Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Misc.Ch
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999
Dates of creation: 1093 - 19th century
Extent: ca. 1,000 items
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Language: Latin


The class Miscellaneous Charters was created in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph Stevenson, in the process of cataloguing substantial portions of Durham Cathedral's medieval muniments. How exactly he proceeded is not clear, but his work did not cover major sections of medieval material, notably the documents catalogued in the late fifteenth-century Magnum Repertorium, and also almost all the accounting material. He catalogued the documents classed in the sequence of numbered Locelli, a medieval creation whose basic principle of arrangement according to subject he retained, but without preserving its details. The documents initially assigned to Miscellaneous Charters had clear topographical associations, for the arrangement evidently began with an alphabetical order of places in view, and it is uncertain whether it was originally intended to have in this class the very much more miscellaneous material, some of it post-medieval, that Stevenson went on to include; nonetheless, where he could do so, he attempted with each fresh batch of material to maintain an alphabetical order of places.
Stevenson left the arrangement of the documents catalogued in the Magnum Repertorium untouched. Despite the fact that catalogues survived, or could be reconstructed from endorsements on the documents, he re-arranged every other medieval collection of deeds, assigning the documents to Miscellaneous Charters. Subsequently, with the aid of the extant catalogues, Canon Greenwell restored what he believed to be the arrangement of the deeds of the Almoner (Elemos.), Finchale priory (Finc.), and the Sacrist (Sacr.), transferring the documents out of Miscellaneous Charters. He did not attempt the same with the Scottish material, although the catalogue in Misc.Ch. 1026 might have made this possible, and he left in Miscellaneous Charters the collections which are attested by endorsements on the documents, notably the Communar's deeds, also the deeds of the Trinity chantry and of the chantries of Bishops Skirlawe and Langley. Documents remain in Miscellaneous Charters whose endorsed medieval markings reveal that they formerly belonged in the system of locelli, or in receptacles described as cista and cophinus. Also within Miscellaneous Charters are to be found a substantial number of post-dissolution documents, most of them from the period 1540-1600. One notable medieval collection found in Miscellaneous Charters is a private fifteenth-century deposit of Claxton family deeds; these are only readily identified by the fact that they concern property and other matters with which the chapter had no connection. The same applies to a single document relating to property in Ireland, Misc.Ch. 5243, presumably deposited by its beneficiary, who never returned to collect it; there may be other, less conspicuous, examples.

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
To make the catalogue of Miscellaneous Charters less bulky it was split into parts in April 2018. As the Charters do not have a single logical sequence, so the split is purely by number and does not convey any significance by the grouping:
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1000-1999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 2000-2999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 4000-4999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 6000-end

Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève ms.356 (Cartulary of Ste-G) p.171, s.xiii med. Viris religiosis in Cristo karissimis R. priori Dunelinen' (recte Dunelmen') ecclesie et eiusdem ecclesie conuentui H(erbertus) abbas et A. prior totusque conuentus sancte Genouese Par' salutem in domino. In vestram volumus venire noticiam quod nos in deposito recepimus trecentas marchas bonorum nouorum et legalium sterlingorum nomine vestro de pecunia domini pape per manum Stephani de Sorci burgensis Ambian' pro qua etiam pecunia mandauit nobis dominus Stephanus capellanus domini pape per litteras suas patentes in litteris vestris reclusas quod ipsam pecuniam in deposito reciperemus et ipsam tamdiu penes nos custodiremus donec de ipsa pecunia mandatum aliud haberemus. In cuius rei testimonium presentes litteras sigillis abbatis et prioris pro se et pro conuentu sancte Geno(uese) vobis transmittimus sigillitas. Actum anno domini mo.cco.xxxo. in die natiuitatis sancti Iohannis Bapt(iste).


Anderson, J. Scotland Independent (1705)
Thomson, A. Coldingham: parish and priory (1908)
Regesta regum scottorum, 1153-1424, vols. 1-2, ed. Barrow, G.W.S.
Carr, A.A. A history of Coldingham priory (1836).
The priory of Coldingham. The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings ..., ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: v12. 1841)
Hunter, W.K., History of the Priory of Coldingham (Edinburgh, 1858)
Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837) [cited Rot.Cart.
Calendar of the Charter Rolls (London, 1903-1927) [cited as [ C.Ct.R. ]
Durham Episcopal Charters, 1071-1152, ed. H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872)
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B ]
Rotuli litterarum patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1835) [cited Rot.Lit.Pat.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls (London, 1891-1916) [cited as C.P.R. ]
Rhymer, T. Foedera ... (London, 1704-35).
Monasticon Anglicanum (1655: repr. 1846)
Rites of Durham ed Raine, J. (Surtees Society v15)
Wyon, A.B. and Wyon, A. The great seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, (London, 1887).


Misc.Ch. 3000-3100
DCD Misc.Ch. 3000   [1551?]
Expenses on repairs in South Shields.
Digitised material for Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999 / DCD Misc.Ch. 3000.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- South Shields -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3001   [1550 or 1551]
Expenses of Ralph Garre in delivering a letter to Mr Richard Bowes.
Digitised material for Expenses of Ralph Garre in delivering a letter to Mr Richard Bowes - Misc.Ch. 3001.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3002   5 Edw.VI [1551]
Expenses on carriage of lime, repairs to mill-dam and to houses in Elvet, etc.
Digitised material for Expenses on carriage of lime, repairs to mill-dam and to houses in Elvet, etc - Misc.Ch. 3002
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3003   25 February, 20 April, 10, 16, 23, 24, October 1552
Eight bills for expenses in repairs to houses in Elvet and Framwelgate, and to mills at Pittington and Shincliffe.
Digitised material for Eight bills for expenses in repairs to houses in Elvet and Framwelgate, and to mills at Pittington and Shincliffe - Misc.Ch. 3003
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3004   20 November 1552
Bill of Henry Brown sacrist for all expenses.
Digitised material for Bill of Henry Brown sacrist for all expenses - Misc.Ch. 3004
DCD Misc.Ch. 3005   20 November 6 Edw.VI [1552]
Repairs in South Bailey.
Digitised material for Repairs in South Bailey - Misc.Ch. 3005.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3006   25 November 1552
Repairs at Hartlepool.
Digitised material for Repairs at Hartlepool - Misc.Ch. 3006.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Hartlepool -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3007   18 December 6 Edw.VI [1552]
Repairs to Magdalen chapel chancel [Durham].
Digitised material for Repairs to Magdalen chapel chancel [Durham] - Misc.Ch. 3007.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3008   20, 23, October, 1, 5, 13 November, 4 December 1552 and 29 March 1553
Eight bills for repairs at Hett mill, lower fulling-mill at Broom, Shincliffe mill, Biddick windmill, Shele mill [Rainton?], and Pottes mill.
Digitised material for Eight bills for repairs at Hett mill, lower fulling-mill at Broom, Shincliffe mill, Biddick windmill, Shele mill, and Pottes mill - Misc.Ch. 3008
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3009   6 May, 3, 17 June 1553
Four bills for repairs to Aycliffe mill, mills at Almoner Barns [Durham], and the Abbey mills.
Digitised material for Four bills for repairs to Aycliffe mill, mills at Almoner Barns [Durham], and the Abbey mills - Misc.Ch. 3009
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3010   1, 2, 5, 9, 22 July 1553
Six bills for repairs to flume of Abbey mill, to Abbey mills, mill-dam, and Almoners Barns.
Digitised material for Six bills for repairs to flume of Abbey mill, to Abbey mills, mill-dam, and Almoners Barns - Misc.Ch. 3010
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3011   5, 6, 20 August 1553
Three bills for repairs to Southwick mill, Baxterford fulling- mill, and lower fulling-mill at Broom.
Digitised material for Three bills for repairs to Southwick mill, Baxterford fulling- mill, and lower fulling-mill at Broom - Misc.Ch. 3011
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3012   3, 10, 17, 24, 30 September, 26 October 1553
Seven bills for repairs to Pittington mill, Clock mill in Crossgate, Jesus mill [Durham], upper and lower fulling-mills at Broom.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to Pittington mill, Clock mill in Crossgate, Jesus mill [Durham], upper and lower fulling-mills at Broom - Misc.Ch. 3012.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3013   March 1555
Three bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Three bills for repairs to mill-dam - Misc.Ch. 3013
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3014   April 1555
Five bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Five bills for repairs to mill-dam - Misc.Ch. 3014
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3015   May 1555
Eight bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Eight bills for repairs to mill-dam - Misc.Ch. 3015
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3016   June 1555
Twenty bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Twenty bills for repairs to mill-dam - Misc.Ch. 3016
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3017   July 1555
Twenty-one bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Twenty-one bills for repairs to mill-dam - Misc.Ch. 3017
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3018   August 1555
Twenty-five bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Twenty-five bills for repairs to mill-dam - DCD Misc.Ch. 3018.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3019   September 1555
Fourteen bills for repairs to mill-dam.
Digitised material for Fourteen bills for repairs to mill-dam - DCD Misc.Ch. 3019.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3020   15 June 1555
Expenses of bringing wood to the Farmery.
Digitised material for Expenses of bringing wood to the Farmery - Misc.Ch. 3020.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3021   1555
Purchase of "rayppes" for the [mill]-dam.
Digitised material for Purchase of ‘rayppes’ for the [mill]-dam - Misc.Ch. 3021.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3022   1555
Purchase of door-bands and crooks, etc. for Dr Watson canon.
Digitised material for Purchase of door-bands and crooks, etc. for Dr Watson canon - Misc.Ch. 3022.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3023   18 December 1552
Repairs to houses in North Bailey, Crossgate, etc.
Digitised material for Repairs to houses in North Bailey, Crossgate, etc. - DCD Misc.Ch. 3023.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3024   [1552]
Expenses for sweeping cathedral choir, purchase of rushes for it, etc.
Digitised material for Expenses for sweeping cathedral choir, purchase of rushes for it, etc. - DCD Misc.Ch. 3024.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3025   [1552?]
Expenses for work on Galilee bells.
Digitised material for Expenses for work on Galilee bells - Misc.Ch. 3025.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3026   18 January - 22 April 1553
Fourteen bills for repairs to houses, and for preparation of timber for them.
Digitised material for Fourteen bills for repairs to houses, and for preparation of timber for them - DCD Misc.Ch. 3026.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3027   [25 March 1553]
Expenses of sacrist.
Digitised material for Expenses of sacrist - Misc.Ch. 3027.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3028   20 May - 17 June 1553
Six bills for repairs to houses in Crossgate, North Bailey, Lygate, Framwelgate, and Houghall.
Digitised material for Six bills for repairs to houses in Crossgate, North Bailey, Lygate, Framwelgate, and Houghall - DCD Misc.Ch. 3028.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3029   24 June - 29 September 1553
Expenses of John Byndley sacrist.
Digitised material for Expenses of John Byndley sacrist - Misc.Ch. 3029.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3030   19 June 7 Edw.VI [1553]
Payment for purchase in London for 10 songs to be sung at Common Prayers.
Digitised material for Payment for purchase in London for 10 songs to be sung at Common Prayers - Misc.Ch. 3030.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3031   [? June] 7 Edw.VI 1553]
Repairs to various tenements at Shields.
Digitised material for Repairs to various tenements at Shields - Misc.Ch. 3031.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- South Shields -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3032   July & August 1553
Ten bills for repairs to various houses.
Digitised material for Ten bills for repairs to various houses - DCD Misc.Ch. 3032.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3033   September 1553
Twelve bills for repairs to various houses.
Digitised material for Twelve bills for repairs to various houses - DCD Misc.Ch. 3033.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3034   September 1554
Seven bills for repairs to various houses.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to various houses - DCD Misc.Ch. 3034.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3035   October 1554
Eleven bills for repairs to various tenements and mills.
Digitised material for Eleven bills for repairs to various tenements and mills - DCD Misc.Ch. 3035.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3036   16 November 1554
Bill for carriage of wood from Styg wood to the"common warkes".
Digitised material for Bill for carriage of wood from Styg wood to the ‘common warkes’ - Misc.Ch. 3036.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3037   5 October 1570
Grant by chapter to Robert Warke, a bell-ringer, towards his relief.
Digitised material for Grant by chapter to Robert Warke, a bell-ringer, towards his relief - Misc.Ch. 3037.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3038   [October 1570]
Expenses of serving an attachment to the sheriff of Northumberland.
Digitised material for Expenses of serving an attachment to the sheriff of Northumberland - Misc.Ch. 3038.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3039   [October 1570?]
Expenses for writs.
Digitised material for Expenses for writs - Misc.Ch. 3039.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3040   27 November 1570
Expenditure on rewards, quittances and bags at audit.
Digitised material for Expenditure on rewards, quittances and bags at audit - Misc.Ch. 3040.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3041   9 November 1570
Expenses at York over chapter business, purchases.
Digitised material for Expenses at York over chapter business, purchases - Misc.Ch. 3041.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3042   8 January 1570[/1]
Payment of expenses of travelling to Wallsend and Hebburn.
Digitised material for Payment of expenses of travelling to Wallsend and Hebburn - Misc.Ch. 3042.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3043   19 March 1570[/1]
Memorandum of disbursements by the dean for a year's rent of Allensford.
Digitised material for Memorandum of disbursements by the dean for a year's rent of Allensford - Misc.Ch. 3043.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3044   19 March [1571]
Memorandum of money delivered to Canon Stevenson for chapter business in London.
Digitised material for Memorandum of money delivered to Canon Stevenson for chapter business in London - Misc.Ch. 3044.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3045   19 March 1570[/1]
Expenses at York during session over chapter business.
Digitised material for Expenses at York during session over chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3045.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3046   26 May 1571
Law charges at York over chapter business.
Digitised material for Law charges at York over chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3046.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3047   4 August 1571
Law charges at York over chapter business.
Digitised material for Law charges at York over chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3047.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3048   27 September 1571
Payment for counsel on chapter business.
Digitised material for Payment for counsel on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3048.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3049   27 September 1571
Expenses on making a new boat, 6 oars, and repairs to an old boat.
Digitised material for Expenses on making a new boat, 6 oars, and repairs to an old boat - Misc.Ch. 3049.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Boats -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3050   [27 September 1571]
Note from dean to [Treasurer] Holiday advising him to make customary payment of 40s. to Mr Chaytor for last visitation.
Digitised material for Note from dean to [Treasurer] Holiday advising him to make customary payment of 40s. to Mr Chaytor for last visitation - Misc.Ch. 3050.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3051   28 September 1571
Bill for sawing timber for making boat, and for other purposes.
Digitised material for Bill for sawing timber for making boat, and for other purposes - Misc.Ch. 3051.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Boats -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3052   1570[/1]
Bill for travelling expenses.
Digitised material for Bill for travelling expenses - Misc.Ch. 3052.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3053   [1571]
Bill for travelling to York.
Digitised material for Bill for travelling to York - Misc.Ch. 3053
DCD Misc.Ch. 3054   10 May, 26 Sept, 13 December 1572
Three bills for repairs to Clock mill, Scaltok mills, Jesus mill, and Pittington mill.
Digitised material for Three bills for repairs to Clock mill, Scaltok mills, Jesus mill, and Pittington mill - Misc.Ch. 3054
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3055   30 March, 1, 30 May, 17, 19 June 1573
Five bills for repairs to mills at Shields, Shincliffe mill, Southwick windmill, College mill, floodgates at Bearpark, and Jesus mill.
Digitised material for Five bills for repairs to mills at Shields, Shincliffe mill, Southwick windmill, College mill, floodgates at Bearpark, and Jesus mill - Misc.Ch. 3055
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3056   1 July - 22 November 1573
Seven bills for repairs to Jesus mills, mills at South Shields, lower [fulling]-mill at Broom, Burdon mill.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to Jesus mills, mills at South Shields, lower [fulling]-mill at Broom, Burdon mill - Misc.Ch. 3056
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3057   22 August - 9 December 1573
Four bills for repairs to tenements in South Street, the Bailey, the schoolmaster's lodging on Palace Green, etc.
Digitised material for Four bills for repairs to tenements in South Street, the Bailey, the schoolmaster's lodging on Palace Green, etc - Misc.Ch. 3057
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3058   27 September 1573
Four bills for repairs to the [mill]-dam.
Digitised material for Four bills for repairs to the [mill]-dam - Misc.Ch. 3058
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3059   19 October 1573
Mandate by dean & chapter to the keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber to George Davyson tenant at Cowpen [Bewley].
Digitised material for Mandate by dean & chapter to the keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber to George Davyson tenant at Cowpen [Bewley] - Misc.Ch. 3059.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3060   26 October 1573
Mandate by dean & chapter for John Cuthbert.
Digitised material for Mandate by dean & chapter for John Cuthbert - Misc.Ch. 3060.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3061   30 October 1573
Mandate by dean & chapter for Ralph Walter of Newby.
Digitised material for Mandate by dean & chapter for Ralph Walter of Newby - Misc.Ch. 3061.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3062   7 December 1573
Mandate by dean & chapter for Catherine Harrysone.
Digitised material for Mandate by dean & chapter for Catherine Harrysone - Misc.Ch. 3062.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3063   28 - 31 October [1573]
Expenses of a journey to York.
Digitised material for Expenses of a journey to York - Misc.Ch. 3063.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3064   Easter - 9 November 1573
Charges for pursuing suits in Durham Chancery court.
Digitised material for Charges for pursuing suits in Durham Chancery court - Misc.Ch. 3064.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3065   6 December 1573
Bill for parchment, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for parchment, etc - Misc.Ch. 3065.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3066   10 December 1573
Bill for work on the spring at Moorsley Banks.
Digitised material for Bill for work on the spring at Moorsley Banks - Misc.Ch. 3066.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3067   27 December 1573
Bill for delivering precepts to all the chapter's churches in the diocese.
Digitised material for Bill for delivering precepts to all the chapter's churches in the diocese - Misc.Ch. 3067.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3068   [1573?]
Bill for expenses in various legal actions of chapter.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses in various legal actions of chapter - Misc.Ch. 3068.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3069   9 January 1573[/4]
Memorandum of payment to Canon Stevenson for prosecuting chapter business in London.
Digitised material for Memorandum of payment to Canon Stevenson for prosecuting chapter business in London - Misc.Ch. 3069.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3070   10 January 1573[/4]
Receipt by Canon Stevenson for £4 for expenses in York on chapter business.
Digitised material for Receipt by Canon Stevenson for £4 for expenses in York on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3070.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3071   17 January 1573[/4]
Bill for expenses to York over Brantingham.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses to York over Brantingham - Misc.Ch. 3071.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3072   30 January 1573[/4]
Bill for expenses of courts at Merrington, Pittington and Bewley.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of courts at Merrington, Pittington and Bewley - Misc.Ch. 3072.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3073   January 1573[/4]
Four bills for repairs to a little kiln in Claypath, for a sink for the Farmery.
Digitised material for Four bills for repairs to a little kiln in Claypath, for a sink for the Farmery - Misc.Ch. 3073
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3074   3, 14, 20, 28 February 1573[/4]
Four mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber to various persons.
Digitised material for Four mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber to various persons - Misc.Ch. 3074
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3075   13 March & 24 April 1574
Two bills for repairs to tenements in Elvet, etc.
Digitised material for Two bills for repairs to tenements in Elvet, etc - Misc.Ch. 3075
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3076   1, 20 February, 10 March 1573[/4]
Three bills for timber, boardnails and lathbrads.
Digitised material for Three bills for timber, boardnails and lathbrads - Misc.Ch. 3076
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3077   8, 11 March 1573/4
Two mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber.
Digitised material for Two mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber - Misc.Ch. 3077
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3078   [1574]
Weekly accounts, with account of coals sold, for expenses of the coal-pits at Wardley. 29 weeks from 27 April 1574
Digitised material for Weekly accounts, with account of coals sold, for expenses of the coal-pits at Wardley. 29 weeks from 27 April 1574 - Misc.Ch. 3078
DCD Misc.Ch. 3079   28 April 1574
Charges for holding courts at [South] Shields, Muggleswick, Elvet and Crossgate.
Digitised material for Charges for holding courts at [South] Shields, Muggleswick, Elvet and Crossgate - Misc.Ch. 3079.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3080   April & May 1574
Mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber.
Digitised material for Mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber - Misc.Ch. 3080
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3081   April & May 1574
Twelve bills for repairs to houses, chiefly in Elvet.
Digitised material for Twelve bills for repairs to houses, chiefly in Elvet - Misc.Ch. 3081
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3082   29 April 1574
Bill for making the spring-dyke at Moorsley Banks and bringing rushes for it.
Digitised material for Bill for making the spring-dyke at Moorsley Banks and bringing rushes for it - Misc.Ch. 3082.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3083   April & May 1574
Two bills for slates.
Digitised material for Two bills for slates - Misc.Ch. 3083
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3084   June 1574
Five bills for repairs to houses, chiefly in Elvet.
Digitised material for Five bills for repairs to houses, chiefly in Elvet - Misc.Ch. 3084
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3085   4 June 1574
Bill for oak from Shincliffe wood.
Digitised material for Bill for oak from Shincliffe wood - Misc.Ch. 3085.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3086   11 June 1574
Bill for locks and other ironwork.
Digitised material for Bill for locks and other ironwork - Misc.Ch. 3086.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3087   July 1574
Five bills for repairs to tenements, chiefly in Elvet, for purchase of straw, splitting laths, etc.
Digitised material for Five bills for repairs to tenements, chiefly in Elvet, for purchase of straw, splitting laths, etc - Misc.Ch. 3087
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3088   July 1574
Eleven mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber.
Digitised material for Eleven mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber - Misc.Ch. 3088
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3089   1 July 1574
Bill for parchment and paper.
Digitised material for Bill for parchment and paper - Misc.Ch. 3089.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3090   11 July 1574
Expenses of Canon Stevenson on two journeys to York.
Digitised material for Expenses of Canon Stevenson on two journeys to York - Misc.Ch. 3090.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3091   2 July 1574
Allowance by chapter to Thomas Hewetson of 7d. a day,"sore hurt" for sinking for coal at Wardley.
Digitised material for Allowance by chapter to Thomas Hewetson of 7d. a day, ‘sore hurt’ for sinking for coal at Wardley - Misc.Ch. 3091
DCD Misc.Ch. 3092   August 1574
Six bills for repairs to five thatched houses in Elvet, etc.
Digitised material for Six bills for repairs to five thatched houses in Elvet, etc - Misc.Ch. 3092
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3093   August 1574
Three mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber.
Digitised material for Three mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber - Misc.Ch. 3093
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3094   9 August 1574
Charges on chapter business at Durham assizes, and at Newcastle for rents.
Digitised material for Charges on chapter business at Durham assizes, and at Newcastle for rents - Misc.Ch. 3094.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3095   22 August 1574
Memorandum of payment to Richard Elande bailiff to tthe sheriff of Durham for the indictment of 16 residents in Crossgate borough.
Digitised material for Memorandum of payment to Richard Elande bailiff to the sheriff of Durham for the indictment of 16 residents in Crossgate borough - Misc.Ch. 3095.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3096   September 1574
Three bills for repairs to tenements in Elvet, South Bailey and South Shields.
Digitised material for Three bills for repairs to tenements in Elvet, South Bailey and South Shields - Misc.Ch. 3096
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3097   28 July & 26 September 1574
Two bills for nails and slates.
Digitised material for Two bills for nails and slates - Misc.Ch. 3097
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3098   22 September 1575
Bill for making an"owte" wheel to the Jesus mill, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for making an ‘owte’ wheel to the Jesus mill, etc - Misc.Ch. 3098.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3099   22 September 1574
Expenses over collection of rents at Berwick, etc.
Digitised material for Expenses over collection of rents at Berwick, etc - Misc.Ch. 3099.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3100   28 September 1574
Expenses on chapter business, chiefly in collecting rents and legal costs.
Misc.Ch. 3101-3200
DCD Misc.Ch. 3101   28 September 1574
Bill for coals and wood for exchequer, plumber's house and other workshops.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3102   28 September 1574
Expenses in York over Brantingham, and for a letter missive against John Denton of Berwick.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3103   29 September, ... 1574
Two mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber.
Digitised material for Two mandates by dean & chapter to keeper of Aycliffe wood to deliver timber - Misc.Ch. 3103
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3104   24 November 1574
Bill for slates.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3105   18 & 24 December 1574
Two bills for repairs to mills at South Shields and work at the Jesus mill.
Digitised material for Two bills for repairs to mills at South Shields and work at the Jesus mill - Misc.Ch. 3105
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3105*   [1574?]
Note of grant of 40s. for repairs to Robert Watson's house in Newcastle.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3106   3 January - 9 July 1575
Seven bills for repairs to Jesus mill, Skaltok mills, Lead mill, Burdon mill, mills at South Shields, Clock mill and Shincliffe mill.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to Jesus mill, Skaltok mills, Lead mill, Burdon mill, mills at South Shields, Clock mill and Shincliffe mill - Misc.Ch. 3106.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3107   January - August 1575
Six bills for repairs to tenements in South Street and Elvet, and for preparing lime and timber.
Digitised material for Six bills for repairs to tenements in South Street and Elvet, and for preparing lime and timber - Misc.Ch. 3107.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3108   2 October 17 Eliz. [1575]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3109   26 November 18 Eliz. [1575]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3110   21 November 22 Eliz. [1579]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3111   9 November 24 Eliz. [1582]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3112   18 November 24 Eliz. [1581]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3113   21 October 25 Eliz. [1583]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3114   26 June 27 Eliz. [1585]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £100 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3115   17 October 27 Eliz. [1585]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3116   11 June 28 Eliz. [1586]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £100 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £100 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3116
DCD Misc.Ch. 3117   24 October 28 Eliz. [1586]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3118   14 November 29 Eliz. [1587]
Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3119   12 October 1585
Expenses at Darlington, etc., over concealed chapter property.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3120   29 October 1585
Expenses at Darlington, etc., over concealed chapter property.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3121   13 November 1585
Expenses of Robert Measham travelling to London over [chapter suit against] Captain [William] Reade [over Holy Island].
DCD Misc.Ch. 3122   4 December 1585
Bill for money-bags for receiver and treasurer.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3123   10 December 1585
Bill for expenses of chapter's legal proceedings during Michaelmas term 27-28 Eliz. [1585].
DCD Misc.Ch. 3124   22 December 1585
Bill for money to Thomas Brown barber.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3125   28 January 1585[/6]
Bill for disbursements for chapter business, chiefly in legal expenses.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3126   28 January 1585[/6]
Bill for cleaning the school privy.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3127   11 March 1585[/6]
Bill for expenses of Robert Massam travelling to York over Mr Shawe, [George] Dynnys, and other chapter business.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3128   26 March 1586
Bill for expenses of Robert Massam travelling to Berwick over George Dynnys.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3129   25 April 1586
Bill for expenses of dean, etc., servants and horses on chapter business with the mayor and corporation in Newcastle.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3130   2 May 1586
Expenses of courts, starting at Billingham.
Digitised material for Expenses of courts, starting at Billingham - Misc.Ch. 3130
DCD Misc.Ch. 3131   14 May 1586
Payment to William Foster of York coming over making an eagle for the brass lectern in the quire.
Digitised material for Payment to William Foster of York coming over making an eagle for the brass lectern in the quire - Misc.Ch. 3131
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3132   6 June 1586
Bill for buying iron at Newcastle a salt-pan at South Shields.
Digitised material for Bill for buying iron at Newcastle a salt-pan at South Shields - Misc.Ch. 3132
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3133   8 June 1586
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to London on chapter business, Awbrey and Ratclyffes matters.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3134   16 June - -- 1586
Account of David Bellotte for expenses travelling to Berwick.
Digitised material for Account of David Bellotte for expenses travelling to Berwick - Misc.Ch. 3134
DCD Misc.Ch. 3135   20 July 1586
Bill for stones and walling a "warrante" at the west end of the new bridge.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3136   24 July 1586
Bill for felling timber for the new bridge.
Digitised material for Bill for felling timber for the new bridge - Misc.Ch. 3136
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3137   26 July 1586
Bill for legal expenses in various chapter suits during Hilary term 28 [Eliz.: 1586].
Digitised material for Bill for legal expenses in various chapter suits during Hilary term 28 [Eliz.: 1586] - Misc.Ch. 3137
DCD Misc.Ch. 3138   28 July 1586
Recommendation by the dean to Canon Tunstall treasurer to pay 40s. to Alexander Abie a poor minister.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3139   29 July 1586
Bill for payments in suits for counsel and in chapter business.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3140   5 August 1586
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to York on chapter business concerning Tayton.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to York on chapter business concerning Tayton - Misc.Ch. 3140
DCD Misc.Ch. 3141   23 August 1586
Bill for coal and candles for the porter's lodge.
Digitised material for Bill for coal and candles for the porter's lodge - Misc.Ch. 3141.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3142   1 September 1586
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to Holy Island over corn and rents.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to Holy Island over corn and rents - Misc.Ch. 3142.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3143   10 September 1586
Bill for delivering dean's summons to canons to attend thanksgiving for the Queen's safe delivery.
Digitised material for Bill for delivering dean's summons to canons to attend thanksgiving for the Queen's safe delivery - Misc.Ch. 3143.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3144   12 September 1586
Bill for payments at York on chapter business, chiefly legal matters.
Digitised material for Bill for payments at York on chapter business, chiefly legal matters - Misc.Ch. 3144.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3145   20 September 1586
Memorandum of allowance to Richard Heighintone to assist in obtaining his final absolution in the appeal over chapter's jursidiction.
Digitised material for Memorandum of allowance to Richard Heighintone - Misc.Ch. 3145.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3146   26 September 1586
Memorandum of the purchase of a horse for journey to London on chapter business.
Digitised material for Memorandum of the purchase of a horse for journey to London on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3146.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3147   26 September 1586
Memorandum of money allowed to Thomas Darley for his charges in a suit at York.
Digitised material for Memorandum of money allowed to Thomas Darley for his charges in a suit at York - Misc.Ch. 3147
DCD Misc.Ch. 3148   January & September 1586
Two bills for mending the conduit.
Digitised material for Two bills for mending the conduit - Misc.Ch. 3148
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3149   11 December 1585 - 28 September 1586
Four bills for purchase of parchment, pindust, paper, ink, candles, etc., for the exchequer, and for glazing there.
Digitised material for Four bills for purchase of parchment, pindust, paper, ink, candles, etc., for the exchequer, and for glazing there - Misc.Ch. 3149
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3150   17-25 March 1587[/8]
Diet bought for the commissioners and for Mr Barker over matter of jurisdiction between archbishop of York and dean & chapter.
Digitised material for Diet bought for the commissioners and for Mr Barker over matter of jurisdiction between archbishop of York and dean & chapter - DCD Misc.Ch. 3150.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3151   8 June 1588
Bill for carriage of timber for the mills, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for carriage of timber for the mills, etc - Misc.Ch. 3151.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3152   2 October 1588
Petition by Simon Comy to dean & chapter for a further allowance for collecting and paying the last subsidy.
Digitised material for Petition by Simon Comy to dean & chapter for a further allowance for collecting and paying the last subsidy - Misc.Ch. 3152.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3153   20 November - 17 December 1588
Expenses for the chapter, for scouring the copper disc in the quire, and other expenses about the cathedral.
Digitised material for Expenses for the chapter, for scouring the copper disc in the quire, and other expenses about the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3153.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3154   29 September - 20 November 1588
Bill for purchase of bread and wine for communion, and for bell-ringing on Coronation Day and at the triumph on 19 November.
Digitised material for Bill for purchase of bread and wine for communion, and for bell-ringing on Coronation Day and at the triumph on 19 November - Misc.Ch. 3154.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3155   13 December 1588
Bill of allowances for Thomas Brown barber.
Digitised material for Bill of allowances for Thomas Brown barber - Misc.Ch. 3155.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3156   20 December [1588] - 7 February 1588[/9]
Expenses of the cathedral.
Digitised material for Expenses of the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3156.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3157   4 January 1588[/9]
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to Newcastle and Shields on chapter business.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to Newcastle and Shields on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3157.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3158   11 January 1588[/9]
Bill for purchase of pindust and bags for the register, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for purchase of pindust and bags for the register, etc - Misc.Ch. 3158.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3159   14 January 1588[/9]
Bill for money delivered by Canon Holiday treasurer to Simon Comyn for expenditure on chapter business in London.
Digitised material for Bill for money delivered by Canon Holiday treasurer to Simon Comyn for expenditure on chapter business in London - Misc.Ch. 3159.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3160   16 January 1588[/9]
Bill for Books of Common Prayer, books of Psalter and Psalms for the cathedral.
Digitised material for Bill for Books of Common Prayer, books of Psalter and Psalms for the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3160.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3161   16 January 1588[/9]
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses in travelling to Stanhope to serve precipe on Dr Burton.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses in travelling to Stanhope to serve precipe on Dr Burton - Misc.Ch. 3161.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3162   24 January 1588[/9]
Bill for expenses in Chancery court London against Peter Darton of Aycliffe.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses in Chancery court London against Peter Darton of Aycliffe - Misc.Ch. 3162.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3163   24 June - 9 August 1589
Bill for cathedral expenses, for rushes and herbs during the Assizes and the installation of Bishop [Hutton], etc.
Digitised material for Bill for cathedral expenses, for rushes and herbs during the Assizes and the installation of Bishop [Hutton], etc - Misc.Ch. 3163.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3164   8 February - 1 March 1588[/9]
Bill for purchase of Psalms and Psalters, etc. for the cathedral.
Digitised material for Bill for purchase of Psalms and Psalters, etc. for the cathedral. - Misc.Ch. 3164.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3165   19 February 1588[/9]
Bill for purchase of Books of Common Prayer, one book of Psalter and Psalms with Epistles and Gospels.
Digitised material for Bill for purchase of Books of Common Prayer, one book of Psalter and Psalms with Epistles and Gospels - Misc.Ch. 3165.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3166   9 March 1588[/9]
Bill of Robert Massam for expenses on chapter business in serving precipe on Dr Burton and in Yorkshire over George Harrysone's bond for Layton.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses on chapter business in serving precipe on Dr Burton and in Yorkshire over George Harrysone's bond for Layton - Misc.Ch. 3166.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3167   19 March 1588[/9]
Expenses on the leads and other repairs to the cathedral.
Digitised material for Expenses on the leads and other repairs to the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3167.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3168   [28 March 1589]
Letter by Canon Leonard Pilkington to Canon Holiday asking for 20 nobles for distribution among the poor at Durham.
Digitised material for Letter by Canon Leonard Pilkington to Canon Holiday asking for 20 nobles for distribution among the poor at Durham - Misc.Ch. 3168
DCD Misc.Ch. 3169   6 April 1589
Bill for parchment for register, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for parchment for register, etc - Misc.Ch. 3169.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3170   18 April 1589
Bill for paving east gate of the College.
Digitised material for Bill for paving east gate of the College - Misc.Ch. 3170.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3171   22 April 1589
Bill for cathedral expenses, for purchase of bread and wine for Easter, for 6 horseloads of salt rushes, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for cathedral expenses, for purchase of bread and wine for Easter, for 6 horseloads of salt rushes, etc - Misc.Ch. 3171.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3172   1 May 1589
Bill of charge to the "Landewe" on chapter business.
Digitised material for Bill of charge to the 'Landewe' on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3172.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3173   10 May 1589
Bill for wainscots bought at Newcastle, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for wainscots bought at Newcastle, etc - Misc.Ch. 3173.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3174   24 May 1589
Bill for paving east side of Crossgate.
Digitised material for Bill for paving east side of Crossgate - Misc.Ch. 3174.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3175   3 June 1589
Note by Canon Leonard Pilkington asking treasurer to give the bearer, a soldier, 2s.
Digitised material for Note by Canon Leonard Pilkington asking treasurer to give the bearer, a soldier, 2s - Misc.Ch. 3175.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3176   3 June 1589
Bill for taking letters to canons, and for money spent by [Canon Leonard Pilkington] subdean viewing the lands of Crossgate.
Digitised material for Bill for taking letters to canons, and for money spent by [Canon Leonard Pilkington] subdean viewing the lands of Crossgate - Misc.Ch. 3176.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3177   9 June 31 Eliz. [1589]
Note by Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking for £4 to be paid to Canons Bellamy and Naunton for their expenses travelling to York to announce to [Matthew Hutton] his election as bishop of Durham.
Digitised material for Note by Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking for £4 to be paid to Canons Bellamy and Naunton for their expenses travelling to York to announce to [Matthew Hutton] his election as bishop of Durham - Misc.Ch. 3177.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3178   19 June 1589
Bill for walling up a hole from the lower dormitory into the moatside, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for walling up a hole from the lower dormitory into the moatside, etc - Misc.Ch. 3178.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3179   22 June 1589
Bill for taking letters to Sedgefield, Easington, Boldon, etc. summoning canons to chapter for conge d'elire.
Digitised material for Bill for taking letters to Sedgefield, Easington, Boldon, etc. summoning canons to chapter for conge d'elire - Misc.Ch. 3179.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3180   20 June 1589
Bill for expenses of the lessee of the Jesus and Lead mills in repairs to the latter.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of the lessee of the Jesus and Lead mills in repairs to the latter - Misc.Ch. 3180
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3181   [June 1589?]
Bill for solder for the [cathedral] leads.
Digitised material for Bill for solder for the [cathedral] leads - Misc.Ch. 3181.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3182   24 July 1589
Bill for expenses of Canons Bellamy and Naunton, chapter's proctors for confirmation of [Bishop Hutton's] election.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of Canons Bellamy and Naunton, chapter's proctors for confirmation of [Bishop Hutton's] election - Misc.Ch. 3182.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3183   26 July 1589
Bill for expenses of suit between chapter and Sir William Reade knight at the last assizes.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of suit between chapter and Sir William Reade knight at the last assizes - Misc.Ch. 3183.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3184   2 August 1589
Receipt by dean to treasurer for £3 6s. 8d. as part payment for almsmoney for next Michaelmas quarter.
Digitised material for Receipt by dean to treasurer for £3 6s. 8d. as part payment for almsmoney for next Michaelmas quarter - Misc.Ch. 3184.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3185   12 August 1589
Bill for [Canon Bunney's] expenses in travelling to London and back to Ryton, and for fees paid in a [consistory court?] suit.
Digitised material for Bill for [Canon Bunney's] expenses in travelling to London and back to Ryton - Misc.Ch. 3185
DCD Misc.Ch. 3186   9 August 1589
Bill for allowance for coal and candles for porter's lodge.
Digitised material for Bill for allowance for coal and candles for porter's lodge - Misc.Ch. 3186.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3187   11 August 1589
Bill for expenses on making a new cathedral door.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses on making a new cathedral door - Misc.Ch. 3187.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3188   14 August 1589
Bill for repairs to Shincliffe bridge.
Digitised material for Bill for repairs to Shincliffe bridge - Misc.Ch. 3188.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bridges -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3189   21 August 1589
Bill for payment to glazier mending cathedral windows.
Digitised material for Bill for payment to glazier mending cathedral windows - Misc.Ch. 3189.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3190   31 August 1589
Bill for expenses in various chapter lawsuits during 1586, 1587 and 1588.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses in various chapter lawsuits during 1586, 1587 and 1588 - Misc.Ch. 3190.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3191   4 September 1589
Receipt by dean to treasurer for £5 as part payment for almsmoney for quarter ending next Michaelmas.
Digitised material for Receipt by dean to treasurer for £5 as part payment for almsmoney for quarter ending next Michaelmas - Misc.Ch. 3191.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3192   20 September 1589
Bill for parchment for register and enrolling accounts.
Digitised material for Bill for parchment for register and enrolling accounts - Misc.Ch. 3192.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3193   20 September 1589
Bill for delivery of letters summoning canons to Bishop [Hutton's] installation, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for delivery of letters summoning canons to Bishop [Hutton's] installation, etc - Misc.Ch. 3193.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3194   27 September 1589
Bill for "birkenyng" firewood for exchequer, plumber's house and glazing house, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for 'birkenyng' firewood for exchequer, plumber's house and glazing house, etc - Misc.Ch. 3194.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3195   27 September 1589
Bill for charcoal for cathedral.
Digitised material for Bill for charcoal for cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3195.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3196   27 September 1589
Bill for paper, galls, ink, candles, etc. for exchequer.
Digitised material for Bill for paper, galls, ink, candles, etc. for exchequer - Misc.Ch. 3196.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3197   28 September 1589
Bill for cathedral expenses, chiefly on repair of locks, juniper for cleaning quire lectern, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for cathedral expenses, chiefly on repair of locks, juniper for cleaning quire lectern, etc - Misc.Ch. 3197.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3198   28 September 1589
Petition by William Smith minor canon to chapter for recompense for repairing a pair of organs over the quire door, out of order for many years but now of the highest quality.
Digitised material for Petition by William Smith minor canon to chapter for recompense for repairing a pair of organs over the quire door - Misc.Ch. 3198.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organ (Musical instrument) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3199   28 September 1589
Bill for expenses on suits, and for delivery of dean's letters to canons.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses on suits, and for delivery of dean's letters to canons - Misc.Ch. 3199
DCD Misc.Ch. 3200   28 September 1589
Voucher for £30 in part payment of £100 for exemplification of all matters, etc., in controversy between chapter and see of York.
Digitised material for Expenses on chapter business, chiefly in collecting rents and legal costs - Misc.Ch. 3100.
Digitised material for Voucher for £30 in part payment of £100 for exemplification of all matters, etc., in controversy between chapter and see of York - Misc.Ch. 3200.
Misc.Ch. 3201-3300
DCD Misc.Ch. 3201   [1589]
Receipt by dean to treasurer for £6 19s. 8d. for alms money due at Michaelmas. 1589
Digitised material for Bill for coals and wood for exchequer, plumber's house and other workshops - Misc.Ch. 3101.
Digitised material for Receipt by dean to treasurer for £6 19s. 8d. for alms money due at Michaelmas. 1589 - Misc.Ch. 3201.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3202   1589
Four bills for expenses in chapter's legal proceedings over jurisdiction with the see of York in 1589.
Digitised material for Four bills for expenses in chapter's legal proceedings over jurisdiction with the see of York in 1589 - Misc.Ch. 3202
DCD Misc.Ch. 3203   8 February - 27 September 1589
Thirteen bills for repairs to tenements and the [mill]-dam, for preparation and purchase of timber, lime, stone and straw for them.
Digitised material for Thirteen bills for repairs to tenements and the [mill]-dam, for preparation and purchase of timber, lime, stone and straw for them - Misc.Ch. 3203
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3203*   [1589]
Petition by Robert Tenant to chapter for assistance in bringing his unthrifty son to London to get him into service; with Order for payment of 10s.
Digitised material for Expenses in York over Brantingham, and for a letter missive against John Denton of Berwick - Misc.Ch. 3102.
Digitised material for Petition by Robert Tenant to chapter for assistance in bringing his unthrifty son to London to get him into service; with Order for payment of 10s - Misc.Ch. 3203*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3204   22 March - 19 December 1589
Four bills for mending the conduit.
Digitised material for Four bills for mending the conduit - Misc.Ch. 3204
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3205   [1589]
Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 5s. to a poor widow of a minister.
Digitised material for Bill for slates - Misc.Ch. 3104.
Digitised material for Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 5s. to a poor widow of a minister - Misc.Ch. 3205.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3206   [1589]
Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 5s. to Robert Tenant.
Digitised material for Note of grant of 40s. for repairs to Robert Watson's house in Newcastle - Misc.Ch. 3105*.
Digitised material for Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 5s. to Robert Tenant - Misc.Ch. 3206.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3207   [1589]
Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 3s. 4d. to a poor blind woman.
Seal: one
Digitised material for Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking him to advance 3s. 4d. to a poor blind woman - Misc.Ch. 3207
DCD Misc.Ch. 3208   [1589]
Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking for a royal for plague victims at Gateshead.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3108.
Digitised material for Note from Canon Leonard Pilkington to treasurer asking for a royal for plague victims at Gateshead - Misc.Ch. 3208.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3209   11 November 1590
Bill for two new bell-ropes, for the great bell and the "lecter" bell.
Digitised material for Bill for two new bell-ropes, for the great bell and the 'lecter' bell - Misc.Ch. 3209
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3210   19 November 1590
Bill for repairing minor canons' brewing vat.
Digitised material for Bill for repairing minor canons' brewing vat - Misc.Ch. 3210
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3211   29 September - 25 November 1590
Two bills for cathedral necessaries, chiefly candles.
Digitised material for Two bills for cathedral necessaries, chiefly candles - Misc.Ch. 3211
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3212   25 October [and 16 December 1590]
Two bills for repairs to a burgage in Elvet, and to "the hall or state house" at Pittington.
Second bill noted as missing in annotation to Stevenson's catalogue, 13 January 1987
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3109.
Digitised material for Two bills (the second missing) for repairs to a burgage in Elvet, and to 'the hall or state house' at Pittington - Misc.Ch. 3212.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3213   25 December 1590
Note of green wax found for chapter.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3110.
Digitised material for Note of green wax found for chapter - Misc.Ch. 3213.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3214   10 May 1591
Bill for books bought for library from Canon Holiday's executors.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3111.
Digitised material for Bill for books bought for library from Canon Holiday's executors - Misc.Ch. 3214.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3215   11 June 1591
Bill for "birkeninge" wood for plumber's house, exchequer, glazing house, and to barber.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3112.
Digitised material for Bill for 'birkeninge' wood for plumber's house, exchequer, glazing house, and to barber - Misc.Ch. 3215.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3216   13 June 1591
Bill for carriage of timber and firewood.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3113.
Digitised material for Bill for carriage of timber and firewood - Misc.Ch. 3216.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3217   18 June 1591
Bill for lead for the cathedral.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £100 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3114.
Digitised material for Bill for lead for the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3217.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3218   28 June 1591
Bill for mending chancel windows, etc. at Pittington.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3115.
Digitised material for Bill for mending chancel windows, etc. at Pittington - Misc.Ch. 3218.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Pittington -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3219   25 September 1591
Petition by the bellringers to chapter for an allowance to pay assistants rining on Coronation Day.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £118 as part payment for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3117.
Digitised material for Petition by the bellringers to chapter for an allowance to pay assistants rining on Coronation Day - Misc.Ch. 3219.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3220   28 September 1591
Bill for renewing the settling tank at the new bridge and mending that in High Wood.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton royal receiver to chapter for £218 for tenths reserved to the queen - Misc.Ch. 3118.
Digitised material for Bill for renewing the settling tank at the new bridge and mending that in High Wood - Misc.Ch. 3220.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3221   2 October 1591
Letter by Robert Throckemerton to Canon Swift over mending chancel windows at Aycliffe.
Digitised material for Letter by Robert Throckemerton to Canon Swift over mending chancel windows at Aycliffe - Misc.Ch. 3221
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Aycliffe -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3222   c. 1590 s
Bill for expenses of courts, principally at South Shields, Whitburn, Wearmouth, Kirk Merrington, Billingham and Hartlepool, beginning 4 Oct. 1591
Digitised material for Expenses at Darlington, etc., over concealed chapter property - Misc.Ch. 3119.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of courts, principally at South Shields, Whitburn, Wearmouth, Kirk Merrington, Billingham and Hartlepool, beginning 4 Oct. 1591 - Misc.Ch. 3222.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3223   18 - 28 October 1593
Bill of expenses by the dean or Canon Swift [?] on his journey to York over the jurisdiction contested between the chapter and the archbishop of York.
Digitised material for Expenses at Darlington, etc., over concealed chapter property - Misc.Ch. 3120.
Digitised material for Bill of expenses by the dean or Canon Swift [?] on his journey to York over the jurisdiction contested between the chapter and the archbishop of York - Misc.Ch. 3223.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3224   [1592]
Bill of expenses in chapter's suit against archbishop of York, Trinity term 34 [Eliz.: 1592].
Digitised material for Expenses of Robert Measham travelling to London over [chapter suit against] Captain [William] Reade [over Holy Island] - Misc.Ch. 3121.
Digitised material for Bill of expenses in chapter's suit against archbishop of York, Trinity term 34 [Eliz.: 1592] - Misc.Ch. 3224.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3225   25 October 1591
Bill by [Simon] Comyn for expenses travelling to London in Michaelmas term 1591 and for advancing chapter's lawsuits.
Digitised material for Bill by Simon Comyn for expenses travelling to London in Michaelmas term 1591 - Misc.Ch. 3225
DCD Misc.Ch. 3226   13 November 1591
Warrant for payment of £5 13s. 5d. for debt arising from chapter's suit against archbishop of York over jurisdiction.
Digitised material for Bill for money-bags for receiver and treasurer - Misc.Ch. 3122.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment of £5 13s. 5d. for debt arising from chapter's suit against archbishop of York over jurisdiction - Misc.Ch. 3226.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3227   4 December 1593
Bill for repairs to salt-pan at South Shields held by Thomas Trewthwaite curate there.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of chapter's legal proceedings during Michaelmas term 27-28 Eliz. [1585] - Misc.Ch. 3123.
Digitised material for Bill for repairs to salt-pan at South Shields held by Thomas Trewthwaite curate there - Misc.Ch. 3227.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- South Shields -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3228   14 December 1591
Bill for two lanterns for cathedral.
Digitised material for Bill for money to Thomas Brown barber - Misc.Ch. 3124.
Digitised material for Bill for two lanterns for cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3228.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3229   14 December 1591
Bill for expenses on taking a letter to London, mending lock of a chest in the treasury, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for disbursements for chapter business, chiefly in legal expenses - Misc.Ch. 3125.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses on taking a letter to London, mending lock of a chest in the treasury, etc - Misc.Ch. 3229.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3230   24 December 1591
Note of wax prepared by Thomas Brown and used for seals.
Digitised material for Note of wax prepared by Thomas Brown and used for seals - Misc.Ch. 3230
DCD Misc.Ch. 3231   1 February - 25 December 1591
Fifteen bills of the sacrist for cathedral requisites, chiefly candles, rushes, mending the clock and chime, bread and wine, etc.
Digitised material for Fifteen bills of the sacrist for cathedral requisites - Misc.Ch. 3231
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3232   14 March - 18 December 1591
Six bills for scouring the two headers of the conduit on the moor and High Wood, for mending the same, and for new pipes.
Digitised material for Six bills for scouring the two headers of the conduit on the moor and High Wood - Misc.Ch. 3232
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3233   15 March - 4 December 1591
Ten bills for repairs to houses in Durham and at Pittington, and for lime, timbers and nails for them.
Digitised material for Ten bills for repairs to houses in Durham and at Pittington, and for lime, timbers and nails for them - Misc.Ch. 3233
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3234   27 July and 9 August 1591
Two bills for parchment bought at York for register.
Digitised material for Two bills for parchment bought at York for register - Misc.Ch. 3234
DCD Misc.Ch. 3235   9 February 1591[/2]
Bill for repairs to two vaults over cathedral north aisle, by the school-door.
Digitised material for Bill for repairs to two vaults over cathedral north aisle, by the school-door - Misc.Ch. 3235
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3236   10 February 1591[/2]
Bill for expenses on chapter business in London against Trotter etc., and at York against Mr Norton etc.
Digitised material for Bill for cleaning the school privy - Misc.Ch. 3126.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses on chapter business in London against Trotter etc., and at York against Mr Norton etc - Misc.Ch. 3236.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3237   10 March 1591[/2]
Bill for expenses at York in a suit against Mr Thomas Norton of Skerningham.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of Robert Massam travelling to York over Mr Shawe, [George] Dynnys, and other chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3127.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses at York in a suit against Mr Thomas Norton of Skerningham - Misc.Ch. 3237.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3238   17-20 March 1591[/2]
Account for diet of Lord President.
Digitised material for Account for diet of Lord President - Misc.Ch. 3238
DCD Misc.Ch. 3239   19 March 1591[/2]
Expenses of bread and wine for general communion on Palm Sunday.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of Robert Massam travelling to Berwick over George Dynnys - Misc.Ch. 3128.
Digitised material for Expenses of bread and wine for general communion on Palm Sunday - Misc.Ch. 3239.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3240   22 March 1591[/2]
Bill for sacrist's expenses on candles, bringing forms from town for communion, for incense and other sweet powders, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for sacrist's expenses on candles, etc - Misc.Ch. 3240
DCD Misc.Ch. 3241   26 March 1592[/3?]
Account of Mr Brown in a suit against Wright in the court of Exchequer, Easter term 35 Eliz. [1593].
Digitised material for Account of Mr Brown in a suit against Wright in the court of Exchequer, Easter term 35 Eliz. [1593] - Misc.Ch. 3241
DCD Misc.Ch. 3242   29 April 1592
Bill for washing lead ashes in the plumber's house and smelting them into 7 sows.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of dean, etc., servants and horses on chapter business with the mayor and corporation in Newcastle - Misc.Ch. 3129.
Digitised material for Bill for washing lead ashes in the plumber's house and smelting them into 7 sows - Misc.Ch. 3242.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3243   2 June 1592
Two bills for building and repairing the stonework at the floodgate in the Howlewood in Bearpark.
Digitised material for Two bills for building and repairing the stonework at the floodgate in the Howlewood in Bearpark - Misc.Ch. 3243.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Bearpark -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3244   6 June 1592
Charges of Canon Pilkington and others in surveying all the chapter's burgages and their implements.
Digitised material for Bill of Robert Massam for expenses travelling to London on chapter business, Awbrey and Ratclyffes matters - Misc.Ch. 3133.
Digitised material for Charges of Canon Pilkington and others in surveying all the chapter's burgages and their implements - Misc.Ch. 3244.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3245   15 June 1592
Bill for mending the leads of the cathedral and the petty canons' hall.
Digitised material for Bill for stones and walling a 'warrante' at the west end of the new bridge - Misc.Ch. 3135.
Digitised material for Bill for mending the leads of the cathedral and the petty canons' hall - Misc.Ch. 3245.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3246   28 June 1592
Bill for coal and candles for the porter's lodge.
Digitised material for Recommendation by the dean to Canon Tunstall treasurer to pay 40s. to Alexander Abie a poor minister - Misc.Ch. 3138.
Digitised material for Bill for coal and candles for the porter's lodge - Misc.Ch. 3246.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3247   n.d. [June 1592?]
Petition by William Harrison for an advance of his wages "in regard to his great chardge of familie".
Digitised material for Petition by William Harrison for an advance of his wages - Misc.Ch. 3247
DCD Misc.Ch. 3248   March & June 1592
Three bills for expenses on communion bread and wine for the cathedral.
Digitised material for Three bills for expenses on communion bread and wine for the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3248
DCD Misc.Ch. 3249   May & June 1592
Two bills of the sacrist for a Book of Common Prayer for Sir Watson the chanter, for rushes, juniper, etc.
Digitised material for Two bills of the sacrist for a Book of Common Prayer etc - Misc.Ch. 3249.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3250   April - June 1592
Seven bills for repairs to a tenement in Hartlepool, and for buying timber, lime, slates, etc.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to a tenement in Hartlepool, and for buying timber, lime, slates, etc - Misc.Ch. 3250
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Hartlepool -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3251   March & June 1592
Two bills for mending the conduit.
Digitised material for Two bills for mending the conduit - Misc.Ch. 3251
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3252   29 June 1592
Bill for mending the cathedral bells.
Digitised material for Bill for payments in suits for counsel and in chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3139.
Digitised material for Bill for mending the cathedral bells - Misc.Ch. 3252.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3253   8 July 1592
Bill for sawing and framing a floor in the chamber of Mr Boulton the school usher.
Digitised material for Bill for sawing and framing a floor in the chamber of Mr Boulton the school usher - Misc.Ch. 3253.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3254   15 July 1592
Bill for "selleringe", thatching and pointing the chamber of Mr Robert Boulton the grammar school usher.
Digitised material for Bill for 'selleringe ', thatching and pointing the chamber of Mr Robert Boulton the grammar school usher - Misc.Ch. 3254.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3255   21 July 1592
Bill for cathedral expenses at the Assizes on rushes, herbs and flowers, incense and other sweet powders, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for cathedral expenses at the Assizes on rushes, herbs and flowers, incense and other sweet powders, etc - Misc.Ch. 3255.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3256   24 July 1592
Bill for gift to the Lord Lieutenant of a fat ox, price £7, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for gift to the Lord Lieutenant of a fat ox, price £7, etc - Misc.Ch. 3256.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3257   29 July 1592
Bill for mending the leads of Billingham chancel, lifted by the wind.
Digitised material for Bill for mending the leads of Billingham chancel, lifted by the wind - Misc.Ch. 3257.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Billingham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3258   5 August 1592
Two bills for repairs to the lodging on Palace Green of Mr Calfhill the headmaster, etc.
Digitised material for Two bills for repairs to the lodging on Palace Green of Mr Calfhill the headmaster, etc - Misc.Ch. 3258
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3259   5 August 1592
Bill of [Robert?] Massam's expenses travelling to Newcastle, Berwick, etc. on chapter business.
Digitised material for Bill of [Robert?] Massam's expenses travelling to Newcastle, Berwick, etc. on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3259.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3260   6 September 1592
Bill for firewood, coals and rushes, etc. at the Lord Lieutenant's visit.
Digitised material for Bill for firewood, coals and rushes, etc. at the Lord Lieutenant's visit - Misc.Ch. 3260.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3261   July & September 1592
Three bills for fees to counsel and law expenses, and for dinner for commissioners and others with their servants in the suits against the see of York and Captain [William] Selby.
Digitised material for Three bills for fees to counsel and law expenses, and for dinner for commissioners and others - Misc.Ch. 3261
DCD Misc.Ch. 3262   28 September 1592
Bill for collecting Whitsuntide rents, taking twentieth to London, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for collecting Whitsuntide rents, taking twentieth to London, etc - Misc.Ch. 3262.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3263   28 September 1592
Bill for paper, etc. for the exchequer.
Digitised material for Bill for paper, etc. for the exchequer - Misc.Ch. 3263.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3264   28 September 1592
Bill for mending windows in the exchequer, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for mending windows in the exchequer, etc - Misc.Ch. 3264.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3265   21 October 1592
Bill for Simon Comyn's expenses travelling to London for suits against the archbishop of York and Captain William Selby.
Digitised material for Bill for Simon Comyn's expenses travelling to London for legal business - Misc.Ch. 3265
DCD Misc.Ch. 3266   1 November 1592
Receipt by Richard Clarke vicar of Berwick to the treasurer for a quarter's payment for vicarage of £5.
Digitised material for Receipt by Richard Clarke vicar of Berwick to the treasurer for a quarter's payment for vicarage of £5 - Misc.Ch. 3266.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3267   3 November 1592
Authorization by Charles Moberley vicar of St Oswald's Durham for Canon Naunton to receive £4 due to him from the treasurer.
Digitised material for Authorization by Charles Moberley vicar of St Oswald's Durham for Canon Naunton to receive £4 due to him from the treasurer - Misc.Ch. 3267.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3268   18 November 1592
Warrant for payment of £12 8s. 4d. for debt arising from chapter's suit against archbishop of York over jurisdiction.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment of £12 8s. 4d. for debt arising from chapter's suit against archbishop of York over jurisdiction - Misc.Ch. 3268.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3269   20 November 1592
Receipt by Thomas Jacksoune vicar of Norham for £5 as his pension.
Digitised material for Receipt by Thomas Jacksoune vicar of Norham for £5 as his pension - Misc.Ch. 3269.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3270   20 November 1592
Expenses for mending the bells and to the ringers on Coronation Day.
Digitised material for Expenses for mending the bells and to the ringers on Coronation Day - Misc.Ch. 3270.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3271   21 November 1592
Receipt Christopher Fewell curate of Bywell St Peter for a quarter's stipend of 50s.
Digitised material for Receipt Christopher Fewell curate of Bywell St Peter for a quarter's stipend of 50s - Misc.Ch. 3271.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3272   25 November 1592
Receipt by William Southdike curate at Muggleswick for 33s. 4d.
Digitised material for Receipt by William Southdike curate at Muggleswick for 33s. 4d - Misc.Ch. 3272.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3273   28 September & 16 December 1592
Two bills for mending the conduit.
Digitised material for Two bills for mending the conduit - Misc.Ch. 3273
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3274   21 December 1592
Warrant for the payment of a portion of £10 allowed by chapter for repairs to the corn watermill at Great Burdon.
Digitised material for Warrant for the payment of a portion of £10 allowed by chapter for repairs to the corn watermill at Great Burdon - Misc.Ch. 3274.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3275   22 December 1592
Note of payment for watching the new [coal]-pit at Spennymoor.
Digitised material for Note of payment for watching the new [coal]-pit at Spennymoor - Misc.Ch. 3275.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3276   1592
Five bills for expenses in chapter's suits against Norton and Tailboys, and Cragges and Radcliffe, in 1592 [?].
Digitised material for Five bills for expenses in chapter's law suits - Misc.Ch. 3276
DCD Misc.Ch. 3277   [1592]
Bill for expenses in chapter's suit against [Captain William] Selby.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses in chapter's suit against [Captain William] Selby - Misc.Ch. 3277.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3278   [1592?]
Five bills for cathedral expenses, on bread and wine, candles, a new Communion Book in folio, repairing the leads broken by a pinnacle falling from the lantern, etc.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3279   July - September 1592
Thirteen bills for repairs to burgages, chiefly in Elvet, and to the keeper's house in Bearpark, with carriage of timber etc.
Digitised material for Thirteen bills for repairs to burgages, chiefly in Elvet, and to the keeper's house in Bearpark, with carriage of timber etc - Misc.Ch. 3279
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3280   August & September 1592.
Two bills for parchment bought at York.
Digitised material for Two bills for parchment bought at York - Misc.Ch. 3280
DCD Misc.Ch. 3281   [1592?]
Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses there in Hilary term 1592.
Digitised material for Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses - Misc.Ch. 3281
DCD Misc.Ch. 3282   [1592?]
Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses there in Easter term 1592.
Digitised material for Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses there in Easter term 1592 - Misc.Ch. 3282.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3283   [1592?]
Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses there in Trinity term 1592.
Digitised material for Bill of Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London and legal expenses - Misc.Ch. 3283.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3284   4 January 1592[/3]
Bill for green wax for chapter, and coals for shaver-house.
Digitised material for Bill for green wax for chapter, and coals for shaver-house - Misc.Ch. 3284
DCD Misc.Ch. 3285   13 January 1592[/3]
Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for £30 to be paid to Simon Comyn for use in the suits against [the see of] York over jurisdiction and against Captain William Selby.
Digitised material for Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for £30 to be paid to Simon Comyn for use in the suits against [the see of] York over jurisdiction and against Captain William Selby - Misc.Ch. 3285.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3286   19 January 1592[/3]
Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for £6 to be paid for expenses of Simon Comyn's horse travelling to London.
Digitised material for Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for £6 to be paid for expenses of Simon Comyn's horse travelling to London - Misc.Ch. 3286.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3287   23 January 1592[/3]
Payment for watching the new [coal]-pit at Spennymoor.
Digitised material for Payment for watching the new [coal]-pit at Spennymoor - Misc.Ch. 3287.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3288   26 January 1592[/3]
Warrant for payment of those viewing damage done by wrights on chapter land at Spennymoor.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment of those viewing damage done by wrights on chapter land at Spennymoor - Misc.Ch. 3288.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3289   2 February 1593]
Request by Charles Moberley [vicar of St Oswald's Durham] to treasurer for payment of his wages, after making certain deductions. [after
Digitised material for Request by Charles Moberley [vicar of St Oswald's Durham] to treasurer for payment of his wages, after making certain deductions. [after - Misc.Ch. 3289.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3290   3 February 1592[/3]
Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham for £5 as his pension.
Digitised material for Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham for £5 as his pension - Misc.Ch. 3290
DCD Misc.Ch. 3291   3 February 1592[/3]
Receipt by Christopher Fewell curate of Bywell St Peter for a quarter's stipend of 50s.
Digitised material for Receipt by Christopher Fewell curate of Bywell St Peter for a quarter's stipend of 50s - Misc.Ch. 3291.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3292   5 February 1592[/3]
Bill for new casting and mending the leads over the library.
Digitised material for Bill for new casting and mending the leads over the library - Misc.Ch. 3292.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3293   27 January 1592[/3]
Two bills for expenses of travelling to York on law business, and to Norham and Berwick for rents, etc.
Digitised material for Two bills for expenses of travelling to York on law business, and to Norham and Berwick for rents, etc - Misc.Ch. 3293
DCD Misc.Ch. 3294   February 1592[/3]
Bill for watching the new coal-pit at Spennymoor.
Digitised material for Bill for watching the new coal-pit at Spennymoor - Misc.Ch. 3294.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3295   8 February 1592
Bill for new glass in chapter-house.
Digitised material for Bill for new glass in chapter-house - Misc.Ch. 3295.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3296   14 February 1592[/3]
Bill for dean's expenses travelling to Bishopthorpe over controversy between chapter and archbishop [of York].
Digitised material for Bill for dean's expenses travelling to Bishopthorpe over controversy between chapter and archbishop [of York] - Misc.Ch. 3296.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3297   24 February 1592[/3]
Bill for expenses of Canons Tunstall and Naunton at last York Convocation.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of Canons Tunstall and Naunton at last York Convocation - Misc.Ch. 3297.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3298   5 March 1593
Bill for mending the west side of the cathedral over the dovecote and part of the dormitory leads, and soldering the revestry leads.
Digitised material for Bill for mending the west side of the cathedral over the dovecote and part of the dormitory leads, and soldering the revestry leads - Misc.Ch. 3298.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3299   6 May 1593
Receipt by Richard Clarke vicar of Berwick for a quarter's payment for vicarage of £5.
Digitised material for Receipt by Richard Clarke vicar of Berwick for a quarter's payment for vicarage of £5 - Misc.Ch. 3299.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3300   10 May 1593
Receipt by Robert Dand [?] vicar of Brantingham to treasurer for a half year's pension of £6 13s. 4d.
Digitised material for Receipt by Robert Dand [?] vicar of Brantingham to treasurer for a half year's pension of £6 13s. 4d - Misc.Ch. 3300.
Misc.Ch. 3301-3400
DCD Misc.Ch. 3301   12 May 1593
Bills of charges in suits at York.
Digitised material for Bills of charges in suits at York - Misc.Ch. 3301.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3302   12 May 1593
Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham for his pension of £5.
Digitised material for Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham for his pension of £5 - Misc.Ch. 3302.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3303   17 June 1593
Bond by Thomas Hingston minor canon and others to chapter in £10, against his payment of sums to chapter.
Digitised material for Bond by Thomas Hingston minor canon and others to chapter in £10 - Misc.Ch. 3303
DCD Misc.Ch. 3304   22 June 1593
Bill for expenses of courts started at Shields on 21 April, then at Greatham, Kirk Merrington, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses of courts started at Shields on 21 April, then at Greatham, Kirk Merrington, etc - Misc.Ch. 3304.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3305   March - June 1593
Six bills for purchase of parchment, candles, incense, juniper, etc., for summoning canons to chapters, making a "platt" in colours for Spennymoor, preparing timber, etc.
Digitised material for Six bills for purchase of parchment, candles, incense, juniper, for summoning canons to chapters etc - Misc.Ch. 3305.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3306   April & June 1593
Two bills for repairs to Clock mill-dam and stottgates at Bearpark.
Digitised material for Two bills for repairs to Clock mill-dam and stottgates at Bearpark - Misc.Ch. 3306
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Water mills -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3307   March - June 1593
Three bills for repairs to the conduit and making new pipes for it.
Digitised material for Three bills for repairs to the conduit and making new pipes for it - Misc.Ch. 3307
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3308   7 July 1593
Warrant for allowance for coal and candles for the porter's lodge for the winter.
Digitised material for Warrant for allowance for coal and candles for the porter's lodge for the winter - Misc.Ch. 3308.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3309   9 July 1593
Bill for repairs and casting new leads for south and north sides of cathedral.
Digitised material for Bill for repairs and casting new leads for south and north sides of cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3309.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3310   14 July 1593
Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for payment of £12 12s. to Mr Broughe for altering and mending the organs.
Digitised material for Warrant by the dean to the treasurer for payment of £12 12s. to Mr Broughe for altering and mending the organs - Misc.Ch. 3310.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3311   20 July 1593
Bill for wright's work in mending and removing the organs, and for mending the clock and the chime.
Digitised material for Bill for wright's work in mending and removing the organs, and for mending the clock and the chime - Misc.Ch. 3311.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3312   22 July 1593
Bill for mending the cloister spouts and leads.
Digitised material for Bill for mending the cloister spouts and leads - Misc.Ch. 3312.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3313   28 July 1593
Authorization by Richard Clerke to treasurer to pay 13s. 4d. to Clerke's proctors, etc.
Digitised material for Authorization by Richard Clerke to treasurer to pay 13s. 4d. to Clerke's proctors, etc - Misc.Ch. 3313.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3314   28 July 1593
Authorization by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham to treasurer for deduction from his pension of 9s. 4d. as procurations.
Digitised material for Authorization by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham to treasurer for deduction from his pension - Misc.Ch. 3314.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3315   4 August 1593
Receipt by Richard Clerke vicar of Berwick to treasurer for his quarter's stipend of £5.
Digitised material for Receipt by Richard Clerke vicar of Berwick to treasurer for his quarter's stipend of £5 - Misc.Ch. 3315.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3316   12 August 1593
Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham to treasurer for his quarter's penstion of £5.
Digitised material for Receipt by Thomas Jackson vicar of Norham to treasurer for his quarter's penstion of £5 - Misc.Ch. 3316.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3317   9 August 1593
Petition by Widow Wayneman to dean & chapter for loan of £3 6s. 8d. to apprentice her son to Mr Brough.
Digitised material for Petition by Widow Wayneman to dean & chapter for loan - Misc.Ch. 3317
DCD Misc.Ch. 3318   9 August 1593
Bill for counsel and the attorney at the Assizes.
Digitised material for Bill for counsel and the attorney at the Assizes - Misc.Ch. 3318.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3319   4 September 1593
Bill for provision during the visitation and bishop's stay.
Digitised material for Bill for provision during the visitation and bishop's stay - Misc.Ch. 3319
DCD Misc.Ch. 3320   28 September 1593
Bill for expenses travelling twice to Newcastle on Canon Tunstall's order.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses travelling twice to Newcastle on Canon Tunstall's order - Misc.Ch. 3320.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3321   August & September 1593
Seven bills for repairs to burgages and mills, for lime and timber for them.
Digitised material for Seven bills for repairs to burgages and mills, for lime and timber for them - Misc.Ch. 3321
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3322   August & September 1593
Three bills for parchment, wax and other requisites for the exchequer.
Digitised material for Three bills for parchment, wax and other requisites for the exchequer - Misc.Ch. 3322
DCD Misc.Ch. 3323   14 October 1593
Note of timber and slate work on making a study at the chamber of Mr Boulton the grammar school usher.
Digitised material for Note of timber and slate work on making a study at the chamber of Mr Boulton the grammar school usher - Misc.Ch. 3323.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3324   18 October 1593
Memorandum of the half year's rent due to the lessee of Brantingham parsonage.
Digitised material for Memorandum of the half year's rent due to the lessee of Brantingham parsonage - Misc.Ch. 3324.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3325   31 October 1593
Warrant by the treasurer for payment of £5 to Mr Broughe for repairs in hand on the instrument [organ?].
Digitised material for Warrant by the treasurer for payment of £5 to Mr Broughe for repairs in hand on the instrument [organ?] - Misc.Ch. 3325.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3326/1   8 December 1593
Bill for mending a glass window in the treasury-house.
Digitised material for Bill for mending a glass window in the treasury-house - Misc.Ch. 3326/1
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3326/2   18 December 1593
Bill for setting up a windlass, taking down the great organs, removing them to the petty canons' hall, and putting them back in their previous position.
Digitised material for Bill for setting up a windlass, taking down the great organs, removing them to the petty canons' hall, and putting them back in their previous position - Misc.Ch. 3326/2.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3327   22 December 1593
Warrant for payment of £5 to Mr Broughe for repairs, alterations and additions to the great organs.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment of £5 to Mr Broughe for repairs, alterations and additions to the great organs - Misc.Ch. 3327.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3328   1593
Two documents: petition for allowance to additional bellringers on Coronation Day.
Digitised material for Two documents: petition for allowance to additional bellringers on Coronation Day - Misc.Ch. 3328
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Bells -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3329   September & December 1593
Four bills for mending the conduit, repairs in the exchequer and the porter's lodge.
Digitised material for Four bills for mending the conduit, repairs in the exchequer and the porter's lodge - Misc.Ch. 3329
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3330   August & November 1593
Two bills for lead.
Digitised material for Two bills for lead - Misc.Ch. 3330
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3331   July to December 1593
Five bills for cathedral requisites, wine and bread, candles, purchase and binding Bibles and Psalters, two whipes, etc.
Digitised material for Five bills for cathedral requisites - Misc.Ch. 3331.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3332   28 September 1593
Bill for Richard Johnson's expenses on chapter business, chiefly on going messages.
Digitised material for Bill for Richard Johnson's expenses on chapter business, chiefly on going messages - Misc.Ch. 3332.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3333   3 January 1593[/4]
Bill for Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London for Michaelmas term 1393.
Digitised material for Bill for Simon Comyn's expenses on travelling to London for Michaelmas term 1393 - Misc.Ch. 3333
DCD Misc.Ch. 3334   28 January 1593[/4]
Bill by John Brown attorney for expenses against Wright in the [court of] Exchequer.
Digitised material for Bill by John Brown attorney for expenses against Wright in the [court of] Exchequer - Misc.Ch. 3334.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3335   14 February 1593[/4]
Request by Mr Broughe for consideration for his labours over the great organs.
Digitised material for Request by Mr Broughe for consideration for his labours over the great organs - Misc.Ch. 3335
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Organs (Musical instruments) -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3336   9 March 1593[/4]
Bill for squaring timber for scaffolding for cathedral pinnacles.
Digitised material for Bill for squaring timber for scaffolding for cathedral pinnacles - Misc.Ch. 3336.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3337   18 March 1595
Bill for glazing Aycliffe chancel windows.
Digitised material for Bill for glazing Aycliffe chancel windows - Misc.Ch. 3337.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Aycliffe -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3338   27 March 1594[/5?]
Expenses of Simon Comyn in travelling to London, and legal expenses there during Easter and Trinity terms 1594.
Digitised material for Expenses of Simon Comyn in travelling to London, and legal expenses - Misc.Ch. 3338.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3339   8 April 1594
Warrant for payment to Simon Comyn of £26 13s. 4d. to be spent in London during [Trinity] term next on chapter business.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment to Simon Comyn, on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3339
DCD Misc.Ch. 3340   [May 1594?]
Warrant for payment to Thomas Clerke of £3 6s. 8d. for good service over Lord President's and bishop of Durham's letters.
Digitised material for Warrant for payment to Thomas Clerke of £3 6s. 8d. for good service over Lord President's and bishop of Durham's letters - Misc.Ch. 3340
DCD Misc.Ch. 3341   March & June 1594
Two bills for mending conduit.
Digitised material for Two bills for mending conduit - Misc.Ch. 3341
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3342   February - June 1594
Eight bills for communion bread and wine, candles, rushes, repairs, etc.
Digitised material for Eight bills for communion bread and wine, candles, rushes, repairs, etc - Misc.Ch. 3342
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3343   March - June 1594
Eight bills for parchment for register, for lead, timber and lime for the cathedral, and coal and candles for the porter's lodge, etc.
Digitised material for Eight bills for parchment for register, for lead, timber and lime for the cathedral etc - Misc.Ch. 3343
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3344   24 July 1594
Bill for expenses for counsel and in legal matters against Rogerson, etc., at the Assizes.
Digitised material for Bill for expenses for counsel and in legal matters against Rogerson, etc., at the Assizes - Misc.Ch. 3344.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3345   28 July 1594
Bill for [Robert?] Massam's expenses travelling to York on chapter business.
Digitised material for Bill for [Robert?] Massam's expenses travelling to York on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3345.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3346   5 September 1594
Bill for repairs to leads on chancel of St Oswald's Durham.
Digitised material for Bill for repairs to leads on chancel of St Oswald's Durham - Misc.Ch. 3346.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3347   24 September 1594
Bill for legal expenses in suit against Letham, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for legal expenses in suit against Letham, etc - Misc.Ch. 3347.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3348   26 September 1594
Bill for legal expenses in suit against Letham, etc.
Digitised material for Bill for legal expenses in suit against Letham, etc - Misc.Ch. 3348.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3349   July - September 1594
Eight bills for repairs to windows in the lantern, perfuming the quire with herbs and flowers, mending and recasting guest-hall leads, repairs in the Consistory and the low exchequer, repairs to the [mill]-dam, and for timber, coals and lead.
Digitised material for Eight bills for repairs to windows in the lantern, perfuming the quire with herbs and flowers, mending and recasting guest-hall leads, repairs in the Consistory and the low exchequer, repairs to the [mill]-dam, and for timber, coals and lead - Misc.Ch. 3349
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3350   July & September 1594
Three bills for enclosing the spring in Hett wood and repairing the conduit.
Digitised material for Three bills for enclosing the spring in Hett wood and repairing the conduit - Misc.Ch. 3350
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3351   July - September 1594
Six bills for repairs to burgages in Elvet, South Street, Claypath, etc., and for preparing timber.
Digitised material for Six bills for repairs to burgages in Elvet, South Street, Claypath, etc., and for preparing timber - Misc.Ch. 3351
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3352   23 October 1594
Memorandum of gift to a poor French scholar cast ashore at Holy Island.
Digitised material for Memorandum of gift to a poor French scholar cast ashore at Holy Island - Misc.Ch. 3352.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3353   6 November 1594
Bill for [Robert?] Massam's expenses in travelling to Berwick on chapter business.
Digitised material for Bill for [Robert?] Massam's expenses in travelling to Berwick on chapter business - Misc.Ch. 3353.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3354   [1594]
Request by Robert Boulton grammar school usher for payment for completion of his study that chapter appointed to be built.
Digitised material for Request by Robert Boulton grammar school usher for payment for completion of his study that chapter appointed to be built - Misc.Ch. 3354.
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3355   August & September 1594
Four bills for horse hire, charcoal, writs, etc.
Digitised material for Four bills for horse hire, charcoal, writs, etc - Misc.Ch. 3355
DCD Misc.Ch. 3356   28 September 1594
Bill for purchase of paper, parchment, ink and other requisites for exchequer.
Digitised material for Bill for purchase of paper, parchment, ink and other requisites for exchequer - Misc.Ch. 3356.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3357/1-18   1595
Eighteen presentments, amercements, etc. of courts at Billingham, Cowpen [Bewley], Newton Bewley and Wolviston in 1595.
Digitised material for Eighteen presentments, amercements, etc. of courts - Misc.Ch. 3357/1-18
DCD Misc.Ch. 3358   July & August 1596, 1 August 1597
Four bills for repairs and pointing stone of cathedral north door, repairs to stonework of petty canons' hall, etc.
Digitised material for Four bills for repairs and pointing stone of cathedral north door, repairs to stonework of petty canons' hall, etc - Misc.Ch. 3358
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3359   Chiefly September 1597
Six bills for for repairs to petty canons' kitchen, the lower part of the west end of the cathedral, for lime, wood, etc. for this work, etc.
Digitised material for Six bills for for repairs to petty canons' kitchen, the lower part of the west end of the cathedral - Misc.Ch. 3359
Index terms
Durham Cathedral, creator
Buildings -- England -- Durham -- Maintenance and repair
Account books
DCD Misc.Ch. 3360/1-13   [1590s ?]
Thirteen presentments, amercements, etc. of courts at Great Burdon, Ferryhill, Hett, Kirk Merrington and Middlestone in June 1598; and at Aycliffe.
Digitised material for Thirteen presentments, amercements, etc. of courts - Misc.Ch. 3360/1-13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3361   July 1578
Five documents: presentments, amercements, etc., at the courts at Billingham and Newton Bewley.
Digitised material for Five documents: presentments, amercements, etc., at the courts at Billingham and Newton Bewley - Misc.Ch. 3361
DCD Misc.Ch. 3362   14 November 15 Eliz. [1573]
Receipt by John Clopton for £3 13s. 4d. as a quit-rent paid by chapter to the Queen.
Digitised material for Receipt by John Clopton for £3 13s. 4d. as a quit-rent paid by chapter to the Queen - Misc.Ch. 3362.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3363   [1470 ?]
Hemingbrough: Receipts, [1470 ?]. Entries give details of the various categories of offerings received: obits include those for members of the Babthorpe family, who resided in the parish of Hemingbrough, and one of them is for Ralph Babthorpe on 22 May, the day he fell at the battle of St Albans in 1455. Heading of final section refers to receipts by John Scypton, who was presented as vicar of the fifth prebend 11 August 1462 and resigned 12 May 1481 (Reg. IV ff. 146, 217v). the first section concerns burials between Easter and Pentecost, and the first entry is dated 24 April, the last 11 June, which is compatible with only two dates for Easter, 23 or 24 April; Easter fell on neither between 1425 and 1507, but on 22 April in 1470.
Digitised material for Hemingbrough Receipts, [1470 ?] - Misc.Ch. 3363.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3364   1388x1406 [Bishop Skirlaw]
Provisions for funding students at Durham College, Oxford. Endorsed “2a 5ta Ebor”.
Digitised material for Provisions for funding students at Durham College, Oxford - Misc.Ch. 3364.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3365    [16th century]
Rental of chapter estates.
Digitised material for Rental of chapter estates - Misc.Ch. 3365
DCD Misc.Ch. 3366    [16th century]
Rental of chapter estates.
Digitised material for Rental of chapter estates. - Misc.Ch. 3366
DCD Misc.Ch. 3367   [14th century]
Part of a court roll.
Previously Loc.III.4.
Digitised material for Part of a court roll - Misc.Ch. 3367
DCD Misc.Ch. 3368
Previously Loc.II.14.
Digitised material for Roll containing note from charters issued by bishops of Durham, kings, etc. - Misc.Ch. 3368
DCD Misc.Ch. 3369
Digitised material for Charter of John Towers conveying premises in Aycliffe and Darlington to John Fiddler - Misc.Ch. 3369
DCD Misc.Ch. 3370   [9 November] 1363
Letters of absolution from the official of the bishop of Durham to the executor of the will of the late William of Charlton of the parish of St Mary in the North Bailey [Durham].
Date: Durham, 5 Id. November 1363.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3173, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 3371   1294
Act in the court of the archdeacon of Northumberland relating to a case between John of Barnard Castle and the prior and convent of Kelso (Kalchou).
Digitised material for Case in archdeacon of Northumberland's court between John of Barnard Castle and Kelso Abbey - Misc.Ch. 3371
DCD Misc.Ch. 3372
DCD Misc.Ch. 3373
DCD Misc.Ch. 3374
DCD Misc.Ch. 3375
DCD Misc.Ch. 3376
DCD Misc.Ch. 3377
DCD Misc.Ch. 3378
DCD Misc.Ch. 3379
DCD Misc.Ch. 3380
DCD Misc.Ch. 3381
DCD Misc.Ch. 3382
DCD Misc.Ch. 3383
DCD Misc.Ch. 3384
DCD Misc.Ch. 3385
DCD Misc.Ch. 3386
DCD Misc.Ch. 3387
DCD Misc.Ch. 3388
DCD Misc.Ch. 3389
DCD Misc.Ch. 3390
DCD Misc.Ch. 3391
DCD Misc.Ch. 3392
DCD Misc.Ch. 3393
DCD Misc.Ch. 3394
DCD Misc.Ch. 3395   1311
Receipt from William of Gretham, prior of Coldingham, to Robert de Rillingtone for £4.12.1 for his tithes on Swinton, Paxton, Blakeder and Kellau.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3395.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3396
DCD Misc.Ch. 3397
DCD Misc.Ch. 3398
DCD Misc.Ch. 3399
DCD Misc.Ch. 3400
Misc.Ch. 3401-3500
DCD Misc.Ch. 3401
DCD Misc.Ch. 3402
DCD Misc.Ch. 3403
DCD Misc.Ch. 3404
DCD Misc.Ch. 3405
DCD Misc.Ch. 3406
DCD Misc.Ch. 3407   1322
Receipt from William de Stanes to the convent of Durham for his annual pension of 20 shillings.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3407
DCD Misc.Ch. 3408   1323
Receipt of Simon de Stanes from John de Bekyngham for his annual pension of 20 shillings.
Seal: GB 2292
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3408
DCD Misc.Ch. 3409   1328
Receipt of Robert, gatekeeper of Bamburgh Castle from Michael de Chiltone, proctor of Norham church for 16s. 8d. for debts relating to the prior of Durham.
Seal: GB 2000(i)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3409
DCD Misc.Ch. 3410   1354
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for his fee of 20 shillings.
Seal: GB 2146
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3410
DCD Misc.Ch. 3411
DCD Misc.Ch. 3412
Seal: GB 2146
DCD Misc.Ch. 3413
DCD Misc.Ch. 3414
DCD Misc.Ch. 3415   12 January 1362/3
Receipt of Geoffrey de Langton, advocate in the court at York, to the convent of Durham for 20 shillings in part payment of his pension of 40 shillings per annum.
Seal: GB 1546
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3415
DCD Misc.Ch. 3416   1304
Receipt of John de Craucumbe, archdeacon of the East Riding for 4 marks as his pension from Howden church, from Richard, vicar of Estrington on behalf of the convent of Durham.
Seal: GB 3292
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3416
DCD Misc.Ch. 3417   1344
Receipt of John de Emildone de Novo Castro for £10 of a £20 debt of William de Feltone.
Seal: GB 888
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3417
DCD Misc.Ch. 3418   1286
Receipt of Guido Hugo, merchant of Florence, from the prior of Coldingham for 19 sacks of wool.
Seal: GB 1413
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3418.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3418
DCD Misc.Ch. 3419
DCD Misc.Ch. 3420
DCD Misc.Ch. 3421
DCD Misc.Ch. 3422
DCD Misc.Ch. 3423
DCD Misc.Ch. 3424   1367
Receipt of Thomas of Morpeth, vicar of Meringtone for 8 marks and 40d.
Seal: GB 1828
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3424
DCD Misc.Ch. 3425   1319
Receipt of John de Pollowe for £20.
Seal: GB 2007
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3425
DCD Misc.Ch. 3426   21 April 1338
Receipt of Peter Vaurell, proctor of Bertrand, cardinal of St Maria in Aquiro for £10 in part payment for money held as rector of Brantingham for repairs thereon.
Seal: GB 2526
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3426
DCD Misc.Ch. 3427   1284
Receipt of Adam de Brempton from the convent of Durham for 7 shillings from Geoffrey de Vezano.
Seal: GB 391
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3427
DCD Misc.Ch. 3428   1340
Receipt of Hugh de Kirkham, proctor of the convent of Durham at the court at York for his pensione of 20 shillings paid by Robert d Midelham, Cursarium Dunelm.
Seal: GB 1521(i)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3428
DCD Misc.Ch. 3429   1291
Receipt of Baldred, rector of Kinghorn for his annual pension.
Seal: GB 3004
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3429.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3429
DCD Misc.Ch. 3430   1309x1310
Receipt of Robert de Belvero and John de Swynforde for 70 marks.
Seal: GB 195 & 2364
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3430
DCD Misc.Ch. 3431
DCD Misc.Ch. 3432
DCD Misc.Ch. 3432*
DCD Misc.Ch. 3433
DCD Misc.Ch. 3434
DCD Misc.Ch. 3435
DCD Misc.Ch. 3436
DCD Misc.Ch. 3437
DCD Misc.Ch. 3438
DCD Misc.Ch. 3439
DCD Misc.Ch. 3440
DCD Misc.Ch. 3441
DCD Misc.Ch. 3442
DCD Misc.Ch. 3443
DCD Misc.Ch. 3444
DCD Misc.Ch. 3445
DCD Misc.Ch. 3446
DCD Misc.Ch. 3447
DCD Misc.Ch. 3448
DCD Misc.Ch. 3449
DCD Misc.Ch. 3450
DCD Misc.Ch. 3451
DCD Misc.Ch. 3452
DCD Misc.Ch. 3453
DCD Misc.Ch. 3454
DCD Misc.Ch. 3455   1317
Receipt of William de Denom for 60 shillings from the convent of Durham on behalf of Robert the Bruce.
Seal: GB 787
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3455.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3456   17 December 1303
Receipt given by Andrew de Tange for instalments of a pension from the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 17 December 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 200 x 245mm
Printed in C.R. Cheney, Notaries Public in England in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, (Oxford 1972), p.184-5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3457
DCD Misc.Ch. 3458
DCD Misc.Ch. 3459
DCD Misc.Ch. 3460
DCD Misc.Ch. 3461
DCD Misc.Ch. 3462
DCD Misc.Ch. 3463
DCD Misc.Ch. 3464
Quittance of William of Welletone, clerk, made to Thomas of Stockton, bursar, for 20s in part payment of his pension of 40s per year, 1346
Noted as missing since 19th century (note stated "wanting Aug 15 1890")
DCD Misc.Ch. 3465   17 March [1297]
Receipt of Andrew Guillielmi of Tang notary to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s in arrears for his pension for the term of St Martin 1296.
Date: Pittington, 17 March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 3466
DCD Misc.Ch. 3467
DCD Misc.Ch. 3468
DCD Misc.Ch. 3469
DCD Misc.Ch. 3470
DCD Misc.Ch. 3471
DCD Misc.Ch. 3472
DCD Misc.Ch. 3473
DCD Misc.Ch. 3474
Number not used (numbering error within Stevenson's catalogue of the Misc.Ch.)
DCD Misc.Ch. 3475
DCD Misc.Ch. 3476
DCD Misc.Ch. 3477
DCD Misc.Ch. 3478
DCD Misc.Ch. 3479
DCD Misc.Ch. 3480
DCD Misc.Ch. 3481
DCD Misc.Ch. 3482
DCD Misc.Ch. 3483
DCD Misc.Ch. 3484
DCD Misc.Ch. 3485
DCD Misc.Ch. 3486
DCD Misc.Ch. 3487   [22 February 1340]
Receipt of Alexander de Bergh to the prior and convent of Durham for his furred robe for 1339.
Date: Durham, St Peter in Cathedra year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 3488
DCD Misc.Ch. 3489
DCD Misc.Ch. 3490
DCD Misc.Ch. 3491
DCD Misc.Ch. 3492
DCD Misc.Ch. 3493
DCD Misc.Ch. 3494
DCD Misc.Ch. 3495
DCD Misc.Ch. 3496
DCD Misc.Ch. 3497
DCD Misc.Ch. 3498
DCD Misc.Ch. 3499
DCD Misc.Ch. 3500
Misc.Ch. 3501-3600
DCD Misc.Ch. 3501   1329-1330
Receipt of Ralph de Yarwell, proctor of the convent of Durham, for 2 marks in part payment of his salary.
Seal: GB 2721
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3501
DCD Misc.Ch. 3502   1309
Oath of Thomas de Leuesham to the church of Durham.
Seal: GB 1586
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3502
DCD Misc.Ch. 3503   1331
Receipt of Peter Vaurell, proctor of Bertrand, cardinal of St Maria in Aquiro for £70 in part payment for money held as rector of Brantingham.
Seal: GB 2526
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3503
DCD Misc.Ch. 3504   1295
Receipt of Nicholas de Appleby for £10, his pension, paid by Thomas de Aldewod, Cursarium Dunelm.
Seal: GB 84
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3504
DCD Misc.Ch. 3505
DCD Misc.Ch. 3506
DCD Misc.Ch. 3507   [26 October] 1327
Letters of Thomas of Southwark (Suthewerk) clerk, given an annual pension of 100s by William [of Cowton] prior and convent of Durham, promising to be faithful to them and acquitting them of all actions over obtaining prebends in the church of Howden or in the visitation of the late Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham or his commissaries.
Date: Lincoln, 7 Kal. November 1327.
Endorsed (contemporary) as the acquittance of T de Suthwerk of all actions.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 125 x 270mm
Seal: G&B No. 2355 (iii) on a parchment tongue and an offset, with a wrapping tie
DCD Misc.Ch. 3508
DCD Misc.Ch. 3509
DCD Misc.Ch. 3510
DCD Misc.Ch. 3511
DCD Misc.Ch. 3512   1309
Receipt of Thomas de Coldingham for 100 marks, paid relating to wardship of the heir of Hugh de Paxtone.
Seal: GB 665
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3512.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3513
DCD Misc.Ch. 3514
DCD Misc.Ch. 3515
DCD Misc.Ch. 3516
DCD Misc.Ch. 3517
DCD Misc.Ch. 3518
DCD Misc.Ch. 3519
DCD Misc.Ch. 3520
DCD Misc.Ch. 3521
DCD Misc.Ch. 3522
DCD Misc.Ch. 3523
DCD Misc.Ch. 3524
DCD Misc.Ch. 3525
DCD Misc.Ch. 3526
DCD Misc.Ch. 3527
DCD Misc.Ch. 3528
DCD Misc.Ch. 3529
DCD Misc.Ch. 3530
DCD Misc.Ch. 3531
DCD Misc.Ch. 3532
DCD Misc.Ch. 3533
DCD Misc.Ch. 3534
DCD Misc.Ch. 3535
Quittance of Roger of Ayton, doctor, made to Robert of Middelhame, bursar of Durham, for garment, 1338.
Noted as missing since 19th century (note stated "wanting Aug 16 1890")
DCD Misc.Ch. 3536
DCD Misc.Ch. 3537
DCD Misc.Ch. 3538
DCD Misc.Ch. 3539
DCD Misc.Ch. 3540
DCD Misc.Ch. 3541
DCD Misc.Ch. 3542
DCD Misc.Ch. 3543   1288
Receipt of Baldred Bysiht, official of St Andrew's for £10 arrears of his pension.
Seal: GB 2763
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3543.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3544
DCD Misc.Ch. 3545
DCD Misc.Ch. 3546
DCD Misc.Ch. 3547
DCD Misc.Ch. 3548
DCD Misc.Ch. 3549
DCD Misc.Ch. 3550
Noted as missing 10 June 1982
DCD Misc.Ch. 3551   1329
Receipt of Henry de Dunnyngtone (once rector of St Mary in South Bailey, Durham City) from John de Creppynge, terrar of Durham Priory, for £12 in part payment for sale of sheep.
Seal: GB 817
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3551
DCD Misc.Ch. 3552
DCD Misc.Ch. 3553
DCD Misc.Ch. 3554
DCD Misc.Ch. 3555
DCD Misc.Ch. 3556
DCD Misc.Ch. 3557
DCD Misc.Ch. 3558
DCD Misc.Ch. 3559   1291
Receipt of John de Insula for pension of his brother Peter.
Seal: GB 1603
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3559
DCD Misc.Ch. 3560
DCD Misc.Ch. 3561
DCD Misc.Ch. 3562
DCD Misc.Ch. 3563
DCD Misc.Ch. 3564
DCD Misc.Ch. 3565
DCD Misc.Ch. 3566
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.130.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3567   1313
Receipt of Thomas de Coldingham, merchant of Berwick-upon-Tweed from John de Herneby, bursar of Durham Priory, for 21 sacks of wool, part of 91.5 sacks.
Seal: GB 665
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3567.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3568
DCD Misc.Ch. 3569
DCD Misc.Ch. 3570
DCD Misc.Ch. 3571
DCD Misc.Ch. 3572
DCD Misc.Ch. 3573
DCD Misc.Ch. 3574
DCD Misc.Ch. 3575
DCD Misc.Ch. 3576
DCD Misc.Ch. 3577
DCD Misc.Ch. 3578
DCD Misc.Ch. 3579
DCD Misc.Ch. 3580
DCD Misc.Ch. 3581
DCD Misc.Ch. 3582
DCD Misc.Ch. 3583
DCD Misc.Ch. 3584
DCD Misc.Ch. 3585   1273
Receipt of the executors of the will of John Balliol and attorneys of his wife Devorguilla from Richard Claxton, prior of Durham, for 10 marks in part payment of debts.
Seal: GB 929 and two others
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3585.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3586
DCD Misc.Ch. 3587
DCD Misc.Ch. 3588
DCD Misc.Ch. 3589
DCD Misc.Ch. 3590
DCD Misc.Ch. 3591
DCD Misc.Ch. 3592
DCD Misc.Ch. 3593
DCD Misc.Ch. 3594   1315
Receipt of John, vicar of Pittington to Alexander de Lamerleye, bursar of Durham Priory, for £10.13.4d in part payment of a debt of 100 marks.
Seal: GB 3369
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 3594
DCD Misc.Ch. 3595
DCD Misc.Ch. 3596
DCD Misc.Ch. 3597
DCD Misc.Ch. 3598
DCD Misc.Ch. 3599
DCD Misc.Ch. 3600
Misc.Ch. 3601-3700
DCD Misc.Ch. 3601   [19 February] 1290
Receipt by G[ilbert] de Suthaik clerk for 100s for his annual pension from Brother Henry de Lusceby bursar of Durham, for the terms of St Martin 1289 and Pentecost 1290.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Valentine 1290.
Parchment, 1m, some holes
Size: 40 x 200mm
Seal: G&B No.2352, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3601.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3602    1292
Receipt by Peter of Kelloe for 20s to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for his annual pension for Pentecost 1292.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing] tongue stub, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3602.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3603   [5 September] 1356
Receipt by Walter of Lancester clerk to John [Fosser] prior of Durham, by the hand of Dom Adam of Darlington bursar, for 5 marks as part payment of 25 marks out of 50 marks owed him by the prior as in a document sealed with the common seal of the chapter.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Cuthbert in September 1356.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1538, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3603.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3604   [31 July] 1356
Receipt from William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for the term of Pentecost 1356 as part of an annual pension of 40s owed to him.
Date: Durham, 2 Kal. August year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3604.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3605    7 May 1431
Appointment by John Wycliffe prior of the cell of St Leonard near Stamford, summoned to the annual chapter in the chapter house at Durham on Monday after Ascension, because he cannot attend as he has some hard business with the royal collectors and also with the visitation of the archbishop of Canterbury, of his fellow monk Thomas Nesbitt as his proctor.
Date: Stamford, 7 May 1431.
Parchment, 1m, filing hole on the left edge, large tear on top left hand side
Seal: G&B No.2374, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3605.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3606   [22 July] 1346
Receipt from Richard of Tanfield clerk to the prior and convent of the cathedral church of Durham for 20s for his pension for Pentecost 1346.
Date: Sherburn, 11 Kal. August year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2374, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3606.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3607   [17 September] 1308
Receipt by William of Wintringham, on behalf of W[illiam Greenfield] archbishop of York, to the prior of Durham for 32 marks for the church of [North]allerton, by the hand of Brother John of Pickering, for various debts; also similarly by the hand of John of Pickering 12 marks for various debts for the pension which the prior of Durham received from the vicar of [North]allerton, and similarly 4 marks for a writ levied by council.
Date: York, 15 Kal. October 1308.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2675, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3607.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3608   [1364]
Receipt of Thomas of Lazenby proctor of the prior and convent of Guisborough for 5s from the prior and convent of Durham for 1364 for the last two terms for an annual payment from Edmundbyers.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1570, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3608.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3609   [16 April] 1255
Receipt of Matthew Reinerius and Reynold Johannelli, colleagues of Godfrey Reinerius and James the merchant for 23 marks from the prior and convent of Coldingham by the hand of Henry of Howden, in return for remitting all legal actions against them.
Witnesses: William of Newark, Robert of Weybridge clerk, and Thomas the wimpler.
Date: London, Friday after SS Tiburtius and Valerianus 1255.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2069 and another, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3609.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3610   24 April 1297
Receipt of Thomas of Fishburn for 40s which Richard prior of Durham owed him for the arrears of his fee for his pension for 1296.
Date: Fishburn, Wednesday before St Mark 1297.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3599, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3610.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3611   21 February [1338]
Receipt of Adam of Bridlington, formerly clerk of the kitchen of the household of King Edward III, to the prior of Durham for £18 12s 6d which the prior owes the king by his letters obligatory.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 21 February 12 Edward [III].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.395, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3611.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3612    [22 January] 1345
Receipt of Richard of Tanfield clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Robert of Benton bursar for 20s as his pension for the term of St Martin for 1344.
Date: Durham, 11 Kal. February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2374, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3612.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3613   [24 July] 1295
Receipt of Robert of Cave to Dom Thomas of Aldewod bursar of Durham, for the church of [North]allerton, 3s 4d for the pension of the same, 15d for the church of Eastrington, 3s 9d to pay for clergy of the diocese of York called for by the lord king and sent to London, and 2s 6d for a certain protection of the king obtained on behalf of the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, eve of St James the apostle 1295.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.573, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3613.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3614   [6 November] 1303
Receipt of Henry of Menil to Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 100s for his fee for the terms of St Martin 1302 and Pentecost 1303.
Date: Durham, St Leonard the confessor 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1744, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3614.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3615   [12 March ]1341
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s as an annual pension for the church of Branxton in Northumberland for 1340.
Date: Kirkham, St Gregory, year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3615.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3616   [5 January 1348]
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Thomas of Stockton bursar for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin in 21 Edward III.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the Circumcision year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3616.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3617    14 June 1320
Receipt of Hugh of Hexham (Hecham) burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Thomas of Haldanby their fellow brother and monk, for £6 10s in satisfaction of all debts for wheat, malt, wine and other things sold by him to them.
Date: Newcastle upon Tyne, 13 Kal. July 1322.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1236, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3617.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3618   16 August 1364
Receipt of John of Norton clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and chapter of Durham for 20s owed for Pentecost 1364 as part of his annual pension of 40s.
Date: York, 16 August year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1904, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3618.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3619   [26 February] 1320
Receipt of MasterJohn of Saint Quintin to the prior and convent of the church of Durham by the hand of Brother Alexander of Lamsley bursar for 40s for 1312 and 40s for 1314.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after St Matthias 1319/20.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2158, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3619.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3620   [23 November] 1336
Receipt of William of Kellawe clerk for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin and his robe for Christmas from the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Robert of Middleham bursar.
Date: Durham, Saturday St Clement the pope 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3620.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3621    [12 December] 1351
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for St Martin last by the hand of John of Newton bursar.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Nicholas 1351.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3621.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3622   [26 July] 1316
Remittance by Henry of Bluntesdon archdeacon of Dorset to the prior and the convent of Durham, considering the oppressions they have suffered from the invasions of the Scots, and for the soul of the late King Edward [I], of 100 marks which they owed as a fine for the church of Eastrington for last year, as per a bond.
Date: Salisbury, the morrow of St James 1316.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.3265, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3622.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3623   [9 December] 1317
Receipt of William of Denum to Master William of Kellawe and Dom. William of London receivers of moneys from the community of the bishoprick of Durham for 20 marks for the use of Robert de Bruce (Bruys).
Date: Durham, the morrow of the Conception of the BVM 1317.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a receipt of William de Dnum and Robert Neville for the first term.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.787, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3623.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3624   8 February 1318
Receipt of David Engayne familius of Dom. Richard de Lusteshull clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom. John of Hornby bursar for 10 quarters of wheat sold from the king's corn at Durham.
Sealed with the seal of Dom. Nicholas of Welburn rector of Whitburn and clerk of the royal household.
Date: Durham, 8 February 1317/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.892(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3624.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3625   [12 November] 1314
Receipt of Andrew de Tang notary to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom. Alexander of Lamsley bursar for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin 1314.
Date: the priory of Durham, the morrow of St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2369, on a tongue (detached), with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3625.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3626   [13 April] 1303
Receipt of William of Hapton clerk for 2 and a half marks from the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Master Thomas of Selby clerk for his pension for the term of St Martin 1302.
Date: York, Saturday before Sunday after Easter ( “Dominica qua cantatur quasi modo geniti” ) 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1187, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3626.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3627   [20 June] 1356
Receipt of Robert vicar of Branxton to Dom. Richard of Chester proctor of Norham for 40s for his annual pension for St Martin and Pentecost.
Date: Norham, Monday before St John the Baptist 1356.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3627.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3628   [31 May] 1358
Receipt of William of Welleton vicar of Darlington to the prior and convent of Durham for his annual pension by the hand of Dom. Richard of Britley bursar for the term of St Martin in 1357 for 20s, and for the term of Pentecost 1358 20s.
Date: Durham, Corpus Christi 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3628.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3629   [21 July 1328]
Language:   French
Appointment by Thomas son of William Dughan of Bamburgh of his brother Alexander Dughan of Bamburgh to receive seisin in his name of a messuage in Bamburgh given him by Robert Scarf of Bamburgh according to Robert's charter.
Date: Bradford, Thursday the vigil of [St Mary] Magdalene 2 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Transcribed in: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland Vol. I, (Newcastle 1893), p.131n.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3629.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3630   [9 August] 1356
Receipt of Thomas de Seton miles of Wallsend to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last by the hand of Dom. Adam of Derington bursar.
Date: Durham, Tuesday the vigil of St Lawrence 1356.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1487, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3630.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3631   [2 October ] 1337
Receipt of Robert of Ulram, chaplain and co-executor of Master Roger of Heslarton jr clerk rector of Thorp next to Newark, executor of the will of the late Master Roger of Heslarton, to the prior and convent of Durham for 5 marks as part payment of 100 marks which the prior and convent owed to the late Roger Heslarton for the first term of three years as agreed with them, for which 5 marks and another 5 marks for the next term they are acquit.
Date: York, 2 October 1337.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2506, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3631.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3632   5 September 1348
Receipt of Roger of Blakeston to the prior of Durham for 40s by the hand of Thomas of Stockton for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin last, and for his robe for the same year.
Date: Durham, 5 September 1448.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3632.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3633   [18 October]1295
Receipt of Andrew of Tang clerk and public notary to the prior of Durham for 50s for the arrears of his pension for Pentecost and St Martin 1294 and for Pentecost 1295, and also to the prior received by the hand of Richard of Howden for 40s.
Date: Durham, St Luke 1295.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3633.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3634   [29 July] 1360
Receipt of William of Farnham to the prior of Durham by the hand of bursar for 33s 4d for his fee the term of Pentecost 1360.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. August year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.240, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3634.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3635   [14 September] 1311
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom. Thomas of Haswell for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1311.
Date: Durham, Exultation of the Holy Cross year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.327, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3635.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3636   [9 December] 1329
Language:   French
Receipt of Robert Greathead of Nunthorpe for a lule and robe to the prior and convent of Durham for Christmas 1329.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Nicholas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1122, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3636.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3637   [25 June] 1291
Receipt from Peter of Thoresby, master of the hospital of Kepier, in the name of Wiscard de Charmier miles to Richard [de Hoton] prior of Durham for £30 for corn sold to the prior by Wiscard.
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. July 1291.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2435, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3637.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3638   [13 June] 1307
Receipt from Richard de Erinay clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 66s 8d by the hand of Brother Roger of School Aycliffe bursar for the terms of St Martin 1306 and for Pentecost next for his pension.
Date: Durham, Ides of June 1307.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3638.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3639   [17 November] 1340
Receipt of William of Kellawe clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for the term of St Martin last in part payment of his annual pension.
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. December 1340.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1487, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3639.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3640   [15 August] 1344
Memorandum of an account of Robert of Denton bursar of the house of Durham of the debts of the burasr and cellarer on the one part and John Kellawe on the other of the tithes bought by them up to the Assumption of the BVM 1344, with both parties being satisifed that they are equal.
Date: Kepier, day and year as above.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Seal: G&B No.1471(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3640.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3641   6 January1349
Receipt of John son of William Mowbray to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1348.
Date: Durham, 6 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3641.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3642   [13 June] 1349
Receipt of Robert of Elwick clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 1 mark for the term of Pentecost 1349 for his annual pension of 40s, half a mark of which for this term he has remitted.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Barnabas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3642.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3643   15 June 1357
Receipt of John prior and the convent of Guisborough to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of the bursar for 2s 6d for their farm in Edmundbyers for the term of St Martin 1355, and 2s 6d for the term of Pentecost 1356 and 2s 6d for the term of St Martin in the same year, and 2s 6d for the term of Pentecost 1357.
Date: Gisborough, 15 June 1357.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3484, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3643.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3644   [31 May 1338]
Receipt of William of Welleton, clerk of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost 1338, 20s.
Date: Durham, Pentecost year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3644.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3645   15 March [1339]
Receipt of Robert of Tughale, chamberlain of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed and other lands of the king of England in parts of Scotland, to the prior of Durham collector of a triennial tenth for the king from the clergy of the bishoprick of Durham for £40 in part of £200 which they ought to pay.
Date: Durham, 15 March 13 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.2471, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie stub] below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3645.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3646   [16 November] 1349
Receipt of William de Weltdene, vicar of Branxton, to Dom. Robert Kellawe, proctor of Norham, for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1349.
Date: Branxton, Monday after St Martin year as above.
Paper, 1p
Seal: G&B No.2602, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3646.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3647   [23 January] 1294
Receipt of Andrew Noit of Tang to Dom. Thomas of Aldewode bursar of Durham for 50s for the term of St Martin 1293 for his pension.
Date: Durham, the morrow of St Vincent 1293/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2377, on a tongue stub, with a [wrapping tie stub] below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3647.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3648   22 June 1333
Quitclaim by Robert of Tang clerk of his right to an annual pension of 40s from the prior and convent of Durham 40s and to any arrears of it.
Date: Durham, 22 June 1333.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3648.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3649   [10 August] 1361
Receipt of James de Haliden to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1361.
Date: Durham, St Lawrence year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1163, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3649.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3650   [11 September] 1335
Agreement between the prior and convent of Durham on the one hand and Master Roger of Heslarton rector of Thorpe next Newark and Dom Roger de Ulram chaplain, executors of the will of Master Roger of Heslarton sr clerk, on the other, that if [the prior and convent] pay to the executors 10 marks each year for ten years in two annual terms in equal portions at the synod in York in the Minster, the first term being the synod celebrated at York on Thursday next after Michaelmas in the above year, then a bond in 100 marks entered into by [the prior and convent] with the late Master Roger of Heslarton sr will be null and void, but at any default it will remain valid.
Date: Durham, Monday in the Octave of the Nativity of the BVM 1335.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Seal: G&B Nos.1295 and 2506, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3650.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3651   20 June 1346
Receipt from William de Blactoft chaplain to the prior and convent of Durham, for 100s in part payment of a bond of £40.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1346.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.276, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3651.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3652   [9 January] 1360
Receipt from Roger of Fulthorp to the prior and convent of Durham, for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin last, by the hand of Dom Richard of Birtley bursar.
Date: Durham, Thursday after Epiphany 1359/60.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3652.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3653    [31 August] 1326
Receipt from Richard of Scarborough, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 12 marks for the arrears of his pension.
Date: York, 2 Kal. September 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3653.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3654   [12 November] 1359
Receipt from John [of Darlington] prior of Guisborough to the prior and convent of Durham for his payment of 10s for the farm of Edmondbyers for 4 terms for the two years 1358 and 1359.
Date: Guisborough, the morrow of St Martin 1359.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3484, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3654.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3655   [4 December] 1335
Receipt from Adam of Gateshead, clerk of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of William of Hexham, bursar, for 60s, for his annual pension of 40s, that is 40s for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in winter for 1334 and a further 20s payment for the term of Pentecost for this year and for receiving the robes of a clerk.
Date: Durham, day before Non. December 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1057, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3655.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3656   [3 June] 1325
Receipt from John, son of William of Sherwood, merchant of Ripon, to the prior and convent of Durham for £22 in the name of his father William, in part payment of a bond in £100.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. June 1325.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2245, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3656.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3657   [24 March] 1337
Receipt from Walter of Salisbury, chaplain of the altar of St Mary in the chapel of St Margaret in Durham, to the monk Robert of Middleham bursar of Durham of the church of Durham, for 40s for an annual pension for the chaplain of the altar due from the exchequer of the prior and convent of Durham for the terms of Pentecost, St Cuthbert in September, St Martin in Winter and St Cuthbert in March 1336[/7].
Date: Durham, Monday after St Cuthbert in March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2159, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3657.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3658   1295
Receipt from Peter of Kelloe for 20s to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for his annual pension for Pentecost 1295.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1478, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3658.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3659   25 February1309
Receipt from Alexander de Bergh miles to the prior and convent of Durham for his robe for the year 1308.
Date: Durham, 8 Kal. March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3659.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3660   10 July 1350
Receipt from John of Haliden to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his annual pension for the terms of St Martin in winter 1349 and Pentecost 1350.
Date: Durham, 10 July 1350.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1163, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3660.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3661   20 February 1345
Receipt from Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s for his pension for his office of steward of the prior and convent for the term of St Martin in winter 1344, and for his robe at Christmas following.
Date: Durham, 20 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3661.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3662   29 July 1353
Receipt from Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past, by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, Monday after St James 1353.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3662.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3663   5 January 1350
Receipt from John Mowbray to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 23 Edward III, by the hand of John of Newton bursar of the priory of Durham.
Date: Durham, 5 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3663.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3664    [11 December] 1332
Receipt from Alexander de Bergh miles to the prior and convent of Durham for his robe for the year 1332.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Nicholas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3664.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3665   20 April 1372
Receipt from William Palmer, rector of the church of Hadleigh and proctor general of Cardinal Simon [Langham] of Canterbury, for 40s from the bishop of Durham by the hand of Roger [North]allerton, monk of Durham, as part payment of a procuration owed to the Cardinal and Dom John and his fellow four coroners of the cardinal for the first year of their nunciatio, reserving the power to levy from any defaulters.
Date: London, 20 April 1372.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1933, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3665.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3666   [5 April] 1330
Bond of John Crepping terrar and bursar of the church of Durham to Richard de Holme merchant of Beverley in £40 to be paid to Richard at Beverley at Pentecost next.
Date: Beverley, Maundy Thursday 1330.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3666.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3667   [22 January] 1371
Receipt from William of Farnham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of brother John of Berrington bursar, for 33s 4d for his fee for last Martinmas term.
Date :Durham, Wednesday the feast of St Vincent 1370/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3667.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3668   [12 September] 1296
Quitclaim by John of Sheffield clerk, of his right to an annual pension from the house of Lytham, as previously given in the letter written and sealed by Dom Ambrose of Bamburgh, warden of the cell of Lytham, and also of his right to any arrears.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. September 1296.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2232, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3668.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3669    [4 January] 1362
Receipt from Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin last, by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Circumcision 1361/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1434, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3669.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3670   20 October 1314
Receipt from Walter dictus Seler to Dom Alexander of Lamsley bursar of the church of Durham, for ?£8 18s 4d for 55 ?basins sold to him from the stock (warnestura) of the earl of Hereford.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Luke 1314.
Parchment, 1m, faded in part
Seal: G&B No.2213, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3670.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3671.     [4 July] 1329
Receipt from John of Stockton, of the household of Master Simon of Stanes, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John of Crepping terrar, for £4 for the arrears of his lord's pension.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after Peter and Paul 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2326, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3671.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3672   18 May 1320
Receipt from Walter of Goswick to the prior and convent of Durham for 100 marks in part payment of the 400 marks owed for the Pentecost term of 1320 which the prior and convent had been sentenced to pay him by the official of the bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, Pentecost 1320.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3672.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3673    15 May 1334
Receipt from William of Wellton, clerk of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1334.
Date: Durham, Pentecost year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3673.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3674    11 January 1366
Receipt from John of Norton, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 20s for the term of St Martin as part payment of his annual pension of 40s.
Date: York, 11 January 1365/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1904, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3674.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3675   [27 June 1350]
Receipt from John, son of William of Mowbray, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost past, by the hand of John of Newton, bursar of the same house.
Date: Durham, Monday after St John the Baptist 24 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3675.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3676    24 July 1365
Receipt from William of Farnham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1365.
Date: Durham, 24 July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.299, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3676.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3677   3 January [1350]
Language:   French
Receipt from Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin past by the hands of the bursar of the same place.
Date: Durham, 3 January Pont. Thomas 5.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3677.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3678   [21 March] 1363
Receipt from the prior and convent of the monastery of the Holy Trinity Kirkham in the diocese of York to the prior and convent of Durham, for 4s for their annual pension, in the church of Branxton, for the term of St Gregory [12 March] 1362/3.
Date: Kirkham, St Benedict year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3678.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3679    [26 October] 1321
Release from Gilbert of Brun to the prior and convent of Durham of all monetary debts up to the present, for houses in South St [Durham].
Date: Durham, 7 Kal. November 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2455, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3679.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3680   [mid 14th century]
Letters of attorney of William of Claxton miles appointing Walter of Thorp and Robert Ra to deliver full seisin to William Lambard and John of Claxton of all his lands and tenements in Plawsworth, Durham, Aycliffe and Hoton as outlined in a charter.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a now detached tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3680.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3681   19 March 1301
Receipt from William of Fotheringhay, by the hand of Dom Adam Boyvill monk of the church of Durham, to Henry [of Lusby] prior and the convent of Durham for 50s of his annual pension of 100s for the term of St Martin in winter for the year 1300.
Date: London, 19 March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No., on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3681.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3682   [5 June] 1365
Receipt from John of Fencotes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for Pentecost last, by the hand of Richard of Birtley bursar.
Date: Durham, Thursday after Pentecost 1365.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.961, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3682.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3683   29 February 1338
Receipt from William of Bolton, chaplain, in the name of Thomas of Seaton, to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for the annual pension of Thomas for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in winter for 1338.
Date: Durham, 29 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3683.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3684   [30 May 1334]
Quitclaim by William of Herle to the prior and convent of Durham for all actions over his annual rent of a robe and 6 marks, and their arrears.
Date: Herle, Monday the morrow of Trinity 8 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1261, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3684.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3685   [6 April] 1293
Receipt from Gilbert de Suthark, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Ralph of Morton bursar, for the payment of £10 for his pension for 2 years, for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin for the years 1291 and 1292.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Ambrose 1293.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Tongue torn off, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3685.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3686   12 May 1316
Notification from Thomas Daulyn, John of Chilton, Ralph of Whitwell and John Wake, executors of the will of Thomas of Coldingham, that any document of Thomas of Coldingham to the prior and convent of Durham, while he was alive, is invalid, except concerning a £40 rent at four terms for the manor of Beauly.
Date: Durham, 12 May 1316.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B Nos.591, 2454, 2546, 2644A(i), each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3686.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3687    [16 March] 1312
Receipt from Robert of Darlington, clerk, to John of Harmby, bursar of Durham, for 30s for his annual pension of 20s, that is 10s for the term of St Martin 1310, 10s for the term of Pentecost of the following year and 10s for the term of St Martin of the following year.
Date: Durham, Thursday before Palm Sunday 1312.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.795, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3687.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3688   [29 May] 1328
Receipt from John of Lowther, rector of the church of Simonburn, to the prior and convent of Durham, for a payment of £16 in part payment of a £46 debt from a bond.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. June 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1634A, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3688.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3689   31 May 1353
Receipt from William of Langton, clerk and advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 20s for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost for 1353.
Date: Durham, last day of May year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3689.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3690   [3 August] 1290
Receipt from Guido of the Roke, merchant of Rabastan, to brother Henry of Luceby, monk of Durham, for £40 in part payment of a £53 10s debt owed him by Richard prior of Durham for 26 casks and one pipe of wine in the vill of Wyke upon Hull for the year 1290
Date: Wyke upon Hull, Thursday after St Peter ad vincula 1290.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2114, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3690.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3691   [25 February] 1322
Oath of Richard of Helton to carry out faithfully his service to the prior and convent of Durham in the almoner's cova (pantry).
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. March 1321/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1247, on a tongue, wrapping tie torn off
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3691.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3692   [26 July] 1352
Receipt from Thomas of Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost by the hand of John of Newton, bursar of Durham.
Date: Durham, Thursday the morrow of St James 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3692.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3693   24 September 1342
Receipt from Roger of Blakiston to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his pension for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost last, and for his robe for Christmas last.
Date: Durham, 24 September 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3693.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3694   20 November 1354
Receipt from John de Haliden to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1354.
Date: Durham, 20 November 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1163, on a tongue, with another tongue above and [a wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3694.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3695   12 June 1350
Receipt from William of Langton, clerk and advocate of the court of York, to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1350.
Date: Durham, 12 June year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue on the right, with another tongue on the left
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3695.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3696   3 August 1339
Bond of Alexander de Bergh miles to the prior and convent of Durham in 30s to be paid without delay at St Martin in winter 1340.
Date: Durham, 3 August 1339.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3696.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3697   21 January 1331
Receipt from John Wanwayn, clerk, to William [of Cowton] prior of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1330 and for Pentecost following.
Date: Durham, 21 January 1330/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2593, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3697.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3698   15 February 1328
Receipt from Denis Avenell, archdeacon of the East Riding, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Master John of Beckingham for 8 marks, for his pension for 1324 and 1325.
Date: York,15 February 1327/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3294, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3698.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3699   3 March 1292
Receipt from W de Iafford and Roger de Wychton to the church of Eastrington for 8s 4d for the expenses of messengers to the court of Rome for business of the Holy Land.
Date: York, 5 Non. March 1291/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1445, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3699.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3700   20 July 1352
Receipt from Hugh de Sadlyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the Pentecost term of 1352 by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, 20 July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 40 x 260mm
Seal: G&B No.2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3700.
Misc.Ch. 3701-3800
DCD Misc.Ch. 3701   [23 June] 1335
Receipt from Peter Vanrelli clerk, proctor of Cardinal Bertrand of Aquiro, rector of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmers of the fruits of the church there, for £60 for the last payment for the fruits of the church for 1334 and for the term of the Nativity of St John the Baptist for this year.
Date: York, the vigil of Nativity of St John the Baptist 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3701.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3702   12 December 1345
Receipt from William de Ribbeton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1345, along with his robe of the suit of clerks for Christmas following.
Date: Durham, 12 December 1345.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2072, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3702.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3703   [14 December] 1310
Receipt from Adam of Darlington to monk Thomas of Haswell bursar of the church of Durham in the name of the prior and convent of 20s in part payment of 40s which they owe him for his salary for the year 1310 beginning at the feast of St Andrew the Apostle.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Lucy 1310.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2226, on a tongue, stub [of a wrapping tie]
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3703.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3704   [15 July] 1310
Receipt of William called Yekemond of the North Bailey, Durham, and William Gray butcher, executors of the will of John Cranpoll deceased, for 100s of the £15 owed by the prior and convent of Durham to him, by the hand of John of Harmby bursar.
Date: Durham, Id. July 1310.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2723 and another unidentified, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3704.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3705   [22 February 1339]
Receipt of Roger of Esh for his robe from the prior and convent of Durham for Christmas 1338.
Date: Durham, Monday St Peter in Cathedra.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.917, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3705.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3706   [30 May] 1319
Receipt of William of Twyford clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Simon of Esh for 40s for his salary for his pension for the term just passed.
Date: York, 3 Kal. June 1319.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2476, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3706.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3707   [3 February 1351]
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1350.
Date: Durham, 3 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3707.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3708   [1 June] 1318
Receipt of William Wyld to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John of Beckingham clerk for 30s for sheep and oxen sold to them.
Date: Durham, Kal. June 1318.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2716(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3708.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3709   7 December [1366]
Receipt of William of Warcop vicar of the church of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby dean of St Paul's London, to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s as part payment of his annual payment of 100 shilling at Martinmas and Pentecost, the 50s being for the term of Martinmas 1366.
Date: Durham, 7 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3709.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3710   [9 December] 1324
Mandate from the official of the court of York and general comissary to the dean of Harthill to publish the excommunication of the prior, subprior and other officers of the monastery of Durham, for their manifest offence at the instance of Master Richard of Scarborough the clerk, in the parish church of Rowley by ringing the bells and censing the candles on Sundays and feast days during solemn mass.
Date: York, 5 Id. [December] 1324.
Endorsed with a memorandum that on Tuesday before the Conversion of St Paul [21 January] 1324/5 Master John of Woodhouse commissary general of the official of the court of York absolved the prior, subprior and other officers in the person of Thomas of ?Middleham their proctor in the preceptory, witnesses: Dom Richard of Grimston, John of Brantingham, Master Richard of Scarborough, Thomas of Burton, John of Billingham.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3319, on a tongue, also residue applied on the dorse
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3710.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3711   [5 October 1321]
Receipt of John of Beckingham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for Pentecost 1321 by the hand of Dom John Luttrell their bursar.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. October year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3711.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3712   6 January 1366
Receipt of John of Mowbray son of William of Mowbray to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, Tuesday, Epiphany, 1365/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, wrapping tie on the top edge
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3712.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3713   [2 November] 1308
Oath by Richard of Hoton clerk to the prior and chapter of the church of Durham to provide them with help and advice whenever needed.
Date: Durham, Saturday after Simon and Jude 1308.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1389, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.130.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3713.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3714   [6 January 1374]
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to John of Berington bursar of Durham for 20s for his fee for last Martinmas.
Date: Durham, Epiphany 47 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1037, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3714.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3715   [29 November] 1333
Receipt of John del Brome of Newcastle skinner to the prior and convent of the church of Durham by the hand of William of Charlton their bursar for 100s in part payment of £7 10s which they owe him for furs bought from him.
Date: Durham, Monday the vigil of St Andrew the apostle 1333.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.408, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3715.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3716   27 October 1343
Language:   French
Receipt of Edward [Balliol] King of Scotland to the prior of Durham for £16 15s 4½d for an exchequer tally, levied in the prior's name, as shown by these letters patent sealed with the privy seal.
Date: London, 27 October 1343.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 11 x 3½"
Seal: G&B No.3084 (privy seal of Edward Balliol, red wax), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Printed: Raine, History of North Durham, App. LXXXIII.
Translation printed in: J.L. Freer, 'Anglo-Norman Archives at Durham', Durham University Journal (L, 1957-58), p.126.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3716.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3717   12 February 1313
Receipt of John of Polhou clerk for 2 marks from Dom John of Erenby monk bursar of Durham for the arrears of the salary of Dom Paul the chaplain formerly celebrating at altar of the BVM in the church of Darlington in the last year when he died; also for £10 which the prior of Durham owed him for a loan as by his document, and for 10 marks which Polhou loaned to Dom Thomas of Haswell terrar, and also for £6 12s for the arrears of a certain sum of money for corn which Dom Roger of Waltham bought from him in the time of Hugh de Monte Alto terrar, all of which he received by way of an allowance of 40 marks on tithes of sheaves for Rekenhalle and Kilwardby sold to him in 1311.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Valentine 1312/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2008, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3717.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3718   4 July [1363]
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 33s 4d for his fee for the term of Pentecost in the year 1363.
Date:Durham, 4 July, year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.299, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3718.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3719   14 February [1326]
Receipt of John de Tyringham, one of the executore of the will of Henry de Bluntesdon formerly archdeacon of Dorset, to the prior of Durham by the hand of John de Denn' for 23s 4d in part payment of 200 marks which the afforementioned John de Tyringham and his coexecutors have recovered in the king's court by a writ of debt.
Date: Westminster, 14 February 19 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2494, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3719.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3720   1294
Receipt of Peter of Kelloe for 20s to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost 1294.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Fragment on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3720.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3721   [13 December 1340]
Receipt of William of Welleton clerk of York diocese to the prior and convent of Durham for 60s for his annual pension, namely 20s for St Martin 1339, 20s for Pentecost 1340, and 20s for St Martin in the same year.
Date: Durham, St Lucy year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3721.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3722   [November] 1311
Receipt of Alan of Malton chaplain of Heighington chapel to Thomas of Haswell bursar of the priory of Durham for his pension of 66s 8d for the terms of St Martin in winter 1310 and Pentecost 1311.
Date: Durham, 12 [sic] Id. November 1311.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3722.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3723    4 August 1334
Receipt of Amya widow of Geoffrey of Hartlepool and her son Thomas for a bond from Dom William of Cowton prior of Durham and the convent of the same for a loan of £10 to be repaid at the next feast of St Martin in winter at the cathedral of Durham.
Date: Bearpark (Beurepayre), 4 August 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos.1201(i) & (ii), each on a seperate tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3723.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3724   [3 June 1322]
Receipt of Roger of Goswick, William of Shafto, John of Pontefract and William of Twizell executors of the will of Walter of Goswick deceased, to the prior and convent of Durham for £11 (6s 8d cancelled) in part payment of £20 which they owed for Pentecost 1322 according to a recognizance made in the chancery of L[ouis Beaumont] bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. June in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos.1092, 2018, 2230, and 2478, on 2 tongues, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3724.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3725   [11 Novermber 1307]
Receipt of Richard of Hoton clerk to Dom Roger of School Aycliffe bursar of Durham for [20]s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin in winter 1307.
Date: St Martin of the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m, left bottom corner missing
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with the stub [of a wrapping tie] below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3725.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3726   8 June 1352
Receipt of Hugh of Fleetham clerk proctor of the prior and chapter or convent of the church of Durham to the same his lords at York by the hand of Master William of Farnham clerk for 13s 4d owed to him for his annual pension for the terms of St Martin in winter 1351 and Pentecost 1352.
Date: York, 8 June 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3726.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3727   [26 September] 1358
Receipt of Roger of Blakiston to the prior and convent of Durham for 30s for his fee for the terms of St Martin in winter and Pentecost by the hand of Richard of Birtley bursar.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before Michaelmas 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3727.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3728   [5 June] 1346
Receipt of William of Welleton clerk of York diocese to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Brother Robert of Benton bursar in part payment of his annual pension of 40s, namely 20s for the term of Pentecost 1346 .
Date: Durham, the day after Pentecost in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3728.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3729   6 September 1328
Receipt of Adam of Bowes (Boughes) to the prior and convent of Durham for £53 6s 8d in part payment of £80 which they owe him for a loan.
Date: Durham, 6 September 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3729.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3730   [7 January 1316]
Receipt of Nicholas son of Andrew of Burntoft husband of Matilda widow of Germanus of Norton to Dom Alexander of Lamesley for £27 2s from the effects of H de Fayceby, J of ?Huby (H'ueby), and Thomas of Haswell, which the prior and convent owed to Germanus for fish and herrings and other necessities received for them.
Date: Durham, Monday next after Epiphany 1315/16.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.427, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3730.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3731   [25 January] 1318
Receipt of Robert Neville miles to the community of the bishoprick of Durham by the hand of Master William of Kelloe and Dom William of London collectors for £16 12s.
Date: Durham, the Monday after St Vincent 1317/18.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side
Seal: G&B No.1875(v), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3731.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3732   [12 August] 1325
Receipt of Richard of Bolam skinner to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Henry of Hett for 40s in part payment of £12 19s which they owe him for malt sold by him.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Lawrence 1325.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.311, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3732.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3733   [23 January] 1336
Receipt of Denis Avenell archdeacon of the East Riding to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John of Heton chaplain for 12 marks for his annual pension of 4 marks for the terms of St Mary Magdalene in the years 1333, 1334 and 1335.
Date: Mappleton, 10 Kal. February 1335/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3294, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3733.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3734   7 September 1344
Receipt of John de Bouthorp clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s in part payment of the arrears of his annual pension.
Date: Durham, 7 September 1344.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 806, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3734.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3735   3 December 1354
Receipt of Hugh of Teesdale clerk to the prior of Durham for 20s for his pension owed for the term of St Martin in winter 1354.
Date: Durham, 3 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2398, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3735.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3736   3 August [1317]
Receipt of Richard Marmaduke to Dom William of Sherburn for £35 10s 1d owed to Dom Robert de Bruys.
Date: Ravenshelm, 3 August Pont. Louis [Beaumont] 1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1711, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3736.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3737   [7 July] 1328
Receipt of Wiliam of Cowton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John Luttrell bursar for 60s for his pension owed for the terms of St Martin 1324 and Pentecost and St Martin 1325.
Date: Durham, Thursday the translation of St Thomas 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified seal, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3737.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3738   13 April 1360
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, 13 April 1360.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2147, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3738.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3739   [29 May] 1341
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of Durham for £16 for arrears and his annual pension of 40s as his salary as steward, with robes, in addition to the £4 they owed him.
Date: Durham, Tuesday in the week of Pentecost 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3739.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3740   [30 October] 1286
Receipt of the archdeacon of the East Riding by the hand of Master John of Dalton for 4 marks owed by the prior of Durham for the whole year of 1286.
Date: York, 3 Kal. November year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3296, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3740.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3741   [1 August] 1332
Acquittance of William of Whickham former master of the hospital of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr of Bolton in Northumberland to the prior and convent of Durham for all debts.
Date: Staindrop, Kal. August 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2635, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3741.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3742   3 October 1350
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1350.
Date: Durham, 3 October year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3742.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3743   6 November [1330]
Receipt of Master Thomas of Southwark (Suthewerk) to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Robert of Nottingham clerk for 66s 8d in part payment of arrears of an annual pension of 100s.
Date: London, 6 November 4 Edward III.
Endorsed (contemporary) as an acquittance of Master Thomas de Suthwerk for 5 marks.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 70 x 255mm
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3743.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3744   [14 April] 1320
Receipt of Thomas Daulyn merchant of Newcastle to Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham for 5 marks in part payment of £100 due to him as acknowledged in the chancery court of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. May 1320.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No. 2453, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3744.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3745   [29 June] 1350
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham of York diocese to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s owed to them for a pension for the church of Branxton for the term of St Martin in winter 1350.
Date: Kirkham, Sunday after SS Peter and Paul year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Seal residue on a tongue, some staining
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3745.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3746   13 March [1342]
Receipt of Henry le Scrope miles son of Dom Geoffrey le Scrope miles, Thomas of Swinithwaite rector of the church of Hauxwell and John of Heslerton rector of the church of Patrick Brompton, executors of the testament of the aforesaid Dom Geoffrey, to the prior and convent of Durham for £10 by the hand of the sacrist Walter Gategangs in part payment of the arrears of the annual pension of the deceased Dom Geoffrey.
Date: Clifton manor, 13 March 1341/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 1293, 2199 and 2365, all on one tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3746.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3747   2 January [1312]
Receipt of Henry of Luceby clerk to Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 7 marks for letters apostolic and other business carried out for them at the court of Rome, and for 8 marks in part payment of 10 marks for his annual pension from the prior and convent of Durham for the terms of St Martin in winter 1310 and the next Pentecost, of which pension 2 marks remains unpaid.
Date: Durham, 2 January 1311/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1642 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3747.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3748   [21 April] 1351
Receipt of John of Mowbray to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin in winter 1350 by the hand of Dom John of Newton bursar.
Date: Durham, Thursday after Easter 1351.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3748.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3749   21 March [1358]
Receipt of William of Langton attorney of the court of York to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin in winter 1357.
Date: York, 21 March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3749.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3750   [25 June] 1338
Agreement between Doms Walter of Scarisbrick terrar and Robert of Middleham bursar of the house of Durham in the name of the prior and convent of the said house on the one hand and Dom Thomas Surtees miles on the other, that the prior and convent have satisfied Surtees for all pensions, robes and other debts up to the present, and that Surtees had satisfied the prior and convent for all rents, arrears, tithes of sheaves at Fellyng, and fruits of the harvest for 1337, and all other debts up to the present.
Date: Durham, Thursday the morrow of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1338.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Seal: G&B No.2346, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3750.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3751   [27 December 1303]
Receipt of John of Haverington by the hand of Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1303.
Date: Durham, St John the Evangelist in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1210, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3751.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3752   1 March 1301
Receipt of Alexander of Ponsonby to Dom Richard prior and the chapter of Durham, by the hands of Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar, for his robe for 1300 and his pension in cash for the term of St Martin in the same year.
Date: Linccluye, (?Lincoln), 1 March in the above year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2013, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3752.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3753   10 October [1359]
Receipt of William of Warcop vicar of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby rector of Whitburn, in the name of the Master John to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for an annual pension owed to Master John for St Michael Archangel 1359.
Date: Durham, 10 October year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2573, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 3754   3 August 1339
Receipt of Alexander de Bergh miles to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s for the arrears of his pension up to the present.
Date: Durham, 3 August 1339.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3754.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3755   30 September 1344
Receipt of Robert of Ulrame clerk, co-executor of Master Roger of Heslarton jr clerk, principal executor of the late Master Roger of Heslarton, to the prior and convent of Durham for 5 marks towards 100 marks owed according to a bond, this being the first term of 10 years.
Date: York, 30 September 1344.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2506, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3755.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3756   12 December 1361
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin.
Date: Durham, 12 December 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 299, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3756.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3757   30 December [1349]
Receipt of William of Burgh clerk to the dean of Retford for all the corn in the grange at Babworth rectory according to the letters of William [Zouche] archbishop of York.
Date: Blyth, 30 December 23 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 488(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3757.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3758   [9 January1359/60]
Receipt of John of Mowbray to the prior of Durham for the payment of 40s by the hand of the bursar for his fee for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin for 1359.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Epiphany in the above year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3758.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3759   [3 December] 1360
Receipt of John of Mowbray to the prior of Durham for the payment of 20s by the hand of the bursar for his fee for the term of St Martin last.
Date: Durham, Thursday before St Nicholas 1360.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3759.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3760   [31 May] 1361
Receipt of John of Mowbray to the prior of Durham for the payment of 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, Monday after Trinity 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3760.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3761   [25 January 1349]
Receipt of Brother John de Wirksall, canon and cellarer of Guisborough, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Thomas of Stockton then bursar for 2s 6d in part payment of a rent owed for the term of St Martin 1348.
Date:Guisborough, the conversion of St Paul year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1680 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3761.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3762   26 April 1341
Receipt of Robert of Ulrame chaplain, coexecutor of Master Roger of Heslarton jr clerk, principal executor of the will of the late Roger of Heslarton, received in the name of the executors from the prior and convent of Durham 5 marks towards 100 marks owed according to a bond, this being the second term of 6 years.
Date: York, 26 April 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2506, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3762.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3762*   [18 April] 1342
Receipt of Robert of Ulrame chaplain, coexecutor of Master Roger of Heslarton jr clerk and principal executor of the will of the late Roger of Heslarton, received in the name of the executors from the prior and convent of Durham for 5 marks towards 100 marks owed according to a bond, this being the second term of 7 years.
Date: York, 14 Kal. May 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2506, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3762*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3763   5 January [1345]
Receipt of Thomas de Seton to the prior and convent of Durham for the payment of 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1344.
Date: Durham, 5 January of the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3763.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3764   [4 June 1350]
Receipt of Thomas de Seton to the prior and convent of Durham for the payment of 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost.
Date: Durham, Friday after Trinity 24 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below [cut from the tongue later]
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3764.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3765   [4 April] 1355
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham for the payment of 4s for their portion of the church at Branxton in Northumberland for the year 1354.
Date: Kirkham, the feast of St Ambrose 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3765.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3766   29 November 1342
Receipt of Simon of Esh to the prior and convent of Durham for £10 in part payment of £40 which he and Thomas of Bedale are owed as in a bond.
Date: Durham, 29 November 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 918, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3766.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3767   6 September [1323]
Receipt of Robert of Tange to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin.
Date: Durham, 6 September 17 Edward II.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2382 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3767.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3768   31 August 1343
Receipt of Geoffrey de Fauleys, attorney to Dom William de Felton miles, to the prior of Durham by the hand of Dom Robert of Benton bursar for £4 19s 1d in part payment of £13 12s 5d owed to the said William for diverse purchases made by Robert of Kelloe cellarer.
Date: Durham, 31 August 1343.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 955(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3768.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3769   [28 December] 1322
Receipt of William of Denum to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of brother Alan of Marton bursar for 40s for his pension for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin 1322.
Date: Durham, Tuesday the feast of the Holy Innocents in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 787, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3769.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3770   [19 July] 1353
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John of Newton bursar for 20s for the term of Pentecost 1353 towards the 40s owed him for his pension.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. August of the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3770.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3771   14 April 1336
Receipt of Nicholai Marini of the Society of the Bardi to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of brother John of Butterwick their fellow monk, at the mandate of Master Peter Vaurelli, clerk, proctor of the cardinal rector of the church of Brantingham, for £60 for the farm of the church for the term of the Annunciation of the BVM 1336.
Date: York, 14 April 1336.
Footnote that Peter Vaurelli subscribes to this, 9 September 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1703 and No. 2526, both on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3771.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3772   [16 May] 1364
Receipt of John of Fencotes to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s by the hand of John Abel bursar for his fee for the term of Pentecost next.
Date: Durham, Thursday after Pentecost 1364.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 378, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3772.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3773   [5 January 1363]
Receipt of John Mowbray to the prior of Durham for 20s by the hand of the bursar for his fee for the term of St Martin 1362.
Date: Durham, Wednesday before Epiphany in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3773.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3774   [17 November] 1342
Receipt of John Seton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1342.
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. December in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2222, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3774.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3775   3 September 1342
Receipt of Thomas Seton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1342.
Date: Durham, 3 September in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3775.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3776   [5 January] 1324
Receipt of Thomas de Heppescotes clerk to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John Luttrell bursar for £4 for his fee for the terms of St Martin 1321, Pentecost and St Martin 1322, and Pentecost 1323.
Date: Durham, Thursday in the vigil of Epiphany 1323/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1253, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below with details of the document written on it
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3776.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3777   [7 July] 1309
Receipt of Richard de Ganyo notary public to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John of Harmby bursar for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1309.
Date: Durham, translation of St Thomas the martyr 1309.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1062, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3777.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3778   [12 March] 1263
Receipt of Ruckus Cambi and Reynerus Abbatis citizens and merchants of Florence, for themselves and their fellows, in London to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of William de Werenne their fellow monk, for 100 marks which Master John de Mechelton, proctor of the prior and convent, received in the Roman curia as a loan for the prior and convent from their fellows Cante de Scala and Geradino Belliotti as detailed in a certain public instrument which they have restored to William in London.
Date: London, the feast of St Gregory 1262/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 1 and 520, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3778.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3779   [6 January1336]
Agreement made between Doms John of Barnby and William de Estildesham in the name of the prior and convent of the church of Durham on the one hand and Dom Thomas Surtees miles on the other, that the prior and convent have satisfied the aforesaid Dom Thomas for all pensions, robes, and other debts up to the present, and that Dom Thomas has satisfied the prior and convent for all rents arrears and tithes of sheaves at Fellyng and for the fruits of the harvest of the aforesaid year and for all other debts up to the present.
Date: Durham, Saturday of the feast of Ephiphany 1335.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through A-I
Seal: G&B No. 2346, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3779.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3780   [28 September] 1324
Receipt of Peter of Mainsford sequestrator of L[ouis de Beaumont] bishop of Durham to Master Richard of Erynin canon of York for 40s by the hand of William [of Cowton] prior of the church of Durham which Richard owed for a loan.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. October 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1689, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3780.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3781   6 April 1345
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham for the payment of 4s for their annual pension for the church at Branxton in Northumberland for the year 1344.
Date: Kirkham, 6 April 1345.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue on a tongue with Thorasdby on it, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3781.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3782   [24 June] 1341
Receipt of William of Ribbeton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for the arrears of his pension, robes, and other debts from the beginning of the world up to the present day.
Date: Durham, Sunday the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1341.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No. 2072, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3782.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3783   [17 June] 1363
Receipt of John del Bowes of Durham to Dom John Abel bursar of the house of Durham for 100s 4d in the name of Thomas son of Nicholas of Sunderland who is owed it by the cellarer John Herrington for various fish sold to him.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the feast of St Barnabas 1363.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 329, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3783.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3784   [1 August] 1314
Receipt of Richard of Crakehall by the hand of Dom Alexander of Lamesley for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1314.
Durham, the feast of St Peter ad vincula in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 728, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3784.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3785   21 July 1407
Bond from Thomas Gray of Heton miles lord of Wark to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham in £12 13s 4d for the tithes of the sheaves at Tweedmouth, Ancroft, Lowick, and Heton, which had been sold to him, to be paid at the feast of St Cuthbert in March and the Invention of the Holy Cross.
Date: 21 July 1407.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1113, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie at the head of the document
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3785.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3786   5 February [1374]
Receipt of John of Norton advocate of the court of York to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his annual pension for the last term of St Martin.
Date: York, 5 February 1373/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1904, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3786.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3787   25 July 1328
Receipt of Peter Vaurelli clerk, proctor for Dom Bertrand of St Maria in Aquiro cardinal deacon and rector of the church of Brantingham in York, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmer of the said church, by the hand of Brother Thomas of Multon subsacrist of the abbey of St Mary of York, for £120 for the terms of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1327 and the Annunciation of the BVM 1328.
Date: York, 25 July 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3787.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3788   [15 August] 1360
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the coming term of Pentecost.
Date: Durham, Friday before the Assumption of the BVM 1360.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3788.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3789   [6 December] 1355
Receipt of Roger of Blakiston to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the previous term of St Martin by the hand of the bursar of Durham.
Date: Durham, St Nicholas 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3789.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3790   5 December 1323
Receipt of Gerardus de Asserio prior of Petruch', procurator general in England of the venerable father Dom G. of St Maria in Aquiro deacon cardinal rector of the church of Brantingham, having power and authority from the said father to collect the monies from his benefices in England and to issue quittances thereby,he has received from the prior and convent of Durham farmers of the church of Brantingham £100 arrears for the farm of the said church, for the principal sum, costs and interest.
Date: London, 5 December 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: No seal, tongue missing, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3790.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3791   8 February [1323]
Receipt of John de Tyringham, one of the executors of the testament of Dom Henry de Bluntesdon former archdeacon of Dorset, from the prior of Durham by the hand of the John of Denum for 5 marks in part payment of 200 marks recovered against the prior before the Court of Common Pleas.
Date: York, 8 February 16 Edward II.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2494, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3791.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3792   [2 August] 1324
Receipt of Thomas de Heppiscotes to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of William of Killingworth bursar of Durham for 40s for his pension, being 20s for the term of St Martin 1323 and 20s for the term of Pentecost 1324.
Date: Durham, Thursday the morrow of St Peter ad vincula 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1253, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3792.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3793   20 July 1373
Receipt of Dom John Londe rector of the church of All Saints Pavement York who has received by the hand of Dom John of Herrington bursar of the church of Durham from the prior and convent of Durham in the name of Master Walter Skirlaw archdeacon of the East Riding a certain annual pension from the said prior and convent owed to him for the years 1372 and 1373, namely 8 marks.
Date: Durham, 20 July 1373.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1623, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3793.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3794   [8 November] 1321
Receipt of Robert de Ripplingham chancellor of the church of St Peter in York to the prior and convent of the church of Durham by the hand of Richard of Arkeby clerk 20 marks in part payment of 80 marks which the said religious men have borrowed from us.
Date: York, 6 Id. November 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2094, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3794.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3795   4 June 1366
Receipt of William of Warcop (Warthecopp) vicar of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby dean of St Paul's London, received in the name of the same Master John from the prior and convent of Durham 50s by way of an annual pension of 100s, half for St Martin and half for Pentecost next, of which 50s for Pentecost 1366 he is hereby satisfied.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1366.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3795.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3796   [28 October] 1339
Receipt of Brother Simon of Rothbury warden of the cell of Farne to Dom Michael of Chilton proctor of the church of Norham for 13 marks 10s owed to the cell by the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Date: Holy Island, Simon and Jude 1339.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3796.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3797   [24 February] 1353
Receipt of William of Welleton clerk of York to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom John of Newton bursar in part payment of his annual pension for the term of Pentecost for the year 1352 for 20s.
Date: Durham, the feast of St Mathias in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Part of a [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3797.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3798   [25 July] 1329
Bond from the prior and convent of Durham to the abbot and convent of Fountains for £13 for victuals of the king sold to us and allocated by tally and writ of the Exchequer to be paid at St Nicholas.
Date: Durham, St James 1329.
Parchment, 1m, stains, V-shaped [cancellation] cuts
Seal: unidentified fragment on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3798.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3799   [22 July] 1346
Receipt of Peter of Langton vicar general of the archdeacon of the East Riding to the prior of Durham for 4 marks for the archdeacon's annual pension from the church of Howden the term of St Mary Magdalene 1346.
Date: York, the feast of St Mary Magdalene in the above year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3297, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3799.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3800   [3 April 1307]
Receipt from John of Sheffield, clerk, to the prior of Durham for 40s, by the hand of Dom Roger of School Aycliffe bursar of Durham, in part payment of 6 marks owed him for an annual pension of 40s in arrears for the last 2 years.
Date: Monday before St Ambrose 35 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2232, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3800.
Misc.Ch. 3801-3900
DCD Misc.Ch. 3801   [30 April] 1327
Receipt from Robert of Blake Street in York glazier, to the prior and convent of Durham, for, in accordance with his contract for the installation of glazed windows in the church of [North]allerton, a robe owed him for remuneration.
Date: York, 2 Kal. May 1327.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.280(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3801.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3802   [12 March] 1358
Receipt from the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham, for 4s for their portion from the church of Branxton in Northumberland for 1357.
Date: Kirkham, St Gregory the Pope year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3505, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3802.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3803   [5 September] 1334
Agreement between Doms John of Barnby and William of Charlton in the name of the prior and convent of Durham on the one hand and Dom Thomas Surtees miles on the other, that the prior and convent have satisfied Surtees for all pensions, robes and other debts up to the present, and that Surtees had satisfied the prior and convent for all rents, arrears, and other debts up to the present.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Cuthbert in September 1334.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Seal: G&B No.2346, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3803.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3804   [14 May] 1317
Agreement of Geoffrey of Saleby, surgeon, with the prior and convent of Durham, as they had granted him a chamber on the island of Farne for life with such food and drink as the monks there have, that in return he would tend to the infirm and respect any confidences given to him.
Date: Durham, 2 Id. May 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2158(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3804.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3805   [14 April] 1343
Receipt from John of Bellerby, cellarer of Guisborough [priory], to the prior and convent of Durham, for 5s paid to him for the farm for 1342 of the house of Guisborough for lands and tenements in Edmondbyers.
Date: Durham, 14 April 1343.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.191, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3805.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3806   30 August 1274
Receipt from Master Raymond de Nogeriis, papal chaplain and nuncio, at the New Temple London, to the prior and convent of Durham for 16s paid to him for procurations.
Date: London, 30 August 1274.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3707, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3806.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3807   1306
Receipt from William of Carlebery, chaplain of Hewerton, to Roger of School Aycliffe, bursar of the priory of Durham, for 2½ marks for his salary for Martinmas 1306.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.528, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3807.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3808   [23 April] 1425
Receipt from Hugh Evenwood, an executor of William Paxton chaplain, to John [Wessington] prior of Durham for £9 6s 8d, in part payment of £20 owed by the prior by a bond.
Date: feast of St George 1425.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.937(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3808.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3809   2 August 1380
Receipt from John of Darlington, canon of the collegiate church of Lanchester and prebend of Esh, to the prior and cathedral church of Durham for £10 for the fruits of the prebend during the time of the apostolic sequestration.
Date: Durham, 2 August 1380.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.794, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3809.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3810   [19 September] 1282
Receipt from the official of the archdeacon of East Riding, to the prior of Durham, for 4 marks paid by the hand of Alan, vicar of the church of Eastrington, owed to the archdeacon at the feast of St Mary Magdalene, according to an agreement between the prior of Durham and the archdeacon's predecessor.
Date: Driffield, 13 Kal. October 1282.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3810.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3811   [9 April] 1324
Receipt from John of Beckingham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 10s paid by the hand of Dom William of Killingworth their bursar in full payment of the 20s owed him for his pension for the term of St Martin 1323.
Date: Durham, 5 Id. April 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.174, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3811.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3812   [2 January] 1329
Receipt from Thomas Surtees to the prior and convent of Durham for £13 4s 9d by the hand of John de Crepyng, bursar, for the term of St Martin 1328, in part payment of a sum of £26 9s 6d owed him as per a bond with William [Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham.
Date: Ditensall, Monday the morrow of the Circumcision 1328/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3812.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3813   [8 December] 1290
Receipt from Francis of Serbeliano, clerk of J., cardinal bishop of Tusculanum, and commissary of Master Giffredi of Vezano, papal nuncio, to the prior and convent of Lialand, Durham diocese, for the procurations of Master Giffredi for the 13th and 14th years of his stay in England for 14s.
Date: Berwick, the morrow of the conception of the BVM 1290.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2216, on a tongue, second tongue torn off, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3813.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3814   [14 November] 1291
Quitclaim from Robert of Besepol, executor of the will of the late Master Roger of Hartburn, on behalf of himself and the co-executors of the will, renouncing their right to goods and money owed to him at Hemingborough by the prior and convent of Durham.
Witnesses: Masters William of Potho and Richard of Morpeth, Jordan of Dalden, Robert of Hutton, John Skyrlot and John of Gretham.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Martin 1291.
Seals of Robert of Besepol and Bartholomew and Alan of Shincliffe.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.229, 158 and 2239(i), each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3814.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3815   [12 November] 1365
Receipt from Geoffrey of Langton clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 20s owed for his pension for St Martin 1365.
Date: York, morrow of St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3815.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3816   [4 June] 1343
Receipt from John of Seaton, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension owed for the term of Pentecost 1343.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Trinity year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2222, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below and wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3816.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3817   [2 July] 1297
Receipt from Richard of Taunton, proctor of John of Crowcombe, archdeacon of the East Riding, to the prior of Durham for 4 marks for a pension for the church of Eastrington owed to him for 1294 and 4 marks owed to him for 1295.
Date: York, 6 Non. July 1297.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3293, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3817.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3818   16 June 1353
Receipt from Hugh of Fleetham clerk, proctor of the prior and chapter of Durham, to [the said prior and chapter] by the hands of Master William of Farnham clerk, for 13s 4d fee for his pension for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost 1352 and 1353.
Date: York, 16 June 1353.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3818.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3819   [3 June] 1316
Receipt from John of Beckingham clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s by the hand of Dom Alexander of Lamsley bursar, for part of his annual pension owed for the term of Pentecost.
Date: Durham, 3 Non. June 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.173, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3819.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3819*   [3 September] 1317
Receipt from Gaucelme cardinal priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, vice-chancellor of the apostolic see, nuncio, for 10 marks by the hand of the sacrist of the church of Durham, in part payment by the prior and convent of Durham for his procuration.
Date: Durham, 3 September 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3819*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3819†   23 November 1318
Receipt from Rigaud de Asserio papal chaplain and nuncio to England, and commisary to levy procurations for Gaucelme cardinal priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro and Luke cardinal deacon of St Mary in via lata, to Master Thomas of Applingden, rector of the church of Wolsingham and prebend of the church of Norton, for 3s received, that is 12d for the church according to the new tax, and 2s for his prebend.
Date: York, Thursday 23 November 1318.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3686, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3819†.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3819‡   [17 October] 1317
Receipt from Louis Beaumont, bishop-elect of Durham, collector of procurations for Gaucelme cardinal priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro and papal vice-chancellor, and Luke cardinal deacon of St Mary in via lata, papal nuncios, to the prior and convent of Durham subcollectors, by the hand of Brother John of Howden monk, for £32 8s 2½d in part payment for procurations up to the feast of St Luke in the diocese [of Durham].
Date: Durham, vigil of St Luke 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3129, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3819‡.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3820   [1362]
Receipt from Roger of Merrington proctor of the prior and convent of Guisborough for 1362 to the monks of Durham for the two terms for an annual pension for Edmondbyers of 5s.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3488, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below and a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3820.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3821   16 September 1341
Receipt from John de Aslakby clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the terms of St Martin 1340 and Pentecost 1341.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.98, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3821.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3822   [24 February 1344]
Receipt from Richard of Tanfield clerk, to the prior and convent of the cathedral church of Durham by the hand of Dom Robert of Benton bursar, for 20s for his annual pension due for the term of St Martin 1343.
Date: Sherburn, 6 Kal. March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2374, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3822.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3822*   [15 February] 1344
Receipt from William Alman, collector of the fortieth part of each mark according to an ancient tax in the archdeaconry of Northumberland owed to the bishop of Durham for his expenses in collecting the procuration for the cardinal, to the prior and convent of Durham for 16s 2¾d for their churches within the archdeaconry.
Date: Durham, 15 Kal. March 1343/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.48, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3822*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3823   2 February 1349
Receipt from Adam of Twistleton, advocate of the court of York, to the prior of Durham for 40s, by the hand of Master William of Farnham, for the terms of Pentecost and to St Martin for his annual pension of 40s.
Date: York, 2 February 1348/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2479, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3823.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3824   [18 October]1330
Receipt from Robert of Greathead in Cleveland to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of the bursar, for a robe.
Date: Nunthorpe in Cleveland, Thursday, St Luke 1330.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1122, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3824.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3825   [12 February] 1303
Receipt from William, rector of the church of Gosforth, to the prior and chapter of Durham, by the hand of Adam the chaplain, for £13 6s 8d in part payment of a certain sum as detailed in a bond sealed with their common seal which he retains.
Date: monastery of St Mary of Carlisle,2 Id. February 1302/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3825.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3826   20 June 1321
Receipt from John Bellardi, citizen and merchant of Lucca, to the prior and convent of Durham for 5 sacks of wool due at next St John, as in a promise made by Eustace Dioniziotto in the bishop of Durham's exchequer.
Date: London, 20 June 1321.
Parchment, 1m, bottom left corner damaged and missing
Seal: Blank parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3826.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3827   23 November 1309
Receipt from Richard de Ganyo, clerk, to William of Tanfield prior and the convent of Durham, by the hand of John of Harmby then bursar, for 20s for his annual pension owed for the term of St Martin 1309.
Date: Durham, 23 November 1309.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1062, on a now detached tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3827.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3828   [26 August] 1317
Receipt from John of Harmby, bursar of Durham, to David, servant of Richard of Lustrehille, warden of the king's grain in the priory of Durham, by view of Hugh of Cocken and William of Hornby, for 10 quarters of wheat.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Bartholomew 1317.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Seal: G&B No.1268, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3828.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3829   16 July 1332
Agreement that Robert son of Nicholas of Cottingham is allowed £9 for the repair of the houses of the manor of Brantingham against the £30 owed to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for the term of St John the Baptist 1332.
Seals of John of Butterwick, monk of Durham, and Robert of Cottingham.
Date: Howden, 16 July 1332.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Seal: G&B No.700, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3829.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3830   5 October 1357
Receipt from Hugh of Fleetham, clerk and proctor to the prior and convent and monks of Durham, to the same by the hand of Master William of Farnham, clerk, for 13s 4d for his fee for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost last past.
Date: York, 5 October 1357.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3830.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3831   [13 December] 1358
Receipt from William of Wellton, vicar of Darlington, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Dom Richard [of Birtley] monk, bursar of Durham, in part payment of an annual pension of 40s, for 20s for the term of St Martin 1358.
Date: Durham, St Lucy the virgin 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3831.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3832   24 April 1342
Receipt from William of Blacktoft, chaplain, to the prior and convent of Durham for £4 paid in full satisfaction of a bond of £14.
Date: Durham, 24 April 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.276, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3832.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3833   [19 September] 1312
Receipt from Roger of Heslerton, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 5 marks in part payment of arrears of his annual pension of 5 marks.
Date: Durham, Tuesday before St Matthew the apostle 1312.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.1294, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3833.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3834   [4 September] 1354
Receipt from Roger of Blakiston to the prior of Durham for 40s for his annual fee and for a robe.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert in September 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3834.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3835   [22 April] 1338
Receipt from William of Blacktoft, vicar of Berwick upon Tweed, at Durham, to Robert of Middleham, bursar of Durham, for £10 in part payment of £14 owed by the prior and convent of the church of Durham as a loan.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the octave of Easter 1338.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.276, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3835.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3836   [4 May] 1303
Receipt from Roger of Heslerton for 2½ marks from the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Master Thomas of Selby, clerk, for his annual pension for the term of St Martin 1302.
Date: York, Saturday before the Sunday “qua cantate quasi modo genitur” 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1296, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3836.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3837   [6 June] 1352
Receipt from William of Langton, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost 1352.
Date: York, Wednesday before St Barnabas 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3837.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3838   [24 December] 1297
Receipt from William of Tang, notary, to Thomas Haswell, bursar of Durham, for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin 1297 for which he quitclaims to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, Christmas Eve year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3838.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3839   [29 January] 1328
Receipt from Robert of Tang, rector of the church of Fobbinge in the diocese of London, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s owed for the feast of St Martin 1327 as part of his annual pension of 40s.
Date: York, Friday before the Purification of the BVM 1327/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2381, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below and a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3839.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3840   [13 February] 1297
Receipt of Roger of Wythton to the prior of Durham for 30s for the church of Eastrington and 2s 6d for the vicarage for the cardinal's proctor for the second year at the rate of 4d to the mark.
Date: York, Id. February 1296/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2718, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3840.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3841   1 March 1312
Receipt of John de Rocca proctor in the Roman curia to the prior and convent of Durham for a case between them and Master Baldred Scotus pending in the Roman curia by the hand of Master Henry of Luceby, clerk, for part of his salary, for 10 gold florins.
Date: Avignon, 1 March 1311/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2102, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3841.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3842   14 December 1315
Receipt of Adam of Bowes (Boughs) to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Alexander bursar there, for 20s for his fee for the term of Saint Martin 1315.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Lucy year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.326, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3842.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3843   26 June 1341
Receipt of Roger of Esh miles to the prior and convent of Durham for five marks for all the arrears, pensions, robes and other debts owed in by the prior and convent.
Date:Durham, 26 June 1341.
Parchment, 1m, some stianing
Seal: G&B No.917, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3843.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3844   7 December 1343
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s for his pension for his office of steward for the term of St Martin 1343, together with a robe and furs at Christmas following.
Date: Durham, 7 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3844.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3845   [6 September] 1333
Receipt of Roger of Blakeston to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Robert of Middleham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1332.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Cuthbert in September 1333.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 283, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3845.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3846   8 January 1349
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham by the hand of Dom Thomas of Stockton, bursar, for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1348.
Date: Durham, 8 January year above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3846.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3847   [3 February] 1309
Receipt of William of Hebburn to Dom John of Hornby bursar for 8s 4d in part payment of 40 [shillings] sterling, in which William [of Tanfield] prior of Durham is obligated to him.
Date: Durham, the day after the Purification of the BVM 1308/9.
Parchment, 1m, badly stained in parts
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3847.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3848   4 June 1354
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Pentecost 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3848.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3849   [15 February] 1331
Receipt of Richard of Scarborough clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Magister John of Hare Law (Hirlawe) clerk, for six marks of the £8 which is owed to him for his annual pension from them.
Date: York, 15 Kal. March 1330/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3849.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3850   25 May 1331
Receipt of Peter Vanrelli clerk, proctor of Cardinal Bertrand of Aquiro, rector of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmers of the fruits of the church of Brantingham, for £120 for the fruits of the church and for expenses concerning its late payment.
Date: York, 25 May 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3850.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3851   [18 December 1306]
Receipt of William de Herle to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee by the hand of Henry of Ogle (Oggyl) for the term of St Martin 35 Edward [I].
Date:Durham, Sunday before St Thomas the Apostle year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1262, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3851.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3852   9 October 1347
Receipt of Roger of Esh to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Thomas of Stockton bursar there, for 20s for the term of Pentecost in part payment of his pension for 1347.
Date: Herrington, 9 October year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.917, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3852.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3853   [18 December] 1345
Receipt of John of Towthorpe to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s in part payment of the arrears of his 40s annual pension which they are obligated to him for.
Date:Durham, Sunday before St Thomas the Apostle 1345.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2457, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3853.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3854   6 March 1346
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham, diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 4s for the annual pension in the church of Branxton for 1345.
Date: Kirkham, 6 March 1345/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3854.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3855   29 February [1420]
Receipt of Ralph de Eure chivaler to John [Wessington] prior of Durham by the hand of William Barry, monk of the same, for £20 in part payment of £40 which they are obligated to him for.
Date: 29 February 7 Henry V.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.934, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3855.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3856   17 May [1331]
Receipt of Master Thomas of Southwark to the prior and convent of Durham for 20 marks by the hand of Dom Thomas de Heppiscotes clerk and John de Halnathby, in return for his surrender of a document granting him an annual pension of 100s which he hereby resigns.
Date: London, Friday before Pentecost 5 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 60 x 225mm
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3856.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3857   [10 January] 1376
Receipt of John de Fencotes to the prior of Durham by the hand of Richard of Birtley bursar for 20s for his fee for the term of Saint Martin 1375 last past.
Date:Durham, Thursday before Hilary year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.961, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3857.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3858   [1303]
Receipt of Master Peter of Fishburn clerk to Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 33s 4d for the term of Saint Martin 1303, for his pension.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.994, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3858.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3859   [19 April] 1316
Receipt of John of Shipton, executor of the testament of Master Alan of Easingwold, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £10 by the hand of Dom Alexander of Lamsley bursar of Durham, in part payment of £131 8s which they owe by Alan's will.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. May 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2183, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3859.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3860   [21 December] 1325
Receipt of Richard of Scarborough (Skaryeburgh), clerk, for 60s from the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Elias the servant (garcionis) of Master John of Towthorpe clerk, leaving £9 remaining of the £17 which they owe him as arrears for his annual pension of 4 marks.
Date: York, 12 Kal. January 1325.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3860.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3861   [3 January] 1358
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorpe to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St. Martin last past by the hand of Dom Richard of Birtley bursar.
Date:Durham, Wednesday after the Circumcision 1357/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3861.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3862   [20 June] 1297
Receipt of Gerard Simonetti (Symoneth) of the Society Policuni and Rembertini of Florence to the prior and convent of Durham for £33 6s 8d in part payment of £300 which they owe the bishop of Carlisle for the subsidy of a tenth for the Holy Land granted in the kingdom of Scotland and which the bishop had assigned to him to collect.
Date:Durham cathedral, 12 Kal. July 1297.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2251, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3862.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3863   11 February 1297
Receipt of Richard of Coxhoe clerk to Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 40s for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost 1295 for his pension.
Date: Durham, 3 Id. February 1296/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.718, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3863.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3864   [30 March] 1303
Receipt of Adam of the Island, Andrew Burges and Adam of Sunderland, parish chaplains and proctors of the church of St Mary of Wearmouth and all the parish, in the name of the poor there, for 10 marks worth of corn of various sorts, namely wheat and beans, from Master John de Insula executor of Dom William de Insula his brother in part payment of the legacy to the poor made in William's will.
Date:Bishopwearmouth, 3 Kal. April 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos.485, 1601, and 2339(i), each on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3864.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3865   11 April 1326
Receipt of Richard of Sherwood clerk to the prior of Durham by the hand of Henry of Hett for 13s 4d in part payment of a pension of 20s owed him by the prior for the term of Saint Martin 1325.
Date: Durham, Friday after St Ambrose 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2243, on a tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3865.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3866   [6 October] 1266
Receipt of Hugolini Bonaventura citizen and merchant of Siena to Hugh [of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham by the hands of William of Masham monk there and Master Adam of Darlington clerk of the said prior and convent for 40 marks which Master J. de Methelton proctor of the same house received for them as a loan for carrying out certain business them in the Roman curia in 1263
Date: ?Durham, Prid. Non. October 1266.
Parchment, 1m, badly stained in parts
Seal: G&B No. 312, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3866.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3867   2 May 1330
Receipt of William [of Cowton] prior of Durham to Master Alan de Chireden, perpetual vicar of Northallerton, for £10 pounds for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1330 in the exchequer at Durham.
Date: Durham, 2 May year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3438 (broken into three parts), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3867.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3868   24 April 1359
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin last past by the hand of the bursar there.
Date: Durham, 24 April 1359.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie to the left
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3868.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3869   24 April 1359
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost last past by the hands of the bursar there.
Date: Durham, 24 April 1359.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3869.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3870   3 January 1358
Receipt of John Mowbray from the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee from the hand of the bursar for the term of Saint Martin.
Date: Durham Wednesday after the Circumcision 1357/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie at the ehad
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3870.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3871   16 April 1308
Receipt of Robert of Baldock, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £50 as part of the arrears of his annual pension of 100s, and the robes of a clerk, owed for six years, of which he remits £25, and of the remaining £25, he has now received £10 from the hand of Dom Robert of Stamford, bursar of Durham, in part payment.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. May 1308.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.127, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3871.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3872   [27 June] 1373
Receipt of Thomas of Ingelby to the prior of Durham for 20s from the hand of the bursar for his fee for the term of Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, Monday after St John the Baptist 1373.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1434, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3872.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3873   27 July 1329
Receipt of Robert of Nottingham, clerk of the king for all the king's debts for victuals sold, levied and received at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to William of Cowton prior and the convent of Durham for £50 for victuals sold at Newcastle-upon-Tyne as in their obligation now restored to them. And also for £42 in part payment of £207 5s which they owe the king for the victuals sold, as in another obligation.
Date: Durham, 27 July 3 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1907, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3873.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3874   [20 January] 1321
Remission by Thomas of Levisham, executor of the will of Thomas of Levisham late master of the hospital of Greatham, having impleaded in the king's court at Westminster Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham, Thomas of Haswell, and John of Hornby, his fellow monks, and John Here, parson of the church of Bermingham, in a writ of transgression for their alleged seizure of the goods and chattels of the late Thomas of Levisham at [North]allerton, of all actions against them.
Date: [North]allerton, 13 Kal. February 1320/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1584, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3874.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3875   1 December 1313
Receipt of Simon of Menyll, executor of Dom Henry of Menyll deceased, to the prior and convent of Durham from the hands of Dom Alexander of Lamesley bursar, for 100s in part payment of a certain sum of money owed to the said Dom Henry, his brother.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Andrew 1313.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1756, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3875.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3876   12 March 1340
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s for the annual pension for the church of Branxton for 1339.
Date:Kirkham, St Gregory year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3876.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3877   8 June 1348
Acknowledgement of Robert of Stanley of York, pelterer, that he has received all moneys from Dom Thomas of Stockton, bursar of Durham, and other bursars of Durham preceding him, obligated to him for furs bought from him at various times for the prior's use up to Pentecost 1348.
Date:Durham, Pentecost year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2293, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3877.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3878   10 March 1348
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirham to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s for their annual pension for the church of Branxton for the term of St Gregory 1347.
Date: Kirkham, 6 Id. March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3504, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3878.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3879   [13 July 1305]
Receipt of Nicholas of Burton, clerk, to Dom Richard prior of Durham from the hand of Adam de Aldwode for 33s 4d for Pentecost 33 Edward [I], in part payment a 5 marks annual pension which the prior granted him.
Date:London, Tuesday after the Translation of St Thomas the martyr year of King Edward aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3879, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3879.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3880   [8 April] 1341
Receipt of William of Elwick, vicar of the church of Norham, to the prior and convent of Durham from the hand of Dom Michael of Chilton, monk and proctor of the church of Norham, for £13 6s 8d for his vicarage for the terms of St Martin 1340, and Pentecost following.
Date: Norham, Easter Day 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3880.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3881   20 July [1349]
Receipt of Thomas of Ingelby to the prior of Durham, from the hand of the bursar, for 20s for his fee for Pentecost last.
Date:Durham, 20 July Pont. 5 of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3881.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3882   [8 November] 1306
Receipt of John of Crowcombe (Craucumbe) archdeacon of the East Riding in the church of York for 4 marks from the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Richard, vicar of Eastrington for his annual pension for the chuch of Howden for the term of St Mary Magdalene 1305.
Date: Burton, 6 Id. November 1306.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3882.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3883   20 June 1354
Receipt of Hugh of Teesdale and Wiliam of Warcop (Warthecoppe), proctors of Master John of Appleby, rector of the parochial church of Whitburn in Durham diocese, to John prior of Durham for £4 owed as a pension for the terms of St Michael 1352, and St Michael 1353.
Date: Durham, 20 June 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2398 and G&B No.2573, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3883.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3884   3 February 1319
Receipt of Wiliam vicar of the church of Dalton, William of Croxdale chaplain, and William of Ludworth, executors of the testament of Dom John, former vicar of Pittington, to the prior of Durham from the hand of Brother Alexander of Lamesley bursar, for £43 6s 8d in part payment of £83 6s 8d which the prior owed the aforesaid John when he was alive.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the Purification of the BVM 1318/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 3363, 742(i), and 1647, each on a tongue, with one wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3884.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3885
Noted as missing 1 March 1985
DCD Misc.Ch. 3885a   30 September 1316
Receipt of Richard de Erium clerk to the prior and convent of the church of Durham, from the hand of Dom Richard of Aislaby subprior, for £15 in part payment of the arrears of his annual pension.
Date:Durham, the day before Kal. October 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.904, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie at the head
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3885a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3886   8 January 1359
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to the prior and convent of Durham, from the hand of Richard of Birtley, bursar, for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin next.
Date:Durham, 8 January 1358/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3886.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3887   [ 6 June] 1313
Receipt of John of Lathum, merchant, burgess of Beverley, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £10 13s 4d in part payment of a loan which they owe him.
Date:Durham, Wednesday before Trinity 1313.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1556, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3887.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3888   [3 April] 1307
Receipt of Nicholas of Burton clerk to Dom Richard prior of Durham, from the hand of Dom Roger of School Aycliffe bursar of Durham, 2½ marks for his pension for the term of St Martin 1306.
Date:Durham, Monday before St Ambrose 1307.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.491, on a tongue (with “Nicholas de Burton” on it), with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3888.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3889   20 November 1363
Receipt of William of Warcop, vicar of the church of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby, rector of the church of Whitburn, diocese of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s, part of an annual pension of 100s held by Master John at two annual terms, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin, with this 50s being for St Martin 1363.
Date:Durham, 20 November year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3889.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3890   1 August 1365
Receipt of Hugh de Fletham, clerk, proctor to the prior and convent of Durham, to the same lords, for 13s 4d in full payment of his fee which they owed for the terms of St Martin and for Pentecost last.
Date:York, 1 August 1365.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3890.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3891   [30 June] 1329
Receipt of John Sleyght, rector of the church of Richmond, to the prior and convent of Durham from the hand of Dom John of Crepping terrar, for £4 in part payment of a £20 loan in which the aforesaid prior and convent are obligated to him.
Date:Durham, Friday the morrow of SS Peter and Paul 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2262(ii), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3891.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3892   22 November 1322
Receipt of John of Beckingham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s from the hand of Alan of Marton, bursar of Durham, for his annual pension for the term of St Martin 1322.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. December year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3892, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3892.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3893   [16 September] 1332
Receipt of Thomas de Heppescotes clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for £20 in part payment of 24 marks which they as in their sealed document.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Exaltation 6 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1253, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3893.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3894   [19 November] 1326
Receipt of Thomas Surtees to the prior and convent of Durham from the hand of Dom John Luttrell bursar for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin 1326.
Date:Durham, Wednesday after St Edmund the archbishop, year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2346A, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3894.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3895   [27 July] 1355
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton miles to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last from the hand of Dom Adam of Darlington bursar.
Date: Durham, Monday next before St Peter ad vincula 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3895.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3896   6 December 1352
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for the term of St Martin last in part payment of his annual pension of 40s.
Date:Durham , 6 December 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3896.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3897   30 November 1307
Receipt of Paul of Darlington, chaplain serving the altar of the Blessed Mary in the church of Darlington, to Dom Roger of School Aycliffe, bursar of the priory of Durham, for 26s 8d for his pension for the term of St Martin 1307.
Date: Durham , Thursday St Andrew year aforesaid.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1282, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3897.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3898   6 January 1356
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for St Martin last.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Circumcision 1356.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3898.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3899   [1 August] 1343
Language:   French
Receipt of Thomas Worship to the prior of Durham for three robes each with three trimmings of budge (de Boege) fur for the use of his lord Robert Parning.
Date: Durham, the eve of St Peter ad vincula 17 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3899.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3900   [11 December] 1339
Receipt of William of Vaux, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham from the hand of Dom Robert of Middleham, their fellow monk and bursar, for a robe of fur of the suit of clerks, for 1339.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the St Nicholas, 1339.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2535, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3900.
Misc.Ch. 3901-4000
DCD Misc.Ch. 3901   [6 October 1266]
Memorandum that in a case between Ugolinus Bonaventura, Reynaldo Johannelli and others of their colleagues, citizens and merchants of Sienna, against the prior and convent of Durham, before the prior of Holy Trinity London or his colleague the prior of Rochester, papal judges delegate, on Thursday after the octave of Michaelmas 1266, with the prior and convent being represented by their proctors Dom John of Masham their fellow monk and Master Adam of Darlington clerk, Ugolinus protested that he had received from the same proctors 40 marks which John de Methelton formerly proctor of the prior and convent had received as a loan from the merchants for business carried out, as detailed in letters, which loan Ugolinus hereby quitclaims and accordingly he returns two pairs of letters to the proctors.
Date: London the church of the Holy Trinity, Prid. Non. October year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.313, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3901.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3902   [21 September] 1359
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to John [Fossor] prior of Durham for 20s by the hand of the bursar Richard of Birtley, for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1359.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Matthew the Apostle year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1039, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3902.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3903    [11 December] 1325
Receipt of Alan Sleght citizen of York to the prior and convent of Durham for 60s in part payment of £20 for a bond.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Nicholas 1325.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2262(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above and a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3903.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3904   [7 September] 1303
Receipt of Alan of Teesdale to the prior of Durham for 20s received from Dom Thomas Haswell bursar of Durham for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1303.
Date: Durham, the vigil of the Nativity of the BVM year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2396(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3904.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3905   20 September [1317]
Receipt of John of Eure to the prior of Durham for 4 sacks of wool.
Date: Durham, 20 September 11 Edward II.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.930, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3905.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3906   [26 March 1315]
Receipt of William de Herle to the prior and convent of Durham for 10 marks in part payment of the arrears of his fee.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Annunciation of the BVM 8 Edward II.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1262, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3906.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3907   [28 May] 1318
Receipt of William of Hebburn to John of Hornby bursar of Durham, for 76s 8d, in part payment of £29 4s which the prior and convent owe him in a bond for the manor of Wardley and other things.
Date: Durham, Sunday before Ascension 1318.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.1234, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3907.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3908   [31 December] 1274
Receipt of Reynerius Magyari citizen and merchant of Lucca, on behalf of himself and his fellow merchants, at York from the prior and convent of Durham, by the hands of Stephan of Elwick and Thomas of Heaton, their servants, for £215 5s 4d, which they loaned in London to the house of Durham for carrying out specialia negocia .
Date: York, Prid. Kal. January 1274.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3908.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3909   31 May 1335
Receipt of Peter Vaurelli clerk, proctor of Dom Bertrand, cardinal of St Maria in Aquiro and rector of the church of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmers of the fruits of the church, by the hands of the merchants of the Bardoli, for £60 for the first payment of the fruits for 1334.
Date: York, 31 May 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3909.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3910   6 April 1358
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of last Martinmas, by the hand of the bursar there.
Date: Durham, 6 April 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3910.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3911   [11 January] 1328
Receipt of William de Denom to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin last past.
Date: Durham, Monday after Epiphany 1328.
Added at the foot: by the hand of John de Creppings.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3911.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3912   [14 February] 1278
Notification by Gerard, master scholar of the church of Parma, papal chaplain and auditor of contradictory letters, that Master Peter canon of Assisi, proctor of the prior and convent of the monastery of Durham, had, in his presence, received from Bernardo Manfredo and his fellow citizens and merchants of Florence of the Society of the Circuli, for his salary, as the prior and convent's proctor up to the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 6 marks.
Date: Rome St Peter's, 16 Kal. March Pont. 1 Nicholas III, 1278.
Parchment, 1m, lined, prick holes down the right edge
Seal: G&B No.3700, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie on the left edge
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3912.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3913   [25 July] 1352
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham, for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past by the hand of the bursar there.
Date: Durham, St James the Apostle 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3913.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3914   [18 September] 1358
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton miles to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past by the hand of Richard of Birtley bursar.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the exaltation of the Holy Cross 1358.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3914.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3915   [29 August] 1324
Receipt of John de Hyrlawe clerk to John Luttrell, formerly bursar of the church of Durham, and to William of Killingworth, bursar of the church of Durham, for 20s apiece for his pension of 40s owed by the convent of the church.
Date: Durham, 4 Kal September 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1355, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3915.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3916   [20 July] 1334
Receipt of Philip of Nassington, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of the chamberlain John Fosser, for 100s in part payment for 50s owed to him annually.
Date: Durham, St Margaret virgin and martyr 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1866, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3916.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3917   [3 July] 1302
Grant by Richard of Kelloe, subprior and vicar general in the absence of Prior Richard de Hoton, and the convent of Durham to Master Roger of Heslerton of an annual pension of 5 marks, paid in two equal parts every 6 months at the feasts of St Martin and Pentecost, until the return of the prior, in return for his carrying out the priory's business.
Date: Durham, 5 Non July 1302.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1296, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3917.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3918    [10 June] 1328
Receipt of Roger de Polhowe, chaplain of Dinsdale, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Brother John Luttrell bursar, for £6 12s 10d, for his salary for Pentecost [13]25 9s, for St Martin the same year 26s 8d, for [13]26 53s 4d, for Pentecost [13]27 26s 8d, for St Martin the same year 17s 2d in part payment of 26s 8d.
Date: Durham, Friday the vigil of St Barnabas 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3363, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3918.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3919   [12 November] 1356
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1356.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3919.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3920   [28 July] 1351
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham by his own hands for 20s for his fee for Pentecost last past.
Date: Durham, Thursday after St James 1351.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3920.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3921   [10 October] 1331
Acquittance by Richard prior and the convent of Tynemouth to Richard of Tynemouth their clerk for all debts and other things incurred in his administration for them from his first day to the present.
Date: Tynemouth, St Jerome 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3921.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3922   [29 October] 1318
Receipt of William of Hebburn to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Alexander of Lamesley bursar for 103s 8d as partial payment for £80 owed to him as detailed in a certain obligation, for the manor of Wardley and other things found there.
Date: Durham, Sunday before All Saints 1318.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3922.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3923   [23 May] 1322
Receipt of Richard vicar of Crosthwaite, Carlisle diocese, and principal executor of Master Henry of Carlisle, in the name of his fellow executors, to the prior and convent of Durham for £21 13s 4d for the arrears of a pension and robes granted by them to Henry whilst he lived, and also for 100s from Geoffrey of Burdon formerly prior of Durham.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. June 1322.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3923.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3924   [7 December] 1343
Receipt of William of Kelloe clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for St Martin 1343 together with his robe for the Christmas following.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Nicholas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1487, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3924.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3925   [19 April] 1316
Receipt of John of Shipton, executor of the will of Master Alan of Easingwold, to the prior and convent of Durham for £20 by the hands of John of Seaton chamberlain and Alexander of Lamesley bursar, in part payment of £60 which they owe over his will.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. May 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3925.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3926   20 December 1344
Receipt of William de Ribbeton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for St Martin 1344 along with his robe for the Christmas following.
Date: Durham, 20 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3926.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3927   10 December 1364
Receipt of William of Warco,p vicar of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby LLD, in the name of Master John, to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s for Master John's pension of 100s due half at St Martin and half at Pentecost, for St Martin 1364.
Date: Durham, 10 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3927.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3928   [19 June] 1313
Receipt of William of Hebburn to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of John of Hornby bursar, for £47 in part payment of a loan of £100.
Date: Durham, Tuesday before St John the Baptist 1313.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1235, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3928.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3928*   23 August 1319
Summons by Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, commissary of the cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, nuncios in England of the apostolic see, to the prior of Durham citing him to attend before him in London or the abbot of St Mary's, York, by sufficient proctors, on the first law day after St Faith the virgin next [Monday, 8 October 1319], for a final reckoning and payment of money raised for the two years' procurations of the two cardinals, and an account of how much remains to be paid and in whose hands it remains; and requiring certification by the said feast, through the bearer of the presents, by the prior's letters patent, of his intentions in this matter.
Date: London, 23 August 1319.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3214, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Copy: DCD Reg. II, f.66r.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3928*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3928†   2 December 1318
Insepximus by Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orléans, papal chaplain and nuncio in England, and collector of the fruits of the first years of vacant benefices in England appointed for three years by the pope, and also collector of procurations owed to cardinals Gaucelme, priest of SS Marcellino and Pietro and vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman curia, and Luke, deacon of S Maria in Via Lata, formerly nuncios in England of the apostolic see, of their letters allowing John Giffard rector of Haughton[-le-Skerne] in Durham diocese to pay his procuration for his first year to the cardinals, without any interference from any sub-collector.
Date: York, 2 December 1318.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3214, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3928†.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3929   [14 June] 1299
Receipt from Andrew de Tang to Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1299.
Date: Durham, 18 Kal. July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue with Tang's name written on it, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3929.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3930   [8 January] 1360
Receipt from Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee by the hand of the bursar for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin 1359.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Epiphany year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3930.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3931   8 January 1366
Receipt of William of Warcop vicar of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby LLD, in the name of Master John, to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s as part of an annual pension of 100s owed to the same Master John at the two annual terms of Pentecost and St Martin, for St Martin 1365.
Date: Durham, 8 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3931.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3932   [5 January] 1334
Receipt of William vicar of Norham to the prior of Durham for 20 marks by the hand of Michael of Chilton proctor of Norham, owed to him by the prior, as a portion of the vicarage for 1332.
Date: Holy Island, vigil of Epiphany 1333/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1301, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3932.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3933   [19 November] 1352
Receipt of William of Langton clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of York for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin.
Date: York, Monday before St Katherine 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3933.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3934   [1286]
Receipt of Nicholas of Appleby, owed a pension of £10 annually from the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Dom Ingram [of Chatton] bursar for 100s for the term of Easter 1286.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3934.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3935   16 June [1352]
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for the term of Pentecost 1352 as part payment of an annual pension of 40s.
Date: Durham, 16 June year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3935.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3936   1289
Receipt from J[ohn] de Craucumbe archdeacon of the East Riding to the prior and convent of Durham for 4 marks by the hand of Alan vicar of Eastrington for his pension for Howden church for St Mary Magdalene 1289.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3293, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3936.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3937   [26 May] 1355
Receipt of Roger de Blaykeston to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for Pentecost term last past by the hand of the bursar of Durham.
Date: Durham, Tuesday in the week of Pentecost 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3937.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3938   [23 November] 1324
Receipt of John de Alnatheby to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s by the hand of William of Killingworth bursar for his pension for Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. November 1324.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.53, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3938.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3939   [20 May] 1309
Receipt of Adam Lowther clerk to Brother John of Hornby bursar for 2 marks for the term of Pentecost next as part of his annual pension of 4 marks granted him by the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. June 1309.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1634, on a tongue (with some sewing repairing a tear), with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3939.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3940   [1291]
Receipt of William Luttrell subprior of Durham to the sacrist of Coldingham by the hand of Dom William of Darlington for land at Ryton at the feast of Geoffrey of Jarrow for the term of St Michael 1291 for 40s.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3451(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3940.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3941   28 March 1353
Receipt of John of Norton clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for his work on their business in the said court.
Date: York, 28 March 1353.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1904, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3941.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3942   14 July 1297
Receipt of Andrew de Tang notary to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Brother Thomas of Haswell bursar for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1297.
Date: Durham, 14 July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Noted as missing 2 February 1994, but re-located during stock-check 10 January 2024
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3942.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3943   [22 August] 1336
Bond from John de Wiliamston to John de Eschenden living in Durham in 66s 8d borrowed from him, to be repaid 26s 8d at the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1337, 20s at the Purification of the BVM next following, and 20s at the same Nativity 1338, with his goods moveable and immoveable pledged accordingly.
Date: Corbridge, Thursday before St Bartholomew 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3943.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3944   [10 December] 1306
Receipt of John de Denum to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Roger of School Aycliffe bursar of Durham for his pension for the term of St Martin 1306.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Nicholas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.784(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3944.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3945   [21 July] 1354
Receipt of John de Menevill to the prior of Durham by the hand of Dom John of Newton bursar on Monday after St Margaret for 20s for his fee for Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, Monday before St James 1354.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1750, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3945.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3946   6 April 1352
Receipt of Hugh of Teesdale, proctor of Master John of Appleby rector of Durham St Nicholas, to John Fosser prior of Durham for 25s, the residue of 40s owed to Master John for his annual pension for St Michael 1350, and also for 40s being his pension for St Michael 1351.
Date: within the priory of Durham, 6 April 1352.
Parchment, 1m, part of the left side eaten away with some text lost
Seal: G&B No.2398, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below, and a further tie cut from the head of the document
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3946.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3947   [1293]
Receipt of Peter of Kelloe to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin 1293.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1478, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3947.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3948   [24 December] 1322
Receipt of Richard of Scarborough (Schargeburth) clerk, by the hand of Robert of North Walton chaplain, for 1 mark of the 40s remaining from the 5 marks which the prior and convent of Durham mandated to be raised by Master Adam of Levisham, official of Howden and Howdenshire, from the rector of Holtby.
Date: York, Christmas Eve 1322.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3948.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3949   [3 February] 1294
Receipt of Nicholas of Appleby, owed a £10 annual pension from the prior and convent of Durham in two annual portions, for 100s for last term that is St Michael 1291 by the hand of Dom Ralph of Mordon then bursar 5 marks, and by the hand of Dom Thomas de Aldewode bursar 2½ marks, and 100s by the hand of the same Dom Thomas bursar for the first term that is Easter 1292.
Date: Durham, the morrow of the Purification of the BVM 1293/4.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3949.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3950   [4 January] 1351
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for St Martin last.
Date: Durham, Tuesday after the Circumcision 1350/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3950.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3951   [7 June] 1304
Receipt of Roger of Amotherby (Motherby), clerk of Henry le Scrope, for the use of the said Henry, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Thomas of Haswell then bursar for £4 in part payment of an annual pension of 40s which the same Henry holds from the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, 7 Id. June 1304.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1835, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3951.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3952   6 December 1361
Receipt of John Marshall rector of Rothbury to the prior of Durham, warden of the sequestered church of Rothbury by apostolic authority deputed by Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham whilst the suit over the possessions of Rothbury church is pending in the Roman curia between John Marshall and Dom William de Elmdon priest, and auditor of the full and final account of the fruits of the church for the whole time that it was sequestered, for £26 for the arrears of the said account.
Date: Croft, 6 December 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1713, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Further similar receipt: DCD Misc.Ch. 4509.
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3952.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3953   [?30 July] 1366
Receipt of Thomas of Morpeth vicar of Merrington to the prior and convent of Durham for 110s for the term of St Peter ad vincula for a pension of £22 which they owe from the profits of the portion of the church.
Date: Merrington, Thursday [?before] St Peter ad vincula 1366.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3953.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3954   [6 December] 1322
Acquittance of John dictus Holyf miller of Prudhoe to the prior and convent of Durham for all arrears of his corrody as 13s 4d has been paid to him.
Date: Durham, 8 Id. December 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1393, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3954.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3955   26 March 1345
Receipt of Richard son of Thomas of Holme, executor of the will of Richard of Holme, in the name of himself and his coexecutors, to John [Fosser] prior of Durham for £40 which John de Crepping monk and formerly terrar of Durham owed as recorded in two bonds.
Date: Durham, 26 March 1345.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1368A, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3955.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3956   [20 January] 1338
Receipt of William of Bolton chaplain, steward of Sherburn Hospital, for 40s from Robert of Middleham bursar of the monastery of Durham for the use of Thomas of Seaton.
Date: Sherburn, Tuesday SS Fabian and Sebastian 1337/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.310(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3956.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3957   1 August 1342
Bond of Reginald of Haswell to the prior and convent of Durham in £15 13s 4d for the tithes of Eden and South Sherburn for 1342 sold to him to be paid at Durham at St Cuthbert in March and the Nativity of St John the Baptist in equal portions.
Date: Durham, 1 August year as above.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Seal: G&B No.1302(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3957.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3958   [8 June] 1326
Oath of Thomas of Levisham clerk to be faithful to the prior and convent of Durham and not to reveal their secrets.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. June 1326.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.1584, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3958.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3959   [20 April] 1339
Acquittance of Thomas de Heppescottes clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for all moneys which in various documents they had owed him.
Date: Durham, Tuesday before St Mark 1339.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1253, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3959.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3960   [3 January 1330]
Receipt of William de Denum to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Circumcision 3 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3960.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3961   12 November 1329
Receipt from Robert de Tong rector of the church of Fobbing in the diocese of London to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin last past.
Date: Durham, morrow of St Martin 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2381, on a tongue with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3961.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3962   24 November 1317
Receipt from William de Denom to the community of the bishopric of Durham by the hands of Master William of Kelloe and Dom William of London for 5 marks.
Date:Durham, the vigil of St Katherine 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.787, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3962.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3963   2 October [1364]
Receipt of William of Warcop, vicar of the church of Bedlington, proctor of Master John of Appleby, DL, to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s in part payment of a 100s pension due twice annually at Martin mass and Pentecost received for the term of Pentecost in the year 1364.
Date: Durham, 2 October year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.1193, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3963.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3964   [4 July 1313]
Receipt of John of Tyringham, one of the executors of the will of Henry Bluntesden, received to the prior of Durham by the hand of John de Denum for 5 marks part payment of 200 marks which he and his coexecutors had recovered in the king's court against the said prior by writ of debt.
Date: York, Wednesday after SS Peter and Paul 6 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2494, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3964.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3965   6 July 1329
Receipt of Peter Vanrelli clerk, proctor of Cardinal Bertrand of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of Brantingham in the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £120 which they owe for the terms of the Annunication of the BVM and the Nativity of St John the Baptist for the fruits of the church for 1328.
Date: London, 6 July 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3965.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3966   [23 November 1355]
Receipt of William of Langton advocate of the court of York to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1355.
Date: York, Monday before St Katherine in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3966.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3967   [14 September 1331]
Receipt of William, son of William de Denum, to the prior and convent of Durham for £20 assigned by the king and 40s for his fee for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost in 4 Edward III as well as £20 as a loan.
Date:Durham, the exaltation of the Holy Cross 5 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.787, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3967.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3968   9 March 1343
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham in York diocese to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s annual pension from the church of Branxton, in the year 1342.
Date:Kirkham, 9 March in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3968.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3969   15 June [1355]
Receipt of William of Langton clerk to the prior of Durham for 50s for the term of Pentecost last past in the year 1355 for his pension.
Date:York, 15 June in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3969.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3970   15 September 1317
Receipt of Gaucelinus, cardinal priest of SS Marcellinus and Peter, vicechancellor of the holy Roman Church, apostolic nuncio, by the hand of Robert [of Durham], sacrist of the church of Durham, to the prior and convent of the same church and the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham, in part payment of the procuration granted to him by the apostolic see, for 10 marks.
Date: Durham, 15 September 1317.
Parchment, 1m, two lines of [cancellation] arrows
Seal: G&B No.3699, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3970.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3971   [18 August] 1342
Receipt of John of Towthorpe clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s in part payment of the arrears of his annual pension of 40s.
Date:Deighton, Sunday after the Assumption of the BVM 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2457, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3971.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3972   [27 July] 1355
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past by the hand of the bursar there.
Date: Durham, Monday after St James 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1433, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3972.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3973   [29 December] 1331
Acknowledgement by William [of Cowton] prior and the convent of Durham are obligated to Master John of Fridaythorpe in £4 13s 4d loaned to them, to be repaid 40s at St Martin next and 53s 4d at Pentecost 1332 without delay.
Date: [Durham] in the chapter house, Sunday after St Stephen 1331.
Parchment, 1m, cancellation arrows, some holes with a little text lost
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3973.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3974    [6 March] 1327
Receipt of Ralph of Yarwell clerk to the prior and clerk of Durham for 13s 4d in part payment of the arrears of his annual pension by the hand of Master John of Beckingham clerk.
Date: York, 2 Non. March 1326/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2721, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3974.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3975   [2 January] 1349
Receipt of Thomas of ?Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin.
Date:Durham, Friday after the Circumcision ?1348/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3975.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3976   [20 November] 1343
Receipt of John of Seaton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin in winter 1343.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. December in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2223, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3976.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3977   [20 March] 1351
Receipt of Roger of Blakiston to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1350.
Date: Durham, St Cuthbert in March year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.284, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3977.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3978   [25 November 1285]
Receipt of Philip of [North]allerton to the prior and convent of Durham for 50s by the hand of Walter of Norton bursar there for his pension for the term of St Martin in the year 1285.
Date: Durham, St Katherine the Virgin in the aforementioned year.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.60, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above and a stub of one below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3978.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3979   [6 December] 1312
Receipt of William de Wheteley, proctor and attorney of John [Droxford] bishop of Bath and Wells, to William [of Tanfield] prior and the convent of Durham for £20 in part payment of £100 owed for an obligation, thereby quitclaiming all debts for any contract or agreement between them actions and obligations for the said payment, save for £24 claimed by his lord as contained in the original document.
Date:Durham, St Nicholas 1312.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2633, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3979.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3980   [26 November] 1347
Receipt of John of Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for the term of the St Martin in winter in 1347 as his pension, along with a robe.
Date:Durham, 6 Kal. December of the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2222, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3980.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3981   26 November [1324]
Receipt of Robert de Tang, cleric, to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his pension for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin next.
Date:Durham, 26 November 18 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2382, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3981.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3982   [29 August] 1335
Receipt of John of Barnard Castle to William of Hexham, hostillar of Durham Cathedral, for £6 13s 4d, in part payment of £8 9s owed for a loan to Walter of Scarisbrick and Robert of Middleham, his predecessors as hostillar, as detailed in their status.
Date:Durham, Tuesday the Decollation of St John the Baptist 1335.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.554, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3982.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3983   [29 November 1348]
Receipt of William of Welton, clerk of York diocese, to the prior and convent of Durham, from Brother Thomas of Stockton bursar, for 20s in part payment of his pension for St Martin in winter 1348.
Date:Durham, the vigil of St Andrew in the aforementioned year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1253, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3983.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3984   20 July [1349]
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham, by the hand of the bursar for 20s as his fee for the term of Pentecost last.
Date:Durham, 20 July Pont. 5 Thomas [of Hatfield] bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2146 fragments, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3984.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3985   [11 November] 1354
Receipt of William of Welton, vicar of the church of Darlington, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of John of Newton bursar, for 20s in part payment of his annual pension for the term of St Martin in Winter 1354.
Date:Durham, St Martin in the aforementioned year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3985.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3986   [26 December] 1314
Receipt of John dictus Gem of Stockton, proctor and attorney to his lord William Servat, to the prior and convent of Durham for 12 sacks and 12 stones of wool for a debt owed by the prior and convent to his lord as in a recognisance made in the consistory [court] of the bishop of Durham before his official for a fifteenth's assessment conceded at Northampton to the king assigned to his lord in part payment of a debt owed him by the king.
Date: Pittington, Thursday before St Thomas the martyr 1314.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1062(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3986.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3987   [10 March] 1294
Receipt of Baldred Bisset, rector of Kinghorn, to the prior and chapter of Durham for 100s for his pension for St Martin in Winter 1292.
Date: ?Bolognia (Bon'), 6 Id. March 1293/4.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2763A, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3987.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3988   8 January 1318
Receipt of Richard de Ganio notary public to Geoffry [of Burdon] prior and the convent of Durham for 5 marks in part payment for the arrears of his pension from the hand of Brother Thomas of Barnard Castle, monk of Durham
Date: London, 8 January 1317/8.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1062, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3988.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3989   9 September 1321
Receipt of Edmund dictus Cruell clerk to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin in winter 1321.
Date:Durham, 9 September 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.744(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3989.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3990   [4 June] 1336
Receipt of William of Kelloe clerk to the prior and the convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1336.
Date: Durham, Prid. Non. June 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1487, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3990.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3991   6 January [1349]
Receipt of William of Langton clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1348.
Date:Durham, 6 January of the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3991.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3992   [1296]
Receipt of Peter of Kelloe to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost 1296.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3992.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3993   12 July [1371]
Receipt of William de Kyrkeby, vicar of Branxton, to John Scot, proctor of the church of Norham, for 40s owed him for his pension for the terms of St Martin and Pentecost in the year 1371.
Date: 12 July in the aforesaid year.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.1518(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3993.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3994   [25 September] 1352
Receipt of John Mowbray to John [Fossor] prior of Durham for 20s as his fee for the term of Pentecost last.
Date:Durham, Tuesday before St Michael 1352.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1836, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3994.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3995   [4 September] 1334
Receipt of Adam of Gateshead clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s in part payment of the arrears of his annual pension of 40s as in his document.
Date:Durham, Sunday the translation of St Cuthbert 1334.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1057, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3995.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3996   [19 December] 1295
Receipt of Andrew William of Tang to Brother Thomas Aldewode bursar of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of St Martin 1295.
Date:Durham,14 Kal January 1295/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2375, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3996.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3997   [19 February] 1311
Receipt of Simon de Meynhill, principal executor of Dom. Henry de Meynhill deceased, to the prior of the church of Durham by the hand of Thomas of Haswell bursar, for 40s in part payment of a certain sum of money owed to Henry by the prior.
Date:Durham, Friday before St Peter in cathedra 1310/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3997.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3998   15 June 1347
Receipt of William of Blacktoft chaplain to the prior and convent of Durham for 60s in part payment of a £40 owed as in an obligatory document.
Date:Durham,15 June 1347.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.276, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3998.
DCD Misc.Ch. 3999   20 June 1303
Receipt of Brachius Girardi, merchant of Florence, in the name of the society of Pulticini and Rembrant, and of John bishop of Carlisle, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Richard de Aslakeby monk, for £50 in part payment of £300 owed by them to the bishop as a bishop and assigned by the bishop to Girardi and his fellows.
Date:Durham, 20 June 1303.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1076, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for Misc.Ch. 3999.