Composite manuscript made up of three parts written in Durham in the early 12th century, containing Bede's Commentary on Apocalypse, Odo of Cluny's Collationes and other works.
18th century ink foliation, supplemented by modern pencil: i, [1 – counted but unnumbered], 2-103, 103*-184, 184*-190. A Medieval foliation (fo. 1-71) through much, but not all, of Part (C).
A composite volume of three parts - (A) f.1-44; (B) f.45-109; (C) f.110-90 - brought together by mid 12th century (Contents list of that date, f.iv, which registers the principal items of each part). The weathering on f.44v of Part (A) attests to a period of independent existence.
Bound in Durham by John Waghorn, 6 October 1727 (cost 1s 4d). Calf over pasteboard, adorned with rolled panel with corner fleurons; golden armorial of Durham Cathedral subsequently applied to the centre of both boards; 5 thin bands; 2 older (?17th century) metal clasp fittings (the upper one complete, the lower lacking the clasp itself), each part stamped with acorns.
Written in Durham, 12th century.
Inscription: ‘[L]iber Sancti Cvthberti De Dunelmo’, mid 12th century, f.1r, top. The same hand wrote a contents list on f.iv (‘[B]eda in apocalipsin ... [L]ibellus beati martini de quattuor uirtutibus’), registering (A) , (B) (a) and (b), (C) (a), (b) and (c) - (C)(a) being described as ‘[D]icta odonis abbatis’. The list was augmented, late 12th century, with “De ponderibus et mensuris”; in 14th century, the hitherto missing initial letters were supplied (in black ink) for each entry and “li 3” was added to that for (A); in 15th/16th century the entries for (B) were amplified by Thomas Swalwell (“Incarnatione verbi; dialogus eiusdem de trinitate; tractatus de fide; de ponderibus et mensuris; dicta odonis etc.”).
(B), item (a) (f.54v) and (C) item (a) (f.111v, 143v, 181v, etc.) were annotated by Thomas of Lund, monk of Durham (approximately 1309-1349 x 50)
“.G. Beda super apocalipsim De communi libraria monachorum dunelm′”, early 15th century, f.1r, top.
1395 cloister catalogue: “Liber Bedae in Apokalipsi. Liber didimi Videntis de Spiritu Sancto. Liber Aucquini de fide sanctae Trinitatis. Liber de ponderibus et mensuris. Liber Odonis abbatis. Sermo Johannis episcopi de Absalone. Libellus beati Martini de quatuor virtutibus. ii fo terrae praedixit \in libraria/.”
I-III8, IV8 (leaves 3 and 6 [f.26, 29] are half sheets), V8, VI5 (= 8 with leaves 5-7 [after f.43] cancelled).
Written area: 193 x 128 mm. Lines: 36 (space, 5 mm; height of minims, 2 mm). Pricking: awl; invariably survives in the lower margin, sometimes in the outer and upper. Ruling. Hard point on each H side in quires I-III. Crayon, ink or lead in quires IV-VI. Double verticals flank text-block; first, third, last and antepenultimate horizontals extended.
Written in Protogothic. Numerous minor changes in aspect, the number of hands uncertain. The writing becomes more compact and less florid from quire II onwards; the most obvious disjunctions in style occur on f.13r and f.26v. Up to f.23 (i.e. quires I-III), the diples in the margins flagging lemmata are shaped like a “q” with an open bowl; thereafter (quires IV-VI) they are s-shaped. Occasional corrections by the main scribe(s), e.g. f.7v. One main early 12th century correcting hand (e.g. f.7r, 28v, 31r-v, 33r, etc.), with a second of early 12th century on f.12r, ll.13-14. A short intervention by a 14th century hand on f.16r.
Arabesque initials in red and green, 7-20 lines high, head the Preface (f.1r), Incipit (f.2v), Books II (f.15r) and III (f.27r), and Visio V (f.32v - initially designed as a smaller, plain red letter, then reworked), the first two the largest and finest. Red or green capitals, 6+ lines high, head Visiones II-IV (f.8r, 12r, 14r – the last red embellished with green).
Written in Durham, start of 12th century.
A copy of DCL MS A.IV.28 (though without the preliminary verses) and, like it, having the biblical lemmata augmented from a text of a type akin to that in the Book of Armagh (TCD 52). F. 43v-44v, blank. Jottings added to, 13th century, mainly very faint, include, “Audere nolenti tecum desiste ?locari | Cras poterit fie[ri]”.
I-III12, IV-VI10
Owing to the splitting of the spine at this point, the outer bifolium of quire II (f.57 and 68) has become two singletons which have been glued to the end of quire I and the start of quire III respectively.
Written area: 200 x 110 mm. Lines: 33 (space, 6 mm; space between lines, 2.5-3 mm). Pricking: awl; prickings invariably preserved in the upper and lower margins, occasionally in the outer. Ruling: lead. Double verticals flank text-block; first and third horizontals generally extended, last and antepenultimate horizontals often extended.
Written in Protogothic, neat, rectilinear and with the spaciousness of a Romanesque Caroline. Did all the rubrics in red in the same style of script. The same hand wrote Part (C).
Embellished red initials, 5 lines high, head the Prologue and Incipit of (a), the Incipit and Book II of (b), and the Incipit of (e). Plain red initials, 2-3 lines high, head chapters in (b), its Book III (this was originally drawn in black/brown ink, presumably in error, then redone in red), the incipits of (c) and (d), and the two sections of (f).
Written in Durham, earlier 12th century.
Prologue: f.45r Words in Greek were supplied with superscript transcription into Latin letters, copied as part of original transcription; on f.46r these Latin letters recopied in the adjacent margin in 15th century. Annotation (in the form of a “Nota” face) by Thomas of Lund, f.54v. Occasional corrections and annotations, 15th/16th century, in black ink on the first few pages (e.g. f.46r, 47r, 48v). Pointing hands, underlining, bracketing, and “Nota bene hic” in brown ink, 16th century (e.g. f.49r, 50r, 53r, 57r, 60r).
Dedicatory letter with verses (f.70r-71v) followed by text. Light annotation.
The incipit proper and its rubric were mishandled, with a duplicate ‘-tate’ where the initial ‘Q’ for Quomodo should have been placed. Int[errogatio] and R[esponsio] written in red throughout.
One Nota mark copied as part of the original transcription, f.102r. One “Nota bene” and underlining by the 16th century hand active in item (B)(a), f.99v.
Often attributed to Augustine of Hippo. Excerpt from Eucherius of Lyon, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae. No rubrics.
Extract from Etymologiae. f.109 blank.
I11 (=12 with leaf 1 cancelled or lost [from before f.110]); II-VI12, VII11 (= 12 with leaf 12 [after f.190], excised).
Written area: 200 x 110-115 mm. Lines: 33 (space, 6 mm; height of minims 2.5 mm). Pricking: awl. Prickings are generally preserved in the upper and lower margins, occasionally in the outer one. Ruling: lead. Double verticals flank the text-block. Horizontals 1, 4, 30, 33 are generally extended.
Written in Protogothic, neat, rectilinear, with the spaciousness of a Romanesque Caroline. The scribe of Part (B). Guide words for rubrics, annotations, etc. by Symeon of Durham, monk of Durham and Cantor (d.1128), e.g. f.147v, f.153r, f.181v, f.187r. See Gullick 1998, no.31.
Red arabesque initials head the Prologue, Incipit and Book II of (a) (10, 10 and 8 lines high respectively), the Incipit of (b) (20 lines high), and the Prologue and Incipit of (c) (3 and 5 lines high). A plain red initial, 5 lines high, heads Book III of (a); plain red initials, 2 lines high, head sections within (a) and (c).
Written in Durham, 12th century (before 1129).
Guide words for rubrics by Symeon of Durham. Some Nota marks and marginal subject titles copied as part of the original transcription; others added by Symeon of Durham. Extensive late medieval annotation by several hands.
Translation, attributed to Leo I, of a work attributed to John Chrysostom. Guide words for rubric by Symeon of Durham.
Text breaks off at the end of Ch. 6 on f.190v (line 12); the remaining 21 lines of the page are blank. Guide wording for the initial rubric by Symeon of Durham. Nota marks, “D.M.”s and “r.D.M.” copied in the margins as part of the original transcription. A couple of later annotations, including an elaborately drawn pointing hand, f.189v.
B. Flacci Albini seu Alcuini abbatis et Caroli Magni imperatoris magistri opera omnia juxta editionem Frobenii, abbatis ad sanctum Emmeramum Ratisbonæ, novissime ad prelum revocata et variis monumentis aucta , PL 100-1, (Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1863)
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi opera omnia , PL 32-47, (Paris: J.-P. Migne, 1841-65)
Bede, Expositio apocalypseos: ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum edidit adnotationibus criticis instruxit prolegomenis muniuit CCSL 121A (Brepols: Turnhout, 2001).
Bloomfield, M.W., ed., Incipits of Latin works on the virtues and vices 1100-1500 AD including a section of incipits of works on the Pater Noster (Cambridge, MA: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1979)
Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesiae cathedralis
dunelm. Catalogues of the library of Durham cathedral, at
various periods, from the conquest to the dissolution, including
catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of the mss.
Surtees Society 7, (London: J.B. Nichols and Son, [1838]).
Doutreleau, L., "Étude d’une tradition manuscrite: le “De Spiritu Sancto” de Didyme’" in Kyriakoris: Festschrift Johannes Quasten , ed. Patrick Granfield and Josef A. Jungman, 2 vols. (Munster: Aschendorff, 1970), v.i, 352-89
Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Presbyteri opera omnia ... accurante ... J.-P. Migne , PL 22-30, (Paris: J-P Migne, 1845-1864)
Gullick, M., "The hand of Symeon of Durham: further observations on the Durham Martyrology scribe", in D. Rollason (ed.), Symeon ... Historian, pp. 14-31, 358-62 in Rollason, David, ed., Symeon of Durham: historian of Durham and the North (Stamford: Shaun Tyas, 1998), 14-31
Sancti Leonis magni Romani Pontificis Opera omnia, post Paschasii Quesnelli recensionem , PL 54-56, (Paris: J-P Migne, 1865)
Mynors, R.A.B., Durham Cathedral
manuscripts to the end of the twelfth century. Ten plates in
colour and forty-seven in monochrome. With an introduction
[including a list of all known Durham manuscripts before
1200] ,
(Durham: 1939)
Sancti Odonis Abbatis Cluniacensis Secundi opera omnia , PL 133, (Paris: J-P Migne, 1853)
Pelagii II, Joannis III, Benedicti I Summorum Pontificum opera omnia , PL 72, (Paris: Garnier Fratres, 1878)
Sparks, H. F. D., "A Celtic Text of the Latin Apocalypse preserved in Two Durham Manuscripts of Bede’s Commentary on the Apocalypse", Journal of Theological Studies ns 5 (1954), 227-231
Victoris III Romani pontificis, Sancti Anselmi Lucensis, Opera omnia: juxta memoratissimas Mabillonii, Canisii, Cardinalis Angelo Maii, Augustini Theineri, editiones ad prelum revocata ; accedunt Willelmi I Anglorum regis cognomine Conquestoris, epistolae, diplomata et leges ; intermiscentur Guitmundi archiepiscopi Aversani intermiscentur Guitmundi archiepiscopi Aversani, s. Anastasii monachi et eremitae, Bartholomaei abbatis majoris Monasterii, Durandi abbatis Troarnensis, Osberni Cantuariensis monachii, Udalrici Cluniacensis, Godefridi Stabulensis, Willelmi Calculi Gemmetricensis monachi, Gaufredi Malaterrae monachi Benedictini, Guillelmi Apuli, Ebrardi Watinensis monachi, Bernardi Comitis Bisuldunensis, Samuelis Marochiani ex Judaeo christiani, scripta quae exstant , PL 145, (Paris: J-P Migne, 1853)