Composite volume of 5 parts: (A) f.1-30, Marian texts; (B) f.31-105, Biblical Exempla; (C) f.?106-156, Ps.-Bonaventura (James of Milan), Stimulus amoris; (D) f.157-175, Jacobus de Cessolis, De ludo scaccorum; (E) f.176-187, 189, Odo of Cheriton, Parabolae. Brought together by mid 15th century at the latest (content list on f.2*v), by which time f.1*-2* had been prefixed to them (two singletons of thicker parchment, currently glued at the gutter to the final leaf of quire I and to the first of quire II respectively.) That (A)-(C) and (E) were associated in earlier 15th century is shown by the fact that a single hand of that date made additions to them ((D) is now imperfect and the endleaves to which this hand is most likely to have contributed are lost).
Foliated: ‘1*’-‘2*’ in modern pencil, then ‘1’-‘187’, ‘189’ in ink
Standard Tuckett binding, mid 19th century full brown calf over thick wooden boards (Charles Tuckett, binder to the British Museum, rebound many Durham manuscripts in the 19th century). Rust stains on f.1-2 from the fixtures for a pair of clasps on an earlier binding that presumably predated the addition of f.1*-2* (which do not have corresponding stains).
Inscription: “Liber sancti Cuthberti dunelm′ cuius vsus conceditur domino Roberto Ebchest′ Monacho dunelm′ per venerabilem patrem Magistrum Willelmum Ebchest′ quondam Ecclesie cathedralis dunelm′ priorem”, written about 1446, f.2*v, top (Robert Ebchester, monk of Durham approximately 1455-54; William Ebchester, prior 1446-56).
Inscription: “Iste liber Assignatur Nouo Armariolo In Claustro Ecclesie Dunelm′ Per Venerabilem Patrem Magistrum Iohannem Auklande Priorem Eiusdem Ecclesie; about 1484, f.1*v, top (John Auckland, prior 1484-94).
Mid 15th century contents list, f.2*v, registering Aa, d, and e, Ba, Ca, D and Ea; modestly amplified and “T 12” added, 15th/16th century, by Thomas Swalwell, monk of Durham approximately 1483-1539, who may also have provided the author identifications on f.107r and f.155r.
Parchment: low quality with pronounced contrast in tone between H/F sides; flaws, edgecuts, small leaves. Arranged FH, HF.
I-II12, III6
Text-block: 169 x 100 mm. Lines: 39 (space, 5; height of minims, 2 mm).
f.1r-30v/ line 26 (a)-(f). Written in Anglicana, variable; upgrades to a larger and more formal version for the quotations from Ave maris stella on f.1r and f.2v.
f.30v (g). Secretary, functional. Same as scribe 2 of Parts (B), (C), and (E).
The ink drawing added to f.2*v, 15th/16th century, relates to the subject-matter of this Part, to which it is, in effect, a frontispiece. Within a central panel is an image of BVM, right breast exposed, cradling the Christ-child who has a cross-nimbed halo. The ground below the panel is split by a fissure, from which emerge the head and shoulders of a tonsured figure in a dark robe, his hands clasped in prayer. A scroll extending from his mouth up to the Virgin and Child panel is inscribed, “Salve regina mater misericordie”; within the fissure is written “ad te suspiramus in hac lacrimarum valle” (lines 4-5 of the Salve Regina).
Blue initials, flourished in red, 4 lines high for the start of (a) and (e), 2 lines high for the start of (b), (c), (d) and (f) and for the individual sermons and miracles in (a) and (f).
Written in England, later 14th century.
Six items. Marginal notes copied as part of original transcription.
Attributed to Peter Comestor.
24 pieces
Extract from Gospel of Ps.-Matthew
Six lines, inserted into formerly vacant space at the end of (f)
Parchment: low quality with pronounced contrast in tone between H/F sides; stout and stiff, prominent follicle marks, edgecuts. Arranged FH, HF.
Text-block: 162 x 100 mm. Lines: 35 (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 1.5-2 mm).
f.31r-105r/line 7 ((a)-(c)). Anglicana; larger version used for rubrics. Additions to f.32v, ?86v, and 105r/lines 8-39 (item (d)). Same as scribe 2 of Parts (A), (C) and (E).
Item (a) is headed by a blue initial, 3 lines high, flourished in red. Chapters in (a) and sections in (b) are headed by a 2-line-high initial, alternately red flourished in purple then blue flourished in red. Paraphs, alternately red then blue, head each exemplum in (a).
Written in England, late 14th century.
Sunt primogenita, vestis, benedictio prima. | Sessio dupla cibi pars duplex porcio fundi. Two lines inserted below the end of (a)2, formally written in a Secretary-Textualis hybrid and linked by a brace.
f.105v-106v, blank
Parchment: low quality with glaring contrast between H/F sides; flaws, follicle marks. Arranged: FH, HF. Strip sliced off bottom of 147.
I-IV12, V2
Text-block: 178 x 108 mm. Lines: 34-39 (space, 4.5-5 mm; height of minims, 1.5+ mm).
Written in f.107r-156r (a). Anglicana, functional. f.156v (the majority of (b)). Secretary. Same as scribe 2 of Parts (A), (B) and (E).
Each chapter in (a) is headed by an initial, alternately blue flourished in red, then red flourished in purple, the first 3 lines high, the rest 2 lines high. On f.154v-155r (III.17, concerning the ‘Salve Regina’) the start of citations are flagged by a capital stroked in red; 4 red paraphs were also supplied.
Written in England, later 14th century.
Added incrementally by three different hands. The first, responsible for 4 lines, used Anglicana; the second, responsible for 2 lines, wrote in Secretary. The third, responsible for 28 lines, was also the annotator of Parts (A) and (B).
Parchment: low quality with glaring H/F contrast, edgecuts and prominent follicle marks. Arranged: FH, HF.
I12, II8
Text-block: 174 x 108 mm. Lines: 43-44 (space, 4 mm; height of minims, 1 mm).
f.157r-175v, Anglicana, variable. Number of scribes uncertain. Scribal invocation in the upper margin of f.157r: Assit principio sancta maria meo.
The Preface, the start of Tracts II-IV, and most chapters are marked by alternately blue then red initials, flourished in red and purple respectively, 4 lines high for the Preface, 3 lines high otherwise. The incipit of Tract I is unmarked. Subsections are marked by paraphs, red or blue, generally but not invariably in alternation.
Written in England, later 14th century.
Breaks off imperfect in IV.2
Parchment: low quality with glaring H/F contrast; flaws, edgecuts. Arranged FH, HF.
I12 + final singleton (f.189), glued at the gutter to f.187.
Text-block: 176-182 x 104 mm. Lines: 40 (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 1.5 mm).
f.176r-187v (a). Anglicana. f.189. Same hand as Scribe 2 of Parts (A)-(C)
The Incipit is marked by a red and blue initial, 5 lines high, flourished in red and purple. Each exemplum is headed by a 2-line-high initial, alternately red flourished in purple, then blue flourished in red, the flourishing simple, dominated by one or two vertical lines. Many of the marginal moral summaries are braced in red.
Written in England, later 14th century.
Preface and 85 numbered fables (exempla), all with a rubric giving the subject, and a marginal note flagging the moral. 15th century annotation: pointing hands etc.
Nine short pieces, mayn of which are attributed to Hildebert. Written on what was probably an endleaf, by the hand that made additions to Parts (A)-(C).