Reference code: GB-0298-UC/AK
Title: St Cuthbert's
(Ushaw) Papers
Dates of creation: 1854-2012
Extent: 8 boxes
Held by: Ushaw College Library
Language: English and Latin
St Cuthbert's
is a registered charity, founded in 1854 as an Alumni association of Ushaw College. Through subscriptions and donations, the
organises annual meetings and alumni events, most notably its annual Grand Day event held
at Ushaw College. Following the closure of the college in 2011, the
has broadened its membership to encompass all those with an interest in the future of Ushaw and its role in performing a wider mission rooted in Catholic educational
The papers of the
administration and activities, including constitutions, annual reports, minutes of meetings, papers relating to the Friends of Ushaw College network, correspondence with the Charity Commission, financial papers
(ledgers, accounts etc), membership records, events including Grand Day, and printed pamphlets.
Since its formation in 1854, the St Cuthbert's
papers have always been stored at Ushaw College, although they remained, and still remain, a separate corporate entity.
There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright
owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
The papers are arranged in the following categories:
1. Management Records
2. Financial Papers
3. Membership Records
4. Events
5. Printed Pamphlets
6. Other Photographs
Further accruals are anticipated.
Ushaw College Administrative Papers
1. Management RecordsReference: UC/AK/AUC/AK/A1 1854-2003
St Cuthbert’s
constitutions and rules (various editions)
1 file
UC/AK/A2 June 1855 – 2011/12
St Cuthbert’s
Annual Reports:
(1) 1855 - 1880 (1 outsize file)
(2) 1881 - 1899 (1 volume)
(3) 1900 - 1914 (1 volume)
(4) 1915 - 1934 (1 volume)
(5) 1934 - 1959 (1 file)
(6) 1960 - 1990 (1 file)
(7) 1990 - 2011/12 (1 file)
4 files & 3 volumes
UC/AK/A3 24 July 1855 – 21 March 2011
Minutes of St Cuthbert’s
Council and AGM meetings (the volume dated 27 July 1886 - 24 July 1933 is a draft minute book):
(1) 24 July 1855 - 29 July 1874 (1 volume)
(2) 27 July 1875 - 13 July 1977 (1 volume)
(3) 27 July 1886 - 24 July 1933 (1 volume)
(4) 18 July 1978 - 2012 (1 file)
3 volumes & 1 file
UC/AK/A4/1-2 11 April 1869
Printed subscription list and manuscript statement of accounts for contributions made towards the enlargement of the refectory at Ushaw College
2 items
UC/AK/A5 15 April 1976 - July 2000
Secretaries' papers, mostly correspondence on the publication of the annual report, membership enquiries and other administrative matters
4 files
UC/AK/A6 26 September 1997 – 6 March 2001
Papers, including correspondence, and minutes of meetings relating to the establishment and management of a Friends of Ushaw College network
1 file
UC/AK/A7 1998 – 10 January 2004
Brian Passmore’s papers, mostly relating to the St Cuthbert’s
constitution and correspondence with the Charity Commissioners concerning the
’s charitable status
1 file
UC/AK/A8 2004
Biographies (mostly printed from the Internet) and articles of notable Ushaw alumni, arranged alphabetically, including Ian Bannen, Henry Barraud, Admiral Sir Edward Charlton, Thomas Eyre, Lafcadio Hearn, John Lingard, Paddy McAloon, Cardinal
Merry del Val, Coventry Patmore, A.W. Pugin, Joe Taylor, Francis Thompson, Charles Waterton, Nicholas Wiseman, and Patrick Wymark
1 file
2. Financial RecordsReference: UC/AK/BUC/AK/B1 [?January] 1855
St Cuthbert’s
account statement, including subscriptions paid, receipts, payments, and investments
1 item
UC/AK/B2 1940/41 – 1972/73
St Cuthbert’s
printed account statements (submitted to the General Meeting)
1 file
UC/AK/B3 1951 – 1993
St Cuthbert’s
investment ledger
1 file
UC/AK/B4 1982 – 1995
St Cuthbert’s
cash record book
1 volume
UC/AK/B5 1983 – 1984
St Cuthbert’s
cheque books and record book
1 file
UC/AK/B6 1984 – 15 June 2004
Papers relating to income tax repayment claims
1 file
UC/AK/B7 1991-2004
St Cuthbert’s
annual accounts papers, including supporting documentation (bank statements, expenses, receipts etc)
2 boxes
UC/AK/B8 1996-2005
Papers relating to St Cuthbert’s
’s investment portfolios, mostly with Wise Speke (Brewin Dolphins Securities Ltd), including correspondence, invoices, portfolio reviews, valuation reports, and portfolio research
4 files
UC/AK/B9 2004-2005
St Cuthbert’s
Gift Aid declaration forms (completed by members)
1 file
3. Membership RecordsReference: UC/AK/C
Membership records under 80 years will not be open for consultation following the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
UC/AK/C1 19 July 1854 – 1927/28
Roll list of members of the St Cuthbert’s
, arranged alphabetically, including names, addresses, dates of admission, and category of member
Also includes lists of secretaries/assistant secretaries, treasurers, librarians and Instrument Room men, chaplains, as well as names of members who have died between 1910 and 1928
1 volume
UC/AK/C2 20 July 1854 - 1 June 1898
Letter book, mostly letters from various individuals (including Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman) agreeing to become members of the
, as well as payment of subscriptions
1 volume
UC/AK/C3 1855-1880
Draft roll list of members of the St Cuthbert’s
, arranged alphabetically, including names, addresses, dates of admission, and category of member
Also includes names of members who died
Probably used as a draft list for the above roll list volume
1 volume
UC/AK/C4 [early 20th century] – 1938
Address book showing a list of members of the St Cuthbert’s
, arranged alphabetically, including names, addresses, dates of admission, and category of member
1 volume
UC/AK/C5/1-3 1948, 1951 & 1973
Printed lists of members of St Cuthbert’s
3 items
UC/AK/C6 [1970 x 1990]
Members’ address cards, arranged alphabetically
1 volume
UC/AK/C7 1990 – 1999
Deceased members’ cards
1 file
UC/AK/C8 [2000]
Completed membership application forms, arranged alphabetically
2 files
UC/AK/C9 18 March 1992 – 2 July 2004
Letters from members and prospective members, mostly wishing to join or renew subscriptions
1 file
UC/AK/C10 1995 – 2013
Newsletters and circular letters sent from the St Cuthbert’s
committee to its members
1 file
UC/AK/C11 1988 - 1999
Lists of applicants for membership, deceased members, and nominations for Council
1 file
UC/AK/C12 [2010?]
Lists of alumni of Ushaw College, 1952/52 - 1973/74
1 file
4. EventsReference: UC/AK/D(a) 1858 Ushaw JubileeReference: UC/AK/D1UC/AK/D1/1 23 July 1857
Printed resolution passed at a meeting of the St Cuthbert’s
calling for a memorial to celebrate the Ushaw Jubilee
1 item
UC/AK/D1/2 [July] 1857
Printed appeal by Rev Robert Hogarth to the alumni and other friends of St Cuthbert’s College seeking subscriptions for the establishment of a fund to educate a student in celebration of the Ushaw Jubilee
1 item
UC/AK/D1/3 20 – 22 July 1858
Programme for the Ushaw Jubilee
1 item
UC/AK/D1/4 21 July 1858
St. Cuthbert's College Ode by Cardinal Wiseman
1 item
UC/AK/D1/5 July 1858
Printed letter from Robert Hogarth and subscription list for the establishment of a fund to educate a student in celebration of the Ushaw Jubilee
1 letter
UC/AK/D1/6 1859
Committee report with a subscription list for the establishment of a fund to educate a student in celebration of the Ushaw Jubilee by Robert Hogarth
1 volume
(b) Grand WeekReference: UC/AK/D2UC/AK/D2/1 1991 – 2014
Papers relating to Grand Week, including correspondence, list of attendees, and programmes
1 box
UC/AK/D2/2 1999
Photographs of alumni at the Grand Week
20 photographs
UC/AK/D2/3 [?2000] – 2008
Music scores and orders of service for Masses held in honour of St Cuthbert’s
during Grand Week
1 file
(c) Other EventsReference: UC/AK/D3UC/AK/D3/1 1928
Playbill of
The Detective, performed at Ushaw College
1 item
5. Printed PamphletsReference: UC/AK/EUC/AK/E1 1993
St John Boste Celebrations Committee,
St John Boste and the Continuity of Catholicism in the Deerness Valley (Old Hall Press, 1993)
1 pamphlet
UC/AK/E2 1999
L. Emm, A. MacGregor, J.P. O’Keefe, and H. Tompkinson,
Rules for the Game of Cat and of Keeping Up and of Handball, Ushaw Library Publications, no. 2 (Ushaw College, 1999)
1 pamphlet
UC/AK/E3 December 1999
Ushaw Library Bulletin and Liturgical Review, no. 10, (Ushaw College, 1999)
1 pamphlet
UC/AK/E4 2003
Bridget Nichols and Alistair MacGregor,
Deliver us from Evil, Part I, (Ushaw College, 2003)
1 pamphlet
6. Other PhotographsReference: UC/AK/FUC/AK/F1 [2005]
Members of the St Cuthbert
Society restoring the gardens at Ushaw College
12 colour prints