Reference code: GB-0033-RHD
Title: Rupert Hart-Davis Papers
Dates of creation: 1910-2006
Extent: 30 boxes, 3 oversize volumes, 1 oversize file
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Papers created and collected by Rupert Hart-Davis
Rupert Hart-Davis was a distinguished publisher joining Heinemann in 1931 before becoming a director at Jonathan Cape and establishing Rupert Hart-Davis Press, his own publishing company, in 1946. He edited collections of letters, wrote an
Halfway to Heaven and acted as literary executor to many noteable authors. Prior to his involvement in literary circles he spent his early career on stage as an actor at the Old Vic.
Rupert Hart-Davis’ collection of papers are largely personal, they include extensive correspondence with key figures in his life including his mother Sibbie Hart-Davis; his first wife, actress Peggy Ashcroft; his second wife Comfort
Borden-Turner; June Holmes, during her time as Hart-Davis’ secretary and later as his wife.
The collection provides a personal insight into the work of the publisher Rupert Hart-Davis but not a thorough account of his career as a publisher or author, or to his relationships with the authors he worked with over this period.
A small proportion of papers cover Rupert Hart-Davis's career, largely in cuttings and letters regarding his early stage career and from his own published works. Later professional correspondence includes his editorial advice, royalty information
and his role as executor to a number of literary estates including Seigfied Sasson, Arthur Ransome and William Plomer.
Donated in 2011 by Duff Hart-Davis, no further accruals expected.
Rupert Hart-Davis' literary collection was purchased by the University of Tulsa in the 1990s. His collection of Siegfried Sassoon papers were donated to the University of Cambridge.
Open for consultation.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
The arrangement is as follows
1. Professional Papers
2. Professional Correspondence
3. Personal Correspondence
4. Diaries
5. Scrapbooks and Miscellaneous
6. Photographs
Durham University also holds the Plomer Manuscripts
The University of Tulsa holds Hart-Davis' book collection and some manuscript material
Ziegler, Philip,
Rupert Hart-Davis: Man of Letters (Chatto and Windus, 2004)
Professional PapersManuscriptsGeorge W. LyttletonRHD 1-3 [c. 1913-1988]
Manuscripts by George William Lyttelton, some of which are from his Common place book and some from Eton. Also includes an introduction to
The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters
Charles Fisher
RHD 1/1 1917
21 pp.
George W. Lyttleton's recollections of academic and cricketer Charlies Fisher.
Booklet, printed by Stanley Morison
St. Deiniol's Library Memorial Lecture
RHD 1/2 1955
14 pp.
"Booklet from St. Deiniol's Library Memorial Lecture delivered at Hawarden on June 24th, 1955 by The Hon. G.W. Lyttelton"
Inscription from Lyttelton to Hart-Davis, Nov 1955
Includes some correction in blue ink
A Hagley Vignette. Or a whiff of old Worchester
RHD 1/3-4 [nd.]
8 pp.
Two typescript copies of playscript
“A Hagley Vignette. Or a whiff of old Worchester”
Both copies have been damaged around the edges by silverfish
Through the Looking Glass
RHD 1/5-7 [nd.]
19, 12, 11 p.
Handwritten paper
“Through the Looking Glass” with extensive amendments and annotation; Typescript paper; Typescript paper.
See you in yon corner seated on a stool
RHD 1/8 [nd.]
3 p.
One handwritten draft and two identical typescript copies of the poem
“See you in yon corner seated on a stool”.
One word too many
RHD 1/9 [n.d]
3 p.
One handwritten draft and two identical typescript copies of the poem
“One word too many”
An uncharted sea
RHD 1/10-11 29 November 1935
18, 18 p.
A paper read to the Ascham Society, Eton College
“An uncharted sea”. Typescript bound in green paper and tied with red ribbon, and carbon typescript copy, with small amount of silverfish damage.
The Boswells
RHD 1/12-13 1913
8, 7 p.
Typescript of paper,
“The Boswells”, contains substantial corrections including a handwritten insert, and carbon typescript copy of paper without corrections (small amount of silverfish damage).
George Lyttelton's Common Place Book
RHD 2 [c. 2002]
310 p.
Typescript draft of poems and extracts complied by Lyttelton and was later published by Stone Trough Books, York 2003.
Introduction to Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters
RHD 3 1977
Handwritten introduction to
Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters written by Hart-Davis.
Max Beerbohm
RHD 4 [nd]
Photocopies of Max Beerbohm's letters provided by The University of Texas and used by Hart-Davis to complete his edited
Letters of Max Beerbohm 1892-1956.
Writers remembered: Edgar Wallace
RHD 5 1988
1 p.
Article by Rupert Hart-Davis,
“Writers remembered: Edgar Wallace”, published in The Author, Summer 1988
The arms of time
RHD 6 [c. 1979]
21 p.
Handwritten draft of the introduction, part one, part two and the epilogue of Hart Davis' memoir
“The arms of time”
Jonathan CapeRHD 80 1931-1945
80/1: Letters and papers from RHD's career at Jonathan Cape Publishing, includes correspondence with Jonathan Cape regarding his role. Of particular interest are letters referring to Hart-Davis' financial arrangements
with Cape in the 1930s and Cape's rejection of his request to return to Cape as a Director following his military leave. Also includes lists of attendees at parties and a transcription of a telephone recording with H.E. Bates (21st October
80/2: Papers about Jonathan Cape by Hart-Davis and his tribute to Cape on his 80th birthday (23 Mary 1963)
80/3: Authors and their publishers: a study in extremes by Michael Holyroyd
80/4 portrait photograph of Jonthan Cape
80/5: newspaper articles about Cape
Correspondence relating Hart-Davis as literary executorWilliam PlomerRHD 7/1 1973-1974
Correspondence regarding the work of William Plomer and Hart-Davis' role as his literary executor: letter from James Plomer and Braby & Waller, Plomer's solicitors; inventory of Plomer's papers donated to Durham University by Hart-Davis.
1 file
RHD 7/2 1989-1991
Correspondence regarding the work of William Plomer and Hart-Davis' role as his literary executor: letters to Hart-Davis regarding permissions to use Plomer's work and regarding biographies.
1 file
RHD 12/1-2 1992-1995
Correspondence regarding the work of William Plomer and Hart-Davis' role as his literary executor including: letters regarding Plomer's Estate and permissions requests to use or adapt his work; letters requesting permission to use or adapt
Plomer's work
George Lytellton
RHD 8 1963-1977
1 file
Letters from George Lytellton's family including his [wife?] Pamela and son Humphrey Lytellton, also includes some letters about the publicaton of
The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters.
Tulsa University
RHD 9/1-3 1989-1999
3 files
Letters regarding the original sale of Hart-Davis' library collection to Tulsa University, including subsequent agreements; accruals to Hart-Davis' library collection; Hart Davis' deposit of the Siegfried Sassoon's collection.
Hugh Walpole
RHD 10/1-3 1989-2000
3 files
Correspondence regarding the work of Hugh Walpole and Hart-Davis' role as his literary executor including: requests for permission to use Walpole's titles in various works including television, biographies and stage plays; requests to adapt
Walpole's work, also includes letters regarding the location of Walpole's diaries; permissions to use Walpole's titles with regard to the twenty year copyright extension law.
RHD 11 1989-1999
Miscellaneous correspondence gathered together by Hart-Davis for his biographer Philip Zeigler. Letters refer to Leo Walmsley, Edmund Blunden, Monk Gibbon, Herbert Palmer, E.F. Benson, Hugh Brogan regarding a poem wrongly attributed to both
Rudyard Kipling and Max Beerbohm, Siegfried Sassoon, Stephen Tennant, Charles Langbridge Morgan, Daphne du Maurier, Ian Hamilton, Leonard Woolf, Ian Fleming, John Betjeman, Roger Fulford, E. Phillips Oppenheim. In most cases these letters refer to
possible biographers, general enquiries about individuals and fact-checking.
Siegfried Sassoon
RHD 13/1-2 1994-1998
Correspondence regarding the work of Siegfried Sassoon and Hart-Davis' role as his literary executor including: letters regarding the use and location of Sasson's collection, particularly his diaries, of note are letters between Hart-Davis and
Sassoon's son George Sassoon; letters requesting copyright permission and Sasson's collection of letters of papers, also includes letters between Hart-Davis and George Sassoon about suitable biographers.
Praise from the Past
RHD 14 1996-1997
Letters regarding Hart-Davis' published collection of essays
Praise from the past mainly in regard to proof-reading and its publication by Stone Trough Books
Halfway to heavenRHD 15 1996-2000
Letters regarding the final volume of Hart-Davis memoir
Halfway to heaven, mainly in regard to its publication. Also includes some early letters sent by Hart-Davis whilst writing the book, particularly to fact-check and find a publisher.
Photographs used in
Halfway to heaven and proof cover:
Arthur Ransome
RHD 16 1996-2000
Requests for permission to publish and adapt works, regarding research into Ransome's papers and letters with the Arthur Ransome Society.
The Complete letters of Oscar Wilde
RHD 17 1996-2000
Royalty statements for the publication of Wilde's letters, general research enquiries, also includes correspondence with co-editor Merlin Holland.
Max Beerbohm
RHD 18 1998-2000
Requests for permission to publish works by Beerbohm (Hart-Davis acted as literary agent).
Publishing agreementsReference: RHD 19Dates of creation: 1935-1977
RHD 19/1-39 1927-1977
English, American and miscellaneous contracts signed by William Plomer.
Personal PapersCorrespondence Reference: RHD 20-51 and 75RHD 20/1-15 1913-1928
Letters mainly to and from Sybil "Sibbie" Hart-Davis from Rupert Hart-Davis, family and friends. Includes brief letters from Richard Hart-Davis and Lady Agnes Cooper.
RHD 20/1 22 January - 28 January 19[--]
Two letters from Richard and Sybil Hart-Davis to his sister "Madge" (Margaret Annie Arabin Hart-Davis), sent shortly after the Hart-Davis' married. The letters describe the occasion as a rather rushed and spontaneous and make reference to their
subsequent living arrangements. Originally labelled as "Honeymoon Letters".
Transcripts have been made of these letters.
RHD 20/2 20 September 1921 - 11 November 1926
Language: Some letters inFrench
Letters and postcards to Rupert Hart-Davis from Sybil Hart-Davis
RHD 20/3 [c. 1920s?]
Two letters from Sybil Hart-Davis' husband Richard Hart-Davis
RHD 20/4 22 Novemeber 1923 - 3 December 1923
Letters to Sybil regarding the death of her sister Hermione Mary Louise Arnott, sent from her mother, Lady Agnes Cooper
RHD 20/5 1918-1926
Notebook contains Rupert Hart-Davis's handwritten extracts from Sybil's letters to him
RHD 20/6 2 April 1914 and 3 July 1916
Letters to Sybil from Raymond Asquith, including five newspaper clippings of his obituary
RHD 20/7 [191?]
Letters from Ernest Dimnet to Sybil.
RHD 20/8 1925
Two letters from Sir John Leslie from Sybil Hart-Davis, mostly in regard to orders of books. Leslie has painted Irish Woodcocks in watercolour at the top of one sheet. Also includes a cover letter from Sybil Hart-Davis to one of her children
which implies that Leslie's letters were forwarded to her children (11 Febuary 1925)
RHD 20/9 [1910s-1920s?]
Language: Includes some extracts inGreek
Two letters from Parsons to Sibyl
RHD 20/10 [c. 1914]
Letters from Lord Ribblesdale, includes a poem entitled
To the Dead
RHD 20/11 24 August 1914 - 25 August 1916, and 27 May 1981
Letters from Patrick Shaw-Stewart, mainly sent from his military postings during the First World War. There is also a clipping of Shaw-Stewart's obituary. Also includes one letter from a relative of Shaw-Stewart enquiring about correspondence in
Rupert Hart-Davis' possession (May 1981)
RHD 20/12 [June 1913 - September 1913?]
Letters from Sybil to Iris Tree, mainly referring to and sent from Venice
RHD 20/13 [nd.]
Misceallaneous letters sent to Sybil Hart-Davis including one from Evan Morgan, Second Viscount of Tredegar
RHD 20/14 1927-1928
Letters of sympathy sent to Rupert following his mother's death.
RHD 20/15 1929-1975
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis mainly regarding his parents, many are responses to enquiries made by Rupert Hart-Davis and some are letters of condolence
13 letters, 15 sheets, 2 envelopes
RHD 20/16
Red leather box and key, includes three clipping in lid of the box; a Beerbohm print, a newspaper clipping for Rupert Hart-Davis' first stage appearance and an obituary for Sybil Hart Davis.
RHD 21 5th May 1919
One letter sent to Rupert Hart-Davis from his maternal grandmother Lady Agnes Cooper
1 letter, 1f
RHD 75 1921, 1923 and 1928
Letters from [Walter Gum?] to Rupert Hart-Davis, refers often to the health of 'M'
4 letters, 6f, 3 envelopes
RHD 22 [c. 1935]
One letter from Richard Hart-Davis regarding the news that Rupert Hart-Davis and Comfort Bordon-Turner were expecting their first child
1 letter, 1f
RHD 23 1960-1994
Letters from Rupert Hart-Davis to his sister Deirdre Bland.
Bundles are arranged into approximate chronological sequence and awaiting further listing
RHD 24/1-7 1929-1945 and 1960-1990
Letters from Rupert Hart-Davis's first wife Peggy Ashcroft
2 notebooks, 5 bundles
RHD 24/1 1929
Black loose-leaf notebook containing letters written to Peggy by Rupert Hart-Davis during his travels with Peter Fleming, they give an account of their expedition. Many letters sent from Cyprus and Corsica.
RHD 24/2 July - December 1929
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis, some of which were sent whilst he was travelling with Peter Fleming in Europe. Enclosures include:
Newspaper clipping: "The world of books: abstract but not
uninteresting" by Desmond McCarthy fromThe Sunday Times, 21 July 1929
Photograph of Peggy and a gentleman outdoors with gardening tools (11 December 1929)
38 letters, 75f, 34 envelopes
RHD 24/3 May - August 1929
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis. Enclosures include:
Letter from Margaret G. Baird with a dried pressed flower (11 June 1929?)
Military Medal (Médaille Militaire), 3rd Republic, 1870-1951 issue (undated letter, envelope reads: 'To Rupert for Valour. I don't know what it was really for but it belonged to Daddy')
32 letters, 65f, 18 envelopes
RHD 24/4 1930-1931
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis, during this period Peggy visited Berlin and Rupert Hart-Davis was considering a trip to America. Letters also refer to the decision to end their marriage. Enclosures include: letter to Rupert
Hart-Davis from Bern Levy (17 May 1930?)
44 letters, 93f, 30 envelopes
RHD 24/5 1932
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis. Of particular interest are references to his employment at Jonathan Cape (8 Jan 1932) and general reference to their divorce.
20 letters, 30f, 15 envelopes
RHD 24/6 1942-1945
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis, mainly referring to plans to meet and effects of the war.
5 letters, 5f, 5 envelopes
RHD 24/7 1960-1991
Letters from Peggy Ashcroft to Rupert Hart-Davis, mainly referring to plans and general updates on their lives. Of particular interest is a letter referring to earlier letters at
RHD 24/1 and Peggy's responses to Rupert Hart-Davis's
request to confirm dates and information from their marriage (6 September 1989 and 2 April 1991); and a copy of a poem written by Peggy at 19 (10 April 1991).
37 letters, 5 sheets, 31 envelopes
RHD 25/1-9 1928-1955
Letters from Charles Marford to Rupert Hart-Davis, with some letters addressed only to Comfort Borden-Turner. Letters refer to Marford's stage career, particularly at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews, and discuss plays and theatre in detail.
Included are drafts of plays and annotated scenes.
6 bundles, 3 files
Bundled chronologically but, date ranges overlap. Still requires sorting
RHD 26 1927-1951
Language: Letters in a combination of English and French
Letters from Marie Ozanne, a friend of Sybil Hart-Davis, to Rupert Hart-Davis. Early letters refer to the death of Sybil (early 1927)
53 letters, 75f, 10 envelopes
RHD 27-31
Letters to and from Comfort Borden-Turner from various correspondence, mainly with Rupert Hart-Davis and their children during World War II.
RHD 27/1-7 1932-1941 and 1969
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis
7 bundles
RHD 27/1 June 1932 - September 1932
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis
RHD 27/2 1933 and July 1940 - August 1940
Letters include details of Comfort's journey to America with the children, their travelling through the country and regular updates on their lives in Maine
RHD 27/3 September - October 1940
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis on life in Maine with the children, a photograph of Bridget outdoors with a tea-set and pet dog (25 September).
RHD 27/4 November - December 1940
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis, includes discussion of the German bombing campaigns in England (9 and 11 November)
RHD 27/5 January - March 1941
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis; her decision to return to England and to allow their children to carry on in Maine (4 January, 8 February ); six photographs of the children on new year (16 January)
RHD 27/6 April - July 1941
Letters from Comfort to Rupert Hart-Davis
RHD 27/7 1966-1969
Letters sent from Comfort to Rupert
RHD 28/1-4 1940-1941
General letters from Rupert Hart-Davis to Comfort during his World War II posting in England and her stay in Maine, America
1: July 1940 - August 1940
2: September 1940 - October 1940
3: November 1940 - December 1940
4: January 1941 - July 1941
4 bundles
RHD 29/1-6 1941-1943
Letters sent to Comfort and Rupert Hart-Davis from America.
5 files, 1 bundle
RHD 29/1 1942-1943
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis and Comfort from their children Duff and Bridget. When Comfort returned to England in 1941 the children remained in Maine with Comfort's family until 1943. Letters from both children were posted together usually with
an accompanying letter to Comfort from Geraldine Longridge, some letters from the children were transcribed. Also includes some letters from Comfort to Bridget.
RHD 29/2 [ca. 1941]
Letters to Comfort from her sister Joyce Borden-Turner and Kay[?] regarding the children; includes four photographs of the children and farm in Maine with a letter from Joyce on the reverse; Bridget's weight cards; and one letter from Kay about
Duff's health
RHD 29/3 1942-1943
Letters to Comfort from Joyce in Maine regarding the children
RHD 29/4 [1942-1943]
Letters from Geraldine Longridge to Comfort with updates on the children, includes some letters and drawings from Duff and Bridget
RHD 29/5 January-June 1943
Letters and cables from Joyce and Geraldine Longridge to Comfort about the children's welfare and the possibility of returning them to England
RHD 29/6 [ca. 1942]
Small bundle of letters from various correpondents regarding Duff and Bridget in Maine, also includes some general letters sent to Comfort
RHD 30 [c.1933-1964]
Letters between Comfort and her family, the Turners, in America including:
1 file, 5 bundles
RHD 30/1 1933, 1935-1936, 1941-1964
Letters from “Pop and Margaret” [George Douglas Turner and Margaret Wilson], sent to Comfort and Rupert Hart-Davis in England,
RHD 30/2 1940-1941
Letters from “Pop and Margaret” [George Douglas Turner and Margaret Wilson], sent to Comfort whilst living in Maine, USA
RHD 30/3 1940-1941
Letters from Comfort addressed to 'Pop and Margaret' [George Douglas Turner and Margaret Wilson]. Letters sent from Maine with updates of life in America and the children, also includes Comfort's immigrant identification green card
RHD 30/4 [undated]
Letters from Joyce Turner to her father from Italy.
RHD 30/5 [undated]
Family record book containing the details of George Douglas Turner's marriage to Margaret Wilson
RHD 31 1940
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis from Comfort's mother Mary Borden and her husband Sir Edward Louis Spears
3 letters, 2f, 2 envelopes
RHD 32 1941-1948
General letters from Rupert Hart-Davis and Comfort to Madge Crumb [his paternal aunt Margaret Hart-Davis], includes a detailed account of World War II air-raids (5 May 1942)
18 letters, 20f, 3 envelopes
RHD 33 1949-1954
Correspondence between George William Lyttleton and Rupert Hart-Davis that pre-date the letters included in the publication of
The Lyttelton/Hart-Davis Letters including the first letter Lyttleton sent to Rupert Hart-Davis (24 Febuary 1949) and invitations to Johnson Club dinners.
1 file
RHD 34 1962-1968
General letters from Dickin Moore to Rupert Hart-Davis including references to Rupert Hart-Davis's work on the Siegfried Sassoon's papers.
Enclosures include: Poster advertising a lecture by Rupert Hart-Davis at the Bletchley Evening Institute titled
“To Russia by Motor Car” 14 March 1957 (11 January 1965)
1 bundle
RHD 35 1940-1945
Personal letters sent to Rupert Hart-Davis from various friends and aquaintances, all sent during Rupert Hart-Davis's military service throughout World War II. Includes a small number of official letters regarding Hart-Davis' military
6 bundles
Individual bundles are arranged into rough chronological order. Time periods in bundles overlap significantly
RHD 36 1921-1929
Correspondence with author Gillian Olivier (Jill) who was published by Heinemann, includes a short story entitled
"Any Obscure Gentleman" and articles referring to her work The Broomscod Collar
7 letters, 11f, 2 envelopes
RHD 37 13 January 1929
One letter from George Gamble regarding his father's death
1 letter, 2f, 1 envelope
RHD 38 13 April 1944
One letter from Rupert Hart-Davis to Lady Barbara Beerbohm
1 letter, 2f
RHD 39 1952-1967
Letters to and regarding Rupert Hart-Davis's third wife Ruth Simon
RHD 39/1 1962-1965
Letters to Ruth from Leonard Woolf mainly regarding social arrangements, there is reference to a book by Octavia [Wilberforce] that was rejected by Hogarth Press and offered to Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.
21 letters
RHD 39/2 1962
Letters to Ruth from Roberta Roberts, Freudian analyst and scholar and, wife of literary critic Leon Edel. Letters were sent from the Edel's tour of Italy where they were in the company of the Bonham-Carter's, includes detailed descriptions of
Lady Viola Bonham-Carter.
5 letters
RHD 39/3 1960-1961
Letters to Ruth from Leon Edel, mainly with updates on Roberta's health.
5 letters
RHD 39/4 1952
Letters to Ruth from the actor Allan Wade mostly regarding his research.
12 letters
RHD 39/5 1954-1962
Letters to Ruth from William Plomer, mainly regarding social arrangements.
9 letters
RHD 39/6 January - February 1967
/Letters of condolence sent to Rupert Hart-Davis following the death of Ruth. Letters are filed alphabetically and an index is included at the beginning of the sequence, newspaper obituaries are at the end.
4 files
RHD 39/7 1967
Spiral bound red notebook containing transcripts of Rupert Hart-Davis's visits to Ena Twigg, a medium, following the death of Ruth. Includes loose items, a letter from Peggy Ashcroft, a photograph, a letter from Ena Twigg and a newspaper article
referring to life after death.
RHD 40 1952-1990
Letters to June Hart-Davis (née Williams), sent before and after their marriage
RHD 40/1 1952-1964
Letters from Rupert Hart-Davis to June Williams following her employment as his secretary to the death of her first husband.
15 letters
RHD 40/2 1967-1968
Letters from Rupert Hart-Davis to June Williams following the death of Rupert Hart-Davis's third wife Ruth and prior to their marriage.
104 letters
RHD 40/3 1968-1998
Letters from Rupert Hart-Davis to June Hart-Davis following their marriage until the year before his death.
15 letters
RHD 40/4 [1968-1990s]
Cards sent from Rupert Hart-Davis to June Hart-Davis, also includes some anniversary cards from friends and two photographs.
1 bundle
RHD 40/5 1964-1966
Letters from Ruth to June, including a letter of condolence on the death of June's first husband, and a letter from June to Rupert Hart-Davis following the death of Ruth.
4 letters
RHD 40/6 1968
Letters from June addressed to Joyce and Reggie, including a letter announcing her marriage to Rupert Hart-Davis
2 letters, 1 postcard
RHD 41 [1950-1978]
Miscellaneous correspondence from various friends and acquaintances to Rupert Hart-Davis. Correspondents of note include: Anthony Burgess (16 April 1974); Martin Lindsay (10 July 1976) George Grimes Watson (29 November 1979); John Glendevon (Lord
John Hope), ( 12 December 1979). Many letters refer to the publication of Rupert Hart-Davis's
Hugh Walpole.
1 bundle
RHD 42 1975-1979
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis from the children of Gervase Beckett, particularly Martyn Beckett. Letters attempt to trace the meeting of Gervase Beckett and Sibyl Hart-Davis and discuss their mothers' mutual admiration for one another. Also
includes two letters from [?Gervase Beckett]
11 letters
RHD 79 24 June 1976
Personal letters to Rupert Hart-Davis from Prue Norman regarding books, social events and their possible shared paternity
Ann Prunella Beckett (1907-2001) daughter of Gervase Beckett
RHD 43 1960s-2000s
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis and June Hart Davis from friends and colleagues mainly with regard to social arrangements. Some letters were sent to June after Rupert Hart-Davis's death.
RHD 43/1 1972-2003
Verily Anderson
7 letters
RHD 43/2 3rd April - 18th April 1976
Jonathan Bailey
2 letters
RHD 43/3 [undated]
Peter Beckworth
1 card
RHD 43/4 15 March 2005
Bob Becker to June
3 sheets
RHD 43/5 21 March 1971 -12 September 1984
John Bell
4 letters
RHD 43/6 21 October 1986 - 3rd June 1987
Hugh Brogan
3 letters
RHD 43/7 1 March 1986
John Charmley
1 sheet
RHD 43/8 7 January 1971 - 3 November 1986
Paul Chipchase, with one letter from his son Matthew that references a possible transport of S[iegfried] S[asson's] papers
13 letters
RHD 43/9 [23rd April] 1972 - 11 May 1977
Kathleen Coburn
1 card, 1 letter
RHD 43/10 2 November 1987
Frank Collis
1 postcard
RHD 43/11 22 June 1968 - 7 June 1982
Diana Cooper
2 letters
RHD 43/12 June 9 [ ]
The Hon. Artemis Cooper
1 letter
RHD 43/13 21 June 1968
Nancy Crathorn
1 letter
RHD 43/14 16 June 1968 - 2 July 1981
Madeline Devlin
3 letters
RHD 43/15 5 July 1968
Jock Dent
1 letter
RHD 43/16 [undated]
Owen Dudley Edwards
1 letter
RHD 43/17 15 May 1981 - 19 May 1983
Valerie Eliot
2 letters
RHD 43/18 25 September 1978
Dick Elleman
1 letter
RHD 43/19 10 September 1968
Edith Evans
1 letter
RHD 43/20 26 August 1968
Leon Edel
1 letter
RHD 43/21 18 July 1987
Bernard Fergussan
2 letters
RHD 43/22 27 January 1981
Roger Fulford
1 letter
RHD 43/23 17 June 1968 - 10 June 1986
Jane Garnett and Richard Garnett
3 letters
RHD 43/24 15 October 1980 - 3 July 1981
Leslie and Harmen Grisewood
4 letters
RHD 43/25 5 September 1974 - 8 August 1983
Jamie and Yvonne Hamilton
3 letters
RHD 43/26 22 September 1986 - 1 November 1988
Pheobe Hesketh
1 letter, 1 postcard
RHD 43/27 31 May 1988
Antony Hobson
1 letter
RHD 43/28 10 October 1988
Haro Hodson
1 letter
RHD 43/29 18 November 1992 - 23 May 1994
Barry Humphries
2 letters
RHD 43/30 2001-2003
Correspondence with Roger Hudson about Rupert Hart-Davis's Selected Edition of
The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters with some reference to the possibility of publishing Rupert Hart-Davis's correspondence with Charles Marford
RHD 43/31 1998-1999
Letters from Merlin Holland regarding Oscar Wilde materials. Enclosures include four newspaper clippings about Wilde, one black and white photograph of Merlin as a child with his parents and a newsletter from the Oscar Wilde Society (May
RHD 43/33 30 August 1968
E.L. Jones
1 letter
RHD 43/34 [9] March 1969
Wyndham Ketton-Cremer
1 letter
RHD 43/35 25 May 1971 - 17 April 1978
Dan Lawrence
2 letters
RHD 43/36 15 September 1967 - 25 May 1970
Rosamund Lehmann
3 letters
RHD 43/37 6 February 1996 - 5 April 1999
Magnus Linklater, makes reference to his father Eric Linklater's letters given to him by Rupert Hart-Davis. Enclosed are clippings of articles by Magnus
6 letters
RHD 43/48 29 April 1969
Henry Maas
1 letter
RHD 43/49 19 November - 24 November 1968
Micheál Mac Llammóir
2 letters
RHD 43/50 26 February 1986 - 8 September 1968
Mother Margaret Mary
4 letters
RHD 43/51 2 July 1968 - 18 October 1985
Ernest Mayhew
5 letters
RHD 43/52 10 September 1964 - 19 September 1964
John Moore
4 letters
RHD 43/53 19 August 1972
Tim Munby
1 letter
RHD 43/54 18 June 1968 - 30 April 1990
John Julius Norwich
2 letters
RHD 43/55 25 September 1975
Paul Paget
1 letter
RHD 43/56 22 October 1968
William Plomer
1 letter
RHD 43/57 15 October 1984 - 17 October 1985
Annabel Rathbone, Annabel and Oliver Rathbone
2 letters
RHD 43/58 19 October 1993
Jean Rota
1 letter
RHD 43/59 17 June 1968
John Sparrow, includes a photograph of Rupert Hart-Davis, John Sparrow, Simon Nowell-Smith and one unidentified man
1 letter
RHD 43/60 31 October 1974
Jill Stallworthy
1 letter
RHD 43/61 9 March 1988
Donald Sinden
1 letter
RHD 43/62 22 June 1968
Glen Byam Shaw
1 letter
RHD 43/63 4 July 1968
Hugh Wheeler
1 letter
RHD 43/64 23 July 1970 - 11 September 1980
Emelyn Williams
7 letters
RHD 43/65 13 April 19[ ] - 17 September 1985
Veronica Wedgewood
2 letters
RHD 43/66 4 July 1968
Hugh Wheeler
1 letter
RHD 43/67 6 September 1972 - 22 August 1987
Philip Ziegler
4 letters
RHD 43/68
Annotated index, originally taped to front of original folder
RHD 44 January 1967
Letters to Rupert Hart-Davis from friends and aquaintances to congratulate him on the award of his Knighhood, includes a full index of senders (arranged alphabetically by sender)
Of particular note are:
Letter addressed from 10 Downing Street regarding Rupert Hart-Davis's reccommendation for Honours
A hand-bound short story "A Laughter in Paradise" by Godfrey Childe, dedicated to Rupert Hart-Davis
Newspapers clippings regarding the 1967 Honours List
4 files
RHD 45 1963-1967
Correspondence to Rupert Hart-Davis regarding Marske Rectory, Richmond covering the advertisement, purchase and renovations made to the property. Includes:
Clipping of the newspaper advertisement of sale
Letters regarding land at the north of the property
Letters regarding the availability and prospect of sale in 1963
Particulars, Plans and Conditions for Sale of freehold properties and woodland of the Marske Estate auction catalogue
A number of maps of the Marske Estate, Richmond
Handwritten document [in Rupert Hart-Davis's hand] copied from Norman A. Vesely titled "I once lived at Marske in Swaledale"
A schedule of costs for building works to be carried out at Marske Rectory
1 file
RHD 46 1986-1994
Fan mail sent to Rupert Hart-Davis.
3 files
RHD 47 8 December 1999- January 2000
Condolence letters to June following Rupert Hart-Davis's death on 8th December 1999, filed alphabetically with index at the beginning. Includes an order of service for the memorial mass at St. Edmund Church, Marske-in-Swaledale.
2 files
RHD 48 December 1999- January 2000
Typed copies of special letters of sympathy marked for the attention of George Ramsden and Philip Zeigler from Bob Becker, John Bell, Michael Burn, Paul Chipchase, Paul Delaney, Owen Dudley Evans, Jane Gardam, Merlin Holland, Magnus Linklater and
Ernest Mehew.
RHD 49 December 1999- January 2000
Letters from Duff Hart-Davis to June regarding the funeral arrangements and estate of Rupert Hart-Davis which includes letters regarding his head stone and funeral arrangements, also includes a record of attendance and order of service for the
RHD 50
Letters to June after Rupert Hart-Davis's death
RHD 50/1-6 2000-2006
Letters from various friends arranged by surname, most of which reference Rupert Hart-Davis's work or the biography
Rupert Hart-Davis: man of letters by Philip Ziegler (Chatto & Windus, 2004)
1 file
RHD 50/1 26 May 2004
Jonathan Bailey
1 card
RHD 50/2 7 March 2001 - 31 August 2001
Eve Bates, includes obituaries and an order of service for the memorial mass of Ralph Bates
2 letters, 3 enclosures
RHD 50/3 17 October 2001 - 21 December 2005
Bob Becker, and one letter from June to Bob
11 letters
RHD 50/4 31 January 2001
John Bell
1 letter
RHD 50/5 [April 2000]
Letter re: death of Claire Margaret Blunden
1 letter
RHD 50/6 17 January 2001 - 22 May 2006
Hugh Brogan
14 letters
RHD 50/7 2000-2003
Letters from Paul Chipchase to June which give accounts of his own father and refer to Zeigler's biography of Rupert Hart-Davis
Enclosures include:
A letter sent from Chipchase to Bishop [James Leo] Schuster giving a detailed account of the life of Chipchases' father who remains unnamed. The account begins with his father's attempts to run away at the age of
fourteen to his death at the age of 80 and covers his experience of World War II, 15 June 2000 (18 p.)
Letters from Chipchase to various family members and friends about his Aunt Mary giving an account of her life and decline, July 2003 (11p.)
2 letters
RHD 50/8-24 1980, 2000-2004
Letters from various friends arranged by surname. Most letters refer to Rupert Hart-Davis's work or Zieglar's biography
Rupert Hart-Davis: man of letters (Chatto & Windus, 2004)
2 files
RHD 50/8 22 May 2003
Frank Collieson, with a newsletter from the Sydney Smith Association and order of service for Mary Elizabeth Collieson at Cambridge Cathedral.
1 letter, 2 enclosures
RHD 50/9 [ca. 2000s]
Owen Dudley Edwards
1 card
RHD 50/10 28 January 2000
Colin Franklin and Charlotte Franklin
1 letter
RHD 50/11 16 April 2000 - 6 January 2005
Richard Garnett
22 letters
RHD 50/12 9 August 2000 - 24 October 2002
Edwin Gilcher and Elizabeth Gilcher
7 letters
RHD 50/13 22 February - 29 February 2000
Merlin Holland
2 letters
RHD 50/14 1 February 2001 - June 2005
Dan H. Lawrence
5 letters,1 enclosure
RHD 50/15 28 May 2002 - 1 June 2002
Paul Willetts regarding letters to Maclaren-Ross
2 letters
RHD 50/16 24 March 2004
Susie Medley regarding Pat Medley
1 letter
RHD 50/17 15 November 2004
Ernest Mehew
1 letter
RHD 50/18 25 October 1980
Laura Duguid, the daughter of Nico Llewelyn Davies
1 letter
RHD 50/19 20 November 2001
Verily Anderson Taget
1 letter
RHD 50/20 8 April 2000
Violet Powell
1 letter
RHD 50/21 22 January 2000 - 4 October 2006
George Ramsden
13 letters
RHD 50/22 27 February 2003 - 17 March 2003
Andrew Roberts
3 letters
RHD 50/23 13 September 2002
Robert Coulson regarding Hugh Walpole
1 letter
RHD 50/24 17 November 2002 - 30 January 2003
Nicky Bunker regarding Edward Young
RHD 51 [1970s-1990s]
Miscellaneous cards
3 items
DiariesRHD 52 1933-1940, 1946-1968, 1985, 1994 and 1997
Rupert Hart-Davis's daily pocket diaries. Diaries are marked up with appointments, meetings, brief notes about the day, reading lists and calculations. The diaries cover Rupert Hart-Davis's career at Jonathan Cape and his own publishing company
Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.
45 diaries
RHD 53 1922-1995
Rupert Hart-Davis's personal journals
RHD 53/1 1919-1924
Green bound diary with cover title 'Plays I have seen'. Rupert Hart-Davis's handwritten list and brief notes on plays seen. Also noted are the author of the play, theatre, date, characters and the people who accompanied him.
RHD 53/2 1922
Blue poultry keeper's diary. Rupert Hart-Davis's daily diary, entries are brief and refer to social arrangements, the weather, family, daily occupations and keeping chickens. Includes some entries about [Virginia Woolf and Leonard Woolf?]
RHD 53/3 1923
Green leather diary, incomplete. Rupert Hart-Davis gives a detailed daily account of his activities, school lessons and social arrangements.
RHD 53/4 1925-1928
Black bound diary with cover title 'Books to read and when'. A record of books read by Rupert Hart-Davis with a summary of his opinions.
RHD 53/5 February 1928 - November 1928
Red notebook with white adhesive label on the front cover with 'Acting' handwritten [by Duff Hart-Davis]. The diary covers part of Rupert Hart-Davis's career as an actor and includes daily observations, social arrangements, details of rehearsals,
performances and actors. The diary is more detailed and personal than earlier diaries.
RHD 53/6 November 1928 - July 1929
Blue notebook with white adhesive label on the front cover with handwritten note [by Duff Hart-Davis] reading 'Acting with Celia Johnson and Peggy Ashcroft'. The diary covers part of Rupert Hart-Davis's career as an actor and includes daily
observations, social arrangements, details of rehearsals, performances and actors. The diary is more detailed and personal than earlier diaries.
RHD 53/7 January 1931 - July 1931
Blue diary notebook with some detailed entries. Includes discussion of books and details of daily observations and social arrangements. Refers to his role at Jonathan Cape, meetings with authors and Peggy Ashcroft's acting career. Of particular
interest is reference to a social arrangement with Aldous Huxley (6 Febrauary 1931). Also includes books read and plays seen.
RHD 53/8 26 July 1943 - 11 March 1945
Small black incomplete notebook, written on a ship voyage to America to collect his children from family in Maine. Entries were written in New York City, Maine, Pirbright and Bromdon. Includes details of the ship cabins, the journey and other
passangers. Of particular interest is a detailed account of the German prisoners on board (27 July 1943)
RHD 53/9 January 1945 - September 1945
Small blue pocket diary with brief entries about social engagements, books read and the weather.
RHD 53/10 1949, 1958-1962
Green note book documenting daily activity, particularly walks in Richmond. The entry beginning 16th June 1958 is a continuation of
RHD 53/12 Enclosures include:
Grocery and auction reciepts
A newspaper clipping: "Priceless volumes for the Wensleydale browser
A handwritten note from Pheobe about her stay in Richmond with the Hart-Davis', June 20th [1960s?]
RHD 53/11 1955-1958
Swaledale Diary which document Rupert Hart-Davis's life in Richmond with his third wife Ruth. Enclosures include:
Recipts for household goods
Brief letter from J. and R. Hutchinson
Handwritten list of household items
A list of alterations to Cottage on Kisdon
Photograph of the [Swaledale] countryside
RHD 53/12 1962-1965
Red notebook diary, a continuation from
RHD 53/10. Documents Rupert Hart-Davis's daily life in Richmond with his third wife, Ruth.
RHD 53/13 1964-1965
Swaldedale diary, Volume 4. Detailed accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily life in Richmond with his third wife, Ruth.
RHD 53/14 1965-1966
Swaldedale diary, Volume 4. Detailed accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily life in Richmond with his third wife, Ruth.
RHD 53/15 1967
A4 desk diary with accounts on Rupert Hart-Davis's daily life and social arrangements. This diary follows the death of Hart-Davis' wife Ruth and his relationship with June, who he later married.
RHD 53/16 1968
A4 desk diary with accounts on Rupert Hart-Davis's daily life and social arrangements in Richmond.
RHD 53/17 1969
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond.
RHD 53/18 1970
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond.
RHD 53/19 1971
A4 desk diary with accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather. Includes account of his and June's trip to the Scottish Highlands and the Isle of Skye. Enclosures include two cards from June and a
leaflet for the Lochlash Hotel at the Kyle of Lochlash.
RHD 53/20 1972
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond. A anniversary card from June is enclosed
RHD 53/21 1973
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond.
RHD 53/22 1974
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond.
RHD 53/23 1975
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond. A birthday card from June is enclosed.
RHD 53/24 1976
A4 desk diary with brief accounts of Rupert Hart-Davis's daily activities, social arrangements, meals and the weather in Richmond.
RHD 53/25-34 1977-1995
Notebooks covering the daily activities of Rupert Hart-Davis and his social arrangements. Entries throughout this whole period are short and brief.
9 items
Misceallaneous notebooks of Rupert Hart-Davis
RHD 54/1 [undated]
Notebook of handwritten quotes, mainly from authors admired by Hart-Davis. Enclosures include poems, newspaper clippings and letters. Of particular interest is a typed draft letter, undated and unaddressed [regarding Hart-Davis' career in
RHD 54/2 1929
Incomplete diary notebook used to record quotes and lists of books read. Enclosures include newspaper enclosures of poetry, obituaries and birth notifications. Also includes a letter signed 'Min', possibly from Sybil Hart-Davis.
RHD 54/3 6 June 1929
Notebook of handwritten poems and extracts addressed to Rupert Hart-Davis from Peggy Ashcroft. The notebook is incomplete.
RHD 54/4 March - April 1945
Small notebook, cover inscription reads: 'To Rupert, owner of nearly all the First Editions of English Literature: this, a unique Pre-First Edition of a book he can write Himself - From Hamish with Christmas affection 1936.' Rupert Hart-Davis's
entries begin much later than the date of inscription and are addressed to Hamish Miles as a series of recollections following his death. The notebook is mostly incomplete. On the final pages are lists of books by and translated by H[amish]
RHD 76 1946-1967
Red notebook divided into years. Each year includes a brief summary of important events and quotes from letters.
Sibyl Hart-Davis' DiariesRHD 55/1 1910
Small red leather bound personal diary, which gives detailed accounts of Sibyl Hart-Davis' social arrangements, daily activities and experiences, including few brief descriptions of childcare. Includes a list of books read.
RHD 55/2 1911
Small red leather bound personal diary, which gives detailed accounts of Sibyl Hart-Davis' social arrangements, daily activities and experiences. Includes a list of books read.
RHD 55/3 1921
Small black diary with lock, gives accounts of Sybil Hart-Davis' social arrangements, including references to meetings with friends and aquaintances.
RHD 55/4 1925
Small red leather diary, with only two very brief entries about Duff Hart-Davis and the weather.
RHD 55/5 [undated]
Small red leather diary - locked, without key. Contents unknown.
RHD 55/6 1916 and 1919
Fragments from Sibyl Hart-Davis' diaries includes:
Three pages removed from a daily diary containing brief extract and a long quote from A Charwoman's Daughter, about the love of a mother for a son, 30
April - 1st May 1916 and 26 June - 28 June 1916
An incomplete and irregular diary documenting Sibyl's mental and pysical state, 26 December 1919 -1 March [1920]
Comfort Hart-Davis' Diaries
RHD 56 1950-1952, 1956-1966
14 items
Diaries belonging to Rupert Hart-Davis' second wife Comfort Hart-Davis (neé Borden-Turner), used to schedule appointments, arrangements and note important dates.
Scrapbooks and clipping booksRHD 57-74 and RHD 77
Scrapbooks, clippings, notes and miscellaneous momentos collected by Rupert Hart-Davis throughout his life. Scrapbooks contain a significant number of photographs.
In rough chronological order with undated or miscellaneous material filed at the end of sequence
RHD 57 28 August 1907 - 13 April 1908
'All About Baby' book kept by Sibyl Hart-Davis about the birth of Rupert, her first born. Gives brief remarks about his appearence, origin of his name, early behaviours, dates and times of birth, and baptism.
RHD 58 1908-1927
Scrapbook [kept by Sibyl Hart-Davis] from the birth of Rupert Hart-Davis to her death. The book includes photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis from infancy to adulthood; school reports; material relating to clubs attended at Eton College; letters
regarding Rupert Hart-Davis; newspaper clippings; photographs of his contemporaries at Eton College; photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis's fellow actors and actresses at the Old Vic, many of whom are in costume and whose photographs are signed. The
album also includes a page of newspaper clippings about Peggy Ashcroft, and clippings about Deirdre Hart-Davis' marriage to R.E. Balfour.
RHD 59 1909-1911 and 1927
Envelopes containing memento locks of Rupert Hart-Davis' hair during infancy and one envelope of Sibyl Hart-Davis' hair after death
5 envelopes of hair
RHD 82 1917-1990
Red bound scrapbook album with gold embossed initials 'R.C.H.D' on the cover. Includes group photographs from Eton and Stanmore Park, labelled and dated, later group photographs have names clearly listed; photographs from school plays; leaving
breakfasts and social events; clippings from RHD's school life; and a large number of newspaper reviews and photographs of Peggy Ashcroft particularly of her role in
Jew Süss. Loose enclosures include:
photograph of a lunch given by the Book Society, 1932
Page from the 'Candid' section of The Graphic of attendees of a "Columbus Party" given by J.B. Priestly on his leaving for America, 14 February 1931. Includes one photograph of Hart-Davis with Alan Brott and
Peggy Davis
article from Country Homes and Interiors about Duff Hart-Davis and his wife Phyllida Hart-Davis, August 1990 (3 pp.)
article entitled The view from here by Penelope Lively which includes a small section about RHD and his home in Richmond, [c.1990s], (2pp.)
programme for Jew Süss at the Duke of York Theatre, 19 September 1929
two loose reviews for Jew Süss, 1929
programme for the Kings Theatre Glasgow which includes an advertisement for Jew Süss
article from The Bystander with photographs from the first night at Druary Lane, Strand and Wyndam's Theatre, 20 September 1933. Includes photograph of RHD at Wyndam's Theatre
print of photograph. Assisi, Interno del Chiostro, S. Francesco, Rome.
print of Théodore Chassériau's Le Pere Lacordaire
print of Thérèse of the child Jesus
B. Gozzoli print.
pages from The Nation & Athenæm, 31 May 1931
seating plan pamphlet for the Book Society Luncheon at the Park Lane Hotel on Friday December [1932?]
cutting from The Daily Chronicle about Hart-Davis playing in The Taming of the Shrew in the Lyric Theatre, 22 Steptember 1927
signed sketch by Augustus John of his son Romilly
RHD 81 1938-1959
Scrapbook containing clippings of theatre and book reviews by Rupert Hart-Davis. When reviewing detective fiction in
Time and Tide RHD used the pen-name Norman Blood
RHD 60 and 77
Material collected together for a biography of Sybil Hart-Davis
RHD 60/1 1918
Certified copy of the marriage license of Richard Vaughan Hart-Davis and Sybil Mary Cooper which was originally made on 19 January 1904.
RHD 60/2 30 March 1923
Certificate of Baptism for Sybil Hart-Davis witnessed by Sir Alfred Cooper and Lady Diana Cooper.
RHD 60/3 20 November 1926 - 13 January 1927
Letters from Maurice Craig and J.S.R. Russell to Richard Hart-Davis about Sybil's declining mental and physical health, treatments and eventually a letter outlining the exact cause of death.
4 letters, 6f
RHD 60/4 21 July 1927
Text of a sermon at the blessing of the Communion rails in the Catholic Church, Crayford, the memorial to Mrs Hart-Davis by the Very Rev. Father Bede Janett, O.S.D.
RHD 60/5-6
Material about Sybil Hart-Davis from Nancy Cunard:
RHD 60/ June - September 1919
Typescript of brief extracts taken from Nancy Cunard's diary which refer to Sybil.
3 p
RHD 60/6 1955
A typescript bearing the handwritten title of
“The Liberator”. An account of Nancy Cunard's recollections of Sybil, signed. The piece refers to social gatherings with guests including Diana Cooper, Duff Cooper, Sydney Herbert, Hugo Rumbold, Evelyn Beerbohm,
Patrick Shaw Stewart and Iris Tree. Descriptions of Iris Tree's studio the 'Fitz' frequented by the group. Nancy also gives a detailed account of living with Sybil, Rupert Hart-Davis and Deirdre during the First World War at The New House, Kingston
Bagpuize with guests such as Augustus John, Wyndam Lewis and Peter Broughton Adderley. Also discusses Sybil's friendship with Sidney Herbert and the death of Peter Broughton-Adderley.
RHD 60/7 2 February 1976
Letter from Deirdre Bland (neé Hart-Davis) to Rupert Hart-Davis about Sybil, particularly about her relationship with their father Richard and a handwritten account of Miss Howe [by Deirdre]
RHD 77 1927-1928
A series of recollections by Rupert Hart-Davis's sister Deirdre Bland. Covers a trip taken to County Donegal with Rupert; her trip to Italy with Marie Ozanne and Wanda Stolden; Christmas in Monte Carlo; Rupert Hart-Davis's marriage to Peggy
Ashcroft; and her recollection of being kicked by Augustus John's horse.
RHD 60/8-10 [c. 1900s]
60/8: Typescript verse
In Praise of Young Girls signed R[aymond] A[squith], [nd.], (2pp.)
60/9: Article torn from
My Magazine (No 124., Vol. 16) of "Fifty splendid men who have awakened from the dream of life" about men who died during the Great War, includes a paragraph about Raymond Asquith. [nd], (9 pages)
"Lines addressed to a Viscount who died young", printed verses by Raymond Asquith to mark the centenary of In Memoriam, 1950
RHD 60/11-12 1915 and 1923
Miscellaneous papers including:
Newspaper clipping from
The Times of an obituary for Princess Arthur, 27 February 1959
Letter to [Rupert Hart-Davis] from Sybil Hart-Davis to notify him of the death of [Mishie?]
RHD 61 1920 and 1926
English Literature examinations set by George Lyttleton with Rupert Hart-Davis's handwritten responses.
11 p.
RHD 62 1926
Balliol College List, Michaelmas Term.
1 item
RHD 63 1927
A handmade book of handwritten poems, with ink and watercolour illustrations. The book is
Listen Love is Singing. The book is to R[upert] from A., who is possibly Anne Brindley, Rupert Hart-Davis's first fiancée. Also includes an enclosed letter from A[nne] about the breakdown of their relationship and her
desire to remain friends.
RHD 64
File entitled 'My life in theatre' contains theatre programmes and newspaper clippings from Rupert Hart-Davis's stage career at The Old Vic.
RHD 64/1 [c. September 1927-January 1928]
Programmes, flyer and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic Company's performance of
The Taming of the Shew at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith. Later versions of the programme show Hart-Davis taking on additional roles.
24 items
RHD 64/2 [c. October 1927]
Programme and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic Company's performance of
The Merchant of Venice at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
21 items
RHD 64/3 [c. December 1927]
Programme and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic Company's performance of
Much Ado About Nothing at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
16 items
RHD 64/4 [c. January 1928]
Programme and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic Company's performance of
Henry V at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
5 items
RHD 64/5 February - March 1928
Programme and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic Company's performance of
Romeo and Juliet at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
15 items
RHD 64/6 July 1928
Call, programme and reviews for the Incoperated Stage Society's performance of
Peter amongst the Jews by Franz Werfel, translated by Paul P. Levertoff, at the Prince of Wales' Theatre.
5 items
RHD 64/7 [February 1928]
Postcards for The Old Vic students' production of
The Dark Apostle by M.I. Vladimov
2 items
RHD 64/8 9 items[February 1928]
Postcards and newspaper clipping reviews for The Old Vic students' production of Robert Browning's
Pippa Passes
RHD 64/9 [c.1927-1928]
Clippings of newspaper reviews for The Old Vic performance of
6 items
RHD 64/10 [c.1927-1928]
Clippings of newspaper reviews for The Old Vic performance of
King Lear
3 items
RHD 64/11 [c.1927-1928]
Programme and clippings of newspaper reviews for the Victorian Shakespeare Company's performance of Sheridan's
The School for Scandal at The Old Vic.
RHD 64/12 March -July 1928
A letter addressed to Rupert Hart-Davis offering him a role of understudy in
She Stoops to Conquer and programmes and newspaper clippings about the performance at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.
13 items
RHD 64/13 November [1928]
Programme and clippings of newspaper reviews of Sheridan's
The Critic and A.P. Herbert's Two Gentleman of Soho performed at the Royal Court Theatre.
12 items
RHD 64/14 [February - March 1929]
Programme and clippings of newspaper reviews of C.K. Munro's
The Rumour performed at The Royal Court Theatre.
24 items
RHD 64/15 March 1929
Programme and clippings of newspaper reviews of
The Hunter's Moon performed by The Sunday Play Society Ltd at the Prince of Wales' Theatre. Also includes a brief letter by Leslie Faber about the performance.
12 items
RHD 64/16 May 1929
Newspaper clippings about the
She Stoops to Conquer
15 items
RHD 64/17 [c. 1927-1928]
Programme and one clipping of a newspaper review for
The Two Noble Kinsmen at the Old Vic.
RHD 64/18 23 April 1928
Programme for The Old Vic's Shakespeare Birthday Festival
RHD 64/19 May 1928
The Old Vic Magazine, No. 8, Vol. 9.
RHD 64/20 [nd.]
Rupert Hart-Davis's handwritten list of plays during his career as an actor.
RHD 65 1928
Scrapbook containing reviews of plays in which Rupert Hart-Davis performed, mainly from
Isis Magazine and The Spectator. Also contains an article about Peter Fleming.
RHD 66 1930
Visitors book from Rupert Hart-Davis and Peggy Ashcroft's flat [at 213 Piccadilly] which includes signatures of John Gielgud, Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, Paul Robeson, Anne Todd, Ian Fleming, Peter Fleming, Graham Greene, A.P. Herbert,
Aldous Huxley, Duff and Diana Cooper.
RHD 67 and RHD 78
Press cuttings mainly about Peggy Ashcroft, includes other miscellaneous items including theatre programmes.
RHD 78 1927
Newspaper clipping reviews for John Drinkwater's
Bird-in-hand, first performed at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Peggy Ashcroft played Joan Greenleaf.
RHD 67/1 1929-1931 and 1986-1985
Newspaper clippings regarding performances by Peggy Ashcroft, and her career.
34 items
RHD 67/2 6 December 1987
Sunday Express Magazine, with cover and article about Peggy Ashcroft.
1 item
RHD 67/3 December 1929
Newspaper clippings regarding Rupert Hart-Davis's marriage to Peggy Ashcroft.
7 items
RHD 67/4 1933
Newspaper clippings regarding the divorce of Rupert Hart-Davis and Peggy Ashcroft.
5 items
RHD 67/5 1928-1930
Theatre programmes including:
The Incoperated Stage Society's Le Cocu Magnifique at The Globe Theatre, 22 May - 23 May 1932
John Drinkwater's Bird-in-Hand at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 3 September 1927
Leslie Goddard's and Cecil Weir's Earthbound at the Q Theatre, 10 September [c.1928-1930]
The Daniel Mayer Company's performance of Sideney Howard's The Silver Cord at The Grand Theatre, Croydon, 23 April 1928
Two copies of Jew Süss programme: Duke of York's theatre. New tragic comedy by Ashley Dukes, based on the historical romance of Leon Feuchtwanger, 1929 and 1930
6 items
RHD 67/6 [c.1929-1930s]
Other miscellaneous items including:
A photograph of Peggy Ashcroft as a young woman, with two children
A photograph of Peggy Ashcroft in costume
A brief note [from Peggy to Rupert Hart-Davis]
A newspaper clipping from The Spectator of Edward Ashcroft's poem Song for Telemachus, 30 May 1931
A newspaper clipping [from The Spectator] of Edward Ashcroft's poem Epilogue, [30 May 1931]
A typescript poem Reflections of the poet on finding his Mistresses' names unsuitable to verse to Margaret Vines and Peggy Ashcroft whose names appear in the final stanza
5 items
RHD 68 1936-1964
Scrapbook covering some of Rupert Hart-Davis's career in the army and publishing. Items of interest include:
Handwritten list of important dates in Rupert Hart-Davis's career
Letter and certificate of release from military service, December 1945
Article from The Bookseller about the newly established Rupert Hart Davis Ltd, 2 May 1946
Letters and newspaper clippings about Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd, 1946-1947
Souvenir Programme from Two Gentleman of Soho which is taped to show a verse by A.P. Herbert Romeo at the Nightclub
Cuttings about The London Library where Rupert Hart-Davis acted as committee chairman
Cuttings about Hugh Walpole
One clipping about Rupert Hart-Davis's donation of Papers to the University of Tulsa, 2 March 1964
Photograph from The Sunday Times Book Exhibition at Dorland Ha[ll], Lower Regent Street. Shows Dorothy L. Sayers autographing her books, with Rupert Hart-Davis at her side, 13 November 193[6].
A loose envelope containing an annotated newspaper clipping which lists speakers at The Sunday Times Book Exhibition at Dorland Hall, November 1936.
RHD 69 1940-1988
Cuttings book containing newspaper cuttings about Rupert Hart-Davis, his friends, research interests, Richmond and Swaledale and the London Literary Library. Also includes articles by his son Duff Hart-Davis and some photographs of Rupert
RHD 70 May 1964
Programmes, invitations and newspaper clippings regarding Rupert Hart-Davis's Honorary Degree from the University of Reading. Also includes one group photograph.
7 items
RHD 71 July 1981
Certificate and photographs from Rupert Hart-Davis's Honorary Degree ceremony at Durham University
4 items
RHD 72 1919, 1926-1963
Miscellaneous materials includes newspaper extracts, invitations and obituaries
Full issue of The Times which includes the full text of the Peace Treaty following the First World War, 1919
Invitations from Mr and Mrs C. H. Ware and, Mr Oliver Simon and Mrs Ruth Simon, includes a sketch of Oliver and Ruth, 1926, 1945 and 1955 (4 items)
Order of service to the memorial mass of Philip R. Astley, 2 January 1959
Clipping of The Times obituary of Lady Elizabeth Beerbohm, 2 January 1959
Order of service for the memorial service for George William Lyttelton, 1 May 1962
Full copy of the Evening Standard which includes the newspaper announcement of Bridget Hart-Davis' engagement to David Trustram-Eve, 1963
9 items
RHD 73 2000
Southeby's inventory of valuation for contents of The Old Rectory, Richmond
Southeby's catalogue of Modern British and Irish Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture which includes a portrait of Sybil Hart-Davis by Sir William Nicholson (p. 21), 21 June 2000
2 items
RHD 74 [c. 1924]
Framed print of a gentleman working in a study surrounded by books. Handwritten note on reverse reads 'Not anybody's portrait, F. Gilbert, 1924'
Photographs also found in cuttings bookings:
RHD/PA/1 [c.1929]
Incomplete photograph album, photos mainly of Peggy Ashcroft. Includes some newspaper clippings about Ashcroft's stage career and three loose watercolour paintings
RHD/PA/2 1933-1935
Photographs of RHD, his wife Comfort and their children. Also includes photographs of family and friends
RHD/PA/3 [c.1910-1920s]
Photographs of Comfort Hart-Davis' [neé Borden Taylors] childhood, with some pictures of family
RHD/P/1 [c.1920-1990s]
1 negative, 8 photographs
/1-6: passport photos of Rupert Hart-Davis, [c.1950s-1960s?]
/7: Rupert Hart-Davis as a young man, [c. 1920s]
/8: Peggy Ashcroft, signed by photographer Walter Bird
/9: Rupert Hart-Davis with pipe [c.1980s-1990s?]
/10: Six photographs of Rupert Hart Davis signed by photographer Peter North [c.1929-1935]
/11: Rupert Hart-Davis by Ashley & Crippon, Toronto [c.1930s?]
Family and friendsRHD/P/2 [c.1920s]
Photographs of Peggy Ashcroft:
/1-3: portraits of Peggy, including one as Naemi in Jew Süss
/4-64: Peggy Ashcroft, family and friends. Most photographs are unlabelled and undated. Includes some photographs with actors outside of the Birmingham Repertory, and photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis and Peggy
RHD/P/3 [c. 1920s-1960s?]
/1-7: wedding of [Deidre Hart-Davis and Ronald Balfour], [April 1930]
/8-16: Charles Marford, [Mole] and Rupert Hart-Davis at Llandudno, 1931-1932
/17-21: Rupert Hart-Davis and Comfort, including portraits and a photograph with the children, [c.1930-1950s]
/22-31: friends and family, [c.1940s-1950s]
/32-35: wedding of [Bridget Hart-Davis], [c.1960s?]
/36-38: negatives of Rupert Hart-Davis
Photographs RHD/P/3/39- were stored in a file labelled
Halfway to Heaven and as photographs from Rupert Hart-Davis's desk. These include:
/39-43: original file was labelled: "Alice and Matthew, Molly, Beth, Noel Coward and Diana Cooper and Me and Ros"
/44: "Duff with 14lb salmon caught in River Moy, June 1978"
/45: "Bridget on Grey Owl, the first of her many horses"
/46: [Duff, Bridget and Adam] at a beach as children
/47: Rupert Hart-Davis and June at home in their library, "taken by Bob Patterson of Tulsa, Sept [19]84"
/48: Rupert Hart-Davis and family at the dinner table, 1987
3 negatives, 35 photographs
RHD/P/4/1-48 [?c.1930s-1970s]
Childhood photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis's own children, Bridget, Duff and Adam, and of friends and family. Most photographs are unlabelled and undated.
RHD/P/5 [c.1980s-1990s]
Photograph album, labelled III, each photograph is labelled on the reverse. Includes photographs from Richmond of Rupert Hart-Davis, June, family members and their pet cat.
BiographyRHD/P/6 [1920s-1940s]
Photographs for Rupert Hart-Davis's biography, not a complete set
/1: Proof cover for Halfway to Heaven
/2: originally labelled 'pic 4', a reproduction photo print of a pencil drawn Charlie Marford by Liza Stillman, c.1932. Includes an adhesive note on reverse regarding printing information.
/3-5: photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis in costume for theatre productions including a portrait shot of him dressed as the Duke of Orleans for Henry V. , [c.1927-1929]. Each photograph is overlaid with mark up for
/6: an envelope with handwritten sketch of layout for the three photographs of Rupert Hart-Davis in character
/7: portrait of Rupert Hart-Davis labelled on reverse as the frontispiece, [c.1929], includes mark ups for printing
/8: portrait of Peggy Ashcroft, 1929. With printer's overlay
/9-10: Miss Neville (Peggy Ashcroft) and Hastings, New Theatre, Oxford, May 1927. Includes printer's overlay
/11: Rupert Hart-Davis and [Peter Fleming] in a car. Departure from Hans Place. Caption on reverse reads ' The start of the [tale?], Hans Place, 7.15am, 17th July [1929]'. With printer's overlay
/12: Rupert Hart-Davis and Peggy Ashcroft in car, captioned 'Emily, the Chrysler', [c.1927-1929]. With printer's overlay
/13: Rupert Hart-Davis and Peggy Ashcroft, captioned 'The Young Marrieds', [c.1927]. With printer's overlay
/14: Peggy Ashcroft as Desdemona, [c.1927-1929]. With printer's overlay
/15: William Nicholson, painting. Letter on reverse reads: ' Sir Rupert Hart Davis. Dear Rupert, just hoping you will happen to be in town on April 26th. I'd be terribly glad of your support! Yours as ever [signature]', [c.1920s]. With
printer's overlay
/16-17: Rupert Hart-Davis with Charlie Marford and Nancy Marford at Llandudno, [c.1931-1932]. With printer's overlay and notes
/18: Caption reads: 'Pop and Margaret at Church Gates', [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay.
/19: Comfort at Concale, [c.1930s]
/20: Hamish Miles, [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay
/21: Portrait of Rupert Hart-Davis and Comfort taken on their honeymoon in Paris, [c.1931]
/22: Rupert Hart-Davis with Bridget at as a baby, in Orkney, June 1935. With printer's overlay
/23: Portrait of Rupert Hart-Davis, [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay
/24: Portrait of William Plomer, [undated]. With printer's overlay
/25: Rupert Hart-Davis and J.B. Morton (Beachcomber) at Johnny's home in Sussex, [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay
/26: Nanny Baker with the children at Stormount Road, [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay
/27: Rupert Hart-Davis with David Garnett at Hilton, [c.1930s]. With printer's overlay
/28: Rupert Hart-Davis with his small children at Borthwen, 1937. With printer's overlay
/29: Deidre with her daughters Suzie and Annabel with (left to right) [Lydia], Marie and Alice Ozanne, [c.1935-1940]. With printer's overlay.
/30: Rupert Hart-Davis next to the sunflowers at Bromsden, [c.1935-1940]
/31: Portrait of Rupert Hart-Davis's children in America, [c.1940-1943] With printer's overlay
/32-33: Rupert Hart-Davis in Officers Uniform, with sketches on layout on envelope, [c.1940s]
/34: Portrait of Cuthbert Fitzherbert in uniform [c.1940s]
/35: Diana Gamble with her son Robin, [undated]
/36: Bunty Stewart Brown, [undated]
/37: Walter Barttelot with his son Brian, 1943
/38: Rupert Hart-Davis in military uniform, captioned 'Captain and Adjutant', [c. 1940s]
/39: The Officers of the Training Battalion, 1944. Hugh Fraser on Colonel Tim's night, [c.1949]
/40: The Orderly Room Staff, Lockley on the right, his future wife behind us. Blossom and Harris on the left. Guardsman Moss top left. Caption on reverse reads: 'Orderly Room Staff, Training B[attalion], Coldstream Guards, Purbright,
/41: The Corps of [D?], Pirbright, 1944
Three po
Portraits of unidentified Victorian women