DCL MS. B.III.24Giles of Rome, De regimine principum; Roger of Waltham, Compendium morale.
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

Manuscript comprises two separate parts: (A) f.1-110 Giles of Rome, De regimine principum and (B) f.111-207 Roger of Waltham, Compendium morale. They were probably still separate in 14/15th century (only the first features in the note of content of that date on f.1r and is reported in the early 15th century “in recompensationem” booklist), but they had been brought together by s. 15/16th century at the latest (both are registered in the list of content that was added to f.iiᵛ by Thomas Swalwell).

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t2mn296wz17z.html

Physical description of manuscript


Size: 340 mm x 232 mm
Extent: v+208+iii f


Main text in ink.

Condition of manuscriptThe top and fore-edge of all the leaves are blackened; some soot staining and water damage onto the margins of various folios, including 1-12; cockling; worm damage to first and last leaves.

Durham binding, 18th century, by Waghorn; 5 bands; 2 metal clasps; blind-tooled; added gold armorial of Durham Cathedral on cover.

Manuscript history

Pressmarks: ‘[.S. – crossed through].’, 14th century; f.1r, top right. ‘S’, 14/15th century; f.1r, top left. 1a 7i R, 15th century; f.1r, top right.
Egidius de regimine principum De communi libraria Monachorum dunelm, early 15th century; f.1r, upper margin.
Contents list registering (A) items (a) and (b) and (B), plus the shelf-mark 1a 7i R., s. 15/16th century, all by Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham, f. ii verso.
(A) is included on the 15th century list, "Libri infrascripti sunt de novo adquisiti ad communem armariolum in recompensationem librorum oxoniam missorum" (DCL MS B.IV.46).

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 110 f



I-XIII8, XIV7 (an original 4 [f.104-7], to which three singletons [f.108-110] were subsequently appended.

Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords (generally in a red box or scroll).
Signatures: Contemporary quire lettering and leaf numbering in the first half of quires, largely trimmed off.

Text-block: 240 x 165 mm. Two columns (width, 75 mm), 49 lines. Ruling: ink/crayon. Single verticals bound both columns.


(a) written in Anglicana formata, number of hands uncertain, probably corrected by same scribe.
(b) Secretary, bold and consistent: the hand of William le Stiphel, the Breton scribe who worked for Finchale and Durham.


Start of (a) is marked by a decorated initial, 9 lines high, in dark blue, dark red, and pink, with highlights in white, set against burnished gold.

Corrections and annotation

Some notes are said (Briggs, Giles of Rome, p. 105, reporting AJ Piper) to be by Robert of Masham (monk of Durham c. 1386-1418, at Oxford by 1390/1, bursar of Durham College 1395-6).

History of section of manuscript

Written in England; Durham, 14th century.

Manuscript contents
(a)     f.1r-105v
Original title: De regimine principum
Author: Giles, of Rome, Archbishop of Bourges, approximately 1243-1316
Incipit: Ex regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo domino speciali domino philippo primogenito
Explicit: bonum et pacem ciuium merebuntur pacem illam eternam in qua est summa requies quam deus ipse suis promisit fidelibus qui est benedictus in secula seculorum, amen.
Rubric: Incipit liber de regimine principum editus a fratre egidio romano ordinis fratris herenitarum santi augustini.
Language: Latin

Numerous contemporary corrections up to f.90r

(b)     f.105v-110v
Original title: De imperatore, rege et milite
Incipit: Primo est sciendum quod imperator non succedit imperio iure successionis secundum quod regulariter alii reges faciunt
Explicit: Natura uero naturans cum ad illam redibitis per intercessionem virginis gloriose uos collocet cum suis electis Amen.
Language: Latin

Tract added to vacant space at the end of the final short quire. Anonymous, it has been tentatively attributed to William of Monte Lauduno (d. 1343).

Physical description of section of manuscript


Extent: 97+i f



I9+slip (= an original 10, from which leaf 1 has been excised; an unnumbered contemporary supply slip has been sewn on to f.113r); II-VIII12, IX4

Catchwords: Original catchwords on each quire bar the last.

Text-block: 250 x 154 mm. Two columns (width: 70 mm) 53 lines. Lead and ink ruling.


Written in Textualis libraria, by one scribe.


Prologue is headed by a blue initial, 4 lines high, flourished in red, each subsequent section by a 2-line-high version of the same.

History of section of manuscript

Written in England, start of 14th century.

Manuscript contents
(c)     f.111r-207v
Original title: Compendium morale
Author: Roger of Waltham, - approximately 1332
Incipit: Sapientiam sanctorum exquiret sapiens, et narrations uirorum nominatorum conseruabit
Explicit: Explicit compendium morale de quibusdam dictis et factis exemplaribus antiquorum per Rogerum de Waltham canonicum londiniensem compilatum, qui simplici opere suo hic concludens cum ouidio, libro de ponto ait, Leta quidem letus cecini cano tristia tristis. Conueniens operi tempus utrumque suo. Sic deo et beate uirgini se commendans Amen.
Rubric: Prologus in compendium morale de uirtuosis factis et dictis exemplaribus antiquorum
Language: Latin

An omission on f.113r, column ii, was made good by the original scribe on a supply slip (now 135 x 175 mm, cropped with loss of text along its lower edge, the final words completely gone), sewn in to place.

Cited: Bloomfield, 5289

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS. B.III.24 - Giles of Rome, De regimine principum; Roger of Waltham, Compendium morale
Digitised February 2018 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project f.ir is formerly a pastedown, now lifted, comprising two leaves that were stuck together but are now partly separated. The final folio (unfoliated) is also comprised of two leaves. They are separating along the fore-edge, and had to be clipped together for digitisation. There are two f.27. The second one has had a cross (x) added to the foliator. f.100r has a small extra flap of parchment in the top corner. There is no text underneath it, so it was not forced up for digitisation. Pages with marginalia not visible in the image because they are too far into the gutter: Recto: 14r, 15r, 23r, 24r, 32r, 34r, 38r, 42r, 45r, 46r, 48r, 53r – 55r, 58r, 60r – 62r, 67r – 69r, 115r. Verso: 4v, 10v – 12v, 14v, 15v, 21v – 24v, 31v, 33v, 36v, 116, 157v, 159v.


Bloomfield, Morton W., Guyot, Bertrand-Georges, Howard, Donald R. and Kabealo, Thyra B., Incipits of Latin works on the virtues and vices, 1100-1500 A.D. Including a section of incipits of works on the Pater noster   OCLC citation (Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1979)

Briggs, C.F., Giles of Rome’s De regimine principium: reading and writing politics at court and university, c. 1275-c. 1525   OCLC citation (Cambridge: CUP, 1999)

Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.   OCLC citation, Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).

Index terms