Composite manuscript written in England in the late 13th - early 14th century containing: (A) Questions on the Sacrament. (B) Anselm, Meditationes, etc. Ps.-John Chrysostom, Opus imperfectum in Mattheum; etc. The main body of the book is composed of two separate parts: (A) f.1-2; (B) f.3-123, brought together by later 14th century (contents list on f.1*v; in 15th century, a note of contents and the secundo folio reference for (B) “liber de ortu beate marie virginis cum multis alijs 2o fo posset” were written on the final page of (A), f.2v, column 2, top). (B) is made up of two contemporary sections: f.3-26 (quires I-II), and f.27-123 (quires III-XI).
Rebound in Durham by John Waghorn (charged 4 shillings 6 October 1727). Paste-board boards, brown calf, blind tooled panelled binding; 2 metal clasps. Durham Cathedral arms subsequently stamped in gold on to boards. Rust-ringed hole in f.1* and 1 from a ?chain staple on an earlier binding. Stains on f.1* from turnovers of an earlier binding.
Contents list, later 14th century cursive, f.1*v: “In isto libro continentur subscripta. Quadam determinatio de sacramento altaris ... Egressus iesus etc.” itemising (A), (B) items a-b (as one), c, d, e1, e2 or 3, f, g, h, i, j-k-l (as one), m, n, and o.
“liber Sancti Cuthberti et Ricardi Bell prioris Dunelm′”, written twice by the same hand, the lower version neater than the upper one, 1464x1478, f.2v, upper margin. Richard Bell, prior of Durham 1464-78.
“Iste liber Assignatur Nono Armariolo In Claustro Dunelm′ Ecclesie Per Venerabilem Patrem Magistrum Iohannem Auklande Priorem Eiusdem Ecclesie.”, 1484+, f.2v, column 2. John Auckland, prior of Durham 1484-94.
“R Minby/Murby”, later 15th century, f.1v, boldly written in a large, spidery, Textualis.
“F.8.”, early 16th century, f.1*v, top left.
Parchment: modest quality with pronounced follicle marks.
1*, 2* in modern pencil.
flyleaves (f.1*-2*) a bifolium, f.1-2, two singletons
Text-block: 245 x 155 mm. Two columns (width, 72 mm). Lines: 57 (space, 4+ mm; height of minims, 2+ mm).
Written in Textualis libraria; highly abbreviated
None. The 2-line-high space reserved for the initial ‘U’ remained unfilled.
Written in England, late 13th century.
“Quodam determinatio de sacramento altaris”, title added in 17th century. Numbering for individual points supplied in the margins by the original scribe. f.2* bears extensive contemporary notes, partly rubbed to illegibility.
Parchment: low quality, with pronounced H/F contrast, prominent follicle marks, flaws; cockled. Arranged FH, HF.
Foliated 1-123 in early modern ink.
I-X12, XI1 (f.123, now glued at the gutter to 122)
Text-block: 270 x 157 mm. Two columns (width, 72 mm). Lines: 68 (space, 4 mm; height of minims, 2 mm).
Written in Textualis libraria. Descenders of letters on bottom lines were often calligraphically extended; ascenders of letters on top line were rarely extended, but on f.27r, 91r, 92r, 93r, and 94r they were calligraphically extended and embellished with human heads. Nota words in the margin, the work of the same hand, often have elongated initial letters and ascenders. The same hand wrote rubrics.
None. Spaces left for initials throughout remained unfilled. They were generally 2 or 3 lines high for incipits, and 2 lines high for subdivisions. Exceptions: (g) incipit, 9 lines high, subsequent homilies, 3 lines high; (l) incipit, 4 lines high; (m) incipit, 5 lines high; and (n) incipit, 7 lines high.
Written in England, late 13th century/14th century.
Two pseudonymous prefatory letters as chapters 1-2, then Gospel of Ps.-Matthew as chapters 3-37. Compares with London, College of Arms, Arundel MS 24, item 17.
Marginal cues and Nota marks by the original scribe.
Numbers 3, 1 and 2. A couple of Nota marks by the scribe.
Most of f.26r, col. 2 and all of 26v, blank
Lemmata underlined in red. Nota etc. in the margins by the original scribe. Reference letters added to the side margins (at least some seemingly rewritten in rasura). Homily numbers and scriptural references as running headings in the upper margin, subjected to correction and rewriting.
Comprises the translator's preface and 7 homilies
Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription.
Guide words for rubric only, not rubricated. Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription.
Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription.
Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription.
Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription.
Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription. Rubric for explicit Book I and incipit Book II supplied as guide lettering.
Rubric only supplied as marginal guide-words; to which were added in the 14th century: “et ista omelia legitur in refectorio”. Marginal Notas with subject matter, supplied as part of original transcription. Modest further annotation. f.123v, column 2, blank.
Bloomfield, M.W., ed., Incipits of Latin works on the virtues and vices 1100-1500 AD including a section of incipits of works on the Pater Noster (Cambridge, MA: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1979)
Clavis patristica pseudepigraphorum medii aevi. 1A Opera homiletica (Turnhout: Brepols, 1990)
Stegmüller, F., Repertorium biblicum medii aevi , (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1950-1961)