Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999


Reference code: GB-0033-DCD-Misc.Ch
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999
Dates of creation: 1093 - 19th century
Extent: ca. 1,000 items
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Language: Latin


The class Miscellaneous Charters was created in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph Stevenson, in the process of cataloguing substantial portions of Durham Cathedral's medieval muniments. How exactly he proceeded is not clear, but his work did not cover major sections of medieval material, notably the documents catalogued in the late fifteenth-century Magnum Repertorium, and also almost all the accounting material. He catalogued the documents classed in the sequence of numbered Locelli, a medieval creation whose basic principle of arrangement according to subject he retained, but without preserving its details. The documents initially assigned to Miscellaneous Charters had clear topographical associations, for the arrangement evidently began with an alphabetical order of places in view, and it is uncertain whether it was originally intended to have in this class the very much more miscellaneous material, some of it post-medieval, that Stevenson went on to include; nonetheless, where he could do so, he attempted with each fresh batch of material to maintain an alphabetical order of places.
Stevenson left the arrangement of the documents catalogued in the Magnum Repertorium untouched. Despite the fact that catalogues survived, or could be reconstructed from endorsements on the documents, he re-arranged every other medieval collection of deeds, assigning the documents to Miscellaneous Charters. Subsequently, with the aid of the extant catalogues, Canon Greenwell restored what he believed to be the arrangement of the deeds of the Almoner (Elemos.), Finchale priory (Finc.), and the Sacrist (Sacr.), transferring the documents out of Miscellaneous Charters. He did not attempt the same with the Scottish material, although the catalogue in Misc.Ch. 1026 might have made this possible, and he left in Miscellaneous Charters the collections which are attested by endorsements on the documents, notably the Communar's deeds, also the deeds of the Trinity chantry and of the chantries of Bishops Skirlawe and Langley. Documents remain in Miscellaneous Charters whose endorsed medieval markings reveal that they formerly belonged in the system of locelli, or in receptacles described as cista and cophinus. Also within Miscellaneous Charters are to be found a substantial number of post-dissolution documents, most of them from the period 1540-1600. One notable medieval collection found in Miscellaneous Charters is a private fifteenth-century deposit of Claxton family deeds; these are only readily identified by the fact that they concern property and other matters with which the chapter had no connection. The same applies to a single document relating to property in Ireland, Misc.Ch. 5243, presumably deposited by its beneficiary, who never returned to collect it; there may be other, less conspicuous, examples.

Accession details

Placed in the University's care by the Dean and Chapter of Durham in 1948.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library (library@durhamcathedral.co.uk). The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
To make the catalogue of Miscellaneous Charters less bulky it was split into parts in April 2018. As the Charters do not have a single logical sequence, so the split is purely by number and does not convey any significance by the grouping:
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1-999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 1000-1999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 2000-2999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 3000-3999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 4000-4999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 5000-5999
Calendar of the Durham Cathedral Archive: Miscellaneous Charters 6000-end

Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève ms.356 (Cartulary of Ste-G) p.171, s.xiii med. Viris religiosis in Cristo karissimis R. priori Dunelinen' (recte Dunelmen') ecclesie et eiusdem ecclesie conuentui H(erbertus) abbas et A. prior totusque conuentus sancte Genouese Par' salutem in domino. In vestram volumus venire noticiam quod nos in deposito recepimus trecentas marchas bonorum nouorum et legalium sterlingorum nomine vestro de pecunia domini pape per manum Stephani de Sorci burgensis Ambian' pro qua etiam pecunia mandauit nobis dominus Stephanus capellanus domini pape per litteras suas patentes in litteris vestris reclusas quod ipsam pecuniam in deposito reciperemus et ipsam tamdiu penes nos custodiremus donec de ipsa pecunia mandatum aliud haberemus. In cuius rei testimonium presentes litteras sigillis abbatis et prioris pro se et pro conuentu sancte Geno(uese) vobis transmittimus sigillitas. Actum anno domini mo.cco.xxxo. in die natiuitatis sancti Iohannis Bapt(iste).


Anderson, J. Scotland Independent (1705)
Thomson, A. Coldingham: parish and priory (1908)
Regesta regum scottorum, 1153-1424, vols. 1-2, ed. Barrow, G.W.S.
Carr, A.A. A history of Coldingham priory (1836).
The priory of Coldingham. The correspondence, inventories, account rolls, and law proceedings ..., ed. Raine, J. (Surtees Society: v12. 1841)
Hunter, W.K., History of the Priory of Coldingham (Edinburgh, 1858)
Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837) [cited Rot.Cart.]
Calendar of the Charter Rolls (London, 1903-1927) [cited as [C.Ct.R.]
Durham Episcopal Charters, 1071-1152, ed. H.S. Offler (Surtees Society 179, 1968)
Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis: A survey of the estates of the prior and convent of Durham , compiled in the fifteenth century, ed. W. Greenwell (Surtees Society 58, 1872)
Greenwell, W. and Blair, C.H. “Durham seals”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd ser. vii-xvii (1911-20) [cited as G&B]
Rotuli litterarum patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1835) [cited Rot.Lit.Pat.]
Calendar of the Patent Rolls (London, 1891-1916) [cited as C.P.R.]
Rhymer, T. Foedera ... (London, 1704-35).
Monasticon Anglicanum (1655: repr. 1846)
Rites of Durham ed Raine, J. (Surtees Society v15)
Wyon, A.B. and Wyon, A. The great seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, (London, 1887).


Misc.Ch. 5000-5100
DCD Misc.Ch. 5000   [26 March] 1318
Receipt of Walter of Thirsk chaplain, having appointed as his attorney Roger of Butterwick to receive from Richard de Hoton £10 on St Cuthbert in March 1317/8 for the sale of 30 acres of wheat in the vill of Butterwick, to the said Richard for £10 received on the said day.
Date: Sedgefield, Sunday after the Annunciation of the BVM 1318.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5001   10 May 1335
Release by John of Sherwood (Shirwod) of Ripon, son and executor of the will of William of Sherwood his late father, to the prior and convent of Drham for all actions.
Date: Ripon, 10 May 1335.
Endorsed (contemporary) (sic) as an acquittance by J de Schirwod for £8 paid by W of Hexham.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5002   2 February 1357
Receipt of John [Fossor] prior of Durham, collector of the annual tenth of the king in subsidy for the defence of the kingdom and the Anglican Church from the clergy in the city and diocese of Durham, to Master John de Faudon for his portion in the church of Auckland of 18d for the term of the Purification of the BVM 1356/7 being the first term of the payment of the tenth.
Date: Durham, 2 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5003   [early 14th century]
Petition of Raginald dictus Forester of Elvet against Eda wife of John Horne of the same, in a case of defamation saying she had spoken falsely against him within the diocese of Durham, and seeking from the judge the sentence of excommunication for her.
Parchment, 1m, wrapping tie at the foot
DCD Misc.Ch. 5004   [1 February] 1313
Receipt of Richard de Crakhall clerk to Peter Tailor (Cissor) of Bootham (Boutham) for 40s by the precept of Dom John de Herneby, bursar of the priory of Durham.
Date: York, Kal. February 1312/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 727, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5005   7 March [1321 x 1340]
Language:  French
Letter from Robert de Tang to William of Cowton prior of Durham, supplicating for the assignment of the prior's pension of £40 from Hull which he hears the prior is wishing to assign as it has arrears of £400 and which he is happy to discuss as he is coming from York, and, as he has released to the prior and convent a pension of 40s, supplicating for payment of the arrears of 60 marks due to his mother and himself from his father's time as the king at his request has granted him the whole pension of 5 marks with robes as his father had, and if the prior wishes for news of the court, ask the bearer of this who will be able to report more expressively than he can write.
Date: Elleford, 7 March.
Parchment, 1m, small stain and some text written over an erasure
Seal: residue on a tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5006   [20 November] 1331
Receipt of William of Boynton, chaplain, to the prior and convent of Durham, on behalf of his brother, Master Thomas of Boynton, their proctor in the Roman Curia, for 26s 8d, in part payment of his pension arrears.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. December 1331.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 339, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5007   [19 March] 1257
Receipt of Maynettus Spine, citizen and merchant of Florence, on behalf of himself and his colleagues, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hands of Martin and Robert Fermin mnks of Durham, for 100 marks in which the prior and convent were obligated in six pairs of contractual letters under the capitular seal to his Spillato and Canalcante colleagues, citizens and merchants of Florencer, in the Roman Curia, excepting for moneys due in the Quindene of Easter.
Date: London, 14 Kal. April 1256/7.
Parchment, 1m, some water stains with some text obscured
Seal: G&B No. 2285, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5008   14 March 1353
Receipt of John de Rawcliffe (Rouclif) clerk and proctor at the court of York, to his masters the prior and convent of Durham for 5s by the hand of Master Geoffrey of Langton, advocate of the court of York, for their business there wherein he is their proctor.
Date: York, 14 March 1352/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 925, on a tongue, with a detached wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5009   [?1351]
Receipt of Richard of Beckingham to Richard de Crull clerk of Master Ralph de Yarwell for payments for Synod at Easter [13]50 and Michaelmas of the same year of £4 7s 4d along with a horse bought for 12s, and also for Synod at Easter [13]51 for 40s, and the same Master Ralph had also received from the vicar of Wirksop 13s 4d for peterpence at Synod at Michaelmas [13]50 total £7 8d, and thus there are in arrears for Synod at Michaelmas [13]49, Easter [13]50, Michaelmas of the same year and Easter [13]51 70s 10d, and the same Richard also paid to the same Master Ralph at ?Blid on his way to York for Convocation for the first procurations 12s that is ½d in the £.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5010   2 November 1317
Receipt of William de Denum to Master William of Kelloe and his fellow receivers of the moneys from the community of the bishoprick of Durham for 5 marks for his efforts in raising the subsidy in the society of Dom William of Kilkenny and Richard de Graystanes, and 5 marks for the expenses of raising the said subsidy up to St Martin next, and for ?200 marks for the use of Dom Gilbert of Middleton for the carriage of which the said receivers paid William de Esselington and William de Hesebrig 26s 8d.
Date: Durham, 2 November 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.787, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5011   14 November [1322]
Letter of Louis [Beaumont] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham seeking to allay the discord between them and the archdeacon of Durham.
Date: Folkingham, 14 November Pont. 5.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with parts of the head and foot missing and some text lost, with a diamond-shaped hole in the foot and 2 small horizontal cuts on the left edge
Seal: residue, applied on the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 5012   30 September 1342
Receipt of William Blagrys to the prior and convent of Durham for 6s 8d in part payment of 5 marks for his expenses in the plea against them over land at Houghall.
Date: Durham, 30 September 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 280, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5013   17 May 1324
Receipt of Gerald d'Achère (Asserio) prior of Peyrusse (Petrussia), proctor of Bertrand cardinal of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of the church of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmers of the church of Brantingham, for £60 for the term of the Annunciation of the BVM next.
Date: London, 17 May 1324.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5014   8 June 1337
Receipt of John [son of] Peter of Howden, rector of half of the church of Hutton Buscel, substitute proctor for Master Peter Banrelli, principal proctor of Cardinal Bertrand of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of the church of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham for £10 for the term of Pentecost in part payment of £56 13s 4d which they owe the cardinal for defects in the buildings of the church of Brantingham from when the church was at farm.
Date: York, 8 June 1337.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1404(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5015a   [12 March] 1299
Receipt from Richard of Morpeth clerk to Richard [de Hoton] prior of Durham for £26 in loans, and he does not hold Durham liable for any other money except the £26 discussed here.
Date: Durham, St Gregory 1298/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1824, on a tongue, with part of a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5015b   [23 October] 1314
Receipt from John of Pollou, in the name of the executor of John of Sunderland, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 100s in part payment of £8 10s.
Date: Durham, St Romanus bishop 1314.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2007, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5015c   [4 May] 1364
Receipt of Thomas of Morpeth (Morpath), vicar of the parochial church of Merrington (Meryngton) to the prior and convent of Durham in part payment of an annual pension for altar-dues (alteragiis) for the same church for £16 10s owed to him, that is for St Martin 1363 110s, for the Purification of the BVM of the same year 110s, and for the Invention of the Holy Cross 1364 110s by the hand of the bursar of the church of Durham.
Sealed with the seal of the official of the archdeacon of Durham as his is not known to many.
Date: Durham, Saturday after the Invention of the Holy Cross 1364.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stub
DCD Misc.Ch. 5015d   8 June 1326
Receipt of Thomas of Levisham clerk to the prior of Durham by the hand of the subprior of Durham for 40s in part payment of 20 marks owed to him in an obligatory document.
Date: Durham, 8 June 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5016   [29 December 1307]
Assignment by Henry Le Scrop of his clerk Roger of Motherby to request the arrears of his fee from the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Bolton in Wensleydale (Wendeslagdale), Friday St Thomas the Martyr 1 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5017    17 April 1373
Receipt of Richard of Chesterfield, canon of the church of St Mary in Lincoln, deputed by Cardinal Simon of St Sixtus, papal nuncio, procurator general and receiver, in the presence of Thomas [Hatfield] bishop of Durham, by the hand of William of [North]allerton clerk, for 20 marks in part payment of the procuration for the cardinal owed by the bishop and his Durham clergy for the second year of his nunciation.
Date: Brancepeth, 17 April 1373.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 585 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5018   [11 November] 1338
Receipt of William of Elwick, vicar of the church of Norham, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Michael of Chilton, monk and proctor of the church of Norham, for £13 6s 8d for his vicarage for the terms of St Martin 1338 and Pentecost following.
Date: Norham, St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019a   [11 November] 1361
Receipt of William of Welleton, clerk of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of their bursar for an annual pension for the term of St Martin 1361, for 20s.
Date: York, St Martin year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019b   [19 June] 1347
Receipt of William of Farnham clerk to the prior and convent of Durham, for 20s for the term of Pentecost 1347, as part of his annual pension of 40s.
Date: Durham, Tuesday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some slight stains
Seal: G&B No. 951, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019c   10 January [1342]
Receipt of Thomas of Seton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s and a robe for the term of St Martin 1341 together with a robe at Christmas following.
Date Durham, 10 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, damaged, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019d   [7 January] 1367
Receipt for Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s by the hand of the bursar for his fee for the term of St Martin last.
Date: Durham, Thursday after the Circumcision 1366/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1434, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019e   [6 September] 1300
Receipt of Philip called Martel professor of civil law, to H[enry of Lusby] prior and the convent of Durham, for 50s from his annual pension payment of 100s for the term of St Martin next.
Date: Auckland, 8 Id. September 1300.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue labelled as to be handed ot the prior of Durham, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019f   [8 January 1300]
Receipt of William Denum to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Alexander of Lamsley for 20s for the term of St Martin 1319 for his pension.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. January year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019g   [20 November] 1311
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1311.
Date: Durham, Saturday St Edmund the king 1311.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019h   [21 December] 1359
Reciept of William of Welton, clerk of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of the monastery of Durham for the part payment of his annual pension, for 20s by the hand of the bursar for the term of St Martin in Winter.
Date: Durham, Vigil of St Thomas the Apostle year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5019i   [19 May] 1307
Receipt of Henry of Menill to the bursar of Durham for 50s for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1307.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after St Dunstan year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1744, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5020   [1 March] 1333
Receipt of John of Tyverington, substitute for the abbot of the monastery of St Mary's of York to receive the procurations of Revd Master John de Concoreto, nuncio of the apostolic see in England, to the prior of Durham for 7s for procurations for the same John for the 5th year of his stay in England.
Date: York, Kal. March 1332/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3574, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5021    [later 14th century]
Receipt of Walter, chaplain of Duffield, for 4 marks by the hand of Roger Russell of Cave from the money of the prior of Durham for the weill of Master Roger of Hartburn owed by the prior to his executors.
Witnesses: Geoffery proctor of the church of Hemingbrough, Dom Richard parochial chaplain of the same church, Dom Henry his colleague, Walter chaplain of Hemingbrough.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5022   10 March [1339]
Receipt of the sacrist of the monastery of St Mary's of York, sub-collector of the procurations of Master Bernard Sistr', papal nuncio in England, to the prior of Durham for 7s for Bernard's procurations for the 4th year of his stay in England.
Date: York, 10 March 1338.
Parchment, 1m, burn marks on edge with rip/tear on bottom
Seal: G&B No.3591, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5023   10 September 1362
Receipt of Hugh of Fletham, clerk in the diocese of York, collector of the procurations of Master Hugh Pelegrini, treasurer of Lichfield, nuncio of the apostolic see in England, owed by reason of his nunciation in the province of York, to the prior of Durham for 7s for the 12th year of his nunciation and stay in England.
Date: York, 10 September 1362.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5024   [23 July 1320]
Reciept of William de Grundewell and John deTyringham, executors of the will of Dom Henry de Bluntesdon, former archdeacon of Dorset, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of John of Denum, for 20 marks in part payment of 200 marks which they with their fellow co-executors recovered against the same prior and convent in the court of the lord king by writ of debt in the term of Hilary during the 13th year of the reign of King Edward [II].
Date: Salisbury, Tuesday after St Margaret the Virgin 14 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos.1140 & 2494, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5025    [10 January] 1330
Receipt of Roger of Blackiston (Blaykeston) to the prior and convent of the church of Durham, by the hand of Dom John de Crepping bursar, for 40s for his pension for 2 years that is 1328 and 1329, along with 2 robes for the 2 years.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after Ephiphany 1329/30.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 281, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5025 - Receipt of Roger of Blackiston to the prior and convent of the church of Durham, by the hand of Dom John de Crepping bursar
DCD Misc.Ch. 5026   8 December 1343
Receipt of Walter de Gategang, sacrist of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of the bursar, for money owed by them to Dom William of Felton, in part payment made to Walter's attorney Geoffrey de Fauley of 13 marks for his office of sacrist for certain tithes sold to the said William due, for £4 17s paid.
Date: Durham, 8 December 1343.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Seal: G&B No. 3258(i) , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5027   [22 July] 1290
Receipt of J[ohn] of Craucumbe, archdeacon of the East Riding in the church of York for 4 marks to the prior of Durham by the hand of Dom Alan vicar of Eastrington, for the annual pension owed for the church of Howden for the term of St Mary Magdalen 1290.
Date: York, date as above.
Parchment, 1m, damaged with stains blotting some words
Seal: G&B No. 3296 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5028   16 September 1335
Receipt of Roger of Heslarton, rector of Thorp by Newark, and Robert of Ulram, chaplain, executors of the will of the late Master Roger of Heslarton, in the name of themselves and their co-executors, to the prior and convent of Durham for 5 marks in part payment of 100 marks in which the prior and convent were obligated to Master Roger for the first term of the first year of the payment of that money according to an attermination or installation.
Date: Durham, 16 September 1335.
Parchment, 1m, heavily stained at top and bottom
Seal: G&B No.1295, on a tongue, with a further blank sealing tongue above, and a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5029   2 July [1337]
Writ of Edward III to the prior of Durham, collector for Durham of a biennial tenth granted to the king from the clergy and diocese of Durham, ordering him to deliver the receipts from the tenth to the Exchequer at York into their treasury.
Witness: R de Sadyngton
Date: York, 2 July 11 [Edward III].
Parchment, 1m
Size: 247mm x 45mm
DCD Misc.Ch. 5030   11 March 1309
Receipt of Adam de Kirkeby and William de Meburn proctors of the prior of Durham to Bonavuco John and his fellows in the curia, on behalf of John Vani Bellard and his fellows of the Society of the Bellandi of Lucca for 4675 gold florins from Florence.
Date: Avignon, 11 March 1308/9.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: 2 unidentified, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5031   [19 March] 1307
Receipt of John abbot of Newminster, collector of the tenth from the diocese of Durham for the Holy Land, to the rector of the church of Norham for £6 13s 4d for the tenth for the second term of the first year.
Date: Newminster, 14 Kal. April 1306/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3528, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5032   [10 June] 1290
Letter from Giffredus de Vezano, papal nuncio and executor of the business of the Holy Land, to the prior of Coldingham, his commissary in Scotland, that he understands from the archbishop of York that H bishop of Candido Caso cannot presently pay the Holy Land subsidy, so he prorogues him from the term of the Nativity of St John the Baptist to the term of St Peter ad vincula with the archbishop providing security for the payment of specified sums, and he has also learnt from Master Florentius that the said bishop owed 83 marks for the Holy Land, with Master Baymund being mandated accordingly.
Date: London, 4 Id. June 1290.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.2541, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5033   [20 January] 1227
Affirmation by Lando clerk of [the bishop of] Norwich that the prior of Durham deposited in his presence in the house of the New Temple, London, 200 marks in the name of Master Giles subdeacon and papal chaplain which Giles had left in the priory from the 20th of Scotland, and he had also received merchants' letters from the prior for payments made to them of 1138 marks 3s 4d.
Witnesses: Oswald and Robert monks of Durham, John Garum, John de Poita.
Date: London the New Temple, SS Sebastian and Fabian 1226/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: fragment, on a tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 5034   [later 13th century]
Oath of fealty by Master Thomas of [North]allerton to the prior and convent of Durham.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No.62, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5034*   [13 September] 1268
Presentation by H[ugh of Darlington] prior and the convent of Durham to R[obert Stichill] bishop of Durham of his chaplain Richard de Bechefeld to the vicarage of Branxton with the altarage, lamb, sheep and other lesser tithes, and the obventions and land of the church, and 40s from the greater tithes by the hand of the warden of their cell of Warksworth.
Date: Durham, Id. September 1268.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: [sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs
DCD Misc.Ch. 5035   [8 November] 1298
Receipt of W[illiam Fraser] chamberlain of Dom W[illiam Fraser] bishop of St. Andrews, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom W[illiam of Darlington] terrar of Coldingham for 20 marks in which they were held for the confirmation of a letter.
Date: Edinburgh, Tuesday before St Martin in Winter 1295.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2831 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5035. - …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5036   [29 March] 1295
Receipt of William, vicar of South Berwick (Suberwyk), to the prior of Durham, by the hand of Dom William of Darlington terrar of Coldingham for 25 marks of those 50 marks due to him in a letter obligatory.
Date: Berwick, Tuesday afer the Annunciation of the BVM 1295.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5036. - …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5037   21 October 1361
Receipt of William of Wirksworth (Wyrkesworth), collector of the farthing in the mark for the procurations of the abbot of Cluny and Dom Hugh de Thebendis his colleague and their expenses concerning the reformation of peace between Charles duke of Brittany and John count of Montfort, to the prior and convent of Durham fromt he diocese of Durham for the churches of Middleham 3s 2¼d, Jarrow 3s 9d, Wearmouth 2s 2¼d, Holy Island 21s 7½d, Whitworth 4½d, Witton 4½d, pension in Dinsdale 2¼d, prior's portion in Hekyngton 3d, Bywell St Peter 4s, Bedlington 3s 9d, Edlingham with the chapel of Holton 2s 9¾d, Dalton 2s 1½d, [Durham] St Oswald 3s 9d, Pittington 2s 6d, prior's portion in Eden 5½d, Hesledon 22½d, Billingham 22½d, Merrington 22½d, Hekyngton 4s 4½d, Aycliffe 4s ¾d, Branxston 12d, Norham 11s 3d, Ellingham 2s 9¾d, and for churches in the diocese of York for [North]allerton 5s, for a pension from the vicarage there 22½d, for a pension in Holtby 2¼d, Eastrington 5s 7½d, for a pension in Rounton 2¼d, for a pension in Skipwith ¾d, for a pension in [Kirby] Sigston 7½d, for a pension in Walkington 7¾d, for a pension in Hemingbrough 3¾d, for a pension in Welton 2¼d, for a pension in Brantingham 7½d, totalling in the diocese of Durham £4 9d.
Date: York, 21 October 1361.
Notes at the foot: total £4 16s 3¼d, for the exchequer 42s ¾d.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2680, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5038   11 May 1312
Mandate of William [of Tanfield] prior of Durham, deputed [collector] of the sexennial tenth in subsidy for the Holy Land by Pope Nicholas IV conceded in the city and diocese of Durham, to the dean of Darlington to cite on pain of excommunication on Elias of Sordich/Fordich, prebendary in the church of Darlington, for not paying the arrears of the subsidy, similarly on the rectors of Long Newton, Haughton, Hurworth, Staindrop and Dom Adam of Middleton prebendary in the church of Darlington, and also Robert Tynprun prebendary in the church of Auckland to appear in the Galilee chapel on the third day after Trinity next to answer for their arrears.
Date: Durham, 11 May 1312.
Parchment, 1m, stained and damaged with parts missing with some text lost
Seal: residue of an applied elliptical seal on the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 5039   21 June 1320
Appointment by Vanininus Bellardi of the Bellardi society of Lucca on behalf of himself, his son Dionisio and Rastico Phillippo, of William Lumbard of Beverley as his attorney to receive from the prior and convent of Durham 5 sacks of wool according to the form and tenor of an acquittance which he has made to them.
Date: London, 21 June 1320 and 13 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.190 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5040   [17 December] 1315
Oath of loyalty from John of Beckingam, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. January 1315.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 173 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5041   10 December 1344
Receipt of William of [North]allerton, vicar of Aycliffe, to the prior and convent of Durham for £10 in part payment of 100 marks owed to him by their obligation.
Date: Durham, 10 December 1344.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 61 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5042   [11 December] 1311
Receipt of Thomas of Fishburn (Fissheburn) senior to Brother Thomas of Haswell (Hessewelle) bursar of the prior and convent of Durham for 100s in part payment of money owed him for wheat sold to William [of Tanfield] prior of Durham for which he has the prior's obligation.
Date: Fishburn, Saturday after St Nicholas 1311.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1001, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5043   22 November 1320
Receipt of Petri Vaurelli, substitute proctor of Master Hugh Merle clerk, [himself] proctor of Dom Bertrand of St Mary in Aquiro, deacon, cardinal, and rector of the church of Brantingham in the diocese of York, for the fruits, rents or profits collected by them from the church and the chapel annexed from the day of the last vacation to 1 July next when they received the farm from the said Hugh, for 30 marks.
Sealed as his is unknown with the seal of R[igaud of Assier] bishop of Winchester used in the office of collector of the fruits.
Date: London, 22 November 1320.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 2526 and 3214, both on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5044   [mid 14th century]
Petition to the judge by Tessava daughter of William Carpenter against John son of Geoffrey the Cook in a case of matrimony as he had declared to be her husband to her several times and thus was the common report in the city and diocese of Durham.
Endorsed (contemporary) as having been given the day after St Mark the Evangelist, now given Thursday in Pentecost week for judgment.
Parchment, 1m
DCD Misc.Ch. 5045   [27 December 1248]
Agreement of Master William of Parma, papal chaplain and auditor [literrarum] contradictarum, between Rodulphus de Heling clerk, proctor of the brothers of the Holy Trinity and of the Captives in England, reciting the following petition, and Walter, proctor of the prior and convent of Durham over verbal disputes.
Mandate of Pope Innocent IV to the archdeacon and precentor of York to investigate any offences against the Brothers of the Holy Trinity and of the Captives in England.
Date: Lyon, 12 Kal. January, Pont. 6 [21 December 1248]
Date: Lyon, 6 Kal. January, Pont. 6 Pope Innocent IV.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No.3714 (i) , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5045 - Agreement of Master William of Parma, papal chaplain and auditor [literrarum] contradictarum, between Rodulphus de Heling clerk, proctor of the brothers of the Holy Trinity and of the Captives in England
DCD Misc.Ch. 5046   [27 June] 1295
Receipt of Gilbert of Thirsk (Tresk), chaplain of the altar of St Mary in the chapel of St Margaret in Durham, by the hand of the bursar of the church of Durham for 20s for his pension for the altar for the term of Pentecost 1295.
Date: Durham, 5 Kal. July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5047   10 August 1322
Receipt of the abbot of St Mary's York, collector of 5d in the mark for the king of England for the defence and salvation of his kingdom and the English Church granted by the clergy of the diocese and province of York from the spiritualities of [North]allerton of the prior of Durham, to the vicar of [North]allerton for 4s 2d and for a pension there for 12s 6d.
Date: York, 10 August 1322.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3575, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5048   [2 February] 1336
Receipt of the abbot and convent of St Mary's York, collector of the tenth for Pope B[enedict] XII for the Holy Land for 6 years imposed on the clergy in the archdeaconries of York and Cleveland, to the vicar of [North]allerton for 6s 8d and for a pension of the vicarage there 20s for the first term of the first year.
Date: York, the Purification of the BVM 1335/6.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 5049   [19 October] 1306
Receipt of the abbot of Newminster, collector of the tenth in the diocese of Durham for the subsidy of the Holy Land biennially imposed, to the rector of the church of Bedlington for 40s for the first term of the first year.
Date: Newminster, 14 Kal. November 1306.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5050   [24 Ju+ne] 1344
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham, in the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, for 4s for the annual pension of the church of Branxston for 1344.
Date: Kirkham, the Nativity of St John the Baptist year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051a   5 June 1342
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for 50s for his pension and salary as stewardl for the term of Pentecost 1342.
Date: Durham, 5 June year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051b   [2 January] 1326
Language:  French
Receipt of Robert Greathead (Gretheved) to the prior and convent of Durham for his livery (robe) for the term of Christmas 1325.
Date: Durham, the day after the Circumcision year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1122, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051c   [14 January] 1335
Receipt of Robert Greathead (Gretheved) of Nunthorpe to the prior and convent of Durham for his robe for the term of Christmas 1334 by the hand of the bursar of Durham Cathedral.
Date: Durham, Saturday on the morrow of St Hilary.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051d   12 November 1336
Receipt of Alexander de Bergh, miles, to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for £4 for the arrears of his annual pension and of 20s.
Date: Durham, 12 November 1336.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 216, on a tongue, with [a wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051e   [30 July] 1349
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost 1349 by the hand of Dom Thomas of Stockton, bursar.
Date: Durham, Monday after St James year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051f   4 December 1366
Receipt of Geoffrey of Langton, advocate at the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin 1366.
Date: York, 4 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1546, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051g   [9 October] 1307
Receipt of William of Denum to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1307 by the hand of Roger of School Aycliffe (Scolakley).
Date: Durham, Monday after the octave of St Michael year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 786, on a tongue, identified on the tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051h   [15 November] 1307
Receipt of Henry of Menill to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of brother Roger of School Aycliffe (Scolacley) bursar for 50s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1307.
Date: Durham, 17 Kal. December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1744, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051i   2 December 1362
Receipt of William of Farnham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Brother Richard of Birtley, fellow monk and bursar, for 33s 4d, for his fee for the term of St Martin 1362.
Date: Durham, 2 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 299, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051k   18 October 1359
Receipt of Hugh of Fleetham, clerk and proctor to the prior and convent of Durham in the court of York, to them by the hand of Master William of Farnham clerk, for 13s 4d for his fee for the terms of St.Martin and Pentecost last.
Date: York, 18 October 1359.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.85 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5051l   [10 August] 1308
Reciept of Henry of Foxton chaplain to Dom Robert of Stamford, bursar of the house of Durham in the name of Thomas of Kendal, for 3s 4d for Thomas's pension for the term of Pentecost 1308.
Date: Durham, St Laurence the Martyr year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5052   [23 November] 1328
Receipt of William Gracias, sr, to Dom John Lutterell bursar for all arrears and debts besides 30s 7d which the prior and convent of the church of Durham owed him by way of any contract up to the feast of St Clement the martyr 1328.
Date: Durham, day and year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1097(i) , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5053   12 October [1283]
Language:   French
Receipt of Gilbert of Middleton for 200 marks by the hand of William of Denum from the community of the church of Durham for damages against him and his men, as detailed in an indenture.
Date: Mitford, 12 October 11 Edward ?[I].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1782, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5053. - Receipt of Gilbert of Middleton for 200 marks by the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5054   [8 August] 1319
Receipt of William of Herle, executor of the will of Adam of Rotheley, to the prior of Durham for £10 from the arrears of an annual rent of 40s which the prior owed to the late [Adam] whilst he lived.
Date: Kirby (Kereby) in Leicestershire, Wednesday before St Laurence 13 Edward [II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1262 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5055   [12 March] 1313
Receipt of Richard of Aislaby, subprior of the church of Durham, to Dom William of Greystoke (Graystok), rector of the church of St Mary in the North Bailey and Robert, vicar of the church of St Oswald in Durham, deputed by the bishop of Durham as collectors of money granted for the defence of the Church from the people and the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham, for £200 for 1312.
Date: Durham, St Gregory the pope year as above.
Endorsed (contemporary) with a memorandum that of that £200, £10 was allocated to Robert de Welles, received by William de Denum, and £11 15s 10d was allocated to William of Greystoke as there had been Scots at Durham.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, abcdefg cut through
Seal: G&B Nos. 1121 & 2099, each on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5056   7 January 1281
Notarial instrument reciting that Master Bagimond (Bayamundus) de Vitia, canon of Asti, appointed by the apostolic see as collector of the tenth for the Holy Land in the kingdom of Scotland, made a final account with Dom Thomas master of the hospital of Brechin (Brachin), deputed collector of the tenth in the bishoprick of Brechin for the last 4 years, having viewed his rolls, of £315 18s 7½d, deposited as said by the collector and Master Robert of Dundee canon of Bechin, by special mandate of the bishop of Brechin, in the church of Bechin, which Master Robert was the proctor of the said bishop in the Roman curia.
Witnesses: Thomas de Pannebrige priest, William of Hecham subdeacon, William de Newenaham literatus.
Date: hospital at Arbroath (Aberbrodhoc), 7 January 1280/1.
Notary: Peter de Vallectmaria of Camerin' diocese, NP by apostolic authority.
Parchment, 1m, lined, some stains
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5056. - …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5057   [28 October] 1256
Letter from Master Rostand, papal subdeacon and chaplain, to the collectors of the tenth in the dioceses of York, Durham, and Lincoln, notifying them of the prior and convent of Durham's liability for a loan of 600 marks from Christopher Tolomey, Peter Scott and Roger Reyner through an obligation of the bishop of Hereford which is to be recovered from the tenth that they might have collected.
Date: Agnani, 1256, feast of Simon and Jude.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 95 x 160mm
Seal: G&B No.3720, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
Discussed in W.E. Lunt, Financial Relations of the Papacy with England to 1327, (Cambridge, Mass., 1939), p.268.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5058   [23 August] 1292
Receipt of John de Cremona, clerk and commissary of Master Giffredi de Vezano, papal nuncio, to the prior and convent of Durham for 14s for the procurations of Master Giffredi granted by the apostolic see for the 15th and 16th years of his stay in England, on business committeed to him by the apostolic see and by letters of Master Francis de Serlehaus, formerly commissary of the said Giffredi, having been already satisfied for the previous 14 years, which letters have been inspected.
Date: Durham, 9 Kal. September 1292.
Notarial mark.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 736 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5059   14 September 1372
Bond from John of Halknaf and John of Thornton of Southwick to the prior and convent of Durham in £12 13s 4d for the tithes of sheaves from Southwick for 1372 to be paid at Durham at the Purification of the BVM and St Cuthbert in March next.
Date: Durham, 14 September year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1167, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5060   [20 June] 1325
Receipt of Henry, rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, dean of Christianity in Durham and collector by consent of hte community of the clergy of the archdeacony of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Henry of Hett for their churches with the waters [of the Tyne and Tees] for the first payment of 6d in the pound by the clergy of the same archdeaconry, according to the ancient taxation, for 56s 7d for the term of St John the Baptist.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. July 1325.
Parchment, 1m, some staining and a little gnawing
Seal: G&B No.3315 , on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5061   [4 April] 1332
Receipt of Richard de Aketon, burgess of Newcastle, to the prior and convent of the church of Durham, for £15, which they owed him for malt barley bought from him before Pentecost 1331, by the hand of Wiliam of Charlton, bursar.
Date: Durham, 2 Non. April 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.25, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5062   [23 September] 1332
Nicholas of Stockton chaplain waives payment by Master Richard de Goushill mason of 4s per year for the next 3 years, due as farm of a plot in the vill of Gateshead by Pipewellgate, as a subsidy for building.
Date: Gateshead, Wednesday before Michaelmas 1332.
Parchment, 1m, stained
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5063
Number not used.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5064   [24 October] 1302
Receipt of Brothers Thomas of Thockerington and Adam of Hertweyton, vicegerents of the abbot and convent of Newminster, to the prior of Durham for £38 10s for the churches of Pittington, Hesleden, Billingham, Aycliffe, Heighington, Merrington, their portion in Eden, Norham, Ellingham and Bellington for the whole payment for 1301.
Date: Newminster, 9 Kal. November 1302.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2407, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5065   [11 September] 1317
Receipt of Thomas of Stonegrave (Stenigreve) rector of the church of Rosington and Nicholas of Topcliffe (Tepclive) vicar of the church of Topcliffe, subcollectors of the procurations for Cardinals Ganscelim and Luke, deputed by Master R of Pickering, dean of York, principal collector, to the prior and convent of Durham for 26s 8d for the church of [North]allerton and 30s for the church of Eastrington for the procurations.
Date: York, 3 Id. September 1317.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2312 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5066   [?1328]
Letter from S[imon] of Staines clerk to Dom William of Cowton prior of the monastery of St Cuthbert of Durham asking for the arrears of his pension to be paid to his famulus Robert of Chibburn.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue conjoined with 5067 below, with also residue of an applied seal on the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 5067   [27 June] 1328
Receipt of Robert of Chibburn, famulus of Master Simon Staines (Stanos) clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 60s as part payment of the arrears of his pension.
Date: Wardley (Wardele), Monday after St John the Baptist 1328.
Parchment, 1m, torn
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue conjoined with 5066 above, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068a   24 February 1364
Receipt of William of Langton, advocate at the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin in winter for the year 1363.
Date: York, 24 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1551, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068b   [15 July] 1343
Receipt of Richard of Tanfield, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Robert of Denton, bursar of the house of St Cuthbert, for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1343.
Date: Durham, Id. July year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2374, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068c   10 January 1353
Receipt of Hugh of Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1352 by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham,10 January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068d   12 April 1361
Receipt of Hugh de Satlyngstanes to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his pension for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin for the year 1360.
Date: Durham, 12 April 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2147, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068e   28 December 1346
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin for the year 1346 in addition to a robe at Christmas in the same year.
Date: Durham, 28 December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068f   [7 July] 1310
Receipt of Richard de Ganyo notary public to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost for the year 1310 by the hand of Brother John of Hornby bursar.
Date: Durham, Translation of St Thomas the Martyr year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068g   [27 September 1337]
Receipt of John de Fencotes to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee for the terms of Pentecost and St Michael (?sic) by the hand of John Abel, bursar.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Matthew 37 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some letters cut through along the top and sealing tongue
Seal: G&B No.965, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068h   [21 July] 1408
Receipt of John Tonor vicar of Norham to Dom John of Durham chaplain proctor of the prior of Durham for his pension for 1408 for £20.
Date: Norham, St Praxedes year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some holes
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068i   [5 January] 1363
Receipt of Thomas of Ingelby to the prior of Durham for 20s by the hand of the bursar for his fee for the term of St Martin 1362.
Date: Durham, Wednesday after the Circumcision year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1434, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5068k   [25 November] 1331
Receipt of William of Kellawe, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s by the hand of Dom Walter of Scarisbrick (Scharesbek) bursar for his pension for the term of St Martin 1331.
Date: Durham, Monday the feast of St Katherine year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1487, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5069   [1 April] 1334
Receipt of Adam of Bowes to the prior and convent of the church of Durham for £66 13s 4d by the hand William of Charleton, bursar, in part payment of 200 marks owed to him.
Date: Durham, Kal. April 1334.
Parchment, 1m, bottom left corner torn, stained
Seal: G&B No. 324, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5070   14 August 1362
Receipt from the abbot and convent of St Mary's York, collectors of a papal subsidy from the clergy of the diocese of York to the prior of Durham for 53s 4d for the church of [North]allerton, 20s for the pension of the vicarage of the same, 60s for the church of Eastrington, 8d for their pension at Skipwith, 3s 4d for their pension in Hemingborough, 6s for their pension in Walkington, 6s 8d for their pension in Brantingham, 2s for their pension in Welton, 6s 8d for their pension in Kirby Sigston, 2s for their pension in Rounton, 2s for their pension in Holtby, in part payment of the subsidy.
Date: York, 14 August 1362.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being payment for a subsidy according to the ancient taxation.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3589(i) (/3591), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5071   1 June 1326
Receipt of Peter Vaurelli clerk, proctor of Cardinal Bertrand of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of the church of Brantingham, to the prior and convent Durham, by the hand of John Francisci, merchant of the society of the Bardi of Florence, for £60 which they owed the cardinal for the farm of the church of Brantingham for the term of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Date: Saltwood (Salthewode), 1 June 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5072   [1 May] 1321
Receipt of the dean of Durham, deputed by the official of the bishop of Durham as collector of the expenses of Brother William of Lauduno, papal nuncio, for his stay in the diocese of Durham, to the prior and convent of the church Durham, by the hand of Dom Alexander of Lamesley bursar of the same place, for 36s 2½d for the churches of Pittington, Heselden, Billingham, Merrington, Heighinton, Aycliffe, and for the prior's portion in the church of Eden in the archdeaconry of Durham, for according to the new taxation 2½d to the mark.
Date: Durham, Kal. May 1321.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3315 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5073   [19 May] 1315
Receipt of William de Burgh, executor of the will of Master William of Pickering (Pykeryng), formerly dean of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Richard Tunnok of York, for £20 in which they were obligated to Pickering whilst he was alive.
Date: York, Monday the morrow of Trinity 1315.
Parchment, 1m, stained along the foot
Seal: G&B No. 217, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5074   [3 August] 1329
Receipt of Richard of Scarborough (Scardeburgh), clerk, advocate of the court of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Dom John Crepinges, for £4 in part payment for the arrears of his annual pension of 40s.
Date: York, Thursday after St Peter ad vincula 1329.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2175, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5075   [23 November 1363]
Language:  French
Receipt of John of Bolton for £3 2s 2d from the prior and convent of Durham for one pipe of wine sold to them in the time when the king was in the north for his victuals.
Date: London, St Clement 37 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.307, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5076   [15 November] 1311
Receipt of Andrew of Burntoft to Dom Thomas of Haswell (Hessewell) bursar of Durham for £19 18s in part payment of a debt from the prior and convent.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Martin 1311.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No.427, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5076*   [29 November] 1316
Receipt of Andrew of Burntoft to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom Alexander of Lamesley (Lamesleye) bursar of the same for £87 15s 2d for a variety of items sold.
Date: Durham, Monday after St Katherine the Virgin 1316.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 427, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5077   9 June 1334
Receipt of William [of Cowton] prior of Durham to Edmund Cruer, vicar of Northallerton, for £10 in part payment for his pension for the term of Pentecost last.
Date: Durham, 9 June 1334.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5078   4 March [1429]
Receipt of William [of Helperby], abbot of Byland and collector of the tax of half of a tenth within the archdeaconry of Cleveland granted to the king by the prelates and clergy of the diocese of York, to the prior of Durham for 20s for the church of [North]allerton.
Date: Northallerton, 4 March 7 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3422 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5079   29 July 1328
Receipt of Peter Vaurelli, clerk, proctor of Cardinal-Deacon Bertrand of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of the church of Brantingham in the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham farmers of the said church for £60 owed to him for the term of the Nativity of St John the Baptist next.
Date: York, 29 July 1328.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2526 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5080   1 July 1332
Receipt from Thomas of Holme of Beverley, merchant, to the prior and convent of Durham for £74 5s, in which they were held by their obligation sealed by Alexander of Lamesley, terrar.
Date: ?Bewdley (Bellum Locum), 1 July 1332.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1369, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081a    [22 May 1307]
Receipt of William of Herle to the prior of Durham for 40s for his fee for the term of Pentecost 35 Edward [I].
Date: Durham, Monday the morrow of Trinity year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1262, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081b   [14 November] 1342
Receipt of William of Kellawe, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin in Winter last.
Date: Durham, Thursday after St Brice bishop and confessor 1342.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1487, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081c   26 September 1341
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1341.
Date: Durham, 26 September year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081d   [21 December] 1355
Receipt of Thomas of Seaton miles to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin last by the hand of Adam of Darlington, bursar of the church of Durham.
Date: Durham, Monday St Thomas the Apostle 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2224, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081e   20 May 1326
Receipt of Robert of Tange, rector of the church of Fobbinge in the diocese of London, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his pension for the term of Pentecost next.
Date: Durham, 20 May 1326.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2382, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081f   [19 August] 1326
Receipt of John of Beckingham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of John Luttrell bursar for 20s in part payment of his pension for the term of Pentecost 1326.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. September year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.172, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081g   [25 December 1305]
Receipt of William de Herle to the prior of Durham for £4 for his fee for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin 33 Edward [I].
Date:Durham, Saturday Christmas Day 34 Edward [I].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1262 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081h   [10 April] 1335
Receipt of Roger de Blaykeston to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of William of Charlton bursar for 20s for his pension for the term of St Martin 1334.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. April 1335.
Parchment, 1m, some gnawed holes with some text lost
Seal: G&B No. 283, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081i    [24 October] 1310
Receipt of Richard of Tynemouth chaplain of the chapel of Herverton by the hand of Dom Thomas of Haswell bursar for 5s, in part payment of 11s 4d owed him for the arrears of his pension for the term of Pentecost 1310.
Date: Durham, Saturday after St Luke the Evangelist year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081k   [28 July 1343]
Receipt of William of Denum to the prior of Durham for 20s for his annual fee of 40s for the term of Pentecost last.
Date: Cambois (Camhus), Monday after St James 17 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No. 785, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081l   [31] January 1356
Receipt of William of Warcop (Warchecopp) vicar of the parish church of Bedlington in the diocese of Durham, proctor of Master John of Appleby rector of the church of Whitburn (Qwytberne), to, in the name of the said Master John, the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for master John's annual pension for St Michael 1356.
Date: Durham, the last day of January year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.5081l, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081m   [26 December] 1362
Receipt of Roger of Fulthorp to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin 1362.
Date: Durham, Monday after Christmas year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081n   [8 December] 1316
Receipt of John of Beckingham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Alexander of Lamesley, bursar, for 20s for his annual pension for the term of St Martin 1316.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. December year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No. 173, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5081o   [18 November] 1324
Receipt of William le Vaus, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his pension for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin 1324.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2535, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5082   [2 August] 1323
Mandate of the Dean of York Minster, papal judge delegate, to the deans of Langhowe and Boby, and Master Hugh of Corbridge, public notary, to cite, in accordance with a papal mandate, the prior of the Augustinian priory of Nocton [Park] of Lincoln diocese to appear before him or his commissary or commissaries on Wednesday after St Luke next in the collegiate church of Beverley in a suit between the prior and convent of Durham and the said prior, to be certified by their letters patent.
Date: York, 4 Non. August 1323.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3333 (fragments), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5083    [8 April] 1317
Receipt of William de Bergh, executor of the will of Master William of Pickering former dean of York, to Brother Geoffrey of Haxby prior of Jarrow for £40 in part payment of 190 marks in which the prior and convent [of Durham] were obligated to him.
Date: York, 6 Id. April 1317.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being an acquittance for the payment of 40 marks (sic).
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 217, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5084   [11 June] 1341
Receipt of Roger of Wessington (Whassington) to Dom Robert of Benton, bursar of Durham, for 100s in part payment of £10 owed to him by Dom William [of Cowton], prior of Durham.
Date: Durham, St Barnabas 1341.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a n acquittance of Roger of Qwassington.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2606, on a tongue
DCD Misc.Ch. 5085   30 June 1314
Receipt of John [Droxford] bishop of Bath and Wells, by the hand of Dom William of Wheatley (Whetelay), ?his clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for £40 in full payment of all the debts acknowledged in an obligatory recognisance made in the chancery of the bishop of Durham, for loans and pensions.
Date: Woodhill? (Wodehull), 30 June 1314, Pont. 5.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3090, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5086   18 May 1357
Receipt of Hugh of Fleetham, clerk of York diocese, collector of the procurations of Master Hugh Pellegrini, treasurer of Lichfield and apostolic nuncio, for his nunciation in the province of York, to the prior of Durham for 7s for the seventh year of his stay in England.
Date: York, 18 May 1357.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: G&B No.85, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5087   [28 September] 1330
Receipt of the abbot and convent of St Mary's monastery York, deputed subcollectors of the papal quadriennial tenth from the clergy in the archdeaconries of York and Cleveland for W[illiam Melton], archbishop of York, to the prior of Durham for £4 from his church of [North]allerton, for the first two years.
Date: York, 4 Kal. October 1330.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3575, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5088    [31 January] 1332
Receipt from the Dean of Christianity of Durham and William de Whalton, clerk, deputed by the official of Durham as collectors of 12d in the £1 from all ecclesiastical benefices in the deanery of Durham according to the new taxation to support the war against the Scots under Robert the Bruce (Bruys) in the bishoprick of Durham, and hostages sent to Scotland as conceded by the clergy of the archdeaconry of Durham, to the prior and convent of Durham for 42s 8d from the rectories of Jarrow, Hesilden, Billingham, Merrington, and Pittington by the hand of John of Barnard Castle for the first half of the 12d.
Date: Durham, 2 Kal. February 1331/2.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 2614 and 3315, on the one tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5089    [11 March] 1328
Receipt of John of Seaham to the prior and convent of the church of Durham by the hand of Dom John Luttrell, bursar, for £11 15s 10½d in part payment of 20 marks.
Date: Durham, Friday next before St Gregory the Pope 1327/8.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
Seal: G&B No. 2209, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie above
DCD Misc.Ch. 5090   [20 February] 1327
Receipt of Ralph de Blaykeston, collector of a farthing in the pound from the ecclesiastical goods and benefices and temporalities for the stipends of William [of Laudun], archbishop of Vienne (Venens') and John of Grandisson, archdeacon of Nottingham, in the archdeaconry of Northumberland, for 4s 9¼d according to the ancient tax from the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of Dom John Luttrell, bursar of the church of Durham, for the churches of Norham, Ellingham, Branxston (Brankeston) and Bedlington and for their temporalities in the aforesaid archdeaconry.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. March 1326/7.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5091    [4 October] 1338
Receipt of William of Wirkesworth, collector of a farthing in the pound from the ecclesiastical goods and benefices from the city and diocese of York for the expenses of the various nunciations of Cardinals Peter and Bertrand in England, to the prior and convent of Durham, by the hand of John of Aislaby clerk for 21d for the church of Eastrington, their pension in the church of Skipwith, their pension in the church of Heighington, their pension of the church of Walkington, their pension inthe church of Brantingham, and their pension in the church of Rounton, and for the same by the hand of Dom Robert de Dyghton for 11½d for the church of [North][alerton and for their pension in the vicarage there, and for their pension of the church of [Kirby] Sigston (Syggeston).
Date: York, 4 Non. October 1338.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2679, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5092   [12 March] 1372
Receipt of Kirkham prior and convent to Durham prior and convent for 4s for their annual pension from the church of Branxton for the term of St Gregory 1371/2.
Date: Kirkham, St Gregory year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3504, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5093    [15 June] 1314
Receipt of Richard of Hunwick, executor of Master Reginald of Brandon, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £20 by the hand of William of Meburn proctor of Norham, in part payment of £30 of the arrears of an annual pension owed to Reginald.
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, Saturday after St Barnabas 1314.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1421(i), with cotton wool attached, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5094    [24 November] 1337
Receipt of Alexander de Bergh miles to the prior and covenant of Durham (Dunholme) for his robe for the term of St Martin 1337.
Date: Burgh in Ryedale (Bergh in Ridal), Monday the vigil of St Katherine year as above.
With a note that he has not received his pension of 20s for the term of St Martin in 1336 and the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in 1337.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 216, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5095   [18 February] 1346
Certification of the Dean of Christianity of Durham to Dom John [Fossor] prior of Durham, collector of the triennial tenth granted to the king for the subsidy and defence of the kingdom from the clergy of the city and diocese of Durham, of having carried out the following mandate.
Mandate of John [Fossor] prior of Durham collector as above, to the dean of Christianity of Durham to warn the clergy of his deanery, as listed on the attached (no longer present) schedule to pay the tenth in the terms of St Lucy the Virgin and the Nativity of St John the Baptist, with those not paying to be cited to appear before the prior in the Revestry at Durham.
Date: Durham, 21 January 1345/6.
Date:Durham, 12 Kal. March of the year above
Parchment, 1m, one slit in middle of foot and 5 slits on right side of foot
DCD Misc.Ch. 5096   8 March [1409]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Henry [IV] to the collectors of the first half of a tenth in the diocese of Durham granted to the king conceded by the clergy of the province of York in York Minster, ordering them to pay to Ralph, earl of Westmorland, £80 for the defence of the vill of Carlisle and the West March against Scotland, for 2 tallies at the exchequer.
Witness: J. Tiptoft chivaler, treasurer.
Date: Westminster, 8 March 10 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 10½" x 2"
DCD Misc.Ch. 5097   [12 March] 1373
Receipt of the prior and convent of Kirkham to the prior and convent of Durham for 4s for their annual pension from the church of Branxton for the term of St Gregory the Pope 1373.
Date: Durham, St Gregory year as above.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side, some staining
Seal: G&B No. 3504, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5098   20 March 1378
Receipt of John Ball of Durham to Dom John of Lumley, Master of Jarrow, monk, for 13s 4d in part payment of 40s, for some oxen sold to William Vavasour, former Master of Jarrow.
Date: Durham, 20 March 1377/8.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole on th eleft edge
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5099   [30 June] 1341
Receipt of the abbot of St Mary's, York, collector of the biennial tenth for the king for the 14th year of his reign conceded by the clergy of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for the church of Allerton for 20s and another 20s for their pension in the vicarage there, 60s for the church of Eastrington, and 27s 4d for their pensions in the churches of Skipwith, Hemingbrough, Walkington, Brantingham, Welton, Kirkby Sigston, and Rounton for the first term of fthe second year of the tenth.
Date: York, Saturday within the octave of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1341.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3577, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5100   5 May 1373
Receipt of William of Orchard (Orchierd), clerk of Durham, and specially deputed collector in the diocese of Durham of the triennial tenth of our lord the king of England, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £19 6s 11d (cancelled, with £? 15s interlined and also cancelled) for the second term of the first year of the above tenth.
Date: London, 5 May 1373.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1920 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5100*   5 May 1373
Receipt of William of Orchard, clerk of Durham and specially deputed collector in the diocese of Durham of the triennial tenth of our lord the King of England, to the prior and convent of Durham, for £38 13s 10d for the whole of the second year of the above tenth.
Date: London, 5 May 1373.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1920, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Misc.Ch. 5101-5200
DCD Misc.Ch. 5101   [2 February] 1371
Receipt of the abbot and convent of the monastery of St. Mary's of York, collectors of the triennial tenth last granted to the king, to the prior of Durham, from their spiritualities and temporalities in the diocese of York for £6 11s 1½d for the second term of the first year.
Date: York, 2 February 1370/1.
Parchment, 1m, with a diamond-shaped [filing] hole near the centre
Seal: G&B No. 3587, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5102   [17 March] 1271
Inspeximus by Bonetus de St Quintin and William of Rotherfeld, deputed collectors of the arrears of the king's tenth in the province of York, of the acquittances of the prior and convent of Durham for the payment of 20 marks for the four years of the tenth (at five marks a year) for their church at Esternaton (?Eastrington).
Date: York, 16 Kal. April 1270/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos. 2121 & 2157, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5103   [28 February] 1315
Oath of fealty of William of [North]allerton clerk to the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 2 Kal. March 1315.
Parchment, 1m, some stains
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5104   [31 May] 1313
Quitclaim by Thomas of Merrington cook of any claims for his monies or robes due for his salary from the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham, 2 Kal. June 1313.
Endorsed (contemporary) as Thomas Cook.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1766(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5105   [1 May] 1268
Receipt of Gifredi [of Vezano], papal legate's chamberlain, to the prior of Durham [Hugh of Darlington], for 700 marks paid to the legate from the bishops of Dunkeld [Richard of Inverkeithing] and Dunblane [Robert of Prebenda] from the prelates and clergy of Scotland for his procurations fo rthe first year of the legation.
Date: London, ?Kal. May 1268.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2540A, on a tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5105. - …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5106   [ 30 April] 1294
Receipt of the abbot of St. Mary's monastery in York, collector of the tenth for the king in subsidy for the Holy Land conceded by the apostolic see for 6 years in the archdeaconries of York, Cleveland, and the East Riding, to the rector of the church of Eastrington for 9 marks for each term of the third year.
Date: York, 2 Kal. May 1294.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3570 (repaired) , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5107   [17 September] 1281
Inspeximus by Giffridus de Anagni, papal chaplain and auditor of his letters contradictory, that Peter canon of Assisi and proctor of the prior and chapter of the church Durham had acknowledged that he had received 6 marks from the sacrist for his salary for procurations carried out in the Roman curia for 3 years.
Date: ?Urbeminetem, 15 Kal. October Pont. 1 Pope Martin IV and 1281.
Parchment, 1m, staining along the foot
Seal: G&B No. 3700, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5108   [27 March] 1271
Receipt of Bonetus de St Quintin and William of Rotherfeld, deputed collectors of the arrears of the king's tenth in the diocese and province of York, to the prior and convent of Durham for £19 19s for the arrears of the tenth for their church of [North]allerton with its chapels and for their pensions, and temporal and spiritual goods in the diocese of York, as is evident from their inspection of the said receipt and the rolls of Dom Ruffim archdeacon of Cleveland and Master Henry Sampson deputed collectors of the tenth in the diocese and province of York, whereby they acquit the prior and covnent on behalf of the king and queen.
Date: York, Friday after the Annunciation of the BVM 1271.
Parchment, 1m, some gnawing of the left side
Seal: G&B Nos. 2121 & 2157, each on a tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5109   [2 November] 1307
Bond of Richard of Aislaby (Aslagby) subprior of the church of Durham and vicar general of Richard prior of the same to the executors of the will of Master Allan of Easingwold (Esingwald) clerk deceased in £131 8s 4d by way of a loan to us and our church to be repaid at Pentecost 1308.
Date: Durham, 4 Non. November 1307.
Parchment, 1m, cancelled with horizontal arrow cuts
Seal: blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110a   [20 September] 1306
Receipt of John of Haverington to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s by the hand of Roger of School Aycliffe (Scolacley) bursar of Durham for the term of Pentecost [1]306 for his pension.
Date: Durham, Tuesday the vigil of St Matthew year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1210, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110b   [30 November 1325]
Receipt of Robert of Tang clerk to the prior and convent of Durham for 40s for his pension, that is for the term of Pentecost 18 Edward [II] (1325) 20s, and also for the term of St Martin 19 [Edward II] 20s.
Date: London, St Andrew the Appostle 19 [Edward II].
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2382 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110c   20 September 1361
Receipt of William of Farnham, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of Pentecost next.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1361.
Endorsed (contemporary) with a description describing him as Master William of Farnham.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing tongue] stub, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110d   [26 May] 1298
Receipt Richard of Burton, chaplain, celebrating at Harraton (Herverton) for the soul of Dom Thomas de Herington, to Dom Thomas of Haswell, bursar of Durham, for 66s 8d for his salary from St Martin in winter 1296 for a year onwards.
Date: Durham, St Augustine 1298.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 491(i), on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110e   [18 June] 1312
Receipt of Robert, chaplain of Bearpark (Beureper) to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Dom John of Hornby, bursar, for 33s 4d for his pension for the term of Pentecost 1312.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Barnabas year as above.
Parchment, 1m, some gnawing around the right end
Seal: G&B No. 3362, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110f   [25 May] 1363
Receipt of William of Welton (Welleton), clerk of the diocese of York, to the prior and convent of Durham, in part payment of his annual pension, for the term of St Martin 1362 20s and for the term of Pentecost 1363 20s, by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, St Urban pope and martyr 1363.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110g   [21 November] 1361
Receipt of John of Appleby, clerk, to the prior and convent of Durham for £4 for two years for his pension for the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in both 1360 and 1361.
Date: Durham, Sunday after St Ed[mund] the king 1361.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 82, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110h   [1289]
Receipt of Alexander Kneton for 1 mark by the hand of Dom Richard of Brompton terrar of Durham for his fee for the terms of St Martin 1288 and Pentecost 1289 out of the 20s he is owed for his service for those terms.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1526, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110i   3 January 1351
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of St Martin last by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, 3 January 1350/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 2146, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110k   20 September 1355
Receipt of Hugh de Sadelyngstanes to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, 20 September 1355.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2146, on a tongue with some text from another document below, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110l   [19 December 1361]
Receipt of Thomas of Ingelby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee of the term of St Martin last.
Date: Durham, Monday before Christmas 34 Edward III.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.1434 , on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110m   [2 February 1353]
Receipt of William of Welton (Welleton), vicar of the church of Darlington, to the prior and convent of the church Durham, by the hand of Dom John of Newton their bursar, in part payment of of annual pension of 40s owed to him, for the term of St Martin 1352 20s.
Date: Durham, Purification of the BVM [135]2/3.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2601, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110n   October 1273
Receipt for Robert de Smetheton, official and proctor of the archdeacon of the East Riding, in the name of the archdeacon to the prior and convent of Durham for 4 marks for a pension for the term of St Mary Magdalene 1273.
Date: York, October year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: residue, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110o   [1293]
Receipt of Peter of Kelloe (Kellawe) to R[ichard de Hoton] prior of Durham for 20s for his annual pension for the term of Pentecost 1293.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1478, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5110p   [10 December] 1323
Receipt of Denis Avenel, archdeacon of the East Riding, to the prior and convent of Durham by the hand of Master John of Beckingham, their clerk, for 4 marks for his annual pension for the archdeaconry of the East Riding owed and customarily paid, for 1323.
Date: York, 5 Id. December year as above.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3294, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5111   19 March 1301
Receipt of Reginald de Brandon, canon of London St Paul's, to Henry [of Lusby] prior and the convent of Durham for £20 by the hand of Dom Adam de Boysvill monk and chamberlain there, in part payment of £90 owed to him for the arrears of his pension of £10.
Date: London, 19 March 1300/1.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.375, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie with some text of a ?draft of this document below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5112   [9 June] 1365
Receipt of Thomas of Ingleby to the prior of Durham for 20s for his fee for the term of Pentecost last past, by the hand of the bursar.
Date: Durham, Monday after Trinity 1365.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1434, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5113   [24 June] 1335
Receipt of the abbot and convent of St Mary's abbey, York, deputed by W[illiam Melton] archbishop of York as collectors of the annual tenth for the king for the subsidy and defence of the realm for the 8th year granted by the clergy in the archdeaconries of York and Cleveland, to the prior and convent of Durham for 20s for their church of Northallerton for the second term.
Date: York, Nativity of St John the Baptist 1335.
Parchment, 1m, written in two hands
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5114   15 December [1313 x 1321]
Language:  French
Letter from Geoffrey [of Burdon] prior of Durham to Magot de Wynton saying he is ready to be of service to her in the matter about which she has written to him.
Date: Durham, 15 December.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Blank [sealing] tongue, with a wrapping tie below, heavily stained
DCD Misc.Ch. 5114*   2 June [1446]
Receipt by Henry Percy, miles, first son of Henry [Percy] earl of Northumberland and warden of the East March of England towards Scotland, of the oath of fealty of John Gibson to the present King Henry and all his officers.
Date: Berwick upon Tweed, 2 June 24 Henry VI.
Endorsed (contemporary) as registered.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1965, fragmenting, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5115   [25 October] 1281
Commission by the archdeacon of Salop [Shropshire] in the church of Hereford, papal judge delegate, at the petition of Master Nicholas of Appleby, rector of the church of Kirkland, Carlisle diocese, to the priors of Finchale and Jarrow of the diocese of Durham and the sub-prior of Pontefract, sub-prior, to hear a case between the said Master Nicholas, and Masters Richard of Whitby and Nicholas of Mtildishame clerks concerning the chapel of Ulmsby, dependent on the church of Kirkland, and the fruits and profits therefrom, whereby Thomas of Wicherhayte layman and various others ecclesiastical and lay have illicitly several times been alienating the goods of the said church.
Date: [Rome] (urbem veterem), 7 Kal. November 1281.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3283, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5116   [c.1200]
Copy [14th century] grant by Bertram, prior and the convent of St Cuthbert, to Adam their servant of the cellar, of a toft before their gate, that is between the houses of Robert the Cook and the almoner, pertaining to the said house of the almoner without quar, rendering annually to the almoner 16d, half at Rogation and half at St Martin.
Witnesses: Master Auger, Master Walter of Haddington, Master Richard nephew of Germanus the prior, John of Alexander of the cellar, Roger, Henry, Alan, William of the church, Walter of Vilaix, William Alan, Sler de Sarternio.
Endorsed with a list of lands.
Noted in the register as being a demise by Prior Bertram of a toft on the south side of the infirmary.
Parchment, 1m
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.90v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5117   [c.1400]
Copy mandate of Walter [Skirlaw] bishop of Durham to Richard Norton and John Conyers his justices that the prior and convent of Durham may have half the profits of justice levied upon tenants resident on their fee before the bishop's sheriff, escheator or any of his justices, and half the income from the lands of heirs of their fee as long as the heirs are minors; the bishop reserves to himself wardships and marriages of the heirs themselves if they hold of him by military service.
Endorsed (contemporary) as being a concession of marriages etc as contained in Le Convenit.
Parchment, 1m
DCD Misc.Ch. 5118   [14th century]
6 loose seal parchment tags/tongues and 2 loose parchment wrapping ties
Seal: 6 unidentified, with some fragments
DCD Misc.Ch. 5119   1331-1360
a. Label: three obligations on the account of R[obert] of Benton bursar concerning tithes, two for 1344 and the third for 1339.
b. Label: acquittances on the bursar's account for St Martin 1350, to the same feast 1351.
c. Label: acquittances for the term of Pentecost [13]53.
d. Label: acquittances for the office of bursar [13]60.
e. Label: acquittances on John Abel's [bursar's] account for 1364 for a whole year.
f. Label: acquittances for Dom T[homas] Surtees (Surteys).
g. Label: acquittances of Dom William of Denum, the last being for the term of St Martin 5 Edward III.
h. Part of a document, ?letter.
i. Part of a document, ?citation.
Parchment, 9 items, each 1m
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5120]
Now 1.2.Sacr.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5121]
Now 2.2.Sacr.3e.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5122]
Now 1.2.Sacr.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5123]
Now 1.2.Sacr.5b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5124]
Now 1.2.Sacr.5a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5125]
Now 1.2.Sacr.30.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5126]
Now 1.2.Sacr.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5127]
Now 1.2.Sacr.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5128]
Now 1.2.Sacr.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5129]
Now 1.2.Sacr.19.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5130]
Now 1.2.Sacr.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5131]
Now 1.2.Sacr.25.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5132]
Now 1.2.Sacr.28.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5133]
Now 1.2.Sacr.27.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5134]
Now 1.2.Sacr.44.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5135]
Now 1.2.Sacr.29.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5136]
Now 1.2.Sacr.26.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5137]
Now 1.2.Sacr.38.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5138]
Now 1.2.Sacr.35.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5139   [1 February 1409]
Grant by John Hinderwell, son and heir of Ralph of Whitby (Wytby), to [William ?] of a built-upon burgage in the Old Borough of Durham between the tenements of William Holilob and [blank].
Witnesses: Thomas of St Quentin (Seyntquyntyn), John Fulthorp, Thomas Copeland, John Reede, John Clerk.
Date: [blank], vigil of the Purification of the BVM 10 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 1354 left end of document missing, written on a tongue
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5140]
Now 6.1.Elemos.4a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5141   [13 August] 1268
Receipt of Master Matthew of Malton and Henry, proctors of Bedern of Beverley, commissary of Master Henry Samson, for the collection of a tenth for the king, for its second year, to the proctor of the church of Eastrington in Howdenshire, for 5 marks.
Date: Beverley, Monday before the Assumption of the BVM 1268.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Two unidentified, each on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5142   2 July 1373
Receipt of William Palmer, rector of the church of Hadleigh, and general proctor and receiver in England of Cardinal Simon [Langham] of Canterbury, to the bishop and clergy of Durham for 28s 4d by the hand of Master Outrede, monk collector, in part payment of the procurations due to the cardinal for the second year of his nunciation, that is 2d in the pound.
Date: London, 2 July 1373.
Parchment, 1m, some staining
Seal: G&B No. 1933, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5143   [later 16th century]
Language:  Latin and English
Citation against Anthony Hodgeson of Portinscaill in the parish of Crossthwaite in the diocese of Carlisle, natural son of the late Thomas Hodgeson of Portinscaill, to answer to the late Janet Barnes wife of James Barnes of the city of Durham for a debt of 7s.
Instruction to Mr Parkin to make the bearer a citation [as above] against his next court date and asks to meet at his office and to keep the book he gave him, for his man to write up the court fees.
Paper, 1p, repaired and backed with paper c.1970
DCD Misc.Ch. 5144   [early 13th century]
Grant by Peter son of the Ralph of Gunewarton to William Briton his kinsman of all his land at Egglescliffe and Urlay (Lurlehou) which Alan of Egglescliffe his grandfather held, rendering annually 3s ie 18d at Easter and 18d at Michaelmas, and making foreign service for half a carucate in Egglescliffe, and as much as pertains to one carucate in Urlay.
Witnesses: Hugh of Balliol, Roger Bertram, Robert de Bruce, Wido de Fontibus, John de Amundeville, Ralph de Gunewarton, Richard Surtees (desupertesiam), Ralph Surtees, William of Thornton, Ralph Baard, Walter of Cadamo, John of Middleton, William of Sadberge (Setberge), Adam de Gesemue.
Parchment, 1m, some damp stains, repaired with parchment c.1950
Seal: G&B No.1145, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5145   [1329 x 1330]
Inquisition before the sheriff about the crimes of John Punden of Egglescliffe.
12 Beaumont.
Parchment, 1m, badly faded, lower left corner damaged
Seal: 6 unidentified, each on a tongue, [with a wrapping tie stub below]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5146   [12 April] 1279
Grant by R[ichard of Claxton] prior and convent of Durham to their parishioners of Eastrington in the vills of Grenhayk and Belasis together with the houses of John of Warwick comorantibus of a licence to construct an oratory in the same vill of Belasis for their services, as long as they visit the mother church of Eastrington 5 times at year at Christmas, the Purification of the BVM, Easter, Pentecost and Michaelmas, and they are to find a chaplain and clerk at their owns costs, with the vicar of Eastrington to provide for their needs in the meantime, with other strictures about th servicing of the chapel.
Witness: the chapter.
Date: Durham, day before Id. April 1279.
Copied in DCD Reg I, f.i.7v-8r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5147   [10 January 1279]
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] Archbishop of York by Richard [of Claxton], prior and convent of Durham, of chaplain Dom Alan of Chatton as vicar of Eastrington.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. January [Pont.] 1
(Date added in another possibly slightly later hand, also one correction.)
Parchment, 1m, 2 [filing] holes on the left side
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.119v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5148   31 July 1429
Lease by John [Wessington] prior of Durham to John Portington of Portington armiger, William Moston of Cavil armiger, Edmund Hopton of Portington and William Taylor of Cavil of the tithes of sheaves, lambs and wool of all the parish of Eastrington along with the prior's manor at Newland from the Invention of the Holy Cross next for 3 years, rendering annually at York £20 13s 4d in the first year at St Cuthbert in March and the Nativity of St John the Baptist in equal portions beginning at St Cuthbert in March next, and then in the second year £26 13s 4d, and in the third year £32 at the same feasts, with distraint after 6 weeks' non-payment, and the buildings to be maintained, and four guarantors from Eastrington to be provided, and obligations to be entered into.
Date: 31 July 7 Henry VI, 1429.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'indentura' cut through, damaged on the right side with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Seal: 1 unidentified with residue of 3 more, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5149   [14 July 1261 x 8 January 1273]
Inspeximus by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham of the following charters, in the dispute over the church of Easington, with Master R[obert] of St Agatha archdeacon of Durham, proctors Master Geoffrey de Redenhal, William of Sadberge and John of Stonehope, citing his collation by Walter [Kirkham], Stichill's predecessor as bishop, and Dom Walter of Harton rector of Segefeud, proctor Master Geoffrey de Redenhal, citing his presentation by Nicholas [Farnham], also former bishop. Incomplete.
Charter of Master R[obert] of St Agatha, archdeacon of Durham, rector of the church of Easington, collated by Walter [Kirkham] former bishop of Durham, submitting to the judgement of Bishop Robert over the church of Easington.
Date: Durham, Prid. Id. July [14 July] 1261.
Charter of Master Geoffrey de Redenal, appointed proctor of Walter of Harton, rector of Sedgefield, along with William of Sadberge and John de Stonehope in the dispute with Robert of St Agatha over Easington church ... (undated)
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [flining] holes in both the bottom corners
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.19r-20r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.160-162.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5150   [5 December 1249 x 9 August 1260]
Grant by Walter [Kirkham] bishop of Durham to the bishop's servant, John Haldan, of 156 acres in the moor of Easington, bounds detailed, rendering annually £4 at the exchequer in Durham at the 4 usual terms and 2s for common aid when it occurs, and making suit at Durham at the three capital pleas.
Witnesses: Masters William of Merrow and Roger de Seyton; Doms Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, John of Egglescliffe bishop's steward, Gilbert of Layton, Richard Harpin, Adam of Fulthorpe, Roger of Eppleton, and Thomas of Herrington, milites; Robert le Burs[ar] and Adam of Scarborough bishop's chaplains; John of Clifton, Geoffrey de Elme, Roger of Scarborough clerks.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 205 x 145mm
Seal: G&B No.3122, on red silk cords, threaded through 2 holes in a turnup
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.82-83.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5151   3 September 1273
Copy inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of a grant by Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham to John de Bosco of waste land in Easington moor.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters (?cirographum) cut through
Original: DCD Misc.Ch. 6154.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.40r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5152   20 June 1316
Grant by Richard [de Bury], bishop of Durham, to William of Denum, of 20 acres of moor from his waste in the moor of Easington, enclosed by ditching, next to the land which William already has, [which moor] was formerly Robert de Besepole's, for the service of the fortieth part of a knight's fee and rendering annually 6d at the bishop's exchequer in Durham at the four usual terms; and also common of pasture for his animals, to be communicated to the other men in Easington and Shotton, saving the bishop's rights.
Date: Riccall (Rikhale), 20 June 1316 Pont. 6.
Parchment, 1m, lined
Seal: Residue on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turn-up
DCD Misc.Ch. 5153   23 December 1261
Inspeximus by Hugh [of Darlington], prior of Durham and the church and convent of the same, of the following charter of Robert, bishop of Durham.
Grant by Robert [of Stichill] bishop of Durham to Master Roger of Hartburn, clerk, of moorland in the field of Easington, which John Haldan held by the gift of Bishop Walter, making an annual payment of one mark to the bishop's exchequer at Durham. [13 February x 23 December 1261]
Witnesses: Master William of Merwe, Roger of Seyton, Robert of Coquina, Lord Richard Chancellor at that time our seneschal, Marmaduke son of Geoffrey, Thomas of Herrington, Gilbert of Layton (Latun), Richard Harpin, Roger of Eppleton Applingden, Adam of Fulthorp, all miles, John Gilet, Robert of Brunninghill then constable of Durham Castle, Alexander of Bydik then sherrif, Geoffrey of Eggesclive, Rudolph of Corneford, Thomas of Beufon, Water of Ludworth, John of Bradeley.
Date: Durham, 10 Kal. January 1261.
Parchment, 1m, lined, indented head, holes in bottom right hand corner and left hand side
Seal: Slit in turn-up, no parchment tag
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.25v-26r.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.136-137.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5154   [27 April 1384]
Grant by Thomas of Menvill to Isabella of Claxton, John of Claxton, Walter of Hawick and Ralph of Beaufo of one messuage, one garden and 8 acres of land in the vill of Easington, and also one messuage, one garden and 8 acres of land in the same vill, that William Maccher holds for his life with reversion to Thomas of Menvill.
Witnesses: Ralph of Maltby, John of Preston, John de Merly, John of Sadbery.
Date: Easington, Wednesday after St Mark the Evangelist 7 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, some small holes, stitching holes [for a repair] in bottom left corner
Seal: G&B No. 1754, on a parchment tag (?reused from a draft of this document) through a slit in a turn-up
DCD Misc.Ch. 5155   [1236 x 1237]
Counterpart inspeximus by Prior Th[omas Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following confirmation.
Confirmation by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham of an endowment for the church of Easington, its rector Dom John of Romsey and his successors, at its [re]dedication, namely a lake called Renygcnolmere, pasture for 10 oxen in the demesne, with provision for a mass of the Virgin every weekday from land at Suthtwysle.
Witnesses: Master W. of Lincoln (Lindon) official and P. Grimbald the bishop's steward, Masters P. ?, Brother H[u]bert and Hugh of Gaherst, Stephen of Burton, W. de Bromham and Roger de la Leye, bishop's clerks, Geoffrey son of Geoffrey, Jordan de Daldon, Walter of the monastery, William of Haswell, Geoffrey of Hetton, milites, Adam de Merleye, W. of Selby, William of Hawthorn.
Date: Easington, by the hand of Henry bishop's chaplain, 8 Id. July Pont.8 [8 July 1236]
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in bottom right corner, some mould damage with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Copied (no witnesses) in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4r foot.
Printed (confirmation): English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.290-291.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5156   3 May [1405]
Grant by Isabella of Claxton to Adam of Culgarth chaplain of a messuage, a garden and 16 acres of land in the vill and territory of Easington for life, to support six wax candles annually on feast days at the high altar of St Mary in the church of Easington, each candle weighing one pound, for the souls of Isabella, William Menevyll her father, and Dionisia her mother and their ancestors, and if Adam fails to provide these candles for a year then Isabella may reenter the property; Isabella also gives to Adam an annual rent of 8 marks from the manor of Peaspoole and Boysfeld at St Martin and Pentecost in equal portions for 12 years, starting at St Martin next, to enable Adam to provide for a daily mass at the altar of the BVM in Easington for the souls of Isabella etc.
Date: 3 May, 6 Henry IV.
Parchment, 1m, indented head zigzag, ABCDEFGHIKL cut through
Seal: G&B No. 625, on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5157   [27 April 1384]
Appointment by Thomas de Menevill of William Mowbray as his attorney to deliver seisin of a messuage, garden and 8 acres of land in the vill of Easington to Dom Isabella of Claxton, John of Claxton, Walter of Hawick and Ralph de Beaufo as detailed in his charter, and of the reversion of a messuage, garden and 8 acres of land in the same vill.
Date: Easington, Wednesday after St Mark the Evangelist 7 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, some holes
Seal: G&B No.1754, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5158   [5 September] 1410
Grant by John Clocroft to Robert of Medomsley of Durham of one messuage and one acre of land called Gefrayhope on the edge of the pasture called Oxenpasture near Le Burnmouth within the territory of the vill of Easington, to be held of the bishop of Durham for 60 years as conceded to him by Walter [Skirlaw] late bishop of Durham, rendering annually to the bishop 6s to be paid at the bishop's exchequer in Durham in equal parts at the four usual terms.
Date: Easington, Friday after St Cuthbert in September 1410.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Unidentified seal on a tongue (detached), with a wrapping tie stub below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5159   [30 July] 1283
Receipt of the prior of Newburgh, collector of the tenth conceded by the clergy in the archdeaconry of Cleveland, from the church of [North]allerton and its annexed chapels for 63s 4¾d for the second term of the second year.
Date: [North]allerton, 3 Kal. August 1283.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3522, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5160]
Now 1.3.Elemos.7a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5161   [15 August] 1368
Grant by Roger of Woderyngton to Isabella, daughter and heiress of Robert Darays, formerly wife of William of Kellaw from Great Lumley, of an annual rent of 10s from all his lands in the vill and territory of Ellyngton which was formerly held by Robert Darays her father, for her life at the terms of Pentecost and St Martin in equal portions, with distraint if the rent is in arrears for 40 days.
Witnesses: William Menvyll, William Hesilrigg, Edmund Hesilrigg, John of Elvet (Ellevet), Robert of Island (Eland).
Date: the vill of Newcastle upon Tyne, Assumption of the BVM 1368.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Three slits in a turn up [for a sealing tag]
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5162]
Now 1.1.Sacr.20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5163   [1345 x 1374]
Protestation and petition of the proctor of Thomas [Hatfield], bishop of Durham, in a case before John [Fosser], prior of Durham, against Dom Robert Bamburgh, vicar of Eglingham, about the inhabitants of Brandon and Brampton and the funding of a priest in the chapel of Brandon to celebrate mass and administer the sacraments, and the appeal of the vicar to the apostolic see and the sequestration of the chapel by the bishop of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Holes down top half of right hand side
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5164]
Now 4.3.Sacr.4f.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5165   26 July 1344
Lease by Elizabeth of Clifford, widow of Robert of Clifford,miles, and John, son and heir of Robert, with the consent of John [Fosser] prior and the convent of Durham of a wood called Sunderland by Ellingham from St Peter ad vincula [1 August] for 16 years, bounds described.
Date: Durham, 26 July 1344.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, indentura cut through, badly damaged with part of the centre lost, repaired with parchment circa 1970
Seal: G&B No. 638, one unidentified seal, [one seal missing], three parchment tags (1 identified) (conserved) each through a slit in a turnup.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.21r-v.
Part printed: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland vol.ii, (Newcastle 1895), p.241n.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5166   3 October 1539
Lease by Hugh [Whitehead], prior and the convent of Durham to Cuthbert Horsley, gent, of half of the tithes of sheaves of the vill of Ellingham from the Invention of the Holy Cross next, for 21 years, rendering annually 26s 8d at St James with distraint if the rent is in arrears by 4 days.
Date: 3 October 1539.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Seal: Unidentified, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5167   [1216 x 1233]
Counterpart to the next below
Size: 155 x 150mm
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.112r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5168   [1216 x 1233]
Grant by Walter the chaplain, master of the hospital of Bolton and the leper brothers there, to the prior and convent of Durham of the tithes of sheaves and the young of animals from the mother church of Edlingham due to them, except for the tithes of gardens and hens which the prior and convent remitted to them out of charity, having licence from them to build a chapel in the island of Bolton where no one from their parish of Edlingham may be admitted to services or to be buried, except for leper brothers or those regularly wearing their habit; everyone else was to attend services and be buried in the mother church of Edlingham or the chapel in the vill of Bolton outside the island; they were to attend thrice yearly at Christmas, Easter and the Nativity of St John the Baptist at the mother church of Edlingham and the chapel at Bolton outside the island; the mother church of Edlingham would be conserved and the master and chaplains ministering in the said chapels would exhibit their oaths to the prior and convent.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, indented head, wavy, CARTA cut through
Size: 155 x 150mm
Seal: Slit for a [sealing tag]
Copies: DCD Cart. Vet., f.99v; Cart. II, f.47r-v
Duplicate: DCD 3.2.Spec.13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5169   [1216 x 1233]
Another version of 5168 above.
Parchment, 1m, diamond shaped [filing] hole, worn in places with some text lost, conserved with parchment circa 1950
Seal: Slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5170   [1216 x 1233]
Another version of 5168 above.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, CARTA cut through, staining, small tear
Seal: Unidentified slit and holes in the foot.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5171   [1209 x 1214]
Lease by the prior and convent of Durham to Roger of Burton of the lands and revenues of the church of Ellingham, for life, rendering £10 annually in two equal instalments at Pentecost and St Martin, with covenants that Roger should serve the church decently and pay all incidental charges, and Roger swore that he would be faithful in all things to the prior and convent.
Dated from William as prior of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.111r.
Printed: E. Bateson, A History of Northumberland vol.ii, (Newcastle 1895), p.275n.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5172]
Now 1.1.Sacr.10b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5173]
Now 1.1.Sacr.10c.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5174]
Now 4.3.Sacr.4h.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5175]
Now 4.4.Elemos.2*.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5176]
Now 2.2.Finc.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5177   [2 October] 1331
Grant by William, son of Margaret, to William, his son, of two acres of land with a building constructed upon one acre, in the field and territory of Iveston on the south side of the vill, rendering annually to the almoner 1d.
Witnesses: Adam Dingball, Roger son of Nicholas, William Smith, Nicholas de le Woodside (Wodsidd), Thomas son of Roger, John son of Roger.
Date: in the court of Iveston, Wednesday after Michaelmas 1331.
Parchment, 1m, some staining, damage to the foot repaired with parchment c.1970
Seal: Slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5178   [1234 x 1244]
Grant by Thomas [of Melsonby] prior and convent of the church of Durham to Thomas Anglico of Winston (Wivestone) of 40 acres of land in the territory of Jarrow (Jarue) with a toft and croft, and common pasture and common easements in the vill of Jarrow, which Osbert of Jarrow clerk held, rendering annually 6s in two terms, 3s at Rogation and 3s at St Martin, milling 13 vas at the mill at Jarrow and helping with work concerning the pond (stagni) at the mill.
Witness: the chapter.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, ?'carta' cut through, , diamond-shaped [filing] hole in the bottom right corner, damaged with the upper left corner missing and some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1950
Seal: slit in a turnup for a [sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.41r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5179   [February] 1449
Certification from Master John Mody master or warden of the cell at Jarrow to Dom William prior of the cathedral church of Durham of having received the following mandate on 12 February and having appointed his fellow monk Jonh Booth to attend.
Mandate of William [Ebchester] prior of the cathedral church of Durham to Master John Mody master or warden of the cell at Jarrow, to appear with his fellow monks at the visitation of Robert [Neville] bishop of Durham on 10 March, with a return to be made by 20 February.
Date: Durham, 10 February 14[48/9] (year from the endorsement).
Date: [ ] year as above.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left side, damaged in the lower right corner with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Seal: unidentified, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Previously Loc.XXVII.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5180 & 5181   [early 15th century]
Copy grant of Walter de Burndon and his wife Johanna to William son of Hugh of Hebburn, of half a messuage ?on a remote site (a remocone solis) with the buildings in the vill of Jarrow, with half a toft and croft, between the land of the master of Jarrow and the land that Roger Frost formerly held, along with half of the arable land that Johanna held of the inheritance of her father Thomas Engles in the vill and territory of Jarrow, rendering annually 3s to the prior, half at St Martin and half at Rogation, for which William has given them a certain sum of money.
Copy grant of Roger son of John of Cupun to Annabelle widow, daughter of John of Cupun, of 4 acres of land in the field of Hebburn which had been given to Hugh de Stanerworththar upon his marriage to the said Annabelle, rendering annually 11¾d split into the two terms of 6d at St Martin and 5¾d at Rogation.
Parchment, 1m, damaged on the right side, repaired with parchment c.1970
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.41v-42r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5182   16 June 1446
Certification of John Barley warden of the cell at Jarrow of having carried out the following mandate, citing his fellow monks Robert Erghowe, John Both, William Easingwold chaplain, Thomas Barnerd, Nicholas Glower, John Dichborn, and John Bonoc to attend the election of the new prior.
Mandate by John [?Mody] subprior and the chapter of Durham to John Barlay warden of the cell at Jarrow to cite his fellow monks attend the election in the chapter house on 30 June of a new prior following the resignation of Dom John [Wessington].
Date: Durham chapter house, 10 June 1446.
Date: Jarrow, 16 June 1446.
Parchment, 1m, tears and holes on the left hand side, crumpled in places, some fading
Seal: [Sealing tongue and wrapping tie] stubs below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5183   [19 May] 1392
Appointment by William of Aislaby prior of Holy Island, for the general chapter of Monday after Ascension next, as he is busy with the sewing of barley and building a new oven, of John of Bywell his fellow monk and brother as his proctor.
Date: Holy Island, St Dunstan the Archbishop 1392.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: fragment, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
DCD Misc.Ch. 5184   [1391 x 1397]
Appointment by William of Aislaby, prior of Holy Island, of master William of Thurstanton and Robert of Berall, clerks, as proctors.
The official of the archdeacon has been officially requested by William to seal the document.
Witnesses: William of Hackthorp and William of Thurstanton.
Date: Durham [no date].
Parchment, 1m, some staining, faint red marks, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on left side, and two parchment flaws on left side, some interlinear corrections
Seal: G&B No. 3495 (broken seal), on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Previously Loc.XXI.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5185   12 November 1464
Certification by John Middleham, prior of Holy Island of having carried out the following mandate, citing his fellow monks, William Gerbet, Thomas Wrem and Robert Ebardall to attend the election of the new prior.
Mandate from Thomas [Caly], sub-prior, and the chapter of the cathedral church of Durham, to John Middleham, prior of Holy Island, to cite him and his fellow monks to attend the election in the chapter house on Monday 16 November of a new prior following the death of the previous prior Dom John.
Date: Durham, 7 November 1464.
Date: Holy Island, 12 November 1464.
Parchment, 1m, part of the left side missing with some letters lost, staining in bottom right corner
Seal: Unidentified [eagle] seal on a tongue
Previously Loc.XVI.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5186   22 June 1442
Certification by Henry Helay, prior of Holy Island to John [Wessington], prior of Durham, of having carried out the following mandate citing his fellow brothers as attending the episcopal visitation as listed in an accompanying document [no longer existing], but he cannot attend as he is infirm.
Mandate from Dom John [Wessington], prior of the cathedral church Durham, to Dom Henry Helay, prior of Holy Island, calling for the attendance of all to the episcopal visitation of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham to the cathedral on Monday after the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr, that is 9 July.
Date: Durham, 4 June 1442.
Date: Holy Island, 22 June year as above.
With some pen trials on the dorse, and a list of the contents of a book about Lincoln.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] hole on the left edge, central tear repaired with parchment c.1970
DCD Misc.Ch. 5187   14 February 1448
Certification from Thomas Warde prior of the cell at Holy Island to William [Ebchester] prior of the cathedral church of Durham, of having carried out the following mandate citing his fellow brother John Kyrke as attending the episcopal visition on 10 March.
Mandate from William [Ebchester] prior of the cathedral church Durham calling for the attendance of all to the episcopal visitation of Robert [Nevill] bishop of Durham on Monday 10 March.
Date: Durham, 10 February 1448.
Date: 14 February year as above.
Parchment, 1m, diamond-shaped [filing] and stabbed holes on th eleft side
Seal: G&B No.3496, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously Loc.<XVI>.8 Loc.XXVII.32.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5188   15 August 1470
Lease from John Gray of Kylay gent to John Dixon (Dicsun) of Holy Island tailor (sissor), of his waste tenement in the vill of Holy Island, in lenght and breadth in a vico called St Margaret Street on the north side, between waste tenements of the bishop to the east and west, to be held in perpetuity, rendering annually 2s 10d at Martinmas and at Pentecost in equal portions, and rendering to the bishop all the services due from such a tenement, with distraint detailed if the rent is in arrears for a year.
John Gray has used the seal of John of Rydale of Holy Island as he doesn't have his own.
Witnesses: Richard Berhall and Thomas Grindun bailiffs of the vill of Holy Island, Thomas Gardner, John Burell, John Morton, John Walterson, Robert Thomson, Robert Johnson, William Johnson jr.
Date: vill of Holy Island, 15 August 1470, 10 Edward IV.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
Seal: G&B No.1107, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through three slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5189   10 September 1471
Lease by John Dixon of Holy Island Dicsun, tailor (sissor), to his most dear brother, William Dixon, tailor, of the same vill of Holy Island, of half of his tenement that he lives in, equally divided between them, in a street called Saint Mary Gate, on the north side of the street between the tenements of the bishop on the west and the east, given to him by John Gray of Kylay, rendering annually 17d in equal portions at St Martin and Pentecost, and 2d to the bishop.
Witnesses: Richard Berhall and Thomas Grindun bailiffs of the vill of Holy Island, Thomas Gardner, William Wodey, Robert Thomson, Robert Johnson, John Johnson, burgesses of the same vill.
Date: Holy Island, 10 September 1471, 11 Edward 4
Parchment, 1m, indented zig-zag
Seal: unidentified seal, on a parchment tag reused from another document, through two slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5190   10 September 1471
Counterpart to 5189
Parchment, 1m, indented, zig-zag
Seal: G&B No. 2140, on a parchment tag reused from another documen], through a slit in a turn up
DCD Misc.Ch. 5191   2 [? 1584]
Exemplification by Bishop [Richard Barnes] of process over lands, tenements, fisheries in Norhamshire and Islandshire, including fines of Thursday before St Michael 18 [?], 8 August 1 Edward VI, 10 September 7 Elizabeth I, 3 [?] 21 Elizabeth I, of 37 Edw.[III: 1363/4].
Date: Durham, 2 [?] 26 Elizabeth I and Pont. 7.
Parchment, 1m, gnawed heavily with significant loss of text
Seal: parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
DCD Misc.Ch. 5192   [26 August] 1284
Commission of the abbot of Alnwick, a judge with the bishop of Dunkeld and the abbot of Easby, fellow papal judge delegates, to the abbot of Blancheland (Albalanda), the sacrist of Alnwick, Master Baldred Byseth official of St Andrews and Robert de Merley canon of Caithness (Catynensis) and Dunblane, to hear the presented case between the prior and chapter of the church Durham and William [Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Date: Alnwick, 7 Kal September 1284.
(Gaps left for the actual names of most, represented by 2 dots.)
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No. 3404, on a tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.X, p.234.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5193   17 February [1441]
Letter from [Henry Percy] earl of Northumberland and lord of the honour of Cockermouth to the prior of Durham (Dethym) asking for a licence for Dom Richard Bell professed at [Durham], to receive and occupy the office of prior of Trinity in York lately granted to him by our lord king (13 February 1441), to be done for his sake or he will not return the favour.
Date: London, 17 February [1441].
Paper, 1m
Seal: applied, residue on the dorse
DCD Misc.Ch. 5194   [1218 x 1234]
Presentation by Ralph [Kerneth] prior and convent of the church of Durham to their clerk Gilbert of the church of St Peter the Less York, rendering annually to them 1 mark to be paid in two terms, half at Pentecost and half at St Martin.
Date: [1218x1234].
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, 'carta' cut through
Seal: slit in a turnup [for a sealing tag]
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.119r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5195   [11 June] 1375
Lease by the prior and convent of Durham to John of Sheffield (Shasfeld) citizen and tanner of York of a tenement in the city of York in High Ousegate (Overousgate) between the tenement which was Geoffrey of Merston's, and the vennel of Peter Lane(Peterlanelitil) in width from the street of Ousegate to the same vennel and in longitude together with its bakery, which tenement and bakery were formerly held by Robert of Stanley for a term of 45 years, rendering annually to the prior and convent for the first 5 years 100s, for the next 10 years 106s 8d, for the next 20 years £6, and for the next 10 years £6 13s 4d, at St Martin and Pentecost in equal portions; John will build on the front of the tenement a house and shops from new oak timber and also buildings within the tenement also from oak within 5 years; he will begin to build at the Purification of the BVM next and he will work on this daily for those 5 years; these buildings will thereby extend the value of the tenement by 20 marks per year and to ensure this he is obligated to the prior and convent in £40 to be paid within 40 days at York after the completion of the 5 years; if the tenement is ruinous after these five years then the prior and convent can re-enter and if the rent is in arrears for 40 days then the prior and convent can distrain, and if it is in arrears for a quarter of a year then the prior and convent can re-enter the tenement.
Date: Durham Chapter House, Monday next after Pentecost 1375.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, two horizontal lines of arrow shaped [cancellation] cuts, damaged near the foot with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 269mm x 302mm
Seal: blank parchment [sealing] tag, through 3 slits in a turnup
Digitised material for Lease by the prior and convent of Durham to John of Sheffield citizen and tanner of York of a tenement in High Ousegate, York - DCD Misc.Ch. 5195.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5196   5 March 1403
Language:  French
Copy grant by William Pontefract (Pountefreyt) citizen and draper of York to William Arghow/Erghow of an annual rent of 20s froma messuage whichhe had from John Furmour and Hugh Carrer in Ousegate in York between land of the Hospital of St Leonard of York and a tenement of Robert Huwme, extending in length from the street of Ousegate to the cemetery of the church of St Peter the Less, in equal portions at St Martin and Pentecost, involving also John Arundell, John Tower chaplain and William Arghow and lands in Jarrow.
Witnesses: William Frost mayor of York, Adam del Brigge and Thomas de Santon sheriffs of York, Thomas Thurkil, John Canyxley, Richard de Santon, Robert Cruwell clerk.
Date: York, 5 March 1402/3 and 4 Henry IV.
Paper, 1m, some slight damage
DCD Misc.Ch. 5197   [20 January] 1280
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York by Richard [of Claxton prior and the convent of Durham of Master John of Dalton deacon to the vacant church of All Saints in Ousegate, saving their pension of 25s.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. February 1279/80].
Parchment, 1m, badly damaged on the left side and around the edges with text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970
Copy: DCD Reg. I.i, f.118v-119r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5198   [1273 x 1275]
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York by Richard subprior and Henry [of Horncastle] sacrist of Durham for Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of Master Adam of Dalton subdeacon to the church of All Saints in Ousegate vacant by the death of Master William former rector, saving their pension of 25s (40 cancelled).
Date: etc.
Parchment, 1m, stabbed [filing] hole on the left side
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.118v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5199   [29 August] 1277
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of Master Adam of Dalton to the vacant church of All Saints in Ousegate, saving their pension of 20s (interlined).
Date: Durham, 4 Kal. September 1277.
Parchment, 1m, cut [filing] hole in the bottom right corner
DCD Misc.Ch. 5200   [20 September] 1279
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of Master John of Dalton deacon to the vacant church of All Saints in Ousegate, saving their pension of 25s.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. September 1279.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: [Sealing tongue and wrapping ties] stub
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.118v-119r.
Misc.Ch. 5201-5300
DCD Misc.Ch. 5201   [20 January] 1280
Presentation to W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of Master John of Dalton deacon to the vacant church of All Saints in Ousegate, saving their pension of 25s.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. February 1279/80.
Parchment, 1m
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.118v-119r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5202
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.20v-21r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5203]
Now 3.1.Finc.10a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5204]
Now 3.1.Finc.15.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5205
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.21r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5206
DCD Misc.Ch. 5207
DCD Misc.Ch. 5208
DCD Misc.Ch. 5209
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.113r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5210   [1163 x 10 September 1174]
Copy confirmation by Hugh [of Le Puiset] bishop of Durham for William, clerk of the infirmary, of the church of [Castle] Eden, given him in alms by prior Germanus and the convent of Durham, with institution to the church.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.113r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5211]
Now 3.1.Finc.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5212   [earlier 14th century]
Grant by Richard lord of A-a-k-- and his wife Agnes, Robert of Hart and his wife Agnes, and Margery, Alice and Lecia, sisters of Agnes wife of the said Robert, to William son of Alexander of Seaton, of a messuage and 15½ acres of land in Little Eden, to hold of the chief lords by the services due.
Witnesses: Walter of Ludworth; William of Kelloe of Thornley; Ralph de Beaufouke of Hawthorn; Robert of 'Malton'; William of Hulam and Ralph ----; Thomas du Bois; Thomas of Hawthorn; Robert Page.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 130 x 257 mm
Seal: Seven slits with four tags, all seals missing
DCD Misc.Ch. 5213
DCD Misc.Ch. 5214
DCD Misc.Ch. 5215
DCD Misc.Ch. 5216
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5217]
Now 3.1.Finc.13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5218
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5219]
Now 1.3.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5220]
Now 1.3.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5221]
Now 1.3.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5222]
Now 1.3.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5223]
Now 1.3.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5224]
Now 1.3.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5225]
Now 1.3.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5226]
Now 1.3.Elemos.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5227
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.236.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5228a   3 July 1399
Acquittance by Thomas [Bradingstock] abbot of Eynsham, deputed a collector by the last general chapter of black monks at Northampton, for the arrears of 40s 9¾d received from the prior of Durham on the last account of the abbot of St Mary's exhibited in the chapter.
Date: Northampton, 3 July 1399.
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.147.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5228b   31 July 1402
Acquittance by Thomas [Bradingstock] abbot of Eynsham, deputed a collector by the presidents of the last general chapter of black monks at Northampton, for 27s 2¼d received from the prior of Durham for three years' contributions.
Date: 31 July 1402.
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.148.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5228c   27 October 1405
Acquittance by Thomas [Bradingstock] abbot of Eynsham, deputed a collector of fines, arrears and ¼d in mark by the presidents of the last general chapter of black monks at Northampton, for £5 8s 9d for 1d in the £ received from the prior of Durham for three years' contributions.
Date: 27 October 1405.
Calendared: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.149.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5228d   30 June 1408
Acquittance by Thomas [Bradingstock] abbot of Eynsham, deputed a collector of fines, arrears and ¼d in mark by the presidents of the last general chapter of black monks at Northampton, for £2 9 5/8d for ¼d in the mark for three years received from the prior of Durham.
Date: 30 June 1408.
Calendared: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.149.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5229]
Now 1.3.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5230]
Now 1.3.Elemos.9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5231
Previously Loc.VI.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5232
DCD Misc.Ch. 5233
DCD Misc.Ch. 5234   1281
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior, and the convent of Durham of the following inspeximus.
Inspeximus by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of the following charter.
Witnesses: Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Thomas of Herrington, John son of Marmaduke, Roger Bernard, Eudo de Punchardon, Henry de Dychent, knights; Masters John Hock, Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel, Nicholas of Appleby clerks, John of Middleton, Richard the proctor, Walter of Rothbury, William de Fennum clerk.
Date: Norham, 4 April 1281 Pont.7.
Grant in fee farm by Walter of Goswick, William Claus, Alan son of Sned, John son of Sned, William son of Ralph, Serlo son of Albert, Roger of Witton, Henry of Witton, Adam son of Agnes, William son of Matilda and Nicholas Cade, since the lands held by Elias the goldsmith, Henry son of John and William of Warkworth beside the cemetery of the church of St Mary in Holy Island were assigned to the light of St Mary in the said church by John de Aula, Walter de Chatton and William of Warkworth, to Richard de la Bote and his wife Anabilla, with the consent of Nicholas of Warkworth, prior and the monks and parishioners of Farne, of that land which the said Richard and Anabilla held from the bishop in fief, rendering annually 5s to the warden of the light of St Mary in the church of Holy Island, with the payment to increase by 3s a year at the death of Sibyl de Loulyne, widow of William of Warkworth [c.1260]
Witnesses: Doms William Rydel, Robert Gray, John de la Leye knights; Peter de Orde, Robert of Haggerston, William of Scremerston senior, William of Scremerston junior, Robert of Bolton, John of Goswick, Robert of Clifford, Robert of Cheswick, Alexander of Cheswick.
Copy: DCD Reg. I, f.ii.20r.
Printed (inspeximus, Robert): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.213-214.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5235
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5236]
Now 4.4.Elemos.6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5237
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.4v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5238   13 May 1583
Valuation of the goods of late Janet White of Knaton.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5239
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5240]
Now 5.4.Elemos.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5241
DCD Misc.Ch. 5242
DCD Misc.Ch. 5243
DCD Misc.Ch. 5244
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(1)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(2)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(3)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(4)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(5)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(6)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(7)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5245(8)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5246(1)   1281
Instrument from case between Carlisle Priory and Robert Crakescelde and others.
Digitised material for Documents in case of Carlisle priory vs. Robert Crakescelde - DCD Misc.Ch. 5246(1).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5246(2)   1281
Instrument from case between Carlisle Priory and Robert Crakescelde and others.
Digitised material for Documents in case of Carlisle priory vs. Robert Crakescelde - DCD Misc.Ch. 5246(2)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5247
DCD Misc.Ch. 5248
DCD Misc.Ch. 5249
DCD Misc.Ch. 5250
DCD Misc.Ch. 5251
DCD Misc.Ch. 5252   12 June 1456
Indentured bill for the delivery by Dom William Seaton, chancellor of Durham monastery, to the honorable William Pudsey (Puddessay) armiger, by the hand of William Helcott his servant, certain evidences for his lands in Carlbury and Killerby, formerly Harstulph Killerby.
Date: Durham, 12 June 1456.
Paper, 1p, indented head, zig-zag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5253
DCD Misc.Ch. 5254
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
Printed in: J. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland part II volume III (Newcastle 1840), p.59-60.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5255
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5256
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5257
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5258
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
Printed in: J. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland part II volume III (Newcastle 1840), p.60.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5259
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5260
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5261+5262
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh)
Two deeds tied together
DCD Misc.Ch. 5261*   31 January 1466
Receipt of oath of fealty of Robert Hertished, warden of East Marches
DCD Misc.Ch. 5263
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5264
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
Printed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.258.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5265
[Claxton] (Kirkhaugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5266
DCD Misc.Ch. 5267   20 February 1671[/2]
Resignation by Ralph Fenwicke as rector Morpeth.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5268
DCD Misc.Ch. 5269
DCD Misc.Ch. 5270   [c.1294]
Grant by William of Layton knight to William son of Roger of Hetton (?Hebburn) and Matilda his wife of two messuages and all his lands in Moorsley (parcels detailed), for their lives or at least 16 years from 1294, rendering annually 12d, with milling rights for their corn at the prior's mill.
Witnesses: Walter of Hereford, Thomas de Herle, Hugh of Ludworth, William de Byndegate, Ralph of Moorsley, Simon of Hetton.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy, letters cut through
Seal: Seal fragment on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5271   20 April [1390]
Grant by Isabella widow of William de Claxton knight grants to John de Belasis junior of all her lands and holdings in Moorsley for 8 years rendering annually a rose.
Witnesses: John of Claxton, Thomas of Claxton, Gilbert of Elvet.
Date: Horden, 20 April 13 Richard II.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5272
DCD Misc.Ch. 5273
Discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.240.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5274   [1234 x 1237]
Counterpart ratification by Prior Th[omas Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham to the master and brethren of the hsopital of Kepier of the land called Morbrokes, bounds detailed [c.1234 x 15 April 1237]
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 5680.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.5r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.288.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5275
Near duplicate of 5.3.Elemos.2.
Copied in DCD Alm.Rentls.&Cart. f.147r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5276   16 August 12 Chas II [1660]
Presentation by King Charles [II] of Timothy Tully as rector of Middleton [in Teesdale] on Antony Maxton's death.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5277   24 April 1402
Certification by William [de Erdeslay] prior of Monk Bretton to John [of Hemingbrough] prior of Durham of the receipt of the following citation on 2 April and of having accordingly cited his monks to be present for his visiation on 24 April, named as William de Erdeslay prior, John of Crofton subprior, John de Wylmerslay cellarer, Richard de Erdeslay, Ralph Passelaw, William of Bretton, John of Bothwell, John of York precentor, John de Quallay, John de Felkyrke, Robert of Wakefield and Thomas of Dovedale.
Citation from John [of Hemingbrouh] prior of Durham to the prior and convent of Monk Bretton to summon their monks for his visitation there on 24 April 1402.
Date: Durham, 10 March 1401/2.
Date: our chapter house [at Monk Bretton], 24 April 1402.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5278
DCD Misc.Ch. 5279(1-6)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5280
DCD Misc.Ch. 5281
DCD Misc.Ch. 5282   1673[/4]
Resignation by James Thompson as vicar of Merrington.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5283   10 August 1576
Mandate to cite Anne Walker of Merrington parish in case of the will of her deceased husband Francis.
Seal: fragment
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5284]
Now 3.2.Finc.30b.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5285
DCD Misc.Ch. 5286
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5287]
Now 1.5.Elemos.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5288
Previously Loc.XIX.27.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5289
Skirlawe chantry.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5290]
Now 1.5.Elemos.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5291
DCD Misc.Ch. 5292
DCD Misc.Ch. 5293
DCD Misc.Ch. 5294
DCD Misc.Ch. 5295
DCD Misc.Ch. 5296
DCD Misc.Ch. 5296*
This item, an addition to Stevenson's catalogue by William Greenwell, is described as "10 seals". These have not been located under this reference, but have probably been incorporated within the collection of detached seals at DCD Misc.Ch. 7311-7316.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5297]
Now 1.1.Sacr.14.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5298
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.27r.
Printed: Cartularium Prioratus de Gysburne II, ed W. Brown (Surtees Society 89, 1894), p.333.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5299   20 November 26 Edward III [1352]
Language:   Latin
Commission of oyer and terminer by Edward III to John de Stryuelyn, William de Thorp, Thomas de Fencotes, Gerard de Wydrington, Thomas de Seton and Roger de Blaykeston, in a complaint by the Prior of Durham that Adam de Heton and others caused damage and destruction at Lowyk, co. Northumberland.
Given at Westminster
Size: 11¾" x 7½"
Seal: Fragment only of 4th seal (showing pest damage). Attached to parchment strip cut from foot of document.
Frass removed from seal, February-March 2024
DCD Misc.Ch. 5300   15 May 1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney to cite kinsfolk of Thomas Jopling deceased of Lanchester parish in testamentary case.
Misc.Ch. 5301-5400
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5301]
Now 3.2.Finc.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5302]
Now 3.2.Finc.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5303
DCD Misc.Ch. 5304   10 August 1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney for citation of Richard Mylner of Lanchester parish"pro salute anime interrogandi".
DCD Misc.Ch. 5305   7 August 1600
Request by Richard Molyneux to the dean for loan of evidences concerning the cell at Lytham.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5306]
Now 3.2.Finc.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5308a-b   1575 and 1576
Two mandates, for citation of William Hodshon, and of James and Elizabeth Nele, of Lanchester parish.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5309a-c   1576
Three mandates for citation of Janet widow of John Wilson and Catherine widow of Toby Collinge of Long Newton.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5310
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.26r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5311
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.26r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5312]
Now 3.2.Finc.14.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5313
DCD Misc.Ch. 5314
DCD Misc.Ch. 5315
DCD Misc.Ch. 5316
DCD Misc.Ch. 5317
DCD Misc.Ch. 5318
Previously Loc.IV.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5319a-b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5320
DCD Misc.Ch. 5321   [1406 x 1437]
Language:   French
Memoranda sent from Bishop Langley at Dover to John Neutone at Durham concerning various items of business, including a memorandum concerning the purchase of the reversion of Ludworth. ( “En primes touchant la purchasse de la reuersion de Ludworth facent le dit John' et William Chanceller leur deuoir pour le / finale conclusion de la matire sil serra possible, et si ce ne purra faire qe a leur pouoir ils purchassent aillours x marcz de terre / et si Gilbert Eluet devie qils per la supportacion de \ ma dame de Westmerland iet de monsir Rauf de Eueri si besoing est facent purueoir pour la salue / garde de la fille de Gilbert Eluet qest asseuree a Thomas Holdon nostre chamberlein et qe par lauys de monsir Rauf de / Euer la dite asseurance soit publeez” .)
Parchment, 1m
DCD Misc.Ch. 5322
DCD Misc.Ch. 5323
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5324]
Now 3.2.Finc.33.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5325
DCD Misc.Ch. 5326
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5327]
Now 1.8.Spec.29*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5328   12 December 27 Edw [1298]
Exemplification of a charter of Edward I to Durham Priory relating to a debt of £12.9.11.
Digitised material for Exemplification of charter of Edward I - DCD Misc.Ch. 5328.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5329]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1470-1(A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5330]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1470-1(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5331]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1472-3(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5332]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1473-4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5333]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1474-5(A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5334]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1474-5(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5335]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1471-2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5336]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1479-80.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5337]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1480-1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5338]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1434-5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5339]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1481-2(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5340]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1489-90(A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5341]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1481-2(A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5342]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1489-90(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5343]
Now Manorial Accounts, Elvethall 1491-2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5344
Includes the following.
Two copies (13th century) of an assignment by W[alter Gray], archbishop of York, F[ulk Basset], bishop of London, and W[illiam Bitton the elder], bishop of Bath, of the manors of Howden, Stockton, and Easington, with the estovers of the Old Park of Auckland and of the Hay of Chester, to N[icholas Farnham], bishop of Durham, for life; the archbishop and the two bishops having been deputed by the pope to receive Bishop Farnham's resignation after first making provision for his maintenance out of the possessions of the bishopric (m.1-2)
Date: Leicester, 14 Kal. November 1248.
Previously Loc.VI.24.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5345   [September 1274]
Record of the election of Robert of Holy Island as bishop of Durham.
Parchment roll, 1m
Size: 505 x 220mm
Previously Loc.XVIII.18.
Further copies: Misc.Ch. 5521a, Misc.Ch. 5712 (part), Loc.I:60 m.1d-2d and BL Cotton Julius D.iv f.96-100, which last is printed in Durham Annals and Documents of the Thirteenth Century, ed F. Barlow (Surtees Society 155, 1945), p.46-53.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5346
DCD Misc.Ch. 5347
Previously [Loc. VII].24.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5348
Previously [Loc. VII].20.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.136.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5349
DCD Misc.Ch. 5350
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5351]
Now 3.2.Finc.30a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5352
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5353]
Now 3.2.Finc.27a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5354]
Now 3.2.Finc.31a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5355]
Now 3.2.Finc.30c and 30d.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5356   1307
Receipt from Arnald, vicar of Middleham, for his pension of 66s.8d. from Durham Priory.
Seal: GB 91
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5356
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5357]
Now 3.2.Finc.20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5358
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5359]
Now 3.2.Finc.31*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5360
DCD Misc.Ch. 5361
DCD Misc.Ch. 5362
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5363]
Now 1.5.Elemos.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5364   [25 January] 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Robert of Middridge of 20 acres of wasteland in the moor of Middridge, rendering 16s 8d annually to the bishop and his successors at the exchequer at Durham, making suit at the bishop's mill at Heighington and performing other services as do the other tenants on the bishop's waste [9 December 1274 x 25 January 1280]
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Thomas of Herrington and Eudo de Pinchardon knights; Masters Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel, John Hock, William Fennum clerk.
Date: Durham, 13 Kal. February 1279/80.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.24r-v.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.220-221.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5365
Previously 1a Comm. 4<4>5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5366
DCD Misc.Ch. 5367   [8 April] 1337
Grant by Peter of Brackenbury and Cecilia his wife to Robert de Cockside and Robert de Gretwyche merchants of Durham of all their lands and holdings in Moorsley, at 6 marks a year for 20 years and then £10 a year, milling their corn at the prior's mill, distraints detailed.
Witnesses: Robert of Lambton, Walter of Ludworth, Thomas of Seaton attorney (narrator), William of Yelland, Thomas de Beaufon, William of Masham, Thomas of Rainton.
Date: Moorsley, Tuesday after St Ambrose 1337.

Seal: G&B No.1137 and another seal, each on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5368
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.1r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5369
DCD Misc.Ch. 5370
[Claxton] (North Milbourne).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5371
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5372]
Now 2.6.Elemos.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5373
DCD Misc.Ch. 5374
DCD Misc.Ch. 5375   21 April n.y. [1330s- 1350?]
Language:   French
Letter of Queen Philippa to the Prior of Durham requesting him to carry out the King's wishes about the election to the Bishopric of Durham, expressed in his letters, and by Richard Talbot and Master Robert de Chikewell.
Written at Westminster
Size: 10½" x 2½"
DCD Misc.Ch. 5376
DCD Misc.Ch. 5377
Previously Loc.XIX.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5378
Previously Loc.III.18.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5379
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5380]
Now 1.2.Spec.28.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5381
DCD Misc.Ch. 5382   2 July 19 Edward II [1326]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Edward II ? under the Privy Seal acknowledging the receipt at the hands of Thomas Brown, from the Prior of Durham, of £50 for the church of Estryngton, being in the hands of William de Ayremynn' for one year.
Given at Westminster
Size: 10½" x 2½"
Seal: Privy seal of Edward II. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
Translation printed in: J.L. Freer, 'Anglo-Norman Archives at Durham', Durham University Journal (L, 1957-58), p.126.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5383
DCD Misc.Ch. 5384   4 July 1323
Receipt of Gerald d'Assier (Gerard d'Acheres) prior of Peyrusse (Petrucia) of Ruthen diocese of the Benedictine order, proctor of Bertrand cardinal of St Mary in Aquiro, rector of the church of Brantingham, to the prior and convent of Durham, farmers of the church of Brantingham, for 250 marks for the farm, by the hands of their fellow monk John of Butterwick.
Date: York, 4 July 1323.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5384. - Receipt of Gerald d'Assier (Gerard d'Acheres) prior of Peyrusse (Petrucia) …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5384*
DCD Misc.Ch. 5385
DCD Misc.Ch. 5386
DCD Misc.Ch. 5387
DCD Misc.Ch. 5388   [c.1448]
Language:  English
Petition of the prior and convent of Durham to [King Henry VI] asking, as they now have no benefit from their lands in Scotland, and their lands in Northumberland are of little benefit because of damage in time of war by the Scots, and the need elsewhere for repairs and other costs, so that divine service may have to cease in the monastery and its cells, for exemption from all tenths or halves of tenths, granted, or to be granted, for ever, by his letters patent, without contradiction from any person spiritual or temporal.
Signed at the top with the sign manual (RH) of [King Henry VI].
This petition was not granted but a similar petition was presented [Loc.XIX:1 and Loc.III:37] and granted in letters patent of Henry VI [3.5.Reg.3 and Loc.III:23].
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5388. - Petition of prior and convent of Durham to Henry VI …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5389
DCD Misc.Ch. 5390
Previously Loc.XIX.19 and"Y prima octaue".
DCD Misc.Ch. 5391
Previously Loc.VIII or XVIII.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5392   17 December 39 Edward III [1365]
Language:   Latin
Writ of Edward III to Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, ordering him to summon the beneficed clergy of Durham to discuss the levying of a subsidy on their benefices.
Given at Langale
Size: 13" x 8¾"
Previously Loc.XX.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5393
DCD Misc.Ch. 5394
Previously Loc.XVIII.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5395
DCD Misc.Ch. 5396
Previously Loc.VI.64.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5397   [c.1333?]
Language:   Latin
Copies of 3 writs of Edward III to (1) John de Moubrey; (2 & 3) the sheriff of Yorkshire all concerning supplies of food, grain etc to be sent to Scotland.
Size: 10½" x 5½"
DCD Misc.Ch. 5398a
Previously Loc.XVI.50.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5398b
Previously Loc.XVI.50.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5398c
Previously Loc.XVI.50.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5398d
Previously Loc.XVI.50.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5398e
Previously Loc.XVI.50.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5399]
Now 2.6.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5400]
Now 1.1.Spec.114.
Misc.Ch. 5401-5500
DCD Misc.Ch. 5401
DCD Misc.Ch. 5402
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5403]
Now 1.1.Sacr.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5404]
Now 1.2.Sacr.39.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5405]
Now 5.4.Elemos.4
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5406]
Now 1.1.Finc.24.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5407]
Now 1.1.Finc.25.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5408]
Now 1.5.Finc.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5409]
Now 1.5.Finc.18.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5410]
Now 1.5.Finc.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5411]
Now 1.5.Finc.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5412]
Now 1.5.Finc.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5413]
Now 1.5.Finc.21.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5414]
Now 4.5.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5415]
Now 1.5.Finc.23.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5416]
Now 1.5.Finc.24a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5417]
Now 1.5.Finc.24b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5418]
Now 4.5.Elemos.1a
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5419]
Now 4.5.Elemos.1b and 1*.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5420]
Now 5.5.Elemos.15b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5421]
Now 5.5.Elemos.15a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5422]
Now 5.5.Elemos.10.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5423]
Now 5.5.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5424]
Now 5.5.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5425]
Now 4.5.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5426]
Now 5.5.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5427]
Now 5.5.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5428]
Now 5.5.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5429]
Now 5.5.Elemos.6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5430
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.118r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5431
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.118r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5432a
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.40v-41r. Counterpart is Misc. Ch. 6826, without a descriptive endorsement.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5432b   6 October 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to William of Barnard Castle of two tofts, one of a rod of land and an acre in Westfield extending towards Osebernekerr and the other in Smithhill near the toft of William the smith, and 112 acres of waste in Riccall, comprising 12 acres in Southwood between the land of Thomas son of Walter and the wood of the prebend of Riccall, 46 acres in Litilhirst, 4 acres between Litilhirst and Le Newkerr which Hugh Rykelot formerly held, 2 acres in Pnot Riddyng which John Selby formerly held, an acre in Trepewod and 44 acres in Foletwayt with the vennel leading from Foletwayt in Litilhirst, and 3 acres in Foletwayt which Thomas son of Walter formerly held, rendering 15s annually to the bishop at the four terms customary in Howdenshire for all services and exactions whatsoever, and multure at the bishop's mill of Riccall of every 24th measure of the grain growing on the said land, with precedence for grinding ( erunt propinquiores tremulo ); and William, his heirs and assigns are to do two suits at the bishop's court in Howden each year, namely at the first court after Michaelmas and the first court after Easter; and William, his heirs and assigns are to be able to sow the whole of the said land at will, and enclose and ditch it, and have it as their severalty for the whole of the year [9 December 1274 x 6 October 1280]
Witnesses: Doms Roger Lascelles, Guichard de Charron', then steward of Durham, Henry son of Conan, and Thomas of Metham, knights; Masters Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenel, John Hok and Nicholas of Appleby clerk; John de Averang', John of Thorp, Richard de Amecotes, Robert of Osgodby, Gilbert of Thorney and William de Fennum, clerks.
Date: Durham, 6 October 1280.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.41r-v and (in a 1448 exemplification) Reg IV, f.61r-v.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.171-172.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5433
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.114r. See also, with variations, Misc.Ch. 5358.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5434   [21 July] 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham, to Richard, once lord of Brafferton, of the bishop's demesne in Rogerely and three acres of woodland in Shittlehope and 45 acres in a place called Dryburnside within the escheat of the vill of Brafferton; Richard and his heirs shall have the right to enclose the three acres of woodland and shall grind their corn wheresoever they wish; they shall make foreign service for a fortieth of a knight's fee when scutage runs in the diocese, and shall make suit at the bishop's court at Durham three times a year [9 December 1274 x 21 July 1280]
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Thomas of Herrington and John son of Marmaduke, Masters Alan of Easingwold, John Hock, Robert Avenel and Nicholas Appleby, and Doms Peter of Thoresby, Thomas of Levisham and Gilbert of Thorney, and William de Fennum clerk.
Date: Durham, 12 Kal. August 1280.
Copy: DCD Reg.I, f.ii.20v.
Inspeximus: (1442) (copy) DCD Reg.III, f.286v-287r.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.224-225.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5435
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5436]
Now 3.5.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5437]
Now 3.1.Sacr.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5438
DCD Misc.Ch. 5439
DCD Misc.Ch. 5440
DCD Misc.Ch. 5441   1275/6
Presentation of Master Adam de Bibury to the church of Normanton-upon-Soar by the prior and convent of Durham.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.122r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5442]
Now 2.1.Pap.43.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5443a]
Now Mines Accounts 1427- 8(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5443b]
Now Mines Accounts 1428- 9(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5443c]
Now Mines Accounts 1429- 30(B).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5444(1)
[Claxton] (Newton by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5444(2)
[Claxton] (Newton by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5444(3)
[Claxton] (Newton by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5444(4)
[Claxton] (Newton by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5444(5)
[Claxton] (Newton by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5445
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.44r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5446
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i..44r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5447
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i..44r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5448   1661
Mandate for induction of Lancelot Morland as rector of West Rounton in Allertonshire.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5449]
Now 3.2.Finc.35.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5450
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.45v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5451
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.46r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5452
DCD Misc.Ch. 5453
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.46v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5454
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.45v-46r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5455
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.44v-45r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5456
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.45r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5457]
Now 3.1.Sacr.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5458]
Now 6.5.Elemos.23.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5459
DCD Misc.Ch. 5460
DCD Misc.Ch. 5461
DCD Misc.Ch. 5462
DCD Misc.Ch. 5463
DCD Misc.Ch. 5464
DCD Misc.Ch. 5465
DCD Misc.Ch. 5466
DCD Misc.Ch. 5467
DCD Misc.Ch. 5468
DCD Misc.Ch. 5469
DCD Misc.Ch. 5470
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5471]
Now 5.4.Elemos.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5472
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.329.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5473   [10 March 1232]
Confirmation by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham for Peter Saracenus and his heirs of the vill of Langley and Migley and 30 acres of land in Charlaw, as Hemericus the archdeacon and Henry de Grey held them with Peter, rendering annually fo rth evill of Langley half a mark and for the other lands 5s at the four terms.
Witnesses: Dom Ralph [Kerneth] prior of Durham, Dom William archdeacon of Durham, Master Alexander Nolan, Dom Hugh of Hartburn, Dom John of Romsey, Hugh of the chapel, Jordan Hayrun, Simon of Burntoft, knights, Master William of Kilkenny, Gilbert of the hospital, Stephen of Burton and William, bishop's clerks.
Date: [Bishop] Middleham by the hand of Valentine, bishop's chaplain, 6 Id. March Pont.4.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 155 x 78mm
Seal: G&B No.3120 on a parchment tag
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.303-304.
Confirmed on 26 April 1232 in: Calendar of Charter Rolls i, p.152.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5474a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5474b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5474c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5475
DCD Misc.Ch. 5476
DCD Misc.Ch. 5477   6 February 1280
Inspeximus by Richard [of Claxton] prior and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham to Henry of Durham, clerk, of the custody of the bishop's manor in Westminster outside the bar at London, receiving two garments a year from the bishop and 2d per day, as other custodians of the manor have.
Date: Waltham, 4 November 1278 Pont.4.
Date: Durham, 6 February 1280.
Parchment, 1m
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.17v-18r.
Printed (grant): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.195.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5478
Number not used.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5479
DCD Misc.Ch. 5480
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5480*]
Now 3.1.Sacr.3*.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5481]
Now 3.1.Sacr.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5482]
Now 3.1.Sacr.20.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5483]
Now 3.2.Finc.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5484
DCD Misc.Ch. 5485
DCD Misc.Ch. 5486
DCD Misc.Ch. 5487
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.120r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5488
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.6r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5489
DCD Misc.Ch. 5490
DCD Misc.Ch. 5491   11 November 1387
[?Copy] licence of Alexander [Nevill], archbishop of York and papal legate, to William de Graystanes, rector of Laxton, to be absent from his church for three years.
Date: Beverley, 11 November 1387.
trimmed at the foot with possibly a seal tag cut off
DCD Misc.Ch. 5492
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5493
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5494
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5494*
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5495
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5496
DCD Misc.Ch. 5497
DCD Misc.Ch. 5498   15 April 16 Edward III [1342]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Edward III pardoning to Waleran de Lomely, who made fine, his not having paid customs on wool sent from Newcastle.
Given at Haveryng-atte- Boure
Size: 11½" x 6½"
Seal: Great seal of Edward III. Attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in foot of document. Seal detached. 2nd seal of absence.
Copy: Patent Roll 16 Edward III m.6.
Calendared: C.P.R. 1340-1343 p.528.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5499
DCD Misc.Ch. 5500
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
Misc.Ch. 5501-5600
DCD Misc.Ch. 5501
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5502
DCD Misc.Ch. 5503
DCD Misc.Ch. 5504
DCD Misc.Ch. 5505
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5506
DCD Misc.Ch. 5507
DCD Misc.Ch. 5508
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.110r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5509
DCD Misc.Ch. 5510
DCD Misc.Ch. 5511
DCD Misc.Ch. 5512
DCD Misc.Ch. 5513
Dispensation by the papal legate Pandulf, reciting a commission (early 1221) to [Walter Gray] archbishop of York to act on his behalf while he visits the Holy See, by virtue of which the archbishop collates the church of Ryton to Master Alexander Nolan.
Calendared: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.328.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5514]
Now 5.5.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5515]
Now 5.5.Elemos.16.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5516   [1542?]
Memorandum of Canon Tutyng for 20s. received for Rainton mill.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517a]
Now Mines Accounts 1430-1(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517b]
Now Mines Accounts 1431-2(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517c]
Now Mines Accounts 1433-4(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517d]
Now Mines Accounts 1434-5(B).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517e]
Now Mines Accounts 1435-6(A).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5517f]
Now Mines Accounts 1436-7(A) - transferred into Mines Acs 21 June 1989
DCD Misc.Ch. 5518a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5518b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5519a
Previously Loc.VI.53.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5519b
Previously Loc.VI.52.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5519c
Previously Loc.VI.51.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5520   [February x May 1227]
Part of articles in the case heard before the archbishop of York between King Henry III against the prior and monks of Durham over the election of William Stichill archdeacon of Worcester as bishop of Durham, being the end of the bishop of Salisbury's answers to the questions put to him (the answers of the bishops of Carlisle and Bath would have been on the now missing membranes), followed by the four productiones of the monks and the king [Henry III], alternating, with the monks first, heard at monthly intervals (15-17 February, 16-17 March, 19-20 April and 24-25 May), comprising testimonies from (on the part of the prior) Walter of Selby clerk, Robert of Misterton, Thomas Anglicus, Bartholomew of Coldingham, William son of Walter of Melsomby, Angerus clerk, William of Hay clerk, Alan clerk, William of Bilsdale, Stephen of Canterbury, William of Weardale, Richard Nig, Roger Cook, and (on the part of the king) William de Thornohur clerk, John de Thorneou clerk, Robert son of Hever, Wido de Santon, Peter of beddington, Geoffrey Talliator, Hugh of Devon, Richard chaplain of Durham Castle, Reginald clerk, Theobald of Linton, William clerk, Thomas chaplain of Howden, William de Chaysil, William de Birland, Walter of Lexington, Master W of Wisbech, Robert of Norton, and William de Munros.
On the dorse are some notes in a 15th century hand (?possibly Prior Wessington) giving a description of the general contents ad an account of how to fix the feast of St Lucy.
Parchment roll, 4m
Size: 1765 x 215mm
Previously Loc.VI.23.
Extracted and discussed in F.M. Powicke, King Henry III and the Lord Edward vol. I, (Oxford 1947), p.266-270, drawing on Evers' transcriptions.
Transcribed in W.K. Evers, “Disputes about epsicopal elections in the reign of Henry III, with special reference to some unpublished Durham documents”, (Oxford B.Litt. thesis 1934), p.95-115.
For another (partial) version, now mutilated and in 3 parts, see DCD Misc.Ch. 5522, Misc.Ch. 5708 and Loc.VI:11*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5521a   September 1274
Record of the election of Robert of Holy Island as bishop of Durham.
Parchment roll, 2m
Previously Loc.VI.19.
Further copies: Misc.Ch. 5345, Misc.Ch. 5712 (part), Loc.I:60 m.1d-2d and BL Cotton Julius D.iv f.96-100, which last is printed in Durham Annals and Documents of the Thirteenth Century, ed F. Barlow (Surtees Society 155, 1945), p.46-53.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5521b   [1274]
Expenses of the prior of Durham travelling to London and back to Durham concerning the election [of the bishop of Durham], daily record of his costs at each place.
Parchment roll, 1m
Previously Loc.VI.20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5521c   [1283]
Account between Bishop Robert of Holy Island, his executors and the prior [of Durham], including expenses in Rome and England, animals and equipment bought.
Parchment roll, 1m
Previously Loc.VI.21.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5522   [February x May 1227]
Part of articles in the case heard before the archbishop of York between King Henry III against the prior and monks of Durham over the election of William Stichill archdeacon of Worcester as bishop of Durham, being the remaining productiones of the monks and the king, following on from Misc.Ch. 5708, comprising the testimonies of Walter of Selby clerk, Robert of Misterton, Thomas Anglicus, Bartholomew of Coldingham, William son of Walter of Melsomby, Angerus clerk, William of Hay clerk, Alan clerk, William of Bilsdale, Stephen of Canterbury, William of Weardale, Richard Nig, Roger Cook, and (on the part of the king) William de Thorneu clerk, John de Tordueu clerk, Robert son of Hever, Wido de Santon, Peter of Beddington, Geoffrey Talliator, Hugh of Devon, Richard chaplain of Durham Castle, Reginald clerk, Theobald of Linton, William clerk, Thomas chaplain of Howden, William de Chaysil, William de Birland, Walter of Lexington, Master W of Wisbech, Robert of Norton, and William de Munros. With some later marginalia, stressing what is in the text.
Parchment roll, 4m
Size: 1325 x 210mm
Previously Loc.VI.23.
Extracted and discussed in F.M. Powicke, King Henry III and the Lord Edward vol. I, (Oxford 1947), p.266-270, and W.K. Evers, “Disputes about epsicopal elections in the reign of Henry III, with special reference to some unpublished Durham documents”, (Oxford B.Litt. thesis 1934), p.65-74.
Part of the same roll: DCD Misc.Ch. 5708 and Loc.VI:11*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(a)   [19 May] 1300
Notarial instrument reciting a declaration by Robert of Rothbury, monk of Durham, proctor of the religious of the monastery of Durham, to Antony [Bek], bishop of Durham, that he hereby appeals to the court of York, failing which to the apostolic see, in the name of the said religious, subjecting the said religious, their associates, rights and properties (&c) to the protection of the abovenoted sees, lest the bishop of Durham on his visitation on the morrow of the Ascension attempt anything prejudicial to the liberty and immunity of the said religious, or attempt to impose penalties of suspension, excommunication, interdict or sequestration on them, the prior, monks, officials or obedientaries, against the custom and use of the chapter; because they have the right to be visited by the bishop alone, and are accustomed to supply one or more of their number to assist the bishop, should he need clerks to carry out his visitation; and in view of what is implied in the letters directed to the said religious by the bishop concerning his visitation, and because of the manifest and unamended hurt done to the religious by the bishop in the recent past.
Witnesses: Master Alexander of Ponsonby clerk; Richard of Brompton, Richard of Kelloe and Richard of Tynedale monks of Durham.
Date: in the chapter of the monastery at Durham numbering 70 or more, 13 exeuntis May 1300 at the ringing of the bell at the usual hour.
Notary: Elias of Cowton clerk, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Endorsed (contemporary) as procuration on the day of the visitation and (16th century) with a description.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 345 x 240mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
Stitching holes along the head and foot, with some stabbed [filing] holes in the centre of the foot
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 50.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.132.
Another version: DCD Loc.VII:42.
Appeal copied in: DCD Reg.III, f.87v-88r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(a). - Notarial instrument reciting a declaration by Robert of Rothbury, monk …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(b)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 51.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(c)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 53.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.135.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(d)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 22.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(e)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 52.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.135.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(f)
Previously Loc.XXVII.3.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.1345.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(g)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 48.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(h)   [3 December] 1300
Transcript of a rescript of Pope Boniface VIII to [Robert Winchelsey] archbishop of Canterbury and [John Dalderby] bishop of Lincoln to secure the release of Richard [de Hoton] prior of Durham, rumoured to be held imprisoned by Antony [Bek] bishop of Durham, so that he might plead his suit personally at Rome, and to summon the bishop of Durham and Henry of Lusby, so-called prior of Durham, to appear before the pope within three months.
Date: Lateran, 3 Non. December Pont. 8.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 390 x 180mm
Stitching holes along the head and foot
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 55.
Copy incorporated in DCD Loc.VII: 85.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.151, 153.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(j)   17 December 1300
Previously Loc.VII. 46.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.148, 149.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(k)
Previously Loc.VII. 47.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(l)
Previously Loc.XXVII. 2.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.145.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(m)   [21 April] 1302
Notarial instrument recording that Ralph of Stamford, canon of Salisbury, commissary of Nicholas bishop of Teano (Theanensis), deputed papal executor with the archbishop of York and the bishop of Carlisle for the restitution of Richard de Hoton, formally restored Richard de Hoton through his proctor Robert of Rothbury, reading the papal letters in the church and leaving copies of them on the bishop's seat in the cathedral, the bishop or his representative being absent, with the executor issuing a decree of excommunication in many copies against those opposing the restitution, witnessed by Master Geoffrey of Malton NP by imperial authority, Alan of Teesdale, William de Scaccario, Hugh of Grindon, Robert of Cotum, William of Brackenbury and many other clerks and laymen; on the morrow the proctor Robert of Rothbury went to Sherburn hospital to notify the bishop's official, Master Richard of Morpeth, of proceedings with which he said he would concur, witnessed by Nicholas de Hesington, John of Weardale, William of Haswell, and Hugh of Grindon; on [29 April] the same proctor set out for Holy Island to claim possession of Fenham manor where Robert Shirlock responded that its custody had been entrusted to Robert the Coroner by the bishop's ministers Walter of Rothbury and John of Horncliffe and it could only be yielded up under a special mandate from the bishop, the papal letters notwithstanding; the proctor then went to Holy Island, meeting Robert the Coroner who was leaving there and reiterated the position about Fenham; the proctor came to the priory of Holy Island where his entry was resisted by Richard of Rothbury, Robert of Helmsley and Roger dictus Welbester and others, with Rothbury rejecting his claim for the restitution of the priory to Hoton, saying he would not do so, even to his own father, without the express mandate of the bishop, and forbidding any in the area from giving hospitality to the proctor on pain of imprisonment; whereat the proctor withdrew from the bishop's lands by night, not without great danger.
Witnesses to this and the many copies: Gilbert of Rothbury and John of Compton, clerks; John of Burdon, Hugh of Grindon and Andrew Postel valetti.
Date: 10 April exeuntis 1302.
Notarial sign [of Elias of Cowton].
Endorsed (contemporary and 16th century) with descriptions (twice).
Parchment, 1m
Size: 410 x 230mm
Stitching holes along the head and foot
Formerly numbered: 21.
Another copy (with full notarial eschatocol): DCD Loc.VII:84.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.159.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(n)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 75.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.156, 160, 162, 163.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5523(o)
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 74.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.160.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5524
Previously Loc.VII.121.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5525a
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 47.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.XIV, p.250-1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5525b
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 32, 33.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.XIV, p.251-2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5526   8 July 1300
Notarial instrument recording the process in the consistory court of York before the archbishop's official in an appeal between Richard [de Hoton] prior and convent of Durham, through their proctor Geoffrey of Burdon, and A[ntony Bek] bishop of Durham, reciting the following procurations
Witnesses: Edward of York clerk, NP by apostolic authority; Richard de Gano, NP by imperial authority; John of Woodhouse, Robert of Bamburgh, Walter of Whitby, clerks.
Date: York minster consistory court.
Notary: Andrew son of William de Tang, clerk of York diocese, NP by apostolic authority, with amendments as specified on the scrutiny of Warin of Pontefract, clerk.
Parchment, 5m
Size: 2890 x 400mm
Stitching holes along the head and foot; top right corner torn off and missing
Previously [Loc.VII.] 34 - 38.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.141, 142, 144, 147, 149.
m.1   7 July 1300
Appointment by Antony Bek bishop of Durham of Master William dictus le Rous and Robert of Littlebury clerks as his proctors.
Wtinesses: Brother Hugh bishop of Byblos (Bibliensis), Master William of Boston archdeacon of Durham, Adam of Driffield rector of Ponteland, clerks.
Date: Overton, York diocese, in the bishop's chamber, 7 July 1300.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by imperial authority, eschatocol recited.
m.1   23 May 1300
Appointment by Richard [de Hoton] prior and convent of Durham of Brothers Geoffrey of Burdon, Richard of Kelloe, Richard of Tynedale, John of Barnard Castle, John of Appleby and William of Cowton as proctors.
Witnesses: Master Elias of Cowton NP, Master Alexander of Ponsonby, William de Brumptoft, William of Newsham, Richard of Middleton and Robert of Coldingham.
Date: Durham priory chapter house, 23 May 1300.
Notary: Andrew son of William de Tang, clerk of York diocese., NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
m.1   [10 June] 1300
Certification by Elias of Cowton canon of Southwell to the official of York of his receipt on [7 June 1300] of the following mandate and of his publication of it in Durham cathedral on [8 June] in the presence of Master Robert of Abberwick official of Durham, and of his sending it to the bishop on [9 June] in the persons of Walter of Wessington and Archibald of Thorthorlad knights, wardens of the priory of Durham deputed by the bishop, and Roger of Esh and Peter of Bolton, the bishop's coroners.
Mandate by the official of the court of York to Elias of Cowton to publish an inhibition against the bishop of Durham and to cite him to appear before the court of York.
Date: York, 4 Non. June [2 June] 1300.
Date: Durham, 4 Id. June 1300.
m.1-2   6 June 1300
Certification by Robert of Rothbury, monk of Durham and proctor of the prior and convent of Durham, that he published the following mandate in Durham cathedral.
Mandate by the official of the court of York to the bishop of Durham inhibiting him and citing him to appear in the court of York on [8 July].
Date: York, 4 Non. June [2 June] 1300.
Date: Durham, 6 June 1300.
Notary: Elias of Cowton, NP by apostolic authority.
m.2   [2 June] 1300
Commission by the official of the court of York to Master Elias of Cowton canon of Southwell.
Date: York, 4 Non. June 1300.
m.2   14 June 1300
Appointment by Henry of Teesdale prior of Finchale, Adam of Corbridge subprior [of Finchale], Richard of Haughton sacrist [of Finchale], Adam of Boisville cellarer [of Finchale], Thomas de Deveneys, Nicholas of Yarm, Thomas of Burton, Nicholas of York, Roger of Melsonby, Thomas of Wolviston, Walter of Frampton, Nicholas of Durham, [monks of Finchale], and also Henry of Lusby prior of Holy Island, Geoffrey of Boston (St Botulph) prior of Stamford, Warin of Craven prior of Lytham, Gilbert of Sherburn warden of St Cuthbert's shrine in Durham, Henry of Stamford almoner of Durham, Stephen of Howden senior, Reginald of Barnby and Gilbert of Stamford monks of the chapter of Durham of Masters Thomas of Levisham and Henry of Lusby clerks as proctors against the appeals of Richard de Hoton former prior of Durham to the apostolic see and the court of York.
Witnesses: Dom. Thomas of Levisham canon of Chester, Hugh of Lockington, and Thomas of Durham clerks; Richard of Danby squire of the said Thomas [of Levisham].
Date: Finchale priory chapter house, 14 June 1300.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by imperial authority.
m.2   16 June 1300
Appointment by Thomas of Durham and Adam of Pontefract monks of Durham of Masters Thomas of Levisham and Henry of Lusby clerks as their proctors.
Witnesses: Henry of Lusby prior of Holy Island, Geoffrey of Boston prior of Stamford, Warin of Craven prior of Lytham, Stephen of Howden, Reginald of Barnby and Gilbert of Stamford , monks of the chapter of Durham; Hugh of Lockington and Thomas of Durham clerks.
Date: Finchale priory chapter house, 16 June 1300.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by imperial authority.
m.2-3   15 June 1300
Appointment by Ralph of Middleham master of Jarrow, Robert of Stanley and Walter of Swinburn, monks of the chapter of Durham, of Masters Thomas of Levisham and Henry of Lusby, clerks, as their proctors.
Witnesses: Henry of Lusby prior of Holy Island and Stephen of Howden senior, monks of the chapter of Durham; John of Middleham and Hugh the steward (Dispensator) clerks.
Date: Jarrow in the master's chamber, 15 June 1300.
Notary: Richard son of Henry de Ganyo, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by imperial authority.
Petition of Henry of Lusby, proctor of Henry of Teesdale et al, to be admitted to the court of York; admitted.
Protest of Robert of Littlebury, proctor of the bishop of Durham
DCD Misc.Ch. 5527a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5527b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5527c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5528
DCD Misc.Ch. 5529
Previously Loc.XIII.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5530
Previously Loc.VIII.<9> 7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5531
Previously Loc.VIII.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5532
Previously Loc.VIII.<24> 5
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5533]
Now Loc.XIV:4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5534   1 July 12 Chas II [1660]
Presentation of John Knightbrige as vicar of Newcastle.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5535   23 May 1603
Estreat of court at Billingham, mainly concerning tenants of Newton Bewley.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5536   1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney, for citation of certain parishioners of Newburn.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5537
Grant by Guy Darrayns to Geoffrey Vitrarius of two acres of a new assart at Holnihurst.
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.184n.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5537 - Grant by Guy Darrayns to Geoffrey Vitrarius of two acres of a new assart at Holnihurst
DCD Misc.Ch. 5538
[Claxton] (Newlands by Whittonstall).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5539
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5540]
Now 3.1.Finc.28a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5541
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.43r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5542
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.57r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5543
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.42r-v
DCD Misc.Ch. 5544
DCD Misc.Ch. 5545
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.42v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5546
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.43r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5547
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.42v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5548
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.23v, 43v, 72r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5549
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.8r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5550
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.33v-34r.
Printed in Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.18-19.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5551
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5552]
Now 1.1.Sacr.24.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5553
Misc.Ch. 5554. [Claxton] (Redheugh).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5554   8 October [1441]
Grant by Robert Claxton esq to Ermintrude formerly the wife of William Norman, of Redheugh manor and all the lands, tenements, and rents in Redheugh, Gateshead, Axwell and Grindon and elsewhere in the county of Durham and Sadberge granted by the recipient to the grantor and John Claxton esq on conditon that they re-enfeoff her.
Date: 8 October 20 Henry VI.
Parchment, 1m
DCD Misc.Ch. 5555
DCD Misc.Ch. 5556   1561
Release by William Baker of Durham yeoman to John Marshall of a tenement at East Rainton.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5557
DCD Misc.Ch. 5558   1576
Mandate by Canon Cliffe for citation of Cuthbert Sharperay of Nether Heworth kinsman of Janet Linsey of the same deceased.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5559
DCD Misc.Ch. 5560
DCD Misc.Ch. 5561
DCD Misc.Ch. 5562
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5563]
Now 3.1.Sacr.5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5564   8 August 7 Eliz. [1565]
Assignment by Richard Tayton of Wass (N.Yorks.) yeoman to Francis Walker of Croxdale yeoman of the lease by the chapter to John Morden of Wass and Agnes his wife of Ludworth tithes.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5565]
Now 2.3.Elemos.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5566
DCD Misc.Ch. 5567
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.3r.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5568]
Now 5.4.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5569]
Now 2.3.Elemos.7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5570
DCD Misc.Ch. 5571
DCD Misc.Ch. 5572
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5573]
Now 2.3.Sacr.6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5574   [1276 x 1284]
Lease by William son of Luke of Durham, citizen of London, to Robert of Milburn of Durham, his nephew, of all his land in Great Lumley formerly his father Luke's, to be held of Matthew of Lumley by Robert or whomever he may wish to lease it to, rendering annually to Matthew a pair of white (alborum) spurs or 3d at Easter, for which Matthew has paid him 15 marks as a fine (gersumam).
Sealed with his own seal and, for greater security, he has also procured the seal of the mayor of the city of London.
Witnesses: Doms Gregory de Rokesley (Rokele) mayor of London, John Adrian and Walter le Cornwaleys sheriffs [of London], John Horn, Walter le Potter, Thomas of Basing, Nicholas of Winchester (Wynton), Philip Cissore, Robert de Meldeburn, Ralph le Blund, and John of Blackthorn aldermen of the city [of London], Robert Hauteyn, Walter Hauteyn, Thomas de Herrington, William of Kelloe.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B Nos.824 & 3737, each on a parchment tag, through 3 slits in a turnup (G&B no.3737 detached since 7 December 1983, after repairs to parchment tag 19 June 1959)
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5574. - …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5575]
Now 3.2.Finc.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5576]
Now 3.2.Finc.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5577]
Now 3.2.Finc.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5578
DCD Misc.Ch. 5579
DCD Misc.Ch. 5580
DCD Misc.Ch. 5581
DCD Misc.Ch. 5581*
DCD Misc.Ch. 5582
DCD Misc.Ch. 5583
DCD Misc.Ch. 5584
DCD Misc.Ch. 5585
DCD Misc.Ch. 5586
DCD Misc.Ch. 5587
DCD Misc.Ch. 5588   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Nicholas Scayfe of Moorsley to John of Elwick, for a certain sum of money in his great necessity, of two acres at Moorsley (parcels detailed), to be held of the prior and convent of Durham, rendering annually to them a silver ½d.
Witnesses: Geoffrey of Egglescliffe then steward of the prior, Dom Thomas of ?Whitworth (Witewrye), John of Farnacres and Roger of Lumley milites, Gilbert of Fery, Simon of Moorsley son of Christian, Alan Stil, Ralph of Pittington, Stephen of Elwick, Hugh of Peebles clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.2177 on a tag, now detached
DCD Misc.Ch. 5589   [mid 13th century]
Grant by Nicholas Scayfe of Moorsley to John of Elwick, for a certain sum of money in his great necessity, of 3 acres of land at Moorsley (parcels detailed), to be held of the prior and convent of Durham, rednering annually to them a silver ½d.
Witnesses: Dom Roger of Lumley and John of Farnacres milites, Gilbert of Fery, John of Fery, Ralph of Moorsley, Simon son of Christian, William of Southwick, Stephen of Elwick, Hugh of Peebles clerk.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Seal on a tag, with some string
DCD Misc.Ch. 5590   [1279 x 1308]
Grant by Richard [of Claxton or de Hoton] prior and convent of Durham to John of Elwick and Alice his wife of 8 acres of land at Moorsley (parcels detailed), formerly held by Cecilia formerly the wife of Walter Casse, rendering annually 1d.
Witnesses: Dom John of Farnacres, Thomas of Kelloe, Gilbert of Fery, John of Fery, Simon of Hebburn, William of Southwick, Ralph of Moorsley, Stephen of Elwick.
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through
Seal: G&B No.3427 on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5591   1279
Grant by Walter Casse and Cecilia his wife to John of Elwick, for a certain sum of money useful for carrying out his business, of 8 acres of land at Moorsley (parcels detailed) formerly held of them by William Daudri, to be held of the prior and convent of Durham, rendering annually to them a silver penny.
Witnesses: Dom William of Layton, Thomas de Herle, Walter of Hereford, John de Boys, Hugh of Ludworth, Ralph of Moorsley, William Mody, William the miller, Gilbert Punchun of Pittington, Hugh of Peebles clerk.
Date: Durham, at the eyre of Dom Robert of Nevill, Guichard de Charon, Alan of Walkington and Thomas of Herrington then justices of the lord [bishop] of Durham 1279.
Endorsed (14th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.549 (bis), each on a tag
attached by string to the next
DCD Misc.Ch. 5592   [after 1279]
Grant by Cecilia widow of Walter Casse of Moorsley to John of Elwick and Alice his wife, for a certain sum o fmoney useful for carrying out her business, of 8 acres of land at Moorsley (parcels detailed), formerly held by William Daudri, rendering annually a silver penny.
Witnesses: Dom John of Farnacres, Thomas of Kelloe, Gilbert of Fery, John of Fery, Simon of Hebburn, Walter of Hereford, Thomas de Herle, John de Boys, Hugh of Ludworth, Ralph of Moorsley, William Mody, William of Pittington, Gilbert Punchun of the same, Hugh of Peebles clerk.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.544 on a tag
attached by string to the previous
DCD Misc.Ch. 5593   [4 October] 1282
Grant by Cecilia widow of Walter Casse of Moorsley to John son of Thomas of Elwick of 3 acres and ½ rod of land at Moorsley (parcels detailed), to hold of the prior and convent, rendering annually a silver ½d.
Witnesses: Thomas of Kelloe steward of the prior of Durham, Dom John of Farnacres, John son of Gilbert of Fery, William of Sothwick, Simon of Hebburn, Bertram of Wolviston, William son of John of the same.
Date: Moorsley, 4 Non. October 1282.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: Seal on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5594a   [later 14th century]
Grant by Robert de Fenrother grants to John of Lytham, William of Greystones and Hugh of Chilton chaplains all the lands formerly belonging to Alexander of Pittington in Moorsley, namely a toft and 12 acres (parcels detailed).
Witnesses: William Dalden, William Meneville and Thomas his brother, Robert Lambton, John Bover, John del Wraa, Robert son of Thomas, John son of Alan, Thomas son of Helen.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.393 on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5594b   [3 June] 1370
Quitclaim by Robert de Fenrother to John of Lytham, William of Greystones and Hugh of Chilton chaplains of his rigtht to an annua rent of 10s from the lands which belonged to Alexander of Pittington in Moorsley.
Witnesses: Thomas Surtees miles, William Menville, Thomas his brother, John Bover, John del Wraa, John son of Alan.
Date: Durham, Monday in the week of Pentecost 1370.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.967 on a tag
DCD Misc.Ch. 5594c   [later 14th century]
Appointment by Robert de Fenrother of Thomas Annesley as his attorney to deliver seisin to John of Lytham, William of Greystones and Hugh of Chilton chaplains of all his lands in Moorsley.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.393 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD Misc.Ch. 5594d   11 March] 1370
Acquittance from Robert de Fenrother to John of Lytham, William of Greystones and Hugh of Chilton for 30s received for 3 years rent from the former lands of Alexander of Pittington in Moorsley from Monday before St Gregory [8 March] 1366/7 to the same day in 1369/70.
Date: Durham, Monday before St Gregroy 1369/70.
Endorsed (15th century) as Trinity chantry.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.992 on a tongue, with a wrapping tie
DCD Misc.Ch. 5595
DCD Misc.Ch. 5596
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.47v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5597
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.47v-48r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5598
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5599
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5600
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.46v.
Misc.Ch. 5601-5700
DCD Misc.Ch. 5601
DCD Misc.Ch. 5602
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.46r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5603
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.47r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5604
DCD Misc.Ch. 5605
DCD Misc.Ch. 5606a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5606b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5607
DCD Misc.Ch. 5608
DCD Misc.Ch. 5609
DCD Misc.Ch. 5610
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5611
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5612
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5613
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5614
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5615
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5616
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5617
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5618
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5619a
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5619b
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620d
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620e
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620f
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620g
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620h
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620k
Apparently one of the "roll of 12 membranes" as catalogued under reference Misc.Ch. 5620 by Stevenson mid 19th century (an act relating to same cause), but previously unnumbered - number added by AJP [late 20th century]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620l
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620m
Previously Loc.IX.8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5620n
DCD Misc.Ch. 5621a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5621b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5621c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5622
Previously Loc.IX ...
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.329, 331, 333, 334, 338.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5623
Recorded by Stevenson (mid 19th century) as two rolls, paper and parchment. Only one parchment roll survives (as noted 1982 and 2023) - paper roll may be the additional item within Misc.Ch. 5637.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5624
Previously Loc.IV.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5625
Previously Loc.V.50.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5626a
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 41.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5626b
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 17.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5626c
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 27.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5626d
Previously Loc.XIV.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5627a   [15th century]
Copy ordination by Walter [Giffard], archbishop of York, of the vicarage of the parish church of Eastrington, appropriated to the prior & convent of Durham by an ordinance of the archbishop in which the assessment of the vicarage was reserved to the archbishop, omitting the dating clause.
Original: DCD 3.1.Archiep.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5627b   1433 and 1434
Eastrington accounts: Hostiller
29 May 1346 - 14 May 1347 (for draft of Necessary Expenses section, see Loc.V:20 dorse)
There is no heading. The entries are repeated in the full account for 29 May 1346 - 14 May 1347.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5627c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5628
Previously Loc. VIII.<24> 5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5629]
Now Bursar's Accounts, Arrears 1429.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630d
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630e
DCD Misc.Ch. 5630f
DCD Misc.Ch. 5631
Previously Loc.II.36.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5632
DCD Misc.Ch. 5633
DCD Misc.Ch. 5634   [c.1384 x 1393]
Comperta in a visitation of Durham cathedral priory made by Brothers John Esyng and Richard Burneby monks of St Mary's abbey York.
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.82-84.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5635   1398/9
Instrument recording the resignation of John Elvet as rector of Normanton-upon-Soar.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5636
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637
Recorded as 16 rolls by Stevenson (mid 19th century), but noted in June 1973 as 17 rolls and now referenced Misc.Ch. 5637(1) to Misc.Ch. 5637(17). Discrepancy may be due to (1) and (2) being two parts of the same roll, or the missing paper roll from Misc.Ch. 5623 may have been transferred into this number.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(1)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(2)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(3)
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.333.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(4)
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.332.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(5)
Previously Loc.IX.
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.330.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(6)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(7)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(8)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(9)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(10)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(11)
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.329, 330.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(12)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(13)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(15)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(16)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5637(17)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638c
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638d   2 January 1445
Notarial instrument reciting that at a chapter meeting of Prior John Wessington with Master John Moodey subprior, Master William Ebchester sacrist, Doms. Roger Lanchester, Henry Helay, John Gunnerton, Thomas Nesbitt, John Moreby, Richard Kelloe, John Gateshead, Thomas Ward, Thomas Ford, William Dalton, Wiliam Eden, John Warner, Thomas Hexham, Richard Blackburn, Richard Bell, William Seton, John Middleham, John Ripon, William Kelloe, Henry Raket, John Bradbury, William Fyge, William Hesleden, William Rodburn, William Burdon, John Eden, John Kirk, William Jervaulx (Gervace), John Bedford, William Easby, Richard Billingham and Thomas Holme, the prior reported that on last Christmas Eve a certain matter concerning Lytham priory and espcially the status of its prior William Partrike had led to the drawing up of a protestation, and thence Robert Westmorland, their fellow monk, was unanimously appointed as proctor, who proceeded to publish the recited protestation against Partrike's acquisition and use of his papal and royal privileges.
Witnesses: Master John Norton, Doctor decretorum, of Lincoln diocese; Master John Lethum, LLB, of York diocese; Dom. Richard Prentys, priest, NP by both apostolic and imperial authority, of York diocese; Dom. John Binchester, priest, of Durham diocese.
Date: Durham cathedral chapter house, 2 January 1444/5.
Notary: Robert Bartram, clerk of Coventry and Lichfield diocese, NP by apostolic authority, eschatocol recited.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 300 x 430mm
Decoration: Elaborated initial “I”
Duplicate: DCD Loc.IX: 64.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638e
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638f
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638g
Previously Loc.IX.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638h
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638i
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638j
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638k
DCD Misc.Ch. 5638l
DCD Misc.Ch. 5639
Notarial instrument comprising enrolments of instruments concerning the rights of Durham priory in its cell of Lytham, made by authority of the archdeacon of Durham at the request of Robert Westmorland, proctor of Durham priory, listing the documents and describing their seals, then reciting the documents.
Previously DCD Loc.III.<18> 14.
Another copy: DCD Loc.III:11.
Draft: DCD Loc.IX: 66.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5640
DCD Misc.Ch. 5641
Previously Loc.VII.19.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.136.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5642
Previously Loc.XII.13.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5643
DCD Misc.Ch. 5644
Previously Loc.VI.7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5645
Previously Loc.X.<120> 30 <"2a 2e longe Ciste">.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5646   22 April 1302
Previously [Loc. VII.] 52.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.85, 101, 120, 121, 156, 160.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5647(1)   [date lost] [1281 or 2 - Barneby was admitted 29 August 1282 (Wickwane's Register (Surtees Soc) p.232 no.564 with corrigendum p.xxv)]
Language:   Latin
Mandate of Pope Martin [IV] to the abbots of St Mary's York, and of Alnwick and the prior of Brinkburn ordering them to hear a case in which the prior and convent of Durham complain that W[illiam] archbishop of York has refused to admit Adam de Berneby, subdeacon, whom they have presented to the church of West Rounton, diocese of York.
At Orvieto
Seal: No bulla.
[? Previously Loc.XIV] <9> 44.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.IX, p.227.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5647(2)
[? Previously Loc.XIV] 111.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5647(3)
[? Previously Loc.XIV] <4> 43.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5647(4)
[? Previously Loc.XIV] 109.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5647(5)
[? Previously Loc.XIV] 44.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5648
DCD Misc.Ch. 5649   1441
Pensions imposed in the annual chapter,
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.331.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5650   1442 & 1443
Pensions imposed in the annual chapters,
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.331.
Draft: DCD Misc.Ch. 5664.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5651   1444
Pensions imposed in the annual chapter,
Discussed in R.B. Dobson, Durham Priory: 1400-1450, (Cambridge 1973), p.331.
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 7138.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5652
Previously Loc.I.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5653]
Now Bursar's Accounts, Waste & Decay etc. 1432-3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5654
DCD Misc.Ch. 5655
Previously Loc.I.31.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5656
DCD Misc.Ch. 5657   [c. 1550]
Fragment of receiver's roll.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5658
DCD Misc.Ch. 5659
DCD Misc.Ch. 5660
DCD Misc.Ch. 5661   1222 - 1293
Statutes of the chapters of the northern province of the English black monks
Stautues 1222 (only to par.25)
Statutes 1287
Statutes at Whitby1290 (part only)
Statutes 1293 (part of the prologue only)
Parchment roll, 1m, damaged at the foot with text lost, repaired with parchment, with a buckram wrapper attached to the head c.1950
Size: 465 x 235mm
Formerly "Misc. Roll 26", transferred into this series 13 May 1959 (MGS).
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks I, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlv, 1931), p.232-238, 240-243, 248-250, 252-263.
Originally part of the same roll: DCD Misc.Ch. 5667.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5662
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5663]
Now Bursar's Book B.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5664   1442 & 1443
Draft chapter pensions account.
Final version: DCD Misc.Ch. 5650.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5665   [c.1363 x 1366]
Answers of an abbot [?Geoffrey of Lambourn] to 71 articles, of which i-iii and xxx-xxxiii are lost, based on the comperta and detecta of the visitation [of Eynsham abbey by ?Thomas de la Mare abbot of St Albans].
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.34-51.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5666   1221 - 1287
Statutes of the chapters of the northern province of the English black monks.
m.1 Statutes at [Northallerton 1221] and following, only par.27 onwards remains
m.1 Statutes at Whitby 1273
m.2 Statutes at Durham [1276]
m.2 Brief account of chapter events 1279-1287
m.2 Statutes at Selby 1287.
m1d. Tithe account of Patrick Gruber for a third of the lands of his wife Mariota [17 February 1357] detailing amounts from individuals, with also totals for properties, for the church of Holy Island.
Parchment roll, 2m, damaged head with text lost, repaired with parchment and silk gauze, and a buckram wrapper attached c.1950
Size: 870 x 195mm
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlv, 1931), p.237-243, 248-261.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5666*
DCD Misc.Ch. 5667   1222 - 1293
Statutes of the chapters of the northern province of the English black monks:
Statutes [1222], starting at par.37
Statutes at Whitby 1273
The proper of a mass, reminiscere, for the second Sunday in Lent
Account of preliminaries for the chapter of 1287
Statutes of 1293 (continued from Misc.Ch. 5661).
Parchment roll, 1m, damaged head, repaired with parchment with a buckram wrapper attached c.1950
Size: 590 x 230mm
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlv, 1931), p.232-238, 240-243, 248-250, 252-263.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5667*
DCD Misc.Ch. 5668
DCD Misc.Ch. 5669
DCD Misc.Ch. 5670   [earlier 11th century]
Leaf of a psalter with the later part of psalm 25 and the earlier part of psalm 26, reused ?in a binding. Given that psalm 26 is one of the liturgical divisions but its initial is merely a plain 2-line-high one, it is unlikely that the book was elaborately decorated.
Parchment, 1f, lined, some small holes with occasional text lost, crease line, sewing holes with a fragment of thread, right edge torn
Size: 250 x 140mm
Decoration: Rubricated initial verse capital letters in ?alternate red and blue
Described: R.A.B. Mynors, Durham Cathedral Manuscripts to the end of the twelfth century, (Oxford, 1939), p.29 no.23; Old English Glossed Psalters, Psalms 1-50, ed. P. Pulsiano (2001), p. xxvii, merely notes it as ‘written in the middle of the first half of the eleventh century. Provenance uncertain’ and assigns it the siglum lower-case kappa.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5670. - Leaf of a psalter, reused ?in a binding. - Misc.Ch. …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5671
DCD Misc.Ch. 5672
Previously Loc.I.<8> 9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5673   [c.1500]
List of churches [where the monks rested on their journey with the body of] St Cuthbert, some with their distance in miles (miliaria) from other centres, in:
Lancashire: Kirkby Ireleth in Furness, ?Askam (Haxheved) in Furness, Aldingham, Lytham in Amounderness, Mellor, Halsall, Burnsall in Craven, Emmyldon in Coupeland, ?Vorton in Coupeland, [Over] Kellet in Lonsdale, Middleton by Manchester.
Yorkshire: Lytham, Kildale, Merton, Wilton, Ormesby.
Richmondshire: South Cowton, Forcett, Overton by York, Barton.
Westmorland: Cleburn.
Cumberland: Carlisle city, Edenhall, [Great] Salkeld, Plumbland.
Paper, 2f
Previously Loc.II.67.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5673. - List of churches where the monks rested on their journey with the body of St Cuthbert
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5674]
Now Bursar's Accounts, Sale of tithes etc. 1295-6 ?.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5675]
Number not used.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5676
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5677]
Now Manorial acs, Enrolled 1299-1303 m.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5678
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5679]
Now 3.2.Finc.28, 29 and 31.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5680   [1234 x 1237]
Counterpart ratification by Prior Th[omas Melsonby] and the convent of Durham of the following grant.
Grant by Richard [Poore] bishop of Durham to the master and brethren of the hsopital of Kepier of the land called Morbrokes, bounds detailed [c.1234 x 15 April 1237]
Duplicate: DCD Misc.Ch. 5274.
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.5r.
Printed: English Episcopal Acta 25: Durham 1196-1237, ed M.G. Snape (Oxford 2002), p.288.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5681   [1279 x 1308]
Grant by Richard [of Claxton or de Hoton] prior and convent of Durham to John of Elwick and Alice his wife of 8 acres of land in Moorsley (parcels detailed) formerly held by Cecilia, widow of Walter Casse, rendering annually 1d.
Witnesses: Dom John of Farnacres, Thomas of Kelloe, Gilbert of Fery, John of Fery, Simon of Hebburn, William of Southwick, Ralph of Moorsley, Stephen of Elwick.
(unsealed copy)
Parchment, 1m, indented head, zig-zag, letters cut through, 2 holes along the foot
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.49r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5682   [1273 x 1308]
Demise by Richard [of Claxton or de Hoton] prior and convent of Durham to Ralph of Pittington and Eda his wife of a half toft resigned by Nicholas Scayfe of Moorsley with a plot and 1½ acres of arable at Moorsley for life, rendering annually 2d.
Witnesses: Dom Roger of Lumley, William of Layton and Walter of Ludworth milites, Geoffrey of Egglescliffe then steward of the prior of Durham, Roger son of Simon of Winston, Richard son of Lawrence of Wolviston, Gilbert of Fery, Ralph of Heselden, David of Hebburn, Stephen of Elwick.
Date: Durham.
[? office copy]
Parchment, 1m, indented head, wavy
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.49r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5683
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5684
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5685
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5686
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.48r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5687
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.50v-51r.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5688
Skirlawe chantry.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5689a   1491-92
Howden: Endowments accounts
Michaelmas 7 Henry VII [29 Sept. 1491] - same feas. 8 [29 Sept. 1492]
William Cryspyn chaplain, receiver of farms and rents
Schedule 1: Receipt by Mr W. Beverley for full payment of [prebendal] portion due to him for year ended Michaelmas 1492
Schedule 2: Receipt by Mr John Hert for full payment of [prebendal] portion due to him for year ended Michaelmas 1492
Dorse: List of [debts ?]
Transferred from DCD 4.1.Ebor.56, 27 July 1989.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5689b   1511-12
Howden: Endowments accounts
Michaelmas [29 September] 1511 - same feast for one year [29 September 1512]
Robert Cooll chaplain, receiver of farms and rents
DCD Misc.Ch. 5689*
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5690]
Now Livestock Accounts, Muggleswick 1447-8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5691]
Now Livestock Accounts, Muggleswick 1446-7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5692]
Now Livestock Accounts, Muggleswick 1445-6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5693]
Now Livestock Accounts, Muggleswick 1441-2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5694]
Now Livestock Accounts, Muggleswick 1444-5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5695
DCD Misc.Ch. 5696
DCD Misc.Ch. 5697
Previously Loc.XXVII.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5698
Previously Loc.V.39.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5699
DCD Misc.Ch. 5700
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV.72.
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.162.
Misc.Ch. 5701-5800
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/1
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/2
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/3   [1429 - 1430]
Heminbrough: Provost's accounts:
...[Summer 1429 - Summer 1430]
[John Withyr], provost
The account clearly covers a period of about one year, opening and closing, to judge by sequence of feasts mentioned under Oblations and Payments of portions, between John Baptist [24 June] and Assumption of B.V.M. [15 August]. Payments refer to the prebend of Marmaduke Lumley being vacant for a quarter-year; he became bishop of Carlisle in April 1430.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/4   1459 - 1460
Gregory 1458 37 Henry VI - same feast next following 1459 38 Henry VI [12 March 1459 - 12 March 1460]
Heminbrough: provost's account
Mr Thomas Portyngton, provost
Taken 6 August 3 Edward IV [1463], before John Eden monk, Robert Wilson clerk, and Richard Raket.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/5   1461 - 1462
Heminbrough: Receipts, 1461-2
Thursday before Purification of B.V.M. 39 Henry VI [29 January 1461] - Michaelmas 2 Edward IV [29 Sept. 1462] Only two categories of receipt are covered: mortuaries and tithes of crops. The former are given in a single section, with heading dated as above. Tithes are treated in two blocks, the first for 39 Henry VI, the second 1 Edward IV, datings that are taken to refer to the agricultural years beginning then and so concerning the harvests in the following calendar years, 1461 and 1462.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5701/6   1460 - 1461
... [12 March 1460 - c. 12 March 1461]
... [Mr Thomas Portyngton, provost]
The details, in particular names of vicars, indicate that this is a provost of Hemingbrough's account. The sum of arrears taken up at the start can be calculated from the two totals of receipt given, and the result matches the sum given in balance of account closed 12 March 1460 (Misc.Ch. 5701/4). The account covers approximately one year.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5702
DCD Misc.Ch. 5703a-c   [1596]
Proceedings in case between Huttone and Boltone over mill of Rainton alias Houghton. 38 Eliz.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5704
Previously Loc.V.41.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5705   [1344]
Expenses incurred over the manor of Heworth by John son of Robert de Hetheworth from the time that John de Hetheworth surrendered the said manor until Michaelmas [13]44
DCD Misc.Ch. 5706
Previously Loc.X.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5707]
Now Proctor's Accounts: St Margaret's 1447-8, 1472-3, 1473-4, 1488-9, 1491-2, 1505-6, 1507-8, 1508-9, 1509-10, 1512-3 and 1528-9; St Oswald's c.1508.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5708   [February x May 1227]
Part of articles in the case heard before the archbishop of York between King Henry III against the prior and monks of Durham over the election of William Stichill archdeacon of Worcester as bishop of Durham, being most of the evidence of the bishop of Salisbury and the first productio of the monks, comprising the testimonies of Walter of Selby clerk, [Robert] of Misterton, and [Thomas Anglicus] (part). Some later marginalia stressing what is in the text.
On the dorse are various notes summarising the points which the chapter wished to prove against the king and quoting the witness authority for each statement.
Parchment roll, 2m
Size: 510 x 205mm
Previously: Loc.VI:23.
Extracted and discussed in F.M. Powicke, King Henry III and the Lord Edward vol. I, (Oxford 1947), p.266-270, and W.K. Evers, “Disputes about epsicopal elections in the reign of Henry III, with special reference to some unpublished Durham documents”, (Oxford B.Litt. thesis 1934), p.65-74.
Part of the same roll: DCD Misc.Ch. 5522 and Loc.VI:11*.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5709a   [9 July 1283]
Process of the election of Antony Bek as bishop of Durham, individually subscribed by 64 of the community's monks, each with his name and a sign manual.
Probably the most remarkable document now among the Chapter Muniments, not least for the fact of its survival. Drawn up in quite extraordinary circumstances (well described by C. M. Fraser, 1957, pp. 32-6), there might well have been Durham monks who have wished to see it destroyed when the dispute with Bishop Bek broke out in 1300. Two centuries later it passed through the hands of Thomas Swalwell, as his endorsement shows. In the mid nineteenth century it was presumably among the documents catalogued during the first phase of the creation of "Miscellaneous Charters", when damage from vermin and damp had probably already occurred. There is no evidence that CMF saw it when working on Bek, since she would otherwise have surely mentioned it. Before repair it was nigh on unusable, but Meryl Foster gave it her attention, to very considerable effect (see note by AJP to frontispiece of Joan Greatrex 2011). Repair was undertaken by George Peart, as part of the programme supervised by Martin Snape for the whole of the Misc.Ch. class; fortunately this was done when "sausage-skin" had become commercially available, and the policy of rerolling documents after repair using this material had been abandoned.
The significance of the document is immediately obvious. 64 monks subscribed individually to the election of Antony Bek, each in his own hand, with his own ink and his own pen, adding to each entry a sign manual, which he presumably used in other circumstances, such as the marking of platters and clothing which were washed communally, thus preventing careless treatment of these items by one monk being visited on his fellows. The document was apparently drawn up in accordance with notarial practice (`In nomine ...'), a formula, which [pace Cheney] had persisted in Durham in the framing of wills, and so, like an earlier diploma, did not require sealing; manu propria sufficed, although earlier precedents for this do not come immediately to mind, and a sign was equi-valent to what a notary would have used.
The circumstances in which the document was created are not entirely clear. The election of a new bishop of Durham following the death of Bishop Robert of Holy Island on 7 June 1283 took place on 9 July in secret. The vacancy had prompted Archbishop Wickwane to attempt to assert rights of visitation; he was stoutly resisted. The monks, presumably calculating that they would thereby be best served in resisting Wickwane, elected one of Edward I's favourite clerics, who was also from a good family. It seems likely that some monks did not endorse this course of action, and that may account for some notable absentees among the signatories. The most obvious is Richard de Hoton, whose animosity towards Bek found expression as early as 1284; if Dr Fraser correctly pointed to an impoverished background at Hutton in Cleveland as his origin, then he was a native of Wickwane's own diocese, and from a very different social stratum to Bek's.
The subscribing monks do not occur in order of seniority, and are most easily taken to have subscribed when they were not otherwise engaged, and hence added their names later than the actual election process. With the aid of the standing ultra-violet lamp they were: Richard [Claxton] prior; Henry of Stamford (714); [Ambrose] of Bamburgh (634); Henry of Horncastle; Gilbert of Sherburn (635); William de Aslakby (642); Geoffrey of [New]castle (660); William de Castro (662); Richard de Barneby (597); Robert of School Aycliffe (632); Robert of Lanchester (647); [Adam] de Boyvil (734, & so not a full monk ?); John of Haxby (584); Richard of [Otteri]ngton (673); William Cuthbert (574); Hugh of Darlington (549); Richard [of Escrick ?] prior of Finchale; William Wake (655); Adam of Corbridge (617); Richard of Durham (646); Ralph de Castro (691); Roger of Bywell (654); Stephen of Dalton (565 / 574); Ingram of Beverley (600); William of Hartlepool (618 et al.); Richard of School Aycliffe (632); Thomas of [New]castle (702); Richard of Brompton (663); Thomas of Bamburgh (698); Thomas of Durham (715); [Tho]mas of Stanhope (? = le Deveneys 599); Simon of Grimsby (720); John de se-sbi (? = Seleby 697); Thomas of Adlingfleet (706); Thomas of Westoe (707); Warner of Giggleswick (682); Ingram of Chatton (649); John de Emildon (703); William of Heworth (656); [Geoffrey] of Boston (710); Robert of Mitford (652); Reginald of B[arnby] (684); Richard of Howden (622/4); John of Hexham (724 / 716); Michael of [Chilton] (677); John of Wolviston (704); Roger of School Aycliffe (719); Thomas of Wolviston (704); Peter of Sedgefield (667); Walter of Egglescl[iffe] ( 709); Henry of Fa[ceby] (670); Simon [of Jarrow] (607); Ralph of Mordon (712); Thomas of [New]castle (702); Thomas de Aldwode (718); Adam of Norton (701); Nicholas of York (678); Roger de Castro (696); [Geoffrey of] Haxby (721); Stephen of Howden [723]; Robert of Stanley (722); A[dam] of Ellingham (725); John of Hexham (716 / 724); William of Guisborough (726).
Known monks who did not "subscribe" for no obvious reason: Roger de Aslakby (541), Henry of Hurworth (581), William of Masham (625), Richard of School Aycliffe (633), Robert of Langley (636), Robert Harpin (640), Adam of Cavil (645) [anti-Hoton], Roger of Stanhope (664), Richard of Haughton (671), Luke of Guisborough (676), John of Elvet (683), Peter of France (689), Robert of Wackerfield (700) at elect. 1283 John of Haswell (588) sacrist, Ralph of Middleton (648) librarian, William of Middleton (692) bursar 1283, but Roger of Methley (603), Stephen of Howden senior (650), Henry of Teesdale (679) subprior and in London 11 Aug. 1283 (MC 4109c), Richard de Hoton (699), compr. & proctor for confirm 1283
And those quite probably legitimately elsewhere William Lutterell (615) prior Stamford 1281-4; Adam of Twizell (610) almoner Coldingham 1281; William of Darlington (658) at Coldingham 1281, 1295; Walter of Norton (598) prior Lytham 1283-4; Robert of Kilvington (643) master of Farne 1292; Henry of Lusby (711) first oc. 1290; Osbert of York (651); Thomas of Howden (675); Robert of Caldwell / Bowes (681); Roger of Melsonby (686); Robert of Langton (687); William Egglescliffe (688) no oc. 1274 X 1300+; Nicholas of Yarm (665); Thomas of Burton (668); Nicholas of Rothbury (705); Walter of Frampton (708); Walter of Swinburn (713); John of Yarm (717), first oc. 1302
Size: 445 x 355mm
Previously Loc.VI.38.
Printed and discussed by A.J. Piper in: J. Greatrex, The English Benedictine Cathedral Priories: Rule and Practice, c.1270-c.1420, (Oxford 2012), frontispiece.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5709b
Previously Loc.VI.25.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5709c
Previously Loc.VI.36.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5709d
DCD Misc.Ch. 5710
Previously Loc.VI.40.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5711
Previously Loc.VII.94.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5712   [c.1258 x 1290]
Formulary. Includes:
m.4r: Letters dimissory of R[obert Stichill] bishop of Durham for Hervey of Darlington, clerk of the diocese, ordained acolyte [13 February 1261 x 21 June 1267]
m.4r: Letters testimonial by R[obert Stichill bishop of Durham] for W. of Howden, ordained priest [13 February 1261 x 4 August 1274]
m.10-11: Acceptance of H[ugh of Darlington]'s resignation as prior of Durham [8 January 1273]
m.11: Letters of Robert [Stichill] bishop of Durham to Hugh [of Darlington] prior of Durham accepting his resignation as prior as a result of infirmity after 30 years at the monastery and 14 years as prior and making provision for his future upkeep from the tithes of [Anorth]allerton parish with the houses of Newland by Eastrington, and the tithes from Aycliffe parish, with the manor of Westoe, with the mill, and also the places of Mukligwic and Wardley, and the right to mill freely at Heworth corn grown at Wardley, and to take wood from La Haying wood for building and from the old Heworth wood for burning.
Date: Durham, 6 Id. January [8 January] 1272/3.
Licence from R[obert Stichill] bishop of Durham for the priory of Durham of the right to elect a new prior.
Date: Pont.11. [11 January 1273]
m.9v-11v: A version of the statutes of the general chapters of the black monks of the province of York (1221-1291)
Parchment roll, 14m
Previously Loc.XIII.2.
Some entries also appear in BL Stowe 930 f.15r-26v, DCD Loc.II:7 and Loc.III:40.
Listed and calendared in F. Barlow ed, Durham Annals and Documents of the Thirteenth Century, (Surtees Society 155, 1940) p.233-238 where a number of the entries are also printed.
Printed (letter - Hervey): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p..
Other copies (letters - W. of Howden): BL MS Stowe 930, f.25v; DCD Loc.III:40, m.2; BL Cotton MS Julius D.iv, f.25v.
Printed (letters - W. of Howden): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.145-146.
Printed (m.6): Records of Antony Bek, ed C.M. Fraser (Surtees Society 162, 1953), p.19-20.
Other copies (acceptance): BL Cotton Julius D.iv, f.87r; DCD Cart.Vet., f.174r-v.
Printed (acceptance): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.114-115.
Another copy (letters - Hugh): BL Cotton Julius D.iv, f.87r-88r.
Printed (letters - Hugh): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.115-117.
Another copy (licence): BL Cotton Julius D.iv, f.90r.
Printed (licence): English Episcopal Acta 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed P.M. Hoskin (Oxford 2005), p.121.
Discussed (statues): Chapters of the English Black Monks III, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.liv, 1937), p.275-276.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5713   14 March - 27 November 1429
Account of Henry Feriby, sacrist, for works on the Galilee chapel for [Thomas Langley] bishop [of Durham], detailing receipts, and expenses for:
Masons: John Bell, Robert Newman, John Knaith, John Clerk, Richard Middleham, William Chamber.
Wallers: William Osiworth, Robert Kay.
Quarriers: Robert Chapman, Thomas Carwen, Ralph Cabery, John Walker, John Talket, John Partrik, John Fayrhar.
Labourers: Thomas Smyth, Thomas Barbour, Robert Patson, William Relf, Richard Wright, John Wilkinson, John Forster, John Robinson, John Hyne, Barton, Tarsy.
Stone carriers: Thomas Litster, Peter Waynman, William Middleton, William Merrington, John Halywell.
Lime bought: John Smyth, Thomas Alynson.
Sand carriers: Peter Waynman, Thomas Litster.
Also leadworks, Thomas Plumber and ironworks.
Parchment roll, 1m
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5713. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5713. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5714   27 November 1429 - 24 September 1430
Account of Henry Feriby, sacrist, for works on the Galilee chapel for [Thomas Langley] bishop [of Durham], detailing sums remaining, receipts, and expenses, and includes an example of a long hundred on the dorse line 5: “pro Cma xix fothers lapidum prec le fother iiijd xlvjs iiijd”. Workmen detailed:
Masons: John Bell, Robert Newman, Richard Middleham (Midilham), John Clerk (Clrke), Hugh Symson, John Pickering (Pykryng), John Tyndale, William Chamber, Thomas Sherard.
Quarriers: Robert Chapman (Chepman), Ralph Cabery.
Workers: John Wilkinson, Robert Bedlington, Thomas Corwen, Richard Wright, Robert Pateson, John Lame, Thomas Da, Richard Fery, John Bromidon, John Taylor, John Robinson.
Carriage of stone and sand: Thomas Litster (from Bakstanforthwod), William Merrington, Peter Waynman, John Halywell, William Middleham, Peter Birley (Byrelay), William Halywell, William Cowyle.
Ironwork: John Becheburn, Thomas Brak.
Lime: John Smith.
Carpentry: John Walker (at Beaurepair), Peter Snaw, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Burton, William Staindrop, William Wood, John Richardson, John Thomson, Roger Wright, Richard Wright.
Parchment roll, 1m
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5714. - Works account, includes an example of a long hundred on …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5715   24 September - 11 November 1430
Account of Henry Feriby, sacrist, for works on the Galilee chapel for [Thomas Langley] bishop [of Durham], detailing sums remaining, receipts, and expenses. Workmen detailed:
Masons: John Bell, Robert Newman, John Tyndale, Richard Middleham (Midilham), John Clerk, Hugh Symson, John Pickering (Pykryng), William Chamber.
Quarriers and workers: Robert Chapman (Chepman), Ralph Cabery, Robert Bedlington, John Dobyn, John Barker, Thomas Barbour.
Carriage of stone: Peter Waynman, Richard Birley (Byreley), William Middleton, William Merrington.
Ironwork: Thomas Brake.
Lime: John Smith.
Parchment roll, 1m
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5715 - Durham Priory works account , 1430
DCD Misc.Ch. 5716   11 November 1430 - 11 November 1431
Account of Henry Feriby, sacrist, for works on the Galilee chapel for [Thomas Langley] bishop [of Durham], detailing sums remaining, receipts, and expenses.
Receipts: from Richard Buckley. Workmen detailed:
Masons: John Bell, Robert Newman, John Tyndale, Richard Middleton (Mydelton), John Clerk, Hugh Symson, Thomas Ward, John Pickering (Pykryng), William Chamber, John Bowne (Bovnes).
Quarriers and workers: Ralph Cabery, William West, John Dobyn, Robert Boston, Robert Bedlington, Robert Pearson (Piersin), Thomas Hogeson, William Westebridge, Hugh Hoghyrd, John Robinson, Chapman (Cheppeman), William Osworth (Osseworth), Ralph, John Barker, Robert Marom, Thomas Wilkinson, William Smith, Thomas Barbour, Thomas May.
Carriage of stone: Peter Waynman, William Heighington (Heghhyngton), William Merrington, John Halywell, Bykerton.
Lime: John Smith, John Alison (Aleynson).
Carpentry and cutting timber: John Ladyman, Robert Johnson (Joonson), William Staindrop (Staynedroppe), John Thomson, Thomas Wright, John Tanner, Thomas Burton, Peter Snaw, John Thomson, William Wood, Nicholas Lamlee, Robert Fery, Thomas Robinson.
Sawing: William Sawer.
Parchment roll, 1m
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5716. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5716. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5717   11 November 1431 - 11 November 1432
Account of Henry Feriby, sacrist, for works on the Galilee chapel for [Thomas Langley] bishop [of Durham], detailing sums remaining, receipts, and expenses.
Receipts: from Richard Buckley. Workmen detailed:
Masons: John Bell, Robert Newman, John Tyndale, Richard Middleton (Mydelton), John Clerk, William Chamber.
Carpenters: John Tanner, Thomas Burton, Peter Snawe, John Thomson, Thomas Robinson, Robert Fery,William Wood, Nicholas Lamley, Robert Broune, John Walker.
Boards bought and sawing: boards bought at Hull, carriage to Newcastle then Durham; William Sawer sawing.
Plumbing and ironwork and iron bought: William Plumbar; iron bought at Wardell and Auckland; sarkyngnayle, ledenayle, small nails for roofing; lock and key, and metal strips for the door; William Ferrar and Thomas Brake for ironwork, including for masons and quarriers.
Quarriers and workers: Robert Chapman, Ralph, John Walker, Robert Pearson (Person), Cabery, Thomas Huson, Thomas Mason Walker, Robert Calnard, Thomas Golyn, John Roger, Hugh Alynson, John Wilkinson, Richard Wright, John Robson, William Johnson, Thomas Penrith.
Carriage of stone and sand: Peter Waynman, William Merrington, Thomas Lister, John Henryson.
Lime: John Smith, Thomas Alanson, John Alanson.
Previously Loc.II.64.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5717. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5717. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5718   1431 - 1432
Works account, vacat
Previously Loc.II.64.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5718. - Works account, vacat - Misc.Ch. 5718. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5719   1432 - 1433
Works account
Previously Loc.II.64.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5719. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5719. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5720   1433 - 1435
Works account
Previously Loc.II.64.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5720. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5720. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5721   1435
Works account
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5721. - Works account - Misc.Ch. 5721. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5722
DCD Misc.Ch. 5723   1406
Act Book sede vacante, detailing the administration of the diocese of Durham on behalf of the monasatic chapter of Durham.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5723 - Durham Cathedral Archive: Act Book sede vacante, 1406
DCD Misc.Ch. 5724
[? Previously Loc.VII.] 98.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5725   1221 - 1290
Statutes of the general chapters of the English black monks.
m.1 Statutes 1221 (only par.31 on surviving in their entirety)
m.2 Statutes at Selby 1287
m.2 Statutes at Whitby 1290 (prologue and par.1 part only)
Selection of decretals concerning monastic discipline:
Ne religiosi (Decretals Gregory IX, III, xxxi, 24)
Monachi non precio (Decretals Gregory IX, III, xxxv, 2)
Cum ad monasterium (Decretals Gregory IX, III, xxxv, 6)
In singulis regnis (Decretals Gregory IX, III, xxxv, 7)
Parchment roll, 2m, head damaged with text lost, repaired with parchment with a buckram wrapper attached c.1970
Size: 680 x 180mm
Printed: Chapters of the English Black Monks, ed W.A. Pantin (Camden 3rd Series vol.xlv, 1931), p.235-243 & 248-250.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5726   1398-1402
Bishop Skirlaw's chantry account.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5727a   1416x1446
Roll containing account of the actions of Prior John Wessington.
Previously Loc.II.57 [58].
DCD Misc.Ch. 5727b   1416x1446
Roll containing account of the actions of Prior John Wessington.
Previously [Loc. II.] 58.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5727b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5727c   1416x1446
Roll containing account of the actions of Prior John Wessington.
Previously [Loc. II.] 57.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5728
Previously Loc.V.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5729   [15th century]
Includes a copy of a (spurious) charter of Thomas [I] archbishop of York.
Perhaps part of the missing 1.7.Pont.1 [MGS].
Originals: DCD 1.1.Archiep.1 and 2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5730
DCD Misc.Ch. 5731
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5732]
Now 3.4.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5733]
Now 3.4.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5734]
Now 3.4.Elemos.9.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5735]
Now 3.4.Elemos.1b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5736]
Now 3.4.Elemos.1a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5737   1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney to curate of Houghton to cite Catherine Brown of Edmundbyers and William Benson of Houghton.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5738]
Now 6.3.Elemos.2.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5739]
Now 6.3.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5740]
Now 6.3.Elemos.4.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5741]
Now 6.3.Elemos.9a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5742]
Now 6.3.Elemos.9b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5743]
Now 6.3.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5744]
Now 6.3.Elemos.17.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5745]
Now 6.3.Elemos.16.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5746]
Now 6.3.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5747]
Now 6.3.Elemos.8.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5748]
Now 6.3.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5749]
Now 6.3.Elemos.13.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5750]
Now 6.3.Elemos.12.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5751]
Now 6.3.Elemos.3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5752]
Now 6.3.Elemos.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5753]
Now 6.3.Elemos.15.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5754]
Now 6.3.Elemos.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5755]
Now 6.3.Elemos.10
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5756]
Now 6.3.Elemos.18.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5757   1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney to Henry Wanles curate of Hart to cite kinsfolk of Thomas Watson deceased of Dalton in Hart parish. Dorse: Note of execution.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5758   1 May 9 Eliz. [1567]
Sale by John Guy of East Herrington yeoman to Thomas Thompson of Bishopwearmouth labourer of a cottage and land in Middle Herrington.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5759   1576
Mandate by Canon Bunney to vicar of Hesleden to cite Janet Slater of Hesleden. Dorse: Note of execution.
Seal: fragments
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5760]
Now 1.2.Finc.46.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5761
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5762]
Now 1.4.Elemos.1b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5763]
Now 4.1.Finc.40.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5764]
Now 1.2.Finc.14.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5765]
Now 4.1.Finc.41.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5766
[? Claxton] (Fadmoor).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5767
[Claxton] (varia).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5768
[Claxton] (Horden).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5768*
[Claxton] (Horden).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5769

DCD Misc.Ch. 5770
[Claxton] (Highlaws).
Discussed in: H.H.E. Craster, A History of Northumberland Vol.X The Parish of Corbridge (Newcastle 1914), p.241.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5771
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5772]
Now 4.1.Finc.32.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5773]
Now 1.2.Finc.67.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5774
[Claxton] (Horden).
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5775]
Now 1.2.Finc.64.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5776
DCD Misc.Ch. 5777
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5778
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5779
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5780
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5781
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5782
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5783
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5784
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5785
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5786
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5787
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5788a
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5788b
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5788c
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5788d
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5789
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5790
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5791
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5791*
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5792
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5793
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5794
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5795a
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5795b
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5796
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5797
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5798
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5799
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5800
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
Misc.Ch. 5801-5900
DCD Misc.Ch. 5801
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5802
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803a
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803b
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803c
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803d
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803e
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5803f
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5804
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5805
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5806
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5807
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5808
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5809
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5810
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5811
[Claxton] (Fishburn, Hawthorn, etc.).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5812   17 May 13 Henry VI [1435?]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Henry [VI?] to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne ordering them to pay to the monks of Farne the 13/- and ten marks from their farm as set out in Letters Patent of Edward III [1.4.Reg.10a & b] and of Henry IV [1.5.Reg.1].
Given at Westminster
Size: 10¼" x 5¼"
Seal: Fragment only. Attached to strip cut from foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5813
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5814]
Now 2.1.Finc.39.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5815]
Now 3.1.Finc.11.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5816]
Now 5.3.Elemos.1a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5817]
Now 5.3.Elemos.3a.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5818
DCD Misc.Ch. 5819
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1a   [c.13 January 1283]
Mandate of the abbot of Bury St Edmunds and the dean of St Paul's London, papal judges delegate with the prior of Barnwell and the archdeacon of Norwich, to the chancellor of the church of York, Master Thomas de Byreland, Dom Hugh rector of St Martin's Stamford, and Gilbert of Thorney canon of the prebendal church of Norton, reciting their commission from the pope, to summon the archbishop of York to answer the appeal of the prior and convent of Durham.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and a date.
Parchment, 1m
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV.47.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1b   [1282]
Petition of Henry of Tinwall proctor of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham, before the judges the abbot of Bury St Edmunds and the dean of St Paul's London, against the abbot of Furness.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and year date.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 48.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1c   [3 June] 1282
Mandate of the abbot of Waltham principal papal judge delegate and H Lafayte official of Rochester, R of Marlow papal chaplain, commissaries of the chancellor of Lincoln, legitimately excused with the dean of Lincoln, to the bishop of Lincoln to revoke the archbishop of York's excommunication of the bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham and specified monks, and to publish the suspension of the archbishop and the excommunication of the subdelegates Masters William of Newark archdeacon of Huntingdon, John Clarel rector of Hemmingford and John de Lucca canon of St Paul's London as contumacious.
Date: Stamford, 3 Non. June 1282.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and date.
Parchment, 1m in 2 parts
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 49.
Further copies: DCD MC 5820/1d and e below.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1d   [3 June] 1282
Mandate of the abbot of Waltham principal papal judge delegate and H Lafayte official of Rochester, R of Marlow papal chaplain, commissaries of the chancellor of Lincoln, legitimately excused with the dean of Lincoln, to the bishop of Lincoln to revoke the archbishop of York's excommunication of the bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham and specified monks, and to publicsh the suspension of the archbishop and the excommunication of the subdelegates Masters William of Newark archdeacon of Huntingdon, John Clarel rector of Hemmingford and John de Lucca canon of St Paul's London as contumacious.
Date: Stamford, 3 Non. June 1282.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and date.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 50.
Further copies: DCD MC 5820/1c and e.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1e   [3 June] 1282
Mandate of the abbot of Waltham principal papal judge delegate and H Lafayte official of Rochester, R of Marlow papal chaplain, commissaries of the chancellor of Lincoln, legitimately excused with the dean of Lincoln, to the bishop of Lincoln to revoke the archbishop of York's excommunication of the bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham and specified monks, and to publicsh the suspension of the archbishop and the excommunication of the subdelegates Masters William of Newark archdeacon of Huntingdon, John Clarel rector of Hemmingford and John de Lucca canon of St Paul's London as contumacious.
Date: Stamford, 3 Non. June 1282.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and date.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 50.
Further copies: DCD MC 5820/1c and d above.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1f   [1280s]
Appointment by R[ichard of Claxton] prior and convent of Durham of Master A of Filby and Brother H[enry] of Teesdale monk [of Durham] (interlineated; Roger of Medley, Stephen of Howden, Henry of Teesdale and Richard de Hoton fellow monks cancelled) as their proctors at the Roman curia and elsewhere in the case against the archbishop of York. Draft, further cancellations and interlineations. No date.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 51.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1g   [5 June] 1282
Letter of excommunication by the abbot of Waltham papal judge delegate with the commissaries R of Marlow papal chaplain and H Lafayte official of Rochester, for his manifest and multiplicacious contumacy of William [Wickwane] archbishop of York in his case against Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham.
Date: Stamford, St Mary''s church within the walls next to the bridge, Friday next after the octave of Trinity 1282.
Endorsed (16th century) with a description and date.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 52.
Original: Misc.Ch. 5820/1w
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1h   [1280s]
Revocation by the dean of St Paul's London principal papal judge delegate with the commissaries the prior of Barnwell, archdeacon of Norwich, and chamberlain of Bury St Edmunds of the excommunications of the bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham.
Parchment, 1m
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 53.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1i   [c.1282]
Signification of the reception of certain letters by the dean of St Paul's London.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 54.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.III, p.194-5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1j   [11 October 1281]
Letter by Robert bishop of Durham to two of his clerks telling them of the attempted visitation by the archbishop of York.
Date: 5 Id. October Pont.7.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 55.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1k   [15 July] 1282
Appointment by the dean of St Paul's London, one of the judges delegate, of subdelegate judges for the prior and convent of Durham against the archbishop of York
Date: Id. July 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 56.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1l   [13 September] 1282
Copy papal bull to th abbots of Bury St Edmunds and Furness and the dean of St Paul's London.
Date: Id. September 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 57.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1m
Excommunication by the judges in the dispute between the bishop of Durham with the prior and convent of Durham against the archbishop of York, of anyone impeding their authority.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 58.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1n   [16 October] 1282
Mandate from the abbots of Bury St Edmunds and Furness and the dean of St Paul's to the dean of Christianity and others to cite the archdeacon of Nottingham.
Date: 17 Kal. November 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 59.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1o   [16 October] 1282
Inihibition from the judges' commissary to the archdeacon of Northampton not to act in the case of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham and the prior and convent of Durham against William [Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Date: 17 Kal. November 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 60.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.III, p.194.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1p   [c.1280s]
Articles to be proved by the prior and convent's proctor.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 61.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.XI, p.235-6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1q   [c.1280s]
Articles to be proved by the prior and convent's proctor.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 62.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1r   [2 June 1282]
Copy bull of Pope Martin [IV] to the abbots of Bury St Edmunds and Furness and the dean of St Paul's London.
Date: Orvieto, 4 Non. June Pont.2.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 63.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.IX, p.228-9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1s   [8 April 1282]
Copy bull of Pope Martin [IV] to the abbots of Bury St Edmunds and Furness and the dean of St Paul's London.
Date: Orvieto, 6 Id. April Pont.2.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 63.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.IX, p.227-8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1t   [8 April 1282]
Copy bull of Pope Martin [IV] to the abbots of Bury St Edmunds and Furness and the dean of St Paul's London.
Date: Orvieto, 6 Id. April Pont.2.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 64.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.IX, p.227-8.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1u   [13 December] 1282
Appointment of subdelegates by the dean of St Pauls London in the case of Robert [of Holy Ialsnd] bishop of Durham against William [Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Date: London, Id. December 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 65.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.X, p.231-2.
Photographed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, Plate 2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1v   [13 December] 1282
Appointment of subdelegates by the dean of St Pauls London in the case of Robert [of Holy Ialsnd] bishop of Durham against William [Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Date: London, Id. December 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 65.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.X, p.231-2.
Photographed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, Plate 2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1w   [5 June] 1282
Excommunication of William [Wickwane] archbishop of York in the case against Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham.
Date: church of St Mary Stamford, Friday after the octave of Trinity 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 66.
Transcript: Misc.Ch. 5820/1g.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.XIII, p.249.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1x   [c.1280s]
Summons to the prior and convent of Durham from the prior of Newburgh to appear at Thirsk before him on Wednesday before Palm Sunday in the case against the archbishop of York before the bishop of Dunkeld etc.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 67.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1y   [16 September] 1282
Appointment of subdelegate judges by the abbot of Bury St Edmunds in the case of the prior and convent of Durham against the archbishop of York.
Date: 16 Kal. October 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 68.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/1z   [c.1280s]
Annulment of any penalties imposed by the archbishop of York on the prior and convent of Durham.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 69.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2a   [1282]
Articles to be proved by the prior and convent of Durham's proctor against certain judges.
Endorsed (16th century) as 1282.
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV.71 .
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2b   [1282]
Petition by the prior and convent's proctor before judges against grievances.
Endorsed (16th century) as 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 72.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2c   [c.1280s]
Articles to be proposed by the proctor of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham before the abbot of Bury St Edmunds and the dean of St Pauls London.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 73.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2d   [1282]
Copy of a protest of the proctor of William [Wickwane] archbishop of York against the judges in the case of the archbishop of York against the prior and convent of Durham, and against their citation.
Endorsed (16th century) as 1282.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 74.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2e   [c.1280s]
Articles to be proved by the proctor of R[obert of Holy Island] bishop of Durham against W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 75.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2f   [15 January] 1283
Account of proceedings at Northampton in the case of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham against William [Wickwane] archbishop of York.
Date: Friday after Hilary 1282/3.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 76.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2g   [16 January] 1283
Copy mandate from the judges for the citation of the archbishop of York in his case against the bishop of Durham.
Date: Saturday after Hilary 1282/3.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 77.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2h   [February 1283]
Darft agreement to submit to arbitration between William [Wickwane] archbishop of York on the one hand and Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham and the prior and chapter of Durham on the other.
Date: [probably before the Purification of the BVM 1282/3].
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 78.
As DCD 4.1.Archiep.3a, 3b and 3c, except that the bishop is a party, the Durham arbitrators are W[illiam Middleton], bishop of Norwich, and Master Robert Avenel, chosen by the bishop and his chapter, and the date by which their award is to be made is expressed as within a year from the feast of the Purification 1282-[3].
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.32 & 137 (incorrectly referenced as Misc.Ch. 5821).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/2i   1 February 1283
Mandate of the judges to the archbishop of Canterbury to publish their sentence that the appeal of Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham is valid.
Date: Northampton, 1 February 1282/3.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 79.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3a   [19 January] 1284
Letter of the prior and convent's representative at the Roman curia re the dispute with the archbishop of York.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. February 1283/4.
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV.1.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.208-12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3b   [?19 January 1284]
Letter of the prior and convent's representative at the Roman curia re the dispute with the archbishop of York.
Another version of the next above, but undated.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 1.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.208-12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3c   [3 January ?1285]
Letter from the prior of Durham to H[enry] Teesdale at the Roman curia.
Date: Durham, octave of St John the Evangelist.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 3.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.212-3 [date should read 3 not 4 January].
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3d   [17 March] 1285
Letter from the prior of Durham to Henry Teesdale at the Roman curia.
Date: Durham, 16 Kal. April 1284/5.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 4 (?).
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.213-4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3e   [c.1285]
Letter from the prior of Durham to H[enry] Teesdale at the Roman curia.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 5.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.214-6.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3f   [c.1285]
Letter from R[ichard of Claxton] prior of Durham to Adam de Fyluby at the Roman curia.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 6.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VI, p.216-7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3g   [7 October 1283]
Copy bull of Pope Martin [IV] to the abbot of Holme Cultram, the prior of Coventry and Master Bartholomew.
Date: Non. October Pont.3.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] <69> 7.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/3h   [17 October] 1283
Mandate from the official of York to the official of Durham concerning the case of the prior and convent of Durham against the archbishop of York.
Date: 16 Kal. November 1283.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 12.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/4   [1283]
Copy appeals by the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham agaiunst the citation by the judges.
Endorsed (16th century) as 1283.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/5   26 August 1281
Notarial instrument reciting the delivery to the archbishop of York by Reginald of Barnby, succentor of Durham and papal judge subdelegate, of letters re a dispute between the prior and convent of Carlisle against Geoffrey Lawrence and Thomas Laton.
Date: Auckland, 26 August 1281.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 37.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.V, p.200-2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/6   3 October 1281
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal and provocacio by Masters Gilbert of Southwick and Thomas of Normanton, proctors of the prior and convent of Durham, against the injustices of the archbishop of York.
Date: 3 October 1281.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 36.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/7   4 October 1281
Notarial instrument reciting an appeal by R succentor of Durham against a citation by the archbishop of York.
Date: Durham cathedral, 4 October 1281.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 39.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.V, p.202-3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/8   10 October 1281
Notarial instrument recording the notification to the archdeacon of Nottingham, commissary of the archbishop of York, of a tuitorial appeal against the archbishop by the proctors of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Southwell, 10 October 1281.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 40.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/9   [26 February] 1282
Copy petition to the pope by the prior and convent of Durham against excommunication and a summons.
Date: Thursday after Matthais 1281/2.
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV. 10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/10   3 - 5 June 1282
Acta in the church of St Mary within the walls at Stamford on Wednesday after the octave of Holy Trinity [3 June] 1282 before R[eginald Maidenhead] abbot of Waltham, principal judge delegate, along with Master R[alph] of Marlow papal chaplain and H[enry] Lafayte official of Rochester, commissaries of the chancellor of Lincoln colleague of the abbot, with the dean of Lincoln dismissed, in a case of an appeal against an excommunication and interdict of the prior and convent of Durham, through their fellow monk and proctor Henry of Teesdale, against W[illiam Wickwane] archbishop of York, reciting that the parties having been cited to appear, with the archbishop absent, the prior's proctor asked that the archbishop be pronoucned contumacious and ounished immediately and that the court should proceed immediately to the examination of witensses and instruments, but the judges adjourned to the following day [4 June] when, withthe archbishop again absent, the eharing proceed with the pror and convent presenting four witnesses and certain instruments notarised by Edmund of Verdun for proving their case; with the archbishop still absent on the following day [June 5], the following sentence, bull, commission, procuration, libel were recited, and the sentence was proceeded to, annulling all sentences pronounced by the archbishop against the prior and convent, and Roger de Medeley, William of Masham, Stephen of Howden, Henry of Teesdale, monks, and Master Adam of Darlington, Richard of Claxton vicar of [North]allerton, Alan vicar of East Rainton, and Master Philip of Northallerton, fining the archbishop £200, less 1d, for expenses, quashing all the acts of Masters William of Newark, John Clarel and John de Lucca, and reserving the right of interpreting the sentence,
Sentence that the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham presented the following bull, commission, procuration and libel [ca. 1282]
Bull of Pope Martin to the abbot of Waltham and the dean and chancellor of Lincoln appointing them to hear the petition of the prior and chapter of Durham against the archbishop of York's attempt to visit their church, before he had visited his own church of York, and his subsequent excommunication of them.
Date: [Orvieto], 2 Kal. September, Pont.1. [31 August 1281]
Commission of the chancellor of Lincoln papal delegate to the canons and precentors of Newnham and Huntingdon, Master Henry Lafayte official of Rochester and Ralph of Marlow papal chaplain as subdelegates.
Date: Oxford, 15 Kal. January [18 December] 1281.
Appointment by R[ichard of Claxton] prior and convent of Durham of their fellow monks Henry of Teesdale and Robert of Wackerfield as their proctors in the of their appeal against the archbishop of York before the abbot of Waltham and the dean and chancellor of Lincoln and in the Roman curia.
Date: Durham, 14 Kal. March [16 February] 1281/2.
Libel of the prior and convent of Durham that the archbishop of York should have visited his own church and city and diocese of York before visiting Durham, thereby going against canon law, as they have appealed to the apostolic see, but in spite of this the archbishop excommunicated the prior and the senior monks and imposed an interdict, at a cost to them of £1000. [ca. 1282]
Witnesses: Masters Robert Avenel, Reginald of Brandon, Bartholomew de Lardar, Warin de Bosco, Nicholas of Appleby, Gilbert de Suthayc, Adam of Darlington, John of Hemingford, and Peter Poleyn clerics, and Brothers William of Waltham, Henry of Temple, canons of Waltham, Walter of Norton, Robert of Taplow, Hugh of Stamford, and Robert de Charpemul.
Sealed by the abbot, Ralph, and Henry Lafayte with the seal of his officiality of Rochester.
Contemporary copy.
Endorsed (contemporary) as acta at Stamford, (14th century) as old processus against the archbishop of York, and (16th century) with a description, the date and as the second [copy] in total.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 450 x 475mm
stitching holes along the head; some damp damage on the left side with some text lost, repaired with parchment c.1970; lined
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 70. Also cited in Brentano as 5820.E.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.III, p.239-248.
Further copies in: DCD Loc.XIV:4b and BL Cotton MS Julius D.IV f.153v-155v, 139r, 143r-v.
Another copy (bull): DCD Loc.XIV:4j.
Discussed (commision): Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, p. 160-161.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/11   September 1283 - 1 May 1284
Copies of 6 bulls of Pope Martin IV.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 29.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/12   16 October 1283
Notarial instrument recording the delivery of a petition to the apostolic see by the proctor of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Pontefract, 16 October 1283.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 20.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/13   [25 February] 1284
Notarial instrument re an appeal for tuition.
Date: 5 Kal. March 1283/4.
Previously Loc.<VII> XIV. 14.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/14   1 March 1284
Notarial instrument reciting a procuration and appeal by the prior and convent of Durham's proctors against gravamina at the hands of the judges at Norwich.
Date: St Mary's church Warwick, 1 March 1283/4..
Notary: Edmund of Canterbury dictus of Verdun
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 15.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/15   [21 March] 1284
Copy appeal by Richard de Hoton as proctor of the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: 12 Kal. April 1283/4.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/16   1 September 1284
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment of Henry of Teesdale and Master Thomas of Normanton as proctors for the Roman curia by the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham chapter house, 1 September 1284.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 35.
Printed: Brentano, York Metropolitan Jurisdiction, App.VIII, p.221-3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/17   1 September 1284
Notarial instrument reciting the appointment of Henry of Teesdale and Master Thomas of Normanton as proctors for the Roman curia by the prior and convent of Durham.
Date: Durham chapter house, 1 September 1284.
Another version of the next above.
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 48.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5820/18   [5 December 1284 x 24 March 1285]
Provocatio on behalf of the archbishop of York before the official of Durham.
[After Thursday before Michaelmas 1284, ?after 4 December 1284 and before Easter 1285.]
Previously [Loc. XIV.] 28.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5821
Recites the following.
Notarial record of a definitive sentence reciting the following.
Commission of Henry [Bowet] archbishop of York and papal legate, to his chancellor, Master Richard Pittes, canon of York, to hear the case.
Previously Loc.III.7.
Original: DCD 3.2.Archiep.1b.
Original: DCD 3.2.Archiep.3.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5822   1366
Constitutions of Thomas [Minot], archbishop of Dublin, promulgated at a provincial council in Ossory cathedral.
Parchment roll, 7m
Previously Loc.V. O1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5823   31 January 9 Edward III [1335]
Copy of a charter of Edward III inspecting:
(1) a charter of John [3.1.Reg.16] concerning the rights and privileges of the Prior and Convent of Durham.
(2) a charter of William I [1.1.Reg.1?].
(3) various small grants.
cf. 3.4.Reg.6
Given at Roxburgh
Previously Loc.III.10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5824   [1590 x 1594]
Language:   English
Copy bill of complaint in chancery by John [Piers], archbishop of York, and Thomas Burton LLD in a dispute with the dean and chapter of Durham about the right to custody of the spiritualities of the see of Durham sede vacante, arising out of a vacancy of the see caused by the death of Bishop Richard Barnes [1587], in the time of the archbishop's predecessor Edwin Sandys, when Thomas Burton was appointed the archbishop's commissary to exercise the jurisdiction, but was ejected by Dean Toby Matthew and the chapter of Durham, who claimed and exercised the jurisdiction themselves: the bill alleges that, although an appeal by the dean and chapter has been decided in favour of the archbishop by the High Court of Delegates, the dean and chapter have now brought an action in the Court of Queen's Bench, whereas the question is not one for a lay court, and if pursued this action is likely to lead to the question of fact being tried by a jury in the County Palatine of Durham, where the dean and chapter have undue influence; also that the dean and chapter have taken possession of written records which would prove the archbishop's case: request is made that a subpoena be directed to Toby Matthew, dean, and the chapter of Durham to appear in chancery to answer the bill, and that an injunction be issued to them and their agents to cease proceedings in Queen's Bench
With notes in the margin for the guidance of the dean and chapter's attorney.
Dating note: the case in the High Court of Delegrates here referred to is stated to have been heard by virtue of a commission dated 16 February Eliz. I [1590]. Archbishop Piers died 28 September 1594.
Paper, 28m
DCD Misc.Ch. 5825
Parchment roll of notarial enrolments of documents concerning the appropriation of the churches of Bossall, Rodyngton and Fishlake.
Previously Loc.IV. K2.
Duplicate: 1.6.Ebor.15; Loc.IV:232.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5826]
Now 3.5.Reg.4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5827   10 February 1 Edward IV [1327]
Language:   Latin
An inquisition concerning the custody of the gate of Bamburgh castle including a copy of a writ of Edward III to Roger Heron, William de Denum, Richard de Emelton and Robert de Tughole concerning an inquiry into the claims of Robert, son of Robert the porter of Bamburgh.
Given at Westminster
Size: 13¼" x 16½"
Previously Loc.V.10.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/1
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/2
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/3
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/4
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/5
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/6
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/7
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/8
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/9
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/10
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/11
Contains extracts from the hostiller's accounts for 1333, 1376 etc, and from the Elvet Hall court rolls.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/12   [mid 15th century]
Plan of Smithyhalgh [in Elvet], oriented with west at the top, depicting the River Wear to the north, and a vennel crossing diagonally leading to the Wear at a 1 acre croft formerly of William Hesswell, with tenements depicted to the south, held by the heirs of John Aslakby, the heirs of Thomas Tang (both formerly Reginald Hesswell's), the bursar, the heirs of Thomas Tang, Thomas Thornburgh clerk, the almoner, John Trolhopp (2), Thomas Cornall hosier (sutoris), the heirs of Roger Milner, the hostillar's vennel, further tenements of the heirs of John Aslakby (2), the heirs of ?Rese Baty, the heirs of William Palman, the heirs of Walter Litster, and [?the heirs of] Thomas Tang.
Paper, 1p, stitching holes along the head
Printed and discussed in M.G. Snape, “Durham : 1439 x circa 1442”, in Local maps and plans from medieval England, ed R.A. Skelton and P.D.A. Harvey, (Oxford 1986), p.189-194.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/13
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/14   November 1439
Historical narrative of the rights of the prior of Durham in the quarrel with the tenants of Elvet over pasture on Elvet moor. Incomplete
Paper roll, 3p
Start of the same roll: DCD Loc.II:5.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/15
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/16
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/17   1439
Statement of case concerning breaching of hostiller's closes in Elvet
Formerly "Misc. Roll 17", transferred into this series 5 July 1973 (MGS). Noted then that this belongs with Misc.Ch. 5828/2 and 5828/4, and is probably that one of the set of 18 rolls listed under this reference by Stevenson which was missing about 1950 when Conway Davies noted that there were only 17 rolls.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/18
Language:   English
Statement of the grievances, injuries and offences of the tenants of Elvet against the prior and convent
Formerly "Misc. Roll 42", transferred into this series 5 July 1973 (MGS). Noted as in the same hand and on the same matter as Misc.Ch. 5828/15.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/19
Language:   English
Draft statement of the grievances, injuries and offences of the tenants of Elvet against the prior and convent. Draft of statement at Misc.Ch. 5828/18.
Formerly "Misc. Roll 43", transferred into this series 5 July 1973 (MGS).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/20
Record of plea concerning common rights of close of Kirbcroft in Elvet
Formerly "Misc. Roll 44", transferred into this series 5 July 1973 (MGS). Noted as concerning the same case as other items in Misc.Ch. 5828.
See also DCD Loc.V:64, similar transgressions by the same people.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5828/21
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5828]
One roll now with Manorial acs, Elvethall.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5829/1-5   12 Eliz. [1570] - 1605
Arrears accounts.
5829/1 is fragile and can only be consulted within the Conservation Studio, by prior arrangement. 5829/2-3 are very fragile and unfit for production.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5830   34 Hen.VIII [1542-3]
Indenture of the receiver of chapter rents for his receipts.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5831]
Now Manorial Accounts, Bearpark 1343-4.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5832   1672
Presentation of John March M.A. from St Edmund's Hall as vicar of Embleton.
Seal: one
DCD Misc.Ch. 5833   8 January 1673[/4]
Presentation of Thomas Broughton as vicar of Bywell St Peter on Richard Bradly's death.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5834   17 June 1675
Mandate of Richard [Sterne] archbishop of York to the keeper of the dean and chapter of Durham's peculiar jurisdiction of Allerton and Allertonshire to induct William Neile MA as vicar of Northallerton, vacant by the death of John Neile DD; the archbishop having admitted and institued him at the presentation of John Sudbury deana dn the chapter of Durham, patrons.
Signature of the archbishop.
Seal: BM Catalogue 2347, imperfect, on a double tag through a turnup, on which is written a fiat for carrying out the induction, signed by Edward Kirkby, surrogate
DCD Misc.Ch. 5835   1617
Presentation of Thomas Barkston as vicar of Long Houghton on the death of Christopher Wagstaffe.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5836   27 June 25 Charles II [1673]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Charles II to the Keeper of the Spiritualities of the See of Durham, presenting William Fenwick to the vicarage of Lesbury, vacant on the resignation of the previous incumbent.
Given at Westminster
Size: 12½" x 9¾"
Seal: Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5837   26 June 25 Charles II [1673]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Charles II to the Keeper of the Spiritualities of the See of Durham, presenting William Fenwick to the vicarage of Shilbottle, vacant on the resignation of the incumbent.
Given at Westminster
Size: 12¾" x 9½"
Seal: Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5838   25 September 12 Charles II [1660]
Language:   Latin
Letters patent of Charles II, presenting James Thompson to the vicarage of Merrington, vacant on the death of the last incumbent.
Given at Westminster
Size: 14" x 7¼"
Seal: Brown wax. Attached by parchment strip through seal and fold in document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5839
DCD Misc.Ch. 5840   10 October 1432
Commission by John [Kempe], archbishop of York and papal legate, to Thomas [Langley] bishop of Durham to levy in his diocese a tax of 3d in the £, payable at Martinmas next, granted at the provincial council held in the cathedral church of York on and after 3 October last for the sending of ambassadors then chosen to go to the Council of Basle; and to deliver the money collected to Masters John Selow and Richard Arnall, the archbisop's vicars general, whom he has appointed receivers.
Date: [Bishop]thorpe next York, 10 October 1432.
Noted at the head as registered.
Seal: G&B No.3238, imperfect, on a parchment tongue, with a wrapping tie below
Previously Loc.XIX.7
DCD Misc.Ch. 5841
DCD Misc.Ch. 5842
DCD Misc.Ch. 5843
DCD Misc.Ch. 5844
DCD Misc.Ch. 5845
DCD Misc.Ch. 5846   c.1320
Tax arrears account
DCD Misc.Ch. 5847
Recites the following mandate.
Mandate of Thomas [Savage], archbishop of York and papal legate, to William [Senhouse], bishop of Durham, to appoint collectors for his city and diocese of a subsidy of one tenth granted to the king by the synod or convocation of the province of York, and to certify the collectors' names etc by 10 March next, reciting an act of convocation of York held from 21 February 1501/2 to 15 October 1502, recording the grant of a subsidy of one tenth for the defence of Christendom against the Turks, the first half due at Easter next and to be collected by the Nativity of St John the Baptist next thereafter; with detailed provisions for exceptions and modifications of its incidence, and provision for its collection by persons to be appointed by Thomas [Savage] archbishop of York and his suffragans, who are to deliver the money in the chapter house at York to the archbishop or his commissaries, who are to be responsible for its payment to the king or his deputies.
Date: Cawood in the archbishop's castle, 1 February 1502, Pont.2.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5848   28 June 14 Edward III [1340]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Edward III to the Prior of Durham, collector of a biennial tenth granted to the King, ordering him to pay Edward [Baliol] King of Scotland, any deficit in the £300 the Abbot of St Mary's York, was commanded to pay him.
Given at Westminster
Size: 9¾" x 3¼"
DCD Misc.Ch. 5849
DCD Misc.Ch. 5850a,b
Previously Loc.XIX.3
DCD Misc.Ch. 5851
DCD Misc.Ch. 5852
DCD Misc.Ch. 5853
Previously [Loc. V.] S.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5854
Previously Loc.V (from:"1a locelli pi L.1").
DCD Misc.Ch. 5855   1459
Proctor of Frampton's account
Previously Loc.V B1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5856   1459
Frampton expenses
Previously Loc.I [? recte V]. B1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5857
Previously Loc.II.Q.1.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5858
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.46v.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5859]
Now Mines Accounts 1432-3(B).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5860
DCD Misc.Ch. 5861   1609
Court-roll for Merrington, etc.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5862
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.i.23r-v.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5863   1617
Petition by John Wilkinson of Ferryhill to dean & chapter for abatement of an amercement.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5864   [3 April] 1281
Manumission by Robert [of Holy Island] bishop of Durham of Eustace, son of Eustace of Fenwick, with all his goods.
Witnesses: Doms Guichard de Charron steward of Durham, Thomas of Herrington, John son of Marmaduke, Henry de Lythent knights, Masters John Hok, Alan of Easingwold, Robert Avenele, Nicholas of Appleby, Doms John of Middleton, Richard le Procuratur, Walter de Rokbir.
Date: Norham, 3 Non. April 1281 Pont.7.
Parchment, 1m
Copied in DCD Reg. I, f.ii.36r-v & 42v-43r.
Printed; P. Hoskins ed., English Episcopal Acta 29. Durham 1241-1283, (Oxford 2005), p.206.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5865]
Now 5.3.Elemos.8b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5866]
Now 5.3.Elemos.8a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5867]
Now 5.3.Elemos.3b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5868]
Now 5.3.Elemos.1.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5869]
Now 5.3.Elemos.5.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5870]
Now 5.3.Elemos.6.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5871]
Now 5.3.Elemos.7.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5872]
Now 5.3.Elemos.12b.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5873]
Now 5.3.Elemos.12a.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5874]
Now 5.3.Elemos.9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5875
DCD Misc.Ch. 5876   6 July 16 Henry VI? [1438]
Language:   Latin
Letters of Henry VI? to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne concerning the payment of 13 marks and 10/- to the monks of Farne.
Given at Westminster
Size: 12" x 4½"
DCD Misc.Ch. 5877
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5878]
Now 2.1.Finc.71.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5879
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5880]
Now 1.1.Sacr.21.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5881
DCD Misc.Ch. 5882
DCD Misc.Ch. 5883
DCD Misc.Ch. 5884
DCD Misc.Ch. 5885
[Claxton] (Fairley).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5886
[Claxton] (Fairley).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5887
[Claxton] (Fairley).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5888
[Claxton] (Fairley).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5889
[Claxton] (Fairley).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5890   1322
Grant by John son of Gilbert of Fairhill to Adam de Menevill of Le Estridinge, near the road to Hokesty.
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.197.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5891   1329
Bond to John son of Adam de Menevill by John Carter of Fairhill and others in £10.
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
Calendared in: J.C. Hodgson, A History of Northumberland vol. vi (Newcastle 1904), p.197.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5892
[Claxton] (Fairley)
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5893
[Claxton] (Fairley)
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5894
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5895
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5896
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5897
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5898
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5899
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue)
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900a
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.54a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900b
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.38
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900c
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.35
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900d
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), perhaps was 3.1.Finc.48
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900e
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.55
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900f
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), perhaps was 3.1.Finc.33
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900g
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.31
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900h
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.50
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900i
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.32
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900k
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.52
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900l
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.51
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900m
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.42
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900n
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.41
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900o
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.54b
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900p
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.47
DCD Misc.Ch. 5900q
Noted by Greenwell as missing, late 19th century (in Stevenson catalogue), was 3.1.Finc.54
Misc.Ch. 5901-6000
DCD Misc.Ch. 5901   [1591]
Book of proceedings at Westminster over sede vacante jurisdiction during Hilary term 33 Eliz.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5902   [1591]
Bundle of briefs, instructions, etc. concerning proceedings at Westminster over sede vacante jurisdiction during Hilary term 33 Eliz.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5903   1672-1673
Bundle of papers concerning suit over jurisdiction between chapter and archbishop of York.
Copy mandate of Richard [Sterne], archbishop of York, to all clergy in his province, ordering them to inhibit the dean and chapter of Durham and their agents from exercising the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishop of Durham sede vacante, which they have seized following the death of Bishop John [Cosin].
Date: Bishopthorpe, 7 March 1671/2.
Copy mandate of Richard [Sterne], archbishop of York, to all clergy in his province to cite John Sudbury, STP, dean, and the chapter of Durham, Thomas Burwell, LLD, their commissary or official, his deputy Richard Reuth, STB, and Ralph Headley, Gabriel Newhouse, and John Rowell, notaries, to appear before the archbishop or his locum tenens in the cathedral at York on Thursday 18 April to answer for their ignoring the archbishop's inhibition and exercising spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham which belongs to the archbishop.
Date: Bishopthorpe, 28 March 1672.
Copy mandate of Richard [Sterne], archbishop of York, to Edward Braithwaite his apparitor general, and his deputy, and to all clergy in his province, to cite John Sudbury, STP, dean, and the chapter of Durham, to appear before the archbishop or his locum tenens in the cathedral at York on Friday 17 May to answer for their ignoring the archbishop's inhibitions and exercising spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese of Durham which belongs to the archbishop.
Date: Bishopthorpe, 6 April 1672.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5904   [1672]
Record of proceedings in suit over jurisdiction between chapter and archbishop of York during Trinity term 24 Chas II [1672].
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5905]
Now Proctor's Accounts: St Margaret's 1461-2, 1467-8, 1471-2, 1474-5, 1489-90, 1506-7 and 1512-3.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5906]
Now Proctor's Accounts: St Oswald's Payments 1333-5, 1447-8, 1448-9, 1467-8, 1471-2, 1472-3, 1473-4, 1479-80, 1485-6, 1486-7, 1491-2, 1505-6, 1509- 10, 1510-11, 1512-3(A), 1512-3(B), 1513-4, 1523-4, 1528- 9.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5907a   1543 - 1544
Account-roll of proctor of St Oswald's church Durham.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5907b   1546 - 1547
Account-roll of proctor of St Oswald's church Durham.
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5907[c-f]]
Now 4.16.Spec.56; Hostiller's Arrears 1332; Proctors Accounts, St Oswald's 1332(A) and 1332(B).
DCD Misc.Ch. 5908   [1544?]
Arrears due to the dean & chapter. 35 Hen.VIII [1543-4]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5909   [1566 ?]
Arrears owing to chapter, 35 Hen.VIII - 8 Eliz. [1543 - 1566]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5910   1544
Arrears due to the dean & chapter. 35 Hen.VIII [1543-4]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5911   [1561]
Arrears owing to chapter, up 3 Eliz. [1561]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5912   [1566]
Arrears owing to chapter. 8 Eliz. [1566]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5913   [1587]
Arrears owing to chapter. 10 - 29 Eliz. [1567 - 1587]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5914   [1600]
Arrears owing to chapter. 38 - 42 Eliz. [1595 - 1600]
DCD Misc.Ch. 5915   [1563]
Arrears owing to chapter, up to 6 Eliz [1563].
DCD Misc.Ch. 5916a   [1613-4?]
Abstract of chapter receiver's account.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5916b   1619
Abstract of chapter treasurer's account.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5917a   1578
Arrears owing to the chapter.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5917b   1604
Arrears owing to chapter.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5917c   1616
Arrears owing to chapter.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5918
DCD Misc.Ch. 5919   April 1295
Language:   Latin
Letters of John, Abbot of Jedburgh, proctor of Master Baldric Byset, saying that in April 1294 he received from the sacrist of Coldingham 100/- sterling which the Prior of Durham owed to Baldric for his pension.
At Jedburgh
Size: 8½ x 1¾"
Seal: G&B 3664. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document. Tie tag.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5919. - Letters of John, Abbot of Jedburgh, proctor of Master Baldric …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5920
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant to Simon son of Thomas 1 toft and croft in Upper Ayton and 18 acres, for 12d p.a.; and also 2 bovates and ½ acre in Greater Reston for 1lb of pepper p.a.; and also 1 toft and croft and 28 acres in Wulvelawe for 12d p.a.
Witness the chapter.
Size: 7¼ x 5¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1152 (very similar)
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 1197 (very similar)
Copy: Reg. I. f.i.13r.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5920. - Indenture whereby Ralph, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5921   12 October 1430
Language:   Latin
Inquisition post mortem in the chief court of William Drax, Prior of Coldingham, at Reston, saying that John de Nesbit, father of John de Nesbit, died seised of one husbandland in Upper Ayton, that John is the rightful heir, that the land is worth 1 mark and is held in chief of the Prior of Coldingham.
Size: 11 x 8¼"
Seal: Originally 7. All missing. Attached to strips cut from left foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXVII
DCD Misc.Ch. 5922   Thursday the Assumption of the B.V.M. 1331 [15 August]
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Adam, Prior of Coldingham remits all quarrels, debts and actions against Adam, son of William de Upper Ayton, for the gift of 1 place on the site of the mill next to the bridge of Ayton.
At Coldingham
Size: 9¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2745. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DLXXXV
DCD Misc.Ch. 5923
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood, son of Ernald, granting to the monks of Coldingham 26 acres of his land in Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Master Anger, Edward de Aldcambus, Walter de Lindsey, Gervase Ridel, Henry de Prendergest, Gregory the steward, Ralph the archdeacon and John his son, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Ayton, Adam de Reston, Constantine, Richard de Cellario, Philip the porter, Patrick the marshal , and many others

Size: 8¾ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXX.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5923. - Charter of David de Quickswood, son of Ernald, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5924
Language:   Latin
Charter of Edward de Aldcambus delivering to B[ertram] Prior and the Convent of Durham, the vill of Aldcambus as they delivered the vill of Lumsden.
Witnesses: Richard de Pasco, Laurence the chamberlain, Walter de Feria and Alan his brother, Roger de Feria, William de Keith and John his brother, Richard Brun, Walter de Lindsey, Patrick de Swinewood, Walter Frebern, Master Merlin and Reginald and Maurice his sons, Henry de Prendergest, Alan de Swinton, William de Nesbit, Ralph the archdeacon and John his son, Gregory the steward, Walter Burning, Elias de Prendergest, Adam de Reston, Richard the forester, Elias de Ayton and Roger his son, Philip the porter, Constantine, Patrick the marshal , and many others

Size: 6½ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2734. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5924. - Charter of Edward de Aldcambus delivering to B[ertram] Prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5925
Language:   Latin
Charter of Nicholas, son of Thomas de Aldcambus, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham all his land in Aldcambus.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Adam de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Simon de Baddeby, William de Ayton, Thomas Franceys de Ayton, Alan Gilur' de Ayton, Robert Hopper de Coldingham, Robert de Mordington, clerk, and others

Size: 7½ x 5¾"
Seal: G&B 2735. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CLXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5925. - Charter of Nicholas, son of Thomas de Aldcambus, quitclaiming to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5926
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon, son of Thomas, granting to the monks of Coldingham the homage and service of William Brun de Reston and his heirs, owed to him for the land which he gave to him in Aldengraw, and William and his heirs will give to the house of Coldingham 1lb of cumin or 4d.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Geoffrey Ridel, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Maurice de Ayton, John son of Elias, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant , and many others

Size: 5¾ x 2¾"
Seal: G&B 3001. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5926. - Charter of Simon, son of Thomas, granting to the monks …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5927
Language:   Latin
Charter of Michael de Aldengraw, son of Edward, acknowledging he has no claim on ½ carrucate of land in Aldcambus, and if he has, he quitclaims it to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord William de Bolteby, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Adam de Reston and Bertram his son, Andrew de Paxton, Maurice de Ayton, Adam Fraunceis, Robert son of Reginald, Robert, son of Gregory de Coldingham , and many others

Size: 8½ x 2"
Seal: G&B 2738. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5927. - Charter of Michael de Aldengraw, son of Edward, acknowledging he …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5928   Tuesday before the Feast of St Denis [8 October] 1275
Language:   Latin
Charter of Thomas, son of Robert, son of Matthew of Aldengraw, granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham 1 messuage with buildings in the eastern part of the vill of Aldengraw and 20 acres of land and meadow in the "territorio" of the same vill.
Witnesses: The Court of Ayton, Lord Adam de Edington, Lord Peter de Mordington, Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., William de Baddeby, Simon de Baddeby, Adam de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Thomas Franceis de Ayton, John son of Bertram de Reston, Robert Laverd, William de Helton , and many others
In the court of Ayton
Size: 9½ x 5½"
Seal: G&B 2740. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CXCVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5928. - Charter of Thomas, son of Robert, son of Matthew of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5929   1279, on the Feast of St James [25 July]
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Henry, Prior of Coldingham, and Robert, son of Mathew de Aldengraw, whereby the Prior will support Robert for life in return for 10 marks sterling and 20/- p.a. rent.
Size: 5¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2739. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCLIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5929. - Indenture of agreement between Henry, Prior of Coldingham, and Robert, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5930
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham for 4 marks silver, 4 cartloads of stakes and twigs [palorum et virgarum] which the Prior and Convent gave him permission to take yearly from their wood.
Witnesses: Patrick son of Adam, Walter de Lindsey, sheriff, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, Alan de Swinton, William de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, Elias de Prendergest, A. his son, Maurice de Ayton, Thomas de Aldcambus, Reginald de Reston, Richard de Reston, Ralph the provost, John the porter , and many others

Size: 6½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2941. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCXLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5930. - Charter of David de Quickswood, quitclaiming to the Prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5931
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the sacrist of Coldingham 6½ acres of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham, to keep 1 lamp burning in the church.
Witnesses: Lord A[nketin] Prior of Coldingham, Master Walter de Mortimer, official of the Bishop of St Andrew's, Lord D. dean of Merskes, William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of the steward, Adam son of John son of Elias , and many others
In full court of the Prior of Coldingham. At Ayton.
Size: 8½ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5931. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the sacrist of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5932
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood granting for the fabric of the tower of the church of Coldingham 3 perches of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord A[nketin] Prior of Coldingham, Lord William de Mordington, Adam de Prendergest, William the clerk, Adam the provost, John son of Elias de Ayton, Bertram de Reston , and many others

Size: 7¾ x 3"
Seal: G&B 2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Confirmed: by Thomas son of David in Misc.Ch. 897
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5932. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting for the fabric of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5933
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the almoner of Coldingham 1 acre of his land in the "territorio" of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, John son of Elias, Robert, Alexander and William de Paxton, William vicar of Aldcambus, William de Scremerston, steward, Bertram de Little Reston, Robert son of Reginald, Robert son of Maurice, William son of Waldef, Patrick Scot, and others

Size: 6¼ x 2½"
Seal: G&B 2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5933. - Charter of David de Quickswood granting to the almoner of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5934
Language:   Latin
Charter of David de Quickswood confirming to the fabric of the church of Coldingham 1½ acres of land in the "territorio" of Coldingham in exchange for land next to Haliden which he had previously given to the fabric.
Witnesses: Bertram, Prior of Coldingham, William de Lindsey, William de Mordington, Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, Robert son of Gregory, David de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Adam le Franceys, and others

Size: 7 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2942. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLIV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5934. - Charter of David de Quickswood confirming to the fabric of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5935
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Lumsden, granting to the Prior and Convent of Durham and the monks of Coldingham all his land in the "territorio" of Coldingham, next to the house of Ralph the provost.
Pledges: Maurice de Ayton, John son of Elias, Adam Franceys, Bertram de Reston, Ralph the provost, William Scot
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Walter, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, Robert son of Gregory, William, vicar of Aldcambus, Ralph the sergeant , and many others

Size: 5¼ x 3¾"
Seal: Originally 7. 6 survive, 1 detached.
(1) of William de Lumsden. G&B 2883.
(2) Maurice de Ayton. G&B 2749.
(3) John son of Elias. Not found in G&B, detached.
(4) Adam Franceys. G&B 2828.
(5) Bertram de Reston. G&B 2970 or 2971.
(6) of Ralph the provost. G&B 2956.
(7) William Scot. Missing.
All natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5935. - Charter of William de Lumsden, granting to the Prior and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5936
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam de Edington, granting to Robert, son of his brother Roger, 16 acres in the "territorio" of Coldingham, with ⅓ of a toft and croft which the Prior and Convent of Durham gave to Adam his father for 6d p.a. to the fabric of the church of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Robert, son of the steward, Roger son of the provost, Adam de Prendergest, Adam de Ayton, Thomas de Aldengraw, Alan Ridel, Patrick Scot, and all the court of Henry the Prior at Ayton and many others
Size: 7¾ x 3¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5936. - Charter of Adam de Edington, granting to Robert, son of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5937   Thursday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist [21 June] 1285
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, called Wiseman, of Coldingham, quitclaiming all his land in Coldingham to the almoner of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, John de Baddeby, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert de Mordington, Adam son of Elias de Coldingham, William son of John of Ayton, John son of Adam de Ayton, and the court of the Prior of Coldingham held at Ayton

Size: 8¾ x 5½"
Seal: Missing. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5937. - Charter of Adam, called Wiseman, of Coldingham, quitclaiming all his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5938   Wednesday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist [20 June] 1285
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, called Wiseman, of Coldingham, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham all his land with messuages and pertinents in Coldingham.
Witnesses: Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, John de Baddeby, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert de Mordington, Adam son of Elias de Coldingham, William son of John de Ayton, John son of Adam de Ayton, and and court of the Prior of Coldingham at Ayton

Size: 6¾ x 6"
Seal: Fragment only. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCLXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5938. - Charter of Adam, called Wiseman, of Coldingham, quitclaiming to the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5939   On St Laurence the martyr [10 August or 17 October] 1326
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam, son of Thomas Stut of Coldingham, chaplain, granting to the monks of Coldingham 6 tofts and 9 acres and 1 rood in Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., John son of Walter, Prior's steward, Roger de Lumsden, Roger de Fauside, Ralph de Eccles, William Russell, Adam de Paxton, Nicholas de Baddeby, John son of William de Ayton, John de Lumsden , and many others
At Coldingham
Size: 9¾ x 5"
Seal: G&B 2784. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCIII
DCD Misc.Ch. 5940
Language:   Latin
Charter of Margaret, widow, daughter of Adam Fraunceys, granting to the almoner of Coldingham 4½ acres in the "territorio" of Coldingham for ½ lb cumin p.a.
Witnesses: Lord Richard, Prior of Coldingham, Robert, son of the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert son of Reginald, Adam Franceys, Thomas his son, Adam, son of John de Ayton , and many others

Size: 5 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2829. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5940. - Charter of Margaret, widow, daughter of Adam Fraunceys, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5941
Language:   Latin
Charter of Cristiana, once wife of Constantine de Coldingham, granting to the altar of St Mary in Coldingham, for the lighting, ½ acre in the "territorio" of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Thomas, Prior of Coldingham, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Robert son of Gregory de Coldingham, William Scot, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant of Coldingham , and many others

Size: 7 x 2¼"
Seal: Detached. G&B 2786. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 5942   Monday 7 May 1453
Language:   Latin
Inquisition post mortem at Reston, before Lord Alexander Home, bailiff of Coldingham, finding that Thomas Lumsden, father of Thomas Lumsden, died seised of 2 parts of ½ bovate in the vill and "territorio" of Coldingham, that Thomas is the rightful heir and that the land is worth 6/5d p.a. and is held in chief of the Prior of Coldingham.
Size: 11¾ x 3"
Seal: Originally 5. 2 survive.
1) of Gilbert de Lumsden. G&B 2878.
2) Not found in G&B. Green wax. Attached through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DCXXXIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 5943
Language:   Latin
Indenture of agreement between Ernald, Prior of Coldingham, and Walter de Lindsey, whereby Walter may hold masses in his lifetime in the chapel which he built in his court of Lamberton, swearing that the mother church will in no way lose and on other conditions.
Witnesses: Patrick de Swinewood, William de Wideslade, Henry de Prendergest, Walter Frebern, Elias de Prendergest, Elias de Upper Ayton, Morice Adam of Reston, Thomas the chaplain, Robert de Ederham, Nicholas, clerk, Ralph, provost, and many others

Size: 7 x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2872. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCXLIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5943. - Indenture of agreement between Ernald, Prior of Coldingham, and Walter …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5944
Language:   Latin
Charter of Ralph Noble setting out his obligations in getting 1 toft and 4 acres in Lamberton from the Prior and Convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, son of Gregory of Coldingham, David de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, John son of Ingeram de Upper Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gregory de Betyoc

Size: 7 x 5"
Seal: G&B 5944. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCL
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5944. - Charter of Ralph Noble setting out his obligations in getting …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5945
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, son of Reginald [of Reston] granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham 13 acres and 1 rood in the "territorio" of Great Reston.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Robert, Alexander and William de Paxton, William, the Prior's clerk, John son of Elias de Ayton, Maurice de Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Gregory, Ralph the provost, Roger his son , and many others

Size: 6 x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2975. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5945. - Charter of Robert, son of Reginald [of Reston] granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5946
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert son of Reginald de Reston granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham the homage owed to him by Patrick Scot of Reston for land in Reston, paying 6d p.a. to the house of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Geoffrey Ridel, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Maurice de Ayton, John son of Elias, Adam, clerk of Prendergest, Ralph the provost, Ralph the sergeant , and many others

Size: 6¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2975. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5946. - Charter of Robert son of Reginald de Reston granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5947
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, son of Reginald de Great Reston, granting to the monks of Coldingham 30½ acres in the "territorio" of Great Reston.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Walter, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, William, vicar of Aldcambus, Robert son of Gregory, Adam de Little Reston, Bertram his son, John son of Elias de Upper Ayton, Maurice son of Merlin, Ralph the provost of Coldingham , and many others

Size: 6¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2975. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5947. - Charter of Robert, son of Reginald de Great Reston, granting …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5948
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert, son of Reginald de Great Reston quitclaiming in the court of the Prior of Coldingham to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham all his lands in Great Reston, except 1 acre, wrongly occupied.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Lord Adam de Prendergest, Walter, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, William, vicar of Aldcambus, Robert son of Gregory, Adam de Little Reston, Bertram his son, John son of Elias de Upper Ayton, Maurice son of Merlin, Ralph, provost of Coldingham, Roger his son, Adam son of Ylif of Aldengraw, David de Quickswood , and many others

Size: 7¼ x 3½"
Seal: G&B 2975. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXXIX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5948. - Charter of Robert, son of Reginald de Great Reston quitclaiming …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5949
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Patrick Long of West Reston, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham Farandunleyes in the "territorio" of West Reston, and the forestership of Coldinghamshire, for the sergeanty of West Reston.
Witnesses: Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Henry his son, Robert, son of the steward of Coldingham, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, John son of John de Ayton, Patrick Scot de West Reston, Roger son of the provost, Robert de Prendergest, Gilbert de Lumsden, Patrick son of Coleman, Thomas, clerk, of Clif,, and others

Size: 7½ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2874. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5949. - Charter of Patrick son of Patrick Long of West Reston, …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5950
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick, once sergeant of West Reston, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham all his land in the vill and "territorio" of East Reston, with a toft and croft, which Patrick his father bought from John, son of Bertram de East Reston.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest kt., Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Lord Adam, chaplain, vicar of Lamberton, Peter de Mordington, William de Paxton, Peter de Prendergest, William de Ayton, Thomas Frances de Ayton, Gilbert de Lumsden, Ralph de Swinewood, Robert Hopper, Robert de Mordington, and others

Size: 6¾ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2974. Natural wax attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5950. - Charter of Patrick, son of Patrick, once sergeant of West …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5951   St Laurence martyr [10 August or 17 October] 1326
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam son of Thomas Stute of Coldingham, chaplain, granting to the monks of Coldingham 1 messuage in West Reston, with 3 tofts and crofts, and 6 bovates of land there, for 26/8d p.a. to the chaplain of St Nicholas in West Reston.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., John son of Walter, the Prior's steward, Roger de Lumsden, Adam de Paxton, Roger de Fauside, John son of William de Ayton, John Ayre de West Reston , and many others
At Coldingham
Size: 9½ x 5¼"
Seal: G&B 2784. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 670
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 5952
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram, son of Adam, son of Cospatric, of Little Reston granting to the church of Coldingham 9 acres of land in the "territorio" of Little Reston.
Witnesses: Lord A[nketin] Prior of Coldingham, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Alan his son, Adam de Prendergest, William de Scremerston, William, vicar of Aldcambus, John son of Elias, Adam the marshal, Robert son of Gregory the steward.

Size: 8¼ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2970. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5953
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5952. - Charter of Bertram, son of Adam, son of Cospatric, of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5953
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram of Little Reston. Omits clause at end concerning multure and tithe to house of Coldingham.
Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2970. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5952
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5953. - Charter of Bertram of Little Reston. Omits clause at end …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5954
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham ½ carrucate in the "campo et territorio" of Little Reston.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, David de Lumsden, Robert son of Gregory of Coldingham, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Gregory de Bethyoc, Gilbert de Lumsden, Robert, son of Reginald, Roger son of Adam of Great Reston, and others

Size: 11¾ x 6¾"
Seal: G&B 2971. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCC
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5954. - Charter of Bertram de Little Reston, granting to the Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5955
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram de Little Reston granting to Anketin Prior of Coldingham the homage and service of Patrick son of Utred, with all the lands and possessions he had of the gift of Adam, Bertram's father, in Little Reston.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Thomas de Nesbit, William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, David de Lumsden, Robert son of Gregory, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam Frances, John son of Ingeram, and others

Size: 7¾ x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2970. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5955. - Charter of Bertram de Little Reston granting to Anketin Prior …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5956
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram de Reston confirming the quitclaim of all lands by Richard, son of Henry Cissor, of Durham, to Richard, Prior, and Convent of Coldingham in Little Reston, for 2/- p.a. to Bertram.
Size: 6¼ x 5½"
Seal: G&B 2971. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCCIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5956. - Charter of Bertram de Reston confirming the quitclaim of all …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5957
Language:   Latin
Charter of Liolf, son of Elgi, and his heirs re Cospatric, Gamel, Makebeth, Reginald and Eggard, in the court of the Prior of Coldingham, quitclaiming any right in Little Reston to Adam, son of Gospatric, for 7 marks and 1 horse of 2 marks.
Witnesses: Walter Olifard, King's justiciar, Robert de Burnville, sheriff and Robert his heir, Richard the marshal, Patrick the earl's uncle, Adam son of Alden and Patrick his heir, Gilbert Fraser and John and Bernard his sons, Richard de Merlay, Stephen Papedi, Waldef de Prendergest, Edward de Aldcambus & his sons Thomas, William and Stephen, William the provost, William de Nesbit, Adam son of Pace, Adam de Prendergest, Elias de Ayton, Adam de Lamberton, Alan de Swinton, Richard de Swinton, Richard de Lumsden, Uctred son of Coleman and his son Adam, Waldef son of Uctred, Ralph son of Godwin, Adam de Bethyoc, Thomas son of Scivard and Patrick his heir, Adam son of Leising, Ilof son of Ogge and Adam his heir, Robert Cook, Philip del Celer , and many others

Size: 8½ x 4¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5957. - Charter of Liolf, son of Elgi, and his heirs re …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5958
Language:   Latin
Charter of Adam son of Cospatric of Little Reston, granting for the sustaining of illumination in St Mary's altar in Coldingham a toft and croft which Huckard held in Little Reston.
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, Prior of Coldingham, John and Stephen, chaplains of Coldingham, John, son of Elias de Ayton, Robert son of Gregory, William the clerk, Adam the provost, Robert son of Reginald, Roger son of Ralph , and many others

Size: 6¾ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2968. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCXCV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5958. - Charter of Adam son of Cospatric of Little Reston, granting …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5959
Language:   Latin
Indenture in which H., Abbot of Kelso, and L. and H. deans of St Andrew's and Glasgow, reciting a bull of Pope Gregory, concerning a complaint by Thomas, knight, and J. his wife, saying he has summoned the Priors of Durham and Coldingham, and David, vicar of Stichil, to do right to Thomas, son of Ranulf, and Juliana his wife, concerning 1 carrucate of land in Stichil, and settling that the Priors and David quitclaim to Thomas and Juliana his wife that ½ carrucate with toft which Walter de Paxton held of the chapel of Stichil, and T. and J. quitclaim to the Priors and David the ½ carrucate which William de Bores held, and the cultivated land they held in the east part of Stichil.
Size: 7¾ x 6"
Seal: Originally 5. 4 survive.
(1) G&B 3667.
(2) Missing.
(3) G&B 3639 detached.
4] & 5] G&B 2959.
Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: (partially) Raine, North Durham App. DCL; (and translated) P.C. Ferguson, Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland ... 1125-1286, (Edinburgh 1997), p.288-290.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5959. - Indenture in which H., Abbot of Kelso, and L. and …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5960   [25 October] 1150
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews confirming the gift by Gospatric, brother of Dolfin, to God, St Cuthbert and his monks, of Edrom and its church, and Nesbit, and also their right to the churches of Swinton and Fishwick.
Witnesses: Robert prior of St Andrews, Thomas prior of Scone, Osbert prior of Jedburgh, Osbert prior of St Cross, Adam the king's chaplain of Roxburgh.
Date: synod at Berwick, 8 Kal. November 1150.
Parchment, 1m
Size: 240 x 135mm
Seal: G&B No. 3614, sideways on a parchment tag, through a slit in a turnup
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCCXLIX; A.C. Lawrie, Early Scottish Charters (Glasgow 1905), No. CCXIII.
Printed (with a calendar): Scottish Episcopal Act Volume I The Twelfth Century, ed N.F. Shead (Scottish History Society 2015) p.142-143.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5960. - Charter of Robert bishop of St Andrews confirming the gift …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5961
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of Robert de Scremerston, granting, with the assent of William his heir to Richard, Prior and Convent of Coldingham, for 47 silver marks all his land in Prendergest.
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Alan his son, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam his son, Adam de Prendergest, Robert son of Gregory of Coldingham, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Ayton, Bertram de Reston, John son of Ingeram, Robert son of Reginald, and others

Size: 7½ x 6½"
Seal: G&B 2984. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5961. - Charter of William, son of Robert de Scremerston, granting, with …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5962
Language:   Latin
Charter of Robert de Prendergest, granting to William de Scremerston for 24 marks, silver, 6 bovates of land in the "territorio" of Prendergest and 7/9d p.a.
Witnesses: Lord Anketin, Prior of Coldingham, Lord Laurence the terrar, Lord William de Lindsey, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam de Prendergest, John son of Elias, Bertram de Reston, Richard son of Elias, Alan Ridel, Robert son of Maurice, and others

Size: 7¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2926. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5962. - Charter of Robert de Prendergest, granting to William de Scremerston …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5963
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, son of William de Scremerston, confirming the grant to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham of all the land which William his father had of the gift of Robert son of Robert de Prendergest [Misc.Ch. 5961].
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Alan his son, Thomas de Nesbit, Adam his son, Robert, son of Gregory of Coldingham, David de Lumsden, Gilbert de Lumsden, Adam son of John de Ayton, Bertram de Reston, John son of Ingeram, Robert son of Reginald, Patrick Scot, and others

Size: 5¾ x 7¼"
Seal: Missing. Was attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXVII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5963. - Charter of William, son of William de Scremerston, confirming the …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5964
Language:   Latin
Charter of Eustace de Newbigging, confirming the sale by William de Scremerston to R. Prior and the Convent of Coldingham [in Misc.Ch. 5961] of all the lands which William had of the gift and sale of Robert de Prendergest, in Prendergest [Misc.Ch. 5962].
Witnesses: Lord William de Lindsey, Lord William de Mordington, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Robert son of Gregory de Coldingham, Gilbert de Lumsden, David de Lumsden, William son of Waldef de Reston, Roger son of the provost, and others

Size: 8¼ x 3¼"
Seal: G&B 2901. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5964. - Charter of Eustace de Newbigging, confirming the sale by William …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5965
Language:   Latin
Charter of Simon, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to the monks of Coldingham 10 acres of land in the cultivated land of Coteflat, with a toft and croft of 1 acre in the western part of the garden of Richard his brother, which Richard gave to him.
Witnesses: Lords David de Graham, sheriff of Berwick, David de Haddington, Ralph Noble, Adam de Harecars, William de Scremerston, Adam de Morh', Robert de Paxton, Adam son of John de Ayton, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Patrick Scot, Patrick son of Coleman of Aldcambus, and others

Size: 9¼ x 4"
Seal: G&B 2929. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5965. - Charter of Simon, son of Elias de Prendergest, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5966
Language:   Latin
Charter of Laurence, son of William son of Gocelin of Berwick, granting to Richard, Prior, and monks of Coldingham, 1 bovate of land in the "territorio" of Prendergest, and 15 acres of land once in the demesne of John de Neville, which Laurence had as gift from Robert his brother who acquired them from John de Neville [in Misc.Ch. 5970].
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord David de Haddington, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Thomas de Nesbit, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gilbert de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram, Gregory de Batyoc, and others

Size: 7¼ x 4½"
Seal: G&B 2836. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5967
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5966. - Charter of Laurence, son of William son of Gocelin of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5967
Language:   Latin
Charter of Laurence son of William son of Gocelin of Berwick.
Size: 8¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2836. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5966, in different form
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5967. - Charter of Laurence son of William son of Gocelin of …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5968
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh Levedyman, of Lagehope, and his wife, sister of Laurence son of William son of Gocelin of Berwick, confirming the gift by Laurence [in Misc.Ch. 5966 & 5967] of all his land in the "territorio" of Prendergest, which Laurence held of the gift of Laurence his brother and which he sold to Richard, Prior and the Convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord David de Haddington, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord William de Scremerston, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Upper Ayton, Thomas de Nesbit, Bertram de Reston, Patrick Scot, Gilbert de Lumsden, John son of Ingeram, Gregory de Betyoc, and others

Size: 7¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2870. of Hugh and his wife. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5969
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5968. - Charter of Hugh Levedyman, of Lagehope, and his wife, sister …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5969
Language:   Latin
Charter of Hugh Levedyman.
Size: 7¼ x 3½"
Seal: Hugh and his wife. G&B 2870. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5968
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5969. - Charter of Hugh Levedyman. - Misc.Ch. 5969. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5970
Language:   Latin
Charter of John de Neville, granting to Robert Gocelin his cousin, 1 bovate of land in the "territorio" of Prendergest, and 15 acres of his demesne, for a pair of white gloves.
Witnesses: Lord A[nketin] Prior of Coldingham, Lord Henry the terrar, Lord A. de Prendergest, Thomas de Nesbit, William vicar of Aldcambus, William de Scremerston, John son of Elias, Adam his son, Richard de Prendergest, Bertram de Reston, Robert son of Gregory, Robert son of Maurice , and many others

Size: 7½ x 4"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5970. - Charter of John de Neville, granting to Robert Gocelin his …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5971
Language:   Latin
Charter of John, son of Roger de Neville, granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham the homage of Robert de Prendergest and his heirs for the tenement he holds from him [John] in Prendergest.
Witnesses: Lord William de Kolevile, constable of Norham, Lord D. de Graham, Lord Ralph Noble, Henry de Durham, constable of Berwick, Gilbert de Lumsden, David de Lumsden, William de Cakefurlang, Robert son of the steward of Coldingham, Roger son of the provost, and the Prior's court at Ayton.

Size: 9¾ x 4¼"
Seal: Not found in G&B. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5971. - Charter of John, son of Roger de Neville, granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5972   5 Nones March [3 March] 1265/6
Language:   Latin
Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham grant to Lord Henry de Prendergest an oratory in his court of Prendergest, on the proviso that they visit the chapel of Ayton 5 times p.a.
At Durham
Size: 9¾ x 3¾"
Seal: Missing. Was attached through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. DXLV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5972. - Indenture whereby Hugh, Prior, and the Convent of Durham grant …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5973
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham all his land and pertinents in Coldingham.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest, kt., Adam de Lumsden, Thomas son of Robert the steward, Gilbert de Lumsden, Richard Frances de Ayton, Robert de Mordington, Robert Hopper, and others

Size: 9¼ x 4¼"
Seal: G&B 2791. Green wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCLXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5973. - Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook, quitclaiming to …
[DCD Misc.Ch. 5974]
Now 2.1.Finc.87.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5975
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick Dreng of Renigton, quitclaiming to John de Hunsingore half of his land in Renigton for 12 marks silver, to hold from the Prior and Convent of Coldingham.
Witnesses: Walter de Lindsey, sheriff, Patrick son of Adam, Henry de Prendergest, William de Wideslade, John de Lumsden, William de Lumsden, Adam de Reston, Reginald de Reston, Elias de Prendergest, Adam his son, Maurice de Ayton, Thomas de Aldcambus, David de Quickswood , and many others

Size: 6¾ x 6¼"
Seal: G&B 2801. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5975. - Charter of Patrick Dreng of Renigton, quitclaiming to John de …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5976
Language:   Latin
Charter of Peter, son of Patrick Coleman of Renigton, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham half of all the land he had in Renigton.
Witnesses: Lord Henry de Prendergest kt., Philip de Linton, constable of Berwick, Peter de Mordington, William de Paxton, Gilbert de Lumsden, William de Ayton, Robert Hopper, Walter Ayr, Patrick son of Alice de Reston, Robert de Mordington, clerk, and others

Size: 7 x 4"
Seal: G&B 2790. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXV
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5976. - Charter of Peter, son of Patrick Coleman of Renigton, quitclaiming …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5977
Language:   Latin
Charter of Patrick son of Elias Dunning of Renigton quitclaiming to the house of Coldingham the homage and service of Henry his brother and his heirs, for 1 toft and a croft of 1 acre in Renigton, and 2 acres in Renigton, for 6d p.a. from Henry to the house of Coldingham, and 12d for merchet and 12d for heriot.
Witnesses: Lord William de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Adam de Prendergest, Robert, Andrew and Alexander de Paxton, Adam de Reston, Bertram his son, Maurice de Ayton, Robert son of Reginald, Ralph the provost, Roger his son, Robert son of Gregory, John son of Elias of Ayton, and others

Size: 7¼ x 2¾"
Seal: Fragment only. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5977. - Charter of Patrick son of Elias Dunning of Renigton quitclaiming …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5978
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Scremerston and Elizabeth his wife granting to Henry de Prendergest all the land they held in Renigton as they once held it from Eustace de Newbigging.
Witnesses: Lords Walter de Lindsey, Simon Fraser, Richard Fraser, Peter de Mordington, Adam de Edington, knights, Master William Fraser, Thomas de East Nesbit, John Ridel, William son de Ayton, John, Lord of Little Reston, William son of Adam de Renigton, Adam Hornyton, Patrick his brother and all the Prior's court of Coldingham, and others

Size: 9¼ x 14¼"
Seal: G&B 2986 and 2899. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5979
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXXVI
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5978. - Charter of William de Scremerston and Elizabeth his wife granting …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5979
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Scremerston and Elizabeth his wife. Elizabeth's oaths, penalties and conditions omitted.
Size: 9¼ x 10"
Seal: G&B 2986 and 2899. Green wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5978
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5979. - Charter of William de Scremerston and Elizabeth his wife. Elizabeth's …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5980
Language:   Latin
Charter of Mariota de Chirnside, once wife of Richard de Renigton, and of Patrick her son, quitclaiming to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham 1 carrucate of land in Renigton, concerning which there had been a plea before Walter Olifard, justiciar of Lothian.
Witnesses: Lord W. de Lindsey, Ranulf de Bonkil, Lord Ralph Noble, Lord W. de Mordington, Lord Alan de Swinton, Alan his son, Robert and William de Paxton, Adam de Prendergest, Adam son of John de Ayton, Bertram de Reston, John son of Ingeram, and others
Size: 6 x 3¾"
Seal: G&B 2779 and 2962. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strips through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXVIII
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5980. - Charter of Mariota de Chirnside, once wife of Richard de …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5981
Language:   Latin
Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook granting to the Prior and Convent of Coldingham ½ carrucate of land in Renigton, which Waldef son of Cren once held.
Witnesses: Lords David de Graham, William de Mordington, William de Scremerston, Ralph Noble, R. de Montgomery, R. son of the steward, David de Lumsden, Adam son of John, Adam son of Walter de Ayton, Patrick Scot, John his son, John son of Ingeram, Patrick son of Coleman, and others
Size: 6¼ x 7¾"
Seal: G&B 2791. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. CCCLXXX
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5981. - Charter of Bertram, son of Robert the cook granting to …
DCD Misc.Ch. 5982   Wednesday after St Scholastica [13 February] 1296/7
Language:   Latin
Charter of William de Billingham quitclaiming to the almonry of Coldingham a croft once belonging to Ralph the provost, and ½ acre of land, for an annual rent of 1 rose p.a.
Witnesses: Lord Hugh de Cressingham, Treasurer of Scotland, Lord Osbert de Spaldington, kt., John, Lord of Prendergest, Roger de Lumsden, William Purvis, John Gritheman, John, son of Adam de Ayton and the court of the Prior of Coldingham, held at Ayton.
Size: 7¾ x 4¾"
Seal: G&B 2762. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 6799
DCD Misc.Ch. 5983   9 Kal. Feb. [24 Jan.] 1330/1
Language:   Latin
Letters of John de London, mayor of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed and the community of the same, saying that since William, Prior, and the Convent of Durham at the mayor's request, had presented John de Ederham, chaplain, to the vicarage of Berwick, the Prior and Convent are to have future right of presentation.
At Berwick
Size: 10¾ x 4"
Seal: G&B 3728. Natural wax. Attached to strip cut from left foot of document.
Printed (cf.): Raine, North Durham App. CCXXXIV
DCD Misc.Ch. 5984a   10 October 1419
Language:   Latin
Indenture between John, Prior, and the Convent of Durham, and Marion, Prioress, and the Convent of Coldstream: since John Swinton gave to the Prioress and Convent all his lands in Little Swinton held of the Priors and Convents of Durham and Coldingham, they confirm the gift.
At Coldstream
Size: 13¾ x 8¾"
Seal: G&B 3658. Red wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5984b
Printed: Raine, North Durham App. DCLXI
DCD Misc.Ch. 5984b   10 October 1419
Language:   Latin
Indenture between John, prior and convent of Durham, and Marion, prioress and convent of Coldstream confirming the grant of John of Swinton to Coldstream.
Size: 11 x 10¾"
Seal: G&B 3658
Duplicate: Misc.Ch. 5984a
DCD Misc.Ch. 5985
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.174, 175.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5986
DCD Misc.Ch. 5987
DCD Misc.Ch. 5988   6 May 1383
Language:   Latin
Bond of John [Fordham] bishop of Durham to the prior and convent of Durham in £1000, for a loan, to be paid at Pentecost 1384.
Date: 6 May 1383.
Previously with 1.9.Pont.5.
Parchment, 1m
Seal: G&B No.3143, on a tongue, with a [wrapping tie] stub below
Digitised material for DCD Misc.Ch. 5988. - Previously with 1.9.Pont.5. - Misc.Ch. 5988. ...
DCD Misc.Ch. 5989   Feast of St Andrew, Apostle [30 November] 1330
Language:   Latin
Charter of William, Abbot of Kelso, and the Convent inspecting an agreement between the churches of Kelso and Durham, made in 1161 on St Luke the Evangelist [18 October] in the presence of Hugh, Bishop of Durham in which Kelso gives to Durham the chapel of Erceldon and Durham gives to Kelso the chapel of Gordon and Kelso gives to Durham the church of St Lawrence of Berwick [Misc.Ch. 1354].
Witnessed: Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian, John, archdeacon of Durham, Master Richard de Coldingham, Master Bocellin, Herver the priest, Master Thomas de Lamberton, Sampson the chaplain, William son of Robert, Gilbert the provost, Richard de Umfraville
Witnesses: Patrick, Earl of March, John Stewart, Earl of Angus, Lord Robert de Lawedre, Justice of Lothian, Alexander de Seton, Patrick?, knights, Master Robert Oliver, official of the Bishop of St Andrew's, John de London, mayor of Berwick , and many others
In chapter of Kelso
Size: 10¾ x 8¼"
Seal: G&B 3666. Natural wax. Attached by parchment strip through foot of document.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5990   19 July [1319]
Language:   Latin & (original charter) French
Inspeximus of charter of Edward I granting to the Prior and Convent of Durham all their possessions in Scotland which were in the hands of the king's enemies.
Witnesses: W[illiam Melton] archbishop of York, J[ohn Hotham] bishop of Ely and chancellor, J[ohn of Halton] bishop of Carlisle, Hugh le Despenser jr, Hugh de Audele sr, Roger Dammory, Bartholomew of Bedlesmere steward of the royal household.
Date: York, 19 July 13 Edward II.
Parchment, faded, damaged to the foot repaired with parchment c.1970
Size: 12¼" x 10¼"
Seal: Missing, attached through a turnup
Original: Misc.Ch.992
Discussed in C.M. Fraser, A History of Antony Bek, (Oxford 1957), p.129.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5990*a-h   18 August 1683
Articles of agreement and associated documents in relation to new organ.
a. Articles of agreement between Bernard Smith and the dean and chapter for the building of a great organ and a chair organ, 18 August 1683
b. Acquittance from Bernard Smith for the first part of the cost of the new organ, 18 August 1683
c. Acquittance from Bernard Smith for the second part of the cost of the new organ, 21 September 1685
d. Dean Granville's order for a payment to Bernard Smith, 19 [September ?1685]
e. Bernard Smith's bond in £1000 to fulfil the terms of his agreement with the dean and chapter, 18 August 1683
f. List of pipes
g. Additions to the plan and specifications for Smith's organ, [?1680s]
h. Renatus Harris's proposals for a new organ, August 1683

DCD Misc.Ch. 5991
Previously Loc.III.35.
DCD Misc.Ch. 5992
DCD Misc.Ch. 5993
DCD Misc.Ch. 5994
DCD Misc.Ch. 5995
DCD Misc.Ch. 5996
DCD Misc.Ch. 5997
DCD Misc.Ch. 5998
DCD Misc.Ch. 5999