DCL MS. B.II.29Augustine and Ps.-Augustine, Opera
Held by: Durham Cathedral Library: Durham Cathedral Manuscripts

Augustine and Ps.-Augustine, Opera including Enchiridion, De diversis quaestionibus, De libero arbitrio, Retractationes, De doctrina christiana, De mendacio, Contra mendacium, De adulterinis coniugiis, De nuptiis et concupiscentia, De bono coniugali, De sancta virginitate, De disciplina christiana, De natura boni, De perfectione, De gratia et libero arbitrio, De correptione et gratia, Soliloquium, De agone christiano, probably written in Oxford in the early 14th century. The quire structure and the presence or absence of catchwords show that this is a collection of fascicules made separately by the same team, two of which (VII and IX) were augmented at an early date:
Fascicule I, f.1-76 (quires I-VII)
Fascicule II, f.67-76 (quire VIII)
Fascicule III, acephalus, f.81-109 (quires IX-XII)
Fascicule IV, f.110-121 (quire XIII)
Fascicule V, f.122-149 (quires XIV-XV)
Fascicule VI, f.150-241 (quires XVI-XXIII)
Fascicule VII, f.242-275 (quires XXIV-XXVI)
Fascicule VIII, f.276-353 (quires XXVII-XXXIII)
Fascicule IX, f.354-382 (quires XXXIV-XXXVI, the last being an early supplement)
Fascicule X, f.383-388 (quire XXXVII)
Fascicule XI, f.389-411 (quires XXXVIII-XXXIX)

Digitised: https://n2t.durham.ac.uk/ark:/32150/t1mmp48sc94t.html

Physical description of manuscript

Parchment: low quality with pronounced H/F contrast; prominent follicle marks; regular flaws; propensity to curl; edgecuts. Arranged: FH, HF.

Extent: iii+411+ii f
Size: 328 mm x 215 mm


Early modern foliation of the main body of the book in ink; augmented by modern foliation of the flyleaves in pencil.

Secundo folio: de celo uenturus esse

flyleaves (f.i-ii) 2 singletons now glued at the gutter to f.1. Fascicule I: I-IV12, V6, VI12, VII10. Fascicule II: VIII4 (unclear whether a regular quaternion). Fascicule III: IX1 (f.81 – the final leaf of a quire of which the rest is lost), X4, XI-XII12. Fascicule IV: XIII12. Fascicule V: XIV12, XV16. Fascicule VI: XVI-XXII12, XXIII8. Fascicule VII: XXIV-XXV12, XXVI10. Fascicule VIII: XXVII-XXXI12, XXXII8, XXXIII10. Fascicule IX: XXXIV-XXXV12, XXXVI5 (= 4 + 1 [f.382]). Fascicule X: XXXVII6. Fascicule XI: XXXVIII13 (=12 + 1 [f.401]), XXXIX10. Endleaf, a singleton.

Catchwords: Contemporary catchwords on most quires except those which are the last (or the only one) of their fascicule - i.e. quires VII, VIII, XII, XIII, XV, XXIII, XXXVI, XXXIII, XXXVI - and those of fascicule X (quires XXXVII-XXXIX).
Signatures: Leaf lettering and numbering in the first half of most quires of fascicules I, III, and VI-IX, following different systems with partial correspondence to the individual fascicules themselves.

Condition of manuscriptLiquid damage to upper margins; more severe on the first 50 leaves - the stain running the length of f.i-5, decreasing in size thereafter. Part of outer margin of f.193 torn away.

Text-block: 238-280 x 150-168 mm. Two columns (width, 72 mm). The dimensions vary within fascicules as well as from one to the next.
Fascicule I: the text-block gets steadily larger quire by quire from 240 x 160 to 274 x 156 mm.
Fascicule II: 268 x 155 mm.
Fascicule III gets steadily smaller quire by quire from 258 x 154 to 248 x 152 mm.
Fascicule IV: 242 x 152 mm.
Fascicule V: 245 x 150, then 254 x 152 mm.
Fascicule VI: generally c. 242 x 152 until the last two quires where 230 x 154 and 235 x 162 mm.
Fascicule VII: shrinks quire by quire from 244 x 154 to 233 x 154 mm.
Fascicule VIII: varies without discernible pattern between 232-242 x 150-158 mm.
Fascicule IX: 230 x 163 mm; the supplement 248 x 160 mm.
Fascicule X: 250-2 x 160-8 mm, except f.398v-401v where 256 x 168mm.

Lines: 40-62 (space, 5-6 mm; height of minims, 2 mm).
Fascicule I: 44, 48, 45, 44, 53, 62, 57 by quire. Fascicule II: 47. Fascicule III: 48-50. Fascicule IV: 46. Fascicule V: 51. Fascicule VI: 42-45. Fascicule VII: 42-44; supplement 50. Fascicule VIII: 44-47. Fascicule IX: 40-43; supplement 54. Fascicule X: 44-46; supplement 56.

Pricking: awl and knife. Ruling: lead and ink. Single verticals flank both columns (two in total in the intercolumnar space). First two and last one of the horizontals extended; often also an extra pair of horizontals in the upper margins to guide running heading.


All items except (x), (am), and (ap) written in Anglicana formata ; generally upgraded to a larger Textualis semi-quadrata for explicits. Varies in size and compression. The hand is closely similar, and probably identical to that which wrote DCL MS A.III.11, Part F.
(x) and (am). First stint: Textualis semiquadrata, compact, becoming more cursive as work progresses; second stint, cursive
(ap), written over text by Scribe 1, erased. Textualis semi-quadrata Decoration matching that in the rest of the book was supplied for the incipit, indicating that this hand is contemporary.


Decorated initials, 3+ lines high, plus extensions or border bars of varying size, head items (a) capitula, (a) incipit, (b), (c), (g)-(k), (l) incipit, (l) sixth question (f.140v), (m)-(q), (r) incipit, (r) Book II, (s)-(w), (y), (z), (aa)-(aj), (ak) Incipit, (ak) Book II; (al), and (ao)-(aq). The letters and borders are constructed from tubes, punctuated by florettes, sprouting crude ivy leaves, plus occasional beast, bird, hybrid or dragonesque elements; predominantly coloured dusky blue, muddy pink, with details in red, orange, green, white, gold and silver; their quality rudimentary. The decoration has generally left stains on the facing page. Such offsets also appear on f.55r, 147r, 166v, opposite which there is (now) no decoration, perhaps reflecting periods when the leaves were disordered (the stain on f.166v is manifestly an offset from the decoration on f.169r). Subsections generally marked by 2-line-high initials, alternately red then blue flourished in the other colour. Further subdivisions via paraphs, alternately red then blue; some sentence capitals stroked in red. The 2- or 3-line-high spaces reserved for initial in added items (x) and (am) remained unfilled.


Rebacked by Tucketts, 7 March 1846 (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century). Wooden boards (11 mm); 4 raised bands; earlier blind-stamped leather covers preserved (three rectangles one inside the other, the central zone divided into three crossed squares, one above the other); two metal clasps; 345 x 220 x 82 mm; modern chemise. A slip in the book reports that the same rolls were used B.III.30 and Inc. 1 (Augustine; 1473), declaring the work Durham s. xvii, with the references ‘cf. Don[o]r’s Book; by Richard Curtis’. The impressions on the endleaf (f.412) from board channels correspond to their current positions.

Manuscript history

Written in England, Oxford ?, early 14th century.


Inscription: Iste liber assignatur communi librarie monachorum Dunelm′ per Dominum Willelmum Poklyngton′ Monachum ibidem. et sacre Theologie Bacularium, early 15th century, f.iiv, top. William Pocklington, monk of Durham, B.Th. by 1406, died 1442/3.
Pressmark: 2 2i.K., f.1r, top right, 15th century (the K may have been added).

Manuscript contents
f.i and 412
Original title: Codex
Author: Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565
Date: 14th century
Language: Latin

III, 38.xii – III.43, xi end, with contemporary interlinear and marginal glosses. Two consecutive leaves, written in Italy. Reused as pastedowns in an earlier binding, with consequent glue-staining

Fascicule I    
(a)     f.1r-24r
Original title: Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide et spe et caritate
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Laurentio scribens eius eruditione delectatur cupiens illum esse sapientem secundum scripturas sanctas
Explicit: commodum quam prolixum de fide et spe, et caritate conscripsi
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini episcopi Ench[eridion] ad Laurentium primicerium notarum ecclesie urbis Rome. De fide et spe et caritate
Language: Latin

f.1r-3r, Capitula list, 136 numbered entries. 136 chapters, numbered in Roman numerals in the side margins. Textually distinct from the version in DCL MS A.III.11, Part E. Occasional ‘Nota’s copied by the main scribe. Light contemporary annotation by a second hand.

(b)     f.24v-53r
Original title: De diversis quaestionibus lxxxiii
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Omne verum a veritate verum est
Explicit: ut neuter alterum dimitteret si fideles ambo essent
Rubric: Aurelii augustini doctoris preclarissimi de octoginta tribus questionibus. Questio prima vtrum anima a se ipsa sit.
Language: Latin

83 sections, numbered in Arabic numerals in the margins. Smaller script and extra lines in the lower margin were used so that the end of the text could be squeezed onto f.53r. Light annotation and correction by the original scribe. Annotations on f.34r in a different hand.

(c)     f.53v-76v
Original title: De libero arbitrio
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Dic mihi queso te uturm deus non sit auctor mali
Explicit: modus libri nos iam finem facere et ab hac disputatione requiescere aliquando conpellit
Rubric: Incipit liber primus beati augustini de libero arbitrio a deodatus
Language: Latin

Running heading giving title and book number; chapter numbers in the margins; reference letters a-g down the intercolumnar space on each page. Regular marginal notes by the original scribe, apparently copied as part of the original transcription; a few (e.g. f.66v, 67r, 69r, 69v, 75v) added by a different hand.

Fascicule II    
(d)     f.77r-79r
Modern title: Tabula for (c)
Incipit: Appetitus rationi non subditus miser est
Explicit: Nullo modo vituperandus est creator
Language: Latin

Set out in alphabetical blocks (ending with U/V), each headed by the relevant letter. There are head-letters, but no entries, for G, K and Q. Each entry starts a new line, its initial stroked in red;headwords (generally not the first word of the entry) are occasionally underlined in red. The references (chapter number, book number, reference letter) were added by a different hand from that responsible for the main text; on f.78v they were occasionally misplaced and then linked to the correct entry by an ink line.

(e)     f.79r-80v
Modern title: Tabula for (b)
Incipit: Anima utrum a sit a deo an
Explicit: supra animam supra hereditates, supra natum
Rubric: Tabula super librum 83 trium questionum augustini
Language: Latin

Arranged in alphabetical blocks, each headed by the relevant letter (no K; ends with X); most entries begin with the headword. References (question number, plus sometimes a letter) were copied as an integral part of the text. No reference for the final entry.

Fascicule III    
(f)     f.81r
Original title: De visitatione infirmorum
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Explicit: Qui vivit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum, amen.
Language: Latin

II.8, end only, owing to loss of preceding leaves.

(g)     f.2-229
Original title: Liber sive diffinitio ecclesiasticorum dogmatum
Author: Gennadius, of Marseilles, active 5th century
Incipit: Credimus unum deum esse patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum, patrem, eo quod habeat filium
Explicit: libere confitemus, ymaginem in eternitate similitudinem inveniri in moribus
Language: Latin

57 sections numbered in Arabic numerals. A few annotations, the majority probably by the original scribe.

(h)     f.85r-109v
Original title: Retractationes
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Iam diu istud facere cogito atque dispono quod nunc adiuuante domino aggredior
Explicit: Ad quos supra de correptione et gratia liber vnus
Rubric: Incipit Retractaciones Beatissimi Augustini episcopi
Language: Latin

Book II starts on f.100v. The text ends half way down col. 1 on f.109v; the remainder of the page is blank. In Book I, every chapter but the last is preceded by a rubric. In Book II, the spaces reserved within the main text-block for rubrics remain unfilled; however, the relevant wording was supplied both in the margins in ordinary ink and as a consolidated list at the end of the text (in accordance with the rubric on f.109r and contrary to that on f.109v, only the titles for Book II are here included).

Fascicule IV    
(i)     f.110r-121v
Original title: De fide ad Petrum
Author: Fulgentius, Saint, Bishop of Ruspa, 468-533
Incipit: Epistolam fili petre tue caritatis accepi, in qua te significasti uelle ierosolimam pergere et poposcisti te
Explicit: et si quis aliter sapit, hoc quoque illi deus reuelauit.
Rubric: Incipit liber sancti Augustini ad Petrum dyaconem de fide trinitatis
Language: Latin

Text ends, f.121v, col. 1. Col. 2 is blank. Light contemporary annotation, generally flagging themes. The original chapter numbering went awry after 42 (the following chapter being designated 13) and all subsequent numbers had to have their first numeral corrected.

Fascicule V    
(j)     f.122r-134r
Original title: Sententiae ex operibus S. Augustini
Author: Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, approximately 390-approximately 463
Incipit: Innocentia uera est que nec sibi nec alteri nocet quoniam qui diligit iniquitatem odit animam suam
Explicit: Memor autem eris si te ipsum respexeris
Rubric: Augustinus De vera Innocentia
Language: Latin

390 numbered sections, each with its own rubric, the last being De diuiciis. Numerous minor corrections, seemingly by the original scribe

(k)     f.134r-136r
Original title: De tribus habitaculis animae
Author: Patrick, Bishop of Dublin, -1084
Incipit: Tria sunt sub omnipotentis dei manu habitacula
Explicit: per omnia secula seculorum. Amen
Rubric: Incipit augustinus de Pena inferni et gaudiis paradisi
Language: Latin
(l)     f.136r-142r
Original title: Epistola 102
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Sincerissimo fratri et presbitero deo gratias, Augustinus in domino, salutem
Explicit: quod autem latuerit sine salutis dispendio tolerandum
Rubric: Incipit tractatus beati Augustini Ad deo gratias presbiterum contra sex questiones paganorum
Language: Latin

The incipit of the sixth and final question (f.140v) is mark by a decorated initial plus border bar (nos. 1-5 are marked by flourished initials). Light contemporary annotation, including reference to Anselm, f.140r (Quire 4, end). Text ends at top of f.152r/col. 2; rest of the page, all of f.152v, and the first column of f.143r, blank.

(m)     f.143r-149r
Original title: De decem chordis
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Dominus deus noster misericors et miserator longanimis et multum misericors et uerax
Explicit: Erit ergo illic sabbatum sabbatorum. Quod hic desideramus ibi inueniemus, Amen
Rubric: In nomine Sancte trinitatis Incipit Sermo Sancti Augustini de x cordis
Language: Latin

A few contemporary Nota marks

Fascicule VI    
(n)     f.149r-149v
Original title: De caritate
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Qvi diuinarum scripturarum multiplicem habundantiam
Explicit: non solum sit grauis sed etiam breuis finit
Rubric: Sermo Sancti Augustini de laude caritatis
Language: Latin

Sermo 350

(o)     f.150r-193r
Original title: De doctrina christiana
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Libros de doctrina christiana cum inperfectos comperissem
Explicit: potui facultate disserui
Rubric: Incipit liber beati augustini de doctrina christiana prologus
Language: Latin

Retractationes II.4 followed by De doctrina christiana. Text ends f.193r, col. 1, top; the rest of the column is blank. Light contemporary annotation throughout.

(p)     f.193r-206r
Original title: De mendacio
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Magna questio est de mendacio
Explicit: sed faciat cum temptacione etiam exitum ut possitis sustinere
Rubric: Augustinus de mendacio
Language: Latin

Space reserved for an initial rubric remained unfilled. Divided into 25 numbered sections. Light contemporary annotation throughout.

(q)     f.206r-218v
Original title: Contra mendacium ad Consentum
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Multa mihi legenda misisti
Explicit: ut uix ad eius terminum quem loco isto fiximus ueniremus
Language: Latin

No initial rubric. Running heading: Liber contra mendacium. Divided into 42 numbered sections.

(r)     f.219r-232v
Original title: De adulterinis coniugiis
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Prima questio est frater dilectissime pollenti earum quas ad me scribens
Explicit: siue probatioris occasio castitatis
Language: Latin

Space reserved for first rubric remained unfilled.

(s)     f.233r-233v
Original title: Epistola 200
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Epistola beati augustini ad valerium comitem, Et quasi prefatio in librum qui sequitur. Domino illustri et merito prestantissimo atque in Christi dilectione carissimo filio valerio, Augustinus in domino salutem
Explicit: ipse sue principio commodius intimabit
Language: Latin

Preface to (t)

(t)     f.233v-241v
Original title: De nuptiis et concupiscentia
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Heretici noui dilectissime fili valeri qui medicinam Christi
Explicit: ut etiam nocturnas aliquas horas lectioni vigilanter inpendas
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini de nuptiis et concupiscencia
Language: Latin

Book I only. Two subdivisions marked by paraphs; 36 chapter numbers added to the margins in lead (some of the numbers subsequently inked over). Light but persistent contemporary annotation throughout.

Fascicule VII    
(u)     f.242r-252r
Original title: De bono coniugali
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Quoniam unusquisque homo humani generis pars est et sociale
Explicit: sed propter christum coniuges propter christum patres fuerunt
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini de bono coniugali
Language: Latin

A single major subdivision marked at ‘Semel autem initium conubium in ciuitate dei nostri’. Intermittent contemporary section numbering. Occasional contemporary DM, exm, and Nota marks written by the main scribe.

(v)     f.252r-266v
Original title: De sancta virginitate
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Librum de bono coniugali nuper edidimus in quo etiam christi virgines admonuimus atque monemus
Explicit: et orantes etiam pro nobis, benedicite sancti et humiles corde dominum hymnum dicite et superexaltate eum in secula. Amen.
Rubric: Incipit liber beati augustini de bono virginitatis
Language: Latin

Divided into 55 numbered sections. Running heading in lead. A few contemporary and some added Notas.

(w)     f.266v-270v
Original title: De disciplina christiana
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Locutus est ad nos sermo dei et depromptus est ad exhortationem nostram
Explicit: Recole euangelium quod audisti, Ego et pater vnum sumus conuerti ad dominum Amen.
Rubric: Incipit liber beati augustini de disciplina christiana
Language: Latin

Text is divided into 19 numbered sections. Early annotation in the margins

(x)     f.270v-275v
Original title: De natura boni
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Liber de natura summi boni aduersum manicheos
Explicit: celestem uitam eternamque preponant, te prestante qui uiuis et regnas per omnia secula seculorum amen.
Rubric: Incipit prologus Aurelii augustini de Natura boni
Language: Latin

A contemporary 14th century supplement, written by a different hand and to a smaller gauge than most of the texts, but with marginalia (f.271r-v) by the same hand as annotated (w). Text ends halfway down f.275v, col. 1; the rest of the page, blank.

Fascicule VIII    
(y)     f.276r-285r
Original title: De perfectione iusticiae hominis
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Sanctis fratribus et coepiscopis eutropio Augustinus
Explicit: ab auribus omnium remouendum, et ore omnium anathematizandum esse non dubito.
Rubric: Incipit liber beati augustini De perfectione iusticie
Language: Latin

33 subsections marked by a paraph in the text and a number in the margin; other subdivision marked by a paraph only. Light contemporary annotation in red.

(z)     f.285r-302r
Original title: De natura et gratia
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Librum quem misistis karissimi filii timasti et iacobe intermissis paululum que in manibus erant
Explicit: Ipsa est enim gratia dei per iesum christum dominum nostrum, cui est cum patre et spiritu sancto eternitas bonitas in secula seculorum, Amen
Rubric: Incipit liber Augustini de perfectione iusticie
Language: Latin

Divided into 71 sections by numbers in the margins plus brown ink paraphs inserted into the text. Light but persistent contemporary annotation both in ordinary ink and in red ink.

(aa)     f.302r-314r
Original title: De gratia et libero arbitrio
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Propter eos qui liberum nominis
Explicit: et saluatoris nostri iesu christi, cui est gloria et honor et regnum cum patre et spiritu sancto in secula seculorum Amen
Rubric: Incipit liber beati augustini De gratia et libero arbitrio
Language: Latin

Boxed section numbers to 44 in the margins. Light contemporary annotation in red throughout.

(ab)     f.314r-326r
Original title: De correptione et gratia
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Lectis litteris vestris valentini frater dilectissime et qui simul seruitis deo
Explicit: et cooperit multitudinem peccatorum
Rubric: Incipit liber de correptione et gratia
Language: Latin

Boxed numbers to 77 in the margins. Light contemporary annotation in red.

(ac)     f.326r-333r
Original title: De vera et falsa penitentia
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Quantum sit appetenda gratia penitencie; omnis clamat auctoritas
Explicit: prerogatiuam contulit bonitatis, et in ipso stabilitatis in odorem suauitatis Amen.
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini de uera et falsa penitencia, prologus
Language: Latin

Ends halfway down f.333r, col. 1; the rest of the column, blank. Boxed numbers to 20 in the margins. Regular contemporary annotation.

Cited: Bloomfield, 4419
(ad)     f.333r-334v
Original title: De igne purgatorio
Author: Caesarius, of Arles, Saint, 470?-542
Incipit: In lectione apostolica
Explicit: et elemosinarum argitate possimus redimere, prestante domino nostro iesu Christo qui cum patre etc.
Rubric: Augustinus de igne purgatorio
Language: Latin

Attributed to Augustine. The space reserved for initial rubric remained unfilled. Occasional marginal notes by the original scribe.

(ae)     f.334v-339v
Original title: Sermo 351 (De utilitate agendae penitentie)
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Quam sit utilis et necessaria penitencie medicina, facillime homines intelligunt qui se homines esse meminerunt
Explicit: et nullo temporalis mortis periculo mors eterna uitatur.
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini de penitencia
Language: Latin

Section numbers to 23 in the margins. Occasional contemporary annotation.

(af)     f.339v-340r
Original title: Sermo 393 (De penitentibus)
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Penitentes, penitentes, penitentes si estis penitentes et non estis irridentes
Explicit: Ergo dimitte incertum et tene certum
Language: Latin

Contemporary Nota lines in red.

(ag)     f.340v-342r
Original title: Sermo de decem praeceptis et decem plagis Egypti
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Caesarius, of Arles, Saint, 470?-542
Incipit: Non est sine causa fratres dilectissime quod preceptorum legis dei numerus
Explicit: ad terram repromissionis poteritis peruenire auxiliante domino nostro iseu christo qui vivit in secula seculorum. Amen.
Rubric: Hic incipit tractatus beati augustini de decem legis preceptis et titodem plagis
Language: Latin

Plagues are numbered in the margins. A couple of contemporary annotations.

(ah)     f.342r-345r
Original title: Tractatus de assumptione BVM
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Ad interrogata de uirginis et matris domini resolutione temporali et assumptione perhenni quid intelligam responsurus
Explicit: ignosce tu et tui qui cum deo patre ...
Rubric: Liber augustini de assumptione beate marie
Language: Latin

Light but persistent contemporary annotation.

(ai)     f.345r-348v
Original title: De virtute orandi
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141
Incipit: Quo studio et quo affectu a nobis orandus sit deus, nostra miseria simul
Explicit: cuius mens in oratione accenditur et gratissimum deo sacrificium in ara cordis aboletur.
Rubric: Incipit liber augustini de oracione.
Language: Latin

Attributed to Augustine. Light contemporary annotation.

(aj)     f.349r-352v
Original title: Hypomnesticon
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: Addere etiam hoc quam maxime huic operi oportet
Explicit: Ipsius erit potestatis iudicium in nobis debitum mutare damnacionis gratiam predestinacionis indebitam prerogare Amen
Rubric: Aurelii augustini liber contra pelagianos De predestinatione
Language: Latin

Persistent contemporary annotation. Text ends halfway down f.352v col. 1. The rest of f.352v and all of f.353, blank.

Fascicule IX    
(ak)     f.354r-368r
Original title: Soliloquium
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Voluenti michi multa ac uaria mecum diu
Explicit: qui beatissimum quidam post hoc corpus et veritatis plenissimum sine ullo mendacio pollicetur. Amen. Fia ut speramus.
Rubric: Incipit liber primus Soliloquiroum beati Augustini
Language: Latin

Book 2 starts on f.360r; chapter numbers in the margin to 21 for Bk I and to 26 for Bk II. Occasinal added Nota marks.

(al)     f.368r-375v
Original title: De agone christiano
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Corona victorie non promittitur nisi certantibus
Explicit: coronam victorie mereamur
Language: Latin

Space reserved for initial rubric remained unfilled. 14 subsections marked by paraphs. Themes intermittently flagged in the margins by the original scribe; some added Nota marks.

(am)     f.375v-382v
Original title: De cognitione verae vitae
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Honorius, of Autun, approximately 1080-approximately 1156
Incipit: Sapientia dei que os muti aperuit, et rudibili animali humana uerba formare tribuit
Explicit: quia in ea huius glorie consors erit. Fratres vere uite et omnium beate viventium faciat te deus participem; qui nos omnes ad summum bonum perducat
Rubric: Incipit prefatio in cognitione uere uite
Language: Latin

Early addition, starting on 5 formerly blank leaves at the end of quire XXXV, continued on the added short quire XXXVI. Themes flagged in the margin by the original scribe.

Fascicule X    
(an)     f.383r-388v
Original title: De cura pro mortuis gerenda
Author: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
Incipit: Diu sanctitati tue episcope uenerande pauline rescriptorum debitor fui
Explicit: profecto interrogationi tue mea responsio defuisset
Rubric: Aurelii Augustini doctoris egregii de cura pro mortuis gerenda
Language: Latin

The scribe continued into the lower margin for 6 extra lines on f.388v col. 2 in order to complete the text. Subdivided into 33 sections, numbered in the margins. A few added Nota marks.

Fascicule XI    
(ao)     f.389r-398v
Original title: De spiritu et anima
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Alcher, de Clairvaux, active 12th century
Incipit: Quoniam dictum est michi ut meipsum noscam
Explicit: Quod quidem in tantum sublime est, vt quidquid supra illud est, aliud non sit quam ratio
Rubric: Incipit liber Augustini de spiritu de anima
Language: Latin

Possibly by Alcherus of Clairvaux. Text divided into 29 chapters, numbered in the margins. Extensive contemporary annotation throughout.

(ap)     f.398v-401v
Original title: De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Autpertus, Ambrosius, -784
Incipit: Apostolica uox clamat per orbem atque in procinctu fidei positis ne securitate torpeant, dicit
Explicit: Iactis etiam lapidibus uel stercoribus perturbat, ut eos quoquo pacto ab spirituali opere retrahens inanes efficiat
Rubric: Incipit liber sancti Augustini Episcopi de conflictu uitiroum et uirtutum
Language: Latin

f.399r-401v originally contained text by the main scribe, which was erased to make way for the continuation of the present text, written by scribe 3. The incipit initial was supplied (in the same style as the rest of the decoration in the book), but section initials were not. Chapter numbering intermittently added in the margins, 14th century; light 14th century annotation.

Cited: Bloomfield, 455
(aq)     f.402r-411r
Original title: Dialogus quaestionum lxv
Author: Pseudo-Augustine
Incipit: De singulis personis
Explicit: qui preesse desiderat non prodesse
Rubric: Incipiunt capitula questionum orosii et responsiones sancti augustini
Language: Latin

The names, Or′ and Aug′ are written in red in the margins beside the relevant questions and responses. f.411v, blank.

Microfilmed in 1985/86 by the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Copies held by them and Durham Cathedral Library.

Digitised material for Durham Cathedral Library MS. B.II.29 - Augustine and Ps.-Augustine, Works
Digitised April 2019 as part of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project. Due to the binding, there are many images throughout the volume with marginalia and text not visible in the image because they are too far into the gutter. Folio 385 has been incorrectly foliated as 355 in ink foliation, with a pencil cross added. The images have been foliated as f.385 with 355x written underneath. The last image is of a hand written note found inside the volume about the binding stamp.


Bloomfield, M.W., ed., Incipits of Latin works on the virtues and vices 1100-1500 AD including a section of incipits of works on the Pater Noster (Cambridge, MA: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1979)

Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.   OCLC citation, Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).

de Hamel, Christopher, Glossed books of the Bible and the origins of the Paris book trade   OCLC citation, (Woodbridge, Suffolk, England: Boydell Press, 1984)

Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160, Commentarium in Psalmos   OCLC citation, Library of Latin Texts A (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010)

Mynors, R.A.B., Durham Cathedral manuscripts to the end of the twelfth century. Ten plates in colour and forty-seven in monochrome. With an introduction [including a list of all known Durham manuscripts before 1200]   OCLC citation, (Durham: 1939)

Index terms