Edis Photographic Negatives
The Edis firm
Related material (internal)
Related material elsewhere


Reference code: GB-0033-EDI
Title: Edis Photographic Negatives
Dates of creation: ca. 1860- ca. 1960
Extent: ca. 1,840 items
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Edis photographers (Durham)

The Edis firm

The Edis family's photography business flourished in Durham for almost seventy years, from the 1890s until 1964. The survival of the Edis negatives now in Durham University Library owes much to the initiative and energy of Dr. C.W. Gibby. The Library's collection is a selection from the firm's stock made by him, together with Dr. A.I. Doyle, at the time the firm was being wound up. Working in considerable haste, they attempted to pick out negatives relating to the city of Durham, people associated with it and places near it. The University Library bought the negatives they chose, together with the copyright. Further selections were taken by the Cathedral Library and the University's Department of Archaeology. The remainder of the stock, consisting largely of portraits, was acquired by what is now the Beamish North of England Open Air Museum.
John Reed Edis, founder of the firm, was born in London in 1860 and became one of the first students at Quintin Hogg's newly founded Polytechnic, where he trained as a photographer. About 1885 he moved to Darlington where he worked in partnership with another photographer. In the 1890s he set up business in Durham, at first in the Sherburn Road. By 1897 however he had moved to Saddler Street where the firm remained for the rest of its existence, initially at no.53, from 1898 to 1932 at no.52, and from 1933 at no.51. Edis became official photographer to the Dean and Chapter of Durham, to the colleges of the University and to Durham School, and also established a reputation as a landscape photographer. After his death in 1942, the firm was carried on by his daughter, Mrs. Spence, who had joined her father in the business in 1901, while still in her teens. As "Daisy" she was familiar to generations of Durham schoolboys and undergraduates as the photographer of their school and college groups, but she was also a specialist in portrait photography, becoming an associate and then fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and a fellow of The Institute of British Photography. Her portraits were widely exhibited, in the U.S.A. and Japan, as well as in Britain. These details of her career and of her father's are based on recollections communicated to Dr. Gibby by her son, Rev. J.E. Spence.


The University Library's Edis collection contains about 1,840 glass negatives, comprising mainly Durham City and University subjects, with a great number of portraits. Negatives of buildings and views in Durham City constitute a large part of the collection. Only a minority are dated, the earliest two views of the interior of St. Giles Church in 1910, the latest a picture taken in 1963 of the cottage at the end of South Bailey, a site now occupied by St. Cuthbert's Society. The negatives record many other buildings now demolished or much altered. They include a fine selection of period-piece shop fronts, views of the market-place decorated for the coronation of George V in 1911, showing the pant still in position there, and a photograph of its demolition in 1923, prior to its removal to Wharton Park. Perhaps the most striking photograph in the collection is one of the Durham headquarters of the British Union of Fascists, with four blackshirts on guard outside. The Durham negatives also include many of the Cathedral and Castle, a number of them recording paintings from the latter. Among the portraits are numerous school and university groups, and pictures of the staff of local firms and of local organisations from the Langley Park Rechabites to a Durham branch of the Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers.
Outside Durham there are negatives of Newton Hall and both the exterior and interior of Coxhoe Hall, showing some of the furnishings. Others record collieries in the Durham neighbourhood and interiors of miners' cottages, council housing, road works and bridge repairs. Engineering, industrial, and surveying pictures taken for Durham County Council and other institutions and companies in the 1920s and 1930s, and for Siemens of Hartlepool, Spennymoor and elsewhere in the 1940s and 1950s, make up significant groups.
Since the collection was originally acquired by the Library three further groups of negatives have been added to it by donation. Two of these, both given by Dr. Gibby, are entirely unconnected with the Edis firm. First is a group of about 20 stereoscopic negatives ("Stereo pairs") which seem to date from the 1860s, and which Dr. Gibby acquired through William Arthur Bramwell, the Durham City amateur photographer of the first half of the century. The second group consists of about 50 glass negatives mainly of Durham Castle and Cathedral by Reuben Green, a butler at Durham Castle in the first half of the 20th century. (These are mostly identified by a green ink numeral in the corner of the glass). The third group consists of some twenty glass negatives, mostly of Ramsden's Yorkshire pubs, found (in poor condition) in an outhouse of Miss Edis's house in Gilesgate by a later owner, Professor Frank Spooner; only the place in which they were discovered connects them with the Edis firm.

Accession details


The negatives are generally shelved in sequence. When, usually because of its size, a negative is shelved out of sequence, its number is given an asterisk (*) suffix. It is helpful if users of the collection can include this in their citations.
The work of identifying and arranging the negatives in the collection was begun by Dr. Gibby, and has been completed by Roger Norris of the University Library staff, who has compiled this handlist (a revision and expansion of the earlier list by Mrs. Christine Purcell). The collection's arrangement, originally devised by Dr. Gibby, is broadly alphabetical by the subject descriptor assigned to individual negatives. Material on Durham Castle is grouped in class Ca, and on Durham Cathedral at Ch; portraits and groups are at Pi. Class X contains negatives of so far unidentified subjects. Some inconsistencies in the use of descriptors and in choice of terminology mean that the resulting sequence does not itself produce a satisfactory subject guide to the collection, and a subject index is therefore provided at the end of the list. (This has been thought preferable to a rearrangement of the collection, since the location numbers assigned by Dr. Gibby had already been used for citation purposes when the University Library took over work on completing the cataloguing of the collection). The X class has been indexed under the most general headings; users of the collection may find these negatives a challenge to their local knowledge, and the Library would greatly welcome any improved identifications users can supply of these and other items in the collection. Indexing of photographs of industrial machinery of the 1930-50s has proved particularly difficult, and the Library staff hope that users of the collection who recognise the processes involved will provide corrections and amplifications of the descriptions in the list.
A complete visual index of 5" x 3" prints of the negatives, arranged in the same order as the collection, is available for users of the collection in the Palace Green Library's Special Reading Room. This is largely the work of Dr. Gibby and Mr. D.V. Kelly.

Related material (internal)

There are Edis photographs in many other photographic collections at Durham.

Related material elsewhere

Parts of the Edis firm's stock went to Durham Cathedral Library, Durham County Record Office and Beamish Museum.


EDI/A1   28 April 1931
Aycliffe; crossroads.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A2a   1949
Northern Architectural Association: presidential chain.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A2b   1951
Northern Architectural Association: presidential chain.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A3   1953
Northern Architectural Association: presidential chain (2 negs.)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A4   28 April 1931
Aycliffe (2 negs.)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A5   28 April 1931
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A6   December 1926
Aycliffe: Anglo-Saxon crosses at the church; photographed from a book, for Wilson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/A7   February 1938
Albert Street, Durham: no.7 - back door of G.A. Greenwell; photographed for J.G. Green
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Picture by Henry Alken(?) of two racehorses with grooms.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Advertisement hoarding. Exterior: Pity Me(?)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B1   12 February 1925
Browney Bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B4   1921
Bow School, Durham: group
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bearpark Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Baths: Interior view.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: Chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B8   June 1923
Bede College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B10   July 1929
Brandon Pit: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Georgian doorway.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B12   August 1928
Brandon Colliery; photographed for Strakers & Love.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B13   12 February 1925
Browney Bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B16   12 February 1925
Browney Bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B17   24 March 1925
Browney Bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B18   August 1928
Brandon Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B19   12 February 1925
Brandon Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B20   February 1925
Browney Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B21   1931
Bede College, Durham, soccer (A.F.C.) team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Brancepeth Church: interior looking west, with font.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Chad's College river banks, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Brancepeth Castle: entrance to estate.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B27   1963
South Bailey, Durham: cottage at end of.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bow Lane, Durham, looking west (2 negs.)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B33   September 1925
Browney Bridge, with 4 m.p.h. notice.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 12.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: no. 3 - St. John's College entrance.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: chapel: interior looking west.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Bailey, Durham: former St. Chad's College.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B41   July 1929
Brandon C. Pit: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B42   19 March 1937
Blackhall Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B46   September 1925
Browney Bridge works, with danger notice.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B47   September 1925
Browney Bridge , with danger notice.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B48   September 1925
Browney Bridge , with danger notice.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Baths: interior, diving boards with officials (deep end 9′ 6″)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Baths: interior, diving boards with officials (deep end 9′ 6″)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Baths: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B52   March 1925
Browney Bridge, Traction engine (reg.: NH 2228).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Banks, Durham: "Four" rowing on river.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Brancepeth church: font cover with font in background. Reuben Green: 48.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Brandon House.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Brandon House.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: chapel furnishings, chair, kneeler & stand.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B59   May 1929
Bearpark: charabanc of Kelly & Co. Speed 12 m.p.h., photographed for Gresham Insurance Co.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B60   May 1929
Bearpark: charabanc of Kelly & Co. Speed 12 m.p.h., photographed for Gresham Insurance Co.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B61   24 March 1925
Browney view; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B62   24 March 1925
Browney Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: Theatre tableau in new chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bewcastle: Anglo-Saxon cross.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B65   24 March 1925
Browney view: fenestration of house front; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: Christmas tableau in new chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Browney Bridge: speed restriction (to 4 m.p.h.) notice.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Brancepeth Pit: clinker tubs.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B69   February 1925
Browney Bridge: structural flaw.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B70   February 1925
Browney Bridge: structural flaw.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B71   July 1929
Brandon Colliery Pit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: chapel with tableau of three magi.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bede College, Durham: chapel with altar.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B74   24 March 1925
Browney Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/B75   July 1929
Brandon Colliery Pit: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Banks of the river Wear at Durham.
Size: 16 x 14 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C1   July 1911
Durham Chronicle Staff outside Cosin's Hall, Palace Green, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Neville's Cross Co-op, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C3   February 1924
St. Chad's College, Durham: chapel, interior looking East. (2 negs.)
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath, Durham: Fowler's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle Chare Convent, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Oswald's Church, Durham: Chancel looking east.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C7   February 1925
Coxhoe Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C8   April 1924
Claypath, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath, Durham: Fowler's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C10   October 1936
Claypath, Durham: no. 80 - Old city public library.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C11   October 1936
Claypath, Durham: no. 80 - Old city public library.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C12   October 1936
Claypath, Durham: no. 80 - Old city public library.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackay's carpet factory, Freeman's Place, Durham: Engine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C14   March 1911
Claypath Co-op, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C15   1931
Chester-le-Street traffic jam.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C16   March 1925
St. Chad's College, Durham: dining hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C17   February 1925
Coxhoe Hall: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C18   1933
Durham Cathedral choristers, with Canon H.Y. Ganderton.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C19   March 1925
St. Chad's College, Durham: dining hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Court Lane/New Elvet (B. Peace's shop), Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C21   February 1925
Coxhoe Hall: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 i
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 ii
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 iii
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 iv
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 v
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 vi
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 vii
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 viii
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 ix
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C22 x
Council Houses, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C23   June 1923
Claypath, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Crimdon (2 negs).
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Croxdale Viaduct.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Margaret's Church, Durham from South, engraving after W. Pearson, 1820. (3 negs, 1 glass and 2 celluloid).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Croxdale Viaduct.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Croxdale Viaduct.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Croxdale Viaduct.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C30   5 March 1926
Croxdale Old Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C31   5 March 1926
Croxdale Old Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C32   15 March 1926
Chester-le-Street. Bridge and entrance arch to Lambton Park.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C33   January 1927
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C34   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C35   17 March 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C36   17 March 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C37   17 March 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C38   17 March 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C39   15 March 1926
Croxdale Old Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C40   March 1926
Croxdale Bridge plan.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C41   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Church Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath Gate, Durham: Nicholson engraving.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath Gate, Durham: Nicholson engraving.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C45   April 1924
Claypath, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath, Durham: Fowler's shop, advert for "One-o-one".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C47   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C48   March 1926
Croxdale Bridge, diagram of development of soffit of masonry skew arch.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C49   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C50   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C51   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C52   December 1924
Chester-le-Street bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coxhoe Hall: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½. inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coxhoe Hall: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½. inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C55   September 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C56   10 September 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C57   10 September 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C58   15 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C59   10 September 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C60   10 September 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C61   15 March 1926
Croxdale old bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coxhoe Hall: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C63   15 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C64   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C65   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Charley's Cross, Durham, from drawing by Samuel Hieronymus Grimm, 1778 (original in British Museum).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C67   March 1926
Croxdale Bridge: steelwork plan.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C68   February 1924
Charabanc, Tiger no. 2, from Hetton-le-Hole.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C69   June 1923
Claypath, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C70   January 1927
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C71   January 1927
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C72   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C73   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C74   1924
Charabanc, same as C68.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Chad's College, Durham: Chapel, North Bailey.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Front Street, Chester-le-Street: Co-op.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C77   January 1927
Croxdale Bridge; photographed for MacAlpine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C78   February 1927
Croxdale Road bridge; photographed for MacAlpine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C79   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C80   29 May 1926
Croxdale Bridge; photographed for Merritt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C81   1953
Claypath, Durham: Fowler's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C82   1953
Claypath, Durham: Fowler's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath, Durham: no. 80 - old police station.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Christie organ in the Royal Cinema, North Road (after 1934).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C85   17 March 1925
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C86   December 1924
Chester-le-Street bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C87   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C88   5 March 1926
Croxdale Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C89   December 1924
Chester-le-Street: Lambton bridge.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C90   December 1924
Chester-le-Street: Lambton bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C91   December 1924
Chester-le-Street: Lambton bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C92   April 1921
St. Oswald's Churchyard, Durham: war memorial.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Oswald's Church, Durham: clerestory window. Stone decay.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C94   April 1921
St. Oswald's Church, Durham: war memorial.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Oswald's Church, Durham: clerestory window: stone decay.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C96*   c. 1860
St. Oswald's Church, Durham: churchyard. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x6¾ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C97*   c. 1860
St Oswald's Church, Durham: churchyard. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C98   April 1924
Cottage hospital. Plans and elevation of a proposed cottage hospital, derived from The builder.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C99   April 1924
Cottage hospital. Plans and elevation of a proposed cottage hospital, derived from The builder.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C100   c. 1930
Chilton Moor church: Interior, photographed for Keith Fraser.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C101   29 May 1926
Croxdale new road bridge; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C102   10 September 1925
Croxdale new bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C103   March 1926
Croxdale new road bridge: plan.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Claypath, Durham: James Fowler Ltd. Window display re Ryvita.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C105   December 1924
Chester-le-Street: beneath the floor timbers of a house (?).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Chad's College, Durham: chapel altar (?)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C107   November 1925
Croxdale bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
[Chilton Moor]: back view of house & garden; photographed for Keith Fraser (vicar of Chilton Moor till 1929).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C109   6 November 1925
Croxdale bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
9 The College, Durham Archdeacon of Durham's house. A positive.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C111   May 1919
Coke Oven Construction Company: works interior.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C112   May 1919
Coke Oven Construction Company: works interior.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C113   29 May 1926
Croxdale: New bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C114   May 1919
Coke Oven Construction Company: works interior, (negative badly faded.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coke: different grades.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C116   24 March 1925
Croxdale bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C117   24 March 1925
Croxdale bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C118   24 March 1925
Croxdale bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C119   c. 1910-1920?
Crossgate, Durham, looking East from the steps of nos. 55/56. A photograph, possibly by W.A. Bramwell, not by D. Edis
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C120   10 September 1925
Croxdale new bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C121   10 September 1925
Croxdale new bridge: 1 detail of dog-toothing.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Skull (memento mori with hinged top) belonging to Dr. Crawhall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C123*   30th November 1922
County Club: Durham County Club: Old Elvet, Durham city: menu signatures for 1st Battalion of the D.L.I. 35/29.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/C124   1920
Sketch of Castle, from Crossgate, by Robert Bertram. 35/25.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ca: Durham Castle
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca5   March 1936
Oil painting of Durham Castle, photographed for C.E. Whiting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Gallery, after Edward Bradley (Cuthbert Bede).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca8   April 1914
Norman Chapel: window, photographed for Jones.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle and Cathedral from Framwellgate Bridge, oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Black Staircase, after Edward Bradley.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel, looking East.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway, Tunstall Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway, Tunstall Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway, Tunstall Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from North.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Castle courtyard from the east
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from Framwellgate Bridge, oil painting.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from Framwellgate Bridge, oil painting.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: interior.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway.
Size: 4½ x 6½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Black Staircase.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel, looking East.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Black Staircase.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Fellows' Garden.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel, looking East.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca37   April 1914
North wall; photographed for W.T. Jones, architect.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kitchen door.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Senate Room.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ante-room of the Senior Common Room (top corner of glass negative broken).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Senior Common Room.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ante-room of the Senior Common Room.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from West.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Fellows' Garden, positive.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: capital: lion.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway, Tunstall Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Le Puiset doorway, Tunstall Gallery.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from Framwellgate Bridge.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel, after a 19th century engraving.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel, looking West.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
17th century oil painting of the Castle: as it were, from the chancery building roof, from the South.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca59   24 May 1937
North frontage of Castle, during building of Marks & Spencer.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
The Father Smith organ case (Bernard Smith: 17th cent.) now at the west end of the Tunstall chapel, but formerly (1686-1873) this was the Chaire organ case, part of the east side case of the Cathedral organ.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: apostle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: (St Bartholmew).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: apostle. 6
Size: x½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: (St Matthew).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: apostle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: Italian townscape.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: (Jerome?).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Painting: (Thaddeus?)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Senate Room: fireplace.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: capital: stag.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: leaf.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: bearded face.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: two caryatids.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: mermaid.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: leaf.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Four poster bed.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Four poster bed.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Senior Common Room.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
17 cent. ornate chair.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hall: fireplace.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old chest.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: capital: diaper ornament.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: deer's head.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: caryatids.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: dog with tail in mouth.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: caryatids.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: leaf.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: capital: snake.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: stalking lion.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: strawberry.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: elephant.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: face.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: face.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: face.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: leaf (seven-leafed)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: caryatids.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: cat's head.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: face with teeth.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: lion with teeth.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: view from West. [Reuben Green, no.4/3]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kitchen: view of range.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: misericord: man carrying woman in a wheelbarrow.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kitchen exterior with Tudor panelling. [Reuben Green no.36]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Gallery. [Reuben Green no.5]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Keep & Master's House from Palace Green. [Reuben Green no.17/2]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hall interior: [Reuben Green no.9]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Courtyard. [Reuben Green no.15]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Keep & Master's House from Palace Green.
Size: [Reuben Green no.17/1] inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hall: fireplace. [Reuben Green no.4]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman gallery: window. [Reuben Green no.34]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: bench end. [Reuben Green no.16/3]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: capital: mermaid.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: misericord: St. George and the dragon.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: bench end [Reuben Green no.16/1] [print reversed].
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: bench end [Reuben Green no.16/2] [print reversed].
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel: general interior from West.
Size: 6 x 4 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Distant view of Castle from S.W.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Gallery: Le Puiset doorway.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Judges'/bishop's room.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle from South Street. [Reuben Green no.8]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ante-room of the Senior Common Room. [Reuben Green no.21]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman Chapel. [Reuben Green no.4/1]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
" " [Reuben Green no.4/2]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Norman doorway in Tunstall Gallery: Norman doorway.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tunstall Chapel: Bench end.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Entrance gateway. [Reuben Green no.1]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Inner courtyard. [Reuben Green no.7]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sculpture of a squatting pig.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
View of Castle from below Prebends Bridge - fishermen in foreground. South Street banks.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca135*   c. 1920
Assize Judge's car, with group of policemen, in Durham Castle forecourt. Top right-hand corner broken off.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ca136*   March 1920
Assize Judge's car, with group of police with bicycles, in Durham Castle forecourt.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Castle Great Hall.
Size: 10 x 12 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Fellows' garden looking North East.
Size: 12 x 15 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Castle forecourt.
Size: 12 x 15 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ch: Durham Cathedral and College
EDI/Ch1   1930s
Chapter House: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch2   March 1929
West end with railings.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch3   June 1912
Galilee Chapel: interior, North side.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch4   May 1931
Marble tablet listings, priors and deans, (South Sanctuary aisle).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch5   June 1912
Galilee Chapel: interior, N.E. corner.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Triforium and clerestory.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch7   March 1929
War memorial and railings at East end.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch8   November 1911
Sketch of Deanery, perhaps by R. Surtees; for G.W. Kitchin's book on the Deanery 1912.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Prior's door.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Choir looking West; after Edmund Hastings.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch11   January 1910
Back of College houses (Nos 7 & 8).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch12   June 1912
Galilee Chapel: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Log coffin, Dormitory.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch14   January 1910
No. 7 The College.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch15   June 1912
Galilee Chapel: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch16   June 1912
Galilee Chapel with pulpit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Crib, post 1939.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Crib, post 1939.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chapter House: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Boss in Nine Altars Chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Surface of glass negative badly peeled.
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Clerestory and triforium.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch22   May 1931
Marble tablet listing bishops, priors and deans, (South Sanctuary aisle).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Detail of Porch capitals (includes an archer).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South-west door.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch25   January 1910
Back of College houses (Nos 7-8).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Log coffin, Dormitory.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Empty matrix for Bishop Lewis de Beaumont brass, at the approach to the Sanctuary.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's cross.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's tomb, and feretory.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: King James bedroom.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's cross.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's coffin.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from Prebends' Bridge, positive.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chapter House: interior, 1930s.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: King James bedroom.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chapter House: interior, 1930s.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: King James bedroom.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: King James bedroom.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's cross.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gregory Chapel with Robert Kiddey Mothers' Union bas relief.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sanctuary, looking East.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Aerial view of peninsula and two sides of St. Cuthbert's coffin (2 pictures on negative)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Aerial view of peninsula.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's personal cross.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's coffin.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's coffin (2 archangel side).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's coffin.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Cuthbert's tomb, feretory.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: Chapel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cardinal Thomas Langley's tomb, Galilee Chapel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Altar frontal: Italian, with exotic birds.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Plan of the Cathedral.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roof bosses.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roof bosses.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roof bosses.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cloister garth.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from Prebend's Bridge.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lectern by Scott and Skidmore. Reuben Green: 25.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from corn mill.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
No. 9 The College: Archdeacon of Durham's house. (now part of the Chorister School) positive.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
No. 9 The College: Archdeacon of Durham's house. (now part of the Chorister School) positive.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Galilee chapel/and/Prior Thomas Castel clock (2 pictures on negative)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Aerial view of peninsula/and/two sides of St. Cuthbert's coffin (2 pictures on negative)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nave (empty)/and/feretory (2 pictures on negative)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
RAF window by Hugh Easton in N.W. corner of nave of the Cathedral.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
RAF window by Hugh Easton in N.W. corner of the nave of the Cathedral.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Central altar in Nine Altars Chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Refectory table.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Empty matrix for Lewis de Beaumont brass, in choir.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from Prebend's Bridge.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
No.9 The College: Archdeacon of Durham's house.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch72   March 1929
War memorial at East end.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miners' memorial, nave South aisle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
D.L.I. Chapel in South transept.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Londonderry memorial in north feretory aisle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral with Western spires: 17th cent. oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chair, armorial back, property of Dean C.A. Alington.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bench, armorial back, property of Dean C.A. Alington.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chair, armorial back, property of Dean C.A. Alington.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Galilee Chapel: Bede's shrine from above. [Reuben Green no.24]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ranulf Flambard's crosier.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Galilee Chapel: from N.W. (no pews).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from the North with the octagonal Palace Green and the pre-Pemberton almshouses - all in the distance. [Reuben Green no.27/1]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cathedral from the North with the octagonal Palace Green and the pre-Pemberton almshouses - all in the distance. 5 x 7 Not same as Ch83
Size: [Reuben Green no.27/2] inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Window by Hugh Easton of Gregory Nazianzen in W. wall of N. Transept. In memory of Basil Blackett.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dormitory: display of Anglo-Saxon stones at North end.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Log coffin, Dormitory.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Ch88   September 1936
Chapter House: St. Benedict window by Hugh Easton.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chapter House: St. Benedict window by Hugh Easton.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chapter House: St. Benedict window by Hugh Easton.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
D.L.I. chapel in south transept.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Rubbing of the matrix of the Lewis de Beaumont brass in the chancel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miners memorial, nave South aisle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nine altars Chapel: south transept: Neasham cross.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: four poster bed from King James's bedroom.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nine altars Chapel: south transept: Neasham cross.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Neville screen and sanctuary. [Reuben Green 30]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Galilee Chapel as university chapel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Font cover at West end. [Reuben Green, 46]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Conjecture of 11th cent. Karilef's church (from E.R. Robson's “Durham Cathedral”, The Ecclesiologist no.149, April 1862 (new series, 113). [Reuben Green no.45]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cast of an Anglo-Saxon sculptured stone from Croft in Dormitory?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Diagram of a flying buttress, photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
The Refectory undercroft looking East; from a drawing by W.G. Footitt, 1911; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North choir aisle looking East; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nine altars looking East; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nave vaulting; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Choir looking East; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nave triforium; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Feretory; photographed for G.H. Cook. 3¼
Size: x 4 /14 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: kitchen; after a drawing by W.G. Footitt, 1911; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Inside Triforium; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Feretory and Nine Altars Chapel looking North; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Decorated vault with supporting sculptured figures from Choir; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
East cloister; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dormitory looking North; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dormitory undercroft; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Diagram of groin vaulting; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Triforium; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Deanery: kitchen roof; from a drawing by W.G. Footitt 1911; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
View from North nave aisle looking East; photographed for G.H. Cook.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham Cathedral from below Prebends Bridge looking North East.
Size: 16 x 14 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School chapel: interior looking East.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School chapel: interior looking East. - EDI/D1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School group: Poole House?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School group: Poole House? - EDI/D2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D3   1926
Durham School group: School House.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School group: School House. - EDI/D3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Association of collierymen, deputies and shotfirers: group taken at John Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Association of collierymen, deputies and shotfirers: group taken at John Street, Durham. - EDI/D4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School. - EDI/D5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D6   December 1929
Durham School: Langley House Rugby Football XV.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School: Langley House XV. - EDI/D6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D7   May 1931
Durham School: Langley House Rugby Football XV
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School: Langley House XV, May 1931. - EDI/D7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D8   1930
Durham School group: School House.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School group: School House. - EDI/D8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D9   1930
Durham School group: School House.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School group: School House. - EDI/D9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dun Cow Lane, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Dun Cow Lane, Durham. - EDI/D10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dalton-le-Dale with the Times Inn.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Dalton-le-Dale with the Times Inn. - EDI/D11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Cathedral tower.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Cathedral tower. - EDI/D12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Fountain Field.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Fountain Field. - EDI/D13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Fountain Field.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Fountain Field. - EDI/D14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Distant view of Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Distant view of Durham. - EDI/D15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Gilesgate.
Size: 4½ x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Gilesgate. - EDI/D16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Elvet Hill Road, Durham.
Size: 4½ x 5 inches
Digitised material for Elvet Hill Road, Durham. - EDI/D17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Distant view of Durham from East.
Size: 3 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Distant view of Durham from East. - EDI/D18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Elvet Hill Road.
Size: 3½ x 4 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Elvet Hill Road. - EDI/D19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Durham from Observatory Hill.
Size: 3½ x 4½ inches
Digitised material for Durham from Observatory Hill. - EDI/D20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham: distant view.
Size: 3½ x 4½ inches
Digitised material for Durham: distant view. - EDI/D21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Elvet Hill Road.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Elvet Hill Road. - EDI/D22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Durham from Little High Wood.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Little High Wood. - EDI/D23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Durham School.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Durham School. - EDI/D24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Prior's Path. Early 19th cent. engraving (2 negs.)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Prior's Path. Early 19th cent. engraving (2 negs.) - EDI/D25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Elvet Hill Road.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Elvet Hill Road. - EDI/D26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Durham from Elvet Hill Road.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Elvet Hill Road. - EDI/D27
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Durham from Elvet Hill Road.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Elvet Hill Road. - EDI/D28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Durham from Fountain Field.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Fountain Field. - EDI/D29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Distant view of Durham.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Distant view of Durham. - EDI/D30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Distant view of Durham.
Size: 4 x 5 inches
Digitised material for Distant view of Durham. - EDI/D31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D32   1930
Durham School group: Langley House.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School group: Langley House. - EDI/D32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Observatory Hill.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Observatory Hill. - EDI/D33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School chapel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School chapel. - EDI/D34
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D35   February, 1924
Durham and St. Godric's church from station. Photographed for Wilson
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham and St. Godric's church from station. - EDI/D35
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D36   May 1913
John Speed's plan of Durham city; photographed for the Chapter Clerk, J.G. Wilson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for John Speed's plan of Durham city; photographed for the Chapter Clerk, J.G. Wilson. - EDI/D36
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
View of Langley House (Durham School), Cathedral and castle from Observatory Hill.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View of Langley House (Durham School), Cathedral and castle from Observatory Hill. - EDI/D37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
View from South Street looking North East; photographed for T. Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View from South Street looking North East; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School from Chapel Hill looking S.W. to Cathedral; photographed for T. Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham School from Chapel Hill looking S.W. to Cathedral; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D39
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Very distant view of the cathedral, looking from Frankland Farm; photographed for T. Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Very distant view of the cathedral, looking from Frankland Farm; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D40
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
S.E. view of city from St. Oswald's Church graveyard; photographed for T. Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for S.E. view of city from St. Oswald's Church graveyard; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D41
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School from Chapel Hill, looking S.W. to Cathedral; photographed for T. Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham School from Chapel Hill, looking S.W. to Cathedral; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D42
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Observatory Hill. Client: Thomas Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Observatory Hill; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D43
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Observatory Hill Client: Thomas Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Observatory Hill; photographed for T. Sharp. - EDI/D44
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D45   1944
View of Durham City from North from Back Claypath/Gilesgate. Client: Thomas Sharp.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View of Durham City from North from Back Claypath/Gilesgate [for Thomas Sharp]. - EDI/D45
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D46   1944
View of Durham from South West from Observatory Hill. Client: Thomas Sharp. Featured in Cathedral City p73. Daisy Edis credited as photographer
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View of Durham from South West from Observatory Hill. [for Thomas Sharp]. - EDI/D46
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/D47   1944
View of Durham city from North from Back Claypath (similar to D45) For Thomas Sharp. Featured in Cathedral City p81 Daisy Edis credited as photographer.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View of Durham city from North from Back Claypath (similar to D45). - EDI/D47
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
View looking down South Road, Durham towards Bow School; Hild/Bede on horizon, South Road a country lane.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for View looking down South Road, Durham towards Bow School; Hild/Bede on horizon, South Road a country lane. - EDI/D48
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham from Little High Wood/Houghall area looking North.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham from Little High Wood/Houghall area looking North. - EDI/D49
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Distant view of Durham from S.W., from Observatory Hill.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Distant view of Durham from S.W., from Observatory Hill. - EDI/D50
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Very distant view of Durham looking South from Frankland Farm area.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Very distant view of Durham looking South from Frankland Farm area. - EDI/D51
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School: swimming baths.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School: swimming baths. - EDI/D52
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School: swimming baths (with people)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School: swimming baths (with people) - EDI/D53
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School chapel: R.D. Budworth memorial inscription (1932).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School chapel: R.D. Budworth memorial inscription (1932). - EDI/D54
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School chapel: R.D. Budworth memorial inscription (1932).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School chapel: R.D. Budworth memorial inscription (1932). - EDI/D55
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham swimming baths, Riverside.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham Baths. - EDI/D56
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham School: science laboratories.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Durham School: science laboratories. - EDI/D57
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Forster's Map of the City of Durham 1754.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Thomas Forster's Map of the City of Durham 1754. - EDI/D58
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: exterior. - EDI/E1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E2   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. Client: Burrell
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. - EDI/E2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E3   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. Client: Burrell
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. - EDI/E3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E4   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. Client: Burrell
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. - EDI/E4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E5   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. Client: Burrell
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. - EDI/E5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: Dining- room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: Dining- room. - EDI/E6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E7   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E8   January 1949
Elvet Waterside, Durham. Client: Durham Corporation
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Waterside, Durham. - EDI/E8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E9   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. 2 minute exposure. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Waterside; Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Waterside; Durham. - EDI/E10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E11   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. 3 minute exposure. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church: interior. - EDI/E18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E19   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Waterside, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Waterside, Durham. - EDI/E20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E21   June 1928
Old Elvet, Durham: Pattison's shop. Dunelm Hotel above. Client: Pattison Reflection of the photographer has been painted out.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Dunelm Hotel. - EDI/E21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E22   September 1925
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. Client: Rospol
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Bridge, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham. - EDI/E23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E24   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E25   September 1922
Vaulting under Elvet Bridge, Durham. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Vaulting under Elvet Bridge, Durham. - EDI/E25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E26   September 1922
Vaulting under Elvet Bridge, Durham. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Vaulting under Elvet Bridge, Durham. - EDI/E26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E27   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham. Client: County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham. - EDI/E27
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham: Workmens' club, formerly the Cycle Inn.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Workmens' club, formerly the Cycle Inn. - EDI/E28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Escomb church: interior.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Escomb church: interior. - EDI/E30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Heslop's butcher's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Heslop's butcher's shop. - EDI/E31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Bridge, Durham, with four-wheeled cab (corner broken from glass plate).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham, with four-wheeled cab (corner broken from glass plate). - EDI/E32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Bridge, Durham.
Size: 3¼ x4¼ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham. - EDI/E33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Number not used
Number not used
EDI/E36   August 1936
Elvet Bridge, Durham: vennel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: vennel. - EDI/E36
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E39
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E40
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E41
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Easington Lane: Clock Tower.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Easington Lane: Clock Tower. - EDI/E42
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet; Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet; Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E43
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Easington. - EDI/E44
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E45   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase. Client: Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Royal County Hotel: staircase; June 1926. - EDI/E45
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Easington Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Easington Church: interior. - EDI/E46
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Easington Church: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Easington Church: interior. - EDI/E47
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Easington Church: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Easington Church: exterior. - EDI/E48
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E49   June 1911
Elvet Bridge, Durham: launching of Dunelm at Brown's Boathouse. Client: Brown
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: launching of Dunelm at Brown's Boathouse, June 1911. - EDI/E49
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E50   June 1911
Elvet Bridge, Durham: launching of Dunelm at Brown's Boathouse. Client: Brown
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: launching of Dunelm at Brown's Boathouse, June 1911. - EDI/E50
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham? (Pavement opposite, what is now, 1988, Dunelm House).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham? (Pavement opposite, what is now, 1988, Dunelm House). - EDI/E51
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel. - EDI/E52
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E53   September 1925
New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel; photographed for Miss Roscoe. Shows two saloon cars on front of street, and house where there is now a gap between the Three Tuns Hotel and other Vaux houses.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for New Elvet, Durham: Three Tuns Hotel; photographed for Miss Roscoe. Shows two saloon cars on front of street, and house where there is now a gap between the Three Tuns Hotel and other Vaux houses. - EDI/E53
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Bridge, Durham: Surveyors looking at cracking in the side wall of building
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: East face of what is now (1985) the Halifax Building Society. - EDI/E54
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E55   January 1949
Elvet Waterside, Durham. Client: Durham City Corporation
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Elvet Waterside, Durham. - EDI/E55
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E56   21 January 1949
Elvet Waterside, Durham looking across the river from Brown's Boathouse.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Elvet Waterside, Durham from Brown's Boathouse. - EDI/E56
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Elvet Bridge from N.E., and Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge from N.E., and Durham. - EDI/E57
Index terms
Reuben Green
Glass negatives
EDI/E58*   c. 1860
St. Cuthbert's church, Old Elvet from Prison frontage. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for St. Cuthbert's church, Old Elvet from Prison frontage. Stereoscopic. - EDI/E58*
Index terms

Glass negatives
EDI/E59*   c. 1860
Elvet Bridge looking towards Durham Castle keep. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge looking towards Durham Castle keep. Stereoscopic. - EDI/E59*
Index terms
Glass negatives
Old Elvet, Durham, policemen walking ahead of a carriage during the judges' procession.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham, with judges' procession. - EDI/E60
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E61   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: detail of stonework.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: detail. - EDI/E61
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E62   June 1926
Old Elvet, Durham: Back of Royal County Hotel. Client: Burrell
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Old Elvet, Durham: Back of Royal County Hotel. - EDI/E62
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E63   1955
Ezee kitchens. Kitchen workspaces possibly in a school.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Ezee kitchens. - EDI/E63
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Easington recreation pavilion. Men watching bowling.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Easington recreation pavilion. - EDI/E64
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E65   September 1922
Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Elvet Bridge, Durham: House of Correction. - EDI/E65
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/E66   June 1923
Expanded Metal Co. Street of setts
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Esplanade Metal Co. Street of setts - EDI/E66
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Epiphany. Prayers from an early printed book; photographed for Arthur Bailes.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Epiphany. Prayers from an early printed book; photographed for Arthur Bailes. - EDI/E67
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
British Union of Fascists at their offices in Claypath, Durham City.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for British Union of Fascists at their offices in Claypath, Durham City. - EDI/F1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Finchale Abbey Hotel which later became Finchale Training College
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Abbey Hotel. - EDI/F2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F3   September 1920
Framwellgate Moor School, Durham, football team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Moor School, Durham, football Team. - EDI/F3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F4   28 April 1931
The Ferryhill cutting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for The Ferryhill cutting. - EDI/F4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: new ribs.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: new ribs. - EDI/F5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F6   March 1924
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. - EDI/F6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F7   March 1924
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. Workmen emptying a wheelbarrow of cement on to mesh. Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. - EDI/F7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F8   March 1924
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. Metal strengthening mesh in the roadway. Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. - EDI/F8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F9   March 1924
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. Metal strengthening mesh in the roadway Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham. - EDI/F9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Finchale, by R.W. Billings engraved by George Winter.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Finchale, after R.W. Billings, 1845. - EDI/F10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Finchale, by R.W. Billings engraved by George Winter.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Finchale, after R.W. Billings, 1845. - EDI/F11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Finchale, after R.W. Billings, 1845.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
List of freemen of Durham City, 1960.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for List of freemen of Durham City, 1960. - EDI/F13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Framwellgate, Durham, Looking east towards Freeman Place and the Sands on the opposite side of the river Wear. Durham Ice Rink and Durham County School for Girls can be seen in the distance.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate, Durham, from railway. - EDI/F14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate, Durham. Newly built housing
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate, Durham. - EDI/F15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate, Durham: 20th century houses.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate, Durham: 20th century houses. - EDI/F16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: during repairs. Photograph taken from Lambton Walk .
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: repairs: from Lambton Walk. - EDI/F17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: during repairs showing the mill race. Photograph taken from Lambton Walk
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Bridge, Durham: repairs: from the Mill Race. - EDI/F18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham City overlooking Framwellgate Bridge possibly from Castle roof. Railway viaduct in the distance
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Durham City overlooking Framwellgate Bridge (from Castle roof? showing Criterion Hotel). Reuben Green: 12. - EDI/F19
Index terms
Reuben Green
Glass negatives
Distant view of the Cathedral and railway viaduct from Flass Vale
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Flass Vale. - EDI/F20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate, Durham: before any demolition. Negative is flaking.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate, Durham: before any demolition. Negative is flaking. - EDI/F21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
EDI/F22   June 1929
Framwellgate Moor, Durham Main Road Service station. Client: Mr Loughton
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate Moor, Durham Main Road Service station. - EDI/F22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/F23*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: Arched entrance. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: Arched entrance. Stereoscopic. - EDI/F23*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F24*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: top hatted man in middle distance. Stereoscopic. c.1860.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: top hatted man in middle distance. Stereoscopic. c.1860. - EDI/F24*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F25*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: camera tripod in view. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: camera tripod in view. Stereoscopic. - EDI/F25*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F26*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: Arched entrance. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3½ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: Arched entrance. Stereoscopic. - EDI/F26*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F27*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: 5 figures in foreground. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: 5 figures in foreground. Stereoscopic. - EDI/F27*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F28*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: Stereoscopic. - EDI/F28*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F29*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: Stereoscopic. - EDI/F29*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F30*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: two ladies seated in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: two ladies seated in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken. - EDI/F30*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F31*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: two ladies seated in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: two ladies seated in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken. - EDI/F31*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F32*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory. Stereoscopic. broken
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory. Stereoscopic. broken - EDI/F32*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F33*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory. Stereoscopic. broken
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory. Stereoscopic. broken - EDI/F33*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F34*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic. - EDI/F34*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F35*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken. - EDI/F35*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F36*   c. 1860
Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken.
Size: 3¼ x 6¾ inches
Digitised material for Finchale Priory: man recumbant in foreground. Stereoscopic. broken. - EDI/F36*
Index terms
Glass negatives
EDI/F37   July 1912
Frankland sewerage works with Kepier mediaeval gatehouse and farm buildings in background.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Frankland sewerage works with Kepier mediaeval gatehouse and farm buildings in background. - EDI/F37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate. View of F. in distance, in process of some demolition.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Framwellgate. View of F. in distance, in process of some demolition. - EDI/F38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G1   January 1910
St. Giles Church, Durham: Interior from south east corner. Client: Lockey
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G2   January 1910
St. Giles Church, Durham: Interior looking east (Victorian aisle is on south side).Client: Lockey
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G3   August 1923
Gilesgate, Durham: roadworks. Workmen preparing the road. W. Bramley Fancy draper shop is on the corner.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G4   April 1924
Gilesgate, Durham, Setts piled at the side of the road. Woodman Inn on the right.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G5   August 1923
Gilesgate, Durham: Roadworks and pipelaying
Size: 61/2 x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate, Durham: Johnson & Cosgrove's shop at 45 Gilesgate with a display of canned and glass jar label fruit.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G7   August 1923
Gilesgate, Durham: roadworks with steam roller in the background. Client: Green
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Council houses, No.3 and 4 Gort Place.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Council houses. Wakenshaw Road, Belmont
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Council houses on the corner of Roosevelt Road and Annand Road.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Number 52-72 Wakenshaw Road.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Three Horse Shoes pub. Proprietor Matthew Henderson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gilesgate Moor, Durham: Three Horse Shoes pub. Proprietor Matthew Henderson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G14   June 1923
Gilesgate, Durham after setts have been laid. The Woodman Inn on the right. See also G4. Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G15   July 1938
Gateshead: Windy Nook housing, North East housing estate association.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G16   July 1938
Gateshead: Windy Nook housing, North East housing estate association
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G17    November 1949
Gilesgate, Durham: loading up a Wood and Watson Ltd soft drinks van.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G18   November 1949
Gilesgate, Durham: loading up a Wood and Watson Ltd soft drinks van
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Gradon builders and contractors of North Road Durham, lorry
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/G20   June 1923
Gilesgate, Durham[?]; view of granite setts and dug up pavement.Client: Expanded Metal Company
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Giles's Church, Gilesgate, Durham: sketch by Robert Bertram 1920. 35/28.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. - EDI/H1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. - EDI/H2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. - EDI/H3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H4   19 March 1937
Horden Colliery.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Horden Colliery. - EDI/H4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H5   April 1924
Hospital: proposed cottage hospital: plans from The builder.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hospital: proposed cottage hospital: plans from The builder. - EDI/H5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H6   April 1924
Hospital: proposed cottage hospital: plans from The builder.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hospital: proposed cottage hospital: plans from The builder. - EDI/H6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H7   June 1929
Hatfield College, Durham: cricket team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: cricket team. - EDI/H7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: New building.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: New building. - EDI/H8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H9   19 March 1937
Horden Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Horden Colliery. - EDI/H9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H10   1929
Hatfield College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: group. - EDI/H10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham housing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Durham housing. - EDI/H11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham: interior. - EDI/H12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H13   1936
St. Hild's College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. Hild's College, Durham: group. - EDI/H13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham housing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Durham housing. - EDI/H14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham housing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Durham housing. - EDI/H15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham housing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Durham housing. - EDI/H16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham: entrance.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham: entrance. - EDI/H17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing, Gilesgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing, Gilesgate Moor, Durham. - EDI/H18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing furnishing costs: Merryoaks Estate, Durham: Council for Industrial Design.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing furnishing costs: Merryoaks Estate, Durham: Council for Industrial Design. - EDI/H19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Gilesgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Gilesgate Moor, Durham. - EDI/H20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hawthorn village, Co. Durham. [The large house is Garden House, owned by the Newly family until recently; the grey building behind the hedge is the school (note, Aug. 2000)]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hawthorn village, Co. Durham. [The large house is Garden House, owned by the Newly family until recently; the grey building behind the hedge is the school (note, Aug. 2000)] - EDI/H25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H27
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham?
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham? - EDI/H30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cold Hesleden, Co. Durham (cf. X53).
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Cold Hesleden, Co. Durham (cf. X53). - EDI/H31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Housing: Merryoaks Estate, Durham. - EDI/H32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William Henderson of Henderson's Carpet factory, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 2½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for William Henderson of Henderson's Carpet factory, Durham. - EDI/H33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. - EDI/H34
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H35   3 July 1928
Heathery Cleugh.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Heathery Cleugh. - EDI/H35
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H36   3 July 1928
Heathery Cleugh.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Heathery Cleugh. - EDI/H36
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Houghall College.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Houghall College. - EDI/H37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Houghall College.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Houghall College. - EDI/H38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H39   19 March 1937
Horden Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Horden Colliery. - EDI/H39
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: new buildings.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: new buildings. - EDI/H40
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H41   May 1923
Hamsteels Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hamsteels Colliery. - EDI/H41
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H42   May 1923
Hamsteels Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hamsteels Colliery. - EDI/H42
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Heathery Cleugh: viaduct.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Heathery Cleugh: viaduct. - EDI/H43
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H44   30 July 1928
Heathery Cleugh: viaduct.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Heathery Cleugh: viaduct. - EDI/H44
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H45   3 July 1928
Heathery Cleugh: viaduct.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Heathery Cleugh: viaduct. - EDI/H45
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. - EDI/H46
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/1]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/1] - EDI/H47
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/3]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/3] - EDI/H48
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/2]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hallgarth Tithe Barn, Durham. [Reuben Green no.26/2] - EDI/H49
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H50   September 1961
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: Coventry Cathedral organ console.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: Coventry Cathedral organ console. - EDI/H50
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H51
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H52
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H53
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H54
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H55   May 1923
Hamsteels Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hamsteels Colliery. - EDI/H55
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H56
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H57
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H58   November 1950
Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Hatfield College, Durham: boiler house interior. - EDI/H58
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H59   April 1911
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders unidentified (Newcastle cathedral?) organ console.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders unidentified (Newcastle cathedral?) organ console. - EDI/H59
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H60   April 1911
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders organ console. Console of the G.T. Pattman travelling organ (built 1916 - cf. L. Elvin The Harrison story (1973), 128-9 and plates 37-38. See also X170
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders organ console. Console of the G.T. Pattman travelling organ (built 1916 - cf. L. Elvin The Harrison story (1973), 128-9 and plates 37-38. See also X170 - EDI/H60
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H61   July 1959
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: organ console of Lincoln Cathedral, (masked).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: organ console of Lincoln Cathedral, (masked). - EDI/H61
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/H62   July 1959
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: organ console of Lincoln Cathedral
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: organ console of Lincoln Cathedral - EDI/H62
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: cartoon of organ building signed CLGW or CLGH, 1914. Photographed for Harrison, November 1927.
See L. Elvin The Harrison story (1973), where it is plate 44, described as "Erecting the organ at Uppingham School Chapel, 1914".
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Harrison & Harrison, Durham organbuilders: cartoon of organ building signed CLGW or CLGH, 1914. Photographed for Harrison, November 1927. See L. Elvin The Harrison story (1973), where it is plate 44, described as 'Erecting the organ at Uppingham School Chapel, 1914'. - EDI/H63
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/J1   1931
St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate. - EDI/J1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/J2   1931
St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate. - EDI/J2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/J3   1931
St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. John's College, Durham: photograph of the College's plate. - EDI/J3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. John's College, Dining Hall.
Size: 7 x 9 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. John's College, Dining Hall. - EDI/J4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. John's College, Dining Hall.
Size: 7 x 9 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. John's College, Dining Hall. - EDI/J5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Joseph Johnson, Durham & South Shields: firm's lorry parked outside National Provincial Bank in Durham Market Place, July 1916.
Size: 7 x 9 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Joseph Johnson, Durham & South Shields: firm's lorry parked outside National Provincial Bank in Durham Market Place, July 1916. - EDI/J6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K1   24 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K2   24 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K3   24 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K4   24 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K5   24 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K6   29 March 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K7   12 June 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K8   1931
Kimblesworth: Cottages.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kimblesworth: Cottages. - EDI/K8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kepier Gatehouse from an engraving.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kepier Gatehouse from an engraving. - EDI/K9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kip Hill: engineers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill: engineers. - EDI/K10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K11   29 April 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K12   29 April 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K13   29 April 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K14   12 June 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K15   [1931]
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K16   29 April 1931
Kip Hill: group with Mr. Tinkler.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill: group with Mr. Tinkler. - EDI/K16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K17   1931
Kimblesworth: cottages.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kimblesworth: cottages. - EDI/K17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K18   1931
Kimblesworth: cottages.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kimblesworth: cottages. - EDI/K18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kelloe: St Helena cross; in the church chancel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kelloe: St Helena cross; in the church chancel. - EDI/K19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K20   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K21   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K22   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K23   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K24   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K25   30 November 1931
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K26   24 November 1930
Kip Hill: Embankment Fence.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill: Embankment Fence. - EDI/K26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K27   [1931]
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K28   [1931]
Kip Hill Road Works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill Road Works. - EDI/K28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K29   12 June 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K30   24 April 1931
Kip Hill.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill. - EDI/K30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kip Hill; photographed for County Surveyor's Dept.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill; photographed for County Surveyor's Dept. - EDI/K31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kip Hill; photographed for County Surveyor's Dept.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill; photographed for County Surveyor's Dept. - EDI/K32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K33   30 November 1930
Kip Hill: Embankment fence, side view.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill: Embankment fence, side view. - EDI/K33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K34   24 November 1930
Kip Hill: Main path leading to cross paths.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill: Main path leading to cross paths. - EDI/K34
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K35   24 November 1930
Kip Hill: Track of path leading from farm.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill: Track of path leading from farm. - EDI/K35
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K36   24 November 1930
Kip Hill: bird's eye vie of cross paths.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kip Hill: bird's eye vie of cross paths. - EDI/K36
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Kelloe: St Helena cross, in the Church chancel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Kelloe: St Helena cross, in the Church chancel. - EDI/K37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K38   February 1921
Knopp: Harold L. Knopp M.S.A. (architect of Durham) - design for a war memorial
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Knopp: Harold L. Knopp M.S.A. (architect of Durham) - design for a war memorial - EDI/K38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K39   February 1921
Knopp: Harold L. Knopp M.S.A. (architect of Durham) - design for a war memorial.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Knopp: Harold L. Knopp M.S.A. (architect of Durham) - design for a war memorial. - EDI/K39
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/K40   [1931]
Kip Hill, Stanley, road works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Kip Hill, Stanley, road works. - EDI/K40
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/L1   1930
Women's Labour Committee.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Women's Labour Committee. - EDI/L1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage. - EDI/L2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage. - EDI/L3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: Exterior frontage. - EDI/L4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: frontage from a different angle to L2-4.
Size: 5 x7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Lanchester: Greenwell Ford: frontage from a different angle to L2-4. - EDI/L5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ludworth Tower.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Ludworth Tower. - EDI/L6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/L7   November 1921
Langley Moor: Barclays Bank. 35/19
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M1   September 1928
Magdalene Street, Durham. Taken for Green, Surveyor for Durham County Council
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Magdalene Street, Durham. - EDI/M1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M2   May 1911
Abbey House Hockey XI May 1911
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. Mary's College, Durham: hockey team. - EDI/M2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M3   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank. Taken for Lowery
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank. - EDI/M3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M4   27 October 1937
Silver St., Durham: Marks & Spencer's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St., Durham: Marks & Spencer's shop. - EDI/M4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miner's Cottage, interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Miner's Cottage, interior. - EDI/M5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M6   8 April 1937
Silver St., Durham: Marks & Spencer's shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St., Durham: Marks & Spencer's shop. - EDI/M6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M7   18 March 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M8   June 1911
Market Place, Durham: time of the Coronation of George V.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: time of the Coronation of George V. - EDI/M8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M9   May 1921
Miners' Hall, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Miners' Hall, Durham. - EDI/M9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M10   February 1924
Market Place, Durham (NatWest).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham (NatWest). - EDI/M10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M11   May 1929
Musgrave Gardens, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Musgrave Gardens, Durham. - EDI/M11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M12   1931
St. Mary's College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. Mary's College, Durham: group. - EDI/M12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M13   1931
St. Mary's College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. Mary's College, Durham: group. - EDI/M13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M14   December 1919
Market Place, Durham: Town Hall, interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Town Hall, interior. - EDI/M14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miner's Cottage interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Miner's Cottage interior. - EDI/M15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miner's Cottage interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Miner's Cottage interior. - EDI/M16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M17   July 1916
Market Place, Durham: Bowes Arms Hotel, and adjoining buildings (visible index print incomplete.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Bowes Arms Hotel, and adjoining buildings (visible index print incomplete. - EDI/M17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M18   December 1923
Market Place, Durham: demolition of Pant.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: demolition of Pant. - EDI/M18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M19   (photographed April 1926)
Market Place, Durham: oil painting of unveiling of Londonderry statue.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: oil painting of unveiling of Londonderry statue. - EDI/M19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M20   1924
Market Place, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham. - EDI/M20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M21   May 1921
Miners' Hall, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Miners' Hall, Durham. - EDI/M21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M22   18 February 1937
Moatside Lane, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Moatside Lane, Durham. - EDI/M22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M23   June 1911
Market Place, Durham: Coronation.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Coronation. - EDI/M23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M24   8 April 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M25   18 March 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M26   18 March 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M27   18 March 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M27
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M28   24 May 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M29   24 May 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer empty site. - EDI/M29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M30   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank. - EDI/M30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Market Place, Durham: market stall.
Size: 3½ x 4½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: market stall. - EDI/M31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Market Place, Durham.
Size: 3½ x 4½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham. - EDI/M32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Map, "Mediaeval England & Wales c. 1399".
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Map, 'Mediaeval England & Wales c. 1399'. - EDI/M33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M34   18 February 1937
Moatside Lane, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Moatside Lane, Durham. - EDI/M34
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M35   September 1928
Magdalene Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Magdalene Street, Durham. - EDI/M35
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M36   18 February 1937
Moatside Lane, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Moatside Lane, Durham. - EDI/M36
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M37   September 1928
Musgrave Gardens, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Musgrave Gardens, Durham. - EDI/M37
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M38   November 1916
Market Place, Durham: Town Hall interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Town Hall interior. - EDI/M38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Moatside Lane, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Moatside Lane, Durham. - EDI/M39
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Moatside Lane, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Moatside Lane, Durham. - EDI/M40
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank. - EDI/M41
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackay's carpet Factory, Durham: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Mackay's carpet Factory, Durham: interior. - EDI/M42
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M43   8 April 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site. - EDI/M43
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M44   24 May 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site. - EDI/M44
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M45   14 June 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site. - EDI/M45
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M46   6 July 1937
Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Silver St, Durham: Marks & Spencer site. - EDI/M46
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Merry Oaks estate, Durham: house interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Merry Oaks estate, Durham: house interior. - EDI/M47
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Merry Oaks estate, Durham: house interior.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Merry Oaks estate, Durham: house interior. - EDI/M48
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Merry Oaks estate, Durham: kitchen interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Merry Oaks estate, Durham: kitchen interior. - EDI/M49
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackay's carpet factory: Freeman's Place, Durham: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Mackay's carpet factory: Freeman's Place, Durham: interior. - EDI/M50
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M51   November 1961
Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: Mackay carpet.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: Mackay carpet. - EDI/M51
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Safety film negatives
EDI/M52   November 1961
Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: Mackay carpet.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: Mackay carpet. - EDI/M52
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Merry Oaks estate, Durham (?): house interior: photographed for the Council of Industrial design.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised material for Merry Oaks estate, Durham (?): house interior: photographed for the Council of Industrial design. - EDI/M53
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Margaret's Church, Crossgate, Durham: Lenten high altar.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for St. Margaret's Church, Crossgate, Durham: Lenten high altar. - EDI/M54
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M55   August 1937
Minories Garage, Durham: Durham County Council lorry.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Minories Garage, Durham: Durham County Council lorry. - EDI/M55
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M56   August 1937
Minories Garage, Durham: Durham County Council lorry.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Minories Garage, Durham: Durham County Council lorry. - EDI/M56
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M57   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back. - EDI/M57
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M58   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back. - EDI/M58
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M59   November 1924
Millars: firm of building contractors. Site picture with machinery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Millars: firm of building contractors. Site picture with machinery. - EDI/M59
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M60   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank: building work at the back. - EDI/M60
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M61   February 1928
Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: a Mackay Carpet.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Mackay's carpet factory, Durham: a Mackay Carpet. - EDI/M61
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M62   October 1924
St. Margaret's Hospital, Alexandria Crescent, Durham: shoring up the building, constructing a broadside embankment & making the pavement.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for St. Margaret's Hospital, Alexandria Crescent, Durham: shoring up the building, constructing a broadside embankment & making the pavement. - EDI/M62
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M63   August 1936
Empty shop A. McGahan Painter and Decorator 20 Saddler Street, Durham
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for Empty shop A. McGahan Painter and Decorator 20 Saddler Street, Durham - EDI/M63
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M64   November 1923
Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank reconstruction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Market Place, Durham: Barclays Bank reconstruction. - EDI/M64
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M65   December 1937
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: rollers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: rollers. - EDI/M65
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: machine room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: machine room. - EDI/M66
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: machine room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: interior: machine room. - EDI/M67
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M68   16 August 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: shows mainly Castle North front, with the Marks & Spencer building rising in front.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: shows mainly Castle North front, with the Marks & Spencer building rising in front. - EDI/M68
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M69   14 June 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer. - EDI/M69
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room. - EDI/M70
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M71   6 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer. - EDI/M71
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M72   1937
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room. - EDI/M72
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M73   1937
Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Mackays carpet factory, Durham: machine room. - EDI/M73
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M74   18 February 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer. - EDI/M74
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/M75   November 1920
East side of Durham Market Place, with Barclays & Sarsfield. 36/26.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Murton bowling green pavillion - or possibly Easington C.680
Size: 7 x 5 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Road, Durham. Top end opposite County Hospital.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham. Top end opposite County Hospital. - EDI/N1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N2   September 30 1927
North Road, Durham: demolitions. Client: Wood and J.G. Burrell
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: demolitions. - EDI/N2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Yellowed negative.
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill Newcastle-upon-Tyne:
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Yellowed negative.
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N5   August 1946
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill Newcastle upon Tyne
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N7
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N8   August 1946
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle upon Tyne. Photographed for the Art Council of Great Britain
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N8
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N9   August 1946
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Photographed for the Art Council of Great Britain
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N9
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N10   August 1946
Bessie Surtees's House: interior, Sandhill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Photographed for the Art Council of Great Britain.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N10
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Yellowed negative.
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N11
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle upon Tyne. Copy negative of N11
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N12
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle upon Tyne. Copy negative of N9 or N10
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N13
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: view: engraving.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: view: engraving. - EDI/N14
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N15   July 1920
Newton Hall (the house before its demolition) Durham. Photographed for Rev. Fulford
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newton Hall (the house before its demolition) Durham. - EDI/N15
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N16   October 1924
North Road, Durham: top end. Photographed for Prescott
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: top end. - EDI/N16
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N17   July 1929
North Road, Durham: looking towards the viaduct from Miners' Hall/Water Board area.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: looking towards the viaduct from Miners' Hall/Water Board area. - EDI/N17
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Newcastle University Union Building.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle University Union Building. - EDI/N18
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: view: engraving.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: view: engraving. - EDI/N19
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Road, Durham, after R.W. Billings. (2 negatives).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham, after R.W. Billings. (2 negatives). - EDI/N20
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Neville's Cross, Durham: conjectural reconstruction. Copied from a publication.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised material for Neville's Cross, Durham: conjectural reconstruction - EDI/N21
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Copy negative of N6.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N22
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bessie Surtees's House: interior. Sandhill Newcastle upon Tyne - Copy negative of N4
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bessie Surtees's House: interior. - EDI/N23
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
North Road, Durham: Watts's (confectioner) shop (last trading post of Luke's bakery (1989)).
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: Watts's (confectioner) shop (last trading post of Luke's bakery (1989)). - EDI/N24
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N25   January 1910
North Road, Durham: W. Oliver's shop, with poultry display. Client: Oliver
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: W. Oliver's shop, with poultry display. - EDI/N25
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N26   August 1925
Bethel Methodist Chapel, North Road, Durham. Client: Barron
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: Bethel Methodist Chapel. - EDI/N26
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N27   August 1925
Bethel Medthodist Chapel, North Road, Durham. Client: Barron
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham. - EDI/N27
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Neville's Cross Hotel, Neville's Cross Bank, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Neville's Cross Hotel, Neville's Cross Bank, Durham. - EDI/N28
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Neville Dene Hotel, Crossgate Moor, Durham (now 1987, The Pot and Glass).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Neville Dene Hotel, Crossgate Moor, Durham (now 1987, The Pot and Glass). - EDI/N29
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N30   August 1932
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: College of Medicine: photo of 1887 drawing. Client: Whiting
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: College of Medicine: photo of 1887 drawing. - EDI/N30
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N31   November 1925
North Road, Durham: St. Cuthbert's Church Hall: group photograph of the cast of a play. Client: Maughan
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: St. Cuthbert's Church Hall: group photograph of the cast of a play. - EDI/N31
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N32   November 1925
North Road, Durham: St. Cuthbert's Church Hall: group photograph of the cast of a play. Client: Maughan
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: St. Cuthbert's Church Hall: group photograph of the cast of a play. - EDI/N32
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N33   31 October 1930 (possibly)
Neville's Cross Dene, Durham
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Neville's Cross Dene, Durham - EDI/N33
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N34   31 October 1930 (possibly)
Neville's Cross Dene, Durham
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Neville's Cross Dene, Durham - EDI/N34
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N35   31 October 1930 (possibly)
Neville's Cross Dene, Durham
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Neville's Cross Dene, Durham - EDI/N35
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N36   1892
North Road, Durham: unveiling of leftmost statue on Miners' Hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: unveiling of leftmost statue on Miners' Hall. - EDI/N36
Index terms
Reuben Green
Glass negatives
EDI/N37*   c. 1860
North Road, Durham: Railway viaduct from N.W. Stereoscopic.
Size: 6.75 x 3.5 inches
Digitised material for North Road, Durham: Railway viaduct from N.W. Stereoscopic. - EDI/N37*
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: university altar?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Newcastle-upon-Tyne: university altar? - EDI/N38
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/N39*   c. 1938.
Neville's Cross College. 35/21.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/O1   3 July 1928
Ouseleap bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised material for Ouseleap. - EDI/O1
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Owengate, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Owengate, Durham. - EDI/O2
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Owengate, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Owengate, Durham. - EDI/O3
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Owengate, Durham looking towards Palace Green.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Owengate, Durham. - EDI/O4
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negative
Owengate, Durham looking towards Palace Green
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Owengate, Durham. - EDI/O5
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
Owengate, Durham looking towards Saddler Street.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised material for Owengate, Durham. - EDI/O6
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Film negatives
EDI/P1   February 1912
Palace Green, Durham, with old cars.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Old Pot & Glass, Crossgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P3   February 1912
Palace Green, Durham, with old cars.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P4   May 1929
Old Pot & Glass, Crossgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P5   photographed January 1924
Prebend's Bridge, Durham, from mid 18th cent. sketch.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Abbey House.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Old Registry building. (4 negatives).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Old Registry building.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Old Registry building.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: interior - Durham Union Society debating hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: interior - Durham Union Society debating hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: interior - Durham Union Society debating hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: interior - Durham Union Society debating hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Cosin's Hall.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Assize Judge's procession.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Exchequer building.
Size: 3¼ x 4¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Hugh of Le Puiset's charter: engraving.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Old Registry: Union & Library buildings.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P20   27 October 1930
Pity Me: Stream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P21   27 October 1930
Pity Me: Stream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P22   27 October 1930
Pity Me: Stream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P23   27 October 1930
Pity Me: Stream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P24   27 October 1930
Pity Me: Stream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P25   November 1926
Proctor's Sand Quarry.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P26   November 1961
Pearl Assurance Co, above E.H. Askew's greengrocers shop. Front Street, Chester-le-Street.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham from Castle entrance with central tower of Cathedral in background. Entrance to Castle has gates. [Reuben Green no.22]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: procession leaving the cathedral. [Reuben Green no.23/2]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: sketch by N.S. Bouet for an engraving. [Reuben Green no.18]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: [University] congregation leaving the cathedral. [Reuben Green no.23/1]
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham: Abbey House, showing with fence, and only 3 window on 2nd floor. Reuben Green no.31. Reuben Green: 31.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green, Durham, showing it with bleak west side and smaller green area.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pittington: church font (the font now in Durham cathedral). Reuben Green: 47.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Prebends Bridge, Durham, from South.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P35*   c. 1860
Palace Green, Durham: Exchequer building & Castle gateway. Stereoscopic.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Palace Green: Abbey House stables, pre-Pemberton. 35/20.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P37*   July 1926
Palace Green almshouses.
Size: 12 x 14 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/P38   July 1926
Palace Green almshouses.
Size: 12 x 15 inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pi: Portraits
James C. Fowler, Mayor of Durham of Durham 1934-35.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bp of Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Muggleton, Lodowick.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi4   August 1911
Lace Rowlandson wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi5   August 1911
Lace Rowlandson wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi6   1919
Bell wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi7   1914
Rawes group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi8   1924
Ward Davies.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi9   1929
Wood wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi10   1929
Wood wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi11   1931
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi12   1920
Thompson Robinson, wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi13   1925
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss F. Wood.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss M. Lockwood.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Alwyn Williams, Bishop of Durham and Winchester (1888-1968): oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
J.W. (Rammer) Pattinson, Mayor of Durham 1931-32.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Bacchus Dykes (oil painting; [reversed]).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Alwyn Williams, Bishop of Durham and Winchester (1888-1968): oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William E. Bradley, Mayor of Durham 1938-39.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
James C. Fowler, Mayor of Durham 1934-35.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss Harrison.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi23   1923
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cardinal William Allen: Ushaw College (rounded portrait).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi25   5 November 1925
Mawson wedding, at St Giles' Church, Gilesgate, Durham.
Left - right: Rev. Canon James Peter Rountree (1845-1929) and his wife Eleanor (neé Brown; 1858-1948) (parents of groom); Michael Milne-Watson (best man); Arthur Fitzgerald Rountree (groom; born in India, lived in Oldham); Lilian Elfrieda Margarethe (Frieda) Mawson (bride); Dorothy Mary Louise (Dottie) Mawson (bridesmaid; sister of the bride; 1892-1953); Molly Rountree (bridesmaid; sister of the groom); Joseph Mawson (born at Gilesgate, Durham; 1856-1927) and Anna Amalie Margarethe (Amalie) Mawson (neé Landt; born at Flensburg, Denmark; 1852-1935) (parents of bride; lived 10 Ravensworth Terrace, Durham).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss MacGrath.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi27   [4 September 1930]
Potts wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss Stobart.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi29   4 September 1930
Potts wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi30   21 July 1930
Reginald Easthope, as a graduate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi31   1910
Coxon, female.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Cranmer, Abp of Canterbury: oil painting in Durham: Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Overall, Bp of Norwich: oil painting in Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Overall, Bp of Norwich: oil painting in Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
A bishop: oil painting in Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Cranmer, Abp of Canterbury: oil painting in Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Richard Neile, Abp of York: oil painting in Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi39   June 1923
Dr. E.G. Pace and Canon D. Dawson Walker.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Caricature of Canon A.S. Farrar c.1895, by S.M. Rowlandson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William Van Mildert, Bp of Durham: oil: Hancock Museum, Newcastle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Lyall Robson, Mayor of Durham 1946-47.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi43   1930
J.S.G. Pemberton, Durham Univ. Council President, of Ramside.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi44   1930
J.S.G. Pemberton, Durham Univ. Council President, of Ramside.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi45   1930
J.S.G. Pemberton, Durham Univ. Council President, of Ramside.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi46   1928
Henry Cecil Ferens.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Thaddaeus: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. James the Less: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Bartholomew: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Peter: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Moses: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Thomas: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Matthew: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. John: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Paul: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Andrew: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. James the Great: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Noah?: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lancelot Andrewes, Bp of Winchester: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lancelot Andrewes, Bp of Winchester: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William Talbot, Bp of Durham: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Whitgift, Abp of Canterbury: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Matthew Parker, Abp of Canterbury: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Matthew Parker, Abp of Canterbury: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William Laud, Abp of Canterbury: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Shute Barrington, Bp of Durham: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
John Whitgift, Abp of Canterbury: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Richard Bancroft, Abp of Canterbury: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Virgin and child: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Charles I: oil: Durham Castle Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi71   1936
Matthew Greener.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss Forster.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Alderman J.W. Foster, Mayor of Durham 1950, Superintendant of Police, vulgo "Superfoster" (2 negatives).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mrs. Clarke, Mayoress of Durham 1950 (presumably for Mrs. Rushford's Mayoralty).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi75   1937
C.T.L. Harrison, of Harrison and Harrison, Durham organ builders.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi76   1937
Cyril Maude, Durham Cathedral suborganist.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi77   June 1934
Father William I. Meagher, priest, St. Cuthbert's R.C. Church, Durham. Double portrait.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Caricature of John George Wilson by S.M. Rowlandson, 1919.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Leoline Jenkins (17th cent. Admiral of the Fleet).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mrs. Clark, Mayoress 1950 (presumably for Mrs. Rushford's Mayoralty).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi81   1944
Storey, mariner (Kenneth Smith, grandson of Mrs Storey).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi82   1913
Bede College, Durham: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bonaventure Giffard (Auxilliary to Bp Leyburn, 1688).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Manley Robinson wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi85   1929
Bell wedding, Tudhoe vicarage.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dr. William Ellis.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi87   1930
Furby wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi88   June 1912
Robert Odell (graduation picture) as M.D.; see also Pi 123.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
C.T.L. Harrison wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dean Denis Granville, Dean of Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cuthbert Tunstall; Bp of Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
James Fowler, mayor of Durham 1934-35.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
William Laud, Archbishop of Durham: Durham Castle oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi94   June 1929
St. Chad's College, Durham: challenge pairs.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
J.G. Wilson, by S.M. Rowlandson: caricature.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi96   1919
Johnson Davis wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi97   1919
Johnson Davis wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi98   1924
Ferens family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi99   1928
E.W.P. Ainsworth, St. John's College.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi100   1931
University College, Durham group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi101   1919
Johnson Davis wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi102   1919
Haworth French wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Christopher Wilkinson, mayor 1930.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi104   1949
Boots' staff, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi105   1932
Bede College, Durham: Soccer group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dorothy Foster, wife of Nathaniel Lord Crewe.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi107   1931
Hatfield College, Durham: soccer group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
H.W. Watkins, caricature by S.M. Rowlandson, 1922.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi109   1911
Shafto Shafto wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Guest-Williams family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi111   1911
Shafto wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi112   1911
Rowlandson Lace wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi113   1911
Rowlandson Lace wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi114   May 1931
Durham School: Caffinites house Bland medal group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi115   18 May 1931
Durham School: Langley House Yards, football XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi116   1930
Durham School: Caffinites house group photo.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi117   5 August 1930
Durham School: Caffinites cricket XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
“Reading for the June examinations”. Sketches by Cuthbert Bede (Edward Bradley).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi119   June 1929
Durham University Union Society: group of officers & committee.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi120   January 1921
Hayward Digby-Seymour wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi121   April 1910
Moody family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi122   June 1912
Hall (woman with fan).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi123   1912
Robert Odell M.D. (Practitioner of 15 years standing) Newcastle College of Medicine. (See also Pi 88).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi124   April 1910
McGillivray (woman seated with fan). See: Pi212.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi125   April 1910
McGillivray (woman seated with fan). See: Pi212.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi126   June 1912
Charles Corban M.S. (Practitioner of 15 years standing) Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi127   October 1925
McLean (woman, standing).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi128   October 1924
Marsden/Bowen wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi129   December 1924
Ralph wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi130   December 1924
Ralph wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi131   March 1925
Harold Vernon Ingram M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Different version of Pi 131.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi133   September 1923
Laurence Samuel Henry M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi134   November 1924
Hayward (woman seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi135   September 1916
Morgan/Parker wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi136   August 1916
Harris (girl, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi137   November 1919
Walton (Foursome).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi138   June 1928
J.M. Tait: Tait and his fellow graduates, M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi139   June 1920
Stewart: group of graduates(?).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi140   [n.d. early 1920s]
Howe: group of 9 men
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi141   March 1929
Gallard (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi142   June 1925
Rutherford (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi143   June 1923
William Lang Hodge: M.D., (Practitioner of 15 years standing), Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi144   April 1911
Hardy: family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi145   April 1911
Barlow: family group in studio.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi146   April 1911
Barlow: Elderly man and wife.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi147   April 1911
Barlow: Elderly man and wife.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi148   December 1923
Clarkson: group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi149   September 1925
Dodds: family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi150   January 1925
Durham Chorister School: Shakespearean play group in costume, photographed for F.S. Dennett,.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi151   January 1925
Bede College, Durham: trial fours.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi152   June 1920
Thompson/Robinson bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi153   July 1929
Durham School: rowing crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi154   March 1921
W.W. Dunn, Chief Constable (seated in uniform).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi155   February 1924
Thornley: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi156   June 1926
T.H. Holmes: large family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi157   January 1924
White: group of 10.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi158   August 1912
Mrs. H. Bottomley: Funeral flowers (wife of H.B. County Architect, aged only 30 yrs. 4th daughter of T. Coates, builder of Durham).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi159   August 1912
Mrs. H. Bottomley: Funeral flowers (wife of H.B. County Architect, aged only 30 yrs. 4th daughter of T. Coates, builder of Durham).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi160   11 September 1920
Mrs. Chambers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi161   1929
Durham School: Caffinites Cricket XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi162   1936
Turner/Wilkinson: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi163   1936
Turner/Wilkinson: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi164   July 1910
University College, Durham: 3rd rowing crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi165   1931
St. John's College, Durham: football team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi166   1931
St. John's College, Durham: hockey team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi167   1931
St. John's College, Durham: hockey team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi168   1931
Armstrong College: Senate cup winners.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi169   7 November 1930
Mrs. Morley-Wells.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi170   November 1928
Rose, (seated, woman.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi171   February 1925
Hickling, (standing woman).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi172   February 1925
Hickling, (seated woman).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi173   October 1928
Mrs. Salkeld's son John.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi174   October 1928
Mrs. Salkeld's son John.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi175   October 1928
Mrs. Salkeld's son John.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi176   June 1929
University College, Durham: Corporation Challenge cup winners.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi177   November 1928
Rose (seated woman).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi178   12 January 1931
The misses Ingham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi179   1930
Durham University Union Society officers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi180   October 1928
Durham School: Chapel: window in memory of Edward Henry Prest, 1856-1893, and Herbert Prest, 1860-72, depicting, left King Ethelbert & right Thomas a Becket.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi181   5 February 1924
G. Earps, Ph.D., Armstrong College.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi182   1932
Geoffrey Gordon, Bp of Jarrow.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
George Herbert Gair, 1871-1919: Memorial brass plaque in St. Nicholas Cathedral, Newcastle.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi184   January 1921
Hayward/Digby-Seymour: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi185   November 1926
Robinson (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi186   November 1926
Lynch (woman standing, in party dress).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi187   December 1916
Mutch: wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi188   November 1916
Sacriston ambulance & V.A.D. staff.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi189   October 1911
Gradon (small girl with rustic chair).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi190   1938
Dobson (woman in evening dress, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi191   July 1925
Bede College, Durham: Mayor's plate crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi192   1938
Mrs. White (seated with book on lap).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chester-le-Street Co-op. Committee.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi194   November 1909
St. Chad's College, Durham: trials Four "A" crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi195   November 1916
Pallister: wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi196   June 1919
St. John's College, Durham: special inter-collegiate fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi197   November 1909
St. Chad's College, Durham: Trial fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi198   December 1919
St. Chad's College, Durham: Trial fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi199   1921
Durham University Union Society offices, Michaelmas Term.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi200   January 1921
Smith (woman seated with flowers).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi201   October 1924
Marsden/Bowen wedding: bride, seated.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi202   August 1928
Allen wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi203   August 1911
Rowlandson [Lace] wedding, [mother?].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi204   Easter term, 1919
St. Chad's College, Durham: special inter-collegiate fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi205   22 September 1923
Revd. George Thomas Basden (University College, Durham), D. Litt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi206   January 1928
Hook (woman graduate).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Blakye/Dobson wedding group, 1938.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi208   February 1925
Bede College, Durham: crew, Lady Herschel plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi209   March 1919
Bell: bridal couple (groom a lieutenant).
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi210   June 1912
Charles Corben, M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine, Practicioner of 15 years standing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi211   June 1912
William Harvey Bennett, M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine, Practicioner of 15 years standing,.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi212   April 1910
McGilliovay [sic on negative] (woman, standing). See Pi124 and Pi125
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi213   26 June 1923
William Lang Hodge M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine, Practicioner of 15 years standing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi214   June 1912
Hall (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi215   1919
Hatfield College, Durham: crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi216   2 June 1923
Bede College, Durham: Challenge crew 1923: Lowe challenge Bowl & Corporation plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi217   July 1910
Durham University 2nd crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi218   1929
Durham Colleges Athletics.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi219   March 1929
Hatfield College, Durham: Rugby team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi220   July 1910
Durham University Tennis Team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi221   May 1919
Durham University Union Society, officers. Easter term.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi222   1931
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi223   December 1919
St. John's College, Durham: Trial fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi224   1919
St. John's College, Durham: Trial fours crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi225   Epiphany term, 1921
Durham University Union Society officers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi226   October 1925
Elliott: bridal(?) couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi227   August 1925
Trenholm: couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi228   December 1931
Durham School: School House: Rugby XV.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi229   29 June 1926
Lettice Wadsworth M.A. (Home student).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Alderman W.E. Bradley, Mayor of Durham, 1938.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi231   May 1936
F.B. Jevons: portrait in oils in Hatfield College, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi232   June 1909
Hatfield College, Durham, officers, Easter term.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi233   October 1924
Bowen/Marsden wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Dora Greenwell: portrait in oils [at Greenwell Ford, Lanchester?]
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi235   1928
Durham Chorister School play, Midsummer Night's Dream.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi236   Sept 1911
Shafto wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi237   1930
Gordon Manley/Audrey Robinson wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi238   1930
Manley/Robinson wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi239   1930
Manley/Robinson wedding, bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
7th Marquess of Londonderry as Mayor of Durham, 1937.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi241   1914
Kift/Wilson: wedding group, outside prison.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi242   January 1914
Kift/Wilson: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi243   November 1924
Hayward (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
James Smith, Bp of Callipolis 1688-1711, & George Witham, Bp of Marcopolis 1715-1725. Cameo pictures at Ushaw College.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
James Smith, Bp of Callipolis 1688-1711, & George Witham, Bp of Marcopolis 1715-1725. Cameo pictures at Ushaw College.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi246   1911
Filer group, father(?) & six children.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi247   1913
Durham University Women students Hockey XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi248   1929
Britton: wedding group (Salvationists).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi249   June 1911
Atkinson: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi250   January 1938
Shafto: grave flowers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi251   January 1938
Shafto: grave flowers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi252   26 June 1928
Group of honorary graduates, Durham University. Left to right Professor E.A.C.M. Fabricius (D.Litt.); [W.T. Jones (M.A.)?]; Canon Professor G.C. Richards D.D., Professor of Greek and Classical Literature. (cf. photo p.18 of 1929 Durham City Yearbook).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
[Mrs] Mitnam [of 9 George Terrace, Neville's Cross?] Seated, Half-length.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi254   November 1919
Walton: couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi255   January 1912
Guire (woman, seated). [Confectioner of 56 Saddler Street?]
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi256   February 1912
Diamond: funeral flowers.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi257   January 1912
Appleby: funeral flowers [St. Oswald's Durham grave yard?]
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi258   19 June 1930
Durham University Athletics team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi259   25 March 1931
Hatfield College Soccer Team.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi260   September 1927
Taylor: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi261   April 1910
Moody group (8 figures and dog).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi262   June 1920
Thompson/Robinson wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi263   June 1926
Lettice Wordsworth Wadsworth: graduation.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Wrayford (man, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi265   December 1923
Hickling (woman, seated).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
George Waddington (Dean of Durham)?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi267   April 1910
Moody group (4 figures).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi268   1938
Atkinson (woman, seated, dog on lap).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi269   1938
Atkinson (woman, standing).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi270   July 1911
Walker family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi271   October 1913
Alfred Robert Tucker, Canon of Durham and ex Bishop of East Equatorial Africa.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi272   April 1910
Crawford family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi273   June 1911
Bede College, Durham: prefects.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi274   1931
Durham University graduates, outside the old main entrance to the Deanery in the College. cf. also Pi301.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi275   November 1909
Hatfield College, Durham: Officers, Michaelmas Term.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi276   May 1914
Brown: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi277   September 1916
Bainbridge: young brother and sister.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi278   November 1916
Denholm: seated child.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi279   March 1921
Philadelphia R.F. club.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi280   September 192[7?]
Forrester: bridal couple]
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi281   February 1910
Mrs. Rogerson (oil painting).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University College, Durham: [?]: rowing skulls [?] with A.A. MacFarlane-Grieve.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi283   1931
Edinburgh University rowing crews.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi284   April 1937
St. John's College, Durham: Association Football XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi285   March 1931
Bowen: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi286   8 October 1930
Firby: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi287   June 1931
Durham University 2nd crew.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi288   June 1931
Hatfield College, Durham: Cricket XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi289   April 1937
St. John's College, Durham: Association Football XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi290   June 1931
St. John's College, Durham: Cricket XI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi291   1931
University College, Durham: Fives group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
National English Rabbit Club: Prize rabbits & their humans.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
National English Rabbit Club: Prize rabbits & their humans.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi294   July 1924
Bowen: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi295   October 1924
Marsden/Bowen wedding.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi296   July 1924
Bowen wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Liddell: reproduction photograph of a young officer.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi298   September 1911
Forster: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi299   December 1923
Clarkson: family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi300   October 1924
Marsden/Bowen wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi301   1931
Durham University graduates outside the old main entrance to the Deanery in the College. Cf. also Pi 274.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi302   May 1926
Durham workmen's club and institute, group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
[Dora?] Greenwell [oil portrait at Greenwell Ford, Lanchester].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi304   possibly November 1911
G.W. Kitchin in robes of Durham University Chancellor.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi305   1924
Bowen: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi306   January 1921
Hayward/Digby-Seymour: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi307   February 1928
S.K. Knight, Bp of Jarrow.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi308   15 August 1930
Bland medal group of 10.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi309   1931
Durham University Union Society group (front row includes visitors?).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi310   March 1929
J.H.F. Pankhurst, M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi311   March 1929
J.H. Pool: M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi312   March 1929
W. Mair, M.B., B.S., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mrs. Fawcett.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Spraggon: wedding group.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Spraggon: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi316   January 1914
Marson/Walker [wedding group in front of a Miners' Welfare Hall?].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi317   January 1914
Marson/Walker: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi318   January 1914
Marson/Walker: bridal group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi319   March 1919
Bell wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi320   August 1914
Wilkinson family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Miss M. Lockwood.
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi322   May 1919
Calvert: man in military uniform.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi323   September 1913
Durham Amateur Rowing Club (4 plus cox, with with trophies).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi324   June 1912
Gray: couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
James Fowler, Mayor of Durham, 1934.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Anne Marie Alderson: gravestone.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi327   January 1925
Wilfrid Theodore Casson, B.A., died 1924 in his 23rd year: memorial plaque in Latin.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi328   March 1924
Durham School rugby team on the pitch.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi329   July 1911
Salkeld: Funeral flowers before the burial stone of Barbara Hodgson who had died aged 24 in 1909. [St. Margaret's Churchyard Durham.]
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi330   May 1911
Chisman: Funeral flowers of the Iron foundary family of Elvet Bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi331   July 1950
Martin Wigfield [or Wingfield], chorister.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi332   July 1950
Martin Wigfield [or Wingfield], chorister.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi333   July 195.
Martin Wigfield [or Wingfield], chorister.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi334   July 1950
Martin Wigfield [or Wingfield], chorister.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi335   July 1950
M.R. Hetherington.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi336   July 1950
M.R. Hetherington.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi337   December 1919
Wallace: War grave (?) wooden cross in graveyard.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi338   November 1924
Wilkinson: large group inside a hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi339   October 1923
Welch: group of 4.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi340   January 1921
Smith: woman with flower.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi341   March 1926
Cheyne: distant view of girl on bridge.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi342   August 1928
Allen: family group in garden.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi343   August 1928
Allen: pair in garden.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi344   June 1911
Atkinson: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi345   June 1911
Atkinson: bridal couple.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi346   3 June 1923
W.H. Bennett, M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi347   July 1928
Stocks: portrait (in oils) of a woman.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi348   September 1940
Stocks: portrait (in oils) of a woman.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi349   September 1940
Stocks: portrait (in oils) of a woman.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi350   July 1925
Senate four.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Falkener: oil painting (19 century) of a soldier.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi352   July 1928
University College, Durham, group before hall steps: photographed for Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi353   c. 1860?
Durham School group
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi354   December 1936
Bust of M.J. Routh in Durham University Library; photographed for H.W. Acomb.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi355   September/October 1949
Greenwell's pastel painting of a young lady (Dora Greenwell?) at Greenwell Ford, Lanchester, photographe.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi356   June 1926
Holmes: family group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi357   March 1909
Hatfield College, Durham: Fives VI.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi358   November 1909
University of Durham Crew (winners of Lady Herschel plate).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi359   1923
P.H.G. Grosse M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi360   1923
P.H.G. Grosse M.D., Newcastle College of Medicine.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi361   September 1916
Morgan/Parker: outdoor wedding group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi362   April 1919
Simpson: Portrait of a woman.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi363   September 1925
Wood: man, seated.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Pi364   1920
Robinson: wedding (groom in naval uniform).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Unknown wedding group: only part of this glass negative is now efficient, showing seated bridesmaid at left of the group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Unknown man and woman: before the Norman Doorway in the Tunstal Gallery of Durham Castle.
Size: 8½ x 6½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Q1   July 1938
"Gortin": the house of Professor J.I.O. Masson, Quarryheads Lane.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Q2   July 1938
"Gortin": the house of Professor J.I.O. Masson, Quarryheads Lane.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/Q3   1944
Quarryheads Lane: view of back from St. Mary's field looking over to east of Cathedral. [photographed for Thos. Sharp, Cathedral City, 1944].
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R1   1921
Rechabites, Langley Park.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R2   January 1924
Rowing Club, Durham city?; photographed for Nimmins.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R3   1923
Rifle Club.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R4   May 1923
Railway, engine: "Hamsteels".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R5   May 1923
Railway, engine: "Hamsteels".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R6   May 1923
Railway, engine: "Hamsteels".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/R7   May 1923
Railway, engine: "Hamsteels".
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S1   November 1911
Shop: Lockey's, Saddler Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S2   November 1911
Shop: Earl's: Saddler Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S3   1949
Shop: Boots' Library.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham: Dewhurst's shop and street beyond, looking down.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham (like S4).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S6   May 1910
Framwellgate Bridge and Crossgate, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S7   July 1928
Shop: Woolworth's interior, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S9   May 1929
Marshall Terrace, Sunderland Road, Gilesgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S10   May 1929
Marshall Terrace, Sunderland Road, Gilesgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Shop: Woolworth's exterior, Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S13   July 1928/August 1929 (2 dates on negative)
Shop: Woolworth's, Silver Street, Durham:.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S14   March 1935
Sherburn Hill, Miners' Homes.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S17   13 October 1937
Shop: Greenwell's, Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S18   17 August 1936
North Road, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S19   October 1923
Silver Street, Durham: road works.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S21   17 August 1936
Claypath, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S23   October 1923
Silver Street, Durham: Rose and Crown.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S25   July 1925
Salvation Army group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S26   July 1912
Barkers Heugh sewage works, Durham, with Kepier on opposite bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S27   May 1929
Marshall Terrace, Sunderland Road, Gilesgate Moor, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S28   1949
Boots staff, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S29   6 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham: demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S30   7 September 1937
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S31   29 September 1937
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S32   7 September 1937
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate, Durham, looking over to Back Silver Street.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S34   26 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham: demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S35   6 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham: demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Framwellgate, Durham, looking over to Back Silver Street. (see also X45 and X194).
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S38   17 November 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Woolworth's.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sacriston Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sacriston Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sacriston Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road Ends, Durham: Three Horse Shoes Inn.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sacriston Colliery.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham station from Wharton Park.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: North Gate; after N.S. Bouet.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Durham station.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: alterations to Andrews. shop.
Size: 2½ x 2½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: alterations to Andrews. shop.
Size: 2½ x 2½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: alterations to Andrews. shop.
Size: 2½ x 2½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: alterations to Andrews. shop.
Size: 2½ x 2½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 4½ x 5½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: Earl's shop.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S59   14 June 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S60   16 August 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S61   27 September 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S62   26 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S63   26 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S64   26 July 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S65   27 October 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S66   27 October 1937
Silver Street, Durham demolitions.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Sharp "Cathedral city" report plan.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Sharp "Cathedral city" report plan.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Thomas Sharp "Cathedral city" report plan.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
St. Margaret's Church, Durham, from the South after W. Pearson, 1820.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Hospital Group, Boutflower as Master.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 2½ x 3½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S79   February 1938
Sands House, The Sands, Durham, taken for Dickeyson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S82   1949
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S83   1949
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S84   1949
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S85   1916
Barkers Heugh sewage works, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S86   1916
Barkers Heugh sewage works, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: Midland Bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S88   23 September 1927
South Street, Durha.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Skull, property of Dr. Crawhall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Skull, property of Dr. Crawhall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S91   1949
Silver Street, Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Skull, property of Dr. Crawhall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer window display of Jaffa oranges.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S94   1926
Swallwell: proposed Axwell Park Bridge at Swallwell: plan by Durham County Engineer & Surveyor A.E. Brookes.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S95   July 3rd 1928
St. John's Chapel [village in Weardale].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S96   July 1938
South Shields: new urban flats for the North Eastern Housing Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S97   September 1928
Sherburn Road estate: Bede Avenue; photographed for J.W. Green, County Surveyor.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: Andrews shop: Advertising Jack Lawson's A man's life [1932]. Called "Bookshop of the Prince Bishops".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: Earl's baker's shop (shows part of no.69: J.S. Adamson (photographed)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Saddler Street, Durham: Newspaper House: with fan road-sets.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham: estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham: estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham: estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Sherburn Road, Durham: estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S105   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op stores, [Excavations for construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S106   27 October 1937
No. 3 Silver Street, Durham: J.H. Dewhurst. Shows part of Sinclair, Boulton (tobacconist) to the left at no. 2. No. 4 under construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, No. 35, Blackburn (clothier); no. 36 Strathman (shoes); no. 37 Greenlees (shoes).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S108   October 1923
Silver Street, Durham: Early morning road-works in progress on the road; photographed for J.W. Gree.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S109   July 1929
Sutton Street, Durham: railway viaduct.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S110   July 1938
Sherburn Road, Durham: North Eastern Housing Association.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S111   July 1938
Sherburn Road, Durham: North Eastern Housing Association.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S112   July 1938
South Shields: North Eastern Housing Association Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S113   12 October 1950
Siemens: Spennymoor.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S114   October 1946
Siemens Trading Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S115   October 1946
Siemens Trading Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S116   October 1946
Siemens Trading Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S117   October 1946
Siemens Trading Estate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S118   25 November 1946
Siemens: West Hartlepool.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S119   February 1951
Siemens: Fuses.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S120   18 September 1951
Siemens: Component.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S121   February 1951
Siemens: Equipment bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S122   February 1951
Siemens: Equipment bank.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S123   December 1946
Siemens: Laboratory interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S124   October 12, 1951
Siemens: Spennymoor. Wash basins.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S125   January 1951
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Relay shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S127   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S128   16 January 1947
Siemens: West Hartlepool.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S129   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S130   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S131   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S132   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S133   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S134   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S135   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S136   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S137   December 1946
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S138   February 1951
Siemens: Fuse components.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S139   February 1951
[Siemens: Fuse housing [?] .
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S140   28 February 1951
Siemens: Components.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S141   January 1952
Siemens. Coils.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S142   18 September 1951
Siemens: Fuse housing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S143   1 May 1951
Siemens: Discharger.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Dolly shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Zinc [ ] assembly.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: card shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: assembly torch section.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: single cell assembly.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S149   12 October 1950
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S150   12 October 1950?
Siemens: [Spennymoor].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S151   12 October 1950
Siemens: Spennymoo.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S152   12 October 1950
Siemens: Spennymoo.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S153   12 October 1950
Siemens: Spennymoo.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Spennymoor: Wiring shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Spennymoor: Engineering shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Spennymoor: Wiper shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Compound mixing.
Size: 6 1/x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Spennymoor: Linz cutting shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Spennymoor: Box shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: Temporary set card.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S161   16 January 1947
Siemens: West Hartlepool: site picture.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Steamer: "City of Canton".
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S163   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op Stores: Building site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S164   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op Stores: Building site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S165   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op Stores: Building site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Silver Street, Durham: window display in a fruiterers, at one time below Marks & Spencer, with the reflections of Greenwells and Smiths the chemist in the window.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S167   18 February 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: work in progress at back of Silver Street; photographe.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S168   June 1911
Sedgefield area hedging.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
[no negative received]
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S170   6 July 1937
Wooden framing for Marks and Spencer building, Silver Street, Durha.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S171   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op stores.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S172   5 April 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer, detail of cracked ? foundation.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S173   5 April 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer, detail of cracked ? foundation.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S174   5 April 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: detail of concrete ramping.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S175   18 February 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S176   24 September 1927
[Sacriston Auction rooms, possibly].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
South Street and Johnston School, Durham from St. Margaret's churchyard (pre-1937 churchyard scheme).
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S178   December 1946
Siemens: Wiring and cabel panel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S179   December 1946
Siemens: Coiler.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S180   December 1946
Siemens: Packing floor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S181   December 1946
Siemens: Shop floor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S182   6/20 Febr. 1952
Siemens: light assembly section.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Siemens: [?]: Fan boiler plant.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S184   November 1909
Sherburn Hill Co-op stores: Clearance site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S185   June 1911
Sedgefield Rural District Council, with terrace in background.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S186   28 February 1951
Siemens: switchgear.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S187   3 May 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S188   3 May 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S189   14 June 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S190   3 May 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S191   3 May 1937
Silver Street, Durham: Marks & Spencer: construction.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S192   c. 195-
Siemens: Card shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S193   c. 195-
Siemens: Part of Dolly shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S194   c. 195-
Siemens: Card shop (b).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S195   c. 195-
Siemens: Inert bond.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S196   1 May 1951
Siemens: Components.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S197   c. 195-
Siemens: Card Shop.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S198   c. 195-
Siemens: Wiper wiring.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S199*   c. 1938
Silver Street, Durham: Dewhurst and Marks & Spencer.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/S200*   c. 1938
Silver Street, Durham: Dewhurst and Marks & Spencer.
Size: 12 x 10 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/T1   March 1929
Tantobie Albion Football Club.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Trench-digging machine.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Trench-digging machine.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Military dinner in Durham Town Hall [Alderman Fowler's mayoralty?].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Teufen Bridge, Switzerland, with scaffolding beneath: photograph of picture taken in a book.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Terradura: Industrial interior, showing this floor covering; photographed for Civil Engineering publications.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Terradura: Industrial interior, showing this floor covering; photographed for Civil Engineering publications.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/U1   December 1919
Durham University Union Society. Seated, right end: Arthur Edward Watson Castle (St Cuthbert's).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/U2   1950
Durham University Union Society, June Week Inter-Varsity Debate. Back: P. Clarke (St Chad's), E.K.T. Coles (St John's), F.W. Sharples (University), A.F.M. Harford (St Cuthbert's). Middle: R.B. Lane (Hatfield), L.D. Bridgewood (St Cuthbert's), B.W.E. Hobbs (St Chad's), J.C. Holmes (Secretary, University), D.A. Bell (Hatfield), P.D.A. Campbell (Treasurer, St Chad's), W.T. Hastings (University). Front: T. Crozier (Aberdeen), T. Egan (Manchester), D. Naylor (College Historical Soc., Trinity College, Dublin), J.E.Harrison (President, St John's), D.G. McMillan (Cambridge Union Society), S. Thorley (Queen's, Belfast), J. Welch (London).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/U3   photographed February 1933
Ushaw College from an oil painting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/U4   June 1929
Durham University Union Society.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Union Society, Newcastle (building).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: Chapel: interior (Sacred Heart chapel showing original Pugin altar).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University Press, London.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: St. Cuthbert's ring; photographed for C.F. Battiscombe's The relics of St. Cuthbert
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: St. Cuthbert's ring; photographed for C.F. Battiscombe's The relics of St. Cuthbert
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: St. Cuthbert's ring; photographed for C.F. Battiscombe's The relics of St. Cuthbert
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: St. Cuthbert's ring; photographed for C.F. Battiscombe's The relics of St. Cuthbert
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Ushaw College: St. Cuthbert's ring; photographed for C.F. Battiscombe's The relics of St. Cuthbert
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University of Durham: Curators of the Observatory 1st report 1840 page 1.
Size: 5 x 3¼ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University of Durham: Curators of the Observatory 1st report 1840 page 2.
Size: 5 x 3¼ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Verdant Green by "Cuthbert Bede" i.e. Edward Bradley: pictures. “Ye freshmonne his adventures at University College Durham. Part I.” 9 sketches.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Verdant Green by "Cuthbert Bede" i.e. Edward Bradley: pictures. “Ye freshmonne his adventures at University College Durham. Part II.” 9 sketches.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
W.E.A. Group in Hatfield College, Durham, with Jevon's House in background, Aug. 1931.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W2   November 1924
Brandon workmens' club ambulance group.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W3   September 1920
Waterhouses 1914-1919 parish church war memorial.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W4   November 1919
Walworth: Low Farm [?], near Heighington.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W5   3 July 1928
Westgate, Weardale.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W6   18 May 1931
Warrington Bridge; photographed from a book for J.W. Green.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W7   3 July 1928
Westgate, Weardale.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W8   3 July 1928
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/W9   8 June 1937
Wheatley Hill School.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Wolsingham Church: West window, in memory of George (d. 1886) & Eliza Love (d. 1899).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Wolsingham Church: West window, in memory of George (d. 1886) & Eliza Love (d. 1899).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Watergate, South Bailey, Durham.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
C.E. Whiting, Studies in the Reformation : Illustration: The visions of the thorough reformation.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
X: Unidentified
Railway cutting.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X2   1912
Back area of houses; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X3   1912
Back area of houses; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X4   1912
Back area of houses; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X5   1912
Back area of houses; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X6   1938
Derelict property and fencing; photographed for J.W. Green (Durham City Council),.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Heating pipes with stop-turns.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X8   1927
Multi-storey stable interior; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X9   1927
Multi-storey stable interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roadway: Ouseleap. (cf also X14).
Size: 6½ x8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X11   1937
Cinema: posters celebrating Paramount jubilee in 1937.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Car batteries: Christmas shop window display.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
18th cent. sideboard with tureens and knife boxes on top.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X14   3 July 1928
Roadway: setts: ouseleap. (cf X10)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Garden wall abutment.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Railway embankment with tunnel [?at Brusselton]: rural.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Digitised version
Index terms
Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pavilion (?) on edge of playground.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coal or coke plant [Kimblesworth].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Display of silver (?): 5 objects.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Display of plate: 2 vases and one large plate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X21   January 1929
Framed embroidery of King and cross.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X22   September 1927
Scaffolded bankside beneath a wall; photographed for J.W. Green.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X23   September 1927
Demolition for North Road bus station (?) Durham, with Neville Street in background (?); photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X24   November 1926
Demolition for North Road bus station, Durham (or for a railway line?) (cf. X23). Reversed.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Industrial piping.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
House, with 2 women and child in costume of ca 1880?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X27   c. 1930
Factory interior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Oil painting of Jerome (and lion) and women and 2 children. There is a plate on the frame but the negative is not sharply focussed.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X29   c. 1930
An office, with Copier working.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Church main altar beneath organ pipes.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cross and candlesticks. (cf. X30).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cross and candlesticks. (cf. X30).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Frontispiece engraving of the Liveing and the Dying Christian from a 17 cent. devotional printed book (Jeremy Taylor?); photographed for C.E. Whiting
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Anglo-Saxon sculptured stone.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Back of a lorry.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Backyard in poor state.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Unidentified female.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Oil painting with Roman emperor at centre.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coil of piping or thick wire.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X40   June 1923
Staff party.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Railway tunnel and embankment above [?at Brusselton].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pavement and drainage channel.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
18/19 cent. decorated table.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
3 ornate ewers and two small vases.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
A high early 18th-cent. corner wall, buttressed with wood.
[Rear garden wall of former St Godric's Convent/Castle Chare, centre on old Millburngate.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X46   November 16 1926
Multi-storey stable interior, with stairway.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cottage type detached house [rear of Hallgarth House, Hallgrath Street].
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X48   October 1935
Unidentified vennel.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chorister; photographed for Mr. Fairbanks.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Chorister; photographed for Mr. Fairbanks.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Village green.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Finder connector (Siemens?)
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lane in the countryside.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Civic chain of office.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lane or back wall. 1st view.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Lane or back wall. 2nd view.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Display of plate and saucer with apples.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Display of glass goblet, dish and trinket container.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coal or shale conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coal or shale conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mechanical crusher belt.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone crushing conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone crusher.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone quarry conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone quarry conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone quarry conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Quarry conveyor and railway trucks.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Quarry buildings.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Stone conveyor.
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Power plant (Hatfield College?)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Power plant (Hatfield College?)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Interior of old stable?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X73   16 November 1926
Back street demolition site.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Scandinavia: long-horn player.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mother and son.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Tryptych of deposition; photographed for Arthur Bailes, for publication.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Boiler house (Hatfield College?).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pit railway line.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X79   March 1914
Large sconces; photographed for Laidler.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Production bins in factory?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Room with bay window and cracked ceiling.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X82   February 1938
Back yard with outbuildings and loose tiles; photographed for J.W. Green.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X83   31 October 1930
Rock face and constructed entrance.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X84   31 October 1930
Fenced Lane.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Four statuettes and one cup; photographed for Arthur Bailes.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
Negative broken.
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University of London Educational books display, emphasising the "new writing" (cf. X88).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Pavilion entrance patio at Bedlington (?); photographed for Gradon.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
University of London Press: Publisher's exhibition [related to X86].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Manor Hotel: front door.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
School building.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing estate (Gilesgate?, Durham).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Housing estate (Gilesgate?, Durham).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Bridge, probably on the continent; photographed from a book.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X94   May 1923
Colliery with coking ovens [Hamsteels].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
No negative received.
Factory plant room.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X109   photographed March 1925
Unidentified church: pair of stained glass windows, erected 1924, of SS Hilda and Aidan, in memory of William and Hannah Isabella Hall.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Road surface.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Back yard.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Convector fan.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Back yard.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Female half length portrait.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coal distribution belt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roof space with pulleys.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Same roof space as X116 with notice relating to safety by the coal hopper.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Same roof space as X116.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X119   May 1925
Colliery [Hamsteels].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Colliery [Kimblesworth] (cf. X18).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X121   May 1923
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Colliery? corridor; wash rooms?
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X123   May 1919
Roadway; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X124   May 1919
Colliery passageway; photographed for Durham County Council.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Roadway (cf. X123).
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mother and 3 daughters.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Mother and 3 daughters. (cf. X126)
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
A mayor of Durham.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X129   November 6 1925
Railway level crossing.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X130   April 1924
Street; probably Gilesgate photographed for J.W. Green.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X131   April 1924
Street; probably Gilesgate photographed for J.W. Green.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X132   June 1925
Roadside verge; photographed for W.J. Merritt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X133   June 1925
Roadside verge; photographed for W.J. Merritt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Storeroom with women.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Table and chair before a window.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Colliery [Dean & Chapter: Ferryhill].
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Coal refining belt.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Female portrait.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X139   September 1920
Wooden building interior: isolation hospital?; photographed for Durham County Council,.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
cf X139: exterior.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Back street: ruin on left.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X142   May 1923
House and frontage; photographed for Johnson.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X143   November 1936
Oil painting or tapestry of a presentation scene; photographed for Ronan.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
Cafe dance-floor.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)
Glass negatives
EDI/X145   1912
Farm buildings; photographed for Burrell.
Size: 6½ x 8½ inches
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Edis (photographers, of Durham)