Reference code: GB-0033-UND/F
Title: Durham University Records: Colleges: Ustinov College
Dates of creation: 1986-2020
Extent: 0.2 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Created by the colleges of Durham University, with deeds of their properties created by their previous owners/tenants
The Graduate Society was established in 1965 for the university's postgraduate community, providing a non-collegiate unit to give assistance with accommodation, and to provide centres where graduates could meet informally. There was no formal
tutorial supervision. It had administrative offices at 34 Old Elvet, and common rooms and other facilities at 38 Old Elvet. Initially members lived in lodgings but accommodation began to be acquired and was mainly based at Parson's Field House and
Shincliffe Hall, with married accommodation being developed at Kepier Court.
It was renamed Ustinov College in 2003 by and in honour of the then chancellor, Sir Peter Ustinov. The House Committee became in 2004 the Graduate Common Room to reflect the wider role of the student body in a 'college'. Ustinov College moved to
newly built accommodation at Howlands Farm in 2005, with Dryburn Court, including Brackenbury and family accommodation at Keenan House, also being then opened on the Durham Hospital site. In 2006 the Ustinov Seminar was established and the first
college formal dinner was held in the Howlands Building. The following year, the Ustinov Intercultural Forum was established, followed in 2008 by various cafe discussion groups, including the Cafe Politique, Scientifique and des Arts, being
established. In 2009 the first college honours were awarded to mark significant contributions to the Ustinov community. Anniversaries were celebrated in 2010 (45 years of the Graduate Society), 2013 (10th anniversary of the renaming of Graduate
Society as Ustinov College), and 2015 (college 50th jubilee). In 2017 the college moved from the Howlands Farm site to Sheraton Park (formerly Neville's Cross College).
1965 William B. Fisher
1981 George Kohnstam
1986 M. Richardson
2003 Sue Scott
2005 Penny Wilson
2012 Maggie O'Neill
2014 Glenn McGregor
2019 Sarah Prescott (acting)
College records reflect all aspects of the college's life and may include minutes of its governing body/council and other committees, registers and files of its students, administrative and financial papers of its officers such as the
master/principal and bursar (including covering maintenance of the buildings), also minutes, accounts, photographs and ephemera of the running of the dining halls and chapels, of the common rooms (senior, middle and junior), and of the student
sports clubs and societies, with also on occasion papers of some of the senior and/or junior members, and some artefacts, principally occasional items of clothing such as ties, blazers, tee-shirts or specific college memorabilia.
Material garnered at various times and from various sources since 2003.
Always held in the college, except for occasional items donated by usually college alumni
There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (email and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible
with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
College records are arranged as follows:
A Foundation
B Governance
C Administration
D Academic
E Clubs, Sports, Associations
F Photographs
G Publications and Ephemera
H Deposited/donated collections
I Artefacts
J Associated Trusts
Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green Library. Clean duplicates are generally removed.
Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments
and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, revised in 2019..
Records about the college also appear in the central archive of the university, particularly UND/C including copies of the college's governing body/council minutes.
Allison Siegenthaler,
10 years of Ustinov College (Durham University, Ustinov College, [2013?])
CollegesReference: UND/FGraduate Society/Ustinov CollegeReference: UND/F14Dates of creation: 1986 - 2016
The college moved from its Howlands site to Sheraton Park in September 2017.
College OfficersReference: UND/F14/CPrincipalReference: UND/F14/C1UND/F14/C1/1 13 December 2012
Invite to the unveiling of the bust of Sir Peter Ustinov and the portrait of former principal Dr Penny Wilson, with an image of Sir Peter and students at the college.
Card, 1f
BursarReference: UND/F14/C2UND/F14/C2/1 2014 - 2019
Menus for formals:
2014: Burns' Night 24 January; Summer Ball 25 June (Hardwick Hall)
2017: A Slightly Alternative Christmas 13 December (Fisher House Café); Bonfiure 3 November
2018: Chinese New Year 16 February (last one at Howlands), Mentor Dinner 25 October (at Fusion)
2019: Burns' Night 25 January, Chinese New Year 5 February, Bonfire 7 November (at Hatfield)
2022: College Formal (The Great Hall) 7 April 2022
Card file
Senior TutorReference: UND/F14/C3UND/F14/C3/1 [October 2012]
Material given out to freshers, including a college bookmark, a cafe card, and a university postgrad welcome letter.
Paper file
AcademicReference: UND/F14/DLecturesReference: UND/F14/D1UND/F14/D1/1 April 2007 - 2017
Ustinov Seminar, Café Politique, Global Citizenship Programme/Race, Crime and Justice/Café des Arts posters.
UND/F14/D1/2 16 May 2007
Ustinov Prejudice Lecture Series:
- Kaushik Basu, “Group Identity, Conflict and Social Norms”, 16 May 2007.
UND/F14/D1/3 [2010] - 2019
Posters for other events at Ustinov:
“Manual papermaking” workshops, 28 April & 1 May [2010]
“Find Your Way Into Work”, 18 July [2012]
“The Ariadne Frieze”, Alan O'Cain, 13 February [2013]
“All things Great and Small”, Martin Ward, 19 February
Black History Month programme, 2019
Paper file
Associations, Clubs and SocietiesReference: UND/F14/EGraduate Common RoomReference: UND/F14/E1UND/F14/E1/D1 2011
GCR Handbook 2011-12
Paper booklet, 16p, with colour images
UND/F14/E1/D2 [October 2021]
Flyer promoting GCR membership
Paper 1f
Ustinov Arts SocietyReference: UND/F14/E2UND/F14/E2/D1 10 July 2008
Miners' Event, detailing works of the artist Robert Ord Page with some mining memorabilia, along with Trevor Russell's memoir of his days at Easington Colliery.
UND/F14/E2/D2 March 2019
Encounter Exploring the encounter between climate change, nature and society, with statements and images from artists of an exhibition 2-14 March.
Printed colour illustrated paper book
Ustinov Intercultural Forum
Reference: UND/F14/E3
Ustinov/Grad Soc AssociationReference: UND/F14/E4UND/F14/E4/D1 2010 - 2011
Associate The Ustinov/Grad Soc Association Magazine: April 2010; 2011
2 printed colour illustrated booklets
PhotographsReference: UND/F14/FBuildingsReference: UND/F14/FYUND/F14/FY1-8 [c.2005]
College buildings just constructed:
1-4. Aerial views.
5. View across corn stubble.
6. Exterior closeup.
7. Interior view of a staircase.
8. Interior of a student room.
8 colour prints
Size: 200 x 250mm
PublicationsReference: UND/F14/GUND/F14/G1 Michaelmas 2006 - Autumn 2019
The Ustinovian, established in 2005, with copies present for: Michaelmas 2006, Epiphany, Easter and Michaelmas 2007, Epiphany, Summer and Michaelmas 2008, Michaelmas 2009-2010, Epiphany 2009, Easter 2009-2010,
Michaelmas 2010, Summer and Michaelmas 2011, Epiphany, Summer and Michaelmas 2012, Epiphany, Summer and Michaelmas 2013, Epiphany 2014, Epiphany 2015, Epiphany 2016, Autumn 2019.
Coloured paper file
UND/F14/G2 1971 - 1986
The Graduate Society [1971]
Graduate Society [c.1980]
Graduate Society prospectus 1986
UND/F14/G3 [c.2010]
Application for College Accommodation
Card Folder containing paperwork
UND/F14/G4 2012/13
Members' Handbook
Paper booklet
UND/F14/G5 [?2022]
Global Citizenship Programme & Scholarships
UND/F14/G6 [?October 1997]
The Graduate Society,
Health and Safety
Paper booklet
ArtefactsReference: UND/F14/IUND/F14/IA1 [2012]
Student backpack with the college name and arms
Unbleached linen bag with draw cords top and bottom
Size: 310 x 400mm
UND/F14/IA2 [2021]
With the college name and arms
Blue linen bag