Durham University Records: Colleges: College of St Hild and St Bede
92 occurrences of hild bede
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7Administrative history
Related material - here
2Related material - elsewhere


Reference code: GB-0033-UND/F
Title: Durham University Records: Colleges: College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit
Dates of creation: 1781-2016
Extent: 14 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Created by the colleges of Durham University, with deeds of their properties created by their previous owners/tenants
Language: English

Administrative history

The College of St Bede
The Durham Diocesan Training School was founded in 1839. Archdeacon Charles Thorp, who had played a major role in the founding of Durham University in 1832, proposed a scheme for education which included the creation of a training school. The school opened in October 1841, on its original site of 103 Framwellgate in Durham; in 1844, it moved to its current site when the land was gifted to the school by the Dean and Chapter of Durham. From 1858, a Model School was attached to the College; this was open to local children and gave aspiring teachers invaluable work experience. The School became a training college in 1865. During the following year, on the recommnedation of Bishop Lightfoot, it was renamed Bede College, and the first college chapel was founded. Although Bede remained independent from Durham University, it began to gain closer connections to it. In 1892, it was decided that Bede men who had completed two years of training were able to count their time at Bede towards reading for a degree at the university. By 1919, Bede had become a fully licensed hall of residence for the university - any students of the college automatically became members of the university also. The twelfth centenary of Bede’s death in 1935 saw the College renamed as the College of the Venerable Bede. A new chapel (still extant today) was created in 1939; it is often referred to as one of the architectural treasures of the university. The entrance into the interior of the chapel is made from the eighteenth-century doorcase of the college’s first location at Framwellgate. Bede was greatly affected by World War I, with a number of its students being drafted into the 8th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in the 50th Division (which became known as the Bede Contingent of the 8th.) Around 600 Bede men were involved in active service; the majority were present at the Battle of the Somme. The number of both current, and prospective, students involved in the war caused the college to close from July 1916 until 1918. World War II saw more Bede men serving in all branches of the Armed Forces; any remaining students were relocated to colleges at York, in order to make way for students being evacuated from London. After the war, the college continued to grow and expand, serving 240 students in 1960. Bede was also the first college in the country to offer Film and Television studies as part of its certificate course.
The College of St Hild
In August 1858 the Durham Diocesan Female Training School was opened - with only six students. Until the establishment of the school, there had not been a female teacher training college in north east England. Durham Diocese originally claimed that founding a female training school would be too ‘dangerous’ - especially given the proximity of the male training school. However, the site was provided in 1856 and fundraising across County Durham and Northumberland allowed building work to begin in 1857. The school became a training college in 1870, later becoming the College of St Hild in July 1896. Also in this year, the first chapel of St Hild’s was founded. In 1895, a supplementary charter of Durham University enabled women to obtain degrees for the first time; in 1898, three Hild students became the first women to be awarded degrees from Durham. In 1923, Hild became a licensed hall of residence for the university. The college remained open throughout both wars, although some buildings were claimed and utilised by the War Office.
The College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit
Both previous hitBede and Hild next hit Colleges were frequently commended for their teaching excellence, garnering particular praise for their observational practice and innovative techniques. Although the two colleges occasionally co-operated, each had its own pedagogical methodologies. Following World War II, educational reforms saw a move towards teaching courses being four years in length, comprised of a three year degree, followed by a one year postgraduate qualification. From the 1960s, there was increasing pressure on the Colleges of previous hitHild and Bede next hit to merge; in 1965-6, their libraries were amalgamated, and some joint building works began to take place. Both Colleges were threatened by cutbacks in the early 1970s; again, it was suggested that they merge. In September 1975, such an amalgamation did occur, and the College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit was created. Teaching training ended at the College in 1979; on 31 July 1979, the College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit ceased to be a Church of England College of Education, becoming an undergraduate College of Durham University. previous hitHild Bede next hit is the largest of the Durham colleges, supporting over 1200 undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also occupies the largest site of any of the colleges, set in sixteen acres of land. Uniquely amongst the university's colleges, previous hitHild Bede next hit has only one student representative body, the Student Representative Council whose members comprise both undergraduates and postgraduates.


College records reflect all aspects of the college's life and may include minutes of its governing body/council and other committees, registers and files of its students, administrative and financial papers of its officers such as the master/principal and bursar (including covering maintenance of the buildings), also minutes, accounts, photographs and ephemera of the running of the dining halls and chapels, of the common rooms (senior, middle and junior), and of the student sports clubs and societies, with also on occasion papers of some of the senior and/or junior members, and some artefacts, principally occasional items of clothing such as ties, blazers, tee-shirts or specific college memorabilia.

Accession details

Deposited by the college April 2015 (Acc No Misc.2014/15:66)
Additional material received from the college:
August 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:15);
February 2016 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:96);
August 2016 (Acc No Misc.2016/17:10);
September 2016 (Acc No Misc.2016/17:22);
December 2016 (Acc No Misc.2016/17:57);
January 2017 (Acc No Misc. 2016/17:68).

Previous custodial history

Always held in the colleges, except for occasional items donated by usually college alumni

Conditions of access

There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (email pg.library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


College records are arranged as follows:
A Foundation
B Governance
C Administration
D Academic
E Clubs, Sports, Associations
F Photographs
G Publications and Ephemera
H Deposited/donated collections
I Artefacts
J Associated Trusts


Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green Library. Clean duplicates are generally removed.


Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, reviewed in 2019.

Related material - here

Most colleges still retain their recent records themselves.

Related material - elsewhere

The bulk of the archive of previous hitHild Bede next hit College and especially its antecedents of the separate colleges of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit, is held at Durham County Record Office


Reference: UND/F
College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit
Reference: UND/F9
Dates of creation: 1781 - 2016 Ian Booth, The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham, (Durham 1979)
For the main records of the college and its predecessors, see Durham County Record Office, E/HB 1-6.

Reference: UND/F9/A
Charity Commission Schemes
Reference: UND/F9/A1 Transferred from Durham University's Estates and Buildings 17 March 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:46.
Initial sorting and checking by Katie Carter, Durham University MA student, September 2005; sorted and bundle listed by Ramona Riedzewski, Archives MA student at Dublin, March 2006; completed by Michael Stansfield May 2006.

UND/F9/A1/A1   2 April 1979
Printed Charity Commission scheme for St previous hitHild's College and the College of the Venerable Bede next hit, to become the St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit Trust, and the Robert Thompson Memorial Prize, a fund to award prizes to education students. The scheme outlines the appointment of trustees, their responsibilities, meetings and management of the estate. It also includes on pages 11 to 17 a schedule of the properties belonging to both colleges which were to be sold. Premises are assigned reference numbers which correspond to numbers found on some of the material within the collection of deeds in UND/F9/C3.
UND/F9/A1/A2   1979
Abstract of title of schemes and orders for previous hitHild and Bede next hit Colleges:
28 November 1967 Scheme for Bede College
25 June 1971 Scheme for Bede College
25 June 1971 Scheme for previous hitBede College
16 December 1971 Order for St Hild's next hit College
26 January 1972 Scheme for previous hitHild and Bede next hit Colleges
Annual Reports
Reference: UND/F9/A2
UND/F9/A2/1   [2005]
Annual report 2004-2005
By Dr Alan Pearson, principal, listing student and staff numbers.
Printed out from the college's website March 2006.
Reference: UND/F9/A3
UND/F9/A3/1   1989
150th anniversary
Cricket match programme, previous hitHild-Bede next hit (Past & Present) XI v Durham County XI, at Durham City Cricket Club, 23 September 1989.
Correspondence with the bursar, minutes and accounts, especially for a ball April 1988 - June 1989.
Programmes and invites for College Day, including the sermon of Lord Glenmara, and some correspondence, file of Rev Raymond de la Bat Smit, chaplain, 1989.
College Day cathedral service paper and instructions 13 May 1989.
Anniversary Ball programme 16 June 1989.
Sunrise Ball programme 23 June 1989.
Newspaper cuttings, including of an archive exhibition organised by James Hargrave.
Teeshirt, white, cotton/polyester, by Screen Stars, some colour migration, with printed on the front details of the anniversary and the ammonite and vesica badges.
150th anniversary mug, with a drawing in blue of the college, [designed by David Buchan], on white with a gold rim and “. the College of St previous hitHild + St Bede next hit . 150th Anniversary . 1939-1989 . Eadem Mutata Resurgo .”, by Holkham, England, from H.P. Raine (1919-2011).
Paper file
UND/F9/A3/2   2016
175th anniversary
Notice of likely events
175 Alumni College Day Lunch menu and ents pass 17 September 2016
175 lectures series posters
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9/B
Governing Body/Council
Reference: UND/F9/BA
UND/F9/BA1   December 1974 - November 1975
Governing Body minutes, agendas and papers, with some minutes of other committees such as finance, and with some correspondence.
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9/C
Reference: UND/F9/C1
Dates of creation: 2005
UND/F9/C1/1   2006
College Review, with sections: Self-Evaluation Document; Information Provided to Students; College Staff; Tutorial System; Audit Trail. Various college documents appended, including: annual report 2004/5; Open Days 2006 brochure; SCR handbook 2005/6; chapel term card Epiphany 2006; SRC weekly emails November 2005 - February 2006; college council minutes 18 February, 10 June, 28 October 2005.
Paper file
UND/F9/C1/2   1993
Heraldry, correspondence about the college's coat of arms, crest, badges, colours, with examples of various possible blazons from Marcia Wright.
Paper file
UND/F9/C1/3   2016 - 2017
College day invites and programmes.
Paper file
UND/F9/C1/4   2011 - 2013
Correspondence with alumni and their descendants about visiting the college and donating items.
Paper file
UND/F9/C1/5   2002, 2007/8
Principal's appointment diaries, with some circulars and correspondence about student discipline inserted in the 2002 diary.
2 hard-backed A4 books
UND/F9/C1/6   2020
Principal's messages to the SCR etc about the Covid-19 coronavirus situation and how the college is going to operate and then close down in the light of the pandemic.
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9/C2
UND/F9/C2/1   1954 - 1977
Gardens, notes of two visits to the St Hild site May and July with suggestions for work on the gardens by Michael Rowell, with two plans of the whole previous hitHild Bede next hit site, also a booklet Grounds Open to the public, including 6 July 1975, detailing the plants in each bed on the Bede site, and 4 other plans:
Outline landscape development proposal for Bede College, 30' to 1", [c.1970], by B. Hackett and B. Robson, landscape architects
St Hild's College Block Plan, 40' to 1", 5 November 1954, by Cordingley & McIntyre, Ds121/23
St previous hitHild's College Block Plan, 40' to 1", 5 November 1954, by Cordingley & McIntyre, Ds121/23, with annotations Bird Observations 1964
Bede next hit College High School Site, 16' to 1", [c.1970], by B. Hackett and B. Robson, marked up with plantings [?by Michael Rowell]
Paper file
Given by Michael Rowell
UND/F9/C2/2   [c.1980]
The Queen's Silver Jubilee Trust to help young people help others, for the Jarrow Group of previous hitHild Bede next hit College, [signed by Prince] Charles
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/C2/3   February 1984 - November 1988
previous hitHild Bede next hit Trust, correspondence concerning college property especially the chapels and Charles Strank House.
Paper file
Formerly numbered: G/28.
UND/F9/C2/4   [c.2005]
Notes on the motto and heraldry of the college and its antecedents.
Paper file
UND/F9/C2/5   [c.2000]
Plan of the college and information for visitos.
Paper, 2f
UND/F9/C2/6   July 1977
Plans of the dining hall and kitchen, by Spence & Price architects, scale 1:200.
Paper file
UND/F9/C2/7   1980, 1989
Invites for events:
Congregation dinner, 24 June 1980
Reception sponsored by Sir Fergus Montgomery MP, 14 July 1989
Card, 2f
UND/F9/C2/8   2019
Events at the college, posters and programmes:
2019 June 29, The stones of the Pont Neuf ... concert
Paper file
Property Deeds
Reference: UND/F9/C3
Dates of creation: 1781 - 1985 Transferred from Durham University's Estates and Buildings 17 March 2005, Acc No Misc.2004/2005:46.
Initial sorting and checking by Katie Carter, Durham University MA student, September 2005; sorted and bundle listed by Ramona Riedzewski, Archives MA student at Dublin, March 2006; completed by Michael Stansfield May 2006.

College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit
Reference: UND/F9/C3/A
UND/F9/C3/A1   [c.1980]
Photocopies of OS maps 10" to 1 mile for the sites of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit and their environs in Durham, and Brancepeth, with their properties outlined and deed bundle numbers, with a separate key, written on. Also a photocopy of a plan of a new wall on the S side of St Hild's Lane.
UND/F9/C3/A2   January - June 1979
Land charges register search certificates for the properties of the college, with photocopied deeds of 177/177a Gilesgate 10 April 1961, 15 Gilesgate 14 July 1950 and an abstract of title of 174 Gilesgate 1954, NCB declarations about coal seam workings under the college's properties, declarations by J.L. Lawrence chief administrative officer and G.F. Sharland bursar of the college as to the college's ownership of its properties, and a list of the deeds and documents of the college sent to the Land Registry 4 June 1979.
UND/F9/C3/A3   [c.1980]
Table of the various college spaces, their total areas, teaching and residential areas, and valuations.
UND/F9/C3/A4   22 January 1981
List of 24 deeds and other documents for the former previous hitHild and Bede next hit colleges in Durham and Brancepeth 1854-1979 sent to HM Land Registry.
St Hild's College
Reference: UND/F9/C3/B
St Hild's main site
Reference: UND/F9/C3/B1
Dates of creation: 1858 - 1979
UND/F9/C3/B1/1   27 February 1858
Conveyance of a site for “a Training School for Mistresses of Elementary Schools in the Diocese of Durham” by Durham dean and chapter to the bishop of Durham. With a plan. With a manuscript and a typescript copy.
UND/F9/C3/B1/2   13 February 1864
Conveyance of Pelaw Leazes, land between the college and the river Wear, by Durham dean and chapter to the bishop of Durham. With a plan.
UND/F9/C3/B1/3   29 September 1924
Letter from Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden to Messrs Wilsons, Ornsby and Cadle of Durham thanking them for the loan of the plan of the sale of ground to St Hild's college and St Giles's vestry about which he must see them again.
UND/F9/C3/B1/4   3 March 1925
Mortgage of St Hild's College and adjoining land to secure the advance of £5000 by the bishop of Durham as trustee of the college to Barclays Bank. With an order from the Board of Education of 3 March 1925 authorising this raising of funds for alterations and improvements to the dormitory called “The Precincts”, to be repaid over 10 years at £500 pa.
Draft is DCRO E/HB 1/278.
UND/F9/C3/B1/5   27 March 1925
Fire Insurance Policy of the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office for St Hild's college insured for £122,430.
UND/F9/C3/B1/6   17 February 1926
Further charge on St Hild's College and adjoining land to raise £7000 by the bishop of Durham as trustee of the college to Barclays Bank. With an order from the Board of Education of 15 January 1926 authorising this raising of funds for erecting new buildings and altering existing ones, to be repaid, along with the earlier loan, over 20 years at at least £600 pa.
Draft is DCRO E/HB 1/279.
UND/F9/C3/B1/7   17 November 1927
Land Registry search certificate for the bishop of Durham for St Hild's college.
UND/F9/C3/B1/8   30 January 1928
Fire Insurance Policy of the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office for St Hild's college insured for £126,450, with amendments of 29 January 1941 insuring it for £130,950.
UND/F9/C3/B1/9   10 February 1932
Notice from Barclays Bank to the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office of their interest in the St Hild's college estate.
UND/F9/C3/B1/10   12 December 1939
Order of the Board of Education for the governors of St Hild's college to borrow not more than £8000 to be repaid within 30 years to provide for a gymnasium.
UND/F9/C3/B1/11   25 July 1940
Land Registry search certificate for Barclays Bank for St Hild's college and estate.
UND/F9/C3/B1/12   15 August 1944
Order of the Minister of Education for the governors of St Hild's college to borrow not more than £642 6s 10d to be repaid within 30 years to meet the additional cost of providing a gymnasium.
UND/F9/C3/B1/13   25 September 1952
Letter from the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office to Barclays Bank giving notice of the new insurance policy for £293,408.
UND/F9/C3/B1/14   1979
Abstract of title for St Hild's college main site, including photocopies of documents.
Grove House, Belvedere House, Bower Banks
Reference: UND/F9/C3/B2
Dates of creation: early 19th century - 1979
UND/F9/C3/B2/1   early 19th century
Plan of [Blevedere House] and 2 adjacent tenements in Gilesgate, with occupiers Ann Laidler, Potts and Doubleday identified, titled “An Eye draft of certain houses &c in the Parish of Saint Giles / late Rawlings”, by P. Bowlby of Durham.
UND/F9/C3/B2/2   27 November 1852
Conveyance of a messuage and land in Gilesgate [freehold, leasehold and copyhold, at Bower Banks (including late Ovington's), Grove House, its drive, and Belvedere House] “to secure £1200 and subject thereto in Trust for Purchaser” by 1 to 4 and 5.
1. William Emerson Wooler of Durham city, esq.
2. John Gregson of Staindrop, esq.
3. George Gregson of Durham city, esq.
4. Henry Bell of West Sherburn, gent.
5. William Darling of Durham city, gent.
With a coloured plan and a schedule of related documents 1790-1846.
UND/F9/C3/B2/3   27 November 1852
Gilligate manor, surrender of, by William Emmerson Wooler to William Darling.
UND/F9/C3/B2/4   6 April 1867
Lease by Durham dean and chapter to William Darling of Durham city, gent, of three “garths or decayed burgages” [Grove House drive and stables], as previously leased to Darling and Christopher Alcock on 18 May 1853, for 40 years at 4s p.a. with 1s land tax. With a plan.
UND/F9/C3/B2/5-7   1872
Abstract of title to the premises as in 2 belonging to the executors of the late Henry Bell mortgage to the executors of the late William Darling to raise £1200, 1852-1869, with an additional and further additional abstracts.
UND/F9/C3/B2/8   3 September 1872
Transfer of a mortgage for £1200 on the premises as in 2 by 1 to 3 in trust for 2.
1. John Tiplady of Durham city, gent, and William Ainsley of Durham city, printer.
2. John Brownless of Durham city, guano merchant, and George Winlow Hudson of Bishopwearmouth, shipowner.
3. William Boyd of Durham city, surgeon.
UND/F9/C3/B2/9   1875
Abstract of the wills of the late Henry Bell (died 15 December 1864) and Dorothy Ann Bell (died 8 October 1867), 1859-1874.
UND/F9/C3/B2/10   14 June 1876
Conveyance of 1's share of the premises in 2 and Fleming Field Farm, near Shotton Colliery, Easington, bequeathed to him by the will of Dorothy Ann Bell late of Belvedere House who died 8 October 1867, by
1. John Story of Hartlepool, labourer.
2. Robert Story of Elwick, farmer.
With a coloured plan of the Gilesgate properties and a schedule of all the properties.
UND/F9/C3/B2/11   29 November 1876
Further charge of £200 and interest on the premises in 2 by
Robert Story of Elwick, farmer, to
John Brownless of Durham city, guano merchant.
UND/F9/C3/B2/12   5 March 1887
Transfer of a mortgage and further charge for securing £1400 on the premises in 2.
1. William Boyd of Durham, surgeon.
2. John Brownless of Belmont Hall, seed merchant.
3. William Coulson of High Coniscliffe, gent.
UND/F9/C3/B2/13   30 October 1894
Transfer of mortgages for the premises in 2 with the New Brancepeth Hotel, land in Tudhoe and the Fighting Cocks Inn in Durham by
Francis Coulson of Aykley Heads, mining engineer, and Henry Lawrence of The Grange, ironworks manager, as the representatives of William Coulson who died on 24 January 1894, to
the said Francis Coulson.
UND/F9/C3/B2/14   24 March 1905
Transfer of a mortgage on the premises in 2 to secure £1400 and interest by
Francis Coulson of Sherburn Hall, engineer, to
Frederick Marshall of Durham city, solicitor.
UND/F9/C3/B2/15   25 March 1907
Transfer of a mortgage on the premises in 2 to secure £1400 and interest by
Frederick Marshall of Durham, solicitor, to
Mary Story of Haswell, widow.
UND/F9/C3/B2/16   8 July 1908
Bill of Amos Hunt & Co of The Wolsingham Bottling Co to Messrs Raybole and Daniels for harness fittings and poultry, with a note agreeing to transfer the land [Bower Banks] to Raybole and Hunt at the present rental of £10, signed by Amos Stephen Hunt.
UND/F9/C3/B2/17   19 March 1909
Tenancy agreement for Bower Banks on a yearly basis at £10 pa by
Mary Story of Haswell, widow, to
Henry Raybole of 4 Ellis Leazes, Durham, and Alfred Daniel of 4 John St, Durham.
UND/F9/C3/B2/18   11 July 1910
Mortgage for £25, with a further charge of 13 January 1912 for £10, by
Robert Story of Wingate, butcher, son and executor of Robert Story late of Fleming Field Farm, died 6 December 1878, to
Frederick Marshall of Durham city, solicitor.
UND/F9/C3/B2/19   23 September 1912
Further charge for £25 by
Robert Story of Wingate, butcher, to
Frederick Marshall of Durham, solicitor.
UND/F9/C3/B2/20   3 August 1915
3 Inland Revenue certificates of payment of estate duty for the late Mary Story on Grove House and Belvedere House, a stable [for Grove House] in Church Lane and Bower Banks.
UND/F9/C3/B2/21   31 December 1915
Lease by 1 to 2 of the tenement [comprising Grove House drive, as in 2] for 21 years at £8 pa.
1. Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
2. James Paulinus Jones of Upper Denby, Wakefield, retired corn merchant, John Bowey Scott of Seaham Harbour, solicitor, and Henry Mitchell of Haswellin, dairy farmer and carting contractor, executors of Mary Story late of Waswell, died 21 January 1911.
3. Robert Story of North Road, Wingate, butcher, John Story of Haswell, labourer, and George Story of North Road, Wingate, labourer.
With a plan.
UND/F9/C3/B22   24 November 1917
Gilligate manor admittance of James Paulinus Jones, John Bowey Scott and Henry Mitchell as devisees in trust under the will of Mary Story, died 21 January 1911.
UND/F9/C3/B2/23   1919
Abstract of title to freehold and copyhold properties in Gilesgate held by Robert Story and others, 1877-1917. With a draft.
UND/F9/C3/B2/24   1919
Additional abstract of title to freehold and copyhold properties in Gilesgate held by Robert Story and others, 1910-1912. With a draft.
UND/F9/C3/B2/25   27 November 1919
Sale particulars of houses and land of Robert Story, George Story and Thomas William Scott, being “Grove House”, “Belvedere House”, land at Bower Banks, a stable at Church Lane, and fields at Dragon Villa, with a plan of the Gilesgate properties, annotated as 4 lots.
UND/F9/C3/B2/26   1920
Abstract of title to freehold and copyhold properties in Gilesgate, 1894-1918. With a copy.
UND/F9/C3/B2/27   18 May 1920
Order of the Board of Education allowing the trustees of St Hild's college to purchase Grove House and Bower Banks for £1155. With 2 copies.
UND/F9/C3/B2/28   19 June 1920
Reconveyance and reassignment and covenant to resurrender the premises in 2 on the discharge of a mortgage debt of £1400 secured on them.
1. James Paulinus Jones of Wakefield, retired corn merchant, John Bowey Scott of Seaham Harbour, solicitor, and Henry Mitchell of Haswell, dairy farmer and carting contractor.
2. Thomas William Scott of West Hartlepool.
3. Robert Story of Stainton in Cleveland, butcher, John Story of Hesledon, labourer, and George Story of Wingate, labourer.
UND/F9/C3/B2/29   3 July 1920
Reconveyance of premises on the discharge of a mortgage debt of £60 secured on them by Emily Marshall of Durham city, widow and executrix of Frederick Marshall who died on 9 May 1918, to Robert Story of Wingate, butcher.
UND/F9/C3/B2/30   5 July 1920
Conveyance of Bower Banks and Grove House by
Robert Story of Stainton in Cleveland, butcher, George Story of Wingate, labourer, and John Story of Hesledon, labourer to
Col Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, esq, Rev Dawson Walker of the College, Rev John Hall How of Durham city and John Falshaw Hobson of Durham city, esq.
UND/F9/C3/B2/31   26 November 1924
Mortgage of Grove House to raise £2000 to be repaid over 4 years by the trustees of St Hild's college to Edmund Kendal Grimston Aylmer of Walworth Castle, Col (retired), 19th Hussars.
Added is a transfer of the mortgage by Allan Aylmer Luxmoore of 5 North Bailey, solicitor and executor of the will of Edmund Kendal Grimston Aylmer who died on 28 March 1931, and Arthur Neville Eade of Kirkby Wharfe, Tadcaster, land agent, (both executors to Gerald Percy Vivian Aylmer, co-executor of E.K.G. Aylmer, who died on 20 December 1936) to Eliza Ann Cullingford of 7 Deacons Lane, Ely, widow, 28 May 1937.
Added also is a receipt by Eliza Ann Cullingford for the balance of the mortgage 11 November 1939.
UND/F9/C3/B2/C32   17 August 1931
Compensation agreement between the Marquess of Londonderry and Mr and Mrs Albert Payneter Hall over land and premises in Gilligate manor.
UND/F9/C3/B2/33   9 August 1935
Lease of [Grove House drive] by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the bishop of Durham for 21 years at £8 pa. With a plan. 2 copies.
One copy numbered 389788 (?Ecclesiastical Commissioners number).
UND/F9/C3/B2/34   28 May - 17 September 1956
Conveyance of Grove House drive by the Church Commissioners to the bishop of Durham as trustee of St Hild's college for £200, 31 July.
With associated land charges searches, statutory declaration, Order of the Minister of Education permitting the purchase, and a deed of appointment of the bishop of Durham as trustee to receive this conveyance, by the executors of the late Rowland Burdon, the last of the four previous trustees.
UND/F9/C3/B2/35   1979
Abstract of title to Grove House 1924-1956.
UND/F9/C3/B2/36   1979
Abstract of title to Bower Banks land and land at the back of Alma Terrace 1920-1968.
UND/F9/C3/B2/37   1925 - 1979
Schedules of and receipts for bundles of the above deeds.
UND/F9/C3/B3   20 December 1889 – 22 February 1985
Durham City, 168A, 169, 170, 170A and 171 Gilesgate, situated between the vicarage and Grove House on the S side of Gilesgate.
The properties are divided into two lots, both lastly owned by Carrville Developments Limited, High Street, Carrville, County Durham. The company purchased 168A, 169 and 170 on the 28 December 1963 (No 24) from Norman and Phyllis Ethel Stout, of 2 South End, Durham City. By a conveyance dated 24 March 1965 (No 33), the bishop of Durham acquired on behalf of Saint Hild's College the land of the recently demolished buildings known as 168A, 169, 170 Gilesgate from Carrville Developments Limited. The company purchased the properties at 170A and 171 from the trustees of the Gilligate Church Estate Charity by a conveyance dated the 9 January 1964 (No 27). No deed for the purchase of number 170A and 171 is present. However in a letter dated 6 April 1965 (No 34) from E. Luxmore, 5 North Bailey, Durham to Miss K.A. Diggle, at Saint Hild's College, Durham it is apparent that the sale had been completed.
Other parties, including Thomas Heppell elder 1889, Thomas Heppell younger 1889, James Heppell Marr 1902-1923, William Granville Maddison 1919, Albert Payneter Hall 1923, and Mrs Emma Carr 1946-1947.
37 items 
No 3 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/B4   29 June 1869 – 4 June 1979
Durham City, Manor House, Manor Lodge and Manor Cottage and 172 Gilesgate, Gilesgate area.
Material relating to the said premises, which were purchased by Saint Hild's College from Alan Edgar Frederic Dickinson, Manor House, Gilesgate, Durham City by a conveyance dated 13 July 1965 (no 24).
Other parties listed.
29 items 
No 4 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/B5   1903 – 1979
Durham City, Alma Terrace, off Gilesgate.
In 1892 Robert and William Morris, sons of William Morris, inherited from their father Roger Rule's mortgage of the premises at Alma Terrace comprising two houses at 176 and 177 Gilesgate, six dwelling houses, Alma House, outhouses and yards.
The following conveyances detail purchases by St Hild's College:
1A, 2A, 3A and 4A Alma Terrace: purchased from Miss Mabel Gertrude Salkeld, 1 September 1969 (No 29).
4 Alma Terrace: purchased from Bryan and Olga Morgan, of 49 Bradford Crescent, Gilesgate, Durham City, 12 March 1969 (No 21).
5 Alma Terrace: purchased from Thomas Pickles of 8 Almond Drive, Castletown, Sunderland, County Durham, 14 September 1967 (No 20).
6 Alma Terrace: purchased from the trustees of the Court Saint Cuthbert Number 481 of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, 21 July 1904 (No 6).
7 & 8 Alma Terrace or Alma House: purchased from Robert and William Morris, 18 June 1903 (No 4).
Other parties listed.
34 items 
Nos 5 & 6 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/B6   1884 – 1979
Durham City, York Cottage, situated to the rear of 178 Gilesgate, Gilesgate area.
Deeds for the property purchased by the college from Mrs Frances Emma Mary Stafford of Consett and Mrs Maud Edith Draper, 31 December 1925 (copy in No 13).
Other parties: Mr and Mrs Ingleby Thomas Miller 1884, Thomas Hall 1884-1896, William Edmondson 1884-1893, Thomas Kirtley 1896
13 items 
No 7 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/B7   20 February 1863 - 4 June 1979
Durham City, Haworth Building and School House or St Hild's mixed junior and infants demonstration school, St Hilds Lane, Gilesgate area.
The site, in the area between Gilesgate, St Hilds Lane and Leazes Lane, was acquired in 3 phases: 20 February 1863 from Frances Anne marchioness of Londonderry; 28 October 1899 from Sir Lindsay Wood bt; 16 January 1901 from Charles Stewart marquess of Londonderry. The school's trustee (the bishop of Durham) then sold the school and site to the college 4 August 1966.
8 items 
No 9 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/B8   10 February 1912 – 1979
Durham City, 12 Gilesgate.
On 10 February 1912, Miss Fanny Burdon transferred the remainder of a 99 year lease, (taken out on 13 May 1870), to Miss Jane Heron, who, married to Edward Hodgson, in 1932 purchased the property for £21 18s 1d from Charles Stewart Vane Tempest marquess of Londonderry. Following her death in 1951, her sister Isabella Heron of 31 Western Hill, Durham City, was vested with the property which she sold to St. Hild's College on 24 February 1956.
16 items 
No 10 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
St Bede's College
Reference: UND/F9/C3/C
UND/F9/C3/C1   20 June 1899 – 11 November 1975
Durham City, Bede College.
Material relating to the grounds and building constituting the main buildings of Bede College. Includes a mortgage of the college estates 20 June 1899, valuations of college buildings 31 March 1915, approval by the Board of Education for mortgages for alterations and improvements to several buildings 24 August 1926 and 20 February 1931, and repayments thereof, and a lease of the college to The National Society [for the duration of the national emergency] 1 October 1941. The bundle further includes references to the premises known as “Rossleigh” and “The Gables”, as well as insurance policies for college buildings. There are also notes of 19th century deeds sent to the Board of Education in 1906 and deeds deposited with the National Westminster Bank in 1975.
32 items 
UND/F9/C3/C2   27 September 1845 - 1979
Durham City, 6 and 6A Pelaw Leazes, Bede College site.
Conveyance by Durham dean and chapter to the bishop of Durham of the “Site for a School for the Training of Masters of Elementary Schools”, 27 September 1845. Also a lease of 6 and 6a Pelaw Leazes Lane by Charles Duncombe Shafto 28 September 1907, renewed by Mrs Helena Rosa Duncombe Shafto 20 September 1921.
6 items 
No 11 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C3   20 July 1854 - 1979
Durham City, Pelaw Leazes land, partly bounded on the north by the premises at 6 and 6A, Bede College site.
Conveyance by Durham dean and chapter to the bishop of Durham of land for the site for Bede College, 20 July 1854, with a release from the annual £4 10s 2d rent therefrom 20 July 1864.
3 items 
No 12 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C4   7 December 1857 – 1979
Durham City, Pelaw Leazes land, partly bounded on the east by the premises at 6 and 6A, Bede College site.
Conveyance by James Jackson to the bishop of Durham of land for the site for Bede College, 8 November 1861.
Other parties: John Crozier 1857.
With a lease of part of the site to the North-Eastern Electricity Supply Co Ltd as a site for a substation on the S side of Pelaw Leazes Lane 9 April 1934, with correspondence about its extension in 1936.
7 items 
No 13 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C5   25 June 1781 – 1979
Durham City, two pieces of land situated in Gilesgate adjoining Bede College.
Conveyance by Robert John Ellis to trustees for the college, 24 December 1891.
Other parties: Miss Ann Burdus of Newcastle upon Tyne 1781, John Carr of Hertford 1781, John Carr 1859, Rev Charles Thomas Whitley 1859-1891, Rev Robert Stainton Ellis 1868-1882, Mrs Mary Ellis 1868-1882, John Thomas Warrington 1882-1891, William Edmund Ball 1882-1891, Robert John Ellis 1891, Francis William Arkcoll 1891, William Tone 1892, Miss Ada Tone 1901, A.A. Johnson 1901, S.J. Robson 1901.
18 items 
No 14 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C6   23 November 1900 – 1979
Durham City, premises formerly known as Kipling land or Pelaw Garden building estate, in Pelaw Leazes, fronting Front St, Gilesgate area.
Conveyance by Mrs Jane Kipling to the college 16 November 1910.
Other parties: Thomas Kipling 1900.
5 items 
No 15 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C7   23 May 1907 – 4 June 1979
Durham City, Pelaw Leazes Garden estate, Gilesgate.
Conveyance by Mrs Jane Kipling, of 9 Rhodes Terrace, Neville's Cross, to the college, 12 January 1934. Includes also J.T. Pegge's March 1924 plan of building plots, road sections, and levels on the estate, with details of plots sold, held by Jane Kipling, and notifications by Durham Corporation of the laying of sewers across the land in 1907.
10 items 
No 16 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C8   23 September 1856 – 2 February 1979
Durham City, “Rossleigh”, Pelaw Leazes Lane, Gilesgate area.
Material relating to the purchase of the house and ground known as “Rossleigh”. The triangular shaped property is bounded by Pelaw Leazes Lane to the north-west and the River Wear to the south. The grounds were purchased by Francis Lockey, of Pelaw Leazes, Durham City, from the trustees of the Blue Coat School, 31 December 1901. Lockey's daughters, Mary Isabella and Edith Grace Lockey, sold the house to the college, 30 September 1936.
21 items 
No 17 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C9   22 November 1900 – 1979
Durham City, “The Gables”, Pelaw Leazes, Gilesgate area.
Material relating to the purchase of the land and building known as “The Gables” by Frank William Goodyear from Harry Bottomley by a conveyance dating the 21 April 1913, and then sold by Goodyear to the college on 31 August 1938. The plan on No 1 (1900) is marked up with the various sales of the other plots on the Pelaw Leazes estate.
Other parties: Marquis of Londonderry 1900, Thomas Kipling 1900, Mrs Jane Kipling 1910.
20 items 
No 18 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C10   5 August 1924 – 2 February 1979
Durham City, “Easdale”, Gilesgate area.
Material relating to the purchase of premises known as “Easdale” and a right of way to it over adjoining premises. It was purchased for the college from the representatives of the will of William Smith, late of “Easdale” on 3 January 1961, who then leased back the property until they surrendered it on 4 June 1975. A compromise agreement was drawn up on 1 September 1964 for a right of way to gain access to “Easdale” between Henry John Gillman, of 44 Saddler Street, Durham City, and Norman Stout, of “Ingleside”, Whinney Hill, Durham City, on the first part and the Durham Diocesan Board of Finance and Frank Kenneth Gerald Collier for Bede College on the other part.
10 items 
No 19 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C11   18 May 1920 – 1979
Durham City, 167 and 168 Gilesgate, known as Belvedere House.
Acquired, as copyhold property, by Bede College from Robert Story of Stainton in Cleveland, George Story of Wingate and John Story of Hesledon, 5 July 1920. Rented out by previous hitBede College to St Hild's next hit College for 3 years for a peppercorn rent, 4 October 1938.
11 items 
No 20 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C12   25 September 1969
Durham City, [Pelaw House], off St Hilds lane, Gilesgate.
Conveyance by the City of Durham to [Bede College].
No 21 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C12   18 September 1880 - 1979
Durham City, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Ravensworth Terrace, on the S side of Gilesgate.
The premises were initially part of an agreement dating 18 September 1880 entered into by Joseph and William Sutton and Frederick Morgan, with the condition of then entering into an agreement with Ralph Sanderson with a restricted definition of use of the premises. Upon the execution of the latter's will, James Sanderson was vested with the properties numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6 Ravensworth Terrace and their assigned uses restriction. His son James William Sanderson subsequently became vested with the properties in 1912 upon the death of James. The premises were sold off individually, and eventually became property of Bede College by purchases as follows:
No 3: purchased from Durham County Council, 3 May 1971.
No 4: purchased from Mr. John Espenett Caffyn, 12 February 1957.
Nos 5, 6 and 7: purchased from the Durham High School for Girls, 29 February 1968.
The file also includes a mortgage between James William Sanderson and George Stainton over 3, 5 and 6 Ravensworth Terrace for securing £1500 at 5% 28 February 1935, as well as an agreement between William Marshall and James Sanderson for the installation of windows 1 October 1892, and notice of the sale of No.1 Ravensworth Terrace by Ralph Sanderson to Durham County Police Authority 6 October 1948, and a conveyance of 18 June 1892 from J. Patrick and R.W. Salkeld to Arthur Sanderson of 1, 7 and 8 Ravensworth Terrace, 17 Sutton St, 21 Sherburn Road and property in Church Lane, Gilesgate.
Other parties: Arthur Sanderson 1892, Walter Turner McDermid 1921, City and County of Durham Permanent Benefit Building Society 1921, Mrs Margaret Ann Bell 1925, Jonathan Hayton Bell 1925, Mary Ovington Trotter 1925, Miss Marian Langley Stafford Smith 1925, Miss Charlotte Hester Kerr 1934, Kelvin Warwick Thompson 1946, Miss Elsie Lathaen Bell 1951, National Provincial Bank Ltd 1947-1961, Mrs Dora Sanderson 1961.
75 items 
Nos 22-25 in the schedule in the Charity Commission Scheme in UND/F9/A1/A1.
UND/F9/C3/C14   2 November 1948 - 1979
Brancepeth, “Stockley Grove”
Formerly married quarters used by the War Department, these buildings were conveyed to the college by Castle Estates (Brancepeth) Ltd 3 September 1963. A mortgage had subsequently to be raised to pay for their conversion for use as boarding accommodation.
14 items 
UND/F9/C3/C15   25 May 1964
Schedule of deeds for 1, 2 and 5 Pelaw Leazes received by National Provincial Bank, Durham. 2 copies, 1 signed.
UND/F9/C3/C16   27 November 1852 - 17 August 1931
Gilligate manor
Surrender by W.
3 items 
Reference: UND/F9/C4
UND/F9/C4/C1   1975 - 2022
Special service papers:
Service of Dedication 16 October 1975
College Day in Durham cathedral 22 May 1976, 13 May 1978, 26 May 1979 (with Christopher Evans's sermon), 13 May 1989 (150th anniversary), 7 May 1994, 7 May 2011, 2 May 2015, 17 September 2016, 10 June 2017, 4 May 2019
Angel Lawrence memorial service 11 May 1979, with Nina Joachim's address
Inter-collegiate chapel choirs evensong, 29 January 2017, 3 February 2019
College evensong 1 & 15 February 2017
Advent Carol Service 4 December 1975
Nine Lessons and Carols 10 December 2017, 9 December 2018, 8 December 2019, 5 December 2021
Morning Prayer 11 November 2018
Sunday Eucharist 26 May & 2 June 2019
John Vernon Armitage memorial service, 10 January 2020
Passiontide service, 22 March 2022
Paper file
UND/F9/C4/C2   [2013] - [2018]
Regular service papers :
Compline [2013]; Holy Eucharist in Advent [2013], Ascensiontide/Pentecost [2013] and the Kingdom Season [2013]; Choral Evensong [2014]; Ash Wednesday [?2013]; Act of Remembrance [2018].
6 paper leaflets
UND/F9/C4/D1   2005 - 2015
Chapel of the Venerable Bede term cards, detailing contacts and services/events, for Lent 2005, Easter 2006, Epiphany 2007, Michaelmas 2013, Epiphany and Michaelmas 2014, Epiphany and Easter 2015.
8 card leaflets
UND/F9/C4/D2   Michaelmas 2013 - Michaelmas 2019
Music and anthem texts for each term:
2013 Michaelmas
2014 Epiphany, Easter
2017 Epiphany, Michaelmas
2018 Epiphany, Easter
2019 Michaelmas
Paper file
UND/F9/C4/D3   December 2013, June 2014, 21 October [2018]
Chapel Matters, weekly newsheet
Paper file
UND/F9/C4/D4   [2014]
The Chaplaincy Guide to Stress Less or Bede Chapel ... the place to be ...
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/F9/C4/D5   [c.2005]
Chapel welcome card, signed by the chaplain Jonathan Lawson, showing a wedding in the chapel.
Printed colour photo card
Size: 105 x 150mm
UND/F9/C4/D6   1985 - 2019
Battle of Ypres remembrance ceremonies
An Act of Commemoration and Remembrance programme 26 April 1985, listing the music played by the 7th Battalion the Light Infantry, with some information about the unit and the role of its DLI antecedent and Bede College in WW1.
An Act of Remembrance to Commemorate the Battle of Gravenstafel Ridge in the Second Battle of Ypres 25 April 1915 order of service, with a note on the college and the DLI, and a printout of a photo of 3 members of [Durham University OTC] c.WW1 and notes on it by Harry Moses 22 April 2017, also 21 April 2018, 27 April 2019
Paper file
UND/F9/C4/D7   1975 - 2020
Programmes of concerts in the chapel:
Christmas concert by the college music dept, 8 December 1975.
A Concert Celebrating the Renovation of the Chapel, 12 June [2010], with Durham Polyphony and Players.
Singing for Syrians, 22 February 2019, 21 February 2020.
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9/C5
UND/F9/C5/1   July 1979 - February 1984
Accession slips detailing author, order no., title, place/publisher, date, series, price, date ordered, ISBN, suggested by, bookseller, hastened, date received, class, added entries, no of entries, accession no, date, and notes, nos.B/018000--B/026159
A5 paper slips filed at the foot on string
Ceolfrid Trust
Reference: UND/F9/C6
UND/F9/C6/1   [?1990]
College of St previous hitHild & St Bede next hit University of Durham An Appeal to fund the development of Stranks House and postgraduate centre.
Printed colour illustrated paper brochure
Reference: UND/F9/D
UND/F9/D1   October 2012
Welcome pack for freshers, including welcome letters from the principal and SRC president, information about registration, medical, linen, fees, parking, rooms and chapel.
Paper file
UND/F9/D2   [c.1977]
School of Science handbook, with details of courses taught.
Inserted: sample headed notepaper and a check-list of the plants in the pond at Leazes House by M.T. Rowell.
Printed paper booklet, 28p in card covers
UND/F9/D3   1976 - 1978
Card index of students, detailing names, courses, home and college addresses, with BW photographs.
A5 cards
UND/F9/D4   1975 - 1987
Photographs of new students for: 1975 (photocopies), 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987.
Card files with BW prints stuck in
UND/F9/D5   1975 - 1986
College lists, detailing annually student names, by course, with their room numbers and a key, also college lodgings, tutors and hostel wardens, for:
1975/6, 1977/8, 1978/9, 1980/1, 1981/2, 1982/3, 1983/4, 1984/5, 1986 (freshers only).
Paper file
UND/F9/D6   2016
Lecture posters:
Bruce Christensen, 15 March 2016
Paper file
Associations, clubs and societies
Reference: UND/F9/E
previous hitHild Bede next hit Students' Representative Council (SRC)
Reference: UND/F9/E1
UND/F9/E1/A1   20 October 1991 - 12 June 1994
SRC and executive minutes
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/A2   1 November 1998 - 21 January 2002
SRC minute book
Paper book
UND/F9/E1/A3   1 November 1998 - 17 June 2001
SRC minutes, with some agendas and papers, including accounts for 2001.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/A4   October - December 2004, January - June 2006
SRC minutes
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/A5   April 2003 - February 2007
SRC Executive Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/A6   March 2007 - October 2010
SRC Executive Committee minute book
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/B1   1995 - 2012
SRC annual accounts/financial statements for 1986-1988, 1995, 1997-2002 (2002 includes notes on procedures/advice for successor from [the treasurer]), 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/B2   1999 & 2001
Insurance policies, combined and smallcraft, with Endsleigh.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/B3   August 2005 - December 2010
Cash book
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/B4   2004 - 2008
Clubs and Societies finances, including grant applications 2004, 2005 and 2007, and lists of grants awarded, programme for the Clubs & Societies awards dinner 8 March 2005, list of college colours awarded 2008, constitution for the previous hitHild Bede next hit Table Tennis Club, notes on the Summer Society, and letters from the principal and SRC president to the bank re club/society accounts March 2005.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/C1   2003 - 2004
“Livers Out Book” of Charlie Cripps including objectives, draft guide, and reps meeting minutes.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/C2   2005 - 2009
SRC elections, including nomination forms/manifestoes and results, also some motions, blank forms, and notices for SRC meetings.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/C3   August 2006 - March 2007
SRC president's file of principally DSU Presidents' committee agendas, minutes and papers, but also much previous hitHild Bede next hit material including some minutes of college committees and their papers, and correspondence.
2 paper files
UND/F9/E1/C4   November 2009 - June 2010
SRC president's file of college meetings minutes, agendas and papers, including college council, finance and college day.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/C5   2011 - 2012
SRC [?graduate president's] file of their attendance at the following college committees: finance, bar, college council, house and catering, Caedmon/Coelfrid Trust, College Day; also [DSU] MCR Prescomm.
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/D1   1993 - 2017
Student Handbook and Guide (1993), then Freshers' Handbook for 1995 with details of all aspects of life as a student in the college, organisations, individuals etc, for 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998-2005, 2007-2009, 2011-2015, 2017.
20 printed paper booklets
UND/F9/E1/D2   1977 - 2016
Social events ephemera:
Snowball, 2 December 1977, programme and invite,
70's fever with DJ Longworth ticket, 7 October [c.1978]
The Good, The Bad + The Ugly Christmas Ball 7 December [1984], poster
College Day 18 May [1985], poster
High Society [ball] 21 June [1985], poster
The Land of Make Believe Christmas Ball 6 December 1985, poster
College Day 17 May 1986, poster
Charity Ball 20 June 1986, poster
The Empire Strikes Back Christmas Ball 5 December [1986], poster
First Gatsby Ball 19 June 1987, poster
Live and Let Lash ticket [c.1990s]
Deep Blue, Blues Brothers Review 19 June [1992], poster
Charity Fashion Show, 2 March 2010, programme
Venetian Masquerade Ball, 6 December [2013], poster
Student Rock Night posters [2013]
New York, 15 June 2016, invite
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/D3   1998 - 2014
Yearbooks, with reports and images of college activities and members, for: 1997/98, 1998/99, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2004/05, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2013/14.
10 printed paper books
UND/F9/E1/D4   2008 - 2015
Postgraduate Handbook, detailing all aspects of life as a postgraduate at the college for 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014/5 (titled as the 3rd edition), and 2015/6.
5 printed paper booklets
UND/F9/E1/D5   2008 & 2014
previous hitHild Bede next hit Naked Calendar of various college clubs and societies in a state of undress, for 2008 and 2014.
2 printed calendars
UND/F9/E1/D6   2016
Academic events ephemera:
Postgraduate Society's undergraduate symposium, 11 June 2016, posters
Paper file
UND/F9/E1/D7   [c.1992]
previous hitHild Bede next hit SRC blank headed notepaper:
Tempore president Rachel Morgan
Paper, 1f
previous hitHild Bede next hit Senior Common Room
Reference: UND/F9/E2
UND/F9/E2/AA1   July 2017 - June 2019
SCR AGM minutes, agendas and accounts, including the constitution of 6 Juy 2017.
Paper file
UND/F9/E2/D1   [March 2010]
SCR concerts programmes:
Chapel, by previous hitHild Bede next hit chapel choir and organist [March 2010]
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/E2/D2   Epiphany 2005, Easter 2018
SCR term cards, including dates, booking for meals, phone numbers, booking slips, and details of facilities etc.
Paper file
UND/F9/E2/D3   2005/06 - 2012/13
SCR Handbook for 2005/06, 2006/7, 2008/9, 2009/10, 2012/3.
5 paper booklets
UND/F9/E2/D4   December 2017 - December 2021
SCR events, meetings, formals (including menus), including talks programme for 2018/19, History conference 8 December [2018] (cancelled), proposed St Hild monument.
Paper file
previous hitHild Bede next hit Dramatic/Drama Society/Theatre
Reference: UND/F9/E3
UND/F9/E3/D1   1992 - 2012
Posters for performances in Caedmon Hall unless otherwise detailed:
Oh What A Lovely War, 5-8 March 1992
Sweet Charity, 8-10 March 2007.
Little Shop of Horror, 29 February - 3 March [2012].
Pygmalion, 23-25 November [c.2010].
previous hitHild Bede next hit Revue with Pippa van Welie, 29 November [c.2010].
Little Shop of Horrors, 1-3 March [c.2010].
UND/F9/E3/D2   1975 - 2022
Programmes for performances in Caedmon Hall unless otherwise stated:
N.F. Simpson, One Way Pendulum, 27-30 May 1975.
Tom Stoppard, The Real Inspector Hound, Little Theatre, 29 November - 2 December 1975.
Drama Dept main course presentations 3-4 December 1975
Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons, 27 November 1976, with a review
Journey's End, 18-22 February [1977].
Charles Laurence, My Fat Friend, 11 March 1977, Little Theatre, with a covering note.
West Side Story, 25-27 April 1996, programme
Little Shop of Horrors, 1-3 March 2001, poster
Arthur Miller, All My Sons, January 2002, programme.
Anthony Drewe, Honk!, 12-15 March 2003, programme & flyer.
William Sutcliffe, New Boy, 5-7 February 2004, Assembly Rooms, programme.
Anything Goes, 9-11 March [?2006], poster.
Geroegs Feydeau, A Flea in Her Ear, 7-9 February [2013], poster
Chicago The Musical, 26 February - 1 March 2014, with a review.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 26-29 November 2014.
Audience, 12-14 February 2015.
Rock 'n' Roll, by Tom Stoppard, 12-14 November 2015, with a review.
House of Dracula (Freshers' play), 26-28 November 2015, with a review.
Midsummer's Night Dream, 28-30 January 2016, with a ticket and review.
The Producers, 24-27 February 2016, with a review.
Sebastian Ng, Between Ambition and Anxiety, 10-11 June 2016, with reviews.
Irvine Welsh, Trainspotting, 21-23 June 2016, with reviews.
Terry Johnson, The Graduate, 9-12 November 2016, with preview and reviews.
Molière, Tartuffe, 24-26 November 2016, with reviews.
Coming Home: a Concert, 11 December 2016, Assembly Rooms.
Ella Hickson, Eight, 26-28 January 2017, reviews.
Rock of Ages, 22-25 February 2017, programme & reviews.
Evan Linder & Andrew Hobgood, 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche, 26-28 October 2017, Assembly Rooms, programme, poster & reviews; also Gala Theatre, 5 June 2018, programme, flyer, poster & reviews
Willy Russell, Blood Brothers, 16-18 November 2017, reviews.
Matthew Leavitt, The Boomerang Effect, 30 November - 2 December 2017, programme & review.
Cabaret, 21-24 February 2018, programme & reviews.
Jonathan Harvey, Beautiful Thing, 20-22 June 2018, programme & reviews.
Denise Deegan, Daisy Pulls It Off, 1-3 November 2018, poster and reviews.
Caryl Churchill, Love & Information, 22-24 November 2018, programme and reviews.
Duncan MacMillan, Every Brilliant Thing, Cafédral, 6-8 December 2018, programme, flyer, reviews.
Roger O Hirson and Stephen Schwartz, Pippin, 22-23 February 2019, programme, poster and reviews.
Finola Southgate, We'll Have Nun Of It, 25-26 June 2019, poster and review
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper, adapted by Eliza Jones, 25-26 June 2019, poster and reviews
John Buchan, The 39 Steps, 14-16 November 2019, programme and reviews
Woody Allen, Death, 21-23 November 2019, poster and reviews
Disco Inferno, 20-22 February 2020, reviews
Alfred Hitchcock, The Lady Vanishes, 26-27 November 2021, programme & poster
Made in Dagenham, 3-5 March 2022, programme, poster & review
Paper file
Bede Film Society
Reference: UND/F9/E4
UND/F9/E4/C1   [June] 2007
Bede Film Society (10), outside with the cathedral beyond, in casual dress including various Film Society branded items, holding an outsize film ticket, unidentified.
Copy colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
UND/F9/E4/C2   8 February 1994
Agreement on the relationship between the SRC and Bede Filmsoc.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/E4/D1   [2011] - [2019]
Posters for showings:
X-Men First Class, 8/9 October [2011].
The Master, 23 February [2013].
Les Misérables, 9/10 March [2013].
Man of Steel, 19/20 October [2013].
Monsters University, 2/3 November [2013].
The Wolverine, 9/10 November [2013].
Rush, 7/8 December [2013].
Mandela Long Walk to Freedom, 5 March [2014].
The Wolf of Wall Street, 15/16 March [2014].
The Grand Budapest Hotel, 7 May [2014].
Her, 1 June [2014]
Muppets Most Wanted, 8 June [2014].
Under the Skin, 15 June [2014].
How to Train Your Dragon 2, 5 October [2014]
Guardians of the Galaxy, 11/12 October [2014]
Begin Again, 19 October [2014].
The Fault in our Stars, 22 October [2014]
Boyhood, 1/2 November [2014].
The Inbetweeners 2, 15/16 November [2014].
Nightcrawler, 7/8 February [2015].
Gravity, 15/16 February [2015].
The Theory of Everything, 25/26 April [2015].
Big Hero 6, 9/10 May [2015]
Spectre, 23/24 January [2016].
Everest, 31 January [2016]
Macbeth, 3 February [2016].
6/7 February [2016].
Joker, 9 November [2019].
Paper file
UND/F9/E4/D2   Michaelmas 2017
Flyers wih details and images of all the term's films, and maps of where to find Caedmon Hall:
Michaelmas 2017
Paper file
Gerald Collier Society
Reference: UND/F9/E5 The Society was founded in 1975 as the society of the School of Science. Its aims were to foster student and staff relationships in matters scientific and social.

UND/F9/E5/C1   September 1975 - March 1978
Gerald Collier Society list of guest speakers and their topics, signed by the speakers.
Paper file
UND/F9/E5/C2   1977
Annual dinner menus: 1977 (2nd annual dinner) (with a membership card inserted)
Card, 2f in card covers
UND/F9/E5/C3   [c.1977]
Membership card
Card, 1f
previous hitHild Bede next hit Association
Reference: UND/F9/E6
UND/F9/E6/C1   [2008] - 2017
Reunion papers, including a speech by Vernon Armitage [2008], lunch menu 2010, an address by Margaret Mallett 2013, and Alumni day programmes.
Paper file
UND/F9/E6/C2   1992
Reunion papers, names of those attending.
Paper file
UND/F9/E6/C3   October 1983
Programme for the Past versus Present College Sports Weekend.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/E6/C4   6 September 1976
Photocopy of a trust deed for the Nina Joachim Award Scheme for past and present women students, formerly of St Hild's and now of previous hitHild Bede next hit, with Vera Bell, Violet Dale and Catherine Trisram as the original trustees.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/E6/C5   15 November 1984
List of Bede College annual reports in the Association's collection.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9/E6/D1   1976 - 2018
previous hitHild Bede next hit Association Newsletter, (from 1990) previous hitHild Bede next hit Association Magazine, (from 2014) previous hitHild Bede next hit Alumni Association Magazine with news from the college, its former members, and reunions. A seaparate Alumni Association Newsletter was started in 2017 as a more 'chatty' supplement to the magazine with information on the previous year's events in college and news of alumni.
7 printed paper leaflets and 36 printed paper booklets, illustrated from 1983
Formerly: Per Local COL
UND/F9/E6/D2   1977 - 2010
Reunion service papers:
Cathedral Holy Communion service paper, 10 September 1977
Alumni Reunion service paper Durham St Oswald, 28 June 1992
Order for Holy Eucharist for the Association Weekend, College Chapel, 25 September 2010
Paper file
UND/F9/E6/D3   1997
Dinner menus:
Pre-War Bede Men and Friends, 26 September 1997.
Card, 2f
previous hitHild Bede next hit Boat Club
Reference: UND/F9/E7
UND/F9/E7/1   1987
Yorkshire Head [Novice] pennant, crossed blades behind a white rose.
Dark blue pennant edged with yellow
Lawrence Society
Reference: UND/F9/E8
UND/F9/E8/D1   [c.1990]
View of the Bede chapel entrance exterior, photography by Elizabeth Burd.
Greetings cards, 2f
Reference: UND/F9/F
Photographs - College Groups
Reference: UND/F9/FA
UND/F9/FA1978   May 1978
College group, on the lawn with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled, by Panora, of 36 Southwell Road, London, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 935mm
UND/F9/FA1979   May 1979
College group, on the lawn with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled, by Panora, of 36 Southwell Road, London, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 1070mm
UND/F9/FA1981   May 1981
College group, on the lawn with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled, by Panora, of 1 Cleveland Road, Surbiton, Surrey, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 1045mm
UND/F9/FA1982   [June ?c.1982]
College group, on the lawn with college buildings behind, in casual dress, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 510mm
UND/F9/FA1983   [June] 1983
College group, in the gardens with trees behind, in casual dress, a number wearing “Izal medicated award winner” tee-shirts, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 150 x 760mm
UND/F9/FA1984   [June] 1984
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanan Ltd, of Portslade, Sussex, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 150 x 1120mm
UND/F9/FA1985   [June] 1985
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanan Ltd, of Portslade, Sussex, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 1120mm
UND/F9/FA1986   [June] 1986
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress with a few in black tie, titled with the college arms, by Buchanan Photography, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 1115mm
UND/F9/FA1987   [June] 1987
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanans, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 160 x 820mm
UND/F9/FA1989   [June] 1989
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanans Photography, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 1105mm
UND/F9/FA1990   [June] 1990
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanans Photography, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 1010mm
UND/F9/FA1991   [June] 1991
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, with a group in various tee shirts (“previous hitBede College Diced Carrot Club, Laurel Avenue , City of Durham Mayor's Award Scheme , Hild next hit Gym Rowing Squad” , titled with the college arms, by Buchanans, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 160 x 790mm
UND/F9/FA1993   [June] 1993
College group, on the tennis court with college buildings behind, in casual dress, titled with the college arms, by Buchanans Photography, unidentified.
BW print, damaged from being stuck to its glass cover when wet
Size: 165 x 1050mm
UND/F9/FA1997   [June] 1997
College group with the principal, outside in the grounds, in casual dress, titled, by Buchanans Photography, unidentified.
Colour print, in a card mount
Size: 185 x 750mm (print), 275 x 825mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA1998   [June] 1998
College group with the principal, outside in the grounds, in casual dress, titled, by Buchanans Photography of Gloucester, unidentified
Colour print, in a card mount
Size: 185 x 750mm (print), 275 x 825mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA1999   [June] 1999
College group, in the grounds, casually dressed, a few in college sweatshirts etc, titled, by Tempest Photography, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 700mm (print), 300 x 780mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA2002   [June] 2002
College group of students and staff, in the grounds in front of the war memorial, casually dressed, by Richard Stuart Photography of Leicester, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print, encapsulated in plastic
Size: 165 x 710mm (print), 250 x 755mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA2006F   [October] 2006
Freshers, outside, with [the exec] at the back in red shirts, in suits etc, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 350mm (print), 300 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA2009F   [October] 2009
Freshers, outside, with [the exec] at the back in red shirts, in suits etc, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 350mm (print), 300 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA2010F   [October] 2010
Freshers, outside, with [the exec] at the back in red shirts, in suits etc and gowns, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 350mm (print), 300 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F9/FA2011F   [October] 2011
Freshers, outside, with [the exec] at the back in red shirts, in suits etc and gowns, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 350mm (print), 300 x 390mm (mount)
Photographs - Badminton
Reference: UND/F9/FB
UND/F9/FB2006A   [March] 2006
Men's Badminton (9), outside with the cathedral behind, in dark blue polo shirts with the college badge and tracksuit bottoms, sponsored by 2o Sports, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
UND/F9/FB2006B   [March] 2006
Women's Badminton (4), outside with the cathedral behind, in dark blue polo shirts with the college badge and tracksuit bottoms, sponsored by 2o Sports, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
Photographs - Basketball
Reference: UND/F9/FC
UND/F9/FC1984   [October] 1984
Men's Basketball team (10) vs the old boys, in the gym with a hoop behind, in various sporting outfits, with a ball, titled, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on card
Size: 165 x 235mm (print), 260 x 315mm (mount)
UND/F9/FC1985   October 1985
Present boys Basketball team (11) [vs the old boys], in the gym with a hoop behind, in various sporting outfits, with a ball, titled, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 250mm (print), 255 x 300mm (mount)
UND/F9/FC1987   [c.later 1980s]
Men's Basketball team (8), in the gym, bars behind, in dark blue singlets with numbers, with a ball, mostly unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 230mm
UND/F9/FC2006A   [March] 2006
Men's Basketball (8), outside with the cathedral behind, in dark blue shirts with white facings and previous hitHild Bede next hit and their number in light blue, and dark blue shorts, and a ball, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
UND/F9/FC2006B   [March] 2006
Women's Basketball (13), outside with the cathedral behind, in dark blue shirts with white facings and previous hitHild Bede next hit and their number in light blue, and dark blue shorts, and a ball, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
UND/F9/FC2009   [March] 2009
Basketball Club (15), outside with the cathedral behind, most in dark blue shirts with white facings and previous hitHild Bede next hit and their number in white or light blue, and dark blue shorts, and a ball, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
Photographs - Boat Club
Reference: UND/F9/FD
UND/F9/FD1994   [March] 1994
Women's Novice VIII rowing at the Women's Head, in light blue shirts with dark blue trim, dark blue shorts, and dark and light blue hooped socks, using light blue blades with a doubel dark blue chevron, titled with the college arms, by Ted Colman of Oxford, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 300 x 170mm (print), 330 x 275mm (mount)
UND/F9/FD2002   [June] 2002
Boat Club (18W, 16M), on the steps of the boathouse, in skirts, shirts/ties/trousers, with two in jackets, with crossed blades with light blue spoons with twin dark blue chevrons, titled with the college arms.
Colour print
Size: 155 x 225mm
UND/F9/FD2003   2003
Men's 1st VIII, rowing in the Head of the Charles Regatta (36th in 16:59), in dark blue one pieces with a broad white band round the middle and down the legs, and the college badge and crossed blades, titled with the college arms, by Jet Photographic of Cambridge, identified.
Colour print, with a card mount
Size: 205 x 305mm (print), 280 x 380mm (mount)
UND/F9/FD2006   [June] 2006
Boat Club (18W, 16M), on the steps of the boathouse, in skirts, shirts/tie/trousers, with crossed blades with light blue spoons with twin dark blue chevrons, titled with the college arms.
Colour print, damaged, detached from a paper mount
Size: 150 x 230mm (print)
Photographs - Cricket
Reference: UND/F9/FE
UND/F9/FE1990   [June ?1990]
Women's cricket team (6), in front of a beech hedge, variously dressed in sweatshirts etc, one in a cricket jumper and pads, with crossed bats, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/F9/FE1991   [June] 1991
Women's cricket team (6), winners of the inter-collegiate women's cricket, sitting on a wall with a rose garden and building behind, variously dressed in sweatshirts etc, with crossed bats, a trophy and a bottle, unidentified.
Colour print, in a card mount
Size: 195 x 245mm (print), 255 x 300mm (mount)
UND/F9/FE1995   [c.1995]
[?Past and present Bede cricket teams] (26), all in whites, various sweaters.
Colour print
Photographs - Football
Reference: UND/F9/FF
UND/F9/FF1983A   [?1983]
Football XI (13), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in yellow shirts, and various shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 175 x 245mm
UND/F9/FF1983B   [c.1983]
Old Boys football XI (13), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in white with black shoulders and arms shirts, black shorts, and various socks, and a ball.
Only Peter Warburton and Richard Wilkinson identified.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 250mm
UND/F9/FF1985A   [?October 1985]
Football XI (12), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in red with white trim shirts, and various shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FF1985B   October 1985
Football 2nd XI (11), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in yellow shirts, and various shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FF1987A   [October] 1987
Football XI (12), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in red with white trim shirts, and various shorts and socks, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/F9/FF1987B   1987
Old Boys football XI (13), on the Maiden Castle playing fields, in white and silver striped shirts, and various shrts and socks, only Peter Warburton identified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/F9/FF1995   [March] 1995
previous hitHild Bede next hit AFC (13), on the Racecourse, [after a match], in [light blue with thin dark blue stripes] college badged shirts, [dark blue] shorts and socks, 2 with cigarettes, DU Trophy winners 1995 and NW Colleges League winners 1994/5, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 165 x 235mm (print), 265 x 280mm (mount)
UND/F9/FF2001   [March] 2001
Football XI (16), outside, with the cathedral behind, in light blue with dark blue trim shirts, dark blue shorts and light blue socks, sponsored by The Big Jug Claypath, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/F9/FF2006A   [March] 2006
Football 2nd XI team (13), outside, with the cathedral behind, in dark blue and light blue shirts, dark blue shorts and light blue socks, sponsored by Deloitte, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 315mm
UND/F9/FF2006B   [March] 2006
Football 3rd XI team (15), outside, with the cathedral behind, in dark blue and light blue shirts, dark blue shorts and light blue socks, sponsored by Deloitte, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 315mm
UND/F9/FF2006C   [March] 2006
Football 4th XI team (13), outside, with the cathedral behind, in dark blue and light blue shirts, dark blue shorts and light blue socks, sponsored by Deloitte, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 315mm
UND/F9/FF2006D   [March] 2006
Football 6th XI team (15), outside, with the cathedral behind, in dark blue and light blue shirts, dark blue shorts and light blue socks, sponsored by Deloitte, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 315mm
UND/F9/FF2009A   [March] 2009
Football 1st XI team (14), outside, with the cathedral behind, in white and light blue shirts, light blue shorts and white socks, sponsored by DLA Piper, with a ball, unidentified
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F9/FF2009B   [March] 2009
Football 3rd XI team (12), outside, with the cathedral behind, in white and light blue shirts, light blue shorts and white socks, sponsored by DLA Piper, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Hockey
Reference: UND/F9/FG
UND/F9/FG1984   [October] 1984
Ladies hockey team (12) vs the Old Girls, at Maiden Castle, in yellow shirts and dark skirts, with 4 crossed sticks, unidentified.
Colour print, on a card mount
Size: 165 x 240mm (print), 255 x 315mm (mount)
UND/F9/FG1985A   October 1985
Present boys hockey team (12), Racecourse ground, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts, various shorts and socks, with sticks, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 255mm (print), 255 x 305mm ( mount)
UND/F9/FG1985B   October 1985
Present girls hockey team (13) vs Old Girls, Racecourse ground, in yellow shirts and black skirts, with sticks, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/F9/FG1986A   [?October 1986]
Women's hockey (12) [vs Old Girls], Racecourse ground, in yellow shirts and black skirts, with sticks, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 240mm
UND/F9/FG1986B   [?October 1986]
Old Girls hockey (11), Racecourse ground, variously dressed, with sticks, unidentified except for Alison Browbank.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 240mm
UND/F9/FG1987A   [March] 1987
Women's hockey team (12) inter-collegiate trophy champions, in a goalmouth at Maiden Castle, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts and dark blue skirts, with some sticks, unidentified.
Colour print, in a card mount, badly damaged
Size: 150 x 290mm (print), 265 x 335mm (mount)
UND/F9/FG1987B   [October] 1987
Men's hockey team (12) Old Boys weekend, Racecourse ground, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts, with sticks, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FG1987C   [October] 1987
Old Girls' Hockey team, on the Racecourse ground, department buildings behind, variously dressed, with sticks, mostly unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 255mm
UND/F9/FG1991   [March] 1991
Women's hockey (14) trophy winners, outside the college entrance, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts, and dark blue skirts, with two crossed sticks, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FG2002A   [March] 2002
Men's hockey (14) NE League Div III champions and college league champions (records detailed), in a goalmouth at Maiden Castle, in light blue shirts with dark blue trim and the college badge, white shorts, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 295mm
UND/F9/FG2006A   [March] 2006
Men's hockey (20), outside the college with the cathedral behind, most in light blue shirts with dark blue collars and college badges, dark blue shorts and dark blue/light blue hooped socks, titled with the colege arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F9/FG2006B   [March] 2006
Women's hockey (16), outside the college with the cathedral behind, most in light blue/dark blue hooped shirts with white collars and college badges, dark blue skirts and dark blue/light blue hooped socks, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Netball
Reference: UND/F9/FH
UND/F9/FH1984   [October] 1984
Ladies netball (9) v the Old Girls, on the netball court, in various atttire and dark blue skirts, some with letter bibs, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 165 x 235mm (print), 255 x 315mm (mount)
UND/F9/FH1985   [October] 1985
Present girls netball (8), on the netball court, in white shirts with letter bibs, and dark blue skirts, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FH1986A   [?October 1986]
Present girls netball (7), on the netball court, in white shirts with letter bibs, and dark blue skirts, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 175 x 200mm
UND/F9/FH1986B   [?October 1986]
Old Girls netball (9), on the netball court, variously dressed, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 175 x 225mm
UND/F9/FH1987   [October] 1987
Old Girls netball (7), on the netball court, variously dressed, with a ball, mostly unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FH2006   [March] 2006
Netball Club (26), outside the college with the cathedral behind, in light blue shirts with the college badge, dark blue skirts, dark blue/light blue hooped socks, with a ball, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F9/FH2009   [March] 2009
Netball Club (22), outside the college with the cathedral behind, in light blue shirts with the college badge, dark blue skirts, dark blue/light blue hooped socks, with a ball, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Rugby
Reference: UND/F9/FI
UND/F9/FI1980   [?c.1980]
[Bede rugby club] (41), on the Racecourse ground, with college buildings and Pelaw Leaze wood behind, [1st XV] in light blue shirts with white collars, white shorts and dark blue with white tops socks, [2nd XV] in broad sky blue and white hoops, white shorts and sky blue with white tops socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 160 x 200mm (print), 215 x 225mm (mount)
UND/F9/FI1984A   [?October 1984]
[Bede rugby 1st XV] (15), at Maiden Castle, in dark blue shirts with white collars, black shorts and red socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FI1984B   [?October 1984]
[Bede Old Boys rugby team] (18), at Maiden Castle, in black shirts with white collars, six with an arm and hammer badge, various shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print, damaged
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FI1985A   [?October 1985]
[Bede rugby 1st XV] (15), at Maiden Castle, in dark blue shirts with white collars and black shorts, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FI1985B   [October] 1985
Bede Old Boys rugby 1st XV (15), at Maiden Castle, in black shirts with white collars, two with an arm and hammer badge, various shorts and socks.
Les Fogan only identified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FI1987   [October] 1987
previous hitHild Bede next hit rugby team, Old Boys weekend, on the Racecourse ground with college buildings beyond, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts with white collars, and various shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FI1993   [March] 1993
Bede RFC Sevens (7), winners of Durham City RFC Town-Gown Sevens, on Durham City RFC ground, in dark blue/light blue quartered shirts (1 with [colours] college badge) and white shorts, with a cup and tankards, identified.
Rob Perkins, Eddie Rash, Richard Moore, Mike Savage, Stu Taylor, Andy Cumming, Paul Dudley.
Colour print, mounted on card
Size: 125 x 215mm (print), 210 x 300mm (mount)
UND/F9/FI1995   1995
Bede College RFC Gulf Tour (23), outside a stadium [?in Dubai], in white with dark and light blue thin hoops college badged Berkeley-Taylorpan Services UAE sponsored shirts, with generally dark blue shorts and dark/light blue hooped socks, with a ball, with results detailed, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 210 x 300mm (print), 300 x 395mm (mount)
UND/F9/FI2000   [?July] 2000
Bede RFC (29) [tour of] Barbados (with results), on the beach [in Barbados], in light blue shirts with dark blue facings and a central dark blue band and the college badge, and dark blue shorts, with a ball, identified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 295mm
UND/F9/FI2009A   [March] 2009
Bede RFC 1st XV (14), outside the college with the cathedral behind, in light blue shirts with broad dark blue bands and collars, dark blue shorts and various light blue/dark blue socks, titled with the college arms, with a ball.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F9/FI2009B   [March] 2009
Bede RFC 2nd XV (15), outside the college with the cathedral behind, in light blue/dark blue quartered shirts with white collars, and 3 others, with various shorts and socks, titled with the college arms, with a ball.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Squash
Reference: UND/F9/FJ
UND/F9/FJ1987   [October] 1987
Old Boys squash team (5 (4M & 1W)), indoors, in various kit, with 2 racquets, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FJ2007   [March] 2007
Women's squash team (5), outside with the cathedral behind, in various college and other sports shirts, with crossed racquets, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 300mm
Photographs - Tennis
Reference: UND/F9/FK
UND/F9/FK2009   [March] 2009
Tennis club (6M, 3W), outside the college with the cathedral behind, various white tennis hoodies and shirts, various shorts/trousers, with 2 tennis rackets, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Volleyball
Reference: UND/F9/FL
UND/F9/FL1985A   October 1985
Present students volleyball (5M, 2W), in the gym (bars behind), variously dressed, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9/FL1986A   [?October 1986]
[Present students] volleyball (5M, 1W), in the gym (bars behind), variously dressed, with two balls, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 230mm
UND/F9/FL1986B   [?October 1986]
Old Boys volleyball (7M, 1W), in the gym (bars behind), variously dressed, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 180 x 255mm
UND/F9/FL1987   [October] 1987
Old Boys volleyball (6M, 1W), in the gym (bars behind), variously dressed, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
Photographs - Chapel
Reference: UND/F9/FM
Photographs - SRC
Reference: UND/F9/FN
UND/F9/FN1975   [June] 1975
SRCs Joint Executive of the colleges of St previous hitHild and the Venerable Bede next hit (13), outside, in black tie/suits and ball gowns, titled with the colleges' arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 195 x 245mm (print), 305 x 380mm (mount)
UND/F9/FN1976   [June] 1976
SRC Executive (9), inside, in black tie/suits and ball gowns, titled, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 150 x 240mm (print), 255 x 320mm (mount)
UND/F9/FN1980   [c.1980]
[?SRC Committee] (6), outside, high-stepping in front of the war memorial, in jackets and ties etc, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 130 x 205mm
UND/F9/FN1985   [c.1985]
[?SRC Committee] (7), outside in front of the war memorial, in casual dress, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 255 x 205mm
UND/F9/FN2009   [June] 2009
SRC Executive Committee (13), with glasses, outside behind a table of glasses, in suits and dresses, unidentified.
Colour printout
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F9/FN2010   [?June 2010]
[SRC Executive Committee] (12), outside behind a table of glasses, bottles and canapes, unidentified.
Colour printout
Size: 210 x 295mm
Photographs - Non-College Groups
Reference: UND/F9/FV
UND/F9/FV1984   [October 1984]
England Tour to India & Australia 1984-1985 cricket team, in a hotel garden, in whites, MCC sweaters and blue blazers, signed by all present, by Graham Morris, identified.
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 185 x 255mm (print), 345 x 445mm (mount)
Photographs - Other Sports Groups
Reference: UND/F9/FW
UND/F9/FW1976   21 June 1976
[Shooting team] (3), outside in the garden, in college badged blazers with ties, one holding a rifle (Lee Enfield), the other a belt of bullets, by Fillinghams, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 220 x 375mm
UND/F9/FW2006A   [June] 2006
Cheerleading squad (23), outside with the cathedral beyond, in white hoodies, light blue/dark blue skirts and socks, with silver and blue pompoms, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 300mm
UND/F9/FW2007A   [June] 2007
Ultimate Frisbee squad (12 (only 1 girl)), outside with the cathedral beyond, most in light blue shirts with dark blues sleeves, some in dark blue hoodies with name and position, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F9/FW2007B   [June] 2007
Darts teams (11, all men) - Be The Dart - outside with the cathedral beyond, some in dark blue polo shirts with team crest and forename, one with a flight of darts, titled with the college crest, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Other Non-Sports Groups

UND/F9/FX1990A   [c.1990]
[Summer ball] group, outside, in black tie/suits and ball gowns, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 255 x 375mm
UND/F9/FX2007A   [June] 2007
[Summer ball] group outside, in black tie/suits and ball gowns, unidentified, titled with the college arms, by Gillman & Soame.
Colour print
Size: 610 x 300mm
UND/F9/FX2009B   [June] 2009
previous hitHild Bede next hit Theatre, outside with the cathedral beyond, most in white shirts with the theatre emblem and their role, and dark trousers/skirts, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
Photographs - Individuals
Reference: UND/F9/FY
UND/F9/FY1   [c.1975]
8 [American] students, variously dressed, standing in front of the United States flag.
BW print
UND/F9/FY2   21 July 1980
Two students (identified) in the Bailey Durham with Lord Michael Ramsey, Dun Cow Lane beyond.
Colour print
UND/F9/FY3   19 May 1984
Student, in England rugby kit, in action, by Bob Thomas of Northampton.
BW print
UND/F9/FY4   23 February 1985
Student, in rugby kit [as an England triallist], in action, by Bob Thomas of Northampton.
BW print
UND/F9/FY5-6    July 1986
Captain of Durham University Cricket Club:
5. Batting for Essex against New Zealand (wicketkeeper in shot) at Chelmsford, by The Daily Telegraph, 3 July.
6. Batting for Essex against Worcestershire, fielders (including Neil Radford) and bowler (Dilap Patel) in shot, by The Daily Telegraph, 19 July.
BW print, mounted on board
UND/F9/FY7   [December 1987]
England triallist, playing for Cambridge University rugby team [in the Varsity match at Twickenham], by Bob Thomas of Northampton.
BW print
UND/F9/FY8   [1990]
Ashley Cook, sitting on a window ledge, studying Economics, killed with his younger brother in a car crash July 1990.
Colour print
UND/F9/FY9   3 June 1979
Students past and present admiring the gardens; photocopied newspaper cuttings from The Durham Advertiser.
Paper, 2f
UND/F9/FY10   [c.1980]
Students [?in an art class] carrying out screen printing.
BW print
UND/F9/FY11   1979
Students performing dance, in costumes.
2 BW prints, mounted on board
UND/F9/FY12   1986
Dedication of the John Urwin memorial garden.
2 colour prints
UND/F9/FY13   [c.1990]
[Act of Commemoration and Remembrance, 7th Battalion Light Infantry] band playing and marching, with a bugler by the memorial cross, lots of flowers.
3 colour prints
UND/F9/FY14   [c.1990]
Flower festival in and around Bede chapel.
7 colour prints
UND/F9/FY15   [c.1995]
Student activities in college, [?for a prospectus]: student room, man playing a guitar, 2 women watching; students in the dining hall; chapel choir rehearsing in chapel; chapel organ console; a musical [?Les Miserables] in the Caedmon Hall; students walking down the steps from the Hild building; a women's coxed four on the Wear about to row; a cricket match; students working in the Joachim Room.
13 colour prints
UND/F9/FY16   1990
Students running an activity for primary school children.
10 colour prints
Photographs - Buildings
Reference: UND/F9/FZ
UND/F9/FZ1   [c.1980]
Chapel interior, view of the east end with altar, candles, flowers, crosses and central lectern, by Canuck Studios, originally framed by the Saddler Gallery.
Colour print, badly faded
Size: 590 x 410mm
Given by Mrs Elsie Bowes, 10 February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:92.
UND/F9/FZ2-8   5 November 1995
Views of Durham:
2. Cathedral from the previous hitHild Bede next hit side of the Wear, with a four rowing on the river.
3. Durham Market Place, looking north, showing the Pant, Lord Londonderry and St Nicholas's church.
4. Joachim Room and surrounding buildings, with a bike rack outside.
5. Old Elvet Bridge from the south.
6. Durham Castle entrance from Palace Green.
7. Saddler Street, looking north.
8. previous hitHild Bede next hit main college front, part of showing the coat of arms.
colour prints
Size: 100 x 150mm
Found in a cupboard in the previous hitHild Bede next hit office, March 2017.
UND/F9/FZ9   [c.1980]
Aerial view of the college from the SW, with Old Elvet in the foreground.
Colour print
Size: 305 x 415mm
UND/F9/FZ10   [c.1980]
Views of the grounds with trees in blossom and lots of flowers along the main Bede College front and around the war memorial, with a gardener in his greenhouse.
19 colour prints
Size: 90 x 125mm
UND/F9/FZ11   [later 1990s]
Views of work in the gardens to clear out a pond and tidy the area below the war memorial.
14 colour prints
Size: 105/150 x 100-250mm
UND/F9/FZ12   [c.1980s]
Views of the St Hild's college front, with vehicles parked, and across the grounds to the cathedral.
5 BW prints
Size: 125 x 205mm
UND/F9/FZ13   [c.1990]
View across the court behind the former St Hild's chapel/Joachim Room towards the cathedral.
Colour print
Size: 200 x 200mm
UND/F9/FZ14   1994
View through trees of the cathedral, by Louise Nicol.
Colour print of watercolour painting
UND/F9/FZ15   1996
View of the Bede College front and chapel from the war memorial, by Margot Smith.
Colour print of a watercolour painting
UND/F9/FZ16   [c.1990]
St Hild building, in the snow, from below.
Colour print
UND/F9/FZ17   [c.1990]
Joachim room interiors, set out as a reading room.
3 colour prints
Publications and Ephemera
Reference: UND/F9/G
UND/F9/G1   [Michaelmas 1975] & [?Epiphany 1984]
Student magazines:
ISM (Internal Students Magazine), [Michaelmas 1975], No.22 only (
HBSauce - for boys and girls!, [?Epiphany 1984]
2 paper booklets
UND/F9/G2   [c.1975], [c.1978], [c.1980] - [c.1995]
UND/F9/G3   1985
Pen drawing of St Bede College front by Chas Glenn, 2 copies
Paper, 2f
UND/F9/G4   [1990s] - 2008
1. Chapel interior looking east, photograph by Phoenix Photography, paid for by the SCR, 2008
2. Wear Head of the River with various fours on the river with the cathedral above, snowy, photograph by Marion Senior, printed by Macdonald Press, [1990s]
2 cards, colour
UND/F9/G7   1980/81, 2007/08 - 2016/17
College Community Handbook, detailing all aspects of college life, for 1980/81, 1997/98, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2015/16, 2016/17.
Postgraduate Handbook, 2014/15 (3rd edition)
10 printed paper booklets
UND/F9/G8   [2016]
Your mini guide to the College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit
Printed colour illustrated paper boklet
UND/F9/G9   1989
C.J. Stranks, The Venerable Bede, (1955), 10th impression 1989, with inserted a cutting: Paul Cavill, “Have You Read Bede?”, Christian Arena (1991), p.15-16.
Printed paper booklet, 32p, + 1f
UND/F9/G10   1982
University of Durham 150th Anniversary Appeal The College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit appeal brochure.
Paper leaflet, 3-fold
UND/F9/G11   [Septmeber 1975]
Programme of Events for term 1 1975/6, detailing meetings, plays, films, and chapel services.
Card, 1f, 3-fold
Deposited Collections
Reference: UND/F9/H
UND/F9/H1   2001
Meal for One, by Alan Burke, ed Sean O'Brien and Jo Shapcott (Gwaithel and Gilwern, Gladestry, Powys)
Endpiece: “Alan Burke died in 1999 aged twenty while he was a student of theology at Durham University. He left behind a large collection of astonishingly vibrant poems. The poets Sean O'Brien and Jo Shapcott have chosen a selection of his work to publish here, in this small book, as a tribute to his talent and promise.”
Printed paper booklet, 16p in card covers
Donated by Mrs C. Carr, Senior Tutor, July 2009.
UND/F9/H2   September 1790
Pen drawing of a man walking through a landscape of buildings and distant towns, woods and trees, over a stream with a bridge and ducks, with a crow in the sky carrying a coin in its beak, described as: “Drawing of an old picture on wood, over a chimney piece in the Black Lion Durham - formerly Sir John Duck's house, from the original September 1790 J.L. This alludes to a traditional story of a crow's dropping a shilling to Sir J. Duck then a butcher's apprentice and from which circumstance he accumulated his great fortune & was afterwards Sir John Duck bt - this picture is painted on wood & pannelled in over the chimney piece of his best sitting parlour, the execution is rude - & this drawing represents it so. J.L.”
Paper, 1p
UND/F9/H3   1860 - 1967
Printed out copy images of previous hitHild Bede next hit and university subjects:
Colour postcard of Bede College from the river, sent to M. ?Bonnierent as a Christmas card by Rev & Mrs Donald Jones, 22 December 1905.
BW postcard of images of each college from the river, sent to Miss Connite Turnbull at Usworth Colliery by Hattie, 21 April 1910.
BW postcard of St Hild's College from the river showing the allotments, sent to Mrs J.A. Petrie at Southwick by her daughter Sarah [Petrie], 21 October 1909.
BW postcard of St Hild's College and the allotments from above, sent to Mr T.M.J. van Carrapiett in Bedford by Anne (at St previous hitHild's), 21 June ?1967.
Colour postcard of Bede next hit College from the river c.1950.
BW image of two [university policemen], 1952.
BW image of the Castle entrance with a man in a top hat and a boy standing in front of the gateway, 1860.
BW image of a “University Police” badge.
Paper, 4f
Given by John Reay (previous hitHild Bede next hit 2014-2018), October 2014.
UND/F9/H4   1975
Concert and drama programmes collected by John Dawson during a Secondary School Head Teacher's sabbatical at the college in [Michaelmas 1975], including:
Jennifer Bate organ recital in Durham Cathedral 29 October 1975
Lunchtime concerts in DLI Museum & Arts Centre 29 October - 19 November 1975
Rex Vivus, a morality play c.1400, translated by Alan Philpott and Sheila Graham, performed in Durham Cathedral 6 December 1975.
The Tales of Hoffmann, Durham County Opera
Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera, Newcastle Theatre Opera, September 1975
Education Dept Christmas dinner menu 6 December 1975
Paper file
Given by James Dawson, his son, April 2017.
Reference: UND/F9/I
UND/F9/I1   [c.1990]
College tea towel, blue on white, with the college arms and motto and “The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham” above, from H.P. Raine (1919-2011)
Linen tea towel
Size: 750 x 460mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9/I2   [c.2000]
Hid Bede tie clasp, bearing a shield of the college arms
Enamelled tie clasp, by Gray and Sons, in a presentation box
Size: 50 x 15mm
UND/F9/I3   2011
Freshers teeshirt, in white, printed on the front “The Only Way is previous hitHild Bede next hit” , on the back “Fresher 2011” with the college crest
Dark blue cotton teeshirt by Gildan
Size: 600 x 750mm
[Given by Becky Martin 2015].
UND/F9/I4   February [c.2013]
previous hitHild Bede next hit theatre teeshirt, with embroidered on the front in white the logo and Becky, and printed in white on the back an advert for “Psychosis” by Sarah Kane 9-11 February.
Black cotton teeshirt by Gildan
Size: 550 x 550mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I5   [c.2013]
Hild Rugby Football Club shirt of Becky Martin, with embroidered on the front the Kukri emblem and the Hild College arms with Hild RFC beneath, and on the back the Kukri emblem and number 6 on a diamond-shaped panel.
Polyester green with purple and white trim short sleeve rugby shirt by Kukri
Size: 600 x 650mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I6   [2015]
previous hitHild Bede next hit Executive jacket of Becky Martin, SRC Bar Officer, with embroidered on the front her name and position and the college crest, and on the back “HB Exec”.
Black with white sleeves and trim polyester and cotton baseball jacket by Uneek
Size: 650 x 1400mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I7   2012
Hilde Bede Beer fest teeshirt, with printed in white on the front the logo, and again on the back with the beers and ciders featured.
Cotton bottle green teeshirt by Gildan
Size: 650 x 750mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I8   2 June 2013
Hild Bedestock teeshirt, with printed in dark blue the logo on the front, and on the back the drinks and bands featured, presented by the SRC.
Cotton white teeshirt by Gildan
Size: 650 x 750mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I9   November 2011
previous hitHild Bede next hit Theatre hoodie for the Animal Farm production 24-26 November 2011, with printed in black, on the front the HBT logo and Farmer and on the back an image of Joseph Stalin and the details of the play.
Cotton/polyester grey hooded sweatshirt by Gildan
Size: 900 x 1100mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I10   [c.2013]
previous hitHild Bede next hit [hockey] shorts, with embroidered on the front the college badge with “ARX” underneath, and the Kukri logo.
Polyester white shorts, by Kukri
Size: 300 x 500mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I11   [c.2013]
previous hitHild Bede next hit [hockey] shirt, with printed on the front the college badge with ARX underneath, the Kuri logo and the sponsor Bank of America Merrill Lynch logo, and on the back the Kurki logo, “Bailey” and “22”.
Polyester purple and white quartered short sleeve [hockey] shirt, by Kukri
Size: 650 x 700mm
Given by Becky Martin 2015.
UND/F9/I12   [c.2000]
previous hitHild Bede next hit College arms, with the college name on a scroll beneath.
Painted shield on a wooden plaque
Size: 180 x 150 x 20mm
Transferred from University College 17 December 2020.
Associated Trusts
Reference: UND/F9/J
Caedmon/Ceolfrid Trust
Reference: UND/F9/JA
UND/F9/JA1   October 2003 - February 2005
Minutes of the managing trustees, including annual accounts anmd reports, and applications for financial support from students.
Paper file
UND/F9/JA2   [c.1992]
Appeal brochure for a graduate centre by Stranks House, with brochures for the rest of the University of Durham Development Programme.
Paper file
John Simpson Greenwell Memorial Fund
Reference: UND/F9/JB John 'Jack' Simpson Greenwell graduated from Bede College in 1945 and worked in education. On his death at the age of 73 in January 2002, his family set up a fund to support bursaries for undergraduates to further their studies or undertake additional activities to enhance their understanding, or open up new opportunities for their personal benefit, such as field work for a dissertation.

UND/F9/JB1   March 2004
Applications for financial support.
Paper file
The College of the Venerable Bede
Reference: UND/F9B
Dates of creation: 1781 - 2005 Bede College was founded in 1839 as a Church of England Training College for Schoolmasters. In 1919 it was brought into connexion with the university and granted the status of a licensed Hall of Residence for undergraduates by the Council of the Durham Colleges. In 1947 it was recognised as a constitutent college of the University of Durham. In 1975 it was amalgamated with St Hild's to form the College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit.
1839 The Durham Diocesan Training School for the Education of Schoolmasters
1865 The Durham Diocesan College for the Education of Schoolmasters
1886 Bede College
1935 College of the Venerable Bede
Canon E.C. Braley 1926-1947
Canon G.E. Brigstocke 1947-1959
Mr K. Gerald Collier 1959-1975
Donald E. Webster, Bede College a Commentary, (Durham 1973)
For George Pickering's plans of Bede College 1844-1847, see DCD/N/CA/29-34.
For the main records of the college, see Durham County Record Office, E/HB 1-6.

Reference: UND/F9B/A
Charity Commission Schemes
Reference: UND/F9B/A1
UND/F9B/A1/1   8 October 1959
Printed scheme under the Charitable Trusts Act for the College of the Venerable Bede concerning the foundation, administration and title, custodian trustee and vetting, governing body, staff, conduct of the college and general, with a schedule of the college's property.
Reference: UND/F9B/A2
UND/F9B/A2/1   1949 - 1958
Bede College annual reports [of university students] for 1948/49, 1949/50 and 1957/58.
Paper file
UND/F9B/A2/2   1886 - 1974
Bede College Annual Report, detailing variously students, exams passed, and accounts for 1886-1889, 1893-1896, 1898-1905, 1907-1913, 1915-1942, 1944, 1947, 1964-1966, 1968, 1971-1974. (1886 was the 45th annual report.)
Printed paper booklets, latterly illustrated
Some digitised reports 1913-1920 can be accessed at https://www.dur.ac.uk/library/asc/roll/publications/
UND/F9B/A2/3   1975
Other reports:
Review of the period 1959-75 by K.G. Collier, August 1975.
Paper file
UND/F9B/A2/4   1953
Ministry of Education Report by H.M. Inspectors on the College of the Venerable Bede Durham Inspected in the Week Ending 21st November, 1953
Printed paper booklet, 28p
Reference: UND/F9B/A3
UND/F9B/A3/1   13 January 1972
Letter from Ian [Ramsey bishop of] Durham to M.J. Rowell [principal of Bede College]: asking, as chairman of the new joint governing body of previous hitBede and St Hild's next hit colleges, for nominations, with the first meeting due on 22 February.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/F9B/A4
UND/F9B/A4/1   10 October 1891
Festal grace composed by Sir John Stainer for Bede College jubilee,
With a photocopy of 1983 noting that the original had been given by Joe Tweddle (Bede 1910-1912), and also a transcription by J. Ingram of the college music department May 1950
Board, 1f, + paper, 2f
Reference: UND/F9B/C
Reference: UND/F9B/C1
UND/F9B/C1/1   11 June 1912
Photocopy (2015) of a letter from Donald Jones, principal, to [Mr Crossley]: reporting the death of Mr Crossley's son John in a swimming accident [in the Wear] that afternoon.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/C1/2   [c.1965]
Bede College Durham An Announcement of Importance, development fund brochure.
Printed paper booklet
UND/F9B/C1/3   August - September 1921
Xeroxes of 2 letters from Dean [Alington] to Canon Patterson about the tensions in the relationsips between the university, Durham County Council and Bede College.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/C1/4   1969 - 1973
Circulars etc from Gerard Colier, including:
Adddress to 1st year students, September 1970
Notes on borderline entrants, 1973
Professional standards, being a report on a breach of professional teaching ethics
List of meetings 1969
Note from M.M. Rees re the responsible attitude of a student
Office moves, stewards dtueis and lists of staff, 1969
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9B/C2
UND/F9B/C2/1   1966
Bede College Camp, circular and handbook for camp in Patterdale.
Paper file
Vice-Principal/Senior Tutor
Reference: UND/F9B/C3
UND/F9B/C3/1   1968
Bede College details of tutorial groups
Paper file
UND/F9B/C3/2   February 1966
Leave of absence ticket, signed by a tutor.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/F9B/C4
UND/F9B/C4/1   [c.1920]
Roll of Honour for the Dead listing Bedemen killed in WW1, original printed by SPCK with names and dates at Bede added by “BW” : J.W. Coulson, J.A. Nichols, J.W. Huggins, J. Patterson, W.H. Bayles, T. Minks, L. Shortridge, W.G. Graham, R.H. Robson, J.H. Atkinson, S.H. Cunningham, R. Hogg, R. Stafford, A. Barker, R. Hogg, J.E. Prickett, J.M. Watson, A. Wilson, C.S. Hall, W.G. Hall, J. Moore, W. Arnett, H. Tait, W.H. Stockdale, J. Graham, R.R. Corker, A.H. Corner, J. Duke, G. Philbey, S.C. Cureton, R. Jones, T.C. Smyth, A.E.L. Parker, J.C. Spraggen, J. Crabb, R. Wallace, N. Bewick, A.D.L. Vickers, J. Neall, T.E. Bainbridge, G. McPherson, E.A. Godbold, F.G. Smith, R.V. Armstrong, R.P. Kellett, F. Lupton.
Size: 510 x 375mm
Formerly displayed in the chapel.
UND/F9B/C4/2   1939, 1966
Service papers for special services:
Laying of the foundation stone of the new chapel by Bishop Henson, 28 January 1939
Dedication of the new chapel by Bishop William, 4 November 1939, with an architect's drawing of the chapel and a list of special gifts and donors
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, 8 December 1966
Paper file
UND/F9B/C4/3   1966
Recording of items from the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, 1966, sung by the previous hitBede and St. Hild's next hit chapel choir, conductor Alan Garnett, organist Andrew Railer, soloists Barbara Riley, Ruth Dobson and Brian Stabler, recorded by Nigel Holmes and J. Rose, for Mortonsound Recording of Newcastle, with covering correspondence about its receipt broken.

Long Playing vinyl record, broken, in a card sleeve, + 2f
Given by Mike Savage of York, January 2015.
Reference: UND/F9B/C5
UND/F9B/C5/1   May 1968
Plan for alterations to Leazes House, formerly Durham High School [Junior House], to make a Biology department, by Peter Tong, architect, of Old Elvet, Durham, scale ¼" to 1', with an overview of the Leazes House site.
Paper, 2f
Reference: UND/F9B/C6
UND/F9B/C6/1   [c.1960]
Bede College Library book labels
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9B/D
UND/F9B/D1   1927 - 1948
Bede College student record cards detailing, personal details, schooling, and exam results.
Bankers box
UND/F9B/D2   [1940s]
“Friends and Relatives Serving in His Majesty's Forces 1939-”, listing names and corps, including Merchant Navy, and including [men and women].
Paper book, in half leather fabric covered boards
UND/F9B/D3   Easter 1959
Final school practice file of J.M. Bates at Horsley Hill Junior Boys, South Shields, class 3+ (age 9-10), including a diary and assessment by the headmaster.
Paper file
UND/F9B/D4   July 1965
Shakespeare and the Stage and Drama and the Church, Stratford 65, Bede College English Department Field Studies, 2-7 July 1965.
Paper book in card covers
Formerly YX7, also 14304, in Bede College Library
UND/F9B/D5   1958 - 1973
College lists, detailing annually student names, by course, with their room numbers and a key, also college lodgings, tutors and hostel wardens, for:
1958 (photocopy), 1966/7, 1967/8, 1968/9, 1969/70, 1971/2, 1972/3, 1973 (university entrants only)
Paper file
UND/F9B/D6   [October] 1954 - [October] 1972
Photographs of the new entries of the one year, two year, three year certificate and university course students, identified; not all present.
Card files with BW prints stuck in
UND/F9B/D7   1946 - 1963
Birth and school exam GCE certificates for 7 students.
Paper file
Associations, clubs and societies
Reference: UND/F9B/E
Bede College SRC
Reference: UND/F9B/E1
UND/F9B/E1/AB1   18 November 1968
JCR Council minutes
Paper, 1f
Bede College SCR
Reference: UND/F9B/E2
Bede College Dramatic Society
Reference: UND/F9B/E3
UND/F9B/E3/D1   1935 - [1968]
Productions ephemera:
The Venerable Bede 735-1935, May 1935, poster (badly damaged)
Billy Liar, by Waterhouse and Hall, October 1965, programme and poster
Arms and the Man, by Shaw, December [1965], poster
The Fire Raisers, by Max Frisch, January [1966], poster
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith, March [1966], poster
The Lucky Chance, by Aphra Benn, March 1966, programme and poster, signed [by those involved], with a review
Three Townley Plays, November [1966], programme, with 2 reviews and a poster signed [by the cast]
All in Good Time, by Bill Naughton, [?1967], programme, signed [by the cast]
The Critic, by R.B. Sheridan, February [1967], poster
The Adoration of the Magi and The Magi's Oblation, May 1968, 10 x 35mm slides of cast members, by Barry Robinson, given by him March 2008.
Eleanor, by Joan Gummer (lecturer at St Hild's), [November 1968], programme, reviews, car sticker and a BW photo
Paper file
UND/F9B/E3/D2   1940 - 1944
Photographs of productions:
Arms and the Man, by Bernard Shaw, (5), December 1940
The Western Chamber, translated by Hsiung, (4), December 1941
The Ascent of F6, by W.H. Auden, (none), 1942
Pellias & Melisanda, by Maurice Maeterlinck, (5), 1943
Crisis in Heaven An Elysian Comedy, by Eric Linklater, (6), December 1944
Eleanor, by Joan Gummer, featuring Bryan Cleary and Wendy Clarke or Sheila Plant, 1968/9
She Stoops to Conquer (outdoors), featuring Michelle de Villey or Jenny Gray and Robert Sargeant, 1968/9
She Stoops to Conquer (outdoors), featuring Colin Tones and Robert Sargeant, 1968/9
20 BW prints mounted on card, 5f
UND/F9B/E3/D3   [1968 x 1969]
Newspaper cuttings with reviews of the production of Eleanor.
Paper file
previous hitBede/Hild's next hit Gilbert & Sullivan & Light Music Society
Reference: UND/F9B/E4
UND/F9/E4/D1   1972 - 1974
Programmes for performances:
Ruddigore, 18-21 March 1972.
H.M.S. Pinafore, 1 May 1974.
2 paper leaflets
Bede College Hockey Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E5
UND/F9B/E5D1   1965, 1967/8
Term cards, recording officials and matches for the 1st and 2nd XIs, for:
1965, with some additions and results entered; 1967/8, with some newspaper cuttings of match reports inserted
Card, 2 items
UND/F9B/E5/D2   March 1967
Other hockey programmes:
16th Blackpool Easter Hockey Festival March '67, including Bede College Lions, (from Peter Feek)
Printed paper booklet, 6f in card covers
Bede College Film Society
Reference: UND/F9B/E6
UND/F9B/E6/D1   1962
Film Club programmes, listing ticket prices, films and trailers for the next season:
Autumn 1962.
Paper leaflet
Twos Up Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E7 The reunion club was founded in 1961 by the men of the 1959/61 and named Twos Up as they represented the end of the traditional two-year teacher training course.

UND/F9B/E7/C1   2011
“The First Fifty Years” history by Brian Kent (Hon Sec 1969-2011), with details of attendances at the annual reunions etc.
Paper file
Bede College Bridge Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E8
UND/F9B/E8/1   [c.1964]
Contract Bridge Club constitution
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/E8/2   21 February 1964
Match score card, Hatfield v Bede, printed by G. Bailes of Durham.
Card, 1f
Bede College Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E9
UND/F9B/E9/A1   1896 - 1909
Bede College Club printed report book, with lists of officers, objects and rules of the club, lists of members and subscribers, reports, balance sheets, Bede Day notices and lists of past students for 1896, 1899, 1902, 1904-1909.
Paper book, half-leather bound
UND/F9B/E9/A2   23 October 1909 - 24 April 1925
Bede College Club minute book, executive committee and AGMs
Paper book, with soft covers
UND/F9B/E9/A3   5 July 1947 - 12 September 1970
Bede College Club minute book:
Executive committee 5 July 1947 - 12 September 1970
AGMs 20 May 1950 - 12 September 1970
Inserted: letter from John Finlayson to Mr Hauxwell re a legacy 21 December 1943; various invites and programmes for Bede Days and some annual accounts.
Paper book, with hard covers
UND/F9B/E9/A4   30 October 1970 - 6 September 1975
Bede College Club minute book:
Executive committee 30 October 1970 - 6 September 1975
AGMs 11 September 1971 - 6 September 1975
Paper book, with hard covers
UND/F9B/E9/C1   1906 - 1938
Attendance register for reunions, annual meetings and executive committees, recording names, college dates and address.
Paper book, in soft covers
UND/F9B/E9/C2   1912 - 1938
Bede College Club secretary's subscriptions register, listing each year's new members and their subscriptions, with a list of non-college members at the back.
Paper book, in hard covers
UND/F9B/E9/D1   1909, 1913, 1925
Bede College Club Report and List of Members, ... List of Past Students, printed by George Bailes, 24 Silver St, [Durham].
October 1909
October 1913
December 1925, 4 copies, three with some annotations of dates of death, changes of address etc.
6 paper books, 104p
Bede College Boat Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E10
UND/F9/E10/C1   1962 - 1963
Boat Club file comprising:
Suggestions by the DUBC president R.F. Knight for inter-collegiate bumping races.
[Teachers' Certificate] PE exam questions 1962, with notes on answers.
Equipment needed for general maintenance and repair in the BCBC boathouse by Tony Craig October 1963.
Paper, 3f
UND/F9B/E10/E1-8   [c.1975]
Bede College Boat Club dinner with a trophy on display, crossed blades, including Eric Halladay giving a speech and a group photo of the [1st VIII] with Mr Lawrence, and one in an [?OUBC] blazer (light colour with dark facings).
5 BW prints and 3 sheets of 9 contact prints
Bede College Literary and Debating Society
Reference: UND/F9B/E11
UND/F9B/E11/D1   29 November 1955
Visitors' Night Debate invite: “This House Believes that U.N.O. has Outlived its Usefulness”.
Card, 1f
Bede College Rugby Club
Reference: UND/F9B/E12
UND/F9B/E12/E1   [1962]
Printout of a copy BW print of Ken Johnston, captain 1961-1962, performing as the tripper at the Rugby Club cabaret.
Paper, 1f
Bede College Musical Society
Reference: UND/F9B/E13
UND/F9B/E13/D1   20 February 1949
Recital programme of music for recorders etc by Senaille, d'Hervelois, Byrd, Farnaby, Peerson, Morley, Handel, Simpson, D. Purcell, d'Andrieu, Daquin, Couperin, 20 February 1949.
Notes for ?a lecture on Beethoven's C Minor Quartet and Mozart's Clarinet Quintet
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9B/F
Photographs - College Groups
Reference: UND/F9B/FDigitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FA1914A

UND/F9B/FA1905S   [c.1905]
College group[ [of seniors], outside college buildings, in dark suits, waiscoats and ties, staff in gowns, various hands on shoulders, unidentified.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1905 - UND/F9B/FA1905S
UND/F9B/FA1905J   1905
Bede College Juniors (42), outside, trees behind, in suits, top hats and some with sticks, sent by Fred to Mrs G. Buckle at Etherley 16 February 1906.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1905 - UND/F9B/FA1905J
UND/F9B/FA1906   1906
College group of seniors, outside college buildings, in dark suits, waistcoats and ties, staff in gowns with some holding mortar boards, a few buttonholes, titled, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board, in a plywood frame
Size: 245 x 355mm (print), 390 x 500mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1906 - UND/F9B/FA1906
UND/F9B/FA1907   [?1907]
College group, outside college buildings, in dark suits, waistcoats and ties, staff in gowns with some holding mortar boards, unidentified except for Fred Atchison.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 295 x 370mm (print), 360 x 500mm (mount)
Given by Michael Taylor, gt-gt-nephew of Fred Atchison, and his sister Janet Pearson, August 2015, Acc No 2015/16:14.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1907 - UND/F9B/FA1907
UND/F9B/FA1910   [c.1910]
College group, outside the college entrance, in suits and ties, a number with buttonholes, staff in gowns with mortar boards, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
BW print, mottled, mounted on board
Size: 295 x 365mm (print), 480 x 600mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1910 - UND/F9B/FA1910
UND/F9B/FA1914A   [June 1914]
College group, outside the college entrance, in suits and ties, a number with Bede badges on their lapels, staff in gowns, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 250 x 365mm (print), 395 x 530mm (mount)
Given by Tim Forcer, grandson of Fred Forcer, and dated by comparison with his other photos in FE1914 and FJ1914, September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:25.
UND/F9B/FA1914B   24 March 1914
College group of juniors (47), outside the college entrance, in suits and ties, David Scott identified, 34 signatures on the back.
BW postcard   90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FA1914B
UND/F9B/FA1926   [June] 1926
College group, outside the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, with some in dark coloured blazers with light coloured facings and either the college or university badges, with the occasional scarf, titled, by London Panoramic Coy, of 10 Farringdon Avenue, London EC4, most identified: G. Hutchinson, H.E.S. Stanton, S. Whiteley, J.C. Raine, J. Forster, J. Clough, R. Spall, T. Horn, J.M. Stables, J. Brown, J. Harrison, Wilkinson, Douglas, P. Terry, W. Darnton, J.C. Wilkinson, M. Maughan, H.C. Eisel, Scorer, J.G.T. Davidson, C. Chicken, Sid Smith, J. Joyce, T. Kershaw, J. McVay, F. Peterson, D. Turnbull, J. Davison, H. Wilkinson, B. Knox, E. Charlton, J. Scott, M.P. Crozier, Kershaw, Mr Wheatley, D. Webster, Mr Willatt, Rev Longford Jones, J. Botright, J.H. Thomas, Principal Canon Braley, F.E. Dann, Mr Bentley, T. Axon, M. Ellis, Rob Simpson, C. Metcalfe, Francis Stevenson, W. Dowson, Wood, R.F. Joyce, X.J. Forrest, H. |Ellison, D. Rispin, G.M. Lindsay, H.C. Allison, A.E. Phaup, G.C. Hardy, R. Day, J.M. Paulin, J.W. Turnbull, A. Tanfield, L. Hall, W.L. Howlett, A.L. Fisher, T. Lazenby, Jeff Smith, Wood, J. Barmforth, G.N. Starling.
BW print, some damage
Size: 280 x 570mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1926 - UND/F9B/FA1926
UND/F9B/FA1932   [June] 1932
College group, outside the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, with some in various blazers, especially in ?palatinate purple or ?dark blue with light coloured facings, two in striped college blazers, and three in different ?school blazers, titled, by Panoramic Photos, of 74 Albert Road, Levenshulme, Manchester, unidentified.
BW print, monted on board
Size: 145 x 600mm (print), 200 x 630mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1932 - UND/F9B/FA1932
UND/F9B/FA1933   [June] 1933
College group, outside the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, with some in 5 sorts of blazer including one striped college blazer, titled, by Panoramic Photograph Co, of 50 Osborne Road, Levenshulme, Manchester, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 255 x 680mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1933 - UND/F9B/FA1933
UND/F9B/FA1935   [?mid 1930s]
College group, in front of the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, 11 in striped college blazers, 2 in sky blue colours college blazers, 2 in ?Durham Colleges blazers, titled, by Panora Ltd of London, unidentified. With a rough proof.
2 BW prints, some damage
Size: 150 x 760mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photographs, 1935 - UND/F9B/FA1935
UND/F9B/FA1937   [June] 1937
College group in front of the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, unidentified but including Ian Cowburn (1917-2005).
BW print, badly damaged, in 2 parts, left end detached, missing the right end
Size: 205mm tall
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1937 - UND/F9B/FA1937
UND/F9B/FA1938   [June ?1938 or 1939]
College group in front of the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, unidentified but including Ian Cowburn (1917-2005), by Panora Ltd of 56/58 Eagle St, London.
BW print, badly damaged, in 2 parts, left end detached
Size: 150mm tall
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/F9B/FA1942   [June c.1942]
College group, in front of the college, in jackets, ties and trousers, (45 students, 2 staff), unidentified but including S.V. Asbury (Bede, 1940-2).
BW print, drawing pin holes in each corner
Size: 140 x 205mm
Donated by his family to his old school (Bedford Modern School) and passed on by the archivist, 10 August 2018.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1942 - UND/F9B/FA1942
UND/F9B/FA1945   [June 1945]
College group, whilst evacuated to York St John's College, in front of a virginia creeper covered building, most in college striped blazers..
Paper, 1f, printout of a digital copy of a BW print
Digitised material for St Bede College Group Photograph, 1945 - UND/F9B/FA1945
UND/F9B/FA1950   [June] 1950
College group, in the grounds with the war memorial behind, in jackets and ties, titled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 200 x 365mm (print), 310 x 480mm (mount)
Given by Andrea Blackett, daughter of W. (William Wallace (Wally)) Hayton (d.25 January 2017) (3rd row, 14 from the left), May 2017.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1950 - UND/F9B/FA1950
UND/F9B/FA1954   [June] 1954
College group, in the grounds, in jackets, ties and trousers, a few in college badged dark blazers, titled with the college arms, by Panorama (Leicester) Ltd, some identified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 825mm
Given by Kathryn M. Waters, whose father J. Kenneth Powell is amongst the staff, February 2010.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1954 - UND/F9B/FA1954
UND/F9B/FA1954D   [June] 1954
Diploma in Education graduates outside, in jackets and ties, some identified.
Copy BW print
Size: 85 x 105mm
Given by Brian Hilton, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Bede College Group Photograph, 1954 - UND/F9B/FA1954D
UND/F9B/FA1956   [June] 1956
College group, in the grounds, in jackets, ties and trousers, many in college badged dark blazers, with one non-college badge, titled with the college arms, by Panorama (Leicester) Ltd, unidentified except staff in the front row.
BW print
Size: 205 x 705mm
Given by Kathryn M. Waters, whose father J. Kenneth Powell is amongst the staff, February 2010.
Digitised material for St Bede College Group Photograph, 1956 - UND/F9B/FA1956
UND/F9B/FA1958   [June] 1958
College group, in the grounds, in jackets, ties and trousers, many in college badged dark blazers, some with colours denoted, titled with the college arms, by H. Tempest Photography Ltd, unidentified.
Copy BW print, in 4 parts, sellotaped together
Size: 195 x 1020mm
Given by Jim Harris (Bede 1957-59), Acc No Misc.2015/16:61.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1958 - UND/F9B/FA1958
UND/F9B/FA1960   [June] 1960
College group, in the grounds with college buildings behind, in jackets, ties and trousers, many in college badged dark blazers with at least 3 other badged dark blazers, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 140 x 820mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1960 - UND/F9B/FA1960
UND/F9B/FA1964   [June] 1964
College group, in the grounds with college buildings behind, in jackets, ties and trousers, many in college badged dark blazers, titled with the college arms, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 140 x 790mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Group Photograph, 1964 - UND/F9B/FA1964
UND/F9B/FA1966   June 1966
College group, in the grounds with college buildings behind, in jackets, ties and trousers, many in college badged dark blazers, titled with the college arms, some identified.
BW print, badly damaged with various tears
Size: 140 x 985mm
Given by Kathryn M. Waters, whose father J. Kenneth Powell is amongst the staff, February 2010.
Photographs - Athletics
Reference: UND/F9B/FB
UND/F9B/FB1927   [June] 1927
Bede Athletics Club, outside in front of the war memorial, in white shirts (some with badges, facings or trim), white shorts, and 1 in a cricket jersey and dark blazer with light facings, with a table of 13 trophies, identified with their disciplines: F. Joyce, Rob Simpson, H. Wilkinson, R. Spall, Tulip, Harrison, D. Turnbull, Mr F.E. Dann (vice-principal), Jobling, J.G. Davidson, P. Crozier, G. Smith, H.E. Stanton, Charlton.
BW print
Size: 115 x 190mm
Given by Rob Simpson (Bede 1926-1927), August 1998.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Athletics Club Photograph, 1927 - UND/F9B/FB1927
UND/F9B/FB1930   [?June 1930]
Bede Athletics Club (18), outside the college, in white shirts six of which have double [dark blue] rings on the arms and a partial double stripe down the centre, one with a cross on the left breast, and one wearing a dark blazer with white facings, all with white shorts, except for one clergyman, with a cup, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 155 x 295mm (mount)
Given by J.F. Crane (Bede 1962-65 and 1971-74), whose father is in the picture, 8 September 1975.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Athletics Club Photograph, 1930 - UND/F9B/FB1930
UND/F9B/FB1950   [c.1950]
Bede [Athletics Club] (14), outside the college front, in white shirts and vests with some running spikes and 10 trophies, by Taylor of Sunderland, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
Digitised material for St Bede's Athletics Club Photograph, 1950 - UND/F9B/FB1950
UND/F9B/FB1955   [c.June 1955]
Bede [Athletics Club] (30), outside the college front, in white shirts and vests with running shoes, by Taylor of Sunderland, unidentified.(same date as UND/F9B/FE1955)

BW print
Size: 160 x 210mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Athletics Club Photograph, 1955 - UND/F9B/FB1955
UND/F9B/FB1958   [?June 1958]
[Bede Athletics team] (16), outside, in college badged dark blazers, ties and trousers, with 3 trophies, unidentified.
With a printout of a scan.
BW print in a card mount + 1f
Original given by Malcolm Fox; printout given by John Rean, July 2016.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Athletics Club Photograph, 1958 - UND/F9B/FB1958
Photographs - Badminton
Reference: UND/F9B/FC
UND/F9B/FC1970   [June] 1970
Bede Badminton Club (13), in the grounds, in blazers with the college badge, ties and trousers, with a cup and a shield, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 200 x 360mm (print), 315 x 470mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Badminton Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FC1970
Photographs - Basketball
Reference: UND/F9B/FD
UND/F9/FD1969   [March] 1969
Bede Basketball Club (14), in the grounds, in blazers with college badges (with one other badge), ties and trousers, titled with the university and college arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on card
Size: 190 x 245mm (print), 305 x 385mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Basketball Club Photograph, 1969 - UND/F9/FD1969
Photographs - Boat Club
Reference: UND/F9B/FE The Boat Club was formed on 22 February 1883.

UND/F9B/FE1884   [?June] 1884
Bede senior crew (4), in front of a hedge, in white tops with a dark cross on the left breast , dark trim and a dark half stripe down the front off-centre, and white trousers, two holding blades, with crossed sculls behind and a rudder on the ground, by Paul Stabler of Sunderland, Henry (Harry) Bellerby Lowerison (2) identified
BW print, moounted on card
Size: 145 x 95mm (print), 165 x 110mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1884 - UND/F9B/FE1884
UND/F9B/FE1909   [1908 x 1909]
Bede Boat Club (28), outside the college entrance, in white jerseys and shorts, 4 in dark blazers with thin widely spaced light coloured stripes, 1 in a dark blazer with thin closely spaced light coloured stripes, 2 in dark blazers with light coloured facings, 1 with a [Bede] badge, and 1 in a dark double-breasted blazer with less light coloured facings and a badge of an armoured arm holding an arrow, with crossed blades in front, uncoloured with a chevron of a broad [light blue] stripe between two thin dark blue stripes, and a rudder, unidentified except for James Christie Lax.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 195 x 295mm (print), 220 x 320mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1909 - UND/F9B/FE1909
UND/F9B/FE1914A   [June] 1914
Bede Boat Club (20), outside the college entrance, most in white rowing vests (of varying designs with slightly off-centre single thick or thinner double stripes part way down the front, single or double rings on the sleeve ends, and (some) crosses on the left breast), white shorts, and dark socks with the lower part with white hoops, also two in “BCBC 1913” caps, with four coxes in shirts, jerseys, white trousers and dark blazers (one plain, 3 with light coloured facings of which 1 has the college badge and “BCRFC” on the breast pocket and 1 has crossed blades and “ BCBC” on the breast pocket) with crossed blades in front, uncoloured with a broad [light blue] stripe between two thin dark blue stripes, by John R. Edis, identified: B. Horner, J. Hine, E. Bell, T.B. Dickinson, J.T. Proudlock, C.S. Hall, H. Hannington, H. Belshaw, J. Fisher, F. Forcer, T. Chrisp, H. Tustin, J.M. Watson (capt), R. Thwaites (vice-capt), F.C. Arkless, W.W. Boll, F. Pattinson (cox), W.P. Nicholson (cox), J. Young (cox), W.D. Murray (Cox).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 235 x 295mm (print), 395 x 510mm (mount)
Given by Tim Forcer, grandson of Fred Forcer, September 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:25).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FE1914A
UND/F9B/FE1914B   [March] 1914
Bede [1st rowing IV], v York, outside the college entrance, in white shirts with double hoops round the sleeve ends and an offset double central stripe with a dark edged cross on the left breast, one wearing a tasselled clours cap, [cox] in a [dark] blue blazer with [light blue] facings, with crossed blades, spoons natural with a broad [light blue] vertical stripe flanked by two thinner [dark blue] stripes, by Speedy Photo Co, Durham, signed on the back by J.M. Watson and R. Thwaites, with a note that the race at York on 11 March 1914 was won by Bede by 6 lengths.
BW postcard   90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FE1914B
UND/F9B/FE1924   1924
Bede College team, Lady Herschell Plate, Durham Regatta, identified: A. Ramsdeb (Bow), C.H, Raine (2), J. Morland (3), J. E. Cawthorne (Str), and R. W. Spence (Cox)
BW print, mounted on board. Left section of the board is damaged and not extant.   235 x 355mm
Given by Anne Archer, April 2024 (Acc. No. Misc.2023/24:62)
UND/F9B/FE1930   [c.1930]
[Bede Boat Club] (39), on a bank, trees behind, in white jerseys and trousers
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 255mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1930 - UND/F9B/FE1930
UND/F9B/FE1937A   [June] 1937
Bede College [1st VIII], outside the boat house, in white shorts and singlets with various blazers and scarves, with 4 blades held upright: Scott, C.H. Ritzema, H. Mossop, Haydon, Starwell, George, E.I. Dobbie, Jobey, J. Brooke.
BW print
Size: 60 x 85mm
Given by Nancy Caldwell (Neville's Cross 1937-1939).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1937 - UND/F9B/FE1937A
UND/F9B/FE1937B   [June ] 1937
Bede College [Durham Regatta] Lady Anne Lambton winning IV, outside, in various blazers and scarves and white trousers, with a trophy and 4 goblets, titled with the college arms, identified: H. Mossop stroke, R.L. Best coach, C.H. Ritzema 2, J. Brooke bow, E.I. Dobbie 3, C. Dixon cox.
Print out of a BW print, paper, 1f
Given by his Ritzema's daughter Mrs Gill Ladhams in 2003 to Wade Hall-Craggs, and by him 18 December 2019.
Digitised material for St Bede's Boat Club Photograph, 1937 - UND/F9B/FE1937B
UND/F9B/FE1946   [December] 1946
Bede Pickard Cambridge [winning] IV (6), outside the college, in [rowing singlets] and white shorts/trousers, 4 in light blue and dark blue striped blazers with the college badge, one in a cream coloured with striped piping BCBC and crossed blades badged blazer, one in a dark coloured blazer with the college badge and crossed blades, all with scarves of at least 4 sorts, with a cup, by John R. Edis, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 155mm (print), 355 x 280mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1946 - UND/F9B/FE1946
UND/F9B/FE1947   [March] 1947
Bede Boat Club (30), outside the college, in white shirts and shorts, many with college scarves, three in other scarves, two in cricket jerseys, two in rowing singlets, one with thin dark coloured facings and placquet, the other with two dark coloured stripes round the arms and central placquet, 5 in long trousers and blazers of which 3 are light blue with double dark blue stripes and the college badge, one is cream with striped piping and BCBC between crossed blades, and one is dark with crossed blades above [the college badge], with a shield and a cup, titled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1947 - UND/F9B/FE1947
UND/F9B/FE1948   [March] 1948
Bede Boat Club (32), outside the college, in white shirts and shorts, some with college scarves, two in other scarves, four in various jerseys, many in rowing singlets with five sorts of facings, 6 in long trousers and light blue with double dark blue stripes and the college badge blazers, one in a darker blazer with crossed blades above the college badge, with a cup, titled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 190mm (print), 280 x 355mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1948 - UND/F9B/FE1948
UND/F9B/FE1955   [c.1955]
Bede [Boat Club] (25), outside the front of the college, most in white shirts and shorts, 5 in white trousers and light blue with double dark blue stripes blazers, 1 other wearing a BCBC cap, 1 with a “Bede” megaphone, by Taylor of Newcastle, unidentified.(same date as UND/F9B/FB1955)

BW print
Size: 160 x 210mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1955 - UND/F9B/FE1955
UND/F9B/FE1963   [June] 1963
Bede Boat Club (33), on the college lawns, in dark college badged blazers, some with crossed blades and BCBC, ties and trousers, with two in lighter blazers with darker facings and also the college badges and crossed blades, with two cups and a shield, titled with the university and college arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
Given by A.C. (Tony) Craig (Bede 1959-1960 and 1961-1964).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1963 - UND/F9B/FE1963
UND/F9B/FE1964   [?March 1964]
Bede IV, on the boathouse steps, in dark tops (1 with a college badge), white shorts and with college scarves, each holding a blade vertically with dark double chevrons on a light background, identified.
BW print
Given by A.C. (Tony) Craig (Bede 1959-1960 and 1961-1964).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1964 - UND/F9B/FE1964
UND/F9B/FE1966   [1966]
Bede VIII, on the boathouse steps, in [light blue] singlets, white shorts and each holding a blade vertically with dark double chevrons on a light background, with a cox in shirt and tie, some identified.
With a covering letter from Eric Main 25 April 2008.
Copy BW print
Size: 155 x 130mm
Given by Eric Main (left Bede 1966)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1966 - UND/F9B/FE1966
UND/F9B/FE1970   [June] 1970
Bede Boat Club (41), on the college lawns, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, with 6 cups and 12 tankards, with crossed blades of [light blue] with double [dark blue] chevrons, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 370mm (print), 215 x 420mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FE1970
UND/F9B/FE1971   [June] 1971
Bede Boat Club (36), on the college lawns, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, with 12 cups on a bench and tankards, and with crossed blades of [light blue] with double [dark blue] chevrons, identified.
Printed out scanned BW print
From an original held by Jim Bennett, 30 April 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:140.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1971 - UND/F9B/FE1971
UND/F9B/FE1972   [June 1972]
Bede Boat Club (18), on the college lawns, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, but one in a light coloured (?white) rowing blazer with striped piping and crossed blades with BCBC on the breast pocket, with 10 cups, a shield and 7 tankards, with crossed blades of [light blue] with double [dark blue] chevrons, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 210 x 360mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1972 - UND/F9B/FE1972
UND/F9B/FE1974   [June] 1974
Bede Boat Club (23), in front of the steps by the boat house with college buildings behind, some in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, one in a cream coloured DUBC blazer with palatinate facings, one in a cream coloured BCBC blazer with striped beading, and most in variously coloured rowing singlets, with 7 cups, 1 plate, 4 medals and 21 tankards, with crossed ?white/light blue blades, one carrying a megaphone and stop watches, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 210 x 375mm (print), 315 x 470mm (mount)
Printed in: I.G. Booth, The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham (1979), pl.53.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1974 - UND/F9B/FE1974
UND/F9B/FE1975A   [June] 1975
Bede Boat Club (15), on the steps by the boat house with college buildings behind, mostly in dark college badged blazers, one in a cream coloured DUBC blazer with palatinate facings, another in a dark blazer with a ?DARC badge, three in suits, two in rowing kit including one with a top with a GCSRC white rose, with 10 cups, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 215 x 370mm (print), 315 x 470mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1975 - UND/F9B/FE1975A
UND/F9B/FE1975B   [June 1975]
Bede Boat Club (15), on the steps by the boat house with college buildings behind, another version of the previous, but with no cups and rather gathered round the scull The Ganges on stretchers with crossed sculls on the ground, by Fillinghams, unidentified but as the previous.
BW print
Size: 220 x 380mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Boat Club Photograph, 1975 - UND/F9B/FE1975B
Photographs - Cricket
Reference: UND/F9B/FF
UND/F9B/FF1904   [June] 1904
Bede Cricket team (16), outside the college entrance, in whites and boots, some jerseys, 3 with [?colours] badges of the college arms with BCD, identified; K. Edwards, J. Black, H. Maxey, F. Holmes, Rev T. Read, F. Howie, B. Nixon, J. Rowe, W. Scott, J. Carruthers, J. Eaden (capt), W. Hewitt, S. Atkinson, P. Lilley, B. Askew, T. Todd.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 225 x 295mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Cricket Club Photograph, 1904 - UND/F9B/FF1904
UND/F9B/FF1972   [June] 1972
Bede Cricket Club (18), outside in the garden, in college badged blazers, ties and trousers, by Fillinghams, titled with the university coat of arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 355mm (print), 315 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Cricket Club Photograph, 1972 - UND/F9B/FF1972
Photographs - Fives
Reference: UND/F9B/FG
UND/F9B/FG1970   [March] 1970
Bede Rugby Fives Club (9), outside in the garden, in college badged blazers, ties and trousers, by Fillinghams, titled with the university coat of arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 355mm (print), 315 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Fives Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FG1970
UND/F9B/FG1971   [March] 1971
Bede Rugby Fives Club (7), outside in the garden, in college badged blazers, ties and trousers, by Fillinghams, titled with the university coat of arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 355mm, 315 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Fives Club Photograph, 1971 - UND/F9B/FG1971
UND/F9B/FG1972   [March] 1972
Bede Rugby Fives Club (10), outside in the garden, in college badged blazers, ties and trousers, by Fillinghams, titled with the university coat of arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 355mm (print), 315 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Fives Club Photograph, 1972 - UND/F9B/FG1972
Photographs - Football
Reference: UND/F9B/FH
UND/F9B/FH1906   [?1906]
Bede [Association Football Club] (16), outside the college entrance, in dark and light halved shirts, dark shorts, socks and boots, with a ball, 3 wearing caps (one with ?1904-5-6 on the peak), unidentified.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Football Club Photograph, 1906 - UND/F9B/FH1906
UND/F9B/FH1914   11 December 1913
Bede [Association Football Club] (12), for Past v Present [game], outside the college entrance, in dark and light broad hooped shirts, white shorts and dark socks with a light band round the top, and boots, with a ball, 4 with colours tasselled caps, 1 in a jersey with gloves and 1 in a suit, unidentified, by Speedy Photo Co, Durham.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Football Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FH1914
UND/F9B/FH1926   [March] 1926
Bede Association Football Club (15), outside the front door, in ?blue and white quartered shirts, white shorts, and various socks, two in blazers, with a ball, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 152 x 195mm (print), 230 x 280mm (mount)
Given by J.F. Crane (Bede 1962-65 and 1971-74), whose father is in the picture, 8 September 1975.
Digitised material for St Bede's Football Club Photograph, 1926 - UND/F9B/FH1926
UND/F9B/FH1927   [March 1927]
Bede Association Football Club (15), in front of the war memorial, in ?blue and white quartered shirts, white shorts, various socks, one in a hooped shirt, 2 in dark blazers with light coloured facings, and 1 in a suit, identified: J. Clough, Day, Maughan, Wilkinson, Kershaw, D. Rispin, Mr Ellis, J.H. Forster, Mr F.E. Dann vice-principal, F. Whiteley, S. McVay. D. Turnbull, B. Brown, Rob Simpson, F. Luford. With a covering letter from Rob Simpson of 18 August 1998.
BW print
Size: 135 x 175mm
Given by Rob Simpson (Bede 1926-1927), August 1998.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Football Club Photograph, 1927 - UND/F9B/FH1927
UND/F9B/FH1970   [March] 1970
Bede Soccer XI, Durham inter-collegiate trophy winners 1969/70, in the grounds, with the trophy, in football kit, titled with the university arms, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 365mm (print), 315 x 485mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Football Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FH1970
Photographs - Hockey
Reference: UND/F9B/FI
UND/F9B/FI1904   [March] 1904
Bede Hockey Club (13), outside the college entrance, in light and dark halved shirts, dark shorts and various socks, with crossed sticks and a ball, identified: W. Hewitt (referee), R. Rodwell, J.J. Eaden, W. Scott, J.E. Rowe, R.C. Clements (secretary), P. Lilley, F. Potts (vice-capt), G.W. Askew (capt), Mr Ramshaw, J.R. Carruthers, E.S. Atkinson, R.J. Swinburne.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 225 x 295mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1904 - UND/F9B/FI1904
UND/F9B/FI1912   [March] 1912
Bede Hockey Club (12), outside the college entrance, in dark and light broad hooped shirts, white shorts, and dark socks with a broad light hoop, 5 wearing tassled caps (colours), one wearing a broad dark and light striped blazer, one in a jacket and tie, with crossed sticks and a ball, titled, by John R. Edis, identified: S.H. Cunningham, F. Robson, W. Hall, W.G.S. Bulmer (referee), J.S. Wilson, J. Tweddle, C.W. Browell, S.J. Gowland, H.L. Bradley (capt), Mr H.J. Mowlam (president), R.R. Corker (vice-capt, secretary), R. Harrison.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 240 x 295mm (print), 395 x 505mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1912 - UND/F9B/FI1912
UND/F9B/FI1914   [March] 1914
Bede Hockey Club (12), for Past v Present [game], outside the college entrance, in dark and light broad hooped shirts, white shorts and dark socks with a light band round the top, and boots, with sticks and a ball, 2 with colours tasselled caps, also 1 in a jacket, 1 in a jersey and 1 in a suit, unidentified.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FI1914
UND/F9B/FI1939   [March] 1939
[Bede] Hockey Club (11), on a playing field, in halved shirts, white shorts and hooped socks, with sticks: []aswell, Logan, Brad, Ellis, Brod, Pickering, Phersan, Rag, Hudson, Morley.
BW print
Size: 65 x 90mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1939 - UND/F9B/FI1939
UND/F9B/FI1966   [March] 1966
Bede Hockey squad (21), in the grounds, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, with crossed sticks, with a trophy, unidentified.
Copy BW print
Size: 105 x 150mm
Given by an unidentified donor at the 2015 reunion, 19 September 2015.
UND/F9B/FI1968A   [March] 1968
Bede Hockey Club (27), in the grounds, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, with crossed sticks, identified.
BW print
Size: 200 x 255mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1968 - UND/F9B/FI1968A
UND/F9B/FI1968B   [March ?1968]
Newspaper cutting of Bede Hockey 2nd XI, outside, in quartered shirts, some with the college badge, and white shorts, identified.
Paper, 1f
Digitised material for St Bede's Hockey Club Photograph, 1968 - UND/F9B/FI1968B
UND/F9B/FI1972   [March] 1972
Bede Hockey Club (22), in the grounds, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousersm with crossed sticks, titled with the university arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 205 x 360mm (print), 315 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1972 - UND/F9B/FI1972
Photographs - Rugby
Reference: UND/F9B/FJ
UND/F9B/FJ1884   [?March] 1884
[Men's Training College] rugby team (15), outside with a leafy backdrop, in white trousers, dark socks, boots, dark shirts, some with the [college] badge, one holding a ball labelled “D.T.C. F.C. 1884”, by P. Stable of Sunderland; Bellerby Lowerson (known as Harry) identified.
BW print, mounted on card, damaged
Size: 140 x 195mm (print), 230 x 285mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1884 - UND/F9B/FJ1884
UND/F9B/FJ1902   [March] 1902
Bede rugby team (17), outside the college entrance, in hooped shirts (some with college badge [colours] on their left breast), dark shorts and dark socks with two hoops round the top, with a ball, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 215 x 280mm (print), 225 x 330mm (board)
Presented by Mr John Dent of 6 Church Lane, Ferryhill, January 1981.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1902 - UND/F9B/FJ1902
UND/F9B/FJ1905   [?March 1905]
[Bede rugby team] (18), outside the college entrance, in hooped shirts (2 with badges of the college arms with BCD), dark shorts and various socks, with a ball, by John R. Edis, identified: H. Stamp (Hon Sec), C.W. Howie, A.E. Wilkinson, G.F. Holmes, T. Blackburn, E.R. Robson, J.E. Barnfather, J.E. Rogers, C.W. Hall (referee), A.S. Slater, E.N. Keedy (vice-capt), J.R.F. Martin (capt), J.E. Cuthbertson, M. Hall, J. WIlson, J. Moffatt, R.W. Cain, E.J. Dent.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 215 x 285mm (print), 310 x 355mm (mount)
Given by Kath Woods, March 2017, Acc No Misc.2016/17:100.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1905 - UND/F9B/FJ1905
UND/F9B/FJ1907   [?March 1907]
Bede [rugby] team (19), outside the college, in hooped shirts, dark shorts and various socks, by John R. Edis, identified: C. Matthew (referee), G. Dickinson, R.O. Watts, H.C. Gray, Mr E.G. Savage (president), E.R. Hailey, J. Patterson, T.J. Braithwaite, R. Hughes, J. Tilley (hon secretary), F. Atchison, R. Holliday, J.G. Moore (capt), S. Carver, C.W. Wasson, J. Phillips, A.S. Grant, A.A. Wade, W. Williams.
BW print, mounted on board, broken in 2
Size: 225 x 295mm (print), 300 x 460mm (mount)
Given by Michael Taylor, gt-gt-nephew of Fred Atchison, and his sister Janet Pearson, August 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:14.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1907 - UND/F9B/FJ1907
UND/F9B/FJ1907   [March] 1907
Bede rugby team (16), outside the college, in hooped shirts, dark shorts and various socks, with a ball, unidentified but, by comparison with the previous: ?, ?, ?, ?, R.O. Waite, E.R. Haley, ?, ?, ?, ?, F. Atchison, C.W. Wasson, ?, ?, ?, ?
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 140mm
Given by Michael Taylor, gt-gt-nephew of Fred Atchison, and his sister Janet Pearson, August 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:14.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1907 - UND/F9B/FJ1907
UND/F9B/FJ1910   1910
Bede rugby past and present (18), outside the college, in hooped shirts and socks with white shorts, 6 with caps, 1 with a skull cap, with a ball, unidentified except for Leathard Riseborough.
BW postcard
Given by Tom Bell, Scotland, nephew of Riseborough, April 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:39.
Digitised material for St Bede's Rugby Club Photograph, 1910 - UND/F9B/FJ1910
UND/F9B/FJ1912   1912
Bede rugby past and present (19), outside the college, in various shirts, shorts and socks, with a ball, unidentified except for Fred Atchison.
BW print, on a card mount
Size: 85 x 135mm (print), 105 x 150mm (mount)
Given by Michael Taylor, gt-gt-nephew of Fred Atchison, and his sister Janet Pearson, August 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:14.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1912 - UND/F9B/FJ1912
UND/F9B/FJ1914A   [June] 1914
Bede RFC (19), outside the college entrance, in [light blue/dark blue] hooped shirts of 3 different types, whites shorts and [light blue/dark blue] hooped socks, 7 in [?colours] caps ([dark blue] with [light blue] edging and ?BRC 1912-13 and tassells, 3 in suits, with a ball, titled, by John R. Edis, identified: A. Robson (linesman), T.R. Yeoman, W.G. Hall, J.H. King, J.T. Proudlock, J.C. Fisher, J.T. Cook, S. McManners (hon secretary), T.E.B. Russell, F. Forcer, H. Loy (capt), Mr Bentley (president), R. Walker (vice-capt), R. Thwaites, T.H. Reid, D.M. Christelow, H. Robson, H. Tait, W.J. Monger.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 235 x 295mm (print), 395 x 510mm (mount)
Given by Tim Forcer, grandson of Fred Forcer, September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:25.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FJ1914A
UND/F9B/FJ1914B   [c.March] 1914
Bede [Rugby Football Club] (17), for the game v York, outside the college entrance, in dark and light broad hooped shirts, white shorts and dark hooped socks, and boots, with a ball, 7 with colours tasselled caps, and 2 in suits, unidentified, by Speedy Photo Co, Durham, signed on the back by R. Thwaites and Samuel Manners.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FJ1914B
UND/F9B/FJ1914C   [March] 1914
Bede [Rugby Football Club] (16), for the Past v Present v York, outside the college entrance, in dark and light broad hooped shirts, white shorts and dark hooped socks, and boots, with a ball, 7 with colours tasselled caps, and 1 in a suit, unidentified, by Speedy Photo Co, Durham.
BW postcard, damaged   90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49).
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1914 - UND/F9B/FJ1914C
UND/F9B/FJ1945   [March] 1945
St John's Rugby Union Football Club whilst Bede College was evacuated to York St John, including at least Selwyn Lonsdale (Bede 1943-1945, front row 2nd from right) and Tom Danby (international player).
Paper, 1f, printout of a digital copy of a BW print
UND/F9B/FJ1950   [March 1950]
Bede College Rugby Football Club, in the college grounds with the war memorial behind, in broad hooped or white shirts, white shorts, various socks, and boots, with 3 trophies and a ball, by John R. Edis, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 200mm (print), 255 x 325mm (mount)
Given by Andrea Blackett, daughter of W. (William Wallace (Wally)) Hayton (d.25 January 2017), May 2017.
Digitised material for St Bede's Rugby Club Photograph, 1950 - UND/F9B/FJ1950
UND/F9B/FJ1951   [March 1951]
Bede College Rugby Football Club, outside the college entrance, in broad hooped shirts, white shorts, various socks and boots, one in trousers and a dark blazer with light trim, with 2 trophies and a ball, by John R. Edis, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 255 x 325mm (mount)
Given by Andrea Blackett, daughter of W. (William Wallace (Wally)) Hayton (d.25 January 2017), May 2017.
Digitised material for St Bede's Rugby Club Photograph, 1951 - UND/F9B/FJ1951
UND/F9B/FJ1958   [June] 1958
Printout of a scanned BW mounted print of Bede RFC (29), on the lawn, in [sky blue] shirts with double [dark blue] hoops, white shorts and [light and dark blue] hooped socks, with 2 trophies and a ball, titled with the college arms and identified..
Paper, 1f
Given by John Rean, July 2016.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1958 - UND/F9B/FJ1958
UND/F9B/FJ1959   [March] 1959
Bede RFC (32), on the lawn with gardens and college buildings behind, in [sky blue (with some college badge colours)] (?1st XV) or hoops (two with double hoops) (?2nd XV) shirts, white shorts and hooped socks, with a ball and cup, titled with the university and college arms, by Mason and Harvey of 57 Sadler St, Durham, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 140 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1959 - UND/F9B/FJ1959
UND/F9B/FJ1965   [March] 1965
Bede rugby club (65), in the grounds with college buildings behind, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, or suits, titled with the university and college arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 190 x 250mm (print), 300 x 380mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1965 - UND/F9B/FJ1965
UND/F9B/FJ1966   [March] 1966
Bede rugby club (36), in the grounds with college buildings behind, in dark college badged blazers, ties and trousers, with a ball and cup, titled with the university and college arms, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 195 x 245mm (print), 300 x 380mm (board)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1966 - UND/F9B/FJ1966
UND/F9B/FJ1968   [March] 1968
Bede rugby club (15) [1st XV], Durham Junior Cup winners, on the lawn with cathedral and castle behind, in [sky blue] shirts, white shorts and hooped socks, with a cup, identified.
BW print, mounted on card
Size: 150 x 205mm (print), 255 x 305mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1968 - UND/F9B/FJ1968
UND/F9B/FJ1975   12 June 1975
Bede [rugby team 1st XV] (15), in the grounds, in dark college badged blazers or jackets, ties and trousers, by Fillinghams, unidentified.
BW print, damaged and torn
Size: 220 x 375mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Rugby Club Photograph, 1975 - UND/F9B/FJ1975
Photographs - Squash
Reference: UND/F9B/FK
UND/F9B/FK1960   [June] 1960
Bede squash club, Durham Colleges trophy winners, in the college grounds, in white shirts (2 with college bades (?colours) on their chests), shorts, socks and trainers, with racquets and a cup, titled with the university and college arms, by Mason and Harvey of 57 Sadler St, Durham, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 210mm (print), 250 x 305mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Squash Club Photograph, 1960 - UND/F9B/FK1960
UND/F9B/FK1970   [c.1970]
Bede [squash] club (22), in the college grounds, in dark college badged blazers, with 2 racquets, by Fillinghams, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 215 x 360mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Squash Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FK1970
Photographs - Tennis
Reference: UND/F9B/FL
UND/F9B/FL1926   [June] 1926
Bede Lawn Tennis VI (7), outside the college entrance, in white shirts and trousers, 6 in blazers, dark with light trim, 2 with Bede badges, 4 with Durham badges, 4 holding rackets, unidentiifed.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 150 x 200mm (print), 240 x 300mm (mount)
Presented by J.F. Crane (Bede 1962-65 and 1971-74) whose father features, 8 September 1975.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Tennis Club Photograph, 1926 - UND/F9B/FL1926
UND/F9B/FL1970   [c.1970]
Bede ?Tennis Club (6), in the college grounds, in blazers with college badges (one has BCTC above), ties and trousers, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 205 x 360mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Tennis Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FL1970
Photographs - Chapel
Reference: UND/F9/FM
UND/F9B/FM1933   1933
Bede College altar servers (24), outside the college entrance, in suits with one in a striped blazer, titled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, identified: R. Sewell, J.W. Martin, G.B.K. Small, W.A. Brown, F.T. Andrews, J.N. Lowe, J. Chamberlain, C.E. Walshaw, F. Raine, C.S. Morton, W. Brunskill, R.J.B. Woollard, G. Needham, A. Jackson, W.A. Baker, H. Thorpe, E.W. Short, T. Young, J.G. Davies, G.C. Fawcett, Rev J.T. Hughes, Rev E.F. Braley (principal), S.J. Powell, T.G. Ridley.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 205mm (print), 250 x 290mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's College Chapel Photograph, 1933 - UND/F9B/FM1933
UND/F9B/FM1961   1961
Bede College chapel choir, outside in the grounds, in college badged dark blazers, titled with the university and college arms, by J.A. Mills of Durham, identified.
With a covering letter from George Faulkner 13 January 2013.
Copy BW print, 2f + 1f
Size: 145 x 200mm (print)
Copy provided by George Faulkner January 2013.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Chapel Photograph, 1961 - UND/F9B/FM1961
UND/F9B/FM1966   [June] 1966
previous hitBede/Hild next hit chapel choir, outside the Bede chapel entrance, 13 men (in suits), 9 women (in dresses), 2 clergy (Revd Lloyd (chaplain) and Revd Hallam) and the music director (male).
Copy BW print
Size: 105 x 150mm
Given by an unidentified donor at the 2015 reunion, 19 September 2015.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Chapel Photograph, 1966 - UND/F9B/FM1966
Photographs - Cross-Country Club
Reference: UND/F9B/FN
UND/F9B/FN1952   [March] 1952
Bede Cross-Country Club, outside in the grounds, in short-sleeve shirts with dark blue and light blue hoops, white shorts and running shoes, by J.R. Edis, identified.
Copy BW print
Size: 205 x 220mm
Given by Brian Hilton, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Cross-Country Club Photograph, 1952 - UND/F9B/FN1952
UND/F9B/FN1953   [March] 1953
Bede Cross-Country Club, outside in the grounds, in dark blue blazers with the college badge, ties and grey trousers, identified.
Copy BW print
Size: 120 x 160mm
Given by Brian Hilton, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Cross-Country Club Photograph, 1953 - UND/F9B/FN1953
UND/F9B/FN1954   [March] 1954
Bede Cross-Country Club [Durham Colleges Champions], outside in the grounds, in dark blue blazers with the college badge, ties and grey trousers, with a table with 3 trophies, unidentified.
Copy BW print
Size: 105 x 145mm
Given by Brian Hilton, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Cross-Country Club Photograph, 1954 - UND/F9B/FN1954
Photographs - Kayak Club
Reference: UND/F9B/FO
UND/F9B/FO1970   [June] 1970
Bede Kayak Club, outside in the grounds, in dark badged college blazers, ties and trousers, with crossed paddles, identified.
Printed out scanned BW print
From an original held by Jim Bennett, 30 April 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:140.
Digitised material for St Bede's College Kayak Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9B/FO1970
Photos of Other College Groups
Reference: UND/F9B/FW
UND/F9B/FW1906   [June] 1906
Bede College prefects (6), in three-piece suits, 2 with button-holes, 4 in chairs, identified: G.F.B[uckle], H.J. Pattison, J.E. Barnfather, F.E. Dann, T. Blackburn, G.G. Sanderson.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 135mm
UND/F9B/FW1910A   [c.1910]
?Bede Walking Club (16), in suits, with some flat caps and walking sticks, outside an ivy-covered building (?Finchale priory).
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 135mm
UND/F9B/FW1910B   [c.1910]
?Bede Walking Club (36), in suits, with some flat caps and a boater, and walking sticks, outside a medieval ruin (?Finchale priory).
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
UND/F9B/FW1947   [1947]
Bede Club Geographical Society, 1946-47, in suits and ties, outside Bede College, identified.
Size: 270 x 270mm
Digitised material for St Bede's Geographical Society Photograph, 1947 - UND/F9B/FW1947
UND/F9B/FW1965   [c.1965]
Malcolm Fox tutorial group (8), outside in the grounds, in college badged dark blazers, unidentified, by Mason and Harvey of 57 Sadler St, Durham.
BW print, in a card mount
Size: 165 x 215mm
UND/F9B/FW1971   September 1971
previous hitBede and Hild next hit students in USA with Penn State students (11), by Rich Winnick, with an explanatory email string.
Colour printout, 2f
Given by Rich Winnick, December 2013.
UND/F9B/FW1973   [?June 1973]
[Bede College] female [staff] (21), outside in the garden, in dresses/skirts, by Fillinghams, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 220 x 380mm
Digitised material for St Bede's College Female Staff Photograph, 1973 - UND/F9B/FW1973
UND/F9B/FW1974   [August] 1974
Bede College Christian Action Group holiday for disabled youngsters, Summer vacation, run by staff and students from previous hitBede with students from St Hild's next hit, outside at the college, (22), 3 in wheel chairs.
BW print, mounted in board
Size: 240 x 290mm
Photos of Non-College Groups
Reference: UND/F9B/FX
UND/F9B/FX1915   [April 1915]
Warrant Officers and NCOs of 8DLI [at Gateshead, April 1915, just before going to France], titled “Staff Sergts & Sergts 8th Service Bn Durham L.I. Embodied 5th August 1914”, montage of head and shoulder images, in uniform with caps, by Frank & Son, identified: Sgt R. Malone, Sgt W. Dodd, Sgt J. Hall, Sgt J.W. Hanson, Sgt J.R. Greaves, Sgt [F.] Forcer (inserted), Sgt R. Barnes, Sgt S. Platten, Sgt H. Knott, Sgt J. Dixon, Sgt T. Chrisp, Sgt T. Walker, Sgt J. Forrest, Sgt J. Todd, Sgt W. Kay, CSM J.G. Smith, CSM A. McKie, Sgt W. Liddle, Sgt R.H Marshall, Sgt J. Bankhead, Sgt T. Marshall, Sgt W.B. Coates, Sgt G. McCullen, L/Sgt J. Makepeace, ArSS A. Eves, RSM J.J. Atkinson, R2MS W. Francis, L/Sgt R. Thwaites, Sgt H. Wilkinson, Sgt G. Briggs, Sgt J. Davidson, Sgt T.A. Brown, L/Sgt J. Bare, CSM W. Roxby, CSM T. Smith, L/Sgt T.B. Lowrey, Sgt T.J. Price, Sgt A.R. Marshall, Sgt J. Laidlaw, Sig[nals] Sgt G.W. Tucker, L/Sgt J.R. Colman, L/Sgt G.W. Anderson, Pio[nee]r Sgt F.W. Mole, Sgt T.G. Taylor, Sgt T. Clough, O[rderly] R[oom] Sgt J. Young, L/Sgt M. McQuillan, CQMS W.D. McCready, CQMS C. Jackson, CQMS E. Flee, CQMS F. Wilson, L/Sgt A. Booth, Tran[spor]t Sgt J. Robson, Sgt J.G. Teasdale, Sgt F. Crow, Sgt Bug[le]r E. Miles, C[ler]k Sgt T. Richardson, Sgt J. Emerson.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 280 x 375mm (print), 430 x 530mm (mount)
Given by Tim Forcer, grandson of Fred Forcer, September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:25.
Printed in: E. Hardinge Veitch, 8th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry 1793-1926, (Durham) facing p.14.
Digitised material for St Bede's Non-College Group Photograph, 1915 - UND/F9B/FX1915
UND/F9B/FX1925   July 1925
Model Boys' School, Bede College, outside on the tennis court, masters and pupils, mostly in jackets, ties and shorts, by Panora Ltd of Eagle St London, unidentified except for John Holland, Kenneth Spedding, W. (Cotty) Ingram, Danny Webster.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 120 x 565mm (print), 140 x 580mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Bede's Non-College Group Photograph, 1925 - UND/F9B/FX1925
UND/F9B/FX1960   [c.1960]
?Miners from Brandon holding the NUM Brandon Lodge banner.
BW print
Size: 165 x 220mm
Photos of Individuals and Events
Reference: UND/F9B/FY
UND/F9B/FY1   August 1892
William Henderson (1813-1891), formerly mayor of Durham, head and shoulders, signed “E.E. Grunsell August 1892” .
Print of a pencil and charcoal drawing, on board, damaged
Size: 395 x 365mm
Digitised material for St Bede's Photograph William Henderson, 1892 - UND/F9B/FY1
UND/F9B/FY2   [1982 x 1985]
Robert (Bob) Hesford (Bede 1971-1974), playing for England [?v. France in England], running with the ball, with 2 other players in view, by Bob Thomas Sports Photography of Northampton.
BW print, badly water damaged round the edges
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9B/FY3   [c.1970]
Remembrance Day wreath-laying at the war memorial: chaplain, student [SRC president] with a wreath, [member of staff] with a wreath.
BW print
Size: 315 x 230mm
UND/F9B/FY4   1951
Rag Parade Bede College float “Demonstration Lessons in Pick-Wielding” , with miners being taught by civil servants, bearing umbrellas.
Copy BW print
Size: 80 x 125mm
Given by Brian Hilton, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Bede's Photograph Rag Parade, 1951 - UND/F9B/FY4
UND/F9B/FY5   [28 May 1922]
Dedication of the war memorial, draped with a Union flag, by Bishop Hensley Henson and Lt-Col Ritson, with various military, clergy and others; by The City Studios, Sadler St, Durham.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
UND/F9B/FY6-9   11 November 1926
[Remembrance Day] ceremony around the memorial, with the first chapel beyond, with a military contingent with rifles presented, clergy and boys from the Model School, G.A. Braley principal and F.E. Dann vice-principal, and Mr Turley identified.
4 BW postcards
Size: 85 x 135mm
Given by Rob Simpson (Bede 1926-1927), August 1998.
UND/F9B/FY10   [?March 1958]
Printout of a BW print of [Bede Rag float], “Hell Bent for the Pole”, on a lorry piled with snow, many warmly dressed, with a union flag, outside the Castle.
Paper, 1f
Given by John Rean, July 2016.
UND/F9B/FY11-12   [c.1955]
Play about Bede by Dean Allington, with Bede's body being carried by a group of cowled monks in the cathedral cloister garth.
2 BW prints, stuck on paper, with a negative
Size: 65 x 90mm
UND/F9B/FY13   [7 March 1954]
Footballer, in an England [amateur] shirt for the match against Holland [in Rotterdam, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 240 x 155mm
UND/F9B/FY14   [c.1976]
Gehan Mendis, batting at cricket, (Bede 1973-1976, also captain of DUCC 1975,1976, then Sussex
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 255 x 200mm
UND/F9B/FY15   1939
Jack Ellis, in a hooped rugby shirt, of Wakefield, Yorkshire and England, by The Yorkshire Post.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 175 x 125mm
UND/F9B/FY16   [c.1935]
Canon E.F. Bradley, principal 1925-1947, in clerical dress, mortar board and gown, from a larger [college group] photo.
Copy BW print, mounted on paper
UND/F9B/FY17   [c.1970]
Unidentified ?former principal, head and shoulders.
Copy BW print, laminated
Size: 400 x 245mm
Photos of Buildings
Reference: UND/F9B/FZ
UND/F9B/FZ1   1728
West View of Finchale Priory, by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck, inscribed to Ralph Carr.
Engraving on paper, mounted on board
Size: 305 x 495mm
Digitised material for Engraving of West View of Finchale Priory, 1728 - UND/F9B/FZ1
UND/F9B/FZ2-24   [?1960s]
Photographs of the chapel and contents:
2-6. Exteriors.
7-16. Interiors with closeups of features such as the altar, doors, organ and stall canopies.
17-21. Plate, chalices, crosses and statues.
22-24. Vestments.
23 BW prints
Size: 85 x 115mm
UND/F9B/FZ25   [c.1930]
College front, from below.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
UND/F9B/FZ26   [c.1930]
Schoolroom interior, with desks, blackboards, group photos, by Speedy Photos Co Durham.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
UND/F9B/FZ27   1925
Bede College main front and grounds, from across the Wear, Valentine's Postcard 209744 JV.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by Rob Simpson (Bede 1925-1926), August 1998.
UND/F9B/FZ28-29   [?1958]
Printout of 2 BW postcards of:
28. View across the Wear, with a boat and a punt, of St previous hitHild's gymnasium.
29. View of St Bede's next hit main front through trees, Auty Series, GH, WB, 179.
Paper, 1f
Given by John Rean, July 2016.
UND/F9B/FZ30   [1897]
Montage for the 60th anniversary:
Model school exterior; main college front through the poplar trees; common room interior; shield of the college arms and motto 1837-1897; Bede memorial at Roker; view from the mill across the river of the cathedral; Finchale Abbey; chapel interior looking east.
Copy BW print
Size: 145 x 205mm
UND/F9B/FZ31   [c.1960]
?Pelaw Wood in snow, child in a cap with a dog, by Durham County Advertiser.
BW print
Size: 215 x 160mm
UND/F9B/FZ32   [May] 1966
Bede College main front, including the chapel, from below, including the war memorial, with much colour in the flower beds, by Mike Savage.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 255mm
Given by Mike Savage of York, February 2015 (with UND/F9H/FY17).
UND/F9B/FZ33   [c.1900]
Hallgarth Farm, with cattle standing around the pond, cathedral and St Oswald towers beyond.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 150 x 205mm
UND/F9B/FZ34   [c.June 1926]
View from the Racecourse Ground of the main college front, including the former chapel and the gymnasium, with a rowing four easied on the river, cyclists on the towpath, and tennis being played on the courts, by Panoramic Photos of Levenshulme, Manchester.
BW print
Size: 250 x 445mm
Given by Robert Simpson (Bede 1925-1927), 1937.
UND/F9B/FZ35   1938
College main front, from below, showing the war memorial and gardens above and below.
Printout of a BW print, 1f
UND/F9B/FZ36   1941
Chapel interior, looking east.
Printout of a BW print
UND/F9B/FZ37   [c.1950]
View from the college grounds to the cathedral over a tennis court and the Racecourse ground, by Philipson Studios of Oxford St, Newcastle.
BW print
Size: 195 x 250mm
UND/F9B/FZ38-39   [c.1960]
Durham cathedral at night, floodlit, views of the central and western towers from Palace Green.
2 BS prints
Size: 240 x 150mm
UND/F9B/FZ40   [c.1960]
War memorial cross, front on.
BW print
Size: 205 x 130mm
UND/F9B/FZ41   [c.1960]
War memorial cross, from the side.
BW print
Size: 150 x 120mm
UND/F9B/FZ42   1963
Aerial view of St previous hitHild and Bede next hit colleges, from the SW, showing also Gilesgate, the railway station and Pelaw woods, by Aerofilms of Boreham Wood, Herts, No.A114487.
BW print, mounted on board, with a card cover
Size: 190 x 240mm
UND/F9B/FZ43-46   [c.1970]
Views of
43. Caedmon Hall and the war memorial,
44. Caedmon Hall with the castle beyond,
45. The cathedral from Caedmon Hall balcony.
46. Caedmon Hall interior stage
4 BW prints
Size: 105 x 130mm
UND/F9B/FZ47   [c.1970]
Dun Cow Lane, rear view of a man walking up the cobbles past Dun Cow Cottage.
BW print, mounted on black board
Size: 370 x 295mm
UND/F9B/FZ48   1975
Print of a watercolour of the Durham Training College main front 1858 “based on an old print” , with the college arms, by Margot R. Smith.
Print, paper, 1f
Size: 350 x 495mm
UND/F9B/FZ49   [c.1939]
Bede College Durham, view from across the river, by Valentine's 209744 J.V., of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005).
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/F9B/FZ50   1909
Bede College Durham, view from across the river, 46795 JV.
Sent by Jack (student at Bede) to Mr A. Pepper at Little Langdale, reporting on his return to college, doing well in his terminal [exam], and a match at South Shields cancelled as it was too hard, postmark 16 January 1909.
Coloured postcard
UND/F9B/FZ51   [c.1900]
Front of Bede College, from SW, with scrub, trees and flowers along the terrace bank, and various students with a wheelbarrow on the terrace, 58.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/FZ52   1905
Interior view of Bede College chapel showing the altar between two parts of the organ, Auty Series, G.H., W.B., No. 3909.
Sent by Fred (student at Bede) to Miss A.M. Naylor at Woodville House, Witton Park, postmark 20 February 1905.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/FZ53   1905
Interior view of Bede College Common Room, with tables, chairs, bookcases, flowers, a lectern, bookcases and photos on the walls, Auty Series, G.H., W.B., No. 3910.
Sent by Fred (student at Bede) to Miss A.M. Naylor at Woodville House, Witton Park, postmark 1 February 1905.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/FZ54   1905
Exterior view of Bede College from the river, with trees, paths, wooden fences, and cultivated ground in front, Frith's Series.
Sent by Fred B. (student at Bede) to Miss A.M. Naylor at Woodville House, Witton Park, postmark 19 January 1905.
BW postcard
Publications and Ephemera
Reference: UND/F9B/G
UND/F9B/G1   1965
Newspaper cuttings about the college:
Opening of a closed circuit television studio, featuring Mr K.G. Collier, Mr J.B. Kitching, Mr G. Gustard, Mr E. Thompson, and Mr J. Rose.
Paper file
UND/F9B/G2   [1947] - 1975
Prospectuses: [1947], July 1965, June 1969, 1974, 1975.
UND/F9B/G3   1892 - 1949
Bede College Magazine (1892-1893), Bede Magazine (1894), then The Bede (1906-1949), subtitled in 1915 The Organ of Past and Present Students of the Durham Training College and in 1928 The Magazine of Bede College, Durham, and the Organ of Bede College Club, with news of the college and the activities of its members, present and past; issues present (it became an annual production in 1938):
Vol.III No.2 June 1892, No.3 September 1892, No.4 December 1892
Vol.IV No.1 March 1893, No.2 June 1893, No.3 October 1893, No.4 December 1893
March, May, Midsummer, Michaelmas 1894
April, June 1906
June 1909
June 1910
December 1911
Vol.X No.2 April 1914
Vol.XI No.1 December 1914, No.2 March 1915, No.3 June 1915
Vol.XII No.1 December 1915, No.2 March 1916, No.3 June 1916
Vol.XIII No.1 December 1916, No.2 April 1917, No.3 August 1917
Vol.XIV No.1 December 1917, No.2 April 1918, No.3 August 1918
Vol.XV No.1 December 1918, No.2 April 1919, No.3 August 1919
Vol.XVII No.3 June 1922
Vol.XX No.1 Michaelmas 1927, No.2 Epiphany 1928, No.3 Easter 1928
Vol.XXI No.1 Michaelmas 1928, No.2 Epiphany 1929, No.3 Easter 1929
Vol.XXII No.1 Michaelmas 1929, No.2 Epiphany 1930, No.3 Easter 1930 (bound as one volume), No.4 Michaelmas 1930
Vol.XXIII No.2 Epiphany 1931, No.3 Easter 1931
Vol.XXIV No.1 Michaelmas 1931, No.2 Epiphany 1932, No.3 Summer 1932
Vol.XXV No.1 Michaelmas 1932, No.2 Epiphany 1933, No.3 Easter 1933 (bound as one volume)
Vol.XXVI No.1 Michaelmas 1933, No.2 Epiphany 1934
Vol.XXX No.1 Michaelmas 1936, No.2 Epiphany 1937, No.2 (sic) Easter 1937, No.3 Easter 1938, No.4 Easter 1939
June 1948, June 1949
58 printed paper booklets
Digitised copies of editions 1914-1919 are available at https://www.dur.ac.uk/library/asc/roll/publications/
UND/F9B/G4   [1947]
E.F. Braley, The College of the Venerable Bede Durham 1841-1947, (Durham, Durham County Press Ltd)
Printed paper BW illustrated booklet, 16p
Former reference: PamL 378.4281 BRA
UND/F9B/G5   1973
Bede College a Commentary, by Donald E. Webster
With drafts - ms/typescript - for sections: a Note on Bede Food; of Clothes, Badges and Things; Two of Our Institutions; Sport.
Also notes and a letter from Ken Wilkinson to Webster of 8 April 1970 about their work on the book
Printed paper BW illustrated booklet, 96p + paper file
Former reference: PamL 378.4281 WEB
UND/F9B/G6   1964
Church Assembly, Church of England Board of Education, The Church and the Newsom and Robbins Reports, C.A. 1485
Printed paper booklet, 20p
UND/F9B/G7   [c.1970]
Durham Cathedral Galilee chapel, Bede's tomb and the inscription above it, by Judges of Hastings (C400SX and C6143X).
2 colour postcards
UND/F9B/G8   1921
A Record of the War Service of Bede Men in His Majesty's Navy & Army During the Years of the Great War 1914-1918, printed by The County Advertiser Office, Saddler St, Durham. Comprises a list, by matriculation date, of those serving detailing their unit, theatre and medals, with a memoir of the Bede Company serving with 8 DLI at Ypres in April 1915. With an onwership inscription of “W. Farrer 11-13” .
Paper book, ii + 74p, paper covers, rear one lost
Given by Jean Miller, mentor and SCR member and alumna, [January 2018].
UND/F9B/G9   [October] 1973
Handbook: Notes for the guidance of Students for 1973/4 detailing college regulations etc.
Printed paper booklet
UND/F9B/G10   [c.1970]
Blank forms:
School Practice Visit - Comments and Advice
Attendance and Assignments (requests from tutors/lecturers for explanation
Paper file
UND/F9B/G11   [1968]
“Teacher-Training Centre conducted by Bede College, Durham in the Marine and Technical College South Shields”
Paper leaflet
UND/F9B/G12   [c.1965]
Bede College Conference Centre including a plan of places of interest around Durham.
Paper illustrated printed brochure, 6f
UND/F9B/G13   [2002]
A History of Bede College Lodge, by Stephen Boll, edited by David Buchan
Printed paper booklet, 8f in card covers
UND/F9B/G14   [c.1950]
With the college arms and “Bede College University of Durham” in gold on the front
A5 spring-back binder, dark blue, by Perry & Co Ltd of London and Birmingham
Deposited Collections
Reference: UND/F9B/H
UND/F9B/H1   [early 1970s]
Donald E. Webster's typescript draft of a book on the History of Bede College, with galley proofs, and a template for a dedication of the Bede boat house to him.
Paper file
UND/F9B/H3   c.1938 - 1941
Photographs of an unidentified [non-university] student “CHC” at Bede College.
1. Alan Watcham and “CHC”, in jackets and ties, indoors, c.1939.
2. “CHC”, half length, jacket and tie, glasses, indoors, c.1938.
3-4. “CHC”, standing outdoors, in jacket, tie, gown, holding a book, 4 with mortar board, c.1939.
5. [Bede College football club], in shirts, shorts, socks, on the college entrance steps, “CHC” standing back right arms folded, c.1939.
6. [Bede College] leavers' dinner, black tie, c.1939.
7. Bede College chapel interior, looking east, 1941.
8. Bede College grounds and war memorial, from the riverbank towards the college, c.1938.
Paper file of printouts of digital copies of BW prints
Forwarded electronically from the DU Alumni Office (original source unrecorded) 11 July 2012.
UND/F9B/H4   1904 - 1927
Certificates and records of the teaching career of Frederick Atchison (1886-c.1983) (Bede 1905-1907), headmaster of New Brancepeth School and Upper Standard School Seaham.
Paper file
Given by Michael Taylor, gt-gt-nephew of Fred Atchison, August 2015, and his sister Janet Pearson, Acc No 2015/16:14, along with UND/F9B/FA1906 and F (college and rugby photos).
UND/F9B/H4/1   1904
Board of Education Regulations and Syllabus for the King's Scholarship Examination (HMSO).
Printed paper leaflet, 4f
UND/F9B/H4/2   [1907]
Archbishops' Certificate that Frederick Atchison passed a Divinity exam on 6 April 1906 in the second class and on 21/22 March 1907 in the first class as a day student at Bede.
Parchment, 1m
UND/F9B/H4/3   [?1907]
Physical Drill Certificate of the Board of Education and London County Council that Frederick Atchison was qualified to teach Physical Drill.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H4/4   [1927]
Teacher's Copy of Service Book (HMSO), recording Fred Atchison's teaching, and military, career 1905-1927.
Printed paper booklet
UND/F9B/H5   1918
Photocopies of letters and a certificate about the death of 2Lt Albert George Rowley, DLI, on 26 April 1918, age 23, formerly of Bede College, with a brief service history.
UND/F9B/H6   [1914]
Album of Fred Forcer and his contemporaries - students and staff - at Bede College, all half length, in suits and ties, or gowns and mortar boards, most outside the same door, each signed by the subject, firstly staff in order of precedence, then all the seniors of 1912-14 in alphabetical order.
1. Bede College main front, from below ploughed ground, with a flag-pole and 3 figures above.
2. Donald Jones [principal].
3. T. Read [vice-principal].
4. Thos. W. Powell [normal master].
5. [F.G. Harvey art master].
6. Wm.J. Ingram [music master].
7. A. Oswell [assistant normal master].
8. F. Bentley 1914 [mathematical tutor].
9. C.W. Baldwin 1914 [science tutor].
10. Edith Addis [?matron].
11. Frank C. Arkless, Gateshead.
12. A. Barker, Guisborough, Yorks.
13. J.K. Barrow, Kendal.
14. Harry Belshaw, Auton Stile, Bearpark.
15. Wm.W. Boll, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
16. R. Bulman, Willington.
17. T. Chrisp, Hexham.
18. A.W. Cresswell, Throckley.
19. [?J.H. Common, South Shields].
20. Len Curry, Chester-le-Street.
21. Harry Drysdale.
22. Andrew Ellwood, ("Mish"), 7 Cooperative St, Shildon.
23. R. Fawcett, W Herr[ington], Sunderland.
24. F. Forcer, Hartlepool.
25. Arthur C. Gower, Liversedge, W Leeds, Yorks.
26. Walter Grainger, "Dolly", Bearpark, Durham.
27. J.W. Hall, Cassop.
28. Yours R. Hogg, Whitburn, Sunderland.
29. Harry O. Holker, Bury.
30. W.F. Hub, Laygate, South Shields.
31. Harry Howard, Durham.
32. Yrs sincerely, Jack Hudson.
33. J.M. Jones, Liverpool.
34. Yours, Fred C. King, Bootle, Liverpool.
35. Yours sincerely, H. Loy, Wombwell, Yorks.
36. Yours sincerely, R. Marsden, Howden-le-Wear.
37. Yours, S. McManners, Ferryhill.
38. W. Mitchell, Blyth.
39. W.W. Palmer, Tyne Dock.
40. Sep. Parker, Westgate.
41. Yrs sincerely, Philip P. Price, Alnwick.
42. John Ed. Prickett, Lancaster.
43. T.H. Reid, Liverpool.
44. Arthur Robson, Washington, Durham.
45. Yours, R.R. Robson, Acomb, Hexham.
46. Yrs sincerely, T.E.B. Russell, Newcastle.
47. Geo. M. Sanderson, Caldbeck, Cumberland.
48. Matthew D. Smith, 'DOC', 5 Croft Avenue, Wallsend.
49. Yours sincerely, W.L. Stephenson, Corbridge-on-Tyne.
50. Hy Tait, Ashington, Northumberland.
51. R. Thwaites, Long Marton, Carlisle.
52. T.S. Tickle, Workington, Cumberland.
53. A. Turner, Sherburn, Durham.
54. H. Tustin, Ponteland, Northumberland.
55. R. Walker, Millom, Cumberland.
56. J.M. Watson, Shildon.
57. Andrew Wilson, Cambs, Northumberland.
58. I.D. Wilson, Seahouses.
59. Jack Young, Bomasund, Bedlington.
60. ? (male student).
61. 3 male students.
62. male ?member of staff.
Photo album, 6 card folios with 62 BW prints inserted in alternate oval and rectangular windows, by Speedy Photo Co., New Markets, Durham, in board covers with a wavy green design, stamped with the Bede College crest and “My Friends”
Size: 140 x 165mm
Given by Tim Forcer, grandson of Fred Forcer, September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:25.
Digitised material for St Bede's Deposited Photograph Album Fred Forcer, 1914 - UND/F9B/H6
UND/F9B/H7   1942
Newspaper cutting from the Rotherham Advertiser of the death of Leading Aircraftman William Casswell (1922-1942), formerly of Bede College.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H8   1913 - 1914
Postcards from David Scott of his time at Bede (1912-1914) and in the army in 1914, with a memoir.
1. Group of soldiers (c.35), with rifles, relaxing in the field, 8th battalion DLI [B company], David Scott identified.
2. David Scott half length, in Royal Engineers uniform with TRE shoulder badges, with an ammunition pouche bandolier, signed by Scott, by Dixon Clark & Sons, Photographic Artists of 50 West St, Gateshead, endorsed as “Signal Service RE Despatch” .
3. Group of soldiers (13), Royal Engineer Signallers, with flags, at Gateshead, wooden wall behind, David Scott identified, 1914.
4. Bede College common room, tables and chairs, bookcases, clock, magazine rack, pictures, 1913.
5. Bede College junior lecture room, desks, blackboards, bookcases, master's desk, notice board, 1913.
6. Memoir of David Scott of his early days from 1892 to the end of the war in 1918, photocopy, 2f.
5 BW postcards + 2f   90 x 140mm
Given by Bryan Scott, grandson of David Scott, October 2015 (Acc No Misc.2015/16:49). Other photos also from David Scott are now FA1914B, FE1914B, FH1914, FI1914, FJ1914B-C.
UND/F9B/H9   1892 - [c.1927]
Documents from the careers of Ernest James Golledge (Bede 1893-1894) and his brother George H. Golledge (Bede 1893-1894), headmasters of St John's Boys School Ealing and Haughton School York respectively.
File of 9 items
Given by Ernest's granddaughter Diana Duckworth, February 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:94.
Also received was a copy of Golledge's biography: Rupert Willoughby, A Head of his Time: the Life and Opinions of Ernest Golledge, Reforming Headmaster, 1872-1951 (Diana Duckworth 2014)
UND/F9B/H9/1   1892
University of Durham Certificate of Proficiency in General Education for Ernest James Golledge, with passes in English, Geography, Arithmetic, English History, Religious Knowledge, Euclid and Algebra.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H9/2   23 May 1898
Education Department Teacher's certificate for Ernest James Golledge, having been a student for two years in the Durham Training College and then served his probation period in Bradford Lilycroft Lane Board School.
Parchment, 1m
UND/F9B/H9/3   1 January 1913
Letter to [E.J. Golledge] from Bishop Alfred R. Tucker at the College, Durham: accepting his invitation to speak to his boys and detailing his forthcoming movements, including to Sicily.
Paper, 2f
UND/F9B/H9/4   14 July 1913
Letter to [E.J. Golledge] from Bishop Alfred R. Tucker at the College, Durham: explaining that he cannot commit to coming to Ealing as he has so many engagements at present.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H9/5   12 November 1921
London and District Bede College Club (chairman E.J. Golledge) inaugural dinner menu, listing the officers, with an inserted notice with an image and testimonials about Golledge.
Card, 2f, + paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H9/6   [c.1910]
[Haughton School York] group, outside, 1 master and 41 boys, wall and wooden arch behind.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/H9/7   [c.1927]
The Haughton School, [29 & 31] St. Saviourgate, York prospectus, illustrated with images of former and current buildings, a classroom, c.1902 and 1927 school groups, and the headmaster G.H. Golledge, printed by Yorkshire Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd. York.
Printed paper leaflet, 4f
UND/F9B/H9/8   [c.1925]
“Music Studio - Haughton School - York” , 17436, panelled room with chairs, bookcases, a piano and a statue, with notes on the back of the Hewley family owners of 29/31 St Saviourgate.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/H9/9   [c.1925]
“The Hall Haughton School. York”, 17160, steps down into a panelled room, with a sideboard, chairs and a grandfather clock, with notes on the back of previous owners of 29/31 St Saviourgate.
BW postcard
UND/F9B/H10   1959 - 1965
Rowing ephemera and photographs of A.C. (Tony) Craig (Bede 1959-1964).
Paper file
DUBC programmes 1959-1964 are now in UND/GD5/D1959-1964; Durham Regatta 1960-1964 programmes are now in SC; Bede BC formal group photos are now UND/F9B/FE1964; Bede Bridge Club records are now UND/F9B/E8.
UND/F9B/H10/1   1960 - 1964
Programmes for rowing regattas, with some (marked) from Don Smith:
DARC Centenary Regatta, 28 May 1960
Durham Regatta, 22 June 1960, signed by members of Bede Boat Club
DUBC Senate Cup etc, 1-2 December 1961
DARC 8th Wear Head of River Race, 26 May 1962
Tyne Amateur Rowing Club Regatta Newburn-on-Tyne, 2 June 1962
Chester-le-Street ARC Annual Regatta, 11 June 1962
Tyne Regatta Newburn-on-Tyne, 16 June 1962
York Regatta, 23 June 1962
Durham Regatta, 26 & 27 June 1962
DUBC Senate Cup etc, 30 November-1 December 1962
DUBC Graduates' Cup etc, 1-2 March 1963
Head of the River Race [London, Thames], 23 March 1963 instructions and notes about the course for the cox, with a plan
Oxford versus Cambridge Boat Race, 23 March 1963
York City Rowing Club Spring Regatta, 11 May 1963
DARC 9th Wear Head of River Race, 25 May 1963, with instructions and results
Tyne Amateur Rowing Club Regatta Newburn-on-Tyne, 1 June 1963
Hexham Regatta, 15 June 1963
Tyne Regatta Newburn-on-Tyne, 22 June 1963
Durham Regatta, 25 & 26 June 1963
DUBC Senate Cup etc, 29-30 November 1963
DUBC Graduates' Cup etc, 11-12 March 1964
Head of the River Race, 21 March 1964, with instructions and results
Tees Amateur Rowing Club Centenary Tees Regatta at Yarm-on-Tees, 23 May 1964
Chester-le-Street ARC Festival Week Regatta, 30 May 1964
Tyne Amateur Rowing Club Regatta Newburn-on-Tyne, 6 June 1964
Hexham Regatta, 20 June 1964
York Regatta, 20 June 1964
Durham Regatta, 23 & 24 June 1964
30 paper booklets
UND/F9B/H10/2   1962 - 1963
Photographs of rowing crews [featuring A.C. Craig]:
1-3. Novice IV on the Wear at Chester-le-Street 1962, with the Maiden Fours trophy won
4-8. Durham County VIII on the Tyne and carrying the boat up the bank at Newburn on the Tyne 23 June 1963
9. Larger version of 6, with Peter Knowles, John (Cheyenne) Bell, Geoff Allen, Jim Flood and Tony Craig all of Bede identified.
9 BW prints
Size: 90 x 90mm (1-8), 120 x 160mm (9)
UND/F9B/H10/3   [1960 x 1964]
Photographs of rowing crews [featuring A.C. Craig]:
1. Coxed four rowing along the Racecourse, snowy, distant
2. Coxed four rowing ?near the boathouse
3. Coxed four racing along the Racecourse [in the 1962 Graduates Cup], identified. (cox)
4. Printed montage of: coxed four standing on the bank outside the boathouse with blades vertical; trophy presentation; overhead of coxed four racing, at the finish, all in white and two with college badges
5. Overhead of coxed four racing, at the finish, all in white and two with college badges
6. Overhead of coxed four racing, at the catch, in dark tops and white shorts
7. Coxed four racing, at the finish, in dark tops and white shorts
8. Group of 5 ?rowers, in various sporting outfits, in the college grounds, with a dog
9. Group of 5 [rowers], indoors, in jackets and ties, with trophies/tankards
10. Trophy presentation, outside
11. [Cox] being thrown into the river
3 BW prints and paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H10/4   1959 - 1965
Photographs of Bede students and friends:
1. Outside the college entrance, Michaelmas 1959
2. Bede formal ball, 27 November 1959
3. Bede formal, sherry party at Paradise Row, 1961
4. ?Bede formal, sherry party at Paradise Row, 1961
5. Bede formal ball, at Paradise Row
6. Bede informal ball, ?1963
7. Bede informal, ?1964
8. Outside the Morritt Arms, Greta Bridge, at Tony Craig's wedding, 5 June 1965
8 BW prints
UND/F9B/H10/5   [?1962]
Catalogue of the Collection of Rowing Pictures and Trophies at The Coach and Eight Upper Richmond Road, Putney with an essay on the History of Rowing, by A. Lloyd-Taylor, with the names of the Bede Head of the River VIII 1963 noted on the inside cover.
Printed paper book, iv + 42 + iv, paginated, with BW illustrations
UND/F9B/H10/6   25 April 1963
Institute of Education Health Education exam paper, annotated, especially with a drawing of an eye.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H10/7   28 April 1964
Testimonial for A.C. Craig by G.N.G. Smith, vice-principal of Bede College.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H10/8   [1964]
Copy newspaper cuttings of: [Tony Craig] and another taking part in a 12 hour tricycle race round a snowy Palace Green; a car hanging from Kingsgate Bridge as a Rag stunt.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H11   [c.1955]
Lecture notes for a course in Durham Local History
1. Prehistoric to Saxon, including postcards inserted of: Roman standard bearer, Hexham; Escomb church internal; English church pageant 1909, Oswald (Capt Garston), Chief Thegn (C.L. Lewis), Aidan (Rev W. Swayne; English church pageant 1909, Aidan and Oswald; Pittington church interior Saxon window; Deerhurt church exterior; Deerhurst church Saxon font; Deerhurst Odda's chapel exterior.
2. Saxon poetry to Bishop de Bury.
3. Battle of Neville's Cross to the 1715 Jacobite rebellion.
4. Count Borulawski to 19th century in Durham.
4 paper books
UND/F9B/H12   [c.1910]
A First Index to Early Church History, arranged by Donald Jones, principal of Bede
Paper file, 9f
UND/F9B/H13   August 1979
“A Few Notes on the Life of Bede College Students in 1909”, by D. Lamb, with some covering correspondence.
Paper, 5f + 2f
Given by D. Lamb of Liverpool, August 1979.
UND/F9B/H14   [1971]
Leazes House an environmental study, with plans and including its time as Durham High School, also a study of Leazes Place and a traffic survey.
Paper file
UND/F9B/H15   [later 19th century]
Album for a [Lancashire] family, a son of which may have attended Bede College, mostly unidentified, largely portraits done in various photographer's studios, with part of a card from F. Gallantal inserted.
1. Lady seated, in a dark dress, with a boy standing, in a dark suit, in [a photographer's studio].
2. Lady standing, in a skirt and hat, outside, by a tree.
3. Clergyman, half-length, indoors.
4. Lady in a patterned dress, sitting, 3/4 length.
5. Lady standing, in a dress, behind a chair, [in a photographer's studio].
6. Young man, seated, in a jacket and tie, [in a photographer's studio].
7. Lady sitting, in a patterned dress, in a tub chair.
8. Young man, in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Woolstenholme.
9. Lady, seated, in a patterned dress.
10. Young lady, head and shoulders.
11. Man with moustache and whiskers, in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by McKnaught & Son of Agnew Crescent, Wigtown.
12. Young man in a jacket and tie and mortar board, leaning on a ?gate.
13. Lady in a dress leaning on a sofa, holding a ?photograph, [in a photographer's studio].
14. Man with whiskers in a jacket and tie, seated, [in a photographer's studio].
15. Lady in a dress leaning on a sofa, holding a ?photograph, [in a photographer's studio].
16. Young man in a jacket and tie with a buttonhole, seated, [in a photographer's studio].
17. Lady head and shoulders.
18. Young man in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
18a. Young man in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by J. Wilkinson & Co of Colne, Lancashire.
19. Part of a painting of a head leaning on another.
20. Part of a painting, the head of Christ crowned with thorns.
21. Part of a painting of Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus.
22. Part of a painting of two women.
23. Head of a clergyman, Bishop Jackson.
24. Head of a man in a jacket and tie, Earl Granville.
25. Head of a man in uniform with medals, Lord Napier of Magdala.
26. Head of a man in jacket and tie, W. Lowe.
27. Head and shoulders of a lady in a dark dress, by A. de Lancy of Geneva (loose).
28. Group of two ladies and two children, on a garden bench, house and dog lying down beyond.
29. Lady [in a photographer's studio], by Wolstenholme Bros of Claremont Park, 21 Church St, Blackpool.
30. Man seated and lady standing, [in a photographer's studio], by Isaac Wilde of Blackpool.
Photo album, with heavily embossed covers and a central metal clasp, spine damaged, with 24 board pages, with 31 BW cartes de visite inserted into card mounts, with a number of mounts now empty
Size: 195 x 165mm
UND/F9B/H16   [1872 - 1884]
Album of possibly Bede students and their friends and families, mainly from Lancashire.
1. Lady sitting, with an animal skin over a sofa, with a book.
2. Lady in a bonnet, head and shoulders, by Wolstenholme Bros of Blackppol and Blackburn.
3. Man, in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Wolstenholme Bros of Blackpool and Blackburn.
4. Man, in a jacket and tie, sitting [in a photographer]s studio], by R. Herbert of 3 Silver St, Durham.
5. Girl, head and shoulders, by Wolstenholme Bros of Blackpool and Blackburn (also in H17/13)
6. Young man in jacket and tie sitting in a chair [in a photographer]s studio]. by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by J. Cunningham.
7. Young man, whiskered, in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Scott & Son of Carlisle, signed by Ambrose Benson, 15 January 1876 .
8. Young man whiskered, in jacket and tie, sitting in a chair, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by William G. Weatherall.
9. Young man whiskered, in jacket and tie, holding a book leaning on panelling, by E. Trembath of St Just, signed by A.L. Vingol.
10. Young man moustached in jacket and tie, seated leaning on a table, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by Edwin Ashby.
11. Young man in jacket and tie, seated leaning on a table, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by J. Drage 22 November 1873.
12. Young man in jacket and tie, seated on a chair, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by Alfred Tattersall.
13. Young man in jacket and tie, seated on a chair, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by Fred Atkins.
14. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by W. Currey of Bolton, signed by S. Pilling October 1873.
15. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by C. Sanderson of Preston.
16. Young man in jacket, tie and mortar board, seated, leaning on a table, by C. Wynne of Brompton, signed by Greenwood December 1872.
17. Young man in jacket, tie and mortar board, leaning on a wooden frame, by C. Wynne of Brompton.
18. Older man bearded, in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Wolstenholme Bros of Blackpool and Blackburn.
19. Woman in a dark dress, seated, head and shoulders, by I. Mills of Walsall, signed by Wigan.
20. Woman in a dark dress, seated at a table, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
21. Older man whiskered, white hair, head and shoulders, clergyman.
22. Older man bearded, white hair, head and shoulders.
23. Man whiskered, jacket and tie, spectacles, by J.T. Bainbridge of Barnard Castle, signed by W. Lawson.
24. Young man jacket and tie, seated, with a book, by C. Wynne of Brompton.
25. Woman in a dark dress, leaning on a sofa.
26. Woman in a lighter dress standing by a chair, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
27. Young woman in a dark dress with a fur, by Brom, Barnes & Bell.
28. Woman in a dark dress standing by a chair.
29. Man bearded in cassock, surplice standing by a chair.
30. Man bearded in a colour sergeant's uniform with sword and 4 medals, seated, by C. Wynne of Brompton.
31. Yong man jacket and tie, half length, by Woolstenholme Bros of Blackpool and Blackburn.
32. Young man jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by A & G Taylor photographers to the Queen.
33. Young woman in a dark dress, seated by pot plants.
34. Young man jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
35. Young woman in a dark dress, standing behind a chair, by J. Wilkinson and Co of Colne.
36. Young man jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by J. Wilkinson and Co of Colne.
37. Young man jacket and tie, seated, by C. Wynne of Brompton.
38. Young man jacket and tie, with a buttonhole, head and shoulders, by C. Rawlinson of Blackburn.
39. Young man moustached, jacket and tie, sitting on a sofa.
40. Young man jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
41. Older woman, in a dark dress, seated with a book, by J. Bowen of Lytham.
42. Young woman, in a lighter dress behind a chair, by Thomas Barnes & Sons of London.
43. Young woman in a dark dress, leaning on a fur covered chair, by R. Banks.
44. Woman in a dark dress, standing by a table with a book, by Wolstenholme Bros of Blackpool and Blackburn.
45. Young man in jacket, tie and mortar board, leaning on a column, by R. Herbert of 3 Silver St Durham.
46. Young man bearded jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by E. Gregson of Halifax and Blackpool.
47. Man bearded jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Robinson & Thompson of Liverpool, Birkenhead and Betws-y-coed.
48. Man bearded jacket, tie, gown and mortar board, on a chair, by R. Herbert of Durham.
49. Man whiskered jacket and tie leaning on a chair, half length.
50. Woman in a lighter dress with light neck scarf, head and shoulders.
51. Woman in a dark dress, seated.
52. Man bearded in jacket and tie, seated by a table.
53. Young woman in a dark dress, seated with a fur over the chair arm.
54. Man in jacket and tie leaning on a chair, head and shoulders.
55. Young man in jacket and tie, leaning on a chair, head and shoulders.
56. Young woman in a dark dress, seated, half length.
57. Man bearded in jacket and tie, seated.
58. Girl in dark jacket, seated, plaid rug over the chair back.
59. Baby in light coloured gown.
60. Woman in dark dress holding a baby in light and dark dress, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
61. Clergyman bearded in a gown, head and shoulders.
62. Clergyman [?J.T. Fowler] in gown and mortar board, seated by a table, holding a scroll in one hand and a small box in the other, by Thomas Heaviside of Queen St, Durham.
63. Young man in jacket and tie, seated by a desk with a book, by L.R. Goodman of Margate.
64. Man bearded, seated, by R. Herbert of Durham.
65. Young man moustached, seated, head and shoulders, by R. Herbert of Durham.
66. Young woman in a dark dress, standing by a garden planter, by R. Wolstenholme of Blackburn.
67. Family group of 2 men, in jactes and ties, a woman in a drak dress and a gril in a dark dress, witha painted woodland backdrop, by F. Frankland of Blackburn, signed by ?Peter 1879.
68. Man bearded, in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, in a frame, with books below.
69. Man bearded in jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
70. Man moustached in jacket and tie, seated.
71. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
72. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by The Star Photographic Compy, 9 Bernard St, Southampton.
73. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
74. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
75. Old lady in a dark dress with a bonnet, seated.
76. Young woman in a dark dress, head and shoulders, by Silas Eastham of 217 Lord St, Southport.
77. Girl in white dress and hat, with a tennis racket, by a garden urn, by A.G. Rider of 11 Jewry St, Winchester.
78. Child in a white gown and socks, seated, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
79. Young woman in a drak dress, seated at a table.
80. Clergyman moustached, in jacket and collar, standing.
81. Woman in a dark dress with a broach on a chair, head and shoulders.
82. Clergyman bearded, in jacket and collar, half length, by R. Wolstenholme of Blackburn.
83. Woman in a dark bonnet, head, in a paper frame.
84. Man whiskered in jacket and collar, half length.
85. Boy and a girl, in dark outfits, by Monk of Preston.
86. Woman in a dark dress with a white cap, head and shoulders, by Peter Greenhalgh of Bolton.
87. Female child on a fur rug.
88. Young woman in a dark dress witha lace collar, head and shoulders, by Augustus W. Wilson, of 13F Dalston Lane, Kingsland.
89. Young woman, in a dark dress with a lace collar, head and shoulders.
90. Young man, in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
91. Young woman, in a dark dress, seated, by Isaac Wilde of Blackpool.
92. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Adams & Stilliard of Southampton, 1 September 1883.
93. Young woman in a dark dress, with a broach round the neck, head and shoulders.
94. Young man in jacket and tie, seated.
95. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
96. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Searle Bros of 191 Brompton Road, London, signed J.W.H. Brown 1883-1884.
97. Two ladies, in dark dresses, with broaches round the necks, one standing and one sitting, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
98. A bearded man, in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, by Richard P. Gregson, of 79 Preston New Road, Blackburn.
99. Bearded clergyman in collar and cassock, head and shoulders.
100. Lady in lace collar and cap, head and shoulders, by W. McLeish of Darlington and Durham.
101. Painting of a man and woman in historic dress.
102. Painting of a woman in a crowd.
103. Painting of Jesus with a lamb and crook at a door.
104. Painting of a woman and child on a bed with two men.
105. Painting of a rural scene of a man and dogs with game.
106. Painting of a schoolroom scene.
107. Painting of two girls and a boy with stooks of corn.
108. The Miners' Bridge at Betwys-y-Coed.
109. Woodley's Beach Hotel [Blackpool] with people.
110. A ?hotel on a hill, by W. Savage of Winchester.
111. The Giant's Causeway.
112. Montage of 11 images of the Giant's Causeway.
113. Old woman sitting [on the Giant's Causeway] with a bag and pipe.
114. Young woman in a dark dress with a white collar, head and shoulders, by W. Davey of Harrogate.
Album of board folios with 114 cartes de visite BW photos inserted in paper mounts with a number now empty and/or damaged, in heavily embossed covers, now detached
Size: 290 x 230mm
UND/F9B/H17   1876 - 1903
1. Woman in a light coloured ress, head and shoulders.
2. Woman, head.
3. Man bearded and wizened, jacket, signed by J. Carlyle 1876.
4. Girl in jacket and tie wearing a broad-brimmed hat, head and shoulders.
5. Young man in jacket and tie, head and shoulders, endorsed to Dorothy Hawath from Pat.
6. Queen Victoria in dark dress and white head-dress, seated, arm leaning on a table, with a fan.
7. Woman in a dark dress standing outside a window by a climber in a pot.
8. Clergyman moustached in jacket and collar, head and shoulders.
9. Clergyman whiskered, jacket and collar, with spectacles, head and shoulders.
10. Woman in a lighter dress, head and shoulders, by Goodfellow of London.
11. Clergyman moustached in jacket and collar, head and shoulders, by Henry Salmon of Winchester.
12. Clergyman in full clerical dress, half length.
13. Girl in a dark dress, with pig tails, head and shoulders, (also in H16/5).
14. Man bearded in academic dress with hood and holding a mortar board.
15. Woman in dark buttoned dress holding a fan, half length.
16. Group of 8 men (Durham University staff) in academic dress (gowns and mortar boards), 5 seated, outside Durham Castle Great Hall entrance, by Russell & Sons of 65 East St, Chichester, Easter 1881, printed in A.R. Moyes Hatfield 1846-1996 (Durham 1996) where staff are identified as: (seated) J.T. Fowler, W. Sanday, A.S. Farrar, A. Plummer, R.J. Pearce, (standing), J. Morris, J. Atkinson, W.K. Hilton.
17. Man moustached, jacket and tie, standing by a chair and table, by G. West & Son of Southsea, 1881.
18. [Edward Benson] archbishop of Canterbury in full clerical dress, head and shoulders, by Elliott & Fry of Baker St London, 1887.
19. Man moustached in rowing kit sculling in a photographer's studio, by James Downey of 17 & 19 Eldon St, South Shields.
20. Lady seated, in a dark shirt and skirt with a throat broach, seated at a table, surrounded by plants.
21. Lady seated, in a dark shirt, with a chain.
22. Lady in a dark shirt, head and shoulders.
23. Edward Hanlan, bearded, Canadian sculler, in dark suit, head and shoulders, by Kay & Sons of Lark Hill House, 160 St George's Road, Bolton, 1881-1887.
24. Lady in a dark shirt, with pinz-nez, head and shoulders, by William Goodfellow of 179 Regent St, London.
25. Baby in a white gown, lying on a fur rug, by William McLeish of Darlington and Durham.
26. Man, moustache and side whiskers, in clerical dress, head and shoulders, by Elliott & Fry of 55 & 56 Baker St, London, Rev J. Howarth.
27. Lady, in a dark buttoned up shirt, with a cross round her neck, head and shoulders, by J. Frankland of Blackburn.
28. Baby in a white gown, on a fur rug.
29. Young boy, in a sailor suit and hat, half length, next to another child.
30. Young lady in a white shirt with a dark tie, head and shoulders, by John R. Edis of Durham, I.T.H. Clephan, 31 May 1900.
31. Young man in jacket and tie, seated, 3/4 length.
32. Young lady in a dark dress, with a cross and broach, seated, leaning on a chair arm with a rug on it.
33. Young man in a jacket and tie, half length.
34. Man, bearded, in clerical dress, head and shoulders.
35. Lady in a dark dress, mutton sleeves, head and shoulders.
36. Lady in a buttoned up dress, seated, holding a baby in a white gown.
37. Lady in a white dress, head and shoulders.
37A. Letter heading for the Hotel Tirol, Carl Landsee.
38. Young man in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders.
39. Man, moustached, in a jacket and tie, head and shoulders, postcard by Brown, Barnes & Bell, Royal Studios, 31 Bold St, Liverpool, sent as a Christmas card.
40. Lady in a waisted ress with watch and bracelet, seated on a chaise longue, 3/4 length, by Martin Jacolette of Harrington Road, South Kensington.
41. Baby in a white gown on a chair, by W. McLiesh of Darlington & Durham.
42. Baby in a white gown on a rug “with the compliments of the season”.
43. Double-fronted house with trees around, and a man and woman with a child in the doorway.
44. View of a [19th century] church with a circular tower and steeple to one side, from the east, postcard.
45. Boy in suit and cap, outside, holding a barrow.
46. Young man, in a suit and tie, head and shoulders.
47. Girl in a dress and beret.
48. Lady in a dress seated on a chair, with an open book in her lap.
49. Memorial notice of Rev Herbert Knott (1862-1903), late vicar of Christ Church Totland Bay.
50. Lady in a dark dress and white cap head and shoulders.
51. Man, bearded, in clerical dress, head and shoulders.
52. Boy in suit and tie, head and shoulders.
53. Family group of a man, two women, two children and a dog, sitting on the beach, sea beyond.
54. Lady in a white dress, with a throat broach and floers and a watch at her belt, leaning on a rug covered chair, by Billinghurst Smith of Lower Bond St, Weymouth.
Album of board folios with 54 cartes de visite BW photos and postcards inserted in paper mounts with a number now empty and/or damaged, in heavily embossed covers
Size: 295 x 235mm
UND/F9B/H18   1934 - 2011
Certificates, testimonials and ephemera of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011, Bede 1937-1940, BSc Chemistry)
37 items 
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett, July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/H18/1   13 December 1934
Houghton-le-Spring Secondary School 8th annual prize giving by Alderman James Gilliland, with prize winners listed, and a hymn sheet.
Printed paper leaflet, 5f
UND/F9B/H18/2   8 October 1936
Testimonial from J. Robinson, headmaster of Newbottle Council School.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/3   9 October 1936
Testimonial from J.M. Jones, headmaster of Houghton-le-Spring Secondary School.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/4   14 December 1936
Certificate qualifying him to matriculate at Armstrong College for a BSc without further examination.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/5   8 February 1937
Testimonial from J.M. Jones, headmaster of Houghton-le-Spring Secondary School.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/6   1 March 1937
Certificate exempting him from the Science Faculty matriculation examination.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/7-9   Michaelmas 1937 - Easter 1938
Certificates from Edward Pace, praelector, of his keeping Michaelmas, Epiphany and Easter terms in Science.
Paper, 3f
UND/F9B/H18/10   [c.1938]
Member's card for St Giles' Yarners Miniature Rifle Club.
Card, 2f
UND/F9B/H18/11   1939
Archbishops' Certificate for his passing the Divinity exam in 2nd class.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/12   [December] 1939
Bede College Calendar
Board, 1f, with a BW print and booklet of monthly calendars attached, and a ribbon for hanging it up
UND/F9B/H18/13   [c.1940]
Writing case embossed H and HR, Bede College and Union Society headed notepaper and a Bede envelope.
Folded card, embossed in faux blue crocodile with gold lettering, + paper
UND/F9B/H18/14   4 May 1940
Durham University Athletic Club Varsity Sports programme, detailing the events, competitors and the standard time/distance etc, signed by the president T.L. Thompson.
Paper booklet, 6f
UND/F9B/H18/15   25 June 1940
Certificate for a BSc 2nd class Honours degree in Chemistry.
Parchment, 1m
UND/F9B/H18/16-22   [1940]
16. [Chemistry department] group (20 students (16 men, 4 women) and 4 staff), outside the entrance, in suits and some gowns, 1 woman.
17. [Professor ?F.A. Paneth, in a suit, with bicycle and cap, outside [the Chemistry Dept] entrance.
18. Academic procession leaving the north door of Durham Cathedral [25 June 1940].
19. Academic procession crossing the Durham Cathedral churchyard [25 June 1940].
20. Bede College chapel exterior from below.
21. Raine in a suit on a bicycle outside.
22. ? in cricket whites and a Bede College striped blazer, in a garden.
7 BW prints
UND/F9B/H18/23   7 August 1940
Testimonial from F.A. Paneth, professor of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/24   7 August 1940
Testimonial for the Ministry of Supply from F.A. Paneth, professor of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/25   27 August 1940
Testimonial from J.M. Jones, headmaster of Houghton-le-Spring Secondary School.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/26   28 November 1940
Testimonial for research work in a laboratory from F.A. Paneth, professor of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/27   17 October 1941
Certificate of his election as an associate of the Institute of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/28   5 June 1944
Personal Message from the C-in-C, signed B.L. Montgomery, to 21 Army Group on the eve of D Day.
Paper, printed, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/29   [c.1945]
Convocation membership card, with an address of 13 Lady Beatrice Terr, New Herrington, Philadelphia, Co Durham.
Card, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/30-31   4 & 5 July 1947
Bede College Centenary Commemoration invites to a garden party on 4 July and a luncheon on 5 July.
Card, 2f
UND/F9B/H18/32   24 August 1948
Letter from E. Armitage congratulating him and [Audrey] on their child [Austen Keith, born 19 August, baptised in Bede chapel].
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/33   1 March 1954
Letter from D.E. Webster, vice-principal of Bede, backing his application.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/34   27 March 1966
Durham University Society life membership receipt.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/35   26 May 1971
Letter from the secretary reporting his election as a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/36   2 June 1971
Letter of welcome as a fellow from the president of the Royal Institue of Chemistry.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H18/37   11 March 2011
Eulogy [by his son-in-law H.A.J. Garnett] at H.P. Raine's funeral, in St Mark's church, Natland.
Paper, 4f
UND/F9B/H19   [c.1970]
Pencil drawing of Donald Edwin (Danny) Webster (1896-1971) by Hilary C. Webster, his daughter, with a copy of the biography of Dan Webster done by Dorothy Meade, printed in Durham Biographies IV, ed G.R. Batho & V. Smithers (Durham 2005).
Paper file
Given by Dorothy Meade, September 2016, Acc No Misc.2016/17:24.
UND/F9B/H20   2005 - 2006
Examples of wood carving by Fred Ullyart (Bede 1957-1959), as a member of the Coniscliffe Carving Club:
1. Windcatcher, which won a national prize 2005.
2. Rumpelstiltskin, which won a national prize 2006.
2 colour prints
Size: 100 x 100mm
UND/F9B/H21   September - October 1966
Photos of his time at Bede by Michael T. Savage, with his notes on them, and a covering letter:
1. Michael Savage and Ian F. Modral arriving, with Mrs Savage, outside the East Wing, with car, September 1966.
2. View over the Milburngate roundabout and Framwellgate Bridge to the Castle and Cathedral, September 1966.
3-4. Views over the Racecourse and cricket pavilion towards the college, October 1966.
4 copy colour prints, + 5f
Size: 205 x 255mm
Given by Mike Savage (Bede 1966[-1969]), 23 July 2015.
UND/F9B/H22   1912 - 2005
Copy images and information about Robert Hogg (Bede 1911-1913), killed 1915:
Robert Hogg, in a suit, with a scout badge on his lapel.
Robert Hogg in a suit.
Bede College juniors group 1912.
Bede College Mission Society group at Finchale priory 1913.
[Bede College Mission Society] lunching outside at Finchale 1913.
Group of 8 in boaters and trilbies at [Finchale priory].
Group of 8 in overalls in a building yard with a sign “Sinclair's Divils”.
Performance of Song of Little Baltung in the Bede College dormitory 1913 with him separately in naval dress.
Bede College seniors group 1913.
Bede company of 8 DLI in dress uniform with colours and rifles outside the college.
Newspaper cutting of him as secretary in a group of St Mary's church Boy Scouts 27 March 1914.
Robert Hogg in DLI uniform half length.
Robert Hogg in DLI unfirom 3/4 length.
DLI company group with Robert Hogg identified.
Newspaper obituaries of him (x2).
Vlamertinghe military cemetery with his grave, with a floral tribute, and his father Robert Batey Hogg visiting it 31 August 1920 (x5).
Postcard of [pre-War] Ypres cloth hall sent by Robert Batey and Amy Hogg to their son Victor Hogg 31 August 1920.
?Ypres cloth hall interior ruins.
Group of British soldiers with a [Belgian] family.
Vlamertinghe cemetery his grave and a wreath c.1960.
Vlamertinghe cemetry and his grave 2005 (x2).
Copy BW and colour prints, with further annotated printed out copies
Given by Mrs Alison Shelley and Mrs Margaret Miles (great nieces) [2015].
UND/F9B/H23   24 October 1916
Drawing of the college badge with the following verse, by A.S. Partridge:
Buck, Bede; Buck up, Bede;
Buck up, Bede;
For ever and ever,
Sleep, Sport, Smoke
Paper, 1f
UND/F9B/H24   [c.1950s]
Henry Bellerby Lowerison (Bede 1882-1884), newspaper cutting and book extracts about his running of a boarding school at Ruskin, Heacham, in Norfolk, with a photo of the school buildings.
1 BW print mounted on card + paper, 3f
Size: 155 x 205mm
UND/F9B/H25   26 February 1970
Letter from William H. Turnbull (Bede 1923-1925) to Mr Webster with comments on the college in his time, and also including a memoir of the college of his grandfather James Turnbull (Bede 1859-1861).
Paper file
UND/F9B/H26   1907 - 1935
James Eccleston (1914-2011, Bede 1932-1934) ephemera from his time at college, also of his father-in-law John Joseph Lumley (Bede 1905-1907), with some modern correspondence:
1. History course notebook 1932-1933.
2-5. Copy newspaper cuttings reporting the play written by Dean Alington to celebrate Bede's 1200th anniversary May 1935 with Eccleston as Bede, with an image of the cast on stage in the cathedral cloisters and with Eccleston (as Bede) talking to Dean Alington and J.C. Cordon bishop of Jarrow.
6. Copy Bede College certificate of John Joseph Lumley having successfully completed his physical drill lessons, signed by the instructor J. Chaplin, [1907].
7. Copy Bede College certificate of John Joseph Lumley having successfully completed his training first class, signed by the principal Donald Jones, October 1907.
8. Copy Bede College group photo May 1907.
Paper book & paper file
Given by Kathryn Pink, Eccleston's daughter, August 2016.
His cricket blazer is UND/F9B/I24.
UND/F9B/H27   1 June 2012
Edward Hartley (1930-2012) thanksgiving service paper, Ashton-under-Lyne Holy Trinity.
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/F9B/H28   18 May 1915
Photocopied territorial force recruiting poster for the Northumbrian Division, printed by George H. Proctor, Market Place, Durham.
Paper, 3f
UND/F9B/H29   1948
The University Atlas, ed George Goodall and H.C. Darby (6th edition, London), with an ownership inscription of W.W.L. Hayton and 4 different addresses.
Printed paper book
Given by Andrea Blackett, daughter of W. (William Wallace (Wally)) Hayton (d.25 January 2017) who met his wife at a Dunelm dance, May 2017.
Hayton's photographs are at UND/F9B/FA1950, FJ1950, FJ1951.
UND/F9B/H30   1920 - 1935
Material of John (Jack) G. Crawford of Bede College (1906-1977).
1. T.H. Bertenshaw, Longmans' French Course Complete Edition (London, 1920), with inserted the Central Welsh Board Annual Examination in French, July 1914.
2. Henry Bradley, The Making of English, (London, 1922)
3. Ch-M. Des Granges and Ch. Charrier, La Littérature Expliquée, (Paris, 7th edition, 1925)
4. The Schools at Work Being a Pictorial Survey of National Education in England and Wales (National Union of Teachers, [1935])
5. Notes on his career with newspaper cuttings, a formal [family] group photo of 10, a photo of him in a Bede striped blazer sitting on grass, and a Remington typewriter brochure.
4 printed paper books & 1 paper file
His blazer is UND/F9B/I30
UND/F9B/H31   January 2014
Card from "an illustrator" ([DPJA]) to accompany his donation of a copy of R.W. Billings, Architectural illustrations and description of the Cathedral Church at Durham (1843) (at SC+ 04684), being his illustration of “The Lady who tried to save the last leaf of the tree of Love from the depths of Hell”, with also an illustration of an angel with a sword and shield and a lady astride a wall/dragon/road leading to a castle on a hill with the sea beyond and a ship, and also a BW photo of the cathedral, Fulling Mill and weir c.1960.
Paper file
Given January 2014.
UND/F9B/H32   1969
Photos of student activities of N.D.W. Groves
1. Rag chariot race on a snowy Palace Green, with the results detailed.
2. Rag chariot race victory parade up Gilesgate of exultant Bede students with their chariot.
3. Hockey Trophy match, Bede v Hatfield.
4. Newspaper cutting reporting on Bede's win in the chariot race.
3 BW prints + 1f
From David WIlliams at DARO, July 2018.
UND/F9B/H33   [1999]
Memoir by Ian Cowburn (1917-2005) BA DThPT of his time at Bede College 1936-1940.
Images from his time at Durham, including rowing, rugby, athletics, students and lecturers around Palace Green, himself studying in his room, at a meal, by the fire, outside, female students, are available at https://cvws.icloud-content.com/S/ASwanyuCqTFr6ebCnIHL9poMkV7d/Durham+Oct+26+1133.jpg?o=ApENhqalYl5gq1C5c6Q0DhFjTcGYEqZ_47pBJUAByJU_&v=1&z=https%3A%2F%2Fp33-content.icloud.com%3A443&x=1&a=BsvXIJrM3OwJ0_CJ8yCGrtCq6MUpA_w_RwEAAANIP0c&e=1542470102&r=df2c326d-2368-4311-9bc9-4b17537c20fa-32&s=xI8J4eRl12gfRFkCLVFfyeOWVPc.
Paper file
Printed in the previous hitHild Bede next hit Association magazine.
UND/F9B/H34   [c.February 1963]
Printed BW print of Rag Week raft races under Elvet Bridge.
Paper, 1f
Given, from an original held by Richard Brice, 2 December 2019.
UND/F9B/H35   1910 - c.1920
Material of Leanhard or Leith Riseborough (Bede 1909-1911), and his friend Jack Bamborough (Twickenham College [1909-1911]) (killed on the Somme August 1916), including photographs and various artistic sketches and poems.
5 paper files
Given by Riseborough's great nephew, Tom Bell, April 2021, Acc No Misc.2020/21:39.
UND/F9B/H35/1   1910 - 1916
Drawings, sketches, poems, watercolours of Bede and other characters and scenes, including some from Jack Bamborough and colleagues at Simmaries, Twickenham College.
Bede Customs Illustrated, by L. Riseborough (Bede 1909-1911)
A Watched Pot Never Boils by W. Dodds, Jarrow (Bede 1909-1911)
Music Hath Charms to Sooth the Savage Breast, by H.W. Priddy (Bede 1909-1911)
Teacher: 'Now Tommy you must try and think ...', by H. Love, 17 March 1910
Man with shaving razor, A. Moore, (Bede 18 February 1911)
Simmarianisms Illustrated, by Jack Chicken (Simmaries 1909-1911)
The Best Butter in the District, by N. Smith (Bede 1910)
Lady in a hat, by S. Andrews, Gateshead, 11 March 1913
Good Old Bede, by J. Bramwell (Bede 1909-1911)
Wot dyer know fer termorrow? etc, by M. Tighe (Simmaries 1910)
Seaside Experiences, by D. Lamb (Bede 1909-1911)
Cottage by a stream, by S. Andrews, Gateshead, 11 March 1913
Bede Customs Illustrated - Pockets, by W. Forsyth (Bede 1909-1911)
In the Highlands, by R. Pendlebury (Bede 1909-1911)
The World as Seen by Him, by Sid Marriott, London (Bede 1909-1911)
Scraps, by Bubbles (BC 25)
The Cream of Serciety, by Jack M. Bamborough, Gateshead, 9 November 1914
One of the 'Bhoys', by Tommy Taylor, Cullingworth, Bradford, (Bede 1909-1911)
Spare me a thought in the hour of leisure ..., poem, by Lc Cpl P. Peel, Shipheold House, 6 January 1916
Married to the wrong man?, by Phil Stanfield (Simmaries, 6 October 1910)
Sunset's golden glow, by F. Lowley, Ripon (Bede 1909-1911)
Scots Wha Hae!
If handsome is as handsome does ..., by Thomas Boyle (Simmaries 1909-1911)
Since - here I am ..., poem, by R. Leonard, 27 December 1916
It'sthe last time I take yer out for a treat, by G.L. Gateshead, 1912
Warning to Ladies poem, by Jim Stewart, 20 April 1911
A Woman's Way, by W. Lewler (Simmaries 23 October 1910)
Sweet pea flowers, by Annie Russell, Xmas 1911
The Hour Before Dawn, by R. Manners
'We are atoms that float down the River of Years ...', poem, by Connie Laidlaw, 18 April 1911
The Great Divide (bis), by Jack Bamborough (Simmaries 1909-1911)
Nateshur Studdey, by A.N. One
'Conquer we shall ..., poem, by J. Douglas Paterson, Wycliffe College, Toronto, 9 September 1912
Things like this you know must be ..., postcard, to Miss A. Riseborough, Gateshead
Paper file
UND/F9B/H35/2   1910 - 1917
Photographs and postcards:
BW postcard of the 'S.H. Committee', sent by Leath Riseborough to Jack Bamborough at Simmaries, Hammersmith, postmarked 28 October 1910
BW postcard of 2 [WW1 infantry]men in uniform, 1 with kit and rifle.
BW postcard of '1 Camp Postal & Bank Staffs', 8 x PoWs including Private L. Riseborough (identified), DLI, Sennelager, Paderborn, Germany, sent to Mrs Riseborough, Gateshead
BW postcard of a PoW camp play 'The Jurisdiction of the Judge Take Your Pretty Partners', 13 performers in costume, outside, including Private L. Riseborough (identified), DLI, Sennelager, Paderborn, Germany, sent to Mrs Riseborough, Gateshead, 1917
BW postcard of North Durham RFC 2nd XV 1921-22, 19 men most in hooped shirts and socks, by Frank & Sons, West St, Gateshead, Riseborough identified
BW postcard of 4 young men in suits (?Bede students), indoors, by R. Everatt of Gateshead
BW copy photo of 2 infantrymen in great coats and scarves, in a photographer's studio but muddy, one L/Cpl John (Jack) Bamborough k August 1916, Somme, with a closeup of Bamborough
Paper file
UND/F9B/H35/3   December 1914
Copy Christmas card drawn by Jack Bamborough of 57 Fern Dene Road, Gateshead, with a poem 'I'm blest if I know what to wish you this Christmas...'
Paper, 2f
UND/F9B/H35/4   March 2021
Information about Leanhard Riseborough's military record from www.forces-war-records.co.uk, with an image from a Red Cross PoW Register of his details.
Paper, 3f
UND/F9B/H35/5   [c.1920]
'In a German Prison Camp', memoir of Leanhard Riseborough of his time as a prisoner of war under the Germans in WW1, photocopy.
Paper file, 16f
Reference: UND/F9B/I
UND/F9B/I1   1911/12
[?Hockey club] cap of Sidney Howard Cunningham (Bede College 1910-1912, k1915).
Cap, with a shallow peak, dark blue with light blue piping and a tassle on top, embroidered with “1911-12” on the peak and “HBC” entwined on the front, tears at the front, made by Tyldesley & Holbrook, practical sports outfitters of 109 Deansgate, Manchester
Size: c.220 x 180 x 80mm
Given by his niece Vanessa Cunningham, 25 August 2012, Acc No Misc.2012/13:14.
UND/F9B/I2   [c.1950]
Bede College blazer breast pocket with college arms badge attached, from the blazer of Gordon Richard Glover (1928-2015) BSc Chemistry 1949-1952
embroidered shield on dark blue cloth
Size: 140 x 120mm
Given by his son Richard Glover 1 April 2015, Acc No Misc.2014/15:65.
UND/F9B/I3   [c.1937]
Bede College blazer of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011), by Gray and Sons.
woollen blazer, light blue with double dark blue stripes, 3 silver buttons and a college badge on the breast pocket, + a small piece of additional fabric
Size: c.700 x 500mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I4   [c.1937]
Bede College wrap of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
woollen scarf
Size: 1480 x 210mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I5-16   [c.1937]
Ties of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011):
5-6. Lilac with alternate dark blue and grey diagonal stripes, [Bede College ?boat club tie], 2 ties, one with a William Gray & Son outfitters label
7-8. Black with gold fleury crosses and silver lions rampant with red claws and tongue in diagonal bands [Bede College tie post-1950]
9-10. Black with purple thin stripes and university arms in alternate diagonal bands [University tie]
11-12. Black with pink thin stripes and university arms in alternate diagonal bands [University tie]
13. Navy blue with fleury cross on a black background within 2 ellipses, all in light green, with red sewing up each edge [Bede College tie pre-1950]
14. Navy blue with light blue thin stripe, and a line of fleury crosses within an ellipse, all in light blue, and red pattee crosses in diagonal bands [Bede College ?debating tie]
15. Navy blue with light blue thin stripe, and a line of fleury crosses within an ellipse, all in light blue, and orange pattee crosses in diagonal bands [Bede College ?debating tie]
16. Purple with diagonal stripes of black, white, blue, green and red
polyester ties
Size: 1250 x 90mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I17   [c.1937]
Linen patterned table napkin of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
Linen napkin
Size: 500 x 550mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I18   [c.1937]
Cricket jersey of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
Woollen V-necked cable-stitched white cricket jersey
Size: c.550 x 400mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I19   [c.1937]
Cricket trousers of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
Woollen white cricket trousers
Size: 1000 x 350mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I20   [c.1937]
Durham BSc hood of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011).
Palatinate purple silk with white fur trim, with an adjacent scarlet band.
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I21   [c.1937]
College teaspoon, with the college arms on the handle, of Herbert Peace Raine (1919-2011)
plate teaspoon
Size: 130 x 30mm
Given by his daughter Ruth Garnett 24 July 2016, Acc No Misc.2015/16:179.
UND/F9B/I22   [c.1950]
B.C.B.C. [Bede College Boat Club blazer tabs] embroidered in silver on black cloth
2 embroidered cloth tabs
Size: 35 x 80mm
UND/F9B/I23   [c.1963]
Bede College cravat, dark brown with alternate diagonal lines of gold Cuthbert crosses and silver lions rampant
Size: 1080 x 60-140mm
Given by Tony Craig, March 2017, Acc No Misc.2016/17:100.
UND/F9B/I24   [c.1930]
Bede College arms wall plaque, with the arms of a red cross paty on a silver field, with in the top left corner a gold cross fleury within a gold vesica on a light blue field, with “Bede College, Durham” on a gold scroll beneath.
Wooden painted shield mounted on a plain wooden shield
Size: 180 x 150mm
UND/F9B/I25   1922
?Bede College cricket club cap, with embroidered on the peak “1922” in white and on the front intertwined “BCC” in bottle green.
Bottle green and white hooped cap, many holes
UND/F9B/I26   [?c.1930]
Bede College Boat Club cap, with embroidered in red on the front crossed blades separating “B.C.B.C.”.
Cream coloured cap, edged with red and yellow braid
UND/F9B/I27   [c.1963]
Durham City Amateur Rowing Association cap, with embroidered in silver on the front crossed blades separating “DCARA”, of A.C. (Tony) Craig of Barnard Castle.
Dark red cap, by Rawcliffes of Leeds
UND/F9B/I28   [c.1934]
Bede College blazer, 3 pockets, with the college badge and B.C.C.C. (cricket club colours) on the breast pocket, of James Eccleston (1914-2011, Bede 1932-1934) ?captain.
Woollen teal blazer with 3 brass buttons, by Gray & Son, some stains, small holes and discolouration
Size: c.700 x 500mm
Given by his daughter Kathryn Pink, August 2014.
UND/F9B/I29   [c.1950]
[Bede College rowing] scarf.
Woollen teal coloured scarf, edged in silver silk
Size: 450 x 1550mm
UND/F9B/I30   [c.1925]
Bede College blazer of John G. Crawford (1906-1977) by Tailor Made.
Woollen blazer, light blue with double dark blue stripes, 3 silver buttons and a college badge on the breast pocket
Size: c.700 x 500mm
UND/F9B/I31   [June 1941]
Durham Colleges Cricket Club blazer of Stanley Victor Asbury (Bede 1940-2, d1946)
Woollen blazer, thick dark green and dark blue stripes, thin purple and red stripes, with 3 brass buttons, and the university badge outline embroidered in silver with D.C.C.C. above and 1941 below on the breast pocket
Donated by his family to his old school (Bedford Modern School) and passed on by the archivist, 10 August 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:2
UND/F9B/I32   [c.1939]
Bede College plaque, with the college arms and 'Bede College. Durham' on a scroll underneath, of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005)
Painted wooden shield on a wooden plaque
Size: 175 x 155 x 10mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/F9B/I33   [c.1939]
Bede College badge of a red cross paty on a white field, with in the top left corner a gold cross fleury within a gold double-lined vesica on a dark blue field, of Ian Cowburn (1917-2005)
Embroidered cotton badge backed on linen
Size: 85 x 65mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/F9B/I34   [1939]
BA hood of Ian Cowburn BA, DThPT (1917-2005).
Black stuff hood edged with white fur
Size: c.700 x 700mm
Given by his son November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:27.
UND/F9B/I35   [1970]
BEd hood of Ian R. Smith (Bede, BEd July 1970, d2009), worn by him as a lay reader; taught geography, then in Eagle Star personnel before the Church Mission Society for 20+ years, Director of CMS Ireland.
Black stuff hood edged with white fur and purple silk
Size: c.700 x 700mm
Given by his widow November 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:38.
UND/F9B/I36   [c.1960]
Bede College plaque with the college arms and the motto 'ut et alios instruam' on a scroll beneath.
Painted wooden shield on a wooden plaque
Size: 175 x 150 x 20mm
Transferred from University College 17 December 2020.
St Hild's College
Reference: UND/F9H
Dates of creation: 1781 - 2005 St Hild's College was established in 1858 as a Church of England Training College for women students. In 1896 it was brought into connection with the University (the university's first women graduates were from St Hild's) and in 1923 it was granted the status of a Licensed Hall of Residence by the Council of the Durham Colleges. In 1975 it was amalgamated with Bede College to become the College of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit.
1858 Durham Diocesan Female Training School
1870 Durham Diocesan Training College for Schoolmistresses
1896 St Hild's College
Rev C.W. King 1862-1864
Canon W.H. Walter 1864-1889
Canon J. Haworth 1889-1910
Miss Eleanor C. Christopher 1910-1933
Miss Angel Lawrence 1934-1951
Miss Nina M.E. Joachim 1951-1975
Angel Lawrence, St Hild's College, 1858-1958, (Durham 1958)
For the main records of the college, see Durham County Record Office, E/HB 1-6.

Reference: UND/F9H/A
Charity Commission Schemes
Reference: UND/F9H/A1
UND/F9H/A1/1   14 June 1935
Published draft scheme made by the Minister of Education under the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1925, in the matter of St. Hild's Training College, Durham.
paper, 2f
UND/F9H/A1/2   26 January 1972
Instrument and Articles of Government for St Hild's College
Originally made by the Secretary of State for Education and Science 13 June 1968 and varied 30 October 1970, 16 December 1971 and 26 January 1972.
Annual Reports
Reference: UND/F9H/A2
UND/F9H/A2/1   1949 - 1958
St Hild's College annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
UND/F9H/A2/2   1865 - 1974
Report of St Hild's College or St Hild's College Report, comprising staff list, chairman's and principal's reports, exam results, and accounts, for 1865-1868, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1877-1878, 1883-1896, 1899-1904, 1907-1909, 1913-1928, 1930-1968/69, 1970/71, 1971,72, 1973/74
91 printed paper booklets
Up to 1923 given by Lilian Groves, January 2022, Acc No Misc.2021/22:57.
Formerly: Per Local STH
Reference: UND/F9H/A3
UND/F9H/A3/1   1958
St Hild's College Centenary celebrations, cathedral service paper, order of toasts, and invite, and admission card, 17 May 1958, with annotations and newspaper cuttings inserted.
Newspaper cutting photocopy re a centenary carpet for the chapel.
Card, 1f
Reference: UND/F9H/C
Reference: UND/F9H/C1
UND/F9H/C1   [1975]
“Review of the Past Twenty-Four Years” by Nina Joachim.
Paper file
UND/F9H/C2   [c.1970]
Agreement on facilities and arrangements between the principal of St Hild's College and the hostess of students in lodgings.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/C3   5 July 1929 & [1929]
Two invitations from the Principal of St Hild's College to a party and a dance
Reference: UND/F9H/C2
UND/F9H/C2/1   November 1968
Plans for a land moulding and tree planting scheme from J.M. Simpson of Cooper Higgins & Partners of Newcastle, with some notes.
Paper file
UND/F9H/C2/2   October 1972
Notes on the property owned by the college at Old Durham Gardens, including Pineapple House and the hockey field, with a plan, by G.F. Sharland.
Paper file
UND/F9H/C2/3   1927 - 1929
“List of senior students, 1927 to 1929”, with autographed addresses
Reference: UND/F9H/C3
UND/F9H/C3/D1   1954 - 1964
Special service papers
Dedication of the chapel west window, 12 June 1954.
Service of Thanksgiving for the centenary, in Durham Cathedral, 17 May 1958
Dedication of new buildings [Caedmon Hall] by the archbishop of York, 6 March 1964, with an invite
Paper file
UND/F9H/C3/D2   1970 - 1975
Scripts for dance dramas performed in the chapel:
Dance-drama based on Pilgrim's Progress, Lent 1970.
A service of dance by the Chapel Dance Group illustrating the theme of the contrast and conflict between life and death, 12 June 1975.
Paper file
UND/F9H/C3/D3   [c.1970]
Hymn of St Hild, annotated, with the tune St Colin.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/F9H/D
UND/F9H/D1   July 1942 & 1952
[Teachers' Certificate] exam results.
Paper file
UND/F9H/D2   1938 - 1965
Records of school practice, being registers of the university students (BAs and/or DipEds) and then each two-year certificate group, recording, in alphabetical order, full name, date of birth, address, school attended before St Hild's, schools attended and number of attendances during their course, grades, school appointed to on leaving St Hild's, and the principal's report, with lists of students, testimonials and some correspondence inserted.
A1. University students 1938-1947
A2. University students 1948-1956
A3. University students 1957-1965
B1. Certificate students 1942-1944
B2. Certificate students 1943-1945
B3. Certificate students 1944-1946
B4. Certificate students 1945-1947
B5. Certificate students 1946-1948
B6. Certificate students 1947-1949
B7. Certificate students 1948-1950
B8. Certificate students 1949-1951
B9. Certificate students 1950-1952
B10. Certificate students 1951-1953
B11. Certificate students 1952-1954
B12. Certificate students 1953-1955
B13. Certificate students 1954-1956
B14. Certificate students 1955-1957
B15. Certificate students 1956-1958
B16. Certificate students 1957-1959
B17. Certificate students 1958-1960
B18. Certificate students 1959-1961
21 paper books, with papers inserted
Earlier records back to 1896: Durham County Record Office, E/HB 1/183-224.
UND/F9H/D3   17 June 1931
Joint Examinations (Training Colleges) Board, Northern Area English Language (Ordinary Course final examination paper
Paper leaflet, 2f
Associations, clubs and societies
Reference: UND/F9H/E
St Hild's College Students' Association/Junior Common Room
Reference: UND/F9H/E1 Minutes deposited on permanent loan by St Hild's JCR, 28 June 1948.
Formerly MS 378.4281H5F20 and then Add Ms 166 & 167 until 12 June 2006.

UND/F9H/E1/A1   25 May 1920 - 5 May 1925
St Hild's University Students minute book
The first meeting on 25 May 1920 records the electing of officers (senior student (soon changed to senior woman), secretary and treasurer) and the drawing up of a constitution (with subsequent additions).
UND/F9H/E1/A2   17 October 1929 - 1 February 1942
St Hild's University Students/JCR minute book
On 12 November 1931, the name was changed to the Junior Common Room.
At the back is the constitution as at October 1937.
UND/F9H/E1/D1   1950 & 1966
Programmes for dances etc.
Dance programme, 17 May 1950.
Ball programme, 19 November 1966.
Card file
St Hild's College SCR
Reference: UND/F9H/E2
St Hild's College Dramatic Society
Reference: UND/F9H/E3
UND/F9H/E3/C1-6   [c.1909 - 1918]
Various drama groups in costume:
1. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, 7 women, 6 in various Victorian dresses and bonnets, 1 as a maid, most seated with drinks being poured, Miss Hindmarch's production of Cranford, 1907-1909.
2. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, 6 women, various dresses 1 as a maid, basket on a table, action shot.
3. Outside the college, 10 women, 3 dressed as Japanese, 3 as ?sailors, 4 others, 1 holding a crescent [moon], by John R. Edis, signed with bon mots by Elsie Legge, Madeline M. Nickol, Flo Armstrong, Ethel Comber, May Hudson, Edith M. Arrowsmith, Lizzie Howe, Mamie Gregson.
4. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, 9 women dressed as various male and female characters, with hats, swords, sticks etc.
5-6. Outside below the college, 8 women, 7 dressed as ?milkmaids with hats, pails and stools, 1 as a teacher with gown and mortar board, Ethel Comber identified, 2 versions.
1 BW print & 5 BW postcards
Size: 85/155 x 140/205mm
UND/F9H/E3/C7-9   [1946 x 1948]
Photograph of performances:
7. Lady Windermere's Fan, by John R. Edis, [1946x1948], identified: Joy Corkin, Norah Bradley, Eileen Lamb, Helen Lawrence, Marjorie McWilliam, Pat Hughes, Doreen Anderson. Given by Miss D. Jayne.
8. Dear Brutus by J.M. Barrie, May 1947, cast in costume sitting on a wall outside the college, identified: Joan Richardson (Margaret), Ruth Forrest (Mr Dearth), Betty Rowell (Mrs Coade), Marjorie Brown (Mr Coade), Mavis Whitaker (Joanna), Betty Davison (Lob), Morag McLean (Lady Caroline Laney), Margaret Heselton (Matey), Doreen Illingworth (Mrs Dearth), Thelma Martin (John Purdie), Elsie Robson (Mrs Purdie).
9. The Brontes of Haworth Parsonage, by Masons, [1948].
3 BW prints + 1f
UND/F9H/E3/C10-13   [c.1910]
Play/drama groups:
10. On stage in front of a set, 11 students, in various costumes, by G. Fillingham, identified: Gladys Finch, Ethel Cathheaton, Winnie Burge, Florrie Wood, Florrie Patterson, Ethel Frankton, May Kim, May Irving, Mary Smithers, Florrie Turner, Mabel Gill.
11. Drama/play group, indoors, 13 students, in ?clowns costumes, half dark, half white, gathered at the ankle/wrist, with oversized buttons, and a skull and cross bones badge on one side, with ruffs, and white skull caps with a badge on the front, by J.R. Edis of Durham.
12. Drama/play group, on stage, in various costumes, [by J.R. Edis], identified: Edith Plumley, Elsie Stanford, Ruth Brown, Isa MacAllister, Muriel Nicholls, Margaret Truelove, Helen Beeton, Gladys Wilkinson, Marjory Harbour, Jessie MacKye, Elsie layfield, Ellen Lupton, Dorothy Cliff.
13. Drama/play group, by a set, 2 in Highland dress, from the City Studio, Durham, card number 3891.
4 BW postcards
UND/F9H/E3/D1   1929 - 1955
Ephemera for performances of plays at St Hild's College (St Hild's College Dramatic Society by 1952):
Make-believe by A. A. Milne, February 1929, newspaper cutting
She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith, [?1930], programme (printed by the Advertiser, Durham)
Ladies in Retirement by Edward Percy and Reginald Denham, 2 February 1946, invite;
United We Fall by John Knowles, 6/7 December [1947], invite;
Great Day by Lesley Storm, 3/4 December [1948], invite;
Pride and Prejudice, adapted by Margaret Macnamara from Jane Austen, 2/3 December 1949, invite;
The Women Have Their Way, by S. & J. Quintero, 24/25 November 1950, invite;
The Brontës of Haworth Parsonage by John Davison, 16 February 1952, programme;
Ladies in Retirement by Edward Percy and Reginald Denham, 28/29 November 1952, invite;
The Heiress, by Ruth and Augustus Goetz, 20/21 November 1953, invite;
The Tempest, by Shakespeare, 19/20 February 1954, invite;
Bonaventure, by Charlotte Hastings, 25/26 November 1954, invite;
The Prodigious Snob, by Miles Malleson, 11/12 February 1955, invite;
Arms & the Man by G.B. Shaw, 29/30 November [?1955], programme;
The First Born by Christopher Fry, 24/25 February 1956.
St Hild's Literary and Debating Society
Reference: UND/F9H/E4
UND/F9H/E4/D1   1954 - 1957
Invites to Visitors' Night debates, detailing speakers, on:
“That the Best of Life is but Intoxication”, 10 May 1954;
“That Modesty can no longer be regarded as a virtue”, 11 March 1955;
“That this House believes that the British Theatre is at its lowest ebb”, 8 May 1957.
St Hild's Association
Includes the records of the London Branch (E8A). There were other branches for Lakeland and Hartlepool.

UND/F9H/E8/A1   June 1947 - June 1965
St Hild's College Association committee meetings minutes, including lists of attendees, annual accounts, a centenary service paper 1958, some reunion programmes (e.g. 1952), and a memorial service paper for Winifred Hindmarch (1873-1961) 17 March 1962, with a file of invoices for 1964/5.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/A2   April 1966 - September 1973
St Hid's College Association committee meetings minutes, including lists of attendees, and annual accounts.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8A/A1   November 1948 - May 1962
London Branch Meetings minute book, including some agendas, lists of those attending and sending apologies, and statements of accounts, with BW postcard aerial view of the college at the front.
Paper book, with documents stuck in, in soft covers
UND/F9H/E8A/A2   November 1963 - May 1978
London Branch Meetings minute book, including lists of those attending and sending apologies, and statements of accounts, with inserted a menu for a luncheon 11 September 1971 in honour of Miss A.L. Lawrence on her 80th birthday, with a BW photo of her, and a menu for a lunch in honour of Miss Joachim 20 September 1975 with a colour photo of her.
Paper file, threaded on laces in hard covers
UND/F9H/E8A/A3   November 1978 - May 1989
London Branch Meetings minute book, including lists of those attending and sending apologies, and statements of account.
Paper file, threaded on laces in hard covers
UND/F9H/E8A/A4   November 1989 - April 2006
London Branch Meetings minute book, including lists of those attending and sending apologies, and statements of accounts, and correspondence about arrangements for the meetings.
UND/F9H/E8A/A5   November 2006 - April 2014
London Branch Meetings minute book, including lists of those attending and sending apologies, and receipts and correspondence about the meetings.
UND/F9H/E8/C1   [c.1970 - 1980]
Register of London Branch members, alphabetical, in two sequences, with addresses and some details about careers, and occasional letters from them to the secretary.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C2   [c.1980 - 2013]
Register of London Branch members, alphabetical, with addresses and some details about careers, with letters from them to the secretary with their news and concerning attendance at meetings.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C3   [c.1970 - 1990]
St Hild/Hilda: images and discussions of her in postcards, Christmas cards, newspaper cuttings, especially cards of Edith Reyntien's icons, and including “The Hymn of St. Hild”, with music, and a festival hymn for St Hilda's tide from St Hilda's church South Shields re-introduced 1962.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C4   1997
Memorials and obituaries for Nina Joachim (1914-1997, principal 1951-1975), especially from services of thanksgiving at Rusthall 10 May 1997 and the college 18 June 1997.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C5   13 November 1994
The London Branch 80th anniversary meeting at the Vanderbilt Hotel, London.
16 colour prints in a small spiral bound album
UND/F9H/E8/C6   1978 - 1993
Correspondence with the London Branch secretary, including also a service paper tied with college ribbons for the 80th anniversary of the London Branch 1913-1993, a photo of the anniversary cake, and a service paper for the funeral of Irene Storey (1916-1992) at Loughton.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C7   1997 - 2013
Correspondence with the London Branch secretary, much of it from Vernon Armitage, and including photos of the Joachim Room and the River Wear in flood September 2008, and a menu for a dinner in honour of Vernon Armitage in college September 1997.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/C8   11 September 1971
London Branch luncheon in honour of Miss Lawrence, with a speech by Mrs V. Pell and Miss Lawrence's reply.
C120 cassette tape with a plastic case
UND/F9H/E8/C9   23 November 1974
London Branch meeting
2 x C120 cassette tapes
UND/F9H/E8/C10   [1880s - 1960s]
Card index of alumni (1880s-1960s) addresses, with some notes of dates of death, only M-Z, with a second much shorter sequence A-Z.
A5 cards
UND/F9H/E8/D1   30 June 1943 - [c.1980]
Membership cards
UND/F9H/E8/D2   1948 - 1990
Photocopied extracts from the College Magazine/Association Newsletter of the reports of meetings of the various Association branches.
Paper file
UND/F9H/E8/D3   [c.1960]
Reunion service papers
Whitburn parish church (Sunderland and South Shields Branch) c.1960
Durham Cathedral Communion c.1960
Paper file
Reference: UND/F9H/F
College Photos - St Hild's
Reference: UND/F9H/FA
UND/F9H/FA1870   [c.1870]
?Year group, outside in the garden, wall behind, trees and fence beyond, in various dresses, several holding bonnets, [by Thomas Heaviside, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 165 x 220mm (print), 280 x 335mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1870 - UND/F9H/FA1870
UND/F9H/FA1888   1888
?Year group, outside the college entrance, in various dark coloured dresses, by P. Stabler of Sunderland, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 175 x 235mm (print), 275 x 230mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1888 - UND/F9H/FA1888
UND/F9H/FA1891   1891
?Year group, outside the college entrance, mostly in various dark coloured dresses, by P. Stabler of Sunderland, unidentified.
BW print, stuck on to card
Size: 160 x 225mm (print), 215 x 225mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1891 - UND/F9H/FA1891
UND/F9H/FA1909   [June 1909]
College group of students (22), in various dresses, mostly white, outside with a wooden/wire mesh fence behind, captioned as “07-09”, unidentified.
BW postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
UND/F9H/FA1910   [c.1910]
College group of students and staff, outside on the grass tennis court in front of the college, in mostly light coloured skirts and blouses, some with ties and some with small ?college badges, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 295 x 360mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1910 - UND/F9H/FA1910
UND/F9H/FA1918   [June 1918]
College group of students and staff (78), captioned as “St Hilds 1916-18”, unidentified, on lawn in front of the college, students are standing in matching uniform of white blouses with calf-length dark skirts and dark stockings and comprise back 4 rows of picture, staff are seated in front row and wearing assorted dresses except for a ?nurse on the right, who is in uniform, a dog is lying on the grass next to a staff member in the centre front.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1918 - UND/F9H/FA1918
UND/F9H/FA1920   [May] 1920
College group in front of the college, student in blouses (mostly white) and skirts, by Panoram by Debenham of Richmond, Yorks, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 440mm (print), 305 x 550mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1920 - UND/F9H/FA1920
UND/F9H/FA1923   1923
College group, in front of the college entrance, students in white shirts, black pinafores and black stockings, with some badges (netball or hockey ?colours) or ribbons on their left breast, staff variously dressed (no gowns), with 2 dogs and a kitten, by Debenham, Photographer, of West Maitland St, Edinburgh, titled, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 210 x 505mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1923 - UND/F9H/FA1923
UND/F9H/FA1929   May 1929
College group, in front of the college, students in white shirts, black pinafores and black stockings, with some badges (netball or hockey ?colours) on their left breast, staff variously dressed (no gowns), with a dog, by London Panoramic Coy, of 10 Farringdon Avenue, London EC4, titled, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 280 x 660mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1929 - UND/F9H/FA1929
UND/F9H/FA1930   [?1930s]
University students and staff (28), outside in front of the college, in white shirts, ties, dark skirts, gowns (some in their graduation robes with hoods), some with badges, by J.S. Adamson of Sadler St, Durham, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on bocard, with a cover
Size: 155 x 210mm (print), 250 x 300 (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1930 - UND/F9H/FA1930
UND/F9H/FA1933   [June 1933]
University students and staff (22), outside in front of the college, in white shirts, ties, dark skirts, gowns (some in their graduation robes with hoods), some with badges, by J.S. Adamson of Sadler St, Durham, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 210mm (print), 250 x 300mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1933 - UND/F9H/FA1933
UND/F9H/FA1934   [June] 1934
College group,staff and students, outside in front of the college entrance, in skirts and tops, some with college badged blazers and ties, 2 in university badged blazers and 2 in Durham Colleges blazers,
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 145 x 670mm (print), 280 x 780mm (mount)
UND/F9H/FA1935   [?June 1935]
University students and staff (33), outside in front of the college, in mostly white shirts, some ties, dark skirts, gowns (some in their graduation robes with hoods), some with badges, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 155 x 210mm, 250 x 300mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1935 - UND/F9H/FA1935
UND/F9H/FA1939   June 1939
College group, in front of the college entrance, in various dresses, students and staff, one dog, titled with the college arms, by Panora Ltd of London WC1, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 250 x 560mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1939 - UND/F9H/FA1939
UND/F9H/FA1942   [June] 1942
College group, students and staff in dresses/skirts, outside, titled, with the arms, by John Edis of Durham, unidentified, but:
A signed on the back by 35 of the 61 present: Margaret Armstrong, Dorothie Scott, Madge Smith, Mildred Warden, Alice Britton, Ella Bolam, Olive Weightman, M.N. Tait, Marjorie S.J. Hall, Brenda G. Preston, Margaret E. Hopes, Mary Foreman, Betty Birchall, Gwen Robinson, Jean Clough, Irene V. Roll, Freda C. K. Williamson, J.M. Kinghorn, Nancy Robson, Mary Dawson, Marjorie E. Jeffrey, E. Audrey Lightfoot, Jean A. Nelson, Beryl Fletcher, M.R.M Chisholm, Doreen Dixon, Ethel Shaw, Doris Jobson, Grace Clarke, Gladys M. Pattinson, Nancy Wright, Dorothy Crofton, Joan M. Lighthead, G.K. Ewence, E. Geese
B (given by Ellen Marguerite Smith) signed by 13/61: Eileen G. Harrison, E.I. Mare, Ella Bolam, Brenda G. Preston, M. Noreen Gillespie, Betty Birchall, J.M. Kinghorn, Mary Foreman, Joyce M. Davison, L. Joyce Anderson, N.K. MacDonald, Nancy Wright, Beryl Fletcher.
BW print, mounted on board, 2 copies
Size: 185 x 280mm (print), 290 x 440mm (mount)
B given by Ellen Marguerite Smith's son April 2018.
UND/F9H/FA1943   [June] 1943
College group, students and staff in dresses/skirts, outside, titled, with the arms, by John Edis of Durham, signed on the back: Mary Best, Betty Watson, Leslie M. Haile, Marjorie Johnson, Eunice M. Clark, Joan Tundale, Doreen Thompson, Brenda Cartledge, Betty Christie, Dorothy Smith, Margaret Langstaff, Mary Bowes, Joyce Riddle, ?Ivy Snaith, Kathleen Burn, Eileen Turley, Nelda Shuttleworth, Brenda A. Usher, Margaret Hodgson, Hilda Andrews, Lilian E. Brown, Margaret N. Young, Greta Boal, Maisie Philipson, Bernice Dawson, Jean Clarkson, Barbara K. McRae, Jean S. Templeton, Dorothy D.E. Jayne, Sylvia K. Shiel, A.L. Lawrence, Elsie E. Brown, Kathleen Diggle, Enid L. Iley, Enid Terry, Margaret Teary, Ena Birkett, Kathleen Stirling, Jean Osmond, Creda M. Wilkinson, Florence Alder, Gwen Couper, Edith Richardson, Jane Summers, Brenda B. Hedley, Muriel Lacy, G. H[elen] Ewence, Emily Geere, Elsie W. Hall, Frances Ferguson, Pauline Fenwick, Hild Branthwaite, Eileen I. Wilkinson, Joyce Hughes, Barbara Petrie, A. Roberts, Alice C. Lee, Margaret G. Case, Joyce Veitch, Agnes Armitage, Margaret S. Magan, Helen K. Kennedy, Gladys Gibbons.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 185 x 280mm (print), 290 x 440mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1943 - UND/F9H/FA1943
UND/F9H/FA1944   [May 1944]
College [seniors] group 1942-1944, outside a leafy college front, in skirts and blouses, titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified (on the back).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 175 x 290mm (print), 255 x 430mm (mount)
UND/F9H/FA1945   [May 1945]
College [seniors] group 1943-1945, outside a leafy college front, in skirts and blouses, titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified (on the back).
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 175 x 290mm (print), 255 x 430mm (mount)
Given by Jean Ridley.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1945 - UND/F9H/FA1945
UND/F9H/FA1946   [June 1946]
College [seniors] group, outside a leafy college front, in skirts, shirts and college badged blazers, by John R. Edis, identified on a separate sheet.
BW print + 1f
Size: 190 x 290mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1946 - UND/F9H/FA1946
UND/F9H/FA1948   [May] 1948
College [seniors] group, outside the college entrance, in skirts, blouses and college plain dark blazers with the college badge (a roundel) on the breast pocket, titled with the college and university arms, by John R. Edis, 3 copies.
2 BW prints, 1 mounted on board, + 1f
Size: 185 x 290mm (print), 310 x 435mm (mount)
3 given by Dorothy Fyfe's children September 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:11
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1948 - UND/F9H/FA1948
UND/F9H/FA1949   [?June 1949]
College [seniors] group, outside the college entrance, in dark skirts, white shirts, and dark blazers with the college badge (a roundel), by John R. Edis, unidentified, but signed on the back with messages from individuals.
BW print
Size: 180 x 290mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1949 - UND/F9H/FA1949
UND/F9H/FA1950   [June] 1950
College [seniors] group, outside the college entrance, in skirts, blouses and college plain dark blazers with the college badge (a roundel) on the breast pocket, titled with the college and university arms, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
Given by Walter Wilkinson, late husband of Diana Smedley (St Hild's 1948-50), Acc No Misc.
2 BW prints, 1 mounted on board
Size: 185 x 295mm (print), 310 x 440mm (mount)
UND/F9H/FA1950U   [June] 1950
College university students group, outside the college chapel, in skirts and tops with gowns and graduates in hoods, with a dog, titled with the university and college arms, identified.
Copy BW print
Size: 230 x 200mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1950 - UND/F9H/FA1950U
UND/F9H/FA1951   [June 1951]
College [seniors] group, outside the college entrance, in various skirts, white shirts, dark blazers with the college (roundel) or occasional university badge, tiled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, unidentified, with 18 signed messages to [Isabel Ormerod] on the back.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 185 x 290mm (print), 310 x 440mm (mount)
UND/F9H/FA1954U   [June] 1954
St Hild's university students, outside, in gowns and skirts with the graduates in hoods, identified on a separate sheet..
Copy BW print
Size: 185 x 290mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1954 - UND/F9H/FA1954U
UND/F9H/FA1955   [c.1955]
College group, outside the college entrance and the chapel, in skirts and blouses and (mostly) dark coloured blazers with the college badge (a shield) on the breast pocket, and some in gowns, by John R. Edis, unidentified.
BW print
Size: 240 x 365mm
UND/F9H/FA1959   [June] 1959
College group, students in blazers and skirts, with staff, outside the chapel, Susan Wildman, Lois Beldon, Valerie Williams, Joan Douglas (Pelley) identified, by Mason and Harvey of Durham.
Size: 155 x 350mm
?Another copy: DCRO E/HB1/616.
UND/F9H/FA1960   [June] 1960
College group, students in blazers and skirts, with staff and dog, outside the chapel, by John Edis of Durham.
Size: 250 x 395mm
?Another copy: DCRO E/HB1/617.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Group Photograph, 1960 - UND/F9H/FA1960
Boat Club
Reference: UND/F9H/FB
UND/F9H/FB1970   [c.1970]
Hild four at the dockside, in tracksuits etc, identified: Jane Movill, Janet Hutchinson, Micki Deaver, Barb Keeler, Nick Pearce, + 1 man.
BW print
Size: 165 x 215mm
Printed in The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham, I.G. Booth [1979], pl.60.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Boat Club Photograph, 1970 - UND/F9H/FB1970
UND/F9H/FB1975   [March] 1975
previous hitHild Boat Club (24) (including 4 male coaches [from Bede next hit]), at Maiden Castle with woods behind, in tracksuits and trainers, 4 with various badges, with 8 cups, by Fillinghams, identified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 215 x 370mm (print), 320 x 475mm (mount)
Digitised material for St Hild's College Boat Club Photograph, 1975 - UND/F9H/FB1975
Tennis Club
Reference: UND/F9H/FC
UND/F9H/FC1907   [June] 1907
St Hild's tennis team (8 ladies and 3 men), outside the college front, ladies in various blouses and long skirts, with rackets, men in clerical dress, unidentified, by J.R. Edis, endorsed as “from Mary Browbank file” .
BW print
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Tennis Club Photograph, 1907 - UND/F9H/FC1907
Netball Team
Reference: UND/F9H/FD
UND/F9H/FD1939   [1937 x 1939]
St Hild's Netball team (7), in front of the college, in gymslips and white shirts, with a ball, identified: V. Blackman, C. Gunn, ?, A. Longstaff, ?, H. Griffiths, ?.
BW print
Size: 65 x 100mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Netball Team Photograph, 1939 - UND/F9H/FD1939
Hockey Team
Reference: UND/F9H/FE
UND/F9H/FE1908   [1906 x 1908]
St Hild's hockey team (18), outside the college entrance, in a dark green woollen dress/cassock type garment, buttoned down the front, with pale purple trim and a neckbow, some with the college badge, with sticks and balls, with Principal Canon Haworth.
Printout of a digital BW print, 1f
Printed in The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham, I.G. Booth [1979], pl.47.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Hockey Club Photograph, 1908 - UND/F9H/FE1908
College Reunions
Reference: UND/F9H/FX
UND/F9H/FX1900   [c.1900]
College reunion, on the lawn with grass tennis court in front and college buildings behind, in various dresses, many with large hats, with ?current students on the terrace behind, union jack flying on the pole, by Science & Art Photo Co Durham, unidentified.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 275 x 370mm (print), 475 x 595mm (mount)
?Another version printed in: I.G. Booth, The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham (1979), pl.66.
UND/F9H/FX2007   [2007]
175th University Anniversary dinner at previous hitHild Bede next hit, in dresses or skirts/tops, identified.
Colour print
Size: 100 x 150mm
Given by Dorothy Hilton nee Bourne, 30 September 2015, Acc No Misc.2015/16:93.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Reunion Photograph, 2007 - UND/F9H/FX2007
Photos of St Hild's Buildings
Reference: UND/F9H/FY
UND/F9H/FY1   [c.1950]
St Hild's college exterior, from below, through trees.
BW print
Size: 90 x 135mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1950 - UND/F9H/FY1
UND/F9H/FY2-3   30 August 1973
Aerial views of the previous hitHild and Bede next hit colleges.
Colour print
Size: 90 x 125mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photographs, 1973 - UND/F9H/FY2-3
UND/F9H/FY4   [c.1950]
Chapel interior looking east.
Printed BW print
Size: 245 x 185mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1950 - UND/F9H/FY4
UND/F9H/FY5-6   [c.1920]
Exterior views of the chapel, from the west and the south, by G.O. Fillingham, The City Studio, Durham.
2 BW postcards
Size: 85 x 130mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photographs, c.1920 - UND/F9H/FY5-6
UND/F9H/FY7-11   [c.1920s]
7. View of the college main front and gardens from across the Wear.
8. View of the college main front and grounds (lots of trees) from across the Wear.
9. View of Durham cathedral and castle from ?the college grounds.
10. View along the main front looking towards the chapel.
11. Interior of a hall, cleared for ?dancing, with a piano and dais.
5 copy BW postcards
Size: 100 x 150mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photographs, c.1920 - UND/F9H/FY7-11
UND/F9H/FY12-13   [c.1950]
Library or common room interior, table with chairs with bookcases lining the walls, pictures above.
BW print, with a copy
Size: 90 x 140 and 130 x 210mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1950 - UND/F9H/FY12-13
UND/F9H/FY14-16   [c.1930]
Interiors, by P.A. Buchanan & Co, Croydon:
14. Art Room, chairs with easels, 20230.
15. Chapel, looking east, 20232.
16. Gymnasium, net and mat, benches round the walls, piano, wall clock, some bunting, 20234.
3 BW postcards
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photographs, c1930 - UND/F9H/FY14-16
UND/F9H/FY17   1966
Pineapple House (formerly the Pineapple Inn c.1834-1926), Old Durham, used as accommodation by St Hild's students, early 1960s, by Mike Savage, with some information on its history, and a covering letter.
Copy BW print + 2f
Size: 205 x 250mm
Given by Mike Savage of York, February 2015 (with UND/F9B/FZ32).
UND/F9B/FY18   [c.1900]
Album of college views, titled “St. Hild's College, Durham” with the ammonite:
General view from across the river.
South front.
View from the terrace of the cathedral.
View from Pelaw Wood of the college front.
Cloisters and demonstration garden plot.
Chapel interior looking east.
Library interior.
Art Room interior with chairs and easels.
Dining Room interior, set for a meal.
Common Room interior, with plants.
The West Room with chairs against the walls, and the dais clear.
Botany Room with a demonstration bench with sinks, and tables and chairs.
Card booklet, with 12 BW prints
Size: 140 x 210mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Album of College Views, c.1900 - UND/F9B/FY18
UND/F9H/FY19   12 August 1947
View of the main college front from the river, 21199, sent to Mr and Mrs W. Graham in Denton, Newcastle, by Hum.
Colour postcard
Size: 90 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, 1947 - UND/F9H/FY19
UND/F9H/FY20   [c.1910]
St Hild's chapel and the cloisters beneath, by G.O. Fillingham, the City Studio, Durham.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1910 - UND/F9H/FY20
UND/F9H/FY21   [c.1910]
St Hild's common room, with grand piano, chairs, carpets, books, pictures, gallery.
BW print, damaged, torn
Size: 165 x 215mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1910 - UND/F9H/FY21
UND/F9H/FY22   [c.1930]
St Hild's main college buildings from below, through trees.
BW print
Size: 110 x 160mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photograph, c.1930 - UND/F9H/FY22
UND/F9H/FY23-25   [c.1910]
St Hild's college interiors:
23. Corridor with plants along the window sill.
24. Art room with desks and chairs.
25. Common Room from the gallery, with chairs, grand piano, bookcases and pictures.
Printouts of digital BW photos, 4f
From originals of Hilda Dukes [c.2015].
Digitised material for St Hild's College Building Photographs, c.1910 - UND/F9H/FY23-25
UND/F9H/FY26-28   [c.1910]
St Hild's college interiors, by G. Fillingham, photographer, Durham:
26. Common Room, chairs, grand piano, book cases, fireplace, gallery, pictures, rugs.
27. Art Room, chairs, easels, sculpture.
28. Library, tables, chairs, bookcases, pictures.
3 BW postcards
UND/F9H/FY29-32   [c.1910]
St Hild's College interiors, 2 stamped as G. Fillingham:
29. Common Room, chairs, chaise longue, grand piano, carpet, flowers and plants.
30. Art Room, chairs, easels, 2 paintings, a sculpture.
31. Chapel, looking east, chairs, altar, rails, pulpit, banner, lectern.
32. Dining Hall, tables laid, white table cloths, flowers.
3 BW postcards
UND/F9H/FY33   March 1929
St Hild's College exterior, view from across the river, showing grounds and allotments below; published by ? of 24 Silver St, Durham.
Sent by Peg to Mrs J. Batey at Tyne Dock, South Shields, family news including Harry and John, identifying her room, postmark 12 March 1929.
Colour postcard
UND/F9H/FY34   [c.1950]
St Hild's College aerial view, showing redeveloped gymnasium, accommodation block at east end of the site, tennis courts between the allotments and main building; by Aerofilms & Aero Pictorial Ltd of Boreham Wood, R39491.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY35   [c.1970]
St Hild's College aerial view, showing the main block and buildings behind it between it and Gilesgate, and their gardens; by E. Millet & Sons Ltd of Leeds, published by The House of Andrews Ltd, Durham.
Sent to Lilian [Groves] by Roger.
Colour postcard
UND/F9H/FY36   [?1910]
Grove House exterior view of the entrance, through trees; by G. Fillingham, photographer, Durham.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY37   [?1910]
“St Hild's College, Durham”
St Hild's College exterior, view from across the river, showing grounds and allotments below, published by A. Balles, 50, Sadler Street, Durham
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY38   [1929]
“St Hild's College, Durham. View from the tennis courts”
Commerical postcard, date stamped, with message addressed to Miss Joan Butler
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY39   [?1929]
“St Hild's College, Durham”
St Hild's College exterior, view from across the river, showing grounds and allotments below
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY40   [?1929]
“St Hild's College, Durham”
Commerical postcard with message addressed to Miss Joan Butler
BW postcard
UND/F9H/FY41   [?1950]
St Hild's College aerial view, showing redeveloped gymnasium, accommodation block at east end of the site, tennis courts between the allotments and main building; by Aerofilms & Aero Pictorial Ltd of Boreham Wood, Herts, A/114480.
BW postcard
Photos of St Hild's Individuals, Groups and Events
Reference: UND/F9H/FZ
UND/F9H/FZ1-2   [c.1890]
Rev Charles W. King principal 1862-1864, in a gown seated at a table with a paper;
Canon Walter principal 1864-1888, in clerical dress, seated, with a dog.
2 BW prints stuck on to card, with a printed version
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Rev Charles W. King principal, c.1890 - UND/F9H/FZ1-2
UND/F9H/FZ3   [c.1900]
Miss Fish (staff 1884-1913), head and shoulders, in a hat and with a [feather] bowler, by John R. Edis
BW print, in a mount
Size: 165 x 105mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss Fish, c.1900 - UND/F9H/FZ3
UND/F9H/FZ4   [c.1900]
Oval portrait on embossed cardstock of Miss Fish, a former student and on college staff 1884 - 1913 as a governess, from the waist-up wearing a white blouse and cross necklace by John R. Edis.
BW print
Size: 150 x 163mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss Fish, c.1900 - UND/F9H/FZ4
UND/F9H/FZ5   [1917 x 1920]
Mrs Straughan/Miss McLeod, on the staff 1917-1920, head and shoulders, in a hat.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 90 x 65mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Mrs Straughan/Miss McLeod, c.1917 - UND/F9H/FZ5
UND/F9H/FZ6   [1919 x 1938]
Miss Hillyer, House Mistress 1919-1938, from shoulders up seated and wearing a ?pearl necklace, and white lace with dark jumper. Taken and signed by John R. Edis.
BW print, mounted on card
Size: 210 x 310mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss Hillyer, c.1920s - UND/F9H/FZ6
UND/F9H/FZ7-9   [June 1937 x June 1939]
Views of a summer party outside the college front on a ?tennis court:
7. Miss Hinde in hat and dress, throwing a quoit, with others beyond.
8. Miss Roberts selecting food from a table, with others.
9. Misses Ewence, Seene, Lawrence and ?Nend, with a dog Turpy.
3 BW prints
Size: 57 x 82mm
Sent by Nellie Jackson nee Richardson (St Hild's, 1937-39).
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photographs Views of a Summer Party, c.1938 - UND/F9H/FZ7-9
UND/F9H/FZ10   August 1937
Mrs Kinsley, former nurse matron of St. Hilds, pictured two years before her death wearing a hat, gloves and with a blanket, seated in the wheelchair she was given as a gift from the St. Hilds outside in ?college grounds.
BW print
Size: 158 x 112mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Mrs Kinsley, 1937 - UND/F9H/FZ10
UND/F9H/FZ11   June 1946
Outside the college front, Misses McCrae, Jayne and Diggle at St Hild's fete.
Copy BW print
Size: 180 x 130mm
From G.H. Hails at Hexham.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Misses McCrae, Jayne & Diggle, 1946 - UND/F9H/FZ11
UND/F9H/FZ12   [June 1946]
[Miss G. Hirde], enlarged copy from the 1946 seniors group photo (UND/F9H/FB1946), by Philipson Studios of 20 Oxford St, Newcastle.
BW copy print
Size: 100 x 80mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss G. Hirde, 1946 - UND/F9H/FZ12
UND/F9H/FZ13   [June 1946]
[Miss W. Hindmarch], enlarged copy from the 1946 seniors group photo (UND/F9H/FB1946), by Philipson Studios of 20 Oxford St, Newcastle.
BW print
Size: 100 x 75mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss W. Hindmarch, 1946 - UND/F9H/FZ13
UND/F9H/FZ14   [c.1970]
Portrait of Miss Nina Joachim OBE, principal 1951 - 75, and two unidentified others outside Buckingham Palace. Unidentified man (left) is wearing a suit with a blue pattern tie and has grey hair and a beard; Miss Joachim is wearing a blue women's suit with a pearl necklack, broach on her lapel, glasses, black gloves and black handbag; unidentified woman (right) is wearing a pink women's suit with a pink and white headscarf, broach on her collar, black gloves and black handbag. By Feature Press Photo Agency of London.
Colour print
Size: 164 x 214mm
Received in a plastic wallet set against a piece of yellow craft paper on which Miss Joachim was identified as Miss Nina Joachim OBE.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss Nina Joachim, c.1970 - UND/F9H/FZ14
UND/F9H/FZ15   [11 September 1971]
Miss A.L. Lawrence, seated outside, on her 80th birthday.
BW print
Size: 165 x 110mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss A.L. Lawrence, 1971 - UND/F9H/FZ15
UND/F9H/FZ16   [c.1900]
?Tutorial group (11) including a member of staff, outside, in skirts and blouses,
Copy BW print, water-damaged along the right side
Size: 180 x 245mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Tutorial group, c.1900 - UND/F9H/FZ16
UND/F9H/FZ17   [1902]
?Tutorial group of 6 students, mostly in white dresses and blouses, in ?a photographer's studio with a staircase and window, Mary Alice Lawson (1880-1962) identified.
Copy (made 23 June 2016) BW print
Size: 205 x 255mm
Given by David Hawdon, June 2016, Acc.Misc. 2015/16:165.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Tutorial group, 1902 - UND/F9H/FZ17
UND/F9H/FZ18-29   1909 - 1918
Various tutorial/house/society groups pre-WW1 generally comprising a member of staff and their students:
18. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, in generally light-coloured dresses, 22 women, 1907-1909.
19. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, in various dresses, 8 women.
20. Outside the college, all in dark long skirts, white shirts, with black and white vertical striped ties, with tie clasps/badges, 13 women, 1 holding a skull and cross bones plaque.
21. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, most in dark long skirts, white shirts, with black and white vertical striped ties, with tie clasps/badges, 13 women, 1 holding a skull and cross bones plaque.
22. Outside the college, in various dresses, 14 women.
23. Outside the college, in various dresses, 11 women, 1 holding a “Cuckoo” plaque.
24. Outside, wooden/wire mesh fence behind, in various dresses, 11 women.
25. Outside ?Grove House, in various dresses, 11 women, “Grove House 1917” , damaged.
26. Outside the college entrance, in mainly white dresses, with some dark and some white badged college ties and some badges, 11 women, by G.J. Margham, Durham, signed ?Cleugh, 1914-1916.
27. Outside the college entrance, in various dresses, some with dark badged college ties, 12 women, by City Studio, 69 Sadler St, Durham.
28. Outside the college, in various dresses, with ties and flowers, 14 women, 1907-1909.
29. Outside with the cathedral beyond, in various skirts and shirts, 1918 Advanced Education, 11 women, identified: E. Cowell, C. Roxby, L. Locke, P. Young, M.E. Manley, L. Pattison, A. Graham, C. Walker, E. Draper, C. Eden, M. Robson.
12 BW postcards
Size: 85 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photographs Various Tutorial/House/Society Groups, 1909 - 1918 - UND/F9H/FZ18-29
Numbers not used
UND/F9H/FZ36   1908 x 1910
Edith Hallimond (left), unknown (middle), and Isobel Chandler (right) pictured from waist up in matching blouse, tie, and tie clip ensembles standing against an exterior wall and window of the college.
BW print
Size: 137 x 89mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Edith Hallimond & Isobel Chandler, c.1908 - UND/F9H/FZ36
UND/F9H/FZ37   1912
Group of students (6) in a photographer's studio, in dark skirts, white shirts and diagonal striped ties, identified: Nellie Thorpe, Iva Gunn, May Cobbard, Cissy Rodgers, Gladys Reader, Anne Lee (later Mrs Gow), with a covering letter.
BW postcard
Size: 85 x 135mm
Given by Anna Gow (nee Lee), 18 October 1979.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Group of students, 1912 - UND/F9H/FZ37
UND/F9H/FZ38   [1917 - 1918]
2 ?women in fancy dress for St. Hild's Day embracing one another. Woman on right has fair hair and is wearing a matching patterned blouse and skirt with dark stockings and white ribbons around her shoes and ankles. Individual is holding the hand of the woman on left, dressed in scottish tartan apparel wearing a kilt, hat, long socks and dark shoes with arm around woman on right. By The City Studio, Durham.
BW print
Size: 135 x 84mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph St Hild's Day, 1917 - UND/F9H/FZ38
UND/F9H/FZ39   [1917 x 1919]
?Peer mentor family group. Three godmothers (1916-18) with their three godchildren (1917-19) outside St Hild's on the lawn. 3 standing, 2 in chairs, 1 seated on grass and all in white or light coloured ensembles.
BW print
Size: 83 x 133mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Peer mentor family group, 1917 - UND/F9H/FZ39
UND/F9H/FZ40   [1917 x 1919]
Group of students (4) seated around a small table indoors in dresses or blouses and skirts, Jen Milner, Chris ?Canttia, E. Galilee, O. Foster. Print number 8644 by The City Studio on Saddler Street.
BW print
Size: 146 x 96mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Group of students, 1917 - UND/F9H/FZ40
UND/F9H/FZ41   [1917 - 1919]
Portrait of (28) unidentified members of the St. Hild fire brigade in matching pinafore uniform with some badges arranged in 3 rows outside the college. Final row is standing, middle row kneeling, and first row seated with three buckets on ground in front of them with unidentified logo, by City Studio Durham.
BW print
Size: 135 x 84mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Unidentified Members of the St. Hild Fire Brigade, 1917 - UND/F9H/FZ41
UND/F9H/FZ42-47   [1937 x 1939]
Ann Longstaff and friends of the 1937-1939 certificate year.
42. 9 women, in tweed skirts and jackets etc, seated on a bench by the river, with the college (?chapel) and Pelaw woods behind, identified: ?, ?, ?, I. Andrews, R. Kyle, D. Leeaf, ?, E. Mawson, A. Longstaff.
43. 3 women, in tweed skirts and jackets, seated on the same bench, sketching, identified: Rachel Kyle, Ann Longstaff, Dorothy Leaf.
44. 3 women, sitting “outside college art studio” , in skirts and shirts, identified: H. Johnston, Rachel Kyle, Ann Longstaff.
45. 5 women, outside the college, high-stepping (?dancers), in dark sleeveless dresses, from Chantry, identified: Rachel Kyle, M. Forster, R. Kennedy, G. Couch, Ann Longstaff.
46. 3 women, in skirts and shirts, by their gardening plot, captioned “After Gardening Exam We three worked this plot. Taken in the college grounds”, identified: Ann Longstaff, E. Mawson.
47. 5 women on Prebends Bridge, cathedral beyond, in skirts, shirts and ties, 1 in a coat and 3 in college blazers, identified: T. Townley, M. Porter, N. Richardson, Ann Longstaff, Peggy Bell.
6 BW postcards/prints
Size: 60/85 x 85/140mm
Images originally attached to an envelope addressed to Miss M. Headlaw of Buckwest Hill, Essex.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Ann Longstaff and friends, 1937 - UND/F9H/FZ42-47
UND/F9H/FZ48   1949
Rag Week St Hild's university first year students' float “The Circus Comes to Town”, by Northern Despatch.
Copy BW print
Size: 105 x 140mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Rag Week St Hild's university first year students' float, 1949 - UND/F9H/FZ48
UND/F9H/FZ49   [c.1950]
Students in a pottery class; interior of the chapel looking east; view over the tennis court to the cathedral; students in an art class; 19th century images of the male and female training colleges.
Sheet of 5 printed BW images
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Students in a pottery class, c.1950 - UND/F9H/FZ49
UND/F9H/FZ50   [?1951]
On or in front of a wall in front of the college, in various skirts, shirts, dresses, 11 women, 1949-1951.
Printout of a digital BW print, 1f
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph 11 women, c.1950s - UND/F9H/FZ50
UND/F9H/FZ51-52   1956
Views from the opening of the Lawrence Wing
51. Group of women in dresses, coats, and skirts walking towards the camera in the direction of Hild main building. All in light-coloured women's suits except for ?Miss Lawrence, former principal of previous hitHild Bede next hit, descending steps in dark coat, skirt, hat, with a walking stick.
52. Group of (34) observers outside the entry to the Lawrence wing, with ?Miss Lawrence centre in a black dress making a speech and two priests behind her with spectators to the left and right.
2 BW prints with negatives
Size: 81 x 81mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photographs Views from the opening of the Lawrence Wing, 1956 - UND/F9H/FZ51-52
UND/F9H/FZ53   1956
Group of unidentified individuals outside the front of St Hild on the day of the Lawrence wing opening, photo by Allison Elana Spence (nee ?Whatcott) St. Hild student 1939 - 41.
BW negative and greeting card
Size: 62 x 85mm
Attached to a card addressed to Lilian Groves 8/8/86 from Wilfred J. Spence of Woolwich, London.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph unidentified individuals on the day of the Lawrence wing opening, 1956 - UND/F9H/FZ53
UND/F9H/FZ54   17 May 1958
Mrs Fletcher, Miss W. Hindmarch, ?a former student, and a waiter inside a marquee.
BW print
Size: 97 x 79mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Mrs Fletcher, Miss W. Hindmarch, 1958 - UND/F9H/FZ54
UND/F9H/FZ55   September 1963
Two girls in a canoe on the Wear by the college, cathedral beyond.
Colour print
Size: 90 x 125mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Two girls in a canoe, 1963 - UND/F9H/FZ55
UND/F9H/FZ56-57   [c.1975]
12 girls in black leotards performing modern dance outside on the college lawn.
2 BW prints
Size: 205 x 255mm
57 printed in The College of St. previous hitHild and St. Bede next hit, Durham, I.G. Booth (1979) no.41.
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photographs 12 girls in black leotards performing modern dance outside on the college lawn, c.1975 - UND/F9H/FZ56-57
UND/F9H/FZ58   [c.1975]
Miss Nina Joachim with [a colleague (both wearing carnations) and an alumna] at [a dinner], curtaining behind, by The Sunderland Echo.
BW print
Size: 165 x 220mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Miss Nina Joachim, c1975 - UND/F9H/FZ58
UND/F9H/FZ59-62   [c.1975]
Schoolgirls having dancing lessons in the gym.
4 BW prints
Size: 90 x 130mm
Digitised material for St Hild's College Photograph Schoolgirls having dancing lessons in the gym, c.1975 - UND/F9H/FZ59-62
UND/F9H/FZ63   [c.1975]
Caedmon Hall, ?schoolgirls performing, all in white/silver leotards, lifting up a girl in a dark leotard with a sword in one hand, all facing the stage with the curtains closed.
BW print
Size: 205 x 255mm
UND/F9H/FZ64   [c.1940]
Ellen Marguerite Smith (b1922, St Hilds 1939-42), sitting on a hillside in shorts and the college blazer that is UND/F9H/I12.
BW print
Size: 60 x 80mm
Given by her son April 2018
UND/F9H/FZ65-71   [c.1910]
Groups of St Hild's students, by G. Fillingham:
65. 10 women, indoors, in dark skirts, white shirts and dark/light diagonally striped ties, identified: Nan Henderson, Annie Lincoln, Enid Bullivant, Reni Grayson, Mamie Agar, Violet Anderson, Vinnie Burge, Gladys Finch, Florie Patterson, Eleanor Croll.
66. Year/college group, students and staff, outside the college entrance, students in dark skirts, white shirts and dark/light diagonally striped ties of 2 sorts, identified: Annie Lincoln, Edith Hudson, Sybil Simpson, Dorothy Robson, Olive Walker, Annie Smith, Nellie Longstaff, Marie Callis, Winnie Hutchison, Winnie Whitfield, Nancy Crewhall, Jennie Anisley, Maggie Todd, Mabel Thompson, Nellie Tomlinson, Nellie Dunn, Esther Dawson, Maud Johnson, Winnie Hurst, Freda Orton, Phyllis Howard, Ada Mullen, Minnie Oldfield, Nancy Heslop, Gertie Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Kitty Gray, Nellie Merrington, Annie Lawes, Dorothy Hay, Mary Foster, Charlotte Rotherham, Mabel Gray, Maggie Collinson, Emily Watson, Emmie Morton, Gladys Latehaw, Winnie Armstrong, Sadie Goudie, Lena Cooke, Connie Sanderson, Maud Bowhill, Mary Waugh, Annie Robinson, Elphie Sidebottom, Florrie Smith, Ella Simpson, Dorothy Poskett, Maggie Robinson, Edith Plumley, Minnie Short, Elsie Nattress, Joy Stoddart, May Hodgson, Bert hamilton, Betty Mennemy, Lizzie Stapleton, Manley, Blackie, Iva, Prin, Gellie, Enty, Polly, Dolly Walker, Eva Hett.
67. ?Tutorial group, outside, 11 students in dark skirts and white shirts, some with ties/bows, and 1 staff member.
68. Club/society group, outside the chapel, 13 students in white shoes, skirts and shirts with a ?star badge on the left side, with dark ties with the college emblem, with a skull and cross bones on a chair in the middle.
69. Magazine committee, in front of the tennis court outside the chapel, 9 students and 1 staff member, mostly in dark skirts and white shirts, with dark ties with the college emblem and a badge, identified: Patience Maughan, Annie Lincoln, Florrie Wood, Ivy Shipley, Winnie Burge, Florrie Turner, Florrie Patterson, the principal, Maud Littlewood, May Irving.
70. Grove House Table group, on the tennis court outside the chapel, 10 students, in dark or white skirts, white shirts some with a swastika on the left side, 2 with dark ties with the college emblem, identified: Ruth Brown, Hilda Scott, Eleanor Croll, Dora Roberts, Florrie Robinson, Annie Lincoln, Winnie Burge, Nan Turnbull, Enid Bullivant, Amy Stankley.
71. 'S.S.S.S.S.S.S.' group, on the tennis court outside chapel, 7 students, 6 in white/dark skirts, white shirts with a swastika on the left side, 1 with a dark tie with the college emblem, identified: the kid, Annie Lincoln, Florence Patterson, Lily Hakin, Winnie Burge, Eleanor Croll, Enid Bullivant.
7 BW postcards
UND/F9H/FZ72-82   [?1929]
Series of group photographs, labelled alphabetically A-N (wanting C, E and G), unidentified:
11 BW postcards
UND/F9H/FZ72   [?1929]
A: Hild students
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ73   [?1929]
B: Hild student gardeners, some holding shovels and hoes, with [?Principal] at the back centre
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ74   [?1929]
D: Hild students, two seated with [?Principal]
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ75   [?1929]
F: Hild students, probably full year, with [?Principal]
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ76   1929
H: Hild students netball team, some seated
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ77   [?1929]
I: Hild students, two seated with [?Principal]
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ78   [?1929]
J: Hild students hockey team, some seated
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ79   [?1929]
K: Hild students netball team (1st team), some seated
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ80   [?1929]
L: Hild students with [?medicine] ball, some seated, [?Principal] in the back row
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ81   [?1929]
M: Hild students, some standing, seated and cross-legged
1 BW postcard
UND/F9H/FZ82   [?1929]
N: Hild students, some standing, seated and cross-legged
1 BW postcard
Publications and Ephemera
Reference: UND/F9H/G
UND/F9H/G1   13 - 17 April 1975
Poster for a conference at St Hild's: “The Roman Impact upon the North”.
Size: 420 x 230mm
UND/F9H/G2   [1941] - [1974]
St Hild's College [1941], 1966, 1968, [1974]
UND/F9H/G3   1903 - 1975
St Hild's College Magazine, with details of the Association, news of reunions, members and college activities, with some adverts, and including members' addresses until 1947/48. The Magazine was replaced by a Newsletter in 1972 with rather more summary news of the Association and former members of the college. Years present (some are only parts with news of reunions and old members): 1903 (part), 1907/08 (part), 1908/09 (part), 1909/10, 1910/11 (part), 1912/13 (part), 1913/14 (part), 1914/15, 1915/16, 1917/18 (part), 1918/19, 1919/20 (part), 1920/21 (part), 1921/22, 1922/23, 1923/24 (part), 1924/25, 1926/27-1936/37, 1937/38-1950/51 (bound in 1 volume), 1951/52-1970/71, 1972-1975.
39 printed paper booklets, 1 bound paper book, 10 paper files
Additional ones given by Lilian Groves, January 2022, Acc No Misc.2021/22:57.
Formerly: Per Local STH and DUR
UND/F9H/G4   [c.1912]
St. Hild's College, Durham. Calendar., with a verse for each day of the year, with its author and sponsor detailed, with a photo of Canon Haworth, principal 1889-1910 at the front, printed at the Advertiser Office, Durham.
Printed paper booklet, 59f, in card covers, tied together at the head with thread
UND/F9H/G5   1929, 1968 & 1972
Newspaper cuttings re the college.
Paper file
UND/F9H/G6   [?1920 x 1929]
College Christmas cards, one with purple crest and siged by “J[?] E. Butler”
2 cards
Donated Collections
Reference: UND/F9H/H
UND/F9H/H1   1905 - 1911
Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by students at the colleges of St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit, with 2 photographs of staff, inscribed on the inside front cover: “Sarah Collinson, 27 Market Place, Durham”.
Paper book, 152p
Given by Catherine Hyde October 2009, Acc No Misc.2009/10:64, in memory of her parents Doreen nee Cradock and William Longrigg.
Digitised material for Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by students, c.1910 - UND/F9H/H1
p.1   5 June 1909
Pen drawing of a herald blowing a trumpet titled “Open Sesame” and signed “Yours Sincerely R Fleming Bede 07-09”.
p.5   28 June 1910
Wash drawing of a man with cap leaning against a post, with pipe, with a chicken approaching, titled “The Fancier” and signed “S McIntyre”
p.13   28 January 1909
Coloured drawing in a roundel of a ketch sailing towards the sun[set], signed “With the best wishes of Beatrice E Lowes” .
p.23   [1909]
Watercolour of a [Dutch] girl herding 7 white geese up a winding road into the sun[set] with 2 windmills on the hilltop horizon, signed “Gertrude Atkinson St Hild's 07-09” .
p.27   1905
Pen and wash drawing of a bird (?sparrow) flying with a flower in its beak, titled “O'er Hill and Dale” and signed “R Beaton” .
p.31   6 June 1908
Pen drawing of a lady in dress and hat with flowers, being buffeted by the wind, titled “To my sister” and signed “E Collinson Durham” .
p.33   4 June 1909
Pen drawing of the sanctuary knocker at Durham Cathedral, titled as such and signed “Yours Sincerely Wm M Coulson” [Bede 1907-1909].
p.41   25 June 1910
Pen and wash drawing of a lady head and shoulders titled “Peggy” and signed “J Collinson” .
p.45   [1909]
Watercolour sketch of flowers (?clematis) signed “With Best Wishes Ida Hutton St Hild's (1907-09)” .
p.51   [c.1909]
Pen drawing of a viking, head and shoulders with winged helmet, titled “The Last Viking” , with a poem, first line “Row ye well, for my purpose stands” [by Nora Hopper], signed “EIL” .
p.53   [c.1909]
Pen and colour drawing of a hunting scene, a lady riding side-saddle on a horse clearing a fence with a man about to, titled “Follow me” and signed “J Stopford-Taylor”.
p.57-63   [1909]
A page of [St Hild's] Seniors 1908-09 names and addresses: May Lishman, Minnie R. Smith, Eva Dowsen, Margaret E. McCall, Elsie M. Legge, Nancie S. Gregson, Mary E. Winlow, Edith M. Arrowsmith, Bessie Heslop, Jennie E. Gumm, Poppy Barlow, Muriel Hinde, Ida Hutton, Alice Bell, Annie Sumpton, Ethel Dumville, Margaret McColvin, Ethel Morton (14 September 1908), Florence E. Kerr, Constance M. Hall, Mary E. Askew, Daisy C. Harrison, Ethel F. Moor, Lucy Hutton, Lizzie Charlton, Lydia E. Pearson, ?Bessie White, Lizzie Howe, Sarah G. Kitching, Emma Bland, Annie G. Henderson, Eveline M. Charlton, Gladys Bowen, Madeline George, Nora Bramwell, Sarah J. Davidson, Annie F. Batey, Alice Beatrice Cragg, Vida Service, Ethel Comben, Gertrude Atkinson, Gertrude Broughton, Nellie Carr, Dora J. Hardy, Maggie Barr, Grace Darling, Myra Littlewood, Eva Mawson, Olive M. Goodall, May Hudson, Olive Blacklidge, Esabel Burn, Millie Carr, Flo Armstrong, Elsie M. Winskill, Evelyn Wood, Florence McCullough, Mabel Widdowfield, Madeline M. Nickel, Annie P. Lumsden, Isabel L. Johnson, Madge M. Middlemass.
p.64   8 July 1909
Photograph of a clergyman, half-length, signed J R Croft.
p.66   2 July 1909
Signatures of Caroline J. Skinner, Florence S. Buck, Lilian M. Seeley, Adeline M. Entwisle, Minnie Taylor, Mary Fish, Winifred Hindmarch, Eleanor M. Hindmarch.
p.67   2 July 1909
Photograph, half-length, of Rev Canon J. Haworth.
p.68   2 July 1909
Poem “He who died quick with his face to the foe ...” by L. Housman, signed by M.A. Thomas.
p.69   28 June 1910
Wash drawing of a man in a cap smoking a cigar standing by the sea, signed by “[S.] M[cIntyre]”
p.71A   [c.1909]
Watercolour of 4 sailing boats on a calm sea [?by Jennie Gumm].
p.73   October 1908
Watercolour of a river in moonlight in a steep-sided valley, signed “Yours sincerely Ethel Thorpe”
p.77   1906
Watercolour of a cottage with sheep by a lake, hills beyond, signed by F.H.T.
p.81   March 1909
Pen and wash drawing of a girl sitting on the floor reading a book, signed “Isabel Chandler” .
p.85   [c.1909]
Pen and wash drawing of a rider in a top hat on horseback looking at a signpost saying “Wet Paint” , guarded by 2 geese, titled “Lost! "Give thy thoughts no tongue" Hamlet” , signed “J. Angus” .
p.95   1905
Drawing of a horse and trap stopped in a village street with a man and woman, signed “R.S.B.”.
p.103   [c.1909]
Watercolour of an [?Italian] lakeside villa.
p.105   [1909]
Pen drawing of 2 people fishing in a boat on a lake by a cottage, signed “Margaret McColvin St Hild's College Durham 1907-1909” .
p.113   February 1909
Watercolour of 4 sailing boats on a calm sea, signed “With best wishes from Jennie E. Gumm” .
p.121   [c.1909]
Watercolour sketch of 3 sailing boats [?by Jennie Gumm].
p.123   31 January 1910
Pen and wash drawing of an old [?Dutch] man, signed “C.P.C” .
p.143   14 July 1910
Pen drawing caricature of a man in waiscoat and cufflinks declaiming, by H. Bell.
p.147   14 March 1911
Pen drawing of a man and woman sitting at the tea table, the man staring forlornly, the woman reading the paper, titled “The Suffragette Husband” , signed “S. D'A.” and “N.J.F.” and “With Apologies” .
UND/F9H/H2   [c.1920s]
Album of views of St Hild's College, interiors and exteriors, and also views of Durham.
Titled on the front “St Hild's College Durham” with the shell emblem.
On the back: “Photographed and Printed by P.A. Buchanan & Coy. Croydon, Surrey” (probably only nos.2-13 only by Buchanan).
1. Durham Castle, from the riverbank, drawing, by “TC” .
2. St Hild's College from across the Wear by the Racecourse.
3. The south front of St Hild's College.
4. View of Durham cathedral from St Hild's College terrace.
5. St Hild's College from Pelaw Wood.
6. St Hild's cloisters exterior and garden demonstration plot.
7. St Hild's chapel interior looking east.
8. St Hild's library interior.
9. St Hild's art room interior, chairs and easels.
10. St Hild's dining room interior.
11. St Hild's JCR interior, chairs, tables, plants.
12. St Hild's West Room interior, stage, piano, chairs against the walls.
13. St Hild's Botany Room interior, work benches, sinks.
14. Durham cathedral from the south west across the river, drawing, by “TC”
15. Durham cathedral choir interior looking east, drawing, by “TC” .
16. View of the east end of Elvet Bridge from the south showing jutted-out houses.
17. Distant view of Durham Cathedral from the south-east.
18. View of Finchale Abbey from the top of the entrance road to the south-west.
Card album, 8f, with BW prints/postcards stuck in, and 3 BW prints loose
Given by the relative of an unnamed former St Hild's student of the 1920s, June 2010, Acc No Misc.2009/10:160.
Digitised material for Album of views of St Hild's College, interiors and exteriors, and also views of Durham, c1920 - UND/F9H/H2
UND/F9H/H3   [1937 x 1939]
“St. Cuthbert” dissertation by A.M. Longstaff of St Hild's 1937-1939, with illustrations, plans, and [contemporary[ BW photographs of Lindisfarne priory
Paper file
UND/F9H/H4   [c.1908] - 2014
Material collected for a biography of Hilda Dukes (1886-1976), who trained at St Hild's 1906-1908 and then taught and lived in Middlesbrough.
1 file
Given by the compiler, Judy Harris, 10 February 2014, Acc No.
Digitised material for Material collected for a biography of Hilda Dukes (1886-1976), who trained at St Hild's 1906-1908 - UND/F9H/H4
UND/F9H/H4/1-16   [c.1908]
Postcards of St Hild's College buildings, students and activities.
1. View of the college and grounds from across the river.
2. College chapel exterior, W end, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
3. College chapel exterior, S side, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
4. College main buildings and chapel, by George Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
5. Classroom interior, desks with papers on, pictures on the walls, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
6. [JCR] interior, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
7. Corridor with plants in the windows.
8. Rev Canon Haworth, half-length, by Andrews & Co, Durham.
9. Hockey team, outside, 16 girls, in dark dresses and light neckties, some with college badges [colours], with hockey sticks and balls, also with a lady and [Canon Haworth].
10. Group of 11 girls in various skirts and light-coloured shirts, with 2 female and 1 male [members of staff], outside.
11. Group of 13 girls, in dark skirts, light shirts and striped neck-ties, one holding a skull and cross-bones plaque, [perhaps the Thirteen Society], outside.
12. Group of 14 girls and female ?staff in various [smart] shirts and skirts, outside.
13. View from above of a tea party outside, tables and chairs on the lawn, lots of ladies in hats.
14. View of a tea party outside, tables and chairs on the lawn, lots of ladies in hats.
15. Man in jacket and tie, moustache, half-length, by S.A.P. & Co, D[urham].
16. Lady standing, dark dress, holding a chair, [in a photographer's studio].
16 BW postcards
UND/F9H/H4/17-18   [c.1970]
Photos of the entrance area to St Hild's college, taken from the grounds below.
2 BW prints
UND/F9H/H4/19   [c.1955]
Brochure for the Church of England's 26 teacher training colleges, including St previous hitHild and St Bede next hit, with images of all of them, and some information on their strengths and development plans.
Printed paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H4/20   February 2014
Biography of Hilda Dukes, a chronology of her and her parents and family, copies of two of the documents cited therein (St Hild's admission registers for September 1906) with a list of all the postcards in her album (including those listed above and the Middlesbrough ones give away to Teesside Archives).
Paper file
UND/F9H/H5   [early 1920s]
Notes of Dorothy Gardner (1900-1992) [when at St Hild's College].
2 books
UND/F9H/H5/1   [early 1920s]
History Notes of Dorothy Gardner, mainly Ancient History
Paper book, hard covers detached
UND/F9H/H5/2   [early 1920s]
Divinity Notes of Dorothy Gardner
A Syllabus of Lessons on the Old and New Testaments, (National Society Depository), 24p, anotated, inscribed “Dorothy Gardner, Student Teacher, Christ Church School, Lancaster, 1923”
Examination in Religious Knowledge, 28th June, 1924. Seniors, 8p, printed exam paper
Paper book, soft covers
UND/F9H/H6   [later 20th century]
“Eight Days in Oxford” memoir of a visit by Maud Littlewood (the author), Carrie Cope and Annie Lincoln, Easter 1925
Paper file
UND/F9H/H7   1891 - 1892
Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by “Training Room” students at the college of St Hild, most dedicated to the album's former owner, Mary Hindmarsh (a.k.a. Polly) (1872-1895), then a senior student at the college. Hindmarsh was the second of ten children of Thomas Hindmarsh by his second wife Sarah, three of whose daughters were school teachers: the family farmed at Carr Edge near Humshaugh, Northumberland, until c. 1960.
Contributors (with folio number): Annie (1), Jennie Dodd, Haltwhistle (2), Clara Smith (6), Lizzie Miller (8), Nellie Todd (9), Jennie Widdowfield (11), Sarah Henderson (god-child of Mary Hindmarsh) (12), E. Barron (16), Ada Lee (17), E. M. Elsom (20r), Mamie Widdowfield (20v), Maggie Graham (23), Maggie Brown (25), M.A. Hunt (28), J. Armour (29), Annie M. Snowdon (32), Blanche Smith (33), Georgie Aird (34v), Alice Appleby (37), Alice Greaves (39), J. Hutchinson, Newbrough (40), Louie (42), Clara (43), Nellie Havelock (44v), Lizzie Hughes (46), Dinah A. Maxwell, Aspatria (47), Beattie Todd (48), Mary C. Hunter (49v), L. Acornley (51), E.M. Ablett (52), Fanny Wright (53), Lissie (55), Jessie (56), Mary Rudkin (59), Sally Carlile (62v), Lilian (64), E.S. Proudfoot (67), Ada Reed, Lanchester (70), Edith Blackah (72), Mary (74), Kate McMinnes (75), Annie Charlton, Newbrough (79), H. Bulman (82), M.J. Yeaden (84).
While the messages, poems and sentiments are in the main part conventional, the following are noted for their originality, local relevance, or quality.
Paper book, 87f; f.39-40 loose
Misc.2014/15:99: donated by Peter Bolton, executor of Marjorie Hindmarsh (1923-2014), the niece of Mary Hindmarsh, 6 July 2015.
Digitised material for Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by “Training Room”, 1891 - UND/F9H/H7
f. 4v-5   [1891 x 1892]
“Language of stamps”: an anonymous (conventionally) coded lovers' penny stamp discourse, with key.
f. 25   1 November 1891
“The College Alphabet” by Maggie Brown: ‘A for the angels of blushing eighteen / B for the beaux which the angels have seen ...’ etc.
f. 32   14 June 1891
Pen and ink sketch of unidentified steepled church beside river, with footbridge, by Annie M. Snowdon.
f. 34v-35   [1891 x 1892]
“Sunday in College” by Georgie Aird: ‘On Sunday morn at seven we stir ...’.
f. 37   [1891 x 1892]
“The Fashions” by Alice Appleby: ‘I despise this way of wearing / Gowns that trail into the dust ...’.
f. 48   [1891 x 1892]
Fine ink spatter stencil of delicate multifoliate plant leaves, by Beattie Todd.
f. 49v   [1891 x 1892]
Ink wash painting of figure from behind, holding an umbrella and a placard reading “To Fourstones” [near Hexham].
f. 50   1892
Autograph list of senior students at St Hild's College, 1892, with (sometimes two) addresses: May Hindmarsh, H[Ettie] J. Braid, H[annah] Bulman, Jennie Widdowfield, M[amia] Widdowfield, Madge Hopper, Maggie Brown, Georgie Aird, Alice Appleby, Nellie Havelock, Mary Waldron, Emma Tiffen, Alice Greaves, Annie Goodenough, Ada Reed, Daisy Wilkinson, Lilian J. Thom, Lizzie Hughes, Isa Stothert, Jennie Dodd, Julia Armour, Jennie Swinburn, Sallie Carlile, M[aggie] A. Hunt, Maggie Gray, Annie M. Snowdon, Edith Blackah, B[arbara] J. Rochester, Mary Jameson, Mary Hunter, Connie Milner, Mary Hindmarsh.
f. 55   [1891 x 1892]
“A wish”, an acrostic poem by Lissie: ‘Many joys be thine my Dear / And much success this present year’.
f. 74   27 September 1891
“Be amongst the few”, poem by Mary: ‘There are some who smile, but more that weep / There are some who wake, but more that sleep ...’.
f. 81   [1891 x 1892]
Pen and ink sketch of a leaning finger post, pointing to Charlton and to Fourstones, with a broken fence and a sitting bird, by J.S. [?Jennie Swinburn].
UND/F9H/H8   1973
Bede '1300' a collection of information to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Venerable previous hitBede, with some annotations by Pat Woolstenholme.
Paper file of printed booklets
Pat Woolstenholme's (d.2000; Hild next hit 1939-1941); brought in after her death by Elizabeth Wilson.
UND/F9H/H9   1977 - 1979
Memoirs of Lillian Davidson (nee Smith, St Hild's 1915-17), 3 versions:
1. “Memoirs 1896-1977” (November 1977), 31f.
2. “Life in a middle class home in the late 19th and early 20th century” (1979), 17f
3. “Consett District Circa 1900 top 1914+”, [1979], 27f.
4. Covering letter, 3 November 1979.
Paper file
UND/F9H/H10   [c.1906] - 2008
Memoir and photos etc of Annie Hilda Woods nee Hossent (1892-1971, St Hild's 1910-12).
1. Memoir of Hilda and Jimmy Woods, compiled 1996 and 2008.
2. BW postcard of [?Darlington High School] hockey team (11), outside, in dark gymslips, 7 with badges on their left breast, white shirts, dark ties, with sticks and a ball, [c.1906]
3. BW postcard of [?Darlington High School] hockey team (11), outside, in dark skirts, white shirts (6 with badges on their left breast), and ties, with sticks and a ball (Hilda R end of middle row), [c.1908]
4. BW postcard of a group of 11 [?St Hild's] girls (including Hilda, R end of front row), in dark dresses and [white] shirts
5. BW postcard of Hild Hossent, head and shoulders, c.1912
6. BW postcard of Hilda Hossent, full length, in girl guide uniform, c.1912.
7. BW print of a girl guide group (33), all in uniform, Hilda Hossent identified, c.1912.
8. BW postcard of Carlisle Cathedral from the NW, c.1912, Valentine's Series
9. BW print of St Hild's College, from the gardens below, c.1912
10. BW print of Durham, cathedral and castle, from ?the railway station, c.1912
11. St Hild's College Association membership card for Annie H. Hossent, 30 June 1912
12. St Hild's College Association life membership card for Hilda Annie Woods, c.1960.
13. Colour postcard of Durham, Browns boathouse and Elvet Bridge with a four rowing by, c.1970, PT20658.
14. Colour postcard of Durham and the cathedral from Observatory Hill, 2 girls in the foreground, c.1970, by J. Arthur Dixon, Dur.6591
Paper file
Given by her great-nephew, Michael Newsom, May 2013.
Digitised material for Memoir and photos etc of Annie Hilda Woods nee Hossent (1892-1971, St Hild's 1910-12) - UND/F9H/H10
UND/F9H/H11   April 1914
Florence Garry's archbishops' certificate of her passing Divinity 2nd class as a St Hild's student for 2 years.
Parchment, 1m
UND/F9H/H12   1938 - 1949
Certificates, testimonials, and St Hild's dissertations of Mary Moffat Anderson nee Payne (b1922, St Hild's 1940-42).
Paper file
Given by Jim Payne, nephew, [c.2104].
Her college group photo 1942 is now UND/F9H/FA1942.
UND/F9H/H12/1-6   1938 - 1942
Certificates of Mary Moffat Payne (St Hild's 1940-42):
1. Joint Matriculation Board School Certificate, July 1938
2. St John Ambulance Air Raid Precautions 16 December 1940
3. St John Ambulance First Aid March 1941
4. Archbishops' for Divinity 1942
5. Joint Examinations Board for Training Colleges 1942
6. Board of Education Certificated Teacher recogintion, 1 August 1942
Paper file
UND/F9H/H12/7-11   1942 - 1949
Testimonials for Mary Payne:
7. W.M. Shepherd, headmaster of Berwick Grammar School, 11 February 1942
8. W.B. Hicks, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 15 February 1942
9. Angel Lawrence, principal of St Hild's College, July 1942
10. T. Scott, headmaster Bell Tower Senior School Berwick, 10 May 1943
11. T.S. Alder, Amble CE School, 4 April 1949
Paper file
UND/F9H/H12/12   22 July 1942
Letter from Angel Lawrence congratulating Mary Payne on her exam results.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H12/13   29 July 1942
Letter from Mary Payne to the Morpeth Girls' High School reporting her exam results.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H12/14   [November 1943]
Mary Payne's draft application for the post of Certificate Assistant teacher in the junior department of Amble County Primary School.
Paper, 2f
UND/F9H/H12/15   [1942]
“Handwork” by Mary Payne, St Hild's College, including drawings and examples of materials, with contents:
The History of Craftwork, Handwork through the School, Paper and Cardboard Work, Basketry, Raffia, The History of Books, Tools, Woodwork in Schools, Colour, Knitting, The History of Needlework, Needlework in Schools, Pattern Drafting, Kimano Block Pattern, Weaving, Suggested Reference Books.
Paper file, 62f, in boards tied together with cord
UND/F9H/H12/16-17   [1942]
“A Few Studies in the Appropriation of Religious Teaching” by Mary Payne of St Hild's College, two versions, contents:
General Religious Tendencies, Determining Factors, Illustrations from Christian Saints, Bilbiography.
2 paper files, of 83f and 84f, each in card covers with treasury tags
UND/F9H/H13   1905
Album of poems and drawings of Belle Woodburn, The Beeches, Eden Thank, Grange o' Sands, [given to her] by her brother Ted for her birthday 14 January 1905, and filled with entries from her fellow students at St Hild's:
Two drawings of Scotsmen, with verses, by Flo Johnson, November 1905.
College Memories (an alphabetical list of college features) by A. Rushforth, lecture hall, January 1905.
Just a Line, poem, by Lena Harle, brotherhood St Hilds.
The Staff, poem, by ?AML, rookery, 15 November 1905.
Drawing of a flower, with a verse, by Flo Woodward, The Bailey, 1 December 1905.
Belle (limerick), with a drawing of a Scotsman, by A. Tinmouth.
Map showing course of True Love River, by D. Bailey, rookery.
The Rookery, poem by A. Zaida M. Wharam.
A Correlation Scheme, by one of the wild beasts, the menagerie, 16 November 1905.
Who Wrote Shakespere's Plays, by Ella Duckworth, the menagerie, 23 March 1905.
Drawing of flowers and a poem by K. Baldwin, lecture hall.
Drawing of ships and flowers with a poem by A.E. Gleeson (with a note on her injury), 3 March 1925.
Requisite contents of a lady's dressing case, by Edie Cawthorne, 1905.
A week at St Hild's, with drawings, by Alice Graham, 15 November 1905.
Drawing of a man, with a verse, by Annie Miller, 6 December 1905.
Advice to girls on airing beds, by Ellen A. Madge, lecture hall, 28 November 1905.
Verse by B. Lowden, 20 May 1905.
Drawing of flowers, by Jenny Carter, lecture hall.
Drawing of 5 black and white minstrels, with a verse, by Blanche Kershaw, School House, Gilsegate, 24 February 1906.
Remembrance verse with a drawing, by Ethel Terry, lecture hall, 30 November 1905.
A lonely spot, by Maud E. Sowersby, November 1905.
Wordsworth verse in a flowered frame, by Sally Miller, lecture hall.
Verse in a flowered frame, by Alice Robinson, lecture hall.
Sayings of some of our girls, by Bessie Dobson, 30 November 1905.
Drawing of two men with umbrellas, with a verse, by Marion Sowersby.
Poem by M. Wakely, 5 December 1905.
St Hild's Staff poem, by M.R..
Scraps from Real Life, with a drawing of a student, by Ethel M. Henderson, 16 March 1905.
Drawings of cats and St Hild's students, by Milie Wakely.
More College Memories, with drawings, by A. Hutchinson, a brother rook.
Watercolour of a mill by Lil Hook.
Love's Thermometer, by M.I. Sedgwick, the rookery.
Reminiscences of St Hild's, with drawings, by Edith A. Beattie, 25 November 1905.
St Hild's verse, by Millie Bartle, 29 November 1905.
Lest we forget, by M. Munslow, lecture hall, 16 November 1905.
The Royal Game, drawing of a hockey player, with a verse, by Minnie Taylor, 27 November 1905.
First Night in St Hild's verse, by Edith Rodham, 28 November 1905.
A few lines from a bashful poetess poem, by Mary H. Foster, lecture hall, 27 November 1905.
Belle verse, in a colour drawing, by Eva M. Howey, lecture hall, 29 November 1905.
Drawing of a bird and branches, by E.M.W., 30 November 1905.
The School of Rooks poem, by Belle Woodburn, lecture hall, 20 November 1905.
Poem by Annie Wardropper.
Verse and colour watercolour of flowers, by Ethel Clarke.
Addresses of various students.
Paper book, in red gold edged covers titled “Autographs”
Size: 170 x 205mm
Digitised material for Album of poems and drawings of Belle Woodburn, The Beeches, Eden Thank, Grange o' Sands, 1905 - UND/F9H/H13
UND/F9H/H14   [c.1960]
“The Play of St Hild” by D.R.W. Carr, with details of performances, including in St Hild's chapel 11 March 1956.
Paper file
UND/F9H/H15   [c.1965]
“Old Durham Gardens A True and Authentic History by an Ex-Historian”, including verse recitations by three “previous occupiers of the site” .
Paper file, 3f
UND/F9H/H16   [1963]
“A Guide to the Staff of St. Hild's College Indispensable to all Students”, in verse, by J.E.P.
Paper file, 4f
UND/F9H/H17   [c.2000]
“Durham Women Graduates”, by Lilian Groves, describing the early women students/graduates of the university.
Paper file, 4f
UND/F9H/H18   [c.1983]
“Ruth's Historical Record”, detailing physical alterations to St Hild's 1956-1983.
Paper notebook, soft covers
UND/F9H/H19   16 June 1910
Sales particulars for the Rockhurst estate, 5 miles east of Grinstead, Sussex, with photographs and a plan.
Printed paper booklet, damaged by damp
UND/F9H/H20   1933
The Growth of Wisdom from The Testament of Beauty by Robert Bridges, printed by M.I. Greenhough
Paper booklet, in half-leather buckram covered boards, stamped with spandrels of leaves and flowers
UND/F9H/H21   1915 - 1916
Letters and cards received by Annie Lincoln (St previous hitHild's 1914-16) from Herbert Meredith (Bede 1914-15), with covering letters between Margaret Mowat and Lilian Groves, and notes on the careers of Meredith and Lincoln.
Paper and card file
Given by Mrs Margaret L. Mowat, 15 January 1994.
UND/F9H/H21/1   20 September 1915
Letter from H[erbert] Meredith to [Annie] Lincoln (transcription):
Trooper H Meredith/ 2488 KORR NY/ Yarmouth Troop/ Rendlesham Park/ Nr Woodbridge/ Suffolk/ 20th Sept 1915
Dear Miss Lincoln
I must apologise for not having answered your letter sooner but you see life has been so much the same day by day that there has been nothing to write about. However I was glad to hear that you had spent a real good holiday & I have no doubt that you have returned to the sacred precincts "like a giant refreshed with new wine". I know you will have a real good senior year & I am only sorry that I am not coming to Durham next Monday to make things hum. You know what it would mean to you mssung your senior year. I can just fancy you enjoying the usual "teaching prac:" & I can also imagine the returning Bedeites enjoying the "usual ham" supper. However these things must rest on one side for a while - sterner duty is before us - we are equipped for the Dardanelles & are expecting to sail any day. Its rather a record don't you think? to train as a perfect soldier in one's summer vac. & to be ready for the fray. I dont know whether you know the other Bedeites here or not - Carruthers, Jolly & Haveron. We have a good time together & of course, with true college spirit, mean to stick together through thick & thin. "Bede for ever". Since leaving Norwich we have spent 5 weeks at Colchester - one of the sternest of military camps. We had regular army officers & I can tell you they put us through the mill - we soon learnt to be circus acrobats & now I think we are all pleased to get away to the front from that camp.
You'll most likely have a number of chaps from other colleges in Bede this year but of course your college must still keep as far off as ever. You must not be allowed to be any more friendly because they are Southerners.
I hope you'll remember me to Mr & Mrs Oliver & your friends Misses B & R. I haven't really time to write to all.
If I don't ring off now you'll be thinking I've got too much time on my hands so awaiting a reply I am yours sincerely H Meredith
Paper, 2f
UND/F9H/H21/2   2 February 1916
Letter from Herbert Meredith to [Annie] Lincoln (transcription):
2488 Tpr H Meredith/ Signalling Troop/ Headqtrs/ Estn Mtd Bde/ B.M.E.F./ 2/2/16
Dear Miss Lincoln
Its such a time since I wrote to you that I dare say it will give you a start when you receive a letter from me. However I hope the shock is not too great for you and that you will soon reply. (Excuse hurry)
I suppose by now you will have heard of the evacuation of the peninsula. we were amongst the last to leave at Anzac but we got away without a "hitch". We were landed here, the day before Xmas, in Alexandria, and spent the 25th in pouring rain, erecting tents, which, since that time have served as our shelters against most terrific rains & storms of wind & sand. They say it never rains in Egypt but for my part I never want to experience a wetter week than the Xmas week was here. Of, course we are on the beach and that account for the storms.
As you will see by the address we have been transferred to the Bde Sig Troop and we are now busy with the "iddi umpty" all day long. Its rather interesting after the monotony of the peninsula.
Alexandria is a very interesting place. Full of shops - natives in all colours of dresses (you can't distinguish them from English ladies) selling all kinds of useless stuff - mostly Brumagem ware. They hum round one like bees and shout their wares & prices at the top of their voices. They have to be pushed over to get rid of them. Of course all the beauties are veiled, though French & italian girls are sometimes to be seen. However, if I go on you'll think I'm too much in the know respecting the fair sex.
Did you get the letter Carruthers & I wrote to you and Ruth. (Excuse me using this name but its all I know.) It was rather a "rum" lot don't you think. We were just going to the trenches when we wrote it & were just in such a hurry that I think we made rather a mess of it - and our last envelope & sheet of notepaper too.
How's your senior year going on? We get plenty of news of Bede - rather a queer lot there by all accounts. You'll not know anything about this though (whatr.)
Will you please give my respects to Mr & Mrs Oliver. I never find time to write but I often think of them.
I hear you are learning nursing. Are you at all proficient yet? If so Oh! to be wounded! There are hundreds of nurses here.
Movement is very slow in modern warfare & I don't know how long we are going to be in finishing the Germans. I hope it will be soon. I long to see even Durham again. I often dream of the cool shady banks of the Wear when sitting in a blazing sun surrounded by a dreary waste of sand.
Did you have a merry Xmas. We did our best to make things jolly & we nearly succeeded. By the way our friend Jolly (alias Bottom) left the peninsula with dissentry & is now in hospital in England.
Of course I'm not writing a book! This is just a short letter but I'm afraid this will be too interesting for you all at once. However I expect you to do your best to survive the ordeal and if you do, test my abilities of doing the same.
Wishing you a right happy & prosperous new year I am yours very sincerely Herbert Meredith
Paper, 6f
UND/F9H/H21/3   7 December 1916
Christmas card from Herbert Meredith to Annie [Lincoln], with an image of a camel in front of a pyramid, and KORR GVR on the dorse, (transcription):
H?M Egypt 7/12/16
Xmas Greetings 1916
Dear Annie
Accept with this my heartfelt best wishes for a merry Xmas and a bright a happy New Year. May the war soon end and may we soon meet again. Yours very sincerely Bert Meredith
As slow our ship her foamy track
Against the wind was cleaving,
Her trembling pennant still look'd back
To that dear isle 'twas leaving.
So loth we part from all we love,
From all the links that bind us;
To turn our hearts, as on we rove,
To those we've left behind us!
And when in other climes, we meet
Some isle or vale enchanting,
Where all looks flowery, wild, and sweet,
And nought but love is wanting;
We think how great had been our bliss
If heaven had but assign'd us
To live and die in scenes like this,
With some we've left behind us.
Card, 3f
UND/F9H/H21/4   [December ?1916]
Christmas card from Herbert Meredith [to Annie Lincoln] with a signed photo of himself in uniform and printed “To Wish You a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year”
Card, 4f, bound with a decorative red cord
UND/F9H/H22   [c.1960]
Biography of Miss Winifred Hindmarch (St Hild 1894-1896), one of the university's first 3 women graduates, extracted from St Hild's College 1858-1958 by Angel Lawrence.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H23   1931 - 1932
Photocopies (c.2010) of certificates and photographs of Nancie Blenkinsop (St Hild's 1930-1932):
1. BW print of the first session of rounders: group of 17 ladies in gymslips in a field, May 1931.
2. Page of a photo album with 2 BW prints of the chapel interior (later Joachim Room) looking east, 1931.
3. Archbishops' Certificate for Nancie Blenkinsop, 2nd class, 1932.
4. Joint Board's Final Examination pass certificate for Nancie Blenkinsop in: English, Elementary Science, Music, Drawing, Handiwork and Needlework (all ordinary courses) and French (advanced course).
Paper file
Given by Mr E.N. Coates of Poole, c.2010.
UND/F9H/H24   7 June [1950]
Letter from Lucy Reeve at University of Durham Institute of Education to Ron Southgate at Boys' Residential Camp School at High Wycombe: asking for help to build up a collection of children's work, comments on the recent reunion, news of her sculpting work.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/F9H/H25   [?1878]
Photocopy of an album of Miss Laura [?Watts] with poems, messages, memoirs to her from her colleagues.
Paper file, 22f
UND/F9H/H26   [c.1990]
Nina M.E. Joachim (1914-1997), “Unfinished Portrait”, memoir of her life from childhood to retirement.
Paper book, iv + 130p
Given by Lilian Groves, 18 September 2017, Acc No Misc.2017/18:17.
UND/F9H/H27   1936 - [?1995]
Material of Lilian Groves:
Lilian Groves, “St Hild's School & its influence on the development of St Hild's College The First 60 years”, [?1995], paper file, 31f + 1f
British Medical Association Report of the Physical Education Committee (April 1936), paper book, x + 62p
2 items
Given by the author, 18 September 2017, Acc No Misc.2017/18:17.
UND/F9H/H28   1901 - 1902
2 poetry books given as St Hild's College prizes to Eleanor Dickinson in Midsummer 1903, signed by the principal J. Haworth.
2 printed books
Given by Eleanor Dickinson's friend's great niece, July 2018, Acc No Misc.2017/18:124.
UND/F9H/H28/1   1902
Poetical Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson (Edinburgh; W.P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell), given as second prize for Euclid
Printed paper book, viii + 568p
UND/F9H/H28/2   1901
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (London; Henry Frowde), given as first prize for Geography
Printed paper book, viii + 878p
UND/F9H/H29   1810 - 1889
Volumes of pressed flowers and plants, most identified and dated with the location of where found, with most being from Britain and the Alpine region of Austria, North Italy and Switzerland, and most recorded as found in 1873, 1881 or 1883.
7 paper books with pressed plants stuck in
UND/F9H/H29/1   1810, 1835, 1860 - 1884
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Switzerland
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/2   1842 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Italy
1a. Clematis recta, woods above Varenna [Italy] 1880
1. Atragene alpina, Steinach [18]7[4], Varenna 1880; Clematis vitalba
2. Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Steinach [18]74; Thalictrum flavum
3. Thalictrum minus; T[halectrum] alfinum
4-5. Blank
6. Anemone nemorosa (M); A[nemone] alpina [18]73
7. Grion above Bex [1875]; Anemone narcissiflora, Kleine Windgelle [18]69 [Switzerland]
8. Anemone sulphurea [18]69; A[nemone] vernalis
9. Anemone hepatica, woods above Lienz [Austria], 1873; Anemone Halleri, Sion [Switzerland] 1875
10. Anemone ranunculoides, June 1876 on the pass between Jaun [Switzerland] and Chateau-d'Oex [Switzerland]; Anemone pulsatilla, Padauner Kogel [Austria] ([Tyrol]) near Gries [Austria], May 1882
11. Adonis vernalis, Sion [Switzerland] [18]75
12. Adonis autumnalis, Sion [Switzerland] 18[75]
13. Ranunculus montanus, Schlusseljoch [Italy] [18]73; Ran[unculus] pyrenaeus, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73; R[anunculus] sardous 1873
14. Ran[unculus] rutacfolius[?], 1873; R[anunculus], pass above Pflersch [border between Italy and Austria]
15. Ranunculus hirsutus ?, San Dalmazzo di Tenda [France] June1883; Ranunculus aconitifolius Oberalp Pass [Switzerland] [18]69
16. Ranunculuus Thora, above Varenna [Italy] 1880; R[anunculus] ? trilobus San Dalmazzo [France] 1883; Ran[unculus] auricomus, Hitcham, Suffolk [18]59
17. Ran[unculus] parviflorus (Y) [18]74; Ran[unculus] sceleratus (Y)) [18]74
18. Ranunculus pseudofluitans (Y) [18]74
19. R[anuculus] hederaceus (Y); Ran[unculus] triochophyllus (Y))
20a. R[anunculus] lenormandi, Poole Junit [?] 2, Dorset 1875
20. Double buttercup, foot of Hartshill (near M); R[anunculus] bulbosus (M)
21. Ranunculus arvensis (Y); R[anunculus] gramineus, Sion [Switzerland] [18]75
22. Ranunculus narcissifolius, slopes of Diablerets Auzeindaz [Switzerland] 1875; Myosurus minumus (Y) [18]76
23. Unidentified
24. Caltha palustris
25. Trollius europaeus, Pilatus [Switzerland] 1869
26. Helleborus foetidus, Abeyele [?] 1860
27. Helleborus viridis (M); Helleborus niger, on the Mittagskogel [Austria] in the Saucthal [?] [18]73
28. Aquilegia nigricans, above Varenna [Italy] 1880; A[quilegia] viscosa, San Dalmmazzo 1883; Aquilegia pyrenacia, above Varenna [Italy] 1880
29. Aquilegia vulgaris (Y) [18]74; Aquilegia alpina, Engadin [Switzerland]
30. Delphinium consolida, Steinach [18]74; Aconitum lycoctonum 1869
31. Aconitum napellus (Y) 1873; Delphinium ? ajacis
32. Aconitum ruitratum [?] [?] variegatum, N[orth] Tyrol [18]75; Actaea spicata
33. Aconitum 2 variegatum, San Martino 1881; Berberis?
34. Delphinium?, San Dalmazzo [France] 1883; Nymphaea alba
35. Nuphar lutea/leaf [?]
36. Papaver dubium, Cambridge
38-39. Blank
40. Glaucium luteum, Lyme [Dorset] 1870; Hypecoum procumbens, Bordighera June 1883
41. Fumaria capreolata; Corydalis lutea (Y)
42a. Fumaria parviflora
42. Corydalis solida, Aufder [?] Plecken [18]73
43. Blank
44. Fumaria officinalis (M)
45-46. Blank
47. Cheiranthus leiterthal 1871; [?] Car[isbrook] 1842
48. Nast[urtium] officinale (Y), Nasturtium palustre (M)
49. N[asturtium] sylvestre, Treut 1882
50. Barbarea vulgaris
51. Nasturtium palustre
52. Arabis hirsuta (Y) [18]73; Switz[erlan]d 1869
53. Switzerland [18]69, Arabis bellidifolia; Arabis auriculata, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73
54. Alyssum incanum, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73; Switzerland [18]69
55. Tyrol [18]71; ? 1880
56. A[rabis] caerulea; Arabis bellidifolia, near Obernberg, N[orth] Tyrol [Austria] 1882; A[rabis] turrita tenda 1883
57. Blank
58. Cardamine impatiens 1883; Matthiola incana, Bordighera [Italy], June [18]83
59. Tyrol [Austria] [18]71; Cardamine pratensis (Y) [18]73
60. Cardamine hirsuta (Y) [18]73; C[ardamine] alpina, Va[a]lserberg [Netherlands] 1880; S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; C[ardamine] amara, Splugen Pass [Switzerland] 1880; Cardamine sylvatica (Y) [18]73
61a. Card[amine] impatiens, Gosford in Thursley, Surrey 1867, H.C. Watson
61. ? Arabis 1880; Cardamine asarifolia, San Dalmazzo [France] 1883
62. Dentaria perinata, woods in Valley of Alencon below Anzeindaz [Switzerland] 1875
63. D[entaria] polyphylla, woods above Leinz [Austria] [18]73; Dentaria bulbifera, Monte Croce [Italy] [18]73
64. Dentaria digitata, Vitznauerstock [Switzerland] May [18]76; ? Hesperis matronalis [Lunaria], Monte Croce [Italy] [18]73
65a. Loose watercolour of Bee Orchid, gathered near Chisbury wood, July 3 1892
65. Sisymbrium thalianum (Y); Sisymbrium Sophia, Rhone Valley, F[rance]
66. Sisymbrium strictissimum
67-68. Blank
69. Erysimum cheiranthoides
70-72. Blank
73. ?Ca[in]peritus? Brassica oleracea (Y)
74a. Sinapis [n]imentis, Cumberland WMHM
74-75. Blank
76. Diplotaxis muralis (Y)
77. A[lyssum] halimifolium, San Dalmazzo [France] June 1883; A[lyssum] [meanium] = Fars]etia incane, High Wycombe, Buck[ingham]s[hire]; Alyssum incanum or Berte[r]oa incana, Winklern [Austria] [18]71; Alyssum calycinum 1872
78. Sinapis alba, Diplotaxis muralis (Y)
79. Petricallis pyrenaica pilatus, Lunaria, Chateux d'oe [Switzerland] June [18]76; Clypeola, Switzerland [18]76]
80. Blank
81. [missing/misnumbered]
82. S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Draba aizoides, Rocher du Midi [Switzerland] June [18]76; Draba muralis (Y); Draba Verna (Y)
83. Cochlearia anglica, Alston [18]74; Cochlearia [saxatilis] 1869
84. Blank
85. S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; Camelina sativa (foetida), Chateau d'Oex June [18]76
86. Th[l]aspi arvense (Y); Murien [18]75, Thlaspi rotundifolium
87. Blank
88. Aubrieta gracca garde TAP 1883; A[ubrieta] bougainvillea TAP 1883; IIberis limifolia near La Grandola June 1883
89a. Esk between Longtown and Floriston - WMHM, Iberis amara
89. Teesdalia nudicaulis (Y); [Acthimem] soral, San Dalmazzo 1883; Iberis garrexiana, [Mt] Giacharello [France] June [18]83
90. Biscutella, Switz[erlan]d 1869; B[iscutella] burseri, Val [Cairos] May 1883
91. Isatis tinctoria, S[an] D[almazzon] 1883
92a. Lepidium ruderale, Bleworth
92. Lepidium draba; Lepidium campestre (Y) 1874
93a. L[epidium] smithii, Loch Leven, Kinross 1870
93. Lepidium grandifructum, Steinach [18]74; L[epidium] califolium, La Miniera [Italy] June 1883; Cassello [paudi]flora, [Beloidae] near Cortina, S[outh] Tyrol 1882
94. Hutchinsia alpina, Tyrol [18]73
95. Cakile maritima; Senebiera didyma (Y); Isatis tinctoria
96. Cakile euxina [?] [18]83; Rappanua rappanistum (Y) [?]
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/3   1815 - 1823
Pressed plants and flowers from England
Paper book, front cover lost
UND/F9H/H29/4   1836, 1869 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Italy
1a. H. guttatum, San Dalmazzo, June 1883; H. jacquini, S[an] D[almazzo], 1883
1. S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, ? Leripes [?]; H. Leripes [?] Mentore [?] Ap 71 legit G.C.J; S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, H. ? lunulatum
2. Helianthemum; H.; H. Oclandicum D.C. Nanos [?], 1873
3. Helianthemum rulgare [?] (Y)
4. Helianthus, Kew; H. fumanum, Kew; H. polifolium; H. ? TAP [18]83
5. Viola arvensis Imunabile [?]; Lac Noir [18]77; Viola palustris Invernep [?]1832
6. Viola lutea, Paluzza, [18]73; Viola biflora ? 1873
7. Viola calcarata S. 1869
8. V[iola] odorata Y [18]78; V[iola] hirta [?] Y [18]78; V[iola] odorata M. [18]78
9. Blank
10. SD 1883 San Dalmazzo 1883 ?; SD 1883
11. H. picloram SD 1883; H. pulverulentum SD 1883
12. Cistus salviifolius San Dalmazzo 1883; H? SD 1883; C. albidius SD 1883
13. Reseda phyteuma, Tendra [?], 1883; Reseda lutea (M); Reseda luteola (M)
14. Drosera intermedia
15. Drosera rotundifolia, Chiavenna, 1880; Drosera anglica; D.rot, Gaspar Common Wincanton, 1880
16. (Grass of Parnassus, gathered about 1820); Parnapia [?] palustris
17. Blank
18. (8. Polygala vulgaris; Polygala calcarea); (P[olygala] calcarea, Buckland Hill, Surrey [18]70); Polygala chamaebuxus, Lieuz [?], [18]73; Polygala Schlupel joch [?], [18]73; P[olygala] vulgaris (M)
19. P[olygala] nicaeensis SD 1883; Polygala comosa SD 1883
20. Gypsophila neperus; Polygala repena [?] (M)
21. (Elatine hydropiper...212 [?]; Elatine hipetala [?], Tilgate, Sussex; Elatine hipetala [?]...on the edge of...[?]); D?...[18]84
22. Tunica saxifrage [?], Matrei [?], [18]73; Dianthus ? longicalycinus [?], S[an] Demazzo, 1883
23. Dianthus superbus, Davos [?] 1875; Dianthus monspessulanus, Cristallo nr. Ampezzo, [18]74
24. Dianthus armeria, Little Marlow; D[iantus] carthusianorum, Andermatt, [18]69
25. Dianthsus caesius [?] 1869; Dianthus? seguieri, Lugano, 1875
26. D[ianthus] deltoides, Maiden Pink, Gaiglochet [?], 1822; D[ianthus]? caesius [?], Cheddar Cliff, 1869
27. S[aponaria] officinalis (Y); Saponaria ocymoides, Tyrol, [18]72
28. Blank
29. Silene quadrifida, Schwarzen Rienzthal [?], [18]74
30. Silene museupula [?], Val Jassia [?], June 1883; S[ilene] armeria, SD, 1883
31. Silene italica, S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; Dartford, Kent, Silene gallica, Llanfairfechan [Wales], 1860.
32a. Silene conica, Ha[ddington] [Sh] [?], 1836
32. Silene noctiflora, Fields near Oare, Wiltshire 1878; Silene anglica, Oare Wiltshire 1880.
33. Silene saxifraga, Monte Generoso [Switzerland] 1875; S[ilene] ? petaca 1880; Silene otites, Trieste [Italy] [18]73
34. S[ilene] elisabethae, Rock near Riva, La[so] [?] on Ganda 1882; Silene martima, Chesil beach [Dorset]; Silene valesiaca
35. Silene nutans, Lienz [Lienz] [18]73; Silene inflata (Y)
36. Lychnis viscaria, Lienz [Austria] [18]73; Gries 1882
37. Lychnis alpina above Evolaria [?] 1875; Lychnis vespertina (Y); Lychnis diurna (Y)
38. Lychnis jos-flovis, La Miniera [Italy], June 1883; Lychnis ?, The Lido, Venice 1881
39. Lychnis Githago (M)
40a. 1670 [?] Sagina ciliata fries, Kew, Surrey 6/70, 'From J.G. Baker, Thirsk, Yorkshire
40b. Sagina linnaei, Carinis C[ap] Sutherland 1883
40. ?? 1882
41a. Sagina maritima D[ou] [?], St. David's Feifeshiva [?], Br[au]d [?], June 1836
41. ??; ??
42-44. Blank
45. Spergula nodosa, M. - 1877
46-47. Blank
48. Spergularia vulia
49. A[lsine] marina, Venice 1881; Alsine lancifolia; Moehringia polygonoides, Pilatus [Switzerland]; Moehringia muscosa, Steinach [18]74
50a. Arenaria peploides hockenya, Burnham Sands
50. Honckenya peploides; Alsine cherleri; Arenaria ciliata, Arenaria gerardi
51. A[renaria] serpyllifolia (Y); Arenaria marina, Zuarr I.W. [?]; Arenaria rubra, Earley near Reading
52. ? Buffonia
53. Arenaria ? 1880; Stellaria nemorum
54. Stellaria uliginosa (Y)
55. ?? Madonna della coroa [Italy], June 1881
56. Blank
57a. Holosteum umbellatum, Umbelliferous jagged chickweed; April 22.1827, Old city wall, North side of Norwich
57. Cerastium pumilum, Martinsell near M, 1875 JTD [?]; Val near La Miniera [18]83
58. ? S[an] D[almazzo], 18[830; Ceiart ?; ? arvense; Cerastium arvense, Oxford 1882
59. Stellaria ?; Stellaria ?; Cerar[?] ac[?]
60. Cerastium glomeratum (Y); Moenchia erecta M 1875; Moenchia erecta, Yeovil 1880; Cerastium semidecandrum, Yeovil 1880
61a. Glaux maritima, Conway N[orth] W[ales], 1053 - June [18]53
61b. Derb. Coll. Marlb., Arenaria peploides, Byde. J. W.
61. C[erastium] alpinum; Cerastium latifolium; Cerastium arvense
61ai. L[inum]] strictum, Bordighera [18]83; Linum gallicum, Bordighera [18]83
62. Linum tenuifolium; Linum alpinum, Churfirsten near Walenstadt [18]72
63. L[inum] narbonense, Ronda in Bre[gla] [?] [18]83; Linum viscosum, near Cortina, S[outh] Tyrol [Austria] 1882; Linum catharticum (Y)
64. Linum tauricum T.A.P. 1883; ? L[inum] perenne, Exmouth [18]83; L[inum] campanulatum, Arenzano [Italy], May [18]84; Radiata milli[pant], near Wellington Ci[?] 1871
65. Malva moschata (M); Linum maritimum, Sp [?]] [18]83 Bordighera
66. Malva rotundifolia (Y); Alth[a]ea officinalis
67. Althaea hirsuta, Cobham, Kent; A[lthaea] hirsuta, Bordighera, June [18]83
68-69. Blank
70. Hypericum montanum
71. Hypericum; Hypericum
72. Hypericum elodes, Waldron down, Sussex
73. Blank
74. Acer campestre, G[eranium] cinereum, garde[n] T.A.P. [18]83
75. G[eranium] macro[?], S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Geranium macro[?], T.A.P. 1883
76. Erodium macrodenum, T.A.P. 1883
77. G[eranium] aconitifolium, Zermatt; G[eramium] ?, Exmouth, Oct[ober] [18]83
78. Geranium palustre, near Muotta 1880; G[eranium] dissectum
79. Geranium molle (Y); Geranium nodosum, Val Sassina above Bellano on Lake of Como [Italy] 1880
80. G[eranium] ? found in hedge at Closworth, ? nodosum an escape; Geranium pyrenaicum; Ger[anium] pratense (M)
81. Geranium ? lividum, Matrei [Austria] [18]73; G[eranium] sylvaticum S. 1869
82. Ger[anium] phaeum; Ger[anium] columbinum (Y)
83. Geranium ? sanguineum
84. Erodium maritinium [maritimum]; Erodium romanum, La Giandola [18]83
85. Erodium moschatum (Y); Erodium circutarium (Y)
85a. Impatiens fulva, Ravensbourne, Tower by Denham, Kent, J. Britten 1864
86. Impatiens noli-tangere, Maderanertal [Switzerland] [18]74
87. Oxalis acetosella; Oxalis stricta, Varenna [Italy] 1880
88. Impat[iens] parvifl[ora], Dunder R[oofs] [Isle]worth [18]76
89. Dictamnus fraxinella, The Karst above Trieste June [18]73; Ruta graveolens, Varenna, Lake di Como [Italy]
90. Ruta ? angustifolia, Rocks on road to V[eurimyles], June 1883
91. Blank
92. Pistacia T, S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83
93. Rhamnus saxatilis above Esino Lake Como, 1880; R[hamnus] pumila, Gries [Germany] 1882
94. Rhamnus frangula, Whittlesea; Euonymus europaeus
95. Euonymus verrucosus; Euonymus latifolius, Varenna [Italy] 1880
96. Zizyphus vulgaris, Mori, S[outh] Tyrol 1882
97. Melica ciliata, Sion [Switzerland] [18]79
98-99. Blank
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/5   1885 - 1889
Pressed plants and flowers from Italy, France and Austria
1. Blank, 'At warm springs [?] Beaulieu and La....[?]...St Laurent'
2. Anemone hortensis v. pavonina, Nice [18]85; A[nemone] Stellata
3. Anemone coronaria v. phoenicea v. caerulea...[?]...badly
4-6. Blank
7. R[anunculus] pyrenaeus, Tyrol [18]87; Ranunculus muricatus, Bordighera, [18]85; R[anunculus] velutinus, Bordighera, [18]85; R[anunculus] montanus, Tyrol
8. R[anunculus] ?, [?], [18]96, pale yellow, 6 petals!
9-10. Blank
11. Adonis [?], Mar[ch]? [18]86
12. Papaver peninalifedum[?], Beaulieu, [18]86
13. Blank
14. Brayen[?] alpina, Solstein nr. Innsbruck, [18]86; Cardamine aepina [?]
15. Calepiria consini[?], Bordighera; Sinapis erucoides, Beaulieu, [18]86; Thlaspi perfoliatum, Bord[ighera]
16. Anatonmaplis[?], Seborga, [18]85; Rapharan Laudra[?]; Moricandia arvensis, Ventimiglia, [18]85
17. Erysimum repandum, Mar[ch]? [18]86; Erysimum rhaeticum, Mar[ch]? [18]86; Sinapis pubescens, Beaulieu [18[86]
18. Anabis auriculata[?], Mar[ch]? [18]86; Lunasia rediviva, Innsbruck, [18]96
19. Eragrostis pilosa, Mar[ch] ?18[86]
20-28. Blank
29. Viola mirabilis, Monte Stiro [?], S[outh] Tyrol, [18]87; Viola sciaphila, Segromigno nr. Lucca, [18]89; Drosera longifolia, Viller Moos [18]88, Innsbruck
30. Fum. parviflora, Beaulieu [18]86; Fumani? [?]
31. Blank
32. Helianthemum?; Polygala flavesceus, Segromigno, [18]89; H. morifolium, May[?], [18]86
33. Blank
34. D[ianthus] seguieri, May[?], [18]86; Dianthus glacialis, G...[?], N. Tyrol, [18]87; Cerastium ? manticum, Segromigno
35. Silene vaccaria, Bordighera, [18]85; Silene nocturna; S[axifraga?] fusca, Bordighera, [18]85
36. S. sarifroga[?], Cartel Corno [?], [18]86
37. Allium chamaemoly, Alberya[?], [18]89; Asterolinum stellatum, Ventimiglia, [18]86; Asplenium fissum, [18]89; Crucianella maritima, [18]89; Dezmageni[?]; Ultriculini[?], Viller Moos[?]
38. Astragalus vesicarius, Caussole at Grasse[?], [18]89; Linaria glauca[?], Ventimiglia, 1/7/89; Pasonichia[?] serpyllifolia, Toraggio, [18]89
39. Aristolochia pistolochia, S. Val[le??], Grane 6/6/89; Phagnalon rupestre, 24/6/89
40. Blank
41. Blank with loose pressed flower
42. Blank
43. Blank
44. Blank
45. Blank
46. Blank
47. Blank
48. Blank with loose paper: Crypsis aculeata, Albenia, 10/9/87
49. Blank
50. Geranium tuberaria, S. Renio[?] [18]85
51. Lavatera maritima, Beaulieu [England] [[18]86] Nice
52. Erodium malacoides, Bordighera [Italy] [18]85
53. Linum maritimum, Bordighera [Italy] [18]85; Oxalis lybica, Beaulieu [18]86
54. Trigonella monspeliaca, Bordighera [Italy], [18]85; Tribulus terrestris, Bordighera [18]85; Ruta bracteosa, Bordighera [18]85
55. Melilotus officinalis albo, M. Lulcata; a laye shrub, Cneorum tricoccon, Roque Criene[?]
56. Genista triangularis, Albenga [18]85; G[enista] pilosa, Albenga [18]85; G[enista] [hespide][?], Albenga [18]85
57. C[o]ytisus sessilifolius, Mon-May [18]86; Vicia [?] lens, Railway Bank n[ear] G[ries]; Anagyris foetida, Villefranche [18]86
58. Althaea ?; ?
59. Blank
60. Rhus alaternus; Saussuria alpina, Sulterkopf [?] [18]89, n[ear] Gries, N. Tyrol; Coriaria myrtifolia, Beaulieu [England] [18]68
61. Blank
62. Medicago scutellata, Ventimiglia [Italy] [18]86; Ononis breviflora [18]85
63. Lotus edulis, Beaulieu [England] [18]86
64. O[nonis] ramosissima, Sicily [18]85 C.B.; Ononis minutissima, Bordighera [18]85
65. Argyrolobium linnaeanum, Beaulieu [England] [18]86; Ornithopus compressus, Segromigno [Italy] [18]89
66. Trifolium ste[ll]atum, Bordighera [Italy]; T[rifolium] ochroleucum; Trif[olium] montanum, Bordighera; T[rifolium] tomentosum, Bordighera
66. T[rifolium] subterraneum, Segromigno [18]89; T[rifolium] angustifolium, Bordighera [18]85; T[rifolium] alpestre; T[rifolium] segromigno [18]89
67. T[rifolium] fragiferum, Segromigno [18]89; Bonjeanea hirsuta, Bordighera [18]84
68. Astragalus hamosus, C.B.; Ast[ragalus] sesameus C.B. Clarence Bicknell
69. Oxytropis nutans[?], Schap[?]il Spos[?] [18]86
70. Coronilla [memt], J[u]n[e] [`8]89; Hedysarum capitatum, Vin Re[ggio] [18]89
71. Coronilla valentina, Cliffs at Ventimiglia [Italy]; C[oronilla] montana, Mori [18]86; Hippocrepis unisiliquosa, S[an] Remo [Italy] [18]85; Coronilla vaginalis ?, Mi[n?]i [18]86; Hippocrepis ciliata, Beaulieu [18]87
72. Blank
73. Geum reptans, Windla[tin?] Valley, Aug[ust] [18]96, n[ear] Gries, N[orth]Tyrol
74. Geum reptans [sawn?] local[ity?]
75. Tetragonolobus purpureus, S[an] Remo [18]85; Lotus cytisoides, Beaulieu [18]86; Lotus ornithopodioides, Beaulieu [18]86
76. Orobus canescens, M[ount] F[on?]do n[ea]r S[an] Remo, May 19 1885; Lathyrus setifolius, Bordighera [18]88
77. Blank
78. Blank
79. Vicia ? narbonensis, Bordighera 1885; Lathyrus cicer[a?], Beaulieu [18]85
80. Lathyrus annuus, Bordighera 1885
81. V[icia] hybrida, Bordighera [18]85; Vicia atropurpurea, Bordighera 1885
82. Bona[cleris?] Securidaca, Genoa C.B.; Hedysarum coronarium, Genoa C.B.
83. S. ? muscoides; Sarif[aga?] Tonibearis Orts S'Alramo S[outh] Tyrol; Paronychia nivea, Paron Nivea, Albenga also found on Cabo, S'Amp[oglia?], and Bordighera; Sarif[aga] petraea, Car[tel?] Corno, Mori 1886; Geum repitans, Scha[sseitupik?][18]86 n[ear] Gries, N. Tyrol
84. A[rema] ie of rimonicides[?], Sturo [18]87; Pot[iu?]tella ?
85. Asperula galioides, Bordighera [18]85; ? Bond[ona] [18]89; Tordylium lanatum, Sea[lik?] n[ea]r Eza Sh[?] 1888
86. Corynepho[rus] [ar] ticuliata, Juan les Pins 24/6/[18]89
87. Blank
88. Blank
89. Blank
90. Blank
91. Blank
92. Orlaya platyphylla
93. Bifora radians, J[riori] [18]87; Galium murale, S. Jean [18]87
94. [Arirni] majus; B. sadiacis [18]86; Tordylium maximum
95. [Loose package of flowers] M[yorhis?], Guer [18]86; Ecballium elaterium, Beaulieu [18]86; Echinophora spinosa, Bordighera [18]85;
96. Scabiosa transsylvanica; S[cabiosa] maritima, Bordighera [18]85
97. Valen[aice?] sapina, M[ou]te Baldo [ab?] Avio, S[outh] Tyroll
98. Blank
99. Centaurium tracusal[eficrian?]
100. Scorgonera[?] mar[rh?] al n[ors?] lach Gries,, N[orth] Tyrol
101. ? Brixan, Tyrol [18]86; Aster acris, Bordighera [18]85
102. Tragopogon pratensis; Tragopogon a[ur?]tralis, Bordighera, March [18]86; Diotis maritima, Bordighera [18]85
103. Anacyclus radiatus, C.B. [18]89; Carlina corymbosa, Bordighera [18]85; Scolymus hispanicus, Bordighera [18]85
104. Hieracium sabu[dum?], Mori [18]87; Sonchus maritimus, Mo[rck?] i[f?] Var Nov[ember] [18]87, n[ear] Nice; Carduus monspessulanus; Blysmus compressus
105. Gnaphalium s[fio?]num, Gries [18]89; Hieracium glanduliferum, Padaunder Beg n[ea]r Gries N[orth] Tyrol; Hyoseris radiata, Bordighera [18]8[5?]; Lapsana, Mori; Hyoseris radiata Ba[?] [18]85
106. Picridium vulgare, Bordighera [18]85; Scorzonera hispanica, Bordighera [18]85, Hieracium ligusticum, Final Marines[?], C.B. [18]85
107. Leontodon incanus, Mori [18]86; Hieracium sanalile, Mori [18]85; Bidens bipinnata, Mori [18]85
108. Crucianella angustifolia, Bordighera [18]85; Hieracium fratrum[?], Mori [18]86; Inula ensifolia, Mori [18]85
109. (Add[eis?] Fon[gu?]); H[ieraciuum] albidum, Gries [18]86; Ophioglossum lusitanicum, Antibes [18]87, C.B.; Artemisia spicata, Ve[nm?]thal, [18]86, Gries, N[orth] Tyrol; Scorzonera austriaca, Mori [18]86
110. Polygonum salicifolium, Varmouthh [18]87; Campanula macror[h?]iza, Bealieu [18]86
111. Hieracium bupleuroides, Gries 1889, N[orth] Tyrol
112. Leontodon incanus, Mori [18]86; Thymelaea hirsuta, Cannes [18]87, R.B., Bailey
113. Andropogon (1) Allioni; (2) Distachya; (3) Ischaemum[?]; (4) Hirtus; (5) Pubescens
114. Phyteuma scheuchzeri, Mori [18]86; Lasiagrostis calamagrostis, Beaulieu [18]87
115. Thymelaea dioica, C.B.; Convolvulus siculus, rediscovered at Beaulieu [18]86, not seen by the local botanist since 1854
116. C[amp?] sibirica, Mori, Oct[ober] [18]85; Con[orl?]] tricolour, Noli[?] [18]85, C.B.; Tragus racemosus, Mori Oct[ober[ [18]85
117. Amaranthus cruentus, Wa[r?]d Cr[u?]ek [1]886; Eragrostis megastachy[a?]; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi , Bondone [18]86, Rovereto (Italy); Eragrostis; Erica multiflora, Sicily C.B., found also at S. Jean
118. Cerinthe alpina minor, Mori, May [18]86; Cerinthe major = aspera, Bordighera [18]86; Cra[inor?]; Eleocharis ? acicularis, Mori [18]86
119. Bartsia latifolia, Segromigno (Italy) [18]89; Onosma stellulat[um?], Mori [18]85; Asarum europaeum, [I]gls 1896, N[orth] Tyrol
120. Alkanna tinctoria, Albenga (Italy); Lithosperm[ica?] purpureo-coeruleum, Bordighera [18]85; Hieracium sabaudum, Mori [18]87
121. Solanum sodomaeum, Sicily C.B.; Prunella hyssopifolia, C.B.
122. Pulmonaria angustifolia, Mori [18]86; Hyoscyamus albus, Beaulieu [18]87
123. Blank
124. Euphrasia tricuspidata, Mori Oct[ober] [18]85; Alectorolophus minor, Mori Oct[ober] [18]86
125. Scrophularia vernalis, Vignole (Venice); Thymus ?, Sicily, C.B.; [Feucrium?] fruticosum, Sicily C.B.; Sideritis romana, Bordighera [18]85
126. Linaria arvensis, Segronigno 1889 n[ear] Lucca, Italy, L[inaria] triphylla, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; L[inaria] chalepensis, Beaulieu n[ear] Nice; L[inaria] reflexa, Sicily, C.B. [18]85, Clarence Bicknell
127. Phlomis fruticosa, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; Antirrhinum siculum, Sicily C.B. [18]85
128. Sideritis hirsuta, Bordighera [18]85; Primula villosa, Niederberg [18]86, N[orth] Tyrol; Aretia vitaliana, M[on]te Bondone n[ear] Roverto, S[ou]th Tyrol, [?egkl[?]] yellow; Primula spectabilis, M[on]te Sca[meppia?], May [18]88, n[ear] Roverto, S[outh] Tyrol; Gratiola [?ieinala?], Mori [18]89
129. Vilen agrius castus, Bordighera [18]85; Asteriscus aquaticus, Nice [18]87; Polygonum maritimum, Bordighera [18]85
130. Daphne gnidium, Bordighera [18]85; Daphne alpina, Mori [18]86; Aristolochia pallida, M[on]te Bignone [18]85, n[ear] S. Remo, C.B.;Aristolochia rotunda, Bordighera [18]85; Euphorbia pubescens, Bordighera [18]85
131. E[uphorbia] paralias, Bordighera [18]85; Euph[orbia] barreleri, Albe[rgia?], C.B., Clarence Bicknell, [18]85; Eup[horbia] dendroides, Rogue Brune (a large shrub) [18]85, n[ear] Nice; E[uporbia] peploides, Bordighera [18]85; E[uphorbia] verrucosa, S. Remo [18]85
132. E[uphorbia] serrrata, B[ordigher]a, [18]85; E[phorbia] carniolica, Mori, May [18]86; Euph[orbia] falcata, Bordighera [18]85; Thelygonum cynocrambe, Beaulieu [18]86
133. Hermodactylus tuberosus, Ba [18]85; Euph[orbia] dulcis, Mori [18]86; Iris thelysia, Sicily, C[larence] B[icknell] [18]85; Euph[orbia]? cyparissias, Mori [18]86
134. Romulea bulbocodium, Sicily, C.B. 1885; R[omulea] columnae, Taggia [Italy] [18]85, E[ast] of S[an] Remo; Crocus versicolor, Madonna di Laghetto, M[onte] Bignone (4260 ft) n[ear] S[an] Remo [18]85; R[omulea] ligustica, Pegli [18]85, C.B. n[ear] Genoa
135. Desmagenia [?], Segromigno [Italy] [18]89; Asparagus s[hp?]ularis, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; Asparagus acutifolius, Bordighera [18]85; Asp[aragus] albus, Sicily, C.B. [18]85
136. Smilax aspera, Bordighera [18]85; Agrostis rupestris, Stallerhof n[ear] Bordighera, S[outh] Tyrol [18]89
137. Plantago psyllium, Beaulieu [18]86 n[ear] Nice; Carex arenaria, S[aint] Jean [18]86, n[ear] Nice; Scirpus duvalii, Mori [18]86]
138. Carex michelii, Mori [18]86; Poa balbisii (viviparii), Mori [18]86; Imperata cylindrica, S[aint] Jean n[ea]r Nice, [18]86
139. Lily Family, Gagea liotardi, S[ainte] Agnese ab[ove] Mentone [18]85; Panicum sanguinale, Mori [18]87; Brachypodium ramosum, Beaulieu [18]86 (common on rough and dry ground); Euph[orbia] purpurata thuil[?], Euph[orbia] Julcis[?] Buerrucosa [?] Neb[...?], Euph[orbia] alpigena Kornen[?], Mori [18]86
140. ?, Segromigna [18]89; Narcissus tazzetta, Bordigehra [18]85 (common); N[arcissus] papyraceus, Bordighera [18]85 (rare)
141. Orchis simia, Mori [18]86; Narcissus bertolonii, S[an] Remo [18]85 (rare); N[arcissus] panizzianus, S[an] Remo [18]85 (rare)
142. Ophrys bertolonii, Bordighera [18]85; Ophyrs aranifera, Bordighera [18]85; Aceras longibracteata, S[an] Remo [18]85; Ophrys basca v. Sasso, Bordighera [18]85
143. Listera cordata, Grier [18]87 (in Britain much larger[?]), In Tyrol rare; Orchis fusca, Bordighera [18]85; Coralloriza trinata, Gries [18]87, N[orth] Tyrol; O[rchis]; Orchis papilionacea, M[on]te Fondo, S[an] Remo, May 19 [18]85; Carex riparia
144. Serapias lingua, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Longipetala, Bordighera [18]85; S[erapias] neglecta, Bordighera [18]85; Mala[ris] paludo[ra], G.E. George Evers[?] [18]87; Starmia leoseln[?], G.E. [18]87
145. Orchis conoph[..?], Bordighera [18]85; O[rchis] intacta, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Starmia Loereli, Villa Moor [18]88, N[orth] Tyrol; Orchis provincialis, Mentone [18]85 (yellow); O[rchis] laniflora, Bordighera [18]85 (purple and white)
146. Leucojum hyemale, Bealieu [18]86 (the winter snowflake only grows on a strip of coast between Nice and Italy about 22 miles long and 2 broad); Li[liar]trumalbum, C.B. [18]85; Telephium imperati, C.B. [18]85
147 (145a). Fritillaria involucrata, Roja Valley [18]85 (The Roja [?] near Colji Jerida and enters sea at Ventimiglia [Italy]); Listera cordata 1896, Gries-an-Breuner, N[orth] Tyrol
148. Scirpus ?, Via Reggis, N[orth] of Pisa; Scirpus ?, Via Reggis [18]89; Scilla Stalica, S[an] Dalmazzo [18]85 n[ear] Col di Tenda
149. [?]ugula spadicea, Mutterjoch [18]86 n[ea]r Gries, N[orth] Tryol; Melica ?; alan, Ornithhog onscapum (same family as Star of Bethlehem)
150. ? Gries [18]89; All[cii]m triguertrum[?], Bordighera [18]85; Erythronium dens canis, M[on]te Bignone [18]85 March 11 (Dogitooth violet)
151. Plantago ? Vicrorialis, Mori [18]86; P[lantago] montano, above Mori [18]86; P[lantago] ? Victorialis, M[on]te Bignone, June [18]85; Plantago lagopus, Bordighera [18]85; P[lantago] serpentine[?], MMori [18]86
152. Carex orderi[?], Mori [18]86; Carex panicea, Mori [18]86; C[arex] pniculata, Gries [18]86; N.B. names of Craex doubtful
153. Bellevalia webbiana, Bordighera [18]85; Top of spi[k]e and [p...?] of leaf of sculla.. Hyacinthoides, Mortole [18]85 (a relation[?] of our word 'hyacinth' but often 3 feet high)
154. Cyperus rotundus, Bordighera [18]85; C[yperus} ?, B[ordigher]a [18]85; B[ordigher]a [18]85;
155. This spec[ies] was taken n[...?]; Festuca ligustica, B[ordigher]a [18]85; F[estuca] myurus; Festuca uniglumis[?], Bordighera [18]85; Cynorcries[?] eskinalii [?], Segromigno [18]89 n[ear] Luccca [Italy]; Festuca leguslica, Bordighera [18]85
156. Polypogon monspeliensis, Mouth of Var n[ear] Nice [18]87; Agrostis rapertus[?], N[on]te Stevo [18]87, Rovereto [Italy]; Bromus; Agrostis; Festuca ? Segromigno [18]89; Agrostis stolonifera, Mouth of Var n[ea]r Nice [18]87
157. Alopecurus utriculatus, Lucca 1889, Foxtail swan swollen at the knots; Goat's eye, Aegilops ovata, Bordighera [18]85; Sesleria microcephala, Wilfeudom[?] [18]86 (head blue); Stipa tortilis, Villefranche [18]86; Sesleria argentea, Beaulieu [18]87 (head silver white)
158. Kocleria villera[?], Bordighera [18]85; Aremophila arundinacea, Vis Reggio [18]89; Acra[?] cupaniana, B[ordigher]a [18]85
159. Melica major; Melica ciliata, Bordighera [18]85; Melica bauhini, B[ordigher]a [18]85
160. Briza minor, Bordighera [18]85; (the Euglist[?] form is B[riza] media); Briza maximia, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phalaris paradoxa, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phalaris minor, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phal[aris] coerulescens, B[ordigher]a [18]85; P[halaris] canariensis, B[ordigher]a [18]85 (commia[?] canary sian[?])
161. Notholaena villen, Sicily C.B. [18]85; Arpl ? Petrarchae, B[ordighera] [18]85; Arplen foutancens[?], B[ordigher]a [18]85
162. Posidonia, Beaulieu [18]55; Mandragora officinalis, Sicily C.B. 1885
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/6   1841 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from England, Austria, Switzerland and Germany
1. Campanula patula ? (Y) near Red House[dine], Berwick, Spreading Hairbell; Campanula rapunculoides; Camp[anula] rotundifolia, Common Hairbell
2. Campanula cenisia on the Schlossberg circa 9000 ft above Engelberg, Aug[ust] [18]74 (Switz[erlan]d)
3. C[ampanula]?, Camp[anula] latifolia, Alston, Giant Bellflower, this name mea[ns] [prufer] to C. medium [p] 8a
4. Campanula betoicicaefolia [betonicifolia?], Maderanertal [18]74, Switzerland; C[ampanula]? rhomboidalis, Zermatt [18]72, Switzerland; Campanula pusilla
5. Campanula barbata; Madonna della Corona 1882, S[outh] Tyrol; C[ampanula] glomerata, Clustered Bellflower
6. Campanula trachelium (M), Marlborough, Nettleleaved Bellflower; R? S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Campanula spicata, [Iselthal] [18]70, Spiked Bellflower, Tyrol
7a. Campanula hederacea, Ioy-Leaved [?] Bell-flower, Wilderness, J.W. Augist 29 1844, Susan Meyrick
7. Campanula erinoides, S[an] D[almazzo], San Dalmazzo 1883 with apennina [?] at Nice; Campanula thyrsoides, Hahrien [?] moor, Sep[tember] [18]75 above Leuk in the Simmental, Switzerland
8a. Campanula, C. medium, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; 817 Camp[anula] rap[u...], Manchester 1857
8. Madonna d[ella] Corona 1881; ?? between Paneveggio and Predazzo 1881, S[outh] Tyrol
9. Specularia hybrida, Venus' Looking Glass; Specularia speculum
10. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Red Whortleberg; Vaccinium myrtillus; V[accinium] uliginosum
11. Oxycoccus palustris, Pilatus near Lucerne, Cranberry
12. Arctostaphylos uva ursi, woods below Anzeindaz [18]75 )Switz[erlan]d), Val d'Avencon above Bex
13. Blank
14. Erica ? carnea; Erica vagana, Cornnwall, Cornish Heath; Erica cinerea Waln 1860, Fineleaved Heath
15. Erica tenax [?], Drinus [?] near Exmouth 1882; Ericaa mediterranea, Nice 1880; Erica ciliaris bet[ween] Falmouth and T[ri]zo
16a. 833 Mengiesia[?]
16. Azalea procumbens, Furea [18]69, Switzerland, Procumbeut Azalea
17. Rhododendron hirsutum, Hairy alpenrose; R[hododendron] ferrugineum, Common Alpenrose; R[hododendron] intermedium
18a. Pyrola secunda, Wigton Cumberland, vi[?]/69
18. Pyrola secunda, Wintergreen [?]; P[yrola] minor; Pyrola rotundifolia
19. P[yrola] minor, Hughenden Woods, High Wycombe; Pyrola uniflora, Largeflowered Wintergreen
20. Monotropa hypopitys, seed only, (M)arlborough [does (M) stand for Marlborough?], Yellow Bird's Nest
21-22. Blank
23. Olea Eur near S[an] D[almazzo] 1883, Olive, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; Fraxinus ornus
24. Nerium oleander, herium near Ventimiglia, June [18]83, Riviera between NIce and S[an] Remo; Vinca major
25. Jasminum fruticans, Briga near S[an] Dalmazz0 1883; Menyanthes trifoliata, Bogbean
26a. Cicendia filiformis, Pengaria, Cornwall
26. Swertia perennis, Interlaken 1878, Switzerland; Chlora perfoliata (Y), Yellow Wort
27. Gentiana amarella, (M)arlborough; Gentiana campestris [18]69; Gentiana utriculosa, Andermatt 69, Switzerland, Gentian
28. G[entiana] acaulis; Gentiana excisa; G[entiana] verna; Gentian; Gentiana ciliata
29. Gentiana ?; G[entiana] bavarica; Gentiana nivalis; Gentiana imbricata, V. of Bavaria [?]
30. Gentiana cruciata, Schliersee [18]73, Bavaria; G[entiata] lutea, Churfirsten [18]72, Switzerland
31. Gentiana purpurea; G[entiana] punctata
Gentiana asclepiadea, Reutte [18]75, Bavaria; G[entiana] pneumonanthe, Hohen Schwangau [Hohenschwangau] [18]75, Bavaria
33. Gentiana lutea, Champery [18]77, Switzerland
34-37. Blank
38a. Erythraea centaurium from an old Herbarium, f 38 [?], [overleaf] Pent. Digymia, Gentiana Centaurium
38. Dwarf specimen, Sulton bergham [?]; Erythraea centaurium (M), Centaury
39. Polemonium caeruleum, Da[u]os 1875, Switzerland, Jacob's Ladder
40a. Convolvulus sold[anella], Sea Bindweed, Chessel Beach, Isle of Scotland, August 1841, Emma Meyrick
40. Convolvulus arvensis (M), Lesser Bindweed; Convolvulus sepium (M)arlborough, Greater Bindweed
41. Convolvulus althaeoides, on the road from San Dalmazzo to Ventimiglia 1883; C[onvolvulus] cantabrica, same location [18]83
42a. Cuscuta epithymum, Kinson 1854
42. Cuscuta europaea, Amsteg [18]69, Switzerland, Greater Dodder; Cuscuta trifolia (M), Clover Dodder
43. Blank
44. Asperugo procumbens, Saanen [18]70, Switzerland, Madwort; Cynoglossum pictum [?], Blue Hound's Tongue
45a. 1026, Cynogl[ossum] selvat [?], Norbury Park, Surrey
45. Hound's Tongue, Echinospermum lappula; Cynoglossum ? pictum, M[oun]t Brione, Lago di Garda 1881
46. Borago officinalis (Y), Borage; Lycopsis arvensis, Common Bugloss
47. Anchusa officinalis, Common Alkanet, Inns[?]ouick [18]73; Anchusa sempervirens (Y), Evergreen Alkanet
48. Onosma stellulatum, symphytum ?, Trieste [18]73; Symphytum asperrimum, Prickly Comfrey; Symphytum officinale, Comfrey
49. Cerinthe minor near La Mon [18]83; Wareflower, Cerinthe alpina, Greifenberg [18]73, Pusterthal below Lienz
50. Echium vulgare [18]69, Viper's Bugloss
51a. Pulmonaria angustifolia, Bank near Woolton Bridge, 1842, I.W.
51. Pulmonaria officinalis, Lienz [18]73, Lungwort; Paginea [?] [L]am[?]folia near [T]ontan [18]83
52. Blank
53. Lithospermum arvense, Corn Gromwell
54. ? doubtful [Latin plant name crossed out] Idria [?] [18]73, Carniola, Omphaloden [?] Verna near Idria in Carniola; Myosotis alpestris, Alpine Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis versicolor (Y)eovil, Yellow and Blue Forget-Me-Not
55. Myosotis palustris, Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis aroiusis [?], Field Scorpion Grass
56. Wincanton [?] [18]81; Myosotis caerpitira [?] (Y) [18]81
57. Eritrichium nanum, Zermatt 1875, Switzerland, Heaven's Harbringer; San Dalmazzo 1883
58. Solanum nigrum, Nightshade; Solanum dulcamara, Bittersweet
59. Vincetoxicum officinale 1875;Physalis alkekengi, Trieste 1873, Jews Cherry
60. Atropa bella donna, Deadly Nightshade; Hyoscyamus niger
61. Solanum datura (Y), Thorn apple; Verbascum ? philonoides, Brentonico on M[oun]te Baldo, July 1882
62. Verbascum ? lychnitis, While Mullein; San Dalmazzo 1883; Verb[ascum] nigrum, Black Mullein
63. Leaf of flower of Verbascum thapsiforme, San Dalmazzo 1883; Verbascum ?, Laibacher Moors, Carniola
64. Scrophularia peregrina, Val Jaggia, Riviera E[ast] of Bordighera, June 1883
65. Scrophularia vernalis; Scrophularia ? canina, Walleustadt [18]72, Switzerland, Figwort
66. Melampyrum nemorosum, Mori 1881, S[outh] Tyrol
67. Gralisla [o]fficinol [?], Shine [?] of Lago, Massine [18]75 near Pallanga [?]; Digitalis lutea, Yellow Foxglove
68. Blank
69. Digitalis grandiflora, Great Foxglove; Digitalis purpurea, Purple Foxglove (Y) [18]69
69a. [loose pressed flower in newspaper] Linaria rapina [?], S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; L[inaria] simplex
70. Linaria spuria (Y)eovil, Bastard Toadflax; Linaria elatine (Y)eovil, Fluellin
71. Linaria vulgaris, Common Toadflax; Linaria minor, Lesser Toadflax; L[inaria] stalica, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883
72. Linaria ? simplex, Colico 1880 in Lake of Como; Linaria ?
73. Linaria ? Gallein [?], San Dalmazzo 1883; L[inaria] repeis, Reading 1864
73a. Hermagor [?] is [?] in the Gailthal W[est] of Villach, Wulfenia Carinthiaca, Kuhweg [?] aep [?] on the Cartherkogil [?] in Carimthia [?] near Hermagor European the only locality known, 1873, habitat Central dica [?]
72a. ? Erinus alpinus, descent from Portelte [?], pass between Sixt and Chamouriex, Switzerland [18]77, Liver Balsam
73aii. V[eronica] arvensis
73ai. Veronica arvensis (Y), Field Speedwell; V[eronica] montana (Y), Mountain Speedwell; V[eronica] bellidioides, Daisy Speedwell
74a. Veronica agrestis
74. V[eronica] aplylla, Leafless Speedwell; V[eronica] alpina, Alpine Speedwell; V[ernoica] officinalis, Common Speedwell; V[eronica] urticifolia, Nettleleaved Speedwell
75. Veronica spicata, Spiked Speedwell; Veronica fruticulosa, Shrubby Speedwell; Veronica hederifolia, Ivyleaved Speedwell
76a. V[eronica] verna, Mildenhall, Suffolk 1838, Lix [?] Herbs Henslow
76. Veronica anagallis, Water Speedwell; V[eronica] saxatilis, Gryon [18]75, Rock Speedwell
77. Veronica teucrium from incanaor sublanata [?], Aldelsberg; V[eronica] multifida, Cutleaved Speedwell
78. V[eronica] scutellata, (M), marsh speedwell; Veron[ica] spicata ? cristatia[?], Leukerbad [Switzerland] 1879, Surly[?] erlae[?]
79. Veronica buxbaumii, Buxbaumii speedwell; V[eronica] chamaedrys, Germander Speedwell; V[eronica] beccabunga, Brooklime
80. Paederota Bonarota, Cortena d'Ampezzo, July 1882, S. Tyrol
81. Blank
82. Erinus alpinus, S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, Apennines al Nice
83. Blank
84. Tozia alpina, Eigenthal n[ea]r Lucere 1869
85. Blank
86. Pedicularis ? tuberosa, Lousewort; P[edicularis] com[osa][?]
87. Melampyrum arvense, Corn Cow-wheat
88. Pedicularis rostrata, Beaked Lousewort; P[edicularis] ? verticillata, Whorled Lousewort; P[edicularis] recutita; P[edicularis] versicolor, Pilatus [18]69, Variegated Lousewort, Lucerne
89. Pedicularis tuberosa; P[edicularis] incarnata, The Bla[s]er 1874, N. Tyrol; P[educularis] ? rosea, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883
90. P[educularis] foliosa, Schlussel Joch [18]73; Pedicularis palustris, Marsh Lousewort; Alectorolophus rhinanthus C.G., Yellow Rattle
91. Euphrasia ?, Sion 1877; ? E[uphrasia] officinalis, Ka[irderiFeg][?], Common Eyebright; Sion [18]79, Switzerland
92. Euphrasia alpina, Mountain Eyebright; Euphrasia minima, Oberalp pass [18]69, Leart[?] Eyebright; Bartsia odontites, Red Bartsia
93. Orobanche hederae, Ivy Broomsrape; Orobanche minor; Orobanche, Mesurina see 74, Lesser Broomrapes
94a. Orobanche major, Canal, Langley, U[nwacht][?] 1866
94. Orobanche ? flava; Rhododendron chamaecistus [ne] flower[ing][?], Calliaus[?] 1885, S. Tyrol
95. Lathraea squamaria, Marlborough, Toothwort
96. [Loose paper and pressed plant in back cover] [Vuiei]toxicu[m] [ui]gr[illum] ?? officinale alassi[?] - l[a] Li[fi]nia [ab] 7/20[?]
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/7   1829, 1849, 1869 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from England, Ireland, Austria, and Italy
Paper book
UND/F9H/H30   1905 - 1929
Postcards from or collected by Winifred Hindmarch.
9 postcards
Given by Lilian Groves, March 2020.
UND/F9H/H30/1   24 July 1905
View of Barningham including the church.
Sent by W[inifred] Hindmarch to Canon Haworth at Grove House, sorry the scheme has been abandoned, have walked to Bowes and will walk to Reeth, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/2   28 July 1905
View down Arkengarthdale with the church in the middle distance, by Valentines, 24664.
Sent by W[inifred] Hindmarch to Canon Haworth at Grove House, describing her time in the Dales, a walk to Reeth, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/3   [c.1910]
6 nuns with a mother superior, outside, in front of ?the cathedral, in white habits, with dark scapulars, white kerchiefs, dark coifs with a white cap, with white belts, and holding rosaries, by Fillingham's of 12 Elvet Bridge.
BW print
UND/F9H/H30/4   18 August 1910
'First view' of Jerusalem, with camels and people on the road, fortified walls beyond, edition Fr. Vester & Co, Jerusalem No.81.
Sent by B. at Harrogate to Miss Sharphouse at Fulford Road, York, reporting their arrival, view sent as the recipient would not be going there this year.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/5   [1914 x 1918]
Red Cross nurse, in all white with a red cross on her front and on an armband, by Mesangs 3005.
Sent by Jim in the 2nd Cavalry Division, British Expeditionary Force in France to his brother, asking if he is thinking of enlisting, he is not having a bad time and the war is going on satisfactory in his quarter, and asking after a letter from J. Oliver to Mr Hildyard.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/6   29 August 1917
View over Pavay-le-Monial, by B.F., Paris.
Sent by Reg, on active service, to Master D. Sharphouse at Sowerby, as where they stopped for breakfast.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/7   12 May 1918
Egypt, the pyramids of Giza, with 2 Arabs and camels, by 127B Livadas & Co, Sicos, Cairo.
Sent by his father to Master D. Sharphouse at Sowerby, with his love.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/8   25 December ?1926
View of Durham Cathedral and the Fulling Mill from across the river, in snow, by Valentine's.
Sent by S.M. Rowlandson to Canon Haworth at St Hild's College with Christmas greetings.
Colour postcard
UND/F9H/H30/9   24 April 1929
View from St Hild's College terrace over Durham towards the cathedral, by P.A. Buchanan & Co, Croydon, 20240.
Sent by Winifred Hindmarch to Mrs Halversen, Oakland, California, looking forward to her visit to England, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H31   1903 - 1905
Certificates of Hannah Henderson as a student at St Hild's:
1. Archbishops' Certificate in Divinity, First Class 21 March 1902, Second Class 3 April 1903, resided for 2 years, conduct satisfactory.
2. Board of Education Teacher's Certificate First Class examined Jul;y 1903, certificate due 17 February 1905.
Parchment, 2m
Given by Lilian Groves, January 2022, Acc No Misc.2021/22:57.
UND/F9H/H32   [?1920]
Postcard of five female students with [?tutor]
Photographer: G. Fillingham, Durham
BW print
Given by Sharon Shipp, February 2023. Acc No Misc.2022/23:54.
UND/F9H/H33   1942 - 1944
Papers of Dorothy Marshall, alumna of St Hild's 1942-1944, including:
2 certificates, 3 diaries and 1 photograph
UND/F9H/H33/1-2   1944
UND/F9H/H33/1: University of Durham Joint Examination Board for Training Colleges certificate
UND/F9H/H33/2: Archbishop's Certificate
2 certificates
UND/F9H/H33/3-5   1942 - 1944
Diaries of Dorothy Marshall during her time as a student at St Hild's, covering each year of her life in Durham, with detailed descriptions and opinions of daily activities
3 notebooks
UND/F9H/H33/6   1944
St Hild's College group photograph, outside a leafy college front, in skirts and blouses, titled with the college arms
Includes paper overlay with names of women identified
BW print
Reference: UND/F9H/I
UND/F9H/I1   [c.1950]
St Hild's College [blazer] badge, unused
Size: 85mm diameter
From the effects of Mrs Mary Anderson (nee Payne, St Hild's 1940-1942), 19 March 2009, Acc No Misc.2008/9:92.
UND/F9H/I2   [c.1960]
St Hild's School blazer badge, red St Cuthbert's cross on a gold-edged white shield with a green ammonite on a red canton, all on a green background, 10 copies
embroidered cloth shield
Size: 105 x 90mm
UND/F9H/I3   [c.1960]
St Hild's School lapel badge, red St Cuthbert's cross on a white shield with a green ammonite on a red canton, 2 copies
metal shield with a pin fastening behind
Size: 20 x 25mm
UND/F9H/I4   [c.1914]
St Hild's scarf, alternate dark green and purple broad stripes with thin navy blue stripes inbetween, all lined with white, of Doreen Clough, with correspondence about the donation.
wool scarf
Size: 1265 x 220mm
Given by her daughter Greta Fox, September 2014.
UND/F9H/I5   [c.1940]
St Hild's college blazer with colours for netball and lawn tennis.
Alternating broad stripes of green and purple with thinner mid-blue stripes lined with white inbetween, on the chest pocket is the college badge of, on a dark blue base, a silver-lined green shield with an silver ammonite above SH interwined within a roundel with “Saint Hild's College” (silver letters on a white base, lined with green), with each word separated by 4 dark blue dots in a diamond shape, with “SHCNC” above and “SHCLTC” below, with 2 brass buttons, and 3 pockets on the outside.
Woollen blazer, with various holes
Size: c.880 x 450mm
Given by Becky Martin [2014] having bought it on EBay.
UND/F9H/I6   [1950]
Durham Colleges Women's Boat Club blazer
Alternating board dark green and dark blue and also alternating thin dark red and light blue stripes, with the university crest, crossed blades surrounded by “DCWBC” and with “1950-51-52-53” below embroidered on the breast pocket in gold, with 2 brass buttons, and 3 pockets on the outside, with Dorothy Bourne's name tag.
Woollen blazer
Size: c.700 x 450mm
Given by Dorothy Bourne (St Hild's Dip Ed 1949-53), 30 September 2015, Acc No 2015/16:.
UND/F9H/I7   [c.1950]
St Hild's college blazer, 3 outer pockets, with the college badge (dark blue base, silver lined white shield with a red cross paty, with an ammonite in the top left corner) on the chest pocket; the blazer is possibly unused.
Woollen bottle green blazer, with 2 plastic buttons, by Gray & Son Ltd
Size: c.500 x 700mm
UND/F9H/I8   [c.1970]
St Hild's [hockey] skirt, with [colours] for hockey and tennis stitched on the front, comprising a vertical silk strip half purple, half green, for each, with the appropriate embroidered word in red above, formerly Anthea Jaggard's.
Woollen bottle green skirt, with a single button, by Graham Gardner of Leicester, some holes
Size: c.400 x 600mm
UND/F9H/I9   1918 - 1920
St Hild's College organ fund tablecoth, with an ammonite in the centre, surrounded by St Hild's College Durham Organ Fund, and the names of all those [contributing] (men and women) embroidered in various colours, also the date.
White linen cloth, embroidered
Size: 900 x 900mm
UND/F9H/I10   1906
Images of a St Hild's silver lapel badge, 21 x 23mm, hallmark Birmingham 1906, of the ammonite on a shield, original owner not known, passed on from Mary Taylor (certificate c.1932) to Jean Daisy Chicken nee Munday (university 1956-1960).
Paper file
Given by Roger Chicken, June 2012.
UND/F9H/I11   [c.1962]
St Hild's scarf, alternate broad dark green/lavender stripes, with a college badge (shield of St Cuthbert's cross on a white field, with a canton of an ammonite) sewn to the foot centre with two bands of gold braid lettering on a black background being [colours for] tennis (S.H.C.T.C.) above and table tennis (S.H.C.T.T.C.) below the badge, by Gray & Sons of Durham, of Pam Scrine nee Irwin (SHC 1961-1964).
Woollen scarf
Size: 1530 x 230mm
Given by Pam Scrine, May 2017, Acc No Misc.2016/17:123.
UND/F9H/I12   1940
St Hild's college blazer with colours for hockey and lawn tennis of Ellen Marguerite Smith (b1922, St Hild ?1939-42).
Alternating broad stripes of green and purple with thinner mid-blue stripes lined with white inbetween, on the chest pocket is the college badge of, on a dark blue base, a silver-lined green shield with an silver ammonite above SH interwined within a roundel with “Saint Hild's College” (silver letters on a white base, lined with green), with each word separated by 4 dark blue dots in a diamond shape, with “S.H.C.H.C.” above and “S.H.C.L.T.C. 1940-1-2” below, with 2 brass buttons, and 3 pockets on the outside.
Woollen blazer
Size: c.880 x 450mm
Given by her son April 2018, Acc No Misc.2017/18:85.
Depicted worn by her in UND/F9H/FZ64.
UND/F9H/I13   [1940]
St Hild's scarf, alternate dark green and purple broad stripes with thin navy blue stripes inbetween, all lined with white, of Ellen Marguerite Smith.
Wool scarf
Size: 1280 x 225mm
Given by her son April 2018, Acc No Misc.2017/18:85.
UND/F9H/I14   [?1940]
Unidentified scarf, dark blue with 2 lines of yellow, white and black stripes, of Ellen Marguerite Smith.
Wool scarf
Size: 1470 x 220mm
Given by her son April 2018, Acc No Misc.2017/18:85.
UND/F9H/I15   1948
St Hild's lapel badge, red St Cuthbert's cross on a gold shield with a green ammonite on a red canton, [of Dorothy Wright, teacher's certificate 1948].
metal shield with a pin fastening behind
Size: 20 x 25mm
Given by her children, September 2018, Acc No Misc.2018/19:11.
UND/F9H/I16   [c.1950]
“Ye Durham Knocker 1133”
Cast brass curved strip on a screw thread in the form of a ?door/drawer handle
Size: 75 x 60 x 15mm
UND/F9H/I17   [?1929]
St Hild's College arms wall plaque, with purple annomite and gold painted letter “H” on green painted background.
On the reverse of the shield metal hangers with evidence of string ties and inscriptions written on the shield.
Wooden painted shield mounted on a wooden plaque
Size: 140 x 220 x 10mm