Physical description of manuscript
Extent: ii+310+i f
Size: 428 mm x 285 mm
Modern pencil foliation (f.214-217 were originally misnumbered 213-216 but this was crudely corrected by the foliator).
Secundo folio: est Tamen sub
CollationI-XXXVIII8, XXXIX6 (=8 with leaves 7-8, blank, cancelled)
Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on all quires bar XXXI (where the scribe wrote his name, “le stipel” , instead – possibly suggesting that this [f.248, the end of item (i)] may have been the end of a phase of production) and the last (XXXIX).
Signatures: Two sets of signatures plus leaf numbering in the first half of quires, bar the last; both now incomplete due to trimming.
Two columns (width 95 mm).
60 lines (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 3 mm).
Text-block: 302 x 208 mm.
Textualis quadrata or semi-quadrata, rectilinear; calligraphic elaboration of sentence capitals; citations underlined in red. The hand of William le Stiphel – as attested by scribal colophons on f.248v, f.284r and f.310r (the first in the centre of the lower margin on the final page of item (i), stroked in red; the other two following the explicits to (l) and (p) respectively, and underlined in red throughout).
f.248v: le stipel. f.284r: Lector guillm' le stiphel id est sibi nomen, Scriptoris libri, precibus quo fundito presto, Uota queat digne sentire mali releuamen Celis sine fine sibi gaudia semper vt amen. f.310r: Explicit postille in isto volumine contente, super omnes libros biblie a principio gen' usque ad principium libri iob, edite per magistrum nicholaum de lyra sacre theologie doctorem parisien[sis-expunctuated], et scripte per manum Willelmi de stiphel, ex precepto domini Roberti blaklaw sacre theologie bacularij et subprioris Monasterij Dunelmie, anno domini millesimo. CCC. lxxxvj. die. xiiij. mensis aprilis. Le stiphel..
William Le Stiphel is first documented in 1381 when, according to his colophon, he wrote a collection of historical texts (BL, Burney 310) at Durham’s nearby cell, Finchale, for Uthred of Boldon (prior 1375-83 and 1386-97). The Feretrar’s accounts, recording payments in subsidium libro scribendo qui dicitur Lyra both for 1383-4 and for 1384-5, show that the present work was in progress from 1383, this first volume being completed (according to its second colophon) in 1386. The second volume of the set (DCL MS A.I.4), in which le Stiphel did the first stint, was presumably finished shortly thereafter.
f.1r has an all-round decorative border principally composed of foliate, floriate and vine-scroll motifs, but also incorporating at the top of the left hand column a cockerel and a peacock, and at the bottom a pair of dragons; it is predominantly painted in blues, purples, and browns, with some green and orange, set against gold leaf. The incipit initial, linked to the frame, is historiated with a standing figure of St Cuthbert presented as a contemporary bishop (clad in blue chasuble with a gold orphry), blessing with his right hand and holding a pastoral staff with his left, while cradling the crowned head of King Oswald in the crook of his left arm; kneeling in supplication beside him is a black monk holding a scroll inscribed, confessor nostre cuthberte mei miserere.
Subsequent books are headed by a red and blue initial, 10+ lines high, flourished in both colours, plus sometimes purple, with red and blue extensions into the borders. Chapters are headed by blue initials, 3 lines high, flourished in red. The flourishing occasionally includes beast faces and dragon motifs.
Bound in Durham by Waghorn, 18th century. Pasteboard boards covered in calf; decorated with two rolled rectangles, the outer one with fleuron corner-pieces; the innermost and outermost zones speckled to be darker; 2 medieval (?) metal clasps similar to those on A.II.2, 13, B.II.25, 31, B.III.17, 19, 20, and Inc. 38; gilt armorial of Durham Cathedral subsequently applied to the centre of both boards (presumably by Tucketts).
Manuscript history
Written in England, Durham,
1383-6, by William le Stiphel for Robert Blacklaw, subprior 1382-4 and 1386-7.
“k (deleted) Nicholaus de lira a principio biblie vsque ad principium libri Iob de communi libraria monachorum dunelm”, early 15th century, f.1r, top. Pressmark:
1a 2i. M. twice, 15th century, f.1r, top right and left.
Contents list noting each item, 15th/16th century, by Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham c.1483-1539, unfoliated flyleaf, verso.
Manuscript contents
Original title: In Genesim
Incipit: ecc' xxiiii, secundum quod dicit beatus gregorius, omelia xxxv euangeliorum temporalis vite eterne vite comparata mors est potius dicenda quam vita
Explicit: cum christo resurgente. Cui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen.
Rubric: Prologus. Hec omnia liber vite
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Exodum
Incipit: Secundum quod dicit ysidorus primo libro eth[ym]o[logiarum], lex est nullo priuato comodo
Explicit: et spaciorum intermediorum prout in textu continetur. Et si alius melius videat placet michi.
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Leviticum
Incipit: sicut dictum fuit in principio exodi
Explicit: Ultimo recapitulat dicens
Rubric: Uocauit autem moysen etc.
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Numeros
Incipit: Ex predictis in precedentibus libris; Patet quod sicut in libro Genesis agitur
Explicit: quantum ad moralia et cerimonalia atquae indicia quantum ad iudicialia
Rubric: Capitulum primum. Locutus est dominus
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Deuteronomium
Incipit: sictu dictum fuit in principio exodi
Explicit: non sunt facta per alium prophetam in veteri lege
Rubric: Capitulum 1. Declaratio sermonum tuorum illuminat et intellectum dat paruulis
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Joshuam
Incipit: Exo' xv ca'. Secundum hebreos a libro Iosue incipiunt libri prophetales
Explicit: non est in hebreo nec in libris correctis
Rubric: Capitulum primum. Introduces eos et plantabis eos in monte hereditatis tue
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Iudices
Incipit: Iudic' ii ca'. Sicut in libro iosue a quo incipiunt libri hystoriales
Explicit: quia non ceperant eas ex voluntate vestra
Rubric: Capitulum primum. Suscitauit dominus iudices qui liberarent eos de vastantium manibus
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Ruth
Incipit: Hic consequenter ponitur tercius casus scilicet ipsius Ruth
Explicit: sicut dictum est supra secundo capitulo
Rubric: Capitulum 1. In diebus unius iudicis
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In I-IV Regum
Incipit: Sicut dictum fuit in principio
Explicit: Qui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum amen.
Rubric: Prologus. Per me regnant
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In I-II Paralipomenon
Incipit: secundum sententiam beati augustini super Jo
Explicit: id est omnes ordines angelorum
Rubric: Colligite fragmenta ne pereant
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In I Esdram
Incipit: Secundum quod in libris precedentibus dictum est
Explicit: alienigenas et eos qui de his nati sunt
Rubric: Prologus. Erit sacerdos super solio suo
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In III Esdram
Incipit: liber iste qui dicitur esdre secundus, videtur magis ab alio auctore
Explicit: ad diuinas laudes et obsequia Cui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum amen
Rubric: Capitulum primum. Et fecit iosias
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Nehemiam
Incipit: Postquam desripta est descriptio [sic] populi sub esdra
Explicit: recommendat se suo creatori, cui est honor et gloria in secula seculorum amen.
Rubric: Capitulum 1. Uerba neemie
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Esther
Incipit: Postquam descriptus est progressus populi de capituitate babilonica
Explicit: excogitata et scripta post edicionem vulgare inserta.
Rubric: In diebus assuery
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Tobiam
Incipit: Postquam auxiliante deo, scripsi super libros sacre scripture canonicos
Explicit: et hoc cedit ad honorem dei qui dat gratiam
Rubric: Prologus. Hec oportuit facere et illa non omittere
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Original title: In Judith
Incipit: Post hystoriam susanie, belis et draconis, que contigerunt captiuitatis tempore ut supra dictum est
Explicit: ad laudem dei cuius virtute fact fuit hec victoria. Cui est honor in secula seculorum amen
Rubric: Capitulum primum. Arphaxat itaque
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller,
Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.
Digitised March 2018 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project
Throughout the volume there are many pages with marginalia not visible in the image because they are too far into the gutter.
DCL MS A.I.3 has a detached clasp - the clasp has been placed where it should be.
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis
dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at
various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including
catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.
Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).
Stegmüller, F., Repertorium biblicum medii aevi
(Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1950-1961)