1781 - 2005
St Hild's College was established in 1858 as a Church of England Training College for women students. In 1896 it was brought into connection with the University (the university's first women graduates were from St Hild's) and in 1923 it was
granted the status of a Licensed Hall of Residence by the Council of the Durham Colleges. In 1975 it was amalgamated with Bede College to become the College of St
Rev C.W. King 1862-1864
Canon W.H. Walter 1864-1889
Canon J. Haworth 1889-1910
Miss Eleanor C. Christopher 1910-1933
Miss Nina M.E. Joachim 1951-1975
For the main records of the college, see Durham County Record Office, E/HB 1-6.
Donated CollectionsReference: UND/F9H/HUND/F9H/H1 1905 - 1911
Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by students at the colleges of St
Hild and St Bede 
, with 2 photographs of staff, inscribed on the inside front cover: “Sarah Collinson, 27 Market Place,
Paper book, 152p
Given by Catherine Hyde October 2009, Acc No Misc.2009/10:64, in memory of her parents Doreen nee Cradock and William Longrigg.
Digitised material for Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by students, c.1910 - UND/F9H/H1 p.1 5 June 1909
Pen drawing of a herald blowing a trumpet titled “Open Sesame” and signed “Yours Sincerely R Fleming Bede 07-09”.
p.5 28 June 1910
Wash drawing of a man with cap leaning against a post, with pipe, with a chicken approaching, titled “The Fancier” and signed “S McIntyre”
p.13 28 January 1909
Coloured drawing in a roundel of a ketch sailing towards the sun[set], signed “With the best wishes of Beatrice E Lowes” .
p.23 [1909]
Watercolour of a [Dutch] girl herding 7 white geese up a winding road into the sun[set] with 2 windmills on the hilltop horizon, signed “Gertrude Atkinson St Hild's 07-09” .
p.27 1905
Pen and wash drawing of a bird (?sparrow) flying with a flower in its beak, titled “O'er Hill and Dale” and signed “R Beaton” .
p.31 6 June 1908
Pen drawing of a lady in dress and hat with flowers, being buffeted by the wind, titled “To my sister” and signed “E Collinson Durham” .
p.33 4 June 1909
Pen drawing of the sanctuary knocker at Durham Cathedral, titled as such and signed “Yours Sincerely Wm M Coulson” [Bede 1907-1909].
p.41 25 June 1910
Pen and wash drawing of a lady head and shoulders titled “Peggy” and signed “J Collinson” .
p.45 [1909]
Watercolour sketch of flowers (?clematis) signed “With Best Wishes Ida Hutton St Hild's (1907-09)” .
p.51 [c.1909]
Pen drawing of a viking, head and shoulders with winged helmet, titled “The Last Viking” , with a poem, first line “Row ye well, for my purpose stands” [by Nora Hopper], signed
“EIL” .
p.53 [c.1909]
Pen and colour drawing of a hunting scene, a lady riding side-saddle on a horse clearing a fence with a man about to, titled “Follow me” and signed “J Stopford-Taylor”.
p.57-63 [1909]
A page of [St Hild's] Seniors 1908-09 names and addresses: May Lishman, Minnie R. Smith, Eva Dowsen, Margaret E. McCall, Elsie M. Legge, Nancie S. Gregson, Mary E. Winlow, Edith M. Arrowsmith, Bessie Heslop, Jennie E. Gumm, Poppy Barlow, Muriel
Hinde, Ida Hutton, Alice Bell, Annie Sumpton, Ethel Dumville, Margaret McColvin, Ethel Morton (14 September 1908), Florence E. Kerr, Constance M. Hall, Mary E. Askew, Daisy C. Harrison, Ethel F. Moor, Lucy Hutton, Lizzie Charlton, Lydia E. Pearson,
?Bessie White, Lizzie Howe, Sarah G. Kitching, Emma Bland, Annie G. Henderson, Eveline M. Charlton, Gladys Bowen, Madeline George, Nora Bramwell, Sarah J. Davidson, Annie F. Batey, Alice Beatrice Cragg, Vida Service, Ethel Comben, Gertrude Atkinson,
Gertrude Broughton, Nellie Carr, Dora J. Hardy, Maggie Barr, Grace Darling, Myra Littlewood, Eva Mawson, Olive M. Goodall, May Hudson, Olive Blacklidge, Esabel Burn, Millie Carr, Flo Armstrong, Elsie M. Winskill, Evelyn Wood, Florence McCullough,
Mabel Widdowfield, Madeline M. Nickel, Annie P. Lumsden, Isabel L. Johnson, Madge M. Middlemass.
p.64 8 July 1909
Photograph of a clergyman, half-length, signed J R Croft.
p.66 2 July 1909
Signatures of Caroline J. Skinner, Florence S. Buck, Lilian M. Seeley, Adeline M. Entwisle, Minnie Taylor, Mary Fish, Winifred Hindmarch, Eleanor M. Hindmarch.
p.67 2 July 1909
Photograph, half-length, of Rev Canon J. Haworth.
p.68 2 July 1909
Poem “He who died quick with his face to the foe ...” by L. Housman, signed by M.A. Thomas.
p.69 28 June 1910
Wash drawing of a man in a cap smoking a cigar standing by the sea, signed by “[S.] M[cIntyre]”
p.71A [c.1909]
Watercolour of 4 sailing boats on a calm sea [?by Jennie Gumm].
p.73 October 1908
Watercolour of a river in moonlight in a steep-sided valley, signed “Yours sincerely Ethel Thorpe”
p.77 1906
Watercolour of a cottage with sheep by a lake, hills beyond, signed by F.H.T.
p.81 March 1909
Pen and wash drawing of a girl sitting on the floor reading a book, signed “Isabel Chandler” .
p.85 [c.1909]
Pen and wash drawing of a rider in a top hat on horseback looking at a signpost saying “Wet Paint” , guarded by 2 geese, titled “Lost! "Give thy thoughts no tongue" Hamlet” , signed
“J. Angus” .
p.95 1905
Drawing of a horse and trap stopped in a village street with a man and woman, signed “R.S.B.”.
p.103 [c.1909]
Watercolour of an [?Italian] lakeside villa.
p.105 [1909]
Pen drawing of 2 people fishing in a boat on a lake by a cottage, signed “Margaret McColvin St Hild's College Durham 1907-1909” .
p.113 February 1909
Watercolour of 4 sailing boats on a calm sea, signed “With best wishes from Jennie E. Gumm” .
p.121 [c.1909]
Watercolour sketch of 3 sailing boats [?by Jennie Gumm].
p.123 31 January 1910
Pen and wash drawing of an old [?Dutch] man, signed “C.P.C” .
p.143 14 July 1910
Pen drawing caricature of a man in waiscoat and cufflinks declaiming, by H. Bell.
p.147 14 March 1911
Pen drawing of a man and woman sitting at the tea table, the man staring forlornly, the woman reading the paper, titled “The Suffragette Husband” , signed “S. D'A.” and
“N.J.F.” and “With Apologies” .
UND/F9H/H2 [c.1920s]
Album of views of St Hild's College, interiors and exteriors, and also views of Durham.
Titled on the front “St Hild's College Durham” with the shell emblem.
On the back: “Photographed and Printed by P.A. Buchanan & Coy. Croydon, Surrey” (probably only nos.2-13 only by Buchanan).
1. Durham Castle, from the riverbank, drawing, by “TC” .
2. St Hild's College from across the Wear by the Racecourse.
3. The south front of St Hild's College.
4. View of Durham cathedral from St Hild's College terrace.
5. St Hild's College from Pelaw Wood.
6. St Hild's cloisters exterior and garden demonstration plot.
7. St Hild's chapel interior looking east.
8. St Hild's library interior.
9. St Hild's art room interior, chairs and easels.
10. St Hild's dining room interior.
11. St Hild's JCR interior, chairs, tables, plants.
12. St Hild's West Room interior, stage, piano, chairs against the walls.
13. St Hild's Botany Room interior, work benches, sinks.
14. Durham cathedral from the south west across the river, drawing, by “TC”
15. Durham cathedral choir interior looking east, drawing, by “TC” .
16. View of the east end of Elvet Bridge from the south showing jutted-out houses.
17. Distant view of Durham Cathedral from the south-east.
18. View of Finchale Abbey from the top of the entrance road to the south-west.
Card album, 8f, with BW prints/postcards stuck in, and 3 BW prints loose
Given by the relative of an unnamed former St Hild's student of the 1920s, June 2010, Acc No Misc.2009/10:160.
Digitised material for Album of views of St Hild's College, interiors and exteriors, and also views of Durham, c1920 - UND/F9H/H2 UND/F9H/H3 [1937 x 1939]
“St. Cuthbert” dissertation by A.M. Longstaff of St Hild's 1937-1939, with illustrations, plans, and [contemporary[ BW photographs of Lindisfarne priory
Paper file
UND/F9H/H4 [c.1908] - 2014
Material collected for a biography of Hilda Dukes (1886-1976), who trained at St Hild's 1906-1908 and then taught and lived in Middlesbrough.
1 file
Given by the compiler, Judy Harris, 10 February 2014, Acc No.
Digitised material for Material collected for a biography of Hilda Dukes (1886-1976), who trained at St Hild's 1906-1908 - UND/F9H/H4UND/F9H/H4/1-16 [c.1908]
Postcards of St Hild's College buildings, students and activities.
1. View of the college and grounds from across the river.
2. College chapel exterior, W end, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
3. College chapel exterior, S side, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
4. College main buildings and chapel, by George Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
5. Classroom interior, desks with papers on, pictures on the walls, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
6. [JCR] interior, by G.O. Fillingham, City Studio, Durham.
7. Corridor with plants in the windows.
8. Rev Canon Haworth, half-length, by Andrews & Co, Durham.
9. Hockey team, outside, 16 girls, in dark dresses and light neckties, some with college badges [colours], with hockey sticks and balls, also with a lady and [Canon Haworth].
10. Group of 11 girls in various skirts and light-coloured shirts, with 2 female and 1 male [members of staff], outside.
11. Group of 13 girls, in dark skirts, light shirts and striped neck-ties, one holding a skull and cross-bones plaque, [perhaps the Thirteen Society], outside.
12. Group of 14 girls and female ?staff in various [smart] shirts and skirts, outside.
13. View from above of a tea party outside, tables and chairs on the lawn, lots of ladies in hats.
14. View of a tea party outside, tables and chairs on the lawn, lots of ladies in hats.
15. Man in jacket and tie, moustache, half-length, by S.A.P. & Co, D[urham].
16. Lady standing, dark dress, holding a chair, [in a photographer's studio].
16 BW postcards
UND/F9H/H4/17-18 [c.1970]
Photos of the entrance area to St Hild's college, taken from the grounds below.
2 BW prints
UND/F9H/H4/19 [c.1955]
Brochure for the Church of England's 26 teacher training colleges, including St
Hild and St Bede 
, with images of all of them, and some information on their strengths and development plans.
Printed paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H4/20 February 2014
Biography of Hilda Dukes, a chronology of her and her parents and family, copies of two of the documents cited therein (St Hild's admission registers for September 1906) with a list of all the postcards in her album (including those listed above
and the Middlesbrough ones give away to Teesside Archives).
Paper file
UND/F9H/H5 [early 1920s]
Notes of Dorothy Gardner (1900-1992) [when at St Hild's College].
2 books
UND/F9H/H5/1 [early 1920s]
History Notes of Dorothy Gardner, mainly Ancient History
Paper book, hard covers detached
UND/F9H/H5/2 [early 1920s]
Divinity Notes of Dorothy Gardner
A Syllabus of Lessons on the Old and New Testaments, (National Society Depository), 24p, anotated, inscribed “Dorothy Gardner, Student Teacher, Christ Church School, Lancaster, 1923”
Examination in Religious Knowledge, 28th June, 1924. Seniors, 8p, printed exam paper
Paper book, soft covers
UND/F9H/H6 [later 20th century]
“Eight Days in Oxford” memoir of a visit by Maud Littlewood (the author), Carrie Cope and Annie Lincoln, Easter 1925
Paper file
UND/F9H/H7 1891 - 1892
Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by “Training Room” students at the college of St Hild, most dedicated to the album's former owner, Mary Hindmarsh (a.k.a. Polly) (1872-1895), then a
senior student at the college. Hindmarsh was the second of ten children of Thomas Hindmarsh by his second wife Sarah, three of whose daughters were school teachers: the family farmed at Carr Edge near Humshaugh, Northumberland, until c. 1960.
Contributors (with folio number): Annie (1), Jennie Dodd, Haltwhistle (2), Clara Smith (6), Lizzie Miller (8), Nellie Todd (9), Jennie Widdowfield (11), Sarah Henderson (god-child of Mary Hindmarsh) (12), E. Barron (16), Ada Lee (17), E. M. Elsom
(20r), Mamie Widdowfield (20v), Maggie Graham (23), Maggie Brown (25), M.A. Hunt (28), J. Armour (29), Annie M. Snowdon (32), Blanche Smith (33), Georgie Aird (34v), Alice Appleby (37), Alice Greaves (39), J. Hutchinson, Newbrough (40), Louie (42),
Clara (43), Nellie Havelock (44v), Lizzie Hughes (46), Dinah A. Maxwell, Aspatria (47), Beattie Todd (48), Mary C. Hunter (49v), L. Acornley (51), E.M. Ablett (52), Fanny Wright (53), Lissie (55), Jessie (56), Mary Rudkin (59), Sally Carlile (62v),
Lilian (64), E.S. Proudfoot (67), Ada Reed, Lanchester (70), Edith Blackah (72), Mary (74), Kate McMinnes (75), Annie Charlton, Newbrough (79), H. Bulman (82), M.J. Yeaden (84).
While the messages, poems and sentiments are in the main part conventional, the following are noted for their originality, local relevance, or quality.
Paper book, 87f; f.39-40 loose
Misc.2014/15:99: donated by Peter Bolton, executor of Marjorie Hindmarsh (1923-2014), the niece of Mary Hindmarsh, 6 July 2015.
Digitised material for Album of autographs, drawings, watercolours, sketches and poems by “Training Room”, 1891 - UND/F9H/H7 f. 4v-5 [1891 x 1892]
“Language of stamps”: an anonymous (conventionally) coded lovers' penny stamp discourse, with key.
f. 25 1 November 1891
“The College Alphabet” by Maggie Brown: ‘A for the angels of blushing eighteen / B for the beaux which the angels have seen ...’ etc.
f. 32 14 June 1891
Pen and ink sketch of unidentified steepled church beside river, with footbridge, by Annie M. Snowdon.
f. 34v-35 [1891 x 1892]
“Sunday in College” by Georgie Aird: ‘On Sunday morn at seven we stir ...’.
f. 37 [1891 x 1892]
“The Fashions” by Alice Appleby: ‘I despise this way of wearing / Gowns that trail into the dust ...’.
f. 48 [1891 x 1892]
Fine ink spatter stencil of delicate multifoliate plant leaves, by Beattie Todd.
f. 49v [1891 x 1892]
Ink wash painting of figure from behind, holding an umbrella and a placard reading “To Fourstones” [near Hexham].
f. 50 1892
Autograph list of senior students at St Hild's College, 1892, with (sometimes two) addresses: May Hindmarsh, H[Ettie] J. Braid, H[annah] Bulman, Jennie Widdowfield, M[amia] Widdowfield, Madge Hopper, Maggie Brown, Georgie Aird, Alice Appleby,
Nellie Havelock, Mary Waldron, Emma Tiffen, Alice Greaves, Annie Goodenough, Ada Reed, Daisy Wilkinson, Lilian J. Thom, Lizzie Hughes, Isa Stothert, Jennie Dodd, Julia Armour, Jennie Swinburn, Sallie Carlile, M[aggie] A. Hunt, Maggie Gray, Annie M.
Snowdon, Edith Blackah, B[arbara] J. Rochester, Mary Jameson, Mary Hunter, Connie Milner, Mary Hindmarsh.
f. 55 [1891 x 1892]
“A wish”, an acrostic poem by Lissie: ‘Many joys be thine my Dear / And much success this present year’.
f. 74 27 September 1891
“Be amongst the few”, poem by Mary: ‘There are some who smile, but more that weep / There are some who wake, but more that sleep ...’.
f. 81 [1891 x 1892]
Pen and ink sketch of a leaning finger post, pointing to Charlton and to Fourstones, with a broken fence and a sitting bird, by J.S. [?Jennie Swinburn].
UND/F9H/H8 1973
Bede '1300' a collection of information to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Venerable
Bede, with some annotations by Pat Woolstenholme.
Paper file of printed booklets
Pat Woolstenholme's (d.2000; Hild 
1939-1941); brought in after her death by Elizabeth Wilson.
UND/F9H/H9 1977 - 1979
Memoirs of Lillian Davidson (nee Smith, St Hild's 1915-17), 3 versions:
“Memoirs 1896-1977” (November 1977), 31f.
“Life in a middle class home in the late 19th and early 20th century” (1979), 17f
“Consett District Circa 1900 top 1914+”, [1979], 27f.
4. Covering letter, 3 November 1979.
Paper file
UND/F9H/H10 [c.1906] - 2008
Memoir and photos etc of Annie Hilda Woods nee Hossent (1892-1971, St Hild's 1910-12).
1. Memoir of Hilda and Jimmy Woods, compiled 1996 and 2008.
2. BW postcard of [?Darlington High School] hockey team (11), outside, in dark gymslips, 7 with badges on their left breast, white shirts, dark ties, with sticks and a ball, [c.1906]
3. BW postcard of [?Darlington High School] hockey team (11), outside, in dark skirts, white shirts (6 with badges on their left breast), and ties, with sticks and a ball (Hilda R end of middle row), [c.1908]
4. BW postcard of a group of 11 [?St Hild's] girls (including Hilda, R end of front row), in dark dresses and [white] shirts
5. BW postcard of Hild Hossent, head and shoulders, c.1912
6. BW postcard of Hilda Hossent, full length, in girl guide uniform, c.1912.
7. BW print of a girl guide group (33), all in uniform, Hilda Hossent identified, c.1912.
8. BW postcard of Carlisle Cathedral from the NW, c.1912, Valentine's Series
9. BW print of St Hild's College, from the gardens below, c.1912
10. BW print of Durham, cathedral and castle, from ?the railway station, c.1912
11. St Hild's College Association membership card for Annie H. Hossent, 30 June 1912
12. St Hild's College Association life membership card for Hilda Annie Woods, c.1960.
13. Colour postcard of Durham, Browns boathouse and Elvet Bridge with a four rowing by, c.1970, PT20658.
14. Colour postcard of Durham and the cathedral from Observatory Hill, 2 girls in the foreground, c.1970, by J. Arthur Dixon, Dur.6591
Paper file
Given by her great-nephew, Michael Newsom, May 2013.
Digitised material for Memoir and photos etc of Annie Hilda Woods nee Hossent (1892-1971, St Hild's 1910-12) - UND/F9H/H10 UND/F9H/H11 April 1914
Florence Garry's archbishops' certificate of her passing Divinity 2nd class as a St Hild's student for 2 years.
Parchment, 1m
UND/F9H/H12 1938 - 1949
Certificates, testimonials, and St Hild's dissertations of Mary Moffat Anderson nee Payne (b1922, St Hild's 1940-42).
Paper file
Given by Jim Payne, nephew, [c.2104].
Her college group photo 1942 is now UND/F9H/FA1942.
UND/F9H/H12/1-6 1938 - 1942
Certificates of Mary Moffat Payne (St Hild's 1940-42):
1. Joint Matriculation Board School Certificate, July 1938
2. St John Ambulance Air Raid Precautions 16 December 1940
3. St John Ambulance First Aid March 1941
4. Archbishops' for Divinity 1942
5. Joint Examinations Board for Training Colleges 1942
6. Board of Education Certificated Teacher recogintion, 1 August 1942
Paper file
UND/F9H/H12/7-11 1942 - 1949
Testimonials for Mary Payne:
7. W.M. Shepherd, headmaster of Berwick Grammar School, 11 February 1942
8. W.B. Hicks, vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 15 February 1942
9. Angel Lawrence, principal of St Hild's College, July 1942
10. T. Scott, headmaster Bell Tower Senior School Berwick, 10 May 1943
11. T.S. Alder, Amble CE School, 4 April 1949
Paper file
UND/F9H/H12/12 22 July 1942
Letter from Angel Lawrence congratulating Mary Payne on her exam results.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H12/13 29 July 1942
Letter from Mary Payne to the Morpeth Girls' High School reporting her exam results.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H12/14 [November 1943]
Mary Payne's draft application for the post of Certificate Assistant teacher in the junior department of Amble County Primary School.
Paper, 2f
UND/F9H/H12/15 [1942]
“Handwork” by Mary Payne, St Hild's College, including drawings and examples of materials, with contents:
The History of Craftwork, Handwork through the School, Paper and Cardboard Work, Basketry, Raffia, The History of Books, Tools, Woodwork in Schools, Colour, Knitting, The History of Needlework, Needlework in Schools, Pattern Drafting, Kimano
Block Pattern, Weaving, Suggested Reference Books.
Paper file, 62f, in boards tied together with cord
UND/F9H/H12/16-17 [1942]
“A Few Studies in the Appropriation of Religious Teaching” by Mary Payne of St Hild's College, two versions, contents:
General Religious Tendencies, Determining Factors, Illustrations from Christian Saints, Bilbiography.
2 paper files, of 83f and 84f, each in card covers with treasury tags
UND/F9H/H13 1905
Album of poems and drawings of Belle Woodburn, The Beeches, Eden Thank, Grange o' Sands, [given to her] by her brother Ted for her birthday 14 January 1905, and filled with entries from her fellow students at St Hild's:
Two drawings of Scotsmen, with verses, by Flo Johnson, November 1905.
College Memories (an alphabetical list of college features) by A. Rushforth, lecture hall, January 1905.
Just a Line, poem, by Lena Harle, brotherhood St Hilds.
The Staff, poem, by ?AML, rookery, 15 November 1905.
Drawing of a flower, with a verse, by Flo Woodward, The Bailey, 1 December 1905.
Belle (limerick), with a drawing of a Scotsman, by A. Tinmouth.
Map showing course of True Love River, by D. Bailey, rookery.
The Rookery, poem by A. Zaida M. Wharam.
A Correlation Scheme, by one of the wild beasts, the menagerie, 16 November 1905.
Who Wrote Shakespere's Plays, by Ella Duckworth, the menagerie, 23 March 1905.
Drawing of flowers and a poem by K. Baldwin, lecture hall.
Drawing of ships and flowers with a poem by A.E. Gleeson (with a note on her injury), 3 March 1925.
Requisite contents of a lady's dressing case, by Edie Cawthorne, 1905.
A week at St Hild's, with drawings, by Alice Graham, 15 November 1905.
Drawing of a man, with a verse, by Annie Miller, 6 December 1905.
Advice to girls on airing beds, by Ellen A. Madge, lecture hall, 28 November 1905.
Verse by B. Lowden, 20 May 1905.
Drawing of flowers, by Jenny Carter, lecture hall.
Drawing of 5 black and white minstrels, with a verse, by Blanche Kershaw, School House, Gilsegate, 24 February 1906.
Remembrance verse with a drawing, by Ethel Terry, lecture hall, 30 November 1905.
A lonely spot, by Maud E. Sowersby, November 1905.
Wordsworth verse in a flowered frame, by Sally Miller, lecture hall.
Verse in a flowered frame, by Alice Robinson, lecture hall.
Sayings of some of our girls, by Bessie Dobson, 30 November 1905.
Drawing of two men with umbrellas, with a verse, by Marion Sowersby.
Poem by M. Wakely, 5 December 1905.
St Hild's Staff poem, by M.R..
Scraps from Real Life, with a drawing of a student, by Ethel M. Henderson, 16 March 1905.
Drawings of cats and St Hild's students, by Milie Wakely.
More College Memories, with drawings, by A. Hutchinson, a brother rook.
Watercolour of a mill by Lil Hook.
Love's Thermometer, by M.I. Sedgwick, the rookery.
Reminiscences of St Hild's, with drawings, by Edith A. Beattie, 25 November 1905.
St Hild's verse, by Millie Bartle, 29 November 1905.
Lest we forget, by M. Munslow, lecture hall, 16 November 1905.
The Royal Game, drawing of a hockey player, with a verse, by Minnie Taylor, 27 November 1905.
First Night in St Hild's verse, by Edith Rodham, 28 November 1905.
A few lines from a bashful poetess poem, by Mary H. Foster, lecture hall, 27 November 1905.
Belle verse, in a colour drawing, by Eva M. Howey, lecture hall, 29 November 1905.
Drawing of a bird and branches, by E.M.W., 30 November 1905.
The School of Rooks poem, by Belle Woodburn, lecture hall, 20 November 1905.
Poem by Annie Wardropper.
Verse and colour watercolour of flowers, by Ethel Clarke.
Addresses of various students.
Paper book, in red gold edged covers titled “Autographs”
Size: 170 x 205mm
Digitised material for Album of poems and drawings of Belle Woodburn, The Beeches, Eden Thank, Grange o' Sands, 1905 - UND/F9H/H13 UND/F9H/H14 [c.1960]
“The Play of St Hild” by D.R.W. Carr, with details of performances, including in St Hild's chapel 11 March 1956.
Paper file
UND/F9H/H15 [c.1965]
“Old Durham Gardens A True and Authentic History by an Ex-Historian”, including verse recitations by three “previous occupiers of the site” .
Paper file, 3f
UND/F9H/H16 [1963]
“A Guide to the Staff of St. Hild's College Indispensable to all Students”, in verse, by J.E.P.
Paper file, 4f
UND/F9H/H17 [c.2000]
“Durham Women Graduates”, by Lilian Groves, describing the early women students/graduates of the university.
Paper file, 4f
UND/F9H/H18 [c.1983]
“Ruth's Historical Record”, detailing physical alterations to St Hild's 1956-1983.
Paper notebook, soft covers
UND/F9H/H19 16 June 1910
Sales particulars for the Rockhurst estate, 5 miles east of Grinstead, Sussex, with photographs and a plan.
Printed paper booklet, damaged by damp
UND/F9H/H20 1933
The Growth of Wisdom from The Testament of Beauty by Robert Bridges, printed by M.I. Greenhough
Paper booklet, in half-leather buckram covered boards, stamped with spandrels of leaves and flowers
UND/F9H/H21 1915 - 1916
Letters and cards received by Annie Lincoln (St
Hild's 1914-16) from Herbert Meredith (Bede 1914-15), with covering letters between Margaret Mowat and Lilian Groves, and notes on the careers of Meredith and Lincoln.
Paper and card file
Given by Mrs Margaret L. Mowat, 15 January 1994.
UND/F9H/H21/1 20 September 1915
Letter from H[erbert] Meredith to [Annie] Lincoln (transcription):
Trooper H Meredith/ 2488 KORR NY/ Yarmouth Troop/ Rendlesham Park/ Nr Woodbridge/ Suffolk/ 20th Sept 1915
Dear Miss Lincoln
I must apologise for not having answered your letter sooner but you see life has been so much the same day by day that there has been nothing to write about. However I was glad to hear that you had spent a real good holiday & I have no doubt
that you have returned to the sacred precincts "like a giant refreshed with new wine". I know you will have a real good senior year & I am only sorry that I am not coming to Durham next Monday to make things hum. You know what it would mean to
you mssung your senior year. I can just fancy you enjoying the usual "teaching prac:" & I can also imagine the returning Bedeites enjoying the "usual ham" supper. However these things must rest on one side for a while - sterner duty is before us
- we are equipped for the Dardanelles & are expecting to sail any day. Its rather a record don't you think? to train as a perfect soldier in one's summer vac. & to be ready for the fray. I dont know whether you know the other Bedeites here
or not - Carruthers, Jolly & Haveron. We have a good time together & of course, with true college spirit, mean to stick together through thick & thin. "Bede for ever". Since leaving Norwich we have spent 5 weeks at Colchester - one of
the sternest of military camps. We had regular army officers & I can tell you they put us through the mill - we soon learnt to be circus acrobats & now I think we are all pleased to get away to the front from that camp.
You'll most likely have a number of chaps from other colleges in Bede this year but of course your college must still keep as far off as ever. You must not be allowed to be any more friendly because they are Southerners.
I hope you'll remember me to Mr & Mrs Oliver & your friends Misses B & R. I haven't really time to write to all.
If I don't ring off now you'll be thinking I've got too much time on my hands so awaiting a reply I am yours sincerely H Meredith
Paper, 2f
UND/F9H/H21/2 2 February 1916
Letter from Herbert Meredith to [Annie] Lincoln (transcription):
2488 Tpr H Meredith/ Signalling Troop/ Headqtrs/ Estn Mtd Bde/ B.M.E.F./ 2/2/16
Dear Miss Lincoln
Its such a time since I wrote to you that I dare say it will give you a start when you receive a letter from me. However I hope the shock is not too great for you and that you will soon reply. (Excuse hurry)
I suppose by now you will have heard of the evacuation of the peninsula. we were amongst the last to leave at Anzac but we got away without a "hitch". We were landed here, the day before Xmas, in Alexandria, and spent the 25th in pouring rain,
erecting tents, which, since that time have served as our shelters against most terrific rains & storms of wind & sand. They say it never rains in Egypt but for my part I never want to experience a wetter week than the Xmas week was here.
Of, course we are on the beach and that account for the storms.
As you will see by the address we have been transferred to the Bde Sig Troop and we are now busy with the "iddi umpty" all day long. Its rather interesting after the monotony of the peninsula.
Alexandria is a very interesting place. Full of shops - natives in all colours of dresses (you can't distinguish them from English ladies) selling all kinds of useless stuff - mostly Brumagem ware. They hum round one like bees and shout their
wares & prices at the top of their voices. They have to be pushed over to get rid of them. Of course all the beauties are veiled, though French & italian girls are sometimes to be seen. However, if I go on you'll think I'm too much in the
know respecting the fair sex.
Did you get the letter Carruthers & I wrote to you and Ruth. (Excuse me using this name but its all I know.) It was rather a "rum" lot don't you think. We were just going to the trenches when we wrote it & were just in such a hurry that I
think we made rather a mess of it - and our last envelope & sheet of notepaper too.
How's your senior year going on? We get plenty of news of Bede - rather a queer lot there by all accounts. You'll not know anything about this though (whatr.)
Will you please give my respects to Mr & Mrs Oliver. I never find time to write but I often think of them.
I hear you are learning nursing. Are you at all proficient yet? If so Oh! to be wounded! There are hundreds of nurses here.
Movement is very slow in modern warfare & I don't know how long we are going to be in finishing the Germans. I hope it will be soon. I long to see even Durham again. I often dream of the cool shady banks of the Wear when sitting in a blazing
sun surrounded by a dreary waste of sand.
Did you have a merry Xmas. We did our best to make things jolly & we nearly succeeded. By the way our friend Jolly (alias Bottom) left the peninsula with dissentry & is now in hospital in England.
Of course I'm not writing a book! This is just a short letter but I'm afraid this will be too interesting for you all at once. However I expect you to do your best to survive the ordeal and if you do, test my abilities of doing the same.
Wishing you a right happy & prosperous new year I am yours very sincerely Herbert Meredith
Paper, 6f
UND/F9H/H21/3 7 December 1916
Christmas card from Herbert Meredith to Annie [Lincoln], with an image of a camel in front of a pyramid, and KORR GVR on the dorse, (transcription):
H?M Egypt 7/12/16
Xmas Greetings 1916
Dear Annie
Accept with this my heartfelt best wishes for a merry Xmas and a bright a happy New Year. May the war soon end and may we soon meet again. Yours very sincerely Bert Meredith
As slow our ship her foamy track
Against the wind was cleaving,
Her trembling pennant still look'd back
To that dear isle 'twas leaving.
So loth we part from all we love,
From all the links that bind us;
To turn our hearts, as on we rove,
To those we've left behind us!
And when in other climes, we meet
Some isle or vale enchanting,
Where all looks flowery, wild, and sweet,
And nought but love is wanting;
We think how great had been our bliss
If heaven had but assign'd us
To live and die in scenes like this,
With some we've left behind us.
Card, 3f
UND/F9H/H21/4 [December ?1916]
Christmas card from Herbert Meredith [to Annie Lincoln] with a signed photo of himself in uniform and printed “To Wish You a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year”
Card, 4f, bound with a decorative red cord
UND/F9H/H22 [c.1960]
Biography of Miss Winifred Hindmarch (St Hild 1894-1896), one of the university's first 3 women graduates, extracted from
St Hild's College 1858-1958 by Angel Lawrence.
Paper, 1f
UND/F9H/H23 1931 - 1932
Photocopies (c.2010) of certificates and photographs of Nancie Blenkinsop (St Hild's 1930-1932):
1. BW print of the first session of rounders: group of 17 ladies in gymslips in a field, May 1931.
2. Page of a photo album with 2 BW prints of the chapel interior (later Joachim Room) looking east, 1931.
3. Archbishops' Certificate for Nancie Blenkinsop, 2nd class, 1932.
4. Joint Board's Final Examination pass certificate for Nancie Blenkinsop in: English, Elementary Science, Music, Drawing, Handiwork and Needlework (all ordinary courses) and French (advanced course).
Paper file
Given by Mr E.N. Coates of Poole, c.2010.
UND/F9H/H24 7 June [1950]
Letter from Lucy Reeve at University of Durham Institute of Education to Ron Southgate at Boys' Residential Camp School at High Wycombe: asking for help to build up a collection of children's work, comments on the recent reunion, news of her
sculpting work.
Paper, 1f + envelope
UND/F9H/H25 [?1878]
Photocopy of an album of Miss Laura [?Watts] with poems, messages, memoirs to her from her colleagues.
Paper file, 22f
UND/F9H/H26 [c.1990]
Nina M.E. Joachim (1914-1997), “Unfinished Portrait”, memoir of her life from childhood to retirement.
Paper book, iv + 130p
Given by Lilian Groves, 18 September 2017, Acc No Misc.2017/18:17.
UND/F9H/H27 1936 - [?1995]
Material of Lilian Groves:
Lilian Groves, “St Hild's School & its influence on the development of St Hild's College The First 60 years”, [?1995], paper file, 31f + 1f
British Medical Association Report of the Physical Education Committee (April 1936), paper book, x + 62p
2 items
Given by the author, 18 September 2017, Acc No Misc.2017/18:17.
UND/F9H/H28 1901 - 1902
2 poetry books given as St Hild's College prizes to Eleanor Dickinson in Midsummer 1903, signed by the principal J. Haworth.
2 printed books
Given by Eleanor Dickinson's friend's great niece, July 2018, Acc No Misc.2017/18:124.
UND/F9H/H28/1 1902
Poetical Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson (Edinburgh; W.P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell), given as second prize for Euclid
Printed paper book, viii + 568p
UND/F9H/H28/2 1901
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (London; Henry Frowde), given as first prize for Geography
Printed paper book, viii + 878p
UND/F9H/H29 1810 - 1889
Volumes of pressed flowers and plants, most identified and dated with the location of where found, with most being from Britain and the Alpine region of Austria, North Italy and Switzerland, and most recorded as found in 1873, 1881 or 1883.
7 paper books with pressed plants stuck in
UND/F9H/H29/1 1810, 1835, 1860 - 1884
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Switzerland
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/2 1842 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Italy
1a. Clematis recta, woods above Varenna [Italy] 1880
1. Atragene alpina, Steinach [18]7[4], Varenna 1880; Clematis vitalba
2. Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Steinach [18]74; Thalictrum flavum
3. Thalictrum minus; T[halectrum] alfinum
4-5. Blank
6. Anemone nemorosa (M); A[nemone] alpina [18]73
7. Grion above Bex [1875]; Anemone narcissiflora, Kleine Windgelle [18]69 [Switzerland]
8. Anemone sulphurea [18]69; A[nemone] vernalis
9. Anemone hepatica, woods above Lienz [Austria], 1873; Anemone Halleri, Sion [Switzerland] 1875
10. Anemone ranunculoides, June 1876 on the pass between Jaun [Switzerland] and Chateau-d'Oex [Switzerland]; Anemone pulsatilla, Padauner Kogel [Austria] ([Tyrol]) near Gries [Austria], May 1882
11. Adonis vernalis, Sion [Switzerland] [18]75
12. Adonis autumnalis, Sion [Switzerland] 18[75]
13. Ranunculus montanus, Schlusseljoch [Italy] [18]73; Ran[unculus] pyrenaeus, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73; R[anunculus] sardous 1873
14. Ran[unculus] rutacfolius[?], 1873; R[anunculus], pass above Pflersch [border between Italy and Austria]
15. Ranunculus hirsutus ?, San Dalmazzo di Tenda [France] June1883; Ranunculus aconitifolius Oberalp Pass [Switzerland] [18]69
16. Ranunculuus Thora, above Varenna [Italy] 1880; R[anunculus] ? trilobus San Dalmazzo [France] 1883; Ran[unculus] auricomus, Hitcham, Suffolk [18]59
17. Ran[unculus] parviflorus (Y) [18]74; Ran[unculus] sceleratus (Y)) [18]74
18. Ranunculus pseudofluitans (Y) [18]74
19. R[anuculus] hederaceus (Y); Ran[unculus] triochophyllus (Y))
20a. R[anunculus] lenormandi, Poole Junit [?] 2, Dorset 1875
20. Double buttercup, foot of Hartshill (near M); R[anunculus] bulbosus (M)
21. Ranunculus arvensis (Y); R[anunculus] gramineus, Sion [Switzerland] [18]75
22. Ranunculus narcissifolius, slopes of Diablerets Auzeindaz [Switzerland] 1875; Myosurus minumus (Y) [18]76
23. Unidentified
24. Caltha palustris
25. Trollius europaeus, Pilatus [Switzerland] 1869
26. Helleborus foetidus, Abeyele [?] 1860
27. Helleborus viridis (M); Helleborus niger, on the Mittagskogel [Austria] in the Saucthal [?] [18]73
28. Aquilegia nigricans, above Varenna [Italy] 1880; A[quilegia] viscosa, San Dalmmazzo 1883; Aquilegia pyrenacia, above Varenna [Italy] 1880
29. Aquilegia vulgaris (Y) [18]74; Aquilegia alpina, Engadin [Switzerland]
30. Delphinium consolida, Steinach [18]74; Aconitum lycoctonum 1869
31. Aconitum napellus (Y) 1873; Delphinium ? ajacis
32. Aconitum ruitratum [?] [?] variegatum, N[orth] Tyrol [18]75; Actaea spicata
33. Aconitum 2 variegatum, San Martino 1881; Berberis?
34. Delphinium?, San Dalmazzo [France] 1883; Nymphaea alba
35. Nuphar lutea/leaf [?]
36. Papaver dubium, Cambridge
38-39. Blank
40. Glaucium luteum, Lyme [Dorset] 1870; Hypecoum procumbens, Bordighera June 1883
41. Fumaria capreolata; Corydalis lutea (Y)
42a. Fumaria parviflora
42. Corydalis solida, Aufder [?] Plecken [18]73
43. Blank
44. Fumaria officinalis (M)
45-46. Blank
47. Cheiranthus leiterthal 1871; [?] Car[isbrook] 1842
48. Nast[urtium] officinale (Y), Nasturtium palustre (M)
49. N[asturtium] sylvestre, Treut 1882
50. Barbarea vulgaris
51. Nasturtium palustre
52. Arabis hirsuta (Y) [18]73; Switz[erlan]d 1869
53. Switzerland [18]69, Arabis bellidifolia; Arabis auriculata, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73
54. Alyssum incanum, Tyrol [Austria] [18]73; Switzerland [18]69
55. Tyrol [18]71; ? 1880
56. A[rabis] caerulea; Arabis bellidifolia, near Obernberg, N[orth] Tyrol [Austria] 1882; A[rabis] turrita tenda 1883
57. Blank
58. Cardamine impatiens 1883; Matthiola incana, Bordighera [Italy], June [18]83
59. Tyrol [Austria] [18]71; Cardamine pratensis (Y) [18]73
60. Cardamine hirsuta (Y) [18]73; C[ardamine] alpina, Va[a]lserberg [Netherlands] 1880; S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; C[ardamine] amara, Splugen Pass [Switzerland] 1880; Cardamine sylvatica (Y) [18]73
61a. Card[amine] impatiens, Gosford in Thursley, Surrey 1867, H.C. Watson
61. ? Arabis 1880; Cardamine asarifolia, San Dalmazzo [France] 1883
62. Dentaria perinata, woods in Valley of Alencon below Anzeindaz [Switzerland] 1875
63. D[entaria] polyphylla, woods above Leinz [Austria] [18]73; Dentaria bulbifera, Monte Croce [Italy] [18]73
64. Dentaria digitata, Vitznauerstock [Switzerland] May [18]76; ? Hesperis matronalis [Lunaria], Monte Croce [Italy] [18]73
65a. Loose watercolour of Bee Orchid, gathered near Chisbury wood, July 3 1892
65. Sisymbrium thalianum (Y); Sisymbrium Sophia, Rhone Valley, F[rance]
66. Sisymbrium strictissimum
67-68. Blank
69. Erysimum cheiranthoides
70-72. Blank
73. ?Ca[in]peritus? Brassica oleracea (Y)
74a. Sinapis [n]imentis, Cumberland WMHM
74-75. Blank
76. Diplotaxis muralis (Y)
77. A[lyssum] halimifolium, San Dalmazzo [France] June 1883; A[lyssum] [meanium] = Fars]etia incane, High Wycombe, Buck[ingham]s[hire]; Alyssum incanum or Berte[r]oa incana, Winklern [Austria] [18]71; Alyssum calycinum 1872
78. Sinapis alba, Diplotaxis muralis (Y)
79. Petricallis pyrenaica pilatus, Lunaria, Chateux d'oe [Switzerland] June [18]76; Clypeola, Switzerland [18]76]
80. Blank
81. [missing/misnumbered]
82. S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Draba aizoides, Rocher du Midi [Switzerland] June [18]76; Draba muralis (Y); Draba Verna (Y)
83. Cochlearia anglica, Alston [18]74; Cochlearia [saxatilis] 1869
84. Blank
85. S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; Camelina sativa (foetida), Chateau d'Oex June [18]76
86. Th[l]aspi arvense (Y); Murien [18]75, Thlaspi rotundifolium
87. Blank
88. Aubrieta gracca garde TAP 1883; A[ubrieta] bougainvillea TAP 1883; IIberis limifolia near La Grandola June 1883
89a. Esk between Longtown and Floriston - WMHM, Iberis amara
89. Teesdalia nudicaulis (Y); [Acthimem] soral, San Dalmazzo 1883; Iberis garrexiana, [Mt] Giacharello [France] June [18]83
90. Biscutella, Switz[erlan]d 1869; B[iscutella] burseri, Val [Cairos] May 1883
91. Isatis tinctoria, S[an] D[almazzon] 1883
92a. Lepidium ruderale, Bleworth
92. Lepidium draba; Lepidium campestre (Y) 1874
93a. L[epidium] smithii, Loch Leven, Kinross 1870
93. Lepidium grandifructum, Steinach [18]74; L[epidium] califolium, La Miniera [Italy] June 1883; Cassello [paudi]flora, [Beloidae] near Cortina, S[outh] Tyrol 1882
94. Hutchinsia alpina, Tyrol [18]73
95. Cakile maritima; Senebiera didyma (Y); Isatis tinctoria
96. Cakile euxina [?] [18]83; Rappanua rappanistum (Y) [?]
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/3 1815 - 1823
Pressed plants and flowers from England
Paper book, front cover lost
UND/F9H/H29/4 1836, 1869 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from Britain, Austria and Italy
1a. H. guttatum, San Dalmazzo, June 1883; H. jacquini, S[an] D[almazzo], 1883
1. S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, ? Leripes [?]; H. Leripes [?] Mentore [?] Ap 71 legit G.C.J; S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, H. ? lunulatum
2. Helianthemum; H.; H. Oclandicum D.C. Nanos [?], 1873
3. Helianthemum rulgare [?] (Y)
4. Helianthus, Kew; H. fumanum, Kew; H. polifolium; H. ? TAP [18]83
5. Viola arvensis Imunabile [?]; Lac Noir [18]77; Viola palustris Invernep [?]1832
6. Viola lutea, Paluzza, [18]73; Viola biflora ? 1873
7. Viola calcarata S. 1869
8. V[iola] odorata Y [18]78; V[iola] hirta [?] Y [18]78; V[iola] odorata M. [18]78
9. Blank
10. SD 1883 San Dalmazzo 1883 ?; SD 1883
11. H. picloram SD 1883; H. pulverulentum SD 1883
12. Cistus salviifolius San Dalmazzo 1883; H? SD 1883; C. albidius SD 1883
13. Reseda phyteuma, Tendra [?], 1883; Reseda lutea (M); Reseda luteola (M)
14. Drosera intermedia
15. Drosera rotundifolia, Chiavenna, 1880; Drosera anglica; D.rot, Gaspar Common Wincanton, 1880
16. (Grass of Parnassus, gathered about 1820); Parnapia [?] palustris
17. Blank
18. (8. Polygala vulgaris; Polygala calcarea); (P[olygala] calcarea, Buckland Hill, Surrey [18]70); Polygala chamaebuxus, Lieuz [?], [18]73; Polygala Schlupel joch [?], [18]73; P[olygala] vulgaris (M)
19. P[olygala] nicaeensis SD 1883; Polygala comosa SD 1883
20. Gypsophila neperus; Polygala repena [?] (M)
21. (Elatine hydropiper...212 [?]; Elatine hipetala [?], Tilgate, Sussex; Elatine hipetala [?]...on the edge of...[?]); D?...[18]84
22. Tunica saxifrage [?], Matrei [?], [18]73; Dianthus ? longicalycinus [?], S[an] Demazzo, 1883
23. Dianthus superbus, Davos [?] 1875; Dianthus monspessulanus, Cristallo nr. Ampezzo, [18]74
24. Dianthus armeria, Little Marlow; D[iantus] carthusianorum, Andermatt, [18]69
25. Dianthsus caesius [?] 1869; Dianthus? seguieri, Lugano, 1875
26. D[ianthus] deltoides, Maiden Pink, Gaiglochet [?], 1822; D[ianthus]? caesius [?], Cheddar Cliff, 1869
27. S[aponaria] officinalis (Y); Saponaria ocymoides, Tyrol, [18]72
28. Blank
29. Silene quadrifida, Schwarzen Rienzthal [?], [18]74
30. Silene museupula [?], Val Jassia [?], June 1883; S[ilene] armeria, SD, 1883
31. Silene italica, S[an] D[almazzo] 1883; Dartford, Kent, Silene gallica, Llanfairfechan [Wales], 1860.
32a. Silene conica, Ha[ddington] [Sh] [?], 1836
32. Silene noctiflora, Fields near Oare, Wiltshire 1878; Silene anglica, Oare Wiltshire 1880.
33. Silene saxifraga, Monte Generoso [Switzerland] 1875; S[ilene] ? petaca 1880; Silene otites, Trieste [Italy] [18]73
34. S[ilene] elisabethae, Rock near Riva, La[so] [?] on Ganda 1882; Silene martima, Chesil beach [Dorset]; Silene valesiaca
35. Silene nutans, Lienz [Lienz] [18]73; Silene inflata (Y)
36. Lychnis viscaria, Lienz [Austria] [18]73; Gries 1882
37. Lychnis alpina above Evolaria [?] 1875; Lychnis vespertina (Y); Lychnis diurna (Y)
38. Lychnis jos-flovis, La Miniera [Italy], June 1883; Lychnis ?, The Lido, Venice 1881
39. Lychnis Githago (M)
40a. 1670 [?] Sagina ciliata fries, Kew, Surrey 6/70, 'From J.G. Baker, Thirsk, Yorkshire
40b. Sagina linnaei, Carinis C[ap] Sutherland 1883
40. ?? 1882
41a. Sagina maritima D[ou] [?], St. David's Feifeshiva [?], Br[au]d [?], June 1836
41. ??; ??
42-44. Blank
45. Spergula nodosa, M. - 1877
46-47. Blank
48. Spergularia vulia
49. A[lsine] marina, Venice 1881; Alsine lancifolia; Moehringia polygonoides, Pilatus [Switzerland]; Moehringia muscosa, Steinach [18]74
50a. Arenaria peploides hockenya, Burnham Sands
50. Honckenya peploides; Alsine cherleri; Arenaria ciliata, Arenaria gerardi
51. A[renaria] serpyllifolia (Y); Arenaria marina, Zuarr I.W. [?]; Arenaria rubra, Earley near Reading
52. ? Buffonia
53. Arenaria ? 1880; Stellaria nemorum
54. Stellaria uliginosa (Y)
55. ?? Madonna della coroa [Italy], June 1881
56. Blank
57a. Holosteum umbellatum, Umbelliferous jagged chickweed; April 22.1827, Old city wall, North side of Norwich
57. Cerastium pumilum, Martinsell near M, 1875 JTD [?]; Val near La Miniera [18]83
58. ? S[an] D[almazzo], 18[830; Ceiart ?; ? arvense; Cerastium arvense, Oxford 1882
59. Stellaria ?; Stellaria ?; Cerar[?] ac[?]
60. Cerastium glomeratum (Y); Moenchia erecta M 1875; Moenchia erecta, Yeovil 1880; Cerastium semidecandrum, Yeovil 1880
61a. Glaux maritima, Conway N[orth] W[ales], 1053 - June [18]53
61b. Derb. Coll. Marlb., Arenaria peploides, Byde. J. W.
61. C[erastium] alpinum; Cerastium latifolium; Cerastium arvense
61ai. L[inum]] strictum, Bordighera [18]83; Linum gallicum, Bordighera [18]83
62. Linum tenuifolium; Linum alpinum, Churfirsten near Walenstadt [18]72
63. L[inum] narbonense, Ronda in Bre[gla] [?] [18]83; Linum viscosum, near Cortina, S[outh] Tyrol [Austria] 1882; Linum catharticum (Y)
64. Linum tauricum T.A.P. 1883; ? L[inum] perenne, Exmouth [18]83; L[inum] campanulatum, Arenzano [Italy], May [18]84; Radiata milli[pant], near Wellington Ci[?] 1871
65. Malva moschata (M); Linum maritimum, Sp [?]] [18]83 Bordighera
66. Malva rotundifolia (Y); Alth[a]ea officinalis
67. Althaea hirsuta, Cobham, Kent; A[lthaea] hirsuta, Bordighera, June [18]83
68-69. Blank
70. Hypericum montanum
71. Hypericum; Hypericum
72. Hypericum elodes, Waldron down, Sussex
73. Blank
74. Acer campestre, G[eranium] cinereum, garde[n] T.A.P. [18]83
75. G[eranium] macro[?], S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Geranium macro[?], T.A.P. 1883
76. Erodium macrodenum, T.A.P. 1883
77. G[eranium] aconitifolium, Zermatt; G[eramium] ?, Exmouth, Oct[ober] [18]83
78. Geranium palustre, near Muotta 1880; G[eranium] dissectum
79. Geranium molle (Y); Geranium nodosum, Val Sassina above Bellano on Lake of Como [Italy] 1880
80. G[eranium] ? found in hedge at Closworth, ? nodosum an escape; Geranium pyrenaicum; Ger[anium] pratense (M)
81. Geranium ? lividum, Matrei [Austria] [18]73; G[eranium] sylvaticum S. 1869
82. Ger[anium] phaeum; Ger[anium] columbinum (Y)
83. Geranium ? sanguineum
84. Erodium maritinium [maritimum]; Erodium romanum, La Giandola [18]83
85. Erodium moschatum (Y); Erodium circutarium (Y)
85a. Impatiens fulva, Ravensbourne, Tower by Denham, Kent, J. Britten 1864
86. Impatiens noli-tangere, Maderanertal [Switzerland] [18]74
87. Oxalis acetosella; Oxalis stricta, Varenna [Italy] 1880
88. Impat[iens] parvifl[ora], Dunder R[oofs] [Isle]worth [18]76
89. Dictamnus fraxinella, The Karst above Trieste June [18]73; Ruta graveolens, Varenna, Lake di Como [Italy]
90. Ruta ? angustifolia, Rocks on road to V[eurimyles], June 1883
91. Blank
92. Pistacia T, S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83
93. Rhamnus saxatilis above Esino Lake Como, 1880; R[hamnus] pumila, Gries [Germany] 1882
94. Rhamnus frangula, Whittlesea; Euonymus europaeus
95. Euonymus verrucosus; Euonymus latifolius, Varenna [Italy] 1880
96. Zizyphus vulgaris, Mori, S[outh] Tyrol 1882
97. Melica ciliata, Sion [Switzerland] [18]79
98-99. Blank
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/5 1885 - 1889
Pressed plants and flowers from Italy, France and Austria
1. Blank, 'At warm springs [?] Beaulieu and La....[?]...St Laurent'
2. Anemone hortensis v. pavonina, Nice [18]85; A[nemone] Stellata
3. Anemone coronaria v. phoenicea v. caerulea...[?]...badly
4-6. Blank
7. R[anunculus] pyrenaeus, Tyrol [18]87; Ranunculus muricatus, Bordighera, [18]85; R[anunculus] velutinus, Bordighera, [18]85; R[anunculus] montanus, Tyrol
8. R[anunculus] ?, [?], [18]96, pale yellow, 6 petals!
9-10. Blank
11. Adonis [?], Mar[ch]? [18]86
12. Papaver peninalifedum[?], Beaulieu, [18]86
13. Blank
14. Brayen[?] alpina, Solstein nr. Innsbruck, [18]86; Cardamine aepina [?]
15. Calepiria consini[?], Bordighera; Sinapis erucoides, Beaulieu, [18]86; Thlaspi perfoliatum, Bord[ighera]
16. Anatonmaplis[?], Seborga, [18]85; Rapharan Laudra[?]; Moricandia arvensis, Ventimiglia, [18]85
17. Erysimum repandum, Mar[ch]? [18]86; Erysimum rhaeticum, Mar[ch]? [18]86; Sinapis pubescens, Beaulieu [18[86]
18. Anabis auriculata[?], Mar[ch]? [18]86; Lunasia rediviva, Innsbruck, [18]96
19. Eragrostis pilosa, Mar[ch] ?18[86]
20-28. Blank
29. Viola mirabilis, Monte Stiro [?], S[outh] Tyrol, [18]87; Viola sciaphila, Segromigno nr. Lucca, [18]89; Drosera longifolia, Viller Moos [18]88, Innsbruck
30. Fum. parviflora, Beaulieu [18]86; Fumani? [?]
31. Blank
32. Helianthemum?; Polygala flavesceus, Segromigno, [18]89; H. morifolium, May[?], [18]86
33. Blank
34. D[ianthus] seguieri, May[?], [18]86; Dianthus glacialis, G...[?], N. Tyrol, [18]87; Cerastium ? manticum, Segromigno
35. Silene vaccaria, Bordighera, [18]85; Silene nocturna; S[axifraga?] fusca, Bordighera, [18]85
36. S. sarifroga[?], Cartel Corno [?], [18]86
37. Allium chamaemoly, Alberya[?], [18]89; Asterolinum stellatum, Ventimiglia, [18]86; Asplenium fissum, [18]89; Crucianella maritima, [18]89; Dezmageni[?]; Ultriculini[?], Viller Moos[?]
38. Astragalus vesicarius, Caussole at Grasse[?], [18]89; Linaria glauca[?], Ventimiglia, 1/7/89; Pasonichia[?] serpyllifolia, Toraggio, [18]89
39. Aristolochia pistolochia, S. Val[le??], Grane 6/6/89; Phagnalon rupestre, 24/6/89
40. Blank
41. Blank with loose pressed flower
42. Blank
43. Blank
44. Blank
45. Blank
46. Blank
47. Blank
48. Blank with loose paper: Crypsis aculeata, Albenia, 10/9/87
49. Blank
50. Geranium tuberaria, S. Renio[?] [18]85
51. Lavatera maritima, Beaulieu [England] [[18]86] Nice
52. Erodium malacoides, Bordighera [Italy] [18]85
53. Linum maritimum, Bordighera [Italy] [18]85; Oxalis lybica, Beaulieu [18]86
54. Trigonella monspeliaca, Bordighera [Italy], [18]85; Tribulus terrestris, Bordighera [18]85; Ruta bracteosa, Bordighera [18]85
55. Melilotus officinalis albo, M. Lulcata; a laye shrub, Cneorum tricoccon, Roque Criene[?]
56. Genista triangularis, Albenga [18]85; G[enista] pilosa, Albenga [18]85; G[enista] [hespide][?], Albenga [18]85
57. C[o]ytisus sessilifolius, Mon-May [18]86; Vicia [?] lens, Railway Bank n[ear] G[ries]; Anagyris foetida, Villefranche [18]86
58. Althaea ?; ?
59. Blank
60. Rhus alaternus; Saussuria alpina, Sulterkopf [?] [18]89, n[ear] Gries, N. Tyrol; Coriaria myrtifolia, Beaulieu [England] [18]68
61. Blank
62. Medicago scutellata, Ventimiglia [Italy] [18]86; Ononis breviflora [18]85
63. Lotus edulis, Beaulieu [England] [18]86
64. O[nonis] ramosissima, Sicily [18]85 C.B.; Ononis minutissima, Bordighera [18]85
65. Argyrolobium linnaeanum, Beaulieu [England] [18]86; Ornithopus compressus, Segromigno [Italy] [18]89
66. Trifolium ste[ll]atum, Bordighera [Italy]; T[rifolium] ochroleucum; Trif[olium] montanum, Bordighera; T[rifolium] tomentosum, Bordighera
66. T[rifolium] subterraneum, Segromigno [18]89; T[rifolium] angustifolium, Bordighera [18]85; T[rifolium] alpestre; T[rifolium] segromigno [18]89
67. T[rifolium] fragiferum, Segromigno [18]89; Bonjeanea hirsuta, Bordighera [18]84
68. Astragalus hamosus, C.B.; Ast[ragalus] sesameus C.B. Clarence Bicknell
69. Oxytropis nutans[?], Schap[?]il Spos[?] [18]86
70. Coronilla [memt], J[u]n[e] [`8]89; Hedysarum capitatum, Vin Re[ggio] [18]89
71. Coronilla valentina, Cliffs at Ventimiglia [Italy]; C[oronilla] montana, Mori [18]86; Hippocrepis unisiliquosa, S[an] Remo [Italy] [18]85; Coronilla vaginalis ?, Mi[n?]i [18]86; Hippocrepis ciliata, Beaulieu [18]87
72. Blank
73. Geum reptans, Windla[tin?] Valley, Aug[ust] [18]96, n[ear] Gries, N[orth]Tyrol
74. Geum reptans [sawn?] local[ity?]
75. Tetragonolobus purpureus, S[an] Remo [18]85; Lotus cytisoides, Beaulieu [18]86; Lotus ornithopodioides, Beaulieu [18]86
76. Orobus canescens, M[ount] F[on?]do n[ea]r S[an] Remo, May 19 1885; Lathyrus setifolius, Bordighera [18]88
77. Blank
78. Blank
79. Vicia ? narbonensis, Bordighera 1885; Lathyrus cicer[a?], Beaulieu [18]85
80. Lathyrus annuus, Bordighera 1885
81. V[icia] hybrida, Bordighera [18]85; Vicia atropurpurea, Bordighera 1885
82. Bona[cleris?] Securidaca, Genoa C.B.; Hedysarum coronarium, Genoa C.B.
83. S. ? muscoides; Sarif[aga?] Tonibearis Orts S'Alramo S[outh] Tyrol; Paronychia nivea, Paron Nivea, Albenga also found on Cabo, S'Amp[oglia?], and Bordighera; Sarif[aga] petraea, Car[tel?] Corno, Mori 1886; Geum repitans,
Scha[sseitupik?][18]86 n[ear] Gries, N. Tyrol
84. A[rema] ie of rimonicides[?], Sturo [18]87; Pot[iu?]tella ?
85. Asperula galioides, Bordighera [18]85; ? Bond[ona] [18]89; Tordylium lanatum, Sea[lik?] n[ea]r Eza Sh[?] 1888
86. Corynepho[rus] [ar] ticuliata, Juan les Pins 24/6/[18]89
87. Blank
88. Blank
89. Blank
90. Blank
91. Blank
92. Orlaya platyphylla
93. Bifora radians, J[riori] [18]87; Galium murale, S. Jean [18]87
94. [Arirni] majus; B. sadiacis [18]86; Tordylium maximum
95. [Loose package of flowers] M[yorhis?], Guer [18]86; Ecballium elaterium, Beaulieu [18]86; Echinophora spinosa, Bordighera [18]85;
96. Scabiosa transsylvanica; S[cabiosa] maritima, Bordighera [18]85
97. Valen[aice?] sapina, M[ou]te Baldo [ab?] Avio, S[outh] Tyroll
98. Blank
99. Centaurium tracusal[eficrian?]
100. Scorgonera[?] mar[rh?] al n[ors?] lach Gries,, N[orth] Tyrol
101. ? Brixan, Tyrol [18]86; Aster acris, Bordighera [18]85
102. Tragopogon pratensis; Tragopogon a[ur?]tralis, Bordighera, March [18]86; Diotis maritima, Bordighera [18]85
103. Anacyclus radiatus, C.B. [18]89; Carlina corymbosa, Bordighera [18]85; Scolymus hispanicus, Bordighera [18]85
104. Hieracium sabu[dum?], Mori [18]87; Sonchus maritimus, Mo[rck?] i[f?] Var Nov[ember] [18]87, n[ear] Nice; Carduus monspessulanus; Blysmus compressus
105. Gnaphalium s[fio?]num, Gries [18]89; Hieracium glanduliferum, Padaunder Beg n[ea]r Gries N[orth] Tyrol; Hyoseris radiata, Bordighera [18]8[5?]; Lapsana, Mori; Hyoseris radiata Ba[?] [18]85
106. Picridium vulgare, Bordighera [18]85; Scorzonera hispanica, Bordighera [18]85, Hieracium ligusticum, Final Marines[?], C.B. [18]85
107. Leontodon incanus, Mori [18]86; Hieracium sanalile, Mori [18]85; Bidens bipinnata, Mori [18]85
108. Crucianella angustifolia, Bordighera [18]85; Hieracium fratrum[?], Mori [18]86; Inula ensifolia, Mori [18]85
109. (Add[eis?] Fon[gu?]); H[ieraciuum] albidum, Gries [18]86; Ophioglossum lusitanicum, Antibes [18]87, C.B.; Artemisia spicata, Ve[nm?]thal, [18]86, Gries, N[orth] Tyrol; Scorzonera austriaca, Mori [18]86
110. Polygonum salicifolium, Varmouthh [18]87; Campanula macror[h?]iza, Bealieu [18]86
111. Hieracium bupleuroides, Gries 1889, N[orth] Tyrol
112. Leontodon incanus, Mori [18]86; Thymelaea hirsuta, Cannes [18]87, R.B., Bailey
113. Andropogon (1) Allioni; (2) Distachya; (3) Ischaemum[?]; (4) Hirtus; (5) Pubescens
114. Phyteuma scheuchzeri, Mori [18]86; Lasiagrostis calamagrostis, Beaulieu [18]87
115. Thymelaea dioica, C.B.; Convolvulus siculus, rediscovered at Beaulieu [18]86, not seen by the local botanist since 1854
116. C[amp?] sibirica, Mori, Oct[ober] [18]85; Con[orl?]] tricolour, Noli[?] [18]85, C.B.; Tragus racemosus, Mori Oct[ober[ [18]85
117. Amaranthus cruentus, Wa[r?]d Cr[u?]ek [1]886; Eragrostis megastachy[a?]; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi , Bondone [18]86, Rovereto (Italy); Eragrostis; Erica multiflora, Sicily C.B., found also at S. Jean
118. Cerinthe alpina minor, Mori, May [18]86; Cerinthe major = aspera, Bordighera [18]86; Cra[inor?]; Eleocharis ? acicularis, Mori [18]86
119. Bartsia latifolia, Segromigno (Italy) [18]89; Onosma stellulat[um?], Mori [18]85; Asarum europaeum, [I]gls 1896, N[orth] Tyrol
120. Alkanna tinctoria, Albenga (Italy); Lithosperm[ica?] purpureo-coeruleum, Bordighera [18]85; Hieracium sabaudum, Mori [18]87
121. Solanum sodomaeum, Sicily C.B.; Prunella hyssopifolia, C.B.
122. Pulmonaria angustifolia, Mori [18]86; Hyoscyamus albus, Beaulieu [18]87
123. Blank
124. Euphrasia tricuspidata, Mori Oct[ober] [18]85; Alectorolophus minor, Mori Oct[ober] [18]86
125. Scrophularia vernalis, Vignole (Venice); Thymus ?, Sicily, C.B.; [Feucrium?] fruticosum, Sicily C.B.; Sideritis romana, Bordighera [18]85
126. Linaria arvensis, Segronigno 1889 n[ear] Lucca, Italy, L[inaria] triphylla, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; L[inaria] chalepensis, Beaulieu n[ear] Nice; L[inaria] reflexa, Sicily, C.B. [18]85, Clarence Bicknell
127. Phlomis fruticosa, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; Antirrhinum siculum, Sicily C.B. [18]85
128. Sideritis hirsuta, Bordighera [18]85; Primula villosa, Niederberg [18]86, N[orth] Tyrol; Aretia vitaliana, M[on]te Bondone n[ear] Roverto, S[ou]th Tyrol, [?egkl[?]] yellow; Primula spectabilis, M[on]te Sca[meppia?], May [18]88, n[ear]
Roverto, S[outh] Tyrol; Gratiola [?ieinala?], Mori [18]89
129. Vilen agrius castus, Bordighera [18]85; Asteriscus aquaticus, Nice [18]87; Polygonum maritimum, Bordighera [18]85
130. Daphne gnidium, Bordighera [18]85; Daphne alpina, Mori [18]86; Aristolochia pallida, M[on]te Bignone [18]85, n[ear] S. Remo, C.B.;Aristolochia rotunda, Bordighera [18]85; Euphorbia pubescens, Bordighera [18]85
131. E[uphorbia] paralias, Bordighera [18]85; Euph[orbia] barreleri, Albe[rgia?], C.B., Clarence Bicknell, [18]85; Eup[horbia] dendroides, Rogue Brune (a large shrub) [18]85, n[ear] Nice; E[uporbia] peploides, Bordighera [18]85; E[uphorbia]
verrucosa, S. Remo [18]85
132. E[uphorbia] serrrata, B[ordigher]a, [18]85; E[phorbia] carniolica, Mori, May [18]86; Euph[orbia] falcata, Bordighera [18]85; Thelygonum cynocrambe, Beaulieu [18]86
133. Hermodactylus tuberosus, Ba [18]85; Euph[orbia] dulcis, Mori [18]86; Iris thelysia, Sicily, C[larence] B[icknell] [18]85; Euph[orbia]? cyparissias, Mori [18]86
134. Romulea bulbocodium, Sicily, C.B. 1885; R[omulea] columnae, Taggia [Italy] [18]85, E[ast] of S[an] Remo; Crocus versicolor, Madonna di Laghetto, M[onte] Bignone (4260 ft) n[ear] S[an] Remo [18]85; R[omulea] ligustica, Pegli [18]85, C.B.
n[ear] Genoa
135. Desmagenia [?], Segromigno [Italy] [18]89; Asparagus s[hp?]ularis, Sicily, C.B. [18]85; Asparagus acutifolius, Bordighera [18]85; Asp[aragus] albus, Sicily, C.B. [18]85
136. Smilax aspera, Bordighera [18]85; Agrostis rupestris, Stallerhof n[ear] Bordighera, S[outh] Tyrol [18]89
137. Plantago psyllium, Beaulieu [18]86 n[ear] Nice; Carex arenaria, S[aint] Jean [18]86, n[ear] Nice; Scirpus duvalii, Mori [18]86]
138. Carex michelii, Mori [18]86; Poa balbisii (viviparii), Mori [18]86; Imperata cylindrica, S[aint] Jean n[ea]r Nice, [18]86
139. Lily Family, Gagea liotardi, S[ainte] Agnese ab[ove] Mentone [18]85; Panicum sanguinale, Mori [18]87; Brachypodium ramosum, Beaulieu [18]86 (common on rough and dry ground); Euph[orbia] purpurata thuil[?], Euph[orbia] Julcis[?] Buerrucosa
[?] Neb[...?], Euph[orbia] alpigena Kornen[?], Mori [18]86
140. ?, Segromigna [18]89; Narcissus tazzetta, Bordigehra [18]85 (common); N[arcissus] papyraceus, Bordighera [18]85 (rare)
141. Orchis simia, Mori [18]86; Narcissus bertolonii, S[an] Remo [18]85 (rare); N[arcissus] panizzianus, S[an] Remo [18]85 (rare)
142. Ophrys bertolonii, Bordighera [18]85; Ophyrs aranifera, Bordighera [18]85; Aceras longibracteata, S[an] Remo [18]85; Ophrys basca v. Sasso, Bordighera [18]85
143. Listera cordata, Grier [18]87 (in Britain much larger[?]), In Tyrol rare; Orchis fusca, Bordighera [18]85; Coralloriza trinata, Gries [18]87, N[orth] Tyrol; O[rchis]; Orchis papilionacea, M[on]te Fondo, S[an] Remo, May 19 [18]85; Carex
144. Serapias lingua, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Longipetala, Bordighera [18]85; S[erapias] neglecta, Bordighera [18]85; Mala[ris] paludo[ra], G.E. George Evers[?] [18]87; Starmia leoseln[?], G.E. [18]87
145. Orchis conoph[..?], Bordighera [18]85; O[rchis] intacta, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Starmia Loereli, Villa Moor [18]88, N[orth] Tyrol; Orchis provincialis, Mentone [18]85 (yellow); O[rchis] laniflora, Bordighera [18]85 (purple and white)
146. Leucojum hyemale, Bealieu [18]86 (the winter snowflake only grows on a strip of coast between Nice and Italy about 22 miles long and 2 broad); Li[liar]trumalbum, C.B. [18]85; Telephium imperati, C.B. [18]85
147 (145a). Fritillaria involucrata, Roja Valley [18]85 (The Roja [?] near Colji Jerida and enters sea at Ventimiglia [Italy]); Listera cordata 1896, Gries-an-Breuner, N[orth] Tyrol
148. Scirpus ?, Via Reggis, N[orth] of Pisa; Scirpus ?, Via Reggis [18]89; Scilla Stalica, S[an] Dalmazzo [18]85 n[ear] Col di Tenda
149. [?]ugula spadicea, Mutterjoch [18]86 n[ea]r Gries, N[orth] Tryol; Melica ?; alan, Ornithhog onscapum (same family as Star of Bethlehem)
150. ? Gries [18]89; All[cii]m triguertrum[?], Bordighera [18]85; Erythronium dens canis, M[on]te Bignone [18]85 March 11 (Dogitooth violet)
151. Plantago ? Vicrorialis, Mori [18]86; P[lantago] montano, above Mori [18]86; P[lantago] ? Victorialis, M[on]te Bignone, June [18]85; Plantago lagopus, Bordighera [18]85; P[lantago] serpentine[?], MMori [18]86
152. Carex orderi[?], Mori [18]86; Carex panicea, Mori [18]86; C[arex] pniculata, Gries [18]86; N.B. names of Craex doubtful
153. Bellevalia webbiana, Bordighera [18]85; Top of spi[k]e and [p...?] of leaf of sculla.. Hyacinthoides, Mortole [18]85 (a relation[?] of our word 'hyacinth' but often 3 feet high)
154. Cyperus rotundus, Bordighera [18]85; C[yperus} ?, B[ordigher]a [18]85; B[ordigher]a [18]85;
155. This spec[ies] was taken n[...?]; Festuca ligustica, B[ordigher]a [18]85; F[estuca] myurus; Festuca uniglumis[?], Bordighera [18]85; Cynorcries[?] eskinalii [?], Segromigno [18]89 n[ear] Luccca [Italy]; Festuca leguslica, Bordighera
156. Polypogon monspeliensis, Mouth of Var n[ear] Nice [18]87; Agrostis rapertus[?], N[on]te Stevo [18]87, Rovereto [Italy]; Bromus; Agrostis; Festuca ? Segromigno [18]89; Agrostis stolonifera, Mouth of Var n[ea]r Nice [18]87
157. Alopecurus utriculatus, Lucca 1889, Foxtail swan swollen at the knots; Goat's eye, Aegilops ovata, Bordighera [18]85; Sesleria microcephala, Wilfeudom[?] [18]86 (head blue); Stipa tortilis, Villefranche [18]86; Sesleria argentea, Beaulieu
[18]87 (head silver white)
158. Kocleria villera[?], Bordighera [18]85; Aremophila arundinacea, Vis Reggio [18]89; Acra[?] cupaniana, B[ordigher]a [18]85
159. Melica major; Melica ciliata, Bordighera [18]85; Melica bauhini, B[ordigher]a [18]85
160. Briza minor, Bordighera [18]85; (the Euglist[?] form is B[riza] media); Briza maximia, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phalaris paradoxa, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phalaris minor, B[ordigher]a [18]85; Phal[aris] coerulescens, B[ordigher]a [18]85; P[halaris]
canariensis, B[ordigher]a [18]85 (commia[?] canary sian[?])
161. Notholaena villen, Sicily C.B. [18]85; Arpl ? Petrarchae, B[ordighera] [18]85; Arplen foutancens[?], B[ordigher]a [18]85
162. Posidonia, Beaulieu [18]55; Mandragora officinalis, Sicily C.B. 1885
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/6 1841 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from England, Austria, Switzerland and Germany
1. Campanula patula ? (Y) near Red House[dine], Berwick, Spreading Hairbell; Campanula rapunculoides; Camp[anula] rotundifolia, Common Hairbell
2. Campanula cenisia on the Schlossberg circa 9000 ft above Engelberg, Aug[ust] [18]74 (Switz[erlan]d)
3. C[ampanula]?, Camp[anula] latifolia, Alston, Giant Bellflower, this name mea[ns] [prufer] to C. medium [p] 8a
4. Campanula betoicicaefolia [betonicifolia?], Maderanertal [18]74, Switzerland; C[ampanula]? rhomboidalis, Zermatt [18]72, Switzerland; Campanula pusilla
5. Campanula barbata; Madonna della Corona 1882, S[outh] Tyrol; C[ampanula] glomerata, Clustered Bellflower
6. Campanula trachelium (M), Marlborough, Nettleleaved Bellflower; R? S[an] D[almazzo] [18]83; Campanula spicata, [Iselthal] [18]70, Spiked Bellflower, Tyrol
7a. Campanula hederacea, Ioy-Leaved [?] Bell-flower, Wilderness, J.W. Augist 29 1844, Susan Meyrick
7. Campanula erinoides, S[an] D[almazzo], San Dalmazzo 1883 with apennina [?] at Nice; Campanula thyrsoides, Hahrien [?] moor, Sep[tember] [18]75 above Leuk in the Simmental, Switzerland
8a. Campanula, C. medium, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; 817 Camp[anula] rap[u...], Manchester 1857
8. Madonna d[ella] Corona 1881; ?? between Paneveggio and Predazzo 1881, S[outh] Tyrol
9. Specularia hybrida, Venus' Looking Glass; Specularia speculum
10. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Red Whortleberg; Vaccinium myrtillus; V[accinium] uliginosum
11. Oxycoccus palustris, Pilatus near Lucerne, Cranberry
12. Arctostaphylos uva ursi, woods below Anzeindaz [18]75 )Switz[erlan]d), Val d'Avencon above Bex
13. Blank
14. Erica ? carnea; Erica vagana, Cornnwall, Cornish Heath; Erica cinerea Waln 1860, Fineleaved Heath
15. Erica tenax [?], Drinus [?] near Exmouth 1882; Ericaa mediterranea, Nice 1880; Erica ciliaris bet[ween] Falmouth and T[ri]zo
16a. 833 Mengiesia[?]
16. Azalea procumbens, Furea [18]69, Switzerland, Procumbeut Azalea
17. Rhododendron hirsutum, Hairy alpenrose; R[hododendron] ferrugineum, Common Alpenrose; R[hododendron] intermedium
18a. Pyrola secunda, Wigton Cumberland, vi[?]/69
18. Pyrola secunda, Wintergreen [?]; P[yrola] minor; Pyrola rotundifolia
19. P[yrola] minor, Hughenden Woods, High Wycombe; Pyrola uniflora, Largeflowered Wintergreen
20. Monotropa hypopitys, seed only, (M)arlborough [does (M) stand for Marlborough?], Yellow Bird's Nest
21-22. Blank
23. Olea Eur near S[an] D[almazzo] 1883, Olive, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; Fraxinus ornus
24. Nerium oleander, herium near Ventimiglia, June [18]83, Riviera between NIce and S[an] Remo; Vinca major
25. Jasminum fruticans, Briga near S[an] Dalmazz0 1883; Menyanthes trifoliata, Bogbean
26a. Cicendia filiformis, Pengaria, Cornwall
26. Swertia perennis, Interlaken 1878, Switzerland; Chlora perfoliata (Y), Yellow Wort
27. Gentiana amarella, (M)arlborough; Gentiana campestris [18]69; Gentiana utriculosa, Andermatt 69, Switzerland, Gentian
28. G[entiana] acaulis; Gentiana excisa; G[entiana] verna; Gentian; Gentiana ciliata
29. Gentiana ?; G[entiana] bavarica; Gentiana nivalis; Gentiana imbricata, V. of Bavaria [?]
30. Gentiana cruciata, Schliersee [18]73, Bavaria; G[entiata] lutea, Churfirsten [18]72, Switzerland
31. Gentiana purpurea; G[entiana] punctata
Gentiana asclepiadea, Reutte [18]75, Bavaria; G[entiana] pneumonanthe, Hohen Schwangau [Hohenschwangau] [18]75, Bavaria
33. Gentiana lutea, Champery [18]77, Switzerland
34-37. Blank
38a. Erythraea centaurium from an old Herbarium, f 38 [?], [overleaf] Pent. Digymia, Gentiana Centaurium
38. Dwarf specimen, Sulton bergham [?]; Erythraea centaurium (M), Centaury
39. Polemonium caeruleum, Da[u]os 1875, Switzerland, Jacob's Ladder
40a. Convolvulus sold[anella], Sea Bindweed, Chessel Beach, Isle of Scotland, August 1841, Emma Meyrick
40. Convolvulus arvensis (M), Lesser Bindweed; Convolvulus sepium (M)arlborough, Greater Bindweed
41. Convolvulus althaeoides, on the road from San Dalmazzo to Ventimiglia 1883; C[onvolvulus] cantabrica, same location [18]83
42a. Cuscuta epithymum, Kinson 1854
42. Cuscuta europaea, Amsteg [18]69, Switzerland, Greater Dodder; Cuscuta trifolia (M), Clover Dodder
43. Blank
44. Asperugo procumbens, Saanen [18]70, Switzerland, Madwort; Cynoglossum pictum [?], Blue Hound's Tongue
45a. 1026, Cynogl[ossum] selvat [?], Norbury Park, Surrey
45. Hound's Tongue, Echinospermum lappula; Cynoglossum ? pictum, M[oun]t Brione, Lago di Garda 1881
46. Borago officinalis (Y), Borage; Lycopsis arvensis, Common Bugloss
47. Anchusa officinalis, Common Alkanet, Inns[?]ouick [18]73; Anchusa sempervirens (Y), Evergreen Alkanet
48. Onosma stellulatum, symphytum ?, Trieste [18]73; Symphytum asperrimum, Prickly Comfrey; Symphytum officinale, Comfrey
49. Cerinthe minor near La Mon [18]83; Wareflower, Cerinthe alpina, Greifenberg [18]73, Pusterthal below Lienz
50. Echium vulgare [18]69, Viper's Bugloss
51a. Pulmonaria angustifolia, Bank near Woolton Bridge, 1842, I.W.
51. Pulmonaria officinalis, Lienz [18]73, Lungwort; Paginea [?] [L]am[?]folia near [T]ontan [18]83
52. Blank
53. Lithospermum arvense, Corn Gromwell
54. ? doubtful [Latin plant name crossed out] Idria [?] [18]73, Carniola, Omphaloden [?] Verna near Idria in Carniola; Myosotis alpestris, Alpine Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis versicolor (Y)eovil, Yellow and Blue Forget-Me-Not
55. Myosotis palustris, Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis aroiusis [?], Field Scorpion Grass
56. Wincanton [?] [18]81; Myosotis caerpitira [?] (Y) [18]81
57. Eritrichium nanum, Zermatt 1875, Switzerland, Heaven's Harbringer; San Dalmazzo 1883
58. Solanum nigrum, Nightshade; Solanum dulcamara, Bittersweet
59. Vincetoxicum officinale 1875;Physalis alkekengi, Trieste 1873, Jews Cherry
60. Atropa bella donna, Deadly Nightshade; Hyoscyamus niger
61. Solanum datura (Y), Thorn apple; Verbascum ? philonoides, Brentonico on M[oun]te Baldo, July 1882
62. Verbascum ? lychnitis, While Mullein; San Dalmazzo 1883; Verb[ascum] nigrum, Black Mullein
63. Leaf of flower of Verbascum thapsiforme, San Dalmazzo 1883; Verbascum ?, Laibacher Moors, Carniola
64. Scrophularia peregrina, Val Jaggia, Riviera E[ast] of Bordighera, June 1883
65. Scrophularia vernalis; Scrophularia ? canina, Walleustadt [18]72, Switzerland, Figwort
66. Melampyrum nemorosum, Mori 1881, S[outh] Tyrol
67. Gralisla [o]fficinol [?], Shine [?] of Lago, Massine [18]75 near Pallanga [?]; Digitalis lutea, Yellow Foxglove
68. Blank
69. Digitalis grandiflora, Great Foxglove; Digitalis purpurea, Purple Foxglove (Y) [18]69
69a. [loose pressed flower in newspaper] Linaria rapina [?], S[an] Dalmazzo 1883; L[inaria] simplex
70. Linaria spuria (Y)eovil, Bastard Toadflax; Linaria elatine (Y)eovil, Fluellin
71. Linaria vulgaris, Common Toadflax; Linaria minor, Lesser Toadflax; L[inaria] stalica, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883
72. Linaria ? simplex, Colico 1880 in Lake of Como; Linaria ?
73. Linaria ? Gallein [?], San Dalmazzo 1883; L[inaria] repeis, Reading 1864
73a. Hermagor [?] is [?] in the Gailthal W[est] of Villach, Wulfenia Carinthiaca, Kuhweg [?] aep [?] on the Cartherkogil [?] in Carimthia [?] near Hermagor European the only locality known, 1873, habitat Central dica [?]
72a. ? Erinus alpinus, descent from Portelte [?], pass between Sixt and Chamouriex, Switzerland [18]77, Liver Balsam
73aii. V[eronica] arvensis
73ai. Veronica arvensis (Y), Field Speedwell; V[eronica] montana (Y), Mountain Speedwell; V[eronica] bellidioides, Daisy Speedwell
74a. Veronica agrestis
74. V[eronica] aplylla, Leafless Speedwell; V[eronica] alpina, Alpine Speedwell; V[ernoica] officinalis, Common Speedwell; V[eronica] urticifolia, Nettleleaved Speedwell
75. Veronica spicata, Spiked Speedwell; Veronica fruticulosa, Shrubby Speedwell; Veronica hederifolia, Ivyleaved Speedwell
76a. V[eronica] verna, Mildenhall, Suffolk 1838, Lix [?] Herbs Henslow
76. Veronica anagallis, Water Speedwell; V[eronica] saxatilis, Gryon [18]75, Rock Speedwell
77. Veronica teucrium from incanaor sublanata [?], Aldelsberg; V[eronica] multifida, Cutleaved Speedwell
78. V[eronica] scutellata, (M), marsh speedwell; Veron[ica] spicata ? cristatia[?], Leukerbad [Switzerland] 1879, Surly[?] erlae[?]
79. Veronica buxbaumii, Buxbaumii speedwell; V[eronica] chamaedrys, Germander Speedwell; V[eronica] beccabunga, Brooklime
80. Paederota Bonarota, Cortena d'Ampezzo, July 1882, S. Tyrol
81. Blank
82. Erinus alpinus, S[an] Dalmazzo, 1883, Apennines al Nice
83. Blank
84. Tozia alpina, Eigenthal n[ea]r Lucere 1869
85. Blank
86. Pedicularis ? tuberosa, Lousewort; P[edicularis] com[osa][?]
87. Melampyrum arvense, Corn Cow-wheat
88. Pedicularis rostrata, Beaked Lousewort; P[edicularis] ? verticillata, Whorled Lousewort; P[edicularis] recutita; P[edicularis] versicolor, Pilatus [18]69, Variegated Lousewort, Lucerne
89. Pedicularis tuberosa; P[edicularis] incarnata, The Bla[s]er 1874, N. Tyrol; P[educularis] ? rosea, S[an] Dalmazzo 1883
90. P[educularis] foliosa, Schlussel Joch [18]73; Pedicularis palustris, Marsh Lousewort; Alectorolophus rhinanthus C.G., Yellow Rattle
91. Euphrasia ?, Sion 1877; ? E[uphrasia] officinalis, Ka[irderiFeg][?], Common Eyebright; Sion [18]79, Switzerland
92. Euphrasia alpina, Mountain Eyebright; Euphrasia minima, Oberalp pass [18]69, Leart[?] Eyebright; Bartsia odontites, Red Bartsia
93. Orobanche hederae, Ivy Broomsrape; Orobanche minor; Orobanche, Mesurina see 74, Lesser Broomrapes
94a. Orobanche major, Canal, Langley, U[nwacht][?] 1866
94. Orobanche ? flava; Rhododendron chamaecistus [ne] flower[ing][?], Calliaus[?] 1885, S. Tyrol
95. Lathraea squamaria, Marlborough, Toothwort
96. [Loose paper and pressed plant in back cover] [Vuiei]toxicu[m] [ui]gr[illum] ?? officinale alassi[?] - l[a] Li[fi]nia [ab] 7/20[?]
Paper book
UND/F9H/H29/7 1829, 1849, 1869 - 1883
Pressed plants and flowers from England, Ireland, Austria, and Italy
Paper book
UND/F9H/H30 1905 - 1929
Postcards from or collected by Winifred Hindmarch.
9 postcards
Given by Lilian Groves, March 2020.
UND/F9H/H30/1 24 July 1905
View of Barningham including the church.
Sent by W[inifred] Hindmarch to Canon Haworth at Grove House, sorry the scheme has been abandoned, have walked to Bowes and will walk to Reeth, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/2 28 July 1905
View down Arkengarthdale with the church in the middle distance, by Valentines, 24664.
Sent by W[inifred] Hindmarch to Canon Haworth at Grove House, describing her time in the Dales, a walk to Reeth, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/3 [c.1910]
6 nuns with a mother superior, outside, in front of ?the cathedral, in white habits, with dark scapulars, white kerchiefs, dark coifs with a white cap, with white belts, and holding rosaries, by Fillingham's of 12 Elvet Bridge.
BW print
UND/F9H/H30/4 18 August 1910
'First view' of Jerusalem, with camels and people on the road, fortified walls beyond, edition Fr. Vester & Co, Jerusalem No.81.
Sent by B. at Harrogate to Miss Sharphouse at Fulford Road, York, reporting their arrival, view sent as the recipient would not be going there this year.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/5 [1914 x 1918]
Red Cross nurse, in all white with a red cross on her front and on an armband, by Mesangs 3005.
Sent by Jim in the 2nd Cavalry Division, British Expeditionary Force in France to his brother, asking if he is thinking of enlisting, he is not having a bad time and the war is going on satisfactory in his quarter, and asking after a letter from
J. Oliver to Mr Hildyard.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/6 29 August 1917
View over Pavay-le-Monial, by B.F., Paris.
Sent by Reg, on active service, to Master D. Sharphouse at Sowerby, as where they stopped for breakfast.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/7 12 May 1918
Egypt, the pyramids of Giza, with 2 Arabs and camels, by 127B Livadas & Co, Sicos, Cairo.
Sent by his father to Master D. Sharphouse at Sowerby, with his love.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H30/8 25 December ?1926
View of Durham Cathedral and the Fulling Mill from across the river, in snow, by Valentine's.
Sent by S.M. Rowlandson to Canon Haworth at St Hild's College with Christmas greetings.
Colour postcard
UND/F9H/H30/9 24 April 1929
View from St Hild's College terrace over Durham towards the cathedral, by P.A. Buchanan & Co, Croydon, 20240.
Sent by Winifred Hindmarch to Mrs Halversen, Oakland, California, looking forward to her visit to England, postmarked.
BW postcard
UND/F9H/H31 1903 - 1905
Certificates of Hannah Henderson as a student at St Hild's:
1. Archbishops' Certificate in Divinity, First Class 21 March 1902, Second Class 3 April 1903, resided for 2 years, conduct satisfactory.
2. Board of Education Teacher's Certificate First Class examined Jul;y 1903, certificate due 17 February 1905.
Parchment, 2m
Given by Lilian Groves, January 2022, Acc No Misc.2021/22:57.
UND/F9H/H32 [?1920]
Postcard of five female students with [?tutor]
Photographer: G. Fillingham, Durham
BW print
Given by Sharon Shipp, February 2023. Acc No Misc.2022/23:54.
UND/F9H/H33 1942 - 1944
Papers of Dorothy Marshall, alumna of St Hild's 1942-1944, including:
2 certificates, 3 diaries and 1 photograph
UND/F9H/H33/1-2 1944
UND/F9H/H33/1: University of Durham Joint Examination Board for Training Colleges certificate
UND/F9H/H33/2: Archbishop's Certificate
2 certificates
UND/F9H/H33/3-5 1942 - 1944
Diaries of Dorothy Marshall during her time as a student at St Hild's, covering each year of her life in Durham, with detailed descriptions and opinions of daily activities
3 notebooks
UND/F9H/H33/6 1944
St Hild's College group photograph, outside a leafy college front, in skirts and blouses, titled with the college arms
Includes paper overlay with names of women identified
BW print