Durham Cathedral Archive: Archidiaconalia Northumbrensia


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Arch.Northumb.
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Archidiaconalia Northumbrensia
Dates of creation: 1218-1499
Extent: 2 original boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Documents concerning the monastic community's churches in the archdeaconry of Northumberland, the prior's jurisdiction over them, and relations with the archdeacon of Northumberland; some now missing.
Language: Latin

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.


The numbering system reflects the medieval organisation of the documents in boxes with four compartments: the first number is the compartment, the second the box, and the final one the number in the sequence (thus 1.2.Arch.Northumb.5 is the fifth document in the first compartment of the second box). The numbers were assigned in the Repertorium Magnum.

The dispute between the prior and the archdeacon is discussed in: F. Barlow, Durham Jurisdictional Peculiars, (Oxford 1950), especially p.48-50.
There is also discussion of the jurisdiction in: M.M. Harvey, “Church Discipline in the Later Middle Ages”, in Retribution, Repentance, and Reconciliation, ed K. Cooper and J. Gregory (Studies in Church History vol.40, 2004), p.95-105


DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1   1362-c.1400
Copies of documents concerning agreements between the prior and convent of Durham and the archdeacons of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland.
Parchment roll, 2m
Size: 1690 x 300mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.1 (i)DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.1 (i)   25 April 1362
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Bamburgh archdeacon of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington, and Bywell St Peter, with the archdeacon having archidiaconal rights of visitation in the prior and convent's appropriated churches on payment to the prior and convent at Durham of an annual pension of 40s starting at St Martin next, with this agreement to be observed by both parties on pain of 200 marks for any default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 25 (vicesimo interlineated) April 1362.
Original: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.9 (dated 25 April 1362).
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 (i) (dated 5 April 1362).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.1 (ii)   17 November 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a composition between John [Fossor] prior of Durham and Richard of Barnard Castle archdeacon of Northumberland whereby the prior conceded to the archdeacon for his life archidiaconal jurisdiction over the priory's appropriated churches, as was demonstrated in various indentures seen by the notary, and reciting the following mandate to effect this agreement.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham official of the archdeacon of Durham, John Travers and John Hyndley of York and Durham dioceses, clerks.
Date: prior's chamber Durham, 17 November 1362.
Notary: John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham to Richard [of Beckingham] prior of Holy Island to desist from exercising jurisdiction over appropriated churches as there is now an agreement with the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 17 November 1362.
Original: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.1.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 (ii).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.1 (iii)   22 March 1370
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with William of Beverley archdeacon of Northumberland allowing the archdeacon to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in return for an annual pension of 4 marks to be paid by him at Durham, with the agreement to be maintained by both parties on pain of 200 marks for any default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 22 March 1369/70.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 (iii).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.1 (iv)   2 May 1371
Notarial instrument reciting an agreement of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, through his proctor Uthred [of Boldon] Sac Pag Prof and subprior, with Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland, through his proctor Dom John of Skendleby priest, with the authority and consent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 5 marks to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost.
Witnesses: William of Farnham official of Durham, William of Fakenham and Roger of Catterick NPs, Robert of Masham domicellus and Thomas of Hexham clerk of York diocese.
Date: chapel of Stockton manor, 2 May 1371 and Pont.1 Pope Gregory XI.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.11a.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2 (v)   2 May 1375
Notarial instrument reciting that before William of Farnham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham now in remote parts, Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham in his own person, with Master John of Hackthorpe clerk, proctor for the convent of Durham, on the one part and Dom John of Derby, archdeacon of Northumberland, personally on the other, recited that the prior and convent were archdeacon in all their churches, but that, by agreement, the archdeacon of Northumberland had been permitted to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches in Northumberland in return for a 5 mark pension, but that this agreement was now annulled.
Witnesses: Master Thomas of Walworth rector of Hemingbrough, Alan of Billingham scutifer, Doms William of Esh, Robert of Merrington, John Hamond priests, Master RIchard of Kelloe NP, William of Barton and John of Kirkby clerks of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: Galilee Durham, 2 May 1375.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Originals: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.12 and 2.1.Arch.Northumb.17.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2 (vi)   9 June 1397
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Reepham, archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 40s to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 9 June 1397.
Original: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.13.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 (vi).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2 (vii)   17 March 1397
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment by John of Reepham, archdeacon of Northumberland, of Doms John of Skendleby and John of Teesdale priests and Gilbert of Elvet literatus as his proctors to renounce the plea in the court of Rome and elsewhere between John [of Hemingbrough] prior, and the convent and chapter of Durham against himself over archidiaconal jurisdiction in certain churches pertaining to them.
Witnesses: Masters Herman Delberg and John Bone NPs, clerks of Paderborn and Münster dioceses.
Date: the house of Dom Herman de Bilnelt, auditor, in the parish of SS Cosmas and Damian in Rome, 17 March 1396/7.
Notary: Herman Baus of ?Paderborn (Padelonniens) diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Originals: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.4 and 7.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2 (viii)   17 March 1397
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment by John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland of Doms John of Skendleby and John of Teesdale, priests, and Gilbert of Elvet literatus as his general proctors to deal with the prior, and the convent or chapter of Durham in their dispute over archidiaconal jurisdiction in certain churches pertaining to them.
Witnesses: Masters Herman Delberg and John Bone NPs, clerks of Paderborn and Münster dioceses.
Date: the house of Dom Herman de Bilnell, auditor, in the parish of SS Cosmas and Damian in Rome, 17 March 1396/7.
Notary: Herman Baus of Paderborn diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2-2d (ix)   [?1384 x 1400]
Memorandum of a supplication by John of Reepham, archdeacon of Northumberland, in his dispute with the prior and chapter of Durham, to the pope of his right to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction, such as visitation in the churches and over the clergy and people of the archdeaconry of Northumberland, as he had had from time immemorial, except for when Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham, Master Thomas of Greetham his vicar or official, Dom Robert of Auckland vicar of Hartburn, William Lumley and John de Hayton intervened over the church of Howick, reciting its progress involving the papal auditor Master Peter of Gascony, and Bertrand bishop of Gubbio (Euguban), and including the prior of Tynemouth in the archdeacon's appeal.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 m.2d (x)   29 October 1394
Notarial instrument reciting the process of the case between the prior and convent of Durham and Master John of Reepham, archdeacon of Northumberland, before Dom William Rok, abbot of Alnwick, appointed as commissary and delegate to examine witnesses over articles in the case, in the Roman curia by Dom Paul de Dugmano papal auditor, with Master Robert of Ashburn LLB acting as proctor for the prior, chapter and convent of Durham, with the archdeacon himself appearing. The letters from the auditor appointing the abbot as delegate were received, then the proctor Robert showed a certification of a citation delivered to the archdeacon, then the archdeacon claimed that he had not been cited, and then the proctor produced two other letters of certification under the sign and subscription of Master William de Thurstanton NP from Robert of Hemingbrough and John of Denton, and a public instrument reciting the acta so far, at which the archdeacon produced a protest as recited.
Witnesses: Doms Robert Taylor, Robert Alnwick chaplains, Master Thomas de Weton NP, John of Berningham canon of Alnwick monastery, Dom William of Weardale vicar of the parish church of Elingham.
Date: St Michael's chapel Alnwick, 29 October 1394.
Notary: Henry de Lound clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2   [15th century]
Copies of agreements between the prior and convent of Durham and the archdeacons of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland.
Paper roll, 3p, stitching holes along the foot of p.3
Size: 1705 x 210mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.1 (i)   5 April 1362
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Bamburgh archdeacon of Northmberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington, and Bywell St Peter, with the archdeacon having archidiaconal rights of visitation in the prior and convent's appropriated churches on payment to the prior and convent at Durham of an annual pension of 40s, starting at St Martin next, with this agreement to be observed by both parties on pain of 200 marks for any default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 5 April 1362.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (i) (dated as 25 April 1362).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.1 (ii)   17 November 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a composition between John [Fossor] prior of Durham and Richard of Barnard Castle archdeacon of Northumberland whereby the prior conceded to the archdeacon for his life archidiaconal jurisdiction over the priory's appropriated churches, as was demonstrated in various indentures seen by the notary, and reciting the following mandate to effect this agreement.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham official of the archdeacon of Durham, John Travers and John Hyndley of York and Durham dioceses, clerks.
Date: prior's chamber Durham, 17 November 1362.
Notary: John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham to Richard [of Beckingham] prior of Holy Island to desist from exercising jurisdiction over appropriated churches as there is now an agreement with the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 17 November 1362.
Original: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.1.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (ii).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.1 (iii)   22 March 1370
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with William of Beverley archdeacon of Northumberland allowing him to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in return for an annual pension of 4 marks to be paid by him at Durham, with the agreement to be maintained by both parties on pain of 200 marks for any default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 22 March 1369/70.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (iii).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.1-2 (iv)   2 May 1371
Notarial instrument reciting an agreement of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, through his proctor Uthred [of Boldon] Sac Pag Prof and subprior, with Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland, through his proctor Dom John of Skendleby priest, with the authority and consent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 5 marks to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost.
Witnesses: William of Farnham official of Durham, William of Fakenham and Roger of Catterick NPs, Robert of Masham domicellus and Thomas of Hexham clerk of York diocese.
Date: chapel of Stockton manor, 2 May 1371 and Pont.1 Pope Gregory XI.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (iv).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.2-3 (v)   2 May 1375
Notarial instrument reciting that before William of Farnham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham now in remote parts, Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham in his own person, with Master John of Hackthorpe clerk proctor for the convent of Durham on the one part, and Dom John of Derby, archdeacon of Northumberland, personally on the other, recited that the prior and convent were archdeacon in all their churches, but that, by agreement, the archdeacon of Northumberland had been permitted to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches in Northumberland in return for a 5 marks pension, but that this agreement was now annulled.
Witnesses: Master Thomas of Walworth rector of Hemingbrough, Alan of Billingham scutifer, Doms William of Esh, Robert of Merrington, John Hamond priests, Master RIchard of Kelloe NP, William of Barton and John of Kirkby clerks of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: Galilee Durham, 2 May 1375.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (v).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2 p.3 (vi)   9 June 1397
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 40s to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 9 June 1397.
Another copy: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (vi).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.3   [1340x1341]
Settlement between William Fossor prior and the convent of Durham with Master Edmund Howard archdeacon of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter giving the archdeacon full jurisdiction for life over the churches, with the visitation fees to be received in alternate years by the archdeacon and the prior, and reciting the dispute between the prior and the archdeacon's predecessor John of Carlton who had appealed to Rome and the court of York. ?Incomplete.
Endorsed (contemporary) with a description and as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, all 4 corners cut off
Size: 240 x 275mm
Other version: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.4.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4a   [8 April 1337]
Demand of William Whalton, proctor of John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland, of the prior and convent of Durham that as the archdeacon had canonically visited Bywell St Peter three times in the last eight years, according to the agreement between the archdeacon and the prior and convent of Durham, he was entitled to the procurations, and 2s for each year, and to visit the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington and Edlingham, and 8s for 8 years from the church of Holy Island. Subscribed to by Hugh Palmer 6 Id. April.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 170 x 220mm
1.1.Arch.Northumb.4a-k all tied together with a single parchment tie
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4b   11 April 1337
Draft protest of John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, against the demands of William Whalton of 6 Id. April 1337.
Endorsed as submitted.
Witnesses: Masters J. de Herlan, R. de Fenrothir, Dom Peter of Aycliffe chaplain, John of Cramlington.
Date: the house of the vicar of St Nicholas at Newcastle upon Tyne, 11 April 1337.
Subscribed by Hugh Palmer.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 215mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4c   [8 April] 1337
Appeal of the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham against the archdeacon of Northumberland's right to visit the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland of Branxton, Norham, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter.
Date: Tuesday after St Ambrose, 6 Id. April 1337.
With interlineations and erasures, ?a draft.
At the foot:
Submitted by J[ohn] of B[arnard] C[astle] proctor.
Witnesses: Masters J. de Herlan, R. de Fenrothir, Dom Peter of Aycliffe chaplain, John of Cramlington.
Date: the house of the vicar of St Nicholas at Newcastle upon Tyne, 11 April 1337.
Subscribed by Hugh Palmer.
Submitted by the proctor before the bishop of Durham's official.
Witnesses: a notary, Doms Adam de Hepsoites, John of Newton clerks.
Date: Auckland St Andrew, 12 April year as above.
Subscribed by Hugh Palmer.
Submitted by the proctor to the archdeacon of Northumberland .
Witnesses: Adam de Hoby apparitor of the chapter, William of Winchester armiger of the archdeacon, William of Aycliffe.
Date: Alnwick abbey, 8 May [13]37.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 210 x 270mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4d   [8 May] 1337
Protest of John of Barnard Castle, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in a case with John of Carlton, archdeacon of Northumberland, over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland, against the demands of the archdeacon's proctor William de Whalton of 6 Id. April 1337.
Submitted by the proctor to the archdeacon of Northumberland .
Witnesses: Adam de Hoby apparitor of the chapter, William of Winchester armiger of the archdeacon, William of Aycliffe.
Date: Alnwick abbey, 8 May [13]37.
Subscribed by Hugh [Palmer].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 250mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4e   [8 April] 1337
Appeal of the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham against the archdeacon of Northumberland's right to visit the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland of Branxton, Norham, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter.
Date: Tuesday after St Ambrose, 6 Id. April 1337.
Some interlineations.
Submitted by the proctor John of Barnard Castle to the archdeacon of Northumberland .
Witnesses: Adam de Hoby apparitor of the chapter, William of Winchester armiger of the archdeacon, William of Aycliffe.
Date: Alnwick abbey, 8 May [13]37.
Subscribed by Hugh [Palmer].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 240mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4f   8 May 1337
Protest of John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland for all to adhere to the agreement he has made with the prior and convent of Durham over jurisdiction in their appropriated churches in Northumberland of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter.
Submitted by the archdeacon to John of Barnard Castle proctor of the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Adam de Hoby apparitor of the chapter, William of Winchester, William of Aycliffe.
Date: Alnwick abbey, 8 May [13]37.
Subscribed by Hugh [Palmer].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 240mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4g   [1331]
Appeal of John [of Carlton] archdeacon of Northumberland that he should have jurisdiction in visitation, correction and reform over the churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, taking procurations every alternate year.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 250mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4h   [12 March] 1329
Certification by John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham of having received on 2 March the following mandate and of having carried it out.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 4 Id. March year as above.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland that the prior and convent of Durham had petitioned him that they had had archidiaconal rights of visitation, correction and jurisdiction over their churches throughout the diocese of Durham, under the bishop but over the archdeacons, as the dean of York has under the archbishop of York, but that the archdeacon had visited their churches of Norham, Holy Island, Branxton, Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham and Bywell St Peter, so the archdeacon is inhibited from this and cited to appear in the Galilee [chapel] at Durham [cathedral] on Wednesday next after St Cuthbert.
Date: Durham, 27 February 1328/9 Pont.11.
Parchment, 1m, stitching holes along the upper left edge
Size: 265 x 235mm
Original: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.1.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4j   [14th century]
Articles of the prior and convent of Durham extracted from the muniments, instruments and privileges concerning their archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches against the archdeacon of Durham.
Charter of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham giving the prior of Durham his privileges, including being archdeacon in his own churches in the diocese of Durham (1.1.Pont.1a).
Charter of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham giving the prior the seat on the right of the bishop, the first voice in his election, and the role of archdeacon in his churches within the diocese of Durham (1.1.Pont.3a).
Charter of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham giving the prior archidiaconal rights as the deans of York have under the archbishop (1.1.Pont.4a).
Charter of Richard [Marsh] bishop of Durham granting the prior archidiaconal rights over his churches in the diocese of Durham with none over him (2.2.Pont.1).
Bull of Pope Celestine [III] giving the prior the abbot's seat in the choir and the position of archdeacon over the prior's churches (Cart.Vet. f.28v-31r).
Confirmation by Pope Alexander of the privileges given by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 370 x 230mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4k   [14th century]
Privileges of the prior and convent of Durham given by bishops of Durham, kings of England and the apostolic see concerning their archidiaconal jurisdiction, extracted from the originals (with document references as in the Repertorium Parvum added in another hand.)
Charter of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham at Gloucester 1093 (1.1.Pont.1a).
Charter of William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham at London 1082 (1.1.Pont.2a).
Charter of [William of St Calais bishop of Durham] (1.1.Pont.3a).
Charter of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop [of Durham] confirming their privileges.
Charter of Burchard archdeacon of Durham confirming their privileges.
Charter of Richard Marsh bishop of Durham confirming their privilegs as the deans of York have under the archbishops.
(Dorse) Papal bulls
Bull of Pope Gregory VII granting privileges.
Bull of Pope Calixtus [II] confirming Gregory's privileges.
Bull of Pope Honorius [II] confirming Calixtus's privileges.
Bull of Pope Eugenius [III] confirming the monks' possessions and liberties.
Bull of Pope Adrian [IV] confirming the privileges of Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham..
Bull of Pope Urban [III] confirming previous grants from his predecessors, their bishops and the kings of England.
Bull of Pope Alexander [IV] confirming the privileges granted by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Bul of Pope Alexander [IV] confirming the privileges granted by the kings of Scotland and Ranulf [Flambard] bishop of Durham.
Bull of Pope Celestine [V] confirming their archidiaconal rights as granted by Pope Gregory VII.
Bull of Pope Innocent [V] confirming the privileges granted by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Bull of Pope Innocent [V] confirming the privileges granted by William [of St Calais] and Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishops of Durham, John king of the English and his predecessors, and his own papal predecessors.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 395 x 195mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.5   [1409 x 1422]
Articles presented by the prior and convent of Durham 's proctor in a case between John Rickinghall archdeacon of Northumberland and the prior and convent of Durham over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches, before Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham arbitrator, listing 26 documents, earlier grants of privileges by popes, kings and bishops, and statements of the prior and convent's rights and their exercising of them.
Paper roll, 2p
Size: 780 x 295mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.6   [15th century]
Extracts from charters of the prior and convent of Durham's title to and exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham from King Oswald to 1214 (dates of some added in the margin). With some discussion of the development of the monks' archidiaconal rights.
(?Drawn up by or for Prior John Wessington.)
Parchment, 1m
Size: 625 x 305mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6]   [later 14th century]
Copies of papal and episcopal documents concerning the prior and convent's acquisition of their churches in the archdeaconry of Northumberland, and their archidiaconal rights in them. All have marginal references to the Repertorium Parvum, and most of the papal ones have details of the bulla, and some reproduce the signa.
Parchment roll, 8m
Size: 2115 x 285mm
Formerly numbered: Loc.III:52.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.1 (i)   [8 June 1165]
Confirmation by Pope Alexander [III] of privileges granted to the prior and convent by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham.
Date: Clermont, 6 Id. June.
Other copies: DCD Reg.IV, f.14v; Misc.Ch. 1444.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.1 (ii)   [22 May 1214]
Confirmation by Pope Innocent [III] of the liberties, immunities and customs granted and confirmed by William [of St Calais] bishop of Durham, and H[ugh of Le Puiset], his successor.
Date: Rome St Peter, 11 Kal. June Pont.17.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.34v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.1 (iii)   [4 August 1220]
Confirmation by Pope Honorius III of the priory's privileges and possessions.
Date: Vibenmetorem, 2 Non. August Pont.5.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.37v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (iv)   [1154 x 3 February 1157]
Confirmation by H[ugh of Le Puiset] bishop [of Durham] of the grant by Ralph de Gaugy [I] of Ellingham church.
Originals: DCD 3.1.Pont.11a and b.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (v)   [c.1172 x 1174]
Grant by Ralph de Gaugy [II] of Ellingham church.
Original: DCD 4.2.Spec.1.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (vi)   [?1195]
Confirmation by Archdeacon Burchard of Bishop Puiset's grant of freedom of control to the prior and convent over their churches.
Other copies: DCD 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.16 and 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.19(xvi).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (vii)   [17 April 1258]
Confirmation by Pope Alexander IV of the appropriation by Bishop [Farnham] of Bedlington church to the sacristy for completing the new work and roofing repair at Durham cathedral, [reserving a vicarage worth 45 marks].
Date: Viterbo, 15 Kal. May Pont.4.
Another copy: DCD Cart.II, f.67r.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (viii)   [23 April 1199]
Confirmation by Pope Innocent III of the grant by Ralph de Gaugy [II] of Ellingham church.
Date: Lateran, 9 Kal. May Pont.2.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.33v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.2 (ix)   [9 March 1227]
Confirmation by Pope Honorius III of the grant by Ralph de Gaugy [II] of Ellingham church for the support of the poor and the guests of the monastery.
Date: Lateran, 7 Id. March Pont.11.
Another copy: DCD Cart.II, f.51v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.3 (x)   [28 January 1245]
Appropriation by Bishop Farnham of Bedlington church to the sacristy for completing the new work and roofing repair at Durham cathedral, reserving a vicarage worth 45 marks.
Date: Heddlesham, 28 January Pont.8.
Original: DCD 2.1.Pont.14.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.3 (xi)   [1249x1253]
Appropriation by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham of Bedlington church for the cathedral fabric, reserving a vicarage worth 45 marks.
Originals: DCD 3.2.Pont.8 and 3.2.Pont.12.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.3 (xii)   [20 July] 1278
Inspeximus confirmation by Robert [Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the appropriation by Bishop Kirkham of Bedlington church for the cathedral fabric, reserving a vicarage worth 45 marks.
Date: Auckland,13 Kal. July 1278 Pont.4.
Original: DCD 4.2.Pont.11.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.3 (xiii)   [1163 x 10 September 1174]
Confirmation by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham of the grant by Ralph de Gaugy [II] of Ellingham church.
Original: DCD 3.1.Pont.11*.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.4 (xiv)   [12 November] 1174
Surrender of Tynemouth church to St Albans abbey in return for the churches of Bywell St Peter and Edlingham.
Date: Warwick, Prid. Id. November 1174.
Original: DCD 1.3.Pont.9.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.4 (xv)   [1174 x 1183]
Grant of the churches of Bywell St Peter and Edlingham by the abbey of St Albans on the surrender of Tynemouth church.
Original: DCD 2.2.Spec.4.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.4 (xvi)   [12 May 1176]
Confirmation by Pope Alexander III of the grant of the churches of Bywell St Peter and Edlingham following the surrender of Tynemouth church.
Date: Avagni, 4 Id. May.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.21r-v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.4 (xvii)   [4 May 1217]
Confirmation by Pope Honorius III of the appropriation of Branxton, Aycliffe and Pittington churches and the grant of Bywell St Peter and Edlingham churches.
Date: Lateran, 4 Non. May Pont.1.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.36r-v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.5 (xviii)   [24 March] 1146
Confirmation by Pope Eugenius III of the priory's privileges and possessions.
Date: 9 Kal. April 1145 Pont.2.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.15r-16v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.6 (xix)   [15 October] 1162
Confirmation by Pope Alexander III of the priory's privileges and possessions. With signa reproduced.
Date: Turin, Id. October 1162 Pont.4.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.24r-26v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.7 (xx)   [12 August 1186]
Confirmation by Pope Urban III of the priory's privileges and possessions. With signa reproduced.
Date: Verona, 2 Id. August Pont.1.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.19r-20v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.[6] m.8 (xxi)   [17 March] 1201
Confirmation by Pope Innocent III of the priory's privileges and possessions. With signa reproduced.
Date: Lateran, 16 Kal. April 1200/1, Pont.4.
Another copy: DCD Cart.Vet., f.31r-33v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.7
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.8   [1409 x 1422]
Articles of the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham in a case before Thomas [ Langley] bishop of Durham between Master John Rickinghall archdeacon of Northumberland and the prior and convent of Durham over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland, citing and extracting royal, papal and episcopal grants of privileges from Oswald's foundation on Lindisfarne of 635, the removal to Chester, and then to Durham, grants of William of St Calais bishop of Durham, Popes Gregory VII, Celestine etc, Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham, Burchard archdeacon of Northumberland, Popes Alexander III, Urban III, Richard [?Marsh or Poore] bishop of Durham, Pope Honorius III, King William I, the appropriation of the churches of Norham, Holy Island, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter to the prior and convent of Durham, and their holding archidiaconal jurisdiction over them, with rights of visitation etc, which has been impeded by Master John Rickinghall, archdeacon of Northumberland, as is common knowledge.
Endorsed (contemporary) as positions and articles of the prior and convent of Durham against Master John Rickinghall exhibited concerning their archidiaconal jurisdiction in the 7 churches within Northumberland.
Parchment roll, 2m
Size: 1020 x 280mm
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.144r-147v.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.9   [?1384 x 1400]
Positions and articles exhibited by the proctor of John Reepham, archdeacon of Northumberland, in the church of Durham, in the case over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland, reciting the establishment of the church at Durham and the prior and convent there, that the archdeacon of Northumberland was part of that church, but with a distinct territory comprising people, churches and clergy, including the 7 churches of Norham, Holy Island, Bedlington, Ellingham, Edlingham, Meldon and Bywell, with the archdeacon having various rights in that territory, including of visitation and correction, as is all common knowledge, which the prior and convent of Durham have sought to impede and spoil since 1383, as is repeated in his libel, with corrections then suggested and made to articles 10 to 16 .
Paper roll, 2p
Size: 1150 x 205mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.10   [?1384 x 1400]
Interrogatories for the examination of witnesses on the part of Dom J[ohn of] R[eepham] archdeacon of Northumberland, in the church of Durham, in the case over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in Northumberland, over the 7th , 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 18th articles, about the appropriation of the 7 churches to the prior and convent and the exercising of archidiaconal jurisdiction in them before 1383; and positions and articles exhibited by the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham about the bishop being the head of the church in Durham, of 7 churches in the diocese of Durham at Norham, Holy Island, Bedlington, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bywell and Meldon, with clergy and parishioners, held by the prior and convent with archidiaconal rights, by apostolic concession and confirmation, of visitation, inquiry and correction etc. which the archdeacon may exercise for an annual pension, but the archdeacon has obstructed the prior and convent's exercising of their rights, with corrections to the articles made by the prior and convent's proctor.
Paper roll, 2p
Size: 1150 x 210mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11   [15th century]
Copy visitations of churches of the prior and convent of Durham in Northumberland.
Paper roll, 5p, head damaged, part missing with some text lost
Size: 2075 x 300mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.1 (i)   10 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a commission of John [Fossor] prior of Durham to Brother John of Tickhill his fellow monk to carry out visitations in the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, Norham and Holy Island in the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Brothers John of Normanby and Thomas of Killinghall monks of Durham, and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: prior's lower chamber at Durham, 10 April 1362.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Original (different witnesses): DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.14.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.1 (ii)   11 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Bywell St Peter by Brother John of Tickhill monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting the following commission shown to Gilbert vicar of Bywell St Peter along with the following mandate, which Gilbert gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners John Lauson, Alan Sklater, Hugh Shapley of Acomb, Walter of Acomb and Uttyng of Acomb of Bramley, Gilbert Otherws, Thomas Milner, John Lighton of Ridley, Hugh Forester of Hindley, William Yoteson of Newton, Walter del Well, and William Wetherhird, with faults reported of a defective church roof and that Alan Sclater had fornicated with Alice his servant, for which penance was imposed, with obedience sworn by Gilbert to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Commission of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, and archdeacon in their churches in the diocese of Durham, to his fellow monk John of Tickhill to visit the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, Norham and Holy Island in the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 10 April 1362.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham, to Gilbert vicar of Bywell St Peter to cite his clergy and parishioners to be present at the visitation on Monday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.2 (iii)   11 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Bedlington by Brother John of Tickhill, monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting his (abbreviated) commission from the prior of Durham read out to William vicar of Bedlington along with the following mandate, which William Warcop vicar of Bedlington gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners John Lauson, John Gray, Thomas Whit of Netherton, William Baron of East Sleekburn, Alan of Duns, John Davi of West Sleekburn, John of Brinklaw, Hugh Ribalde of Chappington, Robert of Morpeth, Roger Faukys of Cambois, and William de Ellistwyk, with faults reported of a defective church roof, to be repaired within two years on pain of 40s, with obedience sworn by William to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to William vicar of Bedlington to cite his clergy and parishioners to be present at the visitation on Monday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.2-3 (iv)   12 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Edlingham by Brother John of Tickhill monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting his (abbreviated) commission from the prior of Durham, read out to Dom Peter vicar of Edlingham along with the following mandate, which Peter vicar of Edlingham gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners Richard and William chaplains, William clerk of the said church, John son of William, William Baron, John Miller, John Walker, John Storour, Simon Bell, and Robert Webster, with faults reported of a defective church roof, to be repaired by St Martin 1364 on pain of 40s, with obedience sworn by Peter, Richard and William chaplains, and William clerk, to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to Peter vicar of Edlingham to cite his clergy and parishioners to be present at the visitation on Tuesday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.3 (v)   12 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Ellingham by Brother John of Tickhill monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting his (abbreviated) commission from the prior of Durham, read out to Dom Adam vicar of Ellingham, along with the following mandate, which Adam vicar of Ellingham gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners Dom Henry chaplain of Chirton, Adam Parson, William de le Milne, John Nouthird, John Watson, Alan Docfort, Hugh Tailour, Henry Symson, William Parson, Robert Grove, and Adam Moriceson, with faults reported of a defective churchyard fence, to be repaired by St Martin next on pain of 6s 8d, with obedience sworn by Adam vicar and Henry chaplain to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to Adam vicar of Ellingham to cite his clergy and parishioners to be present at the visitation on Tuesday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.3-4 (vi)   13 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Norham by Brother John of Tickhill monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting his (abbreviated) commission from the prior of Durham read out to Robert Hunter vicar of Norham along with the following mandate, which Robert vicar of Norham gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners (of Norham) Thomas Rogbot, Thomas Yoteman, John Dofeson, William othe Hill, (from Horncliffe), Robert Blakeburn, John Tomeson, John Lediman, (from Thornton), Alan Chappehorn, Adam Bally, (from Shoreswood), John Dikeburn, William Buterbale, (from Felkington and Duddo), Patrick Widowson, (from Grindon), Robert of Grindon, William othe Boure, Adam Irwyn, (from Twizell), John Hurlbade, Robert Lyne, (from Newbiggin), Hugh Prestson, (from Heaton), Hugh de Graden, (from Tilmouth), Alexander of Tilmouth of the parish of Norham chaplain, Dom William of Twizelll, Dom Robert Stagin, Dom Robert Sheplace, Dom John of Easington, serving the chapel of Cornhill, and Richard of Lichfield clerk of Norham church, (of Branxton) Dom John Shout vicar of Branxton, John of Branxton, with faults reported of defective roofs on both churches, to be repaired by St Martin 1364 on pain of 40s (Norham) and 20s (Branxton), with obedience sworn by Dom Robert vicar and Dom William of Twizell, Robert Stagman, Robert othe Place, and John of Easington chaplains, Richard of Lichfield clerk, and Dom John vicar of Branxton to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to Adam vicar of Norham to cite his clergy and parishioners and those of Branxton to be present at the visitation on Wednesday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.4-5 (vii)   14 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Holy Island by Brother John of Tickhill monk, sacrist of Durham, seated before the high altar, reciting the following commission, read out to Dom Stephen chaplain of Audecroft chapel in the parish of Holy Island, along with the following mandate, which the chaplain gave oral certification of having carried out, summoning the parishioners John Clerk, Roger Porter, Robert Benet, Richard othe Pale of Tweedmouth, John Bulmer, John Patrikirtill of Morton, John Rotour of Ancroft, Thonas Litill, Simon Snawball, Master John, William Spelone of Goswick, Patrick Breuster, Patrick Oxinhird of Behill, Thomas Aggerston, William othe Ton', and Hugh Dychaud, with faults reported of a defective roof on the church and churchyard fence, to be repaired by St Martin 1364 on pain of 40s (roof) and 10s (fence), with obedience sworn by Dom Stephen of Ancroft chapel to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham rector of Walkington, Dom Richard Talbot priest and John of Hindley clerk, of York and Durham dioceses.
Notary: John of Nesbitt, clerk of Durham docese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Commission of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to his fellow monk John of Tickhill to visit the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Ellingham, Edlingham, Branxton, Norham and Holy Island in the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 10 April 1362.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to Dom Stephen chaplain of Audecroft chapel in the parish of Holy Island to cite his clergy and parishioners to be present at the visitation on Thursday next after Palm Sunday.
Date: Durham, 5 April 1362.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 p.5 (viii)   16 September 1369
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation of the church of Norham, the chapel of Cornhill and the church of Branxton, by Brother John of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham cathedral priory, seated before the high altar in Norham church, reciting his following commission, and Dom Robert of Kelloe chaplain of Norham certified that he had summoned from the parishes (of Norham) Doms Thomas of Kenton and Thomas of Kelloe priests celebrating in Norham church, and Richard of Lichfield holy water clerk there, with the laymen Thomas Souter, Thomas of the Mill, Adam Lambe and Adam son of Nicholas, of Norham, John son of Thomas, Robert of Blakeburn and John Firmyn, of Horncliffe, Alan Sharpharow and John Leidyman, of Thornton, Walter Levay and Robert Bally, of Shoreswood, John Lamb and John Cresswell, of Felkington, Thomas Sadler and Alan Makbrede, of Duddo, William of Grindon and John Mannys, of Grindon, Adam Hyrwyn and John Hurlebadd, of Twizell, John Fouler and Thomas son of Hugh, of Upsettlington, William Blakhall and Gilbert de Lothe, of Cornhill, William Calfhirde and Robert Wynyard, of Heaton, Michael Abbot and Hugh Bishopman, of Tilmouth, (of Branxton) Dom William of Kirkby vicar of Branxton and John son of Nicholas and William Grene laymen, with obedience sworn by Dom William of Kirkby vicar of Branxton, Doms Robert of Kelloe, Thomas of Kenton and Thomas of Kelloe priests, and Richard of Lichfield holy water clerk of Norham to John [Fossor] prior of Durham as archdeacon of his church;
the laymen of Norham presented that the church chancel was defective in its roof and the glass in its windows, and the churchyard was defectively enclosed, which was to be repaired by next Christmas, and the manse of the chantry of St Mary in Norham church was ruinous at the fault of Dom Thomas chaplain of the same, that Dom Thomas of Kelloe had Margaret Rede as his concubine, and Dom Robert Kelloe had Matilda as a concubine at Swinton, and Dom Wiliam of Twizell fornicated with Custancia Magham, Margaret Waryn and other women of Ancroft, that Hugh Edderlaw fornicated with Gillota Hodesman, John of Paris fytheler fornicated with Alice Black, John Baret with Isabella his tenant, Richard famulus of Hugh de Celbrave with Matilda daughter of Hugh, William Bulshot with Matilda Milner, John Punder with Margaret his tenant, that William Taylor of Holy Island did not supply his wife with board as he ought; the men of Thornton denounced that Thomas de Dyndall fornicated with Cecilia Brady, Hugh Taylor with Margaret Taylor, Thomas Bolcard with Agnes Prudd, that John Boyd committed adultery with Elena Webster, that John of Barton committed adultery with another man's wife, that John de Stroomlghowe committed adultery with Christiana Raudwoman, also Alexander Taylor with Alice his tenant, Thomas Taylor with Isabella his tenant, John Bostour with Eda Braye, that Thomas Whitehead fornicated with Emma his tenant, also Richard servant of Kanaresdale with Agnes Melemaker, the men of Shoreswood denounced that Adam Irwin fornicated with Agnes Parkyn, that Patrick son of Hugh held Christian White, and similarly Henry Smythson held Christiana White against the law of the Church, that Robert de Yethington fornicated with Christiana de Baileton and with Tibbota Halle maiden, that Thomas Hurlebadde committed adultery with Margaret wife of Ralph and with Agnes daughter of John Levay; the men of Cornhill denounced that the chancel of Cornhill chapel was ruinous, and that Thomas Smyth committed adultery with Joan Drenge, that John Thomson fornicated with Magota servant of John de Chatton, also John Wynyard with Alice Drenge; Branxton parish denounced that the Branxton church chancel was defective in its roof and window glass, and the baptismal font and nave roof were defective, with the church to be well roofed and the font repaired by next St Leonard on pain of half a mark, and they also presented that Thomas Heronsman fornicated with Joan Grene, also Adam son of Reginald with Joan Taylor, and Thomas Dughty with Margaret Redhead.
Witnesses: Brothers Robert of Walworth prior of Coldingham, William of Goldsborough prior of Holy Island, Henry of Esh, John Scott, William Lardiner, Thomas of Cockfield of Durham diocese.
Notary: Richard Damysel priest of York diocese, NP by by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Commission of John [Fossor] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham to his fellow monks William of Goldsborough prior of Holy Island and John of Barnard Castle to visit the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Edlingham, Holy Island, Norham, Ellingham, and Branxton, in the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Date: Bearpark, 25 August 1369.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12   [15th century]
Copy visitations of churches of the prior and convent of Durham in Northumberland.
Paper roll, 5p, stitching holes along the foot
Size: 2075 x 300mm
p.1-2 (i)   8 July 1392
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Bywell St Peter before the high altar, reciting the following commission which was read out, and then the following certification was exhibited by Dom Nicholas vicar of Bywell St Peter, then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by Nicholas the vicar, Dom John of Bridlington chaplain and John of Hartlepool holy water clerk, and then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: Bywell churchyard was not sufficiently enclosed; the vestments were inadequate; rents of six marks due to the chaplain of the chantry of St John the Baptist in the church from the lands of Robert Hidwyn in East Hidwyn and Unthank had not been paid; the men of Newland had not come to the church nor provided blessed bread for parishioners as they ought; the vill of Whittonstall had refused to contribute to the holy water clerk's stipend; the church door needs repairing; the inhabitants of Hindley and Ridley reported that John Cotes works on festivals; the inhabitants of Bywell brew their barley in the church; the inhabitants of Bromley broke the glass windows of the church with their dogs and brewed in it, and the smoke of this defaced and obfuscated the decor and clarity of the images of the church. So the commissaries injunctioned the parishioners to repair the churchyard wall by St Martin next on pain of 16s 8d, and to procure vestments for the high altar and a book for celebrating baptisms and the exequies of the dead by next Christmas on pain of 50s; and they injunctioned the rector of the church to provide further vestments for the high altar by All Saints next on pain of 40s, and the parish was not to brew in the church on pain of 10s, and had to repair the church door by next Assumption, and each parishioner had to offer blessed bread on pain of paying 6d towards the fabric of the church; they should procure sercis for keeping the eucharist, chrism and holy oil for the sick by next Michaelmas; the rector ought to roof the choir or chancel of the church by Easter on pain of 20s; they injunctioned the parishioners to repair and roof the nave of the church by Easter on pain of 30s; elected as wardens of the fabric were Henry Smith of Bywell, Adam Thompson of Newland and Walter Pickering of Bromley. The vicar and holy water clerk also reported that: Richard Merington fornicated with Alice Mysterman, also John Pickering with Alice del Mylne and William Wodside with Elena Smythson; and Robert of Brantingham committed adultery with a person unknown.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas of Ingleby vicar of Newton in Glendale and William de Hoton scutifer of Durham diocese.
Commission of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham and archdeacon of the appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham to Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby to carry out visitations in Northumberland in the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham, Holy Island, Norham and Branxton.
Date: Durham, 3 July 1392.
Certification by Nicholas vicar of Bywell St Peter to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate, and of having summoned, on an attached schedule, Dom John of Bridlington chaplain of Bywell St Peter, John of Hartlepool clerk and holy water clerk, from Newton, William Gybbonson and John Bate, from Acomb, Walter Wright and Ralph de Mikly, from Bywell, William Richardson, David Walker, William Sitetre and Walter Smith, from Stocksfield, John Stalle, from Hindley and Ridley, Thomas Creler and Adam del Bate, from Bromley, William Pickering and Adam Wright, from Minsteracres and Cromcliffe, Richard del Spens, from Whittonstall and Newland, Robert del Mylne, John Bakeworth and Henry Bowman.
Date: Bywell St Peter, date as above [8 July 1392]
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Nicholas vicar of Bywell St Peter to summon the clergy and up to eight men from each vill of the parish to present defects for the visitation at Bywell St Peter on Monday 8 July next.
Date: Durham, 29 June 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12 p.2 (ii)   9 July 1392
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Bedlington before the high altar, when the prior's commission was read out, and then the following certification was exhibited by Dom William vicar of Bedlington, then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by William the vicar and Henry the holy water clerk, and then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: the eucharist, chrism and holy oil for the sick, and the font in the church are not looked after; William Beryer lives with a certain Agnes and Robert Hanson with Agnes's marriage status unknown; Agnes daughter of Margaret Wethirmalok has conceived and it is not known by whom; William Batel has committed adultery with a maid in his household; and the rector ought to provide at his own costs a deacon to officiate in the church. The commissaries injunctioned the parishioners to: provide proper care for the eucharist, chrism and font by next Michaelmas on pain of 16d; collect amongst themselves for repairing the church by next Assumption on pain of 12d; buy a missale for the high altar by next Michaelmas on pain of 20s; protect the font in the church with a roped off area around it by next Assumption on pain of 3s; appointed as wardens of the fabric were Robert Killerby, William del Bate, Robert Hanson and John Wilkinson; the vicar and wardens are to find out who has broken into the area; the rector should roof the chancel by next St Martin on pain of 3s 4d; the parishioners should repair the ?rood-beam (trabis) by next Pentecost on pain of 6s 8d.
Witnesses: Henry holy water clerk [of Bedlington] and John Poteiour of Durham and York dioceses.
Certification by William vicar of Bedlington to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate, and of having summoned, on an attached schedule: from Bedlington, John Swan, John Jackson and William Pater; from Netherton, John Young, Henry of Ridsdale and Robert Bailiff; from Chappington, Richard of Chappington, Roger Burgess and John Wilkinson; from East Sleekburn, John Davy, Richard Lubalde and Robert Killerby; from West Sleekburn, John Lubalde and Richard Stanhope; from Cambois, Richard of Elstwick and John Brenkley.
Date: Bedlington, date as above [9 July 1392]
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to William vicar of Bedlington, or in his absence the chaplain, to summon the clergy and up to eight men from each vill of the parish to present defects for the visitation at Bedlington on Tuesday 9 July next.
Date: Durham, 29 June 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12 p.2-3 (iii)   10 [July 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Edlingham before the high altar, when the prior's commission was read out, and then the following certification was exhibited by Dom Thomas vicar of Edlingham, then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by Thomas the vicar and Thomas the holy water clerk, and then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: the inhabitants of the vill of Bolton do not attend the church on festival days; William Melcolme on behalf of his tenants ought to provide a lamp before the great cross in the nave; Dom Thomas the vicar lives with a concubine; the vicar ought at his own costs to provide a chaplain to say mass on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the chapel at Bolton; John Tuggall committs adultery with Agnes Milner; Alexander of Middleham fornicates with a certain Agnes; John Pollard committs adultery with the wife of John Williamson of Abberwick; William son of Alan adulterates with the same; the choir of the church has a defective roof; the rector does not provide for vestments for the high altar as he ought; Dom John Felton miles has ?fornicated with Elena daughter of William Simpson; William Selby has kept a certain maid in fornication for two years and more; Robert Cruxton has fornicated with a daughter of Robert Clerkson; Robert Butler has fornicated with Matilda of Cropton, also John Ireland with Alice daughter of Thomas clerk and with Magota of Cropton; John Roos and William Melcolme worked on festival days. The commissaries injunctioned the parishioners to: provide proper care for the eucharist and chrism by next St Cuthbert on pain of 12d; the rector should sufficiently repair the chancel roof by next St Martin on pain of 6s 8d; and should make the parishioners provide other vestments for the high altar by next Christmas on pain of 40s; the parishioners should procure a sacramental book for administering the sacraments by next Pentecost on pain of 10s; and should repair the belfry by next Nativity of St John the Baptist on pain of 20s and the nave by next St Martin on pain of 6s 8d; and should bind and repair the missale on the high altar by next Christmas on pain of 2s.
Witnesses: Thomas holy water clerk [of Edlingham] and John Whirett of Durham diocese.
Certification by Thomas vicar of Edlingham to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate, and of having summoned, on an attached schedule: from Edlingham, William Simpson and John Lame; from Lemmington, Robert Barker and William Cowton; from Abberwick, John Williamson and William Alanson, from Bolton, Hugh Walker and John Whyrett.
Date: Edlingham, date as above [10 July 1392]
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Thomas vicar of Edlingham, or in his absence the chaplain, to summon the clergy and up to eight men from each vill of the parish to present defects for the visitation at Edlingham on Wednesday 10 July next.
Date: Durham, 29 June 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12 p.3-4 (iv)   11 [July 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Edlingham before the high altar, when the prior's commission was read out, and then the following certification was exhibited by Dom William vicar of Ellingham, then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by Dom William the vicar, Dom Philip the chaplain and William the holy water clerk, and then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: there is no covering (manutergium) for the high altar; the churchyard is insufficently enclosed; they do not have a holy water clerk as they ought; the men of South Charlton do not contribute to the stipend of a holy water clerk; Richard Taylor from the lands that he holds ought to provide a lamp in the nave and John Preston similarly ought to provide one in the choir; the font, holy oil, chrism and eucharist are not well looked after; the nave roof is defective; John Elynson has fornicated with Magota Marshall; the church's portable breviary (portiforium) and missale need repair; there is in the church no liber necessarius for ministering the sacraments; the vicar of the church subtracts the liminare necessarium for celebrating in the chapel at North Charlton; John Marshall had two wives at once; the inhabitants of North Charlton did not come to church on the feast of the Purification with their oblation of candles as they ought; the same inhabitants do not have sufficient books for celebrating mass in the chapel in their vill. The commissaries injunctioned the parishioners to: provide altar cloths for the high altar by Christmas on pain of 3s; the churchyard should be properly enclosed by St Martin next on pain of 6s 8d; they should have a holy water clerk by next Assumption on pain of 5 marks; they should procure proper vessels for safeguarding the eucharist, chrism and holy oil, and properly ?cover the font in the same church by St Martin next on pain of 16s; they should competently roof the nave by Pentecost next on pain of 40s; they should repair the church's portifer and missale, and provide books for administering the sacraments there by next Easter on pain of 13s 4d; there should no disturbances at any time in the churchyard or church on pain of 12s towards the fabric.
Witnesses: John of Chatton and WIlliam holy water clerk [of Ellingham] of Durham diocese.
Certification by William vicar of Ellingham to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate, and of having summoned, on an attached schedule: from North Charlton, William Wilkinson, Elias Wright, John Scutte, John Simpson; from Doxford, Richard Doxford, John Watson, Robert Nicholson; from Tindley, John Herring; from Ellingham, William del Milne, John Young, John Gibson; from South Charlton, William Benet, Walter Simpson; from Preston, Richard Coundon, John Scadden.
Date: Ellingham, date as above [11 July 1392]
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to William vicar of Ellingham, or in his absence the chaplain, to summon the clergy and up to eight men from each vill of the parish to present defects for the visitation at Ellingham on Thursday 11 July next.
Date: Durham, 27 June 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12 p.4-5 (v)   12 July 1392
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Holy Island before the high altar, when the prior's commission was read out, and then the following certification was exhibited by Dom Robert Abell chaplain of Holy Island, then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by Doms Robert Abell, WIlliam Lincoln, and John Mandeville chaplains, John Love holy water clerk [of Holy Island], and John (sic) Shilbottle holy water clerk of Kyloe chapel, and then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: the chrism, holy water and eucharist are less than well looked after; John Pateson fornicated with Edonia Lestharnes, also John Henrison with Elena of Goswick, Thomas Brome of Berrington with Mariota Athy and William Turnbull with his concubine; the men of the vills of Kyloe and Lowick refused to give to the church blessed bread and money towards the fabric; the churchyard is insufficiently enclosed; the nave needs repair; the prior of Holy Island has put his horses in the churchyard and has broken the churchyard walls; Brother John Bitchfield (Billesfeld) received from Christian Kruett a cow and a plumbum worth 11s left for the fabric of the church which has not been put to the use of the fabric; John Bullock has five silver ?spoons (coclelr) left by the same Christiana for the fabric; William Raegh has committed adultery with a maid in his household together with his own wife, also Robert Harbottle with Isabella Revely; Henry Ridell has fornicated with Elizabeth Luker; the priest of Ancroft chapel does not say prayers in church nor does he pronounce the feast as he ought. The commissaries injunctioned the inhabitants of the vills to have a holy water clerk in Ancroft chapel by next Michaelmas. Since Robert Abell had not fully carried out the mandate, he was to appear before the prior at Durham on the morrow of Michaelmas to answer for his contempt. The commissaries injunctioned the inhabitants of Kyloe to have the eucharist, holy oil and chrism saefguarded in their chapel by St Cuthbert next on pain of 12d, and that they should provide vestments for the high altar, repair the good books of their church, and make at their own costs a locked box for the eucharist and a lock for the safe custody of the holy font; the roofing of the church should be at their own costs and all the other churches requiring repair should be done by Pentecost on pain of 40s; the inhabitants of the vill of Holy Island say that men of the vills within the parish do not come to the mother church on Sundays to hear divine service but the commissaries assert that they ought to do this as the inhabitants of the vills of Kyloe, Lowick and Tweedmouth have to offer blessed bread on Sundays in the mother church, and so should the others.
Witnesses: Dom John of Brigham chaplain and Alexander del Heyd of Carlisle and Durham dioceses.
Certification by Robert Abell parish chaplain of Holy Island to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having received on 5 July the following mandate, and of having carried it out, though the men of the parochial chapel of Ancroft were not cited as they could not be found at home as they had ridden with Dom Thomas Gray miles for a day between him and Dom Robert Ogill miles, and the men from the parochial chapel of Tweedmouth were not cited as their chaplain was dying, and of having summoned, on an attached schedule: Dom WIlliam of Lincoln chaplain of Kyloe chapel, Robert Lowick chaplain of Lowick chapel, John Maundvyle chaplain of Ancroft chapel, John Love holy water clerk of Holy Island, William Shilbottle holy water clerk of Kyloe chapel, John Lowick holy water clerk of Lowick chapel; Robert del Hall holy water clerk of Ancroft; from Holy Island, William Robinson, Thomas Beele, William Pratt and Thomas Sandelman; from Fenham, William Thomson and Robert Atkinson sr; from Goswick, Walter Bulkart, Thomas Bealke, Walter Sanderson, William Pratt; from Kyloe, John Paxton, John of York, John Hilton and John Henryson jr; from Fenwick, John Colyn, Bricius Minor, Adam Taylor, William Adamson; from Buckton, John Reede, Patrick Wade, Robert Detchant and John Fenkle; from Lowlin, John Boys and John of Norham; from Berrington, Thomas Brown and John Atyh; from Beal, William Robinson, John Henrison, Roger Thomson and John Adamson
Date: Holy Island, date as above [12 July 1392]
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Robert Abell parish chaplain of Holy Island, to summon the clergy and up to eight men from each vill of the parish to present defects for the visitation at Holy Island on 12 July next.
Date: Durham, 29 June 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.12 p.5 (vi)   14 [July 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting a visitation by Brothers Robert of Ripon BTh and William of Killerby commissaries, in the church of Norham, the prior's commission having been noted, Dom John of Herrington chaplain of Norham recounted that he had cited: Doms Thomas of Kelloe, John de Cornshow and Richard of Lichfield, holy water clerks of the parochial church; from Norham, John Aldir, Thomas del Milne, John del Hill, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Beal, John Klibarde, Adam Wilkinson, William Parkyn; from Twizell, John Aldir; from Nesbitt, John Wra, Hugh Wra; from Heaton, John of Heworth, Richard Dounk, William Stedeman; from Felkington, Patrick Dobson, William Klerkson; from Cornhill, Thomas Taylor and Robert Fisher; according to a mandate from the prior. Then obedience was sworn to the prior of Durham by John Herrington, Thomas of Kelloe and John de Cornshow chaplains and Richard of Lichfield holy water clerk. Then the parishioners duly presented to the commissaries that: there was no chalice on the high altar for celebrating divine service; the lord prior, archdeacon and rector of the church should have provided a light burning in the choir but has not; William Saumpill committed adultery with Alice Levehay, also Robert Simpson of Fenwick with Margaret de Parys and John Bull with Mariota Cicille; Thomas Johnson fornicated with Alice Levehay, also John Nicholason with Alice de Parys, Thomas del Hill with Edonia maid, Thomas Hurlbadd with Alice Webster, Thomas Devon with Christiana his tenant, Thomas Dronsfeld with Matilda of Lichfield, Richard Kaa with Alice Chirneside, Thomas of York with Magota Alde, Robert Twizell with Christiana Holtall, Robert Dawson with Alice de Parys, Henry Gulde with Magota Kaa, John Raynoldson with Matilda Kaa, William Wade with Joanna Harlaw, John Twedall with Joanna Hasty, and John Mathewson with Mariota his tenant.
Witnesses: Master Nicholas of Haswell vicar of Norham and Dom Thomas of Kelloe chaplain.
Notary: William de Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13   [15th century]
Copy visitations of churches of the prior and convent of Durham in Northumberland.
Notary: William of Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Paper roll, 5p, with a paper patch sewn to p.5
Size: 2270 x 205mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13 p.1 (i)   16 December 1392
Notarial instrument reciting the visitation of Brother John of Newburn monk of Durham cathedral, sitting in tribunal in Bedlington church, before whom Dom Robert of Bishopton parochial chaplain [of Bedlington] came and certified that he had carried out the following mandate, citing William Batell, John Hiffeschuldr, Agnes Pate, William Beviar, and a certain Agnes who held of him, Agnes Wethirmalok, John Robinson, Robert Hanson, and Agnes Hanson. Then the following commission to hold the visitation was read out, and Dom Robert chaplain swore his obedience to the prior of Durham, and the cases of those cited were considered: William Batell for adultery with a maid in his household, given a penance for 12 Sundays heading the procession in church, commuted to 2s which he paid; John Huffeschild and Agnes Pate for fornicating; William Beriar for fornicating with a certain Agnes whom William said he had married in the diocese of York; Agnes Wethurmalok for fornicating; John Robinson for fornicating with a maid in Cambois; Robert Hanson for fornicating with a certain Agnes.
Witnesses: Dom Robert of Bishopton chaplain and John Baker of Durham diocese.
Date: Bedlington parish church, 16 December 1392.
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Dom William vicar of Bedlington church within the prior's archdeaconry, to cite the clergy and laymen to a visitation in the church of Bedlington on 16 December at the tenth hour.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1392.
Commission of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham and archdeacon in all Durham's appropriated churches to Doms William of Aislaby prior of Holy Island and John of Newburn, fellow monks, and Master John of Hackthorpe, to hold chapters in his churches of Bedlington, Edlingham, (Ellingham inserted), Holy Island and Norham to correct excesses and defects.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1392.
Original (commission): DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13 p.1-2 (ii)   17 [December 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting the visitation of Brother John of Newburn monk of Durham cathedral, sitting in tribunal in Edlingham church, before whom Dom Thomas vicar [of Edlingham] came and certified that he had carried out the following mandate, citing (outcomes detailed): William Melcolme for not providing a light before the great cross in the church as he ought to from his lands, to be provided by next Purification on pain of 13s 4d; John Tughall for adultery with Agnes Milner; John Pollard for adultery with John Williamson's wife; William son of Alan; William Selby for fornication with Edonia for two years and more; Robert Croxton for fornication with Edonia daughter of Robert Clerkson; Robert Boteller for fornication with Matilda Cropton; John Ireland for fornication with Alice daughter of Thomas Clerk and Magota of Cropton; William Melcolme for illicitly working on feast days; John Mundy of Abberwick for illicitly working on feast days; John Wilkinson; John Pollard for working on feast days; John Home for adultery with Alice de Cotynsopp; William Taylor, Elena Taylor; John Taylor for illicitly doing manual work on feast days; and the parishioners of Bolton.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas vicar and William Melcolme of Durham diocese.
Date: Edlingham parish church, 17 December 1392.
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Dom Thomas vicar of Edlingham church within the prior's archdeaconry, to cite the clergy and laymen to a visitation in the church of Edlingham on 17 December at the tenth hour.
Date: Durham, 11 December 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13 p.2-3 (iii)   18 [December 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting the visitation of Brother John of Newburn monk of Durham cathedral, sitting in tribunal in Ellingham church, before whom Dom William vicar [of Ellingham] came and certified that he had carried out the following mandate, citing: the inhabitants of South Charlton, John Elynson, Margaret Marshall, Richard Taylor, John Marshall, and the inhabitants of North Charlton.
Witnesses: Dom William of Weardale vicar and William holy water clerk [of Ellingham].
Date: Ellingham parish church, 18 month and year as above.
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to the chaplain of Ellingham church within the prior's archdeaconry, to cite the clergy and laymen to a visitation in the church of Ellingham on 18 December at the ninth hour.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13 p.3 (iv)   19 [December 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting the visitation of Brother John of Newburn monk of Durham cathedral, sitting in tribunal in Holy Island church, before whom Dom Thomas parochial chaplain [of Holy Island] came and certified that he had carried out the following mandate, citing John Patson, Edonia Legharnes, John Henrison jr, Elena of Goswick, Thomas Brown, Mariota Athy, John Bullock, inhabitants of the vills of Kyloe and Lowick, John Paxton, John of York, John Hilton, John Colyn, Richard Yonggar, Adam Taylor, William Adamson, John Boys, John of Norham, Thomas Brown, John Athy, John Lowick holy water clerk of Lowick chapel, and Robert holy water clerk of Ancroft, and John Lowick holy water clerk of Lowick chapel, and Robert holy water clerk of Ancroft swore obedience to the prior of Durham as archdeacon in this church, then the commissary denounced: John Henrison jr for fornication with Elena of Goswick which he denied on pain of marrying her; John Bullock for detaining 5 silver ?knives (cotlear') given for the fabric of the church by the late Christiana Kenett which he said had been given to William of Doddington chaplain which he was ordered to confirm before the next chapter of the archdeacon; and John Henryson jr, John Colyn, John Reede, Patrick Wade, Robert Dychand, John Lowick holy water clerk of Lowick and Robert holy water clerk of Ancroft, pronounced contumacious and suspended from church at the previous visitation were now absolved from this.
Witnesses: Doms William of Lincoln and John Beele chaplains of Durham diocese.
Date: Holy Island parish church, 19 [December 1392].
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to the chaplain of Holy Island church within the prior's archdeaconry, to cite the clergy and laymen to a visitation in the church of Holy Island on 19 December at the tenth hour.
Date: Durham, 9 December 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13 p.3-5 (v)   23 [December 1392]
Notarial instrument reciting the visitation of Brother John of Newburn monk of Durham cathedral, sitting in tribunal in Norham church, before whom Dom John of Herrington parochial chaplain [of Norham] came and certified that he had carried out the following mandate, citing John Marshall, Joan whom he holds, John Parkyn, Matilda Lichfield, Richard Mason, Mariota whom he holds, John Haydon, Mariota Phillopswyfe, Joan Harlaw, John Nicholson, Matilda Parys, John Bulle, Mariota Cicilson, Henry Gulde, Margaret Kaa, John Raynoldson jr, John of Tweeddale, Joan Hastyngg, John Matthewson, and Mariota whom he holds, then the commissary denounced: John Marshall for fornication with a certain Joan, punished with a circuit of the church on a Sunday; John Parkyn for fornication with Matilda Lichfield, but they claimed to be married and so had to produce witnesses to this in Kyloe chapel on Monday after Epiphany; Richard Mason for adultery with a certain Mariota, punished with processing in church on 12 Sundays and being whipped on market day in the market place at Norham on 12 days; John Hayden and Mariota Phillopswyfe for cohabiting, claiming they intended to marry which they were to do after Christmas in the face of the church according to custom; the same John and Joan Harlaw for fornication, punished by processing around the church; John Nicholson for fornicating with Matilda Parys, punished by penance on 6 Sundays which the said John sought to be commuted to a payment of 6d; John Bulle for adultery with Mariota Cicilson, punished by processing around church before the procession on 12 Sundays and processing and being whipped in the market place on 12 days, and then the same John abjured the said Mariota; Henry Gulde for fornication with Margaret Kaa, punished with proceeding the procession in church on 6 Sundays; John Raynoldson jr for fornicating with Matilda Kaa punished with processing around the church on 6 Sundays; John of Tweeddale for fornication with Joanna Hastynggs , punished with proceeding the procession around the church on 6 Sundays; John Matthewson for fornication with a certain Mariota, punished by processing round the church on 6 Sundays and they were married; Richard Donuk, William Clerkson, Thomas Taylor, Robert Fecher, Hugh del Wra and John del Wraa pronounced contumacious and suspended from church at the previous visitation were now absolved from this.
Witnesses: Doms John of Herrington parochial chaplain [of Norham] and John Beele chaplain.
Date: Norham parish church, 23 [December 1392].
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham to Master Nicholas of Heswell vicar of Norham church within the prior's archdeaconry, to cite the clergy and laymen to a visitation in the church of Norham on 23 December at the eleventh hour.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1392.
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.14   10 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a commission of John Fossor prior of Durham to his fellow monk John of Tickhill to carry out a visitation of the churches of Bywell St Peter, Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham, Norham, Branxton, and Holy Island in his archdeaconry in Northumberland.
Witnesses: John of Hindley, Geoffrey Hadham, William of Sweethope and John Fossor of Durham diocese.
Date: prior's chamber in Durham priory, 10 April 1362.
Notary: John of Nesbitt clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
At the foot: “Amen dico vobis” .
Parchment, 1m, 2 [filing] holes cut in the foot
Size: 230 x 270mm
Copy (different witnesses): DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.11 (1).
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.15   [c.1450]
List of documents for the Northumberland churches:
Mandates to induct (Bedlington 1379-1418; Branxton [13]79; Ellingham 1379-1390; Edlingham 1389-1418; Norham 1400; Bywell St Peter 1420-1446)
Agreements 1280-1401
Visitations by: John Tickhill 1362, John of Barnard Castle 1369 and 1370, Robert Ripon 1392, John Bolton at Bywell 1381, John Fishburn 1417, John Newburn 1392.
Paper, 1p
Size: 290 x 215mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.16   [c.1300]
List of 31 royal, archiepiscopal and episcopal charters, and papal bulls, some with incipits, one concerning [West] Rounton church.
(Dorse) List of rights of the prior and convent concerning their jurisdiction in Howdenshire and Allertonshire.
Endorsed (later 14th century) as “Notabilia extracta” about the jurisdiction of Howdenshire and Allertonshire against the archbishop of York.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 230 x 150mm
DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.17   [c.1395]
Memorandum of the granting of privileges to the prior and convent of Durham from Bishop William of St Calais onwards, noting that John of Reefham that is now archdeacon of Northumberland was never in possession of archidiaconal privileges in the priory's appropriated churches in Northumberland.
Memorandum that Meldon church is not an appropriated church of the prior and convent.
Memorandum that the privileges granted by William of St Calais were confirmed by his successors.
Memoranda of visitations of the prior and convent's churches in Northumberland carried out by: John Tickhill in April 1362, John of Barnard Castle in November 1362, September 1369 and February 1372 (the last with John Billesfeld), John of Bolton and Robert Ripon in March 1382, John of Bolton and Robert Claxton in November 1384, and Robert Ripon and John Newburn in January 1390.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 270 x 120mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.1   [12 March 1329]
Certification by John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham of having received on 2 March the following mandate and having carried it out.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 4 Id. March year as within.
Endorsed including as an inhibition of Louis to the archdeacon of Northumberland lest he attempt anything against the prior's jurisdiction during the appeal.
Mandate of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland that the prior and convent of Durham had petitioned him that they had had archidiaconal rights of visitation, correction and jurisdiction over their churches throughout the diocese of Durham, under the bishop but over the archdeacons, as the dean of York has under the archbishop of York, but that the archdeacon had visited their churches of Norham, Holy Island, Branxton, Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham and Bywell St Peter, so the archdeacon is inhibited from this and cited to appear in the Galilee [chapel] at Durham [cathedral] on Wednesday next after St Cuthbert.
Date: Durham, 27 February 1328/9.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 195 x 265mm
Seal: G&B No.3272, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.138r-v; 1.1.Arch.Northumb.4h.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.2   21 November 1331
Notarial instrument recording an agreement of William of Cowton prior and the convent of Durham , with John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jursidiction the archdeacon claimed, so the prior had appealed to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham and had carried out a visitation, which had been appealed by the archdeacon to the court of York and the apostolic see, and which it was agreed the archdeacon would have full jurisdiction over for his life, but with visitation fees to be received alternately by the archdeacon and the prior, all to be observed on pain of £200.
Witnesses: Masters John de Hirlaw, Robert of Bamburgh, Thomas of Hurworth, Hugh of Corbridge, and Richard Heryng and William Bracery clerks.
Date: the chapter house at Durham, 25 November 1331.
Notaries: Hugh dictus Palmer of Corbridge, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, and Thomas of Hurworth, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocols recited.
Endorsed including as the first composition and not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 310 x 570mm
Seal: G&B No.3272, on a parchment tag through a sit in a turnup
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.3   16 March 1329
Commission of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to his official of Durham and Master Adam of Morpeth vicar of Billingham to investigate the matter between the prior and convent of Durham appellants and Dom John of Carlton archdeacon of Northumberland.
Date: [North]allerton, 16 March 1328/9, Pont.11.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 75 x 245mm
Seal: G&B No.3130, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.138v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.4   [1340 x 1341]
Notarial instrument recording an agreement of William of Cowton prior and the convent of Durham, with Master Edmund Howard archdeacon of Northumberland over archidiaconal jursidiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction the prior and convent had held, and about which the prior and convent had appealed to Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham, but John of Carlton, formerly archdeacon of Northumberland, had appealed to the apostolic see and the court of York, and it was agreed that the archdeacon would have the jurisdiction for his life, with visitation fees to be received alternately by the archdeacon and the prior, all to be observed on pain of 200 marks. Incomplete.
Endorsed including as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 230 x 380mm
Another version: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.3.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.5   14 October 1340
Agreement of William of Cowton prior and the convent of Durham, with Master Edmund Howard archdeacon of Northumberland over archidiaconal jursidiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, as in the recited agreement with Edmund Howard, the former archdeacon, of 25 November 1331.
Date: Durham cathedral, 14 October 1340.
Endorsed including as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 280 x 470mm
Seal: turnup with a slit for [a sealing tag]
Decoration: elaborated initial “I”
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.6   13 January 1343
Agreement of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, with Master Edmund Howard archdeacon of Northumberland over archidiaconal jursidiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction it was agreed the archdeacon would have for his life, with visitation fees to be received alternately by the archdeacon and the prior, all to be observed on pain of £200.
Date: Durham cathedral, 13 January 1342/3.
Endorsed including as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 210 x 445mm
Seal: G&B No.3273, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.7   18 March 1346
Agreement of the prior and the convent of Durham, with Dom William of Shrewsbury archdeacon of Northumberland, over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction it was agreed the archdeacon would have for his life, with visitation fees to be received alternately by the archdeacon and the prior, all to be observed on pain of 200 marks.
Date: Durham chapter house, 18 March 1346.
Endorsed including as not registered.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 210 x 445mm
Seal: G&B No.3281, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.8   16 November 1362
Agreement of the prior and the convent of Durham, with Dom Richard of Barnard Castle archdeacon of Northumberland, over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction it was agreed the archdeacon would have for his life, on payment of an annual pension of 40s at Pentecost and St Martin, all to be observed on pain of 200 marks.
Date: Durham chapter house, 16 November 1362.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 220 x 355mm
Seal: G&B No.3274, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.139r-v.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.9   25 April 1362
Agreement of the prior and the convent of Durham, with Dom John of Bamburgh archdeacon of Northumberland, over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction it was agreed the archdeacon would have for his life, on payment of an annual pension of 40s at Pentecost and St Martin, all to be observed on pain of 200 marks.
Date: Durham chapter house, 25 April 1362.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 165 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3281, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Recited in: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.2.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.138v-139r, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(i), 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(i).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.10   22 March 1370
Agreement of the prior and the convent of Durham, with Dom William of Beverley archdeacon of Northumberland, over archidiaconal jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, which jurisdiction it was agreed the archdeacon would have for his life, on payment of an annual pension of 40s at Pentecost and St Martin, all to be observed on pain of 200 marks.
Date: Durham chapter house, 22 March 1369/70.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Size: 210 x 340mm
Seal: G&B No.3275, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.139v-140r, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(iii), 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(iii).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.11a   2 May 1371
Notarial instrument reciting an agreement of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, through his proctor Uthred [of Boldon] Sac Pag Prof and subprior, with Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland, through his proctor Dom John of Skendleby priest, with the authority and consent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 5 marks to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost.
Witnesses: William of Farnham official of Durham, William of Fakenham and Roger of Catterick NPs, Robert of Masham domicellus and Thomas of Hexham clerk of York diocese.
Date: chapel of Stockton manor, 2 May 1371 and Pont.1 Pope Gregory XI.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 420 x 435mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136, 3173 (with a paper wrapper), and 3281, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup, with slits for a 4th sealing tag
Duplicates: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.11b, 2.1.Arch.Northumb.15.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.140r-141r, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(iv), 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(iv).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.11b   2 May 1371
Duplicate of DCD 2.1.Northumb.11a.
Endorsed including that this agreement was registered and as being a duplicate.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, sewing holes down the left edge
Size: 360 x 430mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136, 3173, 3276, and 3281, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.12   2 May 1375
Notarial instrument reciting that before William of Farnham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham now in remote parts, Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham in his own person with Master John of Hackthorpe clerk proctor for the convent of Durham, on the one part and Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland personally on the other, recited that the prior and convent were archdeacon in all their churches, but that, by agreement, the archdeacon of Northumberland had been permitted to exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in their churches in Northumberland in return for a 5 marks pension, but that this agreement was now annulled.
Witnesses: Master Thomas of Walworth rector of Hemingbrough, Alan of Billingham scutifer, Doms William of Esh, Robert of Merrington, John Hamond priests, Master RIchard of Kelloe NP, William of Barton and John of Kirkby clerks of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: Galilee Durham, 2 May 1375.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 330 x 295mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3276 and 3186A, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicate: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.17.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.141r-142r, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(v) and 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(v).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.13   9 June 1397
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 40s to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 9 June 1397.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 135 x 260mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3277 and 3282, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.142r-v, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(vi), 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(vi).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.14   [8 December] 1401
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with Master John Dalton archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority for life in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham of Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, in return for an annual pension of 40s payable at Pentecost and St Martin, and the prior and convent would exercise archidiaconal authority in their church of Holy Island, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, the Conception of the BVM 1401.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Size: 185 x 300mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3173 and 3282, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.142v-143r.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.15   2 May 1371
Notarial instrument reciting an agreement of John [Fossor] prior and the convent of Durham, through his proctor Uthred [of Boldon] Sac Pag Prof and subprior, with Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland, through his proctor Dom John of Skendleby priest, with the authority and consent of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham in return for an annual pension of 5 marks to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost.
Witnesses: William of Farnham official of Durham, William of Fakenham and Roger of Catterick NPs, Robert of Masham domicellus and Thomas of Hexham clerk of York diocese.
Date: chapel of Stockton manor, 2 May 1371 and Pont.1 Pope Gregory XI.
Notary: Roger of Catterick clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Size: 370 x 430mm
Seal: G&B Nos.3136 and 3427, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Duplicates: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.11a&b.
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.140r-141r, 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1(iv), 1.1.Arch.Northumb.2(iv).
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.16   27 February 1371
Notarial instrument recording the appointment by Dom John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland of Master John of Hackthorpe clerk and Dom John of Skendleby chaplain as his proctors to treat with the prior and chapter of Durham over jurisdiction in their appropriated churches in the archdeaconry of Northumberland.
Witnesses: John Newark and Thomas of Warmington clerk of York diocese.
Date: house of the official or registrar of Simon [Sudbury] bishop of London in the churchyard of St Paul's cathedral, 27 February 1370/1.
Notary: Richard of Warmington jr clerk of Lichfield diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed as not registered.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 265 x 260mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.17   2 May 1375
Acknowledgement and quashing of the agreement with Archdeacon Derby.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 300 x 350mm
Duplicate: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.12.
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.18   2 January 1370
Commission by the chapter of York [minster] to Thomas [ Hatfield] bishop of Durham to institute Richard of Hemingbrough, vicar of Edlingham, as prebendal vicar of Wistow by exchange with Robert of Messingham.
Date: York, 2 January 1369/70.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 115 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.?3356, part, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.19   [1351]
Arguments for the prior's patronage in a benefice with cure automatically vacated by the acquisition of a second such benefice, notwithstanding the recent Statute of Provisors.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 190 x 300mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.20   18 October 1389
Inhibition and citation by the official and commissary general of the court of York to Master Thomas of Greatham official of the bishop of Durham, in a case of an appeal of Master John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland against the restriction of his jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches in matrimonial cases by Doms Thomas of Burton and Gilbert Towyn chaplains of Durham diocese and John Hayton, to appear in York minster on Thursday after St Edmund the King next [25 November].
Date: York, 18 October 1389.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 330 x 260mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.21   30 December 1401
Grant by the prior and convent of Durham to Master John Dalton archdeacon of Northumberland for his help and counsel of a pension of 33s 4d at Pentecost and St Martin, beginning at next Pentecost.
Date: Durham, 30 December 1401.
Endorsed as not registered.
Size: 115 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.3173, on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.22   26 April 1391
Draft notarial instrument reciting the appointment by Robert [of Walworth] prior of [Durham] cathedral, John [of Aycliffe] subprior and the monks in chapter of T. de W., Th. de W., R de D. and R. Yong as their proctors before the pope in the dispute with Master John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches.
Witnesses: Masters Thomas of Greatham and Thomas of Weston.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 26 April 1391.
With cancellations and interlineations.
Size: 220 x 280mm
DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.23   6 February 1395
Draft notarial instrument of proxy recording that John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, Robert [Ripon] subprior of Durham, John of Bishopton, Thomas of [Holy] Island, Thomas Dautry, John of Barton, Robert of Crayke, Thomas Newthorpe, William of Appleby, William Cawood, Thomas Launcels, Robert of Lanchester, John of Charleton, John de Hoton', William Mounceaux, Thomas Staplay, John of Durham, Robert Masham, William Barry, Robert Easby, John Fishwick, John Mores, and John of Fishburn, monks of Durham, personally present in chapter, appointed Master James de Subinago, Master Nicholas Lubyk, Master Everard de Rees and John Kemp, absent or present, their proctors in causes and business concerning the prior and convent and their churches of Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, brought or to be brought at the instance of John of Reepham, calling himself archdeacon of Northumberland, before the pope or in the Roman curia or elsewhere, with the functions of the proctors extensively described.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 6 February 1394/5.
With some marginalia and interlineations.
Size: 195 x 275mm
Copy: DCD Reg.II, f.316r-v.
Another draft (dated 10 March 1395): DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.3a.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.1   17 November 1362
Notarial instrument reciting a composition between John [Fossor] prior of Durham and Richard of Barnard Castle archdeacon of Northumberland whereby the prior conceded to the archdeacon for his life archidiaconal jurisdiction over the priory's appropriated churches, as was demonstrated in various indentures seen by the notary, and reciting the following mandate to effect this agreement.
Witnesses: Master William of Farnham official of the archdeacon of Durham, John Travers and John Hyndley of York and Durham dioceses, clerks.
Date: prior's chamber Durham, 17 November 1362.
Notary: John of Hackthorpe clerk of Carlisle diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham to Richard [of Beckingham] prior of Holy Island to desist from exercising jurisdiction over appropriated churches as there is now an agreement with the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Date: Durham, 17 November 1362.
Size: 370 x 355mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.2   25 April 1362
Notarial instrument reciting that on 23 April 1362 John of Bamburgh archdeacon of Northumberland and Adam of Billingham, clerk of Durham diocese and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, agreed to observe an agreement between the two parties, which was sealed, as the archdeacon did not have his own seal, with the seal of his official Master William Alleman, witnessed by Brother John of Normanby monk and almoner of Durham, Master Simon of Newton NP by apostolic authority, the said Master William Alleman and Dom John of Barnard Castle rector of Elwick; and then in the chapter house on 25 April in the presence of Brothers John prior, Richard of Bickerton subprior, John of Cornwall feretrar, Robert of Walworth terrar, Thomas of Hardwick hostillar, John of Tickhill sacrist, John of Normanby almoner, Robert of Barnard Castle communar, John of Billsfield granator, William of Goldsborough, John de Halughton, and John of Langton, the agreement was sealed by the chapter, the recited agreement being between the prior and convent of Durham with John of Bamburgh archdeacon of Northumberland over jurisdiction in the prior and convent's appropriated churches of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington, and Bywell St Peter, with the archdeacon having archidiaconal rights of visitation in their appropriated churches on payment to the prior and convent at Durham of an annual pension of 40s starting at St Martin next, with this agreement to be observed by both parties on pain of 200 marks for any default.
Witnesses: Master Adam of Billingham proctor of the court of Durham, John of Hindley and Robert of Masham literati of Durham diocese.
Date: Durham chapter house, 25 April 1362.
Notary: John Nesbitt clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 350 x 280mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
Original of the agreement: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.9.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.3a   10 March 1395
Draft notarial instrument of proxy recording that John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, Robert [Ripon] subprior of Durham, John of Bishopton, Thomas of [Holy] Island, Thomas Dautry, John of Barton, Robert of Crayke, Thomas Newthorpe, William of Appleby, William Cawood, Thomas Launcels, Robert of Lanchester, John of Charleton, John de Hoton', William Mounceaux, Thomas Staplay, John of Durham, Robert Masham, William Barry, Robert Easby, John Fishwick, John Mores, and John of Fishburn, monks of Durham, personally present in chapter, appointed Master James de Subinago, Master Nicholas Lubyk, Master Everard de Rees and John Kemp, absent or present, their proctors in causes and business concerning the prior and convent and their churches of Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, brought or to be brought at the instance of John of Reepham, calling himself archdeacon of Northumberland, before the pope or in the Roman curia or elsewhere, with the functions of the proctors extensively described.
Witnesses: Richard of Normanby and Thomas Hall clerks of York and Lincoln dioceses.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 6 February 1394/5.
Notary: William of Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
With cancellations (including an earlier date of 6 February) and interlineations.
Size: 175 x 360mm
An earlier version dated 6 February 1395: DCD 2.1.Arch.Northumb.23.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.3b   30 October 1394
Notarial instrument reciting the substitution by Master Robert of Ashborne clerk of William of Weardale chaplain as proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham by Dom William of Rock abbot of Alnwick and Dom Paul de Dugmano papal auditor in the case between John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberand and [the prior and convent of Durham].
Witnesses: John Frobbour of Alnwick and John Moreslaw of Carlisle and Durham dioceses.
Date: John Frobbour's house in Alnwick, 30 October 1394.
Notary: William of Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 160 x 290mm
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.3c   10 April 1394
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal of Robert Berall clerk as proctor of William of Aislaby, monk and prior of Hoy Island, against the jurisdiction of John Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland over the prior and parochial church of Holy Island and his or his official's right in the name of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to summon the prior to a most remote place on roads beset with dangers to answer in the consistory court a case against William Atkinson of Fenwick with his wife Christiana within ten days.
Witnesses: Dom Thomas Emery chaplain, Master John of Hackthorpe clerk, and John of Denton, of Durham diocese.
Date: John Berall's house or shop in Durham, 10 April 1394.
Notary: William of Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 215 x 290mm
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.3d   10 November 1394
Notarial instrument reciting the substitution by Master Robert of Ashborne clerk of Doms William of Weardale, Emericus Heryng, chaplains, and John of Alnwick clerk as proctors of the prior and chapter of Durham by Dom William of Rock abbot of Alnwick and Dom Paul de Dugmano papal auditor in the case between John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberand and [the prior and convent of Durham].
Witnesses: Master John of Hackthorpe clerk, John of Killerby and Thomas of Lumley scutifers, of Durham diocese.
Date: William [Thurstanton's] chamber in Durham monastery, 10 November 1394.
Notary: William of Thurstanton clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 140 x 310mm
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.4   17 March 1397
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment by John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland of Doms John of Skendleby and John of Teesdale, priests, and Gilbert of Elvet literatus as his proctors to renounce the plea in the court of Rome and elsewhere between John [of Hemingbrough] prior, and the convent and chapter of Durham against himself over archidiaconal jurisdiction in certain churches pertaining to them.
Witnesses: Masters Herman Delberg and John Bone NPs, clerks of Paderborn and Münster dioceses.
Date: the house of Dom Herman de Bilnelt, auditor, in the parish of SS Cosmas and Damian in Rome, 17 March 1396/7.
Notary: Herman Baus of ?Paderborn (Padelonniens) diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 290 x 220mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
Duplicate: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.7.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (vii) & (viii).
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.5   28 February 1397
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal authority in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, in return for an annual pension of 40s to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 28 February 1397.
Size: 165 x 330mm
Seal: Unimpressed wax on a parchment tag through a slit in a turnup
Duplicate: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.8b.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.6   10 March 1397
Reduction by the prior and chapter of Durham of the annual pension due from John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland from 40s to 6s 8d.
Date: Durham chapter house, 10 March 1396/7.
Size: 100 x 270mm
Seal: Parchment [sealing] tag through a slit in a turnup
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.7   17 March 1397
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment by John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland of Doms John of Skendleby and John of Teesdale, priests, and Gilbert of Elvet literatus as his proctors to renounce the plea in the court of Rome and elsewhere between John [of Hemingbrough] prior, and the convent and chapter of Durham against himself over archidiaconal jurisdiction in certain churches pertaining to them.
Witnesses: Masters Herman Delberg and John Bone NPs, clerks of Paderborn and Münster dioceses.
Date: the house of Dom Herman de Bilnelt, auditor, in the parish of SS Cosmas and Damian in Rome, 17 March 1396/7.
Notary: Herman Baus of ?Paderborn (Padelonniens) diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 240 x 265mm
Duplicate: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.4.
Copies: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.1 (vii) & (viii).
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.8a   [?1397]
Draft agreement of John [of Hemingbrough] prior and the convent of Durham with Master John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland that he would have archidiaconal jurisdiction over their appropriated churches of Norham, Holy Island, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, receiving the emoluments therefrom, except for those from Holy Island, Norham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter which are to be reserved to the prior and convent, and the suit at the Roman curia is to be dropped. With cancellations and interlineations.
Also three versions of a bond between the prior and convent of Durham and Master John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland in £100 for the transfer of the jurisdiction and the payment of the emoluments. With interlineations and cancellations.
Size: 215 x 295mm
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.8b   28 February 1397
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, in return for an annual pension of 40s to be paid at Durham beginning at next Pentecost, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house, 28 February 1397.
Size: 150 x 325mm
Seal: Parchment [sealing] tag through a slit in a turnup
Tied to the next by a tie through the tag
Duplicate: DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.5.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.9   17 March 1346
Agreement of the prior and convent of Durham with Dom William of Shrewsbury archdeacon of Northumberland, that the archdeacon would exercise archidiaconal jurisdiction - visitation, correction and reform - in the appropriated churches of the prior and convent of Durham of Norham, Branxton, Holy Island, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, with the prior and convent and the archdeacon receiving the emoluments therefrom in alternate years, with both parties to observe the agreement on penalty of 200 marks for default.
Date: Durham chapter house (prior and convent) and Durham cathedral (archdeacon), 17 March 1345/6.
Size: 230 x 420mm
Seal: Slit in a turnup
Tied to the previous by a tie through the tag
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.10   18 November 1362
Grant by the prior and chapter of Durham to Dom Richard of Barnard Castle archdeacon of Northumberland for his counsel, help and care towards the prior and chapter and its concerns of an annual pension of 13s 4d whilst he is archdeacon, to be paid in Durham cathedral at Pentecost and St Martin from next Pentecost 1363.
Date: Durham chapter house, 18 November 1362.
Endorsed as not registered.
Size: 130 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.3274 on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.11   2 April 1370
Grant by the prior and chapter of Durham to Dom William of Beverley archdeacon of Northumberland for his counsel, help and care towards the prior and chapter and its concerns of an annual pension of 26s 8d whilst he is archdeacon, to be paid in Durham cathedral at Pentecost and St Martin from next Pentecost 1370.
Date: Durham chapter house, 2 April 1370.
Endorsed as not registered.
Size: 130 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.3275 on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.12   [22 September 1218]
Fair copy of a confirmation by Richard [Marsh] bishop of Durham of privileges for the prior and convent of Durham. No witnesses or date, with an additional phrase cancelled.
Size: 270 x 190mm
Original: DCD 2.2.Pont.1.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.13   [?1384 x 1400]
Protest before R ?priest of Bertrand [de Alanio] bishop of Gubbio (Eugubin) and papal auditor, of James de Submago of Milan (Mediolano) proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, in the case against Dom John of Reepham archdeacon of Northumberland over archidiaconal jurisdiction.
Titled as “in causa dunelmen'”. With some interlineations and additions at the end.
Size: 300 x 215mm
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.14   24 April 1455
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal by Dom William Seaton, professed monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, to the pope claiming archidiaconal jurisdiction in its appropriated churches of Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Holy Island, Bywell St Peter, [Durham] St Oswald, Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, Dalton-le-Vale, Hesleden, Billingham, Middleham, Pittington, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham and Bedlington.
Witnesses: Master William Castell MA vicar of Berwick, Doms John Haggerston, William Tanfield and John Hindley, chaplains, Robert Ebchester, Robert Dixon and William Laws literati of York and Durham dioceses.
Date: Durham cathedral nave, 24 April 1455.
Notary: John of Hexham clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a protest against the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Size: 310 x 410mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.15   24 April 1376
Bond of John of Derby archdeacon of Northumberland to Dom Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham in £10 to be paid in Durham cathedral at St Martin next.
Date: Durham, 24 April 1376.
Size: 60 x 320mm
Seal: G&B No.789 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.16   28 February 1413
Notarial instrument reciting the submission of Master John of Rickinghall archdeacon of Northumberland, in dispute over his archidiaconal visitation rights in the prior and convent of Durham's appropriated churches of Holy Island, Norham, Branxton, Ellingham, Edlingham, Bedlington and Bywell St Peter, with Brother John of Wessington proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, to the arbitration of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham.
Witnesses: Masters John Welles DDec, Richard Holme and Thomas Lyes canons of York and Lincoln cathedrals, and Lawrence Stafford NP of Lincoln diocese.
Date: the parlour of the residence of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham outside the walls of London, 28 February 1412/3.
Notary: Richard Brancepeth clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic and imperial authority, eschatocol recited.
Size: 320 x 370mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.17   20 October 1470
Letters testimonail of William Doteman LLD and official of the court of York inspecting the following fine.
Date: York, 20 October 1470
Fine in a tuitorial case between the prior and chapter of Durham appellants on the one part and Master Robert Mason LLD archdeacon of Northumberland and official of the consistory court of the bishop of Durham on the other, granting an inhibition to the prior and chapter and confirming their possessions.
Date: consistory court in York minster, 18 April 1467.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 140 x 320mm
Seal: G&B No.3147 on a tongue, with a stub [of a wrapping tie]
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.143r-144r and 148r.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.18   18 July 1492
Notarial instrument recording that William Cawthorne, monk of Durham, chancellor of the cathedral church thereof and proctor-general or syndic of the prior and chapter thereof, appeared in person and held in his hands and made, read, and interposed an appeal by him, proposing that, although the prior and chapter be of unimpaired reputation (&c), fearing, from plausible reasons and newly-made threats, that prejudice may be engendered by some rivals in future concerning the position of the prior and chapter and their right in the cathedral church of Durham and the parish churches and chapels appropriated to them, in their dependent cells and in the interests, rights, privileges, liberties, customs, possessions and jurisdictions belonging to them, lest someone by whatsoever authority or mandate, even if episcopal, attempt anything prejudicial (&c) to the position of the prior and chapter in the foregoing, in various specified ways, in contravention of statutes and privileges granted to them by popes, kings of England, archbishops of York and bishops of Durham, he appeals to the apostolic see and for the protection of the court of York, subjecting the prior and chapter and himself, their cells, appropriated churches and the chapels dependent therefrom, interests (&c), and those adhering and wishing to adhere to them and him in their name, to the protection and defence of the said see and court; declaring that, if need be, he wishes to alter the present appeal and reduce it into competent form, and to notify those concerned of a suitable time and place therefore, and that William asked the notary to reduce the foregoing into one or more public instruments, as need be.
Witnesses: John Neshe, chaplain, Ralph Lumley, Nicholas Blaxton, gents, and Henry Heworth, literatus, of Durham diocese.
Date: the register-house, monastery of Durham, 18 July 1492.
Notary: Richard Emryson, clerk of Durham diocese, NP by apostolic authority (eschatocol recited).
Size: 270 x 420mm
Copy: DCD Reg.V, f.18v-19r.
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.19   7 May 1455
Mandate by William [Ebchester] prior of Durham and archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the prior and chapter of Durham in Durham diocese to the vicar of Bedlington not to obey the archdeacon of Northumberland or his official unless directed by the official, sequestrator or commissary of the bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 7 May 1455.
Paper, 1p
Size: 110 x 295mm
Seal: Ghost of an applied seal on the dorse
DCD 3.1.Arch.Northumb.20   [1455 x 1456]
Draft appeal of William [Ebchester] prior of Durham and archdeacon in the appropriated churches to the pope and the court of York over his right to induct William Younghusband to the vicarage of Ellingham being opposed by the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Paper, 1p
Size: 205 x 290mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.1   26 September 1379
Certification by Robert Curtays parochial chaplain of Bedlington to Dom Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham and archdeacon in their appropriated churches in Durham diocese of having carried out the following mandate to induct John Pays, through his proctor Dom John de Bynyston chaplain, on 25 September.
Date: Bedlington, 26 September said year.
Mandate, by Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham as archdeacon in all churches in the diocese of Durham appropriated to the monastery of Durham, to Robert Curtays parochial chaplain of Bedlington in his archidiaconal jurisdiction, for the induction of John Pays as vicar of Bedlington, following his institution by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham on the prior and chapter's presentation, and to certify that he has done this.
Date: Durham, 21 September 1379.
Parchment, 1m, squarish [filing] hole in the top left corner
Size: 120 x 275mm
Seal: Head within a canopied surround, round, with a legend, 18mm, red, some edge lost, fair impression, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copies: DCD Reg.I, f.i.129r-v; 3.6.Pont.15.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.2   16 July 1390
Mandate by Thomas Greatham rector of Ryton and vicar general of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to the official of the archdeaconry of the prior and convent of Durham in their churches in Northumberland to induct Dom William of Sherburn chaplain to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the resignation of John de Pays chaplain, presented to the vicarage of Berwick upon Tweed, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, and to certify that he has done this.
Date: Durham, 16 July 1390.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the top left corner, some stains
Size: 80 x 280mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.152r-v.
Presentations: DCD Reg.I. f.238v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.3   1 February 1419
Mandate by Thomas Lyes dean of the collegiate church of Auckland and vicar general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the prior and chapter of Durham in the archdeaconry of their appropriated churches in Durham diocese or their official to induct Master William of Doncaster deacon LLB to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the death of Dom Thomas Cowton last vicar, whereof the prior and chapter of Durham are patrons.
Date: Auckland, 1 February 1418/9.
Parchment, 1m, 2 diamond-shaped [filing] holes on the left side
Size: 90 x 375mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.156v-157r and 158v.
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.112.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.4   28 September 1411
Mandate by Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to John [of Hemingbrough] prior and archdeacon in the appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham or their official in that jurisdiction, to induct Dom Thomas Cowton priest to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the death of Dom William of Sherburn last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: his manor of Oldeford, London, 28 September 1411 and Pont.6.
Some interlineations.
Parchment, 1m, [filing] hole on the left side with a parchment tie affixed
Size: 90 x 315mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.156r-v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.5   31 January 1419
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham in his churches within his archdeaconry to Dom John vicar of the parish church of Ellingham and William Bentlay clerk, to induct Dom Richard Pyngill to Edlingham vicarage, which he is to certify having done to his chapter at [Durham] St Oswald on Thursday the vigil of St Matthias next [23 February].
Date: Durham, 31 January 1418/9.
Endorsed as executed on 3 February.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side, part of the head torn away and missing with some text lost
Size: 60 x 255mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.159r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.6   13 December 1419
Mandate by Thomas [Leys] dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to the prior and chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Dom John Stillington chaplain to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the resignation of Master William Doncaster, last vicar.
Date: South Auckland, 13 December 1419.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 95 x 280mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.161r.
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.136.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.7   16 December 1419
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham in his churches within his archdeaconry to Master William Doncaster, Dom John Clifford chaplain and Robert Berehalgh clerk, to induct Dom John Stillington to Bedlington vicarage, which he is to certify having done to his chapter at [Durham] St Oswald on Wednesday after the Epiphany next [10 January].
Date: Durham, 16 December 1419.
With doodles of various words along the foot.
Endorsed as executed by William Doncaster on St Thomas the Apostle [21 December].
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side, bottom edge damaged
Size: 90 x 270mm
Seal: Papered applied seal on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.8   23 February 1422
Mandate by Thomas Leys dean of Auckland, vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, to John [Wessington] prior and the chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Master John Eland priest to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the death of Dom John Stillington, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 23 February 1421/2.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 70 x 330mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.155.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.9   24 February 1422
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham in his churches within his archdeaconry to Dom Richard Eland chaplain, to induct Master John Eland priest to Bedlington vicarage, which he is to certify having done to his chapter at [Durham] St Oswald on Wednesday before St Gregory next [11 March].
Date: Durham, 24 February 1421/2.
Certification at the foot that he was inducted on 27 February.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 70 x 300mm
Seal: Applied seal remains on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.159r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.10   2 February 1419
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham in his churches within his archdeaconry to Dom Ralph Sherman chaplain and WIlliam Bentlay clerk, to induct Master William Doncaster to Bedlington vicarage, which he is to certify having done to his chapter at [Durham] St Oswald on Thursday the vigil of St Matthias next [23 February].
Date: Durham, 2 February 1418/9.
With some doodles and word trials.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 60 x 275mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.11   22 December 1484
Mandate by Hugh Snell DDec, vicar-general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, the bishop of Durham being vacant, to John [Auckland] prior and the chapter of Durham, archdeacon of their appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Dom Thomas Haull chaplain to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the death of Dom John Rawson the last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: 22 December 1484.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Size: 60 x 275mm
Seal: G&B No.3186B on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.12   8 January 1499
Mandate by Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham to induct Dom Thomas Lee chaplain to Bedlington vicarage, vacant on the resignation of Master Robert Pytcher last vicar.
Date: 8 January 1498/9, Pont.5.
Paper, 1p
Size: 215 x 250mm
Seal: G&B No.3163, applied to the face
Presentation: DCD Reg.V, f.42v.
Digitised material for DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.12 - Mandate by bishop Fox of Durham to induct Dom Thomas Lee chaplain to Bedlington vicarage - 8 January 1498/9
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.13   17 October 1466
Mandate by Lawrence [Booth] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham to induct Dom Richard Langcak as vicar of Bedlington, vacant on the death of Master John Eland last vicar, presented by the prior and convent of Durham, with the archdeacon of Northumberland protesting and the earl of Northumberland consenting.
Date: Auckland castle, 17 October 1466, Pont.10.
Parchment, 1m, square-shaped [filing] hole on both the left and right edges
Size: 65 x 380mm
Seal: Seal residue, applied, on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.14   6 October 1477
Mandate by Hugh Snell DDec, vicar-general of William [Dudley] bishop of Durham, to Richard [Bell] prior of Durham and archdeacon of the prior and chapter's appropriated churches in the city and diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Master Elias Bell MA as vicar of Bedlington, vacant on the death of Dom Gilbert Graybarn alias Clark last vicar, presented by the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1477.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 120 x 320mm
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.15   2 November 1379
Mandate by William of Farnham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal rights of the prior of Durham in his churches in the diocese of Durham, for an enquiry into the presentation by the prior and convent of Durham of Dom Roger del Bothe chaplain to the vacant Ellingham church.
Date: Durham, 2 November 1379.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped and stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 115 x 265mm
Seal: Seal remains, applied, on the dorse
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.129v-130r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.16   8 November 1379
Mandate by William of Farnham, vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal rights of the prior of Durham in his churches in the diocese of Durham, to induct, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, Dom Roger del Bothe priest to the vacant Ellingham church.
Date: Durham, 8 November 1379.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 85 x 285mm
Seal: G&B No.3173, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.130r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.17   7 April 1382
Commission by the official of the bishop of Durham to Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham, archdeacon in all churches appropriated to him and his convent within the diocese Durham, having received and reciting the following mandate, to conduct an inquisition, as below, and instructing them to give certification of all they shall have done in the foregoing.
Date: Durham, 7 April 1382.
Mandate by John [Fordham] bishop of Durham to Master Thomas Greatham official of Durham, instructing him to cause the prior to conduct an inquisition, with points of enquiry specified, into the vicarage of Ellingham, in full chapter, by local, trustworthy men, clergy and lay, in the deanery in which the said vicarage lies; and, if the vicarage should appear to be vacant and belong to the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, he is, by his letters directed to the prior and convent, to institute William of Billingham, chaplain, who has been presented to him by the prior and convent, in the said vicarage; requiring certification as to what he or the prior or his official shall have done.
Date: Fulham, 21 March 1381/2.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped and stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 190 x 335mm
Seal: G&B No.3173, on a tongue
Copies: DCD Reg.I, f.i.130v-131r; Reg.II, f.219v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.18   26 April 1382
Certification by the official of the prior of Durham, archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham, of having carried out the following mandate and having inducted William of Billingham on 25 April.
Date: Durham, 26 April 1382.
Mandate of Thomas of Greatham, rector of Ryton and official of the bishop of Durham, to Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham and archdeacon in his churches in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Dom William of Billingham priest as vicar of Ellingham church, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 April 1382.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped and (torn off) [stabbed filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 170 x 240mm
Seal: G&B No.3454, on a tongue
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.131r.
Another copy (mandate): DCD Reg.II, f.220r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.19   25 October 1389
Mandate of Thomas of Greatham, rector of Ryton and vicar-general of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and convent of Durham, to induct Dom Henry Lyng priest, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham, to the vacant Ellingham church.
Date: Durham, 25 October 1389.
Endorsed (contemporary) as a mandate to induct Lyng to Edlingham church (sic).
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 110 x 300mm
Seal: Seal residue, on a tongue
Copies: DCD Reg. I, f.i.131v and Cart.I, f.159r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.20   29 March 1390
Mandate of Thomas of Greatham, rector of Ryton and vicar-general of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior and convent of Durham in their churches in Durham diocese, to induct Dom William Wardall chaplain to Ellingham church, vacant on the resignation of Dom Henry Leyng chaplain last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 29 March 1390.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge with a parchment tie through it
Size: 80 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3173 backed on reused paper, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.153r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.21   21 May 1417
Mandate of John Hunteman master of Greatham hospital, Sac. Pag. Prof., [vicar-general of the bishop of Durham], to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Dom John Sinderby chaplain to the vacant Ellingham church, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 21 May 1417.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 100 x 280mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.156v.
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.89.
DCD Loc.XXV:155; Reg.III, f.51r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.22   22 May 1417
Commission of the official of the prior of Durham archdeacon in his churches to Doms William Zongar and John Godebour chaplains to carry out the mandate of John Hunteman vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to induct John Sinderby to Ellingham church.
Date: Durham, 22 May 1417.
Endorsed (contemporary) as carried out on St Augustine year above [26 May 1417] before Robert Necoll, Thomas Broun, Hugh Newton, John Newton, Patrick Prest, John Richardson and John Spenser.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 80 x 265mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.23   19 April 1439
Mandate of John [Wessington] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Dom John Furness chaplain to Ellingham church as vicar, vacant on the death of John Sinderby last vicar, on his presentation.
Date: 19 April 1439.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 65 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3186B applied on the dorse
Recited in: DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.24.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.24   11 June 1439
Certification by the official of the prior of Durham's archidiaconal jurisdiction in his churches of having carried out the following mandate on 20 April.
Date: Durham, 11 June year as above.
Mandate of John [Wessington] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the official of his [archidiaconal] jurisdiction, to induct Dom John Furness chaplain to Ellingham church as vicar, vacant on the death of John Sinderby last vicar, on his presentation.
Date: 19 April 1439.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 135 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.3455, on a tongue
Original (mandate): DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.23.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.25   1 November 1455
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the official of the prior of Durham archdeacon of his and the chapter's appropriated churches, to induct William Younghusband to Ellingham church, on the resignation of Dom John Furness last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 1 November 1455, Pont.18.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 80 x 270mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse, with a wrapping tie
Presentation: DCD Reg.IV, f.98r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.26   6 November 1455
Certification by Thomas Eland vicar of Embleton (Emyldon) to the official of the prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate on 4 November.
Sealed with the seal of the sequestrator of Durham by his deputy William Newton at the special request of Thomas Eland.
Date: Alnwick, 6 November 1455.
Mandate of the official of the prior of Durham archdeacon in his churches to Master Thomas Eland vicar of Embleton to induct Dom William Younghusband to Ellingham church.
Date: Durham, 2 November 1455.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 120 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3184, applied on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.27
Also entered as: 1.10.Spec.32 (which is missing).
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.28
Also entered as: 1.10.Spec.31 (which is missing).
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29   27 March 1401
Mandate by Thomas of Weston, leg. lic., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham diocese appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to induct John Turnour or his proctor into the vicarage of Norham; following the institution of John in the vicarage by the bishop of Lincoln, by the archdeacon's authority; and with John having been presented to the vicarage by the prior and convent, patrons of Norham, following the resignation of the vicarage by Master John Catterick, last vicar of Norham; Master John having resigned so as to exchange the vicarage for the vicarage of Winterton, Lincoln diocese.
Date: Greatham, 27 March 1401.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 120 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No.3260, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Nothumb.30-32
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.153v-154r; Reg.II, f.352r; 1.2.Arch.Northumb.30.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.30   3 April 1401
Certification by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of having carried out the following mandate on 31 March, inducting John Turnour in the person of his proctor Dom Adam de Spenser.
Date: Durham, 3 April year as above.
Mandate by Thomas of Weston, leg. lic., archdeacon of Durham, vicar general in spiritualities in distant parts to Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches within Durham diocese appropriated to him and his convent of Durham, to induct John Turnour or his proctor into the vicarage of Norham; following the institution of John in the vicarage by the bishop of Lincoln, by the archdeacon's authority; and with John having been presented to the vicarage by the prior and convent, patrons of Norham, following the resignation of the vicarage by Master John Catterick, last vicar of Norham; Master John having resigned so as to exchange the vicarage for the vicarage of Winterton, Lincoln diocese.
Date: Greatham, 27 March 1401.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 100 x 350mm
Seal: G&B No.3442, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29, 31, 32
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.154r-v.
Original (mandate): DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.31   22 August 1453
Mandate of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham archdeacon in the churches appropriated to him and his chapter to induct Master John Bourne BDec to the vacant Norham church.
Date: 22 August 1453, Pont.16.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 80 x 335mm
Seal: G&B No.3152, applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29, 30, 32
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.32   14 [December] 1464
Mandate of Lawrence [Booth] bishop of Durham to Richard [Bell] prior of Durham to induct Master William Towne Sac. Pag. Prof. to Norham church, vacant on the resignation of Master John Burne last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Auckland manor, 14 [December] 1464, Pont.8.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie, some heat damage to the centre of the foot
Size: 70 x 290mm
Seal: G&B No.3157 remains, applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.29-31
Presentation: DCD Reg.IV, f.144v (11 December 1464, whence the month date here).
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.33
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.34   30 October 1379
Mandate of William of Farnham vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham for an enquiry on the presentation of Dom William of Myton priest to Branxton church by the prior and convent of Durham vacant on the death of William of Kirkby last vicar.
Date: Durham, 30 October 1379.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 120 x 260mm
Seal: Some seal remains, applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.35-37
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.i.129v.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.35   30 October 1379
Mandate of William of Farnham vicar-general of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham to induct Dom William of Myton priest to Branxton church, presented by the prior and convent of Durham, vacant on the death of William of Kirkby last vicar.
Date: Durham, 30 October 1379.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie, some small holes with some text lost
Size: 95 x 235mm
Seal: Some seal remains, applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.34, 36, 37
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.36   16 July 1438
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham, to the official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the same prior in the churches appropriated to him and the monastery of Durham, to induct Thomas Radcliffe bishop of Dromore to Branxton church, presented by the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 July 1438.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 120 x 340mm
Seal: Some seal remains, applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.34, 35, 37
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.37   16 July 1438
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham as archdeacon in his appropriated churches to Dom John Durham vicar of Norham to induct Thomas Radcliffe bishop of Dromore, as in the prior of Durham's mandate, to Branxton church on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 July 1438.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped filing hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 90 x 265mm
Seal: Some seal remains (?G&B No.3455), applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.34-36
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.38   1 July 1416
Certification by John Newburn prior of Holy Island and official of the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the prior of Durham in Northumberland of the induction of Robert Goll to Branxton church as vicar on receipt of the mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham, vacant on the resignation of Dom John Durham last vicar, with its effects being handed over by Dom Henry Kyrkton chaplain on 25 June.
Date: 1 July 1416.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge cut away
Size: 145 x 280mm
Seal: G&B No.3281, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.39
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.40   7 January 1391
Mandate by Thomas of Greatham rector of Ryton, [vicar-general] of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham, to the official of Robert [of Walworth] prior of Durham and archdeacon of his and the convent of Durham's appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, for an enquiry on the presentation of Dom William of Crayke chaplain to Edlingham church, vacant on the death of Dom Thomas of Ireland last vicar.
Date: Durham, 7 January 1390/1.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped and stabbed [filing] holes on the left edge
Size: 95 x 290mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Copy: DCD Cart.I, f.153r.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.41   9 January 1391
Mandate by Thomas of Greatham rector of Ryton, official and vicar-general of the bishop of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, their archdeacon or their official, to induct Dom William of Crayke chaplain to Edlingham church.
Date: Durham, 9 January 1391.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 285mm
Seal: G&B No. 3173 on a tongue, with a stub [of a wrapping tie]
Copy in: DCD 3.6.Pont.15.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.42   30 January 1419
Mandate by Thomas Lyes dean of Auckland and vicar-general of Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham archdeacon in his and the convent's appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham or his official, to induct Dom Richard Pyngill to Edlingham church, vacant on the resignation of Dom Thomas of Ireland last vicar, presented by the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 30 January 1418/9.
Endorsed (later 15th century) that the name of the vicar now inducted is Dom John Robinson alias Morpeth.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] holes on the left and right edges
Size: 95 x 360mm
Copies: DCD Cart.I, f.157r and 158r-v.
Printed register copy (with related documents): The Register of Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham 1406-1437, vol.v, ed R.L. Storey (Surtees Society 177, 1962), p.114.
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.43   10 May 1455
Mandate by Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to William [Ebchester] prior of Durham archdeacon in his and his chapter's appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or their official, to induct Dom John Robinson alias Morpeth chaplain to Edlingham church, vacant on the death of Dom Richard Pingill last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Auckland, 10 May 1455, Pont.18.
Parchment, 1m, kite-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 90 x 330mm
Seal: G&B No. 3152 applied on the dorse, with a wrapping tie
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.44   25 June 1446
Mandate by John Norton DDec vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the official of the subpiror and chapter of Durham, the prior being vacant, to induct Dom William Wintringham priest to Bywell St Peter church, vacant on the resignation of Master William Newton last vicar.
Date: 25 June 1446.
Parchment, 1m, kite-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 90 x 350mm
Seal: Seal fragments applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.45 & 46
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.45   5 December 1446
Mandate by John Lound LLB vicar-general of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the prior of Durham archdeacon in the appropriated churches of him and the chapter, or his official, to induct Dom William Hyne priest to Bywell St Peter church, vacant on the resignation of Dom William Wintringham last vicar, on the presentation of the [prior] and chapter of Durham.
Date: 5 December 1446.
Paper, 1p, 2 kite-shaped [filing] holes on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 85 x 290mm
Seal: Seal fragment applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.44 & 46
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.46   13 November 1420
Commission by the official of the prior of Durham archdeacon in his churches to Dom William Bland chaplain to induct William Newton to Bywell St Peter church, to be certified in the next chapter at [Durham] St Oswald on Wednesday before St Nicholas next [4 December].
Date: Durham, 13 November 1420.
Note at the foot that the mandate was completed on 14 [November].
With some doodles and word trials.
Parchment, 1m, 2 kite-shaped [filing] holes on the left edge with a parchment tie
Size: 75 x 265mm
Seal: Seal residue applied on the dorse
Tied to 1.2.Arch.Northumb.44 & 45
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.47   26 July 1484
Mandate by Hugh Snell DDec vicar-general of Thomas [Rotherham] archbishop of York, the see of Durham being vacant after the death of William Dudley, to the prior of Durham archdeacon in his and the chapter's appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham, or his official, to induct Richard Sandie chaplain to Bywell St Peter church, vacant on the death of Dom John Hyne last vicar, on the presentation of the prior and chapter of Durham.
Date: Durham, 26 July 1484.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 110 x 280mm
Seal: Seal remains applied on the dorse
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.48
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.49   24 January 1499
Mandate by Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham or their chancellor to induct Master Thomas Todd LLB to Bywell St Peter church, vacant on the resignation of Dom Thomas Lee last vicar.
Date: 24 January 1498/9, Pont.5.
Paper, 1p
Size: 150 x 310mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the face
DCD 1.2.Arch.Northumb.50   [?1470 x 1473]
List of inductions by the prior's official 1377-1456 to the churches of:
Durham St Oswald: Master Robert Asshburn 1405, Master Thomas Robert 1410, Dom W. Caton 1411, Master W. Briscow 1419, Master W. Doncaster LLB 1420, Master John Lytham LLB 1435, Master W. Newton now vicar;
Heighington: Dom Thomas Kelloe 1377, Dom Thomas Wyhot 1400, Dom John Catton 1401, Master John Corbridge MA 1422, Master John Holderness LLB 1419, Dom Robert Dale 1439, Dom John Staindrop present incumbent;
Aycliffe: Dom John Aycliffe 1383, Dom W. Barton chaplain 1391, Master W. Doncaster LLB 1419, Dom W. Paxton 1420, Master John Fayt 1425, Thomas Radcliffe bishop of Dromore 1443, Dom Robert Hartlepool present incumbent;
Billingham: Master John Byllon 1396, Dom John de Very 1403, Dom Stare 1424, Dom John Neceham 1438, Dom Robert Brererey 1456;
Dalton: Dom Roger Moreby 1425, Dom Thomas March 1435, Dom Richard Rassham 1438;
[Bishop] Middleham tempore Bishops Fordham to Nevill: Dom John Gille, Dom John Easingwold, Dom John Newburgh, Dom Richard Garneth present incumbent;
Merrington tempore Bishops Skirlaw to Nevill: Dom William Fraunceyse, Dom Thomas Roos, Dom Robert Sulby present incumbent.
Paper roll, 2p
Size: 800 x 225mm
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1   10 December 1392
Commission by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches in Durham diocese, to Doms William of Aislaby prior of Holy Island, John of Newburn, fellow monks, and Master John of Hackthorpe to hold chapters for the churches of Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham, Holy Island and Norham to correct excesses and defects.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1392.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed filing hole on the left edge
Size: 115 x 275mm
Seal: Part of a [sealing] tongue
Tied to 2.2.Arch.Northumb.2-5 by a parchment tie
Recited in: DCD 1.1.Arch.Northumb.13(i).
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.2   10 November 1393
Mandate by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches in Durham diocese, to the parish chaplain of the church of Holy Island to summon the clergy and people of the parish to a visitation in the church on 1 December next.
Date: Bearpark manor, 10 November 1393.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed filing hole on the left and right edges
Size: 95 x 290mm
Seal: Applied seal residue on the dorse
Tied to 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1, 3-5 by a parchment tie
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.3   25 June 1409
Mandate of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon of the appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham of him and the chapter, to the vicars of the churches of Edlingham, Ellingham and Norham and the parish chaplain of Holy Island within his archidiaconal jurisdiction, to summon the clergy and people of their parishes to visitations at Edlingham church on 6 July, at Ellingham church on 7 July, at Norham church on 10 July, and at Holy Island church on 12 July.
Date: Durham, 25 June 1409.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed filing hole on the left edge
Size: 150 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.3442 on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Tied to 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1, 2, 4, 5 by a parchment tie
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.4   28 June 1409
Mandate by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches, to Dom William vicar of Bedlington to summon the clergy and people of the parish to a visitation in the church on 5 July next.
Date: Durham, 28 June 1409.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed filing hole on the left edge
Size: 95 x 310mm
Seal: G&B No.3442 applied on the dorse
Tied to 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1-3, 5 by a parchment tie
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.5   28 June 1409
Mandate by John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon in his appropriated churches, to Dom William vicar of Bywell St Peter to summon the clergy and people of the parish to a visitation in the church on 4 July next.
Date: Durham, 28 June 1409.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed filing hole on the left edge
Size: 85 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3442 remains applied on the dorse
Tied to 2.2.Arch.Northumb.1-4 by a parchment tie
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.6   1 July 1409
Commission of John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham, archdeacon of the appropriated churches in the diocese of Durham of him and the chapter, to Doms William Barry and John Morse his fellow monks to carry out a visitation of the churches of Bywell [St Peter], Bedlington, Edlingham, Ellingham, Norham and Holy Island, to correct, reform and emend them.
Date: Durham, 1 July 1409.
Parchment, 1m, with a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 85 x 315mm
Seal: G&B No.3442, with a parchment protective sleeve, formerly part of a cellarer's account of c.1400, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.7   14 October 1417
Certification by Thomas [of Ireland] vicar of Edlingham to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, reciting the following mandate, by authority whereof he has cited the ministers and men as required, their names appearing on an attached schedule: Dom John Drewen parish chaplain of Edlingham, Dom John de Hiklyn chaplain of Bolton, Thomas Tughale parish clerk, from Edlingham, William Forester, John Bramston, John Bowman, Adam Richardson, William Tughall, John Hogison, from Bolton, Thomas Bonvyle, John Bonvile, Richard Hayne, William Welesme, from Amberwick, Thomas Steykard, from Lematon, John Bidmore, Thomas Alanson.
Because his own seal is unknown, under the seal of the officialty of the archdeaconry of Northumberland, as the official attests.
Date: Edlingham, 14 October 1417.
Endorsed (contemporary) as by J[ohn] Fishburn visitator.
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to Thomas [of Ireland], vicar of Edlingham, instructing him to cite the clergy of the parish, along with eight, six, four, or three trustworthy men from each vill of the parish, depending on the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in the parish church on 14 October next to come, in order to undergo visitation; and requiring, at the said time and place, letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 26 September 1417.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, + 1m threaded through the sealing tongue above the seal
Size: 175 x 300mm
Seal: G&B No.3282, on a tongue
Copy: DCD Reg.III, f.56r.
Another copy (mandate): DCD Reg.III, f.55v.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.8   13 October 1417
Certification by Thomas vicar of Bedlington to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, reciting the following mandate, by authority whereof he has cited the ministers and men as required, their names appearing on an attached schedule: Dom John Compton chaplain, from Bedlington, William Bace, William Pace, Robert Jackson, John de Milnes, Thomas Hagart, William of Hall, Richard Jackson, John Gibson, from Chapington, John Darly, Richard Chapington, William Sherwynd, Richard Fisher, Hugh parish clerk of Bedlington, from Westlikburn, Thomas Killerby, Robert Killerby, William Broun, John Tittelyng, from Eastlikburn, Robert de Nederton sr, Robert de Nederton jr, Thomas Stiklawe, Robert Davy, from Cambois, John Gibson, Thomas Andrewson, John Lamb, Nicholas Berier, from Nederton, William Spencer.
Because his own seal is unknown, under the seal of the officialty of the archdeaconry of Northumberland, as the official attests.
Date: Bedlington, 13 October 1417.
Endorsed (contemporary) as by J[ohn] Fishburn visitator.
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to Thomas vicar of Bedlington, instructing him to cite the clergy of the parish, along with eight, six, four, or three trustworthy men from each vill of the parish, depending on the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in the parish church on 13 October next to come, in order to undergo visitation; and requiring, at the said time and place, letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 22 September 1417.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, + 1m threaded through the sealing tongue above the seal
Size: 175 x 300m
Seal: G&B No.3282, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Memorandum of it: DCD Reg.III, f.56r.
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.9   15 July 1422
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to Dom John vicar of Norham and Dom Robert Coll vicar of Branxton, instructing them to cite the clergy of the parish, along with eight, six, four, or three trustworthy men from each vill of the parish, depending on the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in Norham church on 30 July next to come, in order to undergo visitation; and requiring, at the said time and place, letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 15 July 1422.
Endorsed as executed by the vicars with those summoned being: (Norham) John Richardson, John Haydon, William Perkyn, John Dawson; (Cornhill) William Swynhall, William Mychelson; (Tilmouth) John Ferrour, John de Lee; (Twizell) William Swan, Robert de Lee; (Duddo) William Robinson; (Felkington) Robert Stalkare; (Heaton) William Cotour, John of Tweeddale.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 305m
Seal: G&B No.3444 remains, applied on the dorse
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.10   15 July 1422
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to Richard vicar of Edlingham, instructing him to cite the clergy of the parish, along with eight, six, four, or three trustworthy men from each vill of the parish, depending on the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in the church on 27July next to come, in order to undergo visitation; and requiring, at the said time and place, letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, along with the names of those cited.
Date: Durham, 15 July 1422.
Endorsed as executed by the vicar with those summoned being: (Edlingham) William Forester, William of Tughall, John of Bramston, Thomas de Trolhop; (Newton) John Hogeson, Adam Richardson, John ?Belhope; (Leverchild) Richard de Berall; (Bolton) John Huntrodes, Richard Hayne, John Bonvill, William Hunter; (Abberwick) Robert de Castell, William Hunter; (Lemmington) Robert Dickinson, John Hodson, John Bidmore, Thomas Home.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 90 x 295m
Seal: G&B No.3444 remains, applied on the dorse
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.11   29 [?July 1422]
Certification by John Morris prior of Holy Island to John [Wessington] prior of Durham, reciting the following mandate, by authority whereof he has cited the ministers and men as required, their names appearing on an attached schedule (no longer present).
Date: Holy Island, 29 [?July 1422].
?Draft, with some interlineations and cancellations.
Mandate by John [Wessington] prior of Durham, archdeacon in the churches appropriated to the church of Durham, to the prior of Holy Island, instructing him to cite the clergy of the parish, along with eight, six, four, or three trustworthy men from each vill of the parish, depending on the size of the vill, to attend before the prior or his commissaries, one or more, in the parish church on 29 July next to come, in order to undergo visitation; and requiring, at the said time and place, letters patent incorporating the contents of the presents, as to what he shall have seen fit to do in the foregoing, along with the names of those cited.
Date: [?July 1422]
Parchment, 1m
Size: 155 x 295m
Seal: [Sealing tongue] cut off and missing
DCD 2.2.Arch.Northumb.12   28 November 1348
Appointment by William of Haltwhistle subprior and William Gategangs sacrist of Durham cathedral of Dom Thomas of Scaleby chaplain as proctor to collect the Bywell St Peter revenues for the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 28 November 1348.
Parchment, 1m, a diamond-shapped and a stabbed [filing] hole on the left edge
Size: 100 x 280m