Twining, William Lawrence
William Lawrence Twining

1. Legal Education in Africa
2. Personal Papers
3. Articles
4. Newspaper Cuttings
5. Printed Material
Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Twining, William Lawrence
Dates of creation: 1956-2010s
Extent: 0.75 box
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Created by: Twining, William Lawrence
Language: English

William Lawrence Twining

(1934 - )

1958-1961Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Khartoum
1961-1965Law School, University College, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
1966Law School, Yale University
1966-1972Professor of Jurisprudence, Department of Law and Jurisprudence, Queen's University Belfast
1972-1982Professor of Law, University of Warwick
1983-2003Quain Professor of Jurisprudence, University College London (Research 1997-2004; Emeritus 2004-)


1. Legal education in Africa
2. Personal Papers
3. Articles
4. Newspaper Cuttings
5. Printed Material

Accession details

Presented by Professor W.L. Twining, 3 August 2022

1. Legal Education in Africa
[1957 x 1958]
List of students taking final examinations, parts 1 and 2, in the Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum
Register of [law] students taking an Intermediate lecture course
Annual report of the University of Khartoum, by Vice-Chancellor Hasr' el Hag Ali
Index terms
Annual reports
[1960 x 1961]
Draft minutes of a [Sailer Project] meeting
March 1960
LL.B. examination paper, Faculty of Laws, University of Khartoum, annotated in margin
“Torts problems”: 20 torts problems, probably from an examination paper, annotated in margin
“Sudan law reports: index headings”, with editorial note that these headings were applied to reports published in Sudan Law Journal and Reports from 1960; with cover images of the 1957-1958 issues of the journal, with names of members of the Council of the Sudan Law Journal and Reports and its editorial committee, and also members of the High Court of Justice, Province Judges, the Attorney-General and the President of the Bar Association
15 August 1961
Minutes of the ninth meeting of the Council of the Sudan Law Journal and Reports
14 April 1963
Minutes of the tenth meeting of the Committee of the Sudan Law Project
[1981], 2002
Circular concerning the merging of the IUC with the British Council and the formation of the Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education (CICHE) and the Inter-University and Polytechnic Council (IUPC); with two letters to the editor of The Times concerning the educational qualifications of Robert Mugabe
25 July 1986
Programme for a conference of law workers in Africa from the Sailer Project, at Arden House, Harriman, New York
Reports and other papers relating to British Council sponsored visits made by William Twining to Sudan in 1981-1982 (Khartoum, Kassala, Wad Medani) and [January 1986], includes: regulations and curriculum for a post-graduate Diploma in Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum; note by Twining recording politicisation of a visit to Sudan by Kevin Boyle
2. Personal Papers
Excerpts from the diary of William Twining extracted by him to illustrate expatriate attitudes
Files relating to friends and colleagues of Twining from his time in Sudan, typically including correspondence, obituaries, eulogies, appreciations, résumés: Chief Justice Obeid Al-Haj Ali; Patrick Atiyah (1931-2018); Yousif Mikhail Bakhit; Mohamed Omer Beshir (1926-1992), with obituary in March 1992 issue of the Sudan Democratic Gazette; Patrick Collinson (1929-2011); Francis Mading Deng (1938-), including issues nos 99, 106, 109-111, 113-114 (August 1998-November 1999) of the Sudan Democratic Gazette containing articles by Deng on Dinka perspectives and a review of Cry of the Owl (1989); Ali Fadlalla; Mohammed Yousif Abu-Hareira; Mohamed I. Khalil; Zaki Mustafa, including a report proposing measures to strengthen Ahmadu Bello University's Faculty of Law through external links with international universities and reform of curricula, teaching and research; Cliff Thompson; Hassan al Turabi (1932-2016), cutting only. Twining's students at the University of Khartoum also included Hassan Omer Ahmed, Abel Alier, Francis Deng, Ihsan Fakri, Samiha Gumaa, Ali Mahmoud Hassanein, Abbas Imim, Mamoun Mohamed el Sayed, Mohamed Yassin; and his colleagues included Elcana Tenanbaum, Charles D'Olivier Farran, Karamalla Awad, and Hassan El Turabi
“The camel in the zoo”, chapter 2 from Law in Context: Enlarging a Discipline (1997): manuscript, related notes for lectures in the 1980s, published text annotated with corrections
Notes and sections from the manuscript of Twining's Jurist in Context: A Memoir (Law in Context) (2019), some with reader comments: chronology of national and personal events during Twining's period in Sudan; early impressions; affiliation with the University of London within the “special relationship” scheme; appraising the value of his years working in Sudan in the context of the country's subsequent instability
Index terms
3. Articles
“Higher education, law and training for the law in British Africa”, a paper by Max Rheinstein following a 9-week survey of law schools in Africa undertaken in the summer of 1960
“Research into the law of the Sudan”, conference paper by Cliff F. Thompson at the The Philosophical Society of the Sudan 1964 annual conference, “Research in the Sudan”
“The sources of law in the new nations of Africa: a case study from the Republic of the Sudan”, Cliff F. Thompson, Wisconsin Law Review, no. 4, 1966, pp1146-1187
4. Newspaper Cuttings
File of newspaper cuttings, including:
News Bulletin, special issue, no. 5 year 1, 10 August 1956: “The Khartoum University, its history - its birth - its mission”;
“The Sudan”, Time magazine, 27 January 1958;
“Colonial city in an Arab world”, The Times, 7 August [1958];
“One more Army coup”, editorial, The Times Weekly Review, 20 November 1958;
“General Abboud's immediate task is to realise prosperity to Sudan”, 11 December 1958;
“Sudanese leaders”, letter from Sir Harold MacMichael to the editor of The Times, [24 December 1958];
“African seminar to discuss community development”, Morning News, 17 August 1959;
“Khartoum comment”, Morning News, 1 September 1959;
“Trade agreement between Sudan and U.A.R. is likely tomorrow”, Morning News, 16 October 1959;
News Bulletin, special issue, no. 96, year 3, 30 November 1958, “Army assumes power”;
“Khartoum University closed down indefinitely following a strike staged by students, official statement”, Morning News, 5 November 1959;
“Sudan Generals close Khartoum University: students and railmen riot over mass deportation”, Telegraph, [1959 x 1960];
“From the Arabic Press”, [Morning News], 9 November 1959;
“Officers held after Sudan coup fails”, “Five Sudan officers hanged for attempted revolt”, “Sudan tightens security as opposition grows”, [Telegraph], [November 1959];
“Two Army officers and 8 civilians charged in connection with Tuesday's abortive mutiny will be tried by a high military council summarily”, Morning News, 14 November 1959;
“Court Martial listens to 12 prosecution witnesses: will be resumed today”, Morning News, 16 November 1959;
“Gentlemen at the helm”, “Special problem of the south”, editorials in The Times, November 1959;
“Arab armies in the saddle”, [The Times Weekly Review], [November 1959];
“From the Arabic Press”, [Morning News], [1959]: Nile waters negotiations;
“Sudan Generals close Khartoum University: students and railmen riot over mass deportation”, Telegraph, [1959 x 1960];
“Says Abboud, ‘Communism is my no. 1 enemy. Communists are behind all conspiracies including the last’”, Morning News, 25 November 1959;
“From the Arabic Press”, Morning News, [November 1959];
News Bulletin, no. 142, year 4, 27 November 1959: “First anniversary celebrations”
“Trial of last accused in mutiny attempt is now over”, Morning News, 30 November 1959;
“Two officers and three civilians executed yesterday for leading abortive mutiny”, Morning News, 3 December 1959;
News Bulletin, supplementary issue, no. 97 year 3, 8 December 1958: “New regime's foreign policy”;
“Way open for witch hunt in the Sudan”, Daily Telegraph, [1959 x 1960];
“Execution outrage in Khartoum” [Mahmoud Taha]; “President says refugees free to leave Sudan” [Ethiopian Jews];
“Leader's death puts nation in despair”; “Death of rebel leader ‘won't put White Nile deal at risk’”, The Times, 2 August 2005;
Notice from [The Times] of the will of J.G. Mavrogordato, [1987]
5. Printed Material
Articles by William Twining:
“Khartoum Municipal Council vs. Cotran; a study in judicial techniques” by William Twining, Sudan Law Journal and Reports, 1959, pp112-139
Editorial and editorial note, [by William Twining], Sudan Law Journal and Reports, 1959, pp97-102
“Law reporting in the Sudan”, by William Twining, Journal of African Law, vol. 3, no. 3, Autumn 1959, pp176-178
“The English law teacher in Africa”, by William Twining, Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, n.s. no. 2, 1962, pp80-86
“Legal studies at the University of Khartoum”, by William Twining, Journal of African Law, vol. 6, no. 2, Summer 1962, pp145-149
“Francis Deng on Dinka culture and human rights”, by William Twining, within Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, vol. 46, no. 2 (2013), pp197-214