DCL MS. A.II.8 Canonical Epistles, Sapiential books, Apocalypse, Minor Prophets, with glossesHeld by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts
Glossed books of the Bible: Canonical Epistles, Sapiential books, Apocalypse, Minor Prophets; written in England or France early 13th century. A composite volume of six contemporary, matching parts: (A) f.6-91; (B) f.92-119; (C) f.120-141; (D) f.142-157; (E) f.158-225; (F) f.226-291; plus medieval flyleaves (f.4-5); plus raised pastedowns and fly- and endleaves (f.1-3 and 292-4) recycled from a different medieval book. The use of the last page of (E) to supplement the first page of (F) shows that these parts were joined in the early 13th century; and (A) to (F) plus f.4-5 had all been brought together by the second half of the 14th century at the latest (content list of that date on f.5v). That the recycled leaves were added at a later stage is indicated by the presence of two rust-ringed holes in f.4-6 (from metal fixtures on an earlier binding) which do not appear on f.1-3, and similarly by rust stains from fixtures plus impressions from board channels on f.290-291 that are not on f.292-4. Nevertheless, the stains and holes from different metal fixtures that are common to f.1-5 and to f.291-4 show that the recycled leaves were deployed for some time in at least one binding prior to the present one.
Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t1mh989r333c.html
Physical description of manuscript
Extent: vi+286+iv f
Size: 370 mm x 272 mm
Modern pencil foliation.
Secundo folio: humilis in exaltation sua, diues autem
Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over
thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British
Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th
Traces of two previous bindings.
(1) Rust-stained holes on f.4-5 from two metal fixtures, half way across the leaf, one approximately 70 mm down from the top, the other approximately 70 mm up from the bottom; rust-stained holes on f.290-1, half way across the leaf, one 165 mm up from the bottom, a triangle of three smaller ones 80 mm from the bottom. Impressions left on f.91 from four oblong sewing channels (12 x 30 mm), occurring 70, 135, 205, and 285 mm from the top of the leaf, aligned with their long side at right angles to the spine.
(2) Rust-ringed holes (from the metal fixtures for a pair of clasps) towards the fore-edge of f.1-5. Stains on f.1r from turnovers. Rust-ringed hole from a metal clasp fixture at the fore-edge, towards the top of f.291-294. Stains from turnovers on f.294v. Impressions on f.293-4 from a pair of V-shaped sewing channels, close to the gutter, their points 110 and 250 mm from the top of the leaf.
Manuscript history
Written in France or England,
early 13th century.
Inscription: “¶liber Sancti Cuthberti de Dunelmo”, later 13th century, f.5v, top.
“Assignatus communi armario in claustro, qui hunc alienauerit anathema sit Amen.”, later 14th century, f.5v, added above the ex libris and linked to it by a line.
List of contents, later 14th century, f.5v (below ex libris): “In isto volumine continentur libri subscripti. Epistola iacobi canonica … Malachias” (contents of (A)-(F).
Pressmark: “.A.”, later 14th century, f.6r, top right.
“A Epistole canonice de communi libraria monachorum dunelm'”, early 15th century f.6r.
Cited in Cloister and Spendement catalogues.
SECTION: (endleaves)
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 6 bifolia, opened out and bound in sideways. f.1, 2 and 294 were formerly used as pastedowns. From a single quire, the leaves were in their original context ordered 294 (outermost), 293, 292, 1, 2, 3 (centre, with what is not the recto being the innermost pages). Size of original page, up to 255 x 200 mm.
Size: 255 mm x 200 mm
Text-block: 160 x 110 mm. 27 lines in two columns (width, 45 mm).
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, not especially regular, by one hand with glossing in another hand.
History of section of manuscript
Written in France or England,
later 13th century.
ProvenanceUnmatched copies of ‘Textus Physicorum’ appear on the 1392 and 1416 Spendement lists (Cat. Vet., p. 32 R and E = p. 110 R and E), and the 1395 Cloister list.
Manuscript contents(a)
f.1-3; 292-294
Original title: Physica
Language: Latin
f.294v (upper half): //[cor]pus autem medium loci contigens est., Sed non spacium corporis. Et est locus alicubi, non sicut in loco autem sed sicut terminus infinito …f.294v (lower half) … dicebat paragonicus [sic for ‘pithagoricus’] patro’ penitus, indisciplinabile, quia obliuiscuntur in hoc dicens [rect]ius.// Book 4, ch. 5 to Book 4, ch. 13. Book number (Arabic numeral) given as running heading on rectos. Regular marginal and interlinear glossing up to the end of chapter 9 (on fol. 3r, lower half). None thereafter.
SECTION: (flyleaves)
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: A bifolium. Parchment: low quality with a substantial hole in f.4. Used as flyleaves by later 13th century.
Written in documentary hand based on Textualis semi-quadrata
Manuscript contents(b)
Modern title: Seven verses and responses
Language: Latin
1.Saluos fac seruos tuos et ancillas tuas. Deus meus. 2. Esto nobis domine turris fortitudinis. A facie. 3. Domine salvuum fac regem. Et exaudi. 4. Fiat pax in uirtute tua. Et habundantia. 5. Domine deus uirtutum nos. Et ostende. 6. Domine exaudi orationem meam. Et clamor. 7. Dominus uobiscum. Et cum spiritu tua. Oremus. (Each entry starts on a new line, the responses being roughly aligned at the end of the relevant line)
Modern title: Prayers
Language: Latin
Five for the King, two for peace
Modern title: Ex libris and contents list
Language: Latin
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 86 f
CollationI-VI12, VII14
Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on quires III-VI.
Main written area: (f.6r-42r) 238 x 145 mm; (f.42v-90v) 245 x 152 mm; (f.91r) 268 x 132 mm. Columns vary in number and width.
f.6r-42r: the biblical text is written on every other line, up to a maximum of 26 lines per page (height of minims, 3 mm); the gloss is written on every line, up to a maximum 53 lines (height of minims 2 mm). f.42v-91r: the biblical text is written on every other line, up to a maximum of 27 lines per page (height of minims, 2 mm); the gloss is written on every line, up to a maximum of 55 per page (height of minims, 1+ mm).
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than for the gloss; Textualis libraria, semi-cursive, for the marginal apparatus (some of which may have been contributed by hands other than that of the main scribe at the point in question).
Red and blue initials, flourished in both colours.
Manuscript contentsf.6-36
Modern title: Canonical Epistles with gloss
Modern title: Prefaces to glossed canonical epistles
Incipit: Non ita est ordo apud grecos qui integre sapient
Explicit: irruens percellat
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 809
Cited: Stegmüller, 807
Cited: Stegmüller, 806
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.5
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.6
Modern title: James, with gloss
Incipit: Iacobus dei et domini nostri iesu Christi
Explicit: et operiet multitudinem peccatorum
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 5 chapters by initials within the text and Roman numerals in the margins.
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.11
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.14
Cited: Stegmüller, 11846.15
Modern title: I Peter, with gloss
Incipit: Petrus apostolus iesu christi
Explicit: qui estis in cristo iesu amen
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 5 chapter via Roman numerals in the margins, the relevant sentence capitals being stroked in red
Cited: Stegmüller, 812
Cited: Stegmüller, 11847.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11847.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11847.7
Modern title: II Peter, with gloss
Incipit: Symon petrus per fidem huic mundo
Explicit: clarius manifestat
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 3 chapters by Roman numerals in the margins and paraphs within the text
Cited: Stegmüller, 11848.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11848.7
Cited: Stegmüller, 11848.8
Modern title: I John, with gloss
Incipit: Racionem uerbi et quod ipse deus sit caritas manifestat
Explicit: custodite uos a simulacris
Language: Latin
5 standard chapters are marked by Roman numerals in the margins, and paraphs within the text. Confusion at the junction between I and II John and the Preface to the latter.
Cited: Stegmüller, 822
Cited: Stegmüller, 11849.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11849.3
Modern title: II John, with gloss
Incipit: Usque a deo ad sanctam feminam
Explicit: gracia tecum amen
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 823
Cited: Stegmüller, 11850.4
Modern title: III John, with gloss
Incipit: Gaium pietatis causa
Explicit: salute tu amicos nominatim
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 824
Cited: Stegmüller, 11851.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11851.2
Modern title: Jude
Incipit: Ivdas apostolus fratres de corruptoribus
Explicit: et in omnia secula amen
Language: Latin
Divided into 2 chapters, the second starting at verse 11
Cited: Stegmüller, 825
Cited: Stegmüller, 11852.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11852.5
Modern title: Note on the typological symbolism of Seven Canonical Epistles
Incipit: Incipit materia super epistolae canonicae
Explicit: Intencio versatur circa materiam
Language: Latin
Modern title: Job with gloss
Modern title: Notes and parallels for interpreting Job
Incipit: Materia super iob
Explicit: fili recepisti bona in uita tua, et lazarus similiter mala
Language: Latin
Modern title: Prefaces to Job
Incipit: Nota quod tres sensus considerantur hic, hystoricus, allegoricus, moralis
Explicit: ad graciam recipiat
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.7
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.9
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.11
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.12
Cited: Stegmüller, 11800.13
Modern title: Job with gloss
Incipit: Uir erat in terra hus nomine iob
Explicit: dat hereditatem cum fratribus
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 42 chapters by initials in the text and Roman numerals in the margins
Cited: Stegmüller, 1180.14
Cited: Stegmüller, 1180.19
Modern title: Commentary on passages from Job 38-40
Incipit: Plyades ab oriente Arcturus ab aquiline surgit
Explicit: Ossa eius uelut fistule eris cartilage illius quasi lamine ferree
Rubric: Numquid coniungere poteris micantes tellas plyades
Language: Latin
Modern title: Job Prologues
Incipit: Cogor per singulos diuine scripture libros
Explicit: quam ex aliorum negotio
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 357
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 28 f
CollationI-II12, III4
Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on quires I and II
Written area: 237 x 156 mm. Columns vary in number and width.
The biblical text is written on every other line, up to a maximum of 27 lines per page (height of minims, 3 mm), always starting below top line; the gloss is written on every line, up to a maximum 55 lines (height of minims 1.5 mm), often starting above top line.
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than for the gloss, by one hand
Red and blue initial, 30 lines high, flourished in both colours, heads the biblical text. Red initial, 10 lines high, flourished in blue, marks the Preface.
Manuscript contents
Modern title: Proverbs with gloss
Modern title: Preface to Proverbs
Incipit: Ivngat epistola quos iungit sacerdotium
Explicit: suum saporem seuauerint
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 457
Modern title: Proverbs with gloss
Incipit: Parabole salamonis filii dauit regis israel
Explicit: et laudant eam in portis opera eius
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 31 chapters by red or blue initials within the text plus a Roman numeral in the margins
Cited: Stegmüller, 11802.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11802.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11802.6
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 22 f (lower margin of f.139 has been excised)
CollationI10, II12
Catchwords: Contemporary catchword on quire I.
Written area: 240 x 146 mm
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than the gloss. Number of hands uncertain: if there is a change of hands, it occurs between f.128v and f.129r.
Red and blue initial, 7+ lines high, flourished in both colours heads both biblical texts. Red or blue initial, 3+ lines high, flourished in the other colour, heads each preface
Manuscript contents(u)
Modern title: Ecclesiastes with gloss
Incipit: Memini me hoc ferme
Explicit: siue bonum siue malum sit
Language: Latin
Preface, then text divided into the standard 12 chapters via coloured initials within the text and roman numerals in the margins.
Cited: Stegmüller, 462
Cited: Stegmüller, 11803.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11803.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11803.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11803.6
Modern title: Song of Songs with gloss
Incipit: Ieronimus. Salomon id est pacificus, quia in regno eius pax
Explicit: … et resurrectionem domini ascensionemque descripsit
Rubric: Beda est venerabilis expositor tocius libri. Alii ex incidenti
Language: Latin
Hugh of St Cher's Prologue to commentary on Song of Songs added in13th century, f.128v
Cited: Stegmüller, 3682
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.6
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.7
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.9
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.10
Cited: Stegmüller, 11804.22
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 16 f
CollationI12, II4
Catchwords: Contemporary catchword on quire I
Written area: 242 x 156 mm
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than for the gloss
Red and blue initial, 8 lines high, flourished in both colours for the start of the biblical text.
Manuscript contents(w)
Modern title: Wisdom with gloss
Incipit: Incipit prefatio ieronii, eusebii in librum sapiencie
Explicit: et de omnibus hiis liberauit eos dominus
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 468
Cited: Stegmüller, 11805.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11805.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11805.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11805.4
Modern title: Catena of biblical citations from Wisdom books etc.
Language: Latin
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 68 f
CollationI-III12, IV-V8, VI-VII10
Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on quires II-VI
Written area: 222 x 135 mm.
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than for the gloss, with the marginal apparatus smaller and less formal than that in the main text-block. Very similar to the hand(s) of (F).
Red and blue initials, 8 lines high, flourished in red and green for Preface and the start of the biblical text of Ecclesiasticus, both on f.158r. A red initial. 5 lines high, with simple white lines of reserved parchment, heads the biblical text of the Apocalypse.
Manuscript contents(y)
Modern title: Ecclesiasticus with gloss
Incipit: Multorum nobis et magnorum per legem et prophetas
Explicit: tempore suo metemus non deficientes
Language: Latin
With Prologue by Hugh of St-Cher. The standard 51 chapters, numbered in red Roman numerals in the margins; spaces reserved within the text for 1-line-high initials, but left blank
Cited: Stegmüller, 473
Cited: Stegmüller, 11806.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11806.3
Modern title: Apocalypse with gloss
Incipit: Deus pater preuidens
Explicit: id est filius dextere
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 828
Cited: Stegmüller, 832
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.8
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.9
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.10
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.11
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.13
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.17
Cited: Stegmüller, 11853.19
Cited: Stegmüller, 11854
Physical description of section of manuscript
Extent: 66 f
CollationI-V12, VI6
Catchwords: Original catchwords on quires I, and III-V
Written area: 245 x 162 mm
Written in Textualis semi-quadrata, larger and more formal for the biblical text than for the gloss, with the marginal apparatus smaller and less formal than that in the main text-block. Number of hands uncertain, possibly one, and certainly very similar to the scribe of Part E
Red and blue initials, 8+ lines high, flourished in both colours, for the incipits of the biblical texts of each book except Hosea; a blue initial, 3-5 lines high, flourished in red (or vice versa) marks the incipit to Hosea.
Manuscript contents
Modern title: Minor Prophets with gloss
Modern title: Hosea with gloss
Incipit: Non idem ordo est xii prophetarum apud hebreos
Explicit: preuaricatores uero corruent in eis
Language: Latin
Preface starts on f.225v (i.e. end leaf of (E)).
Cited: Stegmüller, 500
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.6
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.7
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.8
Cited: Stegmüller, 11813.12
Modern title: Joel with gloss
Incipit: Sanctus iohel apud hebreos post osee ponitur
Explicit: et dominus commorabitur in sion
Rubric: Incipit prologus Ieronimi super ioel
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 3 chapters by red Roman numerals in the margins.
Cited: Stegmüller, 509
Cited: Stegmüller, 510.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 511
Cited: Stegmüller, 11814.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11814.4
Modern title: Amos with gloss
Incipit: Ozias rex cum dei religionis
Explicit: dicit dominus deus
Language: Latin
Divided into the standard 9 chapters by red roman numerals in the margins; 1-line-high spaces reserved for initials remain unfilled
Cited: Stegmüller, 513
Cited: Stegmüller, 11815.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11815.3
Modern title: Abdias with gloss
Incipit: Hunc prophetam bis exposuit Ieronimus
Explicit: et erit domino regnum
Rubric: Incipit prologus in abdiam prophetam
Language: Latin
Cited: Stegmüller, 517
Cited: Stegmüller, 519
Cited: Stegmüller, 11816.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11816.5
Modern title: Jonah with gloss
Incipit: Sanctum Ionam iudei affirmant filium
Explicit: qui nesciunt quid sit inter dexteram et sinistram suam et iumenta multa
Rubric: Incipit prologus Ieronimi super ionam
Language: Latin
Standard 4 chapters marked by red Roman numerals in the margins; 1-line-high spaces reserved for the initials of their first sentences remained unfilled.
Cited: Stegmüller, 521
Cited: Stegmüller, 524
Cited: Stegmüller, 11817.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11817.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11817.5
Modern title: Micah with gloss
Incipit: Temporibus ioathe
Rubric: Incipit prologus super micheam
Language: Latin
Standard 7 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins; 1-line-high spaces reserved for the initials of their first sentences remained unfilled
Cited: Stegmüller, 526
Cited: Stegmüller, 11818.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11818.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11818.7
Modern title: Nahum with gloss
Incipit: Naum prophetam ante aduentum reigs assiriorum
Explicit: non transiit malicia tua semper
Rubric: Incipit naum
Language: Latin
Standard 3 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins; 1-line-high spaces reserved for the initials of their first sentences remained unfilled
Cited: Stegmüller, 528
Cited: Stegmüller, 11819.4
Modern title: Habakkuk with gloss
Incipit: Quattuor prophete in xii prophetarum
Explicit: in psalmis canentem
Rubric: Incipit prologus Ieronimus super abacuc
Language: Latin
Standard 3 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins, plus a 6-line-high flourished initial for ch. 3 (the 2-line-high space reserved at the start of ch. 2 remained blank)
Cited: Stegmüller, 531
Cited: Stegmüller, 11820.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11820.4
Cited: Stegmüller, 11820.7
Modern title: Zephaniah with gloss
Incipit: Tradunt hebrei cuiuscumque prophete
Explicit: oculis uestris dicit dominus
Rubric: Incipit prologus super sophoniam
Language: Latin
Standard 3 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins; spaces reserved for 1-line-high initials remain unfilled
Cited: Stegmüller, 534
Cited: Stegmüller, 11821.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11821.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11821.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11821.6
Modern title: Haggai with gloss
Incipit: Jheremias propheta ob causam periurii
Explicit: cunctis gentibus
Rubric: Incipit aggeus
Language: Latin
Standard 2 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins; the space reserved for a 1-line-high initial for ch. 2 remains unfilled
Cited: Stegmüller, 535
Cited: Stegmüller, 538
Cited: Stegmüller, 11822.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11822.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11822.6
Modern title: Zechariah with gloss
Incipit: In anno secundo darii regis medorum
Explicit: exercituum in die illa
Rubric: Incipit prologus super zachariam
Language: Latin
Standard 14 chapters are marked by red roman numerals in the margins; spaces reserved for 1-line-high initials remain unfilled.
Cited: Stegmüller, 539
Cited: Stegmüller, 540
Cited: Stegmüller, 11823.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11823.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11823.3
Cited: Stegmüller, 11823.6
Modern title: Malachi with gloss
Incipit: Deus per moysen populo Israel preceperat
Explicit: et percutiam terram anathemate
Rubric: Incipit malachias propheta
Language: Latin
Divided into 3 chapters by red roman numerals in the margins; spaces reserved for 1-line-high initials remained unfilled. The start of modern chapter 4 was not marked. f.291 blank bar a few jottings, now faint and largely illegible.
Cited: Stegmüller, 543
Cited: Stegmüller, 11824.1
Cited: Stegmüller, 11824.2
Cited: Stegmüller, 11824.4
MicrofilmMicrofilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.
Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS A.II.8 - Canonical Epistles, Sapiential books, Apocalypse, Minor Prophets, with glossesDigitised March 2016 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project
Tight binding: Most pages have marginalia which have been bound into the gutter and therefore cannot be seen in the image (usually just the first couple of letters).
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis
dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at
various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including
catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.
Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).
Stegmüller, F., Repertorium biblicum medii aevi , (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1950-1961)
Index terms