`Abbas Hilmi II papers
`Abbas Hilmi II


Reference code: GB-0033-HIL
Title: `Abbas Hilmi II papers
Dates of creation: 1834-2021
Extent: 20 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: personal papers of `Abbas Hilmi II
Language: French; Arabic; Turkish; Ottoman Turkish; German; Greek; Italian; English

`Abbas Hilmi II

`Abbas Hilmi II, the great-great-grandson of Mohamed Ali, was born on 14th July 1874 and succeeded his father, Muhammad Taufīq Pasha, as Khedive in 1892. The papers cover the period of `Abbas Hilmi II's Khedivate 1892-1914 and extend after his deposition in December 1914 until his death on 21st December 1944 at Geneva.


A. Files 1-134, 149-155 (with later accessions intermixed): Official, Political and Diplomatic
Correspondence on Egyptian internal affairs - political, social and economic - the British in Egypt and the Sudan, Egypt's relations with Britain, Turkey and the rest of Europe, the Khedive's relations with other royalty and his deposition; reflecting `Abbas Hilmi II's involvement with the Egyptian nationalist movement and his conflicts with the British administrators; after 1914 showing continued interest in Egyptian and European politics, with letters from many parts of Europe.
B. Files 156-252 (with later accessions intermixed): Estates, Business Interests, Finances and Property
Files on `Abbas Hilmi II's estates, property, palaces, business interests and investments; showing his endeavours to improve his estates and, during his exile, his attempts to recover his sequestered property.
C. Files 259-326 (with later accessions intermixed): Personal
Letters from `Abbas Hilmi II's family and friends, from those in diplomatic circles, representatives of the Churches and authors; including correspondence on khedival patronage, on personal matters and on his European travels
D. Photographs
E. Objects
F. Letters of Mısırlı Ibrahim Pasha to Menlikli Ahmed Pasha, Governor of Adana, 1834-1836

Accession details

The personal papers of `Abbas Hilmi II were in the possession of his family until 1980 when they were deposited on loan to the University of Durham by the Mohamed Ali Foundation. Several accessions have been deposited by the Foundation since 1980, catalogue entries for which are added at appropriate sections of the catalogue. Unless otherwise stated in the item record, HIL/461-HIL/533 were accessioned 9 May 2017 (Misc.2016/17:121).

Conditions of access

Digital surrogates of the papers, including photographs not deposited, are in the process of being made available online, linked from this catalogue. Where material is not yet accessible online then digital copies of such material will be made accessible in our Search Room at Durham to bona fide researchers who should satisfy the University in advance of their visit that the documents represent a serious and necessary source of information and must sign a written agreement. Access to the original documents will not normally be allowed. Please address all enquiries to The Search Room, Durham University Library, Palace Green Section, Palace Green, Durham, DH1 3RN, England (e-mail PG.Library@durham.ac.uk). All requests for photocopies must be approved by the Mohamed Ali Foundation. The Foundation offers an anual prize scheme for theses making substantial use of material in the collection.


The collection, with material written in French, Arabic, German, English, Greek, Italian, Turkish and Ottoman Turkish, comprises some 539 files, mainly correspondence written to `Abbas Hilmi II, 219 pamphlets, 342 printed items, and 2 maps which are listed separately in the library catalogue. The language of a file is indicated in brackets after each file entry. The files are arranged chronologically (as far as possible) within each section. Within each file, pages are numbered consecutively, each written page being numbered. Thus, for example, file 1/1-56 means that file 1 has 56 sides with writing on.


`Abbas Hilmi papers
A. Official, Political And Diplomatic Papers
Khedivial decrees, 1878-1897
Reference: HIL/435/1-34
Dates of creation: 1878-1910
Khedivial decrees (copies):
Suspension of Ismailian courts during epidemic, 19 December 1877 (2), 27 January, 12 June 1878.
Judicial terms of the Mixed Courts, 28 January 1882, 28 January 1883, 19 January 1884.
Tax on built property, 1 February, 4 April, 11 April 1886.
Usufruct in state Waqf lands to the benefit of members of the khedivial family and their descendants, 15 October 1888.
Judicial appointment of Mr de Bulow to the Mixed Courts of first instance in Cairo, replacing Mr Gustave Hobé, 8 November 1897.

Four manuscript documents in Arabic, 1898-1910, including: report of waqf superintendant at Zagazig (HIL/435/29); deed of sale of land by Qadi (hijja) (HIL/435/34)
Language:  French; Arabic
Accessioned, 9 December 2002: BAK176; Misc.2002/2003:22.
Digitised material for Khedivial decrees, 1878-1897 - HIL/435/1-34

'Urabi Revolt
Reference: HIL/420/1-53; HIL/421/1-23; HIL/422/1-76
Dates of creation: 18813 volumes

Registers of Turkish political and diplomatic records, beginning in July 1881, principally concerning the nationalist uprising in Egypt led by Colonel Ahmed 'Urabi, and related talks between Ottoman officials and the ambassadors of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia. Translated into Arabic from the Turkish original by [?Nafiz]. Includes: orders to Hasan Fahmy Pasha, the Ottoman ambassador in London delegated to negotiate the Egyptian Question with the British Government.
A précis in French of several meetings is interpolated within some volumes, including: meetings of the ambassadors with Turkish officials (held in [Istanbul] at the Italian embassy, and the house of the Grand Vizier); Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Turkish cabinet meetings.
Language:  Arabic; French
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for 'Urabi Revolt - 1881, HIL/420/1-53
Digitised material for 'Urabi Revolt - 1881, HIL/421/1-23
Digitised material for 'Urabi Revolt - 1881, HIL/422/1-76

Budgetary papers, 1884-1895
Reference: HIL/436/1
Dates of creation: 1884-1903
Extent: 1 volume
Reports on the 1885 budget of receipts and expenses in the administration of Paquebots-Poste Khédivié [khedivial steamer packet boat service], with related correspondence and notes, 1884-1885; Legal note concerning unidentified indebted lands, 18 March 1903; Draft memoranda to the Ministries of War and Interior concerning the re-transfer of Police Stores personnel within the Public Security division, 1890; Proposals concerning the 1890 budget for the Government of Suakin, from [Charles] Holled Smith [Governor General of the Red Sea Littoral and Commandant, Suakin] to the Minister of Finance, Cairo, 13 September 1889; budget document in Arabic; 1895 budget of receipts (kharaji [lands], ouchouri [lands], date palms, Siwa tax, port taxes, rights of Ibrahim, mills tax), showing affected and unaffected mudiriyahs, 1895; Journal Officiel du Gouvernement Égyptien no. 151, 31 December 1894, with supplement containing the official minutes of a meeting of the Legislative Council, 19 December 1894; 1895 budget forecast, including khedivial items, 12 November 1894; 1885 Postal Department budget, with summary (2 copies), 13 October 1884; Note to the Council of Ministers re budget forecasts, 19 December 1887; 1888 Beit al-mal [Treasury] budget, with notes, 19 November 1887; 1888 Maritime Health and Quarantine Council budget, with notes, balance sheet and Finance Committee report, 1 October 1887; 1894 budget forecasts for the Administration of railways, telegraphs and the Port of Alexandria, with 1895 figures added in manuscript.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Accessioned, 20 August 2004: Misc.2004/2005:36.
Digitised material for Budgetary papers - 1884-1903 - HIL 436/1

HIL/436/2   1889-1890
Language:  French; Arabic
1890 Ministry of War budget, with covering note, 1889; 1890 Public Security Division budget; Memorandum from the Inspector General of Prisons to the Minister of the Interior concerning the budgetary separation of the Prisons Service from that of the Public Security Division, 12 November 1889; 1890 budget forecast of the Prisons Department, 28 October 1889; Notes and correspondence to the Minster of the Interior on Police budgetary matters (personnel, spending increases), [188]9; 1890 Public Security Division budget (differs from above version), with detail of differences in pay; Note on [Police] personnel salaries, in Arabic, 2 November [188]9; 1894 [Ministry of the Interior] budget, with 1895 forecasts (includes courts, immigration, ports, telegraphs, railways, customs, natron, salt, markets, stamps, roads, post, Suakin); 1890 Paquebots-Poste Khédivié [khedivial steamer packet boat service] budget expenses and receipts forecasts, with covering note to the Minister of Finance, 9 October 1889; 1890 Lighthouses budget expenses forecast, with covering note to the Minister of Finance, 16 September 1889; 1890 Ports expenses budget forecast (excluding Alexandria port); 1890 Hallmarking of gold and silversmith manufactures budget, in Arabic.
1 volume 
Accessioned, 20 August 2004: Misc.2004/2005:36.
Digitised material for Budgetary Papers - 1889-1890 - HIL/436/2
Investiture of `Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/465/1
Dates of creation: [January 1892]Paper

Printed text, published on the accession to the throne of `Abbas Hilmi II.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Investiture of `Abbas Hilmi II, January 1892 - HIL/465/1

Khedivial hymn
Reference: HIL/465/2
Dates of creation: [1892 x 1914]Paper

Khedivial hymn. Piano arrangement. Published by Hugo Hackh of Cairo and Alexandria, supplier (fournisseur). Photocopy.
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for Khedivial hymn, 1892 - 1914 - HIL/465/2

Muhammad Tawfiq al-Bakri
Reference: HIL/1/1-54
Dates of creation: 1893-1909
Correspondence and notes from Muhammad Tawfiq al-Bakri concerning particular individuals, namely al-Sayyid Ali Yusuf, Uthman Pasha, Izzat Bey, Mahmud Pasha Shukri etc. and personal matters, including letters from Muhammad Tawfiq asking the Khedive for protection against Shaykh `Ali Yusuf (HIL/1/2); promising to pay to Ibrahim Bey al-Muwilhi £1000 within one year (HIL/1/3); seeking the Khedive's forgiveness (HIL/1/4); unsigned letter requesting a meeting with the Khedive to discuss a matter concerning the Egyptian nation (HIL/1/8); letter to the Khedive from a member of the al-Bakri family, requesting his assistance in obtaining his share of the endowments (Awqaf) of his father Muhammad Effendi al-Bakri and his brother `Ali al-Bakri (HIL/1/9); `Abd al-Hamid al-Bakri with an account of his trip to Turkey (HIL/1/10-11); (enclosure) contract between Isma'il Pasha ‘Abd al-Khaliq on behalf of `Ali Pasha Galal al-Manikli and Ibrahim Mustafa for the rent of a new house located at al-Madbouli street dated 23 Rabie the second 1311 Hijri [3 November 1893] (HIL/1/13-14); letter in response to an article in al-Qahira (HIL/1/15); letters from Hassan al-Rafa'i (HIL/1/16); letters from Muhammad al-Rafa'i (HIL/1/17); letter from the Khedive to his son regarding the arrival of ‘Uthman Pasha (HIL/1/18); discussing Izzat Pasha, Mahmud Pasha and Ottoman politics (HIL/1/19-20); asking the Khedive to appoint Muhammad Bakhit as Shaikh of al-Azhar mosque instead of Muhammad `Abduh (HIL/1/21); discussing women (HIL/1/35-39); criticising Abu`l Huda's treatment of the Khedive and assuring the Khedive of his own devotion (HIL/1/40); to Hussein Pasha Kamil head of the Legislative Assembly concerning expanding the role of this body and the general assembly (HIL/1/49).
From Muhammad al-Khula`i, Tawfiq al-Bakri's secretary, defending al-Bakri (HIL/1/22). Also anonymous correspondence to the Khedive with regard to al-Bakri's visits to Europe and Turkey, referring to corrupt activities in which al-Bakri has allegedly been involved (HIL/1/24-33) (and file with negative duplicates)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 1
Digitised material for Muhammad Tawfiq al-Bakri - HIL/1/1-54

Hasan Khalid Pasha Abu Al-Huda al-Sayyadi
Reference: HIL/2/1-341
Dates of creation: 1896-1936
Correspondence and reports from Hassan Khaled Pasha Abu Al-Huda, the Egyptian Chief Minister of Trans-Jordan at the time, on the situation in the Levant, the Hijaz and Iraq, and reports on visits and meetings in London, Turkey and Germany. The letters give a glimpse of the political scene in Egypt (HIL2/ 46-48), and the uneasy relation between the Khedive and the rulers of the Hijaz in the 1930s ( HIL/2/125,130-131,137), which manifests in the Khedive’s letter to the British High Commissioner in Transjordan in which he objects to a loan to be given to the rulers of the Hijaz. The file also illustrates the unstable and dangerous situation in Syria at that time (HIL2/107-114). A few key players in history are mentioned in some of the letters, among them Lord Passfield, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1931 (HIL/2/28), Churchill (HIL/2/24-25) and King Faisal (HIL/2/125). A small number of letters demonstrate personal aspects of Hassan Pasha himself, his unshakeable loyalty to the Khedive, his close relationship with his sister and even that he was ambidextrous (HIL2/136). Other letters demonstrate the close and warm relationship between the Khedive and King `Ali of the Hijaz, King Ghazi of Iraq and King Faisal I of Iraq (HIL2/ 174,196); and refer to the Assyrian revolt in Iraq in 1933 just one month before the Simele massacre (HIL2/196-197); discussion of the revolt by the League of Nations; British opposition to any act of mass killing against the Assyrian minority (HIL2/202,203); impact of the Great Depression on the Egyptian economy (HIL2/183,184); Hassan Khaled Pasha to the Khedive regarding a request for a meeting in July 1935 from Sir Cosmo Parkinson and John Chancellor, the former British Higher Commissioner to Palestine and Transjordan (HIL2/ 236); the number of non-Egyptian doctors in Cairo and how Helwan, a neighbourhood just outside Cairo was famous as a place for medical recreation (HIL2/ 179,182); unsigned undated document, probably by Hassan Khaled, containing a Machiavellian plan of 14 points to control the public (HIL2/ 249); Hassan Khaled regarding their mutual belief that Lord Kitchener has played a major role in souring the relationship between the Khedive and the British (HIL2/ 250); the emergence of armed resistance in Palestine, and a specific incident in November 1935 when large quantities of arms and ammunition sent to the Jews in Palestine were discovered on a ship, leading to a country-wide strike (HIL2/ 270); the forming of an armed group by Izz Ad-Din al-Qassam, and public reaction to his murder in December 1935 (HIL2/ 293).
Multiple reports from and to Hassan Khaled show the internal situation in Egypt, including the negative attitude of the public towards the current ruler of Egypt, King Fuad I who is criticised in all major newspapers (HIL2/ 265,267), the internal struggles and conflicts in the royal palace, and the conflicting role of some members of Al-Azhar, the powerful Egyptian religious institution, in supporting or opposing King Fuad and the Khedive (HIL2/ 293); open support for Italy from Egyptian politicians and journalists (HIL/2/316-317); Britain's failure to adopt a containment policy, resulting in increasing hatred between Arabs and Jews (HIL/2/322); `Abbas Hilmi's delight at the resignation of Lloyd George as PM, and his succession by Bonar Law (HIL/2/330); negotiations between Egypt and Britain in 1930 to try to temporarily stop Jewish immigration to Palestine (HIL/2/337).
Language:  Arabic; French; German
Microfilm: 1
Digitised material for Hasan Khalid Pasha Abu Al-Huda al-Sayyadi - HIL/2/1-341

Ali Yusuf al-Kiridli (Giritli)
Reference: HIL/3/1-27
Dates of creation: [1891]
A handwritten draft of two chapters out of five that made up an Arabic book entitled Ma’rad al-Siyasa [Exposition of Politics] by `Ali Yusuf al-Kiridli [the Cretan], the proprietor of al-Alam al-Uthmanli [the Ottoman Flag]. The copy is undated, but it covers events that took place before 1900. The two chapters discuss the relationship between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, and between the Khedive and Damad Mahmud Pasha. The second chapter discusses a political movement in Egypt named ‘Shafaq’ [Twilight], the aim of which, according to the author, is the assassination of the Ottoman Sultan, and which he also claims has connections with the Young Turks political reform group (HIL/3/19-27).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 1
Digitised material for Ali Yusuf al-Kiridli - HIL/3/1-27

Mustafa Pasha Kamil
Reference: HIL/4/1-55
Dates of creation: 1895-1913
Letters and despatches, chiefly from Mustafa Pasha Kamil (1874-1908) regarding the Khedive's visit to Turkey, the Turkish Nationalist Party, respectful addresses to Khedive from Paris, Alexandria, Vienna, etc., including letters concerning his trip to Europe (HIL/4/1); informing the Khedive of his intention to publish a book including all the Khedive's speeches, articles and letters (HIL/4/2-3); discussing his meeting with the Ottoman Bash-Katib (Chief Secretary), claiming that he is the best person to advance Egypt's relations with Turkey and discussing the Khedive's visit to England and his intention to meet him between 25 and 30 July (HIL/4/5-6); discussing further the meeting with the Bash-Katib and making arrangements for a meeting (HIL/4/7-8); discussing negative articles about the Khedive's visit to Turkey in the Parisian press, which he thinks were organized by one of the Khedive's enemies, promising that he will write that the Khedive was gratefully received by the Sultan in Istanbul (HIL/4/9-10); discussing an article that Kamil has written about the Khedive which will be published in al-Liwa' newspaper on 26 August (HIL/4/11-12); asking for a meeting with the Khedive in order to discuss some issues regarding his newspaper (HIL/4/13); informing the Khedive of his meeting with a number of journalists from the Eclair newspaper with regard to the articles published about the Khedive's meeting with the Sultan (HIL/4/14); promising to confront some of the Khedive's opponents who want to publish an article about the Khedive and Turkey (HIL/4/15); claiming that one of the princes of the royal family has been giving the Parisian press a negative image of the Khedive, discussing his meeting with Madame Juliette Adam and her willingness to support Egypt (HIL/4/16-17); concerning his meeting with `Abd al-Qadir Hilmi Pasha with regard to decorating Abdin Square (HIL/4/20); referring to rumours spread in Egypt that the Khedive was not received respectfully by the Sultan during his visit to Turkey and claiming that the only newspaper that was reporting the Khedive's visit day to day was his own al-Liwa'newspaper (HIL/4/21-22); informing the Khedive of his meeting with some newspaper representatives and their discussion of the Thasos issue (HIL/4/23-24); concerning his meeting with Madame Juliette Adam (HIL/4/25); asking about the Khedive's visit to Paris and his arrival in Vienna (HIL/4/26); criticizing the British treatment of the Khedive (HIL/4/27-28); discussing his dinner with Madame Juliette Adam (HIL/4/29); concerning his discussions on the status quo in Egypt with a number of French politicians, his requests for their support during his coming meeting with the President of France and informing the Khedive about a new pro-Egyptian association in Paris, stating that after his visit to France he will go to Germany to meet the Kaiser (HIL/4/30-31); concerning the Khedive's meeting with Ahmad Effendi Lutfi and Mustafa Kamil at the Mostorod Palace (HIL/4/32); concerning Boutros Pasha Ghali (HIL/4/35); discussing a party at the Ezbekiyya Gardens, Wednesday 21 May, to celebrate the anniversary of Muhammad Ali Pasha's ascension to the throne (HIL/4/38-39); asking the Khedive to make financial contributions towards two newspapers (HIL/4/40-41); expressing the al-Watani party's gratitude for the donation of a sum of 5000 Egyptian pounds per year as an endowment (Waqf) for the Egyptian University (HIL/4/42-43); discussing the article he wrote on Riyadh Pasha and claiming that most of the Egyptian press favoured it (HIL/4/44-45); discussing the speech of Riyadh Pasha and claiming that it had a negative impact on Egyptians, declaring his intent to write a newspaper article criticizing Riyadh Pasha (HIL/4/46-47). Anonymous letter to the Khedive concerning a meeting with Muhammad Bey Farid, asking the Khedive for support and forgiveness (HIL/4/48). Letter from Ahmad Wafiq, a lawyer, to the Khedive concerning his meeting with Yusuf Siddiq Pasha for the purpose of writing an article about the al-Watani Party and denying allegations made by Isma`il Abaza Pasha to Muhammad Sa`id Pasha that he betrayed the Party (HIL/4/52-54) (and file with negative duplicates)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 1
Digitised material for Mustafa Pasha Kamil - HIL/4/1-55

Egyptian Army (including Wingate and the Sudan)
Reference: HIL/5/1-266
Dates of creation: 1891-1914
Military and Intelligence Reports. Letters from Kandelsdorfer and other correspondence. Map of Khartoum Province; lithographed pamphlets. Report by `Abd al-Bagi Salih on borders (HIL/5/1-2); Report on the Beni Amer Country by Liwa` Holled-Smith with Arabic copy (HIL/5/3-14); Report by `Abd al-Hamid Shukri (HIL/5/46); Reginald Wingate, Intelligence Report, Egypt No. 41. August, September & October 1895 (HIL/5/49-59) and No. 43, January 1896 (HIL/5/66-75); Kandelsdorfer to the Khedive (HIL/5/76-77); reports from Halfa (HIL/5/61-65,90-105); a memorandum on military intelligence agents (HIL/5/111-114). Report by Kandelsdorfer on the instruction manual for Egyptian troops (HIL/5/117-139). Letters from Kandelsdorfer to Rouiller Bey, on topics such as Slatin Pasha's success in Vienna, the equipping of the Austrian Army, and an Egyptian called Mustafa Sayyid who attended the Technical Military Academy at Vienna (HIL/5/140-172).
German material in HIL/5 relates to Major Kandelsdorfer and includes data and information on weapons: Letter from Kandelsdorfer, dated Budapest 16 June 1896, congratulating the Khedive on a recent victory over the dervishes, giving recommendations on how future operations could be successful and mentions Slatin Pasha (HIL/5/76-77); report and recommendations by Major Kandelsdorfer on the Egyptian Army (HIL/5/117-138), commenting on the soldiers’ education and drill, recommendations for training and preparation for war, with covering letter from Kandelsdorfer, dated Vienna 26 March 1895 (HIL/5/140-142); letter from Kandelsdorfer, dated Vienna 21 February 1899 congratulating His Highness on the birth of his son, reiterating his thanks to the Khedive for the award of the Osmaniye Order andreferring to an order for 300 guns which are ready to be dispatched (HIL/5/144-145); letter from Kandelsdorfer, dated Cairo 9 March 1900, thanking the Khedive for a most pleasurable family stay in Egypt, and referring to Major Exarco, the Royal Romanian Military Attaché in Vienna, who kindly sent some munition for a chamber rifle for the Khedive (HIL/5/146-148); letter from Kandelsdorfer, dated 10 November 1897, listing types of Austrian officers’ sabres, which he could provide in large numbers (HIL/5/150-152); letters from Kandelsdorfer, dated Vienna 16 May 1894, 28 May 1896 and 9 October 1897, concerning cartographic materials produced by Kandelsdorfer (HIL/5/153-155,165-168,169-170); letters from Kandelsdorfer, dated Vienna 14 May 1897 and 15 June 1897, containing detailed listings of Austrian infantry equipment (HIL/5/156-161,162-164); table with technical data of small-calibre repeaters used by the armies of different countries, issued by the Eidgenössische Schiessschule (‘Confederal Shooting School’) Wallenstadt 1895 (HIL5/174).
(see also files 3, 44, 45, 61, 64, 65)
Language:  English; Arabic; German
Microfilm: 1 (1-256): 2 (257-266)
Digitised material for Egyptian Army (including Wingate and the Sudan) - HIL/5/1-266

Ministry of the Interior
Reference: HIL/6/1-471
Dates of creation: 1892 August-1910 June
Internal affairs. Letters and copies of memoranda to `Abbas Hilmi, Police reports, etc. Reports on a variety of crimes, incuding the death of one Aziza Ibrahim in a canal (HIL/6/12), a policeman being shot by an Italian (HIL/6/13-17), the shooting of Muhammad Bey Urfi and a jewellery theft (HIL/6/20-22), reports on protests of both students and teachers at al-Azhar, including protests in 1909 at the new shaikh (HIL/6/37-43,74-5,78,124,127,302); reports on unrest in al-Hadara prison in Alexandria (HIL/6/165-7,169-175); reports on the al-Ruqiy al-Islami association and its meetings (HIL/6/56,64-6,79,104,144,149,152-3,157-9,177,188,213,226,264-5,279,291,303,315,430,457,468); reports on the Tarraqiy al-Shaban organization and its meetings (HIL/6/68-70,85,94,214); reports on the al-Nasha'a al-Haditha organisation and its meetings (HIL/6/61,71,93,147,155,161,164,195,200,202,208-9,225,243-6,285,298-99, 319); reports on the meetings of the al-Haya organization (HIL/6/67,98-101,296-7); report on a meeting of the al-Sunna'`i (Worker's) association (HIL/6/453-4).
General reports on the al-Watani party (HIL/6/117,178,197-199,201,247-248), in addition to reports on demonstrations organised by the party against the new press law (HIL/6/55), its leader Muhammad Bey Farid and his meeting with Mahmud Bey Salim in Turkey (HIL/6/59, 67), a fundraising meeting with the al-Umma party (HIL/6/62), one Muhammad Effendi Lami' who was dismissed from the administration of the Qasr al-`Ali by Prince Hussein Kamil for being distracted by his work in the party, the party's publication of a magazine entitled Révue d'Orient (HIL/6/261-262), a meeting regarding the new plans for the Suez Canal (HIL/6/288), a meeting to discuss the British occupation and the emergence of the new associations (HIL/6/227-228) and the administration of the party (HIL/6/324).
Reports by members of the al-Watani party, including a report on the Khedive's visit to Mecca (HIL/6/108) for the pilgrimmage and a report by Ahmad Lutfi (HIL/6/114). Report on a meeting of the al-Umma party (HIL/6/60), and a paper on the role of lawyers in the party (HIL/6/63). Report on the establishment of the Hizb al-`Ummal (Workers' Party) (HIL/6/89) and another report discussing whether it can be classed as an association (HIL/6/90). General reports on Shaikh `Abd al-`Aziz Jawish (HIL/6/106,156,186,281,292), on his criticisms of the upper classes, the government and the British (HIL/6/50), his visits to various schools (HIL/6/84,106,156,307) and meetings with al-Azhar students (HIL/6/313-314), his agreement with Mr Miltiyadi (HIL/6/95), a party in his honour (HIL/6/282-283, 293-5,300, 308) and demonstrations in support of Shaikh `Abd al-`Aziz (HIL/6/301-2,306).
Report on the Geneva Conference (HIL/6/259-260); report on a speech by `Ali Effendi al-Shamsi (HIL/6/138-139); reports on `Ali Fahmi and his speeches (HIL/6/204-6, 267) reports on `Ali Sami (HIL/6/271-278); reports on Butrus Ghali's assassin Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani (HIL/6/452,466), including a report on a condolence ceremony in his house (HIL/469-471) and Ahmad Lutfi's defence of him at his trial (HIL/6/423); a report on Mustafa Hassan Mustafa (HIL/6/462).
Reports on the situation in schools, including on schools opening in the evenings (HIL/6/72); the administration of a preparatory school (HIL/6/113); an inspection at a preparatory school (HIL/6/118-119); a meeting in a school attended by workers (HIL/6/134); schools closing as teachers have not been getting salaries (HIL/6/137); student exam attendance (HIL/6/140).
Language:  Arabic; French
Microfilm: 2
Digitised material for Ministry of the Interior - HIL/6/1-471

Ministry of the Interior II
Reference: HIL/7/1-600
Dates of creation: 1910 July-1914 July
Government of Egypt. Correspondence to and from `Abbas Hilmi re internal adminsitration, railways, police, agriculture, health, Legislative Council, etc. Includes:- general Ministry of Interior reports on al-Azhar (HIL/7/128,314,327,446,542-544), in addition to a letter by the Prime Minister on the schedule of the school year at al-Azhar (HIL/7/65-67), a letter from the Prime Minister to the shaikh of al-Azhar concerning religious education at the mosque (HIL/7/131); a report on petitions made by al-Azhar students (HIL/7/139); a letter to the shaikh of al-Azhar concerning religious education in mosques in Upper Egypt (HIL/7/171); a letter from the Prime Minister to the shaikh of al-Azhar mosque concerning the death of one of the shaikhs of al-Azhar (HIL/7/541).
Material on al-Wardani, including additional material on his condolence ceremony (see also previous file) (HIL/7/1); a visit by al-Wardani's family to his tomb (HIL/7/7-8).
Material on the al-Watani party, including a meeting held regarding the Brussels Conference (HIL/7/2); the response of some members of the party to a newspaper article (HIL/7/5); the party's discussion of a meeting that will take place in Paris (HIL/7/53); the departure of some members of the party alongside `Ali Bey Fahmi to attend the conference in Paris (HIL/7/74); the intent of Mahmud Bey Anis to establish a new party entitled the al-Watani al-Hurr party (HIL/7/31).
Reports on the al-Ruqiy al-Islami organisation (HIL/7/34,51,75,142); secret meetings held in the office of the magazine al-Ahwal (HIL/7/42); an offensive article in al-Murshid newspaper (HIL/7/47-48,60-64); a crime that occurred in Torah jail (HIL/7/197-198); al-`Ayad Bey `Abd al-Ghani Rifa'at Bey (HIL/7/207-210); the demands of the tramway company workers (HIL/7/316-317,319); `Abd al-Satir Bey al-Basil and Ism`ail Pasha Abaza (HIL/7/320-324); the new election law (HIL/7/486).
Letters from Prime Minister Muhammad Sa'id to the Khedive concerning Farid Bey (HIL/7/167-168); meetings with various officials and dignitaries (HIL/7/219-223); greeting the Khedive for his birthday (HIL/7/224); concerning Prince `Aziz Pasha Hassan and Eldon Gorst (HIL/7/225-231); miscellaneous issues including the Legislative Council, the agricultural syndicates and the Copts (HIL/7/253-267); the cotton crop and the arrival of Saba Pasha and depature of Isma`il Pasha Sirri (HIL/7/268); the endowment (waqf) of Prince Hassan Pasha, the death of Riyadh Pasha and Prince Ibrahim Hassan requesting money (HIL/7/271-278); on circumstances in Egypt (HIL/7/279); eliminating the cotton weevil, the protest of the Tramway workers in Cairo, £E800 sent to Prince Ibrahim Hassan Bey (HIL/7/302); Kitchener's visit to Upper Egypt and other topics (HIL/7/349-358); a report to the Khedive concerning Princess Fatima Hanim Effendi, the theft that occurred on `Abd al-Rahman al-Sidqi's farm, the Legislative Council, and the Sirdar's arrival from the Sudan (HIL/7/366-371); a meeting with Count Grimani regarding the Italian invasion of Rhodes, the departure of Tawfiq al-Bakri abroad, Lord Kitchener granting Muhammad Sa'id Pasha the St George's Cross, the cotton crop, the increase of the water level on the Blue Nile, Sa`ad Pasha's departure and Sakakini Bey's departure to Turkey (HIL/7/373-376); Kitchener's negotiations re British military bases in Malta, Abaza Pasha's court case against Sa'ad Pasha, Yahya Atrash's escape from Syria and arrival in Port Said, the meeting with Grimani and Egyptian protests against the Khedive in Turkey (HIL/7/377-381); more on Abaza Pasha's court case, Naguib Pasha Ghali's departure to Europe, the restructuring of the agriculture school in Giza and the cotton weevil (HIL/7/384-393); the trial of the three people who attempted to kill Kitchener and Muhammad Sa'id (HIL/7/406-412); Abaza Pasha's court case, and the meeting between the Khedive and the head of the Legislative Council (HIL/7/423-7); concerning the establishment of a telegraph station and a marine military station in Alexandria (HIL/7/424); concerning the establishment of a naval station and telegraph station in Alexandria (HIL/7/427-428); concerning Shaikh `Abd al-`Aziz Jawish and Muhammad Farid, as well as the Khedive's attendance for the departure of the Mahmal (HIL/7/433-435); meetings with Count Grimani, the Chancellor of Austria and Prince Hussein Pasha (HIL/7/440-442); letters concerning the British King's birthday, the Red Crescent, Muhammad Bey `Abbasi, Muhammad Bey Rifa'at, Princess `Amina Hanim, Mukhtar Pasha al-Ghazi, Isma`il Pasha Sirri, Hussein Rushdi Pasha, `Aziz Bey al-Misri, `Abd al-Halim al-Misri, Isma`il Abaza Pasha, `Ali Yusuf, the cotton weevil, and Kitchener's trip to Sharqiyya and Dakhaliyya (HIL/7/450-472); the petroleum company, the agricultural bank, the Balkans War, Prince Yusuf Kamal Pasha, `Abd al-Khaliq Madhkur Bey, and the Muhammad Ali Foundation (HIL/7/487-495); Isma`il Sirri Pasha's trip to London to receive his decoration from the King (HIL/7/496); the covering of the Ka'aba, Ibrahim Bey Abbasi, `Abd al-Halim Misri, the Chancellor of Romania, Ahmad Bey Yakan, a fire in the ministry of endowments (Awqaf) (HIL/7/497-505); the shaikh of al-Azhar mosque, the covering of the Ka'aba, Isma'il Sirri Bey, `Abd al-Khaliq Madhkur Bey, Mr Plater (HIL/7/513-515); the shaikhs of Alexandria and Tanta and the Egyptian University (HIL/7/520-522); Isma`il Sirri Pasha, Yusuf Wahba Pasha, Shaikh Hazim, the elections, and the government of Serbia (HIL/7/523-529); `Abd al-Halim Misri, the marriage of `Amina Ibrahim Rashid (HIL/7/535-540); the elections, Cromer's visit to Sakara, the endowments, and the Suez Canal (HIL/7/545-550); the Khedive's mother, Mr Platz, the Sirdar, and Khartum mosque (HIL/7/551-555).
Letters from Prime Minister Hussein Rushdi Pasha to the Khedive on miscellaneous topics (HIL/7/583-587,590-599).
(see also files 11, 28, 29, 30)
Language:  Arabic; French; English
Microfilm: 2
Digitised material for Ministry of the Interior II, 1910-14 - HIL/7/1-600

Annual reports of Governorates, 1914
Reference: HIL/543
Dates of creation: [1914]
Extent: 1 volume
Annual reports of the Governorates of Monufia, Gharbia, Sharqia, Dakahlia, Beheira, and Alexandria (printed)
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.

Karl Hron
Reference: HIL/8/1-490
Dates of creation: 1892-1912
Correspondence from and about Karl Hron, author of Ägypten und die ägyptische Frage (Leipzig, 1895), to the Khedive re contemporary European and Egyptian political situation, publication of Hron's works. Hron wishing to found his own foreign correspondence newspaper; Hron offering his military service and advice to the Khedive 1894-1897.
Also correspondence, 1909-1910, with Baron von Marschall; H. Albertall offering his services to the Khedive, 1912.
Hron's return to Port Said from Cairo, correspondence with politicians in Vienna regarding finances, 1892 (HIL/8/4); Memorandum (incomplete) concerning war operations to exploit the Upper Nile, describing the political background and conditions, the plan of operations, the troops involved, and with a series of appendices detailing individual divisions, the command hierarchy and reinforcements (HIL/8/5-45); comments on negotiations with publishers regarding publication of Hron's essay on the Triple Alliance and the Egyptian Question, and Anglo-German relations, references to Bismark, Kaiser Wilhelm II and comments on the anti-British sentiment, 1894 (HIL/8/46-49); Bookseller Carl Konegen of Vienna on publication of Hron’s essay, 1894 (HIL/8/50-51); requesting comments on drafts of an essay on Austria-Hungary's Foreign Policy; Hron's career as a soldier in Serbia, then an inspector of a tobacco company in Macedonia and Albania after the death of his wife and child; Assessment of Anglo-Egyptian military plans re Sudan, 1894 (HIL/8/52-55); letter from Carl Heymann’s publishing house in Berlin, 1894 (HI/8/56-57); manuscript draft extracts from Hron's book regarding Egyptian political and financial development, the Suez Canal, and international relations (HIL/8/58-75); describing chapter content and layout (HIL/8/76-79); Tabular data on Egyptian education system (HIL/8/80-81); Letter from Hron analysing the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian press on the Egyptian Question in the context of recent political developments in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1894 (HIL/8/85-89); Press interest in Hron's book, receives grant allowing him to work as a newspaper correspondent for Egypt in the German-speaking press; Petitions to train as a soldier in Egypt, fighting for or expressing loyality to the Khedive, 1895 (HIL/8/90-91); Concern about plans to invade the Sudan in October; critical of Lord Wolseley and Kitchener and British army leadership in Egypt in general; comments on Russian press re on war with Britain; suggesting the appointment of Salisbury may lead to changes in German public opinion; tensions between the German Government and Bismarck; seeking the Khedive’s support in founding his own newspaper, offering his military service and advice to the Khedive, emphasising his language skills, 1895 (HIL/8/92-103); Hron essays regarding Eastern Question sent to over 80 newspapers in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia in attempt to change public opinion (HIL/8/104-107); Newspaper cutting of Hron’s letter regarding the Macedonian Question (HIL/8/108-109); Newspaper cutting of Hron’s article on Franco-German political relations (HIL.8/110-111); Comments on his essay “Deutschland und Frankreich” (HIL/8/112-113); Discussion of relations between Austria and Lord Salisbury's Cabinet; progress on a publication on politics of German nationalism; comments on Germany wishing to act upon the Egyptian Question (HIL/8/114-117); researches Central-African politics; plans for founding his own newspaper; comments on German foreign politics (HIL/8/118-125); queries the Khedive's attitude to providing troops for a British invasion of the Sudan; Continuing efforts to create anti-British sentiment in Austria-Hungary and Germany regarding the Egyptian question, and requests more funding to continue publishing articles after recent British political successes (HIL/8/126-145); Suggests changing the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian government is key to reducing British influence in Egypt (HIL/8/146-147); Evidence of deprecated alliance between Austria-Hungary and Britain (HIL/8/148-155); Asks for support to found his own newspaper in Vienna (HIL/8/156-157); International Peace Conference in Budapest (HIL/8/158-160); Uncertain consequences of Sudan Expedition, conceding Egyptian protests to British involvement would be futile (HIL/8/160-169); Newspaper articles on the Orient in Ostdeutsche Rundschau (HIL/8/170-175); Argues Austria-Hungary continues to prevent solution to Egyptian Question, and suggests anti-Islam policy of Britain needs to be countered in Europe, 1896 (HIL/8/176-180); Suggests turning his attention away from Austria-Hungary and towards Germany due to intransigence of Austrian authorities, seeks permission to travel to Berlin, wishes to meet with Fritz Bley, a political agent for Bismarck’s government (HIL/8/181-182); Essay by Hron (manuscript) on European politics of 1897 (HIL/8/183-193); Defends his actions despite lack of success, maintaining Vienna is where Britain's influence can best be countered (HIL/8/194-197); Suggests that it would be wrong to focus on the Egyptian Question whilst the Continental Powers are not united on the Balkan Question; Urges agreement between Austria-Hungary and Russia to solve Egyptian Question (HIL/8/199-202); Discusses possible conflict in the Balkans and the potential effects on Egypt (HIL/8/203-204); Discusses Greco-Turkish War (HIL/8/205-207); In-depth study of Greco-Turkish War, including his article in Ostdeutsche Rundschau, 1897 (HIL/8/208-211); Discusses Viennese politics (HIL/8/212-215); Memorandum concerning the development of the Egyptian Question in European Politics (HIL/8/222-228).
Letter from Emir Soliman beni Inger [aka Karl Inger], Djibuti, to the Khedive regarding current political relations between Egypt, Europe, and Britain, and the current British campaigns in Sudan; discusses fears of British occupation of the Sudan and its consequences, 1897 (HIL/8/229-234). [See: "Emir Suleyman Ibn Inger Abdullah": an episode in the Anglo-French conflict on the Upper Nile. 1896-1898. Sudan Notes and Records, vol. 35, no. 1.]
Hron reports on Graf Goluchovski’s anti-Turkish politics and the impact on Austro-Hungary, 1897 (HIL/8/235-241); Austro-Hungarian, Turkish and British politics, referring to Lord Salisbury’s politics, military conflict might be inevitable; gratefully confirms receipt of financial subvention, 1897-98 (HIL/8/242-252); Comments on the Earl of Montenegro’s trip to London, predicts war in Europe, comments on Lord Salisbury’s politics in Britain, and size and strengths of British military forces and reserve troops, 1898 (HIL/8/259-268); Detailed report of Hron’s conference with Baron v. R. and Germany’s position regarding the Egyptian Question, refers to the situation in Macedonia, comments on British politics and Lord Cromer’s role, 1898; (HIL/8/271-288); Comments on the German Emperor corresponding with the Tsar and the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, 1898 (HIL/8/290-293); German foreign politics in Egypt, on Austro-Hungarian and Russian treaty of neutrality (HIL/8/297-303); Lord Salisbury’s politics; Graf Goluchovski’s politics; reports on the Tsar’s attitude towards the German Emperor (HIL/8/316-320); on Russian politics in Asia, on German-Russian relations (HIL/8/328-334); detailed comments on relations between the Tsar and the German Emperor, on events of 1890 and Russo-German relations and their effect on European and world politics, 1899 (HIL/8/340-351); reasons why it is currently difficult to have articles about Egypt published in newspapers, 1902 (HIL/8/370-377); Memorandum (manuscript) on the ‘Current State of the Balkan Question’, 1902 (HIL/8/377-371); On the military defence of the Dardanelles, with map and list of required weapons and armour, 1906 (HIL/8/382-384); Report on his stay in Sofia and Constantinople, 1906 (HIL/8/385-388); Plan of troop dispositions (3 p.m.) and brief description of the battle near Koenigsgraetz 3 July 1866 (HIL/8/389); “The International Situation in Europe” (manuscript) on change in European politics, shift in international alliances and the impact on Egypt (HIL/8/391-406); Difficulties corresponding with his contacts in Montenegro, on Austro-Hungarian and Russian politics, describing Austrian foreign politics as fork-tongued (“doppelzuengig”), suggests disclosure of secret papers of the 1907 negotiations, 1909 (HIL/8/416-418); Speculations on potential European alliances in context of the Dardanelles Question, 1909 (HIL/8/419-422); Plan of troop dispositions at the annual Emperor’s exercises (Kaisermanoever) near Koenigsgraetz on 9 September and description of the manoeuvre, Graf Aehrenthal’s politics driven by Roman-Catholic influence, Hron on his own patriotic attitude, 1909 (HIL/8/423-429); On Austro-Hungarian military politics and military leadership (HIL/8/430-437); Comments on Austrian press attitude and presentation of eastern politics and events, refers to Oberst Kandelsdorfer, Hron’s personal and family situation, 1910 (HIL/8/442-453); Observes a shift towards an anti-Serbian attitude in press reports, 1910 (HIL/8/454-455); Hron’s dealings with Dr Kautzky-Bey, comments on Turkish state finances, attitude of press reporting on Balkan and eastern politics (HIL/8/457-459); Cost estimates for pontoon factory, 1910 (HIL/8/460-462); Press reports on potential abdication of the Khedive, 1910 (HIL/8/466-468); Memorandum on potential places of military confrontation in the Balkans and in Turkey (HIL/8/469-472); H. Albertall offering his services to the Khedive, 1912 (HIL8/475-488).
Language:   German
HIL/8/134-143 numbers not used (numbering error).
Microfilm: 2 (1-218): 3 (219-490)
Digitised material for Karl Hron, 1892-1912 - HIL/8/1-490

Sa`id Lutfi, etc.
Reference: HIL/9/1-95
Dates of creation: 1892-1933
(Also Talib al-Nakib, `Abd Allah Nadim, Muhammad Rashid Rida, Sulaiman al-Baruni).
Private political informers. Letters and reports sent to the Khedive from London by Said Lutfi on important characters and political matters. Includes references to the Turkish account of the Hamidian massacre of the Armenians (HIL/9/47,68).
Article from a newspaper in Ottoman Turkish (HIL/ 9/49); letters in Ottoman Turkish (HIL/9/58,87-88)
(see also file 104)
Language:  Arabic; French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for Sa`id Lutfi; Talib al-Nakib, `Abd Allah Nadim, Muhammad Rashid Rida, Sulaiman al-Baruni, 1892-1933 - HIL/9/1-95

A.B. Brewster
Reference: HIL/10/1-61
Dates of creation: 1893-1922
English secretary to the Khedive until 1914. Correspondence concerning buying the yacht Safa al-Bahr (HIL/10/1-16); copies of telegrams from the Sirdar regarding fighting against the Khalifa 1898, the battle of Omdurman and the Fashoda Incident (HIL/10/17-29); minor Daïra Khassa bills (HIL/10/30-32); travel of Howlet and secret agents (HIL/10/43-46); requests for money (HIL/10/57-61).
Language:   English
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for A.B. Brewster (English secretary to the Khedive until 1914) - HIL/10/1-61

Nubar Pasha
Reference: HIL/11/1-140
Dates of creation: 1894
Correspondence concerning internal Egyptian affairs, including the Khedive's displeasure at the governor of Giza for spending money on street lighting rather than a pharmacy as he instructed (HIL/11/8-9); Mr Thurneysen's appointment to the Cairo Police in accordance with the desires of the Khedive; the Philae Temple and the Aswan Dam (HIL/11/72-75); the Italian occupation of Kassala (HIL/11/49-51); an article in the newspaper on a trip made by the Khedive (HIL/11/84-91); `Ali Pasha and Shawarbi Pasha bringing slaves to Egypt (HIL/11/94-139).
(see files 6, 7, 28, 29, 30, also 5, 13, 18, 44, 45, 61, 64, 65)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for Nubar Pasha, 1894 - HIL/11/1-140

Le Journal
Reference: HIL/12/1-152
Dates of creation: 1894-1895
Correspondence from the editor of Le Journal, Mr Han, Mr Laurens of Le Journal, and others to the Khedive and his secretary Mr L. Rouiller. Notes on the British occupation of Egypt and the situation in Egypt and Europe, in addition to letters about a potential interview between the Khedive and M.J. Laurens.
1894 Peace Conference rules.
Language:  French with Russian press cuttings
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for Le Journal, 1894-95 - HIL/12/1-161

The Sudan
Reference: HIL/13/1-15
Dates of creation: 1894-1899
1894: Frontier incident. List of military personnel invited to the Khedive's table at Aswan (HIL/13/1-2); letters from Rundle Pasha with regard to the repairing of the damaged railway line between Sarras and Akasha (HIL/13/3-8); letters concerning Fashoda and Omdurman from Kitchener (HIL/13/10-11), Mustafa Fahmi (HIL/13/12), and Butrus Ghali (HIL/13/13-14).
(and file with negative duplicates).
Language:  English; French
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for The Sudan, 1894-1899 - HIL/13/1-15

Mahmud Shukri Pasha
Reference: HIL/14/1-221
Dates of creation: 1894-1912
Letters and reports to the Khedive from Mahmud Shukri Pasha in Turkey concerning family matters and other subjects
HIL/14/176 Letter in Turkish
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 3
Digitised material for Mahmud Shukri Pasha, 1894-1912 - HIL/14/1-221

Muhammad Sa`id Shimi Bey
Reference: HIL/15/1-553
Dates of creation: 1894-1904
Reports to the Khedive from Muhammad Sa`id Shimi Bey concerning internal social matters in different Egyptian districts and governorates, for example Tanta and Fayyum. Reports focus on education and military officers in addition to the matter of important individuals frequenting bars and night clubs and getting drunk and causing trouble.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 3 (1-315): 4 (315-553)
Digitised material for Muhammad Sa`id Shimi Bey, 1894-1904 - HIL/15/1-553

Shimi Bey's Collaborators
Reference: HIL/16/1-174
Dates of creation: 1894-1896
Reports from Muhammad Rushdi to Muhammad Sa`id Shimi Bey on affairs in Alexandria, etc. Reports from Shimi Bey's collaborators concerning internal social and political matters in different Egyptian districts and governorates, including `Ali Sulayman on police matters (HIL/16/1-4) and a meeting with the Police Commandant at Asyut (HIL/16/5-8) and Beni Suief (HIL/16/9-10); his meeting with Shaikh Yusuf Muntasir (HIL/16/11-12); his journey to Suez and meeting with the Governor there (HIL/16/13-14); Sa`id Kamal on a pamphlet concerning the Effendiyya distributed by Ibrahim Bey (HIL/16/29); a meeting between `Ali Bey, `Uthman Bey and Ibrahim Bey (HIL/16/30), and anonymous including a report on al-Qabbani Ibrahim and Muhammad al-Rifa'i al-Mahlawi (HIL/16/37), `Abd Allah Muhammad on his visit to Minya (HIL/16/33-36). Reports from Muhammad Rushdi during the period 1894-1896, including miscellaneous information concerning mainly Alexandria and other districts and governorates in Upper Egypt and the Delta (HIL/16/47-174).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 4
Digitised material for Shimi Bey's Collaborators, 1894-96 - HIL/16/1-174

Shaikh Muhammad Abduh
Reference: HIL/17/1-19
Dates of creation: 1896-1902
Letters to the Khedive, including affairs concerning the princess. Shaikh Muhammad Abduh to the Khedive concerning fund raising for building houses for poor people (HIL/17/1-10); to the Khedive concerning his visit to London and meeting with the Queen (HIL/17/11-13). Also letters from Blunt to the Khedive, and to Shaikh Muhammed Abduh concerning the Khedive (HIL/17/14-18).
(and file with negative duplicates)
Language:  Arabic; French
Microfilm: 4
Digitised material for Shaikh Muhammad Abduh, 1896-1902 - HIL/17/1-19

Lord Cromer
Reference: HIL/18/1-99
Dates of creation: 1896-1936
Letters from the Khedive to Cromer concerning the death of the Egyptian mufti Shaikh Muhammad Abduh and the appointment of his successor (HIL/18/16-18); letters from Eldon Gorst concerning his departure from Egypt, his report for 1908 on the affairs of Egypt and Sudan, his trip to Matrouh (HIL/18/19-33). Letters from Eva Gorst expressing gratitude to the Khedive and exchanging news (HIL/18/35-40,46-48,54-55,59-63,68-9,73,79-82). Letters from the wife of Hunter Pasha, concerning Hunter's health and eventual death, and her gratitude for the Khedive's concern (HIL/18/42-44,49-53,56-58,65-6,70-72,75-6,83-4). Letters from the Khedive to Field Marshall Viscount Allenby concerning the liquidation of the Khedive's property in Egypt (HIL/18/85-90). Material concerning the schedule for the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Egypt (HIL/18/92-94); a telegram to the Khedive from Kitchener sending his regards (HIL/18/95); correspondence between the Khedive and Ronald Storrs with regard to meeting for lunch (HIL/18/96-8).
Language:  English; French; Arabic
Digitised material for Lord Cromer, 1896-1936 - HIL/18/1-99

Lord Cromer, etc.
Reference: HIL/19/1-59
Photographic negative copies from File 18.
Microfilm: 4
Digitised material for Lord Cromer (copies of HIL/18) - HIL/19/1-59

Lord Cromer, etc.
Reference: HIL/20/1-53
Photographic positive copies from File 18.
Microfilm: 4
Digitised material for Lord Cromer (copies of HIL/18) - HIL/20/1-53

Presidents of the Council: Mustafa Pasha Fahmi, Butrus Pasha Ghali, Hussain Rushdi Pasha
Reference: HIL/21/1-244
Dates of creation: 1896-1914
Correspondence and reports from Prime Ministers: Mustafa Pasha Fahmi , Butrus Ghali Pasha, Muhammad Sa`id Pasha and Hussain Rushdi Pasha concerning internal Egyptian affairs, Presidency meetings and decisions, etc. Reports on the Nile flood and the plague situation in different governorates and districts in Egypt.
(see also Rushdi, Files 84, 85, 128)
Language:  Arabic; French
Microfilm: 4
Digitised material for Presidents of the Council: Mustafa Pasha Fahmi, Butrus Pasha Ghali, Hussain Rushdi Pasha, 1896-1914 - HIL/21/1-244

Havas Gavillot Agency
Reference: HIL/22/1-220
Dates of creation: 1895-1898
The Havas news agency in Cairo and its attempts to spread political news concerning Egypt in France and Europe. Correspondence between Jean-Claude Aristide Gavillot and Mr. Rouiller. Le Journal Egyptien. Contracts and cheques. An explanatory note concerning the Influence of Public Opinion.
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 4 (1-218): 5 (219-220)
Digitised material for Havas Gavillot Agency, 1895-98 - HIL/22/1-220

Balkan War refugees, Thasos and Kavala
Reference: HIL/396/1-133
Dates of creation: 1896-1913
Correspondence and reports relating to: refugees from the Balkan Wars, particularly the capture of Kavala by Bulgarian forces, and refugee conditions at Salonika, and subsequent aid efforts by Egyptian forces; the development of Thasos and Kavala; the maintenance and administration of khedivial properties on Thasos and Kavala; waqf. Includes:
Telegram correspondence to Aly Bey Djelal, “Mahroussa”, Kavala, 26 November-3 December 1912; report to `Abbas Hilmi II (29 November 1912) from the commander of the yacht Mahroussa, charged with distributing food (to persons of all ethnicities and religions) and establishing a Red Crescent unit in Kavala, describing city, present governance, refugees, embarkation of 2,000 refugees, 22-28 November, and summarising the violent events in the city since its surrender on 8 November and prior to its occupation by the Bulgarian Army (HIL/396/117-122); report of Ahmed [?Zoureddin], a financial functionary, to Mr [?Arway] on activities of the yacht “Mahroussa” and its captain and crew at Kavala, embarking 800 refugees for Smyrna and Constantinople via Thasos and the Dardanelles, 8-14 January 1913, enclosing 3 photographs of Kavala (not present) with descriptions of destruction of mosques and massacre (HIL/396/112-116); report on refugees at Salonika by Kamel Teymour [commander of a khedivial vessel] at Smyrna, 24 January 1913, and transferring 250 wounded to Smyrna (HIL/396/16-22); report on the [Balkan Wars] refugee question by Kamel Teymour at Alexandria to Mohamed Said Pacha, President of the Council of Ministers, 10 February 1913 (HIL/396/24-33); church impeding waqf, Alexandria (HIL/396/57).
Letter from Dr I. David, civil engineer at the Port of Thasos (in German), outlining his efforts toward developing the island and his thoughts on the project's success, 18 April 1901 (HIL/396/123-125); correspondence from Adrien Bey, contracted to complete Thasos town plans and cadastral surveys and various other development works on the island's infrastructure and extractive industries, 1902 (HIL/396/83, 126-128); report with tenders for water main installation at Kavala, 9 June 1912 (HIL/396/81-82, 85); five photographs of a small urban construction project within [Limenas, Thasos] (HIL/396/4-8).
The Arabic documents in this file have not yet been catalogued.
Language:  French; Arabic; German
Digitised material for Balkan War refugees, Thasos and Kavala, 1896-1913 - HIL/396/1-133

Ottoman Empire I: Izzat Pasha
Reference: HIL/23/1-370
Dates of creation: 1898-1912
Letters to the Khedive and to Shafiq Bey from Muhammad Izzat Bey, Director of the Turkish Khedival Cabinet concerning military matters, including “Note on Central Military Council” (1906) and other miscellaneous issues.
Letter in Ottoman Turkish: from Mehmed bearing the date 24 July 1908 and concerning such matters as the sale of a horse, the recall of a musician from Athens, the question of what should be done about two other musicians, his regret concerning the deposition of Ferid Pasha, etc. (HIL/23/334-335, 336-337)
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Ottoman Empire I: Izzat Pasha, 1898-1912 - HIL/23/1-370

Ottoman Empire II: Turkish documents
Reference: HIL/24/1-96
Dates of creation: 1898-1924
Letters and memoranda to `Abbas Hilmi II and some to Izzat Pasha from various Turks, including Jamal [Cemal] Hasan Badr Khani, Ziya Husni, Shaikh Muhammad `Uthman, Isma`il Zuhdi, Arif Hikmat, Ahmad Hamdi Reza Pasha, [Abd Allah Rifa`i], Mulazimthani Isma`il Taufiq, Shaikh [Ibrahim] and Muhammad `Arif.
Letters and memoranda, including undated proclamation by the Azmkeuy Association regarding the political and social history and status of the Kurds (HIL/24/1-6); 10 consecutively numbered pages bearing texts of ayahs and hadiths (traditions) and their translations into Turkish, concerning the justice of the Sultan and the well-being of his subjects (HIL/24/8-16); 4 consecutively numbered pages bearing the texts of hadiths (traditions) and their translations into Turkish, concerning the caliphate, the relations between parents and children, etc (HIL/24/21-24); a booklet on Islamic Sharia law in relation to the Caliph, with arguments taken from the hadiths (HIL/24/25-26); letter dated 24 July 1905 to `Abbas Hilmi from an unknown sender about the resignation of two men, Ismail Nazim and Tevfik Hamdi (HIL/24/56); letter dated 4 April 1905 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Arif offering to assasinate, for payment, an Egypytian journalist called Ahmed Kemal and an Armenian called Leon Fehmi (HIL/24/57); letter dated Muharram 1314/June 1896 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Arif asking for money in order to retrun home from Crete (HIL/24/58); letter dated 16 November 1905 to `Abbas Hilmi from an unknown sender about his safe arrival and thanking `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/24/59); letter dated 20 September 1902 to `Abbas Hilmi from Husameddin accusing Izzat Pasha (second secretary at the palace) of engineering to bring about his fall from favour through articles in the Egyptian press (HIL/24/61); a report by Abdullah Rifai for `Abbas Hilmi concerning the continuation of a paper called Mir’at-i Zaman in Cyprus and the activities of a newspaper seller called Sabri, a former fez manufacturer (HIL/24/62); letter to `Abbas Hilmi from Ahmed Esad asking for financial help to get his memoirs published and for a trip he would like to take (HIL/24/63-64); letter to `Abbas Hilmi from a former Turkish secretary of state concerning his confidence in the newly formed Turkish Republic (HIL/24/66-68); incomplete letter to `Abbas Hilmi from an unknown sender asking for financial help to pay for court trials (HIL/24/69); letter to `Abbas Hilmi from an unknown sender asking for a transfer of money through an Italian bank located in Alexandria (HIL/24/70); letter dated 3 November 1933 from unknown sender, probably to Ahmed Hamdi Pasha (former royal assistant) requesting his assistance in installing `Abbas Hilmi Pasha as the King of Syria following the failure of the republican government headed by Mehmed Ali Bey (HIL/24/72); letter dated 9 November [1933] to `Abbas Hilmi from Ahmed Hamdi Pasha informing him of support for his appointment as King of Syria (HIL/24/73); letter dated 10 September 1931 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ahmed Hamdi Zeza (Pasha) about a letter he had taken from Dr Arif Hikmet concerning the intentions of Syria to install the former Khedive as their king (HIL/24/74-75); letter dated 29 July 1931 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ahmed Hamdi Pasha asking him to accept the throne of Syria as Ali, King of the Hijaz, Ali Haydar Pasha and Zeyd ibn Husayn were all considered unsuitable for the position (HIL/24/76); letter dated 21 July 1931 to Ahmed Hamdi Pasha from Dr Arif Hikmet asking him to help mediate with `Abbas Hilmi in regard to the throne of Syria (HIL/24/77); autographed photograph dated 29 July 1931 sent to `Abbas Hilmi by Ahmed Hamdi (HIL/24/78); note dated 15 October 1918 to the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire from `Abbas Hilmi asking him to fulfill his promises in allowing Ahmed Fuad to travel and stay in Europe alongside `Abbas Hilmi and the succession of Abdul Qadir as the next Khedive (HIL/24/79); two reports dated 19 August 1898 for `Abbas Hilmi by Ismail Zuhdu, concerning his return to Alexandria from Izmir and regarding a man named Akif who became problematic as he had no travel licence (HIL/24/80-81); reports dated May 1898 for `Abbas Hilmi from unknown sender [possibly Ismail Zuhdu] about his travels with Prince Hashim, from Alexandria to Izmir and on to Cesme (HIL/24/82-87); notes dated July 1904 to `Abbas Hilmi from an unknown sender about the daily life in a tekke (Dervish lodge) (HIL/24/89); note with the address of Ziya Husnu and letter dated 16 October 1922 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ziya Husnu thanking him for his support and requesting more resources (HIL/24/90-91); letter dated 22 June 1922 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ziya Husnu with newspaper article cutting from Ileri entitled “The one million debt by the former Khedive” (HIL/24/92); letter to `Abbas Hilmi from Cemaluddin of the Bedirhan family informing `Abbas Hilmi that he had attempted to prevent the publication of an article in Sabah critical of him and that in the future he would not ask for reward for work he would carry out for the Khedive (HIL/24/96); music for the “Royal march” composed by Misirlian for Sultan Mehmed V (HIL/24/180-183)
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Ottoman Empire II: Turkish documents, 1898-1924 - HIL/24/1-96

Ottoman Empire III: Sublime Porte etc.
Reference: HIL/25/1-102
Dates of creation: 1899-1918
Letters and telegrams to the Khedive from the Prime Minister's Office, Istanbul, from Sadr-e A`zam; Enver (Anwar), Muhammad Rashid, Kamil etc. re Damad Pasha, etc.
Includes note dated 28 July 1905 to `Abbas Hilmi from Tahsin (Head Secretary of the Palace) explaining that only `Abbas Hilmi would be allowed by the Sultan to stay in Istanbul for the royal wedding (HIL/25/1); note dated 4 August 1905 to `Abbas Hilmi from Tahsin informing him that the Sultan was pleased with his conduct towards Mahmud Pasha (HIL/25/2); note dated 4 April 1901 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Head Secretary of the Palace asking him to find out if and when Mahmud Pasha would return to Istanbul and whether this would be with or without his sons (HIL/25/3); letter dated 24 January 1900 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mahmud Pasha complaining about the actions of Sultan Abdulhamid II (HIL/25/6-7); Mehmed Said to the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi dated 13 March 1913 regarding his nationality as a Turk and not an Albanian (HIL/25/11); Mehmed Said of Kavala to `Abbas Hilmi, dated 13 March 1913, requesting permission for his son, who had been sent to school in Alexandria, to go to Istanbul (HIL/25/12); telegram from İsmail (general master of ceremonies) to `Abbas Hilmi, dated 3 July 1918, reporting the demise of the late Sultan Mehmed V, and inviting him to the accession ceremony for his successor (HIL/25/13); Talat Pasha, then Prime Minister, to `Abbas Hilmi Pasha, dated 11 October 1917, inviting him to attend the ceremony in Sirkeci to welcome the German Emperor on 15 October 1917 (HIL/25/14); programme for a visit by `Abbas Hilmi and invitations dating from 17 October 1917 to 11 February 1918 for `Abbas Hilmi to attend various events including dinners for the German and Austrian Emperors, opening and royal ceremonies, and the funeral of Abdulhamid II (HIL15-24); note dated 20 April 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Chamber of Islamic Affairs asking if Kadri Bey can be granted leave in order to carry out an agricultural experiment (HIL/25/25); letter dated 20 April 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from the head of the Chamber of Religious Affairs concerning the cost and payment for some tombs and lodges (HIL/25/27); letter dated 1 December 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Abdulmejid (Caliph) congratulating him on his 26th year as the Khedive of Egypt (HIL/25/29); letters dated 28 July 1917 and 1 August 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Rasid Bey concerning money (HIL/25/30-33); telegram to `Abbas Hilmi from Ismet in Ankara informing him that his request for a political passport had been wired to the representative office in Istanbul (HIL/25/34); letter dated January 1913 to `Abbas Hilmi from Huseyin Re’fet thanking `Abbas Hilmi for the welcome and help he received on his visit to Egypt (HIL/25/35); letter dated 27 January 1909 to the Khedivate from the Ottoman Prime Minister Kamil Pasha concerning the withdrawal of Ahmed Muhtar Pasha from Egypt (HIL/25/36); letter dated 15 January 1912 to the Khedive from the Ottoman Prime Minister Said Pasha ordering the prevention of merchants and the general public from travelling to Arish and Egypt (HIL/25/37); telegram dated February 1909 to `Abbas Hilmi from Huseyin Hilmi concerning Huseyin Hilmi’s appointment as Prime Minister as well as head of the office of internal affairs (HIL/25/38); letter dated 1 July 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Ottoman Ambassador to Paris, Rifat, inviting him to a dinner (HIL/25/40); letter dated 4 June 1912 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ahmed Mumtaz asking for money (HIL/25/42-43); letter dated 25 December 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Reshad, the Ottoman Caliph, asking permission for the appointment of James (son of Ellias Pasha) as the Royal Chamberlain (HIL/25/47); letter dated 3 September 1904 to the Ottoman Prime Minister from `Abbas Hilmi asking him to restore the water to the madrasa and the imaret (public soup kitchen) (HIL/25/49); letter dated 26 August 1904 to the Ottoman Ministry from `Abbas Hilmi asking their permission to send an engineer to help with the measurement of the island of Thasos (HIL/25/50); letter dated 10 February 1915 to `Abbas Hilmi from Enver Pasha, Minister of War, informing him of the arrival of the Ottoman armies into Egypt for military operations (HIL/25/52); letter dated 31 January 1916 to `Abbas Hilmi from Enver Pasha, Minister of War, thanking him for `Abbas Hilmi’s congratulations sent after the victory at Gallipoli (HIL/25/54); letter dated 8 April 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Enver Pasha, Minister of War, thanking him for his gift of money to help casualties (HIL/25/55); telegram dated 12 January 1918 to the Egyptian Khedivate from Deputy Prime Minister Enver concerning the wages of Celaleddin, an agent of the Egyptian court in Istanbul (HIL/25/57); telegram dated 7 July 1918 to the Egyptian Khedivate from the Head of the Ministry of War, Enver concerning an enquiry about a man called Abdulqadir bin Abdullah, living in Istanbul (HIL/25/58); letter dated 23 October 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Minister of War reporting that Ahmed Nureddin, a member of `Abbas Hilmi’s retinue, had been exempted from military service as requested (HIL/25/59); note dated 23 October 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Ottoman Prime Minister concerning the dismissal of his Istanbul agent, Celaleddin Pasha (HIL/25/61); note dated 4 October 1919 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Ottoman Prime Minister informing him of a cut in his allowance (HIL/25/62); report date 4 July 1915 to `Abbas Hilmi from Enver, Minister of War explaining that he and his retinue would receive their full allowance from that time onward (HIL/25/66); report dated 8 November 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Minister of Internal Affairs on the replacement of the crew of the Al-Mahruse yacht (HIL/25/67); report dated 13 August 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Enver, Minister of War thanking him for a favour and assuring him that he would do his best to complete the job he had been asked to do (HIL/25/68); letter dated 24 January 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha, Minister of Internal Affairs, thanking him for his acceptance of membership of the Association of Islamic Education and Charity (HIL/25/69); letter dated 11 August 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha, Minister of Internal Affairs, thanking him for his kind words expressed in an earlier letter and informing him that his return to Istanbul from Berlin is awaited (HIL/25/70); letter dated 6 June 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha informing him that his request to delay one of his officers in Istanbul (Omer Adil Bey) had been accepted (HIL25/71); letter dated 15 November 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha (Ottoman Prime Minister) informing him that the medals and records he had requested for his retinue would be sent (HIL/25/72); letter dated 27 May 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha (Ottoman Prime Minister) informing him about a meeting with Shefik Bey (HIL/25/74); letter dated 13 August 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha (Ottoman Prime Minister) informing him that he would be welcomed in Istanbul and that he would come to no harm from the British on his visit (HIL/25/75); letter dated 12 March 1917 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha (Ottoman Prime Minister) thanking him and assuring him that he would do whatever was needed for those working in Vienna and Switzerland under the Khedive (HIL/25/76); letter dated 25 March 1920 to `Abbas Hilmi from Talat Pasha (Ottoman Prime Minister) regarding his allowance (HIL/25/78); letter dated 7 December 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Said Pasha informing him that the Italian diplomats had enjoyed his memorandum to Sheikh Sanusi (HIL/25/79); letter dated 26 September 1915 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Said Pasha informing him that he had been ordered by the Sultan not to leave the empire during the war (HIL/25/80); letter dated 14 November 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from Mehmed Said Pasha informing him that the Sultan had issued a decree of war upon the declaration of war by the British, French and Russians (HIL/25/81); letter dated November 1915 to `Abbas Hilmi from Halil Pasha (Foreign Minister) thanking him for the congratulations he offered on obtaining his post (HIL/25/82); letter dated 16 September 1915 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Berlin Ambassador thanking him for the congratulations he offered on obtaining his post (HIL/25/83); letter dated 27 March 1916 to the Sultan, Enver Pasha and Ismail Hakki Bey from `Abbas Hilmi expressing his frustration and resentment after action taken against his men by officials in Istanbul (HIL/25/84-85,92); letter dated 27 October 1914 to `Abbas Hilmi from Ismail Bey (Manager of Royal Ceremonies) inviting him to attend the celebration of Eid al-Adha in Dolmabahçe Palace (HIL/25/86); letter dated January 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from the Head of the Department for Provisions informing him that the provisions allotted to his men were ready (HIL/25/88); note dated 8 May 1919 to `Abbas Hilmi from Abdulmajid (Caliph) sending condolences for the loss of his son (HIL/25/90); note dated 16 April 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Abdulmajid (Caliph) thanking him for his help and support for the special event held for the orphans of the martyrs who died fighting in the raid on the Suez Canal (HIL/25/91); menu for a meal at Ciragan Palace 26 February 1920 (HIL/25/94); invitation to `Abbas Hilmi from Prince Osman Fuad for the wedding ceremony of Princess Kerima Hanim on 15 December 1919 (HIL/25/95-96); letter dated 20 June 1918 to `Abbas Hilmi from Salih Munir (Ottoman Ambassador to Paris) informing him that his message had been despatched and that the Sultan offered his compliments (HIL/25/97); letter dated 14 July 1906 to `Abbas Hilmi from Munir Salih (Ottoman Ambassador to Paris) informing him that the Sultan had been pleased by his loyalty (HIL/25/98); letter dated 16 October 1918 to Ahmed Izzet Pasha from `Abbas Hilmi regarding the truce to be signed by Wilson (US President) (HIL/25/99); letter dated 3 November 1918 to the Ottoman Sultan from `Abbas Hilmi asking permission to reside in Istanbul until a truce was reached (HIL/25/100); note dated 4 November 1918 by `Abbas Hilmi regarding the permission he was given to settle in Istanbul (HIL/25/101); anonymous note dated 12 November 1918 regarding the permission given to the Khedive to settle in Istanbul (HIL/25/102)

(see also file 134; 1890's-1912)
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Ottoman Empire III: Sublime Porte etc, 1899-1918 - HIL/25/1-102

Ottoman Empire IV: Isma`il Hakki (Haqqi)
Reference: HIL/26/1-336
Dates of creation: 1901-1930
Correspondence on and from the Turkish Prime Minister's office and other official sources including the Sofia embassy. Includes undated note from Shefik explaining that the Foreign Minister was pleased with the Khedive’s decision to stay in Istanbul, and assuring the Khedive that the British could not harm his estates (HIL/26/1-2); note dated 1917 from an unknown author reporting that the Khedive was doubtful about travelling to Istanbul as he feared retaliation from the British authorities (HIL/26/3); list of the allowances for `Abbas Hilmi’s retinue (HIL/26/4); memorandum from an unknown author regarding the settlement of `Abbas Hilmi in Istanbul and problems with successive prime ministers (HIL/26/6-8); letter from `Abbas Hilmi to the Prime Minister regarding the slander against his name in the papers, Vatan and Tasvir-i Efkar (HIL/26/9); letter from `Abbas Hilmi to the Prime Minister enquiring about his monthly allowance (HIL/26/10-11); memorandum dated 18 July 1917, regarding `Abbas Hilmi’s successor (HIL/26/12); note about the peace talks following the end of World War I (HIL/26/13); list of the furniture donated by the Muslims of Alaiye and Crete for the cruiser ship Hamidiye, including the names of donors (HIL/26/14-15); letter from the Ottoman Ambassador to Sofia to `Abbas Hilmi dated 28 October 1917, regarding a request for permission for a visit by an official serving in the soup-kitchen in Kavala (HIL/26/16); letter from the Ottoman Ambassador to Sofia to Abbas Hilm dated 8 May 1917, thanking him for his congratulations on being awarded a medal (HIL/26/17-18); letter [from `Abbas Hilmi?] to the Prime Minister and foreign office requesting copies of the statements of welcome by Hussein Rauf Bey (HIL/26/19); letter from Kamil Bey, Ottoman Ambassador to Geneva to Arif Pasha dated 19 May 1918, thanking `Abbas Hilmi for his appreciation and the cigarettes he had sent (HIL/26/21-22); telegram from members of the National Assembly in Cairo to the Ottoman Prime Minister dated 12 January 1919, informing him that they had asked the central powers to allow representation of the Caliphate at the peace talks and had insisted upon the spiritual and political power of the Caliphate (HIL/26/23); letter from a man in `Abbas Hilmi’s service to `Abbas Hilmi dated 12 August 1915, informing him that he was leaving Lucon as ordered (HIL/26/25); receipt for 50,000 piastres dated 3 April 1918, donated by `Abbas Hilmi to the Society for the Muslim Casualties of War (HIL/26/27); receipt for 100,000 piastres dated 3 December 1917, donated by `Abbas Hilmi to the Society of Islamic Education (HIL/26/29); telegram to the Ottoman Prime Minister dated December 1912, regarding the magnates of Anatolia (HIL/26/30); telegram from the Ottoman Prime Minister to `Abbas Hilmi dated 3 February 1914, asking for his helpwith regard to the Ottoman Naval Forces (HIL/26/31); letter from a doctor [?] to the Ottoman Prime Minister dated 3 November 1915, asking him to inform the Caliph that his surgical operation would be undertaken soon (HIL/26/32); letter from Ismail Hakki to `Abbas Hilmi dated 26 November 1908, informing him he had regained the sword he had lost a decade ago and thanking him for his help (HIL/26/33); letter from Izzet to `Abbas Hilmi [?] dated 4 September 1920, informing him of the latest events and rumours in the Arab world including the shift of the Caliphate to the Arabs (HIL/26/34); letter from Hazim, Governor of the Hijaz to `Abbas Hilmi dated 28 April 1911, thanking him for his welcome and hospitality in Cairo (HIL/26/35); letter from the Ottoman Admiralty to `Abbas Hilmi dated 14 November 1914, asking for the use of his yacht El-Mahrusa by the naval forces (HIL/26/36); letter by the Ottoman Admiralty to `Abbas Hilmi dated 19 November 1914 informing him that his yacht was not suitable for use by the Navy and would be returned (HIL/26/37); note by the Vice-Commissar to the head of `Abbas Hilmi’s estates dated 9 May 1915, asking him to register all the guns used by his employees (HIL/26/38); letter from a Khedivial official in Istanbul to the Sultan denying the slanders and rumours about him and assuring the Sultan of his loyalty (HIL/26/40); letter from `Abbas Hilmi to the Caliph dated 10 September 1915, reporting that he had been instructed to leave Geneva (HIL/26/41); note dated 17 September 1917 from Austrian and German officials on the assurance of the territorial integrity of Egypt (HIL/26/42); list of names showing the allocation of bread by the Ministry of War to officials working for the Khedive (HIL/26/43); note to the Head Secretary of the Khedivate dated 1 November 1918, requesting money to cover expenses for a return trip to Egypt (HIL/26/45); letter from Prince Abdulmajid to `Abbas Hilmi dated 5 February 1919, denying the accusation of an attempted assassination of the Khedive (HIL/26/46); receipt dated 1 June 1920 for a donation to the Society of the Red Crescent, possibly by Arif Pasha (HIL/26/47-48); note from `Abbas Hilmi to the Ottoman Prime Minister dated 18 July 1917, informing him of his agreement to return to Istanbul provided he had freedom to return to the allied states (HIL/26/49); letter of thanks from the Association Turque de Paris to `Abbas Hilmi for the donation of 5000 francs (HIL/26/50); note from `Abbas Hilmi to the Prime Minister stating his reasons for not returning to Istanbul from Switzerland (HIL/26/51-52); excerpts from a paper presented to the Khedive regarding military figures and issues (HIL/26/53-55); poem written for the celebration of the birthday of the Khedive (HIL/26/166); letter from Mehmed Tahir, Sadri and others to `Abbas Hilmi dated 30 October 1901, asking for his help (HIL/26/167-168); letter to `Abbas Hilmi dated 16 June 1901, denying the rumours of his plans to travel to Alexandria (HIL/26/169); letter from Ahmed Riza to `Abbas Hilmi dated 12 December 1900, reporting that he did not receive any of the money he was owed as the owner of the newspaper Mesveret (HIL/26/170); letter from `Abbas Hilmi to the Caliph dated 4 August 1904, complaining about the water brought to use in the soup-kitchen and madrasa in Kavala (HIL/26/171); letter from Giovanni Amilio, Commander of the Invading Powers, to `Abbas Hilmi dated 20 April 1913, informing him of the appointment of an Italian telegraphist for his use (HIL/26/173); letter from Doctor Mehmed Sipahi to Ismail Hakki Bey dated 14 September 1931, asking him to help Hasan Halid Pasha complete his stamp collection (HIL/26/178); statement of the decisions taken in the Congress of Sivas relating to borders and the political and social independence of the Turks, dated 11 September 1919 (HIL/26/188-189); telegram, dated March 1905, from the Ottoman Government on the condition of the migrants taking refuge in Kavala (HIL/26/237); memorandum by Fazil Reshid about Leon Fehmi and the legislative problems in Egypt (HIL/26/242-249); letter from Fazil Sheyd to `Abbas Hilmi dated 29 October 1901, asking for Leon Fehmi to be tried in court in Egypt (HIL/26/251); a brief presented to `Abbas Hilmi about the island of Thasos regarding its geological condition and strategic importance (HIL/26/254-256); letter from an Albanian to `Abbas Hilmi, dated 23 September 1931 asking for money to help lauch a Serbian language newspaper aimed at defending Serbian rights (HIL/26/268-270); letter from Lady Ismet Hilmi to `Abbas Hilmi dated 15 July 1931 sending her condolences (HIL/26/271); letter from Suleyman Ashqi to `Abbas Hilmi dated 10 April 1932, about a variety of matters including the attendance of Hasan Halid Pasha at the first Islamic Congress held in Jerusalem (HIL/26/273-274); letter from Suleyman Aski to `Abbas Hilmi dated 12 February 1932 informing him of the latest news in the Yugoslavian press regarding rumours about the throne of Syria (HIL/26/275); letter from Suleyman Aski to `Abbas Hilmi dated 6 January 1933 informing him about his jail sentence for opposing the group called Teskilat-i Milliye (National Association) (HIL/26/277); list by Djemal Salih for Shefiq, dated 12 Janaury 1900 of the names of the “Young Turks” and the periodicals they had published in Egypt (HIL/26/280-286); letter from Djemal Salih to Rifai regarding his release from jail and explaing how the Khedive had interceded on his behalf (HIL/26/287); letter from Djemal Salih to `Abbas Hilmi dated 21 October 1901, requesting that he be given orders that would test his loyalty after his fall from favour (HIL/26/288); letter to Shefiq Bey dated 28 February protesting his innocence (HIL/26/290-291); letter from Resid dated 9 August 1927 regarding his betrayal by the Turkish Republican Government (HIL/26/292-293); letter from Refi Djevad to `Abbas Hilmi dated 25 October 1935, asking for money as he had fallen on hard times (HIL/26/294); letter by Ismail Hakki to Andon Bey dated 21 January 1930 reporting his return to France but assuring him that he was always ready to act on orders from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/26/296); letter from Ismail Hakki to Andon Bey dated 18 January 1930 recommending Mr Ruso in London (HIL/26/297); letter from Ismail Hakki to Andon Bey dated 18 January 1930 reporting that he had arrived in Paris and asking to be sent his bag (HIL/26/298); letter from Ismail Hakki to `Abbas Hilmi [?] dated 17 Febraury 1930 asking for money to return from Paris (HIL/26/299); letter from Ismail Hakki to `Abbas Hilmi reporting his return to Istanbul (HIL/26/300); letter from Ismail Hakki to `Abbas Hilmi dated 17 August 1929, asking for money in order to cover debts (HIL/26/301); letter from Ismail Hakki to `Abbas Hilmi dated 8 May 1932, reporting that he could not locate the German scientist who had worked in Turkey the previous year (HIL/26/303); letter from Receb Bey, a former Brigadier, to `Abbas Hilmi dated 26 November 1911 asking for asylum having completed his exile in Tripoli, with a CV attached (HIL/26/311); note from Receb Bey to Abbas Hilimi dated 18 December 1911 reporting his willingness to serve the Khedive as he did for the former Sultan (HIL/26/312); note from Receb Bey to `Abbas Hilmi dated 30 September informing him about the Abdulaziz Cavis incident and the probable plots that were planned against the Khedive by new groups (HIL/26/313); report by Receb Bey dated 7 February 1912, regarding migrants from Crete moving from Istanbul to Alexandria due to lack of work (HIL/26/134); report [by Receb Bey?] for `Abbas Hilmi regarding the arrival of ships from Istanbul and Italy and the departure of others loaded with military equipment from Alexandria (HIL/26/316); note from Receb Bey to `Abbas Hilmi dated 22 March 1912, regarding the living conditions of migrants in Alexandria and the help they had received (HIL/26/317); note from Receb Bey to `Abbas Hilmi regarding the awaited arrival of the Commander of Benghazi with a d octor of the Red Crescent and some casualties (HIL/26/318); copy of notes regarding the occupation of Tripoli by the Italians and the stance of the Khedive on the probable partition of the Ottoman Empire by the great powers (HIL/26/319); reports by Receb Bey dated 28 February 1912 of the arrival and departure of various figures to and from Egypt including Cretan refugees (HIL/26/320); reports by Receb Bey dated 9 March 1912 regarding Italian intentions in Tripoli and confirming the receipt of a letter from Faik Effendi (HIL/26/321-322); reports by Receb Bey dated 18 February 1912 on the departure of Cretans from Alexandria to join the Ottoman Army fighting against the Italians in Tripoli (HIL/26/323); reports dated 14 Febraury 1912 regarding the wishes of a group from Tripoli and Benghazi who had been in Egypt for business and now wanted to partcipate in the ongoing conflict against the Italians (HIL/26/324); report by Receb Bey dated 8 February 1912, regarding a German boat which had come to the port of Alexandria, and the extradition of Niyazi Effendi to Istanbul (HIL/26/325-326); report by Receb Bey dated 11 February 1912 regarding the plans of a group of Cretan refugees to partcipate in the ongoing conflict in Tripoli (HIL/26/327); Carte de Visite of Mustafa Effendi of Crete, the proprietor of the Hotel of Hasan Abdullah (HIL/26/328); note from Mustafa regarding Receb Pasha, his time spent in Egypt and his final departure to Istanbul (HIL/26/329); report dated 11 March 1911 regarding the assassination attempt against the Khedive (HIL/26/331-332); letter from Ali Vasfi to `Abbas Hilmi dated 28 December 1913 regarding politics in the Ottoman Empire during the Balkan wars (HIL/26/333-336)
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Ottoman Empire IV: Isma`il Hakki (Haqqi), 1901-1930 - HIL/26/1-336

Ottoman Empire V
Reference: HIL/27/1-77
Dates of creation: 1902-1913
Turkish official and semi-official correspondence to the Khedive, including from Ibrahim Edhem [Adham], Mahmud Rif`at, Sulaiman [Sirri]. Includes numerous letters to the Commission of Migrants and to `Abbas Hilmi requesting permission to travel, and letter from Omar Siret Effendi, an employee in the “Serai” to Captain Abdullah, dated 15 February 1913, regarding the death of his mother and her last wishes (HIL/27/2); letter from the son of Mesud Effendi to `Abbas Hilmi dated 18 July 1912 asking his permission to succeed his late father as the Head Professor in the Madrasa at Kavala (HIL/27/3); memorandum dated 16 June 1913 asking for Mehmed Ali’s pay allocation following his decision to resign from his position in Kavala and return to Istanbul (HIL/27/4); letter from Ahmed dated 17 January 1912 on behalf of migrants from Kavala asking for help before they starve in the streets of Canakkale (HIL/27/8); letter from Bedia to `Abbas Hilmi dated 24 June 1913, asking for advice regarding Mehmed Ali Mehmed since his resignation from his job in Egypt and subsequent return to Istanbul (HIL/27/9); letter from Bedia to `Abbas Hilmi dated 15 July 1913, regarding the departure of some migrants from Egypt (HIL/27/11); letter from Ali Riza the inspector of Kavala to the head of the Commision of Migrants in Egypt dated 6 July 1913, accusing him of being ruthless and preventing housing requests from his wife and sister in law reaching `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/27/15); letter from the head of the Commission of Migrants dated 7 July 1913, regarding the interrogation of a migrant staying in the Hotel Averoff (HIL/27/17); note to the Egyptian Palace Command dated 15 July 1913, regarding the transfer of Hatice Bint-i Asbdullah to the home of a widow for proection (HIL/27/18); note dated 15 July 1913, regarding a list of migrants in the Egyptian Palace including those to be sent to Dalaman (HIL/27/19); note from Lady Zeynab dated 11 June 1913, regarding her receipt of 10 Ottoman liras in the presence of a commissioner (HIL/27/20); lists of migrants to be sent to Dalaman (HIL/27/21-26); deed regarding the guardianship of two girls following the demise of their father, Halil Efendi, and proving the transfer of estate from their father (HIL/27/27-28); request from Hasan for a title deed for a piece of land and the buildings he had erected on it (HIL/27/29-30); poem by Ahmed Hamdi on the loss of Thasos (HIL/27/31); letters to `Abbas Hilmi dated 12 and 14 December 1912, thanking him for assistance to the Muslims in Kavala after the Bulgarian occupation (HIL/27/32-33); memorandum from Hayrullah Sami, Head of the Commission for Agriculture, to the Caliph dated 5 March 1913, regarding an offer for some farms to be planted (HIL/27/34-38); letter from Mahmud Rifat to `Abbas Hilmi dated 1902, reporting on olive production and other miscellaneous matters in Kavala (HIL/27/39-40); letter from Mahmud Rifat to `Abbas Hilmi dated 13 July 1902, reporting on various matters in Kavala including purchases of estates and wood collected from forests (HIL/27/41-49); note dated 8 Febraury 1914, regarding the arrival of a telegram from Canakkale Sanjak about migrants (HIL/27/50); note dated January 1912 regarding the presentation of a report about a settlement of migrants (HIL/27/51); letter from Lady Bedia to `Abbas Hilmi dated 3 July 1913, informing him of the celebration of the Holy Night of Miraj and the prayers made to his ancestors (HIL/27/52); letter of complaint to the Royal Commandership dated 23 July 1913 regarding an illegal affair between Halide, a widow, and Mustafa a member of the royal musicians (HIL/27/53); letter from the [Governor?] of Thasos to `Abbas Hilmi dated 21 January 1913, regarding an inspection on the Dalaman Farm (HIL/27/54-56); letter from Mustafa Cavus to `Abbas Hilmi dated 9 January 1913, regarding his experiences during the Balkan Wars (HIL/27/58-59); letter from Ibrahim Fahreddin to `Abbas Hilmi dated 3 February 1913 requesting help for the remaining Muslims in Kavala following the Bulgarian and Greek invasions (HIL/27/60-61); letter from a group of migrants from Kavala dated 11 January 1913, thanking `Abbas Hilmi for helping them travel to Egypt and allowing them stay in his palace (HIL/27/62); telegram from the Ottoman Ministry of Home Affairs dated 9 December 1912, regarding the appointment of migrant officials to appropriate positions (HIL/27/63); letter from a group of Muslims in Kavala to Ababas Hilmi dated 18 February 1913 thanking him for his help with water (HIL/27/64); note from Hayrullah Sami to Huseyin Shefiq dated 18 December 1912, asking for `Abbas Hilmi to guarantee the security of a boat during a trip to Canakkale (HIL/27/66); letter from Ahmed, a merchant, to `Abbas Hilmi dated 28 March 1913 asking for help following the Bulgarian occupation (HIL/27/67); letter from Lady Gulsum to Abbas Hilm dated March 1915, requesting money whilst in Istanbul having travelled there after the occupation of Kavala by the Bulgarians (HIL/27/68); letter from Lady Bedia to `Abbas Hilmi dated 5 January 1913 regarding the condition of migrants in Egypt (HIL/27/69); note to the Royal Palace of Istanbul dated 4 June 1913, asking for the necessary equipment to cut the hair of some orphans (HIL/27/72); letter from the Ottoman Prince Osman Fuad to `Abbas Hilmi dated 24 January 1916, asking for money having spent his allowance (HIL/27/73)
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Ottoman Empire V, 1902-1913 - HIL/27/1-77

Egypt Internal politics I
Reference: HIL/28/1-190
Dates of creation: 1899-1912
Reports from various individuals to the Khedive concerning miscellaneous subjects and accounts.
(see also files 6, 7, 11, 29, 30)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Egypt Internal politics I, 1899-1912 - HIL/28/1-190

Egypt Internal politics II
Reference: HIL/29/1-142
Dates of creation: 1900-1914
Letters from informants and friends concerning political and social situation in Egypt.
Undated cutting from a newspaper in Ottoman Turkish (HIL/29/109); letter to Mustafa Effendi in Ottoman Turkish, 1913 (HIL/ 29/113); undated article from a newspaper in Ottoman Turkish concerning Muhammad Bey Farid (HIL/29/117).
(see also files 6, 7, 11, 28, 30)
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Egypt Internal politics II, 1900-14 - HIL/29/1-142

Egyptian Internal politics III
Reference: HIL/30/1-115
Dates of creation: 1900-1918
15 small files:
Correspondence from Husain Wasfi (HIL/30/1-4); Tawfiq Fahmi (HIL/30/5-13); Mahmud Tahir (HIL/30/21-29); Ahmad Najib (HIL/30/31-32); Jamil Fahmi (HIL/30/33-40,42); Muhammad Faraj al-Sudani (HIL/30/41,43-55); no. 294 (HIL/30/56-61); Muhammad Safa (HIL/30/62-64); Musa `Abd al-Rahim (HIL/30/69-72); director of the School of Agriculture, Mahmud Fu`ad Zaki (HIL/30/74); Dr. Jindi (HIL/30/90-95);Qasim Abu Hasan al-Bairuti (HIL/30/96-104); Muhammad Habib al-Batanuni (HIL/30/105-107).
Petition of Muslims in Pretoria signed by Shaikh Ahmad Effendi (HIL/30/108-110).
Three petitions made by Muslims in Malabar, India (HIL/30/111-113).
Donation and matters concerning the Egyptian Red Crescent Association (HIL/30/114-115).
Letter to Ahmad Shafiq Pasha in Ottoman Turkish, 1916 (HIL/30/7)
Enclosures: Two portrait photographs, possibly of Husain Wasfi, enclosed in letter to Tawfiq Fahmi (HIL/30/15,17).
(see also files 6, 7, 11, 28, 29)
Language:  Arabic; French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Egyptian Internal politics III, 1900-18 - HIL/30/1-115

Poem to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim
Reference: HIL/465/3
Dates of creation: [1899 x 1914]Paper

Poem by Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), composed for the heir to the throne, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. (2 copies: gold and black ink)
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Poem to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, 1899 - 1914 - HIL/465/3

Visit H. H. the Khedive to London
Reference: HIL/31/1-9
Dates of creation: 1900
Printed programme for the Khedive's visit to London.
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Visit H. H. the Khedive to London, 1900 - HIL/31/1-9

Muhammad `Urfi Pasha
Reference: HIL/32/1-83
Dates of creation: 1900-1914
Correspondence between the Khedive and Muhammad `Urfi Pasha concerning various social subjects (HIL/32/2-81), and from `Uthman Abd al-Hamid to the Khedive regarding al-Sharif Ahmad Pasha al-Khawaja al-Yamani (HIL/32/82). Separate articles from newspapers (HIL/32/1,83).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 5
Digitised material for Muhammad `Urfi Pasha, 1900-14 - HIL/32/1-83

`Uthman `Abd al-Hamid al-Abbadi etc.
Reference: HIL/33/1-30
Dates of creation: 1900-1914
Correspondence and reports mainly to the Khedive concerning requests from people in Rhodes for assistance from the Khedive, requests for meetings etc., from`Uthman `Abd al-Hamid al-Abbadi (HIL/33/9,15-16,18-27,29-30). Also al-Sa`id Bilal `Ubaid al-Yamani (HIL/33/17); Saif al-Islam Hamid al-Din (HIL/33/13-14); Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Kubaisi (HIL/33/5-6,11-12).
Letters from `Uthman `Abd al-Hamid al-Abadi in Ottoman Turkish, stating that he has no news to report (HIL/33/18-20)
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 5 (1-16): 6 (15-30)
Digitised material for `Uthman `Abd al-Hamid al-Abbadi etc, 1900-14 - HIL/33/1-30

Mahmud `Uthman
Reference: HIL/34/1-83
Dates of creation: 1900-1918
Series of weekly reports from Istanbul, 1900, and a report concerning the sojourn of the Khedive and his family in Istanbul.
Letters to the Khedive, to Muhammad Yakan asking for financial support, to Ahmad Sadiq, et al.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Mahmud `Uthman, 1900-18 - HIL/34/1-83

Politics Middle East
Reference: HIL/35/1-329
Dates of creation: 1896-1936
Correspondence, including telegrams of welcome from the Indian Muslims in London, 1900 (HIL/35/1) and to Lausanne from the Egyptian students there, 1907 (HIL/35/5-6); K. Mikhail of the Egyptian News and Information Bureau concerning his intentions to revive an Egyptian newspaper which had formerly been published in London, 1936 (HIL/35/7-8); papers relating to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 including letters from Max di Collatto, Sala etc. (HIL/35/78-165); correspondence regarding a petition from Sa`d Zaghlul, the Chief of the Egyptian Delegation and other representatives to President Wilson and to Georges Clemenceau the President of the Peace Conference and also to Italy and Great Britain concerning the political affairs of Egypt and requesting its independence; newspaper articles concerning the Prime Minister Adly Pasha Yakan and his son Prince `Abd al-Moneim; reports concerning the resolution of the Near East question; note concerning the Italian occupation of Ethiopia
French material in HIL/35 includes a letter from the Society of Egyptian Students in Lausanne welcoming the Khedive to Geneva in 1907 (HIL/35/5-6); four short letters from Max di Collato in Rome dated 1923 and 1930 referring to M. Chausseaud, King Fu`ad and the Lausanne Conference (HIL/35/16-23).
German material in HIL/35 includes telegrams from the Egyptian Patriots Club and the Young Egyptian National Committee in Berlin on the occasion of the anniversary of the Khedive’s accession (HIL/35/178,180-183,184-185) and reports on King Fu`ad’s health, author unknown (HIL/35/214-219). Other items listed below:
Typed list with subjects and dates of documents relating to the Egyptian question as presented at the Paris Peace Conference (HIL/35/37-38)
La séquestration de douze millions d'hommes. L'Egypte. Documents pour servir à la conférence de la paix (Cairo, 25 January 1919) (HIL/35/39-77)
Notes by the Egyptian Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference dated Paris May 1919 commenting on Egyptian independence (HIL/35/78-81)
Appeals to the French and Italian governments by the Egyptian Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, dated Paris 31 July 1919 (HIL/35/88-91,92-94)
History of the last Egyptian national movement dated Paris, May 1919 (HIL/35/99-102)
Note on the question of Syria (HIL/35/166-167)
Compte rendu de la treizième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée de la Société des Nations, 6th session, 3 October 1932 (HIL/35/205-209)
Press cuttings on an interview with the Khedive, 1938 concerning his deposition (HIL/35/210-211)
Egypt and the Allenby scheme: the real facts about Zaghlul [London, 1922] (HIL/35/255-257)
Le cabinet Tevfik-Izzet Pachas dans la voie de Panislamisme (HIL/35/285-288)
Newspapers in Ottoman Turkish, Irade-i Milliye, 14-17 September 1919 including articles on “Ending relations with the Farid Pasha cabinet” and “Reasons for national actions” and some extracts under the headline “Proofs of betrayal”. (HIL/35/290-292,295-299)
Copy of a note sent to Mr Hopkin on behalf of the Khedive in Karlsbad assuring the British Government of the Khedive's friendly intentions towards Great Britain and offering his private assistance (HIL/35/304)
Note on the journal Arabic World, 1934 (HIL/35/307)
Supplément au Journal Officiel no 37 du Samedi 30 Mars 1912 (HIL/35/308-319)

Language:  French; Arabic; English; German; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Politics Middle East, 1896-1936 - HIL35/1-329

Muslim Associations and Institutions I
Reference: HIL/36/1-197
Dates of creation: 1900-1942
Copy of the Muslim Chronicle, edited by M. Wali Khan, criticising European imperialism in various parts of the Islamic world (HIL/36/1-8). Handbook for the Jama'iyya al-Muwasa al-Islamiyya (HIL/36/20). Mahmud Tahir to Andon Bey discussing his decision to return to Egypt (HIL/36/21-22), to `Abbas Hilmi offering congratulations (HIL/36/24), asking for money (HIL/36/27) and discussing a meeting with Emile Khoury in his absence from Geneva (HIL/36/28). E. Jung to `Abbas Hilmi, offering him a copy of his book, Le Réveil de L'Islam et des Arabes (HIL/36/38-40), trying to arrange a meeting in Geneva (HIL/36/41), thanking him for accepting 10 copies of his book (HIL/36/45), forwarding to `Abbas Hilmi letters from Shakib Arslan concerning Jung's writings (HIL/36/47,49), and discussing his next books, Les Arabes et L'Islam en face des Nouvelles Croisades and Palestine et Sionisme (HIL/36/48), telling `Abbas Hilmi that he will act as a defender of the Islamic world (HIL/36/51-52). Sayyid `Abd al-Majid to `Abbas Hilmi on the arrest of Shaikh Shawish (HIL/36/58-59). Mahendra Pratap to Doctor Fadil in Rome discussing his desire to meet `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/36/60), to `Abbas Hilmi asking for an interview (HIL/36/61).
Petition from members of the Ma'an Mosque asking for funds for renewal (HIL/36/55); Hadji Mohammed Doulie asking for funds to support the London Temporary Mosque (HIL/36/56). M. B. Maulavic to `Abbas Hilmi discussing his return to Lausanne and various financial dealings (HIL/36/64), on British attempts to divide Arabs and Turks and a speech made to the Islamic world by the deposed Ottoman Sultan declaring that it was a mistake for the Ottomans to enter World War I (HIL/36/65), discussing Sharif Hussein and the Indian Muslims (HIL/36/66), his discussions on the matter of Arab-Turkish reconciliation with Sharif Hussein and Shakib Arslan's welcoming of various delegations from India, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, the Hijaz, Turkey (HIL/36/67-68), discussing commercial matters (HIL/36/69), discussing Indian-Italian trade (HIL/36/70), on the work his society is doing to produce English and Arabic newspapers (HIL/36/71-72), asking to meet in Lausanne (HIL/36/73), discussing the negotiations between `Abbas Hilmi and the British Government (HIL/36/74-75), his visit to Shakib Arslan and their discussions regarding Maulavic's book on the Caliphate issue (HIL/36/86), his visits to Senegal and the possibility of having his writings on the Caliphate translated into Arabic (HIL/36/87). Sadim (?) to `Abbas Hilmi on the Dead Sea Salts concessions (HIL/36/79-83), M. Wali Khan to `Abbas Hilmi discussing the Muslim Chronicle and the political situation in Afghanistan (HIL/36/84-85).
Abdul-Majid, Imam of the Shah Jehan mosque in Woking to `Abbas Hilmi expressing his anxiety that he has not responded to him recently and asking for a meeting (HIL/36/88-89,93-94,99-100), expressing his pleasure regarding an article defending Islam that has appeared in the Sunday Dispatch (HIL/36/92), discussing his journey to India, sending `Abbas Hilmi two copies of a book entitled Islam and Civilisation by Al-Hajj Khawaja Kamal al-Din (HIL/36/102), informing him that his donation with be used to set up an import-export business to strengthen the mission (HIL/36/103), and correspondence from `Abbas Hilmi to Abdul-Majid on the same topic (HIL/36/106). Abdul-Majid to `Abbas Hilmi on his visit to Switzerland to request donations from the Agha Khan (HIL/36/107). K. Mahmud to `Abbas Hilmi requesting financial assistance in repairing the Shah Jehan mosque (HIL/36/90-91), acknowledging receipt of a donation from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/36/98). Muhammad (?) Bin Ahmad to `Abbas Hilmi urging him to subscribe to the Islamic Review, the organ of the Woking Muslim Mission (HIL/36/101). Unsigned letter to Sir Osman `Ali Khan Bahadur asking for financial assistance to set up a waqf at the Woking Mission (HIL/36/104). Muhammad `Ali al-Haj Salman of the Grand Muslim Union to `Abbas Hilmi, describing the nature of the mission, requesting a donation and discussing plans to publish an English language book on Islam (HIL/36/110,130), attaching title page of the proposed book (HIL/36/131) and the report of the governing council of the Grand Muslim Union for 1937-1938 (HIL/36/132), reminding `Abbas Hilmi of his promise to help fund the book and attaching a letter from the ex-Khedive's secretary to that effect (HIL/36/133).
`Abd al-Qadir Muhieddin of the Mussulman's Orphanage in Sierra Leone to `Abbas Hilmi sending his greetings on the occasion of the Eid al-`Adha (HIL/36/111), thanking him for a donation (HIL/36/112-115), requesting financial assistance (HIL/36/116-117,127-129), describing the foundation of the Orphanage and asking `Abbas Hilmi to pass on his request for donations to other important personalities (HIL/36/118-122,124), attaching a list of other important donors (HIL/36/123), expressing anxiety that he has not heard from `Abbas Hilmi recently (HIL/36/125-126) and that he has ceased receiving donations from him (HIL/36/137-138). Arabic pamphlet on the Grand Muslim Union, describing its purposes, its religious principles and its accomplishments (HIL/36/129). Shakib Arslan to Muhammad `Ali al-Haj Salman on the work of the Grand Muslim Union (HIL/36/135). Mohammed Girej Sunsz of the Comité de Construction de la Mosque à Varsovie to `Abbas Hilmi requesting assistance (HIL/36/143). S. M. Abdullah, Imam of the Berlin mosque, to `Abbas Hilmi requesting that he visit the mosque on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday, with postcards of the Berlin mosque and informing him of its history (HIL/36/144-148). El Ittihad el Islami (The Islamic Religious Community) in Prague thanking the Khedive for his financial support, announcing the Khedive as their Honorary Member and stating how the donation was used, laying out the aims of the organisation as wishing to be a centre for Moslems living in the Czechoslovak Republic, carrying out missionary activities, wishing to break down barriers and prejudice amongst the Czech population, 1935-37 (HIL/36/150-157).
Mohamed Abdallah Brikcius of El Ittihad el Islami, a Muslim association in Czechoslovakia, writing to `Abbas Hilmi, describing the work of the society (HIL/36/149). Rahimuddin to `Abbas Hilmi discussing religious morals and Qu'ranic syntax (HIL/36/158-163). The Secretary-General of L'Accueil Musulman to `Abbas Hilmi, discussing the ex-Khedive's subscription to the society's journal and observing that its interests are purely cultural, social, religious and humanitarian and not political (HIL/36/194-195), further discussing the objectives of the society and his intention to reach out to Muslim communities in London, Rome, Berlin and Paris (HIL/36/196-197).
Three copies of the regulations of the Alliance Musulmans International, discussing its purposes, methods of action, admissions, organisation, annual conference, supreme council, executive committee, finances, transitional dispositions, dissolution (HIL/36/165-193)
Letters in German, 1935-1937 (HIL/36/150-157)
Language:  French; Arabic; English; German
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Muslim Associations and Institutions I, 1900-42 - HIL/36/1-197

Sir Reginald Wingate
Reference: HIL/411/1-2
Dates of creation: [late 20th century]
Photocopy of a letter dated 4 February 1901 from `Abbas Hilmi II to Sir Reginald Wingate thanking him for sending a box of matches via Fergusson Bey, and approving Wingate's actions in marking the death of Queen Victoria.
For original letter in the Sudan Archive, General Sir Reginald Wingate collection, see SAD.153/2/4.
Digitised material for Sir Reginald Wingate, 4 Feb 1901 - HIL/411/1-2

Muslim Associations, etc. II
Reference: HIL/37/pp.1-8
Dates of creation: 1916
International Muslim Office. Printed rules.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Muslim Associations, etc. II, 1916 - HIL/37/1

Muslim Association, etc. III: Dr. Lutfi
Reference: HIL/38/1-51
Dates of creation: 1916-1937
Information concerning the International Muslim Office, including its members, objectives, and bulletin. Correspondence to the Khedive from Dr Lutfi, editor of the newspaper Paris-Orient, circulating in Africa, Asia and Europe and providing information on politics, economics, literature, art and tourism. Message to President Wilson. from the International Muslim Office concerning the dangerous attitude of the allies towards the question of Islam.
Enclosure: Ministry of War armband; cream with red star and buckle (HIL/38/51)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Muslim Association, etc. III: Dr. Lutfi, 1916-37 - HIL/38/1-50

Leon Fahmi
Reference: HIL/39/1-93
Dates of creation: 1901-1907
Correspondence and reports concerning Leon Fahmi and his activities. Letters from Leon Fahmi to the Khedive requesting financial support from Geneva, and requesting that the Khedive forgive Fahmi's brother.
HIL/39/1-5,19-20,35-36-69,75-77,91: Turkish correspondence from Ahmad Kamal and Young Turks, in exile, reporting to the Khedive, including despatches from Ahmad Kamal reporting the return of two men called Mehmed Emin and Fazıl to Istanbul who had launched a paper, Ittihad-ı Çerâkise (Circassian Union), 14 February 1900 (HIL/39/1) and a proposed article for a paper named Mizan-ı Adalet, and plans by a group of Ottomans to publish a paper called Emel, 1 March 1900 (HIL/39/2); report by Ahmad Kamal to `Abbas Hilmi referring to a dispute between Leon Fahmi and Şevki Effendi, 1901 (HIL/39/35-36); Ahmad Kamal reporting his meeting with Şakir Pasha and the latter’s intention to become governor of Konya, undated (HIL/39/38-39); Ahmad Kamal to the Khedive reporting on his meetings with Bedros the Armenian who had previously been sent to Istanbul to plant a bomb in the capital and who now intends to do away with Şakir Pasha, undated (HIL/39/40-42); Ahmad Kamal to `Abbas Hilmi concerning his meeting with Hüsain Zaki and `İzzet Bey and their plot against the Khedive, undated (HIL/39/51); Ahmad Kamal to `Abbas Hilmi reporting on the arrivals and departures of certain individuals, undated (HIL/39/54,57); report by Kalyoncuzade Hasan Muhsin to Ahmad Kamal on the travels of Munif Effendi to Marseilles and of Mehmed Hamdi to Pirée, 14 June 1901 (HIL/39/63); Ahmad Kamal to the Khedive in which he seeks the assurance of his master that he will not be betrayed as he has heard that people are speaking of his spying activities, undated (HIL/39/68); Badirkhan Pasha-zade Salih to the Khedive asking why he was detained when he was about to go to Istanbul and also asking the reason for the biased treatment against him, 29 April 1901 (HIL/39/75-77)
Language:  French; Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 6
Digitised material for Leon Fahmi, 1901-07 - HIL/39/1-93

Zaki Kantar bey: I
Reference: HIL/40/1-573
Dates of creation: 1901-1904
Correspondence and reports to the Khedive from Paris concerning Turks and Egyptians in Paris.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 6 (1-466): 7 (462-573)
Digitised material for Zaki Kantar bey: I, 1901-04 - HIL/40/1-573

Zaki Kantar bey: II
Reference: HIL/41/1-379
Dates of creation: 1905-1922
Reports to the Khedive from Paris and, from 1912 onwards, from Constantinople and Cairo.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 7
Digitised material for Zaki Kantar bey: II, 1905-22 - HIL/41/1-379

M. Barrot and Zuhrab Pasha
Reference: HIL/42/1-111
Dates of creation: 1901-1907
Correspondence to the Khedive from M. Barrot and Zuhrab Pasha concerning the political situation in Egypt, Europe (especially France, Britain and Austria) and the Sudan.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 7
Digitised material for M. Barrot and Zuhrab Pasha, 1901-07 - HIL/42/1-111

Al-Sa`id Ali Yusuf
Reference: HIL/43/1-99
Dates of creation: 1901-1913
Of al-Muayyad newspaper.
Correspondence concerning individuals, including Prince Arfa al-Daulah, and many of the Egyptian religious leaders.
(and file with negative duplicates)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 7
Digitised material for Al-Sa`id Ali Yusuf, - 1901-13 - HIL/43/1-99

Muhammad Ibrahim: I
Reference: HIL/44/1-549
Dates of creation: 1901-1914
Confidential reports concerning the movement of individuals, especially Hasan `Asim and Khairy Pasha. Reports from Ahmad Rustum, clerk in Waqf office, from Jabra`il Naqqash, from Zainab Fawwaz concerning information and news regarding individuals like Yusuf al-Bakri and Hananda Hanem. Copies of telegrams to Cromer and others. Biographical information concerning Ahmad Nureldin and his career.
Letters to the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II from Shaikh Tantawi Gohari, teacher at al-Moalemin al-Nassiriyya School, concerning the charitable association al-Mowassah al-Islamiyya (HIL/44/174-375)
Reports and letters on miscellaneous matters. Report concerning the (Balkan) war between the Ottomans and Bulgarians (HIL/44/376-549)
Material in Turkish in the file includes letters between Halil and Zehra Hanim, 1905-1906 (HIL/44/110-111)
Enclosure: Portrait photograph of A. Nureldin taken at Bilbeis by Parnasse of Constantinople (HIL/51/316).
Language:  French; Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 7 (1-16): 8 (15-549)
Digitised material for Muhammad Ibrahim: I, 1901-14 - HIL/44/1-549

Muhammad Ibrahim: II
Reference: HIL/45/1-221
Dates of creation: 1905-1932
Similar to File 44. Reports, political, on the British in Egypt, Kitchener, etc.
1907-1914: Reports concerning political and social matters as well as British policy in Egypt and Lord Cromer. Reports from Zainab Fawwaz concerning the movements of wives of certain political and social figures such as Princess Nazli Hanem and her friend Zahra Hanem; the wife of Ibrahim Pasha Tawfik Yakan (Yegen). Letter concerning the meeting between Hishmat Pasha and Mr. Williams in order to discuss the replacement of French professors at the School of Fine Arts with British professors and to convince Prince Yusuf Kamal to donate the school he established to the Egyptian Government. Reports and telegrams concerning the sympathy between Kitchener and some prominent Egyptian Pashas. Reports to Muhammad Ibrahim from the French colony in Egypt. (HIL/45/1-138)
1933-1935: Letters concerning miscellaneous issues: (1) Letters and reports from Muhammad Ibrahim to the Secretary of the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II concerning a house in the possession of al-Khassa al-Khediwiyya and rented to a lady. (2) Correspondence from Muhammad Ibrahim to the Khedive concerning Sidki Pasha and other matters. (3) Letters concerning a bequest from Princess Amina Ilhamy (the Khedival Mother), wife of Khedive Muhammad Tawfiq Pasha, for the construction of a nursing home and a school for girls in Cairo, in the areas (aqsam) of Abdin or Sayida Zeinab or Old Cairo, from the interest accruing from her own endowment (waqf). Her bequest included the instruction that the buildings should be elegant and reflect the Arabic style. (5) Correspondence concerning the ill-health of King Ahmad Fuad I, the state of political affairs and British interference in the affairs of Egypt and in the Egyptian Royal Court. Pressure from the British on King Ahmad Fuad I to send his son Faruq I to London and disapproval from some Egyptian persons in the government concerning the 16.000 L.E. expenses taken from the Egyptian treasury for Faruq I to undertake his studies in London. (6) Reports to the Khedive from Muhammad Ibrahim concerning his meeting with a number of Egyptians complaining about the defective administration of King Ahmad Fuad I. The reports show the popularity of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II amongst Egyptians. (HIL/45/139-143)
(see also files 5, 13, 61, 64, 65)
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 8
Digitised material for Muhammad Ibrahim: II, 1905-32 - HIL/45/1-221

Rashid Mumtaz: I
Reference: HIL/46/1-316
Dates of creation: 1901-1918
1901-1918: Letters and reports from Rashid Mumtaz in Constantinople, Turkey to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, containing miscellaneous news about Turkey and the Sublime Port. Turkish relations with Europe, particulrly Eastern Europe. They also contain information concerning the Armenians and the massacre that took place in Van. Also reports and information concerning coal mines. (HIL/46/1-131)
1908-1918: Letters and reports from Rashid Mumtaz in Constantinople, Turkey to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, with a small number of reports sent to Rashid Mumtaz, containing miscellaneous news about Turkey and the Sublime Port and the dreadful political conditions in Turkey. Reports on Turkish ministers and officials in the Turkish administration, and Turkish relations with Europe, particularly with Eastern Europe. Some reports concerning the Armenians and political affairs concerning Thasos, Salonika, Albania and Montenegro (HIL/46/134-315)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 8
Digitised material for Rashid Mumtaz: I, 1901-18 - HIL/46/1-316

Rashid Mumtaz: II; Samih bey; Yanus Nadi bey
Reference: HIL/47/1-118
Dates of creation: 1921-1932
Correspondence from Samih and Rashid Mumtaz, and Yanus Nadi, of the newspaper Cumhuriyet, one on Anatolian Club notepaper.The correspondence in French from Rashid Mumtaz and Samih Mumtaz concerns members from the Khedival family such as Prince Ibrahim Hilmi, Princess Emina, Princess Nimet and Kamil Pasha. Correspondence from Yunus Nadi concerning the conversion of the Turkish Anonymous Society into a publishing house called Cumhuriyet in Istanbul. Correspondence and reports from Soubhy Nuri to the Khedive concerning the debts of the late Princess, spouse of Hami Bey.
Turkish material in the file includes Rashid Mumtaz to Anton Bey defending himself against the lies put forward by Anton, 11 January 1933 (HIL/47/10-16); Ahmad Mümtaz to the Khedive reporting on his meeting with Colonel Zaki Bey, undated (HIL/47/30); Rashid Mümtaz to the Khedive informing him that the estate on the Bebek shore cannot be sold to the Americans and suggesting some other plans with regard to the estate, 5 June 1924 (HIL/47/37); letter from unknown correspondent to the Khedive reporting on the impending wedding of Nazlı Hanım, the typhoid epidemic in Istanbul, the travel of Atiyye Hanım to Istanbul, Prince Cemil’s secret trip to Egypt and Hasan Halid’s probable escape to Palestine etc., 27 July 1931 (HIL/47/42-44); Samih Mümtaz to the Khedive reporting on the cut in allowances to the prince and princesses, the Egyptian nationalists' increasing actions against the government, rumours about a kingship in Syria, and Prince Yusuf’s purchase of an estate in Syria and the division of a part of it among the peasantry, 31 August 1931 (HIL/47/45-47); Yunus Nadi to `Abbas Hilmi requesting a donation of 15.000 Turkish liras for the raising of a momunent to the republic (HIL/47/61); Yunus Nadi to the Khedive giving him the latest news regarding the bank he owns, and the course of action they are to take to improve the situation, 18 June 1926 (HIL/47/63); Yunus Nadi to `Abbas Hilmi reporting on the probable solution regarding the Duyun-i Umumiye (Ottoman Public Debt), 4 March 1932 (HIL/47/77); unknown correspondent to `Abbas Hilmi reporting on the Muslim population stationed in some of the areas around Macedonia, i.e., Pohum, Çulna, Zeril etc., undated (HIL/47/86-88); memorandum prepared by the general staff of congress for the public on the Malatya incident, by `Ali Galib Bey, 17 September 1919 (HIL/47/91); Tewfiq Kamil, Foreign Office under secretary, to Celal Nuri informing him that the farm owned by `Abbas Hilmi in Dalaman cannot be sold by the government, 10 March 1924 (HIL/47/106); anonymous report to `Abbas Hilmi on the inspection of a house near Abdin Palace by Mevlanzade Rıfat, a meeting between one of Fatma Hanım’s servants and a member of İttihat Terakki (the Union and Progress Committee), and the holding of a meeting by a group of members of a secret society in Istanbul, 13 March 1911 (HIL/47/108); anonymous report to the Khedive covering a meeting day of a secret society, the dispense of an unknown amount of money, and intelligence regarding the members of a secret society in Alexandria, 15 March 1911 (HIL/47/109); reports by an individual named Ziya to `Abbas Hilmi on the latest developments regarding the origins of the assassination attempt, 1911 (HIL/47/111,113); anonymous report to `Abbas Hilmi on the arrival of a group of students from Feyziye School, Istanbul hoping to raise money for their educational expenses, undated (HIL/47/116)

Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 8
Digitised material for Rashid Mumtaz: II; Samih bey; Yanus Nadi bey, 1921-32 - HIL/47/1-118

Rashid Mumtaz III
Reference: HIL/48/1-316
Dates of creation: 1922-1940
Correspondence from and reports on Thasos, the Russian threat, the Aegean, citric acid, gold, silencers and Asia Minor.
An undated notice, concerning the Island of Thasos and its historical background. The island was donated by Sultan Mahmud to Muhammad `Ali Pasha and his successors to the throne of Egypt. From this period the island was under a government nominated by the Egyptian Vice-Royal, assisted by an elected local consul. Muhammad `Ali constituted the island as a waqf (endowment) so that all revenues went for the maintenance of the Imaret of Kavala, his native city. The successor Khedives respected this endowment constitution.
A contract between Khedive `Abbas Hilmi operating as Nazir (director) of the endowment of Kavala, represented by Di Martino Pasha, General Director of the Daïra Khassa and Mr. [illegible], Hellenic subject. The contract was signed by the Khedive on the 23 March 1896 and registered at the Mixed Tribunal in Cairo on the 25 April 1896. Unfortunately this convention, despite the good will of the Khedive was never executed due to interference by the Sultan and the British Government.
A note concerning Citric Acid. A report entitled: Beach Placers in South America, prepared by A.T. Rickard, mining engineer and editor of American Mining Journals, about the Nome Gold Beach in Alaska. The purpose of the article is to draw attention to a number of places in South America where the beaches are rich in gold.
A report concerning the historical background of Rashid Mumtaz's relationship with Sultan Abdul-Hamid and Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Letters and report from Rashid Mumtaz to the Khedive containing miscellaneous information.
Political and economic affairs in Turkey, particularly in some of the provinces. News updates about the Sublime Porte and Sultan Mahmud V as well as Sultan Abdul-Hamid and several Turkish individuals from his milieu. Dispatches concerning the exile of Sultan Abdul-Hamid to Salonika and the conversion of Yildiz Palace into a museum and a public garden. Reports concerning political conditions in Asia Minor and the Armenians. Information concerning politics in Egypt and regarding King Ahmad Fu'ad I in his last years of his reign.
The file also includes the following items in Turkish:
A letter by Rashid to Hadji Mustafa Effendi to ask him to pass his compliments to the Khedive and to assure him of his innocence. (HIL/48/204)
Letter from Rashid to `Abbas Hilmi Pasha apologising for failing to answer his latest despatch. Dated19 June 1924 (HIL/48/226)
Letter from Rashid to Anton Bey urging him to inform the Khedive about the gold mines in Argentina and Patagonia as a potential investment. Dated 15 June 1929 (HIL/48/240)
Letter from [Rashid] to Anton Bey dated 3 April 1920 referring to some conspiracies that he has heard of. (HIL/48/264-265)
Petition bearing the signature of Rashid Mumtaz regarding his return to Nice after his treatment in Vichy. Dated 4 August 1922 (HIL/48/312)

(see also files 176, 177, 178)
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 8 (1-260): 9 (260-315)
Digitised material for Rashid Mumtaz III, 1922-40 - HIL/48/1-316

Political Informants
Reference: HIL/49/1-249
Dates of creation: 1901-1928
Letters from Ahmad al-Aris concerning movements and associations of individuals of interest: Mustafa al-Damyati (lawyer), Muhammad `Abd al-Khalid Madkur written 1925-1928 (not all to the Khedive) and Muhammad Rushdi al-Misri, written 1917-1922 (former Egyptian Army Staff Captain, in 1918 attached to German Department of Eastern Intelligence).
1901-1928: Correspondence from Ahmad al-Aris, employee of the Khedive, concerning miscellaneous topics mostly of an internal political and social nature such as information about Shaikh Muhammad Abdu and his ill health and then later his death; news regarding al-Sayyid al-Bakri and Shaikh `Ali Yusuf, Saad Zaghlul and other Egyptian individuals.
1901: Correspondence from Mustafa al-Damyati, a lawyer, concerning miscellaneous political and social internal affairs.
1925-1938: Correspondence from Muhammad `Abd-al-Khalid Madkur Pasha, concerning private Khedival matters such as the Princess Iqbal court case, the Khedive's possessions in Egypt and the departure of his Egyptian cook Hamid to continue in his service in exile. Includes also some letters to `Abd Allah Bey al-Bishri, in employment with the Khedive and looking after his affairs in Egypt.
1917: Correspondence from Muhammad Rushdi al-Misri, former Captain in the Moroccan Army, formerly responsible for the Foreign Section at the library of the Alexandria Municipality and currently attached as an Arabic translator in the Eastern Secret Intelligence and Publications Department at the German Embassy. The letters concern his request that the Khedive help him to get official documents lost during the war in 1915 to prove his Egyptian nationality; briefing the Khedive with news from Berlin and information regarding two Egyptian medical doctors working in Berlin, Muhammad Adawi and Hasan Khalifa.
Reports concerning miscellaneous matters from the following: a) Salih Shaker, 1909-1914, concerning political issues, detailed reports on the National Party, Sa'ad Zaghlul Pasha and meetings with different journal directors. b) `Uthman Kamil, 1900, miscellaneous news. c) Khalil Hamdi, 1909-1914, ex Commander at the Police School, concerning matters in Sallum (area in the Northern part of Egypt). d) Ahmad Abbas, undated, miscellaneous subjects. e) Ibrahim Ramzi, 1901, reports concerning the publication of a book on the Khedive’s deposition by `Ali Yusuf al-Keredli. e) Ibrahim Allam, 1912, a report concerning the money lost by Prince Husain Kamil at the stock exchange in Alexandria and the sale of 1300 feddans of agricultural land located in the Mudiriyah of al-Behera (in the Delta) to pay the sum lost to Mr. Sinadino. f) Amir Mansur,1912, from Sallum concerning intelligence. g) Abu al-Wafa Mahmud Ramzi Nazim from Manshiet al-Sadr, Cairo, a poem arranged by him and dedicated to the Khedivial Mother, Princess Amina Ilhamy and `Abbas Hilmi II, expressing to them his gratitude. h) Labib al-Taynouni, 1911, letter concerning the delayed visit of the Bishop of London to the Khedive. i) Tahir Hakki, 1912, detailed report concerning information in the newspapers regarding a planned assassination of the Khedive, Lord Kitchener and Sa'id Pasha. j) statement from the Syndicate of Egyptian Medical Doctors dated 1922, concerning the state of political affairs in Egypt and British interference with Egyptian subjects. k) undated report concerning a complaint from Egyptian lawyers regarding the detention of their leader. l) Mahmud Tahir, undated, a report concerning the individuals appointed by Prince Ahmad Fu'ad ( later the King) as ambassadors in London and Paris, the intelligence service established by Fu'ad and other information concerning the relationship between Fu'ad and Sa'ad Zaghlul.
Undated invitation from the Committee of Union and Progress to a meeting in Sultanahmed Square (Turkish) HIL/49/27
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Political Informants, 1901-28 - HIL/49/1-249

H. H. Princess Chivekiar
Reference: HIL/50/1-136
Dates of creation: 1878-1879 and 1901-1936
Correspondence from Princess Chivekiar and from others such as Princess Névdjivan, Prince Yusuf Kamal, Prince Omar Tussun, Princess Chivekiar, Sélim and Ilhamy Hussein, mainly to the Khedive, concerning the National Party at the Eastern Peace Conference, petitions for money, mercy and help. Reports on Egyptians in Europe, e.g. Shawkat Kibrizli in London, others in Paris. Includes some information concerning Sa'ad Zaghlul Pasha.
Turkish material in the file includes letters petitioning the Khedive for help, extending good wishes to him, etc. (HIL/50/3-5,12-14,135-136)
Enclosure: Photograph of informal group seated in garden, `Abbas Hilmi second from left next to gentleman in full Arab dress. Possibly taken in Palestine. (HIL/50/14)
Language:  French, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic; English
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for H. H. Princess Chivekiar, 1878-1936 - HIL/50/1-136

Loose papers
Reference: HIL/51/1-126
Dates of creation: 1901-1943
Special train timetables, photographs, newspaper cuttings, codes, Suez Canal Company maps, Note on fall of Sirri and rise of the Wafds and other political matters.
A Collective Map of the Harbour of the Port and Port-Saïd, edition of 1906, annex # 8
Notes on the dismissal of the Cabinet of Sirry Pasha and the succession of al-Wafd.
Note concerning recent British politics in the Middle East.
Notes concerning the Protocol of the 12th of May 1931, signed between the Khedive and the Egyptian Government and agreed with the British Government. The protocol relates to the Khedive's residences and travel to Europe.
El Dschihad (al-Jihad) , a weekly Islamic journal, Berlin, issues 8 (11 June 1915), 12 (2 August 1915), 13 (10 August 1915). Each issue contains Arabic and Ottoman Turkish copies. (HIL/51/65,68-75,
Correspondence from Muhammad Bey al-Bagouri Karim, Leader of the Conservative Party in Cairo to the Khedive, 1912-1921, concerning news about the party and also individuals.
Petition to the Khedive from affluent individuals of the Island of Thasos, requesting the return of the previous island administrator.
Copy of a report from `Ali Wassef Pasha dated 25 May 1907, concerning restoration work on the house of Muhammad `Ali Pasha in Kavala and his parents' mausoleum, as well as the aqueduct in Kavala and other matters concerning the school there.
Report from Ahmad Sadiq to the Khedive dated 6 December 1917, concerning private endowments and the Daïra of Prince Ahmad Saif al-Din and letter from Ahmad Sadiq dated 17 January 1918 to Ahmad Shafiq Pasha, Director of the Khedive’s Cabinet.
French journal L’Echo de l’Egypte, affiliated to the National Party and directed by Muhammad Fahmi, issues 1 (13 February 1915), containing an article about the Khedive and other political matters; 2 (3 March 1915), containing an article about Mustafa Kamil
Speech of Shaikh Muhammad Abu al-Fadl, from Alexandria dated 21 July 1910
Time tables and instructions 44-47 for special trains for the Khedive from Alexandria to Cairo, by G.B. Macauley, General Manager, dated 31 October 1913.
Train time table for the journey of the Khedive and the Duke and Duchess of Connaught from Assiout to Cairo and to Koubbeh Palace in Cairo, by R.B.D. Blakeney, Captain R.E, Traffic Manager, dated 14 December 1902.
Train time table (French and Arabic copy) for the Khedive's journey from Koubbeh Palace to Luxor, dated 7- 8 December 1902
Photocopies of articles in newspapers.
Negative copies of letters, dated 1922, sent from M. Niazi Bey to the Khedive concerning detective work by Seif Allah Pasha Yusri on Egyptians attending a conference in Europe.
Negative of letters, dated 1901, sent to A. Zia Faïk Bey in Constantinople, concerning a meeting of Shaikh Abu al-Huda with the ‘Young Turks’
Turkish material in the file comprises: copies of the journal JIhad (see entry above); voucher written by the wife of Sadiq Bey (son of Rauf Pasha) indicating that she has received the income of some of the estates of `Abbas Hilmi II in Istanbul (i.e. Chubuqlu), dated 17 October 1906 (HIL/51/84)
Enclosure: Large mounted photograph of group including `Abbas Hilmi standing centre, taken by Elias D. Bichara, Cairo (HIL/51/126)
Language:  French; Arabic; Turkish
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Loose papers, 1901-43 - HIL/51/1-126

Aid for Mit Ghamr fire victims
Reference: HIL/536
Dates of creation: 1902Paper (1 volume)

Report by the General Assembly to the Khedive describing conditions of those requiring aid following a fire at Mit Ghamr.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Report by the General Assembly to the Khedive describing conditions of those requiring aid following a fire at Mit Ghamr - 1902 - HIL/536

Reference: HIL/52/1-301
Dates of creation: 1902-1915
Poems, sermons, certificates, timetables. Reports e.g. to Ahmad Shafiq Pasha, head of Khedival Arab and French bureau, from Muhammad `Ashar al-Sidqi. Commission to inspect students. Petitions to Khedive, etc.
All the papers in this file relate to al-Azhar, as well as Islamic institutions in different governorates in Egypt.
Detailed reports dated 1908, prepared by Muhammad Ashar al-Sadafi, Mufti of the Private Khedivial Endowments, submitted to Ahmad Pasha Shafiq, Head of the Arabic and Foreign Cabinet of the Khedive. The reports relate to a trip by al-Sadafi to Tanta in order to assist the Mashyakha of al-Ahmadi Mosque in Tanta to improve work, aiming to reach the level of other Islamic institutions.
Results tables for al-Azhar students for different academic years. A report concerning student complaints regarding the exams, signed by many of them. Other reports regarding the administration in different rowak (sections) at al-Azhar.
Speeches delivered in Alexandria by Shaikh Muhammad Abu-al-Fadl in 1909 and 1912, after awarding students certificates and prizes for Islamic Sciences
Complaint from al-Azhar lecturers concerning a proposal to change al-Azhar from part of the House of Islamic Sciences and Sharia to a modern school.
Instructions dated 1326 Higri concerning al-Azhar oral exams. Samples of written exams in different Islamic branches. Al-Azhar conditions dated 1909, concerning students applying for World or National certificates. Report dated January 1909, concerning demonstrations in the streets of Cairo organised by al-Azhar students, joined by students from different mosques. Protestors are calling for unity against westerners in Egypt, abusing the country’s resources and preventing Egyptians from profiting from them.
Report dated 1913 concerning an accident of the shaikh responsible for the Moroccan section that took place at al-Azhar, and other matters concerning the students of this section at al-Azhar.
Complaint from Shaikh `Abd-al-Rahman al-Shirbini, leader of al-Azhar, submitted in 1906 to the Ministry of the Interior, regarding the use of cameras for recording the Quran readers. The report bans the use of cameras for these matters as this tool is employed for indecent songs recordings. Commission to check al-Azhar students. Series of reports during 1905, from Mashiyakhat al-Azhar in Cairo to Mashiyakhat of the Ulamas in Alexandria concerning the students’ exams. Report from Mohammad Hussein, Leader of al-Ahmadi Mosque in Tanta to the Khedive, with updates concerning the Islamic institution under construction commissioned by the Khedive in 11/11/1911.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Al-Azhar, 1902-15 - HIL/52/1-301

Ceremonies: I. Mahmud Fahmi
Reference: HIL/53/1-87
Dates of creation: 1898-1914
Letters and detailed reports from Mahmud Fahmi, principally to Ahmad Shafiq and to the Khedive, concerning daily administration and meetings with political and public individuals at the Prime Minister's Cabinet (the Council of Ministers), as well as affairs of state and social matters. Reports regarding the level of Nile waters, cholera outbreaks in different parts in Egypt. News about incidents and trials.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Ceremonies: I. Mahmud Fahmi, 1898-1914 - HIL/53/1-87

Ceremonies: II. Ali Bey Shahin, Master of ceremonies.
Reference: HIL/54/1-215
Dates of creation: 1901-1909
Report of service up to 1909. Letters and reports principally from `Ali Bey Shahin, Grand Master of Ceremonies, to the Khedive, keeping him au fait with incidents and developments which will demand attention.
Detective work on the movements and actions of individuals and members from the Khedival family.
Reports on Ahmad Bey al-Aris, Tawfik al-Bakri, Ibrahim al-Mowelhi, Abu al-Hoda, Léon Fahmi, Shekib and others.
Reports concerning different newspapers, articles and news reporting on the Khedive. Information on persons acting in opposition to the Khedive. Reports about ceremonies and events and information regarding the funeral of Riad Pasha.
Letter dated 1 July 1905, concerning prominent persons at the reception of Shaikh Muhammad Abdu’s coffin at the train station and detailed report dated 13 July 1905 concerning arrangements for and names of attendees at Shaikh Muhammad Abdu’s funeral, in addition to other letters on the same subject.
Petition in French dated July 1902, from Rida Effendi al-Bahayerli, an Ottoman subject from Constantinople choosing to reside in Cairo.
Letter in French from Zaki Bey, explained in Arabic to the Khedive by `Ali Shahin regarding their meeting with a young Armenian man from a family in Constantinople and matters concerning the committee of the Young Turks.
Petitions from `Ali Shahin to the Khedive, soliciting merciful and financial assistance.
Anonymous warning in Turkish, penned by ‘Sh’ and addressed to the Muslim community in Bosnia Herzegovina. `Abbas Hilmi II is reported to be taking measures for the aforementioned community. Undated (HIL/54/100)
Language:  French; Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Ceremonies: II. Ali Bey Shahin, Master of ceremonies, 1901-09 - HIL/54/1-215

HIL/465/4/1-7   1905-1911
Language:  Arabic; French
Appointment cards for royal receptions and audiences, with schedules and brief notes.
Attendees and persons referenced include: Verschoyle, Mr Kelly, Mr Raves, Admiral Privileggio, Sirdar of Afghanistan, Sheikh Ahmed Fakiye, Marloum Pasha, Mr John Wallace Inspector of Mining Works, Mr Alexander of Zogheb per pro [Antonio de Portugal] Viscount de Faria, Mr Maskens per pro Mr Edward Empain banker of Brussels, Prince d'Arenberg per pro Mrs Charmes and Suez Canal Company administrators Vergé and Mirabeaud, general secretary Mr Bounet, Mr Quellennec, Harari Pasha, Mr Webb, Hassan Pasha Mouharam, Hamid Bey El-Aleily, Domartino Pasha, Fathi Zagloul Pasha, Gaafar Fahri Bey, Mustafa Pasha Halil, German consul, Prince and Princess Rupprecht of Bavaria, Prince George and Prince Konrad of Bavaria, Countess Bardi [Infanta Adelgundes, Duchess of Guimarães], Count and Countess de Huardt.
Digitised material for Appointment cards, 1905-1911 - HIL/465/4/1-7
Ceremonies: III
Reference: HIL/55/1-24
Dates of creation: 1909-1914
Papers relating to arrangements for travel, receptions, etc. involving the Khedival household.
Reports concerning travel arrangements for animals (horses, etc) and the Khedival household to Constantinople.
Reports to the Khedive from Muhammad Amin Hilmi, Yawouran of the Khedive concerning receptions and gatherings.
Reports to the Khedive from Said Zulfukar, from the Ceremonies Cabinet, about arrangements for travel of Princesses from the Khedival family.
A programme for a general reception held at Abdin Palace.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Ceremonies: III, 1909-14 - HIL/55/1-24

Individuals: Arab
Reference: HIL/56/1-182
Dates of creation: c.1902-1937
Egyptian politics. Correspondence from:
Khalid Hashim al-Jaza`iri thanking the Khedive for his visit (HIL/56/1-3); al-Shaikh Hazim ibn `Abdullah ibn Malihi (HIL/56/3-24); al-Shaikh Shuwail (HIL/56/26-27); al-Shaikh `Ali al-Jarbi discussing his role as a preacher (HIL/56/28-30,33-36); Allaoua Lounissi (Constantine) (HIL/56/39-51); Muhammad al-Sharif Jughlareh; `Abd al-Halim Farid (HIL/56/56-57); Mahmud Bakhati and Son (Irrigation Engineers) (HIL/56/58); Muhammad Sharif (HIL/56/59); Mabruk the Algerian (HIL/56/68-77); Najib Hashim (HIL/56/78-84); Ahmad al-`Abbas (HIL/56/86-117).
Extracts from a lecture by `Ali al-Jarbi given at Amrieh (HIL/56/31-32); Egyptian petitions (HIL/56/61-67,135,149-157); Dr. Hussain Sabri (HIL/56/134-136,138-139,143-144); Muhammad Farid (HIL/56/142-143); al-Tayyib al-`Uqbi (Director newspaper al-Islah); poems to the Khedive on his return from Mecca; petition from Yemen; Ahmad Mansur; al-Sa`id `Abdullah al-Tarabulsi; Father Ibrahim Adham; Ibrahim al-Hami; Ibrahim Muruda; `Abd al-Sa`id Isma`il.
Turkish material comprises: A despatch dated 20 March 1877 sent by “Tal‘at”, possibly to `Abbas Hilmi regarding the latter's good health and informing him of the result of a particular request about Turkey (HIL/56/169); note dated 30 November 1879 recording the change of tutor for “Beg Effendi” (HIL/56/175); request dated 2 November 1900, probably from “Fazıl”, that the stables be inspected carefully and for the money needed to be supplied (HIL/56/175)
Language:  French; Arabic; Turkish
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Individuals: Arab-Egyptian politics, 1902-37- HIL/56/1-182

Crowned Heads
Reference: HIL/57/1-117
Dates of creation: 1903-1939
Correspondence to and from various imperial sovereigns and members of royal families, including correspondence on behalf of the Emperor Franz-Josef of Austro-Hungary, discussing the Khedive's request that his aide-de camp Khalaf Khairy Effendi be allowed to witness the manouevres of the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army (HIL/57/1-5); Isma`il Niazi to the Khedive discussing the same matter (HIL/57/6-7); the Emperor Franz-Josef to the Khedive exchanging greetings (HIL/57/9-10); R. Szèchenyi to the Khedive discussing the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand (HIL/57/13-15); telegrams from the Khedive to Franz-Josef (HIL/57/19), Christiana of Norway (HIL/57/20) and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy (HIL/57/21-22) wishing them prosperous reigns, with a response from Victor Emmanuel (HIL/57/22); Franz Ferdinand to the Khedive (HIL/57/28-30); Edward VII (HIL/57/31,39); Tzar Ferdinand of Bulgaria discussing the preservation of the book collections in the house of Muhammad `Ali during the Bulgarian occupation of Kavala (HIL/57/32-33,83-86); Ghazi Mustafa Kemal (later Kemal Atatürk) (HIL/57/35-38); the Khedive to King Alfonso of Spain thanking him for his kindness to the Khedive's mother and discussing his family (HIL/57/40-42), discussing the events of World War I (HIL/57/44-45), and promising a gift of Oriental tobacco (HIL/57/58-59); the Khedive to the Grand Duchess Marie of Saxe-Coburg Gotha (HIL/57/43); to Constantine I of Greece expressing the hope that injustices committed against Constantine will be put right (HIL/57/44,49-50); to Prince Hohenlohe-Waldenburg (German) (HIL/57/47-48); to Salim Pasha Melhame (HIL/57/53); to Infanta Beatrice of Spain discussing two small bottles of sandalwood oil he has sent her as a gift (HIL/57/54-55); to an Austrian Minister complaining about an article in Le Journal de Budapest that the Khedive considers injurious to him (HIL/57/56-57); to the Duchesse of Madrid (HIL/57/60-61); to Baron Freiherr von Richthofen (HIL/57/62-63); from Carlos (?) (HIL/57/67-70); from Victor Emmanuel III expressing gratitude that his Cousin the Duke of Savoy has been honoured by the Ottoman Empire (HIL/57/71-73) and expressing a hope that the Khedive will visit him (HIL/57/74-5); from Sultan `Ali ibn Hamud of Zanzibar asking that the Sultan accept a Grand Cordon of the Order of El Alié from him (HIL/57/87-91); a telegram from Hamud ibn Muhammad informing him that he has succeeded his brother Hamid as Sultan of Zanzibar (HIL/57/91-92); from Serge de Bourbon (HIL/57/108-109); from Franz Ferdinand, Arch-Duke of Austro-Hungary (HIL/57/113-114); Constantine I of Greece to the Khedive sending his wishes and informing the Khedive of his recovery from illness (HIL/57/115-117).
Turkish material comprises: a short letter from Gazi Mustapha Kemal to `Abbas Hilmi, dated 5 February 1932, asking him to forward the letter and telegram from Tawfik Bey (HIL/57/35); `Abbas Hilmi’s thanks and reply to the previous request by Mustapha Kemal, dated 20 February 1932 (HIL/57/37); letter from Ziyaüddin Effendi, dated 27 November 1911, thanking `Abbas Hilmi for his Excellency’s benevolence to him and his retinue during their time of service (HIL/57/81)
Language:  French; Arabic; English; German, Ottoman Turkish, code
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Crowned Heads, 1903-39 - HIL/57/1-117

Crowned Heads
Reference: HIL/58/1-4
Photographic negative copies of two letters in File 57.
Microfilm: 9
Digitised material for Crowned Heads (copies from HIL/57) - HIL/58/1-4

Al-Shaikh Bakri al-Sidqi al-Mufti
Reference: HIL/59/1-26
Dates of creation: 1904-1912
Correspondence to the Khedive from the Mufti concerning a complaint about his position at al-Azhar and other religious affairs in Egypt.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 9 (1-4): 10 (1-26)
Digitised material for Al-Shaikh Bakri al-Sidqi al-Mufti, - HIL/59/1-26

Husain Zaki
Reference: HIL/60/1-136
Dates of creation: 1901-1917
Letters and reports mostly from Husain Zaki and principally to the Khedive concerning events and people with bearing on internal politics, as well as news of movements and individuals such as Shakib Bey, Abu al-Hoda and others. First part undated, dated letters from Zaki span 1901-1916.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 10
Digitised material for Husain Zaki, 1901-17 - HIL/60/1-136

Dinshawi Incident
Reference: HIL/61/1-313
Dates of creation: 1906-1907
Petitions asking for pardon for Dinshawi prisoners
(re British in Egypt and Sudan see files 5, 13, 44, 45, 64, 65)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 10
Digitised material for Dinshawi Incident, 1906-07 - HIL/61/1-313

Shaikh Muhammad al-Sharbutli
Reference: HIL/62/1-92
Dates of creation: 1906-1908
Letters from Shaikh Muhammad Sharbutli, proprietor of al-Umma and al-Akbar and editor of other newspapers concerning reforms at al-Azhar, news of individuals such as Shaikh Abu al-Huda and Shaikh `Ali Yusuf, as well as his marriage to Shaikh al-Sadat’s daughter. Matters relating to al-Azhar and the disapproval of al-Azhar professors of the selection of Shaikh Shaker as Mashyakhat al-Azhar and his relationship with the British. Complaints about the appointment of Saad Zaghlul Pasha as Minister of Education. Re the exile of Lord Cromer.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 10
Digitised material for Shaikh Muhammad al-Sharbutli, 1906-08 - HIL/62/1-92

Arab Princes
Reference: HIL/63/1-349
Dates of creation: c.1906-1939
Correspondence mostly to `Abbas Hilmi II and primarily sent by Arab Princes: al-Idrisi al-Sunusi, Sultans Lahaj and al-Arash, Emir of Zefar, `Ali ibn Husain al-Hashimi, King of Yemen, King Faisal, Emir Abdullah of Transjordan).
Detailed reports from Muhammad Amin Hilmi to the Khedive regarding the movements of individuals.
Al-Idrisi concerning his intention to apply sharia law of Islam to the Arab Islands and improving the Arab situation. Several Arab tribes are supporting al-Idrisi in his conflict with the Sharif of Mecca, who is taking the Ottoman side and behaving badly towards the Arabs.
Reports recounting British intrusions in the Arab world.
Petitions and financial support.
Matters concerning Mecca and the Hijaz.
Letter from Arab rulers and princes to the Khedive exchanging news from the Arab world and expressing to him their gratitude.
Law authorising a grant of land to Emir Abdullah ibn al-Husain of Transjordan.
Correspondence concerning an agreement between the Khedive and the Emir Abdullah of Transjordan over the lands of the Khedive in Khor al-Kibd in Transjordan.
Note on the history of the ruling family of Dagestan, an old Islamic country that is currently occupied by the Russians.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 10
Digitised material for Arab Princes, 1906-39 - HIL/63/1-349

Telegrams Egypt and Sudan: I
Reference: HIL/64/1-1011
Dates of creation: 1907-1912
British administration, barracks-building, customs, railways, relations with territories bordering Egypt/Sudan, promotions, troop rations, finances, e.g. Elderton, Stack, Kitchener.
Egyptian Politics: Civil Secretary to Hakimdar Port Sa`id on Mariano, an Italian anarchist who is trying to enter Egypt to make an attempt on the Sultan's life (HIL/64/2); Muhammad Wahid of the Egyptian Liberal Party to Cromer thanking him for having been Egypt's greatest benefactor (HIL/64/13) and to Edward VII congratulating him on his birthday (HIL/64/19); Mustafa Kamil to Henry Campbell-Bannerman thanking him for the assistance he has given to those condemned after the Dinshawi incident (HIL/64/20); Mustafa Kamil conveying the al-Watani party's objections to the 1899 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty (HIL/64/59).
Miscellaneous Egyptian administrative affairs, including:- Owen to Sirdar Khartoum on the occupation of the Bir al-Natrun post to prevent raids and arms-trafficking through the Darb al-Arba`in (forty days road) (HIL/64/15);General Staff Officer Cairo to Liwa' Khartoum on protecting pilgrims from Bedouin raids (HIL/64/22,26-27); Mudir al-`Arish to Financial Secretary, Cairo on sending him some Shaigi police (HIL/64/207); Barlow to Intelligence Department, Cairo on the head of the CMS school in al-`Arish complaining that a pupil who has converted to Christianity is being victimised (HIL/64/701-704); Channer to Parker on Turkish activity across the border in al-`Arish (HIL/64/317); Nazir Nekhl to Mudir al-`Arish on the quarantining of pilgrims (HIL/64/267); and Sudan Finance Department, Cairo branch to Khartoum branch on Egyptian government paying for destitute pilgrims whilst they are in quarantine (HIL/64/333).
The 1908 Wad Habuba uprising at Wad Katfia in Sudan: Sudan Agent to Legal Department, Khartoum on the sentencing of the Wad Katfia/Wad Habuba rebels (HIL/64/62-3); Darake (?) to War Department Cairo on punitive action against villages involved in the Wad Habuba uprising (HIL/64/70); and Legal Department to Mulki Cairo discussing whether the rebels should be tried by martial or civil law (HIL/64/77), discussing the capture of `Abd al-Qadir Wad Habuba (HIL/64/135), and on the casualties of the Wad Habuba uprising (HIL/64/138-139); H.F.S. Amery to L.O.F. Stack and Kabbood to Hakim Cairo on the troops sent to deal with the Wad Habuba rebels (HIL/64/141-144); Amery to Stack on the sentencing of the Wad Habuba rebels (HIL/64/145-153,181-183,213-214) and describing his assault on Wad Katfia (HIL/6/176-178); Intelligence Department Cairo to Hakimdar Khartoum on the prosecution in Egypt of Shaikh `Abd al-`Aziz Shawish for publishing material in al-Liwa` concerning the Wad Habuba uprising and the Ministry of Justice applying for permission to see a copy of the trial proceedings (HIL/64/310).
Other British military activities in Sudan, including C.E. Wilson to War Department Cairo (HIL/64/269) and Sirdar to Stack (HIL/64/273) on the Nyima patrol; Intelligence Department Khartoum/Civil Secretary to Intelligence Department Cairo, Governor General/Sudan Agent/P.R. Phipps, Tippet to Wilson on more patrols in the Nuba Mountains (HIL/64/411b,413-414,469-470,64/491-495,499-501,512-513,551-522), Intelligence Department Khartoum to Stack on a military 'demonstration' against Jebel Fassu (HIL/64/277); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on disaffection amongst the Fellata population at Singa (HIL/64/517-520); Intelligence Department Khartoum to E.H. Bonham-Carter and Civil Secretary's Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on movement of troops to deal with unrest at Singa (HIL/64/546-549).
Miscellaneous material relating to Sudan, including correspondence between Governor-General and J.B. Christopherson on the decision not to form an independent medical department under Christopherson (HIL/64/81,83-84,108-110); E.E. Bernard to Governor-General discussing Sir Eldon Gorst's insistence that the Egyptian government cannot provide further funds to Sudan (HIL/64/120-121); R. von Slatin to Stack on a gift of six swords he is sending to `Ali Dinar (HIL/64/216); Sudan Agent to Civil Secretary on arresting and isolating travellers from Arabia to Sudan (HIL/64/4,45) and Eritrea (HIL/64/30,291); Governor-General to Stack/Sudan Agent on the opening of Port Sudan (HIL/64/351-354,420); E.H.G. Cecil and the Sirdar to H.P. Harvey on the Khedive's role in opening the new port (HIL/64/373,379); Sirdar to Stack on his objections to an article in the Egyptian Gazette comparing levels of churchgoing in Cairo and Khartoum (HIL/64/369); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on relations with `Ali Dinar and the French (HIL/64/433-435); Liwa' to Phipps on C.H. Doughty-Wylie being sent to report on the possibility of constructing the Gambeila-Addis Ababa road (HIL/64/504-505); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on reports from Fellatas on movements of `Ali Dinar (HIL/64/511) and on the army of Taj al-Din in Dar Masalit attacking the French (HIL/64/553); Intelligence Department to Stack on two prominent Bahr al-Ghazal shaikhs visiting Cairo (HIL/64/515); Governor-General to Sudan Agent on sleeping sickness in Mongalla Province (HIL/64/516); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on the Italian occupation of Nogara near the Abyssinian frontier (HIL/64/536); May to Bernard on a rubber concession in Bahr al-Ghazal (HIL/64/567-570); Governor-General to Sudan Agent on the development of the Gezira scheme (HIL/64/609-615); correspondence between Khartoum and Cairo Intelligence Departments on relations with Abyssinia over the issue of Anuak disarmament (HIL/64/710-714); Phipps to Bernard on the failure to send a medical inspector to deal with sleeping sickness in Moru District (HIL/64/757-758); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Slatin on affairs in Western Bahr al-Ghazal including the possibility of setting up the Equatorial Corps there (HIL/64/881-886); correspondence between Cairo and Khartoum Finance Departments on money to be paid to Zubayr Pasha in compensation for the loss of his estates (HIL/64/921-924).
British reports on the Italo-Turkish war, including:- Snow to Royle in Siwa asking what Enver will do when peace is declared (HIL/64/259); Snow to Director Sawahil (Purvis) on relations between the Senussi and the Turks (HIL/64/722-724,830), the prospect that Enver will not continue fighting (HIL/64/748), on Sidi Hilal's defeat of an Italian sortie from Benghazi (HIL/64/907-908) and to Hunter on supplies sent by Prince Umar Tousson to the Turkish force in Libya (HIL/64/728-730), and hashish smuggling (HIL/64/897); Barlow to Intelligence Department Cairo on a guide employed by the British at Rafa being caught up in an altercation on the Ottoman side of the border (HIL/64/733-736); Webb-Bowers to Snow on Turkish actions in Cyrenaica (HIL/64/742-744,905-906) and the Arabs not knowing anything of peace having been signed (HIL/64/915); correspondence between Royle and Director Sawahil on the prospect of the Senussi becoming Khalifa al-Islam (HIL/64/743-747), the movements of Sidi Ahmad (HIL/64/780-782), arms-smuggling between Minia and Tripoli (HIL/64/804), the Senussi ordering the Turks to leave al-Jaghbub (HIL/64/818) and cordial British-Senussi relations (HIL/64/879-880,974-976); Hopkinson to Hunter on British attempts to enter Zawiya (HIL/64/836-837); Hunter to Director Sawahil on Turkish approaches towards Ahmad al-Sharif in Libya (HIL/64/838-839) and the Turkish arrival in al-Jaghbub (HIL/64/843-844,888); Irwin to Director Sawahil on three Egyptian shaikhs visiting the Senussi (HIL/64/862); Russell to Hubbard on the activities of three Turks dressed as Arabs (HIL/64/866); Staff Officer Matruh to Royle/Vanzeller/Director Sawahil on troop movements in Libya (HIL/64/867-869,872-873); Herbert to Armstrong on Turkish movements in Libya (HIL/64/887); Purvis to Armstrong reporting on the movements of another Turk dressed as a Bedouin (HIL/64/940); Hunter suggesting Turks reported to have occupied al-Jaghbub may in fact be soldiers of the Senussi (HIL/64/942-943).
(see 5, 44, 45)
Language:  Mostly English, occasional use of French; Arabic and code
Microfilm: 10
Digitised material for Telegrams Egypt and Sudan: I, - HIL/64/1-1011

Telegrams Egypt and Sudan II
Reference: HIL/65/1-1127
Dates of creation: 1913-1914
British administration. From public works department concerning matters such as estimating crops, taxes, tribal migrations, labour policy, financial policy, the budget, customs, railways & steamers. Governor-General to Bernard on famine near Rufa'a, Messelemia and Kamalein (HIL/65/30-21); Clayton to Russell on the conflict between Imam Yahya and the Idrisi (HIL/65/85-88); Governor-General to Russell on the visit of King George V to Sudan (HIL/65/102-105); partially encoded message from Phipps to Slatin (HIL/65/157-158); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo and Governor-General to Stack on re-assuring relatives after a report in the Morning Post that British officers had been killed during a Dinka raid (HIL/65/168-169,177-178); Stack to Butler on the Uganda boundary (HIL/65/280-1); Governor Nekhl to Intelligence Department Cairo on an increase in the number of Turkish posts on the Egyptian border (HIL/65/300); Intelligence Department Cairo to Governor Nekhl (HIL/65/345) and Barlow to Intelligence Department Cairo on coastguards, a number of murders and on employing extra police to protect caravans on the al-`Arish-Kantara road (HIL/65/232-235,251-257,347-348); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo reporting on conflicts in Darfur (HIL/65/173-176,394-396) and that `Ali Dinar has mobilized his cavalry against Musa Madibbo (HIL/65/400); Russell to Slatin on `Ali Dinar's motives for doing so (HIL/65/393); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Slatin on return of the Darfur Mahmal (HIL/65/213-214,401); Shoucair to Bernard on Zubayr's pension (HIL/65/101-101,478); correspondence between Bernard and Shoucair on payments to be made by the National Debt Commission to the Bank of England and the Sudan Government's repayment of loans to the Egyptian National Bank London (HIL/65/481-487,534-539).
Symes to Russell (HIL/65/204) and Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on Sudan Government arranging the arrests of `Abbas Fadl and Muhammad Zain al-`Abdin (HIL/65/569-571,575); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on Rashaida arms-smuggling from Arabia (HIL/65/195-196,611-612); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on attacks by Lau and Garjak Nuer on the Anuak (HIL/65/661); General Staff Officer Cairo to Liwa Khartoum on the trial of a civilian accused of slave trafficking (HIL/65/688); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on an uprising and the resultant death of Conry Bey near Aradeiba/Wad Harion in Sudan (HIL/65/713-720,732-734); Intelligence Department Cairo to Intelligence Department Khartoum on conflicts within Abysinnia (HIL/65/646-649,666-667,672-673), on potential of the marriage of Lij Yasu and the division of Western Equatoria (HIL/65/723); Symes to Clayton on Doughty-Wylie's visit to El Obeid (HIL/65/746); Royle to Director, Sawahil on his treatment of a deserter (HIL/65/747-748) Civil Secretary's Department to Hakimam Cairo on abandonment of recruitment for British Somaliland in Sudan (HIL/65/786); Stack on sending a medical officer to investigate the sick rate at Sennar (HIL/65/767-768) Stack to Hakimam Cairo discussing penalties for infringements of the Public Health Ordinance (HIL/65/804-806); Liwa' Khartoum to Sirdar Cairo on a patrol near Awoi (HIL/65/820-821) correspondence between Stack, Civil Secretary's Department, and Hakimam Cairo on the possibility of arming Misseriyya and Bideriyya near Jebel Kasha against the Nuba (HIL/65/852-853,866-867,879-884); Bernard to Shoucair on the disposal of Zubayr's estate (HIL/65/896-901); Liwa' Khartoum to Blunt on Egyptian convicts working on the Gezira Scheme (HIL/65/82); Khartoum branch of Sudan Finance Department to Cairo branch on prospect of the Sudan government taking custody of 2-4,000 Egyptian convicts (HIL/65/372); Liwa' Khartoum to General Staff Officer Cairo on taking twenty-eight convicts from Egypt to Sennar Prison (HIL/65/946); Intelligence Department Cairo to Intelligence Department Khartoum on the issuing of robes of honour to a variety of Sudanese chiefs and shaikhs (HIL/65/928-929); Bernard to Elderton on the policy of the Gezira Syndicate (HIL/65/1-11) and Governor-General to Stack on irrigation in the Gezira (HIL/65/122-129,290-295,596-605) and Shoucair to Sudan Finance Department on the same topic (HIL/65/910); Intelligence Department re Nasr al-Din Agha, one of the eunuchs sent to Medina by `Ali Dinar, returning to visit his family at El Fasher (HIL/65/1114), Shoucair to Bernard on the poor state of Sudan's finances (HIL/65/1110-1113); Intelligence Department to Clayton on tobacco regulations (HIL/65/1104); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on British and Italian attempts to claim Nogara near Gallabat on the Abyssinian border (HIL/65/1022-1023,1059-1060,1063,1066-1068,1071-1073); correpondence between Governor-General, Clayton & Sudan Agent Cairo on policy towards the ivory trade (HIL/65/987-991,1015-1016,1035-1036) and correspondence between Shoucair and Mayne on the profits produced by the ivory trade between Omdurman and Mongalla (HIL/65/107-109,113-118); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on Italian custody of Walde Giorgis and troop movements near the Abyssiann frontier (HIL/65/937,1026-1027); Intelligence Department Khartoum to Clayton Cairo on actions against the Nuer on the banks of the Zeraf (HIL/65/543-548) and Posts and Telegraphs Department Khartoum to Intelligence Department Cairo on upcoming patrol against the Garjak Nuer (HIL/65/1003.
Some material relating to Libya, including: Snow, Butler, Hewitt, Royle,Stafford, Tweedie,Turnbull, Vanzeller and Webb-Bowers to Intelligence Department Cairo/Director Sawahil on Italian,Turkish and Arab troop movements and actions in Libya (HIL/65/99,137-138,141-146,184-189,201-202,220,224,236-237,241-245, 260-261,266-270,314,349-350,357,389,406,442-445,450,459-473,640,643-645,655-656,684-685,690,701-703,760-762,935-936,1090-1091); Royle to Director Sawahil on British relations with the Senussi and his movements in Cyrenaica (Hil.65/98,322-324,329-330,340-342,352-354,405,593) and on negotiations over the Egyptian/Libyan border (HIL/65/972); Kitchener to Royle stating that he does not expect the French to move on Kufra (HIL/65/954).
(see also files 5, 13, 18, 44, 45, 61)
Language:  Mostly English, occasional French; Arabic and use of code.
Microfilm: 10 (1-810): 11 (811-1127)
Digitised material for Telegrams Egypt and Sudan II, 1913-14 - HIL/65/1-1127

Vicomte R. de St. Exupery
Reference: HIL/66/1-35
Dates of creation: 1906-1916
Letters to the Khedive discussing military matters in addition to his journey to Suakin and Port Sudan (HIL/66/1-2); a geological survey in al-Matrouh (HIL/66/6-7); the French treaty with Italy and Britain regarding Abyssinia and Djibouti (HIL/66/10-13); his departure from Paris (HIL/66/15); discussions of Egyptian matters with one Mr. Kobulowski (HIL/66/17-22); journey from France to Alexandria (HIL/66/22-23); Egyptian financial administration (HIL/66/24-25); a letter from Constantinople discussing his meetings with political figures in Turkey (HIL/66/31); British policy towards Turkey and Shaikh Senussi's movements in the region around Abeché (HIL/66/30).
Language:   French
Microfilm: 11
Digitised material for Vicomte R. de St. Exupery, 1906-1916 - HIL/66/1-35

Farid Pasha, Grand Vizier
Reference: HIL/67/1-127
Dates of creation: 1907-1939
Correspondence from Farid Pasha, also from Nurreddin Vlora, son of Farid 1934-1939. Egyptian and Turkish sources including unsigned political reports from Constantinople presumably from Farid Pasha discussing the political situation in Turkey and the Balkans(HIL/67/1-36); Farid Pasha to the Khedive recommending that he employ Rousset Bey (HIL/67/42); discussing British and French attitudes towards the situation in the Balkans (HIL/67/50-52); discussing Turkish and Balkan politics (HIL/67/53-62); the role of the great powers in the Albanian question (HIL/67/63-70,76-78); the disputes over the island of Thasos and the Vilayet of Konia (HIL/67/72-75); Farid's visit to Vienna (HIL/67/79); negotiations between Italy and Turkey (HIL/67/80-81); an article in Le Matin criticising the government (HIL/67/82-83); on Russian and Austrian policies towards the Ottoman Empire (HIL/67/84-87); his discussion of the situation in Egypt with a secretary at the British embassy and other general political matters (HIL/67/88-96); his meeting with Mahmud Mukhtar Pasha (HIL/67/97-8); English policy towards the administration of Egypt's endowments (awqaf) (HIL/67/99-100); a meeting with Salib Pasha (HIL/67/102-103). Nur al-Din Vlora regarding a meeting with Prince `Abd al-Moneim (HIL/67/103-107); Mechet Vlora concerning buying boats from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/67/117-126).
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 11
Digitised material for Farid Pasha, Grand Vizier, 1907-1939 - HIL/67/1-127

`Ali Fahmi Kamil Bey
Reference: HIL/68/1-72
Dates of creation: 1908-1923
Correspondence from `Ali Fahmi Kamil to the Khedive asking him to support the extension of Mustafa Kamil School especially the section allocated to deprived students.
“The Question of Egypt” a memoir submitted at the Geneva Conference, on the history of Modern Egypt from the arrival of Muhammad `Ali Pasha and the British occupation, to the reign of King Ahmad Fuad I. Letters concerning Egyptian political affairs.
Language:  French; Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 11
Digitised material for `Ali Fahmi Kamil Bey, 1908-1923 - HIL/68/1-72

Tekieh, Hijaz
Reference: HIL/69/1-59
Dates of creation: 1906-1914
Reports from Muhammad Sanad in charge of the Tekiyyah in Medina, mostly submitted to the Khedive, and related papers principally concerning Egyptian pilgrims and others in the Hijaz, affairs concerning the Tekiyyah and Medina.
Petitions to the Khedive concerning Muhammad Sanad
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 11
Digitised material for Tekieh, Hijaz, 1906-14 - HIL/69/1-59

Dr J. Zimmerli, lawyer
Reference: HIL/412/1-81
Dates of creation: 1909-1933
Correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi II, Jakan Pasha, Abdul Hamid Chedid Bey, and legal colleagues, with some bills of charges. Includes: printed copy letter (in German) to Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from an unnamed former minister of the khedive living exile in Switzerland, refuting the accusations against him and requesting help, June 1909; dispute between Chedid Bey and Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.), 1931-1933; visa and residency status of the ex-khedive, his family, and his entourage; political dimension of charges against Jakan Pasha, 1916; reported opinions of Minister Serra concerning Egyptian and Nile basin politics in the context of likely peace negotiations, 1915; Zaki Bey legal case, 1917; replacement of the Khedive's accountant Anton Bey, 1930.
Language:  German; French
Digitised material for Dr J. Zimmerli, lawyer, 1909-1933 - HIL/412/1-81

Yusuf Sakakini bey
Reference: HIL/70/1-406
Dates of creation: 1910 onwards
Correspondence concerning the Turkish political situation: Thasos, Croissant Rouge, Armenia, Assyrian rebellion, Muhammad Farid, `Abd al-Aziz Shawish, National Party, Zaki Kantar, Muhammad Rushdi, Khedival estates, etc.
Correspondence from Yusuf (Joseph, as written and stamped in French letters) Sakakini to the Khedive concerning the political situation in Turkey and the surrounding areas.
Reports on Thasos, Croissant Rouge, Albania and Armenia.
Reports on the strategy and actions of the Ottoman army.
Reports on politics in Egypt, mentioning Aziz Bey al-Masri, Muhammad Farid, Zaki Kantar, `Abd-al-Aziz Shawish, Muhammad Rushdi and others.
Letters concerning the Freemasons in Egypt and Turkey: Prince Aziz Hassan resigning his positionwith the Freemasons in Turkey, Yusuf Sakakini, President of the Supreme Councill of Turkey and Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik, the Grand Protector of Freemasonry in Egypt.
Court case between Yusuf Sakakini and Idris Bey Rahgeb.
Assyrian rebellion.
Lands acquired by the Khedive near his property in the area of Montaza.
Microfilm: 11 (1-401): 12 (402-406)
Digitised material for Yusuf Sakakini bey, - HIL/70/1-406

`Arif Pasha
Reference: HIL/71/1-296
Dates of creation: 1910-1913
Correspondence concerning Egyptian and Turkish internal politics and management of the Khedive's estates, e.g. Çubuklu.
Correspondence and detailed reports from ‘Arif Bey to the Khedive concerning administrative and internal affairs, largely in Turkey about the Albanian situation, the Italo-Turkish war, the Young Turks, etc.
Political affairs in Egypt: the establishment of a Turkish school in Cairo, the Free-Masons in Egypt, etc.
Detailed reports on an inspection of and complete maintenance work on Çubuklu Palace.
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for `Arif Pasha, 1910-13 - HIL/71/1-296

Turkish Republic
Reference: HIL/72/1-211
Dates of creation: 1919-1940s
Official correspondence with Turkish ministries and officials regarding family affairs, etc.
Correspondence and notes exchanged between the Khedive and the Grand Vizier and other Turkish officials concerning unrestricted permits for him to travel to allied countries after his return to Turkey and a request to the Ministry of War in Turkey concerning the use of the al-Mahroussa boat.
The Khedive’s journey in Switzerland and measures taken with regard to his return to Istanbul.
Administration of Egyptian and Turkish subjects’ estates and liquidation of their assets in Belgium.
The Khedive’s contribution towards the construction of a university in Anatolia.
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for Turkish Republic, 1912 - HIL/72/1-211

Egyptian General Assembly
Reference: HIL/73/1-32
Dates of creation: 1912
Publications, proceedings and lists of members concerning proposals by members of the Egyptian General Assembly at an assembly general meeting in 1912.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for Egyptian General Assembly - 1912 - HIL/73/1-32

Account book
Reference: HIL/74/1-59
Dates of creation: 1912-1913
Account book, including accounts for Kavala, 1912-1913.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for Account book, 1912-1913 - HIL/74/1-59

Ismaïl Abaza Pasha
Reference: HIL/75/1-78
Dates of creation: [ca. 1909-1912]
Letters and reports, many of them undated, from Ismaïl Abaza Pasha to the Khedive concerning political, economic and social matters in Egypt.
The arrival of Indian soldiers in Egypt.
News of Egyptian political personalities and of members of the Khedivial family.
Meetings held by Moheb Pasha from the Legislative Assembly
Pamphlet concerning a declaration by Kedive `Abbas Hilmi II regarding the death of Ismaïl Abaza Pasha and publications prepared by Rushdi Pasha. (HIL/75/75-77)
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Ismaïl Abaza Pasha [ca. 1909-1912] HIL/75/1-78

`Abd al-Hamid Hamdi
Reference: HIL/76/1-283
Dates of creation: 1912-1942
Correspondence and detailed reports from `Abd-al-Hamid Hamdi, prisoner of war on Malta Island, mostly submitted to the Khedive and containing news on Egyptian internal political affairs, actions taken against the Khedive, information concerning the Prime Minister, the National Party and news circulating in Egypt about the Khedive during his reign and after his deposition, etc. Information about Shaikh Gawish, Muhammad Farid Bey and other individuals. News about Istanbul political affairs, information on the Young Turks al-Itihad wa al-Taraki and news on the funeral of Prince Saïd Halim Pasha in Istanbul. Report concerning the accident involving the Khedive in Istanbul and the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate him. Letters during his time in prison in Malta and after his release asking support from the Khedive.

Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for `Abd al-Hamid Hamdi 1912-1942 HIL/76/1-283

Reports Emirs from the Haji
Reference: HIL/77/1-62
Dates of creation: 1903-1913
Detailed reports concerning the Mahmal celebrations, departure procedures and involvement of the Emirs (Princes) from the Hajj sent by the Egyptian Government to convey the Holy Carpet (al-Kisswa) to Mecca.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 12
Digitised material for Reports Emirs from the Haji 1903-1913 HIL/77/1-62

Salih Ibrahim Husain
Reference: HIL/78/1-107
Dates of creation: 1913-1920
Reports on individuals and especially those acting against the Khedive, some of whom are based in Switzerland. Political intelligence reports on a society entitled Cemiyetu`l-esla ve`l touior (Society for Reform and Proliferation), based in Subra district, Cairo. Reports on the Legislative Council and the National Party, concerning demonstrations organised by individuals from these 2 establishments. Reports on Egyptian students in different European countries. Information concerning persons working for Shaikh Gawish, Muhammad Farid Bey (Head of the National Party), Prince Saïd Halim and Egyptians residing in Istanbul.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 12 (1-17): 13 (17-107)
Digitised material for Salih Ibrahim Husain 1913-1920 HIL/78/1-107

Attempt on life: Constantinople
Reference: HIL/79/1-597
Dates of creation: 25 July 1914
Telegrams to the Khedive from a number of Turkish officials congratulating the him on his survival of an assassination attempt in Istanbul.
Language:  Arabic; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for Attempt on life: Constantinople 25 July 1914 HIL/79/1-597

HIL/80/1-21   1914
Photographic negative copies of material in File 79.
Microfilm: 13
HIL/465/6/1-6   26-27 July 1914
Language:  Arabic; French; English
Public bulletin and telegrammes concerning the assassination attempt on `Abbas Hilmi II in Constantinople by Mahmoud Mazhar, and the khedive's subsequent recovery.
Digitised material for Assassination attempt, 26-27 July 1914 - HIL/465/6/1-6
Rushdi: I
Reference: HIL/81/1-25
Dates of creation: 1914, August
Despatches from the Regent to the Khedive in Constantinople Nos. 1-20. Photographic negative copies of material in Files 84 and 85.
Microfilm: 13

Rushdi: II
Reference: HIL/82/1-29
Dates of creation: 1914, September
Despatches from the Regent to the Khedive Nos. 21-32 (some with no numbers). Photographic negative copies of material in File 84.
Microfilm: 13

`Abbas Hilmi to Rushdi: III
Reference: HIL/83/1-19
Dates of creation: 1914, August and September
Photographic negative copies of material in File 85.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 13

Rushdi Pasha: IV
Reference: HIL/84/1-74
Dates of creation: 1914
Political despatches mostly from Husain Rushdi Pasha, the Regent, to the Khedive at Constantinople and from Sherif Bey, Adly Pasha Yakan, Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik, Sa'd Zaghlul Pasha etc concerning the current political and financial system in Egypt and the potential return of the Khedive from Istanbul to Egypt.
(see also file 21)
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for Rushdi Pasha: IV 1914 HIL/84/1-74

`Abbas Hilmi to Rushdi: V
Reference: HIL/85/1-28
Dates of creation: 1914
Political despatches from the Khedive (or on his behalf) in Constantinople to Husain Pasha Rushdi, concerning the situation in Egypt with regard to the army, the police, the press and the arrival of Indian soldiers in Egypt. Communications regarding Egypt's declaration of war on Germany and the potential return of the Khedive to Egypt. Suggestion from the British Ambassador to the Khedive to go to Italy and the Khedive’s thoughts on a possible return to Egypt.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi to Rushdi: V - 1914 - HIL/85/1-28

Henry Morgenthau
Reference: HIL/86/1-7
Dates of creation: 1914-1916
Personal letters from Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador to the Sublime Porte and one letter from Frederic C. Penfield, mostly expressing their gratitude to the Khedive.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for Henry Morgenthau 1914-1916 HIL/86/1-7

Reference: HIL/87/1-111
Dates of creation: 1914-1917
Diary of personal notes of `Abbas Hilmi, begun in Constantinople. Miscellaneous matters including events in Istanbul during the year 1914; the circumstances of his accident and its aftermath; his attempts to return to Egypt; the war years; British policy toward Egypt; meetings with some individuals.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for Notebook - 1914-1917 - HIL/87/1-111

Records of the Cairo Conference
Reference: HIL/88/1-139
Dates of creation: 1914-1918 (1921)
Confidential documents concerning events leading up to the Cairo conference and procedures adopted. Broken up into a series of appendices, viz:
Appendix 1 - Report of the interdepartmental committee appointed by the Prime Minister to discuss forming a separate department under the Colonial Office to deal with mandated and other territories in the Middle East (HIL/88/1-15)
Appendix 2 - Memorandum drawn up in London by the Middle East Department prior to the Cairo conference, discussing political and administrative affairs in Mesopotamia, Transjordan, Palestine, Aden, Somaliland, (HIL/88/16-24)
Appendix 3 - Programme for the conference in Cairo (HIL/88/24-25)
Appendix 4 - A list of members of the conference, by missions (HIL/88/25-26)
Appendix 5 - Agenda for discussion on Mesopotamia, discussing British troop withdrawal and the form of government that will emergence after the occupation (HIL/88/27-31)
Appendix 6 - Mesopotamia: Political, first meeting of the Political Committee, attended by Churchill, Bell, Cox, Young and Lawrence, discussing upcoming elections and potential candidates for ruler of Iraq (HIL/88/31-39)
Appendix 7 - Mesopotamia: Military, discussing British troop withdrawal and transfer of power to Arab forces (HIL/88/39-44)
Appendix 8 - First meeting of the combined political and military committees (HIL/88/44-56)
Appendix 10 - Kurdistan, fourth meeting of the Political Committee, discussing potential Kurdish independence, revision of the Treaty of Sèvres, and potential for raising two separate Kurdish battalions in Suleimaniyya and Kirkuk (HIL/88/56-59)
Appendix 11 - Arab army and levies, extract from minutes of sixth meeting of Combined Political and Military Committee, discussing the development of the national army and the use of British officers/NCOs to command levies (HIL/88/59-63)
Appendix 12 - Distribution of British and local forces, third and fourth meetings of the Military Committee and also including a note by the Secretary of State on insufficiency of troop reductions currently planned (HIL/88/63-70)
Appendix 13 - Royal Air Force Scheme for Defence of Mesopotamia, fifth and sixth meetings of the Combined Political and Military Committee, discussing Sir Hugh Trenchard's proposal that the RAF be used to defend Mesopotamia and the matter of protecting the oil fields, discussing communications, intelligence, location of the main base, employment of Political Officers, use of armoured cars, defence of aerodromes (HIL/88/70-84)
Appendix 14 - Refugees, extracts from minutes of the third meeting of the Political Committee, discussing how to resolve the issue of Armenian, Russian and Assyrian refugees, suggesting repatriation of Armenians and enrolling Assyrians in the military (HIL/88/85-87)
Appendix 15 - Mesopotamia: Finance, first meeting of the Committee on Mesopotamian Finance, discussing the capacity of the new Mesopotamian government to purchase British capital assets in Mesopotamia (HIL/88/87-100)
Appendix 16 - Mesopotamia: Railways, extract from first meeting of the Committee on Mesopotamian Finance, discussing possibility of selling railways and their use to move troops (HIL/88/100-106)
Appendix 17 - Palestine: Political and Military, first meeting of the Palestine Political and MIlitary Committee, discussing Zionism, separate administration of Palestine and Transjordan, relations with Sharif `Abdullah (HIL/88/107-116)
Appendix 18 - Palestine: Military, first meeting of the Palestine Military Committee, discussing deployment of British and Indian troops in Palestine and Transjordan (HIL/88/116-120)
Appendix 19 - Trans-Jordania, first conversation on Trans-Jordania attended by Churchill, Samuel, Lawrence, Abdullah, discussing the role of the Sharifs, policy towards Ibn Sa`ud, Zionism in Palestine (HIL/88/120-131)
Appendix 20 - Palestine Defence Force, extract from minutes of the first meeting of the Palestine Political and Military Committee, debating whether to employ Imperial troops, separate Arab and Jewish battalions, etc (HIL/88/131-135)
Appendix 21 - Palestine: Civil and Military Finance, discussing proposals for officers' rates of pay in the Palestine Defence Force, whether or not to employ on long-term or militia basis (HIL/88/135-139).
Language:   English
Microfilm: 13
Digitised material for Records of the Cairo Conference 1914-1918 (1921) HIL/88/1-139

History of Egypt First World War
Reference: HIL/89/1-346
Dates of creation: 1914-1918
Collection of documents regarding, MS. notebook on the history of Egypt during the war from 1914 to 1918, compiled by Sayyid Kamil. Also his record of meetings of Egyptian Nationalists, 1915, and diary of his intellectual life for the same year. The document was written at Bebek Palace in Istanbul by Sayed Kamil on 1st of November 1914. Final version was revised by Muhammad Farid Bey, Yusuf Seddik Pasha, Ahmad Shafik Pasha and Ismaïl Labib Pasha in the presence of the Khedive. In addition, Sayyid Kamil’s records on meetings of the Egyptian Nationalist Committee in Europe.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 13 (1-140): 14 (140-346)
Digitised material for History of Egypt First World War - 1914-1918 - HIL/89/1-346

Reference: HIL/465/5/1-5
Dates of creation: 1914-[1946]Paper

1. “Le 22 Janvier 1914”: images of Khedive's speech from the throne to ministers and diplomatic representatives, opening the inaugural session of the Legislative Assembly, 22 January 1914 (see photograph at HIL/348/6), and seated Egyptian Deputies at the first meeting of the parliament. Photographer: Zola, Cairo;
2. “La vente du chemin de fer du Mariout”, [1914]: sale of Daïra Khassa asset the Mariut Rwailway to the Egyptian Government;
3. Arabic cutting, with photographs of an event attended by [?Sultan Mehmed V], found within HIL/PAM/209;
4. “L'allocation accordée à l'ex-Khédive est majorée”, [La Bourse Égyptienne], 8 and 17 September 1931: Princess Ikbal Hanem;
5. Image of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy descending some steps at a public ceremony [in Egypt], Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim in attendance, [1946] (see also HIL/501/16-18).

Language:  Arabic; French
Digitised material for Cuttings, 1914-1946 - HIL/465/5/1-5

King Husain of Hijaz
Reference: HIL/90/1-7
Dates of creation: c.1915
Agreements between England and King Husain of the Hijaz
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 14
Digitised material for King Husain of Hijaz c.1915 HIL/90/1-7

Turkish Prime Minister
Reference: HIL/91/1-8
Dates of creation: 1915
8 photographic copies of letters from the Turkish Prime Minister (al-Sadr) Muhammad Talaat Pasha to the Khedive concerning his return to Istanbul.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 14
Digitised material for Turkish Prime Minister 1915 HIL/91/1-8

`Abd Allah Salim al-Bishri bey
Reference: HIL/92/1-789
Dates of creation: 1915-1939
Letters to Khedive, reports from Egypt, resumés, Egyptian papers, reports to Nur al-Din, reports on Khedival family and various notable individuals, also letters from Italy.
Information on Sanaa from Hassan Tahssin Pasha.
Detailed report (1915-1916), concerning the condition of some Khedival palaces and rest houses: Monataza, Kubbah, Mustorod and al-Insha as well as information on the Daïra Khassa and its employees.
Resumés concerning miscellaneous matters in newspapers mostly on daily actions in Egypt.
News on Sa'd Zaghlul Pasha, Khedivial family matters such as the donation of Bebek Palace in Istanbul to the Egyptian government, auctions of furniture in al-Dobara Palace in Cairo and al-Ramlah Palace in Alexandria, and information on other notable individuals.
Report on the Marquise d’Adda and Cavallini and the new book written by Cavallini and published in Milan.
News concerning the inauguration in 1926 of a new city entitled Port Fouad opposite Port Saïd city.
Some letters from Fatma, widow of al-Bishri requesting support from the Khedive.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 14
Digitised material for `Abd Allah Salim al-Bishri bey 1915-1939 HIL/92/1-789

Correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi
Reference: HIL/93/1-479
Dates of creation: 1915-1920
Correspondence from Sayyid Kamil, Doctor in Law at the University of Paris and Director of al-Moayid Journal in Cairo concerning European politics with regard to Turkish and Egyptian nationals living abroad, especially in Switzerland. Muhammad Yakan Pasha court case in Switzerland on charges of spying. Reports on individuals.
Detailed reports on the Khedive’s sons, Prince `Abd-al-Qadir and Prince `Abd-al-Moneim.
Notebook on the history of modern Egypt. Index: Egypt at the time of death of Khedive Muhammad Tawfik Pasha; Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II Pasha's accession to power; Lord Cromer; the emergence of nationalism; Mustafa Kamil; the Dinshawi affair; the nationalist agenda; party administration; the death of Mustafa Kamil and consequences of his policy.
Provisional programme of the International Congress of Studies in Berne, 1916.
Correspondence with the Obergerichts des Kanton Zürich, in court case Hussein Zaki bey vs Abbas Hilmi, relating to an appeal against a decision of the district court Zürich, 1917 (HIL/93/336-345); the court notes the Klaeger’s withdrawal from the appeal, reasons that a District Court only decides in matters of provincial law, not in matters of international relations (HIL/93/336-345).
Language:  French; Arabic; German
Microfilm: 14 (1-198): 15 (199-479)
Digitised material for Correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi 1915-1920 HIL/93/1-479

F. Cavallini
Reference: HIL/94/1-445
Dates of creation: 1915-1923
Letters and telegrams concerning finances and European politics. Agreement between Italy and Germany on the subject of the treatment of their respective nationals and their possessions during the war, 1915.
Pamphlet by Filippo Cavallini entitled Il processo Cavallini, Storia di un delitto giudiziario [The Process of Cavallini; Story of a Legal Crime], ( Modernissima, Milan, 1915). Handwritten notes inside the book.
German material in HIL/94 comprises authentications of documents, stating the copy at hand as identical to the original document, all issued by solicitor Rechtsanwalt Hans Marti in Bern, and all dated 8 January 1916, (though the authenticated documents have different dates). (HIL/94/167-169,176,180-184,186,189-190,193-195,197-198,200-203,205-206,208,211-218)
Language:  Italian; French; German
Microfilm: 15
Digitised material for F. Cavallini 1915-1923 HIL/94/1-445

Sureya Vlora etc.
Reference: HIL/95/1-124
Dates of creation: 1915-1927
Letters, mostly in Ottoman Turkish, from Sureya Vlora, Aid Libohara and Nechet Vlora concerning European politics regarding nationalities, consuls’ procedures, etc.
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 15
Digitised material for Sureya Vlora etc.1915-1927 HIL/95/1-124

Emir Habib Lutf Allah
Reference: HIL/96/1-37
Dates of creation: 1915-1931
Gazirah Palace, Cairo. Letters from and photographs (Turkish Unionist) re Egyptian Arab independence movement, contacts with `Abbas Hilmi and Hassan Hamada. For full description of photographs, see section D.
Correspondence, mainly to the Khedive, from Major General Prince Habib Luft Allah, Chief Aide de camp of H.M. Hussein 1st and Advisor on the Foreign Affairs of Hijaz, maintaining contact with `Abbas Hilmi II.
Report on WWI entitled “Les motifs de la guerre mondiale”, dated February 1917 and written in Madrid by Habib Lutf Allah, translated from Spanish to French. An account of the European confrontation between the five great powers: Great Britain, Austro-Hungary, France, Germany, Russia and the small Balkans nations, regarding the significance of the Central Mediterranean position.
Letter dated 1354 H, from Ihsan al-Gabri to the Khedive requesting his help.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 15
Digitised material for Emir Habib Lutf Allah 1915-1931 HIL/96/1-37

Prof. Dr. E. Mtral
Reference: HIL/97/1-72
Dates of creation: 1915-1932
Correspondence, mostly from Prof. Dr. Ernest Métral, Geneva based dentist and friend of the Khedive, concerning articles in Le Tribune newspaper.
Other letters concerning the Khedive's health and miscellaneous matters.
Microfilm: 15
Digitised material for Prof. Dr. E. Mtral 1915-1932 HIL/97/1-72

Mansur al-Qadi and Muhammad Taufiq al-Banbi
Reference: HIL/98/1-89
Dates of creation: 1915-1938
Azharist reports. Correspondence re own affairs vis á vis Khedive's moneys spent, etc.
Letters, mostly from Mansur al-Qadi to the Khedive. Al-Qadi has been sent to Lausanne to work for a PhD. He also serves as the Chief Accountant of the Khedive’s Cabinet. His letters concern the Khedive’s own affairs; requests for financial support; news about a journal entitled Le Nile, released in Switzerland and al-Salam Association based in Geneva. Also correspondence from al-Banbi concerning al-Azhar and other miscellaneous subjects.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 15
Digitised material for Mansur al-Qadi and Muhammad Taufiq al-Banbi, 1915-1938 - HIL/98/1-89

Robert Forrer, lawyer
Reference: HIL/408/1-28
Dates of creation: 1916-1917
Letters from Robert Forrer of St Gallen, Switzerland, lawyer, to `Abbas Hilmi II: attempt to obtain the return of documents seized from `Abbas Hilmi II by the Swiss government, resolving the case of the arrest of Mohammed Yeghen Pasha, the Khedive's cousin and financial agent; successfull protest against the Swiss referring to `Abbas Hilmi II as “ex-Khedive”. Included is some correspondence with Dr Sayed Kamel, including bill of legal costs October 1916-June 1917.
Language:  German; French
Digitised material for Robert Forrer, lawyer, 1916-1917 - HIL/408/1-28

Political documents re `Abbas Hilmi
Reference: HIL/99/1-92
Dates of creation: 1916-1928
Memoranda on the political situation, the Near East, the Egyptian Delegation in Paris, the situation with regard to the Khedive after the declaration of the armistice, notes on the Khedive's movements, etc:
Study on Egypt’s financial situation, a lecture given at the Democratic Party Club on 4 March 1921.
Note entitled: “ Study on tract and means set to strengthen the connection between the Turkish and Egyptian peoples”, with related correspondence.
Interview with `Abbas Hilmi II at the Savoy Hotel in Ouchy, concerning his opinion on the question of Egypt and the armistice.
Bebek Palace, Constantinople, 10 November 1918, memorandum concerning the Khedive’s situation in view of the armistice with Turkey.
Memoire dated 21 January 1919 concerning the departure of al-Mahroussa yacht from Constantinople.
Note dated 17 February 1919 concerning the Khedive’s situation since the signing of the armistice.
Confidential memorandum on Egyptian opinion relative to the Anglo-Egyptian project, published in Egypt by the Egyptian Delegation, 11 September 1920. The memorandum was submitted to Sa'd Zaghlul Pasha, President of the Egyptian Delegation. It is divided into two parts: Egypt and Sudan.
Note dated August 1926, Lausanne and entitled: “Some observations on the Egyptian drama”. and concerning Sa'd Zaghlul, Mustafa Kamil, al-Azhar University, the Caliphate Association, etc.
Report on the political and moral consequences of the war on the Near East.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 15 (1-4): 16 (4-92)
Digitised material for Political documents re `Abbas Hilmi, 1916-1928 - HIL/99/1-92

Lindemann, Cizeron, Defrance, Domaine Fabrégas
Reference: HIL/413/1-40
Dates of creation: 1917-1929
Miscellaneous correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi II: Hugo Lindemann, formerly resident in Egypt, 1917-1924; Cizeron, 1929; Domaine Fabrégas, estate details, 1929; copies (1918) from the personnel file of L. Defrance, engineer, Société Général d'Enterprises dans l'Empire Ottoman, concerning his activities 1913-1914, and capacities, with letters from Defrance concerning work undertaken at Çubuklu, 1918 and 1926.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Lindemann, Cizeron, Defrance, Domaine Fabrégas, 1917-1929 - HIL/413/1-40

Bond certificates
Reference: HIL/467/3-12
Dates of creation: 1917; 1933Paper

Four 100 piastre bond certificates, issued in 10,000 lots by the Ottoman Government Fleet Committee, Constantinople, in order to raise 1,000,000 Ltqs (Turkish pounds) capital to construct an arsenal, 21 April 1917 [4 May].
Six 500 francs / £20 / 22 Ltqs bond certificates and one 180.36 Franc bond certificate, issued by the Conseil de la dette publique répartie de l'ancien Empire Ottoman, 1 October 1933.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Bond certificates, 1917; 1933 - HIL/467/3-12

`Abd al-Hamid Effendi Rif`at
Reference: HIL/100/1-58
Dates of creation: 1917 September-1918 June
Correspondence from `Abd-al-Hamid Rif'at from Constantinople, former mutassarrif of one of the Egyptian provinces, concerning the Egyptian question, Prince Halim Pasha and al-Omadiyya Association during 1914-1916. List of names of Egyptians in Constantinople seeking to transfer the Khedivate to Prince Saïd Halim’s sons and those supporting `Abbas Hilmi II. In addition to letters on this subject, there is also one critical of Shaikh Shawish as Egypt's representative at a conference in Stockholm.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for `Abd al-Hamid Effendi Rif`at, 1917 September-1918 June - HIL/100/1-58

Al-Shaikh `Abd al-Hamid Nada
Reference: HIL/101/1-185
Dates of creation: 1917-1920
Letters and reports to the Khedive, mostly from Switzerland, concerning miscellaneous political matters and information on individuals
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Al-Shaikh `Abd al-Hamid Nada, 1917-1918 - HIL/101/1-185

Officials and Notables
Reference: HIL/102/1-22
Dates of creation: c.1918
‘Repertoire’ - Register of officials and notables with name, official position and remarks.
Roughly alphabetical.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Officials and Notables, 1918 - HIL/102/1-22

Official Visit to Germany
Reference: HIL/103/1-13
Dates of creation: 1918
The material relates to the Khedive’s official trip to Germany in July 1918 and comprises Admiral von Hintze’s address given at the dinner at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin on 24 July 1918 (HIL/103/1) with the Khedive’s response and address to his German hosts (HIL/103/2); invitation card from the Secretary of the Foreign Office inviting the Khedive for dinner at the Hotel Kaiserhof on 24 July 1918 (HIL/103/3); telegram from Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Khedive dated Berlin 9 August 1918, praising the Khedive's knowledge of agricultural matters and expressing pleasure at how impressed the Khedive was with what he was shown at the estate Marienburg (HIL/103/4-7); telegram from Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Khedive dated Berlin 1 August 1918 thanking him for the praise he bestowed upon the German troops at the Grosses Hauptquartier (German Headquarters) (HIL/103/8-9); typed draft from the Khedive in Berlin, awaiting his imminent trip to the Marienburg and Cadinen, thanking Wilhelm II for the warm welcome in Berlin and the impressive visit to German troops at the front (HIL/103/10); telegram from Crown Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria to the Khedive at the Grosses Hauptquartier (German Headquarters) dated 30 July 1918 expressing his regret that he could not welcome the Khedive personally on the occasion of this visit (HIL/103/ 11-12)
Language:   German
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Official Visit to Germany, 1918 - HIL/103/1-13

Rashid Bey
Reference: HIL/104/1-49
Dates of creation: 1918-1921
Letters from Dr. Lutfi concerning the political situation in Bulgaria and Turkey and on peace. Letters and reports from Rashid (Reçid) concerning personal matters. Reports on Turkish and Egyptian individuals in Europe e.g. Taufiq.
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Rashid Bey, 1918-21 - HIL/104/1-49

Mahmud Zaki Pasha
Reference: HIL/105/1-48
Dates of creation: 1918-1925
Letters from Mahmud Zaki Pasha, ex-Member of the Academy of Science at the Ministry of Public Instruction, Constantinople on miscellaneous political matters and news on individuals. Poems from Zaki to the Khedive.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Mahmud Zaki Pasha 1918-1925 HIL/105/1-48

Ahmad bey Farid
Reference: HIL/106/1-83
Dates of creation: 1919-1920
Includes correspondence from Ahmad Bey Farid, Gabriel Takla Pasha, Hafiz Awad Bey and Dr Shaikh Zaki Mubarak to `Abbas Hilmi and USA president Wilson dating from 1919-1920 regarding politics and news on individuals as well as the Treaty with Turkey (1920) and the British protectorate of Egypt.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Ahmad bey Farid 1919-1920 HIL/106/1-83

The Times
Reference: HIL/107/1-12
Dates of creation: 1920, 24 August
Notebook from August 1920 regarding Egypt and the future of Sudan
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for The Times 24 August 1920 HIL/107/1-12

Muhammad al-Misri
Reference: HIL/108/1-32
Dates of creation: 1919-1921
Correspondence regarding military and political issues, dated 1919-1920
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Muhammad al-Misri 1919-1921 HIL/108/1-32

Reference: HIL/109/32pp
Dates of creation: 1919-1922
Includes a printed report entitled “Inquiries in Anatolia”; reports regarding an inter-allied Inquiry Mission at Smyrna, 1919; Maurice Gheri, Delegate of the International Red-Cross, Miss Florence Billings, Member of the American Relief, Anatolia. Mr. Raymond Aine. Explanation furnished by Mr. Gillespie, the American trade attaché, in Anatolian News Agency in connection with allegations made by Major Yowell. Declaration of the Ministry of the Interior. An appeal from the International Red Cross.
Language:   English
Microfilm: (Not microfilmed)
Digitised material for Anatolia,1919-1922, HIL/109/32pp

Shaikh Idris effendi
Reference: HIL/110/1-106
Dates of creation: 1920s
Correspondence from Shaikh Idris Effendi from Yugoslavia to `Abbas Hilmi, 1920
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Shaikh Idris effendi 1920s HIL/110/1-106

Azarbaijan and the Versailles Conference
Reference: HIL/111/1-58
Dates of creation: 1920-1922
Includes an appeal by Comité de secours aux affames de la Crimée to help stop the famine in the Crimea; report entitled “Azerbaijan of the Caucasia”; telegrams between the Bolsheviks, Georgia, Azerbaijan and the Young Turks regarding struggles and settlement; reports from the Lausanne Conference concerning Syria, Lebanon and Palestine regarding autonomy and independence.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Azarbaijan and the Versailles Conference - 1920-1922 - HIL/111/1-58

Aziz al-Misri Pasha
Reference: HIL/112/1-30
Dates of creation: 1911-1922
includes: letters from Aziz Al Masri, Commanding Officer, from Libya during the period of Sanusi rule, 1911-1913; plan of Benghazi and news regarding the army; letters from Europe to the Khedive; letters from individuals regarding Aziz Al-Masri.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Aziz al-Misri Pasha - 1911-1922 - HIL/112/1-30

Hasan Nafi`
Reference: HIL/113/1-220
Dates of creation: 1921-1922
Reports on various political issues including: Sa'd Zaghlul Pasha, Sarwat Pasha, Adly Yakan, the National Party and resistance against the British presence in Egypt.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Hasan Nafi, 1921-1922 - HIL/113/1-220

Pierre la Mazière
Reference: HIL/114/1-154
Dates of creation: 1921-1926
Correspondence from and re the Egyptian Nationalist Movement. Articles on the ex-Khedive's status, e.g. “L'ex-Khédive d'Égypte revenique ses droits” in Le Figaro , 30 May (HIL/114/1) and “Pour le Couronne d'Égypte” in Intransigéant , 30 May (HIL/114/1-2). Reports on the political situation in Egypt in the wake of the Allenby Declaration (HIL/114/28-63); to the ex-Khedive on meeting Prince Chivékiar (HIL/114/66-68). Article by la Mazière entitled “Le Panislame et les possessions françaises” in Le Journal des Débats (HIL/114/69-70); on meeting various important figures such as Chivékiar, l'Abbé Renaud, Nassib Moussalem Khayat, M. Peretti, Gaston, Prince Yusuf Kamil (HIL/114/71-78); meeting Maître Jallu and attempting to organise a meeting with the President of the Republic (HIL/114/84-86); a discussion with M François Deloncle about Thasos (HIL/114/89). Article entitled “La liquidation des biens de l'ex-Khédive”, in Liberté, 19 July 1922, and a letter from la Mazière discussing this article (HIL/114/91-95). Discussing Islamic organizations in Switzerland and one in Germany including Shakin Arslan (HIL/114/97-98), and the legal actions taken by the latter group against Tribune d'Oriént (HIL/114/97-98); a discussion with M. Harispe in the Ministry of War on Islamic politics and oil concessions in Mosul (HIL/114/101-104); a visit to Jallu's house with the ex-Khedive (HIL/114/105-107); on British negotiations with Zaghlul and Adli over the formation of a ministry (HIL/114/144-145).
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Pierre la Mazière, 1921-1926 - HIL/114/1-154

Gerald Hamilton
Reference: HIL/115/1-60
Dates of creation: 1922-1924
Correspondence to the ex-Khedive and others re negotiations for permission for the `Abbas Hilmi to go to France. M Harispe to `Abbas Hilmi discussing Hamilton and the arrangements for the visa (HIL/115/1-2); Mulai `Abd al-Hafiz to Cherif Tidjani, discussing his forced abdication at the hands of the French, relations with the French government and Marshall Lyautey, his exile in Tangier and time spent in Spain (HIL/115/4-12); to the French ambassador in Madrid, informing him that he is sending Cherif Tidjani to negotiate with the French government on his behalf (HIL/115/18); an unsigned note on Cherif Tidjani negotiating with the French over the return of `Abd al Hafiz's sequestered assets (HIL/115/34-35); and Cherif Tidjani to `Abbas Hilmi discussing the fate of `Abd al-Hafiz and requesting assistance (HIl.115/40-41). Gerald Hamilton to the Khedive on his meeting with Princess Chevékiar (HIL/115/19-20); arrangements with the French foreign ministry for acquiring a visa for the ex-Khedive (HIL/115/22,56); his visit to Geneva with La Mazière (HIL/115/23); informing `Abbas Hilmi about some unpleasant allegations made by Monsieur Harispe (HIL/115/30-31); meeting `Abbas Hilmi in Karlsbad (HIL/115/32); arranging a meeting with Cherif Tidjani (HIL/115/42-44,48); his desire to meet the ex-Khedive to discuss an important matter relating to his country (HIL/115/50); on Tidjani's relationship with one Benoit in the Sûreté Générale (HIL/115/52); letter from Hamilton to La Mazière protesting at the accusation that he has taken money from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/115/51); letter from Hamilton confirming his receipt of 75,000 Francs from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/115/55), followed by letters from Hamilton to M. Causse and M. Chasseaud expressing his astonishment that he was taken to the Sûreté Générale to answer an accusation made by `Abbas Hilmi that he had defrauded him of 75,000 Francs (HIL/115/58-60).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Gerald Hamilton, 1922-1924 - HIL/115/1-60

`Ali al-Ghayati
Reference: HIL/116/1-77
Dates of creation: 1922-1938
Director and founder of La Tribune d'Oriént. Bi-monthly copies of La Tribune d'Oriént from 5 February 1922 to 20 May 1922 (HIL/116/1-27); copy of an article from al-Ahram dated 27 April 1923 about `Ali al-Ghayati and his newspaper, entitled “Arab voice demands fulfillment of Turkish promises” (“Sawt Arabi yastanjiz Turuk wu`udhum”) (HIL/116/30). Al-Ghayati to `Abbas Hilmi requesting an interview (HIl.116/34-38); to Ahmad Bey discussing the prominence of his newspaper in Europe and the Arab world, Arab politics, and his relationship with members of the al-Watani party such as Muhammad Fahmi (HIL/116/47); to `Abbas Hilmi asking why he has not sent anything to the newspaper recently (HIL/116/48); discussing their meeting in Geneva (HIL/116/50); expressing his nationalist sentiments (HIL/116/51); discussing `Abbas Hilmi's involvement with the newspaper and asking for money so that he can distribute 400 free copies for his benefit (HIL/116/53); discussing a piece produced by Havas suggesting that the reason that `Abbas Hilmi is returning to Constantinople is so that he can lead a revolt against the English and the French with the help of the Kemalists (HIL/116/54-55); asking if he wishes to publish anything in the coming issue of the newspaper (HIL/116/58); the Khedive's subscription (HIL/116/59-61,64-66); al-Ghayati's plan to return to Egypt (HIL/116/71); and request for money to assist him in this regard (HIL/116/74).
Correspondence from, copies of the above (1922) and booklet l'Egypte Après l'Armistice (1920) (HIL/116/44-45).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for `Ali al-Ghayati, 1922-1938 - HIL/116/1-77

Lausanne Conference
Reference: HIL/117/1-30
Dates of creation: 1923
Printed material about the 1923 Lausanne Conference, including a Memorandum Relatif au Problème D'Orient, presented by the delegation for Russia, Georgia and the Ukraine (HIL/117/1); English and French copies of a memorandum presented by the Syrian/Palestinian delegation (HIL/117/2) and the India Independence Party delegation, entitled Perfidious Albion (HIL/117/3). Memorandum entitled L'Indépendance de L'Égypte les Intérets des Puissances, presented by the Egyptian National (al-Watani) Party (HIL/117/4). Copy of a report on the status of Egypt, its sovereignty and its relationship with Great Britain, presented by the Egyptian delegation (HIL/117/5). Copies of `Abbas Hilmi's speech at Lausanne, for the heads of the various delegations (HIL/117/6-20).
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 16
Digitised material for Lausanne Conference, 1923 - HIL/117/1-20

Amir Shakib Arslan etc.
Reference: HIL/118/1-323
Dates of creation: 1922-1941
Correspondence re the League of Nations' dealings concerning Syria, Egypt and the Near East. Correspondence from Shakib Arslan, including letters to the Khedive concerning the political climate in the Arab world particularly Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan and Egypt; report regarding the rise in discontent towards King Fu’ad I; letters concerning a project by Shukry Jacir to establish a bank in a European city; letters of complaint from Shakib Aslan over investigations into his activities following the refusal to allow him to enter Palestine.

Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 16 (1-53): 17 (52-323)
Digitised material for Amir Shakib Arslan etc. 1922-1941 - HIL/118/1-323

Shaikh al-Arab Masarati
Reference: HIL/119/1-23
Dates of creation: 1912-1914
Correspondence from Shaikh al-Arab Masarati, Shaikh `Abd al-Aziz Abi al-Qasim and `Ali al-Maqbul al-Ahdal al-Husaini to `Abbas Hilmi from Yemen, mostly greetings to the Khedive.

Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for Shaikh al-Arab Masarati, 1912-1914 - HIL/119/1-23

Reports of Egyptian Government
Reference: HIL/120/1-245
Dates of creation: 1923-1924
Copies of secret agents' reports against the Khedive including: confidential reports by Jaques Azoulai, secret agent for the Egyptian Government regarding the movements of `Abbas Hilmi, his visit to Rhodes and his meeting with Mustafa Kemal in Smyrna; report concerning Princess Avierino and her formation of a secret society of students from Al-Azhar, two of whom were chosen to attempt the assassination of King Fu’ad I; report on a plot instigated by the Khedive including names of the movement leaders, names of individual used as intermediaries between the Khedive and Egypt and names of individuals sent to Russia to negotiate an order to purchase submarines; report on the funeral of Princess Fethiye Hilmi Khanum Efendi (1897-1923), Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II’s daughter, in Cairo; reports regarding the funeral of Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Qadir (1902-1919), in Cairo and concerns that it might lead to protests given that Sa’d Zaghlul and King Ahmad Fu’ad I were to be among the attendees; reports on Sa’d Zaghlul and various political groups including the British Labour Party, the Liberals and the Nationalists (Watanists); reports on various figures including Hanafi Bey Naqi, Hasan Bey Khalid Abu al-Huda, Idris Bey Fu’ad, Muhammad Tawfiq al-Arnaouti and Shaikh Shawish
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for Reports of Egyptian Government, 1923-1924 - HIL/120/1-245

Court and parliamentary invitations to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim
Reference: HIL/476/1-2
Dates of creation: 1926
Palace and Parliament invitations issued by Grand Chamberlain Said Pasha Zulfikar to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Court and parliamentary invitations to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, 1926 - HIL/476/1-2

Frédéric Lamey of Mulhouse
Reference: HIL/404/1-52
Dates of creation: 1928-1933
Letters (and one share certificate) from F. Lamey, director of M.M.M. (Manufacture des Machines Modernes) and president of the council of the Société Océana pour le Traitement des Algues Marines (O.T.A.M.), to `Abbas Hilmi II, concerning M.M.M., Établissements Océana and O.T.A.M., with list of O.T.A.M. products, 1932 balance sheet, and 1932 handbill for share auction.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Frédéric Lamey of Mulhouse, 1928-1933 - HIL/404/1-52

Mahmud Azmi
Reference: HIL/121/1-486
Dates of creation: 1929-1933
Correspondence to the Khedive from Mahmud Azmi regarding the political situation in Egypt; negotiations in relation to the treaty between Egypt and Great Britain for Egyptian independence; Egypt’s constitution; opposition of the Wafd party and the Liberal Constitutionalists to the government; Azmi’s resignation from the service of the Khedive; setting up of the Arab Information Bureau in London and problems with the Hijaz, etc. Also includes two copies of the Arabic World newspaper, dated 16 and 23 of June 1933.
(see file 243).
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for Mahmud Azmi, 1929-1933 - HIL/121/1-486

Sa`id Tulaimat Bey
Reference: HIL/122/1-31
Dates of creation: (1916) 1930-1937
Correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi II from Sa’ïd Tulaimat Bey, lawyer at the Alexandria Court and Member of the directing committee of the National Party of Egypt. Most of the letters concern assistance from the Khedive on personal matters (Tulaimat’s health problems, financial support and a request to support his son). Also includes correspondence concerning a court case related to Princess Iqbal and `Abd al-Hamid Lutfi.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for Sa`id Tulaimat Bey, (1916) 1930-1937 - HIL/122/1-31

`Abbas Hilmi meeting with Egyptian Government at Lausanne
Reference: HIL/123/1-119
Dates of creation: 1931, 12 May
Letter from `Abbas Hilmi to King Fu`ad prior to the Lausanne conference, discussing Egyptian independence and prospects for future development (HIL/123/3-6); Isma`il Sidqi to Khedive thanking him for statements he has made (HIL/123/7-10). French and Arabic copies of the protocol whereby `Abbas Hilmi withdraws his “Petition of Right” and accepts a financial settlement from the British Government (HIL/123/11-19), with an explanatory note by Amin Anis (HIL/123/20); copy of `Abbas Hilmi's “Petition of Right” including the details and estimated value of all Hilmi's estates (HIL/123/24-28); copy of Justice Finlay's order dismissing the “Petition of Right” (HIL/123/29-30); copy of the Egpytian cabinet's decree, signed by Isma`il Sidqi, authorising Amin Anis and `Abbas Hilmi to sign the Protocol (HIL/123/31), with further French and Arabic copies of the Protocol attached (HIL/123/32-45); Undersecretary-General of the League of Nations to D. Hopkin discussing the Protocol (HIL/123/48); `Abbas Hilmi to Isma`il Sidqi discussing his desire that the Egyptian Government allow him to see an Egyptian lawyer (HIL/123/49); correspondence between D. Hopkin and A. Henderson on `Abbas Hilmi's withdrawal of the “Petition of Right”, the annuity offered to him by the Egyptian Government and his status in the Egyptian courts (HIL/123/80-83); D. Hopkin to `Abbas Hilmi and M. Donald to D. Hopkin discussing the ending of the ban of `Abbas Hilmi from visiting England (HIL/123/86-87); correspondence between Isma`il Sidqi and the Egyptian minister in Paris over the interpretation of the Protocol, and referencing an interview with `Abbas Hilmi that appeared in al-Ahram (HIL/123/90-92); correspondence between Sidqi and `Abbas Hilmi discussing the same interview (HIL/123/93-94) and attaching the article in question (HIL/123/95); unsigned letter, probably from `Abbas Hilmi, to Fakhri Pasha denying that he is putting himself forward for the Syrian throne (HIL/123/96-97); correspondence between G. Gidel, a professor of Political Science at the University of Paris and `Abbas Hilmi, who is taking advice from the former about issues concerning his Protocol and international law (HIL/123/100-107); a series of unsigned notes discussing the rumours about the Syrian throne and the Khedive's consultation with G. Gidel (HIL/123/111-117)
Language:  French; Arabic; English; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi meeting with Egyptian Government at Lausanne, 12 May 1931 - HIL/123/1-119

Frederick J. Stephens, translator
Reference: HIL/410/1-84
Dates of creation: 1931-1936
Letters from F.J. Stephens to the ex-khedive and K. Boubli. Stephens was employed by `Abbas Hilmi II to provide French-English translation services and advice: Stephens was an Inspector of Plants in the Department of High Explosives of the Ministry of Munitions 1916-1917, and had mineral prospecting experience in the Middle East. Subjects include: “A few words on the Ango-Egyptian settlement”, by `Abbas Hilmi II (1929); a work on the Libyan desert oases by Prince Kemal el Dine; the activities of the International Mohammedan Federation; development of a Palestinian oil concession (D.A. Sutherland and Dr Henderson); Lord Cromer; Transjordanian crude oil prospection (L.E. Homan); yacht manufacturers' tenders; incomplete literary work by Robertson, deceased; Thorburn; literary work of Azmi and his Arabic Review; unsettled European poilitics; Achilles Yacht Co., captain Volkmann and the British registration and commissioning of a [khedivial] yacht [? “Nimet-Allah”]; Life and Letters of Admiral Lord Wester Wemyss (1935); Lord Winterton and Arab-Jewish relations in Palestine.
Language:   English
Digitised material for Frederick J. Stephens, translator, 1931-1936 - HIL/410/1-84

Comanos Pasha family
Reference: HIL/405/1-41
Dates of creation: 1932-1936
Correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi II concerning the Comanos Pasha family subsequent to the death of Dr Comanos, including from Smaragda Bouboulis, C. Serbos, Alexandra Comanos (affianced to Georges de Ryckere); Marika widow of Rouiller bey, Alex Rouiller; [?Gryparis], Vienna.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Comanos Pasha family, 1932-1936 - HIL/405/1-41

Douglas Thorburn
Reference: HIL/402/1-65
Dates of creation: 12 November 1932-25 September 1933
Reports in the form of letters, expenses invoices and receipts from former journalist Douglas Thornburn, of 18 Chesterford Gardens, Hampstead, (and occasionally from his wife Suzanne) to `Abbas Hilmi II concerning his public relations and intelligence gathering activities in the service of the ex-khedive, relaying British press-reports and semi-official views concerning the ex-khedive and investment opportunities. Also, letters of the ex-khedive's legal representatives in England, [Major] Daniel Hopkin [barristor], of 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, and solicitors Messrs E. O'Connor & Co, of 88-90 Chancery Lane, to the ex-khedive concerning the termination of Thorburn's employment. Thornburn letters include: British reaction to reports of political activity by `Abbas Hilmi II in connection with revolt against Ibn Sabaud and Ibn Refauda, death of Robertson (HIL/402/54-57); political opinions and journalistic and political ambitions of Dr Azmi Bey, a former servant of the ex-khedive and founder of The Arabic World Press Bureau in London (HIL/402/47); projected book, The Last of the Khedives, by Dr Azmi Bey (HIL/402/32-33).
Language:   English
Digitised material for Douglas Thorburn, 12 November 1932-25 September 1933 - HIL/402/1-65

Dr. Arthur Bramer
Reference: HIL/124/1-112
Dates of creation: 1932-1934
(Medical Doctor)
Correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi and his secretaries claiming to have uncovered an attempt on `Abbas Hilmi's life, discussing his interest in oriental politics and arranging meetings with the ex-Khedive. Bramer claims to have witnessed a meeting of young Arabs in a café at the Nollendorfplatz in Berlin, who were planning the assassination of the Khedive. Two individuals are named, Ghalib and Ibrahim Mansur. Bramer to `Abbas Hilmi informing him of the proposed attempt on his life, discussing his interest in the Egyptian question, and also requesting that he visit him in Geneva (HIL/124/5). Information from reliable sources proves Bramer to be a swindler; contrary to his claims, he does not practise as a medical doctor in Germany and research into Bramer’s claims and circumstances reveal them to be baseless and false (HIL/24/8-9). C. Prufer of the police to Andon Bey promising to put the suspected assassins, Ghalib and Ibrahim Mansur, under surveillance, and attaching a memoir on Bramer, discussing his involvement in politics, his movements in oriental circles, and Dr Baida's opinion that he is a charlatan (HIL/124/8-11). A copy of statements made by Dr Bramer to the ex-Khedive about the alleged assassins-to-be in Paris, who he claims are Egyptian students fearing that the ex-Khedive is attempting to re-take the Egyptian throne after claiming the throne of Syria (HIL/124/13-15); Bramer to `Abbas Hilmi on his meetings with Prufer (HIL/124/16-17); Bramer to Azmi Bey on his co-operation with Prufer and the movements of Mansur and Ghalib (HIL/124/18-19); Prufer to `Abbas Hilmi providing him with further information on Ghalib and Mansur who could not be traced by the police and warning the Khedive to be on his guard (HIL/24/22-24); Bramer to `Abbas Hilmi on his receipt of a visit from a member of the Egyptian royal delegation, insisting that he needs to pass on his information to `Abbas Hilmi in person (HIL/124/26) and to Azmi Bey discussing the expenses for his visit to Geneva (HIL/124/27), attaching more information about the movements, physical appearances and attitudes of the suspected assassins, who now include an Armenian, Mr Yenidounian (HIL/124/28-30); police report to Chief of Police (Polizeipräsident) in Berlin stating that the names Ghalib and Ibrahim Mansur are not known in Egyptian circles and providing further information about Bramer (HIL/124/34-35); police information about Hof- und Okonomierat Emil Philipp, who is not known in Berlin business circles and not registered in Berlin-Mitte (HIL/124/36); more documentation proving Bramer’s information about himself as false (HIL/124/37-38,46-47); factual information about Bramer’s biography by the Berlin Polizeipräsident (HIL/124/48-49); Bramer to Azmi Bey expressing his regret that `Abbas Hilmi does not require his services (HIL/124/50), requesting financial compensation for his visits to the Khedive and responding to the claim that he made up the entire story (HIL/126/56-57); Prufer to `Abbas Hilmi providing a report by a Berlin lawyer, M. Meyerstein, on Bramer's financial dealings (HIL/124/67-73); Prüfer enquiring whether legal action should be taken against Bramer (HIL/124/74-76); Dr. Willy Hahn suggesting that Bramer be served with an injunction to have him deported from the country (HIL/124/83-84); copy of the order of an injunction against Bramer (HIL/124/85); invoice from Dr. Willy Hahn to the Khedive for the costs of the application for an injunction against Bramer and legal action for fraud (HIL/124/86); Dr. Willy Hahn informing the Khedive of the delivery of the injunction d by a bailiff and Bramer's denial of all allegations (HIL/124/87-88); Bramer to `Abbas Hilmi claiming that he has slandered him and threatening to pursue legal action (HIL/124/89); Dr. Willy Hahn advising Bramer that all his expenses have been met and informing him that any further correspondence from him will be rejected (HIL/124/91); telegrams from Bramer to `Abbas Hilmi concerning his movements and those of the supposed assassins (HIL/124/99-112)
Letter in Turkish from Yunus Nadi `Abbas Hilmi Pasha apologising for his delay and regarding the inspection of documents from Köyceğiz district, 26 January 1927 (HIL/124/1)
Language:  German; French
Microfilm: 17
Digitised material for Dr. Arthur Bramer, 1932-1934 - HIL/124/1-112

Supreme Islamic Congress, Palestine
Reference: HIL/125/1-36
Dates of creation: 1932-1939
Including records of 13th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations, 1932, discussing the admission of Iraq to the League of Nations (HIL/125/28). Letters from Muhammad Musa, President of the Supreme Islamic Congress, to `Abbas Hilmi consoling him over the loss of his brother (HIL/125/2-3), apologising for being unable to greet the ex-Khedive in Haifa because of illness (HIL/125/4), recommending a young student called Isma`il al-Shaikh Hasan to the ex-Khedive (HIL/125/5), discussing the smooth running of the Congress (HIL/125/9), inviting `Abbas Hilmi to attend and to oversee the General Islamic Conference at al-`Aqsa mosque in Palestine (HIL/125/14-15), describing the objectives of the conference and plans to set up branches in various Muslim countries (HIL/125/16-17), adding notes on the setting up of a headquarters for the General Islamic Conference (HIL/125/18-20) and the establishment of branch organisations (HIL/125/21-22).
Palestine: A Statement of Policy H.M.S.O., presented to Parliament, 1939 (HIL/125/25).
Papers signed by al-Haj Amin al-Husain al-Mufti. Booklet recording the decisions of the General Islamic Conference, including re the constitution, propaganda, publications, financing, organisation, the al-`Aqsa mosque university, the Hijaz railway, the holy places, Islamic propagation and guidance (al-Mu'atamar al-Islami al-`Aam) regarding the opening of the al-`Aqsa mosque (HIL/125). Copies of “A statement to the Arab world” (Bayyan muwajjah li'l-umma al`arabiyya) by the Syrian/Palestinian delegation in Europe (HIL/125/26-27)
Language:  English; Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Supreme Islamic Congress, Palestine, 1932-1939 - HIL/125/1-36

New Commonwealth Society
Reference: HIL/126/1-23
Dates of creation: 1933-1934
Aims and Objects of the New Commonwealth (HIL/126/1)
Vice Admiral Gordon Campbell: Why I joined the New Commonwealth Society (HIL/126/2-3)
Annual report of the New Commonwealth Society (typescript): the Rebellion (HIL/126/4-23)
Language:   English
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for New Commonwealth Society, 1933-1934 - HIL/126/1-23

Arthur Merton
Reference: HIL/127/1-19
Dates of creation: 1933-1936
The Times correspondent in Egypt and Palestine. Letters to `Abbas Hilmi on prospects for gaining a salt concession for the Arabian Syndicate Ltd in the Hijaz, and the possibility of using St. John Philby as a go-between (HIL/127/4-6); report from Jerusalem, discussing Jewish immigration, economic development, the British administration and its poor understanding of Arab opinion (HIL/127/7-10) and a letter to `Abbas Hilmi discussing the report (HIL/127/19); arranging an interview with `Abbas Hilmi and other meetings (HIL/127/11-12,16-18); returning to Egypt (HIL/127/13-14); meeting Bishri Bey (HIL/127/15)
Language:   English
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Arthur Merton, 1933-1936 - HIL/127/1-19

Isma`il Sidqi Pasha
Reference: HIL/128/1-8
Dates of creation: 1933-1934
President of the Council.
Letters to the Khedive expressing his gratitude; brief report to the Khedive concerning King Ahmad Fouad I and his relations with him when the Council’s President. (See also file 21)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Isma`il Sidqi Pasha 1933-1934 - HIL/128/1-8

Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.)
Reference: HIL/414/1-21
Dates of creation: 6 July 1923-27 July 1932
Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors of the Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient, 6 July 1923-27 July 1932; with (loose) minutes of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, 12 June 1933.
Language:  French; German
Digitised material for Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.), 6 July 1923-27 July 1932 - HIL/414/1-21

Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.)
Reference: HIL/407/1-4
Dates of creation: 12 June 1934
Minutes of a shareholders meeting at Lucerne of the Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient, co-signed by `Abbas Hilmi II, a director.
Language:   German
Digitised material for Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.), 12 June 1934 - HIL/407/1-4

Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.)
Reference: HIL/430/1-209
Dates of creation: [1923 x 1940s]
Cancelled book of 100 registered 1,000 Francs share certificates (share capital: 100,000 Francs), with 5 additional unnumbered certificates: 4 shareholders.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.), 1923 -1940s - HIL/430/1-209

Société Anonyme Financière et d'Affaires Maritimes (S.A.F.A.M.)
Reference: HIL/406/1-7
Dates of creation: 3 August 1934
Share discharge agreements between S.A.F.A.M. shareholders: Dominique Arend, Franz Bisénius, Lucien Michel, Henri Pauly, Henri Winkler, Jules Knaff to Halifa Boubli, and Halifa Boubli to `Abbas Hilmi II.
Digitised material for Société Anonyme Financière et d'Affaires Maritimes (S.A.F.A.M.), 3 August 1934 - HIL/406/1-7

Mahmud Abu al-Fath Bey
Reference: HIL/129/1-185
Dates of creation: 1935-1937
Senator, Director-Proprietor of al-Misri (Daily Journal).
Correspondence between Mahmud Abu-al-Fath Bey and `Abbas Hilmi II concerning: the political situation; Egypt’s constitution; protests; conflict between the Government, King Ahmad Fouad I and British interference in Egypt’s internal political affairs.
Reports concerning the health of King Ahmad Fouad I during his last days; king’s rejection of British pressure to appoint a regent or regent’s committee.
Negotiations concerning aspects of the Treaty between Egypt and Great Britain: the number of British army personnel; identifying British army garrison locations; establishment of Port Said-Alexandria railway line through the Nile Delta.
Accession of King Farouk I, and reports concerning political disturbances: conflict between Prime Minister al-Nahas Pasha and the Court concerning the appointment of Ali Maher Pasha as President of King Farouk’s Cabinet.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Mahmud Abu al-Fath Bey, 1935-1937 - HIL/129/1-185

A. Hunter (son)
Reference: HIL/130/1-212
Dates of creation: 1936-1942
Correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi re `Abbas Hilmi's visit to Palestine, negotiations with the Foreign Office over possible official recognition by Britain, visit to Cyprus, supplies for his yacht. Hunter to `Abbas Hilmi on the refusal of his visa to Palestine by the Foreign Office, and promises of assistance from Lord Lloyd (HIL/130/2-19); a discussion of the Palestine situation with Mr Perry Gordon of The Times and his suggestions as to why the British Government is withholding the ex-Khedive's visa (HIL/130/20-25); Prince `Abd al-Moneim's visit to London (HIL/130/28-32); Philip Graves' predictions on Palestine (HIL/130/53-55); meetings with Foreign Office officials over `Abbas Hilmi's visit to Palestine and the possibility of legally re-instating him as a member of the Egyptian Royal Famiy in British courts (HIL/130/35-42,56-64,75-82,85-93); suggestion that various parties in the Foreign Office/Egyptian High Commission/Egypt itself may be working against `Abbas Hilmi and that his meeting with Nahhas Pasha after the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty may have been given undue significance (HIL/130/46-49,96-107); discussion with the Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden on reasons for the visa refusal (HIL/130/108-111); concerning a meeting with Lord Lloyd in which he discussed the Palestine question and the reasons for `Abbas Hilmi's visa to Palestine being refused (HIL/112-115); discussing `Abbas Hilmi's relations with the F.O., his status in Egypt, and a potential visa to go to Palestine (HIL/116-123); arranging `Abbas Hilmi's visit to Cyprus (HIL/130/126); arranging a private meeting with Sir Ronald Graham to discuss political designs in the Mediterranean (HIL/130/132-137); discussing a meeting with Graham concerning the recogition of `Abbas Hilmi's status by the British courts (HIL/130/140-145); discussing `Abbas Hilmi's yacht (HIL/130/43-45,50-52,83-84,127-129,155-156,177-178,187-190); the possibility of `Abbas Hilmi meeting Malcolm Macdonald to discuss the Palestine Question/British policy towards the other Arab countries (HIL/130/173-176,191-194); the possibility of `Abbas Hilmi attending the Arab conference (HIL/130/163-166); on the discussion of the Palestine question in parliament (HIL/130/73-74,197-200); thanking him for the payment of his salary (HIL/130/203-205); discussing the deaths of Watson Pasha and Lord Lloyd (HIL/130/208-212); the Palestine question (HIL/130/169-172,180-184,201-202)
Language:   English
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for A. Hunter (son), 1936-1942 - HIL/130/1-212

Lucien Billy, lawyer
Reference: HIL/409/1-35
Dates of creation: 1940-1944
Letters from Lucien Billy of Geneva, lawyer, to `Abbas Hilmi II, concerning tax and, chiefly, Swiss visas.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Lucien Billy, lawyer, 1940-1944 - HIL/409/1-35

Legation of King Farouk I at Berne
Reference: HIL/403/1-13
Dates of creation: 1940-1945
Correspondence between `Abbas Hilmi II and the legation with the Swiss and Egyptian governments concerning travel visas, and transfers of funds and khedivial khassa property from Egypt.
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for Legation of King Farouk I at Berne, 1940-1945 - HIL/403/1-13

Mahmud Fakhri Pasha
Reference: HIL/131/1-13
Dates of creation: 1943
Telegrams and letters to `Abbas Hilmi regarding financial affairs; Fakhri Pasha’s speech at the Arms Limitation Conference.
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Mahmud Fakhri Pasha, 1943 - HIL/131/1-13

Ishan Haqqi and Fu`ad Hamza
Reference: HIL/132/1-32
Dates of creation: 1935-1943
Letters from Ihsan Sami Haqqi concerning the European Islamic Conference, 1935-1937.
Correspondence from Fu`ad Hamza regarding a consignment of books and payment through customs, 1941-1943.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Ishan Haqqi and Fu`ad Hamza, 1935-1943 - HIL/132/1-32

Egyptian Royal Family, list of members
Reference: HIL/472/1-10
Dates of creation: [1937 x 1940]Photographic prints and negatives

List of the members of the royal family of Egypt: family of King Farouk I, princes, princesses, wives and widows of princes, nabils and nabilas, wives of nabils. Photographic reproduction from Le Mondain Égyptien.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Egyptian Royal Family, list of members, 1937 - 1940 - HIL/472/1-10

Reference: HIL/133/1-45
Dates of creation: Undated
Notes on events including meeting with Lord Cromer, drafts letters, messages. Notebook not dated and not signed.
Language:  French, shorthand
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Notebook, early 20th century - HIL/133/1-45

Patriotic Association of Friendship
Reference: HIL/134/1-40
Dates of creation: 1890s-1912
Between Egyptian Army Officers.
Egyptian Congress, Programme (1909).
Patriotic Association of Friendship between Officers of the Egyptian Army (1887), Egyptian Congress of 1909. Pamphlet concerning the programme for the 2nd Congress of the Egyptian Youth, Geneva,13-15 September 1909, the objective of the Congress being to study all aspects of Egypt’s problems, to enlighten public opinion in Europe regarding the situation in Egypt and to reveal British aims in the Valley of the Nile; poem by Khalil Kamil dedicated to `Abbas Hilmi II, 1328 Hijri.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Patriotic Association of Friendship, 1890s-1912 - HIL/134/1-40

There are no files nos. 135-148.
Reference: HIL/149/1-41
Dates of creation: 1914
Codebook containing codes for the use of M.B.F. (pp 1-23), A.B.Ch. (pp 24-29) and M.P.M. (pp 30-41). Instructions for the use of this codebook.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 18

Reference: HIL/150/1-82
Dates of creation: 1910
Turkish code book number 75, published Istanbul 1327-1329 (A.H.).
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebook, 1910 - HIL/150/1-82

Reference: HIL/151/1-23
Dates of creation: Not dated
Codebook for despatches for H.E. Shafiq Pasha.Instructions for the use of the code book.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebook instructions, undated - HIL/151/1-23

Reference: HIL/152/1-154
Dates of creation: Not dated
2 identical codebooks. Undated and not signed. Some instructions are written in the notebook to assist with its use. Divided as follows: names (pp 3-10); past tense (pp 113-134); present tense (pp 135-143); imperative tense (pp 144-150); terminologies (pp 151-154). Table showing the the order of the Arabic alphabet, each letter having a code number.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebooks, undated - HIL/152/1-154

Reference: HIL/153/1-19
Dates of creation: Not dated
Dalaman to Europe, Europe to Dalaman.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebook Dalaman to Europe, Europe to Dalaman - HIL/153/1-19

Reference: HIL/154/1-131
Dates of creation: Not dated
Codebook of `Izzat Pasha. Includes instructions for use. Sections as follows: names (pp 3-74); past tense (pp 75-111); present tense (pp 112-122); imperative tense (pp 123-130). Table showing the the order of the Arabic alphabet, each letter having a code number.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebook HIL/154/1-131

Reference: HIL/155/1-101
Dates of creation: Not dated
MS. book of code numbers with alphabetical list of words for H.H. the Khedive's Cabinet leader
Language:   French
Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Codebook - HIL/155/1-101

Civil list
Reference: HIL/476/3-4
Dates of creation: 1945-1946Paper

Civil list of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
Language:   Arabic

Minutes of events at burial of George VI
Reference: HIL/476/5-7
Dates of creation: February 1952Paper

Minutes [by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim] of a Buckingham Palace reception and other social functions in London leading up to the burial of George VI, including a verbatim report of a message General Eisenhower requested to be passed to King Farouk I concerning East-West competition over the Suez Canal Zone and Egyptian nationalism.
Language:   English

Regency events guest lists
Reference: HIL/476/8-12
Dates of creation: [1952 x 1953]
Invitation lists for two soirées held during the regency period, when Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim served as Chairman of the Council of Egyptian Regency. Invitation lists include Mohamed Naguib, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and other officers involved in the revolution.
Language:   Arabic

Modern newspaper cuttings
Reference: HIL/437
Dates of creation: 1994-2003
Newspaper cuttings from Al-Ahram and The Egyptian Gazette concerning the khedivial family, property, and role in Egyptian political history.
Language:  Arabic; English
9 December 2002: BAK176; Misc.2002/2003:22;
20 August 2004: Misc.2004/2005:36.

Digitised material for Modern newspaper cuttings, 1994-2003 - HIL/437

HIL/542   [2021]
Sur les Bords du Nil : marche militaire (piano reduction for 4 hands), by C. Saint-Saëns (A. Durand et fils, Paris, 1908). Modern reduced photographic copy of Bibliothèque Nationale de France copy FOL-VM12 A-6
1 vol. 
Size: 22 x 29 cm
Accessioned 1 October 2021: Misc.2023/24:73.
B. Estates, Business Interests, Finances and Property
Budgets, 1885-1903
Reference: HIL/440/1-130
Dates of creation: 1884-1903
1885 budget spending forecasts of the khedivial Cabinet, and watercraft of the Maïch Sanieh; 1891 budget spending forecast, in Arabic; 1891 Egyptian budget forecast, with observations; several budgetary items in Arabic, 1900; 1901 budgets, in Arabic; 1903 result of Egyptian budget, with related khedivial decrees of 22 and 23 December 1902 (the latter also in manuscript), note to the Council of Ministers, and summary note by the Financial Adviser Eldon Gorst.
Language:  French; Arabic
Accessioned, 24 January 2003: BAK180; Misc.2002/2003:22.
Digitised material for HIL/440 - Budgets, 1885-1903

Account book
Reference: HIL/156/1-26
Dates of creation: 1890s Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Account book - HIL/156/1-26

Account book
Reference: HIL/157/1-32
Dates of creation: 1890s Microfilm: 18
Digitised material for Account book - HIL/157/1-32

Banque de Paris & des Pays-Bas
Reference: HIL/374/1-221
Dates of creation: 1922-1927
Correspondence and financial statements relating to accounts in the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas
Language:   French
Digitised material for Banque de Paris & des Pays-Bas, 1922-1927 - HIL/374/1-221

Biskra estate
Reference: HIL/376/1-80
Dates of creation: 1929-1930
Papers regarding the purchase of an estate at Biskra in Tunisia
Language:   French
Digitised material for Biskra estate, 1929-1930 - HIL/376/1-80

Mariout properties
Reference: HIL/424/1-23
Dates of creation: c. 1916-1920
Register of legal actions against debtors, chiefly persons in rent arrears, within the Inspectorate of Mariout, near Alexandria.
Language:   Arabic
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Mariout properties, c. 1916-1920 - HIL/424/1-23

Estates business register
Reference: HIL/425/1-63
Dates of creation: 29 March-21 May 1916
Daily financial and legal business register, with transactions concerning individuals and several khedivial estates, including: Montaza, Mariout, Edfina, Ismaïliah, Koubbeh, Palais. Register no. 1 (on front cover).
Item is numbered HIL/425/1-63 from the end in reverse page order.
Language:  French; with some Arabic
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Estates business register, 29 March-21 May 1916 - HIL/425/1-63

Cairo properties
Reference: HIL/375/1-10
Dates of creation: April 1920
Register of rents paid in April 1920, possibly for Khedivial buildings in Cairo. A number of the residents are prominent Cairo figures.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Cairo properties, April 1920 - HIL/375/1-10

Jacques de Martino Pasha and his son Ferdinand de Martino Bey: I
Reference: HIL/158/1-168
Dates of creation: 1892-1916
Papers relating to Jacques de Martino Pasha, private secretary and director general of the Daïra Khassa and his son Ferdinand de Martino Bey, lawyer at the Court and director of the Daïra Khassa. Most of the letters and reports sent in French to the Khedive by de Martino (probably de Martino Pasha) concern the health of the Prince, the Khedive’s son, and his treatment and travel in Europe. Also letters concerning the physical condition of the Khedivah. Communications addressed to the Khedive regarding the visit of the Emperor (possibly Emperor Franz Joseph I) to Egypt and arrangements such as the renovation and refurbishing of the Abdin and Koubbeh Palaces, selection and training of personnel and drawing up of a programme for the Emperor during his visit to Egypt. Most of these letters were written during the period 1892-1903.
Communications in French, some with appended reports (1904), between Ferdinand de Martino and Fabricius Pasha, architect of the Khedivial palaces, and `Abbas Hilmi II concerning the adjudications of the Société Belge-Egyptiènne de l’Ezbékieh regarding buildings under construction in the Cairo downtown area on the periphery of Emad-al-Din, Alfy Bey and Boulaq streets (currently 26th of July Street). Offers submitted by the following contractors: (1) A. Puétin and M. Charvaut, (2) M. Padova, Léon Rolin & Co. and (3) Tréhaki and Rolo.
Detailed reports in French signed by Ferdinand de Martino during 1904 concerning Mariut Bridge and Railway, the court case regarding the establishment of a barrage on the North Main Canal (Montaza) belonging to the Daïra and a complaint from Mr. Casulli, a neighbour, who was affected by the project.
Language:   French; Arabic
Microfilm: 18 (1-75): 19 (76-168)
Digitised material for Papers relating to Jacques de Martino Pasha and son Ferdinand de Martino Bey 1892-1916 - HIL/158/1-168

Jacques de Martino Pasha and his son Ferdinand de Martino Bey: II
Reference: HIL/159/1-373
Dates of creation: 1902-1926
Papers relating to Jacques de Martino Pasha, private secretary and director general of the Daïra Khassa and his son Ferdinand de Martino Bey, lawyer at the Court and director of the Daïra Khassa.
Detailed reports in French concerning renovation of the Çubuklu Palace and renovations to the gate of Koubbeh Palace. The construction of Wardian train station, commissioned by the Khedive and executed by M. Padova and Léon Rolin with detailed report (HIL/159/121-125) dated Cairo, 16 April 1907. Mariout Bridge: reports concerning the Société Belge-Egyptiènne de l’Ezbékieh and progress of the work undertaken by the company with respect to the construction of buildings. Also detailed report dated Cairo, 12 August 1907, signed by the Architect Garo Balian from the office of Fabricius Pasha. Proposal from M. Nahman regarding the lighting of buildings and streets in the area, with a detailed report on the construction of a factory for generating electricity (HIL/159/27-29).
Detailed report in French concerning the historical background with respect to the Endowment (Waqf) of Gheit al-Musbah in Ezbékieh, endowed by Princess Zainab Hanem, daughter of Muhammad `Ali Pasha, 14 Shawal 1277 Hijri (HIL/159/19-25).
Detailed report in French concerning the lands of Halim and Djélal (HIL/159/31-35).
Letters in French dated 1905, exchanged between Ferdinand de Martino and Prince Saïd Halim Pasha concerning the purchase of lands; also same concerning the lands of `Ali Bey Djélal.
Report in French dated 4 June 1907 addressed to the Khedive by Ferdinand de Martino concerning the financial crisis (HIL/159/69-72).
Report in French dated 30 May 1906, submitted to the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive concerning the financial situation as of 1 June 1906 (HIL/159/73-82).
Hammam (public bath): concerning a complaint from the tenants of the Hammam with regard to damage to the canal bringing water to the Hammam during construction work close to Ezbekia in Cairo downtown area.
Concerning the wish of Zervudacki to acquire lands in Giza owned by the Administration of Waqfs in exchange for lands in Mushtuhur, the transaction being negotiated by Bereketti; dispute over the property of Mr. Jean Hawakis at Mariut, encroached on by the Daïra (HIL/158/134-135); the sale of land of Halim in Upper Egypt to the Daïra of Prince Seif al-Din (HIL/159/4-6); Edfina affair, concerning the purchase of property at Edfina of Mr. Edgar Suarès, Director Delegate of the New Egyptian Company, by the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive (HIL/159/227-228).
Confidential note in French dated Cairo, 21 December 1913, and signed by Ferdinand de Martino, concerning the credits, productions, obligations, etc. of the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive and of George Zervudachi and Sons in liquidation (HIL/159/252-267)
Report in French dated 23 April 1912, regarding a court case at the Cour d’Appel Mixte of Alexandria involving the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive and M.M. Mario Berninzone, Victor Luzzato and François L. Roméo, trustees for the bankruptcy of C.G. Zervudachi (HIL/159/268-289)
Long letter by Ferdinand de Martino in French recounting in detail his engagement at the Daïra Khassa in 1902 and his functions with respect to the company since its liquidation (HIL159/354-366).
Paper entitled “An extract from the file of Ferdinand de Martino”, prepared by the police of Paris.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 19
Digitised material for Papers relating to Jacques de Martino Pasha and son Ferdinand de Martino Bey: II 1902-1926 HIL/159/1-373

Mme. Demartino, son and Grisaldi
Reference: HIL/160/1-6
Dates of creation: 26 November 1921; 20 February 1939
Two letters to the Khedive, both regarding Ferdinand de Martino, one from Giulio Giraldini in Rome, dated 26 November 1921 and the other from the wife of Ferdinand de Martino, Jeanne de Zogheib, writing from Paris 20 February 1939.
Microfilm: 19
Digitised material for Mme. Demartino, son and Grisaldi letters 1921 & 1939 - HIL/160/1-6

Princess Zubeida Hanem: pension
Reference: HIL/394/1-47
Dates of creation: 1896-1899
Correspondence, legal papers and draft renunciation by Princess Zubeida Hanem of any claim on the Waqf of Kavala (Thasos), relating to the settlement of a 25-year annuity upon her.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Princess Zubeida Hanem: pension, 1896-1899 - HIL/394/1-47

Daïra Khassa: I
Reference: HIL/161/1-522
Dates of creation: 1892-1908
Inc. affairs various companies, reports on estates of al-Qubba, Mustarad, Mushtahar and Sabrbay, al-Muntaza, Edfina, Mariut, Private employees of the Khedive, Khedive's mother's estates, Report on Daïra Khassa 1896 - composition, administration and financial details.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 19
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa: I 1892-1908 - HIL/161/1-522

Daïra Khassa: II
Reference: HIL/162/1-564
Dates of creation: 1896-1910, July
Budgets, e.g. household expenses, employees, railway. Monthly balance sheets and general accounts, 1908-1911.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 19 (1-280): 20 (280-564)
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa: II 1896-1910 - HIL/162/1-564

Daïra Khassa: III
Reference: HIL/163/1-768
Dates of creation: 1910, July-1914
Various budgets and accounts, including inventory of valuables.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 20
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa: III 1910 -1914 HIL/163/1-768

Daïra Khassa: IV
Reference: HIL/164/1-564
Dates of creation: 1891-1928
Expenses, balance sheets, reports harvest, etc. of Sarai al-Qubba, Taftish of Ismailiyyah, Sarai Muntazah (Maiut Line station) railway, Alexandria estates, Sarai al-Mustarad, Sarai Çubuklu, plans for lands bought, explanation of offices, list of outdoor servants, letters and memos.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 20 (1-214): 21 (213-564)
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa: IV 1891-1928 HIL/164/1-564

Daïra Khassa: V
Reference: HIL/165/1-646
Dates of creation: 1896-1914
File now divided into 4 separate folders as follows:
Reports, mostly in Arabic but some in French, regarding a variety of subjects including: Teftishs (inspections) of Ismailiah, Sarai al-Qubba, Mustarad, al-Muntazah, Ismaïllia, Sibirbai, Mushtahar and Edfina concerning plantations, cotton and other crops, animals, as well as income from renting agricultural lands and agricultural machines (HIL/165/1-111); Teftish (inspection) of Koubbeh regarding plantations, crops, rent income and construction and renovation works of Mustarad Palace (HIL/165/114-124); tables concerning the silverware as well as furniture and fabrics for the Khedivial palaces commissioned from local and European department stores (HIL/165/125-133); the management of the Teftish (inspection) of Koubbeh (HIL/165/135-149,153); the maintenance and renovation of Mustarad Palace (HIL/165/151-152); reports dated 1913-1914 on the management of Koubbeh Palace and its gardens (HIL/165/156-181).
Reports in Arabic on a variety of subjects including: Koubbeh Palace, its daily inspections, plantation and maintenance of the palace’s gardens, the number of employees and their roles, maintenance of the palace and its annexes, restoration and painting of the facades, repainting and redecorating of the interiors of the palace as well as the furniture (HIL/165/182-201); horses, poultry and animals’ health in the Khedivial stables, owned by the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive and managed by Husain Kamil (HIL/165/201-264); news on individuals and management affairs concerning the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive including map showing the land between Muntazah canal and Rashid railway in the area of Mandara, Alexandria (HIL/165/321), map showing the houses of the Abbassiyya inhabitants (HIL/165/322), map showing the peripheries of Matariyya area in Cairo and the lands owned by the Khedive and some members from his family, in addition to other landmarks (HIL/165/342); managerial matters concerning the Daïra Khassa of the Khedive such as maintenance works for buildings existing in different Khedivial Teftishs (inspections), in addition to condition of animals, plantations and crops (HIL/165/327-338).
Reports, mostly in Arabic, but also in French, on a variety of subjects including: rented agricultural lands, public works and other matters related to the Teftish of Ismaïlia (HIL/165/343-416); tables of statistics relating to the crops of cotton, wheat, beans and barley in the Teftishs of Koubbeh, Mustarad, Edfina Siberbai and Mushtahar (HIL/165/417-418); rent rises in the Teftishs of Koubbeh, Mustarad, Mushtahar, Sibarbai and Efina (HIL/165/419); expenses, revenue and the remaining funds in the Daïra Khassa’s safe (HIL/165/421-427); Behera’s Steamer and Private Boats (HIL/165/431-449); names, jobs and salaries of workers on Behera’s Steamer and in the Department of Boats (HIL/165/451-457); movements of boats belonging to the Khedivial Daïra Khassa (HIL/165/458-469).
Papers relating to the Khedive’s Navy and the administration of Siwa. The papers regarding the navy include: table in Arabic concerning revenues and expenses of the Khedivial Khassa for the month of September 1903 (HIL/165/472); table in Arabic of the salaries for the boat workers for the month of November 1904 (HIL/165/475-476); table in Arabic of the revenues of Khedivial train stations during the period 1903-1904 (HIL/165/473); tables in Arabic recording the movements of the Khedivial boats (HIL/165/477-523,534-536,540); tables in Arabic dated 1911 recording the revenue from rent, gathered from the Teftishs of Koubbeh, Ismailia, Muntazah, Edfina, al-Kom and Mariut (HIL/165/538-539); letters in French dated 1907 exchanged between `Ali Bey Rahmi and Homsy concerning financial affairs (HIL/165/525-531). The papers regarding the administration of Siwa contain correspondence and reports on a variety of subjects and include: letter in Arabic dated 1330 Hijri, from Seoudi Muhammad to Shaykh Muhammad `Uthman concerning the visit of Ahmad al-Sharif al-Senussi to the south of Siwa (HIL/165/562a-b); reports in Arabic dated 1909 from Muhammad Awad and Mamur, Siwa to the Governor Behra concerning an accident and the death of Siwa official (Mamur), Mitwali Hilmi (HIL/165/588); letter in Arabic dated 1910 from Seoudi Muhammad, delegate of the Khassa, and table regarding the construction of the Sidi Suliman Mosque with a drawing for the mosque attached (HIL/165/583); letters in Arabic dated 1912 from Khalaf Muhammad, delegate of Siwa addressed to Shaykh Muhammad `Uthman, Aide (Moawen) of the Khedivial Diwan, concerning the Mosque of Sidi Suliman under construction in Siwa (HIL/165/639-645); letters in Arabic dated 1911 from Ahmad Muhammad Awadi, delegate of Siwa, addressed to the Khedive concerning refurbishment in Siwa (HIL/165/636).
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 21
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa: V 1896-1914 HIL/165/1-646

Khedivial Khassa
Reference: HIL/416/1-24
Dates of creation: 1905
Register of letters dispatched.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Khedivial Khassa, 1905 - HIL/416/1-24

Ahmad Shafiq Pasha
Reference: HIL/166/1-954
Dates of creation: 1894-1922
File now divided into 4 separate folders, as follows:
Reports compiled by Ahmad Shafiq Pasha, one time head of Khedivial Cabinet, for the Khedive regarding members of the Khedive’s family as well as various individual including: Shaykh Muhammad Abdu, Abu al-Huda, Ahmad Galal al-Din Pasha, Tahssin Bey, Ibrahim al-Moweilhy.
Reports and letters mostly relating to great achievements on the Island of Thasos, in addition to other affairs. Includes reports and letters concerning the Island of Thasos (HIL/166/235-239,243,258-261,279); report in Ottoman Turkish submitted to the Ottoman Sultan (HIL/166/293); report in Ottoman Turkish from Yusuf Pasha relating to the island of Thasos (HIL/166/292); correspondence in Arabic dated 1904 regarding the court case between Shaykh `Ali Yusuff and Shaykh al-Sadat over the marriage of the daughter of Sadat to `Ali Yusuf (HIL/166/298-299,304-309); report in Arabic dated 6 and 14 July 1900 and signed by Ahmad Shafiq submitted to the Khedive concerning Dinshawi tragedy (HIL/166/353-356,361-362); plots of land in the area entitled Manial and Agouza in Cairo are mentioned in reports in Arabic by Ahmad Shafiq for the Khedive dated 1906 (HIL/166/357-358,3362); hand drawn building plan, in Arabic, probably of one of the annexes of Ras-al-Tin Palace in Alexandria. dated 12 September 1906 and signed by the Chief Architect of the palace (HIL/166/263); letter in French dated 24 July 1907, from the Architect Garo Balian of the offices of Fabricius Pasha, the Architect of the Khedivial Palaces, to Ahmad Shafiq concerning 2 buildings under construction, established by the Société Belge-Egyptiènne de l’Ezbékieh in the area of central Cairo (HIL/166/365-366), with a note in Arabic on the same subject (HIL/166/367); report in Arabic dated 1907, submitted to the Khedive concerning the achievements undertaken in Ras-al-Tin Palace; letter in French dated 25 July 1907, possibly from Gustave Keusir, Engineer for the Mariut Railway, to Ahmad Shafiq regarding criticism in the press of the bridge in Wardan, commissioned by the Daïra Khassa and built by Padova Rolin Mansion; 2 undated reports in Arabic, written by Ahmad Shafiq and submitted to the Khedive concerning miscellaneous news related to the Diwan (Office) General of Endowments such as: al-Azhar examinations, `Uthman Muharram, Shaykh `Ali Yusuf, Lord Kitchener, the Imam of Sayida Zaynab Mosque in Cairo and the High Endowments Committee (HIL/166/415-422).
Papers in Arabic, mostly signed by Ahmad Shafiq Pasha when he was occupying the position of Director for the Diwan (office) of the General Endowments. Series of telegrams in Arabic during 1908-1909, sent by Ahmad Shafiq to the Khedive concerning al-Azhar and Mashiyakhats (Chiefdoms) of Alexandria, Dessouq and Damietta; reports in Arabic dated 1908 from Ahmad Shafiq to the Khedive concerning renovation work at Ras-al-Tin Palace in Alexandria and Abdin and Ismaïlia Palaces in Cairo, under the supervision of the Architect Antonio Lasciac (HIL/166/468-469,474-475); table and report, both in Arabic, dated 1907, concerning works in the Khedivial palaces (|HIL/166/503-513); report in Arabic with attached notes dated 15 June 1912, concerning a meeting of the Supreme Council of Endowments regarding the rent of some agricultural lands of the Ministry of Endowments to individuals (HIL/166/518-525); papers dated 1908, signed by the Judge of Egypt, concerning a court case and matters related to the Waqf (Endowment) of Princess Zaynab Hanim, daughter of Muhammad `Ali Pasha (HIL/166/52-532,599); letter in French dated 2 September 1908 from Ahmad Shafiq to the Engineer Mr. Weissmann at the Simens-Schuckert Werke, Cairo about the lighting of Ras-al-Tin Palace with electric power and a power cut at the palace during the visit of the Sultan (HIL/166/533-534); document in Arabic entitled: Law of the Sudanese Legitimacy (Sharia) Courts (HIL/166/599); note in Arabic relating to the judiciary in the Sudan (HIL166/633).
Paper in Arabic entitled “Truth and forgiveness”, signed by `Abd al-Halim al-Masri and dedicated to the Khedive; list concerning the salaries of members from the family of the late Mustafa Fazl Pasha (HIL/166/704); letter in Ottoman Turkish dated 11 May 1916 from Tawfik Fahmi (HIL/166/797).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 21 (1-634): 22(634-954)
Digitised material for Ahmad Shafiq Pasha 1894-1922 HIL/166/1-954

Administration of Private Waqfs
Reference: HIL/167/1-265
Dates of creation: 1895-1914
Direction of Ahmad Khairi Pasha and Mortada Pasha. Reports and memoranda on routine administration of accounts, lists of wages, incomes from various trusts, including: regulations for artefacts discovered on waqf lands, referencing a French archaeological expedition to Thasos, and ruling in that instance that finds are to be divided equally between Thasos’ local government and the waqf, with no allocation to the French archaeological team (HIL/167/70-77).
Microfilm: 22
Digitised material for Administration of Private Waqfs 1895-1914 HIL/167/1-265

Reference: HIL/466
Dates of creation: 2018Paper; 1 CD-ROM

Copies of files in the Ottoman State Archives concerning the Thasos island gift by Sultan Mahmud II to Mohamed Ali Pasha in the 1820s, and the subsequent foundation of a Wakf and Imaret, a scholastic institution in Kavala. File references:
Y.EE.00087/00019/1-20, 26, 36

Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Accessioned 17 January 2018: Misc.2017/18:55.

HIL/418/1-204   1891-1921
Language:  French; Greek; Arabic
Correspondence, reports, and legal papers concerning: the Waqf of Kavala; exploitation of mineral resources of Thasos, including a disputed Ottoman concession granted to a company represented by Comanos Pasha; extraction of timber by N.J. Psiachi, strong public opposition thereto, formation of Isle of Thasos Company (later dissolved), Cairo talks, compensation; current affairs, security and governance of Thasos; re-development of Thasos. Includes: map (1:40,000) of western coast of Thasos, indicating seams of lead and copper; timber contract between `Abbas Hilmi II and N.J. Psiachi, 28 March 1896; report of Ishak Bey on the repairs and improvements required on Thasos, April 1896; representations by the inhabitants and General Council of Thasos against the lease of timber to Psiachi, and the detriments thereof, 8 June 1896; Report by the governor of Thasos on popular reaction and fears concerning timber extraction (rumours of retaliatory burning of the forests), and historical privileges the people enjoyed relating to timber extraction, 10 June 1896; Presentation by the Archbishop of Thasos village delegates of the historical and current situation on Thasos, with a protest against the sale of forests, 31 July 1896; printed prospectus (1896) of the Isle of Thasos Company, formed by Psiachi on the basis of his timber extraction contract, and issued to promote a £40,000 Egyptian Pounds limited share issue; plans and section (1:50 and 1:100) of the Palace of Imaret Haïrié, Kavala, May-July 1912 (5 plans); reports of Dr T. David on the potential of various resources and industries on Thasos (olives, wood and forests, slag and mines, marble, marsh lands at Casaviti), 1901; petition from Costa Proediou, former Keeper of the Forests of Thasos, recounting succeeding his father to his office, many years' faithful service, timber extraction by French military during war-time occupation, loss of his office and other changes to the island's administration under Fouad I, 14 September 1921.
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Waqf of Kavala, Minerals at Thasos, 1891-1921 - HIL/418/1-204
Thasos minerals and timber
Reference: HIL/383/1-146
Dates of creation: 1896-1919
Correspondence, reports, and legal papers concerning the discovery, exploitation and leasing of minerals, and of timber on the island of Thasos, the usufruct (Waqf of Kavala) of which was granted to Mohamed Ali Pasha and his descendants by Mahmud II. Includes: a map of Thasos (1:87,500) indicating seams of lead, copper, and iron and marble quarries; report (in English) concerning Speidel family extractive enterprise, and legal status, December 1905; report (in French) from Adrien Bey concerning the mapping of the island, with detailed descriptions, January 1900; petition to [`Abbas Hilmi II] from Joachim, Metropolitan of Maronia and Thasos, requesting five particular remedies for the island's poor economic and environmental condition, including a five-year moratorium on de-forestation, 18 February 1896; timber contract between `Abbas Hilmi II and N.J. Psiachi, 28 March 1896.
Language:  French; Greek; Arabic; English
Digitised material for Thasos minerals and timber,1896-1919 - HIL/383/1-146

Fabricius Pasha, and A. Blind
Reference: HIL/168/1-174
Dates of creation: 1898-1905; 1910-1943
Correspondence with khedivial architects and engineers, including Dimitri Fabricius Pasha, concerning Qubba, Muntazah, and Çubuklu palaces, and other water and engineering projects. Later general social/political aspect.
Engineer and estate administrator A. Blind reports re Çubuklu estate and its sub-estates, water and engineering projects. Requests recruitment of trained farmers to support work at Çubuklu, 1918 (HIL/168/56-57); report on Çubuklu and sub-estates (Sabib Mollab, Yeniçiftlik) covering progress of work on fields, gardens, livestock, dairy, roads and buildings, and equipment orders, 1918 (HIL/168/66-72); sea journey, describing shipboard life, potential future plans to return to Çubuklu, comments on political affairs such as the murder of Kurt Eisler, 1919 (HIL/168/81-86); confirms readiness to serve the Khedive in the future, 1934 (HIL/168/118); estate report - dairy, food supply and building work progress at the palace, 1918 (HIL/168/119-121); estate report - food supply, dairy, installation of lighting, 1918 (HIL/168/123-127); estate report - forestry, park and gardens, few cases of cattle pest, food, installation of heating, building of new horse stables, 1918 (HIL/168/130-134); estate report - milk trade, and food (Futter) question, requesting material supply, 1918 (HIL/168/135-136); flat of Sellam Effendi, asking for supply of coal for the Dutch delegation, and delivery of materials, reports on water works, 1918 (HIL/168/138-140)
Language:  French; German; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 22
Digitised material for Fabricius Pasha, and A. Blind 1898-1905; 1910-1943 HIL/168/1-174

Mariut Railway: I
Reference: HIL/169/1-710
Dates of creation: 1898-1905
Reports and plans of agricultural, building, and infrastructure projects in Mariut, particularly the construction, detailed operation and maintenance of the Mariut Railway. Correspondents include khedivial officials and international companies, e.g. Waagner Biro AG (HIL/169/553).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 22 (1-705): 23 (706-710)
Digitised material for Mariut Railway: I 1898-1905 HIL/169/1-710

Mariut Railway: II
Reference: HIL/170/1-565
Dates of creation: 1906-1912
Correspondence and technical reports, many from 1910-1912 signed Muhammad Yusri. Also section Yusri Bey Garawla including two items on Mariut.
German material in HIL/170 deals with the Mariut railway (Chemin de Fer du Mariout). All assessments of the terrain, reports on progress of work and incidents along the line are compiled by engineer Gustave Kaiser; dates range March 1906-March 1908.
Assessments of the terrain and progress reports include a drawing by G. Kaiser of the Gleisanlage Kingi Mariout (HIL/170/9); report on new track laid for 50km, including a drawing of the distance of railway sleepers (HIL/170/10-11); notes on the water situation in Hamman, the platform in Mouassla, the coal-ramp and bridge in Kingi (HIL/170/93,142,258,284); a listing of material covering the length of 10km of track construction delivered by the S.S. Bussard et Artères (HIL/170/146-147); confirmation of arrival of 9668 railway sleepers for the track, delivered by S.S. Barcelona (HIL/170/188); drawing of the gradient to be overcome between Wardian and Mouassla (HIL/170/282); plans for a new line between Wardian and Mouassla (HIL/170/283); drawing of work carried out for the bridge in Mouassla (HIL/170/291-292); lighting of the station in Mouassla (HIL/170/293-294).
Analysis of the water in Amman (=Hamman) by the Technisches Bureau Overhoff in Vienna dated 12 May 1906 (HIL/170/17-18); G. Kaiser's introduction to the report (HIL/170/19).
Incident reports include a report on waterlogging of the line due to flooding (HIL/170/2); line made operational again after derailment and strong storms in the Mariout area (HIL/170/218); accident report in Mouassla 16 July 1907 (HIL/170/227-232) including a drawing of the sunken bridge post (HIL/170/231); report on the derailment in Hamman, 4 February 1908 (HIL/170/287-288); on the derailment of two people carriers on 8 December 1904 including a drawing (HIL/170/343).
Language:  French; Arabic; German
Microfilm: 23
Digitised material for Mariut Railway: II 1906-1912 HIL/170/1-565

Mariut Railway: III
Reference: HIL/171/1-450
Dates of creation: 1910-1914 SeptemberLanguage:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 23
Digitised material for Mariut Railway: III 1910-1914 HIL/171/1-450

Mariut Railway: IV
Reference: HIL/172/1-59
Dates of creation: 1901-1912
Plans. Inspectorate of Public Works.
Microfilm: 23
Digitised material for Mariut Railway: IV - 1901-1912- HIL/172/1-59

Mariut Railway: V
Reference: HIL/173/1-21
Plans for Mariut Line, small maps Tripolitania, plans and maps land elsewhere in Egypt.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 23
Digitised material for Mariut Railway: V - Early 20th Century - HIL/173/1-21

Al-Hajj Almas Agha Bey
Reference: HIL/174/1-164
Dates of creation: 1900-1922
Reports and correspondence from Al-Hajj Almas Agha Bey, the Bach-Agha of the Khedivial Palace, to various individuals including the Khedive, Ahmad Shafik, Shaikh Muhammad `Uthman, Izzat Pasha, and Niazi Bey, largely regarding the Khedive’s family, including: news of their health, visitors they have received, visits and excursions they have made, trips between Bebek and Çubuklu, and time spent in Alexandria.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 23
Digitised material for Al-Hajj Almas Agha Bey 1900-1922 HIL/174/1-164

Charles Haccius
Reference: HIL/175/1-639
Dates of creation: 1900-1934
Reports and correspondence in French between Charles Haccius, engineer, Representative of the Endowment (Waqf) of Thasos and Administrator-General of the Delegation of the Private Administration of the Khedive in Geneva, and (chiefly) the Khedive, Shafiq Bey, Baron Hugo de Fleischacker, G. Brocher, architect, J. E. Kiefer, a Swiss Civil Engineer active in Rhodes, and Theophile Krajesovits. Contents include:
1900-1909: report from Haccius, with Arabic translation, submitted to the Khedive regarding the improvement of agricultural lands in Teftish of Qubbeh (HIL/175/2-8); letter regarding the 50th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Haccius Institution at Lancy, Geneva, (Institution Haccius du Château de Lancy), with a note calling for alumni to contribute initiatives for its improvement; letter is signed by a group of former American students: M.M. John Clinton Gray of Albany; M.M. Hamilton Fish of New York; R.E. Griscom of Philadelphia; Herbert Stuart Stone of Chicago (HIL/175/13-15); letter from Dr Rapin to the Khedive, seeking to organise a committee in Egypt for the 50th anniversary of the Haccius Institution (HIL/175/19); letter from Brunel-Haccius to the Khedive thanking him and Prince Mohammad `Ali Tawfik’s donations towards improvement of the Haccius Institution (HIL/175/33-34); report (manuscript) in French by Abraham Allahverdi, an alumni of the National Agricultural School of Grignon, France, and a Professor at the Agricultural School of Halkalı, Turkey, regarding Hadji Ali-Bey farm in Bandırma, Turkey, with descriptions of the location, geology, climate, inhabitants and area of cultivation (HIL/175/40-60); reports from Charles Haccius concerning Hadji Ali-Bey farm in Thasos, in modern-day Greece, and information regarding the agricultural lands and mines of Thasos (HIL/175/61-66); report by Mr Dimitri Heliopoulos, the Registrar of Hadji Ali-Bey, “General considerations for the agricultural year of the farm Hadji Ali-Bey and its environs”, covering climatology, sowing schemes, crops, silkworm, goats, horses, improvements, threshing, fields and gardens leased, taxes and general considerations (HIL/175/84-87); letters from Charles Haccius concerning renovations in Çubuklu Palace by the architect Mr Brocher, and repair of the Palace clock (HIL/175/88-90); letter from G. Brocher to Charles Haccius concerning renovations at Çubuklu Palace (HIL/175/91-93, 117); letter from Charles Haccius to Baron Hugo de Fleischacker concerning the water pipes for the chalet at Çubuklu (HIL/175/140); letter from Charles Haccius to Baron Hugo de Fleischacker concerning various issues, including Dalaman, work by Theophile Krajesovits at Yeniçiftlik farm, the property of the Khedive and the management of timber, Hadji Ali-Bey farm, and plans for the new school in Kavala (175/105-107); letters between Charles Haccius and J. E. Kiefer, a Swiss Civil Engineer active in Rhodes, regarding irrigation of the Khedive’s agricultural lands at Makri and Dalaman (HIL/175/115); Letter from J. E. Kiefer to Charles Haccius regarding Kiefer’s curriculum vitae (HIL/175/120-124); report concerning the woods of [?Duz-Ora] in Smyrna near the Gulf of Mendelia on the Mediterranean Sea, with a map showing pavilion of the Aghwat (HIL/175/171-174).
1909-1911: correspondence in French regarding plantations, agriculture, renovations in Çubuklu, oil production in Dalamon and mining for Peridots (gem-stones) and includes: letter and report from Jules Allemand (Architect) to Charles Haccius regarding the gardens in Çubuklu (HIL/175/215-217, 263-265); reports from Charles Haccius to Baron Hugo de Fleischacker regarding a variety of subjects; correspondence between Theophile Krajesovits and Youssef Sedik Bey regarding the Yeniçiftlik and Said Mollah farms; report by Theophile Krajesovits regarding work on the Yeniçiftlik and Said Mollah farms from 1909-1910 (HIL/175/252-253); report to Charles Haccius by Dimitri Heliopoulos regarding his inspection of Yeniçiftlik and Said Mollah farms (HIL/175/237-242); letter from G. Brocher (Architect) to Charles Haccius regarding the progress of work in Çubuklu (HIL/175/401-404); letter from Charles Haccius to Baron Hugo de Fleischacker regarding steam engines for Çubuklu (HIL/175/412-413); report regarding a plantation of Saffron (HIL/175/219-223, 243).
1911-1919, 1931-1932: Folder largely in French containing correspondence and reports exchanged in French regarding various matters such as Çubuklu, the timber on Thasos, agriculture in Dalamon and Hadji Ali Bey, and the Khedive’s business in Egypt after his exile including: signed contract of Charles Haccius French, English and piano teacher to the 3 daughters of the Khedive (HIL/175/421,496,499); signed contract of Emille Chaulmontet appointed by Charles Haccius as Room-Tailor for Princess Djavidan in Cairo (HIL/175/422); letter from Charles Haccius to Baron Hugo de Fleischakher concerning the installations in Çubuklu for the production of honey with note attached from Professor Chodat, Director of the School of Agriculture in Bucharest addressed to the Khedive regarding the same subject (HIL/175/441-445, 439); typescript reports entitled “La Tribuna of the 28th of December 1912, Egypt between Great Britain and Turkey” and “La Tribuna of Rome, 30th of December 1912, Albania”; the Young-Turks revolt against Ferid Pasha (HIL/175/459-462); letter from Mr Rambert to Charles Haccius regarding Baron Descamps interest in obtaining the Concession for the extension of the railway line between Mex-Mariout and Salloum and a letter from Haccius to Sadik Pasha on the same subject (175/471-473); letter in German from L. Reiner to Charles Haccius (HIL/175/483-484); letters regarding mineral deposits in Dalamon, from Prospector Charles Couchet and Prosepector-Engineer Hans Gutman (HIL/175/485-486,490,495-496,500-506,509); letter from Charles Hacciuus to Major Clément de Arvay concerning the fertilizer expected to arrive for Çubuklu (HIL/175/494,497); typescript reports in French from Charles Haccius to the Khedive concerning the education of his sons (175/536-541,543-548,551-555); letters mostly written by Charles Haccius, concerning the Khedive’s business in Egypt after his exile and affairs related to the Société Belge-Egyptiènne de l’Ezbékieh and the Société des Biens-Fond (HIL/175/565-596); correspondence between the Khedive, Charles Haccius, Mr Yeghen Pasha the Grand Master of Ceremonies at Çubuklu Palace, Djélal-al-Din Pasha, Mr Nourisson (in charge of communications related to the Société Belge-Egyptiènne de l’Ezbékieh), Rolin, Mr de Arvay, Mr C. de Burlet, and Mr Schaar (a lawyer) regarding the control and administration of the Khedive’s business in Egypt after his exile (HIL/175/565-596); correspondence between the Khedive, Philippe Gysler the Jardinier Yeghen Pasha, Mr C. Schaufelberger Private Secretary of the Khedive at Çubuklu Palace and Charles Haccius concerning his appointment to work for the Khedive in Constantinople (HIL/175/603-607,610-611,613,618-621); letters regarding the farm of Hadji Ali Bey, Çubuklu; condolence letters from Charles Haccius on the deaths of Prince Abd-al-Kader, the Khedivah-Mother Princess Emineh Ilhamy and Prince Kamal-al-Din Hussein (HIL/175/624-627,632-633); three black and white photos possibly of a view of the properties of the Khedive in Çubuklu (HIL/175/635), a stable in Çubuklu (HIL/175/637) and a carriage, again possibly in Çubuklu (HIL/175/639).
Microfilm: 23 (1-169): 24 (170-639)
Digitised material for Charles Haccius 1900-1934 HIL/175/1-639

Rashid bey: I
Reference: HIL/176/1-394
Dates of creation: 1902-1908
Correspondence and reports chiefly from Ahmad Rashid Bey, Kapou Kiahya of Egypt and Mouavinat (Counsellor of State and Representative of the Khedive in Constantinople), on a variety of topics including: Thasos (HIL/176/1-12, 18-19, 72-73, 75, and file 3); reforms in Macedonia (HIL/176/14), and foreign missions by Austria and Russia in order to expedite such reforms (HIL/176/file 3); Persian borders (HIL/176/13-14, 197, 259, and file 3), including a report on the Turko-Persian border (HIL/176/97-98); the Ottoman Sultan, and his illness (HIL/176/19, 116-130, 135-136, 140, 142-144, 167-168, 173-174, 233-234, 236-239, 249-250, and file 3); troubles in Baghdad (HIL/176/18, and file 3) and Yemen (HIL/176/25, 72, 131-132, 166, 172-174, 180-181, and file 3), including a report on Ahmad Rashid Bey’s trip to Yemen (HIL/176/347-350); Yemeni borders (HIL/176/195); troubles in Armenia and Aqaba (HIL/176/file 3); Aqaba borders (HIL/176/25, 77, 85, 100), and the delimitation of the Sinai Peninsula (HIL/176/141); Egyptian border affairs (HIL/176/100), including tension between the Khedive and the Ottoman Sultan regarding the borders separating Egypt from Benghazi (HIL/176/94-95, 101); Commission to Tripoli and Italian affairs in order to acquire the farm of the Zakatists (HIL/176/133, file 3); troubles in Armenia and affairs related to Muslims (HIL/176/32); Bulgarian borders and affairs (HIL/176/142, and file 3), Athens diplomatic mission and the reform of the three vilayets (provinces) of Rumelia (HIL/176/196); Government of Prince Saïd Halim in Turkey and the political situation, and Diyarbakir affairs (HIL/176/file 3); farms of Yeniçiftlik (HIL/176/187-188, 309-316) and Sahib; Prince of Bulgaria’s support for the re-nomination of the Kapou Kiahya (HIL/176/198); Dalaman; reports on people e.g. Akif Djahid. File also includes: report on the progress of work at Çubuklu palace, and its maintenance (HIL/176/36-70, 175-178, 192-194, file 3), including letter from Stephen J. Bond to Rashid Bey concerning boiler installation in [Çubuklu] palace (HIL/176/105-106); concession of Tramways and Electric Lighting system in Brousse (HIL/176/184), with report (HIL/176/363-365).
(see also file 46)
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 24
Digitised material for Rashid bey: I List of Archives 1902-1908 HIL/176/1-394

Rashid bey: II
Reference: HIL/177/1-4
Dates of creation: 1912
Envelope with list of Archives.
Microfilm: 24
Digitised material for Rashid bey: II List of Archives - 1912 - HIL/177/1-4

Muhammad Rashid
Reference: HIL/178/1-37
Dates of creation: 1902-1906
Series of reports in Arabic concerning the Daïra Khassa, signed by Muhammad Rashid Bey and concerning the following: inspection (Teftish) of Mariout, Edfina, al-Kom, Koubbeh and Montaza after assessment visits, covering animals, plantations and crops; letter in Arabic dated 28 July 1904 signed by Muhammad Rashid Bey concerning the inauguration of the Mosque of Musturud (HIL/178/22); reports in Arabic concerning a cattler disease; series of reports in Arabic concerning income and expenses related to the Daïra Khassa during the month of July 1904 (HIL/178/20)
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 24
Digitised material for Muhammad Rashid 1902-1906 - HIL/178/1-37

Georges Sabbagh bey
Reference: HIL/179/1-88
Dates of creation: 1902-1928
Correspondence from re business affairs. Dalaman Agriculture and Industry Company; Ottoman Empire National Compay for Commerce, Industry and Agriculture; M. Carte, agricultural engineer to Dalaman; Banque de Genève; Administration Banque Turque; 1927 liquidation.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 24
Digitised material for Georges Sabbagh bey 1902-1928 HIL/179/1-88

Ahmad Sadiq bey I
Reference: HIL/180/1-376
Dates of creation: 1904-1911
Director of Kedival Waqfs and Inspector General of the Khassa. Correspondence from re Daïra Khassa, Khedival estates, etc.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 24 (1-314): 25 (315-376)
Digitised material for Ahmad Sadiq bey I 1904-1911 HIL/180/1-376

Ahmad Sadiq bey II
Reference: HIL/181/1-440
Dates of creation: 1911-1922
Similar to file 180.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for Ahmad Sadiq bey II 1911-1922 HIL/181/1-440

Sam Scialom and sale of former khedivial property
Reference: HIL/487/1-51
Dates of creation: 1905-1925Paper

Legal papers of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim from the office of Sam Scialom of Lausanne, concerning Mounira and El Incha palaces and the sale of other property formerly of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in Egypt, including: 1905 documents concerning sale of Mounira Palace by Princess Faïka Hanem Izzet to Daïra Khassa; Al-Mokattam no. 9340 of 5 December 1919 (2 copies, outsize).
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for Sam Scialom and sale of former khedivial property, 1905-1925 - HIL/487/1-51

Yeni Çeflik farm
Reference: HIL/182/1-22
Dates of creation: 1906
Receipts issued to Rashid for the Khedive from Hakki, Mme Sadiq etc. letters from Hasan Nasir, Muhammad Sahib, Turkish Council.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for Yeni Çeflik farm 1906 HIL/182/1-22

Map of Port Said
Reference: HIL/183
Dates of creation: 1906
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. Printed.
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for Map of Port Said 1906 HIL/183

Bereketli and Hasan `Asim Pasha
Reference: HIL/184/1-36
Dates of creation: 1898-1906
Section I: Letters in Arabic dated 1898 signed by Hasan `Asim Pasha, probably the Grand Master of Ceremonies at the Khedive’s House concerning miscellaneous subjects such as preparations for the visit of the Emperor of Germany to Egypt, affairs related to Princess Chivekiar Ibrahim; tensions in the relationship between Princess Chivekiar and Princess Ain-al-Hayah (HIL/184/20), the wedding party for Prince `Umar Toussoun (HIL/184/21); the use of the British flag alongside the Egyptian flag at Omdurman, Sudan (HIL/184/3)
Section II: Correspondence from the Aleco Bereketli during 1906. Report in Arabic undated and signed by Bereketli, entitled “The Privilege of Lac Edco” (HIL184/27-28); undated letter in French from Bereketli to the Khedive concerning the issuing of a fatwa by a shaykh over the administration of the Khedive’s Endowments (Waqfs) in Turkey (HIL/184/30-33); letter in French dated Alexandria, 17 August 1906 signed by Bereketli and addressed to Shafiq Bey concerning the contract for Djélal Musturud (HIL/184/34-15); Ccrrespondence from `Asim, 1898; Bereketli correspondence concerning the fatwa and Jalal Musturud contract 1906.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for Bereketli and Hasan `Asim Pasha 1898-1906 HIL/184/1-36

Yusuf Sadiq Pasha
Reference: HIL/185/1-279
Dates of creation: 1906-1916
Businessman. Papers re his marriage and letters from Çubuklu - reports on estates, finances, internal (Cabinet, 1911 crisis Young Turks) and external (Albania, Yemen, Montenegro) politics, Turkey, Daïra Khassa, Kamal-al-Din fort.
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for Yusuf Sadiq Pasha 1906-1916 HIL/185/1-279

M. Ballin
Reference: HIL/186/1-100
Dates of creation: 1906-1940
Furniture and joinery business correspondence.
German material in HIL/186 is correspondence with the furnishing company and family business Ballin in Munich. Letters date from June 1906 to March 1939 and are signed Louis Ballin, M. Ballin or Robert Ballin. The correspondence refers to the interior furnishing of the Khedive’s residence in Çubuklu (near Constantinople), the Khedive’s yacht and plans for the building of a new winter residence in Jericho.
Letters about the interior fittings of the residence in Çubuklu. The correspondence relates to orders for furniture (HIL/186/1-3); the furniture design (HIL/186/4-7); transport arrangements for furniture orders (HIL/186/8-11); delivery of doors (HIL/186/14-15); discussions about costs and confirmations of receipts of payments (HIL/186/12-13,16).
About the interior design of the yacht. Order of carpets for the yacht’s dining room and parlour (HIL/186/17-18,22-29); paintings for the parlour and the smoking room (HIL/186/19-21); discussing drawings for interior design (HIL/186/34,38-39); hopes the order for the interior design is not yet assigned (HIL186/42-45).
Plans for the winter residence in Jericho. M. Ballin has heard the Khedive is planning to have a winter residence built in Jericho (HIL/186/48-49); M. Ballin thanks the Khedive for being awarded the tender for the interior design of the winter residence (HIL/186/53-54); copies of descriptions for ground and first floor (HIL/186/56-62), [the actual drawings are not included]; furniture design; plans from architect P. Epstein received (HIL/186/63-64); tender for decorating work (HIL/186/65-67); changes to design plans will involve further costs (HIL/186/68-69); lists of first payments due (HIL/186/70); discussion about garden design (HIL/186/80-83); Prince `Abd al-Moneim is currently overseeing the progress of building works (HIL/186/91-92); plans for the winter residence to be resumed (HIL/186/99).
Copy of a letter in French dated Haifa 25 May 1937 addressed to Mons Bichry Bey, including invoice for timber costs for the interior design of the winter residence (HIL/186/86-87).
Copy of a letter in French dated Haifa 30 May 1938 addressed to Monsieur le Colonel de Taboury introducing himself as the architect for the interior design of the winter residence. (HIL/186/88)
Letter to Bichry-Bey in French dated Haifa 14 Feb1938 (HIL186/93)
Further included are letters and notes about social arrangements and dates for meetings: Louis Ballin asks the Khedive to be introduced to Minister Loucheur (HIL/186/29-30-31); M. Ballin wishing to see the Khedive in Paris (HIL/186/40-41); M. Ballin has moved to Haifa (HIL/186/46-47); M. Ballin asking to see the Khedive in Haifa (HIL/186/50-51,53); M. Ballin trying to arrange a meeting with the Khedive in London, Triest or back in Haifa (HIL/186/71-74); problems with passport and visa (HIL/186/75-79).
Robert Ballin approaching the Khedive to use his diplomatic contacts in London and Washington to help Ballin’s emigration from Nazi Germany (dated Munich 4 February 1934) (HIL186/94-97)
Language:   German
Microfilm: 25
Digitised material for M. Ballin 1906-1940 HIL/186/1-100

Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: I
Reference: HIL/187/1-532
Dates of creation: 1907, 26 March
Certificates of shares: 404 of 10 shares; 128 of 25 shares.
Microfilm: 25 (Only examples microfilmed)
Digitised material for Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: I 26 March 1907 HIL/187/1-532

Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: II
Reference: HIL/188/1-388
Dates of creation: 1907, 26 March
Certificates of shares: 387 of 100 shares.
Microfilm: 25 (Only examples microfilmed)
Digitised material for Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: II 26 March 1907 HIL/188/1-388

Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: III
Reference: HIL/189/1-569
Dates of creation: 1905-1938
1907: Certificates of single shares.
1905-1938: Reports on Ezbekieh Company.
Microfilm: 25 (1-460): 26 (456-569)
Digitised material for Société de Bien-fonds Urbains et Ruraux: III 1905-1938 HIL/189/1-569

Register of decrees, Nuri Uthman
Reference: HIL/415/1-32
Dates of creation: 1912-1922
Register of decrees, 1330-1340 A.H., bearing the stamp “Nuri Uthman” (the light of the Ottomans). Reference at the beginning to Iskandara, probably Alexandria.
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Arabic
Digitised material for Register of decrees, Nuri Uthman, 1912-1922 - HIL/415/1-32

Endowment deed
Reference: HIL/400/1-4
Dates of creation: 1914 x 1915
Extent: 10 p.Paper; gilt-stamped leather volume

Endowment deed in the name of `Abbas Hilmi II, witnesses by Mahmud Mahir Effendi ibn Haji Fadl ibn Abbas and Arif Pasha ibn Tahir ibn Arif. Dated 1333 [1914 x 1915], stamped in gilt on front cover.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Digitised material for Endowment deed, 1914 - 1915, HIL/400/1-4

Draft petition
Reference: HIL/467/1
Dates of creation: [1915 x 1920]Paper

Draft petition [from `Abbas Hilmi II to Hussein Kamel or King Fouad I], concerning the sale of khedivial lands and palaces.
Language:   French

List of confiscated properties
Reference: HIL/467/2
Dates of creation: April 1917Photographic print

Letter from Talaat Pasha, Grand Vizier, to `Abbas Hilmi II, listing properties confiscated by the British. Photographic reproduction of manuscript letter and envelope.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish

Bebek Palace, Istanbul
Reference: HIL/401/1-8
Dates of creation: 19 May 1927-4 September 1932
Extent: 2 f.; 16 p.Paper

Court ruling (in Turkish) relating to a case concerning the Bebek Palace in Istanbul, with Arabic translation dated 7 January 1928; with power of attorney (in Turkish), 4 September 1932.
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Arabic
Digitised material for Bebek Palace, Istanbul, 19 May 1927-4 September 1932 - HIL/401/1-8

Princess Ikbal
Reference: HIL/350/1-418
Dates of creation: 1923-1924
Extent: 3 files
Papers concerning a legal case brought by Princess Ikbal against the Khedive. `Abbas Hilmi II was represented by Ahmad Loutfy Bey and Princess Ikbal, his former wife, by Muhammad Kamel al-Bindari. Muhammad Nesim Pasha, the Minister of Finance, represented the committee created in the Ministry of Finance. The legal case concerned affairs relating to furniture and goods sold which had belonged to the Princess during her marriage to the Khedive and before his goods had been sequestered. In addition to silver items, the case concerned objects of art that were on deposit in the National Bank of Egypt. (HIL/350/1-172)
Letters from Princess Ikbal and Prince `Abd-al-Moneim (mostly in Ottoman Turkish and French). A small number of Prince `Abd-al-Moneim’s letters concerning his right to the title on reaching the age of maturity, being the eldest son deriving from the direct line of Muhammad `Ali. (HIL/350/173-340)
Correspondence from Princess Ikbal in Ottoman Turkish; letter in French from Prince `Abd-al-Moneim to Djélaleldin Pasha exchanging family news; photograph of a felucca on the Nile, probably taken in Giza, Egypt (HIL/350/389); accounts recording the expenses of Princess Ikbal for the years 1915, 1916, 1921, 1922, 1923 (HIL/350/393-407); `Abbas Hilmi II’s diplomatic passport, from the Turkish Republic (HIL/350/409-414); `Abbas Hilmi II’s visas for different countries, early 20th century (HIL/350/415-418). (HIL/350/341-418)
Language:  Arabic; French; Ottoman Turkish
Digital file
Digitised material for Princess Ikbal, 1923-1924 - HIL/350/1-418

Yemen: I
Reference: HIL/190/1-211
Dates of creation: 1925-1935
Lamarre's Mission, statistics (1909-1927). Correspondence between Boubli, Lamarre and Sahatdjian on Lamarre's visit to the Yemen and journey through Abyssinia and Djibouti (HIL/190/1-46); general export statistics for La Cie between 1909 and 1927 (HIL/190/49,63); report providing commercial information on Abyssinia, including material on the banking systems, markets, and the trade in leathers, skins and coffee (HIL/190/50-57); import and export details for La Cie throughout 1927 (HIL/190/58-59); details on exports of skins and coffee from Dire-Dawa station in 1925 (HIL/190/60-61)
Detailed report on the Yemen, divided into Chapter 1: A description of Lamarre's itinerary in the Yemen (HIL/190/67-79); Chapter 2: Observations on the voyage, including sanitary questions and relations with the local authorities and local people (HIL/190/80-89); Chapter 3: A general geographic survey (HIL/190/90-95); Chapter 4: Agricultural matters, including notes on coffee and khat (HIL/190/96-137); Chapter 5: Questions relating to means of transport, i.e. ports, roads, bridges (HIL/190/138-151); Chapter 6: The political situation (HIL/190/152-161); Chapter 7: A discussion of the research method followed in the Yemen (HIL/190/164-178); Chapter 8: The geographical structure of the Yemen (HIL/190/179-211)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Yemen: I 1925-1935 HIL/190/1-211

Yemen: II
Reference: HIL/191/1-142
Dates of creation: 1928-1935
Sahatdjian Brothers
Correspondence on Yemen affairs, Dr. Lamarre's geology mission, and visits of the various members of the Sahatdjian family to the Yemen, Djibouti and Constantinople, including letters from Sahatdjian to the `Abbas Hilmi, `Arif Pasha and Andon Bey on his son Vahakan's visit to the Yemen. Letter from Sahatdjian on his fear that his visit to Arabia will be interpreted as a political mission (HIL/191/23-24); Sahatdjian writing to the Armenian Patriach on the Tokatlian affair (HIL/191/25,116); to Muhammad `Arabi on arms, mining salt, and the policies of the Imam, Persian Oil and Standard Oil towards oil in the Yemen (HIL/191/37-38,84-85); visits made by V. Sahatdjian's brother to al-Hudaydah and Djibouti to establish the precise quantity of exploitable salt in the region (HIL/191/42-46), the oil supply for `Abbas Hilmi's yacht (HIL/191/49-67,73-74,77-78,94-95); Sahatdjian to Andon Bey on Lamarre's work (HIL/191/86-87)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Yemen: II 1928-1935 HIL/191/1-142

Yemen: III
Reference: HIL/192/1-284
Dates of creation: 1927-1935
Hasan Anis Pasha
Material on the establishment of the Syndicat D'Études Economiques du Yemen and correspondence between Hasan Anis, the Sahatdjians, Andon Bey, `Abbas Hilmi and Lamarre about various trips/missions in the Yemen. Discussing his visit to Aden, meeting Sir Gilbert Clayton and the conflicts over the border between the Aden Protectorate and Imam Yahya's territory in North Yemen (HIL/192/10-13); to Andon Bey discussing la Société du Développement du Yemen (HIL/192/21-26) and the Imam's negotiations with the British (HIL/192/31). Boubli to Maître Martin attaching a proposed employment contract between `Abbas Hilmi and Mr V.M. Kenny Levech, who is to act as `Abbas Hilmi's agent and representative in the Yemen, with several attached objections to the contract (HIL/192/46-58). The statutes of the Société Générale du Yemen, in Arabic and in French (HIL/192/59-89). A royal decree ratifying the statutes of the Syndicat D'Études Economiques du Yemen, in Arabic and French (HIL/192/90-97). The constitution of the Syndicat D'Études Economiques du Yemen, in Arabic and French (HIL/192/98-107). A royal decreee authorising the constitution of the Syndicat, in Arabic and in French (HIL/192/108-110). A text regarding the consultation of the Grand Mufti of Egypt on the establishment of the society (HIL/192/114-116). Hasan Anis to `Abbas Hilmi stating that the Société will be established after the conclusion of hostilities and observing that local commerce is dominated by the Banque Turque pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (HIL/192/157-158); Lamarre to `Abbas Hilmi on his geological mission to the Yemen (HIL/192/179); reports on Asir and the Yemen including import/export statistics, administrative divisions, and details on the population and climate (HIL/192/222-242). A lecture by Colonel Jacob of the Central Asian Society on “The Yemen” , discussing local politics, military arrangements, transport and khat (HIL/192/242-255). An extract on trade in the Yemen from a report by the Overseas Trade Department (HIL/192/256-261)
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Yemen: III 1927-1935 HIL/192/1-284

Ahmad Hafiz Awad Bey
Reference: HIL/193/1-66
Dates of creation: 1910-1937
Member of the Khedive’s Cabinet and later proprietor and chief editor of Kawkab al-Sharq (Star of the East) a political daily journal.
Letters and reports in Arabic and French and a few letters in English, including: report in English by Awad Bey to the Khedive concerning Awad’s journal interview with Valentine Chirol of The Times covering the trip of Awad Bey with the Khedive during his pilgrimage, and the paper that Chirol wrote about his visit to Egypt and its present political situation and personalities (HIL/193/1-5); undated report (in Arabic) by Ahmad Hafiz Awad Bey, “Words of Saad-Allah Effendi, a solider in Darna with Aziz al-Masri Bey, and his arrival in Alexandria in the 9th of July”’ (HIL/193/6-8); letter to the Khedive concerning Mohammad Mahmoud Pasha, the al-Wafd Party, King Ahmad Fouad I and the Anglo-Egyptian treaty (HIL/193/23-26); letter to Abdullah Bey concerning political affairs between Great Britain and Sudan (HIL/193/29); letter to the Khedive concerning political events in Egypt, the political situation in Syria and Palestine, and news of Shekib Arsilan (HIL/193/44-49,55,59); letters, (one in French and the rest in English), from Salah the son of Ahmad Hafiz Awad Bey and Awad himself to the Khedive, requesting financial assistance (HIL/193/35-42)
Language:  English; French; Arabic
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Ahmad Hafiz Awad Bey 1910-1937 HIL/193/1-66

Jalal al-Din Pasha: I
Reference: HIL/194/1-144
Dates of creation: 1912-1913
Correspondence re the Turkish, Greek, Bulgarian war, Kavala and Thasos, re the upkeep of the palace of Çubuklu and re the Young Turks. Hassan Murad to `Abbas Hilmi on his attempts to find out the author of mysterious letters being sent from Constantinople to Jalal al-Din (194/1-6); Jalal al-Din to `Abbas Hilmi on the policy of the Great Powers towards the Adrianople question and a conversation with the German ambassador (HIL/194/7-8); two teachers who claim they cannot return to their madrasa at Kavala, soliciting the help of the Khedive (HIL/194/9-10); the Bulgarians refusing the Porte's offer of an armistice, cholera amongst the Turkish troops, and a memorandum presented by the Albanians (HIL/194/11-12); negotiations with the Bulgarians, the possibility of European intervention and refugees at Kavala and Salonica (HIL/194/15-16); `Abbas Hilmi's family heritage at Kavala and the war with the Bulgarians (HIL/194/17-18); Jalal al-Din's travels to the Dardanelles to assist refugees from the Balkans conflict on their way to Egypt (HIL/194/19-22); discussing negotiations with the European powers over the Capitulations and the declaration of Albanian independence (HIL/194/23-26); the fate of the refugees from Kavala whom `Abbas Hilmi has placed under his protection and Nizam Pasha's visit to Germany and Romania (HIL/194/27-29); plans to locate the Kavalan refugees in Anatolia, the course of the Bulgarian war, Ottoman politics (HIL/194/30-33); Jalal al-Din being honoured by `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/194/34-35); an article in the Frankfurter-Zeitung claiming that the Bulgarian Government has massacred returning Kavalan refugees and political manoeuverings between Nizam Pasha and Sa`id Halim Pasha (HIL/194/36-38); repairs at Çubuklu palace (HIL/194/39-41); a demand to Kiamil Pasha that Rauf Pasha be dismissed (HIL/194/42-43); the illness of Mr Theophile and new installations at Çubuklu (HIL/194/44-45); installing a telephone, and the teachers at Kavala (HIL/194/48-49); the attitude of the Great Powers towards the Adrianople question and threats to launch a naval demonstration near Constantinople if the Porte does not bow to pressure to cede it, various appointments in the Ottoman government (HIL/194/50-53); the assembly's consideration of the note from the Great Powers concerning Adrianople (HIL/194/54-55); irrigation in Kavala and refugees being housed in the farmhouse at Çubuklu (HIL/194/56-57); more on the relations between Nizam, Kiamil, Tawfiq and the Grand Vizier (HIL/194/58-61); predicting the downfall of the Ottoman Empire and repeating various statements about the Sultan's weakness made by G. Fitzmaurice (HIL/194/62-63); refugees, Bulgarian manoeuvres near Adrianople, and the appointment of Sa`id Halim Pasha (HIL/194/64-65); the military situation in the Balkans, diplomatic manoeuverings in Constantinople, the attitude of the German and Russian ambassadors (HIL/194/66-69); complaints by the customs department at Constantinople that `Abbas Hilmi is importing cars and weapons without permission (HIL/194/70-71); the condition of Ottoman soldiers in the Balkan wars, the Committee of Union and Progress hiring 1,500 “volunteers” to answer directly to itself, the resignation of Sa`id Halim Pasha, and rumours of a potential military coup/republican government (HIL/194/72-75); thanking `Abbas Hilmi for his kindness to his family (HIL/194/76-77); a request by the Grand Vizier to know when `Abbas Hilmi is coming to Constantinople, more work on Çubuklu (HIL/194/78-80); a petition from Wasfi Effendi concerning his retirement (HIL/194/81); Unionist attempts to gain the sympathy of the English and reactions to Djavid Bey's statement about decentralisation (HIL/194/82-84); politics in Constantinople in the wake of the end of the Bulgarian war and the upkeep of the Mahrussa (HIL/194/85-86); the potential for a new ministry under Sa`id Halim Pasha and further work on Çubuklu and the Mahrussa (HIL/194/87-90); fears about the army at Çatalca, the formation of the Ottoman cabinet and a conversation with the Austrian ambassador (HIL/194/91-94); the shock at the executions that have occurred in Constantinople including that of Damad Salih Pasha, political arrests and crackdowns on freedom of speech (HIL/194/95-98); the assassination of Mahmud Shevket Pasha and Ottoman attempts to extradite his chauffeur from Cairo, Sa`id Halim Pasha's manoeuverings in the world of European politics (HIL/194/99-102); a meeting with Talaat Bey, acquiring a loan from the Deutsche Orient-Bank to pay army pensions (HIL/194/103-106); the Commissariat D'Égypte (HIL/194/107-108); Bulgarian atrocities against Muslims and the re-occupation of Ottoman territory in the Balkans (HIL/194/109-112); Fitzmaurice's opinions on the Adrianople question and English Inspectors in Anatolia (HIL/194/113-116); installations at Çubuklu and more discussion of the Adrianople situation (HIL/194/117-120); `Abbas Hilmi's enquiries about one Koroudjou Yakoub and slanderous statements made by one Ahmad Effendi (HIL/194/121-124); the eagerness of members of the Committee for Union and Progress that `Abbas Hilmi visit Constantinople (HIL/194/125-126); the water supply at Çubuklu and confidential conversations with the Austrian Ambassador about Adrianople (HIL/194/127-130); the intention of Egyptian students in Constantinople to demonstrate on `Abbas Hilmi's arrival, and relations between Sa`id Halim Pasha and Khairy Bey (HIL/194/131-133); more on the water supply at Çubuklu (HIL/194/134-135); work on Çubuklu (HIL/194/136-144)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Jalal al-Din Pasha: I 1912-1913 HIL/194/1-144

Jalal al-Din Pasha: II
Reference: HIL/195/1-168
Dates of creation: 1913-1922
Personal secretary. Correspondence re Çubuklu Palace upkeep etc., re diplomatic and political matters in Turkey. Letters to `Abbas Hilmi concerning negotiations with the Ministry of Waqfs over land that `Abbas Hilmi wants to obtain (HIL/195/1-4); discussions with the Ministry of Finance over the retirement of Cherif `Ali (HIL/195/6-11); the mission of Haqqi Bey (HIL/195/12-13); confusion over arresting the assassin of Mahmud Shevket Pasha (HIL/195/14-15); the stables at Çubuklu (HIL/195/16-17); the conveyance of `Abbas Hilmi's message to the Porte (HIL/195/18-19); Jalal al-Din's success in persuading the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs to place a permanent post office in the village near Çubuklu, security at Çubuklu (HIL/195/20-21); installations at Çubuklu (HIL/195/22-27), the political situation of Munir Pasha, the appointment of Qadis and the situation in Albania (HIL/195/28-29); purges of the army and a discussion with Fitzmaurice concerning the appointment of the Qadis, Nubar Pasha and the issue of the Anatolian Armenians (HIL/195/32-33); public opinion towards `Abbas Hilmi in Turkey and statements made by Talaat Bey (HIL/195/34-35); reaction in diplomatic circles to the retirement of 300 officers, public attitudes towards the retirement of Mahmud Mukhtar Pasha, replacement of the naval and justice ministers (HIL/195/38-39); the water supply at Çubuklu (HIL/195/40-43,47-48); the policy of the CUP towards Thasos, and the wearing of headscarves, the appointment of Hussein Djahid Bey as minister of public education (HIL/195/44-45); the return of Izzat Pasha and disputes with Greece over Thasos and Kavala (HIL/195/51-52); the falling-out between Enver Pasha and Jamal Pasha (HIL/195/55-56); the kitchen at Çubuklu (HIL/195/57-58); the Egyptian Qadis (HIL/195/60-61); Sa`id Halim's death and Talaat Bey's meetings with Bulgarian MInisters (HIL/195/65); a meeting with Talaat Bey, Enver's imprisonment of `Aziz Bey, and an incident between Sandars Pasha and some soldiers (HIL/195/70); discussions with the German and Austrian ambassadors about Albania (HIL/195/72-73); a fire breaking out near Çubuklu (HIl.195/75-76); a meeting with Cherif Abdoull Bey and Talaat Bey's opposition to the return of Farid Pasha (HIL/195/78-80); divisions within the CUP, the formation of pro-Talaat and pro-Sa`id Halim camps, conversations with the French ambassador and an English adviser (HIL/195/81-85); preparations for war against Russia in Eastern Anatolia and conversations with English diplomats about financial reform (HIL/195/90); the roles of Talaat Bey, Enver Pasha, Djamal Pasha and `Abdul-`Aziz Chaouch in the CUP and their military links (HIL/195/94); a statement from “Tanine” about `Aziz al-Masri, and Enver Bey insisting that the Sheyhülislam make a particular fatwa (HIL/195/97-98); disputes in the Ottoman Parliament and disagreements with the Church Patriarchs (HIL/195/99-100); discussing territory disputes between `Abbas Hilmi and the Ministry of Waqfs (HIL/195/104-106); Izzat Pasha's mission to negotiate with the Greeks on behalf of `Abbas Hilmi, the situation in Albania, and the prospects of Talaat Bey becoming Grand Vizier (HIL/195/107-109); a meeting with Madame Boppe (HIL/195/110-111); worsening Greco-Ottoman relations (HIL/195/114-115); the assassination of Mahmud Shevket Pasha (HIL/195/116-119); unrest in the Kurdish vilayets, vandals in Anatolia and Greek immigration (HIL/195/120-121); avoiding war with Greece (HIL/195/123); hiring a doctor to treat the Princess (HIL/195/124-125,129-130); the accounts of Kavala (HIL/195/126-127); more negotiations with the Ministry of Waqfs (HIL/195/131-132); Monsieur Padel's belief that `Abbas Hilmi should return to Constantinople soon and that Talaat Bey and the Sheyhülislam are favourably disposed towards him (HIL/195/133-134); conversations with the German ambassador about Serbia (HIL/195/136-137); Isma`il Haqqi Bey's interest in supporting `Abbas Hilmi's cause, and Talaat Bey's interest in the Egyptian Army (HIL/195/138-139); a meeting with Enver and Talaat, discussing the Egyptian Army and public opinion in Egypt (HIL/195/140-143); Talaat's assistance with paying the pensions of Egyptian Army Officers (HIL/195/144-146); Shafiq Pasha's report on the situation in Constantinople (HIL/195/146-147); discussing `Abbas Hilmi's proposed military expedition into Egypt (HIL/195/149-151); `Abbas Hilmi's visit to Berlin and the question of “Mekouk III ”, the arrest of Armenian notables allegedly involved in a plot (HIL/195/152-157); a meeting with Salim Pasha (HIL/195/159); a meeting with Prince `Abd al-Moneim (HIL/195/160); a visit to Bonne, meeting Fu'ad Salim Bey (HIL/195/161); more debates with the Ministry of Waqfs (HIL/195/164-166)
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Jalal al-Din Pasha: II 1913-1922 HIL/195/1-168

Aziza de Rochbrune and Muhammad Bey Farid
Reference: HIL/196/1-76
Dates of creation: 1912-1920
Letters from Aziza de Rochbrune to `Abbas Hilmi asking for employment and money (HIL/196/1-3); discussing her work at the Red Crescent and desire to move to Adrianople (HIL/196/8-9); offering to work for `Abbas Hilmi in Switzerland (HIL/196/18-19); discussing meetings with `Aziz al-Masri, Hassan Pasha Ridwan, and the question of the Caliphate (HIL/196/20-21); asking `Abbas Hilmi to confront Nur al-Din, Shamsi Bey and herself over a perceived insult (HIL/196/27); to Yusuf Sadiq Pasha complaining of her situation and asking for assistance (HIL/196/4-7); unaddressed letters confirming her receipt of 20 Turkish pounds from Mahmud Rifa`at Bey (HIL/196/10-14); and 20 Turkish pounds from Sadiq Pasha (HIL/196/17), in addition to a further 18 English pounds from Sadiq Pasha (HIL/196/45); discussing `Abbas Hilmi's treatment at the hands of the British (HIL/196/49-50); her return from France (HIL/196/54); stating that there is a grave matter she must meet with `Abbas Hilmi to discuss (HIL/196/55); discussing her enemies and asking for money (HIL/196/56-57,59); discussing an article in Le Journal concerning Effendina (HIL/196/58); commenting on Farid's death, the negative publicity she has received and her desire to see `Abbas Hilmi again (HIL/196/60); to Polonesky discussing Farid Bey (HIL/196/33); meeting `Abbas Hilmi in Geneva and his anger at Aziza for departing to France without prior permission (HIL/196/38-39); her secret meetings on behalf of `Abbas Hilmi with Farid Bey, head of the Egyptian National (Al-Watani) party (HIL/196/40-41); her departure for Athens (HIL/196/43-44). René to Effendina stating that he hopes they will meet in August, in Switzerland (HIL/196/52-53). Letters from Muhammad Farid to Effendina and `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/196/65-71).
Untitled and unsigned report on Egypt 1915, discussing public opinion, British military strategy (HIL/196/22-26).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 26
Digitised material for Aziza de Rochbrune and Muhammad Bey Farid 1912-1920 HIL/196/1-76

Dr. Jur. Muhammad Farid Aita
Reference: HIL/197/1-176
Dates of creation: 1926-1936
Barrister Turkey (Istanbul).
Correspondence and reports on business and legal matters.
Language:  French; Arabic; German; Turkish
Microfilm: 26 (1-79): 27 (74-176)
Digitised material for Dr. Jur. Muhammad Farid Aita 1926-1936 HIL/197/1-176

Salah Munir Pasha and wife Fatma
Reference: HIL/198/1-55
Dates of creation: 1912-1941
General Sharif Pasha, first delegate from Kurdistan to the Peace Conference and proposed by Britain as Prince of Kurdistan; including copies of letters from Ismet Inonu, and the Caliph Abdul-Medjid II. Letters from Kamran Edhem-Hamdi.
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 27
Digitised material for Salah Munir Pasha and wife Fatma 1912-1941 HIL/198/1-55

Account Book
Reference: HIL/199/1-21
Dates of creation: 1913
Office of Muhammad Amin, flour merchant.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 27
Digitised material for Account Book 1913 HIL/199/1-21

Account Book
Reference: HIL/200/1-7
Dates of creation: No date
Similar to 199.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 27
Digitised material for Account Book Early 20th Century HIL/200/1-7

`Uthman Murtada Pasha
Reference: HIL/201/1-130
Dates of creation: 1913-1914
Legal file re property etc.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 27
Digitised material for `Uthman Murtada Pasha, 1913-1914 - HIL/201/1-130

Dr. Said Bey Kamil: I
Reference: HIL/202/1-543
Dates of creation: 1914-1921
Covert movements against the British in Egypt, including: reports on discussions held between Shafik Pasha, an unknown German Baron, Ismaïl Bey Labib and Enver Pasha about secret movements against the British in Egypt, with accompanying report (HIL/202/3-12) with section headings (i) A project for secret relations with Egypt, (ii) Ismaïl Labib Bey project, (iii) Project for the educational movement through the Sharif Faïsal of Mecca, (iv) Miscellaneous news; report (in French), “Project for organising secret reports with Egypt”, and covering objectives and principles of the organisation, designation of the representatives, practical means to organise regular communications with Egypt, to get an object into Egypt, and to spread patriotic proclamations in Egypt (HIL/202/13-27); report, “Organisation for the secret reports with Egypt” (HIL/202/28-31), describing a Central Egyptian Committee in Vienna, a second centre in Constantinople, and a representative in Alexandria; with related draft letters, telegrams and copies from political papers in Switzerland (HIL/202/38-93); papers relating to Khedival immunity under Swiss law (HIL/202/94-133), and referencing case concerning Polo Pasha (HIL/202/125-130, 160-168); correspondence 1915-1918 between Abdullah Selim al-Bishri, Sayed Kamel and the Khedive concerning khedivial affairs and the situation in Egypt (HIL/202/136-181).
Letters and reports from Dr Saïd Bey Kamil (chiefly), Yehya al-Dardiri, Shafik and the Khedive concerning miscellaneous political subjects related to Egypt and Sultan Hussein Kamil, in addition to news concerning individuals and events, including: report from Yehya al-Dardiri concerning the union of Egyptians and the Egyptian National Movement and Egyptian autonomy and its independence (HIL/202/228-229, 230-238); report concerning Egyptian students in Switzerland (HIL/202/348-358); report concerning the succession to the throne of Egypt, in particular the succession of Prince Hussein Kamil (HIL/202/271-274); reports on the media and the Khedive in exile (HIL/202/275-277, 278-283), one with a letter from Ismaïl Labib Bey; report on the abdication of Prince Kamal-al-Din Hussein (HIL/202/289); report concerning a meeting with Dr Lotfy Diaa Bey in Lausanne on 18/19 March 1918 (HIL202/296/302); report concerning relations with the Turkish Legation at Berne (HIL/202/304-309); report regarding the study of Price Mohammad Abd-al-Moneim at Lausanne (HIL/202/313-315); report from Shafik to the Khedive concerning miscellaneous news related to the khedival family (HIL/202/319-325); report on the Cavallini court case (HIL/202/326-336); report regarding the rejection of Sheikh al-Ghayati to join the Media Association and the Masonic Association in Geneva and affairs related to Ghayati and the Polo Pasha Court case (HIL/202/327-329); the Parodi affairs and the testimony of Nour-al-Din Vlora in the Polo Pasha Court (HIL/202/294,359-364); report concerning the lawyer Pitard and the Polo Pasha case (HIL/202/371-375).
Reports concerning miscellaneous political subjects mostly related to Egypt, 1921, including: project for the renewal of the Young Egyptians Association in Europe (HIL/202/397-399); khedivial court cases in Egypt (HIL/202/418-421); tourism of the Sultan (HIL/202/449-450); British Ministers’ declarations (HIL/202/448); Lord Milner (HIL/202/446); the return of the Wafd Party to Egypt (HIL/202/437-443); the appointment of Egyptian Official Diplomats (HIL/202/451-454); the Adli Pasha Government (HIL/202/455-457, 468-471, 492-495, 509); the return of Saad Zaghloul to Egypt and his politics and other affairs (HIL/202/465-469, 482-490); information concerning Abdullah Selim al-Bishri, Hassan Hossni Shafik, Hafez Awad Bey, Ismaïl Abaza Pasha, and Amin Bey al-Rafi (HIL/202/474-477); the politics of Sultan Ahmad Fouad I (HIL/202/510-511); the loyalty of Prince Aziz Hassan to the Khedive, Prince Mohammad Abd-al-Moneim in Lausanne (HIL/202/503); the Young Men’s Muslim Association (HIL/202/509); three hand-books (in French) entitled (i) Egyptian Question: notice on the rupture of relations between the Khedive and the British Government, Lausanne, 11 April 1916 (HIL/202/515-526), (ii) Egyptian Question: relation of the Khedive and the British Government, Lausanne, 20 September 1914 (HIL/202/527-537); (iii) Confidential memories: an essay concerning arrangement with the British Government, Lausanne, 21 October 1916 (HIL/202/538-543)
Language:  Arabic; French; with some Ottoman Turkish; and German
Microfilm: 27
Digitised material for Dr. Said Bey Kamil: I, 1914-1921 - HIL/202/1-543

Dr. Said bey Kamil: II
Reference: HIL/203/1-574
Dates of creation: 1914-1918
Correspondence and reports and other papers on a variety of subjects, including: lawsuit re the publication of a banned pamphlet Britain in Decadence by Dr Mansour Rifaat, an Egyptian resident in Geneva, publisher of a journal entitled La Partie Egyptiènne (HIL/203/4-14, 19-20, 25-33); Muslim Union Society / Muslim Fraternity of Lausanne (HIL/203/15, 21-22, 36-54); private wakf lawsuits (Arabic) (HIL/203/58-97); Egyptian nationalist movement (HIL/203/98-159), including correspondence from the Union of Nationalities in Lausanne, booklet (French) The Egyptian Question presented by the Egyptian Delegation at the 3rd Conference of the Nationalities (HIL/203/98-116), speech “The Egyptian Question” (French) delivered by Mansour al-Kadi President of the Egyptian Association “Misr” of Lausanne during a June 1916 conference in Lausanne (HIL/203/118-136), list of Egyptians residing in Geneva in 1916 (HIL/203/137-138), “Impressions of Constantinople” interview with Farid Bey Chief of the National Party with journalists in Vienna (French and German) (HIL/203/140-141), booklet (Arabic) The Holy Jihad, Against the Enemies of Islam, Great Britain, France and Russia published by Ismaïl Labib from the National Party accompanying the army of the Great Caliph (HIL/203/142-159); khedivial litigation in Switzerland (HIL/203/160-194); Memorandum (French) concerning the case of Clément de Arvy (HIL/203/171-174); copies of political documents (HIL/203/195-263), including manuscript booklet “The Egyptian Question and Abbas Hilmi II Khedive of Egypt during the First World War” (Arabic) (HIL/203/242-263); relations between the Khedive and the Turkish Legation in Bern (HIL/203/264-272); relations between the Khedive and the Egyptian community in Switzerland (HIL/203/273); memorandum (French) “Life of Dr Hussein Zaki”, October 1916 (HIL/203/278-279); article (Arabic) by Dr Moustafa Hossni Moro concerning the behavior of the Ottoman authorities towards an Egyptian in Istanbul, 28 June 1915 (HIL/203/281-289); report (Arabic) by Dr Moustafa Hossni Moro on the establishment of an Egyptian Hospital in Istanbul for war casualties, May 1915 (HIL/203/290-292); correspondence with Baron Oppenheim, with formula and ?sample of synthetic ink and cypher keys (HIL/203/293-7); lawsuit concerning Yeghen pasha and stolen khedivial papers (HIL/203/305-338, 508-574); Said bey Kamil’s relations with the Khedive (HIL/203/352-393) and Prince Abdel Moneim (HIL/203/394-466); private political papers (HIL/203/467-507).
Language:  French; Arabic; German
Microfilm: 27 (1-508): 28 (509-574)
Digitised material for Dr. Said bey Kamil: II, 1914-1918 - HIL/203/1-574

Ahmad Maha pasha and Yusri pasha
Reference: HIL/204/1-49
Dates of creation: 1903; 1914-1916; 1938
Correspondence and papers on various legal affairs, including: Ahmad Maher pasha concerning the endowments of Princess Zeinab Hanem (wakf Gheit al-Mesbah), later managed by Prince Saïd Halim pasha, and also relating to the Société Belge-Egypiènne de l’Ezbékieh, 1938 (HIL/204/43-49¬) (French); Dr Saïd Bey Kamil and Saïfu-Allah Yousri concerning the finances of Daïra Saifu-al-Din, 1914-1916 (HIL/204/34-42) (Arabic and French); photocopies of letters concerning Amir Lutf-Allah and financial actions, 1903 (HIL/204/11-27) (French)
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Ahmad Maha pasha and Yusri pasha, 1903; 1914-1916; 1938 - HIL/204/1-49

Charles Guinaud
Reference: HIL/205/1-36
Dates of creation: 1915-1917
Barrister in Neuchâtel. Correspondence and bills re financial matters, legal claims, etc.
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Charles Guinaud, 1915-1917 - HIL/205/1-36

Abd al-Hamid Shadid Bey
Reference: HIL/206/1-701
Dates of creation: 1915-1936
Shafik, Shadid Bey, Andon Vahan Bey Keutcheyan, Marquise d’Ada, Jalal al-Din pasha, Shaaban pasha and others (Arabic and French); Compagnie Agricole Industrielle et Commerce d’Orient (CAICO) and Hussein Jonness Ben Shaaban, Director of the Turkish Bank for Commerce and Industry in Constantinople (HIL/206/246-250); establishment of the Arabian Bank at Hejaz (HIL/206/251-259, 359-363, 481) (Arabic, French and English); sale of shares and jewelry; correspondence of King Abdulaziz, the Khedive, Sheikh Hafez Wahba in London, Shadid Bey, Dr Mahmoud Azmi and Abd-Allh Selim al-Beshri Beyand Hussein Shaaban (206/409-453, 520-548, 566, 588-623) (Arabic); report on the economy of Arabia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (HIL/206/482-485) (French) ; decree of King Abdulaziz authorising the creation of La Banque Royale Privilegiee de l'Arabie (HIL/206/635-636) (English); establishment of the Bank of Transjordan (HIL/206/255-257, 497-500).
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Abd al-Hamid Shadid Bey, 1915-1936 - HIL/206/1-701

Sequestration papers, 1915-1919
Reference: HIL/441
Dates of creation: 1915-1919
Annual reports and accounts of the management of Daïra Abbas Pacha Hilmi for the years 1915-1918, submitted by Pierre Claudio Jannet, Sequestrator, to the President of the Mixed Courts of Cairo, 8 February 1919, with 1-31 January 1919 account, and inventory (with valuations) of 22 boxes of property at the Daïra address of Rue Emad el Din delivered by Jannet to L.S. Hargreaves, Official Sequestrator of Enemy Property, on 2 February 1919, and then deposited at the National Bank of Egypt under the direction of the Public Custodian of Enemy Property, with a further inventory of precious objects retained by the treasurer of the Daïra.
Correspondence and court papers, with order 16-17 March 1915, relating to a suit in the Mixed Courts of first instance in Cairo appointing Pierre Claudio Jannet, Director-General of Credit Foncier Egyptien, as sequestrator of the property of the former khedive, in the place of F.G. Bonham Carter of Savoy Chambers, who was appointed on 29 December 1914 by the Minister of Finance.
Letter from P.C. Jannet, sequestrator, to the President of the Mixed Courts in Cairo 11 June 1918, with note explicative (2 copies), requesting extension of his powers as defined by an order (see above) dated 17 March 1915, in connection with liquidating assets of Terrains de Guizeh et Rodah, a joint enterprise between Daïra Abbas Pacha Hilmi and C.G. Zervudachi et fils (now in liquidation).
Language:  French; Arabic
Accessioned, 24 January 2003: BAK180; Misc.2002/2003:22.
Digitised material for Sequestration papers, 1915-1919 - HIL/441

Muhammad Nafih
Reference: HIL/207/1-59
Dates of creation: 1914-1941
Correspondence chiefly from Mohammad Nafih, employee of the Khedivial Daïra and a prisoner of war in Malta, including: to his grandfather Gamal Ali with news concerning himself and imprisoned colleagues; to the Khedive re Nafa’s financial difficulties and maintenance of the Khedive’s yacht; note on the transfer of Egyptians, Germans, Austrians and the employees of the Khedivial Daïra from Egypt to Malta by the British authorities (HIL/206/4-5); letter from the Spanish Consulate to the Khedive concerning the arrest of Mohammad Nafia (HIL/207/6).
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Muhammad Nafih, 1914-1941 - HIL/207/1-59

Dr. Mustafa Husni Morro
Reference: HIL/208/1-161
Dates of creation: 1916-1921
Correspondence on a variety of subjects, including: to the Khedive concerning Morro’s medical accomplishments during his time in Europe and financial matters; correspondence between banker Albert Hosmi, ex-Minister of the Khedivial House at Lausanne, Ahmad Shafik pasha, lawyer M.H. Vallotton-Warnéry, lawyer Charles Niess and Dr Morro regarding Homsi claims over a sum of money borrowed by the Khedivah [?Ikbal] from Hosmi through Shafik pasha (HIL/208/55-59), with reports and letters from Morro to the Khedive re the same claims (HIL/208/64-148); copy letter from Minister of Finance to Princess Ikbal informing her that her credit balance with the Daïra of the Khedive is exhausted and as a consequence her monthly remittance of E£ 600 will be no longer sent (HIL/208/65); financial status of Princess Ikbal (HIL/208/126-144); widow of Mr Daniels who accompanied Prince Abd-al-Kader during his stay in Europe, requesting financial assistance from the Khedive (HIL/208/67-70); Morro to the Khedive re the health of Prince Abd-al-Kader and announcement of his death (HIL/208/145-147).
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Dr. Mustafa Husni Morro, 1916-1921 - HIL/208/1-161

Liquidation of khedivial property in Egypt
Reference: HIL/209/1-26
Dates of creation: 1916-1921
Correspondence, including: Minister of Holland (HIL/209/10-11); British High Commissioner, Constantinople (HIL/208/4-9); notes by Rousso concerning Ryan, Political Consul of the High British Commission in Constantinople (HIL/209/12-14); letter from the Khedive to Field- Marshal Allenby concerning the Khedive’s protest against the liquidation of khedivial property in Egypt (HIL/209/21), with Arabic translation (HIL/209/17-18); intervention of the King of Belgium into the sequestrated goods of the Khedive (HIL/209/22-24).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Liquidation of khedivial property in Egypt, 1916-1921 - HIL/209/1-26

Constant Schaufelberger
Reference: HIL/210/1-139
Dates of creation: 1917-1921
Correspondence, including: [?khedivial] statement / speech on the outbreak of the First World War, peace negotiations, and the position of Egypt in Europe (HIL/210/5-11); application (with curriculum vitae) to Prof. Dr Métral to work for the Khedive (HIL/210/15-17); to [?]Prince Kmal-al-Din Hussein concerning family news and Prince Abd-al-Kader (HIL/210/20-39); to the Khedive concerning financial negotiations with engineer M.G.F. Blonchod concerning the establishment of a factory in Constantinople (HIL/210/79-80); to the Khedive, with updates from Shiboukli; reports of meetings with Egyptians in Geneva re financial matters, sequestration, legal cases, etc.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Constant Schaufelberger, 1917-1921 - HIL/210/1-139

Muhammad Effendi Rifa`at
Reference: HIL/211/1-90
Dates of creation: 1917-1932
Former official of Khedival Daïra Khassa. Information on sales of immovable property in Cairo and names of buyers (1921), preparation list of archives.
Correspondence from Mohammad Effendi Rifaat, former official of khedival Daïra Khassa on various subjects, including: the sale of khedivial buildings and lands in Cairo; cataloguing and packing the Khedive’s archives in Cairo; Egypt’s internal political affairs, including the conflict between Sad Zaghloul Pasha, the Government and Adli Yakan Pasha; the Governments of Sarwat Pasha and Nasim Pasha; the assassination of British employees; the committee writing Egypt’s new constitution, and Parliamentary elections (HIL/211/61-64); suggested separation of the Sudan from Egypt (HIL/211/52, 56); news of the Khedivah and members from the khedivial family; revenues and expenses related to Teftishes (Inspections) of Montaza, Ismaïlia, Qubbeh and Edfina; khedivial palace administration (maintenance, salaries, employees); information concerning the burning of some rooms in Abdin Palace (HIL/211/50); Prince Mohammad Ali Tawkfik and his appointment as Master of the Grand Masonic Lodge in Egypt (HIL/211/45); transfer from Koubbeh Palace to Doubara Palace (known as Qasr al-Doubarah); sale of khedivial buildings and lands with names of purchasers (HIL/211/4, 87-89); the collection and transportation of the Khedive’s belongings from Montaza, Koubbeh and Moustouroud Palaces and other places (HIL/211/57-63); preparations for the funeral and memorial service of Prince Abd-al-Kader in Egypt (HIL/211/66, 74-76); 7 reports on “General Affairs”, chiefly re the internal political situation in Egypt, the revolt against the British, and efforts for Egypt’s independence (HIL/211/10-30).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 28
Digitised material for Muhammad Effendi Rifa`at, 1917-1932 - HIL/211/1-90

Reference: HIL/212/1-146
Dates of creation: 1918
Blind correspondence. Administration of Waqfs, in particular schools.
(see also files 161, 75, 180, 181)
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 28 (1-46): 29 (46-146)
Digitised material for Kavala, 1918 - HIL/212/1-146

James Bey
Reference: HIL/213/1-41
Dates of creation: 1919-1920
Ezbekieh Company, `Abbas Hilmi's investments and business interests.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for James Bey, 1919-1920 - HIL/213/1-41

Hasan Khairi
Reference: HIL/214/1-48
Dates of creation: 1920s-1930s
Barrister in Istanbul. Correspondence etc. re Turkish estates.
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Turkish
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Hasan Khairi, 1920s-1930s - HIL/214/1-48

Legal proceedings re sale Khedive's goods
Reference: HIL/215/1-238
Dates of creation: 1920-1928
Ahmad Sadiq, Hasan Ahmad Isa, Moteurs Stambul, consultation re taxation of foreigners resident in France, requisition cars in Turkey, Ali Hanafi Naji in Cairo, Gelal proceedings, Shadid Affair, dispute with Crdit Foncier (land bank), etc.
Language:  French, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Legal proceedings re sale Khedive's goods, 1920-1928 - HIL/215/1-238

Legal case: Daïra of Abbas Pasha Hilmi v. Mohamed Aly Bey Djelal and others
Reference: HIL/438
Dates of creation: 7 September-23 November 1921
Court papers from a 3rd chamber civil counterclaim suit brought in the Mixed Courts of first instance of Cairo: Daïra of Abbas Pasha Hilmi v. Mohamed Aly Bey Djelal, Mahmoud Mohe y Eddine bey Djelal, Caisse Auxiliaire Foncière.
Language:   French
Accessioned, 20 August 2004: Misc.2004/2005:36.
Digitised material for Legal case: Daïra of Abbas Pasha Hilmi v. Mohamed Aly Bey Djelal and others, September-November 1921 - HIL/438

Waqfs: legal papers
Reference: HIL/431/1-157
Dates of creation: December 1920-October 1922
Legal papers concerning royal waqfs in Egypt: many documents authenticated by Ottoman, Belgian and Egyptian officials at Constantinople and Cairo.
Language:  Arabic; French
Digitised material for Waqfs: legal papers, December 1920-October 1922 - HIL/431/1-157

Waqfs: legal papers
Reference: HIL/432/1-142
Dates of creation: 1921-1923
Legal papers concerning the sequestration and sale of royal waqfs in Egypt, with a summary of the legal process to 1921, and correspondence, chiefly from Ahmed Loutfi Bey, counsel for the ex-khedive.
Language:  Arabic; French; English
Digitised material for Waqfs: legal papers, 1921-1923 - HIL/432/1-142

Mortgage of Kasr Chirine de Cimiez, Nice
Reference: HIL/397/1-75
Dates of creation: 1921-1936
Legal and personal correspondence between `Abbas Hilmi II, Princess Vijdane (Wigdan) Ibrahim Hilmi, their legal representatives and the princess' creditors, and involving the mortgage of the villa Kasr Chirine de Cimiez at Nice.
The Arabic documents in this file have not yet been catalogued.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Digitised material for Mortgage of Kasr Chirine de Cimiez, Nice, 1921-1936 - HIL/397/1-75

Hanafi Naji
Reference: HIL/216/1-73
Dates of creation: 1922-1924
Various re people's movements and his own expenses incurred travelling Italy, Germand, Switzerland, England (telegrams in English and French).
(see also file 215)
Language:  French; English; Arabic
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Hanafi Naji, 1922-1924 - HIL/216/1-73

John Godolphin Bennet
Reference: HIL/217/1-179
Dates of creation: 1921-1923
Legal documents, letters re recovery of estates.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for John Godolphin Bennet, 1921-1923 - HIL/217/1-179

Eduardo de Nari and Seminati
Reference: HIL/218/1-269
Dates of creation: 1921-1928
Reports and correspondence concerning the sale of Dalamon and the maintenance of Çubuklu, including: Chief Engineer and Architect Edoardo De Nari in Constantinople re Çubuklu, Saïd Mollah and Yeni-Techiflik properties; sale of Dalamon to bankers Count Gustave Caprini and Eugenio Capodagli and industrialist Jules Giraldini (Dalamon Syndicate) (HIL/218/1-3, 38-50); Articles by the Société Agricole commerciale et industrielle de Dalamon forming the Société Anonyme Ottomane (218/23-32); Draft articles by the Syndicate of Dalamon forming the Société Anonyme Ottomane in Constantinople (218/33-36); sketch dated 22 January 1922 of repairs to the retaining wall of a stable at Çubuklu, with letter from Delfo Seminati, architect (218/53-54); ships “Arimatea” (at Naples) and “Bithinia” (at Constantinople) (HIL/218/86-87); Çubuklu, Saïd Mollah, Yeni-Techiflik accounts (218/146-150, 155-159, 171-172); lease for 1 year of Yeni-Techiflik to De Nari, 11 September 1921 (HIL/218/248-249); quotation for works to steam-driven machinery by Georges Jost of Constantinople (HIL/218/254-256).
Language:  French; Italian
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Eduardo de Nari and Seminati, 1921-1928 - HIL/218/1-269

Louis Causse
Reference: HIL/219/1-324
Dates of creation: 1921-1931
Administration of Khedive's finances and estates. Notes on Ezbekieh business, disposal of shares, Allard proposals, financial interests in Egypt. Milli-Petrole, disposal of money left after liquidation.
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Louis Causse, 1921-1931 - HIL/219/1-324

Daïra Khassa and El Incha and Mounira palaces
Reference: HIL/488/1-26
Dates of creation: 17 June 1922-23 December 1925
Financial and legal papers concerning Daïra Khassa and El Incha and Mounira palaces and financial settlements to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, including correspondence between Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and his father `Abbas Hilmi II, and sale of El Incha palace to Raphael Toriel.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Daïra Khassa and El Incha and Mounira palaces, 17 June 1922 - December 1925 - HIL/488/1-26

Law Number 28
Reference: HIL/220/1-8
Dates of creation: 1922
Law re liquidation property and restriction of rights of Khedive.
Language:  French; English; Arabic
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Law Number 28, 1922 - HIL/220/1-8

Hasan Sabri Pasha
Reference: HIL/221/1-22
Dates of creation: 1922
Lawyer in Egypt. Ezbekieh Affair.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 29
Digitised material for Hasan Sabri Pasha, 1922 - HIL/221/1-22

Ali Rahmi bey of Rhodes
Reference: HIL/222/1-126
Dates of creation: 1908-1909, c.1922
Correspondence and official deeds. Legal proceedings e.g. against Daïra Khassa, Rhodes.
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Italian
Microfilm: 29 (1-109): 30 (110-126)
Digitised material for Ali Rahmi bey of Rhodes, 1908-1909, c.1922 - HIL/222/1-126

Lawyers: I
Reference: HIL/223/1-98
Dates of creation: 1922-1939
Faiz Haddad in Palestine, Paul Olagnier in Paris, Ant. Manes in Rome, Georges Bazerghi in Cairo, Paul Auer in Budapest, J. Zimmerli in Lucerne, Leon Martin in Geneva (C.A.I.C.O.).
Correspondence re liquidiation of estate goods, case against de Martino, libel action against al-Arab newspaper in Jerusalem.
German material in HIL/223/1-98:
Letter from solicitor Dr Jozsef Hüvös addressed to the Khedive, dated Budapest 27 November 1938, requesting the sum of 28.000 Fengo still outstanding to his deceased father-in-law Dr Rudolf Klein to be paid to his former wife Elisabeth Klein as she finds herself in financial difficulties after her divorce from him (HIL223/77-78).
Letter from Mrs E. Hüvös addressed to the Khedive, dated Budapest 10 January 1939. Elisabeth Hüvös still has not received the outstanding sum and reminds the Khedive of the difficult financial situation she is currently facing. The sum has been outstanding for 25 years. (HIL223/79-82) Copy of a letter (no signature) dated Lucerne 15 July 1915, giving solicitor Dr J. Zimmerli in Lucerne power of attorney to withdraw H.E. Joussouf Saddik Pasha from being the intimate of the finance office of the Dhaira Kassa, as well as revoking all orders previously given to him. (HIL223/92)
Language:  French; German; English; Arabic
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Lawyers: I, 1922-1939 - HIL/223/1-98

Lawyers: II
Reference: HIL/224/1-117
Dates of creation: 1923-1924
Solicitors: Sir George Lewis, Sir Ernest Roney.
Barristers: Sir William Jowitt, A.P. Fachiri.
`Abbas Hilmi's claims to rights and lands under the Lausanne Treaty, Petition of Right at King's Bench and Egyptian Courts, cases in Chancery.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Lawyers: II, 1923-1924 - HIL/224/1-117

Robert Chasseaud
Reference: HIL/225/1-549
Dates of creation: 1922-1940
Diplomatic, law suits, business correspondence from several people e.g. naturalisation of tug "Dalaman".
Language:  French; Italian
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Robert Chasseaud, 1922-1940 - HIL/225/1-549

Isa Bunduq and Shuqri Jasir bey
Reference: HIL/226/1-238
Dates of creation: 1922-1941
Correspondence and reports from Isa Bunduq, Secretary of the Arab National Committee of Bethlehem and proprietor of newspaper Saut al-Sha`b (1934-1941), and from Shuqri Jasir bey (1922-1935), including: Shuqri Jasir bey chiefly to the Khedive and Emir Shekib Arslan concerning a project establishing an anonymous company / bank in an European country and to create agencies in the Mediterranean East (Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Transjordan, and Hejaz) in order to obtain concessions; contract between (1) Emilio Faldella, Vezio Lucchini; and (2) Shuqri Jasir bey, annotated 10 December 1935, concerning peace negotiations with Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, detailing contingency plans (HIL/226/30-33); list of financial associates of Shuqri Jasir bey (HIL/226/10); Shuqri Jasir bey to the Khedive re political situation in the Middle East and British control, 18 May 1922 (HIL/226/1-7); Isa Bunduq chiefly to the Khedive, sent from Istanbul, Rome, London and Athens 1934-1941, concerning European interventions into Arab politics, the Palestine question, and French intervention in Syria; Isa Bunduq to Benito Mussolini re revolt in Palestine against Zionists supported by Britain, dated Rome 8 January XVII E.F. [1938] (HIL/226/58-61); Isa Bunduq to the Head of the Arab Kingdom Delegations concerning Christians and the holy places in Palestine, dated Rome 20 January 1939 (HIL/226/66-68).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Isa Bunduq and Shuqri Jasir bey, 1922-1941 - HIL/226/1-238

Salih Sadiq bey
Reference: HIL/227/1-17
Dates of creation: 1923
Barrister in Alexandria. Law suits re liquidation Daïra and re Princess Iqbal Khanum
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Salih Sadiq bey, 1923 - HIL/227/1-17

Dr. Jur. Fr. von Dumreicher
Reference: HIL/228/1-11
Dates of creation: 1923
Barrister in Berlin. Business matters, insurance, etc.
Language:   French
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Dr. Jur. Fr. von Dumreicher, 1923 - HIL/228/1-11

Princess Alexandra Averino and her son
Reference: HIL/229/1-315
Dates of creation: 1905-1924
British and Egyptian negotiations through George Lewis. Possible law suits.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Microfilm: 30
Digitised material for Princess Alexandra Averino and her son, 1905-1924 - HIL/229/1-315

Ahmad bey Lutfi
Reference: HIL/230/1-86
Dates of creation: 1922-1935
Telegrams and correspondence re financial affairs.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 30 (1-14): 31 (15-86)
Digitised material for Ahmad bey Lutfi, 1922-1935 - HIL/230/1-86

Legal Proceedings
Reference: HIL/231/1-18
Dates of creation: 1924-1929
In Egyptian court, Cairo. Abd al-Hamid Lutfi, Princess Iqbal against `Abbas Hilmi, correspondence, etc.
Microfilm: 31
Digitised material for Legal Proceedings, 1924-1929 - HIL/231/1-18

Lucien Bareilles
Reference: HIL/232/1-65
Dates of creation: 1921-1934
Barrister in Istanbul and Paris.
Correspondence re cases before Civil Tribunal, Consular Tribunal (inc. Gelal [Jalal] case), financial matters (sale petrol in Turkey, Banque Nationale de Turque, etc.).
Microfilm: 31
Digitised material for Lucien Bareilles, 1921-1934 - HIL/232/1-65

Hasan Mustafa: petroleum exploration; timber
Reference: HIL/399/1-94
Dates of creation: 1925-1934
Correspondence, principally with Hassan Mustafa, reports and other papers, relating to investment opportunities in: petroleum exploration and concessions in Persia, Turkey, Iraq, Russia; forestry at Bolu, Turkey; real estate; the manufacturing and transport industries. Includes: expressions of interest in participating in projects for example by Anton Raky (drilling innovator), 17 June 1928 (HIL/399/7), and former Bavarian Interior Minister Franz Xaver Schweyer, 7 July 1927 (HIL/399/31-32); memorandum on oil affairs in the East, April 1927 (HIL/399/36-39); assessments of William Knox D'Arcy and Julius Edwardes (HIL/399/86-87); report on the Merefte Oil Field, with estimate of costs, by Julius Edwardes, 19 April 1928 (HIL/399/8-12).
The Arabic and German items in this file have not yet been catalogued.
Language:  French; Arabic; German; English
Digitised material for Hasan Mustafa: petroleum exploration; timber, 1925-1934 - HIL/399/1-94

Manufacture des Machines Modernes (M.M.M.): I
Reference: HIL/233/1-589
Dates of creation: 1924-1934
Correspondence: Charles Senglet, engineer, 1924-1926; Andr Mois, adminstrative director, 1926-1927; Immobilia business (land for factory) 1926-1928; foundation, 1931; results balance sheets, 1930-1934.
Microfilm: 31 (1-370): 32 (369-485)
Digitised material for Manufacture des Machines Modernes (M.M.M.): I, 1924-1934 - HIL/233/1-589

Manufacture des Machines Modernes: II
Reference: HIL/234/1-435
Dates of creation: 1924-1934
Archives of Management.
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Manufacture des Machines Modernes: II - 1924-1934 - HIL/234/1-435

Manufacture des Machines Modernes: III
Reference: HIL/235/1-32
Dates of creation: 1930-1931
Allotment of shares, search for lost shares and proofs of ownership.
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Manufacture des Machines Modernes: III - 1930-1931 - HIL/235/1-32

Manufacture des Machines Modernes: shares register
Reference: HIL/426/1-38
Dates of creation: 1926-1928
Register of ownership of shares of the company [Manufacture des Machines Modernes]. Share holders include: M. Gerard, M. Moïse, M.M. Senglet, and `Abbas Hilmi II.
Language:   French
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Manufacture des Machines Modernes: shares register, 1926-1928 - HIL/426/1-38

Administrators of Manufacture des Machines Modernes
Reference: HIL/467/13
Dates of creation: [1930s]Paper

Legal note to [`Abbas Hilmi II] concerning the adminitrators of M.M.M. (Manufacture des Machines Modernes).
Language:   French

Abd al-Hamid Lutfi
Reference: HIL/236/1-220
Dates of creation: 1925-1929
Connection with Ezbekieh Affair. Letters Nicolas Vondas to Lutfi and to the Khedive re negotiations with the Foreign Office. Memos from the Commission within the Egyptian Ministry of Finance, responsible for the settling of the Khedive's property with various lists of entitlements and awqaf. Lutfi intriguing with Shaaban and Babli, possible sale interest in Ezbekieh Company.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Abd al-Hamid Lutfi - 1925-1929 - HIL/236/1-220

N. Vondas, Compagnie Coloniale, Industrielle et Commerciale (C.C.I.C.)
Reference: HIL/419/1-252
Dates of creation: 1925-1933
Correspondence from N. Vondas, managing director of C.C.I.C., to Abd al-Hamid Lutfi, Andon Bey, and principally `Abbas Hilmi II, concerning C.C.I.C., Ezbekieh company affair with list of expenses 1925-1926 (HIL/419/106-108), recovery of ex-khedivial property and Wakfs in Egypt with list of expenses 1929-1930 (HIL/419/178-179), Mixed Arbitral Tribunal (Constantinople), Foreign Office, New Egyptian Company, M.M.M., Turcbank. Includes letters from Sir William Garthwaite, Abd al-Hamid Lutfi, G. Norandoughian (HIL/419/129), M. Allongue, and a dossier on Maurice Cauvin, a former director of C.C.I.C.
Language:  French; English
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for N. Vondas, Compagnie Coloniale, Industrielle et Commerciale (C.C.I.C.), 1925-1933 - HIL/419/1-252

H.E. Mahmud Mukhtar Pasha
Reference: HIL/237/1-140
Dates of creation: 1925-1932
Correspondence from Banque Turque and re investments.
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for H.E. Mahmud Mukhtar Pasha, 1925-1932 - HIL/237/1-140

Eugène M. Empeyta
Reference: HIL/238/1-199
Dates of creation: 1925-1934
Barrister in Geneva. Correspondence re financial affairs.
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Eugène M. Empeyta - 1925-1934 - HIL/238/1-199

Jean Ferrey
Reference: HIL/239/1-132
Dates of creation: 1926-1927
Lawyer. Correspondence with Rambert, Ernest Pegler, Mousier Bouru, S.A. Vagliano, re transactions with various companies: Manufacture des Machines Modernes, Ezbekieh and Agro.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Jean Ferrey, 1926-1927 - HIL/239/1-132

Francesco Guisi
Reference: HIL/240/1-24
Dates of creation: 1926-1929
Consul General of Italy in Lausanne. Correspondence between Guisi and Andon Bey Keutchéoglou on `Abbas Hilmi's debt to the Italian government (HIL/240/1-2); notes concerning `Abbas Hilmi's visits to Italy and relations with the Italian government (HIL/240/3-5); Guisi to `Abbas Hilmi regarding a discussion concerning concessions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in mining, forests and the Dalaman region (HIL/240/6-7,9-20); to Andon Bey on the death of Djavid Bey (HIL/240/8); and petrol exploitation in Romania (HIL/240/23-24).
Language:   French
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Francesco Guisi, 1926-1929 - HIL/240/1-24

Oliver E. Bodington: I
Reference: HIL/241/1-127
Dates of creation: 1926-1934
English barrister in Paris. Proceedings against the British crown ended by decree, proceedings against Mahmud Azmi and Soupey. Including Arnold Jolly's legal opinion on the `Abbas Hilmi case (HIL/241/22-23); a statement of claim made by `Abbas Hilmi against British & Foreign Trustees, Investors Limited and Roney & Co. in the High Court of Justice (HIL/241/42-45); a questionnaire for `Abbas Hilmi by R.E. Roney & Co., British and Foreign Trustees and Investors (HIL/241/53-57); copies of statements made in the High Court of Justice in defence of the three companies by Hugh C. Bischoff (HIL/241/84-87) and D.N. Pritt (HIL/241/88-91); a “Petition of Right” directed to the King by Julian Fuller on behalf of `Abbas Hilmi, demanding the return of `Abbas Hilmi's estates (HIL/241/106-112); letter from Oliver Bodington to `Abbas Hilmi warning him against the “Petition of Right” (HIL/241/1-4,118-120)
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Oliver E. Bodington: I, 1926-1934 - HIL/241/1-127

Oliver E. Bodington: II
Reference: HIL/242/1-17
Dates of creation: 1929-1931
Letter from Bodington to `Abbas Hilmi concerning a legal dispute involving `Abbas Hilmi and the French Consul, Gaston Soupey, over a painting the Khedive has bought (HIL/242/1-2) and notes on the resulting court case (HIL/242/7-24).
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Oliver E. Bodington: II, 1929-1931 - HIL/242/1-17

Daniel Hopkin M.P.
Reference: HIL/243/1-225
Dates of creation: 1926-1941
London lawyer. Correspondence re a visa for a visit by `Abbas Hilmi to England, reasons for his deposition, libel in the Jonathan Cape book, buying a yacht, possible law-suits, etc. Ahmad Lutfi to `Abbas Hilmi discussing Mr Robertson, Mr Rancy, Princess Iqbal, and `Abbas Hilmi's financial claims against the British Government (HIL/243/1-3); Hopkin to `Abbas Hilmi on his intention to have `Abbas Hilmi's status discussed in the British Parliament (HIL/243/4-5), his attempts to persuade Mr Dalton that the ex-Khedive is now amicably disposed towards Britain (HIL/243/6-7), the failure to obtain a visa for `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/243/19-20), his consultations with various British officials on `Abbas Hilmi's behalf including Mr Murray who fears that inviting `Abbas Hilmi to England would be interpreted as a manoeuvre against the current King of Egypt (HIL/243/21-36), discussing `Abbas Hilmi's visa and financial claims with Mr Robertson, Mr O'Connor and Mr Henderson (HIL/243/33-39), `Abbas Hilmi's successful libel actions against Jonathon Cape and MacMillan and the allegation that `Abbas Hilmi was stirring up trouble with Ibn Sa`ud (HIL/243/48-59), al-Bishri Bey's work on behalf of the Khedive (HIL/243/62), discussing Mr O'Connor's bill of costs (HIL/243/66-70); Edmond O'Connor to Monsieur Azmi and `Abbas Hilmi discussing attached articles in The Times, the Daily Telegraph and Morning Post (HIL/243/240-243). D. Hopkin to `Abbas Hilmi discussing his Rolls Royce account, and proposing to meet Malcolm MacDonald on `Abbas Hilmi's behalf (HIL/243/84-85); on various concessions in Palestine, the decision to form the Banque Nationale Hejaz, and `Abbas Hilmi's negotiations with Chedid Bey in this regard (HIL/243/92-101,103-111), meeting Mr Gerald Tooth and Messrs. Jordan regarding the registration of a company, and discussing material published in the Egyptian Gazette and Daily Herald (HIL/243/119-124), discussing whether it is worth supporting the New Commonwealth Society (HIL/243/127), a Suez Canal certificate to be kept aboard `Abbas Hilmi's yacht (HIL/243/130) and a discussion with Mr Williams over `Abbas Hilmi's proposed visit to Palestine (HIL/243/139-140), Hopkin's attempts to arrange a meeting with Lloyd George (HIL/243/143-146), the Jonathon Cape libel case and a potentially defamatory book that might be published in Palestine (HIL/243/156-158), discussing the possibility that Italy may occupy Egypt and the formation of a “Friends of Egypt ” society in the House of Commons (HIL/243/175-178), the conclusion of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty (HIL/243/179), his meeting with Lord Cranborne on `Abbas Hilmi's behalf (HIL/243/183-188,191), sending `Abbas Hilmi copies of Seven Pillars of WIsdom and Peacemaking 1919 (HIL/243/191-192), visiting Mr Williams of the Palestine Department in an attempt to arrange a visa for `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/243/195-199), discussing his re-election as an MP and thanking `Abbas Hilmi for his generous support in helping him achieve this (HIL/243/204). `Abbas Hilmi to Ramsay MacDonald complimenting him and discussing a letter `Abbas Hilmi sent to the Manchester Guardian with regard to the proposed Anglo-Egyptian treaty (HIL/243/8-11) and asking for permission to visit England (HIL/243/12-13); to the British Ambassador to Turkey asking for details of the sequestration of his estates in 1914 to be sent to his legal representative Mr Bodington (HIL/243/14-16). Unsigned letters to Mr O'Connor concerning an article published in the Arabic World (HIL/243/47,62-63). `Abbas Hilmi to O'Connor discussing his bill of costs (HIL/243/73-76). Hopkin to Boubli discussing how `Abbas Hilmi should respond to a letter from Thorburn regarding the ex-Khedive's claims (HIL/243/77-81,171-172); from Hopkin's wife Esme to `Abbas Hilmi asking `Abbas Hilmi to intervene with Muhammad Mukhtar Pasha on behalf of one of her relatives (HIL/243/45-46), arranging to meet him in Paris on her husband's behalf (HIL/243/86-89) and arranging a meeting between `Abbas Hilmi and Mr Peterson (HIL/243/169-170), promising to meet `Abbas Hilmi in Egypt (HIL/243/173-4). Correspondence between Rubenstein Nash & Co. (law firm representing Jonathon Cape ltd.), O'Connor and `Abbas Hilmi regarding difficulties concerning `Abbas Hilmi's libel case caused by the fact that the author of Treason and Tragedy has now died (HIL/243/114-116); correspondence between O'Connor and the ex-Khedive regarding the successful conclusion of the libel case (HIL/243/132), and meetings with the Foreign Office and Treasury Solicitor over the settlement of the Khedive's claim (HIL/243/194). R Williams to Hopkin on the impossibility of granting `Abbas Hilmi a visa to go to Palestine (HIL/243/193). Correspondence between J. Davies and `Abbas Hilmi on `Abbas Hilmi's curiousity about the activities of one Mr Craabe in Turkey on a railway between Palestine and India (HIL/243/180,201). Cranborne to Hopkin, informing him of the Secretary of State's decision to turn down `Abbas Hilmi's offer of help in Palestine, stating that it is unlikely that George VI will be able to meet the ex-Khedive and refusing to comment on the suggestion that the British may have prevented Farouk meeting `Abbas Hilmi in Paris (HIL/243/205-206).
(see also file 121)
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Daniel Hopkin M.P., 1926-1941 - HIL/243/1-225

Camp Bird Syndicate
Reference: HIL/244/1-18
Dates of creation: 1927-1928
Correspondence re mining in Anatolia.
Language:   English
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Camp Bird Syndicate, 1927-1928 - HIL/244/1-18

C. Houpin
Reference: HIL/245/1-17
Dates of creation: 1928
Legal consultation on question of Sociètès anonymes in France, Manufacture des Machines Modernes, imports of timber.
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for C. Houpin, 1928 - HIL/245/1-17

Muhammad Sa`b de Bisqra
Reference: HIL/246/1-95
Dates of creation: 1928-1930
Legal correspondence between Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (CAICO) and Andon Bey, Khalifa Boubli and Julius Hartman concerning debts and posthumous liquidation of the estate and interests of Muhammad Sa`b de Bisqra, carpet merchant of Bisqra, Tunisia.
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Muhammad Sa`b de Bisqra, 1928-1930 - HIL/246/1-95

Lawsuit: `Abbas Hilmi II v Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas and M. A. Bouru
Reference: HIL/398/1-301
Dates of creation: 1929-1930
Legal papers and correspondence relating to a financial dispute and lawsuit: `Abbas Hilmi II v Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas and M. A. Bouru.
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for Lawsuit: `Abbas Hilmi II v Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas and M. A. Bouru, 1929-1930 - HIL/398/1-301

Leon Martin
Reference: HIL/247/1-217
Dates of creation: 1929-1941
Barrister in Geneva. Correspondence re finances and property, including National Bank of Egypt, Crdit Suisse, Egyptian Ministry of Finance, Compagnie Agricole, Industrielle et Commerciale d'Orient (C.A.I.C.O.), Waqfs, Çubuklu, Dalaman, Ezbekieh.
Language:  French; Italian
Microfilm: 32
Digitised material for Leon Martin, 1929-1941 - HIL/247/1-217

Dr. Homer and Gen. Blakeney
Reference: HIL/248/1-79
Dates of creation: 1931-1933
Blakeney to M. `Azmi on his objections to an article in the Daily Telegraph claiming that `Abbas Hilmi wants the Syrian throne (HIL/248/5), attaching a copy of the article (HIL/248/6) and his response to it (HIL/248/7); to `Abbas Hilmi on the attempts of a French group to secure the oil concession in Palestine/Transjordan that he is attempting to gain in partnership with `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/248/8-9); on the necessity of preventing “Zionists” acquiring the concession and its importance for the Hijaz railway, pilgrim traffic and the plans to re-establish the Caliphate (HIL/248/16-17), attaching “Statement re the Development of Resources of the Red Sea Region” (HIL/248/10-14); to `Azmi on the importance of secrecy and of using code (HIL/248/18); negotiating expenses, affirming the trustworthiness of Dr Homer and her judgements about the levels of oil available in the region (HIL/248/20), reports on the oil capacity of the region and a“vigorous campaign” against Dr Homer and Blakeney (HIL/248/21), responding to other estimates produced by `Azmi (HIL/248/22); to `Azmi attaching a copy of Dr Homer's comments on the claims made by `Abbas Hilmi's experts (HIL/248/25-27). Dr Homer to `Azmi pressing `Abbas Hilmi for a decision and claiming that experts who have criticised her scientific reputation are biased by attachment to major oil companies (HIL/248/28-29). Blakeney to `Azmi on a plan made by an American group to secure the concession in Transjordan (HIL/248/30) and his fears that their plans have been leaked (HIL/248/31); to `Abbas Hilmi on Maulana Shaukat `Ali's engagement to his English secretary (HIL/248/35-36). Annie Homer to `Abbas Hilmi on a Jewish group obtaining rights in the concession territories (HIL/248/37-39), expressing frustration at `Abbas Hilmi's failure to respond (HIL/248/40), to `Azmi Bey responding to criticisms made by a Mr Stephens and observing that the major oil companies might soon develop the field, attaching relevant newspaper articles (HIL/248/41-45); Blakeney to `Abbas Hilmi on the Amir of Transjordan's policy towards oil concessions and the importance of employing incorruptible men (HIL/248/48); Dr Homer to Blakeney on her frustration at `Abbas Hilmi's silence and determination to seek alternative arrangements (HIL/248/49); Blakeney to `Abbas Hilmi reporting Dr Homer's plan to seek alternative arrangements (HIL/248/52-3); Blakeney to `Abbas Hilmi on changing times and the possibility for `Abbas Hilmi to get redress (HIL/248/68); response from `Abbas Hilmi asking him to clarify what he means (HIL/248/69); response from Blakeney attributing his ambiguity to previous experiences of the consequences of a letter going astray (HIL/248/70); to `Abbas Hilmi on the suspicious death of Captain Brooks, an official involved in the pilgrimage traffic, and Blakeney's suspicions of foul play (HIL/248/74).
Copies of a draft agreement between Dr Annie Homer and “the Concessionaire” (HIL/248/54-65), and the 1926 Novomesky agreement between the British Goverment and a Palestinian Jew of Russian origin, and a petition entitled Determined Call for Justice sent by the National League to the High Commissioner for Palestine objecting to the agreement (HIL/248/75-78).
Language:   English
Microfilm: 32 (1-55): 33 (56-79)
Digitised material for Dr. Homer and Gen. Blakeney, 1931-1933 - HIL/248/1-79

Yacht “Nimet-Allah”
Reference: HIL/439/1-129
Dates of creation: 1931-1942
Specifications and plans of motoryacht “Nimet-Allah”:
Deck and engine specifications, by Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft Kiel (each lacking front pages, and pages HIL/439/93 and 95 mutilated), [1930s x 1940s];
Interior design specification, by [Ballin, Munich], [1930s x 1940s];
Plans of yacht, by R. Erbach, Danzig-Langfuhr, 1931-1932, some hand-coloured.

Language:  French; German
Accessioned, 9 September 2005: Misc.2005/06:17.
Digitised material for Yacht Nimet-Allah, 1931-1942 - HIL/439/1-129

HIL/429/1-53   [1930s x 1940s]
Language:   German
Specification for the motoryacht “Nimet-Allah”, built by Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft (K.233).
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Motoryacht Nimet-Allah, built by Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft, 1930s - 1940s - HIL/429/1-53
HIL/471/1   1932
Language:   German
Drawing of the yacht “Nimet-Allah” [II], starboard elevation, designed by Prof. Dr. Ing. [R. Erbach], Danzig. Pastel and pencil drawing on paper by R. Erbach, [Danzig-Langfuhr].
1 pastel drawing mounted on card
Size: 392 x 195 mm; mount 400 x 243 mm
Digitised material for Drawings of the yacht Nimet-Allah,1932 - HIL/471/1
HIL/433/1-10   1934
Language:  English; Arabic
British and Egyptian registration documentation for the yacht “Nimet-Allah”, built in 1933 by Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft Kiel, registered in London (163527) 5 October 1934, and re-registered in Alexandria 1941; with photographs by Beken & Son, Cowes, of interior decoration [by Maple & Co. Ltd of London], port and starboard views under way. Includes note from Dr A.A. Warden of Cannes requesting a visit to view the yacht.
Digitised material for Registration documents for Yacht Nimet-Allah, 1934 - HIL/433/1-10
HIL/428/1-12   June 1934
Language:  German; English
Copy of specification and plans for a power boat or tender to the yacht “Nimet-Allah”, designed by Fr. Lürssen Yacht & Bootswerft m.b.H., Vegesack-Bremen, for Deutsche Werke Kiel Aktiengesellschaft.
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Plans for boat designed by Fr. Lürssen Yacht & Bootswerft m.b.H., June 1934 - HIL/428/1-12
HIL/471/2-5   1934; 1942
Language:  English; French
“Nimet-Allah” certificate of British Registry, 26 September 1934, endorsed with certificates of masters' appointments 1934-1940.
Letters from the office of Carl J. Burckhardt, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, to `Abbas Hilmi II in Geneva, concerning delays to works on the yacht “Nimet-Allah” at the Ciotat shipyards, 24 and 25 September 1942.
Spencer Batchelor
Reference: HIL/249/1-252
Dates of creation: 1932-1936
Solicitor. Correspondence re property in Nice.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Spencer Batchelor, 1932-1936 - HIL/249/1-252

Justizrat Dr. Willy Hahn
Reference: HIL/250/1-26
Dates of creation: 1932-1936
Lawyer. Legal matters, including extradition of Bramer.
Language:   German
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Justizrat Dr. Willy Hahn, 1932-1936 - HIL/250/1-26

Reference: HIL/251/1-250
Dates of creation: 1932-1937
Barrister in Istanbul.
Correspondence re financial affairs, liquidation, Banque Turque, sale of Dalaman estates.
Language:  French, Turkish (modern)
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Vuccino, 1932-1937 - HIL/251/1-250

Bursa Company
Reference: HIL/545/1-4
Dates of creation: 7 July 1933
Letter from `Abbas Hilmi II to a Turkish official concerning financial losses, the Bursa Company and referencing the Forest case.
Photocopy of a letter from the Cumhurbaşkanlığı Arşivi 01016394-119
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.

M. Radisse
Reference: HIL/252/1-162
Dates of creation: 1935-1937
Correspondence from Marcel Radisse, builder, Jericho, Palestine to `Abbas Hilmi, including a request to `Abbas Hilmi for financial assistance (HIL/252/1); Radisse's suggestions for building projects (HIL/252/2-4); correspondence regarding the construction of a residence for `Abbas Hilmi in Jericho, designed by Mr. Epstein (HIL/252/28-51).
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for M. Radisse, 1935-1937 - HIL/252/1-162

Financial ledger
Reference: HIL/395/1-59
Dates of creation: 1931-1934
Ledger recording transactions across various accounts of `Abbas Hilmi II, and his children, including: Crédit Suisse (Lucerne and Geneva), National City Company (Geneva), Georgette Misny (joint), Lloyds and National Provincial Foreign Bank Ltd (Geneva); Princess Şevket Lâtife, Princess Emineh, Princess Vidjane (Widgan) Ibrahim Hilmi, Prince Abbas Vlara, Princess Attié [Attiet-Alla], Emir Abdullah (Transjordan), yachts.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Financial ledger, 1931-1934 - HIL/395/1-59

Mohamed Ali Delavor I
Reference: HIL/417/1-354
Dates of creation: 1935-1943
Memoranda and correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi II from Mohamed Ali Delavor of Villa Hator, Cairo, chiefly from Egypt but also from London and other places in Europe, concerning Egyptian palace, political, religious, other current affairs, and the ownership and maintenance of ex-khedivial property in Egypt and its beneficiaries. Includes: report on proposed sale of parcel of land at Kass-el-Daubara, Cairo, with annotated printed (January 1935) plan of this plot beside El Wâlda Palace ( “already demolished” ) by the Nile in Cairo, Block 191 Egypt - Town Series 1:500 (Survey of Egypt).
Language:  French; with some Arabic
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Carbon copies of HIL/417/73-142 are contained within HIL/427.
Digitised material for Mohamed Ali Delavor I, 1935-1943 - HIL/417/1-354

Mohamed Ali Delavor II
Reference: HIL/427/1-101
Dates of creation: 19 January 1938-2 February 1939
Memoranda book of Mohamed Ali Delavor containing carbon copies of memoranda, principally to `Abbas Hilmi II, and some letters, concerning both business, political and personal matters.
Language:  French; with some Arabic
Accessioned, September 2008: Misc.2008/9:17.
Top copies of HIL/427/11-93 are contained within HIL/417.
Digitised material for Mohamed Ali Delavor II, 19 January 1938-2 February 1939 - HIL/427/1-101

Rolls-Royce Phantom III
Reference: HIL/473/1-12
Dates of creation: [2000s]Paper; photographic prints

Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club dossier containing Rolls-Royce construction and test records for Phantom III, D series (chassis no. 3DL144), delivered to `Abbas Hilmi II at Paris in 1939. Photocopies, with 2 photographic prints of the car in [Paris] and [Turkey].
Language:   English
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Records for a Rolls Royce Phantom III, D series (chassis no. 3DL144) - HIL/473

Business papers of Mohamed Abdel Moneim
Reference: HIL/489/1-25
Dates of creation: 1944-1961
Business correspondence and papers of Mohamed Abdel Moneim, including: Princess Berar, 1944 (HIL/489/1-3); report by Ahmed Hassanein Pasha concerning the waqf of Emineh Tewfik, [?1946] (HIL/489/4-6); National Bank of Egypt and Abbas Bey Vlora, Princess Atiye Kibrizli, Senan Bey, 1952 (HIL/489/7-11); expenses for properties belonging to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (HIL/489/12-16); account for 1/9th part of the estate of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), inherited by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, March 1955 (HIL/489/17-18); minute concerning lands of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Economy Minister, 1959 (HIL/489/19-21); legal paper concerning the succession to the estate of Princess Emineh Hilmi (1895-1954) by her heirs, 16 June 1960 (HIL/489/22); letters from Mordo Dinar, attorney-at-law, Istanbul, to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at Montreux, concerning the settlement of the Mesny estate on the prince and his sisters, February 1961 (HIL/489/23-24); affidavit of Jeanne Leclerc (née Mesny) (and M. Mesny), Berthe Perès (née Mesny), and Madame Berthelot (née Mesny), sole heirs of Miss Georgette Mesny (d. 15 April 1940), concerning property of `Abbas Hilmi II in Switzerland, authorising access to a safe deposit box at Crédit Suisse, [1940 x 1944] (HIL/489/25).
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for Business papers of Mohamed Abdel Moneim, 1944-1961 - HIL/489/1-25

Declaration of the heirs of `Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/475
Dates of creation: 20-21 March 1945Paper

Judicial act of the king's Court Council noting the death of `Abbas Hilmi II and declaring his heirs. Copy issued to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim by Mohamed Hassan Youssef, Secretary of the Council.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Declaration of the heirs of `Abbas Hilmi II - 20-21 March 1945 - HIL/475

Succession to the estate of Prince Abbas `Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/490/1-28
Dates of creation: 21 June 1945-4 December 1959Paper

Legal papers concerning the succession to the estate of Prince Abbas `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944) by his heirs.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Succession to the estate of Prince Abbas `Abbas Hilmi II, 21 June 1945-4 December 1959 - HIL/490/1-28

Financial Papers
Reference: HIL/377/1-123
Dates of creation: 1947-1949
Financial statements, inventories and related correspondence, for Khedivial accounts with Bouru Vondas Banque de Paris et Pays-Bas and Crédit Suisse, Geneva
Language:   French
Digital copy available

Financial Papers
Reference: HIL/378/1-71
Dates of creation: 1949
Financial statements, inventories and related correspondence, for Khedivial accounts with Bouru Vondas Banque de Paris et Pays-Bas and Crédit Suisse, Geneva
Language:   French
Digital copy available
Digitised material for Financial Papers,1949 - HIL/378/1-71

Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers
Reference: HIL/380/1-25
Dates of creation: 1948-1949
Papers concerning the financial assets and affairs of Princess Şevket Lâtife (Chewkette Katircioglu), Lausanne, with related letters to her from Crédit Suisse (Geneva).
Language:   French
Digitised material for Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers, 1948-1949 - HIL/380/1-25

Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers
Reference: HIL/384-389
Dates of creation: 1946-1948
Annual current account statements, lists of assets, and reports for Crédit Suisse accounts of Princess Şevket Lâtife (Chewkette Katircioglu).
Language:   French
Digitised material for Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers, 1946-1948 - HIL/384-389

Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers
Reference: HIL/390-393
Dates of creation: 1939-1949
Papers concerning the financial assets and affairs of Princess Şevket Lâtife (Chewkette Katircioglu), Lausanne, with related letters to her from Crédit Suisse (Geneva).
Language:   French
Digitised material for Princess Şevket Lâtife: financial papers, 1939-1949 - HIL/390-393

Newspaper cuttings
Reference: HIL/491/1-10
Dates of creation: [1950s]; 1997Paper

Newspaper cuttings, concerning: expulsion from Egypt of Mohamed Saleh Korkhan, former l'homme d'affairs of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim; Mohamed Ali family pensions; agricultural reform of former khedivial lands; Manial Palace and museum.
Language:  French; Arabic; English
Digitised material for Newspaper cuttings, 1950s; 1997 - HIL/491/1-10

Sale of Château de Tansonville, Illiers
Reference: HIL/492/1-21
Dates of creation: 1952-1953Paper

Agreements for the sale of Château de Tansonville, Illiers, by the widow and children of `Abbas Hilmi II.
Illiers, Eure-&-Loire, illustrated tourist leaflet.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Sale of Château de Tansonville, Illiers, 1952-1953 - HIL/492/1-21

Employees of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik
Reference: HIL/493/1-18
Dates of creation: 1952-1953Paper

Lists of employees of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik and their activities.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for Employees of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik, 1952-1953 - HIL/493/1-18

HIL/253 - 258
Numbers not used.
C. Personal
Khedivial Family
Reference: HIL/365/1-11
Dates of creation: [ca. 1841-1930]
Assorted papers relating to the Khedivial family, sent to the Khedive's grandson, Prince `Abbas Hilmi, probably in the 1980s or 1990s by a family member (signature unclear): letter in French dated 12 June 1861 addressed to Aristarchi Bey, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Minister for His Majesty the Sultan at Berlin, from the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Sublime Porte, requesting that he host a visit from Prince Halim during his travels in Europe (HIL/365/3-5); copy firman from the Sultan of Turkey dated 1 June 1841, bestowing on Muhammad `Ali Pasha the hereditary governance of Egypt (HIL/365/7); printed copy of letter in French dated 29 July [1870?] sent to Khedive Ismai`l by Khalil Bey, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, concerning a disagreement between Turkey and Egypt (HIL/365/10)
Language:  English; French
Digitised material for Khedivial Family, ca. 1841-1930 - HIL/365/1-11

HIL/537-538   [1875 x 1925]
Language:   Arabic
2 manuscript volumes, one with photograph of `Abbas Hilmi II on front cover.
Digitised material for 2 Arabic manuscript volumes - 1875 - 1925 - HIL/537-538
Khedive Ismai`l
Reference: HIL/259/ff.66
Dates of creation: 1879-1901
Not to be disseminated or published. 1879: Telegams on Taufiq's accession.
1890: Birthday telegram to `Abbas Hilmi.
1893-1895: Family correspondence between the ex-Khedive Ismai`l and `Abbas Hilmi, mainly concerning Ismail's declining health and wish to return to Egypt.
1901: Letters from Jannānyār and Āfet Chashm.
Language:  French; Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 36 (Microfilmed after file 314/47)

Khedivial Family
Reference: HIL/354/1-165
Dates of creation: 1880-1905
This file contains the following:
1. The Khedive’s family (1892-1900): Table with summary of letters in French regarding the Khedivial family, expressions of gratitude to the Khedive, some family news such as Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfiq's health. (HIL/354/5-8)
2. Letters in French from Boirot (1901) concerning the project to provide public lighting in Rosetta city by natural gas with a report in French concerning the proposed installation of 80 lamps as requested by `Abbas Hilmi II. (HIL/354/21-25)
3. Ami Grasset (1903): letters in French from the jeweller Grasset in Geneva to the Khedive concerning jewellery ordered by the Khedive. Letters from Ami Grasset to René Lalique with replies regarding the same matter. (HIL/354/26-30)
4. Prince Abbas Bey Hilmi (1886-1891): Table with summary of letters in French regarding the Khedivial family, expressions of gratitude to the Khedive, family news such as Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfiq's health, etc. (HIL/354/36-43)
5. List of decorations conferred on `Abbas Hilmi II (1880-1905). The list is written in French and includes the name of the country granting the decoration, the designation of the decoration and the date of its award. (HIL/354/44)
6. Ismaïl Pasha (1893-1895): Table with summary of letters in French, mostly concerning the health of Khedive Ismai`l, visits from Princes Ibrahim Hilmi and Ahmad Fu'ad I to Khedive Ismai`l conveying the good wishes of `Abbas Hilmi II. (HIL/354/46-48)
7. Assorted letters (1880-1899) (HIL/354/49-112): Table with summary of letters in French. Includes the following: note in French on the subject of the credibility of the general administration of the endowments (waqfs) prior to the year 1880 (HIL/354/56-65); letter from Giorg Grannopulo concerning instructions from the late John Antoniadis to sell his property and gardens in Alexandria to `Abbas Hilmi II (HIL/354/79); letters dated 1896 from Rouilly Bey regarding the Salla path project and the relocation of Princess Hassan’s lands (HIL/354/80-83); note concerning the electric installations at Korachia, with covering letter dated 1896 from Bouteron (HIL/354/84-93); note, dated 1897, concerning the administration of the domains and the Daïra Sanieh (HIL/354/96-103); letter dated 1898 from E. Clavel concerning the closure of his newspaper, Le Courrier d'Orient (HIL/354/104-105); letter dated 1899 from Escher Wyss & Co., Zurich, enclosing a sketch of an oil ship (HIL/354/106-108); letter from Mustafa Fahmi Pasha dated 1899 concerning the transmission of a message from Queen Victoria to the Khedive via Lord Kitchener (HIL/354/110-111)
8. Pieces in German: letters dated 1898-1899 from Dr J.G. Hess recounting his trip in the desert of al-Arish, Egypt, congratulating the khedive on the birth of his son, describing an argument with Fabricius at the Khedive’s ball, and asking for more money to publish a newspaper; a tabulated summary of letters follows, but only the Hess letters are present (HIL/354/114-123)
9. A. Percher (1894-1895): Table with summary of letters in French sent by A. Percher to Rouiller Bey during 1894-1895 regarding British movements in Egypt. (HIL/354/124-142)
10. Barron Pasha (1899): Table with summary of letters in French: Some of the subjects are letters in French sent by Barron Pasha, including concerning the Turco-Greek problem (HIL/354/143-149)
11. Eugène Clavel (1898): Table with summary of letters in French between Shafiq and Clavel regarding Clavel's initiative to establish a French journal in Egypt. (HIL/354/150-158)
12. L. Charel (1895): letters sent in French by the President of the Society of Economics, L. Charel concerning the Khedive's wish to erect a mosque in Paris in memory of Sultan `Abd-al-Hamid. (HIL/354/159-165)
Language:  French; German
Digital file
Digitised material for Khedivial Family, 1880-1905 - HIL/354/1-165

Money of “petit” Mohamed Ali Pasha
Reference: HIL/468/1
Dates of creation: [1880s x 1899]Paper

List of money of “petit” Mohamed Ali Pasha [?M. Ali Tewfik].
Language:  Arabic; French
Digitised material for Money of petit Mohamed Ali Pasha, 1880s - 1899 - HIL/468/1

Khedivial Family
Reference: HIL/355/1-221
Dates of creation: 1896-1936
Correspondence from members of the Khedivial family, now divided into 3 separate files, as follows:
HIL/355/1-61: Letters mostly relating to personal issues.
1. Small format folded cards, printed in Arabic on the cover “Khedivial Ceremonies”, dated 24 August 1910 and containing handwritten notes in Arabic, unsigned, mostly describing the ceremonies of Princess Ain-al-Haya's funeral. (HIL/355/1-6)
2. Letter in Ottoman Turkish, undated, but the envelope is stamped 27 March 1894. The letter is signed by Prince or Princess Kamel Pasha and stamped with the name of Emineh daughter of Kamel. (HIL/355/7-9)
3. Letters from Prince `Ali Fazil to the Khedive, (1895-1913 and undated), exchanging news, expressing gratitude to the Khedive and requesting for money. (HIL/355/10-12,20,25-28,33-34,38-39,42-43,46)
4. Letter in French with the business card of Princess Bahidjé Hussein attached (daughter of Sultan Hussein Kamel). Contains family news and greetings from the Princess. (HIL/355/13-18)
5. Letters in French addressed from Marthe Fazil (probably Prince `Ali Fazi's spouse), 1908-1915 and undated, mainly exchanging news and expressing gratitude to the Khedive. (HIL/355/21-24,36-37,40-41,44-45).
6. Letter in French, undated, from Muhammad Faek (probably a member of the Khedivial family) to the Khedive, requesting that the Khedive allocates him a pension. (HIL/355/29)
7. Letter in French dated 15 October 1902 addressed to the Khedive from Muhammad Faek, concerning the confiscation of his goods by Khedive Ismai`l which were then distributed amongst members from the Khedivial family. Faek requests that the Khedive deals with this matter. (HIL/355/31)
8. Letter in Ottoman Turkish dated 2nd of January 1919 from Princess Bahidjé Hussein daughter of Sultan Hussein Kamel. (HIL/355/49-50)
9. Typescript letter in French dated 14 July 1910 addressed to the Khedive from Princes Aziza Hassan, Iffet Hassan, Bahidjé Hassan and Zibah Hassan, imploring the Khedive to protect the interests of their Princess mother that are subject to abuse by the personnel in the Daïra. (HIL/355/51-53)
10. Letter in Arabic dated 6 August 1913 addressed from Prince Aziz Hassan to the Khedive concerning difficulties in the management of the Daïra of their Princess mother. Similar content to the previous letter of 14th July 1910, but with additional information and attached financial records relating to the Daïra for the year 1911. (HIL/355/55-58)
11. Typescript note in French, Paris 8 July 1936, unsigned, concerning matters such as the Endowment (Waqf), and the aims of institutions established by Muhammad `Ali Pasha the Great in Kavala; the departure of Prince Muhammad `Abd-al-Moneim, probably to Alexandria. (HIL/355/59-61)
HIL/355/62-80: Telegrams, with copies, including:
Telegram in French dated 30 November 1917 from Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik to the Khedive regarding the rejection of Prince Kamal al-Din Husain of the throne after the death of his father Sultan Husain Kamil (HIL/355/62,69,79); telegrams in French from King Ahmad Fuad I presenting his condolences to the Khedive on the death of Princess Emineh Ilhamy and Prince Kamal al-Din Husain (HIL/355/64,66,70,72,78); telegram in French from Safia Zaghlul expressing gratitude to the Khedive for his condolences on the death of her husband, Saad Zaghlul Pasha (HIL/355/67,75-76); telegrams in French dated 25 July 1936 to Mustafa al-Nahas Pasha, Prime Minister and Makram Ebeid Pasha, Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning the signing of the treaty between Egypt and Great Britain, with a reply from Nahas Pasha (HIL/355/63,68,73-74,77)
HIL/355/81-221: correspondence from members of the Khedivial family addressed to the Khedive, mostly on family affairs, including:
Letter in French dated 23 June 1892 from Prince (later Sultan) Husain Kamil to the Khedive concerning the sale of al-Qasr al-Ali Palace (HIL/355/81-82); letters in French dated 1894-1908 from Princess Nazli Fazil to the Khedive mostly regarding matters related to the spouse of the late Prince Halim (HIL/355/83-104); appeal dated 12 June 1914 to the Khedive from Berta the secretary and companion lady of Princess Nazli Fazil requesting assistance from the Khedive after the death of the Princess (HIL/355/116-118); Princess Médiha Djélal and Maud Coutwell on her behalf requesting financial assistance from the Khedive (HIL/355/119-129); letters dated 1912-1913 from Princess Zahra Fazil to the Khedive requesting assistance for the daughter of the late Princess Sania Fazil (HIL/355/130-140); contract translated into Arabic dated 4 March 1909 between Hans William Mog and Mr. Carton de Wiart, Lawyer and Procurator of Princess Salha Ibrahim Hilmi, widow of Prince Mohammad Bey Ibrahim, concerning Princess Salha and her property in the area known as al-Hadra in Alexandria; memorandum in Arabic dated 15 June 1910, concerning the guardianship of Prince Omar Tussoun and the children of Princess Salha Ibrahim Hilmi, widow of Prince Muhammad Bey Ibrahim; letter in Arabic dated 21 July 1904 from `Ali Fahmi to the Khedive complaining about the behaviour of Prince Haïdar; typescript letter in French dated 31 January 1907 to King Edward VII from Princess Nazli, Prince Kemal and Prince Haïdar requesting his assistance in obtaining justice (HIL/355/2189-219); typescript letter in French signed by the family of the late Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha: Princess Nazli, Prince Kemal and Prince Haïdar, soliciting a fair redistribution of the Endowment (Waqf) revenue (HIL/355/220-221)
Language:  Arabic; French, Ottoman Turkish, English
Digital file
Digitised material for Khedivial Family, 1896-1936 - HIL/355/1-221
Digitised material for Khedivial Family, 1896-1936 - HIL/355/1-221

Khedivial Family
Reference: HIL/351/1-70
Dates of creation: 1894-1939
Correspondence, mostly from the Khedivial family, addressed to the Khedive, often to express their gratitude and exchanging news, including: Crown Prince Wilhelm offering thanks for the Khedive’s greetings, passed on to him by Consul-General Padel, 6 December 1934 (HIL/351/56-57); telegram from Wilhelm II thanking the Khedive for the photographs of the German-built yacht “Nimet Allah”, 14 December 1934 (HIL/351/58-59).
Letter in French dated 24 October 1894 from Prince Ibrahim Halim to the Khedive asking his permission to get married (HIL/351/2).
Series of letters from Prince `Abd-al-Kader, the Khedive’s son, to his father. The letters are updates from the Prince to the Khedive concerning his studies. Also includes a detailed report for the school year 1917-1918 addressed to the Khedive from M. Daniels, professor at the University of Fribourg (HIL/351/42-46).
List of files housed in the Chamber of Archives (HIL/351/66-70).
Language:  Arabic; French, Ottoman Turkish and German
Digital file
Digitised material for Khedivial Family, 1894-1939 - HIL/351/1-70

Khedivial Family
Reference: HIL/363/1-462
Dates of creation: [ca. 1912-1917]
Correspondence and other papers concerning the education of royal princes and princesses, including letters from the Khedive to the Princes `Abd-al-Kader and `Abd-al-Moneim concerning their studies (HIL/363/456-462); letters from tutors of Princes `Abd-al-Kader and `Abd-al-Moneim, giving detailed reports on their progress (HIL/363/40-42,113-121,252-256,275-285,287-292,310,325-327,378-381,447-454); reports by Dr Paul Rumpel, University of Neuchatel, on the princes' German lessons (HIL/363/108-112); timetables for lessons (HIL/363/286,397,443); exam scripts and samples of dictation (HIL/363/305-324); and invoices for expenses in connection with education of the royal children (HIL/363/337-377,385-391,394-396,441-442)
Language:  Arabic, French and German
Digital file
Digitised material for Khedivial Family education papers, 1912-17 - HIL/363/1-462

Husain Nassar, Ali Sulaiman, Muhammad Rushdi
Reference: HIL/260/1-171
Dates of creation: 1894-1902
Reports from the Egyptian provinces, being general surveys of political and other affairs submitted to Khedival office.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Husain Nassar, Ali Sulaiman, Muhammad Rushdi, 1894-1902 - HIL/260/1-171

Notebook I
Reference: HIL/261/1-20
Dates of creation: 1898
Account book with note of days of Ramadan and jottings of incidental expenses.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Notebook I, 1898 - HIL/261/1-20

Notebook II
Reference: HIL/262/1-98
Dates of creation: 1899
Diary for 1899, similar in form to file 261. Names Muhammad Yasari pencilled on end fly leaf.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Notebook II, 1899 - HIL/262/1-98

Fred Smart
Reference: HIL/263/1-130
Dates of creation: 1898-1902
Personal correspondence to Khedive, mentioning Mr. Wright's reports on estates and various members of royal family.
Language:  French; German
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Fred Smart, 1898-1902 - HIL/263/1-130

Prof. Dr. J.J. Hess
Reference: HIL/264/1-64
Dates of creation: 1898-1920
Correspondence with Prof Dr J.J. Hess on education matters, education of Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), money for books. Hess’ travel arrangements from Cairo to Alexandria, and transport of his research instruments and geological research material; recommending the use of smokeless munition, as used by the British, 1898 (HIL/264/1-2); requesting audience, 1898 (HIL/264/5); requesting financial support for his newspaper, 1898 (HIL/264/6-7); requesting the Khedive receive his colleague from India Pr Dr Zia ed-bin Ahmed, who he met in Freiburg, 1906 (HIL/264/ 8-9); recommending machines and vehicles for agricultural use (HIL/264/12-13); teaching engagements; offering his services to the Khedive, 1910 (HIL/264/19-20); declines invitation from Lord Kitchener, 1913 (HIL/264/21-22); recommends a Freiburg chocolate factory, 1915 (HIL/264/22-24); support for Islamic Prisoners of War Association, 1916 (HIL/264/25-26); Mr and Mrs Python, 1917 (HIL/264/30-35); travels to Bern and Zurich; liaising in the Khedive’s matter with the Swiss Federal Council, 1916 (HIL/264/36-40); Python’s support for his research and research library, 1917 (HIL/264/46-47); letters of condolence received upon the death of his mother-in-law, 1917 (HIL/264/48-52); research in Freiburg; reports on the young prince’s academic progress; dealings with his academic colleagues Python and Daniels, 1918 (HIL/264/53-62); condolences upon the death of Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (HIL/264/63-64).
Language:   German
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Prof. Dr. J.J. Hess, 1898-1920 - HIL/264/1-64

Prince Muhammad `Ali
Reference: HIL/352/1-407
Dates of creation: 1896-1952
HIL/352/1-139: Letters from Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik Pasha addressed to his brother Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, mainly about family and personal matters, for instance their travels abroad or family news. Also concerns possessions of the late Princess Emineh Ilhamy (Khedive Tawfik's widow), such as Hilmiyya Waqf and the Waqf of Nabro. (Most of the undated letters seem to be sent during the 1890s or during the period of `Abbas Hilmi II's reign).
HIL/352/140-270: Continuation of letters from Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik Pasha addressed to his brother Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II about family and personal matters. Also concerns the property of the late Princess Emineh Ilhamy (Khedive Tawfik's widow), such as: Endowments (Waqfs), Qasr al-Doubara retail, the donation of the Palace in Bebek to the Egyptian Government and jewellery inherited from Princess Emineh Ilhamy.
HIL/352/271-407: Continuation of letters from Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik Pasha addressed to his brother Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, about family and personal matters. Also concerns the property of the late Princess Emineh (Khedive Tawfik's widow), such as the Endowments (Waqfs), Qasr al-Doubra objects and valuations of items to be put up for sale. Matters concerning the valuation and division of the jewellery of the late Princess Emineh Ilhamy, between her heirs (`Abbas Hilmi II and his brother and sisters). Subjects related to objects at Qasr al-Doubara. The file also includes other letters, written by individuals not from the Khedival family, like Ahmad Lutfi Bey to Mr. Niazi, and Jean Vallet to Mr. Khalifa Boubli, concerning the Khedivial Endowments (Waqfs). Also letters from Andon Bey, concerning the jewellery of the late Princess Emineh Ilhamy. Letters from the National Bank to Princess Attiat-Allah. Booklet concerning the Sharia Supreme Court, audience of the 4th of February 1926. Defence of Princess Emineh Ilhamy versus H.E. Muhammad Naguib Pasha, Director of the Royal Endowments (Waqfs), on the 23 June 1925. Studies by Mr. Abd al-Aziz Fahmi Pasha and Mr. Muhammad Ez-al-Arab Bey (1 copy in French and another in Arabic) (HIL/352/319-344)
Language:  French, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic
Digital file
Digitised material for Prince Muhammad `Ali, 1896-1952 - HIL/352/1-407

Khedivial stationery
Reference: HIL/468/18-25
Dates of creation: [1900s x 1944]Paper

Khedivial stationery (blank).
Language:   Arabic
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.

General F. von Thurneyssen Pasha
Reference: HIL/265/1-38
Dates of creation: 1901-1914
Personal correspondence to the Khedive re the horses chosen from the Gezira stables (HIL/265/1-2); attendance at the funeral of Queen Victoria, and illness of the Prince, 1901 (HIL/265/3-10); Countess Ohaunes (HIL/265/11-12); death of Wilhelm Malte II (Prince of Putbus), 1907 (HIL/265/22); asking about his health after a recent assault (HIL/265/33-4); his itinerary (HIL/265/13-14); contacts with Rakowski and Zubovits (HIL/265/16, 27-30); decorations, Dr Tabit Bey and Captain Zubovitchurging (HIL/265/16-17); closer ties with Wilhelm II (HIL/265/18-19); return to Egypt, 1914 (HIL/265/35-38).
Includes: positive response from artist John Watson Nicol (1856-1926) re painting a portrait of the Khedive, 5 August 1904 (HIL/265/15).
Language:  French; German
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for General F. von Thurneyssen Pasha, 1901-1914 - HIL/265/1-38

Granet, Ponsot, R. Pictet, H. Parodi (chemist) and Dr. A.A. Warden, Cannes
Reference: HIL/266/1-31
Dates of creation: 1901-1941
Correpondence to `Abbas Hilmi from Parodi concerning a chemical analysis of a sample relating to Lake Mariout (HIL/266/1-2) and the possibility of meeting Major Guison of Lausanne re a financial project (HIL/266/3-4); from Raoul Pictet asking `Abbas Hilmi to meet him (HIL/266/5-6), and concerning some of his friends visiting Egypt (HIL/266/7); letters from Granet (HIL/266/9) and Ponsot (HIL/266/14-26); from Dr A.A. Warden, referencing a plan to unite the states of the Arab world, and a meeting with Dr Kleinschrott (HIL/266/27-31).
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Granet, Ponsot, R. Pictet, H. Parodi (chemist) and Dr. A.A. Warden, Cannes, 1901-1941 - HIL/266/1-31

Number not used.
Dr. Anton Kautzky Bey
Reference: HIL/268/1-208
Dates of creation: 1901-1944
Chief doctor and surgeon of `Abbas Hilmi, personal correspondence concerning the ill-health of Rhiza Agha (HIL/268/1-6); meteorological observations (HIL/268/11-12); Kautsky's meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the presence of the Archduke François in Bohme (HIL/268/13); Kautsky's consultation with `Umar Pasha Rassim, 14 August 1901 (HIL/268/14-19); good health of `Abbas Hilmi's family, 1905 (HIL/268/26-33); physical condition of Prince `Abd al-Moneim and Princess Fatiha, 1907 (HIL/268/36-39); money `Abbas Hilmi sent to him, and to Dr Vittel and the Comte Jaworksi (HIL/268/177-178).
Visit and further travel arrangements for Cheikh Ahmed, Mohamed Hachim and Ismael Faha; the British royal visit in September, 1903 (HIL/268/20-23); report of Countess Török’s ill-health (HIL/268/34-35); health and domestic matters; Countess Török’s plans for a musical career and Kautzky’s objections to it on health grounds (HIL/268/21-57); Countess Török’s ill-health, and concerns about the matters regarding Mrs L. (HIL/268/58-59); detailed report on Prince Omer Farouk’s education, recommendation of private tuition in a variety of subjects in addition to his schooling at the Theresianum in Vienna, 1910 (HIL/268/60-73); medical matters and advice for treatment; private matters (HIL/268/74-81); spa holiday and treatment in Joachimstal near Karlsbad (HIL/268/88-96); medical matters and spa treatments of various members of the Austrian aristocracy (HIL/268/84-101); report on the Princess’s ill-health, 1911 (HIL/268/103-115); the Vice-Queen Mother’s ill-health in Constantinople, 1914 (HIL/268/118-123); plans for the Khedive’s future spa visit to Joachimstal, 1915 (HIL/268/124-127); requests the Khedive help and support the Princess, living without means in Berlin, 1932 (HIL/268/148-149); report on Omer Bey’s ill-health and about his wife, Princess Chefket, 1935 (HIL/268/150-154); petitions to support Princess Djavidan in Berlin, 1935-1937 and 1941 (HIL/268/158-175, 203-204) with responses (HIL/268/160-161); petition of Wilhelm Neurath for financial support (HIL/268/178-179); Prince Prince `Abd al-Moneim, his travel plans and health matters (HIL268/180-185); report on health matters of various members of the aristocracy and the royal family, including Arif Pasha and Princess Djavidan, 1938 (HIL/268/186-199); letters to Princess Djavidan, 1939 (HIL/268/200-201); Notification of the death of Dr Kautzky from his widow Leopoldine, 1944 (HIL/268/206-207), and press notice, May 1944 (HIL/268/208).
Language:  French; German
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Dr. Anton Kautzky Bey, 1901-1944 - HIL/268/1-208

Juliette Adam
Reference: HIL/269/1-14
Dates of creation: 1902-[c. 1910]
Anglophobe writer. Personal and social correspondence with `Abbas Hilmi, including a letter expressing happiness that `Abbas Hilmi will dine with her and her family (HIL/269/1); arrangements for their meeting in Paris (HIL/269/2-8); her visit to Egypt (HIL/269/9-12); expressing her love for Egypt and promises to defend it (HIL/269/13).
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Juliette Adam, 1902-[c. 1910] - HIL/269/1-14

Juliette Adam and Pierre Loti
Reference: HIL/270/1-16
Dates of creation: 1902-1907
Photographic negative copies of letters in files 269 and 271.
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Juliette Adam and Pierre Loti, 1902-1907 - HIL/270/1-16

Pierre Loti
Reference: HIL/271/1-11
Dates of creation: 1907
Anglophobe writer. Correspondence re books and visit to Egypt, meeting with the Khedive.
Microfilm: 33
Digitised material for Pierre Loti, 1907 - HIL/271/1-11

Sir Ernest Cassel
Reference: HIL/272/1-28
Dates of creation: 1902-1911
Correspondence re diplomatic relations with England, liaison with the King: visit to Egypt, and meeting with Duke and Duchess of Connaught, 1902 (HIL/272/1-4); Swiss visit, 1905 (HIL/272/5-6, 10, 19-22); Khedive's visit to London, liaison with King Edward VII on matters including a decoration for Sir [Alexander] Condie Stephen, and with Vincent Corbett, 1904 (HIL/272/7-12); visit to Egypt, and plans for wedding of Princess Margaret, 1905 (HIL/272/13-16); sudden return from Egypt on illness of old friend in England, 1908 (HIL/272/23-24); attendance at ceremony of the Holy Carpet in Cairo, December 1908 (HIL/272/25-26); illness of daughter, and post at the National Bank [of Egypt], 1911 (HIL/272/26-27).
1908: Felix Cassel
Correspondence re departure Holy Carpet.
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 33 (1-12): 34 (13-28)
Digitised material for Sir Ernest Cassel, 1902-1911 - HIL/272/1-28

Sir Ernest Cassel and Felix Cassel
Reference: HIL/273/1-14
Dates of creation: 1902-1911
Photographic negative copies of letters in file 272.
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Sir Ernest Cassel and Felix Cassel, 1902-1911 - HIL/273/1-14

Ahmad Shauqi bey
Reference: HIL/274/1-187
Dates of creation: 1904-1914
Poet. Personal letters to `Abbas Hilmi, in addition to a number of coded telegrams. Concerning the arrival of the secretarial diwan of Muntazah Palace (HIL/247/7); al-Azhar (HIL/247/8); Helbawi Bey's illness and Jalal al-Din Bey receiving `Umar Lutfi in Zagazig (HIL/247/9); correcting the previous telegram, as it was in fact Mustafa Mahir receiving Lutfi (HIL/247/10); concerning an article in al-`Alam newspaper (HIL/247/11-12); international politics (HIL/247/13); Princess Ahmad Dia al-Din (HIL/247/14); Shawqi's arrival at Muntazah Palace to meet `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/247/16); a yacht entitled al-Bahr al-Ahmar (HIL/247/18); an article published by Farid Bey (HIL/274/21-22); al-Tufani's anger at `Abd al-Hamid Bey (HIL/274/23); `Abu Shadi's attempts to re-issue the newspaper al-Balagh al-Misri (HIL/274/25). Also printed letter and verse from Salim Anhuri to the Khedive.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Ahmad Shauqi bey, 1904-1914 - HIL/274/1-187

General J.K. Watson Pasha
Reference: HIL/275/1-430
Dates of creation: 1905-1940
Acting G.O.C. Egypt. Correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi re social, military, internal and diplomatic matters. Including a letter concerning the Sirdar's request that `Abbas Hilmi meet Kaimakam `Umar Bey and a request that Kaimakam Midwinter Bey be decorated for his services with regard to the construction of a railway line (HIL/275/1-2); the promotion of M.A. Mansur Effendi Fathi (HIL/275/5-6); George V's visit to Egypt (HIL/275/7-10); the promotion of M.A. Ahmad Effendi Fakri (HIL/275/13-17); J.G. Maxwell succeeding General Bullock in Egypt (HIL/275/18-19); list of guests to be invited to the opening of the Nile-Red Sea railway line (HIL/275/20-21); Prince Heinrich's arrival in Alexandria (HIL/275/22-23); a list of officials, politicians and journalists travelling by steamer from Suez to Port Sudan (HIL/275/25); a reply to questions from `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/275/28-30); the meeting between Watson and Sir Ernest Cassel (HIL/275/38-39); a copy of a letter written by Hawker Bey from Smyrna requesting caracols all over the Vilayat (HIL/275/38-39); a letter discussing the choice of hotels for `Abbas Hilmi's visit to London (HIL/275/40-41); concerning a meeting between `Abbas Hilmi and Watson in Toulon (HIL/275/42-43); Watson and `Abbas Hilmi visiting Europe (HIL/275/44-47); apologies for Watson forgetting a lunch meeting with `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/275/51-52); thanking `Abbas Hilmi for the time he spent in Istanbul and Rhodes (HIL/275/61-62); proposing a Scottish chauffeur for `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/275/63-64,81-84,91-94); Watson's trip to Spain and Morocco (HIL/275/69-70); his attempts to meet the Prime Minister's secretary Mr Selby, and news regarding Prince Muhammad `Ali and Prince Kamal al-Din (HIL/275/77-78); concerning relations between Great Britain and Egypt (HIL/275/85-86); hoping to see `Abbas Hilmi during his short visit to Constantinople (HIL/275/96-97); a second letter regretting that he will not have the opportunity to do so (HIL/275/96-99); correspondence about travels, plans to meet between `Abbas Hilmi and Watson (HIL/275/107-127,140-145); an article concerning `Abbas Hilmi that appeared in the Daily Telegraph (HIL/275/136-137); George Hunter Pasha's death (HIL/275/138-139).
(see also file 276)
Language:   English
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for General J.K. Watson Pasha, 1905-1940 - HIL/275/1-430

Mrs. Eleanora C. Armes
Reference: HIL/276/1-46
Dates of creation: n.d. [1937]
Personal correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi, giving him her address (HIL/276/1-2); concerning the letter she received from Watson Pasha (HIL/276/3-4); `Abbas Hilmi's new yacht and her visit to the gardens of Prince Muhammad Ali's house in Cairo (HIL/275/5-6).
Language:   English
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Mrs. Eleanora C. Armes, n.d. [1937] - HIL/276/1-46

English friends
Reference: HIL/277/1-54
Dates of creation: 1907-1938
Correspondence from: R.S. Blomfield (Alexandria) requesting the restoration of the pension of former Egyptian government servants (HIL/277/1-4); W.F. Haynes Smith (High Comissioner, Cyprus) inviting `Abbas Hilmi to visit Cyprus (HIL/277/7-8); Edward VII, John Lister-Kaye (Groom-in-Waiting) forwarding a letter from the King (HIL/277/11-12); G. Fitzmaurice (British Embassy Constantinople) concerning a petition by Muhammad Raghib (HIL/277/13-14); G.P. Churchill (Consul General Algiers) expressing gratitude for a gift (HIL/277/16-17); R. Stochley (A.D.C. to the High Commissioner Palestine) (HIL/247/30-1); M. Scrivener (British Embassy Angora) inviting `Abbas Hilmi for lunch (HIL/277/19-20); E. Keith-Roach (D.C. Haifa) greeting `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/277/26-27) and welcoming him back to Haifa (HIL/247/32-33); J. Hathorn Hall (Palestine) discussing `Abbas Hilmi's visit to Palestine and Transjordan (HIL/247/24-25,34-35), thanking `Abbas Hilmi for his condolences regarding George VI's death (HIL/247/37); A. Wauchope (High Commissioner Palestine) thanking `Abbas Hilmi for books that he has sent (HIL/247/29) and concerning `Abbas Hilmi's stay in Jericho (HIL/247/39); Anthony Eden on the Anglo-Egyptian negotiations (HIL/247/40-142); Stanley Baldwin on the Anglo-Egyptian draft treaty (HIL/247/44); Lloyd responding to the rumour that the British Government will send him to Palestine (HIL/277/47); D.H. Edwards (Ministry of Shipping) offering to put `Abbas Hilmi's yacht at the disposal of the naval authorities (HIL/277/48); J. Ward Price to `Abbas Hilmi thanking him for his hospitality in Paris and informing him of his departure to London (HIL/277/49-52).
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for English friends, 1907-1938 - HIL/277/1-54

Khalil Kamil
Reference: HIL/278/1
Dates of creation: 1909
Loyal ode to Khedive by Khalil Kamil.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Khalil Kamil, 1909 - HIL/278/1

Djavidian Hanem
Reference: HIL/423/1-10
Dates of creation: 1910-1913
Papers relating to `Abbas Hilmi II's marriage to and divorce from Djavidian Hanem, formerly May Török. Includes: conversion to Islam at Abdin Palace, Cairo, 9 February 1910; wedding contract; divorce, 7 August 1913; payments made under the divorce settlement.
Language:  Arabic; German
Accessioned, September 2008: Acc.2008/9:17.
Digitised material for Djavidian Hanem, 1910-1913 - HIL/423/1-10

Muhammad Taha Haqqi
Reference: HIL/279/1-131
Dates of creation: 1911-1913
Pseudonym al-Farash. Memoranda on people, places, newspapers in Egypt for the Khedive. Including a report on Prince Mahmud, Abaza Pasha and Mustafa Pasha Khalil, and an article in al-Muqattam being published on this occasion (HIL/279/1-7); the endowment of Umm Hussain Bey (HIL/279/8-9); a meeting with Freidan and Boghos concerning Turkey (HIL/279/10); the Khedive's support for Turkey in Tripoli, a message to the Sultan from the al-Ittihad wa`l Tarraqiy association, and a rumour that Kitchener was completely paralysed (HIL/279/34-41); the irritation of the al-Watani party, an article published by Farid Bey concerning the relationship between Britain and Egypt, Haqqi Pasha, the mistreatment of Nashat Bey after his departure from Tripoli, Wasif Ghali Pasha, soldiers in Turkey demonstrating and demanding the freedom of Prince Yusuf `Izz al-Din, the incorporation of Tripoli into Italy and news about the conflict and the resistance led by Shaikh Saif al-Nasir al-Senussi, and requests from the newspapers that Prince Yusuf Kamal donate money (HIL/279/42-50); an interview with Prince Nazli Hanim in the Egyptian Gazette concerning al-Ittihad wa`l Tarraqiy and its relationship to Turkey, Haqqi's suggestion that al-Akhbar newspaper be censored under the new publications law because of the amount of unwelcome material it is producing and a telegram sent to al-Muqattam newspaper stating that Britain is not in favour of Tripoli's incorporation into Italy (HIL/279/52-55); al-Sayyid Pasha Abduh Hussain's telegram to the newspapers, reports in al-Mu`ayyid that the Khedive will attend the celebration of the Mahmal, Sa`ad Pasha having tea with Lord Kitchener, the expulsion of the Italian consuls from Egypt, demands for boycotts of Italy in the press, the increase in sales of Egyptian newspapers (HIL/279/57-60); the meeting with Abdullah Sulayman Abaza, Lord Kitchener receiving 1,700 petitions concerning Prime Minister Sa`id Pasha, and the possibility of a treaty being signed between Turkey and Great Britain (HIL/279/61-65); al-Shaikh Shawish and Shaikh `Ali Yusuf and their meeting with Lord Kitchener, the press treatment of Yusuf al-Muwilhi, the meeting between Sinot Bey and Lord Kitchener concerning Bushra Bey, and the al-Ittihad wa`l Tarraqiy organisation changing its name to Lajna al-Difa`a al-Wataniyya (HIL/279/66-70); the war in Greece, a rumour that all Italians working for the government will be replaced, and demands made by students at the Egyptian University to that effect (HIL/279/80-85); miscellaneous news relating to Kitchener (HIL/279/86-89); apologizing and asking the Khedive to forgive him (HIL/279/91); concerning Muhammad Bey Farid's arrival in London and his speech against Italy, Jawid Bey the ex-Minister of Finance in Turkey being the biggest shareholder in the Ottoman Bank (HIL/279/96-97); Egypt boycotting Italy and Italians in Egypt (HIL/279/98-114); asking the Khedive to forgive him and return him to his position (HIL/279/116-117); concerning the endownment of Umm Hussain Bey (HIL/279/118-120); Lord Kitchener, Shaikh Shawish, and the Arabs from the border preparing to go to Tripoli (HIL/279/121-122); concerning the Arab and Turkish victory against the Italians at Tripoli (HIL/279/127-128); and the meeting between Shawqi Bey and `Abd al-Latif al-Sufani (HIL/279/129-131).
Hafiz Ibrahim to Shawqi Bey on the protests of the prisoners at Torah jail (HIL/279/32-33).
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Muhammad Taha Haqqi, 1911-1913 - HIL/279/1-131

Dr. Uthman Pasha Ghalib
Reference: HIL/280/1-21
Dates of creation: 1912-1913
Professor School of Medicine, Cairo Hospital. Letters to the Khedive and Muhammad Sa`id Pasha re education and personal matters, such as Farid Bey and Madame de Rochbrune (HIL/280/4-5) and Egyptian students studying in Europe (HIL/280/11-19).
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Dr. Uthman Pasha Ghalib, 1912-1913 - HIL/280/1-21

There is no file 281.
“Autographes esoteriques” by Dr D. Verzato
Reference: HIL/469
Dates of creation: 3 March 19141 volume (110pp)

“Autographes esoteriques” par le Dr D. Verzato, cours 1r. Groupe Indepépendant d’Etudes Esotériques de Paris, Branche d’Egypte. Groupe Central “Hérmès” à Alexandrie. Manuscript of hand-coloured esoteric emblems with explanatory text, dedicated by the author, the Executive Director of the Groupe Indepépendant d’Etudes Esotériques de Paris, to `Abbas Hilmi II, Honorary President of the “Hérmès” Central Group, Alexandria.
Language:   French
Digitised material for Autographes esoteriques by Dr D. Verzato, 3 March 1914 - HIL/469

Van Grooten
Reference: HIL/282/1-2
Dates of creation: 11 May 1914
Belgian minister, Cairo, to Belgian customs on behalf of `Abbas Hilmi.
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Van Grooten, 11 May 1914 - HIL/282/1-2

Feridoun [Faridun] and Dr. Revay Hongrois
Reference: HIL/283/1-17
Dates of creation: 1914 and 1925
1914: Correspondence re `Abbas Hilmi's yacht and unspecified mission, the meeting between Muhammad Bey and Dr Revay (HIL/283/13-15); an interview between `Abbas Hilmi and a British Minister (HIL/283/17).
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Feridoun [Faridun] and Dr. Revay Hongrois, 1914 and 1925 - HIL/283/1-17

Letters from Prisoners of War
Reference: HIL/284/1-166
Dates of creation: 1914-1918
Letters to `Abbas Hilmi from `Ali Fahmi expressing gratitude (HIL/284/1); Amin Hilmi stating that he will soon return to Malta from Egypt (HIL/284/24); Hamad Muhammad al-Maliji sending greetings and asking for financial support (HIL/284/2-9,12-19); Amin Hilmi at Malta writing to Gamal Ali about circumstances and conditions during wartime, separation from friends, financial difficulties, hopes for better times and peace, 1915 (HIL/284/90); A. Hamudin to `Abbas Hilmi expressing his gratitude and exchanging news (HIL/284/104); `Abd al-Rahman Subhi expressing his gratitude and exchanging news (HIL/284/105-112); `Ata al-Husni expressing his gratitude and exchanging news (HIL/284/113); Ahmad and Muhammad Baqri (HIL/284/118-123,142); Heinrich Lustig at Malta writing from a prisoner of war camp asking the Khedive for financial support, reminding him of his position as a manager of the electrical plant at Ras-al-Tin and Montaza, 1916 (HIL/284/125); `Abd al-Hamid Hamdi to Khedive expressing gratitude and exchanging news (HIL/284/127); Col. Khalil Bey Hamdi to Khairi Bey, Muhammad Bey Rassil and Jamal `Ali expressing gratitude and exchanging news (HIL/284/129-141); Major Husni Shafiq expressing gratitude and exhanging news (HIL/284/144-166).
Amin Hilmi in prison in Malta sending letters to Jamal `Ali, Abdallah al-Bishri Bey, Shaikh `Abd al-Hamid Nada and `Ali Kishtah (HIL/284/26-101); `Abd al-Mu`ti al Hajaji sending his regards (HIL/284/103,117).
Language:  Arabic; German
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Letters from Prisoners of War, 1914-1918 - HIL/284/1-166

The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson
Reference: HIL/285/1-79
Dates of creation: 1914-1939
Correspondence from and to `Abbas Hilmi about an interview with the ex-Khedive which will be published in the Truth-Editor (HIL/285/3-4); a proposed meeting between Robertson and `Abbas Hilmi in Paris (HIL/285/7-8); employing Roney & Co. as `Abbas Hilmi's solicitors (HIL/285/9); concerning the publication of Mr Beaman's book The Dethronement of the Khedive (HIL/285/12-22); another meeting between the Khedive and Robertson (HIL/285/23); a meeting of the Egyptian Committee at the Metropole Hotel in London (HIL/284/75-77).
Language:  French; English
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson, 1914-1939 - HIL/285/1-79

Correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/468/2-17
Dates of creation: [1914]-1960
Personal correspondence to `Abbas Hilmi II, from: his mother Emineh Ilhamy, 1914 (HIL/468/2-4); Abdel Fattah Emran at Heliopolis, with sketch plan of unidentified property, 1 September 1939 (HIL/468/5-16); invitation (HIL/468/17).
Language:  Arabic; French; Ottoman Turkish

Arden George Hulme Beaman
Reference: HIL/286/1-231
Dates of creation: 1926-1929
A letter from Beaman's widow to `Abbas Hilmi requesting financial assistance (HIL/286/1-6); Beaman to `Abbas Hilmi arranging a meeting (HIL/286/7-12,19,23-6,31); discussing his book (HIL/286/29-30,88-89,101-102,147-151,169-171) and information on `Abbas Hilmi in the Enyclopedia Britannica (HIL/286/38-40,45-53,98,132-135); a sum of £6,000 that has been confiscated by the Egyptian Government (HIL/286/41-42,160,210-211,216-217), an article on Egypt in The Spectator and meetings with Lloyd George, J.M. Robertson and W. Wedgwood Benn (HIL/286/56-58); discussing Egyptian politics and English attitudes towards the situation in Egypt (HIL/286/59-64); `Abbas Hilmi's moves against the Zaghlulists (HIL/286/87); Beaman's meetings with various Egyptians in London and discussion of the political situation with them (HIL/286/114-118,143-144,174); Egyptian public opinion towards `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/286/121-122); discussing King Fu`ad (HIL/286/131); Beaman's publication of an article in The Truth and a letter in The Nineteenth Century regarding the prohibition on `Abbas Hilmi entering Britain and Egypt (HIL/286/136-137); English politics (HIL/286/138-139); engagements between Beaman and Lord Lloyd (HIL/286/152-155,193-197,206-207,218-221); the Aswan Dam and various sanitary projects (HIL/286/164); a meeting with Sir Valentine Chirol (HIL/286/172); a meeting with Rennel Rodd (HIL/286/175); articles published about `Abbas Hilmi in al-Muqattam and The Telegraph (HIL/283/181-183); Beaman's attempts to have an article about the ex-Khedive's estate published in The Truth; Beaman's meeting with Prince Muhammad `Ali (HIL/283/189-192).
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for Arden George Hulme Beaman, 1926-1929 - HIL/286/1-231

The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson
Reference: HIL/287/1-16
Dates of creation: 1929-1931
Photographic positive copies of material in file 285.
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson, 1929-1931- HIL/287/1-16

The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson
Reference: HIL/288/1-16
Dates of creation: 1929-1931
Photographic negative copies of material in file 285.
Microfilm: 34
Digitised material for The Rt. Hon. J.M. Robertson, 1929-1931- HIL/288/1

Dr. Rudolph Armster
Reference: HIL/289/1-645
Dates of creation: 1915-1922
Correspondence 1915-1922 from Dr Armster, general secretary to the Khedive, including:
Loss during transport of the two Mercedes limousines, 9 July 1915 (HIL/289/1-4); new Daimler-Benz Mercedes limousines on order (HIL/289/300-301); car export and import matters, plans for transportation to Egypt (HIL/289/306-307, 311-314, 316-317, 325-332, 354-356, 499-503; 517-520).
Cattle (HIL/289/499-503, 515); transport from Austria to Constantinople by Donau Spedition und Schifferei Schenker (HIL/289/569-581, 585).
Lily Pfaeltzer, her wish to work as a nurse in Egypt (HIL/289/7-11).
Sieglitz offering his services, his experience including construction of military aircraft, 3 July 1915 (HIL/289/7-11).
Moheb Arvay affair: recommendation of legal action against Moheb Arvay, the German ambassador and Prince Stolberg notified, 9 August 1915 (HIL/289/12-15); Moheb in Vienna, 30 August 1915 (HIL/289/53-56); queries Youssuf Pasha’s presence in Berlin; Youssuf Pasha’s publications damaging to the Khedive’s reputation in Germany and Berlin (HIL/289/104); copy of Moheb’s article “The Khedive’s Daemon” (16 September 1917), stating that “a French dancer tempted The Khedive to declare his loyalty with the Entente, relating his defection from Turkey”, 29 September 1917 (HIL/289/287-299); mediation by Dr Várady Gabor (HIL/289/371-374, 376-379, 387-396); article from Az Est, 20 December 1917; Gabor’s assurance he will deal with the Khedive’s lawsuit, requests punishment of guilty, confirms the Ministry of Justice recognises the Khedive as the lawful sovereign of Egypt, December 1917-February 1918 (HIL/289/382-386, 397-400); power of attorney and legal process (HIL/289/401-421); rejection of Miklos Andors’ appeal (HIL/289/444-446); translation of an article published in the Dèli Hirlap about Arvay’s military career, his initial friendship with the Khedive, education at the Theresianum in Vienna, khedivial service, exile (HIL/289/449-452); updates on legal action against Az Est, hopes that Max Brody, the supposed author of the articles, will return to Hungary (HIL/289/458-468); counter article from the Dèli Hirlap (?April 1918) with translation, containing Khedive’s political statement and declaration of loyalty to the European central powers (HIL/289/469, 475-478, 528-531); Arvay claims of innocence (HIL/289/495-498); Gabor reports of progress in lawsuit against the press and advice; Brody denies authorship of “The Khedive’s Demon” (HIL/289/504-514); legal action against Az Est suspended upon instruction of the Foreign Ministry (HIL/289/554-561), and resumed shortly before end of the limitation of liability, 14 October 1918 (HIL/289/613-615).
Military success of the European central powers (HIL/289/53-56); Youssuf Pascha’s proposal for a basis of peace negotiations between Germany and France (HIL/289/57-77); situation in Poland and Romania (HIL/289/184-185); death and funeral of Emperor Franz Josef’s, Prince Ibrahim as khedivial representative, 27 November 1916 (HIL/217-221, 228-231).
Relations with Turkey: suggestion by Armster that Mr B. could negotiate; the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) no longer loyal to the Khedive, deterioration of relations with the Turkish Government, with reference to the attempted assassination of the Khedive in Constantinople outside the Sublime Porte (26 July 1914); coalition party, Abdel Aziz Schauisch, situation with the Young Turks (HIL/289/57-77); negotiations on return of the Khedive to Turkey including correspondence with Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg, W. Rosenberg, Amster, October 1915 (HIL/289/87-88, 94-97, 99-103); Armster confirms U.S. Ambassador Penfield’s friendship and loyalty to the Khedive (HIL/289/182); mediation by Nourredin, Mecklenburg, German ambassador, 1916 (HIL/289/228-231, 248-249, 257-264); Ottoman Government’s attitude toward the Khedive (HIL/289/562-566).
Travel, visa and postal matters (HIL/289/84-86, 145, 204-216, 232-237, 239-242); censorship (HIL/289/253-256, 261-270); passport and visa matters, including Koller, Hassler, gardener Gysler (HIL/289/318, 331-332, 354-356, 412-424, 539-543); service commendations, M. von Bartsch and Clemens Plass, 1918 (HIL/289/471-473, 521-527); Ministry of War authorisation for medications to be issued to the Khedive at Çubuklu (HIL/289/589); various transport and insurance matters (HIL/289/599-602, 606, 617-622).
Armster’s health (HIL/289/84-86, 187-190, 193-200, 289-292); payment matters (HIL/289/191-200, 634-645); visits in Vienna, including to Penfield (HIL/289/89-93, 111-129); Mrs Hedwig Armster on her husband’s illness and his mediation activities prior to his illness (HIL/289/187-190).
Language:   German
Microfilm: 34 (1-122): 35 (122-645)
Digitised material for Dr. Rudolph Armster, 1915-1922 - HIL/289/1-645

Mme. le Shaikh Abd al-Aziz Shawish [Jawish]
Reference: HIL/290/1-4
Dates of creation: 1919
Two letters to `Abbas Hilmi requesting financial support, one from Mme. Zainab `Abd al-`Aziz Jawish the wife of Shaikh `Abd al-`Aziz Jawish, the second from the daughter of Sulayman `Aqqa Pasha the ex-Governor of the Canal.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Mme. le Shaikh Abd al-Aziz Shawish [Jawish], 1919 - HIL/290/1-4

Marquis Lorenza d'Adda
Reference: HIL/291/1-43
Dates of creation: 1915-1922
Naval engineer. Correspondence to Yazhin Pasha and `Abbas Hilmi regarding an incident involving his son and `Abbas Hilmi's help in getting him out of prison, his work at the Swiss military department, his difficult condition in Switzerland and a request that `Abbas Hilmi support him so that he might exploit his military experience in Constantinople (HIL/291/34-39); an article that will be published in the “Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue Suisse” and Prince Henry of Prussia (HIL/291/14-15).
Letters and two pamphlets on naval warfare, “Considérations et Prévisions sur la Guerre Continentale” (HIL/291/12), and“ La Crise des Marines Militaires” (HIL/291/13).
(see file 94)
Language:   French
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Marquis Lorenza d'Adda, 1915-1922 - HIL/291/1-43

Reference: HIL/292/1-115
Dates of creation: 1915-1937
Correspondence and petitions to `Abbas Hilmi:- Lord Auckland consulting `Abbas Hilmi on his intention to sell his yacht (HIL/292/1-3,5-9); Jean Tureni Bey exchanging news (HIL/292/11-18); Gabriel Naqqash requesting financial support (HIL/19-20); Rashid Muhammad Safwat sending his condolences on the death of `Abbas Hilmi's mother (HIL/292/21-23,26-27); Mustafa Husni al-Shamasharji concerning the trouble that the British are making with regard to the establishment of the Egyptian University and their intention to control the project (HIL/292/27-31); from `Ali Muhammad al-Falal expressing gratitude to `Abbas Hilmi (HIL/292/34); from R. Mors, his intentions to resume his military career (ex Egyptian Army), asking the Khedive for references, and application for administrator of the Dalaman estate, with engagement card of Werner Moeschler and Helga Marianne Mors, 1936 (HIL/292/49-67); from Dr Hemshat requesting his support to move from Germany and concerning the political situation in Egypt (HIL/292/68-79); from Salim Khuri concerning the construction of a house in Jericho (HIL/292/81-82); from `Abd al-Hamid Hamdi to Yusuf Bey Kamal concerning inheritance (HIL/292/83); from al-Farash concerning the political situation in Egypt (HIL/292/84-5); a report from Muhammad al-Sabahi concerning agriculture in Egypt and other miscellaneous topics (HIL/292/86-92); from Ahmad al-Kashif concerning his job (HIL/292/104).
Language:  French; Arabic; English; German
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Miscellaneous, 1915-1937 - HIL/292/1-115

Muhammad Shaukat, Cevat Cemal [Jawad Jamal]
Reference: HIL/293/1-303
Dates of creation: 1900-1940
Rusheni [Raushani], Sad al-Din Farid, Ahmad Mukhtar, etc. Correspondence from Turkish officials. Some Vekalet-namehs signed `Abbas Hilmi 1928.
1915-1940: R. Ojerad, Bronislav Jonasch, Levasseur, Jourdan Pietri
Jonasch personal and social correspondence: offering his services, 1915 (HIL/293/117-118); minute of conversations with Yussuf Cadik Pasha, 11 and 21 August 1916: Yussuf’s advice against the Khedive travelling from Constantinople to Switzerland through enemy territory; Yussuf’s desire to retire from the Khedive’s service (HIL/293/119-123); movements, Cannes and Paris (1932, 1937-1938).
Language:  French, Ottoman Turkish, German
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Muhammad Shaukat, Cevat Cemal [Jawad Jamal], 1900-1940 - HIL/293/1-303

Muhammad Yakan Pasha
Reference: HIL/294/1-25
Dates of creation: 1916-1920
Letters, mainly focusing on the departure of Nur al-Din Bey's wife and that of the family of Shadid Bey.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Muhammad Yakan Pasha, 1916-1920 - HIL/294/1-25

Von Richthofen
Reference: HIL/295/1-50
Dates of creation: 1916-1935
Correspondence from von Richthofen, von Brünning, Hanamaun, W. Hintersatz, personal, hangers-on asking for patronage, notice, acknowledgement.
Language:   German
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Von Richthofen, 1916-1935 - HIL/295/1-50

Hamid al-`Alili
Reference: HIL/296/1-67
Dates of creation: 1914-1939
Correspondence from Hamad al-`Alili from his time as a prisoner of War in Malta, mostly sent to Mr Gamal Ali. Letters from `Alili to the Khedive from `Alili in Europe wishing to meet the Khedive; asking for 500 L.E. in order to participate in the elections; asking for the Khedive to send marines from Egypt to help work on his yacht; a letter from Iqbal al-`Alili to the Khedive sending her regards.
Language:  French; English; Arabic
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Hamid al-`Alili, 1914-1939 - HIL/296/1-67

al-Bajuri Bey
Reference: HIL/297/1-49
Dates of creation: 1918-1931
and various Egyptian friends. Many poems: Isam al-Din Wasif, Ismail Shahin. Funeral poems (Princess Fathiyyah). Reports regarding the al-Wafd Party, and the departure of the Egyptian Party to attend the Near East conference; a letter concerning the death of Prince `Abd al-Qadir, the son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II; information concerning espionage activities conducted by Saif-Allah Pasha Yusri; the participation of the al-Wafd Party in the Near East conference held at Lausanne.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for al-Bajuri Bey, 1918-1931 - HIL/297/1-49

Fritz-Gunther von Tschirschky Boegendorff
Reference: HIL/298/1-82
Dates of creation: 1918-1929
Correspondence from re personal matters.
Microfilm: 35
Digitised material for Fritz-Gunther von Tschirschky Boegendorff, 1918-1929 - HIL/298/1-82

Sister Catherine
Reference: HIL/299/1-116
Dates of creation: 1919-1937
Istanbul dispensary Sefkat.
Photographs and correspondence from, report detailing the history of the dispensary (HIL/299/36-43), and news of the Princesses, daughters of the Khedive, living in Emirghan, particularly the health of Princess Emineh; includes photographs [of the Dispensary] (HIL/299/1-9).
Language:  French;German
Microfilm: 35 (1-87): 36 (88-116)
Digitised material for Sister Catherine, 1919-1937 - HIL/299/1-116

Muhammad Tawfiq Fadil
Reference: HIL/300/1-100
Dates of creation: 1920-1924
Pharmacist. Letter to Muhammad Tawfiq Nasim Pasha, stating that `Abbas Hilmi and some of his soldiers are making plans against the current King of Egypt.
Letters from Europe to Khedive, asking for forgiveness.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Muhammad Tawfiq Fadil, 1920-1924 - HIL/300/1-100

Ahmad Ismail
Reference: HIL/301/1-86
Dates of creation: 1904-1946
Letters and memos, principally to Khedive. Includes March 1908 number of journal Tawali` al-Muluk.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Ahmad Ismail, 1904-1946 - HIL/301/1-86

Raymond Colrat
Reference: HIL/302/1-105
Dates of creation: 1923-1930
Correspondence to and from Etienne Richet etc. re journalist and explorer Colrat sitting for election in France, requesting financial support, journalism, personal matters.
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Raymond Colrat, 1923-1930 - HIL/302/1-105

Muhammad Nasib Musallam al-Khayyat
Reference: HIL/303/1-76
Dates of creation: 1922-1940
Letters from Paris, concerning his meeting with political figures such as Mr. Tronqouis regarding the importance of the French government having a positive attitude towards Islam and the Middle East; asking the Khedive for financial support; discussing his new post within the Syrian government, his post in Paris at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his post in Istanbul as the Consul of Syria in Istanbul; also discussing Mr Besnard's love and support for Syria and Jamal Bey Mardam and Prince Hassan al-Atrash.
Language:  French; Arabic
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Muhammad Nasib Musallam al-Khayyat, 1922-1940 - HIL/303/1-76

Lady Webster Wemyss
Reference: HIL/304/1-63
Dates of creation: 1926-1941
Correspondence from and to, personal and negotiations with Britain.
Language:   English
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Lady Webster Wemyss, 1926-1941 - HIL/304/1-63

Representatives Christian Churches
Reference: HIL/305/1-73
Dates of creation: 1926-1942
Correspondence of Jeanne Moereau, Nicholas M. Dobrecic, Father Bufalini, Rance Bourrey, Dr. Gilbert Helmer, Monseigneur Ange Dolci, François Morel, Franz L. Cermak, including: Jeanne Moereau, Secretary of the Chanoine Rance-Bourrey and the Group of Historic Studies, concerning the tomb of Andon Bey, 1936 (HIL/305/5); Archbishop Nicholas M. Dobrecic, Primate of Serbia, exchanging news and concerning their gathering in Palestine; and celebrating the millennium of the Church and his silver jubilee, 1935-1942 (HIL/305/11-18, 20-33, 35-37, 40-44, 47-51, 53-70, 74).
Language:  French; German; Italian
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Representatives Christian Churches, 1926-1942 - HIL/305/1-73

Mme. Berthe Gaulis
Reference: HIL/306/1-62
Dates of creation: 1927-1930
Authoress of book on Egypt. Correspondence from re intended book on Arabia and Syria, the difficulties of her trip to the Hejaz, her meetings with different figures.
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Mme. Berthe Gaulis, 1927-1930 - HIL/306/1-62

Ahmad Taufiq al-Yamani and wife
Reference: HIL/307/1-69
Dates of creation: 1928-1929
Letters in Ottoman Turkish, mostly to Khedive from Turkey.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Ahmad Taufiq al-Yamani and wife, 1928-1929 - HIL/307/1-69

Java to Kolkatta travel diary [by Prince Mohammed Ali Tewfik]
Reference: HIL/470
Dates of creation: 18 August-2 September 19291 spiral bound notebook (96pp)

Diary (incomplete) by Prince [?Mohammed Ali Tewfik] of part of a voyage, beginning in Java, and passing through Singapore, Penang, Rangoon [Yangon], and ending in Calcutta [Kolkatta].
Language:   French
Digitised material for Java to Kolkatta travel diary by Prince Mohammed Ali Tewfik, 18 August-2 September 1929 - HIL/470

Assad Jamal bey and wife
Reference: HIL/308/1-66
Dates of creation: 1929-1937
Turkish diplomat with the Legation at the Hague. Correspondence personal and social, asking for and giving favours; asking the Khedive to visit them at Le Haye, Holland; sending condolences on death of King Fouad I.
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Assad Jamal bey and wife, 1929-1937 - HIL/308/1-66

Jean Louis Paguenaud
Reference: HIL/309/1-103
Dates of creation: 1929-1940
French Naval artist.
Letters re maintenance and sale of the yacht “Nimet-Allah” and the construction of a new yacht for the Khedive executed by the Société des ateliers et chantiers de la Loire for the cost of 9,500,000 francs.
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Jean Louis Paguenaud, 1929-1940 - HIL/309/1-103

Francesco Nitti
Reference: HIL/310/1-38
Dates of creation: 1929-1942
Former President Italian Council of Ministers, resident in Paris.
Letters to the Khedive: La Democrazia, by Nitti (1933) (HIL/310/9, 14); Khedive underwriting Saudi state bank, with newspaper clipping, April 1933 (HIL/310/12-13); report on international military spending, 1938 (HIL/310/18-19); requesting Khedivial letters of presentation and recommendation for his son Vincenzo Nitti, a director of Anglo-Bulgarian Mines Ltd, (with biographical summary), to persons in Istambul, June 1939 (HIL/310/20-22).
Correspondence between Nitti and Credit Suisse (Geneva), and letters to the Khedive, concerning the sale of certain stocks, 1942 (HIL/310/24-37).
Language:   French
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Francesco Nitti, 1929-1942 - HIL/310/1-38

Col. Tahir bey Ali
Reference: HIL/311/1-113
Dates of creation: 1918-1935
Colonel on Turkish Staff. Copy of document for Prime Minister Danad Farid Pasha. Letters to the Khedive from 1919, mostly from Paris 1930-1935, correspondence with Andon Bey. Letter from Ismet to the Khedive 1923.
Language:   Turkish
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Col. Tahir bey Ali, 1918-1935 - HIL/311/1-113

Reference: HIL/312/1
Dates of creation: [1931]
Note of accounts relating to the Khedivial budget in Cook's Wagons-Lits wallet.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Accounts, 1931 - HIL/312/1

Hamid al-Wadi, Mahmud, Fuad al-Khatib
Reference: HIL/313/1-52
Dates of creation: 1931-1932
Documents and correspondence relating to the freedom party in the Hijaz and opposition in Saudi Arabia; the uprising in Syria against the French; the Khedive financing a new bank in Amman; a programme regarding the trip of King Faisal; letters to the Khedive from Hamdi al-Wadi concerning his trips and activities.
Letters in Turkish (HIL/ 313/8,12,21,33,41-42)
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Arabic
Microfilm: 36
Digitised material for Hamid al-Wadi, Mahmud, Fuad al-Khatib, 1931-1932 - HIL/313/1-52

Cecil Harcourt-Smith
Reference: HIL/314/1-90
Dates of creation: 1932-1935
Letters exchanged between the Khedive and Cecil Harcourt-Smith at the Hotel Miramar at Cannes concerning: a new yacht for the Khedive and the disposal of the old one; information on Habib Lutfallah; negotiations with the Foreign Office for a visit to England and meeting with the King; the financial position of Harcourt-Smith.
Language:   English
Microfilm: 36 (1-47): 37 (48-90) Note:- File 259 (q.v.) microfilmed between file 314/47 and 314/48.
Digitised material for Cecil Harcourt-Smith, 1932-1935 - HIL/314/1-90

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/368/1-191
Dates of creation: [ca. 1936-1940]
Draft (part 1) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”, later edited and published by Amira Sonbol as Abbas II, Khedive of Egypt, 1874-1944, Mémoires d'un souverain, texte édité et présenté par A. el-A. Sonbol. La Caire : CEDEJ, 1996.
Typescript copies of chapters 1-6, with manuscript annotations.
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/368/1-191

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/369/1-276
Dates of creation: [ca. 1936-1940]
Draft (part 2) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Typescript copy of the complete book, including introduction, chronological table of the Khedives of Egypt, chapters 1-9 and appendices.
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/369/1-276

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/370/1-145
Dates of creation: [ca. 1936-1940]
Draft (part 3) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Typescript and manuscript biographical and historical notes on which the memoirs were based, including notes on Sir Eldon Gorst (HIL/370/6-8), English officials in Egypt (HIL/370/11-14), copy of the convention between the British Government and the Khedive relating to the future administration of the Sudan (HIL/370/15-17), the Dinshawi affair (HIL/370/33-35,138-143), the English committee in London for Egypt (HIL/370/38-40), Lord Kitchener (HIL/370/44-63), Abaza Pasha's mission (HIL/370/64-74,90), Lord Cromer (HIL/370/76-87,93-99,121-130), the Presidents of the Council of Ministers (HIL/370/100-106), copy proclamation by the General Officer Commanding in Chief, His Britannic Majesty's Forces in Egypt, 1914 (HIL/370/107-120), the Suez Canal (HIL/370/131-137) and printed copy of the declaration of the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II on the subject of the death of Abaza Pasha and the publications made by Rushdi Pasha (HIL/370/144-145).
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/370/1-145

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/371/1-89
Dates of creation: [ca. 1936-1940]
Draft (part 4) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Selected pages from typescript drafts of “Mémoires d'un Souverain”; letters to the Khedive's daughter from H. Boubli in Paris about the publication of the memoirs, 1951 (HIL/371/42,44); lists of illustrations (HIL/371/48-49,51); photographs intended as illustrations, listed separately in section D. Photographs (HIL/371/52-87); printed declaration by the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II on the subject of the death of Abaza Pasha (HIL/371/88-89).
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/371/1-89

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/372/1-7
Draft (part 5) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Notebook containing a draft introduction to “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Language:   Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/372/1-7

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/373/1-28
Draft (part 6) of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, entitled “Mémoires d'un Souverain”.
Note on Lord Kitchener, written by `Abbas Hilmi after he left Egypt in 1914 and probably intended for inclusion in his memoirs (typescript with corrections).
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/373/1-28

`Abbas Hilmi II
Reference: HIL/381-HIL/382
Dates of creation: [ca. 1936-1940]
Photographic copy of a draft of the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, “Mémoires d'un Souverain”: chapters 1-6 (HIL/381/1-247); chapters 7-end, plus annexes and appendices (HIL/382/1-235).
Language:  French; Arabic
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, ca. 1936-1940 - HIL/381-HIL/382

Marie-Louise Perreux
Reference: HIL/315/1-21
Dates of creation: 1940-1943
Letters to the Khedive from Marie-Louise Perreux, a journalist, sending best wishes, expressing gratitude to the Khedive, concerning dogs, etc.
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Marie-Louise Perreux, 1940-1943 - HIL/315/1-21

Comte de Bèarn
Reference: HIL/316/1-18
Dates of creation: 1941
Letters to the Khedive from the Comte de Bearn, sending his regards and discussing matters relating to the yacht Nimet-Allah
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Comte de Bèarn, 1941 - HIL/316/1-18

Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim
Reference: HIL/364/1-8
Dates of creation: [ca. 1938-1959]
Papers concerning Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim, including undated letters in Turkish signed by Princess Iqbal enclosing 2 newspaper clippings concerning King Farouk I giving his blessing to the engagement of Prince Muhammad `Abd-al-Moneim with Princess Mezine, the eldest sister of King Zog of Albania, in 1938 (HIL/364/1-2); photocopy of Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim's Egyptian passport, dated 1959 (HIL/364/4-6); letter in Arabic dated 22 March 1952 from the representative of Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik to Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim concerning a plot of land in Mattariyya in Cairo and the agreement of Princess Shawkat to its sale (HIL/364/7)
Language:  Turkish; Arabic
Digitised material for Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim, ca. 1938-1959 - HIL/364/1-8

Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim
Reference: HIL/353/1-19
Dates of creation: 1951-1979
Correspondence from the Cabinet’s Grand Chamberlain and mostly addressed to Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim regarding the Prince partaking in Palace ceremonies, events and meetings with King Farouk I. Letter from Prince `Abd-al-Moneim to Talaat Harb Pasha expressing his gratitude to King Farouk I for assigning him the leadership of the Poultry Breeders' Association. Draft letter from Prince `Abd al-Moneim to Mrs Jihan al-Sadat, wife of the former President of Egypt, Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, thanking her for her gift of a colour television
Language:   Arabic
Digital file
Digitised material for Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim, 1951-1979 - HIL/353/1-19

Princess Kamal al-Din
Reference: HIL/379/1-14
Dates of creation: [1960s]
Inventory of “silverware, carpets, paintings, and photographs”, but in fact in this copy itemising only silverware, in 9 chests, with weights and total valuation (2 copies).
Packaging inscribed with the name of Princess Kamal al-Din (1881-1965).
Language:   French
Digitised material for Princess Kamal al-Din, 1960s - HIL/379/1-14

Family of Muhammad `Ali Pasha
Reference: HIL/317/1-18
Dates of creation: [1971]
Letter to Prince `Abbas Hilmi dated 16 June 1971 enclosing unsigned typescript (ff.13) concerning family history [? transcript from Ottoman Turkish]. MS draft reply.
Personal letter, undated and unsigned, sent to Sevkat, coinveying the sender's regards and expressing the hope that the difficulties between his father and Sevkat will be settled soon (HIL/317/17)
Language:  French; Turkish
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Family of Muhammad `Ali Pasha, 1971 - HIL/317/1-18

Issa Bandak Bandak
Reference: HIL/443
Dates of creation: 1982-1984
6 letters to [Prince `Abbas Hilmi] from Issa Bandak Bandak, a member of a leading Bethlehem Christian family, who had known `Abbas Hilmi II well.
Language:   Arabic
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9.
Digitised material for Issa Bandak Bandak, 1982-1984 - HIL/443

Family of Muhammad `Ali Pasha
Reference: HIL/434/1-2
Dates of creation: [late 20th century]
Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand. Photocopy, lacking pages 31 and 57.
Family tree of the House of Mohamed Aly of Egypt.
Language:   French
Accessioned, 24 January 2003: BAK180; Misc.2002/2003:22.
Digitised material for Family of Muhammad `Ali Pasha, late 20th century - HIL/434/1-2

The Diwan
Reference: HIL/318/1
Dates of creation: Not dated
Telegram to `Abbas Hilmi from Hamid Pasha
Language:   English
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Hamid Pasha, HIL/318/1

Hln Chevab
Reference: HIL/319/1
Dates of creation: Not dated
MS. music. La Sabra Gavottine, dedicated to the Khedive.
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Hln Chevab - HIL/319/1

Visiting Cards
Reference: HIL/320/1-116
Collection of visiting and business cards
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Visiting Cards - HIL/320/1-116

Visiting cards and photographs
Reference: HIL/321/1-44
Collection of visiting and business cards and one unidentified portrait photograph (HIL/321/1)
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Visiting cards and photographs - HIL/321/1-44

Visiting cards
Reference: HIL/322/1-14
Collection of visiting and business cards
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Visiting cards - HIL/322/1-14

Programmes and menus
Reference: HIL/323/1-13
Dates of creation: 1904-1935
Collection of menus and an envelope with the name Daïra of Her Highness the Khedive's Mother, Cairo (HIL/323/1)
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Programmes and menus, 1904-1935 - HIL/323/1-13

Reference: HIL/324/1-4
Dates of creation: 1915
with watercolour paintings.
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Menus, 1915 - HIL/324/1-4

Musical soirée at the Palais d'Abdine, 15 March 1939
Reference: HIL/442
Dates of creation: 15 March 1939
Dinner menu and programme for a musical evening, including performers Erich Pohl, Leila Bederkhan, Edith Rogers, Ilona Kay, Bice del Frate and other dancers of the Ballet du Théâtre Royal de l'Opéra, E. Isaïa. Both menu and musical programme include Iranian items.
Language:  French;Arabic
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9.
Digitised material for Musical soirée at the Palais d'Abdine, 15 March 1939 - HIL/442

Reference: HIL/325/1-4
Dates of creation: Not dated
Cards, invitations, notes.
Language:   Arabic
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Invitations - HIL/325/1-4

Passports and identity cards
Reference: HIL/356-362
Dates of creation: 1924-1942
Identity card for the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi for the Société de la Légion d'Honneur, 1928 (HIL/356/1; Egyptian passports for 1924 (HIL/357/1-17); 1931 (HIL/358/1-17); 1932 (HIL/359/1-22); and Turkish passports for 1928 (HIL/360/1-5); 1930 (HIL/361/1-10) and 1942 (HIL/362/1-18)
Language:   French
Digitised material for Passports and identity cards, 1924-1942 - HIL/356- HIL/362

HIL/474/1   1940-1944
Language:  Arabic; French
Egyptian diplomatic passport of `Abbas Hilmi II, issued in Paris.
Digitised material for Egyptian diplomatic passport of `Abbas Hilmi II, 1940-1944 - HIL/474/1
HIL/474/2   1940
Language:  Turkish; French
Turkish passport of Ikbal Hanimefendi (1876-1941).
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Children of `Abbas Hilmi II and Ikbal Hanimefendi
Reference: HIL/477/1-8
Dates of creation: [1910s-1919]Paper

Watercolours and pencil sketches of Alpine, Venetian and Egyptian scenes, by Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader.
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Watercolours and sketches of Alpine, Venetian and Egyptian scenes, by Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader - 1910-1919 - HIL/477/1-8

HIL/481/1-2   7 July 1917; 22 January 1918
Language:   French
Diploma baccalauréat ès sciences, University of Fribourg, granted to S.A. Mohammed Abd El-Moneim Hilmi.
Certificate issued by the University of Fribourg to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim confirming his having been presented with a Diploma baccalauréat ès sciences, in the Faculty of Law, 20 October 1917.
1 membrane (in 2 pieces)
HIL/479/1-3   1914; 1921-1925
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; French
Ottoman passports of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader, issued by the Governor of Pera at Galata, 14 December 1914;
French passport of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, issued at Paris on 3 August 1921 and annually renewed to 15 July 1925.

Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Passports, 1914; 1921-1925 - HIL/479/1-3
HIL/480/1-8   1930-1973
Language:  Turkish; French; Italian
Driving licences of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim: Turkish and international.
Digitised material for Driving licences of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, 1930-1973 - HIL/480/1-8
HIL/478/1-10   1911-1935
Language:  Ottoman Turkish; Turkish
Letters from Ikbal Hanimefendi to her son Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
Paper (9f)
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Letters, Ikbal Hanimefendi to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, 1911-1935 - HIL/478/1-10
HIL/482/1-2   [1912; 1922]
Language:   Arabic
Letters from Princess Atiye to her brother Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
Digitised material for Correspondence, 1912-1964 - HIL/482/1-2
HIL/482/3   1916
Language:   Arabic
Letter from Abdullah Selim Seria to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
HIL/482/4-6   3 /12 / [1]335 [20 September 1917]
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Letter from Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi at Scutari to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Lausanne, wishing but for the war to be at Lausanne with the group of the prince and Ferid Cevolet. Enclosure: photograph of Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi, wearing military uniform, with horse.
Paper; photographic print
Size: 68 x 91 mm (oval)
HIL/482/7   11 November 1917
Language:   French
Letter from Sayid Kamil at Geneva to [Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim] concerning his studies at the University of Fribourg and the prince's discovery there of a manuscript memoir by Colonel Perrier, aide-de-camp of Suleiman Pasha, concerning Ibrahim Pasha's Syrian Campaign.
HIL/482/8-12   1917; 1937-1938
Language:   French
Personal letters from `Abbas Hilmi II in Constantinople, and then Paris, to his son(s) Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, and perhaps also Prince Muhammed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), concerning studies, health matters, European political events and the disposition of the yacht [Nimet-Allah II].
HIL/552/1-2   12 January 1937
Stemped (empty) envelope addressed to Khedive Abbas Hilmi II on board the yacht “Nimet Allah” at Cannes; with covering note
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.
HIL/482/13-18   26 July 1918-26 April 1919
Language:  French; English; German
Letters from Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919) at Mommsenstrasse, Berlin to his brother Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at Fribourg, concerning his education, and with a note from the latter to Sir Horace Rumbold, British Ambassador at Berne, and a telegram from Fuad Raif Bey, concerning M. Abdel Kader's final illness and arrangements following his death.
[Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919) entered hospital in Berlin on 16 April and died 19 April 1919.]
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
HIL/553/1-2   1921, 1927
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Two pieces by Prince Abdülmecid II (1868-1944) addressed to his son Prince Ömer Faruk (1898-1969), describing his thoughts in exile; the second piece written in red ink. Loose within red silk binder with gilt tooling.
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.
HIL/553/3/1-21   24 August 1921
Language:   French
Regretful account by Prince Abdülmecid II (1868-1944) of the drift into the First World War, referring to a missed opportunity to meet with the British at Port Said refused by Sultan Mehmed V; written at Dolmabahçe Palace, Istanbul.
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.
HIL/556   [1900 x 1950]
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Bound manuscript, heavily annotated in pencil.
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.
HIL/482/19   8 March 1927
Language:   French
Certificate of mastery issued to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim by the Shooting Gallery, Pavillon des Sports at Montreux.
HIL/482/20-21   2 July 1931
Language:   Arabic
Letter to Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at Heliopolis, concerning the death of Valide Pasha Princess Emineh Ilhamy.
HIL/482/22-24   19 September 1931
Language:   Arabic
Convocation from King Fouad for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim to attend at Montaza Palace.
HIL/482/25   1 September 1960
Language:   Arabic
Letter from the Al-Hayat Hospital, Beirut, concerning annual participation.
HIL/547/1-2   [1900 x 1955]
Language:   Arabic
Two short manuscript religious texts, written by Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955).
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/554   [1900 x 1955]
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/482/26   [1964]
Language:   Turkish
Letter from the Egyptian Consulate General concerning the burial of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955) in Karacaahmet Cemetery, Istanbul.
[The prince's body had been first interred in Lausanne, and was later buried in Egypt.]
HIL/483/1-4    [1937 x 1940s]
Language:  English; Arabic
Stationery of the Experimental Radio Society of Egypt, including QSL cards for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim's amateur station SU1AM.
[The Experimental Radio Society of Egypt was founded in 1937, under first President Mr W. E. Marsh (SUxWM).]
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Stationery of the Experimental Radio Society of Egypt, 1937 - 1940s - HIL/483/1-4
HIL/484/1-3   September 1940
Language:   Arabic
Papers relating to the marriage of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim with Princess Fatma Neslişah, at the Heliopolis Palace, Cairo, 26 September 1940.
Digitised material for Marriage of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim with Princess Fatma Neslişah, September 1940 - HIL/484/1-7
HIL/485/1-33   1987-2003
Language:  English; Arabic; French; Turkish
Newspaper and magazine cuttings relating to the Egyptian, Turkish, and Ottoman culture and affairs:
485/1. Arabic item, p.7, 1928. Photocopy;
485/2-8. “The Istanbul aristocrats”, by Beth Houston, Town & Country, pp.221-232, October 1987;
485/9-10. Arabic item, [1990]. Photocopy;
485/11-13. “A Istanbul, Neslishah sultane. La petite-fille du dernier calife”, Point de Vue, pp.33-38, March 1991;
485/14-16. “Istanbul, 3 mars 1924. L'agonie de Sublime Porte”, unidentified publication, [1994], pp.45-50;
485/17-18. “L'aventure continue avec Reha et Mabrouka”, 30 Millions d'Amis, pp.19-22, October 1996;
485/19. “The English Patient: Egypt's celebrated Hungarian”, by Samir Raafat, unidentified publication, 7 June 1997 (found within HIL/461);
485/20. Ottoman family reunion: “Living legends”, pp.17-18; The Ottoman riviera: “Some enchanted evenings”, pp.42-57, Cornucopia, vol. 3, issue 18, 1999;
485/21. “Nouveau Grand Musée égyptien”, l'Antenne, p.56, [late 20th-early 21st century]. Photocopy;
485/22-27. “Şişli Atölyesi'nden Viyana Sergisi'ne”, by Dr Ahmet Kamil Gören, unidentified publication, pp.111-122, [2003];
485/28. “Türk resminin Galatasaray durağı”, unidentified publication, pp.35-36, 2003;
485/29-30. “Open opera. Tenor Hassan Kamy brings music to the masses, Richard Woffenden finds out why”, Cairo Times, p.23-26, 14-20 August 2003;
485/31. “Beneath velvet skies. Amal Choucri Catta speaks to Hassan Kami, director of this year's Citadel Summer Festival of Music and Song”, Al-Ahram Weekly, 14-20 August 2003;
485/32-33. “Popular UN press officer Nadia Younes dies in Iraq”, by Evelyn Leopold; “Confirmed list of dead in Baghdad blast at U.N.”, Reuters, 21 August 2003.

Digitised material for Newspaper and magazine cuttings, 1987-2003 - HIL/485/1-33
HIL/486/1-2   1998-1999
Language:  English; Arabic
Calendars, illustrated with photographs of old Cairo ( Egypt in the Old Days) and the Egyptian royal family.
Digitised material for Calendars, 1998-1999 - HIL/486/1-2
Children of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Princess Fatma Neslişah
Reference: HIL/544/1-2
Dates of creation: [c. 1950]
Letter from Prince Abbas Hilmi (1941-) at Montreux to Anné, illustrated with pyramids
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.

D. Photographs Items HIL/327-333 were loaned by the Mohamed Ali Foundation so that they could be rephotographed, and were then returned on the 22 September 1980. Of these albums HIL/328, 330, 332-333 have since been restored to the collection; for the rest (HIL/327, 331) only negatives are available at Durham. HIL/329 is now numbered HIL/344. All the original photographs of HIL/334/1-30, 32-170 are found within albums HIL/444-452.

Events, public works and other official matters
Reference: HIL/498/1
Dates of creation: [1892]
Extent: 1 glass photographic plate; 1 photographic printglass; metal

Investiture of the new “vice-roi” of Egypt, depicting the reading of the firman (dated 8 January 1892) from Grand Vizier Ahmet Cevat Paşa on the steps of Abdin Palace by Moustapha Fehmy Pasha, President of the Council of Ministers, before Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and a crowd of dignitaries, 18 January 1892. Illustration, with printed caption in French, drawn from life by Paul Philippoteaux (1846-1923). Date drawn from HIL/PAM/182. Glass plate in de-mountable metal frame with metal chain (with modern photographic print copy)

HIL/498/4-5   [1890s]
Military revue at Abdin Palace before Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), in leading coach.
(A second photographer and assistant can be viewed on a palace balcony.)
2 photographic prints, mounted on card
Size: 295 x 230 mm; 295 x 226 mm
HIL/340/1-46   1891
Album of 46 collated albumen photographs by Abdullah Frères, with sequential arrangement. Title: “Voyage de son Altesse le Khedive / Dans la Haute-Egypte 1891 / par / Abdullah Frères.” MT interwoven and topped by a crown. Owner of the album was Khedive Muhammed Tawfiq. All photographs are signed Abdullah Frères in the bottom right hand corner.
Size: x mm
Binding: The album is bound by a dark brown leather cover with white satin inside front and back covers. On the upper top of the inside front cover is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2116 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 113.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of visit of Khedive Muhammed Tawfiq to Upper Egypt - HIL/340/1-46
HIL/340/1   1891
British and Egyptian state officials and clergymen waiting on the station's platform for the arrival of the train carrying Khedive Tawfiq. Behind them are a profusion of Egyptian flags.
Digitised version
HIL/340/2   1891
“Le Feiz Rabbani à Minieh , 3”. Khedive M. Tawfiq getting ready to disembark from his dahabiya steamer Feiz Rabbani at Minia. He is received by police officers and welcomed by many local people. Behind the khedive are a drum player and the rest of the khedivial band. Two flags are flown from the steamer.
Digitised version
HIL/340/3   1891
“Le yatch Khedivial à Siout , 5”. Khedive M. Tawfiq disembarking from his yacht at Assiut (Siout) accompanied by officials. A crowd of locals are gathered to welcome him at the right side of the photograph. Both the Egyptian and Ottoman flags are flying from the yacht as well as a profusion of marine flags.
Digitised version
HIL/340/4   1891
“Siout. 6”. Triumphal arch at Assiut to celebrate the arrival of the yacht of Khedive Tawfiq, at the beginning of the railway road. The arch is topped by a crown and a profusion of Egyptian flags and a sign that reads: “Long live our Khedive Tewfik of Egypt
يعيش خديوينا توفيق مصر
.” On the arch there are other signs and emblems with either the name of Tawfikq or Muhamad Tawfiq. Two of the sides are inscribed with Arabic poetry of welcome.
Digitised version
HIL/340/5   1891
“Fetes a Siout. 7”. A procession of local clerks (effendis) and citizens of Assiut welcoming the arrival of Khedive M. Tawfiq.
Digitised version
HIL/340/6   1891
“S.A. le Khedive descendant la montagne de Siout.”. Cityscape of Assiut with a cemetery on top of the mountain in the foreground, the Nile and view of the city in the background.
Digitised version
HIL/340/7   1891
“Le people courant derrière S.A. le Khedive, 12.” The people of Assiut following the path of Khedive M. Tawfiq across a bridge and towards the city.
Digitised version
HIL/340/8   1891
“Halte de Feiz – Zaffar a Naouaourah, 12.” The Khedivial yacht Feiz – Zaffar as seen from the other side of the Nile, with a large crowd of locals gathered by the side of the yacht.
Digitised version
HIL/340/9   1891
“Fetes en l'honneur de S.A. le Khedive à Sohag, 15.” The festivities in honour of the arrival of Khedive M. Tawfiq at Sohag. The Khedive is riding in his carriage with the triumphal arch in the background and a welcoming crowd In the foreground.
Digitised version
HIL/340/10   1891
“Spectateurs fellahs près du yatch Khedivial , 18.” Close-up of Egyptian crowd gathered to watch the arrival of Khedive M. Tawfiq.
Digitised version
HIL/340/11   1891
“Arrivée de S.A. à Belliana , 20.” The arrival of the Khedivial yacht at Balliana, welcomed by the local population of Balliana in the foreground. In the background is the vernacular architecture of Balliana.
Digitised version
HIL/340/12   1891
“Temple de Seti I, Abydos, 21.” Ladies of the royal household in a carriage in front of the temple of Abydos. Following the carriage is a Nubian/Sudanese soldier and around it is a small group of local people gathered to watch and welcome the visitors.
Digitised version
HIL/340/13-14   1891
“Interieur du temple de Seti I, Abydos.”, 25 & 26. Views of Seti I's columns at Abydos Temple.
Digitised version
Digitised version
HIL/340/15   1891
“Le Yatch Khedivial à Keneh , 30.” View of the Khedivial yacht upon arrival at Keneh and the welcome by local people.
Digitised version
HIL/340/16   1891
“Scene de combats des Soudanais à Keneh, 32.” Sudanese wrestlers surrounded by a gathering of Sudanese locals. The Egyptian flag is flying from several light poles in the background.
Digitised version
HIL/340/17   1891
“Propilone du temple de Denderah”. The outer gateway and façade of Denderah Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/18   1891
“Le temple d'Hathor, Denderah”. Khedive M. Tawfiq standing before Hathor Temple's façade at Denderah.
Digitised version
HIL/340/19   1891
“Colonnade du temple a Hathor, 36”. Close up of the massive colonnades of Hathor Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/20   1891
“Le pilone du temple d'Edfou, 41”. Façade of the Edfu Temple's pylon.
Digitised version
HIL/340/21   1891
“Cour interieure du temple d'Edfou , 42”. Interior court of Edfu Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/22   1891
“S. A. le Khedive dans le temple d'Edfou”. Khedive M. Tawfiq accompanied by an official delegation standing before the façade of Edfu Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/23   1891
Three veiled ladies, one of them probably the wife of Khedive M. Tawfiq, accompanied by a Nubian or Sudanese servant.
Digitised version
HIL/340/24   1891
“Partie posterieure du temple d'Edfou , 46”. A wall with hieroglyphics at the back of Edfu Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/25   1891
“Partie posterieure du temple d'Edfou , 47”. A corridor at the back of Edfu Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/26   1891
“Arrivée de Feiz – Zaffar et de Feiz – Rabbani à Assouan , 48”. The arrival of the two Khedivial yachts Feiz – Zaffar and Feiz – Rabbani at Aswan.
Digitised version
HIL/340/27   1891
“S.A. le Khedive se rend à la mosqueé, Assouan , 49”. HRH Khedive M. Tawfiq in a carriage en route to a mosque in Aswan. Docked in the background are his two yachts and a Thomas Cook ferry boat.
Digitised version
HIL/340/28   1891
“S.A. a la mosqueé d' Assouan”. The arrival of HRH's carriage before the entrance of Aswan's mosque. A number of local people sitting, police standing and a profusion of Egyptian flags hanging on the walls of the mosque and the opposite building.
Digitised version
HIL/340/29   1891
“Retour de S.A. de la mosqueé d' Assouan”. A group of police officers in front of the carriage carrying the Khedive M. Tawfiq, followed by crowds of local people, upon his return from prayers at the Aswan mosque.
Digitised version
HIL/340/30   1891
“Revue à Assouan , 58 A”. Khedive M. Tawfiq on horseback ahead of an official delegation, inspecting the Sudanese army in a camp at Aswan.
Digitised version
HIL/340/31   1891
“Revue a Assouan , 59”. Khedive M. Tawfiq presiding over an official military inspection delegation on horseback at Aswan camp.
Digitised version
HIL/340/32   1891
“Assouan , 54”. View of the Nile river, the khedivial yachts in the background and other boats during the visit of Khedive M. Tawfiq to Aswan.
Digitised version
HIL/340/33   1891
“S. A. le Khedive à Chelal , 53”. The yacht of Khedive M. Tawfiq docked at al-Chelal in Aswan. A few sailing boats (felucca) are seen in the background.
Digitised version
HIL/340/34   1891
“L'ile de Philae”. Philae Island, as seen by Abdullah Frères from the Khedivial yacht.
Digitised version
HIL/340/35   1891
“L'ile de Philae”. Philae Island as seen by Abdullah Frères from the shore.
Digitised version
HIL/340/36   1891
“Vue prise de l'ile de Philae , 57”. A view of Aswan mountains as seen from Philae Island.
Digitised version
HIL/340/37   1891
“Vue lointaine de la 1ère cataracte , 58”. View of the first cataract.
Digitised version
HIL/340/38   1891
“Pavillion des empereures Romains Philae”. The pavilion of the Roman emperors at Philae.
Digitised version
HIL/340/39   1891
“S. A. au temple de Philae , 62”. HRH Khedive M. Tawfiq and members of an accompanying delegation standing before the façade of Philae Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/40   1891
“Colonnade du temple d'Isis a Philae , 65”. A façade of colonnades at Isis Temple in Philae.
Digitised version
HIL/340/41   1891
“Le voyage de S. A. en Nubie , 67”. The voyage of the Khedive's yachts on the Nile towards Nubia.
Digitised version
HIL/340/42   1891
“Femme nubienne , 68”. Group of indigenous Nubian women standing before a wall made of rubble.
Digitised version
HIL/340/43   1891
“Temple de Kalabcheh , 69”. Overall view of Kalabcheh Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/44   1891
“Temple de Kalabcheh , 70”. The façade of Kalabcheh Temple. Standing before the façade are five Sudanese soldiers and an Egyptian.
Digitised version
HIL/340/45    1891
“S. A. le Khedive dans le temple de Kalabcheh , 71”. HRH Khedive M. Tawfiq accompanied by official delegation members standing between the columns of Kalabcheh Temple.
Digitised version
HIL/340/46    1891
“Jeux d'armes en l'honneur de S.A. le Khedive” Performance of Sudanese wrestlers in honour of the Khedive's visit.
Digitised version
HIL/341/1-50   1891
Album of 50 collated albumen photographs by Abdullah Frères. Sequential arrangement. Title: “Voyage de son Altesse le Khédive/Dans la Haute-Egypte 1891 / par / Abdullah Frères.” MT interwoven and topped by a crown. Owner of the album was Khedive Muhammed Tawfiq. All the photographs are signed by Abdullah Frères in the bottom right hand corner.
Size: 335 x 435 mm
Binding: The album is bound by a dark brown leather cover with the title in gold lettering. Label: MIII 3?96 on spine; white satin inside front and back covers. On the upper top of the inside front cover is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2116 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 113.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of visit of Khedive Muhammed Tawfiq to Upper Egypt - HIL/341/1-50
HIL/341/1   1891
“Jeux d'armes en l'honneur de S.A. le Khédive”. Performance by Sudanese wrestlers in honour of the Khedive's visit.
HIL/341/2   1891
“Guerriers Nubiens attendant S.A. le Khédive , 77” Nubian warriors on camels waiting for the arrival of Khedive M. Tawfiq.
HIL/341/3   1891
“Revue à Korosko , 79” Military officers parading in the presence of Khedive M. Tawfiq at Korosko in Nubia.
HIL/341/4   1891
“Revue à Korosko , 82”. Khedive Tawfiq, on horseback, giving instructions to the senior military staff gathered around him in Korosko, Nubia.
HIL/341/5   1891
“Le champs de bataille àToski”. The desert battle field at Toski (Toshka).
HIL/341/6   1891
“Grand temple d'Abou-Simbel , 87”. Khedive M. Tewfik visiting Abu Simbel Temple.
HIL/341/7   1891
“Intérieur du temple d'Abou-Simbel, 89” Ladies in the interior of Abu Simbel Temple.
HIL/341/8   1891
“Wady-Halfa”. Army officers at Wadi Halfa saluting Khedive Tawfiq.
HIL/341/9   1891
“Wady-Halfa, 91”. Army officers at Wadi Halfa during inspection by senior Egyptian and British officials.
HIL/341/10   1891
“Quai de Wady-Halfa , 92.”. Khedivial yachts docked at the harbour of Wadi Halfa.
HIL/341/11   1891
“Vue de la 2ième cataracte près de Wady-Halfa.”, 95-97. Views of the second cataract near Wadi Halfa.
HIL/341/14   1891
“Revue à Wady Halfa , 98”. Khedive M. Tawfiq inspecting the Sudanese army on parade at Wadi Halfa.
HIL/341/15   1891
“Revue à Wady-Halfa , 99”. Khedive M. Tawfiq inspecting a parade of Egyptian army soldiers on camels at Wadi Halfa.
HIL/341/16   1891
“Revue à Wady-Halfa , 102”. Khedive M. Tawfiq inspecting a parade of Egyptian army soldiers on horses at Wadi Halfa.
HIL/341/17   1891
“Population à Esneh acclamant S.A. le Khedive , 106”. Population of Esneh praising and saluting HRH the Khedive.
HIL/341/18   1891
“Arrivée du Yacht Khédivial à Luxor , 107”. Arrival of the Khedivial yacht at Luxor. The sky is filled with Egyptian flags, some on the yacht and others held by local people greeting and saluting the Khedive upon his arrival.
HIL/341/19   1891
“Arrivée du Yacht Khédivial à Luxor, 108”. Close up of the front part of the Khedivial yacht upon arrival at Luxor.
HIL/341/20   1891
“Temple de Luxor, 109”. Luxor Temple.
HIL/341/21   1891
“Le propilone du petit temple, Karnak, 116”. The pylon gateway of the small temple at Karnak.
HIL/341/22   1891
“Intérieur du petit temple de Karnak, 118”. Interior of Karnak's small temple.
HIL/341/23   1891
“Vue générale de Karnak, 119”. General view of Karnak.
HIL/341/24   1891
“Les obelisques du grand temple de Kourna , 120”. The obelisks of Qurna's grand temple.
HIL/341/25   1891
Unidentified monuments in Luxor, possibly at Karnak
HIL/341/26   1891
“Grand temple de Karnak, 122” Columns at the Karnak Temple.
HIL/341/27   1891
“S. A. le Khédive devant la statue de Ramses II , 124” HRH Khedive M. Tawfiq accompanied by an official delegation in front of the statue of Ramses the second.
HIL/341/28   1891
“L'avenue des béliers du temple de Karnak, 126” Sphinx's avenue at Karnak Temple.
HIL/341/29   1891
“Les ruines de Karnak”. The ruins of Karnak including many unexcavated statues.
HIL/341/30   1891
“Les colosses de Memnon , 128” The colossi of Memnon.
HIL/341/31   1891
“Colosse de Memnon , 131” Close-up of the colossus of Memnon.
HIL/341/32   1891
“Ramesseum (?) , 134”. The headless statues at the Ramesseum.
HIL/341/33   1891
“Khédive devant les carialides du Ramesseum , 135”. The Khedive before the headless statues of the Ramesseum.
HIL/341/34   1891
“Temple de Kourna , 137” Qurna Temple. A soldier and an effendi posing.
HIL/341/35   1891
“Temple de Thoutmes III, Médinet - Abou , 140”. Thutmose III Temple at Medinet Habu. Small tables in the courtyard.
HIL/341/36   1891
HRH Khedive M. Tawfiq standing among his immediate female family members in front of columns decorated with hieroglyphics, with three servants behind them.
HIL/341/37   1891
“Porte d'entrée du temple Médinet - Abou , 142”. The entranceway of Medinet Habu Temple.
HIL/341/38   1891
“Techneh, 145” Locals gathered around a large arch built to welcome the Khedive. The upper sign reads “Mehmet Tewfik Khedive of Egypt”.
HIL/341/39   1891
“Le yacht Khédivial a Ghirghé, 146” The arrival of the khedivial yacht at the town of Ghirgeh whose locals are gathered on the shore under Egyptian flags to welcome the khedive.
HIL/341/40   1891
“Dahabieh pavoiseé en l'honneur de S.A. le Khédive , 147”. Decorated dahabiyas in honour of the arrival of HRH the Khedive.
HIL/341/41   1891
Feiz – Zaffar devant Gebel Cheikh – Haridi , 149”. The arrival of the Khedivial yacht Feiz – Zaffar at Jebel Sheikh el-Haridi.
HIL/341/42   1891
“Les falaises du Jebel Abu Fodah, 150”. Rock formations of Jebel Abu Fodah.
HIL/341/43   1891
“Le Feiz Zaffar devant le Gebel Abou Fodah, 151” The khedivial yacht Feiz-Zaffar sailing on the Nile before Jebel Abu Fodah.
HIL/341/44   1891
“Les villageois suivent le yatch Khédivial , 152”. Villagers following the khedivial yacht.
HIL/341/45   1891
“Place du Gouvernorat à Beni-Souef, 153”. The courtyard in front of the governorate at Beni Suef, converted into a reception area for the arrival of the Khedive.
HIL/341/46   1891
“S.A. le Khédive après une visite à Hakkanieh, Beni-Souef”. The khedive standing on the staircase of Beni Suef's court (Hakkanieh) surrounded by the administrative staff.
HIL/341/47   1891
“Arrivé du train Khédivial à Médinet-El-Fayoum , 155”. The arrival of the Khedivial train at Fayoum. In the foreground are local people gathered to welcome the Khedive while in the background is an arch decorated by many Egyptian flags.
HIL/341/48   1891
“S.A. le Khédive retourne de la mosquée. Médinet el-Fayoum , 156”. The Khedive Tewfik upon his return from the Fayoum mosque, surrounded by a procession of local people. In the background is a large arch on which the letters W.M.T. feature prominently.
HIL/341/49   1891
[Faded title]. Local people gathered to welcome the Khedive on both banks of Fayoum lake.
HIL/341/50   1891
“S.A. le Khédive à Birket Karoun , 158” HRH Khedive Tewfik accompanied by members of the official delegation walking around lake Qarun at Fayoum. He is surrounded by locals and police officers.
HIL/333/1-50   [ca. 1892-1914]
Photographic album of 50 collated albumen photographs documenting the Egyptian Army. Although not all the photographs are signed it can be suggested with confidence that they were all photographed by G. Lekegian. Starting with a studio portrait of the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II the photographer covers themes like: military uniforms, ranks, artillery and battalions either photographed in the studio, military barracks or even staged in the desert. No particular sequence was respected in the compilation of the album.
Size: 310 x 445 mm
Binding: The bound album is covered by a wood front plaque inlaid with silver pharaonic motifs of a horus at the top, two cartouches of pseudohieroghlyphics at the centre, flanked by a sphinx and a lion. The first cartouch does not read Abbas while the second is composed of 99999 and nnnnnnn. Two lotus flowers are within the wood inlaid outerframe. The binding is held together with three metal screws and each sheet is composed of three divisions to fold easily. The satin padding of the front cover is detached and the back cover, presumably also in wood, is missing. All the albumen photographs which measure 250 x180 mm are collated on light blue fibred paper with preprinted red frame. The detached photographs are nos. HIL/29/30, 31/32, 33/34, 35/36, 37/38. Original librarian's note on the stain reads: No. 2132 Ar. 13 Etag 3.130.
Digitised material for Photograph album Egyptian Army - HIL/333
Studio portrait against a plain background of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in uniform composed of a white jacket and dark trousers posing wearing a tarbush and holding his sword in his left hand side. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Egyptian senior court officers: three seated in front and six standing behind them, all dressed in uniform and posing before a palatial staircase leading to a wooden latticed pergola. The uniform consists of black boots, dark trousers inside boots, a white double buttoned jacket, a pair of white gloves, and a tarbush. The accessories consist of medals, each depending on his rank, a black shiny bag and a sword for each. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Group photograph of the Khedivial music band troupe in uniform. Each member is carrying his musical instrument. Only the first row officers are seated behind an installation of tambourines, trumpets and drums at the centre. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Studio portrait of General Sir H.H. Kitchener KCB in official uniform, tarbush and decorated with both Egyptian and English medals. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Sudanese artillery officer in full retinue riding his horse. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “An Artillery Officer (Full dress) No. 1” . Bottom r ight inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Studio portrait of a court senior Egyptian officer dressed in a dark uniform and tarbush, decorated with three medals and holding a sword and white gloves. The background is painted with a sky pattern and the floor is covered by straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “N. 44 Artillery Officer” . Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Studio portrait of an Egyptian soldier dressed in a dark uniform, a tarbush, decorated with two medals and holding a sword. The background is plain and the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “N. 31 An Artillery Sergeant”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “ Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co”.
Three trumpeters from the Egyptian Khedivial band dressed in white uniform, black boots and tarbushes. Only the right one is decorated with two medals. Location of the photograph might be in situ in the Abbassia barracks as suggested from the dome mausoleum in the far background. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Trumpeters – Garrison Artillery – (Summer dress) N. 25”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Five artillery soldiers on their knees surrounding a battery gun followed by four more in charge of additional ammunitions. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “A gun of the mule battery in action N. 17”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Group of Egyptian soldiers operating a battery gun followed by more soldiers in readiness for action. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Egyptian soldier holding a mule loaded with an artillery spare part. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription (faded) reads: “The Mule Battery – the gun mule N. 5”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
An Egyptian soldier leading a camel loaded with an artillery spare part. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “The Camel Battery – the gun camel N. 4”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Egyptian soldiers pulling and pushing a gun (ca. 6-12 pounder) and limber. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription (faded) reads: “N. 7 The … field …..”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “ Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Egyptian soldiers loading a muzzle-loading howitzer, possibly part of coastal defences, under supervision of senior army officers. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Photograph surrounded by a two cm white frame all around. Bottom left inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Egyptian soldiers in action. A dozen groups, each of five or six soldiers, operating 6 guns and limbers, ready to fire, with 6 further limbers beyond. In the background are 2 A-frame hoists and ammunition waggons. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Senior Egyptian Army officer in uniform riding his horse. Photograph staged outdoors, probably in the army barracks. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Egyptian Army staff sergeant lancer (Nubian or Sudanese), in uniform riding his horse and holding a spear wrapped by a dark coloured flag. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Egyptian Army lancer sergeant in field dress, riding his horse and holding a spear wrapped by a dark coloured flag. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “An Egyptian Lancer No. 20.” Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co”.
Egyptian cavalry soldiers in uniform riding their horses and holding a spear wrapped by dark coloured flags. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Photograph surrounded by a two cm white frame. Left hand bottom inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Photo. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” Bottom right inscription reads: “No. 57 Egyptian Cavalry”.
Egyptian army stables with cavalry horse lines being fed and watered. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Egyptian Army's Khedivial music band in full uniform riding horses and each holding his instrument. At the foreground is their leader equipped with two large drums covered by a velvet fabric on which is woven Egypt's coat of arms. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Studio photographs of senior Egyptian Army officers decorated with four and five medals respectively, holding white gloves and sword. The uniform is composed of a white double side buttoned jacket, a tarbush and dark trousers. The background features a painting of an Ottoman mosque similar to those of Sinan Pacha and which recalls the mosque of Muhammad `Ali at the Citadel of Cairo while the floor is covered with straw. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Group photograph of Egyptian Army officers. The ones seated in the front row are decorated with medals, while the subsequent ones are in lower ranks. The middle one in the last row is carrying a flag of Egypt. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. An Arabic pencil handwriting identifies “Abdel Rahman
عبد الرحمان
” far right in the row before last and “Khalil `Aref
خليل عارف
” and “Sa`id Tamer or Maher
سعيد تامر/ماهر
” in the first row. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian.
Studio photograph of an Egyptian Army officer decorated with three medals, wearing a tarbush and holding his sword. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. A pencil Arabic inscription at the bottom reads “Mustafa Fikri
مصطفي فكرى
and `Ali Effendi `Abdel Kerim
علي أفندى عبد الكريم
”. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “No. 35 Infantry Officer”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Group photograph of Egyptian Army warrant officers and sergeants of the 3rd Battalion before two vaults. The soldiers seated at the front are on Caucasian tribal carpets. Photograph staged outdoors probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “No. 49 Warrant Officers & Sergeants 3rd Battalion”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Studio photograph of a Sergeant Major of the Egyptian Infantry, decorated with two medals, wearing a tarbush and dressed in summer uniform and boots. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Sergeant Major Egyptian Infantry No. 27”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Group photograph of Egyptian Army officers staged outdoors, probably in the army barracks. The two officers in the middle of the front row seem British although wearing a tarbush. Among the upper rows are Nubian/Sudanese officers while to the left between the first and second rows is a gentlemen in a civilian suit. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian. (detached from album)
Group photograph of Egyptian Army officers of the 3rd Battalion, before two vaults. The three soldiers at the front are seated on Caucasian tribal carpets. At the centre of the second row are two British officers while in the last row is a clergyman decorated with two medals. At the bottom of the frame are three pencil inscriptions identifying, from right to left, “Hassan Mahmoud
حسن محمود
, Zamer
and Khalil Kamel
خليل كامل
”. Photograph staged outdoors, probably in the army barracks. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “No. 51 Officers 3rd Battalion”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “ Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
Studio photograph of an Egyptian Army bugler from the Khedivial band, decorated with two medals, wearing a tarbush and dressed in a dark uniform and white boots. He is holding his musical instrument with his right hand and touching his sword with the left. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. Unsigned, but likely to be photographed by G. Lekegian. (detached from album)
Studio photograph of an Egyptian Army Infantry private, wearing a tarbush and dressed in a light uniform and black boots. He is holding with his left hand a gun with a bayonet at the end. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Private Infantry No. 3” . Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photo. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
Group photograph of Corporals of the 12th Sudanese in their barracks. They wear a white tarbush-like head cover, a jehadiya safari outfit and white boots while each is holding a long gun. The two front rows are seated while the two back ones are standing. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Corporals 12th Sudanese. No. 23”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
Staged composition of an informal gathering of diverse Egyptian Army Infantry in summer and winter dress, all by the gate of their barracks. While two are seated on the floor, one is carrying and playing his drum. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Group of Egyptian Infantry – Showing Summer and Winter dress. No. 12”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
12th Sudanese Battalion soldiers with four senior officers riding horses. Among them are a drum player and a flag holder. In the background is a three storey stone building with a grand central archway and a side staircase leading to the upper floors while in the foreground is a railway line. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “12th Soudanese. No. 30”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
This photograph is published in Soldiers of the Nile: A biographical history of the British officers of the Egyptian Army 1882-1925 by Henry Keown-Boyd. On page 112 the caption reads: “The 12th Sudanese parading in ceremonial uniform. The mounted officer leading the parade is probably its first commanding officer, El Kaimakam Besant. Later the Battalion was commanded by El Kaimakam C. V. Townsend [Townshend] who achieved fame as ‘Townsend [Townshend] of Kut’ at Kut el Amara in 1916.”
13th Sudanese Battalion, headed by four senior officers riding horses. In the front row is an officer carrying a flag while at the back is a group of clergymen. The photograph is taken in the desert. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “13th Sudanese. No. 34”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co. and Photog to the British army of occupation”. (detached from)
Studio photograph of a drummer of the 4th Egyptian Battalion, wearing a tarbush and dressed in a light uniform and black boots. He is holding and playing his drum. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Drummer 4th Egyptian Battalion No. 8”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
Studio photograph of two Egyptian Army infantrymen in fighting gear, a dark top, light trousers and black boots. Each is holding a gun and equipped with a backpack. They are standing in positions that show the front and rear at the same time. The background is plain while the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Egyptian Infantry men in fighting No. 16”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” (detached from album)
Studio photograph of a drummer of the 11th Sudanese Battalion, decorated with two medallions, dressed in a light uniform, black boots and head covered. He is holding and playing his drum. The background is painted with typical Cairene street architecture featuring traditional mashrabiya houses while the floor is covered with straw. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “Drummer 11th Sudanese Battalion No. 14”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Drummer and buglers of a Sudanese Battalion standing before the entrance of a building. Dressed alike, in a dark top, light trousers and black boots, each is carrying his musical instrument. Left hand bottom inscription is unclear but only the word “Sudanese” is legible. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Interior of a barrack room of the Egyptian Army. Soldiers sleep on a floor carpet and drink from a zir earthenware container. The uniforms, guns and equipment are hung on the wall shelves. The floor is covered with large blocks of stone. Bottom left inscription reads: “No. 40 Barrack Room”. Right hand bottom inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.”
Small groups of Egyptian Army soldiers sharing the morning meal on the floor of the barrack's courtyard. Central inscription, which is the signature of the photographer, reads: “G. Lekegian & Co”. Bottom right inscription reads: “No. 47 Barrack scene – The morning meal”.
View of soldiers erecting tents at an exercise camp. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “A camp of exercise No. 22”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian & Co.” and on second line “Photog to the British Army of occupation”.
Egyptian Camel Corps officer riding a camel in the courtyard of the barracks. He is wearing black gloves and holding a whip. Left hand bottom inscription reads: “ An Officer of the Egyptian Camel Corps No. 18”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian”.
Egyptian Camel Corps officer riding a camel in the courtyard of the barracks while holding up his gun. Bottom left inscription reads: “No. 32 or 39 Camel Corps Sergeant”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Phot. Art G. Lekegian”.
Camel Corps patrol either riding or sitting next to their camels in the desert. Bottom left inscription reads: “A Camel Corps Patrol No. 28”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian”.
Camel Corps battalion riding on camels in a barrack in Halfa. In the foreground are Egyptian flags. The photograph is surrounded by a white frame of two cms. Bottom left inscription reads: “No. 58 Camel Corps at Halfa” . Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian”.
Sudanese soldiers of the Camel Corps standing in two rows and headed by officers standing beside their camels, all in the desert. Bottom left inscription reads: “No. 61 C. [unreadable]”. Bottom right inscription is the signature of the photographer which reads: “Photog. Art G. Lekegian”.
Reproduction of a hand drawing of side view of the head of Emir Abdel Rahman Wad El Nejumi (d. 1889 at the Battle of Toski), showing facial scarring; subscribed “WAD”
HIL/333/50   1890
Reproduction of an ink hand drawing by D. Dorne in 1890 depicting a war scene taking place in the desert. The inscription reads: “Toski 3rd Aug 1889. No. 59 Sir F. Grenfell directing the assault of the Dervish position. G.L & Co.”
Copied: Selected prints filmed
HIL/342/1-30   1893 February
Album of 30 collated albumen photographs, by an unidentified professional photographer, of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II's trip to Upper Egypt to inaugurate the fluvial line between Assiut and Girgheh. The photographs are placed in a sequential arrangement and some photographs are numbered. Title (no emblem or coat of arms): “ Inauguration de la ligne / Assiout– Guirgheh. / Souvenir du voyage de S.A. le Khédive / Février 1893.”
Size: 300 x 385 mm
Binding: A dark brown/burgundy leather album with title in gold lettering. The inside front and back covers are padded with a brown satin cloth and at the top right corner of the first page is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2105 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 98. At the bottom of the left page is the signature of the binder: A Forster, Wien. The thick cardboard pages of the album are edged with gold. Spine label: XIII 3.98.
Digitised material for Album of 30 albumen photographs, of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II's trip to Upper Egypt - February 1893 - HIL/342/1-30
HIL/342/1   1893
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and other officials standing on the upper deck of a Khedivial yacht sailing from Assiut to Girgheh. The yacht is decorated with flags.
HIL/342/2   1893
Photograph taken from the Nile of what is most likely to be Assiut's docks from which the Khedivial yacht has set sail. An administrative building is found on the shore while crowds of locals, a few yachts and sailing boats await the arrival of the Khedive. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and painting, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject perfectly blended in an oval centre.
HIL/342/3   1893
The Khedivial yacht sailing on the Nile from Assiut to Girgheh. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and painting, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/4   1893
The arrival of the Khedivial yacht and accompanying yachts at the harbour of an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh. The town's elders and leaders are waiting to greet the Khedive on the platform while crowds of locals are standing and watching on the shore. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and painting, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/5   1893
Close up of stone buildings in an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh. Having the Greek and Egyptian flags on its façade, the building could be the Greek consulate in Assiut. An arcaded fence, crowned by Egypt's emblems represented by the crescent and the stars, fronts the buildings to welcome the Khedive's arrival. In the foreground, local men and women stand in groups. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and paintings, the borders of the photograph are intentionallyfaded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/6   1893
Crowds of local people gathered to welcome the arrival of the Khedive at either end of a stairway leading from his yacht to a ceremonial arch on the shore of an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and paintings, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/7   1893
Wooden arches of a secluded area specially built for the reception of the Khedive within the courtyard of a mosque, or a plaza adjoining it (see also HIL/342/14). The Arabic text on a side panel reads: Long live our Sovereign Abbas Pacha / Ya`ish Afandina Abbas Pacha /
يعيش أفندينا عياس باشا
. Local people are gathered in the courtyard while Egyptian flags are flying throughout. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and paintings, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/8   1893
The Khedivial yacht sailing on the Nile between Assiut and Girgheh. In imitation of 19th century European lithographs and paintings, the borders of the photograph are intentionally faded to highlight the subject in an oval centre.
HIL/342/9   1893
A ceremonial arch topped by Egyptian flags built to welcome the arrival of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II at an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh. A large crowd of local people are gathered to welcome and watch the descent of the Khedive from the yacht.
HIL/342/10   1893
Egypt's throne in a quilt tent (khiyamiya/siwan) with chairs around the edge for members of the official delegation to be seated according to Egyptian protocol. On the tent's walls. above the level of the throne are cartouches of Arabic calligraphy containing praise and poetry to the Khedive (
عباس باشا حللت سهلا
). The tent is equipped with Ottoman style chandeliers.
HIL/342/11   1893
Interior of the quilt tent (khiyamiya / siwan) built for the reception of the Khedive. Of particular interest is the elaborate arabesque pattern on the cover and the Arabic inscriptions of praise and poetry on a frieze around the tent.
HIL/342/12   1893
Close up of the Khedivial yacht docked at the harbour of an unidentified town between Assiut and Guirgheh, welcomed by crowds of local people.
HIL/342/13   1893
Front portion of a yacht accompanying the main Khedivial yacht on the Nile between Assiut and Girgheh.
HIL/342/14   1893
Close up of a secluded arcaded area built for the reception of the Khedive outside a mosque in an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh (see also HIL/342/7). In the background appears the minaret of the mosque and at the left side vernacular Upper Egyptian architecture.
HIL/342/15-16   1893
Close up of a decorated arch built for the reception of the Khedive on his arrival at an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh.
HIL/342/17   1893
Sailing boats moored at an unidentified town between Assiut and Girgheh.
HIL/342/18   1893
British officials standing on a platform awaiting the arrival of the Khedivial yacht in an unidentified town between Assiut and Ghirgheh. Hanging on the trees are wooden emblems with “AH” initials, standing for `Abbas Hilmi, surrounded by flags of Egypt.
HIL/342/19   1893
Local people in a small town between Assiut and Girgheh awaiting the arrival of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and carrying a welcome sign in Arabic:
حل الركاب ولاح بدر سعيد عباس مصر مشرفا ..
فالأرض قد لبست غلائل سندس والجو نقطهما بدر عقوده

HIL/342/20-24   1893
Side view of one of the Khedivial yachts sailing on the Nile between Assiut and Girgheh and flying Egypt's flags at the stern with staff members standing on the front deck.
HIL/342/25-27   1893
Side view of one of the yachts accompanying the Khedivial yacht on the Nile between Assiut and Girgheh, flying Egypt's flags at the rear end while staff members stand on the front deck.
HIL/342/28   1893
The Khedivial train used between Cairo and Assiut in 1893 during the inauguration of the Assiut Girgheh fluvial line.
HIL/342/29   1893
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II's private railway carriage used between Cairo and Assiut in 1893 during the inauguration of the Assiut Girgheh fluvial line.
HIL/342/30   1893
Engine wagon no. 71 pulling the train used by Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II between Cairo and Assiut in 1893 during the inauguration of the Assiut Girgheh fluvial line.
HIL/366/1-15   [ca. 1893]
Album of photographs entitled “Inauguration de la ligne de Menouf”, illustrating the opening of the railway line to Menouf by the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Photographer: L. Fiorillo
Size: 335 x 450 mm
Digitised material for Album of photographs: opening of the railway line to Menouf, 1893 - HIL/366/1-15
HIL/366/1    [ca. 1893]
Front elevation of railway station with carriage at entrance
HIL/366/2   [ca. 1893]
Guard of honour on platform at Damanhour station
HIL/366/3   [ca. 1893]
Flags at Damanhour station
HIL/366/4   [ca. 1893]
Guard of honour on the platform at Tantah station for the arrival of the Khedive
HIL/366/5   [ca. 1893]
Arrival of train at Chibin station
HIL/366/6   [ca. 1893]
Crowds greeting the arrival of the Khedive's train at Chanawan station
HIL/366/7   [ca. 1893]
Decorations at Chanawan station for the arrival of the Khedive
HIL/366/8   [ca. 1893]
Crowds greeting the arrival of the Khedive's train at Hamoul station
HIL/366/9   [ca. 1893]
Crowds on the tracks at Hamoul station, with Egyptian flags flying and tent to the right of the picture
HIL/366/10   [ca. 1893]
Crowds greeting the Khedive's train at Menouf station, with flags and bunting above the station building
HIL/366/11   [ca. 1893]
Crowds at Menouf station
HIL/366/12   [ca. 1893]
Panoramic view of Menouf showing the crowds gathered for the Khedive's visit and Egyptian flags flying
HIL/366/13   [ca. 1893]
Horsemen and policemen in front of Menouf station
HIL/366/14-15   [ca. 1893]
The Khedive and his entourage at Menouf
HIL/367/1-8   [ca. 1890s]
Uncaptioned photograph album, many showing decorations and crowds gathered for visits by the Khedive:
Size: 355 x 430 mm
Digitised material for Photograph album, decorations and crowds gathered for visits by the Khedive, 1890s - HIL/367/1-8
HIL/367/1   [ca. 1890s]
Passengers at railway station with Egyptian flags flying
HIL/367/2   [ca. 1890s]
Crowds in front of building bearing the name ‘Pont Limoun’
HIL/367/3   [ca. 1890s]
Passengers at railway station with Egyptian flags flying
HIL/367/4-5   [ca. 1890s]
Egyptian flags flying in garden of imposing white building, possibly a royal palace
HIL/367/6   [ca. 1890s]
Large decorated tent in garden
HIL/367/7   [ca. 1890s]
Workmen constructing decorations to honour of the Khedive in front of a large tent
HIL/367/8   [ca. 1890s]
Workmen in garden of large white imposing building, possibly a royal palace
HIL/455/1-35   1902
Language:   English
Album of 31 collated black and white photographs, all by Donald S. George (1861-1944), of the Nile reservoir works at Aswan and Asyut, 1899-1902, with a descriptive prefaratory note. Front cover bears a gilded crescent and star motif.
Black leather-bound album, gilt-edged folia, with gold-tooled title on front cover and green silk endpapers
Size: 280-290 x 230-240 mm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/12.
Digitised material for Photograph album of Nile reservoir works at Aswan and Asyut, 1899-1902 - HIL/455/1-35
HIL/455/1-4   1902
Descriptive note, with sections on the Assuan dam, the Assiout weir, and the Philae temples, by W. E. Garstin, Under Secretary of State for Public Works in Egypt.
HIL/455/5   1902
Aswan Dam. Western Channel at commencement of work.
HIL/455/6   1902
Aswan Dam. Constructing temporary stone and sand sudds in Central Channel.
HIL/455/7   1902
Aswan Dam. Constructing temporary sudds in Western Channel.
HIL/455/8   1902
Aswan Dam. Excavation in progress at Bab-el-Kibir.
HIL/455/9   1902
Aswan Dam. Commencing masonry in deepest part of foundation at Bab-el-Kibir.
HIL/455/10   1902
Aswan Dam. Excavation at Western Channel.
HIL/455/11   1902
Aswan Dam. Excavation along line of Dam.
HIL/455/12   1902
Aswan Dam. Commencing masonry in Western Channel.
HIL/455/13   1902
Aswan Dam. Showing masonry and sluices in Western Channel.
HIL/455/14   1902
Aswan Dam. Sluices lined with cast-iron.
HIL/455/15   1902
Aswan Dam. Sluices lined with ashlar.
HIL/455/16   1902
Aswan Dam. View of Dam during construction. Down-stream.
HIL/455/17   1902
Aswan Dam. View of Dam during construction. Up-stream.
HIL/455/18   1902
Aswan Dam. From Up-stream.
HIL/455/19   1902
Aswan Dam. From Down-stream.
HIL/455/20   1902
Aswan Dam. Entrance to locks. Up-stream.
HIL/455/21   1902
Aswan Dam. Entrance to locks. Down-stream.
HIL/455/22   1902
Aswan Dam. Roadway.
HIL/455/23   1902
Aswan Dam. General view of Dam and Locks.
HIL/455/24   1902
Aswan Dam. Lock Gates.
HIL/455/25   1902
Aswan Dam. Lock Gates.
HIL/455/26   1902
Island of Philae. General View.
HIL/455/27   1902
Island of Philae. View of underpinning at the eastern colonnade.
HIL/455/28   1902
Asyut Barrage. Foundations showing cast-iron piling.
HIL/455/29   1902
Asyut Barrage. Foundations of Ibrahamieh Canal head regulator.
HIL/455/30   1902
Asyut Barrage. Foundations and masonry in progress of construction.
HIL/455/31   1902
Asyut Barrage. Ibrahamieh Canal head regulator and lock.
HIL/455/32   1902
Asyut Barrage. From Up-stream.
HIL/455/33   1902
Asyut Barrage. From Down-stream.
HIL/455/34   1902
Asyut Barrage. Roadway and Swing Bridge over lock.
HIL/455/35   1902
Asyut Barrage. General view Up-stream showing lock.
HIL/454/1-25   [1907-1912]
Language:   English
Album of 20 collated matt black and white photographs (290 x 237 mm) by Donald S. George (1861-1944) illustrating the heightening of the Aswan Dam, 1907-1912, presented to the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II to commemorate the inauguration of the dam, 23 December 1912. The photographs are placed in a sequential arrangement starting from 1907. Below each photograph is a printed caption. Due to the technical nature of the album, it begins with a printed descriptive note (HIL/454/3-4) providing a history of the dam, the objectives and methods of its heightening and thickening, which is followed by a longitudinal section plan of the Nile from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, and then the photographs.
Black leather-bound album with gold-tooled title on front cover, gilt-edged folia, and green satin endpapers.
Size: 40 x 33 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/11.
For another presentation album containing the same material (except HIL/454/25), see HIL/343.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of heightening of the Aswan Dam, 1907-1912 - HIL/454/1-25
HIL/454/1   23 December 1912
Presentation card, from the Egyptian Government to H.H. Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim Pacha (1866-1935), upon the occasion of the inauguration of the heightening of the Aswan Dam, 23 December 1912.
HIL/454/2   [1912]
Title page: The heightening of the Aswan Dam, 1907 to 1912
HIL/454/3-4   [1912]
Descriptive note: heightening and thickening of dam
HIL/454/5   [1907-1912]
Longitudinal section plan of the Nile from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, showing the levels of water in the reservoir at the original maximum height above sea level (106 metres; 980,000,000 m³) and the height after the completion of the works (113 metres; 2,300,000,000 m³), with the relative affected/unaffected positions of 14 Nubian ancient Egyptian or Roman temples indicated
Horizontal scale 1:333,333; vertical scale 1:500
Index terms
Comparative map
HIL/454/6   [1907-1912]
H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught relaying the original foundation stone in its new position
HIL/454/7   [1907-1912]
Thickening solid dam, showing protection of space
HIL/454/8   [1907-1912]
Open sluices, set 18
HIL/454/9   [1907-1912]
Thickening at solid dam
HIL/454/10   [1907-1912]
Thickening at set No. 1
HIL/454/11   [1907-1912]
Erecting cofferdams
HIL/454/12   [1907-1912]
Excavating foundations in aprons
HIL/454/13   [1907-1912]
Thickening, showing grouting pipes
HIL/454/14   [1907-1912]
Extending sluices in thickened portion of dam
HIL/454/15   [1907-1912]
Thickening and heightening lock walls
HIL/454/16   [1907-1912]
View showing thickening brought up to original roadway level
HIL/454/17   [1907-1912]
Building heightening, view looking east
HIL/454/18   [1907-1912]
Downstream view showing spillways
HIL/454/19   [1907-1912]
Building spillways on solid dam
HIL/454/20   [1907-1912]
North face of heightened dam, looking east
HIL/454/21   [1907-1912]
Heightened dam, looking west (ship called Dendera appearing in photograph).
HIL/454/22   [1907-1912]
North entrance to locks
HIL/454/23   [1907-1912]
Heightened dam, view looking north-east
HIL/454/24   [1907-1912]
Staff quarters
HIL/454/25   23 December 1912
[Aswan dam heightening, opening ceremony. (no. 845).] HRH `Abbas Hilmi II at the opening ceremony surrounded by statesmen. Behind are Egyptian and British guests standing under the flags of Egypt, Britain and France among others. In the background is a large steamer.
Caption drawn from photograph of same event at HIL/343/23.
HIL/343/1-23   [1907-1912]
Language:   English
Album of 20 collated matt black and white photographs (290 x 237 mm) by Donald S. George (1861-1944) illustrating the heightening of the Aswan Dam, 1907 to 1912. The photographs are placed in a sequential arrangement starting from 1907. Below each photograph is a printed caption. Due to the technical nature of the album, it begins with a printed descriptive note (HIL/343/2) providing a history of the dam, the objectives and methods of its heightening and thickening, which is followed by a longitudinal section plan of the Nile from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, and then the photographs. A presentation white label stuck on the inside front cover reads: “Egyptian Government. Innauguration of the heightening of the Aswan Dam, Dec 24 1912. Presented to P. B. Glendinning Esq.”
Size: 40 x 33 cm
Binding: A petroleum blue leather-bound album with gold-tooled title on front cover; the inside front and back covers are padded with a yellow satin cloth
For another presentation album containing the same material (except HIL/343/23), see HIL/454.
Digitised material for Album of 20 black and white photographs by Donald S. George illustrating the heightening of the Aswan Dam - 1907 - 1912 - HIL/343/1-23
HIL/343/1   [1912]
Title page: The heightening of the Aswan Dam, 1907 to 1912.
HIL/343/2   [1912]
Descriptive note (recto/verso): heightening and thickening of dam
HIL/343/3   [1907-1912]
Longitudinal section plan of the Nile from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, showing the levels of water in the reservoir at the original maximum height above sea level (106 metres; 980,000,000 m³) and the height after the completion of the works (113 metres; 2,300,000,000 m³), with the relative affected/unaffected positions of 14 Nubian ancient Egyptian or Roman temples indicated.
Horizontal scale 1:333,333; vertical scale 1:500
Index terms
Comparative map
HIL/343/4   [1907-1912]
H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught relaying the original foundation stone in its new position
HIL/343/5   [1907-1912]
Thickening solid dam, showing protection of space
HIL/343/6   [1907-1912]
Open sluices, set 18
HIL/343/7   [1907-1912]
Thickening at solid dam
HIL/343/8   [1907-1912]
Thickening at set No. 1
HIL/343/9   [1907-1912]
Erecting cofferdams
HIL/343/10   [1907-1912]
Excavating foundations in aprons
HIL/343/11   [1907-1912]
Thickening, showing grouting pipes
HIL/343/12   [1907-1912]
Extending sluices in thickened portion of dam
HIL/343/13   [1907-1912]
Thickening and heightening lock walls
HIL/343/14   [1907-1912]
View showing thickening brought up to original roadway level
HIL/343/15   [1907-1912]
Building heightening, view looking east
HIL/343/16   [1907-1912]
Downstream view showing spillways
HIL/343/17   [1907-1912]
Building spillways on solid dam
HIL/343/18   [1907-1912]
North face of heightened dam, looking east
HIL/343/19   [1907-1912]
Heightened dam, looking west (ship called Dendera appearing in photograph).
HIL/343/20   [1907-1912]
North entrance to locks
HIL/343/21   [1907-1912]
Heightened dam, view looking north-east
HIL/343/22   [1907-1912]
Staff quarters
HIL/343/23   23 December 1912
Aswan dam heightening, opening ceremony. (no. 845). HRH `Abbas Hilmi II at the opening ceremony surrounded by statesmen. Behind are Egyptian and British guests standing under the flags of Egypt, Britain and France among others. In the background is a large steamer.
HIL/328/1-166   [1909 (1327 A.H.)]
Photographs of a Hajj, including Mecca, the Hijaz railway and forts.
Album of 166 collated black and white photographs of an official Egyptian delegation pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina Munawara in 1327AH/1909AD by an unknown photographer. At the head of the Egyptian delegation was Prince Ahmed Fouad (later King Fouad). The sequentially arranged photographs start from the departure point at the Suez harbour, and trace the overland desert crossing in Arabia, then the arrival at the port of Jeddah, and a spectacular non-extant view of Mecca before the renovation works in the last quarter of the twentieth century. There are many photographs of non extant architectural buildings in Hijaz, Medina and Mecca; the encampments of the Egyptian delegation on the road, the Holy Carpet carriage mahmal and the meeting of other heads of states including the chief of the Ottoman Empire's pilgrimage delegation and the Emir of Mecca and Hijaz. The trains on which the Egyptian delegation travelled are also extensively documented as well as the small railway station of Ma'an with which the photographer terminates his assignment and album.
Album HIL/335 contains many duplicates of prints in this album, though often with different exposures or cropping. Cross-references are provided at item level.
Size: Boxed green album, 300 x 420 mm
Digital copies of all available
A printed account of the 1909 (1327 A.H.) Hajj undertaken by Abbas Hilmi II, written by Muḥammad Labīb al-Batanūnī, was published in 1911 (1329 A.H.). A copy in Durham University Library has been digitised and is available online. A translation by students in the School of Modern Languages & Cultures is in progress.
Digitised material for Abbas Hilmi II Papers: album of photographs of a Hajj, including Mecca, the Hijaz railway and forts - HIL/328/1-166
HIL/328/1   [1909]
Steamers [at Suez], with feluccas in the foreground. Photograph taken from on board a large sea-going sailing ship, poop partly visible
HIL/328/2   [1909]
Steamers [at Suez] in the background and in the foreground feluccas with Egyptian flags
Duplicate: HIL/335/3
HIL/328/3   [1909]
Panoramic view showing Egyptian sailing boats docked at Jeddah harbour and the skyline of the city's corniche with its traditional architecture. The foreground shows the foundations of a stone building under construction
Duplicate: HIL/335/6
HIL/328/4   [1909]
Panoramic view of Egyptian sailing boats docked at Jeddah harbour. The Egyptian flag is flying from the masts of most of the sailing boats
Duplicate: HIL/335/5
HIL/328/5   [1909]
Panoramic view of Jeddah harbour showing the platform, a wooden arcaded customs office, a dome, and Egyptian sailing boats flying Egyptian flags in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/4
HIL/328/6   [1909]
Panoramic view of two buildings beside Jeddah harbour. The left one has Egyptian flags hanging from its second floor and thus could have been the headquarters of the leaders of the Egyptian delegation
Duplicate: HIL/335/8
HIL/328/7   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Jeddah skyline with typical local traditional architecture. In the foreground is the foundation of a stone building under construction
Duplicate: HIL/335/7
HIL/328/8   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert with mountains in the background and shepherds, Egyptian officials and local tribesmen riding camels in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/9
HIL/328/9   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert with the Egyptian delegation convoy travelling on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/10
HIL/328/10   [1909]
Panoramic view of the hills of the Arabian desert and the Egyptian delegation's convoy travelling from Jeddah to Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/12
HIL/328/11   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert traversed by the Egyptian delegation travelling on camels
Duplicate: HIL/335/11
HIL/328/12   [1909]
Panoramic bird's eye view of the Egyptian encampment surrounded by the hills of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/15
HIL/328/13   [1909]
Egyptian flag flying from a mast at the Egyptian encampment, with a fort in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/13
HIL/328/14   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Egyptian convoy camped in the desert, surrounded by the hills of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/14
HIL/328/15   [1909]
Upper view of the courtyard and Ka`ba in Mecca's sanctuary before the 20th century enlargements. The vernacular architecture surrounding the enclosure and the kiosks surrounding the Ka`ba in the courtyard are now non-extant
HIL/328/16   [1909]
Upper view of crowds gathered at the entrance of a mosque, possibly in Mecca. The striped façade of the mosque is topped by an elaborate inscription freize, crenellations and the base of an elaborate Mamluk style dome
Duplicate: HIL/335/19
HIL/328/17   [1909]
Hills surrounding Mecca dominated by a fortified citadel
Duplicate: HIL/335/16
HIL/328/18   [1909]
View down wide suburban street looking towards the centre of Mecca
HIL/328/19   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of crowds gathered on a street in Mecca. The traditional rubble architecture of Mecca is non-extant
HIL/328/20   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan walking on a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/23
HIL/328/21   [1909]
Panoramic view of the procession of the Egyptian delegation following the Holy Carpet (mahmal) on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/33
HIL/328/22   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of crowds gathered on a street in Mecca. The traditional rubble architecture of Mecca is non-extant
HIL/328/23   [1909]
Upper view of crowds gathered on a street in Mecca. The traditional rubble architecture of Mecca is non-extant
HIL/328/24   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a street in Mecca with traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/25
HIL/328/25   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/30
HIL/328/26   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/26
HIL/328/27   [1909]
Panoramic view of pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
HIL/328/28   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/28
HIL/328/29   [1909]
Panoramic view of Sudanese pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/31
HIL/328/30   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/27
HIL/328/31   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of carpet covered camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/24
HIL/328/32   [1909]
Panoramic upper view of pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/29
HIL/328/33   [1909]
Walking pilgrims carrying umbrellas (photograph curved at top)
Duplicate: HIL/335/39
HIL/328/34   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation encampment site showing the location of the tents around the Egyptian flag
Duplicate: HIL/335/37
HIL/328/35   [1909]
Circular photograph of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation encampment, sheltered by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/38
HIL/328/36   [1909]
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site of an official delegation (Egyptian?) surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/40
HIL/328/37   [1909]
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with an Egyptian pilgrim in the foreground of the photograph
Duplicate: HIL/335/42
HIL/328/38   [1909]
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with the mountains of the Arabian desert in the background and guns in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/43
HIL/328/39   [1909]
A pilgrimage encampment site surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert, probably the Egyptian delegation
Duplicate: HIL/335/45
HIL/328/40   [1909]
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with the mountains of the Arabian desert in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/48
HIL/328/41   [1909]
Panoramic view of pilgrimage tents in an encampment site surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/49
HIL/328/42   [1909]
Panoramic view of pilgrimage tents in an encampment site surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/51
HIL/328/43   [1909]
Panoramic view of senior Egyptian officials, including Prince Ahmad Fouad heading the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation, being received by the Saudi heads of tribes
Duplicate: HIL/335/52
HIL/328/44   [1909]
Panoramic view of the official reception for the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation before a specially built tent
Duplicate: HIL/335/53
HIL/328/45   [1909]
Panoramic view of senior Egyptian officials, including Prince Ahmad Fouad heading the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation, being received by the Saudi heads of tribes
Duplicate: HIL/335/54
HIL/328/46   [1909]
Prince Ahmad Fouad, heading the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation and other senior officials at the site of the Egyptian pilgrimage encampment
Duplicate: HIL/335/55
HIL/328/47   [1909]
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with pilgrims of various nationalities in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/56
HIL/328/48   [1909]
Panoramic view of the parades of different Arab official delegations represented in the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/335/57
HIL/328/49   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Egyptian delegation parading at the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/335/58
HIL/328/50   [1909]
Panoramic view of the parade of the Egyptian delegation on horseback and an infantry soldier in the middle of the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/335/59
HIL/328/51   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Egyptian delegation parade among other nationalities at the centre of the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/335/60
HIL/328/52   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Egyptian encampment site. In the foreground is a group of Egyptian officials and clergymen photographed with Prince Ahmad Fouad, the head of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate: HIL/335/62
HIL/328/53   [1909]
Close up of a large firman decree document held by a member of the official Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate: HIL/335/63
HIL/328/54   [1909]
Official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation with Prince Ahmad Fouad before the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal)
HIL/328/55   [1909]
Six infantry soldiers from the Egyptian Army photographed before the the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal). (Photograph curved at top)
Duplicate: HIL/335/65
HIL/328/56   [1909]
Group photograph of senior officials of the Ottoman Empire and official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation and other Arab delegations before the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal)
Duplicate: HIL/335/67
HIL/328/57   [1909]
Group photograph of official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation with members of other delegations, before the arched entrance of an unidentified building
Duplicate: HIL/335/66
HIL/328/58   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the skyline of an unidentified coastal city. Sailing boats gathered around an Egyptian steamship in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/73
HIL/328/59   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the skyline of an unidentified coastal city
Duplicate: HIL/335/72
HIL/328/60   [1909]
A square tower on the top of a hill viewed from the sea
Duplicate: HIL/335/74
HIL/328/61   [1909]
Panoramic view of tents and camels surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert. (Composite photograph)
Duplicate: HIL/335/75
HIL/328/62   [1909]
Panoramic view of an encampment site on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/76
HIL/328/63   [1909]
Panoramic view of a caravan in the background and a seated camel with its rider in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/77
HIL/328/64   [1909]
Panoramic view of an encampment site and camels on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/78
HIL/328/65   [1909]
Panoramic view of an encampment site on the pilgrimage road showing tents and horses
Duplicate: HIL/335/79
HIL/328/66   [1909]
Trees in the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/80 (circular print)
HIL/328/67   [1909]
Panoramic view of horses ridden by army officials and a soldier riding a camel in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/81
HIL/328/68   [1909]
Panoramic view of a group of camels crossing the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/82
HIL/328/69   [1909]
Panoramic view of a convoy of camels pulling a carriage across the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/83
HIL/328/70   [1909]
Panoramic view of a convoy of camels pulling a carriage across the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/84
HIL/328/71   [1909]
Panoramic view of a tribal guide followed by an Egyptian official, both leading a small convoy of camels on the pilgrimage road amidst the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/85
HIL/328/72   [1909]
Panoramic view of an encampment site of the Egyptian official pilgrimage delegation

Duplicate: HIL/335/91
HIL/328/73   [1909]
Close up view of the tents closest to the Egyptian flag in the Egyptian pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/335/92
HIL/328/74   [1909]
Panoramic view of the encampment site of the Egyptian official pilgrimage delegation, with a view of a building and a wind mill in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/94
HIL/328/75   [1909]
Panoramic view of the caravan of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate: HIL/335/95
HIL/328/76   [1909]
Panoramic view of senior officials and soldiers of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation, beside railway line, surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert
HIL/328/77   [1909]
Panoramic view of senior officials and soldiers of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/98
HIL/328/78   [1909]
Panoramic view of tents at the foot of a desert rest house building
Duplicate: HIL/335/99
HIL/328/79   [1909]
Panoramic bird's eye view of a site by the railway, possibly of the Hijaz
Duplicate: HIL/335/100
HIL/328/80   [1909]
Panoramic view of Egyptian soldiers awaiting the arrival of a dignitary at a desert railway station
Duplicate: HIL/335/103
HIL/328/81   [1909]
Tent and hut at the foot of a hill, possibly in the Hijaz
Duplicate: HIL/335/105
HIL/328/82   [1909]
Wagons and trains passing before a railway station, possibly in the Hijaz. Beduins in the foreground.
Duplicate: HIL/335/104
HIL/328/83   [1909]
Panoramic view of circular rooms covered by tents close to a railway line and wagons
Duplicate: HIL/335/106
HIL/328/84   [1909]
A shallow pond/valley surrounded by trees, with hills in the backdrop and a few tents at the right side of the photograph
Duplicate: HIL/335/109
HIL/328/85   [1909]
Three tents shaded by trees and surrounded by the Arabian desert mountains
Duplicate: HIL/335/110
HIL/328/86   [1909]
A shallow pond crossed by a railway line and surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/113
HIL/328/87   [1909]
Panoramic view of the desert and a train on the right hand side of the photograph. Photograph taken from the last carriage of the train
Duplicate: HIL/335/111
HIL/328/88   [1909]
Panoramic view of the desert and two circular buildings. On the right of the photograph is a railway line and a train carrying passengers
Duplicate: HIL/335/115
HIL/328/89   [1909]
Close up of an Egyptian train stopping near a desert building to enable the members of the Egyptian delegation to board
Duplicate: HIL/335/116
HIL/328/90   [1909]
An Egyptian train passing next to a service site with circular buildings topped by tent covers
Duplicate: HIL/335/117
HIL/328/91   [1909]
Panoramic view of Egyptian officials watching an Egyptian train crossing the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/118
HIL/328/92   [1909]
Panoramic view showing in the foreground a group of soldiers standing with their guns in salute to the dignitaries on the train. A rest house crowns the hill in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/137
HIL/328/93   [1909]
Panoramic view of an Egyptian train crossing the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/119
HIL/328/94   [1909]
Panoramic view of an Egyptian train and the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/120
HIL/328/95   [1909]
Panoramic view taken from the window of a train, showing two groups of Egyptian soldiers surrounded by the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/124
HIL/328/96   [1909]
Panoramic view showing a glimpse of an Egyptian train passing a settlement of tents surrounded by the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/123
HIL/328/97   [1909]
Goods train near a work site encampment in the desert with of tents and mud and straw huts
Duplicate: HIL/335/121
HIL/328/98   [1909]
Close up of a settlement composed of tents and huts within a mud-brick enclosure
Duplicate: HIL/335/122
HIL/328/99   [1909]
Panoramic view of a desert skyline showing several layers of mountains in the background, animals grazing in the foreground, and taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/335/126
HIL/328/100   [1909]
Panoramic view of a desert skyline showing several layers of mountains in the background and taken from the window of a train
HIL/328/101   [1909]
Panoramic view of the desert plateau taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/335/127
HIL/328/102   [1909]
Egyptian soldier in the foreground and in the background a high desert mountain. Photograph taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/335/129
HIL/328/103   [1909]
Panoramic view of the desert skyline taken from the window of the train
Duplicate: HIL/335/128
HIL/328/104   [1909]
Panoramic view of hills on the left hand side and an Egyptian train surrounded by workers and an officer at the right hand side
Duplicate: HIL/335/130
HIL/328/105   [1909]
Panoramic view of the desert skyline, with a group of horses in the centre
Duplicate: HIL/335/131
HIL/328/106   [1909]
Panoramic view of a camel caravan resting in the middle of the desert at the foot of a high mountain
Duplicate: HIL/335/132
HIL/328/107   [1909]
Panoramic view of a group of tents on the hills and mountains of the Arabian desert, with a rest house on the top of a hill
Duplicate: HIL/335/139
HIL/328/108   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the arrival of the Egyptian train and the Egyptian delegation at a station of an unidentified town
Duplicate: HIL/335/141
HIL/328/109   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the arrival of the two trains of the Egyptian delegation at an unidentified station
Duplicate: HIL/335/142
HIL/328/110   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the arrival of the Egyptian train and the Egyptian delegation at a station of an unidentified town
Duplicate: HIL/335/140
HIL/328/111   [1909]
Panoramic view showing a rest-house and camp of the Egyptian delegation around a flag
Duplicate: HIL/335/143
HIL/328/112   [1909]
Upper view of a town featuring traditional vernacular architecture, possibly the Hijaz or Medina
Duplicate: HIL/335/145
HIL/328/113   [1909]
Upper view of a town featuring traditional vernacular architecture, possibly the Hijaz or Medina. In the foreground are roofs of mud-brick houses, a white-washed domed mosque and the façade of a house covered with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/146
HIL/328/114   [1909]
Panoramic view showing the façade of the building where the Egyptian delegation was accommodated and an adjacent building covered with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/335/147
HIL/328/115   [1909]
Close up of the facade of the building where the Egyptian delegation was accommodated
Duplicate: HIL/335/150
HIL/328/116   [1909]
Local vernacular architecture, the minaret of a mosque and setting up of a market in an unidentified town in Arabia, possibly the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/151
HIL/328/117   [1909]
Panoramic view of a street in an unidentified town showing vernacular architecture
Duplicate: HIL/335/152
HIL/328/118   [1909]
Panoramic view of the street on which is the headquarters of the Egyptian delegation with, in the foreground, examples of vernacular architecture and a crowd of pilgrims celebrating on the street
HIL/328/119   [1909]
Panoramic view of the street on which is the headquarters of the Egyptian delegation with, in the foreground, examples of vernacular architecture and a crowd of pilgrims celebrating on the street
HIL/328/120   [1909]
Entrance of an Ottoman style mosque toppd by a dome. Unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/154
HIL/328/121   [1909]
Courtyard and corner of mosque surmounted by a dome and a minaret. Unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/155
HIL/328/122   [1909]
A hypostyle prayer hall in an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/156
HIL/328/123   [1909]
Upper view of the roof, shallow domes, main dome and of the minaret of an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/158
HIL/328/124   [1909]
Upper view of a cemetery including five main domes and a number of burial places, all in an unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/159
HIL/328/125   [1909]
View of a dome and the minaret of an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/157
HIL/328/126   [1909]
Upper view of a cemetery including five main domes and a number of burial places, all in an unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
HIL/328/127   [1909]
Panoramic view of pastoral life in the Arabian desert with camels resting in the foreground and palm trees in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/161
HIL/328/128   [1909]
Panoramic view of skyline of the Arabian desert featuring a mud-brick house in the middle of the fields
Duplicate: HIL/335/162
HIL/328/129   [1909]
View of the Arabian desert featuring in the distance mud-brick buildings and palm trees
HIL/328/130   [1909]
Close up of a mud-brick structure resembling the architecture of Dar`iya
Duplicate: HIL/335/163
HIL/328/131   [1909]
Pastoral life in the Arabian desert with palm tree groves in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/164
HIL/328/132   [1909]
Panoramic view of a stone and rubble building foundation in an unidentified location in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/165
HIL/328/133   [1909]
Panoramic view of a stone and rubble building foundation in an unidentified location in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/166
HIL/328/134   [1909]
Panoramic view of a stone and rubble building foundation in an unidentified location in the Arabian desert
HIL/328/135   [1909]
Tents pitched around a small mosque with two white-washed domes in an unidentified location, possibly the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/335/168
HIL/328/136   [1909]
Panoramic view of a stone and rubble building foundation in an unidentified location in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/167
HIL/328/137   [1909]
Panoramic view of local people, Egyptian pilgrims, soldiers and Azharites gathered before an arched station on which flies the Egyptian flag
Duplicate: HIL/335/169
HIL/328/138   [1909]
Panoramic view of two trains waiting at a railway station and local people riding horses
Duplicate: HIL/335/170
HIL/328/139   [1909]
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert skyline with a small house in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/171
HIL/328/140   [1909]
Railway line and electricity post in the foreground with an extensive camp in the background, in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/174
HIL/328/141   [1909]
Individuals walking on either side of the railway in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/173
HIL/328/142   [1909]
Close up of two large and two small tents pitched next to an Egyptian flag, with a train in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/175
HIL/328/143   [1909]
Tents pitched next to an Egyptian flag, with a train in the background
HIL/328/144   [1909]
Interaction between locals and members of the Egyptian delegation before entering the tents
Duplicate: HIL/335/178
HIL/328/145   [1909]
Panoramic view of individuals walking towards a railway line in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/176
HIL/328/146   [1909]
Panoramic view of an ammunitions station on the railway, composed of three small buildings, a wind mill and a circular shaped structure on which is an Egyptian crescent. On the left are trains
Duplicate: HIL/335/180
HIL/328/147   [1909]
Panoramic view of trains and a small railway station composed of a set of stone built administrative buildings in front of which are passengers
Duplicate: HIL/335/183
HIL/328/148   [1909]
Close up of cargo trains and a railway line
HIL/328/149   [1909]
Close up of a railway carriage, a railway line, and a railway building in the distance
Duplicate: HIL/335/182
HIL/328/150   [1909]
Close up of a gathering of soldiers from different Muslim nations grouped before two administrative stone buildings and a railway line
Duplicate: HIL/335/181
HIL/328/151   [1909]
Part of the façade of an administrative stone building at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with officials standing at the entrances of their offices and a windmill in the background
Duplicate: HIL/335/186
HIL/328/152   [1909]
Façade and side views of two administrative stone buildings at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers waiting for their trains
Duplicate: HIL/335/187
HIL/328/153   [1909]
Façade of an administrative stone building at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers circulating before the buildings and a railway inthe foreground
Duplicate: HIL/335/185
HIL/328/154   [1909]
Administrative stone buildings of Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers circulating between both buildings
Duplicate: HIL/335/184
HIL/328/155   [1909]
Horse in front of a railway line close to one of Ma`an's railway station administrative buildings
Duplicate: HIL/335/189
HIL/328/156   [1909]
Façade of administrative stone buildings of Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with a windmill behind
Duplicate: HIL/335/188
HIL/328/157   [1909]
Caravan of camels resting on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/190
HIL/328/158   [1909]
Row of Egyptian soldiers saluting the arriving train at Ma`an railway station
Duplicate: HIL/335/192
HIL/328/159   [1909]
Soldiers and civilians watching the arriving train at Ma`an railway station
HIL/328/160   [1909]
Desert scene [taken from train], with pile of stripped timber poles in foreground, and white walled enclosure in the distance
HIL/328/161   [1909]
Railway line in a valley on the pilgrimage road in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/335/198
HIL/328/162   [1909]
Stone railway administrative building on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/335/197
HIL/328/163   [1909]
Panoramic view of stone railway administrative buildings in Ma`an with wooden beams on the floor between the two buildings
Duplicate: HIL/335/201
HIL/328/164   [1909]
Train carriages and groups of people, beside a railway station with a wind pump
HIL/328/165   [1909]
View of Ma`an railway station
Duplicate: HIL/335/203
HIL/328/166   [1909]
View of Ma`an railway station and crowds watching the train
HIL/335/1-204   1909 (1327 AH)
Photographs of a Hajj, including Mecca, the Hijaz railway and forts.
Album of 204 collated black and white photographs of an official Egyptian delegation pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina Munawara in 1327AH/1909AD by an unknown photographer. At the head of the Egyptian delegation was Prince Ahmed Fouad (later King Fouad). The sequentially arranged photographs start from the departure point at the Suez harbour, and trace the overland desert crossing in Arabia, then the arrival at the port of Jeddah, and a spectacular non-extant view of Mecca before the renovation works in the last quarter of the twentieth century. There are many photographs of non extant architectural buildings in Hijaz, Medina and Mecca; the encampments of the Egyptian delegation on the road, the Holy Carpet carriage mahmal and the meeting of other heads of states including the chief of the Ottoman Empire's pilgrimage delegation and the Emir of Mecca and Hijaz. The trains on which the Egyptian delegation travelled are also extensively documented as well as the small railway station of Ma'an with which the photographer terminates his assignment and album.
Album HIL/328 contains many duplicates of prints in this album, though often with different exposures or cropping. Cross-references are provided at item level.
Size: 320 x 430 mm
Digital copies of all available
A printed account of the 1909 (1327 A.H.) Hajj undertaken by Abbas Hilmi II, written by Muḥammad Labīb al-Batanūnī, was published in 1911 (1329 A.H.). A copy in Durham University Library has been digitised and is available online. A translation by students in the School of Modern Languages & Cultures is in progress.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of a Hajj, including Mecca, the Hijaz railway and forts - 1909. HIL/335/1-204
HIL/335/1   1909
Panoramic view of a railway station, very likely the departure station at Suez (Egypt)
HIL/335/2   1909
Panoramic view of Suez showing its skyline, the bay and the railway lines
HIL/335/3   1909
Steamers in the background and in the foreground feluccas with Egyptian flags
Duplicate: HIL/328/2
HIL/335/4   1909
Panoramic view of Jeddah harbour showing the platform, a wooden arcaded customs office, a dome, and Egyptian sailing boats flying Egyptian flags in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/5
HIL/335/5   1909
Panoramic view of Egyptian sailing craft docked at Jeddah harbour. The Egyptian flag is flying from the masts of most of the sailing vessels
Duplicate: HIL/328/4
HIL/335/6   1909
Panoramic view showing Egyptian sailing craft docked at Jeddah harbour and the skyline of the city's corniche with its traditional architecture. The foreground shows the foundations of a stone building under construction
Duplicate: HIL/328/3
HIL/335/7   1909
Panoramic view of the Jeddah skyline with typical local traditional architecture. In the foreground is the foundation of a stone building under construction
Duplicate: HIL/328/7
HIL/335/8   1909
Panoramic view of two buildings beside Jeddah harbour. The left one has Egyptian flags hanging from its second floor and thus could have been the headquarters of the leaders of the Egyptian delegation
Duplicate: HIL/328/6
HIL/335/9   1909
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert with mountains in the background and shepherds, Egyptian officials and local tribesmen riding camels in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/8
HIL/335/10   1909
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert with the Egyptian delegation convoy travelling on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/9
HIL/335/11   1909
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert traversed by the Egyptian delegation travelling on camels
Duplicate: HIL/328/11
HIL/335/12   1909
Panoramic view of the hills of the Arabian desert and the Egyptian delegation's convoy travelling from Jeddah to Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/10
HIL/335/13   1909
Egyptian flag flying from a mast at the Egyptian encampment, with a fort in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/13
HIL/335/14   1909
Panoramic view of the Egyptian convoy camped in the desert, surrounded by the hills of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/14
HIL/335/15   1909
Panoramic bird's eye view of the Egyptian encampment surrounded by the hills of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/12
HIL/335/16   1909
Hills surrounding Mecca dominated by a fortified citadel
Duplicate: HIL/328/17
HIL/335/17   1909
Facades of vernacular architecture of Mecca (non extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice protruding balconies (out of focus)
HIL/335/18   1909
Façade of a dilapidated traditional building in an Arabian town and daily street activities of local people, likely in Mecca
HIL/335/19   1909
Upper view of crowds gathered at the entrance of a mosque, possibly in Mecca. The striped façade of the mosque is topped by an elaborate inscription freize, crenellations and the base of an elaborate Mamluk style dome
Duplicate: HIL/328/16
HIL/335/20   1909
Striped façade of a mosque, possibly in Mecca, featuring three arcaded entrances and topped by an elaborate inscription freize and trefoil decorations
HIL/335/21   1909
Upper view of the courtyard and Ka`ba in Mecca's sanctuary before the 20th century enlargements. The vernacular architecture surrounding the enclosure and the kiosks surrounding the Ka`ba in the courtyard are now non-extant
HIL/335/22   1909
Panoramic upper view of crowds gathered on a street in Mecca. The traditional rubble architecture of Mecca is non-extant
HIL/335/23   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan walking on a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/20
HIL/335/24   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of carpet covered camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/31
HIL/335/25   1909
Panoramic upper view of a street in Mecca with traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/24
HIL/335/26   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/26
HIL/335/27   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/30
HIL/335/28   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca showing traditional architecture (now non-extant) adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/28
HIL/335/29   1909
Panoramic upper view of pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/32
HIL/335/30   1909
Panoramic upper view of a caravan of loaded camels crossing a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/25
HIL/335/31   1909
Panoramic view of Sudanese pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/29
HIL/335/32-33   1909
Panoramic view of the procession of the Egyptian delegation following the Holy Carpet (mahmal) on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate HIL/335/33: HIL/328/21
HIL/335/34   1909
Panoramic view of pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
HIL/335/35-36   1909
Panoramic view of pilgrims on a street in Mecca amidst tents and the now non-extant traditional architecture adorned with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
HIL/335/37   1909
Panoramic view of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation encampment site showing the location of the tents around the Egyptian flag
Duplicate: HIL/328/34
HIL/335/38   1909
Circular photograph of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation encampment, sheltered by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/35
HIL/335/39   1909
Walking pilgrims carrying umbrellas (photograph curved at top)
Duplicate: HIL/328/33
HIL/335/40-41   1909
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site of an official delegation (Egyptian?) surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate HIL/335/40: HIL/328/36
HIL/335/42   1909
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with an Egyptian pilgrim in the foreground of the photograph
Duplicate: HIL/328/37
HIL/335/43   1909
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with the mountains of the Arabian desert in the background and guns in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/38
HIL/335/44   1909
Panoramic view of officials marching at the encampment site of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
HIL/335/45   1909
A pilgrimage encampment site surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert, probably the Egyptian delegation
Duplicate: HIL/328/39
HIL/335/46   1909
Three pilgrims in front of their tents in the encampment site, probably the Egyptian delegation
HIL/335/47-48   1909
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with the mountains of the Arabian desert in the background
Duplicate HIL/335/48: HIL/328/40
HIL/335/49, 51   1909
Panoramic view of pilgrimage tents in an encampment site surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/41-42
HIL/335/50   1909
Panoramic view of pilgrimage tents in an encampment site surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert. In the foreground are a Beduin woman and camels
HIL/335/52, 54   1909
Panoramic view of senior Egyptian officials, including Prince Ahmad Fouad heading the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation, being received by the Saudi heads of tribes
Duplicate: HIL/328/43, 45
HIL/335/53   1909
Panoramic view of the official reception for the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation before a specially built tent
Duplicate: HIL/328/44
HIL/335/55   1909
Prince Ahmad Fouad, heading the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation and other senior officials at the site of the Egyptian pilgrimage encampment
Duplicate: HIL/328/46
HIL/335/56   1909
Panoramic view of a pilgrimage encampment site with pilgrims of various nationalities in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/47
HIL/335/57   1909
Panoramic view of the parades of different Arab official delegations represented in the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/328/48
HIL/335/58   1909
Panoramic view of the Egyptian delegation parading at the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/328/49
HIL/335/59   1909
Panoramic view of the parade of the Egyptian delegation on horseback and an infantry soldier in the middle of the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/328/50
HIL/335/60   1909
Panoramic view of the Egyptian delegation parade among other nationalities at the centre of the pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/328/51
HIL/335/61-62   1909
Panoramic view of the Egyptian encampment site. In the foreground is a group of Egyptian officials and clergymen photographed with Prince Ahmad Fouad, the head of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate HIL/335/62: HIL/328/52
HIL/335/63   1909
Close up of a large firman decree document held by a member of the official Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate: HIL/328/53
HIL/335/64   1909
Official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation with Prince Ahmad Fouad before the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal)
HIL/335/65   1909
Six infantry soldiers from the Egyptian Army photographed before the the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal). (Photograph curved at top)
Duplicate: HIL/328/55
HIL/335/66   1909
Group photograph of official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation with members of other delegations, before the arched entrance of an unidentified building
Duplicate: HIL/328/57
HIL/335/67   1909
Group photograph of senior officials of the Ottoman Empire and official members of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation and other Arab delegations before the Holy Carpet carriage (Mahmal)
Duplicate: HIL/328/56
HIL/335/68-70   1909
Member of the Egyptian delegation dressed in the white pilgrimage robe in the encampment site
HIL/335/71   1909
Panoramic view showing the skyline of an unidentified coastal city, with an Egyptian naval officer standing on deck in the foreground
HIL/335/72   1909
Panoramic view showing the skyline of an unidentified coastal city
Duplicate: HIL/328/59
HIL/335/73   1909
Panoramic view showing the skyline of an unidentified coastal city. Sailing boats gathered around an Egyptian steamship in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/58
HIL/335/74   1909
A square tower on the top of a hill viewed from the sea
Duplicate: HIL/328/60
HIL/335/75   1909
Panoramic view of tents and camels surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert. (Composite photograph)
Duplicate: HIL/328/61
HIL/335/76   1909
Panoramic view of an encampment site on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/62
HIL/335/77   1909
Panoramic view of a caravan in the background and a seated camel with its rider in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/63
HIL/335/78   1909
Panoramic view of an encampment site and camels on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/64
HIL/335/79   1909
Panoramic view of an encampment site on the pilgrimage road showing tents and horses
Duplicate: HIL/328/65
HIL/335/80   1909
Trees in the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/66
HIL/335/81   1909
Panoramic view of horses ridden by army officials and a soldier riding a camel in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/67
HIL/335/82   1909
Panoramic view of a group of camels crossing the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/68
HIL/335/83-84   1909
Panoramic view of a convoy of camels pulling a carriage across the desert on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/69-70
HIL/335/85   1909
Panoramic view of a tribal guide followed by an Egyptian official, both leading a small convoy of camels on the pilgrimage road amidst the mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/71
HIL/335/86   1909
Panoramic view of a camel convoy crossing the desert on the pilgrimage road
HIL/335/87   1909
Panoramic view of the mountains of the Arabian desert, the route of the pilgrimage road
HIL/335/88, 91   1909
Panoramic view of an encampment site of the Egyptian official pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate HIL/335/91: HIL/328/72
HIL/335/89   1909
Panoramic view of an encampment site of the Egyptian official pilgrimage delegation, with luggage unloaded
HIL/335/90   1909
Panoramic bird's eye view of the mountains of the Arabian desert, typical of terrain crossed by the pilgrimage road
HIL/335/92   1909
Close up view of the tents closest to the Egyptian flag in the Egyptian pilgrimage encampment site
Duplicate: HIL/328/73
HIL/335/93   1909
Close up view of some tents in the Egyptian pilgrimage encampment site, with unloaded luggage and camels at the side of the tents
HIL/335/94   1909
Panoramic view of the encampment site of the Egyptian official pilgrimage delegation, with a view of a building and a wind mill in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/74
HIL/335/95   1909
Panoramic view of the caravan of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation
Duplicate: HIL/328/75
HIL/335/96-98   1909
Panoramic view of senior officials and soldiers of the Egyptian pilgrimage delegation surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate HIL/335/98: HIL/328/77
HIL/335/99   1909
Panoramic view of tents at the foot of a desert rest house building
Duplicate: HIL/328/78
HIL/335/100   1909
Panoramic bird's eye view of a site by the railway, possibly of the Hijaz
Duplicate: HIL/328/79
HIL/335/101   1909
Panoramic view of tents in the desert, close to a railway line
HIL/335/102   1909
Panoramic view of tents close to a railway line and a wind mill
HIL/335/103   1909
Panoramic view of Egyptian soldiers awaiting the arrival of a dignitary at a desert railway station
Duplicate: HIL/328/80
HIL/335/104   1909
Wagons and trains passing before a railway station, possibly in the Hijaz. Beduins in the foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/82
HIL/335/105   1909
Tent and hut at the foot of a hill, possibly in the Hijaz
Duplicate: HIL/328/81
HIL/335/106   1909
Panoramic view of circular rooms covered by tents close to a railway line and wagons
Duplicate: HIL/328/83
HIL/335/107   1909
Wagons and trains passing before a railway station
HIL/335/108   1909
White-washed building with a courtyard between two mud-brick buildings, surrounded by mountains
HIL/335/109   1909
A shallow pond/valley surrounded by trees, with hills in the backdrop and a few tents at the right side of the photograph
Duplicate: HIL/328/84
HIL/335/110    1909
Three tents shaded by trees and surrounded by the Arabian desert mountains
Duplicate: HIL/328/85
HIL/335/111   1909
Panoramic view of the desert and a train on the right hand side of the photograph. Photograph taken from the last carriage of the train
Duplicate: HIL/328/87
HIL/335/112   1909
Train crossing a viaduct at the foot of a high mountain in the Arabian desert
HIL/335/113   1909
A shallow pond crossed by a railway line and surrounded by mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/86
HIL/335/114    1909
Three tents by a pool in the shade of trees and surrounded by the Arabian desert mountains. A glimpse of a train appears on the right hand side of the photograph
HIL/335/115   1909
Panoramic view of the desert and two circular buildings. On the right of the photograph is a railway line and a train carrying passengers
Duplicate: HIL/328/88
HIL/335/116   1909
Close up of an Egyptian train stopping near a desert building to enable the members of the Egyptian delegation to board
Duplicate: HIL/328/89
HIL/335/117   1909
An Egyptian train passing next to a service site with circular buildings topped by tent covers
Duplicate: HIL/328/90
HIL/335/118   1909
Panoramic view of Egyptian officials watching an Egyptian train crossing the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/91
HIL/335/119   1909
Panoramic view of an Egyptian train crossing the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/93
HIL/335/120   1909
Panoramic view of an Egyptian train and the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/94
HIL/335/121   1909
Goods train near a work site encampment in the desert with of tents and mud and straw huts
Duplicate: HIL/328/97
HIL/335/122   1909
Close up of a settlement composed of tents and huts within a mud-brick enclosure
Duplicate: HIL/328/98
HIL/335/123   1909
Panoramic view showing a glimpse of an Egyptian train passing a settlement of tents surrounded by the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/96
HIL/335/124    1909
Panoramic view taken from the window of a train, showing two groups of Egyptian soldiers surrounded by the high mountains of the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/95
HIL/335/125   1909
Panoramic view of a group of Egyptian soldiers exercising in the foreground and the foundations of a camp consisting of tents, huts and mud-brick circular buildings in the foreground, all surrounded by the mountains of the Arabian desert
HIL/335/126   1909
Panoramic view of a desert skyline showing several layers of mountains in the background, animals grazing in the foreground, and taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/328/99
HIL/335/127   1909
Panoramic view of the desert plateau taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/328/101
HIL/335/128   1909
Panoramic view of the desert skyline taken from the window of the train
Duplicate: HIL/328/103
HIL/335/129   1909
Egyptian soldier in the foreground and in the background a high desert mountain. Photograph taken from the window of a train
Duplicate: HIL/328/102
HIL/335/130   1909
Panoramic view of hills on the left hand side and an Egyptian train surrounded by workers and an officer at the right hand side
Duplicate: HIL/328/104
HIL/335/131   1909
Panoramic view of the desert skyline, with a group of horses in the centre
Duplicate: HIL/328/105
HIL/335/132   1909
Panoramic view of a camel caravan resting in the middle of the desert at the foot of a high mountain
Duplicate: HIL/328/106
HIL/335/133   1909
Panoramic view of hills and mountains of the Arabian desert
HIL/335/134   1909
Panoramic view of the desert skyline, with a group of soldiers standing in the centre. (Out of focus)
HIL/335/135   1909
Panoramic view showing in the foreground a group of Egyptian soldiers holding their guns and standing under the shade of a train from which the photograph was taken. In the background are the Arabian desert mountains
HIL/335/136   1909
Panoramic view of hills and mountains of the Arabian desert taken from the window of a train
HIL/335/137-138   1909
Panoramic view showing in the foreground a group of soldiers standing with their guns in salute to the dignitaries on the train. A rest house crowns the hill in the background
Duplicate HIL/335/137: HIL/328/92
HIL/335/139   1909
Panoramic view of a group of tents on the hills and mountains of the Arabian desert, with a rest house on the top of a hill
Duplicate: HIL/328/107
HIL/335/140-141   1909
Panoramic view showing the arrival of the Egyptian train and the Egyptian delegation at a station of an unidentified town
Duplicate: HIL/328/110, 108
HIL/335/142   1909
Panoramic view showing the arrival of the two trains of the Egyptian delegation at an unidentified station
Duplicate: HIL/328/109
HIL/335/143   1909
Panoramic view showing a rest-house and camp of the Egyptian delegation around a flag
Duplicate: HIL/328/111
HIL/335/144   1909
Panoramic view showing a rest-house and camp of the Egyptian delegation around a flag. On the left hand side are three Beduin boys
HIL/335/145   1909
Upper view of a town featuring traditional vernacular architecture, possibly the Hijaz or Medina
Duplicate: HIL/328/112
HIL/335/146   1909
Upper view of a town featuring traditional vernacular architecture, possibly the Hijaz or Medina. In the foreground are roofs of mud-brick houses, a white-washed domed mosque and the façade of a house covered with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/113
HIL/335/147   1909
Panoramic view showing the façade of the building where the Egyptian delegation was accommodated and an adjacent building covered with mashrabiya wooden lattice balconies
Duplicate: HIL/328/114
HIL/335/148   1909
Ceremonial gate adjacent to the headquarters of the Egyptian delegation, surmounted by the coat of arms and tughra of the Ottoman Empire
HIL/335/149   1909
Commercial activities in front of a monumental gate with two circular towers
HIL/335/150   1909
Close up of the facade of the building where the Egyptian delegation was accommodated
Duplicate: HIL/328/115
HIL/335/151   1909
Local vernacular architecture, the minaret of a mosque and setting up of a market in an unidentified town in Arabia, possibly the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/116
HIL/335/152   1909
Panoramic view of a street in an unidentified town showing vernacular architecture
Duplicate: HIL/328/117
HIL/335/153   1909
Panoramic view of the street on which is the headquarters of the Egyptian delegation with, in the foreground, examples of vernacular architecture and a crowd of pilgrims celebrating on the street
HIL/335/154   1909
Entrance of an Ottoman style mosque toppd by a dome. Unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/120
HIL/335/155   1909
Courtyard and corner of mosque surmounted by a dome and a minaret. Unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/121
HIL/335/156   1909
A hypostyle prayer hall in an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/122
HIL/335/157   1909
View of a dome and the minaret of an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/125
HIL/335/158   1909
Upper view of the roof, shallow domes, main dome and of the minaret of an unidentified mosque, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/123
HIL/335/159   1909
Upper view of a cemetery including five main domes and a number of burial places, all in an unidentified location, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/124
HIL/335/160   1909
Decorated and elaborate tents outside one of the gates and walls of an unidentified town in Arabia, possibly in the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
HIL/335/161   1909
Panoramic view of pastoral life in the Arabian desert with camels resting in the foreground and palm trees in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/127
HIL/335/162   1909
Panoramic view of skyline of the Arabian desert featuring a mud-brick house in the middle of the fields
Duplicate: HIL/328/128
HIL/335/163   1909
Close up of a mud-brick structure resembling the architecture of Dar`iya
Duplicate: HIL/328/130
HIL/335/164   1909
Pastoral life in the Arabian desert with palm tree groves in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/131
HIL/335/165-167   1909
Panoramic view of a stone and rubble building foundation in an unidentified location in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/132-133, 136
HIL/335/168   1909
Tents pitched around a small mosque with two white-washed domes in an unidentified location, possibly the Hijaz, Medina or Mecca
Duplicate: HIL/328/135
HIL/335/169   1909
Panoramic view of local people, Egyptian pilgrims, soldiers and Azharites gathered before an arched station on which flies the Egyptian flag
Duplicate: HIL/328/137
HIL/335/170   1909
Panoramic view of two trains waiting at a railway station and local people riding horses
Duplicate: HIL/328/138
HIL/335/171   1909
Panoramic view of the Arabian desert skyline with a small house in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/139
HIL/335/172   1909
Skyline in the Arabian desert with palm trees
HIL/335/173   1909
Individuals walking on either side of the railway in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/141
HIL/335/174   1909
Railway line and electricity post in the foreground with an extensive camp in the background, in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/140
HIL/335/175   1909
Close up of two large and two small tents pitched next to an Egyptian flag, with a train in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/142
HIL/335/176   1909
Panoramic view of individuals walking towards a railway line in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/145
HIL/335/177   1909
Close up of four Egyptian statesmen and a clergyman standing before the entrance of a tent
HIL/335/178   1909
Interaction between locals and members of the Egyptian delegation before entering the tents
Duplicate: HIL/328/144
HIL/335/179   1909
Three unidentified men dressed in white gowns and turbans standing in front of their tent
HIL/335/180   1909
Panoramic view of an ammunitions station on the railway, composed of three small buildings, a wind mill and a circular shaped structure on which is an Egyptian crescent. On the left are trains
Duplicate: HIL/328/146
HIL/335/181   1909
Close up of a gathering of soldiers from different Muslim nations grouped before two administrative stone buildings and a railway line
Duplicate: HIL/328/150
HIL/335/182   1909
Close up of cargo trains and a railway line
Duplicate: HIL/328/149
HIL/335/183   1909
Panoramic view of trains and a small railway station composed of a set of stone built administrative buildings in front of which are passengers
Duplicate: HIL/328/147
HIL/335/184   1909
Administrative stone buildings of Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers circulating between both buildings
Duplicate: HIL/328/154
HIL/335/185   1909
Façade of an administrative stone building at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers circulating before the buildings and a railway inthe foreground
Duplicate: HIL/328/153
HIL/335/186   1909
Part of the façade of an administrative stone building at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with officials standing at the entrances of their offices and a windmill in the background
Duplicate: HIL/328/151
HIL/335/187   1909
Façade and side views of two administrative stone buildings at Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with passengers waiting for their trains
Duplicate: HIL/328/152
HIL/335/188   1909
Façade of administrative stone buildings of Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage route with a windmill behind
Duplicate: HIL/328/156
HIL/335/189   1909
Horse in front of a railway line close to one of Ma`an's railway station administrative buildings
Duplicate: HIL/328/155
HIL/335/190   1909
Caravan of camels resting on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/157
HIL/335/191-192   1909
Row of Egyptian soldiers saluting the arriving train at Ma`an railway station
Duplicate HIL/335/192: HIL/328/158
HIL/335/193   1909
Line of horses outside Ma`an railway station on the pilgrimage road
HIL/335/194   1909
Horses outside one of Ma`an railway station buildings, with a windmill in the background
HIL/335/195   1909
Arabian skyline behind Ma`an railway station buildings
HIL/335/196   1909
Trains in front of one of Ma`an's railway station buildings with a windmill in the foreground
HIL/335/197   1909
Stone railway administrative building on the pilgrimage road
Duplicate: HIL/328/162
HIL/335/198   1909
Railway line in a valley on the pilgrimage road in the Arabian desert
Duplicate: HIL/328/161
HIL/335/199   1909
Flat plateau on the pilgrimage road oacross the Arabian desert
HIL/335/200   1909
Stone built bridge over a small pond on the pilgrimage road through the Arabian desert. (Out of focus)
HIL/335/201   1909
Panoramic view of stone railway administrative buildings in Ma`an with wooden beams on the floor between the two buildings
Duplicate: HIL/328/163
HIL/335/202, 204   1909
Local people and official state representatives awaiting the arrival of the train of the Egyptian passengers at Ma`an railway station
HIL/335/203   1909
View of Ma`an railway station
Duplicate: HIL/328/165
HIL/499/1-26   [1910s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II attending events at [Alexandria], arriving and departing by train, and including a visit to a large ship in the harbour on a British Royal Navy steam launch and a parade; several large moored ships are photographed, including the [“Mahroussa”].
1 album, unbound
Size: 29 x 21 cm
Digitised material for Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II attending events at Alexandria (1910s) - HIL/499/1-26
HIL/500/1   [1910s]
Group of Ottoman dignitaries standing in military uniforms at a public event, including: Aziz, Sultan Mehmed V, Ayan Reisi Rifat Menemencioğlou Bey, Mebusan Reisi Haci Adil Bey, Halife İkinci Abdülmecit Efendi (Abdulmejid II), Vahideddin (Medmed VI).
1 photographic print
Size: 178 x 116 mm
Digitised material for Group of Ottoman dignitaries standing in military uniforms at a public event - 1910s - HIL/500/1
HIL/500/2   [1910s]
Unidentified digitaries at a public event [?in Egypt], Ottoman flags hanging from grandstand. Photograph numbered: 8. Photographer: Aziz & Dores, Alexandria.
1 photographic print
Size: 168 x 114 mm
Digitised material for Unidentified digitaries at a public event, Ottoman flags hanging from grandstand. - 1910s - HIL/500/2
HIL/344/1-28   1911 November 21
Album of 27 black and white horizontal, matt and collated photographs of variable sizes, by Aziz and Dores Studio in Alexandria, documenting the visit of King George V to Port Said and the official reception given to him. With inscription “Souvenir of the meeting of the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and George V of England at Port Said 21 November 1911/29 Dhu`t Qa`da 1329”
Note: This album was previously numbered HIL/329.
Size: 180 x 255 mm
Binding: Dark blue leather album. Some gluing on the cover suggests that there might have been a title or emblem. The inside front and back covers are covered with paper that renders the effect of white satin. A few pages are added to the album by means of stapling.
Copied: Selected prints filmed
Digitised material for Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and King George V at Port Said 21 November 1911(photograph album) - HIL/344/1-28
HIL/344/1   1911
Presentation page from the photographer to the Khedive in Arabic ink calligraphy:

مقابلة سمو ولي النعم
عباس باشا حلمي
الخديوى المعظم
لجلالة ملك انكلترا جورج الخامس
في مياه بورسعيد
في 21 نوفمبر سنة 1911 الموافق 29 ذى القعدة 1329
مقدم من محل التصوير الشمسى
عزيز ودوريس

Of the reception of HRH
Abbas Pasha Hilmi
The Khedive the great
With George V King of England
In the waters of Port Said
On 21 November 1911 corresponding to 29 Dthi al Qada 1329
Presented from the Photographic studio
Aziz and Dores
HIL/344/2   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II coming down a staircase with his staff, including Said Pasha, probably going towards the station.
Size: 108 x 167 mm
HIL/344/3   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II before entering the private carriage of his Khedivial train. At the side of the private carriage is his throne and seats for the accompanying travellers.
Size: 110 x 167 mm
HIL/344/4   1911
Egyptian infantry soldiers in front of an unidentified barracks
Size: 102 x 162 mm
HIL/344/5   1893
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and members of the official Egyptian delegation accompanying the Khedive on the private carriage of the Khedivial train.
Size: 111 x 148 mm
HIL/344/6, 10   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi in his carriage, before the departure of the train, talking to statesmen, with local people standing on the platform.
Size: 114 x 165 mm
HIL/344/7   1911
Arrival of the Khedivial train at a railway station in the Delta. A crowd is gathered near the Khedive's carriage while in the foreground of the photograph are the musicians of the police band. The platform is decorated with Egyptian flags to welcome the Khedive.
Size: 114 x 120 mm
HIL/344/8   1911
Crowd gathered near the Khedive's train carriage at a railway station in the Delta. In the background is a sign that reads “Platform N express for Cairo”. Of particular interest are the coats of arms hanging on the arcaded columns of the platform.
Size: 115 x 130 mm
HIL/344/9   1911
School children and clergymen standing on the platform of a railway station in a provincial town in the Delta to salute Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II when his train passes by.
Size: 115 x 130 mm
HIL/344/11   1911
Children and local people standing on the platform of a railway station in a provincial town in the Delta to salute Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II when his train passes by.
Size: 115 x 165 mm
HIL/344/12   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi greeting the British and Egyptian statesmen waiting for him. In the background is a group of suffragiya. Of particular interest are the Egyptian flags and especially the coat of arms painted with the initials “AH”. Page stapled to original album.
Size: 115 x 170 mm
HIL/344/13   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and Prince Muhammad Ali (?) walking on a red carpet, followed by members of the official delegation. In the background are infantry soldiers lifting their guns in salute.
Size: 115 x 167 mm
HIL/344/14   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and Prince Muhammad Ali (?) followed by British and Egyptian members of the official delegation at Port Said harbour to meet King George V.
Size: 112 x 166 mm
HIL/344/15   1911
Khedivial steamer docked in Port Said. The Egyptian flag is flying from the two masts while naval flags deck the steamer.
Size: 98 x 166 mm
HIL/344/16   1911
British steamer carrying King George V passing the Suez Canal building at Port Said. Of particular interest is the coat of arms of Egypt hanging on the façade of the Suez Canal building. Page stapled to original album.
Size: 115 x 166 mm
HIL/344/17   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, dressed in uniform and wearing his decorations, commencing the descent of the staircase of the Khedivial steamer, at Port Said harbour.
Size: 115 x 167 mm
HIL/344/18-19   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and members of the Egyptian delegation boarding a yacht at the foot of the staircase of the Khedivial steamer at Port Said harbour.
Size: 115 x 167 & 100 x 175mm
HIL/344/20   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, Prince Muhammad Ali (?) and members of the Egyptian delegation climbing up the steps of the British steamer at Port Said harbour. Page stapled to original album.
Size: 113 x 168 mm
HIL/344/21   1911
Senior British officers on a yacht approaching the steamer carrying King George V to Port Said harbour
Size: 96 x 166 mm
HIL/344/22   1911
Senior British officers ascending the steps of the British steamer in Port Said harbour
Size: 115 x 168 mm
HIL/344/23   1911
King George V descending the staircase of the steamer to a yacht on which are senior Egyptian and British officers. At the top of the staircase is his host, Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II.
Size: 116 x 168 mm
HIL/344/24   1911
King George V and Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II going down the steamer staircase to a yacht on which are senior Egyptian and British officers.
Size: 114 x 166 mm
HIL/344/25   1911
Crew members of the British yacht docked beside the royal steamer.
Size: 112 x 165 mm
HIL/344/26   1911
King George V and Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II seated together at the stern of a British yacht sailing to Port Said harbour.
Size: 113 x 164 mm
HIL/344/27   1911
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and Prince Muhammad Ali (?) on the deck of a steamer at Port Said.
Size: 110 x 164 mm
HIL/344/28   1911
British yacht carrying King George V and Khedive `Abbas Hilmi in Port Said harbour. The flags of Egypt and Britain are flying at either end of the yacht. Page stapled to original album.
Size: 102 x 170 mm
HIL/330/1-6   1914 April
Photographic album of 6 collated black and white photographs documenting, according to the frontispiece, the visit of al-Hajj `Abbas Hilmi II to Amin Sami in al-Barada`a farm. All six photographs are embossed on the matting by Zola/Le Caire signature. The Arabic red preprinted text on the first page reads: “
تذكار تشريف سمو خديوى مصر الأفخم الحاج عباس حلمي الثاني لمنزل عبده المخلص أمين سامي باشا بالبرادعة فى يوم الثلاثاء 3 جمادي الثانية سنة 1332 الموافق 28 أبريل سنة 1914 وتفضل سموه بغرس شجرة في بستانه ووضع الحجر الأول في أساس المسجد الذى سمحت مكارم جنابه العالي يإنشائه علي نفقه نظارة الأوقاف العمومية
” [“Souvenir of HRH the great Khedive of Egypt, Hajj `Abbas Hilmi II to the house of his loyal servant Amin Sami Pasha at al-Barada`a on Tuesday 3 Jamadi II 1332 corresponding to the 28 of April 1914, whereby he graciously planted the seeds of a tree in his garden and laid the first stone in the foundations of a mosque that was granted permission to be constructed at the expense of the Ministry of Public Endowments.”]
Size: 335 x 405 mm
Binding: Green leather bound album, stamped by the khedivial crown and topped by a crescent and a star. Below the crown are the calligraphic initials AH standing for `Abbas Hilmi. The green satin padding of the front cover and back covers are both in good shape but some foxing appears on the matting of some photographs as noted below. The photographs vary in size and are matted before being collated on the sheets of the album. Original librarian's note on the stain reads: No. 2051 Arm. 13 Etag 3.106.
Copied: Selected prints filmed
Digitised material for Album of 6 photographs of `Abbas Hilmi II visit to Amin Sami in al-Barada`a farm - April 1914 - HIL/330/1-6
HIL/330/1   1914
The moment Khedive `Abbas Hilmi enters the gate of Amin Pasha Sami's farm, followed by the official members of the delegation. The delegation is escorted by Amin Sami Pasha on the spread carpet in the middle of the garden to the house. All through the fence surrounding the garden are high masts carrying the Egyptian flags. One of the guests is Abdel Khalek Tharwat (Sarwat) Pasha. Photo by Zola.
Size: 280 x180 mm
HIL/330/2   1914
Group photograph on the terrace of the farm house of Amin Sami Pasha featuring Khedive `Abbas Hilmi. Two police officers at the base of the staircase are saluting the guest while two musicians are seen on the side of the balcony at the far right of the photograph. Photo by Zola.
Size: 280 x180 mm
HIL/330/3   1914
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II supervising a gardener planting a tree in the garden of Amin Sami Pasha's farm house. He is surrounded by his host and the members of the official delegation. Below the first balcony of the house hangs a sign representing the Egyptian coat of arms. The photo is out of focus. Some foxing appears on the matting of the photograph. Photo by Zola.
Size: 170 x 117 mm
HIL/330/4   1914
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II walking into a khiyamiya tent to meet clergymen after prayer. He is surrounded by his host and the official members of his delegation. Some foxing appears on the matting of the photograph. Photo by Zola.
Size: 170 x117 mm
HIL/330/5   1914
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II accompanied by his host Amin Sami Pasha, his security bodyguard and the delegation members after visiting the digging and foundations of a planned mosque. Photo by Zola.
Size: 170 x 117 mm
HIL/330/6   1914
Crowds of farmers coming out of their homes to welcome Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II upon his departure from the farm of Amin Sami. He is seen with his delegation in their cars on the paved road surrounded by masts carrying Egyptian flags. In the background are mudbrick houses of local people and agricultural fields. Some foxing appears on the matting of the photograph. Photo by Zola.
Size: 272 x 150 mm
HIL/501/1-27   [1930s-1952]
King Farouk I and other members of the royal family attending public ceremonies.
27 photographic prints
Digitised material for King Farouk I and other members of the royal family attending public ceremonies - 1930s -1952 - HIL/501/1-27
HIL/501/1   [1930s]
Group, including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and visiting foreign dignitaries, standing at the feet of the great sphinx of Giza.
1 photographic print
Size: 122 x 170 mm
HIL/501/2   [1930s]
Kalim Pasha Fahmi and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with one lady in western dress, among group of officials walking in colonnaded path. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 170 x 123 mm
HIL/501/3   1935
[Egyptian] Olympic Committee, including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Mohamed Taher Pasha (b.1897), grouped on steps of a building, at an event in honour of aviator Hazek and [squash player] F.D. Amr Bey (Abdelfattah Amr) (1909-1988). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 176 x 131 mm
HIL/501/4-5   [January 1936]
Departure of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with Princess Fatma Neslişah and Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), for the burial of King George V.
2 photographic prints
Size: 176 x 129 mm
HIL/501/6   [1930s x 1940s]
King Farouk I, in military uniform, presenting prizes to two equestians, Abubakir Ratib and Mohamed Taher Pahsa, at an outdoor event. Prince Youssef Kemal stands in the background. Photographer: Photonews Service, Cairo.
1 photographic print
Size: 239 x 182 mm
HIL/501/7   [1930s x 1940s]
King Farouk I, standing under awning, Egyptian military officers saluting; Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim in background. Photographer: Air Ministry, Crown copyright.
1 photographic print
Size: 225 x 174 mm
HIL/501/8   [1930s x 1940s]
Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), among a large group of dignitaries standing on the steps of a large building with columned entrance [?Egyptian Parliament]. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 194 x 149 mm
HIL/501/9   [1930s x 1950s]
King Farouk I and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, inspecting a machine manufactored by Ransomes of Ipswich.
1 photographic print
Size: 175 x 114 mm
HIL/501/10   [1930s x 1950s]
King Farouk I and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim among a group of officials, inspecting items displayed behind a rope.
1 photographic print
Size: 177 x 116 mm
HIL/501/11   [1930s x 1950s]
Group of seated officials, including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, at a soirée given by the Prime Minister. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 179 x 129 mm
HIL/501/12   [1930s x 1950s]
King Farouk I walking with a large group of civilian and military dignitaries.
1 photographic print
Size: 142 x 188 mm
HIL/501/13   [1940s]
King Farouk I, wearing military uniform and holding baton, and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, seated.
1 photographic print
Size: 116 x 180 mm
HIL/501/14   [1940s x 1950s]
Nabil Abbas Halim (1897-1972), Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (1900-1977), [?Toussoun], Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, and King Farouk I, seated among large group at a public open air event.
1 photographic print
Size: 200 x 148 mm
HIL/501/15   [1940s x 1950s]
King Farouk I and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim among other dignitaries, with King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman (1875-1953). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 172 x 115 mm
HIL/501/16-18   [1946]
King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy at a public ceremony [in Egypt], Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim in attendance. See also HIL/465/5/1-5.
3 photographic prints
Size: 174 x 124 mm
HIL/501/19   [1950s]
Group seated in carpeted space, including Princess Fawzia Fuad (1921-2013), Princess Farial (1938-2009), King Farouk I, Princess Fawzia (1940-2005), Princess Fadia (1943-2002), Muhammad Taher Pasha (1879-1970).
1 photographic print
Size: 165 x 114 mm
HIL/501/20-21   [21 January 1950]
King Farouk I at the opening of the assembled Egyptian Parliament. Present: Abbas Halim (b. 1897), Amr Ibrahim (b.1903), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
2 photographic prints
Size: 196 x 148 mm
HIL/501/22-27   5 June 1952
Visit of King Farouk I to Montazeh palace mosque for a ceremony commemorating Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849). Groups include Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Nabil Abbas Halim (1897-1972).
6 photographic prints
Size: 242 x 179 mm
HIL/516/6   5 May 1937
Abd El Rahman Hakky Bey, Counsellor of the Egyptian Embassy to the United Kingdom, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, representing the King of Egypt, and Mr Cecil Gill, British Foreign Office, meeting at Southampton Flying Boat dock, in advance of the coronation of King George VI. Photographer: Sport & General Press Agency Ltd, London.
1 photographic print
Size: 253 x 206 mm
Digitised material for Abd El Rahman Hakky Bey, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Mr Cecil Gill at Southampton Flying Boat dock - 5 May 1937 - HIL/516/6
HIL/347/1-40   1940
Album of 39 collated glossy black and white photographs (190 x136 mm) prepared on the occasion of the visit to Umm al-Muhsenin school, founded by HRH Princess Emineh Ilhamy Hanem, mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. The photographs were taken by two unknown photographers, one of whom appears on a picture inside the album. The title on the album is:
“Umm al-Muhsinin School.
The mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II
A souvenir of the visit of the Princesses of the Royal House
to the school on 24th of April 1940
مدرسة أم المحسنين
والدة الخديوى عباس الثاني
تذكار زيارة أميرات البيت المالك
للمدرسة فى 24 أبريل سنة 1940

Size: 205 x 290 mm
Digitised material for Abbas Hilmi II Papers: album of photographs of visit of HRH Princess Eminé Hanem to Umm al-Muhsenin school - HIL/347/1-40
HIL/347/1   1940
Princesses Nimet Mukhtar and Ayse Hassan getting out of a Mercedes car and entering Umm al-Muhsinin School
HIL/347/2   1940
Princess Nimet Mukhtar and Ayse Hassan getting out of a car and entering Umm al-Muhsinin school. They are being saluted by five police officers.
HIL/347/3   1940
Princess Khadija Hanim (left), Princess Nimet Mukhtar (right) followed by Princess Iffet Hassan (back) and other ladies
HIL/347/4   1940
From left to right: Hoda Hanim Cha`rawi, Safia Hanim Zaghlul, Princess Mahves, Princess Iffet Hassan, Princess Khadija Halim, and Princess Nimet Mukhtar standing next to the school teacher in a classroom
HIL/347/5   1940
A muslim clergymen (shaykh) addressing students at their desks and directing the classroom in the presence of the princesses
HIL/347/6   1940
From left to right: Hoda Hanim Cha`rawi, Safia Hanim Zaghlul, Princess Mahves, Princess Iffet Hassan, Princess Nimet Mukhtar and Princess Khadija Hanim standing in a classroom before the blackboard. The Arabic text on the blackboard is about first aid procedures.
HIL/347/7   1940
From left to right: Princess Mahves, Princess Iffet Hassan, Princess Nimet Mukhtar and Princess Khadija Hanim in a classroom while the instructor is teaching a class on first aid procedures.
HIL/347/8   1940
From left to right: Besine Fouad, Aiche Hassan and Hacigul Hanim, unidentified, Hoda Hanim Cha`rawi, Safia Hanim Zaghlul, standing at the door of a classroom beside the blackboard. With them is a teacher at the school.
HIL/347/9   1940
Student wearing a mask demonstrating first aid procedures previously taught in the classroom.
HIL/347/10   1940
A chemistry laboratory visited by the members of the delegation. On the right hand side is Princess Nimet Mukhtar.
HIL/347/11   1940
The princesses, nobilities and members of the official delegation attending a chemistry lab session. Appearing in the photograph are Princess Nimet Mukhtar, and Huda Cha`rawi listening to the teacher's explanations.
HIL/347/12-13   1940
The princesses and members of the official delegation (Mme Sidki Pasha and Mme Hashbe Pasha among others) attending a chemistry laboratory session and chatting with the class teacher
HIL/347/14   1940
The princesses and members of the official delegation visiting a needlework class at Umm al-Muhsinin school. Appearing in the photograph are Ayse Hassan, Princess Nimet Mukhtar and Princess Iffet Hassan.
HIL/347/15   1940
From left to right: Hoda Hanim Cha`rawi, Princess Iffet Hassan and Princess Nimet Mukhtar inspecting students in a sewing class.
HIL/347/16   1940
From left to right: Princess Nimet Mukhtar, Princess Aise Hassan, unidentified, Safia Hanim Zaghlul and Hoda Hanim Cha`rawi, attending a sewing class.
HIL/347/17   1940
The princesses inspecting items produced by the students in the school's exhibition hall.
HIL/347/18   1940
The princesses looking at bottles of syrup produced by the students on display in the exhibition hall
HIL/347/19   1940
The seated princesses watching a dance performed by students of the school
HIL/347/20   1940
One student standing ahead of her colleagues reading from a sheet
HIL/347/21   1940
Students presenting soft drinks to the seated princesses in the school's salon
HIL/347/22   1940
Princess Nimet Mukhtar listening to the explanation of a school teacher while next to her Princess Khadija Hanim (middle) is signing an autograph and Princess Iffet Hassan (right) is observing. Students dressed in white are standing behind them listening to their teacher.
HIL/347/23   1940
Princess Khadija Hanim (middle) signing an autograph while Princess Iffet Hassan (middle) and Huda Hanim Cha`rawi (right) are observing. Two students dressed in white are standing behind them.
HIL/347/24   1940
Princess Nimet Mukhtar and the accompanying princesses in a group photograph with some of the students and school teachers in the courtyard of the school
HIL/347/25   1940
Students and teachers of Umm al-Muhsinin school greeting one of the princesses in her car. In the foreground is a police officer and a photographer carrying a camera on his shoulder and a tripod.
HIL/347/26   1940
View of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/27   1940
Close up of the gateway of Umm al-Muhsinin school and the Arabic sign above it that reads: The girls school / Endowment of the late mother of the Khedive Abbas II, Umm al-Muhsinin (1937) … Madrasit al-Banat / Waqf al-Maghfur laha Walidat al-Khidiwi Abbas al-Thani Umm al-Muhsinin (sannat 1937).
مدرسة البنات/وقف المغفور لها والدة الخديوى عباس الثانى أم المحسنين / سنة 1937

HIL/347/28   1940
The side façade of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/29   1940
Group photograph of students, teachers and staff of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/30   1940
Students sitting in front of their teachers showing the exhibited dresses that they produced in sewing class at Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/31-32   1940
Students and their teachers sitting in an exhibition room at Umm al-Muhsinin school where their sewing products are displayed
HIL/347/33   1940
Four students in the exhibition hall of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/34   1940
Students of Umm al-Muhsinin school in a sewing and crafts class
HIL/347/35   1940
A first-aid class in the courtyard of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/36   1940
A cooking class in the courtyard of Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/37   1940
A display corner in a classroom in Umm al-Muhsinin school where a teacher is pointing out the sewing and needle work of the students
HIL/347/38   1940
An art and crafts class at Umm al-Muhsinin school where a teacher is pointing out the sewing and needle work of the students while other students are painting
HIL/347/39   1940
Students in an outdoor knitting class at Umm al-Muhsinin school
HIL/347/40   1940
Inside back cover with names of the visitors in Arabic: The distinguished visitors
HRH the princesses:
Princess Nimet Mukhtar
Princess Khadiga Hanim
Princess Iffet Hassan
Princess Mahves Fadel
Ayse Hassan
Basima Hanim Effendi Fouad
Nimet Hanim Effendi Fouad
Safia Hanim Zaghlul
Huda Hanim Cha`rawi
Fatma Hanim Sidki
Nafissa Hanim Khashaba
Fardus Hanim Shitta
الزائرات الكريمات
حضرات صاحبات السمو والمجد والعصمة
الأميرة نعمت مختار
الأميرة خديجة حليم
الميرة عفت حسن
الأميرة ماهفش فاضل
النبيلة عائشة حسن
بسيمة هانم افندى فؤاد
نعمت هانم افندى فؤاد
السيدة الجليلة صفية هانم زغلول
السيدة الجليلة هدى هانم شعراوى
السيدة الجليلة فاطمة هانم صدقى
السيدة الجليلة نفيسة هانم خشبة
السيدة الجليلة فردوس شتا

HIL/516/7   [1940s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with a large unidentified group of men, standing in a large room. Photographer: Air Ministry, Crown copyright.
1 photographic print
Size: 222 x 176 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with a large unidentified group of men - 1940s - HIL/516/7
HIL/518/1-14   [1940s]
Photographs taken to mark the departure, by ship, of Princess Fatma Neslişah.
6 folia torn away.
Blue embossed cloth bound album, with green textile binding tie   14 photos
Size: 243 x 170 mm
Digitised material for Photographs taken to mark the departure, by ship, of Princess Fatma Neslişah,1940s - HIL/518/1-14
HIL/555/7   [1940]
Princess Fatma Neslişah, seated, wearing white lace [?wedding] dress, jewels, and holding open lace fan
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/346/1-9   [1940s]
Album of 9 matt umounted black and white photographs by an unknown photographer (238 x 178 mm). The entire set was photographed at an unidentified railway station in Turkey around the early forties during the winter season.
Size: 240 x255 mm
Binding: Burgundy green album tied by a green rope. The name of the producer and seller of the album is inscribed at the bottom of the front cover: Matbaaeilik ve Nesriyat Turk Anonim Sirketi (Cumhuriyet Muesseserleri). The photographs are not mounted on cardboard and a pink rice paper separator is found between each of the photographic sheets.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of Khedive `Abbas II, 1940s - HIL/346/1-9
HIL/346/1   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II talking with a gentleman while walking at a railway station, probably in Turkey. They are followed by other gentlemen.
HIL/346/2   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II wearing gloves, a hat and winter clothes, and members of an official delegation walking at a railway station, possibly in Turkey.
HIL/346/3   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II talking with two members of an official delegation while walking on at a railway station, possibly in Turkey. They are followed by other delegation members.
HIL/346/4   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II standing in front of a railway station beside the door of a car, possibly in Turkey.
HIL/346/5   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II on the platform of a railway station in Turkey, getting ready to enter a train. His assistants are carrying his bags for him. The inscription on the train reads: “Compagnie Internationale” and on a sign below the window: “Sivas-Haydarabad”.
HIL/346/6   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II walking on the platform of a railway station in Turkey, followed by two of his assistants
HIL/346/7   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II descending the staircase of a railway station in Turkey.
HIL/346/8   [1940s]
Khedive `Abbas II talking to members of a delegation after leaving a railway station in Turkey.
HIL/346/9   [1940s]
Portrait of Khedive `Abbas II smiling.
HIL/332/1-60   1944
Photographic album of 60 black and white glossy photographs of the funeral of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II showing the arrival of the cortege in Alexandria harbour and the procession through the streets of Cairo, as photographed by the court's photographer Riad Chehata. Not in perfect sequence within each page.
Size: 298 x 400 mm
Binding: Green leather bound album. Non-archival cardboard. The photographs vary in size. Label on the inside front cover reads: “Studio RIAD CHEHATA photographie de S. M. Le Roi Midan Ibrahim Pacha Le Caire.” Flimsy yellowish paper used as separator between pages. Photographs collated at corners.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of the funeral of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II - HIL/332/1-60
HIL/332/1   1944
Steamer on which the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II was returned to Egypt, upon arrival at Alexandria harbour
HIL/332/2   1944
Children of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi: Princess Nemat Kamal, Princess Shawkat Kamal, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Prince Abdel Kader all disembarking from the steamer on which the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II was returned to Egypt. Descending the gangplank (left to right): Muhammad Taher Pasha (1879-1970), Khedive `Abbas Hilmi, Prince Yusuf Kemal Pasha.
HIL/332/3   1944
The coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II carried by naval officers from the steamer to a funeral tent (siwan).
HIL/332/4   1944
General view of Alexandria harbour showing the preparations for the arrival of the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. In the background is the train which will carry the coffin to Cairo while to the far right is the open tent where dignitaries, Royal family members and statesmen are to receive condolences. In the plaza in between are gathered the naval, police and army officers while workers are spreading carpets on the path which will be crossed by the cortege between the dock and the train.
HIL/332/5   1944
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) on the pavement at Alexandria harbour, holding the arm of another gentleman
HIL/332/6   1944
Naval and police officers awaiting the arrival of the coffin before a specially built tent for funeral purposes (siwan). The tent's decoration is particularly elaborate, with geometric designs and above the central gateway is a cartouche on which is written in Arabic “Firrashit Abu `Ouf
فراشة أبوعوف

HIL/332/7   1944
Coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II carried by naval officers marching towards the funeral tent
HIL/332/8   1944
The casket of Khedive `Abbas II wrapped in the Kingdom of Egypt's flag and laid on a table covered by Egypt's navy flag in the interior of the funeral tent
HIL/332/9   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) and other members of the royal family and statesmen awaiting the arrival of the coffin at Alexandria harbor
HIL/332/10   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) seated on the throne of Egypt with beside him his nephew Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) and other members of the royal family in the funeral tent
HIL/332/11   1944
The casket of Khedive `Abbas II wrapped in the Kingdom of Egypt's flag, carried by naval officers from the funeral tent in a ceremonial procession to the train. In the background is the steamer on which the coffin arrived at Alexandria.
HIL/332/12   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) accompanied by other members of the royal family, statesmen and clergymen outside the funeral tent awaiting the passage of the khedivial cortege towards the train
HIL/332/13-14   1944
The casket of Khedive `Abbas II wrapped in the Kingdom of Egypt's flag carried by naval officers headed by a senior officer. In the background are glimpses of the funeral procession and the steamer on which the coffin arrived at Alexandria.
HIL/332/15   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) outside the funeral tent saluting his elder brother's coffin. He is flanked by two senior officers in the Egyptian Army and navy, also saluting. Immediately behind them is Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II).
HIL/332/16   1944
Army and navy officers at their positions on the platform of Alexandria's harbour before the train that is to carry the casket of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II to Cairo
HIL/332/17-18   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), other Royal family members, Azharite clergymen and statesmen marching in the funeral procession at Alexandria harbour
HIL/332/19   1944
The casket of Khedive `Abbas II wrapped in the Kingdom of Egypt's flag being entrained by naval personnel
HIL/332/20   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) on the train
HIL/332/21   1944
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim receiving condolences from a senior British officer at the train station
HIL/332/22   1944
Coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag, carried by naval officers towards the train at Alexandria harbour
HIL/332/23   1944
Coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag upon arrival at Cairo Railway Station
HIL/332/24   1944
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi), Ahmad Hassanein Pasha and other members of the Royal family and statesmen praying al-fateha before the casket of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, wrapped in Egypt's royal flag
HIL/332/25   1944
Coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag, carried by naval officers from Cairo Railway Station to the start of the funeral procession through the streets of Cairo (gum effect at the centre of the right side)
HIL/332/26   1944
Prince Muhammad `Ali and members of the Egyptian cabinet and Parliament standing outside Cairo Railway Station waiting to march behind the coffin of the Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, carried by navy officers, in the official royal funeral procession through the streets of Cairo
HIL/332/27   1944
The coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag carried on an army cart pulled by horses and followed by naval men in a state royal funeral procession through the streets of Cairo
HIL/332/28   1944
Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) followed by members of the royal family, including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas II), and senior statesmen in the official royal funeral procession for Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II
HIL/332/29   1944
Heading the funeral procession is a senior statesman, Azharite and Muslim clergymen, followed by Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), the British representative and the rest of the royal family in the background
HIL/332/30   1944
The start of the royal state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II departing from Cairo Railway Station towards the streets of Cairo
HIL/332/31   1944
The royal state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II leaving Cairo Railway Station and heading towards Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria) and downtown Cairo
HIL/332/32   1944
The funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II passing under the clock tower of Cairo Railway Station heading towards downtown Cairo
HIL/332/33-36   1944
The funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II walking on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria) and downtown Cairo
HIL/332/37   1944
Crowds of Egyptians by the Sabil of al-Walda Pasha on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria) awaiting the passage of the royal funeral procession. A large sign of Al-Ahram is hanging on the façade of the sabil.
HIL/332/38   1944
The funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II walking on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria). In the background appears the Arabic sign of café and bar Azouz and Aiysun
قهوة وبار عزوز
HIL/332/39   1944
The royal band performing funeral music before the state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II on Ibrahim Pasha St. at “the Empire” and Kodak
HI/332/40   1944
Officers marching before the state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria)
HIL/332/41   1944
Citizens gathered to watch the passage of officers riding horses and naval officers leading the royal funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria St.), past the Shepheard's hotel. In the background appear the signs of “Brasserie Trianon” and “Jacks”. Watchers are gathered in the balconies of the upper floors.
HIL/332/42   1944
Citizens gathered to watch the passage of police officers on horseback and holding spears with flags, leading the royal funeral procession on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria St.), past the Shepheard's hotel. In the background appear the signs for Brasserie Trianon, Jacks and Abdalla Trouani. Watchers are gathered in the balconies of the upper floors.
HIL/332/43   1944
Upper view of the passage of the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria St.) In the background appear the following stores: Aswaf Haddad, Coubaros and Draperie Royale and at the far right appear the side balconies of the Continental Hotel overlooking Opera Square. Watchers are gathered in the balconies of the upper floors.
HIL/332/44, 46   1944
Upper view of the passage of statesmen and royalty in the procession of the state funeral of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, on Ibrahim Pasha St. (now al-Gumhuria St.) In the background appear the following stores: Aswaf Haddad, Coubaros buffet, Corinthos and Draperie Royale and at the far right appear the side balconies of the Continental Hotel overlooking Opera Square. Watchers are gathered in the balconies of the upper floors.
HIL/332/45   1944
Naval officers carrying the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag up the steps of al-Kikhiya mosque at the intersection of Qasr al-Nil and Ibrahim Pasha St.
HIL/332/47   1944
Coptic clergymen and other dignitaries, both British and Egyptian statesmen, in front of al-Kikhiya mosque where the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II was taken for Muslim funeral prayers.
HIL/332/48   1944
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) receiving condolences from Christian (Catholic?) clergymen.
HIL/332/49   1944
Funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II passing Attaba Square in front of the fire brigade.
HIL/332/50   1944
Upper view of the passage of statesmen and royalty in the procession of the state funeral of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in front of al-Kikhiya mosque at the intersection of Qasr al-Nil and Ibrahim Pasha St.
HIL/332/51   1944
Egyptians gathered around and on top of the tramway at Attaba Square before the Hotel Parliament building to watch and salute the royal state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II.
HIL/332/52-54   1944
Egyptian officers on horseback in the funeral procession for Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, probably on Abdel Aziz St.
HIL/332/55   1944
Members of the royal family waiting for the arrival of the coffin and procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II at the Afifi eastern mausoleum belonging to Khedive Tawfiq's family
HIL/332/56   1944
Naval officers carrying the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II wrapped in Egypt's royal flag into the Afifi eastern mausoleum of Khedive Tawfiq's family
HIL/332/57   1944
Egyptian officers in the royal state funeral procession of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, probably on Abdel Aziz St.
HIL/332/58   1944
Royal family members standing around the coffin of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, wrapped in Egypt's royal flag inside the Afifi mausoleum
HIL/332/59   1944
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) and members of the royal family leaving the mausoleum after the burial of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II at the Afifi eastern mausoleum belonging to the Khedive Tawfiq family members.
HIL/332/60   1944
Façade of the Afifi eastern mausoleum built for the Khedive Tawfiq family members
HIL/519/1-23   6 February 1944
Visit of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Princess Fatma Neslişah, officially inaugurating the Association Princess Férial du Service Social d’Heliopolis.
Green and black embossed paper and leather album, with green textile binding tie   22 prints
Size: 282 x 204 mm
Digitised material for Photograph Album - inauguration of Association Princess Férial du Service Social d’Heliopolis, 6 February 1944 - HIL/519/1-23
HIL/520/1-67   [1940s x 1950s]
Public events attended by members of the royal family, chiefly Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) and Princess Fatma Neslişah (1921-2012).
Grey cloth bound album, with orange textile binding tie   67 prints
Size: 272 x 200 mm
Digitised material for Photograph Album of public events attended by members of the royal family, 1940s -1950s - HIL/520/1-67
HIL/549/16   [1940s x 1950s]
Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), head and shoulders, wearing suit and tie, hands resting on [walking stick]
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/522/1-25   [1940s x 1950s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) attending an event at a mechanised textile factory.
Black paper bound album with aeroplane patterned motif, embossed with gold wings, silver wreath and gold star    25 prints
Size: 335 x 240 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) attending an event at a mechanised textile factory - 1940-1959 - HIL/522/1-25
HIL/523/1-25   [1940s x 1950s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) and Princess Fatma Neslişah (1921-2012) attending [the opening of] a building.
Red paper and leather bound album, with embossed classical style cameo   25 prints
Size: 330 x 235 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Princess Fatma Neslişah attending the opening of a building - HIL/523/1-26
HIL/525/1-42   [1940s x 1950s]
Mabarrat Muhammad ῾Ali (Muhammad ῾Ali Benevolent Society): photographs of public events attended by the aid committee in Egypt, often featuring Princess Fatma Neslişah.
42 photographic prints
Digitised material for Mabarrat Muhammad ῾Ali (Muhammad ῾Ali Benevolent Society): photographs of public events attended by the aid committee in Egypt, often featuring Princess Fatma Neslişah - 1940 - 1959 - HIL/525/1-42
HIL/525/1   [1940s x 1950s]
Princess Fatma Neslişah and Princess Fawzia Fuad, seated with Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Photographer: Air Ministry, Crown copyright.
1 photographic print
Size: 140 x 140 mm
HIL/525/2   [1940s x 1950s]
Princess Fatma Neslişah, inspecting a flower arrangement. Photographer: Petraki, Alexandria.
1 photographic print
Size: 170 x 113 mm
HIL/525/3   [1940s x 1950s]
Emineh Tugay, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Princess Hanzade Ibrahim, Mohamed Taher Pasha (b.1897).
1 photographic print
Size: 178 x 110 mm
HIL/525/4   [1940s x 1950s]
Princess Fatma Neslişah and another, inspecting a chest x-ray film.
1 photographic print
Size: 178 x 132 mm
HIL/525/5   [1940s x 1950s]
Group including Princess Fatma Neslişah, Shahira. Photographer: Petraki, Alexandria.
1 photographic print
Size: 181 x 119 mm
HIL/525/6-8   [1940s x 1950s]
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah [distributing financial aid], [Alexandria].
3 photographic prints
Size: 180 x 120 mm
HIL/525/9-10   [1940s x 1950s]
Groups including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, and Princess Fawzia Fuad. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
2 photographic prints
Size: 203 x 155 mm
HIL/525/11-12   [1940s x 1950s]
Public presentation ceremony, [Alexandria]. Groups include Princess Fatma Neslişah. Photographer: Petraki, Alexandria.
2 photographic prints
Size: 230 x 169 mm
HIL/525/13   [1940s x 1950s]
Group including Princess Hanzade Ibrahim, Princess Fawzia Fuad, Princess Fatma Neslişah. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 203 x 155 mm
HIL/525/14   [1940s x 1950s]
Group including [Dr] Soleiman Azmi, Princess Fatma Neslişah. Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
1 photographic print
Size: 198 x 145 mm
HIL/525/15-16   [1940s x 1950s]
Group at [infant] clinic, including Princess Fatma Neslişah, Princess Fawzia Fuad, and Senia Enan (wife of Wahid Rafat, legal advisor).
2 photographic prints
Size: 197 x 151 mm; 190 x 141 mm
HIL/525/17   [1940s x 1950s]
Group including Princess Fatma Neslişah and Princess Fawzia Fuad, wearing furs.
1 photographic print
Size: 178 x 112 mm
HIL/525/18-19   [1940s x 1950s]
Group including Princess Fatma Neslişah, seated in carpeted room beside a small table.
2 photographic prints
Size: 232 x 172 mm
HIL/525/20   [1940s x 1950s]
Group standing outside building, including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Princess Fatma Neslişah. Photographer: Studio Z. Masraff, Cairo.
1 photographic print
Size: 228 x 174 mm
HIL/525/21   [1940s x 1950s]
Group in window draped with royal Egyptian flag, Princess Fatma Neslişah leaning down to shake a man's hand which is draped in cloth, the man restrained by a policeman.
1 photographic print
Size: 149 x 191 mm
HIL/525/22-24   [1940s x 1950s]
Groups at different events, including Princess Fatma Neslişah and Princess Fawzia Fuad.
3 photographic prints
Size: 202 x 154 mm; 198 x 148 mm; 202 x 154 mm
HIL/525/25-27   1952
Opening of Om El Masryeen Hospital. Group, including Princess Fatma Neslişah, listening to General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984), in military uniform, making a public address. Photographer: Salah El-Din Hassan, Cairo.
[Date drawn from caption on reverse of discarded modern duplicate print.]
3 photographic prints
Size: 243 x 180 mm
HIL/525/28-29   1952
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah, at Tanta.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 173 x 124 mm; mount 178 x 126 mm
HIL/525/30-31   1952
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah at a [?health clinic].
2 photographic prints
Size: 145 x 195 mm; 190 x 140 mm
HIL/525/32-33   January 1952
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah, Alexandria.
2 photographic prints
Size: 194 x 144 mm
HIL/525/34-38   11 April 1952
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah at Suez.
5 photographic prints
Size: 135 x 174 mm
HIL/525/39-40   24 April 1952
Child welfare, Old Cairo. Groups including Emineh Tugay, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Princess Fawzia Fuad, Princess Necla Hibetullah Ibrahim-Osmanoğlu (1926-2006). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
2 photographic prints
Size: 194 x 148 mm
HIL/525/41-42   25 April 1952
Groups including Princess Fatma Neslişah at the inauguration of Mahalla Kobra Hospital, Alexandria.
2 photographic prints
Size: 180 x 128 mm
HIL/521/1-27   1947
Princess Fatma Neslişah (1921-2012), and other dignitaries, attending public ceremonies, in some instances as part of the activities of Mabarrat Muhammad ῾Ali (Muhammad ῾Ali Benevolent Society). Arabic inscription on f.1.
Green paper bound album, with green textile binding tie; embossed with royal seal   26 prints
Size: 340 x 280 mm
Digitised material for Album of photographs - Princess Fatma Neslişah, and other dignitaries, attending public ceremonies - 1947 - HIL/521/1-27
HIL/549/12   [1947 x 1952]
King Farouk I, saluting, with a group of dignitaries and officials including Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Mohammed Haidar Pasha, Minister of War
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/524/1-18   [1947 x 1952]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, with Prince `Abbas Hilmi making a departure on a S.A.I.D.E. airline flight, bound for London. Groups include: Mustafa Sadek (uncle of Narriman Sadek), Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi (1898-1969). Photographers include: Photographic News Agency, Cairo.
17 photographic prints
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, with Prince `Abbas Hilmi making a departure on a S.A.I.D.E. airline flight - 1947 - 1952 - HIL/524/1-18
HIL/524/19-20   April 1949
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with other officials, at a meeting of the Commission Consultative International [du Cotton] [C.I.C.C.]. Two stamped photo cards: commemorative C.I.C.C. postage stamps.
2 photographic prints
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, with other officials, at a meeting of the Commission Consultative International [du Cotton] [C.I.C.C.] - April 1949 - HIL/524/19-20
HIL/526/1-18   [1949]
Photographs taken on the event of sand from Kavala being transported thence by a representative of the island to be deposited in the tomb of Mohamed Ali Pasha in his Mosque in Cairo, perhaps on the centenary of his death in 1949. Images include the house of Mohamed Ali Pasha in Kavala (later the Institute of Mohamed Ali for the Research of the Eastern Tradition or IMARET), and several of classical Greek archaeological sites, landscapes, and bucolic scenes.
Green paper bound album, with blue, green, and white textile binding tie   18 prints
Size: 330 x 240 mm
Digitised material for Photograph Album showing sand from Kavala being transported to the tomb of Mohamed Ali Pasha in his Mosque in Cairo - 1949 - HIL/526/1-18
HIL/504/1-2   [1950s]
Farouk I and guests at a large formal dinner.
2 photographic prints, mounted on card
Size: 344 x 223 mm
Digitised material for Farouk I and guests at a large formal dinner - 1950s - HIL/504/1-2
HIL/529/2   [1950s]
Swimming team, with Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Prince `Abbas Hilmi on board the ship “Melik Fouad” returning from Europe. Group includes: Aboud Pasha and Hilmi (English channel swimmer).
1 photographic print
Size: 242 x 180 mm
Digitised material for Swimming team, with Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim and Prince `Abbas Hilmi on board the ship “Melik Fouad” returning from Europe - 1950s - HIL/529/2
HIL/528/5-25   1952-[1953]
Official events during the regency period.
HIL/528/5-10   [1952 x 1953]
Groups of royalty, military and civilians at a public ceremony. Groups include: Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Prime Minister Ahmed Naguib el-Hilaly (1891-1958), General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984), Colonel Rashad Mehanna (1909-1996). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
6 photographic prins
Size: 195 x 146 mm
HIL/528/11-15   [5 August 1952]
Scenes at airport, perhaps on the arrival of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Groups include: Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Prime Minister Aly Maher Pasha (1882-1960), Ahmed Naguib el-Hilaly (1891-1958). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
5 photographic prints
Size: 145 x 193 mm
HIL/528/16   5 August 1952
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim leaving a building at 7 p.m. “on the day of my arrival”, having been sworn [as Chairman of the Council of Egyptian Regency], accompanied by Ahmed Naguib el-Hilaly (1891-1958).
1 photographic print
Size: 146 x 130 mm
HIL/528/17-18   6 August 1952
Visit by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim to General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984), at 11 a.m. on the day after his arrival, before going to Abdin Palace.
2 photographic prints
Size: 190 x 146 mm
HIL/528/19-24   26 September 1952
Scenes at a public event in Cairo, attended by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984), and Ahmed Naguib el-Hilaly (1891-1958). Captioned on reverse: “Foot Ball, armé - selection Caire”.
6 photographic prints
Size: 194 x 145 mm
HIL/528/25-27   14 October 1952
Swearing-in ceremony at the Council of Ministers at 5 p.m., at which Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim became sole regent. Groups include Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984). Photographer: Zachary Press Photos Agency.
3 photographic prints
Size: 145 x 196 mm
HIL/528/28-35   2-8 December 1952
Visit of King Idris of Libya to Egypt, and including a visit to the Iraqi ambassador to Egypt. Groups include: Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, General Mohammed Naguib (1901-1984), and Ahmed Naguib el-Hilaly (1891-1958).
8 photographic prints
Size: 194 x 145 mm
HIL/529/1   8 February 1952
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim among larger group, standing on the steps at the opening of the Ferial Mosque, Heliopolis.
1 photographic print
Size: 176 x 128 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim among larger group, standing on the steps at the opening of the Ferial Mosque, Heliopolis - 8 February 1952 - HIL/529/1
Places and institutions
Reference: HIL/505/1-6
Dates of creation: [1870s x 1890s]photographic prints, mounted on card

1. Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo.
2. Procession of horse-drawn carts carrying people and [?produce for market], drawn up in a street [near Kasr El-Nil Barracks].
3-6. Feluccas on the River Nile.
Digitised material for Photographic prints, mounted on card - 1870s - 1890 - HIL/505/1-6

HIL/453/1-39   [1880s-1920s]
Language:   Arabic
Album of 39 photographs of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts. The school was established by Emineh Hanim Ilhamy and named in memory of her father Ilhamy Pasha, son of `Abbas Hilmi I. The school trained craftsmen who then decorated mainly the Rifai Mosque and the Khedive Tewfik Mausoleum, Emineh Hanim’s late husband. The school had its own shop which sold its products in order to offset its expenses. The school was later merged with the Fouad I University (now Cairo). The photographs in the album alternate between exterior views of the School and its shop, and then interior views of the shop and presentations of particular school products or assemblages of products, akin to a sales brochure.
Cream cloth-bound album with metal crown emblem
Size: 31 x 44 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/10.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts - HIL/453/1-39
HIL/453/1   [1880s-1920s]
Exterior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts.
HIL/453/2   [1880s-1920s]
Writing bureau, wood inlaid with mother of pearl: front.
HIL/453/3   [1880s-1920s]
Exterior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts.
HIL/453/4   [1880s-1920s]
Writing bureau, wood inlaid with mother of pearl: back.
HIL/453/5   [1880s-1920s]
Exterior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts.
HIL/453/6   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; pots; picture frames; wooden box.
HIL/453/7   [1880s-1920s]
Exterior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts.
HIL/453/8   [1880s-1920s]
Writing bureau, wood inlaid with mother of pearl: back.
HIL/453/9   [1880s-1920s]
Exterior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop, with six persons standing outside.
HIL/453/10   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, upholstered with leopard skin.
HIL/453/11   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include ceramics, furniture, metalware, animal products (elephant tusks, leopard skin).
HIL/453/12   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; pot; darabukka (goblet drum).
HIL/453/13   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include ceramics, furniture, metalware, animal products (elephant tusks), statues. For duplicate, see HIL/453/15.
HIL/453/14   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl.
HIL/453/15   [1880s-1920s]
Duplicate of HIL/453/13.
HIL/453/16   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; pots.
HIL/453/17   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include ceramics, furniture, metalware, animal products (leopard skins), statues.
HIL/453/18   [1880s-1920s]
Cabinet, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, with inset Arabic texts: front.
HIL/453/19   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include ceramics, furniture, metalware, statues, pictures and frames, musical instruments.
HIL/453/20   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; pot.
HIL/453/21   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include ceramics, furniture, metalware, piano, animal products (elephant tusks, leopard skins).
HIL/453/22   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; pot; lamps.
HIL/453/23   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture, metalware, pots, lamp.
HIL/453/24   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl.
HIL/453/25   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture, lamps, pots, statue, painting.
HIL/453/26   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl; picture frames; ancient Egyptian monumental objets d'art (pyramids, obelisk, etc.).
HIL/453/27   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture, metalware, ceramics, animal products (leopard skin).
HIL/453/28   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, upholstered with leopard skin.
HIL/453/29   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture upholstered with leopard skin, pots, statues, picture frames.
HIL/453/30   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl.
HIL/453/31   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture, some upholstered with leopard skin, statues, lamps, pictures and picture frames.
HIL/453/32   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl.
HIL/453/33   [1880s-1920s]
Interior of Ilhamy School of Fine Arts shop. Goods displayed include furniture, statues, lamps, pictures and picture frames, cushions.
HIL/453/34   [1880s-1920s]
Backgammon board, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, with ancient Egyptian figures including Horus and Anubis: interior view.
HIL/453/35   [1880s-1920s]
Chair, with [eagle,] lions and human heads [and ancient Egyptian figures], wood inlaid with mother of pearl, [upholstered with leopard skin]: side view.
HIL/453/36   [1880s-1920s]
Backgammon board, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, with ancient Egyptian figures: exterior view.
HIL/453/37   [1880s-1920s]
Chair, with eagle, [lions and] human heads and ancient Egyptian figures, wood inlaid with mother of pearl, upholstered with leopard skin: front view.
HIL/453/38   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, bamboo-like wood.
HIL/453/39   [1880s-1920s]
Furniture assemblage, wood inlaid with mother of pearl.
HIL/338/1-24   1897
Album of 24 collated albumen photographs, each measuring 160 x125 mm, of Ismailia's attractions and main architectural landmarks, by A. Rocca. A 7mm dark strip at either the top or the bottom of each photograph is reserved for a white italic handwritten title in French.
Size: 160 x 200 mm
Binding: Green leather album bound with two screws. The title “Album Photographique Artistique Industrielle Port Said and Ismailia” is framed by a black geometric pattern. The inside front cover comprises a commercial flower pattern and at the top right corner of the first page is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2124 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 121. The back of the first page is stamped with the photographer's name and information: Photographie Artistique Industrielle, A. Rocca, Ismailia Egypte. A sheet of rice paper separates the pages.
Digitised material for Album of pictures of Ismailia - HIL/338
HIL/338/1   1897 Mar 24
Original title: “Ismailia Palais du gouvernement après la réception de S.A. le Khédive le 24 Mars 1897”. A VIP, possibly the Khedive, dismounting from his horse in front of the government palace (H)
HIL/338/2   1897 Mar 24
Original title: “Dahabiehs de S.A. le Khédive en Ismailia le 24 Mars 1897”. The dahabiyah of the Khedive docked at Ismailia, accompanied by another service sailing boat. Both are flying Egyptian flags. (H)
HIL/338/3   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Bureau Central de la Comp, du C. de S.” . The façade and arcaded terrace of the central bureau of the Suez Canal Company in Ismailia, shaded by palm trees. In the foreground is a small fence and garden. (H)
HIL/338/4   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Village Grec”. A street in the Greek quarter in Ismailia featuring two storey buildings with shops at the ground level and residential spaces on the upper floors. A few Greek citizens are standing before their stores and one sign on top of a store entrance reads: Kentpikon Pantopiei-N. (H)
HIL/338/5   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Village Arabe”. A street in the Arab village in Ismailia, featuring a few local people dressed in jallabiyahs. (H)
HIL/338/6   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Maison de la Résidence de la Comp. du C. de S.” Residence of the chairman of the Suez Canal Company in Ismailia (once the house of Ferdinand Delesseps) featuring a striped façade. (H)
HIL/338/7   1897
Original title: “Palais du Gouvernement en Ismailia”. Part of the façade of the Palace of the government in Ismailia, the outer garden and the fence. The top of the entrance features a crescent and star, the khedivial emblem of Egypt at the end of the nineteenth century. (H)
HIL/338/8   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Gare du Chemin de fer de l'état”. The façade of Ismailia's state railway station, seen from the platform. The central part of the station is composed of two floors. The woodwork and scalloping of the ground floor arches and the upper floor balcony are of the typical Ismailia colonial style, resembling that of St. Vincent's hospital and Maison de Santé. (H)
HIL/338/9   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Gare du Chemin de fer dans la ligne de Port Said”. The wooden kiosk at the station of the Ismailia Port Said railway surmounted by a clock. (H)
HIL/338/10   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Palais Vice-Royale”. Façade of the viceroy (Khedive's) palace at Ismailia. The semi octagonal porch entrance is closed by shutters and glass and surmounted by an upper balcony which has three shuttered windows. The building is crowned by a khedivial coat of arms. The semi circled upper part of each window resembles the design on the windows at al-Gezira Palace in Zamalek. (H)
HIL/338/11   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Plantations de Dattiers”. Palm groves in Ismailia. (H)
HIL/338/12   1897
Original title: “Arrivé en Ismailia par la mer”. Arrival at Ismailia. A shaded street and a two storey wooden cabin located on the platform of Ismailia harbour. The side of the cabin shows the staircase leading to the striped upper floor. (H)
HIL/338/13   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Pont d'écluse Canal entérieur”. The openable bridge on the side canal in Ismailia. (H)
HIL/338/14   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Avenue sur le Canal entérieur”. An avenue overlooking the interior canal. (H)
HIL/338/15   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Avenue Poilpré” Large trees shading Poilpré Avenue. (V)
HIL/338/16   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Canal entérieur”. A local canal with fishing boat. (H)
HIL/338/17   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Porteur chargeant sable dans le canal”. Large steamer on the canal loaded with bags of sand. (H)
HIL/338/18   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Pecheurs dans le lac”. Fishing boats docked at the shore at Ismailia. (H)
HIL/338/19   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Canal de Suez près Ismailia”. Ship passing through the Suez Canal near Ismailia. In the foreground of the picture is a wooden landing stage. (H)
HIL/338/20   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Lac Timsah”. Steamer on Timsah lake at Ismailia. (H)
HIL/338/21   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Saint-Vincent Maison de Santé”. Front and side façades of Saint-Vincent's hospital. Typical Ismailia colonial style. Signs reads: Avenue Lemasson. (H)
HIL/338/22   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Hopital Saint-Vincent”. Façade of Saint-Vincent's hospital at Ismailia. (H)
HIL/338/23   1897
Original title: “Ismailia Victoria Hotel”. Victoria Hotel at Ismailia built in the typical Ismailia colonial style. Signs at entrance door read: Table d'hote à toutes heures… déjeuner/Diners and on the right: Bains de mer … Douches abonnement pour la saison. Sign on gallery reads: Victoria Hotel Succursale de Shepheard's Hotel Cairo. (H)
HIL/338/24   1897
Original title: “Phenomène de sexe feminine né par une Arabe à Ismailia et prise la photographie dans l'hopital du gouvernement Egyptien”. (H)
HIL/339/1-146   1897
Album of 146 albumen collated photographs, some with lustre shine, of variable sizes. The photographs are of amateur quality, none of them is signed and many are out of focus. In addition, there are many similar photographs of the same topics which might indicate that the photographer took several shots of the same subject. The logic of the arrangement of the pictures in the album is completely random. No particular sequence of events is followed nor are similar items are put next to each other. Furthermore, in a few cases, photographs on the same page are positioned in opposite orientation. On a few pages at the beginning of the album, traces of pencil lines are found in an attempt to align photographs. The overall orientation of the album is Arabic (i.e. right to left) and some captions written in Arabic are found under the photographs on the first few pages. Those suggest that most, if not all, of the photographs were taken at a location called al-Montaza at Ismailia (not to be confused with the palatial gardens of Montaza at Alexandria founded by `Abbas Hilmi II). However, it is worth noting that the set of 12 photographs dated 14 March 1897 are of superior quality to the rest.
Size: 260 x 385 mm
Binding: The album is bound by a dark brown leather cover with no title on it. The inside front and back covers are covered with a patterned burgundy sheet. On the upper top of the inside front cover is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2116 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 113.
Digitised material for Album of photographs - HIL/339/1-146
HIL/339/1-2   1897
Two naval officers on a sandal boat at Montaza harbour. Original Arabic title transliterated: Sandal al-Miyah bmina al-Montaza Fulukka/
صندل المياه بمينه المنتزه
HIL/339/3   1897
Naval officer on a sandal boat rowing in the direction of a rowing boat. Original Arabic title transliterated: Sandal al-Miyah al Fulukka
صندل المياه الفلوكة
HIL/339/4   1897
Dredger in front of a rest house at Montaza (?). Original Arabic title transliterated: Al Karraka al Raml `enda al-Hammam al-Montaza
الكراكة الرمل عند الحمام المنتزة
. (similar to HIL/339/20 and 339/23 below)
HIL/339/5   1897
Five tents and two camels at a camp site near a ruined building in the desert
HIL/339/6   1897
Three tents a camel and a carriage at a camp site near a ruined building in the desert
HIL/339/7   1897
Tents and two camels at a camp site near a ruined building in the desert
HIL/339/8   1897
Unidentified building in ruins in the desert
HIL/339/9-12   1897
Courtyard and part of the outer wall of an unidentified government building in the desert, used for storage of timber.
HIL/339/13   1897
Scaffolding and construction on an unidentified building with arches
HIL/339/14   1897
Two ruined buildings in the desert
HIL/339/15-16   1897
Stonemason on a ladder at the front of an unidentified empty pavilion, possibly in Ismailia
HIL/339/17   1897
The entrance, flanked by two sphinxes, and the striped side façade of an unidentified nineteenth century arabesque house with a doorkeeper (bawab) in the foreground
HIL/339/18   1897
Wagon No. 5565 carrying camels near an unidentified village overlooking a canal, possibly in the canal zone
HIL/339/19   1897 Mar 14
Stonemasons in the foundations of a stone building near the sea
HIL/339/20   1897
Dredger docked by a rest house, possibly in Ismailia (similar to HIL/339/4 above and HIL/339/23 below)
HIL/339/21   1897 Mar 14
Two officers on a sea sandal. A rest house on the shore and a ship appear in the background.
HIL/339/22   1897 Mar 14
Dredger on a waterway
HIL/339/23   1897 Mar 14
Dredger docked next to a wooden kiosk near the shore
HIL/339/24   1897
Two officers on a sea sandal towing a heavy item with two other naval men in a rowing boat. In the background appear a rest house on the shore and a ship.
HIL/339/25   1897
Scaffolding around part of a brick arched wall of an unidentified building
HIL/339/26   1897
Scaffolding around the stone staircase of an unidentified building
HIL/339/27   1897
Garden in front of a one storey factory building, attached to which are a long chimney and a tower
HIL/339/28   1897
Scaffolding around part of a brick arched wall of an unidentified building
HIL/339/29   1897
Unidentified construction site with scaffolding around the main building
HIL/339/30   1897
Façade of an unidentified three storey brick building behind a fence. The windows of the ground and first floor are arched while those of the second floor are each composed of three panels. The roof is crowned by flat crenellations and a long tower chamber.
HIL/339/31   1897
Scaffolding around the left window of an unidentified brick building. The ground floor is clad with a stone finish while the upper floor is built with brick arches.
HIL/339/32   1897
Square kiosk at the corner of the garden of an unidentified fenced villa overlooking the sea
HIL/339/33   1897
Scaffolding around two stone built arches on an unidentified building. In the courtyard are wooden beams and rubble.
HIL/339/34-36, 39   1897
Skyline of a village including a white washed mosque with a prominent minaret amid mud brick houses and fields
HIL/339/37   1897
Side façade of an unidentified 19th century house. Of interest are the elongated rectangular windows which are divided in two unequal parts as well as the wooden balustrade and galleries of the front balconies. (same house as HIL/339/134).
HIL/339/38, 40   1897
Skyline of a village of mud brick houses and fields
HIL/339/41   1897
Agricultural fields.
HIL/339/42   1897
Swiss chalet surrounded by pine trees on a mountain, possibly in Europe or Turkey
HIL/339/43   1897
Workers and an Egyptian officer on a boat in an unidentified Mediterranean harbour
HIL/339/44   1897
An old man (effendi) wearing a tarbush aboard a ship in an unidentified Mediterranean harbour
HIL/339/45, 49   1897
Landscape of a small hill near a pond where two donkeys are drinking
HIL/339/46   1897
Steamer called Thetis in the Mediterranean
HIL/339/47   1897
Skyline of an unidentified coastal town surrounded by mountains
HIL/339/48   1897
Seafront houses in an unidentified coastal town surrounded by mountains
HIL/339/50   1897
Three rowing boats on the sea with hills in the background
HIL/339/51   1897
Covered carriage pulled by three horses in the desert
HIL/339/52   1897
Closed carriage driven by five horses in the desert
HIL/339/53   1897
Distant view of four tents in the desert
HIL/339/54   1897
Egyptian soldiers and officials standing in the desert at a camp site
HIL/339/55   1897
Prefabricated units next to a stone building in the desert
HIL/339/56   1897
Close up of a stone building with arches in the desert
HIL/339/57   1897
Engine off the rails, surrounded by railway workers
HIL/339/58   1897
Tent in the desert
HIL/339/59   1897
Prefabricated units and tents in a camp site in the desert
HIL/339/60   1897
Two prefabricated units, one finished and the other one under construction
HIL/339/61-62   1897
Prefabricated units and tents in a camp site in the desert
HIL/339/63   1897
Tent in the desert
HIL/339/64   1897
A light house
HIL/339/65   1897
Tent in the desert. In the background appears the base of a lighthouse and an Egyptian flag.
HIL/339/66   1897
Camp site in the desert, dominated by a lighthouse
HIL/339/67-68   1897
Workers digging a trench in the desert
HIL/339/69   1897
Soldiers and officers at their camp site in an unidentified location in the desert
HIL/339/70   1897
Round based windmill
HIL/339/71   1897
Camp site in the desert
HIL/339/72   1897
Façade of a stone building, possibly a desert fortification
HIL/339/73   1897
Bedouin settlement in the desert
HIL/339/74   1897
Two donkeys in the desert
HIL/339/75   1897
Group of Bedouins in front of a settlement in the desert
HIL/339/76   1897
Two Bedouins carrying guns, standing in front of palm trees
HIL/339/77   1897
A group of Bedouin Arabs
HIL/339/78   1897
Dark coloured horse held by a man in the desert
HIL/339/79   1897
Two horses watched by a Transjordanian guard
HIL/339/80   1897
Unidentified railway station
HIL/339/81   1897
Young Arab boy with two sheep
HIL/339/82   1897
Line of Egyptian soldiers standing to attention
HIL/339/83   1897
A group of local people sitting in front of a building
HIL/339/84   1897
Water fountain in front of a hut
HIL/339/85   1897
Ship flying the Egyptian Khedivial flag
HIL/339/86   1897
Machine engine situated in the square niche of a stone wall
HIL/339/87   1897
Dredger in the sea
HIL/339/88   1897
Activities in an unidentified canal
HIL/339/89   1897
Sailing boat in a canal, possibly the Suez Canal. Similar to HIL/339/118.
HIL/339/90   1897
Two naval men on a dredger
HIL/339/91   1897
Black and white bull
HIL/339/92   1897
Workers engaged in building a platform
HIL/339/93   1897
Workers in a construction site, probably building a platform, by a canal in the middle of agricultural fields
HIL/339/94   1897
Saqiyah by a canal
HIL/339/95   1897
Egyptian cargo sailing boat marked in Arabic alphabet number 5
HIL/339/96   1897
Horses in the desert with a small brick building in the background
HIL/339/97   1897
Construction of a boat on an unidentified shore
HIL/339/98   1897
Sailors on a docked dahabiya flying an Egyptian Khedivial flag
HIL/339/99   1897
Small bridge over a canal
HIL/339/100   1897
HIL/339/101   1897
Construction site close to a railway station in an unidentified town. (8x8 medium format contact sheet).
HIL/339/102   1897
Steam powered tractor in al-Muntaza land. Original Arabic title transliterated: Wabur al Warash fi al-ard al-Muntaza.
HIL/339/103   1897
Steam powered tractor in al-Muntaza land. Original Arabic title transliterated: Wabur al Warash.
HIL/339/104   1897
Canal through agricultural fields
HIL/339/105   1897
Black and white bull
HIL/339/106   14 March 1897
Workmen building the foundations of a stone house at unidentified location in Egypt
HIL/339/107   1897 March 14
Engineers supervising a construction site at an unidentified location in Egypt
HIL/339/108    1897 March 14
Workmen at a construction site at an unidentified seaside location in Egypt
HIL/339/109   1897 March 14
Seascape in an unidentified location in Egypt, possibly in the vicinity of Ismailia
HIL/339/110    1897 March 14
Garden of a mansion separated from a private beach and bay by a straw fence
HIL/339/111    1897 March 14
Mansion overlooking the sea shore in an unidentified location in Egypt
HIL/339/112   1897
Horses in al-Montaza. Original Arabic text transliterated: Al-Farasat fi al-Montaza.
HIL/339/113   1897
Workers building a platform in al-Hamam at al-Muntaza, possibly in Ismailia. Original Arabic text transliterated: bunayit al-Rasif and al-Hamam bil Montaza.
HIL/339/114   1897
Foreign bull. Original Arabic title transliterated: Al tur al-Afragui/
الطور الأفرنكي
. (8x8 medium format contact sheet).
HIL/339/115   1897
Black and white bull. Original Arabic title transliterated: Al tur al-Afragui.
HIL/339/116   1897
Workers building a platform at al-Hamam, in al-Ismailia. Original Arabic text transliterated: Al Rassif bil Hamam.
HIL/339/117   1897
Dredger for the light houses at al-Montaza, Ismailia. Original Arabic text transliterated: Al Karaka tabi` al-fanarat bil Montaza.
HIL/339/118   1897
Sailing boat on Ismailia lake. Original Arabic text transliterated: Markib Shira`iya bitir`at al-Ismailia. Similar to HIL/339/89).
HIL/339/119   1897
Private horse guards on the Ismailia trip. Original Arabic text transliterated: Haras al-Sawaris (sawari) w Safariyat al-Ismailia.
HIL/339/120   1897
Villa under construction surrounded by scaffolding, presumably in Ismailia. Similar to the house in HIL/339/129,144,146).
HIL/339/121   1897
Line of police officers, clerks and doorkeepers
HIL/339/122   1897
Administrative building by a canal and railway line
HIL/339/123   1897
Brick house under construction
HIL/339/124   1897
Workers and staff members of a private farm, possibly the Khedive's at Ismailia
HIL/339/125   1897
Mud brick local houses covered by a dome and straw, possibly on the outskirts of Ismailia
HIL/339/126   1897
Five Arab nomads with an Egyptian police officer and a clerk, possibly near Ismailia
HIL/339/127   1897
Large tree
HIL/339/128   1897
Three workers and a staff member of a private farm, possibly the Khedive's at Ismailia
HIL/339/129   1897
Villa under construction covered by scaffolding, presumably in Ismailia. (Same house as HIL/339/120,144,146).
HIL/339/130   1897
Two elderly nomads, one holding a sword and the other one a gun, in front of palm trees, possibly in Ismailia
HIL/339/131   1897
Open wagon on a railway line
HIL/339/132   1897
Railway wagon (upside down)
HIL/339/133   1897
Sailors on a docked dahabiya flying an Egyptian Khedivial flag
HIL/339/134   1897
Side façade of a house, possibly in Ismailia. (Same house as HIL/339/37).
HIL/339/135   1897
Landscape, likely in Ismailia
HIL/339/136   1897
A sailing boat in the sea, likely in Ismailia.
HIL/339/137   1897
Sailing boat in the sea, likely in Ismailia
HIL/339/138-139   1897
Cityscape of an unidentified coastal city
HIL/339/140    1897
Close up of a sailing boat pulling a smaller rowing boat
HIL/339/141    1897
Sailing boat near the shore of a lake
HIL/339/142    1897
Omnibus parked in front of the entrance of a private villa in an unidentified location
HIL/339/143    1897
Base of a square brick chimney in an unidentified location
HIL/339/144,146   1897
Villa under construction surrounded by scaffolding, presumably in Ismailia
HIL/339/145    1897
Close up of a sailing boat pulling a smaller rowing boat
HIL/459/1-11   [1900 x 1914]
Photographs taken before 1914 by Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (1913-1917). HIL/459/1-9 are mounted on cards of Photographie “Fropein”, Cairo; some are numbered on the reverse. HIL/459/10-11 are stamped “H. Schwartz”.
11 prints 
Digitised material for Photographs taken before 1914 by Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim - 1900 - 1914 - HIL/459/1-11
HIL/459/1   [1900 x 1914]
Man and boy leading two trains of camels past stand of palm trees towards camera.
1 print 
Size: 133 x 38 mm
Numbered on dorse: 6 cancelled; 7.
HIL/459/2   [1900 x 1914]
Three women on [?mules] driving [?sheep] past two trees towards camera.
1 print 
Size: 140 x 50 mm
Numbered on dorse: 10.
HIL/459/3   [1900 x 1914]
Man with three camels, and woman, silhouetted beside lake, with domed buildings among palm trees in background.
1 print 
Size: 35 x 138 mm
Numbered on dorse: 13.
HIL/459/4   [1900 x 1914]
Man walking beside camel, with rider, on waterbound causeway, with walled enclosure in distance among palm trees.
1 print 
Size: mm
Numbered on dorse: 14.
HIL/459/5   [1900 x 1914]
Ducks feeding on mud flats of the River Nile, with pyramid in distance.
1 print 
Size: 140 x 49 mm
Numbered on dorse: 17.
HIL/459/6   [1900 x 1914]
Family group of four with a cow, silhouetted and surrounded by water.
1 print 
Size: 150 x 59 mm
Numbered on dorse: 19.
HIL/459/7   [1900 x 1914]
Ruined enclosure or building inundated by Nile waters, with Giza pyramids in background.
1 print 
Size: 141 x 49 mm
Numbered on dorse: 26.
HIL/459/8   [1900 x 1914]
Cemetery (modern) near Giza pyramids.
1 print 
Size: 133 x 54 mm
Numbered on dorse: 28.
HIL/459/9   [1900 x 1914]
Dhows, in foreground and background, beside a bank of the River Nile.
1 print 
Size: 72 x 144 mm
Numbered on dorse: 47.
HIL/459/10   [1900 x 1914]
Street scene, with tramlines, [Egypt]. Stamped: H. Schwarz.
1 print 
Size: 152 x 72 mm
HIL/459/11   [1900 x 1914]
Riverbank scene with dhows, and minaret in background. Stamped: H. Schwarz.
1 print 
Size: 153 x 62 mm
HIL/506/1-59   [1902]
Historic sites, gardens, buildings and wildlife of Egypt, and scenes of industrial activity. Stereoscopic print pairs mounted on thick card, of two sizes 178 x 89 mm (56 prints) and 176 x 83 mm (3 prints), the latter produced by J. Heyman & Co., court photographers.
The prints are packaged in a presentation box, inscribed to the Khedive [Abbas II] in commemoration of the 1st Egyptian Medical Congress [December 1902], by Dr Prof. [Auguste] Eternod, Honorary President.
1 red cardboard box (damaged); card   59 stereoscopic print pairs
Size: 190 x 102 x 76 mm (individual prints: 80 x 76 mm and 70 x 70 mm)
Digitised material for Stereoscopic photos of Egypt, 1902 - HIL/506/1-59
Digitised material for Historic sites, gardens, buildings, wildlife and industry of Egypt, 1902. Stereoscopic prints - HIL/506/1-59
HIL/456/1-8   [1930s]
Photographic views of Egypt, collected and taken by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, and including images by May C. Salisbury, A.R.P.S, F.R.S.A.. Album is inscribed “Misir” on front cover.
Size: 50 x 34 cm
Accessioned, 18 April 2017: Misc.2016/17:113.
Digitised material for Album of 8 black and white portrait photographs of Egyptian antiquities - HIL/456/1-8
HIL/456/1   [1930s]
Sun Court of Amenhotep III, Luxor. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 280 x 287 mm
HIL/456/2   [1930s]
Avenue of sphinxes, Luxor. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 265 x 345 mm
HIL/456/3   [1930s]
Colonnade of Amenhotep III, Luxor. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 251 x 340 mm
HIL/456/4   [1930s]
Columns with bas-reliefs, [Hypostyle Hall], Luxor.
Size: 195 x 266 mm
HIL/456/5   [1930s]
Statue in profile, with obelisk in background, [Luxor].
Size: 179 x 262 mm
HIL/456/6   [1930s]
Doorway in wall with bas-reliefs, with statue, [Luxor]. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 280 x 269 mm
HIL/456/7   [1930s]
Water lilies. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 273 x 280 mm
HIL/456/8   [1930s]
Footsteps in sand, with palm trees. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 311 x 213 mm
HIL/457/1-22   [1930s]
Photographic views of Egypt, collected and taken by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, and including images by May C. Salisbury, A.R.P.S, F.R.S.A., and the Armenian photographers Aram Alban and Apkar Retian. Album is inscribed “Misir” on front cover.
Size: 50 x 34 cm
Accessioned, 18 April 2017: Misc.2016/17:113.
Digitised material for Album of 22 black and white photographs of Egyptian antiquities - HIL/457/1-22
HIL/457/1   [1930s]
Funerary complex of Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay, Northern Cemetery, Cairo. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 266 x 350 mm
HIL/457/2   [1930s]
Minaret, pictured through an archway. Photograph by Aram Alban.
Size: 296 x 320 mm
HIL/457/3   [1930s]
Street pottery stall. Photograph by Aram Alban.
Size: 292 x 330 mm
HIL/457/4   [1930s]
Women washing pots in a waterway overlooked by houses. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/16.
Size: 360 x 293 mm
HIL/457/5   [1930s]
Small mosque beside River [Nile]. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/15.
Size: 357 x 289 mm
HIL/457/6   [1930s]
Mosque with white minaret, beside River [Nile]. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/13.
Size: 295 x 300 mm
HIL/457/7   [1930s]
Fishermen unloading nets from dhows, with donkeys on foreshore. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 245 x 322 mm
HIL/457/8   [1930s]
Dhows on the River [Nile]. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 342 x 246 mm
HIL/457/9   [1930s]
Veiled woman carrying basket on her head, with dhow in background. Photograph by May C. Salisbury.
Size: 258 x 260 mm
HIL/457/10   [1930s]
Cypress trees, framed through window. Film frame number visible in print.
Size: 298 x 395 mm
HIL/457/11   [1930s]
View up unmetalled road passing through avenue of trees, car in foreground.
Size: 396 x 268 mm
HIL/457/12   [1930s]
Girl seated on steps in a shadow thrown by the dome of a Christian church. Photograph by Aram Alban.
Size: 264 x 385 mm
HIL/457/13   [1930s]
Mosque with white minaret, beside River [Nile]. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/6.
Size: 295 x 300 mm
HIL/457/14   [1930s]
Woman carrying child, standing beside stream with ducks. Photograph by Aram Alban.
Size: 295 x 326 mm
HIL/457/15   [1930s]
Small mosque beside River [Nile]. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/5.
Size: 357 x 289 mm
HIL/457/16   [1930s]
Women washing pots in a waterway overlooked by houses. Photograph by Apkar Retian. Duplicate: HIL/457/4.
Size: 360 x 293 mm
HIL/457/17   [1930s]
Wrought iron latticed window of the [mosque-madrassa of Sultan Hassan, Cairo].
Size: 175 x 277 mm
HIL/457/18   [1930s]
View through wrought iron latticed window of minaret and a dome of the mosque-madrassa of Sultan Hassan, Cairo.
Size: 169 x 250 mm
HIL/457/19   [1930s]
Ablution fountain of the mosque-madrassa of Sultan Hassan, Cairo.
Size: 175 x 275 mm
HIL/457/20   [1930s]
Mosque with minaret in desert, with three camels in foreground.
Size: 188 x 285 mm
HIL/457/21   [1930s]
Mamluk tombs, with the Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the distance, Cairo
Size: 282 x 146 mm
HIL/457/22   [1930s]
Dhows on the River Nile.
Size: 149 x 197 mm
Reference: HIL/498/6
Dates of creation: [1890s x 1920s]1 photographic print

Gold marriage bed. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.

HIL/507/1-9   [1900 x 1925]
Koubbeh, Ras El Tin, Montazah, and Çubuklu palace exteriors, including harem sea swimming bath, and eunuchs at Montazah Palace [?Abd El-Mejid] and [?Gevker].
9 photographic prints
Size: 107 x 75 mm
Digitised material for Koubbeh, Ras El Tin, Montazah, and Çubuklu palace exteriors - 1900 - 1925 - HIL/507/1-9
HIL/509/5   [1900 x 1925]
Front façade of Château de Tansonville, Illiers, a country house formerly owned by `Abbas Hilmi II. Postcard: Coll. J. Douël.
Size: 139 x 86 mm
Digitised material for Front façade of Château de Tansonville - 1900 - 1925 - HIL/509/5
HIL/508/1-12   [1910 x 1919]
Stereoscopic photographs taken from the ships “Lala” and “Mahrusa”.
12 photographic glass slides
Size: 107 x 45 mm
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Montaza Palace, Alexandria.
Montaza Palace (south), Alexandria.
Montaza Palace harem (west), Alexandria.
Montaza Palace, from the harem, showing the wall and the little kiosk.
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kadir (1902-1919) with his dog at Çubuklu Palace (Khedive Palace), Istanbul. One slide lacks part of the right-hand image.
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kadir, standing with an unknown group, perhaps on a beach.
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kadir at Çubuklu Palace (Khedive Palace), wearing tarboosh, bow cravatte, and dress sword. Slide lacks part of the right-hand image.
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kadir with an unidentified older man, on the deck of a ship [? “Mahrusa”] with the coast visible in the distance.
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kadir, with an unidentified older man, on the deck of the “Mahrusa” with telescopes in background.
HIL/509/1   20 February [?1914]
Dining hall at Abdin Palace set for a large dinner to celebrate the [?fifteenth] birthday of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 300 x 234 mm; mount 320 x 254 mm
Digitised material for Dining hall at Abdin Palace - 20 February 1914 - HIL/509/1
HIL/509/2-4   1 August 1938
Interiors of Abdin Palace. Numbered: 178733, 178735, 178738.
3 photographic prints, mounted on card
Size: 229 x 166 mm; mount 368 x 297 mm
Digitised material for Interiors of Abdin Palace - 1 August 1938 - HIL/509/2-4
HIL/461/1-33   [1940s]
Manial palace and gardens of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955) on Rhoda Island, Cairo.
32 prints 
Size: 220 x 140 mm
Digitised material for Album of photographs of palace of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik, Rhoda Island, Cairo - HIL/461/1-33
HIL/461/33   4 December 1997
“Prince Moh'd Ali's palace smells the scent of history”, cutting from the Egyptian Gazette.
HIL/462/1-24   [1940s]
Manial palace and gardens.
Green patterned paper and cloth bound album, with green textile binding tie   24 prints
Size: 253 x 177 mm
Digitised material for Album of photographs of palace of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik, Rhoda Island, Cairo - HIL/462/1-24
HIL/463/1-27   [1940s]
Manial palace and gardens.
27 photographic prints 
Size: 227 x 166 mm
Digitised material for Photographic prints - Manial palace and gardens - 1940s - HIL/463/1-27
HIL/464/1-12   [1940s]
Manial palace and gardens.
12 photographic prints 
Size: 387 x 290 mm; 287 x 221 mm
Digitised material for Photographs of Manial palace and gardens - 1940s - HIL/464/1-12
HIL/517/1-13   [1940s]
Kavala harbour (with panorama), house of Mohamed Ali Pasha, and visiting party including Prince Youssef Kemal (1882-1965), Sultana Mélek (1869-1956), widow of Sultan Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), and her daughter Princess Semiha, and Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Photographer: T. Kawáïos.
13 photographic prints
Size: 234 x 177 mm; panorama 427 x 177 mm
Digitised material for Kavala harbour (with panorama), house of Mohamed Ali Pasha, and visiting party - 1940 - HIL/517/1-13
HIL/460/1-11   [1950s]
Palace and gardens of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955) at Zizinia, Alexandria.
11 photographic prints
Size: 140 x 190 (129 x 129) mm
Digitised material for Palace and gardens of Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955) at Zizinia, Alexandria - 1950s - HIL/460/1-11
Reference: HIL/337/1-25
Dates of creation: [ca. 1880]
Binding: Dark brown leather album with no title. The inside front and back covers are padded with a brown satin cloth and at the top right corner of the first page is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2106 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 100. At the bottom of the left page is the signature of the binder: A Forster, Wien. The thick cardboard pages of the album are gold covered from the side.

Album of 25 collated albumen photographs, each measuring 215 x160 mm, of horses belonging to the Khedivial court. The photographs are by an unknown photographer; however some photographs have a small serial number at either the bottom right or left. It is likely that the stable is at Koubbeh Palace.
Digitised material for Album of 25 albumen photographs of horses belonging to the Khedivial court - HIL/337/1-25

HIL/337/1   [late 1880s?]
A royal carriage pulled by two horses and controlled by a young driver (sais) against a plain background.
Digitised version
HIL/337/2   [late 1880s?]
Dark horse held by a sais, against a plain background. The saddle is decorated in the corner with the Khedivial emblem: crescent and star. A small 13 serial number is found in the bottom left corner of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/3   [late 1880s?]
Dark horse with saddle, held by a sais, against a plain background. A small 5 serial number is found in the bottom left corner of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/4   [late 1880s?]
Light coloured horse with saddle, held by a sais, against a plain background. A small 14 serial number is found in the bottom right corner of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/5   [late 1880s?]
Light coloured horse without a saddle, held by a Nubian or Sudanese sais, before a wooden pergola topped by a small dome.
Digitised version
HIL/337/6   [late 1880s?]
House, with a round conical shaped tower at the corner and a fenced courtyard at the front. From the following pictures, it is suggested that it is from the Koubbeh Palace.
Digitised version
HIL/337/7   [late 1880s?]
Gardens, stables and attached service and security buildings at the Koubbeh Palace
Digitised version
HIL/337/8   [late 1880s?]
Stables and their attached courtyards at the Koubbeh Palace
Digitised version
HIL/337/9   [late 1880s?]
Stables and their attached courtyards in the background with gabled roofs in the foreground, all at Koubbeh Palace
Digitised version
HIL/337/10-11   [late 1880s?]
Three horses looking out of their stalls with two effendi guards employed by the court
Digitised version
Digitised version
HIL/337/12   [late 1880s?]
A horse and a pony outside their stalls, photographed with four effendi guards employed by the court
Digitised version
HIL/337/13   [late 1880s?]
A light coloured horse without a saddle, held by a sais in the courtyard of the Koubbeh Palace stables. The Arabic letter
is drawn on the haunch of the horse. A small 16 serial number is found in the bottom left corner of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/14   [late 1880s?]
A light colored horse without a saddle, held by a sais in the courtyard of the Koubbeh Palace stables
Digitised version
HIL/337/15   [late 1880s?]
A dark horse without a saddle, held by a sais in the courtyard of the Koubbeh Palace stables. A small dog running in the foreground of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/16   [late 1880s?]
A light coloured horse and a dark pony, both without saddles, held by a sais in front of a door, presumably to the stables of Koubbeh Palace. A small 4 serial number is found in the bottom right corner of the photograph.
Digitised version
HIL/337/17-25   [late 1880s?]
A dark horse without a saddle, held by a sais in the courtyard of the Koubbeh Palace stables
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Digitised version
Reference: HIL/349/19-38
Dates of creation: [ca. 1900-1940]
Loose photographs, with some related documents, of khedivial ships:

HIL/349/19   [before 1905]
The Mahrousa at Bebek, Egyptian flag flying from the back of the ship. Photographer: unknown. Additional description verso: “Mahrousa à Bebek avant 1905 [pencil]. Serhang Pacha, Reis El-Bahriye, Ilyas Karadenizli Kaptan, Commandant après Djemaleddin Izzet” [blue pen]. Albumen print mounted on card.
Size: 200 x 257 x mm
HIL/349/20   [ca. 1920]
The Mahrousa at Sarsala Bay near Dalaman in Turkey (reproduction). Photographer: unknown. Additional description on verso: “Mahrousa a Sarsala, Dalaman amaré des 2 coté a la cotte ” [pen]. Black and white mounted on card. See also HIL/510/18-21.
Size: 171 x 250 mm
HIL/349/21   [ca. 1934]
Technical drawing of the MY “Nimet-Allah” (built in 1934), produced by the French engineering company M. Durbec & Co. of Marseille. Photographer: unknown. Black and white photographic print.
Scale: 1:100
Size: 227 x 295 mm
HIL/349/22   [ca. 1934]
Interior of the factory Deutsche Worke Kiel (manufacturer of the “Nimet-Allah” ). Photographer: unknown. Additional description on verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengesellschaft/Platte Nr. 11109 (10 in blue pencil)
Size: 168 x 230 mm
HIL/349/23   [ca. 1934]
Interior of the factory Deutsche Worke Kiel (manufacturer of the “Nimet-Allah” ). Photographer: unknown. Additional description on verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengesellscahft/Platte Nr. 11459 (11 in blue pencil)
Size: 168 x 230 mm
HIL/349/24   [ca. 1934]
Interior of the factory Deutsche Worke Kiel (manufacturer of the “Nimet-Allah” ). Photographer: unknown. Additional description verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengesellscahft/Platte Nr. 11458 (12 in blue pencil)
Size: 230 x 168 mm
HIL/349/25   [ca. 1934]
Interior of the factory Deutsche Worke Kiel (manufacturer of the “Nimet-Allah” ). Photographer: unknown. Additional description on verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengesellscahft/Platte Nr. 11155 (8 in blue pencil)
Size: 118 x 172 mm
HIL/349/26   [ca. 1934]
Interior of the bridge of a ship. Photographer: unknown. Additional description on verso: Stamp of Atlas-Worke / Bremer
Size: 124 x 168 mm
HIL/349/27   [ca. 1934]
Mechanical reading device from the “Nimet-Allah”, manufactured by Anschutz & Co., Kiel. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 12x9 cm
HIL/349/28   [ca, 1934]
View of the M.Y. “Nimet-Allah”. Number 20785 is written in white on the bottom left hand side. This photograph is a smaller version of one in the album HIL/345. Photographer: Beken & Son COWES.
Size: 110 x 134 mm
HIL/349/29   [ca. 1934-1940]
Postcard of the M.Y. “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: Marius Bar Phot., Toulon.
Size: 110 x 134 mm
HIL/349/30   [ca. 1934-1940]
Postcard of the stern of the M.Y. Nimet-Allah. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 86 x 135 mm
HIL/349/31   [ca. 1934-1940]
Interior view of `Abbas Hilmi's study on the “Nimet-Allah”. (See also album HIL/345 for more views of this room). Photographer: unknown. Additional inscription on verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengeselischft/Platte Nr. 11663 (19 in blue pencil)
Size: 168 x 230 mm
HIL/349/32   [ca. 1934-1940]
Interior view of the dining room on the “Nimet-Allah”, looking aft. (Reproduction from an original in HIL/345 ) Photographer: Beken & Son, Cowes.
Size: 123 x 180 mm
HIL/349/33   [ca. 1934-1940]
A bedroom on the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown. Additional inscription on verso: Stamp of Deutsche Worke Kiel / Aktiengeseliscahft/Platte Nr. 13344 (20 in blue pencil).
Size: 94 x 133 mm
HIL/349/34   [ca. 1934-1940]
The anchor’s mechanism and chains on the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 90 x 121 mm
HIL/349/35   [ca. 1934-1940]
Covered deck area on the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 90 x 121 mm
HIL/349/36-37   [ca. 1934-1940]
Pipes and plumbing in a bathroom of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 90 x 138 mm
HIL/349/38   [ca. 1934-1940]
Photographic copy of guidelines for photographing at different scales
HIL/510/1-17   1910-1930
Photographic prints; graphic artwork
Digitised material for Yachts - Photographic prints - 1910-1930 - HIL/510/1-17
HIL/510/1   1910
Painting of a yacht under reduced sail. Pastels.
Pastels on papel
Size: 208 x 288 mm
HIL/510/2-11   [1920s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim's yachts “Nil” and the smaller “Nil II”, and other vesels, under sail on Lake Geneva, including: “Nil II”“en route pour le jougoye. Propriétaire à la barre”, 8 June 1921; a two-masted lateen-rigged coastal barge under sail; crew of four in the cockpit of the [“Nil II”].
10 photographic prints
Size: 60 x 84 mm to 151 x 102 mm
HIL/510/12-13   [1920s]
“Nil”, under full sail [on Lake Geneva]. Art photographs by Francis de Jongh, Lausanne, one entitled “Agrandissement”.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 153 x 214 mm, mount 284 x 395 mm; 159 x 230 mm, mount 255 x 365 mm
HIL/510/14   [1910 x 1940]
“Naz Perwer” at anchor in Bebek Bay, Istanbul.
1 photographic print
Size: 144 x 95 mm
HIL/510/15   [1920s]
Motor launch “Le Courlis”, moored off a boatyard.
1 photographic print
Size: 146 x 104 mm
HIL/510/16    [1920s]
“Nimet-Allah” [I].
1 photographic print
Size: 133 x 59 mm
HIL/510/17   1930
“Naz-Perwer” at anchor in a steep-sided bay.
The “Naz-Perwer” was constructed by Ramage & Ferguson of Leith in 1923 for Prince Youssef Kemal: 251 tons, 598 gross register tonnage; Krupp engines, Kiel.
Duplicate of HIL/514/14.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 402 x 285 mm; mount 416 x 294 mm
HIL/510/18-21   [c. 1913]
Yacht Mahroussa anchored at Sarsala, Dalaman, with panoramic view of encampment behind the beach. See also HIL/349/20.
4 photographic prints, mounted on card
Digitised material for Yacht Mahroussa anchored at Sarsala, Dalaman, with panoramic view of encampment behind the beach - c. 1913 - HIL/510/18-21
HIL/510/22-29   [1930s]
Yacht “Nimet-Allah”: moored, with large hatch doors open at port bow; at anchor, view of stern; dining room and salon (286 x 220 mm), and starboard view of of the vessel under way (285 x 234 mm; 138 x 87 mm), photographed by Beken & Son, Cowes; `Abbas Hilmi II and others in the wheelhouse (140 x 91 mm).
8 photographic prints
Digitised material for Yacht “Nimet-Allah” - 1930s - HIL/510/22-29
HIL/336/1-25   [ca. 1930s-1940s]
Album of 25 sepia toned glossy photographs of pastel or crayon drawings of Ottoman steamships by Qawllry or Mawllay Haqqi and photographed by Ottoman navy studios and printshops:
مطبعة بحرية فطوغرافخانه سى
at the bottom of each photograph as labelled in Old Ottoman script on the mounting cardboard. With the album is a letterhead from Prince Omar Tousoun in 1943 (HIL/336/1) who borrowed the album from Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfiq (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi) to consult it and clarified, in his attached reply, three comments concerning the Wapur Sultaniya (HIL/336/9), Athar Tewfik (HIL/336/15) and Athar Shawkat (HIL/336/19). It is worth noting that the pages were not numbered and when they got detached from the original binding the original sequence was disrupted. Only the locations of the above photographs can be figured out based on the note sent by Prince Omar Toussoun. The drawings were probably made in the 1870s and the photographs taken in the 1930s or 1940s.
Size: 225 x 320 mm
Binding: Brown leather album bound with two screws and impressed with the Ottoman emblem Nisani incrusted vertically on the cover. All inside pages are completely detached and thus not in the original order. The inner cover is of a commercial flower pattern and at the top right corner of the first page is a small label, probably of the Khedivial library, with the following information: No. 2119 Arm 13 Etag. 3. 116. All the photographs measure 145 x 230 mm. The cardboard on which the photographs are glued is preprinted with a double lined frame.
Digitised material for Album of pictures of Ottoman steamships [1870s] - HIL/336/1-25
HIL/336/1   1943
Letter from Prince Omar Tousson to Crown Prince Muhammad `Ali Tewfik
HIL/336/2   [1870s?]
Siar Wapur Humayuni
سيار وابور همايوني
. A ship with two main masts and a chimney located at the centre. The Ottoman flag flies from one of the masts.
HIL/336/3   [1870s?]
Rukub Shahana bihi Makhsus Istanbul Wapur Humayuni
ركوب شاهانه به مخصوص استانبول وابور همايوني
. A ship with two masts and two chimneys located at the very centre. A few lifeboats are seen on the deck. The Ottoman flag is flying at one end of the ship while a semi circular Ottoman decorative motif is located at the centre of the boat.
HIL/336/4   [1870s?]
Izz al-Din Wapur Humayuni
عز الدين وابور همايوني
. A ship with two masts and two chimneys located at the centre. The Ottoman flag is flying at the rear of the steamer while a semi circular Ottoman decorative motif is found at the centre of the boat.
HIL/336/5   [1870s?]
Beirut Qarut Humayuni
بيروت قروت همايوني
. A ship with three masts and two much smaller chimneys and the Ottoman flag flying from one of the masts. Several lifeboats are seen on the deck.
HIL/336/6   [1870s?]
Izmir Wapur Humayuni
إزمير وابور همايوني
. A ship with three masts and two smaller chimneys and the Ottoman flag flying from one of the masts.
HIL/336/7   [1870s?]
Muhammed Salim Firqatein Humayuni
محمد سليم فرقتين همايوني
. A ship with dominant sails sailing in a very rough sea with three main masts. An Ottoman flag is flying at front of ship.
HIL/336/8   [1870s?]
Nuwair Fattuh Bariq Humayuni
نوير فتوح بريق همايوني
. A ship with dominant sails and the Ottoman flag flying. Several lifeboats are available on the deck.
HIL/336/9   [1870s?]
Sultaniya Wapur Humayuni
سلطانية وابور همايوني
. A ship with three masts, a chimney towards the front and a semi circular Ottoman ornamental motif at the centre. See comment of Prince Omar Tussun above in HIL/336/1. This ship belonged originally to Said Pasha who refused to give it to Sultan `Abdel Aziz when he requested it, but when Khedive Ismai`l took office he offered it to him and thus it was called the Sultaniya Vapeur.
HIL/336/10   [1870s?]
Tali3a Wapur Humayuni
طليعة وابور همايوني
. A ship with two masts and two chimneys and an Ottoman flag flying at the stern of the ship.
HIL/336/11   [1870s?]
Fuad Wapur Humayuni
فؤاد وابور همايوني
. A ship with two masts and two chimneys, an Ottoman semi circular motif at the centre and an Ottoman flag flying at the stern of the ship.
HIL/336/12   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Hamidiya Firqatain Humayuni
زرهلي حميدية فرقتين همايوني
. A ship with two intricately connected masts and a chimney. Several small lifeboats are to be seen on the deck. The Ottoman flag is flying from one of the rear masts.
HIL/336/13   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Mas`udiya Firqatain Humayuni
زرهلي مسعودية فرقتين همايوني
. A ship with three masts and two chimneys. Several small lifeboats are seen on the deck towards the stern of the ship. The Ottoman flag is flying from one of the brear masts. Signed Quallry Haqqy at the bottom left corner.
HIL/336/14   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Othmaniya Firqatain Humayuni
زرهلي عثمانية فرقتين همايوني
. A military ship with two masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from one of the rear masts.
HIL/336/15   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Athar Tawfik Firqatain Humayuni
زرهلي آثار توفيق همايوني
. A military ship with three masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from one of the rear masts. Several lifeboats are seen on the deck of the ship. Signed Qawllry or Mawllay Haqqi
قوللرى مولاي حقي
. See note of Prince Omar Tussun above in HIL/336/1. (Original sequence was no. 9. Originally, this was commanded by Khedive Ismai`l and manufactured in Europe, but they were confiscated by the Ottoman Empire as it was a direct violation of his appointment firman and thus after confiscation it was attributed to Tewfik).
HIL/336/16   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Fath baland Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي فتح بلند قروت همايوني
. A ship with two masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from one of the rear masts. Several small lifeboats are seen on the deck of the ship.
HIL/336/17   [1870s?]
Zrhalli `Awnlla Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي عون اله قروت همايوني
. A ship with two intricate masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from the rear mast. Several small lifeboats are seen on the deck of the ship. Signed Mawllay or Muwllry Haqqi
موللرى او موللي حقي
HIL/336/18   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Iglaliya Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي إجلاليه قروت همايوني
. A ship with two masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from the rear mast. Several small lifeboats are seen on the deck of the ship.
HIL/336/19   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Nigm Shawqat Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي نجم شوكت قروت همايوني
. A military ship with two masts and a central chimney. The Ottoman flag is flying from the right mast. An artillery battery is seen on the deck of the ship as well as several small lifeboats. See note of Prince Omar Tussun above in HIL/336/1. Original sequence was no. 13.
HIL/336/20   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Fathh al-Islam Duaya Humayuni
زرهلي فتح الإسلام دوئيه همايوني
. A ship with one frontal mast and two central chimneys and a rowing boat hanging from the side of the ship. The Ottoman flag is flying from the ship. Signed at bottom left Haqqi
HIL/336/21   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Hifz al-Rahman Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي حفظ الرحمن قروت همايوني
. A ship with three masts and a chimney located at the centre. A few small lifeboats are seen on the deck. The Ottoman flag is flying from the ship. Part of signature at right left reads Haqqi
HIL/336/22   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Mu`in Zafar Qarut Humayuni
زرهلي معين ظفرقروت همايوني
. A ship with two masts and a chimney located at the centre. Two major semi octagonal protrusions and an anchor are seen at the front of the ship as well as some small lifeboats on the deck. The Ottoman flag is flying from the right mast.
HIL/336/23   [1870s?]
Zrhalli Hazbar Duwiya Humayuni
زرهلي هزبر دويهء همايوني
. A ship with a main mast and a chimney located at the centre. A number of small lifeboats are seen on the deck and the Ottoman flag is flying at the stern of the ship.
HIL/336/24   [1870s?]
Hiptnima Qaruuwazur Humayuni
هيبتنما قرووازور همايوني
. A ship with a main mast centrally located and two lateral ones. Two chimneys are located between the front and central masts. A number of small lifeboats are seen on the deck and the Ottoman flag is flying from the rear mast.
HIL/336/25   [1870s?]
Barq Afshan Turpido kihJerry
برق أفشان طوربيدو كه جري
. A ship with a main mast centrally located, a mast at the front and two chimneys separating them. The Ottoman flag is prominently seen flying from the stern of the ship.
HIL/349/39-58   [ca. 1933-1944]
Loose photographs of the Khedivial family on the M.Y. “Nimet-Allah”:
HIL/349/39-41   [ca. 1933-1944]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and his guests and crew on the bridge of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/42   [ca. 1933-1944]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi talking to the captain on the bridge of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 175 x 125 mm
HIL/349/43-44   [ca. 1933-1944]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi and guests on the deck of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/45   [ca. 1933-1944]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi's guests seated on a bench in a garden, with waterfall in background.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/46   [ca. 1933-1944]
One of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi’s guests on the deck of the “Nimet-Allah”.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/47   [ca. 1933-1944]
The captain of the M.Y. “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/48   [ca. 1933 -1944)
Guest of `Abbas Hilmi with a sailor, travelling by small motorboat from the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 175 x 125 mm
HIL/349/49-50   [ca. 1933-1944]
Side view of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/51   [ca. 1933-1944]
Small motorboat being towed behind the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 175 x 125 mm
HIL/349/52   [ca. 1933-1944]
Shoreline from the deck of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 125 x 175 mm
HIL/349/53-54   [ca. 1933-1944]
Lifeboats on the deck of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 138 x 90 mm & 180 x 115 mm
HIL/349/55-56   [ca. 1933-1944]
The Khedive's car entering the cargo hold of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 93 x 138 cm & 117 x 170 mm
HIL/349/57   [ca. 1933-1944]
Unidentified Egyptian man on the quayside in front of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 120 x 180 mm
HIL/349/58   [ca. 1933-1944]
Two unidentified men on the deck of the “Nimet-Allah”. Photographer: unknown.
Size: 120 x 180 mm
HIL/345/1-12   1934
Album of 12 black and white horizontal, matt photographs held by corners. The purpose of the album is to document the Nimet-Allah [II] ship built in 1934.
Size: 285 x 335 mm
Binding: A grayish brown album of separate cardboard sheets held at the side by a blue and red ribbon. All photographs are signed by a white pen at the bottom right hand side by Beken & Son, Cowes. Photographs are not back to back.
Digitised material for Album of photographs of Nimet-Allah, 1934 - HIL/345/1-12
HIL/345/1   1934
A title page on a card printed and presented by the manufacturer of the ship. At the top left hand side is an embossing of the Khedivial crown and four hand coloured navy flags. The inscription on the card reads:
BUILT 1934
HIL/345/2   1934
Three quarter view of M.Y. Nimet-Allah. The flag of Britain seems to be flying at the stern. Number “20785” is written in white on the bottom left of the picture.
HIL/345/3   1934
Salon and dining rooms of the M.Y. Nimet-Allah ship separated by folding doors and equipped with modern lighting fixtures and furniture typical of the thirties. A camel painting on the wall is an oriental reminder of the Egyptian deserts. Number “21191” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/4   1934
The dining room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah allowing seating for ten people. The table is covered by a Persian table cloth and decorated by a silver milieu de table filled with flowers. Two Farhan oriental runner carpets are placed at either end of the table and a central mirror enhances the sense of space. Number “21192” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/5   1934
The dining room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah with an additional table perpendicular to the main table. Both tables are covered with similar white tablecloths on which plates and cups are placed. Two Farhan oriental runner carpets are placed at either end of the table and a central mirror enhances the sense of space. Number “21190” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/6   1934
The dining room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah with the doors between it and the salon closed. The main table is covered with a table cloth and plates and glasses for lunch or dinner. Silverware utensils are placed on the side buffet. Number “21193” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/7   1934
The study room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah with a desk at the corner and a fer forgé door at the side and modern art deco light fixtures on the ceiling. A frame containing the photograph of Khedive Tewfik (father of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II) is placed on the chest of drawers at the side. The upholstery of the chairs is equally modern and matches the overall ambiance of the room. Number “21195” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/8   1934
Close up of one side of the study room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah showing the top of the desk lit by the windows, the library and the upholstered chairs and canapé. Number “21194” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/9   1934
Close up of one side of the study room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah showing part of the desk, a frame containing the photograph of Khedive Tewfik (father of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), a calligraphy hung on the wall and the fer forgé door. The text of the calligraphy is a word of wisdom by the Faqir `Arif al-Rifa`i that inspired the ship's name Nimet-Allah which means by God's grace (
ان الفلك تجرى فى البحر بنعمة الله
). Number “21196” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/10   1934
The living room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah featuring art deco furniture, radio and light fixtures. Number “21197” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/11   1934
The bar and the card playing room of M.Y. Nimet-Allah featuring round tables surrounded by four chairs and a bar room. Depending on circumstances, both rooms can be opened or separated by foldable doors located between them. Number “21189” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
HIL/345/12   1934
Side view of M.Y. Nimet-Allah featuring the flag of the UK on the front of the ship. Number “20781” is written in white on the bottom left hand side.
Reference: HIL/371/52-87
Dates of creation: [ca. 1860s-1940s]
Photographs and photographic copies of sketches intended as potential illustrations for the memoirs of `Abbas Hilmi II, “Mémoires d'un Souverain” (see HIL/368-371 above):

HIL/371/52   [ca. 1880]
Muhammad Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt 1879-1892
HIL/371/53   [1867?]
Photographic copy of a print, possibly an illustration from The Illustrated London News or similar publication, of the investiture of the Viceroy of Egypt
HIL/371/54   [ca. 1892]
Portrait photograph of `Abbas Hilmi, taken at the time of his investiture
HIL/371/55   1895
Portrait photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in dress uniform
HIL/371/56   1902
Portait photograph of `Abbas Hilmi II in dress uniform, seated on a chair
HIL/371/57   1905
Portrait photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in dress uniform
HIL/371/58   1920
Portait photograph of Khedive Abbas II
HIL/371/59   [ca. 1930s]
`Abbas Hilmi and Prince Ahmad Fouad, with mountains in background
HIL/371/60   1936 Jul 5
Autographed portrait photograph of `Abbas Hilmi
HIL/371/61   [ca. 1938-1940]
`Abbas Hilmi with pet dog on the deck of a ship
HIL/371/62   [ca. 1938-1940]
`Abbas Hilmi with unidentified man and naval officer on the deck of a ship
HIL/371/65   1898
Photographic copy of a print from an unknown French publication, illustrating the meeting between Kitchener and Wingate of the Anglo-Egyptian force and General Marchand at Fashoda
HIL/371/66   1899
Photographic copy of a print from an unknown French publication, illustrating the raising of the Egyptian flag at Fashoda on the 19 February 1899
HIL/371/67   1898
Photographic print of a sketch of General Marchand
HIL/371/68   1898
Photographic copy of a print from an unknown French publication, illustrating the arrival of the Anglo-Egyptian flotilla at Fashoda
HIL/371/69   1917
Portrait photograph of Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer (1841-1917), British statesman, diplomat and colonial administrator, British Agent and Consul-General in Egypt 1883-1907
HIL/371/70   [ca. 1905]
Portrait photograph of Sir Eldon Gorst (1861–1911), Consul-General in Egypt 1907-1911, copied from a publication
HIL/371/71   [ca. 1910-1930]
Photographs of Benjamin Mosely, one showing him dressed as an Egyptian judge and the other taken in Europe in his later years
HIL/371/72   [ca. 1900]
Ardern George Hulme Beaman (1857-1929), British adventurer, author, diplomat and war correspondent, dressed in Arab dress
HIL/371/73   [ca. 1880]
Juliette Adam (1836-1936), French author and feminist
HIL/371/74   [ca. 1900]
Portrait photograph of General Sir Reginald Wingate, Governor-General of the Sudan, in dress uniform, copied from a publication
HIL/371/75    [ca. 1896]
Portrait photograph of H.E. Husayn Fakhri Pasha, Minister of Public Works
HIL/371/76   [ca. 1891-1908]
Portrait photograph of Mustafa Fahmi Pasha (1840-1914), Prime Minister of Egypt, 1891-1893 and 1895-1908
HIL/371/77   1906
Portrait photograph of H.E. Boutros Pasha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
HIL/371/78   [ca. 1900]
Portrait photograph of Raphael Suarès, a member of a prominent Cairo Jewish family
HIL/371/79   1906
Portrait photograph of Sir Ernest Joseph Cassel (1852–1921), merchant banker and financier
HIL/371/80   [ca. 1895]
Portrait photograph of Nubar Pasha (1825-1899), Egyptian-Armenian politician and the first Prime Minister of Egypt
HIL/371/81   [ca. 1895]
Portrait photograph of the late Grand Mufti
HIL/371/82   [ca. 1880]
Portrait photograph of Princess Zainab Nazli Khanum Effendi [Princess Nazli Fazl] (1853-1913)
HIL/371/83   [ca. 1885]
Muhammad Sharif Pasha (1826–1887), Egyptian statesman of Turkish origin who served as Prime Minister of Egypt 1879, 1881-1882 and 1882-1884
HIL/371/84   [ca. 1890]
Customers at an Egyptian coffee house at Makry
HIL/371/85   [ca. 1890]
Group of horses loaded with luggage, next to rocky coastline, probably Egypt
HIL/371/86   [ca. 1930]
Group of Egyptian men with `Abbas Hilmi seated centre and his son Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim to his right
HIL/371/87   [ca. 1920]
Family group with `Abbas Hilmi seated centre; standing back right is his son Prince Muhammad `Abd al-Moneim; seated left is probably Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfik
HIL/549/4   [late 19th century]
Mohamed Ali (1769-1849), head and shoulders, wearing turban and dagger. [Frontispiece] etching by A. Colin after a sketch made in 1839
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/5   [early 20 century)
Mohamed Ali (1769-1849), in extreme old age. Photograph of pen and wash drawing
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/7   [early 20 century)
Mohamed Ali (1769-1849), in old age. Photograph of an oval [painting]
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/8   [early 20 century)
Mohamed Ali (1769-1849), in old age seated on a divan with rolled plans of the Nile barrages and the railway from Cairo to Suez. Photograph by Abdullah Frères of Pera of a mezzotint by G.R. Ward of a painting by Thomas Brigstocke c. 1848
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/494/1   [1870s]
Language:   Arabic
The Mohamed Ali dynasty presented in cameo portraits, centred on Khedive Ismai`l Pasha, with “Souvenir” inscription below.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 291 x 412 mm; mount 349 x 413 mm
HIL/549/6   [1870s]
Khedive Ismai`l Pasha (1830-1895), standing by chair wearing double-breasted suit and tarboosh. Photograph by O. Schoefft, Cairo
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/9   [1870s]
Khedive Ismai`l Pasha (1830-1895), standing wearing stambouli coat with medals, and tarboosh. Photograph by Abdullah Frères, Pera
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/2   [1880s]
Khedive Ismai`l Pasha (1830-1895), head and shoulders, wearing stambouli coat with medals, and tarboosh. Photograph of [painting], Cairo studio
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/3   [1880s-1890s]
Language:   Arabic
Khediva Emineh Hanim (1858-1931), head and shoulders, wearing silk dress and white blouse and pearls; with Arabic inscription. Photographer: F. Vachoux, Montreux.
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/549/10   [1920s]
Khediva Emineh Hanim (1858-1931), head and shoulders, wearing embroidered silk dress and pearls, with lace cap
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/349/1-16   [ca. 1875-1930]
Loose photographs and negatives of the Khedivial family:
HIL/349/1   [ca. 1875]
Albumen photograph on cabinet card of Khediva Emineh Hanim seated at a table, with two female companions. Photographer: O. Schoefft, Cairo. Inscription in ink on verso in Turkish (in Arabic script): Kuzik Qalfa (
كوزيك قلفة
Size: 158 x 109 mm
HIL/349/2   [ca. 1875]
Albumen photograph on cabinet card of Khediva Emineh Hanim seated on a chair. Photographer: O. Schoefft, Cairo. Inscription on verso in Arabic by Khedive Tawfiq identifying his wife: “Princess and wife of HRH the Khedive, myself/Princess w Haram Muhtaram Khediwe Afkham Hadratli (
برنسيس+حرم محترم خديوى أفخم حضرتلي
Size: 158 x 109 mm
HIL/349/3   [ca. 1893]
Albumen photograph on cabinet card of Khediva Emineh Hanim with her two daughters Nimet and Hadija and unidentified lady in black. Photographer: Abdullah Frères, Cairo. Additional inscription in pencil on verso: Names of Aminé, Nimet, Khadija.
Size: 225 x 126 mm (photo); 158 x 109 mm (mount)
HIL/349/4   1893 Apr 19
Albumen photograph on large cabinet card of the Khedive's daughter Hadija. Photographer: Abdullah Frères, Cairo. Additional description on recto in purple ink: “Khadija 19 Avril 1[8]93”
Size: 225 x130 mm (photo); 290 x 175 mm (mount)
HIL/349/5   [ca. 1880]
Studio portrait of Princess Emineh Hanim (a.k.a. Umm al-Muhsinin). The Khediva is wearing her medals on her chest and a broche in her hair. The photograph was retouched by the photographer, Phebus of Costantinople. The photograph was signed Emineh by the Khediva. Albumen print mounted on light grey card.
Size: 173 x 121 mm (photo); 300 x 240 mm (mount)
HIL/349/6   [ca. 1880]
Studio portrait of Prince `Abbas Hilmi (cabinet card). Photographer: Frédéric Boissonnas of Geneva. Additional inscription on verso in purple ink: “Khedive”. Mounted albumen print.
Size: 165 x 106 mm
HIL/349/7   [ca. 1888]
Studio portrait (large cabinet card) of the Princes `Abbas Hilmi and Muhammad Ali. Photographer: L. Fiorillo & Son, Alexandria. Mounted albumen print.
Size: 213 x 135 mm
HIL/349/8   1906 June
Photograph of HRH Khediva Emineh Hanim, mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II in the garden of her house at Bebek, Turkey. Photographer: unknown. Caption on recto: “Souvenir de Bebek. Juin 1906. De S.A. La Khedivah Mère”. Albumen print mounted on light grey card
Size: 118 x 169 mm (photo); 239 x 300 mm (mount)
HIL/349/9   [1910s]
Group photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi, his sons and friends in the hall of the Hotel des Alpes (reproduction). Seated from left to right: Muhammad Taher Pasha (1879-1970), Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), [unidentified], `Abd al-Kadir (son of `Abbas Hilmi II). Standing from left to right: Abdalla al-Bishri, Sahfik Abdel Hamid Shedid, Ahmad Pasha Yakin, Jean Tueiny (?), Nureddin, Shukry, Kamel, Abdel Kadir al-Qadi. Photographer unknown.
Smaller duplicate HIL/498/10.
Size: 126 x 175 mm
HIL/349/10   [ca. 1900]
Complimentary card from the photographer G. Lekegian & Co to “Son Altesse Abbas II Khedive d'Egypte. Hommage de respectueux dévouement de ses serviteurs et sujets. G. Lekegian & Co.”
HIL/349/11   [ca. 1870s]
Negative of child in the Khedivial family (likely Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), wearing embroidered suit and tarbush and leaning on a chaise longue. Photographer unknown.
Size: 127 x 177 mm
Index terms
HIL/349/12   [ca. 1870s]
Negative of girls in the Khedivial family (likely the sisters of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II). Photographer unknown.
Size: 148 x 98 mm
Index terms
Negative of Khedive Tawfiq and his family. From left to right: Khediva Emineh Hanim, daughter, Khedive M. Tawfiq (seated), Prince `Abbas Hilmi, daughter. Seated at the front is Prince Muhammad `Ali. Photographer unknown.
Size: 98 x 147 mm
Index terms
HIL/349/14   [ca. 1880s]
Group picture (negative) of boys dressed for sport, with their teacher. Photographer unknown.
Size: 128 x 177 mm
Index terms
HIL/349/15   1912
Negative of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (father of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II).Photographer unknown. Dedication from Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim to Hussein Umran in Dthu al-Qada 1895 (?)
دهنيلر والديه يادكار 29 رمضان 1330 اهدي هذه الصورة لحسين عمران (محمد عبد المنعم) 2 ذى القعدة 1895 (؟)
Size: 177 x 128 mm
Index terms
HIL/349/16   [ca. 1930]
Negative of three children: a boy and two girls, in a garden. Photographer unknown.
Size: 60 x 60 mm
Index terms
HIL/496/9   [c. 1879]
Prince Mahmoud Hamdi (1863-1921), son of Khedive Ismai`l Pasha, with Prince `Abbas Hilmi (1874-1944). Full-length, Prince Mahmoud seated and Prince `Abbas Hilmi standing, holding watch chain. Studio portrait.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 100 x 137 mm; mount 103 x 144 mm
HIL/496/10   [c. 1880]
Prince `Abbas Hilmi (1874-1944) and his brother Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), as young boys. Full length, standing in military uniforms. Postcard, studio portrait. Photographer: G.K.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 90 x 139 mm
HIL/494/4   [1880s]
Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), seated in carriage, with escort on horses and camels, posed at the foot of a pyramid [at Giza]. Photographer: G. Dogea, “photographe della pyramide”, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 207 x 253 mm; mount 250 x 295 mm
HIL/326/1-34   [ca.1880-1944]
Language:  Arabic; English
Photographs of `Abbas Hilmi from childhood to old age, and of Sultan `Abd al-Majid, with two letters from `Abbas Hilmi to his son, newspaper cuttings concerning `Abbas Hilmi's death and material on Princess Bayan Djavidan, ex-wife of `Abbas Hilmi II. The photographs are as follows:
Microfilm: 37
Digitised material for Photographs of `Abbas Hilmi and newspaper cuttings, 1880-1944 - HIL/326/1-34
Digitised material for Photographs of Abbas Hilmi, ca.1880-1944 - HIL/326/1-34
HIL/326/1   [ca. 1880]
Copy photograph of Prince `Abbas Hilmi standing behind his younger brother, Prince Muhammad `Ali Taufiq who is seated on an armchair
Size: 185 x 135 mm
HIL/326/2   [ca. 1890]
Studio portrait of Prince `Abbas Hilmi and his younger brother, Prince Muhammad `Ali Tawfiq, both wearing their medals and decorations. Photographer: L. Fiorillo & Co, Cairo
Size: 160 x 110 mm
HIL/326/3   [ca. 1894]
Photograph of a portrait of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi on horseback, Egyptian Army soldiers in the background, by the French artist Paul Philippoteaux (1846 – 1923)
Size: 210 x 150 mm
HIL/326/4   [ca. 1894]
Photograph of a half-length portrait of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi, detail from the painting in HIL/326/3 above, by Paul Philippoteaux
Size: 225 x 160 mm
HIL/326/5   [ca. 1904]
Half-length colour portrait photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi in military uniform. Cairo Postcard Trust.
Size: 140 x 85 mm
HIL/326/6   [ca. 1905]
Photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi with his pet dog
Size: 225 x 165 mm
HIL/326/7   [ca. 1910]
Portrait photgraph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi in military uniform
Size: 155 x 105 mm
HIL/326/8-9; HIL/549/11   [ca. 1912]
Photographs of a portrait of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi in military uniform, artist unknown
Size: 250 x 170 mm & 225 x 170 mm
HIL/549/11 accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/326/10   [ca. 1935]
Photograph of `Abbas Hilmi seated in overcoat, on the deck of a ship
Size: 110 x 130 mm
HIL/326/11   [ca. 1914]
Studio portrait photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi
Size: 235 x 170 mm
HIL/326/12   [ca. 1935]
`Abbas Hilmi on horseback in Citadel Square at the departure of the Mahmal
Size: 140 x 85 mm
HIL/326/13   [1917]
Photograph from a magazine or book of Kaiser Wilhelm II visiting Constantinople and featuring the Shaikh al-Islam, Kaiser Wilhelm, Sultan Mehmed V and Enver Pasha
Size: 130 x 205 mm
Index terms
HIL/326/14   [ca. 1940]
Photograph of `Abbas Hilmi seated in a room in the Hotel Pope Meisner in Karlsbad
Size: 105 x 150 mm
HIL/326/15   [ca. 1940]
Photograph of `Abbas Hilmi standing in front of yacht at unidentifed docks
Size: 85 x 135 mm
HIL/326/16   [1888]
Mounted portrait photograph of Sultan `Abd al-Majid [Abdülmecid II] at the age of 20
Size: 167 x 228 mm
HIL/326/17   [ca. 1925-1930]
Portrait photograph of `Abbas Hilmi
Size: 225 x 170 mm
HIL/348/1-8   [ca. 1880s-1900]
Large mounted photographs of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and other members of the royal family:
HIL/348/1   [ca. 1891]
Khedive Tewfik Pasha leaning on the grave of martyrs of Toshka [Battle of Toski, 3 August 1889], surrounded by Egyptian and British army officers. The inscription on the grave (shahid) reads:
واقعة توشكى سنة 1306 هجرية
. The names and titles of the accompanying officers are:
ملحم بك شكور (وكيل مدير مكتب السودان)
Milhem Bey Shakur (Director of the Sudan Office)
محمد ماهر بك (وكيل محافظة الحدود)
Muhamad Maher Bey (deputy of the borders governorate)
القائمقام حسين بك رمزي (ياور)
Kaem Maqam Hussein Bey Ramzy (Yawir)
الخديوى توفيق باشا
Khedive Tewfik Pasha
وود هاوس باشا (قومندان الحدود)
Wodehouse Pasha (Commander of the borders)
جونسون باشا (مفتش بوليس وجه قبلي)
Johnson Pasha (Police Inspector of Upper Egypt)
القائمقام علي بك حيدر (قومندان 50 جى أورطة)
Kaem Maqam Aly Bey Haydar (commander of 50 G Wurta)
اليوزباشى عبد العزيز عزت (ياور)
Yuzbashi Abdel Aziz Izzat (Yawir)
سيتل باشا (مدير اللوازمات الحربية)
Settle Pasha (Director of Military Affairs). Photographer: Photog & Art G. Lekegian (traces of the signature on the original erased intentionally in this reproduction). Black and white silver, matt paper. It could be a later copy of the original albumen.
Size: 175 x 226 mm (photo); 320 x 345 mm (mount)
HIL/348/2, 8   [ca. 1891]
Khedive Tewfik Pasha at Toshka. Khedive Tewfik leaning on the grave of martyrs of Toshka [Battle of Toski, 3 August 1889]. He is surrounded by Egyptian and British army officers. The inscription on the grave (shahid) reads:
واقعة توشكى سنة 1306 هجرية
. Accompanying officers as in HIL/348/2 above. Photographer: Photog & Art G. Lekegian (traces of the signature on the original erased intentionally in this reproduction). Black and white silver, matt paper. It could be a later copy of the original albumen. 2 copies.
Size: 175 x 226 mm (photo); 320 x 345 mm (mount)
HIL/348/3   [ca. 1880]
Studio portrait of Princes `Abbas Hilmi (left) and Muhammad `Ali (right) with their tutors. The teachers are of different nationalities: European, Turkish (?) and Egyptian. A yellow label on the back bears the inscription: The two princes `Abbas Hilmi and Muhammad Ali with their tutors/ al-Amiran `Abbas Hilmi w Muhammad Ali ma Asatizatahum/
الأميران عباس حلمي ومحمد على مع أساتذتهما
. Photographer: Frédéric Boisssonnas, Switzerland. Albumen print; no mount.
Size: 291 x 390 mm
HIL/348/4   [ca. 1887]
Studio portrait of Princes `Abbas Hilmi (right) and Muhammad `Ali (left) with four of their tutors standing next to them. The two tutors in the centre appear to be European while the others wearing tarboushes are Egyptian. Caption on back reads: 1 Fraruti 54. Aziz Bey Esq. Photographer unknown. Albumen print, mounted on reused paper and card.
Size: 258 x 319 mm (photo); 364 x 417 mm (mount)
HIL/348/5   1899 October 27
Studio portrait of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi Pasha seated, taken in Cyprus. The background shows a European rural scene while the floor is covered by carpets. Photographer: M.M. Papazian, Nicosia, Cyprus. Additional inscription on the back: “Donné par S.M. Farouk le 9 juin 1936”. Albumen print. Custom made card mount. The photograph is set inside the frame. On either side are flags and the top is crowned by a crest of arms with the Egyptian crescent and three stars and the crown of Egypt.
Size: 300 x 237 mm (photo); 450 x360 mm (mount)
HIL/348/6   22 January 1914
Photograph taken on the occasion of the Khedive's speech from the throne to ministers and diplomatic representatives, opening the inaugural session of the Legislative Assembly in 1914. Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II standing in front of his throne. Hanging on the wall behind him are the photographs of the founder of the dynasty, Muhammad `Ali Pasha and his own photograph. On the right of the photograph are British officers and officials in dress uniforms, with decorations (Kitchener is standing rear left of group). On the left of the photograph are Egyptian statesman and members of the government and clergy. For related newspaper cutting, see Misc.2016/2017:121/49. Black and white silver, matt paper. Double mounting.
Size: 286 x 387 mm (photo); 320 x 410 mm (mount)
HIL/348/7   [ca. 1885]
The Khedivial palace at Bebek showing preparations for illuminations to mark the royal arrival.
جلوس ميامن مأنوس حضرت خلافتبناهي تنويراتندن: ببكده ساحلخانه حضرت خديوى أفخمي من مناظر الأحتفال والزينة ليلة جلوس الخليفة الأعظم السلطانى: قصر حضرت سمو الخديوى الكائن ببك
. Photographer: Phoesus?
فطوغرافى: فسوس
. Black and white silver print, unmounted
Size: 240 x 397 mm
HIL/494/2   [17 April 1887]
Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892). Head and shoulders, wearing brocade tunic with decorations and sash, and tarboosh, full beard and moustache. Photographer: Abdullah Frères, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 240 x 302 mm; mount 267 x 352 mm
HIL/494/3   17 April 1887
Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892). Full length, standing wearing brocade tunic with decorations and sash, tarboosh, belt and sword, full beard and moustache. Studio portrait. Photographer: Strommeyer & Heyman, Cairo, court photographers.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 272 x 354 mm; mount 399 x 479 mm
HIL/495/1-13   [1880s-1920s]
Photographs of Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II.
13 photographic prints
HIL/495/1   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full-length, Victorian-style dress with lace trim, standing holding bouquet, wearing white sash and jewelled headdress and lace train over dark dress. Studio portrait.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 181 x 236 mm
HIL/495/2   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Head and shoulders, wearing Victorian-style dress, jewelled crown and necklace, with sash, hair pulled up.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 125 x 178 mm; mount 200 x 263 mm
HIL/495/3   [1880s x 1890s]
Party of four women, including Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), seated in a shaded wagon drawn by two oxen with two attendants, [?at Bebek, Istanbul].
1 photographic print
Size: 172 x 117 mm
HIL/495/4   [1880s x 1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), with an entourage of five women, standing with two calves beside various wheeled wooden vehicles, at Bebek, Istanbul.
1 photographic print
Size: 165 x 120 mm
HIL/495/5   [1880s x 1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), driving a horse-drawn carriage at Bebek, with her “femme de confiance” Haznedar Kalfa seated behind; horse is named Gairet.
1 photographic print
Size: 157 x 101 mm
HIL/495/6   [1880s x 1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full-length, standing on carpet, wearing white lace Victorian-style dress with lace boa, tiara and sash.
1 photographic print
Size: 82 x 135 mm
HIL/495/7   [1880s x 1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Half-length, three-quarter view, wearing dark-coloured Victorian-style jacket, white shawl collar and jewelled earrings, hair pulled up. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 145 x 210 mm; mount 211 x 290 mm
HIL/495/8   [1880s x 1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing jewelled tiara and medal, and Victorian-style dress with dress with stand-up collar, hair pulled up.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 110 x 158 mm; mount 138 x 188 mm
HIL/495/9   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing dark, embellished dress with lace collar and fur trim, earrings, with hair pulled back.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 192 x 261 mm; mount 224 x 283 mm
HIL/495/10   [1899 x 1901]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wearing dark, Victorian-style dress with white lace trim, hair pulled up in a bun, with Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) on her knee wearing lace robes. Studio portrait. Photographer: Photographie Generale, Cairo; Bernhard Wachtl, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 126 x 187 mm; mount 132 x 195 mm
HIL/495/11   1906
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full-length, standing wearing light-coloured Edwardian-style dress, hat, cape, and veil over lower face.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 121 x 170 mm; mount 127 x 178 mm
HIL/495/12   [1910s x 1920s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing lace cap, pearls, and embroidered dress with high lace collar, hair pulled up inside cap. [Photographer: P. Dittrich, court photographer, Cairo.]
1 oval photographic print
Size: 149 x 210 mm; mount 194 x 224 mm
HIL/495/13   [1910s x 1920s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing lace cap, pearls, and embroidered dress with high lace collar, hair pulled up inside cap. Photographer: P. Dittrich, court photographer, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 146 x 211 mm; mount 208 x 289 mm
HIL/495/14   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Full-length, standing in white silk Victorian-style dress, pearls and jewelled brooch, hair pulled up in a bun, hands holding fan and resting on carved baluster. Studio portrait.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 249 x 357 mm; mount 381 x 530 mm
HIL/495/15   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Full-length, standing in light rose-patterned Victorian-style dress and headdress with long train, jewelled necklace and bracelet, hair in long braid over left shoulder, feather fan in left hand resting on table, plaited hair, and diamonds. Studio portrait.
1 photographic print
Size: 2609 x 350 mm
HIL/495/17   [1880s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Full-length, reclining on divan with long hookah pipe and table, wearing feather patterned dress trimmed with lace, pearls, and hat decorated with flower motifs, hair puleed up inside hat. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 283 x 221 mm; mount 421 x 358 mm
HIL/495/18-25   [1880s x 1890s]
Photographs of Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931) with other members of the Egyptian royal family and members of her household, including a band of musicians.
8 glass plate negatives 
Size: 278 x 178 mm
HIL/495/26-35   [1880s x 1890s]
Photographs of Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931) with other members of the Egyptian royal family and members of her household.
10 glass plate negatives 
Size: 178 x 129 mm; 83 x 83 mm; 163 x 119 mm; 120 x 90 mm
HIL/496/1   [1880s x 1890s]
Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892) and Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), with others, standing in [the first courtyard of the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu].
1 photographic print, mounted on card (damaged)
Size: 267 x 172 mm
HIL/496/2-3   [1880s]
Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892) and Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), with their children Prince `Abbas Hilmi (1874-1944), Prince Mohamed Ali (1875-1955), and Princess Khadidja (1879-1951), and an unidentified woman [?governess]. Family group, with unidentified woman sitting on a chair and the children on her lap and at her feet. Studio photograph.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 288 x 230 mm; 277 x 225 mm; mount 321 x 282 mm
HIL/497/1-31   [1880s x 1890s]
Photographic portraits of contemporaries of `Abbas Hilmi II from the period of his studies in Switzerland and in Austria at the Theresian Military Academy.
Items HIL/125/16-31 are photocopies of originals held in the archives of the Theresian Military Academy.
15 photographic prints, mounted on card; 16 photocopied photographs
Accessioned 19 May 2017: Misc.2016/17:125.
HIL/497/1   22 October 1890
J. Henrick Ankarcrona. Three-quarter length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar, decorated with medals and fringed epaulettes, with helmet. Signed and dated by the subject at Stockholm. Photographer: Gösta Florman, 28A Regeringsgatan, Stockholm.
Size: 105 x 139 mm; mount 109 x 166 mm
HIL/497/2   [1880s x 1890s]
[?Ardarche-Soiroiz]. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar. Signed by the subject. Photographer: J. Löwy, I Weihburggassen no. 31, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 60 x 97 mm; mount 63 x 110 mm
HIL/497/3   [1880s x 1890s]
Herward Auersperg. Three-quarter length, full face, in military uniform with stand collar, sword on left hip, hat in right hand. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Victor Angerer, Wieden, Theresianumgasse 4, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 99 x 146 mm; mount 106 x 162 mm
HIL/497/4   [1880s x 1890s]
J. Daurer. Half-length, three-quarter view, wearing white shirt with stand collar, in frock coat and bow tie, wearing pince-nez. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Dr H. Heid, Landstrasse, Hauptstrasse 33, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 98 x 142 mm; mount 107 x 160 mm
HIL/497/5   [1880s x 1890s]
Ali Djémal. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar and tarboosh. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Rupert Pokorny, Comfort Atelier, Graben 17, I Kohlmarkt 1.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 105 x 105 mm
HIL/497/6   1890
[?Gedeauháday]. Three-quarter length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar and overcoat, gloves in left hand, hat in right hand. Signed and dated by the subject. Photographer: Streliskÿ, Doroiiya utoza 9, Budapest.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 69 x 132 mm; mount 74 x 148 mm
HIL/497/7   [1880s x 1890s]
Charles Haccius in double-breasted suit, his wife in a white Victorian-style dress, and two children. Full-length, standing by stone balustrade, the children in sailor suits. Studio portrait. Photographer: Boissonnas, 4 Quai de la Poste, Geneva.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 99 x 143 mm; mount 108 x 164 mm
HIL/497/8   [1880s x 1890s]
L. von Horn. Head and shoulders, full face, in military uniform with stand collar, decorated with medals and fringed epaulettes, with full beard and moustache. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Abdullah Frères, photographers of the Sultan, Péra, Constantinople.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 100 x 138 mm; mount 109 x 167 mm
HIL/497/9   [1880s x 1890s]
Dr v. Hussaiek. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing suit and cravatte, with moustache. Signed by the subject. Photographer: A. Huber, I Goldschmidgasse 4, IV Margarethenstrasse 36, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 96 x 142 mm; mount 108 x 170 mm
HIL/497/10   1890
Otto [?Luderer]. Three-quarter length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar, sword in left hand, tarboosh on table. Signed and dated by the subject. Photographer: Adèle, I Graben 19, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 104 x 152 mm; mount 109 x 173 mm
HIL/497/11   26 March 1890
H. Edler von Mattoni. Full length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar, sword in left hand, gloves in right hand. Signed and dated by the subject. Photographer: Professor Fritz Luckhardt, Leopoldstadt, Taborstrasse 18, Hôtel National.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 100 x 142 mm; mount 114 x 166 mm
HIL/497/12   [1880s x 1890s]
Teleki. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing suit, winged collars, and tie. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Adèle, I Wallfischgasse 11 mezzanin, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 102 x 149 mm; mount 110 x 173 mm
HIL/497/13   [1880s x 1890s]
[?... Virrajan]. Full length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar and boots, sword on left hip. Signed by the subject. Studio portrait by unidentified photographer.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 100 x 142 mm; mount 110 x 161 mm
HIL/497/14   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Three-quarter length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar, sword on left hip. Signed by the subject: [Illegible]. Photographer: Krziwauek, Neubau, Hofstallstrasse 5 and Mariahilferstrasse 33 eingagn Windmühlgasse 2, Vienna; Franzensallee 10, Jschl.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 103 x 150 mm; mount 108 x 163 mm
HIL/497/15   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar. Signed by the subject: [Illegible]. Photographer: Adèle, I Wallfischgasse 11 mezzanin, Vienna.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 98 x 98 mm; mount 105 x 105 mm
HIL/497/16-17   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing stambouli coat with medals, and tarboosh, full moustache. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Strommeyer & Heymann, Cairo.
Size: 100 x 140 mm; 106 x 145 mm
HIL/497/18   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Half-length, full face, wearing suit and tarboosh. Photographer: J. Temporel, Geneva. See also HIL/125/19.
Size: 104 x 148 mm
HIL/497/19   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subjects. Full-length, full face. Two young men seated on rustic bench, wearing stambouli jackets, one wearing tarboosh and holding a walking stick in left hand. Studio portrait. See also HIL/125/18.
Size: 100 x 145 mm
HIL/497/20   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Full-length, three-quarter view, standing leaning on a balustrade, wearing frock coat, bow tie, and tarboosh. Photographer: J. Temporel, Geneva.
Size: 94 x 148 mm
HIL/497/21   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Full-length, full face, standing leaning on a balustrade, wearing frock coat, and tarboosh, with walking stick in right hand. Photographer: [J. Temporel, Geneva].
Size: 101 x 160 mm
HIL/497/22-23   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing frock coat and [?embroidered] cap. Photographer: J. Temporel, Geneva.
Size: 100 x 148 mm
HIL/497/24   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing suit and tie. Photographer: J. Lacroix, Geneva.
Size: 110 x 166 mm
HIL/497/25   2 February 1890
[?Colaman Edidy]. Three-quarter length, full face, in military uniform with stand collar, sword in left hand, hat in right hand. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Angerer, [Wieden], Theresianumgasse 4, Vienna.
Size: 99 x 146 mm
HIL/497/26   [1880s x 1890s]
[?L. von Horn]. Head and shoulders, wearing frock coat, with medal, full beard and moustache. Photographer: Dr H. Heid, Landstrasse, [Hauptstrasse 33], Vienna.
Size: 98 x 138 mm
HIL/497/27   [1880s x 1890s]
General Count Lagerberg. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, wearing military uniform with stand collar and medals, beard and moustache. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Gösta Florman, [28A Regeringsgatan], Stockholm.
Size: 105 x 140 mm
HIL/497/28   [1880s x 1890s]
A. Petrović. Full-length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar, holding sword and tarboosh. Signed by the subject. Photographer: Adèle, I Wallfischgasse 11 mezzanin, Vienna.
Size: 102 x 150 mm
HIL/497/29   1890
[Illegible]. Three-quarter length, full face, in military uniform with stand collar and tarboosh, sword in left hand. Signed and dated by the subject. Photographer: Fritz Knozer, [Vienna].
Size: 91 x 184 mm
HIL/497/30   [1880s x 1890s]
[Illegible]. Three-quarter length, three-quarter view, in military uniform with stand collar and tarboosh, with overcoat, sword on left hip. Signed by the subject. Photographer: M. Schultheis.
Size: 98 x 137 mm
HIL/497/31   [1880s x 1890s]
Unidentified subject. Head and shoulders, wearing stambouli jacket, tarboosh, and medals. Photographer: Vianelli Brothers, Venice.
Size: 102 x 144 mm
HIL/555/5   [c. 1890s]
Studio portrait of an unidentified woman, three-quarter length, standing with her hands clasped, wearing a dark dress with dark lace and brooch at neck. Photographer: R. Ferretti, Naples.
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/498/2   [1890s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944). Full-length, three-quarter view, standing in military uniform with stand collar, sword on left hip, gloves in right hand, sash and tarboosh, beside table and chair. Studio portrait. Photographer: Abdullah Frères, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 176 x 252 mm
HIL/498/3   [1890s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), standing leaning on table, dressed in military uniform with stand collar, wearing tarboosh, with gloves and sword. Studio portrait. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 200 x 318 mm; mount 325 x 455 mm
HIL/496/4   [1890s]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), with Princesses Khadidja (b.1879) and Nimet-Allah (b.1881). Full-length, sitting on blocks of stone of a pyramid, accompanied by three ladies, one unveiled, and a young male servant wearing a tarboosh. Photographer: J. [?G.] Dogea.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 212 x 271 mm; mount 392 x 330 mm
HIL/498/7   [1900s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), or possibly Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), standing centre in a large group of men (standing) and women (seated), posed before a shuttered building.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 218 x 167 mm; mount (damaged) 358 x 248 mm
HIL/546/1-4   1898-[1950s]
Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik (1875-1955): half-length in half-profile, dressed in military uniform with stand collar, with decorations and sash, wearing tarboosh, 3 March 1898 (Photographer: J. Heyman & Co., Cairo); photograph of oil painting, standing three-quarter length, dressed in military uniform with stand collar, with decorations, sash and sword, wearing tarboosh; seated informally, wearing suit and tie and tarboosh, with walking stick.
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/496/7   [6 January 1902]
[?Princess Khadidja] (1879-1951), daughter of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892) and [her mother] Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full length, wearing light-coloured, corsetted gown with lace and velvet trim, pearl necklace, hair pulled up, seated on bench. Photographer: Reutlinger.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 192 x 293 mm; mount
HIL/496/8   6 January 1902
Princess Nimet-Allah (b.1881), daughter of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892) and her mother Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full length, wearing light-coloured corsetted gown with lace trim and floral embellishments, jewelled necklace and earrings, hair pulled back, standing holding white gauze behind table. Inscribed: “Souvenir à ma mère Selma, Nimetulah”, 6 January 1902. Photographer: Reutlinger.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 192 x 286 mm; mount 377 x 247 mm
HIL/495/16   [1902 x 1903]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Full-length, standing in light Victorian-style dress with exaggerated sleeves, trimmed with dark fur, hair pulled up, left hand resting on table with child's portrait. Studio portrait. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo, court photographer.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 200 x 305 mm; mount 325 x 452 mm
HIL/496/5-6   [1902 x 1903]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892), and Valide Pasha to Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, standing behind five of her grand-children, children of `Abbas Hilmi II and Ikbal Hanem seated on a sofa (l to r): Princess Fatieh (1897-1923), Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971); Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), Princess Loutfieh (Chawkat) (1900-1975). Studio portrait. Photographer: J. Heÿman & Co., Cairo, court photographer.
1 photographic print, mounted on card; 1 photographic print
Size: 162 x 226 mm, mount 319 x 403 mm; 119 x 182 mm
HIL/511   [1902 x 1903]
Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), Princess Fatieh (1897-1923), children of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and Ikbal Hanemefendi. Girls wear white lace dresses with boots, boy wears velvet knickerbocker suit with lace trim and boots. Studio portrait. [Photographer: J. Heÿman & Co., Cairo, court photographer.]
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 227 x 289 mm; mount 320 x 403 mm
Digitised material for Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), Princess Fatieh (1897-1923), children of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II and Ikbal Hanemefendi - 1902-1903 - HIL/511
HIL/512/1-22   1903-[1920s]
Photographs of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979).
22 photographic prints
Digitised material for Photographs of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) - HIL/512/1-22
HIL/512/1   1903
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Full-length, standing beside chair, wearing white tunic trimmed with lace, white leather belt and black boots. Cutting from Cairo and the Khedive. An illustrated sketch of to-day in Egypt (Cassell & Co. Ltd, 1903). Photographer: Dittrich, Cairo.
Size: 95 x 145 mm
HIL/512/2   [1900s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Full-length, standing, wearing velvet knickerbocker suit with lace trim and black boots. Studio portrait. Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 143 x 204 mm; mount 214 x 290 mm
HIL/512/3   [1900s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Full-length, standing in profile, wearing sailor suit and straw hat, black boots, holding ball. Studio portrait. [Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo.]
1 photographic print
Size: 85 x 126 mm
HIL/512/4   [1900s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Full-length, standing beside table, wearing traditional oriental suit with stand collar and sword.
1 photographic print
Size: 85 x 130 mm
HIL/512/5-6   [1900s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at Ras-al-Tin Palace. Full-length, seated on horse, wearing traditional oriental suit, tarboosh, and sword. 2 copies.
2 photographic prints
Size: 147 x 112 mm; 235 x 176 mm
HIL/512/7   [1900s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Full-length, reclining on carpet, wearing traditional oriental suit, tarboosh, and sword.
1 photographic print
Size: 182 x 119 mm
HIL/512/8-9   [1910s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Half-length, wearing dark suit, white shirt and tie. Photographer: Frédéric Boissonnas of Geneva. 2 copies.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 101 x 145 mm; mount 195 x 275 mm
HIL/512/10   [1910s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, seated, and Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), standing, on a villa patio, both wearing suits, white shirts and ties.
1 photographic print
Size: 185 x 235 mm
HIL/512/11   23 July 1916
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Half-length, wearing dark suit, white shirt and checked tie. Signed and dated by the subject. Photographer: Frédéric Boissonnas of Geneva.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 102 x 145 mm; mount 193 x 277 mm
HIL/512/12-21   [1910s-1925]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim participating in alpine sports, in various groups, including Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi, son of Abdulmejid II: skiing (and lesson in 1925), tobogganing, skeleton bobsled on the Cresta Run at St Moritz.
10 photographic prints
Size: 137 x 86 mm to 201 x 166 mm
HIL/512/22   [1920s]
[Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim] playing golf in shirt and trousers, two caddies in the background.
“1897” inscribed on photo, apparently in error.
1 photographic print
Size: 138 x 82 mm
HIL/549/13   [1950s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim at a children's party, with Countess Nemes, Fazile, Ahmed and Selçuk Sultan
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/498/8   [1910s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II with a group of unidentified men, one wearing a turban, standing on steps. Postcard.
1 photographic print
Size: 138 x 188 mm
HIL/498/9   [1910s]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II with family group of seven: (l to r) Prince Muhammad `Ali Tewfik (1875-1955), Jean Tueiny, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, young girl, `Abbas Hilmi II, Prince Muhammad Abdul Kadir (1902-1919), young girl and [?her mother].
1 photographic print
Size: 255 x 202 mm (oval)
HIL/498/10   [1910s]
Group photograph of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi, his sons and friends in the hall of the Hotel des Alpes (reproduction). Seated from left to right: Muhammad Taher Pasha (1879-1970), Mohamed Abdel Moneim (son of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II, Muhammad `Ali (brother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II), [unidentified], `Abd al-Kadir (son of `Abbas Hilmi II). Standing from left to right: Abdalla al-Bishri, Sahfik Abdel Hamid Shedid, Ahmad Pasha Yakin, Jean Tueiny (?), Nureddin, Shukry, Kamel, Abdel Kadir al-Qadi. Captioned on reverse. Photographer unknown.
Larger duplicate of HIL/349/9.
Size: 234 x 173 mm
HIL/327/1-4   [1900 x 1914]
Portrait photographs of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II by Cairo court photographers.
Size: Mounted photographs, 295 x 215, 340 x 265, 415 x 300, 380 x 315 mm respectively
Copied: All filmed
HIL/327/1   [1900 x 1914]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Head and shoulders, in middle-age, wearing light military uniform, decorations on left breast, pendant, and tarboosh.
HIL/327/2   [1900 x 1914]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Three-quarter length, in middle-age, seated with [?sword], wearing dark military uniform, sash, gold ropes from shoulder to shoulder, decorations on left breast, pendant, and tarboosh.
HIL/327/3   [1900 x 1914]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Head and shoulders, in middle-age, wearing dark military uniform, sash, gold rope from shoulder to shoulder, decorations on left breast, sword (hilt), and tarboosh.
HIL/327/4   [1900 x 1914]
Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II. Half-length, in middle-age, wearing dark military uniform, sash, gold rope from shoulder to shoulder, decorations on left breast, sword (hilt), and tarboosh.
HIL/44/316   1907 December 26
Portrait photograph of Ahmed Bey Nurelddin from Turkey, on a cabinet card, taken at Bilbeis by Parnasse of Constantinople. Inscription in Turkish on recto and in French on verso. Enclosed with letters in HIL/44.
Size: 165 x 105 mm
HIL/500/8   7 March 1908
Mediha (b. 1880), daughter of Princess Zobeïda (b. 1850) and Ali Djélal Pasha. Full length, standing with hands behind her back. Studio portrait, Cairo. Signed and dated by the subject.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 120 x 231 mm; mount 276 x 365 mm
Digitised material for Mediha, daughter of Princess Zobeïda and Ali Djélal Pasha - 7 March 1908 - HIL/500/8
HIL/500/9   27 October 1908
Mediha (b. 1880), daughter of Princess Zobeïda (b. 1850) and Ali Djélal Pasha. Three-quarter length, seated at a table, with vase of flowers and a book, wearing white dress. Photographer: Boissonnas and Taponier, 12 Rue de la Paix, Paris. Signed and dated by the subject. Inscribed on dorse: “Pour Selma”.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 218 x 159 mm (oval); mount 349 x 269 mm
Digitised material for Mediha, daughter of Princess Zobeïda and Ali Djélal Pasha - 27 October 1908 - HIL/500/9
HIL/349/17-18   [ca. 1910-1927]
Photographs of members of the Turkish royal family:
HIL/349/17   [ca. 1910]
Studio portrait of Shehzade Umar Farouk in his youth (later Sultan Abdülmecid II). Photographer: unknown. Mounted albumen print.
Size: 205 x 140 mm
HIL/349/18   1927
Portrait of His Imperial Majesty The Caliph Abdülmecid II (Prince Şehzade Omer Faruk Effendi), after he was deposed. The portrait is signed by Shehzade Omer Farouk in 1927AD/1347AH. The Turkish text reads:
سوكيلى اوغلم شهزاده عمر فاروق افندى بادكار رقم 9 صفر 1346 / 7 أغسطس 1927
. Photographer: C. Blanpied, Nice. Albumen print.
Size: 22 x 15.7 mm
HIL/29/33   [ca. 1910]
Photograph on cabinet card of unidentified Egyptian man in traditional dress, holding a book in his right hand. Enclosed with letters in HIL/29.
Size: 125 x 80 mm
HIL/30/15, 17   [ca. 1910]
Two portrait photographs, possibly of Husain Wasfi, enclosed in letter to Tawfiq Fahmi. Photographer (HIL/30/15): Photographie Victor, Constantinople; (HIL/30/17): S. Constantinides, Constantinople
Size: 140 x 90 mm
HIL/513   [28 March 1913]
Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971) and Djélal-el-Dine Farid Pasha, in wedding attire. Bride wears Edwardian-style white dress with lace trim and long train, headdress, long veil and jewelled corsages. Groom wears frock coat, white shirt and tie, with tarboosh. Photographer: Phébus, Constantinople.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 178 x 252 mm; mount 322 x 430 mm
Digitised material for Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971) and Djélal-el-Dine Farid Pasha, in wedding attire - 28 March - 1913 - HIL/513
HIL/515/1-5   [1915 x 1919]
Portraits of Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), wearing three-piece suit, white shirt and tie.
5 photographic prints, some mounted on card
Size: 89 x 143 mm, 102 x 144 mm, 102 x 151 mm; mounts 195 x 275 mm
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Portraits of Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919) - HIL/515/1-5
HIL/96/1-7   [ca. 1915-1932]
Loose photographs and postcard enclosed in letters to `Abbas Hilmi from Emir Habib Loftallah. Loftallah, a Syrian, purchased the Gezira Palace in Cairo in 1919 and the following year was given the honorific title of Emir by Sharif Husain of the Hijaz.
HIL/96/1   [ca. 1919]
Portrait photograph of Habib Loftallah in military uniform. Photographer: Anglo-Swiss Photo Studio, Cairo
Size: 175 x 110 mm
HIL/96/2   [ca. 1920]
Group in dinner dress, Habib Loftallah possibly in front right of picture
Size: 115 x 153 mm
HIL/96/3   [ca. 1920]
Habib Loftallah carrying shotgun
Size: 137 x 87 mm
HIL/96/4-5   [ca. 1920s]
Group of spectators at polo match
Size: 85 x 137 mm
HIL/96/6   [ca. 1920s]
Group of men, including Habib Loftallah, in front of a building, next to a sign which reads “Reservado para senores socios”
Size: 87 x 140 mm
HIL/96/7   [ca. 1920s]
Postcard of the Royal Hashemite Legation of Arabia
Size: 89 x 110 mm
HIL/514/1-34   [1910s]-[1950s]
Photographs of Prince Youssef Kemal (1882-1965), son of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907) and Naz-Perwer Kaden (d.1925), and of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), Sultana Mélek, widow of Sultan Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), and her daughter Princess Semiha, often on board the yacht “Naz-Perwer”.
35 photographic prints
Digitised material for Photographs of Prince Youssef Kemal (1882-1965) - 1910-1950 - HIL/514/1-34
HIL/514/1   [1910s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, seated wearing frock coat with pin-striped trousers, white shirt, tie and tarboosh. Modern print, cutting off Arabic inscription on the original print.
1 photographic print
Size: 151 x 215 mm
HIL/514/2   1924
Prince Youssef Kemal. Head and shoulders, wearing light suit, white shirt, tie and tarboosh.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 162 x 223 mm; mount 181 x 241 mm
HIL/514/3   [1936]
Prince Youssef Kemal, carrying camera, standing with Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim overlooking a cliffside settlement in Palestine. Both wear three-piece suits and tarbooshes.
1 photographic print
Size: 183 x 252 mm
HIL/514/4   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, with an unidentified man, standing on a beach promenade, both wearing overcoats and wide-brimmed fedoras.
1 photographic print
Size: 86 x 60 mm
HIL/514/5   [1930s]
Sultana Mélek, Prince Youssef Kemal, and Princess Semiha, daughter of Sultana Mélek, exiting a [mosque].
1 photographic print
Size: 58 x 88 mm
HIL/514/6   [1930s]
Sultana Mélek, standing beside a [mosque] fountain, wearing hijab and holding book and glasses.
1 photographic print
Size: 58 x 88 mm
HIL/514/7   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, on board the “Naz-Perwer”, wearing light-coloured suit, white shirt, tie and sunglasses, with binoculars round his neck.
1 photographic print
Size: 104 x 81 mm
HIL/514/8   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, Princess Semiha, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Sultana Mélek, [on board the “Naz-Perwer”] under an awning.
1 photographic print
Size: 107 x 82 mm
HIL/514/9   [1930s]
Princess Semiha, Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Sultana Mélek, with an unidentified lady (left), [on board the “Naz-Perwer”] under an awning.
1 photographic print
Size: 107 x 82 mm
HIL/514/10-13   [1930s]
The ship “Naz-Perwer”, at anchor in a bay.
4 photographic prints
Size: 111 x 83 mm; 186 x 141 mm
HIL/514/14   1930
The ship “Naz-Perwer”, at anchor in a steep-sided bay.
Date drawn from endorsement to HIL/510/17.
1 photographic print
Size: 148 x 101 mm
HIL/514/15   [1930s]
The stern of the ship “Naz-Perwer”, moored within a harbour.
1 photographic print
Size: 110 x 86 mm
HIL/514/16   [1930s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) seated under an awning with Sultana Mélek, on board the “Naz-Perwer”.
1 photographic print
Size: 119 x 68 mm
HIL/514/17   [1930s]
Princess Semiha and her mother Sultana Mélek, on board the “Naz-Perwer”.
1 photographic print
Size: 119 x 68 mm
HIL/514/18   [1930s]
Unidentified man. Half-length, seated, in dark suit, white shirt and tie.
1 photographic print
Size: 82 x 114 mm
HIL/514/19-24   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, wearing dark suit, white shirt and tie, seated [on board the “Naz-Perwer”].
6 photographic prints
Size: 116 x 84 mm; 116 x 87 mm; 180 x 134 mm; 186 x 140 mm; 180 x 139 mm
HIL/514/25   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, wearing overcoat and hat, posed holding horns of dead [?goat].
1 photographic print
Size: 115 x 87 mm
HIL/514/26   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, propped against a rock, sleeping.
1 photographic print
Size: 83 x 114 mm
HIL/514/27   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, wearing suit, painting beach scene on small canvas, indoors.
1 photographic print
Size: 83 x 114 mm
HIL/514/28   [1930s]
Princess Semiha, wearing tea dress and head scarf, standing on villa balcony, with cypresses in background.
1 photographic print
Size: 83 x 114 mm
HIL/514/29   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, Princess Semiha, and Sultana Mélek in tea dresses, standing on the steps of a villa.
1 photographic print
Size: 83 x 114 mm
HIL/514/30   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, wearing suit and hat, seated [?on car seat], eating a picnic under a tree beside a stream.
1 photographic print
Size: 83 x 114 mm
HIL/514/31   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, standing in jodhpers, with two other men in plus fours. Modern print.
1 photographic print
Size: 151 x 125 mm
HIL/514/32-33   [1930s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, jumping a triple bar fence on a dark horse.
2 photographic prints
Size: 126 x 175 mm; 195 x 272 mm
HIL/514/34   [1950s]
Prince Youssef Kemal, in old age. Full-length, wearing a three-piece suit, seated at a coffee table in a columned room.
1 photographic print
Size: 89 x 125 mm
HIL/516/1-2   [1920s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979). Head and shoulders, and half-length, wearing tweed suit, white shirt and tie. Photographer: Francis de Jongh, Lausanne.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 160 x 225 mm; mount 272 x 388 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) - HIL/516/1-2
HIL/500/3-4   [1920s]-1935
Ikbal Hanimefendi (1876-1941). Portrait, and in conversation with an unidentified lady (taken by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim).
2 photographic prints
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Digitised material for Ikbal Hanimefendi (1876-1941). Portrait - 1920s -1935 - HIL/500/3-4
HIL/516/3-4   [1930s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979). Head and shoulders, wearing pinstripe three-piece suit, white shirt and tie, glasses, and in one print, tarboosh. Photographer: Alban, 13 Fouad Street, Alexandria.
2 photographic prints mounted on card
Size: 166 x 230 mm; mount 250 x 233 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) - HIL/516/3-4
HIL/516/5   [1930s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Head and shoulders, three-quarter view, in dark suit, white shirt and patterned tie, wearing glasses, holding cigarette.
1 photographic print
Size: 214 x 277 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Head and shoulders - 1930s - HIL/516/5
HIL/500/5   [1930s]
Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfik (1879-1951), with her daughter Nabila Wigdan (1897-1966), and Princess Iffet Hassan (1876-1962) and Tewhideh Ben Ayad Hanim Effendi (b.1877). Seated on large sofa, with two unidentified women in background. Forte postcard.
1 photographic print
Size: 134 x 89 mm
Digitised material for Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfik (1879-1951), with her daughter Nabila Wigdan (1897-1966), and Princess Iffet Hassan (1876-1962) and Tewhideh Ben Ayad Hanim Effendi (b.1877) - 1930s] - HIL/500/5
HIL/500/6   [1930s]
`Abbas Hilmi II with his sister Princess Nimetallah Kamal el Dine (1881-1966), sheltering from the sun under a parasol, on a boat with coast visible in background.
1 photographic print
Size: 180 x 131 mm
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II with his sister Princess Nimetallah Kamal el Dine, sheltering from the sun under a parasol, on a boat with coast visible in background -1930s- HIL/500/6
HIL/331   No date
Album of 8 photographs showing `Abbas Hilmi in later years
Size: Maroon album 335 x 255 mm
Copied: Selected prints filmed
HIL/334/1-170   [2000s]
CD-ROM of `Abbas Hilmi II family portrait photographs. All the original photographs of HIL/334/1-30, 32-170 are found within albums HIL/444-452 (created c. 1930).
Prince Yusuf Kemal Pasha
Index terms
Prince Yusuf Kemal Pasha's mother, Nazperver Hanim
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Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha
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Nebile İnci İbrahim
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Nebile Emineh İbrahim
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Nebile Nimetullah İbrahim
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Servet Yusri Hanim
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Nebil Amr İbrahim
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Nebil Amr İbrahim
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Princess Aynelhayat
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Prince Muhammad Ali
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Prince Osman Fazil Pasha's daughter, Princess Fazila
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Prince Muhammad
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Prince Muhammad
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Prince Ahmed Seyfeddin
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Princess Şivekâr who married King Fuad
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Princess Zeyneb, the daughter of Khedive İsmail Pasha
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Prince Vahdeddin Pasha
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Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha
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Princess Aynelhayat
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Prince İbrahim Vahideddin Pasha
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Şemsi Kadin, mother of Prince Ahmed Kemal
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Pamuk Kadin, mother of Princess Aynelhayat
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Şivekâr Hanim, mother of Prince İbrahim Vahideddin
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Prince Ahmed Pasha
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Prince Moustafa Bahgat Fadel Pasha (1830-1875).
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İsmail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
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Prince Ahmed Pasha
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İbrahim Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Muhammad Ali Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Princess Vicdan
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Küçük Muhammad Ali Pasha
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Abdülhalim Pasha
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Zeyneb Hanimefendi
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Said Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Hüseyin Bey
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Tosun Pasha
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İbrahim Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Küçük Muhammad Ali Pasha's mother, Ziba Kadinefendi
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Prince Mahmud Hamdi Pasha's mother, Cihanşah Kadinefendi
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Neş'edil Kadinefendi, mother of the Princesses Emineh Azize and Nimetullah
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Princess Tevhide Hanimefendi
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Muhammad Tevfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
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Muhammad Tevfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
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Princess Fatma Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Tosun
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Hüseyin Kâmil Pasha, Sultan of Egypt
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Prince Hasan Pasha
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Princess Zeyneb Hanimefendi, wife of Prince İbrahim
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Prince İbrahim Hilmi Pasha
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Princess Cemile Hanimefendi
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Prince Mahmud Hamdi Pasha
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Ahmed Fuad Pasha, King of Egypt
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Princess Emineh Aziz Hanimefendi
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Prince Ali Cemal Pasha
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Princess Nimetullah Hanimefendi
Index terms
Princess Nimetullah Hanimefendi
Index terms
Muhammad Tevfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
Index terms
Princess Emineh Necibe Hanimefendi
Index terms
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha II, Khedive of Egypt
Index terms
Prince Muhammad Ali Pasha
Index terms
Princess Hadice Hanimefendi, wife of Prince `Abbas Hilmi Pasha
Index terms
Princess Nimetullah Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Cemil Tosun Pasha
Index terms
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha II, Khedive of Egypt
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Princess Atiyetullah Hanimefendi
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Prince Abdülmün'im
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Princess Şevket Lâtife Hanimefendi
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Prince Abdülkadir
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İsmail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
Index terms
Söhret Hanimefendi, mother of Princesses Tevhide and Fatma
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Cenanyâr Hanimefendi, mother of Prince İbrahim Hilmi Pasha and Princess Zeyneb
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Çeşmiâfet Hanimefendi
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Şevkinur Hanimefendi, mother of Khedive Muhammad Tevfik Pasha
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Hüseyin Kâmil Pasha, Sultan of Egypt
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Princess Aynelhayat Hanimefendi
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Sultana Melek
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Prince Kemaleddin Pasha
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Princess Kâzime Hanimefendi
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Princess Kâmile Hanimefendi
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Princess Bediha Hanimefendi
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Prince Kemaleddin Pasha
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Princess Nimetullah Hanimefendi, daughter of Khedive Muhammad Tevfik Pasha
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Prince Hasan Pasha
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Princess Hadice Hanimefendi, daughter of Küçük Muhammad Ali Pasha
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Prince Aziz Hasan Pasha
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Princess Azize Hanimefendi
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Princess İffet Hanimefendi
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Princess Behice Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Ömer Tosun Pasha
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Prince İzzeddin
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Prince Muhammad Ali
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Princess Ziba Hanimefendi
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Prince Muhammad Ali
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Ayşe Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Muhammad Ali
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Nebil İzeddin Hasan
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Nebil İsmail Hasan
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Prince İbrahim Hilmi Pasha
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Kamer Hanimefendi, wife of Prince İbrahim Hilmi Pasha
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Nazime Hanimefendi, wife of Prince İbrahim Hilmi Pasha
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Princess Saliha Hanimefendi
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Princess Naime Hanimefendi
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Princess Hoşyar Hanimefendi
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Prince Mahmud Hayri Pasha
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Princess Zeyneb Hanimefendi, daughter of İbrahim İlhami Pasha
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Huriye Hanimefendi, wife of İbrahim İlhami Pasha
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Princess Münire Penbe Hanimefendi
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Muhammad Ali Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Tosun Pasha, son of Muhammad Ali Pasha
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`Abbas Hilmi Pasha I, Governor of Egypt
Index terms
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha I, Governor of Egypt
Index terms
İbrahim İlhami Pasha
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İbrahim İlhami Pasha
Index terms
Pirlanta Kadinefendi
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Çeşmiâhu Kadinefendi
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Princess Emineh Necibe Hanimefendi, wife of Khedive Muhammad Tevfik Pasha
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Princess Zeyneb Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Mahmud Tevfik Pasha
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Princess Tevhide Hanimefendi, wife of Davud Pasha Yeghen
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Muhammad Ali Pasha
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Prince Abdülhalim Pasha
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Vicdan Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Abdülhalim Pasha
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Princess Fatma Hanimefendi, daughter of Prince Abdülhalim Pasha
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Princess Zehra Hanimefendi, daughter of Prince Abdülhalim Pasha
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Princess Nazli Hanimefendi, daughter of Prince Abdülhalim Pasha
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Prince Muhammad Said Pasha
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Prince Muhammad `Abbas Pasha
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Princess Emineh Hanimefendi
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Princess Rukiye Hanimefendi
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Prince Muhammad `Abbas Pasha
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Prince Muhammad İbrahim Pasha
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Princess Kerime Hanimefendi
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Prince Muhammad Said Pasha
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Emineh İnci Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Muhammad Said Pasha
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Prince Muhammad Abdülhalim
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Nebil Ömer Halim
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Prince Muhammad `Abbas Halim Pasha
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Princess Hadice Hanimefendi
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Nebile Kerime Hanimefendi
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Nebile Emineh Penbe Hanimefendi
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Nebile Tevfika Hanimefendi
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Nebile Nimetullah Hanimefendi
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Nebile Zeyneb Merzuka
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Prince Muhammad Ali Halim Pasha
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Enise Hanimefendi
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Nebil Said Halim
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Prince Muhammad İbrahim Halim Pasha
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Princess Ülfet Hanimefendi, daughter of Prince Osman Fazil Pasha
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Nebile Bedia Hanimefendi
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Nebil `Abbas Halim
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Tevhide Hanimefendi
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Said Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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İnci Hanimefendi, wife of Said Pasha, Governor of Egypt
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Melekper Kadinefendi, mother of Prince Tosun Pasha
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Prince Tosun Pasha
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Prince Tosun Pasha
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Hezar Kadin, mother of Prince Said Tosun
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Beheşthur Kadinefendi, mother of Prince Ömer Tosun Pasha
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Prince Said Bey
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Prince Ömer Tosun Pasha
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Princess Emineh İnci Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Saïd Halim Pasha
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Prince Cemil Tosun Pasha
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Princess İsmet Hanimefendi
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Prince Ömer Tosun Pasha
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Princess Behice Hanimefendi, wife of Prince Hasan Pasha
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Nebil Said Tosun
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Nebil Hasan Tosun
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Nebile Emineh İnci Tosun
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Nebile İsmet
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Prince Cemil Tosun Pasha
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Nebil Muhammad Adil Tosun Pasha
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Emineh Hanimefendi, wife of Nebil Muhammad Adil Tosun Pasha
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Nebil Muhammad Tevfik Tosun
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HIL/444/1-8   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 8 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources. The first folio has been removed.
Brown paper-bound album
Size: 35 x 27 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/4.
Former reference number: Album 1.
Digitised material for Photograph album, members of the Khedivial family - HIL/444
HIL/444/1   [c. 1930]
Zeiba Khadidja Kaden (d. 1878), wife of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), mother of Mohmed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark-coloured robe, probably cotton, with light-coloured wrap neckline, double-stranded diamond choker and teardrop earrings and with small jewels braided into her hair.
HIL/444/2   [c. 1930]
Ibrahim Pasha (1789-1848), Vali of Egypt (1848), eldest son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Emineh Hanem (d. 1824). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, in old age, bearded, wearing tarboosh, dark-coloured robes and decorative, light-coloured, checked, woven sash.
HIL/444/3   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Toussoun Pasha (1793-1816), second son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Emineh Hanem (d. 1824). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a boy, wearing tarboosh, decorative military uniform with tasselled epaulettes and two star decorations, with high-waisted, light-coloured harem pants fastened with buckled belt, knee-length boots and holding scimitar sword; pyramids and mosque in background. Copy at HIL/449/2.
HIL/444/4   [c. 1930]
Prince Hussein Bey (1825-1847), twelfth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Momtaz Kaden (d. 1868). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter-length, as a young man, wearing high-necked brocade and tasselled jacket with decorative fastenings and horizontal beaded stripes, dark-coloured harem pants, belt with large, decorative buckle, tarboosh, and sword at hip; right hand resting on table with map and book, bare left hand on sword hilt.
HIL/444/5   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863), ninth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Ayn-Hayat Kaden (d. 1849). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young man, wearing high-necked, knee-length tunic with tasselled epaulettes and metallic embroidery at the hem, cuffs and centre-front, enbroidered belt with large buckle, dark-coloured trousers with metallic piping at sides, tarboosh; with bare left hand resting on sword hilt.
HIL/444/6   [c. 1930]
Zeïnab Hanem (1825-1884), twelfth daughter of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Chama Nour Kaden (d. 1863). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in middle age, seated on a sofa and furs, wearing luxurious black robes with light-coloured lace embellishments at neckline, cuffs and hem, portrait miniature on chest, and jewelled soft hat; holding smoking cigarette in jewelled holder.
HIL/444/7   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), fifteenth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Nam-Chaz Kaden (d. 1869). Full-length, in middle age, wearing light-coloured frock coat with welt pockets and contrasting dark-coloured collar, pressed trousers, tarboosh, and holding walking stick in right hand. Studio portrait.
HIL/444/8   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha (1833-1861), sixteenth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Zeiba Khadidja Kaden (d. 1878). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter-length, as a boy, seated in a chair, wearing soft cap, dark-coloured robes with ebroidered trim, light-coloured sash, with small, decorative bag under right arm and metallic strap running over left shoulder.
HIL/445/1-43   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 43 black and white portrait photographs of members of the Khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English; a further list of English captions is enclosed. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Size: 35 x 27 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/1.
Former reference number: Album 2.
Digitised material for Photograph album: members of the Khedivial family - HIL/445/1-43
HIL/445/1   [c. 1930]
Prince Moustafa Bahgat Fadel Pasha (1830-1875). Full-length, in middle age, bearded, sitting at desk, wearing tarboosh, dark-coloured, buttoned frock coat, pressed trouser and holding book in right hand.
HIL/445/2   [c. 1930]
Del-Azad Hanem (d. 1885), wife of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), mother of Princess Nazli Zeïnab (1853-1913). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark-coloured dress with lace embellishments, tiara, drop earrings and jewelled necklace.
HIL/445/3   [c. 1930]
Nevayish Kaden [?Mahouache Kaden (d. 1903)], wife of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), mother of Prince Kamel Fadel (1858-1929). Half-length, as a young woman, sitting in damask-covered chair, wearing dark-coloured dress in metallic fabric, with light-coloured frills at collar and cuffs, jewelled tarboosh and portrait miniature at neck.
HIL/445/4   [c. 1930]
Mesl-Jehan Kaden (d. 1921), wife of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), mother of Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879). Head and shoulders, in old age, wearing high-necked lace dress with embroidered over-jacket, decorative, soft fabric fabric headdress with lace and gauze.
HIL/445/5   [c. 1930]
Aho-Fer Kaden (d. 1903), wife of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), mother of Princess Fatima Fadel (1861-1882). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing a dark-coloured, button-down dress with stand-up lace collare and lace trim, flowers woven into braided hair.
HIL/445/6   [c. 1930]
Gonja-Leb Hanem (d. 1933), wife of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), mother of Prince Aly Fadel (1875-1925). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing a black dress with high neckline and ruffled collar, black jacket with large lapels and leg of mutton sleeves, leaning on ledge.
HIL/445/7   [c. 1930]
Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), first son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Rang-gul Hanem (d. 1891). Head and shoulders, as a young man, bearded, wearing tarboosh, dark-coloured, double-breasted, button-down jacket, with light-coloured cravatte.
HIL/445/8   [c. 1930]
Princess Nazli Zeïnab (1853-1913), first daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Del-Azad Hanem (d. 1885). Full-length, as a young woman, standing, wearing tiara, drop earrings and jewelled necklace, riglets in hair, Victorian-style white dress with short sleeves, lace embellishments and train.
HIL/445/9   [c. 1930]
Princess Aziza Emineh (1854-1895), second daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Rang-gul Hanem (d. 1891). Full-length, as a young woman, standing beside damask-covered chair, holding fan, wearing jewels and a Victorian-style white dress with short sleeves, lace embellishments and train, shawl wrapped over left shoulder, fastened with rosette.
HIL/445/10   [c. 1930]
Princess Roukayeh Fadel (1856-1906), third daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Lebrize Kaden (d. 1895). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing jewelled necklace, drop earrings, with jewelled dragonfly and a white rose in her hair.
HIL/445/11   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Fadel (1857-1915), second son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Afetab Kaden (d. 1900). Head and shoulders, as a young man, bearded, wearing tarboosh and dark-coloured suit jacket with necktie.
HIL/445/12   [c. 1930]
Prince Kamel Fadel (1858-1929), third son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Mahouache Kaden (d. 1903). Full-length, as a young man, standing on carpet, wearing a tarboosh, dark-coloured military uniform with gold embroidery and stand collar, pressed trousers with braided side seams, decorative sash, sword and white gloves.
HIL/445/13   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879), fourth son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Mesl-Jehan Kaden (d. 1921). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing dark-coloured, button-down jacket with short stand collar, light-coloured wing collar, tarboosh.
HIL/445/14   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Rached Fadel Pasha (1861-1907), fifth son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Bahrouz Kaden (d. 1876). Half-length, as a young man, finely waxed moustache (English-style), wearing dark-coloured three-piece suit, decorative bow-tie, light-coloured shirt with winged collar and pocket square, tarboosh.
HIL/445/15   [c. 1930]
Princess Fatima Fadel (1861-1933), fourth daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Aho-Fer Kaden (d. 1903). Half-length, as a young woman, without jewels, wearing striped, collared shirt and dark-coloured cravatte, with embroidered and high-collared jacket.
HIL/445/16   [c. 1930]
Prince Hussam-el-Dine Fadel (1868-1897), sixth son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Afetab Kaden (d. 1900). Full-length, as a young man, without beard, sitting at a carved wooden desk with papers and books, wearing dark-coloured suit with piping at edges and patterned waiscoat, white shirt with winged collar. Studio portrait.
HIL/445/17   [c. 1930]
Princess Zahra Fadel (1868-1915), fifth daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Naz Amsal Kaden (d. 1902). Photograph of a sketch, only face detailed. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, without jewels, light-coloured shawl collar.
HIL/445/18   [c. 1930]
Princess Sanieh Fadel (1870-1905), sixth daughter of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Naz Amsal Kaden (d. 1902). Full-length, as a young woman, standing behind and leaning on a button-backed chair, wearing white, lace and beaded, button-down, Victorian-style dress, without jewels, holding fan, hair pinned up.
HIL/445/19   [c. 1930]
Prince Ali Fadel (1875-1925), seventh son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Gonja-Leb Hanem (d. 1933). Head and shoulders, in middle age, with pencil moustache, wearing Prince of Wales checked suit and diamond patterned tie, white shirt with exaggerated collar, hair slicked back.
HIL/445/20   [c. 1930]
Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), first son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Rang-gul Hanem (d. 1891). Full-length, as a young man, bearded, standing on carpet wearing full, decorative Ottoman-style dress and tarboosh, with pistol and sword. Studio portrait.
HIL/445/21   [c. 1930]
Princess Pakiza (1859-1921), wife of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), mother of Princes Ahmed Fadel Osman (1880-1928) and Soliman Osman (1883-1894), and Princesses Ulfette Khadidja (1875-1924), Badia Zeïnab (1877-1959), Fazila Zobaïda (1878-1900), Nazli Zeïnab (1882-1901). Full-length, as a young woman, sitting on a chair next to sideboard with flowers, wearing dark-coloured, Victorian-style dress with beaded fringing on skirt, high stand-up white lace collar and neckline, holding fan, with hair pinned up, without jewels.
HIL/445/22   [c. 1930]
Princess Ulfette Khadidja (1875-1924), first daughter of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921); married Prince Ibrahim Halim, 1895 (divorced, 1924). Three-quarter-length, standing resting hand on chair, wearing white dress with leg of mutton sleeves with beaded trim at wrist, pulled in with a long sash, adorned with short cape with front sash tie, necklace, hair pinned up. Signed. “Ulfette, Oct. 94” [1894].
HIL/445/23   [c. 1930]
Princess Badia Zeïnab (1877-1959), second daughter of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Full-length, as a young woman, seated with her back to the camera, her face turned in left profile, wearing a high-necked, Victorian-style blouse, her long hair falling down to cover the chair. Signed “Bedia”.
HIL/445/24   [c. 1930]
Princess Fazila Zobaïda (1878-1900), third daughter of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921); married Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Wahid el-Dine, issue: Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (1900-1977). Full-length, standing in right profile and face turned toward camera, hands resting on rattan chair, black, Victorian-style dress, hair pulled back with bow. Studio portrait, with column and palm backdrop. Signed “Fazile 97” [1897].
HIL/445/25   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Fadel Osman (1880-1928), first son of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Full-length, as an adolescant with close-cropped hair, wearing dark-coloured, dopuble-breasted, button-down military uniform with sword and long overcoat, bicorn hat under right arm and resting on chair, white gloves in left hand. Signed “Fazyl”.
HIL/445/26   [c. 1930]
Princess Nazli Zeïnab (1882-1901), fourth daughter of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Full-length, sitting on chair with three-legged table, wearing a Victorian-style white lace dress with high collar, long beaded necklace, holding fan, hair pinned up. Studio portrait. Signed “Nazli 1899”.
HIL/445/27   [c. 1930]
Prince Soliman Osman (1883-1894), second son of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Head and shoulders, as a boy, with close-cropped hair, wearing grey wool suit with white shirt with starched collar, pocket square, and large patterned neck bow.
HIL/445/28   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Fadel Osman (1880-1928), first son of Prince Osman Fouad Pasha (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Full-length, as a young man, with a pencil moustache wearing military uniform with dark jacket and light stirrup trousers, plumed helmet, tasselled belt, white gloves and sword. Studio portrait.
HIL/445/29   [c. 1930]
Halima Saadulla (b. 1895), wife of Prince Ahmed Fadel Osman (1880-1928), mother of Nebile Emineh Ulfette (b. 1918); divorced 1920. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing black cloak fastened with jewelled insect brooch, drop earrings, jewelled choker, with large patterned textile hat.
HIL/445/30   [c. 1930]
Nebile Emineh Ulfette (b. 1918), daughter of Prince Ahmed Fadel Osman (1880-1928), and his wife Halima Saadulla (b. 1895). Head, as a young child, with curls.
HIL/445/31   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907), second son of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Chiwekar Kaden (d. 1864). Half-length, as an old man, with moustache, wearing a grey three-piece suit, white winged collar and dark tie with pin.
HIL/445/32   [c. 1930]
Princess Naïmeh Daoud (1862-1904), daughter of Prince Ismaïl Daoud (1848-1872), first wife of Prince Kamel Fadel (1858-1929), mother of Princess Injou (b. 1880); divorced 1886. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing a black, Victorian-style, floral dress with white lace trim, hair pinned up with floral jewels, drop earrings and ribbon choker with portrait pendant.
HIL/445/33   [c. 1930]
Prince Moustafa Kemal Bey (1886-1929), son of Prince Kamel Fadel (1858-1929), and his second wife Saliha Hanem Ayad. Head and shoulders, in middle age, with pyramidal moustache, wearing herringbone tweed suit, white shirt with exaggerated collar and geometric tie with pin.
HIL/445/34   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879), fourth son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Mesl-Jehan Kaden (d. 1921). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing dark-coloured jacket and white shirt with winged collar, and tarboosh.
HIL/445/35   [c. 1930]
Farah-Del Hanem, wife of Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879), mother of Prince Ali Heïdar Chenaci (1878-1920). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing soft pleated hat, and dark-coloured, tasselled dress with braiding fastened at shoulders.
HIL/445/36   [c. 1930]
Prince Ali Heïdar Chenaci (1878-1920), son of Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879) and his wife Farah-Del Hanem. Half-length, as a young man, sitting at a desk with papers and books, and a folded copy of a French newspaper [?], wearing a dark-coloured, double-breasted, button-down coat, with white shirt with winged collar. Le Petit Parisien] at the edge of the image. Studio portrait with trellis backdrop.
HIL/445/37   [c. 1930]
Prince Ali Heïdar Chenaci (1878-1920), son of Prince Ahmed Rouchdi Bey (1858-1879) and his wife Farah-Del Hanem. Head and shoulders, in middle age, with handlebar moustache, wearing a three-piece suit, white shirt with winged collar, pocket square, tie and tarboosh.
HIL/445/38   [c. 1930]
Zeïnab Fahmi, wife of Prince Ali Heïdar Chenaci (1878-1920), mother of Nabila Fatima el-Zahra (b. 1903). Three-quarter length, as a young woman, sitting in a damask-covered chair, wearing a black lace dress with contrastine white underlayer, with crescent jewel at neck, drop earrings, hair pinned up.
HIL/445/39   [c. 1930]
Nabila Fatima el-Zahra (b. 1903), daughter of Prince Ali Heïdar Chenaci (1878-1920) and his wife Zeïnab Fahmi. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, without jewels, wearing dark dress with white buttons and white Peter Pan collar, short, waved, bobbed hair.
HIL/445/40   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Rached Fadel Pasha (1861-1907), fifth son of Prince Mustafa Fazil Pasha (1830-1875), and his wife Bahrouz Kaden (d. 1876). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing a dark-coloured jacket with stand collar and metallic embroidery, three star decorations and one medal.
HIL/445/41   [c. 1930]
Princess Dawlat Ibrahim (d. 1911), wife of Prince Ibrahim Rached Fadel Pasha (1861-1907), mother of Princesses Mahouache Aziza (b. 1883) and Emineh Bahrouz (b. 1886). Full-length, as a young woman, wearing tiara, large jewelled brooch, with a jewelled dagger on left hip, standing behind table holding a reversed fan, wearing a white high, stand-up collared, damask dress with lace trim, low neckline and train.
HIL/445/42   [c. 1930]
Princess Mahouache Aziza (b. 1883), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Rached Fadel Pasha (1861-1907) and his wife Princess Dawlat Ibrahim; married Ibrahim Rateb Bey 1907, divorced 1921. Full-length, as a young woman, standing behind and resting her right arm on a chair, wearing a heavily corsetted dress with lace trim at centre-front and three-quarter sleeves. Signed. “Mahluche 1901”.
HIL/445/43   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Bahrouz (b. 1886), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Rached Fadel Pasha (1861-1907) and his wife Princess Dawlat Ibrahim; married (1) Hussein Chirine 1913, divorced 1920; (2) Ismaïl Rateb (b. 1888). Head and shoulders in left profile, as a young woman, with hair pinned back adorned with a white rose, wearing intricate jewelled necklace and earrings, and a white, off-shoulder dress trimmed with lace and fur, with large corsage at centre-front.
HIL/446/1-30   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 30 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 35 x 27 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/2.
Former reference number: Album 2A.
Digitised material for Album of portraits of members of the khedivial family - HIL/446/1-30
HIL/446/1   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in old age, looking left, wearing military uniform with metallic embroidery, tasselled epaulettes, sash, sword and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/446/2   [c. 1930]
Ibraham Pasha (1789-1848), first son of Mohamed Ali Pasha, and his wife Emineh Hanem (d. 1824). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in old age, wearing traditional, decorated military uniform with hareem pants, sash, sword with jewelled hilt and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/446/3   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), second (eldest surviving infancy) son of Ibrahim Pasha and his wife Chiwekar Kaden (d. 1864). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter-length, as a young man, wearing tasselled and embroidered jacket and tarboosh, holding dagger in left hand, with mosque in background.
Digitised version
HIL/446/4   [c. 1930]
Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), third son of Ibrahim Pasha, and his wife Khochiar Kaden (d. 1886). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter-length, as a young man, wearing tasselled and embroidered jacket and tarboosh, left hand resting on sword, gloves held in right hand.
Digitised version
HIL/446/5   [c. 1930]
Prince Moustafa Bahgat Fadel Pasha (1830-1875), fourth son of Ibrahim Pasha, and his wife Ulfette Kaden (d. 1865). Three-quarter-length, in middle age, wearing dark, long coat and tarboosh, left hand resting on table.
Digitised version
HIL/446/6   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), second (eldest surviving infancy) son of Ibrahim Pasha and his wife Chiwekar Kaden (d. 1864). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter-length, as a young man, wearing plain, dark suit with stand collar and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/446/7   [c. 1930]
Chamsi (Shivekiar) Hanem (d. 1891), wife of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), mother of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894). Full-length, as a young woman, reclining with a book on her lap, without jewels, wearing decorative headdress and dark dress and cape lined with fur, miniature portrait at her neck.
Digitised version
HIL/446/8   [c. 1930]
Delber-Gehan (Pamouk) Kaden (d. 1900), wife of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), mother of Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, looking right, wearing decorative headdress, white lace collar, and portrait miniature at neck.
Digitised version
HIL/446/9   [c. 1930]
Azm-Riftar (Shemsi) Kaden (d. 1903), wife of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), mother of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing white decorative headdress and white neckscarf.
Digitised version
HIL/446/10   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), first son of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Chamsi (Shivekiar) Hanem (d. 1891). Full length. as a young man, wearing dark suit with a bow at the neck, holding small book in left hand which rests on a tapestry chair, ornate cup in background ornamented with a bird in flight and deer heads.
Digitised version
HIL/446/11   [c. 1870]
Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910), daughter of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Delber-Gehan (Pamouk) Kaden (d. 1900); married Hussein Kamel Pasha (later Sultan) 1873, divorced 1910. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, with bracelets but otherwise without jewels, wearing white roses and dark dress with lace sleeves and beading and lace neckline.
Digitised version
HIL/446/12   [c. 1880]
Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907), second son of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Azm-Riftar Kaden (d. 1903). Full-length, as a young man, wearing military uniform with rouleau fastenings, tarboosh and sword, right hand resting on pedestal, with clock in background.
Digitised version
HIL/446/13   [c. 1880]
Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), first son of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Chamsi (Shivekiar) Hanem (d. 1891). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing tarboosh, embroidered, jacket with stand collar, sash, and star and medal decorations on left breast.
Digitised version
HIL/446/14   [c. 1870]
Princess Zeïnab (1859-1875), wife of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894); daughter of Khedive Ismai`l Pasha (1830-1895), and his wife Jenaniar Hanem (d. 1912). Full-length, as a young woman, long hair falling over shoulders, seated in wooden turned chair with feet resting on cushion, wearing drop earrings and brooch, white lace dress, holding fan in lap.
Digitised version
HIL/446/15   [c. 1905]
Princess Chiwekar (b. 1876), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), and his wife Nevjewan Hanem; married King Fouad I 1895, divorced 1898; issue, Prince Ismaïl (1896-1897) and Princess Fewkié (b. 1897). Full-length, as a young woman [c.1905], seated on fur rug with hookah, wearing dark dress with white lace trim at cuffs, plumed hat with pearls. Signed, [?date] cropped out.
Digitised version
HIL/446/16   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Seif-el-Dine (b. 1877), first son of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), and his wife Nevjewan Hanem. Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing suit and tie, white shirt with winged collar, and pocket square.
Digitised version
HIL/446/17   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), second son of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), and his wife Nevjewan Hanem. Head and shoulders, as a young man, handlebar moustache, wearing dark suit and tie, white shirt with stand up collar, and pocket square.
Digitised version
HIL/446/18   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), second son of Prince Ibrahim Ahmed (Wahid-el-Dine) Pasha (1847-1894), and his wife Nevjewan Hanem. Full-length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, wearing decorative military uniform with cape, sword and tarboosh, seated. Studio portrait.
Digitised version
HIL/446/19   [c. 1900]
Princess Fazila-Zobeïda (1878-1900), wife of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), mother of Prince Mohamed Aly Ibrahim (b. 1900); daughter of Prince Osman Fouad (1850-1898), and his wife Princess Pakiza (1859-1921). Full-length, as a young woman, wearing white, lace, Victorian-style dress, with brooch at neck, hair pulled up, with left hand resting on chair, draped background. Studio portrait. Signed, “Fazila, ....” (cropped).
Digitised version
HIL/446/20   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Aly Ibrahim (b. 1900), first son of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), and his wife Princess Fazila-Zobeïda (1878-1900). Head and shoulders, as a young man, English moustache, wearing tarboosh, suit and tie.
Digitised version
HIL/446/21   [c. 1930]
Princess Nabila Ayn-el-Hayat (b. 1902), daughter of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), and his wife Saliha Hanem (b. 1878). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, with waved bobbed hair, earring, winged eyeliner, looking left. Round print.
Digitised version
HIL/446/22   [c. 1930]
Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), second son of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), and his wife Saliha Hanem (b. 1878). Head and shoulders, as a young man, English moustache, wearing suit and paisley tie.
Digitised version
HIL/446/23   [c. 1930]
Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), second son of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), and his wife Saliha Hanem (b. 1878). Head and shoulders, as a young man, English moustache, wearing dark suit with white sash and bow-tie and pocket square, star decoration, and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/446/24   [c. 1930]
Sarouat Hanem Yousri, wife of Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), mother of Nabila Nimet-Ulla (b. 1922), Nabila Emineh (b. 1924), and Nabila Inji (b. 1927); divorced. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, with bobbed hair, wearing make up, dark close-fitting satin hat and coat with fur collar, looking right. Studio portrait.
Digitised version
HIL/446/25   [c. 1930]
Nabila Nimet-Ulla (b. 1922), first daughter of Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), and his wife Sarouat Hanem Yousri. Head and shoulders, as a child, with bobbed hair.
Digitised version
HIL/446/26   [c. 1930]
Nabila Emineh (b. 1924), second daughter of Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), and his wife Sarouat Hanem Yousri. Head and shoulders, as a child, with bobbed hair.
Digitised version
HIL/446/27   [c. 1930]
Nabila Inji (b. 1927), third daughter of Nabil Amr Ibrahim (b. 1903), and his wife Sarouat Hanem Yousri. Head and shoulders, as a child, with short curly hair.
Digitised version
HIL/446/28   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907), second son of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858), and his wife Azm-Riftar Kaden (d. 1903). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing tarboosh, light suit and dark bow-tie, with walrus moustache.
Digitised version
HIL/446/29   [c. 1920]
Naz-Perwer Kaden (?Hanem) (d. 1925), wife of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907), mother of Prince Youssef Kemal (b. 1882). Full-length, in old age, seated in a walled corner, wearing long patterned robe, [?in the open air].
Digitised version
HIL/446/30   1921
Prince Youssef Kemal Pasha (b. 1882), only child of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha (1857-1907), and his wife Naz-Perwer Kaden (?Hanem) (d. 1925). Full-length, in middle age, twirled English moustache, seated wearing suit with pinstriped trousers, and tarboosh. Signed in Arabic, 1921.
Digitised version
HIL/447/1-31   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 31 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 27 x 35 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/5.
Former reference number: Album 2B.
Digitised material for Album of 31 black and white portrait photographs of the Khedivial family - HIL/447/1-31
HIL/447/1   [c. 1930]
Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), son of Vali Ibrahim Pasha (1789-1848) and his wife Khochiar Kaden (d.1886). Photographic copy of a painting. Three-quarter length, in middle age, full beard and moustache, standing in brocade jacket with epaulettes, sash, sword, and tarboosh; crown and sceptre on cushion by his right hand.
Digitised version
HIL/447/2   [c. 1930]
Chohrat Faza Hanem (d.1895), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), mother of Princess Tewhideh (Teffedeh) (1850-1888) and Princess Fatima (1853-1920). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young woman, standing, wearing dark dress with light lace trim, pearl tiara, necklace and earrings, holding fan in left hand.
Digitised version
HIL/447/3   [c. 1930]
Jenaniar Hanem (d.1912), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), mother of Princess Zeïnab (1859-1875) and Prince Imrahim Hilmi (1860-1927). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young woman, seated wearing jewelled tiara, necklace and drop earrings, dress with lace, flowers and fan at her right hand, a misbaḥah at her left hand.
Digitised version
HIL/447/4   [c. 1930]
Tchachm Afet Hanem (d. 1907), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young woman, standing in front of a damask sofa wearing jeweled plumed tiara, necklace, earrings, and other ornaments, dark floral patterned dress, holding fan in left hand, right hand resting by vase of flowers.
Digitised version
HIL/447/5   [c. 1930]
Chafak-Nur Hanem (d. 1884), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), mother of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive (1879-1892). Full-length, in middle age, seated on a sofa, holding one end of a long smoking pipe, and wearing a decorative headdress, dark floral dress light coloured cape trimmed with fur.
Digitised version
HIL/447/6   [c. 1930]
Jehan Chah Kaden (d. 1905), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), mother of Prince Mahmoud Hamdi (1863-1921). Full-length, as a young woman, seated in a carved and tasselled wooden chair, wearing lace dress and pendant necklace, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/7   [c. 1930]
Nachàa-del Kaden (d.1924), wife of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), mother of Princess Emineh (1875-1931) and Princess Nimet (1876-). Full-length, in middle age, standing in a white lace Edwardian-style dress without jewels, hair pulled back, with her left hand resting on chair.
Digitised version
HIL/447/8   [c. 1930]
Princess Tewhideh (Teffedeh) (1850-1888), eldest daughter of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Chohrat Faza Hanem (d.1895); married Mansour Yeghen Pasha, 1868. Full-length, as a young woman, seated on fringed sofa, wearing dress with large embroidered stars and long flowing train, tiara and other jewels, hair decorated with star jewels.
Digitised version
HIL/447/9   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive (1879-1892), eldest son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Chafak-Nur Hanem (d. 1884). Full-length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, wearing brocade jacket with epaulettes, silk sash, tarboosh, sword, with right hand resting on a book.
Digitised version
HIL/447/10   [c. 1930]
Princess Fatma (1853-1920), daughter of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Chohrat Faza Hanem (d.1895); married Prince Toussoun Pasha, 1876; married Mahmoud Sirry Pasha, 1883. Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young woman, standing in a white, lace, heavily jeweled dress with fur trimmed train, wearing a tiara and other jewels, with left hand holding a rose resting on a table.
Digitised version
HIL/447/11   [c. 1930]
Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), second son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and Nur-Falak Hanem. Head and shoulders, as a young man, English moustache, wearing dark frock coat, white shirt with winged collar, cravatte and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/12   [c. 1930]
Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), third son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Mesl-Melek Hanem (d.1889). Head and shoulders, in middle age, handlebar moustache, wearing brocade jacket with epaulettes, sash, star decoration, and tasselled tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/13   [c. 1930]
Princess Zeïnab (1859-1875), daughter of of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Jenaniar Hanem (d.1912). Full-length, as a young woman, standing with left hand on table, wearing Victorian-style hat and dress trimmed with lace, pendant necklace.
Digitised version
HIL/447/14   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927), fourth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Jenaniar Hanem (d.1912). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing dark jacket, black and white cravatte, and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/15   [c. 1930]
Princess Djémila Fazila (1869-1896), daughter of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Misl Jehan Kaden. Full-length, as a young woman, standing with her right hand resting on chair, wearing plumed tiara and other jewels, and light coloured dress with rush-like pattern, holding fan in left hand, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/16   [c. 1930]
Prince Mahnoud Hamdi (1863-1921), fifth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Jahan Chah Kaden (d. 1905). Full-length, pencil moustache, standing in plain military dress, with epaulettes, sword, sash, star, and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/17   [c. 1930]
Ahmed Fouad Pasha (1868-1936), Sultan (1917-1922) then King of Egypt (1922-1936), sixth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Feriyal Hanem (c. 1845-1902). Three-quarter length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, standing in white military tunic with gold cord running from shoulder to shoulder, rouleau fastenings, epaulettes, sword, and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/18   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh (1875-1931), daughter of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Nachàa-del Kaden (d. 1924). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing pearl necklace, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/19   [c. 1930]
Prince Ali Gamal Pasha (1875-1893), eighth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Gamal Nur Kaden (d. 1876). Full-length, as a young man, English moustache, standing leaning on plinth, wearing dark frock coat, waistcoat, patterned tie, and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/20   [c. 1930]
Princess Nimet (1876-), daughter of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Nachàa-del Kaden (d. 1924). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing tiara, light coloured dress, flowered collar, and diamond necklace.
Digitised version
HIL/447/21   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), eldest son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Chafak-Nur Hanem (d. 1884). Full-length, in middle age, full beard and moustache, standing in brocade tunic, with sash, sword and tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/22   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931), wife of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892); daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860) and his wife Nasrine Kaden (d.1871); mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), Prince Mohamed Ali (1875-1955), Princess Nazli (1877-1879), Princess Khadidja (1879-1951), Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing tiara, diamond necklace and sash, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/23   [c. 1930]
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), eldest son of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Three-quarter length, as a young man, pencil moustache, standing wearing a dark military jacket with gold cord running from shoulder to shoulder, rouleau asymmetrical fastenings with epaulettes, sword, and a tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/24   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha (1875-1955), second son of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Full-length, as a young man, twirled moustache, standing with right hand resting on balustrade, wearing dark military uniform with gold cord running from shoulder to shoulder, with epaulettes, decorations, sash, sword, and a tasselled tarboosh.
Digitised version
HIL/447/25   [c. 1930]
Princess Khadidja (1879-1951), daughter of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931); married Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), 1895. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing diamond tiara, earrings and necklace, and dress with high collar, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/26   [c. 1930]
Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966), daughter of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931); married Mohamed Djémil Toussoun, 1896; married Prince Kamal-el-Dine Hussein, 1904. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing diamond tiara and choker, and dress trimmed with lace, hair pulled up.
Digitised version
HIL/447/27   8 December 1913
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), eldest son of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931). Half-length, in middle age, handlebar moustache, wearing a dark military jacket with gold cord running from shoulder to shoulder, rouleau fastenings, epaulettes, sash, sword, decorations, and a tarboosh. Signature of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II, in Latin and Arabic script, dated 8 December 1913.
Digitised version
HIL/447/28   [c. 1930]
Princess Attiet-Allah (1896-1971), daughter of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), and his wife Ikbal Hanem (1876-1941). Full-length, as a young woman, wearing floral patterned dress with long train, with sash, headdress and matching necklace in an ancient Egyptian style.
Digitised version
HIL/447/29   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), eldest son of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), and his wife Ikbal Hanem (1876-1941). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing suit and bow tie, and round glasses.
Digitised version
HIL/447/30   [c. 1930]
Princess Loutfieh Chawkat (1900-1975), daughter of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), and his wife Ikbal Hanem (1876-1941). Three-quarter length, as a young woman, seated wearing silk dress with wavy pattern and brooch at left shoulder, short bobbed hair.
Digitised version
HIL/447/31   [c. 1915]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Kader (1902-1919), second son of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Khedive of Egypt (1892-1914), and his wife Ikbal Hanem (1876-1941). Three-quarter length, as a boy, seated on chair wearing dark suit, waistcoat, and tie.
Digitised version
HIL/448/1-32   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 32 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 27 x 35 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/9.
Former reference number: Album 2C.
Digitised material for Album of 32 photographic and painted portraits - 1930 - HIL/448/1-32
HIL/448/1   [c. 1930]
Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), second son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and Nur-Falak Hanem. Half-length, as an old man, handlebar moustach, seated in a chair wearing dark jacket with silk-trimmed lapel, white shirt with Peter Pan collar and cuffs, dark tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/2   [c. 1930]
Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910), wife of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917); daughter of Prince Ahmed Rifaat Pasha (1825-1858) and his wife Delber-Gehan Kaden (d. 1900); mother of Princes Kemal-el-Dine and Ahmed Kazim and Princesses Kazima and Kamila. Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing tiara, jewels and rose, hair pulled up.
HIL/448/3   [c. 1930]
Sultana Mélek (1869-1956), wife of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917); mother of Princesses Kadria, Semiha, and Badiha. Full-length, as a young woman, seated in ancient Egyptian style chair, wearing floral patterned dress with wide ruffed collar, tiara and jewels, holding fan in left hand, hair pulled up.
HIL/448/4   [c. 1930]
Prince Kemal-el-Dine Pasha, eldest son of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), and his wife Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910). Head and shoulders, as a young man, walrus moustache, wearing dark suit jacket and waistcoat with whit shirt with stand up coillar, patterned tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/5   [c. 1930]
Princess Kazima, daughter of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), and his wife Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910). Full-length, as a young woman, standing leaning against marble-topped table with flowers, wearing light coloured, Victorian-style dress with bows on upper arms and narrow lace collar, hair pulled up.
HIL/448/6   [c. 1930]
Princess Kamila, daughter of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), and his wife Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910). Full-length, as a young woman, seated in a garden scene, without jewels, wearing light coloured, Victorian-style dress with lace trimming and leg of mutton sleeves, and fan in right hand, hair pulled back.
HIL/448/7   [c. 1930]
Princess Badiha, daughter of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), and his wife Sultana Mélek (1869-1956). Full-length, as a young woman, standing in profile wearing Edwardian-style, dress trimmed with fur and lace, with dark waist sash, arm bracelet and earring, hair pulled back.
HIL/448/8   [c. 1930]
Prince Kemal-el-Dine Pasha, eldest son of Hussein Kamel (1853-1917), Sultan of Egypt (1914-1917), and his wife Princess Ayn-el-Hayat (1858-1910). Head and shoulders, in middle age, walrus moustache, wearing dark suit and waistcoat, white shirt with stand up collar, striped tie, and tarboosh. Signature of Prince Kemal-el-Dine Pasha partly cropped.
HIL/448/9   [c. 1930]
Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966), wife of Prince Kamal-el-Dine Hussein, daughter of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931); married Mohamed Djémil Toussoun, 1896; married Prince Kamal-el-Dine Hussein, 1904. Three-quarter length, as a young woman, seated wearing tiara and pearls, bobbed hair.
HIL/448/10   [c. 1930]
Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Mesl-Melek Hanem (d. 1889). Three-quarter length, in middle age, handlebar moustache, seated wearing military uniform, gold braiding on right shoulder, decorations, sword, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/11   [c. 1930]
Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915), wife of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), daughter of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931); mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), Prince Mohamed Ali (1875-1955), Princess Nazli (1877-1879), Princess Khadidja (1879-1951), Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966). Full-length, as a young woman, standing leaning on draped chair, wearing tiara and jewels, floral embroidered dress, fan in left hand, with small table and pots in background.
HIL/448/12   [c. 1930]
Prince Aziz Hassan Pasha (1873-1925), eldest son of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Full-length, as a young man, pencil moustache, standing in plain, double-breasted military tunic, with pickelhaube helmet and sword.
HIL/448/13   [c. 1930]
Princess Aziza (1875-1936), daughter of of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing pince-nez and beaded necklace, hair pulled up.
HIL/448/14   [c. 1930]
Princess Iffet (1876-1962), daughter of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Full-length, in middle age, seated on carpet-draped trunk, wearing light coloured traditional dress, turban and pearls, with mosque and pyramids backdrop.
HIL/448/15   1895
Princess Behidja (Bahidjeh) (1877-), daughter of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915); married Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, looking back over right shoulder with large ribbon bow, long hair secured with bow. Signed “Behidja [18]95”.
HIL/448/16   [c. 1930]
Prince Izzedine (1878-1892), second son of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Head and shoulders, as a boy, wearing dark jacket and white shirt without tie.
HIL/448/17   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan (1884-1945), fourth son of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Full-length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, standing in garden, wearing military uniform, white gloves and pickelhaube helmet, spurs, and sword.
HIL/448/18   [c. 1930]
Princess Ziba (1885-1964), daughter of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Full-length, as a young woman, wearing black 1920s-style dress with fur stole and beaded belt, bobbed hair.
HIL/448/19   [14 May 1909]
Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan (1884-1945), fourth son of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915). Full-length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, standing wearing dark suit, white waistcoat and tie, with tarboosh. Signed “Mouhamed Ali” in Latin and Arabic script, dated [?14 May 1909].
HIL/448/20   [c. 1930]
Aïcha Aziz Izzet Hanem (1893-1945), wife of Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan (1884-1945), daughter of Abdel Aziz Izzet Pasha (1867-) and his wife Bahieh Hanem (1871-); mother of Nabil Mohamed Izzedine (1914-) and Nabil Ismaïl Izzet (1920-). Full-length, as a young woman, seated on high-backed wooden sofa, wearing jewels and dress with embroidered stars and long train, holding a small cup, hair pulled back.
HIL/448/21   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Izzedine Hassan (1914-), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan (1884-1945), and his wife Aïcha Aziz Izzet Hanem (1893-1945). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing light suit, striped tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/22   [c. 1930]
Ismaïl Izzet (1920-), son of Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan (1884-1945), and his wife Aïcha Aziz Izzet Hanem (1893-1945). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing light suit, white shirt with exaggerated collar, without tie, round glasses, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/23   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927), fourth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Jenaniar Hanem (d.1912). Three-quarter length, in middle age, handlebar moustache, wearing military uniform, with gold braided cords on right shoulder, white gloves in right hand, decorations, sash, sword, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/24   [c. 1930]
Kamer Kaden (d. 1910), wife of Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927); mother of Princess Saliha Hanem (1878-1953). Half-length, as a young woman, seated wearing striped, Victorian-style dress with leg of mutton sleeves, with hair in bun.
HIL/448/25   [c. 1930]
Princess Nazimeh (d. 1909), wife of Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927); mother of Princesses Naïmeh (1886-1950), Khochiar (1888-1918), Prince Mohamed Hilmi (1890-1919), Princess Zeïnab (1897-1959). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing crescent and star tiara and jewels, and Victorian-style dress trimmed with lace.
HIL/448/26   [c. 1930]
Princess Saliha Hanem (1878-1953), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927), and his wife Kamer Kaden (d. 1910); married Prince Mohamed Ibrahim (Wahid-el-Dine) (1879-1906), 1901; Ataa-el-Rahman Cheikh Djélal el Dine Mohamed di Yorkovitch, 1913. Helf-length, as a young woman, wearing dark dress with rose pattern on left shoulder, hair pulled back.
HIL/448/27   [c. 1930]
Princess Naïmeh (1886-1950), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927), and his wife Princess Nazimeh (d. 1909); married Moustafa Soria Bey. Full-length, as a young woman, seated on bench, wearing white early Edwardian-style dress with pearls, hair pulled back. Signed “A ma chère ... Souvenir Aff[ection] Naïm[a]”.
HIL/448/28   1906
Princess Khochiar (1888-1918), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Hilmi Pasha (1860-1927), and his wife Princess Nazimeh (d. 1909); married Anwar Bey Hakki, 1906. Full-length, as a young woman, seated on bench, wearing white, early Edwardian-style dress with ribbon bows, holding bouquet of flowers in right hand, hair pulled back. Signed “Hochiar, 1906”.
HIL/448/29   [c. 1930]
Prince Mahmoud Hamdi Pasha (1863-1921), fifth son of Ismaïl Pasha (1830-1895), Vali then Khedive of Egypt (1863-1879), and his wife Jehan Chah Kaden (d. 1925). Full-length, as a young man, twirled moustache standing leaning on plinth, wearing stambouli frock coat with waistcoat and sash, decorations, and tarboosh.
HIL/448/30   [c. 1930]
Princess Zeïnab Ilhamy (1858-1918), wife of Prince Mahmoud Hamdi (1863-1921), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860); mother of Princess Mounira Hamdi (1884-1944). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing light coloured dress with leg of mutton sleeves, jewels including three-leaved brooch, and glasses, hair pulled back.
HIL/448/31   [c. 1930]
Princess Houriah, wife of Prince Mahmoud Hamdi (1863-1921). Full-length, in middle age, standing wearing tiara and jewels, white Edwardian-style dress with train and stand up collar, and holding feather fan, hair pulled up.
HIL/448/32   [c. 1930]
Princess Mounira Hamdi (1884-1944), daughter of Prince Mahmoud Hamdi (1863-1921), and his wife Princess Zeïnab Ilhamy (1858-1918). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing pendant earrings and light coloured dress with corsage on left shoulder, bobbed hair.
HIL/449/1-11   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 11 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown paper-bound album
Size: 35 x 27 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/3.
Former reference number: Album 3.
Digitised material for Album of 11 portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family - HIL/449/1-11
HIL/449/1   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, as an old man, wearing thick gold cords under dark tunic, tarboosh.
HIL/449/2   [c. 1930]
Prince Ahmed Toussoun Pasha (1793-1816), second son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Emineh Hanem (d. 1824). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a boy, wearing military uniform with epaulettes and two star decorations, tarboosh, and holding scimitar sword; pyramids and mosque in background. Copy at HIL/444/3.
HIL/449/3   [c. 1930]
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha (1813-1854), Vali of Egypt. Son of Prince Ahmed Toussoun Pasha (1793-1816), and his wife Panba Kaden (d. 1871). Photograph of painting. Quarter-length, in middle age, thin moustache, wearing dark tunic, three star and crescent brooch on right breast, and tarboosh.
HIL/449/4   [c. 1930]
`Abbas Hilmi Pasha I (1813-1854), Vali of Egypt. Son of Prince Ahmed Toussoun Pasha (1793-1816), and his wife Panba Kaden (d. 1871). Photograph of painting. Three-quarter-length, in middle age, full beard and moustache, wearing brocade jacket, cap, and portrait miniature right breast.
HIL/449/5   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860). Eldest son of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha I (1813-1854), Vali of Egypt, and his wife Mahouache Kaden (d.1889). Quarter-length, in middle age, pencil moustache, wearing buttoned military jacket, with tarboosh.
HIL/449/6   [c. 1930]
Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860). Eldest son of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha I (1813-1854), Vali of Egypt, and his wife Mahouache Kaden (d.1889). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in middle age, wearing full traditional military uniform, with plumed tarboosh; horse, rider, and pyramids in background.
HIL/449/7   [c. 1930]
Perlanta Hanem [?Kaden] (d. 1892), wife of `Abbas Hilmi Pasha I (1813-1854), Vali of Egypt. Quarter-length, in middle age, wearing white lace dress and hat, hair pulled back.
HIL/449/8   [c. 1930]
Tchachme-Aho Kaden (d. 1905), wife of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860), mother of Princess Zeïnab (1858-1918). Half-length, in middle age, wearing black lace dress and headdress, her hair loose over her left shoulder.
HIL/449/9   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Ilhamy [?Nedjibe] (1858-1931), eldest daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860), and his wife Nasrine Kaden (d. 1871); married Khedive Mohamed Tewfik Pasha, 1873; mother of Khedive `Abbas Hilmi Pasha II (1874-1944), Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha (b. 1875), Princess Nazli (1877-1879), Princess Khadidja (1879-1951), Princess Nimet-Allah (b. 1881). Quarter-length, as a young woman, wearing dark dress with pearl buttons and white lace collar, hair pulled back.
HIL/449/10   [c. 1930]
Princess Zeïnab Ilhamy (1858-1918), second daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860), and his wife Tchachme-Aho Kaden (d. 1905); married Prince Mahmoud Hamdi, 1883; divorced 1888; mother of Princess Mounira Hamdi (1884-1901). Full-length, as a young woman, leaning left arm on chair, wearing Edwardian-style dress with heavy train and lots of lace, and holding fan in right hand.
HIL/449/11   [c. 1930]
Princess Tewhideh (Hamideh) (1860-1882), third daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha (1836-1860), and his wife Ichk-Brian Kaden (d. 1878); married Daoud Yeghen Pasha. Full-length, as a young woman, reclining in upholstered chair, feet on cushion, wearing white lace dress and headdress, with hair curling over left shoulder.
HIL/450/1-22   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 22 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 27 x 35 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/7.
Former reference numbers: Album 4; 5.
Digitised material for Album of 22 portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family - HIL/450/1-22
HIL/450/1   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863), ninth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Ayn-Hayat Kaden (d. 1849). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, in middle age, full beard and moustache, wearing dark eastern-style jacket, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/2   [c. 1930]
Inji Hanem (d. 1890), wife of Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863). Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing dress with fur-trimmed collar, pendant brooch, and hat.
HIL/450/3   [c. 1930]
Melek-per Hanem (d. 1886), wife of Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863); mother of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing dark dress split at front, and hat adorned with jewels.
HIL/450/4   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), son of Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863), and his wife Melek-per Hanem (d. 1886). Full-length, as a young man, full moustache, standing beside a desk resting his right hand on books, wearing dark frock coat, cravatte, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/5   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), son of Mohamed Saïd Pasha (1822-1863), Vali of Egypt (1854-1863), and his wife Melek-per Hanem (d. 1886). Half-length, as a young man, pencil moustache, wearing military brocade jacket with epaulettes, star decoration on right breast, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/6   [c. 1930]
Hegar Kaden (d. 1891), wife of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876); mother of Prince Mohamed Saïd Toussoun (1872-1898). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing large black bow at neck, with white collar, and hat, looking right, hair pulled back.
HIL/450/7   [c. 1930]
Bahachat-Hur Hanem (d. 1933), wife of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876); mother of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing large black bow at neck, with white collar, and hat, looking left, hair pulled back.
HIL/450/8   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Saïd Toussoun (1872-1898), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Hegar Kaden (d.1891). Half-length, as a young man, handlebar moustache, wearing plain military uniform, with crown on right epaulette, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/9   [c. 1930]
Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), second son of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Bahachat-Hur Hanem (d. 1933). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young man, pencil moustache, standing leaning on wall, wearing suit and tie, and tarboosh, and holding walking stick in right hand.
HIL/450/10   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Injou Toussoun (1876-1915), daughter of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Tigh-Fer Hanem (d. 1881); married Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire (1913-1917). Full-length, as a young woman, standing behind carved wooden chair, holding feather fan, wearing pearl necklace and earrings and bulrush embroidered, Victorian-style dress, hair pulled up.
HIL/450/11   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Djémil Toussoun (1874-1933), third son of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Princess Fatima Ismaïl (1853-1920). Head and shoulders, as a young man, handlebar moustache, wearing dark frock coat, white shirt with stand up collar, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/12   [c. 1930]
Princess Ismet (1875-1904), daughter of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Princess Fatima Ismaïl (1853-1920). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing floral patterned, Victorian-style dress trimmed with lace, and lace trimmed hat.
HIL/450/13   [c. 1930]
Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), second son of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Bahachat-Hur Hanem (d. 1933). Head and shoulders, as a old man, handlebar moustache, wearing dark suit, patterned tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/14   [c. 1930]
Bahidjeh Hassan (1877-1947), wife of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), daughter of Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888) and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Ali (1859-1915); mother of Saïd Toussoun (1901-1980), Hassan Toussoun (1901-1946), Emineh Toussoun (1903-), Ismet (1904-1918). Three-quarter length, in middle age, seated in a chair, wearing patterned silks and furs, hair pulled back.
HIL/450/15   [c. 1930]
Saïd Toussoun (1901-1980), eldest son of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), and his wife Bahidjeh Hassan (1877-1947). Head and shoulders, in middle age, English moustache, wearing suit and tie, round glasses, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/16   [c. 1930]
Hassan Toussoun (1901-1946), second son of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), and his wife Bahidjeh Hassan (1877-1947). Head and shoulders, in middle age, English moustache, wearing dark suit, white shirt, striped tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/17   [c. 1930]
Emineh Toussoun (1903-), daughter of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), and his wife Bahidjeh Hassan (1877-1947); married Omar Halim, 1922; married Ali Kémal, 1932. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing three-stringed pearl necklace, and with bobbed hair.
HIL/450/18   [c. 1930]
Ismet (1904-1918), daughter of Prince Omar Toussoun (1872-1944), and his wife Bahidjeh Hassan (1877-1947). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, in left profile, wearing dark dress with sailor-style collar, hair pulled back with headband.
HIL/450/19   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Djémil Toussoun (1874-1933), third son of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Princess Fatima Ismaïl (1853-1920); married Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966), 1896. Half-length, in old age, English moustache, wearing pinstriped suit, white shirt and pocket square and striped tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/450/20   [c. 1930]
Nabil Adil Toussoun Pasha (1896-), only son of Prince Mohamed Djémil Toussoun (1874-1933), and his wife Princess Nimet-Allah (1881-1966); married Nabila Emineh Sabry, 1924; married Naguiba Moheb, 1926. Head and shoulders, in middle age, wearing dark suit and dark patterned tie.
HIL/450/21   [c. 1930]
Nabila Emineh Sabri (d. 1925), wife of Adil Toussoun Pasha (1896-), daughter of Mohamed Abd-el-Réhim Sabri Pasha. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing make up and a patterned, 1920s-style sleeveless dress, and a pearl necklace, bobbed hair.
HIL/450/22   [c. 1930]
Nabil Mohamed Tewfik Toussoun, son of Adil Toussoun Pasha (1896-), and his wife Nabila Emineh Sabri (d. 1925). Full-length, as a boy, wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirt with sailor-style collar, with two teddy bears at his feet.
HIL/451/1-33   [c. 1930]
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 33 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. The album was probably compiled c. 1930 (see HIL/452). Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 27 x 35 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/6.
Former reference numbers: Album 5; 4.
Digitised material for Album of 33 portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family - HIL/451/1-33
HIL/451/1   [c. 1930]
Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Vali of Egypt (1805-1848). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in old age, full beard and moustache, standing with right hand resting on column base, wearing dark embroidered tunic, belt, sword, and tasselled tarboosh, with scene of the River Nile and the pyramids in the distance.
HIL/451/2   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), fifteenth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Vali of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Nam-Chaz Kaden (d. 1869). Head and shoulders, in middle age, full beard and moustache, wearing stambouli frock coat, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/3   [c. 1930]
Widgan Kaden (d. 1889), wife of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), mother of Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and Princess Kérima (1871-1897). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark Victorian-style dress with central lace ruffles, drop earrings and brooch, hair pulled back.
HIL/451/4   [c. 1930]
Princess Fatima Halim (d. 1871), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Aram-del Kaden. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark velvet Victorian-style dress with white lace trim, looking over right shoulder, loose hair.
HIL/451/5   [c. 1930]
Princess Zahra Halim (1863-1922), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Echnay-del Kaden. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark dress with tasselled collar, and brooch at collar, hair pulled into a crown braid.
HIL/451/6   Early 20th century
Princess Nazli Halim (1864-1945), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Tran-del Kaden. Photograph of a 1906 painting by Victor Oscar Guettn (1873-1916). Full-length, as a young woman, standing with right hand resting on embroidered chair with roses lying on the seat, wearing light coloured, Edwardian-style dress and belero jacket, with tiara and other jewels, holding evening gloves in left hand, hair pulled up.
HIL/451/7   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Widgan Kaden (d. 1889). Three-quarter length, as a young man, pencil moustache, wearing dark frock coat, white shirt with stand up collar, patterned tie, and tarboosh, holding gloves in left hand.
HIL/451/8   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), second son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Widgan Kaden (d. 1889). Three-quarter length, as a young man, pencil moustache, wearing tweed three-piece suit and with watch-chain, white shirt with winged collar, tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/9   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Halim (1868-1926), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Seza Kaden (d. 1928). Three-quarter length, as a young woman, wearing dark, Victorian-style dress embroidered with foliage, standing between chair and side table with pot plant, with long hair flowing over her shoulder.
HIL/451/10   [c. 1930]
Princess Roukayeh Halim (1868-1952), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Tran-del Kaden. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dress with buttoned front and contrast stand up collar, hair pulled back.
HIL/451/11   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Halim Pasha (1869-1944), third son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Mazhar-Faid Kaden. Half-length, as a young man, wearing checked three-piece suit, white shirt with stand-up collar, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/12   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Halim (1870-1921), fourth son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Narandel Kaden. Half-length, as a young man, wearing checked three-piece suit buttoned at top, white shirt with stand-up collar, pince-nez with chain, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/13   [c. 1930]
Princess Kerima (1871-1897), daughter of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Wigdan Kaden. Half-length, as a young woman, in right profile, wearing beaded dress with floral pattern, ruff collar, without jewels, hair pulled back into braided bun.
HIL/451/14   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Widgan Kaden (d. 1889). Three-quarter length, as an old man, handlebar moustache and shaped beard, wearing brocade military frock coat with stand collar, sash and belt, decorations at neck and left breast, sword, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/15   [c. 1930]
Princess Emineh Injou Toussoun (1876-1915), wife of Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), daughter of Prince Mohamed Toussoun Pasha (1853-1876), and his wife Tigh-Fer Hanem (d. 1881); mother of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Halim (1896-1960), Nabil Omar Halim (1898-1954). Full-length, seated in carpet-draped chair, wearing collarless floral patterned dress, flat hat embellished with fabric flowers, holding misbaḥah in left hand.
HIL/451/16   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Halim (1896-1960), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), and his wife Princess Emineh Injou Toussoun (1876-1915). Head and shoulders, in middle age, toothbrush moustaches, wearing dark suit and tie,white shirt with winged collar.
HIL/451/17   [c. 1930]
Nabil Omar Halim (1898-1954), second son of Prince Mohamed Saïd Halim (1865-1921), and his wife Princess Emineh Injou Toussoun (1876-1915); married Nabila Emineh Omar Toussoun (1903-), 1922. Three-quarter length, as a young man, toothbrush moustache, standing wearing military coat over uniform, with Astrakhan hat.
HIL/451/18   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), second son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Widgan Kaden (d. 1889). Three-quarter length, as an old man, full beard and moustache, wearing dark suit and overcoat, patterned tie, white shirt and gloves, tarboosh, and holding walking stick in right hand.
HIL/451/19   [c. 1930]
Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951), wife of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), daughter of Mohamed Tewfick Pasha (1852-1892), Khedive of Egypt (1879-1892), and his wife Princess Emineh Ilhamy (1858-1931); mother of Nabila Widgan (Nichine) (1897-1966), Nabila Kérima (Fatima) (1898-1971), Nabila Emineh (Panba) (1899-1979), Nabila Tewfika (Hameda) (1900-), Nabila Nimet (1908-), Nabila Zeïnab (Marzouka) (1915-). Head, in middle age, looking to left, wearing white hat, hair pulled up.
HIL/451/20   [c. 1930]
Nabila Widgan (Nichine) (1897-1966), first daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Full-length, as a young woman, standing, wearing 1920s-style, drop-waisted evening dress in metallic fabric, flower corsage on right breast, starred headband and fur wrap.
HIL/451/21   [c. 1930]
Nabila Kérima (Fatima) (1898-1971), second daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, looking left, wearing necklace with two pendants and pearl earrings, hair pulled back. Arabic inscription.
HIL/451/22   [c. 1930]
Nabila Emineh (Panba) (1899-1979), third daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Full-length, as a young woman, leaning against sideboard, wearing floral patterned dress with gauze sleeves, necklace, bracelet and drop earrings, bobbed hair.
HIL/451/23   [c. 1930]
Nabila Tewfika (Hameda) (1900-), fourth daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Full-length, as a young woman, seated on stool, wearing tiara and pearl necklace, and beaded, leaf patterned, 1920s-style dress, bobbed hair.
HIL/451/24   [c. 1930]
Nabila Nimet (1908-), fifth daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing pearl necklace and embroidered leaf patterned dress, hair pulled back.
HIL/451/25   [c. 1930]
Nabila Zeïnab (Marzouka) (1915-) sixth daughter of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), and his wife Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing white dress and pin in bobbed hair.
HIL/451/26   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ali Halim (1869-1944), third son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Mazhar-Faid Kaden. Head and shoulders, as an old man, English moustache, wearing darksuit, white shirt, tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/451/27   [c. 1930]
Anissa Hanem Djélal (1875-c. 1955), wife of Prince Mohamed Ali Halim (1869-1944), daughter of Ali Djélal Pasha (1873-1894) and Princess Zobeïda Mohamed Ali (1850-); mother of Mohamed Saïd Halim (1896-1970). Half-length, as a young woman, wearing corsetted dress, heavily embellished with fabric flowers and lace sleeves, with ruffled lace choker and feather in hair.
HIL/451/28   [c. 1930]
Nabil Mohamed Saïd Halim (1896-1970), son of Prince Mohamed Ali Halim (1869-1944), and his wife Anissa Hanem Djélal (1875-c. 1955). Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing British military uniform, cap, and Sam Browne belt.
HIL/451/29   [c. 1930]
Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Halim (1870-1921), fourth son of Prince Mohamed Abdel-Halim Pasha (1831-1894), and his wife Narandel Kaden. Three-quarter length, in middle age, handlebar moustache, wearing double-breasted frock coat, white shirt with stand-up collar, leather gloves, tarboosh, and pince-nez, holding walking stick in right hand.
HIL/451/30   [c. 1930]
Princess Ulfette Khadidja Fadel (1875-), wife of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Halim (1870-1921), daughter of Prince Osman Fouad (1850-1898) and Princess Pakiza (1859-1921); mother of Nabila Badi'a (1896-1920) and Nabil Abbas Halim (1897-1972). Photographic copy of a painting, reproduced by Hahn's Nachfolger, Dresden. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing plumed tiara, veil, necklace and other jewels.
HIL/451/31   [c. 1930]
Nabila Bedi'a (1896-1920), daughter of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Halim (1870-1921), and his wife Princess Ulfette Khadidja Fadel (1875-). Full-length, as a young woman, standing behind chair, wearing layered, high-collared dress with belt and lace cap.
HIL/451/32   [c. 1930]
Nabil Abbas Halim (1897-1972), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Ibrahim Halim (1870-1921), and his wife Princess Ulfette Khadidja Fadel (1875-). Full-length, as a young man, wearing German military uniform, holding cap in right hand and gloves in left hand.
HIL/451/33   [c. 1930]
Nabila Tewhideh (1901-c. 1977), wife of Nabil Abbas Halim (1897-1972), daughter of Ahmed Medhet Yeghen Pasha and Wahida Hanem (1831-1911). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, with bobbed hair, and long beaded necklace.
HIL/555/1-3   [1898]
Photographs of Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951) and her husband Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935) with two of their six daughters, perhaps Nabila Widgan (Nichine) (1897-1966) and Nabila Kérima (Fatima) (1898-1971). Children shown on parents laps, and in a pram; parents seated on court chairs on carpets. One photograph is inscribed from Khadidja Mohamed Tewfik, ‘Bonne année’, and dated 1904. Photographer: Atelier Phébus, Constantinople.
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/555/4   [c. 1915]
Four of the daughters of Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfick (1879-1951) and Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935), dressed in black robes and veils in the traditional style of fellahin women, posed against studio backdrop. Photographer: Atelier Lassave, Alexandria & St Stefano (Ramleh).
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/452/1-35   c. 1930
Language:  Turkish; English
Album of 35 black and white portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family. Inscribed inside front cover: “Bu albüm Prens Ismail Davut tarafindan kahirede derlenmiştir, c. 1930” [This album has been compiled in Cairo by Prince Ismaïl Davut, c. 1930]. Each image is captioned in Turkish and subsequently in English; further list of captions enclosed. Album manufactured by Photo Tamburrini, Cairo. Information additional to captions has been drawn from Généalogie de la dynastie de Mohamed Aly le Grand (see HIL/434/1), and for some later dates from online sources.
Brown cloth-bound album
Size: 27 x 35 cm
Accessioned, 13 August 2012: Misc.2012/13:9/8.
Former reference number: Album 6.
Digitised material for Album of 35 portrait photographs and photographic copies of painted portraits of members of the khedivial family - HIL/452/1-35
HIL/452/1   c. 1930
Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Vali of Egypt (1805-1848). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, in old age, full beard and moustache, standing wearing dark gold brocade tunic with epaulettes, sash, belt, and tarboosh, with left hand on [sword].
HIL/452/2   c. 1930
Zeiba Khadidja Kaden (d. 1878), wife of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Vali of Egypt (1805-1848); mother of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861). Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing diamond earrings and necklace, with crown braid in her hair.
HIL/452/3   c. 1930
Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861), sixteenth son of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), Vali of Egypt (1805-1848), and his wife Zeiba Khadidja Kaden (d. 1878). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, in middle age, handlebar moustache and shaped beard, standing with right hand resting on side table, wearing dark gold braided tunic, sash, belt, gold braided tarboosh, with star decorations at neck and left breast; a marble bust of Mohamed Ali Pasha and a mosque in background.
HIL/452/4   c. 1930
Felixo Kaden (d. 1893), wife of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861); mother of Princess Khadidja (1859-1915). Photographic copy of a painting. Full-length, as a young woman, standing outside beside columns and balustrade, wearing flower tiara, pearl necklace with pendant miniature portrait, and dark, embroidered, off-shoulder dress trimmed with lace, bobbed hair.
HIL/452/5   c. 1930
Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861), and his wife Hadiya. Photograph of painting. Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing dark frock coat, cravatte, and tarboosh. For duplicate, see HIL/452/9.
HIL/452/6   c. 1930
Princess Naïmeh (1862-1904), daughter of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden. Photographic copy of a painting. Half-length, as a child, wearing gown and soft cap.
HIL/452/7   c. 1930
Princess Zobeïda (1850-), daughter of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861), and his wife Niring Seza Kaden (d. 1854). Photograph of painting. Half-length, as a young woman, wearing floral lace, sash, and star decoration, hair pulled back.
HIL/452/8   c. 1930
Princess Khadidja (1859-1915), daughter of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861), and his wife Felixo Kaden (d. 1893); married Prince Hassan Pasha (1854-1888), 1873. Full-length, in 1873, standing leaning on back of chair, wearing jewels, hat and [?wedding] dress with train embellished with fabric flowers. With inscription [?photographer], dated 1873.
HIL/452/9   c. 1930
Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), eldest son of Prince Mohamed Ali Pasha the younger (1833-1861), and his wife Hadiya. Photograph of painting. Head and shoulders, as a young man, wearing dark frock coat, cravatte, and tarboosh. For duplicate, see HIL/452/5.
HIL/452/10   c. 1930
Princess Naïmeh (1862-1904), daughter of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden; married Prince Kamel Fadel, 1879. Photographic copy of a painting. Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing jewelled headdress and other jewels, and dress with square neckline and lace trim.
HIL/452/11   c. 1930
Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), eldest son of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden. Full-length, as a young man, standing leaning on carved table, wearing stambouli frock coat with stand collar and tarboosh, holding walking stick in left hand.
HIL/452/12   c. 1930
Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), son of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden. Half-length, as a boy, seated in a rowing boat with carpet draped over gunwale, wearing dark suit, cravatte, and tasselled tarboosh.
HIL/452/13   c. 1930
Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), eldest son of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden. Full-length, as a young man, twirled moustache, seated beside table, wearing military brocade tunic, sword, and tarboosh.
HIL/452/14   c. 1930
Senieh Hanem Mansour (1870-1934), wife of Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921); mother of Prince Ismaïl (1892-1956), Nabil Mansour (1897-1965), Nabil Saïd (1898-1945), Nabil Soliman (1901-1967). Full-length, seated on bench, wearing wave patterned dress with lace stole.
HIL/452/15   c. 1930
Prince Ismaïl (1892-1956), eldest son of Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), and his wife Senieh Hanem Mansour (1870-1934). Full-length, in middle age, English moustache, standing in military uniform with gold cords, asymmetrical rouleau fastenings, sword, and tarboosh.
HIL/452/16   c. 1930
Nabil Mansour (1897-1965), son of Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), and his wife Senieh Hanem Mansour (1870-1934). Half-length, in middle age, seated by wooden window screen, wearing dark suit and tie with withe shirt and pocket square.
HIL/452/17   c. 1930
Nabil Saïd (1898-1945), son of Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), and his wife Senieh Hanem Mansour (1870-1934). Three-quarter length, in middle age, pencil moustache, seated at side table with book, wearing dark suit with wihite shirt with winged collar, tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/452/18   c. 1930
Nabil Soliman (1901-1967), son of Mohamed Daoud Pasha (1864-1921), and his wife Senieh Hanem Mansour (1870-1934). Full-length, in middle age, English moustache, wearing pinstriped suit, white shirt, tie, and tasselled tarboosh.
HIL/452/19   c. 1930
Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), son of Prince Ismaïl Bey Daoud (1848-1872), and his wife Nazik-per Kaden. Head and shoulders, as a young man, twirled moustache, wearing suit with jewel buttoned shirt, tie and brooch on lapel.
HIL/452/20   c. 1930
Princess Perwer (1874-1931), wife of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898); mother of Nabil Ismaïl (b. 1892), Nabila Zobeïda (b. 1893). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing dark dress with square neckline and gauze collar, hair pulled back.
HIL/452/21   c. 1930
Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872), wife of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898); mother of Mohamed Ali (b. 1890), Ayn-el-Hayat (b. 1894), Nabila Bahidjeh (b. 1895), Hachem (b. 1898). Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing pearls and dark dress, bobbed hair.
HIL/452/22   c. 1930
Nabila Zubeïda (b. 1893), daughter of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Perwer (1874-1931). Three-quarter length, as a young woman, standing in white, Edwardian-style, long-sleeved dress, hair pulled back.
HIL/452/23   c. 1930
Zeïnab Hanem (1890-1921), daughter of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Raz-Del Hanem. Half-length, as a child, seated wearing striped dress.
HIL/452/24   c. 1930
Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890), eldest son of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872). Three-quarter length, as a boy, standing leaning on chair, wearing Prince of Wales checked jacket, and white shirt with winged collar, pocket square and tie.
HIL/452/25   c. 1930
Nabila Ferhunde, daughter of [?Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898)]. Full-length, as a child, standing with flowers, holding flower in left hand, wearing striped dress.
HIL/452/26   c. 1930
Ayn-el-Hayat (b. 1894), daughter of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872). Three-quarter length, as a child, seated in chair, wearing white lace dress with high collar, hair loose.
HIL/452/27   c. 1930
Nabil Ismaïl Hussein (b. 1892), second son of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Perwer (1874-1931). Head and shoulders, in middle age, handlebar moustache, wearing dark suit, white shirt, striped tie, and tarboosh.
HIL/452/28   c. 1930
Hachem (b. 1898), third son of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872). Head and shoulders, in middle age, English moustache, wearing military uniform with epaulettes, with ribbon bar decorations.
HIL/452/29   c. 1930
Nabila Bahidjeh (b. 1895), daughter of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872). Full-length, in middle age, standing in left profile with left hand on table, wearing beaded dress with train, bobbed hair.
HIL/452/30   c. 1930
Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890), eldest son of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel (1870-1898), and his wife Princess Emineh Djawidan (b. 1872). Head and shoulders, in middle age, English moustache, wearing dark suit, white shirt and tie, and pince-nez.
HIL/452/31   c. 1930
[?Aïcha Hanem], wife of [Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890).] Half-length, as a young woman, wearing dark dress with white blouse and sailor-collar, holding flowers in her hands, hair swept up.
HIL/452/32   c. 1930
[?Fatima Fauzia, wife of Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890).] Head and shoulders, as a young woman, wearing two strings of pearls, with waved bobbed hair.
HIL/452/33   c. 1930
Nabil Shehab-el-Dine Bey, son of [?Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890) and Aïcha Hanem]. Full-length, as a young boy, standing leaning on table, holding booklet, wearing sailor uniform.
HIL/452/34   c. 1930
Nabila Ismette, daughter of [?Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890)]. Full-length, as a young girl, seated on chair, wearing crotcheted dress, bobbed hair.
HIL/452/35   c. 1930
Nabila Naïmeh Hanem, daughter of [?Mohamed Ali Hussein (b. 1890)]. Full-length, as a young girl, wearing felt coat with exaggerated collar, beret, holding teddy bear by the arm, and with leather satchel across her right shoulder.
HIL/56/74   [ca. 1930]
Portrait photograph of unidentified man enclosed in letter in HIL/56, possibly K.B. Ben Mabrouk
Size: 70 x 70 mm
HIL/550/1-3   [1930s]
Photographs of a man casting a fishing net
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/550/4   [1930s]
An old man, with a car in the background, captioned “Soleïman du Mitla Pass”
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/458/1-17   [1934]
Photographs taken by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim during an expedition with László Almásy and others to Jebel Uweinat and and Jebel Kissu, and depicting prehistoric epigraphy, and archaeological remains, as well as portraits of members of the expedition and scenes from its progress from Kharga, via Baris oasis, to the Jilf al Kabir plateau. The expedition was probably that of the Royal Egyptian Automobile Club in 1934. Agfa Photo Service, Cairo, wallet (HIL/458/17).
16 prints 
Digitised material for Photographs taken by Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim during an expedition to Jebel Uweinat and Jebel Kissu - 1934- HIL/458/1-17
HIL/458/1   [1934]
Caption: Seul Point de repère à l'entrée de Oenat. Ras El Abd.
[László Almásy] in sun glasses and white flying cap, with jebel [Uweinat] in the background.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/2   [1934]
Rock art: giraffe, antelope, and other horned quadrupeds.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/3   [1934]
Caption: Un des dessins prehistoriques dans... .
Anthropomorphic figure: ?swimmer.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/4   [1934]
Caption: Dessins prehistorique gravés sur le granit.
Rock art: ?cow.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/5   [1934]
Rock art: horned quadrupeds, ?cattle.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/6   [1934]
Pebbled sand.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/7   [1934]
Caption: Dessins prehistoriques.
Rock art: quadrupeds with human figures.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/8   [1934]
Caption: Cave ou se trouvent les dessins prehistoriques. Je fout de coucher dans la cave pour pouvoir le voir.
Two men, one reclining, in low cave.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/9   [1934]
Caption: Hôtel de Moustapha Omar à Kharga.
Three vehicles parked outside low white building.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/10   [1934]
Caption: L'Oasis de Paris ou Baris en arabe. L'Egypt a aussi son petit Paris.
Group of Egyptians beside three vehicles, with palm plantation in background.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/11   [1934]
Caption: Un premier déjuner a Oenal.
Three men eating a meal, seated on canisters of benzine and Shell motor oil, in the shadow of a rock.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/12   [1934]
Caption: Maison en pierres construite pas les membres de la tribe des Thibous.
Man with rifle standing in horseshoe-shaped drystone walled enclosure.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/13   [1934]
Caption: Interieure d'une maison de Kharga.
Three Egyptian children descending steps in a house at Kharga.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/14   [1934]
Five vehicles, parked above a plain, with figures grouped around them.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/15   [1934]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, changing a back tyre of a vehible (C. 118), two other men looking on.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/458/16   [1934]
Rock art: giraffe and antelope.
1 print 
Size: 127 x 96 mm
HIL/549/1   [1935 x 1937]
Dürrüşehvar Sultan (1914-2006), Princess of Berar, seated carrying her eldest son Nizam Mir Barkat Ali Khan Siddiqi Mukarram Jah (1933-1923), Asaf Jah VIII, Nizam of Hyderabad
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/76/265   1936
Passport photograph of `Abd al-Hamid Hamdi
Size: 62 x 40 mm
HIL/50/14   [ca. 1936-1940]
Photograph of informal group seated in garden, `Abbas Hilmi second from left next to gentleman in full Arab dress. Possibly taken in Palestine. Enclosed with letters in HIL/50.
Size: 86 x 137 mm
HIL/540/1-30   [1880s-1940s]
Language:  Arabic; French
Photograph album, with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic styled coloured panel on front cover, containing photographs of events around the marriage of King Farouk and Queen Farida, and other members of the Mohamed Ali dynasty between the 1840s and 1940s
Brown leather album, marbled effect, with paper tie
Size: 25 x 34 cm
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/540/1   20 January 1938
Postage stamp commemorating the marriage of King Farouk and Queen Farida on 20 January 1938; stamped 18 November 1938, 4.00 p.m.
Size: 29 x 62 mm
HIL/540/2   [c. 1880s]
Prince Abdel Halim (1830-1894), holding a lute, and family
1 print
Size: 166 x 224 mm
HIL/540/3   [24 November 1938]
King Farouk presiding at the opening of the Egyptian parliament
1 print
Size: 212 x 296 mm
HIL/540/4   20 January 1938
King Farouk and Queen Farida and guests at their wedding banquet at Koubbeh Palace. Guests include: Princess Nimet Mouhtar (1876–1945) and Sultana Melek (1869–1956)
1 print
Size: 219 x 280 mm
HIL/540/5   20 January 1938
Two cups and tray, wedding gifts from the Egyptian royal family to King Farouk and Queen Farida on their marriage
1 print
Size: 175 x 290 mm
HIL/540/6   20 January 1938
Lace veil, a wedding gift from the Egyptian royal family to King Farouk and Queen Farida on their marriage. Photographer Studio J. [Jean] Weinberg, Cairo
1 print
Size: 135 x 175 mm
HIL/540/7   20 January 1938
Two cups and tray, in presentation box, wedding gifts from the Egyptian royal family to King Farouk and Queen Farida on their marriage. Photographer K. Papazian, [Cairo]
1 print
Size: 174 x 124 mm
HIL/540/8   20 January 1938
Guests at the banquet at the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida at Koubbeh Palace
1 print
Size: 221 x 281 mm
HIL/540/9   20 January 1938
King Farouk and Queen Farida at their wedding [at Koubbeh Palace]
1 print
Size: 165 x 226 mm
HIL/540/10   [1938]
Interior of [Koubbeh Palace]
1 print
Size: 169 x 227 mm
HIL/540/11   20 January 1938
King Farouk and Queen Farida at their wedding [at Koubbeh Palace]
1 print
Size: 171 x 229 mm
HIL/540/12   January 1938
Guests at the Orientalist party in the Pleasure Pavilion Koubbeh Palace, following the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 169 x 229 mm
HIL/540/13   January 1938
Guests at the Orientalist party in the Pleasure Pavilion, Koubbeh Palace, following the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 169 x 220 mm
HIL/540/14   [1938]
View of central island and lake at the Pleasure Pavilion, Koubbeh Palace
1 print
Size: 147 x 216 mm
HIL/540/15   [late 1930s]
Interior of [Palace]. On reverse: 5; Press photo, H.G. Wolff Stettin, Pölitzer Str. 16, Germany
1 print
Size: 108 x 157 mm
HIL/540/16   January 1938
Princess Iffet Hassan and Princess Chivekiar arrive at the Oriental party in the Pleasure Pavilion, Koubbeh Palace, following the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 120 x [170] mm
HIL/540/17   January 1938
Princess Faiza arrives at the Orientalist party in the Pleasure Pavilion, Koubbeh Palace, following the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 170 x 120 mm
HIL/540/18   20 January 1938
Nabila Nimet Halim, standing in front of screen, at the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 215 x 160 mm
HIL/540/19   20 January 1938
Nabila Zeïnab (Marzouka) Halim (1915-), standing in front of screen, at the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida. With Arabic inscription, and signed “Abbas”
1 print
Size: 222 x 166 mm
HIL/540/20   [15 March 1939]
Crown Prince Mohammad Reza of Iran and Princess Fawzia [at their wedding in Abdin Palace, Cairo]
1 print
Size: 174 x 124 mm
HIL/540/21   [late 1930s]
Royal family group photograph at the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida
1 print
Size: 211 x 287 mm
HIL/540/22   1942
Royal family group photograph at a fancy dress party in Toussoun Palace, Cairo
1 print
Size: 174 x 231 mm
HIL/540/23   1926
Prince Farouk (1920-1965), aged six, wearing short and a tie. Photographer Alban
1 print
Size: 254 X 181 mm
HIL/540/24   [1930s]
Queen Nazli (1894-1978), seated in large chair with a cushion under her feet, holding a white feather fan. With inscription “Affectionately, Nazli, 193...”. Photographer Alban
1 print
Size: 271 x 206 mm
HIL/540/25   [late 1930s]
Nabila Tewfika (Hameda) (1900-), Nabila Nimet (1908-), and Nabila Zeïnab (Marzouka) (1915-), posed in front of a screen [at the wedding of King Farouk and Queen Farida]
1 print
Size: 161 x 206 mm
HIL/540/26   1346 A.H. [1927/8]
Princess Mounira Hamdi (1884-1944). Head and shoulders, wearing ribboned decoration on left side. With Arabic inscription
1 print
Size: 240 x 179 mm
HIL/540/27   [early 1930s]
Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim Pacha (1866-1935),
1 print
Size: 224 x 170 mm
HIL/540/28   [1930s]
Princess Lutfiya Chevkette (1900-1975), daughter of Khedive Abbas Hilmi II
1 print
Size: 215 x 164 mm
HIL/540/29   [late 1880s]
Princess Khadija Hanim (1880-1951) and Princess Nimetallah Kamal el Dine (1881-1966) as infants, standing in Ottoman dress. Photographer [illegible], Cairo
1 print
Size: 214 x 149 mm
HIL/540/30   [1840s]
Photograph of a pencil and wash croquis or sketch of Mohamed Ali Pasha (1769-1849), seated, by an unknown artist. Original sketch in the collections of the Tate Gallery, London
1 print
Size: 139 x 196 mm
HIL/540/31   [late 20th century]
Typescript captions numbered 1-25
HIL/502/1-11   20 January 1938
Wedding party of King Farouk I with Farida (Safinaz Zulficar) at Koubbeh and Abdin Palaces. Photographs, with keys to persons depicted. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
11 photographic prints; 11 f. paper
Size: 294 x 213 mm
Digitised material for Wedding party of King Farouk I with Farida (Safinaz Zulficar) at Koubbeh and Abdin Palaces - 20 January 1938 - HIL/502/1-11
HIL/502/1   20 January 1938
Group of men at the ceremonial steps in the garden of Koubbeh Palace, departing from the marriage ceremony, Nebil Saïd Toussoun holding a presentation box of sweets: Şerif Pasha Sabri (uncle of Farouk I), Nabil Abbas Halim, Nabil Adil Toussoun, Nabil Hassan Toussoun, Nabil Saïd Toussoun, Nabil Sulayman Daoud, Prince Ibrahim Halim, Nabil Saïd Daoud, Prince Omar Toussoun, Amr Ibrahim, Mansur Daoud, Prince Youssef Kemal, Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Prince Ismaïl Daoud. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/2   20 January 1938
Group of staff standing with Farouk I and Farida at the entrance of the tea tent: Hassanein Pasha, Faik Bey Yeghen master of ceremonies, Semir Zulficar Bey master of ceremonies, Iksan Bey Abou Şeneb Fada, Kaimakam Omar Fathy Bey chief aide-de-camp, Mahmoud Taha Sioufi Bey master of ceremonies, El Lewa Hamza Pasha, Mohrousa, Saïd Pasha Zulficar. Men wear military uniforms, the bride wears a white embroidered wedding gown with sash, tiara and veil, with feathered fan. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/3   20 January 1938
After taking tea in the garden, a group stands in the grand hall of the Harem. The facing doorway leads to the Harem garden, the left doorway leads to stairs to the second floor, behind the photographer is doorway to the grand entrance staircase. Group includes: Princess Vicdan Ibrahim Hilmi, Prince Omer Toussoun, Prince Youssef Kemal, Prince Mohamed Ali Hassan, Sultana Mélek, Princess Şivekar, Prince Mohamed Ali, Queen Farida, King Farouk I, Queen Nazli, Saïd Pasha Zulficar, Princess Felhize, Princess Faizah, Princess Faïkeh, Hassanein Pasha, Princess Şemiha, Princess Hatije (obscured behind) Princess Nimet Ismail, Princess Iffet, Princess Kadriye, Princess Rukiye, Princess Hurriyeh Hamdi, Princess Munire. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/4   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Nabil Ismail Daoud, Princess Fewzieh, Prince Youssef Kemal, Queen Ferida, King Farouk I, Sultana Mélek, Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Princess Faizah, Nabil Saïd Toussoun. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/5   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Nabil Adil Toussoun, Princess Nimet Ismail, Prince Mohamed Ali, Queen Nazli, Princess Kadriye. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/6   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Princess Ziba Hassan, Princess Şivekar, Tahir, Princess Vicdan Ibrahim Hilmi. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/7   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Emineh Fazil, Nabila Nimet Halim, Nabila Behije, Fazile Ben Ayad, Mm Cattaoni Pasha first lady of honour, Fathiye Abou Ibag. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/8   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Princess Iffet, Princess Ziba, Princess Şivekar, Tahir, Princess Vicdan Ibrahim Hilmi, Ihsan Mohsen, Nabila Ayche Hassan, Nabila Kerime Halim, Emineh Toussoun, Mahweg Toussoun wife of Saïd Toussoun, Emineh Tugay, Şerifé Kurhan daughter of General Şerif Pasha, Şehiré Sabri daughter of Hussein Sabri uncle of King Farouk I, Fatma Hanim lady of honour of Sultana Mélek, Aides-de-camp. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/9   20 January 1938
Large family dinner at Abdin Palace on the evening of the marriage. Group includes: Rassein, Hayriye Hindawi Hanim lady of honour, Mm Mihala Pasha chief lady of honour, Princess Adile Sulayman Daoud, Nabila Wicdan Halim, Princess Mahmoud Hamdi Mahwash Fazil. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/10   20 January 1938
Buffet after the marriage soirée, in the new room at Abdin Palace. Group includes: Princess Ziba, Daughter of Princess Fatma, Daughter of Prince Aziz Hassan, Nabila Adile Sulayman Daoud, Princess Bahiga Omar Toussoun, Princess Huriye Hamdi, Princess Vicdan Ibrahim Hilmi, Princess Mahouche Fadel, Mm Cattaoni, Nabil Abbas Halim, Princess Iffet, Queen Nazli, Princess Nimet Ismail, Sisters of King Farouk I, Queen Ferida. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/502/11   20 January 1938
Buffet after the marriage soirée, in the new room at Abdin Palace. Group includes: Aziz Pasha Izzet, Nabila Nimet Halim, Nabila Behije Hussein daughter of Prince Hussein Bey Kamel, Suleyman Daoud, Princess Şivekar, Princess Behieh wife of Aziz Pasha Izzet, the daughter of Princess Fatma. Photographer: Riad Shehata, Cairo.
1 photographic print
HIL/51/126   [ca. 1940]
Large mounted photograph of group standing at the entrance to a building in Germany or Austria, including `Abbas Hilmi standing centre. Photographer: Elias D. Bichara, Cairo. Originally enclosed with other papers in HIL/51.
Size: 177 x 232 mm (photo); 295 x 382 mm (mount)
HIL/484/4-7   26 September 1940
Marriage of Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim with Princess Fatma Neslişah, at the Heliopolis Palace, Cairo, 26 September 1940.
HIL/484/4   26 September 1940
Wedding group of men, standing on paving beside building, l to r: Prince Şehzade Osman Fuad Efendi (1895-1973), Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfick (1875-1855), Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi (1898-1969), Prince Şehzade Ali Vâsib Efendi (1903-1983), Prince Youssef Kemal (1882-1965), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979), Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (1900-1977).
1 photographic print
Size: 173 x 126 mm
HIL/484/5   26 September 1940
Wedding group of men, walking through garden. Front group, l to r: Prince Şehzade Osman Fuad Efendi (1895-1973), Prince Youssef Kemal (1882-1965). Second group, l to r: Prince Şehzade Ali Vâsib Efendi (1903-1983), Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi (1898-1969), Prince Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (1900-1977), Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979).

1 photographic print
Size: 174 x 122 mm
HIL/484/6   26 September 1940
Princess Fatma Neslişah, wearing lace wedding dress with train and headdress with veil with train, carrying small drawstring purse, standing at foot of wooden stairs.
1 photographic print
Size: 119 x 180 mm
HIL/484/7   26 September 1940
Princess Fatma Neslişah, wearing lace wedding dress with train and headdress with veil with train, carrying large bouquet of flowers, standing on carpets beside an engaged octagonal column.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 163 x 220 mm; mount 192 x 252 mm
HIL/500/7   22 October 1943
`Abbas Hilmi II. Head and shoulders, wearing suit and tie. Studio portrait, with inscription to İsmail Hakkı Okdey (1881-1977), and dated at Istanbul, 22 October 1943. Photographer: Abel, Paris.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 155 x 213 mm; mount 196 x 245 mm
Digitised material for `Abbas Hilmi II, with inscription to İsmail Hakkı Okdey (1881-1977), Istanbul -22 October 1943 - HIL/500/7
HIL/503/1-7   1944-[1950s]
Groups at outdoor social events, including shooting parties at Dahshur and Tell El Kebir. Groups include: King Farouk I, Sir Miles Lampson (1880-1964; UK Ambassador to Egypt 1936-1946), Otto von Habsburg (1912-2011), Prince Şehzade Ömer Faruk Osmanoğlu Efendi (1898-1969), Prince Soliman Daoud (1901-1967).
7 photographic prints
Digitised material for Groups at outdoor social events, including shooting parties at Dahshur and Tell El Kebir - 1944-1950s - HIL/503/1-7
HIL/516/8   [2017]
Princess Fatma Neslişah, wearing dark coat, green top and floral hat and veil over lower face, with pearl necklace, and hair in tight curls. Copy of front cover illustration of Al-Dawr no. 653 (30 April 1947).
Digitised material for Princess Fatma Neslişah - Copy of front cover illustration of Al-Dawr no. 653 - 30 April 1947 - HIL/516/8
HIL/539/1-6   January and April 1948
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) at airports and with small aircraft and crew or staff, including Mohamed Raafat, Director of Traffic of Egypt Airlines and Gamal Kotby (HIL/539/1-5); also Prince Soliman Daoud (1901-1967), with Mohamed Rouchdi, General Manager of Egypt Airlines, and Fouad Kotb, Controller-General of the Society [?]. Photographs taken following air charters by each prince in the Red Sea region. HIL/539/1-3, 6 Crown Copyright; HIL/539/6 copyright Le Journal d'Egypte.
6 photographic prints
Accessioned 24 October 2019 and 30 March 2020: Misc.2019/20:32 and 97.
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) at airports and with small aircraft and crew or staff - January and April 1948 - HIL/539/1-6
HIL/550/5-6   [1940s]
Racing cars on a street circuit, [Achille] Varzi driving. Postcards
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/550/7-8   [1940s x 1950s]
Bobo Benaki riding a horse in a yard
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/550/9   [1940s x 1950s]
Anne and Mohammed Izzet, horse-riding
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/548/1-2   [1960s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim (1899-1979) duck shooting near the pyramids, on the bank of the Nile and in car beside the Sphinx
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/527   [1950s]
Princesses Emineh (Panba) (b.1899), Nimet (b.1908), and (seated) Zeïnab (Marzouka) (b.1915), daughters of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim (1866-1935) and Princess Khadidja Mohamed Tewfik (1879-1951). Full-length, posed before a folding screen. Photographer: Alban, Alexandria, 13 Rue Fouad.
1 photographic print
Size: 204 x 164 mm
Digitised material for Princesses Emineh (Panba) (b.1899), Nimet (b.1908), and (seated) Zeïnab (Marzouka) (b.1915), daughters of Prince Mohamed Abbas Halim - 1950s - HIL/527
HIL/555/6   [late 1940s-early 1950s]
Ahmed, a cousin of Prince Abbas Hilmi, full length wearing a jacket, waistcoat and a tarboosh, standing on garden steps.
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/528/1-4   1952-1953
Family groups at Heliopolis, during the regency period.
4 photographic prints
HIL/528/1   [1952]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), Princess İkbal Hilmi (b.1944), seated inside the house at Heliopolis, the children reading a book.
For annotated duplicates see HIL/549/14-15.
1 photographic print
Size: 228 x 174 mm
HIL/528/2   1953
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), Princess İkbal Hilmi (b.1944), inside a formal reception room in the house at Heliopolis.
Laser copy of photograph
Size: 196 x 262 mmmm
HIL/528/3   1953
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), Princess İkbal Hilmi (b.1944), standing on the steps of the house at Heliopolis. Photographer: R. Chehate.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 167 x 225 mm; mount 191 x 248 mm
HIL/528/4   [1953]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), Princess İkbal Hilmi (b.1944), in the garden [at the house at Heliopolis], petting Semiha (gazelle), with a parrot in the background. Photographer: R. Chehate.
1 photographic print, mounted on card
Size: 217 x 166 mm; mount 248 x 190 mm
HIL/549/14-15   1952
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Princess Fatma Neslişah, Prince `Abbas Hilmi (b.1941), Princess İkbal Hilmi (b.1944), seated inside the house at Heliopolis, the children reading a book. Annotated with names, dates and signatures. Photographer: R. Chehate. Duplicates of HIL/528/1
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/541/1-19   1941-[c.1951]
Childhood photographs of Prince Abbas Hilmi (1941-) and Princess Ikbal (1944-). Photographers include: J. Feneyrol, Cannes
19 photographic prints
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/548/3-4   [1960s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim's wrecked overturned Ford car, between Aubonne and Rolle, Switzerland
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/529/3   [1960s]
Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Three-quarter length, in suit, white shirt and tie, seated in a comfortable chair, with cigar in left hand.
1 photographic print
Size: 126 x 175 mm
Digitised material for Prince Mohamed Abdel Moneim. Three-quarter length, in suit, white shirt and tie, seated in a comfortable chair, with cigar in left hand - 1960s - HIL/529/3
HIL/551/3   [1960s]
Princess Sabiha (1894-1971), Princess Fatma Neslişah (1921-2012), and Ambassador Emin Fuad and [his wife], standing in a small garden with a servant in attendance and a small dog
Accessioned 13 June 2023: Misc.2022/23:96.
HIL/551/1-2   9 February 1970
Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, half-length portrait, seated in chair with folded hands, dated and signed; with envelope
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/541/20-21   [c. 1971]
Prince Abbas Hilmi being greeted at a business reception in Kuwait; with compliment slip from Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co., Public Accountants
HIL/555/8   6 March 1976
Group at the reception at the marriage of Hanzade Izmir, including her mother Humaida and Princess Fatma Neslişah
Accessioned 26 July 2022: Misc.2021/22:99.
HIL/530/1-7   [2016]
Photographs of a visit by the Friends of Manial Palace to the Theresian Academy in 2016. Colour photocopies.
7 colour laser prints on paper
Accessioned 19 May 2017: Misc.2016/17:125.
Digitised material for Photographs of a visit by the Friends of Manial Palace to the Theresian Academy - 2016 - HIL/530/1-7
E. Objects
HIL/531   1896
Perfecscope stereoscope, made by H.C. White Co., North Bennington, Vermont. Plate holder inscribed in pencil (Turkish).
wood, metal, glass, textile
Size: 32 x 17.5 x 20.5 cm (l x w x h)
Index terms
HIL/532   [c. 1905]
Glyphoscope stereoscopic camera and viewer, with viewfinder; lacks metal metal slide to hold 45 x 107 mm plates). Manufactured by Jules Richard, Paris.
wood, metal, glass, textile
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Index terms
HIL/533   [1920s]
Stereoscope glass slide viewer, with adjustable focal length and eyepieces, manufactured by Mattey Unis-France.
wood, glass, metal
Index terms
HIL/534   [Early 20th century]
Djavidan Poudre de Riz (rice powder) cosmetic cream packaging box, with royal coat of arms, created for S.A. le Princesse Djavidan Scheherezade by the Institute de Beauté, 26 Place Vendôme, Paris.
   1 cardboard box
Size: 10 x 8 x 5 cm (l x w x h)
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Index terms
HIL/535   [Early 20th century]
Cologne bottle, with crown stopper, and label with “AH” monogram; with box inlaid with yellow satin, with royal emblem and “AH” monogram on front.
glass, cardboard   1 glass bottle, with box
Size: 123 x 87 x 38 mm (bottle); 130 x 96 x 48 mm (box) (l x h x w)
Accessioned 2 October 2017: Misc.2017/18:30.
Index terms
F. Letters of Mısırlı Ibrahim Pasha to Menlikli Ahmed Pasha, Governor of Adana
Reference: GB-0033-HIL-IP
Dates of creation: 1834-1836
Extent: 84 items
All place and personal names, and military or administrative terms are given in Turkish in content summaries. No attempt has been made to translate or provide English equivalents owing to the uncertainty of specific meanings in the original.
A "-" indicates letter with no address: most of these were probably written from Ibrahim Pasha's headquarters in Antayka
"Report" represents an unsolicited letter with information.
"Response" represents an answer to query by Ahmed Pasha.
"Order" represents specific order to Ahmed Pasha, usually in response to query.
Language:   Ottoman Turkish
These are photocopies only (the originals being in Istanbul).

Letters possibly addressed to Menlikli Ahmed Pasha in Gaza or Saida
HIL/IP/1   25 August 1834
Report on final quelling of the revolt in the Cebel Nablus against forced disarmament and conscription into the Egyptian army.
Capture of Seyh Kasimü `l-ahmed and son.
HIL/IP/2   1 September 1834
Order on disposal of artilllery battery newly arrived from Egypt.
Order to procure horses for 2nd cavalry regiment in Akka from Sheyh Sa`id or Sheyh Sa`id or Sheyh Abdü `l-hadi, and to send them to Damascus.
Order to arrest one of the sheyhs of Gaza said to be living in Mesime.
HIL/IP/3   30 October 1834
Order to send all weapons collected in future from Nablus to Akka.
HIL/IP/4   16 October 1834
Order to open all mail arriving from Egypt and send on to Gaza, Jaffa and Jerusalem as appropriate.
HIL/IP/5   17 December 1834
Response to query about health; now improving.
HIL/IP/6   29 December 1834
Request re appointment of bimbashi for 9th cavalry regiment.
HIL/IP/7   16 January 1835
Response to request re appointment of sagkol agasi.
HIL/IP/8   6 February 1835
Mısr (Cairo)
Response re terms of surrender granted by Selim Beğ to Arabs of Gaza. To be confirmed if they have restored property seized previously.
HIL/IP/9   14 February 1835
Response to request for cloth for regimental uniforms.
Letters addressed to Ahmed Pasha in Adana
HIL/IP/10   9 May 1835
Information that master builder for winter barracks in Adana is on his way.
HIL/IP/11   22 May 1835
Response re price and availability of horses for purchase in Adana and Rum (Sivas?).
Order to buy additionally from group of 400 horsemen just arrived from Urfa.
HIL/IP/12   1 June 1835
Response re making up and listing artillery supplies and stores in Adana. To be sent to Akka.
HIL/IP/13   1 June 1835
Response re problems of transferring and drilling inexperienced cavalry and infantry troops.
HIL/IP/14   7 June 1835
Response re medical treatment for invalid troops in Adana and Tarsus; instructions to prevent malingering.
HIL/IP/15   7 June 1835
Information re appointment of regimental officers.
HIL/IP/16   15 June 1835
Information that supplies from Egypt for Adana are being shipped via Iskenderiye (?).
HIL/IP/17   15 June 1835
Order to transfer cannon from Tarsus to ?.
Response to postpone discussion of mining investigations on Kozan dagi; timber to be bought on open market for present.
HIL/IP/18   15 June 1835
Response agreeing to appoint, train and promote veterinary surgeons from within own cavalry regiments.
HIL/IP/19   15 June 1835
Request for further investigation on prospect of building new road along river above Tarsus.
HIL/IP/20   15 June 1835
Request for further information on dealings with uncle of Kozanoglu.
HIL/IP/21   16 June 1835
Order re strict control of rations issued to miners, engineers and labourers.
HIL/IP/22   30 June 1835
Response agreeing that Bekir Aga be appointed mütesellim (tax officer) for Sis and Kozan in view of fact that local people distrust armed soldiery.
Order to be strict with Bekir Aga and Kurd Mehmed to ensure that they co-operate with each other.
Possibility of Kurd Mehmed being given post in Adana in future.
HIL/IP/23   31 July 1835
Order to speed up action, and to proclaim change of mütesellim from Kozanoglu Mehmed Aga to Bekir Aga because of disobedience by the former. Listen to no complaints.
Order to ignore requests of Murtaza Beğ and Ali Beğ to be given right to collect taxes of villages assessed by Mehmed Aga; keep in reserve against future needs of army.
HIL/IP/24   26 August 1835(?)
Response re swift loading and despatch of provisions via pack animals of Karacalu tribe.
HIL/IP/25   2 September 1835
Order re co-operation with Samur Aga and his son Ahmed Beğ to subjugate Belen köy; grant office of mütesellim to a son of Samur Aga if he requests it.
HIL/IP/26   2 September 1835
[covering note to introduce Arab bearer of verbal message (not recorded)].
HIL/IP/27   5 September 1835
Order subsequent to verbal message via bimbashi Ahmed Efendi: send for Murtaza Beğ, Ali Beğ, etc., and Samur Aga's sons and order them to co-operate with Samur Aga against the "tent tribes" (Lek, Karacalı, Merkurlı), without it being necessary to involve the army. Report back immediately.
Have explained all to bimbashi Ahmed Efendi who has further information.
HIL/IP/28   11 September 1835
Information that troops are on their way to Tarsus by sea. Order to send merchant ships on to Iskenderun to collect timber, and others to transport troops from Antakya to Egypt.
Order to send remaining ships to pick up troops at Lazakiye, Sayd and Jaffa.
HIL/IP/29   18 September 1835
Response confirming that topcu mir livası Ahmed Beğ and other officers are being sent as requested to survey roads leading north from Adana into Rum. Engineer Yusuf Aga is delayed with work at Haleb.
HIL/IP/30   22 September 1835
Response confirming continuance in office of mübashir (accountant) of Adana. (?)
HIL/IP/31   23 September 1835
Information that Ressam Ahmed Efendi, masons and supplies have embarked for Tarsus. Order to assess and inform of further materials necessary.
HIL/IP/32   4 October 1835
Deyrü l`kamer
Report re march from Homs to Baalbek and successful seizure of rifles from Druze mountain, in co-operation with son of Emir Beshir, Emir Emin.
HIL/IP/33   4 October 1835
Deyrü l`kamer
Response re inability to assign horses, pack animals and guns newly arrived in Adana; money being sent via Avni Efendi.
HIL/IP/34   4 October 1835
Deyrü l`karmer
Response ordering return of interpreter if not required.
HIL/IP/35   22 October 1835
Response to request for urgent supplies: sent to Sherif Pasha three days earlier, but will expedite before leaving for Akka.
HIL/IP/36   22 October 1835
Response re news of capture by Samur Aga of Topal Mehmed, trusted follower of "treacherous" Cadırcı. Order to send him to Akka.
HIL/IP/37   22 October 1835
Order not to insist that (?) tribe make up number of 25 dead mares belonging to Karaoglan and Ali Beğ; unjust punishment.
Order to discover cause of death of mares and report back.
HIL/IP/38   29 October 1835
Information that deserters from Antakya located with Sheyh Ismail.
Order to proceed to Karatash, overpower sheyh, arrest and bind deserters and send them to Antakya with cavalry escort. Desertion cannot be allowed to continue in Antakya, or province will be ruined.
HIL/IP/39   12 November 1835
Response re where to send raw wool gathered in Adana: not required at Akka, forward to Egypt. [This letter is in the form of a final annotation to three-part correspondence in Arabic with official in Akka asking whether wool required there; covers period 26 October to 12 November.]
HIL/IP/40   27 November 1835
Response re baltacı company in Gülek. ??
HIL/IP/41   13 December 1835
Order to dismiss mütesellim of Payas, Cerid Mehmed Beğ, for promoting dissent: appoint instead Delil bashi Rüstem Efendi.
HIL/IP/42   13 December 1835
Order in Arabic (sic) sent separately to Adana mübashir consequent upon studying record of Adana meclis discussion on bread prices.
HIL/IP/43   13 December 1835
Response re shortage of horses and men in 6th and 11th cavalry regiments. Horses to be sent only when 2nd regiment supplied; men on their way.
HIL/IP/44   13 December 1835
Response to query as to whether taxes are payable by peasants transferred to Sis: are excused 3 years' harac, but must pay cizye.
HIL/IP/45   13 December 1835
Response to grant permission for Arab engineer in Gülek to take leave on health grounds.
HIL/IP/46   13 December 1835
Outraged comment that baltacı commander in Gülek should allow 105 men to die of plague; officer stripped of rank.
Order to send Receb Bey to move those well enough to travel to Adana, and to isolate and treat those unfit to move.
HIL/IP/47   20 December 1835
Response re visit to Adana of voyvoda of Nevshehir Tahir Beğ to ask about mukataa: not Ibrahim Pasha's business; he should apply to Istanbul.
HIL/IP/48   20 December 1835
Response re uncertainty over despatch of artillery officers: consult yüzbashi Zaf Efendi.
HIL/IP/49   20 December 1835
Order to send details of leather, hides and other supplies needed for cavalry horses, and expenditure likely to be incurred.
HIL/IP/50   20 December 1835
Order for kaimmakam of 9th cavalry regiment to go to Antakya.
HIL/IP/51   22 December 1835
Order that henceforth no monetary bedel (payment offered in lieu of service) will be accepted; some families have ruined themselves trying to pay for a brother or son (re conscription in Syria/Adana?).
HIL/IP/52   28 December 1835
Order that note of cost of bread wheat for Adana troops be sent to Ibrahim Pasha.
HIL/IP/53   3 January 1836
Order for Ca`fer Aga, Kaimmakam of 11th cavalry regiment be sent to take over newly reformed 2nd gardiya regiment.
HIL/IP/54   21 Janury 1836
Order that topcu süvarı mir alayı Halil Beğ and infantry kaimmakamı Abdülgani Efendi, who have been sent to requisition horses as agreed, should be given all assistance.
HIL/IP/55   6 February 1836
Order re tanneries of Adana in order to ensure leather and hides may be produced at most economical price for [official?] requirements.
HIL/IP/56   6 February 1836
Order (in Arabic) for the stores clerk of the 11th regiment to go to Akka [for inspection of his accounts?].
HIL/IP/57   (15 March?) 1836
Response to information on tax arrears Antakya accumulated under present and former mübashirs of Adana, Minkaryos and Sheyh Ahmed.
Order that they should prepare accounts registers within 40 days and take them to Egypt for scrutiny.
Information that new mübashir is being sent.
HIL/IP/58   24 March 1836
Response to query as to where money is to be found for horses brought by Halil Beğ and Abdülgani Efendi.
HIL/IP/59   24 March 1836
Information that order given to Kasim Beğ to see to the medical supplies for Adana.
HIL/IP/60   24 March 1836
Response to petition from former mübashir of Adana, Minkaryos, for payment of salary arrears: not if ? has not fulfilled his duties.
HIL/IP/61   3 April 1836
Order to ensure that registers of annual salaries for each regiment are in order.
HIL/IP/62   13 April 1836
Order re payment of debt of 3,350 (gurush) by Ahmed Aga in Sis, and his release from prison to do this. (?)
HIL/IP/63   5 May 1836
Information reported that two leading mining engineers and Kapudan Ahmed are waiting in quarantine in Beyrut.
Order that no effort be spared in supplying requirements, provisions, etc. in line with firman from Egypt. Treat them with all respect.
HIL/IP/64   5 May 1836
Response to information re dismissal of boy beğisi of Kara kapalı tribe from Tarsus area. Caution not to allow panic and distrust to spread among other tribes.
HIL/IP/65   5 May 1836
Order to further investigate incompetence of Adana (hita bashıları) Bekir Aga and Kurd Mehmed. If there is is mismanagement, have them and their subordinates (?) put on board ship for Egypt, seal up their books of account and send to Egypt via Baki Beğ.
HIL/IP/66   5 May 1836
Information confirmed that Sami Beğ has been asked to send 600 purses to pay the interest to the Adana çiftçiler (?). In progress.
HIL/IP/67   5 May 1836
Response re what to do with hita bashıları - as stated in note already sent.
Order that, though Talib Beğ best in Sis, and Ramazan Aga in Gülek, nevertheless because of shortages usually suffered in winter, and because of unhealthy climate of Tarsus - have them be resident in Adana and give them 40 dirhams each expenses (?).
HIL/IP/68   5 May 1836
Order to expedite supply of materials necessary for military operations when Kapudan Ahmed and the mining experts leave quarantine in Beyrut.
HIL/IP/69   15 May 1836
Response re apparent stealing of watch belonging to Nakib of Tarsus by Mehmed Efendi, who had deserted while engaged in road survey work.
HIL/IP/70   28 May 1836
Nehr-i Sicur (?)
Information that war council in Egypt has responded to previous request and appointed Hüseyn Efendi as 3rd bimbashi of 5th regiment.
HIL/IP/71   28 May 1836
Response forwarded from Hanna (Bahri) Beğ re Nuri Efendi's final clearance of debt by payment in salt.
HIL/IP/72   7 June 1836
Order to send Rüstem Beğ, mir alayı of 11th regiment, to Kilis, and Yakub Beğ, also mir alayı, to Ibrahim Pasha.
HIL/IP/73   7 June 1836
Information that survey plans for roads in Gülek area are being returned for further scrutiny on the ground. Queries cannot be answered here.
Order to go personally with artillery commanders in charge of survey and to consult with engineer Yusuf Aga re proposals and to report back.
HIL/IP/74   7 June 1836
Order accompanying khedival decree to question chief mining engineers and report on exact position re kurshun (lead).
HIL/IP/75   7 June 1836
Order to add another 10,000 kantar of (fire?) wood to 50,000 already being despatched from Adana (to Egypt?) for building for imperial arsenal.
HIL/IP/76   7 June 1836
Response and order not to send artillery officers from Akka to Gülek until fortifications at latter completed (?).
HIL/IP/77   7 June 1836
Order to send engineer Mehmed Efendi or one of the Arab engineers, with sufficient men, to begin constructing foundations of Tepelik fortifications. Yusuf Aga has again been requested to present himself there (?).
HIL/IP/78   7 June 1836
Response re arrears in salary for 22nd regiment troops, builders and workers employed in Gülek and Alata fortifications. Salaries for troops in Haleb and elsewhere also in arrears. Request for 2,000 purses of akçe has been made to Sherif Pasha.
Order that ... ?
HIL/IP/79   15 June 1836
Response re tithes (ösr) owing by Cerid tribe.
HIL/IP/80   15 June 1836
Response noting action taken by Adana meclis in matter of Tarsus kassablar and Devecioglu Mustafa.
HIL/IP/81   15 June 1836
Order following report from müdür of Akka Hüseyn Abdülhadi that certificates granting leave to soldiers be sealed also by local mütesellim or kadi, since signatures of military officials not necessarily recognised by local köy mesha `ihleri.
HIL/IP/82   [13 October?] 1836
Response re removal/transfer of Rüstem Beğ from Tarsus. Confusion arisen over local accounts. Rüstem Beğ ordered to bring detailed records to Antakya for inspection. Hasan Beğ sent to Tarsus in his place.
HIL/IP/83   [13 October?] 1836
Response to information that 5 çavushes, and mir alavı of 5th regiment, to oversee fortification work at Gülek. Unacceptable because do not have proper authority to speed things up.
HIL/IP/84   1 December 1836
Response re Menlikli's plans to meet Ibrahim Pasha at Antakya or Iskenderun on way to Egypt. Suggest meeting in Egypt because of difficulties of local harbours.