DUL Add.MS.1950/ZD/21
Held by: Durham University Library: Additional Manuscripts

Two separate leaves from a Gradual; that at the back with a catchword, and so presumably the last leaf of a quire; that at the front with an added number, 73, in the upper margin of the recto, reused as pastedowns in Platonis Atheniensis, philosophi, summi ac penitus divini Opera ... (Basle: In officina Frobeniana, 1561)

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t1m2r36tx709.html

Physical description of manuscript


Extent: 2 leaves, cropped on at least three sides
Size: 310 mm x 213 mm

No pricking or ruling visible. Written space 285 x 182 mm. 13 lines + staves.


Written in textura, proficiently

square notation; 4-line staves in red.

cadels, to most forms, washed with yellow. Blue paraphs. Initials: (i) to stanzas of sequences, 1 text line, alternately blue and red; (ii) to introits and sequences, 1 text line + stave, blue with foliate infilling and flourishing in red.

Manuscript history

Written in England, mid 14th century.


Pastedowns, now lifted and re-used as flyleaves in Shelfmark of source: Routh XXII.A.16, Platonis Atheniensis, philosophi, summi ac penitus divini Opera, quae ad nos extant omnia, per Ianum Cornarium medicum physicum Latina lingua conscripta ... (Basle: In officina Frobeniana, 1561), bound in reversed calf with a central oval blind stamp to front and back covers - Ker, Pastedowns centrepiece vii, and Ker, Pastedowns ornaments 35 and 50 used at cornerpieces of the outer and inner panels respectively. These tools are used on Oxford bindings between 1565 and 1615. 16th century ownership inscription of Thomas Summaster (died 1603, rector of Bere Ferrers; Canon Residentiary of St Peter's, Exeter and Archdeacon of Cornwall).

Manuscript contents
Routh XXII.A.16, flyleaves
Original title: Gradual
Language: Latin

(a; front:) minus et illuxit ... ... usque in seculum. Friday after Easter gradual - Saturday after Easter alleluya
(b; back:) Accipite iocunditatem ... ... populo tuo alleluya iter. Tuesday after Pentecost introit - Ember Wednesday introit.

Edited: Sarum Missal, p.142 and 163.
Ker, Pastedowns 1591a

Digitised material for Routh 22.A.16 ms fragments and binding - DUL Add.MS.1950/ZD/21


Ker, N.R., Fragments of medieval manuscripts used as pastedowns in Oxford bindings: with a survey of Oxford binding c. 1515-1620 (Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 2004)

The Sarum missal   OCLC citation, ed. J. Wickham Legg (Oxford: OUP, 1969)

Index terms