Durham Cathedral Archive: Registrum Parvum II
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Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Reg.Parv.2
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Registrum Parvum II
Dates of creation: 1407-1445
Extent: 181 leaves, near contemporary foliation [i-ii], 1-26, 28-154, 169-194, (i.e. ?a quire now missing, lost before the ?18th century as the quire letters sequence has no gaps), with near contemporary catchwords at the end and ?18th century letters at the start of each quire.
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Durham Cathedral Priory
Language: Latin, with occasional English and less French (entries are Latin unless otherwise indicated)


A current register, or letter-book, of priory business transacted by the prior entered in roughly chronological order. Around 15 to 20 documents a year were being entered for 1407-1411, whence business drops away to nothing in some years until it picks up again from 1424 to peak at 50 documents in 1432, before falling away again until 1439 when it suddenly surges to again some 50 documents in the year, with this level of business being maintained to the end of the register. Many of the documents in this last sequence have year dates omitted, but the chronological sequence is then fairly consistent and year dates can be assigned with some confidence from their place in the sequence. Although there appears to be a new beginning with Prior Wessington in 1416, with a suitable heading on f.20r, the register appears to have continued to be little used in the early years of his priorate. From 1439, the high level of usage reflects another new beginning with seemingly Wessington handing over responsibility for the register to his chaplain, Richard Parke, (cf. f.104r). This was perhaps part of Wessington's reaction to the bursarial crisis at Durham of 1438, representing a greater desire of the prior to manage more of the priory's business closer to himself.
The contents of the register comprise copies of mainly documents issued by the prior, along with some issued by other members of the priory, and some received by the priory. Only a few are recorded as sealed. Letters of the prior feature, along with quittances issued for moneys received and memoranda of various documents, especially appointments of monks to the cells of Durham. Also present are proxies, collations, sequestrations, letters testimonial, mandates, citations, certifications, ordinances, commissions, licences, letters of attorney, monitions, letters of excommunication, occasional inspeximi and leases, grants of corrodies and especially places in Le Maison Dieu. There is a particular sequence of documents about the battle between Sir David Home and his nephew Sir Alexander Home over the bailiary of Durham's cell at Coldingham in 1441/2 at f.141-170.
The prior generally issued his documents at Durham, apart from some sequences at Bearpark in October 1428 (f.37 seq.) and October 1434 (f.80 seq.). A number of the entries also appear in the main series of Durham registers in Register III, particularly for 1428-1431, 1434, 1441 and 1443-1444.

Accession details

Part of the medieval archive of Durham Cathedral Priory placed in the care of Durham University by Durham Dean and Chapter in 1948.

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


f.1r-19v Register of the time of Prior John de Hemingborough [from 1407].
f.20r-103v Register of the time of Prior John Wessington from 1416.
f.104r-194v Register of the time of Richard Parke, [prior's] chaplain [from 1439].


Selected entries were listed by Martin Snape in a typescript list in 1961. The whole register was calendared by Virginia Murphy as part of a Follett-funded project 1995-1999. The resultant Wordperfect file was edited by Alan Piper, and then converted to Word and input to XMetal by Michael Stansfield in 2005.


A microfilm negative master is held by Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections as PGFilm 118.

Related material - elsewhere

British Library The original Reg.Parv.I is now Cotton MS Faustina A.VI. So Reg.Parv.II, as the first of the remaining such registers still in Durham, has on occasion been known as Reg.Parv.I, but its original designation has been retained to avert confusion with the BL volume, a photocopy of which is available at Add.MS. 2185/3.
Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903)
Raine, James, ed., The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29) (Durham: George Andrews, 1854)
Raine, James, ed., The Priory of Finchale: the charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls of the Priory of Finchale, in the County of Durham (Surtees Society 6) (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, 1837)
Raine, James, ed., The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings, of the Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12) (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, 1841)


Flyleaf recto
Headed: for the forester of Bearpark (the same heading appears on f.97r) Second small register.
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Flyleaf verso   [May 1366 x c.1450]
Fragment, stained and faded, cut from an [original ?] document mentioning William de Newport; the church of Bishop Wearmouth; William de Arden; David de Vollor, rector of the church of Bishop Wearmouth; John de Eston'; the church of Spofforth, York diocese; William Wenderone; and the date May 1366.
[Presumably concerns the dispute between Arderne and Wolloure over the rectory of Bishop Wearmouth, of which Newport and Eston are also recorded as rectors, see Robert Donaldson, “Patronage and the church: a study in the social structure of the secular clergy in the Diocese of Durham (1311-1540). Vol.2, Durham benefices and their incumbents 1311-1540” (Edinburgh Ph.D. thesis, 1955), p.40 and A.B. Emden, A biographical register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1957-1959), vol. I, p.45.]
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Small register of Priors John Hemyngburgh and Wessyngton
f.1r   [c.1519]
Heading [in the hand of Thomas Swalwell, ]: [the letter] K {Second small} register from the time of Priors John Hemyngburgh and Wessyngton.
f.1r   1 April 1407
Letters testimonial of ordination that Oswald, bishop of Whithorn, called to celebrate [holy] orders in the church of St Nicholas by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Thomas, bishop of Durham, [and] celebrating orders on the authority of the bishop, ordained Thomas de Hertwayton, acolyte of Durham diocese, as subdeacon on Ember Saturday, 19 February 1406/7, on the Saturday, namely, 12 March 1406/7, in the church of St Mary, North Bailey, Durham he ordained as deacon the same Thomas Hertwayton, subdeacon, on the second Saturday of Easter, [9 April] 1407, Oswald, celebrating orders in Raby castle, ordained as priest the said Thomas Hertwayton, deacon, on the title of the prior and convent of Brinkburn, Durham diocese, granted to the same Thomas for all orders, with which he reckons himself content.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1407.
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Written between the preceding and following documents: “Hemyngburrghe”
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f.1r   [20 March] 1407
Licence by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Tho[mas], bishop of Durham, to Thomas Orston, rector of the church of Hurworth, Durham diocese, granting licence that for a year from the date of the presents he may lawfully be absent from the said church and meanwhile lease the income, revenues and profits of the same church to any suitable persons who may look after its profit (utilitatem procurent), provided that he arranges for a suitable chaplain to serve the church; he commands that [the chaplain] should be answerable to the prior and his officials in these matters belonging to the jurisdiction of the diocese, and that Thomas should arrange for the other charges incumbent on the said church to be duly born, and the income should be placed not in lay-fee but in free alms alone; provided that a fitting portion of the same income is given to the poor of the parish.
Date: Durham [?], St Cuthbert [20 March] 1406/7.
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f.1r-v   4 May 1407
Licence by John, prior of Durham, vicar general [of Thomas, bishop of Durham], to William Elyngton' [?], granting licence, by the authority of the bishop, for one year from the date of the presents, to arrange for masses and other divine offices to be celebrated by suitable chaplains in a suitable and respectable place within his house in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Durham diocese, and for the aforesaid chaplains to celebrate such divine [offices] and also for him [and] his household to hear them; provided that this does not give rise to any harm to any parish church.
Date: Durham, 4 May 1407.
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f.1v   [26 May ?1407]
Request [by John, prior of Durham] to [?], as he was recently informed, certain persons from the church of Welton endeavoured to compel Thomas Sandewych to pay the fifteenth with lay [persons], by reason of the aforesaid lands and tenements of the said church; notifying him that, having inspected the archives and muniments of the church of Durham, he finds that the said church of Welton had been assessed at the value of forty marks, of which a tenth is four marks, and in addition he had and customarily has from the church of Welton one yearly pension of 40s assessed thus, of which a tenth is 4s, nor did he find it otherwise with lay persons or know that the church has been or was to be assessed; He asks him to preserve the church in its liberty, as far as he can.
Date: Durham, Corpus Christi.
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f.1v-2r   [11 June] 1407
Letter of excommunication by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of T[homas], bishop of Durham, to all rectors, vicars and chaplains in Durham diocese, stating that he has received a complaint from the master of Jarrow, reporting that certain wrongdoers unknown broke into and entered the church of Jarrow, and seized silver phials, silver book fastenings and other ornaments, stealthily removed them and thence seized and took with them silver plate, linens and other necessaries against the will of the master and his officials. For this sacrilege, because they violated the sanctuary and the annex to it, they should be anathematised and bound by sentence of greater excommunication to the grave danger of their souls for this substantial injury to the master for the loss of the goods. He therefore orders the rectors (etc.) to admonish all and sundry perpetrators of this crime and all accomplices to make satisfaction to the master of Jarrow within twelve days.
Date: Durham, St Barnabas 1407.
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f.2r-v   22 July 1407
Letter of excommunication by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of T[homas], bishop of Durham, to the parish chaplains of Aycliffe, stating that on behalf of the rector (i.e., the prior and convent of Durham) and vicar of the church of Aycliffe he has been advised that certain unknown wrongdoers have removed from lands within the parish boundaries the tithes of hay belonging to the rector and vicar, and concealed and detained them, and on their own judgement unjustly altered them to uses not due. Others were cutting down and removing trees in the park of Aycliffe against the will of the lords of the park and to the grave danger of their own souls and with substantial injury to the rector, vicar and said lords. He therefore orders the chaplains to admonish all and sundry removers, concealors and detainers of these tithes, the fellers and removers of trees, all abovesaid malefactors and their accomplices.
Date; Durham, 22 July 1407.
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f.2v-3r   4 September 1407
Proxy by John, prior, archdeacon of all churches in the city and diocese of Durham appropriated to the prior and chapter, appointing Mr William Bryscow, rector of York St Peter the Less, as proctor in causes devolved to the Roman curia concerning the prior and monastery, without revoking mandates previously made to his proctors in any cause concerning the right of appointing or installing the bishops of Durham, and on this occasion that moved or to be moved between Mr Roger Corryngham, archdeacon of York, and the prior, with general and special mandate, with responsibilities described, granted to the proctor.
Date: Durham, 4 September 1407.
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f.3r   8 September 1407
Appointment by John, prior of Durham of Richard de Eden [monk of Durham] as keeper of Farne Island.
Date: Durham, 8 September 1407.
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f.3v   14 October [1407]
Quittance by John, prior etc. to the mayor, sheriff and men of Newcastle, for receipt of 13 marks, 10s and 4d for a yearly pension to the monks of Farne Island from the farm of the city by King E[dward], for Michaelmas term past, in full payment to the present date.
Date: Durham, 14 October A.R. 9 Henry V ( recte IV).
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f.3v   8 September [?1407]
Letter by John, prior of Durham to John de Rypon' stating that since he with the consent of his fellow monks has discharged him from the administration of the cell of Farne Island and appointed Richard de Eden as keeper, because of the excessive debts incumbent on the same cell by the same [?] which he [Richard ?] promised to pay to the prior and his fellow monks before the next annual chapter, he orders John to transfer to the cell of Holy Island and remain there. The prior wills him to render a faithful account of all expenses which he paid out as warden in the presence of the prior of Holy Island and the said Richard, who is to make satisfaction about the same to him. He orders him to conduct himself virtuously in the aforesaid cell: he should not leave the island to wander in the country, indulge in drinking sessions or feasting, or be away from the island overnight without special licence from the prior. He further wills him to sell his horses so as not to burden the cell excessively; should anyone require his presence to administer medicines, he should send horses so that John may come to him. He wills him to say divine service with the prior and his associate and to exhibit the presents to the prior so that he admits him.
Date: Durham, 8 September.
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f.3v-4r   20 September 1407
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Mr John de Hagthorpe, clerk, of the chantry of St Helen, over the abbey gate of Durham, lately held by John Appelby, chaplain, and presently vacant since he now holds the vicarage of Pittington; together with the free chapels of SS Bartholomew and Leonard near Durham, provided that within one year of the date of the presents he takes care to be promoted to priestly office and meanwhile causes priestly office to be performed in the said chapel of St Helen and by himself or another duly bears all incumbent charges of the said chantry.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1407.
Another copy: DCD Reg. III, f.26r, dated 23 September.
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f.4r   7 October 1407
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Herle and John Fyscheburn' junior, monks of Durham, appointing them bursars and receivers of Durham College Oxford.
Date: 7 October 1407.
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f.4r   7 September 1407
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford, for 10s for the terms of the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] next [and] past before the date of the presents.
Date: 7 September 1407.
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f.4r   16 October 1407
Quittance by John, prior of Durham to Mr Thomas Weston', archdeacon of Durham, and John Hyldegard, clerk for receipt of £21 in part payment of £25 owed to him for the corn tithes of the vills of [North]allerton, Romanby, Brompton and Deighton last past.
Date: 16 October 1407.
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f.4v   22 October 1407
Sequestration by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of T[homas], bishop of Durham, addressed to Thomas Norman, chaplain, Richard de Redworth' and John Scolacle, of the fruits, income and revenues of the vicarage of Heighington. He commands Thomas to announce this publicly. On his behalf Thomas, Richard and John should prohibit John de Catton', vicar of the same church, and Richard Denom from interfering with the fruits (etc.) of the said vicarage, with such sequestration pending, under penalty of greater excommunication. He commits for the present the keeping of what has been sequestrated to Thomas, Richard and John. They should be answerable to the prior or the bishop and render a full account of the same when required.
Date: Durham, 22 October 1407.
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f.4v-5r   23 October 1407
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] [to the bishop of Durham] stating that, as his fellow monk, William Barry, has recently related to the bishop, Adam Durham has cast off his monastic habit, and, having put on a secular one, has roamed for a long time, thus causing a great scandal to clergy and people for many years. Although according to ecclesiastical laws and the constitutions of the order he is obliged to seek, seize and return such a fugitive, he has been prevented from doing so by the men of the vill of Kirton in Lindsey, who are of the prince's lordship and are defending the said Adam. He beseeches the bishop to obtain a royal writ and letter of the prince to his steward for seizing Adam. Furthermore, although, as was the custom, the prior had not been summoned to appear in the present parliament, if the bishop perceives some danger from the aforesaid cause to the prior from his absence, he should wish to render excuses.
Date: Durham, 23 October 1407
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f.5r   15 December 1407
Letter by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of T[homas], bishop of Durham, to Mr William de Hull, rector of Haughton [le Skerne], stating that inasmuch as William desires to celebrate divine offices personally when able and to be present at them, he commends him to celebrate divine offices himself in the oratory in his rectory of Haughton, when fitting, and cause them to be celebrated in his presence by a suitable chaplain of his household for a year from the date of the presents. He grants a special licence simply sine nota.
Date: Durham, 15 December 1407.
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f.5r   5 February 1408
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Thomas Portyngton', Thomas Santon' de la Wald', William de Almundberi, clerk, and Thomas Hagthorpe for £18 13s 4d for the tithes of corn, wool and lambs of the parish of Eastrington.
Date: 5 February 1407/8.
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f.5r   [30 November] 1407
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the rector of Walkington for 50s for an annual pension for the term of Martinmas [11 November] recently past. Date: St Andrew 1407.
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f.5r   30 November [1407]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the rector of Hemingbrough for 20s for an annual pension for the term of Martinmas [11 November] recently past. Date: 30 November in the place abovesaid [none mentioned above] 1407.
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f.5r   [30 November 1407]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the rector of Brantingham for 66s for an annual pension for the term of Martinmas [11 November] recently past.
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f.5r   [30 November 1407]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the rector of Walkington for 50s for an annual pension for the term of Martinmas [11 November] recently past to the rector of Welton for 20s.
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f.5r-v   11 February 1408
Letters testimonial of ordination by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Thomas, bishop of Durham, stating that, having inspected the bishop's register, he finds there that Oswald bishop of Whithorn, suffragan of the said bishop [Thomas], celebrating holy orders in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, Durham, by the authority of the aforesaid bishop, on Ember Saturday in Whitsun week, namely, 22 May 1407 [ sic although that Saturday was the 21st], has ordained Walter de Nedyrton', accolyte of Durham diocese, rector of Swallow in Lincoln diocese, as subdeacon on the title of the said church; on Ember Saturday, 24 September 1407, in the Galilee of Durham, Oswald, celebrating orders, ordained the said Walter as deacon on the title of his abovesaid benefice; on Ember Saturday, 17 December 1407, in the church of St Nicholas in Durham, Oswald similarly has ordained Walter as priest on the title of his abovesaid benefice.
Date: Durham, 11 February 1407/8.
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f.5v-6r   14 March 1408
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Thomas, bishop of Durham, having received whole and undamaged the letter of Antony, cardinal priest of St Praxedes, with the intact red seal of Antony, bishop of Palestrina [?], major penitentiary of the pope (opening cited; text in full on f.6r-v). On the authority of this letter he made diligent inquiry into the suitability, continence, manner of living, literacy and other merits of Geoffrey de Neuton' mentioned in the said letter, and also about other relevant circumstances. Since through the proofs exhibited before him he found that Geoffrey was not an imitator of his father's incontinence, was and is of good behaviour and of sufficient literacy, and that his merits support his obtaining the dispensation requested by him, the prior decreed the causes of such dispensation to be true and approved them. He dispenses Geoffrey that, notwithstanding the aforesaid defect, he can be promoted to all orders, hold an ecclesiastical benefice and even have cure of souls. Provided that the same Geoffrey, as he seeks a benefice, which he may happen to obtain after such dispensation, causes himself within the time fixed by law to be promoted to orders and personally resides in the same benefice; otherwise the dispensation with regard to the benefice is entirely void.
Sealed with the seal of his priorate, since that of his vicariate is not to hand.
Date: Durham, in the prior's chapel, 14 March 1407/8.
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f.6r-v   14 March 1408
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Thomas, bishop of Durham, having received whole and undamaged, and presented to him by Geoffrey de Neuton', clerk of the diocese of York, with its red seal intact of Antony, bishop of Palestrina [?], major penitentiary of the pope, the following letter.
Letter by Antony, cardinal priest of St Praxedes to the bishop of Durham or his vicar [general] stating that entreaty was made to him on behalf of Geoffrey de Neuton', scholar of York diocese, that, with regard to the defect of birth which he suffers because of his dissolute parents, the apostolic see dispense Geoffrey who desires to be promoted to all orders and hold an ecclesiastical benefice, even if it has cure of souls, notwithstanding such defect. On the authority of the pope, whose office of penitentiary he is presently administering in the absence of Antony, bishop of Palestrina [?] and major penitentiary, and by the special mandate of the pope, since the ordinary of the scholar is acting in distant parts, he commits the bishop of Durham or his vicar general to dispense Geoffrey, if all the circumstances which have been diligently examined prove true, and if inquiry is made about such dispensation and the suitability of the person considered, if he is not an imitator of his father's incontinence but is of good living and of sufficient literacy, and if his merits otherwise support his obtaining this dispensation. Provided that the same scholar, as he seeks a benefice, which he might happen to obtain after such dispensation, causes himself to be promoted to orders and resides personally in the same benefice; otherwise the dispensation with respect to the benefice is entirely void.
Date: [Senis or Sevis - to supply place name], 2 September 1407.
On the authority of this letter regarding the said Geoffrey's petition, we made diligent inquiry concerning its contents, the suitability, continence, manner of living, literacy and other merits of Geoffrey and also other relevant circumstances. Since through the proofs before him he finds its contents to be true and the said Geoffrey not to be an imitator of his father's incontinence, to have been of good behaviour and to be of sufficient literacy and his merits otherwise to support his obtaining the dispensation requested by him, he dispenses Geoffrey, notwithstanding the aforesaid defect, to be promoted to all orders and hold ecclesiastical benefice even if it has cure of souls. Provided that the same Geoffrey, as he seeks a benefice, which he may happen to obtain after such dispensation, causes himself to be promoted to orders in the time fixed by law and equally resides in the same; otherwise the prior determines that the dispensation with regard to the benefice is entirely void.
Sealed with the seal of his priorate, since that of his vicariate is not to hand.
Date: Durham, in the prior's chapel, 14 March 1407/8
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f.6v-7r   24 March 1408
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, vicar general of Thomas, bishop of Durham, to William Smoyll', chaplain of Haughton [le Skerne], ordering him to cite or cause to be cited John Wakyrfeld' of Barmpton to apppear before him or his commissary in Durham Cathedral on 2 April to respond to Mr John de Dalton' concerning the objections to him belonging to an ecclesiastical forum, namely, why he should not be declared excommunicate because the same John, having entered the rectory of Haughton on the aforesaid Friday after Ash Wednesday last past [2 March], [took ?] a certain horse worth 4 marks of the same John de Dalton' against the will of the same John, Alan de Shirburn' and John Gerland', deputed wardens of the property of the same John and of Mr William de Hull', lately rector of Haughton, whose deputed executor is the same John de Dalton. William is to certify the prior on the said day and place, verbally or by sealed letter, as to what he did, reciting the contents hereof.
Date: Durham, 24 March 1407/8.
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f.7r   16 June 1408
Citation by John, prior of Durham, on the mandate of T[homas], bishop of Durham, who is proposing to visit the prior and chapter on Monday, 23 July next, to N[omen] P[rioris] of the cell of Finchale, along with his fellows there, to appear before the bishop in the chapter house of Durham on the aforesaid day. Provided that the said cell is not left without a monk and that before 14 July next by his letters patent, reciting the contents hereof, he certifies him as to what he has done.
Date: Durham, 16 June 1408.
Printed: The Priory of Finchale, (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.29-30.
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f.7r-v   2 July [?1408]
Letter (“sent to York” in margin) [by John, prior of Durham] to “very reverend friends” stating that, since the bishop of Durham intends to visit him and the chapter on 23 July, as evident from the bishop's letters about this, and he is unaware whether the bishop intends to move something prejudicial to him or the monastery during such visitation, which he cannot easily believe, he requests them to come personally to Durham before 23 July so that, having had their sound advice in this and other matters, he can more easily take precautions against anything unfavourable which may be proposed.
Date: Durham, 2 July.
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f.7v-8r   12 July 1408
Certification by John, prior of Durham to Thomas, bishop of Durham, having received on 30 June and reciting the following mandate.
Mandate by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to John, prior of Durham, since on Monday next, 23 July, he intends to travel to Durham Cathedral and visit the prior and chapter, he commands that the prior cite all and sundry priors, masters, keepers and monks of the cells of the church to appear before the bishop there. He commands the prior to cause his letter to the prior and chapter concerning the visitation to be delivered under public witness to the subprior and convent. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, the prior is to certify him by eight days before the aforesaid day as to what he has done regarding the aforementioned and the names of all and sundry whom he has cited.
Date: the bishop's manor at Stockton, 11 June 1407.
On the authority of this mandate he cited all and sundry priors, masters, keepers of cells and monks there to appear before him on Monday, 23 July next, as described above, provided that the cells are not left without a monk and that as many monks remain in each to perform divine offices and sustain other necessities as required. He caused the bishop's letter to him and the chapter to be publicly delivered to the subprior and the convent. He has obeyed the bishop's mandate in all respects, saving always the monastery's rights, etc. Moreover, all [the names] of those cited are contained in a schedule appended hereto.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1408
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f.8r   5 December 1407
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Agnes Mertindell ' concerning one allowance in le Maison de dieu. Date: Durham, 5 December 1407.
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f.8r   12 August 1407
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford, for 10s for the indemnity of the church of Longbenton from 1408. Date: Durham, 12 August 1407.
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f.8r   24 September 1408
Quittance by Robert de Wyclyfe, master of Kepier hospital, on behalf of Thomas de Weston', Richard de Holme, Alan de Newark, clerk, and Peter de la Hay of Spaldington, to John, prior of Durham, and his convent for £20 by the hand of William Barry [monk of Durham], in part payment of £102 14s, for which the prior and convent are indebted through their written bond to them.
Date: 24 September 1408.
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f.8v-9r   25 September 1408
Ordinance by John, prior of Durham, to the prior of Finchale and his fellow monks, resident and visiting, ordering with the unanimous assent of the convent that, as the church of Durham is more than usually burdened by debt, the customary recreational ludi be for a time withdrawn and the monks sent instead to Finchale. So that divine worship does not diminish but increases, he has regulated the manner of this: there shall be continuously at Finchale the prior and eight monks, of whom four monks shall always be resident and the other four shall come from the convent at Durham to walk about. These last four will stay for three weeks, two of whom shall be present every day to say services in the choir, and the other two shall be at liberty to walk in the fields, provided that they are present at mass and vespers unless excused with the prior's licence. This liberty is granted in turn on alternate days to the aforesaid four visiting monks, provided that they sleep in the dormitory, just as the other resident monks, and an appropriate room will be assigned for their comfort when necessary. The prior shall assign a respectable servant or boy to attend them. He further specifies what services the monks are to attend (detailed). As recompense for the oblations of four associates, the prior of Finchale is to pay annually £8 at the four yearly terms.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1408.
Printed in: The Priory of Finchale, (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.30-31.
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f.9r   12 September [?1408]
Language:   French
Letter [by John, prior of Durham ?] to [?] referring to the case before the recipient in the county of York between [the prior ?] and William Cudirston, John Siggiswyk and Thomas Cudirston, reporting an agreement having been reached with John.
Date: 12 September.
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f.9r   1 October 1408
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to John Durham senior [monk of Durham] as cellarer of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1408.
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f.9r   3 October 1408
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to Thomas Lythe [monk of Durham] as keeper of Jarrow.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1408.
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f.9r   [28 February] 1409
Memorandum that a grant of one allowance in le Maison de dieu was made to William Fox.
Date: Durham, {28 February} 1408/9.
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f.9v   3 December [1408]
Memorandum that a grant of one allowance in le Maison de dieu was made to John Carleyll'.
Date: Durham, 3 December A.D. “etc”28 (? recte 1408) .
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f.9v   14 June 1409
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to John Repon' as keeper of Wearmouth.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1409.
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f.9v   3 December 1408
Memorandum that a grant of one allowance in le Maison de dieu was made to Thomas Durham.
Date: Durham, 3 December 1408.
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f.9v   8 January [?1409]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] to the Countess of Westm[orland] expressing his and his brothers' thanks for her tenderness showed to them and especially for her letter. However, they marvel at the clause in her letter that she [was ?] informed by their brothers, Thomas Rome and William Barry, that they [the prior and convent] should have Richard Pekeryng, her clerk, committed to the next benefice in their gift which he would accept, since her charge was to have the said clerk committed to that in the collegiate church of Howden after the advancement of Mr John Sothewell' and Mr John Cateryk'. They [presumably Thomas and William] made him to understand that they declared it to her in this manner, [that] it is his and his brothers' intention to fulfil this grant. They gave the same answer orally to her esquire Thomas Langton, entreating her to give credence to their esquire, John Hyndeley, bearer of this letter, who shall declare this and certain other matters to her on their behalf.
Date: Durham, 8 January.
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f.10r   1 January 1410
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford for 10s for the indemnity of the church of Longbenton from 1409. Date: 1 January 1409/10.
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f.10r   3 December 1409
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John Bynchestr', chaplain, of the chantry of St Helen, over the abbey gate of Durham, presently vacant along with the chapels of SS Bartholomew and Leonard, near Durham.
Date: Durham, 3 December 1409.
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f.10r   [1409]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Thomas Sutton, rector of Brantingham, for 66s 8d for the Martinmas term 1409.
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f.10r   3 February 1409
Memorandum that a letter was issued to William Kymblesworth and John Fysscheburn', monks [of Durham], to be bursars and receivers of Durham College Oxford.
Date: Durham, 3 February 1408/9.
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f.10r-v   January 1409
Mandate by John, ordinary of the liberty of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire, to Mr Peter Radle, official thereof, to sequestrate all the property of Mr J[ohn] Hildiharde, warden or proctor of Allerton hospital, within the prior's jurisdiction, since, when living, he owed much property to the prior and his monastery and the church of [North]allerton. The said Peter is to keep it under strict sequestration until full satisfaction is made for the said debts.
Date: (blank) January 1408/9.
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f.10v   15 March 1409
Licence [by John, prior of Durham], to “his dearest son” to choose a suitable confessor from his fellow monks studying in Oxford, with the authority to absolve him from all from which [the prior] could, if present, and to hear the confessions of all his fellow monks and other religious there and to absolve them, even in cases reserved to [the prior].
Date: Durham, 15 March 1408/9.
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f.10v   1 August 1408
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Peter de Redley, vicar of Allerton, for £10 in full payment of all arrears of a yearly pension of £20 from the church of [North]allerton at Whitsun last past.
Date: 1 August 1408.
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f.10v   15 March 1409
Memorandum that a letter was issued to William Kybblesworth' and John Fysscheburne junior, monks [of Durham], to be confessors to their fellow monks at Oxford.
Date: Durham, 15 March 1408/9.
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f.11r   15 March 1409
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to “his dearest son” stating that, after discussing his letter with his fellow monks and with their consent, the prior has arranged for five marks, to be sent to him from the office of the almoner at Easter next, for the fabric of the chapel, whose final completion the addressee especially desires. He shall have at least another five marks from the same office soon after Whitsun. When he can persuade his fellow monks, the prior intends to assign to the chapel building another portion of the money which the addressee has in hand, if the latter does not travel to the curia. With regard to the support of [Durham] College [Oxford], he wills John Fysscheburn', bursar of the said college, to come at the end of the year [to Durham] to render an account for two years to William Appilby; if the prior then determines that the college cannot support itself from its property and income, he will with the addressee's advice provide a suitable remedy. The prior thanks him especially for the spices sent to him.
Date: Durham, 15 March 1408/9.
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f.11r   31 January 1409
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Mr John Sothewell for appointment to the spirituality of Howden and Howdenshire. 31 January 1408/9.
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f.11r   16 April 1409
Memorandum that a letter was issued to William Malton', clerk, for instructing youths in grammar and reading in Howden.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1409.
Printed: Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903), p.86.
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f.11r   17 April 1409
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Henry de Raveneswath', one of the executors of Mr John Hyldeyard, for £4. 17 April 1409.
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f.11r   26 May 1409
Memorandum that an appointment was issued to Robert Emmyldon' [monk of Durham] as keeper of Farne Island. 26 May 1409.
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f.11v   [24 June] 1409
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Rolton', rector of Walkington, for 50s for a yearly pension owed to him and the office of chamberlain for the term of Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, John the Baptist 1409.
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f.11v   [24 June] 1409
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Sandwych', rector of Welton, for 20s for a pension owed and customarily paid to him and the office of his chamberlain for the term of Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, John the Baptist 1409.
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f.11v   1409
Nomination by John, prior of Durham, of John de Newburgh', clerk of Durham diocese and acolyte, to all holy orders, presenting him on the title of this nomination to Thomas, bishop of Durham, or his vicar general or their commissary.
Date: “etc.” 1409.
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f.11v   18 February 1410
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Gray, clerk, concerning the title granted to him.
Date: Durham, 18 February 1409/10.
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f.11v   7 March 1410
Letter by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches of Holy Island, Branxton, Norham, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington, and Bywell St Peter of Durham diocese and for their clergy and people, to all and sundry rectors, vicars, chaplains and ministers within the prior's jurisdiction, stating that, since all archidiaconal jurisdiction in respect of all and sundry churches, chapels and aforesaid clergy and people belongs to him and his monastery at Durham, he commands the rectors (etc.) not to admit as their archdeacon Mr John Rikynghall', S.T.P., alleging himself archdeacon of Northumberland, or his official, commissary or ministers, or the alleged [John Rikynghall] to have any right in respect of the said churches or chapels, or of the rectors (etc.) or to obey as their archdeacon the same [John Rikynghall] or his officials, which would prejudice the prior's archidiaconal jurisidiction.
Date: Durham, 7 March 1409/10.
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f.12r   21 February [?1410]
Language:   French
Letter by Henry [IV ?, king of England], to his dear cousin the duke of Albany, stating that, from information from the prior and convent of Durham he has heard that, notwithstanding the present times, the duke had written to the prior to move his fellow monk, John Aclyf, prior of Coldingham, and his [monks ?] out of Scotland because, by a certain ordinance made in Scotland, the abbot of Dunfermline ordered one of his fellow monks to live at Coldingham. He marvels if it is so, since both in war and in time of truce, the prior and convent have occupied the priory of Coldingham or its appurtenances. If he entreats him to allow the said John and his [monks ?] to occupy the same priory or its appurtenances henceforth, without novelties during the truce.
Date: 21 February.
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f.12r   1410
Memorandum that a letter of appointment of Walter de Tesedale [monk of Durham] as master of Jarrow was issued. Date: 1410.
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f.12r   4 April 1410
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Fyssheburn' junior and Robert Horneby, monks [of Durham], to be bursars and receivers of Durham College Oxford.
Date: D[urham], 4 April 1410.
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f.12v   1 September 1410
Notification by letters patent by John, prior of Durham, stating that he has appointed John de Hyndeley as his attorney to supply and purchase for the prior's use all necessary grain and victuals as provisions for him and the church of Durham wherever, as seems most advantageous, the aforesaid attorney may travel in England. The prior approves whatever his attorney does on his behalf and therefore requests all lords and any of their officials and servants and all other friends both of his and of St Cuthbert to permit his attorney, in going both by land and water with the prior's victuals, to travel freely without impediment or payment of any toll or custom. By apostolic and royal letters and also by a statute of the realm the prior is free from such demands in perpetuity; the presents are to last at his will from the day of their composition.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1410.
Original: DCD Loc.XXVIII:33.
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f.12v   6 March 1411
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Hugh Gray, clerk of Durham diocese, concerning the grant of his title.
Date: Durham, 6 March 1410/1.
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f.12v   [2 February] 1411
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive Thomas Thorneburgh, clerk of Durham diocese, into Durham College Oxford.
Date: Durham, purification of Mary 1410/1.
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f.12v   20 March 1411
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Thomas Portyngton' for £16 13s 4d for the tithes of corn, wool and lambs of the parish of Eastrington for the term of the Purification of Mary [2 February].
Date: Durham, 20 March 1410/1.
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f.12v   6 January 1411
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, by the hand of Robert Warner', his receiver, for 100s for the farm of Raby.
Date: Durham, 6 January 1410/1.
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f.13r   [?1410]
Letter [from John, prior of Durham] (henceforth D), [to the prior of Coldingham] (henceforth C), stating that from diverse persons declaring C's intentions more fully to him and his fellow monks, D understood that C wishes to surrender the priorate of Coldingham, provided that on his arrival [at Durham] he is not excessively harassed either by D's fellow monks or by C's other creditors because of his debts, since he cannot satisfy everyone at one time. After diligent advice, D orders him to arrange for a full state of account of the priory to be drawn up covering any goods, chattels, receipts, expenses, debts (etc.), and to come to the next annual chapter to declare this; in so far as possible, D intends to keep safe his position with respect to his fellow monks and C's other creditors. He does not intend to discharge C from the administration of the aforesaid priory, unless he orders otherwise for C's position honourably, and provision is made for the priory, following C's sound advice, for someone whom C believed more disposed to govern, recover and maintain D's possession there, since its waste, isolation and remiss governance are the reasons why the Scots endeavour to assail his rights. D wills that the tithes of wool and lambs and others pertaining to the office of the sacristy remain untouched for the fabric of the church, until C speaks personally with him.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham , (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.85-86.
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f.13r-v   [28 June] 1410
Notification by John, prior of Durham, stating that he has appointed William de Hexham, bearer of these presents, as his proctor, bearing a silver and gilded cross with an image of the Virgin Mary in the middle and one of the slippers used by St Cuthbert in celebrating, to collect and receive on the prior's behalf the alms of the faithful given or to be given in Northumberland and Carlisle, Cumberland, for the prior and fabric of the church of Durham, and to obtain from the archbishop of York and other prelates and ordinaries of the aforesaid places letters and indulgences for the faithful, to substitute for himself one or more proctors, nuncios or assistants and to revoke the same and their authority, and to do all and sundry pertaining to the office of alms collector, even if they require a special mandate. The presents are to last for two years from the present date.
Date: Durham, the eve of SS Peter and Paul 1410.
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f.13v   6 July 1410
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to the “reverend lord and beloved friend”, stating that he has expended much effort and money to preserve undamaged his jurisdiction within York diocese. He has paid out expenses with the archbishop of York who has recently visited [North]allerton to such a sum as he does not have readily to hand. The prior prays him to provide Thomas de Ryhale, his servant, with £22.
Date: 6 July 1410.
(For the archbishop's visitation, see York University, Borthwick Institute, Archbishops' Rolls and Registers, 18, f.273)
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f.13v-14r   13 January 1412
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of the churches and chapels in Northumberland appropriated to him and his chapter, to John Newburn', [monk of Durham and] prior of Holy Island, committing to him the prior's authority to examine, proceed (etc.) in all causes and suits pertaining to his archidiaconal jusrisdiction, moved or to be moved, or arising in the clergy and people of his churches of Holy Island, Norham, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, and their dependent chapels, and also to inquire into and correct their transgressions, and to do and carry out everything necessary. In the said John's absence the prior wills his authority to be committed to John Durham [vicar of Norham ?], provided that one or other of them discusses causes relating to marriages and their dissolution, and any other serious causes with someone experienced in law, and duly decides them. The prior revokes other such commissions which he previously granted.
Date: Durham, 13 January 1411/2.
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f.14r   [9 September] 1411
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his “beloved friend” [John Durham, proctor of Norham and vicar of Norham ?], stating that he has received a complaint on the part of the master of Farne that his repeated trips to the monastery to obtain a pension of 6 marks 3s 4d are causing substantial trouble to Farne. For this reason, after his fellow monks had been consulted and had ordained that the proctor of Norham henceforth is to provide the master yearly with the pension, the prior commands him to make satisfaction to the master for the pension for this year and thereafter, and also for 16s 4d owed for the arrears of the past year. He is to exhibit these presents above his account as a warrant.
Date: Durham, the day after the nativity of Mary 1411.
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f.14r   [?1410]
Quittance to the mayor and men of Newcastle for the master of Farne Island for 11 A.R. Henry {IV} [30 September 1409 to 29 September 1410].
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f.14r   [?1411]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the earl of Westmorland for a farm of Raby for 1411.
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f.14v   4 March [?1412]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to “reverend father” [the bishop of Durham ?], stating that, since the half of one tithe, granted at Clementhorpe on 24 May last by the clergy of York province to the king, which should have been paid in the term of St Andrew past, had not been paid, the king commanded by writ to his sheriff of York that the property of the monastery of Durham, to the value of £20 located in the county of York, be distrained, as evident by the copy enclosed herewith. Since he received the reverend father's letter, presented after 16 September last, sixteen days after the payment of the tithe [was due], he was unable to put it into effect as he did not have letters of commission or appointment before the payment. The prior requests him to intervene with the king and the treasurer and barons of the exchequer for the term for the aforesaid payment to be extended and meanwhile for the monastery's property not to be distrained, since the term assigned in his letter for payment preceded the letter's presentation and receipt.
Date: Durham, 4 March.
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f.14v   20 March 1412
Memorandum that quittance was issued to Thomas Portyngton' for £16 8s 4d for the term of the Purification of Mary [2 February] for the tithes of corn, wool and lambs of the church of Eastrington.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1411/2.
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f.14v   2 May 1411
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Maners senior, releasing and quitclaiming him from all personal actions which the prior had or may have towards the aforesaid Robert to the present date.
Date: Durham, 2 May 1411.
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f.15r-v   21 June 1411
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to William, abbot of the monastery of St German of Selby, of the Benedictine order in York diocese, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all houses, abbots, priors and other persons of the abovesaid order within York province, or to his commissaries, having received the following citation.
Citation by William, abbot of the monastery of St German of Selby, of the Benedictine order in York diocese, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all houses, abbots, priors, and other persons of the abovesaid order within the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, since he intends to visit them on 22 June next, he cites them to appear on the said day before him or his commissaries in the chapter house. He orders the prior to cite or cause to be cited his fellow monks, both present and absent, to appear with him then. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, the prior is to certify him as to what he does or decrees to be done, along with a list of the names of all his fellow monks, both present and absent.
Date: the monastery of Selby, 28 April 1411.
On the authority of this letter, he caused to be cited all his fellow monks, whose names are given in the attached schedule, to appear before him or his commissary on the abovesaid day and place. He intends to appear then.
Date: Durham, 21 June 1411.
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f.15v   [28 June] 1411
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing, as the prior is unable to go to such remote parts owing to his advanced age, his fellow monk, Thomas Rome, warden of Durham College Oxford and B.Th., as his proctor to the provincial chapter of the black monks of England on Sunday next before the translation of St Thomas, next [5 July] at Northampton, to appear on his behalf in the said chapter, with specific responsibilites described.
Date: Durham, the eve of SS Peter and Paul 1411.
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f.16r   [20 March] 1411
Grant by indenture by John, prior of Durham, confirming the grant to John Rose of Durham of a certain burgage in South Street in the old borough of Durham, lying between the tenement of John de Belasis and the burgage of John de Chestr', to hold with all its appurtenances for his lifetime, paying 6d annually to the office of almoner for the term of two years, in equal portions at Whitsun and Martinmas. If the aforesaid rent should happen to be in arrears, in part or in whole, for 40 days, then the prior and his successors may re-enter and possess the burgage.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert 1410/1.
More on this burgage in: M.M. Camsell, “The Development of a Northern Town in the Later Middle Ages: the City of Durham, c.1250-1540 ”, (York Univ. D.Phil. thesis 1985), p.204.
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f.16r   15 February [?1411]
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to the prior of Lytham, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from the administration of the cell of Lytham, he commands him to make an indenture concerning all the cell's property, one part for the prior of Durham, the other for his successor, so that it can be established how much he left behind and how much his successor received on his arrival. He is then to transfer to Durham and remain there.
Date: 15 February.
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f.16r   1 July 1411
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive John Doncan into Durham College Oxford, in place of John Eland' after Michaelmas. Date: 1 July 1411.
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f.16v   31 August 1410
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire, to his official there, stating that, since he intends to visit the churches, prebends and other places of the aforesaid spirituality, he commands him to cite or cause to be cited the rectors, prebendaries, vicars, beneficed clerks, those celebrating divine services and the ministers of the churches, chapels and places mentioned below, and from each vill there (depending on its size) twelve, eight, six, four or two trustworthy men to appear, either personally or by proctor, before him, his commissaries or other lieutenants on the days and places appointed in the attached schedule. Those holding benefices are to exhibit their titles and letters of their acquisition of their benefices. They as well as other parish chaplains and those celebrating divine services are to exhibit their letters of ordination and any other canonical matter which they have on their behalf. By letters patents reciting the contents hereof, he is to certify him or his commissaries on the appointed days and places as to how he has executed the prior's mandate, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 31 August 1410.
(with) [Schedule]
The men of the church of Holtby, 21 September, in the said church
the men of the church of Skipworth, 27 September, in the said church
the men of the church of H[emingbrough], 28 September, in the said church
the men of the church of Howden, 30 September
the men [of the churches] of Brantingham and Welton, 1 October
the men [of the church] of Walkington, 2 October.

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f.17r   20 September 1410
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in York diocese, to Mr John Suthewell, collegiate canon of Howden, Thomas Rome, B.Th. and John Moris, monks of Durham, committing his authority to them to visit the churches of Holtby, Skipworth, Hemingbrough, Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Welton, Walkington, their dependent chapels, clergy and people to inquire into and correct any of their transgressions; to examine, proceed (etc.) in any causes and suits which may be moved there and to do and carry out everything necessary; as various arduous matters of the monastery prevent his being personally present. [Eastrington is not mentioned in the preceding document.]
Date: Durham, 20 September 1410.
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f.17r   [?1411]
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford, for 10s for the indemnity of the church of Longbenton from 1411.
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f.17r   31 October 1412
Memorandum that letter was issued to William Lowyk, clerk, for instructing youths in singing and reading in Howden.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1412.
Printed: Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903), p.85.
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f.17v   6 February [?1411]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his “beloved sons”, stating that, although he has written often with injunctions for them to satisfy Mr William Briscowe and diverse others complaining of non-payment, they evidently hold these injunctions in contempt since they do not implement them. Despite a certain episcopal and actual (ordinaria et realis) ordinance concerning the portion of the vicarage of Berwick, which he binds them to fulfil, he understood from a trustworthy report that they had not satisfied the vicar for his portion for the past year in any term or at least only for a little. Unwilling to tolerate this any longer, he wills them to be discharged from all administration or possession of any property of the said church, inhibiting them from interfering henceforth with the said property. He appoints John Durham, chaplain [and vicar of Norham ?], and John Werk as his proctors to receive such property, to pay the said vicar the portion owed to him and any arrears, to make satisfaction for their debts, to deliver the remainder of such goods and faithfully account to the prior for them. They are not to cause any trouble to the proctors.
Date: Durham, 6 February.
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f.17v-18r   [14 October ?1411]
Mandate [from John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since the prior learned that he was unwell and believed he would recover his health more quickly at the cell of Jarrow than where he presently is, he commands him to go to the said cell to walk about there. He is to show the presents to the prior of F so that he provides him with suitable transportation and to the master of J[arrow] so that he admits him for a brief period to recuperate.
Date: “etc.”, St Calixtus.
Printed: The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.xi.
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f.18r   22 June [?1411]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to the warden of Durham College Oxford], stating that the prior understood from his letter that he wishes to be freed from the administration of Durham College Oxford and that another be appointed as warden, alleging that he is unable to do anything further for its completion. The prior hopes not, perceiving the many benefits which he secured for the college. He wishes to communicate personally to him what will be more beneficial for the college and fitting for his position in this case and the others expressed in his letter, and defers freeing him from this administration and appointing another.
Date: 22 June [no A.D.]
f.18r   [?1411]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his “reverend brother”, stating that, since Robert de Hall, his experienced servant, lately committed a certain offence in his own defence and is thus unable to stay in these parts, and is proposing to visit friends until otherwise ordered, the prior entreats him to impart his sound advice to the same Robert concerning his doings in the reverend brother's parts. The prior will as a result be much disposed to his wishes.
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f.18r   28 September 1411
Memorandum that letter was issued to Stephen Houeden and Robert Horneby [monks of Durham] to hear the confessions of their fellow monks [at Durham College Oxford ?].
Date: Durham, 28 September 1411.
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f.18v   21 February 1412
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, addressed to the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar [general] of his fellow monk, Richard de Heswell, as prior of the cell of Lytham.
Date: Durham, 21 February 1411/2.
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f.18v   17 June 1413
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to Thomas Witton' [monk of Durham] as keeper of Wearmouth.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1413.
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f.18v   2 July 1413
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to John Durham junior [monk of Durham] as cellarer of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 2 July 1413.
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f.18v   [c.1413]
Language:   English
Instructions for mixing a cement [for laying tiles]; “this most be done in Marche for the froste will elles lese itt”.
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f.19v   2 January 1417
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all churches in Durham diocese appropriated to him and the chapter, to John Fysschburn', monk of Durham, appointing him an official of the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction within the parishes of the aforesaid churches. The prior grants to him full authority on his behalf to examine, proceed, (etc.) in any causes or suits moved or to be moved and pertaining to him by reason of the said jurisdiction. He commits to him his authority to inquire into and correct any transgressions of clergy and people within his jurisdiction, and to do and carry out everything necessary.
Date: Durham, 2 January 1416/7.
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Register of John Wessyngton, prior of Durham, which began on the feast of Christmas 1416
f.20r   22 January 1417
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Horneby and William Ebchestr', monks of Durham, to hear the confessions of their fellow monks and other religious in Durham College Oxford, with the absolving of grave offences reserved to the prior or his deputy.
Date: Durham, 22 January 1416/7.
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f.20r   [23 June] 1416
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Robert Masham [monk of Durham] as subprior of Finchale, with authority to hear the confessions of his fellow monks dwelling there and of those sent for the purpose of walking about, and to absolve them, with the exception of those cases whose absolution is specially reserved to the prior.
Date: Durham, eve of John the Baptist 1416.
Printed: Priory of Finchale (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.32.
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f.20v   2 July 1413
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of William Lyham [monk of Durham] as cellarer of Finchale, under the prior thereof, provided that he makes a faithful account of all receipts and expenses to the prior and monks there every month. He is to exhibit the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he admits him to the said office.
Date: Durham, 2 July 1413.
Printed: Priory of Finchale (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.31.
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f.20v-21r   22 December 1414
Admission by John, prior of Durham, of William Byngham, chaplain, having received from him the following presentation.
Presentation by William de Hylton, knight, to the prior of Durham of W[illiam] B[yngham], chaplain, to the chapel of Hylton. This presentation belongs to him because of the agreement made between his precedessors and the prior's. He declares William to be of good behaviour. John Kellowe, priest, who lately served the said chapel, has recently died. He entreats him to admit William to the chapel in keeping with the agreement.
Date: 5 December 1414.
Since it was established that John Kellow, last chaplain of the said chapel, was dead and the said lord of Hylton and others testify to William's good behaviour, he admits him to serve the chapel, as in the agreement mentioned above, saving the prior's right and that of the mother church of Wearmouth, of which the chapel is known to be a dependency, and with William having taken an oath to observe the agreement.
Date: Durham, 22 December 1414.
Digitised version
f.21r   27 May 1417
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to R. de W., chaplain, of the rectory of Muggleswick.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1417 [? “setodecimo”].
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f.21r   28 May 1425
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Coldingham, he commands him to go and remain there. He is to exhibit the presents to the prior of Coldingham so that he admits him.
Date: Durham, 28 May 1425.
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f.21v   [c.1420]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the monastery at Durham, he commands him to direct his steps there and remain, exhibiting the presents to N, the prior of his present cell, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, “etc.”
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f.21v   [c.1420]
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to J de N, of the chantry of St James on the New Bridge [Elvet], Durham, vacant by the resignation of N. de T., chaplain.
Date: “etc.”
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f.21v-22r   [c.1420]
Collation by John de A, subprior of Durham, to T. G., chaplain, with the express consent of the convent of Durham (the collation pertaining to him and the convent), of the chantry of St Mary in St Margaret's chapel beyond the Old Bridge, Durham, provided that he serve praiseworthily and bear all the charges, especially those pertaining to the salvation of souls: he is to celebrate masses for the dead and say the Placebo and Dirige for the souls of the prior, convent and the chantry's founder, Ranulf (etc.) If without cause he should cease to serve the chantry or not conduct himself properly, the subprior will proceed without delay to his removal from the said chantry.
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f.22r   [c.1420]
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to J. R., chaplain, of the chantry of the chapel of St John the Baptist at Ponteys.
Date: “etc.”
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f.22r-v   [16 June 1415]
Admission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the liberty of St Cuthbert in York diocese, of John Polayn, chaplain of H[emingbrough], in the person of Richard Polayn, his proctor, to the chantry of St Katharine the virgin in the church of H[emingbrough], vacant by the death of Thomas Wase, its last chaplain, having been presented by Mr John Rekynghale, S.T.P., rector of H[emingbrough].
Date: “etc”.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.43r.
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f.22v   [?June 1415]
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the liberty of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in York diocese, to the keeper of the spirituality of Howden and Howdenshire, reciting the facts of the admission above and commanding him to induct the said John Polayn or his proctor into the chantry.
Date: “etc.”
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f. 22v-23r   1416
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Pykton', [monk of Durham and] prior of Stamford, to hear the confession of Robert Masham, fellow monk, even in cases reserved to the prior.
Date: “etc.” 1416.
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f.23r-v   10 March 1430
Language:   English
Indenture between John, prior of Durham, and Thomas Atkynson' and his wife, of Bunkle, Berwicks, stating that, with the consent of his chapter, the prior has let to Thomas and his wife (or the survivor of them) the lands of Brockholes, Herwode and Denewod, with the exception of the warren wood and venison, for the term of 15 years from Whitsun next. They are to pay 10 marks Scots to the prior of Durham, the prior of Coldingham or their successors yearly at Martinmas and Whitsun in equal portions, the first term to begin at Martinmas next. It is also agreed that the prior and his successors shall allow to Thomas and his wife during common war between the realms as shall be allowed to their neighbours of four halve [i.e. sides ?] about them; Thomas, his wife and servants are to have reasonable easement of fuel of dead wood; Thomas and his wife are to have timber for building and repairing new houses, and for ploughs and harrows for tilling, by asking the prior of Coldingham and his officials delivering it; Thomas, his wife and servants are not to keep swine or goats in the woods; if they do, they will escheat to the priors of Durham and Coldingham and their successors; their servants are to be sworn loyally to keep the said woods, warren and venison while they live there.
Date: Durham, 10 March 1429/30.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.104-105.
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f.24r-26v, 28r-v ([f.27] excised)
Table of contents of the register [f.29-194] classified into:
f.24r-25v Letters testimonial sent to attorneys
f.25v-26v Quittances
f.26v Appointments
f.28r Collations to chantries
f.28r Commissions
f.28r-v Grants of corrodies

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f.29r   [c.1420]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the bishop), expressing appreciation to the bishop, for the help and kindnesses bestowed upon him, both recently in London and before, and especially for his sound advice during the prior's personal visits to the bishop. Since Richard H[emingbrough], bearer of the presents and kinsman of the late John H[emingbrough], recently prior of Durham, has certain matters to be dealt with before the bishop, James S. and others, who are feoffees of Richard le Scrope, late lord of Bolton, by reason of a certain yearly revenue of 15s granted to them for life by the said lord, because Richard H[emingbrough] had been gravely wounded by Richard le Scrope and his men in York Minster, as the same Richard H[emingbrough] shall inform the bishop. The prior entreats the bishop to support Richard with prompt advice and help, as he is in need, especially since he is a relation of the late prior.
Date; Durham, “etc.”
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f.29r-v   4 October 1423
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Overdo [or Onerdo], priest of Carlisle diocese, of the chantry of St Mary the Virgin in the parish church of Darlington, vacant by the resignation of Robert Bett, alias Grissemere, last chaplain thereof.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1423.
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f.29v   [21 September] 1424
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest fellow monk”, commanding him, as the prior understood that Richard Clyff, lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, to receive John Fenton', clerk of Howdenshire, who has been examined by the prior and his fellow monks and admitted as scholar of the college, into the college in place of the said Richard before Michaelmas next. He is to require John to take an oath to observe the college's statutes, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, St Matthew 1424.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxiii.
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f.29v   31 October 1424
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to <Agnes By...>, of one allowance in le Meason de dieu, which Isabel Aclee recently held, for life.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1424
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f.30r   8 December 1424
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to William Vout [? “Vovt” ], priest, of the chantry of St Mary the Virgin in the church of St Nicholas in Durham, vacant by the promotion of William Durham, last priest thereof.
Date: Durham, 8 December 1424.
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f.30r   6 January 1425
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest fellow monk”, with the consent of his fellow monks decreeing that, since John Spence, lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, John Goldsmyth', clerk of Durham diocese, should be admitted in his place. He commands that he examine John Goldsmith and, if suitable, receive him as a scholar of the college before the Purification of Mary next [2 February].
Date: Durham, 6 January 1424/5.
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f.30v   23 April 1424
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Ranulf Byrd, priest of York diocese, of the chantry of St Mary the Virgin in the collegiate church of Darlington, willing that he receives for his support 4 marks yearly from the bursar of Durham. If, in increase of this support, the bishop of Durham confers on him another chantry within his manor of Darlington, the prior dispenses him to receive it. In the event he obtains the other said chantry, the prior enjoins him to be present and minister in divine offices in the same church.
Date: Durham, 23 April 1424.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.112v.
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f.30v-31r   28 July 1425
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing Richard Forster of Guisborough, dyer, and Simon Clerk of Helmsley, to seek and recover from John Burn', miller, lately staying in the vill of Hett in Co. Durham, but now in Helmsley in Yorkshire, 40s owed to the prior for the rent of his mill of Hett for 1422 which he should have paid at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, and 30s for his expenses in writs taken out against the aforesaid John Burn for the preceding two years; and, if necessary, before the recovery of the debt to seize the property and chattels of John Burn, to implead him, and to grant a quittance for [payments] received in part and whole.
Date: Durham, 28 July 1425.
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f.31r   2 October 1425
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive John Rotsee, clerk of Howdenshire, into Durham College Oxford in place of William Fude on All Saints [1 November].
Date: Durham, 2 October 1425.
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f.31r   1 January 1426
Memorandum that quittance was issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford for 10s for the indemnity of the church of Longbenton for 1425.
Date: Durham, 1 January 1425/6.
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f.31v   18 September 1425
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Thomas Foster and John Burneby [monks of Durham] to be bursars and receivers of Durham College Oxford.
Date: Durham, 18 September 1425.
f.31v   3 October [1424]
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, of the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d by the hand of his monk of Farne Island, in full payment of a yearly pension, granted to the prior and convent by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid annually at Michaelmas from the fee-farm of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: Durham, 3 October, 3 Henry VI.
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f.31v-32r   11 October 1425
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Emma Robynson', of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, which Robert Bank recently held.
Date: Durham, 11 October 1425.
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f.32r   11 October 1425
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest fellow monk”, with the consent of his fellow monks decreeing that, as William Donkan', lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, Thomas Barker, clerk of Durham diocese, be admitted in his place. The prior commands him to examine Thomas and, if suitable, receive him as scholar of the college after the Purification of Mary next [2 February].
Date: Durham, 11 October 1425.
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f.32r   [11 October 1425]
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive William Smyth, clerk of Durham diocese, into Durham College Oxford in place of Richard Rakett.
Date: “as above”.
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f.32v   22 May 1426
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Swyfte, priest of York diocese, of the chantry of St Mary the Virgin in the church of St Nicholas in Durham.
Date: Durham, 22 May 1426.
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f.32v-33r   22 April 1426
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of the Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all and sundry abbots, priors, monasteries and convents of the Benedictines within York province to the abbey and convent of the monastery of St Mary at York, since he intends to visit them in their chapter house on 6 June next, he cites the abbot and all and sundry of the convent to be present before him or his commissaries on the appointed day and place. He commands the abbot to cite or cause to be cited all his fellow monks to appear on the said day and place. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, the abbot is to certify the prior or his commissaries on the said day and place as to what he has done, along with the names of all those cited.
Date: Durham, 22 April 1426.
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f.33r   22 April 1426
Memorandum that a similar citation was issued to the abbot and convent of the monastery of Whitby to make a visitation on 3 June.
Date: 22 April 1426.
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f.33r   [22 April] 1426
Likewise, that another citation was issued to the abbot and the convent of Selby to make a visitation on 8 June. Date: 1426.
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f.33r   [22 April] 1426
Likewise, that another citation was sent to the prior and convent of Monk Bretton to make a visitation on 11 June. Date: 1426.
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f.33r-v   13 May 1426
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to Geoffrey, abbot of Bardney of the Benedictine order in Lincoln diocese, and visitor of the monasteries and other religious houses of the said order in York, Durham and Carlisle dioceses, appointed by the provincial chapter of the Benedictines last held at Northampton, or to his commissaries, having received on 30 April 1426 the following citation.
Citation by Geoffrey, abbot of Bardney, to John, prior of Durham, having recently been appointed visitor of Durham Cathedral in the provincial chapter last held in Northampton, he intends to come on 13 May next to visit it. He commands him to cause all his fellow monks and other conversos to be forewarned of this. He forewarns and cites the prior and commands him to cite the same to appear in the chapter house on the said day before the abbot or his commissaries. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, the prior is to certify him or his commissaries on the said day and place as to what he has done, along with his name and the names of those forewarned and cited.
Date: Bardney, 3 April 1426
On the authority of this, he has caused to be cited or forewarned all who should be present at the visitation, whose names are attached, and performed all and sundry pertaining to this, thereby executing this mandate.
Date: Durham, 13 May 1426
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f.34r   9 May 1426
{Margin: “void” }
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to John Alwent, rector of Wensley, for £20 to be paid to him, his heirs, executors or attorney at Easter next.
Date: 9 May 1426.
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f.34r   15 May 1426
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], {to the archbishop} [of York], stating that he and his fellow monks were proposing, provided the archbishop and other persons concerned sanction it, to divide the parish church of Hemingbrough in York diocese belonging to their advowson into prebends, like the collegiate church of Howden. The church of Hemingbrough had been appropriated to the prior and monastery in the time of Edward III, by the ordinary authority of John, archbishop of York, but the appropriation had not been executed because cardinals before and after had taken possession of the church, whose revenues suffice to support many persons. He entreats the archbishop to give them his help and advice to bring this about.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1426.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxiv.
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f.34v   [29 September] 1426
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Mydelton', vicar of [North]allerton, for £20 for Martinmas and Whitsun past in full payment of a yearly pension owed from the same vicarage.
Date: Durham, Michaelmas 1426.
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f.34v   20 September 1426
{Margin: “void” beside the next three entries, but may not apply to the last which was added later}
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to Roger de Thorneton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for 50 marks to be paid to him or his attorney at Easter next [20 April].
Date: 20 September 1426.
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f.34v   20 September 1426
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to Roger de Thorneton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for 50 marks to be paid to him or his attorney at St Peter ad vincula next [1 August].
Date: 20 September 1426.
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f.34v   20 September 1426
{Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive William Tabard' into le Meason de dieu in place of Joan Chaloner. Date: 20 September 1426.}
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f.35r   6 December 1426
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to William Byndelawes of Burton in Lonsdale, hermit, of the hermitage of Ponteys near the River Tees.
Date: Durham, 6 December 1426.
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f.35r-v   17 December 1426
{Margin: “void” }
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, of Robert Freend', residentiary canon of the prebend of Saltmarshe in the collegiate church of Howden, appointing him rector of the choir of the aforesaid church to guide its ministers in singing and celebrating divine services, and committing to him the prior's authority to correct and punish their transgressions, neglect of duties and absence from the choir, and to substitute in his absence another suitable vicar or priest of the same church in his place, notwithstanding the prior's letters to any persons about this, which he revokes by the presents, commanding all ministers to obey Robert or his commissaries.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1426.
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f.35v   17 December 1426
Memorandum that two letters of collation of the reading and singing (lectual' et cantual') schools of [North]allerton and Howden were issued, one to Thomas Bubwyth, clerk for the reading and singing school of [North]allerton, and the other to John Ellay, chaplain for the reading and singing school of Howden.
Date: 17 December 1426.
Printed: Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903), p.87.
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f.35v   31 December 1426
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive William Babthorp, clerk of Howdenshire into Durham College Oxford in place of John Rotsee around the Purification of Mary [2 February].
Date: Durham, 31 December 1426.
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f.35v   [1428]
Form [by John, prior of Durham], to his “beloved fellow monk”, stating that, since the prior sent his fellow monks, A. de B. and C. de D., [to Finchale priory ?] to walk about with him for three weeks from the date of the presents and then return, he wills him to receive them benevolently.
Date: “etc.”
(Margin: “in the time of Thomas Ayer , [prior of Durham's] chaplain in the year of the lord, etc. 28”)
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f.35v   [22 September] 1428
Memorandum that a letter was issued to receive John Rummundby, clerk of Allertonshire, into Durham College Oxford in place of (blank) at Michaelmas.
Date: Bearpark, <22 September> 1428.
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f.36r   1 December 1427
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, for 4 marks, received on the date of the presents, for the indemnity of the church for Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1427.
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f.36r-v   7 September 1428
Notification by John, prior and the chapter of Durham, {sent to the archbishop} [of York], stating that they and their predecessors have, from time out of mind to the date of the presents, been accustomed to present suitable persons to any vacant benefices in their advowson in the city and diocese of York to the archbishop of York, sede plena, and to the dean and chapter of York, sede vacante, without writing “obedience” in their letters of presentation. John, the present archbishop of York, not yet fully informed of this usage, as he asserts, wishes to admit henceforth the persons presented by them in the manner hitherto accustomed, provided that the prior and chapter exercise no new right by this. It is not their intention to engender anew any prejudice to the archbishop by their presentations or his admissions.
Date: [Durham], in the chapter house, 7 September 1428.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxvi-ccxvii.
Also DCD Reg.III, f.127v and 104r-105r.
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory, 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.216-218.
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f.36v   3 October 1428
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, £9 3s 4d, received on the date of the presents, by the hand of his monk of Farne Island, in full payment of a yearly pension, granted to the prior and convent by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid annually at Michaelmas from the fee-farm of Newcastle by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1428.
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f.36v   8 October 1428
Memorandum that a letter of a grant of one allowance in le Meason de dieu was issued to William Tabard'.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1428.
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f.36v-37r   1 October 1428
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, to Richard Barton' [monk of Durham], as prior or warden of Durham College Oxford, with authority to govern the college and all and sundry pertaining to it, both within and without, to regulate his fellow monks and secular scholars, and to correct the latter and, when required, to expel them at his discretion, with the advice of his fellow monks studying there; commanding them to obey him as warden in all the aforementioned pertaining to them.
Date: Bearpark, 1 October 1428.
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f.37r   1 January 1429
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall [Oxford], for 10s for a yearly pension, owed to the prior and monastery of Durham, for the terms of the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas for 1428 because of the appropriation of the church of Longbenton.
Date; Durham, 1 January 1428/9.
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f.37r   1 October 1428
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, countess of Westmorland by the hand of John Lethem', her receiver, for 100s both for the free farm of Raby and a yearly pension of 20s, customarily paid for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] last past.
Date: 1 October 1428.
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f. 37r-v   4 January 1428
{Margin: Collation of the chantry of St Hilda the virgin of [South] Shields}
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to William Cuke, chaplain, as chaplain of St Hilda, to celebrate divine services there and minister the sacraments to the parishoners of [South] Shields, Harton and Westoe, and to have the manse and lands pertaining to the chapel, half the offerings at the Holy Cross pyx, half the wax offered, all the minor offerings at churchings, baptisms and burials, pennies coming from hedmespenys for blessed bread each Sunday, with the fish called Saint Hild's fish and ale by ancient custom conferred by the parishoners, and one mark from the master of Jarrow yearly at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions.
Date: 4 January 1427/8.
Printed: The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.234.
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f.37v-38r   3 December 1428
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, and within the bounds of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough in York diocese, to Mr John Selow, L.Dec., appointing him keeper of the aforesaid spirituality, and committing to him the authority to act in probate matters, detailed, within the spirituality's jurisdiction, to inquire and proceed in causes relating to marriages and their dissolution, and any others moved or to be moved and pertaining to him by reason of this jurisidiction, to inquire into and correct any transgressions there (etc.), to induct those henceforth presented and admitted to any benefices there with the presents to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 3 December 1428.
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f.38r-v   1 December 1427
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Roger Wryght' of Crossgate in the Old Borough of Durham, with the consent of his chapter, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert] near Bearpark, recently vacant by the death of Alice de Wolfehyll', granting licence to him for life to stay outside the hospital in some respectable place, provided that he keep the statutes (etc.) of the hospital, with the exception of his residence within, and willing that he be deprived of all this if he commits adultery or fornication, marry or not discharge the statutes (etc.).
Date: Durham, 1 December 1427.
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f.38v   30 May 1428
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to David Home of Wedderburn, appointing him bailiff of the cell of Coldingham and all lands pertaining to it, and granting him authority to lease its lands and tenements, with the consent of its prior, to raise rents for its benefit, to exercise other judicial responsibilities, described, with the presents to last for four years from their date.
Date: Durham, 30 May 1428.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.102.
Also copied in: DCD Reg.III, f.129r.
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f.38v   17 March 1429
Memorandum that a letter of the grant of one allowance in le Meason de dieu was issued to John Clerk of [South] Shields.
Date: Durham, 17 March 1428/9.
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f.39r   1 January 1429
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, for a yearly pension of 4 marks, received on the date of the presents and lately granted and owed by an ordinance made in respect thereof, for the indemnity of the same church, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 January 1428/9.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.130v.
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f.39r   1 April 1429
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing William Barkar', priest, and Thomas Appelby, clerk, as his attorneys, to recover 40s from Thomas Burneby of York, tanner ( Barkar'), owed to the prior and Stephen Houeden, subprior, and, if necessary, to sue and implead him (etc.), and to grant quittance for the said money.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1429.
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f.39r-v   27 May 1429
Letter by John, prior of Durham, {sent to the bishop} [of Durham], stating that he does not doubt that the bishop has heard of the misfortune which recently happened to the tower of Durham Cathedral, the facts of which are: on the night before Corpus Christi [25 May], there was dreadful thunder and lightning from the tenth hour to the seventh hour after midnight, especially in the first hour after midnight, when the lightning was so violent when they were at matins that they thought it had struck a large part of the church. Before the seventh hour, the upper part of the great tower, under the cupola [? “tolus” ] known as “le poll”, was struck by lightning. From the seventh hour to the twelfth, there was a terrible fire, and the copper or bronze cupola, in circumference two and three quarter ells [c. 10 feet ?], fiercely alight, threatened at least the part [of the tower] above the church. Through God's favour, the ten or twelve men working to extinguish the fire among the burning wood and molten lead and hit by the falling faces of the cupola were uninjured. The fire was completely extinguished soon after the first hour after mid-day, and the large number of people who had gathered there sang Te Deum. No one who witnessed this can doubt that it was a miracle that the entire tower, and the church with all its adjacent buildings were not burned. The upper, burnt part of the tower measures approximately 20 feet, as was said.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1429.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxvii-ccxviii.
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f.39v-40r   22 June 1429
Inspeximus by John, prior of Durham, having inspected in the cathedral archives the following grant
Grant by Henry II, king of England (etc.), to his justices, sheriffs, barons, reeves, officials and others, granting to the prior and monks of Durham immunity throughout his land of England and Normandy, and in sea ports, markets and all places, from all tolls, transport dues or customs. Anyone troubling them in this to forfeit £10.
Witnesses: R., archbishop of York, R., bishop of Lincoln and Richard de Lucy.
Date: York, [n. d.] [1155 x March 1166: before the death of R. bishop of Lincoln late in 1166 and so before the king's departure for France in the preceding March]
Stating that subsequent kings of England have confirmed this letter to the prior and chapter and their dependent cells, and requesting them not to trouble for toll the priory's officials when buying, selling, or transporting any goods and chattels or allow others to do so.
Date: Durham, 22 June 1429.
.Cf. DCD Reg. III, f.131r, mentioning royal letters patent.
Original (grant): DCD 3.1.Reg.4.
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f.40r   22 [June] 1429
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing his fellow monk, William Ebchestr', S.T.P., as proctor to appear on his behalf at the provincial chapter of Benedictines to be held on 4 July next at Northampton, with specific responsibilities described, since the prior is unable to attend because an embassy of certain bishops, earls, barons and others, appointed by the king's council to go to the king of Scots to renew peace, will be passing by when the chapter is being held, and it is necessary for the prior to have personal discussion with them about recovering his goods, rights and possessions in the march which have long been detained.
Date: Durham, 22 July [ sic ] 1429.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.103.
Also DCD Reg.III, f.130v-131r, dated June.
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f.40v   22 July 1429
Letter of attorney (margin: “for Lytham”) by John, prior of Durham, appointing Robert Singylton' de Chiplynden', John Broune and Robert Brokholes as attorneys, to perform suit on his behalf in the county of Lancashire, according to a certain writ of the king of England.
Date: Durham, 22 July 1429.
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f.40v   22 July 1429
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing John Whixley, chaplain, to recover on his behalf from any of the prior's tenants or debtors in the city of York and vill of Holtby, the rents and income or debts and arrears pertaining to him and his sacrist, and for the same rents, (etc.), when necessary, to distrain, and to acquit for [any moneys] received.
Date: Durham, 22 July 1429.
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f.40v   [1429]
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to William Barker, vicar of the prebend of Thorpe in Howden collegiate church and receiver general of the office of chamberlain in Howden and Howdenshire, releasing and quitclaiming to him any actions, real and personal, which the prior has or may have against him in the future.
Date: Durham, “etc.”
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f.41r   [1429]
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to <Thomas> {John} Robynson', with the consent of his chapter, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert] near Bearpark, lately vacant by the death of William Bolton'.
Date: Durham, “etc.”
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f.41r   14 August 1429
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Robert Bapthorpe, knight, as steward of the vills of Hemingbrough, Brackenholme, Woodhall, Hunsley, Drewton and Yokefleet with their appurtenances, with responsibilities described.
Date: Durham, 14 August 1429.
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f.41v   16 September 1429
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire, of John Aylse, as sworn apparitor of the said spirituality and the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, to cite all and sundry subjects of the spirituality, when suspected of a crime, to appear before the keeper of the spirituality or his commissary on the days and places assigned by the apparitor, and to do all and sundry pertaining to the office of apparitor according to the mandate of the keeper or his commissary, with the presents to last at the prior's will.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1429.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.132v
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f.41v   1 September [14]29
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing Richard Knyght, Robert Bolton' and William Househome to recover 40s from Thomas Burneby of York, tanner, owed to the prior and Stephen Houeden, subprior, and, if necessary, to sue and implead him before any competent judge.
Date: Durham, 1 {over erasure: September} '29.
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f.41v   [11 September 1429]
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to his fellow monks, Thomas Forster and W[illiam] Dalton', to hear each other's confessions and those of their fellow monks and other religious in Durham College Oxford, with the absolving of grave faults reserved to the prior or his special deputy.
Date: Durham, {11 September 1429}
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f.42r   [26 December 1429]
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall [Oxford], for an annual pension of 20s for the terms of the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas for 1429, owed to the prior and monastery because of the appropriation of the church of Longbenton.
Date: Durham, {over erasure: 26 December year abovesaid}.
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f.42r   17 October 1429
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing John Wycliffe, [monk of Durham and] prior of the cell of Stamford, St Leonard's, to proceed against Thomas Walworth', lately his servant, and to receive from him 40s, owing from the executors of John Brampton' from the time when Henry Helay was prior of the aforesaid cell, which, on the strength of the prior's letter of attorney to the same [John Wycliffe], he [should have] received [ receperit for recepit ] recently at his [Henry's ?] command, and granting him authority to implead, arrest and proceed against him by any process of law for failing to pay the 40s and, if necessary, to acquit him for [any moneys] received.
Date: 17 October 1429.
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f.42r-v   3 October 1429
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d, received on the date of the presents by the hand of his monk of Farne Island, in full payment of a yearly pension, granted to the prior and monastery by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid yearly at Michaelmas, from the fee farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men of Newcastle.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1429.
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f.42v   6 December 1429
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, countess of Westmorland, for 100s by the hand of John Lethom', owed to the prior and church of Durham, for the term of St Cuthbert in September [4 September] last past.
Date: 6 December 1429.
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f.42v   20 October 1429
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Umfrayville, knight, lord of Redesdale, for 24s for the yearly rent of 8s owed for five score acres of the prior's land near Harbottle for the terms of Whitsun in March last past [sic ; “in Marcio”recte“et Martini” ?], in full payment of all arrears.
Date: 20 October 1429.
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f.42v   20 April 1430
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Portyngton' of Portington and William Moston' of Caville, esquires, Edmund Hoperton' of Portington and William Taylour of Caville, for £13 6s 8d, owed by their bond to the prior and church of Durham, on St Cuthbert in March last past [20 March].
Date: Durham, 20 April 1430.
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f.43r   25 April 1430
Memorandum that a letter of appointment was issued to Robert Emmyldon [monk of Durham] as subprior of Finchale.
Date: 25 April 1430.
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f.43r   [29 June] 1430
Letters of recommendation by John, prior of Durham, stating that an Italian, Jacobo de Sancto Severeno, knight, who had been sent with safe conduct from the earl of Northumberland and was specially recommended by him, came to the prior on 27 June. He showed the prior letters of commendation and safe conduct from divers kings and lords through whose kingdoms and lordships he had passed; requesting all whom Jacobo should meet not to trouble him or his servants in their person or property, nor permit others to do so, out of regard for the earl, the other lords of this country and the prior's request.
Date: Durham, SS Peter and Paul 1430.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.135r.
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f.43r-v   1 August 1430
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Babthorp', knight, Mr John Selow, L.Dec., John Fysshburn', fellow monk, Mr William Doncastr', LL.B. and Richard Burton' of Howden, clerk, appointing them auditors of all the accounts of John Wythir', provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, granting authority to do all and sundry pertaining to the office of auditor and commanding the provost to obey them acting according to the ordinance of the church, with the presents to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 1 August 1430.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.135v.
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f. 43v   11 September 1430
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of William Ebchestr', S.T.P. [monk of Durham], as prior of Holy Island, commanding all concerned to be answerable to him as prior; he is to make an annual account to the prior of Durham of all receipts and expenses of the cell.
Date: 11 September 1430.
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f.43v-44r   9 September 1430
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire, to the keeper of the said spirituality, stating that, since he intends to visit the parish churches, chapels, hospitals and other places of the spirituality, he commands him to cite or cause to be cited all rectors, prebendaries, vicars, beneficed clerks, those celebrating divine services and the ministers of all churches, chapels and places mentioned below, and from each vill there (depending on its size) twelve, eight, six, four or two trustworthy men to appear, either personally or by proctor, before him, his commissaries or other lieutenants on the days and places appointed in the attached schedule. Those holding benefices are to exhibit their titles and letters of their acquisition of their benefices and incumbency. They, as well as other parish chaplains and those celebrating divine services, are to exhibit their letters of ordination and any other canonical matter which they have on their behalf. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, he is to certify him or his commissaries on the appointed days and places as to how he has executed the prior's mandate, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 9 September 1430.
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f.44r-v   9 September 1430
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire, to the keeper thereof, stating that, since he intends to visit the churches, prebends and other places of the spirituality (and thereafter as the document above).
Date: Durham, 9 September 1430.
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f.44v-45r   11 September 1430
Monition by John, prior of Durham, to John Wythir', provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough requiring him, according to a recent ordinance of the church, to produce on oath an annual account of all receipts and expenses for the revenues of the church, citing him to appear before the prior or his deputies in the manse of the church on 9 and 10 October next to render such an account in writing, and do what the order of account requires, and willing him to put confidence in the bearer of the presents as to their delivery.
Date: Durham, 11 September 1430.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.136r.
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f.45r   21 September 1430
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since John Goldesmyth, lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, he commands him to receive John Melott, clerk, whom the prior and his fellow monks had examined, as scholar of the college in place of John Goldesmyth before St Denis next [9 October].
Date: Durham, 21 September 1430.
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f.45r-v   25 September [?1430]
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Babthorp', knight and Mr John Selow, L.Can.L., stating that John, archbishop of York, had lately committed to his commissaries the authority to assign and delimit suitable houses or places in the manse or grounds of the rectory of the recently-erected collegiate church of Hemingbrough and in other lands or tenements pertaining to it, as dwellings for the provost, canons, vicars and other ministers on the next Monday after Michaelmas; and committing the prior's authority to Robert Bapthorpe and John Selow to proceed and come to a consensus in this matter with the said commissaries on the said day and place until final decision has been made.
Date: Durham, 25 September [no A. D.]
Also DCD Reg. III, f.136v.
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f.45v   2 December 1430
Letters testimonial by letters patent by John, prior of Durham, stating that John Pollard of Durham, dyer, and John Broundon, staying in the liberty of Hexhamshire, recently bought from William Partryk [monk of Durham], then bursar of Durham, 340 sheep for £20, and were bound to the prior for this amount by their bond. For a long time the prior had impleaded them for payment in the bishop's court at Durham. John Broundon, fleeing to the liberty, has not satisfied the prior for a penny, but the prior has recovered the aforesaid £20 in the said court from John Pollard, which he paid to the prior in its entirety.
Date: Durham, 2 December 1430.
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f.45v   1 April 1427
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to his fellow monk, Henry Heley, at the request of Robert Clyfford, vicar of Bossall, to receive the administration of all Robert's property from the ordinary and to dispose of the same according to Robert's ordinance.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1427.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxv-ccxvi.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.137v.
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f.46r   11 February [?1431]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest brother”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the cell of Wearmouth, he commands him to direct his steps there and remain. He is to show the presents to the prior of Lytham, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 11 February [no A. D.].
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f.46r   11 February [?1431]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest brother”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the cell of Lytham, he commands him to direct his steps there and remain. He is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 11 February [no A. D.].
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f.46r   25 February 1431
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of William Lyham [monk of Durham], as cellarer of Finchale, under the prior thereof, provided that he render a faithful account of all receipts and expenses to the prior and monks thereof every month. He is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he admits him to office.
Date: Durham, 25 February 1430/1.
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f.46r   25 February [?1431]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to Finchale, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he receives him.
Date: Durham, 25 February.
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f.46v   3 December 1430
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, for an annual pension of 53s 4d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, recently granted to him by an ordinance made in respect thereof and owed to him for the indemnity of the same church.
Date: Durham, 3 December 1430.
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f.46v   10 March [?1431]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest brother”, stating that in order to curb the wanderings and irregularities of his fellow monks in cells, he recently set forth a certain ordinance concerning the manner of walking about and of living, to be put into execution by the priors and masters of the cells on his authority; and ordering him to give credence to William Drax, prior of Coldingham, with whom he now dwells, in declaring the same ordinance to him so that in the future he cannot plead ignorance.
Date: Durham, 10 March.
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f.46v   2 April 1432
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Matilda Barbour, of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by William Turpyn'.
Date: 2 April 1432.
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f.46v   [25 September] 1428
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to William Bowes, knight, for 100 marks to be paid to William or his certain attorney at Christmas next.
Date: Durham, Saturday next after St Matthew 1428.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.231r.
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f.47r   9 April 1431
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his “beloved fellow monk”, stating that, since he sent his fellow monk, John of Lytham, [to Finchale priory ?] to walk about with him for three weeks from the date of the presents and then return, he asks him to receive him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 9 April 1431.
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f.47r   18 April 1431
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to Mr John Selow, residentiary of York Minster, Richard Arnald', subdeacon, John Karleton', canon of York Minster, and William Doncastr', LL.B., having recently himself visited the collegiate churches of Hemingbrough and Howden, and adjourned the visitation to 23 and 24 April for Hemingbrough and 25 and 26 April for Howden, committing his authority to perform the visitation, correct and punish what has been discovered, execute the prior's monitions and injunctions, and adjourn the visitation, if necessary, as he is prevented by pressing business from attending personally to this.
Date: Durham, 18 April 1431.
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f.47r   [?1428]
Memorandum (of defeasance) that the bond above (on f.46v) was delivered to the keeping of Christopher Boynton' and that the other bond of William Bowes, knight, made to the prior of Durham, which was of similar purport and for the same amount, was delivered to Richard Buckley under the following conditions: that if the prior and William stand by the decision of Christopher Boynton', Richard Bukley and William Lamton', knight, concerning the various complaints and disputes between the prior and William, provided that judgement is given before Christmas next, then the bonds will be considered null; otherwise they will remain in force. If the arbitors do not give judgement, the bonds will have no force. [n. d.]
Also DCD Reg. III, f.231r.
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f.47v   29 May [?1431]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Finchale, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the master of Wearmouth, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses, and to the prior of Finchale so that he receives him.
Date: Durham, 29 May.
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f.47v   [29 May ?1431]
Memorandum that another letter was sent to remove John Gateshed from Holy Island to the cell of Wearmouth.
Date: “on the same date”.
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f.47v   [29 May ?1431]
Memorandum that another letter was sent to remove William Clyffton' from Finchale to Holy Island.
Date: “on the same date”.
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f.47v   4 June [?1431]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to the provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough ?], stating that with the prior's consent the archbishop of York had ordered that Thomas Bradshawe, canon of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, receive for life a yearly pension of 10 marks from the provost from the revenues of the church, in addition to his canonry, for his diligence before divers magnates in expediting the erection of the collegiate church. Thomas had recently complained orally to the prior that [the provost] was unwilling to pay him further, alleging diverse feeble excuses, particularly that he had paid the said pension for two years only at the prior's request and pleasure. The prior advises him to pay the pension, considering the dangers which can happen to him; otherwise he will shortly be compelled by ecclesiastical censures to pay it.
Date: Durham, 4 June.
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f.48r   9 June 1431
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Wyvinerle [?] of Durham, of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by John Clerk of [South] Shields.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1431.
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f.48r   11 October 1430
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, of Thomas Westhorp', vicar of the collegiate church of Howden, as rector of the choir, on the strength of the ordinance of the same church. He is to order matters pertaining to divine office and punish any transgressors of them, when necessary. All ministers of the church are to obey him as the prior's deputy.
Date: Howden, 11 October 1430.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.139v-140r
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f.48v   17 June 1431
(Partly crossed out:)
Presentation by John, prior of Durham, to the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar [general], of his fellow monk, William Partrik', as he has appointed him prior of Lytham.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1431.
Also copied at f.49r below.
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f.48v   17 June 1431
(Crossed out:)
<Proxy by John, prior of Durham, stating that, since he removed his fellow monk, Richard Hessewell, lately prior of Lytham, to the monastery at Durham, and discharged him from the administration of the cell and appointed his fellow monk, William Partryk, as prior, he appoints as proctors Mr W[illiam] Doncaster', LL.B., Mr William Driffeld', and Mr Thomas Appilby, proctors of the court of York.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1431>.
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f.49r   14 June 1431
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of his fellow monk, William Partryk, as prior of Lytham, since the prior has discharged his fellow monk, Richard Hessewell, lately prior of Lytham, from its administration, and enjoining all and sundry concerned to obey him as prior, with an account of all receipts and expenses of the cell to be rendered yearly to the prior of Durham.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1431.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.140r
Digitised version
f.49r   17 June 1431
Presentation by John, prior of Durham, to the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar [general], of his fellow monk, William Partryk', as he has appointed him prior of Lytham.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1431.
Also copied at f.48v above.
Digitised version
f.49r-v   17 June 1431
Proxy by William Partryk, monk of Durhamm having been appointed prior of the cell of Lytham by John, prior of Durham, and engaged in pressing business, appointing with the prior's special licence William Doncastr', LL.B., as his proctor, to have the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar general induct him as prior of Lytham.
Sealed, since his own seal is little known, with the seal of the keeper of the spirituality of Howden and Howdenshire, as the keeper records.
Date: Durham, 17 June 1431.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.140r.
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f.49v   20 June 1431
Admission by Roger Esyngwald', LL.B., vicar general of Henry Bowett, archdeacon of Richmond, of William Partryk, monk of Durham, to the cell of Lytham, on the presentation of the prior of Durham, in the person of his proctor, Mr William Doncastr', LL.B., saving always the rights (etc.) of the archdeacon and archdeaconry.
Sealed with the seal of his vicariate.
Date: York, 20 June 1431.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.140v.
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f.49v-50r   20 June 1431
Mandate to induct by Roger Esyngwald', LL.B., vicar general of Henry Bowet, archdeacon of Richmond, to Richard, vicar of St Michael [on Wyre ?], since he had admitted William Partryke, monk of Durham, to the cell of Lytham, in the person of his proctor, Mr William Doncastr' LL.B., he orders him to induct William or his proctor, or cause them to be inducted.
Date: York, 20 June 1431.
Endorsed as executed on (blank) July 1431.
Date: Lytham, “on the day and year above”.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.140v.
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f.50r-v   12 September 1431
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all churches appropriated to him and the chapter in Durham diocese, to Mr William Doncastr', LL.B., creating him the prior's official of his archidiaconal jurisdiction with full authority, to proceed and determine in all and sundry causes moved or to be moved, pertaining to the jurisidiction, to inquire into and correct any faults in clergy and people within the jurisdiction.
Date: 12 September 1431.
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f.50v   [22 September] 1431
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to John Whele, of one allowance for life in Le Meason de dieu, lately held by Geoffrey Carter'.
Date: Durham, St Maurice 1431.
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f.50v-51r   2 October 1431
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden, to Mr John Selowe, residentiary of York Minster, Mr Richard Arnald', subdeacon, and William Doncaster', LL.B., to carry out the corrections, punishments and reforms found necessary during the recent visitation of the collegiate church of Howden, and to execute his monitions and injunctions, as he is unable to attend to this personally because of the monastery's pressing business.
Date: Durham, 2 October 1431.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.143r
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f.51r   3 October 1431
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Midilton', vicar of the parish church of Northallerton, for £20, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past, for a yearly pension owed to the prior and customarily paid by the vicar.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1431.
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f.51r   7 October 1431
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to his fellow monks, Thomas Forster' and John Burnby, to hear each other's confessions and those of their fellow monks and other religious in Durham College Oxford, with the absolving of grave faults reserved to the prior or his deputy.
Date: Durham, 7 October 1431.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxix-ccxx.
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f.51v   7 October 1431
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of his fellow monk, John Mody, as prior or warden of Durham College Oxford, with authority to govern the college and all and sundry pertaining to it, both within and without, to regulate his fellow monks and secular scholars, to correct the latter and, when required, to expel them at his discretion, with the advice of his fellow monks studying there, pertaining them to obey him as prior or warden in all the aforementioned concerning them.
Date: Durham, 7 October 1431.
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f.51v   4 October 1431
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, from the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d, received by the hand of a monk of Farne Island on the date of the presents, {for the term of Michaelmas last past}, in full payment of a yearly pension, granted to the prior and monastery of Durham by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid yearly at Michaelmas from the fee farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men of Newcastle.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1431
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f.52r   21 November [?1431]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the archbishop of York), requesting he write to the provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough to demand he make satisfaction without delay to Thomas Bradshawe, prebendary of Hemingburgh, for his pension, as the bishop has the authority to amend the ordinances of the church with the prior's advice and consent, as Thomas had complained in writing and verbally to the prior that the provost was refusing to pay the pension, alleging that he was not bound by the church's ordinance and had not yet had another mandate from the archbishop, although the prior and archbishop had agreed when the collegiate church had been erected that Thomas would receive 10 marks yearly for life from the provost from the revenues of the church, in addition to his canonry.
Date: Durham, 21 November.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.143r.
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f.52r   7 December 1431
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Isabel Heworth', of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by John Wheel.
Date: Durham, 7 December 1431.
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f.52v   1 September 1431
Commission by Henry Heley, monk of Durham, subcollector, having been deputed by the principal collector, the prior of Durham, of the half tenth, recently granted to the king in the provincial council at York, within Durham diocese, deputing William Benteley, to levy, collect and receive on his behalf from the rectors, vicars and any other beneficed clerks within Durham diocese the half tenth, and to issue quittance for [moneys] received.
Sealed with the prior's seal, since his own was little known.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1431.
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f.52v   15 December 1431
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot of Blanchland, for a yearly pension of 6s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Michaelmas last past for the indemnity of the church of Bolam appropriated to the abbey and monastery.
Date: Durham, 15 December 1431.
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f.52v-53r   26 November 1431
Writ by Henry [VI], king of England, (etc.), to [John], prior of Durham having granted him the authority to receive the oath of Roger de Woddryngton', sheriff of Northumberland, to perform his office faithfully, according to the schedule enclosed herewith (see oath below), commanding him, after receiving the oath, to deliver the king's letters patent to Roger, which he sends to the prior by the bearer of the presents, and, in returning this writ to the king, to make known to him in chancery under the prior's seal that the oath had been taken.
Witnessed by Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, warden of England.
Date: Westminster, 26 November 1431.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxx.
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f.53r-v   [?1432]
Language:   English
Oath of the office of sheriff in Northumberland to serve the king, with responsibilities detailed, regarding the king's rights, debts and writs, and the sheriff's undersheriffs and bailiffs to destroy the heresy known as Lollardy and to assist the ordinaries and commissaries of the church.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxx-ccxxi.
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f.53v-54r   20 January 1432
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to William Thomson', of a bed and an allowance or corrody for life in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Alice Smyth.
Date: Durham, 20 January 1431/2.
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f.54r   10 January 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of [Kirby] Sigston, for a yearly pension of 10 marks, owed to the prior and church of Durham from the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: 10 January 1431/2.
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f.54r   9 February 1432
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Thomas Moorby [monk of Durham], as keeper of Farne Island, ordering all concerned to obey him as keeper.
Date: Durham, 9 February 1431/2.
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f.54r-v   [1432]
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing John Hardyng' of Kyme [Lincs.], esquire, and William Elyngton' of Boston [Lincs.] as his attorneys, to seek and recover on his behalf yearly at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions a rent of 30s from John Baker' of Boston, chaplain, and John Glaston', merchant of Boston, the prior's lessees there, and then to acquit them; this letter of attorney to last at the prior's will.
Date: “etc.”
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f.54v-55r   1 February 1432
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to John Baker of Boston, chaplain, and John Glaston', merchant of Boston [Lincs.] of all lands and tenements with their appurtenances lying between the rectory of Boston and the land which Walter de Stykeney holds on the south side, the land of the prior and convent of Kyme on the north side, abutting the common sewer on the east side, and partly the lands of John Milburn', clerk, and partly the watercourse on the west side to be held by them from Martinmas last past for the term of the following six years, rendering yearly to the prior and his successors 30s at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with first payment at Whitsun next; if the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for 40 days after any term date, or the value of any buildings within the lands and tenements decline for want of maintenance to 20s, unless they are adequately repaired by them within six months, then the prior and his successors may re-enter and recover all the lands and tenements, with their appurtenances, and dispose of them at will, notwithstanding this indenture.
During the term of six years John Baker and John Glaston' will: perform and pay to the chief lords of that fee and their neighbours all services due and customary from the aforesaid lands and tenements, find a room and adequate stabling for the prior, his successors or any of their monks coming and staying there, maintain and repair all buildings constructed in the lands and tenements during the term at their own expense and at the end of the term leave them in a good and adequate condition on the view of four trustworthy men to be chosen by each party.
Witnesses: William Elyngton' of Boston, John Hardyng' and John Wessyngton', esquire.
Date: 1 February 1431/2
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f.55v-56r   4 March 1432
Letter of excommunication by the official of the bishop of Durham, to the parish chaplains of the churches of Bamburgh, Embleton, Norham and Holy Island and their dependent chapels, stating that he had received a complaint from the prior of Durham that persons unknown had seized and concealed gold, silver, jewels, debts and other things belonging to Thomas Sparowe, [monk of Durham and] master of Farne Island, when he had been alive, against the prior's will, to the grave peril of their souls and substantial injury to the prior and convent; and commanding them to admonish all those wrongfully seizing and concealing these goods, those aiding and abetting them, and those with any knowledge of this, who are to restore or cause to be restored the goods to the prior or his deputy, or satisfy them for the value of the goods. If they do not comply within twelve days, they are to be excommunicated.
Date: Durham, 4 March 1431/2.
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f.56r-v   11 March 1432
Inspeximus by John, prior of Durham, addressed to the monks of Durham College Oxford, reciting the following decree of his immediate predecessor.
Decree by John [of Hemingbrough], prior of Durham, immediate predecessor of the present prior, with the consent of the chapter, ordering that secular youths in the college both now and in the future properly serve his fellow monks [at table] in the hall, and assist in the celebration of mass cum nota et sine nota and other divine services. None of them is to go forth into the town or outside it except for academic activities, detailed, without licence from the prior or warden of the college or his vicegerent on penalty of their commons being withdrawn.
As he knew all articles of this decree to be consonant with the college's ordinance and had been observed from its first foundation, he wills all concerned to observe it in future.
Date: Durham, 11 March 1431/2.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxii.
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f.56v   [17 December] 1431
Letter by Pope Eugenius ( “IV” in margin), to Henry [Beaufort], cardinal of England, stating that, as the cardinal's presence is needed to conduct important business concerning the state of the church, he wills him to come to him as soon as possible and to certify him constantly by letter as to his departure and progress. He will rejoice at his coming as he is distinguished for many virtues which, having been employed on behalf of the state of the realm, the church now requires for its own use.
Date: Rome, at St Peters, 16 Kal. January 1431.
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f.56v-57r   26 April 1432
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, stating that he has appointed John Walkere, literatus, of Durham, bearer of the presents, as proctor, exhibiting one silver gilded cross with an image of the Saviour, the Virgin Mary and St John the evangelist, a piece of cloth in which the body of St Cuthbert had been wrapped for 400 years, and a public instrument, and bearing indulgences granted by popes, archbishops and bishops for those giving assistance to the fabric of the church; he is to collect and receive the alms of the faithful given or to be given within Durham diocese for the prior[y] and fabric of St Cuthbert's church, to substitute for himself one or more proctors, nuncios or assistants and to revoke the same and their authority. The presents are to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 26 April 1432.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxiv-ccxxv.
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f.57r-v   10 May 1432
Letter by John, prior of Durham, to John, abbot of the Benedictine monastery of SS Peter and Hild of Whitby, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all places, abbots and priors within York province, or to his commissaries, having received the following citation.
Citation by John, abbot of the Benedictine monastery of SS Peter and Hild of Whitby, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all abbots and priors, their monasteries and convents within York province, to the prior and convent of Durham, since he intends to visit them in their chapter house on 12 May next, he cites the prior and convent to appear before him or his commissaries, one or many, on the said day and place, he commands him to cite or cause to be cited all their fellow monks who should be present by right or custom at such a visitation to appear with him then; by letters patent reciting the contents hereof, he is to certify him or his commissaries on the said day and place as to what he has done, along with a list of the names of those cited.
Date: Whitby, 11 April 1432.
On authority of this, he caused to be cited all his fellow monks who are customarily present, whose names are in the attached schedule, to appear before him or his commissaries on the said day and place.
Date: Durham, 10 May 1432.
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f.58r   6 May 1432
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to William Seeton, subdeacon, to be promoted by any bishop able and willing to do so to the orders of deacon and priest, which he had not yet attained, when of lawful age, notwithstanding he is a professed monk of Durham.
Date: Durham, 6 May 1432.
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f.58r   10 May [1432]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (superscription: to Mr John Selowe, residentiary [canon] of York Minster) expressing his thanks for his kindnesses and efforts expended in matters concerning the church of Durham, stating that the visitation of the collegiate church of Howden has been adjourned until 13 May next when the disputing parties intend to appear personally; unless justice is executed for them, they intend to complain about [the prior] to the archbishop or to appeal; and requesting him to be present on the said day and place since by this the matter of the visitation will turn out to the advantage of the prior and church of Durham.
Date: Durham, 10 May “etc”.
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f.58v   10 May 1432
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to Mr John Selowe, residentiary of York Minster, Mr Richard Arnald', subdeacon, and Mr William Doncastre, LL.B., to carry out the corrections, punishments and reforms found necessary during his recent visitation of the collegiate church of Howden, and to execute his monitions and injunctions, as he is unable to attend to this personally because of the monastery's pressing business.
Date: Durham, 10 May 1432.
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f.58v-59v   1 May 1432
Commission by John, abbot of the Benedictine monastery of SS Peter and Hild of Whitby, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of Benedictines last held at Northampton to visit all conventual houses, abbots, priors and any other Benedictines within York province, with responsibilities detailed, to his fellow monks, Mr Hugh Ellerton', S.T.P., and Richard Berwyke, to visit on his behalf the church of Durham and the regular persons of the Benedictine order there, who are customarily present at such a visitation, at fitting places, days and times assigned after a due interval, as the abbot is unable to be present on the appointed places, days and times for various pressing causes to do with his monastery, to inquire into, correct and reform all and sundry as seems necessary to them.
Date: the monastery of Whitby, 1 May 1432.
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f.59v-60r   1 May 1432
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Richard Blenkehowe of Durham of a certain meadow, lying on the east side of the chapel of St Thomas the martyr in Durham, called Longbank Meadow [ Langbakmedewe ], to be held in severalty at all times of the year from the Purification of Mary [2 February] last past for the term of the following twelve years, rendering yearly 33s 4d to the prior or on his behalf to the then communar of Durham at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next; if the rent should happen to be in arrears, in part or in whole, for 40 days after any term date, then the prior and his successors may distrain upon the meadow and retain any property distrained until fully satisfied for the rent and arrears, if any; if it is in arrears as above for 50 days, the prior and his successors may re-enter and possess the meadow as before, notwithstanding this indenture. The said Richard binds himself, his heirs and executors to fulfil on his behalf all the conditions above and to pay 40s to the prior or his successors if Richard should default in any of them.
Date: 1 May 1432.
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f.60r   3 June 1432
Memorandum that a letter was issued, by virtue of which William Eden' [monk of Durham] was made cellarer of Finchale, according to the form on the fifteenth folio preceding (f.46r).
Date: Durham, 3 June 1432.
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f.60r-v   [26 March] 1432
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Walter Dyconson' and Thomas Holme of Pocklington in Yorkshire of the entire vill of Hunsley, with its appurtenances, belonging to the prior, with the exception of the free rent of 5s coming from one free tenement of Robert Babthorp', knight, in the same vill, to be held with its appurtenances with the above exception as in [its ?] herbage [rights ?] from the Annunciation last past for the term of the following nine years, rendering yearly to the prior and his successors £6 at St Peter ad vincula [1 August] and the Purification of Mary [2 February] in equal portions, with the first payment at St Peter next.
They will repair and maintain one tenement with its appurtenances in the vill and all the enclosures around it, and leave them repaired in a good and adequate condition at the end of the term at their expense (with the exception of the timber and underwood necessary for the said repairs, which they will have within the lordship of the vill when necessary) for the inspection and delivery of the then steward of the prior; they will not bring back into cultivation any parcel of land of the vill during the term. If the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for four weeks after any term date, then the prior and his successors may distrain upon the vill and retain any property distrained until fully satisfied of the arrears, if any, and of damages and expenses; if it is in arrears as above for six weeks and there are insufficient goods to distrain, the prior and his successors may re-enter and possess it as before, notwithstanding this indenture.
They bind themselves, their heirs and successors to fulfil faithfully all conditions and to pay to the prior and his successors 10 marks, if they should default in any of the above. The prior and his successors will warrant for them the vill with its appurtenances, with the above exception, and will acquit them against the king for all incumbent on the king and others for the vill during the term of nine years.
Date: the day after the Annunciation 1432.
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f.60v   4 June 1432
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to William Barkear', rector of the parish church of Holtby and receiver general of the office of chamberlain in Howden and Howdenshire, releasing and quitclaiming him from any actions, real and personal, which the prior has or may have against him in the future.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1432
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f.61r   4 June 1432
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of his fellow monk, John Durham (in margin: “junior”), as master or keeper of the cell of Jarrow, commanding all concerned to obey him as keeper, with an account of all receipts and expenses of the cell to be rendered yearly to the prior.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1432.
Printed: The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.xii-xiii.
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f.61r   4 June 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Jarrow, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the keeper of Jarrow so that he admits him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1432.
(Margins: letter for sending Roger Langchestr' [monk of Durham] to the cell of Jarrow; form for sending a monk from the monastery of Durham to a cell)
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f.61r   6 June 1432
Memorandum that two letters in the above form were issued one to William Kyrkeby [monk of Durham], to be removed to the cell of Holy Island, the other to Thomas Wheill [monk of Durham], to be removed to the cell of Lytham, from the monastery of Durham, where they had been conventuals.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1432.
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f.61v   6 June 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the monastery of Durham, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1432.
(Margins: letter of John Bothe, monk of Durham; form for recalling a monk from any cell to the monastery of Durham.)
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f.61v   6 June 1432
Memorandum that two letters were issued in the above form to recall two monks of Durham, John Gatysheued' from the cell of Wearmouth and William Clyffeton' from the cell of Holy Island.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1432.
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f.61v   4 June 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the cell of Finchale, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the prior of Lytham, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 4 June, 1432.
(Margins: letter of Thomas Bradbery, monk of Durham; form for recalling a monk from one cell to another.)
Printed: The Priory of Finchale, (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.32.
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f.61v   6 June 1432
Memorandum that a letter was issued in the above form to recall Thomas Hexham, junior, monk of Durham, from the cell of Wearmouth to the cell of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1432.
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f.61v-62r   16 June 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, as he understood that John Kyllyngworth', lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, is shortly about to leave, with the consent of his fellow monks he decrees that Robert Wakerfeelde, clerk of Durham diocese, be admitted in his place. He commands him to examine the same Robert before his fellow monks and to receive him as scholar of the college after the said John's departure.
Date: Durham, 16 June 1432.
(Margin: form for receiving a scholar into Durham College Oxford.)
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f.62r   20 June 1432
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to John Qvyxlay, vicar of the parish church of Patrick Brompton [N. R. Yorks.], and receiver of rents of the priory's office of sacrist in York and Holtby, of all actions, real and personal, which the prior had or may have against him.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1432.
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f.62r   21 June 1432
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to William del Stanes, tailor, of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Thomas Barbour.
Date: Durham, 21 June 1432.
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f.62v   22 June 1432
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing his fellow monk, Mr William Ebbechestr', S.T.P, prior of Holy Island, as excusator and proctor to appear and act on his behalf, with responsibilities described, at the provincial chapter of the prelates of the black monks, to be held on the last day of June next at Northampton, as he is at present so unwell that he fears he would incur more serious illness if he travels to such distant parts, and because serious discords have recently arisen among the magnates of the district and, for the restoration of peace, he is required by the sheriff and others of the council of the lord [bishop] of Durham to wait there and personally to apply himself diligently to this.
Date: Durham, 22 June 1432.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.146v.
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f.63r   [2 February] 1432
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to William Fletchere of Elvet in Durham of one croft containing two acres of arable land, as it lies at the exit of the vill of Old [i.e. now New] Elvet to the east of the highway leading to the vill of Shincliffe, to be held from the date of the presents for the term of 10 years, on paying to the prior or his successors or the then feretrar of Durham 8s at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next. William binds himself, his heirs and executors to pay 10s to the prior or his successors whenever William should fail to pay the rent of 8s, in part or in whole, for six months after any term.
Date: Durham, Purification of Mary 1431/2.
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f.63r-v   30 June 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, for 33s 4d for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 5 marks owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1432.
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f.63v   30 June 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Robert de la Hay, rector of the church of Brantingham, for 66s 8d for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 10 marks owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1432.
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f.63v   30 June 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Aukebarowe, rector of the church of Walkington, for 50s for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 100 marks owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1432.
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f.63v   30 June 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas Hebden, rector of the church of Welton, for 20s for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 40s owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1432
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f.64r   4 August 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to the bishop of Durham's official, vicar of the church of Ovingham, stating that he had recently heard a trustworthy report that everyone whose names appear below recently came to diverse fishing places called yares, situated within the limits and liberties of St Cuthbert, and there deceitfully and wickedly stole and carried off many nets, incurring the sentence of greater excommunication for this clear injury to the liberty. He commands him to cite or cause to be cited all those below to appear before him or his commissary in the church of Durham on Saturday next after the Assumption next [16 August] to put forward reasonable cause, if they have any, why they should not be excommunicated for this. Returning the presents, he is to certify the prior or his commissary on the said day and place as to what he has done in this regard.
Date: Durham, 4 August 1432.
Names: Robert de Ovyngham, John de Ovynmgham, John Collan' of Prudhoe, John Turnour, of Prudhoe, Robert Buston' of Prudhoe, John Lovell' of Prudhoe, John Symson' of Harlow [Hill].
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f.64r   30 September 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Mydylton', vicar of the church of Northallerton, for £20, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past for a yearly pension of £20.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1432.
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f.64v-65r   17 September 1432
Citation by Thomas, bishop of Durham, to the prior of Durham, having received on 16 September at his manor of Stockton the following citation.
Citation by John, archbishop of York, primate of England and papal legate, to Thomas, bishop of Durham, his suffragan, in order to remedy the substantial difficulties which have arisen touching the state of all churches and for other reasons, he decrees that his suffragans and other prelates, both exempt and non-exempt, and the clergy of York province be summoned on the day and place below; he cites him and wills him to cite the prior and chapter of the church of Durham, all abbots and other priors, even elective, exempt and non-exempt, archdeacons, deacons, chapters, convents, colleges, and clergy of the city and diocese of Durham. He commands the bishop, the abbots, priors, archdeacons and deacons to appear personally in York Minster on 3 October next before him, his lieutenants, or deputed commissaries; the convents, chapters and colleges are to appear by individual proctors deputed by them, and the clergy by two such proctors. They are to discuss with the archbishop or his commissaries and the other prelates of the province the matters set forth there, to give their advice, and to consent to what by agreement is ordered there. He declares to the prior and wills him to declare to the individual abbots (etc.) that he will not excuse them from appearing personally but will punish them as contumacious, if absent. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof and the names of all those cited of the city and diocese of York, listed in a schedule attached to his certification, the bishop is to certify him or his commissaries on the said day and place as to what he has done in this regard.
Date: the archbishop's manor at Southwell, 2 September 1432.
On the authority of this, he cites the prior and wills him to cite the chapter of the church of Durham, and commands that he personally and the chapter by one proctor appear on the day and place appointed above before the archbishop or his deputed commissary. He is to discuss the matters set forth there with the archbishop or his commissary and the other prelates and clergy of the province summoned there, to give advice and to consent to what is by agreement ordered. He declares to the prior that the archbishop will not excuse him from appearing personally but will punish his contumacy, if he is absent. By letters patent relating the contents hereof and the name of the chapter's proctor, he is to certify him before 24 September as to what he has done in this regard.
Date: the bishop's manor of Stockton, 17 September 1432.
Original of the citation: DCD Loc.XX:12b; printed in The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437 vol. IV, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 170, 1961), p.70-71.
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f.65v   30 September 1432
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, commanding him, as he understood that John Romondeby, lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, to receive John Goldyng, clerk of Allertonshire, who has been examined by the prior and his fellow monks and admitted as scholar of the college, into the college in place of John around All Saints next [1 November]. He is to require John to take an oath to observe the statutes and customs of the college, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1432.
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f.65v-66r   30 September 1432
Dispensation by John, prior of Durham, having received, whole and undamaged, and sealed in the manner of the Roman curia, the following licence.
Licence by Pope John XXIII, to the prior and chapter of Durham of the Benedictine order, as contained in the petition recently exhibited to him on their behalf, in order to augment divine worship in the church of Durham, they were desirous that a fitting number of priests flourish there, and requested him to grant licence to the prior to dispense monks of Durham who have reached their 22nd year, that they may be promoted to the priesthood and minister in it. Wishing to increase divine worship and inclined to their wishes, he grants licence to the prior and his successors to dispense by apostolic authority present and future monks of Durham, who have reached their 22nd year, provided that they are otherwise suitable and there is no canonical impediment, that they may be promoted to the priesthood at the times established by law and afterwards freely and lawfully minister in it, notwithstanding their defect of age and any other apostolic constitutions, statutes and customs to the contrary.
Date: Bologna, 28 July 1414
On the authority of this, he dispenses Richard Bell, professed monk of Durham, in his twenty-second year, that he can lawfully be promoted to the priesthood (etc.).
Date: Durham, 30 September 1432.
{Marginal note that [John] Auckland was dispensed on 12 February 1455/6.}
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxv-ccxxvi.
Licence also in DCD Cart.I, f.20v and Loc.III:21.
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f.66v   8 October 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d, received by the hand of a monk of Farne Island on the date of the presents, for the term of Michaelmas last past, in full payment of a yearly pension granted to the prior and monastery of Durham by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid yearly at Michaelmas from the fee farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1432.
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f.66v   15 November 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, for 33s 4d for the term of Martinmas last past in full payment of a yearly pension of 5 marks owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1432.
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f.67r   15 November 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Robert de la Hay, rector of the church of Brantingham, for 66s 8d for the term of Martinmas last past in full payment of a yearly pension of 10 marks owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1432.
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f.67r   15 November 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Aukebarowe, rector of the church of Walkington, for 50s for the term of Martinmas last past in full payment of a yearly pension of 100s owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1432.
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f.67r-v   15 November 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas Hebbeden' rector of the church of Welton, for 20s for the term of Martinmas last past in full payment of a yearly pension of 40s owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid by the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1432.
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f.67v   [1432]
Memorandum that John, prior of Durham, by virtue of a royal writ addressed to him, received in his manor of Bearpark on the octave of Martinmas [18 November] 1432 the oath of John, son and heir of John Mydylton', knight, according to the form of the writ, for the due and just keeping of the office of sheriff of Northumberland by the aforesaid John, then made sheriff of Northumberland.
Date: “etc.”
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f.67v   17 December 1432
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to William Wylkynson', chaplain, of the chantry at the altar of St Mary the Virgin in the collegiate church of Howden in York diocese.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1432
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f.68r-v   31 December 1432
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, and William, abbot of Pershore, Worcester diocese, Benedictine, presidents of the provincial chapter of black monks in England, appointing Mr John, abbot of St Albans, Lincoln diocese, S.T.P.; Nicholas, abbot of Glastonbury, Bath and Wells diocese; William, abbot of St Mary of York; and William, prior of Norwich, S.T.P., as proctors for them, their chapter and order in England, in all causes touching the preceding or the state of the universal church, at the next general council to be held at Basle, or elsewhere, by Pope Eugenius IV or on his authority, or in causes moved or to be moved in the Roman curia, with responsibilities detailed.
Date: the monasteries of Durham and Pershore, 31 December 1432.
Printed in part in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxvii.
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f.68v   1 February 1433
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to send him from his present place to the cell of Stamford, he wills etc, as on the eighth folio preceding (f.61v).
Date: Durham, 1 February 1432/3.
(Margin: letter recalling J[ohn] Moorby [monk of Durham] from the cell of Finchale to the cell of Stamford.)
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f.68v   1 February 1433
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the monastery of Durham, he wills etc. as on the eighth folio preceding (f.61v); he is to show the presents to the prior of Stamford, where he presently is, etc. as on the aforesaid eighth folio.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1432/3.
(Margin: letter recalling Richard Blakeburn' [monk of Durham] from the cell of Stamford to the monastery of Durham.)
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f.69r   [7 January 1433]
Letter (subscription: John, prior of Durham, bedesman of the abbot) (superscription: to John, abbot of St Albans, senior president of the black monks in England) expressing his thanks for the help and favours many times bestowed on him and his [monks] by the abbot, who of the prelates of their order has had most confidence in him. He willingly sealed the proxy sent by the abbot, praising the divine clemency which provides such outstanding lords and prelates as ambassadors. Since he understood from the report of the abbot's nuncio that something gravely prejudicial and injurious to their order was to be attempted in the Roman curia or the council of Basle, but has no idea what this is, because he has not yet received a message or letter from the archbishop of York (patre meo Ebor) after he went to the area, he cannot make a full response at present. After he has had prudent advice regarding the above, he will do to the fullest whatever is incumbent on him in this respect.
Date: Durham, the day after Epiphany [no A. D.].
Printed in part in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxiii-ccxxiv.
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f.69r   3 February 1433
Memorandum that one letter was issued to remove John Dorward' [monk of Durham] from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Finchale, according to the form on the ninth folio preceding (f.61r).
Date: Durham, 3 February 1432/3.
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f.69r   3 February 1433
Memorandum that two letters were issued, one to remove John Bothe [monk of Durham] from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Finchale, according to the form on the ninth folio preceding (f.61r), the other to recall Thomas Bell [monk of Durham] from the cell of Finchale to the monastery, according to the form of a certain letter to John Bothe on the ninth folio preceding (f.61v).
Date: Durham, 3 February 1432/3.
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f.69v   [?1433]
Ordinance made in the annual chapter on Monday next after Ascension [30 May] 1362 by John Fossour, prior and the convent of Durham, as natural reason dictates that no one should be held to anything impossible, except for their own fault, stating that the pensions of the churches formerly assigned to the prior of Stamford St Leonard's to pay to the abbot and convent of Crowland one yearly pension of £6, owed to them of old for the church of Edrom, are now so greatly diminished that they are insufficient to pay the yearly pension, either in part or in whole; hence the said John and convent decreed that the proctor of the church of Edrom ought to pay to the prior of Stamford or his attorney £6 yearly at two terms in equal portions, 60s at the deposition of St Cuthbert and the remaining 60s at Ascension. The prior of Stamford is obliged to make satisfaction for this £6 to the abbot and convent of Crowland for the yearly pension.
Also DCD Reg. II, f.174r.
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f.69v-70r   1 May 1432
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to David Home of Wedderburn, appointing him bailiff of the cell of Coldingham and all lands pertaining to it, and granting him authority to lease its lands and tenements, with the consent of its prior, to raise rents for its benefit, to exercise other judicial responsibilities, described, and to do all and sundry pertaining by right or custom to the office of bailiff with the presents to last for four years from their date.
Date: Durham, 1 May 1432.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.105.
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f.70r   1 February 1433
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Raper' of Gilesgate in Durham, of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by {Thomas} Durham.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1432/3.
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f.70r   1 December 1432
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Baker', chaplain, for 30s for the prior's rent in Boston [Lincs.] for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: the monastery of Durham, 1 December 1432.
(Marginal note referring to this and the next document, that they were written (“scribebantur”) by W[illiam] Bentley.)
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f.70r-v   [18 November] 1431
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Baker', chaplain, for 20s in full payment of all the prior's rents in Boston [Lincs.] before the date of the presents.
Date: the monastery of Durham, the octave of Martinmas 1431.
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f.70v   1 May 1433
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing Nicholas Smyth' of Edmondsley Row in County Durham, as attorney to purchase on the prior's behalf and for his use alone (“dumtaxat”) beasts or other victuals and goods needed by him on any days or places, with that liberty which other prelates and ecclesiastics are accustomed to have and should have throughout the realm in such a case, and to do all and sundry which can and should be done by such an attorney with the presents, to last for two years.
Date: Durham, 1 May 1433.
Marginal caption notes that the letter appears in DCD Reg. III, f.99[v].
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f.70v   30 June 1433
Memorandum that four quittances were issued, under the prior's long seal, according to the form above on the eighth folio preceding (f.63-rv) for the half pension of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton owed to the chamberlain of Durham priory for the term of Whitsun 1433.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1433.
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f.70v-71r   14 July 1433
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to John Wethir', provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, since, according to the ordinance of the church, the provost is obliged to render such an account to the prior or his commissaries every year in his manse within 8 days of Peter ad vincula [1 August]; at his institution the provost was obliged by bodily oath to observe this ordinance, although so far he has not taken care to keep this oath; commanding him under penalty of law and statute to appear before the prior or his commissaries, one or many, in his manse on Wednesday next after St James next [29 July], with continuation of days, to render a faithful account of the receipts and expenses of the church for his time as provost.
Date: Durham, 14 July 1433.
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f.71r   1 July 1433
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Mr John Selowe, John Carleton', canons of York Minster, William Doncaster, LL.B., Richard Burton' and Thomas Appelby as auditors, of all the accounts of John Wythir, provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, granting authority to do all and sundry pertaining to the office of auditor and commanding the provost to obey them, acting according to the ordinance of the church, with the presents to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 1 July 1433.
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f.71v   12 August 1433
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to William Elmeden', knight, for £100 to be paid to him or his executors at Easter next.
Date: 12 August 1433.
Defeasance rendering the bond void, if the prior abides by and implements the decision of William Bowes, knight; Richard Bukley, clerk; and William Hoton' of Hunwick, esquire; arbiters chosen by the common consent of the prior and William Elmeden', with the advice of any other or others to be chosen by William Bowes, Richard and William Horton, concerning all complaints (etc.), contained in certain tripartite indentures delivered by the prior to the arbiters and William Elmeden', brought against the prior by William Elmeden', as he supposes, the date of which is the same as the presents; provided always that the decision of the arbiters, with the advice of some others, is made in writing before Martinmas next; with the bond otherwise remaining in force. One part of the indenture is to remain with the prior, the second with William Elmeden' and the third with the arbiters to be kept in the meantime.
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f.71v-72r   30 September 1433
Memorandum that a quittance was issued, according to the form on the eighth folio preceding (f.64r), to William Midilton', vicar of Northallerton, for a yearly pension of £20, owed to the prior and chapter of Durham from the said church, under the prior's long seal.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1433.
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f.72r   20 August 1433
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to Joan Gower', gentlewoman, and Thomas Gower', her son, for £20 to be paid to Joan and Thomas or their executors at St Peter ad vincula next [1 August].
Date: 20 August 1433.
Defeasance rendering the bond void if the prior abides by and implements the decision of William Bowes, knight and William Hoton' of Hunwick, esquire, arbiters chosen on the part of the prior, and William Elmeden, knight, and Thomas Claxton' of Old Park, esquire, arbiters chosen on the part of Joan and Thomas, concerning all actions (etc.) moved between the prior, his tenants and servants, and Joan and Thomas, their tenants and servants; or if he abides by and implements the decision of William Chaunceller', esquire, umpire chosen by the common consent of the prior and of Joan and Thomas; with the bond otherwise remaining in force; provided always that a decision by the said arbiters is made before All Saints next and that the judgment by the said umpire is made before Martinmas next.
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f.72r   30 September 1433
Memorandum that two letters were issued, in the form on the twelfth folio preceding (f.61r-v), one addressed to William Clifton' [monk of Durham], sent from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Finchale, the other to John Bothe [monk of Durham], removed from the aforesaid cell to the cell of Lytham in Amounderness.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1433.
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f.72v   4 December 1433
Memorandum that four quittances were issued, under the prior's long seal, according to the form above on the sixth folio preceding (f.67r-v and also f.66v), discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton for the half pension of the churches, owed to the prior of Durham and John Barlay, chamberlain of Durham priory, by reason of his office, from the provost and rectors for the term of Martinmas 1433.
Date: Durham, 4 December 1433.
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f.72v   8 October 1433
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d, received by the hand of a monk of Farne Island on the date of the presents, for the term of Michaelmas last past in full payment of a certain yearly pension, granted to the prior and monastery of Durham by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid annually at Michaelmas from the fee farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1433.
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f.72v   8 February 1434
Memorandum that a letter of dispensation of the prior of Durham, addressed to his fellow monk, William Seton', scholar of Durham College Oxford was issued, to receive the order of priest in his twenty-second year, by virtue of this letter, according to the form on the eighth folio preceding (f.65v and also f.66r) for Richard Bell, monk of Durham.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1433/4.
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f.73r   12 October 1433
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for 66s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Whitsun last past for a certain yearly pension of £6 3s 4d, owed of old to the prior and the office of the chamberlain of Durham by the rector of the church.
Date: Durham, 12 October 1433.
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f.73r-v   22 October 1433
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all churches appropriated to him and the chapter of Durham, to the vicar of the parish church of Pittington in Durham diocese, since the prior intends to visit the said church, its clergy and people, he commands him to cite or cause to be cited all and sundry chaplains and clerics in the parish, however ministering, and also three, four, five or six trustworthy men from the individual vills, depending on their size, to appear before him or his commissaries, one or many, in the church of Pittington on Friday, the penultimate day of October next; the vicar, parish chaplains and the other [clerics] are to exhibit their letters of ordination and the titles of their incumbencies. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof and the names of those cited, the vicar is to inform him on the said day and place as to what he has done in this regard.
Date: Durham, 22 October 1433.
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f.73v-74r   22 October 1433
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to his fellow monk William Dalton, and Mr William Doncastr', LL.B., to visit the parish churches of Hesleden, Dalton[-le-Dale], [Bishop] Middleham, [Kirk] Merrington, Heighington, Aycliffe, Monkwearmouth, Billingham, Pittington and Elvet St Oswald, and their dependent chapels, clergy and people, to inquire into, correct, suspend, excommunicate and punish any defect and faults of the aforesaid churches and chapels, to examine, proceed and determine in any causes which happen to be moved in the visitation, and to do all and sundry necessary and fitting to carry out the visitation as the prior is unable to be attend personally because of various, pressing matters of the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 22 October 1433.
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f.74r   1 December 1433
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas Leys, prebendary of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, for 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past for a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham from the prebendary and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1433.
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f.74r-v   27 October 1433
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Mr John Selowe, Mr John Carleton', canons of York diocese; his fellow monk William Dalton, and William Doncastr', LL.B., Mr Richard Burton' and Thomas Appelby, as auditors of all the accounts of the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, with authority to do all and sundry pertaining to the office of auditor, and commanding the provost to obey them, acting according to the ordinance of the church, with the presents to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 27 October 1433.
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f.74v-75r   22 October 1433
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in York diocese, to Mr John Selowe, residentiary of York Minister; Mr John Carleton', canon thereof; his fellow monk, William Dalton'; and William Doncastr', LL.B., to visit the churches of [West] Rounton, [Kirby] Sigston, Northallerton, Holtby, Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington, their chapels, hospitals and other dependent sacred places, clergy and people, to inquire into, correct, suspend, excommunicate and punish any transgressions and faults of the churches (etc.), to examine, proceed and determine in any causes arising which happen to be moved, and to do all and sundry necessary and fitting to carry out the visitation as the prior is unable to attend personally because of various, pressing matters of the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 22 October 1433.
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f. 75r-v   1 December 1433
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Alice de Wandisford', of one allowance for life in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert], lately held by John de Folandisby.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1433.
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f.75v   1 December 1433
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Midilleham, monk of Durham, removed from the church of Durham to the cell of Finchale, according to the form on the fifteenth folio preceding (f.61r).
Date: Durham, 1 December 1433.
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f.75v   1 February 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall [Oxford], for an annual pension of 10s for the terms of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas 1432, owed to the prior and monastery of Durham because of the appropriation of the church of Longbenton and assigned on the authority of the ordinary.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1433/4.
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f.75v   1 February 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall (Oxford), for an annual pension of 10s for the terms of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas 1433, owed to the prior and monastery of Durham because of the appropriation of the church of Longbenton.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1433/4.
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f.75v   8 February 1434
Memorandum that a dispensation was issued by John Wessington, prior of Durham, for his fellow monk, William Seton, scholar of Oxford, to receive the order of priest in his twenty-second year, according to the form on the eleventh folio preceding (f.65v and also f.66r) for Richard Bell, monk of Durham, recently consecrated priest.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1433/4.
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f.75v   1 December 1434
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to Mr Thomas Leys, prebendary of Skipwith of the collegiate church of Howden, for a yearly pension of 13s 4d, according to the form on the second folio preceding (f.74r).
Date: Durham, 1 December 1434.
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f.76r-v   12 January 1435
Proxy by John, abbot of the exempt monastery of St Albans, Lincoln diocese, and John, prior of Durham, Benedictines and presidents of the provincial chapter of the black monks in England, appointing Nicholas, abbot of Glastonbury, Bath and Wells diocese; William, abbot of St Mary of York; and William, prior of Norwich, S.T.P., as proctors for them, their chapter and order in England in all causes touching the preceding or the state of the universal church, in the next general council to be held at Basle, or elsewhere, by Pope Eugenius or on his or any other canonical authority, in causes moved or to be moved in the Roman curia. Date: the monasteries of Durham and St Albans, 12 January 1434/5.
Printed in part in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxxviii.
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f.76v   31 January 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for 66s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Martinmas last past for a certain yearly pension of £6 13s 4d, owed to the prior and the office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid of old by the rector of the church.
Date: Durham, 31 January 1433/4.
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f.76v-77v   6 April 1434
Admission by John, prior of Durham, of John Blakewell, chaplain, having received from him the following presentation.
Presentation by William de Hilton', knight, to John, prior of Durham, of John Blakewell, chaplain, to the chapel of Hylton. This presentation belongs to him because of the agreement made between his precedessors and the prior's. He declares John to be of good behaviour. William Byngham, priest, who lately served the said chapel, has recently died. He entreats him to admit John to the chapel in keeping with this agreement.
Date: Hylton, 23 March 1433/4
Since it was established that William Byngham, last chaplain of the said chapel, was dead and the said baron of Hylton and others testify to John's good behaviour, he admits him to serve the chapel, as in the agreement mentioned above, saving the prior's right and that of the mother church of Wearmouth, of which the chapel is known to be a dependency, and with John having taken an oath to observe the agreement.
Date: Durham, 6 April 1434.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.155v-156r.
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f.77v   14 April 1434
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to remove him from the place where he now is to F{inchale}, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the warden of Durham College Oxford so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1434.
(Margin: letter for recalling Th[omas] Bell [monk of Durham] from Oxford to Finchale.)
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f.77v   14 April 1434
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, [North]allerton and Allertonshire, to Mr John Selowe, residentiary of York Minster and keeper of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, Mr Robert Ormesheved', advocate of the court of York, and his fellow monk William Dalton', to preside in any synods to be held in the collegiate church of Howden, to inquire into, correct and punish faults and transgressions, and to do what is necessary and fitting to exercise the prior's jurisdiction, with the presents to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1434.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.156r.
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f.77v-78r   20 July 1433
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Watson' of Bruntoft and Thomas Watson' of Hardwick iuxta mare, husbandmen, and William Wynlanton' of County Durham, clerk, of one messuage, one grange newly built, two waste tofts and eight score acres of arable land and 21 acres of meadow ( “prati materni”) in the vill of Bruntoft with common pasture for 16 cattle and two horses within the pastures of the demesne land of the vill during the close season; to be held from Martinmas next for the term of the following nine years, with the exception that in the final year of the term the prior and his tenants will enter for le Feleyng [i.e. clearing ?] of the third part of the said arable land, and receive all the profits coming from the entire aforesaid meadow in that year, just as they [the lessees ?] did in the year preceding their entry to the same tenure; rendering yearly to the prior and his successors 100s at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next; if the rent should be in arrears for 40 days after any term date, then the prior and his successors may distrain upon the said lands and tenements, and retain the property distrained until satisfied of the rent. Since at their entry they received the messauge and grange in a good and adequate condition, they will leave them in similar state at the end of the term on the view of four trustworthy men to be chosen by both parties. They bind themselves, their heirs and executors to fulfil the above conditions and to pay 10s to the prior or his successors if they should default in any of them.
Date: 20 July 1433.
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f.78r   1 & 7 May 1434
Memorandum that two letters were issued, one addressed to John Midilham [monk of Durham], to be recalled from Finchale to the monastery of Durham, dated Durham, 1 May 1434, according to the form on the eighteenth folio preceding (f.61v), and the other to John Gisburgh' [monk of Durham], to walk about at Finchale for three weeks, dated Durham, 7 May 1434, according to the form above etc.
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f.78v   11 May 1434
Memorandum that one letter, addressed to Robert Ergehowe, monk of Durham, sent from the abbey there to stay at Finchale, was recently issued.
Date: Durham, 11 May 1434.
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f.78v   1 March 1433
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Gryndisdale, gentleman, of the South Bailey, Durham and Isabel, his wife, and to the longer lived of them, one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Joan Gaugee.
Date: Durham, 1 March 1432/3.
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f.78v-79r    28 February 1434
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Gryndisdale, gentleman, of the South Bailey, Durham, one allowance or corrody in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Constance del Hall'.
Date: Durham, 28 February 1433/4
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f.79r   21 May 1434
Memorandum that a letter was issued, by virtue of which Robert Ergehowe [monk of Durham] was made cellerar of Finchale, according to the form above (either on f.20v or 46r) for William Lyham, one time cellarer there.
Date: Durham, 21 May 1434.
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f.79r   10 May 1434
Memorandum that the collation of the chantry of St Mary in the collegiate church of Howden to John Walkar', chaplain, was issued, according to the form (on f.67v) for William Wilkynson', lately chaplain of the same chantry (incipit given).
Date: Durham, 10 May 1434.
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f.79r   30 June 1434
Memorandum that four quittances, concerning the pensions of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton, as for the term of Whitsun 1434, paid to John Barlay, chamberlain of Durham, to whose office they pertain, were issued (incipit given) as is evident in the quittances above (on f.63r-v) for the term of Whitsun in the year shown there touching the office of chamberlain, under the prior's oblong seal.
Date: Durham, 30 June, 1434.
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f.79r-v   8 August 1434
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to William Smyth', chaplain, of the chantry at the altar of St Thomas the martyr in the collegiate church of Howden, York diocese.
Date: Durham, 8 August 1434.
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f.79v   9 August 1434
Memorandum that the collation of the chantry of St Mary to John Ellay, chaplain, was issued according to the form above (on f.67v) for William Wilkynson', lately chaplain thereof (incipit given), as is evident there.
Date: Durham, 9 August 1434.
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f.79v   4 October 1434
Grant by John, prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to John, son of Walter Wessyngton' of Washington, and to his wife, Joan, or the survivor of them, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert], lately vacant by the death of Roger Writh', with special licence to stay outside the hospital in some respectable place provided that they keep the statutes (etc.) of the hospital, with the exception of their residence within.
Date: the prior's manor at Bearpark, 4 October 1434
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f.80r   5 October 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for £9 3s 4d, received by the hand of a monk of Farne Island on the date of the presents, for the term of Michaelmas last past in full payment of a certain yearly pension, granted to the prior and monastery of Durham by the progenitors of the king from their alms, to be paid annually at Michaelmas from the fee farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: the prior's manor at Bearpark, 5 October 1434.
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f.80r   30 September 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to William Midilton', vicar of the church of Northallerton, for £20, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past for a certain yearly pension.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1434.
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f.80r-v   3 October 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for 66s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Whitsun last past for a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid of old by the rector of the church.
Date: Durham, 3 October 1434.
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f.80v   8 October [?1434]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to William, bishop of Norwich, stating that, since he sent his fellow monk, William Ebchestr', S.T.P., to conduct certain business of the monastery of Durham before the king's council and court, he entreats the bishop to admit him to a hearing and to give him advice and help, for which the prior and his fellow monks will be the bishop's bedesmen and chaplains.
Date: 8 October.
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f.80v   8 October 1434
Memorandum that Robert Hertilpoill' was received in Durham College Oxford, according to the form (on f.65v) for John Romondeby, lately scholar of the college.
Date: the prior's manor at Bearpark, 8 October 1434.
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f.80v   8 October 1434
Memorandum that the son of John Chambir of Hartlepool was received in Durham College Oxford, according to the form (on f.65v) for John Romondeby, lately scholar of the college.
Date: the prior's manor at Bearpark, 8 October 1434.
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f.80v-81r   8 October 1434
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing his fellow monks, William Ebchestr', S.T.P., and John Mody, and also John Mordon' and Robert Ben' as his attorneys, to appear and act on his behalf before the king and his council and in any courts and before any justices, commissaries, bailiffs and officials in all complaints and matters touching him or moved against him by any adversaries to pursue and defend his rights and liberties, and to do all and sundry which a true and lawful attorney may.
Date: Bearpark, 8 October 1434.
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f.81r   5 October 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Hugh Evewod', one of the executors of Richard Pudsay, esquire, recently deceased, for various jewels, described, to be hung over the shrine of St Cuthbert according to the said Richard's will.
Date: the prior's manor at Bearpark, 5 October 1434.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxxvi-ccxxxvii.
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f.81r-v   31 October 1434
Grant by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Mr John Burgham, rector of the church of St Mary in South Bailey, Durham, for as long as he is rector, of a yearly pension of 13s 4d, to be paid at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, in recompense for certain small tithes of divers places or gardens, once situated within the bounds of the church and now within the enclosure of the monastery of Durham, for which tithes the rectors of the church were accustomed to eat on certain days in the abbey of Durham. He grants to John one clerk's garment yearly at Christmas, for his faithful service to the prior and his successors and any monks of Durham in all causes, when required, both in and out of court, before and against all others, in and outside Durham diocese, and faithfully giving his sound advice, provided that when John is sent outside the diocese or city of Durham to conduct the prior and chapter's business, they will provide the necessary expenses.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1434.
Also DCD Reg.III, f.173r; printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxxvii-ccxxxviii.
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f.81v-82r   10 November 1434
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, for John de Bayly of South Shields, bearer of the presents, who before Easter last past was seized on the sea by his Scottish enemies and, along with his twelve companions taken with him, spent thirty-six weeks in prison in Scotland, with the result that he has been reduced to destitution and misery, and requesting all whom John may meet to give alms and other charitable assistance to him, having regard for his penury and weak condition, with the presents valid for a year and a half.
Date: Durham, 10 November 1434.
Also DCD Reg III, f.173v; printed in The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.107-108.
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f.82r-v   [1 November] 1434
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, comfirming his grant to William Staynedrop', chaplain, William Brasse of Whitworth, yeoman, Thomas Dauson' and John Nicolleson' of Whitworth, husbandmen, of three houses roofed with straw, four acres of land well sown with wheat, eight acres of unsown land, the tithes of corn, hay, sheep, wool and flax, the offerings, revenues, income and any other profits pertaining to the church of Whitworth, with the exception of the tithes of coal or any other mineral, and the tithes of trees, whether blown or cut down, underwood and branches, however occurring, in the parish of Whitworth during the term of this demise; to be held from Martinmas next for the term of the following three years, rendering yearly to the prior at his sacrist's exchequer 20s at the two terms of the year, namely, at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next.
The prior and his sacrist will cause the three houses to be suitably repaired upon the entry of William (etc.), which William (etc.) will maintain during the term of three years and will leave at the end of the term in a state of repair, along with the said four acres well sown with wheat and the other eight unsown. William (etc.) will provide for a suitable chaplain to serve in the chapel of Whitworth for the entire time to administer the sacraments, celebrate masses and perform other matters pertaining to divine services; they will provide for all the other charges incumbent on the said chapel during the term, with the exception of the repair of the chancel, the bread and wine to celebrate [mass] and the tenth granted meanwhile to the king for the same [chapel], the prior and his sacrist bearing these charges. The prior and chapter grant for themselves and their successors that if the chapel of Whitworth deteriorates for this entire period of three years through any enclosures or dikes, or any other misfortune, newly made by the lady of the vill or any of her officers to the detriment of the chapel and their tenure, the prior and sacrist will make allowance to them according to the extent of the injury at the discretion of four trustworthy men to be chosen by both parties.
Date: Durham, All Saints, 1434.
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f.83r   15 November 1434
Memorandum that four quittances (incipit given) were issued, under the prior's long seal, according to the form of the quittances dated Durham, 15 November 1432 (on f.67rv), acquitting the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton, for the half pensions owed to the prior and his office of chamberlain from the provost and rectors of the churches as for the term of Martinmas 1434.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1434.
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f.83r-v   12 January 1435
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, confirming the grant to John Albane of Elvet in Durham, carpenter, William Maynesford' thereof, yeoman, and Robert Fabyane thereof, dyer, of one tenement with its appurtenances, as it lies in length and width on the corner near the cross in the borough of Elvet, once in the tenure of John Porter', chaplain, and last in the tenure of Thomas Raper', along with one adjacent garden on the southern side of the tenement, as it extends from the highway in front up to the garden now (“modo”) in the tenure of William Aldyngsheley, to be held from Martinmas last past for the term of fifteen years, rendering 22s yearly to the prior and his successors at the exchequer at Durham at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next; if the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for 40 days after any term date, then the prior and his successors may distrain upon the tenements, remove and retain any property distrained, until fully satisfied of the rent and arrears, if any; if the rent should be in arrears as above for three months, the prior and his successors may re-enter the tenement and possess it as before, notwithstanding this indenture.
The prior and his successors will adequately repair and maintain the tenement during the term at their own expense.
Date: Durham, 12 January 1434/5.
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f.83v   [?1435]
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to his “dearest fellow monks”, to hear each other's confessions, even in cases reserved to the prior; the presents to be valid while the plague is prevalent, as is reported, in Oxford.
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f.83v   28 January 1435
Memorandum (inserted at foot of page) that a testimonial, under the prior's seal and with the subscription of four notaries concerning the canonical purgation made by Thomas Nessbytt, monk of Durham, for incontinence, is written in the register of the chancery, dated 28 January 1434/5.
For the testimonial, see DCD Reg. III, f.173v-174v; printed, without the escatocols, in Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccxxxix-ccxli.
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f.84r   12 February 1435
Grant by John, prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to Joan de Preston', servant of Thomas de Preston', chaplain, of one allowance or corrody for life in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by John Walleworth', deceased, with licence to stay outside the infirmary in some respectable place for as long as she lives; she is to keep the statutes (etc.) of the infirmary, with the exception of residence within.
Date: Durham, 12 February 1434/5.
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f.84r-v   12 February 1435
Grant by John, prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to Emma, widow of William Palfrayman', dwelling in North {Bailey}, Durham, of one allowance or corrody in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Roger Wryghte', deceased, as in the form of the above grant to Joan de Preston', with Emma's name in place of Joan's.
Date: Durham, 12 February 1434/5.
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f.84v   12 February 1435
Grant by John, prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to Emma, widow of William Palfrayman', dwelling in North Bailey, Durham, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of St Mary Magdalen next to the hospital of Kepier, lately vacant by the death of John Walleworth, with licence to stay outside the hospital in some respectable place, provided she keeps the statutes (etc.) of the hospital, with the exception of residence within.
Date: Durham, 12 February 1434/5.
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f.85r   19 February 1435
Memorandum that two letters were issued, under the prior's round seal, according to the common form, one for removing John Harham [monk of Durham] from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Finchale, and the other for recalling Thomas Bell' [monk of Durham] from Finchale to the monastery.
Date: Durham, 19 February 1434/5.
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f.85r   25 November 1434
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Baker of Boston, chaplain, and John Glaston', merchant thereof, for 30s, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past in full payment of one yearly rent of 30s for the prior's lands and tenements there demised by indenture to them for the term of six years, with the third year having passed at Martinmas.
Date: Durham, 25 November 1434.
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f.85r-v   20 March 1435
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to [Joan], countess of Westmorland, for £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby and 20s for a yearly pension owed to the prior and church of Durham for the term of St Cuthbert last past [4 September].
Date: 20 March 1434/5.
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f.85v   14 June 1435
Memorandum that two letters (incipit s given) were issued according to the form above (f.61v) for sendng monks from one cell to another, for sending Hugh de Werkeworth' [monk of Durham] from the cell of Wearmouth to that of Finchale, and Thomas Hexham junior [monk of Durham] from the cell of Finchale to that of Wearmouth.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1435.
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f.85v   14 June 1435
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Robert Moorby [monk of Durham], as subprior of Finchale, with authority to hear the confessions of his fellow monks dwelling there and of those sent there to walk about, with the exception of those cases whose absolution is reserved to the prior.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1435.
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f.85v-86r   14 June 1435
Appointment by John, prior of {Durham}, of his fellow monk, William Lyham, as master of Wearmouth, since he has discharged his fellow monk, Robert Moorby, lately master of Wearmouth, from its administration, enjoining all and sundry concerned to obey him as master, with a yearly account of all receipts and expenses of the cell to be rendered to the prior.
Date: Durham, 14 June 1435.
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f.86r   30 June 1435
Memorandum that four quittances touching the pensions of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton, as for the term of Whitsun 1435, paid to John Barlay, chamberlain of Durham, to whose office they pertain (with the incipit given), as is evident in the above quittances for the term of Whitsun 1432 (on f.63r-v).
Date: Durham, 30 June 1435.
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f.86r-v   7 July 1435
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, for John Heworth', professed monk of Durham and priest, who, alleging that there were certain genuine reasons why the apostolic see should rightly be consulted, requested licence from the prior to visit the said see at his friends' expense. The prior has granted such licence, provided that, barring legitimate hindrance, he returns to the monastery of Durham within a year from the date of the presents or sooner, if convenient. He requests all to grant favour to John in conducting his business.
Date: Durham, 7 July 1435.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.196r.
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f.86v   27 August 1435
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Thomas Bell' [monk of Durham], to the office of cellarer of Finchale, under the prior thereof, provided that he render every month an account of all receipts and expenses to the prior and monks of Finchale; he is to show the presents to the prior thereof so that he admits him to the said office.
Date: Durham, 27 August 1435.
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f.86v   24 August 1435
Memorandum that a letter for recalling Robert Emeldon', monk of Durham, from the cell of Finchale to the monastery of Durham was issued, according to the common form above (on f.61v).
Date: 24 August 1435.
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f.86v-87r   15 February 1435
Lease by indenture by Mr William Doncastr', clerk, and John Bynchestr', chaplain, to the prior and chapter of Durham of two burgages with their appurtenances, one situated on le corneer in Durham market place near le Tolleboth', commonly called Le Corneerboth', between the burgage of the prior and chapter on one side and the burgage of Thomas Aespor', gentleman, on the other, the second burgage in Gilesgate in Durham between the burgage of Emma, widow of William Palfrayman' of Durham on the east side, and the former burgage of Robert Gykke on the west, to be held by the prior and chapter and their successors for the term of Emma's life, rendering yearly to her or her certain attorney during her lifetime 13s 4d at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment at Whitsun next. If the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for six months after any term date, then Emma or her attorney may distrain upon the two burgages, take away and retain all property distrained, until fully satisfied of the rent.
Date: Durham, 15 February 1434/5.
Original: DCD Loc.XXXVII:101; extracted in: M.M. Camsell, “The Development of a Northern Town in the Later Middle Ages: the City of Durham, c.1250-1540 ”, (York Univ. D.Phil. thesis 1985), p.350, 447.
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f.87r-v   12 September 1435
Memorandum that a certain commission, by virtue of which William Dalton', monk and chancellor of the prior and chapter of Durham, was appointed as official of the prior's jurisdiction in Durham diocese, was issued, according to the form of the commission above (partially excerpted) by which John Fisshburn', monk of Durham, had been appointed as official of the aforesaid jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 12 September 1435.
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f.87v   15 September 1435
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Hexam [monk of Durham], commanding him to transfer to the cell of Finchale and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior there so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1435.
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f.87v   15 September 1435
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to John Harum [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to Durham, he commands him to come to him, showing the presents to the prior of his present cell so that he provides him with suitable transport.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1435.
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f. 87v-88r   16 September 1435
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire, to Mr William Doncastr', LL.B. and dean of the collegiate church of Auckland, and William Dalton, fellow monk, creating them keepers of the prior's spiritual jurisdiction of the said liberty in all and sundry churches therein, with authority, until revoked, to proceed and determine on the prior's behalf in all causes and matters moved or to be moved, both ex officio and at the instance of parties, and in matrimonial causes and registrations of wills, to inquire into, correct and punish any transgressions and faults, and to do all and sundry pertaining to his jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1435.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.195r-v.
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f.88r   30 September 1435
Memorandum that quittance was issued for William Midilton', vicar of the church of Northallerton, for the payment of a yearly pension of £20 owed from the church and paid by the hand of the vicar for the terms of Martinmas 1434 and Whitsun 1435 to the warden and bursar of Durham College Oxford, according to the form of the above quittance (on f.80r) for the aforesaid pension for 1434.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1435.
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f.88r   1 February 1435 & 1 February 1436
Memorandum that two quittances were issued to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford, for payments of 10s for the warden of Durham College Oxford for the pension of the church of Longbenton for the terms of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas 1434 and 1435, according to the form above.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1434/5 and 1435/6.
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f.88v   16 September 1435
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of his fellow monks, Thomas Forester and Richard Bell, as receivers and bursars of Durham College Oxford, committing to them the disposition of the college's goods with the consent of the warden, with account rendered to the prior of receipts and expenses with the warden, and willing them to labour personally at common expense in the affairs of the college, when necessary, according to the deliberation of the warden and fellows.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1435.
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f.88v   1 October 1435
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to John Hoton', monk of Durham, sent from the abbey there to Lytham, was issued.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1435.
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f.88v   9 October 1435
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to John Midylham, monk of Durham, sent from the abbey to Holy Island, was issued.
Date: Durham, 9 October 1435.
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f.88v   9 October 1435
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to William Kyrkby [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to Durham, he commands him to take himself to the prior, showing the presents to the prior of his present cell so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 9 October 1435.
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f.88v   1 October 1435
Memorandum that a letter for recalling Thomas Queyll', monk of Durham, from the cell of Lytham to the monastery [of Durham] was issued.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1435.
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f.89r   15 November 1435
Memorandum that four quittances concerning yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of Durham from the provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, from Robert de la Haye, rector of Brantyngham, William Aukebarowe, rector of Walkington, and Robert de Knayton', rector of Welton, as for the term of Martinmas 1435 were issued, as for the half of the said yearly pensions owed from the said churches for the said term and paid by the provost and said rectors, according to the form of the above quittances (on f.66v-67v) concerning the office of chamberlain, dated Durham, 15 November 1432 (incipit given).
Date: Durham, 15 November 1435.
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f.89r   14 October 1435
Memorandum that a quittance, concerning the pension of £9 3s 4d owed to the master of Farne from the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, from the grant of the king assigned by the prior of Durham to the master of Farne, was issued according to the form above (on f.72v) 12 A.R. Henry VI.
Date: Durham, 14 October 1435.
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f.89r-v   12 November [?1435]
Letter by John, prior of Durham, (margin: to Robert, bishop of Salisbury), stating that he had communicated with his fellow monks since the matter about which the bishop has lately written to him touches them as well as himself, considering how Mr William Doncastr' has served them well for twenty-two years, during which time they have paid him a pension until he should be promoted to some benefice by them, they regard him as recommended before others to the next vacant prebend in the collegiate churches of Howden or Hemingbrough; for this reason they excuse themselves to the king and other magnates writing for the promotion of their clerks, as they are unable to satisfy the bishop's wishes without the indignation both of the king and divers lords and the mark of excessive inconstancy, beseeching not to provoke his displeasure by this. Saving their honesty and the troubles of the monastery, they will be inclined to his pleasure as far as possible. They are reliably informed that the net value of the former prebend of Robert Freend' does not exceed 100s yearly.
Date: Durham, 12 November.
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f.89v-90r   1 April [?1435]
Language:  Latin; English
Citation by William, abbot of Winchcombe and John, prior of Worcester, presidents of the black monks in England, to [John], prior of Durham, having received on the date of the presents the following letters.
Letters by Henry, king of England (etc.), for certain matters concerning the worship of God and the good of their orders, he charges the fathers, clerks and notable persons in every Benedictine house to come together in Westminster Abbey on 1 May next, with none excused without reasonable cause (in English).
Under the signet of the eagle in the absence of his other.
Date: Leicester, 25 March.
On the authority of this, they cite and admonish him, and command him to appear personally on the said day and place, bringing with him the priors or heads of his cells, and two or three of his fellow monks whom he knows to be knowledgeable in the scriptures and of upright manner.
Date: Worcester, 1 April.
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks II, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlvii, 1933), p.106.
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f.90r-v   3 December 1435
Licence by letters patent by John, prior of Durham, addressed to the prior and monks of the Carthusian house of [Kingston upon] Hull, for Richard Foune, professed monk of Durham and for many years in the priestly order, who has often requested from the prior licence to enter a stricter order, understanding that it is his will to enter their house and that they were prepared to receive him, the prior grants him licence.
Date: Durham, 3 December 1435.
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f.90v   3 February 1436
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to William Faukes', chaplain, of the parish church or free chapel of Muggleswick, with the manse, lands, tithes and other rights and profits pertaining and assigned to it of old; the tithe incomes being now insufficient to support a chaplain, he wills him to receive, as his predecessors did, two marks yearly by the hand of the bursar of Durham and one quarter of wheat from the prior's granary, and to have pasture for one horse and four cows with their offspring of one year, and that by the assignment of the reeve he may for the support of the said horse and cows mow one or two cartloads of hay in the places left after the prior's meadows have been mown.
Date: Durham, 3 February 1435/6.
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f.91r   4 February 1436
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Layng', with the consent of his fellow monks and at the request of John Brownslett, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert], lately vacant by the death of Joan, wife of John, son of Walter de Wessyngton', and, out of regard for John Brownslett, granting licence to Robert to stay outside the hospital for as long as he remains in John's service.
Date: Durham, 4 February 1435/6.
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f.91r   21 February 1436
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Adam Kellow alias Bakhws', with the consent of his fellow monks, of one allowance or corrody for life in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Agnes Ward', with licence to stay outside the infirmary.
Date: Durham, 21 February 1435/6.
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f.91v   1 April 1436
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to John Bouth' [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Finchale, he commands him to be at Finchale on 29 April next, barring legitimate hindrance; he is to show the presents to the prior of his present cell so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1436.
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f.91v   1 April 1436
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Ergehowe [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Lytham, he commands him to go there before the Invention of the Cross [3 May] and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1436.
Printed: The Priory of Finchale, (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.33.
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f.91v   3 May 1436
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest brother”, stating that, since at his oft repeated request he resolved to discharge him from the administration of the cell of Farne Island, which he committed to his fellow monk, Richard Kellow, he commands him to show a full status of the cell to Richard and before the Invention of the Cross [3 May] to go to Finchale.
Date: Durham, 3 May 1436.
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f.91v   [3 May] 1436
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Richard Kelow [monk of Durham] as keeper of Farne Island in the form on the fifth folio preceding.
Date: Durham, {3 May} 1436.
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f.91v   30 September 1436
Memorandum [inserted at the foot of the page] that a letter of recall for removing Thomas Hexham junior [monk of Durham] from the cell of Wearmouth to that of Stamford was issued, according to the common form and with the same date as on the next folio for John Wicliffe [monk of Durham], removed from the cell of Stamford to that of Finchale, 30 September 1436.
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f.92r   31 May 1436
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, to John Harum [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Farne Island, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there; he is to show the presents to the keeper of Farne Island so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, (written over an erasure) 31 May 1436.
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f.92r   3 May 1436
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Bowth', monk of Durham, for recalling him from the cell of Finchale to the monastery of Durham according to the form in the preceding folio.
Date: 3 May 1436.
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f.92r   4 May 1436
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to Henry Mone, chaplain, collector of the rents of the prior's office of sacrist in York and Holtby, releasing and quitclaiming him from all actions, real and personal, which the prior had or may have against him.
Date: Durham, 4 May 1436.
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f.92r   31 May 1436
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Thomas Cotum, monk of Durham, for removing him from the cell of Coldingham to that of Holy Island in the form on the preceding folio.
Date: Durham, 31 May 1436.
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f.92r   30 September 1436
Mandate (inserted at the foot of the page) by John, prior of Durham, to John Wicliffe [monk of Durham], stating that, since he resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Finchale, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior of Stamford where he now is so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1436.
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f.92v   25 August 1436
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, of Ralph Babthorp', esquire, as steward of the vills of Hemingbrough, Brackenholme, Woodhall, Hunsley and Drewton with their appurtenances, provided that he perform the said office and those [duties] incumbent on it for the benefit and honour of the prior and church of Durham; for his labour, duly performed as the said office requires, he is to receive similar fees and emoluments as his father, Robert Babthorp', knight, who lately held the office. The prior commands all his officials and tenants there whom this concerns to obey the said Ralph as his steward. The presents to last at the pleasure of the prior and his successors.
Date: Durham, 25 August 1436.
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f.92v-93r   24 June 1436
Letter by John, prior of Durham, to John (margin: Kempe), archbishop of York, stating that, since the archbishop contacted him for a copy of the commentaries of Hugh of Vienna [al. of St Cher], the prior informs him, as he has [already] partly done, that there was a better copy of Hugh's commentaries on the Pentateuch and the historical books of the Bible in Durham College Oxford than in the monastery of Durham. He will write to the warden of the college to arrange for Hugh's commentary on St Matthew to be delivered for transcribing and, as promised, will arrange for his commentary on the epistles of Paul to be copied. As for many years he was unaware of the name of the author of the said commentaries, until Mr John Till' and other Dominicans intimated at Oxford that it was Hugh, this perhaps happens in many places; he is therefore sending to the archbishop the incipits and explicits of the said commentaries as found in their books.
Date: Durham, 24 June 1436.
Printed in: Catalogues of the library of Durham Cathedral, (Surtees Society 7, 1838), p.124-125, and see also p.43-45.
Hugh's commentaries on Genesis to Esther survive in Durham Cathedral Library, MS A.I.12, on the four evangelists in MS A.I.15 and on the epistles of Paul in MS A.I.16.
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f.93r   30 September 1436
Memorandum that a quittance for the pension of £20 owed from the church of [North]allerton was issued according to the form written previously (on f.64r) in 1432 (incipit given).
Date: Durham, 30 September 1436.
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f.93r   1 February 1437
Memorandum that a quittance for the pension of 10s owed by the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford (margin: for Longbenton) was issued in the form shown before (on f.75v) in 1432 (partially excerpted).
Date: Durham, 1 February 1436/7.
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f.93r   30 September 1436
Memorandum that the appointment of Richard Bell' and William Seton' [monks of Durham] as bursars of Durham College Oxford was issued, according to the form of the appointment of Thomas Forster' and Richard Bell as bursars thereof, which is written previously in this register (f.88v).
Date: Durham, 30 September 1436.
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f.93v   26 December 1436
Letter by John, prior of Durham, to Robert {Gilbert}, bishop of London, rejoicing in the bishop's deserved promotion and thankful for his sincere affection for the prior for forty years from the time of their mutual acquaintance, and for the heart and effort he showed in the [Oxford] schools and elsewhere, having received his letter, along with the [letter of] credence, which was delivered by the bishop's servant, John Wyladby on Christmas Eve, and informing him that, concerning the matter put to the prior, for more than a year there has been no vacant prebend in his patronage. The bishop of Norwich and the earl of Warwick had previously sent a letter to the prior and his fellow monks that the king, desiring the promotion of his chaplain, Henry Hanslap' of the chapel royal, commanded them to write to the prior to regard the said Henry as specially recommended to some prebend in his presentation. Now more clearly informed about the king's will by the bishop's letter, both the prior and his fellow monks unanimously concluded that, with the aforementioned made known to the king, they will without delay present the king's choice to the next vacant prebend.
Date: Durham, 26 December 1436.
A.B. Emden, A biographical register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1957-1959), vol. II, p.766 gives details of Gilbert's career at Oxford between 1398 and 1421; the future prior, John Wessington, was appointed bursar of Durham College Oxford in 1398, ibid., iii, p.2018. Gilbert was archdeacon of Durham c.1420-1425.
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f.94r   30 June 1436
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the provost of the collegiate church of St Mary of Hemingbrough, for 33s 4d for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 5 marks owed to the prior and office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid of old by the rectors of the said church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1436.
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f.94r   1 December 1436
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Mr Thomas Leys, prebendary of the prebend of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, for 13s 4d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1436.
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f.94r   2 February 1437
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to Richard Marssall', chaplain, of the chantry at the altar of St Thomas the martyr in the collegiate church of Howden, York diocese, vacant by the free leaving of it by William Smyth', last chaplain thereof.
Date: Durham, 2 February 1436/7.
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f.94v   24 February [1437]
Appointment by letters patent by John, prior of Durham, of William Hoton' of Hardwick, as steward of all the prior's lordships, manors, lands and tenements within county Durham; to hold the prior's wapentake, hundred, county courts and courts leet throughout his lordships, manors (etc.), when convenient, and to do all else pertaining to the office of steward for the benefit of the prior and his house at Durham. He is to receive 5 marks yearly for holding the office. The prior wills all his bailiffs, officials, officers, tenants and subjects to obey William in the exercise of his office as if the prior was personally present. The letters patent to last at the prior's will. The presents, sealed with William's seal, remaining with the prior.
Date: 24 February, 15 A. R. Henry VI.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:133.
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f.94v   6 March 1437
Quittance by John, prior and the convent of Durham, to the prior of Tynemouth, for 20s, received on the date of the presents, for the three years completed at Martinmas last past, owed by reason of a yearly pension of 6s 8d for the church of Haltwhistle.
Date: Durham, 6 March 1436/7.
Translated: W.S. Gibson, The history of the monastery founded at Tynemouth vol.I (1846), p.163-164n.
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f.94v-95r   [12 March 1437]
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), [to the archbishop of York], stating that he cannot adequately express his thanks for his recent letter and for his efforts concerning the matter of the provostship of Hemingbrough. As Mr John Bernyngham, treasurer of York Minster, wrote to him [the archbishop], urged the chancellor not to write about making an exchange [of benefices] between the provost and [Richard] Bekyngham, on the promise that the prior and his fellow monks will provide Bekyngham to some prebend in Hemingbrough or elsewhere. They unanimously agree to this on the condition that Bekyngham will not support the provost or in any way prevent the archbishop's and prior's plan for the provostship from taking effect, but will further it to the best of his ability, with their promise to the king having first been carried out in response to his many requests for the next vacant prebend in the prior's patronage. Concerning this concession, [the bishop] of London on the king's command wrote to the prior before Christmas with a royal ring as a token; as witness of the aforementioned, the prior sends to him a copy of his response and the king's letter lately sent to him.
Date: Durham, Gregory {1436/7}.
Also f.95r-96r & 103r-v below and DCD Loc.XXV:76 & 77.
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f.95r-96r   1 September 1436
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription: to John {Kempe}, archbishop of York), informing him that on the Saturday after the archbishop had left Durham, Richard Bekyngham, clerk in the king's chancery, came to him, and relating (in the form of a dialogue) their conversation:
Conveying the chancellor's greetings, Richard sought the prior's response to the chancellor's first letter to him, making no mention of his reply to his second. The prior invited him to stay and dine so that on the next day he might speak with him with the advice of his fellow monks, whom the matter touches equally. With certain of his more prudent fellow monks summoned, the prior declared that his response to the chancellor's first letter had been wrongly reported to him, as he understood from the chancellor's second letter that he had consented to the exchange [of benefices]. Richard stated that he himself had reported the prior's response thus, that the prior was unable to satisfy the chancellor's request because he and his fellow monks had promised the archbishop otherwise to present to the provostship of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, if the archbishop should deem it vacant by deprivation or other legal process; Richard said that if the archbishop was content with the exchange between the provost and himself, the prior would give his assent more willingly. The prior allowed that Richard had reported the first part accurately, but not the second, as he had cut out the prior's response. Richard replied almost threateningly that if he had thought to encounter such difficulty, he would have brought the letters of the king and other lords with him. The prior responded that if he brings the letters etc., he should certainly know that, sparing no effort or expense, health permitting, the prior will ride to London to inform the chancellor and other lords more fully about the state of the provostship, namely that they do not agree that he remains in the king's service in chancery and administers the provostship, with respect to governing the ministers of the same church, to the parish cure which is principally incumbent on the provost, and to the disposition of its income. To Richard's reply that in the three aspects mentioned he would govern as they were governed for him, the prior said that none is well administered through the provost's fault. Richard said if he obtained the provostship he would not occupy it for long before altering its ordinance, chiefly two articles, the first about the residence and oath of the provost, the second about the payment to be made to prebendaries and vicars for the appointed terms; he supposes the archbishop will make this change without difficulty at the request of the chancellor and other lords. The prior said finally that he intends to proceed against the provost in both spiritual and temporal courts since he utterly refused to render an account according to the ordinance of the church; the prior will never consent to an exchange for Richard or any other until the present provost renders such account and satisfies the prior and other ministers for the amounts he owes, as the church's income allows. He writes the aforementioned, albeit at length, to avoid unfaithful reporting and for the archbishop's information.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1436
(with note of subscription and superscription.)
Also f.94v-95r above & 103r-v below and DCD Loc.XXV:76 & 77.
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f.96r   1 May 1437
Memorandum that a commission for the office of bailiff of Coldingham, granted for five years from its date to David Home, Scot, of Wedderburn, esquire in Scotland, and beginning thus ( incipit given), as is evident above in a similar commission to the same David dated 1432 (on f.69v), was issued on 27 March 1437 but however was dated Durham, 1 May 1437.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.108.
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f.96r   11 April 1437
Memorandum that a commission to Robert Babthorp', knight, Mr John Selowe, L.Dec., Henry Helay, monk of Durham, Mr William Doncastr', LL.B., Richard Burton' of Howden, clerk, and Mr Thomas Appelby, notary public of York, beginning thus (incipit given) (as is evident above in all respects, the date excepted, in a similar commission (on f.43r-v) to many of the said persons in 1430) was issued on 11 April 1437 for rendering (“reddendo”) and auditing the account of John Wythir', provost of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough, concerning the church's goods, whose date, although issued on 11 April, is Durham, 1 August 1431. with memorandum that the commission was not issued on the date of the presents, namely, 1437.
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f.96v   12 May 1437
Memorandum that the appointment of Henry Helay, monk of Durham, lately terrar and hostillar of Durham priory, as prior of Holy Island, was issued, by the letters patent of John Wessyngt', prior of Durham, sealed with his oblong seal (incipit given), according to the common form of the letter above in this register (on f.43v) to William Ebchestr', monk of Durham, S.T.P., the prior of Holy Island immediately preceding, for his appointment as prior, with the exception of the above words (in the incipit) and the date of Henry Helay's letter, which is Durham, 12 May 1437.
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f.96v   20 May 1437
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Newminster near Morpeth, of 33s 4d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past by reason of certain yearly pensions owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the churches of [Kirk] Whelpington and Stannington.
Date: Durham, 20 May 1437.
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f.96v   30 June 1437
Memorandum that four quittances ( incipit given) were issued, according to the form of the four above quittances [on f.63r-v] to the chamberlain of Durham for the term of Whitsun 1432, with the exception [of the incipit ] above and the name of Robert de Knayton, rector of Welton etc., for the half of the four pensions of the four churches in York diocese owed to the said chamberlain for the term of Whitsun 1437.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1437.
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Headed: for the forester of Bearpark (the same heading appears on the flyleaf).
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f.97r   8 February 1438
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to John Rakett', with the consent of his fellow monks of the office of forester in the prior's park of Bearpark and of the keeping of the moor thereof, to be held for as long as it pleases the prior or his successors, granting to him for his faithful service to the prior in the said office the same allowance for food, drink and clothing specified as Richard Cowhird', lately forester there, received, along with four everyday loaves for keeping the moor and, for shoes, 10s yearly to be taken from the bark of trees felled in the park, so long as the bark amounts to such a sum, with the remainder to be received from the bursar when the bark does not; provided that John faithfully keeps the park and moor or causes them to be kept if he is prevented from doing so himself; whenever he is negligent or the prior suffers any injury in the park or moor through John's fault, all the above will be withdrawn from John until he makes adequate amends.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1437/8.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.212v.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:120.
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f.97r   6 March 1439
Memorandum that the the corrody formerly of Thomas Hyne, lately deceased, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, and the corrody lately of John, son of Walter de Wessyngton, and of Joan, his wife, deceased*, in the hospital of Witton [Gilbert] were granted to Joan, lately widow of William Wharram of Framwellgate in Durham, by the prior's letters patent, with special clauses for a licence to stay outside the infirmary and hospital for Joan's lifetime.
Date: Durham, 6 March 1438/9.
[* She was dead by February 1436, when her corrody was granted to Robert Layng', f.91r above.]
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f.97v   20 February 1438
Quittance by John, prior of Durham to John Henryson' of Durham, tanner (barker), and his fellow lessees of certain buildings and of a certain parcel [of land] of the cellarer's orchard with all the accoutrements (stuffo) of the buildings, for £13, received on the date of the presents, by the hand of William Dalton', monk of Durham, receiving the money, for the terms of All Saints and the Invention of the Cross in the fifteenth year of {Henry} VI [i.e., 1 November 1436 and 3 May 1437] and of All Saints in the sixteenth year of Henry VI [1 November 1437].
Date: 20 February 1437/8.
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f.97v   6 May 1437
Quittance by John, prior of Durham and the convent of Durham, to the prior of Tynemouth, for 6s 8d, received on the date of the presents, {by reason of} a yearly pension owed at Martinmas last past for the church of Haltwhistle.
Date: Durham, 6 May 1437.
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f.97v   28 February 1438
Memorandum that a corrody, formerly of Robert Gryndysdale, gentleman, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Thomas Bawde, former cook of the abbey, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form above (on f.78v-79r) of the grant of the said corrody to the said Robert.
Date: Durham, 28 February 1437/8.
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f.98r   15 June 1438
Memorandum that a letter was issued for recalling William Eden', monk of Durham, from the cell of Finchale to the monastery of Durham, according to the common form above (on f.61v).
Date: 15 June 1438.
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f.98r   1 December 1438
Memorandum that quittance was issued for a pension of 8s 4d owed yearly from the prebend of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, York diocese, according to the form above (on f.74r) of the quittance of a yearly pension of 13s 4d above owed from the said prebend, dated 1 December 1433.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1438.
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f.98r   31 August 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to transfer him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Coldingham, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior of Coldingham so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 31 August 1438.
Margin: letter of Robert Skremerst' [monk of Durham.]
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f.98r   15 September 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Lytham, he commands him etc., as in the above letter of Robert Skremerston'.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1438.
Margin: Letter of George Syther' [monk of Durham.]
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:39.
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f.98r   15 September 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to send him from his present place to the cell of Wearmouth, he commands him to direct his steps there etc., as above; he is to show the presents to the prior of Lytham, where he presently is, so that he provides him with suitable transport and provision.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1438.
Margin: letter of John Hoton' [monk of Durham.]
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f.98v   15 September 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to transfer him from his present place to the cell of Finchale, he commands him etc., as in the above letter of Robert Skremerst'; he is to show the presents to the master of Wearmouth where he presently is so that he provides him with suitable transport and expenses, and also to the prior of Finchale, so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1438.
Margin: letter of Robert Ergehowe [monk of Durham.]
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f.98v   11 September 1438
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to Adam Walssh', chaplain, of the chantry at St Mary's altar in the collegiate church of Howden, York diocese.
Date: Durham, 11 September 1438.
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f.98v-99r   23 September 1438
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to his fellow monks, Richard Bell' and William Seton', to hear each other's confessions and those of their fellow monks and other religious in Durham College Oxford, with the absolving of grave faults reserved to the prior or his deputy.
Date: Durham, 23 September 1438
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f.99r   4 October 1438
Memorandum that quittance for a pension of £9 3s 4d granted to the prior and chapter of Durham by the king, to be paid yearly for the fee farm of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and assigned by the prior to the keeper of Farne Island, was issued, according to the form of the above quittance (on f.72v) for the said pension, the date excepted, dated Durham, 8 October 1433.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1438.
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f.99r   31 December 1438
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, countess of Westmorland, for 20s for the yearly pension owed to him and the church of Durham for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] 1437 and for 100s for the free farm of the lordship of Raby owed to him and the church for the term of St Cuthbert last past.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1438.
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f.99v   1 December 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to send him from his present place to the cell of Wearmouth, etc., according to the common form; he is [to show] the presents to the keeper of Farne Island where etc. so that he provides etc.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1438.
Margin: letter for sending John Both' [monk of Durham] to the cell of Wearmouth from Farne Island.
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f.99v   1 December 1438
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his “dearest son”, stating that, since he resolved to recall him from his present place to the monastery of Durham, he wills, etc.; he is [to show] the presents to the keeper of Wearmouth etc. so that he provides, etc.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1438.
Margin: letter for recalling John Hoton' [monk of Durham] from the cell of Wearmouth to the monastery of Durham.
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f.99v   7 January 1439
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Newman', dwelling in North Bailey, Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, of one allowance or corrody for life in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Ellen Cooke, deceased.
Date: Durham, 7 January 1438/9.
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f.99v-100r   5 February [?1439]
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription: to Mr John Marchall, sequestrator and commissary general of the archbishop of York), informing him that, concerning the installation of [the bishop] of Durham, he was given to understand on Epiphany that the archdeacon of York proposed to claim for himself the act of installation. The prior has told the bishop, informing him that when his immediate predecessor went to York before his installion, it was suggested to him on behalf of the then archdeacon that the performance of this function belonged to the archdeacon. Informed of this by the bishop, the prior's predecessor at once sent the instruction concerning his right and that of his predecessors in this act; the bishop, having examined their evidence and considering the prior's case to be stronger than the archdeacon's, ordered that his installation should be celebrated by the prior as hitherto and no other. This was done, notwithstanding that on the day and hour of the installion Mr Thomas Grenwod', commissary of the archdeacon, sought to be admitted to the act. On account of his reverence for the archbishop, whose nephew is the archdeacon, he wishes to communicate further about this with John Marchall and others on the advice of the archdeacon, hoping that, with his evidence known, they will be content.
Date: Durham, 5 February.
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f.100r   1 January 1439
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, formerly held by John Hilton', tailor, of North Bailey, Durham, was granted to Isabel Blakburn' by the prior's letters patent according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman' (on f.99v).
Date; Durham, 1 January 1438/9.
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f.100v   5 February 1439
Memorandum that a corrody, formerly of Margaret Pomfrayt, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Thomas Henrison' of West Rainton by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman' previously in this register (f.99v).
Date: Durham, 5 February 1438/9.
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f.100v   6 February 1439
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Bridale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for a yearly pension of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past owed to the prior and his communar from the rectors of the church.
Date: Durham, 6 February 1438/9.
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(Note inserted at foot of the folio in the middle of the following grant)
The style of the earl of Salisbury - “Richard Erl of Salisbury lorde of Mounthermier and Ferriers”
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f.100v-101r   28 February 1439
Schedule (indented) of Debt Repayment by John, prior of Durham, confirming that he owes to William Hoton' of Hardwick the following amounts, received and put to the use of the monastery of Durham, according to the calculation in the prior's presence between William and Thomas Lauson', [monk of Durham and] lately bursar:
£4 10s for his fee, as on the advice of the prior, for four and a half years at 20s p.a.
100s for his fee, as by the steward and on the advice of the prior, for 1437
60s for the money paid to William Dikson' of lez cloose
20s for Mr William Monkton'
£15 7s 4d for a loan on divers occasions
£6 for 20 quarters of barley and 20 quarters of oats purchased from Robert Moryngton' of Heworth
£6 6s 8d for 19 quarters 5 pounds of mixed malt purchased from John Cotesforth'
£7 12s for 24 quarters of barley purchased from the same John
26s 8d for 4 quarters of peas and beans purchased from the same
20s for 6 quarters of oats purchased from the same
50s 8d for 8 quarters of barley purchased by him
to the sum total of £60 [actually £53 13s 4d].

William, considering the serious burdens incumbent on the monastery this year, both in purchasing grains at an excessive price and in paying debts to divers creditors, out of love for St Cuthbert, the prior and convent, grants a term of three years to pay the said sums, £20 in each year, the first term beginning at John the Baptist [24 June] 1440, and at the same feast in 1441 and 1442, by the hand of the hostillar and bursar, in equal portions.
Present: Th[omas] Nessbytt, hostillar, John Oll', steward of the prior's household, Thomas Lauson', lately bursar, John Gatesheved', bursar, Thomas Ward, cellerar, John Birtley, the prior's chaplain, and Robert Westmerland [monks of Durham.]
Date: Durham, 28 February 1438/9
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f.101r-v   1 March 1439
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Newminster near Morpeth, for 10s, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Martinmas 1437 and 20s for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington.
Date: Durham, 1 March 1438/9.
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f.101v   25 February 1439
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to John Shanden', of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Thomas Hyn'.
Date: Durham, 25 February 1438/9.
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f.101v-102r   15 March [?1439]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home, knight), thanking him for his labour and tenderness shown to the prior and cell of Coldingham, and informing him that, as for granting him the office of bailiff of Coldingham for life, an ordinance was made as a result of a visitation of the late [bishop] of Durham that no office could be granted for life to avoid great inconveniences as in the past. None of his stewards in divers regions of England has a grant for life and yet they have only been discharged for a notable fault or at their own request; it is not the intention of the prior or his fellow monks to discharge him without such cause. He has and will continue to put aside the requests of notable persons to prefer certain persons to the said office. He agrees to his fee being 100 English shillings yearly. In this matter and others, the prior of Coldingham will declare more plainly the intent of the prior and his fellow monks.
Date: Durham, 15 March.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.109-110.
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f.102r   20 March 1439
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the prior of Tynemouth, for 6s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of Haltwhistle.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1438/9.
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f.102r-v   30 March 1439
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for payment of a yearly pension of 13s 4d owed for the church of Stannington and customarily paid by the abbot and convent for the terms of Martinmas 1437 and of Whitsun and Martinmas 1438.
Date: Durham, 30 March 1439.
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f.102v   31 March 1439
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, formerly held by Thomas Henrison' of West Rainton, to (blank), his widow, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman' (on f.99v).
Date: Durham, 31 March 1439.
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f.102v   16 April 1439
Language:   English
Warrant [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Th[omas] Foster', keeper of the park of Aycliffe), to deliver to John Trolhopp', esquire, 6 fothers of rushes, and to Hugh of Evenwod 3 oak trees for ribs, 16 feet long, in the park of Aycliffe.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1439.
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f.102v   8 February 1439
Memorandum that a similar warrant was issued to John Dale, keeper of the park of Rainton, to deliver to Geoffrey Mawer' one oak tree, 26 feet long.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1438/9.
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[Inserted at foot of page in the middle of the following letter]
William Buttre alias Stokkall', baptismal name William Stokall', born in Gilesgate and baptised in the font there.
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f.102v-103r   29 May 1439
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham, for Walter Castell' of Leicester, that the prior has made enquiry about the origins of Walter, bearer of the presents, by the reports of trustworthy elderly persons, both men and women, of sixty years of age, who say they knew Walter's father, James, dwelling in the North Bailey, Durham, in the street called Owengate, and his occupation called “Botiler”, who begat the said Walter there. After Walter was one year old James went to Newcastle, taking his son with him. Lest there be any doubt about Walter's country or parentage, the prior attests that William was born of English stock.
Date: Durham, 29 May 1439.
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f.103r   [12 March 1437]
Letter from the prior to the archbishop of York, as on f.94v-95r above.
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f.103v   2 June 1439
Memorandum that the appointment of William Lyham, monk of Durham and lately master of Wearmouth, as keeper of Farne Island was issued by the prior's letters patent (incipit given), according to the form of the above letters patent to Thomas Moorby in this register (on f.54r).
Date: Durham, 2 June 1439.
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f.103v   5 June 1439
Memorandum that a warrant was issued to John Dale, keeper of the park of Rainton, to deliver to Mr John Marchall', warden of Sherburn hospital, 2 beams (“dormondez”), 2 beams (“balkes”) [and] 6 quivers [? “whywers” ] 7 ells long.
Date: Durham, 5 June 1439.
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f.103v   20 June 1439
Memorandum that four quittances were issued ( incipit given) concerning the pensions of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton, paid, as for the term of Whitsun, to Richard Barton', [monk and] chamberlain of Durham, to whose office they pertain, as is evident in the above quittances for the term of Whitsun concerning the said office of chamberlain.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1439.
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Register from time of Richard Parke, chaplain
f. 104r-v   29 June 1439
Admission by John, prior of Durham, of Lawrence Martyn', chaplain, having received from him the following presentation.
Presentation by Robert de Hilton', knight, baron of Hylton to John, prior of Durham of Lawrence Martyn', chaplain, to the chapel of Hilton. This presentation belongs to him because of the agreement made between his precedessors and the prior's. He declares Lawrence to be of good behaviour. John Blakewell', priest, who lately served the said chapel, has resigned and the chapel is thus vacant. He entreats him to admit Lawrence to the chapel in keeping with this agreement.
Date: Hylton, 17 June 1439.
Since it is established that John had resigned and the chapel was vacant, and the said baron of Hylton and others testify to John's good behaviour, he admits him to serve the chapel, as in the agreement mentioned above, saving the prior's right and that of the mother church of Wearmouth, of which the chapel is known to be a dependency, and with John having taken an oath to observe the agreement.
Date: Durham, 29 June 1439.
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f.104v   3 July 1439
Memorandum that an allowance in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Margaret Jonson', was granted to John Watkkynson' by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant (on f.101v) made to John Shanden'.
Date: Durham, 3 July 1439.
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f.104v   20 June 1439
Quittance (Margin: void since it was written before (see f.103v)) by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Knayton, rector of the church of Welton, for 20s for the term of Whitsun last past in part payment of a yearly pension of 40s owed to the prior and office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid of old by the rectors of the said church.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1439.
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f.104v-105r   [24 July] 1439
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, lately wife of Thomas Broune, Robert Broune of Ellingham, Robert Marschall' thereof and Robert Fyncall' of Newham of all the lands and tenements which the prior holds in the vill and territory of Ellingham by virtue of being rector of the church thereof, to be held from Martinmas next for twelve years until the same feast, rendering yearly during the term to the prior and his successors at his sacristy at Durham 36s 8d at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, the first term beginning at Whitsun 1440. If the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, after any term for three months, the prior and his successors may distrain upon the said lands and tenements, remove and retain any goods distrained, until satisfied of the rent and arrears; if the rent should be in arrears for an entire year, or if the lessees should cut down the wood or underwood growing in the lands and tenements, except by assignment of the prior or his deputy, or if they cause any damage in the houses, woods, or gardens there during the term, unless they are repaired within forty days, the aforesaid term will be considered null. The lessees grant that they will adequately maintain and repair all the houses, buildings, hedges, wood and enclosures there, and leave them well repaired at the end of the term, unless they are lain waste or burnt by the Scots in time of war.
Date: eve of St James 1439.
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f.105v   20 August 1439
Memorandum that one corrody or allowance, lately belonging to Agnes Milnere, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Katherine Langley by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman' which is previously written in this register (on f.99v).
Date: Durham, 20 August 1439.
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f.105v-106r   7 September 1439
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire, to the keeper of the said spirituality, stating that, since he intends to visit the churches, prebends, and other places of the spirituality, he commands him to cite or cause to be cited all and sundry rectors, prebendaries, vicars, beneficed clerks, others celebrating divine services, and the ministers of all churches, chantries, chapels and places mentioned below, and from each vill there (depending on its size) twelve, eight, six, four or two trustworthy men to appear, either personally or by proctor, before him or his commissaries, one or many, or other lieutenants on the days and places mentioned in the attached schedule. Those holding benefices are to exhibit their titles and the letters of their acquisition of their benefices and incumbency. They, as well as other parish chaplains and those celebrating divine services, are to exhibit the letters of their ordination and any other canonical material which they have on their behalf. He is to admonish or cause to be admonished all and sundry beneficed clerks within the prior's jurisdiction to make provision on the said days and place for the accustomed procurations attached to the visitation to be paid. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, he is to certify the prior or his commissaries on the days and places of the visitation as to how he has executed the prior's mandate, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 7 September 1439.
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f.106r   7 September [?1439]
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (margin and superscription: to Thomas Appelby, proctor of the court of York), informing him that he has ordered the customary pension for Mr Robert Ormesheved, clerk, advocate of the court of York, for his advice to the prior and the keeping of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, which Mr John Selowe received of old from him, to be paid at Martinmas and Whitsun every year, with the first payment at Martinmas next. He wills Robert to receive the sum at the above terms every year. Thomas Appelby is diligently to keep the prior's said jurisdiction. In other matters touching the jurisdiction, he is to put confidence in the said Robert on the prior's behalf.
Date: Durham, 7 September.
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f.106v   20 September 1439
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, and John Mody, [monk of Durham and] warden of Durham College Oxford, to Thomas Holdon', esquire, one of the executors of the will of Thomas Longley, lately bishop of Durham, for 10s, which Thomas Longley in life and in his will bequeathed to the said college.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1439.
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f.106v-107r   24 September 1439
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to his fellow monk, Mr William Ebchestre, S.T.P., and Mr Robert Ormesheved, advocate of the court of York and keeper of the spirituality, committing his authority, until revoked, to visit the churches of Holtby, Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington, and the chapels, chantries and other sacred places dependent on them, and their clergy and people, to inquire into, correct, issue suspensions and excommunications for (etc.) any transgressions and faults of the churches, chapels (etc.), to proceed and determine in any cause or matters which may arise there and to do everything necessary for the visitation, as the prior is unable to attend personally because of various, pressing business of the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 24 September 1439.
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f.107r   1 February [1440]
Memorandum that two quittances concerning a yearly pension of 10s for the church of Longbenton, paid to Durham College Oxford for the indemnity of the same church, were issued in these words ( incipit given) as is evident in the above quittances, [the prior] received from the master and fellows (margin: of Balliol Hall [Oxford]) etc. for the term etc. 1437 and 1438.
Date: Durham, 1 February in the year above.
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f.107r   30 September 1439
Memorandum that one quittance was issued for John Thornton', vicar of Northallerton, for the payment of a yearly pension of £20 owed from the said church and customarily paid by the hand of the vicar.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1439.
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f.107r   4 October 1439
Memorandum that a quittance (margin: for the mayor and community of Newcastle) was issued concerning a pension of £9 3s 4d, granted by the king to the prior and chapter of Durham, to be paid yearly from the fee-farm of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and assigned to the keeper of Farne Island.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1439.
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f.107v   4 October 1439
Memorandum that an allowance in Le Meason dieu, lately held by Thomas Rapere, was granted to Richard Haysand and his wife, Emma, and the longer lived of them, by the prior's letters patent according to the form of the grant (on f.78v) to Robert Grynesdall' and his wife.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1439.
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f.107v   16 October 1439
Memorandum that a letter was issued, by virtue of which John Harom [monk of Durham] was made cellarer of Finchale, according to the form above (either on f.20v or 46r) for William Lyham, [monk of Durham and] former cellarer there.
Date: Durham, 16 October 1439.
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f.107v-108r   11 October 1439
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all and sundry churches appropriated to him and his convent within the county of Northumberland, to Mr William Neuton', B.Cn. & C.L., vicar of the church of Bywell St Peter, creating him official or keeper of the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction in all churches appropriated to him and the monastery of Durham in Northumberland, namely, those of Holy Island, Norham, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, Bedlington, Bywell St Peter and their dependent chapels, committing his authority, until revoked, to proceed and pronounce in any causes, matters or suits, and in matrimonial causes moved or to be moved, to inquire into, correct, and issue suspensions and excommunications for any transgressions and faults discovered there, and to do all and sundry pertaining to the prior and his jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 11 October 1439
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f.108r   31 October 1439
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his ‘dearest son’, stating that, since he resolved to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Wearmouth, he commands him etc., as on the tenth folio above (f.98r) in the letter to Robert Scrimerston'.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1439.
(Margin: letter of John Hoton' [monk of Durham])
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f.108r   15 November 1439
Memorandum that four quittances were issued concerning yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of the abbey of Durham for the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington, as for the term of Martinmas, according to the form of the above quittances concerning the office of chamberlain (incipit given).
Date: Durham, 15 November 1439.
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f.108r   1 November 1439
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his ‘dearest son’, stating that, since he resolved to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Coldingham, he commands etc., as above on the tenth folio preceding (f.98r) in the letter to Robert Scrimerston'.
Date: Durham, 1 November 1439.
(Margin: letter of John Barlay [monk of Durham])
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f.108v   15 November 1439
Memorandum that a letter was issued for recalling Richard Kellowe, monk of Durham, from the cell of Farne Island to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1439.
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f.108v   1 November 1439
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to Joan, countess of Westmorland, for the payment of £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby, and of a yearly pension of 20s owed for the term of St Cuthbert last past [4 September].
Date: Durham, 1 November 1439.
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f.108v   20 November 1439
Memorandum that a warrant was issued to Thomas Forstere, keeper of the park of Aycliffe, to deliver two wagon loads from lez whikwod to William Chauncelere, esquire.
Date: Durham, 20 November 1439.
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f.108v   4 November 1439
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Rodes, esquire, for £20, borrowed from him and put to the monastery's use by the prior, to be paid to him or his certain attorney at Newcastle-upon Tyne at Martinmas 1440 without further delay.
Date: Durham, 4 November 1439.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.243r.
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f.109r-v   30 November [1439]
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription and margin: to Mr Robert Ormesheved (superscription only:) advocate of the court of York)), stating that on 26 November he was given to understand that Mr Richard Arnall', vicar general of John, archbishop of York, cited William Barry, monk of Durham, to appear in the archbishop's chancery on Wednesday next after St Andrew next [2 December] to show reasonable cause why he should not be removed from the occupation of the church of Giggleswick and the unjust receiving of its revenues, and compelled to restore them, unduly taken by him, as is believed, as an intruder and unjust occupier thereof. Robert is to understand that the said church was appropriated to the prior and convent of Durham for the use of the monks at Finchale by Walter, archbishop of York, in 1230 [4.1.Finc.4 and 8]. The prior requests him to intercede to defend the rights of the church of Durham and so that no injury is done to the church of Giggleswick. Certain persons believe that the said citation was issued at the request of Mr John Marchall' on account of the suit pending between him and the prior of Finchale concerning the corn tithes of Garmondsway. The prior of Finchale affirmed on oath before the prior of Durham and other trustworthy persons that he did not know about or assist the removal of the grain after All Saints. Robert therefore is to recommend the prior of Durham to John Marchall', telling him that the prior consults him as a special friend so that, on account of the indignation of John Newyll' and certain others, and also to avoid other grave inconveniences, the said matter and suit are decided by a more amicable settlement.
Date: Durham, 30 November.
f.109v-110v   30 November 1439
Proxy by Willliam Barry, prior of Finchale, appointing Mr Robert Ormesheved', advocate of the court of York, John Harum, monk of Durham, William Driffeld and Th[omas] Appelby, proctors of the court of York, as his proctor {to appear} and act on his behalf, with responsibilities described, before John, archbishop of York, or his vicar general in spiritualities and any delegated judges and their commissaries, in the cause of the citation of Mr Richard Arnall', [vicar general] of John, archbishop of York, to appear in the archbishop's chancery on Wednesday next after St Andrew next [2 December] to show reasonable cause why he should not be [removed] from the occupation of the church of Giggleswick and the unjust receiving of its revenues, [and] compelled [to restore them], unduly taken by him, as is believed, as an intruder and unjust occupier.
Sealed with the seal of the prior of Durham.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1439.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.246r-v.
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f.110v-111r   10 November [?1439]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr Robert Ormesheved'), conveying his thanks for his efforts in the prior's affairs, especially in the matter of the prior of Finchale, about which Robert has recently written to him. Since Mr Thomas Appelby, as Robert writes, the registrar of the prior's jurisdiction of Howdenshire, has died, in whose place Robert desires Mr William Driffeld' be substituted, the prior wishes that no one else be preferred to William, provided he is healthy ( ‘valitudinarius’) and exercises the said office himself, since the prior does not know whether the office will prosper if his substitute administers it. He authorises Robert, if William is healthy and can direct the office himself, to substitute him in Thomas Appelby's place, but if not he may appoint as registrar another suitable person, for whom he is willing to be answerable before God. Since Thomas Appelby for many years did not render an account for the jurisdiction and much evidence concerning the jurisdiction remained with him, the prior requests Robert to make provision for the aforementioned and to obtain from the executors [of Thomas Appelby] and keep safely the evidence and the sums, if any, for such jurisdiction and especially for the corrections received by him in the last visitation, lest they be seized by his executors to the jurisdiction's harm. He requests him to labour diligently in the matter of the installation, about which he informed him more fully at his last departure and which is mentioned in the schedule enclosed in the presents.
Date: Durham, 10 November.
Schedule: Since, as [the prior of Durham] was recently given to understand, priors install bishops in the province of Canterbury in cathedral churches where there are monks, he requests him to ascertain as secretly as possible that this is true, since, as he understands, the archdeacon of York is claiming the same prerogative as the archdeacon of Canterbury, and the present [bishop] of Coventry and Lichfield was installed in the church of Lichfield by its dean on the commission, publicly read out, of the archdeacon of Canterbury and was installed in the church of Coventry by the prior etc.
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f.111r-v   11 December [?1439]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the bishop of Durham). After the bishop's departure from [these] parts, the prior was given to understand that certain persons are labouring diligently that the archdeacon of York will install him; for the prior to concede this would be to the utmost prejudice of the church of Durham since priors of Durham have sufficient title to perform this act of installation and his predecessors were in uninterrupted possession [of this] without any archdeacon of York ever being admitted to it. As the prior was lately informed, the archdeacon bases his plan on the archdeacon of York having as great a prerogative in York province as the archdeacon of Canterbury in Canterbury province, but the archdeacon of Canterbury installs bishops of the same province whereby etc. The prior made inquiry in this matter and was certified that in cathedral churches where there are priors they install bishops, but it was not stated in the certificate copied to him whether this is done on their own authority or by virtue of a commission. He entreats the bishop in defence of his rights and the prior's to charge a trusted person to make inquiry about this act in the churches contained in the schedule (below). If the matter had been broached on the archdeacon's behalf to the bishop, he may say that the said matter touches him and the prior of Durham and he does not wish to give a final response since the prior has not been consulted.
Date: Durham, 11 December.
(with) Schedule that inquiry should be made who by right or custom installs the following bishops: Winchester, Rochester, Bath in the church of Bath, Coventry in the church of Coventry, Norwich, Worcester and Ely.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cclvii.
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f.111v-112r   3 November [?1439]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: William Lyham [monk of Durham] at the cell of Holy Island), stating that, since the pension owed to the cell of Farne from the king's farm of Newcastle remains sequestrated until a suitable remedy is provided in the king's court, the keeper of the cell does not have the means to support the charges incumbent on it. The prior considered the keeper should stay with William for a time in place of the second colleague, and asks him to to admit him benevolently as a colleague.
Date. Durham, 3 November.
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f.112r-v   14 January [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription and margin: to Robert [Neville], bishop of Durham), informing him that he has been diligent in the matter in which the bishop instructed him to labour, and has shown such evidence and writing as he has to the bishop's brothers, Latemer' [George Neville, Lord Latimer] and Burgeny [Edward Neville, Lord Abergavenny], and others of his council last at his session at Durham, whom it pleased. The prior sends to him this part of the evidence, trusting that the bishop has the part he sent to him previously by William Rakett. The evidence he sends now more plainly supports the basis of the bishop's right of the manor of Gainford, to which Barnard Castle pertains, than the previous evidence. It would be expedient that they be seen and noted for this matter and others. He delivered an instrument under the sign of three notaries to the bishop's predecessor in defence of his last plea in parliament; Mr Thomas Londyn' has knowledge of this, which, the prior supposes, will support the basis of the bishop's franchise of Durham before and after the Conquest. He sends a copy of the instrument as he is uncertain whether the bishop has one. Concerning the church of Brantingham, to which the bishop wishes Mr John Lathom' to be preferred, as Mr Robert Tatman' told him as part of the bishop's letter which he delivered, the prior and his fellow monks will fulfil the bishop's wishes when it becomes vacant.
Date: Durham, 14 January.
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f.112v-113r   14 January [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr William Freman'), conveying his thanks for his letters and news about the pope and others which he lately sent to the prior. As for the bulls, he entrusts this to William, knowing the prior's intention from their last conversation, and the prior will willingly make satisfaction for the sums to be paid. In the matter of the provost of Hemingbrough, the records of the proceedings still remain with the official of the court of York and he will obtain and send them to him as soon as possible, along with money in satisfaction of the ten ducats paid from William's money to Mr Andrew Hullez in the said cause. He asks him to recommend him specially to the said Andrew, entreating him as soon as possible to cause the said matter of Hemingbrough either to be decided in the curia or remitted to [these] parts. The [bishop] of Durham has lately written to him for the next vacancy of the church of Brantingham, to which, as the prior understands, he intends to prefer Mr John Lathom'; the prior and his fellow monks will be disposed towards this.
Date: Durham, 14 January.
(with) Schedule: In the cause against the provost of Hemingbrough, two proceedings were held in the court of York, one on the prior's behalf before the official concerning the provost's perjury. Sentence was given concerning the perjury but the proceeding did not extend to depriving [the provost]. The other proceeding was before Mr John Marchall', as he understands, in the chancery of the archbishop of York. This proceeding did include deprivation and the prior was incited by certain persons that the proceeding on his behalf be extended to depriving [the provost]. Since he was advised not to do this because of the dangers which can happen, with an appeal ongoing in the Roman curia, he did not act further; doubting whether another proceeding may be lawfully held, he would not wish that it be ascribed to him. He asks, as he has especial trust in William, that he takes good care concerning the aforementioned.
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f.113r-114r   17 January [1440]
Language:   English
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription: to Richard [Neville], earl of Salisbury, lord of Monthermer and Ferriers), conveying his thanks for the affection shown him and the church of Durham, especially lately in the matter which the prior has shown to him. His fellow monk, John Gatesheved, has reported to him that the earl wishes him to be an arbitrator (‘dayere’) between the earl's mother and himself on the one part, and the [earl] of Westmorland on the other. He may recall that the prior sent him word by divers persons that Westmorland declared him one of his party. The prior was informed of this not beforehand but afterwards by Sir John Nevyll' and then by others who encouraged him to take this on. He answered that could not do so for various reasonable causes, among them that he said to Salisbury and his brother, the [bishop] of Durham, at Middleham (and the same [bishop] has said to various persons) that the prior has kept himself impartial in any disagreement between the parties. If Salisbury wrote to him to take this on, as Sir John suggested, the prior would ask to be excused, as none of his fellow monks or others of sound counsel think he should do this. He has informed the bearer of this letter to declare this plainly to him.
Date: Bearpark, 17 January.
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f.114r-v   19 January [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr William Freman'), stating that, after the other letter was sent to William, the prior was given to understand that Stephen Brige, monk [of Dunfermline], adversary of the prior of Coldingham, had died. As the prior is unsure whether this is true, he will make inquiry and inform him as soon as he has certain knowledge, so that William can do what seems advantageous. On the matter of the provost of Hemingbrough, the prior has caused certain clauses from the ordinance of the church of Hemingbrough concerning the provost to be copied and drawn up as a public instrument, which he sends to him with the bearer of the presents.
Date: his manor at Bearpark, 19 January.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.110.
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f. 114v   28 January [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr William Freman'), stating that he has handed over to Robert Rodez, bearer of the presents, six nobles to be delivered to William in satisfaction of the ten ducats and their exchange in the cause of the provostship of Hemingbrough. If William further requires (‘superirrogaveritis’ ) anything in the said cause or the prior's other matters, the prior will render this when William informs him. If the copy of the bull, sent to the prior by Robert Marchall', concerning full remission at the point of death is, as he understands, a true copy, that bull is sufficiently good. If this seems to William to be the case, the prior wishes to have the bull since in the past year many of his fellow monks have died whom the bull would have benefitted. He believes that William has kept what, as the prior told him, is to be paid in London to Robert Marchall', grocer, for expenses for the bull concerning eating meat during Septuagesima, £10, and to Robert Rodez, another {£}10, which sum seems to him sufficient to obtain bulls; if the bulls are amended according to their plan which they lately discussed, they would be more acceptable and William should not be in doubt about payment being made to him.
Date: Durham, 28 January.
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f.114v-115r   15 May 1438
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Robert, bishop of Durham), rejoicing in the bishop's promotion and hoping that the church of Durham and surrounding parts will flourish again by his care since he, a native of their patron, St Cuthbert, as one born and educated on the latter's own soil, to whom all the lords and other magnates of this region are related, deserved to reach the pastoral apex here, conveying his thanks for the bishop's immense favours and assistance, and humbly requesting him to command him if the prior can do anything to fulfil the bishop's wishes. He has entrusted to the members of the bishop's household, John Gargave and Edward Clayton', certain matters to be related to him.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1438.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cclv.
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f.115r-v   2 January [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr John Marchall'), stating that he understood from the report of his fellow monk, John Harum, that John Marchall' had treated the cause of William Barry, prior of Finchale, more favourably out of regard for the prior. The same William took an oath to the prior in the presence of trustworthy men that the removal of the corn tithes from Garmondsway after All Saints did not proceed on his order or with his knowledge. The bearer of the presents, the prior's fellow monk, Mr William Ebchestre, may inform him more plainly about this.
Date: Durham, 2 January.
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f.115v-116r   12 December [?1439]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Thomas Worswike, receiver in the county of Lancashire), as for the substance of Thomas's letter, the prior was given to understand, after the last time George [Syther monk of Durham] was at home [Durham ?], [that] at the prompting of William Partrike [monk of Durham and prior of Lytham], George reported that Robert Erghowe [monk of Durham] had the property of the prior of Lytham, who was away, and was likely to be indicted shortly, and that also at William's instigation Richard Knight, who has wed his sister [William's ?], should take out a writ at London against the said Robert and outlaw him. For this speech Robert came before the prior, subprior and other senior fellow monks, and offered to swore (‘make his lawe’) that he had not spoken with Thomas for six months before he came from Lytham, and never delivered him a coffer or other goods of William Partrike. He brought records that before he ever went to Lytham he had much more than £20 of gold and silver and did not need to steal. As for the report previously made of him, he has spoken ill of (‘noised’) the prior of Lytham in various grievous points, about which the prior of Durham has told him and others to be silent until the prior [of Lytham] comes to Durham. The prior of Durham prays [Thomas Worswike], to avoid any slander which may befall the monastery, to act as he has hitherto done in stopping the indictment.
Date: Durham, 12 December.
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f.116r-v   11 January [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Thomas Worswike), thanking him for his letter and kindnesses often shown to the cell of Lytham, and recently for putting an end to rumours about the matter of which he has twice written to the prior. Touching divers points rumoured of the prior of Lytham, he [Thomas] is to understand that the prior of Lytham has been before the prior of Durham and his fellow monks and acquitted himself so well that they do not hold him wanting in any point. As he wrote to him touching George [Syther], monk [of Durham], his brother has reported the same before the prior of Lytham. He finds that the said George has been excessive in his language and caused the prior of Lytham to be blamed more than he deserved.
Date: Durham, 11 January.
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f.116v   1 December 1439
Memorandum that quittance was issued for a pension of 13s 4d owed yearly from the prebend of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, York diocese, according to the form of the quittance for the yearly pension of 13s 4d, owed from the said prebend, on the twenty-third folio preceeding (f.94r).
Date: Durham, 1 December 1439.
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f.116v   31 January [?1440]
Memorandum that quittance was issued concerning a pension of the church of [Kirby] Sigston for the rector thereof in payment of a certain yearly pension of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1439, according to the form of the quittance above on the seventeenth folio (preceding, f.100v) for 1438.
Date: Durham, 31 January.
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f.116v   27 January 1440.
Memorandum that an allowance in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Joan Mulkyn', was granted to Joan Preston' by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant (on f.101v) to John Shanden.
Date: Durham, 27 January 1439/40.
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f.117r   1 February 1440
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Roger Tempest of Broughton, esquire, Christopher Alton', chaplain, and John Armested, yeoman, of the corn tithes and all and sundry income, revenues and any other profits pertaining to the church of Giggleswick, with the exception of the tithes and portions assigned and customarily paid to the then vicar of the church, to be held from St Mark [25 April] 1440 to the same feast the next year, rendering £44 to the prior and his successors or his certain attorney at Durham during the said term at St Lawrence [10 August] 1440 and the purification of Mary [2 February] next following in equal portions.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1439/40.
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f.117r-v   18 February [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Mody [monk of Durham]), stating that it does not seem expedient to him that John Mody's letter and its contents be made known to his fellow monks, since from ancient custom permission to receive a doctorate does not rest only with the prior but jointly with the prior and convent. He knows that it will be difficult to make them favourably disposed to fulfil his wish since, if the prior only allowed him to attain a doctoral chair next year or at another time, with his two fellow monks excluded, it would anger those two and their friends and would generate considerable murmuring against him in the convent. It would not be appropriate for him to be a senior doctor in the university and minor in the monastery. It is good that he be conformable to his other two fellow monks and the ordinance of the chapter, lest he provide an occasion for slander and grumbling. As for his writing that the chancellor and many others will not easily give assent to three doctors from the same college incepting on one day, he does not know what he has done to merit their being so difficult with regards to him and the college about granting graces. When he was at Oxford, he saw three monks from the monastery of Glastonbury promoted to a doctorate on one day. He marvels at their ingratitude since he at the request of Mr John Norton', lately chancellor of Oxford, had granted to the then chancellor and to the congregation (‘cetui’) of regents and non-regents there the nomination of the church of Appleby, Lincoln diocese, when next vacant. He hopes that in the event they will be friendlier towards the college.
Date: Durham, 18 February.
For grant of the right of nomination of the church of Appleby, see DCD Reg. III, f.241r.
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f.117r-118v   20 February 1440
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Mody [monk of Durham]), stating that, since at the request of Lord Fitzhugh he has granted the next vacancy in Durham College Oxford to Richard Wryght', clerk of Barnard Castle, originating within the bishopric of Durham, he commands him to examine Richard and to admit him, if suitable, as a scholar of the college before St Gregory [12 March] next. He is to require him to take an oath to observe the statutes and customs of the college, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 20 February 1439/40.
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f.118r-v   20 February 1440
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to Isabel Appelby, widow and executrix of the testament of Thomas Appelby, lately the prior's registrar of Howden and Howdenshire, releasing and quitclaiming her from all actions, real and personal, which he had or may have against her, by reason of the said testament or any transgression of an agreement, contract, claim (etc.).
Date: Durham, 20 February 1439/40.
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f.118v   26 February 1440
Memorandum that the corrody of the late Thomas Bawde in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Thomas Raa of South Bailey, Durham, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Grendisdall' previously in this register (on f.78v-79r).
Date: Durham, 26 February 1439/40
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f.118v-120v   5 & 19 February 1440
Notarial instrument recording that Richard Blakburn', monk of Durham, appeared before John, prior of Durham, concerning the crime of fornication and incontinence committed between himself and a certain Margaret Soulby, as was said, fourteen fellow monks as his compurgators, having taken an oath of compurgation, and asked the prior to see fit to admit and receive his canonical purgation. With a certain Robert Whyte having been called and appearing personally with others of his affinity, the prior publicly declared how Robert and a certain Robert Trotter personally approached the prior in the chapel of St Michael in Durham priory on Friday, 29 January preceding (with Mr William Ebchestre, monk and sacrist of Durham, S.T.P., Mr John Lounde, B.Cn. & C.L., Mr John Lethom, B.Cn. & C.L., and Mr John Paynell', B.Cn. & C.L., present there), requesting him to hear their assertions; when the prior had granted audience, Robert Whyte publicly asserted that the prior intended to pronounce excommunication and other ecclesiastical censures against him, as he had heard, because of false and wicked statements published by him defaming Richard Blakburn'; this seems absurd to him, since he had brought forth no words of disgrace or slander of Richard and Margaret, except that he often saw them spending the night together in one bed and, it seemed to him, acting in a carnal and incontinent manner. The prior replied that he intended to declare the purgation to Robert according to the statutes of the rule, and appointed the ninth hour before mid-day, 5 February, at the chapter house, if Robert should have any canonical authority to propose or object against the purgation, if he wished. When that was done and recited, Robert was asked whether he wished to confirm or withdraw his words, and he replied that he did not retract but confirmed what he had said to the prior elsewhere, offering to prove it, since he then said that he saw them many times in one bed, alone with each other, lying naked and exerting themselves, as it seemed to him; he did not know, however, whether Richard knew her carnally or not. When this had been done and understood, and the names of the compurgators recited, the prior, on the advice of the jurists assisting him, prorogued the day of purgation until Friday, the fortnight following, at the same place and hour.
On the day appointed, Friday, 19 February, Richard appeared before the prior, asking to be admitted to his purgation, and denied the charge by John, prior of Durham, against Richard Blakburn', that he incontinently and carnally knew Margaret, widow of Robert Sulby, tanner, lately dwelling in Durham. and again asked the prior to admit him to purgation.
After public proclamation was made that if anyone wishes or was able by right to put forward or object any canonical authority against the purgation, he should appear there and propose it in due form of law; with no one appearing to object, the prior admitted Richard to his purgation, with twelve of the aforesaid monks of Durham having taken the oath of compurgation, namely Stephen Houeden', subprior, John Gissburn', Roger Langchestre, John Swynesheved, Thomas Wytton', John Gonnerton', Robert Moorby, Thomas Lauson', Richard Kellowe, William Dalton', Robert Westmerland', and Robert Emyldon'. The compurgators individually and in order swore that they believed the oath made by Robert to be true and Richard to be innocent. At Richard's request the prior admitted his purgation and published it as lawful, restoring Richard to his former good reputation, who asked the notary to produce a public instrument concerning the aforementioned.
Witnesses: (first day of sitting) Mr John Lounde, B.Cn. & C.L., Mr John Lethom, B.Cn. & C.L., Mr John Paynell', B.Cn. & C.L., William Rakett and William Hoton'; (second day of sitting) Mr John Norton', D.Dec., the aforesaid Mr John Lounde, B.Cn. & C.L., Mr John Lethom', B.Cn. & C.L., and Mr John Paynell', B.Cn. & C.L., and Mr William Monkton', B.Cn. & C.L., John Beaumares, Robert Sotheron', chaplains.
Notary: Robert Bartram, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, N. P. by apostolic authority (including eschatocol and note of corrections).
Done: the chapter house, Durham, 5 and 19 February 1439/40.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.250r-251r.
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f.120v-121r   13 February 1440
Appointment, by John, prior of Durham, of Henry Feriby [monk of Durham], as prior of the vacant cell of Finchale, hoping that the said place will prosper under his rule and believing he will act worthily, since it is the prior's intention to appoint such persons to the administration of the outlying places which are subject to his disposing, who will preserve them from injury and advance their honour, and commanding all concerned to obey him as prior in all and sundry pertaining to the cell. He is to make a yearly account to the prior of all receipts and expenses of the cell.
Date: Durham, 13 February 1439/40.
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f.121r-v   13 March [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to William Freman'), having received his one letter by Robert Rodez on 5 March and within the four days following another by Thomas Holden', containing a schedule about the sentence passed in the Roman curia against John Wythere. It appeared to the prior that there was a serious error in this sentence, since the church of Hemingbrough is in York diocese and in the sentence it is said to be in Durham diocese; he is uncertain whether this resulted from the fault of the writer or not. He entrusts him, if it seems expedient to him, to write soon to Mr Andrew Hullez, for its amendment. The prior is now not so in need of the bull concerning full remission at the point of death since a general indulgence concerning full remission in life and at the point of death was issued by the pope; he does not, however, wish the merchant or any others working on his behalf to be at a loss in any respect, and so wishes him to make an allowance for what should justly be paid for this bull in the sum which he has received. The prior will willingly make satisfaction for expenses if he takes care to amend the other bull concerning the faculty to absolve at the point [of death] etc., according to the form conceived by William and previously shown to the prior, or according to the form handed by the prior to the collector [?]. If William can obtain the bull concerning the eating of meat etc., he will receive considerable thanks from the prior and his fellow monks and also expenses and reward for his labour.
Date: Durham, 13 March.
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f.121v-122r   13 March 1440
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Alice Baude [or Bande], lately widow of Thomas Baude of South Bailey, Durham, of one allowance for life in Le Meason de dieu, lately held by her husband.
Date: Durham, 13 March 1439/40.
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f.122r   13 March 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Newminster, near Morpeth, for 13s 4d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of Stannington and customarily paid at the aforesaid terms.
Date: Durham, 13 March 1439/40.
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f.122r   18 March 1440
Memorandum that an allowance in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Emma Alanson, was granted to Henry Hertlawe by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Alice Baude (on the preceding folio).
Date: Durham, 18 March 1439/40.
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f.122v   27 March [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home, knight), conveying his thanks to him for his kindness and great labour showed to his fellow monks and the cell of Coldingham, having received his letter and taken (‘consauyd’) his credence by his fellow monk Th[omas] Ward, in which he desires the office of bailiff of Coldingham for life. He may remember that the prior had written to him how the last bishop of Durham made an ordinance in a visitation that no office should be granted for life or for many years together. At their annual chapter before Whitsun, at which will be present, he supposes, the prior of Coldingham and other priors, he will speak with them and others of his fellow monks, and shortly send him an answer.
Date: Durham, 27 March.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.114.
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f.122v   26 April 1440
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham, to Henry Mone [or Move], chaplain, collector of the rents of the office of the prior's sacrist in York and Holtby, releasing and quitclaiming him from all actions, real and personal, which the prior had or may have against him.
Date: Durham, 26 April 1440.
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f.123r   15 May 1440
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his ‘dearest brother’, stating that, since he resolved to send him from his present place to the cell of Holy Island, etc. according to the common form, [he commands him to show] the presents to the prior of Coldingham where he presently [is] etc. so that he provides etc.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1440.
(Margin: letter for sending Robert Scremerston' [monk of Durham] to the cell of Holy Island from Coldingham.)
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f.123r   15 May 1440
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to his ‘dearest son’, stating that, since he resolved to send him from his present place to the cell of Farne Island, etc., according to the common form, [he commands him to show] the presents to the prior of Holy Island where he presently [is], so that he provides etc.
Date: Durham, 15 May 1440.
(Margin: letter for sending Th[omas] Chotom' [monk of Durham] to the cell of Farne Island from Holy Island.)
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f.123r   14 March 1440
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, as Robert Ergehowe [monk of Durham], to the office of cellerar of Finchale, subprior thereof, provided that he render every month an account of all receipts and expenses to the prior and monks of Finchale; he is to show the presents to the prior thereof so that he admits him to the said office.
Date: Durham, 14 March 1439/40.
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f.123r-v   12 April 1439
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to John Holm, esquire, with the consent of his fellow monks, of one corrody or allowance for life in the hospital of St Mary Magdalen next to the hospital of Kepier, lately vacant by the death of Emma Denome for his good and praiseworthy service to the prior's precedessor and himself over a long period, with licence to stay outside the hospital in some respectable place provided he keeps the statutes (etc.) of the hospital, with the exception of residence within.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1439.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:165.
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f.123v-124r   8 May 1440
Schedule (indented) of Debt Repayment by John, prior of Durham, confirming that he owes to William Hoton' of Hardwick the following amount, received and put to the use of the monastery of Durham, by the calculation between William and Thomas Warde [monk of Durham], lately cellarer:
£36 12s for a loan on divers occasions
20s for a horse purchased for the carriage of fish
40s for numerous different items, received by the hand of William Archere for Wilberfoss [E. Yorks.]
6s for the rent of one close near the bridge of Aldingrange
6s for 40 tithe hens

Sum total £40 4s.
The prior and his successors are to pay £20 2s to William or his assigns at Christmas next or on the Purification [2 February] then following, and £20 2s on Christmas and the Purification then following 1441 [1442 in the case of the Purification].
Date: Durham, 8 May 1440.
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f.124r-v   29 May 1440
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr J[ohn] Marchall'), stating that he may wish to know that a disagreement has recently arisen between Bartholomew and Urban, Order of the Holy Ghost [Rome], his deputed commissaries in Durham diocese to collect the papal subsidy for the restoration of the Greeks and Armenians, and a certain Antony Becarie, clerk of the duke of Gloucester and subcollector of Peter de Monte, collector general in the realm of England, for the receiving and collection of moneys contributed for the subsidy. Antony Becarie challenges Marchall's commission, saying it is invalid and that Bartholomew and Urban do not have a sufficient mandate by it. Such disagreement is commonly giving rise to considerable slander, obloquy and the withdrawal of moneys. Mr John Norton', vicar general in Durham diocese, thought such moneys thus offered, with the consent of both parties, should be sequestrated until the said collector or John Marchall' showed which of them has greater authority. The prior thinks it expedient that John take himself as quickly as possible to those parts to decide the matter, or send to the said vicar general by the bearer of the presents a sufficient testimonial letter concerning the authority, granted to him by the said collector, to substitute such subcollectors.
Date: Durham, 29 May 1440.
See also DCD Reg. III, f.256r-v.
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f.124v-125r   12 July [1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the bishop of Durham), reporting that Mr Robert Tattman' at the bishop's will has communicated with him concerning the bishop's installation. The prior related his opinion, pondered for half a year and more, to the said Robert and Robert Conestable, the bishop's chancellor; having considered all the circumstances, it seemed to him and to the said Roberts, for the reasons contained in the schedule enclosed in the presents, that Christmas next would be more suitable to celebrate the installation, if acceptable to the bishop. There are also other reasons which are unwritten but are to be related to the bearer of the present schedule. It seems to the prior and certain other prudent servants of the bishop that for his advantage and honour his presence in or near his own land is very necessary.
Date: Durham, 12 July.
Schedule Reasons why the installation of the bishop would be celebrated more advantageously at Christmas:
(1) because of the solemnity of Christmas, which is venerated more than other feasts among Christians
(2) provisions of meat, fish and fowl are in greater supply than at other times of the year
(3) if the installation is held at another time, the bishop will incur two-fold expenses, namely at the installation and Christmas
(4) for the said reasons, his predecessors, Antony Beeke, Thomas Hattfeld' and others were installed at Christmas
(5) that Christmas next falls on a Sunday and four or five days of eating meat immediately follow; the burden of this can better be sustained than if they were mixed days of eating meat and fish
(6) on the Friday before Christmas [23 December] the bishop can be lodged near Durham, on Christmas Eve first enter his church and be installed, on the same day begin the feast of Christmas and his installation, and celebrate vespers on [Christmas] Eve and mass on the next day
(7) to celebrate their installation his predecessors were accustomed to confer garments and a clothing allowance on their friends and servants; this can more properly be done on the said feast, avoiding considerable expense
(8) before the said feast the bishop cannot properly provide for wine for the installation and arrange for other hospitality

Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cclxi-cclxii.
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f.125v   12 July 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Newminster near Morpeth, for 10s, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Martinmas 1438 and 20s for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1439, by reason of a certain yearly pension of 20s owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington and customarily paid at the aforesaid terms.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1440.
Note in margin: ‘non emanavit sub hac forma sed secundum formam infra folio 8o’ [there is a memorandum concerning a quittance for Kirk Whelpington on both f.132v and 133v but no quittance within eight pages either side of the above.]
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f.125v-126r   27 July [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Methfen', secretary of the king of Scotland), conveying his thanks for his repeated favours and assistance shown to the prior and monastery and especially the cell of Coldingham. Although the prior of Coldingham, now broken by age, for a long time has pressed him and his fellow monks to be discharged from the administration of the said priory, he does not intend to give his consent without John's sound advice. He remains in doubt whether it would be safer to grant this and present another when the see of St Andrews is vacant [or] occupied, since he is not certain of the favour of the keeper of the spirituality of St Andrews, and the said see will perhaps be occupied before the execution of the presentation, which will thus be null and void. He entreats him to send his opinion concerning the aforementioned.
Date: Durham, 27 July.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.114.
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f.126r   20 July 1439
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the prior of Tynemouth, for 6s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of Haltwhistle and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1439.
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f.126r   5 March 1441
Quittance by John, prior of Durham to Uddard Eston', master of Ovingham, for 20s, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Martinmas 1438 and 1439, by reason of a certain yearly pension of 10s owed yearly to the prior and church of Durham for the church of Ovingham and customarily paid at the said feast.
Date: Durham, 5 March 1440/1.
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f.126v   30 June 1440
Memorandum that three quittances were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham and Walkington for half of the pensions of the said churches owed to the prior and office of the chamberlain of the priory, as for the term of Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1440.
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f.126v   30 June 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Rudde, vicar of the church of Welton, for 20s for the term of Whitsun last past, in part payment of a yearly pension of 40s owed to the prior and his office of chamberlain of Durham and customarily paid of old by the rectors of the said church.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1440.
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f.126v-127r   31 July [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr Robert Ormesheved'), informing him that the prior was recently shown how the rectors of Brantingham, Welton and Walkington were alleging, although untruly, that his pensions there had been owed and paid of old by reason of the jurisdiction exercised by the rectors in the said churches. Since this jurisdiction was withdrawn from them, they intend to withhold the pensions until compelled by rights to [make] such payment. He therefore entreats him to move them [to make] the said payment. If they are unwilling, he is to proceed according to the requirement of the law for the sequestration of income, the effect of the provincial constitution declared in this matter, a copy of which is enclosed in the presents, and other remedies of law, knowing that the prior will demolish their opinion by authentic muniments. He was disposed to be present at the provincial convocation, but since its first day will be the first day of the session of the justices at Durham, where many weighty causes touching the rights and liberties of his church will be treated, which cannot be decided in his absence, he does not see that he can appear personally in the next convocation. Robert should communicate with Mr John Marchall' about this matter and write back their opinions. The prior will shortly send his wishes for [the appointment of ?] a registrar under Robert in the prior's jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 31 July.
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f.127r-v   10 August 1440
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing Mr Robert Ormesheved', advocate of the court of York, Mr John Lethom', B.Cn. & C.L., and Mr William Driffeld', proctor of the court of York, as his proctors, to appear on his behalf in the convocation of the clergy of York province on 17 August next in York Minster before John, cardinal priest (etc.), archbishop of York, or his lieutenants or commissaries, with responsibilities described, since the prior is unable to appear personally for various true and legitimate reasons.
Date: Durham, 10 August 1440.
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f.127v   10 August [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home, knight), expressing his thanks for his labour long shown to his fellow monks and the cell of Coldingham. Concerning the office of bailiff of Coldingham, which he desires to have long-term, he is to understand that, having communicated with the prior of Coldingham and his fellow monks, he and they agree to grant him the said office for such terms which will be pleasing to him, so that he profitably performs his office as other bailiffs do in the country, in setting [at farm] the lands of the said place to the best advantage and not overcharging, as the bearer of this letter will declare to him.
Date: Durham, 10 August.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.116.
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f.127v-128r   20 June [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr John Marchall'), stating that, after he notified him about the disagreement between Bartholomew etc., John Marchall wrote repeatedly concerning the moneys and offerings of the faithful which had been collected in Durham diocese. One letter, dated York, 31 May and sent to the prior after the sequestration of such moneys, contained this clause: It seems to him that each of them should report what he has received or sends to the chest in York Minster, placed there for the keeping of such moneys collected. Seen and witnessed by Mr John Norton', vicar general of the bishop of Durham, and William Rakett, clerk of the rolls of the chancery of the bishop of Durham, Mr John Paynell', B.Cn. & C.L., and John Bewmarrez, rector of St Mary in the North Bailey, Durham, Bartholomew and Urban counted the moneys collected by them in Durham diocese to the amount of £35 5s 5d, as evident by the letters testimonial, sealed with the seal used by the receivers and dated Durham, 6 June. The prior also received his other letter, dated York, 14 June, with the following clause: He entreats them to deliver without delay such sequestrated moneys, if they still have them, to the aforesaid Mr Antony. On his behalf and the said collector's, they are to exhort Bartholomew and Urban, if still in the diocese, to return to York with Antony, carrying whatever remains of the moneys collected, and to render an account for any moneys received there and elsewhere within York province. The prior repeatedly exhorted Bartholomew and Urban, both in writing and verbally, to come to him to render an account and was hoping that they had done so, although this was not the case. He did not know whether they are presently in England or Scotland. John's servant, Robert Dotyngton', will more fully inform him about the moneys handed over by them in Durham diocese. He hopes that they are sufficiently trustworthy and will come to John and the collector with the money.
Date: Bearpark, 20 June.
For letters testimonial of 6 June 1440 by Bartholomew and Urban, see DCD Reg. III, f.256v.
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f.128r-v   5 August [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], expressing thanks for his kindnesses and especially for the parchment and other novelties which he has recently sent to the prior. He is to remember that the last time the prior was at York, he spoke to him and Thomas Qweldrike, vicar of Bossall, about an exchange [of benefices] between them but could not persuade Thomas. Robert Constable and other notable men have made entreaty to the prior to grant Thomas licence to exchange; the prior would not consent, trusting always to have persuaded him, which he feels he will not do. At Durham Mr John Marschall' lately asked the prior on behalf of the treasurer and under-treasurer of York for an exchange between Thomas and the vicar of Alne and the prior is asked by letter if he would consent to their request, they would approach the cardinal [archbishop] of York and have him write for the exchange. To avoid being blamed for not fulfilling their wish, he and his fellow monks have acceded to it. He should not be aggrieved that he does not have his wish at this time as it is his and his fellow monks' intention to look after the addressee as well or better.
Date: Durham, 5 August.
See also DCD Reg. III, f.258v-259r, presentation of John Alott, vicar of Alne, to Bossall to effect an exchange with Wheldrake, 5 August 1440.
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f.128v   30 September 1440
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to John Thornton', vicar of Northallerton, for the payment of a yearly pension of £20 owed by the said church and customarily paid by the hand of the vicar.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1440.
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f.128v-129r   9 September [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to a nephew apparently of Henry de Percy earl of Northumberland], informing him that he has received his letter concerning two matters, one, to give his assent to a pension from the church of Giggleswick for William Hakforth', the addressee's priest, and to present Christopher Altam to the vicarage thereof, vacant by William's resignation, whom William wishes to be presented, which has been done out of regard for the addressee. The second matter is to grant William the first vacancy of a prebend in Hemingbrough. Both the king and the [bishop] of Durham have written at various times to the prior and his fellow monks for the first vacancy of a prebend in their patronage, as have as other various lords, some of them his own kin, as his uncle, the [earl] of Northumberland, and Sir William Eure, have applied for a prebend for their sons, none of which has yet been obtained. As he has granted William the vicarage of Giggleswick and now a pension, it is his intention to further him at a convenient time.
Date: Durham, 9 September.
For related documents, see DCD Reg. III, f.259v-260r.
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f.129r   1 February [?1441]
Memorandum that two quittances (margin: for the master and fellows of Balliol Hall [Oxford]) concerning a yearly pension of 10s for the church of Longbenton were paid to Durham College Oxford for the indemnity of the same church for the terms of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas for 1439 and 1440.
Date: Durham, 1 February in the abovesaid years.
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f.129v   1 May 1442
Memorandum that a commission for the bailiff of Coldingham was issued for twelve years from the date of the commission to David Home, knight, of Wedderburn in Scotland (incipit given), as evident above in a similar grant for 1432 (on f.69v-70r).
Date: 1 May 1442.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.134-135.
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f.129v   25 September 1440
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to ‘his dearest son’, commanding him, as he understands that John Goldyng, lately scholar of Durham College Oxford, had left there, to receive John Norton', clerk, who has been examined by the prior and his fellow monks and admitted as scholar there, into the college in place of John Goldyng at St Luke next [18 October]. He is to require John to take an oath to observe the statutes and customs of the college, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 25 September 1440.
(Margin: form of a letter for receiving a scholar into Durham College Oxford.)
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f.129v   1 October 1440
Memorandum that the appointment of John Harom, monk of Durham, as keeper of the cell of Farne Island was issued by the letters patent of John Wessyngton', prior of Durham (incipit given), according to the form of the previous [letters patent] in this register for Thomas Moorby (on f.54r).
Date: Durham, 1 October 1440.
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f.129v-130v   1 October 1440
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], to ‘his dearest son’, commanding him, since he thought he should be removed from his present place to the cell of Finchale, to direct his steps and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1440.
(Margin: letter for sending William Lyham [monk of Durham] to the cell of Finchale from Farne Island.)
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f.130r   15 November 1440
Memorandum that four quittances, concerning the yearly pensions due to the chamberlain of the abbey of Durham from the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and (blank) {the church of Welton} were issued, as for the term of Martinmas, according to the form of the above quittance for the office of chamberlain, dated 1432, but with the following words (cited) and date.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1440.
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f.130r   8 October 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the mayor and community of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, £9 3s 4d, received by the hand of a monk of Farne Island on the date of the presents, for the term of Michaelmas last past in full payment of a certain yearly pension, granted to the prior and monastery of Durham by the king's progenitors from their alms, to be paid yearly at Michaelmas from the fee-farm of Newcastle, by the hand of the men thereof.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1440.
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f.130v   15 November 1440
Memorandum that four quittances concerning the yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of the abbey of Durham from the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington were issued as for the term of Martinmas, according to the form of the above quittance for the office of chamberlain, but with the following words (cited) and date.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1440.
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f.130v   31 October 1440
Collation by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire, York diocese, to John Levesham, chaplain, of the reading (‘lectuales’), song and grammar schools of [North]allerton as, from the report of trustworthy persons, he considers him suitable to instruct youths in reading, singing and grammar. The presents are to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 31 October 1440.
Printed: Early Yorkshire Schools II, ed A.F. Leach (Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series xxxiii, 1903), p.62.
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f.130v-131r   1 December 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Henry Hanslapp, prebendary of the prebend of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, for 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham from the prebendary of the aforesaid prebend and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1440.
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f.131r   1 November 1440
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, countess of Westmorland, for £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby and 20s for a yearly pension owed to the prior and church of Durham for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] last past.
Date: 1 November 1440.
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f.131r   15 November 1440
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to John Consclyffe, chaplain, of the chantry of the chapel of St John the Baptist at Ponteys.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1440.
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f.131v   15 December [?1440]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to W[illiam] Fysshburn' and W[illiam] Hesilden' [monks of Durham]), stating that, at the request of the subprior and his other fellow monks, because of their infirmity and adverse health, and moved by other certain reasons, he resolved that they should be recalled to the monastery of Durham. He commands them to go and remain there around Epiphany next, showing the presents to the warden of Durham College (Oxford) so that he provides them with suitable transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 15 December.
(Margin: letter sent to W[illiam] Fysshburn' and W[illiam] Hesilden' to recall them from the schools.)
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f.131v   15 December [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Mody [monk of Durham]), stating that he understands from the letter recently sent to John Oll [monk of Durham] that the chancellor, proctors and other scholars do not at all wish to grant a grace that the three monks may incept on the same day by paying £20 for a feast, at which the prior marvels. He advises him to make diligent entreaty with the same persons and his other friends if they would perhaps grant such a grace for the sum of £30 at most, or for less if he can obtain it. He is to notify the prior by letter as to what he has done in this matter before the Purification of Mary [2 February].
Date: 15 December.
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f.131v-132r   18 December [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Henry Heley [monk of Durham]), stating that the prior had previously indicated to him how William Houshom', clerk of the castle of York, delivered a bill to him on behalf of the sheriff of York to levy him for £15 12¼d, the arrears of the second half of a tenth remaining on his account for the fourteenth year (the exchequer year), when Henry was the subcollector of the tenth, deputed by the prior. At the Conception of Mary last past [8 December] it was recently made known to him, both verbally and by letter, that the sheriff of York was commanded to have the aforesaid sum levied from all his lands and chattels within his bailiwick. On the basis of this writ, the sheriff came to the church of Bossall and had various grains belonging to Durham College Oxford seized and would have had them sold at the king's price, except Mr John Marchall' and other friends obtained a stay of one week, so that they might forewarn him about this in the meantime. He sent a copy of Henry's letter and the allowances there to Thomas Holden', esquire, who wrote back that Thomas Blith', not he, did the account for Henry on that occasion. Thomas also said that he sent the account of the said tenth to the king's exchequer and had it examined there, and found that with a few exceptions the allowance made agrees with Henry's letter with respect to churches, but that no allowance was made with respect to hospitals and portions. The prior advises him to hasten home after Christmas; he should ride to London himself, or send some other prudent person, to come to an agreement with the barons of the exchequer so that his goods and the college's in York diocese and elsewhere are not distrained further. He should do this for his honour and the prior's peace, and also to contain the considerable rumours about this which are prevalent among his fellow monks. The prior sends a copy of the letter of Thomas Holden' which he recently sent to him about this matter. He is to bring the commission of the [bishop] of Durham about the levying of the tenth for abovesaid year.
Date: 18 December.
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f.132r   18 December 1440
Memorandum that an allowance in le Meason de dieu, lately held by Katherine Pomfraytt, was granted to William Archere and Iseult, his wife, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Alice Baude (on f.121v-122r).
Date: Durham, 18 December 1440.
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f.132r   25 December 1440
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot of Newminster for the payment of a yearly {pension} of 13s 4d for the church of Stannington owed and customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 25 December 1440.
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f.132v   17 December 1440
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for a yearly pension of 20s for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington, owed and customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1440.
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f.132v   17 December 1440
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the prior of Tynemouth for a yearly pension of 6s 8d for the church of Haltwhistle, owed and customarily paid by the prior for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1440.
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f.132v-133r   16 December [?1440]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Th[omas] Holden'), informing him that on Lady Day conception last past [8 December] he was certified by letter that the sheriff of Yorkshire has [a writ of] levire facias out of the exchequer to raise from him £15 12¼d for the tenth granted in York province for the fourteenth year (the exchequer year). He has seized all the fruits and corn of the church of Bossall appropriated to Durham College Oxford and would have sold them at the king's price if Mr John Marchall had not made entreaty to the sheriff on the prior's behalf. The prior entreats him to communicate with the treasurer, letting him know how priors of Durham have been the sole collectors of the king's tenths within Durham diocese for more than fifty or sixty years to their great labour and notable loss, where in Yorkshire and elsewhere abbeys and houses of religious take their turn (‘thaire course aboute’). He thinks it grievous to incur such a great loss through no fault of his own for his long service, for the said tenth was raised and paid by the curates after the grant made at the convocation of York, although the certification to the exchequer was contrary. If it is to be the prior who pays, he entreats him to obtain reasonable terms of payment for him by sufficient authority from the king to the [bishop] of Durham or his vicar general to compel hospitals and portions within Durham diocese to pay the aforesaid sum, as has similarly been done before.
Date: Durham, 16 December.
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f.133r   15 December [?1440]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin; to Th[omas] Brogham' [monk of Durham]), informing him that, since for certain causes the prior had recalled his fellow monks and associates from the schools, a complaint about Thomas had come to his attention, that he lives among his fellow monks contentiously, molesting them by word and demeanour, not celebrating or hearing mass, as required, and not saying divine service according to custom, but rather taking part in archery, drinking, aimless wanderings and insolent and other worthless behaviour. The prior urges and commands him to recall the saying of master Uthred [of Boldon], which the prior gave to him and other scholars as a special mandate, that it is not good to lose the essential because of the non-essential; the essential is to celebrate and hear mass, say divine service and to do all befitting a monastic life; it is secondary to devote oneself to books and learning, opportunity permitting. He commands him to strive to amend these excesses; otherwise the prior will.
Date: Durham, 15 December.
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.cclxiii.
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f.133v   31 December 1440
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for a yearly pension of 20s for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington, owed and customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1439.
Date: Durham, 31 December 1440.
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f.133v   27 January 1441
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for a yearly pension of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, owed to the prior and the chamberlain of Durham from the rectors of the church and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 27 January 1440/1.
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f.133v-134r   27 January [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Thomas Holden'), concerning the matter about which he last wrote to him, to avoid further loss he has paid to Sir John Tempeste, sheriff of Yorkshire, the £15 12½d remaining upon his account of the king's tenth for the fourteenth year (the exchequer year). He should communicate with Thomas Blyth, the prior's attorney in the exchequer, informing him that the prior greatly marvels that a mandate should arrive to distrain him now. When he was at London three years ago at Michaelmas, he had Sir Nichol Dixson, four other barons, Levesham and other notable persons of the exchequer to dine in his lord's place. The prior is grateful to Thomas Holden for his efforts then. At that time the prior had conversation with the barons about the allowance of certain tallies delivered to him about the tenth for the fifteenth year; full satisfaction and account was made for the same tenth and no mention was made to him before Assumption this year [the preceding 15 August] about any amount due for the fourteenth year. He asks him to speak to the said Thomas to labour diligently and send the prior word how he rendered the account for him for the fourteenth year, with a copy of it, since he was then the prior's attorney.
Date: Durham, 27 January.
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f.134r   7 February [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Richard Barton, [monk of Durham and] prior of Stamford, St Leonard's), stating that there is talk circulating among them that he does not intend to incept in the theology faculty, inasmuch as he said that he does not wish to pay or otherwise exert himself to obtain a grace for the inception, as his fellow monks do. He is to certify the prior about this by letter with the next messenger, knowing that if he and his fellow monks are to incept, it will be necessary for them to work for the grace for non-payment of the sum for a feast and to spend their own money, as his other fellow monks, namely, Robert Blaklawe, Robert Rypon', Thomas Rome and William Ebchestre, did in their inceptions, since, as he knew, the monastery of Durham is still burdened by debt (‘ere alieno’) to such an extent that they are unable to bear all the necessary expense. The prior nevertheless intends to make provision in this case for a reasonable sum.
Date: Durham, 7 February.
Printed: The Inventories and Account Rolls of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, (Surtees Society 29, 1854), p.236.
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f.134v   7 February [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Mody, [monk of Durham and] warden of Durham College Oxford), marvelling that after his departure he has received nothing certain about those matters on which the prior made known his opinion with regard to his and his fellow monks' inception. To expedite this matter more quickly, he should come to the prior before St Cuthbert [presumably 20 March rather than 4 September] or immediately after (provided that he is personally present in Durham College, [Oxford] on the said feast) to discuss this further, and that in coming he is to have discussion with the prior of Stamford, delivering the prior's letter to him, which John Mody has received from a courier, so that he may by letter report to the prior and his fellow monks the prior [of Stamford's] final response. The prior wishes to have a good psalter of secular use to be given to a certain noble whom he took from the holy font.
Date: Durham, 7 February.
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f.134v   17 March 1441
Bond by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Rodes, esquire, for £20 borrowed from him and put to the use of the monastery to be paid to him or his certain attorney at Christmas next.
Date: Durham, 17 March 1440/1.
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f.134v   13 February [1441]
Collation by letters patent by Henry [VI], king of England (etc.), to Richard Bell, professed monk of Durham, of the priorate of Holy Trinity York, vacant and in the king's gift, with its rights and appurtenances whatsoever.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 13 February A.R. 19.
‘By the king himself and of the said date, by the authority of parliament. Storgeon.’
Also DCD Reg. III, f.262r.
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f.135r   13 February [1441]
Mandate by letters patent by Henry [VI], king of England (etc.), to the prior of Tickford, Mr Robert Dobbys, D.Dec., Mr William Freston', B.Cn. & C.L., Mr Robert Fenton', B.Dec., Robert Ughtred, knight, James Pikeryng, knight, the mayor and sheriffs of the city of York, John Salwayn', Christopher Boynton', Guy Roucliffe, Robert Danby, instructing them (or twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven or six (the last specified) of them), to put Richard Bell, professed monk of Durham, in corporal possession of the priorate of Holy Trinity York, which the king has granted to him, as is more fully contained in his letters patent (the preceding entry on f.134v); with a certain John Green', who has subtly intruded himself into the priorate of York and still unjustly occupies it, having been removed from it. They are to arrest the same John, wherever he can be found, provided that they have him before the king and his council in the quindene of Easter next, to answer to those matters which will be put to him and to do and accept what should be decided by the king and his council in this regard.
Witness: the king.
Date: Westminster, 13 February A.R. 19.
‘By the king himself and of the said date, by the authority of parliament. Storgeon.’
Also DCD Reg. III, f.262r.
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f.135r-v   9 March 1441
Licence by John, prior of Durham, to Richard Bell, professed monk of Durham and lawfully ordained priest, to accept the priorate of Holy Trinity York, of the Benedictine order, Richard having explained to the prior that the king has conferred the priorate on him, and having shown him the king's letters patent, dated Westminster, 13 February (the preceding entry on f.134v).
Date: Durham, 9 March 1440/1.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.262r.
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f.135v-136r   29 March 1441
Commission by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all churches appropriated to him and the chapter of Durham within Durham diocese, to Mr John Lethom, B.Cn. & C.L., creating him official of the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction in all churches appropriated to him and the chapter between the Tyne and Tees, to proceed and pronounce in any causes, matters and suits, and in matrimonial causes, moved or to be moved, to inquire into, correct and reform all transgressions and faults found there and to perform all and sundry other matters pertaining to the prior and his jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 29 March 1441.
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f.136r   29 March 1441
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire, to Mr John Lethom, B.Cn. & C.L., creating him keeper of the prior's spiritual jurisdiction of the said liberty in all and sundry churches therein, with authority, until revoked, to proceed and determine on the prior's behalf in all causes and matters moved or to be moved, both ex officio and at the instance of parties, and in matrimonial causes and registrations of wills, to inquire into, correct and punish any transgressions and faults, and to do all and sundry pertaining to the prior and his jurisdiction.
Date: Durham, 29 March 1441.
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f.136v   20 April 1441
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, lately held by Thomas Raa, deceased, was granted to John Shortt, dwelling in the vill of Jarrow, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman' previously in this register (on f.99v).
Date: Durham, 20 April 1441.
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f.136v-137r   25 April [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Richard Barton' [monk of Durham]), stating that he understood from his letter, recently sent to the prior, that he wishes to take a doctorate, which pleases him. Nevertheless it does not seem expedient to the prior that, as Richard wishes, he leave his priorate without a monk in charge, lest, having thus been deprived of governance, the king's escheators seize it into the king's hands; it would be necessary for him to incur much labour and expense for its restitution. Since [the two Durham monks] John Hoton' and your relation, William Birden' (one of whom, the prior hopes, he might desire to have with him) are young and inexperienced for governing the priorate in his absence, it seems to the prior and his fellow monks that it will be necessary for his colleague, Thomas Hexham [monk of Durham], who is experienced in such matters and by his compatriots well known and beloved, to have the administration of the priorate under him and be wholly answerable to him for all receipts and expenses, until he completes his form or can obtain grace for not lecturing; to obtain this, it is necessary for him to please the proctors and other powerful persons in the university. As for his commons, the prior wills him to have half commons from the college for himself for as long as he remains a qualified lecturer [?: ‘necessarius regens’ ], provided that he pays for the other half and for the commons of his clerk. As for livery, it seems to the prior and his fellow monks more proper that a moderate livery should be given to the servants of the university and other friends than to compound with them for money. As for the expenses for his inception, his fellow monks, Robert Rypon' and Robert Blaklawe paid the entire expenses for their inception from their own money, Thomas Rome had £20 from the monastery and William Ebchestr £20, and £20 is promised to him and his fellow monks, and it is fitting for him and his fellow monks to pay the rest of the expenses from their own money, as the latter had done, since the rumour is circulating among his fellow monks that he has more money than his two fellow monks who are to incept with him. The prior advises him that he do his utmost to complete fully his form and the sermons which he has to deliver for the grace granted to him, not sparing any effort or expense, lest for his failing he and his fellow monks meet with rejection in the inception, knowing that this would be entirely attributed to his negligence; the prior does not wish his fellow monks impeded because of this. In all other matters touching his inception and the office of feretrar, he is to place confidence in his said fellow monks.
Date: Durham, 25 April.
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f.137r-v   26 April [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr William Freman), informing him that he has received his letter, written at London on 13 March, and the proceedings against John Wyther; he understood from the letter that he will visit northern parts next summer, hoping to bring with him a new [papal] grace de privilegio concerning the eating of meat. He entreats him to recommend him especially to Mr Alex[ander] Hullez, deputing him on behalf of the prior and his fellow monks to use his influence to obtain the said privilege; the prior will willingly make satisfaction for expenses, promising a worthy reward to them for their labour.
Date: Durham, 26 April.
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f.137v   4 [April] 1441
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to Mr John Norton', D.Dec., and Mr Robert Beaumont', B.Cn. & C.L., to carry out in his place the installation and enthronement of Robert, bishop of Durham, on 11 {April *} next and to set him in the highest place on the right side of the choir, and to do all else which is necessary and fitting in the aforementioned as this pertains to the prior by right and custom long observed, since he fears that he, being unwell or otherwise impeded, may be unable to do so in person.
Date: Durham, 4 {April *} 1441 [* in both cases apparently over erasure.]
{Margin: ‘Noa [for Non] the present commission was executed’ }
For another copy, which has March instead of April in the text and is dated 4 March 1441/2, with the same added note, see DCD Reg. III, f.264r; on 11 April 1441 the prior himself conducted the ceremonies.
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f.137v   1 June 1441
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to Robert Erghowe, monk of Durham, was issued to send him from the cell of Finchale to the cell of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1441.
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f.138r   1 June 1441
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to John Hoton' [monk of Durham], was issued to send him from the cell of Wearmouth to the cell of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1441.
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f.138r-v   27 May 1441
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham whereas certain persons doubt whether Richard Barton should be judged a monk of Durham, because he was instituted prior of St Leonard's Stamford by the bishop of Lincoln on the presentation of the prior [and chapter], wishing it to be known that: all priors of Stamford, being from the community of the monastery of Durham, have been subject to and removed by the priors of Durham, and four of them are alive at present; they are accustomed and ought by the chapter to be cited to and be present at the elections of both bishops and priors of Durham; thus John Hemingbrough, on the day of his election as prior of Durham, remained prior of St Leonard's; all priors of the said cell have attended the chapters annual or general in the monastery of Durham, in person or by their proctors, and rendered a reckoning and account of their administration, just as the priors and other administrators of cells subject to the monastery have done; it is evident from this that Richard Barton', although instituted prior, is to be deemed from the community of the chapter; the prior asks that he be accepted and considered as such.
Date: Durham, 27 May 1441.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.266r.
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f.138v   27 May [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr John Killyngworth'), stating that, in the matter of the inception of Richard Barton', John Mody and John Burnby, [monks of Durham], about which in his letter to the prior question was raised, he wishes it known that it is his intention and his fellow monks' wish that the aforesaid monks incept at the same time. If, however, it is decreed by the university [of Oxford] that Richard Barton, having been instituted prior [of St Leonard's], should not enjoy the grace granted to the three monks, or that he is otherwise impeded, because of the non-completion of his form, from incepting before the general chapter to be held at Northampton this summer, the prior does not wish the other two to be impeded or delayed. He entreats him to continue the favours hitherto shown to the aforesaid monks.
Date: Durham, 27 May.
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f.138v-139r   24 April 1441
Commission by John, prior of Durham, and collector, deputed by Robert, bishop of Durham, of the half of the entire tenth which should have been paid to the king at the Annunciation now past [25 March], addressed to the vicar or parochial chaplain of the church of Gainford, by the bishop's authority, to sequestrate the income, revenues and all other goods, debts and spiritual emoluments, belonging in any way to the rector of the said church, in whosever hands in Durham diocese they are, for the non-payment of the said half, commanding him to declare or cause to be declared publicly during mass that the income, revenues (etc.) have been so sequestrated, inhibiting all and sundry under penalty of law from setting hands on the goods thus sequestrated, while the sequestration is still in force. He is to keep safe or cause to be kept safe the goods sequestrated.
Date: 24 April 1441.
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f.139r   22 May 1441
Memorandum that a similar commission was issued to the parochial chaplain of the church of Sedgefield to sequestrate the income, revenues and all spiritual goods thereof, for non-payment of the first half of one entire tenth.
Date: Durham, 22 May 1441.
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f.139r-v   10 June 1441
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing his fellow monk, Mr William Ebchestre, S.T.P., as proctor to appear on his behalf in the provincial chapter to be held by apostolic authority at Northampton on 3 July next, with responsibilities described, as he is prevented from being present by certain reasonable causes and well-known hinderances and perils touching the care of the church of Durham and its goods.
Date: Durham, 10 June 1441.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.266v.
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f.139v-140v   20 May 1441
Certification by John, prior of Durham, to John, abbot of York, St Mary, visitor of other Benedictine monasteries and places of religious within York province, deputed by authority of the last provincial chapter held at Northampton, or to his commissaries in this regard, one or more, having received on 8 May last past the following citation. He has obeyed the mandate, caused all his fellow monks, customarily present at a visitation, to be cited, whose names are attached thereto, and performed all and sundry pertaining to his office.
Date: the monastery of Durham, 20 May 1441.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.267r.
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   4 May 1441
Citation by John, abbot of York, St Mary, deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter to vist all and sundry abbots, monasteries, priors and convents of the Benedictines in York province, to John, prior and the convent of Durham, since he intends on Monday after Ascension Day next, namely 29 May, to visit the prior and convent in their chapter house, he cites him and commands him to cite all his fellow monks, who should be present by right or custom, to appear before him or his commissaries on the said day and place. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof and the names of all those cited, listed in a schedule attached to this certification, he is to certify him or his commissaries on the said day and place as to what he has done in the aforementioned.
Date: the abbot's manor of Deighton, 4 May 1441.
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f.140v-141r   8 June [?1441]
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription (and more briefly in margin): to John [Stafford], bishop of Bath [and Wells], chancellor of England), stating that, since Richard Bell', promoted to the priorate of Holy Trinity York by the king and given licence to accept it by the prior, recently explained to him that certain rivals of Richard are alleging in the bishop's presence that, when under the prior's rule, he was accused of divers pleasures [of the flesh] and reprobate actions, especially an error of the flesh, and that he secretly removed divers goods belonging to the monastery of Durham. To bear witness to the truth and put an end to malicious defamations, he notifies the bishop and protests that he knew Richard from the time of his profession, that he was of good repute, lived virtuously according to the constitutions of the order, both in the monastery and when pursuing his study at Oxford, and had never secretly taken away with him any of the monastery's goods, although the prior did for a time allow him to have certain clothes and a few books belonging to the monastery. Wherefore it should be deemed that Richard Bell is reputed and declared an honest and faithful man.
Date: Durham, 8 June.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.267r.
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f.141r-v   10 June 1441
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in all and sundry churches appropriated to him and his chapter within Northumberland, to the chaplain of the parish church of Holy Island, since, as he was informed, the parish church of Holy Island through the fault of its parishoners was defective in its roof, walls, window stones and glass, cemetery enclosure, chrismatory and font, he commands him publicly and generally to admonish the parishoners there, whom he also admonishes by the presents, to correct or cause to be corrected all such defects within two months from his monition, as they are obliged [to do] under penalty of 100s; he commands him to exact that penalty from them if they have not obeyed his mandate and to be answerable to him for the same within a fortnight after the two months have passed. He is to certify him at a suitable time as to what he has done in the aforementioned.
Date: 10 June 1441.
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f.141v   1 June 1441
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to William Fysshburn' [monk of Durham], was issued to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1441.
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f.141v   1 June 1441
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to John Barlay [monk of Durham], was issued to recall him from the cell of Coldingham to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1441.
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f.141v   10 August 1441
Memorandum that four quittances were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above, discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham and Walkington and the vicar of Welton for the half of the pensions of the said churches owed to the prior and chamberlain of Durham, as for the term of Whitsun last past etc.
Date: Durham, 10 August 1441.
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f.141v-142r   12 August [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home), thanking him for his labour, long shown to him in governing and protecting his house of Coldingham. The lord of Hailes has written to him and Cornell, the servaunt of Coldingham, has reported to him that the lord and David Home desire John Barlay [monk of Durham] to be preferred before all to the priorate of Coldingham. The prior has given a (letter of]) credence, written to his fellow monk, John Oll, to show the lord and David Home; he prays him to give audience to this and to show his good favour.
Date: Durham, 12 August.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.116.
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f.142r-143v   12 August [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the lord of Hailes), thanking him for his good grace and tenderness shown to his place of Coldingham, and informing him that he has received his letter, from which he understood that the lord was informed that no monk of Durham but John Barlay can easily be accepted as prior of Coldingham. The prior has given a [letter of] credence, written to John Oll, to show to him and prays him to give audience and favour to that.
Date: Durham, 12 August.
(with) Letter of credence given by John, prior of Durham to John Oll, monk [of Durham] to show to the lord of Hailes and David Home, knight. First, that for three hundred years and more St Cuthbert, the prior and convent of Durham have been in possession of the house of Coldingham, with unfettered power to place there at their own discretion the prior and monks of Durham. Item, for the great inconveniences which occurred in the Benedictine order by promoting the prior and officers at the request of secular persons, Pope Gregory IX made a constitution that no Benedictine monk should be promoted to prior, a dignity or office on the intercession of secular persons, on pain of excommunication and disqualification (cursyng and inhabilite). This constitution has at all times been kept in the house of Durham; when Robert, king of Scotland, grandfather [ recte great-grandfather ?] to the present king, wrote to the prior and convent of Durham to prefer to the priorate of Coldingham one John Lomley, monk of Durham, whom the king in writing called his cousin, and when George [Dunbar], earl of March, who last (lately) died, wrote to them to prefer one William Trolhop', monk of Durham, whom he called his cousin, the prior and convent replied that if they should grant their request, they would prejudice their freedom and act contrary to divers laws of their order. Content with this reply, the king and earl admitted Mr John Acley, monk of Durham.
Item, a similar request has been made in England, where they have eight cells, and similar answer given, so that for the fifty years the prior has been a monk, no monk of Durham has ever been promoted to prior or office at the request of secular persons but at the free disposition of the prior and convent; he and his fellow monks wish this to be the case now. Likewise, if the house of Durham should be deprived of their possession of so many years, it is likely to cause unease in both realms and various places of both marches, for in that case the good protection [of Coldingham] must fall [and] the prior must sue for remedy to the king and lords of England and Scotland. He supposes also that truces, where it is stated that no lieges of the realms be deprived of their lands, places and goods, will foolishly be broken.
Item, the prior prays Sir David Home to remember that he is a brother of the chapter; for this they trust he will be more favourable to preserving their right.
Item, that he remember how the prior was previously asked to remove him from his office of Coldingham and put Sir Alexander Home there, and that the prior would not assent to this and does not intend to change him without greater cause than he trusts he will find.
Item, where it is reported to Sir David that the prior is informed that Sir David with his retinue would overwhelm [?: ‘wyth his repayr suld overlay’ ] the house of Coldingham, to the great hindrance thereof, the prior says he never had such information, and prays him not to trust such reports without better proof and to show his favour, as before, for the good of the realms and ease of all parties. If he does, the prior will see that whichever monk of Durham occupies the priory of Coldingham will reward him with favour in other matters.

Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.117-118.
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f.144r-v   20 August [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home, Scot), informing him that he has received his letter, from which he understands that if he should endeavour to influence his will concerning the priory of Coldingham, he wishes three things granted: first, to have his office for the term of his life under the prior's common seal; second, to have his fee increased; third, to have a grant of exchange of certain lands in the barony of Coldingham. As for the first, the prior has informed him, sometimes in writing, sometimes verbally, that he has never found it written that any man, occupying the office as David Home does, had it either for term of life or by the common seal, except the earl of Douglas and at his request, when he remitted his great fee of 100 marks, Alexander, the brother of David Home. If David Home should have the office in that manner, he would set an example for all others after him to have it thus. As it was reported to the prior, he would be content with the prior's proposal that he have it for a notable period of years likely to last for his lifetime. The prior can agree to this so that he does his utmost at this time, as the prior recently wrote to him. This grant is to be indented between them that he shall support, defend and maintain the freedom and rights of the church and place of Coldingham, its lands, goods and servants to be ordered and disposed at the will of the then prior of Coldingham to the profit of the church and places of Durham and Coldingham. As for the second, he can agree to increase his fee. As for the third, he cannot say yea or nay without clearer information that this was unlikely to harm him and the house of Coldingham. He counsels him to show himself a true brother and friend that they all are more willing to satisfy him in the wishes above and in other things that may occur in the future.
Date: Durham, 20 August.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.119.
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f.144v   5 September 1441
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing Henry Mons, chaplain, as his attorney, to demand, levy and receive the rents, revenues and debts pertaining to the office of sacrist of Durham in the city of York and the vill of Holtby from any persons, to distrain for the same rents (etc.) and to detain and release the property distrained, and to do all else which from right can and should be done by such an attorney.
Date: Durham, 5 September 1441.
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f.145r   19 September 1441
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to John Thornton', vicar of Northallerton, for a yearly pension of £20 owed by the said church and customarily paid by the vicars thereof for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, 19 September 1441.
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f.145r   30 September 1441
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Ryhall' [monk of Durham]), having resolved that he is to stay in the cell of Finchale, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there; he is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1441.
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f.145r-v   1 October 1441
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Mody [monk of Durham]), stating that, since at the request of Ralph Bapthorpp' he granted to John Palman', clerk of Howdenshire, the next vacancy in Durham College (Oxford), he commands him to receive the said John, who has been examined by the prior and his fellow monks, as scholar at Martinmas next, if he is found suitable. He is to require from him an oath to keep the statutes and customs of the college, in keeping with past customs.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1441.
(Margin: letter to John Mody to receive a scholar into Durham College.)
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f.145v   4 October 1441
Memorandum that a quittance concerning the pension of £9 3s 4d granted by the king to the prior and chapter of Durham, to be paid yearly from the fee-farm of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and assigned by the prior to the warden of Farne Island, was issued.
Date: Durham, 4 October 1441.
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f.145v-146r   11 October 1441
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all and sundry churches appropriated to the prior and chapter in Durham diocese, to Mr John Lythom', B.Cn. & C.L., and William Neuton', B.Cn. & C.L., official of [the prior's] jurisdiction in all churches appropriated to the prior in Northumberland, since, as he was informed, the church of Holy Island through the fault of its parishoners did not have a suitable covering for the nave and was defective in its window stones and glass, cemetery enclosure, chrismatory and font, he commands them publicly and generally to admonish the parishoners there, whom he also admonishes by the presents, to correct or cause to be corrected all such defects within two months from their monition, as they are obliged [to do] under certain penalties set and declared by them on the prior's authority to the parish chaplain there; he commands them to exact these penalties from the parishoners if they have not obeyed his mandate and to be answerable to him for the same within a fortnight after the two months have passed. They are to certify him at a suitable time as to what they have done in the aforementioned.
Date: Durham, 11 October 1441.
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f.146r   15 October 1441
Memorandum that a letter, addressed to Richard Wrake [monk of Durham], was issued to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 15 October 1441.
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f.146r   15 October 1441
Memorandum that another letter, addressed to William Fisshburn' [monk of Durham], was issued to remove him from the cell of Coldingham to Holy Island.
Date: Durham, 15 October 1441.
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f.146r-v   13 October [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the lord of Hailes), thanking him for the support and affection shown to his fellow monks and cell of Coldingham. Concerning the bailiary of Coldingham, about which the lord lately wrote to him, he is to understand that various of his fellow monks who have dwelled at Coldingham have given him to understand that Sir David Home has had great labour and often been in danger of his life for the furtherance and rights of the cell of Coldingham. More favourably disposed as a result, the prior and his fellow monks have granted him the office of bailiary for certain years under certain conditions. As he will know, Sir Alexander Home has greater income (‘lyveloode’ ) than Sir David, and the office is a great help to Sir David; to take it from him would be a great hinderance to him and little increase to Sir Alexander. Nevertheless, if his lordship, as the most worthy of their kin, negotiates between them, if Sir David will willingly discharge himself and deliver to the prior of Durham or of Coldingham the common seal and the prior of Durham's seal, which he has from the grant of the bailiary, the prior can agree for his lordship's sake and at his request to grant the office to Sir Alexander for certain years, as it has been granted before.
Date: Durham, 13 October.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.121-122.
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f.146v-147r   13 October [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Alexander Home), thanking him for his support shown to his cell of Coldingham, and informing him that he has received his letter, sent to him by his fellow monk, John Penchere. Concerning the office of bailiary of Coldingham, he is sorry that there should be any dispute between him and his cousin, Sir David, for he would endeavour with all his heart to make peace between them. He should consider how God has endowed him with greater income ( ‘lyveloode’) than Sir David; if the fee of the bailiary, which is a great help to Sir David, were taken from him, it would be a great loss to him and little increase to Alexander. Nevertheless, as he has written to the lord of Hailes, who wrote to him for the office of bailiary for Alexander, if Sir David will of his own free will surrender his patents and deliver them to the prior of Durham or of Coldingham, he can agree to grant the office to Alexander for certain years under certain conditions.
Date: Durham, 13 October.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.122.
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f.147r-v   13 October [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to David Home), thanking him for his support and labour shown to his fellow monks and cell of Coldingham. Concerning the office of bailiary of Coldingham, he is to understand that the lord of Hailes has written to him for the office for Alexander Home. Sir Alexander has also written to him, rehearsing a certain condition made between him and David Home about the office. The prior has written to the lord of Hailes and Sir Alexander that if David will discharge him of his own free will and surrender his patents of office to him or the prior of Coldingham, he can agree to grant the office to Sir Alexander for certain years. Nonetheless he counsels him to be well advised before he delivers them, for it has never been his intention to discharge him from the office without further cause, which he has not given him. He should not blame the prior in the future for he will have no cause to do so.
Date: Durham, 13 October.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.123.
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f.147v   15 November 1441
Memorandum that four quittances concerning the yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of Durham were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above, discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham and Walkington, and Thomas Rude, vicar of Welton, for full payment of the said debts to the prior and chamberlain, as for the term of Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1441.
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f.147v   1 December 1441
Memorandum that a quittance concerning the yearly pension {of 13s 4d}, owed to the prior of Durham and assigned to the chancellor thereof, was issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above, discharging the prebendary of the church of Skipwith for the pension for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1441.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1441.
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f.147v-148r   24 December [?1441]
Lettter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the bishop of St Andrews), informing him that he has received his letter for the promotion of his kinsman, Alex[ander] Home, knight. The bishop may see fit to understand in this matter that the prior and his fellow monks, having been informed that Alexander and David Home, knights, were of one mind, granted to the said David the office of bailiff of Coldingham for forty years under certain conditions specified in certain indentures. Saving their honour and fealty, they cannot repudiate this grant, since until then they did not know of any agreement or pact between Alexander and David. Nevertheless, if David could be persuaded willingly to surrender to him the letters made to him concerning this office, the prior and his fellow monks, out of consideration for the bishop's requests, wish to grant the office to Alexander for the term of sixty years by indentures and under certain conditions specified therein. The bishop should consider how for three hundred years and more the church of Durham peaceably had the free disposal of the cell of Coldingham in war, peacetime and even schism; the kings of Scotland and bishops of St Andrews have hitherto received into their protection anyone appointed by the prior and chapter and presented by the bishop of St Andrews to the rule of the cell. He entreats the bishop therefore to admit and protect the prior's fellow monk, John Oll', appointed by them to the said priorate and presented by the bishop, considering that if the church of Durham were deprived of this ancient right and possession, it would provide an occasion to incite war between the realms.
Date: Durham, 24 December.
Also in DCD Reg III, f.276r-v and printed in The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.126.
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f.148r-v   24 November [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the lord of Hailes), thanking him for his support of the cell of Coldingham and his fellow monk, John Oll', newly presented to the cell. He is to remember how at his request the prior granted the office of the bailiary of Coldingham to Sir Alexander Home for certain years, if Sir David would surrender his letters of the office to the prior of Durham or of Coldingham. Sir Alexander has recently presented to him his lordship's letter on the same matter. He writes again, as he has written to his lordship before, that he and his fellow monks at his lordship's request will grant the office to Sir Alexander for sixty years provided that Sir David surrenders his letters, as he wrote to him before.
Date: Durham, 24 November.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.124.
f.148v-149r   24 November [?1441]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the earl of Angus), thanking him for his support of the cell of Coldingham. Concerning the office of the bailiary of Coldingham, to which he desires his cousin, Sir Alexander Home, to be promoted, he is to understand that Sir David Home was at Durham before Michaelmas last past. The prior and his fellow monks granted the office to him for sixty years under certain conditions, not then aware of an agreement made between Sir Alexander and Sir David. Nevertheless, if Sir David will discharge himself and surrender his letters to the prior of Durham or of Coldingham, he can agree for the earl's sake and at his request to grant the office to Sir Alexander for sixty years under certain conditions.
Date: Durham, 24 November.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.123-124.
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f.149r   10 December 1441
Memorandum that a quittance was issued concerning the pension of the church of Haltwhistle to the prior of Tynemouth for the payment of a certain yearly pension of 6s 8d, owed to the prior of Durham for the indemnity of the said church for the term of Martinmas 1441.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1441.
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f.149r   December 1441
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for a yearly pension of 13s 4d for the church of {Stan}nington [partly over erasure], owed [and] customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, (blank) December 1441.
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f.149r-v   20 December [?1441]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Oll' [monk of Durham]) advising him with regards to his admission [as prior of Coldingham] to give more thought to the liberty of the church of Durham than to his own promotion (if he wishes in the future to obtain his fellow monks' favour) by adhering to the papal indults, on which he has an instrument, specifying that the appointment, removal, etc., whereby all and sundry priors of Coldingham are changeable at the disposition of the prior and chapter of Durham; if the contrary were brought in, it would be very grievous. As regards [the monk] presented by the abbot of Dunfermline and claiming a gift of the priory by King Robert [of Scotland], it can be adduced that the confirmation of the last Robert, king of Scotland, made to the prior [and convent ?], whose date, the prior understands, is after the alleged donation from the abbot and thus nullifies it. William Drax had that confirmation at Berwick[-upon-Tweed] or Holy Island. By law, if a monk is made a prelate of a secular church not subject to his abbot, then he is entirely removed from his abbot's jurisdiction. If it is subject to the abbot with respect to temporalities, then he will be answerable for them. But if the church is totally subject to the abbot, he remains under his obedience in all matters, except fasts, vigils and silence. He should communicate about these matters with Mr John Methfen, fellow monk, and other legal experts, not sparing any labour or expense. It was agreed between Alexander Home and the prior that he and his uncle, David, will work together for John Oll's admission, and he believes this will brings matters to a speedier conclusion. He should note well that to deprive the prior [and convent ?] of the right to the priory of Coldingham is expressly against the truces between the realms. He sends a new presentation, dated after the death of Williiam Drax; he should, however, endeavour to be admitted, if possible, by the first one.
Date: Durham, 20 December.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.125.
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f.149v-150r   1 January [?1442]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to ?], thanking him for his support and labour for the cell of Coldingham and his fellow monk, John Oll', and especially for the good mantle that he sent to the prior by his fellow monk, John Pencher. Concerning Old Cambus, he is to understand that there was an agreement between Sir Davy Home and himself to make an exchange of certain husbandlands there for certain ones in various places within the barony of Coldingham, on condition that the prior of Coldingham and the monks there who knew most about this found that it did not prejudice the church or cell of Coldingham. They wrote to the prior of Durham that if they should make the exchange, it was likely to result in great harm and loss to the entire place of Coldingham. The prior therefore beseeches him not to give his consent for the exchange to Sir David before he has further word from the prior; [if] Sir David will not surrender his letter or be governed by the prior, he shall then do in that matter what he thinks most appropriate.
Date: Durham, 1 January.
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f.150r-v   [?1442]
Articles: Seven responses to objections against the presentation of the prior of Coldingham.
Original in DCD Misc Ch 1098, printed in The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.95-96 with this copy on p.130-132.
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f.151r   1 January [?1442]
Letter by John, prior and the chapter of Durham, to James [II], king of Scotland, believing that he knows that his predecessors, the kings of Scotland, having given them their cell of Coldingham, had founded, endowed it with rights and appurtenances and confirmed the same, and had protected it, and had received into their protection anyone appointed by the prior and chapter as prior of Coldingham; he, following in his predecssors' footsteps, had supported William Drax, last prior thereof, with most gracious protection, for which they convey their thanks. Since they have appointed John Oll', circumspect and proven in both spiritualities and temporalities, and send him with these presents to him, they entreat him to see fit to admit him to the rule and governance of the said cell and protect him.
Date: Durham, 1 January.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.273v; printed in The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.125.
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f.151r-v   4 January 1442
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, to John Hoton' [monk of Durham], as cellarer of Finchale, under the prior thereof, provided that he renders an account of all receipts and expenses to the prior and monks thereof every month; he is to show the presents to the prior of Finchale so that he admits him to the said office.
Date: Durham, 4 January 1441/2.
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f.151v   4 January 1442
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, for £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby and 20s for a yearly pension owed to the prior and church of Durham for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] last past.
Date: 4 January 1441/2.
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f.151v-152r   20 January [?1442]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to ‘reverend lord and faithful friend’, informing him that on 6 December last past, William Drax, [monk of Durham and] prior of Coldingham in Scotland, died and he has appointed one of his fellow monks, by the name of John Oll', as prior thereof, who with the utmost difficulty was admitted and instituted to the same by the bishop of St Andrews, the local ordinary. A certain monk of the monastery of Dunfermline in Scotland, by the name of William Boys, was involved in this admission, exhibiting the presentation to the priory of Coldingham from his abbot; since he was refused and John Oll admitted, he appealed to the Roman curia. Before a notary public and witnesses, John Oll immediately requested a copy of the appeal from the said monk but was unable to obtain it, and asked the notary to produce a public instrument for this. Since it is in doubt whether the monk intends to pursue his appeal in the curia, John Oll appointed the addressee and Mr Andrew Hullez as his proctors, and the prior sends the proxy to him with the bearer of the presents. He requests him to write with haste to Mr Hullez to be especially vigilant that the monk does not stealthily seize hold of some proceeding in the curia, before any auditors or judges, and that he intervene to preserve the prior's right. The prior will willingly make satisfaction for their expenses, promising a worthy reward. He sends also by public instrument certain phrases extracted from the bulls of Adrian IV and Alexander III, namely, that the appointment and removal of both priors and monks at Coldingham are in the power of the prior of Durham. He is to understand that the church of Durham for three hundred years and more has had the free disposal of the cell of Coldingham in war and peace, from the gift of Edgar, king of Scotland, and by the confirmation of his successors to the present. He sends also a copy of a certain act in the parliament of King James, father of the present king, respecting a declaration by the presidents of the parliament, for the lawful possession of William Drax at the priory of Coldingham with its rights and appurtenances.
Date: Durham, 20 January.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.128-129.
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f.152r-v   [?1442]
Memorandum to obtain letters from the cardinal of England and the earls of Salisbury and Northumberland to the king of Scotland for the admission of John Oll', monk of Durham, to the priory or cell of Coldingham, having been appointed by the prior of Durham, in wording to this effect (in English):
Whereas he is informed by the prior and convent of the church of Durham that for more than three hundred years the said church and its ministers have been in rightful possession of the cell of Coldingham, with its bounds, in alms, in time of war and peace, by the gift of King Edgar of Scotland and by confirmation of his successors, and the abbot of Dunfermline and his adherents are about to deprive the prior and convent of their possession against all right and truces between the realms of England and Scotland, he prays him to command the monks of Durham to have and enjoy the cell of Coldingham as before.
Likewise, there is an act of parliament of James, king of Scotland, father of the present king, respecting the declaration made by the presidents of the parliament, for the lawful possession of William Drax at the priory of Coldingham, with its rights and appurtenances, in this form, ‘Act of parliament’ etc.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.130.
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f.152v   1 February 1442
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Robert Byrton' of [North]allerton in the county of York, yeoman, by the hand of John Gatesheved, [monk and] bursar of Durham for £13 6s 8d, which Robert and William Ampilforth' of [North]allerton [etc.], mason, were bound to pay to the prior by their bond at St Cuthbert [20 March] 1439 and at the Invention of the Cross [3 May] next following in equal portions.
Date: 1 February 1441/2.
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f.152v   24 February 1442
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the abbot and convent of Newminster near Morpeth, for 20s, received on the date of the presents, for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 24 February 1441/2.
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f.152v-153r   4 March [?1442]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to [?], thanking him for the kindness shown to his fellow monks and house of Coldingham, and especially for the admission of prior John Oll [monk of Durham] at his great labour and cost and with great personal peril. The prior is bound to do this for him at all times, considering he truly executed the promise he made to the prior at Durham. He will recall that, when he was last at Durham, he promised to be governed by the prior's advice about his desires for Coldingham, for which the prior thanks him, promising to do what will please him. He knows well the grant which Sir David has by the prior's common seal. If he will surrender it, the prior will fulfil his promise; otherwise it will be hard for him to grant another one. If Sir David will not comply, the prior will be less obliged to him, as he shall find.
Date: Durham, 4 March.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.134.
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f.153r-v   4 March [?1442]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to David Home], informing him that, since he was last at Durham before Michaelmas, the prior has received various letters from him; in one he let the prior know of an agreement indented between him and his cousin, Sir Alexander, about the office of the bailiary of Coldingham, and says that he often applied eagerly to the prior of Coldingham and recently to the prior of Durham to procure the bailiary for Sir Alexander.
The prior replies to this that before [David] was at Durham, he [David] wrote to him on various occasions in various years to have the bailiary for himself for the term of his life and he never wrote or said a word on behalf of Sir Alexander. When [David] was at Durham and he and they [the prior and convent] were agreed (‘warre throgh’) that he should have the bailiary for the term of forty years, he never spoke a word for Sir Alexander. After concluding he said casually that it would not displease him if he granted the bailiary to Sir Alexander for his lifetime, as William Hoton' and various other monks will attest. If they at that time had known of the agreement between him and Sir Alexander, they would have taken further advice before proceeding so far.
Concerning Edmond Haysayng, mentioned in the said letter, the prior says that Edmond and the prior are agreed (‘commond’) on the matter; and since Alexander instructed him to obey the prior's ordinance, and if he diligently laboured for the admission of John Oll [monk of Durham as prior of Coldingham] and [David] did the same, it was the prior's will, if his fellow monks agreed, to ordain a means of good accord between him and Sir Alexander. If he refused to abide by this, or would not labour to advance John Oll, the prior would be less obliged to him, and might change his mind about the grant for life. What the outcome was between him and Sir Alexander was put in an indenture between them, of which he sends him a copy.
As for his statement in another letter that it was unheard in his country for the prior's letters to be contradictory, he says that in all the letters he sent to him on this matter, he does nothing but allege an earlier ordinance, by virtue of which he would grant neither a stewardship in England nor the bailiary in Coldingham for life. The ordinance and his writing do not bind him, for he may for a reasonable cause change the ordinance and [his] intention for the better. He is not fully decided what he will do, advising him to comply to any reasonable measure of good accord, to avoid any discord likely to happen between him and his cousin.
Concerning Old Cambus, it was agreed between them that if the then prior of Coldingham and John Oll, appointed as prior, could, on the advice of men friendly to him, tell him that it would not prejudice him or the house of Coldingham, he and [David] should make an exchange of certain husbandlands there with similar husbandlands of his and his sons elsewhere. The prior who died notified him that the exchange would greatly harm Coldingham. It is said in Berwick[-upon-Tweed] and Northumberland, and reported to him by worthy persons, that if he might obtain the lands in Old Cambus, he would build a tower or castle which would likely harm England greatly. If he [the prior] should consent to that, he would endanger the king of England; for this reason and others he and his fellow monks are not advised to make the exchange. He should send an answer to the prior as to what he will do in the aforesaid matters.
Date: Durham, 4 March.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.132-133.
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f.154r   9 March 1442
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Birdale, rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston, for a yearly pension of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, owed yearly to the prior and the communar of Durham from the rectors of the said church and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 9 March 1441/2.
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f.154r-v   [?1442]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to the lord of Hailes, thanking him for his efforts for good accord between his cousins, Sir Alexander and Sir David Home.
He is to understand that many years past, soon after the death of Sir Alexander's father, who was bailiff of Coldingham, they both came to the prior at Durham. Sir Alexander prayed him to be well disposed for his uncle, Sir David, to occupy the office of bailiary, as if for Sir Alexander himself. He was unaware of the agreement between them until Michaelmas last past, but trusted after Sir Alexander's aforesaid speech that the grant to Sir David would please him. Sir David had before applied to the prior to have the said bailiary for the term of life; when he was last at Durham before Michaelmas, he said to the prior that it would please him if the prior and his fellow monks would grant it to his cousin, Sir Alexander, for life. The prior told him that on the advice of wise counsel they were determined never to grant such an office for life, any more than they do in England, so it was granted to him for the term of forty years.
Afterwards, Sir Alexander sent him a copy of the indenture between them, and came in person, and endeavoured to have the grant of the bailiary for himself for life. The prior would not consent but allowed, if Sir David would deliver the prior's writing by his common seal, that he would grant, out of regard for the bishop of St Andrews, the earl of Angus and the lord of Hailes, the bailiary to Sir Alexander for forty years under certain conditions, as Sir David has it. At their parting this was written and indented between the prior and Sir Alexander. In the presence of Edmond Hay, George Home, John Ogle and Collyngwod of Sir Alexander's party, and Sir John Bartrame, William Hoton', the prior's steward in the bishopric of Durham, learned in the temporal laws of England, Mr John Lethom', B.Cn. & C.L., notary, Mr William Ebchestre, master of divinity and [monk and] sacrist of Durham, and Robert Westmerland, [monk of Durham and] the prior's chancellor, Sir Alexander said he would abide by the prior's ordinance concerning this office; the prior said if he brought about the admission of John Oll [monk of Durham as prior of Coldingham] he would arrange a way for a good accord between Sir Alexander and Sir David with which they would both be content. The prior proposes to do this by making them joint bailiffs, under similar conditions indented between Sir David and himself, or else, if Sir David will not deliver the prior's writing, to make Sir Alexander protector of the place of Coldingham and governor of the manor of the barony in those matters not pertaining to the office of bailiff, giving him a similar fee to Sir David's for the office of the bailiary. He is informed that Sir Alexander thinks nothing of this plan, believing that for his labour he should have the office for life. And, as is said, then he should labour to get the office of protector for life for the earl of Angus which was likely to result in a great charge to the house of Coldingham, and also [to obtain] a title for their heirs to claim the office in heritage, as does Gi[l]b[ert] of Lummesden in the forester's office. The prior cannot consent to this, as it is forbidden by the papal law pertaining to his order (religion). He is informed by Sir Alexander's letter and by his messenger, Robert of Nessbit, that he says he promised to further John Oll' in the priory, and that, if he did so, promise was made that he would have a grant for the office for life. The prior would never make such promise and never heard of it, as those present at their conversation would record, as some of them have done in the presence of David Home, Robert Nesebit, Robert Clenell and John Duglesse on Palm Sunday last past. He beseeches him, before the anger between them grows further, as before to attempt to put an end to this and consider the prior's intent, which is yearly to charge greatly his house. . . (incomplete)
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.136-138.
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Pages now missing.
f.169r   [?1442]
Agreement (incomplete) . . . any persons having or about to have right or title by reason of any title or claim before the date of the presents to the said parcel of land, meadow, pasture or annual rent or to any parcel thereof, or if the said prior and chapter were removed or expelled from the said parcel of land (etc.) by any persons having or about to have right or title to the said parcel etc., in the aforesaid form, that the prior and chapter and their successors may re-enter them with their other appurtenances and possess them as before, notwithstanding the indentures and seisin having been handed over etc.
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f.169r-v   [?1442]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Richard Barton, [monk of Durham and] prior of Stamford), having received his letter recently sent to him by his clerk. As for his fellow monk [of Durham] and associate, Thomas Hexham, he has not applied, either by himself or through an intermediate, to the prior for his recall. It therefore seems suitable to the prior and various of his fellow monks, as he wrote to him elsewhere, for the said Thomas, who was sufficiently acquainted with the customs of the area and the conditions of the people, and, as the prior is informed, was considerably beloved by them, to remain for a time with him, since William Birden', {whom} he wishes to have as associate, is young and it seems expedient for him to wait a little longer in the cloister. Whereas it was detected in the visitation of the bishop of Durham that the prior [of Durham] does not devote himself to bringing apostates back, the bishop commanded him to be diligent in doing so. He therefore entreats him to search and diligently make inquiry for them, and cause those whom he can find to be arrested, detained in safe keeping and sent to the monastery. He will make satisfaction to him for any expenses he incurs by reason of this. It is said that John Heworth, to whom for certain reasons better known to the prior than to the other monks the prior gave licence to enter a stricter religion within Ireland, is now staying near Coventry, performing the cure of souls by deceiving the people there, and that he obtained an exemption from the curia. The prior requests him to inquire into the same and examine the exemption, sending it to the prior by transumpt; if he does not have one, he is to cause him to be arrested, kept and returned to the monastery with speed.
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f.169v-170r   19 October [?1442]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to a ‘reverend lord and friend’, thanking him for his efforts in the prior's affairs and in the matter of the cell of Coldingham, and informing him that he is still suffering from the infirmity which he had when he was last in the prior's presence. The messenger, who delivered his last letter to the prior, dated London, 6 September, deceived them both; it was delivered to him at York by the hand of Mr Richard Tone on 8 October; after receiving it, with all speed he organized everything contained in the letter of Mr Andrew; he sends to him with the bearer of the presents what was to be sent to the said Andrew, namely, one transumpt concerning the foundation of the priory of Durham, another on the foundation of the priory of Coldingham, a third on the bulls of Adrian IV and Alexander III, under the decree and seal of Mr John Norton' official principal of the diocese of Durham, and a fourth on the institution and induction of John Oll' [monk of Durham] as prior of Coldingham, under the decree and seal of Nicholas de Oterburn' official of the court of St Andrews in Lothian in Scotland. He should send these transumpts back to him when the matter for which they have been sent is concluded. He also sends five marks for the defence of the prior of Coldingham's cause in the curia ; if he or Mr Andrew require any more money, they are to certify the prior as to the amount and he will make satisfaction. He entreats him to recommend him to Mr Andrew Hullez, thanking him for his diligent labour in his affairs, and to intervene in the curia against William Boys who is conducting himself as the prior of Coldingham and who wrote to his abbot and other friends to obtain everything for which he was working at the curia ; nevertheless the prior retained the favours of the bishop of St Andrews, as he advised him in his letter.
Date: Durham, 19 October.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.144-145.
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f.170r   7 February 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to Thomas Birdall', rector of the church of [Kirby] Sigston for a certain yearly pension of £6 13s 4d owed and customarily paid to the office of chamberlain of Durham from the rectors of the church, as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 7 February 1442/3.
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f.170r   15 February [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to a fellow monk, requesting him in preparation for Easter next to provide in March or thereabouts for two dozen parchments, for which he sends 6s to him with the messenger. If he spends more, he should write back and he will make satisfaction [for this] without delay.
Date: Durham, 15 February.
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f.170r   7 March 1443
Memorandum that a corrody, formerly of Isabel Gervasse, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Emma Fynlawe, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert Newman', previously in this register (on f.99v).
Date: Durham, 7 March 1442/3.
f.170r   7 March 1443
Memorandum that a corrody, formerly of Robert Newman', in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Marjorie, his widow, by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Robert, previously in this register (on f.99v).
Date: Durham, 7 March 1442/3.
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f.170v   8 March 1443
Memorandum that the chantry of St Thomas the martyr in the collegiate church of Howden, vacant by the resignation of John Marshall', last chaplain thereof, was given to John Cobbe, according to the previous form in this register.
Date: Durham, 8 March 1442/3.
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f.170v   15 April 1443
Memorandum that a letter was issued appointing John Barlay [monk of Durham] as keeper of Jarrow, according to the form of the letter by which John Durham [monk of Durham] was appointed keeper thereof.
Date: Durham, 15 {April} [over erasure] 1443.
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f.170v   10 April 1443
Declaration by John, prior of Durham, that the parishoners of the priory {of} Holy Island and of the churches or cells of Wearmouth and Jarrow (dependent on the church of Durham), where his fellow monks live, are bound [to pay for] the repair of the nave of the church and the tower, as [they are] for other repairs, specified, for the cemetery enclosure, to provide various items, specified, and for all other ordinary and extraordinary incumbent charges.
Date: Durham, 10 April 1443.
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f.170v-171r   26 March [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to a fellow monk [Richard Barton, monk of Durham and prior of Stamford *] informing him that he recently understood from the report of his attorney general that John, abbot of Crowland, obtained a writ of certiorari, directed to the treasurer and chamberlains to examine the tenor of certain proceedings and record against them [the prior and chapter] concerning the recovery of a yearly rent of nine marks before William Herle and his fellow royal justices, 6 Edward III [1332-3]. The king sent the proceedings to his justices of the bench, commanding them at the abbot's prosecution to enforce the law and custom of the realm. Since it was found from the information of the abbot that for the past two years eighteen marks were unpaid and in arrears, the king issued a writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Lincoln to distrain and summon the prior of Durham to appear before the king at the quindene of Easter to show why the said eighteen marks should not be paid to the abbot from his lands and chattels in the same bailiwick, as evident from the copies of the said writs which he sends to him with the presents. He orders him to come to an agreement with the said abbot before the quindene of Easter, lest his goods and those of the churches appropriated to Durham College Oxford be distrained because of his fault, because he is unable to attend to such matters as he is suffering from considerable infirmity, since all the lands and tenements in Nottinghamshire and the pensions of the churches in Lincolnshire were given to St Cuthbert and assigned by the prior of Durham to the cell of St Leonard's for the payment of the said pension and relief of the cell. A certain goldsmith of London has complained to him that he owes £4 from an agreement for the manufacture of a silver bowl (‘pelvis’) hanging at the head of St Cuthbert. He marvels at this, since, as is commonly said, the recipient received so many valuables from the office of feretrar that he paid little or nothing from his own money for its making. He commands him to come to an agreement with the goldsmith without delay since it does not redound to his honor that they [the prior and chapter] are involved in the king's court because of his debts.
Date: Durham, 26 March.
[* Richard Barton accounted as feretrar 1434-1439]
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f.171r-v   12 May [?1443]
Language:   English
Letter by John, prior of Durham, (margin: to the earl of Northumberland), having recently received his letter, taken by his nephew, Sir John Nevyll', desiring the promotion of Thomas Holme', monk [of Durham] to [Durham College Oxford]. The [bishop] of Durham, at the instigation of various persons, has been in contact about this matter at various times. On the advice of his fellow monks, the prior informed him that the promotion of scholars to the university did not belong to him alone but, by the statutes of their religion and monastery, was at the nomination of the wisest monks of the convent, to whom he has passed on the bishop's and now the earl's wishes. The prior and convent have replied that the college is burdened with great debt and cannot bear such a charge, and that Thomas Holme has been in religion only a year and a half, is not yet deacon or subdeacon, and is not sufficiently grounded in the observance of religion; he is the youngest person in the monastery and his other fellows professed with him are as or more suitable; it is unknown for someone to be sent from the monastery so early. The bishop of Durham has accepted this answer, as the prior and chapter beseech the earl to do.
Date: Durham, 12 May.
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f.171v-172r   12 May [?1443]
Language:   English
Letter [by the convent of Durham], [to the earl of Northumberland], letting him know that they are informed that he has written to the prior for the promotion of Thomas Holme' to [Durham College] Oxford, and entreating him to understand that by the statutes of their religion, the ordinance for the foundation of their college, and the custom of their monastery, the election of scholars to Oxford does not belong to the prior alone but to the wisest of the convent. This manner of election has been used without interruption to the present. They entreat him to accept the prior's answer (the preceding document), not to write again about this matter and not to be offended if Thomas is not elected, since it is against the statutes and custom. They trust that if anyone worked against the privilege of their religion and the custom of their place [of Durham], he would resist this. They trust, having informed him of this matter when they speak with him, that he will be pleased with the prior's answer and with theirs. He should send word how their entreaty pleases him, for they wish it to be acceptable to him, for which they are obliged to be special bedesmen to him and his children.
Date: Durham, 12 May.
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f.172r   16 May [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to Richard Barton, monk of Durham and prior of Stamford ?], informing him that his infirmity is growing more and more so that his bodily strength is wasting away; nevertheless he is concerned about his [the recipient's] quiet and wishes to provide for it when it can be done without scruple of conscience. His fellow monks advised him that since his place is in a certain way solitary, he should only send another monk to stay there who was prudent, mature and proven in religion for many years and who will conduct himself in such a way that he does not disgrace his religion. He will take care to send such a person without delay as soon as he can persuade (‘inducere’) one. He entreats him to treat kindly his fellow monk, Thomas Hexham, who is now with him.
Date: Durham, 16 May.
(Margin: ‘hic incepit W. Hesylden’)
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f.172r   12 June 1443
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance, formerly of Agnes Wermouth', in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Walter Porter', with the special clause that he may remain outside the infirmary, by the prior's letters patent.
Date: Durham, 12 June 1443.
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f.172r-v   17 July 1443
Commission, by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon of all and sundry churches appropriated to him and his chapter in Northumberland, to Thomas Ayre, [monk of Durham and] prior of the cell of Holy Island, and Mr William Newton', B.Cn. & C.L., vicar of Bywell St Peter, creating them keepers of his archidiaconal jurisdiction in all and sundry churches (as above), namely, Holy Island, Norham, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, and their dependent chapels, committing to him authority, until revoked, to proceed and pronounce in any causes, matters or suits, and in matrimonial causes moved or to be moved, to inquire into, correct, and issue suspensions and excommunications for any transgressions and faults discovered there, and to do all and sundry pertaining to the prior and his jurisdiction, provided that Thomas discusses causes relating to marriage and its dissolution, and any other serious and difficult cases with his colleague or other legal expert and duly decides them, and revoking all other commissions previously made by him concerning the aforementioned.
Date: Durham, 17 July 1443.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.301v.
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f.172v   31 August [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], to his son, having left out ‘dearest’ since he does not deserve it because of his fault, (margin: to George Sydyr' [monk of Durham]), commanding him to direct his steps to the cell of Finchale within a fortnight of receiving the presents, not taking a detour to the monastery but going directly there by the highway. He has also written to the prior of Lytham so that he provides him with transport and expenses.
Date: Durham, 31 August.
Printed: The Priory of Finchale, (Surtees Society 6, 1837), p.33.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:39.
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f.172v   1 August [?1443]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Robert Herghowe [monk of Durham]), having resolved to remove him from his present place to the cell of Coldingham, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the prior of his present cell so that he provides him with suitable transport and provision.
Date: Durham, 1 August.
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f.172v-173r   [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to the master of Jarrow], informing him that his fellow monk, John Qweldryk', is greatly burdened by infirmity. Many reckon that open air is necessary for his cure, of the sort that there is in his place of Jarrow, where in the times of his predecessor the said John, similarly ill, was restored to health; he thus believes this will happen to him on this occasion. He therefore sends him, for as long or short a time as his cure requires, to walk about, and requests him to admit him benevolently.
(Margin: ‘letter of John Qweldryk’)
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f.173r   30 June 1443
Memorandum that four quittances concerning the yearly pensions owed to the office of chamberlain of Durham were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the above form in this register, discharging {the provost and rectors of the churches} [over erasure] of Brantingham, Hemingbrough and Walkington, and Thomas Rudde, vicar of Welton, for the half of their pensions, as from the term of Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1443.
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f.173r   [?1443]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to the earl of Salisbury), concerning the prior giving his consent and confirmation, following the earl's letter and the copy he sent about a grant by the [bishop] of Durham of the manor of Lazenby to the abbot and convent of Jervaulx, the prior has shown it to his fellow monks. They trust that the earl is not fully informed of the harm that may befall the church of Durham and them from the form of the said copy. His fellow monks, and the earl's special chaplains, Henry Helay and John Gatesheved, are instructed to disclose their intention in this matter to him, and the prior entreats him to give audience to them.
Date: Durham.
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f.173r-v   31 August 1443
Commission by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in Howden and Howdenshire, to Mr Robert Ormesheved, advocate of the court of York and keeper of the aforesaid spirituality, committing his authority, to visit the churches of Holtby, Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Howden, Eastrington, Brantingham, Welton and Walkington, and the chapels, chantries and other sacred places dependent on them, and their clergy and people, to receive and levy the accustomed procurations, and if necessary, by ecclesiastical censures to compel those refusing to pay, and to compound for and receive the accustomed subsidies, whenever the prior or his said commissary are prevented from being present at the visitation, to investigate what is found and detected [in a visitation] and the penalties contained therein, to levy the penalties and impose future ones, to inquire into, correct and punish any transgressions and faults found there and to do everything necessary for the visitation, as the prior is unable to attend personally because of various, pressing business of the monastery of Durham. The presents are to last at the prior's pleasure.
Date: Durham, 31 August 1443.
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f.173v   30 September 1442
Memorandum that one quittance was issued to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, discharging him and his officials from the payment of £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby and of a certain yearly pension of 20s, owed for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] last past.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1442.
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f.173v-174r   8 September [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to W[illiam] Partrik, [monk of Durham and] prior of Lytham) whereas Thomas Lauson' [monk of Durham], cellarer, who recently died, left the office of cellarer indebted for £200, in addition to its former debt, and the said office cannot make such heavy payments of itself or by a subsidy from elsewhere, in the annual chapter last held, in accordance with the Benedictine constitutions, he imposed a collection on all his officials from their offices and on all priors and masters of his cells. The portion of 100s was imposed on [Lytham] priory, since, as is said, it is sufficiently rich in cattle, sheep and horses and in other income and rents. He commands him to pay in full the aforesaid portion without any delay or excuse.
Date: Durham, 8 September.
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f.174r   17 August 1443
Commission by John, prior of Durham, to the chaplain of Durham St Oswald, granting him authority to receive the canonical purgation of his parishioner, a certain Margaret Heghynton', servant [ ‘famula’ ] of Thomas Hunton' of Elvet, with eight (‘cum octava manu’) honest women, married and unmarried, and dwelling nearby, having taken an oath of compurgation, concerning, namely, that she was accused by a servant, as he asserts, that she was and is a fornicator and lives incontinently, with those summoned in whose interest it was to be called. If any gainsayers or objectors should appear at the said purgation, he is to cite or cause them to be cited to appear before the official of the prior's archidiaconal jurisdiction or his commissary in the said church on Thursday after Michaelmas next in the case of the defamation of Margaret, which he intends to move and prosecute against them. He is to certify the said official or his commissary on the said day and place as to what he has done in the aforementioned, and to return the presents along with the names of the compurgators written on the back.
Date: Durham, 17 August 1443.
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f.174v   1 September 1443
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Both' [monk of Durham] to remove him from the cell of Finchale to the cell of Wearmouth, in the common form.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1443.
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f.174v   1 September 1443
Memorandum that another letter was issued to John Rihall' [monk of Durham] to remove him from the cell of Wearmouth to the cell of Lytham, in the common form.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1443.
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f.174v   26 September 1443
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Harum [monk of Durham, keeper of Farne *]), having learned from the report of truthful persons that he has pawned certain goods (a better chalice, the best vestment and divers spoons) of the cell (whose keeping, not squandering, the prior had committed to him); it wounds the prior that he has put them up for sale and committed other actions there and in the country, like conversing with ribalds, going about the country on foot and walking about with torn and muddy (‘scenosis’ i.e. ‘caenosis’) clothing with the result that their religion and the monks of Durham, at one time of great repute, are deemed worthless by secular persons. On the advice of his fellow monks, the prior resolved to discharge him from the administration of the cell at Michaelmas next and commit its keeping to his fellow monk, Robert Scrimerston'. He commands him to deliver a faithful account and clear inventory of the cell and its goods to Robert, receiving nothing in advance from the revenues and income of the year to come but leaving them wholly for his successor. He further commands him to go to the cell of Holy Island and remain there until he has another mandate from the prior, and to show that last clause to the prior there so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 26 September 1443.
* See f.176r below for the appointment of Scrimerston; also letter f.176v below.
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f.174v   1 September 1443
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance, formerly of Alice Helay, in the hospital of St Mary Magdalen next to the hospital of Kepier was granted to Walter Ughtrede, with the special clause that he may stay outside the hospital, by the prior's letters patent.
Date: Durham, 1 September 1443
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f.175r   23 September 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to John Thornton', vicar of the church of Northallerton, for the payment of a yearly pension of £20 owed by the church and customarily paid by the hand of the vicar.
Date: Durham, 23 September 1443.
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f.175r   30 September 1443
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to the master and scholars of Balliol Hall (in margin: Oxford), for a yearly pension of 10s for the terms of the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas 1443, owed to the prior and monastery of Durham by reason of the appropriation of the church of Longbenton and assigned on the authority of the ordinary.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1443.
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f.175r-v   30 September 1443
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to John Furnesse, vicar of the church of Ellingham and William Bentlay of Durham, of all lands and tenements, with their appurtenances, which the prior holds in the vill and territory of Ellingham by virtue of being rector of the church thereof, to be held for fifteen years from Martinmas next to the same feast, rendering yearly during the term to the prior and his successors at his sacristy at Durham 36s 8d at Whitsun and Martinmas in equal portions, with the first payment beginning at Whitsun next. If the rent should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for three months after any term the prior and his successors may distrain upon the said lands and tenements, and remove and retain the goods distrained, until satisfied of the rent and arrears; if it should be in arrears for an entire year, or if the lessees cut down the wood or underwood growing in the lands and tenements, except by assignment of the prior or his deputy, or if they cause any damage in the buildings, woods or gardens there, unless they are repaired within forty days, the prior and his successors may re-enter the lands and tenements and possess them as before, notwithstanding the present indentures. The said lessees grant that they will maintain and repair all houses, buildings, hedges, wood and enclosures and leave them well repaired at the end of the term, unless they are lain waste or destroyed by the Scots in time of war; they bind themselves, their heirs and executors to fulfil the above conditions and to pay 100s to the prior and his successors or their certain attorney, if they should default in any of them.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1443.
Original: DCD Loc.X:35.
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f.175v-176r   6 October 1443
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham, appointing John Horsley of Outchester in Northumberland, esquire, as his attorney, to demand and receive from Thomas Ros of Bamburgh one silver vessel with a lid or 100s, owed to the prior and his fellow monk, Henry Helay, and, if necessary, to summon and implead the said Thomas for the aforesaid sum by remedy of law, before any judge, ecclesiastical or civil, and then to acquit him on the prior's behalf when the vessel has been received or the money paid.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1443.
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f.176r   8 October 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued concerning a pension of £9 3s 4d, granted by the king to the prior and chapter of Durham, to be paid yearly from the fee farm of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and assigned by the prior to the then keeper of Farne Island.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1443.
Margin: quittance for the mayor of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
f.176r   15 October 1443
Memorandum that two letters were issued, one for Robert Erghowe [monk of Durham], to remove him from the cell of Coldingham to Holy Island, and the other for William Fysshburn' [monk of Durham], to recall him from the cell of Holy Island to the monastery of Durham.
Date: Durham, 15 October 1443.
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f.176r   1 October 1443
Memorandum that one letter was issued, by which Robert Scremerston' [monk of Durham] was appointed keeper of Farne Island, by the prior's letters patent.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1443.
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f.176r   1 October 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, discharging him and his officials for the payment of £4 for the farm of the lordship of Raby and of a certain yearly pension of 20s owed for the term of St Cuthbert [4 September] last past.
Date: Durham, 1 October 1443.
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f.176v   15 November 1443
Memorandum that four quittances concerning the yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of Durham were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above, discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham and Walkington, and Thomas Rude, vicar of Welton, in full payment of the said debts to the prior and chamberlain, as for the term of Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1443.
f.176v   9 November [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Harum [monk of Durham] for the administration of the cell of Farne), informing him that Robert Scremerston' [monk of Durham], whom the prior appointed his successor, has requested a discharge from the administration of the said cell from the prior, because he is suffering from a sciatic illness and other infirmities. The prior, sympathetic, has discharged him, committing to John Harum the rule and governance thereof until Whitsun next. John Harum says, as the prior is informed, that if it should happen that he remains there until then, he would leave the cell in a suitable condition. The aforesaid Robert sent for the prior's consideration all the provisions and expenses made by him from the date of his entry until the present date, which amount to 39s 8d. The prior wills John to come to him at Durham to discuss this matter further; he inhibits him from receiving the pension of £9 3s 4d still owed by the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle, unless they wish to pay the same in full without any allowance made for them, since the prior will provide him on his arrival with money to purchase necessities until the said pension can be levied.
Date: Durham, 9 November.
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f.176v   1 November 1443
Memorandum that a letter was issued to Robert Scremerston' [monk of Durham] to remove him from the cell of Farne Island to Holy Island.
Date: Durham, 1 November 1443.
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f.176v   30 November 1443
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Herbotyll' of Cramlington, esquire, for 6s 4d, received on the date of the presents, for the prior's rent there for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past, owed to the prior.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1443.
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f.177r   30 November 1443
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Thomas Palman', master of Ovingham, for 10s, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Martinmas last past by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and church of Durham from the church of Ovingham and customarily paid at the aforesaid feast.
Date: {Durham}, 30 November 1443.
Faint interlineations provide the basis for a different form referring to the prior of Hexham, whose canons composed the community at Ovingham, see DCD Reg. Parv. III f.25v-26r.
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f.177r   30 November 1443
Memorandum that three quittances were issued under the prior's long seal for the yearly pensions below, owed to the prior and convent of Durham, namely to the abbot and convent of Newminster, for 13s 4d for the church of Stannington and for 20s for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington to the prior and convent of Tynemouth, for 6s 8d for the church of Haltwhistle, as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1443.
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f.177r   30 November 1443
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Henry, earl of Northumberland, for £11 6s 8d, received on the date of the presents, for the rent and all arrears owed to the prior from the same earl to the date of the presents for the chapel of St Mary Magdalen near Warkworth with its appurtenances.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1443.
Margin: ‘it was not paid’.
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f.177r-v   31 December 1442
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to John Dale, his page (‘domicellus’), of the office and keeping of the prior's park of Muggleswick for as long as he conducts himself praiseworthily in the said office and his service is satisfactory to the prior and his successors, and for his service in performing the said office, by himself or his deputy, of clothing, food and drink, specified; 4½d for soulsilver and 5s for his stipend every week, by the hand of the bursar of Durham or the master of the stock. He will also have herbage for six cows, six calves, one horse and one mare with her foal in open park, provided that none of the animals enters the enclosures or other special pastures reserved for the prior's cattle; he will have the herbage of one meadow called forstermedowe and all bark and branches of trees given to outsiders, and the branches of all trees, downed by wind or age, in which timber cannot be found, provided the trees do not fall down through a general tempest, with the bark and branches of all trees, taken up for the use of the prior or his tenants, reserved to him.
Date: Durham, 31 December 1442.
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f.177v   27 November 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the rector of [Kirby] Sigston concerning a yearly pension of the church for the payment of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 27 November 1443.
Margin: ‘void since below’.
See a nearly identical letter on f.178v.
f.177v   30 November 1443
Mandate, [by John, prior of Durham], [to the warden of Durham College Oxford], stating that, since, as he is informed, various scholars from Durham College Oxford have left, he commands him to substitute as scholar, in place of one who has left, Willliam Hill', originating, it is said, in Allertonshire, if he is found suitable after having been examined by him and his fellow monks. He is to require from him a bodily oath to observe the statutes of the college touching his own person, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 30 November 1443.
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f.177v-178r   19 November 1443
Proxy by Richard Bell', sometime professed monk of Durham, to whom Henry VI, king of England, collated the priorate of Holy Trinity York, and whom Robert Blith', prior of Tickford, St Mary, Lincoln diocese, vicar and proctor general and special of Peter, abbot of Marmoutier near Tours, instituted, appointing Mr John Marchall', canon of York Minster, Mr Robert Ormisheved, advocate of the court of York, Mr John Gatesheved, monk of Durham, and Mr William Bisspham, proctor of the court of York, as his proctors, to resign on his behalf the priorate of Holy Trinity, and to do all else necessary in this.
Under the seal of the prior of Durham, because his own is little known; with a statement by the prior that he has affixed his seal at the request of Richard Bell'.
Date: Durham, 19 November 1443.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.296v.
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f.178r-v   [10 August] [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to Robert Ormisheved, advocate of the court of York) asking him to recall how not long ago John Gatesheved [monk of Durham], bursar, came to him at York, for advice in the matter of the place of Lazenby in the parish of [North]allerton in their [the prior and convent's] patronage and jurisdiction, which the [bishop] of Durham at the request of Nicholas Hulme is proposing to appropriate and grant to the abbot and convent of Jervaulx. The earl of Salisbury recently, namely, on Tuesday last, sent letters supplicatory to the prior for the confirmation of the chapter concerning the said appropriation and grant, along with a copy of the appropriation and grant by Mr John Norton', which are prejudicial to them in many respects. The earl asked for final response to be given to him in the aforesaid matter on the Tuesday within the octave of the Assumption next. He therefore entreats him with all haste to come to him at Durham to give help and advice since the prior has need of this at present.
Date: Durham, eve of St Lawrence [10 August, being the closer of the two feasts of St Lawrence to the Assumption on 15 August].
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f.178v   10 December 1443
Quitclaim by Richard Bell', lately professed monk of Durham and now released from his profession there, to John Grene, prior and the convent of the house or priory of Holy Trinity York, and their successors of all right and claim which he ever had or may have in future to the said house or priory by reason of the gift of King Henry VI, made therefore by his letters patent and of all actions, real and personal (etc.), moved between them from the beginning of the world until the date of the presents, so that neither he nor anyone on his behalf might in future make any claim upon the priory or any part thereof by reason of the said gift.
Under the seal of John Wessyngton', prior of Durham, since his own was little know; with a statement by the prior that he has affixed his seal at the request of Richard Bell'.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1443.
For another copy, dated 12 December [1442], see DCD Reg. III, f.296v-297r.
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f.178v   24 December [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to John Burnby, warden of Durham College Oxford).
Date: Durham, 24 December.
Nearly identical to the document concerning William Hill on f.177v
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f.179r   12 December [?1443]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to Mr John Marchall') expressing the prior's and his fellow monks' thanks for his taking the time, amongst the continual labours with which he is burdened beyond measure, to treat with the prior and convent of Holy Trinity [York] for the final quittance of both the monastery of Durham and the said priory. Richard Bell' sent the release or general quittance for the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, according to the form sent in John's letter, sealed with the prior of Durham's seal. He should send the quittance from the other party, which he has with him, to the prior [of Durham].
Date: Durham, 12 December.
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f.179r   20 December 1443
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance, formerly of Robert Houghall', in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Mathilda Garbure, with the special clause that she may stay outside the infirmary, by the prior's letters patent.
Date: Durham, 20 December 1443.
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f.179r-v   12 July 1442
Grant by John, prior of Durham with the consent of his fellow monks to William Lewyn' and his wife, Isabel of one allowance or corrody in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, for the term of their lives, or the longer lived, with special licence to stay outside the infirmary for as long as they live. They are to keep the statutes (etc.) of the infirmary, with the exception of residence inside.
Date: Durham, 12 July 1442.
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f.179v   13 December 1443
Letters testimonial by John, prior of Durham stating that, since Richard Bell, to whom Henry VI, king of England, collated the priory of Holy Trinity York, and to whom the prior, as far as the rights and institutes of the rule allowed, granted licence to accept the said priory, and whom Robert Blith', prior of Tickford in Lincoln diocese, vicar and proctor general and special of Peter, abbot of Marmoutiers near Tours, instituted in the same priory, for certain legitimate causes has resigned the said priory and renounced all right therein, entreated him to receive and restore him to his profession and original status, the prior, in the presence of the convent in the chapter house, on Friday 13 December 1443, has so received and restored him.
Under the seals of the prior and chapter; with a statement by the chapter that they have affixed their seal.
Date: Durham, 13 December 1443.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.297r.
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f.179v-180r   10 December 1443
Quitclaim by John Grene, prior and the convent of the house or priory of Holy Trinity York, to Richard Bell, sometime professed monk of Durham, and now released from his profession there, and to the prior and convent of Durham, of all personal actions, transgressions (etc.) which they had or may have in future against Richard and the same prior and convent, by reason of injuries done to them and their priory by Richard, and of any expenses paid by them by reason of a certain claim or title to the priory, which Richard pretended to have by virtue of a certain gift of the king, from the beginning of the world until the date of the presents.
Sealed at the chapter house at York, 10 December 1443.
Original: DCD 1.2.Ebor.1.
Other copies: DCD Reg. III, f.298r; Cart.III, f.i.47v.
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f.180r   17 November 1443
Licence by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of the liberty of St Cuthbert in [North]allerton and Allertonshire to Robert, bishop of Durham since, as he has learnt, certain of the bishop's commissaries have taken cognizance of a matrimonial case between Henry Preston', esquire, plaintiff, and Margaret, daughter of Thomas de la More, defendant, moved and pending before the same commissaries, and have lawfully proceeded to some judicial acts therein, he grants licence that the bishop or his deputed commissaries may further take cognizance of, proceed in and decide the said case, in the church of [North]allerton or in any places whatsoever within the prior's jurisdiction, according to the form of [actions] already taken in the said case.
Date: 17 November 1443.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.297v.
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f.180v   1 January 1444
Grant by John, prior of Durham to Richard Haysand stating that, since John Fyssburn' [monk of Durham], one time almoner of Durham, by his letters, dated 1 February 1425/6, granted {to him} and Emma, his wife, recently deceased, a corrody or allowance in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, for life, as clearly recorded in this clause at the end of the letters. If it should happen that the said Richard and Emma do not observe the statutes and customs of the infirmary or contract marriage again, both of them will be deprived in perpetuity of all and sundry granted above; and, considering his bodily infirmity from old age and gout and podagra, and for his faithful service to him for twenty years and more, as well as in the future, the prior on this one occasion grants him licence to contract marriage with Katharine, widow of William Langley, sister of the infirmary, notwithstanding the aforesaid letter and any contrary custom of the infirmary, and confirms the corrody or allowance formerly granted to them for life in the infirmary, provided that they duly bear all the obligations of the infirmary for as long as they live. He also grants licence to stay outside the infirmary in some respectable place for as long as they live. If it should happen that they commit adultery or fornication or contract marrriage, except that to be solemnized by means of this licence, or do not observe the statutes (etc.) of the infirmary, with the exception of residence within, they will be deprived in perpetuity of all the above.
Date: Durham, 1 January 1443/4.
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f.180v-181r   13 January 1444
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to William Partryke, prior of Lytham) stating that it was not long ago that he wrote to him about his pension of 100s imposed in the last annual chapter. As the prior understands, for fictitious reasons he has still not troubled to pay the pension. He commands him under the penalties and censures defined in the constitutions for non-payment, in which, if necessary, he intends to proceed, that he pay in full the said pension within the fortnight after the Purification of Mary [2 February] next without any delay, excuse or condition.
Date: Durham, 13 January 1443/4.
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f.181r-v   13 January 1444
Mandate by John, prior of Durham, archdeacon in all and sundry churches appropriated to him and his chapter in Northumberland to the chaplain of the church of Holy Island and all and sundry chaplains celebrating divine [services] in its dependent chapels stating that a trustworthy report has come to his attention that, although all and sundry parishioners of the church were obliged, by the general custom hitherto peaceably practised throughout Durham diocese, to contribute to the repair of defects in the nave, walls, windows, tower, and other imminent defects, several parishioners of the dependent chapels are not contributing to such repair but are expressly refusing. He commands them to admonish publicly and induce all and sundry parishioners, or at least three or four trustworthy men from every vill, having sufficient authority from their neighbours, to meet in the church within four weeks from the time of their monition and to provide for such repair and duly to contribute to the same, according to their ability, as they are obliged, under penalty of 20s to be levied from any who have not obeyed their monitions. They are to exact this penalty from them and to be answerable for it to the prior within a fortnight after the four weeks have passed. They are to certify him at a suitable time as to what they have done in the aforementioned.
Date: Durham, 13 January 1443/4.
Margin: letter sent to Thomas Ayer, prior of Holy Island.
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f.181v   20 January [?1444]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to Richard Barton, prior of Stamford) stating that he understood by the report of Robert Danby, serjeant-at-law, and others, that Richard is impleading the rector of [Stamford] St Mary by the king's writ in the secular court, for a certain yearly pension of five marks. He marvels that he wished to undertake such a matter without consulting him. Certain legal experts doubt whether such a proceeding will turn out well, because the jury in the said assize, they say, is favourable to the rector. At the instance of his fellow monks, he commands him not to proceed with the said assize against the rector unless he, his legal experts and others of his counsel are first certain that such an assize cannot give rise to any prejudice to the monastery of Durham in the future; if this should happen, it would be entirely attributed to his rashness and negligence. He sends with the bearer of the presents such evidence as he has, namely, how in all and sundry presentations to the said church the yearly pension of five marks is always reserved to the prior, which Richard can prove by the registers of the bishops of Lincoln. As for the possession of the said pension, he sends the accounts of various priors of Stamford, where the payment of the said pension is mentioned. Richard is to return the said evidence when this matter has been concluded.
Date: Durham, 20 January.
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f.182r   1 December 1443
Memorandum that a quittance was issued, under the prior's long seal, concerning a yearly pension of 13s 4d, owed to the prior of Durham and assigned to the chancellor thereof, according to the form above, discharging the prebendary of the church of Skipwith for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas 1443.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1443.
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f.182r   5 March [1444]
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to Thomas Qweyle and John Riall' [monks of Durham] dwelling at Lytham) informing that he is sending to William Partrike, [monk of Durham and] prior of Lytham, with the bearer of the presents the following citation. He commands them to give assistance to the bearer of the presents for the delivery of the said mandate, and to send letters of certification concerning the delivery, according to the state of the business and the truth of the action, with the advice of John Berhalgh'.
Date: Durham, 5 March [1444].
Also DCD Reg. III, f.306v-307r.
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   5 March 1444
Citation by John, prior and the chapter of Durham to William Partrike, prior of Lytham wishing to have personal conference with him concerning certain difficult and pressing business touching him and the monastery of Durham commanding him, after he has seen the presents, to come in person to them at Durham on Friday, namely, 3 April next, to treat with them on this business. They intend to place full confidence in the bearer of the presents delivering the presents to him. If he should not care to appear on the said day and place, they will proceed against him as disobedient and contemptuous of their mandate.
Under the other part of their seal.
Date: the chapter house, Durham, 5 March 1443/4.
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f.182r-v   5 March 1444
Citation by John, prior of Durham to William Partrike, [monk of Durham and] prior of Lytham informing him that he wishes to have personal conference with him concerning certain difficult and pressing business touching him and the monastery of Durham and commanding him, after he has seen the presents, to come in person to them at Durham on Friday, namely, 3 April next, to treat with him and other fellow monks of the chapter on this business. They intend to place full confidence in the bearer of the presents delivering the presents to him. If he should not care to appear on the said day and place, they will proceed against him as disobedient and contemptuous of their mandate.
Date: Durham, 5 March 1443/4.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.301r.
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f.182v   15 March 1444
Appointment by John, prior of Durham, ordinary of the spirituality of St Cuthbert in Howdenshire to Robert Shireff Barbor' as apparitor of the prior's said spirituality and of the collegiate church of Hemingbrough to cite, admonish, certify and summon all and sundry subjects of the spirituality, whenever by public report they are suspected of a crime, to appear before the keeper of the spirituality or his commissary, on certain days and places to be assigned by Robert, to receive what justice will recommend and to do all else, according to the mandate of the keeper or his commissary, which pertains by right or custom to the office. The presents are to last at the prior's will only.
Date: Durham, 15 March 1443/4.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.307r.
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f.182v   31 March 1444
Memorandum that three letters were issued, one to John Durward [monk of Durham], to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Jarrow; another to John Morbyi [monk of Durham], to remove him from the cell of Finchale to the monastery of Durham; and the third for Thomas Bredbery [monk of Durham], to remove him from the cell of Jarrow to the cell of Finchale.
Date: Durham, 31 March 1444.
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f.183r   15 April 1444
Letter of attorney by John, prior of Durham appointing Robert Maners of Etal, esquire, and Robert Maners of Cheswick, esquire, as his attorneys committing his authority to demand, levy, exact and receive all and sundry goods and any sums of money owed by any persons in Northumberland to his fellow monk, Henry Heley, lately prior of Holy Island and to implead and arrest those persons and proceed against them by any process of law in any courts, and, if necessary, to grant quittance for what has been received and recovered in part or in whole and to do all else on his behalf, which he would do if he were personally present.
Date: Durham, 15 April 1444.
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f.183r   15 April 1444
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to John Burnby [monk of Durham]) stating that, since, as he recently understood, Durham College Oxford is devoid of various secular scholars, especially from the lordship of Howdenshire, he commands him to receive without delay William Benson', who has been examined by the prior and his fellow monks and found suitable, as scholar of the college. He is to require a bodily oath from him to observe the statutes of the college, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 15 April 1444.
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f.183r   [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham) (superscription: to John, lord Scropp' of Upsall (‘Uppesell'’)) informing him that he has received his letter and shall endeavour to fulfil his desire to be lodged in the prior's hostelry in the same place he has been before, with which his squire, bearer of his letter, is well pleased. He is sorry that he [the prior] is one named in the king's commission for he is truly so very ill that he cannot exert himself, even if he were of sufficient wit, which he thinks not, and is more likely to die within a few days than to live. If he was and has to exert himself, and any point were moved against the intent of the Scots, they would partly impute it to him and inveigh against the house of Coldingham and his property upon the marches. For similar reasons, neither he nor his predecessors have previously been put in the king's commission to negotiate truces.
Printed: J. Raine, The History and Antiquities of North Durham (1852), p.iv.
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f.183v    19 April [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to Robert Beaumont) reminding him that he spoke to him to labour in the king's exchequer for the discharge of a mark's rent that the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle wrongly claim from him, as his evidence clearly shows, of which the prior sends him a copy by the bearer of this letter. He entreats him to recommend him to Sir Nicholas Dixon, brother of the chapter, and to Sir William Fallan', one of the barons of the exchequer, beseeching them to work with him to obtain for him the discharge of the said mark, for the mayor and bailiffs will not distrain upon the tenements from which they claim the mark, but distrain the prior by the pension assigned from the king's alms out of the rent and farm of Newcastle to his place of Farne Island.
Date: Durham, 19 April.
Possibly the evidence referred to: DCD Loc.XX:26.
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f.183v-184r   1 April 1444
Commission by John, prior of Durham, deputed collector of the {final} fourth part of the entire tenth last granted to the king of England by the clergy of York province, by authority of Robert, bishop of Durham to William Bentlay, his sworn nuncio, to demand, receive and levy on his behalf the said fourth part of the tenth from all and sundry beneficed clerks within Durham diocese, whose benefices were assessed as over ten marks, and also from all and sundry prebends, portions and pensions assessed at ten marks and below, or from the proctors or holders of the income of the same benefices, owing the said fourth part at the Nativity of John the Baptist next [24 June] granting authority to receive and levy the first half {and the first quarter of the second half} of the said tenth, which were omitted in the last levy thereof through the negligence of the prior's subcollectors, from all and sundry prebends, portions and pensions within Durham diocese assessed, as aforementioned, at ten marks and below, which should have been raised and paid at the Nativity of John the Baptist last past; it is proper for the prior to be answerable for this half {and the first quarter of the second half} to the king in the next account; and also to admonish and cite all and sundry beneficed clerks, proctors or holders of incomes, not troubling or refusing to pay the said fourth {and last} part and also the half {and first fourth of the second half}, to appear before the prior or his fellow monks and deputed subcollectors, John Gatesheved and Robert Westmerland, in the nave of Durham cathedral on any certain law-day assigned by William, to make satisfaction to the prior for the said fourth part and the half {and first quarter of the half}, or to show reasonable cause, if any, why he should not proceed against them and the said benefices, as he intends, by sentence of suspension or interdict. He is to certify him aloud by oath on the said day and place how he executed this mandate, with the names of all and sundry whom he cited to make the said payment in the manner above.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1444.
(‘quinto’ written after ‘quarto’)
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f.184r   3 May 1444
Memorandum that a letter was issued, by virtue of which Thomas Bradbery [monk of Durham] was made cellarer of Finchale, according to the form above for William Lyham, onetime cellarer there (either on f.26v or 46r).
Date: Durham, 3 May 1444.
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f.184r-v   7 May 1444
Lease by indenture, by John, prior of Durham with the consent and assent of John, prior of Coldingham to Alexander Home of Dunglass, knight, and his son and heir, Alexander Home, and the longer lived of them, of his town of Old Cambus, with its demesne lands, with free ingress and egress thereto, with the exception of the woods, warrens, wardship, marriages, reliefs, escheats, mines, rents, services of free tenants, and all other profits pertaining to the superior lordship there, to be held by them from Whitsun next for the term of forty years, for as long as they are alive, rendering yearly to the prior of Coldingham and his successors £13 6s 8d Scots at the two terms of the year, namely Whitsun and Martinmas, in equal portions, at Coldingham, with the first term of payment beginning at Penteocst next. If the said rent of £13s 6s 8d should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for half a year after any term, or if Alexander and Alexander, or either of them, their tenants or lessees, cut down wood or underwood growing within the said lands and lordship without assignment of the prior of Coldingham or his deputy, unless they make reasonable amends within forty days, then the prior and his successors and the prior of Coldingham may re-enter the said town and demesne lands and possess them as before, notwithstanding the present indentures. If they make any repair to the buildings or tenements there, they are to have the necessary timber by delivery of the prior of Coldingham or his deputy, provided such timber can be found in the woods of the lordship of Old Cambus. If they die within the term of forty years, the prior of Coldingham will have hereyeld from each of them, and this indenture and the term will cease thenceforward. They are not to build during the term a castle, fortalice, tower or any other defensive building within the town or lordship of Old Cambus by which any harm could be inflicted on the king of England, his town of Berwick, or his lieges or subjects. If war should be waged between the realms of England and Scotland during the term, they will have a reasonable allowance for damage suffered on that account, according to the custom of the country.
Date: Durham, 7 May 1444.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.150-151
Another copy, see DCD Reg. III, f.307r-v.
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f.184v-185r   13 May 1444
Quitclaim by John, prior of Durham to Henry Mone [or Move] chaplain, collector of rents of the prior's office of sacrist in York and Holtby releasing and quitclaiming him from all actions, real and personal, which he had or may have against him, by reason of any receipts, accounts, demands or any other matter, to the date of the presents.
Date: Durham, 13 May 1444.
Margin: John Daye'
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f.185r-v   20 May 1444
Certification by John, prior of Durham to Hugh, abbot of SS Peter and Hild of Whitby, order of St Benedict, visitor of monasteries and other places of religious of the order within the province of York, deputed by authority of the provincial chapter last held at Northampton, or to his commissaries in that regard, one or many having received on 20 April last past the following citation.
Citation by Hugh, abbot of Whitby, specially deputed by the presidents of the provincial chapter of the black monks in England last held at Northampton to visit all and sundry places, abbots, priors and other persons of their order to John, prior and the convent of Durham. Since he intends to visit them in their chapter house at Durham on 25 May next, he cites them to appear on the said day and place before him or his commissaries. He commands the prior to warn and cite or cause to be be warned or cited all his fellow monks who should by right or custom be present, to appear with him on the said day and place. By letters patent reciting the contents hereof, he is to certify him at the said day and place as to what he has done or determined to be done in the aforementioned, along with the names of all his fellow monks, present and absent.
Date: the monastery of Whitby, 2 April 1444.
He has obeyed the aforesaid letter, caused to be warned and cited all his fellow monks, customarily present at a visitation, whose names are attached thereto, and done all else pertaining to his office.
Date: the monastery of Durham, 20 May 1444. (Also Reg. III, fols 307v-308r)
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f.185v   30 April 1444
Memorandum that five letters were issued, one to recall John Hoton' [monk of Durham] from the cell of Finchale to the monastery [of Durham], another to send John Qweldryk' [monk of Durham] from the monastery to the said cell, the third to remove William Liham [monk of Durham] from the said cell to the cell of Jarrow, the fourth to transfer John Durward [monk of Durham] from the cell of Jarrow to Holy Island, and the fifth to send Robert Scrimerston' [monk of Durham] from Holy Island to the cell of Coldingham.
Date: Durham, 30 April 1444.
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f.185v   28 May [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham] (margin: to John Portyngton, justice) in answer to his letter, delivered to him on 26 May: if the exemption of the prior of Lytham is in the form alleged, it is not only prejudicial to the monastery of Durham but also to [the archbishop] of York and [the bishop] of Durham who are fully involved in this matter, and without whose will he cannot exert himself in this matter. If it seemed necessary to him for a conference (‘treti’) to be held, he would think it not evil if John Portyngton were to make an approach to the archbishop, for the prior and his fellow monks will be ruled by him and the bishop of Durham, who have discussed this matter previously. If there should be any meeting, he thinks it would be more appropriate at York, where he and the prior of Lytham have counsel, than at Durham, and at such times as John Portyngton might be present at York.
Date: Durham, 28 May.
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f.186r   29 May 1444
Letter of attorney by Henry Helay, monk of Durham, with the consent and will of the prior of Durham, appointing Robert Maners of Etal and {Thomas} (over erasure) Parke, esquires, as his attorneys, to treat and come to an agreement with Richard Lylburne, esquire, and Stephen Fisshwik, Robert Karre and Thomas Grenndon', citizens and merchants of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and their associates for any debts, demands, suits, disagreements [etc.], arisen between him and them by reason of any damages, exactions, injuries [etc.]; and to conclude peace and make a final agreement with them and to do else all fitting and necessary for the aforementioned.
Under the seal of the prior, as his own is little known (with a statement by the prior that he has affixed his seal at the request of Henry).
Date: Durham, 29 May 1444.
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f.186r-v   1 June 1444
Proxy by John, prior of Durham, appointing his fellow monk, Mr John Burnby, S.T.P., as his proctor and excusator, to appear on his behalf at the provincial chapter to be held in July next by apostolic authority and to swear to the truth of his excuses, with further responsibilities described, as he is prevented from being personally present for clear and sufficient cause, as for example, the affliction of old age and ill health which trouble him daily.
Date: Durham, 1 June 1444.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.305r-v.
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f.186v   [12 May] [?1444]
Letter by Nicholas, abbot of Glastonbury, to [John], prior of Durham, relating how the continuation of mutual affection in souls on their earthly journey, by the intervention of grace, often disposes them to divine approbation. Although in life they were physically separated by distance, nevertheless in mind, as by an indissoluble bond, they live in hope of a home in the Lord, knowing that the body which is corrupted oppresses the soul to such an extent that they wish to be released and to be with Christ. The charity of many grows cold in present times, so that neither about the perfections of the order nor about the defenders of the bark of St Peter, by voice or by pen, with the sadness of a heart touched inwardly, are we capable of disclosing anything of merit. Because the world is put in a malign state and the sons of this world are more prudent than the sons of light in [the present] generation, they are cited, old age mediating, to the general chapter, where Christ the pontiff will be the principal president, who by their holy fathers determined the means of living more perfectly by the gift of his munificence. They should therefore confess their sins and pray to be saved, since the sufferings of this age are not worthy of future glory, which will be revealed to them when the Lord comes in judgement. By the utterance of the Holy Spirit it is found in the scriptures ‘Luke the doctor greets you’, which we do not read of John. May the ancient Stephen and the most noted Henry flourish.*
Date: Glastonbury, St Pancras.
[* Probably referring to the Durham monks Stephen of Howden and Henry Ferriby or Henry Helay.]
Printed in: Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres (Surtees Society 9, 1839), p.ccccxlv-ccccxlvi.
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f.186v-187r   18 June 1444
Grant by John, prior of Durham, to Joan, wife of William Mos, cook, after his death of one allowance for life in le Meason de dieu, now held by William.
Date: Durham, 18 June 1444
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f.187r   30 June 1444
Memorandum that four quittances, concerning the pensions of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham, Walkington and Welton, paid to Richard Blakburn', [monk and] chamberlain of Durham, to whose office they pertain, as for the term of Whitsun, were issued in the [following] words (incipit cited), as evident in the quittances above for the term of Whitsun, touching the said office of chamberlain.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1444.
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f.187r   30 June 1444
Memorandum that a letter was issued to John Hoton', monk of Durham, to remove him from the church of Durham to the cell of Stamford, according to the form herein.
Date: Durham, 30 June 1444.
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f.187r-v   30 November 1443
Release by indenture by John, abbot and the convent of Blanchland, to John, prior and the convent of Durham, although John, prior and the convent of Durham have paid to them and their successors a yearly rent of 15{s} from a burgage of theirs, lately belonging to Simon Alman', in the borough of Elvet, at certain terms, the abbot and convent have granted the said rent to the prior and convent for the repair and improvement of the said burgage from Martinmas last past for the six years following, without any render, except for one penny every year at Christmas, for continuation of seisin, with 15s being paid to the abbot and convent and their successors, as customary, in perpetuity, after the completion of the six years; with the abbot and convent remitting to the prior [and convent] all arrears from the said burgage, so that they may by no means be claimed by the abbot and convent in perpetuity.
Date: 30 November 1443.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.308r and extracted in M.M. Camsell, “The Development of a Northern Town in the Later Middle Ages: the City of Durham, c.1250-1540”, (York Univ. D.Phil. thesis 1985), p.636.
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f.187v-188r   2 March [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter [by Henry VI, king of England], (margin: to the prior of Durham), informing him that he has learned that certain persons, who have various annuities out of the income (‘lyvelode’) of the church and monastery of Durham, by grant in writing of his cousin, the bishop of Durham, wished [the prior] to confirm these written grants under his common seal, although it is not in his interest to do so. Wishing no harm to come to him and the cathedral church, and for other causes [unspecified], he charges him not to grant confirmation of any such new inventions, for favour or dread of any persons of whatever estate, since this would likely be a preparative means of subverting him and his fellow religious in the monastery, and also a perilous example to others hereafter, and would incur the king's great displeasure.
Date: the king's manor of Sheen, 2 March.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.303r.
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f.188r   September 1444
Licence by John, prior of Durham, with the consent of his fellow monks, to John Pencher, professed monk of Durham, in the priestly order, to go to the apostolic see to pursue the serious matters touching the prior and monastery of Durham, and its dependent cells of Coldingham and Lytham, and to remain as long as required, unless he has a further mandate from him, provided he returns as speedily as possible when his business is concluded, and beseeching all to show favour to John, both in the curia and on his journey.
Date: Durham, (blank) September 1444.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham , [ed J. Raine] (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.152-153
See also DCD Reg. III, f.306v.
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f.188v   8 September [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter by John, prior of Durham, (margin: to Mr Robert Rolston), informing him that he and his fellow monks are now sending a fellow monk, the bearer of this letter, to the court of Rome for certain matters concerning the rights, liberties and freedoms of the church of Durham and its members, especially the priories of Coldingham in Scotland and Lytham in Lancashire, as the bearer has more plainly in writing. He beseeches him to approach the king to write to the pope to further the said matters, according to the form conceived by the cardinal of York [Archbishop John Kempe], by whom he and his fellow monks are governed in this cause; the bearer, in whom he may place full credence, shall deliver this form to him.
Date: {Durham}, 8 September.
Printed: The Priory of Coldingham (Surtees Society 12, 1841), p.153-154.
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f.188v   28 September 1444
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to John Thornton, vicar of Northallerton, for a yearly pension of £20 owed from the said church and customarily paid by the vicars thereof for the terms of Martinmas and Whitsun last past.
Date: Durham, 28 September 1444.
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f.188v-189r   1 October 1444
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Paulyn' of Frampton, gentleman, for £26 10s in part payment of £34 19s 4d owed to the prior by his written bond, dated the eve of the Assumption of Mary [14 August] 1437.
Date: 1 October 1444.
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f.189r   5 October 1444
Memorandum that, by the present indented bill, John, prior and the convent of Durham have granted that the said prior and his successors will not grant or lease the manor or demesne lands of Muggleswick to anyone during the life of Thomas Lomley, knight, except to the said Thomas; providing that Thomas shall have been willing to give as much as any other to the prior and convent.
Date: 5 October 1444.
Also DCD Reg. III, f.310v.
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f.189r-v   5 October [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to T[homas] Stanley, knight), in answer to the matter in his letter, he is to understand that William Partryke [monk of Durham] has procured a bull prejudicial to the church of Durham, the foundation of the house of Lytham, and various grants of kings of England; this is common knowledge to many of the lords spiritual and temporal of the realm. The prior and his fellow monks will never consent to it, for his deed may turn out to be an evil example and prejudicial to all patrons of benefices spiritual and temporal. He and his fellow monks will therefore be governed by the lords spiritual and temporal who have taken their side in this matter. At the request of William, John Portington', justice, has approached the cardinal of York [Archbishop John Kempe] and the prior for a conference [ ‘trety’ ], which was held at York on 3 August, and the agreement they made was notified to the cardinal, his fellow monks and the prior, who trusted that William would have kept this agreement; within a fortnight, William departed from this by the writing he sent to Durham. As for his promotion to the priory of Lytham and his personal support, the prior has borne much ill-will both from his fellow monks and many other men, thinking that he is too slow in pursuing him; concerning the heavy payments alleged that he [Partryke] should have made, the prior says that he was never charged more than he might safely bear, and that by virtue of the papal laws concerning his order. If he made payment of one part, he was discharged of the other part, to the amount he should have born annually in coming home to Durham to the chapter, which he has not done four times in the past thirteen years. If he came at other times for his recreation, and to raise and receive goods of the office he occupied before, it was not at the prior's summoning, but of his own free will. The prior therefore cannot say more.
Date: Durham, 5 October.
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f.189v   8 October 1444
Memorandum that a quittance concerning the pension of £9 3s 4d granted by the king of England to the prior and chapter of Durham, to be paid yearly from the fee-farm of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and assigned by the prior to the then keeper of Farne Island.
Date: Durham, 8 October 1444.
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f.189v   1 January 1445
Memorandum that a quittance was issued concerning the pension of 10s from the master and scholars of Balliol Hall Oxford, owed for the terms of the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] and Christmas.
Date: Durham, 1 January 1444/5.
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f.190r   10 May 1444
Memorandum that an allowance, formerly of Thomas Plumber, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Joan, widow of John Pikeryng', by the prior's letters patent, according to the form of the grant to Joan Preston, previously in this register.
Date: Durham, 10 May 1444.
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f.190r   15 November 1444
Memorandum that four quittances concerning the yearly pensions owed to the chamberlain of Durham were issued under the prior's long seal, according to the form above, discharging the provost and rectors of the churches of Hemingbrough, Brantingham and Walkington, and Thomas Rude, vicar of Welton, in full payment of the said debts to the prior and chamberlain of Durham, as for the term of Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1444.
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f.190r-v   31 October [?1444]
Language:   English
Letter, (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription: Sir George of Radcliffe), thanking him for his kindness shown to him when George was living in his region (‘cuntre’). In answer to his letter, he is to understand that four and more years ago, at the instance of notable persons, he and his fellow monks granted the nomination of the next vacancy of the church of Appleby [Leics.], to a graduate whom the chancellor and university of Oxford would appoint thereto, just as the [bishop] of Durham made a grant to them of the next vacancy of the church of Gateshead, and which they have in writing from the prior [and chapter ?], under the common seal. It would be to their discredit to depart from this, which they know he would not wish. The prior and his fellow monks beseech him not to be displeased that his desire has not been fulfilled at this time, for they will truly do what they can for him, as they are bound.
Date: Durham, 31 October.
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f.190v-191r   15 November 1444
Lease by indenture by John, prior of Durham, to Richard Prentesse, chaplain, keeper of the chantry of St Mary in Durham St Oswald, of one tenement, with its appurtenances, in the barony of Elvet, lately in the tenure of Alan Hayden', keeper of the said chantry, the tenement formerly belonging to John Shafftowe, to be held from Martinmas last past to the end of the term of thirty years, rendering yearly to the prior and his successors at Whitsun and Martinmas 12d in equal portions, the first term of payment beginning at Whitsun next. If the said rent of 12d should be in arrears, in part or in whole, for forty days after any term, the prior and his successors or their certain attorney may distrain upon the said tenement and retain the goods distrained there, until satisfied of the rent and arrears, if any; if the rent should be in arrears as above for three months after any term the prior and his successors may re-enter the tenement and possess it as before, notwithstanding the present indenture. Richard and his successors will adequately repair and maintain the said tenement during the term, and leave it well repaired at the end of the term.
Date: Durham, 15 November 1444.
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f.191r   1 December 1444
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Henry, earl of Northumberland, for £14 in full payment of all rents and arrears, owed to the prior and church of Durham before the date of the presents by the earl for the lands near Warkworth held at farm from the prior for 26s 8d yearly.
Date: {Durham}, 1 December 1444.
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f.191r-v   1 December 1444
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to John Modi, master of Ovingham, for 10s, received on the date of the presents, for the term of Martinmas last past, by reason of a certain yearly pension, owed to the prior and church of Durham from the church of Ovingham and customarily paid at the said feast.
Date: {Durham}, 1 December 1444.
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f.191v   1 December 1444
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for a yearly pension of 20s, owed for the church of [Kirk] Whelpington and customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent, as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1444 (the day possibly inserted later).
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f.191v   1 December 1444
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the prior and convent of Tynemouth for a yearly pension of 6s 8d, owed for the church of Haltwhistle and customarily paid by the hand of the said prior and convent, as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1444.
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f.191v   1 December 1444
Memorandum that a quittance was issued to the abbot and convent of Newminster for a yearly pension of 13s 4d, owed for the church of {Stann}ington (partly over erasure) and customarily paid by the hand of the abbot and convent, as for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1444.
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f.191v-192r   18 January [?1445]
Language:   English
Letter (subscription: by John, prior of Durham), (superscription: to [Ralph] lord Crumwell), stating that, in answer to his letter, delivered on St Stephen in Christmastide (‘Yoole’) last past [26 December], on the matter of making an exchange between the patronage of Kirkby on Bain, whose pension is due to the prior, with other things there and other lands or rents of his, worth six marks annually; the prior and his fellow monks are long agreed to fulfil his desire in a manner in keeping with the laws spiritual and temporal and the liberties of St Cuthbert, as the bearer, to whom the prior beseeches him to give audience, is instructed to declare to him. As clearly apparent from the charters of the gift made to the prior of the same church, with its appurtenances, some parcels due thereto and to the prior are occupied today by those who have no right. The prior knows he would reform this better than the prior, and supposes he will so do when the exchange has been made. The bearer therefore has a true copy of the prior's charters and evidence to show to him, which by his counsel and the prior's appointment may bring the matter to a conclusion.
Date: Durham, 18 January.
Related letter: DCD Loc.XXV:136.
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f.192r   31 January 1445
Mandate [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Bradbery [monk of Durham]), stating that, since he resolved to send him from the monastery of Durham to the cell of Coldingham, he commands him to direct his steps and remain there. He is to show the presents to the prior of the said cell so that he receives him benevolently.
Date: Durham, 31 January 1444/5.
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f.192r   15 January 1445
Memorandum that two letters were issued under the round seal for the admission of two scholars to Durham College Oxford at the Purification of Mary next [2 February], one for Thomas Marley of Durham diocese to the next vacancy, and the other for the son of William Robynson' of Morpeth of the same diocese to the second vacancy.
Date: Durham, 15 January 1444/5.
Related letter re Marley: DCD Loc.XXV:128.
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f.192v   1 December 1444
Quittance by John, prior of Durham, to Henry Hanslopp', prebendary of the prebend of Skipwith in the collegiate church of Howden, for 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past by reason of a certain yearly pension owed to the prior and monastery of Durham from the prebendary of the aforesaid prebend and customarily paid at the said terms.
Date: Durham, 1 December 1444.
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f.192v   1 February 1445
Collation by John, prior of Durham, to William Sadylere, chaplain, of the chantry of the chapel of St John the Baptist at Ponteys.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1444/5.
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f.192v-193r   1 February 1445
Memorandum that a quittance concerning the pension of the church of [Kirby] Sigston was issued to the rector there for the payment of a certain yearly pension of £6 13s 4d for the terms of Whitsun and Martinmas last past.
Date: Durham, 1 February 1444/5.
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f.193r   6 November 1444
Memorandum that a corrody or allowance, formerly of William Lewyn' and his wife, Matilda, in the infirmary outside the abbey gate, Durham, was granted to Margaret, widow of Thomas Hoghson', with the special clause for residence outside the infirmary, by the prior's letters patent.
Date: Durham, 6 November 1444.
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f.193r   February [?1445]
Language:   English
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], [to ?], letting him know that he has received his letter; the prior had not been informed of any grievance put to the addressee or any of his [people] by William Partrike, monk [of Durham], or any of the prior's monks, before he received the said letter. As he wrote it is at present that William is obedient neither to the prior or his house of Durham. The prior and his fellow monks will be governed by the advice of the cardinal of York [Archbishop John Kempe], the bishops of Durham and Salisbury and various other bishops, the earls of Salisbury and Northumberland and various other temporal lords and many notable persons. Some of William's counsel have made approaches to them and to the prior's counsel to defer the proceedings against him, trusting to persuade him to abandon rebellion and submit to his religion as his profession requires. He shall speedily know how this matter turns out.
Date: Durham (blank) February.
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f.193v   4 March [?1445]
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to John Burnby, [monk of Durham and] warden of Durham College Oxford), although he recently wrote to him about admitting a certain scholar into Durham College at the Purification of Mary last past [2 February], whom five of the senior [monks] of the chapter, assigned by the prior according to the ordinance of the college, had elected at the repeated request of Roger Thornton (to whom he and his fellow monks are obliged for the favours often shown them, and from whom he has received considerable thanks for this election); nevertheless, as he is informed from the report of his friends, [John Burnby] has not cared to admit the same [scholar] according to the common form of the prior's register sent to him. He, like his fellow monks, marvels at this, considering that the election of secular scholars belongs to them according to the said ordinance, and at the prior's mandate only the admission of the same scholars pertains to [John Burnby]. Since he did not know of a vacancy of any scholar from the lordship of [North]allerton nor was any instance made to him for anyone originating there, he requires and urges him, once he has seen the presents, to receive without delay the said scholar into the college without any excuse.
Date: Durham, 4 March.
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f.193v-194r   9 March 1445
Schedule (indented) of Debt Repayment by John, prior of Durham, confirming that, by the calculation made in the presence of John, prior of Durham, John Gatysheved, terrar, Thomas Warde, hostillar, and Robert Westmerland, [monks of Durham], between William Hoton' of Hardwick and Thomas Warde, lately cellarer, William Eden, the present cellarer, {and} Thomas Lewyn, granator, [monks of Durham], the amounts below, received and put to the use of the monastery of Durham, are owed to the same William Hoton by the said officers:
£40 4s from the time of Thomas Warde, lately cellarer, as evident in detail elsewhere
£10 by William Eden' for a loan
£13 6s 8d by Thomas Lewyn' for a loan
Sum total £63 10s 8d.

The aforesaid prior, John Gatesheved, Thomas Warde, Robert Wesmerlande will pay to the said William Hoton' or his assigns the said amount of £63 10s 8d in the following manner:
£10 at Whitsun next by the hand of William Eden'
£13 6s 8d at Martinmas next by the hand of Thomas Lewyn'
£10 at the same feast by the hand of {Thomas} Warde, hostillar
£10 at Easter 1446 by the hand of the receiver of coal and contributions
£10 at Martinmas following by the hand of Thomas Warde, hostillar
£10 4s at Easter 1447 by the hand of the receiver of coal and contributions.

The said John Gatesheved, Thomas Warden and Robert Westmerlande promise that the said amount will be faithfully paid at the said terms to William.
Sealed alternately with the seals of the prior and William.
Date: Durham, 9 March 1444/5.
The said amount is owed to William Hoton' at the time of his departure to southern parts, having left on the day after Easter [29 March] 1445.
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f.194r   1 April 1445
Memorandum that a commission was issued to William Bentlay for the collection of the final quarter of the entire tenth to be paid to the king at the Nativity of John the Baptist [24 June] 1445, under the prior's long seal, according to the form on the eleventh folio preceding (f.184r).
Date: Durham, 1 April 1445.
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f.194r-v   1 April 1445
Licence (margin: void) by John, prior of Durham, to Richard Shirburn' [monk of Durham], to hear the confessions of his fellow monks and other religious dwelling in Durham College Oxford and to absolve them, with the absolution of grave faults reserved to the prior or his special deputy.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1445.
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f.194v   1 April 1445
Memorandum that two letters were issued under the prior's long seal to Richard Shirburn' and Thomas Cale, monks of Durham, by virtue of which they were appointed receivers and bursars of Durham College Oxford, and confessors there, according to the forms in this register on fols 88[v] and 98[v].
Date: Durham, 1 April 1445.
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f.194v   1 April 1445
Memorandum that two letters were issued under the prior's round seal, one to John Dorward [monk of Durham] to remove him from the priory of Holy Island to the cell of Farne Island, and the other to Thomas Cotom [monk of Durham] to remove him from the cell of Farne Island to the priory of Holy Island.
Date: Durham, 1 April 1445.
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f.194v   6 April 1445.
Letter [by John, prior of Durham], (margin: to Mr John Bornby, [monk of Durham and] warden of Durham College Oxford), informing him that John Portyngton', the king's justice, at his last visit to Durham before Easter made entreaty to the prior for the admission of a certain scholar, namely Edmund Haukyn' (or Hankyn'), originating from the lordship of Howdenshire, into Durham College Oxford. Disposed towards his supplicatory letters by the favours he has often shown to him and his fellow monks, the prior granted the next vacancy. Since he is given to understand by the same John's letters that John Palmer', scholar at the college, proposed to leave there, if the said Edmund would be substituted in his place, he commands him to receive Edmund, having been examined by the prior and his fellow monks and found suitable, as a scholar of the college, as soon as John Palmer leaves. He is to require a bodily oath from him to observe the statutes of the college, in keeping with past custom.
Date: Durham, 6 April 1445.
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