623/L5/1 2 March 1623 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 191 DPRI/1/1623/L5/2-3 8 March 1623 inventory, actual total £178 6s 8d Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 192-193 DPRI/1/1623/L5/4-5 18 March 1623 inventory, actual total £250 14s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £183 9s 9d) inventory of goods etc. at Darlington Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 193-195 DPRI/1/1623/L5/6 29 March 1623 commission commission to Simon Birkbeck, clerk, Christopher Lever, vicar of Heighington, and Robert Hope, curate of Darlington, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Lisle, relict and sole executrix, the will already having been proved; commission executed by Hope, 2 May 1623 DPRI/1/1623/L6 John LITSTER, yeoman, of Coppycrookes (Coppicrukes, Coppie Crookes) in the parishe of St Andrewe Auckland [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/L6/1-2 19 September 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/L6/3 19 September 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/L6/4-5 undated inventory, actual total £154 7s (with account of funeral expenses of £31 7s) dated, 7 Nov [?1623] DPRI/1/1623/L7 Christopher LOCKWOOD, of parishe of Craike [Crayke, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1623/L7/1-2 27 December 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/L7/3-4 15 January 1624 inventory, actual total £99 17s (with account of funeral expenses of £5 15s) DPRI/1/1623/L8 17 September 1623 John LUMLEY, of the Ryden (Riden, Rideing) within the parish of Bywell Andrew (Bywell St Andrew) [Bywell St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Lumeley DPRI/1/1623/L8/1 18 May 1622 will [not proved] DPRI/1/1623/L8/2 28 May 1623 inventory, actual total £34 17s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 6d) Administration granted to Alice Lumley, relict, for the use of John and Henry [Lumley, children]. Endorsed: inventory with will (not proved); administration granted, 17 Sep [1623]. Inventory total does not include £1 10s for cattle 'said to' belong to the deceased's children. DPRI/1/1623/M1 14 February 1624 Jane MADDESON, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.109v: administration granted to Agnes Smith, 14 Feb 1624 DPRI/1/1623/M1/1 27 August 1623 will endorsed: proved, 14 Feb [1624] DPRI/1/1623/M1/2 11 February 1624 inventory, actual total £14 12s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 10s) DPRI/1/1623/M2 William MARLAY, the elder, yeoman, of Hedley Hall in the countie of Durham [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Marley DPRI/1/1623/M2/1 24 July 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/M2/2-3 7 August 1622 inventory, actual total £88 9s 7d (with account of debts of £104 7s 7d) DPRI/1/1623/M3 George MARSHALL, weaver, of town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of Saint John [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Marshell For the will and inventory of Marshall's wife, Isabel Marshall, see - DPRI/1/1623/M4/1-2 - DPRI/1/1623/M4/3 DPRI/1/1623/M3/1-2 21 July 1623 will endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/M3/3 undated inventory, actual total £33 4s 10d dated, 10 Aug [?1623] DPRI/1/1623/M4 12 February 1624 Isabel MARSHALL, widow, of parish of St Johns within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Marchshall, Marchall For the will and inventory of Marshall's husband, see - DPRI/1/1623/M3/1-2 - DPRI/1/1623/M3/3 DPRI/1/1623/M4/1-2 11 December 1623 will Will, with list of debts owed to the testatrix (11s 10d) and list of goods etc. 'in the house not in my husbands inventory' (£1 4s and more). Endorsed: proved, 12 Feb [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/M4/3 13 December 1623 inventory, actual total £57 5s 2d DPRI/1/1623/M5 John MATHEWE, senior, yeoman, of Chester in the Streete within the countie of Durham [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Matthew DPRI/1/1623/M5/1-2 25 January 1624 will with list of debts owed to the testator of £36 14s 2d; probate granted to Thomas Fenwicke upon the renunciation of Richard Fenwicke, joint executors DPRI/1/1623/M5/3 2 February 1624 indented inventory, actual total £54 16s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £23 6s 6d) DPRI/1/1623/M6 6 May 1623 Robert MAUGHAN, of Chester Woode (Chesterwood) within the chappellrie of Haydon (Haidon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Maughen DPRI/1/1623/M6/1 22 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/M6/2-3 27 April 1623 inventory, actual total £96 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20 13s 6d) endorsed: proved, 6 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/M7 22 September 1623 Richerd MIDLTON, of towne of NewCastell upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Midleton DPRI/1/1623/M7/1 2 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/M7/2 22 September 1623 inventory, actual total £7 19s 9d DPRI/1/1623/M8 13 July 1623 Christopher MITFORD, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, parish of Saint Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] Will endorsed by probate office: will with commission and inventory - commission not present. DPRI/1/1623/M8/1 20 June 1623 will endorsed: [proved], 13 July [1623] DPRI/1/1623/M8/2 10 September 1623 inventory, actual total £2,701 2s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £23 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/M9 Jane MITFORD, daughter of Henrye Mitford of Gateshead gentleman, sister of Margaret Mitford, nieces and legatees of Christopher Mitford [of Newcastle, merchant], of Gateside Head in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] For the will of Christopher Mitford, see - DPRI/1/1623/M8/1 DPRI/1/1623/M9/1 12 January 1624 inventory joint inventory of legacies bequeathed by Christopher Mitford to his nieces Jane and Margaret Mitford DPRI/1/1623/M10 14 October 1623 John MITFORD, merchant, of towne of Newcastell upon Tynne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Mittforth DPRI/1/1623/M10/1-2 29 September 1623 will Subscribed: inventory to be exhibited by Christmas. Endorsed: proved by [Ralph] Gray, 14 Oct [1623]. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 168-169 DPRI/1/1623/M12 John MOORCOCK, yeoman, of Heighington (Heighinton) in the countye of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Moorecocke, Moorecock DPRI/1/1623/M12/1 27 February 1621 will DPRI/1/1623/M12/2 8 August 1623 inventory, actual total £13 8s DPRI/1/1623/M13 10 May 1623 Richard MORGINE, yeoman, of Sunderland by the Sea in the countie of Durham [Sunderland, County Durham]; also spelt Morgaine see DPRI/4/12 f.476v: 10 May 1623 DPRI/1/1623/M13/1-2 11 April 1613 will DPRI/1/1623/M13/3 28 April 1623 inventory, actual total £90 5s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 11s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/M14 24 October 1623 Leonard MORTON, gentleman, of parish of Tweedmouth within the countye pallentyne of Durham [Tweedmouth, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.96v: administration granted to Edward Ogle, creditor, 24 Oct 1623 DPRI/1/1623/M14/1-2 undated inventory Administration granted to Edward Ogle; the renunciation of Margaret Morton, relict, having been confirmed by William Moore her (now) husband. Endorsed: administration granted, 24 Oct [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/M15 Robert MYLOTT, esquire, of Whittill (Whittell) in the county of Durham, parish of Chester [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Millott, Myllott Will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1623/M15/1 26 February 1623 will tuition of six named daughters granted to Sir William Lampton (Lambton) and Thomas Wrey (Wray) esquire, two of the five named executors DPRI/1/1623/M11 29 January 1624 Henry MYTFORTH, gentleman, of Byker Stayth House in the county of Northumberland, chapelry of All Saints [Byker, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford DPRI/1/1623/M11/1 undated copy inventory Subscribed: administration and the tuition of Thomas Mitford, son, granted to Elizabeth Mitford, relict. Endorsed: administration granted, 29 Jan [1624]. DPRI/1/1623/N1 22 July 1623 Alice NELSONE, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Nelson DPRI/1/1623/N1/1 14 July 1623 will endorsed: proved, 22 July [1623] DPRI/1/1623/N1/6 19 July 1623 commission commission to John Shaw MA, curate of Newcastle All Saints, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Isabell Wright widow, co-executor, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, 22 July 1623 DPRI/1/1623/N1/2-5 21 July 1623 indented inventory, actual total £89 17s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £7 14s 2d) DPRI/1/1623/N2 27 January 1624 Richard NEWTONN, of Eltringhame of the parishe of Owinghame (Ovyngham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Newton DPRI/1/1623/N2/1 13 November 1623 will subscribed: Isabell Newton, former wife and co-executrix, deceased; two named daughters, the other co-executrixes, minors DPRI/1/1623/N2/2 11 December 1623 inventory, actual total £145 2s 9d (with account of debts of £66 2s) endorsed: [will] proved, 27 Jan [1624] DPRI/1/1623/N3 8 December 1623 Franncis NICHOLSON, skinner, glover, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicolson, Nicholsone DPRI/1/1623/N3/1-2 1 September 1620 will endorsed: proved, 8 Dec 1623 DPRI/1/1623/N3/3-5 27 November 1623 indented inventory, actual total £187 9s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £69 6s) DPRI/1/1623/N5 Martin NICHOLSON, blacksmith, of West Raynton (Raineton) in the parish of Houghton in the Spring [West Rainton, County Durham]; also spelt Nicholsone DPRI/1/1623/N5/1 19 October 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/N5/2 19 November 1623 inventory, actual total £29 14s 6d DPRI/1/1623/N4 4 February 1624 James NICHOLSONN, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Nicholson DPRI/1/1623/N4/1 6 July 1622 will endorsed: proved, 4 Feb [1624] [?1623] DPRI/1/1623/N4/2 22 January 1623 indented inventory, actual total £123 16s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £13 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/N6 George NIXON, the elder, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/N6/1 15 October 1622 will endorsed: proved, 16 Dec [1623] DPRI/1/1623/N6/2-3 28 November 1622 indented inventory, actual total £294 8s 10d (with account of funeral expenses of £10) DPRI/1/1623/N7 1 August 1623 George NIXON, the younger, husband of Ellinor Nixon, yeoman, of Sandgate within the liberties (towne and countie) of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Nixone DPRI/1/1623/N7/1 1 July 1623 indented inventory, actual total £51 13s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £189 4s 6d endorsed: administration granted, 1 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/N7/2-3 28 July 1623 renunciation renunciation and transfer of administration by Ellinor Nixon, relict, to Ellinor Nixon widow, her aunt and a creditor of the deceased DPRI/1/1623/N8 Peter NORMAN, curate of Esh, clerk, of Broome in the parishe of St Oswoulds [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Normann Will endorsed by probate office: will and inventory - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1623/N8/1 14 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/N9 Isabell NYCHOLLSON, widow, of Whitburne (Whitburn) [Whitburn, County Durham]; also spelt Nycholson, Nicholson DPRI/1/1623/N9/1 20 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/N9/2 25 April 1623 inventory, actual total £42 11s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 12s) DPRI/1/1623/O1 George ORNSBYE, yeoman, of parish of Lanchester (Lainchester) within the counte of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Ornsbey, Ornesbye DPRI/1/1623/O1/1 25 November 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/O1/2-3 29 November 1623 nuncupative codicil Nuncupative codicil in the form of an interpolation into a fair copy of the will (the pre-existing sections of the will then having been cancelled); subscribed with memorandum relating the making of the nuncupative codicil. DPRI/1/1623/O1/4 30 December 1623 inventory, actual total £108 18s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £3) DPRI/1/1623/P1 17 September 1623 Thomas PARKER, yeoman, of Lipwodd (Lippwood) in the barronrye of Langley within the parish (chapelry) of Haydon and countie of Northumberland [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/P1/1-2 5 August 1623 will endorsed: proved, 17 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/P5 11 February 1624 William PATTESON, vintner, of chapelry of All Saints in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Pattison DPRI/1/1623/P5/1 27 November 1621 will DPRI/1/1623/P5/2 9 February 1624 commission commission to Edward Wigham (Wiggham) MA, and John Shaw preacher, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to John King and Ursula, Grace and Dorothy Pattison, children and executors, and during their minority to Dorothy Pattison, relict, and Agnes Watson of Gateshead, and also to grant to them the tuition of the said children; also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Wigham in the house of the deceased at Newcastle, 11 Feb 1624 DPRI/1/1623/P3 William PATTINSON, yeoman, of Hamsterley (Hampsterley) within the countey of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1623/P3/1 26 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/P3/2 2 May 1623 inventory, actual total £84 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8s 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/P2 Rallfe PATTISON, of Norton (Nortonn) [Norton, County Durham]; also spelt Patteson DPRI/1/1623/P2/1-2 20 August 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/P4 Thomas PATTYSON, of Branspeth (Brancepeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Pattison, Patteson DPRI/1/1623/P4/1 30 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/P4/2 undated inventory, actual total £33 17s 6d DPRI/1/1623/P6 8 November 1623 Henry PEARSON, husbandman, of Cornforth (Corneforth) in the countye of Durham [Cornforth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/P6/1 25 October 1623 will with quitclaim, 8 November 1623 will, subscribed with the quitclaim of Agnes Pearson, relict DPRI/1/1623/P6/2 4 November 1623 inventory, actual total £97 12s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £40 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/P7 Grace PETHIE, widow, of Elvitt (Elvett) within the parish of St Oswolds within the suburbs of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Pitthie DPRI/1/1623/P7/1-2 17 March 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/P7/3 19 May 1623 indented inventory, actual total £32 6s 8d DPRI/1/1623/P8 May 1623 Joseph PILKINGTON, gentleman, of Middleston in the countie of Durham [Merrington, County Durham] See DPRI/4/12 f.480v: May 1623. Middlestone was in the parish of Auckland St Andrew until an Order in Council in Apr 1845 transferring it to Merrington. DPRI/1/1623/P8/1-2 8 February 1623 will subscribed with certificate of oaths of witnesses and executrix, sworn by Cuthbert Welles, vicar of Merrington, 29 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/P8/3 8 February 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/P9 20 September 1623 Henry POWER, vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, M.A., clerk, of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle (Newcastell) upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Powre DPRI/1/1623/P9/1 29 August 1623 nuncupative will endorsed: administration granted, 20 Sep [1623]; nuncupative will proved by Master Robert Jenison DPRI/1/1623/P9/2-6 11 September 1623 inventory, actual total £272 15s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £59 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/P9/7 16 September 1623 commission commission to John Shaw MA, preacher, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to the relict of the deceased, also for the use of Elizabeth and Mary Power, children, and also to grant to widow Power the tuition and curation of the children, the nuncupative will not yet having been proved DPRI/1/1623/R1 24 September 1623 William READHEAD, tanner, of parish of Morpeth in the countye of Northumberland [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Readheade DPRI/1/1623/R1/1 9 June 1623 will endorsed: proved, 24 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/R1/2-3 3 July 1623 inventory, actual total £24 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 14s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/R2 20 October 1623 Thomas READSHAW, butcher, of Gateshead (Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Redshawe, Readshawe DPRI/1/1623/R2/1-2 29 September 1623 will Will, endorsed with contemporaneous list of debts. Subscribed with certificate of oath, at Newcastle St Nicholas, 20 Oct 1623. DPRI/1/1623/R2/3-7 14 October 1623 indented inventory, actual total £234 5s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £48 2s) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1623/R3 26 March 1623 Williame REY, of East Dudoue (Duddoue) in the parish of Stanington [Stannington, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.60: 26 Mar 1623 DPRI/1/1623/R3/1 22 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 26 Mar [1623] DPRI/1/1623/R3/2 22 December 1622 copy will with grant of probate, 26 March 1623 probate granted at Morpeth to Margaret Rey, relict, and Anthony and William Rey, sons, executors DPRI/1/1623/R3/3 undated inventory, actual total £85 3s 4d (with account of debts of £23) DPRI/1/1623/R4 John RICHARDSON, husband of Isabel Richardson, of cittie or suburbs of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] The account also contains disbursements relating to Isabel Richardson's will and inventory. Isabel Richardson, relict, acted as tutrix of Clement Richardson, son, until her death. Tuition was then granted to Christopher Fulthrope and John Willye; and latterly to John Lee and Thomas Pearson. See DPRI/4/12 ff.434v, 468, 469v, 484, 547v; and concerning another child of Richardson, see DPRI/4/12 ff. 522, 523 (Dec 1621-Oct 1624). For the probate records of John and Isabel Richardson of Durham, see DPRI/1/1616. DPRI/1/1623/R4/1-4 27 June 1623 account Account of Cristofer Fulthrope and John Willye gentlemen, tutors, concerning the tuition of Clement Richardson of Durham City, son, from 8 Nov 1616 [to Jan 1622]. Subscribed with 27 June 1623 memorandum allocating 20 marks per annum to the new tutors; the 20 marks allocation for 1623 (£13 6s 8d) is added to the balance of the account, and is thus included in the discharge above. [Account made upon the transfer of RIchardson's tuition to Lee and Pearson.] DPRI/1/1623/R5 3 May 1623 Thomas RICHESON, of Horckley in the parishe of Norham [Norham, Northumberland]; also spelt Richesonne, Richardson see DPRI/4/13A f.67v: 3 May 1623 DPRI/1/1623/R5/1 2 March 1623 will endorsed: proved, 3 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/R7 11 July 1623 Nicholas RIDLEY, butcher, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.79v: 10 July 1623 DPRI/1/1623/R7/1-4 25 June 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/R7/5-6 July 1623 inventory calculations DPRI/1/1623/R7/7-8 11 July 1623 inventory, actual total £471 5s 2d Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: proved, 11 July [1623] DPRI/1/1623/R8 Symond RIDLIE, yeoman, of St Andrew Auckland (Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Ridley DPRI/1/1623/R8/1 3 August 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/R8/2 19 August 1623 inventory, actual total £78 3s 5d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 9s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/R9 Thomas ROBINSON, yeoman, of Branspeth (Brancpeth) in the countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/R9/1-2 17 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/R9/3-6 17 March 1623 inventory, actual total £757 (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £76 12s) DPRI/1/1623/R10 1 April 1623 William ROBINSON, vicar of Tynemouth, clerk, of Tynmoth (Tynemouth) in the county of Northumberland [Tynemouth, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.61: administration granted to John Bow, creditor, 1 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/R10/1 17 February 1623 inventory endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr [1623] DPRI/1/1623/R11 John ROWECASTLE, yeoman, of Harom (Haram) in the parish of Brancpeth, Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Rowcastle DPRI/1/1623/R11/1-2 26 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/R11/3 20 May 1623 inventory, actual total £46 3s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 4s) DPRI/1/1623/R12 Raphe ROWLANDSON, of Westwicke (Westwick) [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/R12/1 1 March 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/R12/2 24 June 1623 indented inventory, actual total £42 1s 2d DPRI/1/1623/R6 Issabell RYDLEY, widow, of parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Ridleye, Ridley See DPRI/4/12 several citations between ff.503v-552v: Rydley was in advanced age, and alleged to have been for a long time 'as a childe being not able to governe her self'. DPRI/1/1623/R6/1 29 September 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/R6/4-5 undated interrogatories interrogatories of John Bell, cousin, to the witnesses to the will DPRI/1/1623/R6/2-3 29 September 1623 tenor of the will Tenor of the will, reconstructed from depositions and drafted by John Cradock, Durham Chancellor; subscribed with (1) request from [?Cradock] to Sir Thomas Riddell for advice concerning the same; (2) 20 Oct 1627 memorandum concerning deliberations of Cradock. DPRI/1/1623/S2 26 March 1623 William SCOTT, yeoman, of West Thriston in the county of Northumberland, parish of Felton [Felton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/S2/1 10 December 1622 will administration granted to George Tailer, husband of Elizabeth Tailer, daughter of Alce Soctt, relict and and executrix DPRI/1/1623/S2/2 21 December 1622 inventory, actual total £16 1s 6d (with account of debts of £15 16s 4d) endorsed: [will] proved, 26 Mar [1623] DPRI/1/1623/S3 2 March 1624 Robert SHAFTO, merchant, alderman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Shaftoe DPRI/1/1623/S3/1-2 5 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 2 Mar [1624] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 160-163 DPRI/1/1623/S4 Christofer SKEPPER, gentleman, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/S4/1-2 4 November 1623 nuncupative will Will, referring to a deed of the same date; subscribed with certificate of oath, 6 Dec 1623 DPRI/1/1623/S1 John SLATOR, husband of Alice Slator, saddler, of chaplerie of St Johns in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Slaiter, Slater, Sclater, Sclator see DPRI/4/13A ff.22, 50, 82 DPRI/1/1623/S1/4 8 July 1608 bond, actual total £6 Bond of John Slater, formerly annexed to the account as evidence of payment of a £6 debt. DPRI/1/1623/S1/5-6 18 October 1618 bond, penal sum £20 Bond of John and Thomas Sclator, formerly annexed to the account as evidence of payment of a £11 debt. Endorsed: discharged, 8 Aug 1623. DPRI/1/1623/S1/7-8 26 November 1619 bond, penal sum £44 Bond of John Sclator and Thomas Smythe senior, formerly annexed to the account as evidence of payment of a £22 debt. Endorsed with (undated) note of discharge. DPRI/1/1623/S1/3 26 May 1623 inventory inventory of goods etc. sold and unsold of John Slator and his wife Alice Slator DPRI/1/1623/S1/1-2 9 August 1623 account, actual total £43 1s 8d (with discharge of £54) Account of the administration of the estate of Alice Slator exhibited by Susanne Slator, her daughter; [the account, however, includes the combined charge of Alice and her husband John Slator's inventory, and also among the disbursements are debts of John Slator]. Endorsed: exhibited, 9 Aug [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/S1 Alice SLATOR, wife of John Slator, [widow], of chaplerie of St Johns in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Slaiter, Slater, Sclater, Sclator See DPRI/4/13A ff.22, 50, 82. For the joint inventory and account of AliceSlator and her husband, see - DPRI/1/1623/S1/3 - DPRI/1/1623/S1/1-2 DPRI/1/1623/S1/9 20 February 1622 bond, actual total £5 Bond of Alice Sclater, formerly annexed to the account as evidence of payment of a £5 debt. Endorsed with (undated) note of discharge. DPRI/1/1623/S5 19 May 1623 Michaell SMART, master and mariner, of parish (chapelry) of All Saints (Hallowes, Al Saints) of the towne and county of Newcastle upon upon [sic] [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Smarte DPRI/1/1623/S5/1-2 7 December 1622 will endorsed: proved, 19 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/S5/3-4 9 May 1623 inventory, actual total £29 5s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26) DPRI/1/1623/S6 William SMITHE, yeoman, of Somerhouse in the parishe of Gainford (Gaineford) in the countie of Durham [Gainford, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1623/S6/1 14 April 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/S6/2 25 April 1623 inventory, actual total £143 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/S6/3 25 April 1623 copy inventory, actual total £143 6s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £64 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1623/S8 Thomas SMITHE, yeoman, of Sedgfeild in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham]; also spelt Smith, Smyth DPRI/1/1623/S8/1-2 21 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/S8/3-4 30 April 1623 inventory, actual total £41 0s 10d date uncertain DPRI/1/1623/S7 3 October 1623 Martine SMYTH, yeoman, of Thorneton within the countie of Northumberland, parish of Hartborne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1623/S7/1-2 23 August 1623 will Will, with list of debts owed by the testator of £1 15s 8d. Endorsed: proved, 3 Oct [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/S7/3 undated inventory, actual total £36 6s 8d DPRI/1/1623/S9 21 April 1623 Luke SNEATH, of parishe and towne of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Snaith, Snath DPRI/1/1623/S9/1-2 11 March 1622 will endorsed: proved, 21 Apr 1623 DPRI/1/1623/S9/3 undated inventory, actual total £25 11s DPRI/1/1623/S10 Alice SPENCE, widow, of the North Balie in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/S10/1-2 1 July 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/S10/3 8 August 1623 inventory, actual total £34 12s 8d DPRI/1/1623/S11 Anthony STAINSBEY, of Cockerton within the parishe of Darlington [Cockerton, County Durham]; also spelt Stainesbye DPRI/1/1623/S11/1-2 19 June 1623 will Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 200-201 DPRI/1/1623/S11/3-4 19 June 1623 copy will DPRI/1/1623/S11/5-6 1 July 1623 inventory, actual total £169 10s (with account of debts of £9 10s) Full edition published in Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B. and others (eds) "Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625" (Surtees Society, number 201, 1993), p 201-202 DPRI/1/1623/S12 19 August 1623 Lawranc STEELE, of town and parish of Barwicke (Berwick) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.83: 19 Aug 1623 DPRI/1/1623/S12/1 1 June 1622 will endorsed: proved, 19 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/S12/2 11 June 1622 inventory, actual total £49 17s 6d DPRI/1/1623/S13 George STOCKDALE, gentleman, of Girsbie (Girsbye) in the countie of Yorke, parish of Sockburn [Girsby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Stockdaile DPRI/1/1623/S13/1-2 29 January 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/S13/3 1 April 1623 inventory, actual total £459 2s 4d DPRI/1/1623/S14 22 September 1623 Marke STORY, of Marfen (Merfenn) in the parish of Ponteland (Pontyland) [Ponteland, Northumberland] ?Matfen: in Stamfordham parish DPRI/1/1623/S14/1 December 1622 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 22 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/S14/2 31 December 1622 inventory, actual total £109 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13) DPRI/1/1623/S15 2 September 1623 William SWINHOE, esquire, of Goswick (Goswicke) of the parish of Holy Island in the countie pallantine of Durham [Holy Island, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/S15/3-7 6 May 1623 inventory DPRI/1/1623/S15/1-2 28 November 1623 account, actual total £1,212 14s 9d (with discharge of £1,431) Account of Margerie Swinhoe, relict. Endorsed: exhibited, 28 Nov [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/S15/8 wrapper administration granted, 2 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/T1 20 February 1624 William TAYLOR, the younger, yeoman, of parishe of Horsley (Longe Horsley) and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland]; also spelt Tailer See DPRI/4/13A f.110 (Northumberland): administration granted to Johnson and Midford, 20 Feb 1624. Filed with William Taylor's probate records, are records relating to a cause by his sisters to recover from his estate their portions of their father's estate, which they allege he had witheld having intermeddled in his estate (no grant of probate or administration having been made). The father of Taylor's surviving wife denies every point of their case. Administration was granted to the deceased's sisters' attornies. For the will, codicil and inventory of a William Tayller of Ancroft yeoman, possibly the father of William Taylor the younger, see - DPRI/1/1597/T3/1 - DPRI/1/1597/T3/2-3 DPRI/1/1623/T1/1 16 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1623/T1/2 19 January 1624 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/T1/4 18 February 1624 power of attorney Mally (Mariane, Marie) Tailer, Alissone Tailer, Alys Johnesone and Phillise Tailer, daughters of William Tailer the elder and sisters of William Taylor [junior] appoint Thomas Johnesone and John Mytforth their attorneys [and alleged tutors] in a cause to recover their portions of the estate of their father from their now deceased brother's estate, his wife Dorothy Tailor (nee Johnson) being still living. DPRI/1/1623/T1/3 undated petition with answer, undated Petition of John Midforth of Espley in Mitford and Thomas Johnson of Bendrig in Mitford, alleged tutors; with the answer of William Johnsonne [?vicar of Longhorsley and father-in-law of the deceased], [dated on or before 20 Feb 1624]. The petition relates originally to the estate of William Tailer the elder and his provision for the tuition of his children, entrusted to Midforth and Johnson. Tailer's wife Isabell remarried [William Midford], and was again widowed. They allege her son William Taylor [junior] then entered into the combined property; did not prove either of his fathers' wills (or obtain grants of administration); denied his mother and his three sisters their shares, the mother and one daughter then being supported by the tutor Midforth; since his mother's death Taylor's wife Dorothy, daughter of William Johnson vicar of [Long]horsley, has refused the sister-in-law entry into her house. William Johnson answers that no wills existed; William Taylor [junior] received none of his father's goods; Isabell Taylor, the relict, was allocated her third by Mr Fenwick of Stranton JP, but refused to take out administration for the same, William Taylor [junior] then being a minor; William Taylor [junior] never intermeddled in his father's estate which was consumed by his mother in her lifetime; upon her death William Taylor paid for her funeral. DPRI/1/1623/T2 Raphe TEASDALE, of Sowingburne (Sewingburne) within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/T2/1 20 July 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/T2/2 18 September 1623 inventory, actual total £94 7s DPRI/1/1623/T3 24 September 1623 Agnes THOMPSON, of town and parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/T3/1 23 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 24 Sep [1623] DPRI/1/1623/T3/2 23 September 1623 inventory, actual total £5 7s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 15s 1d) DPRI/1/1623/T6 24 March 1624 Thomas THOMPSON, of Gonnerton, parish of Chollerton [Chollerton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/T6/1 11 December 1623 will endorsed: proved, 24 Mar 1624 DPRI/1/1623/T6/2 24 January 1624 inventory, actual total £14 16s DPRI/1/1623/T4 Annas THOMSON, widow, of Bishopwaremouth (Bishop Warmouth) [Bishopwearmouth, County Durham]; also spelt Thompson DPRI/1/1623/T4/1-2 7 May 1623 will with list of debts owed by the testatrix of £8 12s DPRI/1/1623/T4/3 13 May 1613 inventory, actual total £54 18s 6d dated, 13 May 1613 [recte 1623] DPRI/1/1623/T7 Peter THORPE, of Newton Hansell More House [Elwick Hall, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/T7/1-2 6 July 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/T7/3 18 July 1623 indented inventory, actual total £13 6s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £6 11s 2d) DPRI/1/1623/T5 4 February 1624 John TOMPSON, of Hartlaye (Hartelay), parish of Bedlington [Bedlington, Northumberland]; also spelt Thompson, Tompsone see DPRI/4/13A f.108: administration granted to William Skipsey, son-in-law and co-executor, 4 Feb 1624 DPRI/1/1623/T5/1 1616 will endorsed: proved, 4 Feb [1624] DPRI/1/1623/T5/2 2 February 1624 inventory, actual total £22 12s 4d (with account of debts of £3 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/T8 Thomas TROTTER, gentleman, of the Eshes (Eshees) in the parish of Wolsingham and countie of Durham [Wolsingham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/T8/1-2 27 December 1622 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 157-158 DPRI/1/1623/T8/3 25 March 1623 inventory, actual total £62 9s 8d Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 158 DPRI/1/1623/T9 Willyam TROTTER, the elder, gentleman, of Mydele Merrington alias Myddlestone (Middleston) in the countye of Durham [Merrington, County Durham] Order in Council transfers Middlestone from Auckland St Andrew to Merrington, Apr 1845. DPRI/1/1623/T9/1-2 10 May 1622 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 152 DPRI/1/1623/T10 Thomas TURBATT, of Ellwicke (Elwick) of the parish of Hartte [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Turbat, Turbutt DPRI/1/1623/T10/1 29 November 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/T10/2 14 December 1623 inventory, actual total £190 0s 6d DPRI/1/1623/T11 25 November 1623 John TURNNERE, of Netherton in the parish of Allanton [Alwinton, Northumberland]; also spelt Turnner, Turner Will is endorsed by probate office 'nuncupative', however it is signed by the testator. DPRI/1/1623/T11/1 27 May 1623 will endorsed: proved, 25 Nov [1623]; nuncupative will DPRI/1/1623/T12 Robert TWEDDELL, gentleman, of Monke Heslden (Munck Hesleden) in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/T12/1-2 12 May 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/T13 2 March 1624 Thomazyne TWEDEE, widow, of towne and countye of Newcastell uponn Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Tweddie, Tweddy, Twddee DPRI/1/1623/T13/1-2 8 October 1623 will endorsed: proved, 2 Mar [1624] DPRI/1/1623/T13/3 15 October 1623 inventory, actual total £17 19s 8d DPRI/1/1623/V1 Christofer VINCENT, curate of Auckland St Andrew, clerk, of St Andrew Aucland in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] will not proved DPRI/1/1623/V1/1 26 April 1621 will DPRI/1/1623/V1/2 13 January 1624 inventory, actual total £53 13s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 12s 8d) endorsed: will not proved DPRI/1/1623/W1 George WAIDSON, yeoman, of Allergeele (Allergill) in the parish of Stanhopp (Stanhop) in the county of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/W1/1 5 September 1619 will DPRI/1/1623/W1/2 wrapper DPRI/1/1623/W2 16 September 1623 Thomas WAISTELL, of towne of Newcastle upon [Tyne], chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Wastell DPRI/1/1623/W2/1-2 6 July 1623 will Marginal memorandum: probate and the tuition of Stephen Waistell, son and co-executor, granted to Grace Waistell, relict, for the use of the children; tuition of Robert Waistell, [elder] son and co-executor, granted to Leonard [Waistell], brother and a supervisor, 17 Sep [1623]. Endorsed: proved, 16 Sep [1623]. DPRI/1/1623/W3 27 August 1623 Margaret WARDHAUGH, widow, of towne of Newcastle uppon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Wardhaughe DPRI/1/1623/W3/1 23 August 1622 will endorsed: proved, 27 Aug [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W3/2-4 8 November 1622 indented inventory, actual total £17 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 15s) DPRI/1/1623/W4 19 May 1623 Richard WATSON, shipwright, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.71: administration granted to Marie Watson, relict and co-executor (with the four children), 19 May 1623 DPRI/1/1623/W4/1 10 March 1623 will endorsed: proved, 19 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W4/2-5 7 April 1623 indented inventory, actual total £126 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £52 16s 10d) inventory of household goods etc. and timber DPRI/1/1623/W5 Henry WHELDON, of parishe (chapelry) of Tanfeild [Tanfield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/W5/1 16 November 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/W5/2 28 November 1622 inventory, actual total £174 17s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 19s 6d) DPRI/1/1623/W6 6 May 1623 John WHITE, yeoman, of Fenwicke within the parish of Stamfordham [Stamfordham, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/W6/1 26 November 1622 will endorsed: proved, 6 May [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W6/2 undated indented inventory, actual total £38 7s (with account of debts of £3) DPRI/1/1623/W7 Anne WHORTON, widow, of North Aucland (Bishop Awkland, Auckland) in the county of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Wharton, Whortonn DPRI/1/1623/W7/1-2 22 December 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/W7/3 31 December 1623 indented inventory, actual total £143 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 3s 4d) DPRI/1/1623/W8 27 June 1623 Sarah WIGGES, widow, of chapelry of St Johns in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Wiggs testator requests to be buried at [Newcastle] St Nicholas, near her brother Timothy Draper DPRI/1/1623/W8/1 21 May 1623 will endorsed: proved, 27 June [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W8/2-3 11 June 1623 inventory, actual total £27 0s 6d DPRI/1/1623/W8/4 25 June 1623 commission commission to John Shaw MA, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Marie Wigges, daughter and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, 27 June [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W9 1 April 1623 Lancelott WILKINSON, cordwainer, of chapelry of St John in the town of Newcastell (Newcastle) upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkingson DPRI/1/1623/W9/1-2 13 January 1623 will endorsed: proved, 1 Apr [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W9/3 25 February 1623 inventory, actual total £25 10s 3d (with account of debts of £25 2s) DPRI/1/1623/W10 John WILLSON, of Brafferton [Aycliffe, County Durham]; also spelt Wilson, Wilsone DPRI/1/1623/W10/1 15 September 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/W10/2 26 September 1623 inventory, actual total £95 2s 8d DPRI/1/1623/W11 Richarde WILLSON, yeoman, of Girsbie in the countie of Yorke, parish of Sockburn [Girsby, Yorkshire]; also spelt Wilson DPRI/1/1623/W11/1 31 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/W11/2 22 July 1622 inventory, actual total £37 10s 8d DPRI/1/1623/W12 6 June 1623 Thomas WILSON, of Phenham (Fenham) in the parish of Holy Iland [Holy Island, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1623/W12/1-2 30 December 1620 will endorsed: proved, 6 June [1623] DPRI/1/1623/W12/3 undated inventory, actual total £11 10s 4d DPRI/1/1623/W13 3 June 1623 Williame WRENN, yeoman, of the deanerie of Lanchester comitatie of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham]; also spelt Wren, Raph, Wrenn The deceased is named as Raph Wrenn at the head of the will, but as Williame Wrenn at the foot of the will, on the inventory, and in Probate Act Book 12, f.480v (3 June 1623). DPRI/1/1623/W13/1-2 10 February 1623 will DPRI/1/1623/W13/3 undated inventory, actual total £13 3s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1623/W14 Issabell WRIGHT, widow, of Bushopp Auckland (Awkland) in the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham] DPRI/1/1623/W14/1-2 19 December 1622 will DPRI/1/1623/Y2 6 June 1623 Margrett YONG, widow, of broughe (town and parish) of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Young DPRI/1/1623/Y2/1-2 4 March 1623 will endorsed: proved, 6 June [1623] DPRI/1/1623/Y2/3 6 June 1623 inventory, actual total £10 12s 11d DPRI/1/1623/Y1 21 February 1624 Christopher YOUNG, yeoman, of Etherdacres (Edderdakers, Edder Dakers) in the countie of Durham [Easington, County Durham]; also spelt Younge see DPRI/4/12 f.520v: 21 Feb 1624 DPRI/1/1623/Y1/1-2 27 November 1623 will probate granted to Jane Young, relict and co-executor, to whom was also granted the tuition of William and Christopher Young, children; Robert Young, eldest son and co-executor, having renounced DPRI/1/1623/Y1/3-4 1 December 1623 inventory, actual total £165 9s 1d DPRI/1/1624 Wills etc proved 1624 DPRI/1/1624/A1 24 May 1624 John ACHYSON, of Buckton in the parish (chapelry) of Kyloe [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Atchison bond: DPRI/3/1624/B55 DPRI/1/1624/A1/1 10 December 1622 will Will, with list of debts owed to the testator of £3 2s. Endorsed: proved, 24 May [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/A1/2 undated inventory, actual total £15 17s 4d DPRI/1/1624/A2 Alexander ANDERSON, yeoman [Embleton, Northumberland] The inventory of Anderson's estate is written on the same sheet of paper as the inventory of Roger Forster of Fleatham, see - DPRI/1/1624/F2/2-3 DPRI/1/1624/A2/1 22 June 1624 inventory unvalued inventory DPRI/1/1624/A3 28 April 1624 John ANDERSONE, draper, of Newcastle, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Anderson DPRI/1/1624/A3/1-6 26 September 1623 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Endorsed: administration granted, 28 Apr [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/A5 William ARMESTRONGE, husbandman, of Nether Throston of the parishe of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Armstrong, Armestrong DPRI/1/1624/A5/1-2 21 March 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/A5/3-4 20 April 1624 inventory, actual total £223 4s 8d DPRI/1/1624/A4 John ARMSTRONG, of the Brome Houses (Broome houses), parish of Haltwesl (Haltwesle) [Haltwhistle, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestronge DPRI/1/1624/A4/1-2 7 December 1623 will with inventory, 26 January 1624, actual total £10 16s 4d DPRI/1/1624/B1 John BAINBRIGE, yeoman, of Bowleeze (Bowleaze) in Teasedale within the countye of Durham, parish of Middleton in Teasdale [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Bainbrigge, Bainbrig DPRI/1/1624/B1/1-2 15 January 1624 will with list of debts owed by (£22 13s) and owed to (£2 8s 9d) the testator DPRI/1/1624/B2 Thomas BELL, cooper, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/B2/1 20 September 1624 will probate granted to Elizabeth Bell, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted administration of the goods etc. of Thomas Bell junior [son] DPRI/1/1624/B2/2-3 26 November 1624 indented inventory, actual total £17 9s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5) inventory of household and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1624/B3 Gilbert BETSON, yeoman, of Crosgate within the suburbs of the cittie of Durham, chapelry of St Margaret Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Beatson. Died 26 March 1624 DPRI/1/1624/B3/1-2 26 March 1624 will endorsed with list of debts owed to the testator of £8 12s DPRI/1/1624/B3/3-4 5 April 1624 inventory, actual total £18 16s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £2 18s) DPRI/1/1624/B4 Daniel BIRKHEAD, D.D., tenth prebendary of Durham Cathedral, clerk, of Durisme [Durham, County Durham] Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1624/B4/1-2 24 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/B5 Ann BOWES, widow, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/B5/1 30 September 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/B6 Barnabe BOWES, yeoman, of Heighington in the countye of Durham [Heighington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/B6/1 15 September 1623 will with list of debts owed to (£1 13s 4d) and owed by (£7 16s) the testator DPRI/1/1624/B6/2-3 9 December 1623 inventory, actual total £87 15s 8d (with account of debts of £22 10s 5d) DPRI/1/1624/B7 Franncis BURRELL, alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, alderman, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/8 f.4v: 4 Feb 1625 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B139 DPRI/1/1624/B7/5 18 June 1622 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 153-155 DPRI/1/1624/B7/1-3 undated inventory, actual total £692 16s 2d DPRI/1/1624/B7/4 undated inventory of debts, actual total £273 19s 8d inventory of debts owing by the testator DPRI/1/1624/C1 28 April 1624 Sheiffeild CALVERLY, merchant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Calverley Calverly was in partnership with William Hall and Henry Cocke. bond: DPRI/3/1624/B24 DPRI/1/1624/C1/1-2 July 1623 will endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/C1/3 30 January 1626 inventory, actual total £1,869 19s 8d exhibited, 3 Feb 1626 DPRI/1/1624/C2 Raph CARRE, merchant, of parish of St Nycholas (Nicholas) in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] For the inventory, see DPRI/1/1623. See also DPRI/4/13A f.117v: 28 Apr 1623. DPRI/1/1624/C2/1-2 28 April 1624 account Account of Isabell Carre, relict. Endorsed: exhibited, 28 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/C3 Edwarde CHILTON, husbandman, of Stotfould within the parish of Elwick and countie of Durham [Elwick Hall, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/C3/1 2 September 1623 indented will [probate granted to] William Chilton, son and executor DPRI/1/1624/C3/2 22 March 1624 indented inventory, actual total £61 10s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) DPRI/1/1624/C4 William CLAVERINGE, merchant, of parish of Al Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Clavering DPRI/1/1624/C4/1 9 August 1624 inventory Inventory of household and shop goods etc. Subscribed: Ann Clavering, relict, renounced administration DPRI/1/1624/C6 Thomas COLLINGWOOD, gentleman, of Reavelie, parish of Ingram [Ingram, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B119 DPRI/1/1624/C6/1 13 May 1624 inventory administration granted to Alexander Collingwood, son and heir, [endorsed:] 31 July [1624]; six other children of the deceased named Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 173 DPRI/1/1624/C5 December 1624 Sussanna LAMBERTE, alias Colman, widow, of Gaiteside (Gateside) in the countie of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Lambert, Lambart, Colmann see DPRI/4/8 f.1v: Dec 1624 DPRI/1/1624/C5/1-2 18 October 1624 will probate granted to Nicholas Calverte gentleman, supervisor and tutor of Elizabeth Lambert alias Colman, daughter and sole executrix Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 183-184 DPRI/1/1624/C5/3-4 31 October 1624 inventory, actual total £18 4s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 0s 1d) DPRI/1/1624/C7 William COOKE, shipwright, of parish of All Saints in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] [?see DPRI/4/13A f.55: 1622 will of William Cocke esquire of Newcastle St Nicholas; and f.92v: administration of estate of William Cocke granted to Robert Armstrong, (no bond entered), 1623] DPRI/1/1624/C7/1-3 18 November 1623 indented inventory Subscribed with memorandum indicating further debts of £3 3s 10d existed [uncertain]. Endorsed with [?unrelated] details of a £200 bond of Sir Henry Barrington of Ogle Castle and Sir Nicholas Tempest of Newcastle, dated 14 Apr. DPRI/1/1624/C8 December 1624 Houmfray COWARD, mariner, of Sandgate, towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/8 f.1: Dec 1624 DPRI/1/1624/C8/1 12 April 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/C8/2-4 25 October 1624 indented inventory, actual total £42 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8) DPRI/1/1624/C9 4 October 1624 Richard CRADOCK, esquire, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Cradocke Cradock's inventory reveals he had an office in the Durham Exchequer. [He may have been related to the Durham Chancellor, John Craddock.] DPRI/1/1624/C9/1-4 11 August 1624 inventory Endorsed: (1) 4 Oct 1624, Margaret, Dorothy and [?Ann Cradock]; (2) 4 Oct 1624 Durham memorandum in unknown hand relating to the inventory and 'a note of the bookes and writeings which I received forth of the house belonging to myself' [?the latter not present]. DPRI/1/1624/C10 Margrett CRAGGS, wife of John Craggs of Hart, husbandman, widow, of Elwicke (Elwick) of the parishe of Hart [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Crags DPRI/1/1624/C10/1-2 17 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1624/C11 George CROSYER, the elder, gentleman, of Newbiggin within the countie of Durhame [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Crosyar, Croisiar, Crosier DPRI/1/1624/C11/1-2 3 March 1624 will endorsed: in p. DPRI/1/1624/C11/3-4 8 April 1624 inventory, actual total £60 10s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26 8s) DPRI/1/1624/D1 7 September 1624 Marryan DAGG, widow, of parishe (chapelry) of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B137 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B136B DPRI/1/1624/D1/1 3 July 1624 will endorsed: 7 Sep [1624] DPRI/1/1624/D1/2 10 July 1624 indented inventory, actual total £8 2s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 5s) DPRI/1/1624/S1 Dorothee DAKINS, daughter of William and Katheren Dakins, grandaughter of Dorothy Salkeld, of Elvett in the parish of St Oswold in Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham] For the inventories of the deceased's grandmother Dorothy Salkeld, with which Dakins' inventory is filed, see - DPRI/1/1624/S1/1 - DPRI/1/1624/S1/2 DPRI/1/1624/S1/3 6 April 1625 inventory DPRI/1/1624/D2 Oswolde DATCHANTE, of Tosson the greater (Great Tosson) in the parishe of Routhburye (Rothberry) [Rothbury, Northumberland]; also spelt Dotchant DPRI/1/1624/D2/1 13 September 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/D2/2 undated inventory, actual total £16 2s (with account of debts of £10 15s 2d) DPRI/1/1624/D3 6 November 1624 Christopher DICKINSON, of Skellgill (Skelgill), parish of Aldstone (Alston Moor) [Alston, Cumberland] DPRI/1/1624/D3/1 19 March 1624 nuncupative will administration granted to Thomas Dickinson, son and executor; and Ralph Vepond (aged 16), son of William [Vepond], elected his cousins Percival Vepond and Thomas Dickinson his tutors, 6 Nov 1624 DPRI/1/1624/D3/2 19 March 1624 inventory, actual total £36 13s (with account of debts of £46 16s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/D4 Hewghe DICKON, yeoman, of Hawghton (Haughton) within the county of Durham [Haughton le Skerne, County Durham]; also spelt Dicken See DPRI/4/12 f.539v: June 1624. The will is endorsed by the probate office 'Will and Inventory', the latter is not present, but the Probate Act Book reveals this amounted to £72. DPRI/1/1624/D4/1-2 20 March 1624 will with list of debts owed to the testator of £72 [?inventory] DPRI/1/1624/D5 John DINSDALE, carpenter, of Staindropp (Stainedrop, Staindrop) within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Dinsdayle, Dindesdell DPRI/1/1624/D5/1 26 March 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/D5/2 15 May 1624 inventory, actual total £65 0s 4d (with account of debts of £7 14s 8d) DPRI/1/1624/D6 Jarrard DODD, of the Birkes, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B15 DPRI/1/1624/D6/1 2 June 1622 will with list of debts owed to the testator of £21 1s 7d DPRI/1/1624/D6/2 17 April 1624 inventory, actual total £15 15s 8d endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/F1 Lancelot FLEATHAM, yeoman, of Sedgfeild in the county of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/F1/1 23 August 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/F1/2 13 May 1625 inventory, actual total £42 18s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £25 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/F2 25 June 1624 Roger FORSTER, gentleman, of Fleatham, paryshe of Balmebrowgh (Balmebrough) [Bamburgh, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B89 DPRI/1/1624/F2/1 18 March 1624 will endorsed: proved, 25 June 1624 DPRI/1/1624/F2/2-3 22 June 1624 inventory, actual total £27 7s (with account of debts of £1) with inventory, 22 June 1624 (1) inventory of Roger Forster; (2) unvalued inventory of Alexander Anderson of Newton by the Sea, see - DPRI/1/1624/A2/1 DPRI/1/1624/G1 24 May 1624 Isabell GASCOYNE, of town of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Gascoygne, Garston See DPRI/4/13A f.120: May 1624 - confirming Isabell Garston is Isabell Gascoyne. bond: DPRI/3/1624/B53 DPRI/1/1624/G1/1-2 11 December 1623 will will exhibited by John Jackson, co-executor, and proved at Tweedmouth; Jackson renouncing execution at the same time, 24 May 1624 DPRI/1/1624/G1/3 30 December 1623 inventory, actual total £11 16s 6d DPRI/1/1624/H1 14 February 1625 John HALL, gentleman, of Framwelgate within the chappelry of St Margrettes within the subbarbes of the citty of Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/H1/1-1A 27 November 1624 will proved, 14 Feb 1625 Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 184-186 DPRI/1/1624/H1/4 27 November 1624 inventory of debts, actual total £188 17s inventory of debts owing by the testator DPRI/1/1624/H1/2-3 20 December 1624 inventory, actual total £134 0s 4d DPRI/1/1624/H2 1 April 1624 James HARLE, merchant, chappellrie of All Sainctes in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland; Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/H2/1 22 July 1623 will exhibited, 1 Apr 1624; proved, 1 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/H2/2-3 1 April 1624 depositions depositions of John Anderson and James Scoles, witnesses to the will and concerning its validity; relating to an allegation [introducing the will] exhibited in a cause to prove the will on the behalf of Robert Simpson and others, the children of Thomas Simpson [master and mariner deceased] DPRI/1/1624/H3 25 June 1624 Martin HARYGATE, of Rosden in the parish of Ilderton [Ilderton, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrigat bond: DPRI/3/1624/B92 DPRI/1/1624/H3/1-2 5 August 1623 will with inventory, undated, actual total £11 10s Will, with [contemporaneous] list of debts owed by the testator of £9 18s; and (undated) inventory. Endorsed: proved, 25 June [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/H3/3 5 August 1623 inventory, actual total £11 10s two copies, one on face, one on dorse DPRI/1/1624/H5 27 September 1624 Topp HEATH, of Litle Eden [Easington, County Durham] See Surtees' The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vol. I, p38. See also DPRI/4/12 f.545: 27 Sep 1624. DPRI/1/1624/H5/1 20 May 1620 inventory DPRI/1/1624/H8 Anthony HEBSON, of Gatesyde (Gaitsyde, Gateside) in the county of Durham [Gateshead, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/H8/1-2 29 September 1624 copy will subscribed: original will delivered to Ralph Tailor, notary public DPRI/1/1624/H8/3 10 November 1624 inventory, actual total £88 6s DPRI/1/1624/H6 Edward HENDERSONN, of Pagecroft in the chappelrie of Hayden (Haydon) [Haydon Bridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Henderson DPRI/1/1624/H6/1 29 December 1624 will Dated 29 Dec 1624 at head, and 11 Jan [1625] in margin: the latter date concords with that on the inventory. DPRI/1/1624/H6/2 11 January 1625 inventory, actual total £33 16s 2d (with account of debts of £16 17s 8d) DPRI/1/1624/H4 Henrye HERRISON, of Whickham in the countie of Durham [Whickham, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1624/H4/3 28 May 1624 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1624/H4/1-2 8 June 1624 inventory, actual total £42 19s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 8s 2d) administration granted to Elizabeth [Herrison, relict]; five children named DPRI/1/1624/H7 Richard HILTON, yeoman, of Bishoppclose (Buishoppe Closes, Bishopclose) House within the countie of Durham [Whitworth, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12: many entries DPRI/1/1624/H7/1-2 26 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/H7/3 20 March 1624 inventory, actual total £95 18s 5d (with account of debts of £100) DPRI/1/1624/H9 24 May 1624 John HODSON, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of brough of Barwick (Barwicke) upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudson, Hodsone For the will of Hodson's wife, see - DPRI/1/1624/H10/1-2 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B54 DPRI/1/1624/H9/1-2 22 November 1623 will endorsed: proved, 24 May [1624] DPRI/1/1624/H9/3-5 21 December 1623 inventory with inventory, 3 January 1624, actual total £303 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £167 18s 9d) (1) joint inventory of the goods etc. of John Hudson and Agnis Hudson, with marginal annotations relating to the sale of the goods; (2) inventory of wares and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1624/H10 Agnis HODSON, wife of John Hodson burgess, widow, of town of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudson Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... Commission and Inventory - the latter two documents are not present. For the joint inventory of Agnis Hodson and her husband John Hodson, see - DPRI/1/1624/H9/3-5 DPRI/1/1624/H10/1-2 11 December 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/H11 15 November 1605 Hugh HOPPER, draper, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Hopper's executor was cited to exhibit the account by Thomas Hopper, who was then bringing an action against the executor in Durham Chancery court. See Probate Act Book DPRI/4/12: Nov 1623-June 1624. For the will of Hugh Hopper, proved 15 Nov 1605, see - DPRI/1/1605/H8/1-2 DPRI/1/1624/H11/1 undated account Account of Robert Porrett gentleman, executor; subscribed with an additional respited discharge of up to £40 relating to a Durham Chancery case: Thomas Hopper v Robert Porrett, accountant, and Richard Whitfeilde. An annexed schedule of desperate debts (£187 9s) referred to in the account is probably the same document annexed to an account exhibited by the executor in 1623: see - DPRI/1/1623/H9/1 - DPRI/1/1623/H9/2-10 DPRI/1/1624/H11/2-17 undated inventory of debts, actual total £596 14s 7d (with account of debts of £1,038 17s 9d) (1) inventory of debts received (£596 14s 7d); (2) inventory of debts discharged and other disbursements (£1,038 17s 9d) DPRI/1/1624/H12 1 April 1624 Elizabeth HORSLY, of chapelry of St Andrew in the town of Nowcastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Horsley bond: DPRI/3/1624/B20A DPRI/1/1624/H12/1-2 30 March 1624 inventory, actual total £12 15s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1 10s) with inventory of debts, 6 March 1624, actual total £9 15s (debts) Administration granted to Thomas Jobson, brother, for the use of William Younge, son. Endorsed: administration granted, 1 Apr [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/H13 1 October 1624 John HUDSON, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudsone Will is endorsed by probate office: Will ... with Inventory and Commission - the latter two documents are not present. bond: DPRI/3/1624/B141 DPRI/1/1624/H13/1 10 September 1624 will endorsed: proved, 1 Oct [1624] DPRI/1/1624/H14 21 June 1624 Roger HUDSON, yeoman, of Hauxlie (Hauxley) in the countie of Northumberland, parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B48 DPRI/1/1624/H14/1 2 May 1623 will endorsed: proved, 21 June [1624] DPRI/1/1624/H14/2 20 October 1623 inventory, actual total £61 13s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 10s) DPRI/1/1624/H15 30 June 1624 Cuthbert HUDSPETH, householder, of parish of Corbridg (Corbridge) [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Hudspeeth bond: DPRI/3/1624/B97 DPRI/1/1624/H15/1 16 April 1624 will Administration of the goods etc. and tuition of eight named children granted to William [Hudspeth], brother, and Robert Wood of Hexham, cousin. Endorsed: proved, 30 June [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/H15/2 12 May 1624 inventory, actual total £208 5s 8d (with account of debts of £106 10s) DPRI/1/1624/H16 24 May 1624 Oswold HUDSPETH, of parish (chapelry) of Cornhill (Cornehill) [Cornhill, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.121: 22 May 1624. bond: DPRI/3/1624/B59 DPRI/1/1624/H16/1 undated will Will, with list of debts owed by the testator of £19. Endorsed: proved, 24 May [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/H17 Thomas HUMBLE, yeoman, of the Baylie, cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/H17/1A-1B 18 November 1623 will dated 1 May 1623 at head and 18 Nov 1623 at foot DPRI/1/1624/H17/2-3 21 November 1623 codicil DPRI/1/1624/H17/5-7 4 December 1623 inventory, actual total £102 0s 8d (with account of debts of £175 1s) inventory of goods etc. at Durham; exhibited, 16 Apr 1624 DPRI/1/1624/H17/4 9 December 1623 inventory, actual total £117 2s 6d inventory of goods etc. at Moorsley DPRI/1/1624/H18 11 June 1624 28 May 1625 George HUTCHINSON, of Woolsongham (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham]; also spelt Hutchenson. Died 23 July 1623 Nuncupative will made in the house of Cuthbert Sparks (Sparkes) in Shoe Lane in Holborn, London, where Hutchinson died within three or four days of the making of the will. Hutchinson had previously been at the house of Richard Wheatley in Ludgate, saddler. The other witnesses were Benjamin Cooke, servant to William Stockman junior of Whiteparish in Wiltshire, and William Emerson of Stanhope, County Durham, yeoman. Their depositions were taken at Durham House, London. See DPRI/4/12: f.536v, administration granted to Adam Gofton, husband of Isabell Gofton, sister of the deceased (11 June 1624); f.578, office cause to prove the will, Cuthbert Sparke v Adam Gofton, administrator; will proved; bond of [?Bartholomew] Hutchinson and Adam Gofton entered (28 May 1625); f.581, case concluded; Adam Gofton to present account (18 June 1625). It appears that the Durham court was not aware of the nuncupative will when it granted administration to Gofton. DPRI/1/1624/H18/2-3 19 July 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1624/H18/1 11 June 1624 commission commission to Robert Newell D.D., Augustine Linsell (Lynsell, Lindsell) D.D., Durham prebendaries, and Gregory Duckett D.D., to swear and examine and to take depositions from the witnesses to the (annexed) codicil or will; [executed by Augustine Lindsell, 29 June 1624] DPRI/1/1624/H18/4-5 29 June 1624 depositions depositions of the witnesses to the nuncupative will, taken by Augustine Lindsell D.D. in the Higher Chamber of the bishop of Durham at Durham House in the Strand, [London], Co. Middlesex DPRI/1/1624/H19 Leonard HUTCHINSON, late of Darlington, and now of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Darlington, County Durham; Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Huchinson DPRI/1/1624/H19/1-2 5 April 1624 will subscribed with (undated) probate office instruction to swear the witnesses DPRI/1/1624/H19/3 undated inventory, actual total £63 9s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £7) DPRI/1/1624/H20 Anne HUTTON, widow, of St Hellen Awckland (Awkland) within the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/H20/1-2 13 May 1624 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 172-173 DPRI/1/1624/H20/3 30 August 1624 inventory, actual total £51 6s (with account of funeral expenses of £9 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1624/K1 Marmaduke KILLINGHALL, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/K1/1-2 29 August 1624 inventory administration granted to Isabell Killinghall, relict; no children DPRI/1/1624/K2 10 November 1624 John KINGE, notary public, of cittie of Durham (Duresme) [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt King Kinge owned houses in King Street, near Palace Green, and in Highgate. See DPRI/4/12 f.554: 10 Nov 1624 DPRI/1/1624/K2/1 19 May 1624 fair copy will Subscribed with memorandum relating that the original will remains in the hands of Cuthbert Sisson, [co-]executor. Endorsed: received from Mr Sisson, 10 May 1634. DPRI/1/1624/K2/2 19 May 1624 draft copy will Subscribed with memorandum relating that the original will remains in the hands of Cuthbert Sisson, [co-]executor. Endorsed: received from Mr Sisson, 10 May 1634. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 174 DPRI/1/1624/K2/3-6 2 June 1634 inventory, actual total £122 6s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £178 4s 1d) inventory of goods etc. at Rainton 'and there about' (£32 3s 4d); and at Durham (£47 17s 6d); subscribed with list of goods etc. bequeathed to Kinge's widow during her lifetime DPRI/1/1624/L1 30 June 1624 Edward LAMBERTE, of Fowstonnes (Fowestonnes) in the parish of Warden in the county of Northumberland [Warden, Northumberland]; also spelt Lambert bond: DPRI/3/1624/B102 DPRI/1/1624/L1/1 10 June 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/L1/2 22 June 1624 inventory, actual total £9 13s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 16s 4d) endorsed: proved, 30 June [1624] DPRI/1/1624/L2 16 August 1624 Raph LAW, the elder, yeoman, of Barwick upon Tweed (Berwicke upon Tweede) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawe, Lawes bond: DPRI/3/1624/B122 DPRI/1/1624/L2/2 7 July 1623 nuncupative will Administration granted to Fortune Law, daughter and now wife of Michael Young, with a power reserved to Thomas Law, son. Endorsed: proved, 16 Aug 1624. DPRI/1/1624/L2/1 undated inventory, actual total £3 19s 8d DPRI/1/1624/L4 10 August 1624 Jane LEDGERD, wife of Robart Ledgerd, [widow], of parish of St Nicholas in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ledgar, Legerd bond: DPRI/3/1624/B144 DPRI/1/1624/L4/1-2 7 August 1624 will endorsed: proved, 10 Aug [1624]; first fascicule Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 177-178 DPRI/1/1624/L3 John LEE, gentleman, of Fishborne (Fishburne) in the countie of Durham [Fishburn, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/L3/1-2 8 March 1625 indented inventory, actual total £165 12s 3d with supplementary inventory, 11 April 1625, actual total £18 4s 10d inventory, with supplementary inventory of goods etc. at Muggleswick DPRI/1/1624/M1 Jane MAISON, widow, of parishe of All Saints within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/M1/1 6 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/M1/2-4 25 January 1625 indented inventory, actual total £47 14s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £6 17s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/M2 28 April 1624 Robart MILLES, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Mills, Mylles see DPRI/4/13A f.116v: 28 Apr 1624 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B26 DPRI/1/1624/M2/1 8 January 1624 will Endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/M2/2-5 23 March 1624 indented inventory, actual total £68 6s 2d (with account of funeral expenses of £5 6s) DPRI/1/1624/M3 23 June 1624 Bartram MYTFORDE, gentleman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in the countie of the same towne, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford DPRI/1/1624/M3/1 1 July 1623 will Probate granted to Sir Peter Riddell knight, executor, with a power reserved to the other two executors, and the inventory to be exhibited at the next court, 23 June 1624. Endorsed with the signature of John Cradock, Durham Chancellor. DPRI/1/1624/N1 28 October 1624 George NICHOLSON, notary public, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/N1/1-3 11 September 1624 will Probate granted to Margaret Nicholson, relict and sole executrix, to whom was also granted the tuition of six named children, 28 Oct 1624; she having been monished to exhibit an inventory before 2 Feb 1625. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 180-182 DPRI/1/1624/N1/4-6 23 October 1624 inventory, actual total £527 19s DPRI/1/1624/N2 10 April 1624 Edward NICKSON, cordwainer, of cittye of Duresme (citty of Durham) in the countye of Duresme [Durham St Nicholas, County Durham]; also spelt Nixon Testator requests to be buried at Durham St Nicholas. The inventory is unidentified and unvalued, however, it is clear that at one time it was pinned to the will of Edward Nickson. See DPRI/4/12 f.528v: 10 Apr 1624. DPRI/1/1624/N2/1-2 2 February 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/N2/3-4 undated inventory (unvalued) inventory DPRI/1/1624/P1 28 April 1624 Joseph PAYNE, merchant, of towne and countey of Newcastle upon Tyne, parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Paine DPRI/1/1624/P1/1-2 20 November 1623 will Subscribed: inventory to be exhibited within 6 months. Endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/P2 Elsabeth PERSON, widow, of parish of Washington in the county of Durham [Washington, County Durham]; also spelt Pearson DPRI/1/1624/P2/1-2 11 March 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/P2/3 4 April 1624 inventory, actual total £37 10s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £32 17s 10d) DPRI/1/1624/P3 24 September 1624 Roland PERT, of Burnhoope within the parishe of Stanhope (Stanhop) [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Perte, Peart see DPRI/4/12 f.544v: 24 Sep 1624 DPRI/1/1624/P3/1 24 June 1621 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1624/P3/2 6 July 1621 inventory, actual total £28 15s 4d (with account of debts of £3) DPRI/1/1624/P4 Elizabeth PICKERING, widow, of Branncepeth (Brancpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Pickeringe DPRI/1/1624/P4/1-2 7 April 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/P4/3 14 October 1624 inventory, actual total £31 10s 2d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £8 3s) DPRI/1/1624/P5 John PICKERINGE, husbandman, of Rabie (Raybie, Rabye) within the countie of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Pickering, Pickaringe DPRI/1/1624/P5/1 15 October 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/P5/2 7 January 1625 inventory, actual total £58 12s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 0s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/P6 Christopher PLACE, the elder, esquire, of Dinsdaile within the countie of Durham [Dinsdale, County Durham] For more information on the Place family, see the Turton Collection of papers (ref: TUR), held at Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections. DPRI/1/1624/P6/1 12 December 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/P6/2-7 23 February 1624 inventory, actual total £845 16s 4d DPRI/1/1624/P7 2 October 1624 Heuighe PORTER, of the Balie in the city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] Testator requests to be buried at St Mary's Durham. See DPRI/4/12 f.546: 2 Oct 1624 DPRI/1/1624/P7/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1624/P7/3 10 May 1624 indented inventory, actual total £22 19s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 19s) DPRI/1/1624/R1 December 1624 Jacob RAND, of Gateshead (Gateside) [Gateshead, County Durham]; also spelt Rande see DPRI/4/8 f.1: Dec 1624 DPRI/1/1624/R1/1 7 January 1625 inventory DPRI/1/1624/R2 Richard RAYNE, yeoman, of Eggleston within the countie of Durham [Eggleston, County Durham]; also spelt Raine DPRI/1/1624/R2/1 20 September 1624 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 183 DPRI/1/1624/R2/2-3 28 October 1624 inventory, actual total £37 12s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/R3 3 July 1624 Thomas RICHARBIE, of Stainton in the Strete [Great Stainton, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.540v: 3 July 1624 DPRI/1/1624/R3/1-2 7 June 1624 inventory Inventory, latterly mutilated and used as wrappers in the probate office. DPRI/1/1624/R4 28 January 1625 Margerie RICHARDSON, wife of John Richardson the younger, widow, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] see DPRI/4/12 f.562: 28 Jan 1625 DPRI/1/1624/R4/1-2 17 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1624/R4/3 17 January 1625 copy will DPRI/1/1624/R4/4 20 January 1625 inventory, actual total £75 3s 4d DPRI/1/1624/R5 23 June 1624 Claudius RIDLEY, of town and parish of Morpeth [Morpeth, Northumberland]. Died 5 October 1623 see DPRI/4/13A f.124: 23 June 1624 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B82 DPRI/1/1624/R5/1-2 23 October 1623 inventory Administration granted to Mary Ridley also for the use of Jane Ridley, daughter. Endorsed: administration granted, 23 June [1624]. DPRI/1/1624/R6 John ROBINSON, yeoman, of Hetton in the Hole (Holle) in the county of Durham [Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/R6/1-2 16 November 1622 will DPRI/1/1624/R6/3 3 February 1625 inventory, actual total £110 19s (with account of debts and funeral charges of £11 4s) DPRI/1/1624/R7 Thomas ROBSON, yeoman, of North Gosforth in the countie of Northumberland [North Gosforth, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/R7/1-2 17 August 1624 will probate granted to Christopher Newton (Nuton), father-in-law and supervisor, during the minority of John Robson, son and executor; Newton was also named by Robson as tutor of his son DPRI/1/1624/R7/3-4 2 September 1624 inventory, actual total £77 17s 7d (with account of funeral expenses of £9) DPRI/1/1626/S1 22 February 1625 Dorithie SALKEILD, widow, of Elvitt within the parish of St Oswalds within the suburbs of the cittie of Durham [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Salkeld, Sakeild See DPRI/4/12 f.566v. For consistory court 1626 cause re the administration of the deceased's estate, see DPRI/4/8 ff.45v, 47v, 50, 56v, 60, 71v, 72. The will was apparently unknown when Chancellor Craddock's judgement of 22 Feb 1625 was made concerning her intestacy and the administration of her estate. For the inventory of Salkeild's grandaughter, which is filed with Salkeild's records, see - DPRI/1/1624/S1/3 DPRI/1/1626/S1/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1624/S1/1 17 February 1625 inventory debts include charges for administration, tuition, sequestration, relaxation and legal counsel DPRI/1/1624/S1/4-5 22 February 1625 grant of administration Judgement of John Cradocke, Durham Chancellor, granting administration to Lewes Widdrington of Cheseburne Grange, gentleman and next kinsman, for the use of her children Edward Salkeld and Katherine Dakins and her two grand-daughters, Dorothy and Frances Dakins. The deceased's children Edward Salkeld and Katherine Woodrington alias Dakins were both incapable of administering, the former due to 'weakness or want of understanding', the latter due to the fact that her husband was in York gaol for felony, his death sentence having been commuted by the king. Salkeld's grand-daughter Dorothy Dakins died within six weeks of this judgement, as indicated by her inventory (DPRI/1/1624/S1/3). DPRI/1/1624/S1/2 30 March 1625 inventory, actual total £13 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £20) inventory of household goods etc. not remaining in the custody of Katherine Dakins, daughter; exhibited by Lewes Widdrington, 6 Apr 1625 DPRI/1/1624/S2 30 September 1624 John SAYRE, miller, of chaplerie of all Saints in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Sawer DPRI/1/1624/S2/1 19 September 1624 nuncupative will endorsed: proved, 30 Sep 1624 DPRI/1/1624/S2/2 24 September 1624 indented inventory, actual total £49 0s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 12s 9d) DPRI/1/1624/S3 William SCURFELD, husband of Isabell Scurfeld, nee Lawson, gentleman, of chaplerie of Lamsly [Lamesley, County Durham]; also spelt Scurfeild See Surtees' History of Durham, vol. 2, p218. See also DPRI/4/11 f.228v: goods etc. sequestrated and placed in the custody of Isabel Scurfeld, relict, nee Lawson, 17 Jan 1618. Isabell Scurfeld did not administer (see ff.244v, 245v): administration granted to William Lawson, 28 Apr 1618 (f.246v). DPRI/1/1624/S3/1-3 23 July 1624 account account of William Lawson, one of the deceased's creditors; admitted at Durham, 23 July 1624 DPRI/1/1624/S6 Michaell SIDDICK, yeoman, of Hesleden in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Suddick DPRI/1/1624/S6/1-2 14 June 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/S6/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £47 16s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £18 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1624/S4 John SMAITHWAITE, parson (rector) of Elsdon, clerk, of Elsdenn (Elsden) within the countie of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland]; also spelt Smathwate, Smathwaite bond: DPRI/3/1624/B12 DPRI/1/1624/S4/1 2 March 1624 [copy] indented will Endorsed: proved, 27 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/S4/2 24 April 1624 commission commission to Charles Slingesby B.D., rector of Rothbury, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Smathwaite, relict, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; also granting to Margaret Smathwaite the tuition of six named children; commission executed by Slyngisbye, (undated) DPRI/1/1624/S5 Henrye SMITHE, yeoman, of Harte in the countie of Durham [Hart, County Durham]; also spelt Smith DPRI/1/1624/S5/1 13 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/S5/2 7 December 1624 inventory, actual total £213 9s DPRI/1/1624/S7 Phillipe SUDICKE, of Heselton (Hesleden) [Monk Hesleden, County Durham]; also spelt Suthwike, Suddick, Suthwicke See DPRI/4/12 f.560: 8 Jan 1625. Will endorsed by probate office 'will and inventory' - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1624/S7/1-2 14 November 1623 will DPRI/1/1624/W1 28 April 1624 Mathew WAKE, of chapelry of Cramlington (Cramelington) [Cramlington, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/13A f.117: 28 Apr 1624 bond: DPRI/3/1624/B27 DPRI/1/1624/W1/1 12 October 1623 will Endorsed: proved, 28 Apr [1624] DPRI/1/1624/W1/2 26 October 1623 inventory, actual total £4 7s 4d DPRI/1/1624/W2 Robertt WALLER, yeoman, of Newton Buelye (Bewlie) within the countye of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/W2/1 16 September 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/W2/2 21 October 1624 inventory, actual total £204 4s (with account of debts of £69 8s 4d) DPRI/1/1624/W3 James WANDLESS, yeoman, of Huton Henrie (Henrye) in the parish of Munck Hesleden in the countie of Durham [Hutton Henry, County Durham]; also spelt Wanles DPRI/1/1624/W3/1-2 10 October 1623 inventory administration granted to Margaret Wandless, relict, and Henry Wandless and Mary Wandless, children DPRI/1/1624/W4 Michaell WATERHOUSE, merchant, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tine [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1624/W4/1-2 7 February 1624 copy will DPRI/1/1624/W4/3-7 16 February 1624 inventory, actual total £779 16s 10d inventory of household and shop goods etc., and of goods 'as came home for Michael Waterhouse from the Eastland and Midlebroughe' [i.e. from Scandinavian and Baltic states and from Middelburg in The Netherlands] DPRI/1/1624/W5 John WATSON, of Lingerigg in Wardall Forrest (Lingrige in Wardale Forrest, Lyngierigg) perishe of Stanhopp (Stanhoppe, Stanhop) and countie of Durham [Stanhope, County Durham]; also spelt Watsonn DPRI/1/1624/W5/1 30 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/W5/2 13 March 1624 indented inventory, actual total £19 8s 2d (with account of debts of £5 5s) DPRI/1/1624/W6 Steven WATSON, labourer, of Woolvestone (Wolveston) within the parishe of Billingham and within the countie of Durham [Wolviston, County Durham] DPRI/1/1624/W6/1-2 19 February 1625 will DPRI/1/1624/W6/3 15 March 1625 inventory, actual total £73 11s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 12s 6d) DPRI/1/1624/W7 24 May 1624 John WEDDERBORN, yeoman, of town and parish of Berwick (Barwicke) uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Wedderburne bond: DPRI/3/1624/B133A bond: DPRI/3/1624/B133 DPRI/1/1624/W7/1 12 February 1619 will Endorsed: (1) with list of debts owed by the testator of £2 4s 8d; (2) proved, 24 May [1624] DPRI/1/1624/W8 Christopher WETHERELL, of Stockton upon Tease in the county of Durham [Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham]; also spelt Watherell, Weatherill, Wetherelt DPRI/1/1624/W8/1 24 May 1622 will DPRI/1/1624/W8/5-6 24 May 1622 transcription of will DPRI/1/1624/W8/2-4 12 June 1622 inventory, actual total £385 14s 8d (with account of debts of £49 1s 3d) DPRI/1/1624/W9 4 June 1624 Raphe WHITFEILD, gentleman, of Randerholme in the parish of Alston (Aldstone) [Alston, Cumberland]; also spelt Whitfeilde bond: DPRI/3/1624/B72 DPRI/1/1624/W9/1 19 January 1624 will endorsed: proved, 4 June [1624] DPRI/1/1624/W9/2-4 2 March 1624 inventory, actual total £283 15s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £321 3s 2d) DPRI/1/1624/W10 28 May 1624 Sir Henry WIDDRINGTON, knight, of Widdrington (Woodrington) in the countie of Northumberland [Widdrington, Northumberland]; also spelt Widdringtun, Woodrington Will is endorsed by probate office: Will and Inventory ... with Commission - the latter is not present. DPRI/1/1624/W10/1-2 12 September 1623 will endorsed: proved, 28 May [1624] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 165-167 DPRI/1/1624/W10/3-6 4 October 1623 inventory, actual total £3,847 5s 11d (with account of debts of £1,488 11s 1d) inventory of goods etc. at Widdrington, Linton and Swinburn DPRI/1/1624/W14 Henrye WIGLESWORTHE, gentleman, of the Pethraw (Petheraw) in the parish of Cockfeild (Cockefeilde, Cockefeild) [Cockfield, County Durham]; also spelt Wigglesworth DPRI/1/1624/W14/1 4 March 1620 indented will DPRI/1/1624/W14/2 24 June 1624 inventory, actual total £49 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5 15s 6d) DPRI/1/1624/W11 Robert WOODDERT, miller, of Hadderwick Mylne (Hatherwick Milne) in the countie of Northumberland [Gosforth, Northumberland]; also spelt Wooddard, Woodert, Wooddart DPRI/1/1624/W11/1 20 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/W11/2-5 2 December 1624 indented inventory, actual total £158 4s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 16s 2d) DPRI/1/1624/W12 11 September 1624 Henry WOULDHAVE, saddler, of parrish of St Johns within the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1624/B140 DPRI/1/1624/W12/1 26 August 1624 will endorsed: proved, 11 Sep [1624] Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 178-179 DPRI/1/1624/W12/3 8 September 1624 commission commission to John Shaw, preacher, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Barbara Wouldhave, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Shaw, 11 Sep [1624] DPRI/1/1624/W12/2 10 September 1624 inventory, actual total £557 0s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £68 8s 6d) DPRI/1/1624/W13 Thomas WRENN, yeoman, of Stranton in the countie of Durham [Stranton, County Durham]; also spelt Wren DPRI/1/1624/W13/1 3 August 1624 will DPRI/1/1624/W13/2-3 21 September 1624 indented inventory, actual total £105 5s 10d (with account of debts and legacies of £43 8s 2d) DPRI/1/1625 Wills etc proved 1625 DPRI/1/1625/A4 Thomas ARMESTRONG, of Morpeth (Morpethe) in the countye of Northumberlande [Morpeth, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestronge bond: DPRI/3/1625/B15 DPRI/1/1625/A4/1-2 4 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/A4/3 28 March 1625 indented inventory, actual total £9 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 15s 6d) DPRI/1/1625/A1 Dorithy ARMESTRONGE, the younger, widow, of the Woodsheilds within the chaplerie of Newbrough and county of Northumberland [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Armestrong bond: DPRI/3/1625/B112 DPRI/1/1625/A1/1 19 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/A1/2 3 May 1625 inventory, actual total £12 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £1 4s) DPRI/1/1625/A2 5 July 1625 Dorithy ARMESTRONGE, the elder, widow, of Woodsheildes (Woodsheeles) within the chaplerie of Newbrough and county of Northumberland [Newbrough, Northumberland]; also spelt Armstronge, Armstrong bond: DPRI/3/1625/B115 DPRI/1/1625/A2/1 22 March 1625 nuncupative will with grant of probate, 5 July 1625 probate granted at Corbridge to Roger Armestronge, sole executor DPRI/1/1625/A2/2 undated affidavit Affidavit concerning a bequest not included in the nuncupative will, alledging 'sinister' motives. Endorsed with 1 July 1625 Corbridge visitation presentment, concerning offences of Lancelot Welden, John Welden and Barberie Mawghen, Mathew Armstronge, and William Hudspeth. DPRI/1/1625/A2/3 22 March 1625 inventory, actual total £24 4s 6d (with account of funeral expenses of £1) DPRI/1/1625/A3 John ARMSTRONGE, cordwainer, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne and of the parish of St Nicholas [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Armstrong DPRI/1/1625/A3/1 8 November 1625 will subscribed with 18 Jan 1626 memorandum relating to a declaration by the testator in early Dec 1625 relating to the distribution of monies to one of his executors to pay legacies and funeral expenses DPRI/1/1625/A3/2 wrapper will wrapper DPRI/1/1625/A3/3-4 23 November 1625 inventory inventory (unvalued) drawn up by the testator himself; endorsed with list of further bequests (of boots), and the sum £40 19s 10d (?actual total) DPRI/1/1625/A3/5-6 16 December 1625 inventory, actual total £92 2s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £29 16s 11d) inventory of goods etc. 'according to a note of the same made by the said John [Armstrong] in his lifetime' DPRI/1/1625/B1 Christofer BATMANSON, of Broome Hall (Broomehall) [Durham St Oswald, County Durham]; also spelt Battmansonn, Battmanson DPRI/1/1625/B1/1 31 July 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/B1/2 11 August 1625 inventory, actual total £280 16s 8d (with account of debts of £28) DPRI/1/1625/B2 Cuthbert BELL, yeoman, of Soowth Charleton (Charlton) in the countye of Northumberland [South Charlton, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B191 DPRI/1/1625/B2/1 21 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/B2/2 12 April 1625 inventory, actual total £14 13s Endorsed with note relating to Elizabeth Young of Hazelrig in Chatton and her executor Thomas Pearson of Ewart. [These persons do not appear to relate to Cuthbert Bell, but the 1625 probate records relating to a Thomas Young of Hazelrig survive.] DPRI/1/1625/B3 Elezebethe BELLE, widow, of Bushope Meedllame (Medlme, Bishop Midleham) [Bishop Middleham, County Durham]; also spelt Bell DPRI/1/1625/B3/1-2 6 September 1625 will with list of debts owed to the testatrix of £85 DPRI/1/1625/B3/3 2 December 1625 inventory, actual total £89 16s 8d DPRI/1/1625/B5 Christopher BOOTH, pensioner, of brough of Barwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/B5/1 31 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/B5/2 20 February 1624 inventory, actual total £7 8s DPRI/1/1625/B6 Christofer BULMAN, of Croxdale, parish of St Oswold Durham [Croxdale, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/B6/1-2 6 February 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/B4 William BYLLYNGHAM, tailor, of towne and countye of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Billingham DPRI/1/1625/B4/1 23 December 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/C1 Edward CAMELL, otherwise David Camell, chapman, of parishe of St Johns in Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne St John, Northumberland]; also spelt Cammell bond: DPRI/3/1625/B253 DPRI/1/1625/C1/1-2 28 August 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/C1/3 1 November 1625 inventory, actual total £15 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 1s) DPRI/1/1625/C1/4 7 November 1625 commission Commission to John Shawe, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Jane Cammell relict; commission executed by Shaw, 7 Nov 1625. [That the commission does not require the probate of the will by the swearing of the witnesses may indicate it had been proved already, prior to 7 Nov 1625: nonetheless, the annotations to the will relating to the swearing of the witnesses appear to be in Shaw's hand.] DPRI/1/1625/C2 Lancelot CARNABY, esquire, of Halton in the countye of Northumberland [Halton, Northumberland]; also spelt Carnabye, Carnabe bond: DPRI/3/1625/B44 DPRI/1/1625/C2/1-2 2 July 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/C2/3-4 16 September 1624 inventory, actual total £244 9s 0d DPRI/1/1625/C2/5-6 undated inventory of debts, actual total £134 6s Inventory of debts owing by the testator, certain items having been amended subsequently upon the exhibition of a later inventory (see DPRI/1/1625/C2/7). Endorsed: in 28 Jan [?1626]. DPRI/1/1625/C2/7 undated inventory of debts, actual total £38 4s Inventory of debts owing by the testator, subscribed with a note correcting certain items already exhibited in an earlier inventory (DPRI/1/1625/C2/5-6). DPRI/1/1625/C3 Elianor CARR, widow, of Cocken (Cockine) in the county of Durham [Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham]; also spelt Care DPRI/1/1625/C3/1-2 12 December 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/C3/3 4 February 1626 inventory, actual total £21 17s 8d DPRI/1/1625/C4 John CARR, master and mariner, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/C4/1-2 13 February 1626 indented inventory administration and the tuition of four named children granted to Isabell Carr, relict, for her use and also for the use of the children DPRI/1/1625/C5 Thomas CARR, yeoman, of Sandgate in the countye of the towen of NewCastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/C5/1-2 10 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/C5/3 24 January 1625 inventory, actual total £68 2s 4d (with account of funeral expenses of £8) DPRI/1/1625/C6 William CARR, gentleman, of Hetton in the countye of Northumberland [Chatton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/C6/1 15 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/C6/2-4 27 January 1625 inventory, actual total £270 16s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £300) DPRI/1/1625/C7 Thomas COLLINGWOOD, cordwainer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B26 DPRI/1/1625/C7/1 18 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/C7/2-9 25 January 1626 indented inventory, actual total £189 0s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £12 12s 8d) inventory of household and shop goods etc.; subscribed with (undated) memorandum concerning the election of John Collingwood as tutor of Robert Collingwood, William Collingwood and Alice Collingwood, children DPRI/1/1625/C8 William COLLINGWOOD, son of Thomas Collingwood of Newcastle, cordwainer, cordwainer, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Collingewood William Collingwood had been apprenticed to Robert Parker, cordwainer, before going to London in the Spring of 1624; he died of the plague in a lodge outside Newcastle. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B213 DPRI/1/1625/C8/1-2 8 August 1625 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/C8/5-6 undated allegation allegation of Margaret Robinson, [universal legatee and] wife of John Robinson of Newcastle St Nicholas, relating to a cause to prove the nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/C8/3 27 January 1626 commission commission to Thomas Jackson D.D., vicar of Newcastle St Nicholas, and John Shaw, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Margaret Robinson, wife of John Robinson of Newcastle St Nicholas, the will having already been proved; commission executed by Jackson and Shaw, 29 Jan [1626] DPRI/1/1625/C8/4 30 January 1626 inventory, actual total £21 3s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £6 19s 5d) inventory of goods etc. passing to William Collingwood after the death of his father and the settlement of his estate DPRI/1/1625/C9 Edward CONYERS, gentleman, of Hoppon (Hoppin, Hoppen) within the countie of Northumberland [Bamburgh, Northumberland]; also spelt Conyeres, Conyeires, Conyears DPRI/1/1625/C9/1-2 4 March 1623 nuncupative will nuncupative will, also relating the cancellation of a former will DPRI/1/1625/C9/3-5 19 March 1623 inventory, actual total £57 0s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £17) administration of moeities granted severally to the widow Thomison and to Robert Conyers, son DPRI/1/1625/C10 Thomas CONYERS, gentleman, of Sedgfeild in the countye of Durham [Sedgefield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/C10/1 8 January 1626 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 190-191 DPRI/1/1625/C10/2 12 January 1626 indented inventory, actual total £47 0s 4d with indented supplementary inventory of debts, 15 December 1627, actual total £840 inventory, with supplementary inventory of debts owing to the testator Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 191-192 DPRI/1/1625/C11 Thomas COUK, cooper, of broughe of Barwick upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Couke, Cooke bond: DPRI/3/1625/B5 DPRI/1/1625/C11/1 7 September 1623 will DPRI/1/1625/C11/2 12 April 1625 inventory, actual total £8 3s 3d DPRI/1/1625/C12 Ann COWLINGE, widow, of Windyard (Wynyard, Winyard) Moore House in the parish of Grindon within the countye of Durham [Grindon, County Durham]; also spelt Cowling, Cowlyn bond: DPRI/3/1625/B238 DPRI/1/1625/C12/1 25 October 1625 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/C12/2-3 8 November 1625 inventory, actual total £77 19s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £71 2s 3d) DPRI/1/1625/C13 Christofor COWLMAN, yeoman, of Sadburie on the Hyll otherwyse called Sedbardge (Sadberrye) within the countie of Durham [Sadberge, County Durham]; also spelt Cowleman DPRI/1/1625/C13/1-2 28 December 1622 will DPRI/1/1625/D1 Barbara DALTON, widow, of South Witslid in the parish of Greate Benton in the countie of Northumberland [Longbenton, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/D1/1 9 September 1623 will DPRI/1/1625/D1/2 20 October 1625 indented inventory, actual total £19 16s (with account of funeral expenses of £5) DPRI/1/1625/D2 Thomas DARLING, of Newton in the parish of Embleton [Embleton, Northumberland]; also spelt Darlynge bond: DPRI/3/1625/B45 DPRI/1/1625/D2/1-2 25 January 1626 will DPRI/1/1625/D2/3 undated inventory, actual total £28 16s 8d DPRI/1/1625/D3 Edmund DIGHTON, yeoman, of Knaton in the county of Yorke [Leake, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1625/D3/1 27 June 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/D3/2 13 July 1625 inventory, actual total £108 3s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £42 15s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/D4 James DIXON, of Longwitton within the county of Northumberland, parish of Hartburne [Hartburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B138 DPRI/1/1625/D4/1-2 23 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/D4/3-4 31 March 1624 inventory, actual total £31 2s DPRI/1/1625/D5 John DOBSON, labourer, of Muncheslden (Munchesleden, Munckhesleden) in the countie of Durham [Monk Hesleden, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/D5/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1625/D5/3-4 undated inventory, actual total £81 0s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £4 16s) DPRI/1/1625/D6 Gilbert DODD, servant to Lanclott Taylor of Newcastle, waterman, servant, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dod DPRI/1/1625/D6/1 5 September 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/D6/2 29 October 1624 indented inventory, actual total 3s 4d DPRI/1/1625/D7 Alice DORTERY, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Dortrie, Dortre bond: DPRI/3/1625/B137 DPRI/1/1625/D7/1-2 7 June 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/D7/3-6 10 June 1625 indented inventory, actual total £74 6s 2d (with account of legacies and funeral expenses of £15 12s) with supplementary inventory, undated, actual total £5 15s 8d (1) inventory of goods etc., including an [alleged] debt of £5 owed by the testatrix; (2) inventory of goods etc. 'wrongfully detained' by Henry Frizell and rightly due to Mary Foster, daughter and executrix by survivorship, by her mother's will DPRI/1/1625/D8 Edward DRING, waterman, of parish of St Saviour (St Saviours) in Southwark (Southwarke, Sowthrick) in the countie of Surrey [St Saviour Southwark, Surrey] DPRI/1/1625/D8/1-2 14 May 1625 will probate granted to John Arslett, executor and father-in-law, he having been sworn by commission, 4 Feb 1626 DPRI/1/1625/D8/3-4 11 July 1625 commission commission to James Archer, preacher, to administer an oath and grant execution of the will and administration of the goods in Durham diocese to John Arslett, executor; commission executed by James Archer in the presence of Nicholas Sheppard, notary public, 27 July 1625 DPRI/1/1625/E1 Rauffe EDEN, husband of Margarett Eden, gentleman, of Ivesly in the parish of Branspeth (Brancpeth) and countie of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Edenn For the catalogue record of Eden's wife Margarett Eden, see 1625.Eden.2. DPRI/1/1625/E1/1 1623 inventory inventory of the goods etc. of Rauffe Eden and his wife Margarett Eden DPRI/1/1625/F1 Lancelot FALSIDE, tanner, of Alnwick [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Falsyde DPRI/1/1625/F1/1 15 March 1624 will with list of debts owed to (£38 14s 10d) and owed by (£11 13s) the testator DPRI/1/1625/F1/2 26 March 1624 inventory, actual total £6 12s DPRI/1/1625/F2 George FARGYE, cordwainer, of Alnwicke (Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Fergie, Fargy DPRI/1/1625/F2/1 26 December 1623 will with list of debts owed to (£6 17s) and owed by (£11 5s 6d) the testator DPRI/1/1625/F2/2 17 May 1625 inventory, actual total £13 19s 7d DPRI/1/1625/F3 James FORSTER, of Gillygate in the parishe of St Giles in Duresme [Durham St Giles, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/F3/1 undated account Account of Margrett Forster, relict. Endorsed: office cause. DPRI/1/1625/F4 Mathew FOSTER, of Owintonn (Ovington) of the parishe of Owinghame (Ovingham) [Ovingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Forster bond: DPRI/3/1625/B157 DPRI/1/1625/F4/1 28 December 1624 will probate granted to Anne Foster, relict DPRI/1/1625/F4/2 9 January 1625 inventory, actual total £51 12s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £27 11s) DPRI/1/1625/F5 26 February 1625 Thomas FREVELL, gentleman [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Frevile No address stated. See DPRI/4/12 f.568v: 26 Feb 1625. DPRI/1/1625/F5/1 24 February 1625 inventory Dated, 24 Feb [?1625]. Administration granted to Nicholas Frevile, brother, subject to a decree for him to distribute any remaining balance as required, 26 Feb 1625. DPRI/1/1625/G1 John GRAYE, glover, of Alnwick (Alnwicke, Alnewick) [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Gray DPRI/1/1625/G1/3 5 August 1624 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 176 DPRI/1/1625/G1/1-2 17 May 1625 inventory, actual total £91 19s DPRI/1/1625/G2 William GREENE, yeoman, of Bushopp Awkland within the countie of Durham [Auckland St Andrew, County Durham]; also spelt Grene DPRI/1/1625/G2/1-2 13 February 1626 will DPRI/1/1625/G3 Thomas GRINWELL, of Cornsaye (Cornesey, Cornsay) within the parishe of Leanchester and county of Durham [Lanchester, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B64 DPRI/1/1625/G3/1 16 April 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/G3/2 26 April 1625 indented inventory, actual total £111 1s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £16 17s 1d) DPRI/1/1625/G4 Thomas GYLL, gentleman, of city of Durham in the county of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Gill Gyll made his will at Waulford Briggs [?Welford] in Northamptonshire. DPRI/1/1625/G4/1 11 July 1625 nuncupative will with nuncupative codicil, undated codicil dated 'last trinity term' Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 186-187 DPRI/1/1625/H1 Thomas HALL, cordwainer, of towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B256 DPRI/1/1625/H1/1-2 17 September 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/H1/3-4 24 September 1625 indented inventory, actual total £74 11s 11d (with account of funeral expenses of £10) DPRI/1/1625/H2 Thomas HALL, yeoman, of Munkerage (Munkerag, Munckeridg) within the parish of Elsdenn (Elsden) and county of Northumberland [Elsdon, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B135 DPRI/1/1625/H2/1 28 September 1623 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/H2/2 10 October 1623 inventory, actual total £6 1s 4d DPRI/1/1625/H3 Thomas HALL, of Wreighill (Wrieghill) in the parishe of Routhburye (Rothberrie) [Rothbury, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B206 DPRI/1/1625/H3/1 26 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/H4 Humfray HARDMANE, curate of Stannington, clerk, of Stannington [Stannington, Northumberland]; also spelt Hardman, Hirdman DPRI/1/1625/H4/1 23 October 1623 will endorsed: not proved DPRI/1/1625/H4/2 undated inventory, actual total £53 7s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £56 17s) DPRI/1/1625/H5 Edward HERISON, of parish of Knarsdaile (Knaresdell) [Knarsdale, Northumberland]; also spelt Harrison, Herrison bond: DPRI/3/1625/B149 DPRI/1/1625/H5/1 18 August 1624 will administration granted to William Harrison and John Coltherd, brothers and executors [sic] for the use of George, Margaret and Isabell [?Herison, children] DPRI/1/1625/H5/2 18 August 1624 inventory, actual total £37 16s (with account of debts of £6 18s) DPRI/1/1625/H6 John HERRISONN, of Chestar (Chester) [Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Harrison DPRI/1/1625/H6/1-3 31 August 1625 indented inventory endorsed: 'found in Dr Cradock's house after his death' [Durham Chancellor] DPRI/1/1625/H7 Thomas HILL, yeoman, of parisshe of Horsley and in the countie of Northumberland [Longhorsley, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B47 DPRI/1/1625/H7/1 15 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/H7/2 30 December 1624 inventory, actual total £5 2s 10d DPRI/1/1625/H8 Raiphe HODSHON, yeoman, of Westegaitecoate (Westgaitecoot, Westgate Cote) of the parishe of Hampsterley (Hamsterley) and within the county of Durham [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt Hodgshon bond: DPRI/3/1625/B128 DPRI/1/1625/H8/1-2 16 July 1625 copy will DPRI/1/1625/H8/3-4 25 July 1625 inventory, actual total £83 11s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £47 17s) DPRI/1/1625/H9 9 January 1626 Margarett HOLBORNE, widow, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Holburne, Holburn bond: DPRI/3/1625/B275 DPRI/1/1625/H9/1 29 December 1625 inventory, actual total £480 15s with act of court Inventory, exhibited, 6 Jan 1626; with act of court commissioning Wigham and Shaw to grant administration to Roger Holborne and Margaret Gibson, children, reserving a power to distribute some of the goods etc. to the poor next of kin if required, and also giving instructions regarding the [administration] bond, [?6 Jan 1625]. DPRI/1/1625/H9/2 6 January 1626 commission commission to Edward Wigham MA, and John Shawe, curate of Newcastle St John, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Roger Holburne and Margaret Gibson, children, (and noting a power to the Bishop to distribute to any poor next of kin of the deceased as required); commission executed by Wiggham, 9 Jan 1626 DPRI/1/1625/H10 Thomas HOWE, the younger, of Edgknowle (Edgeknowe, Edgknole) [Hamsterley, County Durham]; also spelt How bond: DPRI/3/1625/B228 DPRI/1/1625/H10/1 28 February 1625 will with codicil, undated DPRI/1/1625/H10/5 wrapper DPRI/1/1625/H10/2-3 28 February 1625 copy will DPRI/1/1625/H10/4 30 June 1625 inventory, actual total £158 7s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £161 18s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/H11 Thomas HULL, of Lanchester [Lanchester, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/H11/1 undated inventory exhibited, 11 Feb 1626 DPRI/1/1625/J1 Anthony JACKSON, of Elme (Helme) park in the parish of Wollsinghame (Wolsingham) [Wolsingham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B248 DPRI/1/1625/J1/1 6 July 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/J1/2-3 25 July 1625 inventory, actual total £202 12s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £22 13s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/J2 Robert JOHNSON, of Willington, parish of Branspeth [Willington, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B276 bond: DPRI/3/1625/B274 DPRI/1/1625/J2/1-2 undated account Account of Robert Smith of the goods etc. of Robert Johnson for the use of four named children of the deceased. Endorsed with: (1) allocation of the daughters' portions, including the adjudged allocation of interest accrued to Margaret Johnson, eldest daughter; (2) memorandum of issuance of letters testimonial upon the account by Cradock, Durham Chancellor, 13 Dec 1625 DPRI/1/1625/L1 Edward LATON, mariner, of town of Newcastell upon Tyne and parish of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Latonn, Layton DPRI/1/1625/L1/1 25 April 1625 [copy will] DPRI/1/1625/L1/2 undated inventory, actual total £29 14s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19 14s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/L2 John LAW, yeoman, of broughe of Berwick uppon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Lawe DPRI/1/1625/L2/1-2 1 September 1623 will with list of debts owed to (£5 12s) and owed by (£3 11s 3d) the testator DPRI/1/1625/L2/3 undated inventory, actual total £1 4s 5d (with account of debts of £3 11s 3d) DPRI/1/1625/M1 Stephen MADDISON, merchant, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Maddeson DPRI/1/1625/M1/4-5 undated inventory Inventory, formerly multilated and re-used by the probate office as wrappers in box DPRI/1/1648 and DPRI/1/1649; reassembled (but incomplete) into 2 fragments. The account indicates the inventory total was in fact £352 3s 10d. DPRI/1/1625/M1/3 undated inventory of debts, actual total £680 9s 5d inventory of debts dating from Jan to July 1623 owed by the deceased at Bremen, calculated by the apprizer [an employee] at an exchange rate of 4s 9d to the Bremen Rix dollar; dated after July 1623 DPRI/1/1625/M1/1-2 undated account, actual total £352 3s 10d (with discharge of £1,001 15s 3d) Page order: 1625/M1/2, 1. Account of Ann Maddeson of Newcastle relict DPRI/1/1625/M2 Thomas MAIR, of Helmedon (Helmeden) Rawe in the parishe of Branspethe [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Maire bond: DPRI/3/1625/B279 DPRI/1/1625/M2/1 21 December 1621 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/M2/2 14 November 1623 inventory, actual total £57 18s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £45 9s) DPRI/1/1625/M4 9 November 1625 Robert MAISONE, yeoman, of towne of Newcastle upon Tyne in countie of the same towne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Maison, Mason bond: DPRI/3/1625/B235 DPRI/1/1625/M4/1 15 August 1625 will witnesses and Jane Maisone, relict and executrix, sworn by John Shaw, 9 Nov 1625 DPRI/1/1625/M4/2-3 21 October 1625 inventory, actual total £61 1s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £19) DPRI/1/1625/M3 George MARSHALL, of Mawd Meadows (Maude, Mawmeadowes) in the parish of Branspeth (Brancpeth) [Brancepeth, County Durham] Marshall had been bound by the Durham court to pay to Thomas Reed an unspecified filial portion, for which sum Reed was granted administration of Marshall's estate as his creditor: Marshall may have been Reed's father's executor. DPRI/1/1625/M3/2 undated inventory subscribed: administration [granted to] Thomas Reed, creditor DPRI/1/1625/M3/1 undated account, actual total £23 6s 8d (with discharge of £10 7s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/M5 Richard MATTHEW, yeoman, of Pittington in the countie of Durham [Pittington, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/M5/1-2 23 March 1625 will endorsed: inventory [?not] exhibited DPRI/1/1625/M6 George MIDDLETON, esquire, of Barnard Castle in the countie of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/M6/1-2 23 January 1625 [copy] will DPRI/1/1625/M6/3 16 August 1625 commission with memorandum, September 1625 with memorandum, 14 October 1625 with memorandum, 19 August 1626 (1) commission to Robert Burrell MA, curate of Gainford, and Giles Forster, curate of Barnard Castle, to execute a bond, administer an oath and grant administration to Wenefrid Middleton, relict and sole executrix, and also to swear and examine the witnesses to the will; commission executed by Foster, 27 Aug 1625; (2) memorandum of the delivery of the original will out of the registry to Charles Sanderson, relating to a possible York probate process; Sanderson being required to either return the original will, or the probate copy under seal within a month; (3 and 4) memoranda of the return of the will under seal (14 Oct 1625), and of a second delivery to Charles Sanderson of the same (19 Aug 1626) DPRI/1/1625/M7 Bertram MIDFORD, of Newcastle, chapelry of All Saints [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Mitford DPRI/1/1625/M7/1 July 1623 inventory endorsed: exhibited, 20 Jan 1626 DPRI/1/1625/M8 Richard MUSCHAMPE, of Phenicke [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt MusChampe, Muschamp DPRI/1/1625/M8/1 undated inventory DPRI/1/1625/N1 Thomas NIXON, of Esgillside of the parish of Alston [Alston, Cumberland] For the will and nuncupative codicil, see - DPRI/1/1612/N3/1 DPRI/1/1625/N1/1-2 undated account account of John Walton, one of the executors in trust DPRI/1/1625/O2 John ORDE, gentleman, of Fenwicke (Fenwick) in the parishe of Kyloe in the countie of Durham [Kyloe, Northumberland]; also spelt Ourd DPRI/1/1625/O2/1 14 January 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/O1 Christopher OURD, gentleman, of Orde within the liberties of Norham and countye pallentin of Durham, chapelry of Twedemoth [Tweedmouth, Northumberland]; also spelt Orde bond: DPRI/3/1625/B3 DPRI/1/1625/O1/1 4 November 1619 will Will, with list of debts owing by the testator of £45 3s and more. Endorsed: not proved. Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 134-135 DPRI/1/1625/O1/2 2 December 1619 inventory, actual total £41 16s 2d DPRI/1/1625/P1 William PEACOCK, baker, beer-brewer, of parish of All Saints within the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland]; also spelt Pacocke, Pacock DPRI/1/1625/P1/1-2 7 January 1626 will DPRI/1/1625/P1/3 30 January 1626 inventory, actual total £119 7s DPRI/1/1625/P2 Margret PEARSON, spinster, of the Meatmarket in the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Person. Died 18 July 1625 Date of death probably erroneous. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B231 DPRI/1/1625/P2/1-2 21 July 1625 will in the form of a copy deed of gift will in the form of a copy deed of gift; subscribed with certificate of delivery of seisin, (same date) DPRI/1/1625/P2/3 12 October 1625 inventory, actual total £10 5s DPRI/1/1625/P3 William PORTER, gentleman, of Beckley in the countie of Durham [Tanfield, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/P3/1-3 13 November 1618 will DPRI/1/1625/P4 John POTT, of Bothell Riden (the Riding) [Bothal, Northumberland]; also spelt Potts bond: DPRI/3/1625/B287 DPRI/1/1625/P4/1 9 April 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/P4/2 9 June 1625 inventory, actual total £42 17s 10d (with account of debts of £28 13s 2d) DPRI/1/1625/P5 Mathewe POTTS, yeoman, of Eddington within the countie of Northumberlande, parish of Mittfford (Mitford) [Mitford, Northumberland]; also spelt Pott bond: DPRI/3/1625/B142 DPRI/1/1625/P5/1-2 30 March 1625 will subscribed: curation of Ellinor Potts alias Hall [base-born daughter] granted to ... DPRI/1/1625/P5/3 23 April 1625 inventory, actual total £80 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £43 10s) DPRI/1/1625/R1 Robert RADCLIFFE, gentleman, of Thropton (Tropton) [Thropton, Northumberland]; also spelt Radcliff bond: DPRI/3/1625/B264 DPRI/1/1625/R1/2 7 November 1625 draft inventory DPRI/1/1625/R1/1 7 November 1625 fair copy inventory DPRI/1/1625/R2 John RICHARDSON, the younger, esquire, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B11 DPRI/1/1625/R2/1 23 April 1625 inventory inventory of bonds, exhibited by John Richardson the elder of Durham, esquire DPRI/1/1625/R3 William RICHARDSON, of Upper Coniscliffe (Connscliff) in the countye of Durham [Coniscliffe, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B18 DPRI/1/1625/R3/1 24 April 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R3/2 7 May 1625 inventory, actual total £24 15s 4d DPRI/1/1625/R4 William RIDLEY, weaver, of Pilgram Street within the parish of St Andras in the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Andrew, Northumberland]; also spelt Rydley bond: DPRI/3/1625/B127 bond: DPRI/3/1625/B125 DPRI/1/1625/R4/1 8 May 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R4/2 undated inventory, actual total £26 1s 10d DPRI/1/1625/R5 George ROBESONN, of Pruddo (Pruddoe) of the parishe of Owinghame [Prudhoe, Northumberland]; also spelt Robeson DPRI/1/1625/R5/1 5 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R5/2 24 March 1625 inventory, actual total £29 4s 8d DPRI/1/1625/R6 Edward ROBINSON, younger, of Bywe[ll] within the parish of Bywell Peter within the county of Northumberland [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Robinsonne, Robinsonn bond: DPRI/3/1625/B105 DPRI/1/1625/R6/1 26 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/R6/2 14 June 1625 indented inventory, actual total £9 14s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £9) DPRI/1/1625/R7 Richard ROBINSON, weaver, of Billingham [Billingham, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B247 DPRI/1/1625/R7/1 9 July 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R7/2-3 4 November 1625 nuncupative will with renunciation deed of (1) renunciation of Elizabeth Johnson, universal legatee and sole executrix, assigning all her rights to Barttell Robinson, nephew, the universal legatee of the nuncupative will; (2) and reciting the tenor of the nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/R7/4 undated inventory, actual total £3 8s 4d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 8s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/R8 Robert ROBINSON, yeoman, of Willington in the parishe of Walsend within the county of Northumberlande [Wallsend, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/R8/1 22 November 1624 will endorsed: 28 Mar 1625 DPRI/1/1625/R8/2 24 January 1625 inventory, actual total £206 6s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £41 18s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/R9 David ROBSON, yeoman, of the Reines (Reynes) in Tindall in the countie of Northumberland, chapelry of Bellingham [Bellingham, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B131 DPRI/1/1625/R9/1-2 20 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R9/3 22 June 1625 inventory, actual total £6 8s 8d DPRI/1/1625/R10 William ROBSON, yeoman, of Charlton in Tindall (Tindell) in the countie of Northumberlande [Bellingham, Northumberland]; also spelt Robsonn DPRI/1/1625/R10/1-2 2 April 1622 will administration granted to William Robson, son; Lyonell Robson, son and sole nominated executor, being absent DPRI/1/1625/R11 Oswyne ROLANDSON, of Barnerdcastle in the county of Durham [Barnard Castle, County Durham]; also spelt Rowlandson bond: DPRI/3/1625/B29 DPRI/1/1625/R11/1 4 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/R12 John ROTHERFORTH, of Bryerden in the chappelry of Earsden [Earsdon, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B224 DPRI/1/1625/R12/1-2 15 August 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/R13 James ROWTH, husbandman, of Thimblebie (Thimblebye) in the countie of Yorke [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Rowthe, Routh DPRI/1/1625/R13/1 27 October 1625 indented will DPRI/1/1625/R13/2 7 December 1625 inventory, actual total £128 17s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £46 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/R14 19 August 1625 Gilbert RYCROFT, pewterer, of parishe of St Nicholas within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Ricroft bond: DPRI/3/1625/B156 DPRI/1/1625/R14/1 3 August 1625 will probate granted to Isabell Rycroft, relct and sole executrix, 19 Aug 1625 DPRI/1/1625/R14/2-3 9 August 1625 indented inventory, actual total £218 10s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £161 7s) inventory of household, warehouse and shop goods etc. DPRI/1/1625/S1 Francis SANDERSON, yeoman, of the Toft Hill within the county of Durham [Auckland St Helen, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B212 DPRI/1/1625/S1/1 10 May 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/S1/2 8 June 1625 inventory, actual total £20 10s 4d (with account of a debt of £1) DPRI/1/1625/S2 John SCOTT, merchant, of Alnwicke (Alnwick) towne head in the county of Northumberland [Alnwick, Northumberland]; also spelt Scot bond: DPRI/3/1625/B303 DPRI/1/1625/S2/1-2 3 January 1625 will endorsed with list of debts owed by the testator of £40 DPRI/1/1625/S2/3 wrapper DPRI/1/1625/S3 John SCOTT, vintner, of Alnwicke (Allnwicke, Alnewicke) [Alnwick, Northumberland] See also 1625 bond 177: the signatures of John Scott [the elder] on the will and of his son and executor John Scott [the younger] on the bond are much alike; this bond more likely to relate to this John Scott, rather than his Alnwick cousin of the same name whose will was also proved in 1625 (see DPRI/1/1625/S2). bond: DPRI/3/1625/B177 DPRI/1/1625/S3/1-2 25 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/S3/3-4 8 July 1625 inventory, actual total £82 0s 5d DPRI/1/1625/S5 Jahmes SELBY, of Tendall Howse (Tindell House) in the county of Durhom [Duddo, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbye parish uncertain DPRI/1/1625/S5/1 12 September 1622 will DPRI/1/1625/S5/2 14 June 1624 inventory, actual total £27 2s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £13 9s) DPRI/1/1625/S5/3 18 June 1625 act of court Decree of John Cradock, Durham Chancellor: (1) granting probate to Dorothee Selbye, relict and co-executor; Thomas Selbye, brother and co-executor, having renounced; (2) granting the tuition of the deceased's children to the same Dorothee Selbye, saving that of John Selbye, eldest son, whose tuition remains as stipulated in the will with Thomas Selbye, brother and (now renounced) co-executor, and which tuition may not be revoked. Subscribed with unrelated memorandum of a grant of administration of the estate of Christopher Forrest of Redmarshall to Percival Forrest, brother, (undated). DPRI/1/1625/S4 Sir George SELBYE, knight, Whyte howse (Whitehouse, Whithouse) in the countie of Durham, the Oatmarket in the towne of Newcastle [Ryton, County Durham; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby, Selbie bond: DPRI/3/1625/B13 DPRI/1/1625/S4/1-10 18 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/S4/11 12 March 1625 codicil DPRI/1/1625/S4/12-22 1625 inventory, actual total £9,765 15s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £5,924 4s 1d) inventory of goods etc. at the White house and at Newcastle and elsewhere, including an inventory of legacies; dated, 12 ... 1625 DPRI/1/1625/S6 Robert SELBYE, merchant, of parish of St Nicholas of the town of Newcastle uppon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne St Nicholas, Northumberland]; also spelt Selby DPRI/1/1625/S6/2-3 19 September 1625 inventory administration granted to Elizabeth Selbye, relict, also for the use of Robert Selbye, [?son] DPRI/1/1625/S6/1 undated account, actual total £154 (with discharge of £196 4s 4d) account of Elizabeth Selby, relict DPRI/1/1625/S7 Thomas SELBYE, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed, of Berwick upon Tweede (Berwicke upon Tweed, Barwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland]; also spelt Selbey, Selby Selbye was also a salmon and grilse fisherman on the Tweed. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B6 DPRI/1/1625/S7/1-2 16 November 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/S7/3-6 14 April 1625 inventory, actual total £809 0s 3d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £26) DPRI/1/1625/S8 Nicholas SHEFFEILD, of city of Durham [Durham, County Durham] see also 1625 bond A255 bond: DPRI/3/1625/B255 DPRI/1/1625/S8/1 undated inventory Inventory, latterly mutilated and re-used by the probate office as a wrappers in boxes DPRI/1/1621 and 1622, and marked 'a duplicate'; [the original no longer survives]. DPRI/1/1625/S9 John SMART, of Marwood late of the chappellrie of Barnerd Castell [Barnard Castle, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B215 DPRI/1/1625/S9/1 2 May 1625 indented inventory, actual total £39 8s 8d with supplementary inventory, 9 September 1625, actual total £178 9s 2d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £123 18s 10d) the first inventory includes £7 worth of household goods etc. of George Smyth of Egleston that lay in pawn with the deceased DPRI/1/1625/S10 Isabell SOFTLIE, spinster, of cittie of Durham [Durham, County Durham]; also spelt Softley Softlie owned a shop in Durham. DPRI/1/1625/S10/1 26 October 1623 will with list of debts owed by the testatrix of 16s DPRI/1/1625/S11 George SPOORE, of chapelry of All Saints in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne All Saints, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/S11/1 11 August 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/S11/2-7 7 September 1624 inventory, actual total £127 7s (with account of debts, legacies and funeral charges of £95 3s 8d) endorsed with note relating to a sum of £32 4s 6d [?the balance] to be given in to the court DPRI/1/1625/S12 John STEELE, of Killerbie (Killerbye) of the parish of Heighington in the countie of Durham [Heighington, County Durham]; also spelt Stele bond: DPRI/3/1625/B56 DPRI/1/1625/S12/1-2 7 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/S12/3 22 March 1625 inventory, actual total £329 17s 6d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £318 12s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/S13 William STELLINGE, yeoman, of Nunstainton in the county of Durham [Aycliffe, County Durham] DPRI/1/1625/S13/1-2 18 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/S13/3 26 January 1625 indented inventory, actual total £46 13s 4d (with account of debts, legacies and funeral expenses of £20 14s) DPRI/1/1625/S14 Dorothie STOKO, widow, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Stocoe, Stokoe See also MSP 98 f.13v-14v: related Durham assizes cases, 1631-1634. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B158 DPRI/1/1625/S14/1-2 16 February 1625 inventory DPRI/1/1625/S14/3-4 27 April 1627 copy writ of mandamus Copy writ of mandamus from [Sir] George Paule, Registrar [of the Court of High Commission], relating to a cause: James Rochester of Newcastle, executor v Mary Foster alias Dortrie, [niece by Alice Dortre]; endorsed with note of receipt [at Durham], 15 May 1627. The writ orders the witnesses to the will be examined and the will itself be compared with the annexed letters testamentary in the presence of Robert Jenison, John Shaw, Francis Gray, Christopher Foster, Samuel Barker, Newcastle clerics, and William Moore, rector of Ponteland, or any two of them, at Newcastle St John parish church between 21 and 23 May 1627. The letters testamentary appear to have been processed in the consistory court at St Paul's cathedral, [?Court of Arches], [?Oct-Dec 1626]. DPRI/1/1625/S15 Willyam STRINGER, yeoman, of Borrowby in the county of Yorke [Leake, Yorkshire] DPRI/1/1625/S15/1 6 February 1626 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 192 DPRI/1/1625/S15/2-3 23 March 1626 inventory, actual total £14 6s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 17s 6d) Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 192 DPRI/1/1625/S16 Clement STROTHER, [husband of Katherine Strother, later Hudson], of parish of Warkworth [Warkworth, Northumberland] see DPRI/4/8 f.19: administration and tuition granted to Thomas Powterson, 11 Nov 1625 bond: DPRI/3/1625/B267 DPRI/1/1625/S16/1 undated inventory Administration granted to Thomas Powterson, uncle of John and Isabell, children of John Hudson [and his wife Katherine, the former relict of Clement Strother], deceased. Endorsed: administration granted, 11 Nov [1625]. DPRI/1/1625/S17 John SWAYLE, husbandman, of parish of Osmotherley (Osmotherlay) in the countie of Yorke [Osmotherley, Yorkshire]; also spelt Swale Swayle described as 'husband'[man]. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B83 DPRI/1/1625/S17/1 5 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/S17/2 21 March 1625 inventory, actual total £5 3s 11d (with account of debts of £2 10s) DPRI/1/1625/S19 John SWINBURNE, baker, beer-brewer, of towne and countye of NewCastell upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Swynburne bond: DPRI/3/1625/B50 DPRI/1/1625/S19/1 9 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/S19/2-4 5 January 1625 inventory, actual total £294 15s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £28 6s 6d) DPRI/1/1625/S18 Thomas SWINNEY, yeoman, of Litle Smeaton within the countye of Yorke [Little Smeaton, Yorkshire]; also spelt Swinhoe, Swynhoe bond: DPRI/3/1625/B82 DPRI/1/1625/S18/1 undated will DPRI/1/1625/S18/2 27 May 1624 inventory, actual total £5 18s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £2) DPRI/1/1625/T1 John TALIOR, bachelor, of Whorleton in the county of Durham [Whorlton, County Durham]; also spelt Taylor, Taler, Tayler bond: DPRI/3/1625/B251 DPRI/1/1625/T1/1 23 August 1625 will administration granted to [?Elizabeth] Taler [?Elizabeth Hornesebye, sister]; Richard Robinson, brother-in-law and executor, having renounced Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 188-189 DPRI/1/1625/T1/2 12 August 1625 inventory, actual total £13 9s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £123 15s 6d) dated 12 Aug 1625 [?recte 1626] DPRI/1/1625/T2 William THOMPSON, yeoman, of Branspeth (Branncepeth, Brancepeth) in the county of Durham [Brancepeth, County Durham]; also spelt Thomson bond: DPRI/3/1625/B259 DPRI/1/1625/T2/1-2 10 October 1625 will with nucupative codicil, undated with inventory, undated (unvalued) inventory [contemporaneous] with the will, with list of debts owed to (£6 3s 8d) and owed by (£33 7s 6d) the testator DPRI/1/1625/T2/3-4 29 November 1625 inventory, actual total £53 18s 9d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £33 16s 6d) DPRI/1/1625/T3 George TODD, of towne of Berwick uppon Tweed (Berwicke, Barwick) [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] DPRI/1/1625/T3/1-2 12 January 1625 will with inventory, 1 February 1626, actual total £4 10s 6d will, endorsed with list of debts owed to the testator of £4 19s 1d DPRI/1/1625/T3/3-4 12 January 1625 copy will DPRI/1/1625/T4 William TROTTER, the younger, of Helmenden (Helmeden) [Brancepeth, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B258 DPRI/1/1625/T4/1-2 undated inventory DPRI/1/1625/T5 John TRUMBLE, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]. Died 25 December 1625 DPRI/1/1625/T5/1 17 December 1625 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/T5/2-3 20 January 1626 indented inventory, actual total £33 15s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £11 6s 8d) DPRI/1/1625/T6 John TURNER, keelman, yeoman, of towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland]; also spelt Tourner DPRI/1/1625/T6/1 23 January 1626 will DPRI/1/1625/T6/2 undated inventory, actual total £12 8s 8d (with account of funeral expenses of £3 5s) DPRI/1/1625/W1 Uswin WALKER, of chappelry of Hebburne (Hebborne) in the parishe of Bothall [Hebburn (Northumberland), Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B314 DPRI/1/1625/W1/1 5 July 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/W1/2 24 August 1624 inventory, actual total £15 5s (with account of debts of £9 2s 6d) DPRI/1/1625/W2 John WALLACE, of South Sheiles of the chaplery of St Hyldes [South Shields, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B86 DPRI/1/1625/W2/1-2 undated account account of Margery Kendale, former relict and executrix DPRI/1/1625/W4 Willyam WALLTON, of towneshippe of Linesecke (Lynsecke, Lynesick) in the parishe of Hamsterleye (Hamsterley, chapelry of Hampsterley) and countye of Durham [Lynesack, County Durham]; also spelt Walton DPRI/1/1625/W4/1 26 December 1624 will DPRI/1/1625/W4/2 4 February 1625 inventory, actual total £14 15s 1d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £10 19s 2d) DPRI/1/1625/W3 Richarde WALTON, of parish of Aldstone (Alston) [Alston, Cumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B72 DPRI/1/1625/W3/1 2 December 1624 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/W3/2 2 December 1624 inventory, actual total £38 4s 8d (with account of debts of £7 5s) DPRI/1/1625/W6 Robert WATSON, of Shipwash [Bothal, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B67 DPRI/1/1625/W6/1-2 undated will DPRI/1/1625/W6/3 27 July 1624 inventory, actual total £137 5s 8d DPRI/1/1625/W5 Cuthbart WATTSONN, of Chattonn (Chatton) [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Watson bond: DPRI/3/1625/B299 DPRI/1/1625/W5/1-2 5 November 1622 will with inventory, actual total £10 7s 8d (with account of debts and funeral charges of £7 10s) DPRI/1/1625/W7 25 October 1625 Michaell WELDEN, esquire, of Thorneborowgh (Thornbrough, Thornebrough) in the parishe of Corbridge [Corbridge, Northumberland]; also spelt Weldon bond: DPRI/3/1625/B268 DPRI/1/1625/W7/1-2 19 July 1625 inventory administration granted to John Welden, son, also for the use of Isabell Welden, relict, 25 Oct 1625 DPRI/1/1625/W7/3 24 October 1625 renunciation renunciation of Isabell Welden, relict, nominating John Welden, son, and Thomas Blenrasset, son-in-law, to take out administration for her sole use DPRI/1/1625/W8 James WHITE, yeoman, of Mordon within the county of Durham [Morden, County Durham] The words 'within the parish of Sedgfeld' have been cancelled, however the testator requests to be buried at Sedgfield. bond: DPRI/3/1625/B210 DPRI/1/1625/W8/1-2 20 July 1625 will subscribed with list of debts owed to the testator of £8 6s 6d DPRI/1/1625/W8/3 5 August 1625 inventory, actual total £130 5s 6d DPRI/1/1625/W10 Thomas WHITFEILDE, of Framwelgayt, chappelrie of St Margretts in Durham [Durham St Margaret, County Durham]; also spelt Whitfeild DPRI/1/1625/W10/1-2 17 April 1623 will DPRI/1/1625/W10/3 undated inventory, actual total £27 2s 6d DPRI/1/1625/W9 George WHITHEAD, esquire, Newcastell uppon Tyne, Chester in the Streete in the countie of Durham [Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland; Chester-le-Street, County Durham]; also spelt Whiteheade, Whitehead DPRI/1/1625/W9/1 8 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/W9/2-5 14 July 1625 inventory, actual total £1,218 13s 2d DPRI/1/1625/W12 Alice WILBURNE, spinster, of Byersgreene (Byers Greene, Byersgrene) in the parishe of St Andrew Auckland [Byers Green, County Durham]; also spelt Wilborne DPRI/1/1625/W12/1-2 28 September 1625 nuncupative will DPRI/1/1625/W12/3-4 6 December 1625 inventory, actual total £77 3s 2d DPRI/1/1625/W12/5 December 1625 renunciation renunciation and quitclaim of administration by [Anne Wilburne], mother, to her son[-in-law] John Eltringham, the matter being the subject of a lawsuit between them DPRI/1/1625/W13 Marjery WILKINSON, widow, of the Smeales within the parish of Ryton [Ryton, County Durham]; also spelt Wilkingson bond: DPRI/3/1625/B240 DPRI/1/1625/W13/1 14 January 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/W13/2 8 May 1621 inventory, actual total £25 11s 8d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £8 2s 3d) Inventory of goods etc. of Wilkinson, and received for the use of [her son] Rowland Rychardson for her maintenance; dated 8 May 1621 [?recte 1625]. [This date may indicate the date from which Rowland Richardson and his wife Marjery had maintained the deceased.] DPRI/1/1625/W14 John WILKINSONNE, of Bywell within the parish of Bywell Peter within the county of Northumberlande [Bywell St Peter, Northumberland]; also spelt Wilkinsone, Wilkinson bond: DPRI/3/1625/B120 DPRI/1/1625/W14/1-2 21 March 1624 will probate granted to William Wilkinsonne and Peter Wilkinsonne, the executors DPRI/1/1625/W14/3 26 May 1625 indented inventory, actual total £4 1s DPRI/1/1625/W15 24 September 1625 Roger WILLSON, vicar of Kelloe, clerk, of Myddleton araw (aeraw) in the countie of Durham [Middleton St George, County Durham]; also spelt Willsonne, Wilson see DPRI/4/12 f.591v: 24 Sep 1625 bond: DPRI/3/1625/B230 DPRI/1/1625/W15/1 5 March 1625 will DPRI/1/1625/W15/2-3 18 July 1625 inventory, actual total £58 18s 6d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £51 14s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/W17 Robert WILLSON, yeoman, of Middleton (Midlton) in Teasedale (Teasdale) within the countye of Durham [Middleton in Teesdale, County Durham]; also spelt Wilson, Wilsonn bond: DPRI/3/1625/B20 DPRI/1/1625/W17/1 17 February 1624 will Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 170-171 DPRI/1/1625/W17/2 18 September 1624 inventory, actual total £26 9s (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £7 2s 2d) DPRI/1/1625/W16 William WILSON, of Sedgfeld (Sedgfeild) [Sedgefield, County Durham] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B132 DPRI/1/1625/W16/1-2 13 May 1625 nuncupative will with inventory, 27 May 1625, actual total £18 17s 10d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £3 10s 4d) DPRI/1/1625/W11 Rebecca WOODRINGTON, spinster, of Stainthropp (Staindrop) in the county of Durham [Staindrop, County Durham]; also spelt Witherington, Widdrington bond: DPRI/3/1625/B320 DPRI/1/1625/W11/1-2 9 November 1625 will endorsed: inventory not exhibited Full edition published in Wood, H.M. (ed) "Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, Part IV" (Surtees Society, number 142, 1929, reprinted 1968), p 189-190 DPRI/1/1625/W18 John WRIGHT, pensioner, of Barwicke upon Tweed [Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland] bond: DPRI/3/1625/B49 DPRI/1/1625/W18/1 2 January 1625 will with list of debts owed to (£2 6s 6d) and owed by (£1 15s 2d) the testator - the latter being settled on his death bed DPRI/1/1625/W18/2 12 January 1625 inventory, actual total £3 4s 11d (with account of debts and funeral expenses of £2 10s 5d) DPRI/1/1625/Y1 Thomas YONG, yeoman, of Hussellrigg (Hessellrigg, Haslerigg) within the county of Northumberland and parish of Chattonn [Chatton, Northumberland]; also spelt Younge bond: DPRI/3/1625/B201 DPRI/1/1625/Y1/1 12 April 1622 will with inventory, actual total £31 1s 8d